0.14.0 release
diff --git a/be/test/agent/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/agent/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f88055..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
-set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/agent")
-# where to put generated binaries
diff --git a/be/test/agent/agent_server_test.cpp b/be/test/agent/agent_server_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dc5d282..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/agent_server_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "agent/agent_server.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/AgentService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/HeartbeatService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "olap/mock_command_executor.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-TEST(SubmitTasksTest, TestSubmitTasks) {
-    TAgentResult return_value;
-    std::vector<TAgentTaskRequest> tasks;
-    ExecEnv env;
-    TMasterInfo master_info;
-    TNetworkAddress network_address;
-    AgentServer agent_server(&env, master_info);
-    // Master info not init
-    agent_server.submit_tasks(return_value, tasks);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::CANCELLED, return_value.status.status_code);
-    EXPECT_STREQ("Not get master heartbeat yet.", return_value.status.error_msgs[0].c_str());
-    // Master info inited, type invalid
-    master_info.network_address.hostname = "host name";
-    master_info.network_address.port = 1234;
-    TAgentTaskRequest task;
-    task.task_type = TTaskType::CREATE;
-    tasks.push_back(task);
-    TAgentResult return_value1;
-    agent_server.submit_tasks(return_value1, tasks);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::ANALYSIS_ERROR, return_value1.status.status_code);
-    // Master info inited, submit task
-    tasks.clear();
-    TAgentTaskRequest create_tablet_task;
-    TCreateTabletReq create_tablet_req;
-    create_tablet_task.task_type = TTaskType::CREATE;
-    create_tablet_task.__set_create_tablet_req(create_tablet_req);
-    tasks.push_back(create_tablet_task);
-    TAgentTaskRequest drop_tablet_task;
-    TDropTabletReq drop_tablet_req;
-    drop_tablet_task.task_type = TTaskType::DROP;
-    drop_tablet_task.__set_drop_tablet_req(drop_tablet_req);
-    tasks.push_back(drop_tablet_task);
-    TAgentTaskRequest alter_tablet_task;
-    TAlterTabletReq alter_tablet_req;
-    alter_tablet_task.task_type = TTaskType::ROLLUP;
-    alter_tablet_task.__set_alter_tablet_req(alter_tablet_req);
-    tasks.push_back(alter_tablet_task);
-    TAgentTaskRequest clone_task;
-    TCloneReq clone_req;
-    clone_task.task_type = TTaskType::CLONE;
-    clone_task.__set_clone_req(clone_req);
-    tasks.push_back(clone_task);
-    TAgentTaskRequest push_task;
-    TPushReq push_req;
-    push_task.task_type = TTaskType::PUSH;
-    push_task.__set_push_req(push_req);
-    tasks.push_back(push_task);
-    TAgentTaskRequest cancel_delete_task;
-    TCancelDeleteDataReq cancel_delete_data_req;
-    cancel_delete_task.task_type = TTaskType::CANCEL_DELETE;
-    cancel_delete_task.__set_cancel_delete_data_req(cancel_delete_data_req);
-    tasks.push_back(cancel_delete_task);
-    TAgentTaskRequest upload_task;
-    TUploadReq upload_req;
-    upload_task.task_type = TTaskType::UPLOAD;
-    upload_task.__set_upload_req(upload_req);
-    tasks.push_back(upload_task);
-    TAgentTaskRequest make_snapshot_task;
-    TSnapshotRequest snapshot_req;
-    make_snapshot_task.task_type = TTaskType::MAKE_SNAPSHOT;
-    make_snapshot_task.__set_snapshot_req(snapshot_req);
-    tasks.push_back(make_snapshot_task);
-    TAgentTaskRequest release_snapshot_task;
-    TReleaseSnapshotRequest release_snapshot_req;
-    release_snapshot_task.task_type = TTaskType::RELEASE_SNAPSHOT;
-    release_snapshot_task.__set_release_snapshot_req(release_snapshot_req);
-    tasks.push_back(release_snapshot_task);
-    TAgentResult return_value2;
-    agent_server.submit_tasks(return_value2, tasks);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, return_value2.status.status_code);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, return_value2.status.error_msgs.size());
-TEST(MakeSnapshotTest, TestMakeSnapshot) {
-    TAgentResult return_value;
-    TSnapshotRequest snapshot_request;
-    snapshot_request.tablet_id = 1;
-    snapshot_request.schema_hash = 12345678;
-    string snapshot_path;
-    TMasterInfo master_info;
-    ExecEnv env;
-    CommandExecutor* tmp;
-    MockCommandExecutor mock_command_executor;
-    AgentServer agent_server(&env, master_info);
-    tmp = agent_server._command_executor;
-    agent_server._command_executor = &mock_command_executor;
-    EXPECT_CALL(mock_command_executor, make_snapshot(_, _))
-            .Times(1)
-            .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>("snapshot path"), Return(OLAP_SUCCESS)));
-    agent_server.make_snapshot(return_value, snapshot_request);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, return_value.status.status_code);
-    EXPECT_STREQ("snapshot path", return_value.snapshot_path.c_str());
-    TAgentResult return_value2;
-    EXPECT_CALL(mock_command_executor, make_snapshot(_, _))
-            .Times(1)
-            .WillOnce(Return(OLAP_ERR_VERSION_NOT_EXIST));
-    agent_server.make_snapshot(return_value2, snapshot_request);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, return_value2.status.status_code);
-    agent_server._command_executor = tmp;
-TEST(ReleaseSnapshotTest, TestReleaseSnapshot) {
-    TAgentResult return_value;
-    string snapshot_path = "snapshot path";
-    TMasterInfo master_info;
-    CommandExecutor* tmp;
-    MockCommandExecutor mock_command_executor;
-    ExecEnv env;
-    AgentServer agent_server(&env, master_info);
-    tmp = agent_server._command_executor;
-    agent_server._command_executor = &mock_command_executor;
-    EXPECT_CALL(mock_command_executor, release_snapshot(snapshot_path))
-            .Times(1)
-            .WillOnce(Return(OLAP_SUCCESS));
-    agent_server.release_snapshot(return_value, snapshot_path);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, return_value.status.status_code);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, return_value.status.error_msgs.size());
-    TAgentResult return_value2;
-    EXPECT_CALL(mock_command_executor, release_snapshot(snapshot_path))
-            .Times(1)
-            .WillOnce(Return(OLAP_ERR_VERSION_NOT_EXIST));
-    agent_server.release_snapshot(return_value2, snapshot_path);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, return_value2.status.status_code);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, return_value2.status.error_msgs.size());
-    agent_server._command_executor = tmp;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/agent/cgroups_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/agent/cgroups_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index efa2015..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/cgroups_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "agent/cgroups_mgr.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-class CgroupsMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    // create a mock cgroup folder
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all(_s_cgroup_path));
-        // create a mock cgroup path
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(_s_cgroup_path));
-        std::vector<StorePath> paths;
-        paths.emplace_back(config::storage_root_path, -1);
-        doris::EngineOptions options;
-        options.store_paths = paths;
-        Status s = doris::StorageEngine::open(options, &k_engine);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-    }
-    // delete the mock cgroup folder
-    static void TearDownTestCase() { ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all(_s_cgroup_path)); }
-    // test if a file contains specific number
-    static bool does_contain_number(const std::string& file_path, int32_t number) {
-        std::ifstream input_file(file_path.c_str());
-        int32_t task_id;
-        while (input_file >> task_id) {
-            if (task_id == number) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    static std::string _s_cgroup_path;
-    static CgroupsMgr _s_cgroups_mgr;
-std::string CgroupsMgrTest::_s_cgroup_path = "./doris_cgroup_testxxxx123";
-CgroupsMgr CgroupsMgrTest::_s_cgroups_mgr(NULL, CgroupsMgrTest::_s_cgroup_path);
-TEST_F(CgroupsMgrTest, TestIsDirectory) {
-    // test folder exist
-    bool exist = _s_cgroups_mgr.is_directory(CgroupsMgrTest::_s_cgroup_path.c_str());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(exist);
-    // test folder not exist
-    bool not_exist = _s_cgroups_mgr.is_directory("./abc");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(not_exist);
-    // test file exist, but not folder
-    bool not_folder = _s_cgroups_mgr.is_directory("/etc/profile");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(not_folder);
-TEST_F(CgroupsMgrTest, TestIsFileExist) {
-    // test file exist
-    bool exist = _s_cgroups_mgr.is_file_exist(CgroupsMgrTest::_s_cgroup_path.c_str());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(exist);
-    // test file not exist
-    bool not_exist = _s_cgroups_mgr.is_file_exist("./abc");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(not_exist);
-TEST_F(CgroupsMgrTest, TestInitCgroups) {
-    // test for task file not exist
-    AgentStatus op_status = _s_cgroups_mgr.init_cgroups();
-    ASSERT_EQ(AgentStatus::DORIS_ERROR, op_status);
-    // create task file, then init should success
-    std::string task_file_path = _s_cgroup_path + "/tasks";
-    std::ofstream outfile(task_file_path.c_str());
-    outfile << 1111111 << std::endl;
-    outfile.close();
-    // create a mock user under cgroup path
-    ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei"));
-    std::ofstream user_out_file(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei/tasks");
-    user_out_file << 123 << std::endl;
-    user_out_file.close();
-    // create a mock user group under cgroup path
-    ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei/low"));
-    std::ofstream group_out_file(CgroupsMgrTest::_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei/low/tasks");
-    group_out_file << 456 << std::endl;
-    group_out_file.close();
-    op_status = _s_cgroups_mgr.init_cgroups();
-    // init should be successful
-    ASSERT_EQ(AgentStatus::DORIS_SUCCESS, op_status);
-    // all tasks should be migrated to root cgroup path
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(task_file_path, 1111111));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(task_file_path, 123));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(task_file_path, 456));
-TEST_F(CgroupsMgrTest, TestAssignThreadToCgroups) {
-    // default cgroup not exist, so that assign to an unknown user will fail
-    AgentStatus op_status = _s_cgroups_mgr.assign_thread_to_cgroups(111, "abc", "low");
-    ASSERT_EQ(AgentStatus::DORIS_ERROR, op_status);
-    // user cgroup exist
-    // create a mock user under cgroup path
-    ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei2"));
-    std::ofstream user_out_file(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei2/tasks");
-    user_out_file << 123 << std::endl;
-    user_out_file.close();
-    op_status = _s_cgroups_mgr.assign_thread_to_cgroups(111, "yiguolei2", "aaaa");
-    ASSERT_EQ(AgentStatus::DORIS_SUCCESS, op_status);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei2/tasks", 111));
-    // user,level cgroup exist
-    // create a mock user group under cgroup path
-    ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei2/low"));
-    std::ofstream group_out_file(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei2/low/tasks");
-    group_out_file << 456 << std::endl;
-    group_out_file.close();
-    op_status = _s_cgroups_mgr.assign_thread_to_cgroups(111, "yiguolei2", "low");
-    ASSERT_EQ(AgentStatus::DORIS_SUCCESS, op_status);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei2/low/tasks", 111));
-TEST_F(CgroupsMgrTest, TestModifyUserCgroups) {
-    std::map<std::string, int32_t> user_share;
-    std::map<std::string, int32_t> level_share;
-    user_share["cpu.shares"] = 100;
-    level_share["low"] = 100;
-    std::string user_name = "user_modify";
-    AgentStatus op_status = _s_cgroups_mgr.modify_user_cgroups(user_name, user_share, level_share);
-    ASSERT_EQ(AgentStatus::DORIS_SUCCESS, op_status);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(_s_cgroup_path + "/user_modify/cpu.shares", 100));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(_s_cgroup_path + "/user_modify/low/cpu.shares", 100));
-TEST_F(CgroupsMgrTest, TestUpdateLocalCgroups) {
-    // mock TFetchResourceResult from fe
-    TFetchResourceResult user_resource_result;
-    TUserResource user_resource;
-    user_resource.shareByGroup["low"] = 123;
-    user_resource.shareByGroup["normal"] = 234;
-    TResourceGroup resource_group;
-    resource_group.resourceByType[TResourceType::type::TRESOURCE_CPU_SHARE] = 100;
-    user_resource.resource = resource_group;
-    user_resource_result.resourceVersion = 2;
-    user_resource_result.resourceByUser["yiguolei3"] = user_resource;
-    AgentStatus op_status = _s_cgroups_mgr.update_local_cgroups(user_resource_result);
-    ASSERT_EQ(AgentStatus::DORIS_SUCCESS, op_status);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, _s_cgroups_mgr._cur_version);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei3/cpu.shares", 100));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei3/low/cpu.shares", 123));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(does_contain_number(_s_cgroup_path + "/yiguolei3/normal/cpu.shares", 234));
-TEST_F(CgroupsMgrTest, TestRelocateTasks) {
-    // create a source cgroup, add some taskid into it
-    AgentStatus op_status = _s_cgroups_mgr.relocate_tasks("/a/b/c/d", _s_cgroup_path);
-    ASSERT_EQ(AgentStatus::DORIS_ERROR, op_status);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/agent/heartbeat_server_test.cpp b/be/test/agent/heartbeat_server_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b27fb6c..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/heartbeat_server_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "agent/heartbeat_server.h"
-#include <ctime>
-#include "gen_cpp/HeartbeatService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-TEST(HeartbeatTest, TestHeartbeat) {
-    setenv("DORIS_HOME", "./", 1);
-    THeartbeatResult heartbeat_result;
-    TMasterInfo ori_master_info;
-    ori_master_info.cluster_id = -1;
-    ori_master_info.epoch = 0;
-    ori_master_info.network_address.hostname = "";
-    ori_master_info.network_address.port = 0;
-    HeartbeatServer heartbeat_server(&ori_master_info);
-    heartbeat_server.heartbeat(heartbeat_result, master_info);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, heartbeat_result.status.status_code);
-    EXPECT_EQ(master_info.epoch, heartbeat_server._epoch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(master_info.cluster_id, heartbeat_server._master_info->cluster_id);
-    EXPECT_EQ(master_info.network_address.hostname,
-              heartbeat_server._master_info->network_address.hostname);
-    EXPECT_EQ(master_info.network_address.port,
-              heartbeat_server._master_info->network_address.port);
-    // Diff cluster heartbeat
-    master_info.cluster_id = 2;
-    heartbeat_server.heartbeat(heartbeat_result, master_info);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, heartbeat_result.status.status_code);
-    // New master but epoch small
-    master_info.cluster_id = 1;
-    master_info.epoch = 9;
-    master_info.network_address.hostname = "new_host";
-    master_info.network_address.port = 54321;
-    heartbeat_server.heartbeat(heartbeat_result, master_info);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::RUNTIME_ERROR, heartbeat_result.status.status_code);
-    // New master and epoch bigger
-    master_info.epoch = 11;
-    heartbeat_server.heartbeat(heartbeat_result, master_info);
-    EXPECT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, heartbeat_result.status.status_code);
-    EXPECT_EQ(master_info.epoch, heartbeat_server._epoch);
-    EXPECT_EQ(master_info.network_address.hostname,
-              heartbeat_server._master_info->network_address.hostname);
-    EXPECT_EQ(master_info.network_address.port,
-              heartbeat_server._master_info->network_address.port);
-    heartbeat_server._olap_rootpath_instance = ori_olap_rootpath;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/agent/mock_pusher.h b/be/test/agent/mock_pusher.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b95b35..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/mock_pusher.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-namespace doris {
-class MockPusher : public Pusher {
-    MockPusher(const TPushReq& push_req);
-    MOCK_METHOD0(init, AgentStatus());
-    MOCK_METHOD1(process, AgentStatus(std::vector<TTabletInfo>* tablet_infos));
-}; // class MockPusher
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/agent/mock_task_worker_pool.h b/be/test/agent/mock_task_worker_pool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f611da3..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/mock_task_worker_pool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "agent/status.h"
-#include "agent/task_worker_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-const uint32_t TASK_FINISH_MAX_RETRY = 3;
-const uint32_t PUSH_MAX_RETRY = 1;
-const uint32_t REPORT_TASK_WORKER_COUNT = 1;
-const uint32_t DOWNLOAD_FILE_MAX_RETRY = 3;
-class MockTaskWorkerPool : public TaskWorkerPool {
-    MOCK_METHOD0(start, void());
-    MOCK_METHOD1(submit_task, void(const TAgentTaskRequest& task));
-    MOCK_METHOD0(get_command_executor, CommandExecutor*());
-}; // class MockTaskWorkerPool
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/agent/mock_utils.h b/be/test/agent/mock_utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 416bce9..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/mock_utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "agent/utils.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-namespace doris {
-class MockAgentServerClient : public AgentServerClient {
-    MockAgentServerClient(const TBackend backend);
-    MOCK_METHOD2(make_snapshot,
-                 AgentStatus(const TSnapshotRequest& snapshot_request, TAgentResult* result));
-    MOCK_METHOD2(release_snapshot,
-                 AgentStatus(const std::string& snapshot_path, TAgentResult* result));
-}; // class AgentServerClient
-class MockMasterServerClient : public MasterServerClient {
-    MockMasterServerClient(const TMasterInfo& master_info,
-                           FrontendServiceClientCache* client_cache);
-    MOCK_METHOD2(finish_task, AgentStatus(const TFinishTaskRequest request, TMasterResult* result));
-    MOCK_METHOD2(report, AgentStatus(const TReportRequest request, TMasterResult* result));
-}; // class AgentServerClient
-class MockAgentUtils : public AgentUtils {
-    MOCK_METHOD6(rsync_from_remote,
-                 AgentStatus(const std::string& remote_host, const std::string& remote_file_path,
-                             const std::string& local_file_path,
-                             const std::vector<std::string>& exclude_file_patterns,
-                             const uint32_t transport_speed_limit_kbps,
-                             const uint32_t timeout_second));
-    MOCK_METHOD0(get_local_ip, char*());
-    MOCK_METHOD2(exec_cmd, bool(const std::string& command, std::string* errmsg));
-    MOCK_METHOD2(write_json_to_file,
-                 bool(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& info, const std::string& path));
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.dat b/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index 55bd0ac..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.hdr b/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.hdr
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c9bdf..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.hdr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.idx b/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.idx
deleted file mode 100644
index c200906..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/test_data/5/6/1.idx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/agent/test_data/compressed.lzo b/be/test/agent/test_data/compressed.lzo
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f72f13..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/test_data/compressed.lzo
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/agent/test_data/compressed.lzo.decompress b/be/test/agent/test_data/compressed.lzo.decompress
deleted file mode 100644
index 2210910..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/test_data/compressed.lzo.decompress
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123.hdr b/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123.hdr
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123.hdr
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123_0_1_0_0.dat b/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123_0_1_0_0.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123_0_1_0_0.dat
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123_0_1_0_0.idx b/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123_0_1_0_0.idx
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/test_data/restore_file/12345/123_0_1_0_0.idx
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/be/test/agent/utils_test.cpp b/be/test/agent/utils_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ddb3dc0..0000000
--- a/be/test/agent/utils_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "agent/utils.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "service/backend_options.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-TEST(AgentUtilsTest, Test) {
-    std::string host_name = BackendOptions::get_localhost();
-    int cnt = std::count(host_name.begin(), host_name.end(), '.');
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, cnt);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::BackendOptions::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/common/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/common/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6589632..0000000
--- a/be/test/common/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
diff --git a/be/test/common/config_test.cpp b/be/test/common/config_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 55bc2ce..0000000
--- a/be/test/common/config_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#define __IN_CONFIGBASE_CPP__
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/status.h"
-namespace doris {
-using namespace config;
-class ConfigTest : public testing::Test {
-    void SetUp() override { config::Register::_s_field_map->clear(); }
-TEST_F(ConfigTest, DumpAllConfigs) {
-    CONF_Bool(cfg_bool_false, "false");
-    CONF_Bool(cfg_bool_true, "true");
-    CONF_Double(cfg_double, "123.456");
-    CONF_Int16(cfg_int16_t, "2561");
-    CONF_Int32(cfg_int32_t, "65536123");
-    CONF_Int64(cfg_int64_t, "4294967296123");
-    CONF_String(cfg_std_string, "doris_config_test_string");
-    CONF_Bools(cfg_std_vector_bool, "true,false,true");
-    CONF_Doubles(cfg_std_vector_double, "123.456,123.4567,123.45678");
-    CONF_Int16s(cfg_std_vector_int16_t, "2561,2562,2563");
-    CONF_Int32s(cfg_std_vector_int32_t, "65536123,65536234,65536345");
-    CONF_Int64s(cfg_std_vector_int64_t, "4294967296123,4294967296234,4294967296345");
-    CONF_Strings(cfg_std_vector_std_string, "doris,config,test,string");
-    config::init(nullptr, true);
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    for (const auto& it : *(config::full_conf_map)) {
-        ss << it.first << "=" << it.second << std::endl;
-    }
-            "cfg_bool_false=0\ncfg_bool_true=1\ncfg_double=123.456\ncfg_int16_t=2561\ncfg_int32_t="
-            "65536123\ncfg_int64_t=4294967296123\ncfg_std_string=doris_config_test_string\ncfg_std_"
-            "vector_bool=1, 0, 1\ncfg_std_vector_double=123.456, 123.457, "
-            "123.457\ncfg_std_vector_int16_t=2561, 2562, 2563\ncfg_std_vector_int32_t=65536123, "
-            "65536234, 65536345\ncfg_std_vector_int64_t=4294967296123, 4294967296234, "
-            "4294967296345\ncfg_std_vector_std_string=doris, config, test, string\n",
-            ss.str());
-TEST_F(ConfigTest, UpdateConfigs) {
-    CONF_Bool(cfg_bool_immutable, "true");
-    CONF_mBool(cfg_bool, "false");
-    CONF_mDouble(cfg_double, "123.456");
-    CONF_mInt16(cfg_int16_t, "2561");
-    CONF_mInt32(cfg_int32_t, "65536123");
-    CONF_mInt64(cfg_int64_t, "4294967296123");
-    CONF_String(cfg_std_string, "doris_config_test_string");
-    config::init(nullptr, true);
-    // bool
-    ASSERT_FALSE(cfg_bool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(config::set_config("cfg_bool", "true").ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_bool);
-    // double
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_double, 123.456);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(config::set_config("cfg_double", "654.321").ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_double, 654.321);
-    // int16
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_int16_t, 2561);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(config::set_config("cfg_int16_t", "2562").ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_int16_t, 2562);
-    // int32
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_int32_t, 65536123);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(config::set_config("cfg_int32_t", "65536124").ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_int32_t, 65536124);
-    // int64
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_int64_t, 4294967296123);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(config::set_config("cfg_int64_t", "4294967296124").ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_int64_t, 4294967296124);
-    // not exist
-    Status s = config::set_config("cfg_not_exist", "123");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.to_string(), "Not found: 'cfg_not_exist' is not found");
-    // immutable
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_bool_immutable);
-    s = config::set_config("cfg_bool_immutable", "false");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.to_string(), "Not supported: 'cfg_bool_immutable' is not support to modify");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_bool_immutable);
-    // convert error
-    s = config::set_config("cfg_bool", "falseeee");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.to_string(), "Invalid argument: convert 'falseeee' as bool failed");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_bool);
-    s = config::set_config("cfg_double", "");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.to_string(), "Invalid argument: convert '' as double failed");
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_double, 654.321);
-    // convert error
-    s = config::set_config("cfg_int32_t", "4294967296124");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.to_string(), "Invalid argument: convert '4294967296124' as int32_t failed");
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_int32_t, 65536124);
-    // not support
-    s = config::set_config("cfg_std_string", "test");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(s.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.to_string(), "Not supported: 'cfg_std_string' is not support to modify");
-    ASSERT_EQ(cfg_std_string, "doris_config_test_string");
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/common/resource_tls_test.cpp b/be/test/common/resource_tls_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a1fbc3c..0000000
--- a/be/test/common/resource_tls_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "common/resource_tls.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ResourceTlsTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(ResourceTlsTest, EmptyTest) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ResourceTls::get_resource_tls() == nullptr);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ResourceTls::set_resource_tls((TResourceInfo*)1) != 0);
-TEST_F(ResourceTlsTest, NormalTest) {
-    ResourceTls::init();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ResourceTls::get_resource_tls() == nullptr);
-    TResourceInfo* info = new TResourceInfo();
-    info->user = "testUser";
-    info->group = "testGroup";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ResourceTls::set_resource_tls(info) == 0);
-    TResourceInfo* getInfo = ResourceTls::get_resource_tls();
-    ASSERT_STREQ("testUser", getInfo->user.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("testGroup", getInfo->group.c_str());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/common/status_test.cpp b/be/test/common/status_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bcd888b..0000000
--- a/be/test/common/status_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "common/status.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class StatusTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(StatusTest, OK) {
-    // default
-    Status st;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("", st.get_error_msg());
-    ASSERT_EQ("OK", st.to_string());
-    // copy
-    {
-        Status other = st;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(other.ok());
-    }
-    // move assign
-    st = Status();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // move construct
-    {
-        Status other = std::move(st);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(other.ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(StatusTest, Error) {
-    // default
-    Status st = Status::InternalError("123");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("123", st.get_error_msg());
-    ASSERT_EQ("Internal error: 123", st.to_string());
-    // copy
-    {
-        Status other = st;
-        ASSERT_FALSE(other.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ("123", st.get_error_msg());
-    }
-    // move assign
-    st = Status::InternalError("456");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("456", st.get_error_msg());
-    // move construct
-    {
-        Status other = std::move(st);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(other.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ("456", other.get_error_msg());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Internal error: 456", other.to_string());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ("OK", st.to_string());
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/env/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/env/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 04d8893..0000000
--- a/be/test/env/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
diff --git a/be/test/env/env_posix_test.cpp b/be/test/env/env_posix_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 64ee0e8..0000000
--- a/be/test/env/env_posix_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-class EnvPosixTest : public testing::Test {
-    EnvPosixTest() {}
-    virtual ~EnvPosixTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {
-        auto st = FileUtils::create_dir("./ut_dir/env_posix");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {}
-TEST_F(EnvPosixTest, random_access) {
-    std::string fname = "./ut_dir/env_posix/random_access";
-    WritableFileOptions ops;
-    std::unique_ptr<WritableFile> wfile;
-    auto env = Env::Default();
-    auto st = env->new_writable_file(fname, &wfile);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = wfile->pre_allocate(1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // write data
-    Slice field1("123456789");
-    st = wfile->append(field1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    std::string buf;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        buf.push_back((char)i);
-    }
-    st = wfile->append(buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Slice abc("abc");
-    Slice bcd("bcd");
-    Slice slices[2]{abc, bcd};
-    st = wfile->appendv(slices, 2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = wfile->flush(WritableFile::FLUSH_ASYNC);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = wfile->sync();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = wfile->close();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(115, wfile->size());
-    uint64_t size;
-    st = env->get_file_size(fname, &size);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(115, size);
-    {
-        char mem[1024];
-        std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> rfile;
-        st = env->new_random_access_file(fname, &rfile);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        Slice slice1(mem, 9);
-        Slice slice2(mem + 9, 100);
-        Slice slice3(mem + 9 + 100, 3);
-        Slice read_slices[3]{slice1, slice2, slice3};
-        st = rfile->readv_at(0, read_slices, 3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("123456789", std::string(slice1.data, slice1.size).c_str());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("abc", std::string(slice3.data, slice3.size).c_str());
-        Slice slice4(mem, 3);
-        st = rfile->read_at(112, slice4);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("bcd", std::string(slice4.data, slice4.size).c_str());
-        // end of file
-        st = rfile->read_at(114, slice4);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::END_OF_FILE, st.code());
-        LOG(INFO) << "st=" << st.to_string();
-    }
-TEST_F(EnvPosixTest, random_rw) {
-    std::string fname = "./ut_dir/env_posix/random_rw";
-    WritableFileOptions ops;
-    std::unique_ptr<RandomRWFile> wfile;
-    auto env = Env::Default();
-    auto st = env->new_random_rw_file(fname, &wfile);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // write data
-    Slice field1("123456789");
-    st = wfile->write_at(0, field1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    std::string buf;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        buf.push_back((char)i);
-    }
-    st = wfile->write_at(9, buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Slice abc("abc");
-    Slice bcd("bcd");
-    Slice slices[2]{abc, bcd};
-    st = wfile->writev_at(0, slices, 2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    uint64_t size;
-    st = wfile->size(&size);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(109, size);
-    st = wfile->flush(RandomRWFile::FLUSH_ASYNC, 0, 0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = wfile->sync();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = wfile->close();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = env->get_file_size(fname, &size);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(109, size);
-    {
-        char mem[1024];
-        std::unique_ptr<RandomRWFile> rfile;
-        RandomRWFileOptions opts;
-        opts.mode = Env::MUST_EXIST;
-        st = env->new_random_rw_file(opts, fname, &rfile);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        Slice slice1(mem, 3);
-        Slice slice2(mem + 3, 3);
-        Slice slice3(mem + 6, 3);
-        Slice read_slices[3]{slice1, slice2, slice3};
-        st = rfile->readv_at(0, read_slices, 3);
-        LOG(INFO) << st.to_string();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("abc", std::string(slice1.data, slice1.size).c_str());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("bcd", std::string(slice2.data, slice2.size).c_str());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("789", std::string(slice3.data, slice3.size).c_str());
-        Slice slice4(mem, 100);
-        st = rfile->read_at(9, slice4);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        // end of file
-        st = rfile->read_at(102, slice4);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::END_OF_FILE, st.code());
-        LOG(INFO) << "st=" << st.to_string();
-    }
-    // SequentialFile
-    {
-        char mem[1024];
-        std::unique_ptr<SequentialFile> rfile;
-        st = env->new_sequential_file(fname, &rfile);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        Slice slice1(mem, 3);
-        st = rfile->read(&slice1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("abc", std::string(slice1.data, slice1.size).c_str());
-        st = rfile->skip(3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        Slice slice3(mem, 3);
-        st = rfile->read(&slice3);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("789", std::string(slice3.data, slice3.size).c_str());
-        st = rfile->skip(90);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        Slice slice4(mem, 15);
-        st = rfile->read(&slice4);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(10, slice4.size);
-        st = rfile->read(&slice4);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, slice4.size);
-    }
-TEST_F(EnvPosixTest, iterate_dir) {
-    std::string dir_path = "./ut_dir/env_posix/iterate_dir";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(dir_path);
-    auto st = Env::Default()->create_dir_if_missing(dir_path);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = Env::Default()->create_dir_if_missing(dir_path + "/abc");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = Env::Default()->create_dir_if_missing(dir_path + "/123");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    {
-        std::vector<std::string> children;
-        st = Env::Default()->get_children(dir_path, &children);
-        ASSERT_EQ(4, children.size());
-        std::sort(children.begin(), children.end());
-        ASSERT_STREQ(".", children[0].c_str());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("..", children[1].c_str());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("123", children[2].c_str());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("abc", children[3].c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        std::vector<std::string> children;
-        st = FileUtils::list_files(Env::Default(), dir_path, &children);
-        ASSERT_EQ(2, children.size());
-        std::sort(children.begin(), children.end());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("123", children[0].c_str());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("abc", children[1].c_str());
-    }
-    FileUtils::remove_all(dir_path);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/exec/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cd6a93..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
-set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/exec")
-# where to put generated binaries
-# TODO: why is this test disabled?
-# ADD_BE_TEST(partitioned_hash_table_test)
-# ADD_BE_TEST(csv_scan_bench_test)
-# ADD_BE_TEST(broker_reader_test)
-# ADD_BE_TEST(es_scan_node_test)
diff --git a/be/test/exec/broker_reader_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/broker_reader_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 017073a..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/broker_reader_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/broker_reader.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/status.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloBrokerService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/TPaloBrokerService.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-class RuntimeState;
-class BrokerReaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    BrokerReaderTest() { init(); }
-    void init();
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    ExecEnv* _env;
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> _properties;
-    std::vector<TNetworkAddress> _addresses;
-void BrokerReaderTest::init() {
-    _properties["username"] = "root";
-    _properties["password"] = "passwd";
-    TNetworkAddress addr;
-    addr.__set_hostname("host");
-    addr.__set_port(9999);
-    _addresses.push_back(addr);
-TEST_F(BrokerReaderTest, normal) {
-    std::string path = "hdfs://host:port/dir";
-    BrokerReader reader(_env, _addresses, _properties, path, 0);
-    auto st = reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    uint8_t buf[128 * 1024];
-    MonotonicStopWatch watch;
-    watch.start();
-    bool eof = false;
-    size_t total_size = 0;
-    while (!eof) {
-        size_t buf_len = 128 * 1024;
-        st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        total_size += buf_len;
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << "get from broker " << total_size << " bytes using " << watch.elapsed_time();
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/broker_scan_node_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/broker_scan_node_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4936db8..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/broker_scan_node_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/broker_scan_node.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exprs/cast_functions.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/user_function_cache.h"
-namespace doris {
-class BrokerScanNodeTest : public testing::Test {
-    BrokerScanNodeTest() : _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        init();
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-    }
-    void init();
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        UserFunctionCache::instance()->init(
-                "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/normal");
-        CastFunctions::init();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    void init_desc_table();
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    std::map<std::string, SlotDescriptor*> _slots_map;
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams _params;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-void BrokerScanNodeTest::init_desc_table() {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    // table descriptors
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::MYSQL_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    int next_slot_id = 1;
-    // TSlotDescriptor
-    // int offset = 1;
-    // int i = 0;
-    // k1
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 0;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k1";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k2
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 4;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k2";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k3
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k3";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 3;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k4(partitioned column)
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 12;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k4";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 4;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor dest
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = 16;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    // source tuple descriptor
-    // TSlotDescriptor
-    // int offset = 1;
-    // int i = 0;
-    // k1
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 0;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k1";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k2
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 16;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k2";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k3
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 32;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k3";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 3;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k4(partitioned column)
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 48;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k4";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 4;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor source
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = 64;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-void BrokerScanNodeTest::init() {
-    _params.column_separator = ',';
-    _params.line_delimiter = '\n';
-    TTypeDesc int_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        int_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(5000);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttoint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 5 + i;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(i + 1, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(5 + i);
-    }
-    // _params.__isset.expr_of_dest_slot = true;
-    _params.__set_dest_tuple_id(0);
-    _params.__set_src_tuple_id(1);
-    init_desc_table();
-    // Node Id
-    _tnode.node_id = 0;
-    _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE;
-    _tnode.num_children = 0;
-    _tnode.limit = -1;
-    _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _tnode.broker_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-    _tnode.__isset.broker_scan_node = true;
-TEST_F(BrokerScanNodeTest, normal) {
-    BrokerScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    auto status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // set scan range
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    {
-        TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
-        TBrokerScanRange broker_scan_range;
-        broker_scan_range.params = _params;
-        TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-        range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-        range.start_offset = 0;
-        range.size = -1;
-        range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-        range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-        range.splittable = true;
-        std::vector<std::string> columns_from_path{"1"};
-        range.__set_columns_from_path(columns_from_path);
-        range.__set_num_of_columns_from_file(3);
-        broker_scan_range.ranges.push_back(range);
-        scan_range_params.scan_range.__set_broker_scan_range(broker_scan_range);
-        scan_ranges.push_back(scan_range_params);
-    }
-    {
-        TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
-        TBrokerScanRange broker_scan_range;
-        broker_scan_range.params = _params;
-        TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-        range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-        range.start_offset = 1;
-        range.size = 7;
-        range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-        range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-        range.splittable = true;
-        std::vector<std::string> columns_from_path{"2"};
-        range.__set_columns_from_path(columns_from_path);
-        range.__set_num_of_columns_from_file(3);
-        broker_scan_range.ranges.push_back(range);
-        scan_range_params.scan_range.__set_broker_scan_range(broker_scan_range);
-        scan_ranges.push_back(scan_range_params);
-    }
-    scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    // Get batch
-    RowBatch batch(scan_node.row_desc(), _runtime_state.batch_size(), tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    batch.reset();
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    batch.reset();
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-    scan_node.close(&_runtime_state);
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        scan_node.runtime_profile()->pretty_print(&ss);
-        LOG(INFO) << ss.str();
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/broker_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/broker_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f163b..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/broker_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,671 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/broker_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exprs/cast_functions.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/user_function_cache.h"
-namespace doris {
-class BrokerScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    BrokerScannerTest() : _tracker(new MemTracker()), _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        init();
-        _profile = _runtime_state.runtime_profile();
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-    }
-    void init();
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        UserFunctionCache::instance()->init(
-                "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/normal");
-        CastFunctions::init();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    void init_desc_table();
-    void init_params();
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _tracker;
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-    RuntimeProfile* _profile;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    std::map<std::string, SlotDescriptor*> _slots_map;
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams _params;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    std::vector<TNetworkAddress> _addresses;
-    ScannerCounter _counter;
-    std::vector<doris::ExprContext*> _pre_filter; 
-void BrokerScannerTest::init_desc_table() {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    // table descriptors
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::MYSQL_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    int next_slot_id = 1;
-    // TSlotDescriptor
-    // int offset = 1;
-    // int i = 0;
-    // k1
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 0;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k1";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k2
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 4;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k2";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k3
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k3";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor dest
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = 12;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    // source tuple descriptor
-    // TSlotDescriptor
-    // int offset = 1;
-    // int i = 0;
-    // k1
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 0;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k1";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k2
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 16;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k2";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    // k3
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 32;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = -1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k3";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor source
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = 48;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-void BrokerScannerTest::init_params() {
-    _params.column_separator = ',';
-    _params.line_delimiter = '\n';
-    TTypeDesc int_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        int_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(5000);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttoint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 4 + i;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(i + 1, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(4 + i);
-    }
-    // _params.__isset.expr_of_dest_slot = true;
-    _params.__set_dest_tuple_id(0);
-    _params.__set_src_tuple_id(1);
-void BrokerScannerTest::init() {
-    init_desc_table();
-    init_params();
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 0;
-    range.size = -1;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // 1,2,3
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // 4,5,6
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // 8,9,10
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(8, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(9, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal2) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_1.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 0;
-    range.size = 7;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_2.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 0;
-    range.size = 4;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // 1,2,3
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // 3,4,5
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal3) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_1.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 0;
-    range.size = 7;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_2.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 0;
-    range.size = 5;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // 1,2,3
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // 3,4,5
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // 4,5,6
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal4) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 0;
-    range.size = 7;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // 1,2,3
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal5) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 0;
-    range.size = 0;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal6) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 1;
-    range.size = 7;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // 4,5,6
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal7) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 1;
-    range.size = 6;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal8) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 7;
-    range.size = 1;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // 4,5,6
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, *(int*)tuple->get_slot(8));
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BrokerScannerTest, normal9) {
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv";
-    range.start_offset = 8;
-    range.size = 1;
-    range.splittable = true;
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
-    ranges.push_back(range);
-    BrokerScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, _params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    auto st = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    MemPool tuple_pool(_tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(20);
-    bool eof = false;
-    // end of file
-    st = scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/buffered_reader_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/buffered_reader_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aee4975..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/buffered_reader_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/buffered_reader.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-class BufferedReaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    BufferedReaderTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(BufferedReaderTest, normal_use) {
-    // buffered_reader_test_file 950 bytes
-    LocalFileReader file_reader(
-            "./be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file", 0);
-    BufferedReader reader(&file_reader, 1024);
-    auto st = reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    uint8_t buf[1024];
-    MonotonicStopWatch watch;
-    watch.start();
-    int64_t read_length = 0;
-    st = reader.readat(0, 1024, &read_length, buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(950, read_length);
-    LOG(INFO) << "read bytes " << read_length << " using time " << watch.elapsed_time();
-TEST_F(BufferedReaderTest, test_validity) {
-    // buffered_reader_test_file.txt 45 bytes
-    LocalFileReader file_reader(
-            "./be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file.txt", 0);
-    BufferedReader reader(&file_reader, 64);
-    auto st = reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    uint8_t buf[10];
-    bool eof = false;
-    size_t buf_len = 10;
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("bdfhjlnprt", std::string((char*)buf, buf_len).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("vxzAbCdEfG", std::string((char*)buf, buf_len).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("hIj\n\nMnOpQ", std::string((char*)buf, buf_len).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("rStUvWxYz\n", std::string((char*)buf, buf_len).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("IjKl", std::string((char*)buf, 4).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BufferedReaderTest, test_seek) {
-    // buffered_reader_test_file.txt 45 bytes
-    LocalFileReader file_reader(
-            "./be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file.txt", 0);
-    BufferedReader reader(&file_reader, 64);
-    auto st = reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    uint8_t buf[10];
-    bool eof = false;
-    size_t buf_len = 10;
-    // Seek to the end of the file
-    st = reader.seek(45);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    // Seek to the beginning of the file
-    st = reader.seek(0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("bdfhjlnprt", std::string((char*)buf, buf_len).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Seek to a wrong position
-    st = reader.seek(-1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("bdfhjlnprt", std::string((char*)buf, buf_len).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Seek to a wrong position
-    st = reader.seek(-1000);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("bdfhjlnprt", std::string((char*)buf, buf_len).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Seek to a wrong position
-    st = reader.seek(1000);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = reader.read(buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(BufferedReaderTest, test_miss) {
-    // buffered_reader_test_file.txt 45 bytes
-    LocalFileReader file_reader(
-            "./be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file.txt", 0);
-    BufferedReader reader(&file_reader, 64);
-    auto st = reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    uint8_t buf[128];
-    int64_t bytes_read;
-    st = reader.readat(20, 10, &bytes_read, buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("hIj\n\nMnOpQ", std::string((char*)buf, (size_t)bytes_read).c_str());
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, bytes_read);
-    st = reader.readat(0, 5, &bytes_read, buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("bdfhj", std::string((char*)buf, (size_t)bytes_read).c_str());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, bytes_read);
-    st = reader.readat(5, 10, &bytes_read, buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("lnprtvxzAb", std::string((char*)buf, (size_t)bytes_read).c_str());
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, bytes_read);
-    // if requested length is larger than the capacity of buffer, do not
-    // need to copy the character into local buffer.
-    st = reader.readat(0, 128, &bytes_read, buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("bdfhjlnprt", std::string((char*)buf, 10).c_str());
-    ASSERT_EQ(45, bytes_read);
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/csv_scan_bench_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/csv_scan_bench_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2756ab3..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/csv_scan_bench_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "exec/csv_scan_node.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "gperftools/profiler.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class CsvScanNodeBenchTest : public testing::Test {
-    CsvScanNodeBenchTest() {}
-    ~CsvScanNodeBenchTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        config::mini_load_download_path = "./test_run";
-        system("mkdir -p ./test_run/test_db_name/test_label");
-        system("pwd");
-        system("cp -r ./be/test/query/exec/test_data/csv_scanner ./test_run/.");
-        init();
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() { system("rm -rf ./test_run"); }
-    void init();
-    void init_desc_tbl();
-    void init_runtime_state();
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable _t_desc_table;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RuntimeState* _state;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-}; // end class CsvScanNodeBenchTest
-void CsvScanNodeBenchTest::init() {
-    init_desc_tbl();
-    init_runtime_state();
-void CsvScanNodeBenchTest::init_runtime_state() {
-    _state = _obj_pool.add(new RuntimeState("2015-04-27 01:01:01"));
-    _state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-void CsvScanNodeBenchTest::init_desc_tbl() {
-    // TTableDescriptor
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::OLAP_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.olapTable.tableName = "test";
-    t_table_desc.tableName = "test_table_name";
-    t_table_desc.dbName = "test_db_name";
-    t_table_desc.__isset.olapTable = true;
-    _t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    _t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    // TSlotDescriptor
-    std::vector<TSlotDescriptor> slot_descs;
-    int offset = 1;
-    int i = 0;
-    // UserId
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("column0");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // column 2
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("column1");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // column 3
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("column2");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // column 4: varchar
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_VARCHAR));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("column3");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(StringValue);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // Date
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_DATE));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("column4");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(DateTimeValue);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // DateTime
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_DATETIME));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("column5");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(DateTimeValue);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    //
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_VARCHAR));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("column6");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(StringValue);
-    }
-    _t_desc_table.__set_slotDescriptors(slot_descs);
-    // TTupleDescriptor
-    TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-    t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-    t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-    t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-    t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-    t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-    _t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, _t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    // node
-    _tnode.node_id = 0;
-    _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::CSV_SCAN_NODE;
-    _tnode.num_children = 0;
-    _tnode.limit = -1;
-    _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_separator(",");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_line_delimiter("\n");
-    // column_type_mapping
-    std::map<std::string, TColumnType> column_type_map;
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        column_type_map["column0"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        column_type_map["column1"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        column_type_map["column2"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        column_type_map["column3"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DATE);
-        column_type_map["column4"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DATETIME);
-        column_type_map["column5"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        column_type_map["column6"] = column_type;
-    }
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_type_mapping(column_type_map);
-    std::vector<std::string> file_paths;
-    // file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scanner/csv_file1");
-    // file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scanner/csv_file2");
-    file_paths.push_back("/home/ling/tmp/100_wan_line_data");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_file_paths(file_paths);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_separator("\t");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_line_delimiter("\n");
-    std::vector<std::string> columns;
-    columns.push_back("column0");
-    columns.push_back("column1");
-    columns.push_back("column2");
-    columns.push_back("column3");
-    columns.push_back("column4");
-    columns.push_back("column5");
-    columns.push_back("column6");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_columns(columns);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__isset.unspecified_columns = true;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__isset.default_values = true;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.max_filter_ratio = 0.5;
-    _tnode.__isset.csv_scan_node = true;
-TEST_F(CsvScanNodeBenchTest, NormalUse) {
-    CsvScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        // RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _state->batch_size());
-        RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, 1024);
-        status = scan_node.get_next(_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        int num = row_batch.num_rows();
-        // ASSERT_TRUE(num > 0);
-        // std::cout << "num: " << num << std::endl;
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(_state).ok());
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        scan_node.runtime_profile()->pretty_print(&ss);
-        LOG(WARNING) << ss.str();
-        std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
-    }
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ProfilerStart("profile_scan_bench");
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    ProfilerStop();
-    return 0;
diff --git a/be/test/exec/csv_scan_node_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/csv_scan_node_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8841ab2..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/csv_scan_node_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/csv_scan_node.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class CsvScanNodeTest : public testing::Test {
-    CsvScanNodeTest() {}
-    ~CsvScanNodeTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        config::periodic_counter_update_period_ms = 500;
-        config::storage_root_path = "./data";
-        _env.reset(new ExecEnv());
-        system("mkdir -p ./test_run/output/");
-        system("pwd");
-        system("cp -r ./be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node ./test_run/.");
-        init();
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        _obj_pool.clear();
-        _env.reset();
-        // system("rm -rf ./test_run");
-    }
-    void init();
-    void init_desc_tbl();
-    void init_runtime_state();
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable _t_desc_table;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    boost::scoped_ptr<ExecEnv> _env;
-    RuntimeState* _state;
-}; // end class CsvScanNodeTest
-void CsvScanNodeTest::init() {
-    _env->init_for_tests();
-    init_desc_tbl();
-    init_runtime_state();
-void CsvScanNodeTest::init_runtime_state() {
-    _state = _obj_pool.add(new RuntimeState(TUniqueId(), TQueryOptions(), "", _env.get()));
-    _state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    _state->_load_dir = "./test_run/output/";
-    _state->init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-void CsvScanNodeTest::init_desc_tbl() {
-    // TTableDescriptor
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::OLAP_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.olapTable.tableName = "test";
-    t_table_desc.tableName = "test_table_name";
-    t_table_desc.dbName = "test_db_name";
-    t_table_desc.__isset.olapTable = true;
-    _t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    _t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    // TSlotDescriptor
-    std::vector<TSlotDescriptor> slot_descs;
-    int offset = 1;
-    int i = 0;
-    // int_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::INT));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("int_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // decimal_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        TTypeDesc ttype = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL);
-        ttype.types[0].scalar_type.__set_precision(10);
-        ttype.types[0].scalar_type.__set_scale(5);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(ttype);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("decimal_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(DecimalValue);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // date_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::DATE));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("date_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(DateTimeValue);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // fix_len_string_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        TTypeDesc ttype = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::CHAR);
-        ttype.types[0].scalar_type.__set_len(5);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(ttype);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("fix_len_string_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(StringValue);
-    }
-    _t_desc_table.__set_slotDescriptors(slot_descs);
-    // TTupleDescriptor
-    TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-    t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-    t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-    t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-    t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-    t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-    _t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, _t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    // node
-    _tnode.node_id = 0;
-    _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::CSV_SCAN_NODE;
-    _tnode.num_children = 0;
-    _tnode.limit = -1;
-    _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_separator(",");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_line_delimiter("\n");
-    // column_type_mapping
-    std::map<std::string, TColumnType> column_type_map;
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        column_type_map["int_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL);
-        column_type.__set_precision(10);
-        column_type.__set_scale(5);
-        column_type_map["decimal_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DATE);
-        column_type_map["date_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-        column_type.__set_len(5);
-        column_type_map["fix_len_string_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_type_mapping(column_type_map);
-    std::vector<std::string> columns;
-    columns.push_back("int_column");
-    columns.push_back("date_column");
-    columns.push_back("decimal_column");
-    columns.push_back("fix_len_string_column");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_columns(columns);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__isset.unspecified_columns = true;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__isset.default_values = true;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.max_filter_ratio = 0.5;
-    _tnode.__isset.csv_scan_node = true;
-TEST_F(CsvScanNodeTest, NormalUse) {
-    std::vector<std::string> file_paths;
-    file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scan_node/normal_use");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_file_paths(file_paths);
-    CsvScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _state->batch_size(), tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        int num = row_batch.num_rows();
-        std::cout << "num: " << num << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ(num, 6);
-        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            // LOG(WARNING) << "input row[" << i << "]: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            std::cout << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor) << std::endl;
-            if (i == 0) {
-                ASSERT_EQ(std::string("[(1 -12345.67891 2015-04-20 abc\0\0)]", 35),
-                          print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(_state).ok());
-TEST_F(CsvScanNodeTest, continuousDelim) {
-    std::vector<std::string> file_paths;
-    file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scan_node/continuous_delim");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_file_paths(file_paths);
-    CsvScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _state->batch_size(), tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        int num = row_batch.num_rows();
-        std::cout << "num: " << num << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ(num, 1);
-        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            // LOG(WARNING) << "input row[" << i << "]: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            std::cout << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor) << std::endl;
-            if (i == 0) {
-                ASSERT_EQ(std::string("[(1 -12345.67891 2015-04-20 \0\0\0\0\0)]", 35),
-                          print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(_state).ok());
-TEST_F(CsvScanNodeTest, wrong_decimal_format_test) {
-    std::vector<std::string> file_paths;
-    file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scan_node/wrong_decimal_format");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_file_paths(file_paths);
-    CsvScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _state->batch_size(), tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        int num = row_batch.num_rows();
-        std::cout << "num: " << num << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, num);
-    }
-    // Failed because reach max_filter_ratio
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!scan_node.close(_state).ok());
-TEST_F(CsvScanNodeTest, fill_fix_len_stringi_test) {
-    std::vector<std::string> file_paths;
-    file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scan_node/fill_string_len");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_file_paths(file_paths);
-    CsvScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _state->batch_size(), tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        int num = row_batch.num_rows();
-        std::cout << "num: " << num << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(num > 0);
-        // 1,2015-04-20,12345.67891,abcdefg
-        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            LOG(WARNING) << "input row[" << i << "]: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            std::cout << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor) << std::endl;
-            if (i == 0) {
-                ASSERT_EQ(std::string("[(1 12345.67891 2015-04-20 ab\0\0\0)]", 34),
-                          print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-                Tuple* tuple = row->get_tuple(0);
-                StringValue* str_slot =
-                        tuple->get_string_slot(_t_desc_table.slotDescriptors[3].byteOffset);
-                std::cout << "str_slot len: " << str_slot->len << std::endl;
-                ASSERT_EQ(5, str_slot->len);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(_state).ok());
-TEST_F(CsvScanNodeTest, wrong_fix_len_string_format_test) {
-    std::vector<std::string> file_paths;
-    file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scan_node/wrong_fix_len_string");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_file_paths(file_paths);
-    CsvScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _state->batch_size(), tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        int num = row_batch.num_rows();
-        std::cout << "num: " << num << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, num);
-    }
-    // Failed because reach max_filter_ratio
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!scan_node.close(_state).ok());
-// 待补充测试case
-// 1. 字符串导入
-// 2. 不指定有默认值的列
-// 3. 文件中有但表中没有的列,导入命令中跳过该列
-// 4. max_filter_ratio
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::config::read_size = 8388608;
-    doris::config::min_buffer_size = 1024;
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::DiskInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/csv_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/csv_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fa20d53..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/csv_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/csv_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class CsvScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    CsvScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() { init(); }
-    virtual void TearDown() { system("rm -rf ./test_run"); }
-    void init();
-    void init_desc_tbl();
-    std::vector<std::string> _file_paths;
-void CsvScannerTest::init() {
-    system("mkdir -p ./test_run");
-    system("pwd");
-    system("cp -r ./be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scanner ./test_run/.");
-    _file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scanner/csv_file1");
-    _file_paths.push_back("./test_run/csv_scanner/csv_file2");
-TEST_F(CsvScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    CsvScanner scanner(_file_paths);
-    Status status = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string line_str;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(&line_str, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scanner.get_next_row(&line_str, &eos);
-        if (eos) {
-            break;
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        LOG(WARNING) << line_str;
-    }
-TEST_F(CsvScannerTest, no_exist_files) {
-    std::vector<std::string> no_exist_files;
-    no_exist_files.push_back("no_exist_files1");
-    no_exist_files.push_back("no_exist_files2");
-    CsvScanner scanner(no_exist_files);
-    Status status = scanner.open();
-    // check until 'get_next_row()'
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string line_str;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(&line_str, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/es_http_scan_node_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/es_http_scan_node_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 17b2d4c..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/es_http_scan_node_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/es_http_scan_node.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-// mock
-class EsHttpScanNodeTest : public testing::Test {
-    EsHttpScanNodeTest() : _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-        TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-        // table descriptors
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.id = 0;
-        t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::ES_TABLE;
-        t_table_desc.numCols = 1;
-        t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.__isset.esTable = true;
-        t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-        t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-        // TSlotDescriptor
-        int offset = 1;
-        int i = 0;
-        // id
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TypeDescriptor(TYPE_INT).to_thrift());
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int);
-        }
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-        _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        // Node Id
-        _tnode.node_id = 0;
-        _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE;
-        _tnode.num_children = 0;
-        _tnode.limit = -1;
-        _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-        _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _tnode.es_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-        std::map<std::string, std::string> properties;
-        _tnode.es_scan_node.__set_properties(properties);
-        _tnode.__isset.es_scan_node = true;
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-TEST_F(EsHttpScanNodeTest, normal_use) {
-    EsHttpScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.init(_tnode, &_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // scan range
-    TEsScanRange es_scan_range;
-    es_scan_range.__set_index("index1");
-    es_scan_range.__set_type("docs");
-    es_scan_range.__set_shard_id(0);
-    TNetworkAddress es_host;
-    es_host.__set_hostname("unknown");
-    es_host.__set_port(8200);
-    std::vector<TNetworkAddress> es_hosts;
-    es_hosts.push_back(es_host);
-    es_scan_range.__set_es_hosts(es_hosts);
-    TScanRange scan_range;
-    scan_range.__set_es_scan_range(es_scan_range);
-    TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
-    scan_range_params.__set_scan_range(scan_range);
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    scan_ranges.push_back(scan_range_params);
-    status = scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.close(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/es_predicate_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/es_predicate_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f8c76c..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/es_predicate_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/es/es_predicate.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "common/status.h"
-#include "exec/es/es_query_builder.h"
-#include "exprs/binary_predicate.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "rapidjson/document.h"
-#include "rapidjson/rapidjson.h"
-#include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
-#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/primitive_type.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-namespace doris {
-class RuntimeState;
-class EsPredicateTest : public testing::Test {
-    EsPredicateTest() : _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-        TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-        // table descriptors
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.id = 0;
-        t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::ES_TABLE;
-        t_table_desc.numCols = 1;
-        t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.__isset.esTable = true;
-        t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-        t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-        // TSlotDescriptor
-        int offset = 1;
-        int i = 0;
-        // id
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TypeDescriptor(TYPE_INT).to_thrift());
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.colName = "id";
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int);
-        }
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-        _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    }
-    Status build_expr_context_list(std::vector<ExprContext*>& conjunct_ctxs);
-    void init();
-    void SetUp() override {}
-    void TearDown() override {}
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-Status EsPredicateTest::build_expr_context_list(std::vector<ExprContext*>& conjunct_ctxs) {
-    TExpr texpr;
-    {
-        TExprNode node0;
-        node0.opcode = TExprOpcode::GT;
-        node0.child_type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-        node0.node_type = TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED;
-        node0.num_children = 2;
-        node0.__isset.opcode = true;
-        node0.__isset.child_type = true;
-        node0.type = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-        texpr.nodes.emplace_back(node0);
-        TExprNode node1;
-        node1.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        node1.type = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        node1.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        node1.num_children = 0;
-        node1.slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-        node1.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        node1.output_column = true;
-        node1.__isset.output_column = true;
-        texpr.nodes.emplace_back(node1);
-        TExprNode node2;
-        TIntLiteral intLiteral;
-        intLiteral.value = 10;
-        node2.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node2.type = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-        node2.__isset.int_literal = true;
-        node2.int_literal = intLiteral;
-        texpr.nodes.emplace_back(node2);
-    }
-    std::vector<TExpr> conjuncts;
-    conjuncts.emplace_back(texpr);
-    Status status = Expr::create_expr_trees(&_obj_pool, conjuncts, &conjunct_ctxs);
-    return status;
-TEST_F(EsPredicateTest, normal) {
-    std::vector<ExprContext*> conjunct_ctxs;
-    Status status = build_expr_context_list(conjunct_ctxs);
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = _desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    std::vector<EsPredicate*> predicates;
-    for (int i = 0; i < conjunct_ctxs.size(); ++i) {
-        EsPredicate* predicate = new EsPredicate(conjunct_ctxs[i], tuple_desc, &_obj_pool);
-        if (predicate->build_disjuncts_list().ok()) {
-            predicates.push_back(predicate);
-        }
-    }
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value compound_bool_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    compound_bool_value.SetObject();
-    BooleanQueryBuilder::to_query(predicates, &document, &compound_bool_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    compound_bool_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_bool_json = buffer.GetString();
-    std::string expected_json =
-            "{\"bool\":{\"filter\":[{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{\"range\":{\"id\":{\"gt\":\"10\"}}}]}}]"
-            "}}";
-    LOG(INFO) << "compound bool query" << actual_bool_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ(expected_json.c_str(), actual_bool_json.c_str());
-    for (auto predicate : predicates) {
-        delete predicate;
-    }
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/es_query_builder_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/es_query_builder_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b04b7..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/es_query_builder_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,629 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/es/es_query_builder.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "exec/es/es_predicate.h"
-#include "rapidjson/document.h"
-#include "rapidjson/rapidjson.h"
-#include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
-#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-#include "util/debug/leakcheck_disabler.h"
-namespace doris {
-class BooleanQueryBuilderTest : public testing::Test {
-    BooleanQueryBuilderTest() {}
-    virtual ~BooleanQueryBuilderTest() {}
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, term_query) {
-    // content = "wyf"
-    char str[] = "wyf";
-    StringValue value(str, 3);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &value);
-    TypeDescriptor type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(3);
-    std::string name = "content";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate term_predicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, name, type_desc, TExprOpcode::EQ,
-                                      term_literal);
-    TermQueryBuilder term_query(term_predicate);
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value term_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    term_value.SetObject();
-    term_query.to_json(&document, &term_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    term_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_json = buffer.GetString();
-    //LOG(INFO) << "term query" << actual_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{\"term\":{\"content\":\"wyf\"}}", actual_json.c_str());
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, range_query) {
-    // k >= a
-    char str[] = "a";
-    StringValue value(str, 1);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &value);
-    TypeDescriptor type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(1);
-    std::string name = "k";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate range_predicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, name, type_desc, TExprOpcode::GE,
-                                       term_literal);
-    RangeQueryBuilder range_query(range_predicate);
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value range_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    range_value.SetObject();
-    range_query.to_json(&document, &range_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    range_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_json = buffer.GetString();
-    //LOG(INFO) << "range query" << actual_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gte\":\"a\"}}}", actual_json.c_str());
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, es_query) {
-    // esquery('random', "{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {\"field\": \"f1\"}}}}")
-    char str[] = "{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {\"field\": \"f1\"}}}}";
-    int length = (int)strlen(str);
-    TypeDescriptor type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(length);
-    std::string name = "random";
-    ExtColumnDesc col_des(name, type_desc);
-    std::vector<ExtColumnDesc> cols = {col_des};
-    StringValue value(str, length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> values = {term_literal};
-    std::string function_name = "esquery";
-    ExtFunction function_predicate(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name, cols, values);
-    ESQueryBuilder es_query(function_predicate);
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value es_query_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    es_query_value.SetObject();
-    es_query.to_json(&document, &es_query_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    es_query_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_json = buffer.GetString();
-    //LOG(INFO) << "es query" << actual_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{\"bool\":{\"must_not\":{\"exists\":{\"field\":\"f1\"}}}}", actual_json.c_str());
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, like_query) {
-    // content like 'a%e%g_'
-    char str[] = "a%e%g_";
-    int length = (int)strlen(str);
-    LOG(INFO) << "length " << length;
-    TypeDescriptor type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(length);
-    StringValue value(str, length);
-    ExtLiteral like_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &value);
-    std::string name = "content";
-    ExtLikePredicate like_predicate(TExprNodeType::LIKE_PRED, name, type_desc, like_literal);
-    WildCardQueryBuilder like_query(like_predicate);
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value like_query_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    like_query_value.SetObject();
-    like_query.to_json(&document, &like_query_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    like_query_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_json = buffer.GetString();
-    // LOG(INFO) << "wildcard query" << actual_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{\"wildcard\":{\"content\":\"a*e*g?\"}}", actual_json.c_str());
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, terms_in_query) {
-    // dv in ["2.0", "4.0", "8.0"]
-    std::string terms_in_field = "dv";
-    int terms_in_field_length = terms_in_field.length();
-    TypeDescriptor terms_in_col_type_desc =
-            TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(terms_in_field_length);
-    char value_1[] = "2.0";
-    int value_1_length = (int)strlen(value_1);
-    StringValue string_value_1(value_1, value_1_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_1(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_1);
-    char value_2[] = "4.0";
-    int value_2_length = (int)strlen(value_2);
-    StringValue string_value_2(value_2, value_2_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_2(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_2);
-    char value_3[] = "8.0";
-    int value_3_length = (int)strlen(value_3);
-    StringValue string_value_3(value_3, value_3_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_3(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_3);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> terms_values = {term_literal_1, term_literal_2, term_literal_3};
-    ExtInPredicate in_predicate(TExprNodeType::IN_PRED, false, terms_in_field,
-                                terms_in_col_type_desc, terms_values);
-    TermsInSetQueryBuilder terms_query(in_predicate);
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value in_query_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    in_query_value.SetObject();
-    terms_query.to_json(&document, &in_query_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    in_query_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_json = buffer.GetString();
-    //LOG(INFO) << "terms in sets query" << actual_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{\"terms\":{\"dv\":[\"2.0\",\"4.0\",\"8.0\"]}}", actual_json.c_str());
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, match_all_query) {
-    // match all docs
-    MatchAllQueryBuilder match_all_query;
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value match_all_query_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    match_all_query_value.SetObject();
-    match_all_query.to_json(&document, &match_all_query_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    match_all_query_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_json = buffer.GetString();
-    //LOG(INFO) << "match all query" << actual_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{\"match_all\":{}}", actual_json.c_str());
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, exists_query) {
-    // k1 is not null
-    // {"exists":{"field":"k1"}}
-    std::string exists_field = "k1";
-    int exists_field_length = exists_field.length();
-    TypeDescriptor exists_col_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(exists_field_length);
-    ExtIsNullPredicate isNullPredicate(TExprNodeType::IS_NULL_PRED, "k1", exists_col_type_desc,
-                                       true);
-    ExistsQueryBuilder exists_query(isNullPredicate);
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value exists_query_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    exists_query_value.SetObject();
-    exists_query.to_json(&document, &exists_query_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    exists_query_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_json = buffer.GetString();
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{\"exists\":{\"field\":\"k1\"}}", actual_json.c_str());
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, bool_query) {
-    // content like 'a%e%g_'
-    char like_value[] = "a%e%g_";
-    int like_value_length = (int)strlen(like_value);
-    TypeDescriptor like_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(like_value_length);
-    StringValue like_term_value(like_value, like_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral like_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &like_term_value);
-    std::string like_field_name = "content";
-    ExtLikePredicate* like_predicate = new ExtLikePredicate(
-            TExprNodeType::LIKE_PRED, like_field_name, like_type_desc, like_literal);
-    // esquery("random", "{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {\"field\": \"f1\"}}}}")
-    char es_query_str[] = "{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {\"field\": \"f1\"}}}}";
-    int es_query_length = (int)strlen(es_query_str);
-    StringValue value(es_query_str, es_query_length);
-    TypeDescriptor es_query_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(es_query_length);
-    std::string es_query_field_name = "random";
-    ExtColumnDesc es_query_col_des(es_query_field_name, es_query_type_desc);
-    std::vector<ExtColumnDesc> es_query_cols = {es_query_col_des};
-    StringValue es_query_value(es_query_str, es_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral es_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &es_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> es_query_values = {es_query_term_literal};
-    std::string function_name = "esquery";
-    ExtFunction* function_predicate = new ExtFunction(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name,
-                                                      es_query_cols, es_query_values);
-    // k >= a
-    char range_value_str[] = "a";
-    int range_value_length = (int)strlen(range_value_str);
-    StringValue range_value(range_value_str, range_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral range_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &range_value);
-    TypeDescriptor range_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(range_value_length);
-    std::string range_field_name = "k";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate* range_predicate =
-            new ExtBinaryPredicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, range_field_name, range_type_desc,
-                                   TExprOpcode::GE, range_literal);
-    // content = "wyf"
-    char term_str[] = "wyf";
-    int term_value_length = (int)strlen(term_str);
-    StringValue term_value(term_str, term_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &term_value);
-    TypeDescriptor term_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(term_value_length);
-    std::string term_field_name = "content";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate* term_predicate =
-            new ExtBinaryPredicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, term_field_name, term_type_desc,
-                                   TExprOpcode::EQ, term_literal);
-    // content like 'a%e%g_' or k >= a or content = "wyf"
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> or_predicates = {like_predicate, function_predicate, range_predicate,
-                                                term_predicate};
-    BooleanQueryBuilder bool_query(or_predicates);
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value bool_query_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    bool_query_value.SetObject();
-    bool_query.to_json(&document, &bool_query_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    bool_query_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_json = buffer.GetString();
-    std::string expected_json =
-            "{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{\"wildcard\":{\"content\":\"a*e*g?\"}},{\"bool\":{\"must_"
-            "not\":{\"exists\":{\"field\":\"f1\"}}}},{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gte\":\"a\"}}},{\"term\":"
-            "{\"content\":\"wyf\"}}]}}";
-    //LOG(INFO) << "bool query" << actual_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ(expected_json.c_str(), actual_json.c_str());
-    delete like_predicate;
-    delete function_predicate;
-    delete range_predicate;
-    delete term_predicate;
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, compound_bool_query) {
-    //  content like "a%e%g_" or esquery(random, '{"bool": {"must_not": {"exists": {"field": "f1"}}}}')
-    char like_value[] = "a%e%g_";
-    int like_value_length = (int)strlen(like_value);
-    TypeDescriptor like_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(like_value_length);
-    StringValue like_term_value(like_value, like_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral like_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &like_term_value);
-    std::string like_field_name = "content";
-    ExtLikePredicate* like_predicate = new ExtLikePredicate(
-            TExprNodeType::LIKE_PRED, like_field_name, like_type_desc, like_literal);
-    char es_query_str[] = "{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {\"field\": \"f1\"}}}}";
-    int es_query_length = (int)strlen(es_query_str);
-    StringValue value(es_query_str, es_query_length);
-    TypeDescriptor es_query_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(es_query_length);
-    std::string es_query_field_name = "random";
-    ExtColumnDesc es_query_col_des(es_query_field_name, es_query_type_desc);
-    std::vector<ExtColumnDesc> es_query_cols = {es_query_col_des};
-    StringValue es_query_value(es_query_str, es_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral es_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &es_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> es_query_values = {es_query_term_literal};
-    std::string function_name = "esquery";
-    ExtFunction* function_predicate = new ExtFunction(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name,
-                                                      es_query_cols, es_query_values);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> bool_predicates_1 = {like_predicate, function_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* bool_predicate_1 = new EsPredicate(bool_predicates_1);
-    // k >= "a"
-    char range_value_str[] = "a";
-    int range_value_length = (int)strlen(range_value_str);
-    StringValue range_value(range_value_str, range_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral range_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &range_value);
-    TypeDescriptor range_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(range_value_length);
-    std::string range_field_name = "k";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate* range_predicate =
-            new ExtBinaryPredicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, range_field_name, range_type_desc,
-                                   TExprOpcode::GE, range_literal);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> bool_predicates_2 = {range_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* bool_predicate_2 = new EsPredicate(bool_predicates_2);
-    // content != "wyf"
-    char term_str[] = "wyf";
-    int term_value_length = (int)strlen(term_str);
-    StringValue term_value(term_str, term_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &term_value);
-    TypeDescriptor term_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(term_value_length);
-    std::string term_field_name = "content";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate* term_ne_predicate =
-            new ExtBinaryPredicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, term_field_name, term_type_desc,
-                                   TExprOpcode::NE, term_literal);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> bool_predicates_3 = {term_ne_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* bool_predicate_3 = new EsPredicate(bool_predicates_3);
-    // fv not in [8.0, 16.0]
-    std::string terms_in_field = "fv";
-    int terms_in_field_length = terms_in_field.length();
-    TypeDescriptor terms_in_col_type_desc =
-            TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(terms_in_field_length);
-    char value_1[] = "8.0";
-    int value_1_length = (int)strlen(value_1);
-    StringValue string_value_1(value_1, value_1_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_1(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_1);
-    char value_2[] = "16.0";
-    int value_2_length = (int)strlen(value_2);
-    StringValue string_value_2(value_2, value_2_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_2(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_2);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> terms_values = {term_literal_1, term_literal_2};
-    ExtInPredicate* in_predicate = new ExtInPredicate(TExprNodeType::IN_PRED, true, terms_in_field,
-                                                      terms_in_col_type_desc, terms_values);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> bool_predicates_4 = {in_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* bool_predicate_4 = new EsPredicate(bool_predicates_4);
-    // (content like "a%e%g_" or esquery(random, '{"bool": {"must_not": {"exists": {"field": "f1"}}}}')) and content != "wyf" and fv not in [8.0, 16.0]
-    std::vector<EsPredicate*> and_bool_predicates = {bool_predicate_1, bool_predicate_2,
-                                                     bool_predicate_3, bool_predicate_4};
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value compound_bool_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    compound_bool_value.SetObject();
-    BooleanQueryBuilder::to_query(and_bool_predicates, &document, &compound_bool_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    compound_bool_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_bool_json = buffer.GetString();
-    std::string expected_json =
-            "{\"bool\":{\"filter\":[{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{\"wildcard\":{\"content\":\"a*e*g?\"}},"
-            "{\"bool\":{\"must_not\":{\"exists\":{\"field\":\"f1\"}}}}]}},{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{"
-            "\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gte\":\"a\"}}}]}},{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{\"bool\":{\"must_not\":["
-            "{\"term\":{\"content\":\"wyf\"}}]}}]}},{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{\"bool\":{\"must_not\":"
-            "[{\"terms\":{\"fv\":[\"8.0\",\"16.0\"]}}]}}]}}]}}";
-    //LOG(INFO) << "compound bool query" << actual_bool_json;
-    ASSERT_STREQ(expected_json.c_str(), actual_bool_json.c_str());
-    delete bool_predicate_1;
-    delete bool_predicate_2;
-    delete bool_predicate_3;
-    delete bool_predicate_4;
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, validate_esquery) {
-    std::string function_name = "esquery";
-    char field[] = "random";
-    int field_length = (int)strlen(field);
-    TypeDescriptor es_query_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(field_length);
-    ExtColumnDesc es_query_col_des(field, es_query_type_desc);
-    std::vector<ExtColumnDesc> es_query_cols = {es_query_col_des};
-    char es_query_str[] = "{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {\"field\": \"f1\"}}}}";
-    int es_query_length = (int)strlen(es_query_str);
-    StringValue es_query_value(es_query_str, es_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral es_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &es_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> es_query_values = {es_query_term_literal};
-    ExtFunction legal_es_query(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name, es_query_cols,
-                               es_query_values);
-    auto st = BooleanQueryBuilder::check_es_query(legal_es_query);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    char empty_query[] = "{}";
-    int empty_query_length = (int)strlen(empty_query);
-    StringValue empty_query_value(empty_query, empty_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral empty_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &empty_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> empty_query_values = {empty_query_term_literal};
-    ExtFunction empty_es_query(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name, es_query_cols,
-                               empty_query_values);
-    st = BooleanQueryBuilder::check_es_query(empty_es_query);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(st.get_error_msg().c_str(), "esquery must only one root");
-    //LOG(INFO) <<"error msg:" << st1.get_error_msg();
-    char malformed_query[] = "{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {";
-    int malformed_query_length = (int)strlen(malformed_query);
-    StringValue malformed_query_value(malformed_query, malformed_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral malformed_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &malformed_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> malformed_query_values = {malformed_query_term_literal};
-    ExtFunction malformed_es_query(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name, es_query_cols,
-                                   malformed_query_values);
-    st = BooleanQueryBuilder::check_es_query(malformed_es_query);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(st.get_error_msg().c_str(), "malformed esquery json");
-    char illegal_query[] = "{\"term\": {\"k1\" : \"2\"},\"match\": {\"k1\": \"3\"}}";
-    int illegal_query_length = (int)strlen(illegal_query);
-    StringValue illegal_query_value(illegal_query, illegal_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral illegal_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &illegal_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> illegal_query_values = {illegal_query_term_literal};
-    ExtFunction illegal_es_query(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name, es_query_cols,
-                                 illegal_query_values);
-    st = BooleanQueryBuilder::check_es_query(illegal_es_query);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(st.get_error_msg().c_str(), "esquery must only one root");
-    char illegal_key_query[] = "[\"22\"]";
-    int illegal_key_query_length = (int)strlen(illegal_key_query);
-    StringValue illegal_key_query_value(illegal_key_query, illegal_key_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral illegal_key_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &illegal_key_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> illegal_key_query_values = {illegal_key_query_term_literal};
-    ExtFunction illegal_key_es_query(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name, es_query_cols,
-                                     illegal_key_query_values);
-    st = BooleanQueryBuilder::check_es_query(illegal_key_es_query);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(st.get_error_msg().c_str(), "esquery must be a object");
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, validate_partial) {
-    // TODO(yingchun): LSAN will report some errors in this scope, we should improve the code and enable LSAN later.
-    debug::ScopedLeakCheckDisabler disable_lsan;
-    char like_value[] = "a%e%g_";
-    int like_value_length = (int)strlen(like_value);
-    TypeDescriptor like_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(like_value_length);
-    StringValue like_term_value(like_value, like_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral like_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &like_term_value);
-    std::string like_field_name = "content";
-    ExtLikePredicate* like_predicate = new ExtLikePredicate(
-            TExprNodeType::LIKE_PRED, like_field_name, like_type_desc, like_literal);
-    // k >= "a"
-    char range_value_str[] = "a";
-    int range_value_length = (int)strlen(range_value_str);
-    StringValue range_value(range_value_str, range_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral range_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &range_value);
-    TypeDescriptor range_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(range_value_length);
-    std::string range_field_name = "k";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate* range_predicate =
-            new ExtBinaryPredicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, range_field_name, range_type_desc,
-                                   TExprOpcode::GE, range_literal);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> bool_predicates_1 = {like_predicate, range_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* bool_predicate_1 = new EsPredicate(bool_predicates_1);
-    // fv not in [8.0, 16.0]
-    std::string terms_in_field = "fv";
-    int terms_in_field_length = terms_in_field.length();
-    TypeDescriptor terms_in_col_type_desc =
-            TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(terms_in_field_length);
-    char value_1[] = "8.0";
-    int value_1_length = (int)strlen(value_1);
-    StringValue string_value_1(value_1, value_1_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_1(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_1);
-    char value_2[] = "16.0";
-    int value_2_length = (int)strlen(value_2);
-    StringValue string_value_2(value_2, value_2_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_2(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_2);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> terms_values = {term_literal_1, term_literal_2};
-    ExtInPredicate* in_predicate = new ExtInPredicate(TExprNodeType::IN_PRED, true, terms_in_field,
-                                                      terms_in_col_type_desc, terms_values);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> bool_predicates_2 = {in_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* bool_predicate_2 = new EsPredicate(bool_predicates_2);
-    // content != "wyf"
-    char term_str[] = "wyf";
-    int term_value_length = (int)strlen(term_str);
-    StringValue term_value(term_str, term_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &term_value);
-    TypeDescriptor term_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(term_value_length);
-    std::string term_field_name = "content";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate* term_ne_predicate =
-            new ExtBinaryPredicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, term_field_name, term_type_desc,
-                                   TExprOpcode::NE, term_literal);
-    char es_query_str[] = "{\"bool\": {\"must_not\": {\"exists\": {\"field\": \"f1\"}}}}";
-    int es_query_length = (int)strlen(es_query_str);
-    StringValue value(es_query_str, es_query_length);
-    TypeDescriptor es_query_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(es_query_length);
-    std::string es_query_field_name = "random";
-    ExtColumnDesc es_query_col_des(es_query_field_name, es_query_type_desc);
-    std::vector<ExtColumnDesc> es_query_cols = {es_query_col_des};
-    StringValue es_query_value(es_query_str, es_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral es_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &es_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> es_query_values = {es_query_term_literal};
-    std::string function_name = "esquery";
-    ExtFunction* function_predicate = new ExtFunction(TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name,
-                                                      es_query_cols, es_query_values);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> bool_predicates_3 = {term_ne_predicate, function_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* bool_predicate_3 = new EsPredicate(bool_predicates_3);
-    std::vector<EsPredicate*> and_bool_predicates = {bool_predicate_1, bool_predicate_2,
-                                                     bool_predicate_3};
-    std::vector<bool> result;
-    BooleanQueryBuilder::validate(and_bool_predicates, &result);
-    std::vector<bool> expected = {true, true, true};
-    ASSERT_EQ(result, expected);
-    char illegal_query[] = "{\"term\": {\"k1\" : \"2\"},\"match\": {\"k1\": \"3\"}}";
-    int illegal_query_length = (int)strlen(illegal_query);
-    StringValue illegal_query_value(illegal_query, illegal_query_length);
-    ExtLiteral illegal_query_term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &illegal_query_value);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> illegal_query_values = {illegal_query_term_literal};
-    ExtFunction* illegal_function_preficate = new ExtFunction(
-            TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL, function_name, es_query_cols, illegal_query_values);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> illegal_bool_predicates_3 = {term_ne_predicate,
-                                                            illegal_function_preficate};
-    EsPredicate* illegal_bool_predicate_3 = new EsPredicate(illegal_bool_predicates_3);
-    std::vector<EsPredicate*> and_bool_predicates_1 = {bool_predicate_1, bool_predicate_2,
-                                                       illegal_bool_predicate_3};
-    std::vector<bool> result1;
-    BooleanQueryBuilder::validate(and_bool_predicates_1, &result1);
-    std::vector<bool> expected1 = {true, true, false};
-    ASSERT_EQ(result1, expected1);
-// ( k >= "a" and (fv not in [8.0, 16.0]) or (content != "wyf") ) or content like "a%e%g_"
-TEST_F(BooleanQueryBuilderTest, validate_compound_and) {
-    // TODO(yingchun): LSAN will report some errors in this scope, we should improve the code and enable LSAN later.
-    debug::ScopedLeakCheckDisabler disable_lsan;
-    std::string terms_in_field = "fv"; // fv not in [8.0, 16.0]
-    int terms_in_field_length = terms_in_field.length();
-    TypeDescriptor terms_in_col_type_desc =
-            TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(terms_in_field_length);
-    char value_1[] = "8.0";
-    int value_1_length = (int)strlen(value_1);
-    StringValue string_value_1(value_1, value_1_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_1(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_1);
-    char value_2[] = "16.0";
-    int value_2_length = (int)strlen(value_2);
-    StringValue string_value_2(value_2, value_2_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal_2(TYPE_VARCHAR, &string_value_2);
-    std::vector<ExtLiteral> terms_values = {term_literal_1, term_literal_2};
-    ExtInPredicate* in_predicate = new ExtInPredicate(TExprNodeType::IN_PRED, true, terms_in_field,
-                                                      terms_in_col_type_desc, terms_values);
-    char term_str[] = "wyf";
-    int term_value_length = (int)strlen(term_str);
-    StringValue term_value(term_str, term_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral term_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &term_value);
-    TypeDescriptor term_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(term_value_length);
-    std::string term_field_name = "content";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate* term_ne_predicate =
-            new ExtBinaryPredicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, term_field_name, term_type_desc,
-                                   TExprOpcode::NE, term_literal);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> inner_or_content = {term_ne_predicate, in_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* inner_or_predicate = new EsPredicate(inner_or_content);
-    char range_value_str[] = "a"; // k >= "a"
-    int range_value_length = (int)strlen(range_value_str);
-    StringValue range_value(range_value_str, range_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral range_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &range_value);
-    TypeDescriptor range_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(range_value_length);
-    std::string range_field_name = "k";
-    ExtBinaryPredicate* range_predicate =
-            new ExtBinaryPredicate(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED, range_field_name, range_type_desc,
-                                   TExprOpcode::GE, range_literal);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> range_predicates = {range_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* left_inner_or_predicate = new EsPredicate(range_predicates);
-    std::vector<EsPredicate*> outer_left_predicates_1 = {left_inner_or_predicate,
-                                                         inner_or_predicate};
-    ExtCompPredicates* comp_predicate =
-            new ExtCompPredicates(TExprOpcode::COMPOUND_AND, outer_left_predicates_1);
-    char like_value[] = "a%e%g_";
-    int like_value_length = (int)strlen(like_value);
-    TypeDescriptor like_type_desc = TypeDescriptor::create_varchar_type(like_value_length);
-    StringValue like_term_value(like_value, like_value_length);
-    ExtLiteral like_literal(TYPE_VARCHAR, &like_term_value);
-    std::string like_field_name = "content";
-    ExtLikePredicate* like_predicate = new ExtLikePredicate(
-            TExprNodeType::LIKE_PRED, like_field_name, like_type_desc, like_literal);
-    std::vector<ExtPredicate*> or_predicate_vector = {comp_predicate, like_predicate};
-    EsPredicate* or_predicate = new EsPredicate(or_predicate_vector);
-    std::vector<EsPredicate*> or_predicates = {or_predicate};
-    std::vector<bool> result1;
-    BooleanQueryBuilder::validate(or_predicates, &result1);
-    std::vector<bool> expected1 = {true};
-    ASSERT_TRUE(result1 == expected1);
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value compound_and_value(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-    compound_and_value.SetObject();
-    BooleanQueryBuilder::to_query(or_predicates, &document, &compound_and_value);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-    compound_and_value.Accept(writer);
-    std::string actual_bool_json = buffer.GetString();
-    std::string expected_json =
-            "{\"bool\":{\"filter\":[{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{\"bool\":{\"filter\":[{\"bool\":{"
-            "\"should\":[{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gte\":\"a\"}}}]}},{\"bool\":{\"should\":[{\"bool\":{"
-            "\"must_not\":[{\"term\":{\"content\":\"wyf\"}}]}},{\"bool\":{\"must_not\":[{\"terms\":"
-            "{\"fv\":[\"8.0\",\"16.0\"]}}]}}]}}]}},{\"wildcard\":{\"content\":\"a*e*g?\"}}]}}]}}";
-    ASSERT_STREQ(expected_json.c_str(), actual_bool_json.c_str());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/es_scan_node_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/es_scan_node_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e6751c7..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/es_scan_node_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/es_scan_node.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-// mock
-class EsScanNodeTest : public testing::Test {
-    EsScanNodeTest() : _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-        TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-        // table descriptors
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.id = 0;
-        t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::ES_TABLE;
-        t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.__isset.esTable = true;
-        t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-        t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-        // TSlotDescriptor
-        int offset = 1;
-        int i = 0;
-        // id
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TypeDescriptor(TYPE_INT).to_thrift());
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int);
-        }
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-        _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        // Node Id
-        _tnode.node_id = 0;
-        _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE;
-        _tnode.num_children = 0;
-        _tnode.limit = -1;
-        _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-        _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _tnode.es_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-        std::map<std::string, std::string> properties;
-        _tnode.es_scan_node.__set_properties(properties);
-        _tnode.__isset.es_scan_node = true;
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-TEST_F(EsScanNodeTest, normal_use) {
-    EsScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    TEsScanRange es_scan_range;
-    es_scan_range.__set_index("index1");
-    es_scan_range.__set_type("docs");
-    es_scan_range.__set_shard_id(0);
-    TNetworkAddress es_host;
-    es_host.__set_hostname("host");
-    es_host.__set_port(8200);
-    std::vector<TNetworkAddress> es_hosts;
-    es_hosts.push_back(es_host);
-    es_scan_range.__set_es_hosts(es_hosts);
-    TScanRange scan_range;
-    scan_range.__set_es_scan_range(es_scan_range);
-    TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
-    scan_range_params.__set_scan_range(scan_range);
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    scan_ranges.push_back(scan_range_params);
-    status = scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::stringstream out;
-    scan_node.debug_string(1, &out);
-    LOG(WARNING) << out.str();
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _runtime_state.batch_size(), mem_tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, row_batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-    status = scan_node.close(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/es_scan_reader_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/es_scan_reader_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8649ebe..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/es_scan_reader_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/es/es_scan_reader.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "exec/es/es_scroll_query.h"
-#include "http/ev_http_server.h"
-#include "http/http_channel.h"
-#include "http/http_handler.h"
-#include "http/http_request.h"
-#include "rapidjson/document.h"
-#include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
-#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
-namespace doris {
-class RestSearchAction : public HttpHandler {
-    void handle(HttpRequest* req) override {
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        if (!parse_basic_auth(*req, &user, &passwd) || user != "root") {
-            HttpChannel::send_basic_challenge(req, "abc");
-            return;
-        }
-        req->add_output_header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
-        if (req->method() == HttpMethod::POST) {
-            std::string post_body = req->get_request_body();
-            rapidjson::Document post_doc;
-            post_doc.Parse<0>(post_body.c_str());
-            int size = 1;
-            if (post_doc.HasMember("size")) {
-                rapidjson::Value& size_value = post_doc["size"];
-                size = size_value.GetInt();
-            }
-            std::string _scroll_id(std::to_string(size));
-            rapidjson::Document search_result;
-            rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = search_result.GetAllocator();
-            search_result.SetObject();
-            rapidjson::Value scroll_id_value(_scroll_id.c_str(), allocator);
-            search_result.AddMember("_scroll_id", scroll_id_value, allocator);
-            rapidjson::Value outer_hits(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-            outer_hits.AddMember("total", 10, allocator);
-            rapidjson::Value inner_hits(rapidjson::kArrayType);
-            rapidjson::Value source_document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-            source_document.AddMember("id", 1, allocator);
-            rapidjson::Value value_node("1", allocator);
-            source_document.AddMember("value", value_node, allocator);
-            inner_hits.PushBack(source_document, allocator);
-            outer_hits.AddMember("hits", inner_hits, allocator);
-            search_result.AddMember("hits", outer_hits, allocator);
-            rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-            rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-            search_result.Accept(writer);
-            //send DELETE scroll post request
-            std::string search_result_json = buffer.GetString();
-            HttpChannel::send_reply(req, search_result_json);
-        } else {
-            std::string response = "test1";
-            HttpChannel::send_reply(req, response);
-        }
-    }
-class RestSearchScrollAction : public HttpHandler {
-    void handle(HttpRequest* req) override {
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        if (!parse_basic_auth(*req, &user, &passwd) || user != "root") {
-            HttpChannel::send_basic_challenge(req, "abc");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (req->method() == HttpMethod::POST) {
-            std::string post_body = req->get_request_body();
-            rapidjson::Document post_doc;
-            post_doc.Parse<0>(post_body.c_str());
-            std::string scroll_id;
-            if (!post_doc.HasMember("scroll_id")) {
-                HttpChannel::send_reply(req, HttpStatus::NOT_FOUND, "invalid scroll request");
-                return;
-            } else {
-                rapidjson::Value& scroll_id_value = post_doc["scroll_id"];
-                scroll_id = scroll_id_value.GetString();
-                int offset = atoi(scroll_id.c_str());
-                if (offset > 10) {
-                    rapidjson::Document end_search_result;
-                    rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator =
-                            end_search_result.GetAllocator();
-                    end_search_result.SetObject();
-                    rapidjson::Value scroll_id_value("11", allocator);
-                    end_search_result.AddMember("_scroll_id", scroll_id_value, allocator);
-                    rapidjson::Value outer_hits(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-                    outer_hits.AddMember("total", 0, allocator);
-                    end_search_result.AddMember("hits", outer_hits, allocator);
-                    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-                    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-                    end_search_result.Accept(writer);
-                    //send DELETE scroll post request
-                    std::string end_search_result_json = buffer.GetString();
-                    HttpChannel::send_reply(req, end_search_result_json);
-                    return;
-                } else {
-                    int start = offset + 1;
-                    rapidjson::Document search_result;
-                    rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = search_result.GetAllocator();
-                    search_result.SetObject();
-                    rapidjson::Value scroll_id_value(std::to_string(start).c_str(), allocator);
-                    search_result.AddMember("_scroll_id", scroll_id_value, allocator);
-                    rapidjson::Value outer_hits(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-                    outer_hits.AddMember("total", 1, allocator);
-                    rapidjson::Value inner_hits(rapidjson::kArrayType);
-                    rapidjson::Value source_document(rapidjson::kObjectType);
-                    source_document.AddMember("id", start, allocator);
-                    rapidjson::Value value_node(std::to_string(start).c_str(), allocator);
-                    source_document.AddMember("value", value_node, allocator);
-                    inner_hits.PushBack(source_document, allocator);
-                    outer_hits.AddMember("hits", inner_hits, allocator);
-                    search_result.AddMember("hits", outer_hits, allocator);
-                    rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-                    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-                    search_result.Accept(writer);
-                    //send DELETE scroll post request
-                    std::string search_result_json = buffer.GetString();
-                    HttpChannel::send_reply(req, search_result_json);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-class RestClearScrollAction : public HttpHandler {
-    void handle(HttpRequest* req) override {
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        if (!parse_basic_auth(*req, &user, &passwd) || user != "root") {
-            HttpChannel::send_basic_challenge(req, "abc");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (req->method() == HttpMethod::DELETE) {
-            std::string post_body = req->get_request_body();
-            rapidjson::Document post_doc;
-            post_doc.Parse<0>(post_body.c_str());
-            std::string scroll_id;
-            if (!post_doc.HasMember("scroll_id")) {
-                HttpChannel::send_reply(req, HttpStatus::NOT_FOUND, "invalid scroll request");
-                return;
-            } else {
-                rapidjson::Document clear_scroll_result;
-                rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = clear_scroll_result.GetAllocator();
-                clear_scroll_result.SetObject();
-                clear_scroll_result.AddMember("succeeded", true, allocator);
-                clear_scroll_result.AddMember("num_freed", 1, allocator);
-                rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
-                rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
-                clear_scroll_result.Accept(writer);
-                std::string clear_scroll_result_json = buffer.GetString();
-                HttpChannel::send_reply(req, clear_scroll_result_json);
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-static RestSearchAction rest_search_action = RestSearchAction();
-static RestSearchScrollAction rest_search_scroll_action = RestSearchScrollAction();
-static RestClearScrollAction rest_clear_scroll_action = RestClearScrollAction();
-static EvHttpServer* mock_es_server = nullptr;
-static int real_port = 0;
-class MockESServerTest : public testing::Test {
-    MockESServerTest() {}
-    ~MockESServerTest() override {}
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        mock_es_server = new EvHttpServer(0);
-        mock_es_server->register_handler(POST, "/{index}/{type}/_search", &rest_search_action);
-        mock_es_server->register_handler(POST, "/_search/scroll", &rest_search_scroll_action);
-        mock_es_server->register_handler(DELETE, "/_search/scroll", &rest_clear_scroll_action);
-        mock_es_server->start();
-        real_port = mock_es_server->get_real_port();
-        ASSERT_NE(0, real_port);
-    }
-    static void TearDownTestCase() { delete mock_es_server; }
-TEST_F(MockESServerTest, workflow) {
-    std::string target = "" + std::to_string(real_port);
-    std::vector<std::string> fields = {"id", "value"};
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> props;
-    props[ESScanReader::KEY_INDEX] = "tindex";
-    props[ESScanReader::KEY_TYPE] = "doc";
-    props[ESScanReader::KEY_USER_NAME] = "root";
-    props[ESScanReader::KEY_PASS_WORD] = "root";
-    props[ESScanReader::KEY_SHARD] = "0";
-    props[ESScanReader::KEY_BATCH_SIZE] = "1";
-    std::vector<EsPredicate*> predicates;
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> docvalue_context;
-    bool doc_value_mode = false;
-    props[ESScanReader::KEY_QUERY] = ESScrollQueryBuilder::build(props, fields, predicates,
-                                                                 docvalue_context, &doc_value_mode);
-    ESScanReader reader(target, props, doc_value_mode);
-    auto st = reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    std::unique_ptr<ScrollParser> parser = nullptr;
-    while (!eos) {
-        st = reader.get_next(&eos, parser);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        if (eos) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    auto cst = reader.close();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cst.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/hash_table_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/hash_table_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9a0e1..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/hash_table_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/hash_table.hpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/compiler_util.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "exprs/expr_context.h"
-#include "exprs/slot_ref.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-#include "runtime/test_env.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-#include "util/time.h"
-namespace doris {
-class HashTableTest : public testing::Test {
-    HashTableTest() {
-        _tracker = MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "root");
-        _pool_tracker = MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "mem-pool", _tracker);
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_pool_tracker.get()));
-        _state = _pool.add(new RuntimeState(TQueryGlobals()));
-        _state->init_instance_mem_tracker();
-        _state->_exec_env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-    }
-    RuntimeState* _state;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _tracker;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _pool_tracker;
-    ObjectPool _pool;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-    std::vector<ExprContext*> _build_expr;
-    std::vector<ExprContext*> _probe_expr;
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        RowDescriptor desc;
-        Status status;
-        TypeDescriptor int_desc(TYPE_INT);
-        auto build_slot_ref = _pool.add(new SlotRef(int_desc, 0));
-        _build_expr.push_back(_pool.add(new ExprContext(build_slot_ref)));
-        status = Expr::prepare(_build_expr, _state, desc, _tracker);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        auto probe_slot_ref = _pool.add(new SlotRef(int_desc, 0));
-        _probe_expr.push_back(_pool.add(new ExprContext(probe_slot_ref)));
-        status = Expr::prepare(_probe_expr, _state, desc, _tracker);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        Expr::close(_build_expr, _state);
-        Expr::close(_probe_expr, _state);
-    }
-    TupleRow* create_tuple_row(int32_t val);
-    // Wrapper to call private methods on HashTable
-    // TODO: understand google testing, there must be a more natural way to do this
-    void resize_table(HashTable* table, int64_t new_size) { table->resize_buckets(new_size); }
-    // Do a full table scan on table.  All values should be between [min,max).  If
-    // all_unique, then each key(int value) should only appear once.  Results are
-    // stored in results, indexed by the key.  Results must have been preallocated to
-    // be at least max size.
-    void full_scan(HashTable* table, int min, int max, bool all_unique, TupleRow** results,
-                   TupleRow** expected) {
-        HashTable::Iterator iter = table->begin();
-        while (iter != table->end()) {
-            TupleRow* row = iter.get_row();
-            int32_t val = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(_build_expr[0]->get_value(row));
-            EXPECT_GE(val, min);
-            EXPECT_LT(val, max);
-            if (all_unique) {
-                EXPECT_TRUE(results[val] == NULL);
-            }
-            EXPECT_EQ(row->get_tuple(0), expected[val]->get_tuple(0));
-            results[val] = row;
-            iter.next<false>();
-        }
-    }
-    // Validate that probe_row evaluates overs probe_exprs is equal to build_row
-    // evaluated over build_exprs
-    void validate_match(TupleRow* probe_row, TupleRow* build_row) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(probe_row != build_row);
-        int32_t build_val = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(_build_expr[0]->get_value(probe_row));
-        int32_t probe_val = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(_probe_expr[0]->get_value(build_row));
-        EXPECT_EQ(build_val, probe_val);
-    }
-    struct ProbeTestData {
-        TupleRow* probe_row;
-        std::vector<TupleRow*> expected_build_rows;
-    };
-    void probe_test(HashTable* table, ProbeTestData* data, int num_data, bool scan) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = data[i].probe_row;
-            HashTable::Iterator iter;
-            iter = table->find(row);
-            if (data[i].expected_build_rows.size() == 0) {
-                EXPECT_TRUE(iter == table->end());
-            } else {
-                if (scan) {
-                    std::map<TupleRow*, bool> matched;
-                    while (iter != table->end()) {
-                        EXPECT_TRUE(matched.find(iter.get_row()) == matched.end());
-                        matched[iter.get_row()] = true;
-                        iter.next<true>();
-                    }
-                    EXPECT_EQ(matched.size(), data[i].expected_build_rows.size());
-                    for (int j = 0; i < data[j].expected_build_rows.size(); ++j) {
-                        EXPECT_TRUE(matched[data[i].expected_build_rows[j]]);
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    EXPECT_EQ(data[i].expected_build_rows.size(), 1);
-                    EXPECT_EQ(data[i].expected_build_rows[0]->get_tuple(0),
-                              iter.get_row()->get_tuple(0));
-                    validate_match(row, iter.get_row());
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-TupleRow* HashTableTest::create_tuple_row(int32_t val) {
-    uint8_t* tuple_row_mem = _mem_pool->allocate(sizeof(int32_t*));
-    uint8_t* tuple_mem = _mem_pool->allocate(sizeof(int32_t));
-    *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(tuple_mem) = val;
-    TupleRow* row = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(tuple_row_mem);
-    row->set_tuple(0, reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem));
-    return row;
-TEST_F(HashTableTest, SetupTest) {
-    TupleRow* build_row1 = create_tuple_row(1);
-    TupleRow* build_row2 = create_tuple_row(2);
-    TupleRow* probe_row3 = create_tuple_row(3);
-    TupleRow* probe_row4 = create_tuple_row(4);
-    int32_t* val_row1 = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(_build_expr[0]->get_value(build_row1));
-    int32_t* val_row2 = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(_build_expr[0]->get_value(build_row2));
-    int32_t* val_row3 = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(_probe_expr[0]->get_value(probe_row3));
-    int32_t* val_row4 = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(_probe_expr[0]->get_value(probe_row4));
-    EXPECT_EQ(*val_row1, 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(*val_row2, 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(*val_row3, 3);
-    EXPECT_EQ(*val_row4, 4);
-// This tests inserts the build rows [0->5) to hash table.  It validates that they
-// are all there using a full table scan.  It also validates that find() is correct
-// testing for probe rows that are both there and not.
-// The hash table is rehashed a few times and the scans/finds are tested again.
-TEST_F(HashTableTest, BasicTest) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> hash_table_tracker =
-            MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "hash-table-basic-tracker", _tracker);
-    TupleRow* build_rows[5];
-    TupleRow* scan_rows[5] = {0};
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        build_rows[i] = create_tuple_row(i);
-    }
-    ProbeTestData probe_rows[10];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        probe_rows[i].probe_row = create_tuple_row(i);
-        if (i < 5) {
-            probe_rows[i].expected_build_rows.push_back(build_rows[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    std::vector<bool> is_null_safe = {false};
-    int initial_seed = 1;
-    int64_t num_buckets = 4;
-    HashTable hash_table(_build_expr, _probe_expr, 1, false, is_null_safe, initial_seed,
-                         hash_table_tracker, num_buckets);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        hash_table.insert(build_rows[i]);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), 5);
-    // Do a full table scan and validate returned pointers
-    full_scan(&hash_table, 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
-    probe_test(&hash_table, probe_rows, 10, false);
-    // Resize and scan again
-    resize_table(&hash_table, 64);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 64);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), 5);
-    memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
-    full_scan(&hash_table, 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
-    probe_test(&hash_table, probe_rows, 10, false);
-    // Resize to two and cause some collisions
-    resize_table(&hash_table, 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), 5);
-    memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
-    full_scan(&hash_table, 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
-    probe_test(&hash_table, probe_rows, 10, false);
-    // Resize to one and turn it into a linked list
-    resize_table(&hash_table, 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), 5);
-    memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
-    full_scan(&hash_table, 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
-    probe_test(&hash_table, probe_rows, 10, false);
-    hash_table.close();
-// This tests makes sure we can scan ranges of buckets
-TEST_F(HashTableTest, ScanTest) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> hash_table_tracker =
-            MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "hash-table-scan-tracker", _tracker);
-    std::vector<bool> is_null_safe = {false};
-    int initial_seed = 1;
-    int64_t num_buckets = 4;
-    HashTable hash_table(_build_expr, _probe_expr, 1, false, is_null_safe, initial_seed,
-                         hash_table_tracker, num_buckets);
-    // Add 1 row with val 1, 2 with val 2, etc
-    std::vector<TupleRow*> build_rows;
-    ProbeTestData probe_rows[15];
-    probe_rows[0].probe_row = create_tuple_row(0);
-    for (int val = 1; val <= 10; ++val) {
-        probe_rows[val].probe_row = create_tuple_row(val);
-        for (int i = 0; i < val; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = create_tuple_row(val);
-            hash_table.insert(row);
-            build_rows.push_back(row);
-            probe_rows[val].expected_build_rows.push_back(row);
-        }
-    }
-    // Add some more probe rows that aren't there
-    for (int val = 11; val < 15; ++val) {
-        probe_rows[val].probe_row = create_tuple_row(val);
-    }
-    // Test that all the builds were found
-    probe_test(&hash_table, probe_rows, 15, true);
-    // Resize and try again
-    resize_table(&hash_table, 128);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 128);
-    probe_test(&hash_table, probe_rows, 15, true);
-    resize_table(&hash_table, 16);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 16);
-    probe_test(&hash_table, probe_rows, 15, true);
-    resize_table(&hash_table, 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 2);
-    probe_test(&hash_table, probe_rows, 15, true);
-    hash_table.close();
-// This test continues adding to the hash table to trigger the resize code paths
-TEST_F(HashTableTest, GrowTableTest) {
-    int build_row_val = 0;
-    int num_to_add = 4;
-    int expected_size = 0;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker =
-            MemTracker::CreateTracker(1024 * 1024, "hash-table-grow-tracker", _tracker);
-    std::vector<bool> is_null_safe = {false};
-    int initial_seed = 1;
-    int64_t num_buckets = 4;
-    HashTable hash_table(_build_expr, _probe_expr, 1, false, is_null_safe, initial_seed,
-                         mem_tracker, num_buckets);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(mem_tracker->limit_exceeded());
-    // This inserts about 5M entries
-    for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < num_to_add; ++build_row_val, ++j) {
-            hash_table.insert(create_tuple_row(build_row_val));
-        }
-        expected_size += num_to_add;
-        num_to_add *= 2;
-        EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), expected_size);
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << "consume:" << mem_tracker->consumption() << ",expected_size:" << expected_size;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(mem_tracker->limit_exceeded());
-    // Validate that we can find the entries
-    for (int i = 0; i < expected_size * 5; i += 100000) {
-        TupleRow* probe_row = create_tuple_row(i);
-        HashTable::Iterator iter = hash_table.find(probe_row);
-        if (i < expected_size) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(iter != hash_table.end());
-            validate_match(probe_row, iter.get_row());
-        } else {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(iter == hash_table.end());
-        }
-    }
-    hash_table.close();
-// This test continues adding to the hash table to trigger the resize code paths
-TEST_F(HashTableTest, GrowTableTest2) {
-    int build_row_val = 0;
-    int num_to_add = 1024;
-    int expected_size = 0;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker =
-            MemTracker::CreateTracker(1024 * 1024, "hash-table-grow2-tracker", _tracker);
-    std::vector<bool> is_null_safe = {false};
-    int initial_seed = 1;
-    int64_t num_buckets = 4;
-    HashTable hash_table(_build_expr, _probe_expr, 1, false, is_null_safe, initial_seed,
-                         mem_tracker, num_buckets);
-    LOG(INFO) << time(NULL);
-    // constexpr const int test_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
-    constexpr const int test_size = 5 * 1024 * 100;
-    for (int i = 0; i < test_size; ++i) {
-        hash_table.insert(create_tuple_row(build_row_val++));
-        expected_size += num_to_add;
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << time(NULL);
-    // Validate that we can find the entries
-    for (int i = 0; i < test_size; ++i) {
-        TupleRow* probe_row = create_tuple_row(i++);
-        hash_table.find(probe_row);
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << time(NULL);
-    hash_table.close();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/json_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/json_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b244e97..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/json_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,633 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/broker_scan_node.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exprs/cast_functions.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "exprs/decimalv2_operators.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/user_function_cache.h"
-namespace doris {
-class JsonScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    JsonScannerTest() : _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        init();
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-        _runtime_state._exec_env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-    }
-    void init();
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        UserFunctionCache::instance()->init(
-                "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/normal");
-        CastFunctions::init();
-        DecimalV2Operators::init();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    int create_src_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id);
-    int create_dst_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id);
-    void create_expr_info();
-    void init_desc_table();
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    std::map<std::string, SlotDescriptor*> _slots_map;
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams _params;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-#define TUPLE_ID_DST 0
-#define TUPLE_ID_SRC 1
-int JsonScannerTest::create_src_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id) {
-    const char *columnNames[] = {"category","author","title","price", "largeint", "decimal"};
-    for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_NUMBERS; i++) {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = i;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = i * 16 + 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = i / 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = i % 8;
-        slot_desc.colName = columnNames[i];
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = i + 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor source
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = TUPLE_ID_SRC;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = COLUMN_NUMBERS * 16 + 8;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    return next_slot_id;
-int JsonScannerTest::create_dst_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id) {
-    int32_t byteOffset = 8;
-    { //category
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 0;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 0;
-        slot_desc.colName = "category";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    { // author
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "author";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    { // title
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 2;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 2;
-        slot_desc.colName = "title";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 3;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    { // price
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DOUBLE);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 3;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 3;
-        slot_desc.colName = "price";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 4;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 8;
-    {// lagreint
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::LARGEINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 4;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 4;
-        slot_desc.colName = "lagreint";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 5;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    {// decimal
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__isset.precision = true;
-            scalar_type.__isset.scale = true;
-            scalar_type.__set_precision(-1);
-            scalar_type.__set_scale(-1);
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DECIMALV2);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 5;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 5;
-        slot_desc.colName = "decimal";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 6;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor dest
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = TUPLE_ID_DST;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = byteOffset + 8;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    return next_slot_id;
-void JsonScannerTest::init_desc_table() {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    // table descriptors
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::BROKER_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    int next_slot_id = 1;
-    next_slot_id = create_dst_tuple(t_desc_table, next_slot_id);
-    next_slot_id = create_src_tuple(t_desc_table, next_slot_id);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-void JsonScannerTest::create_expr_info() {
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(5000);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    // category VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START; // category id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START);
-    }
-    // author VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1; // author id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1);
-    }
-    // title VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2; // log_time id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2);
-    }
-    // price VARCHAR --> DOUBLE
-    {
-        TTypeDesc int_type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            int_type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttodouble";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttodouble(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_double_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3; // price id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3);
-    }
-    // largeint VARCHAR --> LargeInt
-    {
-        TTypeDesc int_type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::LARGEINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            int_type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttolargeint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttolargeint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_large_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 4; // price id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 4, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 4);
-    }
-    // decimal VARCHAR --> Decimal
-    {
-        TTypeDesc int_type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__isset.precision = true;
-            scalar_type.__isset.scale = true;
-            scalar_type.__set_precision(-1);
-            scalar_type.__set_scale(-1);
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DECIMALV2);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            int_type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttodecimalv2";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttodecimalv2(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::DecimalV2Operators::cast_to_decimalv2_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 5; // price id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 5, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 5);
-    }
-    // _params.__isset.expr_of_dest_slot = true;
-    _params.__set_dest_tuple_id(TUPLE_ID_DST);
-    _params.__set_src_tuple_id(TUPLE_ID_SRC);
-void JsonScannerTest::init() {
-    create_expr_info();
-    init_desc_table();
-    // Node Id
-    _tnode.node_id = 0;
-    _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE;
-    _tnode.num_children = 0;
-    _tnode.limit = -1;
-    _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _tnode.broker_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-    _tnode.__isset.broker_scan_node = true;
-TEST_F(JsonScannerTest, normal_simple_arrayjson) {
-    BrokerScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    auto status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // set scan range
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    {
-        TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
-        TBrokerScanRange broker_scan_range;
-        broker_scan_range.params = _params;
-        TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-        range.start_offset = 0;
-        range.size = -1;
-        range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_JSON;
-        range.strip_outer_array = true;
-        range.__isset.strip_outer_array = true;
-        range.splittable = true;
-        range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_simple2.json";
-        range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-        broker_scan_range.ranges.push_back(range);
-        scan_range_params.scan_range.__set_broker_scan_range(broker_scan_range);
-        scan_ranges.push_back(scan_range_params);
-    }
-    scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    MemTracker tracker;
-    // Get batch
-    RowBatch batch(scan_node.row_desc(), _runtime_state.batch_size(), &tracker);
-    bool eof = false;
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, batch.num_rows());
-    // Do not use num_as_string, so largeint is too big is null and decimal value loss precision
-    auto tuple_str = batch.get_row(1)->get_tuple(0)->to_string(*scan_node.row_desc().tuple_descriptors()[0]);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tuple_str.find("1180591620717411303424") == tuple_str.npos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tuple_str.find("9999999999999.999999") == tuple_str.npos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    batch.reset();
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    // Use num_as_string load data again
-    BrokerScanNode scan_node2(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    status = scan_node2.prepare(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    scan_ranges.clear();
-    {
-        TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
-        TBrokerScanRange broker_scan_range;
-        broker_scan_range.params = _params;
-        TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-        range.start_offset = 0;
-        range.size = -1;
-        range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_JSON;
-        range.strip_outer_array = true;
-        range.num_as_string = true;
-        range.__isset.strip_outer_array = true;
-        range.__isset.num_as_string = true;
-        range.splittable = true;
-        range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_simple2.json";
-        range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-        broker_scan_range.ranges.push_back(range);
-        scan_range_params.scan_range.__set_broker_scan_range(broker_scan_range);
-        scan_ranges.push_back(scan_range_params);
-    }
-    scan_node2.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    status = scan_node2.open(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node2.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, batch.num_rows());
-    // Use num as string, load largeint, decimal successfully
-    tuple_str = batch.get_row(1)->get_tuple(0)->to_string(*scan_node2.row_desc().tuple_descriptors()[0]);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(tuple_str.find("1180591620717411303424") == tuple_str.npos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(tuple_str.find("9999999999999.999999") == tuple_str.npos);
-    scan_node.close(&_runtime_state);
-    scan_node2.close(&_runtime_state);
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        scan_node.runtime_profile()->pretty_print(&ss);
-        LOG(INFO) << ss.str();
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/json_scanner_test_with_jsonpath.cpp b/be/test/exec/json_scanner_test_with_jsonpath.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d3d86a8..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/json_scanner_test_with_jsonpath.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/broker_scan_node.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exprs/cast_functions.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/user_function_cache.h"
-namespace doris {
-class JsonScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    JsonScannerTest() : _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        init();
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-        _runtime_state._exec_env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-    }
-    void init();
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        UserFunctionCache::instance()->init(
-                "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/normal");
-        CastFunctions::init();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    int create_src_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id);
-    int create_dst_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id);
-    void create_expr_info();
-    void init_desc_table();
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    std::map<std::string, SlotDescriptor*> _slots_map;
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams _params;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-#define TUPLE_ID_DST 0
-#define TUPLE_ID_SRC 1
-int JsonScannerTest::create_src_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id) {
-    const char* columnNames[] = {"k1", "kind", "ip", "value"};
-    for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_NUMBERS; i++) {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = i;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = i * 16 + 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = i / 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = i % 8;
-        slot_desc.colName = columnNames[i];
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = i + 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor source
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = TUPLE_ID_SRC;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = COLUMN_NUMBERS * 16 + 8;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    return next_slot_id;
-int JsonScannerTest::create_dst_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id) {
-    int32_t byteOffset = 8;
-    { //k1
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 0;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 0;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k1";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    { //kind
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "kind";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    { // ip
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 2;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 2;
-        slot_desc.colName = "ip";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 3;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    { // value
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 3;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 3;
-        slot_desc.colName = "value";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 4;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor dest
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = TUPLE_ID_DST;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = byteOffset + 8;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    return next_slot_id;
-void JsonScannerTest::init_desc_table() {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    // table descriptors
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::BROKER_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    int next_slot_id = 1;
-    next_slot_id = create_dst_tuple(t_desc_table, next_slot_id);
-    next_slot_id = create_src_tuple(t_desc_table, next_slot_id);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-void JsonScannerTest::create_expr_info() {
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(5000);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    // k1 VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START; // k1 id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START);
-    }
-    // kind VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1; // kind id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1);
-    }
-    // ip VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2; // ip id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2);
-    }
-    // value VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3; // valuep id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3);
-    }
-    // _params.__isset.expr_of_dest_slot = true;
-    _params.__set_dest_tuple_id(TUPLE_ID_DST);
-    _params.__set_src_tuple_id(TUPLE_ID_SRC);
-void JsonScannerTest::init() {
-    create_expr_info();
-    init_desc_table();
-    // Node Id
-    _tnode.node_id = 0;
-    _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE;
-    _tnode.num_children = 0;
-    _tnode.limit = -1;
-    _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _tnode.broker_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-    _tnode.__isset.broker_scan_node = true;
-TEST_F(JsonScannerTest, normal) {
-    BrokerScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    auto status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // set scan range
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    {
-        TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
-        TBrokerScanRange broker_scan_range;
-        broker_scan_range.params = _params;
-        TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-        range.start_offset = 0;
-        range.size = -1;
-        range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_JSON;
-        range.splittable = true;
-        range.__isset.strip_outer_array = true;
-        range.strip_outer_array = true;
-        range.__isset.jsonpaths = true;
-        range.jsonpaths = "[\"$.k1\", \"$.kind\", \"$.keyname.ip\", \"$.keyname.value\"]";
-        range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_array.json";
-        range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-        broker_scan_range.ranges.push_back(range);
-        scan_range_params.scan_range.__set_broker_scan_range(broker_scan_range);
-        scan_ranges.push_back(scan_range_params);
-    }
-    scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    MemTracker tracker;
-    // Get batch
-    RowBatch batch(scan_node.row_desc(), _runtime_state.batch_size(), &tracker);
-    bool eof = false;
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    batch.reset();
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    scan_node.close(&_runtime_state);
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        scan_node.runtime_profile()->pretty_print(&ss);
-        LOG(INFO) << ss.str();
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/mysql_scan_node_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/mysql_scan_node_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cb7914f..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/mysql_scan_node_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/mysql_scan_node.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/text_converter.inline.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "schema_scan_node.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-// mock
-class MysqlScanNodeTest : public testing::Test {
-    MysqlScanNodeTest() : _runtim_state("test") {
-        TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-        // table descriptors
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.id = 0;
-        t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::MYSQL_TABLE;
-        t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.mysqlTable.tableName = "table";
-        t_table_desc.mysqlTable.mysqlHost = "host";
-        t_table_desc.mysqlTable.mysqlPort = "port";
-        t_table_desc.mysqlTable.mysqlUser = "user";
-        t_table_desc.mysqlTable.mysqlPasswd = "passwd";
-        t_table_desc.tableName = "table";
-        t_table_desc.dbName = "db";
-        t_table_desc.__isset.mysqlTable = true;
-        t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-        t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-        // TSlotDescriptor
-        int offset = 1;
-        int i = 0;
-        // dummy
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(false);
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int);
-        }
-        // id
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // model
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_STRING));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(StringValue);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // price
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_STRING));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(StringValue);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // grade
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_STRING));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(2);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(StringValue);
-        }
-        t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-        // TTupleDescriptor
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-        _runtim_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        // Node Id
-        _tnode.node_id = 0;
-        _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE;
-        _tnode.num_children = 0;
-        _tnode.limit = -1;
-        _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-        _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _tnode.mysql_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-        _tnode.mysql_scan_node.table_name = "dim_lbs_device";
-        _tnode.mysql_scan_node.columns.push_back("*");
-        _tnode.mysql_scan_node.filters.push_back("id = 1");
-        _tnode.__isset.mysql_scan_node = true;
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RuntimeState _runtim_state;
-TEST_F(MysqlScanNodeTest, normal_use) {
-    MysqlScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    status = scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::stringstream out;
-    scan_node.debug_string(1, &out);
-    LOG(WARNING) << out.str();
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, 100);
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtim_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        if (!eos) {
-            for (int i = 0; i < row_batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-                TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-                LOG(WARNING) << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    status = scan_node.close(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(MysqlScanNodeTest, Prepare_fail_1) {
-    MysqlScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    scan_node._tuple_id = 1;
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(MysqlScanNodeTest, Prepare_fail_2) {
-    MysqlScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    TableDescriptor* old = _desc_tbl->_tuple_desc_map[(TupleId)0]->_table_desc;
-    _desc_tbl->_tuple_desc_map[(TupleId)0]->_table_desc = NULL;
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    _desc_tbl->_tuple_desc_map[(TupleId)0]->_table_desc = old;
-TEST_F(MysqlScanNodeTest, open_fail_1) {
-    MysqlScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    scan_node._table_name = "no_such_table";
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(MysqlScanNodeTest, open_fail_3) {
-    MysqlScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    scan_node._columns.clear();
-    scan_node._columns.push_back("id");
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(MysqlScanNodeTest, open_fail_2) {
-    MysqlScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    scan_node._my_param.host = "";
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(MysqlScanNodeTest, invalid_input) {
-    MysqlScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, 100);
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scan_node.get_next(NULL, &row_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtim_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        for (int i = 0; i < row_batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            LOG(WARNING) << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(MysqlScanNodeTest, no_init) {
-    MysqlScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.open(&_runtim_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, 100);
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtim_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/mysql_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/mysql_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cc2679..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/mysql_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/mysql_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-class MysqlScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    MysqlScannerTest() {
-        _param.host = "host";
-        _param.port = "port";
-        _param.user = "user";
-        _param.passwd = "passwd";
-        _param.db = "db";
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    MysqlScannerParam _param;
-TEST_F(MysqlScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    MysqlScanner scanner(_param);
-    Status status = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::vector<std::string> fields;
-    fields.push_back("*");
-    std::vector<std::string> filters;
-    filters.push_back("id = 1");
-    status = scanner.query("dim_lbs_device", fields, filters);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    char** buf;
-    unsigned long* length;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(NULL, &length, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scanner.get_next_row(&buf, &length, &eos);
-        if (eos) {
-            break;
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        for (int i = 0; i < scanner.field_num(); ++i) {
-            if (buf[i]) {
-                LOG(WARNING) << buf[i];
-            } else {
-                LOG(WARNING) << "NULL";
-            }
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(MysqlScannerTest, no_init) {
-    MysqlScanner scanner(_param);
-    std::vector<std::string> fields;
-    fields.push_back("*");
-    std::vector<std::string> filters;
-    filters.push_back("id = 1");
-    Status status = scanner.query("dim_lbs_device", fields, filters);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.query("select 1");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    char** buf;
-    unsigned long* length;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(&buf, &length, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(MysqlScannerTest, query_failed) {
-    MysqlScanner scanner(_param);
-    Status status = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::vector<std::string> fields;
-    fields.push_back("*");
-    std::vector<std::string> filters;
-    filters.push_back("id = 1");
-    status = scanner.query("no_such_table", fields, filters);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(MysqlScannerTest, open_failed) {
-    MysqlScannerParam invalid_param;
-    MysqlScanner scanner(invalid_param);
-    Status status = scanner.open();
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/new_olap_scan_node_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/new_olap_scan_node_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1309620..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/new_olap_scan_node_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "exec/olap_scan_node.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "olap/batch_reader_interface.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/olap_configure.h"
-#include "olap/olap_reader.h"
-#include "olap/session_manager.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/primitive_type.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-//using namespace testing;
-//using namespace olap::storage;
-//using namespace doris;
-//using namespace std;
-class TestOlapScanNode : public testing::Test {
-    TestOlapScanNode() : _runtime_stat("test") {}
-    void SetUp() {
-        init_olap();
-        init_scan_node();
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        StorageEngine::get_instance()->clear();
-        SessionManager::get_instance()->delete_session_by_fd(123);
-        system("rm -rf ./testrun");
-    }
-    void init_olap() {
-        system("mkdir -p ./testrun");
-        system("cp -r ./testdata/case3 ./testrun/.");
-        string tables_root_path = "./testrun/case3";
-        memcpy(OLAPConfigure::get_instance()->_tables_root_path, tables_root_path.c_str(),
-               tables_root_path.size());
-        string unused_flag_path = "./testrun/unused_flag";
-        memcpy(OLAPConfigure::get_instance()->_unused_flag_path, unused_flag_path.c_str(),
-               unused_flag_path.size());
-        StorageEngine::get_instance()->_lru_cache = newLRU_cache(10000);
-        _tablet_meta = new TabletMeta(
-                "./testrun/case3/clickuserid_online_userid_type_planid_unitid_winfoid.hdr");
-        _tablet_meta->load();
-        tablet = new Tablet(_tablet_meta);
-        tablet->load_indices();
-        tablet->_root_path_name = "./testrun/case3";
-        TableDescription description("fc", "clickuserid_online",
-                                     "userid_type_planid_unitid_winfoid");
-        StorageEngine::get_instance()->add_table(description, tablet);
-        // init session manager
-        SessionManager::get_instance()->init();
-    }
-    void init_scan_node() {
-        TUniqueId fragment_id;
-        TQueryOptions query_options;
-        query_options.disable_codegen = true;
-        ExecEnv* exec_env = new ExecEnv();
-        _runtime_stat.init(fragment_id, query_options, "test", exec_env);
-        TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-        // table descriptors
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.id = 0;
-        t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::OLAP_TABLE;
-        t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.olapTable.tableName = "";
-        t_table_desc.tableName = "";
-        t_table_desc.dbName = "";
-        t_table_desc.__isset.mysqlTable = true;
-        t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-        t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-        // TSlotDescriptor
-        int offset = 1;
-        int i = 0;
-        // UserId
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("userid");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // planid
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("planid");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // winfoid
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("winfoid");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // pv
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("pv");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // pay
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("pay");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-        }
-        t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-        // TTupleDescriptor
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-        _runtime_stat.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        // Node Id
-        _tnode.node_id = 0;
-        _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::OLAP_SCAN_NODE;
-        _tnode.num_children = 0;
-        _tnode.limit = -1;
-        _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-        _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _tnode.tuple_ids.push_back(0);
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.key_column_name.push_back("userid");
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.key_column_type.push_back(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-        _tnode.__isset.olap_scan_node = true;
-        {
-            TScanRangeParams param;
-            TPaloScanRange doris_scan_range;
-            TNetworkAddress host;
-            host.__set_hostname("host");
-            host.__set_port(port);
-            doris_scan_range.hosts.push_back(host);
-            doris_scan_range.__set_schema_hash("1709394");
-            doris_scan_range.__set_version("0");
-            doris_scan_range.__set_version_hash("0");
-            config::olap_index_name = "userid_type_planid_unitid_winfoid";
-            doris_scan_range.engine_table_name.push_back("clickuserid_online");
-            doris_scan_range.__set_db_name("fc");
-            param.scan_range.__set_doris_scan_range(doris_scan_range);
-            _scan_ranges.push_back(param);
-        }
-    }
-    void read_data(int version, std::vector<string>* data) {
-        data->clear();
-        int row[21];
-        for (int i = 0; i <= version; ++i) {
-            std::stringstream ss;
-            ss << "./testrun/case3/_fc_dayhour" << i << ".txt";
-            fstream f(ss.str());
-            while (true) {
-                for (int j = 0; j < 21; ++j) {
-                    f >> row[j];
-                }
-                if (f.eof()) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                std::stringstream str;
-                str << "[(";
-                str << row[0] << " ";
-                str << row[2] << " ";
-                str << row[4] << " ";
-                str << row[18] << " ";
-                str << row[20] << ")]";
-                data->push_back(str.str());
-                VLOG_NOTICE << "Read Row: " << str.str();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    TabletMeta* _tablet_meta;
-    Tablet* tablet;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RuntimeState _runtime_stat;
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> _scan_ranges;
-TEST_F(TestOlapScanNode, SimpleTest) {
-    OlapScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.set_scan_ranges(_scan_ranges).ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _runtime_stat.batch_size());
-    int num_rows = 0;
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        row_batch.reset();
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_stat, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        VLOG_CRITICAL << "num_rows: " << row_batch.num_rows();
-        num_rows += row_batch.num_rows();
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(num_rows, 1000);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(&_runtime_stat).ok());
-TEST_F(TestOlapScanNode, MultiColumnSingleVersionTest) {
-    _scan_ranges[0].scan_range.doris_scan_range.__set_version("0");
-    _scan_ranges[0].scan_range.doris_scan_range.__set_version_hash("0");
-    std::vector<string> data;
-    read_data(0, &data);
-    OlapScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.set_scan_ranges(_scan_ranges).ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _runtime_stat.batch_size());
-    int num_rows = 0;
-    bool eos = false;
-    int data_index = 0;
-    while (!eos) {
-        row_batch.reset();
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_stat, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        for (int i = 0; i < row_batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            VLOG_NOTICE << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            ASSERT_LT(data_index, data.size());
-            ASSERT_EQ(data[data_index], print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-            ++data_index;
-        }
-        num_rows += row_batch.num_rows();
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(num_rows, data.size());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(&_runtime_stat).ok());
-TEST_F(TestOlapScanNode, MultiColumnMultiVersionTest) {
-    _scan_ranges[0].scan_range.doris_scan_range.__set_version("9");
-    _scan_ranges[0].scan_range.doris_scan_range.__set_version_hash("0");
-    std::vector<string> data;
-    read_data(9, &data);
-    OlapScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.set_scan_ranges(_scan_ranges).ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _runtime_stat.batch_size());
-    int num_rows = 0;
-    bool eos = false;
-    int data_index = 0;
-    while (!eos) {
-        row_batch.reset();
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_stat, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        for (int i = 0; i < row_batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            VLOG_NOTICE << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            ASSERT_LT(data_index, data.size());
-            ASSERT_EQ(data[data_index], print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-            ++data_index;
-        }
-        num_rows += row_batch.num_rows();
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(num_rows, data.size());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(&_runtime_stat).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100: */
diff --git a/be/test/exec/olap_common_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/olap_common_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c06d3e3..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/olap_common_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#define protected public
-#define private public
-#include "exec/olap_common.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-void construct_scan_range(TPaloScanRange* doris_scan_range) {
-    TNetworkAddress host;
-    host.__set_hostname("jx-ps-dise174.jx");
-    host.__set_port(8010);
-    doris_scan_range->hosts.push_back(host);
-    doris_scan_range->__set_schema_hash("216424022");
-    doris_scan_range->__set_version("0");
-    doris_scan_range->__set_version_hash("0");
-//    doris_scan_range->engine_table_name.push_back("ShowQStats");
-    doris_scan_range->__set_db_name("olap");
-    TKeyRange key_range;
-    key_range.__set_column_type(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-    key_range.__set_begin_key(-1000);
-    key_range.__set_end_key(1000);
-    key_range.__set_column_name("partition_column");
-    doris_scan_range->partition_column_ranges.push_back(key_range);
-    doris_scan_range->__isset.partition_column_ranges = true;
-class ColumnValueRangeTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(ColumnValueRangeTest, ExceptionCase) {
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.add_fixed_value(10).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 10).ok());
-TEST_F(ColumnValueRangeTest, NormalCase) {
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_INT);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(10).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(20).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(30).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.is_fixed_value_range());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 30).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.is_empty_value_range());
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range2("col", TYPE_INT);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_fixed_value(30).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_fixed_value(20).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.is_fixed_value_range());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 50).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range2.is_fixed_value_range());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.is_empty_value_range());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-TEST_F(ColumnValueRangeTest, FixedAddRangeTest) {
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_INT);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 10).ok());
-    std::set<int32_t> res_set = range1.get_fixed_value_set();
-    ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(0), 0);
-    for (int i = 10; i < 100; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(i), 1);
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 20).ok());
-    res_set = range1.get_fixed_value_set();
-    ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(10), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(20), 0);
-    for (int i = 30; i < 100; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(i), 1);
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 90).ok());
-    res_set = range1.get_fixed_value_set();
-    ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(90), 0);
-    for (int i = 30; i < 90; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(i), 1);
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 70).ok());
-    res_set = range1.get_fixed_value_set();
-    ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(80), 0);
-    for (int i = 30; i < 80; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(i), 1);
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 30).ok());
-    res_set = range1.get_fixed_value_set();
-    ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(30), 1);
-    for (int i = 40; i < 80; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(i), 0);
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 30).ok());
-    res_set = range1.get_fixed_value_set();
-    ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(30), 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 30).ok());
-    res_set = range1.get_fixed_value_set();
-    ASSERT_EQ(res_set.count(30), 0);
-TEST_F(ColumnValueRangeTest, ContainsNullTest) {
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_INT);
-    // test fixed value range intersection with null and no null range
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-    }
-    auto null_range = ColumnValueRange<int32_t>::create_empty_column_value_range(TYPE_INT);
-    null_range.set_contain_null(true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!null_range.is_empty_value_range());
-    null_range.intersection(range1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(null_range.is_empty_value_range());
-    auto no_null_range = ColumnValueRange<int32_t>::create_empty_column_value_range(TYPE_INT);
-    no_null_range.set_contain_null(false);
-    no_null_range.intersection(range1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(no_null_range._fixed_values, range1._fixed_values);
-    ASSERT_EQ(no_null_range._contain_null, range1._contain_null);
-    // test scoped value range intersection with null and no null range
-    range1.set_whole_value_range();
-    range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 80);
-    range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 50);
-    null_range = ColumnValueRange<int32_t>::create_empty_column_value_range(TYPE_INT);
-    null_range.set_contain_null(true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!null_range.is_empty_value_range());
-    null_range.intersection(range1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(null_range.is_empty_value_range());
-    no_null_range = ColumnValueRange<int32_t>::create_empty_column_value_range(TYPE_INT);
-    no_null_range.set_contain_null(false);
-    no_null_range.intersection(range1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(no_null_range._fixed_values.empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(no_null_range._low_value, range1._low_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(no_null_range._high_value, range1._high_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(no_null_range._contain_null, range1._contain_null);
-TEST_F(ColumnValueRangeTest, RangeAddRangeTest) {
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_INT);
-    ASSERT_EQ(range1.get_range_min_value(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
-    ASSERT_EQ(range1.get_range_max_value(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(range1.get_range_min_value(), 20);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 30).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(range1.get_range_min_value(), 30);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 100).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(range1.get_range_max_value(), 100);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 90).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(range1.get_range_max_value(), 90);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 31).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(range1.get_range_max_value(), 31);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 31).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.is_empty_value_range());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 30).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.is_empty_value_range());
-TEST_F(ColumnValueRangeTest, RangeIntersectionTest) {
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_INT);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range2("col", TYPE_INT);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 100).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    // test intersection operation
-    auto intersection_range = range1;
-    intersection_range.intersection(range2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._low_value, 20);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._low_op, FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._high_value, 100);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._high_op, FILTER_LESS);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 80).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 40).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    intersection_range = range1;
-    intersection_range.intersection(range2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._low_value, 40);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._low_op, FILTER_LARGER);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._high_value, 80);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._high_op, FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 40).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    intersection_range = range1;
-    intersection_range.intersection(range2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range.is_empty_value_range());
-TEST_F(ColumnValueRangeTest, FixedValueIntersectionTest) {
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_INT);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-    }
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range2("col", TYPE_INT);
-    for (int i = 50; i < 200; i += 10) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    // test intersection operation
-    auto intersection_range = range1;
-    intersection_range.intersection(range2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._fixed_values.size(), 5);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range._fixed_values.count(50) == 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range._fixed_values.count(90) == 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 70).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    intersection_range = range1;
-    intersection_range.intersection(range2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._fixed_values.size(), 3);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range._fixed_values.count(50) == 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range._fixed_values.count(70) == 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 50).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    intersection_range = range1;
-    intersection_range.intersection(range2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._fixed_values.size(), 3);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range._fixed_values.count(50) == 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range._fixed_values.count(70) == 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 60).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    intersection_range = range1;
-    intersection_range.intersection(range2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(intersection_range._fixed_values.size(), 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range._fixed_values.count(50) == 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 50).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-    intersection_range = range1;
-    intersection_range.intersection(range2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(intersection_range.is_empty_value_range());
-TEST_F(ColumnValueRangeTest, FixedAndRangeIntersectionTest) {
-    for (int type = TYPE_TINYINT; type <= TYPE_BIGINT; type++) {
-        switch (type) {
-        case TYPE_TINYINT: {
-            ColumnValueRange<int8_t> range1("col", TYPE_TINYINT);
-            ColumnValueRange<int8_t> range2("col", TYPE_TINYINT);
-            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.has_intersection(range1));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 50).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.has_intersection(range1));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 40).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            range2.set_whole_value_range();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 100).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            range2.set_whole_value_range();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 0).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-        }
-        case TYPE_SMALLINT: {
-            ColumnValueRange<int16_t> range1("col", TYPE_SMALLINT);
-            ColumnValueRange<int16_t> range2("col", TYPE_SMALLINT);
-            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.has_intersection(range1));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 50).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.has_intersection(range1));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 40).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            range2.set_whole_value_range();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 100).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            range2.set_whole_value_range();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 0).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-        }
-        case TYPE_INT: {
-            ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_INT);
-            ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range2("col", TYPE_INT);
-            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.has_intersection(range1));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 50).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.has_intersection(range1));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 40).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            range2.set_whole_value_range();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 100).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            range2.set_whole_value_range();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 0).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-        }
-        case TYPE_BIGINT: {
-            ColumnValueRange<int64_t> range1("col", TYPE_BIGINT);
-            ColumnValueRange<int64_t> range2("col", TYPE_BIGINT);
-            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.has_intersection(range1));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 50).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.has_intersection(range1));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 40).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            range2.set_whole_value_range();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 100).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-            range2.set_whole_value_range();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 0).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(range1.has_intersection(range2));
-        }
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-class OlapScanKeysTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(OlapScanKeysTest, ExtendFixedTest) {
-    OlapScanKeys scan_keys;
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_BIGINT);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-    }
-    scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range1, 1024);
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OlapScanRange>> key_range;
-    scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-    ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "0");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "0");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->begin_scan_range), "1");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->end_scan_range), "1");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->begin_scan_range), "2");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->end_scan_range), "2");
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range2("col", TYPE_BIGINT);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-    }
-    scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range2, 1024);
-    scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-    ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 6);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "0,0");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "0,0");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->begin_scan_range), "1,0");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->end_scan_range), "1,0");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->begin_scan_range), "2,0");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->end_scan_range), "2,0");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[3]->begin_scan_range), "0,1");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[3]->end_scan_range), "0,1");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[4]->begin_scan_range), "1,1");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[4]->end_scan_range), "1,1");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[5]->begin_scan_range), "2,1");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[5]->end_scan_range), "2,1");
-    range2.set_whole_value_range();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 100).ok());
-    scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range2, 1024);
-    scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-    ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 6);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "0,0,100");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "0,0,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->begin_scan_range), "1,0,100");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->end_scan_range), "1,0,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->begin_scan_range), "2,0,100");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->end_scan_range), "2,0,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[3]->begin_scan_range), "0,1,100");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[3]->end_scan_range), "0,1,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[4]->begin_scan_range), "1,1,100");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[4]->end_scan_range), "1,1,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[5]->begin_scan_range), "2,1,100");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[5]->end_scan_range), "2,1,2147483647");
-TEST_F(OlapScanKeysTest, ExtendFixedAndRangeTest) {
-    OlapScanKeys scan_keys;
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range1("col", TYPE_BIGINT);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range1.add_fixed_value(i).ok());
-    }
-    scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range1, 1024);
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range2("col", TYPE_BIGINT);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-    scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range2, 1024);
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OlapScanRange>> key_range;;
-    scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-    ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "0,20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "0,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->begin_scan_range), "1,20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->end_scan_range), "1,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->begin_scan_range), "2,20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->end_scan_range), "2,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 100).ok());
-    scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range2, 1024);
-    scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-    ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "0,20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "0,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->begin_scan_range), "1,20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[1]->end_scan_range), "1,2147483647");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->begin_scan_range), "2,20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[2]->end_scan_range), "2,2147483647");
-TEST_F(OlapScanKeysTest, ExtendRangeTest) {
-    OlapScanKeys scan_keys;
-    config::doris_max_scan_key_num = 1;
-    ColumnValueRange<int64_t> range2("col", TYPE_BIGINT);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 100).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range2, 1024).ok());
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OlapScanRange>> key_range;;
-    scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-    ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 81);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[80]->end_scan_range), "100");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range2.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 50).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range2, 1024).ok());
-    scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-    ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 81);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "20,20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "20,49");
-TEST_F(OlapScanKeysTest, EachtypeTest) {
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OlapScanRange>> key_range;;
-    {
-        OlapScanKeys scan_keys;
-        ColumnValueRange<int8_t> range("col", TYPE_TINYINT);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range,1024).ok());
-        scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-        // contain null, [-128, 127]
-        ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 257);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "-128");
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[256]->end_scan_range), "null");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 50).ok());
-        scan_keys.clear();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range, 1024).ok());
-        scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-        ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 178);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "-128");
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[177]->end_scan_range), "49");
-    }
-    {
-        OlapScanKeys scan_keys;
-        ColumnValueRange<int16_t> range("col", TYPE_SMALLINT);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range,1024).ok());
-        scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-        ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "null");
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "32767");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 0).ok());
-        scan_keys.clear();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range,1024).ok());
-        scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-        ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "0");
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "32767");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 32766).ok());
-        scan_keys.clear();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(scan_keys.extend_scan_key(range,1024).ok());
-        scan_keys.get_key_range(&key_range);
-        ASSERT_EQ(key_range.size(), 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->begin_scan_range), "0");
-        ASSERT_EQ(OlapScanKeys::to_print_key(key_range[0]->end_scan_range), "32766");
-    }
-TEST_F(OlapScanKeysTest, ToOlapFilterTest) {
-    ColumnValueRange<int32_t> range("col", TYPE_INT);
-    std::vector<TCondition> filters;
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(filters.empty());
-    range.set_contain_null(true);
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_op, "is");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "null");
-    range.set_contain_null(false);
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_op, "is");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "not null");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LARGER_OR_EQUAL, 20).ok());
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_op, ">=");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "20");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LESS, 100).ok());
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_op, ">=");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 1)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 1)->condition_op, "<<");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 1)->condition_values[0], "100");
-    range.set_whole_value_range();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 100).ok());
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_op, "<=");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "100");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 20).ok());
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_op, ">>");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 1)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 1)->condition_op, "<=");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 1)->condition_values[0], "100");
-    range.set_whole_value_range();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_fixed_value(30).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_fixed_value(40).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_fixed_value(50).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_fixed_value(20).ok());
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_op, "*=");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[1], "30");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[2], "40");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[3], "50");
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_in_condition(filters, false);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->column_name, "col");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_op, "!*=");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "20");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[1], "30");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[2], "40");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[3], "50");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LARGER, 20).ok());
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "30");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[1], "40");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[2], "50");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range.add_range(FILTER_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 40).ok());
-    filters.clear();
-    range.to_olap_filter(filters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[0], "30");
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::next(filters.begin(), 0)->condition_values[1], "40");
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/olap_scan_node_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/olap_scan_node_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ac729e9..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/olap_scan_node_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/olap_scan_node.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include "exec/text_converter.hpp"
-#include "exprs/binary_predicate.h"
-#include "exprs/in_predicate.h"
-#include "exprs/int_literal.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/primitive_type.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-class OlapScanNodeTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    OlapScanNodeTest() : _runtime_stat("test") {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        TUniqueId fragment_id;
-        TQueryOptions query_options;
-        query_options.disable_codegen = true;
-        ExecEnv* exec_env = new ExecEnv();
-        _runtime_stat.init(fragment_id, query_options, "test", exec_env);
-        TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-        // table descriptors
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.id = 0;
-        t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::OLAP_TABLE;
-        t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.olapTable.tableName = "";
-        t_table_desc.tableName = "";
-        t_table_desc.dbName = "";
-        t_table_desc.__isset.mysqlTable = true;
-        t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-        t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-        // TSlotDescriptor
-        int offset = 1;
-        int i = 0;
-        // UserId
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("UserId");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // UrlId
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_BIGINT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("UrlId");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int64_t);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // Date
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("Date");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-        }
-        ++i;
-        // PageViews
-        {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_BIGINT));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_colName("PageViews");
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(int64_t);
-        }
-        t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-        // TTupleDescriptor
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-        _runtime_stat.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        // Node Id
-        _tnode.node_id = 0;
-        _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::OLAP_SCAN_NODE;
-        _tnode.num_children = 0;
-        _tnode.limit = 100;
-        _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-        _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _tnode.tuple_ids.push_back(0);
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.key_column_name.push_back("UserId");
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.key_column_name.push_back("UrlId");
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.key_column_name.push_back("Date");
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.key_column_type.push_back(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.key_column_type.push_back(to_thrift(TYPE_BIGINT));
-        _tnode.olap_scan_node.key_column_type.push_back(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-        _tnode.__isset.olap_scan_node = true;
-        {
-            TScanRangeParams param;
-            TPaloScanRange doris_scan_range;
-            TNetworkAddress host;
-            host.__set_hostname("host");
-            host.__set_port(9999);
-            doris_scan_range.hosts.push_back(host);
-            doris_scan_range.__set_schema_hash("462300563");
-            doris_scan_range.__set_version("94");
-            doris_scan_range.__set_version_hash("0");
-            doris_scan_range.engine_table_name.push_back("DorisTestStats");
-            doris_scan_range.__set_db_name("olap");
-            //TKeyRange key_range;
-            //key_range.__set_column_type(to_thrift(TYPE_BIGINT));
-            //key_range.__set_begin_key(-5000);
-            //key_range.__set_end_key(5000);
-            //key_range.__set_column_name("UrlId");
-            //doris_scan_range.partition_column_ranges.push_back(key_range);
-            param.scan_range.__set_doris_scan_range(doris_scan_range);
-            _scan_ranges.push_back(param);
-        }
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RuntimeState _runtime_stat;
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> _scan_ranges;
-TEST_F(OlapScanNodeTest, NormalUse) {
-    OlapScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.set_scanRanges(_scan_ranges).ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _runtime_stat.batch_size());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_stat, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(num > 0);
-        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            LOG(WARNING) << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            if (0 == i) {
-                ASSERT_EQ("[(-5000 -5000 -5000 1)]", print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-            }
-        }
-        eos = true;
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(&_runtime_stat).ok());
-TEST_F(OlapScanNodeTest, PushDownBinaryPredicate) {
-    OlapScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    TExprNode binary_node;
-    binary_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED;
-    binary_node.type = to_tcolumn_type_thrift(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-    binary_node.num_children = 2;
-    binary_node.opcode = TExprOpcode::LT_INT_INT;
-    binary_node.__isset.opcode = true;
-    BinaryPredicate bin_pre(binary_node);
-    TExprNode slot_node;
-    slot_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    slot_node.type = to_tcolumn_type_thrift(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-    slot_node.num_children = 0;
-    slot_node.slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-    slot_node.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-    slot_node.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-    row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-    nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples);
-    bin_pre._children.push_back(_obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(slot_node)));
-    int v = -4999;
-    bin_pre._children.push_back(_obj_pool.add(new IntLiteral(TYPE_INT, &v)));
-    Status status = bin_pre.prepare(&_runtime_stat, row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::list<Expr*> exprs;
-    exprs.push_back(&bin_pre);
-    scan_node.push_down_predicate(&_runtime_stat, &exprs);
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.set_scan_ranges(_scan_ranges).ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _runtime_stat.batch_size());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_stat, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(num > 0);
-        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            LOG(WARNING) << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            ASSERT_EQ("[(-5000 -5000 -5000 1)]", print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-        }
-        eos = true;
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(&_runtime_stat).ok());
-TEST_F(OlapScanNodeTest, PushDownBinaryEqualPredicate) {
-    OlapScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    TExprNode binary_node;
-    binary_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED;
-    binary_node.type = to_tcolumn_type_thrift(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-    binary_node.num_children = 2;
-    binary_node.opcode = TExprOpcode::EQ_INT_INT;
-    binary_node.__isset.opcode = true;
-    BinaryPredicate bin_pre(binary_node);
-    TExprNode slot_node;
-    slot_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    slot_node.type = to_tcolumn_type_thrift(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-    slot_node.num_children = 0;
-    slot_node.slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-    slot_node.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-    slot_node.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-    row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-    nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples);
-    bin_pre._children.push_back(_obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(slot_node)));
-    int v = -5000;
-    bin_pre._children.push_back(_obj_pool.add(new IntLiteral(TYPE_INT, &v)));
-    Status status = bin_pre.prepare(&_runtime_stat, row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::list<Expr*> exprs;
-    exprs.push_back(&bin_pre);
-    scan_node.push_down_predicate(&_runtime_stat, &exprs);
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.set_scan_ranges(_scan_ranges).ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _runtime_stat.batch_size());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_stat, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(num > 0);
-        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            LOG(WARNING) << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            ASSERT_EQ("[(-5000 -5000 -5000 1)]", print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-        }
-        eos = true;
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(&_runtime_stat).ok());
-TEST_F(OlapScanNodeTest, PushDownInPredicateCase) {
-    OlapScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    TExprNode in_node;
-    in_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::IN_PRED;
-    in_node.type = to_tcolumn_type_thrift(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-    in_node.num_children = 0;
-    in_node.in_predicate.is_not_in = false;
-    in_node.__isset.in_predicate = true;
-    InPredicate in_pre(in_node);
-    TExprNode slot_node;
-    slot_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    slot_node.type = to_tcolumn_type_thrift(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-    slot_node.num_children = 0;
-    slot_node.slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-    slot_node.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-    slot_node.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-    row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-    nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples);
-    in_pre._children.push_back(_obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(slot_node)));
-    Status status = in_pre.prepare(&_runtime_stat, row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    for (int i = -5000; i < -4999; ++i) {
-        in_pre.insert(&i);
-    }
-    std::list<Expr*> exprs;
-    exprs.push_back(&in_pre);
-    scan_node.push_down_predicate(&_runtime_stat, &exprs);
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_stat);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.set_scan_ranges(_scan_ranges).ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _runtime_stat.batch_size());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_stat, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(num > 0);
-        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-            LOG(WARNING) << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            ASSERT_EQ("[(-5000 -5000 -5000 1)]", print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor));
-        }
-        eos = true;
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(&_runtime_stat).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::Init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/olap_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/olap_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d086c2..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/olap_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/olap_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-static const int RES_BUF_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
-static char res_buf[RES_BUF_SIZE];
-boost::shared_ptr<DorisScanRange> construct_scan_ranges() {
-    TPaloScanRange doris_scan_range;
-    TNetworkAddress host;
-    host.__set_hostname("host");
-    host.__set_port(9999);
-    doris_scan_range.hosts.push_back(host);
-    doris_scan_range.__set_schema_hash("462300563");
-    doris_scan_range.__set_version("94");
-    doris_scan_range.__set_version_hash("0");
-    doris_scan_range.engine_table_name.push_back("DorisTestStats");
-    doris_scan_range.__set_db_name("olap");
-    TKeyRange key_range;
-    key_range.__set_column_type(to_thrift(TYPE_INT));
-    key_range.__set_begin_key(-65535);
-    key_range.__set_end_key(65535);
-    key_range.__set_column_name("UserId");
-    doris_scan_range.partition_column_ranges.push_back(key_range);
-    boost::shared_ptr<DorisScanRange> scan_range(new DorisScanRange(doris_scan_range));
-    return scan_range;
-void construct_one_tuple(TupleDescriptor& tuple_desc) {
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot;
-        t_slot.__set_id(1);
-        t_slot.__set_parent(2);
-        t_slot.__set_slotType(::doris::TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        t_slot.__set_columnPos(0);
-        t_slot.__set_byteOffset(0);
-        t_slot.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot.__set_nullIndicatorBit(0);
-        t_slot.__set_slotIdx(0);
-        t_slot.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot.__set_colName("UserId");
-        SlotDescriptor* slot = new SlotDescriptor(t_slot);
-        tuple_desc.add_slot(slot);
-    }
-TEST(OlapIdlUtilTest, normalcase) {}
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::Init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/orc_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/orc_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dbfcc18..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/orc_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,901 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/orc_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <runtime/descriptor_helper.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/broker_scan_node.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exprs/cast_functions.h"
-#include "exprs/decimal_operators.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/user_function_cache.h"
-namespace doris {
-class OrcScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    OrcScannerTest() : _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        _profile = _runtime_state.runtime_profile();
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-    }
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        UserFunctionCache::instance()->init(
-                "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/normal");
-        CastFunctions::init();
-        DecimalOperators::init();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-    RuntimeProfile* _profile;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    std::vector<TNetworkAddress> _addresses;
-    ScannerCounter _counter;
-    std::vector<doris::ExprContext*> _pre_filter;
-TEST_F(OrcScannerTest, normal) {
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams params;
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc int_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        int_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc big_int_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        big_int_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc float_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::FLOAT);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        float_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc double_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DOUBLE);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        double_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc date_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DATE);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        date_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    //col1 varchar -> bigint
-    {
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = big_int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttobigint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = big_int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_big_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(8, expr);
-        params.src_slot_ids.push_back(0);
-    }
-    //col2, col3
-    for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = i;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(8 + i, expr);
-        params.src_slot_ids.push_back(i);
-    }
-    //col5 varchar -> double
-    {
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = double_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttodouble";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = double_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_double_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 3;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(11, expr);
-        params.src_slot_ids.push_back(3);
-    }
-    //col6 varchar -> float
-    {
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = float_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttofloat";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = float_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_float_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 4;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(12, expr);
-        params.src_slot_ids.push_back(4);
-    }
-    //col7,col8
-    for (int i = 5; i <= 6; i++) {
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttoint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = i;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(8 + i, expr);
-        params.src_slot_ids.push_back(i);
-    }
-    //col9 varchar -> var
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 7;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(15, expr);
-        params.src_slot_ids.push_back(7);
-    }
-    params.__set_src_tuple_id(0);
-    params.__set_dest_tuple_id(1);
-    //init_desc_table
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    // table descriptors
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::BROKER_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder src_tuple_builder;
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col1")
-                                       .column_pos(1)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col2")
-                                       .column_pos(2)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col3")
-                                       .column_pos(3)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col5")
-                                       .column_pos(4)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col6")
-                                       .column_pos(5)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col7")
-                                       .column_pos(6)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col8")
-                                       .column_pos(7)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col9")
-                                       .column_pos(8)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder dest_tuple_builder;
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_BIGINT).column_name("col1").column_pos(1).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                        .string_type(65535)
-                                        .nullable(true)
-                                        .column_name("col2")
-                                        .column_pos(2)
-                                        .build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().string_type(65535).column_name("col3").column_pos(3).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_DOUBLE).column_name("col5").column_pos(4).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_FLOAT).column_name("col6").column_pos(5).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_INT).column_name("col7").column_pos(6).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_INT).column_name("col8").column_pos(7).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().string_type(65535).column_name("col9").column_pos(8).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    t_desc_table = dtb.desc_tbl();
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc rangeDesc;
-    rangeDesc.start_offset = 0;
-    rangeDesc.size = -1;
-    rangeDesc.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_ORC;
-    rangeDesc.splittable = false;
-    rangeDesc.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/my-file.orc";
-    rangeDesc.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    ranges.push_back(rangeDesc);
-    ORCScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.open().ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    MemPool tuple_pool(tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(_desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(1)->byte_size());
-    bool eof = false;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Tuple::to_string(tuple, *_desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(1)),
-              "(0 null doris      1.567 1.567000031471252 12345 1 doris)");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Tuple::to_string(tuple, *_desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(1)),
-              "(1 true doris      1.567 1.567000031471252 12345 1 doris)");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    scanner.close();
-TEST_F(OrcScannerTest, normal2) {
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams params;
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc int_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        int_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 1;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(3, expr);
-        params.src_slot_ids.push_back(1);
-    }
-    params.__set_src_tuple_id(0);
-    params.__set_dest_tuple_id(1);
-    //init_desc_table
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    // table descriptors
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::BROKER_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder src_tuple_builder;
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col1")
-                                       .column_pos(1)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col2")
-                                       .column_pos(2)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col3")
-                                       .column_pos(3)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder dest_tuple_builder;
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                        .string_type(65535)
-                                        .column_name("value_from_col2")
-                                        .column_pos(1)
-                                        .build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    t_desc_table = dtb.desc_tbl();
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc rangeDesc;
-    rangeDesc.start_offset = 0;
-    rangeDesc.size = -1;
-    rangeDesc.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_ORC;
-    rangeDesc.splittable = false;
-    rangeDesc.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/my-file.orc";
-    rangeDesc.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    ranges.push_back(rangeDesc);
-    ORCScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.open().ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    MemPool tuple_pool(tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(_desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(1)->byte_size());
-    bool eof = false;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Tuple::to_string(tuple, *_desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(1)), "(null)");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Tuple::to_string(tuple, *_desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(1)), "(true)");
-    scanner.close();
-TEST_F(OrcScannerTest, normal3) {
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams params;
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc decimal_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL);
-        scalar_type.__set_precision(64);
-        scalar_type.__set_scale(64);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        decimal_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc tinyint_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::TINYINT);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        tinyint_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc datetime_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DATETIME);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        datetime_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    TTypeDesc date_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DATE);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        date_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-            TExprNode cast_expr;
-            cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-            cast_expr.type = decimal_type;
-            cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-            cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-            cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-            cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttodecimal";
-            cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-            cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-            cast_expr.fn.ret_type = decimal_type;
-            cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-            cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("cast_to_decimal_val(VARCHAR(*))");
-            cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::DecimalOperators::cast_to_decimal_val";
-            TExprNode slot_ref;
-            slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-            slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-            slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-            slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = i;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-            TExpr expr;
-            expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-            expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-            params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(9 + i, expr);
-            params.src_slot_ids.push_back(i);
-        }
-        {
-            TExprNode cast_expr;
-            cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-            cast_expr.type = tinyint_type;
-            cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-            cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-            cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-            cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttotinyint";
-            cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-            cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-            cast_expr.fn.ret_type = tinyint_type;
-            cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-            cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("cast_to_tiny_int_val(VARCHAR(*))");
-            cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_tiny_int_val";
-            TExprNode slot_ref;
-            slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-            slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-            slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-            slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 5;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-            TExpr expr;
-            expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-            expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-            params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(14, expr);
-            params.src_slot_ids.push_back(5);
-        }
-        {
-            TExprNode cast_expr;
-            cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-            cast_expr.type = datetime_type;
-            cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-            cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-            cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-            cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttodatetime";
-            cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-            cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-            cast_expr.fn.ret_type = datetime_type;
-            cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-            cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("cast_to_datetime_val(VARCHAR(*))");
-            cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_datetime_val";
-            TExprNode slot_ref;
-            slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-            slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-            slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-            slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 6;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-            TExpr expr;
-            expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-            expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-            params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(15, expr);
-            params.src_slot_ids.push_back(6);
-        }
-        {
-            TExprNode cast_expr;
-            cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-            cast_expr.type = date_type;
-            cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-            cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-            cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-            cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttodate";
-            cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-            cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-            cast_expr.fn.ret_type = date_type;
-            cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-            cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-            cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_date_val";
-            TExprNode slot_ref;
-            slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-            slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-            slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-            slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 7;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-            TExpr expr;
-            expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-            expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-            params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(16, expr);
-            params.src_slot_ids.push_back(7);
-        }
-        {
-            TExprNode cast_expr;
-            cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-            cast_expr.type = decimal_type;
-            cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-            cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-            cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-            cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttodecimal";
-            cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-            cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-            cast_expr.fn.ret_type = decimal_type;
-            cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-            cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("cast_to_decimal_val(VARCHAR(*))");
-            cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-            cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::DecimalOperators::cast_to_decimal_val";
-            TExprNode slot_ref;
-            slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-            slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-            slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-            slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = 8;
-            slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 0;
-            TExpr expr;
-            expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-            expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-            params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(17, expr);
-            params.src_slot_ids.push_back(8);
-        }
-    }
-    params.__set_src_tuple_id(0);
-    params.__set_dest_tuple_id(1);
-    //init_desc_table
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    // table descriptors
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::BROKER_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder src_tuple_builder;
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col1")
-                                       .column_pos(1)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col2")
-                                       .column_pos(2)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col3")
-                                       .column_pos(3)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col4")
-                                       .column_pos(4)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col5")
-                                       .column_pos(5)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col6")
-                                       .column_pos(6)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col7")
-                                       .column_pos(7)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col8")
-                                       .column_pos(8)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                       .string_type(65535)
-                                       .nullable(true)
-                                       .column_name("col9")
-                                       .column_pos(9)
-                                       .build());
-    src_tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder dest_tuple_builder;
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().decimal_type(10, 9).column_name("col1").column_pos(1).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().decimal_type(7, 5).column_name("col2").column_pos(2).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().decimal_type(10, 9).column_name("col3").column_pos(3).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().decimal_type(10, 5).column_name("col4").column_pos(4).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().decimal_type(10, 5).column_name("col5").column_pos(5).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_TINYINT).column_name("col6").column_pos(6).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_DATETIME).column_name("col7").column_pos(7).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                        .type(TYPE_DATE)
-                                        .nullable(true)
-                                        .column_name("col8")
-                                        .column_pos(8)
-                                        .build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().decimal_type(27, 9).column_name("col9").column_pos(9).build());
-    dest_tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    t_desc_table = dtb.desc_tbl();
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    std::vector<TBrokerRangeDesc> ranges;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc rangeDesc;
-    rangeDesc.start_offset = 0;
-    rangeDesc.size = -1;
-    rangeDesc.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_ORC;
-    rangeDesc.splittable = false;
-    rangeDesc.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/decimal_and_timestamp.orc";
-    rangeDesc.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    ranges.push_back(rangeDesc);
-    ORCScanner scanner(&_runtime_state, _profile, params, ranges, _addresses, _pre_filter, &_counter);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.open().ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    MemPool tuple_pool(tracker.get());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)tuple_pool.allocate(_desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(1)->byte_size());
-    bool eof = false;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scanner.get_next(tuple, &tuple_pool, &eof).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Tuple::to_string(tuple, *_desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(1)),
-              "(0.123456789 1.12 -1.1234500000 0.12345 0.000 1 2020-01-14 14:12:19 2020-02-10 "
-              "-0.0014)");
-    scanner.close();
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/parquet_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/parquet_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 399c364..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/parquet_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/broker_scan_node.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exprs/cast_functions.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/user_function_cache.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ParquetScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    ParquetScannerTest() : _runtime_state(TQueryGlobals()) {
-        init();
-        _runtime_state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-    }
-    void init();
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        UserFunctionCache::instance()->init(
-                "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/normal");
-        CastFunctions::init();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    int create_src_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id);
-    int create_dst_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id);
-    void create_expr_info();
-    void init_desc_table();
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    std::map<std::string, SlotDescriptor*> _slots_map;
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams _params;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-#define TUPLE_ID_DST 0
-#define TUPLE_ID_SRC 1
-#define COLUMN_NUMBERS 20
-int ParquetScannerTest::create_src_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id) {
-    const char* columnNames[] = {
-            "log_version",       "log_time", "log_time_stamp", "js_version",
-            "vst_cookie",        "vst_ip",   "vst_user_id",    "vst_user_agent",
-            "device_resolution", "page_url", "page_refer_url", "page_yyid",
-            "page_type",         "pos_type", "content_id",     "media_id",
-            "spm_cnt",           "spm_pre",  "scm_cnt",        "partition_column"};
-    for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_NUMBERS; i++) {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = i;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = i * 16 + 8; // 跳过前8个字节 这8个字节用于表示字段是否为null值
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = i / 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = i % 8;
-        slot_desc.colName = columnNames[i];
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = i + 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor source
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = TUPLE_ID_SRC;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = COLUMN_NUMBERS * 16 + 8; //此处8字节为了处理null值
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    return next_slot_id;
-int ParquetScannerTest::create_dst_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id) {
-    int32_t byteOffset = 8; // 跳过前8个字节 这8个字节用于表示字段是否为null值
-    {                       //log_version
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR); //parquet::Type::BYTE
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 0;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 0;
-        slot_desc.colName = "log_version";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 16;
-    { // log_time
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT); //parquet::Type::INT64
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "log_time";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 8;
-    { // log_time_stamp
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT); //parquet::Type::INT32
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = 2;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 2;
-        slot_desc.colName = "log_time_stamp";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 3;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    byteOffset += 8;
-    const char* columnNames[] = {
-            "log_version",       "log_time", "log_time_stamp", "js_version",
-            "vst_cookie",        "vst_ip",   "vst_user_id",    "vst_user_agent",
-            "device_resolution", "page_url", "page_refer_url", "page_yyid",
-            "page_type",         "pos_type", "content_id",     "media_id",
-            "spm_cnt",           "spm_pre",  "scm_cnt",        "partition_column"};
-    for (int i = 3; i < COLUMN_NUMBERS; i++, byteOffset += 16) {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR); //parquet::Type::BYTE
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = i;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = byteOffset;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = i / 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = i % 8;
-        slot_desc.colName = columnNames[i];
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = i + 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor dest
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = TUPLE_ID_DST;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = byteOffset + 8; //此处8字节为了处理null值
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    return next_slot_id;
-void ParquetScannerTest::init_desc_table() {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    // table descriptors
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::BROKER_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    int next_slot_id = 1;
-    next_slot_id = create_dst_tuple(t_desc_table, next_slot_id);
-    next_slot_id = create_src_tuple(t_desc_table, next_slot_id);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-void ParquetScannerTest::create_expr_info() {
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(5000);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    // log_version VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START; // log_time id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START);
-    }
-    // log_time VARCHAR --> BIGINT
-    {
-        TTypeDesc int_type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            int_type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttoint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_big_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1; // log_time id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1);
-    }
-    // log_time_stamp VARCHAR --> BIGINT
-    {
-        TTypeDesc int_type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            int_type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttoint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_big_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2);
-    }
-    // couldn't convert type
-    for (int i = 3; i < COLUMN_NUMBERS; i++) {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + i; // log_time id in src tuple
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + i, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + i);
-    }
-    // _params.__isset.expr_of_dest_slot = true;
-    _params.__set_dest_tuple_id(TUPLE_ID_DST);
-    _params.__set_src_tuple_id(TUPLE_ID_SRC);
-void ParquetScannerTest::init() {
-    create_expr_info();
-    init_desc_table();
-    // Node Id
-    _tnode.node_id = 0;
-    _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE;
-    _tnode.num_children = 0;
-    _tnode.limit = -1;
-    _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _tnode.broker_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-    _tnode.__isset.broker_scan_node = true;
-TEST_F(ParquetScannerTest, normal) {
-    BrokerScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    auto status = scan_node.prepare(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // set scan range
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    {
-        TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
-        TBrokerScanRange broker_scan_range;
-        broker_scan_range.params = _params;
-        TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-        range.start_offset = 0;
-        range.size = -1;
-        range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_PARQUET;
-        range.splittable = true;
-        std::vector<std::string> columns_from_path{"value"};
-        range.__set_columns_from_path(columns_from_path);
-        range.__set_num_of_columns_from_file(19);
-#if 1
-        range.path = "./be/test/exec/test_data/parquet_scanner/localfile.parquet";
-        range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-        range.path = "hdfs://ip:8020/user/xxxx.parq";
-        range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_BROKER;
-        TNetworkAddress addr;
-        addr.__set_hostname("");
-        addr.__set_port(8000);
-        broker_scan_range.broker_addresses.push_back(addr);
-        broker_scan_range.ranges.push_back(range);
-        scan_range_params.scan_range.__set_broker_scan_range(broker_scan_range);
-        scan_ranges.push_back(scan_range_params);
-    }
-    scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    status = scan_node.open(&_runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    // Get batch
-    RowBatch batch(scan_node.row_desc(), _runtime_state.batch_size(), tracker.get());
-    bool eof = false;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eof);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(2048, batch.num_rows());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-        batch.reset();
-    }
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1328, batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    batch.reset();
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&_runtime_state, &batch, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, batch.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    scan_node.close(&_runtime_state);
-    {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        scan_node.runtime_profile()->pretty_print(&ss);
-        LOG(INFO) << ss.str();
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_bzip_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_bzip_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 648e3f8..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_bzip_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "exec/decompressor.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exec/plain_text_line_reader.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PlainTextLineReaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    PlainTextLineReaderTest() : _profile("TestProfile") {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    RuntimeProfile _profile;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, bzip2_normal_use) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.bz2",
-                                0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::BZIP2, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, -1, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // 1,2
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // 1,2,3,4
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, bzip2_test_limit) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.bz2", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::BZIP2, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 8, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, bzip2_test_limit2) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.bz2", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::BZIP2, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 6, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, bzip2_test_limit3) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.bz2", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::BZIP2, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, bzip2_test_limit4) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.bz2", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::BZIP2, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, bzip2_test_limit5) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.bz2", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::BZIP2, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 0, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_gzip_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_gzip_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f75ef8..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_gzip_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "exec/decompressor.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exec/plain_text_line_reader.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PlainTextLineReaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    PlainTextLineReaderTest() : _profile("TestProfile") {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    RuntimeProfile _profile;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, gzip_normal_use) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.gz",
-                                0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::GZIP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, -1, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // 1,2
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // 1,2,3,4
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_no_newline) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/no_newline.csv.gz",
-                                0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::GZIP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, -1, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // 1,2,3
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1,2,3", std::string((char*)ptr, size).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // 4,5
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("4,5", std::string((char*)ptr, size).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, gzip_test_limit) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.gz", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::GZIP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 8, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, gzip_test_limit2) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.gz", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::GZIP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 6, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, gzip_test_limit3) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.gz", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::GZIP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, gzip_test_limit4) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.gz", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::GZIP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, gzip_test_limit5) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.gz", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::GZIP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 0, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_lz4frame_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_lz4frame_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 157fe12..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_lz4frame_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "exec/decompressor.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exec/plain_text_line_reader.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PlainTextLineReaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    PlainTextLineReaderTest() : _profile("TestProfile") {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    RuntimeProfile _profile;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lz4_normal_use) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.lz4",
-                                0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZ4FRAME, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, -1, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // 1,2
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // 1,2,3,4
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lz4_test_limit) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lz4", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZ4FRAME, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 8, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lz4_test_limit2) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lz4", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZ4FRAME, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 6, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lz4_test_limit3) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lz4", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZ4FRAME, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lz4_test_limit4) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lz4", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZ4FRAME, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lz4_test_limit5) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lz4", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZ4FRAME, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 0, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    delete decompressor;
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_lzop_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_lzop_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e06432c..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_lzop_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "exec/decompressor.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exec/plain_text_line_reader.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PlainTextLineReaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    PlainTextLineReaderTest() : _profile("TestProfile") {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    RuntimeProfile _profile;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lzop_normal_use) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.lzo",
-                                0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZOP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, -1, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // 1,2
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // 1,2,3,4
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lzop_test_limit) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lzo", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZOP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 8, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lzop_test_limit2) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lzo", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZOP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 6, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lzop_test_limit3) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lzo", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZOP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lzop_test_limit4) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lzo", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZOP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lzop_test_limit5) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lzo", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZOP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 0, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, lzop_test_larger) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/larger.txt.lzo",
-                                0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::LZOP, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, -1, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // 1
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(20, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // 2
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(30, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // 3
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(9, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // 4
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // 5
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(30, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // 6
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // 7
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_uncompressed_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_uncompressed_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 807049d..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/plain_text_line_reader_uncompressed_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "exec/decompressor.h"
-#include "exec/local_file_reader.h"
-#include "exec/plain_text_line_reader.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PlainTextLineReaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    PlainTextLineReaderTest() : _profile("TestProfile") {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    RuntimeProfile _profile;
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_normal_use) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::UNCOMPRESSED, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(decompressor == nullptr);
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, -1, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // 1,2
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // 1,2,3,4
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_no_newline) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/no_newline.csv",
-                                0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::UNCOMPRESSED, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(decompressor == nullptr);
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, -1, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // 1,2,3
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1,2,3", std::string((char*)ptr, size).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // 4,5
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("4,5", std::string((char*)ptr, size).c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_test_limit) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::UNCOMPRESSED, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(decompressor == nullptr);
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 8, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_test_limit2) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::UNCOMPRESSED, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(decompressor == nullptr);
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 6, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_test_limit3) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::UNCOMPRESSED, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(decompressor == nullptr);
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_test_limit4) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::UNCOMPRESSED, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(decompressor == nullptr);
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 7, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, size);
-    LOG(INFO) << std::string((const char*)ptr, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, size);
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_test_limit5) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::UNCOMPRESSED, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(decompressor == nullptr);
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 0, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    // Empty
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-TEST_F(PlainTextLineReaderTest, uncompressed_test_empty) {
-    LocalFileReader file_reader("./be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/empty.txt", 0);
-    auto st = file_reader.open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    Decompressor* decompressor;
-    st = Decompressor::create_decompressor(CompressType::UNCOMPRESSED, &decompressor);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(decompressor == nullptr);
-    // set min length larger than 0 to test
-    PlainTextLineReader line_reader(&_profile, &file_reader, decompressor, 10, '\n');
-    const uint8_t* ptr;
-    size_t size;
-    bool eof;
-    st = line_reader.read_line(&ptr, &size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/s3_reader_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/s3_reader_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc2619..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/s3_reader_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/s3_reader.h"
-#include <aws/core/Aws.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid_generators.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "exec/s3_writer.h"
-namespace doris {
-static const std::string AK = "353b8de00d85438c8ea0818704b156d3";
-static const std::string SK = "ea15a18b4409479fa8cca029f78e8d77";
-static const std::string ENDPOINT = "http://s3.bj.bcebos.com";
-static const std::string REGION = "bj";
-static const std::string BUCKET = "s3://yang-repo/";
-class S3ReaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    S3ReaderTest()
-            : _aws_properties({{"AWS_ACCESS_KEY", AK},
-                               {"AWS_SECRET_KEY", SK},
-                               {"AWS_ENDPOINT", ENDPOINT},
-                               {"AWS_REGION", "bj"}}) {
-        _s3_base_path = BUCKET + "s3/" + gen_uuid();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    std::string gen_uuid() {
-        auto id = boost::uuids::random_generator()();
-        return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(id);
-    }
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> _aws_properties;
-    std::string _s3_base_path;
-    std::string _content =
-            "O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being\n"
-            "Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead\n"
-            "Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,\n"
-            "Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,\n"
-            "Pestilence-stricken multitudes:O thou\n"
-            "Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed\n"
-            "The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,\n"
-            "Each like a corpse within its grave, until\n"
-            "Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow\n"
-            "Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill\n"
-            "(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)\n"
-            "With living hues and odors plain and hill:\n"
-            "Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;\n"
-            "Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!";
-TEST_F(S3ReaderTest, normal) {
-    std::string path = _s3_base_path + "/test_file";
-    std::unique_ptr<S3Writer> writer(new S3Writer(_aws_properties, path, 0));
-    auto st = writer->open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    size_t l = 0;
-    st = writer->write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(_content.c_str()), _content.length(), &l);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_content.length(), l);
-    st = writer->close();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    std::unique_ptr<S3Writer> writer1(new S3Writer(_aws_properties, path, 0));
-    st = writer1->open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_already_exist());
-    std::unique_ptr<S3Reader> reader(new S3Reader(_aws_properties, path, 0));
-    st = reader->open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    std::unique_ptr<S3Reader> reader1(new S3Reader(_aws_properties, path + "xx", 0));
-    st = reader1->open();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_not_found());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_content.length(), reader->size());
-    std::string verification_contents;
-    verification_contents.resize(_content.length());
-    size_t total_read = _content.length();
-    bool eof = false;
-    st = reader->read((uint8_t*)&verification_contents[0], &total_read, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_content, verification_contents);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_content.length(), total_read);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    int64_t t = 0;
-    st = reader->tell(&t);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_content.length(), t);
-    st = reader->readat(_content.length(), _content.length(), (int64_t*)(&total_read),
-                        (uint8_t*)&verification_contents[0]);
-    LOG(INFO) << total_read;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(total_read==0);
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    // doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    int ret = 0;
-    Aws::SDKOptions options;
-    options.loggingOptions.logLevel = Aws::Utils::Logging::LogLevel::Debug;
-    Aws::InitAPI(options);
-    // ak sk is secret
-    // ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    Aws::ShutdownAPI(options);
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scan_node_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scan_node_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb1b698..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scan_node_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scan_node.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/text_converter.hpp"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "schema_scan_node.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-namespace doris {
-// mock
-class SchemaScanNodeTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaScanNodeTest() : runtime_state("test") {
-        TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-        // table descriptors
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.id = 0;
-        t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::SCHEMA_TABLE;
-        t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-        t_table_desc.schemaTable.tableType = TSchemaTableType::SCH_AUTHORS;
-        t_table_desc.tableName = "test_table";
-        t_table_desc.dbName = "test_db";
-        t_table_desc.__isset.schemaTable = true;
-        t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-        t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-        // TSlotDescriptor
-        int offset = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-            TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(to_thrift(TYPE_STRING));
-            t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-            t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-            t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-            offset += sizeof(StringValue);
-        }
-        t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-        // TTupleDescriptor
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-        runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        // Node Id
-        _tnode.node_id = 0;
-        _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE;
-        _tnode.num_children = 0;
-        _tnode.limit = -1;
-        _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-        _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _tnode.schema_scan_node.table_name = "test_table";
-        _tnode.schema_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-        _tnode.__isset.schema_scan_node = true;
-    }
-    virtual ~SchemaScanNodeTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RuntimeState runtime_state;
-TEST_F(SchemaScanNodeTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    status = scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::stringstream out;
-    scan_node.debug_string(1, &out);
-    LOG(WARNING) << out.str();
-    status = scan_node.open(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, 100);
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&runtime_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        if (!eos) {
-            for (int i = 0; i < row_batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-                TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-                LOG(WARNING) << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    status = scan_node.close(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaScanNodeTest, Prepare_fail_1) {
-    SchemaScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    TableDescriptor* old = _desc_tbl->_tuple_desc_map[(TupleId)0]->_table_desc;
-    _desc_tbl->_tuple_desc_map[(TupleId)0]->_table_desc = NULL;
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    _desc_tbl->_tuple_desc_map[(TupleId)0]->_table_desc = old;
-TEST_F(SchemaScanNodeTest, Prepare_fail_2) {
-    SchemaScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    scan_node._tuple_id = 1;
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaScanNodeTest, dummy) {
-    SchemaTableDescriptor* t_desc =
-            (SchemaTableDescriptor*)_desc_tbl->_tuple_desc_map[(TupleId)0]->_table_desc;
-    t_desc->_schema_table_type = TSchemaTableType::SCH_EVENTS;
-    SchemaScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
-    status = scan_node.set_scan_ranges(scan_ranges);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::stringstream out;
-    scan_node.debug_string(1, &out);
-    LOG(WARNING) << out.str();
-    status = scan_node.open(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, 100);
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(&runtime_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        if (!eos) {
-            for (int i = 0; i < row_batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-                TupleRow* row = row_batch.get_row(i);
-                LOG(WARNING) << "input row: " << print_row(row, scan_node._row_descriptor);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    status = scan_node.close(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    t_desc->_schema_table_type = TSchemaTableType::SCH_AUTHORS;
-TEST_F(SchemaScanNodeTest, get_dest_desc_fail) {
-    SchemaScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    scan_node._tuple_id = 1;
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaScanNodeTest, invalid_param) {
-    SchemaScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, 100);
-    bool eos;
-    status = scan_node.get_next(NULL, &row_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaScanNodeTest, no_init) {
-    SchemaScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    //Status status = scan_node.prepare(&runtime_state);
-    //ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Status status = scan_node.open(&runtime_state);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, 100);
-    bool eos;
-    status = scan_node.get_next(&runtime_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_authors_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_authors_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f610fe..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_authors_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_authors_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SchemaAuthorScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaAuthorScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaAuthorScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaAuthorsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-            LOG(INFO)
-                    << ((StringValue*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[i]->tuple_offset()))->ptr;
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SchemaAuthorScannerTest, use_with_no_init) {
-    SchemaAuthorsScanner scanner;
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL == tuple_desc);
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaAuthorScannerTest, invalid_param) {
-    SchemaAuthorsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, NULL, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_charsets_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_charsets_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e254b4f..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_charsets_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_charsets_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SchemaCharsetsScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaCharsetsScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaCharsetsScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaCharsetsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        if (!eos) {
-            LOG(INFO) << print_tuple(tuple, *tuple_desc);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SchemaCharsetsScannerTest, use_with_no_init) {
-    SchemaCharsetsScanner scanner;
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL == tuple_desc);
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaCharsetsScannerTest, invalid_param) {
-    SchemaCharsetsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, NULL, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_collations_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_collations_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e8c531..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_collations_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_collations_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SchemaCollationsScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaCollationsScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaCollationsScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaCollationsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        if (!eos) {
-            LOG(INFO) << print_tuple(tuple, *tuple_desc);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SchemaCollationsScannerTest, use_with_no_init) {
-    SchemaCollationsScanner scanner;
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL == tuple_desc);
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaCollationsScannerTest, invalid_param) {
-    SchemaCollationsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, NULL, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_columns_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_columns_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 26f64d7..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_columns_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_columns_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_jni_helper.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Frontend_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-int db_num = 0;
-Status s_db_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_db_names(const TGetDbsParams& db_params, TGetDbsResult* db_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < db_num; ++i) {
-        db_result->dbs.push_back("abc");
-    }
-    return s_db_result;
-int table_num = 0;
-Status s_table_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_table_names(const TGetTablesParams& table_params,
-                                        TGetTablesResult* table_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < table_num; ++i) {
-        table_result->tables.push_back("bac");
-    }
-    return s_table_result;
-int desc_num = 0;
-Status s_desc_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::describe_table(const TDescribeTableParams& desc_params,
-                                       TDescribeTableResult* desc_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < desc_num; ++i) {
-        TColumnDesc column_desc;
-        column_desc.__set_columnName("abc");
-        column_desc.__set_columnType(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-        TColumnDef column_def;
-        column_def.columnDesc = column_desc;
-        column_def.comment = "bac";
-        desc_result->columns.push_back(column_def);
-    }
-    return s_desc_result;
-void init_mock() {
-    db_num = 0;
-    table_num = 0;
-    desc_num = 0;
-    s_db_result = Status::OK();
-    s_table_result = Status::OK();
-    s_desc_result = Status::OK();
-class SchemaColumnsScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaColumnsScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaColumnsScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaColumnsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaColumnsScannerTest, one_column) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaColumnsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaColumnsScannerTest, op_before_init) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaColumnsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaColumnsScannerTest, input_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaColumnsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(NULL, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(NULL, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaColumnsScannerTest, table_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaColumnsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_table_result = Status::InternalError("get table failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaColumnsScannerTest, desc_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaColumnsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_desc_result = Status::InternalError("get desc failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaColumnsScannerTest, start_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaColumnsScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    s_db_result = Status::InternalError("get db failed.");
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_create_table_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_create_table_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 835f952..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_create_table_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_create_table_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_jni_helper.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Frontend_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-int db_num = 0;
-Status s_db_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_db_names(const TGetDbsParams& db_params, TGetDbsResult* db_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < db_num; ++i) {
-        db_result->dbs.push_back("abc");
-    }
-    return s_db_result;
-int table_num = 0;
-Status s_table_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_table_names(const TGetTablesParams& table_params,
-                                        TGetTablesResult* table_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < table_num; ++i) {
-        table_result->tables.push_back("bac");
-    }
-    return s_table_result;
-int desc_num = 0;
-Status s_desc_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::describe_table(const TDescribeTableParams& desc_params,
-                                       TDescribeTableResult* desc_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < desc_num; ++i) {
-        TColumnDesc column_desc;
-        column_desc.__set_columnName("abc");
-        column_desc.__set_columnType(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-        TColumnDef column_def;
-        column_def.columnDesc = column_desc;
-        column_def.comment = "bac";
-        desc_result->columns.push_back(column_def);
-    }
-    return s_desc_result;
-void init_mock() {
-    db_num = 0;
-    table_num = 0;
-    desc_num = 0;
-    s_db_result = Status::OK();
-    s_table_result = Status::OK();
-    s_desc_result = Status::OK();
-class SchemaCreateTableScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaCreateTableScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaCreateTableScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaCreateTableScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaCreateTableScannerTest, one_column) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaCreateTableScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaCreateTableScannerTest, op_before_init) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaCreateTableScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaCreateTableScannerTest, input_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaCreateTableScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(NULL, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(NULL, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaCreateTableScannerTest, table_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaCreateTableScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_table_result = Status::InternalError("get table failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaCreateTableScannerTest, desc_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaCreateTableScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_desc_result = Status::InternalError("get desc failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaCreateTableScannerTest, start_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaCreateTableScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    s_db_result = Status::InternalError("get db failed.");
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_engines_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_engines_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fc54af4..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_engines_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_engines_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SchemaEnginesScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaEnginesScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaEnginesScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaEnginesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        if (!eos) {
-            LOG(INFO) << print_tuple(tuple, *tuple_desc);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SchemaEnginesScannerTest, use_with_no_init) {
-    SchemaEnginesScanner scanner;
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL == tuple_desc);
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaEnginesScannerTest, invalid_param) {
-    SchemaEnginesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, NULL, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_open_tables_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_open_tables_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 112b4f9..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_open_tables_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_open_tables_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_jni_helper.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Frontend_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-int db_num = 0;
-Status s_db_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_db_names(const TGetDbsParams& db_params, TGetDbsResult* db_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < db_num; ++i) {
-        db_result->dbs.push_back("abc");
-    }
-    return s_db_result;
-int table_num = 0;
-Status s_table_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_table_names(const TGetTablesParams& table_params,
-                                        TGetTablesResult* table_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < table_num; ++i) {
-        table_result->tables.push_back("bac");
-    }
-    return s_table_result;
-int desc_num = 0;
-Status s_desc_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::describe_table(const TDescribeTableParams& desc_params,
-                                       TDescribeTableResult* desc_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < desc_num; ++i) {
-        TColumnDesc column_desc;
-        column_desc.__set_columnName("abc");
-        column_desc.__set_columnType(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-        TColumnDef column_def;
-        column_def.columnDesc = column_desc;
-        column_def.comment = "bac";
-        desc_result->columns.push_back(column_def);
-    }
-    return s_desc_result;
-void init_mock() {
-    db_num = 0;
-    table_num = 0;
-    desc_num = 0;
-    s_db_result = Status::OK();
-    s_table_result = Status::OK();
-    s_desc_result = Status::OK();
-class SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaOpenTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest, one_column) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaOpenTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest, op_before_init) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaOpenTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest, input_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaOpenTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(NULL, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(NULL, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest, table_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaOpenTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_table_result = Status::InternalError("get table failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest, desc_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaOpenTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_desc_result = Status::InternalError("get desc failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaOpenTablesScannerTest, start_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaOpenTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    s_db_result = Status::InternalError("get db failed.");
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_schemata_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_schemata_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4077a7f..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_schemata_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_schemata_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_jni_helper.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Frontend_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-int db_num = 0;
-Status s_db_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_db_names(const TGetDbsParams& db_params, TGetDbsResult* db_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < db_num; ++i) {
-        db_result->dbs.push_back("abc");
-    }
-    return s_db_result;
-int table_num = 0;
-Status s_table_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_table_names(const TGetTablesParams& table_params,
-                                        TGetTablesResult* table_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < table_num; ++i) {
-        table_result->tables.push_back("bac");
-    }
-    return s_table_result;
-int desc_num = 0;
-Status s_desc_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::describe_table(const TDescribeTableParams& desc_params,
-                                       TDescribeTableResult* desc_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < desc_num; ++i) {
-        TColumnDesc column_desc;
-        column_desc.__set_columnName("abc");
-        column_desc.__set_columnType(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-        TColumnDef column_def;
-        column_def.columnDesc = column_desc;
-        column_def.comment = "bac";
-        desc_result->columns.push_back(column_def);
-    }
-    return s_desc_result;
-void init_mock() {
-    db_num = 0;
-    table_num = 0;
-    desc_num = 0;
-    s_db_result = Status::OK();
-    s_table_result = Status::OK();
-    s_desc_result = Status::OK();
-class SchemaSchemataScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaSchemataScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaSchemataScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaSchemataScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaSchemataScannerTest, one_column) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaSchemataScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaSchemataScannerTest, op_before_init) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaSchemataScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaSchemataScannerTest, input_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaSchemataScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(NULL, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(NULL, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaSchemataScannerTest, start_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaSchemataScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    s_db_result = Status::InternalError("get db failed.");
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_table_names_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_table_names_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 26574c1..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_table_names_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_table_names_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_jni_helper.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Frontend_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-int db_num = 0;
-Status s_db_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_db_names(const TGetDbsParams& db_params, TGetDbsResult* db_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < db_num; ++i) {
-        db_result->dbs.push_back("abc");
-    }
-    return s_db_result;
-int table_num = 0;
-Status s_table_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_table_names(const TGetTablesParams& table_params,
-                                        TGetTablesResult* table_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < table_num; ++i) {
-        table_result->tables.push_back("bac");
-    }
-    return s_table_result;
-int desc_num = 0;
-Status s_desc_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::describe_table(const TDescribeTableParams& desc_params,
-                                       TDescribeTableResult* desc_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < desc_num; ++i) {
-        TColumnDesc column_desc;
-        column_desc.__set_columnName("abc");
-        column_desc.__set_columnType(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-        TColumnDef column_def;
-        column_def.columnDesc = column_desc;
-        column_def.comment = "bac";
-        desc_result->columns.push_back(column_def);
-    }
-    return s_desc_result;
-void init_mock() {
-    db_num = 0;
-    table_num = 0;
-    desc_num = 0;
-    s_db_result = Status::OK();
-    s_table_result = Status::OK();
-    s_desc_result = Status::OK();
-class SchemaTableNamesScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaTableNamesScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaTableNamesScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaTableNamesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaTableNamesScannerTest, one_column) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTableNamesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaTableNamesScannerTest, op_before_init) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTableNamesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaTableNamesScannerTest, input_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTableNamesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(NULL, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(NULL, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaTableNamesScannerTest, table_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTableNamesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_table_result = Status::InternalError("get table failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaTableNamesScannerTest, start_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTableNamesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    s_db_result = Status::InternalError("get db failed.");
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_tables_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_tables_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ec8aea..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_tables_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_tables_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_jni_helper.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Frontend_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-int db_num = 0;
-Status s_db_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_db_names(const TGetDbsParams& db_params, TGetDbsResult* db_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < db_num; ++i) {
-        db_result->dbs.push_back("abc");
-    }
-    return s_db_result;
-int table_num = 0;
-Status s_table_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::get_table_names(const TGetTablesParams& table_params,
-                                        TGetTablesResult* table_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < table_num; ++i) {
-        table_result->tables.push_back("bac");
-    }
-    return s_table_result;
-int desc_num = 0;
-Status s_desc_result;
-Status SchemaJniHelper::describe_table(const TDescribeTableParams& desc_params,
-                                       TDescribeTableResult* desc_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < desc_num; ++i) {
-        TColumnDesc column_desc;
-        column_desc.__set_columnName("abc");
-        column_desc.__set_columnType(TPrimitiveType::BOOLEAN);
-        TColumnDef column_def;
-        column_def.columnDesc = column_desc;
-        column_def.comment = "bac";
-        desc_result->columns.push_back(column_def);
-    }
-    return s_desc_result;
-void init_mock() {
-    db_num = 0;
-    table_num = 0;
-    desc_num = 0;
-    s_db_result = Status::OK();
-    s_table_result = Status::OK();
-    s_desc_result = Status::OK();
-class SchemaTablesScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaTablesScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaTablesScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaTablesScannerTest, one_column) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-TEST_F(SchemaTablesScannerTest, op_before_init) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaTablesScannerTest, input_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(NULL, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(NULL, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaTablesScannerTest, table_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_table_result = Status::InternalError("get table failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaTablesScannerTest, desc_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    s_desc_result = Status::InternalError("get desc failed");
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaTablesScannerTest, start_fail) {
-    table_num = 1;
-    db_num = 1;
-    desc_num = 1;
-    SchemaTablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    s_db_result = Status::InternalError("get db failed.");
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_variables_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_variables_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e97e22a..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner/schema_variables_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_variables_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "service/doris_server.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SchemaVariablesScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaVariablesScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaVariablesScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaVariablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        if (!eos) {
-            LOG(INFO) << print_tuple(tuple, *tuple_desc);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SchemaVariablesScannerTest, use_with_no_init) {
-    SchemaVariablesScanner scanner;
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL == tuple_desc);
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaVariablesScannerTest, invalid_param) {
-    SchemaVariablesScanner scanner;
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, NULL);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos = false;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, NULL, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/schema_scanner_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 939b035..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/schema_scanner_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/schema_scanner.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SchemaScannerTest : public testing::Test {
-    SchemaScannerTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _param.db = &_db;
-        _param.table = &_table;
-        _param.wild = &_wild;
-    }
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    MemPool _mem_pool;
-    SchemaScannerParam _param;
-    std::string _db;
-    std::string _table;
-    std::string _wild;
-SchemaScanner::ColumnDesc s_test_columns[] = {
-        //   name,       type,          size,           is_null
-        {"Name", TYPE_VARCHAR, sizeof(StringValue), false},
-        {"Location", TYPE_VARCHAR, sizeof(StringValue), false},
-        {"Comment", TYPE_VARCHAR, sizeof(StringValue), false},
-        {"is_null", TYPE_VARCHAR, sizeof(StringValue), true},
-char g_tuple_buf[10000]; // enough for tuple
-TEST_F(SchemaScannerTest, normal_use) {
-    SchemaScanner scanner(s_test_columns,
-                          sizeof(s_test_columns) / sizeof(SchemaScanner::ColumnDesc));
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    ASSERT_EQ(65, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaScannerTest, input_fail) {
-    SchemaScanner scanner(s_test_columns,
-                          sizeof(s_test_columns) / sizeof(SchemaScanner::ColumnDesc));
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != tuple_desc);
-    ASSERT_EQ(65, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-    bool eos;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(NULL, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaScannerTest, invalid_param) {
-    SchemaScanner scanner(NULL, sizeof(s_test_columns) / sizeof(SchemaScanner::ColumnDesc));
-    Status status = scanner.init(&_param, &_obj_pool);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(SchemaScannerTest, no_init_use) {
-    SchemaScanner scanner(s_test_columns,
-                          sizeof(s_test_columns) / sizeof(SchemaScanner::ColumnDesc));
-    Status status = scanner.start((RuntimeState*)1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scanner.tuple_desc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL == tuple_desc);
-    Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)g_tuple_buf;
-    bool eos;
-    status = scanner.get_next_row(tuple, &_mem_pool, &eos);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/set_executor_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/set_executor_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index deb60ea..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/set_executor_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/set_executor.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "service/doris_server.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SetExecutorTest : public testing::Test {
-    SetExecutorTest() : _runtime_state("tmp") {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-TEST_F(SetExecutorTest, normal_case) {
-    ExecEnv exec_env;
-    DorisServer doris_server(&exec_env);
-    TSetParams params;
-    {
-        TSetVar set_var;
-        set_var.type = TSetType::OPT_SESSION;
-        set_var.variable = "key1";
-        TExprNode expr;
-        expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::STRING_LITERAL;
-        expr.type = TPrimitiveType::STRING;
-        expr.__isset.string_literal = true;
-        expr.string_literal.value = "value1";
-        set_var.value.nodes.push_back(expr);
-        params.set_vars.push_back(set_var);
-    }
-    {
-        TSetVar set_var;
-        set_var.type = TSetType::OPT_GLOBAL;
-        set_var.variable = "key2";
-        TExprNode expr;
-        expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::STRING_LITERAL;
-        expr.type = TPrimitiveType::STRING;
-        expr.__isset.string_literal = true;
-        expr.string_literal.value = "value2";
-        set_var.value.nodes.push_back(expr);
-        params.set_vars.push_back(set_var);
-    }
-    {
-        TSetVar set_var;
-        set_var.type = TSetType::OPT_DEFAULT;
-        set_var.variable = "key3";
-        TExprNode expr;
-        expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::STRING_LITERAL;
-        expr.type = TPrimitiveType::STRING;
-        expr.__isset.string_literal = true;
-        expr.string_literal.value = "value3";
-        set_var.value.nodes.push_back(expr);
-        params.set_vars.push_back(set_var);
-    }
-    SetExecutor executor(&doris_server, params);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc;
-    Status status = executor.prepare((RuntimeState*)&_runtime_state, row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    LOG(INFO) << executor.debug_string();
-TEST_F(SetExecutorTest, failed_case) {
-    ExecEnv exec_env;
-    DorisServer doris_server(&exec_env);
-    TSetParams params;
-    {
-        TSetVar set_var;
-        set_var.type = TSetType::OPT_SESSION;
-        set_var.variable = "key1";
-        TExprNode expr;
-        expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        expr.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        expr.__isset.int_literal = true;
-        set_var.value.nodes.push_back(expr);
-        params.set_vars.push_back(set_var);
-    }
-    SetExecutor executor(&doris_server, params);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc;
-    Status status = executor.prepare((RuntimeState*)&_runtime_state, row_desc);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    LOG(INFO) << executor.debug_string();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::Init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/tablet_info_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/tablet_info_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6669fb5..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/tablet_info_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/tablet_info.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "runtime/descriptor_helper.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-namespace doris {
-class OlapTablePartitionParamTest : public testing::Test {
-    OlapTablePartitionParamTest() {}
-    virtual ~OlapTablePartitionParamTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {}
-TOlapTableSchemaParam get_schema(TDescriptorTable* desc_tbl) {
-    TOlapTableSchemaParam t_schema_param;
-    t_schema_param.db_id = 1;
-    t_schema_param.table_id = 2;
-    t_schema_param.version = 0;
-    // descriptor
-    {
-        TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-        TTupleDescriptorBuilder tuple_builder;
-        tuple_builder.add_slot(
-                TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_INT).column_name("c1").column_pos(1).build());
-        tuple_builder.add_slot(
-                TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_BIGINT).column_name("c2").column_pos(2).build());
-        tuple_builder.add_slot(
-                TSlotDescriptorBuilder().string_type(20).column_name("c3").column_pos(3).build());
-        tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-        *desc_tbl = dtb.desc_tbl();
-        t_schema_param.slot_descs = desc_tbl->slotDescriptors;
-        t_schema_param.tuple_desc = desc_tbl->tupleDescriptors[0];
-    }
-    // index
-    t_schema_param.indexes.resize(2);
-    t_schema_param.indexes[0].id = 4;
-    t_schema_param.indexes[0].columns = {"c1", "c2", "c3"};
-    t_schema_param.indexes[1].id = 5;
-    t_schema_param.indexes[1].columns = {"c1", "c3"};
-    return t_schema_param;
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, normal) {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_tbl;
-    auto t_schema = get_schema(&t_desc_tbl);
-    std::shared_ptr<OlapTableSchemaParam> schema(new OlapTableSchemaParam());
-    auto st = schema->init(t_schema);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    LOG(INFO) << schema->debug_string();
-    // (-oo, 10] | [10.50) | [60, +oo)
-    TOlapTablePartitionParam t_partition_param;
-    t_partition_param.db_id = 1;
-    t_partition_param.table_id = 2;
-    t_partition_param.version = 0;
-    t_partition_param.__set_partition_column("c2");
-    t_partition_param.__set_distributed_columns({"c1", "c3"});
-    t_partition_param.partitions.resize(3);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].id = 10;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].__isset.end_key = true;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].end_key.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].end_key.type = t_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors[1].slotType;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].end_key.num_children = 0;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].end_key.__isset.int_literal = true;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].end_key.int_literal.value = 10;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].num_buckets = 1;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes.resize(2);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].index_id = 4;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {21};
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[1].index_id = 5;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[1].tablets = {22};
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].id = 11;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].__isset.start_key = true;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].start_key.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].start_key.type = t_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors[1].slotType;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].start_key.num_children = 0;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].start_key.__isset.int_literal = true;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].start_key.int_literal.value = 10;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].__isset.end_key = true;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].end_key.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].end_key.type = t_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors[1].slotType;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].end_key.num_children = 0;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].end_key.__isset.int_literal = true;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].end_key.int_literal.value = 50;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].num_buckets = 2;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].indexes.resize(2);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].indexes[0].index_id = 4;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].indexes[0].tablets = {31, 32};
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].indexes[1].index_id = 5;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[1].indexes[1].tablets = {33, 34};
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].id = 12;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].__isset.start_key = true;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].start_key.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].start_key.type = t_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors[1].slotType;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].start_key.num_children = 0;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].start_key.__isset.int_literal = true;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].start_key.int_literal.value = 60;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].num_buckets = 4;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].indexes.resize(2);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].indexes[0].index_id = 4;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].indexes[0].tablets = {41, 42, 43, 44};
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].indexes[1].index_id = 5;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[2].indexes[1].tablets = {45, 46, 47, 48};
-    OlapTablePartitionParam part(schema, t_partition_param);
-    st = part.init();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    LOG(INFO) << part.debug_string();
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    st = DescriptorTbl::create(&pool, t_desc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-    // 12, 9, "abc"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 12;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 9;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = (char*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10);
-        str_val->len = 3;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abc", str_val->len);
-        // 9:
-        uint32_t dist_hash = 0;
-        const OlapTablePartition* partition = nullptr;
-        auto found = part.find_tablet(tuple, &partition, &dist_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-        ASSERT_EQ(10, partition->id);
-    }
-    // 13, 25, "abcd"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 13;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 25;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = (char*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10);
-        str_val->len = 4;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abcd", str_val->len);
-        // 25:
-        uint32_t dist_hash = 0;
-        const OlapTablePartition* partition = nullptr;
-        auto found = part.find_tablet(tuple, &partition, &dist_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-        ASSERT_EQ(11, partition->id);
-    }
-    // 14, 50, "abcde"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 14;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 50;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10));
-        str_val->len = 5;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abcde", str_val->len);
-        // 50:
-        uint32_t dist_hash = 0;
-        const OlapTablePartition* partition = nullptr;
-        auto found = part.find_tablet(tuple, &partition, &dist_hash);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found);
-    }
-    // 15, 60, "abcdef"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 15;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 60;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10));
-        str_val->len = 6;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abcdef", str_val->len);
-        // 60:
-        uint32_t dist_hash = 0;
-        const OlapTablePartition* partition = nullptr;
-        auto found = part.find_tablet(tuple, &partition, &dist_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-        ASSERT_EQ(12, partition->id);
-    }
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, to_protobuf) {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_tbl;
-    auto t_schema = get_schema(&t_desc_tbl);
-    std::shared_ptr<OlapTableSchemaParam> schema(new OlapTableSchemaParam());
-    auto st = schema->init(t_schema);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    POlapTableSchemaParam pschema;
-    schema->to_protobuf(&pschema);
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<OlapTableSchemaParam> schema2(new OlapTableSchemaParam());
-        auto st = schema2->init(pschema);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_STREQ(schema->debug_string().c_str(), schema2->debug_string().c_str());
-    }
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, unknown_index_column) {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_tbl;
-    auto tschema = get_schema(&t_desc_tbl);
-    std::shared_ptr<OlapTableSchemaParam> schema(new OlapTableSchemaParam());
-    tschema.indexes[0].columns.push_back("unknown_col");
-    auto st = schema->init(tschema);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, unpartitioned) {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_tbl;
-    auto t_schema = get_schema(&t_desc_tbl);
-    std::shared_ptr<OlapTableSchemaParam> schema(new OlapTableSchemaParam());
-    auto st = schema->init(t_schema);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // (-oo, 10] | [10.50) | [60, +oo)
-    TOlapTablePartitionParam t_partition_param;
-    t_partition_param.db_id = 1;
-    t_partition_param.table_id = 2;
-    t_partition_param.version = 0;
-    t_partition_param.__set_distributed_columns({"c1", "c3"});
-    t_partition_param.partitions.resize(1);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].id = 10;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].num_buckets = 1;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes.resize(2);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].index_id = 4;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {21};
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[1].index_id = 5;
-    OlapTablePartitionParam part(schema, t_partition_param);
-    st = part.init();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    st = DescriptorTbl::create(&pool, t_desc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-    // 12, 9, "abc"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 12;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 9;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = (char*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10);
-        str_val->len = 3;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abc", str_val->len);
-        // 9:
-        uint32_t dist_hash = 0;
-        const OlapTablePartition* partition = nullptr;
-        auto found = part.find_tablet(tuple, &partition, &dist_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-        ASSERT_EQ(10, partition->id);
-    }
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, unknown_partition_column) {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_tbl;
-    auto t_schema = get_schema(&t_desc_tbl);
-    std::shared_ptr<OlapTableSchemaParam> schema(new OlapTableSchemaParam());
-    auto st = schema->init(t_schema);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // (-oo, 10] | [10.50) | [60, +oo)
-    TOlapTablePartitionParam t_partition_param;
-    t_partition_param.db_id = 1;
-    t_partition_param.table_id = 2;
-    t_partition_param.version = 0;
-    t_partition_param.__set_partition_column("c4");
-    t_partition_param.__set_distributed_columns({"c1", "c3"});
-    t_partition_param.partitions.resize(1);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].id = 10;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].num_buckets = 1;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes.resize(2);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].index_id = 4;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {21};
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[1].index_id = 5;
-    OlapTablePartitionParam part(schema, t_partition_param);
-    st = part.init();
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, unknown_distributed_col) {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_tbl;
-    auto t_schema = get_schema(&t_desc_tbl);
-    std::shared_ptr<OlapTableSchemaParam> schema(new OlapTableSchemaParam());
-    auto st = schema->init(t_schema);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // (-oo, 10] | [10.50) | [60, +oo)
-    TOlapTablePartitionParam t_partition_param;
-    t_partition_param.db_id = 1;
-    t_partition_param.table_id = 2;
-    t_partition_param.version = 0;
-    t_partition_param.__set_distributed_columns({"c4"});
-    t_partition_param.partitions.resize(1);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].id = 10;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].num_buckets = 1;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes.resize(2);
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].index_id = 4;
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {21};
-    t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[1].index_id = 5;
-    OlapTablePartitionParam part(schema, t_partition_param);
-    st = part.init();
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, bad_index) {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_tbl;
-    auto t_schema = get_schema(&t_desc_tbl);
-    std::shared_ptr<OlapTableSchemaParam> schema(new OlapTableSchemaParam());
-    auto st = schema->init(t_schema);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    {
-        // (-oo, 10] | [10.50) | [60, +oo)
-        TOlapTablePartitionParam t_partition_param;
-        t_partition_param.db_id = 1;
-        t_partition_param.table_id = 2;
-        t_partition_param.version = 0;
-        t_partition_param.__set_distributed_columns({"c1", "c3"});
-        t_partition_param.partitions.resize(1);
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].id = 10;
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].num_buckets = 1;
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes.resize(1);
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].index_id = 4;
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {21};
-        OlapTablePartitionParam part(schema, t_partition_param);
-        st = part.init();
-        ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    }
-    {
-        // (-oo, 10] | [10.50) | [60, +oo)
-        TOlapTablePartitionParam t_partition_param;
-        t_partition_param.db_id = 1;
-        t_partition_param.table_id = 2;
-        t_partition_param.version = 0;
-        t_partition_param.__set_partition_column("c4");
-        t_partition_param.__set_distributed_columns({"c1", "c3"});
-        t_partition_param.partitions.resize(1);
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].id = 10;
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].num_buckets = 1;
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes.resize(2);
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].index_id = 4;
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {21};
-        t_partition_param.partitions[0].indexes[1].index_id = 6;
-        OlapTablePartitionParam part(schema, t_partition_param);
-        st = part.init();
-        ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, tableLoacation) {
-    TOlapTableLocationParam tparam;
-    tparam.tablets.resize(1);
-    tparam.tablets[0].tablet_id = 1;
-    OlapTableLocationParam location(tparam);
-    {
-        auto loc = location.find_tablet(1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(loc != nullptr);
-    }
-    {
-        auto loc = location.find_tablet(2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(loc == nullptr);
-    }
-TEST_F(OlapTablePartitionParamTest, NodesInfo) {
-    TPaloNodesInfo tinfo;
-    tinfo.nodes.resize(1);
-    tinfo.nodes[0].id = 1;
-    DorisNodesInfo nodes(tinfo);
-    {
-        auto node = nodes.find_node(1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(node != nullptr);
-    }
-    {
-        auto node = nodes.find_node(2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(node == nullptr);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/tablet_sink_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/tablet_sink_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b4e112..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/tablet_sink_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,984 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exec/tablet_sink.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/HeartbeatService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/internal_service.pb.h"
-#include "runtime/bufferpool/reservation_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/decimal_value.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptor_helper.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/result_queue_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/stream_load/load_stream_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/thread_resource_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "service/brpc.h"
-#include "util/brpc_stub_cache.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/debug/leakcheck_disabler.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace stream_load {
-Status k_add_batch_status;
-class OlapTableSinkTest : public testing::Test {
-    OlapTableSinkTest() {}
-    virtual ~OlapTableSinkTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {
-        k_add_batch_status = Status::OK();
-        _env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-        _env->_thread_mgr = new ThreadResourceMgr();
-        _env->_master_info = new TMasterInfo();
-        _env->_load_stream_mgr = new LoadStreamMgr();
-        _env->_brpc_stub_cache = new BrpcStubCache();
-        _env->_buffer_reservation = new ReservationTracker();
-        config::tablet_writer_open_rpc_timeout_sec = 60;
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_env->_brpc_stub_cache);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_env->_load_stream_mgr);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_env->_master_info);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_env->_thread_mgr);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_env->_buffer_reservation);
-        if (_server) {
-            _server->Stop(100);
-            _server->Join();
-            SAFE_DELETE(_server);
-        }
-    }
-    ExecEnv* _env = nullptr;
-    brpc::Server* _server = nullptr;
-TDataSink get_data_sink(TDescriptorTable* desc_tbl) {
-    int64_t db_id = 1;
-    int64_t table_id = 2;
-    int64_t partition_id = 3;
-    int64_t index1_id = 4;
-    int64_t tablet1_id = 6;
-    int64_t tablet2_id = 7;
-    TDataSink data_sink;
-    data_sink.type = TDataSinkType::OLAP_TABLE_SINK;
-    data_sink.__isset.olap_table_sink = true;
-    TOlapTableSink& tsink = data_sink.olap_table_sink;
-    tsink.load_id.hi = 123;
-    tsink.load_id.lo = 456;
-    tsink.txn_id = 789;
-    tsink.db_id = 1;
-    tsink.table_id = 2;
-    tsink.tuple_id = 0;
-    tsink.num_replicas = 3;
-    tsink.db_name = "testDb";
-    tsink.table_name = "testTable";
-    // construct schema
-    TOlapTableSchemaParam& tschema = tsink.schema;
-    tschema.db_id = 1;
-    tschema.table_id = 2;
-    tschema.version = 0;
-    // descriptor
-    {
-        TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-        {
-            TTupleDescriptorBuilder tuple_builder;
-            tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                           .type(TYPE_INT)
-                                           .column_name("c1")
-                                           .column_pos(1)
-                                           .build());
-            tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                           .type(TYPE_BIGINT)
-                                           .column_name("c2")
-                                           .column_pos(2)
-                                           .build());
-            tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                           .string_type(10)
-                                           .column_name("c3")
-                                           .column_pos(3)
-                                           .build());
-            tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-        }
-        {
-            TTupleDescriptorBuilder tuple_builder;
-            tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                           .type(TYPE_INT)
-                                           .column_name("c1")
-                                           .column_pos(1)
-                                           .build());
-            tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                           .type(TYPE_BIGINT)
-                                           .column_name("c2")
-                                           .column_pos(2)
-                                           .build());
-            tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                           .string_type(20)
-                                           .column_name("c3")
-                                           .column_pos(3)
-                                           .build());
-            tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-        }
-        *desc_tbl = dtb.desc_tbl();
-        tschema.slot_descs = desc_tbl->slotDescriptors;
-        tschema.tuple_desc = desc_tbl->tupleDescriptors[0];
-    }
-    // index
-    tschema.indexes.resize(1);
-    tschema.indexes[0].id = index1_id;
-    tschema.indexes[0].columns = {"c1", "c2", "c3"};
-    // tschema.indexes[1].id = 5;
-    // tschema.indexes[1].columns = {"c1", "c3"};
-    // partition
-    TOlapTablePartitionParam& tpartition = tsink.partition;
-    tpartition.db_id = db_id;
-    tpartition.table_id = table_id;
-    tpartition.version = table_id;
-    tpartition.__set_partition_column("c2");
-    tpartition.__set_distributed_columns({"c1", "c3"});
-    tpartition.partitions.resize(1);
-    tpartition.partitions[0].id = partition_id;
-    tpartition.partitions[0].num_buckets = 2;
-    tpartition.partitions[0].indexes.resize(1);
-    tpartition.partitions[0].indexes[0].index_id = index1_id;
-    tpartition.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {tablet1_id, tablet2_id};
-    // location
-    TOlapTableLocationParam& location = tsink.location;
-    location.db_id = db_id;
-    location.table_id = table_id;
-    location.version = 0;
-    location.tablets.resize(2);
-    location.tablets[0].tablet_id = tablet1_id;
-    location.tablets[0].node_ids = {0, 1, 2};
-    location.tablets[1].tablet_id = tablet2_id;
-    location.tablets[1].node_ids = {0, 1, 2};
-    // location
-    TPaloNodesInfo& nodes_info = tsink.nodes_info;
-    nodes_info.nodes.resize(3);
-    nodes_info.nodes[0].id = 0;
-    nodes_info.nodes[0].host = "";
-    nodes_info.nodes[0].async_internal_port = 4356;
-    nodes_info.nodes[1].id = 1;
-    nodes_info.nodes[1].host = "";
-    nodes_info.nodes[1].async_internal_port = 4356;
-    nodes_info.nodes[2].id = 2;
-    nodes_info.nodes[2].host = "";
-    nodes_info.nodes[2].async_internal_port = 4357;
-    return data_sink;
-TDataSink get_decimal_sink(TDescriptorTable* desc_tbl) {
-    int64_t db_id = 1;
-    int64_t table_id = 2;
-    int64_t partition_id = 3;
-    int64_t index1_id = 4;
-    int64_t tablet1_id = 6;
-    int64_t tablet2_id = 7;
-    TDataSink data_sink;
-    data_sink.type = TDataSinkType::OLAP_TABLE_SINK;
-    data_sink.__isset.olap_table_sink = true;
-    TOlapTableSink& tsink = data_sink.olap_table_sink;
-    tsink.load_id.hi = 123;
-    tsink.load_id.lo = 456;
-    tsink.txn_id = 789;
-    tsink.db_id = 1;
-    tsink.table_id = 2;
-    tsink.tuple_id = 0;
-    tsink.num_replicas = 3;
-    tsink.db_name = "testDb";
-    tsink.table_name = "testTable";
-    // construct schema
-    TOlapTableSchemaParam& tschema = tsink.schema;
-    tschema.db_id = 1;
-    tschema.table_id = 2;
-    tschema.version = 0;
-    // descriptor
-    {
-        TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-        {
-            TTupleDescriptorBuilder tuple_builder;
-            tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                           .type(TYPE_INT)
-                                           .column_name("c1")
-                                           .column_pos(1)
-                                           .build());
-            tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                           .decimal_type(5, 2)
-                                           .column_name("c2")
-                                           .column_pos(2)
-                                           .build());
-            tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-        }
-        *desc_tbl = dtb.desc_tbl();
-        tschema.slot_descs = desc_tbl->slotDescriptors;
-        tschema.tuple_desc = desc_tbl->tupleDescriptors[0];
-    }
-    // index
-    tschema.indexes.resize(1);
-    tschema.indexes[0].id = index1_id;
-    tschema.indexes[0].columns = {"c1", "c2"};
-    // tschema.indexes[1].id = 5;
-    // tschema.indexes[1].columns = {"c1", "c3"};
-    // partition
-    TOlapTablePartitionParam& tpartition = tsink.partition;
-    tpartition.db_id = db_id;
-    tpartition.table_id = table_id;
-    tpartition.version = table_id;
-    tpartition.__set_partition_column("c1");
-    tpartition.__set_distributed_columns({"c2"});
-    tpartition.partitions.resize(1);
-    tpartition.partitions[0].id = partition_id;
-    tpartition.partitions[0].num_buckets = 2;
-    tpartition.partitions[0].indexes.resize(1);
-    tpartition.partitions[0].indexes[0].index_id = index1_id;
-    tpartition.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {tablet1_id, tablet2_id};
-    // location
-    TOlapTableLocationParam& location = tsink.location;
-    location.db_id = db_id;
-    location.table_id = table_id;
-    location.version = 0;
-    location.tablets.resize(2);
-    location.tablets[0].tablet_id = tablet1_id;
-    location.tablets[0].node_ids = {0, 1, 2};
-    location.tablets[1].tablet_id = tablet2_id;
-    location.tablets[1].node_ids = {0, 1, 2};
-    // location
-    TPaloNodesInfo& nodes_info = tsink.nodes_info;
-    nodes_info.nodes.resize(3);
-    nodes_info.nodes[0].id = 0;
-    nodes_info.nodes[0].host = "";
-    nodes_info.nodes[0].async_internal_port = 4356;
-    nodes_info.nodes[1].id = 1;
-    nodes_info.nodes[1].host = "";
-    nodes_info.nodes[1].async_internal_port = 4356;
-    nodes_info.nodes[2].id = 2;
-    nodes_info.nodes[2].host = "";
-    nodes_info.nodes[2].async_internal_port = 4357;
-    return data_sink;
-class TestInternalService : public PBackendService {
-    TestInternalService() {}
-    virtual ~TestInternalService() {}
-    void transmit_data(::google::protobuf::RpcController* controller,
-                       const ::doris::PTransmitDataParams* request,
-                       ::doris::PTransmitDataResult* response,
-                       ::google::protobuf::Closure* done) override {
-        brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
-    }
-    void tablet_writer_open(google::protobuf::RpcController* controller,
-                            const PTabletWriterOpenRequest* request,
-                            PTabletWriterOpenResult* response,
-                            google::protobuf::Closure* done) override {
-        brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
-        Status status;
-        status.to_protobuf(response->mutable_status());
-    }
-    void tablet_writer_add_batch(google::protobuf::RpcController* controller,
-                                 const PTabletWriterAddBatchRequest* request,
-                                 PTabletWriterAddBatchResult* response,
-                                 google::protobuf::Closure* done) override {
-        brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_lock);
-            _row_counters += request->tablet_ids_size();
-            if (request->eos()) {
-                _eof_counters++;
-            }
-            k_add_batch_status.to_protobuf(response->mutable_status());
-            if (request->has_row_batch() && _row_desc != nullptr) {
-                auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-                RowBatch batch(*_row_desc, request->row_batch(), tracker.get());
-                for (int i = 0; i < batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-                    LOG(INFO) << batch.get_row(i)->to_string(*_row_desc);
-                    _output_set->emplace(batch.get_row(i)->to_string(*_row_desc));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    void tablet_writer_cancel(google::protobuf::RpcController* controller,
-                              const PTabletWriterCancelRequest* request,
-                              PTabletWriterCancelResult* response,
-                              google::protobuf::Closure* done) override {
-        brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
-    }
-    std::mutex _lock;
-    int64_t _eof_counters = 0;
-    int64_t _row_counters = 0;
-    RowDescriptor* _row_desc = nullptr;
-    std::set<std::string>* _output_set = nullptr;
-TEST_F(OlapTableSinkTest, normal) {
-    // start brpc service first
-    _server = new brpc::Server();
-    auto service = new TestInternalService();
-    ASSERT_EQ(_server->AddService(service, brpc::SERVER_OWNS_SERVICE), 0);
-    brpc::ServerOptions options;
-    {
-        debug::ScopedLeakCheckDisabler disable_lsan;
-        _server->Start(4356, &options);
-    }
-    TUniqueId fragment_id;
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1;
-    RuntimeState state(fragment_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _env);
-    state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-    // state._query_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker());
-    // state._instance_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1, "test", state._query_mem_tracker.get()));
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl;
-    auto t_data_sink = get_data_sink(&tdesc_tbl);
-    // crate desc_tabl
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    auto st = DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    state._desc_tbl = desc_tbl;
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    LOG(INFO) << "tuple_desc=" << tuple_desc->debug_string();
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    OlapTableSink sink(&obj_pool, row_desc, {}, &st);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // init
-    st = sink.init(t_data_sink);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // prepare
-    st = sink.prepare(&state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // open
-    st = sink.open(&state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // send
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-    // 12, 9, "abc"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 12;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 9;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = (char*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10);
-        str_val->len = 3;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abc", str_val->len);
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 13, 25, "abcd"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 13;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 25;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = (char*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10);
-        str_val->len = 4;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abcd", str_val->len);
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 14, 50, "abcde"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 14;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 50;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(16));
-        str_val->len = 15;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abcde1234567890", str_val->len);
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    st = sink.send(&state, &batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // close
-    st = sink.close(&state, Status::OK());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok() || st.to_string() == "Internal error: already stopped, skip waiting for close. cancelled/!eos: : 1/1") << st.to_string();
-    // each node has a eof
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, service->_eof_counters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2 * 2, service->_row_counters);
-    // 2node * 2
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, state.num_rows_load_filtered());
-TEST_F(OlapTableSinkTest, convert) {
-    // start brpc service first
-    _server = new brpc::Server();
-    auto service = new TestInternalService();
-    ASSERT_EQ(_server->AddService(service, brpc::SERVER_OWNS_SERVICE), 0);
-    brpc::ServerOptions options;
-    {
-        debug::ScopedLeakCheckDisabler disable_lsan;
-        _server->Start(4356, &options);
-    }
-    TUniqueId fragment_id;
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1024;
-    RuntimeState state(fragment_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _env);
-    state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl;
-    auto t_data_sink = get_data_sink(&tdesc_tbl);
-    // crate desc_tabl
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    auto st = DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    state._desc_tbl = desc_tbl;
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    // expr
-    std::vector<TExpr> exprs;
-    exprs.resize(3);
-    exprs[0].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[3].slotType;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    exprs[1].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[4].slotType;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 1;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    exprs[2].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[5].slotType;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 2;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    OlapTableSink sink(&obj_pool, row_desc, exprs, &st);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // set output tuple_id
-    t_data_sink.olap_table_sink.tuple_id = 1;
-    // init
-    st = sink.init(t_data_sink);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // prepare
-    st = sink.prepare(&state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // open
-    st = sink.open(&state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // send
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-    // 12, 9, "abc"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 12;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 9;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = (char*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10);
-        str_val->len = 3;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abc", str_val->len);
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 13, 25, "abcd"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 13;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 25;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = (char*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10);
-        str_val->len = 4;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abcd", str_val->len);
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 14, 50, "abcde"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 14;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 50;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10));
-        str_val->len = 5;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abcde", str_val->len);
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    st = sink.send(&state, &batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // close
-    st = sink.close(&state, Status::OK());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok() || st.to_string() == "Internal error: already stopped, skip waiting for close. cancelled/!eos: : 1/1") << st.to_string();
-    // each node has a eof
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, service->_eof_counters);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2 * 3, service->_row_counters);
-    // 2node * 2
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, state.num_rows_load_filtered());
-TEST_F(OlapTableSinkTest, init_fail1) {
-    TUniqueId fragment_id;
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1;
-    RuntimeState state(fragment_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _env);
-    state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl;
-    auto t_data_sink = get_data_sink(&tdesc_tbl);
-    // crate desc_tabl
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    auto st = DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    state._desc_tbl = desc_tbl;
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    // expr
-    std::vector<TExpr> exprs;
-    exprs.resize(1);
-    exprs[0].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[3].slotType;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    {
-        OlapTableSink sink(&obj_pool, row_desc, exprs, &st);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        // set output tuple_id
-        t_data_sink.olap_table_sink.tuple_id = 5;
-        // init
-        st = sink.init(t_data_sink);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        st = sink.prepare(&state);
-        EXPECT_FALSE(st.ok());
-        sink.close(&state, st);
-    }
-    {
-        OlapTableSink sink(&obj_pool, row_desc, exprs, &st);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        // set output tuple_id
-        t_data_sink.olap_table_sink.tuple_id = 1;
-        // init
-        st = sink.init(t_data_sink);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        st = sink.prepare(&state);
-        EXPECT_FALSE(st.ok());
-        sink.close(&state, st);
-    }
-TEST_F(OlapTableSinkTest, init_fail3) {
-    TUniqueId fragment_id;
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1;
-    RuntimeState state(fragment_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _env);
-    state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl;
-    auto t_data_sink = get_data_sink(&tdesc_tbl);
-    // crate desc_tabl
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    auto st = DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    state._desc_tbl = desc_tbl;
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    // expr
-    std::vector<TExpr> exprs;
-    exprs.resize(3);
-    exprs[0].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[3].slotType;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    exprs[1].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[3].slotType;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 1;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    exprs[2].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[5].slotType;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 2;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    OlapTableSink sink(&obj_pool, row_desc, exprs, &st);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // set output tuple_id
-    t_data_sink.olap_table_sink.tuple_id = 1;
-    // init
-    st = sink.init(t_data_sink);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = sink.prepare(&state);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    sink.close(&state, st);
-TEST_F(OlapTableSinkTest, init_fail4) {
-    TUniqueId fragment_id;
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1;
-    RuntimeState state(fragment_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _env);
-    state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl;
-    auto t_data_sink = get_data_sink(&tdesc_tbl);
-    // crate desc_tabl
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    auto st = DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    state._desc_tbl = desc_tbl;
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    // expr
-    std::vector<TExpr> exprs;
-    exprs.resize(3);
-    exprs[0].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[3].slotType;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    exprs[1].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[4].slotType;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 1;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    exprs[2].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[5].slotType;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 2;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    OlapTableSink sink(&obj_pool, row_desc, exprs, &st);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // set output tuple_id
-    t_data_sink.olap_table_sink.tuple_id = 1;
-    // init
-    t_data_sink.olap_table_sink.partition.partitions[0].indexes[0].tablets = {101, 102};
-    st = sink.init(t_data_sink);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = sink.prepare(&state);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    sink.close(&state, st);
-TEST_F(OlapTableSinkTest, add_batch_failed) {
-    // start brpc service first
-    _server = new brpc::Server();
-    auto service = new TestInternalService();
-    ASSERT_EQ(_server->AddService(service, brpc::SERVER_OWNS_SERVICE), 0);
-    brpc::ServerOptions options;
-    {
-        debug::ScopedLeakCheckDisabler disable_lsan;
-        _server->Start(4356, &options);
-    }
-    // ObjectPool create before RuntimeState, simulate actual situation better.
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    TUniqueId fragment_id;
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1;
-    RuntimeState state(fragment_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _env);
-    state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl;
-    auto t_data_sink = get_data_sink(&tdesc_tbl);
-    // crate desc_tabl
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    auto st = DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    state._desc_tbl = desc_tbl;
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    // expr
-    std::vector<TExpr> exprs;
-    exprs.resize(3);
-    exprs[0].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[3].slotType;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-    exprs[0].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    exprs[1].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[4].slotType;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 1;
-    exprs[1].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    exprs[2].nodes.resize(1);
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].type = tdesc_tbl.slotDescriptors[5].slotType;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].num_children = 0;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].__isset.slot_ref = true;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].slot_ref.slot_id = 2;
-    exprs[2].nodes[0].slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-    OlapTableSink sink(&obj_pool, row_desc, exprs, &st);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // set output tuple_id
-    t_data_sink.olap_table_sink.tuple_id = 1;
-    // init
-    st = sink.init(t_data_sink);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = sink.prepare(&state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = sink.open(&state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // send
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    // 12, 9, "abc"
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 12;
-        *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(tuple->get_slot(8)) = 9;
-        StringValue* str_val = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        str_val->ptr = (char*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(10);
-        str_val->len = 3;
-        memcpy(str_val->ptr, "abc", str_val->len);
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // Channels will be cancelled internally, coz brpc returns k_add_batch_status.
-    k_add_batch_status = Status::InternalError("dummy failed");
-    st = sink.send(&state, &batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // Send batch multiple times, can make _cur_batch or _pending_batches(in channels) not empty.
-    // To ensure the order of releasing resource is OK.
-    sink.send(&state, &batch);
-    sink.send(&state, &batch);
-    // close
-    st = sink.close(&state, Status::OK());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(OlapTableSinkTest, decimal) {
-    // start brpc service first
-    _server = new brpc::Server();
-    auto service = new TestInternalService();
-    ASSERT_EQ(_server->AddService(service, brpc::SERVER_OWNS_SERVICE), 0);
-    brpc::ServerOptions options;
-    {
-        debug::ScopedLeakCheckDisabler disable_lsan;
-        _server->Start(4356, &options);
-    }
-    TUniqueId fragment_id;
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1;
-    RuntimeState state(fragment_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _env);
-    state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl;
-    auto t_data_sink = get_decimal_sink(&tdesc_tbl);
-    // crate desc_tabl
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    auto st = DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    state._desc_tbl = desc_tbl;
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    LOG(INFO) << "tuple_desc=" << tuple_desc->debug_string();
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    service->_row_desc = &row_desc;
-    std::set<std::string> output_set;
-    service->_output_set = &output_set;
-    OlapTableSink sink(&obj_pool, row_desc, {}, &st);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // init
-    st = sink.init(t_data_sink);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // prepare
-    st = sink.prepare(&state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // open
-    st = sink.open(&state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // send
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    RowBatch batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-    // 12, 12.3
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 12;
-        DecimalValue* dec_val = reinterpret_cast<DecimalValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        *dec_val = DecimalValue("12.3");
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 13, 123.123456789
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 13;
-        DecimalValue* dec_val = reinterpret_cast<DecimalValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        *dec_val = DecimalValue("123.123456789");
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 14, 123456789123.1234
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = (Tuple*)batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        batch.get_row(batch.add_row())->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *reinterpret_cast<int*>(tuple->get_slot(4)) = 14;
-        DecimalValue* dec_val = reinterpret_cast<DecimalValue*>(tuple->get_slot(16));
-        *dec_val = DecimalValue("123456789123.1234");
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    st = sink.send(&state, &batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // close
-    st = sink.close(&state, Status::OK());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok() || st.to_string() == "Internal error: already stopped, skip waiting for close. cancelled/!eos: : 1/1") << st.to_string();
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, output_set.size());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(output_set.count("[(12 12.3)]") > 0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(output_set.count("[(13 123.12)]") > 0);
-    // ASSERT_TRUE(output_set.count("[(14 999.99)]") > 0);
-} // namespace stream_load
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv b/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index c260f79..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_1.csv b/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_1.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index a53e637..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_1.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_2.csv b/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_2.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 54fb662..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/broker_scanner/normal2_2.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file b/be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file
deleted file mode 100644
index 88f4883..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file.txt b/be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e0e5fb6..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/buffered_reader/buffered_reader_test_file.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/continuous_delim b/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/continuous_delim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ca2814..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/continuous_delim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/fill_string_len b/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/fill_string_len
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff2ddd..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/fill_string_len
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/normal_use b/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/normal_use
deleted file mode 100644
index a38ff91..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/normal_use
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/wrong_decimal_format b/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/wrong_decimal_format
deleted file mode 100644
index ac3c75e..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/wrong_decimal_format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/wrong_fix_len_string b/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/wrong_fix_len_string
deleted file mode 100644
index afaacce..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scan_node/wrong_fix_len_string
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scanner/csv_file1 b/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scanner/csv_file1
deleted file mode 100644
index f2dbaac..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scanner/csv_file1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scanner/csv_file2 b/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scanner/csv_file2
deleted file mode 100644
index 56420be..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/csv_scanner/csv_file2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_array.json b/be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_array.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 52338d9..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_array.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-    {"k1":"v1",   "kind":"server", "keyname":{"ip":"", "value":"20"}},
-    {"k1":"v1-1", "kind":"server", "keyname":{"ip":"", "value":"20"}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_simple2.json b/be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_simple2.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd193f..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/json_scanner/test_simple2.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-        {"category":"reference","author":"NigelRees","title":"SayingsoftheCentury","price":8.95, "largeint":1234, "decimal":1234.1234},
-        {"category":"fiction","author":"EvelynWaugh","title":"SwordofHonour","price":12.99, "largeint":1180591620717411303424, "decimal":9999999999999.999999}
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/decimal_and_timestamp.orc b/be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/decimal_and_timestamp.orc
deleted file mode 100644
index 548fac4..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/decimal_and_timestamp.orc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/my-file.orc b/be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/my-file.orc
deleted file mode 100644
index b0c2107..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/orc_scanner/my-file.orc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/parquet_scanner/localfile.parquet b/be/test/exec/test_data/parquet_scanner/localfile.parquet
deleted file mode 100644
index 9af28ed..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/parquet_scanner/localfile.parquet
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/parquet_scanner/parquet_cpp_example.parquet b/be/test/exec/test_data/parquet_scanner/parquet_cpp_example.parquet
deleted file mode 100644
index ef38e06..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/parquet_scanner/parquet_cpp_example.parquet
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/empty.txt b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/empty.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/empty.txt
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/larger.txt b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/larger.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d3bfcd..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/larger.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/larger.txt.lzo b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/larger.txt.lzo
deleted file mode 100644
index c513c0e..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/larger.txt.lzo
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 008743e..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.bz2 b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index 21236c9..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.bz2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.gz b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index eddeaf9..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lz4 b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lz4
deleted file mode 100644
index 785d3f5..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lz4
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lzo b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lzo
deleted file mode 100644
index b2c509e..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/limit.csv.lzo
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/no_newline.csv b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/no_newline.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index d3c27d6..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/no_newline.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/no_newline.csv.gz b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/no_newline.csv.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index a877f53..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/no_newline.csv.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d11bc9..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.bz2 b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b37ed1..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.bz2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.gz b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb97b6..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.lz4 b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.lz4
deleted file mode 100644
index a1e876b..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.lz4
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.lzo b/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.lzo
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf0c84..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/test_data/plain_text_line_reader/test_file.csv.lzo
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/exec/unix_odbc_test.cpp b/be/test/exec/unix_odbc_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a9d3f97..0000000
--- a/be/test/exec/unix_odbc_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <sql.h>
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    SQLRETURN ret;
-    SQLHENV env;
-    /* Allocate an environment handle */
-    ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &env);
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/exprs/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c393aa..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
-set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/exprs")
-# where to put generated binaries
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/binary_predicate_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/binary_predicate_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 43342b9..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/binary_predicate_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/binary_predicate.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/exec_node.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "exprs/int_literal.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/vectorized_row_batch.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class BinaryOpTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    ~BinaryOpTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _object_pool = new ObjectPool();
-        _runtime_state = _object_pool->add(new RuntimeState(""));
-        TDescriptorTable ttbl;
-        TTupleDescriptor tuple_desc;
-        tuple_desc.__set_id(0);
-        tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(8);
-        tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(0);
-        ttbl.tupleDescriptors.push_back(tuple_desc);
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.__set_id(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(4);
-        slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_colName("col1");
-        slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        ttbl.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = NULL;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(DescriptorTbl::create(_object_pool, ttbl, &desc_tbl).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(desc_tbl != NULL);
-        _runtime_state->set_desc_tbl(desc_tbl);
-        std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-        row_tuples.push_back(0);
-        std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _row_desc = _object_pool->add(new RowDescriptor(*desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples));
-        FieldInfo field;
-        field.name = "col1";
-        field.type = OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT;
-        field.length = 4;
-        field.is_key = true;
-        _schema.push_back(field);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        if (_object_pool != NULL) {
-            delete _object_pool;
-            _object_pool = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    Expr* create_expr() {
-        TExpr exprs;
-        {
-            TExprNode expr_node;
-            expr_node.__set_node_type(TExprNodeType::BINARY_PRED);
-            TColumnType type;
-            type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            expr_node.__set_type(type);
-            expr_node.__set_num_children(2);
-            expr_node.__isset.opcode = true;
-            expr_node.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::LT_INT_INT);
-            expr_node.__isset.vector_opcode = true;
-            expr_node.__set_vector_opcode(TExprOpcode::FILTER_LT_INT_INT);
-            exprs.nodes.push_back(expr_node);
-        }
-        {
-            TExprNode expr_node;
-            expr_node.__set_node_type(TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF);
-            TColumnType type;
-            type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            expr_node.__set_type(type);
-            expr_node.__set_num_children(0);
-            expr_node.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-            TSlotRef slot_ref;
-            slot_ref.__set_slot_id(0);
-            slot_ref.__set_tuple_id(0);
-            expr_node.__set_slot_ref(slot_ref);
-            expr_node.__isset.output_column = true;
-            expr_node.__set_output_column(0);
-            exprs.nodes.push_back(expr_node);
-        }
-        {
-            TExprNode expr_node;
-            expr_node.__set_node_type(TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL);
-            TColumnType type;
-            type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            expr_node.__set_type(type);
-            expr_node.__set_num_children(0);
-            expr_node.__isset.int_literal = true;
-            TIntLiteral int_literal;
-            int_literal.__set_value(10);
-            expr_node.__set_int_literal(int_literal);
-            exprs.nodes.push_back(expr_node);
-        }
-        Expr* root_expr = NULL;
-        if (Expr::create_expr_tree(_object_pool, exprs, &root_expr).ok()) {
-            return root_expr;
-        } else {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    ObjectPool* object_pool() { return _object_pool; }
-    RuntimeState* runtime_state() { return _runtime_state; }
-    RowDescriptor* row_desc() { return _row_desc; }
-    ObjectPool* _object_pool;
-    RuntimeState* _runtime_state;
-    RowDescriptor* _row_desc;
-    std::vector<FieldInfo> _schema;
-TEST_F(BinaryOpTest, PrepareTest) {
-    Expr* expr = create_expr();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(expr != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(expr->prepare(runtime_state(), *row_desc()).ok());
-TEST_F(BinaryOpTest, NormalTest) {
-    Expr* expr = create_expr();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(expr != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(expr->prepare(runtime_state(), *row_desc()).ok());
-    int capacity = 256;
-    VectorizedRowBatch* vec_row_batch =
-            object_pool()->add(new VectorizedRowBatch(_schema, capacity));
-    MemPool* mem_pool = vec_row_batch->mem_pool();
-    int32_t* vec_data = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(mem_pool->allocate(sizeof(int32_t) * capacity));
-    vec_row_batch->column(0)->set_col_data(vec_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
-        vec_data[i] = i;
-    }
-    vec_row_batch->set_size(capacity);
-    expr->evaluate(vec_row_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(vec_row_batch->size(), 10);
-    Tuple tuple;
-    int vv = 0;
-    while (vec_row_batch->get_next_tuple(&tuple,
-                                         *runtime_state()->desc_tbl().get_tuple_descriptor(0))) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(vv++, *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(tuple.get_slot(4)));
-    }
-TEST_F(BinaryOpTest, SimplePerformanceTest) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _row_desc->tuple_descriptors().size());
-    for (int capacity = 128; capacity <= 1024 * 128; capacity *= 2) {
-        Expr* expr = create_expr();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(expr != NULL);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(expr->prepare(runtime_state(), *row_desc()).ok());
-        int size = 1024 * 1024 / capacity;
-        VectorizedRowBatch* vec_row_batches[size];
-        srand(time(NULL));
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            vec_row_batches[i] = object_pool()->add(new VectorizedRowBatch(_schema, capacity));
-            MemPool* mem_pool = vec_row_batches[i]->mem_pool();
-            int32_t* vec_data =
-                    reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(mem_pool->allocate(sizeof(int32_t) * capacity));
-            vec_row_batches[i]->column(0)->set_col_data(vec_data);
-            for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
-                vec_data[i] = rand() % 20;
-            }
-            vec_row_batches[i]->set_size(capacity);
-        }
-        RowBatch* row_batches[size];
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            row_batches[i] = object_pool()->add(new RowBatch(*row_desc(), capacity));
-            vec_row_batches[i]->to_row_batch(row_batches[i],
-                                             *runtime_state()->desc_tbl().get_tuple_descriptor(0));
-        }
-        MonotonicStopWatch stopwatch;
-        stopwatch.start();
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            expr->evaluate(vec_row_batches[i]);
-        }
-        uint64_t vec_time = stopwatch.elapsed_time();
-        VLOG_CRITICAL << PrettyPrinter::print(vec_time, TCounterType::TIME_NS);
-        stopwatch.start();
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < capacity; ++j) {
-                ExecNode::eval_conjuncts(&expr, 1, row_batches[i]->get_row(j));
-            }
-        }
-        uint64_t row_time = stopwatch.elapsed_time();
-        VLOG_CRITICAL << PrettyPrinter::print(row_time, TCounterType::TIME_NS);
-        VLOG_CRITICAL << "capacity: " << capacity << " multiple: " << row_time / vec_time;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100: */
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/bitmap_function_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/bitmap_function_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c4a11c..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/bitmap_function_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/bitmap_function.cpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <limits>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "exprs/aggregate_functions.h"
-#include "exprs/anyval_util.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-#include "util/bitmap_value.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-StringVal convert_bitmap_to_string(FunctionContext* ctx, BitmapValue& bitmap) {
-    StringVal result(ctx, bitmap.getSizeInBytes());
-    bitmap.write((char*)result.ptr);
-    return result;
-template <typename T>
-StringVal convert_bitmap_intersect_to_string(FunctionContext* ctx, BitmapIntersect<T>& intersect) {
-    StringVal result(ctx, intersect.size());
-    intersect.serialize((char*)result.ptr);
-    return result;
-class BitmapFunctionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    BitmapFunctionsTest() = default;
-    void SetUp() {
-        utils = new FunctionUtils();
-        ctx = utils->get_fn_ctx();
-    }
-    void TearDown() { delete utils; }
-    FunctionUtils* utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx;
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_empty) {
-    StringVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_empty(ctx);
-    BitmapValue bitmap;
-    StringVal expected = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, to_bitmap) {
-    std::vector<uint64_t> values = {0, 65535, 4294967295, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()};
-    for (auto val : values) {
-        StringVal input = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(ctx, std::to_string(val));
-        StringVal result = BitmapFunctions::to_bitmap(ctx, input);
-        BitmapValue bitmap(val);
-        StringVal expected = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap);
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    }
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, to_bitmap_null) {
-    StringVal input = StringVal::null();
-    StringVal result = BitmapFunctions::to_bitmap(ctx, input);
-    BitmapValue bitmap;
-    StringVal expected = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, to_bitmap_invalid_argument) {
-    StringVal input = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(ctx, std::string("-1"));
-    StringVal result = BitmapFunctions::to_bitmap(ctx, input);
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(), result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ctx->has_error());
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, to_bitmap_out_of_range) {
-    StringVal input = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(ctx, std::string("18446744073709551616"));
-    StringVal result = BitmapFunctions::to_bitmap(ctx, input);
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(), result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ctx->has_error());
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_union_int) {
-    StringVal dst;
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_init(ctx, &dst);
-    IntVal src1(1);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_update_int(ctx, src1, &dst);
-    IntVal src2(1234567);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_update_int(ctx, src2, &dst);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_finalize(ctx, dst);
-    BigIntVal expected(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_get_value) {
-    StringVal dst;
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_init(ctx, &dst);
-    IntVal src1(1);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_update_int(ctx, src1, &dst);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_get_value(ctx, dst);
-    BigIntVal expected(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    IntVal src2(1234567);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_update_int(ctx, src2, &dst);
-    result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_get_value(ctx, dst);
-    expected.val = 2;
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    BigIntVal finalize_result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_finalize(ctx, dst);
-    ASSERT_EQ(result, finalize_result);
-    BigIntVal null_bitmap = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_get_value(ctx, StringVal::null());
-    ASSERT_EQ(BigIntVal(0), null_bitmap);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_union) {
-    StringVal dst;
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_init(ctx, &dst);
-    BitmapValue bitmap1(1024);
-    StringVal src1 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_union(ctx, src1, &dst);
-    StringVal src2 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_union(ctx, src2, &dst);
-    BitmapValue bitmap3(2048);
-    StringVal src3 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap3);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_union(ctx, src3, &dst);
-    StringVal src4 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap3);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_union(ctx, src4, &dst);
-    StringVal src5 = StringVal::null();
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_union(ctx, src5, &dst);
-    StringVal serialized = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_serialize(ctx, dst);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, serialized);
-    BigIntVal expected(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-// test bitmap_intersect
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_intersect) {
-    StringVal dst;
-    BitmapFunctions::nullable_bitmap_init(ctx, &dst);
-    BitmapValue bitmap1(1);
-    bitmap1.add(2);
-    bitmap1.add(3);
-    StringVal src1 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect(ctx, src1, &dst);
-    BitmapValue bitmap2(1);
-    bitmap2.add(2);
-    StringVal src2 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap2);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect(ctx, src2, &dst);
-    StringVal serialized = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_serialize(ctx, dst);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, serialized);
-    BigIntVal expected(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-// test bitmap_intersect with null dst
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_intersect_empty) {
-    StringVal dst;
-    BitmapFunctions::nullable_bitmap_init(ctx, &dst);
-    StringVal serialized = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_serialize(ctx, dst);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, serialized);
-    BigIntVal expected(0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_count) {
-    BitmapValue bitmap(1024);
-    bitmap.add(1);
-    bitmap.add(2019);
-    StringVal bitmap_str = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, bitmap_str);
-    BigIntVal expected(3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    BigIntVal null_bitmap = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, StringVal::null());
-    ASSERT_EQ(BigIntVal(0), null_bitmap);
-// test intersect_count
-template <typename ValType, typename ValueType>
-void test_bitmap_intersect(FunctionContext* ctx, ValType key1, ValType key2) {
-    StringVal bitmap_column("placeholder");
-    StringVal filter_column("placeholder");
-    std::vector<doris_udf::AnyVal*> const_vals;
-    const_vals.push_back(&bitmap_column);
-    const_vals.push_back(&filter_column);
-    const_vals.push_back(&key1);
-    const_vals.push_back(&key2);
-    ctx->impl()->set_constant_args(const_vals);
-    StringVal dst;
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect_init<ValueType, ValType>(ctx, &dst);
-    BitmapValue bitmap1({1024, 1025, 1026});
-    StringVal src1 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect_update<ValueType, ValType>(ctx, src1, key1, 1, nullptr, &dst);
-    BitmapValue bitmap2({1024, 1023, 1022});
-    StringVal src2 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap2);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect_update<ValueType, ValType>(ctx, src2, key2, 2, nullptr, &dst);
-    StringVal intersect1 = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect_serialize<ValueType>(ctx, dst);
-    BitmapIntersect<ValueType> intersect2;
-    for (size_t i = 2; i < const_vals.size(); i++) {
-        ValType* arg = reinterpret_cast<ValType*>(const_vals[i]);
-        intersect2.add_key(detail::get_val<ValType, ValueType>(*arg));
-    }
-    intersect2.update(detail::get_val<ValType, ValueType>(key1), bitmap1);
-    intersect2.update(detail::get_val<ValType, ValueType>(key2), bitmap2);
-    StringVal expected = convert_bitmap_intersect_to_string(ctx, intersect2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, intersect1);
-    BitmapIntersect<ValueType> intersect2_serde((char*)expected.ptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, intersect2_serde.intersect_count());
-    StringVal dst2;
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect_init<ValueType, ValType>(ctx, &dst2);
-    BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect_merge<ValueType>(ctx, intersect1, &dst2);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_intersect_finalize<ValueType>(ctx, dst2);
-    BigIntVal expected_count(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected_count, result);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, test_bitmap_intersect) {
-    test_bitmap_intersect<TinyIntVal, int8_t>(ctx, TinyIntVal(101), TinyIntVal(102));
-    test_bitmap_intersect<SmallIntVal, int16_t>(ctx, SmallIntVal((int16_t)65535),
-                                                SmallIntVal((int16_t)65534));
-    test_bitmap_intersect<IntVal, int32_t>(ctx, IntVal(20191211), IntVal(20191212));
-    test_bitmap_intersect<BigIntVal, int64_t>(ctx, BigIntVal(20191211), BigIntVal(20191212));
-    test_bitmap_intersect<LargeIntVal, __int128>(ctx, LargeIntVal(20191211), LargeIntVal(20191212));
-    test_bitmap_intersect<FloatVal, float>(ctx, FloatVal(1.01), FloatVal(1.02));
-    test_bitmap_intersect<DoubleVal, double>(ctx, DoubleVal(1.01), DoubleVal(1.02));
-    DecimalV2Val v1;
-    DecimalV2Value("1.01").to_decimal_val(&v1);
-    DecimalV2Val v2;
-    DecimalV2Value("1.02").to_decimal_val(&v2);
-    test_bitmap_intersect<DecimalV2Val, DecimalV2Value>(ctx, v1, v2);
-    DateTimeVal datetime1;
-    DateTimeValue date_time_value;
-    date_time_value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    date_time_value.to_datetime_val(&datetime1);
-    DateTimeVal datetime2;
-    date_time_value.from_date_int64(19880202);
-    date_time_value.to_datetime_val(&datetime2);
-    test_bitmap_intersect<DateTimeVal, DateTimeValue>(ctx, datetime1, datetime2);
-    test_bitmap_intersect<StringVal, StringValue>(ctx, StringVal("20191211"),
-                                                  StringVal("20191212"));
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_or) {
-    BitmapValue bitmap1({1024, 1, 2019});
-    BitmapValue bitmap2({33, 44, 55});
-    StringVal bitmap_src = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    StringVal bitmap_dst = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap2);
-    StringVal bitmap_str = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_or(ctx, bitmap_src, bitmap_dst);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, bitmap_str);
-    BigIntVal expected(6);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_and) {
-    BitmapValue bitmap1({1024, 1, 2019});
-    BitmapValue bitmap2({33, 44, 2019});
-    StringVal bitmap_src = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    StringVal bitmap_dst = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap2);
-    StringVal bitmap_str = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_and(ctx, bitmap_src, bitmap_dst);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, bitmap_str);
-    BigIntVal expected(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_not) {
-    // result is bitmap
-    BitmapValue bitmap1({1024, 1, 2019});
-    BitmapValue bitmap2({33, 44, 2019});
-    StringVal bitmap_src = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    StringVal bitmap_dst = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap2);
-    StringVal bitmap_str = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_not(ctx, bitmap_src, bitmap_dst);
-    BigIntVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, bitmap_str);
-    BigIntVal expected(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    // result is single
-    bitmap1 = BitmapValue({1024, 1, 2019});
-    bitmap2 = BitmapValue({33, 1024, 2019});
-    bitmap_src = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    bitmap_dst = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap2);
-    bitmap_str = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_not(ctx, bitmap_src, bitmap_dst);
-    result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, bitmap_str);
-    expected = BigIntVal(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    // result is empty
-    bitmap1 = BitmapValue({1024, 1, 2019});
-    bitmap2 = BitmapValue({1, 1024, 2019});
-    bitmap_src = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    bitmap_dst = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap2);
-    bitmap_str = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_not(ctx, bitmap_src, bitmap_dst);
-    result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_count(ctx, bitmap_str);
-    expected = BigIntVal(0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_contains) {
-    BitmapValue bitmap({4, 5});
-    StringVal bitmap_str = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap);
-    BooleanVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_contains(ctx, bitmap_str, 5);
-    BooleanVal expected(true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    BooleanVal result2 = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_contains(ctx, bitmap_str, 10);
-    BooleanVal expected2(false);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected2, result2);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_has_any) {
-    BitmapValue bitmap1({4, 5});
-    BitmapValue bitmap2({4, 5});
-    StringVal lhs = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap1);
-    StringVal rhs = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap2);
-    BooleanVal result = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_has_any(ctx, lhs, rhs);
-    BooleanVal expected(true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    BitmapValue bitmap3(10);
-    StringVal r3 = convert_bitmap_to_string(ctx, bitmap3);
-    BooleanVal result1 = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_has_any(ctx, lhs, r3);
-    BooleanVal expected2(false);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected2, result1);
-TEST_F(BitmapFunctionsTest, bitmap_from_string) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    {
-        StringVal val = StringVal("0,1,2");
-        auto bitmap_str = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_from_string(utils.get_fn_ctx(), val);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(bitmap_str.is_null);
-        BitmapValue bitmap((const char*)bitmap_str.ptr);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bitmap.contains(0));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bitmap.contains(1));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bitmap.contains(2));
-    }
-    {
-        StringVal val = StringVal("a,b,1,2");
-        auto bitmap_str = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_from_string(utils.get_fn_ctx(), val);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bitmap_str.is_null);
-    }
-    {
-        StringVal val = StringVal("-1,1,2");
-        auto bitmap_str = BitmapFunctions::bitmap_from_string(utils.get_fn_ctx(), val);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bitmap_str.is_null);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/encryption_functions_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/encryption_functions_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c73b9e7..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/encryption_functions_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/encryption_functions.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "exprs/anyval_util.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class EncryptionFunctionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    EncryptionFunctionsTest() = default;
-    void SetUp() {
-        utils = new FunctionUtils();
-        ctx = utils->get_fn_ctx();
-    }
-    void TearDown() { delete utils; }
-    FunctionUtils* utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx;
-TEST_F(EncryptionFunctionsTest, from_base64) {
-    std::unique_ptr<doris_udf::FunctionContext> context(new doris_udf::FunctionContext());
-    {
-        StringVal result =
-                EncryptionFunctions::from_base64(context.get(), doris_udf::StringVal("aGVsbG8="));
-        StringVal expected = doris_udf::StringVal("hello");
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    }
-    {
-        StringVal result =
-                EncryptionFunctions::from_base64(context.get(), doris_udf::StringVal::null());
-        StringVal expected = doris_udf::StringVal::null();
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    }
-TEST_F(EncryptionFunctionsTest, to_base64) {
-    std::unique_ptr<doris_udf::FunctionContext> context(new doris_udf::FunctionContext());
-    {
-        StringVal result =
-                EncryptionFunctions::to_base64(context.get(), doris_udf::StringVal("hello"));
-        StringVal expected = doris_udf::StringVal("aGVsbG8=");
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    }
-    {
-        StringVal result =
-                EncryptionFunctions::to_base64(context.get(), doris_udf::StringVal::null());
-        StringVal expected = doris_udf::StringVal::null();
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/hll_function_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/hll_function_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5734d61..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/hll_function_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/hll_function.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "exprs/aggregate_functions.h"
-#include "exprs/anyval_util.h"
-#include "olap/hll.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-StringVal convert_hll_to_string(FunctionContext* ctx, HyperLogLog& hll) {
-    std::string buf;
-    buf.resize(HLL_COLUMN_DEFAULT_LEN);
-    int size = hll.serialize((uint8_t*)buf.c_str());
-    buf.resize(size);
-    return AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(ctx, buf);
-class HllFunctionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    HllFunctionsTest() = default;
-    void SetUp() {
-        utils = new FunctionUtils();
-        ctx = utils->get_fn_ctx();
-    }
-    void TearDown() { delete utils; }
-    FunctionUtils* utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx;
-TEST_F(HllFunctionsTest, hll_hash) {
-    StringVal input = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(ctx, std::string("1024"));
-    StringVal result = HllFunctions::hll_hash(ctx, input);
-    HyperLogLog hll(Slice(result.ptr, result.len));
-    int64_t cardinality = hll.estimate_cardinality();
-    int64_t expected = 1;
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, cardinality);
-TEST_F(HllFunctionsTest, hll_hash_null) {
-    StringVal input = StringVal::null();
-    StringVal result = HllFunctions::hll_hash(ctx, input);
-    HyperLogLog hll(Slice(result.ptr, result.len));
-    int64_t cardinality = hll.estimate_cardinality();
-    int64_t expected = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, cardinality);
-TEST_F(HllFunctionsTest, hll_update) {
-    StringVal dst;
-    HllFunctions::hll_init(ctx, &dst);
-    IntVal src1(1);
-    HllFunctions::hll_update(ctx, src1, &dst);
-    IntVal src2(1234567);
-    HllFunctions::hll_update(ctx, src2, &dst);
-    BigIntVal result = HllFunctions::hll_finalize(ctx, dst);
-    BigIntVal expected(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(HllFunctionsTest, hll_merge) {
-    StringVal dst;
-    HllFunctions::hll_init(ctx, &dst);
-    HyperLogLog hll1(1024);
-    StringVal src1 = convert_hll_to_string(ctx, hll1);
-    HllFunctions::hll_merge(ctx, src1, &dst);
-    HyperLogLog hll2;
-    StringVal src2 = convert_hll_to_string(ctx, hll2);
-    HllFunctions::hll_merge(ctx, src2, &dst);
-    StringVal serialized = HllFunctions::hll_serialize(ctx, dst);
-    HyperLogLog hll(Slice(serialized.ptr, serialized.len));
-    BigIntVal expected(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, hll.estimate_cardinality());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/hybrid_set_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/hybrid_set_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d946afa..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/hybrid_set_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/hybrid_set.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-// mock
-class HybridSetTest : public testing::Test {
-    HybridSetTest() {}
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, bool) {
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_BOOLEAN);
-    bool a = true;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = false;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = true;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = false;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, set->size());
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << (*(bool*)base->get_value());
-        base->next();
-    }
-    a = true;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = false;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, tinyint) {
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_TINYINT);
-    int8_t a = 0;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 2;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 3;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, set->size());
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << (*(int8_t*)base->get_value());
-        base->next();
-    }
-    a = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 3;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 4;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 5;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(set->find(&a));
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, smallint) {
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_SMALLINT);
-    int16_t a = 0;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 2;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 3;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, set->size());
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << (*(int16_t*)base->get_value());
-        base->next();
-    }
-    a = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 3;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 4;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 5;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(set->find(&a));
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, int) {
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_INT);
-    int32_t a = 0;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 2;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 3;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, set->size());
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << (*(int32_t*)base->get_value());
-        base->next();
-    }
-    a = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 3;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 4;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 5;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(set->find(&a));
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, bigint) {
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_BIGINT);
-    int64_t a = 0;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 2;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 3;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, set->size());
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << (*(int64_t*)base->get_value());
-        base->next();
-    }
-    a = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 3;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 4;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 5;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(set->find(&a));
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, float) {
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_FLOAT);
-    float a = 0;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 1.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 2.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 3.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, set->size());
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << (*(float*)base->get_value());
-        base->next();
-    }
-    a = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 1.1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 2.1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 3.1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 4.1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 5.1;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(set->find(&a));
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, double) {
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_DOUBLE);
-    double a = 0;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 1.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 2.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 3.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a = 4.1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, set->size());
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << (*(double*)base->get_value());
-        base->next();
-    }
-    a = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 1.1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 2.1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 3.1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 4.1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&a));
-    a = 5.1;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(set->find(&a));
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, string) {
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_VARCHAR);
-    StringValue a;
-    char buf[100];
-    snprintf(buf, 100, "abcdefghigk");
-    a.ptr = buf;
-    a.len = 0;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a.len = 1;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a.len = 2;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a.len = 3;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a.len = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    a.len = 4;
-    set->insert(&a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, set->size());
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << ((StringValue*)base->get_value())->ptr;
-        base->next();
-    }
-    StringValue b;
-    char buf1[100];
-    snprintf(buf1, 100, "abcdefghigk");
-    b.ptr = buf1;
-    b.len = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&b));
-    b.len = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&b));
-    b.len = 2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&b));
-    b.len = 3;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&b));
-    b.len = 4;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&b));
-    b.len = 5;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(set->find(&b));
-TEST_F(HybridSetTest, timestamp) {
-    CpuInfo::init();
-    HybridSetBase* set = HybridSetBase::create_set(TYPE_DATETIME);
-    char s1[] = "2012-01-20 01:10:01";
-    char s2[] = "1990-10-20 10:10:10.123456  ";
-    char s3[] = "  1990-10-20 10:10:10.123456";
-    DateTimeValue v1;
-    v1.from_date_str(s1, strlen(s1));
-    LOG(INFO) << v1.debug_string();
-    DateTimeValue v2;
-    v2.from_date_str(s2, strlen(s2));
-    LOG(INFO) << v2.debug_string();
-    DateTimeValue v3;
-    v3.from_date_str(s3, strlen(s3));
-    LOG(INFO) << v3.debug_string();
-    set->insert(&v1);
-    set->insert(&v2);
-    set->insert(&v3);
-    HybridSetBase::IteratorBase* base = set->begin();
-    while (base->has_next()) {
-        LOG(INFO) << ((DateTimeValue*)base->get_value())->debug_string();
-        base->next();
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, set->size());
-    char s11[] = "2012-01-20 01:10:01";
-    char s12[] = "1990-10-20 10:10:10.123456  ";
-    char s13[] = "1990-10-20 10:10:10.123456";
-    DateTimeValue v11;
-    v11.from_date_str(s11, strlen(s11));
-    DateTimeValue v12;
-    v12.from_date_str(s12, strlen(s12));
-    DateTimeValue v13;
-    v13.from_date_str(s13, strlen(s13));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&v11));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&v12));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(set->find(&v13));
-    char s23[] = "1992-10-20 10:10:10.123456";
-    DateTimeValue v23;
-    v23.from_date_str(s23, strlen(s23));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(set->find(&v23));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/in_op_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/in_op_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ebdb0d7..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/in_op_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/exec_node.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "exprs/in_predicate.h"
-#include "exprs/int_literal.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/vectorized_row_batch.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class InOpTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    ~InOpTest() {}
-    InOpTest() : _object_pool(NULL), _runtime_state(NULL), _row_desc(NULL) {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _object_pool = new ObjectPool();
-        _runtime_state = _object_pool->add(new RuntimeState(""));
-        TDescriptorTable ttbl;
-        TTupleDescriptor tuple_desc;
-        tuple_desc.__set_id(0);
-        tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(8);
-        tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(0);
-        ttbl.tupleDescriptors.push_back(tuple_desc);
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.__set_id(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(4);
-        slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_colName("col1");
-        slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        ttbl.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-        DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = NULL;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(DescriptorTbl::create(_object_pool, ttbl, &desc_tbl).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(desc_tbl != NULL);
-        _runtime_state->set_desc_tbl(desc_tbl);
-        std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-        row_tuples.push_back(0);
-        std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _row_desc = _object_pool->add(new RowDescriptor(*desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples));
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        if (_object_pool != NULL) {
-            delete _object_pool;
-            _object_pool = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    Expr* create_expr() {
-        TExpr exprs;
-        int num_children = 128;
-        {
-            TExprNode expr_node;
-            expr_node.__set_node_type(TExprNodeType::IN_PRED);
-            TColumnType type;
-            type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            expr_node.__isset.in_predicate = true;
-            expr_node.in_predicate.__set_is_not_in(false);
-            expr_node.__set_type(type);
-            expr_node.__set_num_children(num_children + 1);
-            expr_node.__isset.opcode = true;
-            expr_node.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::INVALID_OPCODE);
-            expr_node.__isset.vector_opcode = true;
-            expr_node.__set_vector_opcode(TExprOpcode::FILTER_IN_INT);
-            exprs.nodes.push_back(expr_node);
-        }
-        {
-            TExprNode expr_node;
-            expr_node.__set_node_type(TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF);
-            TColumnType type;
-            type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            expr_node.__set_type(type);
-            expr_node.__set_num_children(0);
-            expr_node.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-            TSlotRef slot_ref;
-            slot_ref.__set_slot_id(0);
-            slot_ref.__set_tuple_id(0);
-            expr_node.__set_slot_ref(slot_ref);
-            expr_node.__isset.output_column = true;
-            expr_node.__set_output_column(0);
-            exprs.nodes.push_back(expr_node);
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_children; ++i) {
-            TExprNode expr_node;
-            expr_node.__set_node_type(TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL);
-            TColumnType type;
-            type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            expr_node.__set_type(type);
-            expr_node.__set_num_children(0);
-            expr_node.__isset.int_literal = true;
-            TIntLiteral int_literal;
-            int_literal.__set_value(i);
-            expr_node.__set_int_literal(int_literal);
-            exprs.nodes.push_back(expr_node);
-        }
-        Expr* root_expr = NULL;
-        if (Expr::create_expr_tree(_object_pool, exprs, &root_expr).ok()) {
-            return root_expr;
-        } else {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    ObjectPool* _object_pool;
-    RuntimeState* _runtime_state;
-    RowDescriptor* _row_desc;
-TEST_F(InOpTest, PrepareTest) {
-    Expr* expr = create_expr();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(expr != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(expr->prepare(_runtime_state, *_row_desc).ok());
-TEST_F(InOpTest, NormalTest) {
-    Expr* expr = create_expr();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(expr != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(expr->prepare(_runtime_state, *_row_desc).ok());
-    int capacity = 256;
-    VectorizedRowBatch* vec_row_batch = _object_pool->add(
-            new VectorizedRowBatch(*_runtime_state->desc_tbl().get_tuple_descriptor(0), capacity));
-    MemPool* mem_pool = vec_row_batch->mem_pool();
-    int32_t* vec_data = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(mem_pool->allocate(sizeof(int32_t) * capacity));
-    vec_row_batch->column(0)->set_col_data(vec_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
-        vec_data[i] = i;
-    }
-    vec_row_batch->set_size(capacity);
-    expr->evaluate(vec_row_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(vec_row_batch->size(), 128);
-    Tuple tuple;
-    int vv = 0;
-    while (vec_row_batch->get_next_tuple(&tuple)) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(vv++, *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(tuple.get_slot(4)));
-    }
-TEST_F(InOpTest, SimplePerformanceTest) {
-    for (int capacity = 128; capacity <= 1024 * 128; capacity *= 2) {
-        Expr* expr = create_expr();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(expr != NULL);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(expr->prepare(_runtime_state, *_row_desc).ok());
-        int size = 1024 * 1024 / capacity;
-        VectorizedRowBatch* vec_row_batches[size];
-        srand(time(NULL));
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            vec_row_batches[i] = _object_pool->add(new VectorizedRowBatch(
-                    *_runtime_state->desc_tbl().get_tuple_descriptor(0), capacity));
-            MemPool* mem_pool = vec_row_batches[i]->mem_pool();
-            int32_t* vec_data =
-                    reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(mem_pool->allocate(sizeof(int32_t) * capacity));
-            vec_row_batches[i]->column(0)->set_col_data(vec_data);
-            for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
-                vec_data[i] = rand() % 256;
-            }
-            vec_row_batches[i]->set_size(capacity);
-        }
-        RowBatch* row_batches[size];
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            row_batches[i] = _object_pool->add(new RowBatch(*_row_desc, capacity));
-            vec_row_batches[i]->to_row_batch(row_batches[i]);
-        }
-        MonotonicStopWatch stopwatch;
-        stopwatch.start();
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            expr->evaluate(vec_row_batches[i]);
-        }
-        uint64_t vec_time = stopwatch.elapsed_time();
-        VLOG_CRITICAL << PrettyPrinter::print(vec_time, TCounterType::TIME_NS);
-        stopwatch.start();
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < capacity; ++j) {
-                ExecNode::eval_conjuncts(&expr, 1, row_batches[i]->get_row(j));
-            }
-        }
-        uint64_t row_time = stopwatch.elapsed_time();
-        VLOG_CRITICAL << PrettyPrinter::print(row_time, TCounterType::TIME_NS);
-        VLOG_CRITICAL << "capacity: " << capacity << " multiple: " << row_time / vec_time;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100: */
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/in_predicate_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/in_predicate_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 89e87e4..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/in_predicate_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/in_predicate.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-namespace doris {
-// mock
-class InPredicateTest : public testing::Test {
-    InPredicateTest() : _runtime_stat("abc") {
-        _in_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::IN_PRED;
-        _in_node.type = TColumnType();
-        _in_node.num_children = 0;
-        _in_node.in_predicate.is_not_in = false;
-        _in_node.__isset.in_predicate = true;
-        _tuple_row._tuples[0] = (Tuple*)&_data;
-    }
-    void init_in_pre(InPredicate* in_pre) {
-        in_pre->_children.push_back(_obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(TYPE_INT, 0)));
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-            in_pre->_children.push_back(Expr::create_literal(&_obj_pool, TYPE_INT, &i));
-        }
-        in_pre->_children.push_back(_obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(TYPE_INT, 4)));
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() { _data[0] = _data[1] = -1; }
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    TExprNode _in_node;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    RuntimeState _runtime_stat;
-    RowDescriptor _row_desc;
-    int _data[2];
-    TupleRow _tuple_row;
-TEST_F(InPredicateTest, push_100_const) {
-    InPredicate in_pre(_in_node);
-    in_pre._children.push_back(_obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(TYPE_INT, 0)));
-    Status status = in_pre.prepare(&_runtime_stat, _row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        in_pre.insert(&i);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, in_pre._hybird_set->size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, in_pre._children.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        _data[0] = i;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(*(bool*)in_pre.get_value(&_tuple_row));
-    }
-    _data[0] = 101;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)in_pre.get_value(&_tuple_row));
-TEST_F(InPredicateTest, no_child) {
-    InPredicate in_pre(_in_node);
-    Status status = in_pre.prepare(&_runtime_stat, _row_desc);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(InPredicateTest, diff_type) {
-    InPredicate in_pre(_in_node);
-    SlotRef* slot_ref = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(TYPE_BOOLEAN, 0));
-    in_pre._children.push_back(slot_ref);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        in_pre._children.push_back(Expr::create_literal(&_obj_pool, TYPE_INT, &i));
-    }
-    Status status = in_pre.prepare(&_runtime_stat, _row_desc);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(InPredicateTest, 100_const) {
-    InPredicate in_pre(_in_node);
-    init_in_pre(&in_pre);
-    Status status = in_pre.prepare(&_runtime_stat, _row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = in_pre.prepare(&_runtime_stat, _row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, in_pre._hybird_set->size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, in_pre._children.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        _data[0] = i;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(*(bool*)in_pre.get_value(&_tuple_row));
-    }
-    _data[0] = 101;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)in_pre.get_value(&_tuple_row));
-    _data[1] = 101;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(*(bool*)in_pre.get_value(&_tuple_row));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100 noet: */
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/json_function_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/json_function_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f76936..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/json_function_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <rapidjson/document.h>
-#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
-#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
-#include <re2/re2.h>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
-#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exprs/json_functions.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-// mock
-class JsonFunctionTest : public testing::Test {
-    JsonFunctionTest() {}
-TEST_F(JsonFunctionTest, string) {
-    std::string json_string("{\"id\":\"name\",\"age\":11,\"money\":123000.789}");
-    std::string path_string("$.id");
-    rapidjson::Document document1;
-    rapidjson::Value* res1 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string, path_string,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_STRING, &document1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(res1->GetString()), "name");
-    std::string json_string2("{\"price a\": [0,1,2],\"couponFee\":0}");
-    std::string path_string2("$.price a");
-    rapidjson::Document document2;
-    rapidjson::Value* res2 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string2, path_string2,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_STRING, &document2);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buf2;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer2(buf2);
-    res2->Accept(writer2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(buf2.GetString()), "[0,1,2]");
-    std::string json_string3("{\"price a\": [],\"couponFee\":0}");
-    std::string path_string3("$.price a");
-    rapidjson::Document document3;
-    rapidjson::Value* res3 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string3, path_string3,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_STRING, &document3);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buf3;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer3(buf3);
-    res3->Accept(writer3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(buf3.GetString()), "[]");
-    std::string json_string4("{\"price a\": [],\"couponFee\":null}");
-    std::string path_string4("$.couponFee");
-    rapidjson::Document document4;
-    rapidjson::Value* res4 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string4, path_string4,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_STRING, &document4);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res4->IsNull());
-    std::string json_string5(
-            "{\"blockNames\": {},"
-            "\"seatCategories\": [{\"areas\": [{\"areaId\": 205705999,\"blockIds\": []},"
-            "{\"areaId\": 205705998,\"blockIds\": []}],\"seatCategoryId\": 338937290}]}");
-    std::string path_string5_1("$.blockNames");
-    rapidjson::Document document5_1;
-    rapidjson::Value* res5_1 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string5, path_string5_1,
-                                                              JSON_FUN_STRING, &document5_1);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buf5_1;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer5_1(buf5_1);
-    res5_1->Accept(writer5_1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(buf5_1.GetString()), "{}");
-    std::string path_string5_2("$.seatCategories.areas.blockIds");
-    rapidjson::Document document5_2;
-    rapidjson::Value* res5_2 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string5, path_string5_2,
-                                                              JSON_FUN_STRING, &document5_2);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buf5_2;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer5_2(buf5_2);
-    res5_2->Accept(writer5_2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(buf5_2.GetString()), "[]");
-    std::string path_string5_3("$.seatCategories.areas[0].areaId");
-    rapidjson::Document document5_3;
-    rapidjson::Value* res5_3 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string5, path_string5_3,
-                                                              JSON_FUN_STRING, &document5_2);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer buf5_3;
-    rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer5_3(buf5_3);
-    res5_3->Accept(writer5_3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(buf5_3.GetString()), "205705999");
-TEST_F(JsonFunctionTest, int) {
-    std::string json_string("{\"id\":\"name\",\"age\":11,\"money\":123000.789}");
-    std::string path_string("$.age");
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value* res = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string, path_string,
-                                                           JSON_FUN_INT, &document);
-    ASSERT_EQ(res->GetInt(), 11);
-    std::string json_string1(
-            "{\"list\":[{\"id\":[{\"aa\":1}]},{\"id\":[{\"aa\":\"cc\"}]},"
-            "{\"id\":[{\"kk\":\"cc\"}]}]}");
-    std::string path_string1("$.list.id.aa[0]");
-    rapidjson::Document document1;
-    rapidjson::Value* res1 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string1, path_string1,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_INT, &document1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(res1->GetInt(), 1);
-    std::string json_string2("[1,2,3,5,8,0]");
-    std::string path_string2("$.[3]");
-    rapidjson::Document document2;
-    rapidjson::Value* res2 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string2, path_string2,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_INT, &document2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(res2->GetInt(), 5);
-    std::string json_string3("{\"price a\": [0,1,2],\"couponFee\":0.0}");
-    std::string path_string3_1("$.price a[3]");
-    rapidjson::Document document3_1;
-    rapidjson::Value* res3_1 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string3, path_string3_1,
-                                                              JSON_FUN_INT, &document3_1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res3_1 == nullptr);
-    std::string path_string3_2("$.couponFee");
-    rapidjson::Document document3_2;
-    rapidjson::Value* res3_2 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string3, path_string3_2,
-                                                              JSON_FUN_INT, &document3_2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(res3_2->IsInt());
-TEST_F(JsonFunctionTest, double) {
-    std::string json_string("{\"id\":\"name\",\"age\":11,\"money\":123000.789}");
-    std::string path_string("$.money");
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value* res = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string, path_string,
-                                                           JSON_FUN_DOUBLE, &document);
-    ASSERT_EQ(res->GetDouble(), 123000.789);
-    std::string path_string2("$.age");
-    rapidjson::Document document2;
-    rapidjson::Value* res2 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string, path_string2,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_DOUBLE, &document2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(res2->GetInt(), 11);
-TEST_F(JsonFunctionTest, special_char) {
-    std::string json_string("{\"key with.dot\": [\"v1\", \"v2\"]}");
-    std::string path_string("$.\"key with.dot\"[1]");
-    rapidjson::Document document;
-    rapidjson::Value* res = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string, path_string,
-                                                           JSON_FUN_DOUBLE, &document);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(res->GetString() == nullptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(res->GetString()), "v2");
-    std::string json_string2("{\"key with|\": [\"v1\", \"v2\"]}");
-    std::string path_string2("$.key with|[0]");
-    rapidjson::Document document2;
-    rapidjson::Value* res2 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string2, path_string2,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_DOUBLE, &document2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(res2->GetString() == nullptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(res2->GetString()), "v1");
-    std::string json_string3("{\"key with.dot\": [{\"key2.dot\":\"v1\"}, {\"key3.dot\":\"v2\"}]}");
-    std::string path_string3("$.\"key with.dot\"[0].\"key2.dot\"");
-    rapidjson::Document document3;
-    rapidjson::Value* res3 = JsonFunctions::get_json_object(nullptr, json_string3, path_string3,
-                                                            JSON_FUN_DOUBLE, &document3);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(res3->GetString() == nullptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::string(res3->GetString()), "v1");
-TEST_F(JsonFunctionTest, json_path1) {
-    std::string json_raw_data(
-            "[{\"k1\":\"v1\", \"keyname\":{\"ip\":\"\", \"value\":20}},{\"k1\":\"v1-1\", "
-            "\"keyname\":{\"ip\":\"\", \"value\":20}}]");
-    rapidjson::Document jsonDoc;
-    if (jsonDoc.Parse(json_raw_data.c_str()).HasParseError()) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-    }
-    rapidjson::Value* res3;
-    res3 = JsonFunctions::get_json_array_from_parsed_json("$.[*].keyname.ip", &jsonDoc,
-                                                          jsonDoc.GetAllocator());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res3->IsArray());
-    for (int i = 0; i < res3->Size(); i++) {
-        std::cout << (*res3)[i].GetString() << std::endl;
-    }
-    res3 = JsonFunctions::get_json_array_from_parsed_json("$.[*].k1", &jsonDoc,
-                                                          jsonDoc.GetAllocator());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res3->IsArray());
-    for (int i = 0; i < res3->Size(); i++) {
-        std::cout << (*res3)[i].GetString() << std::endl;
-    }
-TEST_F(JsonFunctionTest, json_path_get_nullobject) {
-    std::string json_raw_data(
-            "[{\"a\":\"a1\", \"b\":\"b1\", \"c\":\"c1\"},{\"a\":\"a2\", "
-            "\"c\":\"c2\"},{\"a\":\"a3\", \"b\":\"b3\", \"c\":\"c3\"}]");
-    rapidjson::Document jsonDoc;
-    if (jsonDoc.Parse(json_raw_data.c_str()).HasParseError()) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-    }
-    rapidjson::Value* res3 = JsonFunctions::get_json_array_from_parsed_json("$.[*].b", &jsonDoc,
-                                                                            jsonDoc.GetAllocator());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res3->IsArray());
-    ASSERT_EQ(res3->Size(), 3);
-    for (int i = 0; i < res3->Size(); i++) {
-        if ((*res3)[i].GetType() == rapidjson::Type::kNullType) {
-            std::cout << "null ";
-        } else {
-            std::cout << (*res3)[i].GetString() << " ";
-        }
-    }
-    std::cout << " " << std::endl;
-TEST_F(JsonFunctionTest, json_path_test) {
-    {
-        std::string json_raw_data("[{\"a\":\"a1\", \"b\":\"b1\"}, {\"a\":\"a2\", \"b\":\"b2\"}]");
-        rapidjson::Document jsonDoc;
-        if (jsonDoc.Parse(json_raw_data.c_str()).HasParseError()) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-        }
-        rapidjson::Value* res3 = JsonFunctions::get_json_array_from_parsed_json(
-                "$.[*].a", &jsonDoc, jsonDoc.GetAllocator());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res3->IsArray());
-        ASSERT_EQ(res3->Size(), 2);
-        for (int i = 0; i < res3->Size(); i++) {
-            if ((*res3)[i].GetType() == rapidjson::Type::kNullType) {
-                std::cout << "null ";
-            } else {
-                std::cout << (*res3)[i].GetString() << " ";
-            }
-        }
-        std::cout << " " << std::endl;
-    }
-    {
-        std::string json_raw_data("{\"a\":[\"a1\",\"a2\"], \"b\":[\"b1\",\"b2\"]}");
-        rapidjson::Document jsonDoc;
-        if (jsonDoc.Parse(json_raw_data.c_str()).HasParseError()) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-        }
-        rapidjson::Value* res3 = JsonFunctions::get_json_array_from_parsed_json(
-                "$.a", &jsonDoc, jsonDoc.GetAllocator());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res3->IsArray());
-        ASSERT_EQ(res3->Size(), 2);
-        for (int i = 0; i < res3->Size(); i++) {
-            if ((*res3)[i].GetType() == rapidjson::Type::kNullType) {
-                std::cout << "null ";
-            } else {
-                std::cout << (*res3)[i].GetString() << " ";
-            }
-        }
-        std::cout << " " << std::endl;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string home(getenv("DORIS_HOME"));
-    if (home.empty()) {
-        home = ".";
-    }
-    std::string conffile = home + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/math_functions_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/math_functions_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e41318..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/math_functions_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/math_functions.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "exprs/anyval_util.h"
-#include "exprs/expr_context.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class MathFunctionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    MathFunctionsTest() = default;
-    void SetUp() {
-        utils = new FunctionUtils();
-        ctx = utils->get_fn_ctx();
-    }
-    void TearDown() { delete utils; }
-    FunctionUtils* utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx;
-TEST_F(MathFunctionsTest, abs) {
-    // FloatVal
-    FloatVal fv1(0.0f);
-    FloatVal fv2(0.1f);
-    FloatVal fv3(FLT_MAX);
-    FloatVal fv4(FLT_MIN);
-    ASSERT_EQ(fv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, FloatVal(0.0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(fv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, FloatVal(-0.0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(fv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, FloatVal(0.1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(fv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, FloatVal(-0.1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(fv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, FloatVal(FLT_MAX)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(fv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, FloatVal(-FLT_MAX)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(fv4, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, FloatVal(FLT_MIN)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(fv4, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, FloatVal(-FLT_MIN)));
-    // DoubleVal
-    DoubleVal dv1(0.0);
-    DoubleVal dv2(0.1);
-    DoubleVal dv3(DBL_MAX);
-    DoubleVal dv4(DBL_MIN);
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, DoubleVal(0.0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, DoubleVal(-0.0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, DoubleVal(0.1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, DoubleVal(-0.1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, DoubleVal(DBL_MAX)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, DoubleVal(-DBL_MAX)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv4, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, DoubleVal(DBL_MIN)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv4, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, DoubleVal(-DBL_MIN)));
-    // LargeIntVal
-    LargeIntVal liv1(0);
-    LargeIntVal liv2(1);
-    LargeIntVal liv3(MAX_INT128);
-    LargeIntVal liv4(__int128(INT64_MAX));
-    LargeIntVal liv5(-__int128(INT64_MIN));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, LargeIntVal(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, LargeIntVal(-0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, LargeIntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, LargeIntVal(-1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, LargeIntVal(MAX_INT128)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, LargeIntVal(-MAX_INT128)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, LargeIntVal(MIN_INT128 + 1)));
-    // BigIntVal
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, BigIntVal(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, BigIntVal(-0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, BigIntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, BigIntVal(-1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv4, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, BigIntVal(INT64_MAX)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(liv5, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, BigIntVal(INT64_MIN)));
-    // IntVal
-    BigIntVal biv1(0);
-    BigIntVal biv2(1);
-    BigIntVal biv3(int64_t(INT32_MAX));
-    BigIntVal biv4(-int64_t(INT32_MIN));
-    ASSERT_EQ(biv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, IntVal(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(biv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, IntVal(-0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(biv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, IntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(biv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, IntVal(-1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(biv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, IntVal(INT32_MAX)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(biv4, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, IntVal(INT32_MIN)));
-    // SmallIntVal
-    IntVal iv1(0);
-    IntVal iv2(1);
-    IntVal iv3(int32_t(INT16_MAX));
-    IntVal iv4(-int32_t(INT16_MIN));
-    ASSERT_EQ(iv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, SmallIntVal(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(iv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, SmallIntVal(-0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(iv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, SmallIntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(iv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, SmallIntVal(-1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(iv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, SmallIntVal(INT16_MAX)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(iv4, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, SmallIntVal(INT16_MIN)));
-    //TinyIntVal
-    SmallIntVal siv1(0);
-    SmallIntVal siv2(1);
-    SmallIntVal siv3(int16_t(INT8_MAX));
-    SmallIntVal siv4(-int16_t(INT8_MIN));
-    ASSERT_EQ(siv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, TinyIntVal(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(siv1, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, TinyIntVal(-0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(siv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, TinyIntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(siv2, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, TinyIntVal(-1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(siv3, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, TinyIntVal(INT8_MAX)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(siv4, MathFunctions::abs(ctx, TinyIntVal(INT8_MIN)));
-TEST_F(MathFunctionsTest, rand) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext::TypeDesc type;
-    type.type = doris_udf::FunctionContext::TYPE_DOUBLE;
-    std::vector<doris_udf::FunctionContext::TypeDesc> arg_types;
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext::TypeDesc type1;
-    type1.type = doris_udf::FunctionContext::TYPE_BIGINT;
-    arg_types.push_back(type1);
-    FunctionUtils* utils1 = new FunctionUtils(type, arg_types, 8);
-    FunctionContext* ctx1 = utils1->get_fn_ctx();
-    std::vector<doris_udf::AnyVal*> constant_args;
-    BigIntVal bi(1);
-    constant_args.push_back(&bi);
-    ctx1->impl()->set_constant_args(constant_args);
-    MathFunctions::rand_prepare(ctx1, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
-    DoubleVal dv1 = MathFunctions::rand_seed(ctx1, BigIntVal(0));
-    MathFunctions::rand_close(ctx1, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
-    MathFunctions::rand_prepare(ctx1, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
-    DoubleVal dv2 = MathFunctions::rand_seed(ctx1, BigIntVal(0));
-    MathFunctions::rand_close(ctx1, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(dv1.val, dv2.val);
-    delete utils1;
-    MathFunctions::rand_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
-    DoubleVal dv3 = MathFunctions::rand(ctx);
-    MathFunctions::rand_close(ctx, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
-    MathFunctions::rand_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
-    DoubleVal dv4 = MathFunctions::rand(ctx);
-    MathFunctions::rand_close(ctx, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
-    ASSERT_NE(dv3.val, dv4.val);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/percentile_approx_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/percentile_approx_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 57a6535..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/percentile_approx_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "exprs/aggregate_functions.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PercentileApproxTest : public testing::Test {
-    PercentileApproxTest() {}
-TEST_F(PercentileApproxTest, testSample) {
-    FunctionUtils* futil = new FunctionUtils();
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = futil->get_fn_ctx();
-    DoubleVal doubleQ(0.9);
-    StringVal stringVal1;
-    DoubleVal int1(1);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal1);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_update(context, int1, doubleQ, &stringVal1);
-    DoubleVal int2(2);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_update(context, int2, doubleQ, &stringVal1);
-    StringVal s = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_serialize(context, stringVal1);
-    StringVal stringVal2;
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal2);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_merge(context, s, &stringVal2);
-    DoubleVal v = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_finalize(context, stringVal2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v.val, 2);
-    delete futil;
-TEST_F(PercentileApproxTest, testNoMerge) {
-    FunctionUtils* futil = new FunctionUtils();
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = futil->get_fn_ctx();
-    DoubleVal doubleQ(0.9);
-    StringVal stringVal1;
-    DoubleVal val(1);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal1);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_update(context, val, doubleQ, &stringVal1);
-    DoubleVal val2(2);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_update(context, val2, doubleQ, &stringVal1);
-    DoubleVal v = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_finalize(context, stringVal1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v.val, 2);
-    delete futil;
-TEST_F(PercentileApproxTest, testSerialize) {
-    FunctionUtils* futil = new FunctionUtils();
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = futil->get_fn_ctx();
-    DoubleVal doubleQ(0.999);
-    StringVal stringVal;
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal);
-    for (int i = 1; i <= 100000; i++) {
-        DoubleVal val(i);
-        AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_update(context, val, doubleQ, &stringVal);
-    }
-    StringVal serialized = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_serialize(context, stringVal);
-    // mock serialize
-    StringVal stringVal2;
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal2);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_merge(context, serialized, &stringVal2);
-    DoubleVal v = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_finalize(context, stringVal2);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(v.val, 99900.5);
-    // merge init percentile stringVal3 should not change the correct result
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal);
-    for (int i = 1; i <= 100000; i++) {
-        DoubleVal val(i);
-        AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_update(context, val, doubleQ, &stringVal);
-    }
-    serialized = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_serialize(context, stringVal);
-    StringVal stringVal3;
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal2);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal3);
-    StringVal serialized2 = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_serialize(context, stringVal3);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_merge(context, serialized, &stringVal2);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_merge(context, serialized2, &stringVal2);
-    v = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_finalize(context, stringVal2);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(v.val, 99900.5);
-    delete futil;
-TEST_F(PercentileApproxTest, testNullVale) {
-    FunctionUtils* futil = new FunctionUtils();
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = futil->get_fn_ctx();
-    DoubleVal doubleQ(0.999);
-    StringVal stringVal;
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal);
-    for (int i = 1; i <= 100000; i++) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_update(context, DoubleVal::null(), doubleQ,
-                                                         &stringVal);
-        } else {
-            AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_update(context, DoubleVal(i), doubleQ,
-                                                         &stringVal);
-        }
-    }
-    StringVal serialized = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_serialize(context, stringVal);
-    // mock serialize
-    StringVal stringVal2;
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_init(context, &stringVal2);
-    AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_merge(context, serialized, &stringVal2);
-    DoubleVal v = AggregateFunctions::percentile_approx_finalize(context, stringVal2);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(v.val, 99900.665999999997);
-    delete futil;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/string_functions_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/string_functions_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 92c92e7..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/string_functions_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/string_functions.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "exprs/anyval_util.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class StringFunctionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    StringFunctionsTest() = default;
-    void SetUp() {
-        utils = new FunctionUtils();
-        ctx = utils->get_fn_ctx();
-    }
-    void TearDown() { delete utils; }
-    FunctionUtils* utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, do_money_format_bench) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    StringVal expected =
-            AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("9,223,372,036,854,775,807.00"));
-    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 10000000); i++) {
-        StringVal result =
-                StringFunctions::do_money_format(context, "922337203685477580700"); // cent
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    }
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, money_format_bigint) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    StringVal result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, doris_udf::BigIntVal(123456));
-    StringVal expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("123,456.00"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, doris_udf::BigIntVal(-123456));
-    expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("-123,456.00"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, doris_udf::BigIntVal(9223372036854775807));
-    expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("9,223,372,036,854,775,807.00"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, money_format_large_int) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    std::string str("170141183460469231731687303715884105727");
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << str;
-    __int128 value;
-    ss >> value;
-    StringVal result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, doris_udf::LargeIntVal(value));
-    StringVal expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(
-            context, std::string("170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,727.00"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, money_format_double) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    StringVal result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, doris_udf::DoubleVal(1234.456));
-    StringVal expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("1,234.46"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, doris_udf::DoubleVal(1234.45));
-    expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("1,234.45"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, doris_udf::DoubleVal(1234.4));
-    expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("1,234.40"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, doris_udf::DoubleVal(1234.454));
-    expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("1,234.45"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, money_format_decimal) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    DecimalValue dv1(std::string("3333333333.2222222222"));
-    DecimalVal value1;
-    dv1.to_decimal_val(&value1);
-    StringVal result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, value1);
-    StringVal expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("3,333,333,333.22"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    DecimalValue dv2(std::string("-7407407406790123456.71604938271975308642"));
-    DecimalVal value2;
-    dv2.to_decimal_val(&value2);
-    result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, value2);
-    expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("-7,407,407,406,790,123,456.72"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, money_format_decimal_v2) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    DecimalV2Value dv1(std::string("3333333333.2222222222"));
-    DecimalV2Val value1;
-    dv1.to_decimal_val(&value1);
-    StringVal result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, value1);
-    StringVal expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("3,333,333,333.22"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    DecimalV2Value dv2(std::string("-740740740.71604938271975308642"));
-    DecimalV2Val value2;
-    dv2.to_decimal_val(&value2);
-    result = StringFunctions::money_format(context, value2);
-    expected = AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("-740,740,740.72"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, split_part) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("hello")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("hello word"), StringVal(" "), 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("word")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("hello word"), StringVal(" "), 2));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("hello word"), StringVal(" "), 3));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("hello word"), StringVal("hello"), 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string(" word")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("hello word"), StringVal("hello"), 2));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("2019年9")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("2019年9月8日"), StringVal("月"), 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("abcdabda"), StringVal("a"), 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("bcd")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("abcdabda"), StringVal("a"), 2));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("bd")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("abcdabda"), StringVal("a"), 3));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("")),
-              StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("abcdabda"), StringVal("a"), 4));
-            AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("#123")),
-            StringFunctions::split_part(context, StringVal("abc###123###234"), StringVal("##"), 2));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, ends_with) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    doris_udf::BooleanVal falseRet = doris_udf::BooleanVal(false);
-    doris_udf::BooleanVal trueRet = doris_udf::BooleanVal(true);
-    doris_udf::BooleanVal nullRet = doris_udf::BooleanVal::null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal("hello"), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal("hello"), StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal(" "), StringVal(" ")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal("hello"), StringVal(" ")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal(" "), StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet,
-              StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal("hello doris"), StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet,
-              StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal("hello doris"), StringVal("doris")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal("hello doris"),
-                                                  StringVal("hello doris")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal("hello"), StringVal::null()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullRet, StringFunctions::ends_with(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal::null()));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, starts_with) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    doris_udf::BooleanVal falseRet = doris_udf::BooleanVal(false);
-    doris_udf::BooleanVal trueRet = doris_udf::BooleanVal(true);
-    doris_udf::BooleanVal nullRet = doris_udf::BooleanVal::null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal(" "), StringVal(" ")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal("hello"), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet,
-              StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal("hello"), StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal("hello"), StringVal(" ")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal(" "), StringVal("world")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet,
-              StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal("hello world"), StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet,
-              StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal("hello world"), StringVal("world")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal("hello world"),
-                                                    StringVal("hello world")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullRet,
-              StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal("hello world"), StringVal::null()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullRet,
-              StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal("hello world")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullRet, StringFunctions::starts_with(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal::null()));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, null_or_empty) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    doris_udf::BooleanVal falseRet = doris_udf::BooleanVal(false);
-    doris_udf::BooleanVal trueRet = doris_udf::BooleanVal(true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::null_or_empty(context, StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::null_or_empty(context, StringVal(" ")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::null_or_empty(context, StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::null_or_empty(context, StringVal("doris")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::null_or_empty(context, StringVal("111")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(falseRet, StringFunctions::null_or_empty(context, StringVal(".")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(trueRet, StringFunctions::null_or_empty(context, StringVal::null()));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, substring) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("hello")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word"), 1, 5));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("word")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word"), 7, 4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(), StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal::null(), 1, 0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word"), 1, 0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string(" word")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word"), -5, 5));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("hello word 你")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word 你好"), 1, 12));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("好")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word 你好"), 13, 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word 你好"), 1, 0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("rd 你好")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word 你好"), -5, 5));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("h")),
-              StringFunctions::substring(context, StringVal("hello word 你好"), 1, 1));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, reverse) {
-    FunctionUtils fu;
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = fu.get_fn_ctx();
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("olleh")),
-              StringFunctions::reverse(context, StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(), StringFunctions::reverse(context, StringVal::null()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("")),
-              StringFunctions::reverse(context, StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(AnyValUtil::from_string_temp(context, std::string("好你olleh")),
-              StringFunctions::reverse(context, StringVal("hello你好")));
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, length) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(5), StringFunctions::length(context, StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(5), StringFunctions::char_utf8_length(context, StringVal("hello")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(), StringFunctions::length(context, StringVal::null()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(), StringFunctions::char_utf8_length(context, StringVal::null()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::length(context, StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::char_utf8_length(context, StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(11), StringFunctions::length(context, StringVal("hello你好")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(7), StringFunctions::char_utf8_length(context, StringVal("hello你好")));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, append_trailing_char_if_absent) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("ac"),
-              StringFunctions::append_trailing_char_if_absent(ctx, StringVal("a"), StringVal("c")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("c"),
-              StringFunctions::append_trailing_char_if_absent(ctx, StringVal("c"), StringVal("c")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("123c"), StringFunctions::append_trailing_char_if_absent(
-                                         ctx, StringVal("123c"), StringVal("c")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("c"),
-              StringFunctions::append_trailing_char_if_absent(ctx, StringVal(""), StringVal("c")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(), StringFunctions::append_trailing_char_if_absent(
-                                         ctx, StringVal::null(), StringVal("c")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(), StringFunctions::append_trailing_char_if_absent(
-                                         ctx, StringVal("a"), StringVal::null()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(), StringFunctions::append_trailing_char_if_absent(
-                                         ctx, StringVal("a"), StringVal("abc")));
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, instr) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(4), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("foobarbar"), StringVal("bar")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("foobar"), StringVal("xbar")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(2), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("123456234"), StringVal("234")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("123456"), StringVal("567")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(2), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("1.234"), StringVal(".234")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(1), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("1.234"), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("123")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(1), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(3), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("你好世界"), StringVal("世界")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("你好世界"), StringVal("您好")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(3), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("你好abc"), StringVal("a")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(3), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal("你好abc"), StringVal("abc")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal("2")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(), StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal(""), StringVal::null()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::instr(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal::null()));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, locate) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(4),
-              StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("bar"), StringVal("foobarbar")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("xbar"), StringVal("foobar")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(2),
-              StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("234"), StringVal("123456234")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("567"), StringVal("123456")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(2), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal(".234"), StringVal("1.234")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(1), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("1.234")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("123"), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(1), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(3),
-              StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("世界"), StringVal("你好世界")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0),
-              StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("您好"), StringVal("你好世界")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(3), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("a"), StringVal("你好abc")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(3), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal("abc"), StringVal("你好abc")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal("2")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(), StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal(""), StringVal::null()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::locate(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal::null()));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, locate_pos) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(7), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("bar"),
-                                                     StringVal("foobarbar"), IntVal(5)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("xbar"),
-                                                     StringVal("foobar"), IntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(2),
-              StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal(""), StringVal("foobar"), IntVal(2)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0),
-              StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("foobar"), StringVal(""), IntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0),
-              StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal(""), StringVal(""), IntVal(2)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0),
-              StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("A"), StringVal("AAAAAA"), IntVal(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(0), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("A"), StringVal("大A写的A"),
-                                                     IntVal(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(2), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("A"), StringVal("大A写的A"),
-                                                     IntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(2), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("A"), StringVal("大A写的A"),
-                                                     IntVal(2)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(5), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("A"), StringVal("大A写的A"),
-                                                     IntVal(3)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal(7), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal("BaR"),
-                                                     StringVal("foobarBaR"), IntVal(5)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal::null(), StringVal("2"), IntVal(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal(""), StringVal::null(), IntVal(4)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal::null(),
-                                                          StringVal::null(), IntVal(4)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(IntVal::null(), StringFunctions::locate_pos(context, StringVal::null(),
-                                                          StringVal::null(), IntVal(-1)));
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, lpad) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("???hi"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(5), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("g8%7IgY%AHx7luNtf8Kh"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("g8%7IgY%AHx7luNtf8Kh"), IntVal(20),
-                                    StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("h"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(1), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("你"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("你好"), IntVal(1), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal(""),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(0), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(-1), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("h"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(1), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(5), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("abahi"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(5), StringVal("ab")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("ababhi"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(6), StringVal("ab")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("呵呵呵hi"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(5), StringVal("呵呵")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("hih呵呵"),
-              StringFunctions::lpad(ctx, StringVal("呵呵"), IntVal(5), StringVal("hi")));
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, rpad) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("hi???"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(5), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("g8%7IgY%AHx7luNtf8Kh"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("g8%7IgY%AHx7luNtf8Kh"), IntVal(20),
-                                    StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("h"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(1), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("你"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("你好"), IntVal(1), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal(""),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(0), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(-1), StringVal("?")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("h"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(1), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(5), StringVal("")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("hiaba"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(5), StringVal("ab")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("hiabab"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(6), StringVal("ab")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("hi呵呵呵"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("hi"), IntVal(5), StringVal("呵呵")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("呵呵hih"),
-              StringFunctions::rpad(ctx, StringVal("呵呵"), IntVal(5), StringVal("hi")));
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, replace) {
-    //exist substring
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:8080"),
-              StringFunctions::replace(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-                                       StringVal("9090"), StringVal("8080")));
-    //not exist substring
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-              StringFunctions::replace(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-                                       StringVal("9070"), StringVal("8080")));
-    //old substring is empty
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-              StringFunctions::replace(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"), StringVal(""),
-                                       StringVal("8080")));
-    //new substring is empty
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:"),
-              StringFunctions::replace(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-                                       StringVal("9090"), StringVal("")));
-    //origin string is null
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(), StringFunctions::replace(ctx, StringVal::null(),
-                                                          StringVal("hello"), StringVal("8080")));
-    //old substring is null
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::replace(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-                                       StringVal::null(), StringVal("8080")));
-    //new substring is null
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::replace(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-                                       StringVal("hello"), StringVal::null()));
-    //substring contains Chinese character
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("http://华夏zhongguo:9090"),
-              StringFunctions::replace(ctx, StringVal("http://中国hello:9090"),
-                                       StringVal("中国hello"), StringVal("华夏zhongguo")));
-TEST_F(StringFunctionsTest, parse_url) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("facebook.com"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://facebook.com/path/p1.php?query=1"),
-                                         StringVal("AUTHORITY")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("facebook.com"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://facebook.com/path/p1.php?query=1"),
-                                         StringVal("authority")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("/a/b/c.php"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090/a/b/c.php"),
-                                         StringVal("FILE")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("/a/b/c.php"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090/a/b/c.php"),
-                                         StringVal("file")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("/a/b/c.php"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090/a/b/c.php"),
-                                         StringVal("PATH")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("/a/b/c.php"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090/a/b/c.php"),
-                                         StringVal("path")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("www.baidu.com"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-                                         StringVal("HOST")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("www.baidu.com"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090"),
-                                         StringVal("host")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("http"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://facebook.com/path/p1.php?query=1"),
-                                         StringVal("PROTOCOL")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("http"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://facebook.com/path/p1.php?query=1"),
-                                         StringVal("protocol")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("a=b"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("QUERY")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("a=b"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("query")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("REF")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("ref")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("USERINFO")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("userinfo")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("9090"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("PORT")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("9090"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090/a/b/c?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("PORT")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal::null(),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("PORT")));
-    ASSERT_EQ(StringVal("9090"),
-              StringFunctions::parse_url(ctx, StringVal("http://www.baidu.com:9090?a=b"),
-                                         StringVal("port")));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/timestamp_functions_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/timestamp_functions_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 71d5890..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/timestamp_functions_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/timestamp_functions.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/test_env.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-#include "udf/udf.h"
-#include "udf/udf_internal.h"
-namespace doris {
-class FunctionContextImpl;
-doris_udf::DateTimeVal datetime_val(int64_t value) {
-    DateTimeValue dt(value);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv;
-    dt.to_datetime_val(&tv);
-    return tv;
-class TimestampFunctionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    TimestampFunctionsTest() {}
-    void SetUp() {
-        TQueryGlobals globals;
-        globals.__set_now_string("2019-08-06 01:38:57");
-        globals.__set_timestamp_ms(1565080737805);
-        globals.__set_time_zone("America/Los_Angeles");
-        state = new RuntimeState(globals);
-        utils = new FunctionUtils(state);
-        ctx = utils->get_fn_ctx();
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        delete state;
-        delete utils;
-    }
-    RuntimeState* state = nullptr;
-    FunctionUtils* utils = nullptr;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = nullptr;
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, day_of_week_test) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv;
-    //2001-02-03 12:34:56
-    tv.packed_time = 1830650338932162560L;
-    tv.type = TIME_DATETIME;
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, TimestampFunctions::day_of_week(context, tv).val);
-    // 2020-00-01 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv2(20200001000000);
-    dtv2.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv2;
-    dtv2.to_datetime_val(&tv2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, TimestampFunctions::day_of_week(context, tv2).is_null);
-    // 2020-01-00 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv3(20200100000000);
-    dtv3.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv3;
-    dtv3.to_datetime_val(&tv3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, TimestampFunctions::day_of_week(context, tv3).is_null);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, day_of_month_test) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    // 2020-00-01 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv1(20200001000000);
-    dtv1.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv1;
-    dtv1.to_datetime_val(&tv1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, TimestampFunctions::day_of_month(context, tv1).is_null);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, TimestampFunctions::day_of_month(context, tv1).val);
-    // 2020-01-00 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv2(20200100000000);
-    dtv2.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv2;
-    dtv2.to_datetime_val(&tv2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, TimestampFunctions::day_of_month(context, tv2).is_null);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, TimestampFunctions::day_of_month(context, tv2).val);
-    // 2020-02-29 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv3(20200229000000);
-    dtv3.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv3;
-    dtv3.to_datetime_val(&tv3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, TimestampFunctions::day_of_month(context, tv3).is_null);
-    ASSERT_EQ(29, TimestampFunctions::day_of_month(context, tv3).val);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, day_of_year_test) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    // 2020-00-01 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv1(20200001000000);
-    dtv1.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv1;
-    dtv1.to_datetime_val(&tv1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, TimestampFunctions::day_of_year(context, tv1).is_null);
-    // 2020-01-00 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv2(20200100000000);
-    dtv2.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv2;
-    dtv2.to_datetime_val(&tv2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, TimestampFunctions::day_of_year(context, tv2).is_null);
-    // 2020-02-29 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv3(20200229000000);
-    dtv3.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv3;
-    dtv3.to_datetime_val(&tv3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, TimestampFunctions::day_of_year(context, tv3).is_null);
-    ASSERT_EQ(60, TimestampFunctions::day_of_year(context, tv3).val);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, week_of_year_test) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    // 2020-00-01 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv1(20200001000000);
-    dtv1.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv1;
-    dtv1.to_datetime_val(&tv1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, TimestampFunctions::week_of_year(context, tv1).is_null);
-    // 2020-01-00 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv2(20200100000000);
-    dtv2.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv2;
-    dtv2.to_datetime_val(&tv2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, TimestampFunctions::week_of_year(context, tv2).is_null);
-    // 2020-02-29 00:00:00
-    DateTimeValue dtv3(20200229000000);
-    dtv3.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv3;
-    dtv3.to_datetime_val(&tv3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, TimestampFunctions::week_of_year(context, tv3).is_null);
-    ASSERT_EQ(9, TimestampFunctions::week_of_year(context, tv3).val);
-    delete context;
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, time_diff_test) {
-    DateTimeValue dt1(20190718120000);
-    dt1.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv1;
-    dt1.to_datetime_val(&tv1);
-    DateTimeValue dt2(20190718130102);
-    dt2.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv2;
-    dt2.to_datetime_val(&tv2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-3662, TimestampFunctions::time_diff(ctx, tv1, tv2).val);
-    // invalid
-    DateTimeValue dt3(20190018120000);
-    dt3.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv3;
-    dt3.to_datetime_val(&tv3);
-    DateTimeValue dt4(20190718130102);
-    dt4.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv4;
-    dt4.to_datetime_val(&tv4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, TimestampFunctions::time_diff(ctx, tv3, tv4).is_null);
-    // invalid
-    DateTimeValue dt5(20190718120000);
-    dt5.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv5;
-    dt5.to_datetime_val(&tv5);
-    DateTimeValue dt6(20190700130102);
-    dt6.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv6;
-    dt6.to_datetime_val(&tv6);
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, TimestampFunctions::time_diff(ctx, tv5, tv6).is_null);
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, now) {
-    DateTimeVal now = TimestampFunctions::now(ctx);
-    DateTimeValue dt = DateTimeValue::from_datetime_val(now);
-    ASSERT_EQ(20190806013857, dt.to_int64());
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, from_unix) {
-    IntVal unixtimestamp(1565080737);
-    StringVal sval = TimestampFunctions::from_unix(ctx, unixtimestamp);
-    ASSERT_EQ("2019-08-06 01:38:57", std::string((char*)sval.ptr, sval.len));
-    IntVal unixtimestamp2(-123);
-    sval = TimestampFunctions::from_unix(ctx, unixtimestamp2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sval.is_null);
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, to_unix) {
-    DateTimeVal dt_val;
-    dt_val.packed_time = 1847544683002068992;
-    dt_val.type = TIME_DATETIME;
-    ASSERT_EQ(1565080737, TimestampFunctions::to_unix(ctx).val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1565080737, TimestampFunctions::to_unix(ctx, dt_val).val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1565080737, TimestampFunctions::to_unix(ctx, StringVal("2019-08-06 01:38:57"),
-                                                      "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S")
-                                  .val);
-    DateTimeValue dt_value;
-    dt_value.from_date_int64(99991230);
-    dt_value.to_datetime_val(&dt_val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, TimestampFunctions::to_unix(ctx, dt_val).val);
-    dt_value.from_date_int64(10000101);
-    dt_value.to_datetime_val(&dt_val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, TimestampFunctions::to_unix(ctx, dt_val).val);
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, curtime) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(3600 + 38 * 60 + 57, TimestampFunctions::curtime(ctx).val);
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, convert_tz_test) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    DateTimeValue dt1(20190806163857);
-    dt1.set_type(TIME_DATETIME);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv1;
-    dt1.to_datetime_val(&tv1);
-    DateTimeVal t = TimestampFunctions::convert_tz(context, tv1, StringVal("Asia/Shanghai"),
-                                                   StringVal("America/Los_Angeles"));
-    DateTimeValue dt2 = DateTimeValue::from_datetime_val(t);
-    ASSERT_EQ(20190806013857, dt2.to_int64());
-    t = TimestampFunctions::convert_tz(context, tv1, StringVal("CST"),
-                                       StringVal("America/Los_Angeles"));
-    DateTimeValue dt3 = DateTimeValue::from_datetime_val(t);
-    ASSERT_EQ(20190806013857, dt3.to_int64());
-    delete context;
-#define ASSERT_DIFF(unit, diff, tv1, tv2)                                                         \
-    ASSERT_EQ(                                                                                    \
-            diff,                                                                                 \
-            TimestampFunctions::unit##s_diff(context, datetime_val(tv1), datetime_val(tv2)).val); \
-    ASSERT_EQ(                                                                                    \
-            -(diff),                                                                              \
-            TimestampFunctions::unit##s_diff(context, datetime_val(tv2), datetime_val(tv1)).val);
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, timestampdiff_test) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    int64_t tv1 = 20120824000001;
-    int64_t tv2 = 20120830000000;
-    //YEAR
-    ASSERT_DIFF(year, 0, tv2, tv1);
-    ASSERT_DIFF(year, 1, tv1, 20100930000000);
-    //MONTH
-    ASSERT_DIFF(month, 0, tv2, tv1);
-    ASSERT_DIFF(month, 0, tv2, tv1);
-    ASSERT_DIFF(month, 0, 20120924000000, tv1);
-    ASSERT_DIFF(month, 1, tv1, 20120631000000);
-    //WEEK
-    ASSERT_DIFF(week, 0, tv2, tv1);
-    //DAY
-    ASSERT_DIFF(day, 5, tv2, tv1);
-    ASSERT_DIFF(day, 6, 20120830000001, tv1);
-    ASSERT_DIFF(day, 8, 20120901000001, tv1);
-    ASSERT_DIFF(day, 0, 20120823000005, tv1);
-    ASSERT_DIFF(day, 0, 20120824000001, tv1);
-    //HOUR
-    ASSERT_DIFF(hour, 143, tv2, tv1);
-    //MINUTE
-    ASSERT_DIFF(minute, 8639, tv2, tv1);
-    //SECOND
-    ASSERT_DIFF(second, 518399, tv2, tv1);
-    delete context;
-#define ASSERT_ROUND(unit, floor, ceil, ...)                                       \
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime_val(floor).packed_time,                                     \
-              TimestampFunctions::unit##_floor(context, __VA_ARGS__).packed_time); \
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime_val(ceil).packed_time,                                      \
-              TimestampFunctions::unit##_ceil(context, __VA_ARGS__).packed_time);
-TEST_F(TimestampFunctionsTest, time_round_test) {
-    doris_udf::FunctionContext* context = new doris_udf::FunctionContext();
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv = datetime_val(20120824132901);
-    doris_udf::IntVal three(3);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal wednesday = datetime_val(20200916000000);
-    //YEAR
-    ASSERT_ROUND(year, 20120101000000, 20130101000000, tv);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(year, 20110916000000, 20120916000000, tv, wednesday);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(year, 20110916000000, 20140916000000, tv, three, wednesday);
-    //MONTH
-    ASSERT_ROUND(month, 20120801000000, 20120901000000, tv);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(month, 20120701000000, 20121001000000, tv, three);
-    //WEEK
-    ASSERT_ROUND(week, 20120819000000, 20120826000000, tv);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(week, 20120822000000, 20120829000000, tv, wednesday);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(week, 20120808000000, 20120829000000, tv, three, wednesday);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv1 = datetime_val(20200202130920);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal monday = datetime_val(20200106000000);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(week, 20200202000000, 20200209000000, tv1);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(week, 20200127000000, 20200203000000, tv1, monday);
-    //DAY
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal noon = datetime_val(19700101120000);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(day, 20120824000000, 20120825000000, tv);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(day, 20120824120000, 20120825120000, tv, noon);
-    //HOUR
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal random = datetime_val(29380329113953);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(hour, 20120824120000, 20120824150000, tv, three);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(hour, 20120824113953, 20120824143953, tv, three, random);
-    //MINUTE
-    doris_udf::IntVal val90(90);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(minute, 20120824132900, 20120824133000, tv);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(minute, 20120824120000, 20120824133000, tv, val90);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(minute, 20120824130953, 20120824143953, tv, val90, random);
-    //SECOND
-    ASSERT_ROUND(second, 20120824132900, 20120824132903, tv, three);
-    ASSERT_ROUND(second, 20120824132830, 20120824133000, tv, val90);
-    delete context;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/topn_function_test.cpp b/be/test/exprs/topn_function_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b02f1f..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/topn_function_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "exprs/anyval_util.h"
-#include "exprs/expr_context.h"
-#include "exprs/topn_function.h"
-#include "util/topn_counter.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-#include "zipf_distribution.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <unordered_map>
-namespace doris {
-static const uint32_t TOPN_NUM = 100;
-static const uint32_t TOTAL_RECORDS = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1000, 1000000);
-static const uint32_t PARALLEL = 10;
-std::string gen_random(const int len) {
-    std::string possible_characters = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-    std::random_device rd;
-    std::mt19937 generator(rd());
-    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, possible_characters.size()-1);
-    std::string rand_str(len, '\0');
-    for(auto& dis: rand_str) {
-        dis = possible_characters[dist(generator)];
-    }
-    return rand_str;
-class TopNFunctionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    TopNFunctionsTest() = default;
-    void SetUp() {
-        utils = new FunctionUtils();
-        ctx = utils->get_fn_ctx();
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        delete utils;
-    }
-    FunctionUtils *utils;
-    FunctionContext *ctx;
-void update_accuracy_map(const std::string& item, std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t>& accuracy_map) {
-    if (accuracy_map.find(item) != accuracy_map.end()) {
-        ++accuracy_map[item];
-    } else {
-        accuracy_map.insert(std::make_pair(item, 1));
-    }
-void topn_single(FunctionContext* ctx, std::string& random_str, StringVal& dst, std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t>& accuracy_map){
-    TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, StringVal(((uint8_t*) random_str.data()), random_str.length()), TOPN_NUM, &dst);
-    update_accuracy_map(random_str, accuracy_map);
-void test_topn_accuracy(FunctionContext* ctx, int key_space, int space_expand_rate, double zipf_distribution_exponent) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "topn accuracy : " << "key space : "  << key_space << " , space_expand_rate : " << space_expand_rate <<
-        " , zf exponent : " << zipf_distribution_exponent;
-    std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> accuracy_map;
-    // prepare random data
-    std::vector<std::string> random_strs(key_space);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < key_space; ++i) {
-        random_strs[i] = gen_random(10);
-    }
-    zipf_distribution<uint64_t, double> zf(key_space, zipf_distribution_exponent);
-    std::random_device rd;
-    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
-    StringVal topn_column("placeholder");
-    IntVal topn_num_column(TOPN_NUM);
-    IntVal space_expand_rate_column(space_expand_rate);
-    std::vector<doris_udf::AnyVal*> const_vals;
-    const_vals.push_back(&topn_column);
-    const_vals.push_back(&topn_num_column);
-    const_vals.push_back(&space_expand_rate_column);
-    ctx->impl()->set_constant_args(const_vals);
-    // Compute topN in parallel
-    StringVal dst;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst);
-    StringVal single_dst_str[PARALLEL];
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < PARALLEL; ++i) {
-        TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &single_dst_str[i]);
-    }
-    std::random_device random_rd;
-    std::mt19937 random_gen(random_rd());
-    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, PARALLEL-1);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_RECORDS; ++i) {
-        // generate zipf_distribution
-        uint32_t index = zf(gen);
-        // choose one single topn to update
-        topn_single(ctx, random_strs[index], single_dst_str[dist(random_gen)], accuracy_map);
-    }
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < PARALLEL; ++i) {
-        StringVal serialized_str  = TopNFunctions::topn_serialize(ctx, single_dst_str[i]);
-        TopNFunctions::topn_merge(ctx, serialized_str, &dst);
-    }
-    // get accuracy result
-    std::vector<Counter> accuracy_sort_vec;
-    for(std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t >::const_iterator it = accuracy_map.begin(); it != accuracy_map.end(); ++it) {
-        accuracy_sort_vec.emplace_back(it->first, it->second);
-    }
-    std::sort(accuracy_sort_vec.begin(), accuracy_sort_vec.end(), TopNComparator());
-    // get topn result
-    TopNCounter* topn_dst = reinterpret_cast<TopNCounter*>(dst.ptr);
-    std::vector<Counter> topn_sort_vec;
-    topn_dst->sort_retain(TOPN_NUM, &topn_sort_vec);
-    uint32_t error = 0;
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TOPN_NUM; ++i) {
-        Counter& accuracy_counter = accuracy_sort_vec[i];
-        Counter& topn_counter = topn_sort_vec[i];
-        if (accuracy_counter.get_count() != topn_counter.get_count()) {
-            ++error;
-            LOG(INFO) << "Failed";
-            LOG(INFO) << "accuracy counter : (" << accuracy_counter.get_item() << ", " << accuracy_counter.get_count() << ")";
-            LOG(INFO) << "topn counter : (" << topn_counter.get_item() << ", " << topn_counter.get_count() << ")";
-        }
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << "Total errors : " << error;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_finalize(ctx, dst);
-TEST_F(TopNFunctionsTest, topn_accuracy) {
-    std::vector<int> small_key_space({100});
-    std::vector<int> large_key_space({1000, 10000, 100000, 500000});
-    std::vector<int> key_space_vec(LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(small_key_space, large_key_space));
-    std::vector<int> space_expand_rate_vec({20, 50, 100});
-    std::vector<double> zipf_distribution_exponent_vec({0.5, 0.6, 1.0});
-    for (auto ket_space : key_space_vec) {
-        for (auto space_expand_rate : space_expand_rate_vec) {
-            for (auto zipf_distribution_exponent : zipf_distribution_exponent_vec) {
-                test_topn_accuracy(ctx, ket_space, space_expand_rate, zipf_distribution_exponent);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(TopNFunctionsTest, topn_update) {
-    StringVal dst;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst);
-    StringVal src1("a");
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, src1, 2, &dst);
-    }
-    StringVal src2("b");
-    TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, src2, 2, &dst);
-    TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, src2, 2, &dst);
-    StringVal src3("c");
-    TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, src3, 2, &dst);
-    StringVal result = TopNFunctions::topn_finalize(ctx, dst);
-    StringVal expected("{\"a\":10,\"b\":2}");
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(TopNFunctionsTest, topn_merge) {
-    StringVal dst1;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst1);
-    StringVal dst2;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst2);
-    StringVal src1("a");
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, src1, 2, &dst1);
-        TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, src1, 2, &dst2);
-    }
-    StringVal src2("b");
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, src2, 2, &dst1);
-    }
-    StringVal src3("c");
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-        TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, src3, 2, &dst2);
-    }
-    StringVal val1 = TopNFunctions::topn_serialize(ctx, dst1);
-    StringVal val2 = TopNFunctions::topn_serialize(ctx, dst2);
-    StringVal dst;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst);
-    TopNFunctions::topn_merge(ctx, val1, &dst);
-    TopNFunctions::topn_merge(ctx, val2, &dst);
-    StringVal result = TopNFunctions::topn_finalize(ctx, dst);
-    StringVal expected("{\"a\":20,\"b\":8}");
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(TopNFunctionsTest, test_null_value) {
-    StringVal dst1;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst1);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, IntVal::null(), 2, &dst1);
-    }
-    StringVal serialized = TopNFunctions::topn_serialize(ctx, dst1);
-    StringVal dst2;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst2);
-    TopNFunctions::topn_merge(ctx, serialized, &dst2);
-    StringVal result = TopNFunctions::topn_finalize(ctx, dst2);
-    StringVal expected("{}");
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-TEST_F(TopNFunctionsTest, test_date_type) {
-    StringVal dst1;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst1);
-    DateTimeValue dt(20201001000000);
-    doris_udf::DateTimeVal dt_val;
-    dt.to_datetime_val(&dt_val);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        TopNFunctions::topn_update(ctx, dt_val, 1, &dst1);
-    }
-    StringVal serialized = TopNFunctions::topn_serialize(ctx, dst1);
-    StringVal dst2;
-    TopNFunctions::topn_init(ctx, &dst2);
-    TopNFunctions::topn_merge(ctx, serialized, &dst2);
-    StringVal result = TopNFunctions::topn_finalize(ctx, dst2);
-    StringVal expected("{\"2020-10-01 00:00:00\":10}");
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/exprs/zipf_distribution.h b/be/test/exprs/zipf_distribution.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae2fda..0000000
--- a/be/test/exprs/zipf_distribution.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#pragma once
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <random>
-/** Refer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9983239/how-to-generate-zipf-distributed-numbers-efficiently
- *  Zipf-like random distribution.
- *
- * "Rejection-inversion to generate variates from monotone discrete
- * distributions", Wolfgang Hörmann and Gerhard Derflinger
- * ACM TOMACS 6.3 (1996): 169-184
- */
-template<class IntType = unsigned long, class RealType = double>
-class zipf_distribution
-    typedef RealType input_type;
-    typedef IntType result_type;
-    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<IntType>::is_integer, "");
-    static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<RealType>::is_integer, "");
-    zipf_distribution(const IntType n=std::numeric_limits<IntType>::max(),
-                      const RealType q=1.0)
-            : n(n)
-            , q(q)
-            , H_x1(H(1.5) - 1.0)
-            , H_n(H(n + 0.5))
-            , dist(H_x1, H_n)
-    {}
-    IntType operator()(std::mt19937& rng)
-    {
-        while (true) {
-            const RealType u = dist(rng);
-            const RealType x = H_inv(u);
-            const IntType  k = clamp<IntType>(std::round(x), 1, n);
-            if (u >= H(k + 0.5) - h(k)) {
-                return k;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /** Clamp x to [min, max]. */
-    template<typename T>
-    static constexpr T clamp(const T x, const T min, const T max)
-    {
-        return std::max(min, std::min(max, x));
-    }
-    /** exp(x) - 1 / x */
-    static double
-    expxm1bx(const double x)
-    {
-        return (std::abs(x) > epsilon)
-               ? std::expm1(x) / x
-               : (1.0 + x/2.0 * (1.0 + x/3.0 * (1.0 + x/4.0)));
-    }
-    /** H(x) = log(x) if q == 1, (x^(1-q) - 1)/(1 - q) otherwise.
-     * H(x) is an integral of h(x).
-     *
-     * Note the numerator is one less than in the paper order to work with all
-     * positive q.
-     */
-    const RealType H(const RealType x)
-    {
-        const RealType log_x = std::log(x);
-        return expxm1bx((1.0 - q) * log_x) * log_x;
-    }
-    /** log(1 + x) / x */
-    static RealType
-    log1pxbx(const RealType x)
-    {
-        return (std::abs(x) > epsilon)
-               ? std::log1p(x) / x
-               : 1.0 - x * ((1/2.0) - x * ((1/3.0) - x * (1/4.0)));
-    }
-    /** The inverse function of H(x) */
-    const RealType H_inv(const RealType x)
-    {
-        const RealType t = std::max(-1.0, x * (1.0 - q));
-        return std::exp(log1pxbx(t) * x);
-    }
-    /** That hat function h(x) = 1 / (x ^ q) */
-    const RealType h(const RealType x)
-    {
-        return std::exp(-q * std::log(x));
-    }
-    static constexpr RealType epsilon = 1e-8;
-    IntType                                  n;     ///< Number of elements
-    RealType                                 q;     ///< Exponent
-    RealType                                 H_x1;  ///< H(x_1)
-    RealType                                 H_n;   ///< H(n)
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<RealType> dist;  ///< [H(x_1), H(n)]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/geo/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/geo/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe5dab..0000000
--- a/be/test/geo/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
diff --git a/be/test/geo/geo_functions_test.cpp b/be/test/geo/geo_functions_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 74eba9d..0000000
--- a/be/test/geo/geo_functions_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "geo/geo_functions.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "geo/geo_types.h"
-#include "geo/wkt_parse.h"
-#include "geo/wkt_parse_ctx.h"
-#include "testutil/function_utils.h"
-#include "udf/udf.h"
-#include "udf/udf_internal.h"
-namespace doris {
-class GeoFunctionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    GeoFunctionsTest() {}
-    virtual ~GeoFunctionsTest() {}
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_dist_sphere) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    {
-        DoubleVal x_lng(0.0);
-        DoubleVal x_lat(0.0);
-        DoubleVal y_lng(0.0);
-        DoubleVal y_lat(0.0);
-        auto dist = GeoFunctions::st_distance_sphere(ctx, x_lng, x_lat, y_lng, y_lat);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, dist.val);
-    }
-    {
-        DoubleVal x_lng(0.0);
-        DoubleVal x_lat(0.0);
-        DoubleVal y_lng(0.0);
-        DoubleVal y_lat(1.0);
-        auto dist = GeoFunctions::st_distance_sphere(ctx, x_lng, x_lat, y_lng, y_lat);
-        LOG(INFO) << dist.val;
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_point) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    DoubleVal lng(113);
-    DoubleVal lat(64);
-    auto str = GeoFunctions::st_point(ctx, lng, lat);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(str.is_null);
-    GeoPoint point;
-    auto res = point.decode_from(str.ptr, str.len);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-    ASSERT_EQ(113, point.x());
-    ASSERT_EQ(64, point.y());
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_x_y) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    GeoPoint point;
-    point.from_coord(134, 63);
-    std::string buf;
-    point.encode_to(&buf);
-    auto x = GeoFunctions::st_x(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)buf.data(), buf.size()));
-    auto y = GeoFunctions::st_y(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)buf.data(), buf.size()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(134, x.val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(63, y.val);
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, as_wkt) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    GeoPoint point;
-    point.from_coord(134, 63);
-    std::string buf;
-    point.encode_to(&buf);
-    auto wkt = GeoFunctions::st_as_wkt(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)buf.data(), buf.size()));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("POINT (134 63)", std::string((char*)wkt.ptr, wkt.len).c_str());
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_from_wkt) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-    std::string wkt = "POINT (10.1 20.2)";
-    auto str = GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size()));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(str.is_null);
-    GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    // second time
-    {
-        StringVal wkt_val((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size());
-        // push const value
-        std::vector<doris_udf::AnyVal*> const_vals;
-        const_vals.push_back(&wkt_val);
-        ctx->impl()->set_constant_args(const_vals);
-        // prepare
-        GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-        // convert
-        auto str2 = GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size()));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(str2.is_null);
-        // close
-        GeoPoint point;
-        auto res = point.decode_from(str2.ptr, str2.len);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-        ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(10.1, point.x());
-        ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(20.2, point.y());
-        GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_line) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    std::string wkt = "LINESTRING (10.1 20.2, 21.1 30.1)";
-    auto str = GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size()));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(str.is_null);
-    GeoLine line;
-    auto res = line.decode_from(str.ptr, str.len);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-    GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    // second time
-    {
-        StringVal wkt_val((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size());
-        // push const value
-        std::vector<doris_udf::AnyVal*> const_vals;
-        const_vals.push_back(&wkt_val);
-        ctx->impl()->set_constant_args(const_vals);
-        // prepare
-        GeoFunctions::st_line_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-        // convert
-        auto str2 = GeoFunctions::st_line(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size()));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(str2.is_null);
-        // close
-        GeoLine line;
-        auto res = line.decode_from(str2.ptr, str2.len);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-        GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_polygon) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    std::string wkt = "POLYGON ((10 10, 50 10, 50 50, 10 50, 10 10))";
-    auto str = GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size()));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(str.is_null);
-    // second time
-    {
-        StringVal wkt_val((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size());
-        // push const value
-        std::vector<doris_udf::AnyVal*> const_vals;
-        const_vals.push_back(&wkt_val);
-        ctx->impl()->set_constant_args(const_vals);
-        // prepare
-        GeoFunctions::st_polygon_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-        // convert
-        auto str2 = GeoFunctions::st_polygon(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size()));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(str2.is_null);
-        // close
-        GeoPolygon polygon;
-        auto res = polygon.decode_from(str2.ptr, str2.len);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-        GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_circle) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    DoubleVal lng(111);
-    DoubleVal lat(64);
-    DoubleVal radius_meter(10 * 100);
-    auto str = GeoFunctions::st_circle(ctx, lng, lat, radius_meter);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(str.is_null);
-    // second time
-    {
-        // push const value
-        std::vector<doris_udf::AnyVal*> const_vals;
-        const_vals.push_back(&lng);
-        const_vals.push_back(&lat);
-        const_vals.push_back(&radius_meter);
-        ctx->impl()->set_constant_args(const_vals);
-        // prepare
-        GeoFunctions::st_circle_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-        // convert
-        auto str2 = GeoFunctions::st_circle(ctx, lng, lat, radius_meter);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(str2.is_null);
-        // close
-        GeoCircle circle;
-        auto res = circle.decode_from(str2.ptr, str2.len);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-        GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_poly_line_fail) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    {
-        GeoFunctions::st_polygon_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-        std::string wkt = "POINT (10.1 20.2)";
-        auto str = GeoFunctions::st_polygon(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size()));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(str.is_null);
-        GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    }
-    {
-        GeoFunctions::st_line_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-        std::string wkt = "POINT (10.1 20.2)";
-        auto str = GeoFunctions::st_line(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)wkt.data(), wkt.size()));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(str.is_null);
-        GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_contains) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-    std::string polygon_wkt = "POLYGON ((10 10, 50 10, 50 50, 10 50, 10 10))";
-    auto polygon = GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt(
-            ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)polygon_wkt.data(), polygon_wkt.size()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-    std::string point_wkt = "POINT (25 25)";
-    auto point =
-            GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)point_wkt.data(), point_wkt.size()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-    GeoFunctions::st_contains_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-    auto res = GeoFunctions::st_contains(ctx, polygon, point);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res.val);
-    GeoFunctions::st_contains_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-TEST_F(GeoFunctionsTest, st_contains_cached) {
-    FunctionUtils utils;
-    FunctionContext* ctx = utils.get_fn_ctx();
-    GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    std::string polygon_wkt = "POLYGON ((10 10, 50 10, 50 50, 10 50, 10 10))";
-    auto polygon = GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt(
-            ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)polygon_wkt.data(), polygon_wkt.size()));
-    std::string point_wkt = "POINT (25 25)";
-    auto point =
-            GeoFunctions::st_from_wkt(ctx, StringVal((uint8_t*)point_wkt.data(), point_wkt.size()));
-    // push const value
-    std::vector<doris_udf::AnyVal*> const_vals;
-    const_vals.push_back(&polygon);
-    const_vals.push_back(&point);
-    ctx->impl()->set_constant_args(const_vals);
-    // prepare
-    GeoFunctions::st_contains_prepare(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ctx->get_function_state(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL));
-    auto res = GeoFunctions::st_contains(ctx, polygon, point);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(res.val);
-    GeoFunctions::st_contains_close(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    FLAGS_s2debug = false;
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/geo/geo_types_test.cpp b/be/test/geo/geo_types_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f28500..0000000
--- a/be/test/geo/geo_types_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "geo/geo_types.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "geo/geo_types.h"
-#include "geo/wkt_parse.h"
-#include "geo/wkt_parse_ctx.h"
-#include "s2/s2debug.h"
-namespace doris {
-class GeoTypesTest : public testing::Test {
-    GeoTypesTest() {}
-    virtual ~GeoTypesTest() {}
-TEST_F(GeoTypesTest, point_normal) {
-    {
-        GeoPoint point;
-        auto status = point.from_coord(116.123, 63.546);
-        ASSERT_EQ(GEO_PARSE_OK, status);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("POINT (116.123 63.546)", point.as_wkt().c_str());
-        std::string buf;
-        point.encode_to(&buf);
-        {
-            std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> point2(GeoShape::from_encoded(buf.data(), buf.size()));
-            ASSERT_STREQ("POINT (116.123 63.546)", point2->as_wkt().c_str());
-        }
-        {
-            buf.resize(buf.size() - 1);
-            std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> point2(GeoShape::from_encoded(buf.data(), buf.size()));
-            ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, point2);
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        GeoPoint point;
-        GeoCoordinate coord;
-        coord.x = 116.123;
-        coord.y = 63.546;
-        auto status = point.from_coord(coord);
-        ASSERT_EQ(GEO_PARSE_OK, status);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("POINT (116.123 63.546)", point.as_wkt().c_str());
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoTypesTest, point_invalid) {
-    GeoPoint point;
-    auto status = point.from_coord(200, 88);
-    ASSERT_NE(GEO_PARSE_OK, status);
-TEST_F(GeoTypesTest, linestring) {
-    const char* wkt = "LINESTRING (30 10, 10 30, 40 40)";
-    GeoParseStatus status;
-    std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> line(GeoShape::from_wkt(wkt, strlen(wkt), &status));
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, line.get());
-    ASSERT_EQ(GEO_SHAPE_LINE_STRING, line->type());
-    ASSERT_STREQ(wkt, line->as_wkt().c_str());
-    std::string buf;
-    line->encode_to(&buf);
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> line2(GeoShape::from_encoded(buf.data(), buf.size()));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(wkt, line2->as_wkt().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        buf.resize(buf.size() - 1);
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> line2(GeoShape::from_encoded(buf.data(), buf.size()));
-        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, line2);
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoTypesTest, polygon_contains) {
-    const char* wkt = "POLYGON ((10 10, 50 10, 50 10, 50 50, 50 50, 10 50, 10 10))";
-    GeoParseStatus status;
-    std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> polygon(GeoShape::from_wkt(wkt, strlen(wkt), &status));
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, polygon.get());
-    {
-        GeoPoint point;
-        point.from_coord(20, 20);
-        auto res = polygon->contains(&point);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-    }
-    {
-        GeoPoint point;
-        point.from_coord(5, 5);
-        auto res = polygon->contains(&point);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(res);
-    }
-    std::string buf;
-    polygon->encode_to(&buf);
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> shape(GeoShape::from_encoded(buf.data(), buf.size()));
-        ASSERT_EQ(GEO_SHAPE_POLYGON, shape->type());
-        LOG(INFO) << "polygon=" << shape->as_wkt();
-    }
-    {
-        buf.resize(buf.size() - 1);
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> shape(GeoShape::from_encoded(buf.data(), buf.size()));
-        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, shape);
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoTypesTest, polygon_parse_fail) {
-    {
-        const char* wkt = "POLYGON ((10 10, 50 10, 50 50, 10 50), (10 10 01))";
-        GeoParseStatus status;
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> polygon(GeoShape::from_wkt(wkt, strlen(wkt), &status));
-        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, polygon.get());
-    }
-    {
-        const char* wkt = "POLYGON ((10 10, 50 10, 50 50, 10 50))";
-        GeoParseStatus status;
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> polygon(GeoShape::from_wkt(wkt, strlen(wkt), &status));
-        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, polygon.get());
-    }
-    {
-        const char* wkt = "POLYGON ((10 10, 50 10, 10 10))";
-        GeoParseStatus status;
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> polygon(GeoShape::from_wkt(wkt, strlen(wkt), &status));
-        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, polygon.get());
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoTypesTest, polygon_hole_contains) {
-    const char* wkt =
-            "POLYGON ((10 10, 50 10, 50 50, 10 50, 10 10), (20 20, 40 20, 40 40, 20 40, 20 20))";
-    GeoParseStatus status;
-    std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> polygon(GeoShape::from_wkt(wkt, strlen(wkt), &status));
-    ASSERT_EQ(GEO_PARSE_OK, status);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, polygon);
-    {
-        GeoPoint point;
-        point.from_coord(15, 15);
-        auto res = polygon->contains(&point);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-    }
-    {
-        GeoPoint point;
-        point.from_coord(25, 25);
-        auto res = polygon->contains(&point);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(res);
-    }
-    {
-        GeoPoint point;
-        point.from_coord(20, 20);
-        auto res = polygon->contains(&point);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-    }
-TEST_F(GeoTypesTest, circle) {
-    GeoCircle circle;
-    auto res = circle.init(110.123, 64, 1000);
-    std::string buf;
-    circle.encode_to(&buf);
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> circle2(GeoShape::from_encoded(buf.data(), buf.size()));
-        ASSERT_STREQ("CIRCLE ((110.123 64), 1000)", circle2->as_wkt().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        buf.resize(buf.size() - 1);
-        std::unique_ptr<GeoShape> circle2(GeoShape::from_encoded(buf.data(), buf.size()));
-        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, circle2);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    FLAGS_s2debug = false;
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/geo/wkt_parse_test.cpp b/be/test/geo/wkt_parse_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b6c39..0000000
--- a/be/test/geo/wkt_parse_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "geo/wkt_parse.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "geo/geo_types.h"
-#include "geo/wkt_parse_ctx.h"
-namespace doris {
-class WktParseTest : public testing::Test {
-    WktParseTest() {}
-    virtual ~WktParseTest() {}
-TEST_F(WktParseTest, normal) {
-    const char* wkt = "POINT(1 2)";
-    GeoShape* shape = nullptr;
-    auto status = WktParse::parse_wkt(wkt, strlen(wkt), &shape);
-    ASSERT_EQ(GEO_PARSE_OK, status);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, shape);
-    LOG(INFO) << "parse result: " << shape->to_string();
-    delete shape;
-TEST_F(WktParseTest, invalid_wkt) {
-    const char* wkt = "POINT(1,2)";
-    GeoShape* shape = nullptr;
-    auto status = WktParse::parse_wkt(wkt, strlen(wkt), &shape);
-    ASSERT_NE(GEO_PARSE_OK, status);
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, shape);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/http/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/http/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f81ab02..0000000
--- a/be/test/http/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
diff --git a/be/test/http/http_client_test.cpp b/be/test/http/http_client_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6e959..0000000
--- a/be/test/http/http_client_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "http/http_client.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "boost/algorithm/string.hpp"
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "http/ev_http_server.h"
-#include "http/http_channel.h"
-#include "http/http_handler.h"
-#include "http/http_request.h"
-namespace doris {
-class HttpClientTestSimpleGetHandler : public HttpHandler {
-    void handle(HttpRequest* req) override {
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        if (!parse_basic_auth(*req, &user, &passwd) || user != "test1") {
-            HttpChannel::send_basic_challenge(req, "abc");
-            return;
-        }
-        req->add_output_header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; version=0.0.4");
-        if (req->method() == HttpMethod::HEAD) {
-            req->add_output_header(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH, std::to_string(5).c_str());
-            HttpChannel::send_reply(req);
-        } else {
-            std::string response = "test1";
-            HttpChannel::send_reply(req, response);
-        }
-    }
-class HttpClientTestSimplePostHandler : public HttpHandler {
-    void handle(HttpRequest* req) override {
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        if (!parse_basic_auth(*req, &user, &passwd) || user != "test1") {
-            HttpChannel::send_basic_challenge(req, "abc");
-            return;
-        }
-        if (req->method() == HttpMethod::POST) {
-            std::string post_body = req->get_request_body();
-            if (!post_body.empty()) {
-                HttpChannel::send_reply(req, post_body);
-            } else {
-                HttpChannel::send_reply(req, "empty");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-static HttpClientTestSimpleGetHandler s_simple_get_handler = HttpClientTestSimpleGetHandler();
-static HttpClientTestSimplePostHandler s_simple_post_handler = HttpClientTestSimplePostHandler();
-static EvHttpServer* s_server = nullptr;
-static int real_port = 0;
-static std::string hostname = "";
-class HttpClientTest : public testing::Test {
-    HttpClientTest() {}
-    ~HttpClientTest() override {}
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        s_server = new EvHttpServer(0);
-        s_server->register_handler(GET, "/simple_get", &s_simple_get_handler);
-        s_server->register_handler(HEAD, "/simple_get", &s_simple_get_handler);
-        s_server->register_handler(POST, "/simple_post", &s_simple_post_handler);
-        s_server->start();
-        real_port = s_server->get_real_port();
-        ASSERT_NE(0, real_port);
-        hostname = "" + std::to_string(real_port);
-    }
-    static void TearDownTestCase() { delete s_server; }
-TEST_F(HttpClientTest, get_normal) {
-    HttpClient client;
-    auto st = client.init(hostname + "/simple_get");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    client.set_method(GET);
-    client.set_basic_auth("test1", "");
-    std::string response;
-    st = client.execute(&response);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("test1", response.c_str());
-    // for head
-    st = client.init(hostname + "/simple_get");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    client.set_method(HEAD);
-    client.set_basic_auth("test1", "");
-    st = client.execute();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, client.get_content_length());
-TEST_F(HttpClientTest, download) {
-    HttpClient client;
-    auto st = client.init(hostname + "/simple_get");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    client.set_basic_auth("test1", "");
-    std::string local_file = ".http_client_test.dat";
-    st = client.download(local_file);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    char buf[50];
-    auto fp = fopen(local_file.c_str(), "r");
-    auto size = fread(buf, 1, 50, fp);
-    buf[size] = 0;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("test1", buf);
-    unlink(local_file.c_str());
-TEST_F(HttpClientTest, get_failed) {
-    HttpClient client;
-    auto st = client.init(hostname + "/simple_get");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    client.set_method(GET);
-    client.set_basic_auth("test1", "");
-    std::string response;
-    st = client.execute(&response);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(!st.ok());
-TEST_F(HttpClientTest, post_normal) {
-    HttpClient client;
-    auto st = client.init(hostname + "/simple_post");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    client.set_method(POST);
-    client.set_basic_auth("test1", "");
-    std::string response;
-    std::string request_body = "simple post body query";
-    st = client.execute_post_request(request_body, &response);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(response.length(), request_body.length());
-    ASSERT_STREQ(response.c_str(), request_body.c_str());
-TEST_F(HttpClientTest, post_failed) {
-    HttpClient client;
-    auto st = client.init(hostname + "/simple_pos");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    client.set_method(POST);
-    client.set_basic_auth("test1", "");
-    std::string response;
-    std::string request_body = "simple post body query";
-    st = client.execute_post_request(request_body, &response);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    std::string not_found = "404";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(boost::algorithm::contains(st.get_error_msg(), not_found));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/http/http_utils_test.cpp b/be/test/http/http_utils_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9407b9f..0000000
--- a/be/test/http/http_utils_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "http/http_headers.h"
-#include "http/http_request.h"
-#include "http/utils.h"
-#include "util/url_coding.h"
-namespace doris {
-class HttpUtilsTest : public testing::Test {
-    HttpUtilsTest() {}
-    virtual ~HttpUtilsTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override { _evhttp_req = evhttp_request_new(nullptr, nullptr); }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (_evhttp_req != nullptr) {
-            evhttp_request_free(_evhttp_req);
-        }
-    }
-    evhttp_request* _evhttp_req = nullptr;
-TEST_F(HttpUtilsTest, parse_basic_auth) {
-    {
-        HttpRequest req(_evhttp_req);
-        auto auth = encode_basic_auth("doris", "passwd");
-        req._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, auth);
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        auto res = parse_basic_auth(req, &user, &passwd);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("doris", user.data());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("passwd", passwd.data());
-    }
-    {
-        HttpRequest req(_evhttp_req);
-        std::string auth = "Basic ";
-        std::string encoded_str = "doris:passwd";
-        auth += encoded_str;
-        req._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, auth);
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        auto res = parse_basic_auth(req, &user, &passwd);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(res);
-    }
-    {
-        HttpRequest req(_evhttp_req);
-        std::string auth = "Basic ";
-        std::string encoded_str;
-        base64_encode("dorispasswd", &encoded_str);
-        auth += encoded_str;
-        req._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, auth);
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        auto res = parse_basic_auth(req, &user, &passwd);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(res);
-    }
-    {
-        HttpRequest req(_evhttp_req);
-        std::string auth = "Basic";
-        std::string encoded_str;
-        base64_encode("doris:passwd", &encoded_str);
-        auth += encoded_str;
-        req._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, auth);
-        std::string user;
-        std::string passwd;
-        auto res = parse_basic_auth(req, &user, &passwd);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(res);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/http/message_body_sink_test.cpp b/be/test/http/message_body_sink_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e5d7b..0000000
--- a/be/test/http/message_body_sink_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/message_body_sink.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-namespace doris {
-class MessageBodySinkTest : public testing::Test {
-    MessageBodySinkTest() {}
-    virtual ~MessageBodySinkTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {}
-TEST_F(MessageBodySinkTest, file_sink) {
-    char data[] = "hello world";
-    MessageBodyFileSink sink("./body_sink_test_file_sink");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.open().ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.append(data, sizeof(data)).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.finish().ok());
-    {
-        char buf[256];
-        memset(buf, 0, 256);
-        int fd = open("././body_sink_test_file_sink", O_RDONLY);
-        read(fd, buf, 256);
-        close(fd);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("hello world", buf);
-        unlink("././body_sink_test_file_sink");
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/http/metrics_action_test.cpp b/be/test/http/metrics_action_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d91e8dd..0000000
--- a/be/test/http/metrics_action_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "http/action/metrics_action.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "http/http_channel.h"
-#include "http/http_request.h"
-#include "http/http_response.h"
-#include "util/metrics.h"
-namespace doris {
-// Mock part
-const char* s_expect_response = nullptr;
-void HttpChannel::send_reply(HttpRequest* request, HttpStatus status, const std::string& content) {
-    ASSERT_STREQ(s_expect_response, content.c_str());
-class MetricsActionTest : public testing::Test {
-    MetricsActionTest() {}
-    virtual ~MetricsActionTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override { _evhttp_req = evhttp_request_new(nullptr, nullptr); }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (_evhttp_req != nullptr) {
-            evhttp_request_free(_evhttp_req);
-        }
-    }
-    evhttp_request* _evhttp_req = nullptr;
-TEST_F(MetricsActionTest, prometheus_output) {
-    MetricRegistry metric_registry("test");
-    std::shared_ptr<MetricEntity> entity =
-            metric_registry.register_entity("metrics_action_test.prometheus_output");
-    IntGauge* cpu_idle = nullptr;
-    INT_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_idle);
-    IntCounter* put_requests_total = nullptr;
-    DEFINE_COUNTER_METRIC_PROTOTYPE_5ARG(put_requests_total, MetricUnit::NOUNIT, "", requests_total,
-                                         Labels({{"type", "put"}, {"path", "/sports"}}));
-    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, put_requests_total);
-    cpu_idle->set_value(50);
-    put_requests_total->increment(2345);
-    s_expect_response =
-            "# TYPE test_cpu_idle gauge\n"
-            "test_cpu_idle 50\n"
-            "# TYPE test_requests_total counter\n"
-            "test_requests_total{path=\"/sports\",type=\"put\"} 2345\n";
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    MetricsAction action(&metric_registry);
-    action.handle(&request);
-TEST_F(MetricsActionTest, prometheus_no_prefix) {
-    MetricRegistry metric_registry("");
-    std::shared_ptr<MetricEntity> entity =
-            metric_registry.register_entity("metrics_action_test.prometheus_no_prefix");
-    IntGauge* cpu_idle = nullptr;
-    INT_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_idle);
-    cpu_idle->set_value(50);
-    s_expect_response =
-            "# TYPE cpu_idle gauge\n"
-            "cpu_idle 50\n";
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    MetricsAction action(&metric_registry);
-    action.handle(&request);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/http/stream_load_test.cpp b/be/test/http/stream_load_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ea97a0..0000000
--- a/be/test/http/stream_load_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "http/action/stream_load.h"
-#include <event2/http.h>
-#include <event2/http_struct.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <rapidjson/document.h>
-#include "exec/schema_scanner/schema_helper.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/HeartbeatService_types.h"
-#include "http/http_channel.h"
-#include "http/http_request.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/stream_load/load_stream_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/stream_load/stream_load_executor.h"
-#include "runtime/thread_resource_mgr.h"
-#include "util/brpc_stub_cache.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-class mg_connection;
-namespace doris {
-std::string k_response_str;
-// Send Unauthorized status with basic challenge
-void HttpChannel::send_basic_challenge(HttpRequest* req, const std::string& realm) {}
-void HttpChannel::send_error(HttpRequest* request, HttpStatus status) {}
-void HttpChannel::send_reply(HttpRequest* request, HttpStatus status) {}
-void HttpChannel::send_reply(HttpRequest* request, HttpStatus status, const std::string& content) {
-    k_response_str = content;
-void HttpChannel::send_file(HttpRequest* request, int fd, size_t off, size_t size) {}
-extern TLoadTxnBeginResult k_stream_load_begin_result;
-extern TLoadTxnCommitResult k_stream_load_commit_result;
-extern TLoadTxnRollbackResult k_stream_load_rollback_result;
-extern TStreamLoadPutResult k_stream_load_put_result;
-extern Status k_stream_load_plan_status;
-class StreamLoadActionTest : public testing::Test {
-    StreamLoadActionTest() {}
-    virtual ~StreamLoadActionTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {
-        k_stream_load_begin_result = TLoadTxnBeginResult();
-        k_stream_load_commit_result = TLoadTxnCommitResult();
-        k_stream_load_rollback_result = TLoadTxnRollbackResult();
-        k_stream_load_put_result = TStreamLoadPutResult();
-        k_stream_load_plan_status = Status::OK();
-        k_response_str = "";
-        config::streaming_load_max_mb = 1;
-        _env._thread_mgr = new ThreadResourceMgr();
-        _env._master_info = new TMasterInfo();
-        _env._load_stream_mgr = new LoadStreamMgr();
-        _env._brpc_stub_cache = new BrpcStubCache();
-        _env._stream_load_executor = new StreamLoadExecutor(&_env);
-        _evhttp_req = evhttp_request_new(nullptr, nullptr);
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        delete _env._brpc_stub_cache;
-        _env._brpc_stub_cache = nullptr;
-        delete _env._load_stream_mgr;
-        _env._load_stream_mgr = nullptr;
-        delete _env._master_info;
-        _env._master_info = nullptr;
-        delete _env._thread_mgr;
-        _env._thread_mgr = nullptr;
-        delete _env._stream_load_executor;
-        _env._stream_load_executor = nullptr;
-        if (_evhttp_req != nullptr) {
-            evhttp_request_free(_evhttp_req);
-        }
-    }
-    ExecEnv _env;
-    evhttp_request* _evhttp_req = nullptr;
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, no_auth) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&_env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Fail", doc["Status"].GetString());
-#if 0
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, no_content_length) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&__env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic cm9vdDo=");
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Fail", doc["Status"].GetString());
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, unknown_encoding) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&_env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic cm9vdDo=");
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked111");
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Fail", doc["Status"].GetString());
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, normal) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&_env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    struct evhttp_request ev_req;
-    ev_req.remote_host = nullptr;
-    request._ev_req = &ev_req;
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic cm9vdDo=");
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH, "0");
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Success", doc["Status"].GetString());
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, put_fail) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&_env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    struct evhttp_request ev_req;
-    ev_req.remote_host = nullptr;
-    request._ev_req = &ev_req;
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic cm9vdDo=");
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH, "16");
-    Status status = Status::InternalError("TestFail");
-    status.to_thrift(&k_stream_load_put_result.status);
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Fail", doc["Status"].GetString());
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, commit_fail) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&_env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    struct evhttp_request ev_req;
-    ev_req.remote_host = nullptr;
-    request._ev_req = &ev_req;
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic cm9vdDo=");
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH, "16");
-    Status status = Status::InternalError("TestFail");
-    status.to_thrift(&k_stream_load_commit_result.status);
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Fail", doc["Status"].GetString());
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, begin_fail) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&_env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    struct evhttp_request ev_req;
-    ev_req.remote_host = nullptr;
-    request._ev_req = &ev_req;
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic cm9vdDo=");
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH, "16");
-    Status status = Status::InternalError("TestFail");
-    status.to_thrift(&k_stream_load_begin_result.status);
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Fail", doc["Status"].GetString());
-#if 0
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, receive_failed) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&_env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic cm9vdDo=");
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked");
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Fail", doc["Status"].GetString());
-TEST_F(StreamLoadActionTest, plan_fail) {
-    StreamLoadAction action(&_env);
-    HttpRequest request(_evhttp_req);
-    struct evhttp_request ev_req;
-    ev_req.remote_host = nullptr;
-    request._ev_req = &ev_req;
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic cm9vdDo=");
-    request._headers.emplace(HttpHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH, "16");
-    k_stream_load_plan_status = Status::InternalError("TestFail");
-    request.set_handler(&action);
-    action.on_header(&request);
-    action.handle(&request);
-    rapidjson::Document doc;
-    doc.Parse(k_response_str.c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Fail", doc["Status"].GetString());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/olap/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 34152e9..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
-set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/olap")
-# where to put generated binaries
-# ADD_BE_TEST(olap_snapshot_converter_test)
-# ADD_BE_TEST(memtable_flush_executor_test)
diff --git a/be/test/olap/aggregate_func_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/aggregate_func_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d784cd..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/aggregate_func_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/aggregate_func.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "olap/decimal12.h"
-#include "olap/uint24.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-namespace doris {
-class AggregateFuncTest : public testing::Test {
-    AggregateFuncTest() {}
-    virtual ~AggregateFuncTest() {}
-template <FieldType field_type>
-void test_min() {
-    using CppType = typename CppTypeTraits<field_type>::CppType;
-    static const size_t kValSize = sizeof(CppType) + 1; // '1' represent the leading bool flag.
-    char buf[64];
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    ObjectPool agg_object_pool;
-    const AggregateInfo* agg = get_aggregate_info(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_MIN, field_type);
-    RowCursorCell dst(buf);
-    // null
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = true;
-        agg->init(&dst, val_buf, true, mem_pool.get(), &agg_object_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    }
-    // 100
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 100;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, val);
-    }
-    // 200
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 200;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, val);
-    }
-    // 50
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 50;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(50, val);
-    }
-    // null
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = true;
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        CppType val;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(50, val);
-    }
-    agg->finalize(&dst, mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    CppType val;
-    memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-    ASSERT_EQ(50, val);
-TEST_F(AggregateFuncTest, min) {
-    test_min<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>();
-    test_min<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>();
-template <FieldType field_type>
-void test_max() {
-    using CppType = typename CppTypeTraits<field_type>::CppType;
-    static const size_t kValSize = sizeof(CppType) + 1; // '1' represent the leading bool flag.
-    char buf[64];
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    ObjectPool agg_object_pool;
-    const AggregateInfo* agg = get_aggregate_info(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_MAX, field_type);
-    RowCursorCell dst(buf);
-    // null
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = true;
-        agg->init(&dst, val_buf, true, mem_pool.get(), &agg_object_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    }
-    // 100
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 100;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, val);
-    }
-    // 200
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 200;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(200, val);
-    }
-    // 50
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 50;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(200, val);
-    }
-    // null
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = true;
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        CppType val;
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(200, val);
-    }
-    agg->finalize(&dst, mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    CppType val;
-    memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-    ASSERT_EQ(200, val);
-TEST_F(AggregateFuncTest, max) {
-    test_max<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>();
-    test_max<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>();
-template <FieldType field_type>
-void test_sum() {
-    using CppType = typename CppTypeTraits<field_type>::CppType;
-    static const size_t kValSize = sizeof(CppType) + 1; // '1' represent the leading bool flag.
-    char buf[64];
-    RowCursorCell dst(buf);
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    ObjectPool agg_object_pool;
-    const AggregateInfo* agg = get_aggregate_info(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_SUM, field_type);
-    // null
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = true;
-        agg->init(&dst, val_buf, true, mem_pool.get(), &agg_object_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    }
-    // 100
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 100;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, val);
-    }
-    // 200
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 200;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(300, val);
-    }
-    // 50
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 50;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(350, val);
-    }
-    // null
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = true;
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        CppType val;
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(350, val);
-    }
-    agg->finalize(&dst, mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    CppType val;
-    memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-    ASSERT_EQ(350, val);
-TEST_F(AggregateFuncTest, sum) {
-    test_sum<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>();
-    test_sum<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>();
-template <FieldType field_type>
-void test_replace() {
-    using CppType = typename CppTypeTraits<field_type>::CppType;
-    static const size_t kValSize = sizeof(CppType) + 1; // '1' represent the leading bool flag.
-    char buf[64];
-    RowCursorCell dst(buf);
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    ObjectPool agg_object_pool;
-    const AggregateInfo* agg = get_aggregate_info(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_REPLACE, field_type);
-    // null
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = true;
-        agg->init(&dst, val_buf, true, mem_pool.get(), &agg_object_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    }
-    // 100
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 100;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, val);
-    }
-    // null
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = true;
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    }
-    // 50
-    {
-        char val_buf[kValSize];
-        *(bool*)val_buf = false;
-        CppType val = 50;
-        memcpy(val_buf + 1, &val, sizeof(CppType));
-        agg->update(&dst, val_buf, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-        memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-        ASSERT_EQ(50, val);
-    }
-    agg->finalize(&dst, mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(*(bool*)(buf));
-    CppType val;
-    memcpy(&val, buf + 1, sizeof(CppType));
-    ASSERT_EQ(50, val);
-template <FieldType field_type>
-void test_replace_string() {
-    using CppType = typename CppTypeTraits<field_type>::CppType;
-    constexpr size_t string_field_size = sizeof(bool) + sizeof(Slice);
-    char dst[string_field_size];
-    RowCursorCell dst_cell(dst);
-    auto dst_slice = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(dst_cell.mutable_cell_ptr());
-    dst_slice->data = nullptr;
-    dst_slice->size = 0;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    ObjectPool agg_object_pool;
-    const AggregateInfo* agg = get_aggregate_info(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_REPLACE, field_type);
-    char src[string_field_size];
-    RowCursorCell src_cell(src);
-    auto src_slice = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(src_cell.mutable_cell_ptr());
-    // null
-    {
-        src_cell.set_null();
-        agg->init(&dst_cell, (const char*)src_slice, true, mem_pool.get(), &agg_object_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(dst_cell.is_null());
-    }
-    // "12345"
-    {
-        src_cell.set_not_null();
-        src_slice->data = (char*)"1234567890";
-        src_slice->size = 10;
-        agg->update(&dst_cell, src_cell, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(dst_cell.is_null());
-        ASSERT_EQ(10, dst_slice->size);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1234567890", dst_slice->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // abc
-    {
-        src_cell.set_not_null();
-        src_slice->data = (char*)"abc";
-        src_slice->size = 3;
-        agg->update(&dst_cell, src_cell, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(dst_cell.is_null());
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, dst_slice->size);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("abc", dst_slice->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // null
-    {
-        src_cell.set_null();
-        agg->update(&dst_cell, src_cell, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(dst_cell.is_null());
-    }
-    // "12345"
-    {
-        src_cell.set_not_null();
-        src_slice->data = (char*)"12345";
-        src_slice->size = 5;
-        agg->update(&dst_cell, src_cell, mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(dst_cell.is_null());
-        ASSERT_EQ(5, dst_slice->size);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("12345", dst_slice->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    agg->finalize(&dst_cell, mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(dst_cell.is_null());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, dst_slice->size);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("12345", dst_slice->to_string().c_str());
-TEST_F(AggregateFuncTest, replace) {
-    test_replace<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>();
-    test_replace<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>();
-    test_replace_string<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>();
-    test_replace_string<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/bit_field_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/bit_field_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 21dfb19..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/bit_field_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/byte_buffer.h"
-#include "olap/in_stream.h"
-#include "olap/out_stream.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/bit_field_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/bit_field_writer.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TestBitField : public testing::Test {
-    TestBitField() {}
-    virtual ~TestBitField() {}
-    void SetUp() {
-        system("mkdir -p ./ut_dir/");
-        system("rm ./ut_dir/tmp_file");
-        _out_stream = new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_out_stream != NULL);
-        _writer = new (std::nothrow) BitFieldWriter(_out_stream);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_writer != NULL);
-        _writer->init();
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_reader);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_out_stream);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_writer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_shared_buffer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_stream);
-    }
-    void CreateReader() {
-                  _helper.open_with_mode(_file_path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,
-                                         S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _out_stream->write_to_file(&_helper, 0);
-        _helper.close();
-                  _helper.open_with_mode(_file_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _shared_buffer = StorageByteBuffer::create(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE +
-                                                   sizeof(StreamHead));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_shared_buffer != NULL);
-        _stream = new (std::nothrow)
-                ReadOnlyFileStream(&_helper, &_shared_buffer, 0, _helper.length(), NULL,
-                                   OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, &_stats);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _stream->init());
-        _reader = new (std::nothrow) BitFieldReader(_stream);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader != NULL);
-        _reader->init();
-    }
-    BitFieldReader* _reader;
-    OutStream* _out_stream;
-    BitFieldWriter* _writer;
-    FileHandler _helper;
-    StorageByteBuffer* _shared_buffer;
-    ReadOnlyFileStream* _stream;
-    OlapReaderStatistics _stats;
-    std::string _file_path = "./ut_dir/tmp_file";
-TEST_F(TestBitField, ReadWriteOneBit) {
-    // write data
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(true));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    char value = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-TEST_F(TestBitField, ReadWriteMultiBits) {
-    // write data
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        if (0 == i % 2) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(true));
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(false));
-        }
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    char value = 0;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        if (0 == i % 2) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_EQ(value, 0);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(TestBitField, Seek) {
-    // write data
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        if (0 == i % 2) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(true));
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(false));
-        }
-    }
-    PositionEntryWriter index_entry;
-    _writer->get_position(&index_entry);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(true));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    char value = 0;
-    PositionEntryReader entry;
-    entry._positions = index_entry._positions;
-    entry._positions_count = index_entry._positions_count;
-    entry._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false);
-    PositionProvider position(&entry);
-    _reader->seek(&position);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-TEST_F(TestBitField, Skip) {
-    // write data
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        if (0 == i % 2) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(true));
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(false));
-        }
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(true));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    char value = 0;
-    _reader->skip(100);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/block_column_predicate_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/block_column_predicate_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 87aa34f..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/block_column_predicate_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/block_column_predicate.h"
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/comparison_predicate.h"
-#include "olap/column_predicate.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/row_block2.h"
-#include "olap/wrapper_field.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.hpp"
-#include "runtime/vectorized_row_batch.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class BlockColumnPredicateTest : public testing::Test {
-    BlockColumnPredicateTest() {
-        _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    ~BlockColumnPredicateTest() = default;
-    void SetTabletSchema(std::string name, const std::string &type,
-                         const std::string &aggregation, uint32_t length, bool is_allow_null,
-                         bool is_key, TabletSchema *tablet_schema) {
-        TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-        static int id = 0;
-        ColumnPB *column = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column->set_unique_id(++id);
-        column->set_name(name);
-        column->set_type(type);
-        column->set_is_key(is_key);
-        column->set_is_nullable(is_allow_null);
-        column->set_length(length);
-        column->set_aggregation(aggregation);
-        column->set_precision(1000);
-        column->set_frac(1000);
-        column->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-    }
-    void init_row_block(const TabletSchema *tablet_schema, int size) {
-        Schema schema(*tablet_schema);
-        _row_block.reset(new RowBlockV2(schema, size));
-    }
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-    std::unique_ptr<RowBlockV2> _row_block;
-TEST_F(BlockColumnPredicateTest, SINGLE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("FLOAT_COLUMN"), "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    float value = 5.0;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> pred(new EqualPredicate<float>(0, value));
-    SingleColumnBlockPredicate single_column_block_pred(pred.get());
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<float *>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    single_column_block_pred.evaluate(_row_block.get(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(float *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 5.0);
-TEST_F(BlockColumnPredicateTest, AND_MUTI_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DOUBLE_COLUMN"), "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    double less_value = 5.0;
-    double great_value = 3.0;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> less_pred(new LessPredicate<double>(0, less_value));
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> great_pred(new GreaterPredicate<double>(0, great_value));
-    auto single_less_pred = new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred.get());
-    auto single_great_pred = new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(great_pred.get());
-    AndBlockColumnPredicate and_block_column_pred;
-    and_block_column_pred.add_column_predicate(single_less_pred);
-    and_block_column_pred.add_column_predicate(single_great_pred);
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<double *>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    and_block_column_pred.evaluate(_row_block.get(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 4.0);
-TEST_F(BlockColumnPredicateTest, OR_MUTI_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DOUBLE_COLUMN"), "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    double less_value = 5.0;
-    double great_value = 3.0;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> less_pred(new LessPredicate<double>(0, less_value));
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> great_pred(new GreaterPredicate<double>(0, great_value));
-    auto single_less_pred = new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred.get());
-    auto single_great_pred = new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(great_pred.get());
-    OrBlockColumnPredicate or_block_column_pred;
-    or_block_column_pred.add_column_predicate(single_less_pred);
-    or_block_column_pred.add_column_predicate(single_great_pred);
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<double *>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    or_block_column_pred.evaluate(_row_block.get(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 10);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 0.0);
-TEST_F(BlockColumnPredicateTest, OR_AND_MUTI_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DOUBLE_COLUMN"), "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    double less_value = 5.0;
-    double great_value = 3.0;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> less_pred(new LessPredicate<double>(0, less_value));
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> great_pred(new GreaterPredicate<double>(0, great_value));
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> less_pred1(new LessPredicate<double>(0, great_value));
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<double *>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    // Test for and or single
-    auto and_block_column_pred = new AndBlockColumnPredicate();
-    and_block_column_pred->add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred.get()));
-    and_block_column_pred->add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(great_pred.get()));
-    OrBlockColumnPredicate or_block_column_pred;
-    or_block_column_pred.add_column_predicate(and_block_column_pred);
-    or_block_column_pred.add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred1.get()));
-    or_block_column_pred.evaluate(_row_block.get(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 4);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 0.0);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr(), 1.0);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr(), 2.0);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[3]).cell_ptr(), 4.0);
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    // Test for single or and
-    auto and_block_column_pred1 = new AndBlockColumnPredicate();
-    and_block_column_pred1->add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred.get()));
-    and_block_column_pred1->add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(great_pred.get()));
-    OrBlockColumnPredicate or_block_column_pred1;
-    or_block_column_pred1.add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred1.get()));
-    or_block_column_pred1.add_column_predicate(and_block_column_pred1);
-    or_block_column_pred1.evaluate(_row_block.get(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 4);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 0.0);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr(), 1.0);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr(), 2.0);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[3]).cell_ptr(), 4.0);
-TEST_F(BlockColumnPredicateTest, AND_OR_MUTI_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DOUBLE_COLUMN"), "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    double less_value = 5.0;
-    double great_value = 3.0;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> less_pred(new LessPredicate<double>(0, less_value));
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> great_pred(new GreaterPredicate<double>(0, great_value));
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> less_pred1(new LessPredicate<double>(0, great_value));
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<double *>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    // Test for and or single
-    auto or_block_column_pred = new OrBlockColumnPredicate();
-    or_block_column_pred->add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred.get()));
-    or_block_column_pred->add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred1.get()));
-    AndBlockColumnPredicate and_block_column_pred;
-    and_block_column_pred.add_column_predicate(or_block_column_pred);
-    and_block_column_pred.add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(great_pred.get()));
-    and_block_column_pred.evaluate(_row_block.get(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 4.0);
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    // Test for single or and
-    auto or_block_column_pred1 = new OrBlockColumnPredicate();
-    or_block_column_pred1->add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred.get()));
-    or_block_column_pred1->add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(less_pred1.get()));
-    AndBlockColumnPredicate and_block_column_pred1;
-    and_block_column_pred1.add_column_predicate(new SingleColumnBlockPredicate(great_pred.get()));
-    and_block_column_pred1.add_column_predicate(or_block_column_pred1);
-    and_block_column_pred1.evaluate(_row_block.get(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double *) col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 4.0);
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/bloom_filter_index_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/bloom_filter_index_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 18df4f1..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/bloom_filter_index_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "olap/bloom_filter_reader.h"
-#include "olap/bloom_filter_writer.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class TestBloomFilterIndex : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~TestBloomFilterIndex() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-// Test the normal read and write process
-TEST_F(TestBloomFilterIndex, normal_read_and_write) {
-    string bytes;
-    BloomFilterIndexReader reader;
-    BloomFilterIndexWriter writer;
-    BloomFilter* bf_0 = new (std::nothrow) BloomFilter();
-    bf_0->init(1024);
-    bytes = "hello";
-    bf_0->add_bytes(NULL, 0);
-    bf_0->add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    writer.add_bloom_filter(bf_0);
-    BloomFilter* bf_1 = new (std::nothrow) BloomFilter();
-    bf_1->init(1024);
-    bytes = "doris";
-    bf_1->add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    writer.add_bloom_filter(bf_1);
-    uint64_t expect_size = sizeof(BloomFilterIndexHeader) + bf_0->bit_num() * 2 / 8;
-    ASSERT_EQ(expect_size, writer.estimate_buffered_memory());
-    char buffer[expect_size];
-    memset(buffer, 0, expect_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, writer.write_to_buffer(buffer, expect_size));
-              reader.init(buffer, expect_size, true, bf_0->hash_function_num(), bf_0->bit_num()));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, reader.entry_count());
-    bytes = "hello";
-    const BloomFilter& bf__0 = reader.entry(0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf__0.test_bytes(NULL, 0));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf__0.test_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size()));
-    bytes = "doris";
-    const BloomFilter& bf__1 = reader.entry(1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf__1.test_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size()));
-// Test abnormal write case
-TEST_F(TestBloomFilterIndex, abnormal_write) {
-    char buffer[24];
-    BloomFilterIndexWriter writer;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_INPUT_PARAMETER_ERROR, writer.write_to_buffer(NULL));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_INPUT_PARAMETER_ERROR, writer.write_to_buffer(NULL, 0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_INPUT_PARAMETER_ERROR, writer.write_to_buffer(buffer, 0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(BloomFilterIndexHeader), writer.estimate_buffered_memory());
-// Test abnormal read case
-TEST_F(TestBloomFilterIndex, abnormal_read) {
-    uint32_t bit_num = 64;
-    uint32_t buffer_size = 24;
-    uint32_t hash_function_num = 3;
-    char buffer[buffer_size];
-    BloomFilterIndexHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<BloomFilterIndexHeader*>(buffer);
-    BloomFilterIndexReader reader;
-    header->block_count = 1;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, reader.init(buffer, buffer_size, true, hash_function_num, bit_num));
-    header->block_count = 3;
-              reader.init(buffer, buffer_size, true, hash_function_num, bit_num));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/bloom_filter_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/bloom_filter_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index abaa843..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/bloom_filter_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/bloom_filter.hpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class TestBloomFilter : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~TestBloomFilter() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-// Init BloomFilter with different item number and fpp,
-//     and verify bit_num and hash_function_num calculated by BloomFilter
-TEST_F(TestBloomFilter, init_bloom_filter) {
-    {
-        BloomFilter bf;
-        bf.init(1024);
-        ASSERT_EQ(6400, bf.bit_num());
-        ASSERT_EQ(4, bf.hash_function_num());
-    }
-    {
-        BloomFilter bf;
-        bf.init(1024, 0.01);
-        ASSERT_EQ(9856, bf.bit_num());
-        ASSERT_EQ(7, bf.hash_function_num());
-    }
-    {
-        BloomFilter bf;
-        bf.init(10240, 0.1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(49088, bf.bit_num());
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, bf.hash_function_num());
-    }
-    {
-        BloomFilter bf;
-        uint32_t data_len = 100;
-        uint32_t hash_function_num = 4;
-        uint64_t* data = new uint64_t[data_len];
-        bf.init(data, data_len, hash_function_num);
-        ASSERT_EQ(6400, bf.bit_num());
-        ASSERT_EQ(4, bf.hash_function_num());
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, bf.bit_set_data());
-        bf.reset();
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, bf.bit_num());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, bf.hash_function_num());
-        ASSERT_EQ(NULL, bf.bit_set_data());
-        delete[] data;
-    }
-// Add different buffer to BloomFilter and verify existence
-TEST_F(TestBloomFilter, add_and_test_bytes) {
-    string bytes;
-    BloomFilter bf;
-    bf.init(1024);
-    bf.add_bytes(nullptr, 0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf.test_bytes(nullptr, 0));
-    bytes = "hello";
-    bf.add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf.test_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size()));
-    bytes = "doris";
-    bf.add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf.test_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size()));
-    BloomFilter new_bf;
-    new_bf.init(1024);
-    bytes = "world";
-    new_bf.add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf.merge(new_bf));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf.test_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size()));
-// Print bloom filter buffer and points of specified string
-TEST_F(TestBloomFilter, bloom_filter_info) {
-    string bytes;
-    BloomFilter bf;
-    bf.init(8, 0.1);
-    bytes = "doris";
-    bf.add_bytes(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    string buffer_expect =
-            "bit_num:64 hash_function_num:6 "
-            "bit_set:0000100000000000100000010000000000010000001000000000000000000100";
-    string buffer = bf.to_string();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_expect == buffer);
-    string points_expect = "4-23-42-61-16-35";
-    string points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(points_expect == points);
-    bytes = "a";
-    points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
-    bytes = "ab";
-    points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
-    bytes = "b";
-    points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
-    bytes = "ba";
-    points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
-    bytes = "c";
-    points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
-    bytes = "bc";
-    points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
-    bytes = "ac";
-    points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
-    bytes = "abc";
-    points = bf.get_bytes_points_string(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
-    LOG(WARNING) << "bytes=" << bytes << " points=" << points;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/byte_buffer_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/byte_buffer_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e1e9cd..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/byte_buffer_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/byte_buffer.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "olap/file_helper.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TestByteBuffer : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~TestByteBuffer() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        if (boost::filesystem::exists(".test_byte_buffer")) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all(".test_byte_buffer"));
-        }
-    }
-// 测试基本的读写功能
-TEST_F(TestByteBuffer, TestReadWrite) {
-    StorageByteBuffer* buf1 = NULL;
-    buf1 = StorageByteBuffer::create(100);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buf1 != NULL);
-    char in[10] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'};
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->put(in, sizeof(in)));
-        ASSERT_EQ(100u - (i + 1) * sizeof(in), buf1->remaining());
-        ASSERT_EQ((i + 1) * sizeof(in), buf1->position());
-    }
-    // 参数错误的指定写
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_OUT_OF_BOUND, buf1->put(in, sizeof(in), 5, 10));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->put(i));
-        ASSERT_EQ(50u - (i + 1), buf1->remaining());
-        ASSERT_EQ(50u + i + 1, buf1->position());
-    }
-    // 再写就失败了
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, buf1->put(in, sizeof(in)));
-    // 转为读模式
-    buf1->flip();
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
-            char byte;
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->get(&byte));
-            ASSERT_EQ(100u - (i * 10 + j + 1), buf1->remaining());
-            ASSERT_EQ(i * 10 + j + 1, buf1->position());
-            ASSERT_EQ('a' + j, byte);
-        }
-    }
-    char buf[50];
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_OUT_OF_BOUND, buf1->get(buf, 100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, buf1->get(buf, 10, 50));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->get(buf, sizeof(buf)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(0u, buf1->remaining());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100u, buf1->position());
-    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(i, buf[i]);
-    }
-    char byte;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_OUT_OF_BOUND, buf1->get(&byte));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_OUT_OF_BOUND, buf1->get(&byte, 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->put(10, 'x'));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->get(10, &byte));
-    ASSERT_EQ('x', byte);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->set_limit(11));
-    ASSERT_EQ(11u, buf1->limit());
-    ASSERT_EQ(11u, buf1->position());
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_INPUT_PARAMETER_ERROR, buf1->set_limit(101));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->set_position(10));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->get(&byte));
-    ASSERT_EQ('x', byte);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_INPUT_PARAMETER_ERROR, buf1->set_position(12));
-    SAFE_DELETE(buf1);
-// 测试ByteBuffer对内存的引用, 尤其是智能指针的引用传递
-// 使用valgrind进行内存泄露检查
-TEST_F(TestByteBuffer, TestRef) {
-    StorageByteBuffer* buf1 = NULL;
-    buf1 = StorageByteBuffer::create(1000);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buf1 != NULL);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->put(i));
-    }
-    StorageByteBuffer buf2 = *buf1;
-    ASSERT_EQ(buf2.array(), buf1->array());
-    StorageByteBuffer buf4(*buf1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(buf2.array(), buf1->array());
-    StorageByteBuffer* buf3 = NULL;
-    buf3 = StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(buf1, 10, 90);
-    ASSERT_EQ(90u, buf3->capacity());
-    ASSERT_EQ(90u, buf3->limit());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0u, buf3->position());
-    for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++) {
-        char byte;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf3->get(&byte));
-        ASSERT_EQ(i + 10, byte);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(4u, buf1->_buf.use_count());
-    SAFE_DELETE(buf1);
-    SAFE_DELETE(buf3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2u, buf2._buf.use_count());
-TEST_F(TestByteBuffer, TestMmap) {
-    FileHandler file_handle;
-    std::string file_name = ".test_byte_buffer";
-    OLAPStatus res = file_handle.open_with_mode(file_name, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
-    char buf[100];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        buf[i] = i;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, file_handle.write(buf, 100));
-    file_handle.close();
-    res = file_handle.open(file_name, O_RDWR);
-    StorageByteBuffer* buf1 = StorageByteBuffer::mmap(NULL, 80, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
-                                                      file_handle.fd(), 0);
-    // mmap完成后就可以关闭原fd
-    file_handle.close();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buf1 != NULL);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
-        char byte;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->get(&byte));
-        ASSERT_EQ(i, byte);
-    }
-    // 测试通过mmap写入数据
-    buf1->set_position(0);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, buf1->put('x'));
-    }
-    SAFE_DELETE(buf1);
-    res = file_handle.open(file_name, O_RDONLY);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, file_handle.pread(buf, 10, SEEK_SET));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ('x', buf[i]);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/column_reader_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/column_reader_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 44159f6..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/column_reader_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2706 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/column_reader.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/byte_buffer.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "olap/row_block.h"
-#include "olap/row_cursor.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/column_writer.h"
-#include "olap/stream_name.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.hpp"
-#include "runtime/vectorized_row_batch.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class TestColumn : public testing::Test {
-    TestColumn() : _column_writer(NULL), _column_reader(NULL), _stream_factory(NULL) {
-        _offsets.clear();
-        _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    virtual ~TestColumn() {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_writer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_reader);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_stream_factory);
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _offsets.push_back(0);
-        _stream_factory = new (std::nothrow)
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_stream_factory != NULL);
-        config::column_dictionary_key_ratio_threshold = 30;
-        config::column_dictionary_key_size_threshold = 1000;
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_writer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_reader);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_stream_factory);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_shared_buffer);
-        _offsets.clear();
-        for (auto in_stream : _map_in_streams) {
-            delete in_stream.second;
-        }
-        _map_in_streams.clear();
-        _present_buffers.clear();
-        _data_buffers.clear();
-        _second_buffers.clear();
-        _dictionary_buffers.clear();
-        _length_buffers.clear();
-    }
-    void CreateColumnWriter(const TabletSchema& tablet_schema) {
-        _column_writer = ColumnWriter::create(0, tablet_schema, _stream_factory, 1024,
-                                              BLOOM_FILTER_DEFAULT_FPP);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_column_writer != NULL);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->init(), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    void CreateColumnReader(const TabletSchema& tablet_schema) {
-        UniqueIdEncodingMap encodings;
-        encodings[0] = ColumnEncodingMessage();
-        encodings[0].set_kind(ColumnEncodingMessage::DIRECT);
-        encodings[0].set_dictionary_size(1);
-        CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema, encodings);
-    }
-    void CreateColumnReader(const TabletSchema& tablet_schema, UniqueIdEncodingMap& encodings) {
-        UniqueIdToColumnIdMap included;
-        included[0] = 0;
-        UniqueIdToColumnIdMap segment_included;
-        segment_included[0] = 0;
-        _column_reader =
-                ColumnReader::create(0, tablet_schema, included, segment_included, encodings);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_column_reader != NULL);
-        system("mkdir -p ./ut_dir");
-        system("rm ./ut_dir/tmp_file");
-                  helper.open_with_mode("./ut_dir/tmp_file", O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,
-                                        S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        std::vector<int> off;
-        std::vector<int> length;
-        std::vector<int> buffer_size;
-        std::vector<StreamName> name;
-        std::map<StreamName, OutStream*>::const_iterator it = _stream_factory->streams().begin();
-        for (; it != _stream_factory->streams().end(); ++it) {
-            StreamName stream_name = it->first;
-            OutStream* out_stream = it->second;
-            std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>* buffers;
-            if (out_stream->is_suppressed()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::ROW_INDEX) {
-                continue;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::PRESENT) {
-                buffers = &_present_buffers;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::DATA) {
-                buffers = &_data_buffers;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::SECONDARY) {
-                buffers = &_second_buffers;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::DICTIONARY_DATA) {
-                buffers = &_dictionary_buffers;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::LENGTH) {
-                buffers = &_length_buffers;
-            } else {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(buffers != NULL);
-            off.push_back(helper.tell());
-            out_stream->write_to_file(&helper, 0);
-            length.push_back(out_stream->get_stream_length());
-            buffer_size.push_back(out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-            name.push_back(stream_name);
-        }
-        helper.close();
-                  helper.open_with_mode("./ut_dir/tmp_file", O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _shared_buffer = StorageByteBuffer::create(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE +
-                                                   sizeof(StreamHead));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_shared_buffer != NULL);
-        for (int i = 0; i < off.size(); ++i) {
-            ReadOnlyFileStream* in_stream = new (std::nothrow)
-                    ReadOnlyFileStream(&helper, &_shared_buffer, off[i], length[i], lz4_decompress,
-                                       buffer_size[i], &_stats);
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, in_stream->init());
-            _map_in_streams[name[i]] = in_stream;
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->init(&_map_in_streams, 1024, _mem_pool.get(), &_stats),
-                  OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    void SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn(std::string name, std::string type, std::string aggregation,
-                                      uint32_t length, bool is_allow_null, bool is_key,
-                                      TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-        TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-        ColumnPB* column = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column->set_unique_id(0);
-        column->set_name(name);
-        column->set_type(type);
-        column->set_is_key(is_key);
-        column->set_is_nullable(is_allow_null);
-        column->set_length(length);
-        column->set_aggregation(aggregation);
-        column->set_precision(1000);
-        column->set_frac(1000);
-        column->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-    }
-    void create_and_save_last_position() {
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->create_row_index_entry(), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    ColumnWriter* _column_writer;
-    ColumnReader* _column_reader;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVector> _col_vector;
-    OutStreamFactory* _stream_factory;
-    std::vector<size_t> _offsets;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _present_buffers;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _data_buffers;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _second_buffers;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _dictionary_buffers;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _length_buffers;
-    StorageByteBuffer* _shared_buffer;
-    std::map<StreamName, ReadOnlyFileStream*> _map_in_streams;
-    FileHandler helper;
-    OlapReaderStatistics _stats;
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedTinyColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("TinyColumn", "TINYINT", "REPLACE", 1, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    char value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    data++;
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SeekTinyColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("TinyColumn", "TINYINT", "REPLACE", 1, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    char value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 2;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    PositionEntryReader entry1;
-    entry1._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions;
-    entry1._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions_count;
-    entry1._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false);
-    PositionEntryReader entry2;
-    entry2._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions;
-    entry2._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions_count;
-    entry2._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false);
-    PositionProvider position0(&entry1);
-    PositionProvider position1(&entry2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position0), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    data++;
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SkipTinyColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("TinyColumn", "TINYINT", "REPLACE", 1, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    char value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 2;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(2, write_row);
-    block.finalize(3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->skip(2), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedTinyColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("TinyColumn", "TINYINT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    char value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data + 1);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, TinyColumnIndex) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("TinyColumn", "TINYINT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    char value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data + 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SeekTinyColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("TinyColumn", "TINYINT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    char value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 2;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    PositionEntryReader entry1;
-    entry1._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions;
-    entry1._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions_count;
-    entry1._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false);
-    PositionEntryReader entry2;
-    entry2._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions;
-    entry2._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions_count;
-    entry2._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false);
-    PositionProvider position1(&entry1);
-    PositionProvider position2(&entry2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data + 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position2), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SkipTinyColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("TinyColumn", "TINYINT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    char value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 2;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, &value, _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(2, write_row);
-    block.finalize(3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->skip(2), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedShortColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("ShortColumn", "SMALLINT", "REPLACE", 2, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int16_t value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(data + sizeof(int16_t));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SeekShortColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("ShortColumn", "SMALLINT", "REPLACE", 2, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int16_t value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 2;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    PositionEntryReader entry1;
-    entry1._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions;
-    entry1._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions_count;
-    entry1._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT, false);
-    PositionEntryReader entry2;
-    entry2._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions;
-    entry2._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions_count;
-    entry2._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT, false);
-    PositionProvider position0(&entry1);
-    PositionProvider position1(&entry2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position0), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data + sizeof(int16_t));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SkipShortColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("ShortColumn", "SMALLINT", "REPLACE", 2, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int16_t value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 2;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(2, write_row);
-    block.finalize(3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->skip(2), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SeekShortColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("ShortColumn", "SMALLINT", "REPLACE", 2, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int16_t value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 2;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    PositionEntryReader entry1;
-    entry1._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions;
-    entry1._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions_count;
-    entry1._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT, false);
-    PositionEntryReader entry2;
-    entry2._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions;
-    entry2._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions_count;
-    entry2._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT, false);
-    PositionProvider position0(&entry1);
-    PositionProvider position1(&entry2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position0), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedShortColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("ShortColumn", "SMALLINT", "REPLACE", 2, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    int16_t value = 3;
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data + sizeof(int16_t));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SkipShortColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("ShortColumn", "SMALLINT", "REPLACE", 2, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int16_t value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 2;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(2, write_row);
-    block.finalize(3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->skip(2), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<char*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedIntColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("IntColumn", "INT", "REPLACE", 4, false, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int32_t value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(data + sizeof(int));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedIntColumnMassWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("IntColumn", "INT", "REPLACE", 4, false, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
-        write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&i), _mem_pool.get());
-        block.set_row(i, write_row);
-    }
-    block.finalize(10000);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    char* data = NULL;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
-        if (i % 1000 == 0) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1000, _mem_pool.get()),
-                      OLAP_SUCCESS);
-            data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-        }
-        int32_t value = 0;
-        value = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(data);
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, i);
-        data += sizeof(int32_t);
-    }
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedIntColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("IntColumn", "INT", "REPLACE", 4, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int32_t value = -1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], false);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, -1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], true);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedLongColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("LongColumnWithoutPresent", "BIGINT", "REPLACE", 8, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int64_t value = 1;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    value = 3;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(data + sizeof(int64_t));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedLongColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("LongColumnWithPresent", "BIGINT", "REPLACE", 8, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    int64_t value = 3;
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(data + sizeof(int64_t));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 3);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedFloatColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("FloatColumnWithoutPresent", "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 4, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    float value = 1.234;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    value = 3.234;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(data);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(value, 1.234);
-    data += sizeof(float);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(data);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(value, 3.234);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedFloatColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("FloatColumnWithPresent", "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 4, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    float value = 3.234;
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data()) + sizeof(float);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(data);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(value, 3.234);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SeekFloatColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("FloatColumnWithPresent", "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 4, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    float value = 1.234;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    value = 3.234;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    PositionEntryReader entry1;
-    entry1._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions;
-    entry1._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions_count;
-    entry1._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT, false);
-    PositionEntryReader entry2;
-    entry2._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions;
-    entry2._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions_count;
-    entry2._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT, false);
-    PositionProvider position0(&entry1);
-    PositionProvider position1(&entry2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position0), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(data);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(value, 1.234);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(data + sizeof(float));
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(value, 3.234);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SkipFloatColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("FloatColumnWithPresent", "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 4, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    float value = 1.234;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    value = 3.234;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->skip(1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(data);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(value, 3.234);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDoubleColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DoubleColumnWithoutPresent", "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 8, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    double value = 1.23456789;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    value = 3.23456789;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(data);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(value, 1.23456789);
-    data += sizeof(double);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(data);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(value, 3.23456789);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDoubleColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DoubleColumnWithPresent", "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 8, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    double value = 3.23456789;
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    data += sizeof(double);
-    value = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(data);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(value, 3.23456789);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDatetimeColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DatetimeColumnWithoutPresent", "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 8, false,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("2000-10-10 10:10:10");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&2000-10-10 10:10:10",
-                        strlen("0&2000-10-10 10:10:10")) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDatetimeColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DatetimeColumnWithoutPresent", "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 8, true,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("2000-10-10 10:10:10");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    data += sizeof(uint64_t);
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&2000-10-10 10:10:10",
-                        strlen("0&2000-10-10 10:10:10")) == 0);
-    ASSERT_NE(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDatetimeColumnZero) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DatetimeColumnWithoutPresent", "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 8, true,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("1000-01-01 00:00:00");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    data += sizeof(uint64_t);
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    std::cout << read_row.to_string() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&1000-01-01 00:00:00",
-                        strlen("0&1000-01-01 00:00:00")) == 0);
-    ASSERT_NE(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDateColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DateColumnWithoutoutPresent", "DATE", "REPLACE", 3, false, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("2000-10-10");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&2000-10-10", strlen("0&2000-10-10")) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDateColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DateColumnWithoutoutPresent", "DATE", "REPLACE", 3, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("2000-10-10");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        write_row.set_not_null(0);
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 101, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        data += sizeof(uint24_t);
-        ASSERT_EQ(is_null[i + 1], false);
-        read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&2000-10-10", strlen("0&2000-10-10")) ==
-                    0);
-    }
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDecimalColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DecimalColumnWithoutoutPresent", "DECIMAL", "REPLACE", 12, false,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("1234.5678");
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("5678.1234");
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&1234.5678", strlen("0&1234.5678")) == 0);
-    data += sizeof(decimal12_t);
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&5678.1234", strlen("0&5678.1234")) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDecimalColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DecimalColumnWithoutoutPresent", "DECIMAL", "REPLACE", 12, true,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("5678.1234");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    data += sizeof(decimal12_t);
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&5678.1234", strlen("0&5678.1234")) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SkipDecimalColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DecimalColumnWithPresent", "DECIMAL", "REPLACE", 12, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("1234.5678");
-    write_row.from_tuple(val_string_array);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("5678.1234");
-    write_row.from_tuple(val_string_array);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    char read_value[20];
-    memset(read_value, 0, 20);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->skip(1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&5678.1234", strlen("0&5678.1234")) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SeekDecimalColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DecimalColumnWithPresent", "DECIMAL", "REPLACE", 12, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("1234.5678");
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("5678.1234");
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    create_and_save_last_position();
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    PositionEntryReader entry1;
-    entry1._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions;
-    entry1._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions_count;
-    entry1._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT, false);
-    PositionEntryReader entry2;
-    entry2._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions;
-    entry2._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions_count;
-    entry2._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT, false);
-    PositionProvider position0(&entry1);
-    PositionProvider position1(&entry2);
-    char read_value[20];
-    memset(read_value, 0, 20);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position0), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&1234.5678", strlen("0&1234.5678")) == 0);
-    memset(read_value, 0, 20);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), "0&5678.1234", strlen("0&5678.1234")) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedLargeIntColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // init tablet schema
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("LargeIntColumnWithoutoutPresent", "LARGEINT", "SUM", 16, false,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    // test data
-    string value1 = "100000000000000000000000000000000000000";
-    string value2 = "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728";
-    // write data
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back(value1);
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back(value2);
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    value1 = "0&" + value1;
-    value2 = "0&" + value2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), value1.c_str(), value1.size()) == 0);
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data + sizeof(int128_t), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), value2.c_str(), value2.size()) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedLargeIntColumnWithPresent) {
-    // init tablet schema
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("LargeIntColumnWithoutoutPresent", "LARGEINT", "SUM", 16, true,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    // test data
-    string value1 = "100000000000000000000000000000000000000";
-    string value2 = "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728";
-    // write data
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back(value1);
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back(value2);
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 3, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[2], false);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value1 = "0&" + value1;
-    value2 = "0&" + value2;
-    data += sizeof(int128_t);
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), value1.c_str(), value1.size()) == 0);
-    data += sizeof(int128_t);
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), value2.c_str(), value2.size()) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SkipLargeIntColumnWithPresent) {
-    // init tablet schema
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("LargeIntColumnWithPresent", "LARGEINT", "SUM", 16, true, true,
-                                 &tablet_schema);
-    // test data
-    string value1 = "100000000000000000000000000000000000000";
-    string value2 = "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728";
-    // write data
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back(value1);
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back(value2);
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    value2 = "0&" + value2;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->skip(1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(read_row.to_string().c_str(), value2.c_str(), value2.size()) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDirectVarcharColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DirectVarcharColumnWithoutoutPresent", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 10,
-                                 false, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("YWJjZGU="); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("ZWRjYmE="); //"edcba" base_64_encode is "ZWRjYmE="
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 5, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "YWJjZGU=", value->size) == 0);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        value++;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "YWJjZGU=", value->size) == 0);
-    }
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        value++;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "ZWRjYmE=", value->size) == 0);
-    }
-    ASSERT_NE(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDirectVarcharColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DirectVarcharColumnWithoutoutPresent", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 10,
-                                 true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("YWJjZGU="); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value++;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "YWJjZGU=", value->size) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SkipDirectVarcharColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DirectVarcharColumnWithPresent", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 10, true,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("YWJjZGU="); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("YWFhYWE="); //"aaaaa" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    char read_value[20];
-    memset(read_value, 0, 20);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->skip(1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "YWFhYWE=", value->size) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SeekDirectVarcharColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DirectVarcharColumnWithPresent", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 10, false,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("YWJjZGU="); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _column_writer->create_row_index_entry();
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("YWFhYWE="); //"aaaaa" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _column_writer->create_row_index_entry();
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    PositionEntryReader entry1;
-    entry1._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions;
-    entry1._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions_count;
-    entry1._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR, false);
-    PositionEntryReader entry2;
-    entry2._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions;
-    entry2._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions_count;
-    entry2._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR, false);
-    PositionProvider position0(&entry1);
-    PositionProvider position1(&entry2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position0), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "YWJjZGU=", value->size) == 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "YWFhYWE=", value->size) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, SeekDirectVarcharColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DirectVarcharColumnWithPresent", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 10, true,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("YWJjZGU="); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _column_writer->create_row_index_entry();
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("YWFhYWE="); //"aaaaa" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _column_writer->create_row_index_entry();
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    PositionEntryReader entry1;
-    entry1._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions;
-    entry1._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(0)->_positions_count;
-    entry1._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR, false);
-    PositionEntryReader entry2;
-    entry2._positions = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions;
-    entry2._positions_count = _column_writer->index()->mutable_entry(1)->_positions_count;
-    entry2._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR, false);
-    PositionProvider position0(&entry1);
-    PositionProvider position1(&entry2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position0), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "YWJjZGU=", value->size) == 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->seek(&position1), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "YWFhYWE=", value->size) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedStringColumnWithoutPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("VarcharColumnWithoutoutPresent", "CHAR", "REPLACE",
-                                 strlen("abcde"), false, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("abcde"); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("edcba"); //"edcba" base_64_encode is "ZWRjYmE="
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 5, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "abcde", value->size) == 0);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        value++;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "abcde", value->size) == 0);
-    }
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        value++;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "edcba", value->size) == 0);
-    }
-    ASSERT_NE(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedStringColumnWithPresent) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("VarcharColumnWithoutoutPresent", "CHAR", "REPLACE",
-                                 strlen("abcde"), true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    write_row.set_null(0);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("abcde"); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    write_row.set_not_null(0);
-    block.set_row(1, write_row);
-    block.finalize(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    bool* is_null = _col_vector->is_null();
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[0], true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(is_null[1], false);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    value++;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "abcde", value->size) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedStringColumnWithoutoutPresent2) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("VarcharColumnWithoutoutPresent", "CHAR", "REPLACE", 20, false,
-                                 true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back("abcde"); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("aaaaa"); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("bbbbb"); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple3(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple3);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("ccccc"); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple4(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple4);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("ddddd"); //"abcde" base_64_encode is "YWJjZGU="
-    OlapTuple tuple5(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple5);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 5, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "abcde", value->size) == 0);
-    value++;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "aaaaa", value->size) == 0);
-    value++;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "bbbbb", value->size) == 0);
-    value++;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "ccccc", value->size) == 0);
-    value++;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "ddddd", value->size) == 0);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, VectorizedDirectVarcharColumnWith65533) {
-    // write data
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchemaWithOneColumn("DirectVarcharColumnWithoutoutPresent", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE",
-                                 65535, false, true, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.push_back(std::string(65533, 'a'));
-    OlapTuple tuple1(val_string_array);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, write_row.from_tuple(tuple1));
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    val_string_array.clear();
-    val_string_array.push_back("edcba"); //"edcba" base_64_encode is "ZWRjYmE="
-    OlapTuple tuple2(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    read_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 3, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 65533; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data + i, "a", 1) == 0);
-    }
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        value++;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(value->data, "edcba", value->size) == 0);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/column_vector_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/column_vector_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7523098..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/column_vector_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/column_vector.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/collection.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema_helper.h"
-#include "olap/types.cpp"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ColumnVectorTest : public testing::Test {
-    ColumnVectorTest() : _pool(&_tracker) {}
-    void SetUp() {}
-    void TearDown() {}
-    MemTracker _tracker;
-    MemPool _pool;
-template <FieldType type>
-void test_read_write_scalar_column_vector(const TypeInfo* type_info, const uint8_t* src_data,
-                                          size_t data_size) {
-    using Type = typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType;
-    Type* src = (Type*)src_data;
-    size_t TYPE_SIZE = sizeof(Type);
-    size_t init_size = data_size / 2;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ColumnVectorBatch::create(init_size, true, type_info, nullptr, &cvb).ok());
-    memcpy(cvb->mutable_cell_ptr(0), src, init_size * TYPE_SIZE);
-    cvb->set_null_bits(0, init_size, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cvb->resize(data_size).ok());
-    size_t second_write_size = data_size - init_size;
-    memcpy(cvb->mutable_cell_ptr(init_size), src + init_size, second_write_size * TYPE_SIZE);
-    cvb->set_null_bits(init_size, second_write_size, false);
-    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < data_size; ++idx) {
-        if (type_info->type() == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR ||
-            type_info->type() == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR) {
-            Slice* src_slice = (Slice*)src_data;
-            ASSERT_EQ(src_slice[idx].to_string(),
-                      reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(cvb->cell_ptr(idx))->to_string())
-                    << "idx:" << idx;
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_EQ(src[idx], *reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(cvb->cell_ptr(idx)));
-        }
-    }
-template <FieldType item_type>
-void test_read_write_list_column_vector(const ArrayTypeInfo* list_type_info,
-                                        segment_v2::ordinal_t* ordinals, // n + 1
-                                        size_t list_size, const uint8_t* src_item_data,
-                                        Collection* result) {
-    DCHECK(list_size > 1);
-    using ItemType = typename TypeTraits<item_type>::CppType;
-    ItemType* src_item = (ItemType*)src_item_data;
-    size_t ITEM_TYPE_SIZE = sizeof(ItemType);
-    TabletColumn item_column(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, item_type, true, 0, 0);
-    list_column.add_sub_column(item_column);
-    Field* field = FieldFactory::create(list_column);
-    size_t list_init_size = list_size / 2;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ColumnVectorBatch::create(list_init_size, true, list_type_info, field, &cvb).ok());
-    ArrayColumnVectorBatch* list_cvb = reinterpret_cast<ArrayColumnVectorBatch*>(cvb.get());
-    ColumnVectorBatch* item_cvb = list_cvb->elements();
-    // first write
-    list_cvb->put_item_ordinal(ordinals, 0, list_init_size + 1);
-    list_cvb->set_null_bits(0, list_init_size, false);
-    size_t first_write_item = ordinals[list_init_size] - ordinals[0];
-    ASSERT_TRUE(item_cvb->resize(first_write_item).ok());
-    memcpy(item_cvb->mutable_cell_ptr(0), src_item, first_write_item * ITEM_TYPE_SIZE);
-    item_cvb->set_null_bits(0, first_write_item, false);
-    list_cvb->prepare_for_read(0, list_init_size, false);
-    // second write
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list_cvb->resize(list_size).ok());
-    list_cvb->put_item_ordinal(ordinals + list_init_size, list_init_size,
-                               list_size - list_init_size + 1);
-    list_cvb->set_null_bits(list_init_size, list_size - list_init_size, false);
-    size_t item_size = ordinals[list_size] - ordinals[0];
-    ASSERT_TRUE(item_cvb->resize(item_size).ok());
-    size_t second_write_item = item_size - first_write_item;
-    memcpy(item_cvb->mutable_cell_ptr(first_write_item), src_item + first_write_item,
-           second_write_item * ITEM_TYPE_SIZE);
-    item_cvb->set_null_bits(first_write_item, second_write_item, false);
-    list_cvb->prepare_for_read(0, list_size, false);
-    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < list_size; ++idx) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(list_type_info->equal(&result[idx], list_cvb->cell_ptr(idx))) << "idx:" << idx;
-    }
-    delete field;
-TEST_F(ColumnVectorTest, scalar_column_vector_test) {
-    {
-        size_t size = 1024;
-        uint8_t* val = new uint8_t[size];
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            val[i] = i;
-        }
-        const TypeInfo* ti = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT);
-        test_read_write_scalar_column_vector<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT>(ti, val, size);
-        delete[] val;
-    }
-    {
-        size_t size = 1024;
-        Slice* char_vals = new Slice[size];
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            set_column_value_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR, i, (char*)&char_vals[i], &_pool, 8);
-        }
-        const TypeInfo* ti = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR);
-        test_read_write_scalar_column_vector<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>(ti, (uint8_t*)char_vals, size);
-        delete[] char_vals;
-    }
-TEST_F(ColumnVectorTest, list_column_vector_test) {
-    size_t num_list = 1024;
-    size_t num_item = num_list * 3;
-    {
-        Collection* list_val = new Collection[num_list];
-        uint8_t* item_val = new uint8_t[num_item];
-        segment_v2::ordinal_t* ordinals = new segment_v2::ordinal_t[num_list + 1];
-        bool null_signs[3] = {false, false, false};
-        memset(null_signs, 0, sizeof(bool) * 3);
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_item; ++i) {
-            item_val[i] = i;
-            if (i % 3 == 0) {
-                size_t list_index = i / 3;
-                list_val[list_index].data = &item_val[i];
-                list_val[list_index].null_signs = null_signs;
-                list_val[list_index].length = 3;
-                ordinals[list_index] = i;
-            }
-        }
-        ordinals[num_list] = num_item;
-        auto type_info = reinterpret_cast<ArrayTypeInfo*>(
-                ArrayTypeInfoResolver::instance()->get_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT));
-        test_read_write_list_column_vector<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT>(type_info, ordinals, num_list,
-                                                                    item_val, list_val);
-        delete[] ordinals;
-        delete[] list_val;
-        delete[] item_val;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/comparison_predicate_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/comparison_predicate_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ba3d70..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/comparison_predicate_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1403 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/comparison_predicate.h"
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "olap/column_predicate.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/row_block2.h"
-#include "olap/wrapper_field.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.hpp"
-#include "runtime/vectorized_row_batch.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace datetime {
-static uint24_t to_date_timestamp(const char* date_string) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d", &time_tm);
-    int value = (time_tm.tm_year + 1900) * 16 * 32 + (time_tm.tm_mon + 1) * 32 + time_tm.tm_mday;
-    return uint24_t(value);
-static uint64_t to_datetime_timestamp(const std::string& value_string) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    strptime(value_string.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &time_tm);
-    uint64_t value =
-            ((time_tm.tm_year + 1900) * 10000L + (time_tm.tm_mon + 1) * 100L + time_tm.tm_mday) *
-                    1000000L +
-            time_tm.tm_hour * 10000L + time_tm.tm_min * 100L + time_tm.tm_sec;
-    return value;
-static std::string to_date_string(uint24_t& date_value) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    int value = date_value;
-    memset(&time_tm, 0, sizeof(time_tm));
-    time_tm.tm_mday = static_cast<int>(value & 31);
-    time_tm.tm_mon = static_cast<int>(value >> 5 & 15) - 1;
-    time_tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>(value >> 9) - 1900;
-    char buf[20] = {'\0'};
-    strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d", &time_tm);
-    return std::string(buf);
-static std::string to_datetime_string(uint64_t& datetime_value) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    int64_t part1 = (datetime_value / 1000000L);
-    int64_t part2 = (datetime_value - part1 * 1000000L);
-    time_tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>((part1 / 10000L) % 10000) - 1900;
-    time_tm.tm_mon = static_cast<int>((part1 / 100) % 100) - 1;
-    time_tm.tm_mday = static_cast<int>(part1 % 100);
-    time_tm.tm_hour = static_cast<int>((part2 / 10000L) % 10000);
-    time_tm.tm_min = static_cast<int>((part2 / 100) % 100);
-    time_tm.tm_sec = static_cast<int>(part2 % 100);
-    char buf[20] = {'\0'};
-    strftime(buf, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &time_tm);
-    return std::string(buf);
-}; // namespace datetime
-#define TEST_PREDICATE_DEFINITION(CLASS_NAME)                                                     \
-    class CLASS_NAME : public testing::Test {                                                     \
-    public:                                                                                       \
-        CLASS_NAME() : _vectorized_batch(NULL) {                                                  \
-            _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));                                               \
-            _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));                                     \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        ~CLASS_NAME() {                                                                           \
-            if (_vectorized_batch != NULL) {                                                      \
-                delete _vectorized_batch;                                                         \
-            }                                                                                     \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        void SetTabletSchema(std::string name, const std::string& type,                           \
-                             const std::string& aggregation, uint32_t length, bool is_allow_null, \
-                             bool is_key, TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {                          \
-            TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;                                                      \
-            static int id = 0;                                                                    \
-            ColumnPB* column = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();                                     \
-            column->set_unique_id(++id);                                                          \
-            column->set_name(name);                                                               \
-            column->set_type(type);                                                               \
-            column->set_is_key(is_key);                                                           \
-            column->set_is_nullable(is_allow_null);                                               \
-            column->set_length(length);                                                           \
-            column->set_aggregation(aggregation);                                                 \
-            column->set_precision(1000);                                                          \
-            column->set_frac(1000);                                                               \
-            column->set_is_bf_column(false);                                                      \
-            tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);                                        \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        void InitVectorizedBatch(const TabletSchema* tablet_schema,                               \
-                                 const std::vector<uint32_t>& ids, int size) {                    \
-            _vectorized_batch = new VectorizedRowBatch(tablet_schema, ids, size);                 \
-            _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);                                                    \
-        }                                                                                         \
-                                                                                                  \
-        void init_row_block(const TabletSchema* tablet_schema, int size) {                        \
-            Schema schema(*tablet_schema);                                                        \
-            _row_block.reset(new RowBlockV2(schema, size));                                       \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;                                                 \
-        std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;                                                       \
-        VectorizedRowBatch* _vectorized_batch;                                                    \
-        std::unique_ptr<RowBlockV2> _row_block;                                                   \
-    };
-#define TEST_EQUAL_PREDICATE(TYPE, TYPE_NAME, FIELD_TYPE)                                         \
-    TEST_F(TestEqualPredicate, TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN) {                                              \
-        TabletSchema tablet_schema;                                                               \
-        SetTabletSchema(std::string("TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN"), FIELD_TYPE, "REPLACE", 1, false, true, \
-                        &tablet_schema);                                                          \
-        int size = 10;                                                                            \
-        std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;                                                     \
-        for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {                                   \
-            return_columns.push_back(i);                                                          \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);                                \
-        ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);                                  \
-                                                                                                  \
-        /* for no nulls */                                                                        \
-        col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);                                                           \
-        TYPE* col_data = reinterpret_cast<TYPE*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(TYPE)));       \
-        col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);                                                       \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                          \
-            *(col_data + i) = i;                                                                  \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        TYPE value = 5;                                                                           \
-        ColumnPredicate* pred = new EqualPredicate<TYPE>(0, value);                               \
-        pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);                                                        \
-        ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);                                                  \
-        uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();                                            \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5);                                                       \
-                                                                                                  \
-        /* for has nulls */                                                                       \
-        col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);                                                          \
-        bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));                       \
-        memset(is_null, 0, size);                                                                 \
-        col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);                                                         \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                          \
-            if (i % 2 == 0) {                                                                     \
-                is_null[i] = true;                                                                \
-            } else {                                                                              \
-                *(col_data + i) = i;                                                              \
-            }                                                                                     \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);                                                        \
-        _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);                                            \
-        pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);                                                        \
-        ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);                                                  \
-        sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();                                                      \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5);                                                       \
-        delete pred;                                                                              \
-    }
-TEST_F(TestEqualPredicate, FLOAT_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("FLOAT_COLUMN"), "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    float value = 5.0;
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new EqualPredicate<float>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    float* col_data = reinterpret_cast<float*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(float)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        *(col_data + i) = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5.0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<float*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(float*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 5.0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            *(col_data + i) = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5.0);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            *reinterpret_cast<float*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(float*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 5.0);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestEqualPredicate, DOUBLE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DOUBLE_COLUMN"), "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    double value = 5.0;
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new EqualPredicate<double>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    double* col_data = reinterpret_cast<double*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(double)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        *(col_data + i) = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5.0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<double*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 5.0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            *(col_data + i) = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5.0);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            *reinterpret_cast<double*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 5.0);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestEqualPredicate, DECIMAL_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DECIMAL_COLUMN"), "DECIMAL", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    decimal12_t value(5, 5);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new EqualPredicate<decimal12_t>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    decimal12_t* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(decimal12_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        (*(col_data + i)).integer = i;
-        (*(col_data + i)).fraction = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->integer = i;
-        reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->fraction = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(decimal12_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            (*(col_data + i)).integer = i;
-            (*(col_data + i)).fraction = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->integer = i;
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->fraction = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(decimal12_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestEqualPredicate, STRING_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema char_tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("STRING_COLUMN"), "CHAR", "REPLACE", 5, true, true,
-                    &char_tablet_schema);
-    // test WrapperField.from_string() for char type
-    WrapperField* field = WrapperField::create(char_tablet_schema.column(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, field->from_string("true"));
-    const std::string tmp = field->to_string();
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, tmp.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ('t', tmp[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ('r', tmp[1]);
-    ASSERT_EQ('u', tmp[2]);
-    ASSERT_EQ('e', tmp[3]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, tmp[4]);
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("STRING_COLUMN"), "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    StringValue value;
-    const char* value_buffer = "dddd";
-    value.len = 4;
-    value.ptr = const_cast<char*>(value_buffer);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new EqualPredicate<StringValue>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    StringValue* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(StringValue)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    char* string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        (*(col_data + i)).len = i + 1;
-        (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(sel[0], 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(60));
-    memset(string_buffer, 0, 60);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = i + 1;
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            (*(col_data + i)).len = i + 1;
-            (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        }
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = i + 1;
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-            string_buffer += i + 1;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value);
-    delete field;
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestEqualPredicate, DATE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DATE_COLUMN"), "DATE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 6;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    uint24_t value = datetime::to_date_timestamp("2017-09-10");
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new EqualPredicate<uint24_t>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    uint24_t* col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(uint24_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    std::vector<std::string> date_array;
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-07");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-08");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-09");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-10");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-11");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-12");
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(sel[0], 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-10");
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(
-                      *(uint24_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-10");
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-10");
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(
-                      *(uint24_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-10");
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestEqualPredicate, DATETIME_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DATETIME_COLUMN"), "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 6;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    uint64_t value = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp("2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new EqualPredicate<uint64_t>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    uint64_t* col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(uint64_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    std::vector<std::string> date_array;
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-07 00:00:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-08 00:01:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-09 00:00:01");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-11 01:01:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-12 01:01:01");
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(sel[0], 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(
-                      *(uint64_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(
-                      *(uint64_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    delete pred;
-#define TEST_LESS_PREDICATE(TYPE, TYPE_NAME, FIELD_TYPE)                                        \
-    TEST_F(TestLessPredicate, TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN) {                                             \
-        TabletSchema tablet_schema;                                                             \
-        SetTabletSchema(std::string("TYPE_NAME_COLUMN"), FIELD_TYPE, "REPLACE", 1, false, true, \
-                        &tablet_schema);                                                        \
-        int size = 10;                                                                          \
-        std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;                                                   \
-        for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {                                 \
-            return_columns.push_back(i);                                                        \
-        }                                                                                       \
-        InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);                              \
-        ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);                                \
-                                                                                                \
-        /* for no nulls */                                                                      \
-        col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);                                                         \
-        TYPE* col_data = reinterpret_cast<TYPE*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(TYPE)));     \
-        col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);                                                     \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                        \
-            *(col_data + i) = i;                                                                \
-        }                                                                                       \
-        TYPE value = 5;                                                                         \
-        ColumnPredicate* pred = new LessPredicate<TYPE>(0, value);                              \
-        pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);                                                      \
-        ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 5);                                                \
-        uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();                                          \
-        TYPE sum = 0;                                                                           \
-        for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {                                   \
-            sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);                                                        \
-        }                                                                                       \
-        ASSERT_EQ(sum, 10);                                                                     \
-                                                                                                \
-        /* for has nulls */                                                                     \
-        col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);                                                        \
-        bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));                     \
-        memset(is_null, 0, size);                                                               \
-        col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);                                                       \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                        \
-            if (i % 2 == 0) {                                                                   \
-                is_null[i] = true;                                                              \
-            } else {                                                                            \
-                *(col_data + i) = i;                                                            \
-            }                                                                                   \
-        }                                                                                       \
-        _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);                                                      \
-        _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);                                          \
-        pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);                                                      \
-        ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 2);                                                \
-        sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();                                                    \
-        sum = 0;                                                                                \
-        for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {                                   \
-            sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);                                                        \
-        }                                                                                       \
-        ASSERT_EQ(sum, 4);                                                                      \
-        delete pred;                                                                            \
-    }
-TEST_F(TestLessPredicate, FLOAT_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("FLOAT_COLUMN"), "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    float value = 5.0;
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new LessPredicate<float>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    float* col_data = reinterpret_cast<float*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(float)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        *(col_data + i) = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 5);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    float sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(sum, 10.0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<float*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 5);
-    sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        sum += *(float*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[i]).cell_ptr();
-    }
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(sum, 10.0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            *(col_data + i) = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 2);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(sum, 4.0);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            *reinterpret_cast<float*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 2);
-    sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        sum += *(float*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[i]).cell_ptr();
-    }
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(sum, 4.0);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestLessPredicate, DOUBLE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DOUBLE_COLUMN"), "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    double value = 5.0;
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new LessPredicate<double>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    double* col_data = reinterpret_cast<double*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(double)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        *(col_data + i) = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 5);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    double sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(sum, 10.0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<double*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 5);
-    sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        sum += *(double*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[i]).cell_ptr();
-    }
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(sum, 10.0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            *(col_data + i) = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 2);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(sum, 4.0);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            *reinterpret_cast<double*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 2);
-    sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        sum += *(double*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[i]).cell_ptr();
-    }
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(sum, 4.0);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestLessPredicate, DECIMAL_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DECIMAL_COLUMN"), "DECIMAL", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    decimal12_t value(5, 5);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new LessPredicate<decimal12_t>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    decimal12_t* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(decimal12_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        (*(col_data + i)).integer = i;
-        (*(col_data + i)).fraction = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 5);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    decimal12_t sum(0, 0);
-    for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(sum.integer, 10);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sum.fraction, 10);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->integer = i;
-        reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->fraction = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 5);
-    sum.integer = 0;
-    sum.fraction = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(sum.integer, 10);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sum.fraction, 10);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            (*(col_data + i)).integer = i;
-            (*(col_data + i)).fraction = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 2);
-    sum.integer = 0;
-    sum.fraction = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(sum.integer, 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sum.fraction, 4);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->integer = i;
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->fraction = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 2);
-    sum.integer = 0;
-    sum.fraction = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < _vectorized_batch->size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *(col_data + sel[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(sum.integer, 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sum.fraction, 4);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestLessPredicate, STRING_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("STRING_COLUMN"), "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    StringValue value;
-    const char* value_buffer = "dddd";
-    value.len = 4;
-    value.ptr = const_cast<char*>(value_buffer);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new LessPredicate<StringValue>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    StringValue* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(StringValue)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    char* string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        (*(col_data + i)).len = i + 1;
-        (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp((*(col_data + sel[0])).ptr, "a", 1) == 0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(60));
-    memset(string_buffer, 0, 60);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = i + 1;
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-            strncmp((*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr())
-                            .ptr,
-                    "a", 1) == 0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            (*(col_data + i)).len = i + 1;
-            (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        }
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp((*(col_data + sel[0])).ptr, "bb", 2) == 0);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = i + 1;
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-            string_buffer += i + 1;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-            strncmp((*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr())
-                            .ptr,
-                    "bb", 2) == 0);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestLessPredicate, DATE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DATE_COLUMN"), "DATE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 6;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    uint24_t value = datetime::to_date_timestamp("2017-09-10");
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new LessPredicate<uint24_t>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    uint24_t* col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(uint24_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    std::vector<std::string> date_array;
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-07");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-08");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-09");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-10");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-11");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-12");
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-07");
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(
-                      *(uint24_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-07");
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-08");
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(
-                      *(uint24_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-08");
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestLessPredicate, DATETIME_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    TabletColumn tablet_column;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DATETIME_COLUMN"), "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 6;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    uint64_t value = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp("2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new LessPredicate<uint64_t>(0, value);
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    uint64_t* col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(uint64_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    std::vector<std::string> date_array;
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-07 00:00:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-08 00:01:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-09 00:00:01");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-11 01:01:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-12 01:01:01");
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-07 00:00:00");
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(
-                      *(uint64_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-07 00:00:00");
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-08 00:01:00");
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(
-                      *(uint64_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-08 00:01:00");
-    delete pred;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/cumulative_compaction_policy_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/cumulative_compaction_policy_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a63c4ce..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/cumulative_compaction_policy_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1059 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/cumulative_compaction_policy.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "olap/cumulative_compaction.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_meta.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_meta.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TestNumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy : public testing::Test {
-    TestNumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy() {}
-    void SetUp() {
-        _tablet_meta = static_cast<TabletMetaSharedPtr>(
-                new TabletMeta(1, 2, 15673, 4, 5, TTabletSchema(), 6, {{7, 8}}, UniqueId(9, 10),
-                               TTabletType::TABLET_TYPE_DISK));
-        _json_rowset_meta = R"({
-            "rowset_id": 540081,
-            "tablet_id": 15673,
-            "txn_id": 4042,
-            "tablet_schema_hash": 567997577,
-            "rowset_type": "BETA_ROWSET",
-            "rowset_state": "VISIBLE",
-            "start_version": 2,
-            "end_version": 2,
-            "version_hash": 8391828013814912580,
-            "num_rows": 3929,
-            "total_disk_size": 84699,
-            "data_disk_size": 84464,
-            "index_disk_size": 235,
-            "empty": false,
-            "load_id": {
-                "hi": -5350970832824939812,
-                "lo": -6717994719194512122
-            },
-            "creation_time": 1553765670,
-            "alpha_rowset_extra_meta_pb": {
-                "segment_groups": [
-                {
-                    "segment_group_id": 0,
-                    "num_segments": 2,
-                    "index_size": 132,
-                    "data_size": 576,
-                    "num_rows": 5,
-                    "zone_maps": [
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "NQ==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "Mw==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "J2J1c2gn",
-                        "max": "J3RvbSc=",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    }
-                    ],
-                    "empty": false
-                },
-                {
-                    "segment_group_id": 1,
-                    "num_segments": 1,
-                    "index_size": 132,
-                    "data_size": 576,
-                    "num_rows": 5,
-                    "zone_maps": [
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "NQ==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "Mw==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "J2J1c2gn",
-                        "max": "J3RvbSc=",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    }
-                    ],
-                    "empty": false
-                }
-                ]
-            }
-        })";
-    }
-    void TearDown() {}
-    void init_rs_meta(RowsetMetaSharedPtr& pb1, int64_t start, int64_t end) {
-        pb1->init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-        pb1->set_start_version(start);
-        pb1->set_end_version(end);
-        pb1->set_creation_time(10000);
-    }
-    void init_all_rs_meta(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 0);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 1, 1);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 2, 2);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 3, 3);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 4, 4);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    void init_all_rs_meta_cal_point(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 4);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 5, 5);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-    }
-    void init_all_rs_meta_delete(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 4);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 5, 5);
-        DeletePredicatePB del;
-        del.add_sub_predicates("a = 1");
-        del.set_version(5);
-        ptr4->set_delete_predicate(del);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAP_UNKNOWN);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 6, 6);
-        ptr5->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr _tablet_meta;
-TEST_F(TestNumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, calc_cumulative_compaction_score) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_NUM_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    const uint32_t score = _tablet->calc_compaction_score(CompactionType::CUMULATIVE_COMPACTION);
-    ASSERT_EQ(15, score);
-TEST_F(TestNumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, calculate_cumulative_point) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta_cal_point(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_NUM_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, _tablet->cumulative_layer_point());
-TEST_F(TestNumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_candidate_rowsets) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta_cal_point(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_NUM_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, candidate_rowsets.size());
-TEST_F(TestNumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_normal) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta_cal_point(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_NUM_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    NumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy policy;
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    policy.pick_input_rowsets(_tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets,
-                              &last_delete_version, &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.second);
-TEST_F(TestNumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_delete) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta_delete(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_NUM_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    NumBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy policy;
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    policy.pick_input_rowsets(_tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets,
-                              &last_delete_version, &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, last_delete_version.second);
-class TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy : public testing::Test {
-    TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy() {}
-    void SetUp() {
-        config::cumulative_size_based_promotion_size_mbytes = 1024;
-        config::cumulative_size_based_promotion_ratio = 0.05;
-        config::cumulative_size_based_promotion_min_size_mbytes = 64;
-        config::cumulative_size_based_compaction_lower_size_mbytes = 64;
-        _tablet_meta = static_cast<TabletMetaSharedPtr>(
-                new TabletMeta(1, 2, 15673, 4, 5, TTabletSchema(), 6, {{7, 8}}, UniqueId(9, 10),
-                               TTabletType::TABLET_TYPE_DISK));
-        _json_rowset_meta = R"({
-            "rowset_id": 540081,
-            "tablet_id": 15673,
-            "txn_id": 4042,
-            "tablet_schema_hash": 567997577,
-            "rowset_type": "BETA_ROWSET",
-            "rowset_state": "VISIBLE",
-            "start_version": 2,
-            "end_version": 2,
-            "version_hash": 8391828013814912580,
-            "num_rows": 3929,
-            "total_disk_size": 41,
-            "data_disk_size": 41,
-            "index_disk_size": 235,
-            "empty": false,
-            "load_id": {
-                "hi": -5350970832824939812,
-                "lo": -6717994719194512122
-            },
-            "creation_time": 1553765670,
-            "alpha_rowset_extra_meta_pb": {
-                "segment_groups": [
-                {
-                    "segment_group_id": 0,
-                    "num_segments": 2,
-                    "index_size": 132,
-                    "data_size": 576,
-                    "num_rows": 5,
-                    "zone_maps": [
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "NQ==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "Mw==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "J2J1c2gn",
-                        "max": "J3RvbSc=",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    }
-                    ],
-                    "empty": false
-                },
-                {
-                    "segment_group_id": 1,
-                    "num_segments": 1,
-                    "index_size": 132,
-                    "data_size": 576,
-                    "num_rows": 5,
-                    "zone_maps": [
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "NQ==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "Mw==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "J2J1c2gn",
-                        "max": "J3RvbSc=",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    }
-                    ],
-                    "empty": false
-                }
-                ]
-            }
-        })";
-    }
-    void TearDown() {}
-    void init_rs_meta(RowsetMetaSharedPtr& pb1, int64_t start, int64_t end) {
-        pb1->init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-        pb1->set_start_version(start);
-        pb1->set_end_version(end);
-        pb1->set_total_disk_size(41);
-        pb1->set_creation_time(10000);
-    }
-    void init_rs_meta_small_base(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 0);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 1, 1);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 2, 2);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 3, 3);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 4, 4);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    void init_rs_meta_big_base(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_total_disk_size(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_total_disk_size(65 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 5);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 6, 6);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 7, 7);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    void init_rs_meta_pick_promotion(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_total_disk_size(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_total_disk_size(65 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 5);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 6, 6);
-        ptr4->set_total_disk_size(65 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-    }
-    void init_rs_meta_pick_not_same_level(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_total_disk_size(21474836480L); // 20G
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_total_disk_size(129 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 5);
-        ptr3->set_total_disk_size(12 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 6, 6);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        ptr4->set_total_disk_size(12 * 1024 * 1024);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 7, 7);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr6(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr6, 8, 8);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr6);
-    }
-    void init_rs_meta_pick_empty(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_total_disk_size(21474836480L); // 20G
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_total_disk_size(257 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 5);
-        ptr3->set_total_disk_size(129 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        ptr4->set_total_disk_size(65 * 1024 * 1024);
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 6, 6);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-    }
-    void init_rs_meta_pick_empty_not_reach_min_limit(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_total_disk_size(21474836480L); // 20G
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_total_disk_size(257 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 5);
-        ptr3->set_total_disk_size(1 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr3->set_num_segments(1);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 6, 6);
-        ptr4->set_total_disk_size(1 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr4->set_num_segments(1);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 7, 7);
-        ptr5->set_total_disk_size(1 * 1024 * 1024);
-        ptr5->set_num_segments(1);
-        ptr5->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    void init_all_rs_meta_cal_point(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 4);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 5, 5);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-    }
-    void init_all_rs_meta_delete(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 1);
-        ptr1->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 2, 3);
-        ptr2->set_segments_overlap(NONOVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 4, 4);
-        ptr3->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 5, 5);
-        DeletePredicatePB del;
-        del.add_sub_predicates("a = 1");
-        del.set_version(5);
-        ptr4->set_delete_predicate(del);
-        ptr4->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAP_UNKNOWN);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 6, 6);
-        ptr5->set_segments_overlap(OVERLAPPING);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    void init_rs_meta_missing_version(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 0);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 1, 1);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 2, 2);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 4, 4);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr _tablet_meta;
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, calc_cumulative_compaction_score) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_small_base(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    const uint32_t score = _tablet->calc_compaction_score(CompactionType::CUMULATIVE_COMPACTION);
-    ASSERT_EQ(15, score);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, calc_cumulative_compaction_score_big_base) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_big_base(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    const uint32_t score = _tablet->calc_compaction_score(CompactionType::CUMULATIVE_COMPACTION);
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, score);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, calculate_cumulative_point_big_base) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_big_base(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, _tablet->cumulative_layer_point());
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, calculate_cumulative_point_overlap) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta_cal_point(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, _tablet->cumulative_layer_point());
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_candidate_rowsets) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta_cal_point(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, candidate_rowsets.size());
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_candidate_rowsets_big_base) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_big_base(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, candidate_rowsets.size());
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_normal) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_small_base(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy->pick_input_rowsets(
-            _tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets, &last_delete_version,
-            &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(12, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.second);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_big_base) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_big_base(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy->pick_input_rowsets(
-            _tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets, &last_delete_version,
-            &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.second);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_promotion) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_pick_promotion(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy->pick_input_rowsets(
-            _tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets, &last_delete_version,
-            &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.second);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_not_same_level) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_pick_not_same_level(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy->pick_input_rowsets(
-            _tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets, &last_delete_version,
-            &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.second);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_empty) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_pick_empty(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy->pick_input_rowsets(
-            _tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets, &last_delete_version,
-            &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.second);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_not_reach_min_limit) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_pick_empty_not_reach_min_limit(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy->pick_input_rowsets(
-            _tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets, &last_delete_version,
-            &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, last_delete_version.second);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, pick_input_rowsets_delete) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta_delete(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> candidate_rowsets;
-    _tablet->pick_candidate_rowsets_to_cumulative_compaction(1000, &candidate_rowsets);
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> input_rowsets;
-    Version last_delete_version{-1, -1};
-    size_t compaction_score = 0;
-    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy->pick_input_rowsets(
-            _tablet.get(), candidate_rowsets, 10, 5, &input_rowsets, &last_delete_version,
-            &compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, input_rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, compaction_score);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, last_delete_version.first);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, last_delete_version.second);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, _calc_promotion_size_big) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_pick_not_same_level(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy* policy =
-            dynamic_cast<SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy*>(
-                    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy.get());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1073741824, policy->_tablet_size_based_promotion_size);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, _calc_promotion_size_small) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_small_base(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    _tablet->calculate_cumulative_point();
-    SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy* policy =
-            dynamic_cast<SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy*>(
-                    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy.get());
-    ASSERT_EQ(67108864, policy->_tablet_size_based_promotion_size);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, _level_size) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_small_base(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy* policy =
-            dynamic_cast<SizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy*>(
-                    _tablet->_cumulative_compaction_policy.get());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, policy->_levels.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(536870912, policy->_levels[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(268435456, policy->_levels[1]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(134217728, policy->_levels[2]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(67108864, policy->_levels[3]);
-TEST_F(TestSizeBasedCumulativeCompactionPolicy, _pick_missing_version_cumulative_compaction) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    init_rs_meta_missing_version(&rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr, CUMULATIVE_SIZE_BASED_POLICY));
-    _tablet->init();
-    // has miss version
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> rowsets;
-    rowsets.push_back(_tablet->get_rowset_by_version({0, 0}));
-    rowsets.push_back(_tablet->get_rowset_by_version({1, 1}));
-    rowsets.push_back(_tablet->get_rowset_by_version({2, 2}));
-    rowsets.push_back(_tablet->get_rowset_by_version({4, 4}));
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker());
-    CumulativeCompaction compaction(_tablet, "label", mem_tracker);
-    compaction.find_longest_consecutive_version(&rowsets, nullptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, rowsets.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, rowsets[2]->end_version());
-    // no miss version
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> rowsets2;
-    rowsets2.push_back(_tablet->get_rowset_by_version({0, 0}));
-    compaction.find_longest_consecutive_version(&rowsets2, nullptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, rowsets2.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, rowsets[0]->end_version());
-    // no version
-    std::vector<RowsetSharedPtr> rowsets3;
-    compaction.find_longest_consecutive_version(&rowsets3, nullptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, rowsets3.size());
-} // namespace doris
-// @brief Test Stub
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/decimal12_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/decimal12_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cf21d4..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/decimal12_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/decimal12.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-TEST(FieldInfoTest, Add) {
-    int64_t a_integer = 9223372036854775806L;
-    int a_fraction = 1;
-    decimal12_t a(a_integer, a_fraction);
-    decimal12_t b(1, 0);
-    a += b;
-    ASSERT_EQ(a_integer + 1, a.integer);
-    ASSERT_EQ(a_fraction, a.fraction);
-    a.integer = -9223372036854775807L;
-    a.fraction = -1;
-    b.integer = 0;
-    a += b;
-    ASSERT_EQ(-9223372036854775807L, a.integer);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, a.fraction);
-    a.integer = -1;
-    a.fraction = 0;
-    b.integer = -7;
-    b.fraction = 0;
-    a += b;
-    ASSERT_EQ(-8, a.integer);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, a.fraction);
-    a.integer = 0;
-    a.fraction = -1;
-    b.integer = 0;
-    b.fraction = -2;
-    a += b;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, a.integer);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-3, a.fraction);
-    a.integer = 0;
-    a.fraction = -999999999;
-    b.integer = 0;
-    b.fraction = -1;
-    a += b;
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, a.integer);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, a.fraction);
-    a.integer = -8;
-    a.fraction = 0;
-    b.integer = 2;
-    b.fraction = 0;
-    a += b;
-    ASSERT_EQ(-6, a.integer);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, a.fraction);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/delete_handler_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/delete_handler_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b6bb0cf..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/delete_handler_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1133 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/delete_handler.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <boost/assign.hpp>
-#include <boost/regex.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "olap/options.h"
-#include "olap/push_handler.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "olap/utils.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace doris;
-using namespace boost::assign;
-using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
-namespace doris {
-static const uint32_t MAX_PATH_LEN = 1024;
-static StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-void set_up() {
-    char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-    getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-    config::storage_root_path = string(buffer) + "/data_test";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-    FileUtils::remove_all(string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + UNUSED_PREFIX);
-    FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path);
-    std::vector<StorePath> paths;
-    paths.emplace_back(config::storage_root_path, -1);
-    config::min_file_descriptor_number = 1000;
-    config::tablet_map_shard_size = 1;
-    config::txn_map_shard_size = 1;
-    config::txn_shard_size = 1;
-    doris::EngineOptions options;
-    options.store_paths = paths;
-    Status s = doris::StorageEngine::open(options, &k_engine);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-void tear_down() {
-    char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-    getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-    config::storage_root_path = string(buffer) + "/data_test";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-    FileUtils::remove_all(string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + UNUSED_PREFIX);
-void set_default_create_tablet_request(TCreateTabletReq* request) {
-    request->tablet_id = 10003;
-    request->__set_version(1);
-    request->__set_version_hash(0);
-    request->tablet_schema.schema_hash = 270068375;
-    request->tablet_schema.short_key_column_count = 2;
-    request->tablet_schema.keys_type = TKeysType::AGG_KEYS;
-    request->tablet_schema.storage_type = TStorageType::COLUMN;
-    TColumn k1;
-    k1.column_name = "k1";
-    k1.__set_is_key(true);
-    k1.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::TINYINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k1);
-    TColumn k2;
-    k2.column_name = "k2";
-    k2.__set_is_key(true);
-    k2.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k2);
-    TColumn k3;
-    k3.column_name = "k3";
-    k3.__set_is_key(true);
-    k3.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k3);
-    TColumn k4;
-    k4.column_name = "k4";
-    k4.__set_is_key(true);
-    k4.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k4);
-    TColumn k5;
-    k5.column_name = "k5";
-    k5.__set_is_key(true);
-    k5.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::LARGEINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k5);
-    TColumn k9;
-    k9.column_name = "k9";
-    k9.__set_is_key(true);
-    k9.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL;
-    k9.column_type.__set_precision(6);
-    k9.column_type.__set_scale(3);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k9);
-    TColumn k10;
-    k10.column_name = "k10";
-    k10.__set_is_key(true);
-    k10.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATE;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k10);
-    TColumn k11;
-    k11.column_name = "k11";
-    k11.__set_is_key(true);
-    k11.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATETIME;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k11);
-    TColumn k12;
-    k12.column_name = "k12";
-    k12.__set_is_key(true);
-    k12.column_type.__set_len(64);
-    k12.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::CHAR;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k12);
-    TColumn k13;
-    k13.column_name = "k13";
-    k13.__set_is_key(true);
-    k13.column_type.__set_len(64);
-    k13.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k13);
-    TColumn v;
-    v.column_name = "v";
-    v.__set_is_key(false);
-    v.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-    v.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v);
-void set_create_duplicate_tablet_request(TCreateTabletReq* request) {
-    request->tablet_id = 10009;
-    request->__set_version(1);
-    request->__set_version_hash(0);
-    request->tablet_schema.schema_hash = 270068376;
-    request->tablet_schema.short_key_column_count = 2;
-    request->tablet_schema.keys_type = TKeysType::DUP_KEYS;
-    request->tablet_schema.storage_type = TStorageType::COLUMN;
-    TColumn k1;
-    k1.column_name = "k1";
-    k1.__set_is_key(true);
-    k1.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::TINYINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k1);
-    TColumn k2;
-    k2.column_name = "k2";
-    k2.__set_is_key(true);
-    k2.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k2);
-    TColumn k3;
-    k3.column_name = "k3";
-    k3.__set_is_key(true);
-    k3.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k3);
-    TColumn k4;
-    k4.column_name = "k4";
-    k4.__set_is_key(true);
-    k4.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k4);
-    TColumn k5;
-    k5.column_name = "k5";
-    k5.__set_is_key(true);
-    k5.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::LARGEINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k5);
-    TColumn k9;
-    k9.column_name = "k9";
-    k9.__set_is_key(true);
-    k9.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL;
-    k9.column_type.__set_precision(6);
-    k9.column_type.__set_scale(3);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k9);
-    TColumn k10;
-    k10.column_name = "k10";
-    k10.__set_is_key(true);
-    k10.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATE;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k10);
-    TColumn k11;
-    k11.column_name = "k11";
-    k11.__set_is_key(true);
-    k11.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATETIME;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k11);
-    TColumn k12;
-    k12.column_name = "k12";
-    k12.__set_is_key(true);
-    k12.column_type.__set_len(64);
-    k12.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::CHAR;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k12);
-    TColumn k13;
-    k13.column_name = "k13";
-    k13.__set_is_key(true);
-    k13.column_type.__set_len(64);
-    k13.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k13);
-    TColumn v;
-    v.column_name = "v";
-    v.__set_is_key(false);
-    v.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v);
-void set_default_push_request(TPushReq* request) {
-    request->tablet_id = 10003;
-    request->schema_hash = 270068375;
-    request->timeout = 86400;
-    request->push_type = TPushType::LOAD;
-class TestDeleteConditionHandler : public testing::Test {
-    void SetUp() {
-        // Create local data dir for StorageEngine.
-        char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-        getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-        config::storage_root_path = string(buffer) + "/data_delete_condition";
-        FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-        // 1. Prepare for query split key.
-        // create base tablet
-        OLAPStatus res = OLAP_SUCCESS;
-        set_default_create_tablet_request(&_create_tablet);
-        res = k_engine->create_tablet(_create_tablet);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-        tablet = k_engine->tablet_manager()->get_tablet(_create_tablet.tablet_id,
-                                                        _create_tablet.tablet_schema.schema_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tablet.get() != NULL);
-        _tablet_path = tablet->tablet_path();
-        set_create_duplicate_tablet_request(&_create_dup_tablet);
-        res = k_engine->create_tablet(_create_dup_tablet);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-        dup_tablet = k_engine->tablet_manager()->get_tablet(
-                _create_dup_tablet.tablet_id, _create_dup_tablet.tablet_schema.schema_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(dup_tablet.get() != NULL);
-        _dup_tablet_path = tablet->tablet_path();
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        // Remove all dir.
-        tablet.reset();
-        dup_tablet.reset();
-        StorageEngine::instance()->tablet_manager()->drop_tablet(
-                _create_tablet.tablet_id, _create_tablet.tablet_schema.schema_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-    }
-    std::string _tablet_path;
-    std::string _dup_tablet_path;
-    TabletSharedPtr tablet;
-    TabletSharedPtr dup_tablet;
-    TCreateTabletReq _create_tablet;
-    TCreateTabletReq _create_dup_tablet;
-    DeleteConditionHandler _delete_condition_handler;
-TEST_F(TestDeleteConditionHandler, StoreCondSucceed) {
-    OLAPStatus success_res;
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    TCondition condition;
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = ">";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("3");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k3";
-    condition.condition_op = "<=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("5");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k4";
-    condition.condition_op = "IS";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("NULL");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k5";
-    condition.condition_op = "*=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("7");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k12";
-    condition.condition_op = "!*=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("9");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k13";
-    condition.condition_op = "*=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1");
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("3");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred;
-    success_res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(),
-                                                                      conditions, &del_pred);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, success_res);
-    // 验证存储在header中的过滤条件正确
-    ASSERT_EQ(size_t(6), del_pred.sub_predicates_size());
-    EXPECT_STREQ("k1=1", del_pred.sub_predicates(0).c_str());
-    EXPECT_STREQ("k2>>3", del_pred.sub_predicates(1).c_str());
-    EXPECT_STREQ("k3<=5", del_pred.sub_predicates(2).c_str());
-    EXPECT_STREQ("k4 IS NULL", del_pred.sub_predicates(3).c_str());
-    EXPECT_STREQ("k5=7", del_pred.sub_predicates(4).c_str());
-    EXPECT_STREQ("k12!=9", del_pred.sub_predicates(5).c_str());
-    ASSERT_EQ(size_t(1), del_pred.in_predicates_size());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(del_pred.in_predicates(0).is_not_in());
-    EXPECT_STREQ("k13", del_pred.in_predicates(0).column_name().c_str());
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::size_t(2), del_pred.in_predicates(0).values().size());
-// 检测参数不正确的情况,包括:空的过滤条件字符串
-TEST_F(TestDeleteConditionHandler, StoreCondInvalidParameters) {
-    // 空的过滤条件
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred;
-    OLAPStatus failed_res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(
-            tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions, &del_pred);
-    ;
-// 检测过滤条件中指定的列不存在,或者列不符合要求
-TEST_F(TestDeleteConditionHandler, StoreCondNonexistentColumn) {
-    // 'k100'是一个不存在的列
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    TCondition condition;
-    condition.column_name = "k100";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("2");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred;
-    OLAPStatus failed_res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(
-            tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions, &del_pred);
-    ;
-    // 'v'是value列
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "v";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("5");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    failed_res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(),
-                                                                     conditions, &del_pred);
-    ;
-    // value column in duplicate model can be deleted;
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "v";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("5");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    OLAPStatus success_res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(
-            dup_tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions, &del_pred);
-    ;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, success_res);
-// 测试删除条件值不符合类型要求
-class TestDeleteConditionHandler2 : public testing::Test {
-    void SetUp() {
-        // Create local data dir for StorageEngine.
-        char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-        getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-        config::storage_root_path = string(buffer) + "/data_delete_condition";
-        FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-        // 1. Prepare for query split key.
-        // create base tablet
-        OLAPStatus res = OLAP_SUCCESS;
-        set_default_create_tablet_request(&_create_tablet);
-        res = k_engine->create_tablet(_create_tablet);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-        tablet = k_engine->tablet_manager()->get_tablet(_create_tablet.tablet_id,
-                                                        _create_tablet.tablet_schema.schema_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tablet.get() != NULL);
-        _tablet_path = tablet->tablet_path();
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        // Remove all dir.
-        tablet.reset();
-        StorageEngine::instance()->tablet_manager()->drop_tablet(
-                _create_tablet.tablet_id, _create_tablet.tablet_schema.schema_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-    }
-    std::string _tablet_path;
-    TabletSharedPtr tablet;
-    TCreateTabletReq _create_tablet;
-    DeleteConditionHandler _delete_condition_handler;
-TEST_F(TestDeleteConditionHandler2, ValidConditionValue) {
-    OLAPStatus res;
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    // 测试数据中, k1,k2,k3,k4类型分别为int8, int16, int32, int64
-    TCondition condition;
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("-1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("-1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k3";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("-1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k4";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("-1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred);
-    // k5类型为int128
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k5";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_2;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_2);
-    // k9类型为decimal, precision=6, frac=3
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k9";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("2.3");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_3;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_3);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_4;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_4);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("-2");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_5;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_5);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("-2.3");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_6;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_6);
-    // k10,k11类型分别为date, datetime
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k10";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("2014-01-01");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k10";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("2014-01-01 00:00:00");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_7;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_7);
-    // k12,k13类型分别为string(64), varchar(64)
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k12";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("YWFh");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k13";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("YWFhYQ==");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_8;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_8);
-TEST_F(TestDeleteConditionHandler2, InvalidConditionValue) {
-    OLAPStatus res;
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    // 测试k1的值越上界,k1类型为int8
-    TCondition condition;
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1000");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_1;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_1);
-    // 测试k1的值越下界,k1类型为int8
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("-1000");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_2;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_2);
-    // 测试k2的值越上界,k2类型为int16
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k2";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("32768");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_3;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_3);
-    // 测试k2的值越下界,k2类型为int16
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("-32769");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_4;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_4);
-    // 测试k3的值越上界,k3类型为int32
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k3";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2147483648");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_5;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_5);
-    // 测试k3的值越下界,k3类型为int32
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("-2147483649");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_6;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_6);
-    // 测试k4的值越上界,k2类型为int64
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k4";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("9223372036854775808");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_7;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_7);
-    // 测试k4的值越下界,k1类型为int64
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("-9223372036854775809");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_8;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_8);
-    // 测试k5的值越上界,k5类型为int128
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k5";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("170141183460469231731687303715884105728");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_9;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_9);
-    // 测试k5的值越下界,k5类型为int128
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("-170141183460469231731687303715884105729");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_10;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_10);
-    // 测试k9整数部分长度过长,k9类型为decimal, precision=6, frac=3
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k9";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("12347876.5");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_11;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_11);
-    // 测试k9小数部分长度过长,k9类型为decimal, precision=6, frac=3
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("1.2345678");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_12;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_12);
-    // 测试k9没有小数部分,但包含小数点
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("1.");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_13;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_13);
-    // 测试k10类型的过滤值不符合对应格式,k10为date
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k10";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("20130101");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_14;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_14);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2013-64-01");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_15;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_15);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2013-01-40");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_16;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_16);
-    // 测试k11类型的过滤值不符合对应格式,k11为datetime
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k11";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("20130101 00:00:00");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_17;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_17);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2013-64-01 00:00:00");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_18;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_18);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2013-01-40 00:00:00");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_19;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_19);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2013-01-01 24:00:00");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_20;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_20);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2013-01-01 00:60:00");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_21;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_21);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back("2013-01-01 00:00:60");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_22;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_22);
-    // 测试k12和k13类型的过滤值过长,k12,k13类型分别为string(64), varchar(64)
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k12";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back(
-            "FhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWE=;k13=YWFhYQ==");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_23;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_23);
-    conditions[0].condition_values.clear();
-    conditions[0].column_name = "k13";
-    conditions[0].condition_values.push_back(
-            "FhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYWE=;k13=YWFhYQ==");
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_24;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_24);
-class TestDeleteHandler : public testing::Test {
-    void SetUp() {
-        CpuInfo::init();
-        // Create local data dir for StorageEngine.
-        char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-        getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-        config::storage_root_path = string(buffer) + "/data_delete_condition";
-        FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-        // 1. Prepare for query split key.
-        // create base tablet
-        OLAPStatus res = OLAP_SUCCESS;
-        set_default_create_tablet_request(&_create_tablet);
-        res = k_engine->create_tablet(_create_tablet);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-        tablet = k_engine->tablet_manager()->get_tablet(_create_tablet.tablet_id,
-                                                        _create_tablet.tablet_schema.schema_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tablet != nullptr);
-        _tablet_path = tablet->tablet_path();
-        _data_row_cursor.init(tablet->tablet_schema());
-        _data_row_cursor.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet->tablet_schema());
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        // Remove all dir.
-        tablet.reset();
-        _delete_handler.finalize();
-        StorageEngine::instance()->tablet_manager()->drop_tablet(
-                _create_tablet.tablet_id, _create_tablet.tablet_schema.schema_hash);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-    }
-    std::string _tablet_path;
-    RowCursor _data_row_cursor;
-    TabletSharedPtr tablet;
-    TCreateTabletReq _create_tablet;
-    DeleteHandler _delete_handler;
-    DeleteConditionHandler _delete_condition_handler;
-TEST_F(TestDeleteHandler, InitSuccess) {
-    OLAPStatus res;
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    // 往头文件中添加过滤条件
-    TCondition condition;
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = ">";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("3");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = "<=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("5");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred, 1);
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "!=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("3");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_2;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_2);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred_2, 2);
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = ">=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_3;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_3);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred_3, 3);
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = "!=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("3");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_4;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_4);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred_4, 4);
-    // 从header文件中取出版本号小于等于7的过滤条件
-    res = _delete_handler.init(tablet->tablet_schema(), tablet->delete_predicates(), 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, _delete_handler.conditions_num());
-    std::vector<int64_t> conds_version = _delete_handler.get_conds_version();
-    EXPECT_EQ(4, conds_version.size());
-    sort(conds_version.begin(), conds_version.end());
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, conds_version[0]);
-    EXPECT_EQ(2, conds_version[1]);
-    EXPECT_EQ(3, conds_version[2]);
-    EXPECT_EQ(4, conds_version[3]);
-    _delete_handler.finalize();
-// 测试一个过滤条件包含的子条件之间是and关系,
-// 即只有满足一条过滤条件包含的所有子条件,这条数据才会被过滤
-TEST_F(TestDeleteHandler, FilterDataSubconditions) {
-    OLAPStatus res;
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    // 往Header中添加过滤条件
-    // 过滤条件1
-    TCondition condition;
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = "!=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("4");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred, 1);
-    // 指定版本号为10以载入Header中的所有过滤条件(在这个case中,只有过滤条件1)
-    res = _delete_handler.init(tablet->tablet_schema(), tablet->delete_predicates(), 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _delete_handler.conditions_num());
-    // 构造一行测试数据
-    std::vector<string> data_str;
-    data_str.push_back("1");
-    data_str.push_back("6");
-    data_str.push_back("8");
-    data_str.push_back("-1");
-    data_str.push_back("16");
-    data_str.push_back("1.2");
-    data_str.push_back("2014-01-01");
-    data_str.push_back("2014-01-01 00:00:00");
-    data_str.push_back("YWFH");
-    data_str.push_back("YWFH==");
-    data_str.push_back("1");
-    OlapTuple tuple1(data_str);
-    res = _data_row_cursor.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_delete_handler.is_filter_data(1, _data_row_cursor));
-    // 构造一行测试数据
-    data_str[1] = "4";
-    OlapTuple tuple2(data_str);
-    res = _data_row_cursor.from_tuple(tuple2);
-    // 不满足子条件:k2!=4
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_delete_handler.is_filter_data(1, _data_row_cursor));
-    _delete_handler.finalize();
-// 测试多个过滤条件之间是or关系,
-// 即如果存在多个过滤条件,会一次检查数据是否符合这些过滤条件;只要有一个过滤条件符合,则过滤数据
-TEST_F(TestDeleteHandler, FilterDataConditions) {
-    OLAPStatus res;
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    // 往Header中添加过滤条件
-    // 过滤条件1
-    TCondition condition;
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = "!=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("4");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred, 1);
-    // 过滤条件2
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("3");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_2;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_2);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred_2, 2);
-    // 过滤条件3
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("5");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_3;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_3);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred_3, 3);
-    // 指定版本号为4以载入meta中的所有过滤条件(在这个case中,只有过滤条件1)
-    res = _delete_handler.init(tablet->tablet_schema(), tablet->delete_predicates(), 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, _delete_handler.conditions_num());
-    std::vector<string> data_str;
-    data_str.push_back("4");
-    data_str.push_back("5");
-    data_str.push_back("8");
-    data_str.push_back("-1");
-    data_str.push_back("16");
-    data_str.push_back("1.2");
-    data_str.push_back("2014-01-01");
-    data_str.push_back("2014-01-01 00:00:00");
-    data_str.push_back("YWFH");
-    data_str.push_back("YWFH==");
-    data_str.push_back("1");
-    OlapTuple tuple(data_str);
-    res = _data_row_cursor.from_tuple(tuple);
-    // 这行数据会因为过滤条件3而被过滤
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_delete_handler.is_filter_data(3, _data_row_cursor));
-    _delete_handler.finalize();
-// 测试在过滤时,版本号小于数据版本的过滤条件将不起作用
-TEST_F(TestDeleteHandler, FilterDataVersion) {
-    OLAPStatus res;
-    std::vector<TCondition> conditions;
-    // 往Header中添加过滤条件
-    // 过滤条件1
-    TCondition condition;
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("1");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    condition.column_name = "k2";
-    condition.condition_op = "!=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("4");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred, 3);
-    // 过滤条件2
-    conditions.clear();
-    condition.column_name = "k1";
-    condition.condition_op = "=";
-    condition.condition_values.clear();
-    condition.condition_values.push_back("3");
-    conditions.push_back(condition);
-    DeletePredicatePB del_pred_2;
-    res = _delete_condition_handler.generate_delete_predicate(tablet->tablet_schema(), conditions,
-                                                              &del_pred_2);
-    tablet->add_delete_predicate(del_pred_2, 4);
-    // 指定版本号为4以载入meta中的所有过滤条件(过滤条件1,过滤条件2)
-    res = _delete_handler.init(tablet->tablet_schema(), tablet->delete_predicates(), 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, _delete_handler.conditions_num());
-    // 构造一行测试数据
-    std::vector<string> data_str;
-    data_str.push_back("1");
-    data_str.push_back("6");
-    data_str.push_back("8");
-    data_str.push_back("-1");
-    data_str.push_back("16");
-    data_str.push_back("1.2");
-    data_str.push_back("2014-01-01");
-    data_str.push_back("2014-01-01 00:00:00");
-    data_str.push_back("YWFH");
-    data_str.push_back("YWFH==");
-    data_str.push_back("1");
-    OlapTuple tuple(data_str);
-    res = _data_row_cursor.from_tuple(tuple);
-    // 如果数据版本小于3,则过滤条件1生效,这条数据被过滤
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_delete_handler.is_filter_data(2, _data_row_cursor));
-    // 如果数据版本大于3,则过滤条件1会被跳过
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_delete_handler.is_filter_data(4, _data_row_cursor));
-    _delete_handler.finalize();
-}  // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::set_up();
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    doris::tear_down();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/delta_writer_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/delta_writer_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ff0b7..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/delta_writer_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/delta_writer.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/options.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "olap/tablet.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_meta_manager.h"
-#include "olap/utils.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptor_helper.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-// This is DeltaWriter unit test which used by streaming load.
-// And also it should take schema change into account after streaming load.
-static const uint32_t MAX_RETRY_TIMES = 10;
-static const uint32_t MAX_PATH_LEN = 1024;
-StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> k_mem_tracker = nullptr;
-void set_up() {
-    char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-    getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-    config::storage_root_path = std::string(buffer) + "/data_test";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-    FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path);
-    std::vector<StorePath> paths;
-    paths.emplace_back(config::storage_root_path, -1);
-    doris::EngineOptions options;
-    options.store_paths = paths;
-    Status s = doris::StorageEngine::open(options, &k_engine);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-    ExecEnv* exec_env = doris::ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-    exec_env->set_storage_engine(k_engine);
-    k_engine->start_bg_threads();
-    k_mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1, "delta writer test"));
-void tear_down() {
-    if (k_engine != nullptr) {
-        k_engine->stop();
-        delete k_engine;
-        k_engine = nullptr;
-    }
-    system("rm -rf ./data_test");
-    FileUtils::remove_all(std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + UNUSED_PREFIX);
-void create_tablet_request(int64_t tablet_id, int32_t schema_hash, TCreateTabletReq* request) {
-    request->tablet_id = tablet_id;
-    request->__set_version(1);
-    request->__set_version_hash(0);
-    request->tablet_schema.schema_hash = schema_hash;
-    request->tablet_schema.short_key_column_count = 6;
-    request->tablet_schema.keys_type = TKeysType::AGG_KEYS;
-    request->tablet_schema.storage_type = TStorageType::COLUMN;
-    TColumn k1;
-    k1.column_name = "k1";
-    k1.__set_is_key(true);
-    k1.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::TINYINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k1);
-    TColumn k2;
-    k2.column_name = "k2";
-    k2.__set_is_key(true);
-    k2.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k2);
-    TColumn k3;
-    k3.column_name = "k3";
-    k3.__set_is_key(true);
-    k3.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k3);
-    TColumn k4;
-    k4.column_name = "k4";
-    k4.__set_is_key(true);
-    k4.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k4);
-    TColumn k5;
-    k5.column_name = "k5";
-    k5.__set_is_key(true);
-    k5.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::LARGEINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k5);
-    TColumn k6;
-    k6.column_name = "k6";
-    k6.__set_is_key(true);
-    k6.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATE;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k6);
-    TColumn k7;
-    k7.column_name = "k7";
-    k7.__set_is_key(true);
-    k7.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATETIME;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k7);
-    TColumn k8;
-    k8.column_name = "k8";
-    k8.__set_is_key(true);
-    k8.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::CHAR;
-    k8.column_type.__set_len(4);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k8);
-    TColumn k9;
-    k9.column_name = "k9";
-    k9.__set_is_key(true);
-    k9.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR;
-    k9.column_type.__set_len(65);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k9);
-    TColumn k10;
-    k10.column_name = "k10";
-    k10.__set_is_key(true);
-    k10.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL;
-    k10.column_type.__set_precision(6);
-    k10.column_type.__set_scale(3);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k10);
-    TColumn v1;
-    v1.column_name = "v1";
-    v1.__set_is_key(false);
-    v1.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::TINYINT;
-    v1.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v1);
-    TColumn v2;
-    v2.column_name = "v2";
-    v2.__set_is_key(false);
-    v2.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT;
-    v2.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v2);
-    TColumn v3;
-    v3.column_name = "v3";
-    v3.__set_is_key(false);
-    v3.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-    v3.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v3);
-    TColumn v4;
-    v4.column_name = "v4";
-    v4.__set_is_key(false);
-    v4.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-    v4.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v4);
-    TColumn v5;
-    v5.column_name = "v5";
-    v5.__set_is_key(false);
-    v5.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::LARGEINT;
-    v5.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v5);
-    TColumn v6;
-    v6.column_name = "v6";
-    v6.__set_is_key(false);
-    v6.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATE;
-    v6.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v6);
-    TColumn v7;
-    v7.column_name = "v7";
-    v7.__set_is_key(false);
-    v7.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATETIME;
-    v7.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v7);
-    TColumn v8;
-    v8.column_name = "v8";
-    v8.__set_is_key(false);
-    v8.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::CHAR;
-    v8.column_type.__set_len(4);
-    v8.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v8);
-    TColumn v9;
-    v9.column_name = "v9";
-    v9.__set_is_key(false);
-    v9.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR;
-    v9.column_type.__set_len(65);
-    v9.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v9);
-    TColumn v10;
-    v10.column_name = "v10";
-    v10.__set_is_key(false);
-    v10.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL;
-    v10.column_type.__set_precision(6);
-    v10.column_type.__set_scale(3);
-    v10.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v10);
-void create_tablet_request_with_sequence_col(int64_t tablet_id, int32_t schema_hash,
-                                             TCreateTabletReq* request) {
-    request->tablet_id = tablet_id;
-    request->__set_version(1);
-    request->__set_version_hash(0);
-    request->tablet_schema.schema_hash = schema_hash;
-    request->tablet_schema.short_key_column_count = 2;
-    request->tablet_schema.keys_type = TKeysType::UNIQUE_KEYS;
-    request->tablet_schema.storage_type = TStorageType::COLUMN;
-    request->tablet_schema.__set_sequence_col_idx(2);
-    TColumn k1;
-    k1.column_name = "k1";
-    k1.__set_is_key(true);
-    k1.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::TINYINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k1);
-    TColumn k2;
-    k2.column_name = "k2";
-    k2.__set_is_key(true);
-    k2.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT;
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(k2);
-    TColumn sequence_col;
-    sequence_col.column_name = SEQUENCE_COL;
-    sequence_col.__set_is_key(false);
-    sequence_col.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-    sequence_col.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(sequence_col);
-    TColumn v1;
-    v1.column_name = "v1";
-    v1.__set_is_key(false);
-    v1.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::DATETIME;
-    v1.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    request->tablet_schema.columns.push_back(v1);
-TDescriptorTable create_descriptor_tablet() {
-    TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder tuple_builder;
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_TINYINT).column_name("k1").column_pos(0).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_SMALLINT).column_name("k2").column_pos(1).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_INT).column_name("k3").column_pos(2).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_BIGINT).column_name("k4").column_pos(3).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_LARGEINT).column_name("k5").column_pos(4).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_DATE).column_name("k6").column_pos(5).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_DATETIME).column_name("k7").column_pos(6).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().string_type(4).column_name("k8").column_pos(7).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().string_type(65).column_name("k9").column_pos(8).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().decimal_type(6, 3).column_name("k10").column_pos(9).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_TINYINT).column_name("v1").column_pos(10).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_SMALLINT).column_name("v2").column_pos(11).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_INT).column_name("v3").column_pos(12).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_BIGINT).column_name("v4").column_pos(13).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_LARGEINT).column_name("v5").column_pos(14).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_DATE).column_name("v6").column_pos(15).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_DATETIME).column_name("v7").column_pos(16).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().string_type(4).column_name("v8").column_pos(17).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().string_type(65).column_name("v9").column_pos(18).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().decimal_type(6, 3).column_name("v10").column_pos(19).build());
-    tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    return dtb.desc_tbl();
-TDescriptorTable create_descriptor_tablet_with_sequence_col() {
-    TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder tuple_builder;
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_TINYINT).column_name("k1").column_pos(0).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_SMALLINT).column_name("k2").column_pos(1).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(TSlotDescriptorBuilder()
-                                   .type(TYPE_INT)
-                                   .column_name(SEQUENCE_COL)
-                                   .column_pos(2)
-                                   .build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_DATETIME).column_name("v1").column_pos(3).build());
-    tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    return dtb.desc_tbl();
-class TestDeltaWriter : public ::testing::Test {
-    TestDeltaWriter() {}
-    ~TestDeltaWriter() {}
-    void SetUp() {
-        // Create local data dir for StorageEngine.
-        std::cout << "setup" << std::endl;
-    }
-    void TearDown() {
-        // Remove all dir.
-        std::cout << "tear down" << std::endl;
-        //doris::tear_down();
-        //ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, remove_all_dir(config::storage_root_path));
-    }
-TEST_F(TestDeltaWriter, open) {
-    TCreateTabletReq request;
-    create_tablet_request(10003, 270068375, &request);
-    OLAPStatus res = k_engine->create_tablet(request);
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_tablet();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(0);
-    load_id.set_lo(0);
-    WriteRequest write_req = {10003, 270068375, WriteType::LOAD, 20001,
-                              30001, load_id,   false,           tuple_desc};
-    DeltaWriter* delta_writer = nullptr;
-    DeltaWriter::open(&write_req, k_mem_tracker, &delta_writer);
-    ASSERT_NE(delta_writer, nullptr);
-    res = delta_writer->close();
-    res = delta_writer->close_wait(nullptr);
-    SAFE_DELETE(delta_writer);
-    TDropTabletReq drop_request;
-    auto tablet_id = 10003;
-    auto schema_hash = 270068375;
-    res = k_engine->tablet_manager()->drop_tablet(tablet_id, schema_hash);
-TEST_F(TestDeltaWriter, write) {
-    TCreateTabletReq request;
-    create_tablet_request(10004, 270068376, &request);
-    OLAPStatus res = k_engine->create_tablet(request);
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_tablet();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    const std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>& slots = tuple_desc->slots();
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(0);
-    load_id.set_lo(0);
-    WriteRequest write_req = {10004, 270068376,  WriteType::LOAD,       20002, 30002, load_id,
-                              false, tuple_desc, &(tuple_desc->slots())};
-    DeltaWriter* delta_writer = nullptr;
-    DeltaWriter::open(&write_req, k_mem_tracker, &delta_writer);
-    ASSERT_NE(delta_writer, nullptr);
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-    // Tuple 1
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(pool.allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size()));
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *(int8_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[0]->tuple_offset())) = -127;
-        *(int16_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[1]->tuple_offset())) = -32767;
-        *(int32_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[2]->tuple_offset())) = -2147483647;
-        *(int64_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[3]->tuple_offset())) = -9223372036854775807L;
-        int128_t large_int_value = -90000;
-        memcpy(tuple->get_slot(slots[4]->tuple_offset()), &large_int_value, sizeof(int128_t));
-        ((DateTimeValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[5]->tuple_offset())))
-                ->from_date_str("2048-11-10", 10);
-        ((DateTimeValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[6]->tuple_offset())))
-                ->from_date_str("2636-08-16 19:39:43", 19);
-        StringValue* char_ptr = (StringValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[7]->tuple_offset()));
-        char_ptr->ptr = (char*)pool.allocate(4);
-        memcpy(char_ptr->ptr, "abcd", 4);
-        char_ptr->len = 4;
-        StringValue* var_ptr = (StringValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[8]->tuple_offset()));
-        var_ptr->ptr = (char*)pool.allocate(5);
-        memcpy(var_ptr->ptr, "abcde", 5);
-        var_ptr->len = 5;
-        DecimalValue decimal_value(1.1);
-        *(DecimalValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[9]->tuple_offset())) = decimal_value;
-        *(int8_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[10]->tuple_offset())) = -127;
-        *(int16_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[11]->tuple_offset())) = -32767;
-        *(int32_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[12]->tuple_offset())) = -2147483647;
-        *(int64_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[13]->tuple_offset())) = -9223372036854775807L;
-        memcpy(tuple->get_slot(slots[14]->tuple_offset()), &large_int_value, sizeof(int128_t));
-        ((DateTimeValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[15]->tuple_offset())))
-                ->from_date_str("2048-11-10", 10);
-        ((DateTimeValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[16]->tuple_offset())))
-                ->from_date_str("2636-08-16 19:39:43", 19);
-        char_ptr = (StringValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[17]->tuple_offset()));
-        char_ptr->ptr = (char*)pool.allocate(4);
-        memcpy(char_ptr->ptr, "abcd", 4);
-        char_ptr->len = 4;
-        var_ptr = (StringValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[18]->tuple_offset()));
-        var_ptr->ptr = (char*)pool.allocate(5);
-        memcpy(var_ptr->ptr, "abcde", 5);
-        var_ptr->len = 5;
-        DecimalValue val_decimal(1.1);
-        *(DecimalValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[19]->tuple_offset())) = val_decimal;
-        res = delta_writer->write(tuple);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-    }
-    res = delta_writer->close();
-    res = delta_writer->close_wait(nullptr);
-    // publish version success
-    TabletSharedPtr tablet =
-            k_engine->tablet_manager()->get_tablet(write_req.tablet_id, write_req.schema_hash);
-    std::cout << "before publish, tablet row nums:" << tablet->num_rows() << std::endl;
-    OlapMeta* meta = tablet->data_dir()->get_meta();
-    Version version;
-    version.first = tablet->rowset_with_max_version()->end_version() + 1;
-    version.second = tablet->rowset_with_max_version()->end_version() + 1;
-    std::cout << "start to add rowset version:" << version.first << "-" << version.second
-              << std::endl;
-    VersionHash version_hash = 2;
-    std::map<TabletInfo, RowsetSharedPtr> tablet_related_rs;
-    StorageEngine::instance()->txn_manager()->get_txn_related_tablets(
-            write_req.txn_id, write_req.partition_id, &tablet_related_rs);
-    for (auto& tablet_rs : tablet_related_rs) {
-        std::cout << "start to publish txn" << std::endl;
-        RowsetSharedPtr rowset = tablet_rs.second;
-        res = k_engine->txn_manager()->publish_txn(
-                meta, write_req.partition_id, write_req.txn_id, write_req.tablet_id,
-                write_req.schema_hash, tablet_rs.first.tablet_uid, version, version_hash);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-        std::cout << "start to add inc rowset:" << rowset->rowset_id()
-                  << ", num rows:" << rowset->num_rows() << ", version:" << rowset->version().first
-                  << "-" << rowset->version().second << ", version_hash:" << rowset->version_hash()
-                  << std::endl;
-        res = tablet->add_inc_rowset(rowset);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tablet->num_rows());
-    auto tablet_id = 10003;
-    auto schema_hash = 270068375;
-    res = k_engine->tablet_manager()->drop_tablet(tablet_id, schema_hash);
-    delete delta_writer;
-TEST_F(TestDeltaWriter, sequence_col) {
-    TCreateTabletReq request;
-    create_tablet_request_with_sequence_col(10005, 270068377, &request);
-    OLAPStatus res = k_engine->create_tablet(request);
-    TDescriptorTable tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_tablet_with_sequence_col();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    const std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>& slots = tuple_desc->slots();
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(0);
-    load_id.set_lo(0);
-    WriteRequest write_req = {10005, 270068377,  WriteType::LOAD,       20003, 30003, load_id,
-                              false, tuple_desc, &(tuple_desc->slots())};
-    DeltaWriter* delta_writer = nullptr;
-    DeltaWriter::open(&write_req, k_mem_tracker, &delta_writer);
-    ASSERT_NE(delta_writer, nullptr);
-    MemTracker tracker;
-    MemPool pool(&tracker);
-    // Tuple 1
-    {
-        Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(pool.allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size()));
-        memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-        *(int8_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[0]->tuple_offset())) = 123;
-        *(int16_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[1]->tuple_offset())) = 456;
-        *(int32_t*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[2]->tuple_offset())) = 1;
-        ((DateTimeValue*)(tuple->get_slot(slots[3]->tuple_offset())))
-                ->from_date_str("2020-07-16 19:39:43", 19);
-        res = delta_writer->write(tuple);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-    }
-    res = delta_writer->close();
-    res = delta_writer->close_wait(nullptr);
-    // publish version success
-    TabletSharedPtr tablet =
-            k_engine->tablet_manager()->get_tablet(write_req.tablet_id, write_req.schema_hash);
-    std::cout << "before publish, tablet row nums:" << tablet->num_rows() << std::endl;
-    OlapMeta* meta = tablet->data_dir()->get_meta();
-    Version version;
-    version.first = tablet->rowset_with_max_version()->end_version() + 1;
-    version.second = tablet->rowset_with_max_version()->end_version() + 1;
-    std::cout << "start to add rowset version:" << version.first << "-" << version.second
-              << std::endl;
-    VersionHash version_hash = 2;
-    std::map<TabletInfo, RowsetSharedPtr> tablet_related_rs;
-    StorageEngine::instance()->txn_manager()->get_txn_related_tablets(
-            write_req.txn_id, write_req.partition_id, &tablet_related_rs);
-    for (auto& tablet_rs : tablet_related_rs) {
-        std::cout << "start to publish txn" << std::endl;
-        RowsetSharedPtr rowset = tablet_rs.second;
-        res = k_engine->txn_manager()->publish_txn(
-                meta, write_req.partition_id, write_req.txn_id, write_req.tablet_id,
-                write_req.schema_hash, tablet_rs.first.tablet_uid, version, version_hash);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-        std::cout << "start to add inc rowset:" << rowset->rowset_id()
-                  << ", num rows:" << rowset->num_rows() << ", version:" << rowset->version().first
-                  << "-" << rowset->version().second << ", version_hash:" << rowset->version_hash()
-                  << std::endl;
-        res = tablet->add_inc_rowset(rowset);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, res);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tablet->num_rows());
-    auto tablet_id = 10005;
-    auto schema_hash = 270068377;
-    res = k_engine->tablet_manager()->drop_tablet(tablet_id, schema_hash);
-    delete delta_writer;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::set_up();
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    doris::tear_down();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/file_helper_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/file_helper_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e22bdc1..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/file_helper_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/file_helper.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "agent/status.h"
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class FileHandlerTest : public testing::Test {
-    // create a mock cgroup folder
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        ASSERT_FALSE(boost::filesystem::exists(_s_test_data_path));
-        // create a mock cgroup path
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(_s_test_data_path));
-    }
-    // delete the mock cgroup folder
-    virtual void TearDown() { ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all(_s_test_data_path)); }
-    static std::string _s_test_data_path;
-std::string FileHandlerTest::_s_test_data_path = "./log/file_handler_testxxxx123";
-TEST_F(FileHandlerTest, TestWrite) {
-    FileHandler file_handler;
-    std::string file_name = _s_test_data_path + "/abcd123.txt";
-    // create a file using open
-    ASSERT_FALSE(boost::filesystem::exists(file_name));
-    OLAPStatus op_status =
-            file_handler.open_with_mode(file_name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAPStatus::OLAP_SUCCESS, op_status);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::exists(file_name));
-    // tell current offset
-    off_t cur_offset = file_handler.tell();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, cur_offset);
-    off_t length = file_handler.length();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, length);
-    // seek to 10 and test offset
-    off_t res = file_handler.seek(10, SEEK_SET);
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, res);
-    length = file_handler.length();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, length);
-    cur_offset = file_handler.tell();
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, cur_offset);
-    // write 12 bytes to disk
-    char* ten_bytes[12];
-    memset(ten_bytes, 0, sizeof(char) * 12);
-    file_handler.write(ten_bytes, 12);
-    cur_offset = file_handler.tell();
-    ASSERT_EQ(22, cur_offset);
-    length = file_handler.length();
-    ASSERT_EQ(22, length);
-    char* large_bytes2[(1 << 10)];
-    memset(large_bytes2, 0, sizeof(char) * ((1 << 12)));
-    int i = 1;
-    while (i < LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1 << 10, 1 << 17)) {
-        file_handler.write(large_bytes2, ((1 << 12)));
-        ++i;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/file_utils_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/file_utils_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 191cefb..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/file_utils_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-#include "agent/status.h"
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "olap/file_helper.h"
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class FileUtilsTest : public testing::Test {
-    // create a mock cgroup folder
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        ASSERT_FALSE(boost::filesystem::exists(_s_test_data_path));
-        // create a mock cgroup path
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(_s_test_data_path));
-    }
-    // delete the mock cgroup folder
-    virtual void TearDown() { ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all(_s_test_data_path)); }
-    static std::string _s_test_data_path;
-std::string FileUtilsTest::_s_test_data_path = "./file_utils_testxxxx123";
-TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, TestCopyFile) {
-    FileHandler src_file_handler;
-    std::string src_file_name = _s_test_data_path + "/abcd12345.txt";
-    // create a file using open
-    ASSERT_FALSE(boost::filesystem::exists(src_file_name));
-    OLAPStatus op_status = src_file_handler.open_with_mode(
-            src_file_name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAPStatus::OLAP_SUCCESS, op_status);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::exists(src_file_name));
-    char* large_bytes2[(1 << 12)];
-    memset(large_bytes2, 0, sizeof(char) * ((1 << 12)));
-    int i = 0;
-    while (i < 1 << 10) {
-        src_file_handler.write(large_bytes2, ((1 << 12)));
-        ++i;
-    }
-    src_file_handler.write(large_bytes2, 13);
-    src_file_handler.close();
-    std::string dst_file_name = _s_test_data_path + "/abcd123456.txt";
-    FileUtils::copy_file(src_file_name, dst_file_name);
-    FileHandler dst_file_handler;
-    dst_file_handler.open(dst_file_name, O_RDONLY);
-    int64_t dst_length = dst_file_handler.length();
-    int64_t src_length = 4194317;
-    ASSERT_EQ(src_length, dst_length);
-TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, TestRemove) {
-    // remove_all
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test").ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/123/456/789").ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/abc/def/zxc").ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/abc/123").ok());
-    boost::filesystem::save_string_file("./file_test/s1", "123");
-    boost::filesystem::save_string_file("./file_test/123/s2", "123");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test").ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test"));
-    // remove
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/abc/123").ok());
-    boost::filesystem::save_string_file("./file_test/abc/123/s2", "123");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::remove("./file_test").ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::remove("./file_test/abc/").ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::remove("./file_test/abc/123").ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/abc/123/s2"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove("./file_test/abc/123/s2").ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/abc/123/s2"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/abc/123"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove("./file_test/abc/123/").ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/abc/123"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test").ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test"));
-    // remove paths
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/123/456/789").ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/abc/def/zxc").ok());
-    boost::filesystem::save_string_file("./file_test/s1", "123");
-    boost::filesystem::save_string_file("./file_test/s2", "123");
-    std::vector<std::string> ps;
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/123/456/789");
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/123/456");
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/123");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/123"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_paths(ps).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/123"));
-    ps.clear();
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/s1");
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/abc/def");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::remove_paths(ps).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/s1"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/abc/def/"));
-    ps.clear();
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/abc/def/zxc");
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/s2");
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/abc/def");
-    ps.push_back("./file_test/abc");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_paths(ps).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/s2"));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist("./file_test/abc"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test").ok());
-TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, TestCreateDir) {
-    // normal
-    std::string path = "./file_test/123/456/789";
-    FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist(path));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(path).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(path));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test/123"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test/123/456"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test/123/456/789"));
-    FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test");
-    // normal
-    path = "./file_test/123/456/789/";
-    FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::check_exist(path));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(path).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(path));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test/123"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test/123/456"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test/123/456/789"));
-    FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test");
-    // absolute path;
-    std::string real_path;
-    Env::Default()->canonicalize(".", &real_path);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(real_path + "/file_test/absolute/path/123/asdf").ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir("./file_test/absolute/path/123/asdf"));
-    FileUtils::remove_all("./file_test");
-TEST_F(FileUtilsTest, TestListDirsFiles) {
-    std::string path = "./file_test/";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(path);
-    FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/1");
-    FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/2");
-    FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/3");
-    FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/4");
-    FileUtils::create_dir("./file_test/5");
-    std::set<string> dirs;
-    std::set<string> files;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::list_dirs_files("./file_test", &dirs, &files, Env::Default()).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, dirs.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, files.size());
-    dirs.clear();
-    files.clear();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::list_dirs_files("./file_test", &dirs, nullptr, Env::Default()).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, dirs.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, files.size());
-    boost::filesystem::save_string_file("./file_test/f1", "just test");
-    boost::filesystem::save_string_file("./file_test/f2", "just test");
-    boost::filesystem::save_string_file("./file_test/f3", "just test");
-    dirs.clear();
-    files.clear();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::list_dirs_files("./file_test", &dirs, &files, Env::Default()).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, dirs.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, files.size());
-    dirs.clear();
-    files.clear();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::list_dirs_files("./file_test", nullptr, &files, Env::Default()).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, dirs.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, files.size());
-    FileUtils::remove_all(path);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/fs/file_block_manager_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/fs/file_block_manager_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 65cecec..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/fs/file_block_manager_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/fs/file_block_manager.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/slice.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class FileBlockManagerTest : public testing::Test {
-    const std::string kBlockManagerDir = "./ut_dir/file_block_manager";
-    void SetUp() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kBlockManagerDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kBlockManagerDir).ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(kBlockManagerDir).ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kBlockManagerDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kBlockManagerDir).ok());
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(FileBlockManagerTest, NormalTest) {
-    fs::BlockManagerOptions bm_opts;
-    bm_opts.read_only = false;
-    bm_opts.enable_metric = false;
-    Env* env = Env::Default();
-    std::unique_ptr<fs::FileBlockManager> fbm(new fs::FileBlockManager(env, std::move(bm_opts)));
-    std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-    std::string fname = kBlockManagerDir + "/test_file";
-    fs::CreateBlockOptions wblock_opts({fname});
-    Status st = fbm->create_block(wblock_opts, &wblock);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.get_error_msg();
-    std::string data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-    wblock->append(data);
-    wblock->close();
-    std::unique_ptr<fs::ReadableBlock> rblock;
-    st = fbm->open_block(fname, &rblock);
-    uint64_t file_size = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rblock->size(&file_size).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(data.size(), file_size);
-    std::string read_buff(data.size(), 'a');
-    Slice read_slice(read_buff);
-    rblock->read(0, read_slice);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, read_buff);
-    rblock->close();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/generic_iterators_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/generic_iterators_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d8bce89..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/generic_iterators_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/generic_iterators.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/row_block2.h"
-#include "olap/schema.h"
-#include "util/slice.h"
-namespace doris {
-class GenericIteratorsTest : public testing::Test {
-    GenericIteratorsTest() {}
-    virtual ~GenericIteratorsTest() {}
-Schema create_schema() {
-    std::vector<TabletColumn> col_schemas;
-    col_schemas.emplace_back(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT, true);
-    // c2: int
-    col_schemas.emplace_back(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true);
-    // c3: big int
-    col_schemas.emplace_back(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_SUM, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT, true);
-    Schema schema(col_schemas, 2);
-    return schema;
-TEST(GenericIteratorsTest, AutoIncrement) {
-    auto schema = create_schema();
-    auto iter = new_auto_increment_iterator(schema, 500);
-    StorageReadOptions opts;
-    auto st = iter->init(opts);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    RowBlockV2 block(schema, 128);
-    size_t row_count = 0;
-    do {
-        block.clear();
-        st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-        for (int i = 0; i < block.num_rows(); ++i) {
-            auto row = block.row(i);
-            ASSERT_EQ(row_count, *(int16_t*)row.cell_ptr(0));
-            ASSERT_EQ(row_count + 1, *(int32_t*)row.cell_ptr(1));
-            ASSERT_EQ(row_count + 2, *(int64_t*)row.cell_ptr(2));
-            row_count++;
-        }
-    } while (st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_end_of_file());
-    ASSERT_EQ(500, row_count);
-    delete iter;
-TEST(GenericIteratorsTest, Union) {
-    auto schema = create_schema();
-    std::vector<RowwiseIterator*> inputs;
-    inputs.push_back(new_auto_increment_iterator(schema, 100));
-    inputs.push_back(new_auto_increment_iterator(schema, 200));
-    inputs.push_back(new_auto_increment_iterator(schema, 300));
-    auto iter = new_union_iterator(std::move(inputs));
-    StorageReadOptions opts;
-    auto st = iter->init(opts);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    RowBlockV2 block(schema, 128);
-    size_t row_count = 0;
-    do {
-        block.clear();
-        st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-        for (int i = 0; i < block.num_rows(); ++i) {
-            size_t base_value = row_count;
-            if (row_count >= 300) {
-                base_value -= 300;
-            } else if (row_count >= 100) {
-                base_value -= 100;
-            }
-            auto row = block.row(i);
-            ASSERT_EQ(base_value, *(int16_t*)row.cell_ptr(0));
-            ASSERT_EQ(base_value + 1, *(int32_t*)row.cell_ptr(1));
-            ASSERT_EQ(base_value + 2, *(int64_t*)row.cell_ptr(2));
-            row_count++;
-        }
-    } while (st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_end_of_file());
-    ASSERT_EQ(600, row_count);
-    delete iter;
-TEST(GenericIteratorsTest, Merge) {
-    auto schema = create_schema();
-    std::vector<RowwiseIterator*> inputs;
-    inputs.push_back(new_auto_increment_iterator(schema, 100));
-    inputs.push_back(new_auto_increment_iterator(schema, 200));
-    inputs.push_back(new_auto_increment_iterator(schema, 300));
-    auto iter = new_merge_iterator(std::move(inputs));
-    StorageReadOptions opts;
-    auto st = iter->init(opts);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    RowBlockV2 block(schema, 128);
-    size_t row_count = 0;
-    do {
-        block.clear();
-        st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-        for (int i = 0; i < block.num_rows(); ++i) {
-            size_t base_value = 0;
-            // 100 * 3, 200 * 2, 300
-            if (row_count < 300) {
-                base_value = row_count / 3;
-            } else if (row_count < 500) {
-                base_value = (row_count - 300) / 2 + 100;
-            } else {
-                base_value = row_count - 300;
-            }
-            auto row = block.row(i);
-            ASSERT_EQ(base_value, *(int16_t*)row.cell_ptr(0));
-            ASSERT_EQ(base_value + 1, *(int32_t*)row.cell_ptr(1));
-            ASSERT_EQ(base_value + 2, *(int64_t*)row.cell_ptr(2));
-            row_count++;
-        }
-    } while (st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_end_of_file());
-    ASSERT_EQ(600, row_count);
-    delete iter;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/hll_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/hll_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f1572e..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/hll_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/hll.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "util/hash_util.hpp"
-#include "util/slice.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TestHll : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~TestHll() {}
-static uint64_t hash(uint64_t value) {
-    return HashUtil::murmur_hash64A(&value, 8, 0);
-//  keep logic same with java version in fe when you change hll_test.cpp,see HllTest.java
-TEST_F(TestHll, Normal) {
-    uint8_t buf[HLL_REGISTERS_COUNT + 1];
-    // empty
-    {
-        Slice str((char*)buf, 0);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-    }
-    // check unknown type
-    {
-        buf[0] = 60;
-        Slice str((char*)buf, 1);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-    }
-    // empty
-    {
-        HyperLogLog empty_hll;
-        int len = empty_hll.serialize(buf);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, len);
-        HyperLogLog test_hll(Slice((char*)buf, len));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, test_hll.estimate_cardinality());
-        // check serialize
-        {
-            Slice str((char*)buf, len);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-        }
-        {
-            Slice str((char*)buf, len + 1);
-            ASSERT_FALSE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-        }
-    }
-    // explicit [0. 100)
-    HyperLogLog explicit_hll;
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-            explicit_hll.update(hash(i));
-        }
-        int len = explicit_hll.serialize(buf);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1 + 1 + 100 * 8, len);
-        // check serialize
-        {
-            Slice str((char*)buf, len);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-        }
-        {
-            Slice str((char*)buf, 1);
-            ASSERT_FALSE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-        }
-        HyperLogLog test_hll(Slice((char*)buf, len));
-        test_hll.update(hash(0));
-        {
-            HyperLogLog other_hll;
-            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-                other_hll.update(hash(i));
-            }
-            test_hll.merge(other_hll);
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, test_hll.estimate_cardinality());
-    }
-    // sparse [1024, 2048)
-    HyperLogLog sparse_hll;
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-            sparse_hll.update(hash(i + 1024));
-        }
-        int len = sparse_hll.serialize(buf);
-        // check serialize
-        {
-            Slice str((char*)buf, len);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-        }
-        {
-            Slice str((char*)buf, 1 + 3);
-            ASSERT_FALSE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-        }
-        HyperLogLog test_hll(Slice((char*)buf, len));
-        test_hll.update(hash(1024));
-        {
-            HyperLogLog other_hll;
-            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-                other_hll.update(hash(i + 1024));
-            }
-            test_hll.merge(other_hll);
-        }
-        auto cardinality = test_hll.estimate_cardinality();
-        ASSERT_EQ(sparse_hll.estimate_cardinality(), cardinality);
-        // 2% error rate
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cardinality > 1000 && cardinality < 1045);
-    }
-    // full [64 * 1024, 128 * 1024)
-    HyperLogLog full_hll;
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 64 * 1024; ++i) {
-            full_hll.update(hash(64 * 1024 + i));
-        }
-        int len = full_hll.serialize(buf);
-        // check serialize
-        {
-            Slice str((char*)buf, len);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-        }
-        {
-            Slice str((char*)buf, len + 1);
-            ASSERT_FALSE(HyperLogLog::is_valid(str));
-        }
-        HyperLogLog test_hll(Slice((char*)buf, len));
-        auto cardinality = test_hll.estimate_cardinality();
-        ASSERT_EQ(full_hll.estimate_cardinality(), cardinality);
-        // 2% error rate
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cardinality > 62 * 1024 && cardinality < 66 * 1024);
-    }
-    // merge explicit to empty_hll
-    {
-        HyperLogLog new_explicit_hll;
-        new_explicit_hll.merge(explicit_hll);
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, new_explicit_hll.estimate_cardinality());
-        // merge another explicit
-        {
-            HyperLogLog other_hll;
-            for (int i = 100; i < 200; ++i) {
-                other_hll.update(hash(i));
-            }
-            // this is converted to full
-            other_hll.merge(new_explicit_hll);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(other_hll.estimate_cardinality() > 190);
-        }
-        // merge full
-        {
-            new_explicit_hll.merge(full_hll);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(new_explicit_hll.estimate_cardinality() > full_hll.estimate_cardinality());
-        }
-    }
-    // merge sparse to empty_hll
-    {
-        HyperLogLog new_sparse_hll;
-        new_sparse_hll.merge(sparse_hll);
-        ASSERT_EQ(sparse_hll.estimate_cardinality(), new_sparse_hll.estimate_cardinality());
-        // merge explicit
-        new_sparse_hll.merge(explicit_hll);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(new_sparse_hll.estimate_cardinality() > sparse_hll.estimate_cardinality());
-        // merge full
-        new_sparse_hll.merge(full_hll);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(new_sparse_hll.estimate_cardinality() > full_hll.estimate_cardinality());
-    }
-TEST_F(TestHll, InvalidPtr) {
-    {
-        HyperLogLog hll(Slice((char*)nullptr, 0));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, hll.estimate_cardinality());
-    }
-    {
-        uint8_t buf[64] = {60};
-        HyperLogLog hll(Slice(buf, 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, hll.estimate_cardinality());
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/in_list_predicate_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/in_list_predicate_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b57152b..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/in_list_predicate_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1011 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/in_list_predicate.h"
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "olap/column_predicate.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/row_block2.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.hpp"
-#include "runtime/vectorized_row_batch.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace datetime {
-static uint24_t timestamp_from_date(const char* date_string) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d", &time_tm);
-    int value = (time_tm.tm_year + 1900) * 16 * 32 + (time_tm.tm_mon + 1) * 32 + time_tm.tm_mday;
-    return uint24_t(value);
-static uint64_t timestamp_from_datetime(const std::string& value_string) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    strptime(value_string.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &time_tm);
-    uint64_t value =
-            ((time_tm.tm_year + 1900) * 10000L + (time_tm.tm_mon + 1) * 100L + time_tm.tm_mday) *
-                    1000000L +
-            time_tm.tm_hour * 10000L + time_tm.tm_min * 100L + time_tm.tm_sec;
-    return value;
-static std::string to_date_string(uint24_t& date_value) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    int value = date_value;
-    memset(&time_tm, 0, sizeof(time_tm));
-    time_tm.tm_mday = static_cast<int>(value & 31);
-    time_tm.tm_mon = static_cast<int>(value >> 5 & 15) - 1;
-    time_tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>(value >> 9) - 1900;
-    char buf[20] = {'\0'};
-    strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d", &time_tm);
-    return std::string(buf);
-static std::string to_datetime_string(uint64_t& datetime_value) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    int64_t part1 = (datetime_value / 1000000L);
-    int64_t part2 = (datetime_value - part1 * 1000000L);
-    time_tm.tm_year = static_cast<int>((part1 / 10000L) % 10000) - 1900;
-    time_tm.tm_mon = static_cast<int>((part1 / 100) % 100) - 1;
-    time_tm.tm_mday = static_cast<int>(part1 % 100);
-    time_tm.tm_hour = static_cast<int>((part2 / 10000L) % 10000);
-    time_tm.tm_min = static_cast<int>((part2 / 100) % 100);
-    time_tm.tm_sec = static_cast<int>(part2 % 100);
-    char buf[20] = {'\0'};
-    strftime(buf, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &time_tm);
-    return std::string(buf);
-}; // namespace datetime
-class TestInListPredicate : public testing::Test {
-    TestInListPredicate() : _vectorized_batch(NULL), _row_block(nullptr) {
-        _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    ~TestInListPredicate() {
-        if (_vectorized_batch != NULL) {
-            delete _vectorized_batch;
-        }
-    }
-    void SetTabletSchema(std::string name, const std::string& type, const std::string& aggregation,
-                         uint32_t length, bool is_allow_null, bool is_key,
-                         TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-        TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-        static int id = 0;
-        ColumnPB* column = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column->set_unique_id(++id);
-        column->set_name(name);
-        column->set_type(type);
-        column->set_is_key(is_key);
-        column->set_is_nullable(is_allow_null);
-        column->set_length(length);
-        column->set_aggregation(aggregation);
-        column->set_precision(1000);
-        column->set_frac(1000);
-        column->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-    }
-    void InitVectorizedBatch(const TabletSchema* tablet_schema, const std::vector<uint32_t>& ids,
-                             int size) {
-        _vectorized_batch = new VectorizedRowBatch(tablet_schema, ids, size);
-        _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    }
-    void init_row_block(const TabletSchema* tablet_schema, int size) {
-        Schema schema(*tablet_schema);
-        _row_block.reset(new RowBlockV2(schema, size));
-    }
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-    VectorizedRowBatch* _vectorized_batch;
-    std::unique_ptr<RowBlockV2> _row_block;
-#define TEST_IN_LIST_PREDICATE(TYPE, TYPE_NAME, FIELD_TYPE)                                       \
-    TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN) {                                             \
-        TabletSchema tablet_schema;                                                               \
-        SetTabletSchema(std::string("TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN"), FIELD_TYPE, "REPLACE", 1, false, true, \
-                        &tablet_schema);                                                          \
-        int size = 10;                                                                            \
-        std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;                                                     \
-        for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {                                   \
-            return_columns.push_back(i);                                                          \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);                                \
-        ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);                                  \
-                                                                                                  \
-        /* for no nulls */                                                                        \
-        col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);                                                           \
-        TYPE* col_data = reinterpret_cast<TYPE*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(TYPE)));       \
-        col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);                                                       \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                          \
-            *(col_data + i) = i;                                                                  \
-        }                                                                                         \
-                                                                                                  \
-        std::set<TYPE> values;                                                                    \
-        values.insert(4);                                                                         \
-        values.insert(5);                                                                         \
-        values.insert(6);                                                                         \
-        ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<TYPE>(0, std::move(values));                  \
-        pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);                                                        \
-        ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);                                                  \
-        uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();                                            \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 4);                                                       \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[1]), 5);                                                       \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[2]), 6);                                                       \
-                                                                                                  \
-        /* for has nulls */                                                                       \
-        col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);                                                          \
-        bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));                       \
-        memset(is_null, 0, size);                                                                 \
-        col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);                                                         \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                          \
-            if (i % 2 == 0) {                                                                     \
-                is_null[i] = true;                                                                \
-            } else {                                                                              \
-                *(col_data + i) = i;                                                              \
-            }                                                                                     \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);                                                        \
-        _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);                                            \
-        pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);                                                        \
-        ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);                                                  \
-        sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();                                                      \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5);                                                       \
-        delete pred;                                                                              \
-    }
-#define TEST_IN_LIST_PREDICATE_V2(TYPE, TYPE_NAME, FIELD_TYPE)                                    \
-    TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN_V2) {                                          \
-        TabletSchema tablet_schema;                                                               \
-        SetTabletSchema(std::string("TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN"), FIELD_TYPE, "REPLACE", 1, false, true, \
-                        &tablet_schema);                                                          \
-        int size = 10;                                                                            \
-        Schema schema(tablet_schema);                                                             \
-        RowBlockV2 block(schema, size);                                                           \
-        std::set<TYPE> values;                                                                    \
-        values.insert(4);                                                                         \
-        values.insert(5);                                                                         \
-        values.insert(6);                                                                         \
-        ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<TYPE>(0, std::move(values));                  \
-        uint16_t sel[10];                                                                         \
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {                                                            \
-            sel[i] = i;                                                                           \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        uint16_t selected_size = 10;                                                              \
-        ColumnBlock column = block.column_block(0);                                               \
-        /* for non nulls */                                                                       \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                          \
-            column.set_is_null(i, false);                                                         \
-            uint8_t* value = column.mutable_cell_ptr(i);                                          \
-            *((TYPE*)value) = i;                                                                  \
-        }                                                                                         \
-                                                                                                  \
-        pred->evaluate(&column, sel, &selected_size);                                             \
-        ASSERT_EQ(selected_size, 3);                                                              \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*((TYPE*)column.cell_ptr(sel[0])), 4);                                          \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*((TYPE*)column.cell_ptr(sel[1])), 5);                                          \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*((TYPE*)column.cell_ptr(sel[2])), 6);                                          \
-                                                                                                  \
-        /* for has nulls */                                                                       \
-        TabletSchema tablet_schema2;                                                              \
-        SetTabletSchema(std::string("TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN"), FIELD_TYPE, "REPLACE", 1, true, true,  \
-                        &tablet_schema2);                                                         \
-        Schema schema2(tablet_schema2);                                                           \
-        RowBlockV2 block2(schema2, size);                                                         \
-        ColumnBlock column2 = block2.column_block(0);                                             \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                          \
-            if (i % 2 == 0) {                                                                     \
-                column2.set_is_null(i, true);                                                     \
-            } else {                                                                              \
-                column2.set_is_null(i, false);                                                    \
-                uint8_t* value = column2.mutable_cell_ptr(i);                                     \
-                *((TYPE*)value) = i;                                                              \
-            }                                                                                     \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {                                                            \
-            sel[i] = i;                                                                           \
-        }                                                                                         \
-        selected_size = 10;                                                                       \
-                                                                                                  \
-        pred->evaluate(&column2, sel, &selected_size);                                            \
-        ASSERT_EQ(selected_size, 1);                                                              \
-        ASSERT_EQ(*((TYPE*)column2.cell_ptr(sel[0])), 5);                                         \
-        delete pred;                                                                              \
-    }
-TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, FLOAT_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("FLOAT_COLUMN"), "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::set<float> values;
-    values.insert(4.1);
-    values.insert(5.1);
-    values.insert(6.1);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<float>(0, std::move(values));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no null
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    float* col_data = reinterpret_cast<float*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(float)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        *(col_data + i) = i + 0.1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 4.1);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[1]), 5.1);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[2]), 6.1);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<float*>(col_block_view.data()) = i + 0.1f;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(float*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 4.1);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(float*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr(), 5.1);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(float*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr(), 6.1);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            *(col_data + i) = i + 0.1;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5.1);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            *reinterpret_cast<float*>(col_block_view.data()) = i + 0.1;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(*(float*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 5.1);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, DOUBLE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DOUBLE_COLUMN"), "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::set<double> values;
-    values.insert(4.1);
-    values.insert(5.1);
-    values.insert(6.1);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<double>(0, std::move(values));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no null
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    double* col_data = reinterpret_cast<double*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(double)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        *(col_data + i) = i + 0.1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 4.1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(col_data + sel[1]), 5.1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(col_data + sel[2]), 6.1);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<double*>(col_block_view.data()) = i + 0.1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 4.1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr(), 5.1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr(), 6.1);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            *(col_data + i) = i + 0.1;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), 5.1);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            *reinterpret_cast<double*>(col_block_view.data()) = i + 0.1;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(*(double*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), 5.1);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, DECIMAL_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DECIMAL_COLUMN"), "DECIMAL", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::set<decimal12_t> values;
-    decimal12_t value1(4, 4);
-    values.insert(value1);
-    decimal12_t value2(5, 5);
-    values.insert(value2);
-    decimal12_t value3(6, 6);
-    values.insert(value3);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<decimal12_t>(0, std::move(values));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no null
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    decimal12_t* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(decimal12_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        (*(col_data + i)).integer = i;
-        (*(col_data + i)).fraction = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[1]), value2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[2]), value3);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->integer = i;
-        reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->fraction = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(decimal12_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(decimal12_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr(), value2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(decimal12_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr(), value3);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            (*(col_data + i)).integer = i;
-            (*(col_data + i)).fraction = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value2);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->integer = i;
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->fraction = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(decimal12_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value2);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, CHAR_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("STRING_COLUMN"), "CHAR", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::set<StringValue> values;
-    StringValue value1;
-    const char* value1_buffer = "aaaaa";
-    value1.ptr = const_cast<char*>(value1_buffer);
-    value1.len = 5;
-    values.insert(value1);
-    StringValue value2;
-    const char* value2_buffer = "bbbbb";
-    value2.ptr = const_cast<char*>(value2_buffer);
-    value2.len = 5;
-    values.insert(value2);
-    StringValue value3;
-    const char* value3_buffer = "ccccc";
-    value3.ptr = const_cast<char*>(value3_buffer);
-    value3.len = 5;
-    values.insert(value3);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<StringValue>(0, std::move(values));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no null
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    StringValue* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(StringValue)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    char* string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(60));
-    memset(string_buffer, 0, 60);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j <= 5; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        (*(col_data + i)).len = 5;
-        (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += 5;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[1]), value2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[2]), value3);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(60));
-    memset(string_buffer, 0, 60);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        for (int j = 0; j <= 5; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = 5;
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += 5;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr(), value2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr(), value3);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(60));
-    memset(string_buffer, 0, 60);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            for (int j = 0; j <= 5; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            (*(col_data + i)).len = 5;
-            (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        }
-        string_buffer += 5;
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value2);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            for (int j = 0; j <= 5; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = 5;
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-            string_buffer += 5;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value2);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, VARCHAR_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("STRING_COLUMN"), "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::set<StringValue> values;
-    StringValue value1;
-    const char* value1_buffer = "a";
-    value1.ptr = const_cast<char*>(value1_buffer);
-    value1.len = 1;
-    values.insert(value1);
-    StringValue value2;
-    const char* value2_buffer = "bb";
-    value2.ptr = const_cast<char*>(value2_buffer);
-    value2.len = 2;
-    values.insert(value2);
-    StringValue value3;
-    const char* value3_buffer = "ccc";
-    value3.ptr = const_cast<char*>(value3_buffer);
-    value3.len = 3;
-    values.insert(value3);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<StringValue>(0, std::move(values));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no null
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    StringValue* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(StringValue)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    char* string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        (*(col_data + i)).len = i + 1;
-        (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[1]), value2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[2]), value3);
-    // for ColumnBlock no null
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(60));
-    memset(string_buffer, 0, 60);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = i + 1;
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr(), value2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr(), value3);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            (*(col_data + i)).len = i + 1;
-            (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        }
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(col_data + sel[0]), value2);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = i + 1;
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-            string_buffer += i + 1;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(StringValue*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr(), value2);
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, DATE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DATE_COLUMN"), "DATE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 6;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::set<uint24_t> values;
-    uint24_t value1 = datetime::timestamp_from_date("2017-09-09");
-    values.insert(value1);
-    uint24_t value2 = datetime::timestamp_from_date("2017-09-10");
-    values.insert(value2);
-    uint24_t value3 = datetime::timestamp_from_date("2017-09-11");
-    values.insert(value3);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<uint24_t>(0, std::move(values));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    uint24_t* col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(uint24_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    std::vector<std::string> date_array;
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-07");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-08");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-09");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-10");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-11");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-12");
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        uint24_t timestamp = datetime::timestamp_from_date(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-09");
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(*(col_data + sel[1])), "2017-09-10");
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(*(col_data + sel[2])), "2017-09-11");
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        uint24_t timestamp = datetime::timestamp_from_date(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(
-                      *(uint24_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-09");
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(
-                      *(uint24_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-10");
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(
-                      *(uint24_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-11");
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            uint24_t timestamp = datetime::timestamp_from_date(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-10");
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            uint24_t timestamp = datetime::timestamp_from_date(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_date_string(
-                      *(uint24_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-10");
-    delete pred;
-TEST_F(TestInListPredicate, DATETIME_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DATETIME_COLUMN"), "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 6;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::set<uint64_t> values;
-    uint64_t value1 = datetime::timestamp_from_datetime("2017-09-09 00:00:01");
-    values.insert(value1);
-    uint64_t value2 = datetime::timestamp_from_datetime("2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    values.insert(value2);
-    uint64_t value3 = datetime::timestamp_from_datetime("2017-09-11 01:01:00");
-    values.insert(value3);
-    ColumnPredicate* pred = new InListPredicate<uint64_t>(0, std::move(values));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    uint64_t* col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(uint64_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    std::vector<std::string> date_array;
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-07 00:00:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-08 00:01:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-09 00:00:01");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-11 01:01:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-12 01:01:01");
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        uint64_t timestamp = datetime::timestamp_from_datetime(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 3);
-    uint16_t* sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-09 00:00:01");
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(*(col_data + sel[1])), "2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(*(col_data + sel[2])), "2017-09-11 01:01:00");
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        uint64_t timestamp = datetime::timestamp_from_datetime(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(
-                      *(uint64_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-09 00:00:01");
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(
-                      *(uint64_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[1]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(
-                      *(uint64_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[2]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-11 01:01:00");
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            uint64_t timestamp = datetime::timestamp_from_datetime(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 1);
-    sel = _vectorized_batch->selected();
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(*(col_data + sel[0])), "2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            uint64_t timestamp = datetime::timestamp_from_datetime(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(datetime::to_datetime_string(
-                      *(uint64_t*)col_block.cell(_row_block->selection_vector()[0]).cell_ptr()),
-              "2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    delete pred;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/key_coder_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/key_coder_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index da23bc5..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/key_coder_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/key_coder.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits>
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class KeyCoderTest : public testing::Test {
-    KeyCoderTest() : _tracker(new MemTracker()), _pool(_tracker.get()) {}
-    virtual ~KeyCoderTest() {}
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _tracker;
-    MemPool _pool;
-template <FieldType type>
-void test_integer_encode() {
-    using CppType = typename CppTypeTraits<type>::CppType;
-    auto key_coder = get_key_coder(type);
-    {
-        std::string buf;
-        CppType val = std::numeric_limits<CppType>::min();
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val, 1, &buf);
-        std::string result;
-        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CppType); ++i) {
-            result.append("00");
-        }
-        ASSERT_STREQ(result.c_str(), hexdump(buf.data(), buf.size()).c_str());
-        {
-            Slice slice(buf);
-            CppType check_val;
-            key_coder->decode_ascending(&slice, sizeof(CppType), (uint8_t*)&check_val, nullptr);
-            ASSERT_EQ(val, check_val);
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        std::string buf;
-        CppType val = std::numeric_limits<CppType>::max();
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val, sizeof(CppType), &buf);
-        std::string result;
-        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(CppType); ++i) {
-            result.append("FF");
-        }
-        ASSERT_STREQ(result.c_str(), hexdump(buf.data(), buf.size()).c_str());
-        {
-            Slice slice(buf);
-            CppType check_val;
-            key_coder->decode_ascending(&slice, sizeof(CppType), (uint8_t*)&check_val, nullptr);
-            ASSERT_EQ(val, check_val);
-        }
-    }
-    for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        CppType val1 = random();
-        CppType val2 = random();
-        std::string buf1;
-        std::string buf2;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val1, sizeof(CppType), &buf1);
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val2, sizeof(CppType), &buf2);
-        if (val1 < val2) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) < 0);
-        } else if (val1 > val2) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) > 0);
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) == 0);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(KeyCoderTest, test_int) {
-    test_integer_encode<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT>();
-    test_integer_encode<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT>();
-    test_integer_encode<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>();
-    test_integer_encode<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT>();
-    test_integer_encode<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>();
-    test_integer_encode<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BIGINT>();
-    test_integer_encode<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>();
-    test_integer_encode<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME>();
-TEST_F(KeyCoderTest, test_date) {
-    using CppType = uint24_t;
-    auto key_coder = get_key_coder(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE);
-    {
-        std::string buf;
-        CppType val = 0;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val, 1, &buf);
-        std::string result;
-        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(uint24_t); ++i) {
-            result.append("00");
-        }
-        ASSERT_STREQ(result.c_str(), hexdump(buf.data(), buf.size()).c_str());
-        {
-            Slice slice(buf);
-            CppType check_val;
-            key_coder->decode_ascending(&slice, sizeof(CppType), (uint8_t*)&check_val, nullptr);
-            ASSERT_EQ(val, check_val);
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        std::string buf;
-        CppType val = 10000;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val, sizeof(CppType), &buf);
-        std::string result("002710");
-        ASSERT_STREQ(result.c_str(), hexdump(buf.data(), buf.size()).c_str());
-        {
-            Slice slice(buf);
-            CppType check_val;
-            key_coder->decode_ascending(&slice, sizeof(CppType), (uint8_t*)&check_val, nullptr);
-            ASSERT_EQ(val, check_val);
-        }
-    }
-    for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        CppType val1 = random();
-        CppType val2 = random();
-        std::string buf1;
-        std::string buf2;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val1, sizeof(CppType), &buf1);
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val2, sizeof(CppType), &buf2);
-        if (val1 < val2) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) < 0);
-        } else if (val1 > val2) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) > 0);
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) == 0);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(KeyCoderTest, test_decimal) {
-    auto key_coder = get_key_coder(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL);
-    decimal12_t val1(1, 100000000);
-    std::string buf1;
-    key_coder->encode_ascending(&val1, sizeof(decimal12_t), &buf1);
-    decimal12_t check_val;
-    Slice slice1(buf1);
-    key_coder->decode_ascending(&slice1, sizeof(decimal12_t), (uint8_t*)&check_val, nullptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(check_val, val1);
-    {
-        decimal12_t val2(-1, -100000000);
-        std::string buf2;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val2, sizeof(decimal12_t), &buf2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) > 0);
-    }
-    {
-        decimal12_t val2(1, 100000001);
-        std::string buf2;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val2, sizeof(decimal12_t), &buf2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) < 0);
-    }
-    {
-        decimal12_t val2(0, 0);
-        std::string buf2;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&val2, sizeof(decimal12_t), &buf2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buf1.c_str(), buf2.c_str(), buf1.size()) > 0);
-        std::string result("80");
-        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(int64_t) - 1; ++i) {
-            result.append("00");
-        }
-        result.append("80");
-        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(int32_t) - 1; ++i) {
-            result.append("00");
-        }
-        ASSERT_STREQ(result.c_str(), hexdump(buf2.data(), buf2.size()).c_str());
-    }
-TEST_F(KeyCoderTest, test_char) {
-    auto key_coder = get_key_coder(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR);
-    char buf[] = "1234567890";
-    Slice slice(buf, 10);
-    {
-        std::string key;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&slice, 10, &key);
-        Slice encoded_key(key);
-        Slice check_slice;
-        auto st = key_coder->decode_ascending(&encoded_key, 10, (uint8_t*)&check_slice, &_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(10, check_slice.size);
-        ASSERT_EQ(strncmp("1234567890", check_slice.data, 10), 0);
-    }
-    {
-        std::string key;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&slice, 5, &key);
-        Slice encoded_key(key);
-        Slice check_slice;
-        auto st = key_coder->decode_ascending(&encoded_key, 5, (uint8_t*)&check_slice, &_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(5, check_slice.size);
-        ASSERT_EQ(strncmp("12345", check_slice.data, 5), 0);
-    }
-TEST_F(KeyCoderTest, test_varchar) {
-    auto key_coder = get_key_coder(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR);
-    char buf[] = "1234567890";
-    Slice slice(buf, 10);
-    {
-        std::string key;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&slice, 15, &key);
-        Slice encoded_key(key);
-        Slice check_slice;
-        auto st = key_coder->decode_ascending(&encoded_key, 15, (uint8_t*)&check_slice, &_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(10, check_slice.size);
-        ASSERT_EQ(strncmp("1234567890", check_slice.data, 10), 0);
-    }
-    {
-        std::string key;
-        key_coder->encode_ascending(&slice, 5, &key);
-        Slice encoded_key(key);
-        Slice check_slice;
-        auto st = key_coder->decode_ascending(&encoded_key, 5, (uint8_t*)&check_slice, &_pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(5, check_slice.size);
-        ASSERT_EQ(strncmp("12345", check_slice.data, 5), 0);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/lru_cache_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/lru_cache_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b2b62ac..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/lru_cache_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/lru_cache.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-using namespace doris;
-using namespace std;
-namespace doris {
-void PutFixed32(std::string* dst, uint32_t value) {
-    char buf[sizeof(value)];
-    memcpy(buf, &value, sizeof(value));
-    dst->append(buf, sizeof(buf));
-uint32_t DecodeFixed32(const char* ptr) {
-    // Load the raw bytes
-    uint32_t result;
-    memcpy(&result, ptr, sizeof(result)); // gcc optimizes this to a plain load
-    return result;
-// Conversions between numeric keys/values and the types expected by Cache.
-const CacheKey EncodeKey(std::string* result, int k) {
-    PutFixed32(result, k);
-    return CacheKey(result->c_str(), result->size());
-static int DecodeKey(const CacheKey& k) {
-    assert(k.size() == 4);
-    return DecodeFixed32(k.data());
-static void* EncodeValue(uintptr_t v) {
-    return reinterpret_cast<void*>(v);
-static int DecodeValue(void* v) {
-    return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(v);
-class CacheTest : public testing::Test {
-    static CacheTest* _s_current;
-    static void Deleter(const CacheKey& key, void* v) {
-        _s_current->_deleted_keys.push_back(DecodeKey(key));
-        _s_current->_deleted_values.push_back(DecodeValue(v));
-    }
-    static const int kCacheSize = 1000;
-    std::vector<int> _deleted_keys;
-    std::vector<int> _deleted_values;
-    Cache* _cache;
-    CacheTest() : _cache(new_lru_cache("test", kCacheSize)) { _s_current = this; }
-    ~CacheTest() { delete _cache; }
-    int Lookup(int key) {
-        std::string result;
-        Cache::Handle* handle = _cache->lookup(EncodeKey(&result, key));
-        const int r = (handle == NULL) ? -1 : DecodeValue(_cache->value(handle));
-        if (handle != NULL) {
-            _cache->release(handle);
-        }
-        return r;
-    }
-    void Insert(int key, int value, int charge) {
-        std::string result;
-        _cache->release(_cache->insert(EncodeKey(&result, key), EncodeValue(value), charge,
-                                       &CacheTest::Deleter));
-    }
-    void InsertDurable(int key, int value, int charge) {
-        std::string result;
-        _cache->release(_cache->insert(EncodeKey(&result, key), EncodeValue(value), charge,
-                                       &CacheTest::Deleter, CachePriority::DURABLE));
-    }
-    void Erase(int key) {
-        std::string result;
-        _cache->erase(EncodeKey(&result, key));
-    }
-    void SetUp() {}
-    void TearDown() {}
-CacheTest* CacheTest::_s_current;
-TEST_F(CacheTest, HitAndMiss) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(100));
-    Insert(100, 101, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(101, Lookup(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(200));
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(300));
-    Insert(200, 201, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(101, Lookup(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(201, Lookup(200));
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(300));
-    Insert(100, 102, 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(102, Lookup(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(201, Lookup(200));
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(300));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _deleted_keys.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, _deleted_keys[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(101, _deleted_values[0]);
-TEST_F(CacheTest, Erase) {
-    Erase(200);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, _deleted_keys.size());
-    Insert(100, 101, 1);
-    Insert(200, 201, 1);
-    Erase(100);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(201, Lookup(200));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _deleted_keys.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, _deleted_keys[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(101, _deleted_values[0]);
-    Erase(100);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(201, Lookup(200));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _deleted_keys.size());
-TEST_F(CacheTest, EntriesArePinned) {
-    Insert(100, 101, 1);
-    std::string result1;
-    Cache::Handle* h1 = _cache->lookup(EncodeKey(&result1, 100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(101, DecodeValue(_cache->value(h1)));
-    Insert(100, 102, 1);
-    std::string result2;
-    Cache::Handle* h2 = _cache->lookup(EncodeKey(&result2, 100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(102, DecodeValue(_cache->value(h2)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, _deleted_keys.size());
-    _cache->release(h1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _deleted_keys.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, _deleted_keys[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(101, _deleted_values[0]);
-    Erase(100);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _deleted_keys.size());
-    _cache->release(h2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, _deleted_keys.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, _deleted_keys[1]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(102, _deleted_values[1]);
-TEST_F(CacheTest, EvictionPolicy) {
-    Insert(100, 101, 1);
-    Insert(200, 201, 1);
-    // Frequently used entry must be kept around
-    for (int i = 0; i < kCacheSize + 100; i++) {
-        Insert(1000 + i, 2000 + i, 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(2000 + i, Lookup(1000 + i));
-        ASSERT_EQ(101, Lookup(100));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(101, Lookup(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(200));
-TEST_F(CacheTest, EvictionPolicyWithDurable) {
-    Insert(100, 101, 1);
-    InsertDurable(200, 201, 1);
-    Insert(300, 101, 1);
-    // Frequently used entry must be kept around
-    for (int i = 0; i < kCacheSize + 100; i++) {
-        Insert(1000 + i, 2000 + i, 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(2000 + i, Lookup(1000 + i));
-        ASSERT_EQ(101, Lookup(100));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, Lookup(300));
-    ASSERT_EQ(101, Lookup(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(201, Lookup(200));
-static void deleter(const CacheKey& key, void* v) {
-    std::cout << "delete key " << key.to_string() << std::endl;
-static void insert_LRUCache(LRUCache& cache, const CacheKey& key, int value,
-                            CachePriority priority) {
-    uint32_t hash = key.hash(key.data(), key.size(), 0);
-    cache.release(cache.insert(key, hash, EncodeValue(value), value, &deleter, priority));
-TEST_F(CacheTest, Usage) {
-    LRUCache cache;
-    cache.set_capacity(1000);
-    CacheKey key1("100");
-    insert_LRUCache(cache, key1, 100, CachePriority::NORMAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, cache.get_usage());
-    CacheKey key2("200");
-    insert_LRUCache(cache, key2, 200, CachePriority::DURABLE);
-    ASSERT_EQ(300, cache.get_usage());
-    CacheKey key3("300");
-    insert_LRUCache(cache, key3, 300, CachePriority::NORMAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(600, cache.get_usage());
-    CacheKey key4("400");
-    insert_LRUCache(cache, key4, 400, CachePriority::NORMAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1000, cache.get_usage());
-    CacheKey key5("500");
-    insert_LRUCache(cache, key5, 500, CachePriority::NORMAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(700, cache.get_usage());
-    CacheKey key6("600");
-    insert_LRUCache(cache, key6, 600, CachePriority::NORMAL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(800, cache.get_usage());
-    CacheKey key7("950");
-    insert_LRUCache(cache, key7, 950, CachePriority::DURABLE);
-    ASSERT_EQ(950, cache.get_usage());
-TEST_F(CacheTest, HeavyEntries) {
-    // Add a bunch of light and heavy entries and then count the combined
-    // size of items still in the cache, which must be approximately the
-    // same as the total capacity.
-    const int kLight = 1;
-    const int kHeavy = 10;
-    int added = 0;
-    int index = 0;
-    while (added < 2 * kCacheSize) {
-        const int weight = (index & 1) ? kLight : kHeavy;
-        Insert(index, 1000 + index, weight);
-        added += weight;
-        index++;
-    }
-    int cached_weight = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
-        const int weight = (i & 1 ? kLight : kHeavy);
-        int r = Lookup(i);
-        if (r >= 0) {
-            cached_weight += weight;
-            ASSERT_EQ(1000 + i, r);
-        }
-    }
-    ASSERT_LE(cached_weight, kCacheSize + kCacheSize / 10);
-TEST_F(CacheTest, NewId) {
-    uint64_t a = _cache->new_id();
-    uint64_t b = _cache->new_id();
-    ASSERT_NE(a, b);
-TEST_F(CacheTest, SimpleBenchmark) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < kCacheSize * LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 10000); i++) {
-        Insert(1000 + i, 2000 + i, 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(2000 + i, Lookup(1000 + i));
-    }
-TEST(CacheHandleTest, HandleTableTest) {
-    HandleTable ht;
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ht._length; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_NE(ht._list[i], nullptr);
-        ASSERT_EQ(ht._list[i]->next_hash, nullptr);
-        ASSERT_EQ(ht._list[i]->prev_hash, nullptr);
-    }
-    const int count = 10;
-    CacheKey keys[count] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"};
-    ASSERT_NE(keys[0], keys[1]);
-    LRUHandle* hs[count];
-    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-        CacheKey* key = &keys[i];
-        LRUHandle* h = reinterpret_cast<LRUHandle*>(malloc(sizeof(LRUHandle) - 1 + key->size()));
-        h->value = nullptr;
-        h->deleter = nullptr;
-        h->charge = 1;
-        h->key_length = key->size();
-        h->hash = 1; // make them in a same hash table linked-list
-        h->refs = 0;
-        h->next = h->prev = nullptr;
-        h->prev_hash = nullptr;
-        h->next_hash = nullptr;
-        h->in_cache = false;
-        h->priority = CachePriority::NORMAL;
-        memcpy(h->key_data, key->data(), key->size());
-        LRUHandle* old = ht.insert(h);
-        ASSERT_EQ(ht._elems, i + 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(old, nullptr); // there is no entry with the same key and hash
-        hs[i] = h;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(ht._elems, count);
-    LRUHandle* h = ht.lookup(CacheKey(std::to_string(count - 1)), 1);
-    LRUHandle* head = ht._list[1 & (ht._length - 1)];
-    ASSERT_EQ(head, h->prev_hash);
-    ASSERT_EQ(head->next_hash, h);
-    int index = count - 1;
-    while (h != nullptr) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(hs[index], h) << index;
-        h = h->next_hash;
-        if (h != nullptr) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(hs[index], h->prev_hash);
-        }
-        --index;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-        CacheKey* key = &keys[i];
-        LRUHandle* h = reinterpret_cast<LRUHandle*>(malloc(sizeof(LRUHandle) - 1 + key->size()));
-        h->value = nullptr;
-        h->deleter = nullptr;
-        h->charge = 1;
-        h->key_length = key->size();
-        h->hash = 1; // make them in a same hash table linked-list
-        h->refs = 0;
-        h->next = h->prev = nullptr;
-        h->prev_hash = nullptr;
-        h->next_hash = nullptr;
-        h->in_cache = false;
-        h->priority = CachePriority::NORMAL;
-        memcpy(h->key_data, key->data(), key->size());
-        ASSERT_EQ(ht.insert(h), hs[i]); // there is an entry with the same key and hash
-        ASSERT_EQ(ht._elems, count);
-        free(hs[i]);
-        hs[i] = h;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(ht._elems, count);
-    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(ht.lookup(keys[i], 1), hs[i]);
-    }
-    LRUHandle* old = ht.remove(CacheKey("9"), 1); // first in hash table linked-list
-    ASSERT_EQ(old, hs[9]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(old->prev_hash, head);
-    ASSERT_EQ(old->next_hash, hs[8]); // hs[8] is the new first node
-    ASSERT_EQ(head->next_hash, hs[8]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hs[8]->prev_hash, head);
-    old = ht.remove(CacheKey("0"), 1); // last in hash table linked-list
-    ASSERT_EQ(old, hs[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(old->prev_hash, hs[1]); // hs[1] is the new last node
-    ASSERT_EQ(old->prev_hash->next_hash, nullptr);
-    old = ht.remove(CacheKey("5"), 1); // middle in hash table linked-list
-    ASSERT_EQ(old, hs[5]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(old->prev_hash, hs[6]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(old->next_hash, hs[4]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hs[6]->next_hash, hs[4]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hs[4]->prev_hash, hs[6]);
-    ht.remove(hs[4]); // middle in hash table linked-list
-    ASSERT_EQ(hs[6]->next_hash, hs[3]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hs[3]->prev_hash, hs[6]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(ht._elems, count - 4);
-    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-        free(hs[i]);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/memory/column_delta_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/memory/column_delta_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b1f01f..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/memory/column_delta_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/memory/column_delta.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include "olap/memory/column.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace memory {
-TEST(ColumnDelta, Index) {
-    const int BaseSize = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(2560, 256001);
-    const int NumUpdate = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(100, 10000);
-    srand(1);
-    scoped_refptr<ColumnDelta> delta(new ColumnDelta());
-    std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> updates;
-    for (int i = 0; i < NumUpdate; i++) {
-        uint32_t idx = rand() % BaseSize;
-        updates[idx] = rand();
-    }
-    size_t nblock = num_block(BaseSize, Column::BLOCK_SIZE);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(delta->alloc(nblock, updates.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), false).ok());
-    DeltaIndex* index = delta->index();
-    std::vector<uint32_t>& block_ends = index->block_ends();
-    Buffer& idxdata = index->_data;
-    Buffer& data = delta->data();
-    uint32_t cidx = 0;
-    uint32_t curbid = 0;
-    for (auto& e : updates) {
-        uint32_t rid = e.first;
-        uint32_t bid = rid >> 16;
-        while (curbid < bid) {
-            block_ends[curbid] = cidx;
-            curbid++;
-        }
-        idxdata.as<uint16_t>()[cidx] = rid & 0xffff;
-        data.as<uint32_t>()[cidx] = e.second;
-        cidx++;
-    }
-    while (curbid < nblock) {
-        block_ends[curbid] = cidx;
-        curbid++;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < BaseSize; i++) {
-        uint32_t idx = delta->find_idx(i);
-        auto itr = updates.find(i);
-        if (itr == updates.end()) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(idx == DeltaIndex::npos);
-        } else {
-            uint32_t v = delta->data().as<uint32_t>()[idx];
-            EXPECT_EQ(v, itr->second);
-        }
-    }
-} // namespace memory
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/memory/column_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/memory/column_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0033fec..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/memory/column_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/memory/column.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/memory/column_reader.h"
-#include "olap/memory/column_writer.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace memory {
-static const size_t InsertCount = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1000, 1000000);
-static const size_t UpdateTime = 70;
-static const size_t UpdateCount = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 10000);
-template <class CppType, ColumnType CT>
-struct ColumnTest {
-    static bool is_null(CppType v) { return ((int64_t)v) % 10 == 0; }
-    static void test_not_null() {
-        ColumnSchema cs(1, "col", CT, false, false);
-        scoped_refptr<Column> c(new Column(cs, CT, 1));
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnWriter> writer;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(c->create_writer(&writer).ok());
-        std::vector<CppType> values(InsertCount, 0);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
-            values[i] = (CppType)rand();
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer->insert((uint32_t)i, &values[i]).ok());
-        }
-        scoped_refptr<Column> newc;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->finalize(2).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->get_new_column(&newc).ok());
-        // The less `InsertCount` won't make COW performed,
-        // expect the new column object only when inserting more。
-        if (AllowSlowTests()) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(c.get() != newc.get());
-        }
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> readc;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(newc->create_reader(2, &readc).ok());
-        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
-            CppType value = *reinterpret_cast<const CppType*>(readc->get(i));
-            EXPECT_EQ(value, values[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    static void test_nullable() {
-        ColumnSchema cs(1, "col", CT, true, false);
-        scoped_refptr<Column> c(new Column(cs, CT, 1));
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnWriter> writer;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(c->create_writer(&writer).ok());
-        std::vector<CppType> values(InsertCount, 0);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
-            values[i] = (CppType)rand();
-            if (is_null(values[i])) {
-                // set to null
-                EXPECT_TRUE(writer->insert((uint32_t)i, NULL).ok());
-            } else {
-                EXPECT_TRUE(writer->insert((uint32_t)i, &values[i]).ok());
-            }
-        }
-        scoped_refptr<Column> newc;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->finalize(2).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->get_new_column(&newc).ok());
-        if (AllowSlowTests()) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(c.get() != newc.get());
-        }
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> readc;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(newc->create_reader(2, &readc).ok());
-        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
-            if (is_null(values[i])) {
-                EXPECT_TRUE(readc->get(i) == nullptr);
-            } else {
-                CppType value = *reinterpret_cast<const CppType*>(readc->get(i));
-                EXPECT_EQ(value, values[i]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    static void test_not_null_update() {
-        srand(1);
-        uint64_t version = 1;
-        // insert
-        ColumnSchema cs(1, "col", CT, false, false);
-        scoped_refptr<Column> c(new Column(cs, CT, 1));
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnWriter> writer;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(c->create_writer(&writer).ok());
-        std::vector<CppType> values(InsertCount, 0);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
-            values[i] = (CppType)rand();
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer->insert((uint32_t)i, &values[i]).ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->finalize(++version).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->get_new_column(&c).ok());
-        writer.reset();
-        scoped_refptr<Column> oldc = c;
-        for (size_t u = 0; u < UpdateTime; u++) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(c->create_writer(&writer).ok());
-            std::vector<uint32_t> update_idxs;
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < UpdateCount; i++) {
-                uint32_t idx = rand() % values.size();
-                //CppType oldv = values[idx];
-                values[idx] = (CppType)rand();
-                EXPECT_TRUE(writer->update(idx, &values[idx]).ok());
-                update_idxs.push_back(idx);
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(writer->finalize(++version).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(writer->get_new_column(&c).ok());
-            //DLOG(INFO) << Format("update %zu writer: %s", u, writer->to_string().c_str());
-            writer.reset();
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> readc;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(c->create_reader(version, &readc).ok());
-            //DLOG(INFO) << Format("read %zu reader: %s", u, readc->to_string().c_str());
-            for (uint32_t i : update_idxs) {
-                CppType value = *reinterpret_cast<const CppType*>(readc->get(i));
-                EXPECT_EQ(value, values[i]) << StringPrintf("values[%u]", i);
-            }
-        }
-        if (UpdateTime > 64) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(oldc != c);
-        }
-    }
-    static void test_nullable_update() {
-        srand(1);
-        uint64_t version = 1;
-        // insert
-        ColumnSchema cs(1, "col", CT, false, false);
-        scoped_refptr<Column> c(new Column(cs, CT, 1));
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnWriter> writer;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(c->create_writer(&writer).ok());
-        std::vector<CppType> values(InsertCount, 0);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
-            values[i] = (CppType)rand();
-            if (is_null(values[i])) {
-                // set to null
-                EXPECT_TRUE(writer->insert((uint32_t)i, NULL).ok());
-            } else {
-                EXPECT_TRUE(writer->insert((uint32_t)i, &values[i]).ok());
-            }
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->finalize(++version).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->get_new_column(&c).ok());
-        writer.reset();
-        scoped_refptr<Column> oldc = c;
-        for (size_t u = 0; u < UpdateTime; u++) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(c->create_writer(&writer).ok());
-            std::vector<uint32_t> update_idxs;
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < UpdateCount; i++) {
-                uint32_t idx = rand() % values.size();
-                //CppType oldv = values[idx];
-                values[idx] = (CppType)rand();
-                if (is_null(values[idx])) {
-                    EXPECT_TRUE(writer->update(idx, NULL).ok());
-                } else {
-                    EXPECT_TRUE(writer->update(idx, &values[idx]).ok());
-                }
-                update_idxs.push_back(idx);
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(writer->finalize(++version).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(writer->get_new_column(&c).ok());
-            //DLOG(INFO) << Format("update %zu writer: %s", u, writer->to_string().c_str());
-            writer.reset();
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> readc;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(c->create_reader(version, &readc).ok());
-            //DLOG(INFO) << Format("read %zu reader: %s", u, readc->to_string().c_str());
-            for (uint32_t i : update_idxs) {
-                CppType value = *reinterpret_cast<const CppType*>(readc->get(i));
-                if (is_null(values[i])) {
-                    EXPECT_TRUE(readc->get(i) == nullptr);
-                } else {
-                    CppType value = *reinterpret_cast<const CppType*>(readc->get(i));
-                    EXPECT_EQ(value, values[i]) << StringPrintf("values[%u]", i);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (UpdateTime > 64) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(oldc != c);
-        }
-    }
-    static void test() {
-        test_not_null();
-        test_nullable();
-    }
-    static void test_update() {
-        test_not_null_update();
-        test_nullable_update();
-    }
-TEST(Column, insert) {
-    ColumnTest<int16_t, ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT>::test();
-    ColumnTest<int64_t, ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>::test();
-    ColumnTest<float, ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>::test();
-TEST(Column, update) {
-    ColumnTest<int8_t, ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT>::test();
-    ColumnTest<int32_t, ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>::test();
-    ColumnTest<int128_t, ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>::test();
-    ColumnTest<double, ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>::test();
-} // namespace memory
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/memory/hash_index_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/memory/hash_index_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a27b899..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/memory/hash_index_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/memory/hash_index.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "util/hash_util.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-namespace memory {
-inline uint64_t HashCode(uint64_t v) {
-    return HashUtil::fnv_hash64(&v, 8, 0);
-TEST(HashIndex, findset) {
-    size_t sz = 20;
-    scoped_refptr<HashIndex> hi(new HashIndex(sz));
-    std::vector<uint32_t> entries;
-    entries.reserve(10);
-    // add all
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < sz * 2; i += 2) {
-        uint64_t keyHash = HashCode(i);
-        entries.clear();
-        uint64_t slot = hi->find(keyHash, &entries);
-        bool found = false;
-        for (auto& e : entries) {
-            uint64_t keyHashVerify = HashCode(e);
-            if (keyHashVerify != keyHash) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (e == i) {
-                found = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        EXPECT_FALSE(found);
-        EXPECT_NE(slot, HashIndex::npos);
-        hi->set(slot, keyHash, i);
-    }
-    // search
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < sz * 2; i += 2) {
-        uint64_t keyHash = HashCode(i);
-        entries.clear();
-        hi->find(keyHash, &entries);
-        uint64_t fslot = HashIndex::npos;
-        for (auto& e : entries) {
-            uint64_t keyHashVerify = HashCode(e);
-            if (keyHashVerify != keyHash) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (e == i) {
-                fslot = e;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        EXPECT_NE(fslot, HashIndex::npos);
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << hi->dump();
-TEST(HashIndex, add) {
-    srand(1);
-    size_t N = 1000;
-    scoped_refptr<HashIndex> hi(new HashIndex(N));
-    std::vector<int64_t> keys(N);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
-        keys[i] = rand();
-        uint64_t hashcode = HashCode(keys[i]);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(hi->add(hashcode, i));
-    }
-    std::vector<uint32_t> entries;
-    entries.reserve(10);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
-        uint64_t hashcode = HashCode(keys[i]);
-        hi->find(hashcode, &entries);
-        bool found = false;
-        for (size_t ei = 0; ei < entries.size(); ++ei) {
-            int64_t v = keys[entries[ei]];
-            if (v == keys[i]) {
-                found = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(found);
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << hi->dump();
-} // namespace memory
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/memory/mem_tablet_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/memory/mem_tablet_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ad4b297..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/memory/mem_tablet_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/memory/mem_tablet.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/memory/mem_tablet_scan.h"
-#include "olap/memory/write_txn.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_meta.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace memory {
-struct TData {
-    int32_t id;
-    int32_t uv;
-    int32_t pv;
-    int8_t city;
-TEST(MemTablet, writescan) {
-    const int num_insert = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(2000, 2000000);
-    const int insert_per_write = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(500, 500000);
-    const int num_update = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 10000);
-    const int update_time = 3;
-    scoped_refptr<Schema> sc;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(Schema::create("id int,uv int,pv int,city tinyint null", &sc).ok());
-    std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> col_idx_to_unique_id;
-    std::vector<TColumn> columns(sc->num_columns());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < sc->num_columns(); i++) {
-        const ColumnSchema* cs = sc->get(i);
-        col_idx_to_unique_id[i] = cs->cid();
-        TColumn& c = columns[i];
-        c.__set_column_name(cs->name());
-        TColumnType tct;
-        if (cs->type() == ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT) {
-            tct.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        } else if (cs->type() == ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT) {
-            tct.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::TINYINT);
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-        }
-        c.__set_column_type(tct);
-        c.__set_is_allow_null(cs->is_nullable());
-        c.__set_is_key(cs->is_key());
-        c.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    }
-    TTabletSchema tschema;
-    tschema.__set_short_key_column_count(1);
-    tschema.__set_keys_type(TKeysType::UNIQUE_KEYS);
-    tschema.__set_columns(columns);
-    tschema.__set_is_in_memory(false);
-    tschema.__set_schema_hash(1);
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr tablet_meta(
-            new TabletMeta(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, tschema, static_cast<uint32_t>(sc->cid_size()),
-                           col_idx_to_unique_id, TabletUid(1, 1), TTabletType::TABLET_TYPE_MEMORY));
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTablet> tablet = MemTablet::create_tablet_from_meta(tablet_meta, nullptr);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->init().ok());
-    uint64_t cur_version = 0;
-    std::vector<TData> alldata(num_insert);
-    // insert
-    srand(1);
-    size_t nrow = 0;
-    for (int insert_start = 0; insert_start < num_insert; insert_start += insert_per_write) {
-        std::unique_ptr<WriteTxn> wtx;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(tablet->create_write_txn(&wtx).ok());
-        PartialRowWriter writer(wtx->get_schema_ptr());
-        int insert_end = std::min(insert_start + insert_per_write, num_insert);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(writer.start_batch(insert_per_write + 1, insert_per_write * 32).ok());
-        for (int i = insert_start; i < insert_end; i++) {
-            nrow++;
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.start_row().ok());
-            int id = i;
-            int uv = rand() % 10000;
-            int pv = rand() % 10000;
-            int8_t city = rand() % 100;
-            alldata[i].id = id;
-            alldata[i].uv = uv;
-            alldata[i].pv = pv;
-            alldata[i].city = city;
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("id", &id).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("uv", &uv).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("pv", &pv).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("city", city % 2 == 0 ? nullptr : &city).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.end_row().ok());
-        }
-        std::vector<uint8_t> wtxn_buff;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(writer.finish_batch(&wtxn_buff).ok());
-        PartialRowBatch* batch = wtx->new_batch();
-        EXPECT_TRUE(batch->load(std::move(wtxn_buff)).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(tablet->commit_write_txn(wtx.get(), ++cur_version).ok());
-        wtx.reset();
-    }
-    // update
-    for (int i = 0; i < update_time; i++) {
-        std::unique_ptr<WriteTxn> wtx;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(tablet->create_write_txn(&wtx).ok());
-        PartialRowWriter writer(wtx->get_schema_ptr());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(writer.start_batch(num_update + 1, num_update * 32).ok());
-        size_t nrow = 0;
-        for (int j = 0; j < num_update; j++) {
-            nrow++;
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.start_row().ok());
-            int id = rand() % num_insert;
-            int uv = rand() % 10000;
-            int pv = rand() % 10000;
-            int8_t city = rand() % 100;
-            alldata[id].uv = uv;
-            alldata[id].pv = pv;
-            alldata[id].city = city;
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("id", &id).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("pv", &pv).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("city", city % 2 == 0 ? nullptr : &city).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.end_row().ok());
-        }
-        std::vector<uint8_t> wtxn_buff;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(writer.finish_batch(&wtxn_buff).ok());
-        PartialRowBatch* batch = wtx->new_batch();
-        EXPECT_TRUE(batch->load(std::move(wtxn_buff)).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(tablet->commit_write_txn(wtx.get(), ++cur_version).ok());
-        wtx.reset();
-    }
-    // scan perf test
-    {
-        double t0 = GetMonoTimeSecondsAsDouble();
-        std::unique_ptr<ScanSpec> scanspec(new ScanSpec({"pv"}, cur_version));
-        std::unique_ptr<MemTabletScan> scan;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->scan(&scanspec, &scan).ok());
-        const RowBlock* rblock = nullptr;
-        while (true) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(scan->next_block(&rblock).ok());
-            if (!rblock) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        double t = GetMonoTimeSecondsAsDouble() - t0;
-        LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("scan %d record, time: %.3lfs %.0lf row/s", num_insert, t,
-                                  num_insert / t);
-        scan.reset();
-    }
-    // scan result validation
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<ScanSpec> scanspec(new ScanSpec({"pv"}, cur_version));
-        std::unique_ptr<MemTabletScan> scan;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->scan(&scanspec, &scan).ok());
-        size_t curidx = 0;
-        while (true) {
-            const RowBlock* rblock = nullptr;
-            EXPECT_TRUE(scan->next_block(&rblock).ok());
-            if (!rblock) {
-                break;
-            }
-            size_t nrows = rblock->num_rows();
-            const ColumnBlock& cb = rblock->get_column(0);
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
-                int32_t value = cb.data().as<int32_t>()[i];
-                EXPECT_EQ(value, alldata[curidx].pv);
-                curidx++;
-            }
-        }
-        EXPECT_EQ(curidx, (size_t)num_insert);
-        scan.reset();
-    }
-} // namespace memory
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/memory/partial_row_batch_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/memory/partial_row_batch_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 33861dd..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/memory/partial_row_batch_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/memory/partial_row_batch.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "util/hash_util.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-namespace memory {
-TEST(PartialRowbatch, write) {
-    scoped_refptr<Schema> sc;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(Schema::create("id int,uv int,pv int,city tinyint null", &sc).ok());
-    PartialRowWriter writer(sc);
-    srand(1);
-    const int N = 1000;
-    size_t nrow = 0;
-    // add insert/update operation
-    EXPECT_TRUE(writer.start_batch().ok());
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
-        nrow++;
-        writer.start_row();
-        int id = i;
-        int uv = rand() % 10000;
-        int pv = rand() % 10000;
-        int8_t city = rand() % 100;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("id", &id).ok());
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("uv", &uv).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("pv", &pv).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(writer.set("city", city % 2 == 0 ? nullptr : &city).ok());
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(writer.end_row().ok());
-    }
-    std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
-    writer.finish_batch(&buffer);
-    PartialRowBatch rb(&sc);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(rb.load(std::move(buffer)).ok());
-    EXPECT_EQ(rb.row_size(), nrow);
-    // read from rowbatch and check equality
-    srand(1);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < nrow; i++) {
-        bool has_row = false;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(rb.next_row(&has_row).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(has_row);
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(rb.cur_row_cell_size(), 4);
-        } else {
-            EXPECT_EQ(rb.cur_row_cell_size(), 1);
-        }
-        int id = i;
-        int uv = rand() % 10000;
-        int pv = rand() % 10000;
-        int8_t city = rand() % 100;
-        const ColumnSchema* cs = nullptr;
-        const void* data = nullptr;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(rb.cur_row_get_cell(0, &cs, &data).ok());
-        EXPECT_EQ(cs->cid(), 1);
-        EXPECT_EQ(*(int32_t*)data, id);
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(rb.cur_row_get_cell(1, &cs, &data).ok());
-            EXPECT_EQ(cs->cid(), 2);
-            EXPECT_EQ(*(int32_t*)data, uv);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(rb.cur_row_get_cell(2, &cs, &data).ok());
-            EXPECT_EQ(cs->cid(), 3);
-            EXPECT_EQ(*(int32_t*)data, pv);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(rb.cur_row_get_cell(3, &cs, &data).ok());
-            EXPECT_EQ(cs->cid(), 4);
-            if (city % 2 == 0) {
-                EXPECT_EQ(data, nullptr);
-            } else {
-                EXPECT_EQ(*(int8_t*)data, city);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    bool has_row = false;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(rb.next_row(&has_row).ok());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(has_row);
-} // namespace memory
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/memory/schema_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/memory/schema_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 71d7d52..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/memory/schema_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/memory/schema.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vector>
-namespace doris {
-namespace memory {
-TEST(ColumnSchema, create) {
-    ColumnSchema cs(1, "uid", ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false, true);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, cs.cid());
-    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("uid"), cs.name());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cs.is_nullable());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(cs.is_key());
-TEST(Schema, desc_create) {
-    scoped_refptr<Schema> sc;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(Schema::create("id int,uv int,pv int,city tinyint null", &sc).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->num_columns(), 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->num_key_columns(), 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->get(0)->cid(), 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->get(1)->cid(), 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->get(2)->cid(), 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->get(3)->cid(), 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->get_by_name("city")->is_nullable(), true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->get_by_name("pv")->is_nullable(), false);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sc->get_by_name("uv")->type(), ColumnType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT);
-TEST(Schema, create) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tspb;
-    auto cpb = tspb.add_column();
-    cpb->set_unique_id(1);
-    cpb->set_name("uid");
-    cpb->set_type(TabletColumn::get_string_by_field_type(FieldType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT));
-    cpb->set_is_nullable(false);
-    cpb->set_is_key(true);
-    auto cpb2 = tspb.add_column();
-    cpb2->set_unique_id(2);
-    cpb2->set_type(TabletColumn::get_string_by_field_type(FieldType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT));
-    cpb2->set_name("city");
-    cpb2->set_is_nullable(true);
-    cpb2->set_is_key(false);
-    tspb.set_keys_type(KeysType::UNIQUE_KEYS);
-    tspb.set_next_column_unique_id(3);
-    tspb.set_num_short_key_columns(1);
-    tspb.set_is_in_memory(false);
-    TabletSchema ts;
-    ts.init_from_pb(tspb);
-    scoped_refptr<Schema> schema(new Schema(ts));
-    EXPECT_EQ(schema->cid_size(), 3);
-    EXPECT_EQ(schema->get_by_name("uid")->name(), std::string("uid"));
-    EXPECT_EQ(schema->get_by_cid(1)->name(), std::string("uid"));
-} // namespace memory
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/memtable_flush_executor_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/memtable_flush_executor_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cc5fef5..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/memtable_flush_executor_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/memtable_flush_executor.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "olap/delta_writer.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/memtable.h"
-#include "olap/options.h"
-#include "olap/schema.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "olap/tablet.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_meta_manager.h"
-#include "olap/utils.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptor_helper.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-MemTableFlushExecutor* k_flush_executor = nullptr;
-void set_up() {
-    char buffer[1024];
-    getcwd(buffer, 1024);
-    config::storage_root_path = std::string(buffer) + "/flush_test";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-    FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path);
-    std::vector<StorePath> paths;
-    paths.emplace_back(config::storage_root_path, -1);
-    doris::EngineOptions options;
-    options.store_paths = paths;
-    Status s = doris::StorageEngine::open(options, &k_engine);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-    ExecEnv* exec_env = doris::ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-    exec_env->set_storage_engine(k_engine);
-    k_flush_executor = k_engine->memtable_flush_executor();
-void tear_down() {
-    delete k_engine;
-    k_engine = nullptr;
-    system("rm -rf ./flush_test");
-    FileUtils::remove_all(std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + UNUSED_PREFIX);
-Schema create_schema() {
-    std::vector<TabletColumn> col_schemas;
-    col_schemas.emplace_back(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT, true);
-    col_schemas.emplace_back(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true);
-    col_schemas.emplace_back(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_SUM, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT, true);
-    Schema schema(col_schemas, 2);
-    return schema;
-class TestMemTableFlushExecutor : public ::testing::Test {
-    TestMemTableFlushExecutor() {}
-    ~TestMemTableFlushExecutor() {}
-    void SetUp() { std::cout << "setup" << std::endl; }
-    void TearDown() { std::cout << "tear down" << std::endl; }
-TEST_F(TestMemTableFlushExecutor, create_flush_handler) {
-    std::vector<DataDir*> data_dir = k_engine->get_stores();
-    size_t path_hash = data_dir[0]->path_hash();
-    std::shared_ptr<FlushHandler> flush_handler;
-    k_flush_executor->create_flush_handler(path_hash, &flush_handler);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, flush_handler.get());
-    FlushResult res;
-    res.flush_status = OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    res.flush_time_ns = 100;
-    flush_handler->on_flush_finished(res);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(flush_handler->is_cancelled());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, flush_handler->get_stats().flush_time_ns);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, flush_handler->get_stats().flush_count);
-    FlushResult res2;
-    res2.flush_status = OLAP_ERR_OTHER_ERROR;
-    flush_handler->on_flush_finished(res2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(flush_handler->is_cancelled());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, flush_handler->get_stats().flush_time_ns);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, flush_handler->get_stats().flush_count);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_OTHER_ERROR, flush_handler->wait());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::set_up();
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    doris::tear_down();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/null_predicate_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/null_predicate_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf53ec2..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/null_predicate_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/null_predicate.h"
-#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "olap/column_predicate.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/row_block2.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.hpp"
-#include "runtime/vectorized_row_batch.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace datetime {
-static uint24_t to_date_timestamp(const char* date_string) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d", &time_tm);
-    int value = (time_tm.tm_year + 1900) * 16 * 32 + (time_tm.tm_mon + 1) * 32 + time_tm.tm_mday;
-    return uint24_t(value);
-static uint64_t to_datetime_timestamp(const std::string& value_string) {
-    tm time_tm;
-    strptime(value_string.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &time_tm);
-    uint64_t value =
-            ((time_tm.tm_year + 1900) * 10000L + (time_tm.tm_mon + 1) * 100L + time_tm.tm_mday) *
-                    1000000L +
-            time_tm.tm_hour * 10000L + time_tm.tm_min * 100L + time_tm.tm_sec;
-    return value;
-}; // namespace datetime
-class TestNullPredicate : public testing::Test {
-    TestNullPredicate() : _vectorized_batch(nullptr), _row_block(nullptr) {
-        _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    ~TestNullPredicate() {
-        if (_vectorized_batch != nullptr) {
-            delete _vectorized_batch;
-        }
-    }
-    void SetTabletSchema(std::string name, std::string type, std::string aggregation,
-                         uint32_t length, bool is_allow_null, bool is_key,
-                         TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-        TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-        static int id = 0;
-        ColumnPB* column = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        ;
-        column->set_unique_id(++id);
-        column->set_name(name);
-        column->set_type(type);
-        column->set_is_key(is_key);
-        column->set_is_nullable(is_allow_null);
-        column->set_length(length);
-        column->set_aggregation(aggregation);
-        column->set_precision(1000);
-        column->set_frac(1000);
-        column->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-    }
-    void InitVectorizedBatch(const TabletSchema* tablet_schema, const std::vector<uint32_t>& ids,
-                             int size) {
-        _vectorized_batch = new VectorizedRowBatch(tablet_schema, ids, size);
-        _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    }
-    void init_row_block(const TabletSchema* tablet_schema, int size) {
-        Schema schema(*tablet_schema);
-        _row_block.reset(new RowBlockV2(schema, size));
-    }
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-    VectorizedRowBatch* _vectorized_batch;
-    std::unique_ptr<RowBlockV2> _row_block;
-#define TEST_IN_LIST_PREDICATE(TYPE, TYPE_NAME, FIELD_TYPE)                                      \
-    TEST_F(TestNullPredicate, TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN) {                                              \
-        TabletSchema tablet_schema;                                                              \
-        SetTabletSchema(std::string("TYPE_NAME##_COLUMN"), FIELD_TYPE, "REPLACE", 1, true, true, \
-                        &tablet_schema);                                                         \
-        int size = 10;                                                                           \
-        std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;                                                    \
-        for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {                                  \
-            return_columns.push_back(i);                                                         \
-        }                                                                                        \
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> pred(new NullPredicate(0, true));                       \
-                                                                                                 \
-        /* for VectorizedBatch nulls */                                                          \
-        InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);                               \
-        init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);                                                    \
-        ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);                                 \
-        col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);                                                          \
-        TYPE* col_data = reinterpret_cast<TYPE*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(TYPE)));      \
-        col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);                                                      \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                         \
-            *(col_data + i) = i;                                                                 \
-        }                                                                                        \
-        pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);                                                       \
-        ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 0);                                                 \
-                                                                                                 \
-        /* for ColumnBlock nulls */                                                              \
-        init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);                                                    \
-        ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);                                     \
-        auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();                                          \
-        ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);                                              \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {                              \
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);                                              \
-            *reinterpret_cast<TYPE*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;                                 \
-        }                                                                                        \
-        pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);                \
-        ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 0);                                                               \
-                                                                                                 \
-        /* for has nulls */                                                                      \
-        col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);                                                         \
-        bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));                      \
-        memset(is_null, 0, size);                                                                \
-        col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);                                                        \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {                                                         \
-            if (i % 2 == 0) {                                                                    \
-                is_null[i] = true;                                                               \
-            } else {                                                                             \
-                *(col_data + i) = i;                                                             \
-            }                                                                                    \
-        }                                                                                        \
-        _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);                                                       \
-        _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);                                           \
-        pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);                                                       \
-        ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 5);                                                 \
-                                                                                                 \
-        /* for ColumnBlock has nulls */                                                          \
-        col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);                                            \
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {                              \
-            if (i % 2 == 0) {                                                                    \
-                col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);                                           \
-            } else {                                                                             \
-                col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);                                          \
-                *reinterpret_cast<TYPE*>(col_block_view.data()) = i;                             \
-            }                                                                                    \
-        }                                                                                        \
-        _row_block->clear();                                                                     \
-        select_size = _row_block->selected_size();                                               \
-        pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);                \
-        ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 5);                                                               \
-        pred.reset();                                                                            \
-    }
-TEST_F(TestNullPredicate, FLOAT_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("FLOAT_COLUMN"), "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> pred(new NullPredicate(0, true));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    float* col_data = reinterpret_cast<float*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(float)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        *(col_data + i) = i + 0.1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<float*>(col_block_view.data()) = i + 0.1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            *(col_data + i) = i + 0.1;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 5);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            *reinterpret_cast<float*>(col_block_view.data()) = i + 0.1;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 5);
-TEST_F(TestNullPredicate, DOUBLE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DOUBLE_COLUMN"), "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> pred(new NullPredicate(0, true));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    double* col_data = reinterpret_cast<double*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(double)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        *(col_data + i) = i + 0.1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        *reinterpret_cast<double*>(col_block_view.data()) = i + 0.1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            *(col_data + i) = i + 0.1;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 5);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            *reinterpret_cast<double*>(col_block_view.data()) = i + 0.1;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 5);
-TEST_F(TestNullPredicate, DECIMAL_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DECIMAL_COLUMN"), "DECIMAL", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> pred(new NullPredicate(0, true));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    decimal12_t* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(decimal12_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        (*(col_data + i)).integer = i;
-        (*(col_data + i)).fraction = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->integer = i;
-        reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->fraction = i;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            (*(col_data + i)).integer = i;
-            (*(col_data + i)).fraction = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 4);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->integer = i;
-            reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(col_block_view.data())->fraction = i;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 4);
-TEST_F(TestNullPredicate, STRING_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("STRING_COLUMN"), "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 10;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> pred(new NullPredicate(0, true));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    StringValue* col_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(StringValue)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    char* string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        (*(col_data + i)).len = i + 1;
-        (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 10);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-            string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-        }
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = i + 1;
-        reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            (*(col_data + i)).len = i + 1;
-            (*(col_data + i)).ptr = string_buffer;
-        }
-        string_buffer += i + 1;
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 4);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    string_buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_mem_pool->allocate(55));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
-                string_buffer[j] = 'a' + i;
-            }
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->len = i + 1;
-            reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(col_block_view.data())->ptr = string_buffer;
-            string_buffer += i + 1;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 4);
-TEST_F(TestNullPredicate, DATE_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DATE_COLUMN"), "DATE", "REPLACE", 1, true, true, &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 6;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> pred(new NullPredicate(0, true));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    uint24_t* col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(uint24_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    std::vector<std::string> date_array;
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-07");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-08");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-09");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-10");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-11");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-12");
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 2);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            uint24_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *reinterpret_cast<uint24_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 2);
-TEST_F(TestNullPredicate, DATETIME_COLUMN) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema(std::string("DATETIME_COLUMN"), "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 1, true, true,
-                    &tablet_schema);
-    int size = 6;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> pred(new NullPredicate(0, true));
-    // for VectorizedBatch no nulls
-    InitVectorizedBatch(&tablet_schema, return_columns, size);
-    ColumnVector* col_vector = _vectorized_batch->column(0);
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(true);
-    uint64_t* col_data = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size * sizeof(uint64_t)));
-    col_vector->set_col_data(col_data);
-    std::vector<std::string> date_array;
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-07 00:00:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-08 00:01:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-09 00:00:01");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-10 01:00:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-11 01:01:00");
-    date_array.push_back("2017-09-12 01:01:01");
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 0);
-    // for ColumnBlock no nulls
-    init_row_block(&tablet_schema, size);
-    ColumnBlock col_block = _row_block->column_block(0);
-    auto select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    ColumnBlockView col_block_view(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-        uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-        *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-    }
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 0);
-    // for VectorizedBatch has nulls
-    col_vector->set_no_nulls(false);
-    bool* is_null = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_mem_pool->allocate(size));
-    memset(is_null, 0, size);
-    col_vector->set_is_null(is_null);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            is_null[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_datetime_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *(col_data + i) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _vectorized_batch->set_size(size);
-    _vectorized_batch->set_selected_in_use(false);
-    pred->evaluate(_vectorized_batch);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_vectorized_batch->size(), 2);
-    // for ColumnBlock has nulls
-    col_block_view = ColumnBlockView(&col_block);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, col_block_view.advance(1)) {
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, true);
-        } else {
-            col_block_view.set_null_bits(1, false);
-            uint64_t timestamp = datetime::to_date_timestamp(date_array[i].c_str());
-            *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_block_view.data()) = timestamp;
-        }
-    }
-    _row_block->clear();
-    select_size = _row_block->selected_size();
-    pred->evaluate(&col_block, _row_block->selection_vector(), &select_size);
-    ASSERT_EQ(select_size, 2);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/olap_meta_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/olap_meta_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d13abd..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/olap_meta_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class OlapMetaTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _root_path = "./ut_dir/olap_meta_test";
-        FileUtils::remove_all(_root_path);
-        FileUtils::create_dir(_root_path);
-        _meta = new OlapMeta(_root_path);
-        OLAPStatus s = _meta->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::exists(_root_path + "/meta"));
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        delete _meta;
-        FileUtils::remove_all(_root_path);
-    }
-    std::string _root_path;
-    OlapMeta* _meta;
-TEST_F(OlapMetaTest, TestGetRootPath) {
-    std::string root_path = _meta->get_root_path();
-    ASSERT_EQ("./ut_dir/olap_meta_test", root_path);
-TEST_F(OlapMetaTest, TestPutAndGet) {
-    // normal cases
-    std::string key = "key";
-    std::string value = "value";
-    OLAPStatus s = _meta->put(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, key, value);
-    std::string value_get;
-    s = _meta->get(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, key, &value_get);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, value_get);
-    // abnormal cases
-    s = _meta->get(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, "key_not_exist", &value_get);
-TEST_F(OlapMetaTest, TestRemove) {
-    // normal cases
-    std::string key = "key";
-    std::string value = "value";
-    OLAPStatus s = _meta->put(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, key, value);
-    std::string value_get;
-    s = _meta->get(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, key, &value_get);
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, value_get);
-    s = _meta->remove(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, key);
-    s = _meta->remove(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, "key_not_exist");
-TEST_F(OlapMetaTest, TestIterate) {
-    // normal cases
-    std::string key = "hdr_key";
-    std::string value = "value";
-    OLAPStatus s = OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << key << "_" << i;
-        s = _meta->put(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, ss.str(), value);
-    }
-    bool error_flag = false;
-    s = _meta->iterate(META_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX, "hdr_",
-                       [&error_flag](const std::string& key, const std::string& value) -> bool {
-                           size_t pos = key.find_first_of("hdr_");
-                           if (pos != 0) {
-                               error_flag = true;
-                           }
-                           return true;
-                       });
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, error_flag);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/olap_snapshot_converter_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/olap_snapshot_converter_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 222d7db..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/olap_snapshot_converter_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/olap_snapshot_converter.h"
-#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "json2pb/json_to_pb.h"
-#include "olap/lru_cache.h"
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/alpha_rowset.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/alpha_rowset_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_meta_manager.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "olap/txn_manager.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-static StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-class OlapSnapshotConverterTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        config::tablet_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_shard_size = 1;
-        EngineOptions options;
-        // won't open engine, options.path is needless
-        options.backend_uid = UniqueId::gen_uid();
-        if (k_engine == nullptr) {
-            k_engine = new StorageEngine(options);
-        }
-        string test_engine_data_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/converter_test_data/data";
-        _engine_data_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/converter_test_data/tmp";
-        boost::filesystem::remove_all(_engine_data_path);
-        FileUtils::create_dir(_engine_data_path);
-        _data_dir = new DataDir(_engine_data_path, 1000000000);
-        _data_dir->init();
-        _meta_path = "./meta";
-        string tmp_data_path = _engine_data_path + "/data";
-        if (boost::filesystem::exists(tmp_data_path)) {
-            boost::filesystem::remove_all(tmp_data_path);
-        }
-        copy_dir(test_engine_data_path, tmp_data_path);
-        _tablet_id = 15007;
-        _schema_hash = 368169781;
-        _tablet_data_path = tmp_data_path + "/" + std::to_string(0) + "/" +
-                            std::to_string(_tablet_id) + "/" + std::to_string(_schema_hash);
-        if (boost::filesystem::exists(_meta_path)) {
-            boost::filesystem::remove_all(_meta_path);
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(_meta_path));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::exists(_meta_path));
-        _meta = new (std::nothrow) OlapMeta(_meta_path);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, _meta);
-        OLAPStatus st = _meta->init();
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        delete _meta;
-        delete _data_dir;
-        if (boost::filesystem::exists(_meta_path)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all(_meta_path));
-        }
-        if (boost::filesystem::exists(_engine_data_path)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all(_engine_data_path));
-        }
-    }
-    DataDir* _data_dir;
-    OlapMeta* _meta;
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-    std::string _engine_data_path;
-    std::string _meta_path;
-    int64_t _tablet_id;
-    int32_t _schema_hash;
-    string _tablet_data_path;
-TEST_F(OlapSnapshotConverterTest, ToNewAndToOldSnapshot) {
-    // --- start to convert old snapshot to new snapshot
-    string header_file_path = _tablet_data_path + "/" + "olap_header.json";
-    std::ifstream infile(header_file_path);
-    string buffer;
-    std::string json_header;
-    while (getline(infile, buffer)) {
-        json_header = json_header + buffer;
-    }
-    boost::algorithm::trim(json_header);
-    OLAPHeaderMessage header_msg;
-    bool ret = json2pb::JsonToProtoMessage(json_header, &header_msg);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ret);
-    OlapSnapshotConverter converter;
-    TabletMetaPB tablet_meta_pb;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaPB> pending_rowsets;
-    OLAPStatus status = converter.to_new_snapshot(header_msg, _tablet_data_path, _tablet_data_path,
-                                                  &tablet_meta_pb, &pending_rowsets, true);
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    tablet_schema.init_from_pb(tablet_meta_pb.schema());
-    string data_path_prefix = _data_dir->get_absolute_tablet_path(
-            tablet_meta_pb.shard_id(), tablet_meta_pb.tablet_id(), tablet_meta_pb.schema_hash());
-    // check converted new tabletmeta pb and its files
-    // check visible delta
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet_meta_pb.rs_metas().size() == header_msg.delta().size());
-    for (auto& pdelta : header_msg.delta()) {
-        int64_t start_version = pdelta.start_version();
-        int64_t end_version = pdelta.end_version();
-        bool found = false;
-        for (auto& visible_rowset : tablet_meta_pb.rs_metas()) {
-            if (visible_rowset.start_version() == start_version &&
-                visible_rowset.end_version() == end_version) {
-                found = true;
-            }
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    }
-    for (auto& visible_rowset : tablet_meta_pb.rs_metas()) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr alpha_rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-        alpha_rowset_meta->init_from_pb(visible_rowset);
-        AlphaRowset rowset(&tablet_schema, data_path_prefix, alpha_rowset_meta);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset.init() == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset.load() == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        std::vector<std::string> old_files;
-        rowset.remove_old_files(&old_files);
-    }
-    // check incremental delta
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet_meta_pb.inc_rs_metas().size() == header_msg.incremental_delta().size());
-    for (auto& pdelta : header_msg.incremental_delta()) {
-        int64_t start_version = pdelta.start_version();
-        int64_t end_version = pdelta.end_version();
-        int64_t version_hash = pdelta.version_hash();
-        bool found = false;
-        for (auto& inc_rowset : tablet_meta_pb.inc_rs_metas()) {
-            if (inc_rowset.start_version() == start_version &&
-                inc_rowset.end_version() == end_version &&
-                inc_rowset.version_hash() == version_hash) {
-                found = true;
-            }
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    }
-    for (auto& inc_rowset : tablet_meta_pb.inc_rs_metas()) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr alpha_rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-        alpha_rowset_meta->init_from_pb(inc_rowset);
-        AlphaRowset rowset(&tablet_schema, data_path_prefix, alpha_rowset_meta);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset.init() == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset.load() == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        AlphaRowset tmp_rowset(&tablet_schema, data_path_prefix + "/incremental_delta",
-                               alpha_rowset_meta);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tmp_rowset.init() == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        std::vector<std::string> old_files;
-        tmp_rowset.remove_old_files(&old_files);
-    }
-    // check pending delta
-    ASSERT_TRUE(pending_rowsets.size() == header_msg.pending_delta().size());
-    for (auto& pdelta : header_msg.pending_delta()) {
-        int64_t partition_id = pdelta.partition_id();
-        int64_t transaction_id = pdelta.transaction_id();
-        bool found = false;
-        for (auto& pending_rowset : pending_rowsets) {
-            if (pending_rowset.partition_id() == partition_id &&
-                pending_rowset.txn_id() == transaction_id &&
-                pending_rowset.tablet_uid().hi() == tablet_meta_pb.tablet_uid().hi() &&
-                pending_rowset.tablet_uid().lo() == tablet_meta_pb.tablet_uid().lo()) {
-                found = true;
-            }
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    }
-    for (auto& pending_rowset : pending_rowsets) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr alpha_rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-        alpha_rowset_meta->init_from_pb(pending_rowset);
-        AlphaRowset rowset(&tablet_schema, data_path_prefix, alpha_rowset_meta);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset.init() == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset.load() == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        std::vector<std::string> old_files;
-        rowset.remove_old_files(&old_files);
-    }
-    // old files are removed, then convert new snapshot to old snapshot
-    OLAPHeaderMessage old_header_msg;
-    status = converter.to_old_snapshot(tablet_meta_pb, _tablet_data_path, _tablet_data_path,
-                                       &old_header_msg);
-    for (auto& pdelta : header_msg.delta()) {
-        bool found = false;
-        for (auto& converted_pdelta : old_header_msg.delta()) {
-            if (converted_pdelta.start_version() == pdelta.start_version() &&
-                converted_pdelta.end_version() == pdelta.end_version()) {
-                found = true;
-            }
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    }
-    for (auto& pdelta : header_msg.incremental_delta()) {
-        bool found = false;
-        for (auto& converted_pdelta : old_header_msg.incremental_delta()) {
-            if (converted_pdelta.start_version() == pdelta.start_version() &&
-                converted_pdelta.end_version() == pdelta.end_version() &&
-                converted_pdelta.version_hash() == pdelta.version_hash()) {
-                found = true;
-            }
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/options_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/options_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 14e1a1b..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/options_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/options.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <string>
-namespace doris {
-void set_up() {
-    system("rm -rf ./test_run && mkdir -p ./test_run");
-    system("mkdir -p ./test_run/palo && mkdir -p ./test_run/palo.ssd");
-void tear_down() {
-    system("rm -rf ./test_run");
-class OptionsTest : public testing::Test {
-    OptionsTest() {}
-    virtual ~OptionsTest() {}
-TEST_F(OptionsTest, parse_root_path) {
-    std::string path_prefix = boost::filesystem::system_complete("./test_run").string();
-    std::string path1 = path_prefix + "/palo";
-    std::string path2 = path_prefix + "/palo.ssd";
-    std::string root_path;
-    StorePath path;
-    // /path<.extension>, <capacity>
-    {
-        root_path = path1;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
-        ASSERT_EQ(-1, path.capacity_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::HDD, path.storage_medium);
-    }
-    {
-        root_path = path2;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(path2.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
-        ASSERT_EQ(-1, path.capacity_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
-    }
-    {
-        root_path = path2 + ", 50";
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(path2.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
-        ASSERT_EQ(50 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
-    }
-    // /path, <property>:<value>,...
-    {
-        root_path = path1 + ", capacity:50, medium: ssd";
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
-        ASSERT_EQ(50 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
-    }
-    {
-        root_path = path1 + ", medium: ssd, capacity:30";
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
-        ASSERT_EQ(30 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
-    }
-    {
-        root_path = path1 + " , medium: ssd, 60";
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
-        ASSERT_EQ(60 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::SSD, path.storage_medium);
-    }
-    {
-        root_path = path1 + ", medium: ssd, 60, medium: hdd, capacity: 10";
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(path1.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
-        ASSERT_EQ(10 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::HDD, path.storage_medium);
-    }
-    {
-        root_path = path2 + ", medium: hdd, 60, capacity: 10";
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, parse_root_path(root_path, &path));
-        ASSERT_STREQ(path2.c_str(), path.path.c_str());
-        ASSERT_EQ(10 * GB_EXCHANGE_BYTE, path.capacity_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(TStorageMedium::HDD, path.storage_medium);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    doris::set_up();
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    doris::tear_down();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/page_cache_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/page_cache_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0abd074..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/page_cache_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/page_cache.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class StoragePageCacheTest : public testing::Test {
-    StoragePageCacheTest() {}
-    virtual ~StoragePageCacheTest() {}
-// All cache space is allocated to data pages
-TEST(StoragePageCacheTest, data_page_only) {
-    StoragePageCache cache(kNumShards * 2048, 0);
-    StoragePageCache::CacheKey key("abc", 0);
-    StoragePageCache::CacheKey memory_key("mem", 0);
-    segment_v2::PageTypePB page_type = segment_v2::DATA_PAGE;
-    {
-        // insert normal page
-        char* buf = new char[1024];
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        Slice data(buf, 1024);
-        cache.insert(key, data, &handle, page_type, false);
-        ASSERT_EQ(handle.data().data, buf);
-        auto found = cache.lookup(key, &handle, page_type);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-        ASSERT_EQ(buf, handle.data().data);
-    }
-    {
-        // insert in_memory page
-        char* buf = new char[1024];
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        Slice data(buf, 1024);
-        cache.insert(memory_key, data, &handle, page_type, true);
-        ASSERT_EQ(handle.data().data, buf);
-        auto found = cache.lookup(memory_key, &handle, page_type);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    }
-    // put too many page to eliminate first page
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10 * kNumShards; ++i) {
-        StoragePageCache::CacheKey key("bcd", i);
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        Slice data(new char[1024], 1024);
-        cache.insert(key, data, &handle, page_type, false);
-    }
-    // cache miss
-    {
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        StoragePageCache::CacheKey miss_key("abc", 1);
-        auto found = cache.lookup(miss_key, &handle, page_type);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found);
-    }
-    // cache miss for eliminated key
-    {
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        auto found = cache.lookup(key, &handle, page_type);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found);
-    }
-// All cache space is allocated to index pages
-TEST(StoragePageCacheTest, index_page_only) {
-    StoragePageCache cache(kNumShards * 2048, 100);
-    StoragePageCache::CacheKey key("abc", 0);
-    StoragePageCache::CacheKey memory_key("mem", 0);
-    segment_v2::PageTypePB page_type = segment_v2::INDEX_PAGE;
-    {
-        // insert normal page
-        char* buf = new char[1024];
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        Slice data(buf, 1024);
-        cache.insert(key, data, &handle, page_type, false);
-        ASSERT_EQ(handle.data().data, buf);
-        auto found = cache.lookup(key, &handle, page_type);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-        ASSERT_EQ(buf, handle.data().data);
-    }
-    {
-        // insert in_memory page
-        char* buf = new char[1024];
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        Slice data(buf, 1024);
-        cache.insert(memory_key, data, &handle, page_type, true);
-        ASSERT_EQ(handle.data().data, buf);
-        auto found = cache.lookup(memory_key, &handle, page_type);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    }
-    // put too many page to eliminate first page
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10 * kNumShards; ++i) {
-        StoragePageCache::CacheKey key("bcd", i);
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        Slice data(new char[1024], 1024);
-        cache.insert(key, data, &handle, page_type, false);
-    }
-    // cache miss
-    {
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        StoragePageCache::CacheKey miss_key("abc", 1);
-        auto found = cache.lookup(miss_key, &handle, page_type);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found);
-    }
-    // cache miss for eliminated key
-    {
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        auto found = cache.lookup(key, &handle, page_type);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found);
-    }
-// Cache space is allocated by index_page_cache_ratio
-TEST(StoragePageCacheTest, mixed_pages) {
-    StoragePageCache cache(kNumShards * 2048, 10);
-    StoragePageCache::CacheKey data_key("data", 0);
-    StoragePageCache::CacheKey index_key("index", 0);
-    StoragePageCache::CacheKey data_key_mem("data_mem", 0);
-    StoragePageCache::CacheKey index_key_mem("index_mem", 0);
-    segment_v2::PageTypePB page_type_data = segment_v2::DATA_PAGE;
-    segment_v2::PageTypePB page_type_index = segment_v2::INDEX_PAGE;
-    {
-        // insert both normal pages
-        char* buf_data = new char[1024];
-        char* buf_index = new char[1024];
-        PageCacheHandle data_handle, index_handle;
-        Slice data(buf_data, 1024), index(buf_index, 1024);
-        cache.insert(data_key, data, &data_handle, page_type_data, false);
-        cache.insert(index_key, index, &index_handle, page_type_index, false);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data_handle.data().data, buf_data);
-        ASSERT_EQ(index_handle.data().data, buf_index);
-        auto found_data = cache.lookup(data_key, &data_handle, page_type_data);
-        auto found_index = cache.lookup(index_key, &index_handle, page_type_index);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found_data);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found_index);
-        ASSERT_EQ(buf_data, data_handle.data().data);
-        ASSERT_EQ(buf_index, index_handle.data().data);
-    }
-    {
-        // insert both in_memory pages
-        char* buf_data = new char[1024];
-        char* buf_index = new char[1024];
-        PageCacheHandle data_handle, index_handle;
-        Slice data(buf_data, 1024), index(buf_index, 1024);
-        cache.insert(data_key_mem, data, &data_handle, page_type_data, true);
-        cache.insert(index_key_mem, index, &index_handle, page_type_index, true);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data_handle.data().data, buf_data);
-        ASSERT_EQ(index_handle.data().data, buf_index);        
-        auto found_data = cache.lookup(data_key_mem, &data_handle, page_type_data);
-        auto found_index = cache.lookup(index_key_mem, &index_handle, page_type_index);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found_data);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(found_index);
-    }
-    // put too many page to eliminate first page of both cache
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10 * kNumShards; ++i) {
-        StoragePageCache::CacheKey key("bcd", i);
-        PageCacheHandle handle;
-        Slice data(new char[1024], 1024), index(new char[1024], 1024);
-        cache.insert(key, data, &handle, page_type_data, false);
-        cache.insert(key, index, &handle, page_type_index, false);
-    }
-    // cache miss by key
-    {
-        PageCacheHandle data_handle, index_handle;
-        StoragePageCache::CacheKey miss_key("abc", 1);
-        auto found_data = cache.lookup(miss_key, &data_handle, page_type_data);
-        auto found_index = cache.lookup(miss_key, &index_handle, page_type_index);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found_data);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found_index);
-    }
-    // cache miss by page type
-    {
-        PageCacheHandle data_handle, index_handle;
-        StoragePageCache::CacheKey miss_key_data("data_miss", 1);
-        StoragePageCache::CacheKey miss_key_index("index_miss", 1);
-        char* buf_data = new char[1024];
-        char* buf_index = new char[1024];
-        Slice data(buf_data, 1024), index(buf_index, 1024);
-        cache.insert(miss_key_data, data, &data_handle, page_type_data, false);
-        cache.insert(miss_key_index, index, &index_handle, page_type_index, false);
-        auto found_data = cache.lookup(miss_key_data, &data_handle, page_type_index);
-        auto found_index = cache.lookup(miss_key_index, &index_handle, page_type_data);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found_data);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found_index);
-    }
-    // cache miss for eliminated key
-    {
-        PageCacheHandle data_handle, index_handle;
-        auto found_data = cache.lookup(data_key, &data_handle, page_type_data);
-        auto found_index = cache.lookup(index_key, &index_handle, page_type_index);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found_data);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(found_index);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/push_handler_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/push_handler_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f4efdb4..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/push_handler_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/push_handler.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "exprs/cast_functions.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "olap/row.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/user_function_cache.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PushHandlerTest : public testing::Test {
-    PushHandlerTest() { init(); }
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        UserFunctionCache::instance()->init(
-                "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/normal");
-        CastFunctions::init();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    void init();
-    Schema create_schema();
-    int create_src_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id);
-    int create_dst_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id);
-    void create_expr_info();
-    TDescriptorTable init_desc_table();
-    TDescriptorTable _t_desc_table;
-    TBrokerScanRangeParams _params;
-Schema PushHandlerTest::create_schema() {
-    std::vector<TabletColumn> columns;
-    columns.emplace_back(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true);
-    columns.emplace_back(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_SUM, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT, true);
-    Schema schema(columns, 3);
-    return schema;
-#define TUPLE_ID_DST 0
-#define TUPLE_ID_SRC 1
-int PushHandlerTest::create_src_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id) {
-    const char* columnNames[] = {"k1_int", "k2_smallint", "k3_varchar", "v_bigint"};
-    for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_NUMBERS; i++) {
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 1;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = i;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = i * 16 + 8; // 8 bytes for null
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = i % 8;
-        slot_desc.colName = columnNames[i];
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = i + 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor source
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = TUPLE_ID_SRC;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = COLUMN_NUMBERS * 16 + 8; // 8 bytes for null
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    return next_slot_id;
-int PushHandlerTest::create_dst_tuple(TDescriptorTable& t_desc_table, int next_slot_id) {
-    { //k1_int
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = -1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 4;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 1;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k1_int";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 1;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    { // k2_smallint
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = -1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 2;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 0;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k2_smallint";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 0;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    { //k3_varchar
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-            scalar_type.__set_len(65535);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = -1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 16;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 3;
-        slot_desc.colName = "k3_varchar";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 3;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    { // v_bigint
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.id = next_slot_id++;
-        slot_desc.parent = 0;
-        TTypeDesc type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        slot_desc.slotType = type;
-        slot_desc.columnPos = -1;
-        slot_desc.byteOffset = 8;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorByte = 0;
-        slot_desc.nullIndicatorBit = 2;
-        slot_desc.colName = "v_bigint";
-        slot_desc.slotIdx = 2;
-        slot_desc.isMaterialized = true;
-        t_desc_table.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-    }
-    t_desc_table.__isset.slotDescriptors = true;
-    {
-        // TTupleDescriptor dest
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.id = TUPLE_ID_DST;
-        t_tuple_desc.byteSize = 32;
-        t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-        t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-        t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-        t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    return next_slot_id;
-TDescriptorTable PushHandlerTest::init_desc_table() {
-    TDescriptorTable t_desc_table;
-    int next_slot_id = 1;
-    next_slot_id = create_dst_tuple(t_desc_table, next_slot_id);
-    next_slot_id = create_src_tuple(t_desc_table, next_slot_id);
-    return t_desc_table;
-void PushHandlerTest::create_expr_info() {
-    TTypeDesc varchar_type;
-    {
-        TTypeNode node;
-        node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-        TScalarType scalar_type;
-        scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::VARCHAR);
-        scalar_type.__set_len(5000);
-        node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-        varchar_type.types.push_back(node);
-    }
-    // k1_int VARCHAR --> INT
-    {
-        TTypeDesc int_type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            int_type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttoint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = int_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttoint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START);
-    }
-    // k2_smallint VARCHAR --> SMALLINT
-    {
-        TTypeDesc smallint_type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            smallint_type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = smallint_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttosmallint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = smallint_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttosmallint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_small_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 1);
-    }
-    // k3_varchar VARCHAR --> VARCHAR
-    {
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 2);
-    }
-    // v_bigint VARCHAR --> BIGINT
-    {
-        TTypeDesc bigint_type;
-        {
-            TTypeNode node;
-            node.__set_type(TTypeNodeType::SCALAR);
-            TScalarType scalar_type;
-            scalar_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-            node.__set_scalar_type(scalar_type);
-            bigint_type.types.push_back(node);
-        }
-        TExprNode cast_expr;
-        cast_expr.node_type = TExprNodeType::CAST_EXPR;
-        cast_expr.type = bigint_type;
-        cast_expr.__set_opcode(TExprOpcode::CAST);
-        cast_expr.__set_num_children(1);
-        cast_expr.__set_output_scale(-1);
-        cast_expr.__isset.fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.name.function_name = "casttobigint";
-        cast_expr.fn.binary_type = TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN;
-        cast_expr.fn.arg_types.push_back(varchar_type);
-        cast_expr.fn.ret_type = bigint_type;
-        cast_expr.fn.has_var_args = false;
-        cast_expr.fn.__set_signature("casttobigint(VARCHAR(*))");
-        cast_expr.fn.__isset.scalar_fn = true;
-        cast_expr.fn.scalar_fn.symbol = "doris::CastFunctions::cast_to_big_int_val";
-        TExprNode slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        slot_ref.type = varchar_type;
-        slot_ref.num_children = 0;
-        slot_ref.__isset.slot_ref = true;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.slot_id = SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3;
-        slot_ref.slot_ref.tuple_id = 1;
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(cast_expr);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(slot_ref);
-        _params.expr_of_dest_slot.emplace(DST_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3, expr);
-        _params.src_slot_ids.push_back(SRC_TUPLE_SLOT_ID_START + 3);
-    }
-    _params.__set_dest_tuple_id(TUPLE_ID_DST);
-    _params.__set_src_tuple_id(TUPLE_ID_SRC);
-void PushHandlerTest::init() {
-    create_expr_info();
-    _t_desc_table = init_desc_table();
-TEST_F(PushHandlerTest, PushBrokerReaderNormal) {
-    TBrokerScanRange broker_scan_range;
-    broker_scan_range.params = _params;
-    TBrokerRangeDesc range;
-    range.start_offset = 0;
-    range.size = -1;
-    range.format_type = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_PARQUET;
-    range.splittable = false;
-    range.path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/push_broker_reader.parquet";
-    range.file_type = TFileType::FILE_LOCAL;
-    broker_scan_range.ranges.push_back(range);
-    ExecEnv::GetInstance()->_thread_mgr = new ThreadResourceMgr();
-    Schema schema = create_schema();
-    // data
-    // k1_int k2_smallint varchar bigint
-    // 0           0       a0      0
-    // 0           2       a1      3
-    // 1           4       a2      6
-    PushBrokerReader reader;
-    reader.init(&schema, broker_scan_range, _t_desc_table);
-    uint8_t* tuple_buf = reader.mem_pool()->allocate(schema.schema_size());
-    ContiguousRow row(&schema, tuple_buf);
-    // line 1
-    reader.next(&row);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(reader.eof());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, *(int32_t*)row.cell(0).cell_ptr());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, *(int16_t*)row.cell(1).cell_ptr());
-    ASSERT_EQ("a0", ((Slice*)row.cell(2).cell_ptr())->to_string());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, *(int64_t*)row.cell(3).cell_ptr());
-    // line 2
-    reader.next(&row);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(reader.eof());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, *(int32_t*)row.cell(0).cell_ptr());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, *(int16_t*)row.cell(1).cell_ptr());
-    ASSERT_EQ("a1", ((Slice*)row.cell(2).cell_ptr())->to_string());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, *(int64_t*)row.cell(3).cell_ptr());
-    // line 3
-    reader.next(&row);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(reader.eof());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, *(int32_t*)row.cell(0).cell_ptr());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, *(int16_t*)row.cell(1).cell_ptr());
-    ASSERT_EQ("a2", ((Slice*)row.cell(2).cell_ptr())->to_string());
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, *(int64_t*)row.cell(3).cell_ptr());
-    // eof
-    reader.next(&row);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(reader.eof());
-    reader.close();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/row_block_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/row_block_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 214b24c..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/row_block_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/row_block.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "exprs/expr_context.h"
-#include "olap/tablet.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using std::vector;
-using std::string;
-using std::endl;
-using std::stringstream;
-namespace doris {
-class TestRowBlock : public testing::Test {
-    TestRowBlock() {}
-    void SetUp() {}
-    void TearDown() {}
-void init_tablet_schema(TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-    {
-        // k1: bigint
-        {
-            ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-            column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-            column_1->set_name("k1");
-            column_1->set_type("BIGINT");
-            column_1->set_is_key(true);
-            column_1->set_length(8);
-            column_1->set_aggregation("NONE");
-        }
-        // k2: char
-        {
-            ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-            column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-            column_2->set_name("k2");
-            column_2->set_type("CHAR");
-            column_2->set_is_key(true);
-            column_2->set_length(10);
-            column_2->set_aggregation("NONE");
-        }
-        // k3: varchar
-        {
-            ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-            column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-            column_3->set_name("k3");
-            column_3->set_type("VARCHAR");
-            column_3->set_is_key(true);
-            column_3->set_length(20);
-            column_3->set_aggregation("NONE");
-        }
-    }
-    tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-TEST_F(TestRowBlock, init) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    init_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-    {
-        // has nullbyte
-        RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-        RowBlockInfo block_info;
-        block_info.row_num = 1024;
-        block_info.null_supported = true;
-        block.init(block_info);
-        ASSERT_EQ(9 + 17 + 17, block._mem_row_bytes);
-    }
-    {
-        // has nullbyte
-        RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-        RowBlockInfo block_info;
-        block_info.row_num = 1024;
-        block_info.null_supported = false;
-        block.init(block_info);
-        ASSERT_EQ(9 + 17 + 17, block._mem_row_bytes);
-    }
-    {
-        RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-        RowBlockInfo block_info;
-        block_info.row_num = 1024;
-        block_info.null_supported = true;
-        block_info.column_ids.push_back(1);
-        block.init(block_info);
-        // null + sizeof(Slice)
-        ASSERT_EQ(17, block._mem_row_bytes);
-        ASSERT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), block._field_offset_in_memory[0]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, block._field_offset_in_memory[1]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), block._field_offset_in_memory[2]);
-    }
-TEST_F(TestRowBlock, write_and_read) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    init_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block_info.null_supported = true;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    RowCursor row;
-    row.init(tablet_schema);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        block.get_row(i, &row);
-        // bigint
-        {
-            int64_t val = i;
-            row.set_not_null(0);
-            row.set_field_content(0, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-        // char
-        {
-            char buf[10];
-            memset(buf, 'a' + i, 10);
-            Slice val(buf, 10);
-            row.set_not_null(1);
-            row.set_field_content(1, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-        // varchar
-        {
-            char buf[10];
-            memset(buf, '0' + i, 10);
-            Slice val(buf, 10);
-            row.set_not_null(2);
-            row.set_field_content(2, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-    }
-    block.finalize(5);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, block.row_num());
-TEST_F(TestRowBlock, write_and_read_without_nullbyte) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    init_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block_info.null_supported = false;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    RowCursor row;
-    row.init(tablet_schema);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        block.get_row(i, &row);
-        // bigint
-        {
-            int64_t val = i;
-            row.set_not_null(0);
-            row.set_field_content(0, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-        // char
-        {
-            char buf[10];
-            memset(buf, 'a' + i, 10);
-            Slice val(buf, 10);
-            row.set_not_null(1);
-            row.set_field_content(1, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-        // varchar
-        {
-            char buf[10];
-            memset(buf, '0' + i, 10);
-            Slice val(buf, 10);
-            row.set_not_null(2);
-            row.set_field_content(2, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-    }
-    block.finalize(5);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, block.row_num());
-TEST_F(TestRowBlock, compress_failed) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    init_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block_info.null_supported = true;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    RowCursor row;
-    row.init(tablet_schema);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        block.get_row(i, &row);
-        // bigint
-        {
-            int64_t val = i;
-            row.set_field_content(0, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-        // char
-        {
-            char buf[10];
-            memset(buf, 'a' + i, 10);
-            Slice val(buf, 10);
-            row.set_field_content(1, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-        // varchar
-        {
-            char buf[10];
-            memset(buf, '0' + i, 10);
-            Slice val(buf, 10);
-            row.set_field_content(2, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-    }
-    block.finalize(5);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, block.row_num());
-TEST_F(TestRowBlock, decompress_failed) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    init_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block_info.null_supported = true;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    RowCursor row;
-    row.init(tablet_schema);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        block.get_row(i, &row);
-        // bigint
-        {
-            int64_t val = i;
-            row.set_field_content(0, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-        // char
-        {
-            char buf[10];
-            memset(buf, 'a' + i, 10);
-            Slice val(buf, 10);
-            row.set_field_content(1, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-        // varchar
-        {
-            char buf[10];
-            memset(buf, '0' + i, 10);
-            Slice val(buf, 10);
-            row.set_field_content(2, (const char*)&val, block.mem_pool());
-        }
-    }
-    block.finalize(5);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, block.row_num());
-TEST_F(TestRowBlock, clear) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    init_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block_info.null_supported = true;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    block.finalize(5);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, block.row_num());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1024, block.capacity());
-    block.clear();
-    ASSERT_EQ(1024, block.row_num());
-TEST_F(TestRowBlock, pos_limit) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    init_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block_info.null_supported = true;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    // assert init value
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, block.pos());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, block.limit());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(block.has_remaining());
-    ASSERT_EQ(DEL_PARTIAL_SATISFIED, block.block_status());
-    block.set_limit(100);
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, block.limit());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block.has_remaining());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, block.remaining());
-    block.set_pos(2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block.has_remaining());
-    ASSERT_EQ(98, block.remaining());
-    block.pos_inc();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block.has_remaining());
-    ASSERT_EQ(97, block.remaining());
-    block.set_block_status(DEL_SATISFIED);
-    ASSERT_EQ(DEL_SATISFIED, block.block_status());
-} // namespace doris
-// @brief Test Stub
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/row_block_v2_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/row_block_v2_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 37e9732..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/row_block_v2_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/row_block2.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TestRowBlockV2 : public testing::Test {
-    TestRowBlockV2() {}
-    void SetUp() {}
-    void TearDown() {}
-void init_tablet_schema(TabletSchema* tablet_schema, bool is_nullable) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-    {
-        // k1: bigint
-        {
-            ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-            column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-            column_1->set_name("k1");
-            column_1->set_type("BIGINT");
-            column_1->set_is_key(true);
-            column_1->set_length(8);
-            column_1->set_is_nullable(is_nullable);
-            column_1->set_aggregation("NONE");
-        }
-        // k2: char
-        {
-            ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-            column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-            column_2->set_name("k2");
-            column_2->set_type("CHAR");
-            column_2->set_is_key(true);
-            column_2->set_length(10);
-            column_2->set_is_nullable(is_nullable);
-            column_2->set_aggregation("NONE");
-        }
-        // k3: varchar
-        {
-            ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-            column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-            column_3->set_name("k3");
-            column_3->set_type("VARCHAR");
-            column_3->set_is_key(true);
-            column_3->set_length(20);
-            column_3->set_is_nullable(is_nullable);
-            column_3->set_aggregation("NONE");
-        }
-        // v1: int
-        {
-            ColumnPB* column_4 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-            column_4->set_unique_id(3);
-            column_4->set_name("v1");
-            column_4->set_type("INT");
-            column_4->set_is_key(false);
-            column_4->set_length(4);
-            column_4->set_is_nullable(false);
-            column_4->set_aggregation("SUM");
-        }
-    }
-    tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-TEST_F(TestRowBlockV2, test_convert) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    init_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema, true);
-    Schema schema(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockV2 input_block(schema, 1024);
-    RowBlock output_block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 1024;
-    block_info.null_supported = true;
-    output_block.init(block_info);
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-    for (int i = 0; i < input_block.capacity(); ++i) {
-        RowBlockRow row = input_block.row(i);
-        // column_1
-        row.set_is_null(0, false);
-        uint8_t* cell0 = row.mutable_cell_ptr(0);
-        (*(uint64_t*)cell0) = i;
-        // column_2
-        uint8_t* buf = pool.allocate(10);
-        memset(buf, 'a' + (i % 10), 10);
-        Slice str1(buf, 10);
-        row.set_is_null(1, false);
-        uint8_t* cell1 = row.mutable_cell_ptr(1);
-        (*(Slice*)cell1) = str1;
-        // column_3
-        uint8_t* buf2 = pool.allocate(10);
-        memset(buf2, 'A' + (i % 10), 10);
-        Slice str2(buf2, 10);
-        row.set_is_null(2, false);
-        uint8_t* cell3 = row.mutable_cell_ptr(2);
-        (*(Slice*)cell3) = str2;
-        // column_4
-        row.set_is_null(3, false);
-        uint8_t* cell4 = row.mutable_cell_ptr(3);
-        (*(uint32_t*)cell4) = 10 * i;
-    }
-    input_block.set_selected_size(5);
-    uint16_t* select_vector = input_block.selection_vector();
-    for (int i = 0; i < input_block.selected_size(); ++i) {
-        // 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
-        select_vector[i] = (i + 1) * 10;
-    }
-    RowCursor helper;
-    helper.init(tablet_schema);
-    auto st = input_block.convert_to_row_block(&helper, &output_block);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, output_block.limit());
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-        char* field1 = output_block.field_ptr(i, 0);
-        char* field2 = output_block.field_ptr(i, 1);
-        char* field3 = output_block.field_ptr(i, 2);
-        char* field4 = output_block.field_ptr(i, 3);
-        // test null bit
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field1));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field2));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field3));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field4));
-        uint64_t k1 = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(field1 + 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ((i + 1) * 10, k1);
-        Slice k2 = *reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(field2 + 1);
-        char buf[10];
-        memset(buf, 'a' + ((i + 1) * 10) % 10, 10);
-        Slice k2_v(buf, 10);
-        ASSERT_EQ(k2_v, k2);
-        Slice k3 = *reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(field3 + 1);
-        char buf2[10];
-        memset(buf2, 'A' + ((i + 1) * 10) % 10, 10);
-        Slice k3_v(buf2, 10);
-        ASSERT_EQ(k3_v, k3);
-        uint32_t v1 = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(field4 + 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ((i + 1) * 10 * 10, v1);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-// @brief Test Stub
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/row_cursor_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/row_cursor_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a61ab8..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/row_cursor_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/row_cursor.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "olap/row.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-void set_tablet_schema_for_init(TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-    ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    column_1->set_name("column_1");
-    column_1->set_type("TINYINT");
-    column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    column_1->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_1->set_length(1);
-    column_1->set_index_length(1);
-    ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    column_2->set_name("column_2");
-    column_2->set_type("SMALLINT");
-    column_2->set_is_key(true);
-    column_2->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_2->set_length(2);
-    column_2->set_index_length(2);
-    column_2->set_default_value("0");
-    ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-    column_3->set_name("column_3");
-    column_3->set_type("INT");
-    column_3->set_is_key(true);
-    column_3->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_3->set_length(4);
-    column_3->set_index_length(4);
-    ColumnPB* column_4 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_4->set_unique_id(4);
-    column_4->set_name("column_4");
-    column_4->set_type("DATE");
-    column_4->set_is_key(true);
-    column_4->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_4->set_length(3);
-    column_4->set_index_length(3);
-    ColumnPB* column_5 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_5->set_unique_id(5);
-    column_5->set_name("column_5");
-    column_5->set_type("DATETIME");
-    column_5->set_is_key(true);
-    column_5->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_5->set_length(8);
-    column_5->set_index_length(8);
-    ColumnPB* column_6 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_6->set_unique_id(6);
-    column_6->set_name("column_6");
-    column_6->set_type("DECIMAL");
-    column_6->set_is_key(true);
-    column_6->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_6->set_length(12);
-    column_6->set_index_length(12);
-    column_6->set_frac(3);
-    column_6->set_precision(6);
-    ColumnPB* column_7 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_7->set_unique_id(7);
-    column_7->set_name("column_7");
-    column_7->set_type("CHAR");
-    column_7->set_is_key(true);
-    column_7->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_7->set_length(4);
-    column_7->set_index_length(4);
-    column_7->set_default_value("char");
-    ColumnPB* column_8 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_8->set_unique_id(8);
-    column_8->set_name("column_8");
-    column_8->set_type("BIGINT");
-    column_8->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_8->set_length(8);
-    column_8->set_aggregation("SUM");
-    column_8->set_is_key(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_9 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_9->set_unique_id(9);
-    column_9->set_name("column_9");
-    column_9->set_type("VARCHAR");
-    column_9->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_9->set_length(16 + OLAP_STRING_MAX_BYTES);
-    column_9->set_aggregation("REPLACE");
-    column_9->set_is_key(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_10 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_10->set_unique_id(10);
-    column_10->set_name("column_10");
-    column_10->set_type("LARGEINT");
-    column_10->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_10->set_length(16);
-    column_10->set_aggregation("MAX");
-    column_10->set_is_key(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_11 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_11->set_unique_id(11);
-    column_11->set_name("column_11");
-    column_11->set_type("DECIMAL");
-    column_11->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_11->set_length(12);
-    column_11->set_aggregation("MIN");
-    column_11->set_is_key(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_12 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_12->set_unique_id(12);
-    column_12->set_name("column_12");
-    column_12->set_type("HLL");
-    column_12->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_12->set_length(HLL_COLUMN_DEFAULT_LEN);
-    column_12->set_aggregation("HLL_UNION");
-    column_12->set_is_key(false);
-    tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-void set_tablet_schema_for_scan_key(TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-    ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    column_1->set_name("column_1");
-    column_1->set_type("CHAR");
-    column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    column_1->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_1->set_length(4);
-    column_1->set_index_length(4);
-    column_1->set_default_value("char");
-    ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    column_2->set_name("column_2");
-    column_2->set_type("VARCHAR");
-    column_2->set_is_key(true);
-    column_2->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_2->set_length(16 + OLAP_STRING_MAX_BYTES);
-    column_2->set_index_length(20);
-    ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-    column_3->set_name("column_3");
-    column_3->set_type("LARGEINT");
-    column_3->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_3->set_length(16);
-    column_3->set_aggregation("MAX");
-    column_3->set_is_key(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_4 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_4->set_unique_id(9);
-    column_4->set_name("column_4");
-    column_4->set_type("DECIMAL");
-    column_4->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_4->set_length(12);
-    column_4->set_aggregation("MIN");
-    column_4->set_is_key(false);
-    tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-void set_tablet_schema_for_cmp_and_aggregate(TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-    ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    column_1->set_name("column_1");
-    column_1->set_type("CHAR");
-    column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    column_1->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_1->set_length(4);
-    column_1->set_index_length(4);
-    column_1->set_default_value("char");
-    ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    column_2->set_name("column_2");
-    column_2->set_type("INT");
-    column_2->set_is_key(true);
-    column_2->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_2->set_length(4);
-    column_2->set_index_length(4);
-    ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-    column_3->set_name("column_3");
-    column_3->set_type("LARGEINT");
-    column_3->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_3->set_length(16);
-    column_3->set_aggregation("SUM");
-    column_3->set_is_key(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_4 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_4->set_unique_id(9);
-    column_4->set_name("column_4");
-    column_4->set_type("DOUBLE");
-    column_4->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_4->set_length(8);
-    column_4->set_aggregation("MIN");
-    column_4->set_is_key(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_5 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_5->set_unique_id(3);
-    column_5->set_name("column_5");
-    column_5->set_type("DECIMAL");
-    column_5->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_5->set_length(12);
-    column_5->set_aggregation("MAX");
-    column_5->set_is_key(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_6 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_6->set_unique_id(9);
-    column_6->set_name("column_6");
-    column_6->set_type("VARCHAR");
-    column_6->set_is_nullable(true);
-    column_6->set_length(16 + OLAP_STRING_MAX_BYTES);
-    column_6->set_aggregation("REPLACE");
-    column_6->set_is_key(false);
-    tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-class TestRowCursor : public testing::Test {
-    TestRowCursor() {
-        _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, InitRowCursor) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_init(&tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_fixed_len(), 126);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_variable_len(), 20);
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, InitRowCursorWithColumnCount) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_init(&tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init(tablet_schema, 5);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_fixed_len(), 23);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_variable_len(), 0);
-    row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_variable_len(), 0);
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, InitRowCursorWithColIds) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_init(&tablet_schema);
-    std::vector<uint32_t> col_ids;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns() / 2; ++i) {
-        col_ids.push_back(i * 2);
-    }
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init(tablet_schema, col_ids);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_fixed_len(), 63);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_variable_len(), 20);
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, InitRowCursorWithScanKey) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_scan_key(&tablet_schema);
-    std::vector<std::string> scan_keys;
-    scan_keys.push_back("char_exceed_length");
-    scan_keys.push_back("varchar_exceed_length");
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init_scan_key(tablet_schema, scan_keys);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_fixed_len(), 34);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_variable_len(), 39);
-    OlapTuple tuple1(scan_keys);
-    res = row.from_tuple(tuple1);
-    OlapTuple tuple2 = row.to_tuple();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(tuple2.get_value(0).c_str(), "0&char_exceed_length", 20));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(tuple2.get_value(1).c_str(), "0&varchar_exceed_length", 23));
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, EqualAndCompare) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_cmp_and_aggregate(&tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor left;
-    OLAPStatus res = left.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(left.get_fixed_len(), 78);
-    ASSERT_EQ(left.get_variable_len(), 20);
-    Slice l_char("well");
-    int32_t l_int = 10;
-    left.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_char), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_int), _mem_pool.get());
-    // right row only has k2 in int type
-    std::vector<uint32_t> col_ids;
-    col_ids.push_back(0);
-    RowCursor right_eq;
-    res = right_eq.init(tablet_schema, col_ids);
-    Slice r_char_eq = ("well");
-    right_eq.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_eq), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_EQ(compare_row_key(left, right_eq), 0);
-    RowCursor right_lt;
-    res = right_lt.init(tablet_schema, col_ids);
-    Slice r_char_lt = ("welm");
-    right_lt.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_lt), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_LT(compare_row_key(left, right_lt), 0);
-    RowCursor right_gt;
-    res = right_gt.init(tablet_schema, col_ids);
-    Slice r_char_gt = ("welk");
-    right_gt.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_gt), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_GT(compare_row_key(left, right_gt), 0);
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, IndexCmp) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_cmp_and_aggregate(&tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor left;
-    OLAPStatus res = left.init(tablet_schema, 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(left.get_fixed_len(), 22);
-    ASSERT_EQ(left.get_variable_len(), 4);
-    Slice l_char("well");
-    int32_t l_int = 10;
-    left.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_char), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_int), _mem_pool.get());
-    RowCursor right_eq;
-    res = right_eq.init(tablet_schema, 2);
-    Slice r_char_eq("well");
-    int32_t r_int_eq = 10;
-    right_eq.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_eq), _mem_pool.get());
-    right_eq.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_int_eq), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_EQ(index_compare_row(left, right_eq), 0);
-    RowCursor right_lt;
-    res = right_lt.init(tablet_schema, 2);
-    Slice r_char_lt("well");
-    int32_t r_int_lt = 11;
-    right_lt.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_lt), _mem_pool.get());
-    right_lt.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_int_lt), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_LT(index_compare_row(left, right_lt), 0);
-    RowCursor right_gt;
-    res = right_gt.init(tablet_schema, 2);
-    Slice r_char_gt("good");
-    int32_t r_int_gt = 10;
-    right_gt.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_gt), _mem_pool.get());
-    right_gt.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_int_gt), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_GT(index_compare_row(left, right_gt), 0);
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, FullKeyCmp) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_cmp_and_aggregate(&tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor left;
-    OLAPStatus res = left.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(left.get_fixed_len(), 78);
-    ASSERT_EQ(left.get_variable_len(), 20);
-    Slice l_char("well");
-    int32_t l_int = 10;
-    left.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_char), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_int), _mem_pool.get());
-    RowCursor right_eq;
-    res = right_eq.init(tablet_schema);
-    Slice r_char_eq("well");
-    int32_t r_int_eq = 10;
-    right_eq.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_eq), _mem_pool.get());
-    right_eq.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_int_eq), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_EQ(compare_row(left, right_eq), 0);
-    RowCursor right_lt;
-    res = right_lt.init(tablet_schema);
-    Slice r_char_lt("well");
-    int32_t r_int_lt = 11;
-    right_lt.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_lt), _mem_pool.get());
-    right_lt.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_int_lt), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_LT(compare_row(left, right_lt), 0);
-    RowCursor right_gt;
-    res = right_gt.init(tablet_schema);
-    Slice r_char_gt("good");
-    int32_t r_int_gt = 10;
-    right_gt.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char_gt), _mem_pool.get());
-    right_gt.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_int_gt), _mem_pool.get());
-    ASSERT_GT(compare_row(left, right_gt), 0);
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, AggregateWithoutNull) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_cmp_and_aggregate(&tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_fixed_len(), 78);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_variable_len(), 20);
-    row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor left;
-    res = left.init(tablet_schema);
-    Slice l_char("well");
-    int32_t l_int = 10;
-    int128_t l_largeint = (int128_t)(1) << 100;
-    double l_double = 8.8;
-    decimal12_t l_decimal(11, 22);
-    Slice l_varchar("beijing");
-    left.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_char), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_int), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_largeint), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(3, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_double), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(4, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_decimal), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(5, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_varchar), _mem_pool.get());
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    ObjectPool agg_object_pool;
-    init_row_with_others(&row, left, mem_pool.get(), &agg_object_pool);
-    RowCursor right;
-    res = right.init(tablet_schema);
-    Slice r_char("well");
-    int32_t r_int = 10;
-    int128_t r_largeint = (int128_t)(1) << 100;
-    double r_double = 5.5;
-    decimal12_t r_decimal(22, 22);
-    Slice r_varchar("shenzhen");
-    right.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_int), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_largeint), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(3, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_double), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(4, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_decimal), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(5, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_varchar), _mem_pool.get());
-    agg_update_row(&row, right, nullptr);
-    int128_t agg_value = *reinterpret_cast<int128_t*>(row.cell_ptr(2));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(agg_value == ((int128_t)(1) << 101));
-    double agg_double = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(row.cell_ptr(3));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(agg_double == r_double);
-    decimal12_t agg_decimal = *reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(row.cell_ptr(4));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(agg_decimal == r_decimal);
-    Slice* agg_varchar = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(row.cell_ptr(5));
-    ASSERT_EQ(agg_varchar->compare(r_varchar), 0);
-TEST_F(TestRowCursor, AggregateWithNull) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    set_tablet_schema_for_cmp_and_aggregate(&tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init(tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_fixed_len(), 78);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row.get_variable_len(), 20);
-    row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor left;
-    res = left.init(tablet_schema);
-    Slice l_char("well");
-    int32_t l_int = 10;
-    int128_t l_largeint = (int128_t)(1) << 100;
-    Slice l_varchar("beijing");
-    left.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_char), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_int), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_largeint), _mem_pool.get());
-    left.set_null(3);
-    left.set_null(4);
-    left.set_field_content(5, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&l_varchar), _mem_pool.get());
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    ObjectPool agg_object_pool;
-    init_row_with_others(&row, left, mem_pool.get(), &agg_object_pool);
-    RowCursor right;
-    res = right.init(tablet_schema);
-    Slice r_char("well");
-    int32_t r_int = 10;
-    int128_t r_largeint = (int128_t)(1) << 100;
-    double r_double = 5.5;
-    decimal12_t r_decimal(22, 22);
-    right.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_char), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_int), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_largeint), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(3, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_double), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_field_content(4, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&r_decimal), _mem_pool.get());
-    right.set_null(5);
-    agg_update_row(&row, right, nullptr);
-    int128_t agg_value = *reinterpret_cast<int128_t*>(row.cell_ptr(2));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(agg_value == ((int128_t)(1) << 101));
-    bool is_null_double = left.is_null(3);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(is_null_double);
-    decimal12_t agg_decimal = *reinterpret_cast<decimal12_t*>(row.cell_ptr(4));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(agg_decimal == r_decimal);
-    bool is_null_varchar = row.is_null(5);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(is_null_varchar);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/alpha_rowset_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/alpha_rowset_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 509b08e..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/alpha_rowset_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/alpha_rowset.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "json2pb/json_to_pb.h"
-#include "olap/data_dir.h"
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/alpha_rowset_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_factory.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_reader_context.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_writer.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_writer_context.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-static const uint32_t MAX_PATH_LEN = 1024;
-void set_up() {
-    config::path_gc_check = false;
-    char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-    getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-    config::storage_root_path = std::string(buffer) + "/data_test";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-    std::vector<StorePath> paths;
-    paths.emplace_back(config::storage_root_path, -1);
-    std::string data_path = config::storage_root_path + "/data";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(data_path).ok());
-    std::string shard_path = data_path + "/0";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(shard_path).ok());
-    std::string tablet_path = shard_path + "/12345";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(tablet_path).ok());
-    std::string schema_hash_path = tablet_path + "/1111";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(schema_hash_path).ok());
-void tear_down() {
-    FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-void create_rowset_writer_context(TabletSchema* tablet_schema,
-                                  RowsetWriterContext* rowset_writer_context) {
-    RowsetId rowset_id;
-    rowset_id.init(10000);
-    rowset_writer_context->rowset_id = rowset_id;
-    rowset_writer_context->tablet_id = 12345;
-    rowset_writer_context->tablet_schema_hash = 1111;
-    rowset_writer_context->partition_id = 10;
-    rowset_writer_context->rowset_type = ALPHA_ROWSET;
-    rowset_writer_context->rowset_path_prefix = config::storage_root_path + "/data/0/12345/1111";
-    rowset_writer_context->rowset_state = VISIBLE;
-    rowset_writer_context->tablet_schema = tablet_schema;
-    rowset_writer_context->version.first = 0;
-    rowset_writer_context->version.second = 1;
-void create_rowset_reader_context(TabletSchema* tablet_schema,
-                                  const std::vector<uint32_t>* return_columns,
-                                  const DeleteHandler* delete_handler,
-                                  std::vector<ColumnPredicate*>* predicates,
-                                  std::set<uint32_t>* load_bf_columns, Conditions* conditions,
-                                  RowsetReaderContext* rowset_reader_context) {
-    rowset_reader_context->reader_type = READER_ALTER_TABLE;
-    rowset_reader_context->tablet_schema = tablet_schema;
-    rowset_reader_context->need_ordered_result = true;
-    rowset_reader_context->return_columns = return_columns;
-    rowset_reader_context->delete_handler = delete_handler;
-    rowset_reader_context->lower_bound_keys = nullptr;
-    rowset_reader_context->is_lower_keys_included = nullptr;
-    rowset_reader_context->upper_bound_keys = nullptr;
-    rowset_reader_context->is_upper_keys_included = nullptr;
-    rowset_reader_context->predicates = predicates;
-    rowset_reader_context->load_bf_columns = load_bf_columns;
-    rowset_reader_context->conditions = conditions;
-void create_tablet_schema(KeysType keys_type, TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_keys_type(keys_type);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_num_short_key_columns(2);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_num_rows_per_row_block(1024);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_compress_kind(COMPRESS_NONE);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_next_column_unique_id(4);
-    ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    column_1->set_name("k1");
-    column_1->set_type("INT");
-    column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    column_1->set_length(4);
-    column_1->set_index_length(4);
-    column_1->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_1->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    column_2->set_name("k2");
-    column_2->set_type("VARCHAR");
-    column_2->set_length(20);
-    column_2->set_index_length(20);
-    column_2->set_is_key(true);
-    column_2->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_2->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-    column_3->set_name("v1");
-    column_3->set_type("INT");
-    column_3->set_length(4);
-    column_3->set_is_key(false);
-    column_3->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_3->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    column_3->set_aggregation("SUM");
-    tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-class AlphaRowsetTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        set_up();
-        _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() { tear_down(); }
-    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> _alpha_rowset_writer;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-TEST_F(AlphaRowsetTest, TestAlphaRowsetWriter) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    create_tablet_schema(AGG_KEYS, &tablet_schema);
-    RowsetWriterContext rowset_writer_context;
-    create_rowset_writer_context(&tablet_schema, &rowset_writer_context);
-              RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(rowset_writer_context, &_alpha_rowset_writer));
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init(tablet_schema);
-    int32_t field_0 = 10;
-    row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_0), _mem_pool.get());
-    Slice field_1("well");
-    row.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_1), _mem_pool.get());
-    int32_t field_2 = 100;
-    row.set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_2), _mem_pool.get());
-    _alpha_rowset_writer->add_row(row);
-    _alpha_rowset_writer->flush();
-    RowsetSharedPtr alpha_rowset = _alpha_rowset_writer->build();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(alpha_rowset != nullptr);
-    RowsetId rowset_id;
-    rowset_id.init(10000);
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id, alpha_rowset->rowset_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, alpha_rowset->num_rows());
-TEST_F(AlphaRowsetTest, TestAlphaRowsetReader) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    create_tablet_schema(AGG_KEYS, &tablet_schema);
-    RowsetWriterContext rowset_writer_context;
-    create_rowset_writer_context(&tablet_schema, &rowset_writer_context);
-              RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(rowset_writer_context, &_alpha_rowset_writer));
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init(tablet_schema);
-    int32_t field_0 = 10;
-    row.set_not_null(0);
-    row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_0), _mem_pool.get());
-    Slice field_1("well");
-    row.set_not_null(1);
-    row.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_1), _mem_pool.get());
-    int32_t field_2 = 100;
-    row.set_not_null(2);
-    row.set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_2), _mem_pool.get());
-    res = _alpha_rowset_writer->add_row(row);
-    res = _alpha_rowset_writer->flush();
-    RowsetSharedPtr alpha_rowset = _alpha_rowset_writer->build();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(alpha_rowset != nullptr);
-    RowsetId rowset_id;
-    rowset_id.init(10000);
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id, alpha_rowset->rowset_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, alpha_rowset->num_rows());
-    RowsetReaderSharedPtr rowset_reader;
-    res = alpha_rowset->create_reader(&rowset_reader);
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    DeleteHandler delete_handler;
-    DelPredicateArray predicate_array;
-    res = delete_handler.init(tablet_schema, predicate_array, 4);
-    RowsetReaderContext rowset_reader_context;
-    std::set<uint32_t> load_bf_columns;
-    std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> predicates;
-    Conditions conditions;
-    create_rowset_reader_context(&tablet_schema, &return_columns, &delete_handler, &predicates,
-                                 &load_bf_columns, &conditions, &rowset_reader_context);
-    res = rowset_reader->init(&rowset_reader_context);
-    RowBlock* row_block = nullptr;
-    res = rowset_reader->next_block(&row_block);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, row_block->remaining());
-TEST_F(AlphaRowsetTest, TestRowCursorWithOrdinal) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    create_tablet_schema(AGG_KEYS, &tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor* row1 = new (std::nothrow) RowCursor(); // 10, "well", 100
-    row1->init(tablet_schema);
-    int32_t field1_0 = 10;
-    row1->set_not_null(0);
-    row1->set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field1_0), _mem_pool.get());
-    Slice field1_1("well");
-    row1->set_not_null(1);
-    row1->set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field1_1), _mem_pool.get());
-    int32_t field1_2 = 100;
-    row1->set_not_null(2);
-    row1->set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field1_2), _mem_pool.get());
-    RowCursor* row2 = new (std::nothrow) RowCursor(); // 11, "well", 100
-    row2->init(tablet_schema);
-    int32_t field2_0 = 11;
-    row2->set_not_null(0);
-    row2->set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field2_0), _mem_pool.get());
-    Slice field2_1("well");
-    row2->set_not_null(1);
-    row2->set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field2_1), _mem_pool.get());
-    int32_t field2_2 = 100;
-    row2->set_not_null(2);
-    row2->set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field2_2), _mem_pool.get());
-    RowCursor* row3 = new (std::nothrow) RowCursor(); // 11, "good", 100
-    row3->init(tablet_schema);
-    int32_t field3_0 = 11;
-    row3->set_not_null(0);
-    row3->set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field3_0), _mem_pool.get());
-    Slice field3_1("good");
-    row3->set_not_null(1);
-    row3->set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field3_1), _mem_pool.get());
-    int32_t field3_2 = 100;
-    row3->set_not_null(2);
-    row3->set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field3_2), _mem_pool.get());
-    std::priority_queue<AlphaMergeContext*, std::vector<AlphaMergeContext*>,
-                        AlphaMergeContextComparator>
-            queue;
-    AlphaMergeContext ctx1;
-    ctx1.row_cursor.reset(row1);
-    AlphaMergeContext ctx2;
-    ctx2.row_cursor.reset(row2);
-    AlphaMergeContext ctx3;
-    ctx3.row_cursor.reset(row3);
-    queue.push(&ctx1);
-    queue.push(&ctx2);
-    queue.push(&ctx3);
-    // should be:
-    // row1, row3, row2
-    AlphaMergeContext* top1 = queue.top();
-    ASSERT_EQ(top1, &ctx1);
-    queue.pop();
-    AlphaMergeContext* top2 = queue.top();
-    ASSERT_EQ(top2, &ctx3);
-    queue.pop();
-    AlphaMergeContext* top3 = queue.top();
-    ASSERT_EQ(top3, &ctx2);
-    queue.pop();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.empty());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/beta_rowset_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/beta_rowset_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6191e6f..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/beta_rowset_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "gen_cpp/olap_file.pb.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "olap/comparison_predicate.h"
-#include "olap/data_dir.h"
-#include "olap/row_block.h"
-#include "olap/row_cursor.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/beta_rowset_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_factory.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_reader_context.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_writer.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_writer_context.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema.h"
-#include "olap/utils.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/slice.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-static const uint32_t MAX_PATH_LEN = 1024;
-StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-class BetaRowsetTest : public testing::Test {
-    OlapReaderStatistics _stats;
-    void SetUp() override {
-        config::tablet_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_shard_size = 1;
-        char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-        getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-        config::storage_root_path = std::string(buffer) + "/data_test";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-        std::vector<StorePath> paths;
-        paths.emplace_back(config::storage_root_path, -1);
-        doris::EngineOptions options;
-        options.store_paths = paths;
-        Status s = doris::StorageEngine::open(options, &k_engine);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-        ExecEnv* exec_env = doris::ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-        exec_env->set_storage_engine(k_engine);
-        const std::string rowset_dir = "./data_test/data/beta_rowset_test";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(rowset_dir).ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(config::storage_root_path)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-        }
-    }
-    // (k1 int, k2 varchar(20), k3 int) duplicated key (k1, k2)
-    void create_tablet_schema(TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-        TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_keys_type(DUP_KEYS);
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_num_short_key_columns(2);
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_num_rows_per_row_block(1024);
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_compress_kind(COMPRESS_NONE);
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_next_column_unique_id(4);
-        ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-        column_1->set_name("k1");
-        column_1->set_type("INT");
-        column_1->set_is_key(true);
-        column_1->set_length(4);
-        column_1->set_index_length(4);
-        column_1->set_is_nullable(true);
-        column_1->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-        column_2->set_name("k2");
-        column_2->set_type(
-                "INT"); // TODO change to varchar(20) when dict encoding for string is supported
-        column_2->set_length(4);
-        column_2->set_index_length(4);
-        column_2->set_is_nullable(true);
-        column_2->set_is_key(true);
-        column_2->set_is_nullable(true);
-        column_2->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-        column_3->set_name("v1");
-        column_3->set_type("INT");
-        column_3->set_length(4);
-        column_3->set_is_key(false);
-        column_3->set_is_nullable(false);
-        column_3->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        column_3->set_aggregation("SUM");
-        tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-    }
-    void create_rowset_writer_context(TabletSchema* tablet_schema,
-                                      RowsetWriterContext* rowset_writer_context) {
-        RowsetId rowset_id;
-        rowset_id.init(10000);
-        rowset_writer_context->rowset_id = rowset_id;
-        rowset_writer_context->tablet_id = 12345;
-        rowset_writer_context->tablet_schema_hash = 1111;
-        rowset_writer_context->partition_id = 10;
-        rowset_writer_context->rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
-        rowset_writer_context->rowset_path_prefix = "./data_test/data/beta_rowset_test";
-        rowset_writer_context->rowset_state = VISIBLE;
-        rowset_writer_context->tablet_schema = tablet_schema;
-        rowset_writer_context->version.first = 10;
-        rowset_writer_context->version.second = 10;
-    }
-    void create_and_init_rowset_reader(Rowset* rowset, RowsetReaderContext& context,
-                                       RowsetReaderSharedPtr* result) {
-        auto s = rowset->create_reader(result);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(*result != nullptr);
-        s = (*result)->init(&context);
-    }
-TEST_F(BetaRowsetTest, BasicFunctionTest) {
-    OLAPStatus s;
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    create_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
-    const int num_segments = 3;
-    const uint32_t rows_per_segment = 4096;
-    { // write `num_segments * rows_per_segment` rows to rowset
-        RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
-        create_rowset_writer_context(&tablet_schema, &writer_context);
-        std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
-        s = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, &rowset_writer);
-        RowCursor input_row;
-        input_row.init(tablet_schema);
-        // for segment "i", row "rid"
-        // k1 := rid*10 + i
-        // k2 := k1 * 10
-        // k3 := 4096 * i + rid
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_segments; ++i) {
-            auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-            MemPool mem_pool(tracker.get());
-            for (int rid = 0; rid < rows_per_segment; ++rid) {
-                uint32_t k1 = rid * 10 + i;
-                uint32_t k2 = k1 * 10;
-                uint32_t k3 = rows_per_segment * i + rid;
-                input_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&k1), &mem_pool);
-                input_row.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&k2), &mem_pool);
-                input_row.set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&k3), &mem_pool);
-                s = rowset_writer->add_row(input_row);
-                ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, s);
-            }
-            s = rowset_writer->flush();
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, s);
-        }
-        rowset = rowset_writer->build();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_EQ(num_segments, rowset->rowset_meta()->num_segments());
-        ASSERT_EQ(num_segments * rows_per_segment, rowset->rowset_meta()->num_rows());
-    }
-    { // test return ordered results and return k1 and k2
-        RowsetReaderContext reader_context;
-        reader_context.tablet_schema = &tablet_schema;
-        reader_context.need_ordered_result = true;
-        std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns = {0, 1};
-        reader_context.return_columns = &return_columns;
-        reader_context.seek_columns = &return_columns;
-        reader_context.stats = &_stats;
-        // without predicates
-        {
-            RowsetReaderSharedPtr rowset_reader;
-            create_and_init_rowset_reader(rowset.get(), reader_context, &rowset_reader);
-            RowBlock* output_block;
-            uint32_t num_rows_read = 0;
-            while ((s = rowset_reader->next_block(&output_block)) == OLAP_SUCCESS) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(output_block != nullptr);
-                ASSERT_GT(output_block->row_num(), 0);
-                ASSERT_EQ(0, output_block->pos());
-                ASSERT_EQ(output_block->row_num(), output_block->limit());
-                ASSERT_EQ(return_columns, output_block->row_block_info().column_ids);
-                // after sort merge segments, k1 will be 0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, ..., 40950, 40951, 40952
-                for (int i = 0; i < output_block->row_num(); ++i) {
-                    char* field1 = output_block->field_ptr(i, 0);
-                    char* field2 = output_block->field_ptr(i, 1);
-                    // test null bit
-                    ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field1));
-                    ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field2));
-                    uint32_t k1 = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(field1 + 1);
-                    uint32_t k2 = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(field2 + 1);
-                    ASSERT_EQ(k1 * 10, k2);
-                    int rid = num_rows_read / 3;
-                    int seg_id = num_rows_read % 3;
-                    ASSERT_EQ(rid * 10 + seg_id, k1);
-                    num_rows_read++;
-                }
-            }
-            EXPECT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_DATA_EOF, s);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(output_block == nullptr);
-            EXPECT_EQ(rowset->rowset_meta()->num_rows(), num_rows_read);
-        }
-        // merge segments with predicates
-        {
-            std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> column_predicates;
-            // column predicate: k1 = 10
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(0, 10));
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate.get());
-            reader_context.predicates = &column_predicates;
-            RowsetReaderSharedPtr rowset_reader;
-            create_and_init_rowset_reader(rowset.get(), reader_context, &rowset_reader);
-            RowBlock* output_block;
-            uint32_t num_rows_read = 0;
-            while ((s = rowset_reader->next_block(&output_block)) == OLAP_SUCCESS) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(output_block != nullptr);
-                ASSERT_EQ(1, output_block->row_num());
-                ASSERT_EQ(0, output_block->pos());
-                ASSERT_EQ(output_block->row_num(), output_block->limit());
-                ASSERT_EQ(return_columns, output_block->row_block_info().column_ids);
-                // after sort merge segments, k1 will be 10
-                for (int i = 0; i < output_block->row_num(); ++i) {
-                    char* field1 = output_block->field_ptr(i, 0);
-                    char* field2 = output_block->field_ptr(i, 1);
-                    // test null bit
-                    ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field1));
-                    ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field2));
-                    uint32_t k1 = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(field1 + 1);
-                    uint32_t k2 = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(field2 + 1);
-                    ASSERT_EQ(10, k1);
-                    ASSERT_EQ(k1 * 10, k2);
-                    num_rows_read++;
-                }
-            }
-            EXPECT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_DATA_EOF, s);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(output_block == nullptr);
-            EXPECT_EQ(1, num_rows_read);
-        }
-    }
-    { // test return unordered data and only k3
-        RowsetReaderContext reader_context;
-        reader_context.tablet_schema = &tablet_schema;
-        reader_context.need_ordered_result = false;
-        std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns = {2};
-        reader_context.return_columns = &return_columns;
-        reader_context.seek_columns = &return_columns;
-        reader_context.stats = &_stats;
-        // without predicate
-        {
-            RowsetReaderSharedPtr rowset_reader;
-            create_and_init_rowset_reader(rowset.get(), reader_context, &rowset_reader);
-            RowBlock* output_block;
-            uint32_t num_rows_read = 0;
-            while ((s = rowset_reader->next_block(&output_block)) == OLAP_SUCCESS) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(output_block != nullptr);
-                ASSERT_GT(output_block->row_num(), 0);
-                ASSERT_EQ(0, output_block->pos());
-                ASSERT_EQ(output_block->row_num(), output_block->limit());
-                ASSERT_EQ(return_columns, output_block->row_block_info().column_ids);
-                // for unordered result, k3 will be 0, 1, 2, ..., 4096*3-1
-                for (int i = 0; i < output_block->row_num(); ++i) {
-                    char* field3 = output_block->field_ptr(i, 2);
-                    // test null bit
-                    ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field3));
-                    uint32_t k3 = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(field3 + 1);
-                    ASSERT_EQ(num_rows_read, k3);
-                    num_rows_read++;
-                }
-            }
-            EXPECT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_DATA_EOF, s);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(output_block == nullptr);
-            EXPECT_EQ(rowset->rowset_meta()->num_rows(), num_rows_read);
-        }
-        // with predicate
-        {
-            std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> column_predicates;
-            // column predicate: k3 < 100
-            ColumnPredicate* predicate = new LessPredicate<int32_t>(2, 100);
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate);
-            reader_context.predicates = &column_predicates;
-            RowsetReaderSharedPtr rowset_reader;
-            create_and_init_rowset_reader(rowset.get(), reader_context, &rowset_reader);
-            RowBlock* output_block;
-            uint32_t num_rows_read = 0;
-            while ((s = rowset_reader->next_block(&output_block)) == OLAP_SUCCESS) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(output_block != nullptr);
-                ASSERT_LE(output_block->row_num(), 100);
-                ASSERT_EQ(0, output_block->pos());
-                ASSERT_EQ(output_block->row_num(), output_block->limit());
-                ASSERT_EQ(return_columns, output_block->row_block_info().column_ids);
-                // for unordered result, k3 will be 0, 1, 2, ..., 99
-                for (int i = 0; i < output_block->row_num(); ++i) {
-                    char* field3 = output_block->field_ptr(i, 2);
-                    // test null bit
-                    ASSERT_FALSE(*reinterpret_cast<bool*>(field3));
-                    uint32_t k3 = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(field3 + 1);
-                    ASSERT_EQ(num_rows_read, k3);
-                    num_rows_read++;
-                }
-            }
-            EXPECT_EQ(OLAP_ERR_DATA_EOF, s);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(output_block == nullptr);
-            EXPECT_EQ(100, num_rows_read);
-            delete predicate;
-        }
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::StoragePageCache::create_global_cache(1 << 30, 0.1);
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_converter_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_converter_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 867c711..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_converter_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_converter.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "json2pb/json_to_pb.h"
-#include "olap/data_dir.h"
-#include "olap/olap_cond.h"
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_factory.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_reader_context.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_writer.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_writer_context.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_meta.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-static const uint32_t MAX_PATH_LEN = 1024;
-StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-void create_rowset_writer_context(TabletSchema* tablet_schema, RowsetTypePB dst_type,
-                                  RowsetWriterContext* rowset_writer_context) {
-    RowsetId rowset_id;
-    rowset_id.init(10000);
-    rowset_writer_context->rowset_id = rowset_id;
-    rowset_writer_context->tablet_id = 12345;
-    rowset_writer_context->tablet_schema_hash = 1111;
-    rowset_writer_context->partition_id = 10;
-    rowset_writer_context->rowset_type = dst_type;
-    rowset_writer_context->rowset_path_prefix = config::storage_root_path + "/data/0/12345/1111";
-    rowset_writer_context->rowset_state = VISIBLE;
-    rowset_writer_context->tablet_schema = tablet_schema;
-    rowset_writer_context->version.first = 0;
-    rowset_writer_context->version.second = 1;
-    rowset_writer_context->version_hash = 110;
-void create_rowset_reader_context(TabletSchema* tablet_schema,
-                                  const std::vector<uint32_t>* return_columns,
-                                  const DeleteHandler* delete_handler,
-                                  std::vector<ColumnPredicate*>* predicates,
-                                  std::set<uint32_t>* load_bf_columns, Conditions* conditions,
-                                  RowsetReaderContext* rowset_reader_context) {
-    rowset_reader_context->reader_type = READER_ALTER_TABLE;
-    rowset_reader_context->tablet_schema = tablet_schema;
-    rowset_reader_context->need_ordered_result = true;
-    rowset_reader_context->return_columns = return_columns;
-    rowset_reader_context->seek_columns = return_columns;
-    rowset_reader_context->delete_handler = delete_handler;
-    rowset_reader_context->lower_bound_keys = nullptr;
-    rowset_reader_context->is_lower_keys_included = nullptr;
-    rowset_reader_context->upper_bound_keys = nullptr;
-    rowset_reader_context->is_upper_keys_included = nullptr;
-    rowset_reader_context->predicates = predicates;
-    rowset_reader_context->load_bf_columns = load_bf_columns;
-    rowset_reader_context->conditions = conditions;
-void create_tablet_schema(KeysType keys_type, TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_keys_type(keys_type);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_num_short_key_columns(2);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_num_rows_per_row_block(1024);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_compress_kind(COMPRESS_NONE);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_next_column_unique_id(4);
-    ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    column_1->set_name("k1");
-    column_1->set_type("INT");
-    column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    column_1->set_length(4);
-    column_1->set_index_length(4);
-    column_1->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_1->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    column_2->set_name("k2");
-    column_2->set_type("VARCHAR");
-    column_2->set_length(20);
-    column_2->set_index_length(20);
-    column_2->set_is_key(true);
-    column_2->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_2->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-    column_3->set_name("v1");
-    column_3->set_type("INT");
-    column_3->set_length(4);
-    column_3->set_is_key(false);
-    column_3->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_3->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    column_3->set_aggregation("SUM");
-    tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-void create_tablet_meta(TabletSchema* tablet_schema, TabletMeta* tablet_meta) {
-    TabletMetaPB tablet_meta_pb;
-    tablet_meta_pb.set_table_id(10000);
-    tablet_meta_pb.set_tablet_id(12345);
-    tablet_meta_pb.set_schema_hash(1111);
-    tablet_meta_pb.set_partition_id(10);
-    tablet_meta_pb.set_shard_id(0);
-    tablet_meta_pb.set_creation_time(1575020449);
-    tablet_meta_pb.set_tablet_state(PB_RUNNING);
-    PUniqueId* tablet_uid = tablet_meta_pb.mutable_tablet_uid();
-    tablet_uid->set_hi(10);
-    tablet_uid->set_lo(10);
-    TabletSchemaPB* tablet_schema_pb = tablet_meta_pb.mutable_schema();
-    tablet_schema->to_schema_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-    tablet_meta->init_from_pb(tablet_meta_pb);
-class RowsetConverterTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        config::tablet_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_shard_size = 1;
-        config::path_gc_check = false;
-        char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
-        getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN);
-        config::storage_root_path = std::string(buffer) + "/data_test";
-        FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(config::storage_root_path).ok());
-        std::vector<StorePath> paths;
-        paths.emplace_back(config::storage_root_path, -1);
-        doris::EngineOptions options;
-        options.store_paths = paths;
-        if (k_engine == nullptr) {
-            Status s = doris::StorageEngine::open(options, &k_engine);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-        }
-        ExecEnv* exec_env = doris::ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-        exec_env->set_storage_engine(k_engine);
-        std::string data_path = config::storage_root_path + "/data";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(data_path).ok());
-        std::string shard_path = data_path + "/0";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(shard_path).ok());
-        std::string tablet_path = shard_path + "/12345";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(tablet_path).ok());
-        _schema_hash_path = tablet_path + "/1111";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(_schema_hash_path).ok());
-        _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() { FileUtils::remove_all(config::storage_root_path); }
-    void process(RowsetTypePB src_type, RowsetTypePB dst_type);
-    std::string _schema_hash_path;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-void RowsetConverterTest::process(RowsetTypePB src_type, RowsetTypePB dst_type) {
-    // write
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    create_tablet_schema(AGG_KEYS, &tablet_schema);
-    RowsetWriterContext rowset_writer_context;
-    create_rowset_writer_context(&tablet_schema, src_type, &rowset_writer_context);
-    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> _rowset_writer;
-              RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(rowset_writer_context, &_rowset_writer));
-    RowCursor row;
-    OLAPStatus res = row.init(tablet_schema);
-    std::vector<std::string> test_data;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-        test_data.push_back("well" + std::to_string(i));
-        int32_t field_0 = i;
-        row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_0), _mem_pool.get());
-        Slice field_1(test_data[i]);
-        row.set_field_content(1, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_1), _mem_pool.get());
-        int32_t field_2 = 10000 + i;
-        row.set_field_content(2, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&field_2), _mem_pool.get());
-        _rowset_writer->add_row(row);
-    }
-    _rowset_writer->flush();
-    RowsetSharedPtr src_rowset = _rowset_writer->build();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(src_rowset != nullptr);
-    RowsetId src_rowset_id;
-    src_rowset_id.init(10000);
-    ASSERT_EQ(src_rowset_id, src_rowset->rowset_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1024, src_rowset->num_rows());
-    // convert
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr tablet_meta(new TabletMeta());
-    create_tablet_meta(&tablet_schema, tablet_meta.get());
-    RowsetConverter rowset_converter(tablet_meta);
-    RowsetMetaPB dst_rowset_meta_pb;
-    if (dst_type == BETA_ROWSET) {
-                  rowset_converter.convert_alpha_to_beta(src_rowset->rowset_meta(),
-                                                         _schema_hash_path, &dst_rowset_meta_pb));
-    } else {
-                  rowset_converter.convert_beta_to_alpha(src_rowset->rowset_meta(),
-                                                         _schema_hash_path, &dst_rowset_meta_pb));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(dst_type, dst_rowset_meta_pb.rowset_type());
-    ASSERT_EQ(12345, dst_rowset_meta_pb.tablet_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1024, dst_rowset_meta_pb.num_rows());
-    // read
-    RowsetMetaSharedPtr dst_rowset_meta(new RowsetMeta());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(dst_rowset_meta->init_from_pb(dst_rowset_meta_pb));
-    RowsetSharedPtr dst_rowset;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, RowsetFactory::create_rowset(&tablet_schema, _schema_hash_path,
-                                                         dst_rowset_meta, &dst_rowset));
-    RowsetReaderSharedPtr dst_rowset_reader;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, dst_rowset->create_reader(&dst_rowset_reader));
-    RowsetReaderContext rowset_reader_context;
-    std::set<uint32_t> load_bf_columns;
-    std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> predicates;
-    Conditions conditions;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> return_columns;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tablet_schema.num_columns(); ++i) {
-        return_columns.push_back(i);
-    }
-    DeleteHandler delete_handler;
-    create_rowset_reader_context(&tablet_schema, &return_columns, &delete_handler, &predicates,
-                                 &load_bf_columns, &conditions, &rowset_reader_context);
-    res = dst_rowset_reader->init(&rowset_reader_context);
-    RowBlock* row_block = nullptr;
-    res = dst_rowset_reader->next_block(&row_block);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1024, row_block->remaining());
-    RowCursor row_cursor;
-    row_cursor.init(tablet_schema);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-        row_block->get_row(i, &row_cursor);
-        ASSERT_EQ(i, *(uint32_t*)row_cursor.cell_ptr(0));
-        ASSERT_EQ("well" + std::to_string(i), (*(Slice*)row_cursor.cell_ptr(1)).to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ(10000 + i, *(uint32_t*)row_cursor.cell_ptr(2));
-    }
-TEST_F(RowsetConverterTest, TestConvertAlphaRowsetToBeta) {
-TEST_F(RowsetConverterTest, TestConvertBetaRowsetToAlpha) {
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::StoragePageCache::create_global_cache(1 << 30, 0.1);
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_meta_manager_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_meta_manager_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index db2dd81..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_meta_manager_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_meta_manager.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "json2pb/json_to_pb.h"
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-static StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-const std::string rowset_meta_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/rowset_meta.json";
-class RowsetMetaManagerTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        config::tablet_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_shard_size = 1;
-        EngineOptions options;
-        // won't open engine, options.path is needless
-        options.backend_uid = UniqueId::gen_uid();
-        if (k_engine == nullptr) {
-            k_engine = new StorageEngine(options);
-        }
-        std::string meta_path = "./meta";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(meta_path));
-        _meta = new (std::nothrow) OlapMeta(meta_path);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, _meta);
-        OLAPStatus st = _meta->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::exists("./meta"));
-        std::ifstream infile(rowset_meta_path);
-        char buffer[1024];
-        while (!infile.eof()) {
-            infile.getline(buffer, 1024);
-            _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta + buffer + "\n";
-        }
-        _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta.substr(0, _json_rowset_meta.size() - 1);
-        _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta.substr(0, _json_rowset_meta.size() - 1);
-        _tablet_uid = TabletUid(10, 10);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        delete _meta;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all("./meta"));
-    }
-    OlapMeta* _meta;
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-    TabletUid _tablet_uid{0, 0};
-TEST_F(RowsetMetaManagerTest, TestSaveAndGetAndRemove) {
-    RowsetId rowset_id;
-    rowset_id.init(10000);
-    RowsetMeta rowset_meta;
-    rowset_meta.init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_meta.rowset_id(), rowset_id);
-    RowsetMetaPB rowset_meta_pb;
-    rowset_meta.to_rowset_pb(&rowset_meta_pb);
-    OLAPStatus status = RowsetMetaManager::save(_meta, _tablet_uid, rowset_id, rowset_meta_pb);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(RowsetMetaManager::check_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, rowset_id));
-    std::string json_rowset_meta_read;
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_json_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, rowset_id,
-                                                     &json_rowset_meta_read);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_json_rowset_meta, json_rowset_meta_read);
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::remove(_meta, _tablet_uid, rowset_id);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(RowsetMetaManager::check_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, rowset_id));
-    RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta_read(new RowsetMeta());
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, rowset_id, rowset_meta_read);
-TEST_F(RowsetMetaManagerTest, TestLoad) {
-    RowsetId rowset_id;
-    rowset_id.init(10000);
-    OLAPStatus status = RowsetMetaManager::load_json_rowset_meta(_meta, rowset_meta_path);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(RowsetMetaManager::check_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, rowset_id));
-    std::string json_rowset_meta_read;
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_json_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, rowset_id,
-                                                     &json_rowset_meta_read);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_json_rowset_meta, json_rowset_meta_read);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_meta_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_meta_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 896f730..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/rowset_meta_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_meta.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "json2pb/json_to_pb.h"
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/alpha_rowset_meta.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-const std::string rowset_meta_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/rowset.json";
-class RowsetMetaTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        std::string meta_path = "./meta";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(meta_path));
-        _meta = new (std::nothrow) OlapMeta(meta_path);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, _meta);
-        OLAPStatus st = _meta->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::exists("./meta"));
-        std::ifstream infile(rowset_meta_path);
-        char buffer[1024];
-        while (!infile.eof()) {
-            infile.getline(buffer, 1024);
-            _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta + buffer + "\n";
-        }
-        _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta.substr(0, _json_rowset_meta.size() - 1);
-        _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta.substr(0, _json_rowset_meta.size() - 1);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        delete _meta;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all("./meta"));
-    }
-    OlapMeta* _meta;
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-void do_check(RowsetMeta rowset_meta) {
-    RowsetId rowset_id;
-    rowset_id.init(540081);
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id, rowset_meta.rowset_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(15673, rowset_meta.tablet_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4042, rowset_meta.txn_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(567997577, rowset_meta.tablet_schema_hash());
-    ASSERT_EQ(ALPHA_ROWSET, rowset_meta.rowset_type());
-    ASSERT_EQ(VISIBLE, rowset_meta.rowset_state());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, rowset_meta.start_version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, rowset_meta.end_version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3929, rowset_meta.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_EQ(84699, rowset_meta.total_disk_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(84464, rowset_meta.data_disk_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(235, rowset_meta.index_disk_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, rowset_meta.empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1553765670, rowset_meta.creation_time());
-TEST_F(RowsetMetaTest, TestInit) {
-    RowsetMeta rowset_meta;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta.init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta));
-    do_check(rowset_meta);
-    RowsetMetaPB rowset_meta_pb;
-    rowset_meta.to_rowset_pb(&rowset_meta_pb);
-    RowsetMeta rowset_meta_2;
-    rowset_meta_2.init_from_pb(rowset_meta_pb);
-    do_check(rowset_meta_2);
-    std::string value = "";
-    rowset_meta_pb.SerializeToString(&value);
-    RowsetMeta rowset_meta_3;
-    rowset_meta_3.init(value);
-    do_check(rowset_meta_3);
-TEST_F(RowsetMetaTest, TestInitWithInvalidData) {
-    RowsetMeta rowset_meta;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(rowset_meta.init_from_json("invalid json meta data"));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(rowset_meta.init("invalid pb meta data"));
-void do_check_for_alpha(AlphaRowsetMeta alpha_rowset_meta) {
-    RowsetId rowset_id;
-    rowset_id.init(540081);
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id, alpha_rowset_meta.rowset_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(15673, alpha_rowset_meta.tablet_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4042, alpha_rowset_meta.txn_id());
-    ASSERT_EQ(567997577, alpha_rowset_meta.tablet_schema_hash());
-    ASSERT_EQ(ALPHA_ROWSET, alpha_rowset_meta.rowset_type());
-    ASSERT_EQ(VISIBLE, alpha_rowset_meta.rowset_state());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, alpha_rowset_meta.start_version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, alpha_rowset_meta.end_version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3929, alpha_rowset_meta.num_rows());
-    ASSERT_EQ(84699, alpha_rowset_meta.total_disk_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(84464, alpha_rowset_meta.data_disk_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(235, alpha_rowset_meta.index_disk_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, alpha_rowset_meta.empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1553765670, alpha_rowset_meta.creation_time());
-    std::vector<SegmentGroupPB> segment_groups;
-    alpha_rowset_meta.get_segment_groups(&segment_groups);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, segment_groups.size());
-TEST_F(RowsetMetaTest, TestAlphaRowsetMeta) {
-    AlphaRowsetMeta rowset_meta;
-    rowset_meta.init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-    do_check_for_alpha(rowset_meta);
-    RowsetMetaPB rowset_meta_pb;
-    rowset_meta.to_rowset_pb(&rowset_meta_pb);
-    AlphaRowsetMeta rowset_meta_2;
-    rowset_meta_2.init_from_pb(rowset_meta_pb);
-    do_check_for_alpha(rowset_meta_2);
-    std::string value = "";
-    rowset_meta_pb.SerializeToString(&value);
-    AlphaRowsetMeta rowset_meta_3;
-    rowset_meta_3.init(value);
-    do_check_for_alpha(rowset_meta_3);
-TEST_F(RowsetMetaTest, TestAlphaRowsetMetaAdd) {
-    AlphaRowsetMeta rowset_meta;
-    rowset_meta.init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-    do_check_for_alpha(rowset_meta);
-    SegmentGroupPB new_segment_group;
-    new_segment_group.set_segment_group_id(88888);
-    new_segment_group.set_num_segments(3);
-    new_segment_group.set_empty(true);
-    new_segment_group.set_index_size(100);
-    new_segment_group.set_data_size(1000);
-    new_segment_group.set_num_rows(1000);
-    rowset_meta.add_segment_group(new_segment_group);
-    std::vector<SegmentGroupPB> segment_groups;
-    rowset_meta.get_segment_groups(&segment_groups);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, segment_groups.size());
-    std::string meta_pb_string = "";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta.serialize(&meta_pb_string));
-    AlphaRowsetMeta rowset_meta_2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta_2.init(meta_pb_string));
-    segment_groups.clear();
-    rowset_meta_2.get_segment_groups(&segment_groups);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, segment_groups.size());
-TEST_F(RowsetMetaTest, TestAlphaRowsetMetaClear) {
-    AlphaRowsetMeta rowset_meta;
-    rowset_meta.init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-    do_check_for_alpha(rowset_meta);
-    rowset_meta.clear_segment_group();
-    std::vector<SegmentGroupPB> segment_groups;
-    rowset_meta.get_segment_groups(&segment_groups);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, segment_groups.size());
-    std::string meta_pb_string = "";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta.serialize(&meta_pb_string));
-    AlphaRowsetMeta rowset_meta_2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta_2.init(meta_pb_string));
-    segment_groups.clear();
-    rowset_meta_2.get_segment_groups(&segment_groups);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, segment_groups.size());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_dict_page_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_dict_page_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 54614c9..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_dict_page_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_dict_page.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_plain_page.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_builder.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_decoder.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class BinaryDictPageTest : public testing::Test {
-    void test_by_small_data_size(const std::vector<Slice>& slices) {
-        // encode
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        options.dict_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        BinaryDictPageBuilder page_builder(options);
-        size_t count = slices.size();
-        const Slice* ptr = &slices[0];
-        Status ret = page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr), &count);
-        OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices.size(), page_builder.count());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(page_builder.is_page_full());
-        //check first value and last value
-        Slice first_value;
-        page_builder.get_first_value(&first_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices[0], first_value);
-        Slice last_value;
-        page_builder.get_last_value(&last_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices[count - 1], last_value);
-        // construct dict page
-        OwnedSlice dict_slice;
-        Status status = page_builder.get_dictionary_page(&dict_slice);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        PageDecoderOptions dict_decoder_options;
-        std::unique_ptr<BinaryPlainPageDecoder> dict_page_decoder(
-                new BinaryPlainPageDecoder(dict_slice.slice(), dict_decoder_options));
-        status = dict_page_decoder->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // because every slice is unique
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices.size(), dict_page_decoder->count());
-        // decode
-        PageDecoderOptions decoder_options;
-        BinaryDictPageDecoder page_decoder(s.slice(), decoder_options);
-        page_decoder.set_dict_decoder(dict_page_decoder.get());
-        status = page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices.size(), page_decoder.count());
-        //check values
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        TypeInfo* type_info = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR);
-        size_t size = slices.size();
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(size, false, type_info, nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock column_block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView block_view(&column_block);
-        status = page_decoder.next_batch(&size, &block_view);
-        Slice* values = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(column_block.data());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices.size(), size);
-        ASSERT_EQ("Individual", values[0].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Lifetime", values[1].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Objective", values[2].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Value", values[3].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Evolution", values[4].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Nature", values[5].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Captain", values[6].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Xmas", values[7].to_string());
-        status = page_decoder.seek_to_position_in_page(5);
-        status = page_decoder.next_batch(&size, &block_view);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // read 3 items
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-        ASSERT_EQ("Nature", values[0].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Captain", values[1].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Xmas", values[2].to_string());
-    }
-    void test_with_large_data_size(const std::vector<Slice>& contents) {
-        // encode
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        // page size: 16M
-        options.data_page_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
-        options.dict_page_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
-        BinaryDictPageBuilder page_builder(options);
-        size_t count = contents.size();
-        std::vector<OwnedSlice> results;
-        std::vector<size_t> page_start_ids;
-        size_t total_size = 0;
-        page_start_ids.push_back(0);
-        for (int i = 0; i < count;) {
-            size_t add_num = 1;
-            const Slice* ptr = &contents[i];
-            Status ret = page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr), &add_num);
-            if (page_builder.is_page_full()) {
-                OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-                total_size += s.slice().size;
-                results.emplace_back(std::move(s));
-                page_builder.reset();
-                page_start_ids.push_back(i + 1);
-            }
-            i += add_num;
-        }
-        OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-        total_size += s.slice().size;
-        results.emplace_back(std::move(s));
-        page_start_ids.push_back(count);
-        OwnedSlice dict_slice;
-        Status status = page_builder.get_dictionary_page(&dict_slice);
-        size_t data_size = total_size;
-        total_size += dict_slice.slice().size;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        LOG(INFO) << "total size:" << total_size << ", data size:" << data_size
-                  << ", dict size:" << dict_slice.slice().size
-                  << " result page size:" << results.size();
-        // validate
-        // random 100 times to validate
-        srand(time(nullptr));
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-            int slice_index = random() % results.size();
-            //int slice_index = 1;
-            PageDecoderOptions dict_decoder_options;
-            std::unique_ptr<BinaryPlainPageDecoder> dict_page_decoder(
-                    new BinaryPlainPageDecoder(dict_slice.slice(), dict_decoder_options));
-            status = dict_page_decoder->init();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            // decode
-            PageDecoderOptions decoder_options;
-            BinaryDictPageDecoder page_decoder(results[slice_index].slice(), decoder_options);
-            status = page_decoder.init();
-            page_decoder.set_dict_decoder(dict_page_decoder.get());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            //check values
-            auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-            MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-            TypeInfo* type_info = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR);
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-            ColumnVectorBatch::create(1, false, type_info, nullptr, &cvb);
-            ColumnBlock column_block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-            ColumnBlockView block_view(&column_block);
-            Slice* values = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(column_block.data());
-            size_t num = 1;
-            size_t pos = random() % (page_start_ids[slice_index + 1] - page_start_ids[slice_index]);
-            //size_t pos = 613631;
-            status = page_decoder.seek_to_position_in_page(pos);
-            status = page_decoder.next_batch(&num, &block_view);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            std::string expect = contents[page_start_ids[slice_index] + pos].to_string();
-            std::string actual = values[0].to_string();
-            ASSERT_EQ(expect, actual) << "slice index:" << slice_index << ", pos:" << pos
-                                      << ", expect:" << hexdump((char*)expect.data(), expect.size())
-                                      << ", actual:" << hexdump((char*)actual.data(), actual.size())
-                                      << ", line number:" << page_start_ids[slice_index] + pos + 1;
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(BinaryDictPageTest, TestBySmallDataSize) {
-    std::vector<Slice> slices;
-    slices.emplace_back("Individual");
-    slices.emplace_back("Lifetime");
-    slices.emplace_back("Objective");
-    slices.emplace_back("Value");
-    slices.emplace_back("Evolution");
-    slices.emplace_back("Nature");
-    slices.emplace_back("Captain");
-    slices.emplace_back("Xmas");
-    test_by_small_data_size(slices);
-TEST_F(BinaryDictPageTest, TestEncodingRatio) {
-    std::vector<Slice> slices;
-    std::vector<std::string> src_strings;
-    std::string file = "./be/test/olap/test_data/dict_encoding_data.dat";
-    std::string line;
-    std::ifstream infile(file.c_str());
-    while (getline(infile, line)) {
-        src_strings.emplace_back(line);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(100, 10000); ++i) {
-        for (const auto& src_string : src_strings) {
-            slices.push_back(src_string);
-        }
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << "source line number:" << slices.size();
-    test_with_large_data_size(slices);
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_plain_page_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_plain_page_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5efb362..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_plain_page_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_plain_page.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_builder.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_decoder.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class BinaryPlainPageTest : public testing::Test {
-    BinaryPlainPageTest() {}
-    virtual ~BinaryPlainPageTest() {}
-    template <class PageBuilderType, class PageDecoderType>
-    void TestBinarySeekByValueSmallPage() {
-        std::vector<Slice> slices;
-        slices.emplace_back("Hello");
-        slices.emplace_back(",");
-        slices.emplace_back("Doris");
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        PageBuilderType page_builder(options);
-        size_t count = slices.size();
-        Slice* ptr = &slices[0];
-        Status ret = page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr), &count);
-        OwnedSlice owned_slice = page_builder.finish();
-        //check first value and last value
-        Slice first_value;
-        page_builder.get_first_value(&first_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices[0], first_value);
-        Slice last_value;
-        page_builder.get_last_value(&last_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices[count - 1], last_value);
-        PageDecoderOptions decoder_options;
-        PageDecoderType page_decoder(owned_slice.slice(), decoder_options);
-        Status status = page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        //test1
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        size_t size = 3;
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(size, true, get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR),
-                                  nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        status = page_decoder.next_batch(&size, &column_block_view);
-        Slice* values = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(block.data());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        Slice* value = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(values);
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, size);
-        ASSERT_EQ("Hello", value[0].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ(",", value[1].to_string());
-        ASSERT_EQ("Doris", value[2].to_string());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb2;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(1, true, get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR), nullptr,
-                                  &cvb2);
-        ColumnBlock block2(cvb2.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view2(&block2);
-        size_t fetch_num = 1;
-        page_decoder.seek_to_position_in_page(2);
-        status = page_decoder.next_batch(&fetch_num, &column_block_view2);
-        Slice* values2 = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(block2.data());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        Slice* value2 = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(values2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, fetch_num);
-        ASSERT_EQ("Doris", value2[0].to_string());
-    }
-TEST_F(BinaryPlainPageTest, TestBinaryPlainPageBuilderSeekByValueSmallPage) {
-    TestBinarySeekByValueSmallPage<BinaryPlainPageBuilder, BinaryPlainPageDecoder>();
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_prefix_page_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_prefix_page_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 369bfea..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_prefix_page_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/binary_prefix_page.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_builder.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_decoder.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class BinaryPrefixPageTest : public testing::Test {
-    void test_encode_and_decode() {
-        std::vector<std::string> test_data;
-        for (int i = 1000; i < 1038; ++i) {
-            test_data.emplace_back(std::to_string(i));
-        }
-        std::vector<Slice> slices;
-        for (const auto& data : test_data) {
-            slices.emplace_back(Slice(data));
-        }
-        // encode
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        BinaryPrefixPageBuilder page_builder(options);
-        size_t count = slices.size();
-        const Slice* ptr = &slices[0];
-        Status ret = page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr), &count);
-        OwnedSlice dict_slice = page_builder.finish();
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices.size(), page_builder.count());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(page_builder.is_page_full());
-        //check first value and last value
-        Slice first_value;
-        page_builder.get_first_value(&first_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices[0], first_value);
-        Slice last_value;
-        page_builder.get_last_value(&last_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices[count - 1], last_value);
-        PageDecoderOptions dict_decoder_options;
-        std::unique_ptr<BinaryPrefixPageDecoder> page_decoder(
-                new BinaryPrefixPageDecoder(dict_slice.slice(), dict_decoder_options));
-        ret = page_decoder->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        // because every slice is unique
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices.size(), page_decoder->count());
-        //check values
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        TypeInfo* type_info = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR);
-        size_t size = slices.size();
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(size, false, type_info, nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock column_block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView block_view(&column_block);
-        ret = page_decoder->next_batch(&size, &block_view);
-        Slice* values = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(column_block.data());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(slices.size(), size);
-        for (int i = 1000; i < 1038; ++i) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(std::to_string(i), values[i - 1000].to_string());
-        }
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb2;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(size, false, type_info, nullptr, &cvb2);
-        ColumnBlock column_block2(cvb2.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView block_view2(&column_block2);
-        ret = page_decoder->seek_to_position_in_page(15);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        ret = page_decoder->next_batch(&size, &block_view2);
-        values = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(column_block2.data());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(23, size);
-        for (int i = 1015; i < 1038; ++i) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(std::to_string(i), values[i - 1015].to_string());
-        }
-        Slice v1 = Slice("1039");
-        bool exact_match;
-        ret = page_decoder->seek_at_or_after_value(&v1, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.is_not_found());
-        Slice v2 = Slice("1000");
-        ret = page_decoder->seek_at_or_after_value(&v2, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        Slice v3 = Slice("1037");
-        ret = page_decoder->seek_at_or_after_value(&v3, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        Slice v4 = Slice("100");
-        ret = page_decoder->seek_at_or_after_value(&v4, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(!exact_match);
-    }
-    void test_encode_and_decode2() {
-        std::vector<std::string> test_data;
-        test_data.push_back("ab");
-        test_data.push_back("c");
-        std::vector<Slice> slices;
-        for (int i = 0; i < test_data.size(); ++i) {
-            Slice s(test_data[i]);
-            slices.emplace_back(s);
-        }
-        // encode
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        BinaryPrefixPageBuilder page_builder(options);
-        size_t count = slices.size();
-        const Slice* ptr = &slices[0];
-        Status ret = page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr), &count);
-        OwnedSlice dict_slice = page_builder.finish();
-        PageDecoderOptions dict_decoder_options;
-        std::unique_ptr<BinaryPrefixPageDecoder> page_decoder(
-                new BinaryPrefixPageDecoder(dict_slice.slice(), dict_decoder_options));
-        ret = page_decoder->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        Slice slice("c");
-        bool exact_match;
-        ret = page_decoder->seek_at_or_after_value(&slice, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-    }
-TEST_F(BinaryPrefixPageTest, TestEncodeAndDecode) {
-    test_encode_and_decode();
-TEST_F(BinaryPrefixPageTest, TestEncodeAndDecode2) {
-    test_encode_and_decode2();
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitmap_index_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitmap_index_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8603e4c..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitmap_index_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "olap/fs/block_manager.h"
-#include "olap/fs/fs_util.h"
-#include "olap/key_coder.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitmap_index_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitmap_index_writer.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class BitmapIndexTest : public testing::Test {
-    const std::string kTestDir = "./ut_dir/bitmap_index_test";
-    BitmapIndexTest() : _tracker(new MemTracker()), _pool(_tracker.get()) {}
-    void SetUp() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kTestDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kTestDir).ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(kTestDir).ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kTestDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kTestDir).ok());
-        }
-    }
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _tracker;
-    MemPool _pool;
-template <FieldType type>
-void write_index_file(std::string& filename, const void* values, size_t value_count,
-                      size_t null_count, ColumnIndexMetaPB* meta) {
-    const TypeInfo* type_info = get_type_info(type);
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-        fs::CreateBlockOptions opts({filename});
-        ASSERT_TRUE(fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(opts, &wblock).ok());
-        std::unique_ptr<BitmapIndexWriter> writer;
-        BitmapIndexWriter::create(type_info, &writer);
-        writer->add_values(values, value_count);
-        writer->add_nulls(null_count);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->finish(wblock.get(), meta).ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(BITMAP_INDEX, meta->type());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-    }
-template <FieldType type>
-void get_bitmap_reader_iter(std::string& file_name, const ColumnIndexMetaPB& meta,
-                            BitmapIndexReader** reader, BitmapIndexIterator** iter) {
-    *reader = new BitmapIndexReader(file_name, &meta.bitmap_index());
-    auto st = (*reader)->load(true, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = (*reader)->new_iterator(iter);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(BitmapIndexTest, test_invert) {
-    size_t num_uint8_rows = 1024 * 10;
-    int* val = new int[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        val[i] = i;
-    }
-    std::string file_name = kTestDir + "/invert";
-    ColumnIndexMetaPB meta;
-    write_index_file<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>(file_name, val, num_uint8_rows, 0, &meta);
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> rfile;
-        BitmapIndexReader* reader = nullptr;
-        BitmapIndexIterator* iter = nullptr;
-        get_bitmap_reader_iter<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>(file_name, meta, &reader, &iter);
-        int value = 2;
-        bool exact_match;
-        Status st = iter->seek_dictionary(&value, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        ASSERT_EQ(2, iter->current_ordinal());
-        Roaring bitmap;
-        iter->read_bitmap(iter->current_ordinal(), &bitmap);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(Roaring::bitmapOf(1, 2) == bitmap);
-        int value2 = 1024 * 9;
-        st = iter->seek_dictionary(&value2, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1024 * 9, iter->current_ordinal());
-        iter->read_union_bitmap(iter->current_ordinal(), iter->bitmap_nums(), &bitmap);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1025, bitmap.cardinality());
-        int value3 = 1024;
-        iter->seek_dictionary(&value3, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1024, iter->current_ordinal());
-        Roaring bitmap2;
-        iter->read_union_bitmap(0, iter->current_ordinal(), &bitmap2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1024, bitmap2.cardinality());
-        delete reader;
-        delete iter;
-    }
-    delete[] val;
-TEST_F(BitmapIndexTest, test_invert_2) {
-    size_t num_uint8_rows = 1024 * 10;
-    int* val = new int[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-        val[i] = i;
-    }
-    for (int i = 1024; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        val[i] = i * 10;
-    }
-    std::string file_name = kTestDir + "/invert2";
-    ColumnIndexMetaPB meta;
-    write_index_file<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>(file_name, val, num_uint8_rows, 0, &meta);
-    {
-        BitmapIndexReader* reader = nullptr;
-        BitmapIndexIterator* iter = nullptr;
-        get_bitmap_reader_iter<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>(file_name, meta, &reader, &iter);
-        int value = 1026;
-        bool exact_match;
-        auto st = iter->seek_dictionary(&value, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(!exact_match);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1024, iter->current_ordinal());
-        Roaring bitmap;
-        iter->read_union_bitmap(0, iter->current_ordinal(), &bitmap);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1024, bitmap.cardinality());
-        delete reader;
-        delete iter;
-    }
-    delete[] val;
-TEST_F(BitmapIndexTest, test_multi_pages) {
-    size_t times = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1, 1024);
-    size_t num_uint8_rows = times * 1024;
-    int64_t* val = new int64_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        val[i] = random() + 10000;
-    }
-    val[times * 510] = 2019;
-    std::string file_name = kTestDir + "/mul";
-    ColumnIndexMetaPB meta;
-    write_index_file<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>(file_name, val, num_uint8_rows, 0, &meta);
-    {
-        BitmapIndexReader* reader = nullptr;
-        BitmapIndexIterator* iter = nullptr;
-        get_bitmap_reader_iter<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>(file_name, meta, &reader, &iter);
-        int64_t value = 2019;
-        bool exact_match;
-        auto st = iter->seek_dictionary(&value, &exact_match);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << "status:" << st.to_string();
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, iter->current_ordinal());
-        Roaring bitmap;
-        iter->read_bitmap(iter->current_ordinal(), &bitmap);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, bitmap.cardinality());
-        delete reader;
-        delete iter;
-    }
-    delete[] val;
-TEST_F(BitmapIndexTest, test_null) {
-    size_t num_uint8_rows = 1024;
-    int64_t* val = new int64_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        val[i] = i;
-    }
-    std::string file_name = kTestDir + "/null";
-    ColumnIndexMetaPB meta;
-    write_index_file<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>(file_name, val, num_uint8_rows, 30, &meta);
-    {
-        BitmapIndexReader* reader = nullptr;
-        BitmapIndexIterator* iter = nullptr;
-        get_bitmap_reader_iter<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>(file_name, meta, &reader, &iter);
-        Roaring bitmap;
-        iter->read_null_bitmap(&bitmap);
-        ASSERT_EQ(30, bitmap.cardinality());
-        delete reader;
-        delete iter;
-    }
-    delete[] val;
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::StoragePageCache::create_global_cache(1 << 30, 0.1);
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitshuffle_page_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitshuffle_page_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d10797f..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitshuffle_page_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bitshuffle_page.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/options.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_builder.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_decoder.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using doris::segment_v2::PageBuilderOptions;
-namespace doris {
-class BitShufflePageTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~BitShufflePageTest() {}
-    template <FieldType type, class PageDecoderType>
-    void copy_one(PageDecoderType* decoder, typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType* ret) {
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(1, true, get_scalar_type_info(type), nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        size_t n = 1;
-        decoder->_copy_next_values(n, column_block_view.data());
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, n);
-        *ret = *reinterpret_cast<const typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType*>(block.cell_ptr(0));
-    }
-    template <FieldType Type, class PageBuilderType, class PageDecoderType>
-    void test_encode_decode_page_template(typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* src, size_t size) {
-        typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType CppType;
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        PageBuilderType page_builder(options);
-        page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), &size);
-        OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-        //check first value and last value
-        CppType first_value;
-        page_builder.get_first_value(&first_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(src[0], first_value);
-        CppType last_value;
-        page_builder.get_last_value(&last_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(src[size - 1], last_value);
-        segment_v2::PageDecoderOptions decoder_options;
-        PageDecoderType page_decoder(s.slice(), decoder_options);
-        Status status = page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, page_decoder.current_index());
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(size, false, get_scalar_type_info(Type), nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        status = page_decoder.next_batch(&size, &column_block_view);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        CppType* values = reinterpret_cast<CppType*>(block.data());
-        CppType* decoded = (CppType*)values;
-        for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-            if (src[i] != decoded[i]) {
-                FAIL() << "Fail at index " << i << " inserted=" << src[i] << " got=" << decoded[i];
-            }
-        }
-        // Test Seek within block by ordinal
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-            int seek_off = random() % size;
-            page_decoder.seek_to_position_in_page(seek_off);
-            EXPECT_EQ((int32_t)(seek_off), page_decoder.current_index());
-            CppType ret;
-            copy_one<Type, PageDecoderType>(&page_decoder, &ret);
-            EXPECT_EQ(decoded[seek_off], ret);
-        }
-    }
-    // The values inserted should be sorted.
-    template <FieldType Type, class PageBuilderType, class PageDecoderType>
-    void test_seek_at_or_after_value_template(
-            typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* src, size_t size,
-            typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* small_than_smallest,
-            typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* bigger_than_biggest) {
-        typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType CppType;
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        PageBuilderType page_builder(options);
-        page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), &size);
-        OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-        segment_v2::PageDecoderOptions decoder_options;
-        PageDecoderType page_decoder(s.slice(), decoder_options);
-        Status status = page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, page_decoder.current_index());
-        size_t index = random() % size;
-        CppType seek_value = src[index];
-        bool exact_match;
-        status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&seek_value, &exact_match);
-        EXPECT_EQ(index, page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        CppType last_value = src[size - 1];
-        status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&last_value, &exact_match);
-        EXPECT_EQ(size - 1, page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        CppType first_value = src[0];
-        status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&first_value, &exact_match);
-        EXPECT_EQ(0, page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(small_than_smallest, &exact_match);
-        EXPECT_EQ(0, page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(exact_match);
-        status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(bigger_than_biggest, &exact_match);
-        EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-// Test for bitshuffle block, for INT32, INT64, FLOAT, DOUBLE
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleInt32BlockEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = random();
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleInt64BlockEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int64_t[]> ints(new int64_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = random();
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleFloatBlockEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<float[]> floats(new float[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        floats.get()[i] = random() + static_cast<float>(random()) / INT_MAX;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>>(
-            floats.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleDoubleBlockEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<double[]> doubles(new double[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        doubles.get()[i] = random() + static_cast<double>(random()) / INT_MAX;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>>(
-            doubles.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleDoubleBlockEncoderEqual) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<double[]> doubles(new double[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        doubles.get()[i] = 19880217.19890323;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>>(
-            doubles.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleDoubleBlockEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    double base = 19880217.19890323;
-    double delta = 13.14;
-    std::unique_ptr<double[]> doubles(new double[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        base = base + delta;
-        doubles.get()[i] = base;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>>(
-            doubles.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleInt32BlockEncoderEqual) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 12345;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleInt32BlockEncoderMaxNumberEqual) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 1234567890;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleInt32BlockEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    int32_t number = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = ++number;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleInt32BlockEncoderMaxNumberSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    int32_t number = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 1234567890 + number;
-        ++number;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleFloatBlockEncoderSeekValue) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1000;
-    std::unique_ptr<float[]> floats(new float[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        floats.get()[i] = i + 100 + static_cast<float>(random()) / INT_MAX;
-    }
-    float small_than_smallest = 99.9;
-    float bigger_than_biggest = 1111.1;
-    test_seek_at_or_after_value_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT,
-                                         segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>,
-                                         segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>>(
-            floats.get(), size, &small_than_smallest, &bigger_than_biggest);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleDoubleBlockEncoderSeekValue) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1000;
-    std::unique_ptr<double[]> doubles(new double[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        doubles.get()[i] = i + 100 + static_cast<double>(random()) / INT_MAX;
-    }
-    double small_than_smallest = 99.9;
-    double bigger_than_biggest = 1111.1;
-    test_seek_at_or_after_value_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                         segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>,
-                                         segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>>(
-            doubles.get(), size, &small_than_smallest, &bigger_than_biggest);
-TEST_F(BitShufflePageTest, TestBitShuffleDecimal12BlockEncoderSeekValue) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1000;
-    std::unique_ptr<decimal12_t[]> decimals(new decimal12_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        decimals.get()[i] = decimal12_t(i + 100, random());
-    }
-    decimal12_t small_than_smallest = decimal12_t(99, 9);
-    decimal12_t bigger_than_biggest = decimal12_t(1111, 1);
-    test_seek_at_or_after_value_template<
-            OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL, segment_v2::BitshufflePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL>,
-            segment_v2::BitShufflePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL>>(
-            decimals.get(), size, &small_than_smallest, &bigger_than_biggest);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/block_bloom_filter_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/block_bloom_filter_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fffcf87..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/block_bloom_filter_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class BlockBloomFilterTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~BlockBloomFilterTest() {}
-    uint64_t _expected_num = 1024;
-    double _fpp = 0.05;
-// Test for int
-TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, Normal) {
-    // test write
-    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilter> bf;
-    // now CLASSIC_BLOOM_FILTER is not supported
-    auto st = BloomFilter::create(CLASSIC_BLOOM_FILTER, &bf);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, bf);
-    st = BloomFilter::create(BLOCK_BLOOM_FILTER, &bf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, bf);
-    st = bf->init(_expected_num, _fpp, HASH_MURMUR3_X64_64);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf->size() > 0);
-    int num = 1000;
-    uint32_t values[1000];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        values[i] = random();
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        bf->add_bytes((char*)&values[i], sizeof(uint32_t));
-    }
-    // add nullptr
-    bf->add_bytes(nullptr, 1);
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes((char*)&values[i], sizeof(uint32_t)));
-    }
-    // test nullptr
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes(nullptr, 1));
-    // test read
-    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilter> bf2;
-    st = BloomFilter::create(BLOCK_BLOOM_FILTER, &bf2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, bf2);
-    st = bf2->init(bf->data(), bf->size(), HASH_MURMUR3_X64_64);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf2->size() > 0);
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bf2->test_bytes((char*)&values[i], sizeof(uint32_t)));
-    }
-    // test nullptr
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf2->test_bytes(nullptr, 1));
-    bf->reset();
-    char* data = bf->data();
-    // data is reset to 0
-    for (int i = 0; i < bf->size(); ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(*data, 0);
-        data++;
-    }
-// Test for int
-TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, SP) {
-    // test write
-    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilter> bf;
-    auto st = BloomFilter::create(BLOCK_BLOOM_FILTER, &bf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, bf);
-    st = bf->init(_expected_num, _fpp, HASH_MURMUR3_X64_64);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf->size() > 0);
-    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilter> bf2;
-    st = BloomFilter::create(BLOCK_BLOOM_FILTER, &bf2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, bf2);
-    st = bf2->init(_expected_num, _fpp, HASH_MURMUR3_X64_64);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf2->size() > 0);
-    int num = _expected_num;
-    int32_t values[num];
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        values[i] = i * 10 + 1;
-        bf->add_bytes((char*)&values[i], sizeof(int32_t));
-    }
-    int32_t values2[num];
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        values2[i] = 15360 + i * 10 + 1;
-        bf2->add_bytes((char*)&values2[i], sizeof(int32_t));
-    }
-    // true test
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes((char*)&values[i], 4));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bf2->test_bytes((char*)&values2[i], 4));
-    }
-    // false test
-    int false_count1 = 0;
-    int false_count2 = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        int32_t to_check1 = values[i];
-        for (int j = 1; j < 10; ++j) {
-            ++to_check1;
-            false_count1 += bf->test_bytes((char*)&to_check1, 4);
-        }
-        int32_t to_check2 = values2[i];
-        for (int j = 1; j < 10; ++j) {
-            ++to_check2;
-            false_count2 += bf2->test_bytes((char*)&to_check2, 4);
-        }
-    }
-    ASSERT_LE((double)false_count1 / (num * 9), _fpp);
-    ASSERT_LE((double)false_count2 / (num * 9), _fpp);
-// Test for slice
-TEST_F(BlockBloomFilterTest, slice) {
-    // test write
-    std::unique_ptr<BloomFilter> bf;
-    auto st = BloomFilter::create(BLOCK_BLOOM_FILTER, &bf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, bf);
-    st = bf->init(_expected_num, _fpp, HASH_MURMUR3_X64_64);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bf->size() > 0);
-    int num = 1024;
-    std::string values[1024];
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-        values[i] = "prefix_" + std::to_string(10000 + i);
-    }
-    Slice slices[1024];
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-        slices[i] = Slice(values[i]);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        bf->add_bytes(slices[i].data, slices[i].size);
-    }
-    std::string value_not_exist = "char_value_not_exist";
-    Slice s = Slice(value_not_exist);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(bf->test_bytes(s.data, s.size));
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ee82e0d..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "olap/fs/block_manager.h"
-#include "olap/fs/fs_util.h"
-#include "olap/key_coder.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_index_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_index_writer.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-const std::string dname = "./ut_dir/bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_test";
-class BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        if (FileUtils::is_dir(dname)) {
-            std::set<std::string> files;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::list_dirs_files(dname, nullptr, &files, Env::Default()).ok());
-            for (const auto& file : files) {
-                Status s = Env::Default()->delete_file(dname + "/" + file);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(Env::Default()->delete_dir(dname).ok());
-        }
-    }
-template <FieldType type>
-void write_bloom_filter_index_file(const std::string& file_name, const void* values,
-                                   size_t value_count, size_t null_count,
-                                   ColumnIndexMetaPB* index_meta) {
-    const TypeInfo* type_info = get_type_info(type);
-    using CppType = typename CppTypeTraits<type>::CppType;
-    FileUtils::create_dir(dname);
-    std::string fname = dname + "/" + file_name;
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-        fs::CreateBlockOptions opts({fname});
-        Status st = fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(opts, &wblock);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-        std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterIndexWriter> bloom_filter_index_writer;
-        BloomFilterOptions bf_options;
-        BloomFilterIndexWriter::create(bf_options, type_info, &bloom_filter_index_writer);
-        const CppType* vals = (const CppType*)values;
-        for (int i = 0; i < value_count;) {
-            size_t num = std::min(1024, (int)value_count - i);
-            bloom_filter_index_writer->add_values(vals + i, num);
-            if (i == 2048) {
-                // second page
-                bloom_filter_index_writer->add_nulls(null_count);
-            }
-            st = bloom_filter_index_writer->flush();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-            i += 1024;
-        }
-        st = bloom_filter_index_writer->finish(wblock.get(), index_meta);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << "writer finish status:" << st.to_string();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(BLOOM_FILTER_INDEX, index_meta->type());
-        ASSERT_EQ(bf_options.strategy, index_meta->bloom_filter_index().hash_strategy());
-    }
-void get_bloom_filter_reader_iter(const std::string& file_name, const ColumnIndexMetaPB& meta,
-                                  std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile>* rfile,
-                                  BloomFilterIndexReader** reader,
-                                  std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterIndexIterator>* iter) {
-    std::string fname = dname + "/" + file_name;
-    *reader = new BloomFilterIndexReader(fname, &meta.bloom_filter_index());
-    auto st = (*reader)->load(true, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = (*reader)->new_iterator(iter);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-template <FieldType Type>
-void test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template(
-        const std::string file_name, typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* val, size_t num,
-        size_t null_num, typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* not_exist_value,
-        bool is_slice_type = false) {
-    typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType CppType;
-    ColumnIndexMetaPB meta;
-    write_bloom_filter_index_file<Type>(file_name, val, num, null_num, &meta);
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> rfile;
-        BloomFilterIndexReader* reader = nullptr;
-        std::unique_ptr<BloomFilterIndexIterator> iter;
-        get_bloom_filter_reader_iter(file_name, meta, &rfile, &reader, &iter);
-        // page 0
-        std::unique_ptr<BloomFilter> bf;
-        auto st = iter->read_bloom_filter(0, &bf);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
-            if (is_slice_type) {
-                Slice* value = (Slice*)(val + i);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes(value->data, value->size));
-            } else {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes((char*)&val[i], sizeof(CppType)));
-            }
-        }
-        // page 1
-        st = iter->read_bloom_filter(1, &bf);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        for (int i = 1024; i < 2048; ++i) {
-            if (is_slice_type) {
-                Slice* value = (Slice*)(val + i);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes(value->data, value->size));
-            } else {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes((char*)&val[i], sizeof(CppType)));
-            }
-        }
-        // page 2
-        st = iter->read_bloom_filter(2, &bf);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        for (int i = 2048; i < 3071; ++i) {
-            if (is_slice_type) {
-                Slice* value = (Slice*)(val + i);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes(value->data, value->size));
-            } else {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes((char*)&val[i], sizeof(CppType)));
-            }
-        }
-        // test nullptr
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes(nullptr, 1));
-        delete reader;
-    }
-TEST_F(BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest, test_int) {
-    size_t num = 1024 * 3 - 1;
-    int* val = new int[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        val[i] = 10000 + i + 1;
-    }
-    std::string file_name = "bloom_filter_int";
-    int not_exist_value = 18888;
-    test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>(file_name, val, num, 1,
-                                                                        &not_exist_value);
-    delete[] val;
-TEST_F(BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest, test_bigint) {
-    size_t num = 1024 * 3 - 1;
-    int64_t* val = new int64_t[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        val[i] = 100000000 + i + 1;
-    }
-    std::string file_name = "bloom_filter_bigint";
-    int64_t not_exist_value = 18888;
-    test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>(file_name, val, num, 1,
-                                                                           &not_exist_value);
-    delete[] val;
-TEST_F(BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest, test_largeint) {
-    size_t num = 1024 * 3 - 1;
-    int128_t* val = new int128_t[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        val[i] = 100000000 + i + 1;
-    }
-    std::string file_name = "bloom_filter_largeint";
-    int128_t not_exist_value = 18888;
-    test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>(file_name, val, num, 1,
-                                                                             &not_exist_value);
-    delete[] val;
-TEST_F(BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest, test_varchar_type) {
-    size_t num = 1024 * 3 - 1;
-    std::string* val = new std::string[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        val[i] = "prefix_" + std::to_string(i);
-    }
-    Slice* slices = new Slice[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        slices[i] = Slice(val[i].c_str(), val[i].size());
-    }
-    std::string file_name = "bloom_filter_varchar";
-    Slice not_exist_value("value_not_exist");
-    test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>(
-            file_name, slices, num, 1, &not_exist_value, true);
-    delete[] val;
-    delete[] slices;
-TEST_F(BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest, test_char) {
-    size_t num = 1024 * 3 - 1;
-    std::string* val = new std::string[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        val[i] = "prefix_" + std::to_string(10000 + i);
-    }
-    Slice* slices = new Slice[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        slices[i] = Slice(val[i].c_str(), val[i].size());
-    }
-    std::string file_name = "bloom_filter_char";
-    Slice not_exist_value("char_value_not_exist");
-    test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>(file_name, slices, num, 1,
-                                                                         &not_exist_value, true);
-    delete[] val;
-    delete[] slices;
-TEST_F(BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest, test_date) {
-    size_t num = 1024 * 3 - 1;
-    uint24_t* val = new uint24_t[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        val[i] = 10000 + i + 1;
-    }
-    std::string file_name = "bloom_filter_date";
-    uint24_t not_exist_value = 18888;
-    test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE>(file_name, val, num, 1,
-                                                                         &not_exist_value);
-    delete[] val;
-TEST_F(BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest, test_datetime) {
-    size_t num = 1024 * 3 - 1;
-    int64_t* val = new int64_t[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        val[i] = 10000 + i + 1;
-    }
-    std::string file_name = "bloom_filter_datetime";
-    int64_t not_exist_value = 18888;
-    test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME>(file_name, val, num, 1,
-                                                                             &not_exist_value);
-    delete[] val;
-TEST_F(BloomFilterIndexReaderWriterTest, test_decimal) {
-    size_t num = 1024 * 3 - 1;
-    decimal12_t* val = new decimal12_t[num];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-        // there will be 3 bloom filter pages
-        val[i] = decimal12_t(i + 1, i + 1);
-    }
-    std::string file_name = "bloom_filter_decimal";
-    decimal12_t not_exist_value = decimal12_t(666, 666);
-    test_bloom_filter_index_reader_writer_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL>(file_name, val, num, 1,
-                                                                            &not_exist_value);
-    delete[] val;
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::StoragePageCache::create_global_cache(1 << 30, 0.1);
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_page_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_page_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 47fc036..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_page_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter_page.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/bloom_filter.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/options.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_builder.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_decoder.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using doris::segment_v2::PageBuilderOptions;
-using doris::segment_v2::PageDecoderOptions;
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class BloomFilterPageTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~BloomFilterPageTest() {}
-    template <FieldType Type, class PageBuilderType>
-    void test_encode_decode_page_template(typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* src, size_t size,
-                                          bool has_null, bool is_slice_type = false) {
-        typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType CppType;
-        PageBuilderOptions builder_options;
-        builder_options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        PageBuilderType bf_page_builder(builder_options);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(bf_page_builder.is_page_full());
-        bf_page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), &size);
-        if (has_null) {
-            size_t num = 1;
-            bf_page_builder.add(nullptr, &num);
-        }
-        OwnedSlice s = bf_page_builder.finish();
-        ASSERT_EQ(size + has_null, bf_page_builder.count());
-        BloomFilterPageDecoder bf_page_decoder(s.slice());
-        auto status = bf_page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, bf_page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, bf_page_decoder.count());
-        status = bf_page_decoder.seek_to_position_in_page(0);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        Slice* values = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(pool.allocate(sizeof(Slice)));
-        ColumnBlock block(get_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR), (uint8_t*)values, nullptr, 2,
-                          &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        size_t size_to_fetch = 1;
-        status = bf_page_decoder.next_batch(&size_to_fetch, &column_block_view);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, size_to_fetch);
-        std::unique_ptr<BloomFilter> bf;
-        BloomFilter::create(BLOCK_BLOOM_FILTER, &bf);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, bf);
-        auto ret = bf->init(values->data, values->size, HASH_MURMUR3_X64_64);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret);
-        ASSERT_EQ(has_null, bf->has_null());
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-            if (is_slice_type) {
-                Slice* value = (Slice*)(src + i);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes(value->data, value->size));
-            } else {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(bf->test_bytes((char*)(src + i), sizeof(CppType)));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// Test for rle block, for INT32, BOOL
-TEST_F(BloomFilterPageTest, TestIntFieldBloomFilterPage) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1024;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = random();
-    }
-    // without null
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::BloomFilterPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size, false);
-    // with null
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::BloomFilterPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size, true);
-TEST_F(BloomFilterPageTest, TestBigIntFieldBloomFilterPage) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1024;
-    std::unique_ptr<int64_t[]> big_ints(new int64_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        big_ints.get()[i] = random();
-    }
-    // without null
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT,
-                                     segment_v2::BloomFilterPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>>(
-            big_ints.get(), size, false);
-    // with null
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT,
-                                     segment_v2::BloomFilterPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>>(
-            big_ints.get(), size, true);
-TEST_F(BloomFilterPageTest, TestVarcharFieldBloomFilterPage) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1024;
-    std::vector<std::string> strings;
-    strings.resize(size);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        strings.push_back("prefix_" + std::to_string(random()));
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<Slice[]> slices(new Slice[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        slices.get()[i] = Slice(strings[i]);
-    }
-    // without null
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR,
-                                     segment_v2::BloomFilterPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>>(
-            slices.get(), size, false, true);
-    // with null
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR,
-                                     segment_v2::BloomFilterPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>>(
-            slices.get(), size, true, true);
-TEST_F(BloomFilterPageTest, TestCharFieldBloomFilterPage) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1024;
-    std::vector<std::string> strings;
-    strings.resize(size);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        strings.push_back("prefix_" + std::to_string(i % 10));
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<Slice[]> slices(new Slice[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        slices.get()[i] = Slice(strings[i]);
-    }
-    // without null
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR,
-                                     segment_v2::BloomFilterPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>>(
-            slices.get(), size, false, true);
-    // with null
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR,
-                                     segment_v2::BloomFilterPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>>(
-            slices.get(), size, true, true);
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/column_reader_writer_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/column_reader_writer_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf2e7dad..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/column_reader_writer_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "olap/column_block.h"
-#include "olap/decimal12.h"
-#include "olap/fs/fs_util.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/column_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/column_writer.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema_helper.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-static const std::string TEST_DIR = "./ut_dir/column_reader_writer_test";
-class ColumnReaderWriterTest : public testing::Test {
-    ColumnReaderWriterTest() : _tracker(new MemTracker()), _pool(_tracker.get()) {}
-    virtual ~ColumnReaderWriterTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(TEST_DIR)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(TEST_DIR).ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(TEST_DIR).ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(TEST_DIR)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(TEST_DIR).ok());
-        }
-    }
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _tracker;
-    MemPool _pool;
-template <FieldType type, EncodingTypePB encoding>
-void test_nullable_data(uint8_t* src_data, uint8_t* src_is_null, int num_rows,
-                        std::string test_name) {
-    using Type = typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType;
-    Type* src = (Type*)src_data;
-    ColumnMetaPB meta;
-    // write data
-    std::string fname = TEST_DIR + "/" + test_name;
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-        fs::CreateBlockOptions opts({fname});
-        Status st = fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(opts, &wblock);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.get_error_msg();
-        ColumnWriterOptions writer_opts;
-        writer_opts.meta = &meta;
-        writer_opts.meta->set_column_id(0);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_unique_id(0);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_type(type);
-        if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR || type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR) {
-            writer_opts.meta->set_length(10);
-        } else {
-            writer_opts.meta->set_length(0);
-        }
-        writer_opts.meta->set_encoding(encoding);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_compression(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::LZ4F);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_is_nullable(true);
-        writer_opts.need_zone_map = true;
-        TabletColumn column(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, type);
-        if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR) {
-            column = create_varchar_key(1);
-        } else if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR) {
-            column = create_char_key(1);
-        }
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnWriter> writer;
-        ColumnWriter::create(writer_opts, &column, wblock.get(), &writer);
-        st = writer->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-            st = writer->append(BitmapTest(src_is_null, i), src + i);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->finish().ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->write_data().ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->write_ordinal_index().ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writer->write_zone_map().ok());
-        // close the file
-        ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-    }
-    const TypeInfo* type_info = get_scalar_type_info(type);
-    // read and check
-    {
-        // read and check
-        ColumnReaderOptions reader_opts;
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> reader;
-        auto st = ColumnReader::create(reader_opts, meta, num_rows, fname, &reader);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ColumnIterator* iter = nullptr;
-        st = reader->new_iterator(&iter);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::ReadableBlock> rblock;
-        fs::BlockManager* block_manager = fs::fs_util::block_manager();
-        block_manager->open_block(fname, &rblock);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ColumnIteratorOptions iter_opts;
-        OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-        iter_opts.stats = &stats;
-        iter_opts.rblock = rblock.get();
-        st = iter->init(iter_opts);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        // sequence read
-        {
-            st = iter->seek_to_first();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-            auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-            MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-            ColumnVectorBatch::create(0, true, type_info, nullptr, &cvb);
-            cvb->resize(1024);
-            ColumnBlock col(cvb.get(), &pool);
-            int idx = 0;
-            while (true) {
-                size_t rows_read = 1024;
-                ColumnBlockView dst(&col);
-                st = iter->next_batch(&rows_read, &dst);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                for (int j = 0; j < rows_read; ++j) {
-                    ASSERT_EQ(BitmapTest(src_is_null, idx), col.is_null(j));
-                    if (!col.is_null(j)) {
-                        if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR || type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR) {
-                            Slice* src_slice = (Slice*)src_data;
-                            ASSERT_EQ(src_slice[idx].to_string(),
-                                      reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(col.cell_ptr(j))->to_string())
-                                    << "j:" << j;
-                        } else {
-                            ASSERT_EQ(src[idx], *reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(col.cell_ptr(j)));
-                        }
-                    }
-                    idx++;
-                }
-                if (rows_read < 1024) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        {
-            auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-            MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-            ColumnVectorBatch::create(0, true, type_info, nullptr, &cvb);
-            cvb->resize(1024);
-            ColumnBlock col(cvb.get(), &pool);
-            for (int rowid = 0; rowid < num_rows; rowid += 4025) {
-                st = iter->seek_to_ordinal(rowid);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                int idx = rowid;
-                size_t rows_read = 1024;
-                ColumnBlockView dst(&col);
-                st = iter->next_batch(&rows_read, &dst);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                for (int j = 0; j < rows_read; ++j) {
-                    ASSERT_EQ(BitmapTest(src_is_null, idx), col.is_null(j));
-                    if (!col.is_null(j)) {
-                        if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR || type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR) {
-                            Slice* src_slice = (Slice*)src_data;
-                            ASSERT_EQ(src_slice[idx].to_string(),
-                                      reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(col.cell_ptr(j))->to_string());
-                        } else {
-                            ASSERT_EQ(src[idx], *reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(col.cell_ptr(j)));
-                        }
-                    }
-                    idx++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        delete iter;
-    }
-template <FieldType item_type, EncodingTypePB item_encoding, EncodingTypePB array_encoding>
-void test_array_nullable_data(Collection* src_data, uint8_t* src_is_null, int num_rows,
-                              std::string test_name) {
-    Collection* src = src_data;
-    ColumnMetaPB meta;
-    int32 item_length = 0;
-    if (item_type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR || item_type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR) {
-        item_length = 10;
-    }
-    TabletColumn item_column(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, item_type, true, 0, item_length);
-    list_column.add_sub_column(item_column);
-    Field* field = FieldFactory::create(list_column);
-    // write data
-    std::string fname = TEST_DIR + "/" + test_name;
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-        fs::CreateBlockOptions opts({fname});
-        Status st = fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(opts, &wblock);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.get_error_msg();
-        ColumnWriterOptions writer_opts;
-        writer_opts.meta = &meta;
-        writer_opts.meta->set_column_id(0);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_unique_id(0);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_ARRAY);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_length(0);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_encoding(array_encoding);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_compression(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::LZ4F);
-        writer_opts.meta->set_is_nullable(true);
-        writer_opts.data_page_size = 5 * 8;
-        ColumnMetaPB* child_meta = meta.add_children_columns();
-        child_meta->set_column_id(1);
-        child_meta->set_unique_id(1);
-        child_meta->set_type(item_type);
-        child_meta->set_length(item_length);
-        child_meta->set_encoding(item_encoding);
-        child_meta->set_compression(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::LZ4F);
-        child_meta->set_is_nullable(true);
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnWriter> writer;
-        ColumnWriter::create(writer_opts, &list_column, wblock.get(), &writer);
-        st = writer->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-            st = writer->append(BitmapTest(src_is_null, i), src + i);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        }
-        st = writer->finish();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        st = writer->write_data();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        st = writer->write_ordinal_index();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        // close the file
-        ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-    }
-    TypeInfo* type_info = get_type_info(&meta);
-    // read and check
-    {
-        ColumnReaderOptions reader_opts;
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> reader;
-        auto st = ColumnReader::create(reader_opts, meta, num_rows, fname, &reader);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ColumnIterator* iter = nullptr;
-        st = reader->new_iterator(&iter);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::ReadableBlock> rblock;
-        fs::BlockManager* block_manager = fs::fs_util::block_manager();
-        st = block_manager->open_block(fname, &rblock);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ColumnIteratorOptions iter_opts;
-        OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-        iter_opts.stats = &stats;
-        iter_opts.rblock = rblock.get();
-        st = iter->init(iter_opts);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        // sequence read
-        {
-            st = iter->seek_to_first();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-            MemTracker tracker;
-            MemPool pool(&tracker);
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-            ColumnVectorBatch::create(0, true, type_info, field, &cvb);
-            cvb->resize(1024);
-            ColumnBlock col(cvb.get(), &pool);
-            int idx = 0;
-            while (true) {
-                size_t rows_read = 1024;
-                ColumnBlockView dst(&col);
-                st = iter->next_batch(&rows_read, &dst);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                for (int j = 0; j < rows_read; ++j) {
-                    ASSERT_EQ(BitmapTest(src_is_null, idx), col.is_null(j));
-                    if (!col.is_null(j)) {
-                        ASSERT_TRUE(type_info->equal(&src[idx], col.cell_ptr(j)));
-                    }
-                    ++idx;
-                }
-                if (rows_read < 1024) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // seek read
-        {
-            MemTracker tracker;
-            MemPool pool(&tracker);
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-            ColumnVectorBatch::create(0, true, type_info, field, &cvb);
-            cvb->resize(1024);
-            ColumnBlock col(cvb.get(), &pool);
-            for (int rowid = 0; rowid < num_rows; rowid += 4025) {
-                st = iter->seek_to_ordinal(rowid);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                int idx = rowid;
-                size_t rows_read = 1024;
-                ColumnBlockView dst(&col);
-                st = iter->next_batch(&rows_read, &dst);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                for (int j = 0; j < rows_read; ++j) {
-                    ASSERT_EQ(BitmapTest(src_is_null, idx), col.is_null(j));
-                    if (!col.is_null(j)) {
-                        ASSERT_TRUE(type_info->equal(&src[idx], col.cell_ptr(j)));
-                    }
-                    ++idx;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        delete iter;
-    }
-    delete field;
-TEST_F(ColumnReaderWriterTest, test_array_type) {
-    size_t num_list = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1024, 24 * 1024);
-    size_t num_item = num_list * 3;
-    uint8_t* array_is_null = new uint8_t[BitmapSize(num_list)];
-    Collection* array_val = new Collection[num_list];
-    bool* item_is_null = new bool[num_item];
-    uint8_t* item_val = new uint8_t[num_item];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_item; ++i) {
-        item_val[i] = i;
-        item_is_null[i] = (i % 4) == 0;
-        if (i % 3 == 0) {
-            size_t list_index = i / 3;
-            bool is_null = (list_index % 4) == 1;
-            BitmapChange(array_is_null, list_index, is_null);
-            if (is_null) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            array_val[list_index].data = &item_val[i];
-            array_val[list_index].null_signs = &item_is_null[i];
-            array_val[list_index].length = 3;
-        }
-    }
-    test_array_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, BIT_SHUFFLE, BIT_SHUFFLE>(
-            array_val, array_is_null, num_list, "null_array_bs");
-    delete[] array_val;
-    delete[] item_val;
-    delete[] item_is_null;
-    array_val = new Collection[num_list];
-    Slice* varchar_vals = new Slice[3];
-    item_is_null = new bool[3];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        item_is_null[i] = i == 1;
-        if (i != 1) {
-            set_column_value_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR, i, (char*)&varchar_vals[i], &_pool);
-        }
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_list; ++i) {
-        bool is_null = (i % 4) == 1;
-        BitmapChange(array_is_null, i, is_null);
-        if (is_null) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        array_val[i].data = varchar_vals;
-        array_val[i].null_signs = item_is_null;
-        array_val[i].length = 3;
-    }
-            array_val, array_is_null, num_list, "null_array_chars");
-    delete[] array_val;
-    delete[] varchar_vals;
-    delete[] item_is_null;
-    delete[] array_is_null;
-template <FieldType type>
-void test_read_default_value(string value, void* result) {
-    using Type = typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType;
-    TypeInfo* type_info = get_type_info(type);
-    // read and check
-    {
-        TabletColumn tablet_column = create_with_default_value<type>(value);
-        DefaultValueColumnIterator iter(tablet_column.has_default_value(),
-                                        tablet_column.default_value(), tablet_column.is_nullable(),
-                                        type_info, tablet_column.length());
-        ColumnIteratorOptions iter_opts;
-        auto st = iter.init(iter_opts);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        // sequence read
-        {
-            st = iter.seek_to_first();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-            auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-            MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-            ColumnVectorBatch::create(0, true, type_info, nullptr, &cvb);
-            cvb->resize(1024);
-            ColumnBlock col(cvb.get(), &pool);
-            int idx = 0;
-            size_t rows_read = 1024;
-            ColumnBlockView dst(&col);
-            bool has_null;
-            st = iter.next_batch(&rows_read, &dst, &has_null);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-            for (int j = 0; j < rows_read; ++j) {
-                if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR) {
-                    ASSERT_EQ(*(string*)result,
-                              reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(col.cell_ptr(j))->to_string())
-                            << "j:" << j;
-                } else if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR || type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL ||
-                           type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_OBJECT) {
-                    ASSERT_EQ(value, reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(col.cell_ptr(j))->to_string())
-                            << "j:" << j;
-                } else {
-                    ;
-                    ASSERT_EQ(*(Type*)result, *(reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(col.cell_ptr(j))));
-                }
-                idx++;
-            }
-        }
-        {
-            auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-            MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-            ColumnVectorBatch::create(0, true, type_info, nullptr, &cvb);
-            cvb->resize(1024);
-            ColumnBlock col(cvb.get(), &pool);
-            for (int rowid = 0; rowid < 2048; rowid += 128) {
-                st = iter.seek_to_ordinal(rowid);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                int idx = rowid;
-                size_t rows_read = 1024;
-                ColumnBlockView dst(&col);
-                bool has_null;
-                st = iter.next_batch(&rows_read, &dst, &has_null);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                for (int j = 0; j < rows_read; ++j) {
-                    if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR) {
-                        ASSERT_EQ(*(string*)result,
-                                  reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(col.cell_ptr(j))->to_string())
-                                << "j:" << j;
-                    } else if (type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR || type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL ||
-                               type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_OBJECT) {
-                        ASSERT_EQ(value,
-                                  reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(col.cell_ptr(j))->to_string());
-                    } else {
-                        ASSERT_EQ(*(Type*)result,
-                                  *(reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(col.cell_ptr(j))));
-                    }
-                    idx++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(ColumnReaderWriterTest, test_nullable) {
-    size_t num_uint8_rows = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1024, 1024 * 1024);
-    uint8_t* is_null = new uint8_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    uint8_t* val = new uint8_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        val[i] = i;
-        BitmapChange(is_null, i, (i % 4) == 0);
-    }
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, BIT_SHUFFLE>(val, is_null, num_uint8_rows,
-                                                             "null_tiny_bs");
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT, BIT_SHUFFLE>(val, is_null, num_uint8_rows / 2,
-                                                              "null_smallint_bs");
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, BIT_SHUFFLE>(val, is_null, num_uint8_rows / 4,
-                                                         "null_int_bs");
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT, BIT_SHUFFLE>(val, is_null, num_uint8_rows / 8,
-                                                            "null_bigint_bs");
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT, BIT_SHUFFLE>(val, is_null, num_uint8_rows / 16,
-                                                              "null_largeint_bs");
-    // test for the case where most values are not null
-    uint8_t* is_null_sparse = new uint8_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        bool v = false;
-        // in order to make some data pages not null, set the first half of values not null.
-        // for the second half, only 1/1024 of values are null
-        if (i >= (num_uint8_rows / 2)) {
-            v = (i % 1024) == 10;
-        }
-        BitmapChange(is_null_sparse, i, v);
-    }
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, BIT_SHUFFLE>(val, is_null_sparse, num_uint8_rows,
-                                                             "sparse_null_tiny_bs");
-    float* float_vals = new float[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        float_vals[i] = i;
-        is_null[i] = ((i % 16) == 0);
-    }
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT, BIT_SHUFFLE>((uint8_t*)float_vals, is_null,
-                                                           num_uint8_rows, "null_float_bs");
-    double* double_vals = new double[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        double_vals[i] = i;
-        is_null[i] = ((i % 16) == 0);
-    }
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE, BIT_SHUFFLE>((uint8_t*)double_vals, is_null,
-                                                            num_uint8_rows, "null_double_bs");
-    // test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT, BIT_SHUFFLE>(val, is_null, num_uint8_rows / 4, "null_float_bs");
-    // test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE, BIT_SHUFFLE>(val, is_null, num_uint8_rows / 8, "null_double_bs");
-    delete[] val;
-    delete[] is_null;
-    delete[] is_null_sparse;
-    delete[] float_vals;
-    delete[] double_vals;
-TEST_F(ColumnReaderWriterTest, test_types) {
-    size_t num_uint8_rows = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1024, 1024 * 1024);
-    uint8_t* is_null = new uint8_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    bool* bool_vals = new bool[num_uint8_rows];
-    uint24_t* date_vals = new uint24_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    uint64_t* datetime_vals = new uint64_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    decimal12_t* decimal_vals = new decimal12_t[num_uint8_rows];
-    Slice* varchar_vals = new Slice[num_uint8_rows];
-    Slice* char_vals = new Slice[num_uint8_rows];
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        bool_vals[i] = i % 2;
-        date_vals[i] = i + 33;
-        datetime_vals[i] = i + 33;
-        decimal_vals[i] = decimal12_t(i, i); // 1.000000001
-        set_column_value_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR, i, (char*)&varchar_vals[i], &_pool);
-        set_column_value_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR, i, (char*)&char_vals[i], &_pool, 8);
-        BitmapChange(is_null, i, (i % 4) == 0);
-    }
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR, DICT_ENCODING>((uint8_t*)char_vals, is_null,
-                                                            num_uint8_rows, "null_char_bs");
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR, DICT_ENCODING>((uint8_t*)varchar_vals, is_null,
-                                                               num_uint8_rows, "null_varchar_bs");
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL, BIT_SHUFFLE>((uint8_t*)bool_vals, is_null,
-                                                          num_uint8_rows, "null_bool_bs");
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE, BIT_SHUFFLE>((uint8_t*)date_vals, is_null,
-                                                          num_uint8_rows / 3, "null_date_bs");
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        BitmapChange(is_null, i, (i % 16) == 0);
-    }
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, BIT_SHUFFLE>(
-            (uint8_t*)datetime_vals, is_null, num_uint8_rows / 8, "null_datetime_bs");
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_uint8_rows; ++i) {
-        BitmapChange(is_null, i, (i % 24) == 0);
-    }
-    test_nullable_data<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL, BIT_SHUFFLE>(
-            (uint8_t*)decimal_vals, is_null, num_uint8_rows / 12, "null_decimal_bs");
-    delete[] char_vals;
-    delete[] varchar_vals;
-    delete[] is_null;
-    delete[] bool_vals;
-    delete[] date_vals;
-    delete[] datetime_vals;
-    delete[] decimal_vals;
-TEST_F(ColumnReaderWriterTest, test_default_value) {
-    std::string v_int("1");
-    int32_t result = 1;
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT>(v_int, &result);
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT>(v_int, &result);
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>(v_int, &result);
-    std::string v_bigint("9223372036854775807");
-    int64_t result_bigint = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>(v_bigint, &result_bigint);
-    int128_t result_largeint = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>(v_bigint, &result_largeint);
-    std::string v_float("1.00");
-    float result2 = 1.00;
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>(v_float, &result2);
-    std::string v_double("1.00");
-    double result3 = 1.00;
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>(v_double, &result3);
-    std::string v_varchar("varchar");
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>(v_varchar, &v_varchar);
-    std::string v_char("char");
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>(v_char, &v_char);
-    char* c = (char*)malloc(1);
-    c[0] = 0;
-    std::string v_object(c, 1);
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL>(v_object, &v_object);
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_OBJECT>(v_object, &v_object);
-    free(c);
-    std::string v_date("2019-11-12");
-    uint24_t result_date(1034092);
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE>(v_date, &result_date);
-    std::string v_datetime("2019-11-12 12:01:08");
-    int64_t result_datetime = 20191112120108;
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME>(v_datetime, &result_datetime);
-    std::string v_decimal("102418.000000002");
-    decimal12_t decimal(102418, 2);
-    test_read_default_value<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL>(v_decimal, &decimal);
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::StoragePageCache::create_global_cache(1 << 30, 0.1);
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/encoding_info_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/encoding_info_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 715d367..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/encoding_info_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/encoding_info.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class EncodingInfoTest : public testing::Test {
-    EncodingInfoTest() {}
-    virtual ~EncodingInfoTest() {}
-TEST_F(EncodingInfoTest, normal) {
-    auto type_info = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT);
-    const EncodingInfo* encoding_info = nullptr;
-    auto status = EncodingInfo::get(type_info, PLAIN_ENCODING, &encoding_info);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, encoding_info);
-TEST_F(EncodingInfoTest, no_encoding) {
-    auto type_info = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT);
-    const EncodingInfo* encoding_info = nullptr;
-    auto status = EncodingInfo::get(type_info, DICT_ENCODING, &encoding_info);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/frame_of_reference_page_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/frame_of_reference_page_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cadab5..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/frame_of_reference_page_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/frame_of_reference_page.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/options.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_builder.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_decoder.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using doris::segment_v2::PageBuilderOptions;
-using doris::segment_v2::PageDecoderOptions;
-using doris::operator<<;
-namespace doris {
-class FrameOfReferencePageTest : public testing::Test {
-    template <FieldType type, class PageDecoderType>
-    void copy_one(PageDecoderType* decoder, typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType* ret) {
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(1, true, get_scalar_type_info(type), nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        size_t n = 1;
-        decoder->next_batch(&n, &column_block_view);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, n);
-        *ret = *reinterpret_cast<const typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType*>(block.cell_ptr(0));
-    }
-    template <FieldType Type, class PageBuilderType, class PageDecoderType>
-    void test_encode_decode_page_template(typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* src, size_t size) {
-        typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType CppType;
-        PageBuilderOptions builder_options;
-        builder_options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        PageBuilderType for_page_builder(builder_options);
-        for_page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), &size);
-        OwnedSlice s = for_page_builder.finish();
-        ASSERT_EQ(size, for_page_builder.count());
-        LOG(INFO) << "FrameOfReference Encoded size for " << size << " values: " << s.slice().size
-                  << ", original size:" << size * sizeof(CppType);
-        PageDecoderOptions decoder_options;
-        PageDecoderType for_page_decoder(s.slice(), decoder_options);
-        Status status = for_page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, for_page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_EQ(size, for_page_decoder.count());
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(size, true, get_scalar_type_info(Type), nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        size_t size_to_fetch = size;
-        status = for_page_decoder.next_batch(&size_to_fetch, &column_block_view);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(size, size_to_fetch);
-        CppType* values = reinterpret_cast<CppType*>(column_block_view.data());
-        for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-            if (src[i] != values[i]) {
-                FAIL() << "Fail at index " << i << " inserted=" << src[i] << " got=" << values[i];
-            }
-        }
-        // Test Seek within block by ordinal
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-            int seek_off = random() % size;
-            for_page_decoder.seek_to_position_in_page(seek_off);
-            EXPECT_EQ((int32_t)(seek_off), for_page_decoder.current_index());
-            CppType ret;
-            copy_one<Type, PageDecoderType>(&for_page_decoder, &ret);
-            EXPECT_EQ(values[seek_off], ret);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt32BlockEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = random();
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt32BlockEncoderEqual) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 12345;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt32BlockEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 12345 + i;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt64BlockEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int64_t[]> ints(new int64_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 21474836478 + i;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<
-            OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT, segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>,
-            segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>>(ints.get(), size);
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<
-            segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME>,
-            segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME>>(ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt24BlockEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1311;
-    std::unique_ptr<uint24_t[]> ints(new uint24_t[size]);
-    // to guarantee the last value is 0xFFFFFF
-    uint24_t first_value = 0xFFFFFF - size + 1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = first_value + i;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE>,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt128BlockEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int128_t[]> ints(new int128_t[size]);
-    // to guarantee the last value is numeric_limits<uint128_t>::max()
-    int128_t first_value = numeric_limits<int128_t>::max() - size + 1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = first_value + i;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<
-            segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>,
-            segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>>(ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt24BlockEncoderMinMax) {
-    std::unique_ptr<uint24_t[]> ints(new uint24_t[2]);
-    ints.get()[0] = 0;
-    ints.get()[1] = 0xFFFFFF;
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE>,
-                                     segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE>>(
-            ints.get(), 2);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt128BlockEncoderMinMax) {
-    std::unique_ptr<int128_t[]> ints(new int128_t[2]);
-    ints.get()[0] = numeric_limits<int128_t>::min();
-    ints.get()[1] = numeric_limits<int128_t>::max();
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<
-            segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>,
-            segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>>(ints.get(), 2);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt32SequenceBlockEncoderSize) {
-    size_t size = 128;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = i;
-    }
-    PageBuilderOptions builder_options;
-    builder_options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-    segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT> page_builder(builder_options);
-    page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ints.get()), &size);
-    OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-    // body: 4 bytes min value + 128 * 1 /8 packing value = 20
-    // footer: (1 + 1) * 1 + 1 + 4 = 7
-    ASSERT_EQ(27, s.slice().size);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestFirstLastValue) {
-    size_t size = 128;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = i;
-    }
-    PageBuilderOptions builder_options;
-    builder_options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-    segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT> page_builder(builder_options);
-    page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ints.get()), &size);
-    OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-    int32_t first_value = -1;
-    page_builder.get_first_value(&first_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, first_value);
-    int32_t last_value = 0;
-    page_builder.get_last_value(&last_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(127, last_value);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestInt32NormalBlockEncoderSize) {
-    size_t size = 128;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 128 - i;
-    }
-    PageBuilderOptions builder_options;
-    builder_options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-    segment_v2::FrameOfReferencePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT> page_builder(builder_options);
-    page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ints.get()), &size);
-    OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-    // body: 4 bytes min value + 128 * 7 /8 packing value = 116
-    // footer: (1 + 1) * 1 + 1 + 4 = 7
-    ASSERT_EQ(123, s.slice().size);
-TEST_F(FrameOfReferencePageTest, TestFindBitsOfInt) {
-    int8_t bits_3 = 0x06;
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, bits(bits_3));
-    uint8_t bits_4 = 0x0F;
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, bits(bits_4));
-    int32_t bits_17 = 0x000100FF;
-    ASSERT_EQ(17, bits(bits_17));
-    int64_t bits_33 = 0x00000001FFFFFFFF;
-    ASSERT_EQ(33, bits(bits_33));
-    int128_t bits_0 = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, bits(bits_0));
-    int128_t bits_127 = numeric_limits<int128_t>::max();
-    ASSERT_EQ(127, bits(bits_127));
-    uint128_t bits_128 = numeric_limits<uint128_t>::max();
-    ASSERT_EQ(128, bits(bits_128));
-    int128_t bits_65 = ((int128_t)1) << 64;
-    ASSERT_EQ(65, bits(bits_65));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/ordinal_page_index_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/ordinal_page_index_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4fd85..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/ordinal_page_index_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/ordinal_page_index.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "olap/fs/fs_util.h"
-#include "olap/page_cache.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class OrdinalPageIndexTest : public testing::Test {
-    const std::string kTestDir = "./ut_dir/ordinal_page_index_test";
-    void SetUp() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kTestDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kTestDir).ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(kTestDir).ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kTestDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kTestDir).ok());
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(OrdinalPageIndexTest, normal) {
-    std::string filename = kTestDir + "/normal.idx";
-    OrdinalIndexWriter builder;
-    // generate ordinal index for 16K data pages,
-    // each data page is 16KB in size and contains 4096 values,
-    // ordinal starts at 1 instead of 0
-    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 16 * 1024; ++i) {
-        builder.append_entry(1 + 4096 * i, {16 * 1024 * i, 16 * 1024});
-    }
-    ColumnIndexMetaPB index_meta;
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-        fs::CreateBlockOptions opts({filename});
-        ASSERT_TRUE(fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(opts, &wblock).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(builder.finish(wblock.get(), &index_meta).ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(ORDINAL_INDEX, index_meta.type());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(index_meta.ordinal_index().root_page().is_root_data_page());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-        LOG(INFO) << "index page size="
-                  << index_meta.ordinal_index().root_page().root_page().size();
-    }
-    OrdinalIndexReader index(filename, &index_meta.ordinal_index(), 16 * 1024 * 4096 + 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(index.load(true, false).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(16 * 1024, index.num_data_pages());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, index.get_first_ordinal(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(4096, index.get_last_ordinal(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ((16 * 1024 - 1) * 4096 + 1, index.get_first_ordinal(16 * 1024 - 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(16 * 1024 * 4096, index.get_last_ordinal(16 * 1024 - 1));
-    {
-        auto iter = index.seek_at_or_before(1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, iter.first_ordinal());
-        ASSERT_EQ(PagePointer(0, 16 * 1024), iter.page());
-    }
-    {
-        auto iter = index.seek_at_or_before(4095);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, iter.first_ordinal());
-        ASSERT_EQ(PagePointer(0, 16 * 1024), iter.page());
-    }
-    {
-        auto iter = index.seek_at_or_before(4098);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(4097, iter.first_ordinal());
-        ASSERT_EQ(PagePointer(1 * 16 * 1024, 16 * 1024), iter.page());
-        iter.next();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(4097 + 4096, iter.first_ordinal());
-        ASSERT_EQ(PagePointer(2 * 16 * 1024, 16 * 1024), iter.page());
-    }
-    {
-        auto iter = index.seek_at_or_before(0);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(iter.valid());
-    }
-TEST_F(OrdinalPageIndexTest, one_data_page) {
-    // index one data page with 1024 values
-    int num_values = 1024;
-    PagePointer data_page_pointer(0, 4096);
-    OrdinalIndexWriter builder;
-    builder.append_entry(0, data_page_pointer); // add only one entry
-    ColumnIndexMetaPB index_meta;
-    {
-        // in this case, no index page is written, thus file could be null
-        ASSERT_TRUE(builder.finish(nullptr, &index_meta).ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(ORDINAL_INDEX, index_meta.type());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(index_meta.ordinal_index().root_page().is_root_data_page());
-        PagePointer root_page_pointer(index_meta.ordinal_index().root_page().root_page());
-        ASSERT_EQ(data_page_pointer, root_page_pointer);
-    }
-    OrdinalIndexReader index("", &index_meta.ordinal_index(), num_values);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(index.load(true, false).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, index.num_data_pages());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, index.get_first_ordinal(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(num_values - 1, index.get_last_ordinal(0));
-    {
-        auto iter = index.seek_at_or_before(0);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, iter.first_ordinal());
-        ASSERT_EQ(num_values - 1, iter.last_ordinal());
-        ASSERT_EQ(data_page_pointer, iter.page());
-    }
-    {
-        auto iter = index.seek_at_or_before(num_values - 1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, iter.first_ordinal());
-        ASSERT_EQ(data_page_pointer, iter.page());
-    }
-    {
-        auto iter = index.seek_at_or_before(num_values);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, iter.first_ordinal());
-        ASSERT_EQ(data_page_pointer, iter.page());
-    }
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::StoragePageCache::create_global_cache(1 << 30, 0.1);
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/plain_page_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/plain_page_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 04eaf1a..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/plain_page_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/plain_page.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_builder.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_decoder.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class PlainPageTest : public testing::Test {
-    PlainPageTest() {}
-    virtual ~PlainPageTest() {}
-    PageBuilderOptions* new_builder_options() {
-        auto ret = new PageBuilderOptions();
-        ret->data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        return ret;
-    }
-    template <FieldType type, class PageDecoderType>
-    void copy_one(PageDecoderType* decoder, typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType* ret) {
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(1, true, get_scalar_type_info(type), nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        size_t n = 1;
-        decoder->next_batch(&n, &column_block_view);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, n);
-        *ret = *reinterpret_cast<const typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType*>(block.cell_ptr(0));
-    }
-    template <FieldType Type, class PageBuilderType, class PageDecoderType>
-    void test_encode_decode_page_template(typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* src, size_t size) {
-        typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType CppType;
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        PageBuilderType page_builder(options);
-        page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), &size);
-        OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-        //check first value and last value
-        CppType first_value;
-        page_builder.get_first_value(&first_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(src[0], first_value);
-        CppType last_value;
-        page_builder.get_last_value(&last_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(src[size - 1], last_value);
-        PageDecoderOptions decoder_options;
-        PageDecoderType page_decoder(s.slice(), decoder_options);
-        Status status = page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, page_decoder.current_index());
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(size, true, get_scalar_type_info(Type), nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        status = page_decoder.next_batch(&size, &column_block_view);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        CppType* decoded = reinterpret_cast<CppType*>(block.data());
-        for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-            if (src[i] != decoded[i]) {
-                FAIL() << "Fail at index " << i << " inserted=" << src[i] << " got=" << decoded[i];
-            }
-        }
-        // Test Seek within block by ordinal
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-            int seek_off = random() % size;
-            page_decoder.seek_to_position_in_page(seek_off);
-            EXPECT_EQ((int32_t)(seek_off), page_decoder.current_index());
-            CppType ret;
-            copy_one<Type, PageDecoderType>(&page_decoder, &ret);
-            EXPECT_EQ(decoded[seek_off], ret);
-        }
-    }
-    template <FieldType Type, class PageBuilderType, class PageDecoderType>
-    void test_seek_at_or_after_value_template(
-            typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* src, size_t size,
-            typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* small_than_smallest,
-            typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* bigger_than_biggest) {
-        typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType CppType;
-        PageBuilderOptions options;
-        options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        PageBuilderType page_builder(options);
-        page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), &size);
-        OwnedSlice s = page_builder.finish();
-        PageDecoderOptions decoder_options;
-        PageDecoderType page_decoder(s.slice(), decoder_options);
-        Status status = page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, page_decoder.current_index());
-        size_t index = random() % size;
-        CppType seek_value = src[index];
-        bool exact_match;
-        status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&seek_value, &exact_match);
-        EXPECT_EQ(index, page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        CppType last_value = src[size - 1];
-        status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&last_value, &exact_match);
-        EXPECT_EQ(size - 1, page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        CppType first_value = src[0];
-        status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&first_value, &exact_match);
-        EXPECT_EQ(0, page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(exact_match);
-        if (small_than_smallest != nullptr) {
-            status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(small_than_smallest, &exact_match);
-            EXPECT_EQ(0, page_decoder.current_index());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(exact_match);
-        }
-        if (bigger_than_biggest != nullptr) {
-            status = page_decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(bigger_than_biggest, &exact_match);
-            EXPECT_EQ(status.code(), TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestInt32PlainPageRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = random();
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(ints.get(),
-                                                                                        size);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestInt32PlainPageSeekValue) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = i + 100;
-    }
-    int32_t small_than_smallest = 99;
-    int32_t bigger_than_biggest = 1111;
-    test_seek_at_or_after_value_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(
-            ints.get(), size, &small_than_smallest, &bigger_than_biggest);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestInt64PlainPageRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int64_t[]> ints(new int64_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = random();
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>>(
-            ints.get(), size);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestInt64PlainPageSeekValue) {
-    const uint32_t size = 1000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int64_t[]> ints(new int64_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = i + 100;
-    }
-    int64_t small_than_smallest = 99;
-    int64_t bigger_than_biggest = 1111;
-    test_seek_at_or_after_value_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>>(
-            ints.get(), size, &small_than_smallest, &bigger_than_biggest);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestPlainFloatBlockEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<float[]> floats(new float[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        floats.get()[i] = random() + static_cast<float>(random()) / INT_MAX;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>>(
-            floats.get(), size);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestDoublePageEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<double[]> doubles(new double[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        doubles.get()[i] = random() + static_cast<double>(random()) / INT_MAX;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>>(
-            doubles.get(), size);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestDoublePageEncoderEqual) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<double[]> doubles(new double[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        doubles.get()[i] = 19880217.19890323;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>>(
-            doubles.get(), size);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestDoublePageEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    double base = 19880217.19890323;
-    double delta = 13.14;
-    std::unique_ptr<double[]> doubles(new double[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        base = base + delta;
-        doubles.get()[i] = base;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>>(
-            doubles.get(), size);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestPlainInt32PageEncoderEqual) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 12345;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(ints.get(),
-                                                                                        size);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestInt32PageEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    int32_t number = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = ++number;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(ints.get(),
-                                                                                        size);
-TEST_F(PlainPageTest, TestBoolPlainPageSeekValue) {
-    std::unique_ptr<bool[]> bools(new bool[2]);
-    bools.get()[0] = false;
-    bools.get()[1] = true;
-    test_seek_at_or_after_value_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>>(
-            bools.get(), 2, nullptr, nullptr);
-    bool t = true;
-    test_seek_at_or_after_value_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>>(
-            bools.get(), 1, nullptr, &t);
-    t = false;
-    test_seek_at_or_after_value_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>,
-                                         segment_v2::PlainPageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>>(
-            &bools.get()[1], 1, &t, nullptr);
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/rle_page_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/rle_page_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e146024..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/rle_page_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/rle_page.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/options.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_builder.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/page_decoder.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using doris::segment_v2::PageBuilderOptions;
-using doris::segment_v2::PageDecoderOptions;
-namespace doris {
-class RlePageTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~RlePageTest() {}
-    template <FieldType type, class PageDecoderType>
-    void copy_one(PageDecoderType* decoder, typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType* ret) {
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(1, true, get_scalar_type_info(type), nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        size_t n = 1;
-        decoder->next_batch(&n, &column_block_view);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, n);
-        *ret = *reinterpret_cast<const typename TypeTraits<type>::CppType*>(block.cell_ptr(0));
-    }
-    template <FieldType Type, class PageBuilderType, class PageDecoderType>
-    void test_encode_decode_page_template(typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType* src, size_t size) {
-        typedef typename TypeTraits<Type>::CppType CppType;
-        PageBuilderOptions builder_options;
-        builder_options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-        PageBuilderType rle_page_builder(builder_options);
-        rle_page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), &size);
-        OwnedSlice s = rle_page_builder.finish();
-        ASSERT_EQ(size, rle_page_builder.count());
-        //check first value and last value
-        CppType first_value;
-        rle_page_builder.get_first_value(&first_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(src[0], first_value);
-        CppType last_value;
-        rle_page_builder.get_last_value(&last_value);
-        ASSERT_EQ(src[size - 1], last_value);
-        PageDecoderOptions decodeder_options;
-        PageDecoderType rle_page_decoder(s.slice(), decodeder_options);
-        Status status = rle_page_decoder.init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, rle_page_decoder.current_index());
-        ASSERT_EQ(size, rle_page_decoder.count());
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> cvb;
-        ColumnVectorBatch::create(size, true, get_scalar_type_info(Type), nullptr, &cvb);
-        ColumnBlock block(cvb.get(), &pool);
-        ColumnBlockView column_block_view(&block);
-        size_t size_to_fetch = size;
-        status = rle_page_decoder.next_batch(&size_to_fetch, &column_block_view);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(size, size_to_fetch);
-        CppType* values = reinterpret_cast<CppType*>(block.data());
-        for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-            if (src[i] != values[i]) {
-                FAIL() << "Fail at index " << i << " inserted=" << src[i] << " got=" << values[i];
-            }
-        }
-        // Test Seek within block by ordinal
-        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-            int seek_off = random() % size;
-            rle_page_decoder.seek_to_position_in_page(seek_off);
-            EXPECT_EQ((int32_t)(seek_off), rle_page_decoder.current_index());
-            CppType ret;
-            copy_one<Type, PageDecoderType>(&rle_page_decoder, &ret);
-            EXPECT_EQ(values[seek_off], ret);
-        }
-    }
-// Test for rle block, for INT32, BOOL
-TEST_F(RlePageTest, TestRleInt32BlockEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = random();
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::RlePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::RlePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(ints.get(),
-                                                                                      size);
-TEST_F(RlePageTest, TestRleInt32BlockEncoderEqual) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 12345;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::RlePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::RlePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(ints.get(),
-                                                                                      size);
-TEST_F(RlePageTest, TestRleInt32BlockEncoderSequence) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 12345 + i;
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT,
-                                     segment_v2::RlePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>,
-                                     segment_v2::RlePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>>(ints.get(),
-                                                                                      size);
-TEST_F(RlePageTest, TestRleInt32BlockEncoderSize) {
-    size_t size = 100;
-    std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> ints(new int32_t[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        ints.get()[i] = 0;
-    }
-    PageBuilderOptions builder_options;
-    builder_options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-    segment_v2::RlePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT> rle_page_builder(builder_options);
-    rle_page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ints.get()), &size);
-    OwnedSlice s = rle_page_builder.finish();
-    // 4 bytes header
-    // 2 bytes indicate_value(): 0x64 << 1 | 1 = 201
-    // 4 bytes values
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, s.slice().size);
-TEST_F(RlePageTest, TestRleBoolBlockEncoderRandom) {
-    const uint32_t size = 10000;
-    std::unique_ptr<bool[]> bools(new bool[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        if (random() % 2 == 0) {
-            bools.get()[i] = true;
-        } else {
-            bools.get()[i] = false;
-        }
-    }
-    test_encode_decode_page_template<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL,
-                                     segment_v2::RlePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>,
-                                     segment_v2::RlePageDecoder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>>(bools.get(),
-                                                                                       size);
-TEST_F(RlePageTest, TestRleBoolBlockEncoderSize) {
-    size_t size = 100;
-    std::unique_ptr<bool[]> bools(new bool[size]);
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        bools.get()[i] = true;
-    }
-    PageBuilderOptions builder_options;
-    builder_options.data_page_size = 256 * 1024;
-    segment_v2::RlePageBuilder<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL> rle_page_builder(builder_options);
-    rle_page_builder.add(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bools.get()), &size);
-    OwnedSlice s = rle_page_builder.finish();
-    // 4 bytes header
-    // 2 bytes indicate_value(): 0x64 << 1 | 1 = 201
-    // 1 bytes values
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, s.slice().size);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/row_ranges_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/row_ranges_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c6b142..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/row_ranges_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/row_ranges.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class RowRangesTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~RowRangesTest() {}
-// Test for int
-TEST_F(RowRangesTest, TestRange) {
-    RowRange range1(10, 20);
-    RowRange range2(15, 25);
-    RowRange range3(30, 40);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.is_valid());
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, range1.from());
-    ASSERT_EQ(20, range1.to());
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, range1.count());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range1.is_before(range3));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range1.is_after(range2));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(range3.is_after(range1));
-    RowRange tmp;
-    RowRange::range_intersection(range1, range2, &tmp);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tmp.is_valid());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, tmp.count());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tmp.is_valid());
-    RowRange tmp2;
-    RowRange::range_intersection(range1, range3, &tmp2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(tmp2.is_valid());
-    RowRange tmp3;
-    RowRange::range_union(range1, range3, &tmp3);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(tmp3.is_valid());
-    RowRange range4(0, 0);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(range4.is_valid());
-    RowRange range5(20, 25);
-    RowRange tmp4;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(RowRange::range_intersection(range1, range5, &tmp4));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(RowRange::range_union(range1, range5, &tmp4));
-    ASSERT_EQ(15, tmp4.count());
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, tmp4.from());
-    ASSERT_EQ(25, tmp4.to());
-TEST_F(RowRangesTest, TestRowRanges) {
-    RowRanges row_ranges;
-    RowRanges row_ranges1 = RowRanges::create_single(10, 20);
-    RowRanges row_ranges2 = RowRanges::create_single(20, 30);
-    RowRanges row_ranges3 = RowRanges::create_single(15, 30);
-    RowRanges row_ranges4 = RowRanges::create_single(40, 50);
-    RowRanges row_ranges_merge;
-    RowRanges::ranges_intersection(row_ranges1, row_ranges2, &row_ranges_merge);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, row_ranges_merge.count());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(row_ranges_merge.is_empty());
-    RowRanges row_ranges_merge2;
-    RowRanges::ranges_intersection(row_ranges1, row_ranges3, &row_ranges_merge2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, row_ranges_merge2.count());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(row_ranges_merge2.is_empty());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(row_ranges_merge2.contain(16, 19));
-    ASSERT_EQ(15, row_ranges_merge2.from());
-    ASSERT_EQ(20, row_ranges_merge2.to());
-    ASSERT_EQ(15, row_ranges_merge2.get_range_from(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(20, row_ranges_merge2.get_range_to(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, row_ranges_merge2.get_range_count(0));
-    RowRanges row_ranges_merge3;
-    RowRanges::ranges_intersection(row_ranges1, row_ranges4, &row_ranges_merge3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, row_ranges_merge3.count());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(row_ranges_merge3.is_empty());
-    RowRanges row_ranges_union;
-    RowRanges::ranges_union(row_ranges1, row_ranges2, &row_ranges_union);
-    ASSERT_EQ(20, row_ranges_union.count());
-    RowRanges::ranges_union(row_ranges_union, row_ranges4, &row_ranges_union);
-    ASSERT_EQ(30, row_ranges_union.count());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(row_ranges_union.is_empty());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(row_ranges_union.contain(16, 19));
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, row_ranges_union.from());
-    ASSERT_EQ(50, row_ranges_union.to());
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, row_ranges_union.get_range_from(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(30, row_ranges_union.get_range_to(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(20, row_ranges_union.get_range_count(0));
-TEST_F(RowRangesTest, TestRangesToRoaring) {
-    RowRanges row_ranges;
-    RowRanges row_ranges1 = RowRanges::create_single(10, 20);
-    RowRanges row_ranges2 = RowRanges::create_single(20, 30);
-    RowRanges row_ranges3 = RowRanges::create_single(15, 30);
-    RowRanges row_ranges4 = RowRanges::create_single(40, 50);
-    Roaring row_bitmap = RowRanges::ranges_to_roaring(row_ranges1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row_ranges1.count(), row_bitmap.cardinality());
-    row_bitmap = RowRanges::ranges_to_roaring(row_ranges3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row_ranges3.count(), row_bitmap.cardinality());
-    RowRanges row_ranges_merge;
-    RowRanges::ranges_intersection(row_ranges1, row_ranges2, &row_ranges_merge);
-    row_bitmap = RowRanges::ranges_to_roaring(row_ranges_merge);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row_ranges_merge.count(), row_bitmap.cardinality());
-    RowRanges row_ranges_merge2;
-    RowRanges::ranges_intersection(row_ranges1, row_ranges3, &row_ranges_merge2);
-    row_bitmap = RowRanges::ranges_to_roaring(row_ranges_merge2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row_ranges_merge2.count(), row_bitmap.cardinality());
-    RowRanges row_ranges_union;
-    RowRanges::ranges_union(row_ranges1, row_ranges2, &row_ranges_union);
-    row_bitmap = RowRanges::ranges_to_roaring(row_ranges_union);
-    ASSERT_EQ(row_ranges_union.count(), row_bitmap.cardinality());
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/segment_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/segment_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 34291ea..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/segment_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1166 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/segment.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <functional>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
-#include "olap/comparison_predicate.h"
-#include "olap/fs/block_manager.h"
-#include "olap/fs/fs_util.h"
-#include "olap/in_list_predicate.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/row_block.h"
-#include "olap/row_block2.h"
-#include "olap/row_cursor.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/segment_iterator.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/segment_writer.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema_helper.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-using std::string;
-using std::shared_ptr;
-using std::vector;
-using ValueGenerator = std::function<void(size_t rid, int cid, int block_id, RowCursorCell& cell)>;
-// 0,  1,  2,  3
-// 10, 11, 12, 13
-// 20, 21, 22, 23
-static void DefaultIntGenerator(size_t rid, int cid, int block_id, RowCursorCell& cell) {
-    cell.set_not_null();
-    *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = rid * 10 + cid;
-static bool column_contains_index(ColumnMetaPB column_meta, ColumnIndexTypePB type) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < column_meta.indexes_size(); ++i) {
-        if (column_meta.indexes(i).type() == type) {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-class SegmentReaderWriterTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    void SetUp() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kSegmentDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kSegmentDir).ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(kSegmentDir).ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kSegmentDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kSegmentDir).ok());
-        }
-    }
-    TabletSchema create_schema(const std::vector<TabletColumn>& columns,
-                               int num_short_key_columns = -1) {
-        TabletSchema res;
-        int num_key_columns = 0;
-        for (auto& col : columns) {
-            if (col.is_key()) {
-                num_key_columns++;
-            }
-            res._cols.push_back(col);
-        }
-        res._num_columns = columns.size();
-        res._num_key_columns = num_key_columns;
-        res._num_short_key_columns =
-                num_short_key_columns != -1 ? num_short_key_columns : num_key_columns;
-        res.init_field_index_for_test();
-        return res;
-    }
-    void build_segment(SegmentWriterOptions opts, const TabletSchema& build_schema,
-                       const TabletSchema& query_schema, size_t nrows,
-                       const ValueGenerator& generator, shared_ptr<Segment>* res) {
-        static int seg_id = 0;
-        // must use unique filename for each segment, otherwise page cache kicks in and produces
-        // the wrong answer (it use (filename,offset) as cache key)
-        std::string filename = strings::Substitute("$0/seg_$1.dat", kSegmentDir, seg_id++);
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-        fs::CreateBlockOptions block_opts({filename});
-        Status st = fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(block_opts, &wblock);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        SegmentWriter writer(wblock.get(), 0, &build_schema, opts);
-        st = writer.init(10);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        RowCursor row;
-        auto olap_st = row.init(build_schema);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, olap_st);
-        for (size_t rid = 0; rid < nrows; ++rid) {
-            for (int cid = 0; cid < build_schema.num_columns(); ++cid) {
-                int row_block_id = rid / opts.num_rows_per_block;
-                RowCursorCell cell = row.cell(cid);
-                generator(rid, cid, row_block_id, cell);
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(writer.append_row(row).ok());
-        }
-        uint64_t file_size, index_size;
-        st = writer.finalize(&file_size, &index_size);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-        st = Segment::open(filename, 0, &query_schema, res);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(nrows, (*res)->num_rows());
-    }
-    const std::string kSegmentDir = "./ut_dir/segment_test";
-TEST_F(SegmentReaderWriterTest, normal) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema = create_schema(
-            {create_int_key(1), create_int_key(2), create_int_value(3), create_int_value(4)});
-    SegmentWriterOptions opts;
-    opts.num_rows_per_block = 10;
-    shared_ptr<Segment> segment;
-    build_segment(opts, tablet_schema, tablet_schema, 4096, DefaultIntGenerator, &segment);
-    // reader
-    {
-        Schema schema(tablet_schema);
-        OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-        // scan all rows
-        {
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            int left = 4096;
-            int rowid = 0;
-            while (left > 0) {
-                int rows_read = left > 1024 ? 1024 : left;
-                block.clear();
-                ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-                ASSERT_EQ(DEL_NOT_SATISFIED, block.delete_state());
-                ASSERT_EQ(rows_read, block.num_rows());
-                left -= rows_read;
-                for (int j = 0; j < block.schema()->column_ids().size(); ++j) {
-                    auto cid = block.schema()->column_ids()[j];
-                    auto column_block = block.column_block(j);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < rows_read; ++i) {
-                        int rid = rowid + i;
-                        ASSERT_FALSE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                        ASSERT_EQ(rid * 10 + cid, *(int*)column_block.cell_ptr(i));
-                    }
-                }
-                rowid += rows_read;
-            }
-        }
-        // test seek, key
-        {
-            // lower bound
-            std::unique_ptr<RowCursor> lower_bound(new RowCursor());
-            lower_bound->init(tablet_schema, 2);
-            {
-                auto cell = lower_bound->cell(0);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 100;
-            }
-            {
-                auto cell = lower_bound->cell(1);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 100;
-            }
-            // upper bound
-            std::unique_ptr<RowCursor> upper_bound(new RowCursor());
-            upper_bound->init(tablet_schema, 1);
-            {
-                auto cell = upper_bound->cell(0);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 200;
-            }
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.key_ranges.emplace_back(lower_bound.get(), false, upper_bound.get(), true);
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 100);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_EQ(DEL_NOT_SATISFIED, block.delete_state());
-            ASSERT_EQ(11, block.num_rows());
-            auto column_block = block.column_block(0);
-            for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
-                ASSERT_EQ(100 + i * 10, *(int*)column_block.cell_ptr(i));
-            }
-        }
-        // test seek, key
-        {
-            // lower bound
-            std::unique_ptr<RowCursor> lower_bound(new RowCursor());
-            lower_bound->init(tablet_schema, 1);
-            {
-                auto cell = lower_bound->cell(0);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 40970;
-            }
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.key_ranges.emplace_back(lower_bound.get(), false, nullptr, false);
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 100);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-        // test seek, key (-2, -1)
-        {
-            // lower bound
-            std::unique_ptr<RowCursor> lower_bound(new RowCursor());
-            lower_bound->init(tablet_schema, 1);
-            {
-                auto cell = lower_bound->cell(0);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = -2;
-            }
-            std::unique_ptr<RowCursor> upper_bound(new RowCursor());
-            upper_bound->init(tablet_schema, 1);
-            {
-                auto cell = upper_bound->cell(0);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = -1;
-            }
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.key_ranges.emplace_back(lower_bound.get(), false, upper_bound.get(), false);
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 100);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SegmentReaderWriterTest, LazyMaterialization) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema = create_schema({create_int_key(1), create_int_value(2)});
-    ValueGenerator data_gen = [](size_t rid, int cid, int block_id, RowCursorCell& cell) {
-        cell.set_not_null();
-        if (cid == 0) {
-            *(int*)(cell.mutable_cell_ptr()) = rid;
-        } else if (cid == 1) {
-            *(int*)(cell.mutable_cell_ptr()) = rid * 10;
-        }
-    };
-    {
-        shared_ptr<Segment> segment;
-        build_segment(SegmentWriterOptions(), tablet_schema, tablet_schema, 100, data_gen,
-                      &segment);
-        {
-            // lazy enabled when predicate is subset of returned columns:
-            // select c1, c2 where c2 = 30;
-            Schema read_schema(tablet_schema);
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(1, 30));
-            const std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> predicates = {predicate.get()};
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.column_predicates = predicates;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(segment->new_iterator(read_schema, read_opts, &iter).ok());
-            RowBlockV2 block(read_schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->is_lazy_materialization_read());
-            ASSERT_EQ(1, block.selected_size());
-            ASSERT_EQ(99, stats.rows_vec_cond_filtered);
-            auto row = block.row(block.selection_vector()[0]);
-            ASSERT_EQ("[3,30]", row.debug_string());
-        }
-        {
-            // lazy disabled when all return columns have predicates:
-            // select c1, c2 where c1 = 10 and c2 = 100;
-            Schema read_schema(tablet_schema);
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> p0(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(0, 10));
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> p1(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(1, 100));
-            const std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> predicates = {p0.get(), p1.get()};
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.column_predicates = predicates;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(segment->new_iterator(read_schema, read_opts, &iter).ok());
-            RowBlockV2 block(read_schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(iter->is_lazy_materialization_read());
-            ASSERT_EQ(1, block.selected_size());
-            ASSERT_EQ(99, stats.rows_vec_cond_filtered);
-            auto row = block.row(block.selection_vector()[0]);
-            ASSERT_EQ("[10,100]", row.debug_string());
-        }
-        {
-            // lazy disabled when no predicate:
-            // select c2
-            std::vector<ColumnId> read_cols = {1};
-            Schema read_schema(tablet_schema.columns(), read_cols);
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(segment->new_iterator(read_schema, read_opts, &iter).ok());
-            RowBlockV2 block(read_schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(iter->is_lazy_materialization_read());
-            ASSERT_EQ(100, block.selected_size());
-            for (int i = 0; i < block.selected_size(); ++i) {
-                auto row = block.row(block.selection_vector()[i]);
-                ASSERT_EQ(strings::Substitute("[$0]", i * 10), row.debug_string());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        tablet_schema = create_schema({create_int_key(1, true, false, true), create_int_value(2)});
-        shared_ptr<Segment> segment;
-        SegmentWriterOptions write_opts;
-        build_segment(write_opts, tablet_schema, tablet_schema, 100, data_gen, &segment);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(column_contains_index(segment->footer().columns(0), BITMAP_INDEX));
-        {
-            // lazy disabled when all predicates are removed by bitmap index:
-            // select c1, c2 where c2 = 30;
-            Schema read_schema(tablet_schema);
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(0, 20));
-            const std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> predicates = {predicate.get()};
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.column_predicates = predicates;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(segment->new_iterator(read_schema, read_opts, &iter).ok());
-            RowBlockV2 block(read_schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(iter->is_lazy_materialization_read());
-            ASSERT_EQ(1, block.selected_size());
-            ASSERT_EQ(99, stats.rows_bitmap_index_filtered);
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, stats.rows_vec_cond_filtered);
-            auto row = block.row(block.selection_vector()[0]);
-            ASSERT_EQ("[20,200]", row.debug_string());
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SegmentReaderWriterTest, TestIndex) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema = create_schema({create_int_key(1), create_int_key(2, true, true),
-                                                create_int_key(3), create_int_value(4)});
-    SegmentWriterOptions opts;
-    opts.num_rows_per_block = 10;
-    std::shared_ptr<Segment> segment;
-    // 0, 1, 2, 3
-    // 10, 11, 12, 13
-    // 20, 21, 22, 23
-    // ...
-    // 64k int will generate 4 pages
-    build_segment(
-            opts, tablet_schema, tablet_schema, 64 * 1024,
-            [](size_t rid, int cid, int block_id, RowCursorCell& cell) {
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                if (rid >= 16 * 1024 && rid < 32 * 1024) {
-                    // make second page all rows equal
-                    *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 164000 + cid;
-                } else {
-                    *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = rid * 10 + cid;
-                }
-            },
-            &segment);
-    // reader with condition
-    {
-        Schema schema(tablet_schema);
-        OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-        // test empty segment iterator
-        {
-            // the first two page will be read by this condition
-            TCondition condition;
-            condition.__set_column_name("3");
-            condition.__set_condition_op("<");
-            std::vector<std::string> vals = {"2"};
-            condition.__set_condition_values(vals);
-            std::shared_ptr<Conditions> conditions(new Conditions());
-            conditions->set_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, conditions->append_condition(condition));
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.conditions = conditions.get();
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-        // scan all rows
-        {
-            TCondition condition;
-            condition.__set_column_name("2");
-            condition.__set_condition_op("<");
-            std::vector<std::string> vals = {"100"};
-            condition.__set_condition_values(vals);
-            std::shared_ptr<Conditions> conditions(new Conditions());
-            conditions->set_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, conditions->append_condition(condition));
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.conditions = conditions.get();
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            // only first page will be read because of zone map
-            int left = 16 * 1024;
-            int rowid = 0;
-            while (left > 0) {
-                int rows_read = left > 1024 ? 1024 : left;
-                block.clear();
-                ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-                ASSERT_EQ(DEL_NOT_SATISFIED, block.delete_state());
-                ASSERT_EQ(rows_read, block.num_rows());
-                left -= rows_read;
-                for (int j = 0; j < block.schema()->column_ids().size(); ++j) {
-                    auto cid = block.schema()->column_ids()[j];
-                    auto column_block = block.column_block(j);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < rows_read; ++i) {
-                        int rid = rowid + i;
-                        ASSERT_FALSE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                        ASSERT_EQ(rid * 10 + cid, *(int*)column_block.cell_ptr(i))
-                                << "rid:" << rid << ", i:" << i;
-                    }
-                }
-                rowid += rows_read;
-            }
-            ASSERT_EQ(16 * 1024, rowid);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-        // test zone map with query predicate an delete predicate
-        {
-            // the first two page will be read by this condition
-            TCondition condition;
-            condition.__set_column_name("2");
-            condition.__set_condition_op("<");
-            std::vector<std::string> vals = {"165000"};
-            condition.__set_condition_values(vals);
-            std::shared_ptr<Conditions> conditions(new Conditions());
-            conditions->set_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, conditions->append_condition(condition));
-            // the second page read will be pruned by the following delete predicate
-            TCondition delete_condition;
-            delete_condition.__set_column_name("2");
-            delete_condition.__set_condition_op("=");
-            std::vector<std::string> vals2 = {"164001"};
-            delete_condition.__set_condition_values(vals2);
-            std::shared_ptr<Conditions> delete_conditions(new Conditions());
-            delete_conditions->set_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, delete_conditions->append_condition(delete_condition));
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.conditions = conditions.get();
-            read_opts.delete_conditions.push_back(delete_conditions.get());
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            // so the first page will be read because of zone map
-            int left = 16 * 1024;
-            int rowid = 0;
-            while (left > 0) {
-                int rows_read = left > 1024 ? 1024 : left;
-                block.clear();
-                auto s = iter->next_batch(&block);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-                ASSERT_EQ(rows_read, block.num_rows());
-                ASSERT_EQ(DEL_NOT_SATISFIED, block.delete_state());
-                left -= rows_read;
-                for (int j = 0; j < block.schema()->column_ids().size(); ++j) {
-                    auto cid = block.schema()->column_ids()[j];
-                    auto column_block = block.column_block(j);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < rows_read; ++i) {
-                        int rid = rowid + i;
-                        ASSERT_FALSE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                        ASSERT_EQ(rid * 10 + cid, *(int*)column_block.cell_ptr(i))
-                                << "rid:" << rid << ", i:" << i;
-                    }
-                }
-                rowid += rows_read;
-            }
-            ASSERT_EQ(16 * 1024, rowid);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-        // test bloom filter
-        {
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            TCondition condition;
-            condition.__set_column_name("2");
-            condition.__set_condition_op("=");
-            // 102 is not in page 1
-            std::vector<std::string> vals = {"102"};
-            condition.__set_condition_values(vals);
-            std::shared_ptr<Conditions> conditions(new Conditions());
-            conditions->set_tablet_schema(&tablet_schema);
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, conditions->append_condition(condition));
-            read_opts.conditions = conditions.get();
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SegmentReaderWriterTest, estimate_segment_size) {
-    size_t num_rows_per_block = 10;
-    std::shared_ptr<TabletSchema> tablet_schema(new TabletSchema());
-    tablet_schema->_num_columns = 4;
-    tablet_schema->_num_key_columns = 3;
-    tablet_schema->_num_short_key_columns = 2;
-    tablet_schema->_num_rows_per_row_block = num_rows_per_block;
-    tablet_schema->_cols.push_back(create_int_key(1));
-    tablet_schema->_cols.push_back(create_int_key(2));
-    tablet_schema->_cols.push_back(create_int_key(3));
-    tablet_schema->_cols.push_back(create_int_value(4));
-    // segment write
-    std::string dname = "./ut_dir/segment_write_size";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(dname);
-    FileUtils::create_dir(dname);
-    SegmentWriterOptions opts;
-    opts.num_rows_per_block = num_rows_per_block;
-    std::string fname = dname + "/int_case";
-    std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-    fs::CreateBlockOptions wblock_opts({fname});
-    Status st = fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(wblock_opts, &wblock);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-    SegmentWriter writer(wblock.get(), 0, tablet_schema.get(), opts);
-    st = writer.init(10);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-    RowCursor row;
-    auto olap_st = row.init(*tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, olap_st);
-    // 0, 1, 2, 3
-    // 10, 11, 12, 13
-    // 20, 21, 22, 23
-    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1024, 1048576); ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
-            auto cell = row.cell(j);
-            cell.set_not_null();
-            *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = i * 10 + j;
-        }
-        writer.append_row(row);
-    }
-    uint32_t segment_size = writer.estimate_segment_size();
-    LOG(INFO) << "estimate segment size is:" << segment_size;
-    uint64_t file_size = 0;
-    uint64_t index_size;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(writer.finalize(&file_size, &index_size).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-    file_size = boost::filesystem::file_size(fname);
-    LOG(INFO) << "segment file size is:" << file_size;
-    ASSERT_NE(segment_size, 0);
-    FileUtils::remove_all(dname);
-TEST_F(SegmentReaderWriterTest, TestDefaultValueColumn) {
-    std::vector<TabletColumn> columns = {create_int_key(1), create_int_key(2), create_int_value(3),
-                                         create_int_value(4)};
-    TabletSchema build_schema = create_schema(columns);
-    // add a column with null default value
-    {
-        std::vector<TabletColumn> read_columns = columns;
-        read_columns.push_back(create_int_value(5, OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_SUM, true, "NULL"));
-        TabletSchema query_schema = create_schema(read_columns);
-        std::shared_ptr<Segment> segment;
-        build_segment(SegmentWriterOptions(), build_schema, query_schema, 4096, DefaultIntGenerator,
-                      &segment);
-        Schema schema(query_schema);
-        OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-        // scan all rows
-        {
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            int left = 4096;
-            int rowid = 0;
-            while (left > 0) {
-                int rows_read = left > 1024 ? 1024 : left;
-                block.clear();
-                ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-                ASSERT_EQ(DEL_NOT_SATISFIED, block.delete_state());
-                ASSERT_EQ(rows_read, block.num_rows());
-                left -= rows_read;
-                for (int j = 0; j < block.schema()->column_ids().size(); ++j) {
-                    auto cid = block.schema()->column_ids()[j];
-                    auto column_block = block.column_block(j);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < rows_read; ++i) {
-                        int rid = rowid + i;
-                        if (cid == 4) {
-                            ASSERT_TRUE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                        } else {
-                            ASSERT_FALSE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                            ASSERT_EQ(rid * 10 + cid, *(int*)column_block.cell_ptr(i));
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                rowid += rows_read;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // add a column with non-null default value
-    {
-        std::vector<TabletColumn> read_columns = columns;
-        read_columns.push_back(create_int_value(5, OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_SUM, true, "10086"));
-        TabletSchema query_schema = create_schema(read_columns);
-        std::shared_ptr<Segment> segment;
-        build_segment(SegmentWriterOptions(), build_schema, query_schema, 4096, DefaultIntGenerator,
-                      &segment);
-        Schema schema(query_schema);
-        OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-        // scan all rows
-        {
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            int left = 4096;
-            int rowid = 0;
-            while (left > 0) {
-                int rows_read = left > 1024 ? 1024 : left;
-                block.clear();
-                ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-                ASSERT_EQ(rows_read, block.num_rows());
-                left -= rows_read;
-                for (int j = 0; j < block.schema()->column_ids().size(); ++j) {
-                    auto cid = block.schema()->column_ids()[j];
-                    auto column_block = block.column_block(j);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < rows_read; ++i) {
-                        int rid = rowid + i;
-                        if (cid == 4) {
-                            ASSERT_FALSE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                            ASSERT_EQ(10086, *(int*)column_block.cell_ptr(i));
-                        } else {
-                            ASSERT_FALSE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                            ASSERT_EQ(rid * 10 + cid, *(int*)column_block.cell_ptr(i));
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                rowid += rows_read;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SegmentReaderWriterTest, TestStringDict) {
-    size_t num_rows_per_block = 10;
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-    std::shared_ptr<TabletSchema> tablet_schema(new TabletSchema());
-    tablet_schema->_num_columns = 4;
-    tablet_schema->_num_key_columns = 3;
-    tablet_schema->_num_short_key_columns = 2;
-    tablet_schema->_num_rows_per_row_block = num_rows_per_block;
-    tablet_schema->_cols.push_back(create_char_key(1));
-    tablet_schema->_cols.push_back(create_char_key(2));
-    tablet_schema->_cols.push_back(create_varchar_key(3));
-    tablet_schema->_cols.push_back(create_varchar_key(4));
-    tablet_schema->init_field_index_for_test();
-    //    segment write
-    std::string dname = "./ut_dir/segment_test";
-    FileUtils::create_dir(dname);
-    SegmentWriterOptions opts;
-    opts.num_rows_per_block = num_rows_per_block;
-    std::string fname = dname + "/string_case";
-    std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-    fs::CreateBlockOptions wblock_opts({fname});
-    Status st = fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(wblock_opts, &wblock);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    SegmentWriter writer(wblock.get(), 0, tablet_schema.get(), opts);
-    st = writer.init(10);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    RowCursor row;
-    auto olap_st = row.init(*tablet_schema);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, olap_st);
-    // 0, 1, 2, 3
-    // 10, 11, 12, 13
-    // 20, 21, 22, 23
-    // convert int to string
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4096; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
-            auto cell = row.cell(j);
-            cell.set_not_null();
-            set_column_value_by_type(tablet_schema->_cols[j]._type, i * 10 + j,
-                                     (char*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr(), &pool,
-                                     tablet_schema->_cols[j]._length);
-        }
-        Status status = writer.append_row(row);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    uint64_t file_size = 0;
-    uint64_t index_size;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(writer.finalize(&file_size, &index_size).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<Segment> segment;
-        st = Segment::open(fname, 0, tablet_schema.get(), &segment);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(4096, segment->num_rows());
-        Schema schema(*tablet_schema);
-        OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-        // scan all rows
-        {
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            int left = 4096;
-            int rowid = 0;
-            while (left > 0) {
-                int rows_read = left > 1024 ? 1024 : left;
-                block.clear();
-                st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                ASSERT_EQ(DEL_NOT_SATISFIED, block.delete_state());
-                ASSERT_EQ(rows_read, block.num_rows());
-                left -= rows_read;
-                for (int j = 0; j < block.schema()->column_ids().size(); ++j) {
-                    auto cid = block.schema()->column_ids()[j];
-                    auto column_block = block.column_block(j);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < rows_read; ++i) {
-                        int rid = rowid + i;
-                        ASSERT_FALSE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                        const Slice* actual =
-                                reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(column_block.cell_ptr(i));
-                        Slice expect;
-                        set_column_value_by_type(tablet_schema->_cols[j]._type, rid * 10 + cid,
-                                                 reinterpret_cast<char*>(&expect), &pool,
-                                                 tablet_schema->_cols[j]._length);
-                        ASSERT_EQ(expect.to_string(), actual->to_string());
-                    }
-                }
-                rowid += rows_read;
-            }
-        }
-        // test seek, key
-        {
-            // lower bound
-            std::unique_ptr<RowCursor> lower_bound(new RowCursor());
-            lower_bound->init(*tablet_schema, 1);
-            {
-                auto cell = lower_bound->cell(0);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                set_column_value_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR, 40970,
-                                         (char*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr(), &pool,
-                                         tablet_schema->_cols[0]._length);
-            }
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.key_ranges.emplace_back(lower_bound.get(), false, nullptr, false);
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 100);
-            st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-        // test seek, key (-2, -1)
-        {
-            // lower bound
-            std::unique_ptr<RowCursor> lower_bound(new RowCursor());
-            lower_bound->init(*tablet_schema, 1);
-            {
-                auto cell = lower_bound->cell(0);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                set_column_value_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR, -2, (char*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr(),
-                                         &pool, tablet_schema->_cols[0]._length);
-            }
-            std::unique_ptr<RowCursor> upper_bound(new RowCursor());
-            upper_bound->init(*tablet_schema, 1);
-            {
-                auto cell = upper_bound->cell(0);
-                cell.set_not_null();
-                set_column_value_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR, -1, (char*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr(),
-                                         &pool, tablet_schema->_cols[0]._length);
-            }
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.key_ranges.emplace_back(lower_bound.get(), false, upper_bound.get(), false);
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 100);
-            st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-        // test char zone_map query hit;should read whole page
-        {
-            TCondition condition;
-            condition.__set_column_name("1");
-            condition.__set_condition_op(">");
-            std::vector<std::string> vals = {"100"};
-            condition.__set_condition_values(vals);
-            std::shared_ptr<Conditions> conditions(new Conditions());
-            conditions->set_tablet_schema(tablet_schema.get());
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, conditions->append_condition(condition));
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.conditions = conditions.get();
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            int left = 4 * 1024;
-            int rowid = 0;
-            while (left > 0) {
-                int rows_read = left > 1024 ? 1024 : left;
-                block.clear();
-                st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                ASSERT_EQ(DEL_NOT_SATISFIED, block.delete_state());
-                ASSERT_EQ(rows_read, block.num_rows());
-                left -= rows_read;
-                for (int j = 0; j < block.schema()->column_ids().size(); ++j) {
-                    auto cid = block.schema()->column_ids()[j];
-                    auto column_block = block.column_block(j);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < rows_read; ++i) {
-                        int rid = rowid + i;
-                        ASSERT_FALSE(column_block.is_null(i));
-                        const Slice* actual =
-                                reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(column_block.cell_ptr(i));
-                        Slice expect;
-                        set_column_value_by_type(tablet_schema->_cols[j]._type, rid * 10 + cid,
-                                                 reinterpret_cast<char*>(&expect), &pool,
-                                                 tablet_schema->_cols[j]._length);
-                        ASSERT_EQ(expect.to_string(), actual->to_string())
-                                << "rid:" << rid << ", i:" << i;
-                        ;
-                    }
-                }
-                rowid += rows_read;
-            }
-            ASSERT_EQ(4 * 1024, rowid);
-            st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-        // test char zone_map query miss;col < -1
-        {
-            TCondition condition;
-            condition.__set_column_name("1");
-            condition.__set_condition_op("<");
-            std::vector<std::string> vals = {"-2"};
-            condition.__set_condition_values(vals);
-            std::shared_ptr<Conditions> conditions(new Conditions());
-            conditions->set_tablet_schema(tablet_schema.get());
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, conditions->append_condition(condition));
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            read_opts.conditions = conditions.get();
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.is_end_of_file());
-            ASSERT_EQ(0, block.num_rows());
-        }
-    }
-    FileUtils::remove_all(dname);
-TEST_F(SegmentReaderWriterTest, TestBitmapPredicate) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema = create_schema({create_int_key(1, true, false, true),
-                                                create_int_key(2, true, false, true),
-                                                create_int_value(3), create_int_value(4)});
-    SegmentWriterOptions opts;
-    shared_ptr<Segment> segment;
-    build_segment(opts, tablet_schema, tablet_schema, 4096, DefaultIntGenerator, &segment);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(column_contains_index(segment->footer().columns(0), BITMAP_INDEX));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(column_contains_index(segment->footer().columns(1), BITMAP_INDEX));
-    {
-        Schema schema(tablet_schema);
-        // test where v1=10
-        {
-            std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> column_predicates;
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(0, 10));
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate.get());
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            read_opts.column_predicates = column_predicates;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_EQ(block.num_rows(), 1);
-            ASSERT_EQ(read_opts.stats->raw_rows_read, 1);
-        }
-        // test where v1=10 and v2=11
-        {
-            std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> column_predicates;
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(0, 10));
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate2(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(1, 11));
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate.get());
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate2.get());
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            read_opts.column_predicates = column_predicates;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_EQ(block.num_rows(), 1);
-            ASSERT_EQ(read_opts.stats->raw_rows_read, 1);
-        }
-        // test where v1=10 and v2=15
-        {
-            std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> column_predicates;
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(0, 10));
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate2(new EqualPredicate<int32_t>(1, 15));
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate.get());
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate2.get());
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            read_opts.column_predicates = column_predicates;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_FALSE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_EQ(read_opts.stats->raw_rows_read, 0);
-        }
-        // test where v1 in (10,20,1)
-        {
-            std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> column_predicates;
-            std::set<int32_t> values;
-            values.insert(10);
-            values.insert(20);
-            values.insert(1);
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate(
-                    new InListPredicate<int32_t>(0, std::move(values)));
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate.get());
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            read_opts.column_predicates = column_predicates;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter->next_batch(&block).ok());
-            ASSERT_EQ(read_opts.stats->raw_rows_read, 2);
-        }
-        // test where v1 not in (10,20)
-        {
-            std::vector<ColumnPredicate*> column_predicates;
-            std::set<int32_t> values;
-            values.insert(10);
-            values.insert(20);
-            std::unique_ptr<ColumnPredicate> predicate(
-                    new NotInListPredicate<int32_t>(0, std::move(values)));
-            column_predicates.emplace_back(predicate.get());
-            StorageReadOptions read_opts;
-            OlapReaderStatistics stats;
-            read_opts.column_predicates = column_predicates;
-            read_opts.stats = &stats;
-            std::unique_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
-            segment->new_iterator(schema, read_opts, &iter);
-            RowBlockV2 block(schema, 1024);
-            Status st;
-            do {
-                block.clear();
-                st = iter->next_batch(&block);
-            } while (st.ok());
-            ASSERT_EQ(read_opts.stats->raw_rows_read, 4094);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(SegmentReaderWriterTest, TestBloomFilterIndexUniqueModel) {
-    TabletSchema schema =
-            create_schema({create_int_key(1), create_int_key(2), create_int_key(3),
-                           create_int_value(4, OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_REPLACE, true, "", true)});
-    // for not base segment
-    SegmentWriterOptions opts1;
-    shared_ptr<Segment> seg1;
-    build_segment(opts1, schema, schema, 100, DefaultIntGenerator, &seg1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(column_contains_index(seg1->footer().columns(3), BLOOM_FILTER_INDEX));
-    // for base segment
-    SegmentWriterOptions opts2;
-    shared_ptr<Segment> seg2;
-    build_segment(opts2, schema, schema, 100, DefaultIntGenerator, &seg2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(column_contains_index(seg2->footer().columns(3), BLOOM_FILTER_INDEX));
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::StoragePageCache::create_global_cache(1 << 30, 0.1);
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/zone_map_index_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/zone_map_index_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e795fb5..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/segment_v2/zone_map_index_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/segment_v2/zone_map_index.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "olap/fs/block_manager.h"
-#include "olap/fs/fs_util.h"
-#include "olap/page_cache.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema_helper.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace segment_v2 {
-class ColumnZoneMapTest : public testing::Test {
-    const std::string kTestDir = "./ut_dir/zone_map_index_test";
-    void SetUp() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kTestDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kTestDir).ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::create_dir(kTestDir).ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        if (FileUtils::check_exist(kTestDir)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::remove_all(kTestDir).ok());
-        }
-    }
-    void test_string(std::string testname, Field* field) {
-        std::string filename = kTestDir + "/" + testname;
-        ZoneMapIndexWriter builder(field);
-        std::vector<std::string> values1 = {"aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc", "dddd", "eeee", "ffff"};
-        for (auto& value : values1) {
-            Slice slice(value);
-            builder.add_values((const uint8_t*)&slice, 1);
-        }
-        builder.flush();
-        std::vector<std::string> values2 = {"aaaaa", "bbbbb", "ccccc", "ddddd", "eeeee", "fffff"};
-        for (auto& value : values2) {
-            Slice slice(value);
-            builder.add_values((const uint8_t*)&slice, 1);
-        }
-        builder.add_nulls(1);
-        builder.flush();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-            builder.add_nulls(1);
-        }
-        builder.flush();
-        // write out zone map index
-        ColumnIndexMetaPB index_meta;
-        {
-            std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-            fs::CreateBlockOptions opts({filename});
-            ASSERT_TRUE(fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(opts, &wblock).ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(builder.finish(wblock.get(), &index_meta).ok());
-            ASSERT_EQ(ZONE_MAP_INDEX, index_meta.type());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-        }
-        ZoneMapIndexReader column_zone_map(filename, &index_meta.zone_map_index());
-        Status status = column_zone_map.load(true, false);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, column_zone_map.num_pages());
-        const std::vector<ZoneMapPB>& zone_maps = column_zone_map.page_zone_maps();
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, zone_maps.size());
-        ASSERT_EQ("aaaa", zone_maps[0].min());
-        ASSERT_EQ("ffff", zone_maps[0].max());
-        ASSERT_EQ(false, zone_maps[0].has_null());
-        ASSERT_EQ(true, zone_maps[0].has_not_null());
-        ASSERT_EQ("aaaaa", zone_maps[1].min());
-        ASSERT_EQ("fffff", zone_maps[1].max());
-        ASSERT_EQ(true, zone_maps[1].has_null());
-        ASSERT_EQ(true, zone_maps[1].has_not_null());
-        ASSERT_EQ(true, zone_maps[2].has_null());
-        ASSERT_EQ(false, zone_maps[2].has_not_null());
-    }
-// Test for int
-TEST_F(ColumnZoneMapTest, NormalTestIntPage) {
-    std::string filename = kTestDir + "/NormalTestIntPage";
-    TabletColumn int_column = create_int_key(0);
-    Field* field = FieldFactory::create(int_column);
-    ZoneMapIndexWriter builder(field);
-    std::vector<int> values1 = {1, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22};
-    for (auto value : values1) {
-        builder.add_values((const uint8_t*)&value, 1);
-    }
-    builder.flush();
-    std::vector<int> values2 = {2, 12, 31, 23, 21, 22};
-    for (auto value : values2) {
-        builder.add_values((const uint8_t*)&value, 1);
-    }
-    builder.add_nulls(1);
-    builder.flush();
-    builder.add_nulls(6);
-    builder.flush();
-    // write out zone map index
-    ColumnIndexMetaPB index_meta;
-    {
-        std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock> wblock;
-        fs::CreateBlockOptions opts({filename});
-        ASSERT_TRUE(fs::fs_util::block_manager()->create_block(opts, &wblock).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(builder.finish(wblock.get(), &index_meta).ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(ZONE_MAP_INDEX, index_meta.type());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(wblock->close().ok());
-    }
-    ZoneMapIndexReader column_zone_map(filename, &index_meta.zone_map_index());
-    Status status = column_zone_map.load(true, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, column_zone_map.num_pages());
-    const std::vector<ZoneMapPB>& zone_maps = column_zone_map.page_zone_maps();
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, zone_maps.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::to_string(1), zone_maps[0].min());
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::to_string(22), zone_maps[0].max());
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, zone_maps[0].has_null());
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, zone_maps[0].has_not_null());
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::to_string(2), zone_maps[1].min());
-    ASSERT_EQ(std::to_string(31), zone_maps[1].max());
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, zone_maps[1].has_null());
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, zone_maps[1].has_not_null());
-    ASSERT_EQ(true, zone_maps[2].has_null());
-    ASSERT_EQ(false, zone_maps[2].has_not_null());
-    delete field;
-// Test for string
-TEST_F(ColumnZoneMapTest, NormalTestVarcharPage) {
-    TabletColumn varchar_column = create_varchar_key(0);
-    Field* field = FieldFactory::create(varchar_column);
-    test_string("NormalTestVarcharPage", field);
-    delete field;
-// Test for string
-TEST_F(ColumnZoneMapTest, NormalTestCharPage) {
-    TabletColumn char_column = create_char_key(0);
-    Field* field = FieldFactory::create(char_column);
-    test_string("NormalTestCharPage", field);
-    delete field;
-} // namespace segment_v2
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::StoragePageCache::create_global_cache(1 << 30, 0.1);
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/rowset/unique_rowset_id_generator_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/rowset/unique_rowset_id_generator_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e51f3..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/rowset/unique_rowset_id_generator_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/rowset/unique_rowset_id_generator.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "util/pretty_printer.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-#include "util/threadpool.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class UniqueRowsetIdGeneratorTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(UniqueRowsetIdGeneratorTest, RowsetIdFormatTest) {
-    {
-        int64_t hi = 1; // version
-        hi <<= 56;
-        RowsetId rowset_id;
-        rowset_id.init(123);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.version, 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.hi, 123 + hi);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.mi, 0);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.lo, 0);
-        ASSERT_EQ(std::string("123"), rowset_id.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        int64_t hi = 1; // version
-        hi <<= 56;
-        RowsetId rowset_id;
-        rowset_id.init("123");
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.version, 1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.hi, 123 + hi);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.mi, 0);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.lo, 0);
-        ASSERT_EQ(std::string("123"), rowset_id.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        int64_t hi = 2; // version
-        hi <<= 56;
-        const std::string rowset_id_v2("0200000000000003c04f58d989cab2f2efd45faa20449189");
-        RowsetId rowset_id;
-        rowset_id.init(rowset_id_v2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.version, 2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.hi, 3 + hi);
-        ASSERT_EQ(std::string(rowset_id_v2), rowset_id.to_string());
-    }
-TEST_F(UniqueRowsetIdGeneratorTest, GenerateIdTest) {
-    UniqueId backend_uid = UniqueId::gen_uid();
-    UniqueRowsetIdGenerator id_generator(backend_uid);
-    int64_t hi = 2; // version
-    hi <<= 56;
-    RowsetId rowset_id = id_generator.next_id(); // hi == 1
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.hi, hi + 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.version, 2);
-    rowset_id = id_generator.next_id(); // hi == 2
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.hi, hi + 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.version, 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(backend_uid.lo, rowset_id.lo);
-    ASSERT_EQ(backend_uid.hi, rowset_id.mi);
-    ASSERT_NE(rowset_id.hi, 0);
-    bool in_use = id_generator.id_in_use(rowset_id);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(in_use);
-    id_generator.release_id(rowset_id);
-    in_use = id_generator.id_in_use(rowset_id);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(in_use);
-    int64_t high = rowset_id.hi + 1;
-    rowset_id = id_generator.next_id(); // hi == 3
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_id.hi, high);
-    in_use = id_generator.id_in_use(rowset_id);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(in_use);
-    std::string rowset_mid_str = rowset_id.to_string().substr(16, 16);
-    std::string backend_mid_str = backend_uid.to_string().substr(0, 16);
-    ASSERT_EQ(rowset_mid_str, backend_mid_str);
-TEST_F(UniqueRowsetIdGeneratorTest, GenerateIdBenchmark) {
-    const int kNumThreads = 8;
-    const int kIdPerThread = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1000, 1000000);
-    UniqueId backend_uid = UniqueId::gen_uid();
-    UniqueRowsetIdGenerator id_generator(backend_uid);
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> pool;
-    Status s = ThreadPoolBuilder("GenerateIdBenchmark")
-                       .set_min_threads(kNumThreads)
-                       .set_max_threads(kNumThreads)
-                       .build(&pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
-    int64_t cost_ns = 0;
-    {
-        SCOPED_RAW_TIMER(&cost_ns);
-        for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(pool->submit_func([&id_generator, kIdPerThread]() {
-                                for (int i = 0; i < kIdPerThread; ++i) {
-                                    id_generator.next_id();
-                                }
-                            }).ok());
-        }
-        pool->wait();
-    }
-    int64_t hi = 2; // version
-    hi <<= 56;
-    RowsetId last_id = id_generator.next_id();
-    ASSERT_EQ(last_id.hi, hi + kNumThreads * kIdPerThread + 1);
-    std::cout << "Generate " << kNumThreads * kIdPerThread << " rowset ids cost "
-              << PrettyPrinter::print(cost_ns, TUnit::TIME_NS) << std::endl;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/run_length_byte_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/run_length_byte_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f27d19e..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/run_length_byte_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,848 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/byte_buffer.h"
-#include "olap/file_stream.h"
-#include "olap/in_stream.h"
-#include "olap/out_stream.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/column_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/run_length_byte_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/run_length_byte_writer.h"
-#include "olap/stream_index_reader.h"
-#include "olap/stream_index_writer.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-using namespace testing;
-TEST(TestStream, UncompressOutStream) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor == NULL);
-    out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    ASSERT_EQ(out_stream->get_stream_length(), sizeof(StreamHead) + 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(out_stream->output_buffers().size(), 1);
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>::const_iterator it = out_stream->output_buffers().begin();
-    ASSERT_EQ((*it)->position(), 0);
-    StreamHead head;
-    (*it)->get((char*)&head, sizeof(head));
-    ASSERT_EQ(head.type, StreamHead::UNCOMPRESSED);
-    ASSERT_EQ(head.length, 1);
-    char data;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, (*it)->get((char*)&data));
-    ASSERT_EQ(0x5A, data);
-    ASSERT_NE(OLAP_SUCCESS, (*it)->get((char*)&data));
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-TEST(TestStream, UncompressOutStream2) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor == NULL);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    uint64_t stream_length = sizeof(StreamHead) * 2 + OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE + 1;
-    ASSERT_EQ(out_stream->get_stream_length(), stream_length);
-    ASSERT_EQ(out_stream->output_buffers().size(), 2);
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    for (const auto& it : out_stream->output_buffers()) {
-        inputs.push_back(StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(it, 0, it->limit()));
-    }
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.push_back(0);
-    offsets.push_back(sizeof(StreamHead) + OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(), NULL,
-                                        out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    char data;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE - 1; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    ASSERT_NE(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, UncompressOutStream3) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor == NULL);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    char write_data[2] = {0x5a, 0x5a};
-    out_stream->write(write_data, 2);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    uint64_t stream_length = sizeof(StreamHead) * 2 + OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE + 2;
-    ASSERT_EQ(out_stream->get_stream_length(), stream_length);
-    ASSERT_EQ(out_stream->output_buffers().size(), 2);
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    for (const auto& it : out_stream->output_buffers()) {
-        inputs.push_back(StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(it, 0, it->limit()));
-    }
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.push_back(0);
-    offsets.push_back(sizeof(StreamHead) + OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(), NULL,
-                                        out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    char data;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    ASSERT_NE(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, UncompressInStream) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor == NULL);
-    out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    // read data
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    const auto& it = out_stream->output_buffers().begin();
-    ASSERT_NE(it, out_stream->output_buffers().end());
-    inputs.push_back(StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(*it, 0, (*it)->capacity()));
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.assign(inputs.size(), 0);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(), NULL,
-                                        out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->available(), 1);
-    char data;
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-// the length after compress must be smaller than original stream, then the compressor will be called.
-TEST(TestStream, CompressOutStream) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, lz4_compress);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor != NULL);
-    char* write_data = new char[OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE];
-    memset(write_data, 0x5a, OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
-    out_stream->write(write_data, OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    //ASSERT_EQ(out_stream->get_stream_length(), sizeof(StreamHead) + 2);
-    //ASSERT_EQ(out_stream->output_buffers().size(), 1);
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>::const_iterator it = out_stream->output_buffers().begin();
-    StreamHead head;
-    (*it)->get((char*)&head, sizeof(head));
-    ASSERT_EQ(head.type, StreamHead::COMPRESSED);
-    // if lzo, this should be 49
-    ASSERT_EQ(51, head.length);
-    SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(write_data);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-TEST(TestStream, CompressOutStream2) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, lz4_compress);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor != NULL);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    for (const auto& it : out_stream->output_buffers()) {
-        inputs.push_back(StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(it, 0, it->limit()));
-    }
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.push_back(0);
-    offsets.push_back(59); // if lzo, this should be 57
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(),
-                                        lz4_decompress, out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    char data;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    ASSERT_NE(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, CompressOutStream3) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, lz4_compress);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor != NULL);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    char write_data[100];
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        write_data[i] = 0x5a;
-    }
-    out_stream->write(write_data, sizeof(write_data));
-    out_stream->flush();
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    for (const auto& it : out_stream->output_buffers()) {
-        inputs.push_back(StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(it, 0, it->limit()));
-    }
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.push_back(0);
-    offsets.push_back(57);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(),
-                                        lz4_decompress, out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    char data;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    }
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_NE(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-//test for _slice() in [while (len > 0 && m_current_range < m_inputs.size())]
-TEST(TestStream, CompressOutStream4) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream = new (std::nothrow) OutStream(18, lz4_compress);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor != NULL);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    out_stream->_spill();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(i);
-    }
-    out_stream->flush();
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    for (const auto& it : out_stream->output_buffers()) {
-        inputs.push_back(StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(it, 0, it->limit()));
-    }
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.push_back(0);
-    offsets.push_back(16);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(),
-                                        lz4_decompress, out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    char data;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    }
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    }
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, i);
-    }
-    ASSERT_NE(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, CompressMassOutStream) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream = new (std::nothrow) OutStream(100, lz4_compress);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor != NULL);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    //out_stream->write(0);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(i);
-    }
-    //out_stream->write(100);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    for (const auto& it : out_stream->output_buffers()) {
-        inputs.push_back(StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(it, 0, it->limit()));
-    }
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.push_back(0);
-    offsets.push_back(19); // if lzo, this should be 17
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(),
-                                        lz4_decompress, out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    char data;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    }
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, i);
-    }
-    ASSERT_NE(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, CompressInStream) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, lz4_compress);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor != NULL);
-    char* write_data = new char[OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE];
-    memset(write_data, 0x5a, OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
-    out_stream->write(write_data, OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    // read data
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>::const_iterator it = out_stream->output_buffers().begin();
-    ASSERT_NE(it, out_stream->output_buffers().end());
-    StorageByteBuffer* tmp_byte_buffer =
-            StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(*it, 0, (*it)->capacity());
-    inputs.push_back(tmp_byte_buffer);
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.assign(inputs.size(), 0);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(),
-                                        lz4_decompress, out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    char data;
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE - 1; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5a);
-    ASSERT_NE(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(write_data);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, SeekUncompress) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor == NULL);
-    out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    PositionEntryWriter index_entry;
-    out_stream->get_position(&index_entry);
-    out_stream->write(0x5b);
-    ASSERT_EQ(index_entry.positions_count(), 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(index_entry.positions(0), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(index_entry.positions(1), 1);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    // read data
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>::const_iterator it = out_stream->output_buffers().begin();
-    ASSERT_NE(it, out_stream->output_buffers().end());
-    StorageByteBuffer* tmp_byte_buffer =
-            StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(*it, 0, (*it)->capacity());
-    inputs.push_back(tmp_byte_buffer);
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.assign(inputs.size(), 0);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(), NULL,
-                                        out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->available(), 2);
-    char buffer[256];
-    index_entry.write_to_buffer(buffer);
-    StreamIndexHeader header;
-    header.position_format = index_entry.positions_count();
-    header.statistic_format = OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT;
-    PositionEntryReader entry;
-    entry.init(&header, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false);
-    entry.attach(buffer);
-    PositionProvider position(&entry);
-    ASSERT_EQ(entry.positions_count(), 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(entry.positions(0), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(entry.positions(1), 1);
-    in_stream->seek(&position);
-    char data;
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5b);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, SkipUncompress) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream->_compressor == NULL);
-    char write_data[] = {0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        out_stream->write(write_data[i]);
-    }
-    out_stream->write(0x5e);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    // read data
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>::const_iterator it = out_stream->output_buffers().begin();
-    ASSERT_NE(it, out_stream->output_buffers().end());
-    StorageByteBuffer* tmp_byte_buffer =
-            StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(*it, 0, (*it)->capacity());
-    inputs.push_back(tmp_byte_buffer);
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.assign(inputs.size(), 0);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(), NULL,
-                                        out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->available(), sizeof(write_data) + 1);
-    in_stream->skip(sizeof(write_data) - 1);
-    char data;
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, write_data[sizeof(write_data) - 1]);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, SeekCompress) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, lz4_compress);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    PositionEntryWriter index_entry;
-    out_stream->get_position(&index_entry);
-    out_stream->write(0x5b);
-    ASSERT_EQ(index_entry.positions_count(), 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(index_entry.positions(0), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(index_entry.positions(1), 10);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    // read data
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>::const_iterator it = out_stream->output_buffers().begin();
-    ASSERT_NE(it, out_stream->output_buffers().end());
-    StorageByteBuffer* tmp_byte_buffer =
-            StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(*it, 0, (*it)->capacity());
-    inputs.push_back(tmp_byte_buffer);
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.assign(inputs.size(), 0);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(),
-                                        lz4_decompress, out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    //ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->available(), 2);
-    char buffer[256];
-    index_entry.write_to_buffer(buffer);
-    StreamIndexHeader header;
-    header.position_format = index_entry.positions_count();
-    header.statistic_format = OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT;
-    PositionEntryReader entry;
-    entry.init(&header, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false);
-    entry.attach(buffer);
-    PositionProvider position(&entry);
-    in_stream->seek(&position);
-    char data;
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5b);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-TEST(TestStream, SkipCompress) {
-    // write data
-    OutStream* out_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, lz4_compress);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream != NULL);
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-        out_stream->write(0x5a);
-    }
-    out_stream->write(0x5e);
-    out_stream->flush();
-    // read data
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> inputs;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>::const_iterator it = out_stream->output_buffers().begin();
-    ASSERT_NE(it, out_stream->output_buffers().end());
-    StorageByteBuffer* tmp_byte_buffer =
-            StorageByteBuffer::reference_buffer(*it, 0, (*it)->capacity());
-    inputs.push_back(tmp_byte_buffer);
-    std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
-    offsets.assign(inputs.size(), 0);
-    InStream* in_stream =
-            new (std::nothrow) InStream(&inputs, offsets, out_stream->get_stream_length(),
-                                        lz4_decompress, out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-    in_stream->skip(10);
-    char data;
-    ASSERT_EQ(in_stream->read(&data), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, 0x5e);
-    SAFE_DELETE(out_stream);
-    SAFE_DELETE(in_stream);
-    for (auto input : inputs) {
-        delete input;
-    }
-class TestRunLengthByte : public testing::Test {
-    TestRunLengthByte() {}
-    virtual ~TestRunLengthByte() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        system("mkdir -p ./ut_dir");
-        system("rm -rf ./ut_dir/tmp_file");
-        _out_stream = new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_out_stream != NULL);
-        _writer = new (std::nothrow) RunLengthByteWriter(_out_stream);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_writer != NULL);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_reader);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_out_stream);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_writer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_shared_buffer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_stream);
-    }
-    void CreateReader() {
-                  helper.open_with_mode(_file_path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,
-                                        S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _out_stream->write_to_file(&helper, 0);
-        helper.close();
-                  helper.open_with_mode(_file_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _shared_buffer = StorageByteBuffer::create(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE +
-                                                   sizeof(StreamHead));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_shared_buffer != NULL);
-        _stream = new (std::nothrow)
-                ReadOnlyFileStream(&helper, &_shared_buffer, 0, helper.length(), NULL,
-                                   OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, &_stats);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _stream->init());
-        _reader = new (std::nothrow) RunLengthByteReader(_stream);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader != NULL);
-    }
-    RunLengthByteReader* _reader;
-    OutStream* _out_stream;
-    RunLengthByteWriter* _writer;
-    FileHandler helper;
-    StorageByteBuffer* _shared_buffer;
-    ReadOnlyFileStream* _stream;
-    OlapReaderStatistics _stats;
-    std::string _file_path = "./ut_dir/tmp_file";
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthByte, ReadWriteOneByte) {
-    _writer->write(0x5a);
-    _writer->flush();
-    CreateReader();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-    char value = 0xff;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0X5A);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthByte, ReadWriteMultiBytes) {
-    // write data
-    char write_data[] = {0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        _writer->write(write_data[i]);
-    }
-    _writer->flush();
-    // the stream contain head, control byte and four byte literal
-    ASSERT_EQ(_out_stream->get_stream_length(), sizeof(StreamHead) + 1 + 4);
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        char value = 0xff;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthByte, ReadWriteSameBytes) {
-    // write data
-    char write_data[] = {0x5a, 0x5a, 0x5a, 0x5a};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        _writer->write(write_data[i]);
-    }
-    _writer->flush();
-    // the stream contain head, control byte(4-3) and one byte literal
-    ASSERT_EQ(_out_stream->get_stream_length(), sizeof(StreamHead) + 1 + 1);
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        char value = 0xff;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthByte, Seek) {
-    // write data
-    char write_data[] = {0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        _writer->write(write_data[i]);
-    }
-    PositionEntryWriter index_entry;
-    _writer->get_position(&index_entry);
-    _writer->write(0x5e);
-    _writer->write(0x5f);
-    _writer->write(0x60);
-    _writer->write(0x61);
-    _writer->flush();
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    char buffer[256];
-    index_entry.write_to_buffer(buffer);
-    StreamIndexHeader header;
-    header.position_format = index_entry.positions_count();
-    header.statistic_format = OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT;
-    PositionEntryReader entry;
-    entry.init(&header, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT, false);
-    entry.attach(buffer);
-    PositionProvider position(&entry);
-    _reader->seek(&position);
-    char value = 0xff;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0x5e);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0x5f);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0x60);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0x61);
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthByte, Skip) {
-    // write data
-    char write_data[] = {0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(write_data); i++) {
-        _writer->write(write_data[i]);
-    }
-    _writer->write(0x5e);
-    _writer->flush();
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    _reader->skip(sizeof(write_data) - 1);
-    char value = 0xff;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[sizeof(write_data) - 1]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 0x5e);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/run_length_integer_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/run_length_integer_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 098001e..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/run_length_integer_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1487 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/byte_buffer.h"
-#include "olap/in_stream.h"
-#include "olap/out_stream.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/run_length_integer_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/run_length_integer_writer.h"
-#include "olap/stream_index_reader.h"
-#include "olap/stream_index_writer.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TestRunLengthUnsignInteger : public testing::Test {
-    TestRunLengthUnsignInteger() {}
-    virtual ~TestRunLengthUnsignInteger() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        system("mkdir -p ./ut_dir");
-        system("rm -rf ./ut_dir/tmp_file");
-        _out_stream = new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_out_stream != NULL);
-        _writer = new (std::nothrow) RunLengthIntegerWriter(_out_stream, false);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_writer != NULL);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_reader);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_out_stream);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_writer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_shared_buffer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_stream);
-    }
-    void CreateReader() {
-                  helper.open_with_mode(_file_path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,
-                                        S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _out_stream->write_to_file(&helper, 0);
-        helper.close();
-                  helper.open_with_mode(_file_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _shared_buffer = StorageByteBuffer::create(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE +
-                                                   sizeof(StreamHead));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_shared_buffer != NULL);
-        _stream = new (std::nothrow)
-                ReadOnlyFileStream(&helper, &_shared_buffer, 0, helper.length(), NULL,
-                                   OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, &_stats);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _stream->init());
-        _reader = new (std::nothrow) RunLengthIntegerReader(_stream, false);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader != NULL);
-    }
-    RunLengthIntegerReader* _reader;
-    OutStream* _out_stream;
-    RunLengthIntegerWriter* _writer;
-    FileHandler helper;
-    StorageByteBuffer* _shared_buffer;
-    ReadOnlyFileStream* _stream;
-    OlapReaderStatistics _stats;
-    std::string _file_path = "./ut_dir/tmp_file";
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, ReadWriteOneInteger) {
-    // write data
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-    int64_t value = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 100);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, ReadWriteMultiInteger) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {100, 102, 105, 106};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, seek) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {100, 102, 105, 106};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    PositionEntryWriter index_entry;
-    _writer->get_position(&index_entry, false);
-    _writer->write(107);
-    _writer->write(108);
-    _writer->write(109);
-    _writer->write(110);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    PositionEntryReader entry;
-    entry._positions = index_entry._positions;
-    entry._positions_count = index_entry._positions_count;
-    entry._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, false);
-    PositionProvider position(&entry);
-    _reader->seek(&position);
-    int64_t value = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 107);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 108);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 109);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 110);
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, skip) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {100, 102, 105, 106};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    _reader->skip(2);
-    int64_t value = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 105);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 106);
-    ASSERT_NE(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, ShortRepeatEncoding) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {100, 100, 100, 100};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, ShortRepeatEncoding2) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {876012345678912, 876012345678912, 876012345678912, 876012345678912};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, ShortRepeatEncoding3) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {876012345678912};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, DirectEncoding) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {1703, 6054, 8760, 902};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, DirectEncoding2) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {1703, 6054, 876012345678912, 902, 9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 8};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, PatchedBaseEncoding1) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {
-            1703, 6054, 876012345678912, 902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 8,
-            1,    3323, 432232523,       90982, 9,    223234, 5,      44,     5,   3};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, PatchedBaseEncoding2) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {
-            1703, 6054,      902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364,          999, 8, 1,
-            3323, 432232523, 90982, 9,    223234, 5,      876012345678912, 44,  5, 3};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-class TestRunLengthSignInteger : public testing::Test {
-    TestRunLengthSignInteger() {}
-    virtual ~TestRunLengthSignInteger() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        system("mkdir -p ./ut_dir");
-        system("rm ./ut_dir/tmp_file");
-        _out_stream = new (std::nothrow) OutStream(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_out_stream != NULL);
-        _writer = new (std::nothrow) RunLengthIntegerWriter(_out_stream, true);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_writer != NULL);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_reader);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_out_stream);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_writer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_shared_buffer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_stream);
-    }
-    void CreateReader() {
-                  helper.open_with_mode(_file_path.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,
-                                        S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _out_stream->write_to_file(&helper, 0);
-        helper.close();
-                  helper.open_with_mode(_file_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        _shared_buffer = StorageByteBuffer::create(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE +
-                                                   sizeof(StreamHead));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_shared_buffer != NULL);
-        _stream = new (std::nothrow)
-                ReadOnlyFileStream(&helper, &_shared_buffer, 0, helper.length(), NULL,
-                                   OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, &_stats);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _stream->init());
-        _reader = new (std::nothrow) RunLengthIntegerReader(_stream, true);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader != NULL);
-    }
-    RunLengthIntegerReader* _reader;
-    OutStream* _out_stream;
-    RunLengthIntegerWriter* _writer;
-    FileHandler helper;
-    StorageByteBuffer* _shared_buffer;
-    ReadOnlyFileStream* _stream;
-    OlapReaderStatistics _stats;
-    std::string _file_path = "./ut_dir/tmp_file";
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, ReadWriteOneInteger) {
-    // write data
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(100));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-    int64_t value = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 100);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, ReadWriteOneInteger2) {
-    // write data
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(1234567800));
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-    int64_t value = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 1234567800);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, ReadWriteMultiInteger) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {100, 101, 104, 107};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, seek) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {100, 102, 105, 106};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    PositionEntryWriter index_entry;
-    _writer->get_position(&index_entry, false);
-    _writer->write(107);
-    _writer->write(108);
-    _writer->write(109);
-    _writer->write(110);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    PositionEntryReader entry;
-    entry._positions = index_entry._positions;
-    entry._positions_count = index_entry._positions_count;
-    entry._statistics.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, false);
-    PositionProvider position(&entry);
-    _reader->seek(&position);
-    int64_t value = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 107);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 108);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 109);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 110);
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, skip) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {100, 102, 105, 106};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    _reader->skip(2);
-    int64_t value = 0;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 105);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(value, 106);
-    ASSERT_NE(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, ShortRepeatEncoding) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {-100, -100, -100, -100};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, DirectEncoding) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {-1703, -6054, -8760, -902};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthUnsignInteger, ReadWriteMassInteger) {
-    // write data
-    for (int64_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(i));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int64_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, i);
-    }
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, PatchedBaseEncoding1) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {
-            1703, 6054, -876012345678912, 902,    9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 8,
-            1,    3323, 432232523,        -90982, 9,    223234, 5,      44,     5,   3};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, PatchedBaseEncoding2) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {
-            -1703, -6054, -876012345678912, -902,   -9292, -184932, -873624, -827364, -999, -8,
-            -1,    -3323, -432232523,       -90982, -9,    -223234, -5,      -44,     -5,   -3};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-// case for T in [if ((base & mask) != 0)]
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, PatchedBaseEncoding3) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {
-            1703, 6054, 876012345678912, 902,    9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888,
-            -300, 3323, 432232523,       -90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-// test fo gap > 255
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, PatchedBaseEncoding4) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            300,
-                            6054,
-                            902,
-                            9292,
-                            184932,
-                            873624,
-                            827364,
-                            999,
-                            888,
-                            1703,
-                            3323,
-                            432232523,
-                            90982,
-                            450,
-                            223234,
-                            690,
-                            444,
-                            555,
-                            333,
-                            232,
-                            876012345678912};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 281; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 281; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-// test for [if (max_gap == 511)]
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, PatchedBaseEncoding5) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 432232523,      90982, 450,  223234, 690,    444,    555, 333, 232,
-            300,  6054,           902,   9292, 184932, 873624, 827364, 999, 888, 1703,
-            3323, 876012345678912};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-// this case use to test large negative number.
-// The minimum of data sequence is -84742859065569280,
-// the positive form is 84742859065569280.
-// It is a 57 bit width integer and used 8 byte to encoding it.
-// The byte number is encoding as (8-1) = 7, in 111 binary form.
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, PatchedBaseEncoding6) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {
-            -17887939293638656, -15605417571528704, -15605417571528704, -13322895849418752,
-            -13322895849418752, -84742859065569280, -15605417571528704, -13322895849418752,
-            -13322895849418752, -15605417571528704, -13322895849418752, -13322895849418752,
-            -15605417571528704, -15605417571528704, -13322895849418752, -13322895849418752,
-            -15605417571528704, -15605417571528704, -13322895849418752, -13322895849418752,
-            -11040374127308800, -15605417571528704, -13322895849418752, -13322895849418752,
-            -15605417571528704, -15605417571528704, -13322895849418752, -13322895849418752,
-            -15605417571528704, -13322895849418752};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, DirectEncodingForDeltaOverflows1) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[] = {4513343538618202711, 2911390882471569739, -9181829309989854913};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-TEST_F(TestRunLengthSignInteger, DirectEncodingForDeltaOverflows2) {
-    // write data
-    int64_t write_data[388] = {-10655366027330,
-                               -8,
-                               -8,
-                               17062988027150,
-                               33791751739027,
-                               11226586316144,
-                               28085455533984,
-                               3809037113342,
-                               4519464927340,
-                               7057442420685,
-                               14594401530747,
-                               51297588056932,
-                               22756638885750,
-                               33503880074496,
-                               37462526094279,
-                               2768357503914,
-                               10013218679000,
-                               9782540355504,
-                               14191567385952,
-                               7500449144168,
-                               52986427404273,
-                               34061223404544,
-                               41158355187480,
-                               30231130071318,
-                               59156080720623,
-                               5229947056790,
-                               15537038856150,
-                               63126198469920,
-                               3285383272432,
-                               35686846610326,
-                               1408668367602,
-                               3506863240250,
-                               38486027140122,
-                               74694461322614,
-                               5631517623023,
-                               1071278551640,
-                               60280539267507,
-                               55998488499421,
-                               15148183576420,
-                               9345266527488,
-                               92610339730326,
-                               4760991023496,
-                               5809785829925,
-                               4727943945615,
-                               45024286170204,
-                               9430751906642,
-                               9104898240000,
-                               1310787469233,
-                               19485266345637,
-                               5211360444059,
-                               13671501255270,
-                               29025205412982,
-                               16589693255688,
-                               5550737611815,
-                               55740247673420,
-                               4416290119582,
-                               5285248047529,
-                               36719742782763,
-                               25526635256587,
-                               469124468760,
-                               23302498025820,
-                               15213356460134,
-                               39178120907751,
-                               3663022204884,
-                               12383207229348,
-                               26476189044888,
-                               3016879997537,
-                               40542785494057,
-                               27113842491675,
-                               22895214591884,
-                               10417880862400,
-                               41668786286070,
-                               9444820760988,
-                               4868267611350,
-                               95075547166521,
-                               31102600536052,
-                               3984468754330,
-                               18604973210352,
-                               14995789569131,
-                               31920766994781,
-                               1683419132059,
-                               23882256010288,
-                               31188556951272,
-                               21582097820895,
-                               3392728705744,
-                               49134949965522,
-                               71017521225855,
-                               2954016986940,
-                               39104716002146,
-                               849942233098,
-                               13757131707844,
-                               134503055610,
-                               3609965787162,
-                               5092516507104,
-                               15030981322468,
-                               13161768499404,
-                               21216129648768,
-                               37101803372970,
-                               37101803372970,
-                               2847403596440,
-                               8709398658448,
-                               17409277451720,
-                               1765292210160,
-                               12794111172864,
-                               59395030132284,
-                               25700056122869,
-                               3617518482435,
-                               10096266209660,
-                               603359572452,
-                               14638639926830,
-                               47440669759700,
-                               541260539624,
-                               30978788863282,
-                               696405704526,
-                               18657155830038,
-                               8940665549457,
-                               48888857992884,
-                               61600635324852,
-                               62348216229282,
-                               36737996974800,
-                               23412718588072,
-                               39733566705126,
-                               24349931484564,
-                               8726400511488,
-                               53728914318592,
-                               33230740766440,
-                               5598927206656,
-                               62807536003975,
-                               59361934257815,
-                               12281154081596,
-                               60614594920391,
-                               55896003656892,
-                               12410592819768,
-                               26900986612464,
-                               27212849083404,
-                               4081661384017,
-                               62807128313880,
-                               10390915208885,
-                               19067862634200,
-                               54951638814317,
-                               6813715526592,
-                               55668241923840,
-                               10385258308992,
-                               449478352872,
-                               5773207377695,
-                               7951085473750,
-                               8075739133609,
-                               3474440407650,
-                               12804432172290,
-                               54059206249468,
-                               41060766380882,
-                               32370112924240,
-                               14089711019310,
-                               20756475257231,
-                               12027575432880,
-                               18022828219993,
-                               2876759174844,
-                               3428645976585,
-                               10428044444020,
-                               83396752046512,
-                               53899236887790,
-                               2436412807160,
-                               58240905226752,
-                               49366625937140,
-                               37105861727280,
-                               8612969542385,
-                               73033645852629,
-                               43369958815872,
-                               7261355608605,
-                               39209192629850,
-                               52609810587480,
-                               43476360891080,
-                               5041062521194,
-                               38576540661093,
-                               68017667314375,
-                               13432761019896,
-                               5464942964090,
-                               43050750861745,
-                               19350242905500,
-                               75097467074637,
-                               2556614854921,
-                               37718643408480,
-                               213620237510,
-                               6724311130250,
-                               25457500052952,
-                               489516376431,
-                               11514465298138,
-                               717063515668,
-                               26446350217560,
-                               6756064528605,
-                               33085247961173,
-                               42923416365802,
-                               24304783775635,
-                               38572198977000,
-                               30768510004640,
-                               15169698546850,
-                               11126988953456,
-                               19972411935195,
-                               3128825910344,
-                               41008728739248,
-                               9593284980500,
-                               71039982484735,
-                               32594940903700,
-                               1833067856312,
-                               30457700317302,
-                               1581398691678,
-                               20232754466668,
-                               1176823804850,
-                               15276320639355,
-                               8945917123286,
-                               18919341601824,
-                               21678108350498,
-                               11552006037852,
-                               23919732805330,
-                               11335293921846,
-                               42481509203406,
-                               2122540078032,
-                               12644802041058,
-                               57724114297590,
-                               4260375471943,
-                               22854679188447,
-                               1679805810144,
-                               20920530725100,
-                               79680508970004,
-                               4822078070025,
-                               21021229791528,
-                               51167989737960,
-                               165090524909,
-                               25873285104027,
-                               46513810563360,
-                               3575825256938,
-                               34059047115978,
-                               19806749124512,
-                               78800618138484,
-                               28322771215728,
-                               1706728554744,
-                               3278090395233,
-                               23320617333774,
-                               12703326279678,
-                               2607629313708,
-                               2539395442752,
-                               28015716713200,
-                               10300326647150,
-                               30128043086820,
-                               54595159345500,
-                               13060160042787,
-                               10655366027330,
-                               17062988027150,
-                               57029084625870,
-                               7756250581905,
-                               76771656574558,
-                               4510750676015,
-                               21874347427140,
-                               3200391993042,
-                               44103009370141,
-                               57277463673026,
-                               1018187154816,
-                               46506687921519,
-                               34421816854665,
-                               2676955231764,
-                               47301429307040,
-                               3547510780001,
-                               46639125075628,
-                               17055804956334,
-                               1646477501284,
-                               2478078885625,
-                               54398069002768,
-                               31340183949950,
-                               49221902712600,
-                               36419457248232,
-                               13122452465580,
-                               10185432189606,
-                               74024622661290,
-                               17301062652176,
-                               76970388164508,
-                               62373552781812,
-                               6841468343550,
-                               59793356788000,
-                               19225236462716,
-                               32388898413606,
-                               6187897297975,
-                               6187897297975,
-                               17420000862880,
-                               53547183179125,
-                               28894759120032,
-                               24398977402333,
-                               24813328904455,
-                               28037560402170,
-                               8374290597420,
-                               4350223211799,
-                               17455283786332,
-                               63688413624321,
-                               57562099045760,
-                               33975883005192,
-                               18354742508025,
-                               16639404261926,
-                               58997385417308,
-                               6803575242456,
-                               37764812164226,
-                               84538481394123,
-                               4965525257607,
-                               121662980560,
-                               7029409232880,
-                               31220248346100,
-                               68137270368096,
-                               26037399196380,
-                               44447384771070,
-                               10695793870605,
-                               25448023325214,
-                               92664298126772,
-                               7339073401512,
-                               8807332093230,
-                               10372293259380,
-                               54867075540795,
-                               497219901781,
-                               69741834972537,
-                               18310069153200,
-                               3089795662998,
-                               2555983074092,
-                               27136123982275,
-                               45588802330695,
-                               784447977666,
-                               8592621213364,
-                               16042005794780,
-                               48914398341200,
-                               39352870745600,
-                               13745169930000,
-                               22896230019150,
-                               3674063255112,
-                               6936424673580,
-                               20715482731050,
-                               962371484361,
-                               59719596050289,
-                               24836189653956,
-                               27890432977132,
-                               10416225687015,
-                               37371930733881,
-                               16641855346480,
-                               1243415213082,
-                               7024777702423,
-                               15056326461072,
-                               237522450780,
-                               8654097255216,
-                               1935692634400,
-                               48149720268700,
-                               22018394580560,
-                               4353414553674,
-                               233342798248,
-                               1689195367328,
-                               73349430633813,
-                               16579193709760,
-                               47254775444604,
-                               5751774863052,
-                               4168272591177,
-                               56466991266759,
-                               10403807615696,
-                               30368152985625,
-                               23805779365764,
-                               1751347115141,
-                               686411646452,
-                               10942582463904,
-                               37051912941344,
-                               66573514373520,
-                               5193629914880,
-                               10276936700310,
-                               45333683755358,
-                               5369872937250,
-                               19870592423202,
-                               44901818802729,
-                               1984995522276,
-                               38210789175216,
-                               13140877390832,
-                               36472949862774,
-                               11003144677000,
-                               34026969817136,
-                               68246909413281,
-                               9480783308290,
-                               8927412760982,
-                               44662728145200,
-                               4559499822921,
-                               13378660270086,
-                               50432177305629,
-                               33536986417717,
-                               8548419242610,
-                               43216481118384,
-                               37549778463076,
-                               2,
-                               9223372036854775807};
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 388; i++) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->write(write_data[i]));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _writer->flush());
-    // read data
-    CreateReader();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 388; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_reader->has_next());
-        int64_t value = 0;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, _reader->next(&value));
-        ASSERT_EQ(value, write_data[i]);
-    }
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_reader->has_next());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/schema_change_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/schema_change_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d788f5..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/schema_change_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,962 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/schema_change.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/byte_buffer.h"
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "olap/row_block.h"
-#include "olap/row_cursor.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/column_reader.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/column_writer.h"
-#include "olap/stream_name.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/vectorized_row_batch.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class TestColumn : public testing::Test {
-    TestColumn() : _column_writer(NULL), _column_reader(NULL), _stream_factory(NULL) {
-        _offsets.clear();
-        _map_in_streams.clear();
-        _present_buffers.clear();
-        _data_buffers.clear();
-        _second_buffers.clear();
-        _dictionary_buffers.clear();
-        _length_buffers.clear();
-        _mem_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    virtual ~TestColumn() {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_writer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_reader);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_stream_factory);
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _offsets.push_back(0);
-        _stream_factory = new (std::nothrow)
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_stream_factory != NULL);
-        config::column_dictionary_key_ratio_threshold = 30;
-        config::column_dictionary_key_size_threshold = 1000;
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_writer);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_reader);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_stream_factory);
-        SAFE_DELETE(_shared_buffer);
-        _offsets.clear();
-        for (auto in_stream : _map_in_streams) {
-            delete in_stream.second;
-        }
-        _map_in_streams.clear();
-        _present_buffers.clear();
-        _data_buffers.clear();
-        _second_buffers.clear();
-        _dictionary_buffers.clear();
-        _length_buffers.clear();
-    }
-    void CreateColumnWriter(const TabletSchema& tablet_schema) {
-        _column_writer = ColumnWriter::create(0, tablet_schema, _stream_factory, 1024,
-                                              BLOOM_FILTER_DEFAULT_FPP);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_column_writer != NULL);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->init(), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    void CreateColumnReader(const TabletSchema& tablet_schema) {
-        UniqueIdEncodingMap encodings;
-        encodings[0] = ColumnEncodingMessage();
-        encodings[0].set_kind(ColumnEncodingMessage::DIRECT);
-        encodings[0].set_dictionary_size(1);
-        CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema, encodings);
-    }
-    void CreateColumnReader(const TabletSchema& tablet_schema, UniqueIdEncodingMap& encodings) {
-        UniqueIdToColumnIdMap included;
-        included[0] = 0;
-        UniqueIdToColumnIdMap segment_included;
-        segment_included[0] = 0;
-        SAFE_DELETE(_column_reader);
-        _column_reader =
-                ColumnReader::create(0, tablet_schema, included, segment_included, encodings);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_column_reader != NULL);
-        system("mkdir -p ./ut_dir");
-        system("rm ./ut_dir/tmp_file");
-                  helper.open_with_mode("./ut_dir/tmp_file", O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,
-                                        S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        std::vector<int> off;
-        std::vector<int> length;
-        std::vector<int> buffer_size;
-        std::vector<StreamName> name;
-        std::map<StreamName, OutStream*>::const_iterator it = _stream_factory->streams().begin();
-        for (; it != _stream_factory->streams().end(); ++it) {
-            StreamName stream_name = it->first;
-            OutStream* out_stream = it->second;
-            std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*>* buffers;
-            if (out_stream->is_suppressed()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::ROW_INDEX) {
-                continue;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::PRESENT) {
-                buffers = &_present_buffers;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::DATA) {
-                buffers = &_data_buffers;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::SECONDARY) {
-                buffers = &_second_buffers;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::DICTIONARY_DATA) {
-                buffers = &_dictionary_buffers;
-            } else if (stream_name.kind() == StreamInfoMessage::LENGTH) {
-                buffers = &_length_buffers;
-            } else {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-            }
-            ASSERT_TRUE(buffers != NULL);
-            off.push_back(helper.tell());
-            out_stream->write_to_file(&helper, 0);
-            length.push_back(out_stream->get_stream_length());
-            buffer_size.push_back(out_stream->get_total_buffer_size());
-            name.push_back(stream_name);
-        }
-        helper.close();
-                  helper.open_with_mode("./ut_dir/tmp_file", O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
-        SAFE_DELETE(_shared_buffer);
-        _shared_buffer = StorageByteBuffer::create(OLAP_DEFAULT_COLUMN_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE +
-                                                   sizeof(StreamHead));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_shared_buffer != NULL);
-        for (auto in_stream : _map_in_streams) {
-            delete in_stream.second;
-        }
-        _map_in_streams.clear();
-        for (int i = 0; i < off.size(); ++i) {
-            ReadOnlyFileStream* in_stream = new (std::nothrow)
-                    ReadOnlyFileStream(&helper, &_shared_buffer, off[i], length[i], lz4_decompress,
-                                       buffer_size[i], &_stats);
-            ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, in_stream->init());
-            _map_in_streams[name[i]] = in_stream;
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->init(&_map_in_streams, 1024, _mem_pool.get(), &_stats),
-                  OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    void SetTabletSchema(const std::string& name, const std::string& type,
-                         const std::string& aggregation, uint32_t length, bool is_allow_null,
-                         bool is_key, TabletSchema* tablet_schema) {
-        TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-        ColumnPB* column = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column->set_unique_id(0);
-        column->set_name(name);
-        column->set_type(type);
-        column->set_is_key(is_key);
-        column->set_is_nullable(is_allow_null);
-        column->set_length(length);
-        column->set_aggregation(aggregation);
-        tablet_schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-    }
-    void create_and_save_last_position() {
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->create_row_index_entry(), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    void test_convert_to_varchar(const std::string& type_name, int type_size, T val,
-                                 const std::string& expected_val, OLAPStatus expected_st) {
-        TabletSchema src_tablet_schema;
-        SetTabletSchema("ConvertColumn", type_name, "REPLACE", type_size, false, false,
-                        &src_tablet_schema);
-        CreateColumnWriter(src_tablet_schema);
-        RowCursor write_row;
-        write_row.init(src_tablet_schema);
-        RowBlock block(&src_tablet_schema);
-        RowBlockInfo block_info;
-        block_info.row_num = 10000;
-        block.init(block_info);
-        write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&val), _mem_pool.get());
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        helper.close();
-        TabletSchema dst_tablet_schema;
-        SetTabletSchema("VarcharColumn", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 255, false, false,
-                        &dst_tablet_schema);
-        CreateColumnReader(src_tablet_schema);
-        RowCursor read_row;
-        read_row.init(dst_tablet_schema);
-        _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-        auto st = read_row.convert_from(0, data, write_row.column_schema(0)->type_info(),
-                                        _mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_EQ(st, expected_st);
-        if (st == OLAP_SUCCESS) {
-            std::string dst_str = read_row.column_schema(0)->to_string(read_row.cell_ptr(0));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(dst_str.compare(0, expected_val.size(), expected_val) == 0);
-        }
-        TypeInfo* tp = get_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL);
-        st = read_row.convert_from(0, read_row.cell_ptr(0), tp, _mem_pool.get());
-    }
-    void test_convert_from_varchar(const std::string& type_name, int type_size,
-                                   const std::string& value, OLAPStatus expected_st) {
-        TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-        SetTabletSchema("VarcharColumn", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 255, false, false, &tablet_schema);
-        CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-        RowCursor write_row;
-        write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-        RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-        RowBlockInfo block_info;
-        block_info.row_num = 10000;
-        block.init(block_info);
-        Slice normal_str(value);
-        write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&normal_str), _mem_pool.get());
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        helper.close();
-        TabletSchema converted_tablet_schema;
-        SetTabletSchema("ConvertColumn", type_name, "REPLACE", type_size, false, false,
-                        &converted_tablet_schema);
-        CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-        RowCursor read_row;
-        read_row.init(converted_tablet_schema);
-        _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-        auto st = read_row.convert_from(0, data, write_row.column_schema(0)->type_info(),
-                                        _mem_pool.get());
-        ASSERT_EQ(st, expected_st);
-        if (st == OLAP_SUCCESS) {
-            std::string dst_str = read_row.column_schema(0)->to_string(read_row.cell_ptr(0));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(dst_str.compare(0, value.size(), value) == 0);
-        }
-        TypeInfo* tp = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL);
-        st = read_row.convert_from(0, read_row.cell_ptr(0), tp, _mem_pool.get());
-    }
-    ColumnWriter* _column_writer;
-    ColumnReader* _column_reader;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-    std::unique_ptr<ColumnVector> _col_vector;
-    OutStreamFactory* _stream_factory;
-    std::vector<size_t> _offsets;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _present_buffers;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _data_buffers;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _second_buffers;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _dictionary_buffers;
-    std::vector<StorageByteBuffer*> _length_buffers;
-    StorageByteBuffer* _shared_buffer = nullptr;
-    std::map<StreamName, ReadOnlyFileStream*> _map_in_streams;
-    FileHandler helper;
-    OlapReaderStatistics _stats;
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertFloatToDouble) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("FloatColumn", "FLOAT", "REPLACE", 4, false, false, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    float value = 1.234;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    value = 3.234;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    TabletSchema convert_tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("DoubleColumn", "DOUBLE", "REPLACE", 4, false, false, &convert_tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(convert_tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 2, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.convert_from(0, data, write_row.column_schema(0)->type_info(), _mem_pool.get());
-    //float val1 = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(read_row.cell_ptr(0));
-    double val2 = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(read_row.cell_ptr(0));
-    char buf[64];
-    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
-    sprintf(buf, "%f", val2);
-    char* tg;
-    double v2 = strtod(buf, &tg);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(v2 == 1.234);
-    //test not support type
-    TypeInfo* tp = get_scalar_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL);
-    OLAPStatus st = read_row.convert_from(0, data, tp, _mem_pool.get());
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertDatetimeToDate) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("DatetimeColumn", "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 8, false, false, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<std::string> val_string_array;
-    std::string origin_val = "2019-11-25 19:07:00";
-    val_string_array.emplace_back(origin_val);
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // read data
-    TabletSchema convert_tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("DateColumn", "DATE", "REPLACE", 3, false, false, &convert_tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(convert_tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.convert_from(0, data, write_row.column_schema(0)->type_info(), _mem_pool.get());
-    std::string dest_string = read_row.column_schema(0)->to_string(read_row.cell_ptr(0));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(dest_string.c_str(), "2019-11-25", strlen("2019-11-25")) == 0);
-    //test not support type
-    TypeInfo* tp = get_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL);
-    OLAPStatus st = read_row.convert_from(0, data, tp, _mem_pool.get());
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertDateToDatetime) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("DateColumn", "DATE", "REPLACE", 3, false, false, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<std::string> val_string_array;
-    std::string origin_val = "2019-12-04";
-    val_string_array.emplace_back(origin_val);
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header_message;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header_message), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    TabletSchema convert_tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("DateTimeColumn", "DATETIME", "REPLACE", 8, false, false,
-                    &convert_tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(convert_tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.set_field_content(0, data, _mem_pool.get());
-    read_row.convert_from(0, data, write_row.column_schema(0)->type_info(), _mem_pool.get());
-    std::string dest_string = read_row.column_schema(0)->to_string(read_row.cell_ptr(0));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(dest_string.compare("2019-12-04 00:00:00") == 0);
-    //test not support type
-    TypeInfo* tp = get_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL);
-    OLAPStatus st = read_row.convert_from(0, data, tp, _mem_pool.get());
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertIntToDate) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("IntColumn", "INT", "REPLACE", 4, false, false, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    int time_val = 20191205;
-    write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&time_val), _mem_pool.get());
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    TabletSchema convert_tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("DateColumn", "DATE", "REPLACE", 3, false, false, &convert_tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(convert_tablet_schema);
-    _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-    read_row.convert_from(0, data, write_row.column_schema(0)->type_info(), _mem_pool.get());
-    std::string dest_string = read_row.column_schema(0)->to_string(read_row.cell_ptr(0));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(strncmp(dest_string.c_str(), "2019-12-05", strlen("2019-12-05")) == 0);
-    //test not support type
-    TypeInfo* tp = get_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL);
-    OLAPStatus st = read_row.convert_from(0, read_row.cell_ptr(0), tp, _mem_pool.get());
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToDate) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("VarcharColumn", "VARCHAR", "REPLACE", 255, false, false, &tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    // test valid format convert
-    std::vector<Slice> valid_src_strs = {
-            "2019-12-17", "19-12-17", "20191217", "191217", "2019/12/17", "19/12/17",
-    };
-    std::string expected_val("2019-12-17");
-    for (auto src_str : valid_src_strs) {
-        write_row.set_field_content(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&src_str), _mem_pool.get());
-        block.set_row(0, write_row);
-        block.finalize(1);
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        // because file_helper is reused in this case, we should close it.
-        helper.close();
-        TabletSchema convert_tablet_schema;
-        SetTabletSchema("DateColumn", "DATE", "REPLACE", 3, false, false, &convert_tablet_schema);
-        CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-        RowCursor read_row;
-        read_row.init(convert_tablet_schema);
-        _col_vector.reset(new ColumnVector());
-        ASSERT_EQ(_column_reader->next_vector(_col_vector.get(), 1, _mem_pool.get()), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-        char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_col_vector->col_data());
-        read_row.convert_from(0, data, write_row.column_schema(0)->type_info(), _mem_pool.get());
-        std::string dst_str = read_row.column_schema(0)->to_string(read_row.cell_ptr(0));
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected_val, dst_str);
-    }
-    helper.close();
-    TabletSchema convert_tablet_schema;
-    SetTabletSchema("DateColumn", "DATE", "REPLACE", 3, false, false, &convert_tablet_schema);
-    CreateColumnReader(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor read_row;
-    read_row.init(convert_tablet_schema);
-    //test not support type
-    TypeInfo* tp = get_type_info(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_HLL);
-    OLAPStatus st = read_row.convert_from(0, read_row.cell_ptr(0), tp, _mem_pool.get());
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToTinyInt1) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("TINYINT", 1, "127", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToTinyInt2) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("TINYINT", 1, "128", OLAP_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToSmallInt1) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("SMALLINT", 2, "32767", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToSmallInt2) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("SMALLINT", 2, "32768", OLAP_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToInt1) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("INT", 4, "2147483647", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToInt2) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("INT", 4, "2147483648", OLAP_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToBigInt1) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("BIGINT", 8, "9223372036854775807", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToBigInt2) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("BIGINT", 8, "9223372036854775808", OLAP_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToLargeInt1) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("LARGEINT", 16, "170141183460469000000000000000000000000",
-                              OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToLargeInt2) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("LARGEINT", 16, "1701411834604690000000000000000000000000",
-                              OLAP_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToFloat1) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("FLOAT", 4, "3.40282e+38", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToFloat2) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar(
-            "FLOAT", 4,
-            "17976900000000000632303049213894264349303303643368533621541098328912643414890628994061"
-            "52996321966094455338163203127744334848599000464911410516510916727344709727599413825823"
-            "04802812882753059262973637182942535982636884444611376868582636745405553206881859340916"
-            "3400929532301499014067384276511218551077374242324480.999",
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToDouble1) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar("DOUBLE", 8, "123.456", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertVarcharToDouble2) {
-    test_convert_from_varchar(
-            "DOUBLE", 8,
-            "17976900000000000632303049213894264349303303643368533621541098328912643414890628994061"
-            "52996321966094455338163203127744334848599000464911410516510916727344709727599413825823"
-            "04802812882753059262973637182942535982636884444611376868582636745405553206881859340916"
-            "3400929532301499014067384276511218551077374242324480.0000000000",
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertTinyIntToVarchar) {
-    test_convert_to_varchar<int8_t>("TINYINT", 1, 127, "127", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertSmallIntToVarchar) {
-    test_convert_to_varchar<int16_t>("SMALLINT", 2, 32767, "32767", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertIntToVarchar) {
-    test_convert_to_varchar<int32_t>("INT", 4, 2147483647, "2147483647", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertBigIntToVarchar) {
-    test_convert_to_varchar<int64_t>("BIGINT", 8, 9223372036854775807, "9223372036854775807",
-                                     OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertLargeIntToVarchar) {
-    test_convert_to_varchar<int128_t>("LARGEINT", 16, 1701411834604690, "1701411834604690",
-                                      OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertFloatToVarchar) {
-    test_convert_to_varchar<float>("FLOAT", 4, 3.40282e+38, "3.40282e+38", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertDoubleToVarchar) {
-    test_convert_to_varchar<double>("DOUBLE", 8, 123.456, "123.456", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertDecimalToVarchar) {
-    decimal12_t val(456, 789000000);
-    test_convert_to_varchar<decimal12_t>("Decimal", 12, val, "456.789000000", OLAP_SUCCESS);
-void CreateTabletSchema(TabletSchema& tablet_schema) {
-    TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_keys_type(KeysType::AGG_KEYS);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_num_short_key_columns(2);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_num_rows_per_row_block(1024);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_compress_kind(COMPRESS_NONE);
-    tablet_schema_pb.set_next_column_unique_id(4);
-    ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    column_1->set_name("k1");
-    column_1->set_type("INT");
-    column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    column_1->set_length(4);
-    column_1->set_index_length(4);
-    column_1->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_1->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    column_2->set_name("k2");
-    column_2->set_type("VARCHAR");
-    column_2->set_length(20);
-    column_2->set_index_length(20);
-    column_2->set_is_key(true);
-    column_2->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_2->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-    column_3->set_name("k3");
-    column_3->set_type("INT");
-    column_3->set_is_key(true);
-    column_3->set_length(4);
-    column_3->set_index_length(4);
-    column_3->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_3->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* column_4 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    column_4->set_unique_id(4);
-    column_4->set_name("v1");
-    column_4->set_type("INT");
-    column_4->set_length(4);
-    column_4->set_is_key(false);
-    column_4->set_is_nullable(false);
-    column_4->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    column_4->set_aggregation("SUM");
-    tablet_schema.init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertIntToBitmap) {
-    //Base Tablet
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    CreateTabletSchema(tablet_schema);
-    //Base row block
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<std::string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("5");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("4");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("2");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("3");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    //Materialized View tablet schema
-    TabletSchemaPB mv_tablet_schema_pb;
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_keys_type(KeysType::AGG_KEYS);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_num_short_key_columns(2);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_num_rows_per_row_block(1024);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_compress_kind(COMPRESS_NONE);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_next_column_unique_id(3);
-    ColumnPB* mv_column_1 = mv_tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    mv_column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    mv_column_1->set_name("k1");
-    mv_column_1->set_type("INT");
-    mv_column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    mv_column_1->set_length(4);
-    mv_column_1->set_index_length(4);
-    mv_column_1->set_is_nullable(false);
-    mv_column_1->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* mv_column_2 = mv_tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    mv_column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    mv_column_2->set_name("v1");
-    mv_column_2->set_type("OBJECT");
-    mv_column_2->set_length(8);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_key(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_nullable(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_aggregation("BITMAP_UNION");
-    TabletSchema mv_tablet_schema;
-    mv_tablet_schema.init_from_pb(mv_tablet_schema_pb);
-    RowBlockChanger row_block_changer(mv_tablet_schema);
-    ColumnMapping* column_mapping = row_block_changer.get_mutable_column_mapping(0);
-    column_mapping->ref_column = 0;
-    column_mapping = row_block_changer.get_mutable_column_mapping(1);
-    column_mapping->ref_column = 2;
-    column_mapping->materialized_function = "to_bitmap";
-    RowBlock mutable_block(&mv_tablet_schema);
-    mutable_block.init(block_info);
-    uint64_t filtered_rows = 0;
-    row_block_changer.change_row_block(&block, 0, &mutable_block, &filtered_rows);
-    RowCursor mv_row_cursor;
-    mv_row_cursor.init(mv_tablet_schema);
-    mutable_block.get_row(0, &mv_row_cursor);
-    auto dst_slice = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(mv_row_cursor.cell_ptr(1));
-    BitmapValue bitmapValue(dst_slice->data);
-    ASSERT_EQ(bitmapValue.cardinality(), 1);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertCharToHLL) {
-    //Base Tablet
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    CreateTabletSchema(tablet_schema);
-    //Base row block
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    std::vector<std::string> val_string_array;
-    //std::string origin_val = "2019-11-25 19:07:00";
-    //val_string_array.emplace_back(origin_val);
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("1");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("1");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("2");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("3");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->write_batch(&block, &write_row), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    //Materialized View tablet schema
-    TabletSchemaPB mv_tablet_schema_pb;
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_keys_type(KeysType::AGG_KEYS);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_num_short_key_columns(2);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_num_rows_per_row_block(1024);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_compress_kind(COMPRESS_NONE);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_next_column_unique_id(3);
-    ColumnPB* mv_column_1 = mv_tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    mv_column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    mv_column_1->set_name("k1");
-    mv_column_1->set_type("INT");
-    mv_column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    mv_column_1->set_length(4);
-    mv_column_1->set_index_length(4);
-    mv_column_1->set_is_nullable(false);
-    mv_column_1->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* mv_column_2 = mv_tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    mv_column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    mv_column_2->set_name("v1");
-    mv_column_2->set_type("HLL");
-    mv_column_2->set_length(4);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_key(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_nullable(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_aggregation("HLL_UNION");
-    TabletSchema mv_tablet_schema;
-    mv_tablet_schema.init_from_pb(mv_tablet_schema_pb);
-    RowBlockChanger row_block_changer(mv_tablet_schema);
-    ColumnMapping* column_mapping = row_block_changer.get_mutable_column_mapping(0);
-    column_mapping->ref_column = 0;
-    column_mapping = row_block_changer.get_mutable_column_mapping(1);
-    column_mapping->ref_column = 1;
-    column_mapping->materialized_function = "hll_hash";
-    RowBlock mutable_block(&mv_tablet_schema);
-    mutable_block.init(block_info);
-    uint64_t filtered_rows = 0;
-    row_block_changer.change_row_block(&block, 0, &mutable_block, &filtered_rows);
-    RowCursor mv_row_cursor;
-    mv_row_cursor.init(mv_tablet_schema);
-    mutable_block.get_row(0, &mv_row_cursor);
-    auto dst_slice = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(mv_row_cursor.cell_ptr(1));
-    HyperLogLog hll(*dst_slice);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hll.estimate_cardinality(), 1);
-TEST_F(TestColumn, ConvertCharToCount) {
-    //Base Tablet
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    CreateTabletSchema(tablet_schema);
-    //Base row block
-    CreateColumnWriter(tablet_schema);
-    RowBlock block(&tablet_schema);
-    RowBlockInfo block_info;
-    block_info.row_num = 10000;
-    block.init(block_info);
-    RowCursor write_row;
-    write_row.init(tablet_schema);
-    write_row.allocate_memory_for_string_type(tablet_schema);
-    std::vector<std::string> val_string_array;
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("1");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("1");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("2");
-    val_string_array.emplace_back("3");
-    OlapTuple tuple(val_string_array);
-    write_row.from_tuple(tuple);
-    block.set_row(0, write_row);
-    block.finalize(1);
-    ColumnDataHeaderMessage header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(_column_writer->finalize(&header), OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    //Materialized View tablet schema
-    TabletSchemaPB mv_tablet_schema_pb;
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_keys_type(KeysType::AGG_KEYS);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_num_short_key_columns(2);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_num_rows_per_row_block(1024);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_compress_kind(COMPRESS_NONE);
-    mv_tablet_schema_pb.set_next_column_unique_id(3);
-    ColumnPB* mv_column_1 = mv_tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    mv_column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-    mv_column_1->set_name("k1");
-    mv_column_1->set_type("INT");
-    mv_column_1->set_is_key(true);
-    mv_column_1->set_length(4);
-    mv_column_1->set_index_length(4);
-    mv_column_1->set_is_nullable(false);
-    mv_column_1->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    ColumnPB* mv_column_2 = mv_tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-    mv_column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-    mv_column_2->set_name("v1");
-    mv_column_2->set_type("BIGINT");
-    mv_column_2->set_length(4);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_key(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_nullable(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_is_bf_column(false);
-    mv_column_2->set_aggregation("SUM");
-    TabletSchema mv_tablet_schema;
-    mv_tablet_schema.init_from_pb(mv_tablet_schema_pb);
-    RowBlockChanger row_block_changer(mv_tablet_schema);
-    ColumnMapping* column_mapping = row_block_changer.get_mutable_column_mapping(0);
-    column_mapping->ref_column = 0;
-    column_mapping = row_block_changer.get_mutable_column_mapping(1);
-    column_mapping->ref_column = 1;
-    column_mapping->materialized_function = "count_field";
-    RowBlock mutable_block(&mv_tablet_schema);
-    mutable_block.init(block_info);
-    uint64_t filtered_rows = 0;
-    row_block_changer.change_row_block(&block, 0, &mutable_block, &filtered_rows);
-    RowCursor mv_row_cursor;
-    mv_row_cursor.init(mv_tablet_schema);
-    mutable_block.get_row(0, &mv_row_cursor);
-    auto dst = mv_row_cursor.cell_ptr(1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(*(int64_t*)dst, 1);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conf_file = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conf_file.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/selection_vector_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/selection_vector_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 969be4e..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/selection_vector_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/selection_vector.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class SelectionVectorTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(SelectionVectorTest, Normal) {
-    SelectionVector sel_vel(10);
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, sel_vel.nrows());
-    sel_vel.set_all_true();
-    ASSERT_EQ("   0: 11111111 11 \n", sel_vel.to_string());
-    sel_vel.set_all_false();
-    ASSERT_EQ("   0: 00000000 00 \n", sel_vel.to_string());
-    sel_vel.set_row_selected(7);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sel_vel.is_row_selected(7));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sel_vel.any_selected());
-    ASSERT_EQ("   0: 00000001 00 \n", sel_vel.to_string());
-    sel_vel.clear_bit(7);
-    ASSERT_EQ("   0: 00000000 00 \n", sel_vel.to_string());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/serialize_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/serialize_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c52bab7..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/serialize_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/serialize.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-namespace ser {
-class SerializeTest : public testing::Test {
-    SerializeTest() {}
-    virtual ~SerializeTest() {}
-TEST_F(SerializeTest, get_closet_fixed_bits) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, get_closet_fixed_bits(0));
-    for (int i = 1; i <= 24; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(i, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 25; i <= 26; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(26, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 27; i <= 28; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(28, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 29; i <= 30; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(30, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 31; i <= 32; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(32, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 33; i <= 40; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(40, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 41; i <= 48; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(48, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 49; i <= 56; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(56, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 57; i <= 64; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(64, get_closet_fixed_bits(i));
-    }
-TEST_F(SerializeTest, find_closet_num_bits) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, find_closet_num_bits(0));
-    for (int i = 1; i <= 24; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(i, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-    for (int i = 25; i <= 26; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(26, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-    for (int i = 27; i <= 28; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(28, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-    for (int i = 29; i <= 30; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(30, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-    for (int i = 31; i <= 32; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(32, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-    for (int i = 33; i <= 40; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(40, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-    for (int i = 41; i <= 48; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(48, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-    for (int i = 49; i <= 56; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(56, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-    for (int i = 57; i <= 64; ++i) {
-        uint64_t val = (1l << (i - 1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(64, find_closet_num_bits(val));
-    }
-TEST_F(SerializeTest, encode_bit_width) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(ONE, encode_bit_width(0));
-    for (int i = 1; i <= 24; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(i - 1, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 25; i <= 26; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(TWENTYSIX, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 27; i <= 28; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(TWENTYEIGHT, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 29; i <= 30; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(THIRTY, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 31; i <= 32; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(THIRTYTWO, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 33; i <= 40; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(FORTY, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 41; i <= 48; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(FORTYEIGHT, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 49; i <= 56; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(FIFTYSIX, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 57; i <= 64; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(SIXTYFOUR, encode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-TEST_F(SerializeTest, decode_bit_width) {
-    for (int i = 0; i <= TWENTYFOUR; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, decode_bit_width(i));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(26, decode_bit_width(TWENTYSIX));
-    ASSERT_EQ(28, decode_bit_width(TWENTYEIGHT));
-    ASSERT_EQ(30, decode_bit_width(THIRTY));
-    ASSERT_EQ(32, decode_bit_width(THIRTYTWO));
-    ASSERT_EQ(40, decode_bit_width(FORTY));
-    ASSERT_EQ(48, decode_bit_width(FORTYEIGHT));
-    ASSERT_EQ(56, decode_bit_width(FIFTYSIX));
-    ASSERT_EQ(64, decode_bit_width(SIXTYFOUR));
-TEST_F(SerializeTest, percentile_bits) {
-    int64_t data[100];
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-            data[i] = (1l << 58);
-        }
-        for (int i = 5; i < 100; ++i) {
-            data[i] = 1;
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.0));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.95));
-        ASSERT_EQ(64, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.99));
-        ASSERT_EQ(64, percentile_bits(data, 100, 1.0));
-    }
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
-            data[i] = (1l << 26);
-        }
-        for (int i = 11; i < 100; ++i) {
-            data[i] = 1;
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.0));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.8));
-        ASSERT_EQ(28, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.9));
-    }
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
-            data[i] = (1l << 26);
-        }
-        for (int i = 11; i < 100; ++i) {
-            data[i] = 0;
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.0));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.8));
-        ASSERT_EQ(28, percentile_bits(data, 100, 0.9));
-    }
-TEST_F(SerializeTest, new_percentile_bits) {
-    int64_t data[100];
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-            data[i] = (1l << 58);
-        }
-        for (int i = 5; i < 100; ++i) {
-            data[i] = 1;
-        }
-        uint16_t hists[65];
-        compute_hists(data, 100, hists);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.0));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.95));
-        ASSERT_EQ(64, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.99));
-        ASSERT_EQ(64, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 1.0));
-    }
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
-            data[i] = (1l << 26);
-        }
-        for (int i = 11; i < 100; ++i) {
-            data[i] = 1;
-        }
-        uint16_t hists[65];
-        compute_hists(data, 100, hists);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.0));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.8));
-        ASSERT_EQ(28, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.9));
-    }
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
-            data[i] = (1l << 26);
-        }
-        for (int i = 11; i < 100; ++i) {
-            data[i] = 0;
-        }
-        uint16_t hists[65];
-        compute_hists(data, 100, hists);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.0));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.1));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.8));
-        ASSERT_EQ(28, percentile_bits_with_hist(hists, 100, 0.9));
-    }
-} // namespace ser
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/short_key_index_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/short_key_index_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3db3890..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/short_key_index_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/short_key_index.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/row_cursor.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema_helper.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ShortKeyIndexTest : public testing::Test {
-    ShortKeyIndexTest() {}
-    virtual ~ShortKeyIndexTest() {}
-TEST_F(ShortKeyIndexTest, builder) {
-    ShortKeyIndexBuilder builder(0, 1024);
-    int num_items = 0;
-    for (int i = 1000; i < 10000; i += 2) {
-        builder.add_item(std::to_string(i));
-        num_items++;
-    }
-    std::vector<Slice> slices;
-    segment_v2::PageFooterPB footer;
-    auto st = builder.finalize(9000 * 1024, &slices, &footer);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(segment_v2::SHORT_KEY_PAGE, footer.type());
-    ASSERT_EQ(num_items, footer.short_key_page_footer().num_items());
-    std::string buf;
-    for (auto& slice : slices) {
-        buf.append(slice.data, slice.size);
-    }
-    ShortKeyIndexDecoder decoder;
-    st = decoder.parse(buf, footer.short_key_page_footer());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // find 1499
-    {
-        auto iter = decoder.lower_bound("1499");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1500", (*iter).to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // find 1500 lower bound
-    {
-        auto iter = decoder.lower_bound("1500");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1500", (*iter).to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // find 1500 upper bound
-    {
-        auto iter = decoder.upper_bound("1500");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1502", (*iter).to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // find prefix "87"
-    {
-        auto iter = decoder.lower_bound("87");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("8700", (*iter).to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // find prefix "87"
-    {
-        auto iter = decoder.upper_bound("87");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.valid());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("8700", (*iter).to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // find prefix "9999"
-    {
-        auto iter = decoder.upper_bound("9999");
-        ASSERT_FALSE(iter.valid());
-    }
-TEST_F(ShortKeyIndexTest, encode) {
-    TabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    tablet_schema._cols.push_back(create_int_key(0));
-    tablet_schema._cols.push_back(create_int_key(1));
-    tablet_schema._cols.push_back(create_int_key(2));
-    tablet_schema._cols.push_back(create_int_value(3));
-    tablet_schema._num_columns = 4;
-    tablet_schema._num_key_columns = 3;
-    tablet_schema._num_short_key_columns = 3;
-    // test encoding with padding
-    {
-        RowCursor row;
-        row.init(tablet_schema, 2);
-        {
-            // test padding
-            {
-                auto cell = row.cell(0);
-                cell.set_is_null(false);
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 12345;
-            }
-            {
-                auto cell = row.cell(1);
-                cell.set_is_null(false);
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 54321;
-            }
-            std::string buf;
-            encode_key_with_padding(&buf, row, 3, true);
-            // should be \x02\x80\x00\x30\x39\x02\x80\x00\xD4\x31\x00
-            ASSERT_STREQ("0280003039028000D43100", hexdump(buf.c_str(), buf.size()).c_str());
-        }
-        // test with null
-        {
-            {
-                auto cell = row.cell(0);
-                cell.set_is_null(false);
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 54321;
-            }
-            {
-                auto cell = row.cell(1);
-                cell.set_is_null(true);
-                *(int*)cell.mutable_cell_ptr() = 54321;
-            }
-            {
-                std::string buf;
-                encode_key_with_padding(&buf, row, 3, false);
-                // should be \x02\x80\x00\xD4\x31\x01\xff
-                ASSERT_STREQ("028000D43101FF", hexdump(buf.c_str(), buf.size()).c_str());
-            }
-            // encode key
-            {
-                std::string buf;
-                encode_key(&buf, row, 2);
-                // should be \x02\x80\x00\xD4\x31\x01
-                ASSERT_STREQ("028000D43101", hexdump(buf.c_str(), buf.size()).c_str());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/skiplist_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/skiplist_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0077a3e..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/skiplist_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/skiplist.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <set>
-#include <thread>
-#include "olap/schema.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/condition_variable.h"
-#include "util/hash_util.hpp"
-#include "util/mutex.h"
-#include "util/priority_thread_pool.hpp"
-#include "util/random.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-typedef uint64_t Key;
-const int random_seed = 301;
-struct TestComparator {
-    int operator()(const Key& a, const Key& b) const {
-        if (a < b) {
-            return -1;
-        } else if (a > b) {
-            return +1;
-        } else {
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }
-class SkipTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(SkipTest, Empty) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    TestComparator cmp;
-    SkipList<Key, TestComparator> list(cmp, mem_pool.get(), false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!list.Contains(10));
-    SkipList<Key, TestComparator>::Iterator iter(&list);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!iter.Valid());
-    iter.SeekToFirst();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!iter.Valid());
-    iter.Seek(100);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!iter.Valid());
-    iter.SeekToLast();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!iter.Valid());
-TEST_F(SkipTest, InsertAndLookup) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    const int N = 2000;
-    const int R = 5000;
-    Random rnd(1000);
-    std::set<Key> keys;
-    TestComparator cmp;
-    SkipList<Key, TestComparator> list(cmp, mem_pool.get(), false);
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
-        Key key = rnd.Next() % R;
-        if (keys.insert(key).second) {
-            bool overwritten = false;
-            list.Insert(key, &overwritten);
-        }
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < R; i++) {
-        if (list.Contains(i)) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(keys.count(i), 1);
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_EQ(keys.count(i), 0);
-        }
-    }
-    // Simple iterator tests
-    {
-        SkipList<Key, TestComparator>::Iterator iter(&list);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(!iter.Valid());
-        iter.Seek(0);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.Valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(keys.begin()), iter.key());
-        iter.SeekToFirst();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.Valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(keys.begin()), iter.key());
-        iter.SeekToLast();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(iter.Valid());
-        ASSERT_EQ(*(keys.rbegin()), iter.key());
-    }
-    // Forward iteration test
-    for (int i = 0; i < R; i++) {
-        SkipList<Key, TestComparator>::Iterator iter(&list);
-        iter.Seek(i);
-        // Compare against model iterator
-        std::set<Key>::iterator model_iter = keys.lower_bound(i);
-        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
-            if (model_iter == keys.end()) {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(!iter.Valid());
-                break;
-            } else {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(iter.Valid());
-                ASSERT_EQ(*model_iter, iter.key());
-                ++model_iter;
-                iter.Next();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Backward iteration test
-    {
-        SkipList<Key, TestComparator>::Iterator iter(&list);
-        iter.SeekToLast();
-        // Compare against model iterator
-        for (std::set<Key>::reverse_iterator model_iter = keys.rbegin(); model_iter != keys.rend();
-             ++model_iter) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(iter.Valid());
-            ASSERT_EQ(*model_iter, iter.key());
-            iter.Prev();
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(!iter.Valid());
-    }
-// Only non-DUP model will use Find() and InsertWithHint().
-TEST_F(SkipTest, InsertWithHintNoneDupModel) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool(new MemPool(tracker.get()));
-    const int N = 2000;
-    const int R = 5000;
-    Random rnd(1000);
-    std::set<Key> keys;
-    TestComparator cmp;
-    SkipList<Key, TestComparator> list(cmp, mem_pool.get(), false);
-    SkipList<Key, TestComparator>::Hint hint;
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
-        Key key = rnd.Next() % R;
-        bool is_exist = list.Find(key, &hint);
-        if (keys.insert(key).second) {
-            ASSERT_FALSE(is_exist);
-            list.InsertWithHint(key, is_exist, &hint);
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(is_exist);
-        }
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < R; i++) {
-        if (list.Contains(i)) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(keys.count(i), 1);
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_EQ(keys.count(i), 0);
-        }
-    }
-// We want to make sure that with a single writer and multiple
-// concurrent readers (with no synchronization other than when a
-// reader's iterator is created), the reader always observes all the
-// data that was present in the skip list when the iterator was
-// constructor.  Because insertions are happening concurrently, we may
-// also observe new values that were inserted since the iterator was
-// constructed, but we should never miss any values that were present
-// at iterator construction time.
-// We generate multi-part keys:
-//     <key,gen,hash>
-// where:
-//     key is in range [0..K-1]
-//     gen is a generation number for key
-//     hash is hash(key,gen)
-// The insertion code picks a random key, sets gen to be 1 + the last
-// generation number inserted for that key, and sets hash to Hash(key,gen).
-// At the beginning of a read, we snapshot the last inserted
-// generation number for each key.  We then iterate, including random
-// calls to Next() and Seek().  For every key we encounter, we
-// check that it is either expected given the initial snapshot or has
-// been concurrently added since the iterator started.
-class ConcurrentTest {
-    static const uint32_t K = 4;
-    static uint64_t key(Key key) { return (key >> 40); }
-    static uint64_t gen(Key key) { return (key >> 8) & 0xffffffffu; }
-    static uint64_t hash(Key key) { return key & 0xff; }
-    static uint64_t hash_numbers(uint64_t k, uint64_t g) {
-        uint64_t data[2] = {k, g};
-        return HashUtil::hash(reinterpret_cast<char*>(data), sizeof(data), 0);
-    }
-    static Key make_key(uint64_t k, uint64_t g) {
-        assert(sizeof(Key) == sizeof(uint64_t));
-        assert(k <= K); // We sometimes pass K to seek to the end of the skiplist
-        assert(g <= 0xffffffffu);
-        return ((k << 40) | (g << 8) | (hash_numbers(k, g) & 0xff));
-    }
-    static bool is_valid_key(Key k) { return hash(k) == (hash_numbers(key(k), gen(k)) & 0xff); }
-    static Key random_target(Random* rnd) {
-        switch (rnd->Next() % 10) {
-        case 0:
-            // Seek to beginning
-            return make_key(0, 0);
-        case 1:
-            // Seek to end
-            return make_key(K, 0);
-        default:
-            // Seek to middle
-            return make_key(rnd->Next() % K, 0);
-        }
-    }
-    // Per-key generation
-    struct State {
-        std::atomic<int> generation[K];
-        void set(int k, int v) { generation[k].store(v, std::memory_order_release); }
-        int get(int k) { return generation[k].load(std::memory_order_acquire); }
-        State() {
-            for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
-                set(k, 0);
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    // Current state of the test
-    State _current;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-    std::unique_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-    // SkipList is not protected by _mu.  We just use a single writer
-    // thread to modify it.
-    SkipList<Key, TestComparator> _list;
-    ConcurrentTest()
-            : _mem_tracker(new MemTracker(-1)),
-              _mem_pool(new MemPool(_mem_tracker.get())),
-              _list(TestComparator(), _mem_pool.get(), false) {}
-    // REQUIRES: External synchronization
-    void write_step(Random* rnd) {
-        const uint32_t k = rnd->Next() % K;
-        const int g = _current.get(k) + 1;
-        const Key new_key = make_key(k, g);
-        bool overwritten = false;
-        _list.Insert(new_key, &overwritten);
-        _current.set(k, g);
-    }
-    void read_step(Random* rnd) {
-        // Remember the initial committed state of the skiplist.
-        State initial_state;
-        for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
-            initial_state.set(k, _current.get(k));
-        }
-        Key pos = random_target(rnd);
-        SkipList<Key, TestComparator>::Iterator iter(&_list);
-        iter.Seek(pos);
-        while (true) {
-            Key current;
-            if (!iter.Valid()) {
-                current = make_key(K, 0);
-            } else {
-                current = iter.key();
-                ASSERT_TRUE(is_valid_key(current)) << current;
-            }
-            ASSERT_LE(pos, current) << "should not go backwards";
-            // Verify that everything in [pos,current) was not present in
-            // initial_state.
-            while (pos < current) {
-                ASSERT_LT(key(pos), K) << pos;
-                // Note that generation 0 is never inserted, so it is ok if
-                // <*,0,*> is missing.
-                ASSERT_TRUE((gen(pos) == 0) ||
-                            (gen(pos) > static_cast<Key>(initial_state.get(key(pos)))))
-                        << "key: " << key(pos) << "; gen: " << gen(pos)
-                        << "; initgen: " << initial_state.get(key(pos));
-                // Advance to next key in the valid key space
-                if (key(pos) < key(current)) {
-                    pos = make_key(key(pos) + 1, 0);
-                } else {
-                    pos = make_key(key(pos), gen(pos) + 1);
-                }
-            }
-            if (!iter.Valid()) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (rnd->Next() % 2) {
-                iter.Next();
-                pos = make_key(key(pos), gen(pos) + 1);
-            } else {
-                Key new_target = random_target(rnd);
-                if (new_target > pos) {
-                    pos = new_target;
-                    iter.Seek(new_target);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-const uint32_t ConcurrentTest::K;
-// Simple test that does single-threaded testing of the ConcurrentTest
-// scaffolding.
-TEST_F(SkipTest, ConcurrentWithoutThreads) {
-    ConcurrentTest test;
-    Random rnd(random_seed);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
-        test.read_step(&rnd);
-        test.write_step(&rnd);
-    }
-class TestState {
-    ConcurrentTest _t;
-    int _seed;
-    std::atomic<bool> _quit_flag;
-    enum ReaderState { STARTING, RUNNING, DONE };
-    explicit TestState(int s) : _seed(s), _quit_flag(NULL), _state(STARTING), _cv_state(&_mu) {}
-    void wait(ReaderState s) {
-        _mu.lock();
-        while (_state != s) {
-            _cv_state.wait();
-        }
-        _mu.unlock();
-    }
-    void change(ReaderState s) {
-        _mu.lock();
-        _state = s;
-        _cv_state.notify_one();
-        _mu.unlock();
-    }
-    Mutex _mu;
-    ReaderState _state;
-    ConditionVariable _cv_state;
-static void concurrent_reader(void* arg) {
-    TestState* state = reinterpret_cast<TestState*>(arg);
-    Random rnd(state->_seed);
-    int64_t reads = 0;
-    state->change(TestState::RUNNING);
-    while (!state->_quit_flag.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
-        state->_t.read_step(&rnd);
-        ++reads;
-    }
-    state->change(TestState::DONE);
-static void run_concurrent(int run) {
-    const int seed = random_seed + (run * 100);
-    Random rnd(seed);
-    const int N = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 1000);
-    const int kSize = 1000;
-    PriorityThreadPool thread_pool(10, 100);
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
-        if ((i % 100) == 0) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "Run %d of %d\n", i, N);
-        }
-        TestState state(seed + 1);
-        thread_pool.offer(std::bind<void>(concurrent_reader, &state));
-        state.wait(TestState::RUNNING);
-        for (int i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
-            state._t.write_step(&rnd);
-        }
-        state._quit_flag.store(true, std::memory_order_release); // Any non-NULL arg will do
-        state.wait(TestState::DONE);
-    }
-TEST_F(SkipTest, Concurrent) {
-    for (int i = 1; i < LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(2, 6); ++i) {
-        run_concurrent(i);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/storage_types_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/storage_types_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fa0cbe0..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/storage_types_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "olap/field.h"
-#include "olap/types.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/slice.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TypesTest : public testing::Test {
-    TypesTest() {}
-    virtual ~TypesTest() {}
-template <FieldType field_type>
-void common_test(typename TypeTraits<field_type>::CppType src_val) {
-    TypeInfo* type = get_scalar_type_info(field_type);
-    ASSERT_EQ(field_type, type->type());
-    ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(src_val), type->size());
-    {
-        typename TypeTraits<field_type>::CppType dst_val;
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        type->deep_copy((char*)&dst_val, (char*)&src_val, &pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-    }
-    {
-        typename TypeTraits<field_type>::CppType dst_val;
-        type->direct_copy((char*)&dst_val, (char*)&src_val);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-    }
-    // test min
-    {
-        typename TypeTraits<field_type>::CppType dst_val;
-        type->set_to_min((char*)&dst_val);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val) > 0);
-    }
-    // test max
-    {
-        typename TypeTraits<field_type>::CppType dst_val;
-        type->set_to_max((char*)&dst_val);
-        // NOTE: bool input is true, this will return 0
-        ASSERT_TRUE(type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val) <= 0);
-    }
-template <FieldType fieldType>
-void test_char(Slice src_val) {
-    Field* field = FieldFactory::create_by_type(fieldType);
-    field->_length = src_val.size;
-    const TypeInfo* type = field->type_info();
-    ASSERT_EQ(field->type(), fieldType);
-    ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(src_val), type->size());
-    {
-        char buf[64];
-        Slice dst_val(buf, sizeof(buf));
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        type->deep_copy((char*)&dst_val, (char*)&src_val, &pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-    }
-    {
-        char buf[64];
-        Slice dst_val(buf, sizeof(buf));
-        type->direct_copy((char*)&dst_val, (char*)&src_val);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-    }
-    // test min
-    {
-        char buf[64];
-        Slice dst_val(buf, sizeof(buf));
-        field->set_to_min((char*)&dst_val);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val) > 0);
-    }
-    // test max
-    {
-        char buf[64];
-        Slice dst_val(buf, sizeof(buf));
-        field->set_to_max((char*)&dst_val);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val) < 0);
-    }
-    delete field;
-template <>
-void common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>(Slice src_val) {
-    test_char<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>(src_val);
-template <>
-void common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>(Slice src_val) {
-    test_char<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>(src_val);
-TEST(TypesTest, copy_and_equal) {
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>(true);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT>(112);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT>(54321);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>(-123454321);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT>(1234543212L);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>(123454321123456789L);
-    __int128 int128_val = 1234567899L;
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>(int128_val);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>(1.11);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>(12221.11);
-    decimal12_t decimal_val(123, 2345);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL>(decimal_val);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE>((1988 << 9) | (2 << 5) | 1);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME>(19880201010203L);
-    Slice slice("12345abcde");
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>(slice);
-    common_test<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>(slice);
-template <FieldType item_type>
-void common_test_array(Collection src_val) {
-    int32 item_length = 0;
-    if (item_type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR || item_type == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR) {
-        item_length = 10;
-    }
-    TabletColumn item_column(OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE, item_type, true, 0, item_length);
-    list_column.add_sub_column(item_column);
-    auto* array_type = dynamic_cast<ArrayTypeInfo*>(get_type_info(&list_column));
-    ASSERT_EQ(item_type, array_type->item_type_info()->type());
-    { // test deep copy
-        Collection dst_val;
-        auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-        MemPool pool(tracker.get());
-        array_type->deep_copy((char*)&dst_val, (char*)&src_val, &pool);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(array_type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, array_type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-    }
-    { // test direct copy
-        bool null_signs[50];
-        uint8_t data[50];
-        Collection dst_val(data, sizeof(null_signs), null_signs);
-        array_type->direct_copy((char*)&dst_val, (char*)&src_val);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(array_type->equal((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, array_type->cmp((char*)&src_val, (char*)&dst_val));
-    }
-TEST(ArrayTypeTest, copy_and_equal) {
-    bool bool_array[3] = {true, false, true};
-    bool null_signs[3] = {true, true, true};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BOOL>(Collection(bool_array, 3, null_signs));
-    uint8_t tiny_int_array[3] = {3, 4, 5};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_TINYINT>(Collection(tiny_int_array, 3, null_signs));
-    int16_t small_int_array[3] = {123, 234, 345};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_SMALLINT>(Collection(small_int_array, 3, null_signs));
-    int32_t int_array[3] = {-123454321, 123454321, 323412343};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT>(Collection(int_array, 3, null_signs));
-    uint32_t uint_array[3] = {123454321, 2342341, 52435234};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT>(Collection(uint_array, 3, null_signs));
-    int64_t bigint_array[3] = {123454321123456789L, 23534543234L, -123454321123456789L};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_BIGINT>(Collection(bigint_array, 3, null_signs));
-    __int128 large_int_array[3] = {1234567899L, 1234567899L, -12345631899L};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_LARGEINT>(Collection(large_int_array, 3, null_signs));
-    float float_array[3] = {1.11, 2.22, -3.33};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT>(Collection(float_array, 3, null_signs));
-    double double_array[3] = {12221.11, 12221.11, -12221.11};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE>(Collection(double_array, 3, null_signs));
-    decimal12_t decimal_array[3] = {{123, 234}, {345, 453}, {4524, 2123}};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL>(Collection(decimal_array, 3, null_signs));
-    uint24_t date_array[3] = {(1988 << 9) | (2 << 5) | 1, (1998 << 9) | (2 << 5) | 1,
-                              (2008 << 9) | (2 << 5) | 1};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATE>(Collection(date_array, 3, null_signs));
-    int64_t datetime_array[3] = {19880201010203L, 19980201010203L, 20080204010203L};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME>(Collection(datetime_array, 3, null_signs));
-    Slice char_array[3] = {"12345abcde", "12345abcde", "asdf322"};
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR>(Collection(char_array, 3, null_signs));
-    common_test_array<OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR>(Collection(char_array, 3, null_signs));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/stream_index_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/stream_index_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5fdab..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/stream_index_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "olap/file_stream.h"
-#include "olap/olap_common.h"
-#include "olap/olap_cond.h"
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "olap/row_cursor.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "olap/stream_index_common.h"
-#include "olap/stream_index_reader.h"
-#include "olap/stream_index_writer.h"
-#include "olap/tablet.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_meta.h"
-#include "olap/wrapper_field.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using namespace std;
-namespace doris {
-class TestStreamIndex : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~TestStreamIndex() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(TestStreamIndex, index_write) {
-    StreamIndexWriter writer(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT);
-    PositionEntryWriter entry;
-    ColumnStatistics stat;
-    stat.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true);
-    static const uint32_t loop = 10;
-    uint32_t i = 0;
-    for (; i < loop; i++) {
-        entry.add_position(i);
-        entry.add_position(i * 2);
-        entry.add_position(i * 3);
-        entry.set_statistic(&stat);
-        writer.add_index_entry(entry);
-        entry.reset_write_offset();
-    }
-    size_t output_size = sizeof(StreamIndexHeader) + i * sizeof(uint32_t) * 3;
-    // for statistics
-    output_size += (sizeof(int) + 1) * 2 * loop;
-    ASSERT_EQ(output_size, writer.output_size());
-    char* buffer = new char[output_size];
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, writer.write_to_buffer(buffer, output_size));
-    StreamIndexReader reader;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, reader.init(buffer, output_size, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true, true));
-    ASSERT_EQ(loop, reader.entry_count());
-    for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-        const PositionEntryReader& e = reader.entry(i);
-        ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(0), i);
-        ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(1), i * 2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(2), i * 3);
-    }
-    delete[] buffer;
-TEST_F(TestStreamIndex, remove_written_position) {
-    StreamIndexWriter writer(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT);
-    PositionEntryWriter entry;
-    ColumnStatistics stat;
-    stat.init(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true);
-    static const uint32_t loop = 10;
-    //test 1
-    {
-        uint32_t i = 0;
-        for (; i < loop; i++) {
-            entry.add_position(i);
-            entry.add_position(i * 2);
-            entry.add_position(i * 3);
-            entry.add_position(i * 4);
-            entry.add_position(i * 5);
-            entry.add_position(i * 6);
-            entry.add_position(i * 7);
-            entry.set_statistic(&stat);
-            writer.add_index_entry(entry);
-            entry.reset_write_offset();
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-            PositionEntryWriter* e = writer.mutable_entry(i);
-            e->remove_written_position(0, 4);
-        }
-        size_t output_size = writer.output_size();
-        char* buffer = new char[output_size];
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, writer.write_to_buffer(buffer, output_size));
-        StreamIndexReader reader;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, reader.init(buffer, output_size, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true, true));
-        ASSERT_EQ(loop, reader.entry_count());
-        for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-            const PositionEntryReader& e = reader.entry(i);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(0), i * 5);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(1), i * 6);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(2), i * 7);
-        }
-        delete[] buffer;
-    }
-    writer.reset();
-    // test 2
-    {
-        uint32_t i = 0;
-        for (; i < loop; i++) {
-            entry.add_position(i);
-            entry.add_position(i * 2);
-            entry.add_position(i * 3);
-            entry.add_position(i * 4);
-            entry.add_position(i * 5);
-            entry.add_position(i * 6);
-            entry.add_position(i * 7);
-            entry.set_statistic(&stat);
-            writer.add_index_entry(entry);
-            entry.reset_write_offset();
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-            PositionEntryWriter* e = writer.mutable_entry(i);
-            e->remove_written_position(0, 2);
-        }
-        size_t output_size = writer.output_size();
-        char* buffer = new char[output_size];
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, writer.write_to_buffer(buffer, output_size));
-        StreamIndexReader reader;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, reader.init(buffer, output_size, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true, true));
-        ASSERT_EQ(loop, reader.entry_count());
-        for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-            const PositionEntryReader& e = reader.entry(i);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(0), i * 3);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(1), i * 4);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(2), i * 5);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(3), i * 6);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(4), i * 7);
-        }
-        delete[] buffer;
-    }
-    writer.reset();
-    // test 3
-    {
-        uint32_t i = 0;
-        for (; i < loop; i++) {
-            entry.add_position(i);
-            entry.add_position(i * 2);
-            entry.add_position(i * 3);
-            entry.add_position(i * 4);
-            entry.add_position(i * 5);
-            entry.add_position(i * 6);
-            entry.add_position(i * 7);
-            entry.set_statistic(&stat);
-            writer.add_index_entry(entry);
-            entry.reset_write_offset();
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-            PositionEntryWriter* e = writer.mutable_entry(i);
-            e->remove_written_position(3, 2);
-        }
-        size_t output_size = writer.output_size();
-        char* buffer = new char[output_size];
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, writer.write_to_buffer(buffer, output_size));
-        StreamIndexReader reader;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, reader.init(buffer, output_size, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true, true));
-        ASSERT_EQ(loop, reader.entry_count());
-        for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-            const PositionEntryReader& e = reader.entry(i);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(0), i * 1);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(1), i * 2);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(2), i * 3);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(3), i * 6);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(4), i * 7);
-        }
-        delete[] buffer;
-    }
-    writer.reset();
-    // test 4
-    {
-        uint32_t i = 0;
-        for (; i < loop; i++) {
-            entry.add_position(i);
-            entry.add_position(i * 2);
-            entry.add_position(i * 3);
-            entry.add_position(i * 4);
-            entry.add_position(i * 5);
-            entry.add_position(i * 6);
-            entry.add_position(i * 7);
-            entry.set_statistic(&stat);
-            writer.add_index_entry(entry);
-            entry.reset_write_offset();
-        }
-        for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-            PositionEntryWriter* e = writer.mutable_entry(i);
-            e->remove_written_position(4, 3);
-        }
-        size_t output_size = writer.output_size();
-        char* buffer = new char[output_size];
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, writer.write_to_buffer(buffer, output_size));
-        StreamIndexReader reader;
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, reader.init(buffer, output_size, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true, true));
-        ASSERT_EQ(loop, reader.entry_count());
-        for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-            const PositionEntryReader& e = reader.entry(i);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(0), i * 1);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(1), i * 2);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(2), i * 3);
-            ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(3), i * 4);
-        }
-        delete[] buffer;
-    }
-    writer.reset();
-TEST_F(TestStreamIndex, test_statistic) {
-    ColumnStatistics stat;
-    WrapperField* field = WrapperField::create_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT);
-    // start
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.minimum()->to_string().c_str(), "2147483647");
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.maximum()->to_string().c_str(), "-2147483648");
-    // 1
-    field->from_string("3");
-    stat.add(*field);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.minimum()->to_string().c_str(), "3");
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.maximum()->to_string().c_str(), "3");
-    // 2
-    field->from_string("5");
-    stat.add(*field);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.minimum()->to_string().c_str(), "3");
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.maximum()->to_string().c_str(), "5");
-    // 3
-    field->from_string("899");
-    stat.add(*field);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.minimum()->to_string().c_str(), "3");
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.maximum()->to_string().c_str(), "899");
-    // 4
-    field->from_string("-111");
-    stat.add(*field);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.minimum()->to_string().c_str(), "-111");
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.maximum()->to_string().c_str(), "899");
-    stat.reset();
-    // start
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.minimum()->to_string().c_str(), "2147483647");
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.maximum()->to_string().c_str(), "-2147483648");
-    field->from_string("3");
-    stat.add(*field);
-    field->from_string("6");
-    stat.add(*field);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.minimum()->to_string().c_str(), "3");
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat.maximum()->to_string().c_str(), "6");
-    ColumnStatistics stat2;
-    char buf[256];
-    stat.write_to_buffer(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    stat2.attach(buf);
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat2.minimum()->to_string().c_str(), "3");
-    ASSERT_STREQ(stat2.maximum()->to_string().c_str(), "6");
-    delete field;
-TEST_F(TestStreamIndex, statistic) {
-    StreamIndexWriter writer(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT);
-    PositionEntryWriter entry;
-    ColumnStatistics stat;
-    WrapperField* field = WrapperField::create_by_type(OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != field);
-    char string_buffer[256];
-    static const uint32_t loop = 10;
-    uint32_t i = 0;
-    for (; i < loop; i++) {
-        entry.add_position(i);
-        entry.add_position(i * 2);
-        entry.add_position(i * 3);
-        snprintf(string_buffer, sizeof(string_buffer), "%d", i * 9);
-        field->from_string(string_buffer);
-        stat.add(*field);
-        snprintf(string_buffer, sizeof(string_buffer), "%d", i * 2);
-        field->from_string(string_buffer);
-        stat.add(*field);
-        entry.set_statistic(&stat);
-        writer.add_index_entry(entry);
-        entry.reset_write_offset();
-    }
-    size_t output_size = sizeof(StreamIndexHeader) + loop * sizeof(uint32_t) * 3 +
-                         (1 + sizeof(int32_t)) * loop * 2;
-    ASSERT_EQ(output_size, writer.output_size());
-    char* buffer = new char[output_size];
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, writer.write_to_buffer(buffer, output_size));
-    StreamIndexReader reader;
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, reader.init(buffer, output_size, OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true, true));
-    ASSERT_EQ(loop, reader.entry_count());
-    for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
-        const PositionEntryReader& e = reader.entry(i);
-        ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(0), i);
-        ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(1), i * 2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(e.positions(2), i * 3);
-    }
-    delete[] buffer;
-    delete field;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    int ret = doris::OLAP_SUCCESS;
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/tablet_meta_manager_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/tablet_meta_manager_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7820ce2..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/tablet_meta_manager_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/tablet_meta_manager.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <json2pb/json_to_pb.h>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-// const std::string meta_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/header.txt";
-const std::string meta_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/header_without_inc_rs.txt";
-class TabletMetaManagerTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        std::string root_path = "./store";
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(root_path));
-        _data_dir = new (std::nothrow) DataDir(root_path);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, _data_dir);
-        Status st = _data_dir->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::exists(root_path + "/meta"));
-        std::ifstream infile(meta_path);
-        char buffer[1024];
-        while (!infile.eof()) {
-            infile.getline(buffer, 1024);
-            _json_header = _json_header + buffer + "\n";
-        }
-        _json_header = _json_header.substr(0, _json_header.size() - 1);
-        _json_header = _json_header.substr(0, _json_header.size() - 1);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        delete _data_dir;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all("./store"));
-    }
-    DataDir* _data_dir;
-    std::string _json_header;
-TEST_F(TabletMetaManagerTest, TestSaveAndGetAndRemove) {
-    const TTabletId tablet_id = 15672;
-    const TSchemaHash schema_hash = 567997577;
-    TabletMetaPB tablet_meta_pb;
-    bool ret = json2pb::JsonToProtoMessage(_json_header, &tablet_meta_pb);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ret);
-    std::string meta_binary;
-    tablet_meta_pb.SerializeToString(&meta_binary);
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr tablet_meta(new TabletMeta());
-    OLAPStatus s = tablet_meta->deserialize(meta_binary);
-    s = TabletMetaManager::save(_data_dir, tablet_id, schema_hash, tablet_meta);
-    std::string json_meta_read;
-    s = TabletMetaManager::get_json_meta(_data_dir, tablet_id, schema_hash, &json_meta_read);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_json_header, json_meta_read);
-    s = TabletMetaManager::remove(_data_dir, tablet_id, schema_hash);
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr meta_read(new TabletMeta());
-    s = TabletMetaManager::get_meta(_data_dir, tablet_id, schema_hash, meta_read);
-TEST_F(TabletMetaManagerTest, TestLoad) {
-    const TTabletId tablet_id = 15672;
-    const TSchemaHash schema_hash = 567997577;
-    OLAPStatus s = TabletMetaManager::load_json_meta(_data_dir, meta_path);
-    std::string json_meta_read;
-    s = TabletMetaManager::get_json_meta(_data_dir, tablet_id, schema_hash, &json_meta_read);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_json_header, json_meta_read);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/tablet_meta_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/tablet_meta_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aea3e84e..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/tablet_meta_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/tablet_meta.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-namespace doris {
-TEST(TabletMetaTest, SaveAndParse) {
-    std::string meta_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/tablet_meta_test.hdr";
-    TabletMeta old_tablet_meta(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, TTabletSchema(), 6, {{7, 8}}, UniqueId(9, 10),
-                               TTabletType::TABLET_TYPE_DISK);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, old_tablet_meta.save(meta_path));
-    {
-        // Just to make stack space dirty
-        TabletMeta new_tablet_meta;
-        new_tablet_meta._preferred_rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
-    }
-    TabletMeta new_tablet_meta;
-    new_tablet_meta.create_from_file(meta_path);
-    ASSERT_EQ(old_tablet_meta, new_tablet_meta);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/tablet_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/tablet_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c74959a..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/tablet_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "json2pb/json_to_pb.h"
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/alpha_rowset.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/alpha_rowset_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_meta_manager.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_meta_manager.h"
-#include "olap/txn_manager.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-static StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-class TabletMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        string test_engine_data_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/converter_test_data/data";
-        _engine_data_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/converter_test_data/tmp";
-        boost::filesystem::remove_all(_engine_data_path);
-        FileUtils::create_dir(_engine_data_path);
-        FileUtils::create_dir(_engine_data_path + "/meta");
-        config::tablet_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_shard_size = 1;
-        EngineOptions options;
-        // won't open engine, options.path is needless
-        options.backend_uid = UniqueId::gen_uid();
-        if (k_engine == nullptr) {
-            k_engine = new StorageEngine(options);
-        }
-        _data_dir = new DataDir(_engine_data_path, 1000000000);
-        _data_dir->init();
-        string tmp_data_path = _engine_data_path + "/data";
-        if (boost::filesystem::exists(tmp_data_path)) {
-            boost::filesystem::remove_all(tmp_data_path);
-        }
-        copy_dir(test_engine_data_path, tmp_data_path);
-        _tablet_id = 15007;
-        _schema_hash = 368169781;
-        _tablet_data_path = tmp_data_path + "/" + std::to_string(0) + "/" +
-                            std::to_string(_tablet_id) + "/" + std::to_string(_schema_hash);
-        _tablet_mgr.reset(new TabletManager(1));
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        delete _data_dir;
-        if (boost::filesystem::exists(_engine_data_path)) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all(_engine_data_path));
-        }
-    }
-    DataDir* _data_dir;
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-    std::string _engine_data_path;
-    int64_t _tablet_id;
-    int32_t _schema_hash;
-    string _tablet_data_path;
-    std::unique_ptr<TabletManager> _tablet_mgr;
-TEST_F(TabletMgrTest, CreateTablet) {
-    TColumnType col_type;
-    col_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT);
-    TColumn col1;
-    col1.__set_column_name("col1");
-    col1.__set_column_type(col_type);
-    col1.__set_is_key(true);
-    std::vector<TColumn> cols;
-    cols.push_back(col1);
-    TTabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    tablet_schema.__set_short_key_column_count(1);
-    tablet_schema.__set_schema_hash(3333);
-    tablet_schema.__set_keys_type(TKeysType::AGG_KEYS);
-    tablet_schema.__set_storage_type(TStorageType::COLUMN);
-    tablet_schema.__set_columns(cols);
-    TCreateTabletReq create_tablet_req;
-    create_tablet_req.__set_tablet_schema(tablet_schema);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_tablet_id(111);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_version(2);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_version_hash(3333);
-    std::vector<DataDir*> data_dirs;
-    data_dirs.push_back(_data_dir);
-    OLAPStatus create_st = _tablet_mgr->create_tablet(create_tablet_req, data_dirs);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(create_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    TabletSharedPtr tablet = _tablet_mgr->get_tablet(111, 3333);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet != nullptr);
-    // check dir exist
-    bool dir_exist = FileUtils::check_exist(tablet->tablet_path());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(dir_exist);
-    // check meta has this tablet
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr new_tablet_meta(new TabletMeta());
-    OLAPStatus check_meta_st = TabletMetaManager::get_meta(_data_dir, 111, 3333, new_tablet_meta);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(check_meta_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // retry create should be successfully
-    create_st = _tablet_mgr->create_tablet(create_tablet_req, data_dirs);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(create_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    // create tablet with different schema hash should be error
-    tablet_schema.__set_schema_hash(4444);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_tablet_schema(tablet_schema);
-    create_st = _tablet_mgr->create_tablet(create_tablet_req, data_dirs);
-TEST_F(TabletMgrTest, CreateTabletWithSequence) {
-    std::vector<TColumn> cols;
-    TColumn col1;
-    col1.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT;
-    col1.__set_column_name("col1");
-    col1.__set_is_key(true);
-    cols.push_back(col1);
-    TColumn col2;
-    col2.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-    col2.__set_column_name(SEQUENCE_COL);
-    col2.__set_is_key(false);
-    col2.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    cols.push_back(col2);
-    TColumn col3;
-    col3.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-    col3.__set_column_name("v1");
-    col3.__set_is_key(false);
-    col3.__set_aggregation_type(TAggregationType::REPLACE);
-    cols.push_back(col3);
-    TTabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    tablet_schema.__set_short_key_column_count(1);
-    tablet_schema.__set_schema_hash(3333);
-    tablet_schema.__set_keys_type(TKeysType::UNIQUE_KEYS);
-    tablet_schema.__set_storage_type(TStorageType::COLUMN);
-    tablet_schema.__set_columns(cols);
-    tablet_schema.__set_sequence_col_idx(1);
-    TCreateTabletReq create_tablet_req;
-    create_tablet_req.__set_tablet_schema(tablet_schema);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_tablet_id(111);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_version(2);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_version_hash(3333);
-    std::vector<DataDir*> data_dirs;
-    data_dirs.push_back(_data_dir);
-    OLAPStatus create_st = _tablet_mgr->create_tablet(create_tablet_req, data_dirs);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(create_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    TabletSharedPtr tablet = _tablet_mgr->get_tablet(111, 3333);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet != nullptr);
-    // check dir exist
-    bool dir_exist = FileUtils::check_exist(tablet->tablet_path());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(dir_exist);
-    // check meta has this tablet
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr new_tablet_meta(new TabletMeta());
-    OLAPStatus check_meta_st = TabletMetaManager::get_meta(_data_dir, 111, 3333, new_tablet_meta);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(check_meta_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-TEST_F(TabletMgrTest, DropTablet) {
-    TColumnType col_type;
-    col_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::SMALLINT);
-    TColumn col1;
-    col1.__set_column_name("col1");
-    col1.__set_column_type(col_type);
-    col1.__set_is_key(true);
-    std::vector<TColumn> cols;
-    cols.push_back(col1);
-    TTabletSchema tablet_schema;
-    tablet_schema.__set_short_key_column_count(1);
-    tablet_schema.__set_schema_hash(3333);
-    tablet_schema.__set_keys_type(TKeysType::AGG_KEYS);
-    tablet_schema.__set_storage_type(TStorageType::COLUMN);
-    tablet_schema.__set_columns(cols);
-    TCreateTabletReq create_tablet_req;
-    create_tablet_req.__set_tablet_schema(tablet_schema);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_tablet_id(111);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_version(2);
-    create_tablet_req.__set_version_hash(3333);
-    std::vector<DataDir*> data_dirs;
-    data_dirs.push_back(_data_dir);
-    OLAPStatus create_st = _tablet_mgr->create_tablet(create_tablet_req, data_dirs);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(create_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    TabletSharedPtr tablet = _tablet_mgr->get_tablet(111, 3333);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet != nullptr);
-    // drop unexist tablet will be success
-    OLAPStatus drop_st = _tablet_mgr->drop_tablet(111, 4444, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(drop_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    tablet = _tablet_mgr->get_tablet(111, 3333);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet != nullptr);
-    // drop exist tablet will be success
-    drop_st = _tablet_mgr->drop_tablet(111, 3333, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(drop_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    tablet = _tablet_mgr->get_tablet(111, 3333);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet == nullptr);
-    tablet = _tablet_mgr->get_tablet(111, 3333, true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet != nullptr);
-    // check dir exist
-    std::string tablet_path = tablet->tablet_path();
-    bool dir_exist = FileUtils::check_exist(tablet_path);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(dir_exist);
-    // do trash sweep, tablet will not be garbage collected
-    // because tablet ptr referenced it
-    OLAPStatus trash_st = _tablet_mgr->start_trash_sweep();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(trash_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    tablet = _tablet_mgr->get_tablet(111, 3333, true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet != nullptr);
-    dir_exist = FileUtils::check_exist(tablet_path);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(dir_exist);
-    // reset tablet ptr
-    tablet.reset();
-    trash_st = _tablet_mgr->start_trash_sweep();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(trash_st == OLAP_SUCCESS);
-    tablet = _tablet_mgr->get_tablet(111, 3333, true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet == nullptr);
-    dir_exist = FileUtils::check_exist(tablet_path);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!dir_exist);
-TEST_F(TabletMgrTest, GetRowsetId) {
-    // normal case
-    {
-        std::string path = _engine_data_path + "/data/0/15007/368169781";
-        TTabletId tid;
-        TSchemaHash schema_hash;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet_mgr->get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_path(path, &tid, &schema_hash));
-        ASSERT_EQ(15007, tid);
-        ASSERT_EQ(368169781, schema_hash);
-    }
-    {
-        std::string path = _engine_data_path + "/data/0/15007/368169781/";
-        TTabletId tid;
-        TSchemaHash schema_hash;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet_mgr->get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_path(path, &tid, &schema_hash));
-        ASSERT_EQ(15007, tid);
-        ASSERT_EQ(368169781, schema_hash);
-    }
-    // normal case
-    {
-        std::string path =
-                _engine_data_path +
-                "/data/0/15007/368169781/020000000000000100000000000000020000000000000003_0_0.dat";
-        TTabletId tid;
-        TSchemaHash schema_hash;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet_mgr->get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_path(path, &tid, &schema_hash));
-        ASSERT_EQ(15007, tid);
-        ASSERT_EQ(368169781, schema_hash);
-        RowsetId id;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet_mgr->get_rowset_id_from_path(path, &id));
-        EXPECT_EQ(2UL << 56 | 1, id.hi);
-        ASSERT_EQ(2, id.mi);
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, id.lo);
-    }
-    // empty tablet directory
-    {
-        std::string path = _engine_data_path + "/data/0/15007";
-        TTabletId tid;
-        TSchemaHash schema_hash;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet_mgr->get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_path(path, &tid, &schema_hash));
-        ASSERT_EQ(15007, tid);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, schema_hash);
-        RowsetId id;
-        ASSERT_FALSE(_tablet_mgr->get_rowset_id_from_path(path, &id));
-    }
-    // empty tablet directory
-    {
-        std::string path = _engine_data_path + "/data/0/15007/";
-        TTabletId tid;
-        TSchemaHash schema_hash;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet_mgr->get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_path(path, &tid, &schema_hash));
-        ASSERT_EQ(15007, tid);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, schema_hash);
-    }
-    // empty tablet directory
-    {
-        std::string path = _engine_data_path + "/data/0/15007abc";
-        TTabletId tid;
-        TSchemaHash schema_hash;
-        ASSERT_FALSE(
-                _tablet_mgr->get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_path(path, &tid, &schema_hash));
-    }
-    // not match pattern
-    {
-        std::string path =
-                _engine_data_path +
-                "/data/0/15007/123abc/020000000000000100000000000000020000000000000003_0_0.dat";
-        TTabletId tid;
-        TSchemaHash schema_hash;
-        ASSERT_FALSE(
-                _tablet_mgr->get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_path(path, &tid, &schema_hash));
-        RowsetId id;
-        ASSERT_FALSE(_tablet_mgr->get_rowset_id_from_path(path, &id));
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/tablet_schema_helper.h b/be/test/olap/tablet_schema_helper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c83fc..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/tablet_schema_helper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#pragma once
-#include <string>
-#include "olap/tablet_schema.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-namespace doris {
-TabletColumn create_int_key(int32_t id, bool is_nullable = true, bool is_bf_column = false,
-                            bool has_bitmap_index = false) {
-    TabletColumn column;
-    column._unique_id = id;
-    column._col_name = std::to_string(id);
-    column._type = OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT;
-    column._is_key = true;
-    column._is_nullable = is_nullable;
-    column._length = 4;
-    column._index_length = 4;
-    column._is_bf_column = is_bf_column;
-    column._has_bitmap_index = has_bitmap_index;
-    return column;
-TabletColumn create_int_value(int32_t id,
-                              FieldAggregationMethod agg_method = OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_SUM,
-                              bool is_nullable = true, const std::string default_value = "",
-                              bool is_bf_column = false, bool has_bitmap_index = false) {
-    TabletColumn column;
-    column._unique_id = id;
-    column._col_name = std::to_string(id);
-    column._type = OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT;
-    column._is_key = false;
-    column._aggregation = agg_method;
-    column._is_nullable = is_nullable;
-    column._length = 4;
-    column._index_length = 4;
-    if (default_value != "") {
-        column._has_default_value = true;
-        column._default_value = default_value;
-    }
-    column._is_bf_column = is_bf_column;
-    column._has_bitmap_index = has_bitmap_index;
-    return column;
-TabletColumn create_char_key(int32_t id, bool is_nullable = true) {
-    TabletColumn column;
-    column._unique_id = id;
-    column._col_name = std::to_string(id);
-    column._type = OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR;
-    column._is_key = true;
-    column._is_nullable = is_nullable;
-    column._length = 8;
-    column._index_length = 1;
-    return column;
-TabletColumn create_varchar_key(int32_t id, bool is_nullable = true) {
-    TabletColumn column;
-    column._unique_id = id;
-    column._col_name = std::to_string(id);
-    column._type = OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR;
-    column._is_key = true;
-    column._is_nullable = is_nullable;
-    column._length = 8;
-    column._index_length = 4;
-    return column;
-template <FieldType type>
-TabletColumn create_with_default_value(std::string default_value) {
-    TabletColumn column;
-    column._type = type;
-    column._is_nullable = true;
-    column._aggregation = OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE;
-    column._has_default_value = true;
-    column._default_value = default_value;
-    column._length = 4;
-    return column;
-void set_column_value_by_type(FieldType fieldType, int src, char* target, MemPool* pool,
-                              size_t _length = 0) {
-    if (fieldType == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_CHAR) {
-        std::string s = std::to_string(src);
-        char* src_value = &s[0];
-        int src_len = s.size();
-        auto* dest_slice = (Slice*)target;
-        dest_slice->size = _length;
-        dest_slice->data = (char*)pool->allocate(dest_slice->size);
-        memcpy(dest_slice->data, src_value, src_len);
-        memset(dest_slice->data + src_len, 0, dest_slice->size - src_len);
-    } else if (fieldType == OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR) {
-        std::string s = std::to_string(src);
-        char* src_value = &s[0];
-        int src_len = s.size();
-        auto* dest_slice = (Slice*)target;
-        dest_slice->size = src_len;
-        dest_slice->data = (char*)pool->allocate(src_len);
-        memcpy(dest_slice->data, src_value, src_len);
-    } else {
-        *(int*)target = src;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/olap/tablet_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/tablet_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e5d57b..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/tablet_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/tablet.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "olap/olap_define.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_meta.h"
-using namespace std;
-namespace doris {
-using RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr = std::shared_ptr<std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>>;
-class TestTablet : public testing::Test {
-    virtual ~TestTablet() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _tablet_meta = static_cast<TabletMetaSharedPtr>(
-                new TabletMeta(1, 2, 15673, 4, 5, TTabletSchema(), 6, {{7, 8}}, UniqueId(9, 10),
-                               TTabletType::TABLET_TYPE_DISK));
-        _json_rowset_meta = R"({
-            "rowset_id": 540081,
-            "tablet_id": 15673,
-            "txn_id": 4042,
-            "tablet_schema_hash": 567997577,
-            "rowset_type": "BETA_ROWSET",
-            "rowset_state": "VISIBLE",
-            "start_version": 2,
-            "end_version": 2,
-            "version_hash": 8391828013814912580,
-            "num_rows": 3929,
-            "total_disk_size": 84699,
-            "data_disk_size": 84464,
-            "index_disk_size": 235,
-            "empty": false,
-            "load_id": {
-                "hi": -5350970832824939812,
-                "lo": -6717994719194512122
-            },
-            "creation_time": 1553765670,
-            "alpha_rowset_extra_meta_pb": {
-                "segment_groups": [
-                {
-                    "segment_group_id": 0,
-                    "num_segments": 2,
-                    "index_size": 132,
-                    "data_size": 576,
-                    "num_rows": 5,
-                    "zone_maps": [
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "NQ==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "Mw==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "J2J1c2gn",
-                        "max": "J3RvbSc=",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    }
-                    ],
-                    "empty": false
-                }]
-            }
-        })";
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    void init_rs_meta(RowsetMetaSharedPtr& pb1, int64_t start, int64_t end) {
-        pb1->init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-        pb1->set_start_version(start);
-        pb1->set_end_version(end);
-        pb1->set_creation_time(10000);
-    }
-    void init_all_rs_meta(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 0);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 1, 1);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 2, 5);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 6, 9);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 10, 11);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    void fetch_expired_row_rs_meta(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v2(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 2, 3);
-        v2->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 4, 5);
-        v2->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v3(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 6, 6);
-        v3->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 7, 8);
-        v3->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v4(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 6, 8);
-        v4->push_back(ptr5);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr6(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr6, 9, 9);
-        v4->push_back(ptr6);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v5(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr7(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr7, 10, 10);
-        v5->push_back(ptr7);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr8(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr8, 11, 11);
-        v5->push_back(ptr8);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v2);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v3);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v4);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v5);
-    }
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-    TabletMetaSharedPtr _tablet_meta;
-TEST_F(TestTablet, delete_expired_stale_rowset) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    for (auto& rowset : rs_metas) {
-        _tablet_meta->add_rs_meta(rowset);
-    }
-    TabletSharedPtr _tablet(new Tablet(_tablet_meta, nullptr));
-    _tablet->init();
-    for (auto ptr : expired_rs_metas) {
-        for (auto rs : *ptr) {
-            _tablet->_timestamped_version_tracker.add_version(rs->version());
-        }
-        _tablet->_timestamped_version_tracker.add_stale_path_version(*ptr);
-    }
-    _tablet->delete_expired_stale_rowset();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, _tablet->_timestamped_version_tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    _tablet.reset();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    auto ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100 b/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b8a71..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100.txt b/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c240085..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
--127	-127	-12700	ccd8e916-102f-4b5e-ac5c-6e0276e1a315	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:40:06	-925.444
--127	-254	-12700	c5d44793-c5fd-49f6-8323-38fb83a799a1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:34:51	586.923
--126	-126	-12600	f8f9a192-d3f6-4502-acdc-0eb5a3b3e249	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:37:36	400.160
--126	-252	-12600	19b492d5-c334-4deb-871a-84eef9b296ab	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:05:56	141.510
--125	-125	-12500	ee5bcde3-195b-4e57-a727-0391211e04af	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:23:31	666.275
--125	-250	-12500	032003c7-eb0d-42e8-b037-4f6154397549	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:50:43	-861.469
--124	-124	-12400	4cefd601-e331-4d7b-a09f-c34ac4a1859c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:28:39	-960.501
--124	-248	-12400	3153b6bb-1822-4209-872a-2a64b8bbce00	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:38:37	-592.231
--123	-123	-12300	5fa83b69-7c47-41f6-bac7-bec813ee8d72	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:38:05	807.892
--123	-246	-12300	85c409d6-8543-47b2-84a7-7a501b7885de	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:27:36	276.46
--122	-122	-12200	8ebf1dfd-3f97-48b1-a90f-f407e5898b8b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:23:53	601.512
--122	-244	-12200	54881bfc-f80b-41ba-b6c1-8984f9850d1e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:52:05	400.292
--121	-121	-12100	8ab48273-a99b-46da-a111-4a72dbd4f5f0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:24:57	-247.284
--121	-242	-12100	b8a25d24-6119-4658-b1d2-e252344f45e3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:13:13	624.351
--120	-120	-12000	ccc1aa42-e403-4964-a065-583f77e7ee98	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:45:19	89.779
--120	-240	-12000	6f3dc4f0-6e8b-420e-bed5-c3c27c218edd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:25:03	618.2
--119	-119	-11900	50fe30ba-88d2-4533-a6a6-de491d77f35a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:05:50	846.929
--119	-238	-11900	22cdd2aa-c07d-4bb2-9744-5848eb540788	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:47:42	-650.666
--118	-118	-11800	5a346f85-1528-4dd3-8d5f-9bd12f7d42c9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:38:10	504.321
--118	-236	-11800	33ce4e44-96a7-4dc4-9e4c-63575481307e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:04:22	-640.912
--117	-117	-11700	5b6f6fc2-602e-4c78-9c13-2101a4a1dcc2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:25:51	-413.908
--117	-234	-11700	e08a0147-c649-4e8a-b846-9cf7d0eb2edf	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:09:07	726.53
--116	-116	-11600	e53d3c52-91e8-49e2-a4e0-19e8c956906a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:44:11	567.133
--116	-232	-11600	e65aff81-754e-4bfa-a08c-2c27dbd8eb44	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:56:47	-269.502
--115	-115	-11500	c7d290ff-9525-4f7d-923f-8e8a3249916b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:36:45	-29.887
--115	-230	-11500	b211dec5-222e-408a-bdab-7b4d5fef17ec	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:25:21	-937.577
--114	-114	-11400	600e7a62-164f-48e1-8e14-567af59a251d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:40:13	-14.101
--114	-228	-11400	fc9b6d63-ba73-432e-ba19-b8a05d06fa5d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:33:19	-130.173
--113	-113	-11300	dbb01282-a222-4637-acb9-abe3e2de7545	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:18:25	-619.560
--113	-226	-11300	60494fc4-aaaf-48e2-ad69-f096ca538695	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:05:06	351.952
--112	-112	-11200	a3675d9c-3143-4a52-bb03-5a455d3aeb71	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:09:06	-227.857
--112	-224	-11200	7f182ab7-94d6-4cdc-b2e5-55734df38e27	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:08:44	953.177
--111	-111	-11100	3b3f98d6-f71b-41f8-b23b-0fb30e028a6a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:40:29	-962.157
--111	-222	-11100	73abf6fc-a0e5-4f1c-885d-add3bb8c3ebe	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:25:40	-66.790
--110	-110	-11000	65f8ac21-9a4e-4bfa-a5f7-28520a0dac4d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:29:40	717.167
--110	-220	-11000	ea33067a-a333-43f8-a736-9191b427b609	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:11:26	672.810
--109	-109	-10900	c0a9b62e-33f9-40f0-ade8-712017cd849c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:59:14	-302.98
--109	-218	-10900	bd6b3b55-2b6d-4b4d-ab26-9cdccd4a578c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:33:54	894.490
--108	-108	-10800	a441998d-97b0-4a97-97d0-0cadca55b653	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:04:42	-275.231
--108	-216	-10800	07aa3db2-d38d-45cc-9c51-c29613c277a3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:12:23	-625.562
--107	-107	-10700	3523dd4e-ba46-47ea-902d-bf6a2b2b0312	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:03:24	780.518
--107	-214	-10700	2c56f002-f28c-439e-be60-5a8f2ff60d07	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:22:30	-48.875
--106	-106	-10600	6225b664-942f-4a5d-a85f-75e041fc30e6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:47:42	-580.82
--106	-212	-10600	a0e3a350-f527-4318-ae75-4083cb0c30d7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:29:02	569.345
--105	-105	-10500	bb1f83c0-50fc-446c-80ce-9835fb1da4e8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:49:00	-223.930
--105	-210	-10500	89403034-b591-4d4d-af2f-0f77f5796b89	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:56:09	-892.889
--104	-104	-10400	7def0be6-f481-40d4-b594-fe439236ad45	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:52:04	-618.680
--104	-208	-10400	f3a45ec2-5986-4093-a3c1-a9a9daeeb5be	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:44:02	77.995
--103	-103	-10300	2aba9d83-4d52-4329-b446-27ab7bb6d426	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:17:19	620.96
--103	-206	-10300	e5427cd6-c07c-4f2a-9d16-3395ec4135e0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:12:17	-822.834
--102	-102	-10200	b2f59b06-47dd-4426-b183-996de3b042bc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:57:41	742.823
--102	-204	-10200	1bcd1201-6585-4821-bc3c-5f2ae0e7d3e8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:06:21	-463.194
--101	-101	-10100	0b6cd5f0-a337-4d6a-9013-009bfab7e155	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:35:37	590.267
--101	-202	-10100	dc3c85ab-d960-42d0-8be3-d9f2666228da	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:19:10	-951.182
--100	-100	-10000	a00f5f45-be69-4590-8b75-1b8403f71e24	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:37:41	-31.518
--100	-200	-10000	5549e01e-295b-480e-9cfd-8f545604c01a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:42:50	-292.993
--99	-99	-9900	443895a6-50be-403b-a8b2-d70026bed7d4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:13:52	155.547
--99	-198	-9900	ed963186-f5cc-4e8f-9171-b4dcc39cae8c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:17:02	-67.339
--98	-98	-9800	a1227a6f-952c-4413-851a-cb71a63200f7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:08:38	-875.704
--98	-196	-9800	08d92c8a-16da-4edd-8717-cd451bd9312d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:41:32	548.77
--97	-97	-9700	1b3b6f0c-c4ce-48a7-a7d0-937817e6c7b5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:03:58	342.373
--97	-194	-9700	0d2df453-3bba-40d7-9c4b-0b220b217bac	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:18:01	-819.97
--96	-96	-9600	bb009de0-989b-4269-8c2f-28729062e0fe	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:22:18	-378.16
--96	-192	-9600	ecab0431-a149-44b0-8648-f0f788f0a81f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:15:36	-107.220
--95	-95	-9500	6ac2252d-8f09-49ef-8306-264fbc16f0a6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:28:24	882.677
--95	-190	-9500	570d3df4-f430-43a7-a121-2c6703d650f3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:25:49	-197.577
--94	-94	-9400	504abf34-b69a-4975-9973-8f32489d9e71	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:39:14	726.864
--94	-188	-9400	e03da6a3-837f-4a9a-b3eb-487820b7658b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:07:54	981.233
--93	-93	-9300	d7c17de7-d197-44a1-8e37-0e291cfa6a1c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:42:38	475.50
--93	-186	-9300	19e71ff1-e18f-4f5d-9a20-f8318e750db5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:59:18	916.470
--92	-92	-9200	e143fa82-42f0-4498-89ed-c17424ccc194	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:54:34	-868.767
--92	-184	-9200	c1e55402-2288-4a42-8001-d2cce30312b8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:07:51	-327.840
--91	-91	-9100	a08a07f5-1687-4836-b5f6-9d401765ae1b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:35:26	-501.807
--91	-182	-9100	3395a145-4b34-48e9-a39f-d24b77d11332	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:51:55	-255.299
--90	-90	-9000	b8646047-c7d4-4e9a-9290-b416b24d81f5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:11:52	-942.957
--90	-180	-9000	450795d1-4f8a-4195-938b-796e214d3214	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:09:03	-51.203
--89	-89	-8900	e2556753-ae80-4688-9b47-2f5f5c5027a2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:14:25	-115.509
--89	-178	-8900	09499edc-becf-4345-b298-eb26dd54e1e1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:54:21	-166.839
--88	-88	-8800	71311345-65b1-470f-94b4-f4a0e261ce47	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:02:23	561.901
--88	-176	-8800	029f2ade-438a-458e-9887-a849c92bb2c6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:13:46	-171.279
--87	-87	-8700	9397abf7-5210-44f1-9393-99084125bdab	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:36:18	-403.524
--87	-174	-8700	7056dce5-3457-4b2c-9dd6-03c6b0624578	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:37:08	942.835
--86	-86	-8600	1abdadba-ee8a-49db-8156-462ba173d102	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:34:59	9.121
--86	-172	-8600	a4a0dea5-ce7b-40e8-be81-9be8dca5bfc4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:56:14	-452.149
--85	-85	-8500	6c8dd201-deda-4afd-83dc-41538c385c12	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:57:05	-799.738
--85	-170	-8500	5418a8dc-2672-47ea-b86d-9d4ae7373d48	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:18:46	83.439
--84	-84	-8400	076e2055-ae8d-455e-a353-53e8f2286a0f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:07:22	370.430
--84	-168	-8400	bfafe993-b2b5-4393-8d82-d0e3d94bd526	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:22:58	-822.187
--83	-83	-8300	d20745ee-6d3e-4ace-98f5-a3388c068988	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:16:25	640.118
--83	-166	-8300	64c9a1ba-85b9-410b-aacc-408e8938b77a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:48:32	430.821
--82	-82	-8200	06bb73f3-435a-44a8-b183-ff909b1a237c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:07:52	264.161
--82	-164	-8200	221e8a9b-df52-4952-b106-f51fc6be533e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:39:43	-697.531
--81	-81	-8100	c3f74f11-058d-4e0d-8a69-16ed130eefbc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:12:35	-726.877
--81	-162	-8100	0fb9571f-ee99-4331-b08e-b652d8bae19c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:11:57	-358.87
--80	-80	-8000	589520d7-4209-4a77-a919-5b48c4f8a397	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:01:37	-444.595
--80	-160	-8000	39dc8cd9-20e4-4e42-aa9a-e3e308ea4ef5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:59:50	-297.458
--79	-79	-7900	aace500c-2d05-4c71-a0f8-29eac3dbb0b6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:00:57	182.358
--79	-158	-7900	ba2ed870-ba64-4f95-b348-88ee0e82544c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:31:48	-273.250
--78	-78	-7800	35357e5d-deae-4337-ad5a-bf84d15843cb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:44:29	112.937
--78	-156	-7800	a98a2e94-0269-4a8a-b101-0572897bd0e0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:12:58	-977.270
diff --git a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_1000 b/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_1000
deleted file mode 100644
index 11cc7e3..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_1000
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_1000.txt b/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_1000.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ced137f..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_1000.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
-0	0	0	2ae98973-2e3f-47ad-936c-314df423c628	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:02:03	942.459
-0	0	0	26a91490-1851-4001-a9ad-6ef0cf2c3aa4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:23:20	978.371
-1	1	100	68aea72b-8953-4aff-86ec-1d69f34bd830	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:47:02	-159.773
-1	2	100	247bf55b-9a49-41b4-90d4-13ef34eb1f6a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:57:12	386.228
-2	2	200	d53d015e-68f9-4c42-9255-143fb1c510a1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:16:43	449.681
-2	4	200	4341648b-dd1a-4744-a3de-f6dd1013dbea	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:00:59	-165.775
-3	3	300	95ea3434-b1e7-4e32-85eb-f8509a2ff3e0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:30:20	99.229
-3	6	300	100b6cbf-392a-492b-86d4-cabf5b3998c6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:14:41	-915.534
-4	4	400	c9afd54d-ad48-4092-9ec7-d41c704a9409	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:46:05	696.139
-4	8	400	ed132c8e-dcdb-4c5b-8573-b3ef55d8f15d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:18:50	-860.42
-5	5	500	cd76725f-0eea-43ec-8c4d-d8fe1f9aa16d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:52:08	-428.29
-5	10	500	94140e1d-139f-40d9-b295-ae9d896c938e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:05:10	832.129
-6	6	600	e0f0229d-40c2-4746-bd2a-b221f4ebb093	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:14:36	876.776
-6	12	600	8f8c4ae0-37ee-434f-9868-c3351a4120aa	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:50:33	86.453
-7	7	700	431d4e4c-36f8-44da-a4a1-158d41192514	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:45:19	389.244
-7	14	700	9f47bd27-6e59-4008-b441-c08f52e6739d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:17:54	270.157
-8	8	800	07dbf047-6130-4ffc-a493-b278c7ce48e6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:52:13	757.396
-8	16	800	b68ff195-ae68-4ba7-acc7-c327244940d4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:07:56	960.179
-9	9	900	3995d7dc-c616-48aa-8c98-4b27edf23fb1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:24:39	758.663
-9	18	900	e9d92652-db0c-46fc-b397-0bf6e9fee961	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:38:40	-38.634
-10	10	1000	c83b6927-2987-4675-abae-07c29eacc2dd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:15:13	-570.516
-10	20	1000	0ec4d2be-3d6d-441c-916a-32cf68752306	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:16:56	-518.776
-11	11	1100	ee8c5f57-1402-40c7-a459-d8a0d680d023	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:44:11	342.476
-11	22	1100	f23222df-9fda-4d1f-bf56-a0514d8ad9c2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:19:13	-24.139
-12	12	1200	b1b08c3d-e45d-424a-abaf-5764e63bdb05	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:08:01	589.719
-12	24	1200	93f8086f-d0c9-46f1-b9b8-c8f8d9a18272	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:29:10	528.484
-13	13	1300	fad8569d-5a52-4ed5-bd85-6059407b7aab	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:41:29	-624.254
-13	26	1300	df556431-2a68-4fde-81bb-f269392c4893	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:51:37	-311.137
-14	14	1400	a3bf9d40-4de8-40c3-9639-d05e7368e598	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:23:57	-815.116
-14	28	1400	f900af34-66d6-4b9c-b535-e4e3353185d5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:55:09	110.994
-15	15	1500	f8c7b44d-a199-4d3e-95fd-b65dc82d701d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:07:33	-774.304
-15	30	1500	71d08510-6e86-4a73-8c19-3e696fbe11ff	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:37:27	-804.356
-16	16	1600	d2b506a0-1e6f-4684-a351-8ccf52df82b0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:26:57	-337.729
-16	32	1600	3cab76f8-843e-4ada-8c64-d4f4f850c79b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:23:18	240.277
-17	17	1700	07de91a5-175c-40f4-975e-df498fe851eb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:28:03	-627.106
-17	34	1700	4ac16078-c6b8-42d3-af89-183c56b2d1e3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:23:40	982.974
-18	18	1800	c9ba9198-0fd8-4142-bd5f-ce0dd2de4b93	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:33:00	295.691
-18	36	1800	2f502e68-8ade-4799-91a3-ce5b981c368a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:01:28	-12.366
-19	19	1900	209e8268-2ea1-4951-89ae-55dce2f35f89	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:38:03	-32.540
-19	38	1900	fe67f296-f3d9-48df-bd3b-bad57f1e2bf2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:45:12	775.952
-20	20	2000	6d318ff9-3540-4b63-a104-ba133c8274cc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:31:50	-880.361
-20	40	2000	2ed38b84-3be6-4fa2-a4ae-5f7efbddac04	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:31:23	877.527
-21	21	2100	166bcf97-5acf-4f66-91ec-b72501acfa1a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:06:01	-450.497
-21	42	2100	10b537f1-312b-4774-ab58-ba05acc87366	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:47:15	-835.518
-22	22	2200	f1d37e64-4148-4243-93f9-2aca8dcd64d9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:22:44	-840.429
-22	44	2200	206243a1-9cd3-4acb-898f-02431516976a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:35:18	527.50
-23	23	2300	ceb28fb9-f578-41d4-a0be-940eefd939a9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:06:31	508.538
-23	46	2300	cae248c8-0c9c-4aec-a7bb-7fe651cc2a96	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:09:42	-620.502
-24	24	2400	aa5caaea-b4c3-460f-8df2-686f1f828e8d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:58:48	-612.722
-24	48	2400	95441c5c-9ce2-42ef-96d5-e6f4cf80ee92	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:11:59	521.136
-25	25	2500	605acd8b-a263-4557-9cf9-93b01dff7656	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:26:06	-320.995
-25	50	2500	8885f41c-6073-4856-b1c3-a5908583922c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:29:40	-179.45
-26	26	2600	5d84d59c-3396-4edf-b472-0d0404eae4a8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:18:16	70.383
-26	52	2600	4667b960-0452-408d-971c-3ec7e15cb6f1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:40:54	923.9
-27	27	2700	7bfdbc55-577a-4324-8c7a-bf4fee3a59cb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:02:47	932.897
-27	54	2700	513665ab-aa7b-4fe8-9ba7-2c1f091f6ff8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:53:57	420.303
-28	28	2800	f9e6885c-9010-4b9e-ae4f-ce384f56a7d6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:48:57	901.595
-28	56	2800	eafd04ee-916e-42f4-ae9f-c935ea90b280	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:10:52	455.157
-29	29	2900	d9cddf85-ad42-49db-8a4e-4f2f1398a2fe	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:34:51	235.463
-29	58	2900	edaba226-e3d8-4a03-bbf0-dc8e89559eb0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:21:43	-515.28
-30	30	3000	501481c8-2c55-49b0-9c03-b3c7c658caf4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:33:44	-841.658
-30	60	3000	8c10cde6-7b25-4d03-a08b-d30342c89006	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:26:29	954.259
-31	31	3100	2dd626f5-1914-4d83-aba3-b25fc5143228	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:09:38	584.839
-31	62	3100	34b59eec-b03b-418c-b51c-5230dfe28abb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:46:20	-173.457
-32	32	3200	aef68cf7-1524-4afc-b221-540e0d7e3142	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:01:39	176.984
-32	64	3200	83dfbaa8-3ba0-4253-93fe-6dee283bf323	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:50:20	-939.478
-33	33	3300	ebeaecf9-21b5-4eee-9ee4-8fbf51f2b77c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:26:18	711.760
-33	66	3300	06043a7d-bb3e-41f0-a065-32cf0db1b710	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:28:56	38.778
-34	34	3400	256ee34c-4cb4-4265-bd3d-955e78b8925a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:48:27	254.40
-34	68	3400	fa310d37-fa59-4d26-8650-d718a74a1ec6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:44:24	-67.707
-35	35	3500	ec48791a-ae23-49c1-97b9-7f182522938c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:33:24	-133.129
-35	70	3500	5afb39e7-b946-4a46-9241-71991c7f27d3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:09:28	-308.673
-36	36	3600	7df3d872-2ce2-41ac-ac51-6e95a0766abb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:09:03	953.951
-36	72	3600	d523cff1-4bba-4370-adbd-37de9e74b739	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:03:02	958.722
-37	37	3700	a0b6864c-f66d-4ce7-b16b-c824dc85949c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:28:02	933.295
-37	74	3700	25b35560-5ce2-4840-9bdf-081d9d7f250d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:57:39	449.946
-38	38	3800	d5aa15b1-7873-40ab-9037-dfce5cbb33a6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:05:35	89.506
-38	76	3800	9cc8dfb7-4f1d-4168-9517-6d812988d3a4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:45:30	939.967
-39	39	3900	de54aa8e-0338-4962-b969-a5c3f62a24e9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:35:00	623.61
-39	78	3900	c7f5f5b7-9ed9-4eed-ab28-255a9cca9d9d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:41:56	-410.678
-40	40	4000	3b1ec53d-0693-423b-8a23-741d0f839e6e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:23:00	-199.255
-40	80	4000	289a8721-78b8-4a5f-a875-2efca7e8d484	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:37:34	345.551
-41	41	4100	7c9cefed-5b8d-4f18-bf52-89d686d32d2f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:29:12	-148.502
-41	82	4100	273be461-52b2-4674-be70-72a0e84a8acf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:43:51	787.41
-42	42	4200	13189526-01d7-401a-9fd7-680292aeea4f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:13:24	495.851
-42	84	4200	e64d5859-ab97-42c0-9ffe-7d4e4646d780	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:33:38	-634.730
-43	43	4300	55293828-98e8-40e9-84ad-cf23ae77567c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:03:33	-495.389
-43	86	4300	98eb66a2-52d7-4b98-8448-d3f66ba75114	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:16:43	134.867
-44	44	4400	6005f37d-ba09-4147-8a40-9f9015947e99	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:52:09	600.286
-44	88	4400	5a0f70b3-e209-458a-a5cc-a9666c314a85	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:09:44	-126.586
-45	45	4500	9a16869c-c47b-473d-b154-244266edbc26	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:31:56	896.827
-45	90	4500	47afdd61-7d33-4696-9283-ee0dafa2b590	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:59:04	-223.272
-46	46	4600	413a37df-5ac4-435f-9ee2-c1eae580772a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:55:37	875.833
-46	92	4600	44086be5-e8eb-4a92-9ce8-b6b6de8ee4bf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:47:27	183.378
-47	47	4700	0b88e236-3041-4ae8-ae5e-542f522f300d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:49:50	-821.317
-47	94	4700	30a0ad41-8c26-4329-83af-11ec6f3965d1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:23:37	-87.739
-48	48	4800	a683a272-1561-4e64-8d08-0a8132f159a0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:22:40	307.617
-48	96	4800	bc4a5480-1f2c-4db6-8fdd-222b52ca8af8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:25:36	240.637
-49	49	4900	0eed6f66-5969-4744-8c5f-99ca6106947d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:57:00	420.398
-49	98	4900	0fb14ef0-6e7e-4b73-9af1-f73df4bf20af	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:36:07	126.339
-50	50	5000	199554bc-71ca-437d-a536-19195692bd41	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:31:18	385.513
-50	100	5000	cae25f30-0432-45c1-96e4-c9846fb974fb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:13:56	698.870
-51	51	5100	c779c028-804a-4bb1-861a-6eb0657cbce2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:18:04	57.264
-51	102	5100	ba896d79-a668-4a9d-85f3-525c3861cdf7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:59:00	-488.502
-52	52	5200	55378d93-e22b-4ecd-ac36-e7cde435b05f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:50:48	249.580
-52	104	5200	07849475-8fb6-4d05-92c7-0eb7002fa619	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:25:22	-45.30
-53	53	5300	66a18420-6614-4cce-9da1-ff16ddb7efe7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:33:28	-434.133
-53	106	5300	e2be7d52-1a8e-4d67-8eab-b458cb05e61f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:23:40	-628.981
-54	54	5400	903c385a-7029-4403-9310-cd53a4e4973a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:43:23	705.569
-54	108	5400	f90e5fb8-e762-4a92-93db-0b406b2ba05d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:39:38	-447.652
-55	55	5500	2084128c-39b1-49f2-9476-795d1b3b87c3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:37:41	-131.135
-55	110	5500	bc3915d7-2594-4d35-8f7f-d66496a93019	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:48:13	955.456
-56	56	5600	1463c9f7-4022-41e9-8f9f-c8f69d65b3e2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:07:10	530.244
-56	112	5600	33bddab3-2493-45b2-bc54-f8772c1b3e9f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:47:19	853.227
-57	57	5700	d0efa1e8-22e4-4f4f-ab76-9eb0c26dea36	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:48:29	150.344
-57	114	5700	31128389-f0ee-48d2-b0fc-c41d87a685b7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:47:04	606.886
-58	58	5800	f6a444a0-ad42-4a01-8e5f-4a731776ae8d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:02:57	-342.846
-58	116	5800	24da5f9d-1025-43dd-a112-e93e2fbfe225	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:55:37	-363.264
-59	59	5900	1d194fce-f5bc-4e0e-8cc2-e42d25280114	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:06:35	983.105
-59	118	5900	3f872b1b-dcd3-45df-b59e-959e41b7b03a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:08:23	769.137
-60	60	6000	b1ad6505-b185-4c1e-a536-1f9ebf98750f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:22:52	428.860
-60	120	6000	509f74c2-ef56-47ec-b48a-ddba574f1505	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:42:30	987.512
-61	61	6100	963e35d7-8292-4ca6-b765-3b6cc5085fbe	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:41:10	188.168
-61	122	6100	719a7ca6-b6ab-4822-b51a-4f64f62fe1f7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:12:47	751.282
-62	62	6200	303534cd-8136-4c72-a671-f4f495822baa	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:36:56	-1.894
-62	124	6200	ed7104ed-a7ab-4351-91fa-7f67ed532a7e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:41:29	-483.992
-63	63	6300	6da0ef0a-8260-4b1b-a64a-cbc43983d186	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:04:17	866.240
-63	126	6300	e7f24f17-7185-4016-a4e1-d2933676809b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:59:54	-499.601
-64	64	6400	db682969-e183-4def-a222-26b4d312a6bb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:29:41	-445.466
-64	128	6400	6b47b487-d7b8-467a-bf23-171402657eb0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:54:25	967.750
-65	65	6500	8e56eab7-facf-4b8e-bf41-1677a4475b08	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:17:14	882.713
-65	130	6500	de9b7247-8364-46bc-b65b-a39f53914d12	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:05:37	271.863
-66	66	6600	cddb85c1-93d2-437c-88fe-fc6271942c2b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:14:49	272.788
-66	132	6600	da5a1816-d896-4aa0-a4d0-c141736f2b1c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:52:03	-544.952
-67	67	6700	2ba36163-c44a-410c-ba2d-d982560468c5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:19:03	698.205
-67	134	6700	33516c3f-ff3a-49aa-9c82-3f4d2ba86f9a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:59:12	-264.163
-68	68	6800	b96937a8-c108-4ae3-8da5-1bdcde2a5c4e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:43:53	-672.176
-68	136	6800	0954b048-eaea-4315-a18b-486463fc8e79	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:33:04	435.684
-69	69	6900	adc70c3e-de22-4ede-b3ae-887451db41f5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:58:09	-652.61
-69	138	6900	1d1a0810-c826-46f2-aa70-5f32fadd93f3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:59:31	-308.655
-70	70	7000	46b1acc7-d52c-49e7-b405-b31f8ece18d6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:42:23	203.200
-70	140	7000	df5542b4-088f-4f46-ad10-7f046bd6a291	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:42:54	-601.262
-71	71	7100	c22bbfef-5cc3-4e33-a3ea-3cec84d242ee	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:29:29	982.762
-71	142	7100	42c6e2a1-4556-4626-bd7d-2a30e610c6c2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:08:16	573.713
-72	72	7200	64b7d249-0e01-4be3-8167-b7b6c8f6429f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:47:34	-665.20
-72	144	7200	d81336d4-9b9e-465b-b458-44369f0ba6fa	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:46:49	255.402
-73	73	7300	691f63e9-3bbf-40df-a885-03e0f6dd4643	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:16:19	390.794
-73	146	7300	0bbe35af-b6b8-4647-af8e-547b408758f7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:49:31	237.877
-74	74	7400	ee427bdc-213b-4f5d-8afc-9b73635f4c21	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:35:49	848.15
-74	148	7400	e0c5bb8a-10d8-4d42-a3cd-ca082e7accf0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:33:18	461.255
-75	75	7500	b3a25252-0ced-4c9d-b132-902f4065c858	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:22:07	205.689
-75	150	7500	779dba65-b8b9-444b-9780-ed539ff258c6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:30:47	-551.379
-76	76	7600	e53e01a8-835e-4ee7-a8df-7e50c4202110	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:50:52	713.865
-76	152	7600	a7512839-b284-49c3-a139-afc3d0941241	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:21:46	275.434
-77	77	7700	cb44bf02-b0c6-4b8d-b319-09bae828fd3b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:47:19	197.38
-77	154	7700	4e5a450c-af0a-4bad-9911-ef2e5e8bd76e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:39:27	-602.76
-78	78	7800	5e372336-79d6-4814-921c-ed2665b5c0cf	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:06:53	-486.465
-78	156	7800	e22e21d8-f4cd-44d3-9e24-b0fcc0f56dbb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:38:31	-779.702
-79	79	7900	c8e5427f-ed52-4025-bc52-2307e4761a5c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:58:31	-680.346
-79	158	7900	eb7e788e-6fdb-4e19-9605-0e61f3dbf571	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:30:11	-106.79
-80	80	8000	1086a3cd-92e7-42fd-9f50-018f3e2ae9f0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:05:43	-620.537
-80	160	8000	ce3d3da8-76d6-434d-89b8-605f80fbea68	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:04:20	-679.984
-81	81	8100	9634fcf9-a571-4f55-9a57-31e47808378e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:47:03	888.924
-81	162	8100	67cdcdeb-2563-47d1-ab82-c9581a5baf47	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:59:53	783.491
-82	82	8200	a83ff1e8-3929-48d1-bcfb-bca1f45bd30b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:12:13	-155.212
-82	164	8200	c9427f7b-6e19-4ec3-bfc7-d41857b439ef	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:36:17	-632.973
-83	83	8300	deb262fa-aaad-48d9-a263-5e2133990a2d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:51:54	-298.899
-83	166	8300	17c95d23-e84a-4338-a139-3d8c71498580	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:29:55	402.97
-84	84	8400	15a92f29-bea4-4fc9-95fe-03db82d77acc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:00:32	-254.77
-84	168	8400	c7e2b17e-9ac1-4699-a3b3-59cc0a30c39f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:53:11	685.453
-85	85	8500	7c5f4a83-eff0-4f1f-9aaf-0563185b4194	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:22:33	-437.492
-85	170	8500	0add1baa-fd1b-4f66-91c8-c3b37967caf7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:49:36	615.201
-86	86	8600	6f36c41c-3018-453e-b821-d3ba1173c8c3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:53:36	-235.918
-86	172	8600	616bf143-47dd-4f4d-9781-7a16acb4aed4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:14:27	-469.216
-87	87	8700	fe3ac769-a00d-4d13-8389-3760924996c7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:47:38	-223.525
-87	174	8700	c12ae852-7224-437b-b199-37877e07ce6f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:28:39	-902.593
-88	88	8800	887d28d4-1253-4f46-b2ca-fdccf903b0fa	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:35:44	931.106
-88	176	8800	3acf0311-ab4a-49b3-95d8-dccc96c56aff	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:41:45	-720.735
-89	89	8900	c04cb393-b171-42ae-9676-63bd77002664	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:59:18	507.251
-89	178	8900	2ffbecb8-49fa-4504-86cc-d6b9f900a9a8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:04:31	-283.515
-90	90	9000	25c4d3de-be81-40cd-8e8f-8ec393fb3c1b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:51:56	-943.787
-90	180	9000	2a8e7f63-b525-4324-adae-3e8980cc6898	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:00:51	-940.672
-91	91	9100	32f33555-ff84-4758-9a83-0c6d730fd8f4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:26:51	302.783
-91	182	9100	c749746d-7b79-417f-9943-07c6e12489bc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:15:24	-280.692
-92	92	9200	50834fd8-66bf-4c46-8754-08118e796c02	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:41:07	-566.821
-92	184	9200	352be1e2-6d0a-454d-8be7-75c7742a098e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:04:21	372.724
-93	93	9300	19e487b0-ced0-4f25-920b-64be85017fe9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:41:34	-441.199
-93	186	9300	ebbbd212-80f8-4009-adc3-a175f4f70615	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:25:48	469.295
-94	94	9400	63a08c68-56b7-4d2f-a7d7-130e5bd68531	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:37:25	-34.571
-94	188	9400	dbd5db07-dc7d-4bf6-bf72-1b3efcebab90	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:38:22	493.815
-95	95	9500	8c44dad3-df0c-458a-9862-9a4c8cd0b103	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:45:20	360.44
-95	190	9500	73537c3b-c332-4cd4-a268-05433bc2e759	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:03:46	938.36
-96	96	9600	bd40683a-47c0-452c-b414-50d4de4a7983	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:38:41	-407.352
-96	192	9600	d413f359-07f9-4151-bfd2-f18ceec34b3f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:30:57	161.513
-97	97	9700	17191435-8405-41f9-8101-e255c75e2b5f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:33:44	236.755
-97	194	9700	a38a53ea-e8e1-45fd-ab59-43df514aa44a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:23:38	592.371
-98	98	9800	3ac980bc-f8d1-4a78-8568-a30ad40f7433	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:27:37	-133.311
-98	196	9800	d34cfbde-c794-4d42-b985-05f834e0dd60	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:53:09	-135.65
-99	99	9900	e80b4799-717c-4307-aeea-3688b027e4ce	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:56:08	-784.588
-99	198	9900	f7e2c231-ab51-4b3a-bf29-10f425707852	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:12:22	425.284
-100	100	10000	5d39ed19-721e-4157-8c3c-0c9d0db019e0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:26:44	944.785
-100	200	10000	be70a091-7beb-456d-be1c-c3271b5e04e0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:36:17	-981.989
-101	101	10100	c5f2414c-861e-4c2b-8042-419c48225a53	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:12:45	106.359
-101	202	10100	dd9e9c52-fcd7-433f-9a65-fb3c51aac75b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:43:15	557.934
-102	102	10200	6315a552-1ae6-453a-ba20-1a48ffbb3a86	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:39:13	-426.376
-102	204	10200	1d3a95f5-e673-41fd-b3de-455a559d7628	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:30:20	-628.400
-103	103	10300	a388ac5d-3d1c-4cf0-9203-bc2ede3c95a6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:48:25	-558.144
-103	206	10300	cd82bcd9-da3f-4503-b528-5248dd1c3ce3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:33:30	-858.474
-104	104	10400	974ab187-c8ee-46f0-80ee-d4c6f66610eb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:28:40	-496.561
-104	208	10400	c269c103-5b1b-4dd8-852f-1f2ae2ee36db	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:34:48	853.107
-105	105	10500	27b0a2f5-8d84-4b28-b360-cd6befdcca6f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:41:25	-173.85
-105	210	10500	23358008-7a63-46a2-8ed3-f4edb19afd40	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:51:05	389.200
-106	106	10600	50f5b121-5722-45e1-81dd-8dd68f669cd0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:17:51	846.479
-106	212	10600	0b9a85f0-e0f8-4883-9446-0d8a6168985a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:03:51	388.147
-107	107	10700	faf2e25c-d3f7-439b-8afa-e672aa065f5d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:45:41	-382.741
-107	214	10700	717b5b73-bbee-4caa-a6af-85b4f0ed26bc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:56:59	-830.781
-108	108	10800	bb384505-3490-493e-b435-71891551c6f4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:10:48	930.500
-108	216	10800	130c9918-351e-4f15-82c4-9ac4f0705b21	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:22:18	10.265
-109	109	10900	893459a4-15ad-4eec-8d6e-8114c588b3e4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:31:52	136.659
-109	218	10900	14e002e1-e350-4691-bf99-f6e78f7dcd95	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:40:42	-361.290
-110	110	11000	718ee3d6-a989-48b7-a819-5748b3b96fbc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:41:58	-673.577
-110	220	11000	53e755b8-475e-47ae-b10c-775ba23d61e0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:55:53	560.898
-111	111	11100	0413098d-3aa5-4c79-a2f4-606bc5a00cf8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:02:42	-187.874
-111	222	11100	47d90e68-c479-4683-a816-be35eccde733	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:17:45	-298.382
-112	112	11200	51fcc35b-e012-46fa-83a3-b7cf001f2d7a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:10:29	571.626
-112	224	11200	05d0a7bf-e499-4824-bccb-263af5deb50e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:59:16	-182.570
-113	113	11300	4cc04c9b-71c0-4129-99e3-73289e9942b1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:32:14	654.656
-113	226	11300	c07d3154-1053-4d04-a5fe-13e4b8cf4ffc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:16:53	-982.583
-114	114	11400	008ad005-e52c-459c-8a30-3ab1212e5bd4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:31:26	431.638
-114	228	11400	fa4b8543-9193-42e5-bb76-f150521247c4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:39:26	-814.109
-115	115	11500	a795f363-a07a-4ea7-acaf-42d73fa636b9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:08:19	-904.662
-115	230	11500	ca1db9f2-94e1-48bb-9d85-8efbb8e1fb6f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:36:25	-739.91
-116	116	11600	5559ac21-5a66-4b45-8717-7e9bece55295	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:15:17	347.752
-116	232	11600	24b91a0b-22df-40a3-a84b-8738a1c1c6c3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:15:41	844.909
-117	117	11700	a76cafe2-e5ce-4a38-99cf-6a23bf2e4e35	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:37:29	782.785
-117	234	11700	7275577d-edc0-4535-b851-8c05a52dbf46	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:44:45	-71.919
-118	118	11800	520cbe05-13c0-45c7-bf5d-626387ec6847	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:28:15	13.314
-118	236	11800	a4b5e9e4-4427-4264-b839-c34a1dae21b2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:35:52	-838.904
-119	119	11900	673ebc5e-2941-4fb4-baea-48e6897c9c25	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:55:42	-524.181
-119	238	11900	6e38a825-28c8-474b-aa4c-9490de4c2147	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:30:31	-586.70
-120	120	12000	e89c931d-05e8-4cc5-8012-d32cbf3fecb1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:46:18	-853.362
-120	240	12000	a3b77054-f97d-4a5e-889f-b5edc4fb9c65	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:32:16	-987.108
-121	121	12100	c48607a6-b274-4529-81cd-fdc580655bac	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:28:08	-306.442
-121	242	12100	d75deedd-2321-4915-b540-b66ce6a07d74	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:28:51	-859.266
-122	122	12200	b9462368-61e9-40d9-b829-776118ca0101	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:10:21	-939.168
-122	244	12200	c32ada51-0508-4fc1-b790-b522fceb892b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:28:15	894.549
-123	123	12300	260ddd8e-dfc4-4579-bf47-1a08ccca626e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:05:29	-875.529
-123	246	12300	a1f0da30-032e-4be2-9e7a-8fd38871640b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:31:19	103.720
-124	124	12400	943ca485-1b4f-407f-bfb5-b9f7f40fd4b1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:01:38	131.482
-124	248	12400	0b4ddcf6-0e72-4d00-b9c2-94b7b9f5e905	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:01:35	422.967
-125	125	12500	e05a94d8-8c0b-4cde-854f-e1bd281e01f6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:14:05	-621.556
-125	250	12500	ee513ae1-2d69-4d14-8fb2-ba6b4120aa02	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:03:26	525.742
-126	126	12600	8cca7143-b48a-482c-8d5e-7596393e17b9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:14:21	-822.575
-126	252	12600	572746a4-d065-47d6-8757-47f0d9951e4e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:27:28	155.558
-127	127	12700	a978c0b3-963a-4bae-a59f-0e36ca55b3ab	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:05:03	-665.351
-127	254	12700	ff69a211-e7d6-472b-a132-902f80501b68	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:22:32	320.809
-0	128	12800	a1d033e6-2944-4b4e-b432-ea804c89dcd7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:39:17	-484.89
-0	256	12800	295e6bec-c28b-4dd5-916b-a5e64f2a7f96	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:43:13	-433.959
-1	129	12900	8bc347c4-59ed-49de-9e44-91fd7341720c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:59:58	672.192
-1	258	12900	b44fba3f-d5b6-47b5-b6e1-89b46379c81e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:14:12	768.322
-2	130	13000	a0df0e95-add6-416d-88fc-5a32b4b933d5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:34:34	-184.251
-2	260	13000	c17760c5-c88a-4a00-beee-31179ba3162d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:45:21	-146.952
-3	131	13100	3edc6fe2-94e5-4b39-97d3-acba0725844d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:28:39	440.831
-3	262	13100	1d1cf989-4200-4e46-ac76-8fd8d57e84c9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:28:03	423.178
-4	132	13200	4847dd73-4960-4e74-87b2-f5fc8ce9847c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:29:14	372.445
-4	264	13200	d9682eba-76c0-4709-a067-07140d912fcf	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:24:47	243.107
-5	133	13300	7669cafb-6a05-42ed-812f-672b03fc4701	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:26:00	68.274
-5	266	13300	77376a73-3668-4ec8-ad03-6b84a1b36f56	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:59:06	290.514
-6	134	13400	00b8cd3f-65e7-405c-ae54-4f96ebfe6dd3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:07:45	754.444
-6	268	13400	8a0a4349-8589-47b4-ab39-ca2ffbd87b31	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:51:55	-698.769
-7	135	13500	0635010c-54ba-45d5-bf8d-1ed64c3ccc73	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:10:20	26.3
-7	270	13500	b9b20a6d-6ad2-46e6-89a7-454e7ec0fb63	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:40:23	389.278
-8	136	13600	8f2da6f8-a3f7-4a69-bcec-3b00f7cd38d1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:34:45	839.690
-8	272	13600	6d1779b4-fe2b-49af-aa4d-7a2f7e5bfaab	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:43:02	-105.856
-9	137	13700	086b9878-d5b4-4487-8465-978db92269d6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:43:38	906.845
-9	274	13700	2af2764d-d57c-4112-b0b8-936cd6ac952a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:08:42	-765.353
-10	138	13800	32181751-0f98-4fab-bc39-c8334fcdaa00	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:21:29	-718.500
-10	276	13800	717bb711-2d0e-4971-bae7-b51f1cda6908	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:13:21	512.374
-11	139	13900	cc7d7d61-33b4-4d4b-b249-b45219f66a58	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:26:53	509.670
-11	278	13900	6fbe5f7b-dd02-47df-899c-356416530444	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:57:05	786.723
-12	140	14000	6b5ab893-d55f-4546-b51a-09d839e70b2c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:53:33	932.100
-12	280	14000	6cd46334-5247-45fe-bada-b4252cf15bec	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:48:25	-584.139
-13	141	14100	cdac41c3-1ed8-4092-9bc3-a26b5202f48d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:16:11	-756.518
-13	282	14100	7f1cdb75-2dff-403a-a8d3-5577839961ed	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:21:27	-907.528
-14	142	14200	4ef6e3f6-ff67-4994-b284-81617df80516	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:37:34	754.530
-14	284	14200	dc274c40-5939-473d-b404-cb61fab62994	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:51:47	62.818
-15	143	14300	8a7dc0bc-6ac7-4050-b77c-48edd3b7fc81	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:46:19	495.426
-15	286	14300	deeb5b8a-7b6b-48cf-aee4-e9833c5bd39a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:50:51	38.681
-16	144	14400	f23dcabe-4ae0-4a31-b5ca-52a224773d2b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:50:47	773.630
-16	288	14400	4b50d6f3-356b-44c8-8fa0-698968849cc2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:28:16	935.674
-17	145	14500	86bc14c4-1cf3-45ff-9e53-c399becf7122	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:14:53	-576.48
-17	290	14500	886029e9-831b-42c9-af7d-a1ee00698043	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:19:31	279.633
-18	146	14600	e5372e3f-12ca-4b34-b953-b9a7f17c776f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:53:49	-772.996
-18	292	14600	6e5f3fbf-39d9-4a89-8f87-8fcd80039c2d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:49:24	335.988
-19	147	14700	cbfd9d00-fa6b-491b-8f0d-6bb413c982ec	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:50:03	881.590
-19	294	14700	f4614321-5234-411e-a10b-d92066d94052	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:08:06	-235.288
-20	148	14800	ef190f45-df10-4667-a4ad-cad3722cf240	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:22:46	-685.574
-20	296	14800	7c6436d4-47e7-48fa-b443-c4c1f28c4c5c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:49:52	120.382
-21	149	14900	bab898c5-2907-4aa0-81b2-21e60574effb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:28:21	16.109
-21	298	14900	9afccbc8-0c69-4a77-a8a0-52979ea17f5d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:51:20	921.922
-22	150	15000	60eb83dd-8f61-46fc-b332-e2df9a6f6d21	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:16:59	-872.573
-22	300	15000	fe013d28-c4bc-4739-b78f-70f1cc264b7b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:12:37	-677.675
-23	151	15100	76f7901a-0fcd-4c9c-ac09-1602d9038b39	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:02:52	-957.773
-23	302	15100	e2274b72-9572-4410-8e0d-dd8d67afd00e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:29:45	563.3
-24	152	15200	f228cbc9-63fb-44de-8216-45719768ce72	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:25:55	111.758
-24	304	15200	466f6b46-e1e6-4869-a50c-6c567fc0284e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:41:34	632.902
-25	153	15300	f1e577c6-e1f0-4bde-9bf6-c8f3406cb4e8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:36:06	-111.968
-25	306	15300	cfe29336-e3d0-4f19-9463-34f2ad41e10f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:45:46	-508.459
-26	154	15400	f115b2d0-1400-4a2a-a3e2-47c7e1252144	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:14:02	58.123
-26	308	15400	3544130c-a4bb-459d-91b6-62e9d97581dc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:59:13	-839.643
-27	155	15500	d3921aac-ab8e-43e0-9d39-c086a692ac67	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:44:19	835.685
-27	310	15500	6147a513-753d-45ba-8c78-ba1f66c7362d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:42:27	246.490
-28	156	15600	60318352-319f-4d68-bee9-197648b0f11c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:25:33	-405.169
-28	312	15600	4e95f0d9-6264-465b-8aa1-c81f4e86561b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:26:09	-653.200
-29	157	15700	c6e815bd-a8f5-4e5c-a93b-31b534dbe494	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:14:12	-533.635
-29	314	15700	63302404-c73d-44b0-b13c-7e1714752218	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:23:41	220.641
-30	158	15800	4d8bd018-dca9-448e-878e-ddb9357dbe5e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:51:29	-672.902
-30	316	15800	743fd53e-66df-4609-ad10-5d2535b4159e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:52:49	497.628
-31	159	15900	232f166c-6e68-46f9-936a-db6836519bb5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:36:18	899.948
-31	318	15900	e2462f89-5460-495c-9f24-c31677115d05	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:12:34	-906.770
-32	160	16000	2aa635f1-efff-4594-a9f1-82fe43caee5d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:53:21	-731.89
-32	320	16000	f4e33443-90b8-4ff9-b651-cbbdbb8efcb2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:33:41	754.828
-33	161	16100	63a7fb36-8b91-46f2-9cc3-a3bdc28cef63	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:49:25	446.91
-33	322	16100	0dbc55a1-5a7f-4d4c-98a7-a46fe98419dd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:22:09	638.778
-34	162	16200	ef599b24-6cf9-4b91-92a5-7931e3575635	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:40:17	400.302
-34	324	16200	d658c8a1-92e2-4a86-b725-63f9872f1bd0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:16:27	345.13
-35	163	16300	dabd9ec6-aa1a-4e59-8d10-87c344791e8f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:23:36	490.824
-35	326	16300	75d0a5cb-96f5-4780-be81-2992e5873832	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:49:45	693.286
-36	164	16400	850df35e-9c25-4023-b37c-fab072338bc4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:30:16	681.354
-36	328	16400	d9ce1c6a-0680-47d6-ab0d-be2261d77ed4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:32:53	75.272
-37	165	16500	b1234d20-d52f-43b5-a5f4-7b466480a287	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:14:18	-535.94
-37	330	16500	2258f8dc-b831-4167-8657-5a40c9b6a0e1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:19:22	246.876
-38	166	16600	a6fe295a-ad12-42a5-a79b-405880d14c8c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:04:56	-759.632
-38	332	16600	3f0b662f-0213-49ce-b0ee-2d39a430cc13	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:09:29	589.93
-39	167	16700	f6b4d433-152f-498a-ae80-84f756b364df	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:18:13	-230.628
-39	334	16700	934b0f55-de42-42bf-ac41-fcc23cc55363	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:30:25	-481.128
-40	168	16800	0d3caccb-c427-49de-874f-8cf6945e8a1e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:18:34	-778.777
-40	336	16800	a90256be-00d6-4cb3-bd8e-7ccc8f0c90b0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:09:41	-355.447
-41	169	16900	9bb635b0-ec2f-4b90-b86e-b87ec9f49740	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:59:30	-144.323
-41	338	16900	f65fd274-f62b-4e4c-87ba-8b3f02ad9522	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:39:37	306.676
-42	170	17000	c7c36e31-da92-4277-87a8-aa386cf9fce5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:33:00	-823.685
-42	340	17000	0827f9af-33b9-492e-9a64-f49e6a32d9b1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:08:56	-486.863
-43	171	17100	951aa55f-8f7c-46cf-9f44-0cf0441e36ed	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:29:20	-415.787
-43	342	17100	d758b290-bce9-4176-a114-c4950904c9bf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:18:59	-236.802
-44	172	17200	2f01d70b-07bc-4b26-8ac7-7d6648e9ca57	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:11:07	-232.175
-44	344	17200	edcdf785-6d8b-47ac-8814-a3ce30626e75	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:40:55	209.549
-45	173	17300	07e88934-0827-46d8-895e-f6211e2d7d4c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:07:08	-567.768
-45	346	17300	8acfc86e-1956-4f4e-8543-789890ccdfbf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:07:21	-221.674
-46	174	17400	ee80388d-8981-4b35-be7f-b5fecd9b6176	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:01:00	-26.248
-46	348	17400	c87ef87f-2bfb-4720-8f90-9c3261033938	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:48:16	822.653
-47	175	17500	dbce2274-ec37-4be8-8c13-dae75e6d0ff2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:20:51	824.0
-47	350	17500	d5021013-8b7d-4dd4-9eab-4d1f8e07bf39	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:05:46	663.306
-48	176	17600	bcd5f8f5-9124-4441-93a5-5373ad79b670	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:22:21	112.634
-48	352	17600	96ea5bc2-2948-46e5-90b6-8c238685847d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:59:25	174.561
-49	177	17700	61d5729b-028d-436f-a8b2-fbf6b42027df	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:25:52	936.992
-49	354	17700	748687ec-2b90-416d-8906-f89443ecb807	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:25:51	195.577
-50	178	17800	f1ef7fb4-12a5-47b1-8c00-0ec3f20382ad	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:45:06	902.417
-50	356	17800	eb24c87d-55fc-45aa-a31e-fd31c3f3d346	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:04:59	-474.353
-51	179	17900	dcf149cc-b163-4644-ad39-187c97f68381	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:45:42	-581.831
-51	358	17900	2c6fb399-5941-4d51-891a-67c05863bf5e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:15:05	760.324
-52	180	18000	c34e8619-b736-48de-a756-c0e185c048dd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:09:33	322.951
-52	360	18000	5f807d9b-e149-4740-857c-e0c181db2c32	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:05:20	-612.237
-53	181	18100	04605f2b-07bf-47b4-89cf-42d082753a5e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:33:20	180.968
-53	362	18100	21b7aa13-2ffd-44c3-a4e9-1fe9a03066c9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:21:25	557.840
-54	182	18200	ea311327-c49b-411a-9cbe-33bc05aff0b4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:05:31	-595.557
-54	364	18200	1ddc1c4f-f0fa-4255-a9ad-7b7d3543bf69	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:59:46	964.954
-55	183	18300	f87b2af6-c0a9-49f3-96ec-4cb26ffe49ec	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:28:49	595.712
-55	366	18300	a90f7355-0a12-4355-a944-47053d686e39	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:01:14	321.687
-56	184	18400	b9f2fee0-1730-41fe-aa47-39cac0debf98	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:58:39	51.797
-56	368	18400	679ba4d4-0c4e-4218-aef7-2f06ffe8b43c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:26:07	-552.309
-57	185	18500	e6032049-d63d-4195-86a9-9a141b97fbdd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:10:54	-783.871
-57	370	18500	673fb2d9-7406-45af-ae0d-35c027ba732d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:03:52	-460.260
-58	186	18600	75799100-03f6-431f-8b04-1991962f9bcf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:46:29	-338.332
-58	372	18600	c580f32f-869f-4314-a893-acbccad9089a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:30:49	-112.707
-59	187	18700	daba422d-a48e-4cdd-8505-68d4c6a4e031	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:46:05	555.929
-59	374	18700	d1502b50-8e03-42cc-aaea-7e89693c46df	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:01:03	-310.966
-60	188	18800	a16bfa7c-1681-4864-ab90-30f9f400f027	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:47:49	405.507
-60	376	18800	dd1b7593-c128-4520-935d-b8545bc7f788	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:24:33	94.437
-61	189	18900	3401ed2f-2758-4aa0-9c8d-992bbc925914	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:59:19	840.907
-61	378	18900	fe27b9d3-ead1-44bc-9c18-91dbbf3a7fcb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:28:37	-670.469
-62	190	19000	df678d8e-a331-4f20-9fda-08cac7adebbf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:11:09	-188.557
-62	380	19000	aa76044b-323b-4c65-8998-97dc30bd6230	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:51:07	142.486
-63	191	19100	82dc3d3b-8b77-4ee8-a263-6e1030aae4bf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:21:57	-410.90
-63	382	19100	9814caca-a8e0-4bb9-8c1c-b606fd788ab1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:50:29	7.220
-64	192	19200	e2ee58cd-d1ef-4e10-81e3-428d8abfe26e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:19:01	-965.868
-64	384	19200	25125a72-b6ae-406f-9e32-aec9c54086ca	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:57:18	-189.153
-65	193	19300	f3b8b85b-68f4-4ba5-8852-f25caadb5119	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:08:13	-641.798
-65	386	19300	26a953c3-1ae5-4d0e-ac4a-c5ec7fcdb4c4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:50:58	-81.176
-66	194	19400	d0c40297-5df4-4893-8ff3-c8a65be5de9e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:36:47	-787.710
-66	388	19400	7dcaab2b-d76e-46f6-85da-4117f427f240	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:04:23	68.883
-67	195	19500	10ce0421-e370-41d8-aa88-07f84a7ee348	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:55:09	393.791
-67	390	19500	2ef0b628-101d-449d-87c7-703284202fcf	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:32:20	-677.332
-68	196	19600	0bd12edd-3689-42d8-8b84-f94fd275c922	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:26:06	-940.458
-68	392	19600	a68af53a-be99-459e-9fc8-6c625ca672a0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:28:46	-114.521
-69	197	19700	40fb8c82-14f0-43d7-b794-25dc2e8bd534	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:18:49	-652.639
-69	394	19700	ef7a045e-d680-460a-be37-54b0306b4bb2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:50:34	741.207
-70	198	19800	bc160fb6-33b2-4e3f-84ec-9a0244f9db44	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:23:57	209.176
-70	396	19800	33627149-8646-4ea3-9c62-1df73c768f2e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:25:39	-236.271
-71	199	19900	ed8c82cc-0c9b-4e73-b069-2a1cd2325037	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:02:37	779.845
-71	398	19900	656b9b92-fa05-4249-8afd-07a147a3f10a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:17:14	-659.447
-72	200	20000	fe39bcd6-1f8e-43c0-a298-f21385d01fab	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:34:44	-717.630
-72	400	20000	0b041495-f3f6-4dd2-8ccc-34d6885a8140	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:24:03	-327.617
-73	201	20100	facf3b47-bb12-4c0f-984d-3842fef83bb4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:31:52	-804.680
-73	402	20100	67348330-9e97-4723-8108-b70242ae33c5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:33:16	683.675
-74	202	20200	95084d48-831f-4501-ae62-0300f926ecaa	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:51:48	-234.128
-74	404	20200	c3f39c21-8733-4d27-aa2b-23bc39b17f1a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:26:23	-447.845
-75	203	20300	5b2a9fb2-3681-45cc-98ae-a49d3b569d71	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:15:40	-101.185
-75	406	20300	7b88c0f4-da1b-49ef-88a3-cabe02b76370	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:25:21	530.213
-76	204	20400	93fb3f22-9f54-4db7-b008-3a173bee42b2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:20:12	-727.890
-76	408	20400	84020db2-e197-4c3f-aa49-85cae081664e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:17:44	-509.559
-77	205	20500	03196a0f-44f4-416c-a770-a8fa1b653353	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:48:50	-144.756
-77	410	20500	988b35c5-10dc-44a6-8821-3de4210725a5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:39:58	573.900
-78	206	20600	1acd1c3f-cce7-46ce-8bcf-d4309773db03	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:15:45	-161.3
-78	412	20600	9c0d0c11-e1f7-44de-a6b9-7bd335abc089	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:30:48	638.452
-79	207	20700	581cb43c-7077-4226-8638-85ebcb40c0ab	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:26:39	-861.246
-79	414	20700	4ab07d03-1362-4cf7-89c3-21f83367b0a1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:51:45	-140.557
-80	208	20800	d1b949e8-5183-493f-bdb1-0b05f2fe654a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:57:34	-408.472
-80	416	20800	dcf2042c-6205-457b-953b-4eb61ea016f9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:41:36	-969.768
-81	209	20900	ec5e2baa-7828-4706-b7de-a5ceb7019570	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:11:18	-886.785
-81	418	20900	6b58ba62-0a79-470d-98e4-42a474db3c8f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:16:30	-108.66
-82	210	21000	631dd30f-e219-46a3-927f-716a6e2c449f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:35:22	610.546
-82	420	21000	1b6ea3f9-8571-40b8-a534-fb7df002b566	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:03:58	337.822
-83	211	21100	49acc0db-80c8-4397-8515-8f4b824c20c2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:30:27	695.766
-83	422	21100	1a5da08d-1cba-4686-af45-1712dda8885a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:59:47	-39.901
-84	212	21200	ca49fb45-0216-404e-873b-c13f6af3a22e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:36:19	-742.600
-84	424	21200	5616c85a-4502-4c80-823e-5989a162a4ae	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:21:01	-960.53
-85	213	21300	394d1b68-2f69-43ed-aa37-fb7c8eecc4a2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:54:46	-527.107
-85	426	21300	2d1ec0a6-367a-459a-90c4-f69d1ca0034e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:50:50	-278.229
-86	214	21400	e2750c25-d195-4f25-9d94-c009f8c92237	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:51:11	818.126
-86	428	21400	5df0f2fd-6cf6-4161-bc7c-30a82888c69c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:37:07	910.749
-87	215	21500	f7131767-2368-445a-9700-890e69bf261f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:01:09	-617.122
-87	430	21500	b5fab37e-e7af-4172-9498-bfc01ffc04ae	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:39:59	-26.707
-88	216	21600	f6c926af-cb12-4c08-8698-1f1cada0ab6f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:28:46	-976.37
-88	432	21600	0964f244-b950-4527-8f10-dd532ef6e9e3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:35:44	-454.414
-89	217	21700	3b46db37-a83f-45f7-953b-d3ef8d13a70e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:57:58	-828.892
-89	434	21700	6fdbf324-41b6-468f-bb0e-9603eeb36373	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:29:03	658.277
-90	218	21800	00aeb788-c029-4758-a5de-5e251c4fa9b3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:28:25	607.199
-90	436	21800	072e2ebb-2e65-4a07-8b80-0ab904b3d5b2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:07:43	-754.61
-91	219	21900	686b2ab2-3631-4e03-b3a4-edc798c582ea	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:03:20	984.476
-91	438	21900	e5c73a78-a957-4fae-94a6-fd6dd462236b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:54:32	953.532
-92	220	22000	a1cc8419-9ece-4ba2-88f9-ba35e46421a9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:30:34	213.983
-92	440	22000	e67b65d4-6e06-4c91-9b17-1c77259af333	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:44:34	967.819
-93	221	22100	6dca7dda-1bab-4e5c-98d6-4251e51ad73c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:22:43	-362.70
-93	442	22100	c4a82b01-944e-4dff-a193-76dade589fd0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:59:39	995.435
-94	222	22200	4705d733-df3c-4148-ba64-a7ca2230b36c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:50:47	-437.470
-94	444	22200	3b6f709e-eeab-4b38-bd9f-9fc069c170c8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:25:49	-542.52
-95	223	22300	21d9f6c2-1e47-4e2a-866a-a700e0a58c6b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:57:36	239.211
-95	446	22300	968cc81e-a1b7-4644-a818-5aef4ce1f742	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:04:53	-946.347
-96	224	22400	9c303b68-004e-48cc-be9b-cb9b4f58ad50	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:27:10	-656.201
-96	448	22400	411cda7f-a41a-459d-aed1-b8f37c9139db	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:34:37	421.979
-97	225	22500	a61d589f-73a7-47eb-8576-f4936b93d797	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:45:48	199.679
-97	450	22500	97dbb801-bf27-4f2e-9b4b-dd328d679fbc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:32:44	293.922
-98	226	22600	0c90f217-8875-4e69-bf43-e7aea161e53c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:36:24	826.789
-98	452	22600	6650e382-864e-47e1-9306-c4675b3fd719	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:40:27	-531.567
-99	227	22700	eae7565b-fd07-4aed-b797-b90d071bd7b9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:14:19	-715.269
-99	454	22700	7263c3db-5069-4be7-8f49-071c5ebcded4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:36:39	-323.709
-100	228	22800	49df10b3-a466-426e-82a5-8303469b5c5c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:25:29	143.14
-100	456	22800	c837fcb3-3ec2-4036-9cc7-25f27b820608	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:28:47	-702.349
-101	229	22900	c85dd780-52f2-4648-a9ca-5d4e195d3281	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:01:17	537.515
-101	458	22900	92b8ab93-b01f-4513-b409-de18346dc03a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:53:58	-159.202
-102	230	23000	12d0ded1-1adc-49a5-996a-38cdec060dca	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:24:46	34.658
-102	460	23000	1ebb5bed-db71-4b0e-bb74-557791cdce9c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:05:55	27.269
-103	231	23100	7a774b06-0345-49b2-bc32-1068dc0a89ea	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:33:28	280.28
-103	462	23100	246b1891-e1ba-42c9-ad4f-726469cb3e74	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:21:34	-500.299
-104	232	23200	692df748-4fde-4fda-a1a5-a0f94bb72fe7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:29:29	32.972
-104	464	23200	a4a34378-6193-48d7-8795-4e0554bd28bd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:23:55	288.678
-105	233	23300	f4732dba-7436-4e96-bffa-fd5d89ef15e6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:33:32	-308.710
-105	466	23300	53615070-0b4e-43c6-86f8-318c3ee54734	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:46:18	982.47
-106	234	23400	22d75ecb-9a63-4dca-a452-ee18d0be96ac	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:10:51	911.488
-106	468	23400	5bcb789e-f93d-4f60-8ae2-4bd624c19821	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:17:18	342.688
-107	235	23500	c1032b04-77e8-4dde-ad3d-6e46d72bc1ea	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:21:39	-81.402
-107	470	23500	144195f9-0a12-49b2-bbf8-99cbedb6c83b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:51:39	-135.132
-108	236	23600	6da3a666-22ed-4370-8f4b-9f25b321fe30	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:24:53	355.168
-108	472	23600	030942e6-491f-4044-9b31-f5b3d63799e0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:04:10	-749.282
-109	237	23700	80c4fcf6-c4dd-4ce5-8d33-ec1777215779	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:54:34	66.913
-109	474	23700	5b54ccae-b8cc-4375-a224-7187419669a0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:18:30	10.398
-110	238	23800	6705aad0-7920-4255-90e9-a2d24356c37a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:31:53	-948.831
-110	476	23800	fbccd344-d56a-462b-9b93-666d45be23df	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:46:41	-230.567
-111	239	23900	23576a3a-620b-47a0-b9c4-64c455edff92	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:42:51	-90.310
-111	478	23900	c541b2d3-93c5-4c15-813a-ccfa3157cc11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:15:58	971.872
-112	240	24000	1f274319-7a0c-4333-89a0-4f660021cbd3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:15:50	570.150
-112	480	24000	0237282a-544f-422a-8288-493025514b49	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:28:51	89.984
-113	241	24100	5b974734-b2e5-4abf-818b-fcfc46969d01	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:39:25	-429.890
-113	482	24100	04ffd3a1-43e0-4610-b2c8-3a26b3da1b29	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:48:54	243.366
-114	242	24200	ac149823-7caf-4c09-a115-64754450b9f1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:01:26	153.178
-114	484	24200	0d225906-6e36-471c-9f85-4296cd612520	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:29:28	128.641
-115	243	24300	3654918b-04a5-4e26-a02c-bebc64591e97	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:36:24	116.328
-115	486	24300	7ffae060-1a1a-451c-a12c-992bd68d441b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:39:44	668.712
-116	244	24400	ae902ce6-4af0-4938-9c95-4a47cbba1610	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:46:36	503.144
-116	488	24400	ba0d90fe-1526-47ad-bc25-622c279b741e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:48:11	724.671
-117	245	24500	7c541691-3fe2-4971-b2c8-635f0539fede	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:35:13	-805.533
-117	490	24500	d1e6ab97-1fc9-465d-8ccf-e64769720db0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:09:08	583.357
-118	246	24600	1b1ee99e-f016-44c2-8c8e-af2fc9faa341	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:17:51	542.698
-118	492	24600	d71ad5da-6fc4-4e64-97ab-70aeefc8e20d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:18:19	429.690
-119	247	24700	25c4964b-d03d-46f6-ab68-9afa80f558bb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:48:30	224.405
-119	494	24700	579563f4-b07c-4075-8a03-50230fbc4359	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:00:05	-45.140
-120	248	24800	ab705f72-60b4-45ae-ab72-2c957de9f398	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:57:17	88.376
-120	496	24800	9686ac30-4fd0-4227-8cbd-73900da32035	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:24:20	883.983
-121	249	24900	9ec931ef-9b59-4848-bb7d-186b84e3f646	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:26:00	-252.78
-121	498	24900	d971d48b-deee-4306-8691-01991663317b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:05:05	-304.641
-122	250	25000	fde6f5a2-9e02-40a8-8033-62b75f91dfda	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:11:46	259.131
-122	500	25000	caa3df74-8200-43c6-87c6-cc18e53391a9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:31:05	430.24
-123	251	25100	8b21d7b8-2b9d-4b2c-8802-eb3d32a024e0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:10:35	486.37
-123	502	25100	c354162b-e275-48b1-adff-4c01bb118e8e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:37:15	289.844
-124	252	25200	5978a40c-199d-46a7-9fb4-7ad494856126	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:14:06	-177.594
-124	504	25200	70289be7-8a67-403e-858d-a51f42ec0ced	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:00:55	787.105
-125	253	25300	69f99aca-4924-4c07-bc3e-41170ebcd875	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:56:31	-422.314
-125	506	25300	08d49b39-c38d-4bca-b9ae-c455f510170a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:31:31	-823.85
-126	254	25400	adba0906-f266-4f77-b973-06f7b05098a5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:09:55	-164.543
-126	508	25400	fff80a3b-81b1-46eb-b1b8-121ea25b2fde	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:52:21	472.598
-127	255	25500	cb3104bb-e7f2-4763-ae37-cafcafdd373e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:38:46	155.273
-127	510	25500	14f0d4d9-2060-4b82-a4d4-9dcbe1b45c9e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:36:31	-299.603
-0	256	25600	87accb6b-2e2b-4ee3-94a0-3e959fc04f93	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:28:43	596.775
-0	512	25600	f12cd316-5e69-4dc2-b764-53e8af0c99df	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:54:25	-73.37
-1	257	25700	41aab0e3-ad11-44da-99c0-b0d16d5a0de6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:17:00	-291.397
-1	514	25700	2ef643e2-788a-46dc-a993-a4cc1160dc9a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:09:12	805.994
-2	258	25800	963704ce-fa49-4452-a608-99201541fc60	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:50:06	-155.687
-2	516	25800	9451615a-a277-4c62-a94d-9f6e7dfd0c67	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:18:27	573.494
-3	259	25900	036a9e8a-5e8b-480e-9ec4-4dc1ee5d781b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:40:43	-68.419
-3	518	25900	fada5c71-71fc-4ae7-aa8e-97c11b321454	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:57:11	-156.119
-4	260	26000	87c04599-27f4-4c0d-8923-de95c77283f5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:14:43	129.619
-4	520	26000	99038f37-77f4-4393-8717-0ab0a719bb32	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:38:53	230.871
-5	261	26100	e3f54758-5d7e-4510-8620-51c77383da66	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:16:38	-455.667
-5	522	26100	9625739e-6c4b-40ed-bba4-13580f86ebf1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:36:50	262.70
-6	262	26200	9d617da8-55e3-4175-bd89-4f5b3527845a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:08:51	-903.368
-6	524	26200	3cd62a66-81df-4acf-8a49-eb745795402d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:51:01	-565.890
-7	263	26300	1a15b304-f2c8-4832-8940-4dd84aa753dd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:48:14	-754.151
-7	526	26300	b06ae418-c50e-4404-bb75-2f03501de7fc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:17:17	-845.525
-8	264	26400	bf2504b9-2033-44d1-a9cd-4f5388ff6ec8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:33:25	263.3
-8	528	26400	12facba6-1ee6-445f-8e0e-33c78c76c129	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:13:03	-992.165
-9	265	26500	2e53d091-391d-414c-a722-8bd8162dba06	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:32:45	152.70
-9	530	26500	b69c5635-622e-47f7-8381-899afb901fe5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:34:12	314.957
-10	266	26600	491dd81d-5db9-4628-bbe6-f809f4ceb187	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:56:35	-98.702
-10	532	26600	008667b8-158f-40b4-a6d8-3a8b17ab9350	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:13:09	-563.684
-11	267	26700	8046638d-7ad7-4f36-944c-2d0a2de64cb2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:25:42	485.851
-11	534	26700	2750d1fe-bab6-4322-b405-ed2f3115d37d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:45:12	786.324
-12	268	26800	be95436c-fb45-4373-98ca-5857409af0e9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:03:51	707.286
-12	536	26800	b1435721-0f83-4877-9573-acec7d7188ea	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:09:16	643.270
-13	269	26900	cfdfe8e4-f2ec-4b7a-9557-e5eb47cafc37	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:53:20	162.581
-13	538	26900	3f5147dd-64ad-454d-bd25-624270998e18	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:30:13	789.244
-14	270	27000	de51fb20-a23e-4e83-8720-7d3199a8aa91	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:29:36	-24.360
-14	540	27000	5f8a6a0c-db42-4062-a7cd-7b2894beed85	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:02:23	675.511
-15	271	27100	5c6e0f8a-a226-486c-8e6d-76000f9dd710	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:05:45	-202.780
-15	542	27100	9b1fd75c-a61b-4271-952d-cb26e86bb157	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:02:45	491.164
-16	272	27200	d2de7975-4503-43b2-8813-d918ab295fa5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:56:25	-770.390
-16	544	27200	cfb4d942-8b6d-45f5-b09b-ba42b05e5bfb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:57:48	828.214
-17	273	27300	1c5d0139-6d01-4334-821b-69b68bdd9e38	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:17:58	118.617
-17	546	27300	1fa53414-52f0-46e5-9e85-8a54daa75ca7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:00:19	-813.867
-18	274	27400	b7947a23-725b-4799-a3bf-8966d9c098d4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:12:15	847.270
-18	548	27400	8722d2ef-6478-4376-a24e-655eb6d313fb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:49:27	933.865
-19	275	27500	673bb7ab-0765-4122-b218-92e7c72649ce	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:06:41	472.479
-19	550	27500	0095b6a3-4034-4b8b-9b9c-8fbb80c7615b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:56:28	676.489
-20	276	27600	62a4a422-ebcb-46b7-a684-9e0ea329337a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:02:22	-903.893
-20	552	27600	040d0215-e145-49c1-8c81-2bf397d8b7f1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:07:08	-810.847
-21	277	27700	6b3b8b05-c98e-4b4c-9b16-6e8e0f3cc0d4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:55:23	-951.552
-21	554	27700	5255777b-2712-4841-b920-4fc5ee0e11a9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:16:26	260.651
-22	278	27800	747989a2-760d-4f11-b064-75d4dcb1c56d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:00:53	575.151
-22	556	27800	c4920631-dc04-4e84-9817-5c5463f2a496	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:41:01	-524.361
-23	279	27900	0d4c9aae-0d22-4730-b94f-9d2642350510	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:55:08	419.104
-23	558	27900	80f47ab4-da63-4453-aada-4fa46ee4c387	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:29:41	649.737
-24	280	28000	69c9675a-67f3-425f-ae3a-35adfe2eba37	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:24:36	-469.698
-24	560	28000	b59faf83-0e03-432e-9813-874d1e3e9e39	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:50:10	322.704
-25	281	28100	d4a88924-ea85-4d74-9f20-6c61af4fcbd7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:32:54	-332.743
-25	562	28100	daf933b0-ff46-440b-8d46-f831b3998048	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:41:11	-442.802
-26	282	28200	9d77b736-2833-4e57-b580-43593a855449	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:35:50	711.306
-26	564	28200	92286086-d15c-44ae-a50a-9ecc82365a98	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:58:18	-528.892
-27	283	28300	c2ce0698-b391-4bd3-b402-65cfd116d73c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:53:09	-403.138
-27	566	28300	6dbeb99d-04c3-46fd-8b22-5c3284081d18	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:28:31	794.336
-28	284	28400	fc625b88-a91b-44d3-b718-129443931012	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:13:50	959.389
-28	568	28400	3408f743-884f-48ef-8b56-c4e0b1a90432	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:46:33	93.744
-29	285	28500	5c0ccfd8-35d6-4364-b718-a45503a3ed9e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:39:36	139.574
-29	570	28500	99370158-6e10-44f1-80ee-ee0e25d66f4d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:54:24	318.524
-30	286	28600	27a3f443-f0a6-4c2d-a7e2-fe112619a06a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:15:50	-96.239
-30	572	28600	93e78e23-6588-44a3-8383-27a8c2aa1562	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:25:36	-718.694
-31	287	28700	d43e015e-de36-49c8-a9e2-b156e0709e90	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:53:15	225.47
-31	574	28700	75733408-1967-4018-bb5e-1659434db6ec	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:11:34	107.490
-32	288	28800	9773b9ad-9dc5-4d62-9ef3-6c1345408651	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:37:22	-250.918
-32	576	28800	3cb1f5ac-2f46-4c08-9c4c-1ce309441d74	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:30:30	393.964
-33	289	28900	924684fc-d9a4-450b-88b7-64eb71aeb483	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:15:23	813.492
-33	578	28900	f6358388-43c4-45ac-afdd-f08d5d47b277	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:32:22	-46.243
-34	290	29000	61836531-80fa-4434-a169-a2e5169b3f21	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:03:39	-244.390
-34	580	29000	b2dd797f-7a67-4d78-853c-9043d6e989ba	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:30:43	-957.270
-35	291	29100	f8cc76a5-66a8-48cc-9698-2d11078001d5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:03:14	165.801
-35	582	29100	8e9453f8-82bc-4740-8b68-8b29a140b597	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:56:54	-24.827
-36	292	29200	939e9847-a0ea-469b-8784-fdfa022a1e21	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:30:24	-53.220
-36	584	29200	5b3ffa00-f456-48be-9baf-a1a18825d9f8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:56:11	30.401
-37	293	29300	e4967327-2323-409b-b63b-3d1a3c5b591c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:39:29	-496.32
-37	586	29300	c16eb5c0-6bbc-470a-bfc1-3ca414052461	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:22:02	419.984
-38	294	29400	c35294df-f051-4415-9d54-f0a6b497124a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:32:07	-702.707
-38	588	29400	3aebc14c-a086-4cdd-9b31-6a6ad8f4d0a6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:29:25	979.289
-39	295	29500	e9a61531-c5b0-4fc4-8b67-5545ed757714	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:20:33	-21.504
-39	590	29500	0bc7334d-417c-4ac1-8b7a-9a69e07471c2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:01:32	-114.233
-40	296	29600	73b8fa23-834b-41d7-bf6e-02b42592eb12	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:20:19	-790.193
-40	592	29600	ce1eb1de-2cdf-4a63-9ced-3a2fb343c6f6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:05:14	-762.955
-41	297	29700	c5cb773e-a09b-451e-a109-3a8ee982dcd6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:30:09	475.151
-41	594	29700	be3d994b-b7f2-4663-a652-b76fd1c13966	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:10:33	514.134
-42	298	29800	271d8583-81e9-4fe4-8718-bf89bcab6745	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:12:27	-169.943
-42	596	29800	d586016b-1ae1-4d7e-89c5-6602ba477f6f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:34:31	606.422
-43	299	29900	383f93b8-6610-4270-9aec-3bf21649253a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:47:16	-741.309
-43	598	29900	50399a8f-0a9b-4422-9754-5a8be56eb821	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:38:03	65.789
-44	300	30000	72c5e0bf-9007-45f2-877b-3035e75938e4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:02:31	-877.45
-44	600	30000	d91f2253-1d89-4b5d-aea1-f7b0d5d78a5b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:46:11	799.567
-45	301	30100	91079634-2f55-4cda-a561-843ccbe9e6a1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:41:24	120.706
-45	602	30100	b511cd01-25fa-4d69-b018-a57e6eb2a08c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:18:54	990.26
-46	302	30200	1f6d1bb7-7b4a-41f4-ace8-00aa0f9fe14f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:29:43	802.993
-46	604	30200	7719c539-1720-4ab7-9a33-f4d64a765284	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:24:55	-794.836
-47	303	30300	6a2e7957-d0a0-4656-8be0-ac6951a13345	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:31:40	-171.278
-47	606	30300	694d4851-4fbe-4165-a5de-29ddfb42cc3e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:11:52	964.160
-48	304	30400	f83b103d-f1b1-4029-be2c-32de2ce855bf	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:10:47	177.337
-48	608	30400	1d7dff50-7aa6-4cd3-bd9f-4a263494745f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:32:06	-294.877
-49	305	30500	e553a8c9-337a-46c0-a463-679d4cfa8515	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:25:28	794.359
-49	610	30500	421e2673-1f66-49ba-a875-08a7d31c4e32	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:41:50	468.410
-50	306	30600	902a9f70-a530-4cdb-803d-714b645174b3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:53:28	-931.227
-50	612	30600	1dd616de-7b6c-45bc-a1ea-053283863f24	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:17:30	-358.300
-51	307	30700	2f66b6c0-3770-4e0d-9ce9-389c4027eb01	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:29:10	527.548
-51	614	30700	6a45b899-611e-41ef-a30f-6ab3ec0bc334	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:49:02	108.146
-52	308	30800	8f799897-4f29-4ac3-bbd1-003ab91162db	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:16:23	-773.416
-52	616	30800	517ed274-b456-41da-b45e-a1e02ee1fed3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:36:44	291.198
-53	309	30900	6a207122-c9f6-4653-a345-8b972646d9f7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:39:24	-697.42
-53	618	30900	8ecb49c8-1160-4877-86d0-4f027a589216	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:58:22	-72.330
-54	310	31000	d9f6dcb1-f492-4bc9-a043-e9393a9350d7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:16:07	444.921
-54	620	31000	ecb0f73d-dd6c-4a2d-b5e1-103cabbe506f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:29:42	993.809
-55	311	31100	ee737739-c8aa-4d14-8869-00e26a34cacb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:13:40	809.383
-55	622	31100	c459b02b-9679-48f5-85a2-9aa2a8b54859	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:59:02	-84.253
-56	312	31200	5abd349b-52a5-42e3-92c3-ba88aba1a158	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:05:51	934.267
-56	624	31200	e78a2f2e-0b64-4dd6-99d7-cdebbe82998a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:10:49	-810.239
-57	313	31300	2bc48506-4ea8-4b05-b45e-59c84976a1ae	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:36:38	598.896
-57	626	31300	9e2845c9-66cd-4b5a-a7f1-7a0e0468e06e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:09:41	360.505
-58	314	31400	fbc56e21-4729-48a0-9e7f-35fd0a4dd44f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:02:08	359.722
-58	628	31400	824da500-4a63-423b-aac2-f0bd9b381252	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:49:58	-192.563
-59	315	31500	70af62a9-8d07-4e2d-9a1c-39b796f4928b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:50:09	192.94
-59	630	31500	53c3a757-7727-4955-be6f-b83e12f16a12	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:07:50	-262.541
-60	316	31600	f21ef1c9-b35d-4ac8-a690-616726b5cdbf	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:01:24	-190.971
-60	632	31600	2ee690a5-b300-45a2-9ad6-66a9eb4a5959	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:45:25	133.582
-61	317	31700	008cf6a7-917c-428f-a183-3426213528b3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:58:53	-543.298
-61	634	31700	09b77123-063c-4949-84a8-388c785f5aa1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:30:33	-755.590
-62	318	31800	9ea6bd21-cc3c-4aa8-bbd3-5b2d33b79a3c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:42:17	-982.542
-62	636	31800	06dfa3b8-4c59-41e2-bc7d-696e764ffab2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:55:03	-112.886
-63	319	31900	eb6726e7-3686-49fc-8663-16954002edcc	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:32:37	294.979
-63	638	31900	5803be5b-d4bc-4eca-9015-3314e5239c3a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:07:13	713.844
-64	320	32000	222eda2a-d2b5-48ae-95f2-67948d7f9777	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:57:21	653.295
-64	640	32000	d321c490-2199-4fc6-8818-87d7a3d88e0a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:46:25	-431.226
-65	321	32100	1573f8c4-6afc-4c9a-bbfd-4c99de096283	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:30:01	541.253
-65	642	32100	7d833b72-d3e7-4eb1-bf6d-917cec0d02a0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:33:30	-880.255
-66	322	32200	eb3c2553-6d30-4fef-b135-bab3b19d5b0c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:03:21	-53.817
-66	644	32200	4199b4e6-3dc9-4e43-9987-fb867689cb5c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:03:54	958.370
-67	323	32300	9591e92d-718e-4757-9b94-b1b7368d082c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:35:17	-291.882
-67	646	32300	0636ae81-d2e3-4cfe-bf49-19fba98096d2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:10:11	-855.509
-68	324	32400	e3d4838a-5d35-4ed9-837b-08b70ab0ab6e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:17:26	503.909
-68	648	32400	0ef0ee4d-5661-48a2-a33c-c4ab87b1bcc3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:13:22	-277.600
-69	325	32500	c35e461e-f463-4906-92d8-f2b4257290b3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:24:48	526.55
-69	650	32500	2414ce24-ce76-4594-bb12-1cb26a61d751	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:16:56	-949.2
-70	326	32600	d3c66bc5-6e95-4d93-8e36-083461db33ba	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:18:54	-462.56
-70	652	32600	82a1f130-11ee-4478-a0f3-73bee4b19fd5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:59:09	231.433
-71	327	32700	0c7e7536-fa12-4a3a-af13-9e5e809ec26b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:54:08	799.517
-71	654	32700	fca38107-c7e7-4091-a3ad-1ceb5d85b286	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:57:46	493.392
-72	328	32800	6efa7a60-d781-4d62-8bc3-2f36f5a39bd0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:42:41	-844.712
-72	656	32800	f0765390-93c8-4d5a-aca0-d721d8f16e91	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:29:51	-469.325
-73	329	32900	7cae440b-17f6-4dbc-8dac-cca149425c70	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:07:54	-293.58
-73	658	32900	76a88df0-a2a5-4dd0-90da-c114b5248df0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:12:19	-743.827
-74	330	33000	6704019c-5b45-4f7c-ad44-91b1fcd0b6da	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:31:04	-581.242
-74	660	33000	627d3867-a9bd-4bde-ad4d-d3ef7bcf90c5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:02:24	373.919
-75	331	33100	4fbd3e25-0e9a-4361-8ecf-55a14f1a16f6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:16:19	-674.282
-75	662	33100	66ea32e0-6dca-4b8d-9804-1c1fa3395383	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:23:20	-675.223
-76	332	33200	e45615d6-d182-44a2-9d59-5c0ab7a9bb34	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:35:33	-391.608
-76	664	33200	5c9413c9-44e2-4403-8d46-27ce262d8e7b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:03:56	276.635
-77	333	33300	5b673cae-d1ce-4b87-bb99-dc13ea47b401	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:34:09	-774.461
-77	666	33300	6e28c254-a7f0-407c-9952-31cae763dade	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:41:25	659.630
-78	334	33400	c003f47b-da1c-4957-b5e3-c512f8551a15	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:47:00	-135.121
-78	668	33400	ed2eac9a-f0cb-429c-a5e0-5ecd02b46e29	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:29:38	-355.247
-79	335	33500	cfa0aac2-7737-48d3-b377-c4bdddb7e54a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:52:13	-185.100
-79	670	33500	fe41f65a-487c-4066-b435-6e52225ae609	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:41:54	-820.790
-80	336	33600	f980bb08-9042-41a2-8ea3-ac6744f4207a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:41:21	-693.314
-80	672	33600	bf753709-f1f8-4e1a-bebe-5d84caa90490	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:02:54	-83.338
-81	337	33700	023afc4a-4a61-401f-8970-017274875305	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:25:01	468.431
-81	674	33700	e806819a-3030-4f44-af98-b2b539d086cf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:21:35	365.292
-82	338	33800	841640b2-32b0-496d-aee4-4eac72cbe61a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:19:10	254.125
-82	676	33800	d575ea25-b111-4494-9e7b-25598aaabd47	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:20:00	167.321
-83	339	33900	e65e58eb-042c-458e-961e-4fa93cf9f993	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:29:13	87.507
-83	678	33900	05f5a51b-0dc8-40be-ae03-7812f7cb2856	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:07:01	215.146
-84	340	34000	bef51405-8313-49e5-896e-5eac9acda647	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:16:56	824.467
-84	680	34000	4b8b3dee-b0c6-463d-97b0-d02a4ec5e085	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:22:41	745.630
-85	341	34100	40063fc7-53f6-4b09-a357-9453ac07fce9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:17:24	659.684
-85	682	34100	aca3fe49-a716-4921-ae03-61a9262f649d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:06:56	330.881
-86	342	34200	45172418-5155-48bc-9313-8fe6f76f0e97	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:02:08	-311.56
-86	684	34200	d4ba49d5-11dd-414d-ab21-427f60b47dcd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:18:23	973.29
-87	343	34300	8d25be66-5b6a-4150-8cf3-e636edef5135	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:03:27	207.971
-87	686	34300	eaa489fc-56f9-49f1-b7bf-571ed5a2d710	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:46:40	-284.487
-88	344	34400	7f6bbfd1-22af-48cd-9dab-28fc0882a668	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:31:23	-184.267
-88	688	34400	07177743-77df-4e54-901a-94aa1d73a8ff	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:19:16	-654.808
-89	345	34500	18d90faf-3679-4137-9e0e-a1edf9941c9e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:19:41	76.206
-89	690	34500	e14123ed-beb9-4aca-aaf3-eec40a5919fe	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:09:38	-449.461
-90	346	34600	2bc039ba-352c-4dc3-9fdc-37b90ebae539	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:17:03	168.690
-90	692	34600	d74e4358-0243-40c1-a9da-4b67af5381d3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:26:54	102.315
-91	347	34700	020104df-91d7-45d8-8fbe-af4c10664750	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:28:31	-380.436
-91	694	34700	6ecc5475-2331-4a56-a6c0-aaa5bde9edfa	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:43:45	-700.687
-92	348	34800	b7f46096-c24b-406b-83ee-6b3d1fd4fe52	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:52:38	-679.75
-92	696	34800	2329c184-421c-4bf9-8402-29a577becc6c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:37:40	-271.73
-93	349	34900	7718ebf4-5dc7-4047-b9b8-88874a03ae6d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:48:20	-453.841
-93	698	34900	e56df635-73a0-4359-b154-1050485f478e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:54:12	-411.309
-94	350	35000	9c44f42b-cd7e-4f05-8c2c-3708e75f2a56	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:03:53	160.737
-94	700	35000	f1798e82-8b8f-4c6a-b579-3e2f405a628e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:33:08	724.506
-95	351	35100	14befa4c-551f-4cfb-ba5e-c85bf6d79281	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:03:38	543.44
-95	702	35100	c5ec67c6-64b3-464e-a835-ea917f6473b2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:18:41	-961.438
-96	352	35200	af2e9841-bcea-4b92-bb46-ffc6f1398ef9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:39:25	-367.797
-96	704	35200	8827676b-f1c0-43f2-b49d-20e19bd7e5f6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:51:12	-443.69
-97	353	35300	2d82d7ff-9fc2-44a9-a8b8-5b8f2714eff3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:34:30	-579.828
-97	706	35300	ba24b077-2a56-4976-b955-762b23a63b45	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:01:44	-70.740
-98	354	35400	9afc2876-90e2-495a-b095-04b843ce6835	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:02:21	-354.108
-98	708	35400	07bccdde-0fb5-4504-8c6b-8b6fad9a34cd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:25:01	574.863
-99	355	35500	b33cc6f8-9590-4946-b60a-3923158768d8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:10:51	-165.974
-99	710	35500	93ea3918-a18e-45d7-88b5-924cf4acc2bd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:02:42	-459.102
-100	356	35600	68f584bc-c8b3-4496-b7e3-36f3bc844496	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:42:06	302.792
-100	712	35600	56ac0f2c-7e85-43c4-958a-781370301a86	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:32:35	-353.789
-101	357	35700	c28f0659-25ff-458b-b993-777533b9ca9a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:26:49	211.213
-101	714	35700	48084714-1177-439f-99e5-23f9dabd42b7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:24:32	-446.375
-102	358	35800	e643454e-701c-4137-800a-57d74a1bf506	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:11:04	-779.898
-102	716	35800	38b7ca3c-6e13-41ae-89d3-a59d84ffef75	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:44:38	-730.388
-103	359	35900	992048ab-3613-4023-a6f3-3ee54b40c887	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:55:25	370.878
-103	718	35900	4448ff5c-4c78-4f7a-964e-90f534b36819	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:16:56	24.973
-104	360	36000	39fa8a4f-0d40-44aa-8738-aeaab59f934f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:53:46	664.388
-104	720	36000	d6f2b923-112a-4724-bf50-a104a956ce6d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:21:25	-481.772
-105	361	36100	df799a59-e524-4a1d-a4f0-d1623504321a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:14:20	618.22
-105	722	36100	899d432f-5ed2-41f5-8750-7981b17b7f39	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:55:26	255.954
-106	362	36200	52c700a4-8158-480c-b414-f9cf0c7cc86e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:02:59	288.902
-106	724	36200	ecba38f5-44d3-4b03-ba34-38209d05d22e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:30:14	966.943
-107	363	36300	e469b72f-251b-46b0-9c7d-38a074d33baa	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:00:54	-567.481
-107	726	36300	5571437f-d5b1-4fac-9cff-8ef52ef485c9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:07:44	-810.51
-108	364	36400	ba111c2a-0341-46b1-afb2-4fa925914069	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:43:41	-364.8
-108	728	36400	888c9f38-f9ff-43d7-bad7-835428a70db9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:15:30	-643.102
-109	365	36500	21e8d3c8-6e1f-4d91-870b-3d1fc9f281ff	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:45:22	738.50
-109	730	36500	a38d9a08-8354-4099-84d0-3b2dc68d5f53	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:00:16	226.446
-110	366	36600	b9c4e92a-ef9c-45ca-acd2-bd14afd115b6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:06:22	-131.832
-110	732	36600	66f1ba86-8d4d-497e-b2d9-cc038b487d7f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:07:56	61.563
-111	367	36700	7587742e-0e7f-4403-8934-72c4a86a2935	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:02:41	-119.228
-111	734	36700	4e69e9aa-854a-4c7a-8544-8eb48b781b5f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:33:21	-959.241
-112	368	36800	0ccb56a7-a12e-4add-afe8-418cb530200a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:27:01	485.493
-112	736	36800	81e60a2b-9614-406d-8eb6-7a7bf93d2703	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:50:22	931.251
-113	369	36900	6f741f9e-50b2-41f2-a8ad-00cb798c43ac	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:25:57	214.575
-113	738	36900	24c3ab82-40f3-49b0-a558-22490b1e1d45	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:42:40	-6.565
-114	370	37000	2bf2bb24-e5c5-496d-a24a-71341205d0c0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:05:55	-930.455
-114	740	37000	f71e6251-2405-48fb-b93d-54758031cae8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:57:04	542.789
-115	371	37100	eedd0ffc-58e8-40d5-9b7e-fc88e4ccbaba	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:55:35	113.107
-115	742	37100	5e004e50-30a6-4e5c-8101-16cd1f8cb5fe	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:14:12	-83.548
-116	372	37200	177a665f-8ecb-4327-b99d-efa1f5de852b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:23:01	-679.580
-116	744	37200	6c77b03c-9c3e-475f-a64a-0d31f884dc0d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:50:17	519.695
-117	373	37300	61ff3027-71d9-4b1f-9bd0-21384b83e758	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:36:09	-700.289
-117	746	37300	a2ae5148-4737-4eb8-96f4-b97d2c70eb6c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:44:15	127.82
-118	374	37400	02c138bf-5d94-46dd-a73a-50cb5558364f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:30:22	-500.718
-118	748	37400	7ab5ed50-e8bc-4c95-b133-b553e855ee21	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:32:43	-910.578
-119	375	37500	19c01916-2f17-42fa-a305-acb53f59a9d3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:51:12	960.153
-119	750	37500	5f666920-411e-4a7c-a096-d86dffc5ab27	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:53:26	984.507
-120	376	37600	7ba7a45d-8ac8-470f-939a-eaf2df669286	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:54:23	884.568
-120	752	37600	cac44853-1283-4a10-b38c-51335042738c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:16:55	-635.577
-121	377	37700	bf39e1a1-f22b-4c1b-865f-8581e0e23305	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:32:42	-183.450
-121	754	37700	7d953468-4693-4d17-9590-c2df1ee2f56a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:42:27	901.963
-122	378	37800	a8214230-51b8-4895-bf18-015d1359c307	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:34:55	-445.862
-122	756	37800	667e0789-df34-49b6-bd7f-85af975953df	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:15:18	-786.569
-123	379	37900	e2604322-4de4-42f3-8a9b-462383a0ad0a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:11:08	152.458
-123	758	37900	094bf7aa-1af0-4567-b448-cbb9e79173c7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:40:01	-257.483
-124	380	38000	ca6807af-912d-422b-b9b4-92764f5fae52	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:03:13	329.866
-124	760	38000	efb38f44-95e9-47a1-b38c-e4715fd660e3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:58:54	-899.29
-125	381	38100	10d35561-a3ff-4ce3-915c-0e603b49adf0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:12:19	-11.71
-125	762	38100	1a014620-cab8-443b-8bc3-17f7ff09dafc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:02:57	-999.544
-126	382	38200	aad2d353-a478-4176-9fd3-3dac2386103f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:17:46	-257.708
-126	764	38200	c147b542-ef38-4f77-a65d-4a069c21ad23	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:40:35	567.561
-127	383	38300	4e12376b-21dd-4905-b110-e7adf3008f32	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:11:11	469.986
-127	766	38300	be82a0d6-6a52-49d6-a7b5-31c2c1f7fbe1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:15:56	718.498
-0	384	38400	70919a4a-bf6a-467f-bca6-d237975618de	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:01:07	225.909
-0	768	38400	799630f3-f812-43f8-a263-a524b5e9a1e8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:41:10	37.795
-1	385	38500	294a52cd-c333-4b69-9cd5-6dac7cfa788c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:32:55	39.820
-1	770	38500	48671ace-b34b-48de-a274-023aa140be30	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:11:30	-898.678
-2	386	38600	b8bb6318-97be-45f0-8e51-17c95ebeb50a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:49:16	-180.8
-2	772	38600	22f98208-c23b-4fec-9ec6-d19f776b996e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:55:59	-148.527
-3	387	38700	89361bab-7278-43bf-b9a3-be49425d7fe6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:42:55	963.627
-3	774	38700	80ef8722-2bc2-4ac0-9692-a26c3e29fbbd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:11:36	864.568
-4	388	38800	50ae8f7d-1cf1-4418-907b-0304619c3dbb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:20:09	899.492
-4	776	38800	985401f4-a13e-4950-b1ab-74bec5887adc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:29:36	975.783
-5	389	38900	c003dd99-c12a-416a-9aeb-82f203f896e6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:09:47	273.934
-5	778	38900	2686cc39-cf48-44db-8d1d-7f0945935813	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:29:23	74.892
-6	390	39000	701981da-97fb-42f3-9d1f-181450a1cb2b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:58:16	-817.82
-6	780	39000	e72d66e5-cda4-4bb0-af81-f7030bb4a78a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:15:37	-76.240
-7	391	39100	bd47bf6e-c63a-4eb1-a4bb-09ace76458f3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:33:31	761.182
-7	782	39100	6097439c-7f86-45d8-82a6-7a905d86927c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:19:55	827.68
-8	392	39200	4baff41c-d01f-414f-8782-de041dad9f93	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:51:32	76.346
-8	784	39200	83978c50-d34c-4628-9ad7-3200cd229576	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:38:22	-682.478
-9	393	39300	7739f2ec-9a52-4c60-b32c-b61da34ec220	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:06:12	-796.510
-9	786	39300	6afeb3ce-6ac4-4509-a811-91cd86cc1eb0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:03:31	122.305
-10	394	39400	06dae99e-28e0-4e4b-a800-e7c01aa84b28	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:13:06	620.967
-10	788	39400	1d6a9a21-7171-4062-8951-5a996cda9744	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:41:15	-523.639
-11	395	39500	98412667-d4e0-4b70-acf3-c60d3d9ca1b4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:19:33	-675.649
-11	790	39500	b8af7324-e5e3-4e90-bdbb-de155085813f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:30:17	111.612
-12	396	39600	4990f6bf-f99d-42a8-95a8-42798b3f587f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:26:01	-439.34
-12	792	39600	06e16f93-6f70-47b6-934b-6afcfb728951	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:46:49	373.186
-13	397	39700	47033840-407b-44d0-9337-2663edfb68e2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:37:51	981.237
-13	794	39700	47eb6739-a853-4d0b-a7d1-e5521dbcbb47	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:53:54	-673.232
-14	398	39800	33634520-0645-4410-9874-709958aa1699	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:29:17	85.251
-14	796	39800	3e6b5d21-1162-448c-bcae-ebb9fc9c6089	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:44:10	-525.630
-15	399	39900	445f485d-68a7-49fe-ae78-306c374f5eba	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:58:10	-291.20
-15	798	39900	55bbfd90-b4d0-4212-bda4-2cf7ed57790b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:01:06	361.419
-16	400	40000	e0ed1590-e768-4b38-ae58-7af6dfe4cf0d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:14:21	-682.618
-16	800	40000	878552ce-5b89-42f6-8ce7-87054eebed84	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:31:52	-762.137
-17	401	40100	22a8c1e9-b354-4ee1-981b-9f18a1e0b9f0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:20:44	-365.476
-17	802	40100	ee40f60b-c885-4497-b063-382fc19439f4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:06:59	390.112
-18	402	40200	c622e6ee-5f85-40d0-a429-ba61f100314b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:18:54	-199.885
-18	804	40200	2d712a83-b611-41db-89b7-8ddb7f5e3353	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:10:58	-208.575
-19	403	40300	83dcb3a0-30c8-449a-9430-c11dececade0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:02:40	-852.902
-19	806	40300	f119f326-2cd3-4d50-8e1e-d21887e91cc0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:06:51	-650.976
-20	404	40400	1a06d795-3ea8-4212-9a87-d6701867b41e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:46:21	-873.611
-20	808	40400	df8f3656-2290-420c-b62e-0c15f3a51e41	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:10:38	64.217
-21	405	40500	716f2b47-744f-40c1-931d-4192ff4ab85a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:09:45	632.628
-21	810	40500	bb8ac5bb-38ab-41c3-9902-55f5b28a27ea	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:58:07	-9.744
-22	406	40600	461db622-3083-455f-a41e-e4b5be3e4a7d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:57:38	-624.726
-22	812	40600	238ab7b0-f94e-45af-a7b2-12614782a241	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:59:24	723.976
-23	407	40700	68341a9f-0c60-4c66-9097-723cc43ff1d8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:48:19	714.756
-23	814	40700	204c7b8f-48a8-4290-98e1-1bd054b6465d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:19:32	915.655
-24	408	40800	757a5f33-17c7-4dd2-b4ad-46fbd7f2de49	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:51:40	608.144
-24	816	40800	bf9287d6-a190-41fd-a6e5-2be1c67ba959	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:19:53	-136.9
-25	409	40900	079b0745-3c08-4535-acd7-aeb25a544132	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:17:00	381.581
-25	818	40900	e3fe452c-67a1-4ced-a52c-56ee0f25bb57	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:36:22	532.754
-26	410	41000	2a819a9c-5535-4113-8255-c7fb468ee1c0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:28:59	-507.206
-26	820	41000	84832b72-84a6-4b64-88dc-8234aacd8fdf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:36:33	-28.663
-27	411	41100	577c3173-93d2-48b6-b66f-838e5e08b2bc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:08:26	857.280
-27	822	41100	794097ec-659b-46de-baf2-55c77d4568a2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:03:41	747.676
-28	412	41200	8eef3579-11dd-4c34-80a9-8211f8c63744	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:48:00	893.467
-28	824	41200	74fa296e-4cca-43d6-939b-4e0a0fcc685e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:12:03	-896.979
-29	413	41300	e72422d8-0e99-4f7e-8345-77dc92ca5bcc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:35:05	107.14
-29	826	41300	cc230278-bac2-4f87-9308-e06df679ff07	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:37:11	-400.855
-30	414	41400	5448a589-13a7-4c73-aa5c-f487556fe41f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:04:01	311.631
-30	828	41400	4eb1b47d-8f5f-4545-99df-0a31da3bc39c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:19:30	213.372
-31	415	41500	45bc7d3c-d4cb-43ec-9ef8-80103afedd2b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:21:18	27.762
-31	830	41500	f21d6e93-a464-4947-b5f6-cc4a15ee17ef	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:23:02	35.767
-32	416	41600	8ee670c7-63ca-4c76-8052-d116b5c06355	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:11:00	638.442
-32	832	41600	8a2980ff-c5b3-4498-b1da-f131e5b984fc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:34:03	109.268
-33	417	41700	0aabc7f3-10cf-4ef5-9d51-aeda6576ef78	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:31:52	-789.136
-33	834	41700	45e4590c-4739-436b-b053-7ded6ff5d899	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:22:03	784.387
-34	418	41800	a7e7d78e-2d33-4a0d-a51f-57d21cadf879	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:57:39	-926.316
-34	836	41800	2b17b6db-f691-412d-b09b-a6fa6b26d7e4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:46:08	786.289
-35	419	41900	2c44c914-b860-4d74-b7bd-44e133518af2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:09:55	-941.565
-35	838	41900	63d5622b-de75-460b-a310-2134ee4f3648	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:43:47	975.128
-36	420	42000	7397495f-9d2a-46f0-a268-825d6664418b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:13:16	-410.806
-36	840	42000	4c8ae82d-d8de-41a1-a4e8-7f63af2decf9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:14:28	870.55
-37	421	42100	8e1c3281-bea2-4971-be72-9abe2375918d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:30:20	967.982
-37	842	42100	d5b0d2dc-4218-4f52-808a-ddec839451ae	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:04:00	-411.472
-38	422	42200	890f4f55-eb11-4f2b-86e7-5c60eaa805a1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:23:27	-931.649
-38	844	42200	d0cb4288-4e10-4c88-a5e9-1308bc267440	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:06:09	275.8
-39	423	42300	345ad734-4934-497a-b047-34a0cc0c5729	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:54:53	680.776
-39	846	42300	2db93ef3-0d87-418d-8a13-93be8086c58b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:23:25	4.320
-40	424	42400	2440cdd6-de33-40de-bd15-4e5c8f88bfbc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:21:20	610.438
-40	848	42400	f7e9e092-972b-41da-9ad2-d65bca92d942	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:33:17	-63.566
-41	425	42500	032576e2-cb9b-42e9-8a47-6f2772011e52	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:43:39	434.303
-41	850	42500	4f2723e6-6610-4144-9ff0-77a52f5f6bed	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:37:32	-616.41
-42	426	42600	c6a184fa-2d91-4357-bad5-c074fe72f69b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:45:59	-84.834
-42	852	42600	9e22c085-a852-49e1-84df-4548ffea1cbe	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:27:33	-43.374
-43	427	42700	8d97d869-6ee1-4dd4-b1ad-c8f1d200c57b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:54:02	-168.384
-43	854	42700	b473d56e-9862-406c-964e-e7116b65fb8b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:47:28	96.906
-44	428	42800	9ca9417f-b5ff-4fc3-8f20-fbbc65935b65	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:12:31	151.455
-44	856	42800	1fa8553d-9594-4473-9d65-961fbea6bbb2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:56:30	890.897
-45	429	42900	f024c195-4efa-4299-ad84-868560f2f31b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:01:32	935.968
-45	858	42900	b812694a-cf8d-41e5-956c-a771a93d9061	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:31:53	104.867
-46	430	43000	d652b473-07cd-4bf7-94c8-2e33291a4974	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:08:43	31.309
-46	860	43000	29bb1eb0-e416-49d3-bda2-8a75878ce31f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:01:55	574.195
-47	431	43100	e6b07169-c752-4631-9975-83fbf4ca9fab	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:49:08	41.197
-47	862	43100	5259da5e-25eb-4a1c-8858-9e05707b721f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:00:30	-334.558
-48	432	43200	7c9e96df-b8a6-4b0a-a6ea-1ac2e9bbcdcc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:56:22	-773.76
-48	864	43200	65c75500-5509-4f2b-bbd3-cdb304f40553	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:06:08	-438.412
-49	433	43300	ef2812e9-16e5-4936-ae95-91d4da4840de	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:10:41	177.762
-49	866	43300	7a2d1d51-b888-4301-b688-01ef75ba4a41	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:15:36	-732.915
-50	434	43400	100ecabf-f8af-4284-8217-807b5b239280	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:47:40	632.248
-50	868	43400	9476cedd-77e7-43c9-bc90-2e7e83ed70f1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:28:08	-758.121
-51	435	43500	d72e261c-0145-462b-8b5a-960e2c82eaf2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:39:22	-725.614
-51	870	43500	7fc0c57a-1c6b-4e07-9b80-ca83d0f4ad0e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:55:02	-393.471
-52	436	43600	ec76d5d0-2571-46ba-be6a-fb72f5574198	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:55:59	810.647
-52	872	43600	9fec7862-b426-4655-974e-85e665f2faac	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:38:50	343.23
-53	437	43700	a633239f-dfc5-4e6c-960f-a4a3369df997	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:18:17	-850.734
-53	874	43700	a1cfe595-a490-431c-ab34-8f9cd3ce14f7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:32:49	716.9
-54	438	43800	35d92113-a668-4767-ba9b-263b1c321ccb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:07:43	219.572
-54	876	43800	9c69e73b-2a83-4221-b7ab-bcda3de3891f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:32:23	-787.744
-55	439	43900	c4b7c968-29e9-46ae-8e99-183065a29f90	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:25:32	933.746
-55	878	43900	e8a99138-d9c3-4d4e-bcc8-d4b9d7b08253	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:32:42	-646.928
-56	440	44000	5f4d4c78-c669-4e75-a305-65adae69f954	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:56:59	-573.898
-56	880	44000	9c11d890-0b5f-42e7-8e4c-6b660a792276	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:13:12	-899.665
-57	441	44100	160e3a96-d8f8-4215-95da-b6eda790e2a0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:20:41	-209.50
-57	882	44100	dfb6ac27-42b1-4a45-896d-af37cbfba992	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:05:58	-794.985
-58	442	44200	59842f70-6e63-43af-a683-048d950e03e4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:34:27	-212.146
-58	884	44200	a959f6ca-9612-4105-848a-232cf58d3b2f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:36:45	-690.14
-59	443	44300	22187630-687e-40a8-979e-ce3248ac8ce8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:19:00	892.787
-59	886	44300	631b4921-ad9b-490f-89c6-1e725396c826	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:08:38	-450.338
-60	444	44400	d4851ecc-0caf-4bf2-834c-ed20e6317ae5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:33:16	408.829
-60	888	44400	a2c5d875-f9ef-4e93-9f81-91d8a27efda9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:22:01	-861.854
-61	445	44500	182c5e50-8293-440d-b4fc-2409aca7fade	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:39:42	811.720
-61	890	44500	deac5bd7-5741-480d-8132-c6cdc745462b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:01:41	-447.247
-62	446	44600	7f620f0c-6bd1-490d-915e-159fbdd9d94e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:50:05	-296.502
-62	892	44600	654128b6-65cc-4388-a8bb-3e9b6142b504	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:05:02	514.226
-63	447	44700	d98692db-1769-4a7f-8dd4-8407b0cc4b66	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:11:18	-428.817
-63	894	44700	73a80d05-5ec7-4a27-9637-2aabf4b543ea	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:57:03	-820.744
-64	448	44800	ebd249fc-4cb6-4370-b88d-d1152132b718	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:34:41	-433.225
-64	896	44800	01bc822a-3203-4180-bf43-7aa67a3992c4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:30:19	-919.632
-65	449	44900	7e7c62b6-62ef-43a7-a7a4-253596a862ed	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:10:51	611.972
-65	898	44900	0cfa27ec-a379-41fc-9b49-eb44b35b8057	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:36:49	-27.420
-66	450	45000	da34a482-4ea3-4382-b977-2a75e1eba1fc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:59:27	887.455
-66	900	45000	d8030f9d-5caf-4489-bc04-c816f4e06c73	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:08:02	-935.906
-67	451	45100	a53a8acb-3dfb-489e-bd6d-aad7d8725be4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:09:55	-585.836
-67	902	45100	0d7e4b95-c2be-4c1d-939f-0c48c7e7515c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:35:40	-514.363
-68	452	45200	ad0bae1d-430b-412a-bcd2-dcfbd38e127b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:05:16	-359.83
-68	904	45200	ee7b614a-abfc-4425-9ec4-01e8562ee365	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:28:05	887.432
-69	453	45300	be808b89-ef1f-4fa5-b34b-64a3f2eac29f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:43:30	269.447
-69	906	45300	ea61c608-f09b-4269-bde2-c00e36dd728a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:24:26	-750.729
-70	454	45400	a5a595ab-b3e8-4216-b237-b28dd13b73be	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:19:41	617.522
-70	908	45400	3d9ce8c0-6616-47cd-9cca-586bacce0bfe	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:07:09	-331.621
-71	455	45500	17e06d23-0aae-443e-a879-699a8b0cc6b1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:16:01	-739.366
-71	910	45500	984cc893-4592-4482-bb39-cda5bed9947d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:11:50	-891.225
-72	456	45600	107f9e81-4538-416e-baaa-744947eb5431	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:23:57	530.718
-72	912	45600	9bfa4f5f-965e-4a8f-8a4f-a3fefd25c6f5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:24:00	848.93
-73	457	45700	99f1d048-f781-405f-8ae2-c019922aedaf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:20:41	608.959
-73	914	45700	07401f75-ef7a-4fa8-ba41-c24feb876614	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:55:49	-539.919
-74	458	45800	cd53e7b1-b0ef-43da-80f1-5a674d892082	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:25:29	476.183
-74	916	45800	4dc0d9b5-983a-48b8-b6e6-4cc31a50d4af	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:42:24	113.556
-75	459	45900	d80d0f3b-b332-4f0a-8881-c9d7869aa76c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:40:08	-138.253
-75	918	45900	5eb2a600-d23e-4fe4-90b9-281add401d93	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:31:33	-10.186
-76	460	46000	1e4895d5-f103-4890-bac7-f9bca9cc52cd	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:47:11	-382.644
-76	920	46000	f8cddb48-e25c-4bbe-8174-62ed2bafebc0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:46:25	-872.712
-77	461	46100	bc5ee6f1-f0b2-41d5-b64e-3ca381bff5a4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:51:00	-445.931
-77	922	46100	710ae8d6-6c3b-4ff5-a97f-8821855159cb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:59:19	215.977
-78	462	46200	c49ea593-9a1d-4b98-afbb-e8a23847da80	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:31:36	-669.768
-78	924	46200	9cc5cdbf-dbc1-43ec-a034-c555e0b4cd0f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:29:19	557.651
-79	463	46300	e03c4a1a-4b77-49ab-af1d-934977bace63	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:41:18	486.619
-79	926	46300	f52cf9cb-2d32-48fc-a246-45076ce0721e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:44:57	-817.867
-80	464	46400	195c56b0-acf0-44f4-8447-40a4f4a4c266	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:12:40	913.351
-80	928	46400	1a6e5c12-8b4e-47d5-a74b-5175da69a052	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:47:14	-263.494
-81	465	46500	d7d852bb-0aa3-4637-b0df-191a3e90038f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:40:57	-634.643
-81	930	46500	1acd06a1-38e2-42b2-ad02-e0b3d58102f8	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:32:15	230.142
-82	466	46600	eb4d94dc-64e4-4d8f-95c1-f137e1c56ee2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:53:15	328.775
-82	932	46600	7349d1a5-2303-4d52-a7f0-ce999846500a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:25:47	-787.285
-83	467	46700	cd002d0d-dd85-4ed9-96d1-6cf6ad45e0c5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:08:43	906.675
-83	934	46700	802f63b9-c18c-4aba-a55d-7f2aca62a0b1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:07:51	-526.720
-84	468	46800	e3fd8df9-b4c3-4ac9-a1b9-2c05227a3b66	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:29:51	-918.469
-84	936	46800	22dbc02c-5357-4544-99a4-59d11b0b91df	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:25:15	-285.805
-85	469	46900	7f20e137-ccf6-4c76-841c-0a4ff9ef587d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:18:37	-593.339
-85	938	46900	22b8b2d1-b9c2-411d-8a4a-b166009f2a20	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:17:12	852.371
-86	470	47000	26b8768b-3ae0-44b6-9524-9b35d6375444	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:39:49	479.42
-86	940	47000	d7f72c9e-6865-4dda-8692-94bf81c4635b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:01:33	-289.998
-87	471	47100	fe1d93d3-1040-419d-b8a3-07a9fddd60a4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:04:27	-133.967
-87	942	47100	396a64a8-d391-4a22-b3e1-b83d32124f4a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:09:59	-873.399
-88	472	47200	38b9ca9d-80de-4733-9587-7f146656bb6f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:18:04	-943.890
-88	944	47200	2db60668-3a54-45af-ade6-eb65e50f9fcf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:04:51	99.731
-89	473	47300	fc059462-6411-4a3a-97f3-6185b3e92686	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:50:09	109.303
-89	946	47300	95026ca2-0577-4778-98ea-30d6e2c6d798	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:51:37	-578.316
-90	474	47400	70518bc4-2e1b-4d90-9bb3-62fc279e50d0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:11:45	443.71
-90	948	47400	4cb170e8-16e8-4636-b94b-56edfa8c9c6f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:25:48	-731.80
-91	475	47500	2b5ccaf5-5b63-488a-a9b9-e6bc54f9fb51	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:06:26	27.263
-91	950	47500	4e1195d4-63b8-4269-93dc-365f2a2b347c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:06:02	229.170
-92	476	47600	4a2fb4d3-80ca-452a-92b9-d6ba93e64be5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:03:08	-47.202
-92	952	47600	6e2b8add-2260-488f-a965-d871f79d97c6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:08:13	663.640
-93	477	47700	345bf3ba-6ce0-48f4-9d47-fdd1503403e1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:23:21	545.15
-93	954	47700	6a6ea1cf-a4fd-4cd4-b5f9-7bc84ab26a05	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:34:28	-369.503
-94	478	47800	68253d5e-4faa-4962-902f-f23709502966	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:58:30	604.511
-94	956	47800	02dec3e5-0339-4610-b08e-9906cee1aedc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:53:57	-885.871
-95	479	47900	a4c07462-a31f-4610-9e20-75266243b307	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:40:04	767.580
-95	958	47900	7baf85af-4b5e-4ab9-9e6e-728fb95bf049	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:49:54	-433.736
-96	480	48000	cc75641f-bb87-40d8-87de-7887f527d91c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:04:50	-938.684
-96	960	48000	7ae01c1b-5257-47b1-8912-d07a3585c52d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:32:03	-476.738
-97	481	48100	e8c7eb39-c0f8-4f8d-9c9d-2a39bc8a278f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:34:03	-684.389
-97	962	48100	223b6430-edef-43fc-9c34-0e64d30cabff	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:41:12	-24.817
-98	482	48200	55b806b4-b58e-410e-af1b-e368c4606d40	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:23:28	-17.318
-98	964	48200	abae90bf-5ff4-4369-8c02-e68a49b9677a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:40:35	826.525
-99	483	48300	a95529ad-96a5-498c-9ad1-299c5cbcb851	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:05:58	968.216
-99	966	48300	be5a8e92-49bd-4f47-966f-390d556a2f53	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:03:13	597.664
-100	484	48400	a8fbb37b-bef1-4584-ba11-59a7ad05bbbb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:29:05	825.759
-100	968	48400	25fbecc7-8814-499f-8b85-2b13f26e5fe9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:02:59	-276.629
-101	485	48500	13ad941c-0124-4ce2-ba03-995e8e41748f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:39:13	-972.313
-101	970	48500	67748965-81bd-48cd-b5ad-d867abd3cbd3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:37:48	-566.727
-102	486	48600	44b1ed04-2002-41c0-bb1a-04c957afa5ce	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:04:13	634.196
-102	972	48600	0c3e924e-9adb-4fa8-836a-c628da4a8d24	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:32:49	482.689
-103	487	48700	1bf6d3b1-31e8-46d3-b22f-7601c4592d13	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:03:45	-307.396
-103	974	48700	098eb8db-42be-4a48-9a10-d1a4ecda901d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:58:23	-703.197
-104	488	48800	aea5e60d-7031-49a6-9195-9285703d7293	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:43:04	-255.385
-104	976	48800	7c3aecbb-7844-4d62-af3b-79df3144e091	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:14:33	133.2
-105	489	48900	809c3af1-b787-49fa-9919-09e660221df2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:03:11	52.168
-105	978	48900	4f8b9dd1-afc7-48eb-9c6a-4e8d619dd8f7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:43:21	574.81
-106	490	49000	70cecdcd-b74a-4290-b8df-b4fb3544a698	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:44:28	-792.651
-106	980	49000	9063f59e-7354-4317-bb8a-4c80438b268f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:39:45	-452.436
-107	491	49100	0927beac-b6f1-42eb-8aa5-81dbf7316415	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:50:45	-813.99
-107	982	49100	9857640b-4311-4fa7-94de-a487649c00b2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:42:04	-524.536
-108	492	49200	2194e71e-37a0-4668-87f4-a2c8c0affe77	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:13:30	780.306
-108	984	49200	f0dcf73a-7c28-4790-a2ce-4af14c2baf22	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:01:48	218.272
-109	493	49300	bef93392-28a8-4018-b2d2-cf6ff9ccb956	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:20:56	465.56
-109	986	49300	379bebb7-90f4-4af2-b169-00b578cc2e08	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:02:13	-517.278
-110	494	49400	4f9641a6-5227-47c2-812c-411b7e9dbe75	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:06:59	-485.400
-110	988	49400	77cc2152-6494-449c-81e3-91c976661b8a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:51:14	204.372
-111	495	49500	fbd6f1bd-8f94-44fa-8084-3858d95bd84f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:07:28	350.636
-111	990	49500	698c7514-b822-4fae-b138-aaf156122993	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:06:58	-985.503
-112	496	49600	be1ba395-a8f1-4e80-81a0-7dee836cf356	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:04:25	933.658
-112	992	49600	d0fb01fe-ffae-414f-b5d8-b40653456e0e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:41:54	-975.745
-113	497	49700	82b7ad9c-1e0d-4567-8bfb-af08e5b8122d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:07:24	-339.56
-113	994	49700	f10f3a09-4b97-4169-91b1-097f763ab0f2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:22:09	-313.124
-114	498	49800	b1115115-7558-4592-8d00-b388f5c0d188	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:11:12	-637.113
-114	996	49800	5c007007-9c67-4698-9827-f92c117ccea4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:47:12	-805.857
-115	499	49900	21917971-db90-4096-89a2-2f67ef550345	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:14:57	361.226
-115	998	49900	a5a81f09-5886-4327-8a22-8e510400e996	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:21:21	-834.168
diff --git a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100000 b/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100000
deleted file mode 100644
index 98ec623..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100000
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100000.txt b/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100000.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b579fee..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/test_data/all_types_100000.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100000 +0,0 @@
-0	0	0	2ae98973-2e3f-47ad-936c-314df423c628	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:02:03	942.459
-0	0	0	26a91490-1851-4001-a9ad-6ef0cf2c3aa4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:23:20	978.371
-1	1	100	68aea72b-8953-4aff-86ec-1d69f34bd830	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:47:02	-159.773
-1	2	100	247bf55b-9a49-41b4-90d4-13ef34eb1f6a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:57:12	386.228
-2	2	200	d53d015e-68f9-4c42-9255-143fb1c510a1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:16:43	449.681
-2	4	200	4341648b-dd1a-4744-a3de-f6dd1013dbea	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:00:59	-165.775
-3	3	300	95ea3434-b1e7-4e32-85eb-f8509a2ff3e0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:30:20	99.229
-3	6	300	100b6cbf-392a-492b-86d4-cabf5b3998c6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:14:41	-915.534
-4	4	400	c9afd54d-ad48-4092-9ec7-d41c704a9409	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:46:05	696.139
-4	8	400	ed132c8e-dcdb-4c5b-8573-b3ef55d8f15d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:18:50	-860.42
-5	5	500	cd76725f-0eea-43ec-8c4d-d8fe1f9aa16d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:52:08	-428.29
-5	10	500	94140e1d-139f-40d9-b295-ae9d896c938e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:05:10	832.129
-6	6	600	e0f0229d-40c2-4746-bd2a-b221f4ebb093	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:14:36	876.776
-6	12	600	8f8c4ae0-37ee-434f-9868-c3351a4120aa	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:50:33	86.453
-7	7	700	431d4e4c-36f8-44da-a4a1-158d41192514	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:45:19	389.244
-7	14	700	9f47bd27-6e59-4008-b441-c08f52e6739d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:17:54	270.157
-8	8	800	07dbf047-6130-4ffc-a493-b278c7ce48e6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:52:13	757.396
-8	16	800	b68ff195-ae68-4ba7-acc7-c327244940d4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:07:56	960.179
-9	9	900	3995d7dc-c616-48aa-8c98-4b27edf23fb1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:24:39	758.663
-9	18	900	e9d92652-db0c-46fc-b397-0bf6e9fee961	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:38:40	-38.634
-10	10	1000	c83b6927-2987-4675-abae-07c29eacc2dd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:15:13	-570.516
-10	20	1000	0ec4d2be-3d6d-441c-916a-32cf68752306	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:16:56	-518.776
-11	11	1100	ee8c5f57-1402-40c7-a459-d8a0d680d023	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:44:11	342.476
-11	22	1100	f23222df-9fda-4d1f-bf56-a0514d8ad9c2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:19:13	-24.139
-12	12	1200	b1b08c3d-e45d-424a-abaf-5764e63bdb05	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:08:01	589.719
-12	24	1200	93f8086f-d0c9-46f1-b9b8-c8f8d9a18272	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:29:10	528.484
-13	13	1300	fad8569d-5a52-4ed5-bd85-6059407b7aab	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:41:29	-624.254
-13	26	1300	df556431-2a68-4fde-81bb-f269392c4893	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:51:37	-311.137
-14	14	1400	a3bf9d40-4de8-40c3-9639-d05e7368e598	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:23:57	-815.116
-14	28	1400	f900af34-66d6-4b9c-b535-e4e3353185d5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:55:09	110.994
-15	15	1500	f8c7b44d-a199-4d3e-95fd-b65dc82d701d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:07:33	-774.304
-15	30	1500	71d08510-6e86-4a73-8c19-3e696fbe11ff	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:37:27	-804.356
-16	16	1600	d2b506a0-1e6f-4684-a351-8ccf52df82b0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:26:57	-337.729
-16	32	1600	3cab76f8-843e-4ada-8c64-d4f4f850c79b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:23:18	240.277
-17	17	1700	07de91a5-175c-40f4-975e-df498fe851eb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:28:03	-627.106
-17	34	1700	4ac16078-c6b8-42d3-af89-183c56b2d1e3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:23:40	982.974
-18	18	1800	c9ba9198-0fd8-4142-bd5f-ce0dd2de4b93	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:33:00	295.691
-18	36	1800	2f502e68-8ade-4799-91a3-ce5b981c368a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:01:28	-12.366
-19	19	1900	209e8268-2ea1-4951-89ae-55dce2f35f89	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:38:03	-32.540
-19	38	1900	fe67f296-f3d9-48df-bd3b-bad57f1e2bf2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:45:12	775.952
-20	20	2000	6d318ff9-3540-4b63-a104-ba133c8274cc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:31:50	-880.361
-20	40	2000	2ed38b84-3be6-4fa2-a4ae-5f7efbddac04	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:31:23	877.527
-21	21	2100	166bcf97-5acf-4f66-91ec-b72501acfa1a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:06:01	-450.497
-21	42	2100	10b537f1-312b-4774-ab58-ba05acc87366	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:47:15	-835.518
-22	22	2200	f1d37e64-4148-4243-93f9-2aca8dcd64d9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:22:44	-840.429
-22	44	2200	206243a1-9cd3-4acb-898f-02431516976a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:35:18	527.50
-23	23	2300	ceb28fb9-f578-41d4-a0be-940eefd939a9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:06:31	508.538
-23	46	2300	cae248c8-0c9c-4aec-a7bb-7fe651cc2a96	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:09:42	-620.502
-24	24	2400	aa5caaea-b4c3-460f-8df2-686f1f828e8d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:58:48	-612.722
-24	48	2400	95441c5c-9ce2-42ef-96d5-e6f4cf80ee92	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:11:59	521.136
-25	25	2500	605acd8b-a263-4557-9cf9-93b01dff7656	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:26:06	-320.995
-25	50	2500	8885f41c-6073-4856-b1c3-a5908583922c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:29:40	-179.45
-26	26	2600	5d84d59c-3396-4edf-b472-0d0404eae4a8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:18:16	70.383
-26	52	2600	4667b960-0452-408d-971c-3ec7e15cb6f1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:40:54	923.9
-27	27	2700	7bfdbc55-577a-4324-8c7a-bf4fee3a59cb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:02:47	932.897
-27	54	2700	513665ab-aa7b-4fe8-9ba7-2c1f091f6ff8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:53:57	420.303
-28	28	2800	f9e6885c-9010-4b9e-ae4f-ce384f56a7d6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:48:57	901.595
-28	56	2800	eafd04ee-916e-42f4-ae9f-c935ea90b280	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:10:52	455.157
-29	29	2900	d9cddf85-ad42-49db-8a4e-4f2f1398a2fe	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:34:51	235.463
-29	58	2900	edaba226-e3d8-4a03-bbf0-dc8e89559eb0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:21:43	-515.28
-30	30	3000	501481c8-2c55-49b0-9c03-b3c7c658caf4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:33:44	-841.658
-30	60	3000	8c10cde6-7b25-4d03-a08b-d30342c89006	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:26:29	954.259
-31	31	3100	2dd626f5-1914-4d83-aba3-b25fc5143228	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:09:38	584.839
-31	62	3100	34b59eec-b03b-418c-b51c-5230dfe28abb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:46:20	-173.457
-32	32	3200	aef68cf7-1524-4afc-b221-540e0d7e3142	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:01:39	176.984
-32	64	3200	83dfbaa8-3ba0-4253-93fe-6dee283bf323	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:50:20	-939.478
-33	33	3300	ebeaecf9-21b5-4eee-9ee4-8fbf51f2b77c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:26:18	711.760
-33	66	3300	06043a7d-bb3e-41f0-a065-32cf0db1b710	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:28:56	38.778
-34	34	3400	256ee34c-4cb4-4265-bd3d-955e78b8925a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:48:27	254.40
-34	68	3400	fa310d37-fa59-4d26-8650-d718a74a1ec6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:44:24	-67.707
-35	35	3500	ec48791a-ae23-49c1-97b9-7f182522938c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:33:24	-133.129
-35	70	3500	5afb39e7-b946-4a46-9241-71991c7f27d3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:09:28	-308.673
-36	36	3600	7df3d872-2ce2-41ac-ac51-6e95a0766abb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:09:03	953.951
-36	72	3600	d523cff1-4bba-4370-adbd-37de9e74b739	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:03:02	958.722
-37	37	3700	a0b6864c-f66d-4ce7-b16b-c824dc85949c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:28:02	933.295
-37	74	3700	25b35560-5ce2-4840-9bdf-081d9d7f250d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:57:39	449.946
-38	38	3800	d5aa15b1-7873-40ab-9037-dfce5cbb33a6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:05:35	89.506
-38	76	3800	9cc8dfb7-4f1d-4168-9517-6d812988d3a4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:45:30	939.967
-39	39	3900	de54aa8e-0338-4962-b969-a5c3f62a24e9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:35:00	623.61
-39	78	3900	c7f5f5b7-9ed9-4eed-ab28-255a9cca9d9d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:41:56	-410.678
-40	40	4000	3b1ec53d-0693-423b-8a23-741d0f839e6e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:23:00	-199.255
-40	80	4000	289a8721-78b8-4a5f-a875-2efca7e8d484	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:37:34	345.551
-41	41	4100	7c9cefed-5b8d-4f18-bf52-89d686d32d2f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:29:12	-148.502
-41	82	4100	273be461-52b2-4674-be70-72a0e84a8acf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:43:51	787.41
-42	42	4200	13189526-01d7-401a-9fd7-680292aeea4f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:13:24	495.851
-42	84	4200	e64d5859-ab97-42c0-9ffe-7d4e4646d780	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:33:38	-634.730
-43	43	4300	55293828-98e8-40e9-84ad-cf23ae77567c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:03:33	-495.389
-43	86	4300	98eb66a2-52d7-4b98-8448-d3f66ba75114	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:16:43	134.867
-44	44	4400	6005f37d-ba09-4147-8a40-9f9015947e99	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:52:09	600.286
-44	88	4400	5a0f70b3-e209-458a-a5cc-a9666c314a85	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:09:44	-126.586
-45	45	4500	9a16869c-c47b-473d-b154-244266edbc26	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:31:56	896.827
-45	90	4500	47afdd61-7d33-4696-9283-ee0dafa2b590	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:59:04	-223.272
-46	46	4600	413a37df-5ac4-435f-9ee2-c1eae580772a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:55:37	875.833
-46	92	4600	44086be5-e8eb-4a92-9ce8-b6b6de8ee4bf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:47:27	183.378
-47	47	4700	0b88e236-3041-4ae8-ae5e-542f522f300d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:49:50	-821.317
-47	94	4700	30a0ad41-8c26-4329-83af-11ec6f3965d1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:23:37	-87.739
-48	48	4800	a683a272-1561-4e64-8d08-0a8132f159a0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:22:40	307.617
-48	96	4800	bc4a5480-1f2c-4db6-8fdd-222b52ca8af8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:25:36	240.637
-49	49	4900	0eed6f66-5969-4744-8c5f-99ca6106947d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:57:00	420.398
-49	98	4900	0fb14ef0-6e7e-4b73-9af1-f73df4bf20af	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:36:07	126.339
-50	50	5000	199554bc-71ca-437d-a536-19195692bd41	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:31:18	385.513
-50	100	5000	cae25f30-0432-45c1-96e4-c9846fb974fb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:13:56	698.870
-51	51	5100	c779c028-804a-4bb1-861a-6eb0657cbce2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:18:04	57.264
-51	102	5100	ba896d79-a668-4a9d-85f3-525c3861cdf7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:59:00	-488.502
-52	52	5200	55378d93-e22b-4ecd-ac36-e7cde435b05f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:50:48	249.580
-52	104	5200	07849475-8fb6-4d05-92c7-0eb7002fa619	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:25:22	-45.30
-53	53	5300	66a18420-6614-4cce-9da1-ff16ddb7efe7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:33:28	-434.133
-53	106	5300	e2be7d52-1a8e-4d67-8eab-b458cb05e61f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:23:40	-628.981
-54	54	5400	903c385a-7029-4403-9310-cd53a4e4973a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:43:23	705.569
-54	108	5400	f90e5fb8-e762-4a92-93db-0b406b2ba05d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:39:38	-447.652
-55	55	5500	2084128c-39b1-49f2-9476-795d1b3b87c3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:37:41	-131.135
-55	110	5500	bc3915d7-2594-4d35-8f7f-d66496a93019	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:48:13	955.456
-56	56	5600	1463c9f7-4022-41e9-8f9f-c8f69d65b3e2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:07:10	530.244
-56	112	5600	33bddab3-2493-45b2-bc54-f8772c1b3e9f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:47:19	853.227
-57	57	5700	d0efa1e8-22e4-4f4f-ab76-9eb0c26dea36	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:48:29	150.344
-57	114	5700	31128389-f0ee-48d2-b0fc-c41d87a685b7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:47:04	606.886
-58	58	5800	f6a444a0-ad42-4a01-8e5f-4a731776ae8d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:02:57	-342.846
-58	116	5800	24da5f9d-1025-43dd-a112-e93e2fbfe225	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:55:37	-363.264
-59	59	5900	1d194fce-f5bc-4e0e-8cc2-e42d25280114	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:06:35	983.105
-59	118	5900	3f872b1b-dcd3-45df-b59e-959e41b7b03a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:08:23	769.137
-60	60	6000	b1ad6505-b185-4c1e-a536-1f9ebf98750f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:22:52	428.860
-60	120	6000	509f74c2-ef56-47ec-b48a-ddba574f1505	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:42:30	987.512
-61	61	6100	963e35d7-8292-4ca6-b765-3b6cc5085fbe	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:41:10	188.168
-61	122	6100	719a7ca6-b6ab-4822-b51a-4f64f62fe1f7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:12:47	751.282
-62	62	6200	303534cd-8136-4c72-a671-f4f495822baa	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:36:56	-1.894
-62	124	6200	ed7104ed-a7ab-4351-91fa-7f67ed532a7e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:41:29	-483.992
-63	63	6300	6da0ef0a-8260-4b1b-a64a-cbc43983d186	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:04:17	866.240
-63	126	6300	e7f24f17-7185-4016-a4e1-d2933676809b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:59:54	-499.601
-64	64	6400	db682969-e183-4def-a222-26b4d312a6bb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:29:41	-445.466
-64	128	6400	6b47b487-d7b8-467a-bf23-171402657eb0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:54:25	967.750
-65	65	6500	8e56eab7-facf-4b8e-bf41-1677a4475b08	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:17:14	882.713
-65	130	6500	de9b7247-8364-46bc-b65b-a39f53914d12	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:05:37	271.863
-66	66	6600	cddb85c1-93d2-437c-88fe-fc6271942c2b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:14:49	272.788
-66	132	6600	da5a1816-d896-4aa0-a4d0-c141736f2b1c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:52:03	-544.952
-67	67	6700	2ba36163-c44a-410c-ba2d-d982560468c5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:19:03	698.205
-67	134	6700	33516c3f-ff3a-49aa-9c82-3f4d2ba86f9a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:59:12	-264.163
-68	68	6800	b96937a8-c108-4ae3-8da5-1bdcde2a5c4e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:43:53	-672.176
-68	136	6800	0954b048-eaea-4315-a18b-486463fc8e79	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:33:04	435.684
-69	69	6900	adc70c3e-de22-4ede-b3ae-887451db41f5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:58:09	-652.61
-69	138	6900	1d1a0810-c826-46f2-aa70-5f32fadd93f3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:59:31	-308.655
-70	70	7000	46b1acc7-d52c-49e7-b405-b31f8ece18d6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:42:23	203.200
-70	140	7000	df5542b4-088f-4f46-ad10-7f046bd6a291	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:42:54	-601.262
-71	71	7100	c22bbfef-5cc3-4e33-a3ea-3cec84d242ee	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:29:29	982.762
-71	142	7100	42c6e2a1-4556-4626-bd7d-2a30e610c6c2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:08:16	573.713
-72	72	7200	64b7d249-0e01-4be3-8167-b7b6c8f6429f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:47:34	-665.20
-72	144	7200	d81336d4-9b9e-465b-b458-44369f0ba6fa	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:46:49	255.402
-73	73	7300	691f63e9-3bbf-40df-a885-03e0f6dd4643	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:16:19	390.794
-73	146	7300	0bbe35af-b6b8-4647-af8e-547b408758f7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:49:31	237.877
-74	74	7400	ee427bdc-213b-4f5d-8afc-9b73635f4c21	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:35:49	848.15
-74	148	7400	e0c5bb8a-10d8-4d42-a3cd-ca082e7accf0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:33:18	461.255
-75	75	7500	b3a25252-0ced-4c9d-b132-902f4065c858	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:22:07	205.689
-75	150	7500	779dba65-b8b9-444b-9780-ed539ff258c6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:30:47	-551.379
-76	76	7600	e53e01a8-835e-4ee7-a8df-7e50c4202110	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:50:52	713.865
-76	152	7600	a7512839-b284-49c3-a139-afc3d0941241	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:21:46	275.434
-77	77	7700	cb44bf02-b0c6-4b8d-b319-09bae828fd3b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:47:19	197.38
-77	154	7700	4e5a450c-af0a-4bad-9911-ef2e5e8bd76e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:39:27	-602.76
-78	78	7800	5e372336-79d6-4814-921c-ed2665b5c0cf	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:06:53	-486.465
-78	156	7800	e22e21d8-f4cd-44d3-9e24-b0fcc0f56dbb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:38:31	-779.702
-79	79	7900	c8e5427f-ed52-4025-bc52-2307e4761a5c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:58:31	-680.346
-79	158	7900	eb7e788e-6fdb-4e19-9605-0e61f3dbf571	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:30:11	-106.79
-80	80	8000	1086a3cd-92e7-42fd-9f50-018f3e2ae9f0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:05:43	-620.537
-80	160	8000	ce3d3da8-76d6-434d-89b8-605f80fbea68	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:04:20	-679.984
-81	81	8100	9634fcf9-a571-4f55-9a57-31e47808378e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:47:03	888.924
-81	162	8100	67cdcdeb-2563-47d1-ab82-c9581a5baf47	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:59:53	783.491
-82	82	8200	a83ff1e8-3929-48d1-bcfb-bca1f45bd30b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:12:13	-155.212
-82	164	8200	c9427f7b-6e19-4ec3-bfc7-d41857b439ef	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:36:17	-632.973
-83	83	8300	deb262fa-aaad-48d9-a263-5e2133990a2d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:51:54	-298.899
-83	166	8300	17c95d23-e84a-4338-a139-3d8c71498580	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:29:55	402.97
-84	84	8400	15a92f29-bea4-4fc9-95fe-03db82d77acc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:00:32	-254.77
-84	168	8400	c7e2b17e-9ac1-4699-a3b3-59cc0a30c39f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:53:11	685.453
-85	85	8500	7c5f4a83-eff0-4f1f-9aaf-0563185b4194	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:22:33	-437.492
-85	170	8500	0add1baa-fd1b-4f66-91c8-c3b37967caf7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:49:36	615.201
-86	86	8600	6f36c41c-3018-453e-b821-d3ba1173c8c3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:53:36	-235.918
-86	172	8600	616bf143-47dd-4f4d-9781-7a16acb4aed4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:14:27	-469.216
-87	87	8700	fe3ac769-a00d-4d13-8389-3760924996c7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:47:38	-223.525
-87	174	8700	c12ae852-7224-437b-b199-37877e07ce6f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:28:39	-902.593
-88	88	8800	887d28d4-1253-4f46-b2ca-fdccf903b0fa	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:35:44	931.106
-88	176	8800	3acf0311-ab4a-49b3-95d8-dccc96c56aff	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:41:45	-720.735
-89	89	8900	c04cb393-b171-42ae-9676-63bd77002664	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:59:18	507.251
-89	178	8900	2ffbecb8-49fa-4504-86cc-d6b9f900a9a8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:04:31	-283.515
-90	90	9000	25c4d3de-be81-40cd-8e8f-8ec393fb3c1b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:51:56	-943.787
-90	180	9000	2a8e7f63-b525-4324-adae-3e8980cc6898	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:00:51	-940.672
-91	91	9100	32f33555-ff84-4758-9a83-0c6d730fd8f4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:26:51	302.783
-91	182	9100	c749746d-7b79-417f-9943-07c6e12489bc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:15:24	-280.692
-92	92	9200	50834fd8-66bf-4c46-8754-08118e796c02	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:41:07	-566.821
-92	184	9200	352be1e2-6d0a-454d-8be7-75c7742a098e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:04:21	372.724
-93	93	9300	19e487b0-ced0-4f25-920b-64be85017fe9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:41:34	-441.199
-93	186	9300	ebbbd212-80f8-4009-adc3-a175f4f70615	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:25:48	469.295
-94	94	9400	63a08c68-56b7-4d2f-a7d7-130e5bd68531	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:37:25	-34.571
-94	188	9400	dbd5db07-dc7d-4bf6-bf72-1b3efcebab90	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:38:22	493.815
-95	95	9500	8c44dad3-df0c-458a-9862-9a4c8cd0b103	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:45:20	360.44
-95	190	9500	73537c3b-c332-4cd4-a268-05433bc2e759	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:03:46	938.36
-96	96	9600	bd40683a-47c0-452c-b414-50d4de4a7983	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:38:41	-407.352
-96	192	9600	d413f359-07f9-4151-bfd2-f18ceec34b3f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:30:57	161.513
-97	97	9700	17191435-8405-41f9-8101-e255c75e2b5f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:33:44	236.755
-97	194	9700	a38a53ea-e8e1-45fd-ab59-43df514aa44a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:23:38	592.371
-98	98	9800	3ac980bc-f8d1-4a78-8568-a30ad40f7433	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:27:37	-133.311
-98	196	9800	d34cfbde-c794-4d42-b985-05f834e0dd60	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:53:09	-135.65
-99	99	9900	e80b4799-717c-4307-aeea-3688b027e4ce	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:56:08	-784.588
-99	198	9900	f7e2c231-ab51-4b3a-bf29-10f425707852	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:12:22	425.284
-100	100	10000	5d39ed19-721e-4157-8c3c-0c9d0db019e0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:26:44	944.785
-100	200	10000	be70a091-7beb-456d-be1c-c3271b5e04e0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:36:17	-981.989
-101	101	10100	c5f2414c-861e-4c2b-8042-419c48225a53	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:12:45	106.359
-101	202	10100	dd9e9c52-fcd7-433f-9a65-fb3c51aac75b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:43:15	557.934
-102	102	10200	6315a552-1ae6-453a-ba20-1a48ffbb3a86	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:39:13	-426.376
-102	204	10200	1d3a95f5-e673-41fd-b3de-455a559d7628	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:30:20	-628.400
-103	103	10300	a388ac5d-3d1c-4cf0-9203-bc2ede3c95a6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:48:25	-558.144
-103	206	10300	cd82bcd9-da3f-4503-b528-5248dd1c3ce3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:33:30	-858.474
-104	104	10400	974ab187-c8ee-46f0-80ee-d4c6f66610eb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:28:40	-496.561
-104	208	10400	c269c103-5b1b-4dd8-852f-1f2ae2ee36db	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:34:48	853.107
-105	105	10500	27b0a2f5-8d84-4b28-b360-cd6befdcca6f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:41:25	-173.85
-105	210	10500	23358008-7a63-46a2-8ed3-f4edb19afd40	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:51:05	389.200
-106	106	10600	50f5b121-5722-45e1-81dd-8dd68f669cd0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:17:51	846.479
-106	212	10600	0b9a85f0-e0f8-4883-9446-0d8a6168985a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:03:51	388.147
-107	107	10700	faf2e25c-d3f7-439b-8afa-e672aa065f5d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:45:41	-382.741
-107	214	10700	717b5b73-bbee-4caa-a6af-85b4f0ed26bc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:56:59	-830.781
-108	108	10800	bb384505-3490-493e-b435-71891551c6f4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:10:48	930.500
-108	216	10800	130c9918-351e-4f15-82c4-9ac4f0705b21	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:22:18	10.265
-109	109	10900	893459a4-15ad-4eec-8d6e-8114c588b3e4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:31:52	136.659
-109	218	10900	14e002e1-e350-4691-bf99-f6e78f7dcd95	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:40:42	-361.290
-110	110	11000	718ee3d6-a989-48b7-a819-5748b3b96fbc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:41:58	-673.577
-110	220	11000	53e755b8-475e-47ae-b10c-775ba23d61e0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:55:53	560.898
-111	111	11100	0413098d-3aa5-4c79-a2f4-606bc5a00cf8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:02:42	-187.874
-111	222	11100	47d90e68-c479-4683-a816-be35eccde733	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:17:45	-298.382
-112	112	11200	51fcc35b-e012-46fa-83a3-b7cf001f2d7a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:10:29	571.626
-112	224	11200	05d0a7bf-e499-4824-bccb-263af5deb50e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:59:16	-182.570
-113	113	11300	4cc04c9b-71c0-4129-99e3-73289e9942b1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:32:14	654.656
-113	226	11300	c07d3154-1053-4d04-a5fe-13e4b8cf4ffc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:16:53	-982.583
-114	114	11400	008ad005-e52c-459c-8a30-3ab1212e5bd4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:31:26	431.638
-114	228	11400	fa4b8543-9193-42e5-bb76-f150521247c4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:39:26	-814.109
-115	115	11500	a795f363-a07a-4ea7-acaf-42d73fa636b9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:08:19	-904.662
-115	230	11500	ca1db9f2-94e1-48bb-9d85-8efbb8e1fb6f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:36:25	-739.91
-116	116	11600	5559ac21-5a66-4b45-8717-7e9bece55295	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:15:17	347.752
-116	232	11600	24b91a0b-22df-40a3-a84b-8738a1c1c6c3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:15:41	844.909
-117	117	11700	a76cafe2-e5ce-4a38-99cf-6a23bf2e4e35	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:37:29	782.785
-117	234	11700	7275577d-edc0-4535-b851-8c05a52dbf46	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:44:45	-71.919
-118	118	11800	520cbe05-13c0-45c7-bf5d-626387ec6847	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:28:15	13.314
-118	236	11800	a4b5e9e4-4427-4264-b839-c34a1dae21b2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:35:52	-838.904
-119	119	11900	673ebc5e-2941-4fb4-baea-48e6897c9c25	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:55:42	-524.181
-119	238	11900	6e38a825-28c8-474b-aa4c-9490de4c2147	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:30:31	-586.70
-120	120	12000	e89c931d-05e8-4cc5-8012-d32cbf3fecb1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:46:18	-853.362
-120	240	12000	a3b77054-f97d-4a5e-889f-b5edc4fb9c65	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:32:16	-987.108
-121	121	12100	c48607a6-b274-4529-81cd-fdc580655bac	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:28:08	-306.442
-121	242	12100	d75deedd-2321-4915-b540-b66ce6a07d74	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:28:51	-859.266
-122	122	12200	b9462368-61e9-40d9-b829-776118ca0101	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:10:21	-939.168
-122	244	12200	c32ada51-0508-4fc1-b790-b522fceb892b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:28:15	894.549
-123	123	12300	260ddd8e-dfc4-4579-bf47-1a08ccca626e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:05:29	-875.529
-123	246	12300	a1f0da30-032e-4be2-9e7a-8fd38871640b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:31:19	103.720
-124	124	12400	943ca485-1b4f-407f-bfb5-b9f7f40fd4b1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:01:38	131.482
-124	248	12400	0b4ddcf6-0e72-4d00-b9c2-94b7b9f5e905	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:01:35	422.967
-125	125	12500	e05a94d8-8c0b-4cde-854f-e1bd281e01f6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:14:05	-621.556
-125	250	12500	ee513ae1-2d69-4d14-8fb2-ba6b4120aa02	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:03:26	525.742
-126	126	12600	8cca7143-b48a-482c-8d5e-7596393e17b9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:14:21	-822.575
-126	252	12600	572746a4-d065-47d6-8757-47f0d9951e4e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:27:28	155.558
-127	127	12700	a978c0b3-963a-4bae-a59f-0e36ca55b3ab	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:05:03	-665.351
-127	254	12700	ff69a211-e7d6-472b-a132-902f80501b68	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:22:32	320.809
-0	128	12800	a1d033e6-2944-4b4e-b432-ea804c89dcd7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:39:17	-484.89
-0	256	12800	295e6bec-c28b-4dd5-916b-a5e64f2a7f96	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:43:13	-433.959
-1	129	12900	8bc347c4-59ed-49de-9e44-91fd7341720c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:59:58	672.192
-1	258	12900	b44fba3f-d5b6-47b5-b6e1-89b46379c81e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:14:12	768.322
-2	130	13000	a0df0e95-add6-416d-88fc-5a32b4b933d5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:34:34	-184.251
-2	260	13000	c17760c5-c88a-4a00-beee-31179ba3162d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:45:21	-146.952
-3	131	13100	3edc6fe2-94e5-4b39-97d3-acba0725844d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:28:39	440.831
-3	262	13100	1d1cf989-4200-4e46-ac76-8fd8d57e84c9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:28:03	423.178
-4	132	13200	4847dd73-4960-4e74-87b2-f5fc8ce9847c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:29:14	372.445
-4	264	13200	d9682eba-76c0-4709-a067-07140d912fcf	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:24:47	243.107
-5	133	13300	7669cafb-6a05-42ed-812f-672b03fc4701	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:26:00	68.274
-5	266	13300	77376a73-3668-4ec8-ad03-6b84a1b36f56	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:59:06	290.514
-6	134	13400	00b8cd3f-65e7-405c-ae54-4f96ebfe6dd3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:07:45	754.444
-6	268	13400	8a0a4349-8589-47b4-ab39-ca2ffbd87b31	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:51:55	-698.769
-7	135	13500	0635010c-54ba-45d5-bf8d-1ed64c3ccc73	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:10:20	26.3
-7	270	13500	b9b20a6d-6ad2-46e6-89a7-454e7ec0fb63	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:40:23	389.278
-8	136	13600	8f2da6f8-a3f7-4a69-bcec-3b00f7cd38d1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:34:45	839.690
-8	272	13600	6d1779b4-fe2b-49af-aa4d-7a2f7e5bfaab	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:43:02	-105.856
-9	137	13700	086b9878-d5b4-4487-8465-978db92269d6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:43:38	906.845
-9	274	13700	2af2764d-d57c-4112-b0b8-936cd6ac952a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:08:42	-765.353
-10	138	13800	32181751-0f98-4fab-bc39-c8334fcdaa00	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:21:29	-718.500
-10	276	13800	717bb711-2d0e-4971-bae7-b51f1cda6908	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:13:21	512.374
-11	139	13900	cc7d7d61-33b4-4d4b-b249-b45219f66a58	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:26:53	509.670
-11	278	13900	6fbe5f7b-dd02-47df-899c-356416530444	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:57:05	786.723
-12	140	14000	6b5ab893-d55f-4546-b51a-09d839e70b2c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:53:33	932.100
-12	280	14000	6cd46334-5247-45fe-bada-b4252cf15bec	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:48:25	-584.139
-13	141	14100	cdac41c3-1ed8-4092-9bc3-a26b5202f48d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:16:11	-756.518
-13	282	14100	7f1cdb75-2dff-403a-a8d3-5577839961ed	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:21:27	-907.528
-14	142	14200	4ef6e3f6-ff67-4994-b284-81617df80516	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:37:34	754.530
-14	284	14200	dc274c40-5939-473d-b404-cb61fab62994	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:51:47	62.818
-15	143	14300	8a7dc0bc-6ac7-4050-b77c-48edd3b7fc81	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:46:19	495.426
-15	286	14300	deeb5b8a-7b6b-48cf-aee4-e9833c5bd39a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:50:51	38.681
-16	144	14400	f23dcabe-4ae0-4a31-b5ca-52a224773d2b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:50:47	773.630
-16	288	14400	4b50d6f3-356b-44c8-8fa0-698968849cc2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:28:16	935.674
-17	145	14500	86bc14c4-1cf3-45ff-9e53-c399becf7122	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:14:53	-576.48
-17	290	14500	886029e9-831b-42c9-af7d-a1ee00698043	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:19:31	279.633
-18	146	14600	e5372e3f-12ca-4b34-b953-b9a7f17c776f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:53:49	-772.996
-18	292	14600	6e5f3fbf-39d9-4a89-8f87-8fcd80039c2d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:49:24	335.988
-19	147	14700	cbfd9d00-fa6b-491b-8f0d-6bb413c982ec	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:50:03	881.590
-19	294	14700	f4614321-5234-411e-a10b-d92066d94052	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:08:06	-235.288
-20	148	14800	ef190f45-df10-4667-a4ad-cad3722cf240	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:22:46	-685.574
-20	296	14800	7c6436d4-47e7-48fa-b443-c4c1f28c4c5c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:49:52	120.382
-21	149	14900	bab898c5-2907-4aa0-81b2-21e60574effb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:28:21	16.109
-21	298	14900	9afccbc8-0c69-4a77-a8a0-52979ea17f5d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:51:20	921.922
-22	150	15000	60eb83dd-8f61-46fc-b332-e2df9a6f6d21	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:16:59	-872.573
-22	300	15000	fe013d28-c4bc-4739-b78f-70f1cc264b7b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:12:37	-677.675
-23	151	15100	76f7901a-0fcd-4c9c-ac09-1602d9038b39	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:02:52	-957.773
-23	302	15100	e2274b72-9572-4410-8e0d-dd8d67afd00e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:29:45	563.3
-24	152	15200	f228cbc9-63fb-44de-8216-45719768ce72	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:25:55	111.758
-24	304	15200	466f6b46-e1e6-4869-a50c-6c567fc0284e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:41:34	632.902
-25	153	15300	f1e577c6-e1f0-4bde-9bf6-c8f3406cb4e8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:36:06	-111.968
-25	306	15300	cfe29336-e3d0-4f19-9463-34f2ad41e10f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:45:46	-508.459
-26	154	15400	f115b2d0-1400-4a2a-a3e2-47c7e1252144	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:14:02	58.123
-26	308	15400	3544130c-a4bb-459d-91b6-62e9d97581dc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:59:13	-839.643
-27	155	15500	d3921aac-ab8e-43e0-9d39-c086a692ac67	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:44:19	835.685
-27	310	15500	6147a513-753d-45ba-8c78-ba1f66c7362d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:42:27	246.490
-28	156	15600	60318352-319f-4d68-bee9-197648b0f11c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:25:33	-405.169
-28	312	15600	4e95f0d9-6264-465b-8aa1-c81f4e86561b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:26:09	-653.200
-29	157	15700	c6e815bd-a8f5-4e5c-a93b-31b534dbe494	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:14:12	-533.635
-29	314	15700	63302404-c73d-44b0-b13c-7e1714752218	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:23:41	220.641
-30	158	15800	4d8bd018-dca9-448e-878e-ddb9357dbe5e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:51:29	-672.902
-30	316	15800	743fd53e-66df-4609-ad10-5d2535b4159e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:52:49	497.628
-31	159	15900	232f166c-6e68-46f9-936a-db6836519bb5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:36:18	899.948
-31	318	15900	e2462f89-5460-495c-9f24-c31677115d05	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:12:34	-906.770
-32	160	16000	2aa635f1-efff-4594-a9f1-82fe43caee5d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:53:21	-731.89
-32	320	16000	f4e33443-90b8-4ff9-b651-cbbdbb8efcb2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:33:41	754.828
-33	161	16100	63a7fb36-8b91-46f2-9cc3-a3bdc28cef63	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:49:25	446.91
-33	322	16100	0dbc55a1-5a7f-4d4c-98a7-a46fe98419dd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:22:09	638.778
-34	162	16200	ef599b24-6cf9-4b91-92a5-7931e3575635	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:40:17	400.302
-34	324	16200	d658c8a1-92e2-4a86-b725-63f9872f1bd0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:16:27	345.13
-35	163	16300	dabd9ec6-aa1a-4e59-8d10-87c344791e8f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:23:36	490.824
-35	326	16300	75d0a5cb-96f5-4780-be81-2992e5873832	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:49:45	693.286
-36	164	16400	850df35e-9c25-4023-b37c-fab072338bc4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:30:16	681.354
-36	328	16400	d9ce1c6a-0680-47d6-ab0d-be2261d77ed4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:32:53	75.272
-37	165	16500	b1234d20-d52f-43b5-a5f4-7b466480a287	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:14:18	-535.94
-37	330	16500	2258f8dc-b831-4167-8657-5a40c9b6a0e1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:19:22	246.876
-38	166	16600	a6fe295a-ad12-42a5-a79b-405880d14c8c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:04:56	-759.632
-38	332	16600	3f0b662f-0213-49ce-b0ee-2d39a430cc13	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:09:29	589.93
-39	167	16700	f6b4d433-152f-498a-ae80-84f756b364df	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:18:13	-230.628
-39	334	16700	934b0f55-de42-42bf-ac41-fcc23cc55363	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:30:25	-481.128
-40	168	16800	0d3caccb-c427-49de-874f-8cf6945e8a1e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:18:34	-778.777
-40	336	16800	a90256be-00d6-4cb3-bd8e-7ccc8f0c90b0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:09:41	-355.447
-41	169	16900	9bb635b0-ec2f-4b90-b86e-b87ec9f49740	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:59:30	-144.323
-41	338	16900	f65fd274-f62b-4e4c-87ba-8b3f02ad9522	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:39:37	306.676
-42	170	17000	c7c36e31-da92-4277-87a8-aa386cf9fce5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:33:00	-823.685
-42	340	17000	0827f9af-33b9-492e-9a64-f49e6a32d9b1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:08:56	-486.863
-43	171	17100	951aa55f-8f7c-46cf-9f44-0cf0441e36ed	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:29:20	-415.787
-43	342	17100	d758b290-bce9-4176-a114-c4950904c9bf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:18:59	-236.802
-44	172	17200	2f01d70b-07bc-4b26-8ac7-7d6648e9ca57	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:11:07	-232.175
-44	344	17200	edcdf785-6d8b-47ac-8814-a3ce30626e75	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:40:55	209.549
-45	173	17300	07e88934-0827-46d8-895e-f6211e2d7d4c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:07:08	-567.768
-45	346	17300	8acfc86e-1956-4f4e-8543-789890ccdfbf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:07:21	-221.674
-46	174	17400	ee80388d-8981-4b35-be7f-b5fecd9b6176	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:01:00	-26.248
-46	348	17400	c87ef87f-2bfb-4720-8f90-9c3261033938	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:48:16	822.653
-47	175	17500	dbce2274-ec37-4be8-8c13-dae75e6d0ff2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:20:51	824.0
-47	350	17500	d5021013-8b7d-4dd4-9eab-4d1f8e07bf39	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:05:46	663.306
-48	176	17600	bcd5f8f5-9124-4441-93a5-5373ad79b670	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:22:21	112.634
-48	352	17600	96ea5bc2-2948-46e5-90b6-8c238685847d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:59:25	174.561
-49	177	17700	61d5729b-028d-436f-a8b2-fbf6b42027df	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:25:52	936.992
-49	354	17700	748687ec-2b90-416d-8906-f89443ecb807	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:25:51	195.577
-50	178	17800	f1ef7fb4-12a5-47b1-8c00-0ec3f20382ad	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:45:06	902.417
-50	356	17800	eb24c87d-55fc-45aa-a31e-fd31c3f3d346	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:04:59	-474.353
-51	179	17900	dcf149cc-b163-4644-ad39-187c97f68381	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:45:42	-581.831
-51	358	17900	2c6fb399-5941-4d51-891a-67c05863bf5e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:15:05	760.324
-52	180	18000	c34e8619-b736-48de-a756-c0e185c048dd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:09:33	322.951
-52	360	18000	5f807d9b-e149-4740-857c-e0c181db2c32	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:05:20	-612.237
-53	181	18100	04605f2b-07bf-47b4-89cf-42d082753a5e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:33:20	180.968
-53	362	18100	21b7aa13-2ffd-44c3-a4e9-1fe9a03066c9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:21:25	557.840
-54	182	18200	ea311327-c49b-411a-9cbe-33bc05aff0b4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:05:31	-595.557
-54	364	18200	1ddc1c4f-f0fa-4255-a9ad-7b7d3543bf69	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:59:46	964.954
-55	183	18300	f87b2af6-c0a9-49f3-96ec-4cb26ffe49ec	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:28:49	595.712
-55	366	18300	a90f7355-0a12-4355-a944-47053d686e39	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:01:14	321.687
-56	184	18400	b9f2fee0-1730-41fe-aa47-39cac0debf98	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:58:39	51.797
-56	368	18400	679ba4d4-0c4e-4218-aef7-2f06ffe8b43c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:26:07	-552.309
-57	185	18500	e6032049-d63d-4195-86a9-9a141b97fbdd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:10:54	-783.871
-57	370	18500	673fb2d9-7406-45af-ae0d-35c027ba732d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:03:52	-460.260
-58	186	18600	75799100-03f6-431f-8b04-1991962f9bcf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:46:29	-338.332
-58	372	18600	c580f32f-869f-4314-a893-acbccad9089a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:30:49	-112.707
-59	187	18700	daba422d-a48e-4cdd-8505-68d4c6a4e031	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:46:05	555.929
-59	374	18700	d1502b50-8e03-42cc-aaea-7e89693c46df	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:01:03	-310.966
-60	188	18800	a16bfa7c-1681-4864-ab90-30f9f400f027	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:47:49	405.507
-60	376	18800	dd1b7593-c128-4520-935d-b8545bc7f788	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:24:33	94.437
-61	189	18900	3401ed2f-2758-4aa0-9c8d-992bbc925914	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:59:19	840.907
-61	378	18900	fe27b9d3-ead1-44bc-9c18-91dbbf3a7fcb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:28:37	-670.469
-62	190	19000	df678d8e-a331-4f20-9fda-08cac7adebbf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:11:09	-188.557
-62	380	19000	aa76044b-323b-4c65-8998-97dc30bd6230	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:51:07	142.486
-63	191	19100	82dc3d3b-8b77-4ee8-a263-6e1030aae4bf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:21:57	-410.90
-63	382	19100	9814caca-a8e0-4bb9-8c1c-b606fd788ab1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:50:29	7.220
-64	192	19200	e2ee58cd-d1ef-4e10-81e3-428d8abfe26e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:19:01	-965.868
-64	384	19200	25125a72-b6ae-406f-9e32-aec9c54086ca	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:57:18	-189.153
-65	193	19300	f3b8b85b-68f4-4ba5-8852-f25caadb5119	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:08:13	-641.798
-65	386	19300	26a953c3-1ae5-4d0e-ac4a-c5ec7fcdb4c4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:50:58	-81.176
-66	194	19400	d0c40297-5df4-4893-8ff3-c8a65be5de9e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:36:47	-787.710
-66	388	19400	7dcaab2b-d76e-46f6-85da-4117f427f240	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:04:23	68.883
-67	195	19500	10ce0421-e370-41d8-aa88-07f84a7ee348	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:55:09	393.791
-67	390	19500	2ef0b628-101d-449d-87c7-703284202fcf	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:32:20	-677.332
-68	196	19600	0bd12edd-3689-42d8-8b84-f94fd275c922	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:26:06	-940.458
-68	392	19600	a68af53a-be99-459e-9fc8-6c625ca672a0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:28:46	-114.521
-69	197	19700	40fb8c82-14f0-43d7-b794-25dc2e8bd534	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:18:49	-652.639
-69	394	19700	ef7a045e-d680-460a-be37-54b0306b4bb2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:50:34	741.207
-70	198	19800	bc160fb6-33b2-4e3f-84ec-9a0244f9db44	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:23:57	209.176
-70	396	19800	33627149-8646-4ea3-9c62-1df73c768f2e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:25:39	-236.271
-71	199	19900	ed8c82cc-0c9b-4e73-b069-2a1cd2325037	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:02:37	779.845
-71	398	19900	656b9b92-fa05-4249-8afd-07a147a3f10a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:17:14	-659.447
-72	200	20000	fe39bcd6-1f8e-43c0-a298-f21385d01fab	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:34:44	-717.630
-72	400	20000	0b041495-f3f6-4dd2-8ccc-34d6885a8140	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:24:03	-327.617
-73	201	20100	facf3b47-bb12-4c0f-984d-3842fef83bb4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:31:52	-804.680
-73	402	20100	67348330-9e97-4723-8108-b70242ae33c5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:33:16	683.675
-74	202	20200	95084d48-831f-4501-ae62-0300f926ecaa	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:51:48	-234.128
-74	404	20200	c3f39c21-8733-4d27-aa2b-23bc39b17f1a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:26:23	-447.845
-75	203	20300	5b2a9fb2-3681-45cc-98ae-a49d3b569d71	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:15:40	-101.185
-75	406	20300	7b88c0f4-da1b-49ef-88a3-cabe02b76370	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:25:21	530.213
-76	204	20400	93fb3f22-9f54-4db7-b008-3a173bee42b2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:20:12	-727.890
-76	408	20400	84020db2-e197-4c3f-aa49-85cae081664e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:17:44	-509.559
-77	205	20500	03196a0f-44f4-416c-a770-a8fa1b653353	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:48:50	-144.756
-77	410	20500	988b35c5-10dc-44a6-8821-3de4210725a5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:39:58	573.900
-78	206	20600	1acd1c3f-cce7-46ce-8bcf-d4309773db03	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:15:45	-161.3
-78	412	20600	9c0d0c11-e1f7-44de-a6b9-7bd335abc089	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:30:48	638.452
-79	207	20700	581cb43c-7077-4226-8638-85ebcb40c0ab	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:26:39	-861.246
-79	414	20700	4ab07d03-1362-4cf7-89c3-21f83367b0a1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:51:45	-140.557
-80	208	20800	d1b949e8-5183-493f-bdb1-0b05f2fe654a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:57:34	-408.472
-80	416	20800	dcf2042c-6205-457b-953b-4eb61ea016f9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:41:36	-969.768
-81	209	20900	ec5e2baa-7828-4706-b7de-a5ceb7019570	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:11:18	-886.785
-81	418	20900	6b58ba62-0a79-470d-98e4-42a474db3c8f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:16:30	-108.66
-82	210	21000	631dd30f-e219-46a3-927f-716a6e2c449f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:35:22	610.546
-82	420	21000	1b6ea3f9-8571-40b8-a534-fb7df002b566	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:03:58	337.822
-83	211	21100	49acc0db-80c8-4397-8515-8f4b824c20c2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:30:27	695.766
-83	422	21100	1a5da08d-1cba-4686-af45-1712dda8885a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:59:47	-39.901
-84	212	21200	ca49fb45-0216-404e-873b-c13f6af3a22e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:36:19	-742.600
-84	424	21200	5616c85a-4502-4c80-823e-5989a162a4ae	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:21:01	-960.53
-85	213	21300	394d1b68-2f69-43ed-aa37-fb7c8eecc4a2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:54:46	-527.107
-85	426	21300	2d1ec0a6-367a-459a-90c4-f69d1ca0034e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:50:50	-278.229
-86	214	21400	e2750c25-d195-4f25-9d94-c009f8c92237	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:51:11	818.126
-86	428	21400	5df0f2fd-6cf6-4161-bc7c-30a82888c69c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:37:07	910.749
-87	215	21500	f7131767-2368-445a-9700-890e69bf261f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:01:09	-617.122
-87	430	21500	b5fab37e-e7af-4172-9498-bfc01ffc04ae	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:39:59	-26.707
-88	216	21600	f6c926af-cb12-4c08-8698-1f1cada0ab6f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:28:46	-976.37
-88	432	21600	0964f244-b950-4527-8f10-dd532ef6e9e3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:35:44	-454.414
-89	217	21700	3b46db37-a83f-45f7-953b-d3ef8d13a70e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:57:58	-828.892
-89	434	21700	6fdbf324-41b6-468f-bb0e-9603eeb36373	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:29:03	658.277
-90	218	21800	00aeb788-c029-4758-a5de-5e251c4fa9b3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:28:25	607.199
-90	436	21800	072e2ebb-2e65-4a07-8b80-0ab904b3d5b2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:07:43	-754.61
-91	219	21900	686b2ab2-3631-4e03-b3a4-edc798c582ea	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:03:20	984.476
-91	438	21900	e5c73a78-a957-4fae-94a6-fd6dd462236b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:54:32	953.532
-92	220	22000	a1cc8419-9ece-4ba2-88f9-ba35e46421a9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:30:34	213.983
-92	440	22000	e67b65d4-6e06-4c91-9b17-1c77259af333	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:44:34	967.819
-93	221	22100	6dca7dda-1bab-4e5c-98d6-4251e51ad73c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:22:43	-362.70
-93	442	22100	c4a82b01-944e-4dff-a193-76dade589fd0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:59:39	995.435
-94	222	22200	4705d733-df3c-4148-ba64-a7ca2230b36c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:50:47	-437.470
-94	444	22200	3b6f709e-eeab-4b38-bd9f-9fc069c170c8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:25:49	-542.52
-95	223	22300	21d9f6c2-1e47-4e2a-866a-a700e0a58c6b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:57:36	239.211
-95	446	22300	968cc81e-a1b7-4644-a818-5aef4ce1f742	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:04:53	-946.347
-96	224	22400	9c303b68-004e-48cc-be9b-cb9b4f58ad50	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:27:10	-656.201
-96	448	22400	411cda7f-a41a-459d-aed1-b8f37c9139db	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:34:37	421.979
-97	225	22500	a61d589f-73a7-47eb-8576-f4936b93d797	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:45:48	199.679
-97	450	22500	97dbb801-bf27-4f2e-9b4b-dd328d679fbc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:32:44	293.922
-98	226	22600	0c90f217-8875-4e69-bf43-e7aea161e53c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:36:24	826.789
-98	452	22600	6650e382-864e-47e1-9306-c4675b3fd719	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:40:27	-531.567
-99	227	22700	eae7565b-fd07-4aed-b797-b90d071bd7b9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:14:19	-715.269
-99	454	22700	7263c3db-5069-4be7-8f49-071c5ebcded4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:36:39	-323.709
-100	228	22800	49df10b3-a466-426e-82a5-8303469b5c5c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:25:29	143.14
-100	456	22800	c837fcb3-3ec2-4036-9cc7-25f27b820608	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:28:47	-702.349
-101	229	22900	c85dd780-52f2-4648-a9ca-5d4e195d3281	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:01:17	537.515
-101	458	22900	92b8ab93-b01f-4513-b409-de18346dc03a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:53:58	-159.202
-102	230	23000	12d0ded1-1adc-49a5-996a-38cdec060dca	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:24:46	34.658
-102	460	23000	1ebb5bed-db71-4b0e-bb74-557791cdce9c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:05:55	27.269
-103	231	23100	7a774b06-0345-49b2-bc32-1068dc0a89ea	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:33:28	280.28
-103	462	23100	246b1891-e1ba-42c9-ad4f-726469cb3e74	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:21:34	-500.299
-104	232	23200	692df748-4fde-4fda-a1a5-a0f94bb72fe7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:29:29	32.972
-104	464	23200	a4a34378-6193-48d7-8795-4e0554bd28bd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:23:55	288.678
-105	233	23300	f4732dba-7436-4e96-bffa-fd5d89ef15e6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:33:32	-308.710
-105	466	23300	53615070-0b4e-43c6-86f8-318c3ee54734	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:46:18	982.47
-106	234	23400	22d75ecb-9a63-4dca-a452-ee18d0be96ac	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:10:51	911.488
-106	468	23400	5bcb789e-f93d-4f60-8ae2-4bd624c19821	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:17:18	342.688
-107	235	23500	c1032b04-77e8-4dde-ad3d-6e46d72bc1ea	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:21:39	-81.402
-107	470	23500	144195f9-0a12-49b2-bbf8-99cbedb6c83b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:51:39	-135.132
-108	236	23600	6da3a666-22ed-4370-8f4b-9f25b321fe30	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:24:53	355.168
-108	472	23600	030942e6-491f-4044-9b31-f5b3d63799e0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:04:10	-749.282
-109	237	23700	80c4fcf6-c4dd-4ce5-8d33-ec1777215779	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:54:34	66.913
-109	474	23700	5b54ccae-b8cc-4375-a224-7187419669a0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:18:30	10.398
-110	238	23800	6705aad0-7920-4255-90e9-a2d24356c37a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:31:53	-948.831
-110	476	23800	fbccd344-d56a-462b-9b93-666d45be23df	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:46:41	-230.567
-111	239	23900	23576a3a-620b-47a0-b9c4-64c455edff92	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:42:51	-90.310
-111	478	23900	c541b2d3-93c5-4c15-813a-ccfa3157cc11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:15:58	971.872
-112	240	24000	1f274319-7a0c-4333-89a0-4f660021cbd3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:15:50	570.150
-112	480	24000	0237282a-544f-422a-8288-493025514b49	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:28:51	89.984
-113	241	24100	5b974734-b2e5-4abf-818b-fcfc46969d01	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:39:25	-429.890
-113	482	24100	04ffd3a1-43e0-4610-b2c8-3a26b3da1b29	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:48:54	243.366
-114	242	24200	ac149823-7caf-4c09-a115-64754450b9f1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:01:26	153.178
-114	484	24200	0d225906-6e36-471c-9f85-4296cd612520	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:29:28	128.641
-115	243	24300	3654918b-04a5-4e26-a02c-bebc64591e97	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:36:24	116.328
-115	486	24300	7ffae060-1a1a-451c-a12c-992bd68d441b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:39:44	668.712
-116	244	24400	ae902ce6-4af0-4938-9c95-4a47cbba1610	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:46:36	503.144
-116	488	24400	ba0d90fe-1526-47ad-bc25-622c279b741e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:48:11	724.671
-117	245	24500	7c541691-3fe2-4971-b2c8-635f0539fede	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:35:13	-805.533
-117	490	24500	d1e6ab97-1fc9-465d-8ccf-e64769720db0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:09:08	583.357
-118	246	24600	1b1ee99e-f016-44c2-8c8e-af2fc9faa341	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:17:51	542.698
-118	492	24600	d71ad5da-6fc4-4e64-97ab-70aeefc8e20d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:18:19	429.690
-119	247	24700	25c4964b-d03d-46f6-ab68-9afa80f558bb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:48:30	224.405
-119	494	24700	579563f4-b07c-4075-8a03-50230fbc4359	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:00:05	-45.140
-120	248	24800	ab705f72-60b4-45ae-ab72-2c957de9f398	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:57:17	88.376
-120	496	24800	9686ac30-4fd0-4227-8cbd-73900da32035	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:24:20	883.983
-121	249	24900	9ec931ef-9b59-4848-bb7d-186b84e3f646	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:26:00	-252.78
-121	498	24900	d971d48b-deee-4306-8691-01991663317b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:05:05	-304.641
-122	250	25000	fde6f5a2-9e02-40a8-8033-62b75f91dfda	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:11:46	259.131
-122	500	25000	caa3df74-8200-43c6-87c6-cc18e53391a9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:31:05	430.24
-123	251	25100	8b21d7b8-2b9d-4b2c-8802-eb3d32a024e0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:10:35	486.37
-123	502	25100	c354162b-e275-48b1-adff-4c01bb118e8e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:37:15	289.844
-124	252	25200	5978a40c-199d-46a7-9fb4-7ad494856126	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:14:06	-177.594
-124	504	25200	70289be7-8a67-403e-858d-a51f42ec0ced	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:00:55	787.105
-125	253	25300	69f99aca-4924-4c07-bc3e-41170ebcd875	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:56:31	-422.314
-125	506	25300	08d49b39-c38d-4bca-b9ae-c455f510170a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:31:31	-823.85
-126	254	25400	adba0906-f266-4f77-b973-06f7b05098a5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:09:55	-164.543
-126	508	25400	fff80a3b-81b1-46eb-b1b8-121ea25b2fde	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:52:21	472.598
-127	255	25500	cb3104bb-e7f2-4763-ae37-cafcafdd373e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:38:46	155.273
-127	510	25500	14f0d4d9-2060-4b82-a4d4-9dcbe1b45c9e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:36:31	-299.603
-0	256	25600	87accb6b-2e2b-4ee3-94a0-3e959fc04f93	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:28:43	596.775
-0	512	25600	f12cd316-5e69-4dc2-b764-53e8af0c99df	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:54:25	-73.37
-1	257	25700	41aab0e3-ad11-44da-99c0-b0d16d5a0de6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:17:00	-291.397
-1	514	25700	2ef643e2-788a-46dc-a993-a4cc1160dc9a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:09:12	805.994
-2	258	25800	963704ce-fa49-4452-a608-99201541fc60	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:50:06	-155.687
-2	516	25800	9451615a-a277-4c62-a94d-9f6e7dfd0c67	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:18:27	573.494
-3	259	25900	036a9e8a-5e8b-480e-9ec4-4dc1ee5d781b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:40:43	-68.419
-3	518	25900	fada5c71-71fc-4ae7-aa8e-97c11b321454	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:57:11	-156.119
-4	260	26000	87c04599-27f4-4c0d-8923-de95c77283f5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:14:43	129.619
-4	520	26000	99038f37-77f4-4393-8717-0ab0a719bb32	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:38:53	230.871
-5	261	26100	e3f54758-5d7e-4510-8620-51c77383da66	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:16:38	-455.667
-5	522	26100	9625739e-6c4b-40ed-bba4-13580f86ebf1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:36:50	262.70
-6	262	26200	9d617da8-55e3-4175-bd89-4f5b3527845a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:08:51	-903.368
-6	524	26200	3cd62a66-81df-4acf-8a49-eb745795402d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:51:01	-565.890
-7	263	26300	1a15b304-f2c8-4832-8940-4dd84aa753dd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:48:14	-754.151
-7	526	26300	b06ae418-c50e-4404-bb75-2f03501de7fc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:17:17	-845.525
-8	264	26400	bf2504b9-2033-44d1-a9cd-4f5388ff6ec8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:33:25	263.3
-8	528	26400	12facba6-1ee6-445f-8e0e-33c78c76c129	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:13:03	-992.165
-9	265	26500	2e53d091-391d-414c-a722-8bd8162dba06	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:32:45	152.70
-9	530	26500	b69c5635-622e-47f7-8381-899afb901fe5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:34:12	314.957
-10	266	26600	491dd81d-5db9-4628-bbe6-f809f4ceb187	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:56:35	-98.702
-10	532	26600	008667b8-158f-40b4-a6d8-3a8b17ab9350	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:13:09	-563.684
-11	267	26700	8046638d-7ad7-4f36-944c-2d0a2de64cb2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:25:42	485.851
-11	534	26700	2750d1fe-bab6-4322-b405-ed2f3115d37d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:45:12	786.324
-12	268	26800	be95436c-fb45-4373-98ca-5857409af0e9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:03:51	707.286
-12	536	26800	b1435721-0f83-4877-9573-acec7d7188ea	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:09:16	643.270
-13	269	26900	cfdfe8e4-f2ec-4b7a-9557-e5eb47cafc37	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:53:20	162.581
-13	538	26900	3f5147dd-64ad-454d-bd25-624270998e18	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:30:13	789.244
-14	270	27000	de51fb20-a23e-4e83-8720-7d3199a8aa91	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:29:36	-24.360
-14	540	27000	5f8a6a0c-db42-4062-a7cd-7b2894beed85	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:02:23	675.511
-15	271	27100	5c6e0f8a-a226-486c-8e6d-76000f9dd710	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:05:45	-202.780
-15	542	27100	9b1fd75c-a61b-4271-952d-cb26e86bb157	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:02:45	491.164
-16	272	27200	d2de7975-4503-43b2-8813-d918ab295fa5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:56:25	-770.390
-16	544	27200	cfb4d942-8b6d-45f5-b09b-ba42b05e5bfb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:57:48	828.214
-17	273	27300	1c5d0139-6d01-4334-821b-69b68bdd9e38	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:17:58	118.617
-17	546	27300	1fa53414-52f0-46e5-9e85-8a54daa75ca7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:00:19	-813.867
-18	274	27400	b7947a23-725b-4799-a3bf-8966d9c098d4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:12:15	847.270
-18	548	27400	8722d2ef-6478-4376-a24e-655eb6d313fb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:49:27	933.865
-19	275	27500	673bb7ab-0765-4122-b218-92e7c72649ce	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:06:41	472.479
-19	550	27500	0095b6a3-4034-4b8b-9b9c-8fbb80c7615b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:56:28	676.489
-20	276	27600	62a4a422-ebcb-46b7-a684-9e0ea329337a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:02:22	-903.893
-20	552	27600	040d0215-e145-49c1-8c81-2bf397d8b7f1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:07:08	-810.847
-21	277	27700	6b3b8b05-c98e-4b4c-9b16-6e8e0f3cc0d4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:55:23	-951.552
-21	554	27700	5255777b-2712-4841-b920-4fc5ee0e11a9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:16:26	260.651
-22	278	27800	747989a2-760d-4f11-b064-75d4dcb1c56d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:00:53	575.151
-22	556	27800	c4920631-dc04-4e84-9817-5c5463f2a496	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:41:01	-524.361
-23	279	27900	0d4c9aae-0d22-4730-b94f-9d2642350510	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:55:08	419.104
-23	558	27900	80f47ab4-da63-4453-aada-4fa46ee4c387	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:29:41	649.737
-24	280	28000	69c9675a-67f3-425f-ae3a-35adfe2eba37	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:24:36	-469.698
-24	560	28000	b59faf83-0e03-432e-9813-874d1e3e9e39	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:50:10	322.704
-25	281	28100	d4a88924-ea85-4d74-9f20-6c61af4fcbd7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:32:54	-332.743
-25	562	28100	daf933b0-ff46-440b-8d46-f831b3998048	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:41:11	-442.802
-26	282	28200	9d77b736-2833-4e57-b580-43593a855449	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:35:50	711.306
-26	564	28200	92286086-d15c-44ae-a50a-9ecc82365a98	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:58:18	-528.892
-27	283	28300	c2ce0698-b391-4bd3-b402-65cfd116d73c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:53:09	-403.138
-27	566	28300	6dbeb99d-04c3-46fd-8b22-5c3284081d18	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:28:31	794.336
-28	284	28400	fc625b88-a91b-44d3-b718-129443931012	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:13:50	959.389
-28	568	28400	3408f743-884f-48ef-8b56-c4e0b1a90432	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:46:33	93.744
-29	285	28500	5c0ccfd8-35d6-4364-b718-a45503a3ed9e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:39:36	139.574
-29	570	28500	99370158-6e10-44f1-80ee-ee0e25d66f4d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:54:24	318.524
-30	286	28600	27a3f443-f0a6-4c2d-a7e2-fe112619a06a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:15:50	-96.239
-30	572	28600	93e78e23-6588-44a3-8383-27a8c2aa1562	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:25:36	-718.694
-31	287	28700	d43e015e-de36-49c8-a9e2-b156e0709e90	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:53:15	225.47
-31	574	28700	75733408-1967-4018-bb5e-1659434db6ec	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:11:34	107.490
-32	288	28800	9773b9ad-9dc5-4d62-9ef3-6c1345408651	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:37:22	-250.918
-32	576	28800	3cb1f5ac-2f46-4c08-9c4c-1ce309441d74	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:30:30	393.964
-33	289	28900	924684fc-d9a4-450b-88b7-64eb71aeb483	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:15:23	813.492
-33	578	28900	f6358388-43c4-45ac-afdd-f08d5d47b277	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:32:22	-46.243
-34	290	29000	61836531-80fa-4434-a169-a2e5169b3f21	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:03:39	-244.390
-34	580	29000	b2dd797f-7a67-4d78-853c-9043d6e989ba	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:30:43	-957.270
-35	291	29100	f8cc76a5-66a8-48cc-9698-2d11078001d5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:03:14	165.801
-35	582	29100	8e9453f8-82bc-4740-8b68-8b29a140b597	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:56:54	-24.827
-36	292	29200	939e9847-a0ea-469b-8784-fdfa022a1e21	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:30:24	-53.220
-36	584	29200	5b3ffa00-f456-48be-9baf-a1a18825d9f8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:56:11	30.401
-37	293	29300	e4967327-2323-409b-b63b-3d1a3c5b591c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:39:29	-496.32
-37	586	29300	c16eb5c0-6bbc-470a-bfc1-3ca414052461	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:22:02	419.984
-38	294	29400	c35294df-f051-4415-9d54-f0a6b497124a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:32:07	-702.707
-38	588	29400	3aebc14c-a086-4cdd-9b31-6a6ad8f4d0a6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:29:25	979.289
-39	295	29500	e9a61531-c5b0-4fc4-8b67-5545ed757714	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:20:33	-21.504
-39	590	29500	0bc7334d-417c-4ac1-8b7a-9a69e07471c2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:01:32	-114.233
-40	296	29600	73b8fa23-834b-41d7-bf6e-02b42592eb12	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:20:19	-790.193
-40	592	29600	ce1eb1de-2cdf-4a63-9ced-3a2fb343c6f6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:05:14	-762.955
-41	297	29700	c5cb773e-a09b-451e-a109-3a8ee982dcd6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:30:09	475.151
-41	594	29700	be3d994b-b7f2-4663-a652-b76fd1c13966	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:10:33	514.134
-42	298	29800	271d8583-81e9-4fe4-8718-bf89bcab6745	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:12:27	-169.943
-42	596	29800	d586016b-1ae1-4d7e-89c5-6602ba477f6f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:34:31	606.422
-43	299	29900	383f93b8-6610-4270-9aec-3bf21649253a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:47:16	-741.309
-43	598	29900	50399a8f-0a9b-4422-9754-5a8be56eb821	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:38:03	65.789
-44	300	30000	72c5e0bf-9007-45f2-877b-3035e75938e4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:02:31	-877.45
-44	600	30000	d91f2253-1d89-4b5d-aea1-f7b0d5d78a5b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:46:11	799.567
-45	301	30100	91079634-2f55-4cda-a561-843ccbe9e6a1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:41:24	120.706
-45	602	30100	b511cd01-25fa-4d69-b018-a57e6eb2a08c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:18:54	990.26
-46	302	30200	1f6d1bb7-7b4a-41f4-ace8-00aa0f9fe14f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:29:43	802.993
-46	604	30200	7719c539-1720-4ab7-9a33-f4d64a765284	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:24:55	-794.836
-47	303	30300	6a2e7957-d0a0-4656-8be0-ac6951a13345	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:31:40	-171.278
-47	606	30300	694d4851-4fbe-4165-a5de-29ddfb42cc3e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:11:52	964.160
-48	304	30400	f83b103d-f1b1-4029-be2c-32de2ce855bf	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:10:47	177.337
-48	608	30400	1d7dff50-7aa6-4cd3-bd9f-4a263494745f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:32:06	-294.877
-49	305	30500	e553a8c9-337a-46c0-a463-679d4cfa8515	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:25:28	794.359
-49	610	30500	421e2673-1f66-49ba-a875-08a7d31c4e32	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:41:50	468.410
-50	306	30600	902a9f70-a530-4cdb-803d-714b645174b3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:53:28	-931.227
-50	612	30600	1dd616de-7b6c-45bc-a1ea-053283863f24	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:17:30	-358.300
-51	307	30700	2f66b6c0-3770-4e0d-9ce9-389c4027eb01	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:29:10	527.548
-51	614	30700	6a45b899-611e-41ef-a30f-6ab3ec0bc334	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:49:02	108.146
-52	308	30800	8f799897-4f29-4ac3-bbd1-003ab91162db	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:16:23	-773.416
-52	616	30800	517ed274-b456-41da-b45e-a1e02ee1fed3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:36:44	291.198
-53	309	30900	6a207122-c9f6-4653-a345-8b972646d9f7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:39:24	-697.42
-53	618	30900	8ecb49c8-1160-4877-86d0-4f027a589216	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:58:22	-72.330
-54	310	31000	d9f6dcb1-f492-4bc9-a043-e9393a9350d7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:16:07	444.921
-54	620	31000	ecb0f73d-dd6c-4a2d-b5e1-103cabbe506f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:29:42	993.809
-55	311	31100	ee737739-c8aa-4d14-8869-00e26a34cacb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:13:40	809.383
-55	622	31100	c459b02b-9679-48f5-85a2-9aa2a8b54859	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:59:02	-84.253
-56	312	31200	5abd349b-52a5-42e3-92c3-ba88aba1a158	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:05:51	934.267
-56	624	31200	e78a2f2e-0b64-4dd6-99d7-cdebbe82998a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:10:49	-810.239
-57	313	31300	2bc48506-4ea8-4b05-b45e-59c84976a1ae	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:36:38	598.896
-57	626	31300	9e2845c9-66cd-4b5a-a7f1-7a0e0468e06e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:09:41	360.505
-58	314	31400	fbc56e21-4729-48a0-9e7f-35fd0a4dd44f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:02:08	359.722
-58	628	31400	824da500-4a63-423b-aac2-f0bd9b381252	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:49:58	-192.563
-59	315	31500	70af62a9-8d07-4e2d-9a1c-39b796f4928b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:50:09	192.94
-59	630	31500	53c3a757-7727-4955-be6f-b83e12f16a12	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:07:50	-262.541
-60	316	31600	f21ef1c9-b35d-4ac8-a690-616726b5cdbf	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:01:24	-190.971
-60	632	31600	2ee690a5-b300-45a2-9ad6-66a9eb4a5959	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:45:25	133.582
-61	317	31700	008cf6a7-917c-428f-a183-3426213528b3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:58:53	-543.298
-61	634	31700	09b77123-063c-4949-84a8-388c785f5aa1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:30:33	-755.590
-62	318	31800	9ea6bd21-cc3c-4aa8-bbd3-5b2d33b79a3c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:42:17	-982.542
-62	636	31800	06dfa3b8-4c59-41e2-bc7d-696e764ffab2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:55:03	-112.886
-63	319	31900	eb6726e7-3686-49fc-8663-16954002edcc	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:32:37	294.979
-63	638	31900	5803be5b-d4bc-4eca-9015-3314e5239c3a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:07:13	713.844
-64	320	32000	222eda2a-d2b5-48ae-95f2-67948d7f9777	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:57:21	653.295
-64	640	32000	d321c490-2199-4fc6-8818-87d7a3d88e0a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:46:25	-431.226
-65	321	32100	1573f8c4-6afc-4c9a-bbfd-4c99de096283	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:30:01	541.253
-65	642	32100	7d833b72-d3e7-4eb1-bf6d-917cec0d02a0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:33:30	-880.255
-66	322	32200	eb3c2553-6d30-4fef-b135-bab3b19d5b0c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:03:21	-53.817
-66	644	32200	4199b4e6-3dc9-4e43-9987-fb867689cb5c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:03:54	958.370
-67	323	32300	9591e92d-718e-4757-9b94-b1b7368d082c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:35:17	-291.882
-67	646	32300	0636ae81-d2e3-4cfe-bf49-19fba98096d2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:10:11	-855.509
-68	324	32400	e3d4838a-5d35-4ed9-837b-08b70ab0ab6e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:17:26	503.909
-68	648	32400	0ef0ee4d-5661-48a2-a33c-c4ab87b1bcc3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:13:22	-277.600
-69	325	32500	c35e461e-f463-4906-92d8-f2b4257290b3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:24:48	526.55
-69	650	32500	2414ce24-ce76-4594-bb12-1cb26a61d751	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:16:56	-949.2
-70	326	32600	d3c66bc5-6e95-4d93-8e36-083461db33ba	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:18:54	-462.56
-70	652	32600	82a1f130-11ee-4478-a0f3-73bee4b19fd5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:59:09	231.433
-71	327	32700	0c7e7536-fa12-4a3a-af13-9e5e809ec26b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:54:08	799.517
-71	654	32700	fca38107-c7e7-4091-a3ad-1ceb5d85b286	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:57:46	493.392
-72	328	32800	6efa7a60-d781-4d62-8bc3-2f36f5a39bd0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:42:41	-844.712
-72	656	32800	f0765390-93c8-4d5a-aca0-d721d8f16e91	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:29:51	-469.325
-73	329	32900	7cae440b-17f6-4dbc-8dac-cca149425c70	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:07:54	-293.58
-73	658	32900	76a88df0-a2a5-4dd0-90da-c114b5248df0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:12:19	-743.827
-74	330	33000	6704019c-5b45-4f7c-ad44-91b1fcd0b6da	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:31:04	-581.242
-74	660	33000	627d3867-a9bd-4bde-ad4d-d3ef7bcf90c5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:02:24	373.919
-75	331	33100	4fbd3e25-0e9a-4361-8ecf-55a14f1a16f6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:16:19	-674.282
-75	662	33100	66ea32e0-6dca-4b8d-9804-1c1fa3395383	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:23:20	-675.223
-76	332	33200	e45615d6-d182-44a2-9d59-5c0ab7a9bb34	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:35:33	-391.608
-76	664	33200	5c9413c9-44e2-4403-8d46-27ce262d8e7b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:03:56	276.635
-77	333	33300	5b673cae-d1ce-4b87-bb99-dc13ea47b401	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:34:09	-774.461
-77	666	33300	6e28c254-a7f0-407c-9952-31cae763dade	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:41:25	659.630
-78	334	33400	c003f47b-da1c-4957-b5e3-c512f8551a15	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:47:00	-135.121
-78	668	33400	ed2eac9a-f0cb-429c-a5e0-5ecd02b46e29	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:29:38	-355.247
-79	335	33500	cfa0aac2-7737-48d3-b377-c4bdddb7e54a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:52:13	-185.100
-79	670	33500	fe41f65a-487c-4066-b435-6e52225ae609	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:41:54	-820.790
-80	336	33600	f980bb08-9042-41a2-8ea3-ac6744f4207a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:41:21	-693.314
-80	672	33600	bf753709-f1f8-4e1a-bebe-5d84caa90490	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:02:54	-83.338
-81	337	33700	023afc4a-4a61-401f-8970-017274875305	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:25:01	468.431
-81	674	33700	e806819a-3030-4f44-af98-b2b539d086cf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:21:35	365.292
-82	338	33800	841640b2-32b0-496d-aee4-4eac72cbe61a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:19:10	254.125
-82	676	33800	d575ea25-b111-4494-9e7b-25598aaabd47	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:20:00	167.321
-83	339	33900	e65e58eb-042c-458e-961e-4fa93cf9f993	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:29:13	87.507
-83	678	33900	05f5a51b-0dc8-40be-ae03-7812f7cb2856	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:07:01	215.146
-84	340	34000	bef51405-8313-49e5-896e-5eac9acda647	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:16:56	824.467
-84	680	34000	4b8b3dee-b0c6-463d-97b0-d02a4ec5e085	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:22:41	745.630
-85	341	34100	40063fc7-53f6-4b09-a357-9453ac07fce9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:17:24	659.684
-85	682	34100	aca3fe49-a716-4921-ae03-61a9262f649d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:06:56	330.881
-86	342	34200	45172418-5155-48bc-9313-8fe6f76f0e97	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:02:08	-311.56
-86	684	34200	d4ba49d5-11dd-414d-ab21-427f60b47dcd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:18:23	973.29
-87	343	34300	8d25be66-5b6a-4150-8cf3-e636edef5135	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:03:27	207.971
-87	686	34300	eaa489fc-56f9-49f1-b7bf-571ed5a2d710	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:46:40	-284.487
-88	344	34400	7f6bbfd1-22af-48cd-9dab-28fc0882a668	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:31:23	-184.267
-88	688	34400	07177743-77df-4e54-901a-94aa1d73a8ff	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:19:16	-654.808
-89	345	34500	18d90faf-3679-4137-9e0e-a1edf9941c9e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:19:41	76.206
-89	690	34500	e14123ed-beb9-4aca-aaf3-eec40a5919fe	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:09:38	-449.461
-90	346	34600	2bc039ba-352c-4dc3-9fdc-37b90ebae539	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:17:03	168.690
-90	692	34600	d74e4358-0243-40c1-a9da-4b67af5381d3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:26:54	102.315
-91	347	34700	020104df-91d7-45d8-8fbe-af4c10664750	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:28:31	-380.436
-91	694	34700	6ecc5475-2331-4a56-a6c0-aaa5bde9edfa	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:43:45	-700.687
-92	348	34800	b7f46096-c24b-406b-83ee-6b3d1fd4fe52	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:52:38	-679.75
-92	696	34800	2329c184-421c-4bf9-8402-29a577becc6c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:37:40	-271.73
-93	349	34900	7718ebf4-5dc7-4047-b9b8-88874a03ae6d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:48:20	-453.841
-93	698	34900	e56df635-73a0-4359-b154-1050485f478e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:54:12	-411.309
-94	350	35000	9c44f42b-cd7e-4f05-8c2c-3708e75f2a56	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:03:53	160.737
-94	700	35000	f1798e82-8b8f-4c6a-b579-3e2f405a628e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:33:08	724.506
-95	351	35100	14befa4c-551f-4cfb-ba5e-c85bf6d79281	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:03:38	543.44
-95	702	35100	c5ec67c6-64b3-464e-a835-ea917f6473b2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:18:41	-961.438
-96	352	35200	af2e9841-bcea-4b92-bb46-ffc6f1398ef9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:39:25	-367.797
-96	704	35200	8827676b-f1c0-43f2-b49d-20e19bd7e5f6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:51:12	-443.69
-97	353	35300	2d82d7ff-9fc2-44a9-a8b8-5b8f2714eff3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:34:30	-579.828
-97	706	35300	ba24b077-2a56-4976-b955-762b23a63b45	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:01:44	-70.740
-98	354	35400	9afc2876-90e2-495a-b095-04b843ce6835	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:02:21	-354.108
-98	708	35400	07bccdde-0fb5-4504-8c6b-8b6fad9a34cd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:25:01	574.863
-99	355	35500	b33cc6f8-9590-4946-b60a-3923158768d8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:10:51	-165.974
-99	710	35500	93ea3918-a18e-45d7-88b5-924cf4acc2bd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:02:42	-459.102
-100	356	35600	68f584bc-c8b3-4496-b7e3-36f3bc844496	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:42:06	302.792
-100	712	35600	56ac0f2c-7e85-43c4-958a-781370301a86	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:32:35	-353.789
-101	357	35700	c28f0659-25ff-458b-b993-777533b9ca9a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:26:49	211.213
-101	714	35700	48084714-1177-439f-99e5-23f9dabd42b7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:24:32	-446.375
-102	358	35800	e643454e-701c-4137-800a-57d74a1bf506	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:11:04	-779.898
-102	716	35800	38b7ca3c-6e13-41ae-89d3-a59d84ffef75	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:44:38	-730.388
-103	359	35900	992048ab-3613-4023-a6f3-3ee54b40c887	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:55:25	370.878
-103	718	35900	4448ff5c-4c78-4f7a-964e-90f534b36819	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:16:56	24.973
-104	360	36000	39fa8a4f-0d40-44aa-8738-aeaab59f934f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:53:46	664.388
-104	720	36000	d6f2b923-112a-4724-bf50-a104a956ce6d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:21:25	-481.772
-105	361	36100	df799a59-e524-4a1d-a4f0-d1623504321a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:14:20	618.22
-105	722	36100	899d432f-5ed2-41f5-8750-7981b17b7f39	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:55:26	255.954
-106	362	36200	52c700a4-8158-480c-b414-f9cf0c7cc86e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:02:59	288.902
-106	724	36200	ecba38f5-44d3-4b03-ba34-38209d05d22e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:30:14	966.943
-107	363	36300	e469b72f-251b-46b0-9c7d-38a074d33baa	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:00:54	-567.481
-107	726	36300	5571437f-d5b1-4fac-9cff-8ef52ef485c9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:07:44	-810.51
-108	364	36400	ba111c2a-0341-46b1-afb2-4fa925914069	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:43:41	-364.8
-108	728	36400	888c9f38-f9ff-43d7-bad7-835428a70db9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:15:30	-643.102
-109	365	36500	21e8d3c8-6e1f-4d91-870b-3d1fc9f281ff	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:45:22	738.50
-109	730	36500	a38d9a08-8354-4099-84d0-3b2dc68d5f53	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:00:16	226.446
-110	366	36600	b9c4e92a-ef9c-45ca-acd2-bd14afd115b6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:06:22	-131.832
-110	732	36600	66f1ba86-8d4d-497e-b2d9-cc038b487d7f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:07:56	61.563
-111	367	36700	7587742e-0e7f-4403-8934-72c4a86a2935	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:02:41	-119.228
-111	734	36700	4e69e9aa-854a-4c7a-8544-8eb48b781b5f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:33:21	-959.241
-112	368	36800	0ccb56a7-a12e-4add-afe8-418cb530200a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:27:01	485.493
-112	736	36800	81e60a2b-9614-406d-8eb6-7a7bf93d2703	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:50:22	931.251
-113	369	36900	6f741f9e-50b2-41f2-a8ad-00cb798c43ac	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:25:57	214.575
-113	738	36900	24c3ab82-40f3-49b0-a558-22490b1e1d45	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:42:40	-6.565
-114	370	37000	2bf2bb24-e5c5-496d-a24a-71341205d0c0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:05:55	-930.455
-114	740	37000	f71e6251-2405-48fb-b93d-54758031cae8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:57:04	542.789
-115	371	37100	eedd0ffc-58e8-40d5-9b7e-fc88e4ccbaba	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:55:35	113.107
-115	742	37100	5e004e50-30a6-4e5c-8101-16cd1f8cb5fe	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:14:12	-83.548
-116	372	37200	177a665f-8ecb-4327-b99d-efa1f5de852b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:23:01	-679.580
-116	744	37200	6c77b03c-9c3e-475f-a64a-0d31f884dc0d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:50:17	519.695
-117	373	37300	61ff3027-71d9-4b1f-9bd0-21384b83e758	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:36:09	-700.289
-117	746	37300	a2ae5148-4737-4eb8-96f4-b97d2c70eb6c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:44:15	127.82
-118	374	37400	02c138bf-5d94-46dd-a73a-50cb5558364f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:30:22	-500.718
-118	748	37400	7ab5ed50-e8bc-4c95-b133-b553e855ee21	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:32:43	-910.578
-119	375	37500	19c01916-2f17-42fa-a305-acb53f59a9d3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:51:12	960.153
-119	750	37500	5f666920-411e-4a7c-a096-d86dffc5ab27	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:53:26	984.507
-120	376	37600	7ba7a45d-8ac8-470f-939a-eaf2df669286	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:54:23	884.568
-120	752	37600	cac44853-1283-4a10-b38c-51335042738c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:16:55	-635.577
-121	377	37700	bf39e1a1-f22b-4c1b-865f-8581e0e23305	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:32:42	-183.450
-121	754	37700	7d953468-4693-4d17-9590-c2df1ee2f56a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:42:27	901.963
-122	378	37800	a8214230-51b8-4895-bf18-015d1359c307	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:34:55	-445.862
-122	756	37800	667e0789-df34-49b6-bd7f-85af975953df	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:15:18	-786.569
-123	379	37900	e2604322-4de4-42f3-8a9b-462383a0ad0a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:11:08	152.458
-123	758	37900	094bf7aa-1af0-4567-b448-cbb9e79173c7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:40:01	-257.483
-124	380	38000	ca6807af-912d-422b-b9b4-92764f5fae52	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:03:13	329.866
-124	760	38000	efb38f44-95e9-47a1-b38c-e4715fd660e3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:58:54	-899.29
-125	381	38100	10d35561-a3ff-4ce3-915c-0e603b49adf0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:12:19	-11.71
-125	762	38100	1a014620-cab8-443b-8bc3-17f7ff09dafc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:02:57	-999.544
-126	382	38200	aad2d353-a478-4176-9fd3-3dac2386103f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:17:46	-257.708
-126	764	38200	c147b542-ef38-4f77-a65d-4a069c21ad23	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:40:35	567.561
-127	383	38300	4e12376b-21dd-4905-b110-e7adf3008f32	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:11:11	469.986
-127	766	38300	be82a0d6-6a52-49d6-a7b5-31c2c1f7fbe1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:15:56	718.498
-0	384	38400	70919a4a-bf6a-467f-bca6-d237975618de	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:01:07	225.909
-0	768	38400	799630f3-f812-43f8-a263-a524b5e9a1e8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:41:10	37.795
-1	385	38500	294a52cd-c333-4b69-9cd5-6dac7cfa788c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:32:55	39.820
-1	770	38500	48671ace-b34b-48de-a274-023aa140be30	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:11:30	-898.678
-2	386	38600	b8bb6318-97be-45f0-8e51-17c95ebeb50a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:49:16	-180.8
-2	772	38600	22f98208-c23b-4fec-9ec6-d19f776b996e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:55:59	-148.527
-3	387	38700	89361bab-7278-43bf-b9a3-be49425d7fe6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:42:55	963.627
-3	774	38700	80ef8722-2bc2-4ac0-9692-a26c3e29fbbd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:11:36	864.568
-4	388	38800	50ae8f7d-1cf1-4418-907b-0304619c3dbb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:20:09	899.492
-4	776	38800	985401f4-a13e-4950-b1ab-74bec5887adc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:29:36	975.783
-5	389	38900	c003dd99-c12a-416a-9aeb-82f203f896e6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:09:47	273.934
-5	778	38900	2686cc39-cf48-44db-8d1d-7f0945935813	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:29:23	74.892
-6	390	39000	701981da-97fb-42f3-9d1f-181450a1cb2b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:58:16	-817.82
-6	780	39000	e72d66e5-cda4-4bb0-af81-f7030bb4a78a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:15:37	-76.240
-7	391	39100	bd47bf6e-c63a-4eb1-a4bb-09ace76458f3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:33:31	761.182
-7	782	39100	6097439c-7f86-45d8-82a6-7a905d86927c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:19:55	827.68
-8	392	39200	4baff41c-d01f-414f-8782-de041dad9f93	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:51:32	76.346
-8	784	39200	83978c50-d34c-4628-9ad7-3200cd229576	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:38:22	-682.478
-9	393	39300	7739f2ec-9a52-4c60-b32c-b61da34ec220	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:06:12	-796.510
-9	786	39300	6afeb3ce-6ac4-4509-a811-91cd86cc1eb0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:03:31	122.305
-10	394	39400	06dae99e-28e0-4e4b-a800-e7c01aa84b28	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:13:06	620.967
-10	788	39400	1d6a9a21-7171-4062-8951-5a996cda9744	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:41:15	-523.639
-11	395	39500	98412667-d4e0-4b70-acf3-c60d3d9ca1b4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:19:33	-675.649
-11	790	39500	b8af7324-e5e3-4e90-bdbb-de155085813f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:30:17	111.612
-12	396	39600	4990f6bf-f99d-42a8-95a8-42798b3f587f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:26:01	-439.34
-12	792	39600	06e16f93-6f70-47b6-934b-6afcfb728951	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:46:49	373.186
-13	397	39700	47033840-407b-44d0-9337-2663edfb68e2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:37:51	981.237
-13	794	39700	47eb6739-a853-4d0b-a7d1-e5521dbcbb47	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:53:54	-673.232
-14	398	39800	33634520-0645-4410-9874-709958aa1699	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:29:17	85.251
-14	796	39800	3e6b5d21-1162-448c-bcae-ebb9fc9c6089	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:44:10	-525.630
-15	399	39900	445f485d-68a7-49fe-ae78-306c374f5eba	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:58:10	-291.20
-15	798	39900	55bbfd90-b4d0-4212-bda4-2cf7ed57790b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:01:06	361.419
-16	400	40000	e0ed1590-e768-4b38-ae58-7af6dfe4cf0d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:14:21	-682.618
-16	800	40000	878552ce-5b89-42f6-8ce7-87054eebed84	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:31:52	-762.137
-17	401	40100	22a8c1e9-b354-4ee1-981b-9f18a1e0b9f0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:20:44	-365.476
-17	802	40100	ee40f60b-c885-4497-b063-382fc19439f4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:06:59	390.112
-18	402	40200	c622e6ee-5f85-40d0-a429-ba61f100314b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:18:54	-199.885
-18	804	40200	2d712a83-b611-41db-89b7-8ddb7f5e3353	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:10:58	-208.575
-19	403	40300	83dcb3a0-30c8-449a-9430-c11dececade0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:02:40	-852.902
-19	806	40300	f119f326-2cd3-4d50-8e1e-d21887e91cc0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:06:51	-650.976
-20	404	40400	1a06d795-3ea8-4212-9a87-d6701867b41e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:46:21	-873.611
-20	808	40400	df8f3656-2290-420c-b62e-0c15f3a51e41	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:10:38	64.217
-21	405	40500	716f2b47-744f-40c1-931d-4192ff4ab85a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:09:45	632.628
-21	810	40500	bb8ac5bb-38ab-41c3-9902-55f5b28a27ea	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:58:07	-9.744
-22	406	40600	461db622-3083-455f-a41e-e4b5be3e4a7d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:57:38	-624.726
-22	812	40600	238ab7b0-f94e-45af-a7b2-12614782a241	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:59:24	723.976
-23	407	40700	68341a9f-0c60-4c66-9097-723cc43ff1d8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:48:19	714.756
-23	814	40700	204c7b8f-48a8-4290-98e1-1bd054b6465d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:19:32	915.655
-24	408	40800	757a5f33-17c7-4dd2-b4ad-46fbd7f2de49	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:51:40	608.144
-24	816	40800	bf9287d6-a190-41fd-a6e5-2be1c67ba959	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:19:53	-136.9
-25	409	40900	079b0745-3c08-4535-acd7-aeb25a544132	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:17:00	381.581
-25	818	40900	e3fe452c-67a1-4ced-a52c-56ee0f25bb57	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:36:22	532.754
-26	410	41000	2a819a9c-5535-4113-8255-c7fb468ee1c0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:28:59	-507.206
-26	820	41000	84832b72-84a6-4b64-88dc-8234aacd8fdf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:36:33	-28.663
-27	411	41100	577c3173-93d2-48b6-b66f-838e5e08b2bc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:08:26	857.280
-27	822	41100	794097ec-659b-46de-baf2-55c77d4568a2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:03:41	747.676
-28	412	41200	8eef3579-11dd-4c34-80a9-8211f8c63744	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:48:00	893.467
-28	824	41200	74fa296e-4cca-43d6-939b-4e0a0fcc685e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:12:03	-896.979
-29	413	41300	e72422d8-0e99-4f7e-8345-77dc92ca5bcc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:35:05	107.14
-29	826	41300	cc230278-bac2-4f87-9308-e06df679ff07	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:37:11	-400.855
-30	414	41400	5448a589-13a7-4c73-aa5c-f487556fe41f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:04:01	311.631
-30	828	41400	4eb1b47d-8f5f-4545-99df-0a31da3bc39c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:19:30	213.372
-31	415	41500	45bc7d3c-d4cb-43ec-9ef8-80103afedd2b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:21:18	27.762
-31	830	41500	f21d6e93-a464-4947-b5f6-cc4a15ee17ef	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:23:02	35.767
-32	416	41600	8ee670c7-63ca-4c76-8052-d116b5c06355	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:11:00	638.442
-32	832	41600	8a2980ff-c5b3-4498-b1da-f131e5b984fc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:34:03	109.268
-33	417	41700	0aabc7f3-10cf-4ef5-9d51-aeda6576ef78	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:31:52	-789.136
-33	834	41700	45e4590c-4739-436b-b053-7ded6ff5d899	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:22:03	784.387
-34	418	41800	a7e7d78e-2d33-4a0d-a51f-57d21cadf879	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:57:39	-926.316
-34	836	41800	2b17b6db-f691-412d-b09b-a6fa6b26d7e4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:46:08	786.289
-35	419	41900	2c44c914-b860-4d74-b7bd-44e133518af2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:09:55	-941.565
-35	838	41900	63d5622b-de75-460b-a310-2134ee4f3648	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:43:47	975.128
-36	420	42000	7397495f-9d2a-46f0-a268-825d6664418b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:13:16	-410.806
-36	840	42000	4c8ae82d-d8de-41a1-a4e8-7f63af2decf9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:14:28	870.55
-37	421	42100	8e1c3281-bea2-4971-be72-9abe2375918d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:30:20	967.982
-37	842	42100	d5b0d2dc-4218-4f52-808a-ddec839451ae	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:04:00	-411.472
-38	422	42200	890f4f55-eb11-4f2b-86e7-5c60eaa805a1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:23:27	-931.649
-38	844	42200	d0cb4288-4e10-4c88-a5e9-1308bc267440	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:06:09	275.8
-39	423	42300	345ad734-4934-497a-b047-34a0cc0c5729	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:54:53	680.776
-39	846	42300	2db93ef3-0d87-418d-8a13-93be8086c58b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:23:25	4.320
-40	424	42400	2440cdd6-de33-40de-bd15-4e5c8f88bfbc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:21:20	610.438
-40	848	42400	f7e9e092-972b-41da-9ad2-d65bca92d942	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:33:17	-63.566
-41	425	42500	032576e2-cb9b-42e9-8a47-6f2772011e52	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:43:39	434.303
-41	850	42500	4f2723e6-6610-4144-9ff0-77a52f5f6bed	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:37:32	-616.41
-42	426	42600	c6a184fa-2d91-4357-bad5-c074fe72f69b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:45:59	-84.834
-42	852	42600	9e22c085-a852-49e1-84df-4548ffea1cbe	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:27:33	-43.374
-43	427	42700	8d97d869-6ee1-4dd4-b1ad-c8f1d200c57b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:54:02	-168.384
-43	854	42700	b473d56e-9862-406c-964e-e7116b65fb8b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:47:28	96.906
-44	428	42800	9ca9417f-b5ff-4fc3-8f20-fbbc65935b65	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:12:31	151.455
-44	856	42800	1fa8553d-9594-4473-9d65-961fbea6bbb2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:56:30	890.897
-45	429	42900	f024c195-4efa-4299-ad84-868560f2f31b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:01:32	935.968
-45	858	42900	b812694a-cf8d-41e5-956c-a771a93d9061	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:31:53	104.867
-46	430	43000	d652b473-07cd-4bf7-94c8-2e33291a4974	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:08:43	31.309
-46	860	43000	29bb1eb0-e416-49d3-bda2-8a75878ce31f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:01:55	574.195
-47	431	43100	e6b07169-c752-4631-9975-83fbf4ca9fab	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:49:08	41.197
-47	862	43100	5259da5e-25eb-4a1c-8858-9e05707b721f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:00:30	-334.558
-48	432	43200	7c9e96df-b8a6-4b0a-a6ea-1ac2e9bbcdcc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:56:22	-773.76
-48	864	43200	65c75500-5509-4f2b-bbd3-cdb304f40553	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:06:08	-438.412
-49	433	43300	ef2812e9-16e5-4936-ae95-91d4da4840de	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:10:41	177.762
-49	866	43300	7a2d1d51-b888-4301-b688-01ef75ba4a41	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:15:36	-732.915
-50	434	43400	100ecabf-f8af-4284-8217-807b5b239280	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:47:40	632.248
-50	868	43400	9476cedd-77e7-43c9-bc90-2e7e83ed70f1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:28:08	-758.121
-51	435	43500	d72e261c-0145-462b-8b5a-960e2c82eaf2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:39:22	-725.614
-51	870	43500	7fc0c57a-1c6b-4e07-9b80-ca83d0f4ad0e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:55:02	-393.471
-52	436	43600	ec76d5d0-2571-46ba-be6a-fb72f5574198	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:55:59	810.647
-52	872	43600	9fec7862-b426-4655-974e-85e665f2faac	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:38:50	343.23
-53	437	43700	a633239f-dfc5-4e6c-960f-a4a3369df997	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:18:17	-850.734
-53	874	43700	a1cfe595-a490-431c-ab34-8f9cd3ce14f7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:32:49	716.9
-54	438	43800	35d92113-a668-4767-ba9b-263b1c321ccb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:07:43	219.572
-54	876	43800	9c69e73b-2a83-4221-b7ab-bcda3de3891f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:32:23	-787.744
-55	439	43900	c4b7c968-29e9-46ae-8e99-183065a29f90	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:25:32	933.746
-55	878	43900	e8a99138-d9c3-4d4e-bcc8-d4b9d7b08253	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:32:42	-646.928
-56	440	44000	5f4d4c78-c669-4e75-a305-65adae69f954	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:56:59	-573.898
-56	880	44000	9c11d890-0b5f-42e7-8e4c-6b660a792276	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:13:12	-899.665
-57	441	44100	160e3a96-d8f8-4215-95da-b6eda790e2a0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:20:41	-209.50
-57	882	44100	dfb6ac27-42b1-4a45-896d-af37cbfba992	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:05:58	-794.985
-58	442	44200	59842f70-6e63-43af-a683-048d950e03e4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:34:27	-212.146
-58	884	44200	a959f6ca-9612-4105-848a-232cf58d3b2f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:36:45	-690.14
-59	443	44300	22187630-687e-40a8-979e-ce3248ac8ce8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:19:00	892.787
-59	886	44300	631b4921-ad9b-490f-89c6-1e725396c826	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:08:38	-450.338
-60	444	44400	d4851ecc-0caf-4bf2-834c-ed20e6317ae5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:33:16	408.829
-60	888	44400	a2c5d875-f9ef-4e93-9f81-91d8a27efda9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:22:01	-861.854
-61	445	44500	182c5e50-8293-440d-b4fc-2409aca7fade	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:39:42	811.720
-61	890	44500	deac5bd7-5741-480d-8132-c6cdc745462b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:01:41	-447.247
-62	446	44600	7f620f0c-6bd1-490d-915e-159fbdd9d94e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:50:05	-296.502
-62	892	44600	654128b6-65cc-4388-a8bb-3e9b6142b504	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:05:02	514.226
-63	447	44700	d98692db-1769-4a7f-8dd4-8407b0cc4b66	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:11:18	-428.817
-63	894	44700	73a80d05-5ec7-4a27-9637-2aabf4b543ea	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:57:03	-820.744
-64	448	44800	ebd249fc-4cb6-4370-b88d-d1152132b718	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:34:41	-433.225
-64	896	44800	01bc822a-3203-4180-bf43-7aa67a3992c4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:30:19	-919.632
-65	449	44900	7e7c62b6-62ef-43a7-a7a4-253596a862ed	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:10:51	611.972
-65	898	44900	0cfa27ec-a379-41fc-9b49-eb44b35b8057	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:36:49	-27.420
-66	450	45000	da34a482-4ea3-4382-b977-2a75e1eba1fc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:59:27	887.455
-66	900	45000	d8030f9d-5caf-4489-bc04-c816f4e06c73	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:08:02	-935.906
-67	451	45100	a53a8acb-3dfb-489e-bd6d-aad7d8725be4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:09:55	-585.836
-67	902	45100	0d7e4b95-c2be-4c1d-939f-0c48c7e7515c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:35:40	-514.363
-68	452	45200	ad0bae1d-430b-412a-bcd2-dcfbd38e127b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:05:16	-359.83
-68	904	45200	ee7b614a-abfc-4425-9ec4-01e8562ee365	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:28:05	887.432
-69	453	45300	be808b89-ef1f-4fa5-b34b-64a3f2eac29f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:43:30	269.447
-69	906	45300	ea61c608-f09b-4269-bde2-c00e36dd728a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:24:26	-750.729
-70	454	45400	a5a595ab-b3e8-4216-b237-b28dd13b73be	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:19:41	617.522
-70	908	45400	3d9ce8c0-6616-47cd-9cca-586bacce0bfe	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:07:09	-331.621
-71	455	45500	17e06d23-0aae-443e-a879-699a8b0cc6b1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:16:01	-739.366
-71	910	45500	984cc893-4592-4482-bb39-cda5bed9947d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:11:50	-891.225
-72	456	45600	107f9e81-4538-416e-baaa-744947eb5431	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:23:57	530.718
-72	912	45600	9bfa4f5f-965e-4a8f-8a4f-a3fefd25c6f5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:24:00	848.93
-73	457	45700	99f1d048-f781-405f-8ae2-c019922aedaf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:20:41	608.959
-73	914	45700	07401f75-ef7a-4fa8-ba41-c24feb876614	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:55:49	-539.919
-74	458	45800	cd53e7b1-b0ef-43da-80f1-5a674d892082	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:25:29	476.183
-74	916	45800	4dc0d9b5-983a-48b8-b6e6-4cc31a50d4af	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:42:24	113.556
-75	459	45900	d80d0f3b-b332-4f0a-8881-c9d7869aa76c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:40:08	-138.253
-75	918	45900	5eb2a600-d23e-4fe4-90b9-281add401d93	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:31:33	-10.186
-76	460	46000	1e4895d5-f103-4890-bac7-f9bca9cc52cd	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:47:11	-382.644
-76	920	46000	f8cddb48-e25c-4bbe-8174-62ed2bafebc0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:46:25	-872.712
-77	461	46100	bc5ee6f1-f0b2-41d5-b64e-3ca381bff5a4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:51:00	-445.931
-77	922	46100	710ae8d6-6c3b-4ff5-a97f-8821855159cb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:59:19	215.977
-78	462	46200	c49ea593-9a1d-4b98-afbb-e8a23847da80	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:31:36	-669.768
-78	924	46200	9cc5cdbf-dbc1-43ec-a034-c555e0b4cd0f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:29:19	557.651
-79	463	46300	e03c4a1a-4b77-49ab-af1d-934977bace63	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:41:18	486.619
-79	926	46300	f52cf9cb-2d32-48fc-a246-45076ce0721e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:44:57	-817.867
-80	464	46400	195c56b0-acf0-44f4-8447-40a4f4a4c266	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:12:40	913.351
-80	928	46400	1a6e5c12-8b4e-47d5-a74b-5175da69a052	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:47:14	-263.494
-81	465	46500	d7d852bb-0aa3-4637-b0df-191a3e90038f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:40:57	-634.643
-81	930	46500	1acd06a1-38e2-42b2-ad02-e0b3d58102f8	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:32:15	230.142
-82	466	46600	eb4d94dc-64e4-4d8f-95c1-f137e1c56ee2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:53:15	328.775
-82	932	46600	7349d1a5-2303-4d52-a7f0-ce999846500a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:25:47	-787.285
-83	467	46700	cd002d0d-dd85-4ed9-96d1-6cf6ad45e0c5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:08:43	906.675
-83	934	46700	802f63b9-c18c-4aba-a55d-7f2aca62a0b1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:07:51	-526.720
-84	468	46800	e3fd8df9-b4c3-4ac9-a1b9-2c05227a3b66	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:29:51	-918.469
-84	936	46800	22dbc02c-5357-4544-99a4-59d11b0b91df	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:25:15	-285.805
-85	469	46900	7f20e137-ccf6-4c76-841c-0a4ff9ef587d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:18:37	-593.339
-85	938	46900	22b8b2d1-b9c2-411d-8a4a-b166009f2a20	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:17:12	852.371
-86	470	47000	26b8768b-3ae0-44b6-9524-9b35d6375444	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:39:49	479.42
-86	940	47000	d7f72c9e-6865-4dda-8692-94bf81c4635b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:01:33	-289.998
-87	471	47100	fe1d93d3-1040-419d-b8a3-07a9fddd60a4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:04:27	-133.967
-87	942	47100	396a64a8-d391-4a22-b3e1-b83d32124f4a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:09:59	-873.399
-88	472	47200	38b9ca9d-80de-4733-9587-7f146656bb6f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:18:04	-943.890
-88	944	47200	2db60668-3a54-45af-ade6-eb65e50f9fcf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:04:51	99.731
-89	473	47300	fc059462-6411-4a3a-97f3-6185b3e92686	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:50:09	109.303
-89	946	47300	95026ca2-0577-4778-98ea-30d6e2c6d798	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:51:37	-578.316
-90	474	47400	70518bc4-2e1b-4d90-9bb3-62fc279e50d0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:11:45	443.71
-90	948	47400	4cb170e8-16e8-4636-b94b-56edfa8c9c6f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:25:48	-731.80
-91	475	47500	2b5ccaf5-5b63-488a-a9b9-e6bc54f9fb51	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:06:26	27.263
-91	950	47500	4e1195d4-63b8-4269-93dc-365f2a2b347c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:06:02	229.170
-92	476	47600	4a2fb4d3-80ca-452a-92b9-d6ba93e64be5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:03:08	-47.202
-92	952	47600	6e2b8add-2260-488f-a965-d871f79d97c6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:08:13	663.640
-93	477	47700	345bf3ba-6ce0-48f4-9d47-fdd1503403e1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:23:21	545.15
-93	954	47700	6a6ea1cf-a4fd-4cd4-b5f9-7bc84ab26a05	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:34:28	-369.503
-94	478	47800	68253d5e-4faa-4962-902f-f23709502966	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:58:30	604.511
-94	956	47800	02dec3e5-0339-4610-b08e-9906cee1aedc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:53:57	-885.871
-95	479	47900	a4c07462-a31f-4610-9e20-75266243b307	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:40:04	767.580
-95	958	47900	7baf85af-4b5e-4ab9-9e6e-728fb95bf049	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:49:54	-433.736
-96	480	48000	cc75641f-bb87-40d8-87de-7887f527d91c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:04:50	-938.684
-96	960	48000	7ae01c1b-5257-47b1-8912-d07a3585c52d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:32:03	-476.738
-97	481	48100	e8c7eb39-c0f8-4f8d-9c9d-2a39bc8a278f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:34:03	-684.389
-97	962	48100	223b6430-edef-43fc-9c34-0e64d30cabff	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:41:12	-24.817
-98	482	48200	55b806b4-b58e-410e-af1b-e368c4606d40	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:23:28	-17.318
-98	964	48200	abae90bf-5ff4-4369-8c02-e68a49b9677a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:40:35	826.525
-99	483	48300	a95529ad-96a5-498c-9ad1-299c5cbcb851	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:05:58	968.216
-99	966	48300	be5a8e92-49bd-4f47-966f-390d556a2f53	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:03:13	597.664
-100	484	48400	a8fbb37b-bef1-4584-ba11-59a7ad05bbbb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:29:05	825.759
-100	968	48400	25fbecc7-8814-499f-8b85-2b13f26e5fe9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:02:59	-276.629
-101	485	48500	13ad941c-0124-4ce2-ba03-995e8e41748f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:39:13	-972.313
-101	970	48500	67748965-81bd-48cd-b5ad-d867abd3cbd3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:37:48	-566.727
-102	486	48600	44b1ed04-2002-41c0-bb1a-04c957afa5ce	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:04:13	634.196
-102	972	48600	0c3e924e-9adb-4fa8-836a-c628da4a8d24	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:32:49	482.689
-103	487	48700	1bf6d3b1-31e8-46d3-b22f-7601c4592d13	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:03:45	-307.396
-103	974	48700	098eb8db-42be-4a48-9a10-d1a4ecda901d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:58:23	-703.197
-104	488	48800	aea5e60d-7031-49a6-9195-9285703d7293	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:43:04	-255.385
-104	976	48800	7c3aecbb-7844-4d62-af3b-79df3144e091	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:14:33	133.2
-105	489	48900	809c3af1-b787-49fa-9919-09e660221df2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:03:11	52.168
-105	978	48900	4f8b9dd1-afc7-48eb-9c6a-4e8d619dd8f7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:43:21	574.81
-106	490	49000	70cecdcd-b74a-4290-b8df-b4fb3544a698	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:44:28	-792.651
-106	980	49000	9063f59e-7354-4317-bb8a-4c80438b268f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:39:45	-452.436
-107	491	49100	0927beac-b6f1-42eb-8aa5-81dbf7316415	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:50:45	-813.99
-107	982	49100	9857640b-4311-4fa7-94de-a487649c00b2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:42:04	-524.536
-108	492	49200	2194e71e-37a0-4668-87f4-a2c8c0affe77	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:13:30	780.306
-108	984	49200	f0dcf73a-7c28-4790-a2ce-4af14c2baf22	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:01:48	218.272
-109	493	49300	bef93392-28a8-4018-b2d2-cf6ff9ccb956	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:20:56	465.56
-109	986	49300	379bebb7-90f4-4af2-b169-00b578cc2e08	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:02:13	-517.278
-110	494	49400	4f9641a6-5227-47c2-812c-411b7e9dbe75	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:06:59	-485.400
-110	988	49400	77cc2152-6494-449c-81e3-91c976661b8a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:51:14	204.372
-111	495	49500	fbd6f1bd-8f94-44fa-8084-3858d95bd84f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:07:28	350.636
-111	990	49500	698c7514-b822-4fae-b138-aaf156122993	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:06:58	-985.503
-112	496	49600	be1ba395-a8f1-4e80-81a0-7dee836cf356	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:04:25	933.658
-112	992	49600	d0fb01fe-ffae-414f-b5d8-b40653456e0e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:41:54	-975.745
-113	497	49700	82b7ad9c-1e0d-4567-8bfb-af08e5b8122d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:07:24	-339.56
-113	994	49700	f10f3a09-4b97-4169-91b1-097f763ab0f2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:22:09	-313.124
-114	498	49800	b1115115-7558-4592-8d00-b388f5c0d188	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:11:12	-637.113
-114	996	49800	5c007007-9c67-4698-9827-f92c117ccea4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:47:12	-805.857
-115	499	49900	21917971-db90-4096-89a2-2f67ef550345	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:14:57	361.226
-115	998	49900	a5a81f09-5886-4327-8a22-8e510400e996	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:21:21	-834.168
-116	500	50000	42502bcf-119a-4d0b-8e71-a73977b40b49	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:18:59	-509.646
-116	1000	50000	8a095d01-7aab-4fb2-abf7-7ffe98b032f6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:41:36	-424.398
-117	501	50100	3398db1a-2188-4855-95da-086d9926e61e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:35:34	44.742
-117	1002	50100	ac7a93e8-999c-48d4-9730-6fb0eb76bafe	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:02:51	-685.739
-118	502	50200	7b5cf575-6656-4063-8b45-cbd00869a83c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:23:01	76.222
-118	1004	50200	e7b2d71a-8b65-4922-9c17-9ac8b1374c5a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:50:59	486.141
-119	503	50300	5ab14379-e5d5-47cb-bfae-b7d7bf815d7e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:41:44	349.916
-119	1006	50300	4c8ad102-bd41-4dcd-b812-d0aecb0e0807	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:26:28	-142.810
-120	504	50400	1371f4dc-aeb3-4932-afb6-b7a38063a713	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:09:05	285.953
-120	1008	50400	c040dbc0-a246-4c62-a408-93e395b43e1f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:31:10	642.40
-121	505	50500	cdc82e70-df5b-4a8b-a3ca-afc6e9c80ff0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:55:42	-191.532
-121	1010	50500	c5cf9f15-b7e4-4a23-ab03-32a51d93ce1c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:47:02	-503.960
-122	506	50600	2c741e90-36c5-4553-803b-e29942bcc51f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:18:28	-739.43
-122	1012	50600	f8286621-f7c2-4855-bf53-65f4568bdaa2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:56:01	115.418
-123	507	50700	4c4422db-8bee-47bd-8b62-80af7420e4c1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:09:29	-35.863
-123	1014	50700	4c1b598f-84b4-47da-ac3a-979afa1019da	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:14:09	-840.217
-124	508	50800	961827ab-a06a-4be3-96d6-c8b2870458a6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:36:55	50.869
-124	1016	50800	f4294024-d3e7-4e37-8c07-3cb4e745a2ce	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:23:08	-228.566
-125	509	50900	6e8d8123-eab0-4de8-b8aa-af7eca5cfd3b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:15:50	-910.38
-125	1018	50900	c9d6d431-f2e5-4cd4-86d1-775b88d004ff	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:37:27	-408.952
-126	510	51000	0380ee9c-5c62-442d-b1c0-ce390dbf271c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:42:44	-458.682
-126	1020	51000	db6433e8-d5e6-447f-acda-c4028beee8c6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:44:27	148.235
-127	511	51100	bad6560f-8cb6-44af-a3da-0629698de2a0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:06:36	-528.672
-127	1022	51100	2275fb51-e2a3-491d-ad8a-73fea5637c6c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:03:32	232.8
-0	512	51200	7ab6cf03-a966-45d5-b6c6-992d4b2f38bf	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:37:00	917.267
-0	1024	51200	2378f6f0-6d2e-46c2-bf03-72e674cd8701	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:51:41	-482.744
-1	513	51300	2babc0e0-c5cd-4f28-9487-ecf16e2550c5	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:02:15	-119.504
-1	1026	51300	e303aa85-1776-424c-a753-cc0ab514e7ec	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:16:23	-411.624
-2	514	51400	a760ae9c-0029-47ea-9ad3-8a54a9e2ea92	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:16:19	970.329
-2	1028	51400	a4ab6769-e3ad-4d63-842d-91c9f610edfe	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:47:05	-708.370
-3	515	51500	bfcf4418-71cb-4c52-969a-c643520c0a7d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:50:34	122.965
-3	1030	51500	977404fb-46fa-43ed-b129-ba6adf600150	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:37:55	987.188
-4	516	51600	c410b9f6-a557-4403-8a5a-366e9b128c05	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:18:56	-625.475
-4	1032	51600	449d4b4c-4df7-40ec-b6cb-1cf62f83e17a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:35:13	-184.577
-5	517	51700	998480d4-eb4a-47ca-8124-44b539d9e305	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:58:47	437.76
-5	1034	51700	e56ce7ae-97ea-4279-949a-a5d2068fa5b3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:38:29	169.215
-6	518	51800	1d01d3be-ab62-4b50-be0d-b8c795f2065f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:02:54	-378.797
-6	1036	51800	19441857-0520-4f59-ad67-5fb4c2b3c5bd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:50:58	-758.727
-7	519	51900	f32f731c-63b0-45bf-9eff-c483c206502b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:37:26	434.336
-7	1038	51900	09f341be-6577-40ee-8269-a1fd9dce8f98	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:09:45	-805.704
-8	520	52000	ae40f214-782f-4bae-a1f1-97fbbafe2e51	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:11:13	248.327
-8	1040	52000	407fbb01-24d2-4a1c-99c0-00433c5bf8d1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:55:47	-723.818
-9	521	52100	90a6eff4-759d-44f1-a843-84a4990428d4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:33:48	-793.388
-9	1042	52100	403a24b1-d7f7-4364-a78c-60642dadb0d6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:34:28	-446.897
-10	522	52200	df31677f-1fdc-4a5f-bbcd-a5df89f1f647	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:21:46	-805.411
-10	1044	52200	67719d7d-cfe9-4c0c-8b6d-5fc7b380e071	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:53:49	447.85
-11	523	52300	c6aae4ee-91b8-4957-a382-1ada0b5a6c1a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:46:12	-669.107
-11	1046	52300	09c9c2a0-4cad-4d95-8e76-71359df1ec20	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:41:21	-863.815
-12	524	52400	f220c8f1-35ad-41f4-ba4c-5f999bc90e9a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:33:22	-176.927
-12	1048	52400	2e9d9dea-9351-4191-93e2-81a2ce0bb1c7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:58:40	311.583
-13	525	52500	8da2507c-709b-416f-9382-6b8b49e1b2c1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:35:47	264.896
-13	1050	52500	e50c6522-8555-44f1-820d-c827a7e991be	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:14:04	601.194
-14	526	52600	ba3820d8-cbea-4387-aefd-1f4340b96625	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:09:37	-164.252
-14	1052	52600	0e2f58fa-abbc-4bf9-948e-578befe1d79a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:12:38	-925.362
-15	527	52700	3ff1f44a-29c4-488f-a485-8bdeefd18de6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:05:32	-268.787
-15	1054	52700	34b93d89-0c55-4ac6-92bd-9f6d148f381d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:15:30	589.674
-16	528	52800	693bb5a5-7548-4d3d-babd-7c93020e31ed	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:36:37	-212.706
-16	1056	52800	98fd4065-94bf-448c-8e31-536c43c46a82	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:58:07	31.693
-17	529	52900	64b3e3fa-1dc3-4b8b-8d76-cf1c896f7fa6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:04:13	-529.257
-17	1058	52900	d7c2e21b-a108-4ee1-b8d7-814c94faa025	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:06:37	-228.119
-18	530	53000	1a39396f-5150-4f40-be85-5732b236f730	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:57:36	-471.517
-18	1060	53000	ac2487c3-91aa-4db9-945a-56e114a4ad9f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:01:57	406.815
-19	531	53100	f4b160fe-afb5-4798-b9c1-77ae72fcd9f9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:26:18	949.918
-19	1062	53100	0203227e-ef1f-4f68-be35-d3c1c4d01e23	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:48:57	948.575
-20	532	53200	93d89ff2-c602-45c2-83c5-c567181ac405	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:51:06	772.386
-20	1064	53200	3e958b35-f40d-469c-8524-2c9ae0868935	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:21:46	-27.980
-21	533	53300	1f4aa8d5-3241-4155-8616-3230c7b56aa1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:27:36	919.82
-21	1066	53300	3879a209-0ee4-44c3-915a-56f985bb41a0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:36:05	480.895
-22	534	53400	7e70c2b5-7457-47e6-ba26-040ce31dc718	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:38:57	-48.247
-22	1068	53400	2044a56c-bd2f-4cac-b8ca-0f1845b0cdbd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:17:04	-791.851
-23	535	53500	11b2ac77-2169-48be-888e-ce68cfd60e1e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:12:17	450.262
-23	1070	53500	df5db50e-24d3-48f3-848a-5fd5eaf5bd65	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:16:17	623.971
-24	536	53600	f7ef72ff-2314-4890-b390-244fe3fd641c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:13:48	219.805
-24	1072	53600	8379237b-f8b3-4fc6-9592-7de10b99fa83	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:12:07	-802.463
-25	537	53700	2ab43dcb-f723-4f8e-8c09-f0839bc30406	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:33:08	-355.534
-25	1074	53700	2099223d-0135-4f2c-ae5c-676102b81622	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:36:50	-941.736
-26	538	53800	e1b82205-30b0-47ee-8f56-ef87acb97e72	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:15:59	219.799
-26	1076	53800	6864e78b-032a-434c-8cee-71f13200e332	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:07:03	-379.542
-27	539	53900	5da9503d-07c8-45e0-8387-87bfff5f9822	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:41:45	557.120
-27	1078	53900	6afea8fb-8878-4553-a878-16037d178cba	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:44:51	401.27
-28	540	54000	5a2ea746-a5ca-4e19-8609-6ff36b7f3c78	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:32:09	-730.680
-28	1080	54000	21a394e5-d7d9-4761-a069-cd87b31e0f0b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:06:43	821.384
-29	541	54100	827ccbf5-24d8-4274-b4b8-21f9b8b266b5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:53:37	284.654
-29	1082	54100	16474f57-90c2-4ff0-b06e-8f979ab8925a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:08:17	95.624
-30	542	54200	f6ced159-7761-46b9-9f81-f65227b4b456	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:06:16	-791.518
-30	1084	54200	b26228ab-afa7-46c1-b3ae-bc18088a511b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:14:39	-501.415
-31	543	54300	6edff30c-8248-44fa-97a3-444915f311e9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:09:22	546.726
-31	1086	54300	06f1c0d2-6222-4d37-84df-960e3af082b1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:09:25	-447.492
-32	544	54400	54441baa-20b0-4b24-802d-ef396984027e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:47:12	-901.2
-32	1088	54400	b08cfc2b-9b3c-4aff-be8d-d911205719e4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:58:21	-556.613
-33	545	54500	18891ea7-6c46-41d7-ae29-d13a2974ad00	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:11:43	629.193
-33	1090	54500	908d6894-b546-463b-88ba-12a9c5964f47	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:23:32	409.25
-34	546	54600	50fa8880-63cb-4984-9f3a-9d7e217c81ea	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:48:21	199.611
-34	1092	54600	2b912127-3bf5-44bd-a17d-63fda92713d8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:54:39	29.274
-35	547	54700	53228855-b098-4501-999f-33a8be91e5c1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:10:15	-142.617
-35	1094	54700	b553b811-8fe2-4041-aa33-88964bbba5af	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:23:07	-18.529
-36	548	54800	e0856206-3dfb-41eb-996f-faabfc914ba9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:26:30	876.594
-36	1096	54800	4463e3cb-8e2f-4828-9810-cdea5a770a37	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:19:45	-883.247
-37	549	54900	47cddc99-65d2-4fb0-9332-27150a011916	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:40:04	-137.100
-37	1098	54900	04e89d35-55a2-4473-af8f-5b1a34f9db72	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:15:26	-556.104
-38	550	55000	cb4486ad-fdd8-40d5-9406-e589b2a57581	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:41:22	662.85
-38	1100	55000	12448808-b95e-46f7-9d7b-978f471a85b8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:28:30	118.884
-39	551	55100	5ac7b7ce-8f63-4940-a522-f790ef5f143f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:54:33	-993.429
-39	1102	55100	3fd838ca-0eef-4f14-826f-2ac694ec28be	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:01:06	-599.55
-40	552	55200	0670dcc7-0fcc-4ba6-b018-b23b96843e2b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:48:05	155.745
-40	1104	55200	fe75df31-c703-4ec5-82ea-da98da68ad2a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:13:09	-66.248
-41	553	55300	d6939f22-48ae-462c-bfa6-41191a547a6c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:21:53	-410.980
-41	1106	55300	c26120e3-7d00-4899-ab96-b6616688858c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:40:40	-526.700
-42	554	55400	12a2433f-bb4f-4be9-b001-f14e84488fef	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:43:23	194.399
-42	1108	55400	324247c4-a5de-4c62-96c9-cf36adf1ad1a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:23:54	-837.471
-43	555	55500	d1a70897-986d-4fba-aeb1-7cfb566ff0d9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:07:52	-652.210
-43	1110	55500	7693eec1-53dc-46f7-b1dd-6dd03ec72afa	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:42:29	919.287
-44	556	55600	b9719742-3764-49be-ac20-abdb507d623a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:12:03	-513.898
-44	1112	55600	a4ae20cc-040f-4070-a3ff-0ee0548121be	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:29:10	-451.52
-45	557	55700	ae5e4cdb-75e4-400e-9714-040390432069	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:18:29	401.801
-45	1114	55700	3ad08735-b0b1-4db9-94e0-ddcf0a8723cc	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:24:15	439.205
-46	558	55800	adfb42fa-9cf4-40f1-9236-7cb21beffa3f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:18:57	487.475
-46	1116	55800	431aa584-b63b-4c87-bf8e-6c6d8dd96301	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:43:17	-492.96
-47	559	55900	9cb571a1-30b7-4b1e-8003-15a6a15f34c2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:22:19	32.966
-47	1118	55900	cdf7a931-a698-477c-ac40-4905611e709d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:24:40	29.293
-48	560	56000	06f2b75c-2dac-4fe4-b913-f39fdf54e979	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:16:40	-632.283
-48	1120	56000	ed6f9d08-7b79-4296-877f-a1ace3c8df77	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:35:57	-914.300
-49	561	56100	b436b31c-05cb-449a-94ba-c0cea7ca5d0c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:23:34	233.406
-49	1122	56100	ff6cec45-6d07-4d2a-af53-eef99a6477ff	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:12:23	-192.161
-50	562	56200	176c0be6-0bcb-4589-a177-5c22864799cb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:08:15	821.362
-50	1124	56200	94277723-7caf-44cb-9c57-64d1185a17f1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:23:44	757.156
-51	563	56300	59dc1f78-78c1-4352-b31e-f9f33f03c46e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:27:11	119.33
-51	1126	56300	c7a68b2e-5b71-457b-839f-bad42bd334ac	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:16:00	-739.66
-52	564	56400	9767adb9-191f-449c-b2d2-a74b45054cbd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:29:34	-773.929
-52	1128	56400	2ca9fbaa-d676-49a1-87f7-9f55dec1f32b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:43:23	-199.202
-53	565	56500	e9d309d0-8ebf-4e3d-815a-bec50ba4baae	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:40:00	-220.890
-53	1130	56500	39444203-a28d-42f7-aa75-bf550268bdfd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:31:50	911.264
-54	566	56600	ef3b001f-f6f0-4d3e-9cc0-c198ad9421c0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:09:44	523.444
-54	1132	56600	ddfd0c4b-eb3c-43ba-82f8-0b8c6412af41	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:44:18	-893.402
-55	567	56700	a99d1884-ef1c-480a-8ba9-000b8aa88644	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:51:20	-545.601
-55	1134	56700	f632b18d-f1dc-4ced-8257-d6e49a72c496	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:01:14	-365.917
-56	568	56800	54bced08-9a55-4cce-98da-a35b3ae6883c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:18:08	948.35
-56	1136	56800	e90927b3-5c90-42bb-9609-602c02649953	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:11:08	855.135
-57	569	56900	6067bed9-913a-4224-aaa2-bdb0e8f573f5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:45:09	-757.891
-57	1138	56900	75757dd1-8c2b-43ea-a398-29360a7043aa	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:42:48	-979.598
-58	570	57000	4bbd2854-c889-4075-ba61-5b1aea2946d1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:58:11	284.81
-58	1140	57000	aaddb8a6-b984-471f-a4ef-440e1ad62d1d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:47:36	-4.940
-59	571	57100	906c9f74-3ec1-4628-ab42-aa98d42a3fd9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:32:04	287.302
-59	1142	57100	e0fa3729-e205-4251-a2ee-c3a7f86939a8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:27:09	177.304
-60	572	57200	9b0dd6fb-bfca-408c-9954-9ffceebb0432	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:47:50	450.928
-60	1144	57200	2dd00095-d280-4db6-a8b3-e06b89283143	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:23:51	564.392
-61	573	57300	71f99ea5-27f5-4061-8667-6c4e7968a2a8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:29:20	611.826
-61	1146	57300	b403f51e-bef3-4042-a999-530a95761408	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:54:00	134.976
-62	574	57400	7bb97cc9-8b6a-42d7-bd51-715a9dfad6d0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:08:59	-946.888
-62	1148	57400	358b5eb2-f99d-4636-b652-54375f282d74	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:54:59	7.678
-63	575	57500	e2d05723-6d25-4b81-8508-524a2a08e4e1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:11:15	578.119
-63	1150	57500	085a5ad7-3fb8-4792-bd5a-925eb48daa2e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:35:09	557.302
-64	576	57600	44196831-f89f-4567-83fe-0ad1a7e24aed	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:29:03	515.969
-64	1152	57600	c1d50a42-2299-406d-800a-f6e29a818416	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:54:07	739.736
-65	577	57700	11bfea27-df7d-4b04-84a7-e36d3abad26a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:29:39	847.480
-65	1154	57700	74dcdf83-770f-4684-882a-1a82ca838e36	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:18:08	685.862
-66	578	57800	df2919d3-2986-442b-af9b-ada2e8cc4352	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:03:46	-222.20
-66	1156	57800	5332eda9-a00d-4eb5-a259-a56cb6e17db7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:31:33	-858.764
-67	579	57900	84381ca7-c7cf-4fbe-9779-250da8e81ea5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:08:49	719.392
-67	1158	57900	f8f4941c-89c7-408a-b8ab-5244e7d6451c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:33:00	-864.888
-68	580	58000	264ab2de-def7-4631-9a96-1819898972f5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:37:47	960.190
-68	1160	58000	acb5afe0-a916-4baf-98d9-e022f3effeb9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:51:17	721.952
-69	581	58100	059fa4a5-fee6-4b3f-b1f9-b937d929f3e5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:34:45	609.916
-69	1162	58100	f5be3968-a140-42ba-abba-4833eaa272cd	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:41:26	349.864
-70	582	58200	0fa7b298-34cb-42d3-8d6e-03f9572eb41e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:41:10	-975.547
-70	1164	58200	4d4dcf2b-e677-493d-afaf-69224a50c130	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:09:55	-345.175
-71	583	58300	3f4cdd7d-c07f-4d26-ac01-663555758cc5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:24:07	-689.35
-71	1166	58300	bb4836ff-8749-4fc8-8685-42e9e4b99ca3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:29:51	-433.827
-72	584	58400	9a9ed6a2-201f-45e7-b3c2-fdba55084f86	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:04:44	270.434
-72	1168	58400	87fc20b7-3ea5-43ee-bf5f-5a9a0b78d3b8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:48:34	503.599
-73	585	58500	1ac31936-7612-4af5-a6d2-c7665c50b7a0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:53:17	971.78
-73	1170	58500	3447df88-f61e-4806-aad8-e930f9140b5a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:58:43	-894.726
-74	586	58600	6494aecb-5b19-413c-887b-ca96c7fb2bbe	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:20:53	403.130
-74	1172	58600	5f75105e-09c3-476d-b6ef-9d1e6f453f1a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:25:52	-39.75
-75	587	58700	2afcc1e9-a352-499e-8988-63e9f6f9f6a5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:40:16	-955.684
-75	1174	58700	b8c24b3d-b1dd-4baa-b277-3cab32e02780	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:40:52	-301.321
-76	588	58800	0d609020-6b68-46fe-94ef-b2f168f6f1be	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:37:42	943.68
-76	1176	58800	c8329a39-a5ba-4203-b8d7-106fdc47e942	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:24:22	-263.997
-77	589	58900	931c6bfd-6a29-4130-8110-edd8a5d63aaa	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:10:33	-778.73
-77	1178	58900	30213ad0-c6c2-4e78-8a88-4df8a7597738	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:00:51	-861.186
-78	590	59000	5fb6a26d-c333-4f51-820a-afef77677416	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:02:37	224.895
-78	1180	59000	afc9c75b-771f-4783-8bda-ca4c1ea7f3d7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:13:24	-469.407
-79	591	59100	36769fb2-8a36-4849-81d3-7cf60375a62b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:26:03	616.635
-79	1182	59100	a9ca7349-c55f-4fc4-bb25-cd54a43d34d6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:56:53	-263.427
-80	592	59200	94216c15-b34a-4e60-b239-77e0080e3bd8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:45:35	397.419
-80	1184	59200	e152a5c1-1bad-45cd-a7c1-1ec13f643543	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:23:42	313.914
-81	593	59300	1da20384-e04d-4a0d-a6df-abf2fea789af	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:18:29	-227.99
-81	1186	59300	660dcc0c-8236-4d63-ae32-131883ddb3a4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:43:24	-746.220
-82	594	59400	1f101616-f161-474f-b1c9-00a0b05fdd2a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:59:02	26.736
-82	1188	59400	dced85b7-9706-4afe-878b-c5d7d8d447cb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:56:29	-200.69
-83	595	59500	4e948ad2-6147-43c4-b8ea-da1ef44fdcf9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:52:59	664.349
-83	1190	59500	e02d7163-bbd9-4543-a40d-2ffc4daf5cfc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:46:34	665.592
-84	596	59600	e799c3d3-1ec3-4e7c-9a65-5b37b1566659	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:36:19	909.163
-84	1192	59600	e09353fd-e1e2-4691-8d38-67b6028cc963	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:57:10	-656.960
-85	597	59700	099b03e4-6344-42b8-98ce-b0b526b87384	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:21:20	-200.435
-85	1194	59700	a7876462-9d81-45fb-93de-e035754ce2c2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:15:21	337.139
-86	598	59800	e087b4e5-5526-4b06-9e46-c57847946bc5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:57:37	-128.249
-86	1196	59800	d1bc7a22-f72d-4c98-b4b4-f79f72bbaf49	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:47:13	-836.638
-87	599	59900	4c32479b-fc24-4cb9-b197-4c35996a6f1d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:46:43	-318.284
-87	1198	59900	fb30d45c-6427-4bbd-a658-53ebdac17f47	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:49:51	-111.750
-88	600	60000	5b20fa2a-41df-4b48-aa11-50722e761dc6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:37:38	810.149
-88	1200	60000	7205e570-42c0-4b38-8b64-b0768dc69686	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:57:19	128.299
-89	601	60100	69442b78-fc1c-4844-91ef-53d6fa8775d7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:49:39	-721.962
-89	1202	60100	c1246c34-f1e6-4145-93dc-b719022215f6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:47:23	-641.266
-90	602	60200	bd7be3f1-ab09-4e55-9f31-e14ede297fd6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:56:08	-98.35
-90	1204	60200	13031893-a034-4c69-bf4b-19a24c04a028	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:03:16	-161.526
-91	603	60300	0573ad62-ede6-4f4e-89c2-1f055719474c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:12:19	-812.747
-91	1206	60300	75d26a6f-b898-4b1f-82aa-693941505d52	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:00:42	-592.716
-92	604	60400	e3cade99-4c84-400b-8581-338e4be3a08f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:53:18	-145.801
-92	1208	60400	d7bbed00-0a84-4976-8b99-b599b48b793e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:51:26	-125.416
-93	605	60500	c35842e2-ecfe-414a-b639-fe1b178c71d5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:56:03	865.4
-93	1210	60500	7387bde4-7cfe-4458-b472-d58fe30d48c7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:24:07	-765.242
-94	606	60600	7942f441-a04a-49fd-af28-cf1e455c9d0a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:20:19	-180.59
-94	1212	60600	8eed4335-5222-49ae-a30e-e020fb6c160b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:21:24	-758.127
-95	607	60700	87b4677a-7bf0-44e2-a4ec-4b76202c8308	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:21:00	-67.694
-95	1214	60700	29255cd2-cf62-42d4-9a4a-60f081ce7820	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:44:05	-506.543
-96	608	60800	475a4ea4-a164-472c-a51c-ba3c2581ae2f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:08:54	-411.85
-96	1216	60800	3d539aff-a7c0-4ae3-8896-bb02107aae7d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:29:18	-755.804
-97	609	60900	0b948b8f-9d4b-4469-828b-7dfe7bc83f0f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:41:53	-96.205
-97	1218	60900	16447e0b-d620-4801-a711-3446d9983a55	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:33:55	-65.201
-98	610	61000	bd35b92a-4c08-489e-b5b7-2dd2995e416f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:55:23	457.666
-98	1220	61000	122dc2f0-bffe-4c6f-8caf-860340eab7d1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:26:19	-18.800
-99	611	61100	7e356670-b86a-4259-a189-73743da53862	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:35:53	852.214
-99	1222	61100	b3a2ebc8-dedd-4a17-961d-00601757fdfe	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:44:51	613.963
-100	612	61200	ca97d0ae-e0aa-4743-8b20-fbf139f2d2a6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:14:58	-763.368
-100	1224	61200	3ed740e2-fa3b-440a-a571-f062eec9b9ae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:59:55	413.779
-101	613	61300	e0357460-8ee4-4177-a7b8-add8a48d3c82	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:24:42	-235.622
-101	1226	61300	65062a77-66a9-40e8-800c-91ce39e9a40e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:56:59	540.558
-102	614	61400	b5f50cfe-e3d4-4c1c-b675-6ff660e81da7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:45:12	-537.103
-102	1228	61400	7d8e5179-a423-4c11-9555-822765341e56	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:05:06	960.931
-103	615	61500	06fc2467-da99-4b64-b319-f4e01bdb7f62	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:15:46	724.767
-103	1230	61500	bbe2ebd6-9f47-4f43-a2af-984610efb8d7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:27:57	146.978
-104	616	61600	b735b784-9d84-4c70-be26-f8623c06f30d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:04:57	-358.829
-104	1232	61600	77bf78dd-6803-4a6f-a8b9-f031c2f5a0af	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:02:33	-114.337
-105	617	61700	6597e4fe-a4eb-49f7-9ac7-d192d0f0dc5f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:43:43	296.919
-105	1234	61700	e845f4d0-0910-46bd-a189-26327956dc97	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:42:55	140.533
-106	618	61800	cab9f95b-0927-4935-9c5a-17ce30ea5d7e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:34:44	-249.566
-106	1236	61800	79fc0d33-2502-4826-866a-d7d793dab42f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:04:51	838.374
-107	619	61900	a2caf3ea-982e-4fae-bead-56c9bf2a51c7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:52:53	115.73
-107	1238	61900	57026156-0753-4d7e-a0fd-5a48f924381c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:06:31	-976.577
-108	620	62000	9211efeb-f170-45bb-ba2c-785563ca536e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:06:25	229.225
-108	1240	62000	b6f4bd00-6b22-49e4-915b-3c20b94b66f1	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:18:44	856.285
-109	621	62100	2cd27e37-d97e-4a14-ba2f-24f587bbd2d9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:42:41	992.249
-109	1242	62100	fd94066e-e4ef-4a74-bbf1-7d6516a8255c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:14:11	561.708
-110	622	62200	c338a54b-2079-4160-b0e1-b69c7bc8ada8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:42:20	-633.544
-110	1244	62200	13451917-75a8-417b-bd60-b453586ddf0e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:31:00	-65.660
-111	623	62300	871168c3-31f3-4181-bd9c-1332f730c4d2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:56:34	862.786
-111	1246	62300	cbe4356c-f0de-4bda-85ac-dc05883fe8f6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:59:28	72.252
-112	624	62400	4844cc1d-cc24-4091-8aed-f2fd28fd4403	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:20:30	911.952
-112	1248	62400	05b4587d-96e2-4a5e-9144-0e9f18ea9b67	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:12:31	-396.21
-113	625	62500	6c65fb26-92a2-41c0-ab03-c9d67fa92081	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:05:06	560.252
-113	1250	62500	c7c8ee3b-8aa3-48e8-a3b1-3bfd21dc47a5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:23:45	147.279
-114	626	62600	d5188164-258b-4598-8e6c-625708a351fa	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:10:19	-799.241
-114	1252	62600	588943e1-97bd-4fd0-aad9-cf614a12ecb5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:35:56	161.884
-115	627	62700	9098cc23-521e-4770-be26-c2055b252d1d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:30:34	371.845
-115	1254	62700	616abcbe-2ee5-4d83-b3b3-7058c14d69b1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:15:03	369.150
-116	628	62800	e43df8ce-ec35-4504-8c60-67c923028471	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:35:11	-670.211
-116	1256	62800	ed74514b-a383-4594-8dac-41c177842ae1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:10:48	804.435
-117	629	62900	ef4b7959-6d58-49b8-b6fd-18a3dd013289	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:59:40	-349.522
-117	1258	62900	f41e2c8e-5e42-41bb-9364-1695e50b31ba	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:05:29	-305.395
-118	630	63000	3e235295-dbb8-47a6-8b44-226df9041e50	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:53:59	382.606
-118	1260	63000	b0d48bd3-d13f-4e1f-a5f1-38532b75e410	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:11:14	469.410
-119	631	63100	daa26641-aedb-456c-b530-7248b71b52d3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:28:45	857.706
-119	1262	63100	53148e26-d52f-4cf3-b664-8831eab69a3b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:20:17	704.534
-120	632	63200	321edbbf-f8a8-4518-b421-40c56d1622b1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:13:40	-430.794
-120	1264	63200	9db33e14-a8a2-46da-bc08-f94d44eda0d8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:03:54	-719.948
-121	633	63300	ef67b06c-ac56-4102-a830-53d2092e7812	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:45:49	218.94
-121	1266	63300	2fca56c9-0a32-4b10-aa3c-e5bef9e26ca1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:03:32	-965.161
-122	634	63400	a8f262df-e363-4716-94e5-809da69b8a37	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:22:32	595.901
-122	1268	63400	c12edfa2-1c18-4ee4-aa31-cd95431a6dac	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:24:42	-599.605
-123	635	63500	37fbb184-f013-43e1-82ab-301ddf69509d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:55:58	220.829
-123	1270	63500	5e1f3daa-9457-4443-9ca4-9f703ddfebb4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:39:45	-149.590
-124	636	63600	f3322dd9-9d8f-4a86-8c60-d916dc425969	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:05:00	115.128
-124	1272	63600	af7ecefa-b5fb-44ca-8235-648ecb31d675	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:44:31	-907.654
-125	637	63700	ed3fcc96-f3bb-4721-b5e6-f4f50b3367dc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:50:07	-181.567
-125	1274	63700	bbe28a1c-9526-4675-af9c-77d61a48100d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:58:14	-991.154
-126	638	63800	5686cd2a-2818-4735-bffe-278b0eccb35f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:13:44	47.154
-126	1276	63800	931f42f2-b667-4698-86cc-b25004312373	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:36:03	427.211
-127	639	63900	a4980645-c0aa-4355-8abf-500364a71dcc	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:20:10	-803.747
-127	1278	63900	13889c77-0236-48ce-aab7-3da89edcee60	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:45:30	-258.951
-0	640	64000	b6c5a0ea-baeb-42cb-a4bb-e4e1d37a5765	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:05:29	-616.755
-0	1280	64000	670ec821-7f0a-44fa-8932-ed697b9cd8f9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:56:39	652.296
-1	641	64100	fcbb32b2-8e54-4e5b-b886-4d6de2609d0b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:30:55	-215.776
-1	1282	64100	df413496-6512-4359-89a1-062c3fc640a7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:30:15	321.470
-2	642	64200	f8b05155-8d50-40de-afdc-5b34eacd9038	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:46:07	-896.89
-2	1284	64200	0c431af8-704a-4c10-8d3c-f36a7b668045	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:14:31	759.794
-3	643	64300	d77012fb-a162-4c00-8ab1-2335afd17c43	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:56:48	841.674
-3	1286	64300	f5024214-aa8d-474b-b933-11184664d426	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:49:45	964.172
-4	644	64400	6233246b-3477-427d-8566-2090b4bd8ecc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:45:00	152.521
-4	1288	64400	1cacb5d9-296d-45f3-9107-0872c5a9c2b9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:57:59	-764.848
-5	645	64500	e08e8e48-d178-4027-8f13-e342e9f9dcf3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:57:43	681.32
-5	1290	64500	6454bbb8-8fe9-46cd-86da-9c203b57fbcc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:56:27	-691.435
-6	646	64600	2dcffa3c-5ee2-4668-b404-33315f702dd1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:28:12	325.700
-6	1292	64600	0eff18a2-1b21-468f-8fc0-e52661a84b1e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:15:27	758.452
-7	647	64700	39fbb320-1a00-490e-adc1-a1646ef12cd3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:43:45	-787.862
-7	1294	64700	0d492cb6-e145-4a70-8b7f-be75133c4884	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:34:30	-630.960
-8	648	64800	5c80e2a0-a28c-4d05-8969-b0f02cd9ad53	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:59:56	-684.248
-8	1296	64800	4366d194-7f3e-4687-aade-2697ea45c3b1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:47:54	-288.113
-9	649	64900	73ee8772-3ba6-4395-9798-aaa31a323701	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:13:50	-244.600
-9	1298	64900	321e7e46-17bf-4b6e-a5cd-0adb75fe975e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:15:59	288.265
-10	650	65000	918b8a32-8c61-4c37-94bf-62cd3ab0ebfb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:39:07	847.753
-10	1300	65000	0ef713e2-7896-4812-b284-00d4c05b8173	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:15:00	-718.797
-11	651	65100	53897391-fe3c-499f-9420-57b528997bcf	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:32:09	-97.581
-11	1302	65100	75d3c3a5-5031-4d35-9b8e-fb50f3b56c6e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:41:53	-276.18
-12	652	65200	dcd915d3-3521-49ac-ba6a-5240c9e9f6a2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:37:39	-914.86
-12	1304	65200	7b2ded88-4a35-4fd5-960f-bca8841f543d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:12:16	170.596
-13	653	65300	58ec6fc7-f283-48d0-b549-893c06aedc4f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:40:34	941.113
-13	1306	65300	8268613f-f3cd-4852-843b-c0ad393c4520	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:11:41	528.837
-14	654	65400	723863aa-8429-4a97-8fee-4851798225b6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:49:11	557.827
-14	1308	65400	cf0ac0c0-6f6b-45e4-8d09-c869a639b573	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:35:32	49.23
-15	655	65500	8beff553-6ca7-4295-9db7-8e9693e391d0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:48:01	130.155
-15	1310	65500	29977e43-2b0a-4069-acbe-d5211fee168f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:00:33	-816.737
-16	656	65600	27322209-71eb-4b14-9881-e0390e688fc9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:24:37	-97.684
-16	1312	65600	67a9a22b-3246-463f-9486-aa13d0299852	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:54:46	-811.702
-17	657	65700	1d7c34d5-1419-4de2-b003-4ac93669de2e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:03:19	-332.84
-17	1314	65700	bbc8836c-f953-4776-a378-a9a94d9cd4db	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:51:55	824.548
-18	658	65800	4bf7644d-773e-4206-891f-9e61fdb2d095	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:03:02	104.15
-18	1316	65800	ec39a866-56b7-4f26-ac86-2c4050f57514	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:23:13	409.751
-19	659	65900	385ce374-ae10-4208-a976-97da8115b487	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:13:16	-970.134
-19	1318	65900	3992407f-cf82-4b1a-a1e0-9a1c3bf604eb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:12:44	230.998
-20	660	66000	23798065-a1f4-4174-89fa-b0ee8efd01b5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:40:23	-79.892
-20	1320	66000	12d9df67-df06-460c-961d-a061f944cf9a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:15:06	-446.70
-21	661	66100	904a89c7-9df3-43c6-86c4-eeacd421ec18	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:00:09	664.161
-21	1322	66100	16ab46a1-1133-4a30-aea1-eea348f2d686	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:08:35	522.792
-22	662	66200	848a07b9-d4ee-4efa-bcc1-13c55e9ad549	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:29:44	-831.603
-22	1324	66200	695b9d5a-8d75-444c-acdf-549e0d7e2939	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:50:24	-606.454
-23	663	66300	5f3508ba-cdf4-4df2-a513-75213cb3ed4f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:48:13	42.606
-23	1326	66300	09170e7c-ebd2-45ea-a231-d7a13ba209eb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:04:01	764.12
-24	664	66400	8d5b8082-bf65-4229-8a35-c06124732c76	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:10:50	820.608
-24	1328	66400	48a9eb10-2274-45e9-b92f-f81651073cc9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:38:17	79.789
-25	665	66500	af3e1b48-d3d6-41ad-8d63-879de24b415d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:27:48	914.234
-25	1330	66500	4da39295-9012-412f-bbca-967cb8b41dc4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:00:03	-1.771
-26	666	66600	169d33c7-98a4-4624-a7f6-abcdc63f10d3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:47:13	6.279
-26	1332	66600	ee815c3e-8186-4323-8774-09153ff6dc5a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:00:01	-855.131
-27	667	66700	7f736ec4-da0a-4af5-b51d-715f527589d1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:54:00	-294.523
-27	1334	66700	43c45ca6-dbd3-4819-93c5-a49157ff80a7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:49:11	513.806
-28	668	66800	1b471c47-ac1a-41c7-86dd-33d7307370b4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:32:28	-311.202
-28	1336	66800	14a887de-761f-4200-8005-dc2599780a15	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:01:20	-86.436
-29	669	66900	9b9dde2d-c0ee-46e6-9775-d5d373e62c47	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:52:02	-582.669
-29	1338	66900	539b0003-97b3-4eb8-acce-9dfa2a15843e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:39:22	681.350
-30	670	67000	d510b197-56b2-4a17-9bcc-be2d43c15bae	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:20:26	-200.969
-30	1340	67000	3aec3c84-c76f-4566-8936-06429779fb31	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:20:32	208.348
-31	671	67100	0f91282e-f512-4ffb-bc34-57807de7065c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:00:50	-371.292
-31	1342	67100	9cd060ad-22cc-4932-9d28-9231a7875241	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:35:24	286.340
-32	672	67200	4b2a71ed-397b-47c5-af0e-85305b5b0992	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:45:53	604.758
-32	1344	67200	406af847-4400-44fe-90bb-89a15f062df2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:06:28	247.500
-33	673	67300	42cf3ec9-974d-424e-b686-51b09195865c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:46:33	498.168
-33	1346	67300	a0e6a7d8-5183-4ba1-ab0a-94f0bcf7561d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:22:38	-911.78
-34	674	67400	330a6107-2068-4123-93af-2a7b08a0cfa8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:45:22	-315.99
-34	1348	67400	8ebd2284-f1f6-49b0-8be1-95a0f66208e5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:13:33	988.177
-35	675	67500	0eb93516-e15b-46ef-83d9-a477e80fb642	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:59:03	803.455
-35	1350	67500	616dc17b-a0b7-46e2-ba3e-01072cd9b72e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:09:52	-753.671
-36	676	67600	d6c0cf43-1606-4d40-835f-141161f31c28	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:03:14	-69.197
-36	1352	67600	5d883567-8bff-40d7-ab0c-2513cf8b535e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:31:30	-11.33
-37	677	67700	4bc67977-6fc4-45d4-804b-9c0b3c409840	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:46:20	-766.247
-37	1354	67700	5720e39e-eecc-4c0f-a4b2-2afcd2b897ff	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:49:37	681.567
-38	678	67800	86cd277c-bb90-4c9e-9437-b069a98010eb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:06:13	414.400
-38	1356	67800	88ef7022-a939-4e5f-bc92-943af502d427	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:58:07	-255.747
-39	679	67900	8683d963-e8b4-4e4c-8b3e-bb35840901ad	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:52:16	-647.103
-39	1358	67900	b3429a9f-44c1-41a2-ba78-38de802c5f40	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:27:21	710.763
-40	680	68000	9571f9c7-ff28-4f2d-ab95-cee9f55e9fb6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:03:17	42.630
-40	1360	68000	1d4dc770-f9f6-4d25-9987-49838c1daa19	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:14:14	-130.75
-41	681	68100	ca46fdcc-c7f0-4c3b-9047-2b78a19b0ad0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:00:28	565.562
-41	1362	68100	73be40ea-4c7d-47c4-9ca7-dd944babfe3a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:09:06	-248.908
-42	682	68200	a94bfc0d-0ff7-40cb-979d-2f8fe108fe97	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:53:37	196.606
-42	1364	68200	23758333-f8b3-4416-af8e-f33e5b1f61dc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:25:51	-446.462
-43	683	68300	d5c54734-6506-4bb4-bbb9-a8b75d5c939c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:51:41	-453.831
-43	1366	68300	e6e9b5b3-4b21-4633-9f88-a112afaecaa8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:51:06	490.163
-44	684	68400	96c15a26-7871-4e57-bcd8-e9d54e10b51f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:26:28	680.976
-44	1368	68400	61c5a0e2-2b20-416f-8637-f682f2bcd8b2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:43:06	-849.255
-45	685	68500	8389071c-5d46-4d30-a287-b78ae05a6284	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:03:58	-292.921
-45	1370	68500	4050937b-739e-478c-b8e6-ee5b099e1f25	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:52:40	507.884
-46	686	68600	d57fe7c4-5490-4cb5-8e6a-aba37244f5b7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:14:03	64.760
-46	1372	68600	d77515c7-e4f1-4d18-86d1-7df3f49c0fbb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:24:39	-175.557
-47	687	68700	00198a58-3038-4398-88f6-3202cf548a24	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:40:55	-403.874
-47	1374	68700	d960541d-9764-492a-b9e8-1488e77bdfa4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:13:48	-282.770
-48	688	68800	9c191130-cabb-47d4-8807-7d377e804199	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:44:46	-222.510
-48	1376	68800	20c2954f-4932-4cb2-8f88-321822ae764e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:47:15	347.454
-49	689	68900	6e746e95-5a8c-49e8-ab28-7457c79944fb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:10:50	272.627
-49	1378	68900	2b0f6267-11cb-4dd6-9442-d3381233469c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:39:32	-840.347
-50	690	69000	1ed99c37-6a5b-4e89-8736-dc3c0af807d0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:04:08	-48.16
-50	1380	69000	7c295e9b-bbd6-4bc2-b197-3d6b151ccf11	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:04:29	-109.903
-51	691	69100	daac93ab-ab52-4221-b1f6-931e2bc66f4b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:55:05	32.597
-51	1382	69100	bba860ed-cbcd-4092-b4cf-88f9ed14d3da	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:50:15	156.614
-52	692	69200	5bc3dc0d-53f8-4cb1-9c05-879ad7193acd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:06:04	-564.351
-52	1384	69200	01d5a599-a4d8-45a4-bdf7-af9c3fe34c6f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:03:07	947.957
-53	693	69300	70169456-4371-4e74-9a6c-f0af003b135b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:16:35	-64.818
-53	1386	69300	007185a7-2411-4767-8837-e6a0e5635aa8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:48:47	601.682
-54	694	69400	14a9bd96-2ed2-4db3-9700-18d63ceb1c53	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:25:12	308.313
-54	1388	69400	8a2671b9-da44-46b6-ba0b-337a2d0c9a72	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:32:15	573.308
-55	695	69500	75d7d8c0-eafd-4583-abac-46b8eb96356e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:13:20	741.694
-55	1390	69500	a3f05477-9f13-4d40-93c7-74e9341e9bf9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:04:38	137.417
-56	696	69600	42628368-fd27-4da6-8027-fc011f635261	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:45:20	-61.387
-56	1392	69600	4097ae17-2901-4092-9a00-a93bf03acdd2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:20:55	-917.62
-57	697	69700	8dbe067b-a12b-4faa-82b0-29b5440eed03	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:01:07	201.718
-57	1394	69700	ea7945b2-8ae9-4c65-8c0a-cc1b85c1fef6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:12:36	-279.401
-58	698	69800	6e1cdd47-0cf1-4ae4-8db3-3a99b617d004	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:48:55	-48.342
-58	1396	69800	38538234-015e-4e71-b5fe-3aabde9c5c8a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:28:51	-901.978
-59	699	69900	66ab7f88-0943-432e-befa-8c4b679812a5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:19:20	511.573
-59	1398	69900	a64f2929-6183-481a-8b1c-82172442081a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:30:19	687.63
-60	700	70000	451cf639-c1d2-4d60-87d3-7a27640afe3b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:19:51	-533.864
-60	1400	70000	f2c6e1bd-8800-412d-bab8-4d925537451d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:18:21	982.65
-61	701	70100	5510ed5f-8129-401f-a24c-2ad3d3ab1601	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:39:47	-62.862
-61	1402	70100	6970d9ad-5203-4ae5-9a6f-532954c2093f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:04:40	-614.909
-62	702	70200	9803e824-90fd-47a8-b8e4-31a34e2e67f9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:56:23	705.467
-62	1404	70200	003d7c35-a45a-4b9f-b2fa-10fd91af45bd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:10:33	698.164
-63	703	70300	6f1e8358-3914-49c0-a1f3-7d143ad54cb0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:28:01	891.572
-63	1406	70300	6ddddb17-1747-4258-ba92-c8a6ef887833	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:17:54	592.673
-64	704	70400	150d3cb1-4ae3-4169-98db-9f78b4d153ce	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:59:27	17.176
-64	1408	70400	929967fa-f21b-43a4-8085-88c9566cd740	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:27:58	-991.695
-65	705	70500	f15f6cca-81c0-4a51-8192-2f7e9f0aef44	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:14:22	973.663
-65	1410	70500	e8d80b17-073c-4995-8fcc-bf251036bd35	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:02:48	213.423
-66	706	70600	85a28be0-b2b7-4b80-8df4-5107af1f8de8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:41:58	631.598
-66	1412	70600	3f46767b-cba4-43a0-9c9a-53594ec75732	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:06:29	-22.376
-67	707	70700	bb809e68-7688-4718-9bdc-16e8814861b0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:57:46	-131.5
-67	1414	70700	a2f79202-5f6c-42f7-835d-4186d3efb784	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:54:18	-646.57
-68	708	70800	a93d5d1b-cad0-41f2-ac1b-1f4ceab099a6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:21:36	450.141
-68	1416	70800	f61de39c-0d1c-4325-b62c-0659eb4627e1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:10:59	846.317
-69	709	70900	cecf09c9-4ed8-4012-b0da-87fc43a0a54a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:11:06	-534.998
-69	1418	70900	4c60dcb5-741f-4fd3-8060-4ac1891865ec	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:23:18	672.491
-70	710	71000	60896471-ee30-44c1-969b-44ad32c993e9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:04:20	-612.868
-70	1420	71000	bf55b8a8-bde5-4f52-bee1-dc62fb6cdaea	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:51:29	486.29
-71	711	71100	29e4bf7e-6e16-453c-92bf-b94fc928471a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:25:27	702.113
-71	1422	71100	6ab83834-533f-45ba-8ce4-1d4a06e506c9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:00:00	-201.79
-72	712	71200	b107785f-59ef-4304-a20f-50526fad2739	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:31:28	545.608
-72	1424	71200	e74eef94-42cb-4ed4-8c45-a3348044c736	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:04:14	2.330
-73	713	71300	cbbda9c5-20ff-4d36-a0c8-6fec68dc3ef2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:59:37	-289.539
-73	1426	71300	6b0855b8-ba86-42b7-8883-5c2ff3cc2e1e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:52:57	-42.708
-74	714	71400	d85a0b08-3cf5-4605-9f4c-4c6710947c72	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:33:48	-121.697
-74	1428	71400	5b5a103f-4e1b-4578-b151-aa0716e9962b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:18:28	-261.610
-75	715	71500	0dd9cf45-595b-475a-a930-daa81df6e606	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:48:33	-559.911
-75	1430	71500	78301219-a71d-4ba2-b3ca-de2ab6d2094a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:37:53	387.287
-76	716	71600	b0d71e92-6d50-4182-83d4-5a1e573d2d98	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:18:33	252.108
-76	1432	71600	43e1f99b-427b-4f8b-817f-c20a84b1faa5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:23:12	-865.637
-77	717	71700	8d8e419e-6ebd-423e-98dd-85b6417c743f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:29:09	-224.38
-77	1434	71700	a073d0b7-98d5-464a-bd6c-41f45e3cb622	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:55:21	-377.158
-78	718	71800	0d64870b-3b85-4fe1-8005-5f38df29dac9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:45:08	-960.944
-78	1436	71800	2e7f5546-9e76-424e-b572-73547cc68b68	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:26:48	-696.540
-79	719	71900	490f79d3-50a9-4372-a7e7-e6f41385f4a8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:13:46	11.226
-79	1438	71900	69981a70-dcc1-4577-bdd5-1ae1770cd1d2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:40:32	152.538
-80	720	72000	9ff4a284-cbad-4281-9181-a52818f3f349	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:03:36	-178.401
-80	1440	72000	fce6adf6-f181-4ce7-a403-069cb767adb0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:39:37	961.580
-81	721	72100	061a06b8-7829-42c7-adbb-078ab51616fe	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:12:17	-612.599
-81	1442	72100	93a8d25a-80dd-42de-9f95-bd1930a21a03	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:23:19	-958.648
-82	722	72200	8ffd3a43-bb0e-451d-83e4-3ce0e5cb9f77	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:48:41	67.426
-82	1444	72200	45b01cdb-820a-4352-8013-dbd17376a78f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:34:35	37.258
-83	723	72300	09941b91-c4b6-4f18-b4b2-44f95bfbbaf5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:26:36	607.997
-83	1446	72300	56d25560-a14a-4682-8260-be1d817e9e1a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:59:18	-641.178
-84	724	72400	f79b87d4-0889-460a-889b-3332fdfaf724	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:23:28	-254.379
-84	1448	72400	f15485e1-cfbc-49ec-a1b2-1ac9fac5efa7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:59:48	-124.337
-85	725	72500	95b1abf3-4c43-4c38-857c-8ce183573611	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:31:03	129.494
-85	1450	72500	90dadd8b-2151-402b-99c7-1ca30ece8e3c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:07:19	131.137
-86	726	72600	93dcb6d5-d708-4c55-987e-c1099f1b44da	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:34:35	-852.47
-86	1452	72600	9259dfd1-ec7a-4d20-890e-1c021a124fae	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:55:53	158.241
-87	727	72700	027250de-47ca-4d19-915e-eeee3986893a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:38:31	-779.549
-87	1454	72700	ac08727c-6bf6-4cb1-8429-5dfddee0894c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:13:48	24.132
-88	728	72800	381f1826-c29f-48d1-8a19-cbb4a36e90ec	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:20:15	231.541
-88	1456	72800	fe8f9807-8da0-4abd-93c5-fd12c573568f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:21:17	135.19
-89	729	72900	78902de9-51ce-4d5e-beb5-0c103dc63ef6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:38:44	-918.610
-89	1458	72900	7a8c6fbd-6345-4cca-81da-848041a2961a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:57:52	551.530
-90	730	73000	b2de3e49-e1eb-48c7-8efc-c27631652132	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:32:37	644.976
-90	1460	73000	1dac272d-14d2-4aa3-bbd5-9669894cf9e5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:18:34	586.980
-91	731	73100	e3aa1e50-5712-435e-85a2-2dced190550d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:08:33	-899.560
-91	1462	73100	94d3b48d-2f57-489c-83eb-47845199646a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:33:59	-223.948
-92	732	73200	aaee2457-9437-40e3-8b9a-776c35d840be	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:37:18	-86.971
-92	1464	73200	6c3337f5-e18e-4776-8fe7-c882ecef1a6c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:13:48	-623.893
-93	733	73300	d091b8aa-7898-4751-9ae0-1a4dd7af86e7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:54:08	662.805
-93	1466	73300	401fbe1b-1f48-4041-868c-a3047630aecf	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:34:52	608.71
-94	734	73400	395546e7-eff2-4a26-8174-66be8cf961a9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:56:08	-835.56
-94	1468	73400	a0590070-e227-416a-b885-9c0062ed35ae	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:02:19	209.528
-95	735	73500	6fa3441a-b999-4dc1-9d89-3b8101ddd59e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:23:18	-925.21
-95	1470	73500	3070dc92-6c38-4c45-9e56-adacd42004c1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:49:54	803.323
-96	736	73600	dbf976d9-b016-434e-9a2a-9c6b2b5efc6e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:58:22	-275.514
-96	1472	73600	c86d878a-9f4d-42cd-b945-ec673994aabe	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:08:51	637.835
-97	737	73700	34b8efe7-ec04-4907-87d5-c2c97104d0b2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:28:18	-971.551
-97	1474	73700	f880e208-da8e-46b9-b735-fba388683f83	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:37:45	-846.140
-98	738	73800	db88349d-24a7-44c5-b59d-6997e65c614a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:40:25	114.539
-98	1476	73800	5793bd01-968a-49ce-a762-26d981ce552c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:36:11	-142.284
-99	739	73900	5abaef53-5bf4-40ee-a629-d92a7805864d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:25:11	327.45
-99	1478	73900	929c0c7a-7240-41ed-a591-0a5133d06bb0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:45:01	898.440
-100	740	74000	7b61b367-f4e1-4ef1-a2b5-0d5715b6e235	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:40:11	-184.552
-100	1480	74000	665a7360-6303-4a33-aa0f-3cda51c3b321	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:23:52	-568.132
-101	741	74100	75a35bcd-25de-4db1-a550-ddef7e5295fd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:38:45	-836.830
-101	1482	74100	dc125ac5-95c4-47e8-b9f5-c522513d9cb5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:29:03	823.229
-102	742	74200	e163f4c3-04a4-4ffe-b2f9-b7ac039e8594	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:47:44	-900.549
-102	1484	74200	e942c3ef-546e-49c0-8ecc-8c3604b765e3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:14:10	-431.17
-103	743	74300	a0db8dcb-5e08-4b8f-b79f-38eebe761600	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:22:31	-298.596
-103	1486	74300	f268a818-0e6d-494c-a9e9-062a0e639590	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:01:38	699.136
-104	744	74400	ad49c6b9-949e-4384-a811-d7381c5274f6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:31:10	-172.354
-104	1488	74400	775ba6a8-53ac-4a5d-a8a3-01d913bd615e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:19:36	298.178
-105	745	74500	09c81010-6d97-453d-a5b2-da5a74af15ec	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:38:34	-318.866
-105	1490	74500	dac090d5-18d0-438a-b689-9d8dacd16db0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:02:14	428.558
-106	746	74600	51036894-5ff6-4e65-8fbd-606636af4a07	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:56:16	294.870
-106	1492	74600	bbba97ae-27d6-414f-a440-a5bae93bcf18	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:38:57	846.426
-107	747	74700	1eb917a8-210a-4612-bff2-c2f81c532a0b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:54:56	817.44
-107	1494	74700	6c4d8c6c-506b-4bf8-a843-1c22dacc1bf8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:42:55	-558.795
-108	748	74800	aaaded72-2ca3-4d70-9643-d82ae598270a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:18:06	-87.515
-108	1496	74800	54e2b4a4-7a34-4294-aa63-df85b8c9b548	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:02:43	-708.93
-109	749	74900	c21ac466-5e33-428f-a973-79bad0281cab	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:15:32	-440.617
-109	1498	74900	ab9cac78-fa00-46d2-bc06-18d188ea87f1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:59:31	-49.605
-110	750	75000	5d08000f-e659-4eb8-972f-3483cc3cadfe	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:10:44	737.162
-110	1500	75000	b9fc209f-5816-4d5b-a63a-7043ff779f7b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:00:28	291.564
-111	751	75100	9bdd4206-4aae-41d2-9566-0f6f2aa03604	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:40:10	-339.73
-111	1502	75100	07027baa-3e78-4aa6-b0ca-5b79aa9cbced	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:46:55	-756.413
-112	752	75200	7015a4f4-d10f-4ee9-b89b-dfe647b0bbc5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:37:14	-544.793
-112	1504	75200	75a97743-d72e-42b2-b540-46b1fd7ca354	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:09:18	166.900
-113	753	75300	af3dff57-e13a-43a2-9feb-3b0d15ac7774	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:53:18	830.405
-113	1506	75300	f9886a20-b418-43ca-ac78-18e1baf87af8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:34:44	715.385
-114	754	75400	4f0b2079-c83c-4cd7-a732-1edae01458ef	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:17:44	-300.453
-114	1508	75400	b5d2c242-16d3-4054-a7f2-b7cd6d0f531e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:12:43	413.282
-115	755	75500	daee8c70-a6fd-4780-9384-0e861339fb5e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:38:37	-865.806
-115	1510	75500	c8e4564d-2042-4488-8b8c-2059ad1117bb	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:10:05	-513.351
-116	756	75600	43d4e0ee-581f-4242-9555-9055269da066	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:23:54	-932.22
-116	1512	75600	855540bb-f82c-4c34-85b2-9a8a80987803	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:46:10	188.964
-117	757	75700	75c0dcfa-85dd-4f74-b6ab-1c1e4934405f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:01:24	-323.649
-117	1514	75700	e8d03e91-2d54-4605-91c6-297dbe9fd240	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:55:15	975.440
-118	758	75800	9e8dccd5-3de1-46a7-ac0b-c1e4d8dec08a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:00:07	890.230
-118	1516	75800	8ea982e4-b37c-4d13-b054-37d81f8591ca	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:42:29	579.475
-119	759	75900	e8d342c5-a142-420d-aee4-daa762003124	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:45:32	41.761
-119	1518	75900	0d99923c-99ca-43f9-86b8-6ffe38b693a2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:21:00	324.67
-120	760	76000	b3cfa16a-4d37-4c9c-982a-22b203e96b29	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:52:59	-371.193
-120	1520	76000	9452db7a-b50a-4c5a-bfb6-3303169ceec7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:35:30	-74.64
-121	761	76100	b805297e-5237-4511-b993-b0d2fd4a9407	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:29:54	146.597
-121	1522	76100	ddf0f543-81e0-46d7-a336-2fb169638fe7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:01:15	814.821
-122	762	76200	6b88aed0-532f-4853-b1d2-fdd17ca0eadb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:12:35	303.658
-122	1524	76200	ab784d86-2e9a-4156-858d-fec9454cf6cc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:53:50	-896.970
-123	763	76300	86611bed-53f4-4574-abba-1f4c6fb569c0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:13:30	-832.434
-123	1526	76300	a2622d3b-409e-45e8-a5c7-49c21caf8ecc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:10:58	186.4
-124	764	76400	d257181e-9bdc-476b-abd4-f9e70da7bad1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:17:43	-185.125
-124	1528	76400	029f8f49-7c3e-4573-84c0-2073d8df4b38	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:28:44	14.884
-125	765	76500	5c9d98db-4c6f-4b55-ad6c-d56b70eb3183	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:37:05	853.236
-125	1530	76500	bf332477-0fde-4d32-ad20-582ac7926200	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:46:57	-936.620
-126	766	76600	7aa16232-7b82-49a7-b04e-3e611642d4eb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:13:19	-156.705
-126	1532	76600	1dc656dc-2e53-4e1d-a898-3b7884a20de9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:46:59	584.537
-127	767	76700	57129fd3-2501-4908-b879-b2d9d3e27837	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:37:14	-729.459
-127	1534	76700	766668c1-ff82-400a-8ce2-713209cc2f71	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:39:28	-538.148
-0	768	76800	390b39c1-f9ff-403a-aba0-a197ee27f464	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:27:01	-867.884
-0	1536	76800	7e6727f0-45c1-4145-befb-964d2a9fe6ba	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:09:45	-127.266
-1	769	76900	3a1da47c-6dff-4310-8d3c-103f6d58150c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:00:52	-859.22
-1	1538	76900	e2285ee4-aee9-4564-bbea-9e5ac5c9f24d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:52:23	859.201
-2	770	77000	3791facb-1122-4631-adef-6af8a5e5a42f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:19:49	115.5
-2	1540	77000	057649ab-58b6-403c-b9a3-1445c081c210	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:11:50	-263.367
-3	771	77100	ef8012e8-dcc1-46fd-aeb5-4531bc99f5f2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:28:31	-134.738
-3	1542	77100	7905c2e4-3699-4fa8-875b-a5b597ab986f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:04:51	735.212
-4	772	77200	52a1edf3-3d87-49f5-86bc-29e374213c31	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:41:50	244.351
-4	1544	77200	a259e79e-512a-4f7b-b3ac-1390605a2e88	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:33:25	-868.136
-5	773	77300	23858bb6-be82-4383-a185-a6ce8bcee3da	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:46:25	106.575
-5	1546	77300	30619ec8-be9d-4828-881a-e3cc41db178b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:00:08	694.476
-6	774	77400	74220b1d-477b-4f01-89c7-62b93e473f93	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:50:26	690.711
-6	1548	77400	a54b0114-64ef-4a85-8d1f-79149bbe0516	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:01:30	295.572
-7	775	77500	1fb9bf78-41ea-4fa0-be4d-bf0fd89c3b1c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:38:26	-377.446
-7	1550	77500	ae1f0020-eb2b-44a0-9b49-106ec364798c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:59:13	828.10
-8	776	77600	cf4a3184-e6e8-4611-96b7-a18774292fac	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:52:08	-740.326
-8	1552	77600	aedab233-e67c-497d-9b37-749b91ae7c1a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:37:14	-10.939
-9	777	77700	a114342a-3818-41c3-bc3b-25bedcef2c43	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:49:02	-677.195
-9	1554	77700	97d87abd-575b-4e13-8251-ea62f09163ee	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:20:18	602.939
-10	778	77800	032b93cf-40e0-44f8-9952-53c230a408ee	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:49:33	958.2
-10	1556	77800	92dfb180-976e-465f-8358-4e929e483b7d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:02:31	524.503
-11	779	77900	da49984d-47fb-42ba-ace8-518f55d6b91a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:35:54	388.562
-11	1558	77900	7a55d8b1-3735-4080-82dc-d374c9d65b63	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:33:47	-447.445
-12	780	78000	76ad1ffe-0066-47b2-a2ea-10a286ad395a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:08:09	779.959
-12	1560	78000	70525dea-7e73-4d7f-bb25-a433a7dd65f5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:10:44	651.161
-13	781	78100	d73ec71c-8ae6-40d9-806c-e34e0b216f24	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:11:04	398.961
-13	1562	78100	6d326dc5-fec9-40c9-a018-8cd61fb34437	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:16:31	146.767
-14	782	78200	b2605b96-c719-45c6-8493-e78723ad27e0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:28:21	394.176
-14	1564	78200	0474ca78-1599-4473-a30a-22168f32180b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:03:49	705.922
-15	783	78300	0c850d73-92d8-4533-8ca7-5205f74770ba	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:24:18	626.262
-15	1566	78300	8b8f0a44-4d4f-43f0-9b2a-d5e8a1b36c9f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:39:23	-955.449
-16	784	78400	dcdcb3dc-eeaf-4669-aaab-aa2c3d67808e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:57:50	940.976
-16	1568	78400	0f77026b-ecf1-437a-ba74-d0ff25daf27d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:21:38	400.9
-17	785	78500	90e50800-d6d5-47bc-848c-6f2fae4d6757	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:44:39	367.596
-17	1570	78500	62aadaf1-69c1-4907-a9f8-aa981d4f03ca	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:20:30	-302.193
-18	786	78600	3dc97227-266d-4789-86db-e34e63c9bbf5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:18:27	-402.367
-18	1572	78600	27a70c32-85a5-4fa6-96d0-3efc18ed5842	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:00:37	164.138
-19	787	78700	d4a92a4a-e251-48a4-b110-c857d031e7e8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:09:29	-45.320
-19	1574	78700	8970263f-ec97-4b63-b44b-78b68d88174a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:07:55	-393.467
-20	788	78800	bd46bfaf-3d26-4033-9731-eaab6af2061c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:13:22	-601.730
-20	1576	78800	ab4b6102-5118-4d88-bdda-545a666a922a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:03:43	519.325
-21	789	78900	edf765b7-4ce9-45b2-9bab-3c0629c3e70d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:34:23	-366.890
-21	1578	78900	4f9545fd-52f9-494f-b7fc-b4299199435e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:40:06	-977.797
-22	790	79000	405adde6-da23-4de1-8714-d6ea121d3f1b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:19:27	196.476
-22	1580	79000	b96c07f2-998d-43b5-a163-d8be0feb605b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:39:54	-195.961
-23	791	79100	03b65a2f-479d-42be-b1a5-deef21011aa1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:36:50	413.126
-23	1582	79100	fdee55bc-72fc-4d63-b9a3-fe2c6635c950	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:15:56	-688.656
-24	792	79200	754def19-8477-444c-8c7c-07d140d00409	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:02:08	693.945
-24	1584	79200	d5a37077-c8b7-4ab9-9c50-285d44357471	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:29:35	121.391
-25	793	79300	4860afec-6266-46a8-893f-06ecd3666119	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:09:51	-362.913
-25	1586	79300	886f784f-7624-45f4-b4d1-f802053bb097	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:34:45	-798.754
-26	794	79400	d916d747-04af-4ad7-aca6-c2ca6c608c77	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:36:31	41.424
-26	1588	79400	db715d55-cdac-4a4b-b45b-5a950f1b4a44	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:06:15	128.835
-27	795	79500	22a2a34b-5ac1-49d0-a5f5-8cf018b60e0b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:08:31	438.128
-27	1590	79500	24de76b2-ce01-48df-a9a9-8a7b1d44c260	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:38:03	766.764
-28	796	79600	6b61f96a-cf72-4691-ab56-32428aea8ef7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:16:35	-537.757
-28	1592	79600	799af467-6a3e-4531-969e-ca26eea25fe6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:25:00	-318.620
-29	797	79700	8d4ca28c-927d-4aca-923b-db67e2dcd79e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:14:22	-951.22
-29	1594	79700	857144d8-9836-4b09-8c7b-7f7027e7aa74	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:11:38	119.103
-30	798	79800	aad494ab-618a-45fe-8d3f-a12c5a849e9b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:45:44	69.573
-30	1596	79800	571d9665-eb42-4228-b637-b67af00f4cea	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:57:11	-93.835
-31	799	79900	27688e83-a4a6-4c02-a8e1-a0b9a557bac0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:13:05	-404.472
-31	1598	79900	3f0a1f94-61da-45a8-a91d-464376011a56	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:05:19	583.35
-32	800	80000	703dddf9-9790-4120-9c2b-7061599e5332	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:00:23	-778.283
-32	1600	80000	33195041-da04-47de-9989-c17732162c97	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:44:51	452.652
-33	801	80100	6224b9ae-2d29-497b-8c85-53660534fc87	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:58:06	295.760
-33	1602	80100	80a99a92-730d-4d0c-9339-b61c0902c29f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:06:50	677.622
-34	802	80200	089bc07f-2f73-4717-9680-85f7d6c5bb6b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:08:48	16.516
-34	1604	80200	03360f5d-ec24-4bdb-8ec7-d8d4e40b502c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:40:27	974.4
-35	803	80300	6ba2ffee-b139-46e2-9cd0-29a52cb20c29	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:06:03	327.389
-35	1606	80300	c3b291b5-a226-469a-915b-7e734f4cb1de	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:08:21	182.913
-36	804	80400	5de64015-84a6-41eb-bc4a-fcefaaa14c5c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:12:12	937.460
-36	1608	80400	22a40c37-033e-4b60-acec-a6d519a42244	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:13:58	-649.322
-37	805	80500	a32db2d9-b7a1-4c28-b4ca-4cba31e0ece4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:20:41	965.713
-37	1610	80500	6b1d0876-e848-4320-b5fe-f5441a76ddf4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:42:32	399.114
-38	806	80600	cb933246-998d-4a27-8bff-e4bde660634e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:25:12	431.322
-38	1612	80600	57220690-83d0-4edf-b467-2fc77af23fff	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:54:56	-521.737
-39	807	80700	863053c9-1977-45eb-bcd7-a3c8d741b3e8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:01:15	-718.737
-39	1614	80700	46ad1dcf-bcd5-4d84-b4d4-4d1242ea93dd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:13:38	857.180
-40	808	80800	edcdb54d-3f72-4c47-ae92-3ef953e70670	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:26:08	731.191
-40	1616	80800	b4398cbe-e0c5-4f7d-b6e9-3336704e77e3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:22:33	-737.758
-41	809	80900	b4730cff-26af-4453-9e47-17ecffdf7fc6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:12:15	-655.107
-41	1618	80900	d2a8be8d-17c6-48f3-8eba-361e4983cd48	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:23:45	-960.497
-42	810	81000	567e8aa4-1b0d-4ae9-b207-e01ecd3b6dbd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:13:08	363.903
-42	1620	81000	d3244987-2a87-4c59-9d2e-2b47d5d37579	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:30:41	-635.609
-43	811	81100	c4082e01-c181-4bd2-9b85-d03cc0b3f3f2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:29:12	965.749
-43	1622	81100	2ada45d7-8dde-47da-aca3-109fc2baacfe	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:44:15	227.933
-44	812	81200	10585cdf-c5c9-42d6-abfc-ca05b041e033	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:39:29	-847.210
-44	1624	81200	645102a0-af17-44c3-84fe-aae283e43a29	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:59:54	963.1
-45	813	81300	8461e686-cced-43bd-aaa9-9300564189b0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:39:24	867.535
-45	1626	81300	80236b9d-93a1-4dbe-b43f-92d0b73d3ab9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:13:22	-654.322
-46	814	81400	1ee97975-234f-4ea8-bb8d-ceebd652074e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:02:11	11.204
-46	1628	81400	7931516e-eb2d-4e6f-811f-d10c2ce5bc16	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:05:15	-563.271
-47	815	81500	62981af5-5a86-486e-b43b-8662c64041cc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:06:05	-19.711
-47	1630	81500	fcb26922-8a84-44b2-906d-8b7c41a33105	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:07:07	-728.294
-48	816	81600	bcc0a041-6d28-4191-bf70-adac7d860baf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:05:32	349.484
-48	1632	81600	6c78bd46-39d6-4ed7-9617-b4ee0514b990	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:46:57	988.854
-49	817	81700	6c157d26-1a70-408e-8aac-a1f883457777	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:22:03	-416.60
-49	1634	81700	fa64da5f-fdbd-4aad-ad20-bb6a55b725d6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:10:26	-196.803
-50	818	81800	87eecb82-03fa-40bf-a448-dacf04768bbf	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:47:22	272.629
-50	1636	81800	9256a581-854b-4d65-bc76-531f70110768	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:51:14	926.182
-51	819	81900	7893ca3d-232f-403d-921b-fdeb297cb5fd	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:45:57	-451.154
-51	1638	81900	8675e80e-8e4c-47f1-bb7b-21ef3e22c427	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:27:50	279.248
-52	820	82000	06a2b133-88f5-4b55-89ca-c1c8b83cb9d5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:06:47	-224.932
-52	1640	82000	a625b99c-3649-4dac-9061-ebb3016daab6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:37:26	-481.420
-53	821	82100	87f15e16-7588-4532-9797-71798d6e636a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:37:57	407.641
-53	1642	82100	435d692e-358a-4f5a-aed6-11059bfcbe29	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:08:34	547.432
-54	822	82200	7b251322-7ee0-4bb2-b2f6-2de64b0197da	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:15:55	606.396
-54	1644	82200	05a3c42d-7b62-417e-8724-3efc00cd4018	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:51:20	-572.9
-55	823	82300	4b0a0518-e77d-4b3a-a5c1-8c8e3cf0a463	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:39:10	-147.517
-55	1646	82300	ed9c5084-7ce6-45b9-8c59-6a51dbaf5996	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:44:56	286.320
-56	824	82400	c7ee1c93-c317-479c-99fb-330c81e14f45	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:59:37	90.576
-56	1648	82400	79064511-3fe4-4797-a701-ae11398ecc54	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:34:34	435.74
-57	825	82500	85383e15-926c-48e0-83af-2ade8247ca2d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:15:33	-844.918
-57	1650	82500	627d5dc2-06a5-4640-aa4a-f78dbf761178	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:11:45	-35.507
-58	826	82600	f90f51c3-cadf-4112-b289-43a02158f6be	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:45:04	-44.106
-58	1652	82600	22642990-2623-4ccd-af87-cc633f080e65	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:17:28	884.268
-59	827	82700	ec3e185f-2e7e-4f88-aa43-62a2f599e77d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:00:16	482.980
-59	1654	82700	a0754d66-4ff6-489a-8c33-4db9b82286da	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:44:11	3.0
-60	828	82800	eacf25b5-fe76-493b-8221-df3371050d91	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:28:42	827.722
-60	1656	82800	3e9f364b-8275-4826-8b89-6409c2f25907	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:18:46	701.21
-61	829	82900	18b873d6-0df5-4154-96c5-179cc1cc4425	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:27:11	995.464
-61	1658	82900	4cbaf5d9-faab-4e45-8924-922aebf78e25	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:51:20	534.115
-62	830	83000	ea102b7e-11ed-480f-8a8f-65f579db5c5d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:22:32	645.586
-62	1660	83000	c189524f-197b-440c-8d2c-0ea9c1c79e0b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:11:09	-25.971
-63	831	83100	b1ac60f8-4853-4215-8d55-8f882a37c90a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:50:34	-812.338
-63	1662	83100	3245465c-0f18-4251-a9fb-059d2b16c0d5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:09:51	814.570
-64	832	83200	119631cb-08b7-488f-a1c0-5c118d0d2333	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:13:43	311.491
-64	1664	83200	3b0afc3e-d6cd-498e-a5c1-cf78d60da1f7	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:58:46	480.716
-65	833	83300	9716e69d-2206-4a88-a959-5d6e5abc1336	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:26:01	520.727
-65	1666	83300	db735bd2-0888-492e-afb2-23ae11273622	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:54:26	861.396
-66	834	83400	50137113-0c3b-4f1d-9582-def5da445dce	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:31:25	-457.777
-66	1668	83400	89b12942-d5c4-43cf-9e06-3cbd9461e236	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:00:04	53.748
-67	835	83500	f75d68c0-84fe-4575-a7b7-37c683692848	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:05:54	-830.897
-67	1670	83500	8d2dc3d2-8b99-48d7-9fd3-664661a4815e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:58:59	-52.949
-68	836	83600	8c825eaa-1e83-4b87-910e-d1ebd75a6b29	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:57:10	256.270
-68	1672	83600	f91541a9-d85a-4bff-b3fc-14a19662371d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:00:04	-888.432
-69	837	83700	c0de2f77-fd15-4aaa-9252-596df03a2302	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:35:28	-723.704
-69	1674	83700	ffdbc7af-7029-4558-be35-34f644972139	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:36:41	238.980
-70	838	83800	224cae3e-b6cb-43a2-9237-8c0a1cb0fff9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:47:20	148.255
-70	1676	83800	515ef2a3-0f95-41cd-aa87-9304f2a1b15a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:30:49	-834.867
-71	839	83900	b1aa7417-6a93-4b7b-88b8-f102cb9ca987	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:09:31	399.33
-71	1678	83900	cbc84eb3-504d-44c1-97fb-f7c81fb9b03a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:03:16	-448.998
-72	840	84000	c0962590-8fc4-44f4-a431-8e4177aa5d0b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:00:57	-98.808
-72	1680	84000	e7c07be7-f196-4f84-9ca3-1882653e11be	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:27:50	-918.50
-73	841	84100	b0de3472-67fe-4f62-8a17-f87c88711d1c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:19:05	921.575
-73	1682	84100	8ab3a4f1-90a3-466f-9971-b440868b0cf1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:21:22	59.592
-74	842	84200	16676999-bc6a-4f47-b0d1-c70d14698d7c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:51:56	-809.415
-74	1684	84200	590fb7c3-ce87-423c-9403-597ff2f021ea	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:09:47	905.975
-75	843	84300	c4da3aae-74ac-4fde-a24f-1e3538896363	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:43:51	974.568
-75	1686	84300	1b75f690-478f-4f2f-9e26-ad17bfd76e7a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:04:02	-698.564
-76	844	84400	4e233e7c-e259-4442-8085-9e2dbf298142	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:21:11	-780.641
-76	1688	84400	b6a89899-2b75-4162-88a6-1b66e443a5fe	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:34:29	-528.188
-77	845	84500	d7cbae63-ed7d-4077-9975-b5ed342b55d1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:18:12	291.78
-77	1690	84500	883e0889-e11c-46a9-bc2e-1909d05dfa7a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:41:15	-696.193
-78	846	84600	d4bc0456-72c5-48b4-85b5-6a911eba00cb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:37:06	-90.201
-78	1692	84600	4ec09475-098a-4b64-b9f5-1022251a26dd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:49:20	507.202
-79	847	84700	34666e9f-46f2-4fea-b6c2-1c6ec6704a1b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:37:03	-90.38
-79	1694	84700	386d42d8-0bca-4552-8e08-7e108e1c85d1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:03:02	788.920
-80	848	84800	88c22855-9400-4306-a255-f72af4d358a9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:15:28	255.196
-80	1696	84800	e83b6a2b-27f9-4312-8782-d54ed6923798	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:29:06	-808.885
-81	849	84900	69cac2d3-7fe5-4381-bb4d-fae99e0593a7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:39:12	-58.718
-81	1698	84900	123b250f-ef32-4ce9-b468-c8d7e51656c5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:53:46	-830.399
-82	850	85000	82689def-d77a-4779-9256-74cdbc905072	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:18:02	138.828
-82	1700	85000	3129cfec-6d4a-4a5e-9e51-2331d518e648	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:58:00	-282.101
-83	851	85100	5b0cd358-5d21-4f0d-b0fb-bfd4437f75a4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:06:14	-557.874
-83	1702	85100	91def5dc-227a-4e53-915e-d37ff8935156	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:15:46	-532.748
-84	852	85200	95f670b1-52c1-4bb9-a60d-860a0dd83583	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:38:18	900.32
-84	1704	85200	7f1ae910-fda1-49cd-91a7-c2f12933d1d8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:18:50	225.206
-85	853	85300	78b9b2ef-9e2e-418b-91b3-0aa4f435a69f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:38:52	61.998
-85	1706	85300	a09897d7-1c9f-4203-874e-d525e2deb58f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:33:10	-889.465
-86	854	85400	76a09bb3-c017-4850-bd55-f4e43a9adc6e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:16:01	-741.192
-86	1708	85400	2e20d56e-a2e1-45e7-8c9e-225cc0f4139c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:54:11	733.322
-87	855	85500	edafced1-31d0-4679-a23e-2704be2b2c50	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:26:36	997.339
-87	1710	85500	1f8b0f2c-51bd-441c-b3a6-40e67f5cbc65	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:52:52	829.998
-88	856	85600	3bcc1f15-9932-4a2c-a756-0d9e1cd6b87f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:54:06	539.169
-88	1712	85600	324bd33b-895c-4b0e-908b-b8b43432d36e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:17:07	-76.701
-89	857	85700	fe934612-d552-462b-a6db-98d706828a07	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:11:39	-551.790
-89	1714	85700	53952d1a-38d2-4c05-ae62-f33c4135a31a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:46:25	-257.437
-90	858	85800	3e3e140e-38c3-4997-b95e-b03ee132a3ad	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:03:52	-623.450
-90	1716	85800	a1642f26-0706-430e-8c00-84a2efc80df8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:40:36	735.116
-91	859	85900	bff98e62-ed45-4225-82bb-6b468f119233	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:57:57	290.534
-91	1718	85900	0725d8d5-fb2c-4a05-a4fa-aec02e61aada	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:46:32	-213.241
-92	860	86000	eeff2fcb-68ab-4870-937a-0221cbf5f8b2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:35:26	-324.685
-92	1720	86000	500b8e9e-4d26-4a2c-a835-916131dec7c6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:03:54	-980.446
-93	861	86100	8cf74e32-e67b-40bd-8c42-831f8c3947b3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:26:12	-499.355
-93	1722	86100	ace496e1-4d5c-42e0-81be-e78701ebb0f4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:27:42	881.243
-94	862	86200	c6f27c37-3228-4f81-8141-113911772862	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:00:01	-647.702
-94	1724	86200	d0260b6e-c599-4bfc-9e4b-c3ac6ab59018	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:01:08	-179.898
-95	863	86300	fe874a94-d65b-489b-9b49-87e4ca242256	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:12:37	57.982
-95	1726	86300	f5dae81b-c829-4b6d-91b3-e8c5ed9c2b83	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:44:42	466.393
-96	864	86400	6e55035d-e7a6-4ee0-8090-565422737659	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:59:04	-239.504
-96	1728	86400	b84a3124-4c65-4310-95b8-661e545d0638	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:14:02	-671.45
-97	865	86500	98a33be5-dae6-469f-acf6-1fa61c45e3ce	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:43:56	-816.999
-97	1730	86500	1cd3b7d9-8f2d-4f26-b843-07eaef572621	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:42:01	897.553
-98	866	86600	a29deecc-1453-46d8-b12d-b682fee2dadd	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:58:42	788.731
-98	1732	86600	06c3ed95-73b8-415e-a0a0-78f91cf92d60	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:48:31	-36.631
-99	867	86700	1a8088b8-0f15-4b97-bef7-882b7d46c4e5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:09:55	458.937
-99	1734	86700	c8682313-9906-46cd-9a15-a8792a34f066	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:56:03	-494.942
-100	868	86800	d0222cbe-a804-42a3-8064-3082e01cfc26	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:03:13	324.452
-100	1736	86800	f725af48-3247-4e87-8c47-b9c6520ebe64	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:46:00	-638.19
-101	869	86900	792f9289-e456-4937-a44a-7f183ac2cdbf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:58:21	-725.606
-101	1738	86900	a0bb6c98-b346-4ca4-a896-5f3a2dcceb22	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:46:49	-222.385
-102	870	87000	b3c4dbbd-bec9-4096-8777-83a3b80d6fc9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:32:29	814.565
-102	1740	87000	72c63382-c2a2-48a4-90c9-12cc69b74981	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:50:00	-712.991
-103	871	87100	9af8fb71-1080-4bbd-a680-5bc94c951fb7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:46:11	-45.807
-103	1742	87100	187a4493-9c3b-43ec-a117-17df1dbf528f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:54:41	-241.990
-104	872	87200	07a0032d-e183-43a4-ab06-d0f812848ab2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:17:08	289.308
-104	1744	87200	b3516001-6715-46d3-ae7d-8b33bd9bca18	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:30:29	-798.521
-105	873	87300	5aa55e16-a141-4be8-9cbe-f5ec91563fc0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:05:00	346.131
-105	1746	87300	38066466-2bdf-4e12-8a36-6f2c5dbcbef0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:29:46	-296.228
-106	874	87400	9e1bc9c3-4483-4e95-a857-81cba4c016ae	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:01:35	414.680
-106	1748	87400	89dc2c76-d9d6-4ae8-8e9c-3bb917cdf489	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:27:40	730.152
-107	875	87500	7f5cf377-0dfe-4e83-b93b-2aeafb489b5d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:27:08	829.268
-107	1750	87500	06413cee-42b8-4057-929e-3cb8ca93bbe7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:02:40	-501.89
-108	876	87600	3b4e7948-bc3e-4f15-b6c2-032f81621933	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:15:53	-249.141
-108	1752	87600	a3c06a61-64c8-4403-8337-1c250b509321	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:21:14	135.396
-109	877	87700	c74ea387-a099-45c6-bbc8-fe6e1e96aafc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:27:10	-864.71
-109	1754	87700	7df158a5-23eb-48cf-8cea-bdae8514df30	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:34:09	-99.465
-110	878	87800	2bb2c104-eeae-437e-86bf-23c9f4e8be20	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:45:49	987.303
-110	1756	87800	9811ce9d-9783-416d-9cbc-26ce829c9402	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:44:16	-667.991
-111	879	87900	8ed93e8e-b65f-4cbf-91dd-7d51c68edec3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:52:30	-304.121
-111	1758	87900	65521c34-5006-4c4b-b566-8c739d1e24a4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:24:12	625.195
-112	880	88000	9165dbc4-7e1a-4c13-9af1-97e092302147	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:27:42	-237.212
-112	1760	88000	87f06536-a26a-4409-8eeb-baf9970a6fd3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:02:02	-706.411
-113	881	88100	408a49e6-8ac4-448e-8035-ecba7d33b8d8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:21:13	486.242
-113	1762	88100	d25a541a-9478-4c31-b382-b8ddc2b2e4ac	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:04:36	78.902
-114	882	88200	609d1382-6da3-4c49-acda-f4bfbdc4b4bb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:46:51	768.491
-114	1764	88200	afe0159e-047b-416f-951f-218b93ba5fd2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:42:18	-33.548
-115	883	88300	3c8b9fd2-1a0c-4799-9827-767ea2f62d61	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:07:51	-447.765
-115	1766	88300	1d58d7dc-6b03-4c8f-8167-a4a4f396f954	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:40:47	149.965
-116	884	88400	fd8c2400-5d34-456b-ab72-5ec68584a3f2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:04:21	-862.655
-116	1768	88400	36e073c5-780e-4653-9d0d-89e8ef3b98aa	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:30:10	369.56
-117	885	88500	0a5574a9-6aba-43d5-9039-d412820f218e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:15:34	-543.41
-117	1770	88500	a3fe337b-22f7-48d8-aa05-05ea0c6c9dd4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:10:43	284.660
-118	886	88600	2c696107-8e12-4cad-8647-5b9bdff5f837	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:15:12	-234.517
-118	1772	88600	ebccac15-7f4b-4be5-9845-0b0bcf987d6c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:01:30	41.82
-119	887	88700	b4936915-7be1-48f0-877f-8076e4e12291	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:47:28	-818.800
-119	1774	88700	40ccb9bd-1e08-4bad-bfcb-d151aacc2da1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:11:56	222.289
-120	888	88800	6de8d9d3-976b-47bc-92b0-b16bc491759e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:56:04	-385.687
-120	1776	88800	6eae503b-4c9f-4077-a3c8-37f18392d9ad	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:56:20	-754.337
-121	889	88900	fc6f1cbf-060e-4502-ad96-dbb25b2ffdc7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:18:40	11.86
-121	1778	88900	1dde9e08-e596-4dc4-b698-929ca29802f3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:22:47	-299.374
-122	890	89000	7b890ea2-cce2-42b6-8e6e-4911e3418be7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:33:41	-690.715
-122	1780	89000	d6a75656-b13d-4b5d-954b-27edee6f4c12	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:28:26	-839.502
-123	891	89100	de311445-f511-4218-a51e-f5ff041411c3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:38:28	-664.632
-123	1782	89100	63bd91a3-a5de-4906-9840-c8c4bc98a517	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:15:16	734.786
-124	892	89200	929ba79c-c72b-4a21-92ae-15c755e31753	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:05:01	-519.921
-124	1784	89200	65f80a1b-b151-48d1-88ea-1c7cc28a2765	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:32:33	-876.543
-125	893	89300	2548527d-70c2-4386-a23b-8715241c61f1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:46:33	-343.517
-125	1786	89300	2a42e9bf-773b-4705-9fe7-1517ff1dcd58	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:36:53	-450.315
-126	894	89400	75973143-ed74-475c-9c40-3043147df6bd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:05:31	582.79
-126	1788	89400	f6481813-1df2-465a-ab4a-6f3788466cde	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:23:45	-189.660
-127	895	89500	e729d0c5-7416-4369-983b-c76899a0d174	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:57:46	964.959
-127	1790	89500	23adc6bb-12a8-46b6-9224-7c41596fbbee	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:17:32	-56.470
-0	896	89600	8963e789-6556-4b26-98e2-48efa4e4544d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:34:11	-947.779
-0	1792	89600	48edbc08-e4d8-4d29-a6c1-ee60a756b2b9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:20:29	51.86
-1	897	89700	d859993c-c57f-4e8e-af28-9ddcc62f21fb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:00:52	292.740
-1	1794	89700	58d438a9-484f-4587-baff-791da06db068	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:00:22	-325.322
-2	898	89800	bdf62613-d799-4ee1-8d2c-73a08b5c076d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:37:31	-659.112
-2	1796	89800	70c28b04-362d-4ee6-a154-6fec4144a78e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:28:47	-627.400
-3	899	89900	9c4b5976-0aaa-4025-950e-552f3b857f45	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:39:41	207.98
-3	1798	89900	6f48d734-84c1-4b85-8583-21fb1a2bc2d8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:34:13	212.68
-4	900	90000	c49d84db-11cb-431f-a77f-8a4a8fd6b1b6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:27:09	393.918
-4	1800	90000	da61f4cf-47a4-48d5-907e-c9251b602939	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:12:00	-474.781
-5	901	90100	82cfdbc0-cb5f-4843-a03b-cf4e4f616446	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:02:29	474.432
-5	1802	90100	a101516b-328e-4959-9432-fe90663c02f7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:59:01	-336.382
-6	902	90200	fbe1ae41-8113-4173-a562-8ccde6ac7eb9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:05:27	-813.558
-6	1804	90200	eebe4417-0b77-4349-8215-10a36de5f379	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:43:16	98.346
-7	903	90300	dc92b346-2a1e-4c89-9a3a-63be8346e173	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:10:43	-676.972
-7	1806	90300	a3435788-7bc5-4294-800b-142bf52f7424	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:59:38	-87.64
-8	904	90400	7697f5c2-8978-4b6b-8397-48d24e92e678	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:43:46	265.589
-8	1808	90400	a97a724c-cad3-471e-8643-48a0a6878379	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:54:20	752.461
-9	905	90500	d6382a58-c451-4285-ac86-202d71c765f9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:12:18	-252.27
-9	1810	90500	43da55ec-94ec-4db6-8ec1-01ff3b9c7c3c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:27:44	13.971
-10	906	90600	8c1a1161-6ae1-4d9a-b86f-1be4176aa7ac	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:17:26	963.215
-10	1812	90600	adebbd0e-b266-4adb-aceb-c511e2170686	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:40:08	300.577
-11	907	90700	1cffa980-089b-4b71-a483-0a487deb3080	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:19:42	109.534
-11	1814	90700	3e89670b-d39a-41cd-b4e6-3384ffc81e46	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:25:05	497.829
-12	908	90800	7f8b57cc-5d2a-4a62-b749-c4dc858cb3f3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:20:29	334.508
-12	1816	90800	014452c5-8a1d-410c-8b9c-274289d634f1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:44:21	90.617
-13	909	90900	4665ae9f-a4e5-4494-9035-a91652e95969	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:51:40	82.806
-13	1818	90900	d831d00f-fa45-42b0-84ff-9e5e25e0905f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:40:27	-443.880
-14	910	91000	5efd023c-d818-4ea1-9ff3-52db5c7c4570	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:15:36	26.20
-14	1820	91000	8065cdf4-757c-4c85-999e-64020f777e11	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:00:00	-903.285
-15	911	91100	31bd31be-5eff-4498-b1ad-51d3fb075f16	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:55:06	197.387
-15	1822	91100	51d1038b-a5a2-4cae-9092-de08cdcf335c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:52:15	66.110
-16	912	91200	ffcb8e8c-7f5b-4563-b218-6ed8611bced3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:36:37	862.607
-16	1824	91200	bdd4d497-b43e-439a-84a2-0ae0e3e0f522	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:45:09	361.149
-17	913	91300	5de33dfb-6b53-40e4-85ea-0046e2db3504	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:22:09	-192.604
-17	1826	91300	67e8511e-8474-40ad-a49d-f94669046421	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:14:09	791.536
-18	914	91400	cc19b57b-dff5-4382-ae30-5f73952158c6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:13:27	-490.664
-18	1828	91400	af244439-a0b4-4f0c-96b8-c6598d6a4543	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:41:46	-735.527
-19	915	91500	877b69b6-ee04-4042-89a5-e1bffa24d43d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:39:30	16.948
-19	1830	91500	1da78db6-db25-4f9f-ab9a-99df2ba7e98a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:32:37	-92.604
-20	916	91600	ac6cd4c7-0fcf-4484-b559-42b26e55e2f4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:32:38	-65.65
-20	1832	91600	0e3dc5fa-63cf-478b-bf50-e747d644c92e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:47:50	-892.320
-21	917	91700	28ad3dec-cc6f-4dbf-aec1-ae18e7a365ff	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:13:44	554.362
-21	1834	91700	dd6f6abb-4402-465a-ba45-4d1a97d62c0a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:42:04	459.488
-22	918	91800	d6f13a0f-ac05-4f99-a505-7594cc391027	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:00:42	-75.868
-22	1836	91800	2b83f24d-c36b-4091-84f9-c67ba7a761f8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:59:38	-315.617
-23	919	91900	5b408259-c069-4780-b060-ea54d86ce36b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:00:30	859.482
-23	1838	91900	9c17bf79-8b5b-4e5f-86f0-402e194bd774	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:23:55	-872.872
-24	920	92000	1a5f8929-30da-4a22-a69d-095c8f6ff588	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:49:14	-480.924
-24	1840	92000	6fe3a38d-5484-476d-9a9b-a00ce8ef2d69	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:06:27	104.565
-25	921	92100	6b44bd96-93bb-4268-98bf-e4c0aee8147d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:17:32	845.450
-25	1842	92100	6c92ba07-f221-4191-8210-1e321aca9bf6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:04:25	-900.700
-26	922	92200	0795a7fd-5f5c-4abb-a508-5adbd3db309f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:05:36	466.992
-26	1844	92200	704ae7c0-5069-46da-8ca1-ea018a17c754	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:26:14	44.105
-27	923	92300	0bd3f169-88f6-478e-b9dd-d84c8060c109	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:21:41	-124.691
-27	1846	92300	04454abc-8a4a-4fca-8999-8a4ee999e175	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:20:03	689.570
-28	924	92400	c739fe59-d520-4813-8a7a-46b4b44550c1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:29:31	-960.40
-28	1848	92400	61f7f2a4-ecc2-451d-9712-beecf46240fe	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:15:32	980.755
-29	925	92500	d4a219ae-a538-4e3e-ba5c-4667ea60313b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:28:05	-264.302
-29	1850	92500	21b70034-29b9-4c29-bbb7-de88944b912a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:36:27	449.902
-30	926	92600	8658ad18-9217-4c3b-a45a-e9f651abfa65	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:27:44	-247.212
-30	1852	92600	4a8beebe-e0c2-4fdf-8463-3cad5ef9b1f7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:21:08	961.176
-31	927	92700	a34770d4-c374-4259-9a3d-f562908ba332	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:16:36	247.665
-31	1854	92700	e010de5c-6adb-419f-84cd-a17e3d433fd9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:15:55	-940.266
-32	928	92800	de929b37-84d2-4684-a3a6-2c9e40954459	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:12:44	-186.956
-32	1856	92800	808d18ab-c78a-4e07-8296-b2b9403f7bf0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:38:19	-815.997
-33	929	92900	fd4f5647-1a01-47d2-9eb9-a88a8981c112	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:39:35	-561.505
-33	1858	92900	1769f1d5-67ab-451b-86c6-a815966e6efd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:20:51	175.280
-34	930	93000	e1e64c82-613d-4d49-8281-0ecbfeca68bc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:22:27	521.967
-34	1860	93000	f845d4b7-13a3-4f97-b998-116577555788	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:18:26	413.630
-35	931	93100	b8945ba7-114e-4c87-8034-449cfd27f7d2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:52:50	-522.405
-35	1862	93100	0f112a51-b83d-4f59-b983-77603ee3df2a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:10:00	403.818
-36	932	93200	5783d99f-79ae-4fa4-b4e7-56e3e07f5ea0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:43:58	828.769
-36	1864	93200	a6221275-ae1e-4fa2-86a5-09dadef219e2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:39:09	669.464
-37	933	93300	6937bdee-9983-4084-bf7c-461802166676	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:39:53	-413.370
-37	1866	93300	8ba4f4ac-65e4-447c-b9aa-d50caecb35c6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:26:33	179.927
-38	934	93400	851ec6bf-9be1-43ab-9547-c1cd8ae6f146	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:36:13	-680.617
-38	1868	93400	ede394d2-0dcc-4e48-b41b-d727881c4339	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:05:57	-37.496
-39	935	93500	fc5c7fac-5f85-42fb-a7b2-1aa0d1e414dd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:19:58	-184.323
-39	1870	93500	133a0ac5-8553-4549-a258-6ee391798dad	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:30:54	-431.843
-40	936	93600	ef99eb73-5cc4-4ac9-8c72-b3139540ac4b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:00:31	-732.199
-40	1872	93600	966ef45c-7604-4d69-a1e7-bafec121f36d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:39:29	-760.863
-41	937	93700	9096f925-ab68-4e2b-98f2-a124a1e3b609	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:04:52	-609.661
-41	1874	93700	e5d70f04-38f4-4e5e-a7e2-c0c0ab6a0a08	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:49:27	-517.431
-42	938	93800	50e7071c-6eda-4737-9eec-cbd2641a2175	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:53:03	-570.673
-42	1876	93800	0c0cc316-baae-4b73-9c20-c8e4f36c5205	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:05:38	-433.54
-43	939	93900	9f564a18-e857-4260-bdfb-3518ffdfd2c8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:24:49	195.542
-43	1878	93900	925086b4-2332-41f1-8b32-d9ff3e963032	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:28:55	-546.987
-44	940	94000	df568257-b715-4538-8737-34b86e9af5d1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:18:27	513.835
-44	1880	94000	8b8f4b63-f89d-4709-984c-41ee3330fda2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:32:08	-311.69
-45	941	94100	931c23c5-6943-47f4-beba-837cf7d3bb96	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:17:12	-683.310
-45	1882	94100	3cac97b2-7a14-45c4-bfd2-132244d2e304	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:37:52	581.790
-46	942	94200	7bab1c02-17e2-4d22-92bd-b7c1bd12c104	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:00:47	858.924
-46	1884	94200	94f311b7-fca9-4914-a097-e3c97a7e3582	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:43:58	480.30
-47	943	94300	70b7f3da-0405-463b-85d7-772c0f5156e9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:38:41	556.264
-47	1886	94300	68358d63-e4b7-4adc-ba55-fe107af30d4f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:14:12	-797.665
-48	944	94400	7679e716-a459-46c5-88da-6e28f8de3853	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:22:29	-491.359
-48	1888	94400	18e9b787-8e99-4992-97ef-ddb49341ac69	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:05:31	469.932
-49	945	94500	0fcb5a05-273b-4fcf-ac0e-6ca4bd87efec	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:18:13	-698.50
-49	1890	94500	a22cf46f-57ff-42a7-b765-0fd942c342a9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:17:42	886.291
-50	946	94600	0578a28d-7701-4e80-b97b-0fadb518b043	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:09:18	-863.991
-50	1892	94600	8850a9d7-500b-4ddb-950c-46feb2dd0962	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:10:18	407.533
-51	947	94700	7ac51471-4bfe-42f0-b1cb-ae630b8f1a7e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:20:19	-65.803
-51	1894	94700	0367074a-cf71-4a62-9266-d1fe6e95c6ba	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:51:27	-685.669
-52	948	94800	7f66a572-a623-4c48-93c6-bacfd5d8b9f1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:04:09	622.213
-52	1896	94800	5236caa5-2367-4240-a156-7e79deb27d18	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:29:18	770.690
-53	949	94900	62b5c6d2-ff7b-4081-a319-3d450bce598d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:31:53	800.155
-53	1898	94900	0ee239ae-d5d6-46f2-a695-ab06a96fdbd7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:09:35	322.494
-54	950	95000	d8330e75-7217-4af0-8ff7-25c8a25e9753	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:28:53	-554.756
-54	1900	95000	c89b00d9-e77b-41c1-b249-5640a9a1cfc2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:56:31	12.472
-55	951	95100	7cf83d5d-c0d2-482d-892d-43a9b0d732e4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:35:14	925.91
-55	1902	95100	e68cb88e-1629-4ce8-9453-e0bb3d679787	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:58:29	700.855
-56	952	95200	642919d9-391d-447b-80f0-0c867226e903	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:38:34	-421.124
-56	1904	95200	a2e73868-da2c-43e2-8b79-0c353083ac0d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:50:02	-669.779
-57	953	95300	e38942b8-470c-48b7-9059-d2b586f5ed05	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:48:30	-876.627
-57	1906	95300	9dc6bec9-e62c-45ae-93b5-c499a5bfac0f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:49:20	565.874
-58	954	95400	1c40672b-de2f-4472-9842-055a055ef9cd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:17:21	-984.245
-58	1908	95400	bacbfc7a-f6ed-4c7a-a002-828191965310	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:25:16	-524.825
-59	955	95500	1691a134-2d3c-44e7-9bcd-57805cf0751a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:28:19	-665.894
-59	1910	95500	abd39573-4336-49bb-86b8-69fdd09fa26a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:25:36	-446.513
-60	956	95600	2a1bc10b-be98-4639-842b-883af86ddc2d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:10:37	940.406
-60	1912	95600	2be890a7-4eef-408c-a016-7c02fd03ee29	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:10:41	767.524
-61	957	95700	9aeaf231-58f6-49ee-a84c-6f519836e3cf	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:20:34	281.122
-61	1914	95700	bf8c75c7-63d0-4c02-84a5-429cfd7916db	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:19:23	902.901
-62	958	95800	ebee5b8f-188e-45bd-aa89-62c94c32ff46	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:13:30	-23.292
-62	1916	95800	ae07c2b4-fc77-40d5-9d0f-6ae55e0237f7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:26:52	-248.942
-63	959	95900	52678b47-173d-4d0e-9e15-065592cde425	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:08:18	-916.41
-63	1918	95900	70e45218-e1ce-4d42-a73a-e87a7bba8ab5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:28:46	336.206
-64	960	96000	57b5bdb8-4f31-46bb-b485-63e6e661da57	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:20:10	-935.870
-64	1920	96000	3afe1193-0421-4b21-8096-567258ff11c9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:35:01	169.177
-65	961	96100	5ce19f10-5d1c-4758-8351-0e09978de47d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:32:45	906.547
-65	1922	96100	46dd3fdd-a71a-46e4-93fa-17b280be348a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:39:20	-784.583
-66	962	96200	27bf6690-643c-428e-8516-3f4bc3bd5c4f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:12:44	-946.684
-66	1924	96200	bf5b318c-fb81-404d-a440-d9e6a01fff4b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:37:15	677.511
-67	963	96300	4885167d-d5e3-4155-943a-288a37fc74e4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:47:50	941.29
-67	1926	96300	50844806-e67c-46d3-a9ae-458746625fc5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:44:59	-726.555
-68	964	96400	194f3bde-c9b6-495a-bba4-9596945af3a7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:00:42	732.162
-68	1928	96400	152d6b59-4173-40b5-9de4-f584f2219026	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:12:54	349.927
-69	965	96500	9a7b5460-cd59-4d61-8485-2b3ed1548653	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:04:39	-430.919
-69	1930	96500	d3518043-00c4-4498-b63c-fd83dc60f0c6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:07:28	115.147
-70	966	96600	afbe25ca-b0e0-464f-96ba-381b9327f63e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:40:48	292.180
-70	1932	96600	afe857dc-978b-43e6-af3f-62e3e71c567e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:19:18	-839.503
-71	967	96700	fe5f23ce-1de3-42d6-8e16-757965f6422b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:33:46	222.424
-71	1934	96700	f3445c66-62ab-4a99-8d9e-c719143af29d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:28:40	-418.264
-72	968	96800	253204c1-d322-4484-93e9-082089f9bca1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:40:44	979.566
-72	1936	96800	82c984c2-8f83-4d78-8821-065668088cbb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:22:52	81.718
-73	969	96900	b843978a-0b9b-433a-bacd-c41a478dc791	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:50:02	-101.216
-73	1938	96900	5acc4a01-3472-4359-b78b-bbf47124801d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:22:56	-730.772
-74	970	97000	2764e9f3-aeda-4e46-a0e5-0671f392e403	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:24:28	-731.508
-74	1940	97000	6bf8bb15-8258-49ea-b818-7f610573e1d8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:35:46	-798.502
-75	971	97100	b9962e59-441f-477e-a20e-ee051fb0d793	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:14:54	910.978
-75	1942	97100	28e71782-d263-408b-a836-553507e4e3f7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:09:31	752.796
-76	972	97200	a5e9ad10-7b00-4c65-8171-deed3538a608	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:59:32	301.928
-76	1944	97200	78acf293-e5ea-4000-98d6-2ce2f7124502	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:14:21	517.319
-77	973	97300	23ca9012-9955-4096-bdbd-5085fab9bab8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:39:51	387.23
-77	1946	97300	5034b609-53fb-4104-92bb-ff347b0f9b94	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:54:16	-373.320
-78	974	97400	9634357e-8d39-4b64-8f0d-91d6aa9dce1f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:49:53	-321.7
-78	1948	97400	9cfd6f30-a6fb-45ec-852e-f040cc6f738e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:22:53	-460.16
-79	975	97500	07f93dd4-eb7e-40b2-b87f-2bc4cf06c86a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:53:22	-665.977
-79	1950	97500	7578c44d-8736-4e3a-9d3d-58774e1d0187	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:59:54	992.796
-80	976	97600	390d1841-8845-4df2-860d-cad5dd0acbab	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:47:14	-179.661
-80	1952	97600	f47a57e6-952b-4ed0-aa35-0827e73f4359	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:25:28	296.224
-81	977	97700	5729d055-b9c3-4040-b388-e3966fc485d7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:15:42	304.386
-81	1954	97700	bde8c6d7-46f4-48d6-834f-0c1a8cb3168e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:54:31	644.332
-82	978	97800	6d20a2b4-21d0-4751-bad5-db904dd05c15	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:36:33	995.253
-82	1956	97800	a18c85de-ca92-4210-b862-61b3834bbb5a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:40:13	-762.410
-83	979	97900	83f576fe-68e9-4a7b-99a1-5db66dd55ac0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:50:14	-945.432
-83	1958	97900	e72574dd-d571-4551-9ead-be71e79bb738	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:55:54	263.8
-84	980	98000	67979a40-2f66-4055-aa2d-f295aab411e7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:14:35	-596.278
-84	1960	98000	9fc25bbe-0591-426c-bd5a-85c11964929f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:50:02	461.888
-85	981	98100	03f23c3d-b4a1-43d8-bb0e-adff3b87f0ff	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:08:37	-808.186
-85	1962	98100	64f29b95-c350-4a6a-b8c8-752521acaf2b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:44:04	181.302
-86	982	98200	df214487-0ce5-4482-9ab6-be4ed7904173	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:32:58	598.483
-86	1964	98200	d4b10b82-2707-4a07-ab7c-0e13c7e8aa7c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:42:31	759.709
-87	983	98300	79aca130-d718-40a0-8f33-203a31bf29ea	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:29:49	755.134
-87	1966	98300	d4d06a10-6d47-426c-991a-c0145e67bf83	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:37:54	-531.994
-88	984	98400	b4ad51e3-d255-43ef-a742-96b0918c885d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:48:25	415.98
-88	1968	98400	7c24bafa-0e19-4cb3-9175-7250d07377c9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:02:32	497.981
-89	985	98500	8fa03d1c-481a-4640-bff6-33cccc44168d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:02:38	636.414
-89	1970	98500	97409f20-bcba-4042-af1b-1f616817e901	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:54:28	-136.596
-90	986	98600	27022977-920f-478e-94f5-622940ac4776	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:54:57	-762.392
-90	1972	98600	625c32c0-4740-4b2c-aef1-34b43d21a91f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:54:42	824.317
-91	987	98700	eda0fa9a-f5e9-49aa-a4f1-7c92c48df59a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:13:10	-333.390
-91	1974	98700	f4638f9b-6099-47c7-9122-faa3c78f5b3a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:08:43	-974.51
-92	988	98800	dccd1cd8-57ac-4f35-80bf-cabe42d120c6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:32:19	-90.129
-92	1976	98800	4631996b-9126-432c-825e-a0aa2e0d9967	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:36:46	636.617
-93	989	98900	97042a20-088c-49b9-ac5b-a9c5cc072b4e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:32:41	-562.556
-93	1978	98900	7890f1a6-940c-4bfe-99fb-c8bd03534fa7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:17:10	179.433
-94	990	99000	0126ff39-14c0-443b-9fa6-cece166b129a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:30:19	141.704
-94	1980	99000	aba788c3-1d4d-4395-80f9-de0984786b19	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:36:35	2.543
-95	991	99100	9229cc17-4e2f-4afd-a47d-0ddc37033d1a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:28:51	78.307
-95	1982	99100	8fe85120-5d4a-405b-b608-e35666e2c9dc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:40:52	68.527
-96	992	99200	e650fa5a-fb0b-40f0-b792-59c4debb305c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:27:55	-271.638
-96	1984	99200	54a7ec46-33ba-49df-99cc-10a1409439f3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:34:58	-358.68
-97	993	99300	79116780-bb41-40c1-867e-1d5d0c929ac3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:09:00	874.480
-97	1986	99300	011ea475-13fd-4e6c-acf9-bebf3f215f5e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:05:18	-846.194
-98	994	99400	9e57468e-5345-48ff-a67a-cc1bfbfd18e4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:37:37	-165.786
-98	1988	99400	a159d43c-784e-4e30-a460-2de1a46f8353	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:18:34	164.82
-99	995	99500	3cea35d9-5823-4fc7-8c59-6366270f3ccd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:02:47	-289.261
-99	1990	99500	aca26990-40b9-4769-9479-149c4f602aae	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:51:29	-660.656
-100	996	99600	0a2e7172-b1bb-4814-88cd-f6c1f8e1e567	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:24:16	-480.41
-100	1992	99600	5ef278d3-a8f6-41c7-b7d8-9968e48bd183	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:06:25	-364.230
-101	997	99700	0aa5842c-2059-41dc-bb2f-5d7cb1f9e4a5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:38:33	775.343
-101	1994	99700	1905c26d-a1c6-4713-9150-4e48ab587e02	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:00:42	573.318
-102	998	99800	87c194f9-91c4-4fb8-bc9f-1c55d29892bb	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:32:54	94.426
-102	1996	99800	d479825c-2b1d-4163-bc7d-0b3bececf1b3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:14:32	-669.545
-103	999	99900	7895e49b-f3a3-4452-b3b7-3349cd1f3c78	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:38:31	-9.613
-103	1998	99900	9eb8e66d-d66b-4348-86e0-3ae7fa5c31e4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:14:27	881.348
-104	1000	100000	99f18ab9-2eb9-4e93-bec4-e6aba8b8c697	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:19:14	247.56
-104	2000	100000	34241a21-b5e7-461b-b151-f2f421c99b04	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:06:04	164.978
-105	1001	100100	2c47464d-2539-4461-9856-b51d94604c90	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:03:47	549.55
-105	2002	100100	9fa0de11-a5a2-4ba2-93aa-ebf8367a049d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:43:05	393.364
-106	1002	100200	4948e1bd-dc59-4864-86db-97fbd3119714	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:20:08	-116.127
-106	2004	100200	fd9a21d1-1f97-42f5-9df9-3974f00fe70b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:12:42	984.288
-107	1003	100300	ff82100b-4e85-4a03-b0d6-2939df5000b5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:20:54	29.540
-107	2006	100300	8ae207d6-9ea9-49b6-9df1-72b5f0fbedea	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:59:23	-875.91
-108	1004	100400	b6d63d63-bf31-4c6b-84f0-93d67599e1c5	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:03:43	543.264
-108	2008	100400	6a88a959-0630-4164-9309-a78a56b95f58	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:15:33	314.652
-109	1005	100500	e06c65ba-e3d7-4e5f-b8cb-9bc1ef1e4fab	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:46:14	351.996
-109	2010	100500	167d0cb6-0412-4ca7-9fe3-057730a2f95c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:35:38	333.136
-110	1006	100600	3cc45231-f650-4257-b220-ed319de7b2f6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:30:55	85.724
-110	2012	100600	56a94980-e0c1-4ac8-97f5-f211537d55e3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:57:06	-840.483
-111	1007	100700	20e7beff-a3a6-4552-8056-7251d227ae84	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:17:40	-767.922
-111	2014	100700	ecc131b3-8098-4c22-bf5b-6f94d7a76d02	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:21:14	502.61
-112	1008	100800	98b101aa-c32e-4c6d-81a9-5ff9a4d010f2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:02:08	56.133
-112	2016	100800	5bbb5fb5-75d6-408d-aa90-8f23b52f5c95	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:07:36	819.194
-113	1009	100900	8bcd8537-345b-4296-8c42-de0da8b728f3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:31:15	130.640
-113	2018	100900	ae32cda4-d627-4bf5-81db-12c4d28a8f8c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:24:00	-577.191
-114	1010	101000	91496a42-168b-4d55-a4a1-cc7973936ccd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:13:14	239.105
-114	2020	101000	22a2626b-59e1-4a99-a347-0a0132ceca69	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:08:17	857.153
-115	1011	101100	76d94186-1154-46de-964a-c8dac9c129f6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:58:51	-387.140
-115	2022	101100	27caa039-8a97-4e60-b0db-c77c578b8afa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:41:43	-382.557
-116	1012	101200	b14c7d9f-8136-48e8-857a-7458247d0ebd	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:37:07	-652.606
-116	2024	101200	743f0289-9305-4c1f-8735-a2163c8310b0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:38:56	-270.106
-117	1013	101300	6ec63fca-9253-4c6e-b9f4-28bc8f5ca90e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:27:32	-587.336
-117	2026	101300	e1cc1e7e-6a30-4ac8-a3fc-e49c88c9a866	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:32:49	-901.924
-118	1014	101400	0b70597f-7ff9-4eda-9749-0b8e48b65eda	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:50:59	496.204
-118	2028	101400	366dafb1-0977-4b73-8a14-a7106c982c49	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:40:05	-803.938
-119	1015	101500	7aae51b0-4a10-4e16-adbb-54a556c8c53c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:34:59	-911.453
-119	2030	101500	637c4197-3aac-42c5-98b5-9450174a4777	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:01:20	-331.641
-120	1016	101600	6006b7a0-768c-49aa-a80a-b8ed5ff91b6e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:16:18	-69.409
-120	2032	101600	ecc2f898-687c-4271-a879-7da5c9dd0a5d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:37:24	-700.946
-121	1017	101700	e109afc3-55d1-4988-910f-bd287317117a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:09:22	-454.795
-121	2034	101700	1476a388-172f-4bae-bcd6-4d228522da4f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:59:28	-914.153
-122	1018	101800	f2689349-22df-4504-9cf1-fa29469ee8db	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:43:24	-382.503
-122	2036	101800	24331319-7adb-4933-95af-dfda9e3167a9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:21:22	-638.86
-123	1019	101900	40da3f71-3d4f-42b9-a025-e003b0a41ca8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:19:38	-700.520
-123	2038	101900	0c549827-a597-4d7d-8478-912a1e76f399	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:22:22	-862.563
-124	1020	102000	400018f8-15fd-420a-88df-8950da2f75c3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:13:36	962.917
-124	2040	102000	905d282c-348b-4bda-9807-322d4b7e19a2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:38:18	832.895
-125	1021	102100	9f1a47d0-1331-4e87-a650-d473cd9ed9ba	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:56:27	90.432
-125	2042	102100	c2fcbc54-b97b-46c7-9fed-4a4da36c4312	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:15:35	-711.824
-126	1022	102200	8e93ce21-6f4b-435a-8a9b-baf083066648	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:02:02	47.690
-126	2044	102200	055e9937-14a8-44e6-a100-969da1fef8a2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:51:05	-749.741
-127	1023	102300	5056f84e-648b-4c74-a49d-6b5470301904	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:08:04	-623.330
-127	2046	102300	f182f38d-94f7-46d2-a1d0-d33f8c633d51	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:20:15	13.479
-0	1024	102400	402c4b4b-7558-4ff2-b7b0-4df52e19a516	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:36:01	830.942
-0	2048	102400	cb815b87-efa9-4e7f-b4df-dae6958b337f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:35:51	-314.798
-1	1025	102500	6cc8489a-4541-4dfb-afb4-f694b748ccc8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:38:46	-984.771
-1	2050	102500	98ce96ab-6091-42b8-a341-ba82a252a5a1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:58:31	-987.664
-2	1026	102600	ac72971d-abf3-41ed-ad81-f49ab77d1426	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:17:15	962.815
-2	2052	102600	b1b12b9b-fc87-44e5-8464-479d25e88cb4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:59:39	-172.627
-3	1027	102700	4617b51f-b273-482e-babf-50c90ae8f2d5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:31:38	650.27
-3	2054	102700	3fc4aaff-2c07-4830-bcb1-19b929faf2a4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:57:39	-709.248
-4	1028	102800	f9627366-76d2-465c-b4a6-e83bc82fcdb3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:39:07	907.379
-4	2056	102800	84cc8ad4-5dde-4c0c-be4f-0fc98e687321	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:23:05	-796.742
-5	1029	102900	a454abc1-3f2e-4c51-94ff-b8fdc29dded9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:16:33	684.288
-5	2058	102900	4853044c-b01c-4957-a312-d86571ce9420	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:30:16	845.573
-6	1030	103000	947e6c9c-1a43-45ff-bbc1-a9eb3a8b48a6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:35:48	-870.834
-6	2060	103000	690c29b4-3f8f-4619-a9af-5a1f8f559d42	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:20:39	522.334
-7	1031	103100	ce954e16-cfb3-46d3-a8c1-597358766069	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:40:34	-95.494
-7	2062	103100	ab89188d-4396-479f-af6c-be4e91af5598	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:30:47	81.723
-8	1032	103200	ca6c872d-6de8-4637-a0a9-6c4322e1d2e6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:08:08	-8.896
-8	2064	103200	d4c9556a-25db-4624-8249-77bda05b5011	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:21:16	167.832
-9	1033	103300	76fe9264-8bf9-4853-b9c4-7a96714a733d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:49:39	258.350
-9	2066	103300	28b17a4e-25f6-4884-a5e9-dc4d1ba68242	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:34:44	148.380
-10	1034	103400	c39d3544-207a-46f7-b8cb-aa73122632c2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:58:14	-888.966
-10	2068	103400	5b9dbdc9-70a9-43a1-ac4a-dc19bd9dfb37	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:41:25	-348.656
-11	1035	103500	9a94a645-7348-4293-8ee5-edde3e5a9afd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:12:08	405.326
-11	2070	103500	a24203f0-a097-43ba-a42e-3c7305cd67e8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:43:59	167.3
-12	1036	103600	4e06e87c-8e78-4ae6-b57a-dac9aacd0d50	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:23:31	-77.160
-12	2072	103600	da603044-ef25-49b1-b936-85874bb45443	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:49:47	-370.439
-13	1037	103700	45518b29-e99a-4b24-87af-fbced385a1f1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:47:08	-268.570
-13	2074	103700	ebdec32a-c6fe-4ddf-a13c-52d196807e6f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:49:38	-55.744
-14	1038	103800	f74b770f-a153-4d78-b6a2-573aa36ea699	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:30:51	-734.995
-14	2076	103800	72cd54ee-ae87-4920-a3a2-f592d9f6839b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:02:23	634.327
-15	1039	103900	d43a9533-6eea-49e2-a949-c04fc86d0550	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:30:59	-718.435
-15	2078	103900	23e3be4f-bd64-41ca-919a-9e09998cf057	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:40:12	187.751
-16	1040	104000	35971765-ea8f-45d5-bc11-17f4d2581aa7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:39:35	733.485
-16	2080	104000	46970da1-0b67-4ed8-bbce-1bc2a8ec93c3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:25:29	-297.87
-17	1041	104100	d06b3c1e-2181-46ed-aedc-ada6ee2c6086	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:28:40	432.738
-17	2082	104100	08d19691-6ec4-4709-ba97-91b5520b547a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:39:40	496.103
-18	1042	104200	4733a129-fbf6-428c-a9b7-625ec29b1eb1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:51:32	-135.730
-18	2084	104200	2246d1af-ac69-4d81-85c4-5628467f22c0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:54:49	-279.295
-19	1043	104300	a3718119-4873-47fc-9343-debcc76f1ee2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:24:03	455.827
-19	2086	104300	120341ff-3708-4135-82f1-d01a51e8964a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:01:58	-70.389
-20	1044	104400	e25f2a50-e547-419d-a77e-627bbf943921	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:30:39	350.846
-20	2088	104400	c53b331b-84e0-4439-a203-baf4d834609a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:54:34	22.835
-21	1045	104500	6cc7363d-8823-49cc-b938-d61d63aecf25	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:06:59	256.138
-21	2090	104500	6b1fff0e-ee33-4254-bf89-35afeb10745a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:41:55	-850.217
-22	1046	104600	f7c150b1-9dde-47a4-bba5-b5fd27725fe8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:13:19	138.988
-22	2092	104600	466d8254-bd1e-4be3-b037-72ad10fe1aec	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:05:43	-888.368
-23	1047	104700	ecd23452-f233-4110-9eb6-d62068349557	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:22:35	547.649
-23	2094	104700	8b25f23c-52bb-4681-a86b-a87a7182062f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:52:45	374.979
-24	1048	104800	5031f1b4-3974-45cd-9430-88910caf83c3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:38:29	-763.639
-24	2096	104800	74862874-483d-4990-80f1-ead9d7bc58f8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:38:09	514.112
-25	1049	104900	a02f08b1-1736-4c23-97e6-832c04a81353	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:03:38	466.127
-25	2098	104900	56cd54b4-0d77-450e-ae27-1991f50acc85	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:11:20	-214.292
-26	1050	105000	a3c5af55-6272-4afb-bc7b-7ae61e3ee580	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:50:18	962.668
-26	2100	105000	b51b5436-f2df-4e80-b793-db6c5a1bc4dd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:00:28	645.436
-27	1051	105100	d2345a0c-a930-42db-972e-aba70b88e4c4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:29:33	-928.672
-27	2102	105100	cae5aae2-6796-4771-82c9-f60e2414f041	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:13:00	942.368
-28	1052	105200	80e38e00-9d70-4152-9e14-70149bc5b4af	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:28:20	982.331
-28	2104	105200	fbb8373a-36b5-441e-b0f0-05d5faec31eb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:34:38	287.820
-29	1053	105300	74e99505-92ee-46a3-a086-2b72f0166c7b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:53:07	-981.223
-29	2106	105300	437b57a3-6d1d-48a0-9709-de9dad2bdf8e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:07:43	-988.125
-30	1054	105400	c042b8b4-6a64-4423-b86b-c88de829b247	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:16:39	564.552
-30	2108	105400	f108621e-1821-4b55-b656-ed2067e7a64b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:02:00	-140.954
-31	1055	105500	0f2d2d9c-a7d5-42d0-b2f9-a7d4a9a014e5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:11:20	-59.691
-31	2110	105500	c94aabd2-79e1-4a7a-ab18-1edd147e4465	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:35:21	198.862
-32	1056	105600	4f4c3418-a8fd-4d4b-8479-23459d44338a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:29:16	2.451
-32	2112	105600	c952e768-d710-4628-8702-5d75e1215264	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:54:24	970.270
-33	1057	105700	83348895-c5be-48a7-af66-13a010632b70	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:32:59	623.461
-33	2114	105700	1897c9be-32e8-4c22-be76-30a759217786	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:08:01	500.538
-34	1058	105800	5831c0ab-530e-41e0-ae9c-acd1a885d3a6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:23:26	156.872
-34	2116	105800	64a84511-10ef-44c1-83e4-10d01409744c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:45:35	-561.490
-35	1059	105900	156d64e1-bdf6-4b15-a2be-1ab3519ddf84	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:22:01	265.55
-35	2118	105900	3fe24d8a-7521-4256-bd0b-ecd9989314c5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:40:47	143.294
-36	1060	106000	e7d1c51c-7d1c-4228-b28c-e8b9ce8254ed	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:54:05	-834.959
-36	2120	106000	fc829ca2-4c22-4348-942b-e879e2bd496e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:16:37	-451.837
-37	1061	106100	8f306ca7-c588-43aa-b61a-2f0c9072a956	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:25:50	-818.122
-37	2122	106100	9fa04472-245b-43ef-b3e5-8a7e1c43a7ec	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:37:26	-190.834
-38	1062	106200	fd44027e-cd36-47c9-925f-3923d2ef0cdd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:48:19	942.576
-38	2124	106200	41446a53-b20b-4552-8c6d-1fa9f5839bf8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:57:10	-939.683
-39	1063	106300	8c5070df-95b1-4efd-9b29-d5bd9a19bb1c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:50:35	-675.70
-39	2126	106300	dafd78f6-7b56-4428-9a75-702ff0decd6d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:16:17	830.759
-40	1064	106400	7bd3784c-765d-4118-8aec-3e24542cdbb9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:07:51	664.413
-40	2128	106400	1da4a8e0-9e5b-439a-8ad6-74d0345f9d76	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:15:51	-811.505
-41	1065	106500	78656346-0502-409e-9e52-1cecc3060355	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:22:34	-491.731
-41	2130	106500	c51d5f75-202a-4ad6-8af1-613273342938	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:27:36	-843.500
-42	1066	106600	e83336b1-dabf-45d5-ad6b-4f38fce02435	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:55:53	-161.219
-42	2132	106600	ceb673db-d4fb-4975-8f5b-912d9306d6af	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:49:15	-458.417
-43	1067	106700	084fa629-4045-4e8f-a339-10cbb2afb022	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:28:59	-443.983
-43	2134	106700	d6e8f6c8-67c9-4fa5-b931-0551fd2df76b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:02:43	-445.132
-44	1068	106800	601581d2-e83c-4d04-b84a-0069aee58bd2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:54:37	699.943
-44	2136	106800	6ffd888a-03e8-4407-9188-7d4882a9c621	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:17:38	-147.159
-45	1069	106900	3980739c-bbee-4047-8e6d-fd71c594760a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:57:47	-755.557
-45	2138	106900	a1a292da-e12b-49f7-86bf-837e32b68453	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:29:49	-177.249
-46	1070	107000	86f86b55-9706-4c56-a775-74d560d7e7be	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:19:03	467.857
-46	2140	107000	327abaaf-4d77-4898-818e-f1bb0ade60ba	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:10:23	-203.385
-47	1071	107100	07254566-087c-4784-938e-9885aa2ccb81	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:10:05	286.251
-47	2142	107100	6431b34b-b346-4afc-9255-ecda1d007343	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:27:14	94.286
-48	1072	107200	4fd166c7-a8d1-4518-a5a5-162af0d07b25	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:44:10	-881.194
-48	2144	107200	3490c332-f3a6-46be-8277-4eaa799e6784	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:20:56	378.145
-49	1073	107300	d3a2f081-bebd-49da-8d6b-a6c8e6f357f1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:04:27	440.361
-49	2146	107300	4acfe050-15e2-4d3c-8407-9dded14af2fa	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:28:31	-883.455
-50	1074	107400	ede78fbd-4b67-44df-beb1-def2c2f5f49e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:30:07	212.312
-50	2148	107400	2c0ad45f-eb8f-42ff-aa22-2869c7a7ce13	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:52:16	162.169
-51	1075	107500	d33170fd-80c2-4380-9185-051e174159a3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:27:27	-850.764
-51	2150	107500	fb8bc4b2-de34-4d0a-a76a-053676ebb83c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:17:47	341.439
-52	1076	107600	48d994ae-22cc-4ecf-8b99-b7d0c6346a06	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:06:30	-888.446
-52	2152	107600	afb7eb46-7d62-4202-bea8-d1481fe9a460	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:46:03	997.604
-53	1077	107700	f5f0a72b-3f7d-4fb4-b970-8ef785c00aeb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:16:06	-25.415
-53	2154	107700	bd81e8b0-c2f0-484d-9ff4-df2235c4e022	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:29:43	749.486
-54	1078	107800	95d90de8-a31d-46c7-a1b4-f42d01377441	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:08:59	6.95
-54	2156	107800	1a1a08b7-d7ef-4d47-bbba-975644bf691b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:20:26	-455.103
-55	1079	107900	56cdd122-23f2-4bd1-9769-73e5b95307b4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:39:24	765.762
-55	2158	107900	233ccb4d-12cf-46ab-b276-495af5ff2265	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:54:45	190.185
-56	1080	108000	31322c58-ccb5-430d-b9c3-ff05aafe41ec	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:33:50	606.975
-56	2160	108000	1d99cc0c-ad01-449e-9a3f-145ff354ba77	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:58:22	-747.184
-57	1081	108100	d02870fd-9748-43f4-8c28-227a7c829d00	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:08:55	-78.347
-57	2162	108100	30152a02-d546-495b-987b-60ac4ecaa83a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:55:51	438.780
-58	1082	108200	1ba5a5af-b925-44bb-b3ec-6540b960f03e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:21:35	971.980
-58	2164	108200	f32e95da-81a0-48df-baa3-d0afe3a6ced0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:32:11	652.282
-59	1083	108300	661bae2d-af14-40e3-94db-ef6d552b9749	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:00:34	692.969
-59	2166	108300	845c5312-b82e-41bb-89fe-ebe0b3b31fbf	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:14:29	603.170
-60	1084	108400	250197fb-4b5d-430a-a2e5-e8a9da3f5634	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:43:24	648.164
-60	2168	108400	24877b41-e069-4d1a-a30b-e7f2a4523d17	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:41:05	133.857
-61	1085	108500	dfd9221f-91a4-452e-8d2f-5c231452cc06	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:17:19	430.914
-61	2170	108500	074c571f-5e69-4a7a-b952-474e84f52436	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:13:49	-618.803
-62	1086	108600	a878d3e2-043d-4abb-b4b7-288d1f41fe93	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:40:02	-82.727
-62	2172	108600	8c52bc82-3e62-464f-ac3b-55536e714a97	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:41:36	-101.918
-63	1087	108700	f24f63bd-57c3-4af7-8aa0-cfff85ce61cc	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:47:48	-375.500
-63	2174	108700	da29d4c6-2ec8-4dee-8179-915fdad5ec5e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:31:46	544.71
-64	1088	108800	72f06fbf-5155-4b33-aa84-511698a7bcd3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:11:50	-768.324
-64	2176	108800	d8a46404-972d-42a6-b8dc-043e1389fa22	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:11:30	-105.153
-65	1089	108900	c0ee039e-7cdd-4a8b-95e9-a52fdf2d264d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:00:12	-587.874
-65	2178	108900	8ea8426b-1d53-482f-83ae-eb3d861d6e84	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:14:22	312.913
-66	1090	109000	41515c96-28de-40f0-a2de-9b951b7e6755	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:11:04	-871.216
-66	2180	109000	cc2648aa-07de-419d-8b16-8d31ed0f88ad	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:24:25	-545.557
-67	1091	109100	d66d1e0d-ad90-4b54-8374-4113cef8e2b6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:24:23	-676.245
-67	2182	109100	f10385cd-74a2-4a6f-987a-98ea8082f131	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:30:31	856.608
-68	1092	109200	917d1eab-df66-45e0-bb82-d4a01d609ae5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:27:41	40.881
-68	2184	109200	352ca21e-6843-4cdf-9898-0a64df10c00d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:49:16	-143.978
-69	1093	109300	f240e3a2-eac6-469f-a37d-49cf229fd91e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:45:18	-733.60
-69	2186	109300	b6de9893-6568-417d-afd1-023cfc55869d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:35:50	-542.51
-70	1094	109400	ae3c749b-beb4-41c9-b32a-d8c9bac05b0e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:48:13	406.671
-70	2188	109400	72284647-407b-4581-a9f4-6ff123ff68c8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:28:38	817.244
-71	1095	109500	847df793-5dd5-4a34-8bfa-2d99cc984c9a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:50:10	-4.110
-71	2190	109500	6315449d-f13f-4f16-aae0-92e0ef7a85bf	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:32:22	775.597
-72	1096	109600	5caa7138-59c8-4a2b-8da5-f11b9c758536	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:17:53	-136.806
-72	2192	109600	2c219167-a657-46ea-bcd8-3799b022f882	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:50:25	22.622
-73	1097	109700	d264e6e7-df1f-4398-b57a-43ea0898b7e0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:56:24	-957.52
-73	2194	109700	da5ebc34-5e84-4bb8-b547-dca1b647584e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:43:50	-228.585
-74	1098	109800	1314730d-0832-4289-afdf-882a420d9063	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:49:57	494.388
-74	2196	109800	86ddad19-1436-4814-824b-14fba08c2863	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:56:18	479.538
-75	1099	109900	f240f673-6c96-4a77-8cfa-a351b872d99a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:20:17	-344.975
-75	2198	109900	4eec210a-763f-4590-ac6b-547525dd4a0b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:33:19	247.242
-76	1100	110000	fcea5bd6-9438-4039-a2ee-7bd851a520ba	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:39:08	-186.598
-76	2200	110000	f1287783-2f8b-4f79-9d0e-7dce94ff6d8c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:45:54	413.995
-77	1101	110100	6b54d7c8-1246-4ace-8158-e0c2d0ac481c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:48:47	541.869
-77	2202	110100	e481a490-e7c6-47aa-89fc-ac86c5bac0f6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:06:50	-156.9
-78	1102	110200	6cc6d483-115e-41a1-972f-9e0c86d74212	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:08:41	777.117
-78	2204	110200	09adf002-32c7-4260-8296-fd9f002faf30	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:33:49	-514.433
-79	1103	110300	c92cf676-9753-4719-9bfb-1e5d7525476c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:22:01	-17.326
-79	2206	110300	b5362d9f-7d4e-4b36-8a63-1e2c795ab919	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:31:52	-703.484
-80	1104	110400	0a02a7d3-25c3-4b53-b0b5-b95023229b2f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:14:17	-91.538
-80	2208	110400	5a7c45c5-abe1-41c0-b9e6-4425c1a15a1d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:10:05	516.956
-81	1105	110500	e1eafb20-e92f-4eed-baf8-582f6a138847	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:11:24	-645.168
-81	2210	110500	9966f80a-b496-4844-ad6f-de5dd4960407	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:47:29	-896.904
-82	1106	110600	878f1725-7b80-4b6a-865d-d0acf61b8719	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:03:08	-845.665
-82	2212	110600	47e7a955-4481-4a3b-9d4b-24ca13b0ea61	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:39:14	-240.401
-83	1107	110700	eaf36139-1732-4733-aada-1986a4458a7b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:21:34	576.107
-83	2214	110700	97f68595-b258-4328-a469-3276189d2efd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:09:52	-464.275
-84	1108	110800	fe7f975a-5aa4-400a-aae7-c2c281e394c3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:26:52	856.272
-84	2216	110800	567775fd-6f28-40d4-bd57-d3c3a8049e86	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:52:16	186.334
-85	1109	110900	79f428c8-4762-4282-87fe-43ba0f7f8ac4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:22:29	-847.988
-85	2218	110900	14c60556-ef9d-40cf-bfc6-07dffced5acd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:58:02	438.639
-86	1110	111000	a6abcebd-8c14-44c7-bd0a-dc788eb2374f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:53:58	453.362
-86	2220	111000	8790447f-7ed7-4ddc-8f34-cd1852848d86	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:09:49	-4.425
-87	1111	111100	53379350-700e-4cb7-a4c3-c48467de6a34	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:26:28	-90.763
-87	2222	111100	5d7c8b5f-fa82-401c-8414-997fb4b09ed1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:20:39	93.123
-88	1112	111200	a6f700f1-4dc5-4955-b45f-f9db33c07fc6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:57:32	336.596
-88	2224	111200	3cf6e863-14ba-49e7-beeb-39360593652f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:41:11	672.774
-89	1113	111300	ecb89dff-9daf-47bf-8a5d-23dae76885ce	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:56:23	-133.468
-89	2226	111300	1503fb3d-d541-4112-b527-029e2a65acfd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:05:08	299.873
-90	1114	111400	be3ebe09-a08c-4f1c-97ba-b7d573c1739c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:06:44	27.408
-90	2228	111400	d21544e7-68c1-408d-a60f-ad91a05b9a7f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:29:13	-463.116
-91	1115	111500	d8d4ee1d-676c-4fd3-b886-0f54bc1fb5e4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:58:51	784.388
-91	2230	111500	4a01929c-93cd-4f46-88cf-2686e6773504	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:42:40	-440.706
-92	1116	111600	27aec98c-0016-4c2b-8c03-e45208c5678e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:54:13	-355.497
-92	2232	111600	d0078dc2-e4c2-4ecf-a6c8-9f26138c2769	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:59:35	-948.235
-93	1117	111700	c5a24bc9-9221-49a4-a8f4-0f934aac123b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:58:53	-19.727
-93	2234	111700	8b0854c7-53b2-40ef-be55-b6ae27f8c8b9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:29:07	-984.926
-94	1118	111800	a70bdebb-7b37-407f-b56c-75f04713dd64	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:15:56	-747.422
-94	2236	111800	4dd8c12a-4879-4487-a410-02c36509df13	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:11:36	255.374
-95	1119	111900	d5534e0d-c064-40de-aa0d-2889d96f9b7c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:35:22	-85.216
-95	2238	111900	6b8e21ff-3b36-4376-8626-dc48cda6e45d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:35:20	-747.814
-96	1120	112000	34debb53-8cc2-4b4d-b332-834c27b65707	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:22:13	13.475
-96	2240	112000	c4556a30-4229-40e0-8b96-954c23ceaf1c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:56:57	-656.734
-97	1121	112100	3d1c2e06-8969-4319-9533-bccf97be1725	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:29:11	-310.932
-97	2242	112100	73775620-8132-49b0-9dc0-ca7adff33cbd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:48:46	525.976
-98	1122	112200	05d4a2bf-a98c-4b55-aefc-c1367713d253	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:13:52	373.932
-98	2244	112200	071464e7-9dbe-4dae-a77c-53edd16ab068	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:43:01	-844.446
-99	1123	112300	ab67b771-14ec-4547-aeb5-bb6c09f44e85	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:09:42	-74.146
-99	2246	112300	0c7aae49-8909-4de1-99f4-e60fa8c06463	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:39:01	-665.66
-100	1124	112400	ca2e1397-8aab-48f5-8007-5f85ce319353	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:14:05	989.927
-100	2248	112400	fbb7e892-e566-4658-8d48-ab133f3df5dd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:45:07	-636.35
-101	1125	112500	224dd355-e88c-4e44-bd69-677d3dd215b4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:30:00	187.267
-101	2250	112500	2b3fa292-8f91-405f-8451-7296766d8f4a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:27:07	306.860
-102	1126	112600	beb72f25-a386-41e0-a6ce-c077a36c732a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:20:53	843.208
-102	2252	112600	54d8bc5b-289d-4155-b0b2-d5db130d7836	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:28:54	-159.73
-103	1127	112700	03d76599-fd65-4e6b-ad68-d96e5826fc8b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:14:18	-68.461
-103	2254	112700	bb0255fd-59fe-497f-abd1-d56e12a0ebbd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:59:50	-763.783
-104	1128	112800	652bcc76-dc84-435e-9511-6d4e1efa830a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:26:02	-638.587
-104	2256	112800	3adfb720-809a-48dd-83f6-e762c05ae6ad	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:11:06	442.108
-105	1129	112900	a7a598e0-1290-4590-87fc-f430c0b43e30	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:06:11	-758.611
-105	2258	112900	4041619a-0b8d-413b-b23e-e96eaed63928	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:53:00	886.45
-106	1130	113000	5cf1c3ff-ad2f-49e7-b0d6-e2689fc60c06	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:14:22	-373.765
-106	2260	113000	c32052ea-0027-4060-b6e1-441e02e90af9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:32:05	999.559
-107	1131	113100	5c34017b-a30b-417a-8cfb-b1a887681aef	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:25:16	-552.506
-107	2262	113100	158f23da-c2da-45c3-ba04-118539546a7e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:47:44	689.843
-108	1132	113200	42464561-6169-41bc-bae0-a3024b59731d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:00:35	305.570
-108	2264	113200	fe533efd-1941-48de-a96d-ff6ff313edd9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:32:20	319.888
-109	1133	113300	6ca3340b-aacc-4749-afd4-542c01ec1bd7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:17:33	146.71
-109	2266	113300	3a73bc4b-e4cb-42c4-85a4-52d7b1c3a243	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:06:58	-31.371
-110	1134	113400	ce547540-603a-4a77-a9e6-08378a5d715c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:12:07	-793.285
-110	2268	113400	43768f56-92d7-4c7f-9341-efea44d9e2d9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:16:36	717.938
-111	1135	113500	eab1db68-e5ea-45d9-b2e5-db935d7375a0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:36:59	243.867
-111	2270	113500	a50f27c0-5110-4d9c-a04c-2c00f057592a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:00:50	507.266
-112	1136	113600	356ee266-a350-4c74-9acf-edfd0957bacb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:51:22	999.300
-112	2272	113600	233a206c-1c66-4f00-b786-24445233125d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:41:42	-745.581
-113	1137	113700	cbf73686-bbe6-4db0-b38f-14a916402a4a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:48:18	-578.762
-113	2274	113700	80e5e410-87d7-47ae-b30d-1d00829d9ce0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:18:41	299.329
-114	1138	113800	29f11fe5-2076-401c-bd9e-6e2db645ab37	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:57:25	-213.968
-114	2276	113800	7fdddbe2-e822-4811-96c6-c6d4b81df973	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:39:09	398.103
-115	1139	113900	c8bf71a2-60ad-4cd2-b70a-d3111c28161b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:25:44	878.945
-115	2278	113900	708e911e-3a17-480d-85f4-20d247813526	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:44:24	164.446
-116	1140	114000	af031ae5-b4be-456d-a862-d2f8e4b31fc6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:48:31	803.654
-116	2280	114000	a71c6036-1b63-48bc-9331-a46a9ae19b63	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:16:09	517.633
-117	1141	114100	6f0010ef-09c7-4972-88ca-c6671ea37ea2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:01:36	-827.739
-117	2282	114100	be18bdbd-abef-46bf-b93f-d2c8acfc99c3	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:20:44	526.763
-118	1142	114200	1eb2c828-ecee-46f7-96fc-c459b7361e31	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:14:18	974.616
-118	2284	114200	8fcbc179-a63d-40ef-ace8-d724c93fe202	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:02:58	605.904
-119	1143	114300	c4695398-7848-45ad-93a5-efe573b5dab7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:09:12	829.691
-119	2286	114300	59536366-9594-4f78-8c85-4a51a4c31195	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:39:39	-562.90
-120	1144	114400	52f5e13a-3320-4b0a-93b2-3efd93a742b9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:15:50	-95.599
-120	2288	114400	52263574-b05b-4a80-b8cd-ac07433f8a90	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:42:19	-275.182
-121	1145	114500	c7388657-71b9-484f-bd1b-b17d012417e9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:41:18	533.900
-121	2290	114500	4e170555-b981-4348-a6b9-e00b220d1ead	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:08:05	499.628
-122	1146	114600	ee528043-ab74-47b4-8bc7-b8c3326e60ad	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:02:17	-231.352
-122	2292	114600	c950aec4-3400-4bcd-b538-b03294397f49	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:29:28	796.477
-123	1147	114700	7f1309a9-1eec-4e97-90fb-75092745beac	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:56:12	192.313
-123	2294	114700	47add4ea-d477-42a6-86b3-4a6e1aa62971	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:46:24	-563.3
-124	1148	114800	ecf41361-38f0-4c3a-a317-e7fc78c29fe3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:41:20	421.21
-124	2296	114800	8b55e3ae-4229-4a36-82f4-4e7d16072ccb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:05:18	-445.327
-125	1149	114900	cdcadaa3-95cd-49d2-82f8-c61ba83859f7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:41:56	291.117
-125	2298	114900	2ca7ae68-3420-44fd-977c-47bb5cd49aa1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:39:02	-667.741
-126	1150	115000	b6355e82-0785-47c4-882b-ef99657f0b70	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:35:04	788.289
-126	2300	115000	7f81c7e6-3e53-4ad9-a8a3-48ac9a41e19c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:12:15	-538.934
-127	1151	115100	eb9c5092-0bff-497b-accf-545a1705bbe5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:20:50	-939.542
-127	2302	115100	66558dd2-ad59-4efc-9568-afed6ee38a30	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:44:46	476.977
-0	1152	115200	1a1923bf-81e5-4643-9a44-65842f3510ee	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:50:26	871.182
-0	2304	115200	39f8444d-7852-4e1e-91f8-ec731012ccb8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:47:10	22.402
-1	1153	115300	b034edb8-7705-4c69-ad4f-774edd70b8ed	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:08:42	491.828
-1	2306	115300	3864dc74-12cf-4470-b67d-a31571648e03	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:19:31	-72.164
-2	1154	115400	c39c9bd8-ac7d-40ee-8795-6ea771a57a42	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:24:06	-405.383
-2	2308	115400	f2e17236-a158-42f1-8ee5-9ae0a64fcf04	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:30:38	-143.514
-3	1155	115500	caaa7014-af9b-4250-972d-ecaa7a6815dd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:42:00	253.913
-3	2310	115500	e4fa4223-c3ff-4bec-8a81-666cf0e69a3c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:34:40	-727.837
-4	1156	115600	f9332ab4-52f6-41f9-9e00-bee3978424ff	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:19:37	667.142
-4	2312	115600	c64d4cd2-37cb-47d4-b0d1-5d414d7283e2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:27:57	-371.951
-5	1157	115700	37b8efa6-7389-48f0-8cf0-b92fa7b6012b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:46:58	162.767
-5	2314	115700	ba5fdc31-00e2-43ca-bed9-d8d6ae15457b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:05:16	744.886
-6	1158	115800	afb65fda-fc64-4f7a-b98c-ad50a0ae14c8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:08:06	651.205
-6	2316	115800	dabba3a2-0582-435f-867a-fd58ae8abc47	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:45:13	-429.981
-7	1159	115900	f168051a-4d6a-4e7b-b589-f2f05cb1bc59	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:44:48	518.289
-7	2318	115900	bbc352c3-4da4-42da-9471-0e674d657375	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:21:39	299.844
-8	1160	116000	c7c9a8eb-3f7c-4ea7-8d7e-595a41e8a9b3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:32:46	-414.956
-8	2320	116000	a56f48bb-2a4e-4b9a-87b5-033aebf533f8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:12:09	-109.181
-9	1161	116100	842475b9-6f75-4923-b953-fdba47b990a7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:35:54	-97.377
-9	2322	116100	7ecf5512-1925-4ed1-a641-2e20fbbf4de7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:07:19	703.341
-10	1162	116200	212acee7-b465-4ee1-92cd-469f44c83a56	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:31:21	-669.347
-10	2324	116200	6637de50-2fb3-4904-96cc-739953b10984	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:04:34	576.435
-11	1163	116300	fe3ee243-8eb5-4c03-9ca5-7247cc83102d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:57:50	-240.768
-11	2326	116300	2df62ebc-be16-49ab-9097-b18f3cacc724	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:55:00	-187.15
-12	1164	116400	eb420982-be5e-4c8e-85c3-478b07af1502	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:22:11	60.568
-12	2328	116400	3194ea11-2f4b-4968-8181-3802e9c65995	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:26:16	-800.185
-13	1165	116500	0816e20c-7263-43d3-af67-621bf02bace8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:20:34	-320.222
-13	2330	116500	0ccb1143-e3d7-4940-8c71-dd8ae5cbc9f5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:43:29	-593.562
-14	1166	116600	65150abf-5ff9-44b3-adb3-b913aafa9653	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:22:35	-151.55
-14	2332	116600	f5727773-8981-44fe-bab3-2327cf67f0fa	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:27:58	-657.264
-15	1167	116700	8c88c083-4070-4db0-8a75-b9c31b2d9c4d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:05:28	956.688
-15	2334	116700	f9d6f061-2a50-4e4a-8249-50bb5b464a31	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:09:20	-802.278
-16	1168	116800	1334d2dc-8235-428c-952f-890fd37ae2d1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:50:42	-948.720
-16	2336	116800	b1821604-3543-4cf0-9ddf-9d8a333d3856	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:09:33	747.588
-17	1169	116900	8742c020-d15f-405e-8c30-4c2822c2a033	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:06:47	-454.687
-17	2338	116900	689451c1-c485-4191-8e87-1f6a21e2422c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:57:34	-916.265
-18	1170	117000	177d358b-4385-451d-a913-c40c0a20fc12	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:37:31	887.218
-18	2340	117000	cd1a62bb-acfc-4106-b444-47395ffc0ec0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:30:46	293.304
-19	1171	117100	67f81ec3-a7e0-4c94-aa53-f733cda065c7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:00:11	833.531
-19	2342	117100	8c5d1588-25e6-411c-a06f-4d3dcbc6912b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:17:46	875.920
-20	1172	117200	915f8b63-62c6-4c3f-a4eb-df91d470922a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:20:18	260.363
-20	2344	117200	83ae1cff-0701-4635-8dc9-75ffb75c1c10	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:29:01	-472.385
-21	1173	117300	c2affb78-eb6b-4084-bfe1-79b185265bb4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:37:51	-444.458
-21	2346	117300	ec1e9bc4-36c4-4122-a64f-e8bbb6ccafe0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:48:14	699.264
-22	1174	117400	695ba87e-3f00-4ff0-9212-178fb6825b31	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:42:46	-847.480
-22	2348	117400	1ac9706a-6d06-4322-85e3-a7b5c5914c52	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:31:44	233.424
-23	1175	117500	b0d17e17-1266-4d3a-adc7-6ca3b4140b04	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:16:38	-557.487
-23	2350	117500	e79457f8-9308-4e59-a97f-9c01a911c10e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:33:18	327.375
-24	1176	117600	505c4f77-2fb7-4f52-8a25-b92fdc90b0d9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:40:30	667.58
-24	2352	117600	ae21140a-dc20-4b18-9f12-eaf17c3dbebc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:34:11	-493.655
-25	1177	117700	0aa3ac89-ae51-42cc-a1f2-eb129f8ab99b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:11:23	801.62
-25	2354	117700	39d5e214-4d53-420a-a061-e5f1e5283bdf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:58:57	54.623
-26	1178	117800	37459137-1757-4348-80a3-769a55bf151e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:28:45	96.586
-26	2356	117800	084894ea-99f5-4253-b2be-2fd08a2a93a4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:47:21	148.207
-27	1179	117900	852f5f54-a404-4098-ad91-430aeb4b781d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:15:45	-41.306
-27	2358	117900	90451efa-0f9b-4fba-9aca-8b00ec55ca6b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:55:01	962.127
-28	1180	118000	c31c6c37-fc16-4713-b428-156b6d7b2d66	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:47:59	-699.216
-28	2360	118000	90626e9d-4677-46b9-ae9d-b4a2b61144a9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:28:48	-868.395
-29	1181	118100	53239f22-ff4a-40fe-a58e-f5485d7deea8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:25:48	-876.860
-29	2362	118100	c3c2501b-d9bf-4a47-aed6-959c21c812d7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:19:51	-675.758
-30	1182	118200	82fdcbaf-252f-452d-b3f0-ab3625f98ed0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:29:51	-43.790
-30	2364	118200	fc8608dd-03a3-4dff-86f1-997b38c20cf6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:42:20	403.250
-31	1183	118300	d0aee6e0-bb09-44d0-a4af-5757c67c0f5e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:34:39	-473.104
-31	2366	118300	59e56416-cb9f-43d3-9379-664d589bdf56	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:17:35	686.362
-32	1184	118400	35af3814-89ef-4f15-a47c-cf8880aafc11	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:01:19	320.518
-32	2368	118400	938b9021-7a66-4530-b1fb-cfb7eeb4879e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:35:55	863.833
-33	1185	118500	cc5b8afb-a633-4ffb-b0b9-e313b06d3613	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:52:38	-619.574
-33	2370	118500	45d1b4e6-8dbd-4e56-9215-f7da88ec532b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:13:54	920.449
-34	1186	118600	30803395-c8d9-4b0b-bf3c-eea3a1224fa8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:42:48	-613.291
-34	2372	118600	b854470d-a139-4ebe-ad7e-d153913b426e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:12:01	-545.851
-35	1187	118700	419384d9-4d8f-4149-94a7-1c523daa98b6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:44:13	365.7
-35	2374	118700	359061e1-867b-4590-8bcd-81d002f06302	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:32:04	-694.795
-36	1188	118800	7cc8c7b7-c4ea-4e9d-81b0-1bd9485c87b2	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:47:28	11.722
-36	2376	118800	d361365f-553b-4367-9f2b-63747f4d7800	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:42:05	257.274
-37	1189	118900	a7c81a92-add9-434c-ab51-8c3000a69d5a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:08:37	974.152
-37	2378	118900	7852f51d-a0cf-4755-9de4-faf9b69f9ea7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:31:09	147.344
-38	1190	119000	ef2e7e3a-fe05-403f-a596-5e0a5ccfdde5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:20:06	293.162
-38	2380	119000	335ebeed-54ec-4d9b-987d-1fc89f8cb032	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:04:11	-532.441
-39	1191	119100	bb24f7e0-5620-4499-801a-bfefc847e0f3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:45:04	311.936
-39	2382	119100	4dc76f12-0609-49f5-9598-c6298dcb5922	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:38:07	-132.493
-40	1192	119200	b3df661f-b5c5-4714-8eee-dd92ef9fb01c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:40:59	-827.216
-40	2384	119200	250ee044-9c83-43d6-8f4a-9a4f73badb6d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:00:10	950.95
-41	1193	119300	7a4520d7-6dba-4774-8f77-5f3b3a0fbd5f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:04:38	-615.230
-41	2386	119300	ca20de67-cc96-4620-aead-f5d92bf1b460	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:38:30	16.316
-42	1194	119400	e076197d-00d8-4ea9-85b3-9634f900097f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:17:10	-197.586
-42	2388	119400	9ec30468-79df-4783-9adf-11c143fa5bf6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:45:35	-742.138
-43	1195	119500	ef65bd77-4f4b-4b3a-939c-c9c046192088	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:25:11	860.986
-43	2390	119500	a04b91fc-01d4-4ce6-ad3a-129680d93b6f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:52:55	780.452
-44	1196	119600	5ecbd078-9523-497e-90d9-f52bdb30b4bd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:12:18	-297.10
-44	2392	119600	727991bc-943f-443a-839e-3038d1c9dc0c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:10:46	511.106
-45	1197	119700	73dbdbbd-ab2d-4aac-8aa3-b6db5796729b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:10:07	735.311
-45	2394	119700	d392f346-de4a-475b-8869-1ec37bc38416	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:25:03	431.317
-46	1198	119800	d0c9e466-c29d-422c-aa9c-898bcf7490d6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:07:03	225.102
-46	2396	119800	4a7fb546-e7a4-4d15-b3ff-bdb676e81a04	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:10:00	-573.218
-47	1199	119900	a32a2312-9ea4-4e6d-9f18-3690055f14a6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:47:43	270.596
-47	2398	119900	56a7aaa9-94a9-4ce8-9af2-9a776918a8a6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:45:18	550.153
-48	1200	120000	278c5f5e-bdc8-4b5c-b761-cc3b0488d6ae	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:10:30	-106.436
-48	2400	120000	19880d0b-9a59-41e0-b7f5-43537e3662fa	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:32:06	499.872
-49	1201	120100	42cb4f3d-2c0c-4f47-a6b7-7ca4aaa6edae	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:05:36	-986.967
-49	2402	120100	49b27f78-96cb-436a-a245-3fd83e992ca3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:31:54	248.365
-50	1202	120200	9d8966b0-f135-43fa-a0d7-47a2995effe5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:06:20	692.915
-50	2404	120200	d51e876d-200e-4464-81d2-7094dfb903c5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:11:30	751.535
-51	1203	120300	2c52c462-21ee-4a45-ba85-f3c8dab8ad57	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:41:38	-866.339
-51	2406	120300	48b3296d-93c4-478c-8eea-b0f80e9b9ad2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:22:35	-589.276
-52	1204	120400	3f14b472-4dfc-426f-b302-bcb1a65fc1b5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:26:03	-453.677
-52	2408	120400	9a8d81b9-339a-4b00-8461-86687b1e3e84	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:30:07	-763.171
-53	1205	120500	6b6012de-bd13-4c3a-b562-3aa4a39e7116	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:52:19	-391.380
-53	2410	120500	7a7fd234-55f0-47b9-9710-40f92769a72a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:55:21	393.324
-54	1206	120600	dc391c02-2c12-492d-9276-2a9444ddc143	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:13:26	218.373
-54	2412	120600	4aa51201-f919-48b9-a946-725d6e453c27	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:26:39	423.830
-55	1207	120700	7aa7d0a0-b1b8-47da-8d8b-0510fe75da22	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:57:41	-685.678
-55	2414	120700	3e86d275-157d-4f6a-8d61-3cbb94551e14	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:06:09	111.450
-56	1208	120800	6a18f8ce-2eff-4c9f-9743-6578e86b97e4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:24:30	895.610
-56	2416	120800	01daf84b-ef8d-4286-84ea-43e31bd745eb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:57:53	942.609
-57	1209	120900	2c885d6a-8b77-4a1f-ac7d-08599e9f9d80	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:09:48	853.183
-57	2418	120900	c025449f-d3a2-4367-b3ce-0b8a45f2fe5a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:17:08	937.302
-58	1210	121000	07f14d47-a5b8-433f-a210-be68f63e4de0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:57:17	301.636
-58	2420	121000	4a842715-584d-46f8-8157-dc9b80e9b940	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:20:32	-274.918
-59	1211	121100	fb2b2520-e94d-4cfc-8195-c7e199e14bdf	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:47:45	-757.690
-59	2422	121100	30b04b59-740a-4e62-929d-db25e17b6321	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:14:45	-610.862
-60	1212	121200	00fb2fda-ac96-418a-b287-77722bf084d2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:35:59	-126.991
-60	2424	121200	fbf63c4b-e577-4a6c-81f0-a8eb2a55fb53	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:56:44	909.652
-61	1213	121300	c571c308-f297-480c-904e-32843a5cd91a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:23:22	796.559
-61	2426	121300	415d1d69-137f-42c0-9005-ef4c9fecc447	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:03:17	-771.896
-62	1214	121400	a89605f2-5db5-4964-84cd-48271ac18212	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:28:07	-343.364
-62	2428	121400	c5d202f8-97ab-4579-9a08-32995829f222	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:41:49	896.876
-63	1215	121500	3a81c689-0e7b-4481-bd7f-a9c5e64dc82e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:44:03	893.846
-63	2430	121500	3d04fe84-5bce-41e4-ac7b-1d4728306066	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:37:02	141.913
-64	1216	121600	aecb2a12-0f81-45bd-8b05-e26957d31471	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:09:53	759.952
-64	2432	121600	aa995c83-5230-4aa7-a50f-05b1d3ddeddb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:35:50	116.262
-65	1217	121700	d8ef1f9e-fe02-499a-83c2-f5742f3f0a26	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:10:43	165.382
-65	2434	121700	9791fe22-df91-48b4-b589-1b06a67ba6f0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:34:26	-65.540
-66	1218	121800	eb53ac36-1fbc-4f5d-be4d-b240a4d70131	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:03:12	316.118
-66	2436	121800	f2530941-6d30-4245-a566-6b8d2beaebef	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:28:50	420.851
-67	1219	121900	d0b9ec4b-db9f-4b27-a326-2d83b5a86721	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:15:51	548.24
-67	2438	121900	5eba2a78-ee81-45aa-a03c-9b18f32b9aba	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:08:19	781.845
-68	1220	122000	5a3baab7-9198-47de-8266-37ee49badec7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:52:53	133.897
-68	2440	122000	acf05d2f-3d7c-453e-9b7c-9258ab67c271	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:32:13	-641.193
-69	1221	122100	a0988183-2990-4462-98d0-d356d751abc4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:43:11	-187.957
-69	2442	122100	682fe7e9-8686-41c5-9795-b8ea2d189972	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:21:43	-684.739
-70	1222	122200	92460b4a-fdca-44a4-a1ab-83dcd01e8035	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:36:59	591.254
-70	2444	122200	e9bc64bd-d489-4466-9580-a52e6a6b3a61	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:15:58	-655.662
-71	1223	122300	a661578d-8d95-4659-ae7f-53be4abd9364	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:00:08	-172.150
-71	2446	122300	ed567110-9666-4747-ba7a-ae00b3b3aa7f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:03:48	-639.738
-72	1224	122400	5b6dabca-c625-4108-b10e-52f7ee33b842	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:54:32	-987.243
-72	2448	122400	f82a0893-41d4-439c-ad4a-f4288b8a5398	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:44:48	141.746
-73	1225	122500	836ec2f3-4eed-4c8d-85fb-01b8a2d40cf4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:53:02	912.232
-73	2450	122500	27c829c7-944d-46c2-a8d8-cde1839e4fe7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:23:21	87.580
-74	1226	122600	dbe7c24b-ba04-41d2-a799-53151b8204eb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:39:32	365.150
-74	2452	122600	b6e64db5-5ac3-448d-8988-633d0b890264	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:16:46	208.997
-75	1227	122700	96e5c785-c142-4a68-9773-c232aa2573f3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:01:00	-457.914
-75	2454	122700	6b66e2a2-d5bb-4f58-8d00-565a9ff0bd1e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:44:56	686.986
-76	1228	122800	40ba6bd7-3690-48f4-b00c-3a2eb1427358	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:48:35	305.452
-76	2456	122800	86d83b75-7913-497d-9cee-33c7bda2869f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:28:59	293.359
-77	1229	122900	12e543b5-4a58-4842-94a2-36ebdd12f9bc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:29:56	222.445
-77	2458	122900	5d92bff3-9e58-4f0c-9e71-69cc571ab159	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:55:14	-442.969
-78	1230	123000	dab61e1b-f4da-47a8-abc3-0f65ab3a262d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:08:28	-456.219
-78	2460	123000	1e2c1ae0-9261-4ed7-ad7d-650ab31b1844	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:46:30	520.461
-79	1231	123100	3b7ad9b9-f713-406c-8358-6a02b0ac0fbb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:12:30	-739.680
-79	2462	123100	f1ed738a-0b96-48fe-8970-008b42bae847	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:36:08	437.103
-80	1232	123200	f201cf5f-241c-404f-9b3c-166b0db8c4e6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:17:04	178.939
-80	2464	123200	64548dc2-6281-4115-9f0f-e0bf31e402f0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:46:13	-749.200
-81	1233	123300	6a7c0ce2-a59a-48d0-bbe8-ecd3013af7be	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:15:35	73.990
-81	2466	123300	6cae5e91-9c3e-4535-962b-e640e06e6367	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:33:30	-353.676
-82	1234	123400	727332d1-b2ca-4421-a05c-3fdf8cf00176	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:05:44	751.136
-82	2468	123400	af8527eb-e89b-4cf9-bb51-16a78770f8e9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:11:01	728.355
-83	1235	123500	14e29997-77cc-4568-accb-5b1925339e68	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:49:26	-145.360
-83	2470	123500	ceef0d0a-fbd7-4bff-bc56-afc10700ca15	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:05:22	-14.547
-84	1236	123600	cf14ef32-cd29-4791-8813-b14ffaa3c85a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:46:44	-904.620
-84	2472	123600	69efef0b-27e7-4d62-8243-1b4c7f0bbd64	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:24:00	-901.620
-85	1237	123700	6b16a14a-e54a-4994-b62e-076ff86cb540	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:56:40	439.260
-85	2474	123700	98fb38a2-5b42-4201-a5c1-4f7b4464152f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:28:08	120.946
-86	1238	123800	8b2b7724-1c04-46b5-bd75-6e90712a36fe	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:21:53	618.261
-86	2476	123800	800e06ae-57f7-4936-a6b1-c2dc6a3a42dc	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:41:27	116.553
-87	1239	123900	4fd45a7f-0f77-4b57-b38d-f20bf8b8bf40	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:17:48	-294.510
-87	2478	123900	573225fd-1e77-46cc-8789-380aae1e54d7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:01:00	491.821
-88	1240	124000	ee127b03-c5b1-4818-960f-3f6bfc12e313	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:45:00	952.118
-88	2480	124000	02968f81-2691-4c83-8aed-c73ea3f3ea7e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:57:28	65.178
-89	1241	124100	92c5d6ee-3e33-41a3-ac3d-ffe5fd6cd62c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:37:16	-57.297
-89	2482	124100	c2d94f74-b9b0-437a-9e53-8df21e1b4088	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:16:06	453.501
-90	1242	124200	1a276695-5eb3-4d06-8e03-a7a8d1dbb005	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:45:44	-594.510
-90	2484	124200	6a082809-c6a3-4a72-9f67-3ed50c56e477	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:33:01	-149.137
-91	1243	124300	5a33f4fc-9640-459b-8ad4-4cfd3663de65	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:44:35	669.644
-91	2486	124300	f0000e0c-965b-4a0e-a72c-c04c65b6a43f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:14:31	-292.133
-92	1244	124400	c814ba23-b8d0-4adf-8d6e-ce105c33c702	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:09:59	-372.724
-92	2488	124400	4c17413d-fe79-4bf8-bd6b-082f1d39021a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:22:06	-275.952
-93	1245	124500	f6370154-74c6-4385-95f0-482f3eaeed0f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:07:06	-231.634
-93	2490	124500	df1e0c44-a2b8-4e45-aac3-ef0a229b4a55	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:40:51	-911.388
-94	1246	124600	84817748-1943-496e-ad32-030dea3571b3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:55:48	497.232
-94	2492	124600	30b442ab-fea4-4461-92d5-226025256a37	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:22:56	451.528
-95	1247	124700	d07fa4cb-ce2e-4ef5-9bf2-3ffd284b7283	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:19:19	535.906
-95	2494	124700	97a922fe-6aeb-44bd-8f83-dfe0d4e185da	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:17:49	458.554
-96	1248	124800	fc9ece22-c4c5-4db9-9a1c-7d6142f487d7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:58:36	783.123
-96	2496	124800	8b4ee9cf-1527-475f-840c-51db1d89434b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:31:15	391.976
-97	1249	124900	a11dc839-3c50-4966-b929-6b64b83e99a7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:49:30	633.124
-97	2498	124900	77f47878-3ea8-4239-af72-6704b4ccb093	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:19:51	-659.351
-98	1250	125000	e1905040-0bee-457f-9060-50bd38f64ab3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:57:07	261.644
-98	2500	125000	4b62a633-b4ba-4bbb-a801-fe23a67e15fe	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:10:25	641.631
-99	1251	125100	c6344401-bb5c-4f86-ab91-ce16451e4981	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:59:56	148.862
-99	2502	125100	eaff0d9a-0a79-4b3f-9a6c-4ff51cd3355e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:44:10	-921.88
-100	1252	125200	f7958487-1c77-4a92-9a1e-74314b0ca0d2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:14:25	937.436
-100	2504	125200	ac17bb08-c20d-4736-b72e-bff6084c88b9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:05:29	-707.75
-101	1253	125300	700b15fb-d7f6-4ee8-9419-8a6439055f72	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:56:35	771.588
-101	2506	125300	4db52244-bc35-4e08-8a42-22b5064bdaee	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:33:12	869.286
-102	1254	125400	5dbb13e0-0898-4015-aacf-6e858481658e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:05:32	673.371
-102	2508	125400	3b911cdd-9371-4e5a-85db-cef54b5d0ec8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:12:14	-181.890
-103	1255	125500	5be29a12-4f03-4d9f-9356-564f9a8938ac	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:38:45	339.73
-103	2510	125500	78bfeacb-6b81-4b55-879c-14e6d10f2130	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:33:58	476.31
-104	1256	125600	8d4f89f6-6826-4cf4-8a6a-c2f8a1e37bf6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:36:12	-729.164
-104	2512	125600	366c8cd7-fe63-4f00-a11f-33eb1ef5a30b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:47:02	899.538
-105	1257	125700	1fb3ff28-242d-4820-92d5-3fa0b1687a0c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:40:37	-561.972
-105	2514	125700	0a37c764-595f-4b6e-a478-5db92024facd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:14:51	177.505
-106	1258	125800	81bf0149-e3ab-45f5-9c93-1108e9af6d3f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:10:18	26.350
-106	2516	125800	49da58a5-5fb2-4efa-a6bf-db96b87800af	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:28:08	-440.373
-107	1259	125900	8e350ff1-8679-48cd-94fb-efc0d46cd9d4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:48:39	-887.565
-107	2518	125900	0aa73dc9-b265-4e67-a03d-36101e75af48	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:32:01	-746.428
-108	1260	126000	df3020bb-b2e9-45ab-a98c-babab0b39bf2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:20:40	-525.198
-108	2520	126000	93f6bf95-830f-4d76-bfba-28e5095d2a2f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:20:59	-973.346
-109	1261	126100	b7771f00-f3ad-4651-a358-afc683850f14	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:20:09	-648.570
-109	2522	126100	34ecd1bc-ab39-4efe-afca-91fd1c1969f2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:48:33	-582.980
-110	1262	126200	5ea8d200-949d-4425-ac7b-5acd6edfc6f9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:54:11	352.76
-110	2524	126200	4c4398e9-2486-4936-a23d-1e263c8a5556	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:28:24	42.960
-111	1263	126300	ab4e6bd1-6393-4a4d-8166-637fac794b4d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:09:55	-870.85
-111	2526	126300	01257701-0ed3-422f-8ce0-ee0126f8361c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:56:19	372.834
-112	1264	126400	90dae58b-d672-45c7-afbd-32567ade6d70	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:32:20	242.509
-112	2528	126400	e0b485bd-3ef9-430b-8fc2-829c2bc1f9c1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:17:10	415.785
-113	1265	126500	bece385b-4d42-4aaf-ad94-9b8cb7940a6d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:26:07	-256.445
-113	2530	126500	075f9262-71f4-4391-8d5d-953797ab6338	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:11:27	-550.29
-114	1266	126600	fe38fade-7618-4363-9d48-45c425eef5f6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:20:49	-241.254
-114	2532	126600	7dd6c6ab-2612-45af-800e-258d5aec5bcb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:37:55	414.310
-115	1267	126700	9448d1ec-ecf6-45a0-9e3a-b0f093380e94	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:52:46	-657.266
-115	2534	126700	ebb13dc6-c06f-4f72-b7a3-fe7ef9c703d3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:49:06	921.141
-116	1268	126800	3a8e3c13-4899-4394-9c63-6eef71c901cc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:42:40	-988.83
-116	2536	126800	b46c1449-cea8-4321-85a6-5ccff96f4546	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:27:48	-183.161
-117	1269	126900	799b308f-17b2-4eb9-aa09-14542a5d8105	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:50:26	330.754
-117	2538	126900	aa11076e-b152-4dbc-82a0-6442d7752083	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:15:02	-473.374
-118	1270	127000	58012c4c-1f19-40e3-9c0a-91fe0a8d105d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:00:51	990.80
-118	2540	127000	89b72a3d-4d91-482a-bf91-cbbfffdf2b0a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:09:01	-569.0
-119	1271	127100	3028f43e-14e1-4c43-a99b-ff6adcb0e403	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:56:59	-973.265
-119	2542	127100	4d9be63c-1d76-4d75-9117-42519b64899c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:08:25	579.542
-120	1272	127200	a4ea9776-f041-43f6-86d3-f85426f74fa8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:21:37	471.347
-120	2544	127200	f0f98324-8fd8-4be0-8023-16ada8005b9e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:39:04	-938.536
-121	1273	127300	247ab05b-2754-4e6a-9b0e-2823f9b4dd78	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:59:19	-502.974
-121	2546	127300	421a7431-4da2-42f0-b285-1607cb661a84	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:02:40	733.385
-122	1274	127400	fd2f2d06-b165-419c-b1b0-5d7da6a8207f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:55:01	9.852
-122	2548	127400	e0e9c4cd-7a37-453f-8abb-40eeeb69d9b0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:41:51	-980.163
-123	1275	127500	5bf76d44-0e85-4135-9ae0-5668b64d8e82	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:03:26	-714.170
-123	2550	127500	61e1dd6f-dfa6-450a-8394-c50387a117f0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:11:49	602.569
-124	1276	127600	18987323-8250-4923-9f6c-02c76ad1b210	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:28:27	-180.83
-124	2552	127600	c3be0abc-3480-4385-8fd1-16a49f2ada0c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:08:45	-728.849
-125	1277	127700	1f3b1d2c-4cbd-4e37-a634-ca901af3619e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:08:51	-106.736
-125	2554	127700	498f4024-9be0-4098-b277-ea1d0afaa11a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:21:44	651.348
-126	1278	127800	fb96997b-bfed-459c-8f3f-68dcb52655be	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:43:51	-704.626
-126	2556	127800	d7ea73aa-aabd-4579-8bde-5a8e68843960	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:49:04	84.158
-127	1279	127900	ee8ab6bc-3a77-484b-9b62-aa4fbc391d6a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:31:47	-295.464
-127	2558	127900	3f384788-d3e1-4179-b7e6-41c61ee9f7d5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:46:47	719.795
-0	1280	128000	3513f003-cfcc-4785-9876-b671b556e3b8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:12:50	-372.863
-0	2560	128000	8618ecd1-c2bf-4743-aa38-6377e84b85e1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:57:20	626.349
-1	1281	128100	35d84477-dec4-46da-864c-f206fd415991	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:37:17	461.722
-1	2562	128100	0332fc5b-6606-4008-9543-8948487ca5e5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:20:43	-107.759
-2	1282	128200	7f30155f-1f71-437c-8a8d-99c597abbbc2	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:59:52	868.261
-2	2564	128200	ce65b81a-4126-4649-b65d-7ce150c05cc7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:31:56	-979.201
-3	1283	128300	1dbf99de-18d4-44ee-a4e3-57a7cc91cdd1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:51:58	174.946
-3	2566	128300	868e98b9-8b91-4653-937d-e4bc75e9e4f7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:47:33	427.314
-4	1284	128400	cbd5a11d-c1f5-47ba-95f6-f85293f33325	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:59:58	282.351
-4	2568	128400	9b5caf7e-60d0-4a26-8228-752f98e330e0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:17:50	-37.622
-5	1285	128500	d89a6177-8fc0-4860-b1c0-bcb076db2250	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:25:56	825.826
-5	2570	128500	33e1ff0a-a5d7-412b-93f6-e9a5eb88a8d8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:12:51	-830.222
-6	1286	128600	7c87f74e-1f4e-406d-bbc8-f6c15eaa2d74	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:34:44	166.346
-6	2572	128600	c8b037d3-b525-4756-a4ac-8f7974d8908e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:21:44	868.333
-7	1287	128700	1729edcd-14c0-4af0-835c-c3c435096c15	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:32:36	617.171
-7	2574	128700	3b70b13e-c493-4892-9f41-cffbce8867ca	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:35:46	-183.934
-8	1288	128800	0bd53f4c-671c-45b1-97e8-2a96fb990b9e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:48:47	676.438
-8	2576	128800	f1ef01b3-f56a-44b2-9516-1963422085b2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:50:13	753.862
-9	1289	128900	cb250a04-e87c-414b-bf88-66f7a7f145e8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:12:22	826.535
-9	2578	128900	e2405bcc-2635-410a-a5b2-a75c2f82f1d6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:06:10	-72.144
-10	1290	129000	b87234bd-93f5-41ea-b3e3-8ce3a6153d84	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:24:08	-340.70
-10	2580	129000	dd879863-b123-450c-bed2-a4cea0b103ec	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:21:20	159.334
-11	1291	129100	d414d1b2-7986-404b-ab76-b5480ebb0044	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:46:12	-331.546
-11	2582	129100	8b505497-935e-43bb-af5d-65d4de4d61fd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:39:20	-823.842
-12	1292	129200	94bfb249-59c2-41c5-9c87-844320fa52ff	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:59:19	-704.794
-12	2584	129200	9449232f-dd6f-4efc-a602-1fcfc2f7c89e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:13:28	-534.687
-13	1293	129300	ebd51c7b-24e4-4fdc-8c52-97fc1b7ea95a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:39:51	281.455
-13	2586	129300	d86c0933-bb53-4618-95c7-49071a5326b5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:50:25	-378.544
-14	1294	129400	9013557f-8bac-4351-afb9-73185c586002	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:57:19	513.718
-14	2588	129400	4932a04e-ae2b-46ca-9bd1-598a46df7f70	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:57:09	-838.736
-15	1295	129500	19810565-9560-4f64-9405-a7899fd6515f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:18:40	111.866
-15	2590	129500	1dcb4e89-fea6-439e-a7cd-787f5de66743	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:43:14	-111.62
-16	1296	129600	442b434c-103c-4905-8903-9c5c7d7445e3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:58:58	-747.298
-16	2592	129600	f48d1cd6-0015-466b-ba52-48ed62c3c5fb	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:58:27	-569.79
-17	1297	129700	27533f4b-eb07-4d88-a679-fec9fea7b61f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:03:23	798.146
-17	2594	129700	b59d5863-b0a7-4208-886c-469266584d58	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:18:43	-327.913
-18	1298	129800	cfd8dc6c-07a3-4ea4-8af9-fd4bced4a3fe	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:04:01	759.289
-18	2596	129800	ef2ae50f-56d5-4c33-906e-c5bb691611f3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:05:29	-394.994
-19	1299	129900	b8f85260-dc49-43cf-9ace-5bb1f85e42a6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:20:11	-299.201
-19	2598	129900	26769707-e617-4754-8508-c0224116ea8d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:45:19	535.704
-20	1300	130000	62072009-96a6-4883-8a4a-d1f2fc1b7617	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:14:40	322.77
-20	2600	130000	a855cffb-c64d-4597-a6de-feefd5b09bd0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:37:44	-992.546
-21	1301	130100	55d33592-9da9-434c-a4c5-01fd0e7d742e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:49:46	-147.105
-21	2602	130100	f73b8577-f31a-4e9b-ac1e-cf88ee2efd0b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:18:55	445.407
-22	1302	130200	a825b5ed-e989-48b9-a4df-76480933bf53	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:31:14	-863.370
-22	2604	130200	02d48b4a-0d1b-4bdd-bf38-1b9525b9207c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:07:22	785.708
-23	1303	130300	9da43b14-2ed7-46ba-8952-8bebe2c6fa8b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:53:57	-55.897
-23	2606	130300	52a50050-a5e5-4915-8064-d2ab79ada12b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:23:26	250.866
-24	1304	130400	a9e51d23-1c58-4f42-9171-dbadd5b9950c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:46:28	873.3
-24	2608	130400	9ba745f3-8379-4cdf-bf43-3469f5db8df5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:15:32	755.242
-25	1305	130500	7c38fced-b2cd-45d4-89a3-608db55f147e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:10:05	-600.956
-25	2610	130500	9cbea16a-e8ed-4142-8551-dd2736ec0094	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:40:01	7.791
-26	1306	130600	49e70e41-af23-466c-81e8-ac49e561bdd4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:20:19	-717.742
-26	2612	130600	f0be25c7-e39e-495e-bcde-7bf439d33817	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:58:45	194.286
-27	1307	130700	7aa3487e-10a1-4ce1-a579-91782b55244d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:28:36	-878.45
-27	2614	130700	9424c725-494c-4e07-9246-8a3516a7df0c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:29:43	-942.162
-28	1308	130800	caa8164d-abf2-4ad6-b37d-5c60d259c27e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:58:30	-294.186
-28	2616	130800	50e6aa98-1369-4932-996d-5339a92cc024	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:51:20	722.296
-29	1309	130900	12e7e3a9-daec-4cab-9750-e8f86766294e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:26:53	777.396
-29	2618	130900	b2fb54ca-d866-44dc-ad4e-bdf7d1e16a79	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:22:37	-644.823
-30	1310	131000	ddee2c16-ed3c-4f7f-be8b-17e97a86dd0a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:11:45	-481.127
-30	2620	131000	088684b2-e1fb-4505-85d3-7d1153c3d157	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:59:25	407.950
-31	1311	131100	2a8b17e4-4ef4-4206-a76d-420ccbb25734	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:25:45	70.468
-31	2622	131100	3a0a0204-21e2-40fa-89f1-f36a89ce2682	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:42:00	-839.100
-32	1312	131200	1cbb8ab8-edf8-4fc4-aa78-e5e75fc51581	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:16:13	-700.560
-32	2624	131200	d3d60b6c-0210-4139-a2c9-cac3ed810bab	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:56:11	545.643
-33	1313	131300	d204d52e-89d1-4f44-9e1d-483bac3ebb4b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:44:54	-835.774
-33	2626	131300	8983f0e7-db34-4e24-9acf-2b9cd3e5b546	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:01:13	-894.157
-34	1314	131400	5bc63bd6-284b-4e7e-a82e-8ab67177076f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:18:58	-82.410
-34	2628	131400	50aff3b4-3311-4ae2-9cab-ab5b31f58d57	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:05:23	-259.565
-35	1315	131500	09456461-e957-4cb8-971a-31c8fdc6d7fd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:33:33	43.450
-35	2630	131500	73944b52-0221-4d55-a69e-a6575370ae8e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:26:57	118.410
-36	1316	131600	11132ae1-5069-4055-8ec2-6cc3518cf82d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:57:38	444.766
-36	2632	131600	2066a7b0-f12c-4a6b-be11-d3acf8294131	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:23:15	-90.610
-37	1317	131700	b1302afd-1f1a-4459-8a29-93898f9a118c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:29:46	275.989
-37	2634	131700	d432ba4d-aa77-470c-a608-d2fa832c24d5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:21:52	697.933
-38	1318	131800	2fa328f2-bd7f-40df-9ca3-a6592dd16d55	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:24:12	944.140
-38	2636	131800	c8e56aa1-f5c9-48dd-bfa9-5fba97ae2657	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:31:06	328.174
-39	1319	131900	393a2fcc-475f-454e-9eeb-3eb1346d62a9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:09:53	653.726
-39	2638	131900	357626af-7487-4fff-a7c1-81ec19d34ae5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:46:30	968.374
-40	1320	132000	ccbe843d-8b13-4bd0-b31a-903d4800aebc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:25:58	-247.979
-40	2640	132000	1551e199-5414-4187-9e06-f17346854d61	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:54:01	505.341
-41	1321	132100	ed938062-ef49-44c0-a55c-3f046603a947	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:28:29	248.481
-41	2642	132100	b9fd0e6b-41c6-435e-9195-440b8c7aecfd	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:01:54	-761.176
-42	1322	132200	3c1f2975-ded5-4e2f-a61c-41acdac6b380	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:28:54	-873.687
-42	2644	132200	d57f732c-cbbf-4b52-ba02-3857ee604200	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:26:53	-847.175
-43	1323	132300	8582df40-cb95-4b9a-b268-99e051f9b04e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:12:31	-857.908
-43	2646	132300	31480c47-2c9c-43f8-94f0-726ae589ea3d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:24:17	-77.883
-44	1324	132400	37efec00-7486-40a3-87f5-2853d7be394e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:13:44	414.916
-44	2648	132400	0090986a-39d6-435a-b197-05fbd995a5cb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:01:15	188.346
-45	1325	132500	9ac1fabe-9994-4da9-9b54-5adfe6328403	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:34:20	136.246
-45	2650	132500	f04334ca-2ebd-493f-ac58-54a10ccd5f58	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:38:02	-811.565
-46	1326	132600	e4dc60ea-b291-47a7-a73d-737ecfc95af3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:50:50	-247.711
-46	2652	132600	67631d37-f22b-43b0-9c08-6d112b773b06	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:55:05	-545.942
-47	1327	132700	c907d63a-016a-4583-969b-f7295888d342	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:04:14	-901.977
-47	2654	132700	1f7ee0e1-dbc1-4f9a-ae37-748c4397fc27	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:15:55	792.973
-48	1328	132800	8df3bc1f-bbf0-47b7-a679-15ca0e798d16	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:34:57	853.704
-48	2656	132800	c8e3e85b-bf3f-493d-99c6-92b9b25a9ead	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:44:04	831.265
-49	1329	132900	6d57f048-029b-4d4e-a86a-b8049146693d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:56:16	329.210
-49	2658	132900	7e0136b0-f0f1-4ff9-9e33-b40e4422684d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:24:45	-903.235
-50	1330	133000	94b14e97-c85c-4206-b0ef-e40fe950586c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:08:23	138.105
-50	2660	133000	a1408a2b-9513-4d9a-843c-7d676b76b6b6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:24:32	936.773
-51	1331	133100	7e6f26ea-8bc6-4d02-8d1d-02c2adc05778	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:18:49	453.313
-51	2662	133100	37746f81-3c31-4e72-8c1d-0e6e6f408778	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:40:30	319.111
-52	1332	133200	857207fe-0e39-4673-b4be-abf2d69d4b13	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:33:14	571.5
-52	2664	133200	2652c733-2879-4f1c-97f9-8aee8a618c41	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:23:36	-529.493
-53	1333	133300	2eea118d-75e5-4b4e-b397-616658c1e403	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:45:58	181.760
-53	2666	133300	5fb7ba07-7581-4884-a166-cf06738faba7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:41:38	-690.421
-54	1334	133400	69f6eb5e-1926-4827-aa53-d6ff3c8102f0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:47:07	308.764
-54	2668	133400	219506bc-136c-4462-8868-8eba24cdf3c5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:57:09	-29.263
-55	1335	133500	244b2757-c6a8-4051-b716-cfe8dd128091	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:27:58	853.325
-55	2670	133500	c744c471-5345-4e64-9460-d9ccd44e16df	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:33:58	613.938
-56	1336	133600	ba9b2fc6-a614-49ea-9a69-bba728f58f46	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:32:53	-820.146
-56	2672	133600	f3098d50-aa11-4167-8e08-08cf29434e6b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:18:06	151.243
-57	1337	133700	7abd3dde-d1aa-4ac6-89ac-644b7bcb2e61	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:19:46	-540.537
-57	2674	133700	b67a8e23-7675-41bc-bcae-97c95b332991	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:05:40	338.366
-58	1338	133800	47536a77-bee4-4c5b-9c3d-5b1004386cda	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:21:20	-587.761
-58	2676	133800	d7e6fd4e-f560-4360-9760-f50d77f425cd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:06:19	83.847
-59	1339	133900	34f10e7b-eab7-447e-a114-0d15f17f4b5f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:04:59	-158.403
-59	2678	133900	3f7d571a-d6d6-4218-bf41-27d88a390396	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:13:22	-901.713
-60	1340	134000	e298d3de-b139-490d-aff7-8228e3ee6686	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:46:05	-990.903
-60	2680	134000	02714e56-0ccc-442a-8b1d-2809f9400727	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:42:39	345.348
-61	1341	134100	c24d6159-c2c3-473e-a4a8-080e3ecccbbc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:47:46	-15.454
-61	2682	134100	da838609-4b3f-4a15-9b1b-0a9a7a849e57	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:07:55	-509.78
-62	1342	134200	08ba2f37-888c-4f64-a161-0c67e83a1ab4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:55:28	-117.232
-62	2684	134200	3aa1eedc-b172-46e6-9e74-aefa033348e8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:38:22	-581.608
-63	1343	134300	499ac64d-7702-4699-a7d2-d9b8c084da85	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:42:07	115.449
-63	2686	134300	f08595a1-02c0-4112-b4c0-1de9032b3d75	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:02:34	-74.397
-64	1344	134400	1b41b8ae-2dcc-4ce8-b21b-2a7cd699c874	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:05:49	-98.609
-64	2688	134400	dd34d3c0-71da-4c1d-b81e-9f82ed8271b2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:18:42	964.246
-65	1345	134500	4316dfe6-0e0d-4098-a633-9ac82be02556	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:55:18	164.622
-65	2690	134500	ca605ab6-5eb6-4e82-ae97-c2b05628675e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:38:21	388.469
-66	1346	134600	6fc82a9c-665e-4add-97d7-e85e2ab9d94d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:28:33	484.278
-66	2692	134600	12df13e7-0660-4f40-a5bf-77da53e382b7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:25:48	-641.75
-67	1347	134700	bbdb607b-cac5-400b-a23a-b06d46a92785	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:35:43	-751.728
-67	2694	134700	feb9c6d4-6a1e-442e-98d1-1358d85fd077	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:43:20	411.920
-68	1348	134800	fb1e35bf-2fdf-4c8f-a47b-3451f712a91c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:07:08	-663.910
-68	2696	134800	d89de23b-302c-4f87-9c7a-c7bf0d62772d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:23:15	375.655
-69	1349	134900	ec790b93-7abe-4bca-8b88-8a8aa51581f4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:52:13	-163.87
-69	2698	134900	3a2b1f83-9bfc-41cb-8e57-3a8fd75904d8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:38:51	491.933
-70	1350	135000	603cf66a-c53f-4f24-959a-8f011e494b00	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:15:08	101.550
-70	2700	135000	a29dea5f-37a7-4861-a1f8-9b27b8cf72d5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:00:57	-20.566
-71	1351	135100	e8c639bf-168e-4437-ab89-ebe8c1f00036	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:32:50	875.946
-71	2702	135100	ea1a0e9e-36f6-4be9-8ac2-2983466bce7c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:44:44	957.289
-72	1352	135200	de7423dc-c77b-45da-9ff3-a3b73cc2fa88	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:52:45	-597.372
-72	2704	135200	ab95cbcb-8a7c-47b0-aa6a-207596c4d42e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:23:45	-295.569
-73	1353	135300	18e5ca81-fb28-46ff-b84d-f84541d3bcae	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:53:33	-326.91
-73	2706	135300	cafd67e1-775f-40d3-8e04-91e12375642b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:29:27	951.345
-74	1354	135400	a5005c4d-440c-4fef-bea4-6f00765db945	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:15:31	904.152
-74	2708	135400	94ec7a8e-afd7-482c-b7f9-13a3cea0caed	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:40:38	-912.873
-75	1355	135500	38352252-ddef-4568-9420-eb7c2036c628	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:37:24	-741.17
-75	2710	135500	da137d25-bd9e-4287-be9b-712ce4cb5392	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:14:25	-919.859
-76	1356	135600	36fb6474-e198-4efc-8570-fda17b4ec31c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:49:25	733.68
-76	2712	135600	c8cd159b-ea3f-4ac6-8e0d-53ec43018002	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:45:28	-889.796
-77	1357	135700	59bb1762-686e-484c-8f65-ac54bf57ab92	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:51:58	-991.528
-77	2714	135700	950a4076-c173-4ed1-85a6-85e38f8c9e8b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:02:57	-854.821
-78	1358	135800	827b71a5-54f2-4850-9812-fd42080ab401	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:32:51	822.13
-78	2716	135800	68587145-a371-49af-9633-0b5605d7a2c7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:33:01	-67.526
-79	1359	135900	d27f3971-4e7a-4cec-b22e-45d09812e13b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:16:40	-894.729
-79	2718	135900	0899dc78-44df-42eb-9687-0754a7cde023	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:41:37	-590.965
-80	1360	136000	c139bd93-0bfd-4444-952a-63d488f16a3a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:13:16	227.881
-80	2720	136000	1fc405b6-b982-4a74-bd95-97546d87141d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:10:05	-7.893
-81	1361	136100	0cdeeeed-ee3d-43b1-af5d-ef72979a982d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:03:28	262.723
-81	2722	136100	0907c3bf-0421-42e0-ba47-d6995a36925c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:05:45	-726.219
-82	1362	136200	26fa2b57-502f-42e8-8fa0-79f2cb615e61	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:46:34	288.156
-82	2724	136200	a7db1192-bee9-48bf-bbb3-23fb18beac18	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:32:22	914.770
-83	1363	136300	3c99cb8e-80b2-411c-8379-c01c62bab4e8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:34:56	-164.259
-83	2726	136300	dc96bfdc-bc6f-48be-b54b-921a9465fc2e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:50:31	-321.142
-84	1364	136400	a44bc61a-6d9a-4d5c-b10f-5074f690d204	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:39:15	-865.492
-84	2728	136400	7de01172-b272-463a-8921-3c753d0830f2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:11:45	-266.671
-85	1365	136500	0acd986e-a65a-4fa8-91d6-6e10120b33e3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:50:22	-535.716
-85	2730	136500	b420205b-8b4d-4382-9812-8dffc82f19b8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:28:37	952.980
-86	1366	136600	b034ff35-811c-4a68-9b2b-10302a1440a5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:48:18	947.621
-86	2732	136600	450d7c80-c716-4b0e-8b6d-92faaec34860	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:24:26	-36.457
-87	1367	136700	3e36b25b-ffe0-4c8c-8f3e-2ee6083ba559	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:14:47	-964.976
-87	2734	136700	478d4979-6168-4e78-8ba0-e2b6e22688b9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:41:12	328.971
-88	1368	136800	39bde1b9-0f46-4c68-aeb9-abfe5c90c7d1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:26:13	673.466
-88	2736	136800	4c50bbb6-0016-4311-ace4-fd5ad834dca5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:58:13	-739.582
-89	1369	136900	03f00b4f-12ba-49d2-ac2a-43cdc27a74d7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:51:10	-331.16
-89	2738	136900	0750d29b-d9a9-4e89-a41e-5df1a2792a61	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:21:20	-495.322
-90	1370	137000	143bfee7-ca6b-4936-ad12-225071dbb225	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:32:17	660.798
-90	2740	137000	22e03857-7682-4135-a44c-f46e4309e8bc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:26:47	543.474
-91	1371	137100	0458c8bf-0942-4555-883c-cbc4c7e4d240	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:53:59	937.285
-91	2742	137100	1d970c96-2e46-4717-857d-ae21298a0c23	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:11:53	-853.774
-92	1372	137200	b7d14d68-3bad-4259-b331-e9790fe3a1f2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:46:19	-82.90
-92	2744	137200	da4eb998-2865-451e-ae13-885d5a246c2a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:29:10	-163.921
-93	1373	137300	2fb87529-0c7c-4b83-96d5-07951c25dfd7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:31:55	-638.824
-93	2746	137300	331c9ee1-173f-4111-8472-6e250a302b36	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:08:51	-769.207
-94	1374	137400	0072970d-76ac-47a5-9690-5e2b12af7e4d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:03:22	-776.350
-94	2748	137400	4181df29-4680-4a90-a908-0b4c971f59ea	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:38:27	911.119
-95	1375	137500	c6f32a25-2cf8-4f21-a517-0e52d915a67e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:07:09	864.82
-95	2750	137500	f0dd76de-cb6b-4210-8053-1db2a28dc687	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:06:56	-376.448
-96	1376	137600	f9739ec5-d268-43dd-9cc7-7352efcae8c6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:38:39	417.430
-96	2752	137600	3b03030a-67d2-4dda-aa8c-023f419c420a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:05:05	738.31
-97	1377	137700	4b528c50-2dfa-429e-b20f-033ed6ae0499	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:34:35	-771.912
-97	2754	137700	d874b918-6d09-4c49-b543-e71fe8f9fb0b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:04:53	695.811
-98	1378	137800	d7dfd3ef-c9c6-4e38-8833-d21d9afef3d1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:48:00	456.637
-98	2756	137800	7320e8e4-3dd9-436c-b091-3dd5c2a033c2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:59:53	183.583
-99	1379	137900	ed334081-6b71-4f00-b5bf-c36619da7e1e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:54:10	780.1
-99	2758	137900	3733ac7d-5a1e-43bd-b4da-830dad430386	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:58:01	857.640
-100	1380	138000	ddb36112-3892-4801-9568-5ceab86e1ee1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:17:38	-187.495
-100	2760	138000	a84f56fb-8872-4ec7-8412-fd6d230df671	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:22:19	175.637
-101	1381	138100	a4a6b6ea-830e-4bbb-8c90-43e6e4eebabf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:31:37	-648.615
-101	2762	138100	9146d2dc-b708-463b-bcea-868c18a35d44	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:20:17	918.145
-102	1382	138200	09852e00-1772-4ee8-b88a-5e9a4cb815f2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:11:48	-403.325
-102	2764	138200	d7820b92-40c6-49e9-8542-b925be15e626	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:40:45	-23.732
-103	1383	138300	051b3113-591e-4dd6-a87f-b41d41af9cc6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:17:53	263.324
-103	2766	138300	139373b9-44dd-46ee-87d7-847014873ec1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:16:22	643.899
-104	1384	138400	7b64e6b7-3272-4d2c-889f-956bf9af3400	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:44:04	-731.536
-104	2768	138400	394ebf7b-4020-48a4-bd6f-085cb7f08410	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:48:36	429.491
-105	1385	138500	dcf3e601-d6f9-4a80-b13b-ba7c6365798d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:58:49	-391.940
-105	2770	138500	b8f86297-b850-4825-a267-05530ea9d0b3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:22:05	298.426
-106	1386	138600	c00b9591-f099-4f98-a19c-059af53f7273	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:41:31	646.662
-106	2772	138600	d8bbc54c-80cc-4292-b900-61a1cde044f0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:17:32	656.909
-107	1387	138700	09fa10a8-dce3-4721-816f-f16ea770d578	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:17:18	-441.692
-107	2774	138700	dd2f7a20-7272-491f-8dbe-f2c435307190	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:21:22	-92.345
-108	1388	138800	e11e4670-713e-4754-98f7-5bc42c3f6315	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:58:23	574.339
-108	2776	138800	1cff4649-4a5f-4ccf-99b5-b3b4837e126b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:28:32	-361.909
-109	1389	138900	699e7b86-b0ea-42fc-a0aa-a0bbaff2be28	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:16:12	724.699
-109	2778	138900	33d74e37-1201-4131-ab80-4c8abe6b01e3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:41:37	589.545
-110	1390	139000	75aa6bbb-092b-4e8b-a1e8-93125f8fc823	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:19:31	-26.238
-110	2780	139000	85997dd1-602f-402f-bd15-14f2767a5e65	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:45:57	-907.630
-111	1391	139100	99082f67-cfed-4957-9a1e-b5f1c5daa9a5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:28:21	-354.196
-111	2782	139100	655032fc-6fc9-4ce1-8eb9-feb67a1a17da	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:20:40	-371.498
-112	1392	139200	7db1d9f0-10fd-4f32-af6c-928f426bf66c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:59:45	641.250
-112	2784	139200	213d0d85-1e4d-4c76-a6c3-48fb7f8a3ad6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:28:10	-532.540
-113	1393	139300	6e4d4798-87d4-4cab-a5eb-5519f5a5f2c6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:12:28	-866.276
-113	2786	139300	e9e0f360-e8d1-42cc-b6f1-547a22662a7e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:47:53	-24.97
-114	1394	139400	bf4401f8-450c-4cdd-901a-3a52e8541da4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:29:37	-288.4
-114	2788	139400	70c6e78a-aac9-410d-803a-1f07d8040e91	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:20:41	787.575
-115	1395	139500	938376e8-5e5c-4554-9a10-ce4d75a42dc2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:48:11	971.514
-115	2790	139500	5c205b2f-149a-4819-95cf-7257750cfc7e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:03:51	-703.272
-116	1396	139600	dc16b6a1-1851-418e-b128-e6b58000d036	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:43:27	-397.95
-116	2792	139600	5243f59e-3792-4e20-9fcc-5ce001cfe215	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:10:52	-226.157
-117	1397	139700	31d84c2b-0c50-4874-8422-31b9e47c3da3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:06:18	-160.504
-117	2794	139700	6ff978cc-0eb5-445b-a452-8b2634cb0192	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:27:03	715.594
-118	1398	139800	c87637bb-5be0-4b5a-8740-db61abe0cc2b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:44:40	-681.901
-118	2796	139800	6fe5b3a8-7a9f-4ae6-94fb-517266dbe9e3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:14:16	-914.411
-119	1399	139900	4e05d587-3655-4792-a202-0d82d8274e20	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:17:10	21.694
-119	2798	139900	0db75415-ce26-4f14-b60c-a1e5b994ce84	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:42:09	-734.635
-120	1400	140000	1d650ace-6e8f-44c5-a5cf-999d68548c46	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:18:21	996.902
-120	2800	140000	5f5c7106-4ae8-4524-84ea-f9bfa2f6383f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:17:51	199.785
-121	1401	140100	ddf4c935-d3af-4708-af4c-f965d9c9aa10	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:08:37	641.285
-121	2802	140100	72b2555d-5660-46b7-b285-4ffb5ebd751a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:02:24	182.51
-122	1402	140200	8ed1d4c6-987e-422c-b14e-395a5274c9d6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:18:54	792.91
-122	2804	140200	d05fde2d-5077-4388-bbeb-88544bb28d9d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:18:39	-261.452
-123	1403	140300	9d63b968-90ca-417e-8b6c-b7efe78307c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:14:58	-498.929
-123	2806	140300	de7f716f-f6f8-48c0-86c5-237cdc7e72d5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:42:12	33.179
-124	1404	140400	1d04473e-8f18-4ad3-a269-d687255196a5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:44:49	751.192
-124	2808	140400	39954182-be56-424a-839c-bedae00b04e7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:36:46	-409.374
-125	1405	140500	caca5c11-832d-4d76-87c8-aef2a8c1a1d5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:11:02	-491.931
-125	2810	140500	2819a90c-f4d6-470b-b120-c6f7270d6aad	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:26:12	926.270
-126	1406	140600	5e492f96-10c1-4ac0-9020-ab793ce0ec0d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:50:50	895.28
-126	2812	140600	155d6c23-1762-4ae1-a3c3-41bfc0c527af	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:21:42	172.802
-127	1407	140700	ae75c33d-2d4b-460a-ae4b-0f40cb261a3f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:27:24	146.750
-127	2814	140700	ca3ced78-bc73-4a59-bb39-5549d2f21b03	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:32:11	31.162
-0	1408	140800	654d7aa4-9238-4b6a-b85b-74ac44ac094c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:15:19	2.500
-0	2816	140800	5e80ea6b-e855-4243-9858-bd42e50a3c87	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:30:01	574.855
-1	1409	140900	04391476-f80b-4177-90e1-5ff2d9f0dd41	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:06:16	785.648
-1	2818	140900	7abe187d-3677-40a1-9c3e-e777c98b440e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:14:50	248.748
-2	1410	141000	9ac6325f-e701-453a-a12d-044b87f68979	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:22:45	372.8
-2	2820	141000	b7e8b716-2a14-478c-b5df-13a2c8bdc30d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:01:09	774.937
-3	1411	141100	8ae4505c-7649-4c9f-9141-f2bdcdb584a5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:53:49	-619.848
-3	2822	141100	c46b20e2-2618-4400-9f92-d1d3f0a15723	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:15:00	901.66
-4	1412	141200	ebc7d052-080b-4fb5-97e7-75148c24d561	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:54:16	-400.57
-4	2824	141200	6ba8d11c-60aa-438e-8a00-975ec68597f9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:19:44	51.310
-5	1413	141300	9b16cd1a-8ef8-4352-9bae-58663672bcca	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:17:30	-249.761
-5	2826	141300	20ef9ca0-9c2b-4986-9f08-f0f719fb9e53	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:42:21	236.262
-6	1414	141400	bf4b3d6b-18eb-4999-a3f6-45dd904fb6b2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:34:17	-891.800
-6	2828	141400	2c2e72b8-ba9a-43a1-bf69-77d9b428064c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:41:48	-181.36
-7	1415	141500	3dc79e2d-f6a7-45e6-bc5b-c8aef2e07e0c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:00:41	-200.392
-7	2830	141500	cc04a3e2-9236-49e2-93c3-c92224ee16f1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:54:46	964.76
-8	1416	141600	090504d9-39ac-4ab6-8dbb-e78df13474e8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:57:10	-665.856
-8	2832	141600	84b780da-2cfe-40da-a1c1-578279d0338f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:36:15	-986.626
-9	1417	141700	eaf34ce2-e62f-4c0b-b274-8cc243fef234	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:54:47	455.187
-9	2834	141700	08836ac1-02a9-423a-b8d3-9b21d1bd8197	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:05:21	-360.966
-10	1418	141800	ab2d5e46-e93f-4d71-9eba-c0a0d3a68bfe	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:02:46	557.519
-10	2836	141800	6744663c-11de-4fd2-a211-a22f9d0e433c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:21:42	-603.212
-11	1419	141900	77bbbb51-6318-47e1-94fd-b8b4510c473c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:07:06	-136.137
-11	2838	141900	2d1f6840-baff-4faa-b96d-4cbc7b7c29ab	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:51:05	996.246
-12	1420	142000	467956e4-f7d2-48a9-930d-bd9cc40a3635	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:40:39	-561.793
-12	2840	142000	97ef199d-c306-496c-b6cc-b858943981b1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:29:18	-980.168
-13	1421	142100	ccd85ebb-19e1-4b4b-b014-c5d1a64abfcb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:06:19	-715.358
-13	2842	142100	1e877433-ad55-49e6-856c-96a81982415a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:02:33	991.507
-14	1422	142200	aed221d7-625a-4e7e-92ad-21f32c83ea38	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:57:43	-108.591
-14	2844	142200	a426ed45-e1b5-4d52-a529-108be749a5bf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:17:59	-695.402
-15	1423	142300	a534e3f4-2ce2-4636-a9d1-b2c825c9275f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:11:18	-767.285
-15	2846	142300	7a99fd7d-54f6-4985-b947-4687e17967c2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:21:19	-472.885
-16	1424	142400	42e9c4dc-b85c-4a54-9324-b72b2f5bde30	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:19:19	-568.204
-16	2848	142400	fc4093f2-2876-4adc-a67d-01e84aed8e27	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:23:48	772.836
-17	1425	142500	9d8d838d-4cb6-4693-a19f-516df3bae541	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:01:22	521.295
-17	2850	142500	be326d7e-f359-4671-acaf-4c03a65b0625	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:07:57	592.750
-18	1426	142600	28203f19-4c7a-4372-8fa0-dda9547be5a6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:18:26	149.480
-18	2852	142600	46a76eb7-fb64-444b-9362-d3fdc3665132	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:18:03	-985.437
-19	1427	142700	e435c308-209e-4627-8f5f-3d0da1f2fa42	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:50:54	-879.292
-19	2854	142700	c5324edf-5f59-4835-907f-1d551f76ff05	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:52:04	368.626
-20	1428	142800	0a7fb7e6-68c9-47c0-8905-40e7d43f61ac	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:07:24	698.59
-20	2856	142800	eee12841-f159-4018-a800-b03476065aa6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:05:40	-460.639
-21	1429	142900	eab46fe4-edf9-4fb6-9dfd-4cd9a1485866	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:08:26	99.289
-21	2858	142900	279d714e-b4d7-465e-a50c-7e6da24a52a0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:12:09	-789.474
-22	1430	143000	d8c4f3ff-dbc4-4c41-8c73-8cb3e947646c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:51:15	586.859
-22	2860	143000	3bc9b465-bfb7-4e21-aa4c-c2e821632f75	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:35:06	-647.306
-23	1431	143100	c1faa2d7-8938-4e5e-878d-814a3d2867d7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:52:24	-642.472
-23	2862	143100	a356d130-fbd6-4325-a963-52a512996a39	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:29:58	9.322
-24	1432	143200	ec9d19bb-050d-4721-942d-41f30981430d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:53:37	424.9
-24	2864	143200	17b279b1-0ca5-4abb-9c99-ca4699a25f43	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:42:15	-197.37
-25	1433	143300	1db0ca17-1f19-4ada-b4c0-3a65ae5e1c33	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:02:17	-704.237
-25	2866	143300	c4972881-7ad6-4706-9194-83c87f7dece0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:12:01	389.240
-26	1434	143400	68949e75-7591-43d3-81a4-285a0eb9f215	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:21:51	-550.778
-26	2868	143400	053be4aa-1add-4153-9ca2-6e2996fb3629	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:31:18	-700.180
-27	1435	143500	cdb4cd43-9f46-4c3a-90b0-efc7ba98275c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:55:01	-799.20
-27	2870	143500	a0801cde-bd93-43d4-b4e1-2e98e5dd875e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:26:29	239.66
-28	1436	143600	e2f7bcbc-76b1-426f-b43d-267c2e454a74	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:59:48	-142.673
-28	2872	143600	cab6f6a2-cedf-4403-897b-a01fe88f7ef6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:55:34	789.940
-29	1437	143700	368923a4-f914-40e9-9931-4345e76b1a8b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:05:47	-54.896
-29	2874	143700	d020c658-3031-4cce-ad1c-09d93fbb8518	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:12:05	-205.848
-30	1438	143800	97c0b15e-30b9-499d-8458-5dd702f5e257	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:30:08	-230.855
-30	2876	143800	cc2d0a12-bd38-4a19-b7ea-8e0b805f37b3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:52:44	754.624
-31	1439	143900	6444f147-e49b-4dc9-8b13-93d6c65bb783	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:19:28	-210.681
-31	2878	143900	369af5b9-92da-4ca0-809e-06747b414ac9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:18:24	-441.370
-32	1440	144000	453d88f8-f017-41a4-801c-5c26911380da	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:54:04	-28.317
-32	2880	144000	164dae66-ad5c-40ff-a141-e52bd9d216fc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:10:32	938.93
-33	1441	144100	7f6c5285-b743-4c6a-8050-c27155c311e7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:33:15	66.739
-33	2882	144100	f26e0c91-ed34-4f7d-8521-676426ed3d86	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:05:40	-642.975
-34	1442	144200	53dd501c-3b18-433d-a898-6f5f1b7f69bd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:11:34	-786.748
-34	2884	144200	f3157ff8-c1f2-46c6-a956-d477340756b9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:58:58	-996.391
-35	1443	144300	f203bc6d-049f-43af-8d60-fc1ad7105874	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:19:41	22.119
-35	2886	144300	4a4ca734-11ff-4b02-b3bd-4b68b0198704	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:30:20	-585.939
-36	1444	144400	26468643-be75-4aa5-bf97-fe011c6a7c36	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:26:54	-992.187
-36	2888	144400	019d1f8f-220b-4b8d-a2e8-e93ef30bab2c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:36:10	271.249
-37	1445	144500	a9590697-ee60-485b-ae62-be0dcc31f0f2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:57:50	598.636
-37	2890	144500	efc81d39-9c72-4b12-bf01-f875983288fd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:20:04	-88.795
-38	1446	144600	80bf69bb-162b-4f89-bdb7-3e1e4b284e38	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:45:41	732.747
-38	2892	144600	03522515-3125-4962-9cad-a6f77594db4a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:49:22	591.316
-39	1447	144700	7c570802-6541-49aa-b73f-499031b6e36f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:02:43	-708.831
-39	2894	144700	03844a8a-094d-4563-8bde-7bcf27911d37	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:34:33	442.77
-40	1448	144800	3fae8a31-499d-4846-9015-11773e74ede6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:59:07	-991.650
-40	2896	144800	25c1d764-99fb-46a9-ad12-5bf9d1403d2f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:57:08	-874.258
-41	1449	144900	0abe5d47-b99e-47bc-bffd-c573a275be3a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:49:25	531.775
-41	2898	144900	57e17187-ddfc-4e22-9350-4f937129cf6c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:17:22	871.161
-42	1450	145000	2bd4a710-911d-4388-9dbd-df8bef47ea28	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:19:18	-186.262
-42	2900	145000	7baab907-7928-43e3-a2af-fdc66819f057	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:50:33	-10.53
-43	1451	145100	26d626a5-c80e-4ebd-b224-1617a09deb85	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:32:51	174.988
-43	2902	145100	63b42258-b108-4857-b975-b33c6ddc7ecd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:16:42	403.392
-44	1452	145200	467e7995-94cd-49fd-bc52-a7dd625b109e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:00:05	118.269
-44	2904	145200	9dc4a9d7-a1a4-48c8-83a1-a93785b2d004	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:19:18	-475.711
-45	1453	145300	2c847941-bc99-41e9-8db0-bd516cb104dc	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:06:19	421.766
-45	2906	145300	29ae89f1-655e-4eaf-8ae4-4a14b06e7111	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:39:32	200.387
-46	1454	145400	a0ea3847-e9b0-4f40-90f9-a820620f0935	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:37:20	-313.946
-46	2908	145400	fbab2e01-53de-4d67-8e19-29f39980d372	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:31:32	-615.900
-47	1455	145500	d7525b4d-4677-4a37-ad3a-f6640724fe0a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:03:56	-107.368
-47	2910	145500	a819bc48-e6ab-455f-88f3-a78640c5859c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:38:25	-113.894
-48	1456	145600	f1a6f1a9-c2bc-4546-b679-52f511782e10	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:36:46	-687.206
-48	2912	145600	0be8a716-6ec9-451c-8859-fbd5fbd13c7d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:41:14	612.156
-49	1457	145700	94d0874c-7937-4718-b1da-c330630ca9bf	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:10:38	-693.485
-49	2914	145700	a365ad26-3dd7-4472-bb57-656775addade	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:01:10	478.61
-50	1458	145800	f90f0e8e-492c-49cb-ab1c-73d014bb3b92	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:18:37	838.844
-50	2916	145800	c1f62460-216b-4d53-a6bc-325ff76475c1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:27:44	-284.154
-51	1459	145900	eae12d9b-71e1-4483-936f-2a7fef981eeb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:28:12	-933.79
-51	2918	145900	b582a76d-3a16-48f4-907d-a8cee89acaed	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:01:02	602.161
-52	1460	146000	4d7bcae3-1299-4b74-96ad-c538535edf07	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:13:44	89.111
-52	2920	146000	fc2d1c46-fa52-4177-8fad-5c63e192e38d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:59:48	-387.745
-53	1461	146100	2a9f56a2-4e72-440e-bc2c-3360fecbf9ed	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:47:38	328.526
-53	2922	146100	52344dac-43fe-473e-b99d-9653a2a01a7f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:23:36	-729.810
-54	1462	146200	d25961fe-b53c-4eac-9977-d40f071ad0f5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:47:41	-274.262
-54	2924	146200	acbe2acd-92a2-4288-986d-84b779e0e028	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:46:02	-515.126
-55	1463	146300	83e2cc4c-e190-413c-9140-967c1d921952	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:11:07	664.413
-55	2926	146300	dbc9967d-f613-4053-83aa-afccaea2707d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:26:19	-340.451
-56	1464	146400	77299e64-5dc0-4162-9088-ecaa152b0631	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:06:26	11.312
-56	2928	146400	5809c7f0-d3c2-4ba4-bfc0-68140acee46e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:41:14	-131.58
-57	1465	146500	f60b67dd-ae37-4a32-83c8-210d50a6626f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:14:48	-403.762
-57	2930	146500	bccebe2b-666a-4000-aa1e-c0b069d74409	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:41:09	-602.905
-58	1466	146600	f1228c59-fc1c-46c1-ad51-f6a6c970cbcd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:24:33	316.332
-58	2932	146600	c8a900c0-3068-4a24-963f-e697bdcbe2d4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:44:27	505.337
-59	1467	146700	6e59a107-13fd-4b6c-923e-983a04a44693	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:02:58	606.805
-59	2934	146700	a326e80f-6449-47a7-b30d-e9dc6d74858e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:31:03	385.551
-60	1468	146800	e8d6f7f9-ab77-4b08-b7fc-9f7b6bf304e6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:38:10	-627.888
-60	2936	146800	fec1cbe1-7831-42ea-a782-60bece36787b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:39:28	-579.215
-61	1469	146900	a6feaf15-c148-432f-beee-5e385d829f97	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:35:01	173.997
-61	2938	146900	d28a2e18-4909-48e9-80b0-01ef1dc57e53	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:16:57	987.55
-62	1470	147000	15f35081-8331-4824-8803-c00421d06c34	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:30:31	-742.858
-62	2940	147000	5f7b6bd5-5142-488e-894e-47bb4851dd22	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:49:20	-146.981
-63	1471	147100	f7d22c96-b7b9-4fa3-963b-d431d9eb2677	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:10:26	-735.119
-63	2942	147100	cd6ad1ba-09c1-4de0-8c00-2856a7136af8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:40:32	472.608
-64	1472	147200	2efc16c5-7f87-412f-a11d-340dfdb665d8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:25:49	-115.657
-64	2944	147200	f752325f-3993-486c-acfe-4a3ad39a1c5d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:40:08	-153.873
-65	1473	147300	797367d6-e012-4cb1-8365-6b3c2b46f5f4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:45:31	-702.432
-65	2946	147300	8e748859-569b-41d4-802d-0f44797d14d6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:19:05	-284.945
-66	1474	147400	6ff47c6f-ab76-406c-a666-8ed089408291	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:19:24	151.552
-66	2948	147400	3026fd35-4796-496e-bbf2-1bea073b36f1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:28:46	876.290
-67	1475	147500	dd28fa2e-9b9f-4f95-828b-08db7286e9af	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:55:58	301.660
-67	2950	147500	74b56ef8-e041-4a59-a43e-b932218e093a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:57:26	258.454
-68	1476	147600	ae586ff6-4f01-4f6b-99d7-a2c0990ef7dc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:55:42	-123.259
-68	2952	147600	b35f2797-85d3-4593-8458-09b6bfe2f7c8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:21:44	-61.59
-69	1477	147700	0255c861-730f-4c68-bed5-711471d711a9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:39:32	-501.49
-69	2954	147700	04dc472a-6ce9-4791-9f63-ab0fcc28477d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:17:50	471.634
-70	1478	147800	45bbbe79-a156-4751-9685-56859b9efce7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:42:53	-756.948
-70	2956	147800	aa1fc18b-71f4-4975-a67e-1520ccc179fa	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:53:53	866.891
-71	1479	147900	2f8cfcda-4b6d-4cf7-8757-f6dea7b9d42a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:54:34	-684.575
-71	2958	147900	a00a3e00-2875-4322-bab4-01734f735009	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:25:46	-179.412
-72	1480	148000	3de9f76a-aa11-49de-b49c-97eb5212989f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:05:43	205.428
-72	2960	148000	88572279-bb83-4683-8ba9-33bbfb96807f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:22:51	896.283
-73	1481	148100	5e558adb-b513-4ff7-a313-b8f0c10040b5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:52:15	356.494
-73	2962	148100	789fb43c-0dd6-4481-9c94-aa29eb573a99	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:51:37	-936.820
-74	1482	148200	094d55d0-aa1f-46d7-aa03-3bc0c6b71a43	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:10:28	-653.598
-74	2964	148200	a383fbc8-1fbe-4179-a5c1-36342a334760	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:36:43	-906.331
-75	1483	148300	7edf877d-a67f-438d-9de3-4138bde7f615	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:34:17	-809.79
-75	2966	148300	c431f000-1d5a-45fa-8911-fbc5e5aaccb9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:29:14	-556.937
-76	1484	148400	e51cf8a1-a542-44e0-b7c0-5c2527889628	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:46:02	-660.373
-76	2968	148400	c616dce6-463d-4ec1-84e0-78699c229618	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:27:07	318.503
-77	1485	148500	39575834-35c6-475a-8ddc-5bd216fd65e1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:33:32	634.601
-77	2970	148500	a74c0fc8-addc-4f75-8ff0-53fbf73a9145	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:08:27	-515.535
-78	1486	148600	9aeb5583-2d2c-479b-8d0d-a80305ed20ab	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:51:30	999.868
-78	2972	148600	380f60b9-e4d5-4d7b-9f14-83bf34693cca	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:08:41	634.963
-79	1487	148700	ecab4319-c22d-4e0a-a67e-30ba4237c8d3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:54:50	-575.273
-79	2974	148700	406e2abb-0cc7-46ea-a174-175845bccf71	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:29:18	460.788
-80	1488	148800	c0a71e17-806c-406d-9ede-f62f9827ed7a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:20:51	-824.971
-80	2976	148800	b4325bff-91b5-4d00-b5af-0f6fdcbe2528	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:27:06	457.912
-81	1489	148900	cbdd04c6-e314-4cde-9f98-07efc7fc287e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:16:09	598.25
-81	2978	148900	61781ad5-2ffe-4d6f-9dc1-f21632a5c125	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:24:15	-312.485
-82	1490	149000	a1e1fc47-4977-4cd7-b756-e4ad43c90fb4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:32:49	243.418
-82	2980	149000	41b21aea-60c5-4391-b8bf-8fc2d3999472	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:51:44	923.751
-83	1491	149100	6f6dc918-e51c-42fa-95da-e1be10650268	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:21:43	796.710
-83	2982	149100	5b3f143c-e373-4c02-b84e-3dc894db6635	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:48:15	9.377
-84	1492	149200	ddbd1741-9204-49ef-ad6e-be2fb966cbc5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:21:36	-75.580
-84	2984	149200	648f836e-a24d-44bb-9006-0ab5505c054a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:13:44	-764.97
-85	1493	149300	90bb422e-44a9-4c23-99ae-11b5d7f21d8f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:12:51	3.471
-85	2986	149300	523195d7-2c68-49ed-ac1c-1a948e0ffd62	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:16:38	-778.152
-86	1494	149400	8a50a3d1-e6d2-4103-91c9-4f644376d24b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:14:40	306.7
-86	2988	149400	9b1f719b-7888-452f-98fe-bf6ef139e7e4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:45:05	-426.642
-87	1495	149500	1bf71f0d-394b-46f0-ba58-c100f241ec9d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:29:20	204.500
-87	2990	149500	e0c51148-2cb3-433e-bb51-baaf8c166fb0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:06:44	-266.429
-88	1496	149600	f51df299-0517-4dba-8277-984e35e23395	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:57:27	-38.263
-88	2992	149600	2cb062f8-47d6-4e65-8027-c96ab84fd456	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:10:44	-622.249
-89	1497	149700	fadc97fc-1513-4b86-8bef-a6b798877942	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:20:52	-405.767
-89	2994	149700	eb2f20b6-5334-42e6-a925-cdef9ebb57bf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:52:31	720.179
-90	1498	149800	271efbd3-03cd-4063-b50f-e9b5e30f9eca	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:24:22	-264.605
-90	2996	149800	27959e24-ff93-4c19-b160-623e98b5c6cb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:46:54	-588.588
-91	1499	149900	c2d598e4-afa5-4e8f-b309-94d4f713a9e3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:51:40	-284.386
-91	2998	149900	010bc978-9333-4b5e-bfa4-59f11cc62992	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:13:30	-708.663
-92	1500	150000	32de13ee-0c92-41a4-bd9a-ee34d646ebe5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:18:34	617.512
-92	3000	150000	21861699-93f0-4ab8-b5d9-669af7a391ac	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:44:29	882.720
-93	1501	150100	66f76d68-365d-4b9c-a92b-767f821a0526	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:40:55	-940.990
-93	3002	150100	78b7e553-097d-4a54-aaf0-1499c534e738	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:22:24	-489.246
-94	1502	150200	c1d2f297-59e7-4ab1-8c32-ed0fc92009ef	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:17:00	271.464
-94	3004	150200	55bb2f7d-8ac6-4703-977c-43e59d1a5462	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:05:18	-60.927
-95	1503	150300	cd31110f-1d35-4ceb-b99e-1fdd03048ce8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:33:51	438.285
-95	3006	150300	54d901f4-2a74-45f9-9ed8-ff4af0ba81ff	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:13:13	295.235
-96	1504	150400	b152043b-5ff9-4db3-820c-13cdc75bf6c1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:36:48	-631.10
-96	3008	150400	7612fee4-f436-486e-886a-38cbc43271a6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:20:45	685.249
-97	1505	150500	f6e3e72d-55d7-4737-8d9a-d410e986c231	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:01:56	-138.957
-97	3010	150500	34ef3406-fc9a-4910-a1ae-3d53a730fb1d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:03:59	-911.185
-98	1506	150600	3587ee61-581e-48a5-a1bf-06e7f6b2d38a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:50:04	-987.863
-98	3012	150600	02b7fba6-1c1c-447b-904f-9824976c3682	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:02:42	-824.854
-99	1507	150700	fc1884aa-74bc-4863-91c4-2c16f6d5ee8f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:31:43	963.157
-99	3014	150700	548ed84f-d80a-48cf-8e16-fb26168e4dfd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:54:36	-513.540
-100	1508	150800	133b25c3-94eb-47b2-8a3d-d2db966820be	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:02:49	-155.366
-100	3016	150800	c48a2e03-067b-4027-88d9-d099c24d3e88	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:41:19	-719.682
-101	1509	150900	437a9931-45b1-4cd0-a724-5a18f5a385de	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:37:48	-906.882
-101	3018	150900	d1753889-a2ec-473e-a5f2-91d78cc87c29	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:06:47	-541.18
-102	1510	151000	1db13a3b-5a8f-4984-b1f5-fd9d8ad328be	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:26:06	-390.903
-102	3020	151000	18464312-2516-4864-a0f2-59af213f180e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:46:51	-132.230
-103	1511	151100	242754d9-e90e-4efb-bb38-a2447aa355fb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:11:02	-46.251
-103	3022	151100	ad63d80f-b1e2-414d-a95a-20c6d42d8f48	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:39:33	960.317
-104	1512	151200	adbb58c7-b59e-47f6-ab92-dea65e96302c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:53:24	-387.699
-104	3024	151200	4107ea97-9adb-4372-90f5-70996b3c2ede	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:31:57	-644.880
-105	1513	151300	2eb83a17-1fa8-44e5-9396-5068e254e7ac	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:42:36	-649.561
-105	3026	151300	1549e96b-3992-493a-b6ed-cc7dc58c2231	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:14:21	-367.243
-106	1514	151400	d436812f-7a8d-48e1-8785-095fee3fadec	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:36:43	72.629
-106	3028	151400	cdff1926-a7b4-471b-97bc-e376b1f0f45a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:10:56	-534.595
-107	1515	151500	cddf5c76-b8e7-43da-afe9-157876835b52	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:15:05	24.150
-107	3030	151500	a9466695-8c40-45f9-85d0-646520d479b3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:16:43	379.273
-108	1516	151600	528e754d-a1b8-47d0-af8f-8cb73c18fad1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:59:30	-432.51
-108	3032	151600	0e5151ba-aa5e-4b1a-989e-f4a5bae5fcb9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:18:00	491.96
-109	1517	151700	6b17e887-3230-4b1f-b6d9-6303045ef845	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:15:06	634.948
-109	3034	151700	81fdeed2-c618-4f2c-92a2-a35e404ed7b0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:45:45	468.214
-110	1518	151800	7ac197ad-b1f9-4fbf-8e1d-17c0257b1131	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:01:19	-497.116
-110	3036	151800	bf02a316-e679-433e-b2a8-4a0151e3f96e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:53:29	-383.319
-111	1519	151900	7ae0a7b0-1f68-47f0-bc32-4637d670edee	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:47:57	-706.452
-111	3038	151900	3235b25d-e466-4eaf-9cf0-fbfbb64c67d5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:21:30	-24.175
-112	1520	152000	79d70826-a0cf-4532-8d12-cea42b3ae354	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:37:53	-743.851
-112	3040	152000	2bb86891-7dfc-4198-a494-be1f6cf48354	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:43:25	307.850
-113	1521	152100	031e6911-9064-405b-b30d-80ba130e3fbc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:27:27	302.589
-113	3042	152100	bc71d3ca-2f10-4430-82c2-e1a650652559	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:51:57	769.984
-114	1522	152200	0bb4d0d4-5608-47f0-a0a5-1677b714577b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:38:21	868.819
-114	3044	152200	ad115006-fd98-4809-b2ba-5f6ba814c18f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:46:52	-8.912
-115	1523	152300	8f0608eb-fbb6-4eab-ab2c-dd29f8588aa7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:18:43	-163.646
-115	3046	152300	00a5b0ab-a6ae-403b-b626-ba39c4200d9b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:45:14	153.158
-116	1524	152400	362a3e46-aa1b-4251-8b77-ac9647e995ee	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:54:01	695.61
-116	3048	152400	3f05ee1f-61de-4e32-b508-49bd67311c3b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:22:07	-727.131
-117	1525	152500	ab250f3f-5db7-4f59-ad9d-6614b7da9b11	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:22:04	-743.562
-117	3050	152500	809aa316-c275-41d0-b1b7-b9b3a1ecee35	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:51:13	-899.562
-118	1526	152600	34ec6b18-26a1-4ad2-9a33-85539a0e5f10	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:27:39	528.925
-118	3052	152600	a752eea1-50ba-417a-8f8e-12870f3db988	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:18:18	-445.364
-119	1527	152700	cc597392-3bdd-460c-b749-4f57a36fdaf7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:26:15	-865.799
-119	3054	152700	df32b24b-33fc-4088-af47-90e87d511e8f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:15:25	-837.490
-120	1528	152800	2c2f6ceb-fe81-4134-b0ee-8522bc817b08	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:22:06	99.42
-120	3056	152800	68c2b7be-c882-4c2c-9378-5dcbc72953bb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:03:33	290.677
-121	1529	152900	bb1b7ee9-061d-4dc6-9c61-ad8d9ae57ae9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:23:44	-915.883
-121	3058	152900	1879c78a-54f2-4606-8641-d673f877f4fe	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:38:56	771.597
-122	1530	153000	df53d8cc-9abb-491c-b4f6-bb8da470d5c8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:36:11	-483.860
-122	3060	153000	ff183415-8e0a-4d9e-ae5e-4fcf747ce367	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:40:00	-495.770
-123	1531	153100	536d83b3-26a7-4bce-ba3d-2e42bc1c6d00	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:46:00	-301.580
-123	3062	153100	a893c6e4-c293-406b-a990-e902fdbde8a5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:33:59	87.302
-124	1532	153200	157e9c95-d379-4a3c-8d4b-c38b7f74fe29	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:08:07	558.186
-124	3064	153200	69947b53-1f96-407d-a572-7bf98ae144c5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:02:48	-869.541
-125	1533	153300	7f8b0452-d5ec-4495-9455-65359aaf75a1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:45:22	-185.840
-125	3066	153300	60799859-6ef7-4976-88c4-448706c22eb1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:15:46	-289.500
-126	1534	153400	4aed1af2-922c-48ff-ba45-6375bd60bc4b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:24:46	478.469
-126	3068	153400	d3889c19-4413-449b-96e1-fc48f5f34e6c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:17:00	-678.271
-127	1535	153500	8c5dce1f-5f4c-455e-9a29-9ffef18b9229	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:02:33	-872.691
-127	3070	153500	ba386d7d-2b2e-4e2c-82cd-497b925039a0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:39:13	-495.321
-0	1536	153600	cd7a8738-ec27-490d-98b1-7f0d2a08de32	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:24:36	-177.494
-0	3072	153600	0f5b8576-0efb-4aca-bcfa-587b10a0cdcb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:19:20	540.20
-1	1537	153700	3919b544-1861-49a6-a2d9-c6db4d10e50b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:30:53	-901.650
-1	3074	153700	cc2aad1e-346e-45be-8aa1-07f6c3cc42ee	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:18:03	-257.544
-2	1538	153800	d0e54316-88bf-4764-8d02-2fc4bf8f8594	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:54:35	-694.618
-2	3076	153800	c120b8a3-9f72-4c8c-8fc4-e0447863be9e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:11:47	-240.421
-3	1539	153900	b62311aa-87e1-4fa4-b407-426b6e14f9df	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:13:11	-831.269
-3	3078	153900	e815c8d2-743a-4cba-b17e-0eef26f00181	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:38:54	-39.796
-4	1540	154000	d8f805ff-fcfa-4714-89a6-61303afaf22c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:05:43	261.216
-4	3080	154000	e5bb59a2-a910-45ca-9dda-d6f35a970664	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:31:27	-826.575
-5	1541	154100	134ec4a6-a182-4147-a35b-1bb2ec6e9b9b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:49:38	-705.441
-5	3082	154100	ee057742-06cc-4ad8-ae19-cfaa2854dda0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:43:36	-120.628
-6	1542	154200	559cc934-6b94-4628-a843-75b4e6f41293	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:37:39	912.730
-6	3084	154200	b811dccc-cde0-48f7-befb-9235f691fb50	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:19:52	17.865
-7	1543	154300	82dfecfb-f4ea-4948-9432-7eac40071dea	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:20:09	-468.43
-7	3086	154300	f295f2ea-3455-46ee-981d-ae8b4b0ae557	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:59:40	736.701
-8	1544	154400	0749fc7f-9be4-4a35-beed-68a6870c95ae	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:27:53	606.164
-8	3088	154400	b250b0dc-b1e7-4b54-a0cc-5ef67b1960b1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:34:28	217.526
-9	1545	154500	fae82e5b-4fc4-4675-8df0-333121e53bf7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:20:08	606.381
-9	3090	154500	e00bab4c-7100-4f16-b508-c1ab4f81e23f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:53:33	-29.662
-10	1546	154600	2b11b613-aa49-49e2-a015-041624bfaf13	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:01:20	982.165
-10	3092	154600	44d25aa3-ac4e-46ae-b0fb-8e90a26410dd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:31:42	-811.979
-11	1547	154700	93fa4255-5622-44be-a7a5-c0768454b872	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:22:55	907.583
-11	3094	154700	759dfe5b-e050-45cd-be6d-621dcc342aa4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:36:54	-301.986
-12	1548	154800	85e2a14f-4a74-43b1-bb0b-bee75c6b5c00	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:07:49	971.181
-12	3096	154800	3e1fd7a1-e858-41f9-8849-f1ebe8a93a14	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:11:29	491.459
-13	1549	154900	7dbb0313-58c2-4020-ac80-f7c871ed7c59	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:16:15	738.936
-13	3098	154900	ae486b6d-bb5d-44f5-ab8e-603a1d7244e7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:43:58	244.670
-14	1550	155000	fcd40614-8e30-4d79-b400-5c7b534bd931	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:52:45	-105.616
-14	3100	155000	0c3f6f34-6c83-411c-a512-0e152248e8b0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:03:06	771.683
-15	1551	155100	7004a524-ee06-4784-a97d-b53d5fa9470d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:38:00	-828.925
-15	3102	155100	d5ca85d9-9320-4c2f-9ba5-9fc80f9f2120	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:26:31	-466.771
-16	1552	155200	ef29e6e6-8d57-46d7-89cf-2846e75c5fbe	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:41:18	683.447
-16	3104	155200	397c51bc-4c73-4481-af84-5b394e721bd6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:13:55	-112.477
-17	1553	155300	2c0a46fb-d9a9-485f-b38c-cbda79e40c52	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:41:19	292.118
-17	3106	155300	f471f22e-05eb-47b6-9dbd-e6386ea03149	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:44:55	382.978
-18	1554	155400	434457f4-34c6-4271-978c-aea5bf47d4b3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:58:54	-687.430
-18	3108	155400	3d12b65d-31dc-4f8f-87c4-bb09bb44b4b6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:23:27	-539.267
-19	1555	155500	ce2b01bd-5175-4bb8-b565-3f97563a7a91	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:42:40	-580.12
-19	3110	155500	4d8042a9-f02c-456f-9740-fce2f96f1091	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:02:53	243.723
-20	1556	155600	96484094-0547-4828-a1bf-e1fc4048380c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:07:56	751.526
-20	3112	155600	72d09efc-8d29-42f4-a11d-529754264e3c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:21:14	576.613
-21	1557	155700	b992ef26-1280-4a3c-94f1-821de3a8cd75	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:47:37	321.925
-21	3114	155700	f492fa13-ec40-4554-b45c-a5c2fbebf273	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:58:29	984.23
-22	1558	155800	426dee91-9abc-4941-8d32-6f9a0e95fa0f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:18:32	-29.463
-22	3116	155800	26633517-475d-49fd-a316-c18ed78a424e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:11:47	-160.995
-23	1559	155900	c11c589e-9345-46ad-a6b6-dc9ab2da4eb8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:35:19	302.4
-23	3118	155900	22ff7b8b-2659-4c6a-b84d-4744956d99c3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:08:52	-654.375
-24	1560	156000	78eb352a-3843-4e32-aff7-2c543dd76f6c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:27:52	987.467
-24	3120	156000	33aca64d-074c-42bd-ad45-51374e7b105e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:33:57	-108.755
-25	1561	156100	99373442-5f17-4698-857d-bc973f16069d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:44:55	-147.595
-25	3122	156100	bdaebe38-e183-4f84-b87e-c1e6ce65ff59	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:52:03	696.960
-26	1562	156200	0865b18b-0f70-4397-8817-13e845b01dc7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:19:40	359.523
-26	3124	156200	f55be8d8-5eed-4b7f-b242-6de061987693	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:20:01	973.812
-27	1563	156300	788d80ac-6ecd-40c5-8d28-4aefe9e59a3b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:52:24	-143.550
-27	3126	156300	43c02865-7b21-4d7e-8a06-4e4779d71a75	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:57:16	-816.279
-28	1564	156400	8aeb0f8e-7281-4660-8446-c2a0c2123e01	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:41:08	686.21
-28	3128	156400	eae25aca-1d0a-43bc-bb98-a66191a0e6c5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:56:00	196.161
-29	1565	156500	7c0ac8d0-021e-4ce5-8563-5459a84225bd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:49:28	491.116
-29	3130	156500	6854ef02-a3fb-446f-bd25-2b1f0b2d62ba	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:37:46	236.843
-30	1566	156600	45c9931b-c964-4735-9b1f-030fd9d54edb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:19:28	-809.342
-30	3132	156600	cfd289b6-c0b4-4e92-b012-4f75de738a89	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:42:46	-309.650
-31	1567	156700	586a39d0-3596-47ff-a57b-97401f1e7526	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:12:18	304.602
-31	3134	156700	9e041d77-ce46-47be-a07c-fbb1016ffc3d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:10:53	-102.208
-32	1568	156800	8757b661-ee66-4851-953c-bda63f3eefd0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:40:22	-103.193
-32	3136	156800	0cb3273b-1a06-48ba-8e72-fb68bca7bc55	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:01:56	-134.793
-33	1569	156900	d146297e-c5c4-48c9-954a-f1b1ab734084	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:02:46	-301.766
-33	3138	156900	3d26d5d3-7c0b-43c9-9475-bc1fe9b9993c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:05:44	444.52
-34	1570	157000	c572f936-ac04-4639-9962-cfc28b1038a4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:46:10	-109.560
-34	3140	157000	27b50d13-5beb-4a96-b5bc-587261b0b262	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:43:03	675.566
-35	1571	157100	13abbd8a-b70f-49f0-956c-6616bb342dd3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:12:12	125.530
-35	3142	157100	a7edd674-9d2b-4f36-b6ea-1da86b53fb8a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:13:19	847.411
-36	1572	157200	8fcf44da-4177-41fb-bfc4-080d730f7e7d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:18:28	385.688
-36	3144	157200	22b3f08a-ff53-45e5-9f32-8c7d4cb75ecf	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:15:41	843.431
-37	1573	157300	e15b16c1-7ba9-440b-ab76-97a1ce0cfed3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:18:57	112.789
-37	3146	157300	40695bf0-6439-48d7-befd-3b71d42f7811	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:32:17	-741.140
-38	1574	157400	61d00f6a-982f-4834-a742-63d9c461e8a0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:17:25	-56.655
-38	3148	157400	b311bf66-98ef-4cf9-a202-6cb61e0f4933	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:15:55	-823.645
-39	1575	157500	268bea00-5357-42f6-bc15-2958f4a41f3a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:12:08	994.739
-39	3150	157500	e819a4cd-9528-4942-9322-b894f1bc79b8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:16:20	-511.95
-40	1576	157600	5816abb9-b613-41e8-abc5-0d9f89a0dffa	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:25:00	-694.717
-40	3152	157600	7056468c-fbc0-471d-9a9c-40b02c66fbfb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:02:07	583.68
-41	1577	157700	f491e62b-f6b4-405d-b395-0902db37b25e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:15:50	391.159
-41	3154	157700	390a038d-b1bb-4fdb-bb96-be5534e702e1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:30:55	-542.819
-42	1578	157800	d7245ed3-ed4f-4df5-816a-405995365d87	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:09:50	897.785
-42	3156	157800	3786f39d-57e3-4713-b978-4c20a41ca70e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:42:55	206.517
-43	1579	157900	83d4b1c2-d296-4a85-ae11-a4c6ec940f17	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:07:42	-699.966
-43	3158	157900	2a7004af-4605-47f7-9548-dc8c3e3e9fbe	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:56:22	-264.99
-44	1580	158000	ffded23a-0771-439d-96a4-311521d94778	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:58:55	-33.305
-44	3160	158000	c44185b3-482b-47f1-b77d-852689e22871	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:01:02	-237.515
-45	1581	158100	070891fc-c572-4624-a63f-8d21237a8c3f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:23:09	-95.147
-45	3162	158100	12cefb7b-952f-43b7-ae96-72daabfac715	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:43:38	4.456
-46	1582	158200	6d122375-78c5-47d0-8d67-74f526c86c43	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:41:20	-145.629
-46	3164	158200	de112729-7629-4464-a741-5a509a82564e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:29:32	26.132
-47	1583	158300	5f118e82-3454-4129-b29a-6d2971979ef3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:35:00	447.404
-47	3166	158300	a476d7e2-108e-40f2-af9d-0bef2a72189b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:34:39	552.482
-48	1584	158400	77fdcac1-0d15-4394-ac33-cb8cb02f1d54	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:04:39	-311.255
-48	3168	158400	2d82f069-72ec-49c9-9cce-d7f8c26e827c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:44:25	715.476
-49	1585	158500	f2c0a879-f9a8-4b1c-8fb4-7f4a04ea9df6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:52:07	-622.377
-49	3170	158500	d4ccf8a1-5463-4500-8075-545c8d6104b1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:58:39	-921.965
-50	1586	158600	a531dc08-c009-4e45-a772-caae5d734f5b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:27:46	613.618
-50	3172	158600	81e00529-ced6-46ec-8b08-a101c754bd3d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:39:46	-83.924
-51	1587	158700	374d99c5-015f-437e-b7b1-17b9e91e601b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:22:41	-910.412
-51	3174	158700	4c54de44-0454-4f8a-8c42-17986c7976a2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:28:25	-93.292
-52	1588	158800	b4dc6160-27b1-4e2b-a5a7-973954168135	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:03:12	-630.490
-52	3176	158800	481a8f9a-9099-4e64-8164-78b762def5ee	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:06:03	-737.182
-53	1589	158900	9aa63b95-4364-4e32-bb27-987e01df59cb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:35:08	573.929
-53	3178	158900	2b688b99-b732-4a10-8751-4cccd3102e6a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:25:06	-377.228
-54	1590	159000	1e9eba71-718c-4de5-8c39-21d1504d5ef9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:00:00	-423.830
-54	3180	159000	eae50bb5-c45f-42d4-9321-144ec382a927	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:50:49	-464.131
-55	1591	159100	5bd62160-52ec-498a-9c12-f27f425685da	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:56:08	-858.62
-55	3182	159100	512894fa-0c49-4bb1-b6e7-4972e954a376	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:19:33	-587.18
-56	1592	159200	f0ee1794-1cbf-4191-8f4d-75025e65570a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:10:54	244.16
-56	3184	159200	cf251ee5-40ae-4810-ac65-d46cfaf75081	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:09:48	-740.11
-57	1593	159300	a6bb0e6c-66bb-476e-b4be-df6740bd30f7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:35:00	-121.692
-57	3186	159300	5c4f49c6-be01-4a47-bfb3-a026fc83a358	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:13:29	469.113
-58	1594	159400	5bab306a-9670-42d3-b403-e88aacd16214	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:56:05	-646.340
-58	3188	159400	c0ed9b6b-a06c-4c7a-9c1b-275edae82699	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:25:47	-553.330
-59	1595	159500	b7cc2251-68d4-4518-a28f-8077204fa2c4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:37:12	976.62
-59	3190	159500	f0df5ade-4bd8-41de-b26e-46d63730dbf7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:48:48	-307.667
-60	1596	159600	68a34545-8e19-4c80-81a3-5e0d57374807	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:33:18	-790.473
-60	3192	159600	bd3713f5-de14-4a49-9d5b-785ca1565ddd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:02:05	-144.438
-61	1597	159700	357f1ac5-0953-4d23-852d-fe3b7a85f325	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:54:49	-714.154
-61	3194	159700	8edb9602-55c8-4ef9-906f-7987b965a282	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:36:30	-777.135
-62	1598	159800	ad2ecf85-7ace-40cd-ba97-d8fc472bc08c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:32:06	181.412
-62	3196	159800	46eff704-7807-4695-9a91-22d8304f6a2c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:28:54	-397.995
-63	1599	159900	7040cf63-efa5-463d-ac6e-8f756a20a924	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:03:24	-363.209
-63	3198	159900	2d0d5d5e-cc5c-4d06-a8dc-66f2e82cbeae	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:34:27	-777.77
-64	1600	160000	814e03b9-363f-4dae-9669-718fe56652f7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:10:44	-972.481
-64	3200	160000	6c025700-f9fb-492a-9969-37c9ba2a32b5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:53:31	593.41
-65	1601	160100	7b71d5fa-9b8c-4e46-b814-00c6e387abe9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:25:08	-966.650
-65	3202	160100	c78b84fc-4263-441f-a1f4-c8194c73123d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:15:00	-697.710
-66	1602	160200	c079afc3-f80f-42c3-9251-834dbd5c5f2e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:23:36	597.610
-66	3204	160200	871305ba-df5b-440e-87eb-1ed7342ad98b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:49:04	282.559
-67	1603	160300	aab5e9fe-1347-4f34-b285-690acdbbd013	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:05:34	821.985
-67	3206	160300	576be0df-e5ca-4acc-946b-3b1c79ece76d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:06:16	118.67
-68	1604	160400	d59c86d4-2183-4848-8f69-24480c9c4e1a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:06:16	-759.362
-68	3208	160400	fb151a6d-2138-44a1-845a-945b70b7bf02	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:15:43	-311.595
-69	1605	160500	0e7096d9-f099-4686-9314-bcb0118c709c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:12:50	480.163
-69	3210	160500	7b758ea3-114c-4dd0-ab91-8223b41997e9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:06:02	-361.893
-70	1606	160600	57ec3c90-fdc8-4620-a83e-3b506ba20d06	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:13:46	-679.863
-70	3212	160600	4ebd8ccd-3e9a-40e0-8b62-cf8da9c22203	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:45:56	619.568
-71	1607	160700	c4b950e9-5dce-48a5-aeb0-02b96f43d055	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:20:47	886.865
-71	3214	160700	9cb4e025-dc7d-4dde-8542-4d703226b1c2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:28:16	-235.277
-72	1608	160800	919d4d0c-f0a6-4686-9e83-366201c43c65	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:45:49	534.573
-72	3216	160800	aa967766-87c8-4357-9468-9c1360b11306	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:35:35	470.446
-73	1609	160900	c0779580-7831-41c0-93c9-f266938093c3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:47:31	997.11
-73	3218	160900	5227c573-2d0b-4ddb-98c9-5b910ee18b83	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:09:55	-272.331
-74	1610	161000	6032fedb-1e35-4867-a99b-161e81869f08	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:39:10	556.326
-74	3220	161000	d3dfe5ba-1e82-44f7-b0b4-afc03e6bf9a8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:34:25	-119.64
-75	1611	161100	5fd735d5-7afb-4042-bfc4-df1c4cc64d54	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:57:30	269.172
-75	3222	161100	e27ec991-ab45-454e-846b-edeea07ce4ec	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:48:22	44.160
-76	1612	161200	548a3822-adb3-4417-8ee8-fe04404eeeca	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:52:23	60.490
-76	3224	161200	26d75d8d-9d96-4118-8e1f-6879bdbc5d27	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:15:11	-762.874
-77	1613	161300	bda3cc79-a980-4a09-bb0b-84657e57fe6b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:15:54	-283.682
-77	3226	161300	b43263e4-5e33-43d4-9767-f88057841d3d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:03:43	3.814
-78	1614	161400	2a854a76-fbf5-4167-a390-296d98075ba8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:59:07	-150.451
-78	3228	161400	dc417020-35a8-4651-a0d4-9bdeae26a9fd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:58:09	-666.696
-79	1615	161500	f2c7998e-8ee0-45e1-a517-8f91a87fe74d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:26:46	226.101
-79	3230	161500	f5f0d785-f3b9-45b7-a4e3-35755b93034e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:54:52	134.291
-80	1616	161600	099993d9-b988-493e-8bf8-af6a808e2abc	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:36:18	744.499
-80	3232	161600	afb95ade-116a-43ca-b8ba-fa00f00cc7ee	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:48:17	-601.396
-81	1617	161700	22378363-aa6c-46e2-b22e-cc4319ae8608	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:08:11	478.255
-81	3234	161700	2fd7878e-31be-4743-bd10-e3e54fbaefac	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:53:36	-570.787
-82	1618	161800	4dbf439d-46da-4346-a731-b1ad1394066a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:49:05	-914.884
-82	3236	161800	ca6fc6a5-a413-475e-8140-c9167f9865a7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:02:10	-100.263
-83	1619	161900	99f0fbaf-c21e-4af5-a560-a207c738a2f7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:25:24	385.235
-83	3238	161900	b8785133-0552-4e44-9156-7e1c586d1ed5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:58:30	626.138
-84	1620	162000	1509bc71-8709-4c45-96c6-d099585e697f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:19:57	-165.338
-84	3240	162000	b55d6b85-6c7c-4975-ac5f-a2008463c2f3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:31:26	-857.64
-85	1621	162100	5e03a5b3-e092-4655-9963-43bc2d18c2e4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:23:51	-730.546
-85	3242	162100	4b216d1e-9147-45f9-bcd5-5207db116f08	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:34:24	-734.56
-86	1622	162200	27159b75-3d8c-482d-9dbb-b662f0efa4be	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:09:39	72.831
-86	3244	162200	3fd85731-ec4b-498b-96e6-f1e583629616	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:58:41	-386.831
-87	1623	162300	f4deb552-6b30-437f-bd60-297f199308d5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:43:35	-574.626
-87	3246	162300	b70b263e-5465-4c13-9a7b-0d01a62af5c9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:01:43	454.843
-88	1624	162400	bd5dec6d-3800-412c-a9cd-70334d8228b8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:27:53	-9.364
-88	3248	162400	da07c7e1-43e7-47a8-9300-35579d75b0ca	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:35:21	264.456
-89	1625	162500	06fca2ac-7270-4980-acc2-19a233483d98	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:51:17	-116.587
-89	3250	162500	a6ecc0df-fb10-4587-a486-b1d1761ba86a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:03:04	-536.986
-90	1626	162600	d8ec6e31-c98a-4e04-914a-366b2e018f10	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:37:26	437.615
-90	3252	162600	53953f05-5e01-4098-849c-68998f544e0b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:28:00	249.418
-91	1627	162700	722bb645-955f-4dec-b36e-86ba0085176d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:46:36	-173.987
-91	3254	162700	f8935d56-587c-491d-94c1-bf6fd783243a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:49:50	-336.129
-92	1628	162800	15a52d2b-492f-4859-b79c-a6100a41d144	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:01:44	-573.176
-92	3256	162800	d8abff7b-5df8-4441-b6d7-0d16fbabdb12	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:10:01	959.738
-93	1629	162900	b7860ef0-e513-4938-9af1-b496d4e27b87	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:29:11	-137.249
-93	3258	162900	42f853af-43fd-4da0-9c60-7e6263542995	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:22:06	817.936
-94	1630	163000	28ae3a52-4c9c-4abb-a913-466700c123c6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:50:50	-565.523
-94	3260	163000	4fb34c26-498b-470d-ade6-76fa33325634	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:21:18	969.822
-95	1631	163100	fc3e4362-1405-4aa0-8442-2173b293e220	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:07:19	672.844
-95	3262	163100	88c63605-3ec8-4d58-afec-235e4decc991	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:19:28	-19.161
-96	1632	163200	6af7b5ad-d64a-43f2-8ef8-8753500ee0d4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:45:57	-722.751
-96	3264	163200	2205f0ed-5aa1-41d0-b28d-08999ec6ad3b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:47:06	821.656
-97	1633	163300	7b0bf0dc-b4e0-4661-ab4d-7577362d1467	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:17:41	-260.86
-97	3266	163300	cfa8e7c6-9108-4d11-96ad-71d29810fa75	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:12:37	-809.83
-98	1634	163400	a13fe6b3-7ea9-4108-bc87-741ca6b41350	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:49:33	-89.696
-98	3268	163400	1412e5fd-6328-453b-8492-bfb300960dad	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:35:44	-196.8
-99	1635	163500	f2c2049d-1987-4778-b9be-bf100a9ccb86	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:17:01	90.435
-99	3270	163500	1d71c1b2-8126-41e8-8e20-a11995b7f4be	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:54:41	104.6
-100	1636	163600	1474a78f-6feb-42f4-beba-fbe3a94488f0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:03:37	231.569
-100	3272	163600	f8f4b638-79c0-45b1-b272-c010a3d291b3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:43:59	643.679
-101	1637	163700	f48ff90a-7a0a-4f6f-922b-0d3595ebd1a3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:02:16	-597.183
-101	3274	163700	f79abc02-17bf-425d-8f90-8d748af5bc4f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:09:21	-382.573
-102	1638	163800	77a85907-62ef-4cad-9e8b-8d6948eb9115	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:39:14	-102.909
-102	3276	163800	62e51543-1763-4bf2-b77e-de2c21cbddfa	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:00:46	605.620
-103	1639	163900	3cf711ff-61d4-43cb-a089-f4b68b98133a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:15:00	104.563
-103	3278	163900	18829c9e-2502-45b8-9f5c-ecaa8b2bdc60	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:16:16	869.29
-104	1640	164000	7022e245-ffa2-456a-b8f5-dbd371ac0838	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:20:45	513.887
-104	3280	164000	5a70c22e-a409-49a2-82a3-98c230d9eae6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:48:57	-110.101
-105	1641	164100	ce014d95-4427-4585-b580-ddfffac3f481	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:06:33	-503.461
-105	3282	164100	dccdd1f6-278b-4a3b-a272-cb60b27a9de5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:53:19	792.529
-106	1642	164200	5dd8f286-175c-454e-8ed7-3a1e7938de3d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:34:42	87.994
-106	3284	164200	06563a5a-b28a-4220-9bb4-3fb34bc6838c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:01:20	179.485
-107	1643	164300	41e50bb5-6f38-4588-82fc-90580fb4cd11	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:39:41	47.301
-107	3286	164300	d24e78c7-9566-42c9-bc1e-437e5367a01f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:12:26	-336.988
-108	1644	164400	c0bd72d0-fc8f-4abb-80c7-d84a3e2aa4f6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:46:26	328.155
-108	3288	164400	3f45b340-860f-41b9-baeb-1a87c27f80ec	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:35:43	214.58
-109	1645	164500	ab33239c-1a71-4936-b27e-225ff8dba30d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:32:45	89.516
-109	3290	164500	8bf64ef4-fd76-4abb-81ee-62f258f7ccf8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:04:14	605.82
-110	1646	164600	5e78e93e-1f80-4b90-961d-5251e052a4b7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:47:19	-832.493
-110	3292	164600	7c5c3394-6ed2-487a-ac30-f214eed1e0ec	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:58:26	737.180
-111	1647	164700	d45eb4ba-ab7d-4f12-b6f8-38f924c2ae5f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:24:08	-531.495
-111	3294	164700	20ebe95a-f585-49fe-b677-4a4ded6f43ce	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:17:11	-375.261
-112	1648	164800	2ced385b-53ab-4070-92c2-8b0814667f07	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:12:05	-433.367
-112	3296	164800	9624e8a8-cd39-4f34-a29b-8fe8a19fb4dd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:40:22	332.296
-113	1649	164900	8bc068b2-c14f-45f7-80cf-fd24eea36ddf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:09:06	-987.327
-113	3298	164900	0b5874ad-854f-4d7f-9ea5-f2236ee64767	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:38:18	277.561
-114	1650	165000	c4e5782d-9af2-44ab-a390-84d2f7203a01	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:59:05	-810.814
-114	3300	165000	65c58b3f-063a-44d0-a6b2-8002ce396b7d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:07:01	-949.599
-115	1651	165100	2b7e6093-8eed-4014-913d-a15d44b91d7a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:20:10	529.660
-115	3302	165100	db38247f-db76-499c-9342-59d0041d9699	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:10:46	-906.232
-116	1652	165200	95d403f9-1690-44c8-8a4f-822ff5d46e80	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:38:41	978.395
-116	3304	165200	49d14622-4e56-4356-bdef-aaab1d538f52	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:52:59	900.625
-117	1653	165300	ab529c11-de22-4908-9e47-c0fb89319306	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:23:46	890.767
-117	3306	165300	6185d8b8-1b3f-4a6e-899a-eedbd9543fd3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:07:41	-200.546
-118	1654	165400	69d3a864-463d-4dfc-a4fd-0635ff1de3e5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:05:57	-690.601
-118	3308	165400	1146d7f0-9e93-4dcb-8295-1162d7594e69	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:31:25	582.319
-119	1655	165500	fe264c7b-0793-4e0c-a20d-eddb5c995083	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:49:24	475.155
-119	3310	165500	8672198b-ea95-4a51-b326-274f2a89b328	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:47:19	815.519
-120	1656	165600	f27d7807-65e4-4988-a071-d22ce363f921	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:59:26	-348.864
-120	3312	165600	f433e924-3d1c-4df7-a728-3b2d399eb3ca	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:05:15	-230.412
-121	1657	165700	5c16a4eb-5995-47d6-af4f-23c1209c258e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:51:19	-904.291
-121	3314	165700	010c170c-0aa4-4fbd-9b8e-346117012462	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:18:40	-653.862
-122	1658	165800	679d8b98-164c-4fd2-9d16-5b3acb9bc4bd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:55:30	277.791
-122	3316	165800	c51f9181-671d-4d97-9f13-63c0a68e7a03	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:00:57	-611.507
-123	1659	165900	fa767d04-d67d-4f94-9c52-3f6d0d58d54f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:47:59	-917.183
-123	3318	165900	3406d8c0-3bcf-4ade-b041-48436adc9fae	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:07:35	-508.791
-124	1660	166000	8cdd8c43-0022-46d8-aae6-0bbbf3702533	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:57:22	562.841
-124	3320	166000	d9040f0f-abdb-47bc-a6ff-b1313901a1a6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:50:02	-511.596
-125	1661	166100	76dcf27e-2289-4777-b935-c7509b734a5e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:16:57	492.723
-125	3322	166100	f1b1e2fb-4bcf-438d-82bc-4c901e35ea5a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:32:31	-948.693
-126	1662	166200	391c1e39-a835-406a-bbb4-1a3a6ea857b4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:16:48	186.2
-126	3324	166200	159130af-ae5e-4b30-92dc-28c7eed27c0b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:16:35	-825.232
-127	1663	166300	dfe5ce5c-894b-4153-b323-02846624dddc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:21:20	-931.295
-127	3326	166300	a14731bd-b153-4f47-aacc-12494d235f1a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:17:49	-430.977
-0	1664	166400	65aa6fff-dd2b-4565-a153-a16b17925589	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:34:23	208.893
-0	3328	166400	c6f705b3-1015-4b3a-934f-e93cabc3e0bb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:24:46	-741.954
-1	1665	166500	eccae17e-11e3-4cf6-9969-db61bd19b846	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:06:08	-495.474
-1	3330	166500	99512e9a-49b2-44b1-911b-794b58ea6504	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:43:35	-514.715
-2	1666	166600	cb53fb18-5175-4f43-a49a-ac748f5b1554	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:57:07	633.781
-2	3332	166600	43cba84c-2a5a-4e08-86ce-cbcc703300fa	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:57:41	-32.992
-3	1667	166700	7171364e-03ad-477c-91e1-2207802cf549	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:13:03	-510.959
-3	3334	166700	50f271ca-57b3-43f7-9459-d86950e4730d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:59:49	-95.433
-4	1668	166800	dff0461b-cea2-447a-ae1b-5babd4d8d358	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:04:53	763.907
-4	3336	166800	d28a02c8-b794-4e6f-90ce-2b4f623d8f3c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:54:56	855.324
-5	1669	166900	54b415ed-5a93-4584-b3b9-0d1dddfcc652	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:31:14	238.62
-5	3338	166900	3457ea0b-6980-4243-af11-bcf29bd8e615	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:11:37	-307.302
-6	1670	167000	d7d44ecb-3842-4f6a-9f93-2983e4ea954f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:33:41	993.505
-6	3340	167000	52edcc36-456f-48f9-9f24-822f00d2830e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:56:23	525.291
-7	1671	167100	1bf68b87-74f9-43da-bfaa-18ae0e3938be	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:36:24	736.958
-7	3342	167100	00550092-2f18-452d-902c-5c0dd0f27141	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:18:45	665.610
-8	1672	167200	49493d7b-c60e-4410-9057-8f3c92846e71	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:19:13	-542.458
-8	3344	167200	6383c282-f996-4e92-a78d-f670852d4032	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:25:42	119.122
-9	1673	167300	53e486f0-9e9b-460b-b66c-c9fd9bfcf271	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:40:41	160.337
-9	3346	167300	3d451b60-a126-478f-80f3-dde026f9fdd5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:28:14	-38.80
-10	1674	167400	b68e6c7e-787b-4a18-b3ad-4191905d1e85	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:51:37	787.738
-10	3348	167400	e4242a0b-c778-44d0-954d-9e7754b6f95e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:57:52	965.241
-11	1675	167500	4b0f8625-0eb4-42e3-b6a0-848d68aee65f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:15:16	717.710
-11	3350	167500	c3d1c86f-5700-410f-a1f1-97207d43c7ac	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:39:32	-255.703
-12	1676	167600	cccb2976-289a-4468-accd-224919b48576	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:35:54	-185.225
-12	3352	167600	90a65e91-0dfd-423d-be43-6f54513b20fc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:28:28	-677.643
-13	1677	167700	0848be1e-6299-4688-a3a5-317f3dddf5c4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:23:37	-346.18
-13	3354	167700	2cb9d15a-2ae4-4f73-bbe8-07f67056be20	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:00:24	818.794
-14	1678	167800	0e87622b-b829-4746-a7f4-b7018b15e686	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:43:32	-265.432
-14	3356	167800	7b6d0cce-1f23-4f67-9693-1c4896122909	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:28:10	85.876
-15	1679	167900	37d5432f-185e-4972-b647-cd73f5a4b0e9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:00:47	-712.190
-15	3358	167900	5dd01e00-f3d6-497e-830d-3b8dadc09881	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:06:22	-545.864
-16	1680	168000	749176fd-7d3f-4952-811b-2d1846855080	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:59:12	-816.720
-16	3360	168000	671046bb-3aa2-487b-9eda-c3f176a447de	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:39:19	-223.833
-17	1681	168100	939fb077-c8fa-4a7c-95d0-319a94f4f560	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:44:51	311.322
-17	3362	168100	721afb07-6671-43c1-8acc-9f444c280f4c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:58:11	-567.934
-18	1682	168200	b5760f78-f5bf-4d9e-a063-3681c44578b4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:26:31	-730.192
-18	3364	168200	b857311a-4eb9-4c2a-8297-3e6f5861cec8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:46:14	-701.106
-19	1683	168300	b9f06b8b-4395-427b-bb97-73152466e3a0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:32:32	66.297
-19	3366	168300	3084ab11-8283-4d45-af04-5be3853b228a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:22:56	669.784
-20	1684	168400	eea6571f-ca2d-4bec-a409-b8aae0f4f89d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:41:54	-325.894
-20	3368	168400	fbca3556-d646-48c9-80b0-861d78c88b3d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:42:20	-532.548
-21	1685	168500	2355a624-9051-429a-9e67-513aee4afa83	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:39:42	763.826
-21	3370	168500	8776fb5b-7e26-4ef7-836a-623eecc28648	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:52:17	-783.990
-22	1686	168600	8644149c-8c23-486c-a572-c8640dca7a5f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:28:32	428.511
-22	3372	168600	3371d176-a6c5-40b0-88f4-7a6562cb52b0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:45:22	798.972
-23	1687	168700	f6c48aa2-ffe5-4836-840e-1e621eba5d91	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:02:18	518.724
-23	3374	168700	ddebb047-0b32-4f5f-98db-cf4452a2918e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:38:41	-63.1
-24	1688	168800	24b64dab-9c5a-4fd1-a36c-0d7fd9b5dc4a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:01:11	252.529
-24	3376	168800	f7031ce9-9b73-4140-9409-cfbf441c5ae0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:49:26	612.65
-25	1689	168900	9d829aed-32aa-4c63-847d-28e35fca4d41	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:52:41	50.174
-25	3378	168900	d8e92764-148e-4900-96c3-118105473c19	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:30:24	544.555
-26	1690	169000	7d08f306-c96d-4fa9-9b24-778c98447f9b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:42:03	340.850
-26	3380	169000	388521da-289b-441c-883c-04c14b9a6757	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:30:38	-698.357
-27	1691	169100	07361baf-bc95-4b37-bcf6-7cdd4a829d4b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:58:35	833.88
-27	3382	169100	56df617d-a532-4c7c-8c96-101aeeacdbb9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:38:54	-154.508
-28	1692	169200	44796ab2-faa9-4f5b-b790-d2b7747a79ab	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:51:02	684.70
-28	3384	169200	ed309ab9-6eae-4eeb-8827-2bd2565ca5d2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:42:24	84.469
-29	1693	169300	ab561318-6a95-453b-96a4-914356cf817c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:42:15	524.982
-29	3386	169300	8366b33b-1397-4510-9117-c2320d814feb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:49:38	-107.247
-30	1694	169400	0003ae09-0058-4a45-bfb9-9f5c70677311	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:29:07	258.180
-30	3388	169400	dccf9d86-c3ec-4d85-be01-2d578d9875aa	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:58:28	-679.266
-31	1695	169500	8b4afad7-f06b-41e6-a3eb-4fc33554a29e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:21:47	-765.645
-31	3390	169500	98109663-263d-47da-a685-f9cfb401290a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:25:42	-772.517
-32	1696	169600	b80e6d90-a3c4-43ee-bdbf-16775c5fec74	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:47:28	553.969
-32	3392	169600	ce5c4940-6476-4093-aca1-c5acd860dbc7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:48:59	55.242
-33	1697	169700	ac8712ab-4d37-4ede-a1a5-fadd047e2d45	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:33:17	761.111
-33	3394	169700	060214ef-f5c8-4567-b5f8-2017b169710b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:11:32	668.881
-34	1698	169800	fee052e9-c356-4c0a-9ece-802dbc1c6605	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:39:32	-115.474
-34	3396	169800	99a3f660-68d3-4373-938f-c29e2f46bbb4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:08:53	471.696
-35	1699	169900	bf9a910c-19d6-44d7-a9f5-8f49cf7c0bb9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:15:53	239.358
-35	3398	169900	c5ce3f2f-fd56-42f2-b4cf-3691940aa037	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:47:21	507.414
-36	1700	170000	2bef57ae-b2a7-440b-bd02-10f4c4eb8b3b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:23:29	-435.359
-36	3400	170000	5b1f4978-fe77-4c98-a033-bca6eb054465	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:07:46	-943.887
-37	1701	170100	bde79e7a-65ee-432d-b28b-5fc604d9bb5a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:55:45	-659.853
-37	3402	170100	52fced45-ebb8-49fd-9b74-fe43aacb9139	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:46:25	-828.300
-38	1702	170200	912ab2df-4f28-4a36-8bd1-9ecd0d8e7e8b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:40:41	-535.69
-38	3404	170200	ca1b2bc9-a609-4029-bc27-2a4fdd2dc5cd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:34:36	544.480
-39	1703	170300	1c8941f9-c58e-44c8-8b34-db0ba7dc3d3c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:23:13	-198.507
-39	3406	170300	671180b1-b324-4fc3-a1ae-4d5aaaa5cb0e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:37:24	-316.71
-40	1704	170400	139e8715-fc61-4022-9c80-94f9a4391cf9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:29:53	-391.572
-40	3408	170400	00c4ba81-3d84-426b-bf34-dc181c959d14	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:40:49	-185.263
-41	1705	170500	f1566004-45d1-41b4-a6d7-c27be5e1d454	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:39:32	-544.439
-41	3410	170500	8f777c68-f3f5-4e65-aa6a-8a4798ab5845	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:12:03	189.407
-42	1706	170600	e97c7499-0e2e-41a2-90a2-7eadbce41439	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:46:03	673.574
-42	3412	170600	ad1b0802-d2a1-4047-b8bc-26d9ae475664	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:14:42	582.705
-43	1707	170700	a0ac81e7-5b19-45bc-b288-af646f8c4fd3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:06:26	414.837
-43	3414	170700	bd4cc01d-868f-4df2-ac42-095dd16dcff5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:12:58	834.620
-44	1708	170800	ca2c6ba0-7a4e-4360-895f-48aaeba21428	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:18:28	206.810
-44	3416	170800	adca7c54-bcd7-4bdc-9640-9768a7ccd3fc	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:36:10	-23.45
-45	1709	170900	21213bc3-4af6-4a73-b8f4-554987ad56dc	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:17:32	977.63
-45	3418	170900	bb66938d-9ac2-4fc5-91d2-c62dd115b01a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:05:12	291.899
-46	1710	171000	eeb24295-c580-46f5-96af-46765cb46e96	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:51:27	832.53
-46	3420	171000	93185f24-8300-43ff-9935-120bbb27d8d1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:19:51	611.295
-47	1711	171100	b89a6af7-7501-4611-a366-65ec711eb1df	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:08:53	-470.532
-47	3422	171100	c060a183-a701-42ea-9f41-9d3a86b77d3b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:04:04	-469.204
-48	1712	171200	976f8a01-965e-40d9-912a-b892db91f497	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:41:45	-686.396
-48	3424	171200	9682e345-cb73-491d-85f6-1c1843928f9d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:07:32	18.41
-49	1713	171300	16c93492-980a-4e56-b9b5-6093bbb69798	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:45:06	-766.419
-49	3426	171300	982ee4d2-57ca-46a3-ae9a-fffc2d7a697f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:15:04	-382.828
-50	1714	171400	c9ca7245-5471-4fde-8ce5-e6fd06a376f5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:17:05	360.81
-50	3428	171400	ae8f492d-29eb-4323-b907-973779cb2476	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:38:47	173.639
-51	1715	171500	824bf7d0-cb16-4cf9-b2ef-62bd58801256	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:20:14	-182.828
-51	3430	171500	fac4f008-d465-459c-b5fc-61c485e6704e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:57:52	610.79
-52	1716	171600	4abedd94-7d8a-4566-98ad-c0743c17e784	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:13:50	-914.602
-52	3432	171600	e29a841a-7088-4ca4-9af1-f29e52a73bd1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:56:48	-466.295
-53	1717	171700	d1969c93-cf90-405d-b144-f94c210b7eb1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:26:13	649.604
-53	3434	171700	3bc34afc-4e52-4909-bc3d-81439fe8004b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:03:19	-824.778
-54	1718	171800	e085d45f-ae66-4496-b5c8-d9fd98acc040	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:08:28	-849.208
-54	3436	171800	9424e622-7882-4673-9d4e-eac1643560ca	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:19:41	-634.145
-55	1719	171900	32bf56a4-b6c8-4e78-9681-479f7d77edff	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:43:59	197.900
-55	3438	171900	bc782127-2342-4a2e-be01-076743920d98	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:24:20	975.266
-56	1720	172000	7bd5d68d-fb2a-4115-a36c-d3617665bc92	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:41:43	919.172
-56	3440	172000	10577007-b902-4243-b851-78a73665925d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:07:24	835.923
-57	1721	172100	5953e37c-a77d-484d-8114-db6d2d48f772	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:55:12	-176.715
-57	3442	172100	6f4847be-f449-42fc-addf-ab88a52ec8ab	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:29:57	100.824
-58	1722	172200	de0c5b92-f107-4cdf-8362-a48279d49807	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:09:39	-919.573
-58	3444	172200	6d0702f0-8381-4985-947e-85fb4a56b25c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:17:14	750.537
-59	1723	172300	d4bbf983-2d4d-46c9-bc04-67f6e1a9c6db	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:23:10	36.25
-59	3446	172300	71bea14a-bb2e-484b-a82d-78607d9344b7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:26:45	87.350
-60	1724	172400	469713b1-618e-4e6a-b92b-f9ad4b56f0eb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:47:26	-333.371
-60	3448	172400	ad1a9c52-fe14-4a80-a63b-ca822414b3e7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:07:01	395.916
-61	1725	172500	382caa54-cee1-49be-93fd-40cd2ddabab8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:19:58	628.676
-61	3450	172500	6bc6bd78-73c6-4b9d-99cf-3227d213be14	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:49:07	293.420
-62	1726	172600	64962b58-03be-4352-a9ce-ff7ea5202edd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:35:18	598.181
-62	3452	172600	38a1dd70-3b15-4faf-a952-cfae971e05dd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:55:55	546.700
-63	1727	172700	0c7a493c-4c69-4776-9397-b05ab70da66a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:32:25	-633.13
-63	3454	172700	8f41dc3e-e2a3-4d2e-9c74-48a8d4602abf	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:29:49	745.862
-64	1728	172800	a0d43d87-2d0e-48f4-afcc-de13d353aa61	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:16:03	-387.587
-64	3456	172800	87d84899-a0f7-4845-89bc-2db7579ce53e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:12:23	951.362
-65	1729	172900	5b34c51e-a46f-4c3c-b743-eff9abb2214b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:20:09	430.678
-65	3458	172900	8684ca96-33db-4a35-bb98-3a04c729da62	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:33:42	513.4
-66	1730	173000	59e6795d-cecd-41d8-93ca-cc45d1d36777	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:31:06	-529.592
-66	3460	173000	c52544a5-c89e-4684-8fec-ce9ce30cc47b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:06:18	-169.679
-67	1731	173100	2541b2d8-c76a-41d8-82c2-a858142e545e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:11:50	968.844
-67	3462	173100	9673eb3c-b6de-4e3e-8b98-feb1fcb1de5b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:57:36	242.551
-68	1732	173200	046ef96e-f500-478a-97d2-9a7688561f51	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:23:24	302.751
-68	3464	173200	d191c022-7569-4475-a412-119ef5e77112	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:14:47	-646.847
-69	1733	173300	2d9c9457-a902-4cb3-9644-b255d7c393e4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:52:56	-465.134
-69	3466	173300	529a488b-856f-4f06-88d7-8ff239b08fd9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:08:01	-742.23
-70	1734	173400	71256183-c2a4-4d3f-8c06-28ea692ce4d6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:00:52	159.828
-70	3468	173400	be0a3469-f7c4-4625-a4cd-c110571717c6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:02:43	-69.682
-71	1735	173500	b30a4b1b-be20-453e-8cec-120986838819	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:20:27	-858.196
-71	3470	173500	ac6c0df3-ca0e-429b-806b-bc7ebe01c69a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:30:03	-602.482
-72	1736	173600	a2041129-46c9-4b0e-b8d4-c924aff83d33	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:12:24	-326.591
-72	3472	173600	c6887df7-2b4e-47cb-9b42-cf078eeadcd4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:53:23	955.496
-73	1737	173700	73384160-949e-4128-9b53-d4dab564a598	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:51:02	669.903
-73	3474	173700	83424593-cb01-4d51-9b40-5a797171fd75	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:34:21	88.240
-74	1738	173800	73e2edb6-ea66-4db9-9ca1-cd5446852cb0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:14:15	594.501
-74	3476	173800	ff52cf77-32ca-4303-a1f8-a9845b1108ec	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:04:14	-409.361
-75	1739	173900	96e9e42f-de45-4c57-b51c-066eb2a779c0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:17:11	806.550
-75	3478	173900	457c8eba-d289-4983-9d5e-5bc571da8163	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:23:17	323.290
-76	1740	174000	bf39586d-d5c1-4ac9-9473-fd951631b1fe	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:55:14	741.249
-76	3480	174000	f9c8622f-d9a4-4900-8dfb-2648f461039f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:40:18	-322.954
-77	1741	174100	42cb405c-6a23-49e7-bc8e-900af7d3d66f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:07:47	-991.962
-77	3482	174100	bac5c61d-3dae-4e36-b003-068c469ea408	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:48:06	242.761
-78	1742	174200	0e91aeea-4d75-4179-a184-12940f832eeb	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:25:53	-257.303
-78	3484	174200	39a4929f-d10e-4db9-81d8-3f88fb756f23	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:29:59	19.463
-79	1743	174300	b487519d-045c-4127-bd69-b6edff8faae4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:18:40	567.48
-79	3486	174300	b324a4fb-8c99-4183-acef-bca849d4f20c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:32:40	-498.668
-80	1744	174400	2d70812d-b9d0-4a32-81c2-8f93b7b54bf4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:17:54	-325.472
-80	3488	174400	2eb52526-123d-4f36-a735-615bf73fe9dc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:36:23	-691.143
-81	1745	174500	a97ac40d-87e8-4ca2-9ddf-e41916d2b66b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:59:25	653.5
-81	3490	174500	edf88374-07d1-4bf2-9478-f51e4ad5c095	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:19:12	-700.627
-82	1746	174600	0758646c-3224-482a-83ca-5416b3bee2ca	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:58:59	802.568
-82	3492	174600	15451fd2-406c-46af-9beb-e646c38e418d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:35:22	79.164
-83	1747	174700	c2259695-c762-4531-9abd-b68078d0b744	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:44:33	700.246
-83	3494	174700	000ae3ec-502e-4260-993b-ba5fbf2904f7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:48:33	43.765
-84	1748	174800	a9dba787-393c-49c1-8e0b-e593aa25a3c2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:57:46	797.489
-84	3496	174800	9ef99834-b04f-4166-b95a-b364c54062df	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:40:59	-255.771
-85	1749	174900	cd7a9949-f27f-4eeb-858a-aa2d15421664	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:53:22	-879.238
-85	3498	174900	c6b890ff-1b3d-440d-bd09-f065f5a6888f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:07:13	-516.672
-86	1750	175000	6bd02cce-251b-4c50-869c-2538d72e41e8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:05:05	815.302
-86	3500	175000	ec16fc25-32e7-451c-83e3-c1bb3ea1d2b7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:48:04	165.15
-87	1751	175100	3d2488df-9272-4e87-8d0c-d901ae77d189	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:16:31	186.577
-87	3502	175100	7373f983-20e0-4359-9484-22cb6640f495	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:25:06	839.897
-88	1752	175200	c304f8cb-7cb9-4c50-bf04-e7b7db7bab37	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:25:14	-699.100
-88	3504	175200	83bf0c28-98a6-4cd9-9a65-f05926f55fdb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:30:10	-425.269
-89	1753	175300	0c3ab479-d7da-48f5-8493-197e0a5420bb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:59:17	318.203
-89	3506	175300	fff16374-59ef-4816-988c-d464e845e4f7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:45:16	-640.799
-90	1754	175400	c185d4d5-a28d-421b-9380-afeaa7efa754	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:32:34	-91.623
-90	3508	175400	26a56025-ab10-4f8d-a288-e2e908972958	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:04:50	-277.752
-91	1755	175500	396d52d7-a096-4372-9c6f-cf43a04d321e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:33:33	-910.394
-91	3510	175500	4b78079c-5a6f-446a-a21e-6f82a08134ad	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:59:48	-624.893
-92	1756	175600	53581192-3f03-424f-b046-09556ee1f376	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:12:57	-131.314
-92	3512	175600	531d9906-58a1-4c3d-9f87-16b091c3414f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:47:57	-815.937
-93	1757	175700	2843ef8a-bbe1-40c1-a5ff-fd9eee87a28a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:10:24	974.849
-93	3514	175700	b134e961-c132-44ea-8f0e-4ce7b5d9948b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:45:17	35.63
-94	1758	175800	f69f2c96-39c4-4ec1-ad5f-6789aa6532e6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:55:12	-802.213
-94	3516	175800	fda32cff-3f5d-401d-88d0-7e0b0371b0b8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:25:07	-64.889
-95	1759	175900	3aac2c90-4bf6-4b77-bc6a-fabdfbdcb43c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:09:03	839.388
-95	3518	175900	2836fba0-59cd-4a8a-8e20-73d29e7caeb2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:25:09	-797.39
-96	1760	176000	daf31628-37fe-4f11-9e6e-00a8dc621715	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:20:43	-641.566
-96	3520	176000	40f91705-1e5c-403b-b53a-fd84b6aa0d25	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:06:42	-603.982
-97	1761	176100	ab45a515-a687-4824-8690-c9bf5fbe4028	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:58:09	605.333
-97	3522	176100	d43efedd-0e34-45f1-9bd6-aafc127f005a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:00:35	-339.382
-98	1762	176200	6e584472-8ef1-4071-8ce0-09b17fe0dbdf	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:27:57	-79.284
-98	3524	176200	f9e6ec8b-ea6d-4639-b512-254e4c5bb801	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:37:04	504.105
-99	1763	176300	fc9ed5ca-1f0e-4ae8-b00a-67a602a739fa	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:46:26	572.345
-99	3526	176300	78b5a50a-0d71-48e0-898e-f17aeb017032	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:01:15	530.509
-100	1764	176400	b36bce52-7634-48db-a96e-ceb647812307	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:34:32	-609.460
-100	3528	176400	20af4047-a02a-4264-8410-41f5bcc3787b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:43:10	829.542
-101	1765	176500	18c41002-8190-44df-9e88-aad4b0090a23	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:22:12	305.39
-101	3530	176500	7008f752-585b-472f-8eb6-977116692479	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:42:55	-743.666
-102	1766	176600	56d7654c-3ed1-4965-be90-633bcec02a27	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:46:31	747.431
-102	3532	176600	9bdbfc18-8208-456a-bdb6-b52a20eb9dd0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:54:08	-568.735
-103	1767	176700	d6cf2fd4-3387-4b09-9c44-22da2e2af7e4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:10:20	585.296
-103	3534	176700	5d560228-deae-4cde-b517-7ea3b62574e4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:05:20	-657.716
-104	1768	176800	77dbd37a-a234-45a3-b4e7-70ff29181887	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:13:13	220.399
-104	3536	176800	22996024-5245-4efa-a590-aaddedc42da7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:49:32	137.612
-105	1769	176900	a2581ee1-f9c9-4d4a-95a1-4387d3042218	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:12:55	314.574
-105	3538	176900	971488dc-3a02-425b-944d-9d3f7f1377e4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:55:13	-174.177
-106	1770	177000	e502a1dd-cdd2-4b69-8c71-455eeedc224f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:13:33	-661.50
-106	3540	177000	30fd218c-c1e0-4a3f-85bc-4b2b9065428b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:44:15	-381.799
-107	1771	177100	df47fe69-6ce3-46d4-97a8-7db8ad5516c5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:52:30	976.706
-107	3542	177100	f8be6817-55e9-4fc0-9340-a48dc9105747	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:57:30	-603.365
-108	1772	177200	e3c30991-a0cc-44a0-bfa4-27fb3dcd0af0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:03:15	257.640
-108	3544	177200	5cddc4b0-1856-40b1-a5a6-1de258507b51	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:17:42	-447.918
-109	1773	177300	4e9395d1-c1d4-456a-85a2-6c8d9c5728a2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:03:49	748.491
-109	3546	177300	a314bf59-4954-467f-a2ff-d64634923338	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:16:40	49.300
-110	1774	177400	1e5aaef5-bba0-4484-81d6-834b37499dec	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:16:45	-286.912
-110	3548	177400	7a131154-1ead-4722-891d-33c7c99292ff	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:48:34	87.734
-111	1775	177500	ee3892bc-ca09-4ba5-b8e0-33d0c725cde4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:39:56	-140.926
-111	3550	177500	700759b5-b0fe-4f7d-82e7-8ff2be706630	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:21:57	568.119
-112	1776	177600	48e40085-94f0-4465-a193-6adb12f58588	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:53:06	979.836
-112	3552	177600	b77c8ab8-8ef9-4e79-9d25-2106fc16f39b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:05:25	419.469
-113	1777	177700	9bfc7637-057e-4110-a16e-186628a4e054	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:05:01	-972.377
-113	3554	177700	5a22b114-861e-4522-af0f-70f3233a344e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:11:06	255.305
-114	1778	177800	adbf0672-c84e-4143-a2ae-206883f29dc6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:50:36	-362.14
-114	3556	177800	3e63fbdb-c3de-4243-9632-c636fa1d2da8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:25:55	74.863
-115	1779	177900	c590bfba-5f57-49fd-a85e-1b5b9a7bfa66	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:09:35	508.99
-115	3558	177900	e49a2009-1896-480a-9fcc-1b06e976e39d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:43:06	126.414
-116	1780	178000	88f59d9e-541c-4011-a572-36b77c7e83f2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:29:07	-799.844
-116	3560	178000	67effc5a-537a-4ff1-a694-f34d879ae47c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:06:23	538.941
-117	1781	178100	fb8712b7-c536-4c58-b852-f330fa4d3c68	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:41:07	605.925
-117	3562	178100	c40d3884-02ee-4096-bffd-1148754b4ba7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:04:13	766.773
-118	1782	178200	ca38fcc1-446c-4cd2-b3a5-886eadb340b4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:04:19	977.686
-118	3564	178200	bc9559a9-1384-428e-8794-bae4dfdb2293	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:20:45	-547.985
-119	1783	178300	4bbbafb0-8516-4918-a81a-6679c926fcdf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:24:44	-643.674
-119	3566	178300	fa38b3f4-cc5e-4fb3-b471-5715a833939b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:10:18	-973.106
-120	1784	178400	d6416797-5f3c-4c52-a800-31205f36c044	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:55:12	166.280
-120	3568	178400	5314dce1-1125-4b0e-a834-86d02b56a025	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:14:02	-437.506
-121	1785	178500	3749fdec-ebb2-445c-98a6-f0c2f6a5b410	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:19:24	-942.903
-121	3570	178500	0137d246-1115-44bf-b3bc-7b541ff3724b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:26:37	-817.815
-122	1786	178600	338c1a61-cf68-425a-b4f9-d9646834cfbb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:36:37	-875.235
-122	3572	178600	a9f4e13c-0d98-43a8-af87-9d1e9337ae57	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:02:31	-112.358
-123	1787	178700	5330c661-d66b-4457-aded-9eb878157bbe	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:22:18	-190.232
-123	3574	178700	8e66e1b2-bb30-44a9-898b-dbc847790a58	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:21:21	-449.858
-124	1788	178800	6fc21e97-e634-421e-b69e-8887651e4cbb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:46:16	-918.668
-124	3576	178800	f809046b-9e6f-4d7a-9e5e-0a25fce07b87	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:54:04	939.289
-125	1789	178900	945aab6d-2170-4211-9a71-a1dfd87c50f1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:17:55	-289.538
-125	3578	178900	1b4c20fa-1984-4ada-9645-d3f9a16fa447	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:57:13	-8.88
-126	1790	179000	1738087f-ff03-4718-bfa1-f22e1d00abf0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:10:19	-598.31
-126	3580	179000	0e0b7b76-0451-4958-a873-9f33f4ff4957	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:29:36	-559.361
-127	1791	179100	5f6c957d-40ab-4b77-8f14-72d617403200	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:38:51	394.751
-127	3582	179100	2e70e67c-db94-43f0-ba48-22e51482212e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:24:16	955.489
-0	1792	179200	3eea6a2b-ba33-4faa-8b8f-e4e720206eac	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:07:28	569.688
-0	3584	179200	68ef6a85-754b-409f-a6e2-c6fe3a6ba94e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:19:03	-893.11
-1	1793	179300	28c5ff84-51f4-46aa-a2a2-d3b9b6370708	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:34:13	-604.107
-1	3586	179300	d786caaa-2879-4509-b333-958de189033b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:22:09	-154.184
-2	1794	179400	981af960-97dc-47d1-b950-f136494c343f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:38:53	-446.150
-2	3588	179400	6d970831-304a-46d7-be02-b9e13c6825fb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:48:40	99.799
-3	1795	179500	54bb747a-749c-4a89-bdba-0aff393112bf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:54:02	-430.664
-3	3590	179500	8b743eda-8734-4dcb-ba65-97968112c2d6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:52:19	-988.381
-4	1796	179600	4bc91cdc-4e2f-4c06-b2d3-16d2137ae92b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:04:57	-272.801
-4	3592	179600	14a60d3c-0015-4607-8842-2591d3c56ff9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:15:11	-500.485
-5	1797	179700	ac1f5467-1525-4336-ad8e-cc2910c18512	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:41:10	-811.814
-5	3594	179700	5c7d5b15-d495-4909-a486-989face171b8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:36:02	928.368
-6	1798	179800	ce43ffee-6b98-45a1-b0e3-724789c5f48f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:13:46	751.587
-6	3596	179800	dc15edd7-1892-46c2-ba8e-0ba949d4b440	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:13:03	431.742
-7	1799	179900	106f2714-b6bd-4c6e-be70-e310e233ed55	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:57:40	671.547
-7	3598	179900	4b5008ea-f8f0-4f1c-94dc-005a2ec97ee7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:34:48	932.24
-8	1800	180000	2beb1abb-3597-4b44-9765-df0399d0221b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:59:45	894.866
-8	3600	180000	9015cee4-6086-49fa-9651-8c1f64c35d43	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:50:35	121.478
-9	1801	180100	4fb4a7f8-1a47-46ea-9168-874b39bbd193	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:46:08	-103.581
-9	3602	180100	53407965-88f9-4734-b59a-4ea382d64ff4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:49:00	541.458
-10	1802	180200	282271f6-9e8e-4225-bf8e-688e41fff8c2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:22:47	559.609
-10	3604	180200	6a6c7e2b-16e1-4edb-b311-7df6481f6c07	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:15:00	422.916
-11	1803	180300	954f959b-c5b3-474f-a695-ff21b8dba1ee	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:14:45	826.3
-11	3606	180300	e9190505-a00c-466f-be05-6981c7686524	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:38:34	622.647
-12	1804	180400	28373873-fb7a-4a7b-be1f-9f49a3858967	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:25:23	-127.263
-12	3608	180400	6a08ea89-f069-42c8-a6e1-93fcae7290ca	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:55:06	-657.438
-13	1805	180500	e2b7c496-3fe7-4c20-85db-47a32c2360fb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:42:48	227.702
-13	3610	180500	3604f39d-5037-492e-a2b4-87cbb2c2ef10	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:40:38	-311.363
-14	1806	180600	6e00d60a-f7ed-4fd2-83b9-e816f8a35a0c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:35:59	133.721
-14	3612	180600	70796c09-5999-4e12-b027-aa5d6228e0a6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:58:29	939.387
-15	1807	180700	c06d7c1d-9e9a-47bb-9f3f-98d25b3d6e26	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:03:02	905.28
-15	3614	180700	9859dc76-b66d-4958-83da-58bca61c3aac	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:22:06	561.236
-16	1808	180800	494d0e4b-482f-43e3-bb32-4869bc9156e7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:49:27	534.560
-16	3616	180800	9e2e323a-6fec-433c-9e47-9f5598cf2055	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:32:09	253.834
-17	1809	180900	f0c1d8a2-e101-4f51-b3e4-691b783a2881	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:38:49	502.569
-17	3618	180900	b38bc047-0aae-4f81-8341-8322372bec54	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:29:51	724.11
-18	1810	181000	fd4fe3d6-0a26-451e-a594-df0c29eb9d11	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:10:52	-366.878
-18	3620	181000	ab0aba20-8278-4342-a057-b0f9e85c15d6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:23:11	-697.949
-19	1811	181100	f8f53d57-1f99-437f-a921-60953838c664	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:23:41	-301.535
-19	3622	181100	2a3bc6b9-8d3c-40fd-ad6a-a8a9f9100039	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:59:55	243.332
-20	1812	181200	770b9905-406e-4d14-95cd-2b61162fe845	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:00:45	625.281
-20	3624	181200	a22c9a70-bf03-4106-877b-8f6e5ed34952	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:19:26	-873.843
-21	1813	181300	c60b3a5c-6317-43c6-aa0e-de438565df88	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:39:29	-77.665
-21	3626	181300	a5e1d9b0-bb20-4de5-bac3-054b5e3cf3dc	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:37:20	-33.316
-22	1814	181400	d265b454-d907-4754-8f6e-90328dc9372a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:07:27	-827.806
-22	3628	181400	198f50ef-eab1-4d64-82bf-ea523d5b2b9d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:07:23	-74.455
-23	1815	181500	b61f7c20-e194-40aa-a1be-0cc7ef66d51e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:34:59	-291.502
-23	3630	181500	5a7a044d-82b1-4e8e-87f9-9a1dfc8e26aa	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:44:31	260.944
-24	1816	181600	92ac806c-f52b-4261-bf7c-cb0544d2884d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:22:16	340.609
-24	3632	181600	cbae8a90-6d02-4309-a803-0cc6d66f881d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:51:46	805.377
-25	1817	181700	d4a8fd65-5176-4cff-80f9-e2b7aed4f68e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:36:11	-564.524
-25	3634	181700	554b7b61-f5c3-4740-9b0f-48d792f0c342	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:16:07	437.928
-26	1818	181800	9be7f04a-cfd7-43f9-802e-dd6e914c6235	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:56:29	-175.217
-26	3636	181800	7148dc5e-38b5-4cf4-a757-5f9c45b43dac	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:47:46	642.0
-27	1819	181900	459d705e-87af-4eb6-9645-61d1d38cad6a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:34:25	-653.508
-27	3638	181900	b04581c8-0baf-4f47-bc0e-abb9d0e809de	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:08:39	-454.474
-28	1820	182000	f24a0a0a-2b84-485b-9698-c581d361b410	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:14:04	350.128
-28	3640	182000	455f9454-b970-43f2-bb16-3f513b9cc0b9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:54:58	11.218
-29	1821	182100	fea25f9a-c2a3-42c5-93ec-cba78c77c187	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:08:59	-386.522
-29	3642	182100	1ae66481-ef39-4952-8597-705d706ff5b2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:36:24	-755.794
-30	1822	182200	1dd6120c-0fda-425d-8dbb-acb7fb8eac0a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:16:32	164.229
-30	3644	182200	4ce946d0-aa44-47ed-9e86-160fd850b754	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:38:11	-602.896
-31	1823	182300	9d53a676-d599-4c37-a582-6597a06030ce	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:58:14	-978.24
-31	3646	182300	a3097ad4-5f20-4bc8-8db7-8fb635869381	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:50:34	457.369
-32	1824	182400	08068598-6db5-4020-847d-a41c3db489f0	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:34:19	707.676
-32	3648	182400	f7af8ec1-b88c-4995-9581-404db28bd97e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:48:32	-279.176
-33	1825	182500	75e5c686-a398-4301-98de-b335119da056	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:14:00	188.848
-33	3650	182500	c43d5703-b16c-422e-be0f-087f1eb7c041	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:02:46	162.398
-34	1826	182600	54d7ce7a-6d48-4498-8851-0cee69fc139f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:40:35	-861.414
-34	3652	182600	15d3a934-966f-4ca2-b279-7227887aaedd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:08:57	386.654
-35	1827	182700	4512d985-2f9a-41c2-819f-119772093155	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:13:45	415.837
-35	3654	182700	96ba3576-f1e5-4a7b-a41c-dc8843bbe27d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:50:25	96.811
-36	1828	182800	9a866813-02f9-4029-a059-27c89f5d38d9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:15:39	552.506
-36	3656	182800	481ced49-b7e6-4e34-b4aa-e46f0513d07a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:37:58	-942.153
-37	1829	182900	64a565bf-b1e4-44c8-99c4-a8c2fcc489d7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:37:34	-466.239
-37	3658	182900	3678aa3c-9627-4d1e-ba5d-d32eabe4c4c4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:48:04	622.777
-38	1830	183000	d1919666-eff0-4627-9ac8-f520c34d22a2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:20:10	991.564
-38	3660	183000	fb9d9663-5dce-4a5f-ae6b-523631cdf9e1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:05:25	-372.290
-39	1831	183100	ee294326-9035-4d83-8b53-0e5e7874b198	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:40:11	-58.306
-39	3662	183100	783dac41-ef43-4b5b-a339-50acf26b0be1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:06:50	-276.402
-40	1832	183200	174b6151-20ce-45c3-8bd3-2157fde9f707	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:24:15	-853.895
-40	3664	183200	fe2bdd21-20a9-40d2-b6d9-25623de711a3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:00:44	-934.470
-41	1833	183300	cc094707-f7d0-4502-aa8c-ef1ed9313299	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:33:37	945.470
-41	3666	183300	8010bd99-a308-4ff8-86d5-a87906108cdb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:01:28	-949.680
-42	1834	183400	f736098d-3dd5-451f-b3b5-c332e6d57ac8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:27:00	581.86
-42	3668	183400	31e12cc2-fc4a-4e92-b024-d044ac5a5cd2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:58:23	-890.345
-43	1835	183500	ed711f8a-86c8-4f65-80cf-99bae0bf4ca2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:51:54	-481.600
-43	3670	183500	fefe0be6-65ef-4553-91b1-625bef19746f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:35:53	776.843
-44	1836	183600	61f4ffbd-08bc-4065-aeb2-e6cb9ddd36c5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:35:47	266.995
-44	3672	183600	33d1e648-9e8f-40b9-9d06-9b4ea62fa72d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:56:52	-137.823
-45	1837	183700	1eacdbbf-022e-43fc-a960-24525d087ed6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:01:34	578.34
-45	3674	183700	4d7f4a8f-33d2-4701-8640-e530bdc6d9ad	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:08:31	371.183
-46	1838	183800	a75bdc99-73f0-49b4-be4b-04a1702618ad	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:14:00	-66.909
-46	3676	183800	7f7bda2b-60dc-4fc1-bd9f-1cc9c7522474	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:33:05	797.415
-47	1839	183900	d8c4aca1-5b1d-4e00-bce2-040167bdd003	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:25:26	-354.869
-47	3678	183900	df6ee152-1efe-453b-8d27-d11419287785	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:41:24	-380.560
-48	1840	184000	2a931b91-43bc-4e7c-a0e7-eb2b84f840f0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:03:03	-724.665
-48	3680	184000	5955df42-d3bc-4508-91a2-ead5f17b2ae6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:04:01	451.820
-49	1841	184100	b7d2c2a3-70c2-445d-9b59-1146d31af01c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:21:55	-350.605
-49	3682	184100	9e14083b-d6d8-4103-8e83-7fb7710c102d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:59:14	-691.409
-50	1842	184200	0b99deb3-df60-43ac-b261-2a45b0c88d7b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:37:26	801.925
-50	3684	184200	e30744b3-6af9-4adf-914d-81300c60f6da	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:33:38	564.873
-51	1843	184300	61a2b3e1-47e9-417d-99b6-d6e3f77c7a34	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:47:24	-445.359
-51	3686	184300	404ff430-3786-4357-b082-53817006426b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:40:42	-446.189
-52	1844	184400	0502dfb1-987b-4483-87e1-f52cef91b683	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:58:14	190.579
-52	3688	184400	ccb8ed3a-5f5f-4bc9-8238-f857d58cb8da	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:17:03	947.626
-53	1845	184500	7607da01-1512-4553-9ce6-c2be95ff7c75	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:10:25	-963.61
-53	3690	184500	7c07cfc9-d8f5-480f-9ad2-d6963881fa15	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:22:14	-176.313
-54	1846	184600	920d49b3-d9cb-49ce-b560-a15922d2c615	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:31:48	378.80
-54	3692	184600	12722369-5882-48af-b109-4527699257dc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:45:12	-6.116
-55	1847	184700	9cc46bea-64c5-46cf-92aa-5a069129cb38	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:25:44	-62.438
-55	3694	184700	0c0d067a-782d-4453-b405-6b6777872829	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:01:19	-866.998
-56	1848	184800	c1834609-6200-4e2b-81cc-b72c16a0a104	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:42:42	724.413
-56	3696	184800	65fa9434-31cf-40cb-b585-ac04aee20297	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:55:12	821.726
-57	1849	184900	ea6fa841-8405-4609-a20f-dc5d88789013	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:38:34	578.941
-57	3698	184900	29c0342b-dd49-4617-8bda-75a0cae0100a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:14:28	-913.834
-58	1850	185000	96e41c24-c34b-4d82-83fa-595f58852da3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:33:34	-278.775
-58	3700	185000	73073f8e-ea4c-46ba-bedc-a733822d34b4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:15:32	93.229
-59	1851	185100	2feac045-45a8-4382-aa1b-64c7117b4491	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:50:59	-250.324
-59	3702	185100	f60d422b-a2a0-495d-89e5-b9724d447da3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:36:57	-912.330
-60	1852	185200	a0e95ee1-679e-4543-941f-2f1833bc719c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:10:01	284.818
-60	3704	185200	4caf0502-9de6-4e6c-87df-e5786281fe14	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:22:24	-945.136
-61	1853	185300	72465ec4-4c5e-4c40-8e64-089dd5066f20	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:43:53	820.471
-61	3706	185300	283808c4-c618-4e35-951c-a8ea7fe2f0a8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:02:47	461.804
-62	1854	185400	e473c39e-f9fa-45af-8914-6d38ea7af091	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:54:49	144.934
-62	3708	185400	246e2d80-ff20-42fc-a778-0d96b76bfb8c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:15:44	-804.131
-63	1855	185500	24523b8c-b8c2-4506-9fb7-43362a1e17ce	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:35:48	-689.295
-63	3710	185500	bb6dfc5c-0fe9-479a-9206-362a629398b7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:01:34	320.949
-64	1856	185600	25e97dbc-7982-4871-abda-217e2c7d7dee	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:32:57	-639.7
-64	3712	185600	de70a677-5eac-4c11-b5e8-2a1cfde33882	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:22:48	-465.843
-65	1857	185700	4e6e5a39-411a-480e-91a1-b9d5819c6e47	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:50:47	758.902
-65	3714	185700	27147ec2-28f4-4d51-adc8-3b1e9b162deb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:28:13	-210.464
-66	1858	185800	1b700d49-aea9-4ba8-89a0-e43b61d9f255	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:50:53	-303.449
-66	3716	185800	2c939ca7-a811-4023-83dc-46702df3fa9a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:43:13	-333.570
-67	1859	185900	619f7776-fcdc-48dc-a676-dadfaf0bc5e4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:32:50	-788.941
-67	3718	185900	ca9c43d2-a6bb-423c-818e-06f49e533890	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:25:23	-531.812
-68	1860	186000	05b6dc72-b389-43de-be76-867d1c74fbb8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:05:51	-830.240
-68	3720	186000	5856bd0a-3ca5-4c77-bb3d-5c78568f9884	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:34:05	274.320
-69	1861	186100	82863598-51b8-4c60-a27e-f0300d92d928	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:46:24	813.543
-69	3722	186100	073e6140-68d4-4c2a-9b92-29cb11d1ad8f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:49:37	-956.69
-70	1862	186200	0e516f2b-91a7-44cf-92ed-def7dde4c72a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:24:31	-629.74
-70	3724	186200	365b7698-5f8f-4d53-b630-dbac86906b33	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:39:34	339.850
-71	1863	186300	76568cb5-fd4c-461a-a7c4-249dce115c43	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:04:01	-884.742
-71	3726	186300	090d60b9-f82c-460c-8a74-d6cab0fc28e2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:10:42	683.150
-72	1864	186400	d3606c47-88c1-46a7-8778-43e46af1f0db	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:45:15	-238.276
-72	3728	186400	f9d3a613-cc32-4305-89d8-03f24e45d70c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:34:51	500.579
-73	1865	186500	a0ab72cc-11ba-4e57-909d-ae40c373f426	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:46:44	-322.304
-73	3730	186500	02c274e3-22fd-4a9c-8a4d-6139037a15da	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:24:52	-432.801
-74	1866	186600	0b854812-8488-47bf-9515-e5e2797563b8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:47:29	-481.514
-74	3732	186600	6d527835-1faa-48c5-a0ec-2a652b8110bb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:57:18	-830.886
-75	1867	186700	9bde2d10-10be-4cf5-8d40-170bdb3cfeb7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:00:23	-364.676
-75	3734	186700	3ac5bd50-5ec7-4153-bda9-3f64f253f405	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:42:58	-532.424
-76	1868	186800	6dbceeba-4bd9-421b-a3b1-fe93d7d2e76d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:53:41	-159.299
-76	3736	186800	f2443aec-c376-4dc2-ba19-29de1dc78c04	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:34:50	446.126
-77	1869	186900	690b6a8f-0c9b-4dd2-b3eb-7677302b29bb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:26:09	638.206
-77	3738	186900	a0476f84-b626-4789-8522-527d08c031ac	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:01:37	-145.721
-78	1870	187000	fbcce9ad-9cf3-4598-b6ef-9c8e8df62ce6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:09:44	-1.342
-78	3740	187000	6c388b4a-900c-4303-8b95-ca278594db1e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:00:07	48.634
-79	1871	187100	a96f63e5-7bbf-4cd9-a315-79c92e81f0b2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:29:46	-200.175
-79	3742	187100	f218b935-429e-4f53-a80e-f6191e49ecc2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:41:58	-557.581
-80	1872	187200	42cd8316-2b26-4ccf-80f9-ddb368d6519d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:54:49	-495.898
-80	3744	187200	a6831ee2-43c5-46be-aaa0-14d3293aca01	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:08:40	24.738
-81	1873	187300	54852b11-50e3-474f-b50e-49279072af07	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:58:57	-355.986
-81	3746	187300	c0ce2cbe-05bf-4585-ac7c-2f287850325a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:25:47	309.32
-82	1874	187400	85af5569-6bd4-473e-b7f0-774c2c83a7a7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:44:21	-680.787
-82	3748	187400	c99417e2-d457-480c-a6ac-a24b4dd84025	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:01:40	-630.774
-83	1875	187500	445dc6f9-3f34-4391-bd3f-a3cbb457294f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:33:36	-558.676
-83	3750	187500	fffb139d-234a-45f5-92d6-cbb8cba8edcb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:52:38	-490.827
-84	1876	187600	f7e8851c-3bb5-4f32-9d7b-0080e953585b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:20:26	-713.719
-84	3752	187600	ea5beb68-3ebc-4d13-9237-b077e9aad2d9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:00:15	650.372
-85	1877	187700	8d6ab3f8-c603-493e-b633-66b6837f43b4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:01:17	870.683
-85	3754	187700	e4b62ca0-6278-4e0c-a51b-e47a5bc74397	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:18:31	-494.218
-86	1878	187800	d495986a-f176-4520-9632-c0f1955a4c10	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:08:08	800.521
-86	3756	187800	3735d933-116c-4fb1-85a7-6a0d932e995d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:13:54	524.78
-87	1879	187900	74c51974-6306-4b32-a0d0-5d8055dd92e8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:50:08	-779.115
-87	3758	187900	be949aaf-92f2-47d5-b8ab-6b6fa6ee3355	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:03:00	-970.82
-88	1880	188000	62cd3d4c-00d9-41c2-9c20-5635955cbf61	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:30:12	356.925
-88	3760	188000	83ef6d19-7bb6-475f-a5cc-b95bca76cbb7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:13:31	580.912
-89	1881	188100	617d2299-2b1f-40b6-bf09-da3d59f115cd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:51:56	-966.982
-89	3762	188100	5c7e66c9-7d36-4bde-b383-1c3c258aa37b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:51:48	-274.434
-90	1882	188200	553a3e74-da53-4006-99d5-7e8c7a5bd6c1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:37:11	729.687
-90	3764	188200	36bfa644-9a6a-4177-9bab-da85c21b7820	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:10:47	842.700
-91	1883	188300	fcafd282-8bdd-4cd7-9740-97a81c85fafd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:22:51	886.871
-91	3766	188300	45abe2ae-ad24-4ecc-a284-a14930532fcb	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:52:59	-392.824
-92	1884	188400	10444710-d020-4790-8253-848435d5df6d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:08:10	430.272
-92	3768	188400	2739f56a-79ac-4b67-957a-1823da081f94	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:57:43	439.992
-93	1885	188500	824ff9a3-3fc4-415b-93ed-975ea7b505c1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:11:52	683.470
-93	3770	188500	7dd28533-7d39-4926-b323-a383e4b2b8cc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:44:45	-36.768
-94	1886	188600	72d5c17c-29b5-4067-8b2c-be99f9fd94f3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:12:40	-401.14
-94	3772	188600	de769558-0e6e-4448-94d9-ef9787856a8d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:38:18	299.239
-95	1887	188700	607e5aab-5fc8-498e-a788-5a96521d1ff7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:49:35	-641.595
-95	3774	188700	05fea077-1780-4d49-b87f-07c4af8fc470	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:26:06	901.283
-96	1888	188800	eb448ca6-f56b-4f2c-8bb1-8a8cd500ae50	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:59:39	-630.53
-96	3776	188800	e669b16e-bc48-48eb-b374-93e8991f63df	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:46:48	-243.183
-97	1889	188900	bdca249e-2191-459e-be47-0b0af02f7014	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:56:55	-462.713
-97	3778	188900	cb238d44-b51a-4993-96eb-99d6771d1f84	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:53:08	-168.437
-98	1890	189000	addb6c7e-32cb-4c4e-b938-d5ba461b7fa3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:51:14	-769.480
-98	3780	189000	a73cfff8-0f8a-4658-a92d-0eff5909b60c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:40:10	921.137
-99	1891	189100	805f2e85-3684-47d8-905b-4abba4d0bd9d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:37:04	-960.639
-99	3782	189100	b31f069d-ea86-47d7-9e30-2bfe79d7c430	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:08:26	-29.414
-100	1892	189200	488463c0-8b7b-4a51-8c20-7624a947a3c5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:24:37	155.308
-100	3784	189200	a52ff74d-c1b9-46aa-96b6-a9f9cc15707d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:39:49	-844.663
-101	1893	189300	3e210694-3e8e-4ac0-846f-480a1bdfff34	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:01:19	290.752
-101	3786	189300	35c92375-1e28-4fd4-9e30-da85790b20f4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:50:41	597.335
-102	1894	189400	628275ce-0615-48f1-ac4c-dfb5562b8faa	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:27:01	-649.590
-102	3788	189400	9b815043-f575-4e4d-90d0-bab88d03b934	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:01:06	-98.443
-103	1895	189500	414bed04-e0e0-414c-a0b0-b8738dcfef1f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:24:37	55.840
-103	3790	189500	f52fb6c1-ba3c-4523-a2a4-bc5245cf011a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:03:33	-415.465
-104	1896	189600	d9e10527-ed2a-400e-bf20-cff9e55b642a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:28:45	-172.712
-104	3792	189600	2ba947c8-4260-4d73-8454-35047edcb0d1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:29:04	-371.319
-105	1897	189700	3be765e9-8705-42da-9b03-797c35de8cbe	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:09:23	-905.201
-105	3794	189700	1900e48d-b470-4f4b-9146-4858503ad900	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:36:39	-785.94
-106	1898	189800	8d6fb75a-1aa8-445e-9761-bcd4a24da115	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:40:31	628.724
-106	3796	189800	eedf1138-f0fd-4603-bed6-344179c6bd29	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:30:27	822.156
-107	1899	189900	1bb82f50-93fa-488f-bb08-3dcccf941885	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:34:27	-170.887
-107	3798	189900	70db67b1-77dc-4f14-9371-aa6c16b49c2e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:28:24	904.731
-108	1900	190000	d4b79b1b-cd98-4ea6-9f45-5e2bd4913dc9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:29:51	-908.210
-108	3800	190000	999985dd-0fdc-44b1-bec4-acdd09441017	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:02:52	-99.358
-109	1901	190100	fbff233d-27f3-42fd-aa30-af6689c7b06a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:19:21	-187.594
-109	3802	190100	433a97a3-3c26-41dc-b8fc-e0d7961739c3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:00:38	672.123
-110	1902	190200	5044e361-ac22-4927-b1e4-9b56711cf83d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:45:51	358.367
-110	3804	190200	4a8ee2cc-3ac6-43e8-a6df-f921c94cc2ac	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:42:51	670.45
-111	1903	190300	1545290a-48d2-42db-95c2-91fe5d99c15f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:24:42	318.307
-111	3806	190300	f6ecb6f1-3165-4e26-97b9-c5ff685dd816	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:50:02	-764.422
-112	1904	190400	32fc492b-13e2-4382-94cb-8496503d91cc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:40:38	-287.931
-112	3808	190400	9c74e388-b904-4434-a71c-f25b5c4b57b7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:16:57	553.759
-113	1905	190500	ce87723c-927c-434e-80cb-8fbbbbb1a581	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:03:15	200.237
-113	3810	190500	2bb12958-956b-4fee-af62-47199449cfef	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:13:23	-929.127
-114	1906	190600	f5b526ec-e4aa-41bf-a8d6-758979e50763	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:13:28	-679.621
-114	3812	190600	f9279773-1678-4645-9826-876ddd48a20e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:44:10	208.229
-115	1907	190700	89b98f53-6df0-4e60-b742-4ec6946d6e4f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:41:10	567.514
-115	3814	190700	2f685f1c-9a0f-4701-817a-59814b033377	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:23:02	60.587
-116	1908	190800	ab25fe65-f76c-466a-bae8-c1b6bb8bac5e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:33:11	-750.191
-116	3816	190800	02cc015d-2344-441c-88d0-6764ec9e3baa	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:46:11	-11.189
-117	1909	190900	b1962e11-3111-4137-b561-844801b9dad8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:11:27	939.434
-117	3818	190900	5ad011f2-8ce6-48f9-b0d8-2ee4b2e296f4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:18:25	-395.870
-118	1910	191000	ce7b3aea-252c-4b08-b264-5d53f4ad5233	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:08:43	-347.436
-118	3820	191000	b0eebfb8-b132-43ce-a4ec-f038c54dd9a6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:13:08	-657.332
-119	1911	191100	5491c8a5-e0ae-4037-b6d6-ab5ee2a0d143	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:20:42	278.71
-119	3822	191100	c1f34608-434a-4cbf-affd-6e45b5feedf6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:02:51	621.97
-120	1912	191200	327aebf9-de0e-472b-9dd8-58f5f985236b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:52:56	469.353
-120	3824	191200	f84d9953-1ea2-411b-8f6e-5c6da1a773d7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:45:02	-818.931
-121	1913	191300	2ef6f69f-2cf0-4710-ba89-1c749b66f742	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:42:04	-514.787
-121	3826	191300	02f34b77-6acf-4a38-9918-cb00408733b3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:52:09	460.969
-122	1914	191400	307b8141-5b3b-47a1-a56d-9196ac54d20e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:00:44	-51.433
-122	3828	191400	2d005146-191d-499e-8b62-68775617c40d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:02:18	810.335
-123	1915	191500	55ecdf38-74cb-4d61-88ec-42150067200f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:16:18	-120.621
-123	3830	191500	c20d7e06-5a66-4699-a826-e140f3dfccaf	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:21:11	-186.712
-124	1916	191600	b527f9f1-e2ae-4be9-be54-0764cafffa09	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:48:25	-368.797
-124	3832	191600	9f11d1cf-8468-418b-bb0c-607c1bc4783c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:56:38	294.421
-125	1917	191700	bf619b44-a8f3-4b75-a869-dd8b85386faa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:22:03	68.990
-125	3834	191700	b6543525-1a89-434c-9d22-e2eb360ef655	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:10:29	338.617
-126	1918	191800	fa13a8f0-da6f-497e-8007-244ac4c3f707	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:35:27	479.972
-126	3836	191800	99681eb0-490c-4ef7-adad-c6baa63b4bf6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:20:23	280.489
-127	1919	191900	a32070e6-4be2-4e00-ac11-50c6f5f87d3c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:52:36	145.644
-127	3838	191900	bb821834-d3be-48fd-ab82-5fb03b17e66f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:16:55	-851.730
-0	1920	192000	e9c5040a-9cea-4590-ba97-3f91c49f2c3e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:46:55	-978.228
-0	3840	192000	a1e800f6-99f9-4202-8754-1a3ef0d08c77	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:44:09	663.781
-1	1921	192100	aa24be1e-b6b8-4024-a5eb-51a8b2523851	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:53:54	240.905
-1	3842	192100	a06ea94e-b5c9-4f69-bce8-f3b2b900dead	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:54:50	-968.886
-2	1922	192200	fd22cffd-154a-48ef-89c2-36bae413b4ae	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:43:31	-932.325
-2	3844	192200	5140b307-afdd-4d5c-a382-df4ba4eb5fb0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:31:30	-216.913
-3	1923	192300	7accea18-63dc-45f2-ab05-c55d56c3bc63	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:07:42	-402.764
-3	3846	192300	988b560a-4e40-4a06-9c11-e1d11f720869	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:32:34	-47.628
-4	1924	192400	8ad09354-5fe7-4b5e-be12-b81082563fc1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:23:17	-963.801
-4	3848	192400	58824c5f-f774-4c6c-8554-0a75f4ea9fba	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:54:48	-242.501
-5	1925	192500	f9d8d290-778d-4bd1-a385-d072d727e49f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:35:17	-694.365
-5	3850	192500	a37f435d-28fd-4aab-b926-217158736780	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:01:45	490.64
-6	1926	192600	49c11c73-029e-477f-8b8b-dc2bbfc1e409	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:51:17	274.680
-6	3852	192600	c9b64c56-f614-4545-8053-b3a3e59f06eb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:44:23	-33.335
-7	1927	192700	7978b4fb-9911-4dcf-9ffb-8dce2a1c9846	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:44:33	97.53
-7	3854	192700	60c68df4-e83e-43f3-9ba1-fd856ffe5eee	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:50:33	607.588
-8	1928	192800	f47ca697-e7ab-4f2a-9360-0f12b60a48de	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:05:46	-227.502
-8	3856	192800	2603e51c-a10b-4fc1-993b-6458b21902f4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:12:08	-162.558
-9	1929	192900	4582cb45-23da-4068-b3a2-b7fdc8d51c02	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:20:24	212.35
-9	3858	192900	82a7c84f-f71f-4de6-87eb-f2dfad42dbce	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:08:26	589.560
-10	1930	193000	b6dfd7da-0305-42ac-b98c-7b69b4de78dd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:12:40	-82.628
-10	3860	193000	9f7c7e34-5a75-4cc4-8415-583a2ccf7a48	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:08:04	-126.130
-11	1931	193100	fc5efd29-3bb9-4c68-bf94-3a56d69eae37	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:46:43	-713.995
-11	3862	193100	96ea6e0f-a5fe-44f1-9786-2da10ecb0c11	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:34:15	-594.736
-12	1932	193200	de614477-44f1-4367-9bfa-b3f5b5513b97	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:28:44	713.867
-12	3864	193200	4683eff4-7064-46a7-b69a-b92c1bb501f6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:07:10	730.579
-13	1933	193300	7be620e1-5f22-4bba-adf0-e03716bbdafe	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:44:17	803.548
-13	3866	193300	036dac38-db8c-4c3c-8e5b-d5d3b17da6b0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:37:01	-567.32
-14	1934	193400	0d81d80a-a5b3-4354-82b0-2609eea8af33	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:01:39	-45.184
-14	3868	193400	0be3cf03-6422-4608-a31a-85793e94f635	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:52:56	284.387
-15	1935	193500	e8e47c73-584d-452d-b107-17e79178f319	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:33:54	-226.463
-15	3870	193500	86df071a-dafb-486a-8591-2e8e41670041	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:45:13	-898.442
-16	1936	193600	667c6ce1-1145-4414-bee7-b41b21325640	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:38:42	-372.655
-16	3872	193600	153e5fb1-d778-49bc-a20b-d10c51ba501b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:48:21	550.901
-17	1937	193700	6602b880-3937-4e40-b6d1-d860401ee579	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:45:04	-119.243
-17	3874	193700	a804480d-332a-4ed4-ae92-7dfdf5bbaaef	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:14:27	617.193
-18	1938	193800	672c8e96-dd2c-41f1-a97d-6290b0fa362e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:17:41	206.476
-18	3876	193800	280671c1-82c0-400f-8323-bb96d7078f86	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:21:18	-923.659
-19	1939	193900	63b2da95-324e-4581-b424-16f646b3d1b7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:01:27	304.119
-19	3878	193900	83fa14f8-9bb1-4e5f-90b1-76983a24c6d2	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:22:24	164.538
-20	1940	194000	63a932f5-5a34-4e94-b0d2-c80c89c8ba73	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:35:26	462.343
-20	3880	194000	56bf809f-3171-4924-91cc-f1c90250dbb7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:38:14	-948.857
-21	1941	194100	b5817375-4fbc-4391-b1b5-b5feed7191cd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:17:45	374.397
-21	3882	194100	9c72ef12-e128-4132-b231-9f07c825a812	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:00:10	72.480
-22	1942	194200	bcb4a62e-c50a-4677-bb0f-58db4ec512b5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:14:34	-780.284
-22	3884	194200	4a68b4a1-580f-4c4e-a157-3a27fea98027	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:35:10	385.876
-23	1943	194300	21471007-bcce-4752-96b4-dd1311f17fa3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:15:53	-734.120
-23	3886	194300	80ef46a2-4c5a-45a6-860b-487b706c5f61	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:59:51	-112.98
-24	1944	194400	a179a7e7-b95b-4f24-9999-ed617632c441	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:06:13	799.163
-24	3888	194400	22167a4d-b2f7-4abf-8947-99d9e01fbdc7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:51:18	-765.144
-25	1945	194500	70b523ac-3c2d-4d21-bb8c-736b1e5800b1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:00:01	177.53
-25	3890	194500	890e104f-6699-49d3-8025-9e64479a6022	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:21:00	918.3
-26	1946	194600	1da1d1f9-67cc-4404-b173-271c5432d588	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:43:13	331.247
-26	3892	194600	7cafc0a0-cffb-4126-834a-113d23ebcde6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:00:20	-429.866
-27	1947	194700	d4bd2845-7c61-44cd-a7f1-84bf7ed54d78	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:15:18	824.610
-27	3894	194700	bcfcd0cf-4338-4d00-92a1-bd48869b6c02	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:27:29	-660.740
-28	1948	194800	f13ba615-46de-4eba-9fc9-cf33a2d1db10	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:52:35	850.763
-28	3896	194800	b0cdf15d-8582-43d0-9966-a11be88931f3	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:01:54	235.812
-29	1949	194900	087e8f47-3093-4dbe-9540-2084183b02f1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:57:31	-588.215
-29	3898	194900	f6f7d4c7-e9da-4f9c-be9a-d6f7fd4a2a2b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:40:54	-35.847
-30	1950	195000	9065a0b7-8e28-4b3c-a61f-fe669f767d52	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:42:52	571.668
-30	3900	195000	aca33997-5705-4a2f-838a-32a6424483e4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:36:18	293.342
-31	1951	195100	108a2a9f-5a68-4eca-9744-abf80189c951	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:24:28	-228.526
-31	3902	195100	22cefb83-38f6-47fc-bedb-40b0d8847168	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:39:19	-3.219
-32	1952	195200	f90a03d0-3727-4012-9666-97eaef692a5d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:00:03	639.736
-32	3904	195200	aca09b5b-57bf-478d-aa9b-acd778479092	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:39:47	-467.889
-33	1953	195300	48f84daf-3987-49e4-a4e7-69b964d6541d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:14:33	-80.735
-33	3906	195300	8ab6e3aa-d69e-4553-8ba2-6173a36b8934	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:44:54	545.287
-34	1954	195400	26565eaa-d8b5-47cd-ada8-5b31baf431f5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:53:47	353.370
-34	3908	195400	41c88133-2bed-473e-8292-5bbdc0d08299	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:13:20	-816.398
-35	1955	195500	0fb645c9-093a-4a00-a5d3-dcb050f4181d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:40:35	888.385
-35	3910	195500	af8d6e3a-e3bf-4916-938c-b00ed898256f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:40:04	-444.829
-36	1956	195600	87fe7b10-c281-4a11-9f5a-c321be07e598	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:26:30	-605.724
-36	3912	195600	b9b51529-7c0c-4b5d-bb8f-386249cfd1fe	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:11:32	-905.692
-37	1957	195700	7721b245-0b17-4185-9159-a96694fcb886	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:05:04	-463.768
-37	3914	195700	064c9ea7-6f90-4663-8d0f-5f4a66978fb6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:48:09	-593.288
-38	1958	195800	46b8259f-0c5f-4e92-868d-26461d5d7c7a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:05:43	340.465
-38	3916	195800	f60326ac-0b3a-4a62-be65-230afb5cf88d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:15:09	664.777
-39	1959	195900	f524214c-1e79-41be-b980-93daa153bccc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:51:53	785.21
-39	3918	195900	9d25b012-2c09-4f5c-84eb-f00c467b89df	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:24:01	875.850
-40	1960	196000	81c4de21-22d4-459a-87ba-8b2853e93bb8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:46:54	284.799
-40	3920	196000	c4ba04fe-f94f-48af-a699-f91df706dba7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:34:50	-113.808
-41	1961	196100	e53467e5-2c56-49c4-b344-d59606aab1fd	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:53:55	-974.259
-41	3922	196100	68cdecf0-6658-43ce-91da-6e7f6a21bbf0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:52:06	-164.273
-42	1962	196200	15e0f525-98fa-4577-9f62-78fd874b0a22	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:21:09	279.202
-42	3924	196200	0dd79c48-3e39-4994-9291-89c26550f933	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:17:39	873.748
-43	1963	196300	0e04fca9-1f96-4e9b-a077-543249188462	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:59:01	228.293
-43	3926	196300	46913602-7ce5-4988-9cf4-9e585effbe2e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:38:28	-26.174
-44	1964	196400	2f25d633-5ef6-4a11-8aba-47e85f7fd9ec	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:59:46	563.145
-44	3928	196400	fdffce19-993d-477e-a8dc-d05d38e08e8b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:11:00	765.805
-45	1965	196500	8eb86ff3-0cad-4cef-8a54-509c35d892a5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:33:29	852.410
-45	3930	196500	02ef5c18-91cd-49eb-85ee-ec72e5240e9f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:02:50	-716.932
-46	1966	196600	fc577155-cb84-4be6-9245-df24626d814d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:15:40	152.313
-46	3932	196600	e634dc5a-1676-47cd-ad54-9f2ba5334032	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:04:47	-633.239
-47	1967	196700	fb54b3aa-6014-4e4e-a004-654cac5b68c1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:23:54	-405.105
-47	3934	196700	f197a1bc-10e3-4626-9e8c-d96ddc8bbedb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:09:40	296.407
-48	1968	196800	e6a05b36-2150-4b0a-b00a-8cbebd201a6f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:44:28	-320.692
-48	3936	196800	e0e5f924-5216-435b-8f5c-51f1841a9c0b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:53:08	369.197
-49	1969	196900	8c2ca4a4-caa0-4a88-85ea-6260fab85c3b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:02:08	-595.856
-49	3938	196900	1fcff5a1-65a9-4163-953d-1913bfca96b3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:22:42	-433.757
-50	1970	197000	5170e61e-050f-40af-878c-fc1bbafb596d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:20:38	-479.915
-50	3940	197000	63de81c1-f095-49c3-96d4-c1a03109dd54	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:45:37	707.149
-51	1971	197100	87747021-6c9e-45da-9c26-8b006e977d13	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:50:24	-349.79
-51	3942	197100	0c9f32d6-0beb-43e4-8626-6a2a3350c987	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:45:15	530.626
-52	1972	197200	0cb4d314-2df5-42bc-99f2-7a8604139ca5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:26:36	-431.702
-52	3944	197200	c699c347-d50d-491c-9236-09e3904a45bb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:15:11	-37.347
-53	1973	197300	47183f3a-d8d3-4724-82ee-83dfe818ad84	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:03:38	-541.718
-53	3946	197300	bafc51c6-2c2d-4f17-81ee-ff6e2f994b47	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:13:32	-7.126
-54	1974	197400	57ee9feb-7523-404f-bf9e-ce8900cf976c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:33:43	-633.709
-54	3948	197400	58cec6a9-b5fc-47e5-b823-f81dade20ecc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:59:42	988.275
-55	1975	197500	b514a1fa-46b7-4248-a759-a64f86773743	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:41:03	-283.737
-55	3950	197500	949410f8-36e4-40cc-933b-b6d3f878b02d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:08:39	-792.721
-56	1976	197600	6d6bd32b-cb0d-454d-8803-aa8e3795fefb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:13:05	-286.59
-56	3952	197600	4c216d5f-37ee-43db-a59c-951a6434d648	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:05:22	570.14
-57	1977	197700	65abbc2e-2497-4b8c-b0c8-c443f801c75f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:11:18	359.408
-57	3954	197700	3a5b21a3-1e79-47a3-bcc9-3655b995430a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:29:56	-420.377
-58	1978	197800	4699a046-dbf3-40f1-a567-0fd7e176b832	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:18:57	-824.232
-58	3956	197800	1719b045-e070-4b7a-997b-9c075bfccfc3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:03:19	-314.398
-59	1979	197900	283eec12-cc6e-4d74-af2e-c058707cfa69	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:11:02	-208.825
-59	3958	197900	8c9d2672-cea9-46dc-aaea-6380161b8a45	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:50:58	-918.88
-60	1980	198000	cc81a7b6-7052-4099-aace-3e588a89ec48	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:31:03	-87.668
-60	3960	198000	63771400-f972-487e-9323-f66a9035757c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:55:45	-310.803
-61	1981	198100	36492bba-22d4-4b75-b260-24d9c13e73df	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:08:47	-699.376
-61	3962	198100	eef96047-df11-4d1e-b518-7ac1ee86b9f8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:22:20	782.841
-62	1982	198200	a0f66620-88df-40e5-b64b-ed994dc5a380	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:03:18	-324.612
-62	3964	198200	4a34366a-b4f1-4c23-b07f-3313314504ba	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:12:19	586.530
-63	1983	198300	070c7885-e9bf-4ea8-9c2b-eb3f0b033106	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:04:51	157.274
-63	3966	198300	340caea4-0ba0-4def-acc4-e23dbc623a29	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:42:17	200.458
-64	1984	198400	872e0fce-5181-41a8-9f1d-cc12195f3e02	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:17:56	-314.370
-64	3968	198400	b35640a9-293a-4352-8032-1b15f7e1aa54	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:37:19	-296.520
-65	1985	198500	97c095b1-c17d-4114-9979-00b385151a87	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:38:00	-700.207
-65	3970	198500	662d2329-09cd-4165-802f-5f44db06c0ec	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:37:12	328.721
-66	1986	198600	56d6da4d-9b60-46f1-94a7-f9c6ec9353e8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:37:14	-48.783
-66	3972	198600	a4a22800-b70d-47c2-90cb-f3ed1d126a83	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:19:01	-963.725
-67	1987	198700	a8c99217-1fad-4562-9da2-5be7527f9429	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:34:10	-56.72
-67	3974	198700	fda00bf0-9015-4072-b2e1-3bb332fe1d74	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:56:24	395.131
-68	1988	198800	fd9163fb-cf67-483b-983c-a5a5c05c1dd6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:54:07	-680.463
-68	3976	198800	967412fe-12ec-4faa-8bd2-141887fdf648	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:15:02	908.947
-69	1989	198900	012dd739-e10d-45cc-a5dd-ae651995c7c7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:56:54	628.637
-69	3978	198900	3ceb1bd0-6fac-4fd6-b8ed-8d7c3b982ce1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:54:19	652.946
-70	1990	199000	948e1208-60bb-42e9-98f6-a5b51b707695	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:51:39	-381.138
-70	3980	199000	acb7b916-566d-42fa-a47b-b7a47356d2f2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:22:25	-686.442
-71	1991	199100	c7bcbc3e-d5e3-4cb6-89da-470ca8d3d75b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:04:51	806.685
-71	3982	199100	21d0b2e8-ab5f-4482-bf8e-7adf6a4189ca	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:18:13	-813.465
-72	1992	199200	c9ee9495-0076-4900-b0e2-3fd111e751db	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:54:49	-572.990
-72	3984	199200	340b3e83-c0a8-4c44-bf6a-febf7ae1ff55	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:54:48	-421.349
-73	1993	199300	01336f26-9f27-4bac-80e0-ce46d7c7a19d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:10:41	856.531
-73	3986	199300	aa4830f2-fd2c-45b3-b888-e7c9a1e86135	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:27:21	-645.828
-74	1994	199400	f80d69c4-a641-4eaa-904d-c812459d4fc8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:34:09	986.1
-74	3988	199400	2ae98c1b-d7c9-46ee-9fc0-f2b0bfd74318	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:30:05	-890.897
-75	1995	199500	8de14a9e-2ced-4088-a20d-bfbe2bf0aa1e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:44:27	-751.690
-75	3990	199500	460888a6-de27-44d5-bb1c-42d373261bd3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:21:44	343.964
-76	1996	199600	eab8e30e-4a73-4ddb-afd8-9d15b0ae3702	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:32:36	643.624
-76	3992	199600	1efd8d9e-9e2b-4e0b-9dad-3a37fde0ab6a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:49:13	-782.996
-77	1997	199700	c9ff3fa6-9657-485c-a10a-841c81111d79	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:17:55	892.861
-77	3994	199700	4eaf20c9-d5a1-4f20-97db-427ec4f2d589	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:43:53	27.562
-78	1998	199800	d79ff794-5039-407b-b5eb-d15f8bb0ba4a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:06:48	-683.758
-78	3996	199800	3a64cd3b-72da-4b21-a1fc-1476740b7653	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:34:24	-383.131
-79	1999	199900	5385c4ca-dd72-4dc1-a817-14833ced0164	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:14:18	-206.52
-79	3998	199900	470d9781-3726-443b-9a45-a1529722a83c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:02:54	282.683
-80	2000	200000	fd748e88-2b9f-445d-94df-081698713859	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:25:29	-958.326
-80	4000	200000	b6c635a1-c024-4b59-a439-900e5e967d8c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:28:13	-755.653
-81	2001	200100	a090a2c8-0b51-4da4-88a3-e55e9879af3e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:47:42	728.141
-81	4002	200100	34bafd92-7b53-457b-ab13-9850dbe2d4d4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:03:32	386.83
-82	2002	200200	005e9df5-02c4-4158-950d-4f966dd31e18	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:53:26	320.872
-82	4004	200200	ef358b44-e3ea-43e0-8642-5c9d92fa15b4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:57:19	385.593
-83	2003	200300	2febfa2e-2cf3-45e1-a7d6-921c0d54a6c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:29:13	-349.113
-83	4006	200300	d34050d4-f5a6-4c30-94ea-1b185c9a8e55	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:59:01	924.191
-84	2004	200400	9d8baa08-8948-4f4e-aad3-6c6aabe1f4a2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:35:44	-696.927
-84	4008	200400	a5c51b5e-ed4c-47d4-9a32-3ccb544109d5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:18:08	-437.291
-85	2005	200500	c04d2242-000f-499d-810f-dfa38ee016f1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:27:55	494.525
-85	4010	200500	99b8e4f0-134d-4c6d-83d8-f4e513a72264	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:33:12	-982.917
-86	2006	200600	fc24a529-6809-4e69-8f73-35ac3c9fad27	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:00:05	-190.30
-86	4012	200600	f615e76a-dfbd-471e-8dcc-09fdb3eb422e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:40:46	709.607
-87	2007	200700	a4cf2ea4-5ce9-4d52-a9ce-e1134763ce22	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:25:13	-279.694
-87	4014	200700	e9c4a2b0-d0c5-40f3-986c-81bfe41f1891	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:07:24	610.945
-88	2008	200800	fbb43a48-ddcc-4bf3-a488-f773e389ef3d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:41:14	-25.705
-88	4016	200800	0c2b50bc-38d2-41a1-ac64-096eba283104	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:39:15	564.240
-89	2009	200900	066dce1d-0a10-41c5-bac9-e5449a8bec2f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:00:49	-610.925
-89	4018	200900	87b1faa9-4cd9-413e-9868-995dbdead668	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:35:33	-694.952
-90	2010	201000	97321321-d8fe-4003-9063-f0f8b5bb4fc5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:57:44	-159.396
-90	4020	201000	9bdef37c-193f-44f0-8da4-e87e299f5eeb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:30:26	843.538
-91	2011	201100	ba06994d-7ddb-470d-b9d7-cad2c2ed99c1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:13:09	190.234
-91	4022	201100	b50f6816-0fe0-474d-be87-8384da7cbc88	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:23:27	-825.665
-92	2012	201200	490b92de-467a-429b-aad6-62c8ece5cee6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:33:18	-724.814
-92	4024	201200	3fcd438d-4e97-4f15-b465-ad2fab5e41b0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:27:48	573.650
-93	2013	201300	b909fd5b-c5ce-4c10-ae43-e27774714d81	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:57:55	-413.894
-93	4026	201300	35a23d02-dee6-4e11-9458-873cfa7c2f6b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:16:57	726.279
-94	2014	201400	61895635-061d-4b69-a92a-2658813e03c5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:56:12	375.411
-94	4028	201400	33bfdc54-7e0a-4cf0-9497-dcd29683d663	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:46:05	875.578
-95	2015	201500	407bbf8f-860e-4e80-ab7b-5b90adb5a9d8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:30:34	-728.754
-95	4030	201500	711ee6bd-5423-4b16-ae5f-cb488f1ee1b5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:11:54	637.816
-96	2016	201600	0dde5d53-1616-4c4b-a694-fd8042198929	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:38:28	722.283
-96	4032	201600	78cb36e7-6ebe-4be8-853f-66a01b107b4c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:00:07	-531.81
-97	2017	201700	37543428-0ef7-44e1-b4d9-a353a33e7ee5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:57:23	-30.17
-97	4034	201700	f4bcaa41-d1ea-4afa-bf92-8d3729dbe907	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:46:14	-493.795
-98	2018	201800	39103c1a-9f44-4f76-aad4-d74460db91eb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:23:24	-376.555
-98	4036	201800	992f0b7e-048b-4eda-ab42-491a009029e1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:50:21	-743.516
-99	2019	201900	6a07db8e-88ff-47e5-8a55-fa37b3bfa9eb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:00:33	-742.118
-99	4038	201900	223edd67-9716-4dcc-a3d3-f72a18123aba	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:48:53	-578.635
-100	2020	202000	2b0a1b20-315d-4381-b193-e91353f4b1dc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:24:27	172.46
-100	4040	202000	681135af-d180-467f-858e-e44c41098c56	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:04:54	-552.46
-101	2021	202100	f1f99bed-b874-4899-8098-74a3d4f9577d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:44:56	499.477
-101	4042	202100	7ee54aca-dc71-4a1c-b3a0-e07b707548b8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:08:19	402.126
-102	2022	202200	aded2a93-dd64-4ddb-9cfc-8bc4fd2fe3b4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:43:49	337.239
-102	4044	202200	d8e6d6bb-215e-48fc-9dcc-eac3e4977937	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:26:07	803.190
-103	2023	202300	31fda6e6-1b5d-4a3e-9e28-a829b0d0c996	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:43:49	-489.971
-103	4046	202300	9e2a712d-1e40-4f88-9dd8-9ede1ba50401	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:39:52	-256.105
-104	2024	202400	7bb3ac1c-21f9-4d1c-9cf5-feca90fa1be1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:04:24	-692.54
-104	4048	202400	2e71b040-d75f-4517-941e-d35bcc728c98	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:49:16	825.280
-105	2025	202500	f9198e1e-f943-485d-a25f-0fde6c4be0c4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:25:47	378.839
-105	4050	202500	f509fdc0-1d46-4046-93e3-66ea78e38a1b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:42:31	271.242
-106	2026	202600	49e48da1-0bab-4970-a8e8-6a1fb64a14d2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:59:30	498.672
-106	4052	202600	be762f90-defc-4f7f-a5f6-bdb81b6b8fd5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:55:33	37.789
-107	2027	202700	96d86a7d-3d57-42a8-a357-1f017a592c93	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:42:53	202.261
-107	4054	202700	233da94c-ba7b-450e-b2c6-74be0c4d2aaf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:07:40	435.34
-108	2028	202800	156ee401-ff51-4425-b196-9bbad6109e32	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:40:02	593.505
-108	4056	202800	99a25811-4dea-45a8-934a-1127d88ffe7b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:56:45	-61.318
-109	2029	202900	b12e4cfb-a1bd-411f-bcae-f5c9f987fda2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:02:31	-746.953
-109	4058	202900	5b3e0e38-d990-4549-8d8b-bcd90ebcf823	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:33:44	-658.150
-110	2030	203000	6dae7bf7-6330-4f96-8953-448a8c29437b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:00:19	290.926
-110	4060	203000	58f71677-ae10-48d0-86fa-ba5d5ee30974	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:38:29	49.118
-111	2031	203100	f1031d40-7f91-4c7c-b35b-19206be8af64	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:07:58	941.326
-111	4062	203100	a450300b-9d85-4ded-930b-6b12e536531a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:46:17	-999.954
-112	2032	203200	b85e389b-5b17-4336-964e-9e5f482e1598	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:01:46	-367.383
-112	4064	203200	0c3c0141-baa8-474c-bdd3-23cfc4ccdec0	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:48:07	-730.418
-113	2033	203300	3a15b481-bcfa-48a1-b26d-b40d7edf8bfe	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:41:46	260.482
-113	4066	203300	533ff12e-b4a6-4ec3-b3f3-34df9f51baae	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:19:02	-545.307
-114	2034	203400	bdb74086-c7ef-45f1-96b1-98aeea6568af	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:54:15	889.886
-114	4068	203400	1db3cab5-df10-44bf-aac2-236f976b0ea5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:07:02	328.648
-115	2035	203500	75661237-eada-40cd-89b3-3d531d90b010	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:58:27	-310.299
-115	4070	203500	30d62df2-c57a-4bb4-ac9e-89ab842cdae2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:21:34	-570.425
-116	2036	203600	830386af-0e7d-47bc-bfc9-42a9eb1f67fc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:30:35	459.997
-116	4072	203600	9167d611-1b3d-40cd-9845-3b44043683dc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:24:11	-228.226
-117	2037	203700	beac9af6-a9e0-4645-938b-2b18fcd9824a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:21:39	-771.90
-117	4074	203700	8ec6ce2b-cfc7-42a4-95f8-a523ce7ea854	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:15:50	-35.629
-118	2038	203800	c4eab1c5-2024-4eb0-abde-2697bc8d4dd2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:24:07	-32.257
-118	4076	203800	0c55f3de-4637-4854-a180-0f4973906dd9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:29:06	-874.362
-119	2039	203900	167ed6af-4a97-4a66-9743-e28428c2e609	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:20:01	-63.423
-119	4078	203900	0a7dbd69-ef83-4c0b-b236-de918bb7a1a0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:18:00	685.960
-120	2040	204000	a694e5e9-4b21-49a7-9c54-dce798372145	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:35:34	-685.129
-120	4080	204000	19950a59-4781-4b4c-b9f9-c094b924c0f3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:27:03	782.80
-121	2041	204100	550fd14d-054f-4490-b86c-4945f3ebe0ad	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:55:24	381.438
-121	4082	204100	16b0f364-b284-4fbe-bed1-835fee29acfb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:29:33	-633.632
-122	2042	204200	1c52bae5-fcd0-4a13-8809-c0a94da04658	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:20:05	-912.668
-122	4084	204200	420727fd-3885-4cee-8caf-f1bc9c2ce15a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:33:04	404.877
-123	2043	204300	42568349-7d00-4311-872a-71a1b64e7231	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:17:41	-106.687
-123	4086	204300	e276a385-8449-4d6d-a8eb-35f40d051610	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:09:33	-109.498
-124	2044	204400	c711a4c2-cdb4-43e0-abfc-6799ac14116c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:40:11	-636.166
-124	4088	204400	2fb8afce-cca5-47cf-9902-c37778a6adb2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:15:02	246.675
-125	2045	204500	1638a6f6-eb5d-40a9-8da2-202d9ad771e8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:21:38	688.427
-125	4090	204500	d1ff1c58-b50a-4bf3-b6a5-3a90ef1be4ed	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:48:23	-471.930
-126	2046	204600	6937315e-76dd-47b9-a7ac-d0d58fb5b0b0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:41:15	-225.320
-126	4092	204600	c028c833-085b-4d3c-aced-348e16255664	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:06:10	277.609
-127	2047	204700	85681823-20cb-49b4-ba01-c47f8d85f160	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:23:35	930.671
-127	4094	204700	ce37048a-437e-46b7-b0f6-a90b6f3f4a50	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:08:39	671.600
-0	2048	204800	6d670af5-87c2-454c-884b-be58a6535595	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:12:40	701.95
-0	4096	204800	ebd2675d-8f06-4e7c-a2c7-fa2cde5fcaa9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:39:19	-122.619
-1	2049	204900	5719d384-27f0-4d33-9b5d-0e93bb2b8d69	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:53:08	-976.949
-1	4098	204900	fcfb114e-4408-4930-af1b-888a6ab4a98b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:14:02	430.931
-2	2050	205000	922e968b-2334-4221-bac9-662ce464563d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:15:31	298.578
-2	4100	205000	da8ae0fd-90eb-453e-b6df-97b03df9af80	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:18:17	-815.947
-3	2051	205100	b455fd98-6df5-4571-9b5f-3263c5f7fa19	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:41:36	-468.830
-3	4102	205100	5cf95c1b-e5e9-49af-914c-1e0ecfa3b744	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:15:24	-624.556
-4	2052	205200	37e16543-36dc-420c-90a8-c37d785f6165	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:58:41	304.512
-4	4104	205200	453910fc-9bf1-4f10-9849-287ca5bf09b7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:59:17	-591.411
-5	2053	205300	a47fde8c-f1ab-486d-8834-6900dd7ee769	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:31:17	542.162
-5	4106	205300	19d8e8da-d6c2-4c77-b444-8e3b819aa4e2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:38:49	-924.46
-6	2054	205400	25b81c55-2421-404e-86de-dc22ff5e50e3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:18:16	-659.164
-6	4108	205400	3bd10a56-c243-40af-b9fe-d712e4db0764	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:28:31	-410.889
-7	2055	205500	978c3e30-70a3-494b-8e59-dc6632985fd7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:29:43	-208.720
-7	4110	205500	fcff198d-3ca5-4a00-96b8-6c9909d1ee1d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:09:40	-391.927
-8	2056	205600	10ecc5fb-840c-4ac2-916e-6a8a6b9522ef	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:53:43	-155.421
-8	4112	205600	99b43f27-b886-4454-9abe-0206bd208b3e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:05:56	518.673
-9	2057	205700	035eb1c3-d8a8-4f1c-b9ff-5f5ae92d0bed	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:40:11	-234.848
-9	4114	205700	aceb4007-6c7a-499b-9a0d-a0ed02cfc04d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:21:33	-450.888
-10	2058	205800	0e44f8d4-16f8-437c-8977-1ff1d7c465c0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:05:25	46.274
-10	4116	205800	f247b79a-0c9f-4741-987b-8d30d8caf979	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:45:24	922.530
-11	2059	205900	f6a8c152-6ab8-4e9a-a3a4-5687fe3e423e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:04:15	572.697
-11	4118	205900	3340bbfc-a35f-4328-8eb7-e16d7197aafc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:23:31	-875.286
-12	2060	206000	befea44a-883a-4af7-82b2-ca4542853e69	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:35:55	-190.845
-12	4120	206000	14f3a4a8-0e9b-4d8d-ad9d-3418221ce85c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:10:42	-465.508
-13	2061	206100	a1ce47c8-df4d-46d7-9389-7fb48e0d828e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:02:39	984.933
-13	4122	206100	81eb5e95-58c3-4a0e-a9b0-7c0fe9646352	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:56:39	433.944
-14	2062	206200	344535ce-7a1c-4758-99af-81254e816b6c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:54:54	67.148
-14	4124	206200	49d7f519-5212-49a5-a877-382fa07c2511	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:17:13	41.535
-15	2063	206300	0f7777f6-c110-4e44-b54d-89001fda6a4f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:13:53	-227.316
-15	4126	206300	f09120fd-98f1-4d59-a2ff-84bf62376f94	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:27:15	-472.414
-16	2064	206400	8cba8b22-a058-4c28-aca4-4ab61b6f4b55	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:02:46	-571.426
-16	4128	206400	36fca6e5-79ae-4562-85dc-e9e696517001	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:53:36	356.157
-17	2065	206500	1b675a33-03e7-46cc-bd79-a327d515d106	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:17:30	871.930
-17	4130	206500	a244fe64-1815-4065-b169-efdd63484613	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:22:55	400.156
-18	2066	206600	effd8c2d-7e3e-43c7-a1c9-2d58d981d4af	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:02:13	24.919
-18	4132	206600	2c583a61-3e8e-4a16-b2cc-4e81f83e26d6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:00:42	-238.848
-19	2067	206700	0d5fa725-3629-4b9b-9002-534c85b376e6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:25:57	737.87
-19	4134	206700	ddc89aa2-94fb-44eb-87bd-3b7e514d3d1c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:55:25	178.760
-20	2068	206800	fcc140ed-1611-493c-bc29-c8a569feaca6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:43:27	-696.863
-20	4136	206800	6da1e1ae-19f1-47c9-8728-880ecb0ca3b8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:48:30	859.520
-21	2069	206900	81b4db94-fa3e-4c5f-9a63-e9687367cfa9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:57:15	-407.298
-21	4138	206900	d76c0ace-10d3-4299-996a-708f8aa627ec	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:32:47	103.428
-22	2070	207000	8d07e19e-cbc0-4beb-8bce-10c89aac1d86	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:24:50	-309.165
-22	4140	207000	84100783-5ee1-4d25-933c-d195408f67c9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:31:25	-6.784
-23	2071	207100	b8236796-d34f-436c-8c51-85eea4e2abbb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:45:10	-972.951
-23	4142	207100	4c68fd51-ffb1-435d-9568-4ff76b8ad704	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:47:39	438.943
-24	2072	207200	67977c4c-bb03-456c-9190-89117fc0e508	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:53:12	436.557
-24	4144	207200	35111e22-28ef-46dc-86b2-d8fca1b29bba	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:01:31	-43.369
-25	2073	207300	4f1b297c-0b77-425b-978f-2ba265782aef	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:16:05	542.286
-25	4146	207300	826c72e2-12b3-4a32-970c-1622ec14e163	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:49:36	590.574
-26	2074	207400	91ffd8be-6a3a-4c3b-b978-7420b2153ccb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:13:33	288.884
-26	4148	207400	a0adb487-332a-4619-a47e-9cb5e0b5c412	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:13:56	138.875
-27	2075	207500	2f6137d5-3d98-446f-9258-5ef1749176af	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:07:44	248.967
-27	4150	207500	4b7ee85f-2fbd-43c8-bfaa-ff57b917a3db	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:09:13	911.739
-28	2076	207600	f65f8fc2-310a-4185-bf10-9dbd0ed04223	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:21:01	-717.777
-28	4152	207600	57e39e4a-95da-455f-bc58-177a0217a3ea	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:07:55	618.513
-29	2077	207700	20c6d5be-c002-40b2-8000-3abb6c4efa9e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:36:11	321.819
-29	4154	207700	036c03d1-9a5b-40de-8a20-b4d8bec98cce	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:18:11	752.905
-30	2078	207800	ae3dcc0e-b549-4187-8ee0-3bcbd6c85ffd	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:46:55	659.641
-30	4156	207800	1eb7bb5e-68bf-4e20-81b3-66358da16ef9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:21:33	320.141
-31	2079	207900	85be7313-966a-478f-ac98-f99289ba0be4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:42:09	-202.215
-31	4158	207900	61bd29ca-bc07-4f44-83ce-c6d51ad9964a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:09:59	435.95
-32	2080	208000	95bba3ea-0e19-43ea-bb83-2a0102656df6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:53:20	-626.838
-32	4160	208000	649d543f-ba19-41b9-9dec-c23336c43d3a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:50:24	186.693
-33	2081	208100	d78def61-adf4-4540-b26d-eba6dbd768fd	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:14:35	-634.489
-33	4162	208100	68bc97a5-487d-4619-b9a0-0ac22b5c6803	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:11:22	538.408
-34	2082	208200	0ba85242-1f00-4884-9d51-13dfc57c0ce8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:35:12	-251.279
-34	4164	208200	e75ab226-b849-4826-b3db-7412919c6701	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:48:46	-741.957
-35	2083	208300	2fd5119b-b737-4cd4-a6e1-69f0df878d50	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:27:25	71.401
-35	4166	208300	9975d606-5144-4704-901b-1e978cf19396	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:08:29	83.922
-36	2084	208400	0db218df-4c33-49fe-9281-8f5270099f12	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:04:50	-782.965
-36	4168	208400	18f24311-dcea-4ea1-aefa-e68ea434d8e8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:08:24	-192.890
-37	2085	208500	af51e953-381b-4a89-a4af-0c679206e9a0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:08:53	-471.880
-37	4170	208500	9a896d89-15c4-46a9-8b86-872ec15df368	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:12:20	-957.784
-38	2086	208600	755bfd7e-60ab-4a65-909e-709768a4c33c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:12:30	-560.708
-38	4172	208600	f888edd2-f382-44a6-85da-adf50bb36afb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:47:20	-803.237
-39	2087	208700	c8c54e54-921c-4e63-a19e-f911a74f4fa8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:20:23	-98.57
-39	4174	208700	f4776dba-ae6a-44de-ac8a-a7b461cf096f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:33:53	753.400
-40	2088	208800	98417d14-edb5-488c-b704-040e8b63ddf2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:31:03	-30.159
-40	4176	208800	88247f37-b103-4084-9991-22a611c67376	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:53:00	465.662
-41	2089	208900	ac6bba88-936d-4ec3-b976-356b24cbefe9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:34:44	-360.279
-41	4178	208900	955781b3-ccf1-414c-96b2-71d508bc5921	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:02:56	-831.568
-42	2090	209000	71e4584d-2091-4035-b69b-7abbdf6024ab	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:55:44	-603.195
-42	4180	209000	96d36f96-2cd3-45ef-81d8-7671d3bf0689	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:31:16	-539.846
-43	2091	209100	72b38a83-3a24-444d-b5af-9a1cca7e4732	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:10:20	43.472
-43	4182	209100	43fa40e2-0ec0-4c54-a0d5-3e6c8e3d2299	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:11:10	-173.546
-44	2092	209200	849ad9b5-d41c-4972-b537-e0302638a5f9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:33:23	-521.310
-44	4184	209200	abd1ee33-905c-4c93-9659-c0a94bb5f686	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:42:34	674.249
-45	2093	209300	8592d204-25ec-4b79-8258-5fcd02641b87	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:33:08	856.853
-45	4186	209300	55ade471-cd99-4d1f-a250-9ce7aa329fb4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:52:09	956.196
-46	2094	209400	8295b28d-9324-4bf5-9e98-565157336cb6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:35:30	-257.121
-46	4188	209400	d72d9e36-3e9b-411d-ac14-261efad1767e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:53:50	639.829
-47	2095	209500	3a12be88-7623-47c2-8f25-cf07086b2c21	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:48:10	-563.376
-47	4190	209500	b2e9e13e-c399-49fe-83a5-45f673ddda1b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:54:00	-688.490
-48	2096	209600	aa03e3a8-99f9-4627-8dce-1b5168b8a6ef	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:30:11	663.463
-48	4192	209600	9f4e3d85-d211-42f8-938b-0dbb3e865da3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:56:37	539.158
-49	2097	209700	36ca7012-53a2-412c-b64e-aaedffd253dc	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:13:52	-805.405
-49	4194	209700	b4ac4abf-228e-4ca6-b663-080c081c5dfa	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:33:25	761.504
-50	2098	209800	2b8a7b4b-420b-43df-937c-440155436011	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:11:26	72.535
-50	4196	209800	4376bc59-84dc-494b-a426-f31cdcf52253	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:58:23	-753.940
-51	2099	209900	43118d42-c295-4a1a-bc45-ab9ed9927756	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:58:40	-663.112
-51	4198	209900	c8d573dc-3bec-4000-a2e5-c44be2eb704f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:10:36	955.735
-52	2100	210000	690d677c-e332-4dab-ad03-2f6ff3b0ac80	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:27:38	646.523
-52	4200	210000	b089a0ad-2a3a-4fd8-9354-b8c0f1280dbc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:48:17	-920.367
-53	2101	210100	e9e04da0-01b6-4a53-80e3-a9eea0f3a05f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:43:54	384.679
-53	4202	210100	e7e6d483-8bb8-44ad-8f30-b354b4d7bf14	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:24:26	644.465
-54	2102	210200	a00057c5-b5fc-41b9-a9cf-ddc146803885	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:43:25	543.503
-54	4204	210200	807e6cf8-9841-444a-b38f-5491fdcda83f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:54:55	538.253
-55	2103	210300	85f0f161-454f-4ab9-aef5-0ca604343998	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:30:35	692.347
-55	4206	210300	0ce25711-3826-4e23-9261-2cb1e05847c0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:34:13	-600.761
-56	2104	210400	8c5a1ae0-0fa2-46d3-940c-264e7f29e472	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:57:52	422.694
-56	4208	210400	8dbdcd97-4498-499f-bb3b-089d6e294282	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:56:20	-224.980
-57	2105	210500	67963be6-a875-4dbb-a5eb-72b80781be92	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:57:58	-390.971
-57	4210	210500	ea3447e5-3f73-47b5-9337-71ce606dddc1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:22:12	-272.237
-58	2106	210600	d182629c-cb5e-40f4-a70f-1900dbd3fe88	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:23:50	659.348
-58	4212	210600	c267fb30-4d89-4469-ae84-42c6783406e0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:50:31	-127.606
-59	2107	210700	f9939c66-7662-41dd-9c6a-52a9a2a63a6e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:23:00	-424.842
-59	4214	210700	9a504707-81b9-423d-8048-a50be6591344	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:05:05	-543.991
-60	2108	210800	71b49ec1-c05a-4f05-99e5-83d1cf5f9ebd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:57:59	-543.859
-60	4216	210800	ffd3f21f-c40f-412d-ac72-f88597b0e5ec	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:58:50	772.588
-61	2109	210900	8d0366c8-6fb1-4193-9b21-029f4d8f3bf0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:39:40	303.889
-61	4218	210900	8a37ed4f-81d8-4ad0-9685-0d9b58c0c160	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:09:02	300.664
-62	2110	211000	65faaf6f-c116-4c57-847c-cdeeb3feaf07	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:11:27	-245.981
-62	4220	211000	962e49b1-8058-458b-a5f9-43f1fd09073e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:15:23	186.47
-63	2111	211100	e7384bb6-79d8-4401-a6c9-147252b18e39	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:02:09	-502.127
-63	4222	211100	0aef615a-2d1b-4f06-8baf-cfff1d51edd2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:02:42	844.929
-64	2112	211200	c491a012-d3e4-4483-814c-f9c272467477	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:56:20	905.236
-64	4224	211200	84459c01-b46d-4b28-a6bf-79f9b46e67e2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:21:10	-332.316
-65	2113	211300	d6b6dd6e-0e77-4c24-a9d7-355e95d9ef2b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:00:24	-566.940
-65	4226	211300	b27dec49-edb5-4ebb-ba8e-cf88ff585dd4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:30:17	-213.304
-66	2114	211400	bc0188fe-72a1-4149-84f7-f121d290bf0a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:54:16	-18.444
-66	4228	211400	0262b389-b0aa-4260-b2a9-f1c9b82f18df	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:42:50	-327.169
-67	2115	211500	70696b36-82ea-40cb-abb4-1cd6b04e9daa	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:58:01	290.591
-67	4230	211500	9692a69a-89ea-4180-b3e7-7759bb2eefba	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:10:35	956.631
-68	2116	211600	0e542fac-d8cb-49fd-888a-58de436d092a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:14:42	-647.932
-68	4232	211600	c9bb47cc-d657-41dc-abd4-fd229af15e3e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:26:51	-572.476
-69	2117	211700	5b56aa0a-939e-41f6-9580-a23d9e1231e5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:54:40	-13.766
-69	4234	211700	2ee69083-7dc5-4f1c-8996-3da9c839a9b9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:06:52	987.489
-70	2118	211800	832be0b6-2758-4ddb-971c-bde95708e77f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:24:42	692.660
-70	4236	211800	29ff72a1-a7ff-49b7-87d4-013c7ae710bb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:57:44	162.779
-71	2119	211900	8eefb5a5-0616-4dbf-8854-263c28ab2b73	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:47:31	-171.797
-71	4238	211900	2da870a9-0edb-4c4a-8a9c-0ba424ef8233	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:04:16	-302.316
-72	2120	212000	c0d6502e-18ab-4ecb-aa76-319ac4aaa6e7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:19:10	-30.691
-72	4240	212000	bf8741bb-97e3-4d2d-b8f0-f4f9a4a169aa	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:22:00	-19.298
-73	2121	212100	ebd9a37a-82e9-45f2-bde0-d842a95789dc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:35:02	-322.264
-73	4242	212100	ed358d87-e41d-49da-9af7-e0ef10b6a007	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:43:20	322.990
-74	2122	212200	acbfc970-46a5-4665-b553-45b733b71443	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:10:08	331.740
-74	4244	212200	32322bfb-4db7-4600-b7de-a3adcdaebb44	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:29:49	-468.249
-75	2123	212300	f4943469-5be9-46ff-8ec5-f7dd7cb6e2d5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:44:53	-858.477
-75	4246	212300	c69d18d4-7438-4bee-95c5-4daab3782abe	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:49:11	661.934
-76	2124	212400	d38f64c3-ad8e-4468-a30a-dfb514eb0fa2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:56:11	-894.86
-76	4248	212400	6830462b-0f69-4813-a35c-93d4f46bbd1e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:18:57	50.350
-77	2125	212500	b956b1a4-6468-4cd5-a3d7-f5e7475937a3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:59:42	-847.24
-77	4250	212500	7366a38c-aef9-4544-8db2-79c0b5a513fc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:07:25	-234.694
-78	2126	212600	7fb9e6e4-e483-40a3-9124-54e939156850	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:40:02	-851.848
-78	4252	212600	179e3b87-4bab-4b24-a7a6-4ccf0774a4f2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:34:27	856.471
-79	2127	212700	23b41697-8ea7-49d5-bd17-7ca12cd8fcb2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:36:28	-879.51
-79	4254	212700	ac5a2611-5779-4fe5-bd24-f957908943c5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:15:33	-783.385
-80	2128	212800	0f44c454-14fc-42c1-aedd-060b2d39ff61	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:19:40	-239.336
-80	4256	212800	b1eed01d-b748-45ad-8403-520f630f79dd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:07:19	-245.775
-81	2129	212900	2ca92dfd-b79e-47e2-a8e4-a83c1c00ae3a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:55:53	831.130
-81	4258	212900	08cc24a7-a043-485d-ba65-bfe16cb2b6d1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:27:29	23.358
-82	2130	213000	3b4e5493-2b85-4013-8151-2cf39d991cc0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:29:12	-612.377
-82	4260	213000	e22b6211-b493-4e40-9698-f9099a6b8127	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:03:42	645.20
-83	2131	213100	9285f5b8-3a68-45bb-b623-ad23619d42dd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:09:49	539.254
-83	4262	213100	5c24b726-9326-42d0-a67c-74d5c784a5a0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:23:53	529.972
-84	2132	213200	afb1463a-1866-45dd-ac41-9ff442b777a4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:14:09	-881.771
-84	4264	213200	c97d4ad3-060e-4da7-a634-17b1d8545c18	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:40:22	-716.947
-85	2133	213300	822fde6f-024d-41c2-aec1-9ebf7e1687db	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:34:45	-887.498
-85	4266	213300	4913a845-ef0a-4512-bbeb-64897f7cc5a4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:53:10	-387.811
-86	2134	213400	41689b41-e8ae-44c7-8d4c-d2427ce92e78	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:23:56	2.179
-86	4268	213400	31a4ac72-470a-404b-b18f-efa8e11e06c3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:30:53	-632.835
-87	2135	213500	2ab7fa48-ead4-4ced-a6f2-10c531c3f867	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:03:51	654.86
-87	4270	213500	0eef40ee-015a-4ed4-997d-b4e55077f2ec	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:20:27	632.392
-88	2136	213600	1014eb54-625b-4ac4-a0a5-b3ee6a5b5be4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:52:59	562.851
-88	4272	213600	0345b12c-c473-41de-9572-0307c9ebfcf6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:26:04	-585.747
-89	2137	213700	5e1185b2-9505-4c2d-a5bf-be9cd1ce6d4d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:56:22	30.85
-89	4274	213700	bc94ecba-5b0f-4b74-bba4-029cd4219668	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:10:33	-379.320
-90	2138	213800	1da75f3f-eca4-4d6f-a8f9-aa69c1c366af	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:06:43	955.233
-90	4276	213800	43337d20-6385-49a6-bafc-6ac386570abe	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:48:26	491.139
-91	2139	213900	a7f4a225-95b6-477e-b225-3b0d82cd5177	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:57:14	171.270
-91	4278	213900	10d31e1c-0b4c-42ed-b878-69ee79e6c04b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:13:56	690.317
-92	2140	214000	280cd43e-bb74-4eeb-a074-eb065a27b574	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:03:18	-524.62
-92	4280	214000	86aa2aec-a491-4751-a159-d97ca8b1d1e9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:22:03	317.125
-93	2141	214100	8930643c-768a-491f-9206-958a0f9367a3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:35:50	693.886
-93	4282	214100	f7587f05-1e43-4330-ae15-c5ee27bf05ec	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:34:43	862.860
-94	2142	214200	914a0e14-7f23-4c79-a4c2-f92bc605e351	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:29:36	-130.874
-94	4284	214200	60947ec1-f1ac-4b10-8428-6b090d551be1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:02:38	-331.842
-95	2143	214300	dbd2e8b3-4556-4baa-bd0a-c074d1da0d45	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:13:34	-722.314
-95	4286	214300	3397f329-aa91-4ae2-9371-9a67d4c711ab	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:01:50	-124.622
-96	2144	214400	f2e3dcd1-12a7-4e26-94d3-cf896d7ee94d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:52:24	-344.438
-96	4288	214400	2d663a83-489d-4c95-84fd-d94557a396fd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:44:47	658.794
-97	2145	214500	7459808c-651b-4224-90c5-5fb4f3feaeb7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:44:44	-454.781
-97	4290	214500	22bfdd2b-2f44-414f-9199-df99837e15d9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:41:16	605.238
-98	2146	214600	c7562b26-181e-4855-a752-2ec147bc3818	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:45:22	-223.453
-98	4292	214600	f6b1e24c-8515-4de6-a542-a657b93ef024	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:28:10	-52.105
-99	2147	214700	1e77005f-9270-4bbc-a834-7306b1df9a11	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:46:51	462.416
-99	4294	214700	f7f628b3-2f98-48b1-bade-5ffcf85a69cd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:39:26	-427.360
-100	2148	214800	6d33defd-e8f1-4d55-a04f-bc04e82e3434	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:51:22	-310.420
-100	4296	214800	f6ffbfbe-c158-41de-be10-e077738b78e7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:14:52	-59.430
-101	2149	214900	8ddac653-561f-42a3-b763-df1f4a902485	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:23:53	694.833
-101	4298	214900	26b2cf2f-d82e-49a6-b7b1-33fb20891b9c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:19:24	-471.443
-102	2150	215000	d3a7ac34-aec2-437f-81fc-1e3644dd30e4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:46:16	-610.677
-102	4300	215000	5cdcebfc-a432-404a-be8f-d6c50cc9f0d9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:43:20	-519.173
-103	2151	215100	2dc452b7-57f0-48f5-8a52-99bf250d83b2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:33:58	-813.169
-103	4302	215100	56e16985-753d-4c97-af3d-f4d6393cdb29	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:20:29	-567.260
-104	2152	215200	591ac672-0be1-4f56-ba2c-677544d115fa	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:42:37	-877.743
-104	4304	215200	f95ce3b8-5925-4578-9d72-54ec8e588087	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:13:51	510.72
-105	2153	215300	baceb142-7a4f-4232-b77d-73fa564c26ef	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:17:22	830.151
-105	4306	215300	cf48448c-7dfd-4764-a8ac-1fde8fa7f244	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:35:54	-568.567
-106	2154	215400	81d781b4-a759-42e3-9f28-9f11f67168b3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:45:43	976.803
-106	4308	215400	a3934419-d224-48e2-9745-29985c99da8c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:22:45	-333.396
-107	2155	215500	81d81eb8-d085-473c-a97e-c776f5308375	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:35:54	-473.316
-107	4310	215500	f55cdcf5-3301-4bf0-84ae-de5e81d96bf3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:33:04	-341.390
-108	2156	215600	ccc7bbbb-7114-4715-a568-23109389dd97	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:43:03	721.5
-108	4312	215600	df873bf5-8656-4212-9714-738eded6b636	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:08:35	627.354
-109	2157	215700	c083b593-e014-4a42-b843-f42199e82f2e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:30:11	181.161
-109	4314	215700	79feb7c9-bd03-4aaf-b953-4d470da43fec	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:06:16	-786.42
-110	2158	215800	4cdd3a96-2da2-4b64-a820-246240cdeb24	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:51:20	916.841
-110	4316	215800	7dd06617-d4c2-4d4e-a915-fdc9c17d4ba7	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:00:18	-504.504
-111	2159	215900	7e5f30f6-a275-4622-ba95-b7d81496a5dc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:53:26	760.981
-111	4318	215900	cdf582b1-67d4-4905-82bc-be27644839f6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:42:37	-516.837
-112	2160	216000	36837c1a-64b4-400e-9553-5b30501e9be3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:25:53	504.972
-112	4320	216000	6eb018a6-9183-468d-a9ec-132b997c4ae1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:10:07	-273.763
-113	2161	216100	b234b202-354c-4aff-ad4f-2c43bda8d44f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:57:50	-861.339
-113	4322	216100	d6985801-6270-4168-8164-6a2c9595b04a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:30:37	-299.502
-114	2162	216200	5fbadcac-6824-468e-8e0e-44a7aea8dc4d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:27:45	16.808
-114	4324	216200	f7d9c72e-3465-4610-8701-1ff14d6a243d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:21:01	111.701
-115	2163	216300	6c911195-b99c-43b6-b972-d8db211cac2e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:59:04	195.946
-115	4326	216300	a3b0bea4-035a-4624-aec4-f0f0c75dde22	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:59:00	-657.520
-116	2164	216400	5bfef4c9-b996-462c-b688-d789e3e7bf5f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:22:37	847.870
-116	4328	216400	51537c10-2994-4c2f-960f-d56a08f61984	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:34:41	-665.732
-117	2165	216500	bf71e30b-6a73-494a-8126-506ff4ac2b44	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:08:34	-635.203
-117	4330	216500	af3ec354-8193-40b5-a0ed-af0252bdc963	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:38:46	897.458
-118	2166	216600	0561dcd8-ff5e-41a1-8ad8-301e8bcb07e1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:48:31	872.444
-118	4332	216600	ce03256a-8697-45ae-80e0-bd076654e09a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:24:53	582.879
-119	2167	216700	cf1e189a-0e92-4d94-93d3-d993455c4d54	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:07:44	-480.270
-119	4334	216700	e4bb8ae3-1a32-4a5d-a9a2-2b7d15e0d321	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:48:22	-644.538
-120	2168	216800	a8eebee9-96a3-45b6-ba13-6bf34d395302	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:45:53	-783.815
-120	4336	216800	75e8107e-9f9e-41a5-a9b8-290d5edae9a9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:45:03	-998.894
-121	2169	216900	cc33e50d-7953-4d07-bce6-16e60b1e14db	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:02:16	-359.267
-121	4338	216900	0d5e0efa-18a7-4048-bc79-0f7b5aa44d06	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:52:59	404.177
-122	2170	217000	7ad03e83-a4c4-4a1d-b396-015935347aa8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:20:03	164.853
-122	4340	217000	7624225d-8ea1-47f5-aa4e-cece4839a36f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:22:12	-567.914
-123	2171	217100	b9727955-e971-4631-b5a6-d382351af2ef	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:03:44	-139.935
-123	4342	217100	dcc483d1-4eb8-4820-84dd-a15fc5c73b79	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:45:06	-544.384
-124	2172	217200	785d0551-9650-4c04-84e8-532982bade31	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:22:27	695.379
-124	4344	217200	d6398048-a52b-4ed6-a476-ea23cf41d3f0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:49:54	-411.205
-125	2173	217300	f580e006-765b-423b-8c86-5bdd04c508ee	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:09:59	830.557
-125	4346	217300	a652c940-583b-4962-acbc-79dbe48fad96	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:45:58	774.478
-126	2174	217400	f80fa797-13f3-43ef-8f8d-d8dc2fe5ad2d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:29:53	178.411
-126	4348	217400	bc69c67c-ad0a-4a9b-b201-e88376793f5e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:50:37	-144.163
-127	2175	217500	f9acacc0-ebb5-4398-8b4f-2a93ebc0097d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:31:21	163.402
-127	4350	217500	0d1cd72b-67fc-43e7-9353-a55f558a17be	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:51:56	905.85
-0	2176	217600	3000e6e4-e080-498d-8733-fd3115a54e20	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:07:59	-959.150
-0	4352	217600	7028b101-c79b-4d32-a198-84016d565817	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:25:53	519.745
-1	2177	217700	59d321cb-3415-4b56-b6aa-71521fcd650a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:33:46	213.978
-1	4354	217700	1247e059-3e97-4f48-bd59-249c25f6bbea	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:40:49	-422.558
-2	2178	217800	06ae88ef-d4d9-4682-8658-ea1fc629a809	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:59:55	957.495
-2	4356	217800	018f7bac-446d-4bf3-aa09-910fdf269656	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:25:57	-301.622
-3	2179	217900	2a6dfd43-6d29-4600-8329-8de19b5d38ed	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:14:20	-52.795
-3	4358	217900	ef5af066-6af1-4c30-a2c9-6727377d9a55	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:04:14	821.634
-4	2180	218000	555469ea-1e6a-4647-a418-c707119149a4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:52:00	-799.974
-4	4360	218000	00d9dc3b-b768-4057-bef9-38b91749e40d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:53:52	845.73
-5	2181	218100	c8878d56-0a43-45d9-b08e-0095b35a76db	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:40:03	75.673
-5	4362	218100	c94d91c2-02ec-4da4-aa60-63abc24bba3e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:54:29	-569.305
-6	2182	218200	d9be8225-2a4e-4647-a7b2-f33b3798acb1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:59:17	-319.571
-6	4364	218200	91812b08-a65d-41b3-99c5-73d4dc2375ff	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:12:51	-536.22
-7	2183	218300	c0f94f1e-6317-49b8-a58c-b189edfc0222	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:21:50	622.944
-7	4366	218300	f837678d-641a-4103-ae86-daf4b0516ae9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:01:56	405.515
-8	2184	218400	b46c9e0e-16e5-4afc-8ef3-e89d1af92246	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:10:35	212.955
-8	4368	218400	08dddb76-e864-42e7-89fd-23640c6534ab	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:54:55	687.318
-9	2185	218500	9054accf-ffa9-4d8d-857c-37f6f6d9aa49	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:40:54	-63.688
-9	4370	218500	32fa5908-38b0-44c6-89de-fd4275d142a6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:10:18	331.541
-10	2186	218600	df6f1f00-8552-43d4-9282-b03efbf60cf6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:17:06	98.75
-10	4372	218600	344cd117-1a46-4f12-97a3-f2ea98530f0c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:15:22	-156.828
-11	2187	218700	465180f7-014f-45b8-921b-da75f97828c7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:05:39	-793.497
-11	4374	218700	9a5dccce-b5cf-4dc5-8fa4-ac50c796f2e9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:51:58	-715.335
-12	2188	218800	374ec799-49b0-4712-80e5-5aba1a601de9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:04:08	-161.357
-12	4376	218800	a8c5019b-ba6e-4311-a1a8-c793882a52cf	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:27:21	-920.847
-13	2189	218900	43098e9e-ad69-4b79-98d1-80393f179710	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:43:48	799.22
-13	4378	218900	11e9bef4-1777-4c47-94aa-dcd5f7b4abbe	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:21:30	769.659
-14	2190	219000	14e42e78-057e-46b1-9bdf-179e37db602e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:04:09	876.397
-14	4380	219000	87d26cd1-30e3-4f97-8740-2a90e8a4ab4d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:19:12	692.245
-15	2191	219100	6cbd4ca8-ccc0-4356-8cc3-6887f7e2da2e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:59:53	621.94
-15	4382	219100	88141624-3165-4b8e-9ef5-35f6306e9000	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:14:32	612.500
-16	2192	219200	0dd59d9e-769c-41a9-80c5-cd255fee3144	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:23:06	-893.423
-16	4384	219200	4d6ee1b5-a033-4e92-8327-6bfcf7e52b1c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:32:02	-368.712
-17	2193	219300	013b9c92-1d79-4546-b614-9ca7c53fabbe	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:52:30	555.272
-17	4386	219300	a47305f3-0ce4-408c-a3da-75b926447172	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:31:05	899.198
-18	2194	219400	021ce073-ae6f-449c-af70-f617d091d41a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:50:50	826.680
-18	4388	219400	b397f494-1034-4487-927d-9340270a5ad3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:31:54	-433.406
-19	2195	219500	e799c0ea-b0a8-4e3b-96fa-c92036a902e7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:22:39	652.229
-19	4390	219500	e3353d87-ce4c-4ee8-aaea-1828d342c9f7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:59:03	-980.62
-20	2196	219600	51311907-64ad-4670-bd4c-b9137572db18	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:45:36	-385.727
-20	4392	219600	1c958e82-95d3-448d-878b-9f85c4b749fd	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:08:12	-571.331
-21	2197	219700	54a731fd-b141-4e56-b414-3e387de67744	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:08:02	-583.63
-21	4394	219700	f882453f-5bf6-4a18-9549-edd832045cd4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:04:35	402.527
-22	2198	219800	5aa907e4-5b00-4e51-89c9-c40647e06ebd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:04:41	954.815
-22	4396	219800	891eaf7f-ba7a-420e-8354-214bc48e89c3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:38:49	-384.8
-23	2199	219900	ae673e81-07cf-4744-8ec8-5eaffbf67dcc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:14:32	938.94
-23	4398	219900	462eba23-f6d7-475b-8d89-f4fb905d4cd3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:10:20	-528.485
-24	2200	220000	bd6df533-70d8-4c14-be10-2bd6d0918db6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:39:19	803.877
-24	4400	220000	0fcc841b-e229-47d7-bad9-f515fa3a2ef7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:15:43	50.671
-25	2201	220100	31d748ed-b0b0-471b-adcf-2a9df55d53f1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:13:11	-530.438
-25	4402	220100	7b8d1b62-bb24-499b-81ec-870b40d3f11d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:55:32	668.925
-26	2202	220200	980c8d1a-d896-4be8-8413-4511a2805d57	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:25:00	-831.78
-26	4404	220200	6511e61a-bf22-42fd-85ff-91ae4e20574c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:28:52	-247.166
-27	2203	220300	e313b18b-b195-48e8-a85c-c997dc90631d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:44:11	182.176
-27	4406	220300	9295425f-9d60-4edd-bd80-1b2898e85a41	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:32:23	827.654
-28	2204	220400	75bb27cd-b756-45da-a9cc-9fe9683c311e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:59:17	281.39
-28	4408	220400	d4952be6-1619-40b8-9166-3df54266b0d7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:43:44	374.343
-29	2205	220500	fbb97f95-d35c-41b9-8677-e8b1b7c3fdf6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:37:09	614.915
-29	4410	220500	eb97ae85-66ed-4be5-8837-eac5ac973922	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:05:26	883.67
-30	2206	220600	53ef5e94-1cd5-4cf5-ac05-ffe901ff705e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:01:14	-597.815
-30	4412	220600	c0451a6c-77b4-4906-80cb-e9cc52aa7958	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:41:11	47.879
-31	2207	220700	6fdcfb65-1d7f-4cbb-9f29-0a30be795c76	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:11:36	-577.881
-31	4414	220700	c06bb43c-a33c-44cd-b751-5ca1f14e2594	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:43:02	972.951
-32	2208	220800	3a48b128-5680-4f90-b054-f44fae454bc0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:50:19	833.141
-32	4416	220800	f1f217b4-4f76-43c6-936a-91e1e2ca5bc4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:48:05	289.618
-33	2209	220900	8f23c99a-2239-4f7e-ad59-eb0e2249d9fa	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:47:38	-374.159
-33	4418	220900	e52f803e-dd28-4d54-bf77-951c675278cb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:19:02	-506.851
-34	2210	221000	bc57bccb-95da-45d2-aa00-f1b0348415ad	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:14:13	-360.401
-34	4420	221000	daaa5475-35f9-4a63-ae5f-bee2a1ad26cf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:58:52	-643.37
-35	2211	221100	a46f15b8-5859-449a-aef6-bdc5736cbc30	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:27:59	-149.215
-35	4422	221100	f6587770-b8a6-4c2f-991b-a538bbcafabd	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:22:46	478.113
-36	2212	221200	e87f5da9-4e9c-45ad-a1dc-8c0a18171b96	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:54:10	203.199
-36	4424	221200	7d2c6f91-ef37-449c-896f-f2247a210f8f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:07:04	13.992
-37	2213	221300	1ca19444-ef63-41e4-b127-7a994278a508	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:53:11	491.491
-37	4426	221300	15ef41d4-2bd9-47de-acdc-d1c2cf8e1dd2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:17:53	328.644
-38	2214	221400	f83a9326-8259-4c92-aa8b-c9d9d26465ed	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:08:20	-977.940
-38	4428	221400	841fa99d-7875-4615-9183-ac7702c8407a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:05:17	217.487
-39	2215	221500	5ba37b07-71b7-4a97-966e-51f672282e2b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:22:27	-399.594
-39	4430	221500	8dae7481-138f-464a-b696-d4c5871f99b3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:58:42	-712.589
-40	2216	221600	6563b818-8a7d-43d9-9ede-5994d071acca	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:37:14	-46.123
-40	4432	221600	c0d129b4-1e07-4ec8-9364-e847c0554877	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:32:48	-62.460
-41	2217	221700	ab197a95-5c03-41dd-ae45-72d93e5ecb96	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:07:39	-92.244
-41	4434	221700	89de21d4-b4a4-40ad-8ac3-96f665b9aac0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:24:27	-315.243
-42	2218	221800	cce6135b-37bc-47ba-a139-adec96f67f80	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:42:00	-611.126
-42	4436	221800	1eef5649-c642-4eac-b586-eed8e4d0ebd3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:27:52	295.605
-43	2219	221900	3cf0b9c4-2419-4a0f-a33f-2a6d30533e25	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:13:09	804.485
-43	4438	221900	c2509a42-290d-4e63-955a-bcf45ecfee5c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:13:57	-426.827
-44	2220	222000	8148950a-1b70-4e6c-862c-8e2d9200f0e4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:18:42	630.584
-44	4440	222000	f77cd6ac-71b1-409e-aec8-e2c03fd9bcbc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:43:05	-867.40
-45	2221	222100	f1be8adc-ec0f-4384-adeb-6e3719f939a3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:36:39	-639.256
-45	4442	222100	5340f712-933e-4103-8396-a14a26330eb6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:11:18	-4.416
-46	2222	222200	dc4e33ef-a34f-4527-ac45-1ef74cc3fccc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:28:35	709.498
-46	4444	222200	440f24a0-bf45-4f7f-ada4-3c935b46e18c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:40:48	-42.209
-47	2223	222300	9aee0693-cea0-40be-854f-26b0d5dd395c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:54:23	324.977
-47	4446	222300	c2a2f38f-f65c-4f3c-8e23-e97aaa1bdab2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:59:46	117.859
-48	2224	222400	5dc3bf6d-acf5-4f17-b9ed-8f358be1a408	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:07:22	-425.855
-48	4448	222400	04447d98-13f6-45e7-81d9-6467667228d5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:38:19	203.362
-49	2225	222500	375d3ecc-483c-4629-ac5c-0195198a5cd1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:29:31	598.573
-49	4450	222500	cbf3eb5d-2f4a-4e67-914c-61f86636c8b2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:59:43	-39.119
-50	2226	222600	a62544e0-9ed8-411b-a7d8-2a13c7113da3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:42:42	-935.188
-50	4452	222600	ad89c326-cea3-4261-a10d-974288520326	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:01:05	-856.933
-51	2227	222700	5201fc4d-dc66-4d86-9a50-c56316c15d29	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:47:35	401.939
-51	4454	222700	8c24ba88-3839-4d65-9c92-db64bc722f03	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:50:24	138.866
-52	2228	222800	7d594aff-8842-4197-bff9-41b4769e9382	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:35:16	-5.74
-52	4456	222800	40354424-7f0d-42b5-8740-164d55336451	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:10:18	-322.241
-53	2229	222900	eec53eb4-3e14-4317-ac50-1929158e6947	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:08:08	-523.244
-53	4458	222900	ffc78d49-cbd1-461c-9e02-0cde2efa56cf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:02:05	12.502
-54	2230	223000	50f6c44f-2aa5-4043-aca5-75b90b7ebd92	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:19:15	979.883
-54	4460	223000	d87fd0ee-347b-4105-961f-6de01425a42d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:58:29	-392.951
-55	2231	223100	1b0453ee-6ae3-4c2f-bb76-e6ac5b0a3c2f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:02:47	667.972
-55	4462	223100	aeec0185-1e7f-4aa1-a9ef-92f2faf83a4d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:06:26	181.692
-56	2232	223200	42617286-253d-4f0d-a05d-95bc13b73316	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:09:58	70.588
-56	4464	223200	982ddf48-7ce0-40ed-8e1d-dc888cbfd28c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:46:51	-979.967
-57	2233	223300	844e0a0b-81e3-43db-a587-167b9679235a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:21:32	-968.56
-57	4466	223300	147846d0-500c-4ff3-b8f2-034638183af9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:26:17	35.758
-58	2234	223400	c4c598d9-52b5-4df9-a358-f7bbcd51a3fd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:55:23	331.73
-58	4468	223400	5f4b8bef-f885-49a9-9b66-66ccbf69615a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:30:33	-357.47
-59	2235	223500	5f5ec6d1-863e-4ae8-9fe3-4cbdf2c8a307	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:33:03	692.858
-59	4470	223500	8bcbbb70-2010-45cb-91c6-5478088c5f3c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:48:58	132.130
-60	2236	223600	53721b9e-b75a-4c26-987f-f97890acf87a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:40:46	796.451
-60	4472	223600	983bbb98-2bc0-4497-b8ab-62b73c7f7195	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:27:57	660.948
-61	2237	223700	61ee7546-33a3-41ab-bcf4-0f4a97f03d77	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:28:26	567.735
-61	4474	223700	ec3ca198-8d31-406b-a75c-d0e117d50848	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:17:14	-353.943
-62	2238	223800	5454fc6d-49f5-4e3c-8f15-3ee2a1b1ab52	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:18:16	638.54
-62	4476	223800	363acb0e-6dde-4cf0-a777-c6af9df9ca3b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:29:40	-774.508
-63	2239	223900	dcf6e44e-7eb5-463d-a0e9-419bc93e68ec	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:37:25	-913.926
-63	4478	223900	4e8c824f-8501-4ad1-a0f5-803712042d5a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:28:05	-162.235
-64	2240	224000	977e6e4a-fda3-4a2f-91a9-b162cbfc118d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:51:06	-543.702
-64	4480	224000	d877f1ee-0f63-4025-85c9-c51545e5b281	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:09:31	-485.555
-65	2241	224100	92dddc1d-4bf3-40f1-9f25-034b16601e10	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:50:15	347.135
-65	4482	224100	afb92b74-6db6-4c79-b7de-3db56ea6a1ca	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:22:30	-945.581
-66	2242	224200	2110c2b8-2693-44ad-b7a5-2de564926f97	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:12:00	424.834
-66	4484	224200	7de08875-766f-4efb-a754-35c76911768f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:08:04	-82.253
-67	2243	224300	f7fe8244-b411-409e-a5ad-09da19cd2810	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:13:15	-525.275
-67	4486	224300	acdaf5f3-8649-4f00-835a-a442378822f4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:11:32	-516.67
-68	2244	224400	fab8a2be-0cd0-4b3b-bc0f-aa4c317b8457	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:29:07	98.720
-68	4488	224400	8e0755b4-3e9f-4717-8b7d-680f9d18a4f6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:04:26	54.608
-69	2245	224500	3623fd6b-b202-443b-b0a8-d1cf0b894d6f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:50:02	-790.138
-69	4490	224500	7bd8c80c-11b6-4da5-86b8-13c5445986a3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:58:15	-535.93
-70	2246	224600	a8360f27-72fd-4a26-a358-a04f45288b11	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:58:05	961.811
-70	4492	224600	4c3e8fd4-ecac-4f0b-bf34-8ac528878366	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:10:53	-872.685
-71	2247	224700	0ab11c31-0d5a-4685-9c74-3ec87e8ef181	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:16:03	498.728
-71	4494	224700	803d3e5b-ab45-4ab5-b1b4-b36bc8bdc588	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:03:31	916.87
-72	2248	224800	f29c289b-02a6-4aee-a8c0-e1cad7f59771	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:43:54	-900.191
-72	4496	224800	762f0720-a1eb-487f-b26b-65f14d4d826a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:09:25	-165.952
-73	2249	224900	3580d6a9-7e29-4ad1-a236-7a77042445b2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:01:27	935.314
-73	4498	224900	ba0877c5-7a7d-48dd-98a7-5cb54c3900be	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:57:57	-954.792
-74	2250	225000	1f1e870f-d824-4550-bd01-d13cf03c9815	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:51:52	725.749
-74	4500	225000	02ebfbac-6e5e-4be0-9b71-56b222773c50	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:21:12	-641.849
-75	2251	225100	de8012c2-15ad-4122-a004-96466b3d8677	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:34:50	79.646
-75	4502	225100	026dca04-fd7f-4670-9c12-1be3c04dd5e2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:11:56	814.492
-76	2252	225200	c94d3cde-cd86-4add-8784-1802f5441df2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:09:54	591.216
-76	4504	225200	28fa7aeb-1533-4f47-bd4d-9cf921e0d1ca	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:48:57	-881.715
-77	2253	225300	9937cbc1-6d04-4106-9605-ced5bc50b3a8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:18:56	211.907
-77	4506	225300	536a90ba-0d7c-4e80-afc5-a98628f933b7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:39:03	587.419
-78	2254	225400	0386a48c-43a8-410d-ab8f-469fd2ce9a5e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:25:49	524.243
-78	4508	225400	a36e398d-9613-4367-b485-6b5ab949834a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:13:16	-529.678
-79	2255	225500	53d1120b-fef3-4133-b98f-44365b454ea6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:47:37	579.832
-79	4510	225500	89e02587-465c-46b6-9366-a067804205c0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:47:09	625.758
-80	2256	225600	8af4ef4a-43c5-4a29-98a1-8e76ed95a99c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:12:54	343.677
-80	4512	225600	55ab8802-9b77-4172-bf9b-015e603fe12d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:02:31	979.821
-81	2257	225700	1e689a4d-884d-464c-811f-81ce09859f1b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:22:00	-772.769
-81	4514	225700	c5b58568-c6cf-45c8-8680-820b9c4be56a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:55:57	-193.965
-82	2258	225800	d07da50e-c21a-49ce-bd86-927f8a47dc20	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:55:15	636.108
-82	4516	225800	f42405d6-fded-48e2-96ec-df8a38648a3b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:15:42	-944.419
-83	2259	225900	3ff6cfbf-be3c-4f62-b128-020e7ef35e31	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:25:24	218.611
-83	4518	225900	2ba9d071-7d57-43ed-8240-2dc4fcb486ec	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:53:23	-203.998
-84	2260	226000	08123f57-09bb-412c-adf5-c893d1790bec	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:05:21	642.180
-84	4520	226000	0313c906-de93-4d82-be38-d508479848cd	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:52:45	-122.217
-85	2261	226100	8475f13f-a558-47e5-aa4b-5435ea4b2b57	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:50:26	517.34
-85	4522	226100	4d3a8b87-c22e-46af-bc11-0674b560b92f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:15:29	961.334
-86	2262	226200	873e4378-0aac-4f46-ba0f-11c86f20cb84	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:36:54	74.701
-86	4524	226200	684f6556-8a32-44bf-a0d4-c9c83c334b3f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:23:34	982.511
-87	2263	226300	eaa19e41-960f-453c-ae68-cab462d19a5e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:44:01	-503.736
-87	4526	226300	7ab726c4-dde5-4a00-844a-70a0b9f7e7b0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:33:40	-399.760
-88	2264	226400	15365a70-bbf0-4ce5-99c9-dd64f03c7f56	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:35:03	690.253
-88	4528	226400	eb98041c-f71e-44a2-b4b1-8523d02fb643	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:23:50	-735.503
-89	2265	226500	d61cc9c9-4ffd-41e3-8f3b-7023710474a9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:01:23	607.121
-89	4530	226500	d2b322d8-622c-4f18-8530-a14416529baf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:32:01	-95.624
-90	2266	226600	a9282d3b-3a10-43e1-bb76-de67ef1f186d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:00:46	668.944
-90	4532	226600	0dbaa64d-8c50-4e38-9627-756a40977f99	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:00:09	-511.335
-91	2267	226700	3c288dc5-7c61-4c1e-9e97-f8008d85360e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:57:17	13.554
-91	4534	226700	7951e3ca-30fe-4ffe-bc95-226dce6e283f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:16:03	183.238
-92	2268	226800	48a28547-566e-4f56-91b7-2d6a4dcc323b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:58:01	-450.332
-92	4536	226800	a5f526f2-2680-4ea4-b927-c4a31d74a141	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:16:26	506.139
-93	2269	226900	61f6ce9e-9ef8-4a30-ad32-0c7836a01663	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:31:20	-383.806
-93	4538	226900	e085a2e1-9f7f-4540-8188-31621c63d21f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:48:43	-349.629
-94	2270	227000	1199bb1d-2b09-4e83-a44d-ff2b5da4960d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:42:02	-764.712
-94	4540	227000	d5b85fcb-3e3b-4d28-80de-8d5f51e95e0e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:52:30	-931.431
-95	2271	227100	339b93f2-5432-46ad-ac53-d37d6f2e10ad	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:06:02	-829.474
-95	4542	227100	79b88ebd-dd77-4914-a214-f262dd7eb05c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:15:24	224.189
-96	2272	227200	08aec568-b228-45ee-ac8d-4f2241d2c993	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:43:34	848.768
-96	4544	227200	cc55ae69-948f-4679-b8b9-46846f5db975	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:32:00	-809.333
-97	2273	227300	6131a057-0e4a-43ea-9dde-aea66a3acd8e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:02:36	-962.554
-97	4546	227300	60584697-d6dc-489c-80d4-88fd29518791	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:33:14	667.939
-98	2274	227400	a32e81d4-d406-4d62-81aa-52dc6173989b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:52:08	895.828
-98	4548	227400	c52d132c-df86-46e7-9e26-35c4f849c75c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:49:13	264.352
-99	2275	227500	21c4a5b7-a1bb-4252-aac6-8cec5fafb8f1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:01:58	-584.801
-99	4550	227500	aa30708b-b0f8-4a1c-bf41-536ad66755ca	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:23:06	-105.224
-100	2276	227600	3f50f01c-58a8-4f70-aee9-11c93a40b644	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:26:21	-477.402
-100	4552	227600	c634fabc-624f-44c4-84ba-62cbd35a90ff	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:29:33	422.985
-101	2277	227700	1f5e341b-eab3-4ff6-b4d9-b34846dcf055	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:54:07	-638.322
-101	4554	227700	8e1cdf5b-cac9-4c40-9173-12936956a2ca	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:02:45	-246.432
-102	2278	227800	79f826d1-12b3-4686-84aa-3d8cfdd0f9a1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:17:46	879.322
-102	4556	227800	c49b25f7-ff8c-4a54-b54a-13ed851024b7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:32:13	930.309
-103	2279	227900	8ee9f5e9-acde-4683-9e87-0b2a727ba90d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:14:43	899.875
-103	4558	227900	d8c0e870-6fde-4bdc-a46b-d84adeab6dab	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:24:38	-798.140
-104	2280	228000	20e2f8ac-f6e5-4c96-93be-c771753dc168	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:33:19	-602.795
-104	4560	228000	741d7b7f-870c-4632-aaa9-37efade683cf	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:23:52	168.351
-105	2281	228100	c2ce627d-f241-4c27-a444-f16179bda382	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:07:52	-182.62
-105	4562	228100	d67dfa73-e391-46f6-a005-d660780de8cc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:58:34	910.656
-106	2282	228200	5f22bd85-db84-4628-b64e-a44cdd1706bc	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:45:12	-996.790
-106	4564	228200	f6b50551-74e7-4610-a5e6-40a9ab21f995	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:35:44	-660.165
-107	2283	228300	cc010233-0551-46f2-a510-4dba22d12bf2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:40:07	56.605
-107	4566	228300	fee6cd04-04d1-4bc9-b2a3-e9d941c9921b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:07:54	414.514
-108	2284	228400	c6ab952d-bded-4bb2-9eed-2f78a6c57d7c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:02:31	-290.601
-108	4568	228400	12ac7b78-9a60-4311-a085-2000d3bc0f6d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:31:27	707.9
-109	2285	228500	f0591c38-0337-4b70-a9d9-8f918d1b338f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:13:28	427.793
-109	4570	228500	90e58b92-7ab0-41b0-a5ef-9d5d86846990	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:12:22	533.664
-110	2286	228600	1e9c2572-ae23-40de-af35-68c358ac80b4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:08:09	999.934
-110	4572	228600	bbd47908-682e-4866-a177-7d605e3b3b27	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:47:28	940.61
-111	2287	228700	4b14e2bd-5f49-4117-bac5-38ad1342e367	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:55:37	-453.599
-111	4574	228700	d505684b-e1e7-46b5-8f60-01f763d1f077	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:18:42	-395.239
-112	2288	228800	256a4540-7463-4740-becb-397cd334b8fa	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:20:53	617.803
-112	4576	228800	c98d3773-b83b-4709-892c-d1f935a93d2d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:41:58	-800.483
-113	2289	228900	7afe7aa6-78fb-48a4-baa4-ef1385efd6b3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:37:18	337.121
-113	4578	228900	f5d14542-8f21-4190-a05f-73c81d5b2e09	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:36:15	207.363
-114	2290	229000	31a3a5cd-8848-4d54-b811-3d6fc511036f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:24:57	217.798
-114	4580	229000	73b76f88-ba73-4682-b61a-059ca763f0e8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:54:53	94.25
-115	2291	229100	7723d9bd-b82b-48cf-8134-d37e8499a5f1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:48:04	-221.838
-115	4582	229100	31dcb53c-f663-4611-8fdb-ff56aa452e8d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:43:43	795.782
-116	2292	229200	7f032915-7f7c-4960-b85f-1769303ccfaf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:11:47	208.72
-116	4584	229200	1a538afc-d6a1-4a5c-8710-7689a55843a3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:54:38	320.231
-117	2293	229300	3a35f780-f435-4d16-9459-e21153541e0e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:13:21	252.620
-117	4586	229300	b15ae4e4-42ea-4140-b01a-e1eb4c234bc6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:30:04	921.217
-118	2294	229400	0a3c5264-7e88-48f9-90bb-64f2e8ffe630	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:02:34	-318.318
-118	4588	229400	237dd9a3-5cce-43dc-8b6b-289d3786d38d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:41:26	-967.436
-119	2295	229500	ae822d4e-77c3-436b-af19-216b63213348	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:22:09	974.509
-119	4590	229500	6a8f8746-7fda-4edc-9b06-5a16190f8f11	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:21:44	826.169
-120	2296	229600	d7ca52be-6e80-4a10-b7c5-aab1a840e71e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:33:33	348.846
-120	4592	229600	c0af2fa4-d397-4a43-8f12-6fae9f472cf8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:20:18	295.405
-121	2297	229700	e9e78c34-0681-48c0-b2e5-74566b81f412	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:34:04	-874.55
-121	4594	229700	3711a24b-2bf6-4b55-b161-a51450eaea75	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:23:07	-300.760
-122	2298	229800	37ba7d04-1e0b-42e5-8410-20e866f1dc1a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:17:20	-451.660
-122	4596	229800	ffbcbe1a-6d02-497b-a5dc-186ca088e61b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:37:00	-797.355
-123	2299	229900	3fe6807b-5182-492b-af16-3ac48a8a7678	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:14:47	-981.512
-123	4598	229900	f55eaa8e-7272-4204-89ab-15f6034812d5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:08:28	-550.113
-124	2300	230000	960a7901-e093-4199-b999-70b1c3d9c9e3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:06:00	405.5
-124	4600	230000	3ba53838-f5bb-43ed-a70f-b8e8fadc0888	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:00:18	567.977
-125	2301	230100	ee6400d8-34df-4ae6-8407-2dae8d87973e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:19:47	-796.504
-125	4602	230100	2ba4465c-1737-44c3-8bb7-82b5a3d776bb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:54:58	-153.270
-126	2302	230200	79f37a4d-b0ae-4899-bff4-e1d8cb9bc6b4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:44:09	-670.934
-126	4604	230200	afa5ad27-0fc7-43c4-b5bb-604247c3e395	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:03:15	480.635
-127	2303	230300	92dff24a-0335-45a7-b9d6-67f990bee5ab	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:37:47	-761.413
-127	4606	230300	c00b0fa0-fb7c-4ca8-b075-5369529ec915	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:18:50	-180.835
-0	2304	230400	63607dc0-5ea1-4d32-8137-34453605b531	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:31:39	-839.735
-0	4608	230400	8d696a03-2581-4d25-b54c-9d2634cb23d4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:30:49	-83.115
-1	2305	230500	66322d74-409f-43d2-8664-ffa26fe0767a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:12:48	-490.700
-1	4610	230500	b28573b4-6985-40db-8d72-8792c7dc66b2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:07:43	-624.451
-2	2306	230600	6abb3777-a0f5-4be7-b79d-bb37a93798f8	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:04:27	-230.340
-2	4612	230600	473a0da4-5531-4261-b965-4d6a04895673	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:21:22	896.158
-3	2307	230700	ef04e7ef-a5dc-40e0-8646-1432d6f8317d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:46:33	79.478
-3	4614	230700	e894cd70-279c-4210-a4cc-9a1c12e0a0f3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:16:14	944.67
-4	2308	230800	ccad6012-9736-4a28-9cfe-da5dcc237e17	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:30:09	842.935
-4	4616	230800	8a283a3a-37c9-414c-90b1-8679d21a700f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:00:14	131.161
-5	2309	230900	8e4951ef-65c4-4c7d-bdee-904db9013149	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:18:54	301.403
-5	4618	230900	a12aac7b-7bf9-43d3-820b-b6008edf37c7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:25:29	-358.82
-6	2310	231000	ec056393-0762-445c-a62f-fdec3cef2b82	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:54:15	869.8
-6	4620	231000	49c9d5f7-ed3d-4b70-940e-8566467574c9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:00:09	480.255
-7	2311	231100	e269f4a2-2116-4940-ad02-d64777b838e7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:58:55	-571.466
-7	4622	231100	b1f5d0b1-7bd2-43e4-bba8-930d48381652	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:12:27	816.890
-8	2312	231200	ad3a782f-c9dd-4322-8990-144e52242b30	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:25:51	141.707
-8	4624	231200	71a798e3-0722-4c75-8f95-8f48ed47773b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:20:16	-614.651
-9	2313	231300	77d9bac2-7dd3-4d0b-aad1-c35c12ea923c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:00:28	-761.708
-9	4626	231300	6b387c0b-0f3d-4ee8-9186-222cad98cc42	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:45:33	-372.752
-10	2314	231400	40e17ab3-670f-4b32-a755-c13152b33f4e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:54:06	250.22
-10	4628	231400	bc5dae53-3c85-4731-be61-fdebb2cf2f4b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:16:00	-493.606
-11	2315	231500	e7b11c85-7cea-47c3-9352-cf3592dab070	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:08:29	863.813
-11	4630	231500	56a92f2f-eb62-45e2-98f2-58159ed53546	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:02:48	247.422
-12	2316	231600	d9579de4-db46-41ef-81bf-dbb490f1b19b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:41:23	121.676
-12	4632	231600	0b86f27a-6556-4c09-a140-dedb657d763f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:30:55	780.149
-13	2317	231700	74459eec-8fc2-48fa-ad7f-98d2f0b64862	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:41:44	-478.462
-13	4634	231700	5756b08f-e892-4ea2-aa88-b2511da3337c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:00:36	817.497
-14	2318	231800	fb7fc2b2-109b-4e78-8f60-863d0a7c37e6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:54:58	-831.846
-14	4636	231800	d5a39a04-e8c9-4d0f-980c-a2e0148c1328	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:19:56	917.345
-15	2319	231900	db5313e8-7fc6-4d4a-b291-61023a82169d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:12:02	-280.911
-15	4638	231900	445046ec-16db-43b9-b8a3-02ac0d3466ec	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:59:42	14.817
-16	2320	232000	ffc039d8-42bc-4be8-a654-acdaf471d0c6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:46:13	516.800
-16	4640	232000	7ab4de4d-ef30-4c03-84de-659e13d5690e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:09:38	982.955
-17	2321	232100	20d62372-bedb-4372-8ab2-d211bf9c56d0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:42:07	-169.412
-17	4642	232100	4406b647-1761-4f80-b74b-7de4a102637c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:12:21	-476.54
-18	2322	232200	b9484974-ca88-424f-8838-f3b6079503f6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:07:26	-90.976
-18	4644	232200	57150d3a-0d7b-4dfa-add4-1c07ebecbba6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:48:48	-512.346
-19	2323	232300	0439effd-0a8d-4760-ad0d-690ff828f7f1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:07:39	-272.962
-19	4646	232300	02be1f7c-d6c4-49b6-b89e-9d12851184b4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:46:53	813.346
-20	2324	232400	869e830b-b810-4885-b65b-7d941840cb2f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:33:01	94.773
-20	4648	232400	d8acf48b-1aa7-4d0b-a7e0-4c235d9466d2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:37:27	110.395
-21	2325	232500	35c17a8c-2d74-4584-bedc-fd3db584ddfc	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:31:57	-662.196
-21	4650	232500	86728b0b-6373-468a-bb47-8721b42f91ce	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:59:11	470.277
-22	2326	232600	6f3f9e52-b220-4fb1-8193-3f093ddbaa38	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:51:49	326.842
-22	4652	232600	edbf035e-9a79-4632-a52d-87c68fb1d28f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:47:57	-444.443
-23	2327	232700	c6eb3d7c-cf9f-4095-9764-3af07a071b54	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:34:19	62.312
-23	4654	232700	32dcb1d7-f5a1-4593-a315-c3029c02ec00	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:50:54	-767.280
-24	2328	232800	202bd2bb-4799-4add-b752-7bcf6603a617	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:30:02	218.524
-24	4656	232800	0147905a-0280-41a1-a5b7-97016d1347a7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:46:19	808.563
-25	2329	232900	16b9370f-60fa-42d5-ac77-97c64cfc083d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:37:08	-693.501
-25	4658	232900	4a0417cd-3bc2-4824-b95c-09a8e06d5652	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:47:27	-775.944
-26	2330	233000	817a36c2-3e50-4c75-a396-a830bd3de003	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:22:51	-960.59
-26	4660	233000	5921df4c-7683-4dc1-8186-38cc859808ae	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:50:45	-504.290
-27	2331	233100	80ccce59-a297-43c3-83ba-c5fb69aa61ef	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:09:08	-790.540
-27	4662	233100	8c86b599-abb1-4a6a-979d-0558e9740015	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:35:42	642.87
-28	2332	233200	0ffb69df-538b-4647-8ef1-88f3c9910ab2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:56:13	-479.102
-28	4664	233200	a1a79dee-f65a-47d3-b66d-6aa0aeead742	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:33:20	663.270
-29	2333	233300	48ab1865-fe25-4062-b458-4e0fdbefb831	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:03:24	-735.968
-29	4666	233300	644cb1a3-a5ed-4c90-b22b-d1a31cd79d77	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:57:48	-671.471
-30	2334	233400	08a92cca-cfe2-441a-aba8-c97b6c83534c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:43:21	-341.941
-30	4668	233400	ac1df71f-672f-4475-ad71-0e4c1ff04c6e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:45:04	-355.537
-31	2335	233500	526c67aa-0b0d-4b1b-8283-24058330ec48	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:03:31	598.938
-31	4670	233500	9c671f3c-074a-4fcd-a1a9-8a9f42086313	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:20:35	-558.451
-32	2336	233600	e1773e71-c19a-431c-a599-db489999f8f0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:52:19	-426.586
-32	4672	233600	8c2fb46c-e363-43bb-8c05-675f6a5b34af	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:27:00	11.655
-33	2337	233700	00c5e56d-98e6-4b6e-b6c2-24dce477c004	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:19:08	43.474
-33	4674	233700	0ec78792-7697-4682-be3b-26b46e11ccc8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:54:44	919.67
-34	2338	233800	7da3f3d3-c8c2-44a8-afef-f8f67d03e4dd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:45:59	-843.433
-34	4676	233800	dfd0ed5e-0430-4567-986e-98f2a742753e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:35:39	809.723
-35	2339	233900	fd87fbde-29aa-46ae-a503-5f0d52e60f29	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:03:13	-817.805
-35	4678	233900	f8bcf932-cce0-406a-95e5-76a4e5c0272b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:43:19	797.154
-36	2340	234000	4cb1251f-0aa3-4015-9627-f8e4086c4a7d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:53:41	876.965
-36	4680	234000	44730a70-2fc9-4f95-b1d6-e33eff14deff	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:10:16	-689.500
-37	2341	234100	7d2ad24d-d491-4f22-bf5e-4821cc75b1b3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:18:04	-866.334
-37	4682	234100	0b92cf9d-5313-49fe-9008-c4ce94a57d0a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:44:04	-583.85
-38	2342	234200	85f5aaf9-fccb-417b-85f8-7c3805cec3b6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:17:38	33.277
-38	4684	234200	bac65da5-f962-4594-bab7-73519453e609	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:36:11	-934.449
-39	2343	234300	4bc5421f-ee71-4ba3-9570-72251e832b47	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:41:37	-347.736
-39	4686	234300	d0cd7410-5714-4440-b4d6-598157e7ea74	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:51:32	-18.648
-40	2344	234400	f0e139a1-3522-4a29-84e0-7fe2baa9d43f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:56:17	308.600
-40	4688	234400	c59a85dd-e223-494a-a484-3708485b7454	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:28:02	618.590
-41	2345	234500	88d1e853-d1b4-4295-b899-e36f9c4928f6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:01:58	-590.361
-41	4690	234500	96182ffe-b278-44ac-bf9b-a8d7688c4995	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:32:24	936.755
-42	2346	234600	c2db8068-ee59-4c44-8d50-9cd7edf405de	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:53:43	188.729
-42	4692	234600	5a6f6e55-bd52-4158-87fc-19f29ee6cff7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:00:06	656.647
-43	2347	234700	927d7b47-48f6-428a-abce-c2888ddb4e60	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:17:28	-393.322
-43	4694	234700	194526f9-f474-4ae4-9daa-3d84e1cc9f93	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:34:37	-480.936
-44	2348	234800	d75be1a6-7c88-4974-81b5-52491fb3523d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:36:53	494.918
-44	4696	234800	8431c701-2734-40cd-9141-5be0a89b43b2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:32:12	953.70
-45	2349	234900	dbe3846b-589e-4bff-8574-e31e44edde7b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:06:13	-285.474
-45	4698	234900	3a9d78b6-6a40-4ab5-a127-091d68753653	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:11:18	-619.831
-46	2350	235000	e772062f-cc6d-4dee-9ca5-4f49a2e7c218	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:28:50	-347.370
-46	4700	235000	daffee4d-b23f-46c8-97e0-01e11c3f1b45	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:30:22	-370.721
-47	2351	235100	ca593115-113d-4499-8f6f-330eeafe7fbd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:24:59	-106.59
-47	4702	235100	2eac85f4-45d5-4c6b-bf6b-47638176f271	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:37:17	-488.189
-48	2352	235200	2e0644f9-6029-4198-a22b-3b581e783a6b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:25:29	-719.19
-48	4704	235200	20c1c8eb-b88b-49fb-9fef-e0e86d61d00d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:24:24	330.446
-49	2353	235300	ec40f7b6-7083-4559-8d93-12b3fe43bbe4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:45:19	-14.915
-49	4706	235300	649ae08f-0054-468d-8021-da867bb00e56	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:35:56	720.190
-50	2354	235400	8e71cffe-ec79-4f07-b842-c7713c2d1e51	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:53:31	687.146
-50	4708	235400	d4e61128-3d23-436c-aa61-1f0ae247b781	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:48:08	-997.580
-51	2355	235500	5e14f950-3ee1-4a58-a9c5-07e78e7dcc68	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:47:57	-91.797
-51	4710	235500	c37b890f-5d20-4e99-a076-cc96a74312ea	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:48:30	112.515
-52	2356	235600	087eab5f-ab03-4254-99a9-477d3850d85f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:26:36	572.313
-52	4712	235600	f1cfc79a-fff4-46c0-9320-c88737e32244	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:05:42	416.229
-53	2357	235700	9464c1e6-fd89-4609-af14-827c23d82b08	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:07:12	-71.910
-53	4714	235700	09e2936f-0e1d-4625-b355-253b137f41a1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:02:22	-111.852
-54	2358	235800	ba542f00-f505-411d-9798-b742ea967b02	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:30:12	-306.834
-54	4716	235800	621af4b7-e036-4d3b-85f5-401d20392134	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:42:40	-982.476
-55	2359	235900	4356bf5a-296d-4b03-bd15-20659a6f30f2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:09:19	-125.276
-55	4718	235900	7fb12b5f-28b8-4f0c-bfe9-772e8275af23	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:07:12	627.861
-56	2360	236000	0a196af1-6443-40f8-bcbd-efd3f4513535	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:35:15	458.950
-56	4720	236000	ed7da975-c320-4073-ab86-3956e9a40a0f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:56:46	721.947
-57	2361	236100	70089ed4-3809-4ac8-bf3b-338bb2a9ae9e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:18:48	-233.772
-57	4722	236100	5b4658ba-2da5-4970-ab99-271457eab2e1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:03:12	136.739
-58	2362	236200	06af4a4d-1bb4-43d6-8b5e-d6c82c90cae8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:52:47	-915.658
-58	4724	236200	87d4e2ae-8610-4d2b-95cb-dc41de93f790	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:31:02	-738.635
-59	2363	236300	2159f47f-eef7-48a1-95a7-6e6249272107	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:57:54	322.77
-59	4726	236300	5e4964c7-c331-4d15-a8e7-2e21fa2441f8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:42:44	136.292
-60	2364	236400	71fc7226-f8bf-4bc1-8bd6-2c1e18f0a172	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:07:09	-528.521
-60	4728	236400	a4947cca-1621-41da-b546-a3547ae1e201	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:01:50	942.429
-61	2365	236500	54d8aea2-d79c-464e-86a6-61996573a8d6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:15:43	-827.787
-61	4730	236500	defac5d2-69af-4247-8059-4e37e14f6a14	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:21:28	964.895
-62	2366	236600	19d9fe47-6421-468c-9aeb-95fa37db8a20	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:41:46	291.155
-62	4732	236600	5391e2a7-dfbd-468e-a5fa-0d0b9fa5839a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:19:05	34.477
-63	2367	236700	7af9accd-30f9-43b8-b857-8242541349ae	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:47:37	396.142
-63	4734	236700	f53fc374-8734-4be5-b90c-67354e6796a4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:39:57	-990.900
-64	2368	236800	b3d70d47-21ce-4360-aab8-6f430f362411	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:24:44	-882.689
-64	4736	236800	4a84a6ac-26cc-4073-80e5-627804ce2386	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:11:40	556.273
-65	2369	236900	92ae72cf-8d2c-4b38-9dc4-2c1b7d5e8e63	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:13:25	682.399
-65	4738	236900	5b426da6-ba12-466a-9623-e9fb9fb05bb0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:25:44	610.450
-66	2370	237000	392668d0-681b-42fc-a604-99a0074d96d0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:52:29	639.98
-66	4740	237000	edf7c010-0af1-4973-89a3-32ebd7516335	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:26:00	-137.459
-67	2371	237100	76e5c40a-180b-4f08-b34c-da39d9e23347	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:03:33	-812.903
-67	4742	237100	fcf502af-5e0f-4483-8466-e3d78119b49e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:04:49	673.28
-68	2372	237200	0f375e81-d19e-47e3-b7b3-343b35e5f33f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:22:11	-873.393
-68	4744	237200	456aabc2-0dc9-4a9b-8195-282c056a9680	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:01:01	-655.947
-69	2373	237300	a7955c0f-6945-49cf-81a9-b3cd86b11eab	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:45:14	165.994
-69	4746	237300	02bd47f5-13bd-4bab-bbaa-2e88319dd84f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:22:36	715.666
-70	2374	237400	92792f12-aa8f-433a-8a6b-546b6ed98a6f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:28:38	-188.158
-70	4748	237400	317fc3b8-2f4e-448b-a5b6-96d51fe59e73	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:55:06	141.42
-71	2375	237500	34b79257-b960-4926-a432-4e622ff7dea0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:19:36	440.50
-71	4750	237500	2cccc930-04e9-423e-89f3-84a7f0601abf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:12:21	586.905
-72	2376	237600	ffd783fd-81a9-4e13-a529-a5c72c77eed3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:35:22	-608.675
-72	4752	237600	67fdad27-e1ea-4367-86ab-d7e1b47362a7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:02:31	707.569
-73	2377	237700	a0241328-7365-45f6-9e1a-414ed72d7ab0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:06:06	783.371
-73	4754	237700	adcfbb24-65ca-49ab-aeea-22c2f40afdfb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:37:20	-221.699
-74	2378	237800	3a9692e6-c439-4543-8030-867c964a9604	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:13:22	-320.248
-74	4756	237800	61c84e09-5670-4b17-881f-98a58220d909	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:17:13	237.653
-75	2379	237900	3bcbd0b6-d863-4c87-974b-bf6bd89cbefc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:01:52	-674.106
-75	4758	237900	a133da1c-4f79-4504-8c0f-361b81f7d6cd	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:52:58	-717.453
-76	2380	238000	47a8b648-1ebd-49ef-b8dc-0fd427c41d76	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:14:10	461.247
-76	4760	238000	19297cdd-e403-4955-854a-71505c170e14	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:05:44	-73.165
-77	2381	238100	e1cea7d6-e72c-4462-9573-04cd2f828b63	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:48:49	155.206
-77	4762	238100	0cf95e7b-aa1a-4132-be8d-32c936c1b830	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:48:05	278.0
-78	2382	238200	2a516421-3051-4662-9ca5-82d721287a5a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:25:18	-32.197
-78	4764	238200	e311e216-ab8f-4569-9526-9448341b2b76	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:38:26	-89.471
-79	2383	238300	d268353f-fd9d-476b-bcbc-8c83a2ecb04b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:38:01	-508.369
-79	4766	238300	dd19e38d-4d20-43bb-9c74-4caae5061983	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:47:08	-350.877
-80	2384	238400	cf6e60d7-e94c-4b90-9885-e0d3dbc6395f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:18:15	689.488
-80	4768	238400	00c11da7-eb3f-40f5-895d-45e4bafef374	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:24:52	225.681
-81	2385	238500	9376cc0e-b495-49dd-8c55-a36fd8d8f5c9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:49:21	-277.353
-81	4770	238500	c4e81541-9994-4547-a602-af19b19ea9cb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:54:58	-904.298
-82	2386	238600	f1cab05d-3355-4218-be0a-10e7a6492e1c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:22:14	943.217
-82	4772	238600	53a1d097-83da-47c1-824f-db0dcb86b582	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:47:18	-388.616
-83	2387	238700	b1776181-deb0-4b69-9504-a6280e2319eb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:30:52	-249.532
-83	4774	238700	3dad977b-e6b9-4ec6-8b6f-5570ed3546fd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:23:35	938.587
-84	2388	238800	cc62e29a-5239-4c7f-96fd-61c55fce8888	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:51:41	-886.150
-84	4776	238800	04507194-0913-476d-8507-5cc3cfdbcbc5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:08:24	-822.779
-85	2389	238900	26ed459c-d5c3-4d78-803a-c072abac1c3a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:37:59	602.830
-85	4778	238900	e1166d2a-cde2-49b8-86ea-42601367d9da	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:20:29	882.969
-86	2390	239000	a43ee77f-e516-4918-afa7-1f8e3dff38e0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:52:21	551.67
-86	4780	239000	f2485aab-a186-4ef0-b372-3467275227e1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:46:28	812.929
-87	2391	239100	a3c8b6ed-69a6-476a-b1dc-b67809396b44	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:45:47	-755.997
-87	4782	239100	c1de3b5f-a3c3-4e8d-b987-132a1405c3f2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:44:11	353.854
-88	2392	239200	c1d57238-8e73-4dee-bdad-3db75b3b7e23	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:15:54	436.23
-88	4784	239200	80ac7eeb-e9e0-4180-9328-569144009313	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:27:56	302.113
-89	2393	239300	2b4eaf48-686a-4c64-a63d-729b9304397b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:10:13	740.696
-89	4786	239300	e6a9cfba-36b9-4482-b75b-30dfe12ae7c4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:48:38	266.433
-90	2394	239400	3d881fe9-e031-4897-b9ca-0261602f8171	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:36:54	-494.106
-90	4788	239400	3d657126-1c24-4d6e-b9d8-a4329997f905	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:11:39	583.398
-91	2395	239500	4dcf8e67-5b49-42e1-a1b9-d24eaa3fc8f0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:29:05	-635.604
-91	4790	239500	bc663de3-44a4-4445-81ef-c7ac7f0e8b24	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:34:07	-366.133
-92	2396	239600	683df582-3282-4dd4-9716-23ce50f881d9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:56:06	457.308
-92	4792	239600	1464d6d6-139f-489b-a534-5dffaac6edd0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:01:41	614.196
-93	2397	239700	032d5006-2142-4d28-bff9-4bcf6c38d25d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:38:25	-383.124
-93	4794	239700	39325c24-d53a-4567-830c-2748c0337431	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:10:07	484.998
-94	2398	239800	2d92e162-e0c2-4742-9f53-2c028d554318	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:14:21	294.177
-94	4796	239800	21674b85-7119-47e7-93ba-9d6a7678f6e7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:30:59	737.223
-95	2399	239900	2672fdea-87e2-43cb-9321-7309e5f19d6e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:43:40	318.117
-95	4798	239900	0722334f-ef95-4842-85cb-5545ff138150	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:02:56	605.918
-96	2400	240000	742081f2-5cc7-41ac-a2b2-0cdb12f47444	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:41:42	-934.667
-96	4800	240000	7f5b92b8-ce6f-4ce9-8554-f448bd96c62f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:53:28	744.487
-97	2401	240100	6d6f0f63-ab8f-47de-b9e9-a960603eb444	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:15:32	-313.232
-97	4802	240100	6ce4daff-44cc-4c92-b087-c287b4e96339	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:35:07	-982.515
-98	2402	240200	bdf90b23-bebd-491e-9584-c2b9591465d1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:58:15	625.124
-98	4804	240200	123ae89e-f259-4d4b-98a5-6a9d97bfaec5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:36:05	-564.597
-99	2403	240300	9499ce0b-8d41-4ed4-af84-71c2e3576c92	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:45:22	542.406
-99	4806	240300	ef7950b1-dd54-4c21-ade9-6ec0d835d400	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:47:46	388.803
-100	2404	240400	7c0969a0-7de9-4454-b93a-3ed5b7ee0aa2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:41:48	79.697
-100	4808	240400	ee5976be-8bd7-47a0-b891-ba2f9b2cfc47	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:29:52	-248.39
-101	2405	240500	214750c9-f66d-4e9e-b524-d67189fd1874	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:23:35	465.261
-101	4810	240500	1b6be2f9-1158-49e3-ad70-173b2beb29ae	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:30:45	-453.156
-102	2406	240600	7fda0c90-3a1c-4fc1-a421-6a2546c875ce	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:47:46	422.881
-102	4812	240600	936a0956-6572-4738-a15c-7f2eb66d34fe	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:05:29	72.858
-103	2407	240700	fc7a0221-094e-41cf-b6eb-870d54d76949	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:11:42	719.582
-103	4814	240700	d3257d50-9d84-47af-9f7f-53b1b052b576	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:12:09	374.712
-104	2408	240800	8ed81b44-ccb5-457e-a7c3-1693027e55f8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:37:29	846.552
-104	4816	240800	16ae4305-7116-4ea7-8efb-477d90bd4fc0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:29:35	-519.136
-105	2409	240900	da47bd40-eab5-4a0d-92bc-6df976369c4c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:09:55	-96.975
-105	4818	240900	a7f80080-4823-4bde-937f-5c9ac2be1112	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:52:53	381.737
-106	2410	241000	f190049b-a3c5-421f-a89c-81b231f19c47	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:47:59	-20.978
-106	4820	241000	bf964020-5f70-4156-91a6-7d1703feda30	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:16:43	241.394
-107	2411	241100	e6e58970-c1c6-4b3c-9f82-5bb63b3f81c8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:53:23	-41.387
-107	4822	241100	a084eb19-8133-4ce8-8d6b-358efa266c80	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:44:34	-289.31
-108	2412	241200	18c3439e-928b-457c-af06-e558a03d04bd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:11:59	983.735
-108	4824	241200	68a73cdf-9016-4d71-9506-06419e09991d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:08:54	-673.738
-109	2413	241300	7df28388-f0f1-4c62-87cd-fcb8d739bc8a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:13:43	721.545
-109	4826	241300	bf10dbab-fb78-46ad-b8c1-58dad541719e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:19:43	-330.272
-110	2414	241400	4667fca6-7439-46f7-9642-9f94944545a3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:07:44	531.479
-110	4828	241400	f05d50ee-41ac-4e0d-bca7-a6a6f701a55f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:35:16	363.499
-111	2415	241500	730f1f18-b5d1-4f6e-a323-3d100ce6d398	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:07:25	295.565
-111	4830	241500	dcc86d65-657c-46c5-99fa-2d260111e943	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:56:24	777.752
-112	2416	241600	0ef14dcc-09d3-48af-953d-0b8a7baa9f61	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:33:09	265.742
-112	4832	241600	b9308023-a84f-46ce-b9e9-fd44d0e4c296	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:32:41	-552.973
-113	2417	241700	c41d708a-8555-478e-8e84-2f80336ca51e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:14:15	72.800
-113	4834	241700	0af27c16-fffd-4fd0-bab9-29932bde2689	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:04:36	979.343
-114	2418	241800	82350ecc-6eb7-4ada-b7b9-f0cd4ec0efb3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:32:51	266.498
-114	4836	241800	ef1082fb-df2a-45a7-ad41-dba6e5e53bb5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:00:17	-507.566
-115	2419	241900	d879deb3-248c-4d30-80d7-bec5e3d7c91f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:04:22	-362.194
-115	4838	241900	441c7ecc-4218-4141-a740-2567a57a1b7c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:06:14	-728.642
-116	2420	242000	0b845dbe-35cb-4788-b123-1cb5a9ad73ca	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:36:56	118.954
-116	4840	242000	1fed5c2b-a3b7-4a55-9fa3-ab232ea7971f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:52:36	-181.11
-117	2421	242100	31df5eba-f89c-463b-9e87-5a653c83eab9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:10:01	790.346
-117	4842	242100	15066cb5-1f66-44b8-b026-300d2f77e7dd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:25:24	-987.407
-118	2422	242200	0d46f1cc-8e0c-4ffd-9ab8-18853a1d59ce	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:20:34	2.329
-118	4844	242200	bdfe2d9e-7f03-43aa-84e1-6e7aef26335f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:52:19	609.917
-119	2423	242300	e3e8a3a2-5537-4281-9c51-cd0b79e811c5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:46:11	-957.384
-119	4846	242300	72bcc3b4-2cdb-42bf-bb1e-3ebb11c34e84	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:19:19	776.597
-120	2424	242400	c6ff9121-7164-41dd-b78e-7071efea83b3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:29:55	45.388
-120	4848	242400	4418b1e8-bfa9-4147-8faa-9dc8af387aaf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:02:06	-59.165
-121	2425	242500	8df43a51-de45-42f1-950a-6464ccbefcf2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:43:49	693.545
-121	4850	242500	658e6633-5a35-4edd-9cd7-c69d31f56ea6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:40:51	123.26
-122	2426	242600	4d81879e-3e3d-4d86-959e-d18056ca1ca5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:25:36	881.247
-122	4852	242600	f1979d31-5cbf-4caa-bd26-8bdd2bc3805e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:49:05	-451.351
-123	2427	242700	9219102e-2b45-495b-8a81-f212a71a2214	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:45:26	-98.683
-123	4854	242700	cb353636-5aae-4486-83bc-426a0af4e4ea	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:43:12	-903.662
-124	2428	242800	1b8ad8f6-703f-48b0-ac44-c0bc9aca2555	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:28:19	-439.551
-124	4856	242800	ad573007-e338-4920-a510-61c10b930b21	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:51:00	-865.943
-125	2429	242900	374d9fc4-a9fb-4c05-86d6-3fb275c8ae09	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:09:42	-620.834
-125	4858	242900	df4b4953-05cb-4b77-ba0a-70b105dc1d0f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:48:20	671.372
-126	2430	243000	a3603963-55d5-4452-a79b-a0329d10b2c4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:11:15	368.884
-126	4860	243000	468f96f5-9a4b-42e5-aeff-db9e60976cf1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:47:44	-447.994
-127	2431	243100	2331c245-54cf-4686-9bf6-8a45169a1ead	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:48:24	676.215
-127	4862	243100	42f6e0ff-79ae-4a13-b31f-cfd56794a752	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:05:02	-708.559
-0	2432	243200	39812f75-e1f7-4ec9-a3b7-a68e84f56e08	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:39:13	-319.668
-0	4864	243200	4773c778-4b89-453f-bbc7-5054cb278db4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:48:48	211.279
-1	2433	243300	b08b038a-cce7-46a5-9654-9e6ddf389b81	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:56:59	-776.695
-1	4866	243300	b63f33db-b409-48f4-a9e2-a3423875f69a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:45:32	675.269
-2	2434	243400	c60a642a-d39d-47d3-9958-dded2e582c8b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:31:27	-965.143
-2	4868	243400	19b51358-b62a-41b2-9385-df4127793a25	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:04:02	-723.230
-3	2435	243500	e56ffd03-7807-4985-86fe-9429bde1c14e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:16:23	99.500
-3	4870	243500	171fa850-ab16-4925-b0da-44ea3b7fd8ef	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:16:16	-372.268
-4	2436	243600	0e6ed32f-ea9d-4c16-8a34-d07a672ec491	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:45:57	318.857
-4	4872	243600	b451b5f3-ea06-4831-8733-67591d98e60d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:27:59	-158.178
-5	2437	243700	fe456eda-5cbc-423e-835c-d8534cbca60f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:58:49	859.413
-5	4874	243700	4a5cf50a-a7ed-45a9-bb7c-78d034d79607	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:32:54	775.133
-6	2438	243800	c1ceedd5-b745-4394-a3bd-957111c545fc	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:57:36	403.666
-6	4876	243800	b8c7a6d7-6d26-42c0-bfb5-171f94524f51	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:40:22	-858.608
-7	2439	243900	7651b1d4-11d4-45b2-b3f1-6c18242c9c72	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:05:59	-791.481
-7	4878	243900	eb35b650-8145-42ee-aa95-cba66a09edc8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:03:40	822.141
-8	2440	244000	e4cebbfc-766b-4025-8f10-cfcf2eb24635	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:44:32	-272.490
-8	4880	244000	2e09661c-14f8-4216-942c-f21f7475ef4a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:26:32	-810.861
-9	2441	244100	7c86a670-9e61-4991-9ca3-7ce889881c3d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:00:06	-80.669
-9	4882	244100	5909387c-d1fc-42e7-b4c3-7ec10411d07c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:22:42	678.241
-10	2442	244200	a4e18789-d872-4bb2-a2b6-d3fd1bd23087	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:26:24	-574.853
-10	4884	244200	f3656df6-f8fe-4147-ac8a-157b842b6783	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:41:53	-385.596
-11	2443	244300	6d3afea7-ee38-4177-b275-94624ac3258b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:55:38	631.471
-11	4886	244300	5c8000cf-adc9-48cc-8c34-254da7ca50f3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:11:00	-985.563
-12	2444	244400	a39f1fa5-b30e-44e4-92b3-94dfcffc1937	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:32:22	-295.409
-12	4888	244400	05473d4d-700f-439a-af08-cc907338ac5c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:58:17	109.337
-13	2445	244500	a1654f51-2072-4d89-b6ab-82778853b031	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:07:20	487.859
-13	4890	244500	e26d76c2-a830-431a-ac66-ccd82bc1f315	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:55:28	-368.593
-14	2446	244600	d7881023-cbfb-4f27-b47f-3ba877601db3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:17:01	-651.803
-14	4892	244600	e59aceea-30e1-45de-b017-3b7ca5d0e10d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:00:47	329.946
-15	2447	244700	2c8b1598-fc5c-4f4f-bf42-7f4bf237232a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:26:27	976.655
-15	4894	244700	5c83f2bd-63b9-4aa6-810a-39c6de5f66c9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:24:56	73.824
-16	2448	244800	a524f805-de17-416d-b067-b706f19c75bd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:38:05	-97.921
-16	4896	244800	1f59fffd-fd18-4a1f-9ea3-07f46e213a8a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:18:32	832.777
-17	2449	244900	de072964-b5a3-420c-80d7-db1145e8dbae	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:39:14	966.354
-17	4898	244900	4cc2cbb6-e778-42f2-878b-2d3ece529f59	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:23:21	-790.637
-18	2450	245000	03b240fd-720e-4cdb-8f77-f42d53fd96ff	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:09:31	370.657
-18	4900	245000	e03e98cc-3c93-4a3d-9bf7-624d93ce951c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:47:59	271.310
-19	2451	245100	1bba6c23-0804-4c5f-a991-6544726fc35d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:23:11	788.439
-19	4902	245100	2ad67405-6a37-4708-b931-2927151087a8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:17:19	-885.492
-20	2452	245200	e2f3be24-8205-4265-8e81-88701a5176cd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:52:33	-912.124
-20	4904	245200	30a106c3-ad3a-4ee2-b4e9-a19236800e24	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:54:37	-378.793
-21	2453	245300	a48c2bc2-4d93-4d02-a4cd-82820619401f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:25:25	-253.68
-21	4906	245300	c25b634b-c50f-4248-bab1-b22b6cf74005	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:16:34	-899.200
-22	2454	245400	cc4fe536-f3e7-41e7-b436-07bfa1076a70	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:14:41	-670.449
-22	4908	245400	acbb9565-de92-4732-8ccd-c7d9073de67f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:03:12	131.653
-23	2455	245500	c8079c45-1154-40f8-924f-229892525676	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:03:12	-914.72
-23	4910	245500	5238daa3-fcb2-446c-8aee-76ac0b2cc534	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:56:31	-787.300
-24	2456	245600	93bb0803-076e-4526-9893-85320d3567a0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:51:05	-987.990
-24	4912	245600	6ee226b4-f65f-4ab0-ae6d-877beb800d99	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:38:31	755.849
-25	2457	245700	2e66ebdb-79a5-4ae4-847a-a554322b958e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:23:31	-809.701
-25	4914	245700	6db84506-f463-43cd-a7d9-e064db182cdb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:57:15	-259.35
-26	2458	245800	d524b5c3-084d-4ec7-9274-005e26ecd1ba	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:45:03	-446.44
-26	4916	245800	21b1351c-5651-4dba-8ebd-f63d68a8e980	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:12:37	444.115
-27	2459	245900	4e5f186b-66d3-4254-b2ed-6e2038c7356e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:05:52	956.36
-27	4918	245900	c8c8e023-540a-4225-b68a-e9c2fdca4250	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:16:47	916.702
-28	2460	246000	afa26fcc-9ced-4aaf-850a-8266b2b7539e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:16:34	-76.947
-28	4920	246000	9899336a-8e9b-4db4-be43-fff77e5ccf94	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:02:39	996.483
-29	2461	246100	facf9f4a-2ced-474c-acde-714916d60b3e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:11:43	-209.675
-29	4922	246100	ed2c7628-455c-43ed-afb2-0d66dd1480d7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:28:53	-210.689
-30	2462	246200	fa87dea8-dd9b-4368-9d38-c046fc29b581	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:00:33	227.820
-30	4924	246200	9eb26745-6c49-41f9-9930-7349d47786fd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:41:51	-439.647
-31	2463	246300	4f1da49e-8d15-43b0-9ded-cc9f579f6ce1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:46:01	-41.406
-31	4926	246300	7f813099-f826-4807-8a1d-f08b852b1a89	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:24:24	-242.838
-32	2464	246400	e93908fb-f3bd-47e8-84ec-de8bb027cdf8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:35:00	557.655
-32	4928	246400	60297366-089a-42ee-996a-0e7326fb39db	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:31:25	783.129
-33	2465	246500	197bd1d6-af1b-447d-b68c-50242b1bb1ba	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:50:04	388.723
-33	4930	246500	7d891271-3f47-4b38-96c2-aabacbda72f9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:41:57	508.337
-34	2466	246600	cabe780a-8643-46b2-8913-1d25640869f4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:44:09	-302.402
-34	4932	246600	fbcbadae-7eb3-4aeb-a42f-7ab95e735f19	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:43:15	750.964
-35	2467	246700	b75cb719-4078-468d-ba6f-bf9778ff3ea6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:50:43	-385.504
-35	4934	246700	372cf28b-2f23-42ae-942f-f7da2c1f0f6c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:04:54	-873.502
-36	2468	246800	5dfed1c6-2b73-4dcd-89fd-4b3ba9a6cb2b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:00:33	-996.539
-36	4936	246800	c885230f-e5ac-40b6-b1c1-104baf38d719	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:11:35	223.166
-37	2469	246900	477012d1-4e29-4e7a-88d3-8e2043adffc4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:13:01	-233.928
-37	4938	246900	dd9c134a-66e0-4d4b-9f96-6281d9d29c19	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:44:15	510.927
-38	2470	247000	eba78f23-5bc6-4a09-a2f9-3f407e5afe6c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:01:28	556.307
-38	4940	247000	e0b6f37c-5716-4ca9-b8c4-1f1ce2ca62a1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:40:45	-94.975
-39	2471	247100	c1296c53-00f5-4b9c-9730-f2d2a4e967c7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:22:55	-935.872
-39	4942	247100	8d2ce1cd-c28c-46f9-96c0-29ac825ac05e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:25:09	786.56
-40	2472	247200	fc8d6056-8f7b-438e-8aca-4255d95104aa	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:49:12	838.135
-40	4944	247200	19d63ec8-341b-43ea-9c7d-1e4d7eec2d19	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:41:38	-395.517
-41	2473	247300	2fdfb11f-8c13-441e-9167-7d880bc0a47f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:39:52	-334.206
-41	4946	247300	30066ee9-a54e-4cd5-a651-6f7b9f4553ed	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:06:35	-849.454
-42	2474	247400	008018cd-104f-407e-8fee-e737d4ab6d0c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:55:01	-954.152
-42	4948	247400	6ee77d56-291e-46de-9a76-f8c510a958b0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:54:19	750.858
-43	2475	247500	432f1647-181d-43cc-918d-eb0f94e34c99	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:04:37	380.392
-43	4950	247500	ff4ca98f-c4fe-4e18-9433-cfb18acdbeb5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:14:52	-996.303
-44	2476	247600	3f926258-2dbf-47a6-9674-a650e886b7e4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:20:16	622.824
-44	4952	247600	1b0eb450-43c8-4032-b51c-5e7c5a7b1e84	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:08:32	861.494
-45	2477	247700	bb309443-e611-41e2-97cf-323524c9fd55	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:29:49	-563.662
-45	4954	247700	e718348c-9fa0-4a2f-825a-3f6cedbf5341	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:44:05	-684.887
-46	2478	247800	15bd3bad-8ff1-4023-aac3-02c6a7b7cbf6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:46:07	684.720
-46	4956	247800	e88e98ce-155c-4a63-a1e0-e51a2be25633	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:30:30	-139.834
-47	2479	247900	91ca2de9-bf49-4812-8642-f7a1d618ec05	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:45:17	812.645
-47	4958	247900	c818cca5-f533-4614-8093-77cff837923f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:41:01	-281.394
-48	2480	248000	ba50526a-b2cc-4a2b-a782-d9528a74ca2f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:28:06	-432.214
-48	4960	248000	e46df05c-42e6-4c67-a6e8-2c931a4ee3e4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:29:53	52.331
-49	2481	248100	049b22a0-ced4-4dec-ad0e-b6da28f107f5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:16:58	-527.266
-49	4962	248100	05eaba66-0e10-45f9-8e68-6a490fc4cda1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:14:54	289.583
-50	2482	248200	1e4600e9-4398-474a-ace1-b931c822aa30	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:09:53	874.105
-50	4964	248200	1f1463ed-23cf-451b-83c9-c22b6ddfe5ac	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:15:34	-630.831
-51	2483	248300	bbed5835-89ff-4838-af7d-0fa53b7949a2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:23:51	-802.224
-51	4966	248300	ef7de0a9-d186-4da7-a8d2-793628a790bf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:54:37	754.907
-52	2484	248400	ce7a19a8-4f21-41f0-bf5a-6100968c78cf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:18:06	377.470
-52	4968	248400	b19bbb51-b0f3-4369-ad49-817314bc3de2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:06:14	-779.182
-53	2485	248500	6bb09ba9-ff47-4b04-9bf3-54a67ae8c22b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:27:05	828.418
-53	4970	248500	35d9a773-b420-4aed-bfab-54fd4959a9a3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:41:33	-144.802
-54	2486	248600	004d942b-f509-42ea-aa38-eda1251f7a80	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:41:09	832.845
-54	4972	248600	2c8bd939-f7bd-4739-92d7-2cc894b2c80a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:03:48	-794.190
-55	2487	248700	066584cd-3ece-4e6a-9349-aea771c5d5d5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:59:26	893.869
-55	4974	248700	3b982bdd-f287-4de4-8e15-c340cf4e826a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:57:31	-137.521
-56	2488	248800	c5a2a883-38ec-4d67-8cc3-9b42fe69c9d1	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:31:35	-136.110
-56	4976	248800	ca01d149-39a0-4bb4-b5a7-ac2fda30af8c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:00:25	-268.101
-57	2489	248900	c3888376-f380-463f-9333-257c562742d8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:17:41	159.462
-57	4978	248900	e2e6fb04-5c42-4650-8b40-41c28f533a3e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:13:05	-424.870
-58	2490	249000	fbf84e8d-4625-4f1a-9d8d-9129b648f5c2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:12:15	707.667
-58	4980	249000	e9932eaf-7097-4bdb-8eda-01967ce559c4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:26:55	551.66
-59	2491	249100	501a112d-ad02-48ae-be5a-52ffafa4e2e3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:47:16	-945.942
-59	4982	249100	c27bd9cf-b886-45fd-b7e3-c7b478be381f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:11:45	-162.23
-60	2492	249200	9c855671-5c6b-4000-b22c-d6b2ec266b1a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:27:22	637.248
-60	4984	249200	5805d9a1-6ad7-4502-8697-fb6fa6da9ed9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:37:09	199.950
-61	2493	249300	45ac1b85-d09f-41b8-8aaf-e0bec02bc75e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:09:00	-36.799
-61	4986	249300	27988af9-67bf-41b6-bf73-5b447d35422c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:08:13	-673.317
-62	2494	249400	418edbd2-ca75-4084-b4af-eef78030adb7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:54:51	-973.13
-62	4988	249400	d7c37622-32e6-424d-b2a5-22f1856eb10b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:49:51	-970.294
-63	2495	249500	83062c4f-4131-4dcd-a949-713365cc193b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:12:13	66.363
-63	4990	249500	a980ec9a-cfa5-4e8b-b18c-e2470bca7aee	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:01:42	575.589
-64	2496	249600	23d5783d-1fab-4bb9-b1c6-c6f0d8ebe3c0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:26:15	-261.289
-64	4992	249600	a13133e6-4a65-4cb2-9a9c-8a4415bff410	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:14:33	-297.796
-65	2497	249700	4783756e-50c3-49de-8405-3e7cb54d90fe	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:02:08	-84.912
-65	4994	249700	98a0dd2a-31ab-4f4c-8c90-c230019bcdd2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:59:12	-24.675
-66	2498	249800	ed25cb2e-3929-4c7d-981c-c83c21d54fc4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:34:22	-745.212
-66	4996	249800	b506a625-ede5-4b1e-8b38-53db1e8248ce	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:35:30	712.556
-67	2499	249900	c467b89d-be36-49fc-86e1-f46be4927464	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:15:23	-983.625
-67	4998	249900	631bfef7-06be-457f-8386-925ffa528fc7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:01:25	192.421
-68	2500	250000	c4d59687-9030-4490-9c42-605de87d6abf	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:46:33	-455.394
-68	5000	250000	759cc998-b6f2-4702-9e4a-8f0af86756df	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:13:10	-616.430
-69	2501	250100	da5160ea-dd18-455b-87cc-95f6daf6cf4b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:44:47	660.587
-69	5002	250100	27ce45fe-de8b-44a7-9fc8-dd2b3bd6ea81	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:04:28	164.898
-70	2502	250200	91953ff7-48fa-45e5-b2d3-33b92e346039	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:09:40	-285.41
-70	5004	250200	f92f00f4-f0bd-4584-af07-a99911321832	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:36:07	901.7
-71	2503	250300	9d7c1b2a-32b2-47b4-80af-296d13b0394e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:11:02	426.29
-71	5006	250300	d6bb98bc-121f-4fa9-bf7c-917b0d4ea018	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:49:27	492.681
-72	2504	250400	84540b58-68ca-4b8a-8646-ea0dc9a0b464	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:20:33	-604.546
-72	5008	250400	91722637-dd95-4e21-8ad5-6fba99854afb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:45:48	-190.844
-73	2505	250500	c919a5bd-db89-4f99-a1d7-5e1791dc9d39	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:17:33	-218.779
-73	5010	250500	6adff649-7a95-4bb3-a3f9-7d2394b4834c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:34:36	-922.938
-74	2506	250600	964514d3-80ec-4c1a-8470-0a89dc03a76e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:03:02	-514.485
-74	5012	250600	b06f1c60-4ea0-4cab-ad15-ca147f84dab5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:50:19	566.596
-75	2507	250700	7e268938-7eaa-412f-97e0-d7b095276301	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:16:49	525.765
-75	5014	250700	ad4adcbf-06bb-4e69-b95d-a45df1f623a2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:53:02	-571.435
-76	2508	250800	5e6d35af-2610-4c59-97ad-428bd837f150	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:47:05	-812.859
-76	5016	250800	b0fb2bf1-f489-43a5-83c4-e5645e95b46a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:15:45	581.45
-77	2509	250900	e31f5ab3-9ebb-4901-ac85-2b9fc6788687	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:59:44	747.883
-77	5018	250900	02b7ff13-1cc4-4201-95f6-dadb5ec01743	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:58:23	-971.508
-78	2510	251000	5af56a3e-d549-462b-911b-5ce71d037898	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:02:33	-757.968
-78	5020	251000	c4b775d4-1a0f-4d40-b770-4e5362bad492	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:11:39	-229.3
-79	2511	251100	0bbf8a45-59ca-47bf-a60c-44251c51cd00	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:22:22	-438.839
-79	5022	251100	eac18f5a-714c-4ced-ac0a-8c172543e175	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:11:07	-108.343
-80	2512	251200	1c7fac4b-e567-4ac9-b363-6e9208d545ea	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:04:30	-780.517
-80	5024	251200	fdfd009a-4cb9-4fda-9afa-fca834263fa5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:24:19	-829.643
-81	2513	251300	9a140873-381c-4ab1-97b2-5f36542a5267	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:33:20	667.463
-81	5026	251300	a6607e7c-e96d-4ab3-8998-d204006d0f97	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:01:25	512.713
-82	2514	251400	74e1b22a-e0f5-40a7-8632-42c069b1bd8d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:12:33	-292.860
-82	5028	251400	196f2557-b553-4655-be28-5ee5606a0d51	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:01:02	-569.766
-83	2515	251500	5fa38bbd-76c8-4a64-8ef1-8422b41308b7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:01:10	-689.95
-83	5030	251500	3fed09a4-f906-4d9d-a17d-105e63521f50	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:37:54	411.711
-84	2516	251600	d6979848-9e98-48c2-bc91-0b504957651e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:26:11	668.386
-84	5032	251600	ed1bdb6a-b431-48b7-95b1-ccb8256c23ec	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:42:12	301.518
-85	2517	251700	b235ab61-6790-4f3e-8769-5b40a271fe46	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:21:00	758.795
-85	5034	251700	e82d1778-c33a-4546-a62f-b561ece8bb28	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:36:57	826.388
-86	2518	251800	859e3000-f651-497c-8b6d-b69ed6a11368	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:25:14	112.520
-86	5036	251800	9c820666-7755-4090-a56c-f97a47310543	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:31:36	-813.154
-87	2519	251900	9052ae62-1940-47ce-a74f-adc3ef89740b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:53:33	874.185
-87	5038	251900	d8633ba6-a27f-4a4b-9591-7fd73cf73612	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:51:41	-461.619
-88	2520	252000	6c75cb1a-8425-42cc-962d-c6102fe4b68a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:54:46	642.394
-88	5040	252000	68b45cc6-adcc-44c8-a6d0-6afc3aa24e73	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:04:51	475.192
-89	2521	252100	90e36140-3990-450f-880b-a103a8079622	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:24:00	803.97
-89	5042	252100	c624d491-836a-4d5c-b63f-b422ee66c479	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:17:55	398.314
-90	2522	252200	beee00fc-36c6-4ea3-9e82-096538844257	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:26:35	-631.141
-90	5044	252200	2e2213c6-9b83-4c86-8731-da71b6fbc2f6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:36:18	201.928
-91	2523	252300	9ff792c6-bd1b-4bda-b511-1f34c1821b43	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:15:34	-238.670
-91	5046	252300	56d34b19-081f-45a1-b89e-e2c2fbb097f9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:08:54	545.913
-92	2524	252400	acc62a55-4652-4e8b-81d1-a55698308d65	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:05:55	147.815
-92	5048	252400	2c0462e2-2cac-4fff-ac26-153be0a19239	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:08:49	330.272
-93	2525	252500	e6cef49f-0619-4ff2-9d82-f2424aaf18aa	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:28:13	-826.401
-93	5050	252500	03739d43-efe7-4b08-9420-cbc452bbccc0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:27:30	-95.302
-94	2526	252600	abd2c081-6abc-45cf-b2b2-989559b19dea	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:15:26	-402.562
-94	5052	252600	8ceec9e5-d7bb-4d6f-bef5-3bf2b8f92371	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:52:54	-528.9
-95	2527	252700	ef909e25-47ab-4f96-90e0-6e1b41bee64a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:05:35	-816.760
-95	5054	252700	ffea76b6-f9dd-4d1f-8c99-f10bd3a2e14f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:05:55	-607.939
-96	2528	252800	cf8ea775-7c52-45ec-b15f-fe18637cb1b3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:20:33	431.391
-96	5056	252800	dbec4820-a50e-40fe-947a-0cb565d4776b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:59:45	640.131
-97	2529	252900	f5d25427-d3dd-40bf-babf-d32b9cd5d060	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:46:51	634.106
-97	5058	252900	bfaa9b8d-1895-4cf6-971f-59cf484f0395	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:30:46	35.72
-98	2530	253000	8df6c3bc-2d93-411f-a32f-cf889440764e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:48:58	-130.0
-98	5060	253000	902f597f-aa54-4a19-8496-f8dc93f0a601	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:46:05	-113.718
-99	2531	253100	89cf37bb-2d17-44b1-853f-88f40af7fbbf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:57:57	460.277
-99	5062	253100	e258eb66-5f9a-406e-8c8e-1b83ed8db424	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:39:55	425.794
-100	2532	253200	6b7f5853-1696-4f35-bab0-cba78fcaaf2e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:07:36	-492.704
-100	5064	253200	aba44a8e-783e-4ad8-8ffd-9c6633748dba	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:29:58	978.53
-101	2533	253300	f2ea4913-5f79-4e8e-aede-f296ea1f1ba6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:05:22	-823.116
-101	5066	253300	80be2f61-1fb4-4680-aa5c-c7ccfb12ac5c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:58:12	-698.21
-102	2534	253400	83d44be5-2909-4fbb-b0ad-332038ee65a1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:28:48	696.46
-102	5068	253400	4f53681a-b9d0-4f0a-a755-3f42d219e8de	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:36:40	-696.274
-103	2535	253500	61d33490-370c-45e1-bfd8-fc6580aa38df	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:12:56	584.695
-103	5070	253500	7199952f-bbcd-41b3-bb89-d4183b1458b1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:26:41	-227.460
-104	2536	253600	8c18d765-1347-464a-98ff-225336678e21	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:32:07	48.323
-104	5072	253600	d6412b26-2a98-46a4-aa3c-c0cef7b756de	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:09:49	896.42
-105	2537	253700	265c37ee-0c77-4f14-ae03-fe7ddc671648	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:25:03	-700.327
-105	5074	253700	d04af025-db0e-4b7f-a4e4-cecd3a70987f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:04:33	-153.162
-106	2538	253800	a920d2f4-7fd6-4b7a-aa5e-03d8774af27a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:02:57	-975.20
-106	5076	253800	f4d5bea0-6592-40f1-ab7e-28afd85078a4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:29:54	-553.109
-107	2539	253900	dd30bf8f-c6bb-479a-9712-3c0a636ceec1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:17:30	-753.13
-107	5078	253900	ec58fc78-0dc8-4553-824d-eb0c2308d8ee	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:40:39	-323.480
-108	2540	254000	d7295b9d-fea1-4fd3-9f7d-54fb58d00dfa	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:20:28	-675.998
-108	5080	254000	ee4de326-aace-4204-8ff0-39aef5fc4595	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:16:54	683.118
-109	2541	254100	6574783c-0f0e-4ae7-9be6-8fbe4670c0f1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:12:08	-84.247
-109	5082	254100	cec311bd-1aaa-4980-99be-c72622e12c02	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:54:03	-184.274
-110	2542	254200	e4355120-0d5e-4c79-ae28-3dccb4210101	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:11:56	900.201
-110	5084	254200	ab158a64-2f7b-483a-bce1-77e24372e69c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:56:09	953.718
-111	2543	254300	027da51e-ddf0-412b-9a4b-3f7beb9e6e79	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:33:57	673.283
-111	5086	254300	5932f35c-609a-4ed3-be5e-805e2155aac1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:42:24	-76.842
-112	2544	254400	bb86ba14-40d1-4308-a263-04f6f306c02b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:54:40	350.744
-112	5088	254400	829b7660-157e-4fa0-a36a-01ba763812ad	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:14:51	-455.919
-113	2545	254500	8e3a8e55-e791-42d8-99af-ce2fe4e2217f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:33:22	-708.112
-113	5090	254500	7e21e617-0d6e-4c7b-b2e3-c5c223b31a55	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:25:51	-590.182
-114	2546	254600	bb1368ef-0f94-48a6-ab9f-f7163e0648bf	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:40:39	-46.68
-114	5092	254600	1879ea8a-fd6b-459e-97ab-eb8bca26060e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:05:34	638.664
-115	2547	254700	7b25cbf8-5641-4027-91a6-bbe0cb8518d2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:03:52	-850.963
-115	5094	254700	86ae30ce-6265-432d-a7cc-cd04be764ef1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:26:23	-906.790
-116	2548	254800	44b2ea55-33ed-4d31-869e-36142fe31a7d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:50:26	126.102
-116	5096	254800	eeb7988a-4651-4ca2-9154-190a983c717e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:01:03	723.601
-117	2549	254900	f0b78c36-12d3-4aed-bb2c-d89225d1963f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:37:09	-81.325
-117	5098	254900	ccc25d38-24da-47fa-8d89-05704a80d029	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:41:39	220.7
-118	2550	255000	3cdbf64c-1f18-4e12-82cc-49d790383f71	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:42:29	773.433
-118	5100	255000	59e73472-2e43-4c25-8697-691fc6c11f24	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:25:09	154.868
-119	2551	255100	341c434e-c475-4b54-a889-db78a690bfba	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:31:25	-243.441
-119	5102	255100	21dc28e9-efc7-4d1e-b4ae-3b6b23840d05	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:13:04	582.773
-120	2552	255200	ab03abe1-cf3d-4e4c-90c9-79d043445a75	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:29:48	-59.419
-120	5104	255200	8313f0a4-5d0d-4ff0-8860-91ecd3fb96dc	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:16:38	681.247
-121	2553	255300	0f2a5152-6481-4055-a7f2-ba689f04a9e3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:44:59	-377.254
-121	5106	255300	3dd140c8-b125-4add-8289-b49b9269847a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:48:41	-814.758
-122	2554	255400	0282b70f-449c-47ff-a245-0721fc4ad09c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:23:08	-648.51
-122	5108	255400	03e4d360-021b-4d46-93e7-d0a616d5cc6b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:29:33	106.411
-123	2555	255500	d010ba78-26bf-4314-9116-23e550f2740c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:49:40	-185.705
-123	5110	255500	43764b1c-6241-430b-a21c-51bdb48a0ce8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:17:05	469.673
-124	2556	255600	a89e0a24-f704-4bba-9786-02658e594c69	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:59:17	449.654
-124	5112	255600	7856cbd5-7abd-4fcb-a55e-073fadf094c3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:59:41	-551.217
-125	2557	255700	65087f01-c1b9-4dd8-8b1e-bf64e78e3fc7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:18:50	337.41
-125	5114	255700	b7feeb34-70ef-4822-9596-6e0f9c275d38	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:38:13	790.76
-126	2558	255800	bbd254b4-d0ad-4284-8d4c-250e811cf91f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:53:52	383.437
-126	5116	255800	7f327dc9-c56d-4ab6-8ed2-06cb24c6d2a7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:40:26	-378.766
-127	2559	255900	0061aaac-6ab4-404b-831b-bd6a901f5837	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:19:14	154.819
-127	5118	255900	c299329d-5ce1-4cfa-86f1-18cd8b8fd885	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:48:42	694.871
-0	2560	256000	0361297e-c793-4e04-a480-55a8a0aecffe	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:35:53	-1.135
-0	5120	256000	bb95ecfc-6779-4ef2-a5f0-bf8ef9411120	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:20:24	5.713
-1	2561	256100	7f1700d6-7e1e-4b9b-9a0c-923fda6a2bee	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:35:53	-291.619
-1	5122	256100	8ad06fcd-3af4-448b-b801-e5071891fdce	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:24:11	-383.611
-2	2562	256200	be98da6a-0d23-449e-b5be-3326ea653521	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:02:42	-511.71
-2	5124	256200	db19fcba-bb2e-4142-9a22-8ea70dbc6c61	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:14:02	66.522
-3	2563	256300	eca5fe54-18d3-4455-88e0-a404dcff0880	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:52:11	-533.951
-3	5126	256300	023db52d-eeb3-4963-9f0f-279d4b303514	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:29:07	-453.663
-4	2564	256400	72415edd-a6f2-468e-b54f-f332ff35f328	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:41:15	-61.129
-4	5128	256400	df55c7c0-3a4f-410d-9512-d4605faebdd2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:30:19	-757.644
-5	2565	256500	cb7f5d80-b221-49a9-b521-d5fc30a20d01	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:41:53	661.872
-5	5130	256500	c40889a3-5321-459f-8966-46eb53179578	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:17:10	-160.698
-6	2566	256600	97ef2375-5c42-4107-9257-5fe4c983e6d5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:23:36	792.674
-6	5132	256600	513efb83-9138-46e5-ab9d-91b9be85e53e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:48:21	-310.773
-7	2567	256700	2b647549-759f-4727-aeb7-9c8197a1bb84	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:36:25	194.230
-7	5134	256700	fc269c12-f5bc-46f2-a64d-bd1b52dd2cee	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:55:13	758.688
-8	2568	256800	07674838-6937-4f23-af10-961903580763	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:00:37	802.117
-8	5136	256800	c2bfd69b-6944-40b8-9fca-f0f3a9773850	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:31:48	-690.670
-9	2569	256900	d0d574a6-35a6-4a77-95d7-81c8b737a344	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:52:25	-265.626
-9	5138	256900	f1f45c60-8fbc-4688-8229-3368c284b45a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:04:10	147.830
-10	2570	257000	25cae7b5-ce9f-401b-885e-7c75fd56fb82	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:00:29	-576.461
-10	5140	257000	e8d82232-08ac-4738-9199-fcab9586cac1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:21:11	-209.565
-11	2571	257100	b961f5c4-3e13-4919-a76e-036a2e76797c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:40:05	-726.262
-11	5142	257100	699c6f22-0018-4b7c-aa14-88c6ffb97740	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:55:04	346.199
-12	2572	257200	60873d50-a628-4071-bc10-2c86b02dc68f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:47:47	932.808
-12	5144	257200	eb66d60c-f114-4892-9f4b-594ce9963de7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:15:19	263.648
-13	2573	257300	d1881c14-18fd-4f8f-bca5-ac26c7308040	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:30:15	542.281
-13	5146	257300	9febd1cc-d749-4787-aec5-cc1fcd356343	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:21:12	502.403
-14	2574	257400	b5bbb4b6-9669-492f-a977-92a0cc63e510	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:28:08	164.499
-14	5148	257400	ab133f5e-b686-405b-a96d-b38fd45c3143	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:18:59	518.797
-15	2575	257500	e5801c6d-9d7d-4a1b-bc6f-f6cdc06d6027	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:32:39	-393.362
-15	5150	257500	bc6e8f8b-2c2c-4a0d-8130-a3406525eb23	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:45:15	-976.482
-16	2576	257600	1b4832d5-c24a-43c2-824d-4c39eb33e330	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:58:26	-711.251
-16	5152	257600	1ed276a5-df7d-44cc-a1e4-0e8b045d3d70	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:02:23	191.992
-17	2577	257700	efdf9469-fc83-4ff3-a4ab-3b76ed873e9a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:08:19	205.6
-17	5154	257700	5a784077-6226-4078-8e11-5857a9b5b1c4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:40:56	966.696
-18	2578	257800	3c805f83-8096-4b72-856d-734b80b3c4ac	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:08:31	-283.642
-18	5156	257800	8c2f9a16-65dd-46be-8b27-95ef74ec3d32	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:12:43	621.90
-19	2579	257900	07772053-3a52-412e-9c8f-75ce8ae8b5d4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:21:00	262.145
-19	5158	257900	469be8cf-9bf2-4e2a-9382-4a695a11eb50	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:18:24	960.572
-20	2580	258000	1e451c64-2b2a-491a-a0a6-9fae08c2539c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:27:04	123.540
-20	5160	258000	332ce033-5cbd-4097-83ce-a22d94dc9994	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:33:31	-192.933
-21	2581	258100	24c219fe-7135-40b1-bfb9-3b92d1e8e85b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:48:23	729.981
-21	5162	258100	713a6294-05ce-41a9-910b-93dd3249f961	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:06:24	-654.559
-22	2582	258200	8183c906-6942-43a1-b93a-1089ddf26173	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:15:06	30.367
-22	5164	258200	a466d1dc-9d6b-4e72-8cf0-b2a0250c1014	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:22:47	632.598
-23	2583	258300	2f496838-daae-4d7f-9d65-09ca04e6be25	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:58:52	807.754
-23	5166	258300	a0c8b9a5-8854-4055-bbfd-8ef40af4b151	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:08:37	-123.195
-24	2584	258400	3811527e-2e1b-442a-a236-70ff838bfbc4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:33:37	347.328
-24	5168	258400	3a0706b2-fa85-48d5-8414-9c689d7bfd89	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:07:29	-382.222
-25	2585	258500	db906f66-b6f4-4d41-a65a-2e5cbc178f8a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:13:30	152.842
-25	5170	258500	a268210a-508d-4c94-99d4-930a3fc9a9f4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:09:01	899.389
-26	2586	258600	7f33bb40-93ad-4921-a70c-ee9b58752e2b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:40:29	-320.632
-26	5172	258600	ae54fb56-381e-4ca0-9f10-c2eaa8b18081	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:24:15	145.261
-27	2587	258700	c30ac151-ce36-42d0-9cb8-016159b963e8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:48:44	-113.875
-27	5174	258700	4e589566-49eb-4d0e-a0dc-9b1a0c14b34b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:50:28	37.621
-28	2588	258800	5c51a7fe-db8c-4990-a4b4-55259f65d64e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:53:06	606.581
-28	5176	258800	550f99bb-a6f4-439d-bb59-cda920986cf5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:23:08	578.110
-29	2589	258900	8975a46f-30fa-4766-9b0a-ba6b3cf55cfa	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:36:05	434.944
-29	5178	258900	cdebcd4e-24f0-490b-997b-7a598ba216f3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:55:31	810.58
-30	2590	259000	1d3a3e76-95d6-4ad0-b3a0-8f8e9fba58f0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:34:12	-65.351
-30	5180	259000	3bffb78d-87d3-41e3-8bde-3f49c26922dc	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:41:43	-264.395
-31	2591	259100	e679f036-243a-47eb-901a-91d48ab1b70c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:52:34	-390.787
-31	5182	259100	f8428869-ab41-4a53-988f-54c63b5d4cd8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:02:32	907.632
-32	2592	259200	f9add91a-7e4f-4f2f-af97-69b07a01035d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:21:08	-525.522
-32	5184	259200	1f8ec152-628e-444d-b339-77bff98e95e1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:22:13	370.266
-33	2593	259300	3c0d5cf3-c471-4fba-8d36-07b0b4a1c635	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:44:58	35.262
-33	5186	259300	20ac3f89-4ee1-4f1d-8c1f-294ce08e6a93	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:20:01	765.185
-34	2594	259400	fe108a5c-3be0-4302-8388-31c1f7a6396e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:51:07	750.604
-34	5188	259400	44a32d47-8ac7-4f51-ae29-63f0909c0f6d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:04:17	-122.532
-35	2595	259500	64848bbb-a094-4f97-b0b2-a265aecf89b8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:45:57	667.433
-35	5190	259500	379bcf2f-04a8-493a-bce0-d9d1efc1ee41	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:32:51	39.376
-36	2596	259600	f813bf3b-f480-4eea-b37e-53c33f9159f7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:25:01	-415.580
-36	5192	259600	96f6c0ea-a29a-443b-8629-1f849629dce1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:48:25	-673.867
-37	2597	259700	788a874d-a034-4eaa-abd8-01cd3336298b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:00:00	646.282
-37	5194	259700	84db6cef-50ec-4eea-a99a-8074213469b5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:51:05	18.294
-38	2598	259800	ba5b5150-7a24-428e-bcc6-2cdff574016c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:12:47	939.431
-38	5196	259800	0ec712ef-253c-48ed-a450-a38805ad94de	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:29:51	839.586
-39	2599	259900	d6149707-6ccb-43fb-af18-3cf5cd94329e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:09:23	-351.18
-39	5198	259900	58ad2ba5-eb1a-4feb-ac56-12f269b4d5ef	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:50:56	-989.401
-40	2600	260000	711b9937-0770-417a-aa82-5b37421b697c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:54:47	715.369
-40	5200	260000	5e9d7df5-06ba-41be-9215-e970f19d708f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:16:34	212.213
-41	2601	260100	b5b09ace-24f7-4eee-8ae8-9ec7b7430df8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:31:45	-884.969
-41	5202	260100	c14dceca-49e7-40f2-8dd7-cedad508b9ef	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:43:39	-219.246
-42	2602	260200	1944b771-dc70-4e8e-80ca-6cc04ff4b4ab	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:23:05	935.220
-42	5204	260200	007ccbac-97fd-43f7-8ed2-cbf1de647666	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:00:10	176.681
-43	2603	260300	6c714b2f-25b3-4c09-ac14-f8c124c87c0d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:09:26	-70.837
-43	5206	260300	af70ef2b-e6f6-4a08-9be6-16d19e290410	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:55:52	165.783
-44	2604	260400	ff667bc6-c658-4d21-b53e-69b9ee11b35f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:44:26	151.97
-44	5208	260400	defeb476-adf8-4351-8ce7-6c68559aed36	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:01:24	-772.293
-45	2605	260500	b20c36c3-7020-443c-8120-d4e710175527	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:57:54	-992.247
-45	5210	260500	d1c0812a-e65c-4587-b1d0-ced0c8be96de	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:15:34	406.157
-46	2606	260600	0cc8aede-8201-4c0f-b121-378a996f6b21	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:12:13	-115.938
-46	5212	260600	11960c81-76ca-47e3-84ea-b99caec41752	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:43:38	-293.766
-47	2607	260700	e3a7448b-44bf-4ceb-8e94-3c81e4a88af5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:07:05	73.436
-47	5214	260700	f69a01fd-52d9-4d0f-ab6c-274199f117a0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:13:12	591.954
-48	2608	260800	09d71a22-862f-4256-b20b-f34af176c4cf	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:01:50	427.945
-48	5216	260800	f7297804-cbeb-432f-a76d-9c82de3b7685	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:23:06	-64.105
-49	2609	260900	f9bda3ee-991d-4e02-9db9-36e9305f01dc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:54:19	171.745
-49	5218	260900	517361d5-274d-4097-8cde-a1b5055d33aa	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:32:58	-386.818
-50	2610	261000	94f25ebc-bf30-4730-ae27-37bc4f0d4848	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:00:33	-302.537
-50	5220	261000	092e2742-6dea-4585-999b-d842f00eb3c8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:22:08	684.524
-51	2611	261100	4b2fa413-ef32-4a91-8472-02b15ea7808f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:02:00	208.706
-51	5222	261100	914f722f-bbc8-48cc-9ac6-f2b5ff1ed549	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:10:09	667.742
-52	2612	261200	7ff7052a-a28d-4bf9-88c0-ccd9e1358564	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:04:28	-41.685
-52	5224	261200	4b00d812-0319-4ea2-ac04-749643b0c91b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:44:05	-379.650
-53	2613	261300	ccdec775-4723-49c5-8eac-11d24b26a592	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:19:03	560.958
-53	5226	261300	e71d06f0-579d-424c-9534-40bd31e3554f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:15:12	277.946
-54	2614	261400	e1c4d415-23c1-41ae-9194-bb76698f4bdc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:24:24	-60.495
-54	5228	261400	7295b287-a55d-4563-bb69-9eaa705e02cb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:28:33	-430.75
-55	2615	261500	3fff5404-17f3-4188-8ce1-9628ff7f337e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:30:10	940.834
-55	5230	261500	1afaf924-a60f-41f0-aef6-0cda8033eb72	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:31:50	-883.236
-56	2616	261600	a53468d1-97a2-4c04-bd0e-6811fd24a4f7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:26:51	760.611
-56	5232	261600	f9e501b1-2a3b-49df-a056-fd02ac326d82	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:26:00	-151.557
-57	2617	261700	118f12e4-e490-456f-b87f-80c86c520f59	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:52:31	940.327
-57	5234	261700	328adc91-7237-4796-8181-b88d3aac68d9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:07:49	136.821
-58	2618	261800	c9abd7cb-c40b-4dce-9c3d-653aa2d1ee9b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:26:02	874.158
-58	5236	261800	5e6d362f-c31c-4fc8-b0e2-6b29566b989a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:10:10	-535.995
-59	2619	261900	86ecec3c-b054-4158-a9f0-44b4ba0729ba	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:40:39	802.726
-59	5238	261900	537520fd-9e71-4382-8231-41a06380db2b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:38:16	240.776
-60	2620	262000	e1c2267b-0399-4a19-8438-c0262cffb35f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:47:46	-57.800
-60	5240	262000	907723c1-36d2-47f6-b498-e86f8003c213	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:32:08	875.404
-61	2621	262100	985cf7f9-fce2-4ee9-ac87-644028f06c5c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:07:45	-426.29
-61	5242	262100	f074cf1b-d00d-47c8-ba8a-46156d263972	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:11:59	-382.636
-62	2622	262200	2206cddb-4ad3-48a9-b167-d96bec518ba3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:18:36	-221.872
-62	5244	262200	83a8a3f4-3373-4ced-89bf-05133d89a9a1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:02:04	-536.183
-63	2623	262300	821f5258-8f32-4a54-8db2-d7bec2448740	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:22:03	473.726
-63	5246	262300	737ab711-64ac-4214-8725-bec3ac05e8d9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:10:26	545.894
-64	2624	262400	4847c165-9bd1-4621-b452-2f8ff1056002	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:27:23	-130.1
-64	5248	262400	55a32a2d-ea5b-4b33-94ce-5204ff4cb0fd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:53:51	-911.136
-65	2625	262500	2a782812-3f16-4275-b989-6a26314ef61d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:00:52	651.839
-65	5250	262500	70886113-b352-4d5d-bb8a-42a458513d57	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:16:56	-924.180
-66	2626	262600	c57ea082-5a73-4235-bfeb-1414e2231c9f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:41:09	971.227
-66	5252	262600	194286f2-06fd-4aa1-8480-69233b599bc3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:26:48	-616.852
-67	2627	262700	f58835d7-33c1-4e0b-9333-21d5f1bb0226	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:28:52	-25.596
-67	5254	262700	a732c45b-40c0-43d4-9e87-50d66ebfc44f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:50:11	-604.994
-68	2628	262800	1b262fa1-fc77-4522-9577-6e4dd589ae37	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:20:36	-123.407
-68	5256	262800	19477b10-f034-44ec-8cdb-2ffb684cf158	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:20:58	656.506
-69	2629	262900	49214e1f-a61b-460a-b303-1ce84b8d8dda	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:27:15	981.974
-69	5258	262900	89d05a47-e8d1-4074-9dad-71f37bcb0655	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:01:13	-292.219
-70	2630	263000	2bbfd1b0-5a89-42b7-9bc6-26b7de48aab4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:44:09	111.118
-70	5260	263000	8c5772f0-1451-4387-8d07-e71bca63d35f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:21:13	-209.85
-71	2631	263100	9f7b746b-c286-488b-8be8-ecff9206729c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:51:59	-840.204
-71	5262	263100	e92f0641-824f-463e-8ddf-333228ab588e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:10:55	247.44
-72	2632	263200	3c569d8c-7e38-4cec-a938-04182a96edb2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:18:12	-926.458
-72	5264	263200	395a4a71-6ca5-4345-9894-9e5573ff1358	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:07:07	676.896
-73	2633	263300	71fdfbd6-77b2-45f2-aafb-6838f0053cdb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:26:43	191.115
-73	5266	263300	54d2ead3-ddc9-455c-b1f9-e3cee262d919	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:02:45	769.465
-74	2634	263400	e3716cdb-33eb-4b77-8d02-1621207b82ee	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:27:57	409.872
-74	5268	263400	a07d70fa-83b3-4bfa-a94a-8e821ec66e11	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:01:02	575.809
-75	2635	263500	9f8cadea-1a79-49e0-84f4-8aeae32af7be	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:43:36	-821.514
-75	5270	263500	bf267279-2ebf-428e-a829-7cd70fc4f10c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:10:35	-694.511
-76	2636	263600	c7235183-e7f4-4b0d-bbec-c5f901d50b1c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:15:37	66.23
-76	5272	263600	6d30033b-ac75-4f2f-b987-d22d5803da7e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:54:27	-920.990
-77	2637	263700	598e3028-a1d0-4faf-8244-fa455659b04c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:17:12	-31.916
-77	5274	263700	1b54b571-8416-47c1-8ae9-4cf31d71351d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:33:42	897.568
-78	2638	263800	f81da6b2-5911-4a56-b91e-cbc5a60f4618	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:47:08	39.628
-78	5276	263800	50308f99-2449-4a0d-8f6a-85faf32f09e2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:36:10	-194.225
-79	2639	263900	90393276-7039-4a10-b7e8-60ce4cf5be11	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:43:35	557.900
-79	5278	263900	11c01922-e0be-49e2-846c-acc86af72f55	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:29:18	-633.850
-80	2640	264000	71ddd290-3859-49fb-a5e2-dfac2c29daad	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:07:04	-48.44
-80	5280	264000	08815c3e-bec0-43cf-ac10-6c8b26cd08e9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:14:04	-473.670
-81	2641	264100	e9cc56f2-8df7-404f-8e38-a791f26fdfed	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:31:47	-830.749
-81	5282	264100	4f919f2c-24d7-461c-a00e-fd8102d4586c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:11:22	-377.49
-82	2642	264200	64cb90b9-71bd-4889-8944-b684bb4606c3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:10:31	-30.582
-82	5284	264200	dbcdcc2b-e642-4ae0-bba3-e55a80165f08	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:51:41	824.507
-83	2643	264300	ff72e711-e6bf-4dc1-8ac1-a82ca8c78d50	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:20:26	-8.662
-83	5286	264300	588a9327-4019-435c-aa8c-3e6601c4e177	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:39:31	-871.197
-84	2644	264400	191c6616-81f7-4df1-8e5c-02a6e6285e3c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:14:04	-492.224
-84	5288	264400	08940f1f-a5c6-49d4-9ae8-2092d189c9de	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:09:33	-205.296
-85	2645	264500	99c2ebae-81ed-4e56-8e8a-562e8597679a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:27:16	-990.115
-85	5290	264500	07857b39-c301-40e3-8a3e-1d3ce59bc174	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:08:09	686.18
-86	2646	264600	0bc023d0-5fda-4ce1-b321-65add4a030a0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:34:13	-884.448
-86	5292	264600	f73b26f9-808c-47a6-a8a6-94584780e9f6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:07:58	991.991
-87	2647	264700	fec1f389-9c4e-421c-b319-09d5c7190941	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:53:02	806.154
-87	5294	264700	9b72cdd5-fa90-4129-95b4-6546eb13e274	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:18:01	811.869
-88	2648	264800	b9ad0a4b-d16a-4e71-a088-52de570c138b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:40:28	962.386
-88	5296	264800	8ceaa3bb-008c-4cd9-a85c-f02fdb3ec8f3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:30:51	-968.569
-89	2649	264900	6c0034f3-662f-4945-8402-90e3b415c20a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:06:58	929.705
-89	5298	264900	99ce86e8-0a7e-44f8-8d41-abd0d13bc46e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:27:17	697.383
-90	2650	265000	52dbef4e-1fa6-45d9-bd1a-7c75583950a5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:34:00	-123.876
-90	5300	265000	15f29482-d47d-464a-86e1-d398fec32b40	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:35:35	-487.48
-91	2651	265100	a49797f9-535a-4779-80d7-51c38f6bde61	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:22:25	764.547
-91	5302	265100	25ccbaa5-9eda-4bc8-b1ba-00bb8952edeb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:55:06	786.108
-92	2652	265200	96dec656-a5d8-4238-b295-185bb4b0ae32	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:16:06	-379.365
-92	5304	265200	c087dab0-6505-4d35-9294-d95527858de2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:15:37	482.670
-93	2653	265300	9eed2ec1-40f8-4219-81d8-bd74ce618164	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:44:51	-718.601
-93	5306	265300	75a14da0-23a1-460c-bed5-7b149e06b2f6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:34:09	-628.207
-94	2654	265400	4cb2c9b1-b8a2-42a5-975c-1e1bc40b78a1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:43:11	-865.736
-94	5308	265400	6687965c-fba3-435f-866c-b762112fb04a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:15:17	-931.111
-95	2655	265500	a9a6c853-e76f-420b-9a7f-e95ebf859675	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:23:26	-47.439
-95	5310	265500	5acc5b3a-2aad-4ca0-ae50-4c35d5596fb7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:48:06	-584.120
-96	2656	265600	547e20fc-1462-4cad-8bf5-1a3ffc9fe625	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:50:13	617.372
-96	5312	265600	31b2685b-7b03-401f-bd1f-cef288ed334a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:16:22	-566.946
-97	2657	265700	76404a83-58d3-4ff1-94d1-8b170ddd2841	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:03:32	846.275
-97	5314	265700	03b66584-1699-497f-9b32-d6b4b8f20658	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:25:31	115.669
-98	2658	265800	353b7cb0-b203-451f-8be7-851c223922c9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:47:11	345.814
-98	5316	265800	a2506b82-8353-4140-8b6e-237bb69f7e44	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:56:48	-698.377
-99	2659	265900	40b7bf01-d982-44da-999b-0bec36608adf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:58:33	264.263
-99	5318	265900	7f0f1edb-1a2c-4f24-a9c4-3d9469dfe049	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:53:03	568.231
-100	2660	266000	91ebb6a8-5b49-4b18-83ba-e7019658dd8f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:26:18	-572.549
-100	5320	266000	416a489d-202b-4216-bff9-7481d50d30e3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:12:58	779.671
-101	2661	266100	368be65f-e25d-4c1d-93af-06ab2b1d997f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:30:08	162.896
-101	5322	266100	88d623bb-3433-4222-9d1a-85cb466b59d3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:36:26	-813.865
-102	2662	266200	2614d239-c441-4681-98ba-fc6b8012f4ea	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:34:22	-64.514
-102	5324	266200	c2c10fc8-0654-4214-bdf3-69afd6afa5bb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:20:12	291.310
-103	2663	266300	d200aba9-42f7-4ff2-8073-eb2296d7d542	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:29:39	-936.25
-103	5326	266300	2a6ac3e8-5c6f-44b6-bdfc-aae243586951	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:36:11	517.203
-104	2664	266400	9d35cc91-bf28-4481-906d-422abc9ec8d6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:51:23	-122.920
-104	5328	266400	91bdba7a-a255-439b-a7d2-d299914642dd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:55:11	689.879
-105	2665	266500	b5f182a2-cae5-4fb7-8c30-703dd66e5ca0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:35:52	70.686
-105	5330	266500	1d8c385b-41a8-4071-8463-3e0fbf1be6d9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:24:29	540.651
-106	2666	266600	cc601ad1-1c8d-45e7-bb9d-6297494e7bbb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:02:55	-560.500
-106	5332	266600	fcbaea16-d420-4540-8f7f-44b8f567533f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:01:06	205.773
-107	2667	266700	db683940-8225-4943-a87f-41806a440580	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:46:03	-530.580
-107	5334	266700	d080b21a-f587-4e14-902b-006fdeb913eb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:53:35	217.114
-108	2668	266800	f62b0bfa-973b-4f29-ad67-2a1de3166353	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:57:13	-100.386
-108	5336	266800	4da564f8-f77b-4a83-931f-594c0652497f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:35:18	917.945
-109	2669	266900	bc30efa7-d3a6-4549-84be-184bc960b789	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:22:40	-955.123
-109	5338	266900	9932f0ce-4107-45a6-a328-78269c0e6ba2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:06:39	-692.119
-110	2670	267000	998e0211-539f-47e9-a212-4134142d27b2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:18:25	-96.839
-110	5340	267000	76afc255-03f0-4543-9c1d-d70d9ac4e4aa	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:55:47	-851.95
-111	2671	267100	3619004a-48c3-4647-a5b8-36d05471adef	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:40:12	393.336
-111	5342	267100	028309cf-219a-4fb9-b982-cc74485539e4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:50:06	356.814
-112	2672	267200	8eb76a1a-0885-4be6-af61-63629ded6aec	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:01:58	561.115
-112	5344	267200	d07ecb61-c9fa-41a1-908f-a2083d5286a4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:39:38	-540.683
-113	2673	267300	aa3d17f6-4d4a-4a0e-b3e6-3d5b41016ca6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:39:33	306.409
-113	5346	267300	634af839-042f-4ef8-a392-7c8dde2d43f1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:24:47	175.295
-114	2674	267400	e092fd2c-a00d-4897-bab8-8680bcc7e4cb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:08:22	157.36
-114	5348	267400	6947ce51-a142-48d8-8286-4d0c447e3034	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:12:04	23.593
-115	2675	267500	7b4586f3-8ba6-4f7c-a01e-17932d4bc21a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:39:20	-678.657
-115	5350	267500	6bb255ce-1a08-42f1-83e9-b821cfec6f3d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:37:22	-164.539
-116	2676	267600	12cf1a2e-29dd-40d9-a331-1805b560cbdd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:19:15	219.953
-116	5352	267600	4a3d0713-7613-4434-8ed9-abad38ca085e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:55:54	-879.749
-117	2677	267700	b8aa6802-3a07-4b85-99fd-32aa584f61fe	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:41:35	714.902
-117	5354	267700	48a15066-87a5-4671-a5c3-0c53de2076dc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:15:24	-373.494
-118	2678	267800	ead9bd52-d738-440a-a182-ab8e146d5feb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:23:34	891.729
-118	5356	267800	9b569bf4-2040-4378-b670-80bd53fb2453	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:03:41	-157.614
-119	2679	267900	1366772c-a011-4e95-ae8d-917b5b6605cc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:51:29	357.366
-119	5358	267900	687716f4-3681-4fe4-b4d5-cf766ba4312f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:10:33	-795.697
-120	2680	268000	742ddac9-bcaf-48ee-81bf-9bd4ed8ae56f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:14:34	415.545
-120	5360	268000	c1561418-96af-4f62-8c80-96dd1c9d246d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:45:15	482.206
-121	2681	268100	c9d5cba5-06a4-4d11-9113-045bd0e55475	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:04:20	-304.569
-121	5362	268100	2024bc0b-244c-4a33-869b-1edcf17247fa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:42:02	-906.729
-122	2682	268200	d33ea133-a797-468b-93cf-97d76807a46a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:54:26	-301.541
-122	5364	268200	af2b54c9-f7e8-48b5-99f9-bd9e01352afd	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:38:10	159.2
-123	2683	268300	34aea273-3dd4-42d7-9a2f-8ff1119b956d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:59:53	645.789
-123	5366	268300	a65bc1ae-2922-4ad6-80d4-cfc6a735eede	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:25:51	-303.493
-124	2684	268400	0785200e-b387-4036-a109-0471fc72b9c9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:35:40	-755.460
-124	5368	268400	8b614892-98fd-42c4-bb02-fe0d1a5e6f5f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:12:13	714.997
-125	2685	268500	da1d83a8-4dab-4b2c-92a8-b05795777ee1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:26:02	270.147
-125	5370	268500	8776e0ea-d434-4fe0-aef3-305a68f5f713	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:18:46	-957.718
-126	2686	268600	2cfbe0b7-3d17-4d2d-963d-9692f26d91b0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:23:25	92.768
-126	5372	268600	8ba72a3b-6022-4fad-bb2e-beff99991859	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:32:02	126.757
-127	2687	268700	b327157c-e970-4c84-b8d6-96232c51206c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:59:20	-204.921
-127	5374	268700	da668aa1-6dad-4389-9dce-5af4f4e7a250	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:53:49	-247.48
-0	2688	268800	1c2b45dc-6322-43bf-bdb1-dc139aad7b18	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:45:45	35.665
-0	5376	268800	5ccdb33e-59ff-4044-b88a-3310d97bdc95	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:30:42	-268.212
-1	2689	268900	28725c32-cb93-402e-ab4c-53d8594dcc8b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:16:29	-197.690
-1	5378	268900	2278201b-70d2-4ef6-bb9f-785f1f1942df	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:56:10	-364.609
-2	2690	269000	e5b51167-352c-41e4-ac84-5a40dfd05072	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:54:33	-827.876
-2	5380	269000	e8b99041-ccc9-4dcd-9360-6e7e60da4175	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:45:14	-919.468
-3	2691	269100	e537b258-e21d-4dd1-8cf0-acc5cd7fafd3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:16:00	-470.548
-3	5382	269100	19eb7d5e-a717-45db-a1f9-b30c0ac582e5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:46:05	-343.769
-4	2692	269200	c453dc2f-74dc-4250-86ea-3a9ce6ccf577	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:49:54	773.908
-4	5384	269200	a057a0c0-9678-4cf5-97c6-07d7606be8d7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:19:57	-260.587
-5	2693	269300	d40a5bab-869b-4da3-ba62-92ed96f8d8be	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:27:33	-93.596
-5	5386	269300	4ee31193-26dc-4cb3-86f3-97855c47210f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:39:38	590.853
-6	2694	269400	ae00a370-6f8d-4207-a7ad-8af053652c84	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:10:04	966.127
-6	5388	269400	75c6504c-e177-46b9-a190-c635905e1dbb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:40:33	-365.208
-7	2695	269500	76e973b5-215f-4abe-9aed-c323f84742fc	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:11:55	-288.280
-7	5390	269500	f525eb34-ec99-47ee-99a4-59f94b93d8e0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:03:39	-368.159
-8	2696	269600	c985be1a-f9b1-454c-b2fa-f09d58a7ea11	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:52:45	252.365
-8	5392	269600	ce552bb9-56a7-4849-8f09-06dd0f5cfc82	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:30:18	-180.893
-9	2697	269700	0be1aa6c-e9f0-4d5e-b022-c548937a4fd8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:15:29	95.877
-9	5394	269700	bd951f32-d490-4979-9334-b2a3b7167bcc	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:16:42	-958.292
-10	2698	269800	dfbdd960-909f-43f4-af84-60fe4bdf33e1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:15:58	386.161
-10	5396	269800	134377d2-96c2-4021-a183-ac36777ae6ca	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:10:28	219.46
-11	2699	269900	b66af9b7-676b-436b-a08d-af64640f4723	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:16:03	491.506
-11	5398	269900	26e0ef0d-1fb3-4c1d-9a58-efa44f0b2195	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:52:47	145.97
-12	2700	270000	d95d5f5f-c965-4ed3-ac45-5a8225734927	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:43:03	-709.367
-12	5400	270000	42e57d11-e00c-447f-a547-9da6477518da	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:07:39	-95.856
-13	2701	270100	94f95b12-c038-45ab-9fa7-079ac76ff667	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:57:24	271.76
-13	5402	270100	b4895976-7e59-43ba-8d14-241c82bad2aa	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:03:53	-532.231
-14	2702	270200	d72a4582-24c2-49af-bb96-cd3663ac554d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:09:16	-64.673
-14	5404	270200	a63b7fc0-70dd-42c1-b477-87445e53ea53	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:18:37	149.563
-15	2703	270300	e0ca40b9-0cd9-46bc-acab-ef2a439860b6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:27:34	566.687
-15	5406	270300	681aca0e-0f53-4fb7-975f-8cf48b02a3ac	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:12:08	-607.642
-16	2704	270400	5cab0b49-f8b2-4c2d-ba3f-bfaf0590788a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:32:23	-158.649
-16	5408	270400	7d72a505-0f8a-4372-bfa6-4d2ce41d4dc2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:32:00	-654.547
-17	2705	270500	87732306-706b-416e-a156-5a469f7ae801	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:56:46	-134.898
-17	5410	270500	a2e39037-9cd8-4612-8ac1-fbba7e02bf2a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:03:29	321.71
-18	2706	270600	e570cdfd-ec80-460e-8f15-7ae574941f39	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:53:09	-146.547
-18	5412	270600	256baa80-780e-4d92-9cdc-bfd87a8f56fe	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:33:26	-673.403
-19	2707	270700	e257518b-e23b-45d4-89b5-f54488dd58a7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:33:50	328.160
-19	5414	270700	b43bb974-8e0b-42d2-afcc-a91de24c71dd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:06:57	681.489
-20	2708	270800	84169827-0aa5-4dea-8fbc-09e3638fe63d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:23:59	-553.304
-20	5416	270800	dc0b64a1-95b5-4cb5-9157-1ca6befe0dc7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:07:02	-366.777
-21	2709	270900	077303f5-198b-43f3-aebd-89545dccfffb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:40:07	155.510
-21	5418	270900	07234972-c1bd-4b7c-998b-738c15c69120	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:53:22	593.505
-22	2710	271000	78e5e987-4711-47ef-9409-8cb12e5dcaf3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:05:54	488.648
-22	5420	271000	badf79e3-11f3-4376-a205-b7b3a45db891	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:02:01	-882.276
-23	2711	271100	14e24359-dce4-4584-a095-b4e517d2fb28	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:08:19	-677.849
-23	5422	271100	974d912b-d356-4d62-bc18-f97590905cc1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:20:22	-945.27
-24	2712	271200	e8302c0f-6d23-485e-8762-8fae28359917	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:14:35	613.653
-24	5424	271200	996164ce-5919-4b01-9600-1007d936a5a5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:18:13	763.165
-25	2713	271300	a641a4ff-5115-4dce-b4cf-826325e89b35	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:53:21	-488.133
-25	5426	271300	f6681aba-6178-43f7-a246-c582050a9291	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:30:03	-512.52
-26	2714	271400	a5af8717-de84-4f66-9f12-b33018783781	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:49:42	-28.300
-26	5428	271400	8823f505-713f-4795-8def-c27b8d5b0c76	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:23:34	-220.18
-27	2715	271500	c1353a0f-096e-4c9a-a4c8-8ce97734aefc	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:19:02	-370.263
-27	5430	271500	dac5f024-980b-4496-9d05-69d1bae07562	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:39:03	-963.647
-28	2716	271600	0dcbde7e-9557-4469-80b5-a19c15050456	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:36:50	-173.742
-28	5432	271600	dccb54b9-39ba-40d6-9017-73b7f950aee8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:25:38	-705.424
-29	2717	271700	b7e625d8-8b06-4115-a93b-78b01ce90319	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:37:37	-799.480
-29	5434	271700	aee23e55-2b32-40e0-aa60-0f6be90b2589	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:21:39	-634.773
-30	2718	271800	0662707c-c7bf-4e35-a3ae-a89086d30598	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:56:38	920.741
-30	5436	271800	fea68518-365c-4c7e-9265-4c2a7cf5c768	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:09:38	-528.585
-31	2719	271900	fc9d02ea-d74f-43c2-98b8-37344a999e85	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:12:20	-7.772
-31	5438	271900	4e84c402-e27e-4253-bd7f-b7adebc587db	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:27:01	-961.250
-32	2720	272000	0111aa1f-9c53-463b-a0c7-b7b2d19f806c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:59:35	-17.639
-32	5440	272000	c905f5e3-3957-4ea7-acad-d6bde7d897b4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:37:46	-326.410
-33	2721	272100	92970d86-62fa-420b-b040-f8fc8262d274	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:16:49	-767.180
-33	5442	272100	42db06d6-363b-4f3f-a4cd-6fb65c0774fa	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:09:53	-43.205
-34	2722	272200	0f7a94e3-9c4f-4cc6-8f86-5ef5e40aef46	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:00:33	-392.915
-34	5444	272200	4ba9be5c-04f0-4d96-9de2-7f702b511c47	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:44:15	22.459
-35	2723	272300	28ce1650-cd74-4aa7-bfff-94f0bb65f63f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:30:04	-750.84
-35	5446	272300	4a041df2-e918-485d-8edf-bcd3bfa6f0e8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:08:49	151.104
-36	2724	272400	5aa418a9-2ce6-4d8f-a491-9fe7cf15522e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:24:53	-4.201
-36	5448	272400	111a25c2-62b5-47e8-9f2a-64c92366a9aa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:32:26	150.502
-37	2725	272500	1a0f2e12-fe71-49bb-b9a5-b97603b2243f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:45:58	-5.949
-37	5450	272500	bac78604-17b7-4615-af4e-1a805720493f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:43:07	627.874
-38	2726	272600	dba7fe6e-53d3-44fb-85a1-399a3ea046ee	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:58:17	636.508
-38	5452	272600	037065f3-7243-4c8b-9efd-6e70e11e4145	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:58:13	-58.412
-39	2727	272700	5046fcf9-1fdb-4e6d-a412-fadbd1f8140f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:34:09	930.291
-39	5454	272700	54c1afa8-1272-4f7e-b71c-e44ac4b69694	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:34:19	-214.462
-40	2728	272800	b10787f9-9797-48c1-9920-384f552f1bbd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:49:56	502.195
-40	5456	272800	3c64ac29-e0a9-49fe-8666-53853b022344	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:16:25	40.975
-41	2729	272900	237bf21c-617e-47bb-8f03-a168abd6a64d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:14:10	172.202
-41	5458	272900	563e2489-f6a2-40e1-ad94-443c8c6d0162	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:28:55	429.127
-42	2730	273000	012113f9-bc32-4794-bc53-b787ea8d279e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:59:39	-758.542
-42	5460	273000	b4907ad1-b2f7-4f17-b969-76cf3b678c6d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:59:35	-702.339
-43	2731	273100	d0e779aa-5c49-40c5-a067-bf2ef3a0ac52	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:31:31	-58.520
-43	5462	273100	d820eab2-47fa-4307-8745-d1067febbcd4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:41:01	-446.454
-44	2732	273200	9fa8eb09-e001-4d33-ab8c-442169352d2d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:54:54	193.503
-44	5464	273200	f6692b6e-001f-4f16-b150-49aef499dd72	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:11:55	-742.571
-45	2733	273300	ade015e4-2b9b-4689-9971-65fc3a47bd4a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:08:56	-830.770
-45	5466	273300	3025b3fa-716f-4e49-ac57-8e5571bb2727	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:47:56	477.812
-46	2734	273400	20a170f3-f683-452d-9fea-4d4121f4ab61	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:09:13	386.121
-46	5468	273400	1c4ffc13-f0f3-4947-b850-c72e93620b34	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:35:11	584.965
-47	2735	273500	c86ecb54-34d2-4801-9d8b-b8fd537c1623	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:35:49	-706.257
-47	5470	273500	3b49e749-5e6b-451e-8de0-0ede0f09d9a6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:09:04	-907.806
-48	2736	273600	c8d13d03-6eed-4817-a421-36f06f6848fa	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:04:49	-431.28
-48	5472	273600	1d088320-d363-4d50-843f-d44fb2d9d1f5	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:08:46	-252.495
-49	2737	273700	8bcaff5f-c3fa-45c5-9432-438a979412c6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:43:03	638.633
-49	5474	273700	112f0b55-4b8f-4f01-a0bd-472fbed7075b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:07:14	226.547
-50	2738	273800	780d2cbd-8c58-496d-9d95-19b4226fc3d8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:01:16	690.981
-50	5476	273800	927bf972-7dd7-4f4e-939f-2f3b1b5a2050	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:10:45	-53.233
-51	2739	273900	81537557-5425-40a9-9563-00919c701a6c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:05:48	882.763
-51	5478	273900	b7ac807b-27b7-4cd3-9838-1bc7300ea738	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:44:10	-305.333
-52	2740	274000	728577b8-02f7-437c-9539-319744a68ce5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:41:33	841.106
-52	5480	274000	d6b27643-f00e-496d-8535-6e4b140abb3e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:45:29	-327.944
-53	2741	274100	402f0395-6bcb-440f-8ce4-2ca78670a006	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:05:44	-331.103
-53	5482	274100	55097a07-eaef-4c08-8aae-9afa8c5dce03	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:57:27	709.575
-54	2742	274200	d8c3be02-00b6-400a-8115-5e6d6e3313e0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:13:08	74.597
-54	5484	274200	93d9825a-56b4-4aa5-bae5-9c752cec13c9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:07:00	-826.478
-55	2743	274300	212fa28f-bf00-4faa-b482-37a82b34de01	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:35:38	656.756
-55	5486	274300	1eab3c8d-c79d-433c-84e9-0432d93b1b23	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:58:55	-615.26
-56	2744	274400	77c66e0e-6cb1-4648-a30c-2ffc9745ea9a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:00:18	376.269
-56	5488	274400	ce727f70-d0c4-4e6b-b9b0-2485e693392d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:23:56	645.339
-57	2745	274500	00ea0382-af51-4003-877d-2526ee7a63f6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:14:51	891.232
-57	5490	274500	b1a98448-3246-4604-8e8d-8c313403986c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:10:32	403.541
-58	2746	274600	93b0494d-ede6-45dc-9040-7960bf713914	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:58:01	964.471
-58	5492	274600	818b3994-cddf-49e9-9e61-93273d9f882a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:40:48	-291.71
-59	2747	274700	a20c853c-d53f-4267-a1c0-b9801bdfd812	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:38:31	-715.646
-59	5494	274700	e2df3c4e-210e-4f8f-9c2a-e0405606f884	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:46:31	341.231
-60	2748	274800	384b6695-5120-4d4a-8560-f767e85ee3d3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:55:37	156.217
-60	5496	274800	9267d0a7-7b34-4660-bfe9-27510c1a5677	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:51:10	-94.699
-61	2749	274900	0bdbd9f9-9b16-4aa1-b678-0768654446a0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:07:55	-122.529
-61	5498	274900	578e1828-68f9-416b-b0c6-8e9e68c72ef0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:22:36	521.952
-62	2750	275000	8c723ded-693a-43e3-8d17-5cc538b0da38	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:36:42	298.415
-62	5500	275000	3b717de4-8288-455a-9a99-a01d2a4e232c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:14:26	38.632
-63	2751	275100	ea9bc774-73b1-41cc-97a7-d714f963fabe	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:47:40	606.105
-63	5502	275100	b6158e0f-cdac-4ce5-929d-ac546ce4bcc5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:26:27	-258.592
-64	2752	275200	8a8ceeb5-e702-406a-92a4-c32c1cae1699	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:02:00	-673.739
-64	5504	275200	9f8092b8-eee9-437c-8fd3-1373c894edc7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:36:50	978.697
-65	2753	275300	e91dc92c-01bc-4c0a-910d-b064440928e1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:59:47	543.345
-65	5506	275300	6b2c36d1-52cf-4c8c-a67b-38b4c970ea0e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:25:27	149.603
-66	2754	275400	cc8e1e14-9be4-4f56-8ed6-9819042a81b7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:00:45	-311.464
-66	5508	275400	c3487448-c91d-47ac-b9cd-480775db6fde	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:54:18	-160.271
-67	2755	275500	5a4ce8fd-63e0-4bed-adfc-ce63af28f8ea	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:32:47	-675.92
-67	5510	275500	cc448682-52c4-4e54-95c0-e026c055b2a0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:51:06	306.197
-68	2756	275600	ac498ab8-f3d9-40ea-bbdd-d0ad04b95b0d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:59:16	156.385
-68	5512	275600	81211a85-f500-4b4c-92d2-85ee48725bca	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:28:28	-37.936
-69	2757	275700	3f3f2534-9510-46e5-ba4a-c4c0d8027bcf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:59:47	896.656
-69	5514	275700	3b016bda-5ed7-454e-a02a-dead18f84984	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:08:58	451.897
-70	2758	275800	6ba9829d-9ba2-46e5-8943-0c8a28867610	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:05:30	-134.925
-70	5516	275800	d8355913-9f39-419d-8f38-513c43715e55	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:39:07	329.434
-71	2759	275900	c9345741-8875-4c37-b824-74a48e16e0d3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:17:29	-647.981
-71	5518	275900	28f39e8b-599b-4819-90bf-04cb1bed31c6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:23:54	176.347
-72	2760	276000	77ee0fc6-232c-49b5-b4d2-2f641f97075d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:33:45	-655.252
-72	5520	276000	1d7c6487-e99c-404c-af29-7892be29681a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:18:58	121.754
-73	2761	276100	4a7034f5-4155-425d-b731-74ee6b491969	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:47:07	134.138
-73	5522	276100	88184d56-9f8b-4671-8597-62bf45a5c827	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:11:57	-953.305
-74	2762	276200	897e8508-edd4-445a-adfb-03ad677a64d0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:36:27	-679.601
-74	5524	276200	a375bd95-b8f5-4204-85cf-6522ea9276d4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:39:21	-202.551
-75	2763	276300	52fbba1d-c8eb-415e-823c-2bbc6b7a708a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:26:28	144.835
-75	5526	276300	576b282d-65b8-4d9b-ae4e-396b9793cbe6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:32:17	-133.592
-76	2764	276400	787af53a-b0ad-4083-8ee9-acabe68e60de	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:00:44	456.624
-76	5528	276400	c8e1d4dc-4a4c-4231-b725-158eb79f76b7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:26:58	-368.18
-77	2765	276500	2d490003-5ded-42f9-8a30-77076f553edb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:19:18	-383.329
-77	5530	276500	23da72be-91f4-4b87-81b0-ff1de2db1609	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:30:56	800.154
-78	2766	276600	e929942c-4bc5-4373-9f2a-5c9e40392cbf	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:40:03	262.35
-78	5532	276600	31a3c33d-e653-4c61-9b1f-6abed0ffc36d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:45:46	-259.782
-79	2767	276700	29749888-8c47-42ed-9399-c607e2be43a1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:13:03	540.827
-79	5534	276700	afa3a369-fa8b-4767-a03f-46dbf1d84ca1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:20:58	-754.577
-80	2768	276800	66d731ae-4725-4450-b465-f3cfe3736ac3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:34:56	-976.742
-80	5536	276800	5235c719-ac73-4bfd-9d43-b03a9c153795	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:30:50	350.386
-81	2769	276900	e3af541c-f819-4f3e-b41c-b4646bda9dc7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:50:55	462.169
-81	5538	276900	49e4c55e-9a58-40d3-afda-a4ea11b737ee	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:50:02	-883.685
-82	2770	277000	d00c3939-c94c-4d7c-b5cc-c64090d0521c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:08:08	542.637
-82	5540	277000	7eb2889b-1a6b-4ee3-b945-867bdaa33eab	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:21:22	-754.181
-83	2771	277100	119ad8b8-95f6-42aa-bf28-df8b9cd13c63	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:20:13	-630.270
-83	5542	277100	01e8b1a0-0191-49e0-b808-54b27525ca70	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:46:54	233.440
-84	2772	277200	d4bbf274-cf95-49be-9823-9a75e4ca1bdb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:37:44	-491.49
-84	5544	277200	971c57b7-6a35-4b0f-bad2-4ab54461892f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:42:47	592.811
-85	2773	277300	1f750014-8065-4c35-b262-ad65d2d66a34	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:02:28	939.708
-85	5546	277300	f7675764-87e1-408b-80ed-4bd08839bc53	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:05:10	718.836
-86	2774	277400	c046cc67-8f52-41b7-8d9a-5bc0488b0dd6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:43:49	898.815
-86	5548	277400	432b930e-6a48-46d5-a2b0-56da2b060e93	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:24:54	-939.199
-87	2775	277500	be4ceaf5-15a7-4593-b0f6-1c4ead759258	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:45:58	604.828
-87	5550	277500	7f336bba-b681-4b40-888d-cd0abd779d74	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:47:26	594.375
-88	2776	277600	f7627bd8-4261-4ac4-863f-3f958d60edc0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:06:37	825.987
-88	5552	277600	d0d6c555-cd8b-446d-858b-04e915837899	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:02:19	92.579
-89	2777	277700	08c7cec5-86f2-4d89-a1d8-3af581a606d2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:58:32	220.711
-89	5554	277700	d284a042-a212-42ac-b5c9-0541ea5cbdfa	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:56:25	-942.818
-90	2778	277800	401c0bf5-f783-465b-a7f2-09e9bc8613d9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:51:07	-745.517
-90	5556	277800	57787960-1696-4bb7-be27-9d67b3da8dff	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:00:38	119.260
-91	2779	277900	279cbd4f-5eeb-4b52-91b2-bd05bc6ee1c8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:53:11	383.166
-91	5558	277900	88d0af56-692a-4c5c-a716-46f62a0d3f5a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:32:56	172.370
-92	2780	278000	92ca536b-727c-4e96-bcab-64d2e78c59bf	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:34:10	-250.742
-92	5560	278000	9bb6019e-ea92-4633-b066-4be369132aa7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:08:38	-584.466
-93	2781	278100	f00782b0-7093-4a1e-ac3a-927e0b18a179	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:21:50	-536.79
-93	5562	278100	263b2ac7-cb4b-4d72-98d5-9bc612b3645c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:50:09	972.660
-94	2782	278200	ffe5226c-ea89-48a0-9c59-c4de8b5e927d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:13:15	-823.457
-94	5564	278200	98f70c16-a92a-4eef-ba9a-aebd034014e2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:17:17	-287.683
-95	2783	278300	17c69f12-1fc0-4a28-b710-5c162c2bcac3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:41:06	-39.88
-95	5566	278300	448d26f6-8000-4470-86ae-793d4fcb2d9e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:31:21	911.186
-96	2784	278400	d0780a9c-066e-4b74-b33a-e99d3c793c15	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:58:05	399.207
-96	5568	278400	7e8edd62-73dc-47a9-8029-0bbfcd83c3a3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:15:55	-88.239
-97	2785	278500	0b0e5b13-9149-4f49-9ee9-108a9f7d354d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:26:01	-329.544
-97	5570	278500	74ec6674-a0f5-4350-98da-6e640e7169ac	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:56:01	99.918
-98	2786	278600	96c71610-2d92-491a-bae6-d75c364acab3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:12:12	-980.396
-98	5572	278600	8eacbdee-f860-46f2-a3c8-158d8c878d0d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:42:35	251.560
-99	2787	278700	5f892e7b-28ab-4ba8-8266-3e3eda157c13	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:20:33	467.276
-99	5574	278700	612e4c19-ee3d-40cf-8458-3d45b0b235f0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:05:39	389.982
-100	2788	278800	4e986941-cc72-41d1-9368-9713a44ddb36	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:33:25	989.38
-100	5576	278800	5447f527-c9f0-4334-b9fc-87d91d4c945d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:20:07	188.749
-101	2789	278900	93f0c235-3b9b-4835-a661-678e644bf9b3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:37:05	-55.999
-101	5578	278900	d99fb366-3993-46a3-acf1-bba1bc7c08df	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:24:29	15.743
-102	2790	279000	41dcb8bd-548a-4c47-8aad-28413025a4c3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:03:56	-899.894
-102	5580	279000	8c698b5c-5f3e-4186-9da9-9417bfb2cef0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:28:11	599.369
-103	2791	279100	2afed7e1-5848-4145-85da-82b8d03db7da	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:52:04	-487.131
-103	5582	279100	8e22415a-7837-41e8-9006-0829f9e6a9f5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:18:42	-942.106
-104	2792	279200	f7b4cd12-dff0-4d62-850a-e86271032abe	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:29:27	393.925
-104	5584	279200	e5709f07-9ec8-4ecc-9dc6-698b17c00f9c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:53:13	-707.655
-105	2793	279300	992177de-28ce-4320-8dfa-0c1726798686	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:20:46	546.890
-105	5586	279300	e6b64a13-f8ea-4e49-94d4-2552f9efe4de	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:35:55	-138.793
-106	2794	279400	3ee4e041-a3f3-4b71-876e-accac1f10f62	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:59:16	579.287
-106	5588	279400	62ca00e1-2dd3-45c6-bf4b-d296a255acc1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:53:35	335.834
-107	2795	279500	337be021-4318-4cc2-8d0e-d2da382bcb68	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:06:35	880.733
-107	5590	279500	91737675-5cb0-4c3d-8d84-d55375c78a92	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:32:09	765.269
-108	2796	279600	9b5356e4-d135-4961-85dc-c407a148ee5b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:30:53	116.298
-108	5592	279600	ea6fd75c-fef1-42d8-b774-1379533778f7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:28:53	-999.289
-109	2797	279700	d6e5f96f-53e8-475f-a36a-50bbc149b0ba	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:39:17	-146.850
-109	5594	279700	2e20ba7d-0591-4884-b4de-5af31c082ec6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:18:16	353.918
-110	2798	279800	2961e960-0357-4669-8aea-3ae00f06f5a6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:02:21	358.539
-110	5596	279800	c5c8ea9b-ae6b-4013-b8ca-57187fd627f3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:04:13	235.539
-111	2799	279900	a4b792e8-cadd-4b73-bcad-55c47107052c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:19:57	723.116
-111	5598	279900	8d4f69ac-fa7c-4561-8219-b9493b32d097	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:13:00	535.467
-112	2800	280000	074b2035-2831-4915-841f-681ac7a9f46f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:26:02	488.74
-112	5600	280000	7d4e516e-2058-4dfd-8e0c-c72398001b5b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:21:11	-428.926
-113	2801	280100	c48a95eb-cbdc-4683-b8cc-7337b68eb0e0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:39:00	586.72
-113	5602	280100	54171076-10c7-478e-a957-9ded0bc1ba21	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:02:10	-324.212
-114	2802	280200	6c2f77e3-02a8-4b32-93fb-f9577390b282	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:33:21	-80.289
-114	5604	280200	36ac4641-26d5-4df9-a6e3-8af0bf83f0a7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:02:25	930.874
-115	2803	280300	c2dc602f-cb15-42bb-a87b-21ca8eed0a8a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:48:35	807.732
-115	5606	280300	87fb6e35-ad4a-4375-9a1a-90fab828b3b4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:24:33	-835.702
-116	2804	280400	0ec68390-ddeb-4591-9214-9c72e0037d9d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:31:26	-976.490
-116	5608	280400	e43850f3-5c61-486a-9c44-fc5daac407a7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:09:45	-711.734
-117	2805	280500	0da030a3-3272-41ca-b686-948edd56c0c0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:10:17	-187.861
-117	5610	280500	af6b29a1-9bee-4298-bc19-4f815e07d9ce	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:10:43	476.789
-118	2806	280600	48842c3c-31fd-48b0-9d38-e18b63749251	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:42:36	-226.826
-118	5612	280600	8747151e-02d6-45d0-aebe-d73489563384	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:33:42	749.8
-119	2807	280700	2b7f9b1e-c752-4797-8a8c-c8f1c07bc418	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:13:19	473.968
-119	5614	280700	bb5f1a5f-9b53-49be-8e45-ff6e45d4af2f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:55:22	325.888
-120	2808	280800	9fa4d13d-fcae-4653-881a-09aca83fef08	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:12:34	503.481
-120	5616	280800	d645fc81-e53d-4273-ab60-cd1bf9261f02	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:45:48	592.210
-121	2809	280900	835b5bf5-8850-4423-a9fa-7f109421ddcb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:47:47	98.691
-121	5618	280900	05fabfae-f6e1-4b0b-b485-8e07202dfcd6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:48:42	42.262
-122	2810	281000	27edfece-e0d2-42b4-819e-5eb4e0352365	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:48:22	806.855
-122	5620	281000	227ccdee-d2e8-4288-a014-23a91e958d07	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:41:56	258.311
-123	2811	281100	9a35a8ec-a1a1-4c4b-84e3-8608e762044f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:30:01	-797.180
-123	5622	281100	977d50ad-8ff1-422a-99f7-240b8e9bf553	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:47:48	-209.132
-124	2812	281200	c397f420-b9c7-4540-82e7-41c432da98d7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:06:31	483.104
-124	5624	281200	f0c9b065-6325-4f63-ac3f-4ec315d061e8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:20:56	530.827
-125	2813	281300	dfa8d1a9-ccb3-45b6-9e08-7a76cdbb7c95	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:16:02	-846.859
-125	5626	281300	aebf689a-c710-4257-8dd9-94ea3b4634d6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:52:04	879.201
-126	2814	281400	6e4d3fed-cefe-4ad1-8a93-8a831890205d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:04:21	450.647
-126	5628	281400	5264349a-4f94-4cd7-94ff-fed87e8a902d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:07:20	198.56
-127	2815	281500	977ee788-5dcb-46bf-b9a8-9f50b465afb5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:10:54	-805.920
-127	5630	281500	1ec3ec40-8d0a-4f06-a776-29c74694dbf8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:56:29	751.222
-0	2816	281600	a2c5cad4-6aac-4c18-ba2c-587048581963	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:53:25	-564.966
-0	5632	281600	f8d8a071-a23b-4191-8f1f-89b5246d8a65	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:27:09	484.308
-1	2817	281700	0aca902c-54bf-4ace-b39f-26c0b77a813f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:27:09	869.368
-1	5634	281700	8f02f4b9-6152-4e19-ab62-56398171b2d2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:44:46	544.961
-2	2818	281800	439c3915-6dc0-426b-aebb-9d233d5b8414	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:24:09	-606.786
-2	5636	281800	89ebf1b6-dc85-4506-ba0c-f0d533cbeb79	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:16:17	-779.219
-3	2819	281900	659385d1-1d9d-45d5-bf3f-91e41b879908	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:53:13	290.582
-3	5638	281900	7fefbab9-1fee-434e-9b20-2df27119dff1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:30:39	848.325
-4	2820	282000	80a6a5d7-2a3e-4420-97ca-6e1893a11e2e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:46:36	-100.812
-4	5640	282000	a9b6d2a0-6617-41b8-8222-14341462ab54	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:42:50	889.269
-5	2821	282100	02998bf3-22e4-4af2-a8d7-69c96254b5ce	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:51:37	273.614
-5	5642	282100	cd03480b-4e3e-477a-ab15-0325ab631270	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:47:17	117.466
-6	2822	282200	7a63a9bc-9491-4509-9e9b-5fee77740274	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:39:21	-864.721
-6	5644	282200	ca8ce1ef-151f-46ff-8bdd-f4d9a14fb8f2	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:46:30	-967.673
-7	2823	282300	4edd8ecc-6056-4871-894e-ebfeed6c3428	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:22:13	-704.373
-7	5646	282300	c49078d9-f44c-410a-ab14-174ae360bcd6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:20:56	437.381
-8	2824	282400	9bd9e17b-aaa6-4597-b170-85572048a43c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:10:43	-227.967
-8	5648	282400	65e50fb6-73f8-4b11-b1f1-51fda18ec021	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:03:15	-291.183
-9	2825	282500	096b681a-6df5-4966-9416-02b9744759cf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:56:00	-872.318
-9	5650	282500	d7c68e95-fb92-43f8-9138-3ed5b5452f80	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:55:05	125.274
-10	2826	282600	4404aa3d-eb20-4692-be58-9f4bb7b3d1d0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:29:14	41.416
-10	5652	282600	9508bdef-413b-4ba1-b144-cd40e31b73e2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:14:04	-993.503
-11	2827	282700	6550bd73-c672-49f2-870d-a039055ed269	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:50:13	-878.639
-11	5654	282700	742add09-91c5-4386-85cc-efa79fc5caac	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:15:29	751.775
-12	2828	282800	c5e62a80-33fe-4e93-a1bc-a1891b28cb6a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:22:59	-9.389
-12	5656	282800	3ce77a3d-c277-4515-b7b5-3afce66aabe1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:30:25	-724.823
-13	2829	282900	4b6fd673-f494-4993-b135-73f4ff216156	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:54:02	278.973
-13	5658	282900	c4f687ae-bf8f-40d0-b7bb-49d306052a4e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:49:20	574.626
-14	2830	283000	f6278f05-e891-4c6b-959c-1548cb32ece5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:58:43	-103.641
-14	5660	283000	6607abe8-d2ff-48e6-99a1-0390bb5753bb	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:32:38	-765.996
-15	2831	283100	99648527-57fe-41f4-887c-fbb66ae6801a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:58:29	736.507
-15	5662	283100	56f3df93-3dc3-4607-ae6d-f45dac7f9619	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:45:19	244.26
-16	2832	283200	0b923d14-1a51-422f-909a-7a044534d564	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:00:44	-859.334
-16	5664	283200	101d3699-ce68-496f-91cf-ea865a832c5a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:14:27	394.128
-17	2833	283300	c5864545-8f44-40d5-8a7c-b95256918436	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:59:43	564.27
-17	5666	283300	6fca4a42-522c-4963-a02b-0f128a5bf695	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:30:08	870.80
-18	2834	283400	9c81105f-18a5-4412-a6ba-b30fced2f814	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:07:59	-152.166
-18	5668	283400	d91ff89a-7d38-4e17-8451-3d88b4fcb2cf	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:43:55	-136.480
-19	2835	283500	40288f53-0b37-4ce0-a969-fc637ce469d6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:44:25	664.627
-19	5670	283500	e3bcc54c-ef32-46c8-a424-079f95e02902	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:38:24	-52.881
-20	2836	283600	accc2f88-a9ad-409e-9dcf-e2c0adcba6ed	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:28:18	654.828
-20	5672	283600	c39b9010-ddb9-4282-912e-62d0f3969d4f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:26:42	-393.906
-21	2837	283700	891a921b-db6d-4890-9d2b-6435f0e242b5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:53:06	958.221
-21	5674	283700	ce9a214f-9bf9-4894-8edb-1deb05c36190	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:04:35	7.700
-22	2838	283800	d3ff9fed-0b02-4c01-ac7d-0b233133a8b5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:22:18	-296.517
-22	5676	283800	2f0729b6-4313-4bba-a4e3-48fa3f6297ed	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:32:50	-184.564
-23	2839	283900	08cf7d47-4f92-4830-a51a-6473ded8e99e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:05:16	249.108
-23	5678	283900	59a4efb5-5996-4559-a8c3-fd8601703efa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:49:25	997.999
-24	2840	284000	ef9397b4-d37d-4952-a246-b9a6d303269b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:01:03	244.891
-24	5680	284000	512aad6a-bd33-475b-b00f-6c0542e58063	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:38:50	77.333
-25	2841	284100	e829ab1e-7d6c-49d4-a022-31b4a650abc5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:16:54	368.97
-25	5682	284100	9cec4984-049d-4661-9653-d503e9378818	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:38:57	206.708
-26	2842	284200	77940a09-e7ec-4065-a7e7-fdd111c2f419	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:41:00	-814.849
-26	5684	284200	1d68f9e0-1b84-450a-a4a2-eafb235e7599	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:12:09	-238.646
-27	2843	284300	364545af-9e6a-4a48-8fb6-8868d1688682	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:54:40	-753.757
-27	5686	284300	8bd674c0-61ac-4804-87fa-ba296c43abc8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:25:13	265.374
-28	2844	284400	f0269ad3-2fe1-467d-89be-c1b7b0f2318e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:59:30	-706.637
-28	5688	284400	24b082cb-aa73-40e1-897f-a8cab4c3294f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:14:37	887.68
-29	2845	284500	2937fd43-e63a-4cc3-bc47-e093551e746a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:42:47	338.222
-29	5690	284500	ed95c0d4-1183-47a6-b57a-ab802f5f9dd9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:37:17	-694.615
-30	2846	284600	d10220a7-2d7a-468b-9d7d-d151ce48dc21	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:46:00	-17.852
-30	5692	284600	3aee878f-9567-41c4-9d2f-2a2dd2830eb2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:57:41	842.668
-31	2847	284700	d5dc102f-12e2-4e2f-af3f-a8148f404432	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:32:42	648.714
-31	5694	284700	fd754399-ec3a-41d3-afe9-3da658d1aaeb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:21:54	-6.586
-32	2848	284800	2a611c6c-9a46-4254-b043-2165ef5bf0c2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:12:31	19.442
-32	5696	284800	ffdadc8d-b09f-419e-bd67-638c6030bd33	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:43:10	-300.354
-33	2849	284900	744345b3-5c98-4d2d-a925-2ee31127a4b4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:06:03	-766.525
-33	5698	284900	c648c5db-7f33-45b9-85d3-7d8b7313d15f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:19:19	-110.940
-34	2850	285000	bfa98d11-854c-4f2d-a15b-872a628fae5c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:01:52	661.385
-34	5700	285000	a4de112c-80c1-4c43-b6c3-62ea7c1f7936	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:49:58	23.940
-35	2851	285100	ba953c4f-4db4-42dc-af9d-9eb12da173a5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:17:03	919.19
-35	5702	285100	eee0e209-e5c5-4ff9-be94-4b0798c46645	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:43:50	595.314
-36	2852	285200	efd64ebc-acc8-4b6e-aa10-a323f2410669	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:47:23	497.1
-36	5704	285200	aeb78b9d-6d61-4693-abbc-17e8b1618081	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:30:27	-991.173
-37	2853	285300	e2edb16c-61d2-47ad-bd21-98c2dc2b880a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:25:48	288.722
-37	5706	285300	8d839b83-73b3-46bb-9cd0-c7183a677e2f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:49:36	-230.845
-38	2854	285400	9790335d-f338-427f-aa17-6961b85966bf	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:30:37	-847.309
-38	5708	285400	38abd4f6-7f97-4fb3-9e72-cfb736d45f43	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:57:35	-287.876
-39	2855	285500	77a0735f-34fb-428c-9213-6cf1f74689f7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:48:45	85.301
-39	5710	285500	10b1d290-df72-4499-807d-103bb25fef1a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:24:55	-913.851
-40	2856	285600	a1c036fb-a77c-4235-8310-7ac77efb7611	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:21:05	800.275
-40	5712	285600	acf13dce-742d-4759-b17c-367322d8db62	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:25:43	6.2
-41	2857	285700	a860f7b3-19d5-43bc-b2a6-fa2dc149acc1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:05:49	144.483
-41	5714	285700	08627980-bfe6-45f2-969f-d96b0112f7c9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:42:01	152.613
-42	2858	285800	bb7d5e41-8d1d-4421-a81c-0732e4513b15	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:33:22	-446.731
-42	5716	285800	dd18973b-6f5a-4d75-b95e-52026e161797	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:46:47	-864.482
-43	2859	285900	63741cb1-9f67-4b59-b71d-9c3e7b38ea74	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:04:35	339.875
-43	5718	285900	2d872592-253b-4a7f-8a30-2a0a0af138a1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:44:26	-425.558
-44	2860	286000	e2abc87b-6318-43f6-b6f2-f61cd985957f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:17:03	124.953
-44	5720	286000	f3f6915d-251c-4baa-a6d4-711686f3f8aa	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:39:05	-733.728
-45	2861	286100	e40adfeb-ce61-40bb-a8a0-41c22972b3d3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:23:48	-240.84
-45	5722	286100	bb58dc61-c845-419c-af48-dfc5ea17d4ee	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:22:40	-461.716
-46	2862	286200	ff1e2f89-4f54-498e-9d94-eef3f28ccdf9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:29:28	977.369
-46	5724	286200	e0623a6c-bbd3-4a51-9afa-da6870036cb0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:29:46	-59.602
-47	2863	286300	5d0f40bd-9c7f-4f6f-bf70-b2238a3ae289	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:38:42	-172.270
-47	5726	286300	e603850e-adab-422d-b00d-2ead81e1e1fc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:43:24	541.483
-48	2864	286400	16647901-8daa-40a6-8157-a54b1310d929	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:15:11	-923.659
-48	5728	286400	8db6a868-552d-4871-9a4b-29d879e6dafd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:11:59	-97.813
-49	2865	286500	749a5fb3-0468-484d-8230-cc277144c2dc	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:56:47	-324.790
-49	5730	286500	f44f4b84-f022-45b2-b3b1-c03e563d8b03	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:14:09	109.838
-50	2866	286600	694f5e66-c73f-48b2-894e-baa25d5efa78	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:13:37	914.355
-50	5732	286600	368df790-6794-4e3c-9573-153796e164ff	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:05:40	-219.170
-51	2867	286700	4d3608ce-dbf4-4112-92a3-8b1cd19888b3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:48:18	-190.114
-51	5734	286700	1f1628fe-7905-443b-a670-7426a16ad1e6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:08:02	-422.561
-52	2868	286800	b6e1667b-7806-425c-8482-38b3802f9b18	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:19:45	-907.903
-52	5736	286800	a0bf4d07-4dec-47c4-9616-c84d64e51441	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:11:41	-286.596
-53	2869	286900	bd8536bd-f21d-4935-8190-2b6c3bd41176	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:35:53	-214.211
-53	5738	286900	15f3a642-b024-4e1f-bba4-33360296d93c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:08:56	-701.462
-54	2870	287000	9b656c1f-2ac4-4fab-84c7-8f2c5cc050c6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:35:16	534.568
-54	5740	287000	716c1e30-c0fc-4c66-a49c-5f675aa343dc	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:24:47	449.424
-55	2871	287100	278202ca-4773-4212-9c21-283aeefd29d9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:36:30	287.873
-55	5742	287100	2b91dacf-898b-4823-ac10-c54473542bdd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:04:44	742.905
-56	2872	287200	549dc847-421c-45d5-9f9d-3a4f8a4d5017	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:31:38	-322.387
-56	5744	287200	a7b15917-3f7a-4e88-9df2-7fca3f33eba6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:43:19	295.140
-57	2873	287300	cd8d7605-a1dc-4209-b31f-6b4cca7c36c2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:10:39	909.413
-57	5746	287300	02b28558-7e06-4b27-b24c-18b444956208	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:10:53	-131.139
-58	2874	287400	cae7fa45-ae21-43ce-8a6a-507708a707be	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:55:34	912.994
-58	5748	287400	5cc3efe0-770d-4ea7-841c-acbf8af21793	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:03:07	655.322
-59	2875	287500	f29058e1-0dcc-4e9d-82e9-bb595b962627	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:56:56	809.701
-59	5750	287500	1a3e19eb-8e76-4f83-88ef-eadde3653d2d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:24:39	250.19
-60	2876	287600	0b5720cd-d091-4eda-a656-0d7054b3c038	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:54:59	-577.799
-60	5752	287600	a323469f-00c1-463e-abca-c73a00ba2b26	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:34:24	917.972
-61	2877	287700	4b889aa0-c1e4-4ffc-af5f-7ca9e77c55b7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:11:32	-816.355
-61	5754	287700	1ce148b8-d3d2-49c7-a50b-5c91e3d54687	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:11:06	-824.691
-62	2878	287800	7c7657df-558d-41c7-ad90-dc2aecf96eaa	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:40:38	-448.961
-62	5756	287800	a7e8b8f0-37b3-45a1-948f-3e51b203e598	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:22:13	87.295
-63	2879	287900	914061a8-0080-49bc-abbd-f0fdebf1e64a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:53:54	256.835
-63	5758	287900	ab3f79e3-1df7-4d59-b6ca-6b256ed37d25	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:05:35	-339.827
-64	2880	288000	d32b63b8-f010-4876-aece-bd335e9c52ee	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:54:01	-47.158
-64	5760	288000	3dc23e97-c779-4351-9f3f-7c49ad189443	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:59:38	-12.938
-65	2881	288100	8d80e260-05bd-45be-a3c6-10902f162a64	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:10:37	-881.666
-65	5762	288100	9e968c8d-c1a7-4f8d-ab69-e89f5a819a57	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:34:52	877.788
-66	2882	288200	f043a79e-41e2-4d26-b85e-ef271ba4690d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:34:15	137.470
-66	5764	288200	6c11ed4c-af36-47a8-a3c9-0348718b8dd3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:36:00	818.821
-67	2883	288300	64311db2-7510-4ec7-9483-94dc51d7c0a5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:39:46	590.620
-67	5766	288300	9f33c5da-9c5f-4e86-96d4-dd9e8b34b546	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:35:53	600.968
-68	2884	288400	b6e180ca-9518-4d44-825b-84c424abe6f9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:45:11	-889.404
-68	5768	288400	f659caa7-f3a3-4a68-96e8-5e5521c1ffab	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:08:37	238.592
-69	2885	288500	87054bb0-2045-421a-8d14-75a14f864659	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:55:07	-572.641
-69	5770	288500	a5029fa1-3f68-4423-9531-8e71b63f0989	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:33:05	-911.393
-70	2886	288600	21931dcd-89b0-495f-9a1b-c926ac8cfaa9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:17:17	175.562
-70	5772	288600	947555ca-aef5-4f98-bd7e-edb77658fe82	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:11:19	500.249
-71	2887	288700	29d97605-e88b-4de1-b6b3-186c766ad78e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:35:29	657.188
-71	5774	288700	99eee4be-9ce3-44f3-b1ad-e52a9e11c55d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:10:26	-667.382
-72	2888	288800	91619a01-cc4c-4d99-985d-9bd922de0e3b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:58:57	-706.715
-72	5776	288800	8c52dcfd-0f7f-47b8-94f3-f39eaaaf20cf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:31:26	111.729
-73	2889	288900	a71044c3-c0aa-4bc8-9f78-7dbce33e21d1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:03:17	-326.544
-73	5778	288900	a73e9cea-3e4f-4b46-abcd-5aeacfb30817	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:26:16	-383.32
-74	2890	289000	acdb5466-82d9-4a4e-aa3c-86efcb010c42	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:04:40	-270.722
-74	5780	289000	7d587f12-ea3d-4857-8286-fd7c09ab9d11	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:21:18	782.139
-75	2891	289100	635a9d4a-d546-449a-9f0d-cf41cc41aeab	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:49:05	892.264
-75	5782	289100	bcf64df7-751f-47f7-accd-655c861d798a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:36:28	-777.572
-76	2892	289200	e5a750f1-9703-4f30-a8e2-6999c97332b5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:37:16	798.592
-76	5784	289200	07306806-f7cc-4f9e-b548-04a3a8e25807	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:30:44	-818.154
-77	2893	289300	0e343499-a5b0-4685-b784-94372f9b09d4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:36:47	826.350
-77	5786	289300	6c730746-238b-4d92-bf7d-f5dc19b42862	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:15:45	-592.692
-78	2894	289400	523fa9b9-c348-40a4-9a27-e78cf83aebec	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:28:22	-212.895
-78	5788	289400	8129f86e-df2b-4391-b509-537635914b2b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:17:52	-785.523
-79	2895	289500	d56873da-8f5e-4787-bf50-b7413d087d66	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:48:43	445.848
-79	5790	289500	188a57b1-420c-4ece-82ad-b07b7ea5134b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:23:03	799.106
-80	2896	289600	5e2cfe54-329c-43aa-9e28-f431f919658a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:42:15	812.21
-80	5792	289600	3446d1fe-459b-49cb-b749-df582de24be7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:28:11	746.674
-81	2897	289700	c4d63042-e16a-469d-9bb6-cae91a0e266d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:36:21	-261.61
-81	5794	289700	5ab6be55-3aab-4b82-a3ec-d0abfd08b7d5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:17:45	-470.82
-82	2898	289800	109f8008-1970-4ca5-9818-b7d05b65cdc3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:20:32	-966.372
-82	5796	289800	5da725ce-3491-4c7d-8432-89b387c7d84d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:37:17	170.405
-83	2899	289900	dbc71a29-6b25-4409-a703-87ef08539392	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:38:04	-872.872
-83	5798	289900	c6b62c90-d158-40b9-9016-b6462db9b19a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:01:05	-362.557
-84	2900	290000	721580ce-2d45-40c5-8088-d55db7f4c1ca	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:28:10	686.557
-84	5800	290000	d83ca659-5f16-4e43-b719-c3eb00c38beb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:10:57	-637.597
-85	2901	290100	662b9d87-6081-421e-9d95-93165430f5f2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:46:37	632.536
-85	5802	290100	529ff313-edb5-42e0-9472-823fc022080a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:02:23	601.301
-86	2902	290200	73afd091-f311-4d8b-a9f4-cbc1ff7689d1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:26:14	-358.855
-86	5804	290200	a5e67972-4ba4-449a-b46b-c95754e234ee	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:49:39	906.357
-87	2903	290300	a804e4b9-c26a-4f04-933a-665a611c6572	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:30:10	330.392
-87	5806	290300	05eea46f-6c18-4008-9822-b3ffbc632def	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:37:48	-780.860
-88	2904	290400	009b4b92-107e-4ae1-b573-5ba8a2c29b42	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:10:56	312.936
-88	5808	290400	6bc06ad1-597c-43ce-924c-58a1ee47ff6b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:26:01	203.100
-89	2905	290500	c05b0064-a707-423e-8b30-776e267775b4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:51:58	403.156
-89	5810	290500	c8be5eb7-20be-4a8f-a55a-648b4e85c0de	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:09:51	322.646
-90	2906	290600	936f8801-45d0-4653-80bb-8e2c4f9f00d0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:54:25	736.316
-90	5812	290600	884a276b-468c-4dff-9c10-2670ad93310f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:07:33	410.708
-91	2907	290700	6bfe7b69-b6f5-4cde-8354-aa28661ecbc6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:40:08	208.689
-91	5814	290700	52ee2555-8f53-45aa-a4c4-d13c671dd179	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:34:44	231.891
-92	2908	290800	1b342104-a0d5-49bb-b613-89ed21d3f496	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:11:03	-712.373
-92	5816	290800	44c38d06-f5f0-4c47-8c6f-c34391bdd6c2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:15:28	545.176
-93	2909	290900	5b6610f7-2dd4-44cf-8187-2241f0d13e5e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:41:27	814.165
-93	5818	290900	b25de6a7-cdf9-4eae-a470-87beddcea5c7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:04:40	-561.342
-94	2910	291000	2a118672-85ee-4308-9ac4-c8ad5916d945	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:48:55	-811.930
-94	5820	291000	bedda97d-c799-4c64-a86d-cb06a0471eef	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:53:50	-735.936
-95	2911	291100	11cdb868-fec7-4089-9b37-33e871d3a6ee	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:24:47	-775.361
-95	5822	291100	fa58201e-a6f4-476f-9563-480202148e91	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:08:51	613.657
-96	2912	291200	2dd0e0c1-d367-479c-a771-bd8fa3e58094	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:07:27	-16.652
-96	5824	291200	ae35b320-89da-46ba-8df1-7b345a6ef777	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:45:48	829.333
-97	2913	291300	2406237b-c7d9-44cf-b009-950c7a977c18	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:19:08	-998.449
-97	5826	291300	43adcbaa-2da3-4795-af5b-de5900b35c2a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:39:38	631.622
-98	2914	291400	22571abc-3b5d-4b25-b845-dcff55f4169e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:49:36	-640.158
-98	5828	291400	d13bf5aa-47f6-431e-8fc0-56f675405aba	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:40:42	-617.492
-99	2915	291500	041a440c-9875-4934-b22b-fe49496c4627	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:17:01	-538.592
-99	5830	291500	214f52a9-c9d2-434b-9974-7cb133d0666b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:28:04	734.29
-100	2916	291600	2d13ecd5-789d-4ddb-88eb-4573723db2b9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:19:23	875.276
-100	5832	291600	7e671a14-eac5-4fb5-bf10-0d5b1d40f244	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:59:42	862.598
-101	2917	291700	0d74f3db-58ec-4b0d-93b8-813bcbb50f0f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:58:10	-194.760
-101	5834	291700	a24decb4-2411-41d5-8cf2-44b753b2e254	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:37:12	419.923
-102	2918	291800	050fbe8a-1881-4e5e-8c72-5ef7dbb759c5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:00:49	992.984
-102	5836	291800	867b83c9-a82d-4a33-8f19-45b59024382b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:26:07	210.505
-103	2919	291900	d4c5ecc9-e49a-4863-b73e-3cb76e3575e0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:42:00	864.828
-103	5838	291900	74fb4188-1a44-4adc-9cb1-1fa12149ad1f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:29:42	-421.234
-104	2920	292000	18b0b806-2e84-429e-ab4b-ff5be8e21b30	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:03:34	-842.77
-104	5840	292000	8483046c-69b0-4e1f-b3bb-c1c4f555bd19	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:27:21	-506.668
-105	2921	292100	8785aecf-b295-4dc1-840c-c0376540c650	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:32:06	361.654
-105	5842	292100	2efee71e-05e2-498a-9f77-48761ac48af3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:46:33	-262.384
-106	2922	292200	e323d79f-d940-429a-a28e-31feda5c54d5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:28:36	74.77
-106	5844	292200	2f5cdd86-881d-4865-9e47-7f90f5bc07a9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:45:25	395.39
-107	2923	292300	85150e86-ff56-4d83-983c-731ec8ccedae	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:09:58	-876.566
-107	5846	292300	4a9a1d71-79a9-4cb7-89ba-7b95bb8cf31b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:21:51	47.970
-108	2924	292400	cfd3ec7c-4889-4c68-ba42-7334c527f8d3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:06:31	-613.815
-108	5848	292400	002b7ae3-dfde-4716-8d6c-ba3a7af6ca2e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:12:49	7.328
-109	2925	292500	a895f278-f249-4ae9-9c49-134499845861	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:35:59	-706.825
-109	5850	292500	7baea3be-b13e-4d8c-a320-666300186b66	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:55:33	735.950
-110	2926	292600	478edefd-4694-49fb-8075-e99083c30ae5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:08:23	299.992
-110	5852	292600	90b2d5a5-7586-4b17-87f2-9ffc6d40098e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:13:27	-309.414
-111	2927	292700	d92ab7b6-8a5a-4669-a981-150502538f0e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:32:11	-320.400
-111	5854	292700	260bf59e-cc73-4f4a-8052-074573ad4fee	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:55:54	-455.272
-112	2928	292800	7e9cb272-fe8e-4302-bbb0-842d51031239	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:48:08	94.969
-112	5856	292800	062ab829-67ec-4731-809f-3be362ae809c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:38:59	167.575
-113	2929	292900	70b99fc1-e2a1-4480-98a7-d21a23d4beaa	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:31:37	587.863
-113	5858	292900	e95ec462-3b10-4023-8376-6c9b8dc5fcb3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:20:44	-237.857
-114	2930	293000	d4ca2938-990e-4557-bbce-b979c2a46b74	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:08:21	289.33
-114	5860	293000	25b77a8d-7d19-4cfc-82e8-15d48f506fd6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:02:41	-140.362
-115	2931	293100	ccd4cacd-307b-4631-89a7-64386fb7fe19	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:31:05	431.404
-115	5862	293100	164efb06-53d7-40dd-87f4-4c327952ca77	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:14:27	885.509
-116	2932	293200	9c8649ef-5f3c-4913-b8de-93add6cb0155	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:34:41	312.197
-116	5864	293200	54ddb556-8434-48e4-9371-50583feb49a3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:14:52	-631.842
-117	2933	293300	ef9c86bc-5b9a-43d9-8350-850e4a046a23	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:55:21	913.721
-117	5866	293300	140cc643-8a95-42fa-8fa2-5a870d9eb46b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:08:26	115.213
-118	2934	293400	2b8eff2d-52ab-46be-b417-8ccbfce90bb9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:46:42	-111.482
-118	5868	293400	8ee6db8a-ae0a-4a76-a523-0fec19311a0f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:40:41	-755.826
-119	2935	293500	980f1f36-010a-466f-834e-91f186f3a85a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:45:52	-911.802
-119	5870	293500	d4ae44f5-a463-41fe-a5a9-e6e36ef7ae70	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:07:14	-19.344
-120	2936	293600	1eff11cb-8f03-4fc5-ba9e-831f1a63bd32	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:20:56	-470.936
-120	5872	293600	5c831e26-f859-427a-8d75-b0661c866335	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:53:36	145.341
-121	2937	293700	8a4c8765-7f9c-4065-8930-dbba08708cd5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:21:31	500.159
-121	5874	293700	ec569554-8875-4c17-bb05-1d07b4dff1cb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:49:25	547.734
-122	2938	293800	344d6436-5170-4887-abb7-ca9e01cf37be	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:23:52	147.792
-122	5876	293800	339f28a5-c9cd-42ca-a440-d2ef5fcb2109	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:41:18	742.890
-123	2939	293900	d1996fee-a1b7-40e1-b1a2-b6964529083a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:28:40	-974.964
-123	5878	293900	2f80c4aa-3f94-4fd2-8c1d-bb13755c0b16	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:12:53	495.314
-124	2940	294000	1536aa71-4d63-4ae9-ae45-ebc83dac555a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:20:33	-919.407
-124	5880	294000	8c691d9c-a42b-46c1-b509-ac3559cf2ad2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:54:55	873.587
-125	2941	294100	61db7d8f-9348-40e0-a079-9d0c98fd8823	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:35:10	-70.378
-125	5882	294100	b99e4607-f95a-4605-b8b6-b4e9c689d853	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:14:04	689.152
-126	2942	294200	1bb38937-7c29-4b8e-a992-225a7645642c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:26:48	-113.18
-126	5884	294200	6f1008ee-ad46-4a86-b0cc-86bcaf1fb3ad	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:09:39	-426.832
-127	2943	294300	02749f0e-7921-48f8-8ea1-93f6b02bf62a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:05:05	134.700
-127	5886	294300	d3461308-413f-42a4-a4fc-907a61f132bb	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:59:10	325.423
-0	2944	294400	27ffb43c-c3c1-4fe8-b248-c799d42df2cb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:08:33	678.910
-0	5888	294400	09f0834f-dd1a-43eb-b3a6-90dcc0e5b75f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:34:30	934.531
-1	2945	294500	2ca4b6dc-6662-4d6e-a151-0a03ddd1b1fd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:46:16	-249.34
-1	5890	294500	834f0020-7912-417f-b9ed-31277708d1c2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:15:11	800.104
-2	2946	294600	1caa9682-c356-45e0-acf2-a0afceea0c0f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:35:52	-774.850
-2	5892	294600	bf7180c1-d1b1-4b4b-b366-b7398008d8cb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:29:48	-884.401
-3	2947	294700	8a46ea1c-b791-44c6-8365-a847d04f899b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:02:15	10.608
-3	5894	294700	5999740c-585c-43c1-b0e4-298725e5baef	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:17:23	516.550
-4	2948	294800	fad1d560-d43a-43fd-a428-35c87c5f630a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:47:11	-277.199
-4	5896	294800	8cb20c31-8803-4f23-b9f0-324c04298ad9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:47:27	-771.627
-5	2949	294900	a7c0d049-0188-49d2-b8f1-61296627dae8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:24:32	991.869
-5	5898	294900	92d9e171-aa69-41dc-a9a7-84b034b50ab1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:16:55	638.677
-6	2950	295000	c867deb8-208d-4e67-b41f-e461422aacb3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:06:06	118.478
-6	5900	295000	6b3c7a29-0a1a-492f-9550-0d9e832265ef	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:25:38	173.339
-7	2951	295100	9cf0edc4-96fc-479d-909e-1bf4ebea747e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:51:09	-683.906
-7	5902	295100	1003991e-d1b8-4c64-9b59-37efe6f2561a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:58:28	-893.222
-8	2952	295200	74c08cfa-cd0b-45d3-b6d5-6870b7f36655	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:01:46	350.80
-8	5904	295200	682884bb-977d-4888-a2bd-43e9fc693329	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:56:33	355.569
-9	2953	295300	0d362e00-a45a-47fd-8ea4-5661183c356e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:21:51	-124.696
-9	5906	295300	48dfa0ba-ebcd-4f81-af26-c72ebaacad7b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:38:29	-907.614
-10	2954	295400	b7a74bc5-086e-409e-8889-430ec69e24ac	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:17:23	652.972
-10	5908	295400	66f4082e-5df4-4486-b35a-8fc2eff27dbd	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:58:33	-940.295
-11	2955	295500	1479dd4e-c4b9-4e1e-87cf-0b2bbfc769b3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:19:04	-150.731
-11	5910	295500	2fd3894f-53ec-479f-99ab-54016282d049	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:16:39	114.199
-12	2956	295600	ab09deb8-1633-47e6-b83f-4443565f6443	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:25:26	489.381
-12	5912	295600	0749eb65-5c5f-4d34-a680-579864115084	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:48:06	29.307
-13	2957	295700	d62b86c2-214f-42d3-b878-d2b2af56606c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:12:52	521.456
-13	5914	295700	fc369209-c9fa-4679-a4b6-d4cf10bb5f95	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:51:52	538.674
-14	2958	295800	03445a67-8ea5-42f0-8648-74b0050e2243	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:01:07	174.607
-14	5916	295800	69251ffe-8b2a-467e-8ac7-fe29abff5e54	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:04:57	-467.748
-15	2959	295900	7918de9f-0e61-4594-b974-e6014407f946	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:50:43	-799.764
-15	5918	295900	f9a700c7-7ded-4234-bd60-e16bfb247eed	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:06:13	470.854
-16	2960	296000	2b70074f-8add-48b1-95b1-ee8ff1b2a5f8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:39:19	-800.601
-16	5920	296000	62351387-19f6-4a80-aac6-671ed398fa53	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:20:01	202.94
-17	2961	296100	f47b6519-5f57-4584-b616-5b6e0a3a552d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:06:00	-612.754
-17	5922	296100	463bfbdc-9517-4980-a0d9-f24425f6958e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:53:38	218.837
-18	2962	296200	a48b6669-aa24-4bce-9465-a9c694db1c92	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:30:47	-772.720
-18	5924	296200	7a682dd6-cf45-435f-b470-337c87af1b64	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:43:22	-804.682
-19	2963	296300	3a657a31-79da-4117-9aac-2682f0a1ce7f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:50:44	967.186
-19	5926	296300	ec3ff08c-f1b7-4bcc-8774-f0dc60620a71	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:04:24	559.351
-20	2964	296400	8390935e-515d-463f-8df3-63a25365ac39	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:36:08	749.988
-20	5928	296400	9a19665f-1d57-4bc9-b793-b7d39ff9b396	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:20:13	-49.905
-21	2965	296500	c3a549f9-9879-42a7-94a4-c9f008507e33	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:25:10	87.802
-21	5930	296500	81be0954-df01-492a-b1e3-8dd9074bb828	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:45:44	-779.93
-22	2966	296600	4ac7a70b-405e-450f-9067-57ddc6e9b19d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:19:09	70.782
-22	5932	296600	989bf2fd-df37-41dc-8116-b44e81f3944b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:31:30	-533.702
-23	2967	296700	2934b4ba-0df3-4905-84dd-37a34bfafbb6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:22:28	270.405
-23	5934	296700	58b47ad5-c7b4-4cde-b4b8-fbd34e4e09a5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:44:52	909.319
-24	2968	296800	a05d3e0e-e736-4a19-b120-2b8da6853dd9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:23:44	781.549
-24	5936	296800	68af72cf-ed8e-4189-bf0c-02800ba84850	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:29:36	325.459
-25	2969	296900	54950e55-36b4-4636-a87a-8a35f02e9bfc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:27:06	-282.731
-25	5938	296900	542190ad-d1c7-4e90-844b-a488e52a36f4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:33:48	279.325
-26	2970	297000	33ed9198-657f-4a86-93dc-2c9a3a734519	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:19:07	-405.782
-26	5940	297000	cd19293a-3873-4ed3-abb4-dbfbdfe5b5a4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:13:35	96.475
-27	2971	297100	909a5336-9d25-408c-afb0-12ec50395770	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:35:17	392.959
-27	5942	297100	621dcf59-be58-4fa2-a9a6-452e3bea442f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:41:14	-408.848
-28	2972	297200	014a6060-a7c8-4c5f-a9b6-2e9ca2e526cf	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:18:59	593.657
-28	5944	297200	f3103359-c3a6-4e46-9f9c-88cb393c926a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:16:06	-978.655
-29	2973	297300	f64b655f-cfea-4b92-9e01-19f2de73097a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:43:35	-125.687
-29	5946	297300	2aab0641-9e57-49e4-8417-02cd178747c2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:34:28	-204.999
-30	2974	297400	ed60a443-ee02-40ba-ba9b-cd3d9f1d7c2b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:53:15	552.208
-30	5948	297400	20aa029d-5ed5-4c9c-b0d5-66f8a0cdffdb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:20:57	747.227
-31	2975	297500	7ed1022a-88ea-4127-8f5f-6695ab5d3592	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:44:55	-448.623
-31	5950	297500	27284657-a50d-4e85-92c3-e489878f7c06	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:10:09	-941.437
-32	2976	297600	7c02ce29-015c-406d-9e67-91dde9ec332f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:36:02	54.693
-32	5952	297600	2b87022b-c06d-4d92-b98b-e0665f993aa7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:20:59	-23.132
-33	2977	297700	e3505ca2-d7d4-4365-af74-2f7e2e440642	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:31:27	541.770
-33	5954	297700	1639880d-34ea-4ef0-8b93-7a9b0446d754	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:47:20	-403.678
-34	2978	297800	dd64921e-26d1-459c-bdee-f89aba713077	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:03:53	738.393
-34	5956	297800	38deee59-1967-47a5-8847-a60f4e476f84	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:19:29	296.919
-35	2979	297900	3c7c0ad2-c77c-433c-b9a6-8417fa369be1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:31:11	-498.163
-35	5958	297900	7bad9193-f070-4f62-983e-163db0d9711c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:32:09	888.616
-36	2980	298000	7909db23-bfbb-4656-ae96-046dabead28f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:52:16	-313.147
-36	5960	298000	5a8c2838-0c9d-401a-8774-a199a85403f8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:40:45	-9.834
-37	2981	298100	92aa6db5-7358-4fdb-929f-ddc2d4331089	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:00:22	-939.583
-37	5962	298100	5760e49e-2bcc-4f75-b513-a8b70f946457	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:35:14	585.648
-38	2982	298200	ff6ab3b0-ce94-4335-849e-85090546b623	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:13:29	-553.963
-38	5964	298200	31ffea4f-2ebb-4cd4-8a1e-497542b95e83	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:45:44	441.166
-39	2983	298300	90f2013e-ac3d-4cec-b994-f55a46276602	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:58:42	756.995
-39	5966	298300	02c94ea8-3874-4c32-8e05-643aaef12e37	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:54:29	-400.231
-40	2984	298400	bf4e4a63-679a-495f-a651-8ad8a3269d6b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:40:19	-804.610
-40	5968	298400	c52758b1-26ec-4363-8817-ba4e2ed045c2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:16:58	138.790
-41	2985	298500	79430424-4acd-4226-9303-48fcc629aea4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:49:23	324.78
-41	5970	298500	47b89598-0ad8-4505-89c5-daaa89ada92e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:23:14	786.689
-42	2986	298600	c201cc6d-cd4a-441a-b87b-08756236d64b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:07:46	549.71
-42	5972	298600	82360b58-905f-435e-8868-6c5a725ee571	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:31:54	-698.960
-43	2987	298700	bf6af255-31a4-422f-bebb-73e025a3e5c1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:33:51	-576.301
-43	5974	298700	ce30f5a8-1042-464c-a21d-b757895c43cb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:25:12	-894.451
-44	2988	298800	ce8a3ba4-d269-4a50-8140-37b70151b1d1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:50:03	395.780
-44	5976	298800	20ca1211-76be-4c98-915a-9d110f6cfdc2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:56:09	-655.221
-45	2989	298900	2b172308-f694-40e4-867b-8d6871c61cf2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:59:09	-410.542
-45	5978	298900	4ab80c2c-9962-474c-931c-8570a8e1d0eb	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:19:19	880.815
-46	2990	299000	2c217658-f844-4d2e-b7fc-39222c72d154	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:12:19	-702.433
-46	5980	299000	266d5ed9-b0cf-4672-a3e2-025f49591e17	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:58:52	360.808
-47	2991	299100	5d3d514e-4bc9-4d06-87d1-60aff4050eef	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:53:03	-164.624
-47	5982	299100	67dc17d9-410e-4594-886e-fa40c54afc11	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:20:49	867.276
-48	2992	299200	89785afb-fc80-43eb-805c-1f8f25d5c9c9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:58:16	-665.124
-48	5984	299200	e1b8d040-4427-4619-9b56-0681ad829f0a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:34:30	661.793
-49	2993	299300	2461c5f9-7932-470c-9d16-0a504ac3098c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:19:28	149.518
-49	5986	299300	00307035-a899-41c1-964a-4a566763327a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:33:38	224.918
-50	2994	299400	60c922d5-18d1-4687-88aa-a6abc54ca268	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:08:55	6.638
-50	5988	299400	12824a0c-9824-4f48-a862-a676a0683f65	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:24:03	-601.549
-51	2995	299500	0133c8d3-96e7-4c34-b4e6-85429d7db419	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:45:45	-7.173
-51	5990	299500	30bc0c7c-af44-411d-ac1f-68c756730c62	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:49:54	614.110
-52	2996	299600	f7feecdc-e27f-427f-9a45-3405c88dfd36	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:28:41	-461.607
-52	5992	299600	5d8f31b4-332a-40fc-b425-e2c6c91dc03d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:34:22	277.122
-53	2997	299700	be910fde-b528-469b-b261-8d83d6814787	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:47:31	-857.702
-53	5994	299700	8b430560-bd26-4858-adc2-05b13edeec16	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:20:19	476.78
-54	2998	299800	05d352ca-87e7-4f26-8b92-86da2a35fe23	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:49:35	336.228
-54	5996	299800	f0654d71-4472-4330-96ef-ec05b46b9ccc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:30:07	-83.43
-55	2999	299900	15e6a8bd-54f5-47c1-a5cb-77a9a6ce4a32	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:12:03	-259.198
-55	5998	299900	98332244-037a-41c3-9764-2d23740423b6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:06:09	-408.6
-56	3000	300000	1c7de6b3-7aad-4efd-adf2-e4275f4810d9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:07:52	-964.23
-56	6000	300000	06b8afbd-3768-4cef-9242-724eea179cc3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:15:48	943.732
-57	3001	300100	2692096d-bc48-4b48-a878-eff9ed77f8c4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:35:58	-635.964
-57	6002	300100	490d714f-7aca-440a-ad27-ecb12bcd4e4f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:07:42	18.122
-58	3002	300200	52da9271-619f-4625-985e-3eb02899cd39	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:46:23	498.822
-58	6004	300200	36acebff-80a6-47cc-a988-f2798113d395	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:19:47	-994.466
-59	3003	300300	d8c6c805-76f7-4d08-ba50-56dd65ca8e28	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:58:04	110.366
-59	6006	300300	0f26396e-8718-4aa9-a32d-f03c89cc7dac	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:53:40	-576.503
-60	3004	300400	f1ccc795-2527-405f-ba35-e7f8e9e56e88	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:25:38	831.168
-60	6008	300400	63a8e8fa-048b-40eb-9eda-8be8dcd3f372	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:03:53	495.2
-61	3005	300500	d3736bc4-6a1a-436c-aea1-f0101d249f62	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:05:26	903.685
-61	6010	300500	12dda464-4039-4660-ac38-0b72577fba9f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:03:55	-826.582
-62	3006	300600	ad364f18-1ae2-4708-b049-5af38d7564ea	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:20:08	-686.445
-62	6012	300600	aeaa0594-8fc2-4627-88be-bc59fcb596c5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:54:17	423.150
-63	3007	300700	ed98bf46-9d27-4047-a857-6ec7643e6cae	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:41:42	761.611
-63	6014	300700	20d5df8b-b11d-4dff-a157-55826cd09c58	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:08:27	201.35
-64	3008	300800	6cc91d19-de96-486d-a53a-79c516e1cb89	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:08:26	-662.935
-64	6016	300800	fa42426f-2504-4a2b-9b08-54013129e711	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:33:23	173.309
-65	3009	300900	8351dd37-102f-4c1c-94d6-9a45f544ff3b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:18:58	519.145
-65	6018	300900	c3e3a676-cf85-4ea8-8350-c4be806751d8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:01:47	-231.406
-66	3010	301000	0a1d238a-8457-4602-968d-5ef2772c05c8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:45:19	348.0
-66	6020	301000	3f28199b-a122-456a-8d4e-34d685fde909	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:04:31	-795.418
-67	3011	301100	032fa443-e1db-467f-8e01-8cc3602138ff	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:56:19	-624.66
-67	6022	301100	82f67dc7-8372-44fa-967b-4283787a48bc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:55:50	-943.716
-68	3012	301200	5cee6856-079d-485b-8ac9-cd2ee9cd82b9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:05:58	886.583
-68	6024	301200	8aa42b46-5bb5-4c62-9a70-36017492205c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:32:04	192.816
-69	3013	301300	1295b792-6a28-40bf-b9d6-594ec151af8b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:47:59	254.696
-69	6026	301300	cdc79bbb-7bcf-49a2-a686-7d3e93fe225b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:39:39	-710.494
-70	3014	301400	bf8ea63b-789c-4bb1-a2ae-962e3cf3d123	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:42:07	-825.875
-70	6028	301400	0144b278-0457-46e0-b840-d114a3ba5885	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:37:58	-509.545
-71	3015	301500	754cf329-1efa-4261-bf1e-b589330da5f9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:30:31	550.485
-71	6030	301500	0fa65747-c04c-4bc2-8e87-4d3fd8f7d870	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:36:20	-288.763
-72	3016	301600	63bc79b9-7140-4164-9bcf-289a1b519e46	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:38:03	740.288
-72	6032	301600	001188c9-1509-4383-ab4b-23ce8f6bb85d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:04:49	-706.280
-73	3017	301700	0ea97f0b-5bfb-44a9-888b-654cef0de73b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:41:50	352.482
-73	6034	301700	73f396f3-8e68-4c9b-8e8d-1d1e00a5da7e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:37:37	-884.321
-74	3018	301800	0335c755-3f91-4a60-a44c-c91b7b6b8ed0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:12:19	731.708
-74	6036	301800	30bf19d6-707a-4598-b707-7f44191c181d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:47:54	-980.30
-75	3019	301900	7cb36cc9-546d-4fb3-abf8-15d3d43563b1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:17:09	-761.441
-75	6038	301900	868bb052-c484-4029-bf71-181506d05dfc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:21:35	339.523
-76	3020	302000	6d725a09-b84b-434c-908a-98de06c71b0a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:30:42	-399.133
-76	6040	302000	2207f380-7b82-4f0c-9246-877621870350	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:43:50	444.973
-77	3021	302100	23b9cc43-a66f-4bbe-b0ca-89ea0dce7944	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:24:28	362.382
-77	6042	302100	1bfb90e3-2e92-499e-8819-565a2bb43b2b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:46:51	-716.658
-78	3022	302200	2bf4ac28-77ae-4198-9cd6-081d19f1f19e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:41:29	686.272
-78	6044	302200	a3a2ff48-a56f-4f3d-a1dc-d288abdc24d1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:08:19	437.986
-79	3023	302300	ecc5a664-1a32-468c-8296-6e5875458abd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:23:32	715.296
-79	6046	302300	cec89e5c-7c31-4ff0-9f76-b2b300950511	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:08:42	-601.254
-80	3024	302400	5858ca38-6e6d-402f-8b09-19dbbed1fd0b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:10:46	-298.107
-80	6048	302400	2d660323-1cec-46af-acdf-21b7b097620f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:51:58	689.75
-81	3025	302500	b5abc2b7-7666-4326-b107-52aa9bd31e07	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:58:14	-290.214
-81	6050	302500	753cc80b-6dc8-4fc1-b4b6-9ecf2ea9bcba	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:59:33	731.728
-82	3026	302600	2da6ecb4-6931-4fd7-95a4-9b12ab837ace	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:05:00	350.964
-82	6052	302600	c42cb7d7-5279-4799-89fc-e01c827d4754	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:07:34	-883.964
-83	3027	302700	ca2ae654-4117-4139-9b57-d0cefa400c6e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:53:18	502.782
-83	6054	302700	c2fd70e6-e9c2-49fd-a0af-3b4e6d8b271d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:20:16	852.177
-84	3028	302800	64a95b79-3563-4e9a-9d10-630da956ffb0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:21:16	-117.54
-84	6056	302800	a6728478-34ed-44d5-8e45-0873a202fbe6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:01:45	521.502
-85	3029	302900	31d84af2-9ef3-4a77-8e9e-0b590129522d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:46:41	-722.577
-85	6058	302900	036354c1-c403-432e-9ac4-f58f5d43d0cd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:47:59	-303.241
-86	3030	303000	c21e8fb2-f1f8-488c-b344-f5536188ff95	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:59:42	-999.314
-86	6060	303000	ce50e004-8812-4b36-ba34-a90b587f60bc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:43:15	-202.55
-87	3031	303100	fde7d163-eb06-4087-ace2-d70d5789921a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:41:37	-58.448
-87	6062	303100	463e965c-6619-4c32-badf-67f5be780a62	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:29:01	-853.935
-88	3032	303200	d4da85f5-b9a1-4973-8f8b-5c9e9b4738ee	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:29:40	162.298
-88	6064	303200	81e70ada-2528-4c94-8305-96549d90980d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:34:11	155.430
-89	3033	303300	41958272-2a56-46ab-8faf-ff3e3a3e64b0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:06:26	-873.824
-89	6066	303300	92c3d68e-fd6a-4d22-b5c4-d4721455a3fb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:06:59	762.783
-90	3034	303400	ab426a12-3083-496e-b7a5-8854c9860d44	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:11:21	187.491
-90	6068	303400	0225fbc9-a28e-476d-abd6-50e9494e9fdf	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:37:42	-460.690
-91	3035	303500	49918334-9f4f-4c0e-8b5d-9cfd5668e360	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:58:48	-681.544
-91	6070	303500	cdda6de5-25c6-45be-8b9f-1e34d3387108	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:24:50	-377.717
-92	3036	303600	579eeaa0-c371-47b3-9ccb-1d397e340de6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:27:46	998.146
-92	6072	303600	51b976b4-097a-400f-8e59-6f0baef8649d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:42:14	365.172
-93	3037	303700	c4ef5ab6-c74d-4b4e-9f9c-2eb9abd6d5e4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:46:35	-890.90
-93	6074	303700	bd8142a7-7d27-4215-879e-21c952fef3af	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:42:19	-846.869
-94	3038	303800	6a6586de-9016-4acc-916d-e3464ae030f0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:55:05	-37.993
-94	6076	303800	5528f524-1c39-4502-a423-a65e51e5252b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:49:05	-428.590
-95	3039	303900	72691ca0-8acc-4bdf-b912-bcf76ddc8ec1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:22:21	446.404
-95	6078	303900	0c391be7-ae15-4b9e-a4da-c24c786a66ef	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:11:22	593.543
-96	3040	304000	23fc1df6-052f-4a0d-8d58-bcad9921d561	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:54:24	612.629
-96	6080	304000	09e2b644-60d0-4056-a1b0-8de85daf8e85	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:52:29	508.568
-97	3041	304100	30b6dc0d-6484-472e-8f8c-1fe358941686	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:43:36	-357.310
-97	6082	304100	7c750d6d-b84e-466b-b6e6-b8b1e4ef6f98	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:26:08	-680.792
-98	3042	304200	a69a759a-290e-40f6-850a-78e77ddb4139	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:03:07	951.307
-98	6084	304200	09ea3650-9675-492e-9b87-cfc06e2748c8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:17:37	498.221
-99	3043	304300	3ae98d97-74a5-4ade-a8b6-38f05d3f907d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:53:07	-410.510
-99	6086	304300	13d147bb-e540-4125-b6a3-950fc4f988f1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:15:41	-192.220
-100	3044	304400	a1d6be9b-e92e-456b-8bbe-c741edc48ffb	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:28:13	897.714
-100	6088	304400	10b17c86-dd10-4302-9d51-ae6d76e3efd5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:08:54	535.659
-101	3045	304500	ff6296c5-5648-4840-aeea-1d8656e9cd88	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:31:07	-141.386
-101	6090	304500	6f938d00-f8b5-41b3-8b79-9d7604144288	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:17:13	79.40
-102	3046	304600	446e8c22-8570-44b0-9ea8-caff6bd8585e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:48:48	229.446
-102	6092	304600	dfe6a2a5-7965-41bc-a1ca-553ffdbc9f71	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:32:52	-976.366
-103	3047	304700	a71e8f3e-7c5d-4590-9450-52ff56d7d0ff	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:58:29	-927.964
-103	6094	304700	b767987a-fc8a-4be4-9256-9c64b549b0fd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:14:43	-520.145
-104	3048	304800	5e17a2cf-89e6-499e-8903-0a49e8a3728a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:56:51	-879.86
-104	6096	304800	bf6a9aee-27c3-4933-b952-6354327a973e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:49:58	576.879
-105	3049	304900	a089b174-95e9-42b8-8c34-7dc924e7bc4f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:47:10	532.750
-105	6098	304900	05ec7167-f491-43ad-b5b1-6eeeaabfaffe	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:26:25	-88.96
-106	3050	305000	9374e9ff-b253-4dfb-8cee-6ca1f1043137	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:50:46	-497.150
-106	6100	305000	f8c8fe26-17a7-45d1-988c-a5eaade3d8b0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:10:40	234.585
-107	3051	305100	46161a88-f06d-483d-9376-6107f70c6882	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:11:00	376.798
-107	6102	305100	4733e006-db84-4da6-b639-eb0b32a4fe79	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:26:17	-464.750
-108	3052	305200	fd1a6831-4375-49df-ae37-35d00b1731f1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:58:37	175.295
-108	6104	305200	29dafc5a-9cce-4ed2-812a-5d345a5f63f1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:56:10	-602.256
-109	3053	305300	8bf311a0-00d1-4b23-81c4-cf963a4449e8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:12:15	155.185
-109	6106	305300	f495093c-2206-4c76-be65-d1c17bfa0b6b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:06:46	-224.131
-110	3054	305400	8c1a7d45-1e81-4ba0-917e-2acabb7263d9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:31:52	357.445
-110	6108	305400	8e74bf49-7bf3-4428-8fe6-a5e29c40d91d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:47:06	-172.291
-111	3055	305500	0ecf5e29-85f0-455e-9271-f1d7f108770a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:45:38	991.435
-111	6110	305500	e826e15c-d69d-4817-9935-449c088e2298	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:41:34	-26.40
-112	3056	305600	4dfbadfe-9ddc-4425-b64a-7f6c81267c45	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:58:06	268.575
-112	6112	305600	16013683-fcb0-44af-9f9d-ad5af59d20f9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:14:44	-822.11
-113	3057	305700	5770b5df-b296-4050-ab37-2afa4542b56d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:39:39	-345.821
-113	6114	305700	68cb8963-6ae7-4333-b377-56454448e915	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:14:47	-805.420
-114	3058	305800	398c2b26-0827-48ec-822a-501552b8db2b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:45:06	229.410
-114	6116	305800	bc1ef107-44ad-4a94-a70a-4414582f8e0a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:44:56	828.252
-115	3059	305900	eea67b61-89e2-4f61-9bcd-c3bec136a250	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:04:20	979.412
-115	6118	305900	b285e220-b585-4680-9788-3f34ff3eb401	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:01:06	323.937
-116	3060	306000	e16befb9-5139-4715-a0ce-290bae49ea95	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:33:32	-492.897
-116	6120	306000	3fc8fd73-2c89-480d-a4c1-2ac868b8f14e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:31:27	-770.608
-117	3061	306100	9e765ce6-86d6-4977-a924-d9dd10da82ce	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:11:41	-830.121
-117	6122	306100	5f45902f-47e0-4aaa-a9a5-9f30e2cc699b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:18:40	-51.149
-118	3062	306200	099ecc91-ed04-4aab-9d6d-62af946b986c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:11:18	-347.150
-118	6124	306200	e51d6465-9ce8-4d88-8c79-5b29cc802754	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:29:05	995.112
-119	3063	306300	3fbd24a0-f953-4dcf-b308-9aa4bc93fca4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:03:45	743.884
-119	6126	306300	cf53800b-906c-499d-9537-4f3df75736b4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:53:33	-25.321
-120	3064	306400	5a956871-d020-4806-ab7a-eccef627271c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:51:54	-764.894
-120	6128	306400	631ef0ed-383e-4918-82ed-719f20338b3f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:40:47	-986.114
-121	3065	306500	cfd1aad6-3af5-498f-b787-7a56d6f60093	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:18:40	812.624
-121	6130	306500	21a9db63-c3da-48c4-990f-1c93d0465d3a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:53:51	468.848
-122	3066	306600	58337d7f-5f90-4070-a79c-c2c816bfc6d0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:14:50	378.440
-122	6132	306600	662f7257-d18f-4960-91e3-9a8fa0f7f1d1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:29:37	469.430
-123	3067	306700	12a933f6-8124-490f-9c62-f3b026dab344	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:38:18	-644.285
-123	6134	306700	6209a5e2-8bd7-49be-9c3b-4e46c056bbcd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:51:37	-622.938
-124	3068	306800	c8bef064-5c0d-4f9d-bfdd-48aa867880fa	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:35:09	-830.47
-124	6136	306800	9c16fe14-5f86-4a83-92a3-f76d28e1f054	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:20:39	-120.927
-125	3069	306900	bde8d1cd-cbcd-4bef-98b5-9f61636619b5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:36:20	296.7
-125	6138	306900	149044cd-b2c5-4276-bc88-bab92b4f855e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:32:47	-514.991
-126	3070	307000	8bb9c4c1-5042-404d-8631-613739077458	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:06:42	931.722
-126	6140	307000	c654c683-89c1-450c-ab5a-c67232b94bba	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:42:05	-380.600
-127	3071	307100	6689a6d7-d44d-4534-b1b8-0fb1b7c0add9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:03:10	521.804
-127	6142	307100	fef25ffa-e67c-429c-9d22-f571c9ec5df7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:05:47	-500.17
-0	3072	307200	a06c157a-5a90-4510-8c51-95bea32b0ea4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:48:37	808.992
-0	6144	307200	717916fa-6d10-475a-b0c4-4e98aa77b77a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:41:46	288.867
-1	3073	307300	36cadc9e-0159-4d55-bbb1-40f5499cc585	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:47:20	880.655
-1	6146	307300	d69c553f-551f-4d63-900e-9010ecd686b7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:19:19	-737.536
-2	3074	307400	407029f1-3901-471c-ae18-50de32d37f60	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:26:13	108.140
-2	6148	307400	a0a37fd6-aa05-438a-ba79-b30367c4c9a9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:02:48	-294.373
-3	3075	307500	083e3c60-94a1-4cfb-9b47-9ed7d023f4a1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:46:17	703.496
-3	6150	307500	e5d2666f-80c6-4a7b-89d7-c922935c9f90	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:39:05	327.395
-4	3076	307600	3b049e89-8e53-4a1d-8fa6-5d537b8931d0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:26:17	471.262
-4	6152	307600	6a4cfe93-4875-4300-900d-7cb5eedb8d57	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:08:17	732.940
-5	3077	307700	01b81571-fe0e-4f0d-a7fa-3cfcc191f6c5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:53:24	93.596
-5	6154	307700	ed609c38-b5f8-46a2-8a68-bd7eb40edc25	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:31:28	707.95
-6	3078	307800	2e5c427b-4c1f-4cbf-8f9c-b251f215799e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:50:19	-290.58
-6	6156	307800	6c07aa18-7a8a-436a-852a-324dcb26bc71	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:14:15	-221.412
-7	3079	307900	4a524c46-0f1c-4660-bc18-cb3558454d8c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:37:36	-666.834
-7	6158	307900	37bef7d6-14b5-4d64-bddd-abc3ded7f6f5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:16:58	417.879
-8	3080	308000	d21afe26-805c-42b7-aff8-8d18a132c8f5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:15:17	569.16
-8	6160	308000	45ee1401-4150-4c3d-b33d-10973064f74f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:34:46	746.653
-9	3081	308100	2cf583ca-633b-4eff-8286-e20c890ae3cc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:48:02	-815.150
-9	6162	308100	6dbb48f5-0eee-44d3-879e-255db7874dfa	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:49:05	914.373
-10	3082	308200	ce516401-3b0f-47e9-a29c-872a8a7283cc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:29:14	988.893
-10	6164	308200	b9cd78c6-77f3-4d3b-ad6d-f1ab6da1e8cb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:14:05	852.172
-11	3083	308300	d4d32e3e-705e-4a61-970c-2d765d859ddd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:17:53	-204.797
-11	6166	308300	63bb1c01-1276-4e4a-b94f-b6e383262ea7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:01:33	644.925
-12	3084	308400	2578fab6-42a3-42dc-baa5-5bd0fff0176b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:04:48	319.189
-12	6168	308400	da754d88-c375-4e65-abfe-b4ea81dec450	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:38:44	388.617
-13	3085	308500	efea256b-1d0e-423b-abe2-fe4157a492e1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:11:47	470.591
-13	6170	308500	d0e74f31-7ce7-4e53-a66c-a72970026b11	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:59:59	-701.670
-14	3086	308600	7231f2b2-bc7c-4805-bbda-6ded5d01286a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:26:38	55.37
-14	6172	308600	0c4e6ecc-5a1d-4f83-a995-5855af46a80a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:28:53	-217.746
-15	3087	308700	720ebe7e-e556-45f7-ab6a-3457e24236b5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:20:23	318.779
-15	6174	308700	e68ae02b-6ed4-47b8-bbd2-6ec6578f5a3e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:16:42	-501.896
-16	3088	308800	42fc0aef-7ff3-417d-b025-fbb26ce5f453	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:11:13	-640.823
-16	6176	308800	3cf9f3fd-1c27-439b-a873-36525be761b1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:30:19	997.800
-17	3089	308900	3d389db8-d2b6-4e79-baac-6632dc8b9e22	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:04:00	-981.328
-17	6178	308900	a8d8acc1-2d46-457a-81fb-7283b25460cb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:02:33	-982.304
-18	3090	309000	8b053d7d-e25e-43fc-911c-f075ed15f5d4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:36:43	-726.777
-18	6180	309000	0893f836-82a8-4505-bd97-ebca58ab66b7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:20:28	315.735
-19	3091	309100	cea12f84-2ebd-4c99-8003-e653e18a4a7b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:14:19	-995.235
-19	6182	309100	95c49c45-efd2-48d5-8558-4520e5549269	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:58:52	615.129
-20	3092	309200	ddfb9b10-8be9-42e6-b457-3310ec441e40	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:43:57	-57.466
-20	6184	309200	d76babdd-f654-4aaa-a341-56f9e35ac919	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:30:39	637.813
-21	3093	309300	a109c1f1-885d-4214-a73d-1299412cb9fb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:23:25	255.195
-21	6186	309300	d0069fb7-9334-4ddc-9cc8-ec41f1043430	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:15:05	-663.678
-22	3094	309400	27397877-4087-46b6-acab-17646c45f592	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:11:51	419.578
-22	6188	309400	de6fed76-d23b-431f-a7ef-e3e37c983e14	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:58:05	746.418
-23	3095	309500	8838386d-5d09-4c2e-85eb-525206e0d7a9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:01:07	239.563
-23	6190	309500	9bf7caf8-bb50-401b-8063-5a0e03950a5b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:08:55	483.195
-24	3096	309600	55a7c64a-23d8-49d8-bc02-a238d8e61684	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:28:17	-521.403
-24	6192	309600	8de5f201-f229-4534-b3be-f68abebca6a2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:53:56	-84.241
-25	3097	309700	15fe2ebb-cd33-45fc-81e0-09a8f097b252	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:10:51	674.284
-25	6194	309700	55e114b2-4d39-40f8-b335-9e00594e434c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:42:11	476.401
-26	3098	309800	bbd1c45c-a884-46c2-96fb-c470d6e24e8a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:22:06	363.763
-26	6196	309800	5b36c4e7-5f02-4642-99fb-e4420d87409b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:22:45	685.952
-27	3099	309900	d3fbf385-0bde-4cc0-b807-3215b5e819cb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:39:42	-113.792
-27	6198	309900	b4af1333-aa89-4667-96c6-b0aa33d0c19c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:10:06	-886.146
-28	3100	310000	cfb80b7c-65ec-4a82-a7cd-97c00d1d2299	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:26:02	-755.673
-28	6200	310000	79daf309-4c85-4055-abd4-5946bc5b56b5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:26:47	846.97
-29	3101	310100	b55046a5-945f-4ad3-861b-0aa6f7efc184	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:07:25	-132.655
-29	6202	310100	90e0df6c-6317-4bfa-80e2-c85217714f2f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:00:53	952.709
-30	3102	310200	3a12b978-8794-4db5-a9fc-8e494891fa69	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:34:57	43.932
-30	6204	310200	23fff454-6657-487e-ab82-c7cecc23187a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:46:25	612.379
-31	3103	310300	6e8d47de-92dc-4943-8a6a-1dbd539d74c0	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:59:44	-952.256
-31	6206	310300	b3f6c1e3-9e0b-4f38-91c3-0efc77717280	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:43:01	-151.998
-32	3104	310400	7ce3a472-3ff6-48f6-86bb-f51fe4278ae0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:11:49	749.587
-32	6208	310400	900c6928-c9d1-47de-a325-c1ab79347129	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:13:57	498.669
-33	3105	310500	7209f046-50d3-499c-82c6-93af92e315c3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:39:31	-115.677
-33	6210	310500	1a81b619-c98e-4b09-9a6b-3a2e25ed960e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:32:13	354.76
-34	3106	310600	604f9788-552f-48d6-8097-fe8689a3156b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:43:36	-133.669
-34	6212	310600	532e5712-1623-4587-847b-0759b316fe1a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:42:19	386.989
-35	3107	310700	9e329f97-60fb-4b0a-95b2-8f7a326b1816	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:37:39	545.778
-35	6214	310700	3114e629-e47f-4c4b-bcc9-0ff4e59fc429	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:10:55	787.616
-36	3108	310800	16a0347b-84a3-4b26-87f8-d4b9cb271db1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:00:27	870.328
-36	6216	310800	598d3672-9ede-4aa3-9cd8-0e96b715f7f5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:12:06	-944.159
-37	3109	310900	3dd62c3b-42a6-45b8-a7f9-d1113ecb1328	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:46:03	192.509
-37	6218	310900	76589697-03f8-4123-9bd8-3b46027a5ba9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:30:07	539.897
-38	3110	311000	562c570d-1e3e-4f1d-a7ac-e6657b6360b5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:43:54	-247.570
-38	6220	311000	0862d091-b025-4fea-9f5e-030cc42c1510	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:20:07	-282.729
-39	3111	311100	3988b9c7-598f-4c0b-96b3-eb054c6482c9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:44:55	-743.190
-39	6222	311100	875c20b7-ddaf-4c1f-8737-10f4f1708757	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:55:03	-675.304
-40	3112	311200	9cfcc713-5752-4b3e-856e-b92f07d65c99	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:51:37	-798.838
-40	6224	311200	126650e0-c138-403d-8f0f-4279a4501efc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:40:02	-481.106
-41	3113	311300	b8c83d64-efaf-4ffc-a976-ce758c1723df	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:53:58	525.489
-41	6226	311300	fbeb516b-8f36-4584-bcf5-f1b045e9038a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:53:00	-698.344
-42	3114	311400	f64f91be-8777-4a3d-a457-8cd64b7d20c8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:31:42	507.578
-42	6228	311400	d104e0f1-26aa-4835-a14f-4496bfc84999	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:56:13	-884.145
-43	3115	311500	1dae07fa-ef10-481e-9097-9aa8b140c832	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:34:35	-37.340
-43	6230	311500	0be2bdcf-b20c-4ac2-8a3c-4e37e9376c2e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:26:48	543.981
-44	3116	311600	838dcb89-01c8-4b4b-9149-77aebde8eff2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:06:52	390.649
-44	6232	311600	a2f51bb3-42fc-4177-9396-b467a877d991	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:44:33	-623.493
-45	3117	311700	04298787-f2f6-4e06-a4da-52e05108dc3c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:09:04	-613.465
-45	6234	311700	9ea143d7-e1de-42aa-ba56-9c7eed2c9d19	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:25:23	-863.690
-46	3118	311800	54e33cc1-0690-4b82-b861-189dc20ab8b2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:47:17	-625.902
-46	6236	311800	1ae9712b-fcfe-4d1b-a778-09934dc52a05	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:59:01	791.485
-47	3119	311900	ddcf9fce-dc27-46df-9303-88eb21baca84	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:22:29	647.300
-47	6238	311900	b853a1e4-debf-4579-a440-4010909e47cc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:02:55	111.119
-48	3120	312000	6223acbe-4856-4563-83cb-de5f7d426ef8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:17:31	-188.551
-48	6240	312000	55a2eff3-1b14-4714-8aea-04e8f6908e87	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:28:44	969.578
-49	3121	312100	74e6efa2-8ca7-4351-9261-1d7295fa203a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:48:52	-433.715
-49	6242	312100	dee8e0e7-b905-4616-bb86-99cc6256d236	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:26:25	-477.632
-50	3122	312200	603ddee1-bd95-4e5f-9e43-a5498269a87e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:56:28	-350.272
-50	6244	312200	52f43fd4-4521-44a8-82e7-4cdfe9823029	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:02:51	-370.948
-51	3123	312300	204c6154-cf21-4ce0-afeb-fb3279ea3b13	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:02:16	299.901
-51	6246	312300	ac79afcc-a842-4ab8-b18c-fc1ebe0f0684	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:18:37	122.550
-52	3124	312400	ad727981-7ca0-42e1-bc91-2f33904b303a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:30:45	751.355
-52	6248	312400	512d440b-acff-44ed-a60b-89f79031c01d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:45:37	-936.570
-53	3125	312500	4ac2ca82-8330-4215-a908-e5e6f83dc64f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:50:02	-215.782
-53	6250	312500	c2e4bf1e-20d3-42ea-b8bc-4af25a3423f0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:30:13	54.649
-54	3126	312600	506807b5-97c1-4fb4-b4f3-ecb711b2320f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:56:12	-339.820
-54	6252	312600	7b028a72-6f30-4827-a18d-c502313da244	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:21:06	330.308
-55	3127	312700	43ab91c2-2710-4518-87ad-f9d2c3945a28	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:42:47	-527.671
-55	6254	312700	27afb5a7-db7f-4537-82ad-77a9a319f31d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:14:02	83.390
-56	3128	312800	dc0e185c-6edf-4523-b381-ad1bba973629	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:24:11	-725.1
-56	6256	312800	2bdf11d7-0efd-4f27-a855-432aca6d1c6e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:02:35	719.560
-57	3129	312900	c78b718f-4f1a-4077-bdec-2a786a8d73bc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:16:07	641.216
-57	6258	312900	cafda1ed-75ec-4c67-932b-010c3c8333df	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:06:20	-886.21
-58	3130	313000	19e45f88-b967-4dfd-bf04-a8a195686935	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:11:06	-153.788
-58	6260	313000	b24d95b9-adf7-4685-ab1d-528616dd8acb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:47:56	-289.369
-59	3131	313100	05a889f9-a27c-4008-b01f-ddf09dd74efe	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:15:32	-322.752
-59	6262	313100	72d1fe0b-8609-481e-bac9-1b691fb9511f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:18:32	612.898
-60	3132	313200	a8c3802e-f2a4-4308-a2d1-534f4b329667	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:31:11	-37.744
-60	6264	313200	c485ba17-54f0-4616-9fab-bc8fc2442f92	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:23:03	-188.924
-61	3133	313300	c09c3d13-34c6-48a2-be7e-240bf1faa4ab	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:34:15	208.453
-61	6266	313300	30028f4a-76c2-4199-83f2-85b9934a688f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:32:55	-651.992
-62	3134	313400	a9d50a14-7364-4a27-8225-3a0f32ac201d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:33:39	-277.279
-62	6268	313400	38deda1f-c0ee-4f81-8780-48ee7268230c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:41:09	-678.868
-63	3135	313500	9f8e9579-cedb-4de2-9727-49e386682c51	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:38:16	-110.425
-63	6270	313500	3e45d729-817b-4800-b82e-899f967baf04	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:03:12	-299.877
-64	3136	313600	443f4343-41c4-499c-90f6-137ffb0ca8d7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:03:40	-239.134
-64	6272	313600	1364a436-2ba0-49e5-af06-ddb3a86245be	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:49:36	-226.533
-65	3137	313700	88a7fd58-bcaf-4fde-a3fc-1cd9ba866b70	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:02:50	495.105
-65	6274	313700	07f213ed-4a37-4173-902f-32b3de2c6661	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:44:14	976.870
-66	3138	313800	b1ebe3fc-eee6-4ac3-a4cb-8e67fdd1787b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:34:50	-518.702
-66	6276	313800	0f8cb0db-4bfd-4388-a075-bf13c1d94aab	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:01:15	-721.76
-67	3139	313900	62b72c12-3417-4b4c-9af3-88c873815e0d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:57:42	-183.197
-67	6278	313900	a788bb17-6c3f-4f55-af9d-1a6f3e3a8932	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:54:14	874.599
-68	3140	314000	e39e3bc0-250b-444a-ac6d-2f1749057bf3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:32:03	656.853
-68	6280	314000	c4cccaa3-c359-4a28-904b-bdbf8f30b08e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:11:36	-353.117
-69	3141	314100	6ad48e19-0944-4acf-b214-04e99eb77301	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:45:38	239.785
-69	6282	314100	21cff55c-9f50-4fb8-9f4f-1b4f62026cfb	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:52:21	615.416
-70	3142	314200	649200fb-0f56-4a1a-b485-cf7632467f60	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:25:37	243.606
-70	6284	314200	51ee9c38-88d0-4c16-84e5-32eafbe30864	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:33:06	544.53
-71	3143	314300	b62ce596-f151-4e91-9754-91a713e1d819	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:19:31	996.519
-71	6286	314300	6ec5bade-00b2-4449-b837-bd0ea75331ab	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:42:04	212.196
-72	3144	314400	06744ee9-ae1e-442b-a6cf-4035825a8815	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:45:14	43.743
-72	6288	314400	464cb36b-044c-442e-ac04-5d894b93e0e6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:24:02	40.145
-73	3145	314500	e0b40384-55f0-4ffe-a641-fb1e94b3a73f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:16:35	233.735
-73	6290	314500	119b5405-1c14-4b98-a125-48b96c656aba	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:10:58	565.750
-74	3146	314600	97e0e63e-38f9-484f-b989-6ff923f2f2e0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:14:19	-828.347
-74	6292	314600	7059a374-26d8-4c8a-abe1-8b9b27ca59e0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:56:14	506.945
-75	3147	314700	b6aa1692-ad7c-4514-97cd-4b0e8ea8ebb7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:04:31	-767.538
-75	6294	314700	7c07bac0-9c0b-4f8d-93c6-35b30a48ee2b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:46:59	-666.402
-76	3148	314800	b9773a7c-9071-4cb4-bac5-b643bd4aa13d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:30:49	-932.91
-76	6296	314800	3e2164d2-5250-4506-8bf6-3bb0943a5595	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:48:01	790.838
-77	3149	314900	65526dec-d11e-4828-a095-b1114cde749b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:26:20	-829.853
-77	6298	314900	83794c39-45b6-44b3-b87a-2b0f410ae6dd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:50:42	588.111
-78	3150	315000	4d9970fc-281a-47e0-8341-fa931822eff0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:57:57	691.646
-78	6300	315000	6e27e958-5808-4121-849a-5e2fe7acdeb5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:34:05	-439.731
-79	3151	315100	5cad0a0e-25d2-41de-b12c-e49119e4691b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:04:29	134.436
-79	6302	315100	cd896331-ffe4-4e14-abd8-ca4e3c7ad48b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:50:51	86.169
-80	3152	315200	f275dfc5-23f9-4e7d-a2d2-78a6024f2407	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:28:21	120.176
-80	6304	315200	ff741835-eb5b-431b-b157-cc58c037dd79	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:00:22	139.622
-81	3153	315300	4894389a-8714-45bb-949f-5babda65f7cc	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:46:59	-100.478
-81	6306	315300	f2d94277-1be7-42aa-ab9c-6944e3065dfb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:57:06	-304.360
-82	3154	315400	3003545a-7e2c-48c6-af88-676b76fad86a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:02:20	-844.478
-82	6308	315400	108ddbff-4997-4e39-8699-8ee4e450cc05	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:54:56	949.909
-83	3155	315500	4cf913e2-2466-4e85-9701-619f13e1d4f2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:48:53	710.770
-83	6310	315500	bd056a88-79c5-45dd-9c2a-48a3d3520643	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:38:45	-87.743
-84	3156	315600	2f141ed1-02b6-47d5-becd-0d8437affbf9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:58:58	-690.571
-84	6312	315600	156438e8-a985-4489-9aef-d16101911911	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:38:42	-126.293
-85	3157	315700	e66e0ef3-cada-4dd5-8de8-8b691ad05290	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:55:57	182.551
-85	6314	315700	bd4289a1-899b-401d-aa4f-7c0df3a0717c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:03:38	632.711
-86	3158	315800	f5e0aaba-c6c7-41d0-a445-599d4a2b5720	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:45:08	-99.390
-86	6316	315800	aaf6d87b-14e9-4353-a756-398b41884977	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:26:18	-189.500
-87	3159	315900	2f697d78-64b2-4ef9-a9f4-15294612848b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:54:24	-672.515
-87	6318	315900	1522151f-2b96-46df-b296-61439d934e2c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:52:34	896.676
-88	3160	316000	c9f00460-f29e-453a-819b-6135ad5029ca	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:26:39	966.491
-88	6320	316000	7571d221-3e6c-409a-8037-7ada1f03e07a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:08:41	-436.1
-89	3161	316100	5dc8efa0-2a18-41a4-ab14-af16a6caa8e5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:52:47	350.866
-89	6322	316100	9dcc7f5e-7965-43fb-971c-79f0059c0816	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:27:30	39.763
-90	3162	316200	fb341c2b-7769-4754-a921-44fe3880e2a3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:54:57	-938.766
-90	6324	316200	b54c21b4-0ccc-4341-8e8f-6c060aaa2fae	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:01:04	-821.801
-91	3163	316300	07e2b588-4824-4058-b4ef-6d4139b3f96d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:39:49	944.369
-91	6326	316300	46f70b65-cf53-4d0a-bf07-dab1ddc609a6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:39:35	-641.37
-92	3164	316400	2bd04995-5875-4df0-8ca5-699e253b4a88	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:46:10	-267.371
-92	6328	316400	75d05d83-5353-4deb-860d-f138ac38ca8f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:47:53	-140.813
-93	3165	316500	58a85fa0-8843-4c05-a8bf-98f899af0137	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:17:42	891.308
-93	6330	316500	6e607ed7-7d5f-4977-9d09-85b274bf04b9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:56:18	918.986
-94	3166	316600	b26fc9ca-1e63-4ae2-b0f7-19d4653d8ec3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:51:30	-435.938
-94	6332	316600	fbb8c6b7-8712-4d04-9a72-61fb8a49a958	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:39:44	949.473
-95	3167	316700	70388edf-e0c9-49ed-9d14-c7b899a4cff7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:51:49	-597.975
-95	6334	316700	bfdaa86f-361d-462e-b67b-29e70a66acf0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:56:34	220.177
-96	3168	316800	4973f051-0e1d-48f8-9973-1491252e98f8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:33:12	-48.251
-96	6336	316800	e152ad4c-9ae2-4dae-87e2-6b827ce5770a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:07:24	774.703
-97	3169	316900	e7c368d6-aeb5-4d17-98b3-2f949e31fe26	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:19:38	-569.608
-97	6338	316900	bb9778d9-011a-4433-b761-81a92343a40a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:23:13	730.151
-98	3170	317000	c8835951-5a44-4dc6-8c35-618da262760b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:55:03	854.675
-98	6340	317000	5ae3e81f-8e8d-4c65-8b70-d6b4d0b38601	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:21:10	804.20
-99	3171	317100	3a9d62a6-1443-4755-bb48-7f15f766ed20	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:54:38	211.907
-99	6342	317100	f40e38f7-d05f-433a-b69f-3a44709368be	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:33:31	-831.850
-100	3172	317200	9dae499f-20e3-47a9-accc-5c5ec0417726	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:23:15	-62.231
-100	6344	317200	4d98c2a0-45ce-431a-b938-88bdad62a878	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:36:40	-47.183
-101	3173	317300	0de19183-96e9-452b-9c81-5285a9188b22	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:33:34	-16.20
-101	6346	317300	082bcdd2-5c6f-452f-be63-ba9d1c935bc9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:16:12	584.809
-102	3174	317400	b94cca47-b00e-4c44-87de-fed630e2b4bc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:36:50	99.146
-102	6348	317400	f4568c0f-f8e9-454c-a906-b8608941c41d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:53:02	-582.262
-103	3175	317500	5f0609e1-7a6d-4a60-9305-18bd86323156	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:39:02	566.313
-103	6350	317500	28e33070-cfb4-46bd-8d6a-6cd42c82ede4	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:25:16	-728.647
-104	3176	317600	7b94c559-83ad-4586-b723-2ca2494785ab	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:42:23	531.805
-104	6352	317600	9cea60d5-8aff-4f7e-9b1a-18c9a6e9ebf0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:29:25	-226.639
-105	3177	317700	4798fec5-7b67-4eb7-8747-22aa5315e5c4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:44:15	497.842
-105	6354	317700	38ea2ea5-1192-47ff-a4e2-b984c02146f7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:52:50	170.807
-106	3178	317800	9256d87b-d770-4471-b0f4-821d980027a8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:19:11	-785.410
-106	6356	317800	18ae6d7b-b30f-4c46-8283-c898b6d91d2a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:03:13	862.344
-107	3179	317900	a4bda919-d3cb-4205-b269-7966ff2a652a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:24:33	790.76
-107	6358	317900	6f01b2a7-7cf7-4cb1-9e25-c397d9357b0b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:35:13	-835.707
-108	3180	318000	b8763990-14da-4a47-91b1-cfabd727042e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:54:21	86.815
-108	6360	318000	6e8075f1-c105-4d27-bfa4-a53cd94987e8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:31:28	999.173
-109	3181	318100	f678c5f2-0e0f-4922-b720-a8bc10c03a75	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:24:41	370.773
-109	6362	318100	24e93cf4-dc0e-48e8-b1cd-4558ce5b5eb0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:49:56	-1.904
-110	3182	318200	395d294f-e0b5-463c-98d3-73c99c222614	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:25:56	-463.406
-110	6364	318200	c375c859-6573-477a-af9e-ced6c19b2fa8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:19:17	866.10
-111	3183	318300	d1369229-8fec-4e86-9543-f2ddfc7f316d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:36:07	-722.140
-111	6366	318300	617f1682-62aa-421b-87e5-7574c042901b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:29:14	-349.29
-112	3184	318400	c7c61fd3-6a1c-4557-bb45-7027606d73e1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:24:32	36.293
-112	6368	318400	7b5379df-c2d9-406d-a18c-38ddec2dcedb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:34:34	-954.907
-113	3185	318500	df1ee09d-071b-4871-8ec3-bddcc0a2523c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:48:23	351.346
-113	6370	318500	1572dc6f-cd73-4b60-9381-f43474292ee1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:59:19	-934.422
-114	3186	318600	141daf5d-ed5e-407b-b37f-a8975da14e2c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:07:48	987.491
-114	6372	318600	c4561b61-2129-4b6c-bc6f-8e2252c83e86	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:59:33	165.861
-115	3187	318700	4b79937d-859e-4943-8324-54eac0264fcc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:16:24	878.667
-115	6374	318700	64920678-066e-4e87-93de-86465032b160	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:07:30	470.313
-116	3188	318800	03263e15-d4de-4e52-b30b-6827fa4d5e38	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:48:06	941.340
-116	6376	318800	db5f1f29-8b1c-43cb-a0c5-3b9b823c876e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:50:26	14.690
-117	3189	318900	9e0491c7-f39c-4d16-91b2-15a6762d8461	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:14:35	-802.235
-117	6378	318900	319b4bbd-da96-467f-b6b4-7c52a518c2bd	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:32:56	-439.852
-118	3190	319000	9871a71e-b73f-4f0e-8566-3755e3b628ca	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:04:20	-292.132
-118	6380	319000	399e4371-6121-4238-b331-0b58be3895d5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:50:47	243.976
-119	3191	319100	414904da-1dc8-4e3e-8b64-d77161c088c6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:33:26	354.720
-119	6382	319100	622ba577-1e43-4f55-991c-c674e7eead05	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:06:43	-385.187
-120	3192	319200	f099c7ac-abd5-47da-ae52-b995c14c0af4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:26:53	19.418
-120	6384	319200	ad4ccc2d-c2e1-45f9-a658-2aeaa7b2e7f9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:18:46	-258.325
-121	3193	319300	71f7c253-ffe5-4e76-aff1-76d44b667ca5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:00:46	-486.711
-121	6386	319300	bc19a67a-c032-4d2e-a1b7-0949daa92cf8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:33:07	-845.793
-122	3194	319400	4f0ff5a6-47f5-432b-a3f0-87a50aded516	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:07:19	-307.569
-122	6388	319400	38b05e42-e03e-45f5-8eb1-180424dd2ec2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:20:35	920.560
-123	3195	319500	97d56866-e062-4f33-a527-3d797de7a6b5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:00:20	-316.535
-123	6390	319500	86b16ef7-bf5e-489c-bcba-57b79952053a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:58:48	745.382
-124	3196	319600	b9a082e1-39e4-417e-870a-b678741540d7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:15:46	205.158
-124	6392	319600	9bfbbd8d-bd73-4317-850f-4592da404990	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:32:53	-424.649
-125	3197	319700	7c4aa28e-2297-4373-851d-124ffe7ce834	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:58:04	42.440
-125	6394	319700	da4212ce-4224-415f-8c47-abb910968506	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:49:04	359.831
-126	3198	319800	2c063f89-ec04-499e-aa2e-07293194a3fe	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:30:18	721.61
-126	6396	319800	6c191bc3-2fe0-4f74-b03e-8f84226a8758	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:30:19	178.520
-127	3199	319900	8507a21b-faa1-423a-beba-64c480ac5c03	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:45:39	883.140
-127	6398	319900	2eb0bc05-450f-42c5-85a7-abe16889a28e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:34:03	-258.7
-0	3200	320000	a5143a72-c01f-4efc-8921-a361996f8548	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:49:28	735.746
-0	6400	320000	09ac6aa8-5501-4e19-9f58-de3ce5bd2dbe	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:30:10	463.756
-1	3201	320100	4e43bb51-6937-4077-8453-91643f8e0c11	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:40:24	383.950
-1	6402	320100	6a605d97-abc6-4b1d-a956-d131e918390a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:53:41	542.666
-2	3202	320200	d224cdec-0adb-4167-b775-84119d7c2324	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:05:46	228.604
-2	6404	320200	d4f7ab45-a329-4161-b926-a26079f4351e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:06:57	-13.417
-3	3203	320300	557f56ef-3a48-4c02-946a-4f99f494a797	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:23:55	224.898
-3	6406	320300	aa4af32b-ca4d-4b12-a7bf-3bb5d6d4fa54	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:36:09	222.300
-4	3204	320400	1ed4e063-e3d7-48b1-ab7d-c62671826f74	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:13:57	-466.385
-4	6408	320400	39b1222b-2496-4e90-8d87-38b010983dad	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:17:11	362.73
-5	3205	320500	3304b11c-8f3d-4f10-a07c-da146ad39e76	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:44:08	-407.392
-5	6410	320500	8aa4fb9f-0df0-43f4-9bb7-c8f208be3674	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:21:05	-898.725
-6	3206	320600	bd958609-50af-423c-9b9d-46e5355e94e0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:13:26	-429.149
-6	6412	320600	7ddb0695-d33d-46d8-aed2-e9457538de9a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:25:07	434.378
-7	3207	320700	32f382e5-e9c2-4570-b122-1c5d97a56ce1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:22:57	992.241
-7	6414	320700	832150cf-b947-476f-ba0c-40ff7034ef12	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:21:24	323.534
-8	3208	320800	f83890e5-01d4-46b7-858d-97444dac1f6d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:05:39	-448.552
-8	6416	320800	0d3048ae-89d1-423e-b092-eb788eff4e6e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:04:09	-324.571
-9	3209	320900	086fdbd2-fef4-4307-b14b-e3c7dac32950	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:21:44	-245.591
-9	6418	320900	9605b608-adb1-45ea-9cc2-ac04c177037e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:02:29	-418.236
-10	3210	321000	61934ab5-69ba-4b23-9ba0-8313fa60e08c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:00:52	-256.996
-10	6420	321000	2bd75b29-b07e-4459-86d0-97f9f4350e51	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:44:58	844.312
-11	3211	321100	4545abac-d4df-4f45-8353-04598b4c2cf3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:22:28	-747.674
-11	6422	321100	5d94df94-2d9e-4176-89b3-ec5e60a355ef	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:28:39	957.417
-12	3212	321200	83300f05-c8a4-4536-9025-f63a50f27d1d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:04:50	-707.414
-12	6424	321200	4a4040c9-dc7d-4130-a8fe-b274e55292f8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:27:08	-415.425
-13	3213	321300	e4d8a144-d6ce-4c04-a18b-188dd83aec03	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:26:05	153.39
-13	6426	321300	277f2ed2-cb44-4e28-9203-6ba7ca7b25c1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:42:13	307.222
-14	3214	321400	8a212105-e498-4d6d-9f58-71482475aca8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:44:26	-263.748
-14	6428	321400	c00de5c6-63c7-462f-8140-01094fda8a2c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:12:25	951.755
-15	3215	321500	56b137d8-3ad2-4b05-a944-bd23e047b960	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:30:55	-431.669
-15	6430	321500	f34232b7-c6ff-42f7-88dd-5e1290e39244	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:51:24	-311.341
-16	3216	321600	4f6e9844-5a61-4a2f-8c7f-c15a3133cba4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:50:15	452.302
-16	6432	321600	a7a1a1f9-fd57-4793-a045-6dc334417e90	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:24:02	546.357
-17	3217	321700	2dd3c526-6949-47ea-9314-c3972fdc7dfa	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:53:32	940.449
-17	6434	321700	6f67c333-5501-441a-9055-5bf351c0d228	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:31:40	-417.0
-18	3218	321800	e051149e-d9af-40be-bdc2-4db83e892b3d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:13:47	544.457
-18	6436	321800	fe44ccd5-8861-46cf-ba6b-519c3275671d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:06:46	-643.395
-19	3219	321900	e9569c88-2ccd-40e3-a840-3c969969b239	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:31:14	689.382
-19	6438	321900	15bf4fc8-6915-4a64-bcb5-91e6a4d304ab	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:31:28	912.206
-20	3220	322000	c27ba6c5-ef0b-41b8-b7a4-cc42e7e60721	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:05:54	995.109
-20	6440	322000	ea64c29f-427e-46df-aecb-362d0c20cd97	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:04:22	750.293
-21	3221	322100	60a92bb7-d652-4000-9ae8-f50fe5b919b1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:32:28	660.771
-21	6442	322100	26ecc5b8-7075-4e68-bf3b-a18496e96b70	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:11:35	-454.5
-22	3222	322200	483bb597-4a1d-4d5d-8346-020a915464ea	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:55:55	-499.798
-22	6444	322200	1255b298-ea44-4a59-9eb2-2e8bef4e190a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:12:47	-963.770
-23	3223	322300	2f05e8ec-80aa-4e61-82f2-b353c3e9501b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:23:08	-907.345
-23	6446	322300	76f03ce0-6cdc-4916-b99e-9d89bd3a28e0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:49:08	460.610
-24	3224	322400	eb430a7d-f77e-48d9-8462-2064286fd7ee	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:16:10	847.943
-24	6448	322400	15e16eb5-ec1b-4c51-8b45-e8844cd60e8d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:16:42	-215.152
-25	3225	322500	2ea61287-21d7-49b6-ba83-5e0526d8ea7d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:38:33	-550.172
-25	6450	322500	fad55d71-c192-4683-922c-445ff56b9cc9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:30:36	449.505
-26	3226	322600	c4e9e34f-f751-40e6-88df-c31227c28d40	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:11:40	284.398
-26	6452	322600	4513b7dc-e183-40f6-8901-a40685896f52	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:57:29	455.768
-27	3227	322700	4c2f6acc-7efc-4638-b4b0-5ce7416591ab	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:57:51	-125.607
-27	6454	322700	eeae2cde-b844-4647-9cb5-89f16a90ff29	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:48:49	109.566
-28	3228	322800	1da225f2-4860-49d4-89ff-a8a42336dd87	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:45:07	33.938
-28	6456	322800	d2baa7c3-bcda-4cbf-92d2-db85a99270ee	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:47:40	410.667
-29	3229	322900	81180989-99e5-4625-8190-97f2178d0435	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:24:50	873.721
-29	6458	322900	a275da85-2b25-4c65-b69d-0a782a1751a6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:12:12	-664.888
-30	3230	323000	81afbddb-14ce-49d4-92f8-e71dd69b92dc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:29:00	-278.40
-30	6460	323000	16adcb30-2e65-46e1-a957-49c86bd5cb74	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:49:44	-283.832
-31	3231	323100	7175e421-cfef-441d-be7e-fe957f28943a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:46:16	-204.92
-31	6462	323100	6e3c2150-3a83-47ba-bcff-559271c3e6f2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:14:21	478.545
-32	3232	323200	5f8d20e0-4d89-4af8-8a8f-4320b3a5352a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:01:12	719.341
-32	6464	323200	11f05519-3be5-457d-9937-6100c9cef3f0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:52:30	-365.589
-33	3233	323300	a8c314b4-040e-4b56-a5a3-70c9f3000d7f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:19:09	588.270
-33	6466	323300	7f04f7d5-42f4-4fa7-a890-25079a2b379a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:10:54	-160.239
-34	3234	323400	79d33664-b82d-4fed-8fc5-e96d48ea2ec3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:51:19	-848.261
-34	6468	323400	99131b2f-2c2c-4f35-b3b9-53adff09f1c2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:59:48	-25.909
-35	3235	323500	ec07115e-4781-4569-bd83-4d706c6e8df7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:14:17	-93.699
-35	6470	323500	92811507-9db7-42cf-a3ab-9f2fc5e6b592	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:10:56	-238.692
-36	3236	323600	6682a27e-e36a-40fd-8f22-923206165438	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:32:51	815.150
-36	6472	323600	bb331718-82b5-46cd-a90b-8a71485b9428	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:45:20	432.718
-37	3237	323700	c013a35f-edd3-4bb4-8d96-091655d14bd8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:56:39	-562.946
-37	6474	323700	578b9709-20df-4258-a5b3-ef42493ca20f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:18:59	-275.278
-38	3238	323800	67a08f6c-5a03-4bb5-8fc0-76211c717a5d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:12:43	-27.40
-38	6476	323800	e4b1462c-2ede-4ee3-b2c5-b18c02c63230	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:46:02	305.496
-39	3239	323900	ed79354e-eb2b-4e5c-b333-aa72e1daa6fd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:14:27	-625.708
-39	6478	323900	b371838c-caeb-42f9-8733-5cd06c42067d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:28:27	230.732
-40	3240	324000	c3b494a9-cd51-4e1d-adc6-057244f93cf6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:47:33	-511.41
-40	6480	324000	7d143e71-1371-4a11-b169-cad456e51600	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:22:52	661.32
-41	3241	324100	d781a7cc-3703-4d08-a1eb-56b4e7d04577	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:10:34	616.549
-41	6482	324100	6225034f-8aa2-4cf5-bfe2-917bd74b028f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:19:19	234.438
-42	3242	324200	4e3ea429-06ae-4883-8205-ae0098073d63	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:52:01	461.960
-42	6484	324200	f4fc1e86-8ca0-47dd-b53d-200b7660a415	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:18:32	736.819
-43	3243	324300	ff04b557-b4d5-45ab-9d57-0915a3a973eb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:14:42	-94.666
-43	6486	324300	ae14c300-6a29-4920-935e-4a137fde9dee	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:34:11	294.571
-44	3244	324400	6647ba32-2267-449c-ae8d-9a20918b1c01	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:36:18	-493.858
-44	6488	324400	c401525f-57bc-477c-b70b-18e5ffe160fc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:05:18	-250.126
-45	3245	324500	3b43447f-409a-4cda-b8d6-e482ab154888	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:52:03	-489.463
-45	6490	324500	153518f0-4546-4a78-8800-736751779c49	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:04:28	-435.481
-46	3246	324600	74a69f8d-73b1-4ea2-a3db-b6798d4f1f39	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:04:52	-336.158
-46	6492	324600	863d49f6-7c56-4e5e-9595-40dbe3a419cf	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:06:07	-389.49
-47	3247	324700	a6235ca4-83ad-4bac-b0a8-6ea1af5ca620	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:20:16	353.148
-47	6494	324700	62ff6739-565d-4c69-b6e9-dcd88defba0c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:33:15	-376.333
-48	3248	324800	8ff78805-be83-4c80-ad3d-c2f215d79e86	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:47:28	803.695
-48	6496	324800	c3cae368-b67f-476d-bcbf-8b67513556df	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:52:00	-712.750
-49	3249	324900	48676ac8-301a-482a-b242-31a21a849ac4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:09:37	-109.579
-49	6498	324900	d0ad24ce-26be-4050-9cb7-dd6a668751db	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:36:11	878.530
-50	3250	325000	a4eb68b7-5b7d-4723-92e1-503692a107f7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:58:48	-318.728
-50	6500	325000	404aaa10-c581-4c85-8db9-be6a9b38b827	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:23:49	-614.275
-51	3251	325100	01441d07-5516-4482-a468-325105e98a8b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:32:55	550.711
-51	6502	325100	b3e8215c-07e1-43fe-8ced-3154e4116da5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:23:58	-813.904
-52	3252	325200	19b31b53-6e1e-4fa2-a7f1-a001fa33bc51	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:24:05	-574.50
-52	6504	325200	5597ba36-35e1-45b6-a81d-837552880e5a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:29:53	57.152
-53	3253	325300	3fdd5643-1822-40ce-ad17-5069019aa0da	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:13:14	-493.400
-53	6506	325300	71990ea9-2d3b-46c8-a9ee-9f5a7606b4ed	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:35:32	-421.550
-54	3254	325400	c41acca4-c814-4c04-9298-329c4d9b0e9d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:40:59	288.818
-54	6508	325400	fe5625f6-2bd6-4cbf-b2a7-7035f136095c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:18:52	-866.735
-55	3255	325500	284e3ca4-d725-4708-90a5-85ae666c81de	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:44:43	-401.322
-55	6510	325500	8f515770-3dc7-4d89-b04d-404953fa397d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:51:41	-149.729
-56	3256	325600	50dcf7a1-8c45-4d36-ae56-394beeff1ccf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:05:16	-502.410
-56	6512	325600	3d7f288a-fb98-4c6b-94f4-b2d11f7b380b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:03:46	-500.565
-57	3257	325700	9d2f7439-f060-4710-a1ee-19e8d2a2c364	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:56:30	418.359
-57	6514	325700	067212b6-3a96-460f-8381-4607e303c634	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:04:01	-322.920
-58	3258	325800	a903d3bb-18a1-4aa3-92bc-4f2717f962e4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:05:27	-215.295
-58	6516	325800	0e539a99-8884-41a8-ba6d-a969d834ed58	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:38:51	340.895
-59	3259	325900	5059c3bd-b0e2-454a-80b1-6b5aa1b6255c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:07:49	-796.619
-59	6518	325900	d2b209c4-ee22-42d5-8bae-d00e4c0c6004	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:27:19	841.904
-60	3260	326000	f1a861dd-06ae-4525-be45-954906669d55	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:10:25	-630.42
-60	6520	326000	df6db793-356b-444d-847c-563d71e94681	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:52:35	-362.292
-61	3261	326100	f264f750-dbb2-47c9-9735-8a732da41ddf	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:58:00	689.406
-61	6522	326100	8b8e3312-8071-48db-8c66-dc12b41ef71d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:27:40	927.330
-62	3262	326200	6deb9486-4594-43b0-a120-bb21947ee3d8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:39:05	-189.994
-62	6524	326200	3348b779-5498-49f7-afa9-76f8e86f612f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:00:50	-640.28
-63	3263	326300	4dcb56b6-1fc4-4319-b431-5e74a2e5936c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:29:37	35.275
-63	6526	326300	7269465c-bf42-4ff2-b063-2c8975e24d0e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:50:10	-482.502
-64	3264	326400	75f7f907-263e-4f37-9ba2-91c00d7417b3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:26:11	843.442
-64	6528	326400	e34925ee-ae66-4747-8bf7-afba40cd0575	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:12:25	-687.159
-65	3265	326500	43ded720-bf1d-433a-babe-1ee4579f0272	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:39:43	954.392
-65	6530	326500	9802c807-a9b3-49ef-aec5-f041f79ad8cd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:15:50	-125.702
-66	3266	326600	d8e9582c-b90c-4060-8849-88e7165d72e1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:46:12	693.580
-66	6532	326600	b92204f2-1b0d-458d-93a5-1e3f7c61c6b5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:39:36	-73.584
-67	3267	326700	2188674c-ce28-48f6-b918-605d7cd0c4e0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:24:23	-168.456
-67	6534	326700	5d5b823e-4856-4290-9f70-d362cb790547	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:57:51	-164.282
-68	3268	326800	e50cc865-9df3-4edf-9098-f7edd92052ff	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:23:26	-44.949
-68	6536	326800	496c3d4d-76fa-4be5-9978-b63d9fc18b33	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:25:08	330.75
-69	3269	326900	657f2fec-329c-42f3-965e-b87e7676d7f9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:01:50	-927.562
-69	6538	326900	57309f4d-1ad4-4acb-bbb1-b51205cbbc8a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:42:16	-352.679
-70	3270	327000	d1eab13d-cb56-4af9-abb5-2cc179f1a38a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:47:42	-695.293
-70	6540	327000	48e980bc-c88a-44d5-b748-c44228147e4c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:24:00	-431.76
-71	3271	327100	98d521ed-8068-40fe-bd8e-46c3b91819d2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:12:43	117.167
-71	6542	327100	7baba766-b4d9-4939-9510-ddc0000c63c2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:51:34	625.840
-72	3272	327200	d33f94c7-c3d6-488a-9b1f-361ff8aeab61	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:29:22	580.167
-72	6544	327200	617c706f-7e06-4d0e-964b-989bb0289a50	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:10:33	699.973
-73	3273	327300	00c7b65c-4677-49ba-842e-dd2b5f9200b2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:21:59	-408.556
-73	6546	327300	6847e21e-9a7c-4065-bdd1-2823a4fb374a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:03:22	-382.917
-74	3274	327400	28dd0482-6ac1-42e0-b25a-91e0b9004a48	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:05:27	461.4
-74	6548	327400	9ae10020-662f-4b4c-99a3-d72bc5302382	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:48:41	337.355
-75	3275	327500	4e887519-23ba-42ea-a565-7fbda3526d1a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:51:37	842.490
-75	6550	327500	a412be3e-c9ca-452a-b08e-e917eb899911	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:39:23	874.822
-76	3276	327600	0b58c634-5ba1-4e7a-94a0-5de85fe41c44	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:59:30	684.718
-76	6552	327600	ec2e69ae-86d6-4253-9860-e3855efc51ba	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:34:32	772.113
-77	3277	327700	61109477-ca4d-42dc-9bdb-459071022ca4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:09:30	712.516
-77	6554	327700	afc69155-1dfc-4876-a248-8da8cfe151a3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:15:21	886.716
-78	3278	327800	60f09d59-e487-4ed5-b956-a6cc4be214de	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:18:03	159.746
-78	6556	327800	eb7c184c-4ef6-4703-8b7b-e0f78cbc099f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:33:03	-247.216
-79	3279	327900	ab95d983-6bdd-4003-b807-0622a204ef64	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:14:52	993.245
-79	6558	327900	32a2b36b-a8a7-4884-8129-f2fc996f43f5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:06:36	-23.577
-80	3280	328000	951627f6-4586-4871-8e29-805b29e83aa6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:18:54	-137.766
-80	6560	328000	f6840f78-5cf1-4773-9de1-3e48e2781884	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:32:36	-338.533
-81	3281	328100	2dd18deb-26ce-4548-a26a-e79ac833df09	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:45:21	-548.96
-81	6562	328100	27b74457-26fc-4737-91b8-9d388b2246ec	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:19:19	-334.874
-82	3282	328200	a840073a-63f4-447c-b75c-8fc7c46e6c0c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:34:30	585.683
-82	6564	328200	c68973ff-faa2-4bce-959c-dfc15458af9d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:46:11	48.119
-83	3283	328300	956862c9-d089-42f5-b367-7ccf40373ffd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:25:47	504.21
-83	6566	328300	058c2c5a-3ee5-44d4-8b4b-c1195a4fe72b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:02:50	50.932
-84	3284	328400	a5d42a90-e293-4da6-90c9-eca2e68f0cab	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:13:52	500.171
-84	6568	328400	b4244e01-e280-48c6-99b4-86e237e01248	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:20:00	978.879
-85	3285	328500	4f85a357-6981-4a87-b1b0-8ac543794122	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:51:12	-446.850
-85	6570	328500	c2019e59-c968-4b21-b1fb-09840b1c4ee5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:38:09	519.189
-86	3286	328600	f1b5909f-4417-45c3-91aa-39a5f56cca11	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:58:59	-808.55
-86	6572	328600	d5fefa76-7d0f-4268-a0e1-5b353c7bf35e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:04:46	699.762
-87	3287	328700	416d2cf3-4af8-4a0e-b9ee-6805c98ecb22	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:37:36	44.376
-87	6574	328700	4a21e55b-cfc0-415a-93e2-596cdb0b7f5e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:31:01	-641.896
-88	3288	328800	d730f6ca-9941-4591-a1d8-13a9eb4ef5dc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:35:01	423.799
-88	6576	328800	ed2b0cc1-9075-420d-85c0-e0880b00a9c3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:10:08	-32.970
-89	3289	328900	d9ba37ef-d212-4647-8858-fe169b5b6a2e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:48:36	756.829
-89	6578	328900	bf24ba9e-a064-43b2-a834-1ea74c36b3b1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:45:28	-81.710
-90	3290	329000	0d112bec-6d16-4858-ac45-1af0d46017c8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:35:13	242.510
-90	6580	329000	f14b2f54-e5d2-495b-8b71-acedbc42a4cd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:07:14	422.504
-91	3291	329100	f5116a74-97d7-4fec-bd61-afd9d6b2fe6b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:56:24	918.737
-91	6582	329100	efb306d6-f75e-486c-8852-e4880684d048	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:28:25	226.115
-92	3292	329200	fd10d235-df2b-47c2-97bf-ca1e39879b5e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:56:56	207.992
-92	6584	329200	698a34d6-33a8-40c5-b166-d3db9241f6b3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:48:00	523.742
-93	3293	329300	fa7b5497-1105-4ef6-a113-146611f92a6b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:04:33	601.837
-93	6586	329300	9d820890-6cf3-45c0-8672-9513c6bc66a6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:29:27	401.752
-94	3294	329400	29ae603a-2684-449c-b7fe-cde8a5844c16	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:55:19	185.623
-94	6588	329400	60feca54-dda8-4f8f-b163-4616c886e49f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:34:42	407.23
-95	3295	329500	2706dc95-278e-47d1-9ee6-92a34f4f65f1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:31:16	-754.332
-95	6590	329500	38447285-b4db-418e-b303-de22adb630e5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:12:39	640.593
-96	3296	329600	4a4aca73-390c-490d-869e-14b418b37914	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:45:34	470.379
-96	6592	329600	c68e482d-56a5-426e-8e50-b58fcb9b7441	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:09:11	-404.147
-97	3297	329700	fccbc9a2-18f3-4438-b99c-20debd75b859	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:37:49	-423.54
-97	6594	329700	b0e7e910-f530-427e-806d-6b0a64f769bf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:38:50	-330.565
-98	3298	329800	2f79ecff-26a8-42fc-98f0-7d71228fd7df	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:44:15	454.426
-98	6596	329800	12ffe28d-4e23-45ec-bba6-a959d7ee156b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:29:47	200.36
-99	3299	329900	3d897c75-6460-4a1a-9985-63a32a9235b2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:41:25	-744.631
-99	6598	329900	6a43f316-f360-45f2-af2c-8b2aa3afa7b6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:00:44	646.106
-100	3300	330000	1738c1e7-5cf4-4240-90a0-a2bba3f107d9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:19:57	575.266
-100	6600	330000	c9b680fd-3bec-44a0-ae6b-c85ac538d6be	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:18:58	-681.177
-101	3301	330100	898b7327-67e6-4789-9d20-a436368919fe	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:44:27	713.789
-101	6602	330100	3359e9b2-9e2b-4fbe-a6bd-c81eab3ef090	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:01:29	-715.915
-102	3302	330200	d79a118f-82a8-4b4a-985d-cc13d3a3f417	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:07:38	55.211
-102	6604	330200	42770c8a-9895-4f0e-b74a-4f6644055f30	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:41:07	256.513
-103	3303	330300	13aff4b1-0016-472c-91ab-b13913a50c8c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:28:11	94.60
-103	6606	330300	2eefa475-88ab-4577-93b0-2b5b77130dbe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:00:37	745.261
-104	3304	330400	868e4454-914f-47e1-9d0b-eb40b80a1e2c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:34:06	770.602
-104	6608	330400	9124d1e7-75de-459c-9d97-0aacd16947f3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:45:31	-287.417
-105	3305	330500	64606770-691d-4dfa-af20-0d230a03b63f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:54:34	-594.604
-105	6610	330500	a7c5049c-3ae1-4fb2-91e1-5d3d16bdc00f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:45:10	277.180
-106	3306	330600	d60cd136-63b5-4053-a831-c9be8d25106d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:53:04	528.397
-106	6612	330600	9a7cfe4f-59a5-47ad-95ba-88a8ebe82950	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:54:40	-971.699
-107	3307	330700	973c51ae-d38e-45d4-bcb5-66d6c606bacb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:28:57	93.786
-107	6614	330700	7cd658a3-9d87-459b-85ff-ad3248114293	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:27:35	-28.640
-108	3308	330800	0d943c74-1f3e-4ee4-ae82-63255d6aa725	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:37:06	-760.314
-108	6616	330800	142bd753-1d34-4169-9ed0-3137356809aa	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:00:46	828.116
-109	3309	330900	a839f6e5-961f-4067-91b4-6f294f105393	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:57:31	-261.885
-109	6618	330900	90d03cff-f8df-4455-86f8-58f7750da14e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:42:58	823.674
-110	3310	331000	a8c5f7e0-0d03-4ade-a761-90ac90862c10	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:40:43	-974.264
-110	6620	331000	040b3e6c-9e4c-4bb4-8d53-61301ebfc490	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:46:51	-202.374
-111	3311	331100	ded12df8-f2cc-49f8-bb93-1718244a1b5b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:39:49	-204.248
-111	6622	331100	9eec7a14-daa0-4bf5-8fa3-cc596c38ad7b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:14:37	203.967
-112	3312	331200	1c8ae3f5-c3e2-4ae6-b002-244c4dec28ad	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:54:57	-25.986
-112	6624	331200	35fa7c25-e311-45d7-bfa2-7e25981beaf8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:42:19	-409.534
-113	3313	331300	af11f0de-44b9-4fa2-977b-26be85cc21dc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:48:14	-144.252
-113	6626	331300	45c2f0e8-14fb-4417-8aff-7a308523b5fd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:02:05	-865.252
-114	3314	331400	6c293fa5-4ede-45fe-b2bc-bc1931fc1bb3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:20:00	33.4
-114	6628	331400	7ac60164-781b-4ac5-a309-93876c33e2e7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:53:49	-517.448
-115	3315	331500	e191ef7f-74b6-4624-ae00-f1ebef6fea0e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:26:19	587.340
-115	6630	331500	f8483fb3-7611-466b-8a30-eff2c229f32e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:17:24	-618.905
-116	3316	331600	d229f2b2-817b-4368-8b0b-9764d51e5d88	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:53:58	-204.868
-116	6632	331600	f34ba46e-9577-48fc-acf8-369f8a34e5db	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:08:06	-629.595
-117	3317	331700	7972809c-7a2c-4188-9fae-af02fe05caf7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:51:53	-926.802
-117	6634	331700	ab030265-d296-425e-8f86-60634e7e0783	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:06:25	-507.484
-118	3318	331800	26d87158-431f-492d-b960-a2c27d23e668	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:02:57	-568.517
-118	6636	331800	542cf139-007f-4def-8211-680b2d193e44	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:21:18	-748.678
-119	3319	331900	3f18bc27-6d1b-457a-a481-b077990ee996	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:45:03	-405.131
-119	6638	331900	28522c54-352a-494d-b44a-5f6728b941de	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:29:09	-394.70
-120	3320	332000	357e015e-0a34-4c6a-be14-d1b6085f0851	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:26:44	174.267
-120	6640	332000	635eaed9-cb0f-434c-bb4d-8f055f69fa79	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:44:26	-413.424
-121	3321	332100	24937e25-92c3-4d30-afa4-60f9030e9530	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:46:58	-271.901
-121	6642	332100	14091d2c-92c7-4c98-8534-813a3e41728f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:10:40	539.462
-122	3322	332200	1adfa55c-9d20-4b53-bd53-09acaa706599	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:48:31	-317.391
-122	6644	332200	eb2d33c1-bf14-4b17-8e02-41e9949f7024	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:04:08	-547.103
-123	3323	332300	a7cfd7f9-3925-42d3-93df-b4c8733649b0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:33:37	-951.203
-123	6646	332300	33102460-89fb-4002-832e-184663aa3578	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:32:58	757.284
-124	3324	332400	8a37a80f-3c23-4e8e-a100-cc3d2f8b374a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:18:52	-610.59
-124	6648	332400	7ff105d3-c7e1-40cf-b274-9e30ac32fa95	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:45:05	-571.335
-125	3325	332500	ab94b122-a79d-4cd5-a1e0-627966c3cb4b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:03:54	347.757
-125	6650	332500	ba4ded07-0eaf-4b9d-bc47-7e6c729e8073	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:07:18	426.203
-126	3326	332600	f2ff4e09-4e5d-4f60-b5f2-b21ce2f111b5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:40:25	24.183
-126	6652	332600	4aae1ded-2fd8-4356-9a50-f779bc32d2c5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:11:53	-177.417
-127	3327	332700	f40021c3-be10-43db-babf-e5419a0c72ae	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:10:46	-25.678
-127	6654	332700	3e158785-ef8e-4a2a-be51-0f645cf1d76c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:02:03	510.36
-0	3328	332800	678a2c04-53cb-459a-86f2-d30fc514b175	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:50:44	-623.365
-0	6656	332800	b184d493-1aff-4362-8a7e-733e7e5872bd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:04:00	318.93
-1	3329	332900	173e3f0b-f065-44cc-9865-fb8a2a65e2a7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:38:57	809.474
-1	6658	332900	2d12bb62-26e3-4a64-b433-f0a74a779df1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:30:31	-766.771
-2	3330	333000	5f8250ed-eff7-402c-b577-12b861e64059	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:14:09	-602.957
-2	6660	333000	89513981-dc7e-47ce-af0c-601112afd39b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:08:25	359.417
-3	3331	333100	bde4d462-7f30-4ce6-9dde-3f6678986a50	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:51:41	-437.82
-3	6662	333100	4d051933-a634-4172-abb2-ee289a3661e2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:18:27	-118.443
-4	3332	333200	b7947589-d47b-4dba-92f7-c202fa817214	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:13:29	317.813
-4	6664	333200	20b3329c-b362-46dc-8c2b-be98a2a3ef09	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:07:47	-559.495
-5	3333	333300	a92f0858-aab5-41e9-9e46-997a13661cbc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:29:57	770.317
-5	6666	333300	affcbec0-6f74-4a9f-ad4b-7ee89555b403	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:19:59	-65.730
-6	3334	333400	41e222c0-2c51-43d5-a3b2-662706452ff0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:42:04	-768.212
-6	6668	333400	f49280ee-9e33-4fa7-af4e-eedd268d7b6f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:00:44	89.507
-7	3335	333500	8678b8c8-2bda-46c0-8bf9-e57ae1a05aa1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:53:05	-265.201
-7	6670	333500	0ccdf0d3-05d2-46eb-86d2-2d0c0b72b9be	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:53:39	739.439
-8	3336	333600	4229642d-c013-4a67-aa4d-e7c45cbfe61e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:30:40	-138.81
-8	6672	333600	c3741ebf-984d-4ebd-85f0-19a8fe601a90	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:42:55	918.428
-9	3337	333700	7a4ad898-cd7d-4879-8777-4c6a9b2dba06	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:23:04	216.221
-9	6674	333700	beda74af-33e8-4468-a470-0545778a8e84	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:11:51	-126.682
-10	3338	333800	950f07d9-430a-4bdf-84c7-43c4df1eeeae	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:40:46	-358.436
-10	6676	333800	86bb8946-116b-478c-ba2a-32f0d51002e7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:19:08	-343.674
-11	3339	333900	7aec8f6f-f3c3-4241-a0d0-7d25ed61267c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:13:33	-323.733
-11	6678	333900	5bc8f520-d1c9-472a-a63a-1dfda3586a2a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:42:46	755.913
-12	3340	334000	75c205ad-4aca-4861-be1c-1c9282449501	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:17:36	-466.178
-12	6680	334000	e828a59f-a94c-4bf2-b765-53e28693ab8a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:39:49	260.770
-13	3341	334100	17178207-084f-4495-9308-8973157a5d84	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:34:40	146.809
-13	6682	334100	3d2d7941-b844-40fe-8c79-c23fa88c39ed	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:36:58	-905.666
-14	3342	334200	f5e30d61-aee6-448b-b5bc-03382af4db41	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:53:02	158.547
-14	6684	334200	079164fc-c5f8-4bec-a87d-fd1eee5a86fa	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:24:13	-864.253
-15	3343	334300	2185d8ea-2313-4b92-9c4e-061ce30dde97	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:27:14	240.423
-15	6686	334300	e26cfdbb-3fb9-44eb-a505-7f17ccb7c9ca	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:17:35	533.665
-16	3344	334400	e96704cd-5da6-4315-9443-d1dddafa2fc0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:08:44	405.754
-16	6688	334400	80ffa232-df5c-40db-bfdc-5b5a925f2f21	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:27:11	-797.245
-17	3345	334500	b137a1ca-269e-47a8-938a-a75bbe476e1c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:22:11	-409.816
-17	6690	334500	0783d2b8-9f58-4250-80a0-76ef71a485b8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:23:11	-599.227
-18	3346	334600	18890130-8003-4747-bf54-9b61f6b87c79	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:41:30	227.415
-18	6692	334600	077a824b-9ccf-4512-8509-520a2001f02a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:12:18	945.321
-19	3347	334700	cc203738-1233-414d-810c-565f0273bf83	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:38:20	924.649
-19	6694	334700	deb9c275-da3a-4d9e-9e22-284538a46165	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:15:06	-512.935
-20	3348	334800	5fab307b-4072-4949-8994-004b28da6966	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:13:55	931.839
-20	6696	334800	800eba72-89fe-40e8-9507-1e98ac256956	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:07:57	934.644
-21	3349	334900	9b415949-3fd9-4198-ae10-d4c940fb76c7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:13:37	-931.800
-21	6698	334900	1c4f430f-2e3f-4f40-896a-7a38038dcfbb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:04:13	483.668
-22	3350	335000	ee772606-a05d-4221-a710-dc087a6c5168	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:11:00	-325.113
-22	6700	335000	ca375e98-6d73-483e-9ddc-ef2409c29aaa	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:27:36	-504.302
-23	3351	335100	92995c73-7a50-4986-a0a3-042810e8ea3e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:56:48	-918.289
-23	6702	335100	26227c2a-102f-45b9-9b59-5c477e049693	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:46:40	-471.786
-24	3352	335200	fee837ec-c7c1-4a6c-8582-9df03c2dcecd	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:09:42	352.937
-24	6704	335200	21eb0afb-bf7a-42d2-a0e1-12fe2029bbd5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:04:44	-707.129
-25	3353	335300	90453207-a39f-42f8-9e2e-db554708b79f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:42:36	-268.212
-25	6706	335300	c2023d18-cb20-4487-9bcd-feb84a4cd999	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:56:43	-1.234
-26	3354	335400	8dda3d11-b585-45bf-9a9f-15b8543f0653	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:19:49	-463.231
-26	6708	335400	be6b5ab8-7fa7-4b35-9f89-ed3e422cd8fc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:27:17	-954.171
-27	3355	335500	e38709c8-037d-4910-941a-309350061667	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:20:53	95.879
-27	6710	335500	67f9d908-9acc-4a7f-82bd-70eeaa899f2c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:43:14	-861.464
-28	3356	335600	3f8c1da6-d030-40c3-a9c9-c390e3a773e6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:17:54	410.866
-28	6712	335600	23c51b54-42e0-4ca8-9e7e-d1c6e84d534e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:20:41	-247.38
-29	3357	335700	ceabaceb-e275-43c4-b870-5dea57bd9869	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:58:21	29.790
-29	6714	335700	7116c694-5621-483e-ad25-0681da3ec394	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:08:07	800.236
-30	3358	335800	a57b369f-ac45-45fc-85b7-e82c7df454cb	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:29:23	-319.920
-30	6716	335800	2dd51fad-8e80-4154-9945-07ac0795dbca	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:52:42	-367.448
-31	3359	335900	6f4712bd-9838-410e-9f96-e90070944421	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:13:45	674.627
-31	6718	335900	57312d31-7d3e-45a9-81c6-3c63dca5aeac	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:56:55	-621.717
-32	3360	336000	a309c000-697b-474b-abe8-f3a4aaf026e9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:52:56	550.184
-32	6720	336000	60a71713-7e96-4ae0-abc4-114c882a1a15	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:41:31	506.640
-33	3361	336100	56eecbbc-890e-45c4-baec-ce8aeafdd52d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:16:25	203.386
-33	6722	336100	90b022f7-3ab5-482a-ac74-880ff5eaf8c6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:48:29	-990.235
-34	3362	336200	7946ef5d-9708-4057-8c23-68ebd8caee19	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:45:41	654.662
-34	6724	336200	a2ad8ab0-032f-412d-844f-602c55f8663c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:48:04	376.238
-35	3363	336300	5fae8277-3397-48ed-b523-0d540a4b3ddd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:07:54	568.228
-35	6726	336300	768b875f-33d1-4b1f-8a56-51c70086d782	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:11:03	-817.734
-36	3364	336400	0ae896e2-1783-41cc-9eb8-c5ff2a78660b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:49:46	-894.859
-36	6728	336400	5d82f8b1-ac0a-439d-9fca-1ef32441cde5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:48:10	422.984
-37	3365	336500	ed5a96c4-49a6-4d93-b932-0ee6a6a0c9d1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:27:51	480.959
-37	6730	336500	215ceeef-4366-48ce-ac17-5f41b0157668	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:56:00	453.363
-38	3366	336600	39eca4b2-52fc-4cc6-add5-8e273d8cc959	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:34:15	-794.67
-38	6732	336600	0a5919e0-6cb2-40ba-b230-8483418ad5ca	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:54:12	-985.405
-39	3367	336700	054a1a68-bd10-4d92-ba44-46782c7689ca	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:39:35	743.510
-39	6734	336700	1d3144a0-ec9a-4a29-91c0-ca2c53e87ac9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:24:01	471.242
-40	3368	336800	19e2c807-418b-43c8-b7ef-0ee22fd93fd6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:29:13	-462.622
-40	6736	336800	3910e732-2e7b-40bb-9b85-c0420b1b271d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:43:40	216.28
-41	3369	336900	51ee3de8-f73a-47f6-bf07-91616fab1966	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:15:36	-220.524
-41	6738	336900	303410dd-b1e6-4326-8a29-bd80005e8eb4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:08:52	251.809
-42	3370	337000	ce01216d-2b24-4c38-b2ee-1f87b9a82651	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:59:41	425.60
-42	6740	337000	2f69a728-10cc-4bf5-81b3-54d5fad6ec50	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:05:09	356.435
-43	3371	337100	beca2723-0a46-4b53-bb5a-f666e2108000	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:16:30	-397.661
-43	6742	337100	ef57430b-8ecc-4684-829c-3b24f8735dd8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:11:55	-355.403
-44	3372	337200	b0a5fde8-0b5c-4ba6-979f-5d6086dd50fd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:10:39	-714.42
-44	6744	337200	f63c66ed-337d-476d-8eb9-10e745dd9d48	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:35:30	-9.715
-45	3373	337300	5b7b2e82-7995-4038-9548-1e286acb402f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:08:35	-54.138
-45	6746	337300	e1841f78-141e-4ce7-be29-ad269994c5b5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:37:01	227.77
-46	3374	337400	ae2233f0-2a36-4fbd-9d08-06d715d7f018	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:56:12	-165.172
-46	6748	337400	6b4a0254-b7a7-4bd1-b400-2831b5cd3973	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:43:11	-546.14
-47	3375	337500	51d873d0-06cb-480f-aeaa-a2dee220e396	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:20:12	337.556
-47	6750	337500	8feb5330-0307-4cc3-8a49-a01cdc743c69	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:25:15	-115.484
-48	3376	337600	80af1701-dafe-483b-9178-f6d31bfcf6ac	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:30:03	342.622
-48	6752	337600	1a6cb609-acd4-4604-9220-c025608d345e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:36:30	775.706
-49	3377	337700	7028bda1-8ae5-4e21-88bc-32fcbd97b769	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:50:04	-511.391
-49	6754	337700	db11a362-0ec7-4480-9d5a-d314c484c62a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:20:22	-105.607
-50	3378	337800	ad4a5353-d88a-4b4f-a0b9-d190a3e1ce33	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:23:35	724.268
-50	6756	337800	103ce15d-b686-4040-97ae-020d69840a10	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:50:50	-45.375
-51	3379	337900	69d94f32-dec6-40f7-bd0f-21e216f9ddec	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:41:42	14.6
-51	6758	337900	2009147a-ed2a-4bd4-ad02-d9f8a51d5380	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:29:00	916.157
-52	3380	338000	fb5352dd-cb3b-4238-9681-4a79b9e9305c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:08:33	831.555
-52	6760	338000	4dd35a21-ea98-4564-8e44-cfc47bb6d1b2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:34:35	194.687
-53	3381	338100	bccaf947-965a-4e26-9933-6043cefb39e5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:58:30	926.911
-53	6762	338100	7dccca71-7c9b-4988-aec1-26ff6971925c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:52:55	15.356
-54	3382	338200	c3f2cc02-2ee8-4962-9637-b24833bf2df9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:18:49	-3.226
-54	6764	338200	9b7a2ecd-0090-4c54-8536-50a409b544ac	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:54:23	476.337
-55	3383	338300	3fc26e4b-9770-4df8-8e5f-4e3337885963	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:14:45	-785.636
-55	6766	338300	2af87907-3dae-4fb7-8754-8fc6c186cb75	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:38:20	-655.113
-56	3384	338400	c61abbe4-36c1-413b-9e9a-77172b5f68c8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:56:41	-50.632
-56	6768	338400	f25e9364-7c6c-4e44-9616-e1e68b1de02b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:25:08	-168.588
-57	3385	338500	13bbf9c3-0f15-4aa4-95e4-8cb18f7e3462	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:28:42	652.77
-57	6770	338500	1fbc8ddb-69cd-433a-9720-f94b411ed5ae	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:49:42	-260.652
-58	3386	338600	95958e49-e888-47f9-b068-91a8cce5eace	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:42:28	-457.363
-58	6772	338600	11f4e834-568f-4b82-b45e-04d6d4e080bc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:40:28	487.917
-59	3387	338700	6e16a8e5-abeb-4262-866c-bb87fc307b39	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:56:28	538.433
-59	6774	338700	96cd36ca-4812-4bce-b094-f2c78ae0abcc	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:00:03	595.741
-60	3388	338800	e6e69355-04f4-4cd6-a965-18d55e6ca305	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:04:49	650.153
-60	6776	338800	e63e55d0-9280-42e5-82e2-ec3194896c2a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:35:47	275.910
-61	3389	338900	f92a6004-f0b1-47ab-b994-24579dd1b553	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:31:19	-145.114
-61	6778	338900	9f0fdee4-e686-4fb8-a30d-20fbcc55fac7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:55:50	453.621
-62	3390	339000	fbb5d142-2c21-43d2-a711-624ae718f8a3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:16:05	501.965
-62	6780	339000	b3e28341-6738-4794-b485-b6ed585e4674	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:36:17	852.44
-63	3391	339100	c92e2d9e-40ad-4e76-ad14-eaaf026e30cc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:58:39	-574.711
-63	6782	339100	c5913447-e058-47c7-8f29-04b08fd571fc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:33:24	522.672
-64	3392	339200	a5f1984e-bb6e-4978-aa61-8febd71bb576	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:06:58	567.814
-64	6784	339200	f8e7ed55-8a8f-452c-9b88-5c746fbe94b1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:42:09	-722.535
-65	3393	339300	b9b4d70f-bfd4-455a-88c2-e4bd625cdb61	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:20:26	282.242
-65	6786	339300	3afcf9b0-6a73-4b48-a12a-97b5bc2c3782	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:30:09	-946.841
-66	3394	339400	4e4ff090-b32e-4b4e-8f72-797544e0396f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:16:44	-472.524
-66	6788	339400	8cb5c8e9-3a5e-48e9-b15b-268cef3b8819	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:28:20	966.433
-67	3395	339500	70c4037e-b6c0-4711-aeee-9fc9992354e8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:36:27	533.815
-67	6790	339500	61e31e0f-953a-4de3-97e7-23e3b83c6a00	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:29:34	153.115
-68	3396	339600	c153cebc-4e9d-4aad-ae3d-cb8316c1c346	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:57:53	52.908
-68	6792	339600	4b666894-9434-4384-9fca-3f7e24613c5f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:47:41	-349.377
-69	3397	339700	0ce282bd-e0c3-4b19-8505-55c29c73b099	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:59:15	-653.874
-69	6794	339700	5959f8e8-97c1-4cef-b686-0088e617d328	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:04:09	-629.271
-70	3398	339800	0cea63e9-da80-41e1-9036-2ed01bfc41d5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:31:07	591.636
-70	6796	339800	51b77499-3a48-4963-a446-a895e36fd9d0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:27:51	-150.146
-71	3399	339900	6313148b-dd35-45a8-b73f-806ae282d935	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:45:18	-313.820
-71	6798	339900	b4dd7192-0697-41fc-bc47-b23ba978d4dc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:49:07	326.690
-72	3400	340000	ef443391-5a49-422f-8bbe-987192a4deef	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:11:17	-457.849
-72	6800	340000	0a2c347d-bf99-4114-bffc-9a914481da1c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:14:42	827.767
-73	3401	340100	92a7c4c2-d952-401f-811b-ede750b965d0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:12:59	8.158
-73	6802	340100	0e1692a0-be23-4b44-9991-47841499ffdf	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:12:34	327.481
-74	3402	340200	51c0754e-4a1d-4341-92c3-6bd866801c1e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:09:34	589.970
-74	6804	340200	91793eef-b732-400d-8456-c70feab6a600	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:42:11	-76.168
-75	3403	340300	89b407c4-2f6b-4962-bf43-a6228f6560cd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:58:04	-378.201
-75	6806	340300	4422608a-a9b5-4bae-9304-bdbd85df134a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:15:32	-782.161
-76	3404	340400	a064e379-394c-4be9-bade-b561b15ceb3e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:30:05	-307.971
-76	6808	340400	62a21dcd-3fcd-4957-9c63-9d2fa98d46bf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:56:34	-110.588
-77	3405	340500	c426bfdd-3971-4ad9-ae12-919c3e3ed935	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:12:08	911.166
-77	6810	340500	d4c11f23-3227-4987-9e3b-7af3be8ca3ca	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:55:54	303.231
-78	3406	340600	1a393d90-a16c-4c0f-9b08-7b70b6d470a9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:48:00	602.170
-78	6812	340600	bedd5876-aba3-4ca9-a18e-5344eb860c2f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:29:08	125.472
-79	3407	340700	2cfdc9db-0c45-4a07-890c-abd81a108298	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:12:25	-790.429
-79	6814	340700	477559ca-76c4-48e8-bbba-6b070596afac	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:21:32	-596.249
-80	3408	340800	be0e2ca3-4264-452f-8849-07fd55186128	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:59:12	-868.251
-80	6816	340800	e19909f1-19fe-4a46-95ab-805023b94c22	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:01:12	-319.375
-81	3409	340900	77a44793-497c-4954-903c-109df954af39	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:42:37	729.413
-81	6818	340900	3a7a4ca7-47ee-4731-84c9-a525038c65db	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:57:25	-253.77
-82	3410	341000	fcc32886-0e44-4182-9f46-2168a63e15b7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:42:27	418.192
-82	6820	341000	08e0055a-4e16-4b3a-b273-9a6d752fef8a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:24:19	973.805
-83	3411	341100	b7b4a181-348d-4dbc-9665-9dd0fba46d46	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:20:13	73.815
-83	6822	341100	6deaf618-7dd7-403e-aa8c-aa3cf2f9a344	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:00:29	594.138
-84	3412	341200	0abbe0d8-6efc-4a99-b8e2-2b9e20760a89	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:11:23	543.703
-84	6824	341200	dde35a47-692f-42f9-b8fc-aac72c50f19a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:30:34	337.899
-85	3413	341300	66913469-6d46-4cc2-a635-7f31b5b906ef	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:11:02	-758.48
-85	6826	341300	d1ba4e9c-6d9f-44c4-b1e5-0c8031bce95a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:11:13	304.462
-86	3414	341400	85ce300a-6cfd-4e52-b208-cdf56838608a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:54:45	-599.395
-86	6828	341400	9f0adaf2-71d8-4bd4-a768-08b6aadec338	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:47:34	-169.303
-87	3415	341500	05d68d83-2906-4c04-9ee6-70c43e7e4e09	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:05:40	-178.298
-87	6830	341500	33634452-8a7f-42fd-85ba-732bf5cbe740	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:47:53	47.862
-88	3416	341600	c3d5141c-e070-46be-9a68-8fa7ba29cff9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:05:22	939.811
-88	6832	341600	ecf1449e-a0ac-42ea-be8c-707414ee7c91	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:07:12	215.424
-89	3417	341700	f77010be-4f24-4ba0-b196-05403299411c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:59:50	-527.915
-89	6834	341700	ee3735da-a205-4ca7-b4e1-622045fb428f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:48:48	-460.570
-90	3418	341800	b60cac65-0a79-4f2f-b114-08781c643172	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:19:08	729.820
-90	6836	341800	26ccbf45-b2b8-49da-8af2-910d632aa101	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:10:56	177.68
-91	3419	341900	36decc50-51ef-4392-919a-d914d9d39c78	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:44:30	-50.548
-91	6838	341900	a2d6b3e4-1f9b-4ac6-b6d4-38af13977d80	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:47:30	-95.798
-92	3420	342000	990823bb-829e-4486-bfae-fc440ac582a6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:14:15	-77.257
-92	6840	342000	592a3eb7-beb9-48ba-ac68-47a24e6c0f0f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:08:31	-722.760
-93	3421	342100	95ec4e89-7fb7-4ed7-8002-1d2c25883b0d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:28:07	83.905
-93	6842	342100	49daf312-c176-4d94-bfec-d2650c92d3ce	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:37:15	-483.527
-94	3422	342200	22d835f8-71ae-451e-a21f-aac17ce59919	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:07:50	121.600
-94	6844	342200	eb0bda47-cca9-4308-ad6e-25d9d20e4848	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:25:29	79.896
-95	3423	342300	692aa063-6eae-4874-b8bf-b94ce7a3ef7d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:42:18	428.652
-95	6846	342300	85ef9b8d-5e22-4a3f-a244-5f3187ae4e11	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:17:37	645.235
-96	3424	342400	fcf66d22-ec32-4ed3-b46c-8abe4ea936d2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:01:10	-472.510
-96	6848	342400	791dffb5-3d14-4d8b-a403-515f928c9b82	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:52:23	-13.810
-97	3425	342500	b2fa6e39-dfbe-4473-b0fa-11d59d9757d5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:05:50	-893.222
-97	6850	342500	3a2ed8a6-cef6-4cc2-b7ee-1951a15eaefa	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:16:07	-775.415
-98	3426	342600	8e71a3d3-8be6-4744-833d-eee46d7a5e33	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:10:57	-257.802
-98	6852	342600	5af9fbcc-55c7-4ebf-84fb-be9c551c937f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:35:58	-419.165
-99	3427	342700	408b46d5-16c8-4ac8-a696-22d94e5dc2d0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:19:19	998.759
-99	6854	342700	c9e5f1a1-29ad-4a12-8180-e769b32fe0d9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:09:20	594.625
-100	3428	342800	a5196d07-8418-4143-b3b4-3a02b803a74e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:10:44	977.277
-100	6856	342800	0f5617a1-209f-4293-9301-a63e22f3b75f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:09:21	851.483
-101	3429	342900	d7c4ca12-685b-450e-8634-24749d51e67a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:05:33	105.624
-101	6858	342900	b7954379-21db-461f-87cf-d036533bf13c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:52:18	-470.38
-102	3430	343000	d6a36495-c3e9-4779-9030-550e3ed82f44	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:07:19	125.602
-102	6860	343000	cf9275ef-08fc-4193-9bd7-b508dbddaccf	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:45:00	348.516
-103	3431	343100	607ce6a5-e572-4f5f-8937-0cbe570effd9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:57:53	-797.906
-103	6862	343100	8ac8f0cd-6d74-4423-b9d8-df47fc62baa7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:09:57	491.554
-104	3432	343200	a58f0deb-b403-44af-98d6-83761cafbf58	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:26:14	86.591
-104	6864	343200	e92a60ac-2df9-4860-bf72-20eaaaebdb2f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:10:09	437.771
-105	3433	343300	d0ed53eb-1995-4013-a265-fc30d2f724a2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:34:30	-455.242
-105	6866	343300	39891184-9fbf-4c37-aa7b-bd00ad4fc608	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:50:18	883.562
-106	3434	343400	69e17dd8-c6e3-4b96-b42b-02f0872905d2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:22:08	-71.393
-106	6868	343400	b6d6f9b2-3354-49bd-83fd-333531ce5f05	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:22:35	-791.362
-107	3435	343500	26503174-ced3-4d6b-89cb-01063535cac1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:17:50	564.726
-107	6870	343500	fd1f8764-9464-4510-8dd9-2b171cd6f00f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:31:16	83.323
-108	3436	343600	a3d6c803-3383-4d2f-bea7-61bcfcf91f21	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:01:27	-57.309
-108	6872	343600	38bfd823-35b6-4f90-bc3f-a7b7ff4aba8f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:20:14	922.653
-109	3437	343700	afc0d0aa-40a4-4db0-80a9-9caa674a4676	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:18:09	-527.444
-109	6874	343700	c9d4a317-ac20-4d7b-94ce-db96146a8efd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:02:16	-370.908
-110	3438	343800	fa2ba4e0-5ecb-4875-a582-80cda025ec1d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:23:48	279.812
-110	6876	343800	e4cfb33e-8d0a-4afe-a1d5-38fc9ba1c31f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:05:00	-871.367
-111	3439	343900	09e952c0-261a-4d68-b706-cc3d26758a54	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:19:22	-444.91
-111	6878	343900	4e3fe59f-9739-4f4d-a668-29c5ca40e147	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:53:38	-894.26
-112	3440	344000	7fa70829-7ef4-48d1-8f89-fdf0d487bc03	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:17:13	-203.655
-112	6880	344000	e359ca9e-affa-4671-bba8-54cd35426027	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:28:04	244.103
-113	3441	344100	1792967f-9419-4a64-be2a-0aeb9d4d846b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:40:06	-184.942
-113	6882	344100	61542912-8a60-4859-b9db-c76eb409658b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:26:28	706.813
-114	3442	344200	ef07f9bf-e408-4ce2-9dcf-bfff65d44f7f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:08:12	-878.450
-114	6884	344200	5a50083f-c9b8-425d-82fd-a54f396d3afa	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:41:59	960.152
-115	3443	344300	42e3c062-8937-47f1-912d-a7838a0075d3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:24:52	935.753
-115	6886	344300	fe80f2f5-68e3-4253-9dcb-3e7c6d06faca	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:14:29	-45.108
-116	3444	344400	34e4e573-09cc-40f0-9bb5-0f90d50957ed	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:42:38	-630.260
-116	6888	344400	6b42bd7e-ec08-45d3-8b73-7ad99bfeebef	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:23:07	-10.318
-117	3445	344500	39ed12bb-811c-4f71-a862-4329b822b054	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:24:56	-648.946
-117	6890	344500	4e7a8c81-c15d-45a1-bca8-1f05ef5eea96	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:11:50	254.305
-118	3446	344600	edc4e5c1-7708-4400-a3ef-2d04c838289b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:25:40	-380.565
-118	6892	344600	6b63723e-dd6a-41ae-8159-1df6c7c1c27a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:51:56	95.813
-119	3447	344700	db6914ba-3ec5-490f-ba48-6e3f78c234af	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:11:37	-221.330
-119	6894	344700	93137548-7586-4f6b-a227-2e12f16ea37f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:15:40	-610.793
-120	3448	344800	c01f28c5-70dd-43e3-91b9-26ec01f77536	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:44:44	567.575
-120	6896	344800	d3a4418d-d3ea-4ed3-83e2-75c8ce316199	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:50:26	521.797
-121	3449	344900	491ddb06-28b3-4d06-98fb-6eb48dd7d979	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:28:58	312.199
-121	6898	344900	22c5e13c-1c87-45c1-a651-c887d1752ac3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:34:18	486.498
-122	3450	345000	6e0b426b-e3fe-496f-aae9-0d320c238bab	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:42:03	-245.77
-122	6900	345000	3b1dd120-51c8-47cf-b374-b09dd3afd007	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:21:20	53.157
-123	3451	345100	1647c538-0676-4eda-aade-2a27cd0fc7bf	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:59:17	-468.0
-123	6902	345100	ab05ace3-275f-4bdf-9d04-b6b4779e0c35	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:00:02	431.542
-124	3452	345200	f47c605b-b227-4b1e-9d61-802c4f9e9fbd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:50:04	4.846
-124	6904	345200	cf4ac734-99a3-4499-af7d-5b4581d1fb4f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:18:48	167.262
-125	3453	345300	f9cf1aa0-3c9a-4b9c-a704-d9f37bfea99c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:10:25	69.128
-125	6906	345300	a9d2c34d-e7da-4ce4-b603-dcd9fcde4d5f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:12:43	-936.835
-126	3454	345400	d8e2839d-8664-4924-b214-cb4184183243	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:41:01	787.138
-126	6908	345400	4d29dbf5-098a-416b-85f4-54fe87e3ab15	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:37:35	431.569
-127	3455	345500	90b9e001-e7b9-4b7a-855c-e783b49a8c34	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:28:24	-913.311
-127	6910	345500	5be5a073-6358-427e-90f7-f96f66ff4097	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:31:00	-734.665
-0	3456	345600	3c63f432-173e-456d-8af0-83e94dafaaf7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:45:26	-708.866
-0	6912	345600	599c4848-1f89-4cff-88a9-eac17ecf5f49	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:14:04	-781.686
-1	3457	345700	2dfaf30b-ee69-4ce0-bb79-b0ccf3c4641a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:41:51	269.120
-1	6914	345700	f9d8323f-7d4d-49bf-aab4-0d42e8dc6803	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:17:10	-170.792
-2	3458	345800	be39af77-b8f6-49cb-9a91-7e1cf4a0e0ce	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:53:23	-909.350
-2	6916	345800	fe598c25-c2c2-4ca4-998c-8cf64be040bf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:04:08	928.985
-3	3459	345900	2bc21433-9d7a-4101-8cb8-c913334a0df6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:08:10	-628.147
-3	6918	345900	0a452b77-082b-4e16-ac9e-0aa18bb9fb6e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:31:40	-65.439
-4	3460	346000	c735c1df-5730-4966-b7d1-d7a12660b6ba	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:19:44	809.223
-4	6920	346000	ca75cc60-5da4-4e01-a4bb-89c8168e80cb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:59:44	-744.585
-5	3461	346100	10e40365-f85e-42db-a553-1bf78d1ae6d6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:11:39	-972.361
-5	6922	346100	32448c90-013d-4526-9553-2ad2778c4d2b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:57:52	736.844
-6	3462	346200	01d7bad3-38d8-472c-87c7-81e7551e8993	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:52:59	-341.974
-6	6924	346200	85ab2fe1-4cc3-44a7-a3c7-2d52fc4585b4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:58:09	-116.508
-7	3463	346300	5cf1d092-c84c-4419-8703-6993ce680e59	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:54:18	343.492
-7	6926	346300	c060809b-339d-4ea6-9f85-b826e01dfc8a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:57:43	64.391
-8	3464	346400	19bf9308-d7e0-4886-ad25-47c4e736b40c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:30:22	274.526
-8	6928	346400	6018de8e-f189-4e84-9bec-a388b26dccd2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:54:22	539.303
-9	3465	346500	c0cf4ba2-534c-4680-920c-3a8ddb232f71	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:59:43	-338.123
-9	6930	346500	8b78495c-5f72-4564-80a0-95f45b8b3778	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:55:03	-17.365
-10	3466	346600	e3b51fc6-2877-4480-bfcd-5cc3a823777a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:03:32	-7.658
-10	6932	346600	d167b893-8336-4b24-96cd-c16cf3837dbc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:49:52	413.797
-11	3467	346700	6b7fa8e9-8493-4f70-8e23-18d48fc55715	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:24:08	-429.676
-11	6934	346700	3bfe3fa1-aa63-421b-a5d1-b23144e3043c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:11:27	153.339
-12	3468	346800	92426fc9-8ea8-4e76-af6d-1ea9ed46529e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:12:20	602.710
-12	6936	346800	ecce9bb1-f771-4b85-872e-8e8e264d76c0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:11:18	-340.430
-13	3469	346900	35ce680a-8dea-4874-bf41-81463da0865c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:09:33	-275.169
-13	6938	346900	b96fccfb-4312-420e-8584-964e71dc64e5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:56:59	-500.62
-14	3470	347000	62f607e0-5a77-45ca-b5a8-81ac27543f53	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:35:25	435.15
-14	6940	347000	b82f2a10-2f2e-44c5-ada7-110a5b5b6cb7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:18:42	797.882
-15	3471	347100	cc073eb6-c6b7-4353-a91d-695056b6aac3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:17:16	-491.95
-15	6942	347100	703109ab-ce55-4f21-9a2c-323be014aadc	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:07:59	-733.47
-16	3472	347200	53d438da-5791-4667-8592-5476e86c7b51	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:54:29	756.397
-16	6944	347200	b1a7467a-0a05-42fc-aeb3-7f12b7e23948	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:47:02	-257.866
-17	3473	347300	567025a0-5c90-483a-bddc-03f5bc4e10ea	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:31:39	948.581
-17	6946	347300	6195affd-b8c9-4ee5-81d9-6206dc487a96	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:40:15	-762.494
-18	3474	347400	e0e86d42-e429-4d74-b324-069ecc89e99f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:50:10	-687.201
-18	6948	347400	29f2a88f-5a81-44f9-8685-8af9444ad84e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:47:39	-228.265
-19	3475	347500	2b8e36d0-9a0a-49e0-961a-ac9754fff1bb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:32:12	-954.473
-19	6950	347500	7a549f62-7ba1-4d45-9a97-6d506df5b30e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:50:13	561.410
-20	3476	347600	af4ee912-fded-42f5-a244-f08826d8ebc4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:15:27	996.755
-20	6952	347600	54f73ca2-1289-4cc0-9278-a7bbe45c4470	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:21:56	618.633
-21	3477	347700	21a9b221-c934-4043-9837-a6fe15b4d0f2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:47:23	38.31
-21	6954	347700	d5d1a66b-73a3-41f5-8589-94e433e98be9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:39:19	646.558
-22	3478	347800	853fe02c-d7a0-4b81-82f4-08a24aaf5216	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:05:42	-465.470
-22	6956	347800	10c912cb-946d-415e-a391-de1411cded0b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:07:33	344.479
-23	3479	347900	a225e30c-15d0-4deb-bb65-dd79a5929ef0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:41:31	-754.407
-23	6958	347900	496102cc-09ae-425e-b2ad-1e8370120704	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:38:07	-130.164
-24	3480	348000	fdadfd3e-cb9f-414b-8456-8751148b0da0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:31:14	305.54
-24	6960	348000	914178e4-3e96-49d1-b867-d2fda8491260	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:08:28	-61.274
-25	3481	348100	0393ce9e-d07f-41ff-91c9-f997a1234dc5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:48:57	-350.940
-25	6962	348100	1b263bee-548a-488d-b25b-b243a058627a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:23:06	-700.462
-26	3482	348200	57b1fe04-24cd-4fa8-81e8-ad1ec19cbf53	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:50:12	561.554
-26	6964	348200	671a03c6-8d3d-422e-942c-47911ce840c9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:24:46	-581.700
-27	3483	348300	d86bc996-7761-4ddc-879c-6689fd57dfed	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:52:44	560.483
-27	6966	348300	1fb19621-24cd-4f5a-b3bd-4a1c6939a079	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:18:41	-373.276
-28	3484	348400	f60d51b8-63cd-402f-8ae2-4a2c3b4e70d5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:13:30	587.573
-28	6968	348400	d2d773fd-5f52-4f8d-98b1-046368145b32	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:38:14	-967.672
-29	3485	348500	4d332acd-4920-40dd-87a6-2b1ad80ea216	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:45:06	-454.134
-29	6970	348500	f8842f38-5d9b-4361-a419-1574f17ff8e3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:52:14	490.116
-30	3486	348600	cad213c6-ee14-4de4-8e56-fe47ec9b8c46	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:50:34	-79.434
-30	6972	348600	15ee6f5d-1f1d-43c2-8fbd-9201bbff9e8c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:47:40	822.46
-31	3487	348700	0006971d-2de7-4d9c-b26a-e1a4694beb57	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:51:02	-751.402
-31	6974	348700	d70483fd-5ee7-4758-a33a-f34c9e3757e2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:33:53	-244.810
-32	3488	348800	56bf7c40-fd96-4221-874b-600b41470868	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:51:01	-141.348
-32	6976	348800	fed4fd47-978d-426a-b342-62f1fd4164e7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:40:32	984.665
-33	3489	348900	a9410f4f-f340-4122-8e54-9abe344d02c0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:40:43	-492.677
-33	6978	348900	fd48df64-2d97-4b8e-b30d-3cfa3fcaaf62	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:12:37	703.685
-34	3490	349000	18c40f63-48ab-46b2-92c7-bbdb805e277b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:37:52	-508.90
-34	6980	349000	223eb856-8224-45cb-b9a3-227bdaf232c5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:50:28	959.31
-35	3491	349100	fde3508c-a4f4-4b4d-888e-d706e2aa6b00	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:04:24	-442.467
-35	6982	349100	bd89de71-e7a9-43e7-800d-013fef7f8680	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:38:44	-296.300
-36	3492	349200	88f9c9ac-c150-4ecd-89b0-b899ce0052fb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:16:42	869.363
-36	6984	349200	5d3cb3da-2949-4eba-9c81-03a3eac01e6b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:38:59	-292.520
-37	3493	349300	650e5540-b1d7-4bc6-9682-1932651cf4fa	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:38:27	-741.660
-37	6986	349300	13107ecf-bdd9-483e-a8cf-c731c2752300	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:10:43	-516.536
-38	3494	349400	878b0927-f625-4126-a78c-1ce28538c8d0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:39:17	-801.633
-38	6988	349400	0b520d29-d9ad-470e-9611-3bbd5ea8cadc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:59:40	-790.435
-39	3495	349500	02c898aa-0f10-4d11-ac5e-b05e9d65ce2f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:26:28	-156.309
-39	6990	349500	7a66d7e8-0d9f-476d-ae8c-752e8a9611f0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:14:26	307.839
-40	3496	349600	63d623a6-6a9e-4384-ab63-f956b8d2c7d7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:45:04	-805.704
-40	6992	349600	b554933a-a957-43eb-b3af-11866e62c927	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:58:23	707.781
-41	3497	349700	cf29a0c3-5ccf-439d-9a0e-cdf9e563dfcb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:09:05	-16.20
-41	6994	349700	c4d57f03-9cf2-4fd3-b500-d8d02c4de017	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:06:23	-970.353
-42	3498	349800	c52a6afc-5637-4fb6-b7a9-26a9dfd95967	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:39:53	236.654
-42	6996	349800	d2b8d68f-7eeb-4fc5-a5c3-45829a445baa	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:02:46	-506.382
-43	3499	349900	d96be679-eb4a-4f33-a4f1-662c6c4dcddc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:36:33	-766.532
-43	6998	349900	efa1b3ef-29aa-4108-b3a4-a36e799873d8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:54:34	366.875
-44	3500	350000	9062695c-205f-445c-9c5b-baf315d76adf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:22:00	152.692
-44	7000	350000	d4342eb8-a2f0-4449-a6b3-9cf5df9c4472	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:12:25	-154.566
-45	3501	350100	e86a9940-488c-49c9-a443-46a2d9c998d9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:58:47	342.941
-45	7002	350100	bb4ee5b1-6697-4005-a46c-6d69c11def6f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:09:59	-492.542
-46	3502	350200	5fb5169a-bbce-45b6-90d8-6bcc2db2deba	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:37:22	852.54
-46	7004	350200	41497579-70ea-4b70-968e-d85bd598a7c5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:20:46	-330.780
-47	3503	350300	1af172f5-6d56-480e-ba2b-d60f4a648392	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:21:50	-369.410
-47	7006	350300	221f7c95-6e19-4dbc-bd22-1971bbc2dcf6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:56:40	-626.840
-48	3504	350400	5b4cfaa3-626f-4746-9f97-2a62480e49da	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:15:28	0.163
-48	7008	350400	a585bb39-0157-4308-a286-895556b49c9e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:53:30	736.494
-49	3505	350500	58358467-27ae-4471-9f32-8ab879f9d760	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:50:04	182.32
-49	7010	350500	f7d00385-e2b1-4bd8-90da-a19b5d0d2ed5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:29:45	-652.934
-50	3506	350600	bee867b7-83d5-494f-b55c-cfc9307aa1ba	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:11:50	141.201
-50	7012	350600	a605b4bc-3658-41ee-a078-55cc77cd41d8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:17:49	243.356
-51	3507	350700	c63b4437-f013-44e0-8e06-bb373a33c2c1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:40:59	-472.47
-51	7014	350700	aaaaf30d-a58d-4bc7-9e03-0a2fb61a7a0b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:33:19	341.223
-52	3508	350800	699afcc0-9da4-46f3-9297-8721cc357662	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:13:06	-994.189
-52	7016	350800	477a1fa1-799c-443e-b9ed-d9fae457ee89	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:21:28	707.667
-53	3509	350900	8cd05108-6567-4984-92fe-feef53092eb6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:11:25	-553.497
-53	7018	350900	dcd5c427-80bd-497c-8e43-030a5f63da18	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:10:59	-804.619
-54	3510	351000	135d0472-3b5e-45cc-a3c9-004f9d04d018	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:03:47	661.89
-54	7020	351000	1dcab4a0-e5fd-4db4-99b8-2cfc94541307	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:20:58	-425.518
-55	3511	351100	685398bf-419b-4f1a-99e1-7e80971cfc39	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:15:55	-980.952
-55	7022	351100	54b4acda-3047-4703-bb62-d7ef26d0006a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:30:14	731.886
-56	3512	351200	e31b1531-2d92-4c0a-84b6-853a57b898ff	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:34:58	358.397
-56	7024	351200	13700c2e-9d2e-44cc-816f-fed90e191c79	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:25:17	878.545
-57	3513	351300	5fbbe02c-cf9b-4ea1-9b2f-f8276ee3dfae	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:49:17	793.68
-57	7026	351300	5b3f7214-2157-474a-8eb1-7ca18891d9f3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:35:42	471.615
-58	3514	351400	2ac37ddd-8d3e-48f6-9b88-44e74eaa841f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:44:30	-849.119
-58	7028	351400	19decdfe-698f-4b8b-9083-307c12b2a056	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:39:48	-200.900
-59	3515	351500	3e76550a-8675-4eba-81a0-84b538b0ad01	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:28:37	-493.690
-59	7030	351500	9f9a57a7-9882-4aec-a039-7d6648ee20e2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:00:22	-334.345
-60	3516	351600	469aa185-0d3b-4c11-8726-ea9ac6e7233c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:20:42	-409.678
-60	7032	351600	0d9eda8b-19ac-47de-9fb2-eac50273e04e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:34:02	-575.939
-61	3517	351700	5211e600-c618-4742-825c-53c495ce700b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:11:47	1.749
-61	7034	351700	e66fd2ae-ab73-4754-af41-c9b00c109406	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:10:55	966.839
-62	3518	351800	d48e9aec-ecf6-4cd2-a9fd-a3b0035e987d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:02:28	595.937
-62	7036	351800	e066117a-85a3-4d79-97b9-a9c2457f8bd6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:08:12	-493.664
-63	3519	351900	ccf37e3d-b062-4006-bae4-9ac6a502d5d7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:44:31	-804.368
-63	7038	351900	732d7e20-b1bc-4cfb-a6df-35f262938cf0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:30:21	-292.130
-64	3520	352000	7c2d685c-e226-44ba-8d73-aee7838dda6f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:02:43	-245.780
-64	7040	352000	c82d3f5d-d4be-4f42-90c6-f2fdff168b19	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:20:55	-725.334
-65	3521	352100	167340e3-379d-47b6-bfdd-dad5c8af5a48	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:55:50	299.665
-65	7042	352100	c3893af1-8678-445a-b4cd-c424c62ed672	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:11:02	295.68
-66	3522	352200	90bb9133-6c65-4ee2-9b4b-3a80d0cafad3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:31:32	300.112
-66	7044	352200	e6df88a3-3ef6-49a6-b664-05e8d59a447c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:04:21	40.534
-67	3523	352300	54290ce1-558f-424e-84ee-4eff6489b18d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:53:43	-680.159
-67	7046	352300	bd4d2cb0-3f81-493b-8818-8bd609515b92	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:01:32	-427.655
-68	3524	352400	ea02e472-a859-49bf-91d7-c9d71ec3a58f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:27:00	779.550
-68	7048	352400	ddca6b74-9659-498d-a4de-e5f3882e34c0	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:55:14	-555.108
-69	3525	352500	7ed79258-5a5f-4b2c-b442-d93951b0ceba	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:56:52	720.449
-69	7050	352500	4d407fd9-2e78-44cc-b27d-004df4c3111c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:37:24	-737.663
-70	3526	352600	ced2f41a-5d0c-468c-afc9-404f47944c8f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:54:13	106.858
-70	7052	352600	3f967143-adb8-4d53-88e8-e46c0403b4c5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:04:59	-521.453
-71	3527	352700	ba757133-3fdd-48a4-9898-58b8d8c0b855	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:43:03	-160.939
-71	7054	352700	6765382d-96ed-4bf5-9658-8a947b81c6cc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:56:02	974.828
-72	3528	352800	8a915e9a-8e21-42c7-b42b-2647a0421300	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:12:04	-296.67
-72	7056	352800	24ac6aa2-6304-44a4-859f-869623708ff5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:40:14	444.617
-73	3529	352900	06c80c3c-ff80-4e94-a69f-56cf3bedf373	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:30:06	-724.794
-73	7058	352900	3a38e529-e6d7-4604-90fb-efec85d82369	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:48:22	726.421
-74	3530	353000	16122b54-885a-4d4c-ba36-e5da69668edf	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:49:19	51.730
-74	7060	353000	0519b435-0014-4139-83cf-1cdeb2983f8a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:58:34	-118.999
-75	3531	353100	a916d02b-0f85-431c-ba92-3876adc2ebb9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:36:52	-610.617
-75	7062	353100	aea61d46-1817-4c0c-a282-9deee5392be2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:54:28	263.181
-76	3532	353200	c477a198-f233-40b1-b60c-8497ba2f402b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:06:15	702.914
-76	7064	353200	62f791eb-d6e4-4a0a-9484-8a79567caa95	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:41:55	-908.878
-77	3533	353300	fc3eb86d-ccdb-477d-93b2-1fb2ec00f1a1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:45:07	-325.388
-77	7066	353300	37325ddf-7c1b-47ca-8227-74e897d57b43	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:17:17	592.657
-78	3534	353400	87ef94c3-5a95-491f-a6ed-0f704ce6cf11	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:29:47	814.416
-78	7068	353400	d8964c48-35d4-4f93-ab91-20f0402e0195	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:43:19	693.343
-79	3535	353500	42c23a97-62f5-45aa-9c55-86eb79a4d9ef	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:58:20	-134.937
-79	7070	353500	ecc27210-fd5e-46ac-8867-6df89442b508	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:02:42	-426.780
-80	3536	353600	733ba2e7-34c3-4afc-a6ca-3dc42cea8648	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:13:21	-7.642
-80	7072	353600	5dcff73e-7120-4bd3-ad12-0cc1ce55e669	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:46:26	-553.738
-81	3537	353700	d6f4afa1-1ca0-4c2d-a817-394aff671edb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:27:24	-88.479
-81	7074	353700	cc81a4a2-cbfc-4e45-877a-5a19a50c8d9f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:03:55	-774.874
-82	3538	353800	109e6dc3-d22b-4dae-b316-0cf6b35ca5fe	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:43:01	-544.437
-82	7076	353800	f552534f-cbce-49bc-9264-b6eca7406b68	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:50:26	255.155
-83	3539	353900	e3bd83ee-2cdf-431d-8448-0f48adb36eb3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:30:51	-471.188
-83	7078	353900	6d22ff41-39e0-41a7-a80f-d8672e05ec09	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:24:06	664.718
-84	3540	354000	648d7fba-aaf0-47ea-b18f-a7ab2873fe2c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:16:22	381.607
-84	7080	354000	f19f13f8-8220-437c-8298-0ab8baedc94c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:24:34	216.948
-85	3541	354100	42b86775-23c8-4454-b471-4aff13080259	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:07:39	-524.972
-85	7082	354100	1f605685-f7c2-447c-b134-21b2425e36a6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:34:09	645.841
-86	3542	354200	6bb007da-e1c9-4c34-8514-b6de6cb05159	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:33:39	570.859
-86	7084	354200	5ecfb293-05bf-472b-8893-52e9dda36dc1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:35:46	-753.914
-87	3543	354300	9c1205b2-d0e0-4587-9858-3367f2d71562	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:19:27	-222.375
-87	7086	354300	18bce9fc-8aee-4889-a450-9c770ed476a5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:32:29	-395.506
-88	3544	354400	47d426f6-cd4d-4775-ad30-5250a7e0caf4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:54:49	113.290
-88	7088	354400	ebdfd9a5-fb4e-4cea-a28c-c0f2d00a4b3b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:58:16	-812.582
-89	3545	354500	347f0899-3a9d-4e6f-b2a0-92057acc670a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:42:46	858.88
-89	7090	354500	699f8697-2630-4850-8253-bf2ef2df9505	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:37:47	-916.156
-90	3546	354600	f1d299d3-a716-4fea-a084-e5f9ec128c6e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:41:35	817.61
-90	7092	354600	74a8ad26-58f9-4d75-a913-4e23cac112f1	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:13:27	-912.100
-91	3547	354700	e4ab10b2-77c0-4a81-9e05-f1098adfaf61	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:10:47	-677.257
-91	7094	354700	41d9bc97-08e8-4929-94a5-16266ad18672	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:56:29	808.290
-92	3548	354800	e9c7b8e3-014e-4b80-874e-beb5d56710bd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:33:01	-13.31
-92	7096	354800	f9b1a02f-4225-46cc-b172-bf78124d42cc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:13:58	404.197
-93	3549	354900	6377dc34-2a04-4334-9931-a7b0f1db54c8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:32:47	480.294
-93	7098	354900	f32a8285-b539-4b9e-9661-08385337fc04	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:18:41	-190.238
-94	3550	355000	90f57b46-cf0c-4c79-8e21-768065774fbe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:05:34	-236.159
-94	7100	355000	3cc1c6eb-a91c-4bb3-9c3d-bb7a294ea0a1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:59:54	852.419
-95	3551	355100	4343e16b-6487-416b-b696-9efd25a552af	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:13:50	-782.375
-95	7102	355100	a1fc0139-ad08-44fd-8aac-ee74bdaf6843	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:09:25	-159.11
-96	3552	355200	f7e648cb-5a06-4308-8bd5-a2860679bf4c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:10:31	-657.263
-96	7104	355200	afd55b94-b947-434d-b6c2-49c5f18592cf	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:58:03	659.658
-97	3553	355300	32767ecb-7e1f-4eff-8c91-2f35a2f11a27	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:06:27	969.470
-97	7106	355300	e1d1ae3f-02a9-4172-a1b0-2f20a2ea95fd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:37:24	937.248
-98	3554	355400	206f6510-3194-4131-a7e5-583be6f2d753	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:35:46	-823.831
-98	7108	355400	538d82e9-6940-4b4b-9a4f-df6af62f307f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:09:36	919.314
-99	3555	355500	b8250f11-bf14-450b-9f2a-6bbd5841dedd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:01:00	578.968
-99	7110	355500	ee37b8d8-0be1-47fd-91ba-1276da2e7425	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:41:16	390.693
-100	3556	355600	2a9b52d5-2c89-4a36-b13d-931816fcee4c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:56:34	749.199
-100	7112	355600	49fc0b6a-f292-4882-ba6e-943e5ccb40b4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:05:50	455.259
-101	3557	355700	3f845f3d-2f0a-48ca-821d-c9faa59b363c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:04:06	-939.32
-101	7114	355700	0c27289d-fd85-43da-806f-b10a26015f23	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:40:43	-722.147
-102	3558	355800	6eb55dfe-cf66-401d-9999-b4be0d741292	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:37:20	892.698
-102	7116	355800	d80afc09-617f-4d60-a0c6-6860a96a1fcf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:50:43	-210.212
-103	3559	355900	ee0face5-c14e-4169-9531-9bbe0d69ccc6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:09:16	-589.348
-103	7118	355900	6dcdc4bc-72c1-466b-94f4-7e701df8bed9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:56:55	-108.894
-104	3560	356000	6c2934dc-d7cf-44d4-bfcf-72ba7f40204c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:50:57	866.319
-104	7120	356000	95e17324-a010-4a7b-8b34-ef280b9c616f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:03:26	138.182
-105	3561	356100	c0b74785-dba0-4620-a06b-9d2717298059	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:48:45	506.199
-105	7122	356100	b355573a-05df-4c93-ae53-88ae74d6f1b0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:59:33	632.122
-106	3562	356200	18cd0328-be6b-43c1-8e57-da3647354f33	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:55:43	270.648
-106	7124	356200	181c13e4-881f-4696-91ad-fd69770faeb2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:31:50	-997.417
-107	3563	356300	87025952-7d6d-48a9-b04b-e62239f337ed	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:29:47	354.404
-107	7126	356300	d0c93cf3-3396-4ac8-b25d-d6fe15bd49a0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:28:43	178.762
-108	3564	356400	6f47be10-89d0-4e8f-9b5c-a73c7155bdeb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:51:08	478.686
-108	7128	356400	7eb2c520-3376-4066-a3a7-bb30a5b451fb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:13:02	214.644
-109	3565	356500	f3940cce-0aa8-4276-897a-da5867b0a4be	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:25:14	-463.612
-109	7130	356500	8891f1b2-8fb2-4dd9-94b3-a14079d91b28	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:30:26	-70.453
-110	3566	356600	75f76ac2-9166-4815-9271-8b3847e5d8f2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:51:51	-106.370
-110	7132	356600	e7c01ecb-a069-438a-ae6d-09f4db86ef21	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:12:06	-583.770
-111	3567	356700	c3b6dc07-0d15-46a3-b549-38947d1bb922	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:42:10	948.293
-111	7134	356700	d215d91a-be99-483c-8ad1-e0f75a6a5253	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:00:39	-915.652
-112	3568	356800	40196106-9c1d-4523-bb6c-7a12ff4550b9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:40:21	-610.232
-112	7136	356800	92d5c3b4-36fc-47d7-aa07-602a707b6c39	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:44:50	-207.257
-113	3569	356900	8d7171da-de74-4858-89b6-ed973d6d0efa	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:46:01	3.71
-113	7138	356900	044cf986-97ab-4ee0-94ae-a51f5df2380a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:20:10	-179.9
-114	3570	357000	677612f9-a8cb-4ac8-88be-75fc71bfa1a1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:47:58	-513.841
-114	7140	357000	78e0833d-913c-48d3-9a74-6620e3cb6711	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:30:57	-218.689
-115	3571	357100	70ff02e4-33c2-4186-9a5c-0d2828e77416	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:24:41	-678.77
-115	7142	357100	72bd4dfa-f0a1-464c-8444-dd8ae3553a1a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:24:14	173.896
-116	3572	357200	22b28c44-43d9-4e10-acd0-7fc34cf2ee4a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:21:59	233.301
-116	7144	357200	d349d1fc-9336-4b86-b8be-e7f7a0083312	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:17:23	13.199
-117	3573	357300	f6d90088-117c-4761-ad96-eb2b790846e5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:50:02	-238.41
-117	7146	357300	0f96a80b-b517-45e1-b963-724a6dd63e60	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:03:31	-99.43
-118	3574	357400	da405ad9-ea81-4a5a-bf80-0f967f7a9d41	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:36:24	457.330
-118	7148	357400	ef07af0b-970a-44b9-9b09-e11a4b356ca2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:55:46	-25.761
-119	3575	357500	be9359ee-804a-4544-989c-f98e54cfe3ab	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:43:01	-140.801
-119	7150	357500	1b9b4b02-41bd-49a8-99bf-056293f3158e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:35:13	-917.630
-120	3576	357600	f225febd-65dd-405d-be40-d127c50e40c9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:35:40	802.434
-120	7152	357600	68151eea-97c8-4cba-bb7c-ca2c4a73b341	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:01:34	524.910
-121	3577	357700	7eac2d53-1399-4417-a561-5536dfdce84c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:46:46	-324.674
-121	7154	357700	d413c5a4-595d-49d1-a31d-a9978f7813a5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:58:24	213.243
-122	3578	357800	cacff9cd-6d4a-4008-a7cd-65acb087967d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:13:18	-213.74
-122	7156	357800	6b2c9c53-d887-46ed-b516-3c22eb63a205	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:55:58	355.836
-123	3579	357900	320216db-dcff-49c2-8631-418eb2c33b7d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:59:01	-288.111
-123	7158	357900	41e87106-da88-440c-b0f5-25fe1c500ad5	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:08:30	-741.19
-124	3580	358000	c5c9a8c3-c4bd-4b9e-9726-abe440c9892d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:12:40	555.555
-124	7160	358000	4137e2c1-f90a-4165-ae9c-bd385502c544	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:05:14	-356.661
-125	3581	358100	1d4f0ece-2317-4601-9e4f-a36ca7b27a27	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:33:31	-931.916
-125	7162	358100	809da8ec-e515-4ed0-8add-0ef826adb8a7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:56:50	696.756
-126	3582	358200	e4eb59b3-1a54-4df2-961f-385426d089ae	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:38:15	254.217
-126	7164	358200	d17a41c5-b364-4ee8-89e0-22554760624f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:18:34	997.951
-127	3583	358300	1512f70e-b2d9-4739-ade5-33a5e906e0e1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:32:26	604.872
-127	7166	358300	bf4f62d5-0a06-4f9a-b80f-a71bc5f1d622	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:05:53	-616.620
-0	3584	358400	e7f96dd1-b36d-400b-b0e8-82674a903475	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:31:00	-471.837
-0	7168	358400	424d87e8-469d-4d2f-b50a-afc83dfc349b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:52:38	-583.225
-1	3585	358500	35dff1e2-4321-46d0-8725-92f915b396d1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:49:31	798.383
-1	7170	358500	67faca92-3d05-4bf2-80b4-c11f607c3c1a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:15:55	-745.423
-2	3586	358600	c482fd56-b705-41ac-8f94-972e9159e041	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:17:41	301.891
-2	7172	358600	62faab39-50c7-4a5e-87ad-8fa9f76d9f9c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:21:42	399.31
-3	3587	358700	703e619a-a558-4843-ba34-d667fb08473d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:36:49	93.362
-3	7174	358700	f265b867-459d-4d90-bd62-31e943a9a70c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:38:57	-639.46
-4	3588	358800	1b541499-efac-4a45-8a7e-3e8e6354e5fe	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:01:32	273.362
-4	7176	358800	709ac0d9-90fd-452f-bab1-006359079664	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:34:32	-910.926
-5	3589	358900	e89d3c04-ab3e-42fb-9aa3-bb2084edc99e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:23:28	149.920
-5	7178	358900	828495d3-7edb-41ee-b191-b9bce0de2faf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:35:16	-33.290
-6	3590	359000	980cce89-b532-4cdf-8f84-eab55469bba3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:49:05	-588.821
-6	7180	359000	e16a2e19-a4d1-4ccc-be17-9d4eccfed9ee	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:16:29	326.124
-7	3591	359100	c0c13516-c037-49fc-8d1a-2cf3f3f39a84	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:42:38	-420.806
-7	7182	359100	5baf74ce-5217-45b3-b796-e34aa72dc6ff	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:36:15	-145.771
-8	3592	359200	da748737-ff73-4a9d-98e7-7d7a7e359bc7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:13:40	-354.826
-8	7184	359200	8f885ceb-ebcc-4860-b496-5f68ac7f275f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:28:44	-137.623
-9	3593	359300	d1706e27-36f4-4ff0-9401-7c9a5edc4ace	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:30:26	-672.616
-9	7186	359300	e3a5d85d-ee70-4c46-98de-89aaa17019b8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:38:59	-313.176
-10	3594	359400	83ebe29f-65d8-456b-b1ef-76036b392e4c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:01:19	-576.87
-10	7188	359400	4114849f-9efa-4b45-b7de-5ca7a0a220dd	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:26:34	137.748
-11	3595	359500	0ed87f08-9a29-4386-a34a-fe393e9d0911	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:34:17	-882.509
-11	7190	359500	5d6acccb-ad76-4815-9e87-295db7c6b377	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:12:12	-580.570
-12	3596	359600	e815a927-db92-4749-811f-7b686387e089	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:23:56	698.548
-12	7192	359600	59f7f666-cbab-4336-b78f-2d3348705a4b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:59:15	219.488
-13	3597	359700	bd6eddc6-9a76-4951-b96a-66390f735697	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:21:37	-162.959
-13	7194	359700	3b1d9aba-4408-4099-ac46-2c8d6951e907	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:19:39	-40.283
-14	3598	359800	f5741f30-1f8e-4d35-a6af-220e50a1292f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:58:16	247.602
-14	7196	359800	57e53196-7f2f-4bfe-a27d-f167053489c3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:12:01	377.958
-15	3599	359900	da216821-0490-4975-ae13-3619588049c7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:53:46	-168.292
-15	7198	359900	dd295847-73ea-472c-a802-e89fe7545f3c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:25:30	-347.772
-16	3600	360000	2be0d3d5-7c1c-447a-bea7-6be08b5e7fd1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:16:17	661.856
-16	7200	360000	0825af69-b732-4673-8831-7b5520106b19	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:32:31	-991.65
-17	3601	360100	f82a2d0d-a2bf-4b6d-b2df-d3d82f637b2e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:52:44	200.937
-17	7202	360100	e91fd969-943f-4812-b830-51dc632c3422	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:58:22	-48.963
-18	3602	360200	ab97f5ed-3d0b-464b-b2d2-6aaf5d716f6e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:49:25	232.655
-18	7204	360200	74f27d0a-5fe8-4267-ab96-32e6c5e47fc6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:04:42	-173.527
-19	3603	360300	fd04541c-cf8d-43d3-8623-8a496b840bf3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:25:26	859.751
-19	7206	360300	78e0e41a-7f69-4dfc-a7b7-79e139f7e312	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:12:46	674.174
-20	3604	360400	b1bf1957-6ed0-422b-b5b7-d6e957d6f3d6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:53:19	-280.705
-20	7208	360400	591498ee-ede1-47f2-948a-8f1a59edd5af	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:20:05	8.516
-21	3605	360500	e75f4654-a5b2-478b-a2f2-d888f054bc60	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:10:58	-885.407
-21	7210	360500	b7c6f5fc-bcfc-4d7c-9f7d-cb9214ec3237	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:42:09	237.471
-22	3606	360600	f7c00610-c911-4789-8f2e-1bdb43a77fe4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:55:38	735.832
-22	7212	360600	acf1889f-fac9-4284-89c0-a8c20823cc77	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:03:30	243.112
-23	3607	360700	912a0c9e-8eaa-4cee-863e-fc37d9aa2f12	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:26:58	267.15
-23	7214	360700	82d323a8-3abe-4b93-b29f-d3f8bc14f3e3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:01:57	-121.953
-24	3608	360800	b799f924-23b8-4cc9-9a9c-b793b6502b70	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:04:32	-13.790
-24	7216	360800	fc2ae9eb-7546-48dc-a2f7-e20ba6a8ab9e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:20:38	-844.99
-25	3609	360900	48d34f38-d3bf-4849-b13c-1ea82a978c5e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:04:54	419.663
-25	7218	360900	8b75d866-9e99-4dd4-b70b-5b9bdd73a28b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:00:51	916.308
-26	3610	361000	64c394d4-dcee-49bf-9502-254ef4010f6d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:20:46	-497.362
-26	7220	361000	28376fb7-8c17-424e-9d0c-4b4564470fee	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:20:13	801.665
-27	3611	361100	4475eae1-c7c8-499b-aa37-c25fc0f01854	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:58:47	-743.59
-27	7222	361100	eaa169e6-8f09-451d-a06d-40581419c8b5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:27:44	-917.48
-28	3612	361200	90e34ac7-eec3-4136-b922-005c3510b493	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:20:11	121.319
-28	7224	361200	bea96fe9-e2b7-4402-9cca-17248fb3d082	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:30:00	-331.845
-29	3613	361300	27832d8d-2538-4d93-90be-493d555363a4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:59:11	-14.836
-29	7226	361300	2707ed93-2ae9-42ee-a60f-7852d4306ff6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:28:58	179.37
-30	3614	361400	b0bed0cf-5c6e-4e63-afb0-8cc0f9794bdd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:50:50	-56.40
-30	7228	361400	97c696a8-edf0-4d8c-942d-00d840b76368	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:51:08	95.789
-31	3615	361500	b5b4395d-d9c5-493e-85ff-09ac09d1dfe2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:09:14	169.812
-31	7230	361500	4dba0ab6-fa8f-437b-8401-b70e115bf1bf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:52:47	717.914
-32	3616	361600	c9880806-a120-4c6e-9596-85b6368abc41	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:48:57	-183.360
-32	7232	361600	2edbb86e-f5bc-4697-95f1-1da6ebe9ae73	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:51:34	360.864
-33	3617	361700	65af6163-142c-4a4d-91e0-e0d2daebc3dc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:36:41	90.164
-33	7234	361700	0ee2b51a-021a-4bde-9056-b98a859fa868	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:14:49	-499.31
-34	3618	361800	b774ee08-0f17-44b3-ae7d-c8872d70b11e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:26:17	336.5
-34	7236	361800	16e3f86b-632b-4a11-b539-9a9ac753b633	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:45:12	-99.868
-35	3619	361900	17e3328c-74af-41f3-807f-35e48199aa1a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:14:41	230.843
-35	7238	361900	d9d22e77-ac01-4c25-b712-454d895f864c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:32:57	318.495
-36	3620	362000	4a77a53a-4120-45ea-84de-22b738471f76	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:42:54	582.61
-36	7240	362000	0aba200f-fdf0-4d0a-9c2f-1a2203e25618	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:50:39	312.818
-37	3621	362100	ddae9225-6a53-40c9-bb1e-45f8950f5f09	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:47:06	9.740
-37	7242	362100	8912ff46-f2c4-463f-9841-47a3791f3b0d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:06:46	264.902
-38	3622	362200	bec106ce-caef-43ee-918c-c35eb88e20d7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:26:22	-480.449
-38	7244	362200	6f4f4dba-fad0-4a86-a582-a4c125d20ddc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:20:33	-770.690
-39	3623	362300	e552d91d-a0e8-4b63-95cc-9bd622130a4e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:16:33	-17.52
-39	7246	362300	30b5e710-7ce0-494c-9526-98e7fcfccb3c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:47:06	-141.39
-40	3624	362400	0f88069c-f367-4ebf-a4ee-05ca0983979f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:22:09	939.951
-40	7248	362400	714de66e-729d-437a-86aa-b79f6cfb7e6e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:46:12	-492.801
-41	3625	362500	f25f1274-742f-485d-985c-760a3f9c49a3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:02:10	-19.268
-41	7250	362500	ea04d79a-7187-434b-b3df-9fed0c1e8422	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:26:10	385.47
-42	3626	362600	3a679403-5c1f-4496-83da-8d598d926396	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:01:15	-451.286
-42	7252	362600	318f304e-65eb-4674-ba21-5f80640462de	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:53:13	-807.528
-43	3627	362700	19b278e4-ae74-4405-b765-6aa9bf1785b3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:55:31	-816.297
-43	7254	362700	90b4bcda-b5af-4789-bd03-f4606564654d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:41:56	440.699
-44	3628	362800	82960cd8-6c89-40ef-ba27-32c159e33ebf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:23:11	-66.927
-44	7256	362800	8d8b110c-be7c-4564-8bda-9d8c96c099f4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:40:15	857.885
-45	3629	362900	da276220-4de9-4cc2-9494-fb1655fe5b86	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:23:44	704.584
-45	7258	362900	d306ccb2-6c3d-4f66-bce9-8ca97fa2c13f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:47:16	-147.268
-46	3630	363000	cf383f00-d3e5-4fb8-89c6-22e1ccebbff6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:34:55	-209.297
-46	7260	363000	14d31a27-5102-4b68-84d8-9d6c7b726bfb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:34:43	554.405
-47	3631	363100	da881d23-5d20-4857-bc1e-7681d1289c97	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:10:02	348.262
-47	7262	363100	48e5cab6-7995-417f-91c5-0f83d457b276	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:57:31	832.362
-48	3632	363200	c64eca8b-5f13-454a-ae04-00467bc93025	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:27:25	-370.23
-48	7264	363200	a63295ea-c58b-4e3a-b03c-01cb63f0a240	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:15:34	-882.671
-49	3633	363300	3b489020-2f2a-4340-9ed5-012bc9e28e26	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:30:18	814.37
-49	7266	363300	de655df0-b195-4f3d-b232-1ca85969db21	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:07:58	-670.883
-50	3634	363400	1c70ff78-adba-4eda-a6af-c06ff7bcc718	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:34:47	396.689
-50	7268	363400	d2fc03ac-41fa-4e9b-9086-ad1e0af241c3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:32:50	247.682
-51	3635	363500	0c1de289-b095-4171-af13-9023ba3c2d8b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:58:10	-248.174
-51	7270	363500	72954973-ede3-4e90-a276-bc50ea3e0532	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:12:07	-624.969
-52	3636	363600	53d2099b-bd3e-4495-8e14-04b20678e3fc	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:05:14	866.766
-52	7272	363600	02575d72-29fa-4c20-b9fa-4b32baa5d0cb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:00:36	661.985
-53	3637	363700	5be09c86-7ac5-4395-98af-486290573221	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:58:25	-20.179
-53	7274	363700	0f808096-5e52-4d4b-9467-cc0f2ecedfb4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:45:02	-174.588
-54	3638	363800	2769f9ad-f498-46bd-ad69-342a551cd52b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:41:13	-25.685
-54	7276	363800	f53e9216-22c1-42d9-ad4a-8d3db74e43da	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:19:00	802.441
-55	3639	363900	23653a88-f42f-4401-ae8d-6d2dd34a2c99	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:09:54	-446.226
-55	7278	363900	1dcd2d9e-0aa5-4799-82fc-d21d1166f395	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:38:22	-549.808
-56	3640	364000	e1542093-7a99-4016-8865-d2ece2ae6e24	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:04:47	-702.527
-56	7280	364000	98dec4dc-ca5b-4ff6-ac51-f30a5bfb4094	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:22:02	382.983
-57	3641	364100	509a03ce-225e-4c3e-8a09-610fa096ef21	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:04:39	647.637
-57	7282	364100	d1456f05-6744-41df-971b-fba0ab70436b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:10:26	839.920
-58	3642	364200	236748fd-51c1-4bc1-a3c2-19c7076118a6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:33:38	889.579
-58	7284	364200	501d17d1-686a-43e5-9dc0-2f9512d394b0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:25:11	667.801
-59	3643	364300	96562a51-1f3e-40c6-8c33-ab6d78814de4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:28:15	-536.181
-59	7286	364300	04e966c1-15a2-470f-95ad-83e4f7cf820c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:43:35	909.259
-60	3644	364400	97d8f376-105e-48e6-97f1-ed19d3e7f6f3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:25:36	235.386
-60	7288	364400	03d050bd-6435-46b9-8214-eac7cf7580d5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:25:08	619.93
-61	3645	364500	8c84b9bd-cc6a-4adc-9c9f-be93c594708f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:29:41	490.88
-61	7290	364500	2a9660dc-ee10-493c-a845-062f1fbec4fa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:40:08	96.370
-62	3646	364600	27e9d558-3e76-42f1-b6f4-5fd0f1a037c9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:38:45	-74.720
-62	7292	364600	20888038-3370-4414-9cb6-a9a237312966	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:35:17	-888.335
-63	3647	364700	1482c3a6-b716-41a2-91da-4f41ba431f59	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:46:10	620.112
-63	7294	364700	b6e5ba09-4732-4020-9631-cc44820f08d5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:18:44	325.984
-64	3648	364800	a11a3f50-d3c5-49c2-9830-f17c95dbd29f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:57:14	522.88
-64	7296	364800	1b158af2-521d-4bd6-bf54-cb03b4573fdd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:32:25	90.24
-65	3649	364900	b8855342-8525-4927-9a0c-1197fe9680f5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:06:24	14.394
-65	7298	364900	f8ae28ad-2cf3-4c2a-98fa-c71af4e52d13	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:57:51	730.243
-66	3650	365000	4fa15ec7-f111-4e9b-9dc7-2c62f6f74735	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:16:31	659.421
-66	7300	365000	e2a7ec75-1d55-4ea2-aa59-90248f3c7337	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:12:47	-946.403
-67	3651	365100	5770bf00-f63f-48d0-a6af-112837ff6547	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:07:20	812.579
-67	7302	365100	fc42b061-0b3a-452f-86f9-f57da951a129	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:51:01	523.597
-68	3652	365200	b8850d3d-cd3a-41fa-b8bc-a4663cbc6d24	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:23:00	-947.831
-68	7304	365200	6564df94-6e39-4108-800b-0b2d9837f505	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:28:13	-985.808
-69	3653	365300	5c7a18d1-23a9-454f-a8d0-2f872bf46f3a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:55:28	384.406
-69	7306	365300	fe3c304c-ae53-48c3-8e91-efd08ed40e9f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:26:44	609.338
-70	3654	365400	4725f80a-97f0-4691-922b-028480d5c7fd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:21:45	-560.698
-70	7308	365400	4796aa0e-68e1-4e70-9d34-aed5dfc2014a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:36:15	721.960
-71	3655	365500	ce2218a6-aa2c-4976-b2f0-ca1f2f1b3158	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:15:07	-488.484
-71	7310	365500	0686686e-8548-4c91-99fa-b90f44b9e2a2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:21:24	81.799
-72	3656	365600	8ef46128-3d59-451c-90e6-4d6bbfd50a1c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:27:56	-944.775
-72	7312	365600	a180635f-7d7f-4eb2-a017-0c9b2707c4e4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:09:01	-405.542
-73	3657	365700	70ec84b3-fff4-4de1-90c2-fc71389239fd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:02:56	643.744
-73	7314	365700	99985aff-63c4-496c-95ab-181e0a4f08ec	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:35:59	-209.466
-74	3658	365800	5908645d-06fd-4fd8-bb81-20dd02c65d0e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:45:46	928.505
-74	7316	365800	44c537ea-617c-4660-87af-ac0a7de7b030	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:48:05	825.132
-75	3659	365900	ad2a3b67-2310-448c-acef-3873bb1bcf78	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:28:29	-935.546
-75	7318	365900	e81f394c-b82e-488a-a981-bffb599ee08d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:36:17	-787.297
-76	3660	366000	5723d946-ed91-4463-bf41-0055e805a391	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:58:46	282.379
-76	7320	366000	fb32e023-4773-4bff-b1fa-2dcf1f262972	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:39:36	-18.149
-77	3661	366100	a49fdbcb-95f8-4095-9758-5b2bca8cdd24	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:56:33	-411.492
-77	7322	366100	f9ecbe4e-16f5-41da-8c0e-858f13c88614	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:57:25	-797.890
-78	3662	366200	2a7f51e4-1c9b-46d8-b090-caede35378bb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:36:05	-312.476
-78	7324	366200	ef77d1ce-2831-45e9-bf7f-006a4b27ecfc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:35:42	-837.288
-79	3663	366300	8c06f582-1b95-4c8e-915f-5e0a0ea88a51	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:13:42	969.430
-79	7326	366300	7f0e38fa-df35-4352-97a5-aca1339907c3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:36:16	-419.482
-80	3664	366400	c208756f-d2bd-4e6a-8939-cb6385bd7044	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:54:02	966.820
-80	7328	366400	e2254a5f-174c-4883-ad44-86483271b91f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:32:19	903.933
-81	3665	366500	2f01d6ad-a7c9-4f67-ac2f-ea698b46eb37	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:04:53	523.691
-81	7330	366500	35b1a452-293e-40ca-9af0-be1d25968a96	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:58:32	-899.185
-82	3666	366600	8ce881da-8197-4adb-9da1-22f83b181a9b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:49:17	-122.418
-82	7332	366600	3b854aa7-b4bf-4cf2-bb28-86121ae0cae7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:37:34	-551.751
-83	3667	366700	0daf7051-7886-4575-b242-1a7ef35d581f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:58:44	-110.146
-83	7334	366700	4d9f74e4-9fe6-4697-aad7-dea08438307f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:07:40	-124.402
-84	3668	366800	98157c90-7db6-4e6a-8a56-aa995fe5a811	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:54:08	403.971
-84	7336	366800	5a9c0760-8b32-4f1e-81f2-240538558567	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:11:46	-648.180
-85	3669	366900	60f50de2-6e2a-4665-a6fd-4fcbf842da12	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:01:30	-867.460
-85	7338	366900	e073b943-bdc2-4af3-9fdb-43c606f13e60	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:06:50	418.335
-86	3670	367000	e08574f0-460d-41d1-af60-d22827f07326	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:40:51	65.146
-86	7340	367000	c8b5b82e-8817-442e-a0e3-eb5bb70070a9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:33:27	888.295
-87	3671	367100	b0f5ecfa-17f5-45b7-91f8-fa94d486ef05	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:10:36	77.703
-87	7342	367100	b45ad5b3-1143-4793-87e4-a838d6902541	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:25:59	-110.688
-88	3672	367200	66bb1d6b-b1b8-46ef-97a5-773284de1d7a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:46:48	698.252
-88	7344	367200	a437c2a6-c522-49bd-87bb-a0e29894bd03	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:20:58	807.565
-89	3673	367300	88dbd742-a1a8-449c-8fde-ece537a34db3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:26:08	230.884
-89	7346	367300	bc54e5d9-c70e-42bc-b991-a40fc1e8c9e4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:05:26	-838.993
-90	3674	367400	100d2afe-d876-40b0-9d96-54e898ca26b0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:00:29	693.449
-90	7348	367400	3bfcbbf3-8f85-465d-8330-75e815abd5c3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:54:45	-770.193
-91	3675	367500	47d6249f-9c79-4bba-accb-d8770bae6ec9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:38:22	-59.151
-91	7350	367500	3dcea335-08a8-4a8f-83be-5dc048fc15ae	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:12:48	-296.407
-92	3676	367600	40c1ab5a-84e1-4a97-881f-7621a19c96f6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:35:32	-842.243
-92	7352	367600	18056dbc-46b7-46bd-aa44-15d55125dbb6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:31:16	658.910
-93	3677	367700	44882ff5-6d4b-4c61-8d49-582feb6a4eee	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:39:51	-845.100
-93	7354	367700	a2055941-323f-4704-ad42-4ec24d0173fc	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:21:19	345.378
-94	3678	367800	70404d6b-cbda-4dc2-b47f-78a1d83a9de9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:58:46	-568.82
-94	7356	367800	4d226de5-b26c-4e18-b565-38e07811084d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:37:04	116.213
-95	3679	367900	448af799-95f4-44da-aaf1-a42d0d2e5df4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:47:48	226.217
-95	7358	367900	79b8ad67-5a0d-479e-abe8-af0dd16e2692	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:46:21	246.964
-96	3680	368000	d1fd2314-4550-4600-8f10-797f410b0d9a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:23:53	-873.628
-96	7360	368000	03c0879f-855b-4381-89fb-bbebe5b05d32	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:04:30	-215.731
-97	3681	368100	c79bf057-2f4d-4ac0-b7c5-dc08a1e86935	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:18:29	749.29
-97	7362	368100	1ed2d717-9755-4a0f-b88b-3f8cbb1fc2b3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:55:41	-747.186
-98	3682	368200	228b1617-d782-4b8c-bc75-27937fb336e7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:22:42	306.2
-98	7364	368200	2c206b89-8288-46ed-ad1b-a7dda5dde5d5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:46:59	887.847
-99	3683	368300	5785ba71-55f6-4196-af83-fa5863c8b390	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:57:12	-397.964
-99	7366	368300	3e2be58b-046f-425d-bb1c-80e2b261f4c1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:32:58	-944.989
-100	3684	368400	a93f797e-7feb-42db-8c5b-c863956d7aab	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:47:56	-807.503
-100	7368	368400	af5f2854-8da4-4d5d-9357-df0a9e2b24fa	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:51:15	-388.677
-101	3685	368500	0f038a28-1956-4972-9d80-1c3f9bb46f68	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:31:55	243.1
-101	7370	368500	62afc7b1-c056-4a61-bd58-f0acd514613b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:49:19	726.789
-102	3686	368600	7747e20b-8f0c-4ab9-ad45-f8bcd6c1542b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:26:50	-845.420
-102	7372	368600	a6084114-90b9-45f3-ae6a-981d0ada2a8d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:36:14	633.192
-103	3687	368700	44327f17-ce92-4fe5-af47-c114e4c52fc3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:30:21	-841.881
-103	7374	368700	f210efb1-dcd0-42f2-83b7-a3dac3e350f3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:38:14	128.851
-104	3688	368800	51041a20-4eb7-4a96-8d47-ac0b24a05a08	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:03:09	-730.950
-104	7376	368800	52e5b810-64ea-4198-bac5-d10e7ca8475a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:27:43	-347.282
-105	3689	368900	7eff24f0-c66a-43be-a8b6-add61c87c3d7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:56:54	271.636
-105	7378	368900	90ca2e19-b1b7-49e1-b9a5-6554267a785f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:34:46	434.172
-106	3690	369000	f7ed5605-d8eb-4659-a217-54e575f727da	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:10:18	-633.923
-106	7380	369000	d9a996df-9466-4b34-9db7-d166f5ddc39f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:19:08	-181.509
-107	3691	369100	2da732d6-0829-4011-aa70-23e55b1fbc2c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:11:41	-930.378
-107	7382	369100	01f6afd6-a4a5-48b3-985e-1f28934c903a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:37:11	-61.791
-108	3692	369200	1d276f4d-f2a4-42ec-a363-ae6cce6c8603	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:15:10	308.547
-108	7384	369200	022b260b-533b-4440-8b48-59ef3dfebe7b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:02:09	-416.594
-109	3693	369300	e0e4707b-eb71-44cd-a281-1cef8587943e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:38:27	-606.99
-109	7386	369300	c4f3160c-2047-47f7-9630-01d4557268ba	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:47:58	616.270
-110	3694	369400	aa85de49-c9c6-4201-905e-46ea260f540b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:45:33	-212.893
-110	7388	369400	ab3ee72a-9e4b-486f-b215-7ee7f33cfc63	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:10:36	805.473
-111	3695	369500	fb030c68-61ec-4c4b-ab9e-f91c3bd4d208	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:21:06	-571.139
-111	7390	369500	3a15e07b-6066-4bc2-8d78-6521e0de8aa2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:12:20	-845.956
-112	3696	369600	f41b7ef7-f3a9-43c0-b743-221effc92004	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:02:58	-726.515
-112	7392	369600	80ab6182-c3bd-4e78-80a9-12155cc078b4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:05:04	-15.194
-113	3697	369700	f21a3acf-4a91-46ab-b5e4-0b1e512ccc9b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:57:49	180.478
-113	7394	369700	6195f9c8-6145-46cb-99db-5282ff781ffc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:41:46	786.368
-114	3698	369800	8cb779c3-ef05-4d1d-8152-caf37a78eff7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:11:49	0.811
-114	7396	369800	21b19e2b-ed9c-4b62-b07d-5b9957240d78	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:31:58	-562.690
-115	3699	369900	9e1c2591-19e3-46ff-855a-e60e05c01747	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:32:34	-507.979
-115	7398	369900	2dea713e-0844-498e-b436-96b10998c138	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:55:05	254.777
-116	3700	370000	3e089244-21e7-4ff5-bcc9-284495ae3cf8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:50:04	-264.58
-116	7400	370000	6028348a-f579-45d7-818b-ba173277fcdb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:41:26	423.434
-117	3701	370100	a06dcdfd-4415-4a78-b877-b51f317e8312	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:12:06	-984.193
-117	7402	370100	79f7dcef-c006-4844-83f8-cc5902b23a68	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:47:21	8.473
-118	3702	370200	11c7f97c-f707-4931-81f5-28a408fc43f9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:04:04	693.876
-118	7404	370200	6aad7aee-8951-49bf-b271-a27f7042c5a0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:29:35	-79.666
-119	3703	370300	33e82524-ca35-4d76-a8f0-370dbe048f93	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:16:11	-227.134
-119	7406	370300	d91edc47-85f3-4517-a9c7-5d62ec871138	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:29:27	726.853
-120	3704	370400	aae0d6ef-9455-49fd-b1cf-1a3145d46d87	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:21:22	-609.797
-120	7408	370400	15a077c1-4fba-49cc-be20-78a67a5a9e03	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:32:53	963.467
-121	3705	370500	19f33107-65f8-44a0-8e3b-56a6581f2a27	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:06:59	-47.336
-121	7410	370500	a8bd9ed2-4d35-4319-8683-863c557c8707	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:28:14	75.389
-122	3706	370600	4af6d088-d2d0-490d-b3d2-5d0beba4f8f0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:36:40	767.836
-122	7412	370600	858e4317-331c-407d-a6ef-3d805327215e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:19:44	579.706
-123	3707	370700	7627f35f-26c8-4b0b-a4ae-51f2c3154b08	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:41:27	615.835
-123	7414	370700	1b569af3-08c9-48e8-9009-532f39cc86e1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:47:43	-124.745
-124	3708	370800	00db1e41-a18c-46a9-8de5-6b4e45d16ec8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:08:01	-815.223
-124	7416	370800	0cefb0c8-94dc-4bd7-ac7b-5c2aa1aa65ee	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:23:10	381.909
-125	3709	370900	b53db621-cea1-420e-adde-e18766ff337b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:14:05	-224.475
-125	7418	370900	b427af47-b44e-4e9c-927b-ced09f0df688	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:26:51	603.771
-126	3710	371000	44eeb816-d6c5-404e-9c9a-fd6365ee05bf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:47:49	765.616
-126	7420	371000	15082868-d857-4147-9481-6fdf6881dbf6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:09:24	-350.462
-127	3711	371100	0237f0e6-3fdf-4255-915b-6cf4c9585672	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:07:59	-491.991
-127	7422	371100	2d606b54-6bc6-467e-a8f7-a186ecc32e0a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:58:50	898.628
-0	3712	371200	285bfeec-195e-4b44-bd38-c6121fc5df66	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:52:44	-269.489
-0	7424	371200	3bb1c199-c04f-4f98-be49-6673a5709ab0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:37:29	299.442
-1	3713	371300	37a25a2a-5fe4-4df9-a382-ea2a8c0e298c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:41:11	-649.68
-1	7426	371300	a8b27993-8fdb-4cee-b7b3-4dd1ad377ee8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:08:59	234.862
-2	3714	371400	dc32de21-f128-41f5-bd83-5dbf37a278d4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:54:23	481.975
-2	7428	371400	f9c0629a-40e2-434b-b49b-48ced1a87f06	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:06:43	412.292
-3	3715	371500	d8d4fdbb-2855-493b-82db-8c8ae4dc4b29	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:21:38	-425.739
-3	7430	371500	ecca0c09-b55e-4340-9129-9e9b09bc186a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:23:40	-831.106
-4	3716	371600	350914ed-4851-477a-a149-ed5a647f4f3e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:46:01	-146.894
-4	7432	371600	f51553e9-9c80-43a0-b5e2-53b9802b6d97	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:38:05	601.421
-5	3717	371700	c8f56a02-c310-4de4-9e47-81a3c1a9deb6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:18:17	-207.320
-5	7434	371700	f329c981-a124-40fc-894d-111128458430	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:07:38	-485.82
-6	3718	371800	f77f1605-7bd7-4707-ad82-baa1fcf0cb2d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:59:52	-475.414
-6	7436	371800	786a94a8-3215-49ed-90c4-99d576b928c3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:54:44	175.578
-7	3719	371900	c5414e78-3de0-4456-be33-bdcee94a11b6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:30:54	-912.441
-7	7438	371900	a5c43bef-3774-4dae-8834-2a27515958d2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:39:32	376.82
-8	3720	372000	2c02f583-9a18-4b7b-be5f-0cf0b3e0da79	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:10:56	-819.127
-8	7440	372000	0a774da0-1b1c-41e4-b6f3-af146dcac4fc	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:42:11	75.880
-9	3721	372100	a4ab1fb1-c844-42c7-8803-c9dd495e657b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:07:39	718.81
-9	7442	372100	5f703d57-7f26-482f-8d65-2a174c39d1c3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:35:09	903.55
-10	3722	372200	e9e851e5-e8e1-4a34-8652-fae0cfe6e7c9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:19:29	222.177
-10	7444	372200	fb5cdb85-ca2c-4931-b5f8-ac0cc0df43bd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:03:17	504.539
-11	3723	372300	3211cce2-cc9e-46cb-9d31-39b38f41a13a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:45:49	-242.834
-11	7446	372300	9eed7872-8a5d-4a61-be7b-81afc68c7dd6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:48:05	445.523
-12	3724	372400	d34b461a-1238-4fa6-b1d8-920c162b96d5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:00:36	411.354
-12	7448	372400	fb11a0f4-a41c-466e-aa59-c59e4a320854	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:46:10	-840.315
-13	3725	372500	6fe3bff8-9df6-462a-87e5-5534de6d8493	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:58:00	-882.624
-13	7450	372500	7ac4a619-7ec0-4fa2-84f3-1c93231ad1e2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:11:25	458.942
-14	3726	372600	97506898-f1cd-4de4-be0b-fcbce04a015f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:01:45	322.844
-14	7452	372600	8e9baba7-d5c7-4265-a400-40f5a49ad785	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:15:57	-981.488
-15	3727	372700	6a03c294-88d4-4e7d-ad89-7a0e8414817f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:12:15	-187.799
-15	7454	372700	d526da41-95fe-4308-898e-daaf13f3534a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:11:40	-798.609
-16	3728	372800	b11c0df9-ed00-47d8-b8cf-60f4c9f140aa	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:56:00	644.517
-16	7456	372800	b77ce1f0-16bc-4f78-ba9f-1f842f11eaed	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:19:45	-585.727
-17	3729	372900	aae7afd0-329e-4122-a384-5267eaf4bee2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:15:54	-721.335
-17	7458	372900	01739481-296c-46d8-86de-1175073da8cb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:49:16	497.142
-18	3730	373000	9bd72c90-aeac-40d7-87ab-e44a9771faa5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:14:38	213.349
-18	7460	373000	861930ea-45ca-4204-bf01-de585b1af573	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:46:42	-613.743
-19	3731	373100	011b4180-76bd-4884-b82f-709fd2dfb3e2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:13:45	-917.707
-19	7462	373100	4cc822c9-381e-4d55-91c2-36cd3888e199	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:55:07	-39.793
-20	3732	373200	e79789a5-1c2f-40ed-8d8a-a3fa146eba4a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:49:44	979.192
-20	7464	373200	4b748b35-3b78-4e70-b15b-1df76fe51280	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:55:43	-633.204
-21	3733	373300	a47cc440-cd43-48cf-8e9c-d89195937a96	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:20:27	-82.713
-21	7466	373300	a2255e34-3ade-4ea6-80d6-cad3e4a342ff	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:49:18	-972.985
-22	3734	373400	650e89e9-3a2b-4164-a99a-88cfbcf8fef8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:29:50	-911.346
-22	7468	373400	e8341293-4b73-49a0-bd67-6b254d2c8b6e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:45:23	843.792
-23	3735	373500	1af56f37-8324-4623-bc06-5aa53149017f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:33:06	501.144
-23	7470	373500	217c3c7b-beab-45e6-8187-82ebddaac565	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:18:01	-508.867
-24	3736	373600	a24cdb37-70c9-4e59-a1d2-49a481e12d5a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:52:44	541.78
-24	7472	373600	a646720f-0baa-4130-8d45-2ab321f0aa4b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:05:18	426.371
-25	3737	373700	b4a7dcfa-8f76-45e6-907b-f75fd050ac49	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:02:08	558.986
-25	7474	373700	c6dc6e8b-ca54-4ced-9050-2af0d48a8d84	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:24:45	942.575
-26	3738	373800	f398694e-177b-4e57-b84e-c31b1161a348	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:10:43	493.793
-26	7476	373800	f7d0baae-e9ea-4dcb-b6bc-580b1ba6e157	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:38:19	588.835
-27	3739	373900	c6f2cef2-1c30-493c-9aec-f79b8c5ce8eb	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:23:23	-509.903
-27	7478	373900	61f5ba72-e7cf-4440-b975-8f497c9dc22b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:46:42	547.81
-28	3740	374000	3960060b-8ee4-4c34-b10e-709ee9f8d3ea	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:05:25	-203.691
-28	7480	374000	03634df1-cf8f-48f3-b4f4-31d9c0eee937	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:58:36	-393.201
-29	3741	374100	20d2c35c-12f8-4ce5-a358-2dd49eebee13	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:31:57	-459.611
-29	7482	374100	ca7520fd-d4d3-457e-afcf-259296e5c26f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:50:38	-889.155
-30	3742	374200	7f016eb4-f728-4b37-9e86-946b3edd5ff3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:11:16	884.846
-30	7484	374200	9b60149a-9fe5-41f1-ad21-915f2eac1c16	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:37:35	-191.860
-31	3743	374300	29d5ae8b-b7f0-465f-be1c-c992394f7061	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:33:45	-770.98
-31	7486	374300	f20fc862-6c8b-40be-8b52-7d62526cecc0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:16:26	-364.978
-32	3744	374400	53301db6-9d00-4c21-b8b8-a7949373b988	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:31:54	554.685
-32	7488	374400	1d8b79d4-927a-43ed-a29d-c5681dc4f36e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:15:17	939.992
-33	3745	374500	0709d0c7-b1b0-41fb-a22b-6cd9b631b152	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:52:29	-557.352
-33	7490	374500	ad77eeac-d2fc-4601-b87a-7e0afcae03d2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:51:07	-138.825
-34	3746	374600	bf532ee2-a411-47ba-8d0e-90794df7b74a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:09:35	-307.521
-34	7492	374600	9a86395d-0a05-44b6-86c1-e9c4eccef351	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:42:19	-595.551
-35	3747	374700	f3c9bf53-cf61-4ea7-a556-06fc4f6c5b25	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:39:16	-388.8
-35	7494	374700	1f7c805f-f346-4931-ae22-e7244c1d5177	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:11:36	0.728
-36	3748	374800	1a75bfc6-b300-4177-a1fe-31f3c5b55425	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:33:26	-100.272
-36	7496	374800	1c7e2440-e589-4659-a379-e79a9cc4076f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:03:01	859.441
-37	3749	374900	1ff9c98b-d808-4fd1-b4c0-76b27b4f9bad	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:30:40	-12.277
-37	7498	374900	255e90cd-9fc6-422c-9c57-f02110728076	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:58:34	513.76
-38	3750	375000	3366c247-1f7d-460e-b026-7ec58592f148	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:41:08	-50.407
-38	7500	375000	47bd7210-1b59-4bc4-a7c3-87cd9b7734b7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:11:26	-259.89
-39	3751	375100	f522babe-78a5-4dac-a6d5-8cba5d6c6633	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:38:13	897.999
-39	7502	375100	6c2404da-3d51-4aba-be8b-f617037aad81	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:25:32	-332.23
-40	3752	375200	adb7000a-0c2b-42c6-ba03-fab64833c4b5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:09:58	-139.468
-40	7504	375200	f1467e7b-0259-41cd-bbe3-43f5aa688513	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:36:05	-872.540
-41	3753	375300	7baa2218-ae91-4122-b1ef-43bcd560d96b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:11:27	168.800
-41	7506	375300	00e722c2-86e0-4799-8b01-8c15d9db29ec	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:31:33	-557.148
-42	3754	375400	c36c9a9f-45a5-4009-ad34-6ed6be41bea0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:04:18	-505.620
-42	7508	375400	be2141c8-851c-4355-bd8b-a38418bc951d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:24:46	225.873
-43	3755	375500	7a52ff79-fb54-4917-8fdd-009c54e634d3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:16:30	469.181
-43	7510	375500	9eeea48d-a281-4140-b0a6-73b1df0f3d89	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:56:57	524.801
-44	3756	375600	5f1398e0-6c2e-4033-bbd4-8cf680b5a99a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:57:37	135.80
-44	7512	375600	50b631c2-1951-4ebd-9d28-74a9ee2abc70	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:10:15	-403.420
-45	3757	375700	a277a887-957b-4391-b30c-4e72577bd53a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:14:22	154.122
-45	7514	375700	091a82d4-8c2c-4923-8d19-4185ff21a2e8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:54:53	-600.322
-46	3758	375800	89df2bbe-4d93-4a8a-831b-8f0a60a93d32	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:16:27	-821.338
-46	7516	375800	cb7eeb29-2b89-47ff-bb6d-0323bcd7b0b6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:47:45	883.824
-47	3759	375900	66ea7f97-ce21-4d06-88e0-cf9069335b6c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:32:02	-754.835
-47	7518	375900	c5af016d-c1c5-4f0f-af28-0b9fe822e20c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:54:05	-10.545
-48	3760	376000	d9d135d6-572d-4478-97b0-2df0fda08e58	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:48:58	-366.954
-48	7520	376000	24e0f132-d906-4dde-a9ad-df80cefbb13d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:48:12	-849.4
-49	3761	376100	88eb0e3b-da46-46a5-a420-5b3610bb306b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:38:17	-781.713
-49	7522	376100	3a2b822e-6cad-4377-b5cd-9cce295cf1ab	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:22:41	230.955
-50	3762	376200	a98ceb05-ce1c-4566-8b61-01a183c5fcf2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:39:28	-657.11
-50	7524	376200	085a2a96-f76b-4f0b-aba9-a9287f84fefb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:58:31	-418.377
-51	3763	376300	9609194e-cfd1-493f-83d2-abb14ac44e47	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:03:40	46.340
-51	7526	376300	8a614756-0f08-4805-80d4-9512f3fbb278	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:27:45	455.656
-52	3764	376400	b59e3629-f69a-4dce-8883-d01cc3faa1d3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:37:40	698.3
-52	7528	376400	274d41d6-8e21-4149-811b-cae5a3b5f599	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:38:23	281.326
-53	3765	376500	36f3dfd5-ebd8-4de6-9dc9-909051e1d91d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:07:37	-75.389
-53	7530	376500	4e3ae7f6-deca-417c-8623-31ac0573186a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:14:35	-802.951
-54	3766	376600	e6610c81-5163-4124-b86d-7cb5d3a61aab	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:56:19	730.23
-54	7532	376600	9156d68c-5f6f-42db-84dc-eeb1a03034ba	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:01:11	-94.837
-55	3767	376700	e89128a8-b0a4-4d98-9f57-b80becd80908	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:40:16	520.477
-55	7534	376700	40c96648-694c-412d-9e53-1268cf288dc6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:21:16	-239.768
-56	3768	376800	2883d9f8-b34b-490d-a02b-db6d4da6617a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:03:22	282.716
-56	7536	376800	38320008-348e-48ee-bf46-cff4904efc6f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:30:09	624.838
-57	3769	376900	1a89a9e8-030a-4a44-82ff-58420fd4e5b4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:44:05	191.907
-57	7538	376900	c4178ce3-536a-42a7-bbf7-c41279e22beb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:39:12	-47.674
-58	3770	377000	16cb4e76-4bfe-48db-be39-f9ffa9e3940e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:34:33	-67.162
-58	7540	377000	59e3e85f-afb6-4c62-a757-f2ba14a24e9d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:31:57	368.687
-59	3771	377100	83273785-5cac-4b2f-ab39-92c001e14116	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:21:47	-784.711
-59	7542	377100	2b3ec26b-3df0-450c-b4ac-1d9eaa8acaca	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:33:15	-643.919
-60	3772	377200	d755902e-19e3-44cc-aaad-48067dc83bc0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:53:59	-573.845
-60	7544	377200	e6822687-e929-4cdd-8235-d8e0990d9df5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:55:29	98.900
-61	3773	377300	a20c5cf1-91f8-4a7b-bd16-8bd0dd7a17a4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:05:48	-692.175
-61	7546	377300	394c1485-f603-43b4-8727-a96290dc6bc3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:20:16	-192.966
-62	3774	377400	3f6f2637-e8eb-40e0-a348-c1abf6364c33	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:51:45	-144.420
-62	7548	377400	6c8090e9-2fb4-49c6-9833-e4235f5da5a4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:54:47	-901.294
-63	3775	377500	5f601c6c-ca8a-48ae-bb3c-25b8ee764f92	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:03:13	456.829
-63	7550	377500	668e0545-ea95-44e2-a4da-4d43625d28db	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:26:40	-65.971
-64	3776	377600	4fcd0ae7-1462-42ff-bd3b-1c7d7abcecc4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:16:47	299.419
-64	7552	377600	63d1a754-79c5-4eff-9ccf-3968b84ddfb1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:37:01	-119.392
-65	3777	377700	cd4bab53-2a7c-4db3-bd4b-b995e7483cb3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:38:30	40.66
-65	7554	377700	106399d9-e401-473f-84ad-8ecd6b736bb5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:59:23	504.145
-66	3778	377800	f83ee4ee-5e2a-4b0e-9218-c3880ca03ee6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:49:14	-863.265
-66	7556	377800	9a39927c-78ec-429e-97fe-a3226e94fb35	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:33:23	-470.903
-67	3779	377900	df82a972-26a7-4eaf-899c-7d32259f3794	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:15:19	947.970
-67	7558	377900	941de9ae-ed8c-4516-8597-72aca1c2dee8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:28:24	309.892
-68	3780	378000	5f1eb150-abf5-4f71-9067-1793a5234ade	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:49:52	-414.886
-68	7560	378000	22d9c366-0ce9-4189-9943-e1237464bcd3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:43:00	-556.249
-69	3781	378100	7bbf1333-7a26-4c1a-a0c9-07808cfcb964	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:09:35	636.851
-69	7562	378100	ef6f8ea6-04d7-4ed7-9190-f85e29d20a36	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:18:51	690.751
-70	3782	378200	fe30337b-4957-4dca-a74c-58e8bb60c193	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:57:46	917.802
-70	7564	378200	bc90d66c-760e-44d3-aa49-94ec8294beac	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:46:53	-837.676
-71	3783	378300	59a4dcb7-488a-4bc8-ba97-39d6cbd17e8b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:35:41	731.981
-71	7566	378300	33da2833-1e24-4eb9-b719-54cf53fb1be7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:41:19	-40.768
-72	3784	378400	2709c73a-8a55-4036-a21e-d1f1bcf7c3cc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:16:59	221.600
-72	7568	378400	a521ec4f-d691-42fc-9b6f-3301ab8779ae	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:22:39	-858.758
-73	3785	378500	675b2077-e78f-48d8-8cc8-f730ffa999a8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:55:51	961.545
-73	7570	378500	41a8e89e-590a-4c51-8de7-7454c7296acc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:25:26	336.793
-74	3786	378600	ac536d15-e7bb-4002-a8fa-962c227af2e4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:16:11	-766.0
-74	7572	378600	92bf3f97-fdd4-40ab-9082-52118546b26d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:34:03	163.871
-75	3787	378700	f37c6dd1-c05b-4350-8731-43f1ae8c4162	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:46:23	-363.391
-75	7574	378700	2b89ea50-9c79-4851-834f-84ead3b96a67	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:05:57	381.669
-76	3788	378800	6a735675-a18a-4285-8677-7054c7629c53	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:58:58	-966.439
-76	7576	378800	e0295b56-d425-46aa-8e83-16e930d142ac	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:22:11	341.99
-77	3789	378900	1cf7d2ed-989a-4b6f-862b-c4995dacc3dc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:09:49	-789.711
-77	7578	378900	96d7ae3d-1a52-44af-892e-b48de8781023	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:37:23	260.319
-78	3790	379000	48f8eb8d-2ac4-40a7-91aa-48636cc21d9f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:40:38	-230.203
-78	7580	379000	d4a870bd-3209-494c-9d1a-083f0a8537d9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:25:23	-158.149
-79	3791	379100	ec034edf-da2d-4474-96d7-e662d7b330dd	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:44:32	-819.802
-79	7582	379100	05107dd8-ca3a-4afb-9d9c-0b997a074b05	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:48:45	-402.853
-80	3792	379200	9743c832-1c63-4488-9a35-830f97c91596	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:34:23	-810.848
-80	7584	379200	f7368970-92b8-4993-ac76-30732ad13ddf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:12:46	514.463
-81	3793	379300	7e4975c5-8b22-4220-aa98-11661aa8d7f6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:15:38	-520.867
-81	7586	379300	2aeda80f-ad48-4434-a491-1a756e8e4dfd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:58:09	983.783
-82	3794	379400	05086ebd-3b99-4258-9e44-34babbda2870	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:24:08	-159.869
-82	7588	379400	18db0c5d-d047-4a41-a14a-1e1e001367df	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:34:25	202.833
-83	3795	379500	80ac478a-94f1-43e8-af4c-dc80583e4b9e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:30:09	710.373
-83	7590	379500	6414ad8a-5f2e-4666-8c77-6e53d750f4b0	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:16:38	320.731
-84	3796	379600	659c0fbc-4832-4386-9a90-f7e35d725b00	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:09:57	354.197
-84	7592	379600	031960ec-84d7-4f99-9fc0-9070bc17b98a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:51:14	325.469
-85	3797	379700	bc9e98c6-4327-4cf4-9c8c-6d1b786fc686	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:53:52	186.138
-85	7594	379700	266ee8c4-2976-49bc-b963-208e5e7b1dae	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:08:20	-885.265
-86	3798	379800	15e16bf3-ccda-4b4e-bb23-e8482c6243c5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:39:32	407.490
-86	7596	379800	be59c38c-ea4a-462e-9e29-087b41e19641	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:35:53	-828.687
-87	3799	379900	64fee51c-ae2a-44fc-a28c-08f257541aca	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:29:29	-736.450
-87	7598	379900	8f13395d-d2bf-4978-a6cc-4f4c6b5c1228	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:36:04	-336.457
-88	3800	380000	87a0efa4-2f65-4c46-a679-d8a1bcceaa11	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:08:07	-355.950
-88	7600	380000	6d04840a-2b6d-48a3-9579-910626939431	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:55:14	575.502
-89	3801	380100	67e41ab4-809f-4249-be14-2aefd362a4c7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:57:55	-845.470
-89	7602	380100	4bdaa770-317d-4470-a211-89c81b1640c1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:17:34	84.250
-90	3802	380200	00281129-e36b-4602-9dfb-3389424dddb4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:17:22	412.164
-90	7604	380200	29ced291-3f4a-4e70-9536-4aa322f9f92f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:21:10	-706.932
-91	3803	380300	46ea521e-27ee-4723-a04b-c1e3a4160fa6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:59:22	-493.276
-91	7606	380300	348bfbe2-c980-428d-a018-130f8ef3f361	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:16:25	-39.104
-92	3804	380400	5abcce2b-455b-49be-ac37-1ef1892c2c76	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:43:46	-736.819
-92	7608	380400	c1d763ad-cd0e-4dd3-9572-22bc3f0550aa	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:22:54	-289.508
-93	3805	380500	10932fd4-6fef-430b-9707-8f3d480c53d4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:28:02	667.924
-93	7610	380500	9701e7e0-caea-4d80-8e0f-7fce48b7b12a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:08:46	539.486
-94	3806	380600	0e5425ef-4502-4148-a4b6-9ca8592ec81f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:50:57	226.524
-94	7612	380600	ad548e2a-60f8-4174-8e7f-9ebea730b822	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:11:31	-949.177
-95	3807	380700	9ceddc21-dcba-414d-986c-5c0d9568b29b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:58:23	-642.897
-95	7614	380700	9b9ca729-db32-4990-9a23-e87d7b9489f6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:10:35	908.205
-96	3808	380800	5387c404-5770-46c2-8d68-d7685cad6371	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:01:07	-94.958
-96	7616	380800	2130b4e0-277b-4296-92eb-ccacebd5625e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:41:44	-834.691
-97	3809	380900	a4549e20-45c4-4ef2-9f03-1682f853faac	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:47:07	678.985
-97	7618	380900	95379516-cde6-4f99-a5a1-8c262dc919b9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:36:05	-588.264
-98	3810	381000	3ea205eb-ea47-45a0-8f15-e4a876087a0a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:43:38	240.809
-98	7620	381000	54626745-5fb9-4cc9-9028-55eb9a416b09	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:50:45	-729.372
-99	3811	381100	0d2a97b9-6ae0-45b9-8948-86c68296d66e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:17:36	144.498
-99	7622	381100	a7c35a91-4283-4223-a2dd-5ba418183cbf	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:20:59	295.251
-100	3812	381200	c88a4eb3-22c5-4ff3-bb87-4247643be0ec	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:54:40	-218.741
-100	7624	381200	511183c9-dd4d-45fe-87a4-376b2c7a99a4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:52:23	761.941
-101	3813	381300	99b6fed3-1283-4e6f-8bcf-d981283d197b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:42:55	551.438
-101	7626	381300	7101bcfa-bff3-4ce0-ad11-56165c9a0863	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:24:35	-638.813
-102	3814	381400	85d4f909-584f-4589-b4c6-41b3efc6ce45	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:31:20	-523.271
-102	7628	381400	5e253ffb-528c-4367-bfe5-161f1346f7d4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:33:15	-448.248
-103	3815	381500	fab36642-122e-4ebd-b366-b9605af02eed	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:49:07	445.948
-103	7630	381500	9f7c066e-f392-4f07-ac38-162a999bdb69	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:14:50	-830.940
-104	3816	381600	f1738435-3b48-46b2-9c1b-3e8dd10568d6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:17:26	213.742
-104	7632	381600	ad60b5d4-7945-4828-ba29-b841a9204f9d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:45:46	808.276
-105	3817	381700	0cf67267-1af9-46dc-941f-28a393ed7c07	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:41:19	902.653
-105	7634	381700	70d91064-1c7e-4e50-8df4-31c3b51a3eaa	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:21:57	73.30
-106	3818	381800	cd907472-b118-4d98-9811-345d48151d28	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:25:19	158.874
-106	7636	381800	85a3d4e2-0c7b-4d85-b23f-0f5bdbeffef6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:53:07	909.995
-107	3819	381900	560c3d50-06a5-461b-9017-09de5ca1d358	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:54:46	-360.97
-107	7638	381900	809b625c-5e72-408a-9941-cc50e4894093	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:56:12	-351.640
-108	3820	382000	f2303502-93ec-4b93-856b-7bd3861419fd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:08:19	936.951
-108	7640	382000	ca12adb7-1855-4e80-9a5e-83707492e71c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:52:56	765.698
-109	3821	382100	d009440b-5da0-4cd8-a586-e2dcb110dd06	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:35:13	732.897
-109	7642	382100	76449bd2-1237-4026-8d77-d821488764cc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:17:46	-312.551
-110	3822	382200	e47c3828-c848-4438-b458-f7a3dab2ff52	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:48:11	-555.57
-110	7644	382200	143bbe05-2acc-4ffc-bfb7-5c6117ccdc76	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:43:02	-943.109
-111	3823	382300	ef66b609-b5e9-4720-bb1b-45928e4674cc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:36:59	-864.578
-111	7646	382300	276eab16-9e89-4930-983d-c5703924e41c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:16:42	-892.45
-112	3824	382400	64141571-d42f-48be-95b0-b0fa99115a7d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:16:31	114.471
-112	7648	382400	c0dc857e-3c97-4f60-99fc-bc29d1d0b074	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:05:34	-794.113
-113	3825	382500	0ba0f9dc-4c23-4b5b-9c72-5029eee6565b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:35:55	232.724
-113	7650	382500	b7cf72c6-f2b4-4dde-aea0-8a6f854e85b2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:39:22	-877.574
-114	3826	382600	8bcab5aa-715c-4143-a68b-10475c7a7bf3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:13:06	63.685
-114	7652	382600	5d6030de-8c7a-4581-a55a-c8fc654da0ba	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:44:13	954.223
-115	3827	382700	c19653f2-0e5d-4fff-9ae0-d1b4c9825144	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:04:43	80.652
-115	7654	382700	abbeb1c2-eacf-4ea4-8a7f-383b2e68659c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:40:11	-398.349
-116	3828	382800	4eff3c6e-6804-403a-98bf-610a69d7ac0d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:26:56	623.209
-116	7656	382800	7753cdb7-abfc-4c77-9628-513b4da895ad	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:52:58	-835.108
-117	3829	382900	1ccbb9bb-611a-4c13-9cf0-17a8c69cb94b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:44:40	535.876
-117	7658	382900	a7d985dc-a2fa-47ee-9c11-edb5a4712347	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:00:16	238.67
-118	3830	383000	6b1312cb-232a-4db9-8d15-5bd9ff278f38	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:32:19	-370.218
-118	7660	383000	77654232-f0bc-4a71-bd34-e6eacdfc594d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:44:30	600.956
-119	3831	383100	90182595-2bfc-43c5-8282-1b43e2c40108	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:23:08	-499.282
-119	7662	383100	4d745250-0eff-4827-8a95-921519921f9a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:11:45	372.340
-120	3832	383200	dba0a8ef-b66f-4eca-b2a1-57422991ba99	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:42:23	448.822
-120	7664	383200	dc89695a-2af4-400e-a838-14e89362f4e7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:35:59	-141.922
-121	3833	383300	dfba1db6-91b7-4fe1-8107-232bc9d83a17	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:45:46	300.273
-121	7666	383300	c1b6c28e-158e-4bc4-b6f8-5104ca2cb29d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:42:37	-709.211
-122	3834	383400	191b1700-e404-46ab-be5a-0cdbb921e14d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:18:16	825.737
-122	7668	383400	9c83a148-f00d-42b4-8847-a3c77763da87	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:35:15	-880.840
-123	3835	383500	dcc67f84-3ce8-4dc9-ac0e-ff8796c9b03f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:34:18	-861.77
-123	7670	383500	20d54670-cf8a-4deb-8f41-7674a9843f2b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:30:58	-929.600
-124	3836	383600	1701e67a-0f9a-4738-853a-1a097ce1968d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:01:09	966.600
-124	7672	383600	66708ea5-e43c-4e5f-a37e-0c9eb5c2715d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:52:33	-818.908
-125	3837	383700	92d99a00-dd55-41e1-a8b3-7a76c0cf69e3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:51:50	-522.273
-125	7674	383700	bf7169c9-0f0c-4867-86ad-c50d248f448b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:32:02	574.539
-126	3838	383800	2986ff4c-823d-4ad0-81fa-ea5b452457b9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:34:55	-240.767
-126	7676	383800	908fd345-d31d-48b1-aa16-663e3ca95df0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:17:06	-228.947
-127	3839	383900	942fe61e-893c-42a4-aacc-a9d90f16cbfd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:25:30	-296.143
-127	7678	383900	09ed26d5-2c1c-4ba9-be7e-9332a265fe16	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:28:22	-342.545
-0	3840	384000	879081d8-63c8-48c3-8abc-15842c900721	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:39:56	598.752
-0	7680	384000	fea888c5-0e57-4f02-b849-b04d9043852f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:40:58	-413.415
-1	3841	384100	cc11064c-b6e3-42ae-a00e-93235c0139bd	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:25:24	154.427
-1	7682	384100	360fdd07-299f-4ddf-be26-b54f1b7f5659	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:15:27	-791.527
-2	3842	384200	7e475fdd-8745-4a94-b1d1-76f8cf444543	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:57:09	512.773
-2	7684	384200	b2efd050-2980-483f-9917-4d17922db214	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:05:57	887.210
-3	3843	384300	514cf629-85a8-4639-b746-c9000ec31a2a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:43:55	61.822
-3	7686	384300	6d0b012a-9ac8-4fbb-a6fd-a8121fa15ed4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:05:18	-480.264
-4	3844	384400	f838953e-2658-416b-ae8f-f38f98b9b3b6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:46:52	643.999
-4	7688	384400	8a149624-6e53-4fbf-811a-fc318c6efb4f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:52:55	731.116
-5	3845	384500	2830e229-6e28-48f0-b062-5ef61f754292	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:33:25	-152.258
-5	7690	384500	c25d3171-2d0d-42a2-9242-cde7dc76fe24	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:06:41	956.852
-6	3846	384600	b566d5ce-4386-4c49-bc56-cbe14b1f5176	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:03:52	84.747
-6	7692	384600	ffe51e96-e412-4f0e-8828-ef7df2904494	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:00:09	691.568
-7	3847	384700	6aa8da20-2ac5-44d3-b7b0-a4384e1f79ec	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:35:35	45.243
-7	7694	384700	e05ec619-47a7-4eda-b8d4-2e695bf78156	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:53:32	-998.806
-8	3848	384800	2b282ebb-1cea-45ef-8798-200be1fb95d0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:45:23	308.371
-8	7696	384800	fd0c629f-e0a6-4aa4-986c-60ecd84b990a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:23:25	-693.179
-9	3849	384900	b8e612b2-996f-4a26-9acb-daddfc22f4de	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:45:40	-841.895
-9	7698	384900	42836666-ebe7-4045-a119-580006bf5006	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:10:25	734.581
-10	3850	385000	b3e42558-2013-4d9f-950b-a50d7d0687d2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:09:31	198.657
-10	7700	385000	abb19a84-1136-46a5-9f1a-2d2dac204d08	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:03:09	-388.290
-11	3851	385100	70926962-c9d6-4cea-87e5-5782243a4624	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:35:43	835.577
-11	7702	385100	6f99ef83-f266-4c98-9267-881f3dbb8516	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:13:15	-482.153
-12	3852	385200	200e826a-0444-4d77-b1fe-f47362fe4bc2	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:28:36	514.251
-12	7704	385200	524b145a-9027-494a-b793-7503e0a72701	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:49:38	-723.413
-13	3853	385300	db6694ce-deb1-4cbd-8da5-4d413f5dcfc5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:58:43	456.220
-13	7706	385300	e7023183-4d58-4ef6-8a36-2464661f2251	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:01:31	-703.86
-14	3854	385400	8be747ad-ae70-46ad-9a20-57427448c617	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:01:48	204.171
-14	7708	385400	9d220dd8-52a4-4360-88af-cce0f4e880c8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:10:31	622.859
-15	3855	385500	e2d582e1-5bc6-4b3c-92a6-22675ecb60db	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:08:00	97.818
-15	7710	385500	6e6047bb-d578-4d7d-b063-cc35a7cc36d4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:37:52	-916.299
-16	3856	385600	e73ee7a4-2209-4a72-bb88-8b2657d46101	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:57:27	-196.101
-16	7712	385600	3f35f5b3-f7f3-4330-820c-2e7bcdbb6407	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:32:15	-818.178
-17	3857	385700	a7b8a1cb-812d-4d7b-843b-0f5a8d4329b3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:30:03	-95.675
-17	7714	385700	26a98071-14b5-468d-b874-deef0d5f79ec	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:48:47	571.409
-18	3858	385800	e954639e-8c02-46b7-a8fa-356fbef1d583	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:29:42	-7.811
-18	7716	385800	69b80e45-4f56-4596-a766-9935e3274f39	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:14:27	-158.419
-19	3859	385900	a4d3bcd5-7407-4965-a747-cadbafbda5ee	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:48:13	680.494
-19	7718	385900	6fbe4580-b7d1-4606-92b6-6ce2135ae67f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:15:56	886.11
-20	3860	386000	41b92170-e568-4d1c-a34c-2337082c0184	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:36:16	448.705
-20	7720	386000	d3160b02-d7c7-4307-a5a7-6299fa4c1ff7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:01:26	845.747
-21	3861	386100	652a661c-a78c-4443-a47f-d19fd2a85477	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:27:43	669.27
-21	7722	386100	8de76a07-7a3f-4278-9f37-aaab464b7124	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:57:41	-512.642
-22	3862	386200	db5070e7-7a57-4b22-b32c-35562a47d1b1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:07:04	392.166
-22	7724	386200	00764e54-9db5-49b8-83f9-49ff55ff67a0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:22:47	247.299
-23	3863	386300	0fef30c6-4c21-4c25-a734-06ae7941a0fe	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:18:46	-381.137
-23	7726	386300	ec0ec3e9-137a-4121-8873-04c6fc683750	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:25:04	-631.372
-24	3864	386400	135e5b46-e31e-443f-95a7-b0279e5cd0ef	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:40:04	-938.848
-24	7728	386400	99cd2f0a-dfb6-4f02-a634-2819a3d3df98	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:04:45	541.87
-25	3865	386500	638e1bdf-650c-497b-bdc4-bbbfc02d0f2f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:04:36	412.543
-25	7730	386500	58a59092-d890-4892-a0ae-c22aa0b9f9a1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:21:31	248.585
-26	3866	386600	e16f1088-519b-4b37-afda-d4c02c0a00bc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:23:51	-582.393
-26	7732	386600	42065a4a-da6c-416b-b60c-18a2c393515c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:37:26	950.295
-27	3867	386700	09adfa89-83f2-4b48-8222-70a224ddcc9b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:58:18	750.907
-27	7734	386700	95bf3388-0200-46ae-ab20-40163cf45d31	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:01:20	772.152
-28	3868	386800	58100bac-97cb-4558-a086-99e0a4078a90	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:22:12	-845.201
-28	7736	386800	2bc430d7-beb8-4117-b19d-c4f135c5018b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:19:23	428.847
-29	3869	386900	a171ff94-76fc-4b68-a9f3-4dc8df323c28	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:54:04	58.498
-29	7738	386900	0a7c8ca0-6164-4463-8152-18d3c443719d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:27:36	-725.354
-30	3870	387000	3e9f2a70-d19c-4ec9-a83b-95b2501d1935	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:05:16	350.982
-30	7740	387000	595721e4-d57c-4944-9572-590d803fef77	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:03:01	-974.676
-31	3871	387100	161cc7d1-6129-487f-9ff8-72a23a0bc02a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:21:09	499.511
-31	7742	387100	5d100aaa-95ec-4b47-9b50-da8d0b7edd39	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:57:36	284.21
-32	3872	387200	4db60e90-ab66-4c70-ad9f-290fd99885ba	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:14:22	-632.33
-32	7744	387200	0855311d-5610-4f1f-9fcf-e78a629ce649	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:27:38	-987.968
-33	3873	387300	f33aa70b-58b7-4ab7-a24d-b9a7ab4d5020	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:28:59	-218.75
-33	7746	387300	d2251a6c-e31d-4cb1-9662-79317409e30e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:55:25	104.996
-34	3874	387400	cf0699ab-06a2-4092-87ba-07818af20a1f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:33:05	525.842
-34	7748	387400	7bbd90b5-7717-4a2b-b0f5-e7984e48f2e0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:43:45	-333.867
-35	3875	387500	c464ea8e-31fa-489e-8a40-4c2d4a86b67d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:31:03	240.991
-35	7750	387500	bf0b837a-dcc1-42d4-9881-4f66993ff990	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:45:11	567.800
-36	3876	387600	aace267d-5f35-4552-9411-6fef45a33fdb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:43:40	981.789
-36	7752	387600	33835b53-1730-49c8-8419-9e337aa7a491	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:34:38	-259.707
-37	3877	387700	ac81bc08-1f6e-44ba-aa4e-e79e79f9dae4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:03:10	679.337
-37	7754	387700	6e568fd8-00dc-44ed-9371-ff14a8147c22	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:29:18	-560.879
-38	3878	387800	598a276a-2001-47ee-b40c-f643627e570b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:13:41	-520.229
-38	7756	387800	ac3365dd-ba48-4ea7-b308-5c48f2fc31b1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:25:50	548.346
-39	3879	387900	c33a8d19-e16e-4926-8481-c033fb2fe6c0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:12:02	461.780
-39	7758	387900	2a2de44e-bad9-47b1-af52-6893ec90e71e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:11:07	904.887
-40	3880	388000	68115267-f23b-447b-85a9-8ec40f3f3d2c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:02:23	-925.33
-40	7760	388000	a6b8aee9-3762-478a-87a9-b7ec2aab9956	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:44:16	-616.177
-41	3881	388100	bdd6527e-9827-46e7-a8cd-e4ddc2e62f44	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:10:50	-60.604
-41	7762	388100	fa26b628-29f3-4a6a-9c9c-dfdf622a5e8b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:13:12	-257.240
-42	3882	388200	861189eb-9b09-4cd2-a5e0-7b368de52e8a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:14:30	-869.982
-42	7764	388200	2e2f250d-95df-4a06-ad07-c4e5701d83a9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:56:56	685.682
-43	3883	388300	307aa5e0-0e02-45f4-93a6-cf475124a822	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:08:31	762.861
-43	7766	388300	7c97db3c-4c97-44ae-abd1-a793065ca2cf	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:14:29	-98.395
-44	3884	388400	72858476-9ae2-43dd-a207-4fae8fc8e52d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:29:51	214.62
-44	7768	388400	f0b51a3b-f936-4ca9-84a4-42eaa6546154	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:20:27	329.976
-45	3885	388500	d8905f17-6b5c-4b91-b040-f16c8aeda1ab	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:32:16	-345.756
-45	7770	388500	bac11a68-1d14-42b8-990f-5ce136edd8fb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:56:34	891.11
-46	3886	388600	b80576d6-71cb-4eb4-9ce5-629267d84ff7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:20:40	743.615
-46	7772	388600	613b0338-a5d9-4602-91c0-f063a38dc496	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:31:06	-553.674
-47	3887	388700	7b2b7120-be4d-4b6c-ae42-46fc7ac0188d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:18:28	674.231
-47	7774	388700	7d86abca-1251-4bce-b3f6-c177ccaf2fbf	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:07:24	952.64
-48	3888	388800	9e3ff892-3706-4618-819b-c03802b36d18	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:20:18	-406.977
-48	7776	388800	4e0cf241-deaf-4af5-aec2-74d413dadb92	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:58:23	-981.634
-49	3889	388900	9c28fcfd-1628-4210-a88f-12ee26db6ef4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:20:33	922.21
-49	7778	388900	7064876d-9093-4541-b20f-4dc784dddab4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:46:49	216.345
-50	3890	389000	2f35fd13-ab5f-4dd3-9d42-db51e8e08abf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:50:13	12.261
-50	7780	389000	7c746083-45d3-4d6f-9515-06ad4991eb19	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:54:13	-182.628
-51	3891	389100	0a770164-8222-48d5-a9a6-e28c2824982a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:09:40	-220.892
-51	7782	389100	92e1d387-7dcd-42aa-8266-b8060b364d76	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:36:25	-81.844
-52	3892	389200	80c84d1e-9931-44b0-b14a-70ea9da7fe3c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:40:24	-328.733
-52	7784	389200	96cb2e6d-0ec2-4aef-95e4-bc0dd6a5af2a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:59:31	84.830
-53	3893	389300	2493f1b3-a1e1-4e73-8990-0fa680dae8d8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:41:32	531.202
-53	7786	389300	a7ce51b4-d30c-416a-8aad-fb0ec1ce4af2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:51:01	-259.341
-54	3894	389400	d0bed22b-4580-4775-9c5a-1b9ab0d99fed	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:51:06	-463.453
-54	7788	389400	31521ea9-91fa-4149-9e94-a1c250b99ce0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:40:54	-658.414
-55	3895	389500	c4020929-cdfd-4498-80a3-a52729fe7e57	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:09:43	465.322
-55	7790	389500	d1ccc341-8dc8-4ce3-836e-05e6967c60c8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:47:45	156.860
-56	3896	389600	b272b210-4584-4b27-b632-d55857853422	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:31:51	160.465
-56	7792	389600	525738f4-9443-43b9-abbf-8b21cd387b39	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:01:49	-940.147
-57	3897	389700	0eda1626-05c7-4d55-b16d-1251921e8d6b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:52:06	-916.506
-57	7794	389700	5d7626cf-dd59-421d-9e46-db0a500b8db4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:39:32	809.750
-58	3898	389800	e781be10-5a5f-4e1c-9157-c39c8433eb49	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:05:20	435.812
-58	7796	389800	bee25542-b6b9-444d-a671-af5f292e3c78	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:10:33	-396.315
-59	3899	389900	299542c5-517e-47d4-9f00-72888e6cdd57	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:29:45	303.913
-59	7798	389900	3e0b2d6c-8881-45ef-8876-218a3cefe032	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:33:16	-138.256
-60	3900	390000	9e107fcb-6309-4686-9548-e9401fa2140b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:10:44	624.270
-60	7800	390000	dd8af16a-51bf-45f2-a25a-9b4d81134938	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:17:54	849.834
-61	3901	390100	9b5880b4-585c-4212-a6bb-bc152bc464f8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:14:03	212.818
-61	7802	390100	76e9d473-6d66-4446-b4db-1b73b92a4311	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:23:16	-522.989
-62	3902	390200	b7bc491d-f16d-4516-8fdb-70eb6939926c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:20:25	83.774
-62	7804	390200	84dbe95d-9fe0-45ab-ac71-5ac98bfb592c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:41:01	-237.378
-63	3903	390300	ba56b42a-70aa-4e8e-8f5f-efdf52f89288	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:38:47	-8.469
-63	7806	390300	4e186324-2fa1-4e0c-9b5c-20719bcdbbdb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:07:39	-227.234
-64	3904	390400	4cde123f-c6d4-4df6-87e0-a5fb26149929	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:26:37	-452.756
-64	7808	390400	7403e9e0-10a2-4bb5-bbf1-6e3e38ead530	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:15:47	545.690
-65	3905	390500	cacb143b-581f-41d3-ab4f-e1faf6e2222f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:40:15	-678.908
-65	7810	390500	7dc24710-230a-4f11-94d9-0718c01c659a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:29:58	-851.62
-66	3906	390600	435d3a2b-54c5-49ac-9877-bc9f8a09eb68	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:47:50	426.253
-66	7812	390600	ba594062-2391-4e55-ab20-2ea1559bb5cf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:17:38	693.871
-67	3907	390700	3978995f-8074-4adb-a67b-5b77aca93805	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:14:43	451.504
-67	7814	390700	6f32a64a-80cc-41bb-a07c-cb822d74ea9e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:47:23	772.580
-68	3908	390800	7c0c4cb2-f7eb-4fe0-bd26-aacd812a4152	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:41:34	-21.872
-68	7816	390800	db5eee17-919b-42b5-80f4-a3b1909edf72	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:28:31	205.985
-69	3909	390900	aaa16867-ec9f-4307-9651-434a457d5161	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:22:41	593.330
-69	7818	390900	3b5a9798-8709-40b5-b699-facebe98a6f6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:02:09	878.273
-70	3910	391000	e02149ed-8d6a-43f2-9691-48c94f51818b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:44:41	22.530
-70	7820	391000	1c91ed37-a65b-4c35-a440-b4be278a8333	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:03:34	-490.87
-71	3911	391100	37dcc426-8476-4b47-891b-f03796bb76b8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:09:25	-92.987
-71	7822	391100	f0248b20-c972-439f-bfff-52d52f2ee3ab	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:01:49	683.151
-72	3912	391200	37928a20-0c7b-42cf-b084-5572dde40a4e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:47:33	446.12
-72	7824	391200	30c27688-d176-4248-a656-f9045536e28a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:33:10	-848.274
-73	3913	391300	9d9cfcef-b373-4c0b-b9ee-451e1f83e8ad	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:52:40	-676.186
-73	7826	391300	05f75aaa-9fc8-47a4-97e7-f6d11fc1cbdb	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:03:09	-704.737
-74	3914	391400	9b21faf8-0f3a-4330-aa88-b6f337af1dfc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:28:05	-171.91
-74	7828	391400	f40502d2-d08e-4456-9e6b-312cd86eb418	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:09:02	755.112
-75	3915	391500	78619f7f-97c8-4a15-8996-b284a2e27b17	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:37:54	362.514
-75	7830	391500	e1dba26c-ee20-4567-8a89-b479724f986c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:49:26	-799.273
-76	3916	391600	f018fbd3-cd76-4344-956e-940fe9716c36	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:07:35	748.45
-76	7832	391600	1a356b0e-bbe7-4425-9a57-f9222555ad30	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:22:32	738.590
-77	3917	391700	e0b331da-ad94-4e40-85c1-cb4f6d685203	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:30:30	411.143
-77	7834	391700	62b543d6-0adf-48c2-a605-7bbf4beacab3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:08:34	-330.239
-78	3918	391800	e6fea602-18ea-431a-98a9-d6b809885925	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:27:33	675.710
-78	7836	391800	1e8c71ce-1127-44e8-99de-dbc3f6504efe	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:29:08	447.239
-79	3919	391900	6a2b8995-22d2-49c0-9806-79b0a00caf42	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:13:38	-791.354
-79	7838	391900	b4d1474d-8061-4fc9-b3ee-bc95e6a1a171	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:35:29	475.455
-80	3920	392000	fe8c92cc-4b07-465f-bf1f-e3a2a2b313c4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:48:16	-96.434
-80	7840	392000	ec9dc65e-60e0-426f-9930-26e9e1143905	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:23:06	-334.777
-81	3921	392100	c16cb6ca-1521-4379-a44f-675fc5b3387e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:13:25	879.19
-81	7842	392100	530f2acc-5b9e-4812-8345-610235b2614e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:23:27	-146.147
-82	3922	392200	1670b8c6-e41a-42fc-9296-ec9885d3bad2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:00:31	-723.703
-82	7844	392200	e718fb18-da0c-46de-b44a-65b326b992db	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:42:24	102.669
-83	3923	392300	a9e8aea1-2eb3-4055-9ca4-0eb272afcb32	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:37:25	946.701
-83	7846	392300	de6e1a32-4daf-4c36-a0f0-6de87fd46aa4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:59:18	487.82
-84	3924	392400	0b1d9120-ebef-4528-887a-3c03564fe5bb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:29:13	-537.854
-84	7848	392400	c8d17fa9-6f66-4015-a27a-368752a1548e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:37:00	573.59
-85	3925	392500	6f2a4793-dfc6-4705-8cf2-3ca1504ca222	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:10:52	858.656
-85	7850	392500	54ee3f5a-706e-41ed-b2c2-851e1edc5a20	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:34:03	-745.512
-86	3926	392600	02f4b968-60a1-4a65-aee5-0149b4a115d0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:57:10	-842.930
-86	7852	392600	8bbd1807-f980-43af-b5a8-667bb8b83b0d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:58:46	-715.381
-87	3927	392700	35f5728e-7fbe-410a-a0de-caf9cb2bc85e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:47:20	-724.940
-87	7854	392700	fbc5f3b1-e57e-4df0-9b0f-a2297051a338	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:52:52	542.852
-88	3928	392800	d76f8895-43e1-4c43-8d5d-a4f0a45eb6d3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:03:18	-415.873
-88	7856	392800	507d9114-1fc8-40a5-a836-b7d61590fbd7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:00:34	-859.674
-89	3929	392900	f4b7e44f-2527-40aa-9c7f-859a3b369cfb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:39:16	-556.782
-89	7858	392900	c2a0e82d-be6b-462a-b767-b7ed71a2491f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:12:41	-116.493
-90	3930	393000	69742cb2-3229-4aed-b1b1-825b43792f6a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:30:03	215.864
-90	7860	393000	81c7ae4f-bb48-452e-9523-ff2d4c530436	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:41:33	-50.623
-91	3931	393100	4ceae9e1-0588-48b6-bfce-2dcec19a883c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:58:51	223.470
-91	7862	393100	02ea405a-7bb0-47a2-a025-1b46d1526d44	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:38:54	209.741
-92	3932	393200	2ac5e7f2-8ee6-4d02-a71c-8ba2e493d613	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:28:35	936.416
-92	7864	393200	6c80b9f0-32b5-4332-8de0-83d90ca7ffe2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:15:37	-192.242
-93	3933	393300	5876973e-a89f-4fe7-9565-5089c71b9c34	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:51:46	56.496
-93	7866	393300	18440307-af19-4ff6-ae23-df54c6bb87bf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:34:27	515.319
-94	3934	393400	810b8007-f13f-4c1c-84e0-16f0a3ec6f4b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:34:35	636.496
-94	7868	393400	29ac6f21-abde-4901-92b9-832d597ec45e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:37:03	-531.2
-95	3935	393500	bb015fb0-8608-428b-ad44-9d9d607a0726	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:40:58	133.619
-95	7870	393500	ea31c607-2c59-42de-bfb7-5dc61570e56d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:35:03	-274.436
-96	3936	393600	3dd1b276-d93f-42b8-9c88-d9bd262b4fd8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:22:50	-312.751
-96	7872	393600	60b73008-5c12-4318-84d1-f9c91b22eed5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:43:21	758.586
-97	3937	393700	ffeaf1a3-6712-45ce-b072-3e1b09256c4d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:37:39	110.576
-97	7874	393700	8110490c-0a11-4ea6-8473-21741e25b6aa	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:48:36	377.85
-98	3938	393800	97192a30-f628-4f87-8b55-da884ed5a6f0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:04:31	-106.277
-98	7876	393800	4aa69972-bd83-4068-903f-b82f8e863092	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:10:34	-663.466
-99	3939	393900	a29b1cd4-6d62-4119-8cdc-e0e5e6a8476b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:48:34	-859.116
-99	7878	393900	79f96423-ae4b-40f2-94c7-23d48ddd3afb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:38:38	998.359
-100	3940	394000	a75d2de1-acef-4a97-b90a-6c0d581a20ff	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:06:58	-292.133
-100	7880	394000	eab302cb-4ddd-436e-9bcf-e47d9a87d2da	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:27:56	378.531
-101	3941	394100	122b98ca-bf2e-4bd8-a90a-68b84e0d8420	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:19:36	-231.257
-101	7882	394100	bf2915d0-37f4-4f0e-8c27-70e7b8597d35	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:47:06	743.530
-102	3942	394200	d72cdbcf-3ecf-4213-9b9a-7f065c684d84	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:07:15	-24.144
-102	7884	394200	a8aa40d3-e9bb-4c12-ba03-aee606533f1c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:57:31	-103.758
-103	3943	394300	1f8bd25d-0690-4a77-9037-3933f372f305	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:51:49	-77.143
-103	7886	394300	425eca2f-d645-4258-8be4-2fc1501cd29e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:49:07	-585.481
-104	3944	394400	723e4205-de95-41af-9f51-00b94030108c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:06:43	-479.853
-104	7888	394400	04f891e8-e634-40bb-99e9-ae9aaccb250f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:59:34	-561.290
-105	3945	394500	1bde2b97-c174-4725-b2f5-90e135d3dc33	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:39:57	9.386
-105	7890	394500	70413dd2-cccd-4c68-8c10-80b4c530f848	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:12:47	728.535
-106	3946	394600	05d6d69b-25f7-4cce-a6c7-645346bfb9b2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:08:17	470.490
-106	7892	394600	86b42817-1479-4f1e-911e-60792429026b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:50:36	352.395
-107	3947	394700	3475c1db-3b78-4ef9-b554-1d01abb877e4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:27:58	-632.3
-107	7894	394700	34bb1437-c1ea-45d9-b641-eca47eb360e3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:38:25	918.614
-108	3948	394800	6a08d7d9-a21e-41e6-b899-030285a6f4a2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:48:59	131.73
-108	7896	394800	16d44281-90db-4d50-9b01-91f792e8b39f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:41:38	-888.660
-109	3949	394900	ad660e7f-a0d9-4f38-b4df-6036eec8c2fb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:11:27	-13.441
-109	7898	394900	d10e634a-f58b-45b2-859f-a3e9d5f2d835	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:39:18	882.821
-110	3950	395000	3d44d336-f969-4ee5-b5c6-56351d2cbfb9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:57:30	-406.358
-110	7900	395000	61dd858e-066b-4171-b61e-05130a6e62d3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:07:21	-156.129
-111	3951	395100	885801dc-faa0-4ec3-9c30-e1d9345abda8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:18:50	-165.42
-111	7902	395100	b0f5dc17-8e60-4306-a55e-7a45b3237811	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:37:00	221.603
-112	3952	395200	8751b947-afea-4009-8907-6ec4cdf76678	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:19:39	862.913
-112	7904	395200	f9e8b83a-5bc1-4fd7-9053-f9f8ee2b083a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:57:43	-693.393
-113	3953	395300	fd6139be-0300-41e3-9e3d-f17d9e78071e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:31:54	414.590
-113	7906	395300	27a9df4c-aee9-4c5e-8135-e9ec56377541	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:04:25	-788.474
-114	3954	395400	a42b35b0-18b4-4890-a175-deeeec74f940	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:13:21	-173.925
-114	7908	395400	4b1f2824-669c-4372-b389-dc766402935c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:15:37	834.156
-115	3955	395500	2c5fccad-5803-4b51-9362-ec253cee628c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:47:43	-846.119
-115	7910	395500	b2995a8d-8390-4cba-9b75-63fe5ff15537	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:48:22	-548.529
-116	3956	395600	4312a48f-73ce-47aa-804c-8432fb53e395	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:25:45	-479.722
-116	7912	395600	0eadd188-c0d0-4268-bc7b-9a224a22064a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:22:05	-899.986
-117	3957	395700	ca3f148f-b45a-4959-bf75-940bc6af9db0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:11:25	397.888
-117	7914	395700	165ebe5f-4369-41ab-856e-d14c1f94bef5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:11:10	-510.127
-118	3958	395800	3b299cc2-a576-4a53-9a5a-0ada4153f29a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:47:10	-988.107
-118	7916	395800	12d5a1fb-460b-44ae-8913-fed98adf548b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:25:33	753.954
-119	3959	395900	1d4da729-9539-4e5c-81a7-5d4928af6e3d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:20:28	865.499
-119	7918	395900	a17afd27-8391-4487-b7c6-4b90896a5923	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:28:08	987.829
-120	3960	396000	0df396f3-0948-4fd9-b5f3-3a67dc00d63d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:49:30	373.856
-120	7920	396000	c2e3031f-b85b-452e-a551-b314e29c432e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:28:19	874.954
-121	3961	396100	6976bc81-206f-46f3-a1fd-dcba0cbae396	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:23:59	82.370
-121	7922	396100	825bee1b-3b5b-482f-90e8-5eb65cd0a493	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:38:41	966.935
-122	3962	396200	448d9a7c-8747-4d18-82b9-47771cb42d37	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:53:51	-679.923
-122	7924	396200	4371db95-58c4-4614-8588-42ce626dbe60	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:49:58	-67.504
-123	3963	396300	1797e8fe-c39f-45c3-9330-01f762bf0d55	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:03:58	-90.933
-123	7926	396300	c8b53754-6e76-4075-af5f-2a9be8c60397	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:30:59	92.309
-124	3964	396400	ee9516e9-4791-4165-b7e3-e96610c26658	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:56:57	-798.43
-124	7928	396400	dfcecc22-9fab-49f1-820f-1367f544874b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:08:33	60.860
-125	3965	396500	a7af506a-faa8-4f58-bbd3-d19f2e535120	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:33:46	-999.571
-125	7930	396500	ed23dc70-aa59-455a-8b0d-310567d079f1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:15:24	-913.876
-126	3966	396600	b53de49e-a0d6-47d6-85bb-f2050f6b2fb4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:35:52	-773.432
-126	7932	396600	91a6fcbf-7d3f-4a28-8ad1-114f2872be6f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:03:05	506.61
-127	3967	396700	45b90ce1-ca80-4ca5-8b9a-a3d6df73a24a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:12:49	816.158
-127	7934	396700	1a2f35fd-4742-46c3-8e17-b4915e904f17	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:32:17	517.557
-0	3968	396800	1b54e29d-f1a8-4bab-8d51-81306ee61508	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:04:15	797.583
-0	7936	396800	ebbf4dfe-e88b-4151-83e6-33afbda1e387	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:43:36	-386.981
-1	3969	396900	c95d1544-34ab-4a5a-b1cf-68735c3ec6f1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:25:40	-946.335
-1	7938	396900	42ea6c92-166d-4288-ac9f-8861b14353ce	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:24:53	871.507
-2	3970	397000	f36668d3-ba35-4155-a222-02d53501a417	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:36:49	-884.465
-2	7940	397000	9907a052-cd5d-4776-9ef9-b59b9ff413ab	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:34:38	-282.783
-3	3971	397100	2f560730-992a-4d14-aa88-3ad8e675b30d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:13:28	-673.4
-3	7942	397100	0d6e50da-345f-46d5-9548-b406f763908b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:04:18	-346.349
-4	3972	397200	14892921-5673-4f77-9426-29874956ba80	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:13:42	-446.376
-4	7944	397200	8bf811cb-cc7b-4770-b336-020c2d51585b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:25:31	-869.201
-5	3973	397300	6e8cac25-3a4d-42ed-92e8-bdf31bd400fa	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:35:08	-114.747
-5	7946	397300	b6d13e11-508a-40d6-8432-3a34aebae5c2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:26:33	439.784
-6	3974	397400	0f5c1207-7406-469a-b36b-519c9b753b4d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:38:36	908.887
-6	7948	397400	90f4fdf8-024f-4d08-82fe-a2efe80aa2b2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:58:58	555.509
-7	3975	397500	54b2fe88-81bd-46d3-b92d-a663c772bd69	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:16:42	-117.759
-7	7950	397500	13efece1-d35f-4f73-9ab4-bb26c9f8a8c1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:23:13	441.553
-8	3976	397600	2a4249ab-8773-43d0-8cd1-ede7c1b2a43d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:30:15	354.893
-8	7952	397600	2b80295c-5f6f-416b-851b-6c08e63fb33e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:33:59	950.150
-9	3977	397700	efbfaf33-e1c3-4365-964c-3252f87106b6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:29:07	647.777
-9	7954	397700	c25e8231-a10f-4de4-a324-1906e6fb26d8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:46:26	-450.314
-10	3978	397800	4ae80704-f986-4358-966e-593eb87ebe04	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:29:25	-947.596
-10	7956	397800	58a6f7eb-73af-4cfd-bdaf-48daaf331631	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:14:06	-134.332
-11	3979	397900	a97d3cf8-c8b5-4ac4-be9e-eccbd23c264c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:14:44	541.793
-11	7958	397900	a8621b7e-c58b-4ebd-bdab-fb45612278b6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:40:04	759.924
-12	3980	398000	d89850e6-2946-414b-8934-4bbbc4f68bbb	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:10:03	-715.886
-12	7960	398000	26152918-60e1-4a48-b4dd-9e8e92aaf3ca	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:41:01	-375.281
-13	3981	398100	4a714c4f-acb1-416d-8792-b644c552345b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:38:38	-884.827
-13	7962	398100	1f7c8797-239e-4bfb-9b2d-30f08d136be8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:05:17	201.22
-14	3982	398200	ad965aab-f1dc-4b62-99fd-28aa2abb68b9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:36:24	57.812
-14	7964	398200	977b4669-6506-4405-85e1-b61c34c10471	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:35:23	717.805
-15	3983	398300	5c559d68-f65b-4fd8-a50d-2008d4cc01a0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:45:20	-509.609
-15	7966	398300	11df66f3-c832-41ef-aa51-7a4af88f39de	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:01:26	18.873
-16	3984	398400	89b912ed-ffd5-419a-b2ae-b434af8a1686	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:05:19	-938.41
-16	7968	398400	4aef0986-1d0f-4d0b-8606-5bbbcd72b067	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:00:26	-126.194
-17	3985	398500	67bf86b9-eeb9-4826-afe1-12427cb6bead	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:32:55	603.556
-17	7970	398500	bafc5197-4e31-40e2-ab40-5ee04f069207	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:18:37	9.172
-18	3986	398600	ae017c73-04d2-42e4-a57d-5cde63df76bc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:10:34	-474.881
-18	7972	398600	25d538a5-41f8-4511-a9ad-eddf7f0ce372	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:36:06	-882.593
-19	3987	398700	3e4d5331-a98c-4c5d-a306-c4a6726775c6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:09:37	-73.554
-19	7974	398700	d2683750-ee30-4539-be91-a112e4dfe438	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:57:04	782.516
-20	3988	398800	6eb087de-949d-4baa-9723-9b9a6b890781	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:56:39	-30.352
-20	7976	398800	e845bd61-07d7-4d58-ad7d-1110dabdbeea	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:15:26	-751.124
-21	3989	398900	bbc186bd-8725-46df-89e5-2fee2e5c7349	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:48:09	-687.686
-21	7978	398900	f995a947-2647-4520-b7ed-ebf966026ace	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:32:58	-588.10
-22	3990	399000	3a4868a6-78a5-4fb8-8be5-f9fc69477b00	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:40:21	-779.481
-22	7980	399000	8da07a78-b6bc-4755-a867-a998dc842e57	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:38:38	408.890
-23	3991	399100	bb455d26-674f-41f5-9ed0-1aeb3dc63ab8	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:14:46	-379.331
-23	7982	399100	a1aa403a-de42-415f-a3a3-a2fbcc8766db	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:20:54	-364.678
-24	3992	399200	f56144e0-a8ef-44af-a27a-0faa0091ef88	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:54:22	505.769
-24	7984	399200	97f2fea1-8470-49d0-ad9c-8793b939e3ec	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:01:57	-454.539
-25	3993	399300	e7328a58-f097-4962-81d5-f91f25ed6483	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:26:17	-703.87
-25	7986	399300	75ca218a-c2db-4642-9a89-7a498c179a72	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:29:55	-568.40
-26	3994	399400	50d7c994-da40-4bb3-933e-8ad0275563da	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:34:29	869.780
-26	7988	399400	8d059c77-ebe7-40b4-b610-1bcbfa6d3a04	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:10:36	788.803
-27	3995	399500	a88c95a3-1dda-4ba2-a5da-d3d577124cbf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:41:54	-487.442
-27	7990	399500	75c646c2-c47e-4072-af26-8b3c380b855f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:45:56	-433.942
-28	3996	399600	b9d4672d-e915-4bff-97c8-cbe1753b2fc2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:24:21	296.873
-28	7992	399600	8ac76722-6b2f-4f97-8a52-14d2b166ddf2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:01:26	-559.753
-29	3997	399700	f8ac7b0d-0935-4d5e-8d76-44827e044439	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:16:19	-812.335
-29	7994	399700	910306c3-6bc3-43f8-95fe-e16d03ae0bf1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:51:09	-111.153
-30	3998	399800	79c924c4-c8e7-4e35-8e03-5829f7118b64	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:53:29	813.456
-30	7996	399800	08cb1d88-e5ba-42c1-81b0-fb60febec5ca	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:04:17	-73.917
-31	3999	399900	6d28cc5d-906d-4cd9-a958-b3f425b1ac40	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:54:28	-175.831
-31	7998	399900	62b2f272-b93f-4371-abdd-4fe67c9402d4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:50:20	712.428
-32	4000	400000	364afcc9-de4c-46a9-ae50-e7097788aa1f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:21:48	140.658
-32	8000	400000	ded096ac-90d9-438a-b867-274e03d1a9e8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:37:55	937.435
-33	4001	400100	32a9f9be-a67b-4191-bb6d-613570e3f244	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:40:01	-333.732
-33	8002	400100	1fcc6865-72e5-4e0b-bef8-6eef76bec8f7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:21:18	-821.636
-34	4002	400200	c0f6bc97-8767-47f3-bb1c-0fc984e83e9b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:25:27	-357.910
-34	8004	400200	27332740-494c-42f5-bf82-0aa1b251f988	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:09:42	890.926
-35	4003	400300	70f61709-6103-4ff8-89c3-8a015dcc3cdd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:45:46	532.801
-35	8006	400300	b1dc8fbf-1d9f-478e-9b56-20c9725cf3af	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:55:04	44.741
-36	4004	400400	9fc6f169-db6a-49ff-a662-0a0f724c1716	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:46:48	-435.843
-36	8008	400400	37638a55-da41-4b66-a580-36067d9824b2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:46:27	264.287
-37	4005	400500	5c3570cb-974e-4f9d-b0cd-662e88807956	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:51:21	823.957
-37	8010	400500	57403e8f-0184-4c87-affd-69bce0c343ed	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:23:02	-910.123
-38	4006	400600	b169a590-ff9d-4d7f-a4cb-b58134e7d84f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:31:41	446.357
-38	8012	400600	0ba9a6c3-6f61-4afd-99a2-1a3702c86bf4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:16:52	274.553
-39	4007	400700	3b8ecfc7-82a9-4b3f-a85a-0f6dc7b990ae	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:20:57	-874.109
-39	8014	400700	101e1fca-d4aa-4604-9203-a32084dd1c99	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:18:13	229.921
-40	4008	400800	d5c767eb-fa6d-4d50-a374-6b801e1769a3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:58:45	-86.235
-40	8016	400800	4ba74557-d3ea-47bd-8543-a2f1877af198	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:18:59	529.488
-41	4009	400900	d0cb6e67-1a35-47b7-99f2-110a58305eb4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:47:18	71.913
-41	8018	400900	7273cd2b-6e65-4d3b-a872-d724454653df	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:50:57	557.589
-42	4010	401000	5485211f-c6d8-48dc-b055-5c0f71d311bb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:17:12	-988.11
-42	8020	401000	79b6a083-6a22-461d-a6fa-d9cd103e2b8b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:33:39	847.944
-43	4011	401100	7fa232e8-382b-4ce6-8275-bcf12ea73793	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:49:54	730.180
-43	8022	401100	2659e5fd-3e18-40da-b196-d95a472028e3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:09:11	-978.362
-44	4012	401200	3bb0e0bf-46ae-41a9-9d33-ee5e6febebde	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:04:05	307.407
-44	8024	401200	9f0be02e-2ace-4f42-994b-f7181eb7c0fd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:30:37	-697.406
-45	4013	401300	705fb579-8177-4e89-8d3d-207ee05c7786	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:22:29	-672.880
-45	8026	401300	2752cbb7-b716-4a80-9ae4-ac07b080e69a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:56:46	-971.139
-46	4014	401400	eb0ae7ea-48e2-4b43-8a3b-aaa58169600b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:49:31	306.207
-46	8028	401400	6e527552-429e-4fc6-b858-2c7698a7976c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:15:27	-27.640
-47	4015	401500	84d11014-0d50-42cb-a698-eab9c7909ada	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:09:45	-148.130
-47	8030	401500	3e57e54f-6ae8-4e2e-b6c2-5119261399a2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:46:19	-46.27
-48	4016	401600	8481318c-5197-4768-b3ff-617f24b9c63d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:24:20	-630.663
-48	8032	401600	fd9a0b4f-fb9d-40ff-8700-f3dcd8a62d7c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:53:43	-557.679
-49	4017	401700	41021080-e4a3-48da-9224-438449032999	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:09:33	-668.187
-49	8034	401700	877b6da2-62e3-4f28-b4ff-2e28c278429c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:45:32	-758.816
-50	4018	401800	819cd38b-5636-4bd6-9d35-19dc2760cbfa	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:48:19	-513.758
-50	8036	401800	cd150b83-0fa0-4d74-a562-f12b2acf3811	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:34:53	231.271
-51	4019	401900	2e4e4143-48ce-48f4-98f2-f7e66311becb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:58:11	-526.739
-51	8038	401900	210d0b2b-5edd-4f8a-ae35-15d699423b91	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:08:35	240.746
-52	4020	402000	087c7736-d9a2-4523-9d9a-3b0edebb6c8d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:38:06	972.46
-52	8040	402000	d3382146-b244-40d6-91f6-e58aecf8a4aa	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:44:25	836.900
-53	4021	402100	9fa0bb2b-b369-410a-99d8-43dbafd4d62e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:59:49	391.138
-53	8042	402100	54dabb6f-c7a1-4743-a881-c5e32d0d6f6b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:00:41	-480.31
-54	4022	402200	3836a096-9248-4774-9e77-04540e5d9914	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:07:22	397.260
-54	8044	402200	71712312-9c9f-45fd-a1bc-7f0d8109974d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:08:28	-570.760
-55	4023	402300	5c4672af-50a6-4ad3-969e-6686f0262d08	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:14:41	-562.980
-55	8046	402300	b5364055-1004-4fcb-8513-3e916a344373	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:00:48	-965.723
-56	4024	402400	38eb8a67-4091-4828-8c18-024d90df1382	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:25:37	772.844
-56	8048	402400	512c245a-bce0-4a21-be0e-4b52e33373ca	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:51:00	-41.836
-57	4025	402500	2dfa0d90-0e0f-4d05-a9e5-bdea886e50f0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:14:09	-452.82
-57	8050	402500	b6511d4c-9f15-4d2f-ba1f-b3946a93bd33	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:49:56	21.460
-58	4026	402600	ff173c93-66d1-4477-9826-ae280d42489c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:13:30	-846.697
-58	8052	402600	b573d634-5011-4435-a57d-ea265f98b035	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:56:45	-139.425
-59	4027	402700	33daae63-96a4-46b0-bf65-cd2d7de92f40	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:45:48	-20.158
-59	8054	402700	af64d58c-953e-4877-8ec3-7ca2fe4dff05	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:10:02	411.314
-60	4028	402800	ae437ce1-cdea-457f-8064-8fde70fe2975	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:31:49	-624.611
-60	8056	402800	6db1ae11-4182-4982-9488-726f059f6e89	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:35:53	750.96
-61	4029	402900	197ba6e7-92d3-4cb4-890b-7e0994e75a4f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:03:45	-402.32
-61	8058	402900	5a83f6b7-5eb9-4cb7-8902-321eede7f7b6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:29:14	518.571
-62	4030	403000	56bde87f-f9f6-42fa-8acf-e259059dc558	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:30:42	-890.489
-62	8060	403000	8cf1bb97-0932-4a96-a91d-cda68f92eab6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:07:37	309.447
-63	4031	403100	4f266e54-fcb4-4eab-9a72-9178f8761d7c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:28:32	-735.256
-63	8062	403100	4e66357f-66ae-4423-9516-6c7230e6f954	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:41:13	-80.376
-64	4032	403200	5eff1df3-a262-4c94-9606-058c0a6dc961	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:56:42	-102.705
-64	8064	403200	53c66441-27f1-43ec-b02c-76a5bd211a85	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:19:04	474.750
-65	4033	403300	855f492c-4bff-4277-ab98-9912523d34e1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:50:34	-78.504
-65	8066	403300	d06d3a45-9784-476c-9add-56d540dcc23b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:26:10	-665.842
-66	4034	403400	aa832ecc-94aa-4480-aff5-78cd3c47ff31	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:16:01	-266.323
-66	8068	403400	0486f621-6deb-4a82-9990-cccc2a20d46a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:59:29	-737.714
-67	4035	403500	26aff944-daea-4809-ba7c-a0b3049080f9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:24:46	573.318
-67	8070	403500	eb4d0373-1e7d-4c87-93b6-60cf42958b81	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:20:03	-419.900
-68	4036	403600	50e72bdb-b3cc-44c8-8afe-1626b4af6583	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:07:27	-265.856
-68	8072	403600	517845df-e8f9-4afa-b14f-9e96595c65a4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:44:22	569.273
-69	4037	403700	ee97913c-04a2-422c-a330-479c295d51d3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:53:58	452.294
-69	8074	403700	4318a09c-8680-461c-ab1a-f37ac235f73f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:55:08	-451.940
-70	4038	403800	a0dce37c-bafe-4267-b88f-aa57ceb0908f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:24:45	488.139
-70	8076	403800	9b053e73-de2e-4645-87f4-eb86287e2824	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:51:43	704.486
-71	4039	403900	c49cfc8b-7b10-4881-92b4-352d78f0f5f5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:55:34	640.17
-71	8078	403900	03448abe-1965-44a3-803b-4e291ab581a6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:23:36	-559.931
-72	4040	404000	13a8a0e4-7310-4a99-b9c9-edc3367aa466	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:30:12	378.679
-72	8080	404000	d6a4647c-dd67-4c2f-809a-2a4ebfd66947	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:23:22	-37.27
-73	4041	404100	4749d2f8-507a-4699-bea6-7a5f78bb33ff	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:00:49	-745.93
-73	8082	404100	f68da2e9-7683-4c3b-baf2-b8c1b7d8cd34	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:10:27	877.968
-74	4042	404200	88d11407-0c55-4266-a190-102d954bae6f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:11:28	-242.456
-74	8084	404200	5441ddfa-1958-4762-96df-9d44f95beb9f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:35:38	165.504
-75	4043	404300	4003799d-bee9-4726-a3dd-d6841bbef4de	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:01:06	-864.921
-75	8086	404300	8a02b0ef-bb0a-4e9c-b0b1-e5d69ccb630f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:43:42	766.745
-76	4044	404400	407d01b1-77d9-4edc-9de8-e11c3a65945b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:48:04	187.76
-76	8088	404400	f4d17458-2ef5-4aee-a5c8-0bf48e4f0be8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:16:11	-258.837
-77	4045	404500	40b786f4-9aa8-4779-bfe3-5ddf56f6075e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:26:48	-589.17
-77	8090	404500	9d1b0963-22c0-4e83-8c3c-bbed19702b16	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:19:19	33.4
-78	4046	404600	ada21e59-51f9-4463-9825-a452cecf0810	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:31:42	-85.502
-78	8092	404600	0e61c45a-07b9-45a3-ae64-17de1abff776	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:30:18	297.720
-79	4047	404700	9c25f485-205a-44bb-8c76-96540c156c41	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:17:12	971.990
-79	8094	404700	e7fe7ed0-a6e6-40ef-af46-83bf24b3883c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:23:22	309.270
-80	4048	404800	68947630-4c83-4c2e-b357-519d9dbb91e3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:00:16	438.526
-80	8096	404800	b65ba563-72e9-4dd4-a86c-2011810b9b98	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:10:10	-149.145
-81	4049	404900	d8635be5-b9e5-4d4d-9765-234214f3ac74	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:52:00	165.297
-81	8098	404900	681a2386-e16d-4f50-8b64-3f59b05d09fc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:06:49	563.454
-82	4050	405000	0f70efd3-d27b-4272-941b-97fb2706d5bf	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:47:30	-195.575
-82	8100	405000	6a159daa-1632-47a2-b07d-f7c9c651aabe	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:32:41	993.611
-83	4051	405100	60982a62-b3b3-47c9-857a-15cc9c6063fa	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:42:33	528.764
-83	8102	405100	91c0275d-e2ab-47a0-b1dd-81236bddf303	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:23:09	328.600
-84	4052	405200	84d6d16c-0628-4266-8c2c-c43f0a7c5d4f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:42:57	610.758
-84	8104	405200	5c5b3866-e7b5-4c5f-badd-8151ddeb9c6c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:21:17	900.479
-85	4053	405300	b4a43711-26da-4741-95ab-bc63ca666b34	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:54:34	756.460
-85	8106	405300	8173d094-441c-492f-aeb5-b72f578fecd5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:25:52	763.217
-86	4054	405400	83f7ee09-d5cb-4dc7-b581-b7b169731231	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:12:33	-853.996
-86	8108	405400	b1e439a0-bcf0-4dd6-82ed-fdc461d7feac	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:59:40	646.548
-87	4055	405500	acb09398-c809-4f6c-9b20-35ee9140911b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:36:25	-476.506
-87	8110	405500	8649826c-acc7-4306-aa50-362fb063d829	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:37:45	-539.872
-88	4056	405600	34a8e693-cb5a-4aed-b742-b8d36bb04337	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:21:47	548.74
-88	8112	405600	d920c092-43c3-4a91-a072-91ee8a4759ee	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:14:46	-285.184
-89	4057	405700	c1b7504c-197b-4c1d-93b2-ad0838d204fb	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:50:04	-461.294
-89	8114	405700	1581aa6b-cae3-4ad9-b9f2-33400218a411	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:38:01	681.826
-90	4058	405800	6ba04ba4-07df-44b3-a2ea-965382d58f96	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:06:12	-97.304
-90	8116	405800	3f960b46-c04e-4429-a598-5d3b1db1982a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:37:48	-578.284
-91	4059	405900	8d91d961-0239-46fc-a972-431a0af968be	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:59:08	141.504
-91	8118	405900	b4c06120-8403-49ce-9496-5d5bf6988514	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:44:45	786.681
-92	4060	406000	1b6ee7d1-c27a-4b27-8b03-77c847220669	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:53:50	970.813
-92	8120	406000	d6e72d34-1f3a-4e5c-966a-67459a5ccde5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:10:46	-249.896
-93	4061	406100	1c88be18-5592-447b-b587-0d88bc530ad9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:35:51	714.297
-93	8122	406100	dd1b1e5e-3dc3-4af2-8132-d66c9a3d307a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:28:29	-68.702
-94	4062	406200	34714790-eac5-4c43-95b8-6d1b55ec9c38	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:15:20	199.56
-94	8124	406200	7be69766-45d5-4c3c-9022-3bf2bbdd037a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:07:30	-139.994
-95	4063	406300	535a6445-b1eb-43cf-ac72-894572255ef9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:41:41	739.220
-95	8126	406300	9cbe5b6e-f275-44d0-89f5-0a17b4e7adc8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:21:20	970.230
-96	4064	406400	12e37aad-49c9-4d03-ab75-47aa20773cb2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:23:48	-422.58
-96	8128	406400	45809e17-bd37-4cdb-87b0-f14d6f1afcfa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:55:46	761.554
-97	4065	406500	10505136-9cd5-4c04-bb7e-3e67a206c8ad	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:34:13	230.994
-97	8130	406500	c6ba4b94-9db2-4731-9ef3-972f4a44f630	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:00:55	79.616
-98	4066	406600	b11922f7-3807-4305-84fc-9af268dbd6c6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:13:05	78.748
-98	8132	406600	5a44fb6b-f459-45bd-bc58-8e207c18f731	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:56:24	503.135
-99	4067	406700	48970398-edaa-4364-8451-992145e454d5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:42:57	624.27
-99	8134	406700	5a875054-7cf6-4224-9b55-789a07cefb4b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:43:40	686.482
-100	4068	406800	756de34d-23f3-4508-ab55-9466fb386747	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:59:24	-313.978
-100	8136	406800	b60ff2b6-3aee-43a2-8d5b-bc1bb61f8825	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:59:29	-824.126
-101	4069	406900	7987a6fa-e998-47ea-a988-a077ec2d216b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:35:20	-135.234
-101	8138	406900	4ec4c7c2-e07f-4c2a-ae6f-6d453177fd36	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:33:19	-640.559
-102	4070	407000	6e14df0e-32cb-4b4f-8a1e-4805d422747f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:20:17	924.462
-102	8140	407000	ef9d150e-8a79-4096-bd04-5fa0605d63c5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:59:29	899.477
-103	4071	407100	d0d0b197-cf8c-44d6-b123-69ed542453d2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:35:09	556.291
-103	8142	407100	96d5641d-3f2c-424a-8f3d-5b1a4a62b68b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:00:16	267.112
-104	4072	407200	4de13987-998e-41d9-b36a-78c242ba9fff	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:01:13	-69.730
-104	8144	407200	9a088fa8-aeac-4d6d-9a6d-31dc4c98a035	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:58:12	-515.496
-105	4073	407300	4670e75e-91ec-4d78-921f-1f723969bfc4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:12:11	662.890
-105	8146	407300	df47d9ac-4fad-4f55-b26d-161b9f558c50	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:31:39	-694.981
-106	4074	407400	9673c313-e026-4866-b99e-3c8a80c96fda	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:21:55	848.143
-106	8148	407400	85ff9dfc-d5e4-447e-942e-9cf1d0d51533	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:16:19	-19.888
-107	4075	407500	b8bf1214-bad1-428c-a2d5-19f7b6664e29	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:59:52	-370.304
-107	8150	407500	cfd328ca-0d29-4e05-8129-8f75afcafaa3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:40:16	342.855
-108	4076	407600	a2851391-8b39-4e11-9903-5dee87a30897	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:41:23	739.245
-108	8152	407600	3fa3e82b-19fd-4439-9dfa-32e557d205a4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:13:56	634.199
-109	4077	407700	6d58c16f-24ad-42bc-9951-38de9a24a595	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:24:34	422.331
-109	8154	407700	12849b4a-38c5-404e-9359-47abfac554e7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:42:16	-757.700
-110	4078	407800	434de392-be89-4e0b-86fb-e2f873599031	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:49:02	237.299
-110	8156	407800	a9827364-d4be-49d3-83b6-bb1611a19521	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:28:31	-779.122
-111	4079	407900	173caff1-0113-469d-b645-1bc3170ccdda	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:24:36	-115.13
-111	8158	407900	fe991cf3-0aaf-4dc5-a6cf-90c845e99165	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:46:48	-875.43
-112	4080	408000	c4c08c7b-16ce-4d62-9da4-7321e82589a2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:38:58	-957.467
-112	8160	408000	199f60b6-9667-4927-96d7-77c29612ad67	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:37:52	-903.574
-113	4081	408100	a20e49b2-2a01-4aa5-8df9-9642149ba7cf	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:56:17	-476.656
-113	8162	408100	3dcedd1e-3530-41f4-9a77-f6a287bd6e8d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:40:30	-674.146
-114	4082	408200	e43476e4-4902-47f3-bf45-fc0fd45036b6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:41:05	177.19
-114	8164	408200	c4cffbab-2c51-485a-ae22-4ccacdde63f4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:47:55	529.103
-115	4083	408300	d081ada6-9de6-4dc2-ba68-7f6393fe68c7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:47:14	-713.106
-115	8166	408300	0821d188-748d-449a-8487-465004ee4e4f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:29:58	457.710
-116	4084	408400	296fc31f-c240-48b4-8926-b5d2ed337da6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:42:25	735.565
-116	8168	408400	009fb081-cbaf-4bba-ad41-4934fe33c25f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:46:52	-455.258
-117	4085	408500	b7201dba-a500-4be6-8daa-c771bcb9bbad	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:12:28	701.729
-117	8170	408500	06966792-641a-4953-a9fb-0013e308557a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:43:25	398.878
-118	4086	408600	f4c2fbe2-f247-48e8-9c6d-0e0fbb39d2db	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:31:43	-495.288
-118	8172	408600	7c26a6ce-4ace-4fd1-9a5f-45b2a623ac27	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:30:46	815.515
-119	4087	408700	83f68228-aba8-4d00-919e-08ec309e886e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:15:37	-408.246
-119	8174	408700	78172e33-6b13-4e9f-8b2b-24c9ec232c2c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:30:25	912.577
-120	4088	408800	3b3c98b1-6420-426d-a84b-e041a2ef1078	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:54:49	323.282
-120	8176	408800	7386ecb3-cc1b-4b5b-8f26-4f652e7b3a9e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:51:38	-221.491
-121	4089	408900	4cdee7b5-5534-4871-979d-29f199f2528b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:44:58	290.953
-121	8178	408900	87a43289-168f-4fc7-abb9-aa4accf8ac27	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:13:20	951.711
-122	4090	409000	22e7e7b9-70d4-4141-b277-ea782adc3413	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:06:27	-130.657
-122	8180	409000	388029d2-021b-4a85-af2f-5340e91aa3fd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:36:09	837.995
-123	4091	409100	3f5158bb-8433-40b1-b69e-22b664ddc5e5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:39:32	-273.275
-123	8182	409100	b87232fa-6168-4486-aff0-5d063ab2f527	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:54:51	-912.127
-124	4092	409200	4fbd6a2f-f8ac-4209-a846-183b7791e0b9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:34:11	-3.569
-124	8184	409200	780d6301-abc4-43a9-bd0b-0c6dc43fa2e8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:33:05	201.726
-125	4093	409300	66b61906-f469-49a9-bf02-05a108bf14b6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:58:37	-547.94
-125	8186	409300	e14ef5a4-792f-4634-a8c7-f15643df79fe	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:13:16	-47.32
-126	4094	409400	1c6a1166-c635-4e32-b4a9-4e8a9625cd82	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:38:29	-764.472
-126	8188	409400	71d69849-e860-4181-ac06-21c8ea6b751b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:27:19	993.59
-127	4095	409500	8429fda3-04d1-4a4b-99ac-25b0a5a5a5dc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:33:39	946.769
-127	8190	409500	1dae7fa1-8b0e-448f-973f-03baf7affa6f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:24:56	-519.182
-0	4096	409600	1a9de69e-d70d-45b3-a4f6-0de0a8c3d88f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:19:04	305.496
-0	8192	409600	f779fa72-feec-46d3-9b2e-a5491b2f7be7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:44:21	841.475
-1	4097	409700	7a5f61b7-8dd7-4dbc-8cfc-aa105e278eb9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:56:21	68.582
-1	8194	409700	44edbb91-a69a-4b35-8f9d-d288af76d80f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:43:48	-645.364
-2	4098	409800	95f2fa15-2086-4c1b-9add-81f38e4e33b4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:59:07	-303.263
-2	8196	409800	93c36360-714a-4d47-929f-6e4427fc8817	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:28:16	-213.631
-3	4099	409900	1ffeb500-a635-4899-8d4f-241a4ee6a876	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:50:50	-328.247
-3	8198	409900	3a05c986-2c65-4afb-8ec9-dfd8b2a32737	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:50:46	-439.887
-4	4100	410000	331c479e-c13f-44f8-ad86-7ce8678f7476	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:59:11	-825.936
-4	8200	410000	b38ad8ee-4673-442d-96c5-b5a1e182c8af	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:29:28	-305.869
-5	4101	410100	ccbf9f22-cbe8-4515-9164-1e8fc4d035d6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:33:20	-397.496
-5	8202	410100	6f9c41f5-f1ad-4778-87ca-a3a230b551f4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:17:55	904.629
-6	4102	410200	6b67fc8b-da7a-44d6-8e0d-7085f0d99fd7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:04:32	-782.481
-6	8204	410200	03de6313-cb73-4f7e-8cfb-7f6275f7245e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:58:28	-792.350
-7	4103	410300	876690cf-ec92-45af-b6ea-21157631d10a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:53:43	882.92
-7	8206	410300	000f2195-fe5d-4eb1-b766-354086f634a6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:47:53	-12.807
-8	4104	410400	5bdc8f78-14a8-4c73-9c34-f521b13d88fd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:06:38	-182.997
-8	8208	410400	631f05a0-17c9-4973-8084-c0045b7348f0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:13:10	-238.328
-9	4105	410500	005b877d-0501-4fb1-b5fb-937dc7e1c841	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:03:26	538.845
-9	8210	410500	2edac8dd-5794-4a29-91e7-fa83a4370e74	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:26:12	-641.964
-10	4106	410600	a80ca02d-a3e3-4162-b2f1-1c3cfb5d274b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:17:08	-956.440
-10	8212	410600	a68ff540-f77f-459d-9224-df8affd40b60	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:33:55	-531.815
-11	4107	410700	de4f1b90-4556-4426-b29f-bb74d74777a4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:24:56	-869.197
-11	8214	410700	2b4a835c-d4f2-4a1d-b187-d32457ff4c7b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:56:27	700.972
-12	4108	410800	c7443224-a219-43ed-9598-3e747bef723f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:45:04	-150.157
-12	8216	410800	af003a99-012a-42a0-a7e3-b2c5710fb873	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:00:08	554.662
-13	4109	410900	458d1187-d569-4092-be66-0371d5bc4a98	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:50:34	318.295
-13	8218	410900	7ed72e26-455c-4a9d-88a7-5cfb1ef58a2b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:03:07	123.746
-14	4110	411000	e3b74449-bac0-4be7-ad3a-1fd19a9f3ed5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:48:11	375.456
-14	8220	411000	dab01ed4-6379-4ef0-8d51-f0b011015a6d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:12:36	129.952
-15	4111	411100	4b21e52d-46f8-4db8-89b8-09b23b0d4857	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:52:07	-420.797
-15	8222	411100	d414230d-5703-4243-b25b-9f310624553d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:20:49	-152.622
-16	4112	411200	67d398be-a42a-4139-bff9-1492196b3a9d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:00:09	540.47
-16	8224	411200	8da6d53f-af33-443c-a8f8-c13510c635e9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:51:07	606.433
-17	4113	411300	6dc15b84-0d60-4011-b761-38fb0929a110	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:27:23	-52.535
-17	8226	411300	a1642bb2-9958-4864-a3c5-7e5b1e3c8544	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:05:48	768.989
-18	4114	411400	4656b7d5-7ab1-49b7-a71a-e30b0808ec8c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:59:38	-441.272
-18	8228	411400	a54a9749-74b1-417e-89bb-0bed77f5ae4e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:02:57	-910.738
-19	4115	411500	1c29f66f-8f71-47c0-9912-0a2a03c895ac	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:42:40	-385.386
-19	8230	411500	277a6df5-95a4-4dc5-a1c0-29137f2c5b6c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:05:39	-792.644
-20	4116	411600	2c64a901-10f7-4fbc-b444-6e1bbad4d031	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:47:47	-534.675
-20	8232	411600	11f6969f-f931-4fdd-af1d-99d9c1ecd9ae	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:05:49	-545.494
-21	4117	411700	1612e953-e0f8-4053-afea-14b5c23e8fab	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:38:00	-361.618
-21	8234	411700	798fd701-4bda-4939-8cff-cc3531ff2b2a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:19:39	305.60
-22	4118	411800	0d531336-1430-4d3e-a348-0ae750e05524	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:25:59	986.930
-22	8236	411800	1e8de882-abed-4200-aa31-90a08cf222f6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:00:22	-53.62
-23	4119	411900	9427501a-6308-427d-8c0d-b1c8c61c8c51	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:27:03	-869.636
-23	8238	411900	77f52d51-13f4-43d8-8704-cd12c2dee4ff	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:32:59	-302.439
-24	4120	412000	459c886f-96dc-46cc-87a8-7baf354cec99	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:38:42	-314.732
-24	8240	412000	dd66be33-503b-4f53-b944-f5ff8e1d5190	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:24:40	-786.553
-25	4121	412100	602c0d6b-4b85-4f82-b4b6-ae20502a1b4f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:22:32	-565.638
-25	8242	412100	bbd12ddc-4861-426f-84af-6221a1fb2787	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:21:23	997.369
-26	4122	412200	222323f9-ffbe-422a-adca-0e091ec35aa5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:17:32	-735.605
-26	8244	412200	220e0803-b855-4b4c-aab8-a0e321a38431	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:14:03	-156.927
-27	4123	412300	542f45ab-7339-4582-8d9f-b4c82b9d7a43	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:40:48	820.152
-27	8246	412300	29d5e582-9f75-4802-8d48-711965b9a4a7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:09:41	98.615
-28	4124	412400	ac2c6839-d7bc-4036-8f29-1c75249edcfb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:31:05	-559.332
-28	8248	412400	02990f9e-c9c7-45dc-bfd3-000e053535b3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:55:21	-423.662
-29	4125	412500	8eab8aa9-010e-479a-b7ef-20ecec67b85b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:22:11	-62.20
-29	8250	412500	07071a2d-80f1-417e-bb90-cbf2859e19a1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:37:36	328.754
-30	4126	412600	651d1877-d803-4d71-9ff2-b58a93eb5808	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:15:48	-891.64
-30	8252	412600	7414bfc0-7db1-4817-8abb-295648fa7925	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:40:33	749.894
-31	4127	412700	bb647a35-4513-426f-94fd-241d08f86afe	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:52:58	-367.698
-31	8254	412700	dbb1dff8-954a-4ed2-a647-85be7d26f9bd	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:53:28	-162.284
-32	4128	412800	264c3860-ae1b-424e-9386-b9fc93b2e30c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:47:17	-694.877
-32	8256	412800	78e97496-336d-47da-95ce-57955a36ee31	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:03:48	71.775
-33	4129	412900	aa352b50-0b9d-48ab-9aff-97be79645000	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:02:03	322.39
-33	8258	412900	8623f2b3-c766-4ed3-adf3-8003a2e232e6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:21:18	681.570
-34	4130	413000	e64a71f2-eaf0-45bc-973a-93577c981df1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:10:41	-367.234
-34	8260	413000	0667e5c3-e889-4023-8001-3338a49025e5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:36:55	522.839
-35	4131	413100	77719906-3d8f-4f06-b517-69b14cac9644	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:08:03	507.313
-35	8262	413100	6b1ecdde-2636-4935-8c9c-9af814026cf6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:37:53	450.674
-36	4132	413200	8ecd9017-fb6e-4512-a32b-52fead089016	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:50:57	452.480
-36	8264	413200	9acb6a0a-401f-465c-a2bb-51f164d51cc9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:29:07	432.377
-37	4133	413300	fd829ab6-16b5-49ec-bc0e-92df8284a6ce	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:52:05	15.399
-37	8266	413300	eac8044a-aaac-49b8-b017-301931093934	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:25:31	-78.131
-38	4134	413400	f340148e-ee5f-4875-893e-dc2380ef4878	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:41:59	772.54
-38	8268	413400	372c5c16-1aea-497d-87f2-2f13c1fe2912	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:04:41	773.570
-39	4135	413500	d8b8e4e0-3d64-4b4a-aea6-c57507252bf4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:22:56	631.386
-39	8270	413500	0e0eaf85-e45e-4204-b733-030022fea8af	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:39:02	158.704
-40	4136	413600	60f42e4e-96be-4d27-b466-1354a285889f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:44:07	103.916
-40	8272	413600	27d10595-60e6-4e7a-8172-7399b86e858e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:14:41	446.125
-41	4137	413700	ee30077a-e879-4544-9b66-4b615ea9f2b8	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:16:22	-845.853
-41	8274	413700	2a7e9317-71ca-4fd3-92dc-ee3ed19b848d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:07:34	-53.650
-42	4138	413800	c5b128ee-1b6d-4c55-9868-f3345bdd1318	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:16:15	396.911
-42	8276	413800	d0e0c002-4b14-4c5b-8992-460566db763f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:02:20	-98.423
-43	4139	413900	0a0a3cb2-dc5f-47ca-8519-435f33bc0044	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:57:58	735.634
-43	8278	413900	1c84ccf1-8782-47d8-b203-2f92b6ca2855	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:41:56	-237.342
-44	4140	414000	fe77e983-24f8-4ebf-977a-cea6cbcf34c6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:24:56	-686.88
-44	8280	414000	b9b06219-dd5c-4e24-98aa-53cb796e03cc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:59:32	261.968
-45	4141	414100	5539662e-fd77-47fd-96d4-cb16c0cf3679	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:11:42	-600.137
-45	8282	414100	844282ec-becf-490a-8afa-f0d342c0ed4d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:50:07	525.734
-46	4142	414200	277ddb62-f2f4-4bd5-99d7-1eee91e11a1a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:53:34	597.899
-46	8284	414200	c1b357e8-547c-4ec6-b5cb-5dc159b067af	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:49:21	-88.563
-47	4143	414300	4122888b-2979-4bbf-be29-727761f34ba7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:12:04	-444.17
-47	8286	414300	cedcb21c-2219-4914-94c1-080a47f2a6bd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:15:53	782.501
-48	4144	414400	42168680-107f-4a0d-800e-35b0bad43a2f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:00:14	-936.191
-48	8288	414400	26da8d59-7e7b-4784-9fbb-b6bbfe56e479	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:36:40	-658.226
-49	4145	414500	dcb2789e-3b79-47b1-abed-df88c82fe0d6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:40:50	-73.37
-49	8290	414500	cb4d1b7f-96e6-4965-bc3f-f7b695fec2d6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:02:32	858.381
-50	4146	414600	52d323b8-ee87-40ea-ba50-7eaa3b481ace	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:21:35	211.611
-50	8292	414600	8fe94593-16f7-4450-a1b9-2d3073a9146c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:48:08	-479.724
-51	4147	414700	9ad37dbf-a552-475b-8ee4-536a7e8245d3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:27:09	8.580
-51	8294	414700	11ee01c8-d8a9-41b1-884d-65b6cdb660e8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:04:12	466.563
-52	4148	414800	36532f9e-e26e-4e9d-b07c-1b00e66e0eba	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:03:56	-883.382
-52	8296	414800	28e1273d-41ee-4405-953b-af89efc37cf1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:37:54	-983.15
-53	4149	414900	36563a38-921c-4dfc-b6b4-2ab1835221cc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:39:17	401.350
-53	8298	414900	bddfe20e-4dcc-462e-9be8-8780f7869c1a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:52:24	299.52
-54	4150	415000	e6f0f608-09dc-4b23-a807-bb74365a1317	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:18:36	54.816
-54	8300	415000	f8a2c54d-a4ce-49c0-863e-784ac44d8850	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:25:41	718.3
-55	4151	415100	0d51275a-89ad-41b7-81fb-359512075bd4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:06:47	658.547
-55	8302	415100	e421ecfb-1f39-4999-abe1-a17bbca96a2d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:08:57	-797.646
-56	4152	415200	26047226-67f6-40ea-84cf-d1adc6042a5f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:09:46	294.384
-56	8304	415200	d6197aa3-1bd6-41f8-a934-1f30eb640aeb	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:14:46	899.263
-57	4153	415300	81f868bc-4396-4903-bb66-9b7e2d373b9c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:25:57	-26.587
-57	8306	415300	be517301-ab8c-4640-a0f1-338f424120ec	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:59:46	-506.775
-58	4154	415400	4aa15aa4-0139-4cec-b100-cee8314cdc93	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:38:53	900.264
-58	8308	415400	f151fb91-5da6-4bdd-8c62-742b4c8a68c3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:15:23	-94.305
-59	4155	415500	8b2990ad-5609-486e-a981-02c0ecfcdf47	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:51:51	-536.111
-59	8310	415500	32a7c359-f653-4297-b6ce-a9a98d3988ae	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:38:07	-288.270
-60	4156	415600	68057d42-5998-401a-a042-e90190cdef8b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:52:12	-745.317
-60	8312	415600	354ce59b-5a6f-4d37-a1ab-51f9000401b3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:10:12	414.199
-61	4157	415700	7dbe6c1d-afac-4b35-8e7a-11a573d913cc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:57:02	-542.780
-61	8314	415700	c9d851c5-76b0-4b22-ba9a-d15a764a1bc4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:56:36	-508.711
-62	4158	415800	a20797ec-6422-49d2-9db5-b77e6a56cee9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:35:49	-304.728
-62	8316	415800	9ae4281d-96ff-45f2-8109-5957c5ae76ee	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:52:47	-741.328
-63	4159	415900	22ede14a-200f-4730-bbf0-9de767b4d38c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:39:03	-921.802
-63	8318	415900	3759753e-1b4a-4985-bf66-d237a763c5b3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:49:25	-318.514
-64	4160	416000	b1f0fe2e-0aac-4754-b7c3-354ce8ad0953	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:42:53	234.377
-64	8320	416000	608a05ee-17db-4661-a2c7-3d77c5c31c60	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:17:11	-669.362
-65	4161	416100	6904bbc8-dc84-4cc9-b8e5-d22c060bcb39	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:53:19	-139.583
-65	8322	416100	b158eea5-0636-41d1-a919-d8c4578ea00b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:54:16	128.605
-66	4162	416200	4acf7c9c-4d07-486c-85d3-f7411314b2ad	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:11:51	-585.160
-66	8324	416200	698d8345-1d87-42c4-8c2b-f3271212ce34	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:25:16	-174.560
-67	4163	416300	92ff586f-82b5-407d-9d9c-e7995947d29b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:44:54	58.718
-67	8326	416300	859d2ff6-e48e-49fa-b9e2-0b1c41a2e13c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:18:01	134.960
-68	4164	416400	3d515981-cc52-4ba8-935c-06cf731375a7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:33:49	287.954
-68	8328	416400	0d9a494a-1cc0-4d8c-af51-8c15d049e684	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:58:08	-44.889
-69	4165	416500	d44baff7-f79c-40f0-a61d-47064983c908	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:14:31	24.562
-69	8330	416500	500f31be-b11f-4eea-89d9-1d3e7ca88389	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:02:11	673.462
-70	4166	416600	d19269e0-527a-4ab8-a464-8319756dd7a4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:32:06	-662.889
-70	8332	416600	8ce0896f-d02b-4c4e-a21f-0ed824888086	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:47:47	88.320
-71	4167	416700	90d57850-782b-41e2-9fec-740e0c7c32ae	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:29:57	-352.319
-71	8334	416700	500e9bda-b0a2-410b-a131-7f66fd5f5c61	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:10:02	-368.768
-72	4168	416800	6b34d69c-2b12-406e-bb33-a3670f3141c4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:58:20	573.331
-72	8336	416800	c24493db-263e-45a9-96b3-957039b5ec83	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:47:13	159.156
-73	4169	416900	01255a90-b811-4dae-a60c-9d6b3ec0ef5e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:47:18	-53.590
-73	8338	416900	03c9dbc0-e73b-4435-9206-44c4e51a875d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:19:09	-450.634
-74	4170	417000	b1a95d7d-ba44-4408-860a-0885c67e91e2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:23:22	-759.691
-74	8340	417000	5715448c-d282-4653-b9d6-9f4e8d01e883	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:52:21	282.755
-75	4171	417100	cb7fcc6f-0205-4629-ba35-de3a5984d50a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:17:38	467.441
-75	8342	417100	28debba9-05e8-4b9a-943f-6cb0a35ef991	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:27:55	333.401
-76	4172	417200	94b7de35-22b9-49ba-a644-b20713732400	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:31:46	-997.579
-76	8344	417200	60db0c1c-f876-439a-a078-7e9e44d21677	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:13:30	-173.457
-77	4173	417300	d3f28a4a-5071-4180-9c11-b8631289c134	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:17:07	-318.846
-77	8346	417300	e719fbd2-a2f6-40bc-9efa-72e3320de449	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:23:12	60.96
-78	4174	417400	559a9906-2f6d-477d-a157-8a24eefa9621	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:19:00	-944.60
-78	8348	417400	1f6b5599-4d32-45a2-a42c-dc75b02d9231	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:14:42	477.586
-79	4175	417500	c91d3833-01fe-4915-93cf-e5a8051fd922	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:49:34	-948.752
-79	8350	417500	a6f8c733-6b61-4bcd-9bff-0051544fc799	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:47:10	-227.481
-80	4176	417600	7fd190fc-a845-4212-a149-89f54dd93055	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:56:55	240.128
-80	8352	417600	838f965b-eb6d-4a3b-b3e6-0291c3440223	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:31:09	532.704
-81	4177	417700	88a73eee-3e58-479c-9b5e-5d23e1d52dda	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:43:29	-86.165
-81	8354	417700	ab3879d5-ed76-4a1e-99e7-9b36ac605aa9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:55:22	-984.583
-82	4178	417800	53abf1c4-b42c-4956-9238-3099353897f5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:18:31	287.844
-82	8356	417800	17078e3b-65d6-42c6-87fd-5ebf728a09c9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:39:24	649.676
-83	4179	417900	1c9593fb-3f42-47d1-b244-b0f6cf1b26ab	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:05:02	709.353
-83	8358	417900	51022dd6-eb39-49ba-b91e-0fdd8f23bea3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:03:35	342.20
-84	4180	418000	13da6db8-7bc1-48fd-9137-a9bf50c3c911	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:18:07	-864.312
-84	8360	418000	b1f920af-4a7f-4e3a-a4f7-7157b8b0e69c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:29:54	237.409
-85	4181	418100	308255fb-c361-4a4d-90eb-fbdf3cefd629	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:43:44	-818.561
-85	8362	418100	e0427a9a-2555-44d2-9d34-0ef0fea03505	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:29:32	-379.939
-86	4182	418200	b0bbaf85-2393-4010-801b-773721ee3624	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:49:29	-172.732
-86	8364	418200	bce83eef-48e4-40da-b9fb-010149fc35aa	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:49:20	-890.140
-87	4183	418300	e06c4fcc-7c82-4e09-bbde-600fb21594bf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:03:26	-51.761
-87	8366	418300	02d54c8d-f3be-4d63-ae9b-98fb2a5804e9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:20:37	-246.16
-88	4184	418400	0f1de5e8-1726-4ab1-9acc-0ab5eb88d8f1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:05:32	751.554
-88	8368	418400	1adcc1eb-32ee-4f64-a796-ce6b570d4bc9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:18:11	790.838
-89	4185	418500	0c9b52e7-f353-4ceb-854d-a17d1bee54f2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:04:35	79.246
-89	8370	418500	fe530ac0-76b6-4e62-b3f3-b274ecbc53dd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:09:17	767.222
-90	4186	418600	f8c3680b-8927-470e-859c-4437e68cae06	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:21:14	-286.958
-90	8372	418600	fb73cd70-171a-4405-b790-a72b84402842	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:17:42	426.790
-91	4187	418700	35b1e22f-3e40-4d49-914a-fc9e988d2d98	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:18:19	-761.570
-91	8374	418700	d8fb6cef-4a1d-4629-89a8-2087122aa6ea	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:32:58	808.927
-92	4188	418800	460382e1-49c8-4d43-8913-f7dc9b84e672	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:03:11	783.638
-92	8376	418800	4f833646-0644-4782-a5ab-3c5d8506eb76	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:11:46	168.379
-93	4189	418900	c4935cbf-5734-4b5e-8ed0-50fd4b147e8c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:26:02	-186.543
-93	8378	418900	d0479ab6-56f3-4c4c-ab0a-1145fb79d19a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:25:11	899.253
-94	4190	419000	f430015a-84a1-4996-8c77-3a1a0297b84f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:18:17	-696.892
-94	8380	419000	eb0bb1c6-c6cb-45a0-86d7-54af2d62dce1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:33:40	-291.580
-95	4191	419100	32b75592-0f11-4e9c-9a9d-fa47fa940b92	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:23:01	291.946
-95	8382	419100	155c3821-b790-4d44-ac3d-0692595ad4ca	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:10:02	757.359
-96	4192	419200	7521d630-fd21-4cbb-a97c-0b8fdd83af48	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:33:39	-675.870
-96	8384	419200	b9324d45-42b6-4709-a4fb-6afce4c11e80	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:45:01	212.61
-97	4193	419300	5000c713-d08f-4ea8-a864-7331df0c0598	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:19:36	-320.602
-97	8386	419300	e45d7c1f-2072-418c-9dcd-a9b4e55589e2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:29:12	314.766
-98	4194	419400	1ae77bee-58d0-4144-8cb7-125b0e80009f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:31:33	-891.470
-98	8388	419400	b1c940e8-081e-43ac-b376-db9f3e78608a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:59:25	359.77
-99	4195	419500	8e57d667-2837-4658-b2ef-2b7ec9548a95	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:41:57	-92.547
-99	8390	419500	76620ea3-85a2-495b-8fc6-2432b2e9af8c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:41:40	875.464
-100	4196	419600	d4a719da-b1fd-44e5-8e5d-03aae16436f8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:11:22	-776.910
-100	8392	419600	3f760c38-1229-4c71-819f-cce49443c943	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:30:30	-618.880
-101	4197	419700	15b8b91c-112f-4918-ae5b-1023eab179d2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:24:03	-473.804
-101	8394	419700	418b15d3-c173-4093-a0db-20fa70f1ca0d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:24:05	62.420
-102	4198	419800	14ad2c19-de58-4a79-95cd-d8c04259b119	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:18:30	-912.957
-102	8396	419800	dd5bd632-8796-4a70-80e4-2fea042f9c82	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:33:40	34.816
-103	4199	419900	d1ff8bb5-3630-4f4b-9320-a314572f2b81	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:56:59	-368.820
-103	8398	419900	20510ec6-25fc-404a-8702-ef504ae2c6fd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:59:22	-532.352
-104	4200	420000	d1891962-4660-40d4-97c2-ff8f2bd92951	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:11:07	-551.545
-104	8400	420000	5cd84e76-1143-4092-88ee-8271fe289a3c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:09:55	-353.469
-105	4201	420100	f9de8ccb-6c72-40e5-b5e0-77eadabb7ff7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:39:20	-629.207
-105	8402	420100	caf3eb42-57fd-4dbc-8fd6-cbbe3cb59858	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:24:18	-237.234
-106	4202	420200	8c2ee24d-550b-4276-944e-ec17c7b4a74e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:13:53	621.298
-106	8404	420200	bf0de8db-8979-4b3e-b75e-f192d89de6a4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:58:09	-827.993
-107	4203	420300	c7789e05-86a7-43a6-87e5-60cbe04355f0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:56:28	-492.874
-107	8406	420300	8b4df997-eb88-46a2-9227-067bb3437141	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:19:28	-896.766
-108	4204	420400	cf2561dd-0e65-4687-a078-1b571538e48d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:06:56	-877.533
-108	8408	420400	fe57a793-555d-4687-97f0-3766096c3920	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:41:24	-379.267
-109	4205	420500	4bce522f-8fe0-447c-9d65-b243b2998216	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:08:50	526.987
-109	8410	420500	456b34b4-fd0d-4f20-b409-ff3d5e01f0c8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:23:07	190.627
-110	4206	420600	49924c24-e853-4cc1-9908-99e78f8e8428	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:57:44	771.691
-110	8412	420600	dfdfed9e-b76b-4b63-89ff-a9196d04d13d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:53:35	-256.174
-111	4207	420700	c727c118-841a-473a-81d3-2e1eea0b0912	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:17:09	702.769
-111	8414	420700	39c9a6ee-e854-4ef7-85f1-ad3a21c119d8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:02:37	763.928
-112	4208	420800	645db987-a98f-46b9-9c11-6713b762d78f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:29:48	503.522
-112	8416	420800	a3b66684-b69e-4477-bb2d-041ded67406d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:59:12	-641.34
-113	4209	420900	11fa1e7a-3e8a-4710-84c1-730566c25ed0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:00:55	537.441
-113	8418	420900	0422c9eb-42e6-4dcd-bbbd-f9e0e1c1d060	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:48:34	-460.295
-114	4210	421000	fc8bfa6d-bdc6-4e14-80ed-4340b1c2dd85	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:47:53	116.430
-114	8420	421000	43df54de-93dd-4f28-8389-c00eb1041bc1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:05:13	333.887
-115	4211	421100	7b30c547-2e4f-48b8-81c6-4e371a143c74	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:08:54	898.896
-115	8422	421100	474044c6-2e20-41e9-b16b-23ff2d5a4628	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:06:40	500.435
-116	4212	421200	97946233-859f-4a84-b2de-1ae7d2339f00	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:19:20	-111.781
-116	8424	421200	ce4d2b27-15e5-454f-b21f-b03c573cbbc7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:14:13	637.365
-117	4213	421300	9dc9aede-c300-4501-9874-57e3553d5b85	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:30:34	17.466
-117	8426	421300	5d8e370c-39f3-4367-849b-138e8d848806	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:13:18	137.48
-118	4214	421400	6956fc73-11b9-4d05-bac1-fd3cff98b2a8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:13:10	-481.62
-118	8428	421400	3a8f4a3d-3283-47f8-8f2f-bc2157bf2111	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:25:02	-474.113
-119	4215	421500	59e9e394-9b28-48dc-a459-9e3291d08ffc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:57:18	-135.308
-119	8430	421500	d64424e3-61f3-470d-88bf-bf023d795ac2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:53:32	977.485
-120	4216	421600	884c284a-6d79-458d-bc5a-ad3ee349e300	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:59:36	-697.154
-120	8432	421600	90e2f45d-af07-4ff8-a630-616b410f1348	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:12:24	-276.952
-121	4217	421700	73be1a2b-b376-47fb-a36d-a5a455a3bf0c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:12:10	578.719
-121	8434	421700	8c18cb9a-0a90-4ab6-8f25-66ecc20fbfba	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:46:45	-162.370
-122	4218	421800	f19aeb4d-9798-4825-93df-eb164e6f306d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:30:04	-886.364
-122	8436	421800	c29211ad-b269-405a-b82d-2efdd066d8ec	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:33:46	152.258
-123	4219	421900	5e5aae7e-24b1-4a5b-955d-f3ba468716c5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:22:18	-263.635
-123	8438	421900	f3ecb6ef-6efe-4afe-bca3-391665c9669e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:34:24	31.465
-124	4220	422000	0db95d0c-0f10-43ed-a1eb-276f857e72fb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:14:10	-779.354
-124	8440	422000	79e1113b-e27c-4220-be0d-738838de79e3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:51:26	499.327
-125	4221	422100	f2563374-2c5d-47b3-b347-1192d9e658a6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:09:11	711.229
-125	8442	422100	62420feb-c8c8-48ac-95d5-4f45f95e6831	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:39:42	-763.278
-126	4222	422200	22b31e72-d410-4c84-a242-a64ef1f41a9a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:50:52	-683.351
-126	8444	422200	6eb8527b-6422-4762-bbef-66e7848cc98f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:01:02	674.560
-127	4223	422300	d516ffe2-bf9a-4da2-ba99-0e9fe6d111f0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:58:41	-604.576
-127	8446	422300	93484d55-be37-4ee5-be6b-bf25d47eb718	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:44:03	-304.678
-0	4224	422400	67f2ab68-45db-45ff-9ba8-af735f62dcb6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:59:48	267.268
-0	8448	422400	6366ef5b-193f-466a-bb34-40d84dfe18f9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:51:56	342.971
-1	4225	422500	35f78aa9-2d70-4965-9c2b-ae491ed08fa8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:16:58	354.156
-1	8450	422500	ea0a9715-84dd-49f3-8352-c247f3634d7b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:32:45	130.963
-2	4226	422600	4634a83a-82bc-4a50-ba55-1d38b920f9a2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:57:51	460.66
-2	8452	422600	1bc979a6-ce16-4bf0-b397-18c5096ff0cc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:25:39	72.848
-3	4227	422700	da7f4f09-f89a-4d43-bbf0-e6ed98ccb84b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:12:48	200.942
-3	8454	422700	e5ef30ca-3ec5-42ff-adbf-ef907cd80354	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:40:14	-349.497
-4	4228	422800	14db475e-e46c-46eb-a77d-e4d902829505	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:01:06	-565.101
-4	8456	422800	cdf70aed-8f64-4a74-b6b9-3ac275d0c4b1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:21:27	58.439
-5	4229	422900	88e40b0a-c01e-4f48-91db-01437272e36f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:51:08	111.104
-5	8458	422900	3be05531-f849-4748-a387-e96b16d29d60	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:23:33	984.448
-6	4230	423000	3e19afd8-f94d-49db-9b18-6d15e63c5c29	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:53:00	148.55
-6	8460	423000	a4bb5b7b-5b4c-47e8-898e-589f47f60625	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:20:41	114.61
-7	4231	423100	9298f872-8698-4042-92e8-626c98c07d05	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:47:13	988.71
-7	8462	423100	e4ce28b4-b3c2-428b-8eab-6dcdf078976c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:01:39	894.310
-8	4232	423200	0c07799e-7d19-49ee-a90f-98c8233a5965	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:14:32	847.408
-8	8464	423200	f9ca1c64-e93a-46e6-838d-c79a22f1f13b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:17:28	620.112
-9	4233	423300	3d2b4e02-db78-45c4-bf91-5cf7883e1596	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:27:26	-22.546
-9	8466	423300	9b28da39-d55c-4baf-8887-f711ab35d673	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:14:29	-962.927
-10	4234	423400	5975e8b2-8f3d-4db0-b60a-ddb678a298e7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:41:02	397.195
-10	8468	423400	f68f83b7-ddd7-4c9c-992c-0126837e049f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:54:26	-304.612
-11	4235	423500	f9964469-894b-4e9e-9102-27fa0171b78a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:50:24	-75.94
-11	8470	423500	c2a45d55-898a-4b7d-8ba4-a45b2f9bc6e9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:40:11	496.997
-12	4236	423600	61b1952f-592d-4567-b590-8283cda77362	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:12:30	978.405
-12	8472	423600	ec01a0a8-3fca-4f6e-83f8-683dc4e48392	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:33:27	-215.600
-13	4237	423700	7ae4414f-fe8d-475e-acd2-17d777554883	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:16:34	-383.815
-13	8474	423700	a4b7f9c4-756e-4bed-8f53-abe0480300f6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:56:54	-801.230
-14	4238	423800	54cdc204-22d7-49fc-8f33-70a0821fa026	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:21:38	-54.527
-14	8476	423800	f61e303f-7bcd-48d5-91e1-c51bff7f0ed7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:46:26	-679.795
-15	4239	423900	477f2613-8ced-4ecc-938c-cd3db1e4a8e0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:22:43	105.783
-15	8478	423900	a38f0038-a5bb-4bbc-bf8e-2e9db7652830	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:24:14	367.372
-16	4240	424000	a2dae882-88bf-4229-a797-918fdf5c83c4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:59:04	-330.924
-16	8480	424000	25bbd281-dd2e-485f-b0fa-75647977fb9e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:37:05	870.688
-17	4241	424100	555b106b-ef36-492c-816f-65d10075aacd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:37:24	-666.135
-17	8482	424100	b2a2d229-d635-48f2-90fb-8ed246648c8a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:46:15	435.779
-18	4242	424200	c2655787-02d4-4df6-aca5-b9273a2735a2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:52:12	122.549
-18	8484	424200	fe7d34d7-c14a-452d-905b-29943731ea17	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:42:38	-587.464
-19	4243	424300	3d5866a2-0aa2-4de6-9dbc-ac2e088fa525	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:01:02	83.900
-19	8486	424300	06216ea6-e5a8-4c2c-9c7c-f38824fe1cdd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:49:36	3.896
-20	4244	424400	b5aebcb5-35ba-4272-98eb-22271607d1da	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:45:21	-189.130
-20	8488	424400	0370cf52-a0e7-4eb4-96c7-f48311ecfa02	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:36:58	-696.668
-21	4245	424500	13d6cc86-6213-43e7-95e8-0b823810d3f9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:38:16	-725.889
-21	8490	424500	b6bd305c-f579-4ab3-b441-b95e9f6c7cb8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:12:01	365.588
-22	4246	424600	61fcf0ab-9307-42ab-82d4-b2024b9953a5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:44:25	-116.643
-22	8492	424600	4af3ac5f-42a6-45ca-ac07-2d04bd530a5f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:30:20	-470.111
-23	4247	424700	ca694e0f-a9f3-4bf2-80ff-bf763495e777	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:51:15	572.403
-23	8494	424700	b3f3b838-c53c-40e7-bc2b-bed58153cbb5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:25:42	92.377
-24	4248	424800	33d5b218-fd9e-4962-9ad9-a92b0f90356a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:35:46	-324.658
-24	8496	424800	89ff59a3-725d-4ff1-81c3-0f1916b508f1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:16:42	313.673
-25	4249	424900	08ab986a-c377-4fcb-b94f-a264b05934e7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:22:28	-815.23
-25	8498	424900	2d855af8-ad1a-49f7-896b-d1036a42d0d6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:45:11	237.714
-26	4250	425000	6844a4b9-4021-4617-900c-a1fb6154e1f8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:34:11	-370.33
-26	8500	425000	e4e9eaac-46a2-4189-b6c3-719cac85690f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:09:35	-523.193
-27	4251	425100	93cdbf90-b40e-44b8-a308-f9eccac27226	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:09:50	620.480
-27	8502	425100	b786aa1c-4bf9-4136-a7ab-409c8787d228	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:48:09	515.820
-28	4252	425200	b1db0cde-b990-4c18-84e5-5d3b69388721	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:52:21	-703.368
-28	8504	425200	26f00c64-173b-41ae-bc88-52ad3240ce9f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:38:49	447.171
-29	4253	425300	2997c8a3-3634-41fd-ad9f-45340388fd25	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:53:15	331.230
-29	8506	425300	0bc4e7f2-02fc-47d3-a5cb-300fc3698ae3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:18:28	554.706
-30	4254	425400	77de7480-55b4-4279-a7ce-8c74aacaa647	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:26:57	-523.862
-30	8508	425400	04317c11-9b20-46a2-bf19-5944ea8ea1a1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:26:55	436.908
-31	4255	425500	c7fe03ed-1a67-4727-bc39-0c6c588145b6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:46:10	543.965
-31	8510	425500	a151bf2c-379c-4ced-b1f9-5e5aeac1c403	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:08:18	-975.552
-32	4256	425600	d2de183a-9a44-4ee5-a391-51b1af16c2ed	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:22:27	880.994
-32	8512	425600	0e4c610e-1cb8-4385-a785-3c170b8eb717	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:34:05	-409.498
-33	4257	425700	c0f95fae-7d56-425d-86c1-29677eda0dc1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:33:12	-144.146
-33	8514	425700	85a1b7a5-c634-4052-847e-0e3a36957572	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:40:23	797.479
-34	4258	425800	2e567593-111e-4f78-9c0c-9c477560ca67	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:22:37	-972.237
-34	8516	425800	01c1fcf9-0df4-413f-b27b-0e2563686e53	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:53:33	827.397
-35	4259	425900	803b71fa-f864-4306-b17f-3c3ad5088464	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:05:18	-815.250
-35	8518	425900	b48aa74d-ae14-4735-a798-e0860d51e57e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:52:46	683.464
-36	4260	426000	caa2d440-ff14-42f2-a1e1-a4b6bc8d5384	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:44:54	639.779
-36	8520	426000	2dee73cd-65d2-4016-946d-b48ff72d4686	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:56:42	540.551
-37	4261	426100	fbfd7d94-f7e2-4862-84ec-7f6619a822e3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:03:45	-88.41
-37	8522	426100	44b05308-2556-4b7d-8116-f498b3cf0503	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:15:59	884.963
-38	4262	426200	03115758-3cba-4098-958a-0adcd5e9b556	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:46:50	185.906
-38	8524	426200	1463dc6b-2299-4a61-871e-3854a2f793a1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:28:55	53.341
-39	4263	426300	692f5257-647e-4515-83dc-da90e8aa593b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:44:50	884.579
-39	8526	426300	e08a58a6-b629-47ab-a908-57da4319cd15	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:11:24	-478.487
-40	4264	426400	931be1a2-f0ac-4a43-be41-0822247f7e33	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:50:47	913.727
-40	8528	426400	78e560c0-0c47-4d8e-bea7-da6bede9a5c9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:40:54	-637.502
-41	4265	426500	cc56ddfd-66b6-46e7-8fec-f9e79f4dc827	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:55:52	321.465
-41	8530	426500	4a56c49c-f58c-45b7-846b-8db0586744c4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:58:02	856.601
-42	4266	426600	8fa3d043-8e5e-40bd-b710-c7a0994c06f6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:38:41	302.540
-42	8532	426600	00c448c9-8a0e-408a-a2d4-1a0ca891ba70	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:08:16	402.352
-43	4267	426700	187eb173-8dca-4af6-aef0-45cce8189615	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:59:33	-20.255
-43	8534	426700	418b28a7-ea25-4913-b46c-b62c0d4dd560	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:04:50	-164.216
-44	4268	426800	bfb7bb21-6fe1-45c7-ab0b-6a15204c1218	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:57:43	780.134
-44	8536	426800	4a02406e-c7e1-48de-8b7a-0c70bab4159f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:42:47	2.302
-45	4269	426900	e1ca023d-7f49-481b-b388-b78291e21799	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:39:07	-375.128
-45	8538	426900	29de8fcd-d263-401d-8b7c-6e37a0a1fec5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:11:49	875.952
-46	4270	427000	c286e776-5f91-4ede-91eb-37ee27a107d5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:25:44	701.664
-46	8540	427000	b200dd90-9864-48e2-a822-8e4f908a8df0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:15:34	176.868
-47	4271	427100	ba52f888-cc06-4da5-8563-5871d4cc0a53	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:28:05	105.806
-47	8542	427100	91f12ca9-01dc-488e-885d-2d9c0664e2e1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:14:56	-877.82
-48	4272	427200	8627fd4d-2cd2-4bbb-9ebf-67e586be7661	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:17:27	-289.3
-48	8544	427200	ff64f575-1614-486c-a26a-582d8f4fcf35	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:42:56	-15.403
-49	4273	427300	161b0e1d-239c-464c-b834-ae7097e23876	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:34:27	-51.60
-49	8546	427300	943757e3-39f0-4086-b38c-c56ededd4397	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:37:51	611.541
-50	4274	427400	c509938e-5149-4b49-9c1f-7ac2263eaca4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:42:49	321.603
-50	8548	427400	0edb8cf5-dc1a-4d7a-8649-04a4df6e0d0c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:42:54	793.170
-51	4275	427500	77ee939a-1c5d-4e7a-9c83-eec9e82330bf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:59:44	-834.840
-51	8550	427500	43358954-43b7-42d1-9ee6-9586d51a09bd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:43:37	526.919
-52	4276	427600	b20764b4-f1ca-4db9-b404-e0827ffcfd83	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:52:09	766.427
-52	8552	427600	68aa19a6-517f-429e-b06f-39e8589dd679	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:39:20	732.733
-53	4277	427700	fc52931a-d4e4-4533-bd07-619c5d85e4f3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:19:43	610.265
-53	8554	427700	25ce47ac-3e4a-4d75-bb28-9fbbc38fc5c6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:57:51	369.873
-54	4278	427800	76e7762f-20ae-4ae7-8946-fd366d905f77	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:10:45	245.269
-54	8556	427800	fbc8be76-66df-4887-b0a6-1d4f104c18ad	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:35:05	39.548
-55	4279	427900	3c93e8c9-827b-4492-ada7-e1054bfbb219	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:23:15	-678.141
-55	8558	427900	f1f9e1b2-b69d-4917-9948-355b176c748e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:37:05	182.248
-56	4280	428000	bb00c2f1-5cb2-4297-b399-3a0c0a479c60	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:49:15	689.968
-56	8560	428000	c6819891-79cb-4088-829b-b985ed072357	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:36:26	870.808
-57	4281	428100	db2ea0ff-da1f-413c-a700-b36550147ad8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:08:54	-124.84
-57	8562	428100	dd180f31-49e9-4c15-b7cc-12e929b8434c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:07:24	-155.892
-58	4282	428200	e3968a28-2969-4120-bd8e-48cf8a45a613	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:54:17	518.494
-58	8564	428200	13b9f275-0bc1-4842-bef5-1193e588bc80	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:35:12	-59.358
-59	4283	428300	05a0e94b-6467-4074-9b7b-d0ab7517fec6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:45:45	533.296
-59	8566	428300	5c124103-0fb2-495d-8c44-f826502d930d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:03:17	521.183
-60	4284	428400	09d19a10-2302-4a90-a466-1e99b0817f45	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:15:00	400.308
-60	8568	428400	0e6d6d48-255f-4a8a-aed4-bd9e80afaaa5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:36:09	-252.585
-61	4285	428500	4b721078-3a90-44b2-8c07-bf2b0158ca59	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:43:50	599.721
-61	8570	428500	7cdddd51-2321-4bb6-8026-fe3e1fc4b863	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:02:13	-534.345
-62	4286	428600	9c8cf133-d6b8-49a6-8671-085716476ec7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:13:47	-91.314
-62	8572	428600	72ba0f07-562e-4e0c-9255-88f1d9280271	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:35:15	-122.702
-63	4287	428700	678e8c63-dfa5-40ed-a97c-0e4b1f25f779	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:18:25	706.848
-63	8574	428700	a6751545-a5b5-4ab9-84d4-bc5dc181d24d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:41:45	746.764
-64	4288	428800	0a06c37f-b547-4075-a204-aeeef07a460c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:21:37	883.847
-64	8576	428800	ab3a21eb-a046-40a4-8d93-9c9b76db4afe	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:59:16	-202.91
-65	4289	428900	efe1cdd6-5b75-4128-bdbc-769f0eb3a354	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:48:39	9.249
-65	8578	428900	de34aba9-747f-4f2a-ae0f-c4802e3821a5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:08:39	-380.202
-66	4290	429000	0d663edd-d0ec-4f3c-9200-a7e26479555d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:19:22	409.715
-66	8580	429000	43f0a342-c89c-407c-87a8-de1b8df7105f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:39:38	345.135
-67	4291	429100	e95b1f67-e41f-4494-b469-bc8a5820ed89	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:00:04	-543.324
-67	8582	429100	7a1862ac-c4be-4570-b2b9-f8008574776a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:35:53	976.726
-68	4292	429200	9b86ed7c-ff89-4252-adb0-b7a53e866401	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:59:24	678.436
-68	8584	429200	db82eb31-10a8-47b5-b1b4-18d5e25301fe	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:02:32	526.742
-69	4293	429300	647e91bf-a8fd-4cfb-bf46-8053a00fe7c3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:01:30	598.6
-69	8586	429300	10edb1f5-0d4b-47a3-8cf6-f5d693ac708f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:03:50	-77.349
-70	4294	429400	1362cc78-fcf8-43fd-93dc-505435bb0ab0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:48:58	-527.82
-70	8588	429400	44fde1c6-c2f7-4e02-8410-2254eb968237	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:46:48	497.90
-71	4295	429500	71f4f041-c6b3-4fba-9a79-3781f0554d2b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:27:23	-69.712
-71	8590	429500	9679f052-c6c9-45f8-b2c8-0d0478ef9fe6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:59:13	-718.462
-72	4296	429600	d7a385d5-2c39-4e1d-af49-eee0d39e7a8d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:48:33	859.927
-72	8592	429600	6133e725-3e7b-4682-a781-f817219a2e06	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:48:46	-58.677
-73	4297	429700	4dfe4705-f765-4197-ba38-6226d5251f18	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:34:54	-511.628
-73	8594	429700	d925e55f-79e2-4b05-acfe-0c975e3f5993	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:20:54	-81.758
-74	4298	429800	d14e82dd-61e5-4085-8d12-8b61f941000d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:54:41	-433.987
-74	8596	429800	7210b7ac-5b4d-4942-b4f7-d8d15e15a72a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:15:42	403.43
-75	4299	429900	fcd2463b-1352-4b73-ac18-15189f06d9aa	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:10:46	-202.46
-75	8598	429900	54164191-f09e-4d8f-b045-9ba41e339b65	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:22:05	252.860
-76	4300	430000	6f15f73b-86df-43e8-8973-ef6127ed5078	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:48:13	330.317
-76	8600	430000	d16527a3-a0d1-439f-a29d-3c0348516098	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:17:48	-457.623
-77	4301	430100	6e18f29c-1bc3-47c2-8b27-81d3f7ab2d88	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:14:16	-955.288
-77	8602	430100	bc1ce0fd-eeaa-41aa-99aa-1ec667a9074d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:07:10	-505.777
-78	4302	430200	ca6833aa-c40d-4faa-9a51-aabfb9af314a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:47:44	944.109
-78	8604	430200	7dea67a6-89b7-4023-9963-28677914c061	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:14:35	63.593
-79	4303	430300	7f6c352b-09f7-4d5a-9db7-9c34b57ba3de	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:26:32	-812.306
-79	8606	430300	c7148bc3-9c46-45b9-803a-c118f6bec858	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:54:55	360.584
-80	4304	430400	1db01b60-ac4d-47b2-9cd0-2de5389175c9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:25:31	-538.551
-80	8608	430400	201291fc-ad72-4d6f-b77e-494dfef14766	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:35:26	41.20
-81	4305	430500	3b97de65-4595-4d9c-a174-644dc41bca8b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:59:51	434.933
-81	8610	430500	e9a42fa1-37b4-490f-a7c8-343c66f18d5d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:31:08	-748.62
-82	4306	430600	547f454c-30de-43f3-882f-946664abfeca	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:30:34	275.757
-82	8612	430600	33ea8536-8cad-449d-a636-a169ef49c781	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:54:49	762.407
-83	4307	430700	cc8fa7b9-3f12-4d20-8b74-f1106fc37d0b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:41:07	910.399
-83	8614	430700	39450332-8696-43d6-9cf6-53bebf6e1150	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:27:34	-503.540
-84	4308	430800	b0eab0b1-2e20-42a5-8b6c-9f820afb502a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:11:17	989.671
-84	8616	430800	984329f1-8ee8-4e7d-9802-e03186e08e63	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:38:35	-903.145
-85	4309	430900	55b182f0-b2dd-4674-92f9-4f72e330a1b3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:29:55	-230.173
-85	8618	430900	881193d6-6a6e-4d13-9223-e5e170502607	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:24:18	-404.967
-86	4310	431000	a8b8430d-0e2c-443c-b8bd-eff4b47ab5ad	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:17:44	200.921
-86	8620	431000	91fe24b5-c878-429d-bde7-75ff90daf01a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:14:22	8.948
-87	4311	431100	8a42dffc-6414-4bb7-9581-8d053b4beb07	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:07:55	-849.136
-87	8622	431100	9fafc11b-2af6-453b-9e3c-507c3f19cd45	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:27:32	910.428
-88	4312	431200	e7413fa4-2366-4fb6-a745-34cb641d035b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:16:34	574.850
-88	8624	431200	4504c703-8857-4223-b3f6-5f74cb95cce8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:01:36	532.844
-89	4313	431300	81f79938-7ef4-4a46-9d00-5b23f0d06aae	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:26:30	250.321
-89	8626	431300	7e477277-5014-4acd-809c-530a7724c4c1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:14:16	-873.443
-90	4314	431400	09a5d5cd-46ec-487f-bb40-dc6097a07337	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:35:11	-958.713
-90	8628	431400	cf70340b-dd6a-47c0-baa0-6bc08f040a78	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:28:13	-383.928
-91	4315	431500	c5d06e88-2856-40a1-9862-fb88408e9021	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:48:52	-413.324
-91	8630	431500	e76e5e13-b589-41ee-907a-846da4721e29	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:55:29	-567.846
-92	4316	431600	9fb828d6-6f8f-4e12-808b-b0c7ad8f18a9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:12:23	-834.229
-92	8632	431600	424f8d34-64a0-4604-9e5c-9e085767a2d1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:47:22	226.770
-93	4317	431700	bea5c966-3778-488b-bff6-7d0124516d74	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:32:30	-815.992
-93	8634	431700	7b4e086c-c90f-44b0-9c7d-6b79a01ac575	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:19:48	551.423
-94	4318	431800	5a4481a4-ab2f-4705-96e5-0d992b3bafd8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:45:07	-552.666
-94	8636	431800	b969acd8-12d8-4f06-bf99-171546807500	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:29:16	113.536
-95	4319	431900	aa2e4370-7fe5-4914-a04f-c0c83a93ebe1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:18:59	858.961
-95	8638	431900	d1e92989-c3f1-47fa-a6e5-10dfdbf60927	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:23:16	-780.229
-96	4320	432000	2e1ff500-bc03-4cc7-88e7-029e81623999	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:09:10	942.1
-96	8640	432000	7d306cd3-b0a9-44e9-babf-39943005580c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:45:22	11.409
-97	4321	432100	4f8d5e88-6c1c-43bb-a044-22b71fdcab06	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:44:24	38.25
-97	8642	432100	1fbe0f59-0f00-4884-9327-986a51315bbf	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:48:27	132.293
-98	4322	432200	5114069e-a344-4a4b-8c1f-0fc4a9505db2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:10:55	-470.511
-98	8644	432200	202bd02e-dfd6-4f9a-b3b9-3f51a14380b0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:07:23	-965.178
-99	4323	432300	7fd72e4b-db86-4385-8f6c-db68efee7ceb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:02:17	-398.599
-99	8646	432300	356d1866-5d70-4f2a-b4e5-4b1a3bcdd943	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:00:16	340.660
-100	4324	432400	8a007fec-9815-43c8-a9bc-1daf52eddeb2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:46:42	128.353
-100	8648	432400	bb508967-5b66-4648-84cd-558bdbae65da	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:33:09	367.651
-101	4325	432500	6ce1687f-9f24-445b-be35-f78f8b9bd33f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:35:26	-492.841
-101	8650	432500	2db93a90-5614-4ee7-ad9f-0ed1b3f9dfe0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:15:29	-729.499
-102	4326	432600	1b406891-5e59-41f8-bf93-fc0856fb1fd0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:28:26	245.204
-102	8652	432600	c483e763-b0cc-403d-8df3-6b8053197447	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:21:44	-930.514
-103	4327	432700	652d7c12-12d2-43e8-bda0-a9d5474c7e58	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:13:44	937.165
-103	8654	432700	e1f30e2b-31f4-4434-a37e-cdd01091fe5a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:41:04	389.267
-104	4328	432800	f7f91c8a-9e4b-4398-a94b-f0358b13c570	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:38:51	627.49
-104	8656	432800	5947afa6-577a-46ed-a5ce-c632e9030556	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:26:16	-954.655
-105	4329	432900	9a3c46ce-bec6-4f5f-bdbf-94d91d21fcae	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:11:09	379.590
-105	8658	432900	c88bd1c9-800f-483a-a672-7475e829c4a2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:51:59	18.365
-106	4330	433000	093e988e-28d8-48cc-b23f-0f69679e3e5e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:43:37	519.458
-106	8660	433000	e40e65bc-bea9-4e6b-9d8b-51a36a38ef45	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:46:30	-280.649
-107	4331	433100	3738f3fe-a772-4afe-ad4f-4a77dd16feb5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:30:40	-358.872
-107	8662	433100	a3eacd15-6cd2-4b1e-bd32-7caf14d133d5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:11:00	813.304
-108	4332	433200	de352d23-0742-4ee3-8a1f-e943342d6ccc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:37:07	814.98
-108	8664	433200	e86ae337-522a-4cc5-9fcc-d41be03cbb2d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:58:43	921.924
-109	4333	433300	179583a4-8c41-42f9-a9f8-173267a49dd4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:17:00	-497.112
-109	8666	433300	74057fa3-f01f-4949-9f30-cde65ceda566	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:10:40	383.967
-110	4334	433400	ecfb0408-b0f9-4ddb-92c5-83f9b6d764b2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:03:06	-121.763
-110	8668	433400	4a8e523a-57ac-4099-9a22-53df8b46f014	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:59:29	-281.396
-111	4335	433500	424050a2-4fc3-49c0-8f1c-32fead9bfa9f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:12:56	742.793
-111	8670	433500	2abcaf00-9836-4514-b65a-e7c34bc48b8e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:14:39	433.452
-112	4336	433600	19415c80-4019-4877-b141-64e8d07b663d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:19:37	-802.696
-112	8672	433600	43e82aac-f228-4f42-92a6-38011e99b482	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:03:59	835.214
-113	4337	433700	c7a7bbad-7eff-41d5-b24e-72ed5422ee7d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:49:20	-905.336
-113	8674	433700	3c7df492-bf09-49f1-805f-97cc62896af9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:19:36	247.524
-114	4338	433800	f4284244-b472-4147-85df-c084cf753e18	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:48:12	199.100
-114	8676	433800	e57740dc-76f2-46e9-8f44-6c2448a2dbdf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:16:32	-216.662
-115	4339	433900	0024b390-96be-40c8-ace6-4bd93605ef0c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:44:21	853.701
-115	8678	433900	087f791f-d62c-4956-bc5b-89793abf4f5e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:45:59	822.856
-116	4340	434000	5a8fa26f-dc69-4c6d-a72a-86fa47c75830	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:39:23	-853.445
-116	8680	434000	a78d9fe8-c0da-4e13-b6d9-784e1b89d079	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:34:47	676.766
-117	4341	434100	f12f4e92-2dbb-4704-93c8-b8c970cf10b9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:12:18	206.559
-117	8682	434100	fcd0a503-64cc-44f5-b920-2f3ad10ef19d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:00:36	44.657
-118	4342	434200	65968f18-039c-46fe-a1a1-b92c28b1c1a8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:27:31	786.949
-118	8684	434200	d67081f3-9d35-4b23-b136-673ab0df21a7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:39:55	-145.773
-119	4343	434300	7cc92ad8-8ff4-4ff5-8349-b825f0802279	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:51:22	-327.575
-119	8686	434300	5fe88cf2-5564-4991-9d26-90cac03336c1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:35:10	780.163
-120	4344	434400	874d103f-b9f1-45cb-80ed-20345bda149d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:56:44	-260.388
-120	8688	434400	c5acf3c3-3099-4920-99ae-4cc98109111e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:02:39	946.464
-121	4345	434500	d4e637a8-11e3-46b4-81e1-a3eef564c320	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:09:51	11.536
-121	8690	434500	fbf4414d-09fb-444b-bd11-3e73e83f74c7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:03:10	-791.409
-122	4346	434600	7ca71577-5363-468c-9d93-bc932dff0c6e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:06:08	-323.676
-122	8692	434600	9880c2dd-7c7d-4d8a-90c0-95d01c170dbc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:45:42	961.120
-123	4347	434700	17a83af7-373a-40f9-bf11-5ffa4709df5b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:31:16	345.440
-123	8694	434700	3eb44502-51cb-4048-a74a-9ac14d1ab71b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:22:33	-333.467
-124	4348	434800	7ab09fcd-2137-440b-ab01-b0ed8306da56	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:28:41	-295.185
-124	8696	434800	ce6cce67-07dd-444a-92b8-d32689f44be7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:26:12	510.476
-125	4349	434900	5cef9cae-b54b-4b72-b94d-82e08203a6b2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:55:25	352.954
-125	8698	434900	5c16057f-6970-415d-bd2d-0f58dc9d8b3a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:28:37	-843.321
-126	4350	435000	7c4c49f3-51e5-40d8-9499-1a5b3c8601a4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:58:45	680.995
-126	8700	435000	c3d2fb1f-9a82-42a7-afc5-9b5804aea0b5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:53:21	608.388
-127	4351	435100	19a96b51-58d1-4716-9500-4788f99ecdb6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:54:01	-796.418
-127	8702	435100	93abf598-381e-48d4-bbe1-36626b1e9be3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:50:56	-721.239
-0	4352	435200	d57f524c-a5b8-46a4-9eac-347ad3b0c239	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:37:32	851.208
-0	8704	435200	5e5d392c-294c-43ff-83ce-c8b042c26f15	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:51:54	899.474
-1	4353	435300	af86730c-7432-486c-991d-63cbff89c45c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:45:23	652.780
-1	8706	435300	3e5d3abd-f60b-485e-815b-1a5db43ea589	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:41:38	197.119
-2	4354	435400	129145b6-5eec-4761-8d6a-b56740b157c3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:11:50	612.48
-2	8708	435400	9c97b8a1-39bc-484f-9a24-a0c88388e802	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:44:03	-342.2
-3	4355	435500	98b9531e-44f9-427d-903e-7ebcaa93449d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:43:51	344.643
-3	8710	435500	a19cb2e9-35f1-4e64-babc-e1d8300c5a82	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:59:57	-500.254
-4	4356	435600	d990466c-5450-4bb0-86ac-6953d4b2df1d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:34:57	722.294
-4	8712	435600	fa639538-fa01-4bc3-b476-51127d7d868a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:11:37	-80.575
-5	4357	435700	203c0f0e-507a-4510-a7b1-7727244ca285	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:33:54	-565.227
-5	8714	435700	ed83c876-4aa4-4b91-8a05-e032e7f19127	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:35:52	717.506
-6	4358	435800	fea7054a-e4e8-4cd2-9ce0-2a21470ec784	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:56:00	703.411
-6	8716	435800	70720b22-0726-4c02-a937-8ae54c5acb8f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:59:16	895.972
-7	4359	435900	3fe43611-a098-420d-9f69-51a761d71fd8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:18:47	-313.284
-7	8718	435900	c03ab9a6-5f74-41cf-9b59-c19ab89e976a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:00:37	961.617
-8	4360	436000	5b3f1764-c445-4617-8286-1fa483721168	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:29:51	-267.750
-8	8720	436000	7f265a2c-0e22-477a-aaa8-72f255729e94	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:56:01	712.509
-9	4361	436100	c2d962f9-39a1-479d-bbfd-c90260c4fc3e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:14:51	346.41
-9	8722	436100	2c17b3f9-58a3-41da-becd-cdd4c623141f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:23:10	-317.45
-10	4362	436200	6814ac0f-c659-41a4-bcb7-4887c98e3290	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:04:38	107.601
-10	8724	436200	1a4c2707-e065-432e-80bb-61d0468b1094	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:02:53	304.556
-11	4363	436300	7068fe12-ff9b-49fb-99ab-a6f3a9f1f704	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:00:58	-776.144
-11	8726	436300	d4fe4331-a8d1-4101-affb-84cdf63c0584	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:55:52	-820.440
-12	4364	436400	0940799e-ab15-44f2-a2d7-c56c75414858	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:34:58	-28.557
-12	8728	436400	3482c69f-dd0d-474d-aeb5-7bbb8af5c5a9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:54:21	-656.619
-13	4365	436500	59410b2b-5f76-4b66-8c26-850ff6d08f30	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:49:17	758.629
-13	8730	436500	19341c35-221d-4e9e-92ad-2a0627cd253b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:21:13	824.444
-14	4366	436600	d8c8a04c-42f0-446b-bd5d-bf4d3a0287b3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:15:34	394.855
-14	8732	436600	ec7e468e-8635-49f7-b370-908d651356da	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:49:09	869.210
-15	4367	436700	eeab6d82-ff1e-4cfc-90eb-5cbc130d3d8d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:13:18	-132.529
-15	8734	436700	c294aa68-7739-4b9b-b71b-56786b27e1e2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:22:59	-944.765
-16	4368	436800	26906020-b962-405e-adc9-56c0fa331550	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:06:05	-853.371
-16	8736	436800	1aa4e9ec-28e2-4d9c-b16b-64c6684f920b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:07:04	172.35
-17	4369	436900	b49f0a7f-83a3-4143-a71f-dcc93378fbdf	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:28:51	386.359
-17	8738	436900	aac6701c-882d-441a-aca7-de12dfda7c44	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:23:14	134.919
-18	4370	437000	f25667b8-6322-4e97-8ce4-9bbf9d1053dc	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:30:08	-894.708
-18	8740	437000	195cdd17-99bb-44cb-b802-56fb53445df4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:31:53	147.633
-19	4371	437100	acbd4f22-60ba-4164-8acc-5b55b44621ca	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:50:16	493.474
-19	8742	437100	5fe858d7-d10c-41e4-8bd6-a399f0e62243	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:09:07	-549.706
-20	4372	437200	8ce235a5-77b5-4200-8a5b-bd00a81f31f4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:44:26	355.981
-20	8744	437200	a6dbf3f7-b46c-4a29-95e3-0a61f21d26fb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:41:36	452.236
-21	4373	437300	b05d07b4-956a-4d80-bff6-116313edc175	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:23:11	898.438
-21	8746	437300	efeb5315-9de7-4a8a-9883-e624bdb4230a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:22:17	709.952
-22	4374	437400	1d6f2902-75a9-4bc9-8ed9-900235d4f05a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:02:51	-792.965
-22	8748	437400	9bd097b0-b720-4206-96c3-72bd82954083	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:08:02	-336.922
-23	4375	437500	b57d7f00-d573-46cf-b678-4af06fb96e76	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:22:13	962.744
-23	8750	437500	0c78a294-b2c5-4736-a7be-80c527d2bbfd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:53:17	-615.170
-24	4376	437600	aba77258-ddcd-40e8-9d35-49a4fbf17a64	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:43:30	8.879
-24	8752	437600	532d8257-86e4-49a4-9a96-a925cd7e2205	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:28:42	904.967
-25	4377	437700	6e9c6691-8c70-40f2-a868-437392fc993a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:52:25	454.350
-25	8754	437700	276a5b46-deb2-4f7e-8447-3034072b27af	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:36:44	-132.309
-26	4378	437800	9ed8bb3d-0165-47fb-99f9-5419fb2d90d6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:18:26	-478.749
-26	8756	437800	1284d923-d317-4010-9fbe-8b3aaea10747	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:51:58	899.898
-27	4379	437900	955f5649-d195-4592-ac12-acff9d0249f3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:37:18	-501.174
-27	8758	437900	38f60482-dad7-45a9-a60e-b9d9d8d75f5a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:40:22	-308.461
-28	4380	438000	32f18284-17bb-451a-aa05-378bd5a13d19	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:07:56	884.616
-28	8760	438000	ed32b748-d5f7-419c-ba61-75e4355fae8c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:22:22	-413.224
-29	4381	438100	e55103a0-5601-42b9-85f8-ebcef213a8aa	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:18:42	-350.259
-29	8762	438100	f3c26446-4330-4fd3-9e75-4f5b6d52a50d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:21:57	-607.269
-30	4382	438200	14560f14-f41b-46ee-b5e6-4e24e59b3ae5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:51:54	678.311
-30	8764	438200	8b4c3d62-923e-4f1b-9a72-a89dff26826e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:10:03	402.528
-31	4383	438300	acced29e-b01a-4949-99f0-b7d1f75ff675	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:06:47	-991.427
-31	8766	438300	c45bc487-7338-4f0b-83b5-97c569f4f703	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:43:37	401.501
-32	4384	438400	eea10786-ffa0-4d97-b788-b4905a69ca6b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:53:43	571.727
-32	8768	438400	8bacef4a-0f87-4ae9-bfd3-0defe38106de	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:39:53	672.735
-33	4385	438500	6170771b-5518-49f1-a727-6d8e16deec94	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:54:06	-742.166
-33	8770	438500	3f5e1773-7946-4485-af26-9a3d0613b6d5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:33:17	87.213
-34	4386	438600	8bda580f-f219-4f20-8d25-0eef0cfa401e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:11:04	-951.127
-34	8772	438600	253dcc3f-e3b3-4dcc-9a1a-248680a2084b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:58:50	-835.614
-35	4387	438700	4ce39968-2838-4684-99dd-8c85a4fc1e2f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:43:30	750.786
-35	8774	438700	ab951e49-2a43-4c8d-900e-70ae827f0f02	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:40:23	-544.507
-36	4388	438800	0850e792-7b9f-49d9-b893-2179e436e496	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:38:14	381.285
-36	8776	438800	12bd88fe-b75d-484a-a5a8-19abd0797e53	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:10:43	914.848
-37	4389	438900	9c9f94af-f449-40fb-a2ae-a6bfad5ab41c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:19:58	188.435
-37	8778	438900	0d0d9203-f91e-4c14-858a-f1daa206eb0a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:45:22	-108.743
-38	4390	439000	46da848a-0239-477c-91c6-db90e636153b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:15:38	-703.748
-38	8780	439000	4eaf1864-e232-4673-af11-38e28e5d8630	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:40:18	324.590
-39	4391	439100	1759e127-8109-4b94-87b7-d9c15806f59f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:25:03	-615.992
-39	8782	439100	d1e3a9c2-2488-4406-bb09-d02c63b18f0a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:54:48	533.344
-40	4392	439200	d19b0a83-5b72-4813-a655-2005dbdf4ae3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:29:32	-373.622
-40	8784	439200	29daa46c-c5d4-4f02-bdd8-fe4b0e1788e0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:46:56	447.492
-41	4393	439300	c24a5a5d-bd3b-4e96-8418-076b7bc9a1b3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:04:10	-198.655
-41	8786	439300	f566aefb-a1b0-4066-9f57-733b1fdf35a8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:42:08	-258.556
-42	4394	439400	b5fe38ee-9769-4cb6-8f85-0a528ae30471	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:12:49	851.159
-42	8788	439400	5dfe87b8-40f2-47c3-a625-122c5aac0053	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:33:50	711.346
-43	4395	439500	532fba84-797b-4186-a929-5cea4dc6534e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:39:41	271.442
-43	8790	439500	61bbe0fd-3416-44a7-b22a-996ce65cd1e3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:13:22	-403.59
-44	4396	439600	4aca855f-045e-42fb-8fb0-870011e341c2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:25:28	556.227
-44	8792	439600	08ff12d9-1ee1-4db5-b970-d7ab918c4330	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:52:40	677.546
-45	4397	439700	e0d0365a-30cb-4be3-91be-61a3c4daad97	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:42:29	35.83
-45	8794	439700	7a6e1f0d-422e-44e6-90dc-f166e4541883	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:25:19	3.12
-46	4398	439800	7e412807-36a1-4949-ad63-2551cb60f27a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:36:00	-13.874
-46	8796	439800	255cfc42-b1c5-4500-9010-bafafa642c19	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:36:50	-205.614
-47	4399	439900	6cea1d9e-9fe5-4e18-9a59-1c5a16979604	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:23:46	886.889
-47	8798	439900	e8216cbc-8fbb-48ae-aec5-fe53a0616a57	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:02:13	993.63
-48	4400	440000	e1b72b67-94ae-4a8c-b775-9b1b171de709	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:52:39	723.219
-48	8800	440000	f834faec-e0d7-4075-80e9-a903e0819395	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:30:36	282.250
-49	4401	440100	8e993393-e5de-47a7-89f9-c0b13cbb43a6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:24:44	-453.266
-49	8802	440100	fb927644-2188-4f3b-a46d-1057ef667913	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:45:02	428.586
-50	4402	440200	e3f91c56-7849-45d1-9b7f-2a4de90dde8c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:25:41	471.68
-50	8804	440200	62ca731a-4507-4a9f-8cd7-f72097c6464a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:49:01	-213.420
-51	4403	440300	a3853514-72af-48ec-bf82-ee879bdd6d38	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:08:49	652.834
-51	8806	440300	fd76c657-7b36-427c-8664-45153706c8d3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:43:32	134.538
-52	4404	440400	ba254a16-d1af-483b-8b60-92c8eefcf478	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:43:36	966.739
-52	8808	440400	84296d1b-6e24-4273-bf60-21fbb54f6b77	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:29:15	-284.483
-53	4405	440500	6e6679e4-b7dd-4dbe-8d3a-4389c760d044	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:09:49	-204.0
-53	8810	440500	648c4a10-852f-4bbf-ae19-79e6b8fcef3a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:32:22	934.670
-54	4406	440600	42582abc-5ef0-405b-91f3-5bb10235b7f2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:01:10	613.748
-54	8812	440600	2f3e5376-cddf-4314-87f7-fd48187a3d0a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:48:46	775.291
-55	4407	440700	6485082f-eb9c-4074-b4f5-0d52eb6b2380	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:19:12	-213.407
-55	8814	440700	be3cb788-95e7-4c34-9596-b39a3932477b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:57:51	64.599
-56	4408	440800	c228bedb-7d00-4e1c-aeaf-b21bcd38b239	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:39:52	-963.382
-56	8816	440800	2b3d6d1d-32c3-485d-bb33-c33d7c643036	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:25:54	-523.251
-57	4409	440900	5a92f977-370d-4173-ae93-ed272a7cabc2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:36:53	-473.575
-57	8818	440900	2965554d-cade-4552-a387-35208bda1f79	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:11:14	-996.205
-58	4410	441000	929c8743-6813-4825-af84-175472fc9d9f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:00:18	-91.442
-58	8820	441000	620c485f-053a-4aab-b910-7fcb2c61a68a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:16:47	956.374
-59	4411	441100	d34c9073-b1db-4a5e-ab27-e9e2ba720434	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:36:24	-834.406
-59	8822	441100	50a69b40-9699-4ffa-a8d5-b8eab53bb8c0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:05:38	935.297
-60	4412	441200	312ed61d-fd23-4790-9aac-ca3146934fc6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:44:38	178.622
-60	8824	441200	a2c34033-d96c-4da2-96d8-0d8cb50d1126	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:49:05	32.335
-61	4413	441300	e6bdb670-b765-471a-8ae5-736873389365	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:54:49	859.874
-61	8826	441300	bbe988f5-d16f-4cf2-a181-9f85cf6eab64	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:01:36	939.414
-62	4414	441400	22bf5f37-ae93-48b9-a310-f802d87488a4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:48:43	-776.641
-62	8828	441400	3a274f0b-dc2a-4928-a095-0225ca8111bc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:06:17	931.557
-63	4415	441500	b9e36d23-030f-47f4-8152-b5696c74e93e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:16:26	972.227
-63	8830	441500	8ce7293b-8b0a-4488-9d89-6ae4b8c6e6e0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:06:48	365.876
-64	4416	441600	5d5075d8-f35d-4d18-8059-a1dee4d7950e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:41:39	-113.235
-64	8832	441600	c131914f-064e-457a-be8b-93aea3a5ab64	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:01:53	506.724
-65	4417	441700	853d2a5a-4011-4e04-b550-b7a7c9ac19d5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:54:11	851.151
-65	8834	441700	d21918e5-1dca-4b6c-8a04-47dda0944757	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:48:03	918.647
-66	4418	441800	41ebeb32-eb65-4dd4-9322-9057a223748a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:08:24	454.602
-66	8836	441800	1c6145f0-590f-4f18-894c-e99cab33ce2f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:13:35	242.421
-67	4419	441900	cc3f9ec4-e670-4807-8548-e6fe1507ca08	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:51:05	-982.642
-67	8838	441900	75a32bc4-72ad-4d8f-8523-943971b27d91	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:05:25	446.441
-68	4420	442000	e606cadd-1658-4b7b-b0cd-3f50f2bc82b4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:49:57	326.855
-68	8840	442000	f7143b3e-72eb-4c10-8dad-807217dd7123	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:46:05	-501.703
-69	4421	442100	4ca80304-5abe-461c-8b0c-d1ea93352806	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:07:26	500.298
-69	8842	442100	d45ffd74-77a0-4c82-b435-7b6a9fe45225	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:16:28	-83.363
-70	4422	442200	4007fedd-b63c-4b20-a334-4d4fb6ef3fcf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:28:07	91.502
-70	8844	442200	7f0fbbba-778e-4ea2-8c92-76bb00a9841f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:05:44	-237.305
-71	4423	442300	0221b8ce-aa36-4968-a20a-cbaf8cbd3398	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:53:17	78.995
-71	8846	442300	95472ab9-0a57-4ca2-a9c1-9d1c50ccbc61	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:16:55	-494.318
-72	4424	442400	a124f043-b16b-4dfa-b5f2-92c763ecc288	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:47:21	503.936
-72	8848	442400	39c31605-acfa-478a-b86a-df1196563d2f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:56:44	-110.909
-73	4425	442500	62894b4d-e362-4b9c-8902-a3c6dd1987e5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:51:28	387.320
-73	8850	442500	162f928e-a5d3-406d-8883-b73272d430f9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:53:45	-161.78
-74	4426	442600	26d4eb29-daa8-40db-bc49-ce4d4846d20c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:04:53	-551.501
-74	8852	442600	f4172ee6-572c-4db4-b349-effd3e8fb5c7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:52:20	203.533
-75	4427	442700	cb3cf650-98ff-4fb0-ae4f-3c8ed800288d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:24:24	-794.227
-75	8854	442700	34edfba0-ba0a-4475-8bcc-78f5a70fe8a8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:18:30	520.689
-76	4428	442800	863b8543-66b6-489f-9b23-b657654ecaf7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:20:32	-302.722
-76	8856	442800	45c8e76e-0df2-440d-915a-4b5dee4467e4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:32:25	-522.198
-77	4429	442900	99b55c8a-8daf-4cd1-bb4b-91d5e4aef99d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:50:22	-244.798
-77	8858	442900	0e339d8f-e0f7-4ce8-9542-4f813c0db00e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:18:36	-271.38
-78	4430	443000	2541e475-5fe7-4948-b635-5f69bde6636d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:35:18	508.448
-78	8860	443000	1901087e-5213-449f-a75f-55896973f831	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:34:22	88.936
-79	4431	443100	624f886c-f708-4729-b376-a091ae4dbbd1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:43:05	804.874
-79	8862	443100	f1d138e1-8e8a-46cd-9f79-860b18d28c74	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:12:31	653.266
-80	4432	443200	55426c8a-2786-4cfd-addd-bc387b103add	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:50:09	-274.446
-80	8864	443200	799173f7-9b28-4c31-a678-6e53a0444801	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:09:15	362.132
-81	4433	443300	aef99a9c-cadd-4d06-83ce-924b741b4ffe	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:57:23	-394.377
-81	8866	443300	d048e299-9cb9-410e-acab-cbfe02a313fd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:28:44	-705.73
-82	4434	443400	680d7d07-a75a-4b3c-be6b-1032aca28607	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:42:27	496.619
-82	8868	443400	704e6949-ad9c-4e32-9ec4-8745ed6ae9ce	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:33:27	-870.149
-83	4435	443500	1dd2cb87-c664-4bc1-ac49-8a229f1dbaac	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:43:19	614.14
-83	8870	443500	1a6c840f-a32c-4b9e-b4a5-77f3d1989c96	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:57:12	-222.719
-84	4436	443600	bdf060ae-0dd5-4f98-b12b-221f290b153c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:23:48	-554.448
-84	8872	443600	bf90f2a9-aadc-4754-be4e-b3a9cf404d19	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:58:29	900.50
-85	4437	443700	c66c54c4-aaf6-4c06-aec2-5f50655612d7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:34:25	758.918
-85	8874	443700	566af554-e711-4000-9f98-dde8c1d0be9b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:33:06	-996.217
-86	4438	443800	b2f5fd44-e756-4e79-adc4-67397744858a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:59:06	-913.819
-86	8876	443800	70cde2cf-f578-447a-a5d3-74bb7db5c1fc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:10:18	727.944
-87	4439	443900	cc998877-383a-4df5-9362-4882d275173f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:11:04	871.100
-87	8878	443900	5c4d896c-7945-4bdd-a1cf-1c0ed2260249	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:49:54	-12.424
-88	4440	444000	348ed798-135b-4736-bc9c-ae9ae07eb266	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:02:48	962.645
-88	8880	444000	d46e4993-e997-42ac-a789-5a68c4d7a079	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:23:06	785.579
-89	4441	444100	f8a33b91-23bc-43bf-bdaa-e254f2af5b09	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:36:19	-834.381
-89	8882	444100	80f82921-210b-4ac1-9f57-702d76cdc1a7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:14:13	539.656
-90	4442	444200	f4dd6774-bdcd-4663-9734-c4f8e50312e2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:56:58	300.212
-90	8884	444200	dec1793a-5a67-493c-a699-785bd036f503	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:40:40	-784.862
-91	4443	444300	a54d63d0-486c-4a33-87e4-574f73136073	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:57:36	140.387
-91	8886	444300	02cbf31d-7292-446b-b71b-7b8d7a1e2580	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:28:29	615.12
-92	4444	444400	048db9ae-942b-4b8e-8430-c566d7dd3006	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:31:23	654.999
-92	8888	444400	2a6447ed-5c52-4f6e-80fd-9d77a27bc385	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:16:08	-889.140
-93	4445	444500	c875397c-9512-482c-baad-acf04aa066c3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:22:58	-626.977
-93	8890	444500	b1595c48-db8b-4318-93c3-cfbdaf5f65c0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:55:38	-528.672
-94	4446	444600	d4da80db-2125-4521-aa77-f8031aa3da94	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:23:24	-86.324
-94	8892	444600	f7abb158-bd68-4d25-9e24-5052c07fb216	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:33:01	274.227
-95	4447	444700	43790088-ad48-4e2e-869d-7868737b64cd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:44:03	339.210
-95	8894	444700	ec0e5d37-096e-4821-8d7f-47c03465867a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:31:34	182.68
-96	4448	444800	d31ecec2-c9ec-4fff-bd49-97d0487b7acd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:38:44	218.875
-96	8896	444800	f595bae6-6f9f-427d-a7e1-c9b313aa86e3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:29:48	141.686
-97	4449	444900	d63e41f2-8238-4e2f-9131-0674dea26291	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:06:35	925.362
-97	8898	444900	058a0195-b94b-467d-a73e-e204a52d2851	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:15:27	56.736
-98	4450	445000	47434c12-f901-4df8-bb83-5ed8327db444	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:43:31	-437.477
-98	8900	445000	88a92e03-6d85-4d79-8690-b9e1e7ba2111	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:59:12	-154.198
-99	4451	445100	c1dfef00-d26d-4d37-a528-58824a4db80d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:35:33	-642.73
-99	8902	445100	daf8e32f-a46f-4f44-9b80-7b79ca3ec690	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:43:49	-838.152
-100	4452	445200	cc200688-09d2-42b1-8387-bd73518f50ea	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:37:15	-65.119
-100	8904	445200	1f5b5033-5778-4362-803b-a1d46d921a96	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:01:48	763.476
-101	4453	445300	d0c77ccd-0e51-4207-a492-ce45d3fbb8ee	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:50:49	-168.566
-101	8906	445300	9a61e641-45ba-44d6-bee7-daabb414175e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:33:24	-532.210
-102	4454	445400	a84752c0-5f5a-43c2-acd7-0c482ab3fbb3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:29:12	369.726
-102	8908	445400	edc3aa84-bda1-4cfd-9fb7-aab9622b0365	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:26:08	-805.135
-103	4455	445500	8b3a0f77-4591-437f-b0d4-9091aeb4b21c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:08:11	695.992
-103	8910	445500	af0e2e8c-dce5-44ec-8906-93a1eac50c03	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:47:40	382.923
-104	4456	445600	5145f744-0faf-4f76-a84b-761ffef05152	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:06:24	-695.823
-104	8912	445600	f0105e25-87ed-409f-9eed-051c7d749700	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:21:07	975.611
-105	4457	445700	49d61e97-bc5a-45d3-8281-28ce8fac7ebd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:54:52	-749.69
-105	8914	445700	ea3ec444-55be-4e99-be12-2cf88e1bcf76	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:11:52	999.837
-106	4458	445800	2655fd8d-c200-40d8-aae2-869aa0af926a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:39:44	-144.617
-106	8916	445800	3f74f9af-508d-4ecd-87b5-b97a8664da96	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:31:53	-920.553
-107	4459	445900	06236295-6511-4387-baef-a6bdcd3ab489	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:10:46	-112.72
-107	8918	445900	2a496656-8ac2-4e2a-8a54-97efbd9ffcd4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:02:28	936.479
-108	4460	446000	e5c95991-778a-44b8-95d4-a5fa308b5edc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:46:38	76.180
-108	8920	446000	68dd5144-b435-4181-8f79-81a67e27bd45	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:14:11	-660.253
-109	4461	446100	3a5323f2-01fc-42d6-b5a5-d3ecd1f07396	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:09:46	72.222
-109	8922	446100	524d9fc6-66fa-4118-ae03-659a702f524a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:20:35	787.765
-110	4462	446200	f195d31a-c88c-4086-bc67-64f0eb3c7719	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:50:16	250.905
-110	8924	446200	3dbf710e-4073-47aa-bfae-7fa4eefcd5cd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:37:59	561.73
-111	4463	446300	a87223c6-ce00-49f1-9c34-87c7214eb243	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:42:15	-377.830
-111	8926	446300	b512c100-a508-4ec9-a113-177f258e8968	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:57:26	-375.580
-112	4464	446400	d1ef5fa5-45fc-4498-af07-be25be561c6d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:35:06	-397.880
-112	8928	446400	7b59ab0f-e824-4a73-84cb-812a28dc51de	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:03:10	305.597
-113	4465	446500	4e7ed35b-8a12-4132-8e71-5388ecef5e51	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:22:49	-71.614
-113	8930	446500	127ce9eb-5002-4487-8d9f-1118b6eeabe5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:25:05	-318.972
-114	4466	446600	f0f4f2f5-8e6f-4eac-a46d-1254722cc1ea	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:24:14	200.187
-114	8932	446600	e90dc923-f5dc-40ac-a59b-e054b8be7647	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:39:40	-405.907
-115	4467	446700	8667b8ac-a280-40e7-9a11-ff9ba409971a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:18:10	-172.558
-115	8934	446700	53cfd386-acca-42df-8a4c-1e3ea5dfbdb3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:49:33	-380.934
-116	4468	446800	168ddd30-9ad8-40f5-989a-52b083e81666	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:51:21	-958.191
-116	8936	446800	a63be02d-04d1-45a3-b084-91d08d28ad11	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:06:42	997.802
-117	4469	446900	0b98bd44-addb-4e83-87bf-e57977825d5e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:52:53	707.213
-117	8938	446900	c63052ec-447b-42cc-a7f3-92b2ed8864e6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:00:23	435.749
-118	4470	447000	a55c29d2-32db-4de5-a9c4-16bc85f0da5b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:49:44	254.635
-118	8940	447000	1c9ab9e9-6857-4b6f-8b39-d4cee3a688bc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:35:25	-729.968
-119	4471	447100	0ebcf93b-75cc-4787-b4cb-fd5ded7f0e91	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:29:02	-736.638
-119	8942	447100	f64f3f10-29d5-4426-b2aa-e01463064bb1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:23:09	-846.680
-120	4472	447200	5bbfe3f7-41d3-4e35-9cfc-49e76c15d656	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:35:25	362.236
-120	8944	447200	4f201244-1864-40d8-b8a4-651a0e55a7a9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:41:50	-207.292
-121	4473	447300	1cd21dd8-3353-4f66-8f74-aab9f741e655	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:34:46	-836.933
-121	8946	447300	ba6fc41c-1376-4e4e-8342-1e9e8d373c37	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:38:01	-39.269
-122	4474	447400	e318fb4e-cd44-4b47-be3e-1f94c9181883	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:40:02	553.717
-122	8948	447400	1f9eb17b-e9bc-45f6-8c79-5086ef73eb36	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:44:23	-982.659
-123	4475	447500	761c8148-430f-469b-9f2b-24d9834ad7fb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:13:53	-366.424
-123	8950	447500	f2627ad2-48a3-4e0a-8789-8ed976135873	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:46:10	-477.910
-124	4476	447600	5251eb06-87d4-4f48-a2d1-d422d43ae27e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:15:14	388.164
-124	8952	447600	5783b5fc-d21f-4fd4-8deb-a6d5b0e9fd78	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:01:14	-218.321
-125	4477	447700	1151c2c1-762f-4256-83c2-e75b5a10591c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:20:32	124.763
-125	8954	447700	6973cdfc-9d67-4f94-8ce9-2420888493f4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:08:01	-221.368
-126	4478	447800	54033352-0187-44a8-b7d0-02edfd709959	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:06:22	-565.853
-126	8956	447800	33ffe471-73e6-4cfb-b160-0526aaeca637	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:39:35	28.976
-127	4479	447900	741fc8bc-743a-4a10-bf45-d9dd8ab16e90	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:50:50	-421.696
-127	8958	447900	9ca4e250-a71b-4e1c-ba9d-da84d44c1b1d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:46:15	-456.628
-0	4480	448000	98152e39-6921-4222-ba97-782fc7095419	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:37:11	-409.122
-0	8960	448000	5bd2b9db-56d4-448b-a876-6ddca6aefdf8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:21:28	109.399
-1	4481	448100	b399ea0f-1eb5-49c8-9fd9-9c29169bd275	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:19:42	488.712
-1	8962	448100	29a63dd9-b1aa-459c-9f3b-d01a0ad56bcd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:50:49	326.870
-2	4482	448200	1871707c-71d0-41b2-ad1f-8049bcebab4c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:18:30	118.20
-2	8964	448200	ee0ba51c-01e7-44a9-9ec9-fa704b0047fb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:15:04	721.138
-3	4483	448300	5efceb10-6643-4326-bd43-0d0986961f31	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:26:38	859.498
-3	8966	448300	a57eafee-90cc-4e76-ba37-43e7ccbe7713	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:33:41	-570.982
-4	4484	448400	e2612d91-fb9b-4700-be98-1b3aa408617a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:53:53	216.123
-4	8968	448400	7403a81d-3f77-487c-939a-a986581c2f8e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:10:43	604.23
-5	4485	448500	5e5255de-dea7-4b58-822e-f1d44e188841	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:08:27	-293.556
-5	8970	448500	a713c755-fd4d-4837-9f10-8ed6bfc10b2f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:18:22	-490.998
-6	4486	448600	a76fa009-14d9-4fe3-bea6-99e049d0f23c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:59:23	247.924
-6	8972	448600	767a60bc-8d78-456a-94e9-0c45de9ef23e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:42:27	152.644
-7	4487	448700	e1bca90b-166c-4994-a11e-8b8361163734	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:49:45	-415.941
-7	8974	448700	662b58d6-8525-4dd9-b885-670f8ea03f34	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:35:58	-208.172
-8	4488	448800	51e3606d-61a0-47ec-8f1e-a1c642fc6136	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:54:35	165.958
-8	8976	448800	91a56519-44f7-4356-a36f-1e636b4f0ca4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:29:39	-795.503
-9	4489	448900	ea13c8f1-6cba-4b9f-8775-f7891417146c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:12:05	-707.592
-9	8978	448900	64b51467-576a-4dfb-98e3-cb09d3406269	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:47:58	-992.816
-10	4490	449000	dfa17815-e112-4bd7-9bd7-7efcb3ef78fa	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:37:24	-375.968
-10	8980	449000	bda0bf17-679e-4019-86e8-5fa0b8cda4d0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:09:50	-614.147
-11	4491	449100	044996e6-9642-4a90-9ab1-02b7433652fa	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:07:18	629.736
-11	8982	449100	5cdd756c-fa03-49d0-b718-984007838e98	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:34:58	-613.346
-12	4492	449200	263c663b-0712-49cb-a027-0804639ef69e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:12:34	-165.520
-12	8984	449200	15cc19b6-9970-4a8c-88e2-c5e03c579692	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:03:05	921.116
-13	4493	449300	6ee1f9a7-af3a-4225-a3f6-c47dc7447212	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:07:30	-104.988
-13	8986	449300	f637c618-c1a5-4a62-9177-baa21617291a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:37:52	821.809
-14	4494	449400	ec371ff2-8a06-4419-be74-39cf22457eec	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:40:57	-920.927
-14	8988	449400	cc54fff8-ec97-4169-88c5-f5a5ee1bf425	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:09:54	731.940
-15	4495	449500	f2285fa9-fd26-42cc-ae50-ddbd109dad55	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:35:03	-25.548
-15	8990	449500	7ca607aa-d091-4b3e-9188-760d87e436f2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:42:40	489.930
-16	4496	449600	85bcc93a-ec21-43da-8854-e17283b481f4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:44:44	-85.446
-16	8992	449600	90b46881-c912-4c69-8254-3396c5878c96	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:08:28	48.834
-17	4497	449700	6f5d83be-efc6-4c3a-b7be-6948898476e6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:34:33	-180.207
-17	8994	449700	d75ccfbd-a378-480a-a52e-467039d34f3e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:27:00	11.362
-18	4498	449800	967fc70c-d87e-4315-aeb4-7969019c38bc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:43:21	64.179
-18	8996	449800	f52b0949-84c9-435c-8628-32c7eaf66cd4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:54:52	59.181
-19	4499	449900	20d75678-806f-489c-b71c-b486b25f0605	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:30:16	-620.131
-19	8998	449900	f3623912-db98-42df-b345-ac5ab3a30777	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:31:31	-617.596
-20	4500	450000	bcd74f81-8c6d-40ea-bb94-4af427c72d56	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:55:56	672.898
-20	9000	450000	75064136-a1dd-4b10-b0ae-83dde5c6410b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:21:23	-491.236
-21	4501	450100	31c0db70-4e25-4b7d-b2a1-dfaa4ad9c1ff	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:13:59	-256.696
-21	9002	450100	2b9e2215-b9ef-4c2e-8b8b-c177e282e61c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:24:24	149.414
-22	4502	450200	619db43d-6c41-4874-b6e9-853976d15df6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:20:13	-166.158
-22	9004	450200	fafdb774-21d3-4496-b85b-f4fed7307f55	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:34:16	273.657
-23	4503	450300	4a589ff0-fd93-4309-adfc-d793d6152ab6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:05:16	-155.389
-23	9006	450300	b558fb1b-1d3e-4a39-8338-33906de978e5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:51:55	-176.767
-24	4504	450400	439789e4-ded4-4f52-8eec-217813668095	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:08:50	-857.446
-24	9008	450400	6c7e8d02-4ef7-4b39-a555-e3646a89a7a2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:01:58	-256.732
-25	4505	450500	0e647d7c-453e-4812-9001-a7199bca2280	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:33:19	663.921
-25	9010	450500	8834bc4d-44aa-4669-81c7-29525dee70b4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:17:44	-857.314
-26	4506	450600	4e9f1d2c-babe-4640-9352-307a1aa6b97a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:34:35	176.614
-26	9012	450600	1e964232-c4eb-4b72-8ddb-dd447f2d7ccb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:12:00	876.32
-27	4507	450700	b88f9cb6-bc4e-465d-a080-1111c43f86f7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:33:30	587.683
-27	9014	450700	340013d1-a31b-4249-ae0c-f57379f9e949	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:59:24	-923.410
-28	4508	450800	49dd9c3b-aaa1-48af-86e6-31348b403765	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:35:16	-106.538
-28	9016	450800	9024644e-8f3b-4402-b189-185fa30f69aa	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:10:39	-493.290
-29	4509	450900	85bd2106-5b03-49d8-b195-41f1a54b7df4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:39:13	-305.855
-29	9018	450900	08bc4f6c-8ae7-4110-a949-570d3d1844c1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:32:47	-348.868
-30	4510	451000	d1a6a6be-e6d2-4bf5-8b3d-fbb2e24b4ef2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:15:28	-126.980
-30	9020	451000	ecde8b1a-1473-4680-b872-fe09da330611	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:27:29	252.569
-31	4511	451100	b0c545f3-df9d-497e-bef7-dda8725a64ff	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:11:11	-661.196
-31	9022	451100	2a19cc79-ec6f-4cb5-94d8-6288eb4fef43	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:33:34	-642.452
-32	4512	451200	f930c0fa-8a3c-4644-89ce-5886e80721bb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:09:45	-606.615
-32	9024	451200	7bda2f39-d2db-44b2-9723-5d6653ba2354	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:48:40	568.785
-33	4513	451300	88ea2e5d-0b5d-40d7-b38c-1d68201decf0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:27:11	-838.576
-33	9026	451300	070515f8-9762-4ca8-98aa-c42f84aaaefb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:30:31	442.602
-34	4514	451400	bc2a5b40-cf72-460c-b8d8-784ddb9ff823	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:33:08	-931.111
-34	9028	451400	708f78db-b558-4a78-a06c-e2c541d7cc04	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:24:35	883.199
-35	4515	451500	1d55a7b4-36be-4cce-b617-ebdf0558c635	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:56:42	-575.921
-35	9030	451500	485fcb28-ad21-4e39-91ef-5260fda7030e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:06:30	914.343
-36	4516	451600	92b5df57-0356-4716-a74b-53ad84d91967	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:47:26	-237.571
-36	9032	451600	31191917-282d-42c2-8cc7-dcd10b1526f4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:30:20	-46.875
-37	4517	451700	fb487392-5376-4b1d-a841-02dc9209850d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:06:00	621.839
-37	9034	451700	7b94cb9f-baa1-41a0-9f5c-e60d051482a2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:19:07	458.608
-38	4518	451800	ee885f02-fb8e-4af1-a90b-6f538a78ad66	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:39:08	175.272
-38	9036	451800	6542d10a-885a-491c-ac15-49c49e352405	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:46:37	-881.691
-39	4519	451900	52e13a94-f23a-449c-9705-9245c4016c26	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:48:52	-404.624
-39	9038	451900	4df87de9-a93f-4f5f-9895-e6b9e80762ac	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:58:16	-846.448
-40	4520	452000	33ffb8ce-e4e9-40c9-97a7-4e5e8ef2e47e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:29:44	-194.321
-40	9040	452000	f7d84b41-b5ce-403f-92c4-a9d29d41a4a6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:45:47	-575.298
-41	4521	452100	c46b0295-1dff-4d85-a3bc-47577c6b12dd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:14:06	581.221
-41	9042	452100	67351519-ecb7-4187-a2f4-61c7735e326d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:37:36	-194.417
-42	4522	452200	4b942589-fdd6-409a-ba50-e671b0876e15	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:51:52	-361.640
-42	9044	452200	434e9633-7a20-435a-a632-a07bc610c622	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:30:59	883.641
-43	4523	452300	a8121590-92f6-4818-93f2-9700fe0e1361	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:39:36	-389.593
-43	9046	452300	ff95e274-c854-449c-8141-430bc25488b6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:08:52	493.748
-44	4524	452400	2e9a2ba3-8c5e-4d17-bb93-79484b4bffa9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:16:19	599.759
-44	9048	452400	4bd167e9-b21c-4826-981b-f2094ca9dc9d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:08:08	719.943
-45	4525	452500	2303c844-a6c1-4388-897b-5a7cf2bbb2b4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:17:35	-944.320
-45	9050	452500	35b55d83-0ea1-40b9-b081-5ddfe9134b12	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:39:23	602.967
-46	4526	452600	ee32538f-76ec-4b3f-b467-2182ed942cf3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:51:13	790.191
-46	9052	452600	ad5c3480-637a-4c00-abc5-2ad2d185f10a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:44:11	87.771
-47	4527	452700	30afc0ae-7c9c-47e3-a452-034766ac844f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:21:08	545.983
-47	9054	452700	8f156226-f38f-4e3f-b1f3-678b00599840	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:00:05	796.770
-48	4528	452800	dce525b6-017c-4704-bc3c-d6f405a191e7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:49:53	-127.282
-48	9056	452800	2adb0364-d6e0-481a-a057-b80999b99926	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:11:17	839.727
-49	4529	452900	b3a467ac-166c-4624-a0ea-4999fd7da946	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:43:37	208.691
-49	9058	452900	69c7f80f-eef1-4c25-96f9-22f77a6b8250	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:09:20	120.896
-50	4530	453000	61a8c4b9-8624-4932-bc86-dd870ccf302c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:14:23	-882.727
-50	9060	453000	c6d53644-66b6-46e4-a007-ab6095eb024d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:28:06	-589.842
-51	4531	453100	97be67b0-aa8e-4069-9dc8-98c8c667bf17	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:00:45	-296.67
-51	9062	453100	3532431b-67ed-49d7-be11-6207d050e0ff	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:31:50	-856.886
-52	4532	453200	56fb0263-2631-4af9-8559-0f2b611147f9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:58:58	945.121
-52	9064	453200	3ee8b13e-bfb2-4373-9570-60304bfa40d8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:55:59	-698.668
-53	4533	453300	9b1ce995-944b-4451-b77a-83c612572a1d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:35:15	-613.689
-53	9066	453300	f0d16d0b-17bd-42d4-aedb-da54480eca31	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:07:41	565.37
-54	4534	453400	a350f194-b250-4c7c-887b-851bccba4480	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:26:20	138.818
-54	9068	453400	42965c16-1451-41e4-bbb6-f97924845bd5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:06:00	-38.628
-55	4535	453500	90afdb12-e0f1-4968-9625-2d8488bd3d7e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:28:07	527.401
-55	9070	453500	de277a2f-eb92-4bd0-a8c0-5f1d8b7bd244	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:09:26	698.623
-56	4536	453600	5dee7282-63cb-48c7-a326-e4861a6a0b29	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:40:24	-954.149
-56	9072	453600	fc048776-5c4c-4fe4-8860-131bf497d062	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:19:48	-657.32
-57	4537	453700	fc763ede-e0f9-4fb9-98b0-447294865f4f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:54:54	-669.692
-57	9074	453700	1e402d55-4d6a-4869-bb9a-80c3917720cf	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:20:07	34.490
-58	4538	453800	e98b5240-9da8-487f-a906-daef41729673	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:50:28	-822.630
-58	9076	453800	677eafcb-32f5-4ef8-9564-d2ae7ce858a7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:11:24	16.307
-59	4539	453900	b7528484-9a31-4b63-b984-317dbeb8420c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:46:22	-94.165
-59	9078	453900	d357670d-cb27-48f5-af8f-20263c7e965c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:44:46	-472.921
-60	4540	454000	d124ff4a-83ee-4237-9db6-8c73001d03a0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:20:43	727.535
-60	9080	454000	49f1a680-5069-4bb2-87e9-5423c466087b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:34:17	-953.950
-61	4541	454100	4496cab9-ee9a-4ae8-8762-2d74b67d0c75	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:22:20	841.976
-61	9082	454100	c79fa579-431f-43cf-8013-014deab0b8c8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:29:25	-950.68
-62	4542	454200	5b017314-b6ad-41cd-915f-7542dea60886	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:02:38	529.126
-62	9084	454200	bf522137-d4bc-42a8-8437-5f11c3012655	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:46:02	-264.949
-63	4543	454300	44a5dba2-6bc8-4b3f-94a7-790e77b27c1d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:02:27	-104.548
-63	9086	454300	69c439f0-c8e0-4e79-8300-9c86180bbe30	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:30:40	-797.134
-64	4544	454400	698ec56a-524a-4739-9864-335b7cd667e8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:02:12	439.877
-64	9088	454400	52864e94-4b6b-4969-acdf-e0896eac894a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:27:23	375.362
-65	4545	454500	276768c8-449e-41f0-bf15-8461507af947	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:05:13	141.487
-65	9090	454500	29b2bc31-163c-49ca-a15f-249f6dc71968	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:25:41	788.425
-66	4546	454600	cd76b667-a1e9-4abc-beee-4c6184af7a03	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:47:55	258.787
-66	9092	454600	aacaf97d-b25a-49a9-8559-c881ca0f366a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:50:37	-903.314
-67	4547	454700	2165ad8d-a3e2-4306-91d4-c630727901d1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:38:05	139.799
-67	9094	454700	43b75303-dae3-46fe-9d11-d50b35b54ccb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:58:49	927.326
-68	4548	454800	b2c23603-a23a-48c0-a6f2-ee7f388a40cb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:09:43	312.142
-68	9096	454800	548def25-5e8f-4619-8f3f-9588bb6b18b5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:13:59	178.984
-69	4549	454900	5839b002-e694-4fd1-b570-8a8946bac80c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:14:54	-259.217
-69	9098	454900	2c1b5d54-f8cc-4230-b042-5476a36b699c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:34:43	-833.759
-70	4550	455000	4d84523b-742b-440e-a68f-8f908e248d0a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:36:47	258.310
-70	9100	455000	c3e8bebe-d325-436a-a329-1e6e0e889512	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:26:48	-130.426
-71	4551	455100	8f54edab-27e4-4727-a922-e6cf096a0ce7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:07:53	-969.14
-71	9102	455100	0b879699-b237-42fb-a959-5f11831c73a2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:46:32	-102.495
-72	4552	455200	1a86b868-288d-4fff-b86d-e494e9dad966	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:27:03	-221.926
-72	9104	455200	c669a680-e766-4925-8f0b-60f30a87fcd7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:31:12	-683.447
-73	4553	455300	b29379f9-2d3c-435d-836d-529250fe5865	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:31:08	-675.636
-73	9106	455300	981dc0a2-72b6-45df-9b87-066199abe44f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:15:29	211.398
-74	4554	455400	f59c9912-f16e-483d-a445-b3d20cf8127b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:04:58	-990.532
-74	9108	455400	a2341675-5499-49c6-a24e-9d8454934bbb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:59:06	-692.617
-75	4555	455500	17794f88-715a-4665-9769-0e214105ba93	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:46:24	-163.138
-75	9110	455500	2cbb70f8-2778-4b85-99fa-668b63c6df66	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:24:11	904.111
-76	4556	455600	b91292eb-b9c7-4075-a205-0784ebb03fc0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:00:22	386.559
-76	9112	455600	d469fc0f-3446-47a7-88eb-c3e0a7f42dad	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:51:43	-91.521
-77	4557	455700	c5832b90-60cf-40e7-bc83-f674f844031d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:25:31	279.581
-77	9114	455700	11aba6cf-1df0-4e0a-bbb9-72ec1f5584ab	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:50:48	-576.77
-78	4558	455800	54153fdc-180f-45f9-a486-82f546e97b46	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:49:05	638.91
-78	9116	455800	be3a8c61-495a-404a-930e-27ec3f2fab1e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:48:09	-414.181
-79	4559	455900	1f1a0379-4626-455f-a5e9-e475bbe32636	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:25:58	-317.722
-79	9118	455900	8324dc64-6887-448d-8559-6b279f627ff1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:11:25	-633.37
-80	4560	456000	eb9b9f33-77ef-4d69-8972-c8b439f178a9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:01:46	490.216
-80	9120	456000	b0f53a1b-f326-481e-963c-29c48613089c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:35:04	-919.998
-81	4561	456100	36df293a-a896-4f99-b820-259e63ea696f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:46:53	-615.706
-81	9122	456100	228e122f-9332-4354-86e8-22d1e9129cc3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:18:54	750.104
-82	4562	456200	278c8d59-b3f9-4d2d-af09-d950e2ea9854	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:55:21	-839.10
-82	9124	456200	25f2a8fd-9970-4bd3-99b9-fcf61df75dee	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:15:45	989.873
-83	4563	456300	de12e0aa-58fd-4aa6-a770-3e7c6ce8b56e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:23:32	528.265
-83	9126	456300	4a2795dc-ce9d-4323-b9d9-317611c7f182	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:39:17	-16.632
-84	4564	456400	39b7bb36-9409-4507-8c88-2d54624a033c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:07:40	725.864
-84	9128	456400	122b2851-d010-4c9b-827c-ddf14bc0de41	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:15:37	-387.681
-85	4565	456500	19ba122b-c925-4a40-a2bc-024cf115db57	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:11:17	927.588
-85	9130	456500	ff2fec15-5d85-401e-8779-6a8eb3220eb3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:29:41	-286.599
-86	4566	456600	3c4163be-45f7-4c7f-914b-9619310b3c27	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:59:32	178.959
-86	9132	456600	5e5f172a-720f-49a3-9eee-b986f7ac6563	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:18:58	642.125
-87	4567	456700	1a86502a-fd22-4127-9a4c-ee4933f7eb19	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:57:34	-879.915
-87	9134	456700	57588f88-fef0-4675-8835-8e937abbaa90	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:57:58	991.553
-88	4568	456800	ccd8cac9-a45f-4e13-8aff-c41a212f2ff0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:50:21	485.27
-88	9136	456800	acd5de15-c68d-45dd-94b4-57f3881b81a3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:17:12	-929.92
-89	4569	456900	68d0c8b1-817a-4788-ad92-d8ee3821929e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:13:34	136.835
-89	9138	456900	bdf08658-f6b1-4826-9868-faf9dd78b69b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:39:31	841.496
-90	4570	457000	942d6ece-cb87-4002-a5af-89690235fb17	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:54:11	798.127
-90	9140	457000	3e38e1ef-017b-460c-a978-065e47d6e846	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:06:58	566.23
-91	4571	457100	388eac09-c922-4159-8796-bbed577a552d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:30:34	670.619
-91	9142	457100	9f586802-3eda-4405-8b8d-5fa622dee95e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:14:50	971.487
-92	4572	457200	26029d8e-4aac-4342-9870-cd4fb1de9572	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:41:38	-791.216
-92	9144	457200	0ab28e4d-e872-43a8-8e7e-7cc53803fe13	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:46:44	446.832
-93	4573	457300	879a0d95-c2af-4409-9609-c06a6541898c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:59:44	-500.155
-93	9146	457300	f66218ac-8cf2-44c8-b9e0-3edb4ae8c993	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:24:18	778.674
-94	4574	457400	cef1785a-bdaf-486f-8ebe-113cdf3bf0f3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:44:47	-299.623
-94	9148	457400	2a3ba0de-23c8-4147-a05f-9e714ad3edc9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:36:09	804.389
-95	4575	457500	6fd1a4f9-1c62-40d2-af29-5d42d8a38465	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:33:55	-835.41
-95	9150	457500	b4a3fbb9-2827-4208-9e13-968d8cc7400f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:22:04	935.16
-96	4576	457600	3e855ebf-2c2e-4092-a57e-a7762dfd243f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:28:49	913.275
-96	9152	457600	a63a037b-8e42-4d2c-b1e3-04469ed66cce	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:17:00	-539.848
-97	4577	457700	304e4823-a19f-4a9d-847d-674a4173606e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:16:59	822.392
-97	9154	457700	72600f03-cf04-4e1e-b996-81b025bdd3b4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:33:57	344.98
-98	4578	457800	288a35f7-93af-48d7-914e-18f16165b76b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:16:57	682.292
-98	9156	457800	4aab3201-1b0e-455f-9706-2c276ae7b210	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:20:16	301.651
-99	4579	457900	1758780a-c8f6-4cf0-a79b-68929d528fff	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:01:53	927.780
-99	9158	457900	ed9003df-5ed2-4e20-9fb4-138fec907e58	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:13:50	315.354
-100	4580	458000	470c0cdf-dfb0-4141-a59c-cb0832b1293a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:03:17	-33.95
-100	9160	458000	6d062042-83a8-4586-9e60-43b9368acbcf	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:57:04	279.269
-101	4581	458100	400c4fb2-1b61-4e82-960d-19e18165750b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:29:11	416.169
-101	9162	458100	fb7bc78c-e8ac-4a8e-92d1-9370cb5e90c1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:19:51	-653.773
-102	4582	458200	20e99f4a-1f82-4642-8c94-33dd6c437289	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:15:29	320.879
-102	9164	458200	9ac60313-ee4b-4b6c-a1c4-40fb401d30d3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:06:22	636.532
-103	4583	458300	19848193-e9f7-4f9c-bd9a-e6fb395b3703	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:32:23	-776.714
-103	9166	458300	ca3fbce4-0bcd-47b1-a3ac-82053700c2e3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:31:47	-977.122
-104	4584	458400	888fc067-a7ce-4c7b-b901-51bdd364a329	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:18:14	-909.84
-104	9168	458400	8aaefbcc-e1ff-4276-86b1-b82d42918f08	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:05:11	761.653
-105	4585	458500	4a5ae198-154f-4da9-ad5e-d8ad2afb0ac5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:15:50	897.689
-105	9170	458500	fc138bea-27e9-4042-a201-61d95efdd0ee	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:10:01	638.496
-106	4586	458600	c59961d7-ed77-4d3b-9b21-71b6f35d2c51	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:18:42	722.437
-106	9172	458600	bf262b2e-1cf1-4767-848a-34cd0e4ee986	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:43:22	373.196
-107	4587	458700	88a029ef-aed2-49ab-bb6d-10f48871dabd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:52:02	584.361
-107	9174	458700	f111a979-1d93-4b94-8f0c-6eb404117bf6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:25:01	-648.687
-108	4588	458800	4281ccf3-42df-4332-9aab-1c2c23ea95c5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:57:20	-877.726
-108	9176	458800	0fa9d958-6a97-4f14-b4f4-3a1c489bac98	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:46:16	-82.189
-109	4589	458900	f194b810-6025-4750-83fb-8e95c929d7be	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:05:07	-308.104
-109	9178	458900	e63106d8-ea08-4d40-b25d-45e8095537fc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:41:04	-868.933
-110	4590	459000	d56e03a9-e5ce-4748-8fe0-0bada507058b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:03:53	506.529
-110	9180	459000	c246968e-2773-40e9-bce5-67e9dfe5d7dc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:02:59	380.983
-111	4591	459100	ef01e29a-fc44-4b8d-aaef-458861d6b9cc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:23:07	957.755
-111	9182	459100	d2408f38-bccd-4efb-b311-a4e657ddaf4e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:31:33	-873.311
-112	4592	459200	49bba5aa-4e05-4971-bccd-45d96f9f571d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:12:21	570.680
-112	9184	459200	ad2d9b18-dbe9-425f-9048-5db73b44ab61	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:46:13	102.546
-113	4593	459300	64afaea7-370b-4e45-8fec-081fec7c9179	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:15:10	546.483
-113	9186	459300	933ef642-780a-463b-acb8-9e452ee6630b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:41:47	-305.529
-114	4594	459400	e7093c67-9951-45d7-8599-876fd179cf4d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:11:53	-217.986
-114	9188	459400	5145e258-2651-4dfe-88d6-b9a8d85defb7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:12:09	-260.475
-115	4595	459500	5ab22632-290b-4f08-b1c7-069bf6b70248	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:29:22	33.163
-115	9190	459500	03288206-17f6-4345-827e-0f4449daeb9c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:54:20	-513.516
-116	4596	459600	619f716b-1ada-4bda-9e29-ae2d679e6c38	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:54:35	314.924
-116	9192	459600	5366751e-8ec4-4608-8cb7-ea180c72d603	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:17:53	576.367
-117	4597	459700	d52fa17a-2ac3-4079-a8f9-850bb429ce1c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:38:40	124.634
-117	9194	459700	9bc70935-adb1-4081-b890-f80257697e3c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:18:50	-852.181
-118	4598	459800	14d7714e-cc49-48d2-93b1-6ba38f6fa15b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:04:36	-319.190
-118	9196	459800	012d035d-d189-4809-ae72-98346db52260	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:33:00	-135.196
-119	4599	459900	2f556cb8-1c6f-43be-a09a-78f87fd5bf54	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:56:12	578.14
-119	9198	459900	eb17d435-0724-45b2-962b-8c390f2a6926	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:25:17	-112.133
-120	4600	460000	09662614-2434-4635-b1fe-8843a9fe6180	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:05:09	544.717
-120	9200	460000	51f9a11e-beda-490c-96ea-f1bcf48db224	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:28:15	854.654
-121	4601	460100	013bda42-a704-4dde-b22f-a3f8a133309e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:06:22	233.56
-121	9202	460100	062564db-499b-4fb7-ab25-3a205963547a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:00:18	587.700
-122	4602	460200	8ee150de-1eb7-4b99-85b9-62c0b7bc732e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:14:49	-149.385
-122	9204	460200	c4e34979-28a2-40dd-80b9-8d9ae904bc23	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:11:43	631.64
-123	4603	460300	ae295564-ea37-40d0-ae0f-28d54412976d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:55:53	-418.599
-123	9206	460300	c99bcda0-4fa8-4be6-a0f8-1b68cc576410	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:09:39	718.136
-124	4604	460400	5d674367-2bc0-44a6-92e7-1293fd86be2d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:08:12	-243.989
-124	9208	460400	0b54a15e-d30c-4b88-9a53-2b1300005042	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:19:17	758.512
-125	4605	460500	50e3ba1b-2c28-4af8-b64b-bf37671b957a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:34:06	780.787
-125	9210	460500	656b70fa-3004-48b1-b5e6-d6786ca95b07	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:33:48	340.602
-126	4606	460600	9f9ad94d-6c76-4821-89ad-7e95a035ea0e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:39:33	745.22
-126	9212	460600	265fe4ea-e81a-4136-a9ac-ee9213d7cb24	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:02:02	742.111
-127	4607	460700	a8e8b5f9-a577-4843-a10f-9a73554c5f0e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:51:53	79.728
-127	9214	460700	f874adc4-0ec4-4b1a-afce-1846262d08e1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:32:41	10.789
-0	4608	460800	7f459bac-c691-4d96-b040-2c714ff3032c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:44:15	-78.148
-0	9216	460800	8e4c0ade-ebdb-469b-99c8-d14695f90091	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:30:23	-524.366
-1	4609	460900	49859d99-cc09-4837-9911-c9fedd544a17	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:34:28	711.271
-1	9218	460900	c2175945-7a38-4317-862e-2b1c5062b9b0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:04:55	277.450
-2	4610	461000	2562b8f8-5358-4376-88ea-8f7bf712190b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:07:57	-377.141
-2	9220	461000	0b0a0a22-f404-4834-8abf-450fae07874d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:43:50	604.214
-3	4611	461100	c6603b68-233c-4012-86f7-6027526b40b8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:44:18	35.245
-3	9222	461100	b66611e2-a0bc-4967-9200-f957f67c15f3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:21:20	239.745
-4	4612	461200	eafc29ad-6e14-41ef-ab25-a6d121f64954	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:48:26	-68.521
-4	9224	461200	7ebcda9f-8fd5-4331-a30a-5dd2cde73c9d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:43:59	741.395
-5	4613	461300	e4c2e567-dac2-4578-a6b8-138d6bd95978	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:24:27	-714.217
-5	9226	461300	1588dfbf-1afb-4dbe-9df5-931e336690c8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:55:38	-220.352
-6	4614	461400	7c84f4f6-9d3c-4e08-98fa-4b9eeff6ae85	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:24:18	-606.10
-6	9228	461400	f753d20c-a5cd-4511-a120-dc9e1887e6dd	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:48:03	623.701
-7	4615	461500	2203ed7b-22b0-4933-a2ac-1f8cb0b423a8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:38:03	-540.1
-7	9230	461500	c9138e81-0a60-4825-b177-bed00b9d5e5e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:04:34	-497.925
-8	4616	461600	2525815b-16a8-4640-9956-438392d1ac5c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:17:18	443.30
-8	9232	461600	c78aa9be-15eb-4b6a-a233-2f1405338ff8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:11:29	864.955
-9	4617	461700	3990d9c6-7509-48c2-b248-7bf47c425e8b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:21:18	-708.130
-9	9234	461700	18e4cc5b-b758-438d-b29e-b2fbc8a8e5a2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:35:46	-665.235
-10	4618	461800	dd5ff54d-e533-47ee-b8b7-e056b4a2f807	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:54:48	943.620
-10	9236	461800	ec87300b-4ad6-4740-bdf0-f62c9f2a8017	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:54:43	-802.472
-11	4619	461900	c6c810ef-4b49-4b1f-b850-975a5d48a84a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:28:02	417.332
-11	9238	461900	da327d70-091b-4581-9533-b45d79193c94	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:26:48	-611.230
-12	4620	462000	29accacb-8af1-4c36-879b-558ec68b553f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:35:57	363.901
-12	9240	462000	06faca71-1c5f-42c4-a5e0-ad7e0ea0afdd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:37:26	417.391
-13	4621	462100	142f9fb0-e7d1-42b8-aa60-21296cd14d5c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:01:57	175.258
-13	9242	462100	fdbd6e2c-74c2-4cd9-ad82-a6510e34c6d5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:04:34	-837.87
-14	4622	462200	b3f109b3-071b-4e1c-b7e4-1d6bc1d431e6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:09:59	770.969
-14	9244	462200	f22c3606-08f7-451f-b377-82491f351380	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:15:48	730.158
-15	4623	462300	4364f7f8-7b4d-490f-a596-699250031fa8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:00:53	-458.193
-15	9246	462300	b5f6b737-577a-4e29-b881-a9a73a4d5ed9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:54:38	-408.854
-16	4624	462400	0603f959-9d19-44fa-8169-a335100d2ed8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:14:26	465.818
-16	9248	462400	de07e583-6a04-4168-a1f3-0dac6851e5a1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:54:22	-144.747
-17	4625	462500	6cb659f4-1cc9-429a-b319-ae5fd9c9d482	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:58:05	766.496
-17	9250	462500	407ffb28-b14a-4af0-a58a-2a580eec2776	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:59:35	-466.694
-18	4626	462600	a08b3cda-950d-4de5-89bf-83a0b2391e1b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:32:24	300.666
-18	9252	462600	e2bcc237-7741-43de-8b06-8f330780ef71	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:22:19	-420.595
-19	4627	462700	42cbb3fd-5e2d-4e98-a38c-8bce91048797	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:17:42	-975.35
-19	9254	462700	e1f483fa-d4ef-4bb4-9f61-d7ccd2779efa	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:42:19	397.258
-20	4628	462800	c14f2525-ce70-4f34-88e6-ebf68793168d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:41:45	126.47
-20	9256	462800	75ba59c4-eb9d-4588-ab4c-c26055067e69	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:11:23	381.784
-21	4629	462900	4b4d1e3e-4c5a-4788-a32d-dc8ab83be014	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:52:08	756.239
-21	9258	462900	2989c5e9-200e-4758-96a2-42295d4f8538	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:18:59	-589.417
-22	4630	463000	b06c8b74-4128-4da9-bc4a-1e1e8ab27419	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:15:24	-360.45
-22	9260	463000	62ad6ea5-bc90-4810-978c-ef0f2ffd4077	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:55:28	-827.303
-23	4631	463100	9d236734-fa74-4bfe-b961-69a6f6982113	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:50:58	53.213
-23	9262	463100	9a9c69b4-dbf2-43ae-9c22-e067dec298be	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:24:47	-768.460
-24	4632	463200	6975f622-2f19-4ec2-bc0b-842f795ccd6e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:31:23	930.215
-24	9264	463200	37e44d9c-f627-4c8e-b0c6-0b2f9aaa31e1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:48:46	626.159
-25	4633	463300	06592ff1-c0b7-4733-8e94-725fff158832	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:27:35	723.570
-25	9266	463300	83c1575e-5b6c-4d54-83d7-2f4075aa7883	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:13:01	248.11
-26	4634	463400	3b9629e2-2032-44ab-a1d1-a2a3588808af	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:12:44	536.451
-26	9268	463400	771cdd1e-e314-4ee5-a1be-6b29a7fa8ffa	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:27:25	356.621
-27	4635	463500	fa8b6410-8281-414c-8669-67942975644f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:56:49	700.137
-27	9270	463500	4a44d447-b0a3-4f3b-bfb3-bbeba78e9e70	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:42:09	-769.437
-28	4636	463600	3f3b4588-999b-4d8d-b197-939f5c2a4b35	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:16:58	-494.966
-28	9272	463600	0754124c-3f67-4c00-a9f5-9409aaa4c033	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:07:31	-502.952
-29	4637	463700	6dde7e80-1b47-48fd-a133-8fb2d10c4430	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:58:46	-206.291
-29	9274	463700	db717e31-0406-4a4b-af1b-fb02f5279e2b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:07:36	-377.631
-30	4638	463800	393a4ae0-5845-4638-a4d4-703be21109d6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:20:41	957.176
-30	9276	463800	b6ffe52d-d142-4e5b-be20-51725a8722ae	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:36:08	478.266
-31	4639	463900	203e6f2a-0a58-46e0-b1ab-7dc695de61ba	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:32:02	141.214
-31	9278	463900	4c6fed78-8331-41d3-b571-33c13252f8d3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:44:17	183.572
-32	4640	464000	cdd8ce8c-8faa-4a2d-afe2-3d423716e203	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:06:49	-42.17
-32	9280	464000	0528f11f-6c73-44b0-bfa6-d8ccc6e30331	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:40:53	-227.404
-33	4641	464100	5b765adf-abfc-4d8c-ba76-1f50d4630ccf	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:33:28	429.485
-33	9282	464100	57bec504-3c92-4a0d-ba42-f27501cdec16	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:23:53	187.989
-34	4642	464200	c33de9ab-a573-4daa-9a77-869e1fe28639	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:56:17	-456.568
-34	9284	464200	59531189-a907-4608-8fb6-e2d25734aa88	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:05:52	661.434
-35	4643	464300	98f451e6-1031-4de8-8bd6-5f3a9d231a45	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:35:56	728.834
-35	9286	464300	504982d7-0f41-459e-bead-260f969b1cd7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:45:38	-413.698
-36	4644	464400	6de574da-b122-4a14-b0cc-4c6920119ca0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:19:09	-935.905
-36	9288	464400	a5f5bbba-bd78-4829-9175-fab6ce6316da	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:00:13	333.335
-37	4645	464500	b323e20d-ea57-4ddb-b71b-d404fbcf3abe	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:12:44	80.430
-37	9290	464500	d44d608a-e902-41b0-b65e-b82d606b0688	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:25:31	-866.553
-38	4646	464600	91f2b2db-fbb7-42cd-9acc-f5cdfed4d015	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:58:41	228.910
-38	9292	464600	3a678d39-6bb7-4706-8fc6-8bfe8ede09ac	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:24:50	638.566
-39	4647	464700	be60411f-fef2-4ed6-9bcf-6653ada4d90a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:57:50	-786.228
-39	9294	464700	91eb01d5-4919-415d-b91f-926a70b8e6a7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:04:05	43.453
-40	4648	464800	d0261972-6643-4ded-b433-f224e747de2f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:57:14	966.414
-40	9296	464800	98b57a82-8f73-4e16-b32b-60675b14f4c5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:22:07	-306.824
-41	4649	464900	11aca2c4-b6b6-4bfa-bd41-428c5092a5e3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:42:02	899.533
-41	9298	464900	468c592e-f8d1-4401-9f4a-2985bd0a93b1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:29:15	128.42
-42	4650	465000	b7b6c833-c10d-4239-87f8-e19873d0c228	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:44:21	-147.128
-42	9300	465000	e82f0770-5c2f-4bd6-bd98-c68ead6ba1d3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:18:22	-357.4
-43	4651	465100	89212af8-fc60-4d6c-9a56-4fc553eed10a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:52:09	325.481
-43	9302	465100	0e3c956d-72ab-4b02-ba08-2b353ed2d06a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:39:02	-938.796
-44	4652	465200	a3591cd3-3f7a-4e0f-b3f8-3adbbb124097	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:24:40	-553.32
-44	9304	465200	9c307eea-9d2c-41e4-ac9d-d5736e660d3f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:17:00	327.177
-45	4653	465300	d67b6ba3-f964-4fa4-a9fa-94090a2ad357	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:52:21	-296.934
-45	9306	465300	5cd0accd-1544-4eb1-973c-0d6c5dc1d570	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:35:50	549.79
-46	4654	465400	1b9a526b-4827-48da-bf25-29057c8c92e8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:43:49	-927.66
-46	9308	465400	31da0378-b573-4b66-95a6-5e1dd207ce69	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:22:36	848.61
-47	4655	465500	6e441ffe-88b7-4fff-8b8c-d107d815081d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:21:22	-476.682
-47	9310	465500	37c3174e-3be8-4541-86e1-65658e9a91ec	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:14:50	54.460
-48	4656	465600	afab31ae-dc75-4622-8f87-db8689a332ca	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:18:37	-89.992
-48	9312	465600	dd252d73-6123-4ab4-a8e0-69378c793ca4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:41:59	967.951
-49	4657	465700	e72e87e5-bed2-4ff2-a9d7-69fe52f90a31	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:53:51	-773.556
-49	9314	465700	80c49165-8da7-407e-8d97-79dc7b5e1249	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:33:35	-541.379
-50	4658	465800	2b67e9ea-69b0-475b-8e35-92d3ead10b3c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:11:08	716.816
-50	9316	465800	6bec5820-9d6f-4f12-8788-420d215c3bb2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:11:39	446.218
-51	4659	465900	f09259ea-d2bf-45c7-93f6-95c7534526a1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:19:46	-68.210
-51	9318	465900	d5db74e6-0c37-4f64-9d05-2f8807068684	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:09:19	429.441
-52	4660	466000	de5271e2-17ce-42c7-906a-33d472d1ab10	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:15:04	-67.219
-52	9320	466000	c29d1ed3-a2a1-4e8e-944d-8fc7ae54ee40	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:48:43	302.282
-53	4661	466100	1a58adfc-125b-46e9-a55c-76623f0c8fe0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:29:56	-560.508
-53	9322	466100	ad8a70af-b872-4f40-bcbe-c28c995880fb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:57:14	582.324
-54	4662	466200	c9d3ea08-e66d-44ef-ba8f-3cde9d65143e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:44:05	-191.44
-54	9324	466200	1e2ca95b-4645-43e4-b041-8878716aa810	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:30:18	-818.283
-55	4663	466300	3be8cbdd-353d-4d50-b182-dbb55c140ad0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:50:47	935.990
-55	9326	466300	1b10788a-1128-4f2f-8a6e-fd67e5225169	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:56:11	248.687
-56	4664	466400	85a9d999-ed1a-444b-8ac6-15019bbc4cae	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:49:30	-785.695
-56	9328	466400	66e2d11f-b17e-4e2b-8cfd-45e6052bd517	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:11:59	164.653
-57	4665	466500	41a1b2df-5c0c-4c6e-a39d-112d3b91213e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:53:58	487.279
-57	9330	466500	0cc92ebb-1376-4205-872e-017ed5f9b827	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:53:14	-658.958
-58	4666	466600	d67743a4-992b-41df-acbf-718bed68eb30	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:16:37	873.834
-58	9332	466600	170a455e-b17c-4efa-a351-146de21ee042	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:23:48	-477.683
-59	4667	466700	2f43de61-4cec-4526-bdbf-17121feab379	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:24:36	904.992
-59	9334	466700	a709af18-b9ba-4826-843c-e1467f1eef61	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:49:53	-521.806
-60	4668	466800	4d50abd9-e132-461a-b93d-33c3ff741b85	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:01:28	-342.556
-60	9336	466800	011e4429-8540-46d8-95e7-bba89eb7feac	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:53:42	-250.506
-61	4669	466900	faf2e9cf-594a-4f73-8d5a-f12ad2662302	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:44:30	122.68
-61	9338	466900	f99ed5aa-d7ef-4685-aaa1-62271d64adc9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:46:48	-894.401
-62	4670	467000	42421229-4881-415d-bab7-9d5a4a847f16	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:41:50	569.218
-62	9340	467000	29adf94f-66d6-488d-bf50-5330b7b7a1e0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:32:29	-398.731
-63	4671	467100	a7cc731b-d2e3-4ec2-b132-4e32c2f05eda	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:31:29	46.327
-63	9342	467100	e7747110-0300-4bb2-8658-6b7a259439cd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:39:19	742.393
-64	4672	467200	d6f82e0f-9b50-400e-9ba9-2259ccd07ff9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:29:11	999.913
-64	9344	467200	6d01fe58-95c6-4e0d-a7e5-2f223d1a274b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:43:18	-306.75
-65	4673	467300	65bd7820-6741-43a6-9547-079a45e8a718	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:45:34	-200.889
-65	9346	467300	307aae1c-2835-4807-b29c-c7a6dd97e4f3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:41:55	-76.284
-66	4674	467400	0ed6befa-4d7a-4b45-87b6-1476ac832712	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:43:42	648.138
-66	9348	467400	307e84fe-4752-4813-9c8a-c489709a3720	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:44:29	669.125
-67	4675	467500	c7108079-2794-439e-8fd9-426a70a4e1c5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:32:09	-522.172
-67	9350	467500	5150799d-0af5-4d42-9316-527223fd64a0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:52:24	941.340
-68	4676	467600	c85e2182-1871-4870-895a-532d0bfa9dcc	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:41:28	88.792
-68	9352	467600	f3f765c7-9a8c-4580-8098-703e4aad6c62	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:17:40	-827.131
-69	4677	467700	47ebc864-cb37-42bb-88b6-49355030d7d7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:15:43	298.666
-69	9354	467700	96615b53-5c87-4b5e-b8e3-84c66a0bb375	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:52:48	356.109
-70	4678	467800	33909537-9dc5-43cc-b652-4158732d5896	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:19:14	-781.186
-70	9356	467800	8210c187-1862-4260-bee8-154ca51fc708	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:10:04	4.17
-71	4679	467900	79820ffb-f46d-4537-8f0c-a036dda62778	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:05:40	-710.378
-71	9358	467900	ec4ed226-f15c-4875-9b0a-5b6d909d7165	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:50:59	-781.136
-72	4680	468000	1a434abc-6961-4061-b4b5-93aa75a34aa3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:55:45	310.282
-72	9360	468000	ed61ef66-0dd4-4da9-aa69-03d04c746a73	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:07:12	376.647
-73	4681	468100	50815f41-3d7f-46b8-bc2e-0a8cab86127d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:50:59	-208.73
-73	9362	468100	251d2172-8e29-4d72-ba52-78cdf9130aea	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:16:00	554.866
-74	4682	468200	2ec2a82c-e230-43dd-a46e-0671fb73926a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:50:22	-552.306
-74	9364	468200	3d0a1da8-00ad-4bbd-a8c9-612cabe6a3a2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:58:44	-668.711
-75	4683	468300	02843149-02cd-4431-8fa4-07e73ebf8d24	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:55:23	-323.288
-75	9366	468300	02ca3537-1790-444e-beab-45c2d7b1d044	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:02:15	-552.414
-76	4684	468400	88c3a438-6fa6-4ca8-84c6-955dc932f6fb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:40:40	-304.296
-76	9368	468400	42b5b83e-74db-4de0-839a-20c0252e728a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:52:20	890.811
-77	4685	468500	41ead9f9-c290-4bae-934d-bdac1c38bd51	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:14:42	-55.527
-77	9370	468500	b871350f-a8fc-43a3-9d14-e77733e756e0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:34:11	573.521
-78	4686	468600	5b48297a-9de6-4f5f-bac6-7023706da81c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:05:02	-749.213
-78	9372	468600	7f3147e7-27d3-4062-a672-438ae2521ea8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:59:27	-982.964
-79	4687	468700	88892794-6b96-4c3e-bbe4-03471d528174	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:13:42	-240.406
-79	9374	468700	d9371d73-cb0e-46e3-9d7e-cccee1badd0c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:23:57	-812.775
-80	4688	468800	1e3fe46f-62c4-4d9d-89cd-d6654d07d0a0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:30:26	-983.924
-80	9376	468800	715355b9-09be-430f-9151-15a61f958b6e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:24:18	-497.875
-81	4689	468900	a4cf79de-d76c-433e-b56c-a9350731a5ff	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:33:20	-359.851
-81	9378	468900	781c4617-93c1-48e6-b99b-993aa8096904	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:00:07	382.429
-82	4690	469000	2572a046-1849-4bd3-8bc6-0b9483df6318	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:10:47	580.301
-82	9380	469000	30d2a57a-c052-4c3d-90e8-cd68154e89d6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:16:19	-524.575
-83	4691	469100	d01f3bd9-344f-4859-a462-65200c0bcfbc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:18:43	-443.858
-83	9382	469100	1acba77b-7f90-46c6-bda8-a9fd2f832c80	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:59:17	-818.270
-84	4692	469200	faf659ea-fa9a-4765-84be-442b0f61e090	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:12:31	280.448
-84	9384	469200	4f9cd4a7-a313-4436-b267-c379580716d2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:21:05	-840.268
-85	4693	469300	1b56a515-9a7d-4ceb-9a32-f94fc56ef1fa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:51:42	-105.861
-85	9386	469300	68c438fa-ee91-4455-97a9-441ab22be4b7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:59:49	-352.123
-86	4694	469400	8fabeedb-78fb-44f0-8679-4111e5179b59	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:23:19	-682.200
-86	9388	469400	11a26f62-0f8e-417f-a409-4bf7a0365f61	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:19:35	-412.400
-87	4695	469500	a5da38b3-921c-4d7e-baa2-9fb2e744b155	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:16:04	89.743
-87	9390	469500	abe39b1e-cfb9-47fd-bb9f-07c37212889f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:49:13	-755.902
-88	4696	469600	48e58f7a-62ca-4f1a-a848-09ab420a2ce8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:47:27	-987.872
-88	9392	469600	17157dba-9190-475a-ac37-0d0fa0b66147	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:29:50	-873.626
-89	4697	469700	f89c43da-b138-4ddd-9797-d79ab67750ff	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:57:02	689.215
-89	9394	469700	c2f9e57a-9422-4a39-816a-18783b295125	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:37:48	-566.599
-90	4698	469800	1f23ec0a-a42a-406e-8efe-263195fcc091	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:51:38	118.975
-90	9396	469800	c5a66720-59c8-4ca4-910b-062c2353019f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:54:50	367.714
-91	4699	469900	f6f664fb-6a1a-49e7-a113-8aea7eabec08	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:26:19	899.36
-91	9398	469900	c19d92fb-a02e-4cbc-85fd-9bc775601de9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:35:51	187.766
-92	4700	470000	5f34201d-511d-48c3-865e-21e381494552	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:32:35	-888.675
-92	9400	470000	2bb1f3fb-beca-4a2f-b94c-f9cf7a1ce564	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:14:35	-872.184
-93	4701	470100	fb806427-a26e-4ae9-bae9-0fe62c9b361b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:45:39	-979.714
-93	9402	470100	79ca916e-5db7-4056-b7f2-db687f9a8e94	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:15:57	-418.467
-94	4702	470200	9e985cfd-95ea-4be3-9e86-ff0cac91ec3f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:46:15	-323.177
-94	9404	470200	837297ab-ffab-4d5b-9ab0-55712dd038d7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:46:58	-576.467
-95	4703	470300	c892f6b7-a04f-4554-bf3e-7dc70926cf62	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:27:37	815.507
-95	9406	470300	9c0e50f5-514f-46e3-9f22-83ba59f3f1ce	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:19:05	495.418
-96	4704	470400	925854ca-83e1-4d16-996d-314895d780c7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:10:18	-62.501
-96	9408	470400	929fc166-3a83-4d1e-851c-ada0ca39ca72	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:21:08	706.734
-97	4705	470500	bee8f49c-7449-4b8b-b082-9bfd6c274bd3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:56:57	-677.616
-97	9410	470500	12d2cd9a-fd87-4ba4-ba14-088697f21740	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:51:31	982.348
-98	4706	470600	52d89a51-1e05-44f2-a69f-c22603c59747	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:06:15	333.255
-98	9412	470600	762741c6-3fe8-4448-a776-a53b4892f771	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:33:46	960.912
-99	4707	470700	7e1cd8f5-9022-4343-bc76-96144bdd0990	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:36:48	-887.653
-99	9414	470700	14bf0f61-1d4a-4f34-931a-8af11e5b204a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:04:32	170.418
-100	4708	470800	87cf5b51-5d05-4fbd-b772-a41439325570	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:49:39	698.842
-100	9416	470800	2931814e-f62b-48db-8c03-58962515f996	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:56:21	82.674
-101	4709	470900	8e76d3b1-13f6-46c5-8d2b-d0ab4d57539b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:44:37	550.853
-101	9418	470900	197314e6-fe10-4eea-bd2b-5f686f043030	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:24:34	-360.110
-102	4710	471000	7f949263-4817-40ff-a071-abc9ec14326a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:37:14	-681.853
-102	9420	471000	93d46f68-5609-40e2-a9a6-332a42a6486c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:14:59	-85.711
-103	4711	471100	856bef48-84b7-4681-93b2-fe70023a4b74	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:49:32	-712.169
-103	9422	471100	7b9b90ff-0739-4e95-a123-0e7980036807	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:35:12	-123.987
-104	4712	471200	e80a73e2-4197-4042-adbe-23b07f5b4b3b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:24:40	-531.178
-104	9424	471200	2d95c71d-9b4e-41ca-8a2e-f46282bed970	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:01:40	892.564
-105	4713	471300	51cf315d-cd59-417e-82b4-581edcd1286a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:50:53	804.753
-105	9426	471300	3e8aacb9-eedf-421d-9a13-f783e4099c02	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:20:34	-935.454
-106	4714	471400	fb3fa013-d603-46fb-8f5d-d3b2bc9ca049	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:05:00	-330.502
-106	9428	471400	ab60e6a3-5bc2-40ef-a0cd-954a0e4bab14	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:35:57	359.803
-107	4715	471500	97edfbfe-0159-42d1-894d-1186397a758f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:10:47	157.681
-107	9430	471500	0a1add07-c388-4ba9-9b5c-075186eeda2b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:56:13	-644.137
-108	4716	471600	3e31a2ef-1bf9-4985-b60c-05647ff1890e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:55:48	687.814
-108	9432	471600	23ff3359-3181-436d-91ab-641b4a907b33	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:56:18	-931.822
-109	4717	471700	8e64f891-5d83-409f-92d8-20eefd35edda	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:17:25	246.653
-109	9434	471700	2a9a7899-a720-4b71-ad10-3280e42aac46	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:10:53	660.591
-110	4718	471800	b49ac64b-3ca6-4ed0-94a9-7ec75470d8eb	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:26:19	-788.453
-110	9436	471800	92d47b35-e5d0-460f-af88-9c5485d8b6a4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:16:51	822.723
-111	4719	471900	07e0b8a2-2dce-4029-87e3-444881823f79	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:17:40	-143.567
-111	9438	471900	26bc3c2d-1c61-4af6-bad9-3260ccda3e8e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:42:15	27.479
-112	4720	472000	770a779b-de48-41c4-af36-8a287b1e0235	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:59:12	-583.650
-112	9440	472000	4a82bd18-3885-4956-a8c2-46151249a6b1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:17:15	-145.983
-113	4721	472100	f0b774cc-16d1-4db6-b784-3639f3167aea	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:49:27	868.852
-113	9442	472100	eda00f8b-70f2-492f-92b0-c569c04a74b8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:35:55	210.557
-114	4722	472200	4c7e70f9-be7f-457e-b911-d724b2bfd14e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:49:21	-798.961
-114	9444	472200	52b38e9a-baa2-42ef-9790-b84feaad8dbf	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:07:31	-189.733
-115	4723	472300	e21aada3-6c32-4876-9301-070fa5af9ef8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:16:04	523.413
-115	9446	472300	11afb49f-6075-4f29-866f-ae014e6aa1e4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:58:19	-264.668
-116	4724	472400	0ec995b0-b622-4d89-b1f0-048c082975c0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:27:20	-581.430
-116	9448	472400	cebc3ad7-730a-46cf-87b2-670a5c9767a5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:54:29	338.482
-117	4725	472500	43a491b4-354a-4ef7-8568-123cca6093ef	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:46:57	36.496
-117	9450	472500	392b8823-f8b0-4f01-92bf-be1bbe633c6e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:20:17	511.186
-118	4726	472600	35d520e2-faec-4f6d-bc36-39d78062cfb4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:56:18	320.506
-118	9452	472600	9c1c6d05-68be-4701-9197-e5d414d5c9da	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:21:38	-823.390
-119	4727	472700	6b85fdda-07bf-4c27-8f2b-746e87a42528	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:26:59	-123.599
-119	9454	472700	d7055c70-642d-4a6f-adff-932f3669b2eb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:41:01	472.852
-120	4728	472800	1f2d08b3-83d2-4f46-bc4e-476f972679b3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:50:02	749.283
-120	9456	472800	284aace8-e7fa-492a-b466-152016a2397c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:45:25	112.206
-121	4729	472900	82f21775-7d02-40e2-9480-ff19e69c5f1d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:01:28	839.737
-121	9458	472900	c233922a-c277-490b-9c2c-ab141787dab2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:06:08	-828.47
-122	4730	473000	ae2a66c5-0877-4876-bd25-2bd93fe06fba	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:42:57	-549.746
-122	9460	473000	20ff14c5-5847-495b-9d9d-5528c24f5665	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:08:51	-207.50
-123	4731	473100	2102d9ec-a4fc-4fb5-8f19-b25a55ec4a4a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:11:01	997.602
-123	9462	473100	c067da68-5257-4ded-8618-f57f11aa45fd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:21:29	40.425
-124	4732	473200	e3c71292-f230-4ade-b927-1ee5ef90ccae	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:13:09	628.791
-124	9464	473200	4b39528b-7e52-4b04-8fe7-3559c5241b02	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:39:54	133.704
-125	4733	473300	14e724c8-dd58-4646-8f6a-026dde4ee707	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:03:56	-229.926
-125	9466	473300	a38d6e40-1f6c-4942-a5b4-8fb6d39a033c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:07:28	-20.152
-126	4734	473400	2f33f063-f1fe-4996-9b60-2bedda4944de	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:03:05	542.761
-126	9468	473400	1512acee-7349-4ea5-9ee2-314e7c7401f1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:39:24	80.281
-127	4735	473500	6948efcc-ba5a-40b0-b049-acd5570bf430	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:54:38	300.542
-127	9470	473500	2c11f516-2350-4526-9227-7379bbc552ca	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:47:09	-211.875
-0	4736	473600	c58c92a5-f74e-44c1-8df8-64d6ed63d54b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:49:40	205.665
-0	9472	473600	e1a7bdf6-d3c9-4063-aec6-b29da11d023c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:05:24	-216.324
-1	4737	473700	ed126e31-0574-40d8-a1b2-ca8a3ae29c9e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:31:28	-988.181
-1	9474	473700	113efe54-1cbb-4924-93a5-4b577f8fb459	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:44:05	-125.689
-2	4738	473800	2522c741-ef14-4631-ade7-ed16c46b7854	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:45:23	293.860
-2	9476	473800	a5fc7ddb-084f-4e7a-a574-920438359138	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:05:01	254.465
-3	4739	473900	868a0273-96df-47e9-9667-1ba6693a8f55	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:08:05	278.771
-3	9478	473900	cad55826-ad11-41bb-9350-e8809ea3a9c9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:11:42	-539.911
-4	4740	474000	4698265d-78e8-4498-8648-de583eee724f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:51:36	709.340
-4	9480	474000	cdd9d78d-e81e-40ac-b55a-1411fe569ad5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:03:39	367.206
-5	4741	474100	3055a741-e2d8-4219-9191-db874b88b868	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:56:45	-510.561
-5	9482	474100	839fe7db-e5b1-4740-bd97-83e06aa5a534	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:34:34	-948.537
-6	4742	474200	6dc1abb3-cf62-400a-9147-8ca8fee8118a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:57:25	-594.58
-6	9484	474200	19cbe631-ef94-44af-b81b-05874035da5e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:49:26	2.695
-7	4743	474300	a429182a-15f4-4695-96af-4d7996350684	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:54:11	-848.201
-7	9486	474300	15eb82c1-280a-4140-80c0-5ec16fe46ceb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:40:42	-358.424
-8	4744	474400	0ecf7f94-6e17-4701-95d3-539ff8560e9b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:35:54	968.247
-8	9488	474400	fe7b580d-6769-48fc-a188-93108e320fa5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:02:42	-623.275
-9	4745	474500	24655885-1f1d-4ec1-8f64-8c7805d03292	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:09:41	158.339
-9	9490	474500	e8e3c5da-6f6d-4fac-9424-b9ee24e5acad	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:04:04	-142.217
-10	4746	474600	b391d63a-7064-4c85-879b-5cf8fda8f9e5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:18:22	392.950
-10	9492	474600	a839c505-8b87-4cb3-93be-7bcef5c4725c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:30:24	102.427
-11	4747	474700	aa33a893-8d80-4e93-a647-a8b68ad909e1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:03:58	681.343
-11	9494	474700	4b62c5cb-bdf1-4ce9-8994-9f7a2eb55ec8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:31:54	-671.470
-12	4748	474800	1246bfe0-808f-46a6-8290-b0c5ba4b2940	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:57:34	52.447
-12	9496	474800	d506c115-9238-4397-a736-5ed5d9cbd5b4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:04:41	-410.345
-13	4749	474900	7a9e43f6-c014-4179-96b5-cea5d5dad417	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:18:51	-481.129
-13	9498	474900	624fa081-e820-44d8-b917-3ab413dcf237	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:22:27	239.770
-14	4750	475000	32767391-aca0-4f29-b3d9-899459b60463	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:45:19	81.880
-14	9500	475000	ddb9c6a4-61e9-47fb-b756-b1c118ad5ccb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:30:26	567.222
-15	4751	475100	63632691-fb55-4a63-b725-2075b88b91cf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:47:23	-404.217
-15	9502	475100	95b3f163-7444-4170-b0b1-c24a656c6b44	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:48:07	-368.445
-16	4752	475200	01b7a379-c4d1-4edc-b2ba-c4ce9556281c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:14:47	-238.715
-16	9504	475200	c3d68010-f4d3-4cfd-a579-12b4ac0c69ce	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:21:12	-969.604
-17	4753	475300	7c351dba-7dfd-4888-99d5-0d61764e679b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:38:45	802.451
-17	9506	475300	8da9bc4d-8ff8-49cf-9638-da960cc700fd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:02:23	392.780
-18	4754	475400	08ab313b-473d-40f1-8404-d96284da8152	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:20:35	-385.623
-18	9508	475400	009d2e72-76fe-487c-b627-c19e08d03c3c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:14:42	-726.219
-19	4755	475500	129521db-1346-4105-ae24-72e2b2bac127	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:40:19	-686.224
-19	9510	475500	0136268a-7326-4de8-bf17-884be8221d6a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:18:41	498.864
-20	4756	475600	ae0cbeb8-7a4a-49df-95b2-4a605a34acce	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:20:43	814.472
-20	9512	475600	f86593dc-31ec-4497-bb74-c2948803fbe2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:15:42	-485.114
-21	4757	475700	a1040592-f2a3-4d55-b745-624abde220fc	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:40:43	-565.172
-21	9514	475700	fdfdc257-56a3-4377-b501-d890a47be49a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:09:34	461.252
-22	4758	475800	2e7a62b5-8ea5-4c09-a801-c46c70e6d868	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:40:46	69.338
-22	9516	475800	c853f4b3-7285-434f-b094-70a3fdfbe25b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:05:38	-21.233
-23	4759	475900	b55c6850-2768-4fd8-a7c2-1d869c55539f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:17:16	343.827
-23	9518	475900	194f0d75-7b44-4764-bbd1-f10fd2b843d4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:51:56	-457.838
-24	4760	476000	cbe47008-17ea-417b-a96a-5f25334fc810	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:08:49	984.945
-24	9520	476000	8af7eb28-fd51-494b-a73b-5831b2d98f4c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:53:28	-620.952
-25	4761	476100	c2a642e7-84f4-474e-8ca9-9dd2b7970b02	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:07:25	-459.440
-25	9522	476100	21d5680c-7766-411c-8987-d42cd6bc88cb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:30:26	339.671
-26	4762	476200	4fe91ead-bca4-42ed-b739-08f64bc9efe6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:41:33	132.576
-26	9524	476200	45a0ae8c-01f0-45a8-8752-b4f8a714c4be	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:33:05	593.996
-27	4763	476300	a84512c1-91c7-4e57-8756-41f4632b1031	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:48:24	106.853
-27	9526	476300	0895dc08-f7c7-4715-bd08-c75f2430894d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:05:44	-446.710
-28	4764	476400	4cc0a5c4-0878-4ec0-8a8a-2243f08b82e8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:35:15	645.246
-28	9528	476400	7de9ca74-0ec3-4a0b-8707-d6573af996b5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:29:38	509.923
-29	4765	476500	b98fd362-4cd0-4c0a-8d87-6e232cd8c464	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:12:53	-982.516
-29	9530	476500	476833a3-bfad-4bdb-9e46-32134475c6eb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:27:10	-565.91
-30	4766	476600	99b3a92b-a296-4ebb-b5de-b3ffbc9c357a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:06:19	225.423
-30	9532	476600	4d207b81-4847-44e5-babd-3a406cd03129	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:09:52	746.614
-31	4767	476700	70ff64a6-4e34-477c-a660-a0f002d21b7c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:32:50	-754.868
-31	9534	476700	657884ce-5c43-4e6a-b005-2a8da47ded59	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:25:42	519.479
-32	4768	476800	4b7da48a-7f83-4150-b1ba-3c21a627ad87	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:21:41	341.126
-32	9536	476800	9c9fecf6-20ec-4e6d-bbb5-8d9d89af67ba	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:44:06	34.734
-33	4769	476900	0b7896b6-da68-49fa-93d6-c6a47a5eb25d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:10:08	87.759
-33	9538	476900	7d71550c-fe92-491a-b8bf-046475092704	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:18:56	-684.879
-34	4770	477000	4562b09f-6e84-44ac-9703-a6f87dc6b1ab	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:54:41	-300.3
-34	9540	477000	bdf4d505-6ba8-4865-8aea-8ac98d82a964	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:18:17	734.102
-35	4771	477100	49bbc0cc-f601-47aa-a8ed-6604b12455fc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:30:18	161.108
-35	9542	477100	4f2dfb7f-25da-4a01-b76e-05cd7455f4c0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:52:34	-967.91
-36	4772	477200	5c3f5fc1-d365-47ca-af82-804d2937f9ff	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:39:26	532.588
-36	9544	477200	1c38b7e1-49e4-4ef8-bfb6-fab7b647ab11	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:14:48	-789.720
-37	4773	477300	80310a0c-0082-414c-b5d7-e9b64621985f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:02:38	306.391
-37	9546	477300	f6469670-428d-44ee-b676-ebd081ea0c88	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:03:16	-99.898
-38	4774	477400	92ab4290-338d-4e4b-b733-122c37091253	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:12:43	47.859
-38	9548	477400	de5aae44-62d1-4ec2-954e-d991a7f8593b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:10:13	827.99
-39	4775	477500	b8c0496b-0a9d-48b6-983b-91c6c32b88d9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:34:54	215.603
-39	9550	477500	9b94e0bd-4515-4aa4-afd2-3c4556a6b069	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:25:14	-409.455
-40	4776	477600	6e5a9880-57f7-40c1-9553-b2f75a0844d6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:59:26	-382.761
-40	9552	477600	2dad27f1-e873-4f4f-91d9-eb7299f882cf	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:48:09	-297.5
-41	4777	477700	d48bfd1e-4ff9-413a-9303-a22cbc85ac7b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:23:06	600.486
-41	9554	477700	05b6856c-5913-4f34-b50b-5d7d39b01c07	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:56:09	630.455
-42	4778	477800	349ed115-23d6-44be-b4c4-b08257c8abbc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:00:59	331.206
-42	9556	477800	e7724bbe-a17b-4237-af4a-f38efa4145d6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:40:16	-841.16
-43	4779	477900	0e9ed248-488f-42e4-867d-8ea4e645c52c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:26:47	-79.436
-43	9558	477900	a39029e0-f271-4a71-9dd4-2d9a9b510319	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:09:07	-774.403
-44	4780	478000	a71d3fba-5c1b-40dc-88fc-5ef1cb26cbbc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:37:25	228.778
-44	9560	478000	57b28aad-6394-4440-8920-e83454199c35	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:18:25	-658.9
-45	4781	478100	47f0239b-b81d-4103-9d7f-dfc8fc1618d2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:53:31	-638.924
-45	9562	478100	6318f3b3-3394-4c4f-9f84-aaab516f54cc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:47:59	-646.778
-46	4782	478200	f10c3edb-db6b-4c66-93e2-2a640f7edd77	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:53:31	163.509
-46	9564	478200	358f85ba-98e9-4dc1-bbb1-2f8e8ca51800	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:38:02	-548.830
-47	4783	478300	6f129bf2-a8b1-4c58-8010-da736a49fde0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:06:36	-569.813
-47	9566	478300	b0b7a405-5a5d-41c3-a9ef-46b3e9bef6db	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:09:54	-850.653
-48	4784	478400	6a338b73-82b4-4e58-90aa-b9d44eff4fbb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:18:58	-727.762
-48	9568	478400	99e7ec86-ba8f-49dd-904b-75c2d4c0dd42	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:08:20	-782.383
-49	4785	478500	1bfb7b0d-0d5f-4af6-81f5-b0b3b009f7fc	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:15:14	-121.370
-49	9570	478500	4301eccf-b657-4d07-95f9-6780b6113a5b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:21:49	249.207
-50	4786	478600	a6b743cd-5363-43e7-bedc-cf954d8ade28	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:28:37	551.33
-50	9572	478600	2b35529b-1023-4108-b399-9e146e722a50	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:19:51	972.380
-51	4787	478700	f2e9b7b5-3bf8-420c-83f6-265b8db2d30f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:10:02	433.123
-51	9574	478700	6501fedf-bccd-4a61-add5-4216e517a51c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:42:33	215.576
-52	4788	478800	a153b0ec-ee76-4606-88f6-f18712f211ef	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:25:56	-647.971
-52	9576	478800	b9f8ca0b-7814-40a1-9ec4-e543c1926f8c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:41:59	193.267
-53	4789	478900	938ed02a-2a23-4dc5-ae4b-b4b8a15ac5f6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:33:34	-189.711
-53	9578	478900	02bc4850-754b-4c55-8d38-93f1f34993ae	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:55:23	579.149
-54	4790	479000	edde75c8-afa4-4b32-94ab-48f843bb1086	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:34:42	-713.675
-54	9580	479000	f140e1e4-4a3e-464c-bc94-133c671aa368	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:29:44	607.77
-55	4791	479100	19221d0f-1d86-4b2d-a444-b448f3c47359	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:32:16	-914.439
-55	9582	479100	ba685a8e-eccb-4b50-9c19-8efee1499dd7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:08:39	759.103
-56	4792	479200	cb086fb4-c93d-4b82-b1f9-e424167ff4a5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:30:35	423.733
-56	9584	479200	5c082c2c-6278-4d43-8dc9-e05a10e6c5ed	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:50:29	442.39
-57	4793	479300	7a718ec6-a5da-4d6f-a44d-9d4bef36066a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:06:32	730.560
-57	9586	479300	60236b20-fe6d-4b88-b92d-289d043a10c2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:26:10	-845.724
-58	4794	479400	09000dca-938d-40e6-b758-3c41bf6f1a18	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:15:18	170.292
-58	9588	479400	e3672e56-c5bb-43fa-84d5-5ae4da4544c0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:07:51	-992.282
-59	4795	479500	823580ae-77b2-44bb-9200-ec0ddc269db1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:05:19	-862.537
-59	9590	479500	29dfa88c-c9e0-4fd1-a9d1-cabb70737c2f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:50:38	713.337
-60	4796	479600	e83ff753-fa4f-43ed-982e-2d564fabdb19	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:59:32	110.335
-60	9592	479600	5cd78e57-aad1-4c93-9725-5f5b12d3a3dd	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:14:22	-907.192
-61	4797	479700	34be70d9-f5c0-42f6-9e3e-49590571de4a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:55:01	181.548
-61	9594	479700	1139fcf9-3e29-4891-8fc8-eab742dc125e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:22:26	916.360
-62	4798	479800	881c357d-01b4-4e75-8f4d-ef306d609ed8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:10:25	425.23
-62	9596	479800	0f42b903-2682-4fef-922f-a56e1bb93575	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:53:28	-777.85
-63	4799	479900	daee2466-2649-4e25-adba-9205d3576499	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:51:36	218.472
-63	9598	479900	9d2e231b-992f-4000-bde0-55e77fd19746	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:29:06	132.451
-64	4800	480000	f738c470-8969-4e48-85a5-705ae0b7cfb8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:04:44	-199.405
-64	9600	480000	9279a25c-ed28-4554-852a-2036a21aea36	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:13:02	-946.869
-65	4801	480100	932341e0-e9b2-4442-a768-2fe16071cae8	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:12:35	-411.142
-65	9602	480100	f47d9fa0-b6c4-4fba-b03f-5843dda3c774	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:46:24	653.799
-66	4802	480200	3b575cd9-0f9c-4fb4-a205-510204e78272	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:42:14	-53.911
-66	9604	480200	56dbd12c-89ab-4d07-9258-4af8876f46af	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:04:58	-483.804
-67	4803	480300	1d7696d0-b602-4b39-931a-e334f7001acd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:06:29	304.119
-67	9606	480300	87a0af1b-9e03-4196-ae97-5fe9e91d8e5d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:50:35	-934.627
-68	4804	480400	1dba1534-8117-4d2f-958b-cd42163f1e35	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:58:22	444.27
-68	9608	480400	8292af63-d0f7-4911-8ed4-16fcee77bab0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:17:10	31.937
-69	4805	480500	bc444b39-31ec-4d65-bca6-a65422531b3f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:35:32	123.145
-69	9610	480500	bab2e9d2-1045-4407-86fc-57177c258ac9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:42:57	2.910
-70	4806	480600	4fd804d6-8fed-4083-b31e-438fa7cb59d5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:24:49	991.699
-70	9612	480600	5fb8cfbe-5f33-40e7-ac5c-8c7b026bb37e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:03:02	481.904
-71	4807	480700	7b01b468-080e-4fc1-905f-f57af98d09fa	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:13:58	-594.821
-71	9614	480700	958e3e74-dcf1-43ac-ad4d-af1b1bac32e5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:36:11	791.400
-72	4808	480800	c9206f83-0ceb-4ecf-b321-6abf129232e7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:31:18	-670.32
-72	9616	480800	24ac8c60-29cf-4393-97cd-99d09d783c8e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:09:16	803.829
-73	4809	480900	c70895bc-0842-4d6b-beab-b36413d06462	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:57:43	-545.737
-73	9618	480900	aa8e1d61-b555-4234-b7a2-63f1e18340e9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:04:34	-621.827
-74	4810	481000	f9074f15-1dbc-48e6-a1f3-23c003193901	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:49:16	-513.945
-74	9620	481000	516831b9-4d5e-4ac6-bae4-f3104e94e7a1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:17:06	-812.401
-75	4811	481100	7da146ee-9c23-4f06-9df7-c2e4e2d2fc80	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:10:26	4.863
-75	9622	481100	26dfbeff-a95b-4322-ac1d-34873cbad24b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:17:53	267.760
-76	4812	481200	ac0961d7-3dd0-44e2-8c16-bbf2135e304c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:49:32	-968.964
-76	9624	481200	ae923614-cbf1-462d-88a1-34eae5f7111e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:01:49	105.510
-77	4813	481300	79f4d5b3-0af9-44b3-8fcb-a9071252ba48	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:14:01	575.1
-77	9626	481300	58e88828-43d2-41ae-bc56-d39b37b0db4d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:56:04	556.466
-78	4814	481400	c7f78493-f509-4f4d-9f02-9f8292cf256a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:22:33	-986.643
-78	9628	481400	2a44bf4b-c8dd-4e7c-a08a-8ca42bd6bd2f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:26:54	-684.709
-79	4815	481500	85200b68-c076-44f0-be04-be2479ef002d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:16:57	642.705
-79	9630	481500	4ffa5884-7690-4da4-9ef0-82801965f9eb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:51:31	851.741
-80	4816	481600	caed0aaa-7892-422f-b2e9-66b03f8fb86c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:39:44	985.915
-80	9632	481600	6b754b4c-331f-4506-ae98-2547c8f551d8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:34:53	-143.738
-81	4817	481700	8902f5b3-229c-4327-b93c-d577cc5aa38d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:32:32	529.681
-81	9634	481700	25678631-14b8-4473-a700-6302557b193b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:37:38	98.910
-82	4818	481800	3af0350f-c284-4cc0-abf9-578256d1afcb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:27:33	-722.154
-82	9636	481800	839b70ca-d814-41ee-8c9f-f2d721f01d6d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:48:23	267.311
-83	4819	481900	cd9039de-be47-47aa-81d3-9fbaf1d7d049	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:13:38	420.619
-83	9638	481900	2ed07b2e-8b1d-4394-bc0c-9a5e57b91204	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:36:46	249.384
-84	4820	482000	2daf9db4-ee04-491e-adce-1ea0f5dd1193	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:04:40	-763.303
-84	9640	482000	48705f5d-4919-45ce-80c7-f6ce6303e085	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:13:30	0.428
-85	4821	482100	39dcc6ae-62cc-47f3-9451-9f4daf96123f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:35:24	371.579
-85	9642	482100	1b449487-02f3-4bd8-8cc8-571ba837fd5a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:03:41	184.28
-86	4822	482200	372cc52e-3faa-476e-92c7-c2980814bc18	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:29:31	-414.339
-86	9644	482200	6d4adfda-7237-40e2-a59c-98ff21b76f0d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:00:12	422.177
-87	4823	482300	fe60af07-f686-40b7-8dec-007e1b4ffac3	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:29:23	141.138
-87	9646	482300	eeb67949-60c0-46c6-a949-02994ea7ec30	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:49:41	-160.516
-88	4824	482400	836d98ec-08ee-44ce-849d-bde2fd201c97	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:39:38	-955.675
-88	9648	482400	755e7145-9ed3-43f7-8345-54c0d829f8f7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:10:36	-738.444
-89	4825	482500	841bf847-7d31-4aa3-9a17-21558f9782ec	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:38:40	-191.581
-89	9650	482500	d7fa5f7b-0426-4d6a-a1b7-d890192af38a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:34:41	340.465
-90	4826	482600	8633db73-5f04-471e-bdbe-a81f4c11727d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:01:53	-875.863
-90	9652	482600	86b67d16-5490-4b9d-9ea6-6bf5a24eeae2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:13:02	60.443
-91	4827	482700	a3ce55e0-039b-4d3b-806c-c3f36bfb6d03	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:28:55	361.99
-91	9654	482700	9107df63-cba5-437d-a113-360e94cb6594	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:27:16	-306.12
-92	4828	482800	893b7614-ab12-45b2-95bb-b4e28057e5aa	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:21:44	578.135
-92	9656	482800	ee00f242-a208-463f-b170-3ef7cf5359be	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:21:05	832.409
-93	4829	482900	55109edb-d074-4e95-a95a-3105cc6b2e97	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:25:02	-901.64
-93	9658	482900	37ef275a-ca32-4bc8-8e0b-5f71e07def60	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:37:48	136.681
-94	4830	483000	83186203-3825-41e6-957a-fbcbaf730439	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:23:44	-341.900
-94	9660	483000	353c8b29-4d4b-4184-b0a7-68057797a6d1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:24:05	-421.825
-95	4831	483100	806e416c-b14c-4e2b-87f0-366065fde72d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:25:03	929.346
-95	9662	483100	743402c9-2c04-4912-9575-5c4d370d2baa	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:16:12	-172.363
-96	4832	483200	297ee084-0291-4af6-89bc-f2969a3ff29f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:27:06	251.211
-96	9664	483200	3ce0fc1b-fda9-415a-9461-eb79cf7714ba	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:35:29	-962.417
-97	4833	483300	5d8a992b-dd0f-4bfb-bd64-698088f9c174	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:14:09	578.95
-97	9666	483300	939d9438-9b68-4f2a-9aab-2a0cd53e9be8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:09:36	575.400
-98	4834	483400	f79d0718-a64e-4f13-b1a2-6c1ac9abe57b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:46:16	850.382
-98	9668	483400	c4f2520f-77fb-46c5-8a7a-da29275defc4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:18:31	-886.516
-99	4835	483500	41c1be70-33a4-4255-aef0-6e0e5d1976cf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:56:42	322.188
-99	9670	483500	4b0d138d-61fc-4cfd-9c68-cdcb0815edd9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:25:20	600.912
-100	4836	483600	b530a49d-66f0-481b-a4b9-1e1879ef25a9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:05:05	-402.214
-100	9672	483600	22f07973-94a9-4e20-957b-e6e2c787225d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:05:41	-219.634
-101	4837	483700	7f57d442-743b-4d3f-95bb-d62a341e0aaf	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:28:23	477.210
-101	9674	483700	f4a373df-bfbe-4cff-8112-9d1935717644	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:25:10	768.939
-102	4838	483800	59dc0b28-76e2-4ef1-bd33-31323fe004e0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:17:11	379.95
-102	9676	483800	b8c240d0-d008-479e-97a9-0e7e5a6116c8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:35:24	-275.0
-103	4839	483900	18a4e3f9-e2e7-4eb2-a19e-7554d6837540	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:08:21	403.252
-103	9678	483900	b3e31f2a-9850-4b23-ad27-095ce39ca30a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:40:38	159.141
-104	4840	484000	3ab9b6c0-f746-4525-a5b3-1186ff1d99f9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:58:16	-642.122
-104	9680	484000	ec71f067-f27c-4f01-a0cb-2a75fc708f3d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:49:41	832.628
-105	4841	484100	f59e9402-d315-414b-a453-e0be02e00a18	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:02:41	-293.993
-105	9682	484100	605d07c7-6131-46dc-922c-8e97922d3470	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:51:50	-896.302
-106	4842	484200	1e9334a8-3638-4110-aa59-59a527dca878	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:32:53	-755.970
-106	9684	484200	64ef0c4f-4c18-40f7-b718-091beadbf1d9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:31:56	932.244
-107	4843	484300	aff99662-8a1f-4f8c-a578-84f19a2dba04	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:28:59	155.545
-107	9686	484300	ccf85c64-d81e-46b0-87dd-b34dc1bc7df8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:07:25	953.600
-108	4844	484400	d8cad440-61a5-4543-91b7-9bd45b4262b7	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:07:21	-946.857
-108	9688	484400	de74c534-f5f2-413c-a5bd-7c447e724c67	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:52:05	430.55
-109	4845	484500	d522e635-e1eb-46bb-b822-fcf4bce0ed4b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:54:13	711.980
-109	9690	484500	2970d57e-f64f-4c97-a514-cf32f6ffbc79	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:13:57	-447.554
-110	4846	484600	dbad78a0-0b20-4e21-a551-52064d1e9c90	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:14:55	-176.916
-110	9692	484600	5b5749bc-d58b-41ee-b88f-ab225d909dfb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:42:10	509.42
-111	4847	484700	7b514c41-8eee-4c84-b093-43f9f8ac7e5f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:09:18	-175.988
-111	9694	484700	629c0a3d-1130-40a8-ba09-3f9c2f009e5d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:31:26	979.425
-112	4848	484800	95b11e13-97d8-4577-9213-65805b3151c1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:02:42	671.678
-112	9696	484800	7bfc6dba-a8d9-4626-b4f5-e7fb35925a9d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:21:36	-244.786
-113	4849	484900	92dd106b-c954-43b1-9fdf-74113e30cc3a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:19:35	452.672
-113	9698	484900	3a32f4e2-d0fd-49e3-88a5-1a4e1359f5ec	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:22:28	264.64
-114	4850	485000	aca44174-8eb3-4397-9fcc-8572782a2f90	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:06:32	71.358
-114	9700	485000	c362ab0b-2438-476f-b20c-456e31e44665	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:13:18	-833.841
-115	4851	485100	63f8d101-bf54-4141-97ca-ef6d9a5e1998	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:22:43	249.301
-115	9702	485100	eed1fefb-396c-40b4-ae6a-2e9466085cdd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:16:26	-480.379
-116	4852	485200	93c9280c-ffcd-404b-96cc-ba3489cb7b36	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:04:06	838.888
-116	9704	485200	bbe6ae00-d3e4-4204-8bb8-c54d74c6885d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:51:52	-545.604
-117	4853	485300	95b861b0-c31c-4f9f-8c2a-77dff49fe385	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:29:44	-592.469
-117	9706	485300	11363752-2a86-4c84-860f-da334b08960a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:24:01	712.770
-118	4854	485400	00123be9-1ec2-4435-8b69-1c0b1cef2879	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:00:54	-445.512
-118	9708	485400	247c111b-3f13-482a-80bc-b6f763855df6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:56:30	-460.273
-119	4855	485500	debcd033-f9ad-4bd2-b228-65e64a0454a4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:20:29	-984.380
-119	9710	485500	e1fddacd-8782-42d9-86b5-ec8b706ce045	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:38:15	236.491
-120	4856	485600	bb1cce90-f100-4c81-a3b1-f42839a878df	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:58:17	-979.468
-120	9712	485600	e37c22e7-1d7b-41fd-91af-be4b684836c4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:33:57	440.34
-121	4857	485700	312dc55c-18a9-49c5-a7e2-58c45b91adbd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:37:58	333.519
-121	9714	485700	c3e52c5d-2227-4b90-b979-287660bdf66b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:58:19	-543.377
-122	4858	485800	6a774c79-2f21-4df7-b72c-75ecc5bd8bd7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:15:05	765.674
-122	9716	485800	516ee6bd-7050-4b85-b411-597a33121874	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:31:16	781.826
-123	4859	485900	d1b1dfb4-f971-41d0-83a1-1532c2dec5b6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:16:32	-631.631
-123	9718	485900	c18851a6-6ad2-4516-a1a0-947234f855c0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:45:46	120.431
-124	4860	486000	2288c8b0-5986-4e06-8933-a5224c3592d7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:35:47	690.363
-124	9720	486000	23dea770-1b51-4b1b-a437-fca9e25d9ec6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:53:07	-141.784
-125	4861	486100	dee31d11-1ce2-4cfc-a753-b14193e2cb51	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:45:08	328.473
-125	9722	486100	da2f8ff3-ac2d-46b6-b949-3e41d41c7580	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:27:44	597.884
-126	4862	486200	39d3deee-e0b9-4094-ac6b-9f7a2a596e1a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:26:55	-321.172
-126	9724	486200	d4b42e7a-67b3-474c-9ed5-d9868e72af51	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:57:07	151.166
-127	4863	486300	6d23367b-1a4b-44eb-8e5a-9c69c97ad94f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:49:59	355.181
-127	9726	486300	f9e88b38-5cb8-4a3d-a3e3-1fe348b56dec	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:57:15	259.144
-0	4864	486400	6f040456-a7fb-48c3-93f8-890de4094da3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:11:10	177.238
-0	9728	486400	2efb1028-75bc-422d-8881-7b1fb336b0d0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:47:45	52.120
-1	4865	486500	6a05b24c-34f8-41f0-889f-602201263159	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:17:24	-289.453
-1	9730	486500	0de30d55-fb5e-47a3-9ffd-6ef9bb8b360d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:21:57	-930.320
-2	4866	486600	0b1de22e-f964-483a-a5c1-5c22cf2958ee	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:28:51	921.959
-2	9732	486600	ff0c961b-7c9a-4095-bfb5-6457b3779ec2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:36:55	416.967
-3	4867	486700	ca69767f-ffbc-43e1-a984-dcb1747ab908	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:07:52	-363.811
-3	9734	486700	39323366-f86c-43d6-81da-04522ae0b25d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:32:03	-645.716
-4	4868	486800	b89f3069-f1cb-49b7-b286-0ec89521e5cd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:45:47	846.259
-4	9736	486800	7e4475ff-8b75-46db-9881-817b54ea5b08	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:00:44	372.921
-5	4869	486900	15c678e4-4c61-43ec-9f7c-0984660e21f0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:45:04	-415.460
-5	9738	486900	6594db31-ec71-4f58-89ce-3d3485ce5654	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:40:43	443.173
-6	4870	487000	7595c932-55bb-48b6-a99b-8c4bab841e1a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:45:53	298.45
-6	9740	487000	f5001187-d937-49c7-9a8f-d3f1e2df6468	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:44:14	-233.940
-7	4871	487100	08140ff0-e6c5-4a97-a363-d6f7cae60709	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:36:16	197.941
-7	9742	487100	d3e1f2d3-7457-42b7-9191-d9be1bfdcf68	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:55:36	557.70
-8	4872	487200	c93be682-63a9-41c2-a091-5d9bcdd2feb4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:59:48	-202.128
-8	9744	487200	39bc09a1-ea22-48e1-b119-87c5352be3f7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:57:09	423.932
-9	4873	487300	5ad7d33c-e330-4764-b0c2-68880cc4bf54	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:18:40	-100.340
-9	9746	487300	0ec53296-af16-4f4d-b958-6e0a560bdd7e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:34:10	-978.604
-10	4874	487400	ac4cafc7-4499-4ac1-9f71-53ac52be5aaa	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:52:04	844.905
-10	9748	487400	c58c5701-4339-44d2-a768-2b7d237901c4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:29:10	-992.167
-11	4875	487500	bc305673-a496-4d71-bccf-b56910038ded	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:54:42	-283.251
-11	9750	487500	c75ce6c7-88de-45d3-9695-650e3f0474dc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:39:07	103.708
-12	4876	487600	3c9bf323-1e52-4d51-98dd-15be848f81c1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:53:09	-157.890
-12	9752	487600	cf2f97a0-e36d-43ab-bfe2-827a4b37f39a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:10:37	190.628
-13	4877	487700	b2729003-47c5-4adf-b914-8dad18ff4caf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:05:48	-664.20
-13	9754	487700	2a113354-2b81-4b2b-b252-6196b323de00	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:36:45	796.30
-14	4878	487800	5f35d663-61e5-43bd-ac92-08352607a0fc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:58:42	-175.592
-14	9756	487800	6dc8e68e-55de-4eaf-8ed7-7bc4b6e683fc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:15:49	-934.287
-15	4879	487900	74b65018-e6af-415f-8bcb-916790fc2fd0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:36:10	448.791
-15	9758	487900	4b1b3711-e724-427d-b024-87ba076db1b7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:08:56	-587.984
-16	4880	488000	9bbecbea-2740-4334-912a-c2826f2e601b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:47:31	-254.841
-16	9760	488000	b792f798-8b1a-48d2-8500-78272ab79ded	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:52:53	-977.429
-17	4881	488100	43a4bdd2-9471-4102-8d08-85fd45154373	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:42:52	841.768
-17	9762	488100	aee94d1e-492f-4cef-a4fa-56cf6adfc5e1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:04:47	-224.676
-18	4882	488200	9ed542ed-e354-44cd-9b3e-8239aac6d78e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:47:53	-607.602
-18	9764	488200	c82770ce-0280-4a1b-957e-c377cc5cacf9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:39:25	65.891
-19	4883	488300	011b2b9c-cae7-4f51-9c2c-21468e1d9542	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:26:44	121.465
-19	9766	488300	1c1b2d66-2ccc-40ca-9d11-9579f1be73b4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:34:59	637.674
-20	4884	488400	6f48b6c7-bd87-49ef-8901-cb7e5cb5e271	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:20:14	-191.598
-20	9768	488400	694bb81d-f967-4383-a130-8fdfaf2ba4b4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:47:07	-963.168
-21	4885	488500	b4cf91b9-74e4-4e1c-aeb6-bb77b1eb56ce	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:26:23	957.736
-21	9770	488500	604e1dac-4d2a-4bd6-998a-7f79f3c03e0b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:58:03	402.286
-22	4886	488600	81dfcb03-ca7f-4ca3-bc72-98caa6aaa057	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:36:25	-623.161
-22	9772	488600	cae1c463-e5c2-4fe7-9314-e6c2c89081ba	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:58:11	608.276
-23	4887	488700	efc0e5dd-4400-449d-83fb-bad6813dd30f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:43:33	692.191
-23	9774	488700	30495f9c-25d3-45df-a98e-12c6163bb118	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:15:35	807.77
-24	4888	488800	33f6802b-8d98-4172-9d9c-8783b2fc3d14	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:39:02	-417.324
-24	9776	488800	9547af73-57a8-4617-983a-b8136eb4e869	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:26:56	-362.401
-25	4889	488900	f3948069-eb32-4693-bf47-5218fbf1d3c0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:10:28	195.678
-25	9778	488900	28131461-65f4-4f98-bc3b-45e2c73d98b6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:04:25	-100.711
-26	4890	489000	b7fc0af2-d1ed-4e59-a8b3-a7efb76027aa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:35:32	606.30
-26	9780	489000	295c0d71-7489-40ab-b662-00abcaea74a1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:07:45	-532.986
-27	4891	489100	a53a9ea2-4e4f-4d24-99b4-19b44f2b1a96	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:01:45	186.257
-27	9782	489100	68a16204-ccbd-4400-97ef-59f8a4776652	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:46:23	53.643
-28	4892	489200	b254abba-5f0b-4397-b653-e0ca86c0dd6b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:23:55	-561.446
-28	9784	489200	1595662d-0735-4472-af32-a94133484501	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:26:16	734.969
-29	4893	489300	587544a0-10ac-451d-9c47-274c2d7f9183	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:19:16	-872.162
-29	9786	489300	209c7081-d744-4089-aa9b-cf29fe69750a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:15:53	451.491
-30	4894	489400	5d9dd361-0b76-4cb8-9de8-b7b017b63e36	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:15:43	958.280
-30	9788	489400	27bf860e-23bf-4ac9-a368-3c86d887dd1c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:33:06	32.735
-31	4895	489500	c196570d-0ffe-4b8a-9151-cca2196bac9c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:12:08	-53.660
-31	9790	489500	59f9a38b-1b62-443d-a060-f82800022b0f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:04:14	466.54
-32	4896	489600	c4354635-5d5a-4bd3-a60b-214bc320504e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:25:04	-328.524
-32	9792	489600	2a73b29e-ca1a-4aa5-a15f-dca2d89fb7a6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:18:01	495.656
-33	4897	489700	831bfb60-ff1b-4635-8211-5361efc14e94	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:19:00	-635.111
-33	9794	489700	7a6f7531-cfbd-4a09-a5a0-26086b2f5658	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:52:26	794.779
-34	4898	489800	d322e9a5-c56c-41ee-82cd-5adcea9903d8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:06:09	-759.709
-34	9796	489800	b2ff4784-f97a-40a2-80a4-28229005c8f6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:42:12	-237.876
-35	4899	489900	95f1a78d-e538-4477-a13e-7cbb1372c27c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:09:00	737.409
-35	9798	489900	205aa315-edd7-4a89-b3a3-b219a5f6eee6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:28:37	396.755
-36	4900	490000	44819376-58f2-440d-b16e-56c579c02397	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:57:43	982.443
-36	9800	490000	a870bc51-2b90-4b04-b1ed-84867f0b2abf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:21:12	-5.3
-37	4901	490100	f99d6a89-b2b7-464f-99ac-5c66ccb2de10	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:09:49	878.566
-37	9802	490100	fa0d64f1-65e2-4a82-b9c0-cf195c872569	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:11:43	-299.345
-38	4902	490200	db7d20a8-973c-4807-afd7-e66d1ad2c064	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:40:31	431.780
-38	9804	490200	7ec7191e-0b8e-4c50-98ca-f24d42aa2777	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:22:37	-636.277
-39	4903	490300	0d5caf02-c186-4458-bee4-582c8308bcf8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:47:00	-242.458
-39	9806	490300	f564defa-3ac9-41b5-a9ec-c4bd73051691	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:04:39	-511.810
-40	4904	490400	32b65e99-0648-4a94-87d4-817429855b16	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:39:24	816.18
-40	9808	490400	addd51c1-0a49-40d1-9ecc-ec6af191759a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:49:05	-666.958
-41	4905	490500	12ed2dbf-ea13-4496-89a9-b0a358c318ff	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:43:49	-885.38
-41	9810	490500	aa814c3c-1501-4fe1-9603-771914684392	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:47:48	817.875
-42	4906	490600	ff8547dc-6dbf-427e-80ff-7bc4ad081fd1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:47:35	-154.175
-42	9812	490600	1eddedf5-9818-4245-ba01-4622ebc1c1e6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:21:51	-382.130
-43	4907	490700	7d8f4979-635f-4382-9271-85248d0a1c15	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:41:03	935.810
-43	9814	490700	4c263d94-08bc-46ff-b85a-aea2cdf642e4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:44:55	733.384
-44	4908	490800	5297d4ce-1de7-4cc6-8548-5520c2ebebf3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:29:38	670.679
-44	9816	490800	35230be3-7ec5-4be3-a4bc-5d2cae5f8f1a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:44:38	-892.461
-45	4909	490900	1b187a1a-f5e8-487a-90b8-77c1ebef9f0a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:32:25	358.393
-45	9818	490900	35ab43f3-bf60-42af-bcaa-20d98948481a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:37:54	-320.794
-46	4910	491000	3f429a6a-3964-4a21-ab79-6e6cb55d48fd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:53:24	150.717
-46	9820	491000	b1fcd2a6-7e4b-4101-9bc3-2bf817033b27	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:16:08	927.781
-47	4911	491100	784124d3-6381-401a-b4e8-3ad989b991cf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:55:35	-384.51
-47	9822	491100	f7be77ed-b7ec-4b77-be07-1cab2f7b900f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:24:42	727.45
-48	4912	491200	0bfb0662-cce4-425c-828d-dcc56eeb3474	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:04:31	-507.553
-48	9824	491200	368645d8-5b2a-4630-ba71-f010fb41e206	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:53:02	413.465
-49	4913	491300	c29b299f-3c3b-49ab-9a7c-437ed2a91d9b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:44:05	481.315
-49	9826	491300	d95997d4-dd75-4e18-accf-a7bf26fa9413	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:04:44	-359.698
-50	4914	491400	df15fe74-989e-4e54-94d3-94c3b85dda1f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:55:05	-819.822
-50	9828	491400	ec0be4ce-4764-47bb-8df7-99c0ecef710f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:05:19	-610.748
-51	4915	491500	96087548-d33e-4979-b22e-828a6aa86126	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:55:01	-319.197
-51	9830	491500	749c5443-290b-4660-bff2-6f5bfd6bc0e8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:09:42	585.22
-52	4916	491600	202c98b5-b9c5-4802-95ec-52239111848c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:37:03	384.7
-52	9832	491600	7a6378b3-6d09-4150-a93b-5b4cde296a27	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:50:24	-217.314
-53	4917	491700	755e62a4-70e1-43c7-beca-679a79303c2f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:01:33	-842.955
-53	9834	491700	1e66c81c-0fbe-4a02-9e63-740a14f2ed61	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:20:23	-184.340
-54	4918	491800	21193ceb-0dbe-4098-911c-14dc8bbeaca0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:32:44	470.382
-54	9836	491800	df8530ab-8c95-42d8-8833-b76e9df8b85f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:27:09	-705.478
-55	4919	491900	1be5a9bb-9dc5-44fb-808a-9c2d3b04656e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:39:19	-276.208
-55	9838	491900	2308c9a1-e9fa-4910-b08c-ae548e44cdbb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:46:15	361.363
-56	4920	492000	3c6f1d61-a786-4684-9dc3-3c2b864746e8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:56:43	-907.373
-56	9840	492000	aed8ee8f-c840-421a-96e9-a0bd157c6f4c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:12:39	-373.305
-57	4921	492100	a6a8ded2-8261-4da7-b50d-198fa497204f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:18:37	317.349
-57	9842	492100	b25474ed-3d81-4d82-8e14-b4f7e1a08c47	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:32:08	-780.232
-58	4922	492200	e501b305-4e11-423c-a72c-52a4457725b5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:28:44	-225.333
-58	9844	492200	c4a5fb67-db5c-42a4-874b-39ffff576005	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:20:28	-765.619
-59	4923	492300	7380fece-f0f9-445b-bf22-3062bfabb0c2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:14:52	672.225
-59	9846	492300	0cc418ea-e4b2-43c6-8603-07a7ac7a21f7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:46:33	-265.74
-60	4924	492400	ae3e35db-6523-4312-8397-4a77bf2ab9e2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:42:14	506.330
-60	9848	492400	aa19bea0-6ce1-41d7-b9db-5fdd06bfda29	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:41:29	273.947
-61	4925	492500	e72647a2-7e9c-4926-94ee-fd28ed5b5c6c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:46:39	143.272
-61	9850	492500	9246b976-6e10-49ae-94a2-b30ec3492a96	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:17:49	962.412
-62	4926	492600	9447b059-5e66-4e5c-a8b0-f4f60eafd061	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:16:12	794.136
-62	9852	492600	967bb46b-b70b-413e-a9b6-4cbc3e7ca745	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:35:06	-508.67
-63	4927	492700	32fe682f-904b-4a9f-89bc-b24fe9004c1a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:00:06	334.223
-63	9854	492700	25504c07-e9cc-46ba-8473-5fd83bd02cb8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:40:40	434.316
-64	4928	492800	c05af73b-842e-4235-b4a7-6d86896bd8de	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:52:13	618.450
-64	9856	492800	832a4d65-e921-4f9f-bcc0-32efb71a3dcf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:10:33	-899.953
-65	4929	492900	a69344a0-ab32-4087-bb2b-a263d569540a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:24:39	739.442
-65	9858	492900	cd6732c3-2a0f-4594-9a52-bdb83b253811	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:13:45	948.244
-66	4930	493000	6e0fba6a-6904-4b4f-9cdc-ac8fb6c317a8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:11:20	506.54
-66	9860	493000	5e91ec1e-511e-4ba2-8d09-612989e0b35f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:18:27	7.109
-67	4931	493100	00b5ea87-484c-4b9d-93c0-c88aef35fba4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:36:05	13.2
-67	9862	493100	0e86479c-506b-4023-acb4-e65d555b927a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:41:51	515.820
-68	4932	493200	ccb42e13-7fdf-4a07-ab2f-8358d6b4b6ed	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:52:13	-911.276
-68	9864	493200	d7fe565b-384e-4cd1-922a-c3551eacf90c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:19:12	38.804
-69	4933	493300	8a3d6b16-0ba6-4f4c-b0e8-dd25e90a6a6b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:35:11	-917.155
-69	9866	493300	e3b0e173-7a14-43d6-b24d-cfc7d656cbd0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:38:55	721.357
-70	4934	493400	1296d884-6220-4ed1-b8a8-206acce74fdb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:54:53	972.471
-70	9868	493400	d578f90f-586a-4ab8-9ab6-1f9ac3028c73	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:05:27	-481.625
-71	4935	493500	d4364112-01e1-4ddf-b4fa-65fad46bc3b1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:53:37	81.12
-71	9870	493500	0722e0ce-961a-4fb6-9086-d431d1857e45	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:48:04	-844.232
-72	4936	493600	983e541e-bc6e-43cc-968c-5c721b27434c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:49:28	-615.776
-72	9872	493600	1ffcab45-4e58-4c18-8702-d010a1be300d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:58:31	298.944
-73	4937	493700	43a87dac-5a2d-4580-858d-038531fe44d6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:00:00	-252.827
-73	9874	493700	b2c4b519-476d-4d9c-8c95-c2af0b03be5e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:32:03	511.477
-74	4938	493800	2f98467e-eeb6-4079-8ee9-a7cadccb1d2a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:44:04	360.64
-74	9876	493800	a36d7033-2bdf-4f9d-9ec4-ccca3fffff52	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:55:25	990.59
-75	4939	493900	7cf8eff4-d548-4d78-a0a8-dd5655ce6683	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:47:12	334.686
-75	9878	493900	b5992591-a020-4ca3-9f48-c08003755d6e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:42:11	-9.903
-76	4940	494000	f95d2f83-b59b-4463-975c-c78b629f594a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:38:24	-411.410
-76	9880	494000	1673e076-6784-4d81-8afe-6c1b65ed6f8d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:49:29	415.453
-77	4941	494100	3f8c3aea-b235-4ceb-bf59-856dfb6c5679	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:44:45	-106.374
-77	9882	494100	e3c65e41-a3f2-4cc1-83cd-e1635b0c3ef3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:28:35	359.176
-78	4942	494200	f2d273c8-f3bb-4561-935a-c0b72e958071	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:41:22	-363.949
-78	9884	494200	d10c96c4-aebd-460d-bd3f-5d14339447ce	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:07:04	313.730
-79	4943	494300	dcb8658b-3317-4da4-a29c-890ce213bd5a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:09:13	125.281
-79	9886	494300	bbb75874-74d0-40c7-988a-a5f95dc52a3b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:25:19	-961.714
-80	4944	494400	7004ffd1-1508-4390-ae05-c4c1a3aa96e9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:49:04	998.181
-80	9888	494400	9df8546d-f895-4bae-91ec-64b49b755995	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:39:55	-107.100
-81	4945	494500	6d04bdaf-b660-4684-907b-a0e8bb1b8b77	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:57:53	-981.185
-81	9890	494500	d1963fe0-3a3c-41d4-9ee6-f04b9910f63e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:21:44	586.911
-82	4946	494600	7bb9c291-d04d-4b50-ab4b-0d54f0b4e822	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:50:11	843.930
-82	9892	494600	71b997c2-1971-4a07-917a-35338fba0d4f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:41:00	-841.590
-83	4947	494700	ceb87f37-2e32-4f9a-88ad-2f12b639c187	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:58:46	-258.973
-83	9894	494700	627480e0-41d8-408e-9824-17e2e2cb0bf9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:56:38	-178.731
-84	4948	494800	d1f3ef49-c14d-4e5d-bfaf-786dd4bf8ff9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:56:54	563.542
-84	9896	494800	79311445-25cb-4b4f-af2f-382fd7ccb6d1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:29:27	-870.254
-85	4949	494900	cf7f6cbd-79d6-48aa-92eb-de29fdbd63ce	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:03:35	-562.728
-85	9898	494900	ab3378f8-ca65-4ae0-8ed9-53e0496295a9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:35:22	669.23
-86	4950	495000	81b8b861-6c3a-479e-b528-4f8e56287026	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:43:26	856.662
-86	9900	495000	bc6432ba-eee1-44d2-aed4-66f6cc940430	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:40:40	77.611
-87	4951	495100	8264fa65-dc43-474a-b6dc-0f78fc63e798	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:03:43	-213.527
-87	9902	495100	3b5cb9fc-dc3a-451c-bb50-94c03172cc26	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:30:35	671.476
-88	4952	495200	a8b71de9-0fe3-4e6e-93e7-04d21a3642fe	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:27:40	98.439
-88	9904	495200	6581b089-7c30-45bd-ba15-b512b8118e95	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:21:42	-707.434
-89	4953	495300	c0ad4ea1-a2c2-45d6-acd3-7ca1185eb8f5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:24:57	97.121
-89	9906	495300	b0b886f2-bd0f-4c86-9a1e-f24c68d275dd	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:26:24	-381.162
-90	4954	495400	8188b491-a528-4f07-9424-8fc339b8aed8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:00:07	-382.499
-90	9908	495400	773b0d9e-3bc3-42bd-a1fe-d646ded7b786	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:10:01	830.458
-91	4955	495500	4f5666dc-5b79-4e4b-87ae-0038cafc55f4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:18:26	564.136
-91	9910	495500	2285eb4e-1549-446e-9b46-30acc2eabb8c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:49:44	-939.219
-92	4956	495600	7216b567-1e04-4849-be7f-3e20d0e194ce	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:12:30	-881.927
-92	9912	495600	ce8b1b1a-5bd4-4c61-8f97-53b534940a32	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:14:40	337.434
-93	4957	495700	2f739c52-d5bb-45ba-ae83-50ddc3a662b5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:11:13	128.524
-93	9914	495700	56483cbc-139f-4827-aef9-fabb3f3245fd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:51:28	-678.59
-94	4958	495800	b27978ab-4d36-46b1-a203-321df743d5a7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:05:07	-122.894
-94	9916	495800	3725f5df-2691-4f32-a0c1-57042121caee	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:06:30	531.205
-95	4959	495900	89852725-54a2-4c71-b38e-bf5c66b36cd4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:00:09	668.382
-95	9918	495900	d26d0090-f4de-4aee-a835-ed7a3fa2ebcf	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:57:24	663.74
-96	4960	496000	10c69e36-ab36-4c84-92ca-bae4edec5b46	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:08:59	-463.19
-96	9920	496000	006e095b-2a39-470d-a013-ce697ca9edc4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:07:44	-833.785
-97	4961	496100	02932e69-b5f1-45cb-9d12-665a6e026609	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:08:45	-253.93
-97	9922	496100	73544f55-4511-4d85-b875-293ca9b2f773	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:49:05	869.46
-98	4962	496200	900c08ae-8348-469a-9024-a92a76f1964b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:20:29	-352.70
-98	9924	496200	f8c85b5d-6438-42a7-be0c-a33529470428	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:07:58	592.777
-99	4963	496300	faaac772-008a-4895-b517-c91350decb42	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:54:12	-729.783
-99	9926	496300	2c5fd5eb-e94a-4150-8e22-5a2c7a8c8f4c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:01:59	-243.448
-100	4964	496400	fc4edbf3-8900-4156-b4ec-8cc95249f26a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:52:08	-705.448
-100	9928	496400	382a0942-b55d-44b9-b0a8-62ccca97eda8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:05:51	966.926
-101	4965	496500	c785e1d4-dc0e-4b52-855f-656cdb1db96c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:32:14	-891.478
-101	9930	496500	6c212456-892c-420b-9e71-ec28bc83db75	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:28:09	-658.977
-102	4966	496600	31d9ac4d-56ce-45ca-aace-e2031fd2f520	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:02:08	126.943
-102	9932	496600	170041aa-da78-4149-bafa-1702c036630c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:59:29	159.76
-103	4967	496700	bfe03034-4e63-4a47-a916-77c25f252cd9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:57:42	288.981
-103	9934	496700	68c1c790-5830-46de-95fe-bead36b0894e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:23:57	-10.537
-104	4968	496800	2a885369-d653-4174-8806-e560695bfa38	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:39:57	-23.54
-104	9936	496800	063b5596-3621-4544-81c0-7282fe2d0619	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:00:42	-739.206
-105	4969	496900	fccf2aef-c811-4b23-ba7b-7e31cc029447	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:56:05	304.982
-105	9938	496900	3ffa970f-af0a-4738-96e1-f16b7fb26f9b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:32:40	-631.672
-106	4970	497000	ee9b628c-185f-465f-9a01-05b3a3abc475	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:26:45	868.885
-106	9940	497000	f20d9990-0c59-4cfe-87fe-e8c5213f67bb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:36:41	-702.501
-107	4971	497100	ac6242aa-aa53-4c75-8bc9-a9fb44857c82	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:13:25	-288.607
-107	9942	497100	e9a2a272-3515-403d-bbe8-f7915f0047d7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:46:48	-927.922
-108	4972	497200	cc7be34e-105f-4f0c-abb1-5a752a1545b9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:14:27	-73.733
-108	9944	497200	59767d12-1e02-4b60-b44c-0bbcf16e0cc5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:24:43	-81.735
-109	4973	497300	5471e90b-d53f-4c41-9ba6-b844e5221880	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:27:43	-315.268
-109	9946	497300	a27edc8f-a118-4c79-81e8-88d032c7c980	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:47:58	740.218
-110	4974	497400	b14a7b83-513a-4b62-8f47-dbc384aac0e7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:40:13	-478.960
-110	9948	497400	ca76f710-dd43-4ae7-83af-1b7514faa4bb	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:14:53	4.950
-111	4975	497500	27c50452-a820-448f-b31f-f8f49a173198	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:08:47	581.970
-111	9950	497500	b9fd96d6-7f44-4c5f-8101-6590200788b4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:17:33	-790.374
-112	4976	497600	033a0d94-c027-4a12-ba1d-1ca59bd832ce	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:58:00	-545.92
-112	9952	497600	4e0d7e68-e1f6-4073-a8c3-0cd6594bae8a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:35:50	-145.118
-113	4977	497700	520711f5-52a0-44ee-8eeb-3904ac449260	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:32:32	-119.680
-113	9954	497700	3edeae5f-a4b2-4864-9cf4-eecab9000af2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:47:23	-871.406
-114	4978	497800	b1fefd43-e51c-452d-a84b-8cf330b5db85	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:34:28	-389.150
-114	9956	497800	701f1a30-dda2-46c0-96cb-91a3e772744b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:28:04	421.725
-115	4979	497900	dc8be85c-88b9-4d16-9611-36cbed93cd7d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:54:24	164.161
-115	9958	497900	32f063a4-85c7-4ad6-8e0a-480093af886e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:36:50	-906.276
-116	4980	498000	325542bb-64f3-4c38-a237-899d626459fc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:33:55	756.48
-116	9960	498000	139751d4-5cb5-47bb-b149-2f4545434ef6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:02:31	215.235
-117	4981	498100	28462c6d-323f-436c-8ed8-b4417c511500	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:16:57	-518.845
-117	9962	498100	2ed0ef2e-a6cd-4a2a-b824-c17403f60e3f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:17:52	669.294
-118	4982	498200	320b2a0d-5acd-4ba8-a175-0f3674863fe1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:26:55	530.886
-118	9964	498200	21d3d378-b4ad-4c01-b1dd-f733b598c331	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:08:11	-687.701
-119	4983	498300	ede6a735-e029-4a18-94c8-f8025f51b016	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:23:56	830.497
-119	9966	498300	9c66204b-df46-4dbb-b41b-3bfa613e0ef0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:41:00	-225.645
-120	4984	498400	b7db3fd2-2fc1-4741-bce8-c17c3061a964	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:07:57	183.493
-120	9968	498400	21aea1d5-fee7-42af-9eb9-5ab4bdcebd0a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:11:09	540.153
-121	4985	498500	daf59213-f581-4efa-a7c9-8b9c32de479c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:47:02	487.603
-121	9970	498500	e7bf7635-08e3-435b-a26a-fa108b0b40c9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:48:27	-475.673
-122	4986	498600	1933f638-0af5-4bd3-99ea-9123d00d4433	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:59:16	-482.902
-122	9972	498600	0dd12ca1-48a2-4a47-960c-74b469b5a6c0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:10:11	919.23
-123	4987	498700	827930ee-441c-414b-9e52-247e6421a5b5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:53:40	-907.116
-123	9974	498700	0dd30306-58af-42fe-8eed-1879cf1b088a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:05:48	-368.503
-124	4988	498800	4c6d81d7-0959-4243-9a10-38d7c03cd5c3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:46:34	-846.590
-124	9976	498800	ecb7a1ae-97cd-4bb6-8aeb-ce5bc74ef4f8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:09:59	-191.233
-125	4989	498900	68f00fe3-b8f1-403a-8338-cb32bd040c5b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:25:03	791.279
-125	9978	498900	48e1e0aa-2c2d-4a52-9114-866ae95fab1a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:32:24	-229.578
-126	4990	499000	b97d278e-355b-4a14-a3d3-43c24e9505f9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:22:28	822.647
-126	9980	499000	6a61b4b1-54eb-4dcb-93dc-6ab269881d20	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:12:11	-496.881
-127	4991	499100	08d73632-6b79-4f48-b261-40f591fec4a5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:17:17	541.92
-127	9982	499100	5a2e9fb2-8817-4e51-a934-167b7031ab02	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:21:35	-361.426
-0	4992	499200	c446ab52-42dc-4325-aa3d-5dde2def7183	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:59:31	-383.645
-0	9984	499200	137907aa-39ce-4738-8b06-5fbc40cdbb49	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:05:58	414.443
-1	4993	499300	65746a38-7954-45cf-9ba9-8582c31ea813	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:40:18	-752.72
-1	9986	499300	efe35ad4-7d5e-40f2-ade6-784e22820ad0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:21:42	-32.402
-2	4994	499400	18e2458b-6f1c-4a22-96d1-09d7843ab290	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:26:31	-62.409
-2	9988	499400	f65229d9-a0a5-4cf2-956c-3211da4fcbf8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:37:35	-8.252
-3	4995	499500	c627a91e-d6a7-4469-a456-fd5db2ce11da	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:36:10	963.597
-3	9990	499500	12c4aaba-6911-47d3-a0f2-2c56f2826156	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:25:56	356.942
-4	4996	499600	900d0624-784d-4350-ab2f-e0a59c393e3d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:36:43	57.597
-4	9992	499600	7e72c1f6-a2b5-4737-8e30-4469f4ab2548	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:45:06	228.715
-5	4997	499700	8d0054da-8ac4-47d8-9019-fabdc6cadc0d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:05:44	-487.455
-5	9994	499700	56e86bf4-876f-4b5e-8855-1bdc853b0e91	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:30:02	-296.807
-6	4998	499800	22dbda6c-fdee-4efe-b2ac-7f56f6ad673d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:48:52	78.356
-6	9996	499800	04b5cd90-53bf-4289-afbf-337a7ec939af	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:36:56	225.704
-7	4999	499900	e5132497-a308-45e3-9e07-ba0b8a466ee9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:14:32	-517.618
-7	9998	499900	e1009e02-56c5-4af8-8cd2-584643b29382	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:18:41	500.280
-8	5000	500000	069173e1-88e5-4a5f-9cb1-342491af5c0c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:59:11	122.954
-8	10000	500000	beb6c4ba-1a6c-4d4b-991e-c5c1c1a31136	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:31:32	-52.884
-9	5001	500100	0e01445a-d31e-495a-94c1-1a651f2b8724	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:10:10	695.59
-9	10002	500100	635fd1d2-5f25-42b1-b9ff-9bda1344d05b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:37:23	615.261
-10	5002	500200	4c617e65-3f15-434c-b481-9dcdf15888e8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:04:12	-557.818
-10	10004	500200	7f918245-9100-4974-88c8-7cffa703f578	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:12:23	997.425
-11	5003	500300	05357789-d37a-42b5-9f51-daa4b61bd3d2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:59:53	-103.565
-11	10006	500300	4bd9df3f-d577-4c03-b977-c17b8dcd6cf1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:16:26	686.780
-12	5004	500400	32cbba11-a7f2-40c0-9696-da1a7c3a28a9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:57:28	-375.715
-12	10008	500400	7083bd91-b8b7-4ab3-9417-ecd3077bb949	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:40:51	546.542
-13	5005	500500	04bd7c26-4469-49d4-bda3-6fa1da3126d0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:20:52	734.910
-13	10010	500500	4ea160eb-c930-4a1d-ad96-6bbb162632b9	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:29:28	-735.225
-14	5006	500600	7ee412e0-8919-47fa-bd22-c7f4ec79bb3c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:43:44	396.691
-14	10012	500600	ec26d697-fc92-4543-b880-00184b771b06	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:28:19	521.827
-15	5007	500700	97f38333-2ac7-4c58-a1e8-9eaad544a707	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:46:39	631.265
-15	10014	500700	e3e74bc8-7201-4011-a35c-e4827266593c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:30:29	-347.179
-16	5008	500800	13d5fa24-58ff-427b-9226-4dae871424f6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:01:24	901.438
-16	10016	500800	c9735456-c644-4657-baf6-c2debe18f545	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:14:12	70.618
-17	5009	500900	1ce378a6-96e1-4bc2-99fc-58bdc8dc7ff4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:19:21	593.121
-17	10018	500900	4ee65e06-f419-4830-aca6-1d886cc81c7e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:30:24	-721.177
-18	5010	501000	cabb8354-710f-4886-8e77-589558207e1b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:02:55	-925.629
-18	10020	501000	d9091262-00f9-4f66-8573-6aee3179a567	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:31:40	329.95
-19	5011	501100	1e2e2c55-71e3-41ce-92c8-8166e6234f5d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:28:26	434.710
-19	10022	501100	2284b347-0c64-4aea-9bbe-1773093cd381	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:30:29	-345.308
-20	5012	501200	cdf4d264-0770-4b8e-ad5b-8a109c64b521	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:11:53	-355.513
-20	10024	501200	cac61d2e-fdcf-4ea9-8a3f-e7df9f4d3271	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:23:49	671.372
-21	5013	501300	919383f2-17bf-4f4d-bf34-a95dafabf3bc	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:16:59	-660.865
-21	10026	501300	45a5c2bc-ff25-4972-a731-6407702d39d5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:46:38	329.738
-22	5014	501400	cb620a48-34bd-4fb4-9574-a9c3d7d397ab	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:42:49	-434.489
-22	10028	501400	794cea7c-68a9-4235-b5af-9aa8ad4a3ac4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:26:26	-463.398
-23	5015	501500	10e0fe9e-2f36-473d-854f-bedf67a6cad6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:14:30	550.674
-23	10030	501500	37ca38be-3ba9-4879-99e0-4e3c4165ec03	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:54:28	-859.368
-24	5016	501600	e01043f9-6f6e-4abb-95f7-c13b35b88ca8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:14:50	676.170
-24	10032	501600	ae6b91e8-1e1e-4f95-9c1a-9ae068e4a975	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:52:15	420.373
-25	5017	501700	aaf7ba16-f6c8-48dd-9aae-07da7d3e18ca	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:04:08	574.593
-25	10034	501700	b7d3ec99-699a-4bac-805a-2636612cd88b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:28:29	779.74
-26	5018	501800	1f80b198-07ba-4539-a2f8-1becabea3e2e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:53:43	265.718
-26	10036	501800	3dbabfdc-07b0-4512-be52-22a851c39712	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:10:05	875.881
-27	5019	501900	3c482ba9-7393-4cb0-907d-3ec5c355cc93	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:54:12	574.192
-27	10038	501900	e48c27f6-97fa-44e7-8322-2b4cb65b936a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:26:39	-491.380
-28	5020	502000	80326942-c2ae-4ee6-9857-6d831d134f0a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:53:43	-862.387
-28	10040	502000	f1fc872a-d314-40d3-80ca-51a817a51795	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:54:14	-527.447
-29	5021	502100	09f7562d-5e8b-48c8-b6bf-d6573b8c6f6a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:24:20	488.279
-29	10042	502100	bc5f3203-9b9a-4ddd-bad2-743e46d3b7d4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:06:54	843.241
-30	5022	502200	b123af71-62f0-4160-822b-6d724322b403	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:59:37	-740.751
-30	10044	502200	3ad0f85c-7d51-4d2a-9911-0d8a81c39ba8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:42:33	442.618
-31	5023	502300	75a493f1-8029-499a-9ac8-e7ac17504500	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:30:23	465.732
-31	10046	502300	af524554-bb96-4348-b066-1aa138ec1559	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:19:17	228.543
-32	5024	502400	4f814eb9-d6b3-46b7-b770-91a117e1a8ec	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:05:51	394.859
-32	10048	502400	0b108da2-76fc-4eac-ade4-ff41cb9f47ca	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:16:43	-874.371
-33	5025	502500	14479201-5d39-4cad-88ec-75867758c62c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:15:06	-668.907
-33	10050	502500	951a24ee-19e1-481c-ad16-cf708760707a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:49:06	-866.265
-34	5026	502600	126c86ad-42be-466d-bfe0-010afa78971e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:53:59	-748.897
-34	10052	502600	6ed85067-85c3-465d-ac88-03f03754be8f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:06:30	226.363
-35	5027	502700	e13e43c4-5bb3-448c-b3aa-fe6c8bdc094f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:02:38	-450.894
-35	10054	502700	33c56faf-be25-408b-ac7a-735d9dfc74cd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:13:14	580.705
-36	5028	502800	4528355f-709e-4b30-a9dd-a139d62f965e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:58:36	-875.796
-36	10056	502800	a5bfb2ac-c8ef-4fe2-b8eb-428c5a0b9a7f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:03:37	-86.82
-37	5029	502900	90837a07-c203-4849-9574-fcafc8a41854	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:07:40	99.456
-37	10058	502900	2943b4fc-df4e-4d72-96ef-5581a5b942f7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:26:50	399.267
-38	5030	503000	2ade5773-d2aa-4a61-8e01-463a526805d3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:01:21	279.274
-38	10060	503000	9fc9d37d-9389-445a-86c9-98d6e345c88a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:13:46	-805.532
-39	5031	503100	abbdcc63-0a76-4218-8646-0d0d86fd5ed8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:14:01	178.85
-39	10062	503100	38846ad2-6895-4b55-a6c2-c591efdb6254	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:52:09	-542.837
-40	5032	503200	d92d556e-6fa9-4824-9d78-fc90bfcc2999	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:02:43	-301.306
-40	10064	503200	568f7176-680a-4e2c-97c0-f7243657d43a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:58:18	-562.396
-41	5033	503300	483381ee-fccc-4940-9d9d-6cc027de6cb0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:45:07	221.579
-41	10066	503300	426630e6-14b5-4b7c-9f5e-e3938a8d8ecd	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:19:10	-54.730
-42	5034	503400	db5700e1-40d1-45ea-956d-3c9caf7a5562	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:29:19	-515.600
-42	10068	503400	f43368f9-8ed7-4c5b-af45-787d2875c1e3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:09:44	-964.325
-43	5035	503500	01939b81-e862-4da2-b0cd-a7a90221de83	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:08:08	236.368
-43	10070	503500	143e5dd4-0500-494a-b14a-6d3bdb5df3be	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:11:42	-335.828
-44	5036	503600	d815b76b-28ec-44de-84e9-b05a8518c2d4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:48:22	-710.671
-44	10072	503600	6491456c-7991-42a6-8ebe-57135083dc36	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:54:09	-474.541
-45	5037	503700	cf7d755d-0982-48c7-89c1-9fe0b18eb8e5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:46:44	329.236
-45	10074	503700	fa5d1957-c7cf-417c-b9d3-0b5c14658fc2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:32:53	884.459
-46	5038	503800	1ffcc238-2a44-494f-b94c-5a68bb06dd66	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:16:07	-431.757
-46	10076	503800	804c1f9a-47e8-4b76-9d69-add52c043869	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:45:04	-865.39
-47	5039	503900	8704e33d-91ee-4718-8dcc-da62308a6cdc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:34:29	-321.379
-47	10078	503900	25ee74d7-e7cf-49bf-85fb-ff93f5bda1d1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:51:50	416.823
-48	5040	504000	1644eaf5-4edd-4d1b-bff6-ad53864314a8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:28:51	523.844
-48	10080	504000	9e9280af-82d6-4555-a2ed-9ccb72c5b676	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:25:45	-107.56
-49	5041	504100	add9e645-6d85-45ec-9782-52e2ed4d2e4f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:14:35	614.265
-49	10082	504100	79673000-3089-483b-921b-86f33c9c8e1f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:29:48	-564.268
-50	5042	504200	dcd03d55-c7fa-42a8-8e02-d122b5184675	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:00:30	-388.230
-50	10084	504200	f9b17375-97d4-4308-bbde-cc9cf5febd65	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:33:17	-775.8
-51	5043	504300	c5ce4669-d450-43f9-8a7f-8b65f15dc132	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:36:03	-584.128
-51	10086	504300	113f6c6e-801d-4930-907c-a6da24390e7f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:31:09	6.566
-52	5044	504400	ba55ba81-3dcc-47d2-801c-e52832b50174	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:22:36	677.104
-52	10088	504400	6357a449-6d41-49b5-96e6-3dd525f96470	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:30:30	671.354
-53	5045	504500	bc106e1b-b1e7-4edf-9242-e72774f045c7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:27:48	-884.222
-53	10090	504500	86e44269-6d1e-4e53-b8b3-d550ffe7926a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:11:07	-352.906
-54	5046	504600	34733759-7079-4921-b7fd-65b5058d24ff	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:04:50	750.529
-54	10092	504600	199c6ef7-1bbc-4ea2-bad2-578b27b5120b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:53:22	-78.486
-55	5047	504700	d1c73189-20ef-4546-b591-2183724f1357	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:31:19	254.564
-55	10094	504700	7154061d-a0f2-4f92-84e0-1c986f1d9dd6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:15:51	-620.923
-56	5048	504800	7ccb9ff3-cbfd-4313-aca3-8fd6e14291f1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:34:20	-321.767
-56	10096	504800	3a9a2ee0-13c3-45e5-9d12-97f0031f891d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:57:09	-420.209
-57	5049	504900	42a595ed-aaa9-4e0f-b44e-3365beab3d72	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:46:00	-348.547
-57	10098	504900	538cffdf-be37-4b8e-a2e0-23ca6dfd0b04	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:39:24	-814.858
-58	5050	505000	dff3849a-6b7e-4d91-89a4-71b4098125ce	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:48:15	-453.216
-58	10100	505000	0c6c69be-25ce-41a8-950d-2ac8c61aea50	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:37:17	-25.693
-59	5051	505100	dbc15ab5-58ea-4f0e-80f2-5f3e5110178d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:15:11	404.169
-59	10102	505100	b010b507-b8bd-4333-92e0-5545ca5ab7b2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:12:42	119.1
-60	5052	505200	a8824248-301c-44ae-b535-a50e8adf0ca9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:52:13	684.578
-60	10104	505200	3ec3be8e-b31c-482b-a88a-a676d6819906	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:20:19	-303.371
-61	5053	505300	ada389b5-7d0e-4106-b20d-7a66f7d2a703	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:01:31	-454.613
-61	10106	505300	a48b190b-9894-4caf-ba41-b887dddcbc49	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:32:35	738.164
-62	5054	505400	fd8f8b1c-db40-407b-b5df-9bbf0306aa82	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:21:03	-642.119
-62	10108	505400	74ec9aee-d914-4160-8924-800b9ea05040	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:04:36	-418.892
-63	5055	505500	8ed5eacd-ac51-462d-b381-50ba10698ec7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:42:42	446.769
-63	10110	505500	dfe30e6e-099a-419f-8d6d-429e16b03244	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:54:49	-249.929
-64	5056	505600	9700a290-9884-4e10-88ec-69ea3a45d2af	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:40:45	19.956
-64	10112	505600	968234d9-a1cf-4a4d-8228-2183e80033ba	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:10:44	564.301
-65	5057	505700	5e0fdea3-3027-47aa-ac4f-b6f696c51a56	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:07:19	-488.274
-65	10114	505700	d7507ee7-4980-4204-9c6e-98bcf8f6bdbe	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:00:10	526.827
-66	5058	505800	26329427-c516-4213-8331-7d3db2af45e5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:11:36	974.790
-66	10116	505800	447b4ea0-8fd0-427d-9618-f53316880de6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:58:51	159.821
-67	5059	505900	3a49bc52-a0c3-4ed7-a6b6-867a496531c6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:24:31	-663.801
-67	10118	505900	30f8fb94-08ed-4c3d-b527-b3fff61dbb59	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:32:26	413.3
-68	5060	506000	1928d6a5-9d3a-48d4-a7da-7fd937aaccc9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:42:02	-915.547
-68	10120	506000	534b5ba7-daa5-40d5-aff1-225366647609	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:36:58	-221.607
-69	5061	506100	915632e8-2ce6-4f55-8d2f-085d548b64ad	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:01:28	436.749
-69	10122	506100	8a03dccd-3f3e-42a1-8152-a78a93e24671	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:35:03	933.230
-70	5062	506200	da4ad73e-b94b-4202-a166-23c52ff27148	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:09:27	-173.331
-70	10124	506200	290773f0-fa67-4503-b43f-cb55aff7efd4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:25:43	-351.772
-71	5063	506300	c595b4f3-af7a-4de5-a825-3387aafabe32	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:39:32	555.943
-71	10126	506300	1f3a1cf3-56db-4b8f-b27f-1b791c961c11	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:15:44	544.384
-72	5064	506400	08b2758a-2855-45f1-bc1f-bbcf1c3fc4f5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:38:10	27.458
-72	10128	506400	1dfce25d-a7bb-4137-9727-9a4c5efe4cfd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:44:13	-809.719
-73	5065	506500	fa64a0e2-efcd-402d-b22f-e81ec6ef852d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:45:58	639.750
-73	10130	506500	ff6639b3-a5f0-4817-b8ac-9b0af41e9156	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:46:09	271.15
-74	5066	506600	aa7cd287-ce66-4b2d-b58a-9daf48773d28	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:01:20	-416.784
-74	10132	506600	203a2a30-cc96-4c28-a4cb-c87eec0f5728	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:26:45	516.221
-75	5067	506700	9faa4707-5cf2-4a4d-b8ba-c680ce7aed97	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:10:12	-553.407
-75	10134	506700	22ca65f0-8041-498e-b8e9-212e20781a97	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:35:21	302.781
-76	5068	506800	d1ef7cf6-0432-41a8-9838-179d6f56cf56	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:44:51	554.862
-76	10136	506800	684573a9-586e-4944-aa42-a0da59de2b9c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:12:24	603.179
-77	5069	506900	98e5522f-e0eb-4154-bd6c-ded949ac13a2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:05:13	591.594
-77	10138	506900	d5bad443-64b2-470f-ad69-3f41287fe1fc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:07:21	431.316
-78	5070	507000	4ae4a564-38f7-4b14-a2c9-9d3449e584da	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:47:52	979.276
-78	10140	507000	5a2f5ffa-7ccd-47b9-b468-cc55fc23d6ab	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:07:50	906.509
-79	5071	507100	cf243969-bd50-4fb0-8a98-8504cd0d9e2b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:48:35	5.866
-79	10142	507100	1aed5b6a-45bd-4f1e-a81e-59350ef7d09a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:43:45	416.162
-80	5072	507200	4d5b8d62-b87c-4394-aa23-817558a82fc8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:03:19	625.896
-80	10144	507200	c01ccf52-14d5-4098-a66c-bd1b87b440fc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:55:20	970.773
-81	5073	507300	6e81064a-090f-4580-9dbc-5075fcf2be11	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:09:26	-869.48
-81	10146	507300	71565adb-752b-4170-a8fa-f72845f078fc	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:24:08	-461.200
-82	5074	507400	7a2f6a48-41e3-4cb6-9a7f-bc5e2eb6f173	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:21:00	590.47
-82	10148	507400	d38df6df-59bb-430a-a919-05ac75119673	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:07:18	-906.313
-83	5075	507500	716de0a3-dd91-4675-9325-18f21be620ce	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:49:01	-654.331
-83	10150	507500	2d31f703-be73-4855-b572-c29b85a31c32	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:44:05	-409.863
-84	5076	507600	2ffeb5e0-97ee-4641-88a9-38c3b87664a4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:42:59	344.722
-84	10152	507600	dad8c935-9cee-490a-b24e-4b334c49be7e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:23:17	-610.721
-85	5077	507700	957f803b-42ba-4abd-b30b-4253ba49e3dd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:24:57	167.375
-85	10154	507700	599053ac-6c1a-4176-b03f-45c1545b0fcf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:17:27	-713.900
-86	5078	507800	eb175ff6-bd6c-412b-a6c8-f5ff865a1913	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:38:43	154.557
-86	10156	507800	f625dc57-b676-44a1-9063-b737051f4f79	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:16:35	-800.676
-87	5079	507900	9a010eef-2dc3-4f55-998b-91df80e526e0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:54:09	-999.443
-87	10158	507900	e38da6be-94ae-4b44-85a5-31c5279256a1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:22:18	-606.578
-88	5080	508000	0d1badfe-12a2-4f64-a601-3ec42fdb9136	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:37:25	817.343
-88	10160	508000	d50dc8d1-1b00-4929-98d6-d9fa0845f101	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:01:40	804.802
-89	5081	508100	1a7cef1f-ee41-49e5-911f-f4475a76c272	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:33:49	-398.909
-89	10162	508100	174b248e-c95c-4129-ae88-a18b46d81aec	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:59:14	415.24
-90	5082	508200	033718aa-ce03-447f-9d4d-08059c913f64	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:38:20	171.326
-90	10164	508200	866f2841-5a85-45bd-bcd0-25853acb51a1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:28:09	-144.648
-91	5083	508300	be0123c5-d04e-4564-8dbc-481a4cfce075	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:15:47	190.31
-91	10166	508300	1fdeb021-40da-4a37-a364-7da68ce8a3c8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:09:23	999.487
-92	5084	508400	d711a96a-143f-4d6f-88ad-e9d01556a8dc	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:03:14	-446.204
-92	10168	508400	e7d1b4e6-57f0-4687-b985-9f7a03ba5d2a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:24:29	-637.452
-93	5085	508500	d45e597d-a086-497d-9776-87c18903078f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:02:56	299.964
-93	10170	508500	a058cef5-b56c-4b14-843b-7c0f72e790b7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:00:40	479.634
-94	5086	508600	692db5fa-3eff-429c-be4d-0ff893a972ce	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:08:06	351.592
-94	10172	508600	a4fdcb45-40d2-4266-a9e1-cb79fdce8771	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:04:57	-423.521
-95	5087	508700	be6d5330-1816-4d6a-bfd4-9fb41d0064fa	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:13:08	-217.749
-95	10174	508700	f3f387a1-5369-4849-b99d-d9ad3585b670	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:37:11	367.691
-96	5088	508800	1d2ffca3-1abf-4e6c-9844-6be6be689c6c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:22:03	432.501
-96	10176	508800	fec35030-7c08-46fd-a0d4-28dbcbfd30d1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:51:09	-236.176
-97	5089	508900	ce9964a2-3652-4dd3-b71c-e488955c6392	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:21:41	-728.262
-97	10178	508900	f0785142-8968-4f24-97bd-75a52b9d34fd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:07:25	-304.210
-98	5090	509000	740a2929-0353-4fec-b57b-9f5ea7efa9bb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:29:09	-962.283
-98	10180	509000	f8d9891b-d4ee-46b4-92a2-69837d7da9e9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:28:03	-818.69
-99	5091	509100	6f1b6b33-c810-4172-ab81-c5d6350fbe8f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:04:52	557.287
-99	10182	509100	5949257e-e7e5-40eb-a578-046f75f2feef	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:15:50	-537.523
-100	5092	509200	8b4b76c4-3985-41f1-8cc3-b5a636a37c37	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:56:46	187.360
-100	10184	509200	27cdec23-0b5b-4a46-9f05-14a9ca7a38a8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:42:36	-320.490
-101	5093	509300	b4aabeb3-0a83-4bbc-a6b3-a3b12eacbe77	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:30:40	409.439
-101	10186	509300	fb33e1e7-5b95-4d8d-b3b0-bca1f4fb3a24	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:39:13	-900.922
-102	5094	509400	c8347f0a-6363-4404-a86c-2fb807ed4768	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:48:14	607.951
-102	10188	509400	95c900f4-10d7-436f-868a-cb7ab3b3a882	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:40:17	679.752
-103	5095	509500	6560b880-1f58-4bb8-9705-2f84e13f93a0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:44:13	-483.651
-103	10190	509500	ab49d3bd-31c3-4f98-8a8a-5c0c07d3df93	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:32:17	-540.31
-104	5096	509600	d77898d9-174e-4e19-b5a3-b7c5a6207dd3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:08:47	-319.844
-104	10192	509600	455c9ccf-193f-4f65-a7ec-96182221ecab	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:04:06	-806.817
-105	5097	509700	4a2bece2-c77d-4e10-baa2-c2c9f1b55be9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:55:48	-519.806
-105	10194	509700	4e072f2d-4f0f-427f-b65e-e6fcefb986fe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:11:37	-102.803
-106	5098	509800	2aeb5d9e-96ef-462a-ad25-c14b72d9e62b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:28:43	897.62
-106	10196	509800	9e304a57-e36d-4d12-bedd-e2076747c638	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:35:54	257.364
-107	5099	509900	a50cc22a-6575-48e2-8948-ad3175f616b3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:56:05	-641.634
-107	10198	509900	943cd7b6-3b9d-4e8f-85cd-2c80bae802a0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:05:05	338.266
-108	5100	510000	f68a3d7d-86a2-465b-94ad-4d135fdeef35	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:08:52	-29.903
-108	10200	510000	509cf90c-5c13-45c1-9fbf-563c2c5b6f93	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:36:23	720.27
-109	5101	510100	e31a91ac-2509-4480-8f24-b52a914e607c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:03:47	-153.806
-109	10202	510100	c86cfee0-15dc-4176-82de-56a487f6d844	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:40:49	-169.472
-110	5102	510200	449b682a-4b6f-4a2c-9e2d-ae359ba3a3fc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:27:55	522.911
-110	10204	510200	c8c0d3e3-2bef-4711-a4b3-73475d2c7cc7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:28:45	-418.129
-111	5103	510300	9ff128fa-24a8-44b7-a8d3-ddcf31cae2cf	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:46:01	691.57
-111	10206	510300	e2da2d5c-0dcf-43af-994e-38fa7e864b80	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:12:48	440.612
-112	5104	510400	784be20d-907f-46e5-bbbb-aca732991f98	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:56:06	531.896
-112	10208	510400	fa0c094e-7c05-47ff-811e-6a873a7b7a7d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:32:26	-57.992
-113	5105	510500	0418e427-2340-44a7-a7ec-ab2111db8a05	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:02:56	-487.235
-113	10210	510500	3c0c966f-4b7b-4e5b-8c30-a8c30e2777e7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:18:29	-854.625
-114	5106	510600	64d58d42-d4ad-43b0-bfad-d67cfe892a65	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:18:11	917.415
-114	10212	510600	7524d345-dcc1-4839-8ea1-634f3e1508da	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:04:35	-766.439
-115	5107	510700	4a1bdb67-3100-4ffa-8a18-3aff36b82843	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:54:10	276.901
-115	10214	510700	39b5aa94-5870-43be-9932-5d0969e55c83	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:01:04	-992.613
-116	5108	510800	9b547b31-3530-4c5d-a086-99702ba7732d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:23:19	-82.69
-116	10216	510800	6db1964c-d47a-46d8-adff-e47a67ab53b9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:13:53	-822.427
-117	5109	510900	f6d13443-b157-4f8b-bea7-75d5f7640843	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:14:53	-800.108
-117	10218	510900	125ea2c4-e787-4cbc-ad13-f19667c66a6e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:29:11	-314.538
-118	5110	511000	9b892a21-d66d-4191-a49e-a0b9ce69b609	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:05:48	820.460
-118	10220	511000	45df27b2-5272-4b16-a6ce-8247ae79c255	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:28:09	620.28
-119	5111	511100	9737b8af-dfd0-4d72-a17c-2c8508e9c7b8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:28:14	-561.546
-119	10222	511100	fc7955ef-6b4d-43d8-8cba-ee4eda1e3946	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:48:19	695.909
-120	5112	511200	d8656eff-67a2-49a1-bb0d-d7d51f2e48e0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:40:30	790.729
-120	10224	511200	4fdf7938-7477-4923-8bd4-580a39529682	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:41:16	348.283
-121	5113	511300	cf481bd6-a01a-41a4-bb88-b81758efce74	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:31:11	867.771
-121	10226	511300	a18a4199-9a40-49ca-91e2-70670b7863bc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:46:44	214.615
-122	5114	511400	dc367576-c3f7-4ac8-9d11-bdf1f1226f27	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:42:28	329.626
-122	10228	511400	ab513574-ebf4-43d4-8875-b50c9b18f003	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:43:51	-729.993
-123	5115	511500	18343f39-fe05-41f8-bb75-bd1e6ef1cf83	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:11:00	-558.489
-123	10230	511500	be5e6757-6b8b-418c-86e0-1fedb98179ea	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:41:38	128.691
-124	5116	511600	5aa84c35-b6fd-499b-96d8-4cd119e6c81b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:52:44	907.510
-124	10232	511600	9165e721-a483-4350-b1dd-b341c77c962c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:43:10	136.248
-125	5117	511700	16f13b7d-8032-4b3f-8583-adce5611a763	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:02:31	310.338
-125	10234	511700	35a973f7-80f7-40fb-9742-d6474a15b2d3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:28:35	-935.474
-126	5118	511800	2de59a53-7b2c-4b61-b34b-823e5fc5901a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:42:58	670.223
-126	10236	511800	90e9065b-e1c6-4341-aa6a-a2f1b7937b8c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:05:03	499.705
-127	5119	511900	3688dac0-6562-4120-a705-7891a2e38ab2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:37:49	-26.791
-127	10238	511900	35bda98e-785e-4ae3-8e14-b46f0f4ec9be	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:27:45	279.700
-0	5120	512000	441c0dc9-67b3-4bd2-81ab-7d403360d21d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:09:26	66.871
-0	10240	512000	c4be79d1-6b0c-4706-adb4-20ac66c53f33	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:26:05	-719.688
-1	5121	512100	823fd7ca-0118-43e5-abbc-492a237dfc92	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:03:18	-359.847
-1	10242	512100	a2c29e25-c550-4945-8c79-d9ffd3937de0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:08:25	515.734
-2	5122	512200	a73b2b14-858d-49c5-a99d-15ebf2ff8feb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:32:34	-505.486
-2	10244	512200	628814bb-89a4-4c78-ae9e-96f3ae922634	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:07:14	-344.565
-3	5123	512300	9a979a25-f603-45f4-9881-15c7bd882c8b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:41:49	-412.920
-3	10246	512300	9058dd9a-7aaa-4f1a-926f-0e6c76153308	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:34:33	847.944
-4	5124	512400	3385a679-b94f-456d-be8f-16b260de1fe9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:03:10	865.742
-4	10248	512400	c2842318-c9b3-48a9-a4f8-f7b2af744ca4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:13:39	231.855
-5	5125	512500	3de8d009-d158-4b55-b138-6ad465c02543	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:58:00	-962.795
-5	10250	512500	01fc0c06-0101-4c9d-ad05-eb2032957c08	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:18:41	759.816
-6	5126	512600	fa6a148a-77e2-4d75-a22c-f68f6f54bfee	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:13:14	852.641
-6	10252	512600	278c2ecd-2ca1-4536-8dd6-55e7c8be61ab	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:46:47	-828.165
-7	5127	512700	1b6f9ae8-2f80-4265-b0d7-3be4866657cc	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:29:47	-185.668
-7	10254	512700	e0b3a599-ff6c-4fbc-aa3c-2094a7f061e3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:13:31	192.760
-8	5128	512800	905c1a95-5094-4842-bf95-68ae8ca878b8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:59:32	196.276
-8	10256	512800	7d414d59-981c-4723-84e0-a496bbcb711b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:01:43	-550.587
-9	5129	512900	29fc6576-ec79-4726-b413-51d7a242fcbd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:27:28	-253.133
-9	10258	512900	766c5207-fa40-47d8-a076-4cdc4b443b9f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:47:09	-738.111
-10	5130	513000	df501b69-ecb5-4240-b8ae-a46ea877bad6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:30:46	-587.311
-10	10260	513000	1a50da70-d81d-44f2-a576-1bff1615a24e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:48:18	769.956
-11	5131	513100	b53e2bb9-70dc-4f66-849e-00b618375305	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:07:13	-69.233
-11	10262	513100	2643f7af-c6ca-483c-8125-9ce16911fcab	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:21:23	-184.906
-12	5132	513200	2593b750-7a73-4a1e-a4b7-9e2e979c8b28	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:30:18	616.567
-12	10264	513200	f7765e79-eaa8-4269-b27e-5538c6498679	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:59:27	197.186
-13	5133	513300	2c07a74e-0d6f-4c41-b173-7fd004615a0b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:46:58	111.105
-13	10266	513300	86e178e0-9206-40df-94d8-bc57606a32a0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:01:14	632.963
-14	5134	513400	90081d2e-0a30-4e2f-9568-fd31907ec2d8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:46:10	676.968
-14	10268	513400	df29775b-f512-4e14-a2aa-d506bc92bafa	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:53:56	-992.936
-15	5135	513500	323863d9-0c54-40bc-8914-b76e7dc66608	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:44:43	650.709
-15	10270	513500	49a6e2d2-480b-48e7-bbb2-e33e26f0d4c2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:13:51	510.455
-16	5136	513600	2ee9d7a4-a5b1-4c00-9bcd-134b172aed5e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:35:18	-640.54
-16	10272	513600	2ae327f5-c2a7-4703-af7e-5db950f8c859	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:16:36	282.760
-17	5137	513700	839c7917-173e-4fb3-8021-1e9799607497	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:52:39	202.847
-17	10274	513700	ff8571eb-8572-4dab-b416-758d8d2f437c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:22:27	-162.854
-18	5138	513800	0cf5c5d3-184e-4dfc-be6c-0d1f53c8a304	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:21:09	764.566
-18	10276	513800	c9a1d8d7-0b26-429b-8cb5-d936cb057142	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:31:52	-97.779
-19	5139	513900	15d2e307-417a-4d2c-9ab8-eba5e22ec98a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:37:40	559.407
-19	10278	513900	71efbd44-c5e1-4b44-80ef-6bb299f97656	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:14:14	-434.423
-20	5140	514000	19e7adc5-2f91-48ad-b10a-d259631f7c2c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:47:10	654.674
-20	10280	514000	34f443fa-7d15-41c1-9221-dc1654f93c71	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:33:36	-183.512
-21	5141	514100	20833b8b-5df6-4870-bbb9-b8826bd6215d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:45:35	2.244
-21	10282	514100	e38939dd-071f-4da4-8801-ec99ddd8c9aa	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:12:10	-902.745
-22	5142	514200	5c2d812b-a62f-4cd8-9682-f687cbcac987	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:56:37	789.452
-22	10284	514200	c36a6a42-d7fe-4790-85c1-3df1b982faac	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:10:29	-636.189
-23	5143	514300	e723a0ac-d78d-4e5e-a184-168ff86585c5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:10:03	-290.773
-23	10286	514300	efd7a942-5551-4242-9489-e00d3d1b8ffa	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:47:48	206.851
-24	5144	514400	32074079-9913-4cc0-89d7-b0b354f113c6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:06:51	340.577
-24	10288	514400	6816ff6e-ad68-49f3-ae01-048a006d56a9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:58:16	277.334
-25	5145	514500	239492c9-92ef-433e-ba1b-18a0139f0cea	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:36:25	701.655
-25	10290	514500	e6f2e324-056b-4b69-9661-7adfdd0ceffc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:48:20	-290.660
-26	5146	514600	04461473-bb6d-40d2-8f73-f9caaa42e9b8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:11:38	25.514
-26	10292	514600	3c0fc399-df68-46d1-8736-0bee618b04c3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:42:24	-937.202
-27	5147	514700	d507e198-3c9a-4f2e-9b87-1c982f144ec1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:25:57	980.286
-27	10294	514700	6086024a-3236-4067-b2e8-52e8408883b8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:44:29	992.941
-28	5148	514800	daac74cb-1508-4283-8ab3-83aed210f3cb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:05:26	697.211
-28	10296	514800	6d41ac9a-4c52-4f25-a182-452cd0a03400	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:32:53	-259.396
-29	5149	514900	d79cb763-4008-4629-a633-5e0931fc0913	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:55:17	-591.124
-29	10298	514900	3b22f04f-f5f9-4a48-93f4-c4924f6b1ad2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:51:03	507.651
-30	5150	515000	ef03854a-cbd4-4932-96d2-65032bb5903a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:47:56	852.667
-30	10300	515000	fa0854ab-001c-43b9-bd18-37fc58d20e79	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:22:26	-587.90
-31	5151	515100	23b1e59c-0d68-499c-bf9a-9f4a40cc6bfd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:10:49	-658.529
-31	10302	515100	e2b935e1-d3a7-46b8-a7cd-df896207df7f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:33:33	-447.671
-32	5152	515200	36d42abf-003c-45f0-8109-87102d07d5d4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:11:38	300.334
-32	10304	515200	99eba52a-b6b7-46e6-b74b-2194150cba72	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:18:58	-659.15
-33	5153	515300	05b19f5c-b80a-486f-a04c-4820a3c02e4e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:22:06	-95.251
-33	10306	515300	38fcc0a2-e810-4df3-9a8a-b4fa344e5e27	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:56:15	-91.481
-34	5154	515400	7ee5a462-4874-4f88-b228-3dfcdfad2183	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:46:21	-329.177
-34	10308	515400	ba32f50b-fa05-480c-9c7e-5da236ca8282	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:02:25	-131.307
-35	5155	515500	96e1f6e7-cfd3-4529-9ccd-a3b27ef0ca8f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:23:56	-691.306
-35	10310	515500	62bb7693-c74a-4a28-9dfb-928598da450c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:52:05	-760.23
-36	5156	515600	82335f17-43a4-4196-bffb-a046cdaacfc8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:18:15	-82.905
-36	10312	515600	f48f9624-7661-4661-a7f4-331d96baeae1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:21:46	-217.702
-37	5157	515700	7ab00266-e121-4fbc-8cb4-e8938ae39480	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:36:12	51.323
-37	10314	515700	3a826efc-1c22-4ee8-8752-8a8161a1bbc9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:05:04	728.899
-38	5158	515800	5e34df85-9bca-41f3-898c-24da18785ea3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:22:16	-196.845
-38	10316	515800	beb2e2fa-f083-4651-bf46-e96104d26c19	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:00:45	157.756
-39	5159	515900	0596a87a-d9a8-4613-9e24-98a3134f586c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:38:45	149.780
-39	10318	515900	55f1d4b8-f501-4cf2-8075-da36cd211c70	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:17:59	-452.643
-40	5160	516000	6176ae76-6166-4bef-bf82-1aeffd1e1313	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:42:59	-974.97
-40	10320	516000	a53e2da2-0d4d-4c7a-9481-abc1d731e1ee	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:43:40	-275.912
-41	5161	516100	fc71a5a2-4e76-495e-a21d-938ef12a3754	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:13:26	860.444
-41	10322	516100	49be8f81-895a-45da-a4bd-4b076db75945	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:11:27	-30.195
-42	5162	516200	81cbb860-8a82-4244-aff6-51724e723f56	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:45:12	-184.26
-42	10324	516200	0e117566-f10f-480b-b336-45988202d982	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:04:07	515.472
-43	5163	516300	cded53db-c115-451e-a128-52e16e87065a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:24:55	-259.703
-43	10326	516300	385b8c2a-55b4-48e9-aef4-4354f4dd9787	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:49:25	693.791
-44	5164	516400	025333e9-e7c2-4790-ad3d-9588af725ffd	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:41:16	-68.841
-44	10328	516400	d37032d6-5591-4e2b-8dd4-677d12329a15	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:00:05	-737.787
-45	5165	516500	0e526f08-8f4f-4e63-87f3-1ad9f156c5d0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:42:47	-772.839
-45	10330	516500	442cfc94-b2fb-41fb-8d62-70e503803cf7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:53:56	61.165
-46	5166	516600	0085c3f0-4115-46f0-b187-20c3b1b88b3e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:37:51	-628.60
-46	10332	516600	0f127c82-02bf-4800-ab05-a26732992608	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:29:42	-774.39
-47	5167	516700	93625d6e-6a05-4973-91c4-c1f4a49cc6ae	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:01:44	-328.937
-47	10334	516700	dca1ca30-41ec-48b6-9c9e-409bdc4caaff	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:40:57	206.260
-48	5168	516800	d66702c4-36e5-42e9-b871-d49f3bdaa4df	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:38:59	-598.91
-48	10336	516800	3ef6beec-b233-4799-bc35-20ea92c0ec47	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:04:00	-547.929
-49	5169	516900	5a0fdc33-e185-4e54-bf31-e0d17970c254	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:21:18	295.788
-49	10338	516900	b67373a2-8c77-48bd-ab92-aa38263ff1dc	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:15:34	-129.838
-50	5170	517000	49a5dc85-f8f0-4926-ad60-e90f310b71f7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:46:08	-68.154
-50	10340	517000	6594d035-f324-413a-b0b7-9cc4bb7688b9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:08:06	933.66
-51	5171	517100	a51cc617-7f53-4d95-ade0-1bfc0ef40d85	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:47:35	-621.620
-51	10342	517100	303895aa-1bc2-4fcb-b81a-1c01da679566	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:21:14	338.421
-52	5172	517200	41859ac9-851a-4843-abf5-bd8a7078acf0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:39:19	557.25
-52	10344	517200	ce8c043e-b1f9-4113-a10c-628453f66474	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:47:32	683.658
-53	5173	517300	e8c63a15-ca99-483d-b149-dd0be9d5177b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:49:48	-572.129
-53	10346	517300	d7b762e8-7a1f-4ab4-a57d-1879608724fc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:12:04	946.839
-54	5174	517400	5c84f57a-4b48-4dbd-b575-6f974f04111a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:38:50	-949.856
-54	10348	517400	34be6f12-a108-4c62-8a31-d2669cb191bd	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:42:51	963.752
-55	5175	517500	74872315-935c-43de-b27e-c7da5ab51701	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:58:56	695.564
-55	10350	517500	293b1420-436b-4dda-9a62-db1919f8661b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:34:42	12.425
-56	5176	517600	71661e4c-fb32-4442-8970-c5176d9c7b8b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:54:46	890.67
-56	10352	517600	0e69095c-58fe-46b8-87a6-828f0a99b9ce	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:31:01	-685.429
-57	5177	517700	f38d5b6e-ec6b-484a-85f8-c27244cb4273	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:56:54	-201.957
-57	10354	517700	045cd28e-4513-4f83-a2f1-7dffcf4cfdf2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:54:47	-848.772
-58	5178	517800	09350ffd-46b4-4aaf-b699-eb1248f92f94	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:33:33	86.520
-58	10356	517800	b7f7dcf3-669c-46b4-a10e-0f07c12c7bd5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:59:10	-123.548
-59	5179	517900	f61644af-e8a7-4b54-81ff-33ab13f44252	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:42:31	644.961
-59	10358	517900	838deeb4-ef84-43e2-9ac6-ffb6917ce816	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:24:38	-486.876
-60	5180	518000	0f5118b2-659f-433d-a09e-af08d7025a2c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:43:42	654.792
-60	10360	518000	99726dfc-3d8f-49ca-81ee-66d1ee75e6ae	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:33:08	-645.449
-61	5181	518100	b7eafad7-bb75-4dba-adeb-3c4c9c70eb88	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:43:15	-843.678
-61	10362	518100	a034a4bf-031a-464a-91ab-6977d35e8b40	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:11:25	126.176
-62	5182	518200	8f923491-21d8-4c0f-af5f-3e1651524767	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:57:38	-65.455
-62	10364	518200	a6e3f317-53a2-4885-9bf5-bf8af0e26f0e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:10:07	917.516
-63	5183	518300	51deea73-59d4-4539-8422-5dfb36fba174	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:20:12	333.432
-63	10366	518300	aeef16e2-3444-4631-8c02-e2a69e33fb16	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:45:47	778.594
-64	5184	518400	252c9ee5-6ee9-4948-b8d6-03c0be2de6a0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:24:13	354.922
-64	10368	518400	3a4f1b36-e069-4cfc-aacc-73f405010b3e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:17:34	89.943
-65	5185	518500	292389ba-6491-4766-9b51-b31a72bd6f30	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:30:18	-529.159
-65	10370	518500	22d164db-79df-4603-a0b3-3eade029dcae	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:17:40	573.807
-66	5186	518600	890584ef-141e-468e-af41-6d73626e8f73	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:59:34	-22.253
-66	10372	518600	40457a49-b54f-43b3-8984-0ce081ba2a9c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:14:12	461.548
-67	5187	518700	62f32da1-258d-4b55-8d88-646ebc6b9d0c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:04:04	524.504
-67	10374	518700	16e65f45-953e-4960-8de4-4d9c2910c46d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:12:27	332.47
-68	5188	518800	4887756a-83a6-4c93-b5b3-68ad086d8a05	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:21:42	360.475
-68	10376	518800	f7b0db43-ec15-4633-be70-34d539c60951	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:29:01	-833.590
-69	5189	518900	88895f2b-a252-48b6-a95e-1cc9aba699d9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:26:20	500.725
-69	10378	518900	170a7c4a-f20d-4b10-82d7-6211801d903b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:29:35	-559.978
-70	5190	519000	f5181254-b725-419b-838a-999c2259e95e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:01:48	150.624
-70	10380	519000	fbda5eb8-bd4d-45ce-8f51-c636a43a3768	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:07:31	33.291
-71	5191	519100	120201f7-7fee-486c-885d-ed330409bcdd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:05:01	-259.417
-71	10382	519100	ae350c2d-2daa-48fc-b9d5-99c58db5a0c6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:45:39	-651.444
-72	5192	519200	0bc1f25f-3b9d-4518-a8b5-f8980fd9f0d5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:45:18	122.109
-72	10384	519200	ecc01dac-ab9c-49aa-b22d-ebfcdac18f5b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:20:59	329.696
-73	5193	519300	63677b00-9a0d-41f5-8584-88db7056978e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:17:04	810.733
-73	10386	519300	d35d9488-3b1e-494f-96e6-edf729301071	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:16:05	-994.279
-74	5194	519400	0806b22a-37aa-4361-82d5-4122f7004d78	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:57:30	516.672
-74	10388	519400	27df107d-52f5-4a8e-8502-3cb149f9ccc3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:57:05	-928.419
-75	5195	519500	1bce362b-bc47-49b0-ad8e-2865e4f69bb9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:55:20	76.615
-75	10390	519500	c7249d4d-e31d-48f9-beb0-2e9a13076121	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:08:07	-161.115
-76	5196	519600	ebdb43a6-25ab-4887-8613-3fb03280006f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:59:36	-917.834
-76	10392	519600	ce3f9ea1-4456-41d3-8183-c96060e52fdc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:23:50	772.883
-77	5197	519700	8267e3cc-ba2c-4b3e-adf0-6dc07b4479a3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:45:42	-841.725
-77	10394	519700	800c3900-54a3-41ba-a898-961a69463824	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:29:40	309.410
-78	5198	519800	e25a6554-b393-4ea2-83a4-3f22fa838a08	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:38:56	394.466
-78	10396	519800	61607862-7420-4357-b30a-9ffd98234b77	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:48:12	-780.423
-79	5199	519900	89ddf60e-3668-48ca-b5b5-9236cd13895f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:34:30	-707.369
-79	10398	519900	86571f98-ea48-45c2-8713-5390bda784ff	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:12:16	-96.993
-80	5200	520000	fa4da530-f030-43da-9acb-3376185bb4ed	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:15:07	-410.87
-80	10400	520000	892a358f-7fb4-4bb0-a8aa-56fda8ec9360	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:45:58	310.173
-81	5201	520100	def0a816-1fbb-4de5-ad86-23f96fb80b33	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:26:52	167.501
-81	10402	520100	818bd3af-d1fe-482c-900b-bbba0c90a8d7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:45:01	-400.73
-82	5202	520200	5661c232-ee69-4445-a6cf-8abec65fe95d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:12:25	244.334
-82	10404	520200	b97f0d49-06b5-4c29-a959-290f3f672a57	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:54:33	-508.85
-83	5203	520300	ac7ebb41-338a-46b9-b72d-c0866b911492	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:06:57	924.591
-83	10406	520300	11709329-0e8b-4a77-8e1c-0e6fbbc7812f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:48:16	-566.493
-84	5204	520400	1e86badf-2265-48eb-9da3-12ff38149a46	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:01:32	599.897
-84	10408	520400	455d3dbf-57d2-4e97-b515-b0bfb3c6278b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:30:56	243.861
-85	5205	520500	114eebbf-7f34-49e7-9898-65dbeaa9a4de	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:01:11	-52.293
-85	10410	520500	86186b22-0450-4486-8db0-92a49a623180	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:31:34	158.412
-86	5206	520600	908ec406-3e5b-4d7b-a389-181d2e4cc28e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:45:55	-252.569
-86	10412	520600	5ce30522-1f30-4505-8893-25c45d510db3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:24:52	15.149
-87	5207	520700	9c812db1-7a7d-46bf-9d0a-634eff249478	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:01:23	754.946
-87	10414	520700	d264adc1-57f2-48a7-92cd-e5568d65b44c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:45:23	171.507
-88	5208	520800	f4e3bce1-f662-44b7-8516-dd118220c6db	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:42:03	-416.378
-88	10416	520800	626cf3ac-f832-45e9-a9c6-2b04df283fbb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:54:20	-826.767
-89	5209	520900	9e1194ad-ea59-4cce-8033-dc43bf1a52db	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:12:36	872.803
-89	10418	520900	7a340bd3-dc38-4dd6-b38e-a7595cf6dda3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:52:38	161.548
-90	5210	521000	3845e597-6b76-485d-8057-d7ce2d71cdcb	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:41:33	424.880
-90	10420	521000	3e7ae607-d2a8-43a8-9487-29332c61d10a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:52:48	-983.463
-91	5211	521100	3a07b131-b916-4682-bdf4-59f85befa102	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:41:29	-245.130
-91	10422	521100	17c7c0d6-774a-41d8-9d2d-99903396a3b6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:29:01	884.369
-92	5212	521200	5d5834e4-41b8-482a-9dd6-401fa856a935	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:03:36	-447.585
-92	10424	521200	ae47035a-32cf-452f-95a6-657234174cc2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:22:50	432.271
-93	5213	521300	044c2c23-74d2-45fb-8c24-4677f76afaad	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:25:34	315.749
-93	10426	521300	163e9082-dc07-402e-a052-86bd224a3643	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:33:07	670.190
-94	5214	521400	48e90fb4-67fa-4916-b6cc-fa66e5a72eb9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:33:46	961.249
-94	10428	521400	9d059857-1a6b-438b-b304-6533563a41be	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:11:37	-838.481
-95	5215	521500	f77ee46d-1ec4-4860-a8fa-39b6fd4805e3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:40:21	-949.925
-95	10430	521500	d08b4119-5f3f-4853-93d2-5379c392b04e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:08:37	747.635
-96	5216	521600	86b53dac-97ae-4364-a8a9-5bbc52195155	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:38:25	560.133
-96	10432	521600	c97a6fac-37e4-48a2-8c05-ff3507706dc5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:42:33	-497.668
-97	5217	521700	32963c11-7fe8-4c47-9e28-813b8e7aed57	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:13:06	-846.919
-97	10434	521700	e556d274-f340-4190-b88b-489e5c4b4c5c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:01:31	-424.182
-98	5218	521800	817f52e8-7a65-4e1f-93dd-79a2e88f032e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:43:58	-886.302
-98	10436	521800	ddb945ad-3ef2-4134-9a8c-0757dddf3211	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:20:12	-247.358
-99	5219	521900	dcdc0789-7ceb-45bf-a4c5-fd909ef8e41c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:42:44	249.295
-99	10438	521900	fd3c978e-46dc-4c36-ad3a-07db0f09b6e4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:00:47	442.82
-100	5220	522000	b26ef273-8500-479a-b5b2-5e7a175b14de	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:11:51	720.730
-100	10440	522000	226e7741-09e1-4464-9423-51d715fa76a2	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:11:43	-317.727
-101	5221	522100	2f2b856a-272b-48b1-8a95-cfd391e685bc	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:13:57	-194.954
-101	10442	522100	75bb0ccd-e60b-4153-aaf1-1eb0e5f13763	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:56:55	813.305
-102	5222	522200	97a5a773-1a70-4c33-8fd3-e7c14ae1abe3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:03:23	344.871
-102	10444	522200	a014bacf-7e98-41d7-af9a-4cfb066731d8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:48:18	299.95
-103	5223	522300	d17d354f-bf74-478c-93d1-fddfe7d27eda	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:39:45	-900.277
-103	10446	522300	7e71e19d-7eac-40e0-b4ef-a3e941f73f7f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:30:14	-180.708
-104	5224	522400	e506e184-0e10-41cf-9c11-5bce584a3e92	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:38:08	-518.861
-104	10448	522400	b3e44b04-aa56-4aa4-ba07-9bc6ea33b6eb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:33:42	-193.776
-105	5225	522500	7b667f6f-9794-4032-a9f2-c8fcd0ed2268	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:22:07	193.815
-105	10450	522500	b5f5a178-0332-4440-bc49-33ca7303040c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:46:44	810.484
-106	5226	522600	3a034c3e-970d-4f4d-8bb2-e60ec28414c7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:12:11	-853.176
-106	10452	522600	7e07ba44-bd2c-402f-bc78-d17a5f1f7a8f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:01:10	232.167
-107	5227	522700	5e78a2f0-9c58-48ec-8603-94d578265255	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:29:28	-258.963
-107	10454	522700	2d3658c9-cc66-41b7-9817-70dc04d74b47	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:40:00	-354.4
-108	5228	522800	c059628f-569e-49be-9762-7c7c48bf28e9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:22:48	-226.634
-108	10456	522800	3d25c40c-44e8-4677-9d6e-040af5b9f984	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:04:45	299.717
-109	5229	522900	514f2c19-7eca-4276-b3d6-3cd0c2e51f72	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:59:22	-915.463
-109	10458	522900	43e00d9d-fc6e-4496-b411-841c5bf4d1f7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:52:35	-627.102
-110	5230	523000	023c9690-1bad-4d2b-a0ac-2e7891d6c570	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:54:46	-52.321
-110	10460	523000	576036db-1b41-4f34-9f03-949bd2433b67	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:11:38	-541.697
-111	5231	523100	7ec23a98-cbfa-417c-bafd-b24daf436195	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:50:04	-482.418
-111	10462	523100	ef3d4887-60ea-49f7-80c4-eaa7eb708dee	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:29:24	-590.315
-112	5232	523200	d08bd8a4-1219-477a-b969-565137afc7c8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:40:20	-626.179
-112	10464	523200	b3c79c93-300c-4e4a-a090-28a9c61617a3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:40:03	39.128
-113	5233	523300	4b0d7fe2-194b-4e46-8649-f54e6cbc1d58	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:14:51	-28.926
-113	10466	523300	7d9a2fbd-ca06-4a0b-865c-f2255e708cca	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:44:01	-936.991
-114	5234	523400	e82ef869-3f56-458c-b320-33f4c99c5e6c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:09:06	-747.961
-114	10468	523400	76f2af73-ed49-49a0-b305-812b73a62ffe	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:21:05	-49.446
-115	5235	523500	e4f4c270-d627-41cd-8d44-1d47133ae688	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:35:07	-519.388
-115	10470	523500	35b8e476-2f33-4228-85ea-763790750194	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:20:20	-824.661
-116	5236	523600	8ce58273-77ad-46c2-90f5-65214a2c42fa	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:26:07	-704.785
-116	10472	523600	db9c5261-976d-4862-860e-d97534883060	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:22:11	295.584
-117	5237	523700	970a80cd-1a99-40be-af9e-c79930751db6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:33:09	-984.809
-117	10474	523700	0d4c3d2b-11d7-4137-b01f-e007071cf652	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:09:14	18.996
-118	5238	523800	b85f1533-f9ee-44de-9b4b-56138f877ba4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:20:16	390.754
-118	10476	523800	b304ce2d-6e97-4882-ad3c-d0fe0a243272	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:56:42	-746.499
-119	5239	523900	ab022e7c-e70b-44c3-99e7-69739fed75c3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:13:20	-187.609
-119	10478	523900	df3979f1-773b-4ce7-a2f2-1073fad07e09	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:16:39	382.128
-120	5240	524000	deaf0831-9357-4542-ba84-acee3ebb1295	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:00:17	235.399
-120	10480	524000	10f2b21f-2f91-41c5-aa0d-cd2a8ad964a7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:01:00	645.239
-121	5241	524100	94131de6-92b0-4fea-b4e6-e9efcdcaa879	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:31:21	-752.462
-121	10482	524100	dca15af0-0260-4fca-836f-0376b02017ab	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:07:12	-986.143
-122	5242	524200	edd908a3-322c-4b01-ae0c-f3616cb6aefa	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:24:14	-945.153
-122	10484	524200	0477e7fc-2a90-441f-a811-f79bc817b1dd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:48:19	272.228
-123	5243	524300	1f9eceda-bd88-4fc9-9354-dee426ef63d1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:21:05	-316.180
-123	10486	524300	f2b003c5-f242-4b13-aa08-4d677772e10d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:10:33	-374.804
-124	5244	524400	7d20c261-7276-4492-8f06-f21cd6ec4745	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:04:14	865.590
-124	10488	524400	ef79b090-44f1-4be6-a0da-7bcf9cccd2e2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:55:47	-892.792
-125	5245	524500	f5bab4e3-c0c4-44dc-ae53-c9bce8488533	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:55:34	-657.520
-125	10490	524500	fc99a4aa-4dde-4b7b-9552-000fa03e1588	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:31:50	744.428
-126	5246	524600	a42e42c9-004d-44ff-b453-4b7b12b7e30b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:53:51	-303.176
-126	10492	524600	892ba161-2a0c-4644-a95e-b1a686ee1f0a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:21:44	339.326
-127	5247	524700	5282576b-ca40-4723-a731-ea1259e7a488	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:03:55	350.703
-127	10494	524700	955af7f1-13c4-45d4-9b6d-d4aef965e416	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:41:32	-780.41
-0	5248	524800	ec096459-7e5b-46ab-945f-5599e5938eb4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:43:25	-66.712
-0	10496	524800	876540fd-4866-4feb-909d-14dcab4725a8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:35:50	244.927
-1	5249	524900	aec97b7f-b487-4c63-9a47-29ce1b821ff1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:21:26	787.570
-1	10498	524900	068b9c88-4b9b-4964-8319-1f3f2b2067e1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:38:56	854.878
-2	5250	525000	6721e51f-2925-4123-a5f0-774613f2ec2e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:08:00	-928.894
-2	10500	525000	da07de2c-4344-47ef-8823-43448ab9d48e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:05:49	-732.419
-3	5251	525100	a81777a7-5b9d-4cc6-8794-3d514e967a7b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:44:30	165.980
-3	10502	525100	a3f1724d-86e3-4e78-abfc-a578f4aaf836	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:09:23	-99.944
-4	5252	525200	d83f4f5c-598c-445e-8065-3239f2a72560	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:33:20	-441.251
-4	10504	525200	c0e321ca-a86b-4b1b-868a-7832cbb50514	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:34:48	-182.407
-5	5253	525300	99001d3c-3dc2-4bbc-b05d-d4cc98d258e8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:06:42	-5.382
-5	10506	525300	d4b5899f-5777-49ad-9424-c173dfe3a4cb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:36:51	847.637
-6	5254	525400	262e9f6d-ec11-4d18-aa18-1cbf7f0fe8b8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:06:19	-285.280
-6	10508	525400	53ebb6e1-98cf-49d5-ab50-98079fe54086	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:30:55	-733.587
-7	5255	525500	cc97b189-a4cb-48c9-a243-3e71a577bc7d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:05:33	92.364
-7	10510	525500	c3b6a636-f425-4f11-b646-f26ff561ed20	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:06:02	-629.848
-8	5256	525600	331647cd-6fba-4205-9dab-8743b54bf602	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:13:10	-619.436
-8	10512	525600	156d68e2-38cc-4d87-8b5b-4afbdd283ef4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:17:18	995.812
-9	5257	525700	c246b6b2-9267-4703-a4f7-75dcb520d714	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:55:26	-248.170
-9	10514	525700	10550752-1c5c-443f-a0af-a7e3a73ab12d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:21:30	-770.747
-10	5258	525800	65246cb7-e43c-4c9e-950b-225c59464825	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:15:20	306.340
-10	10516	525800	7dfaeea1-c403-4c9d-bc15-fd13def52b99	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:54:28	689.378
-11	5259	525900	c8eeaa0e-6d72-4403-8099-602ccd145ec2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:14:07	-380.601
-11	10518	525900	22fa598c-796d-4762-80c3-94b2dd3838c8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:26:33	-499.81
-12	5260	526000	657511ca-c6e3-4a09-a7db-fc2ac3e1b797	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:08:53	310.797
-12	10520	526000	4ebebcba-d18c-4417-b7ec-248dfb0a6c61	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:52:14	-660.446
-13	5261	526100	ae087cc9-6810-451a-98bd-9843a685cd7b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:02:33	-886.924
-13	10522	526100	ef822943-211e-4ed7-9df6-cf865bf8b49a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:17:22	183.101
-14	5262	526200	10cf80b9-0845-46f6-b051-f0fcb90bc6ba	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:11:24	427.265
-14	10524	526200	99828cc4-efcb-4b4e-8d1b-a5221392bce1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:22:07	222.147
-15	5263	526300	c27cd39c-7a72-49e4-847a-ef29946df363	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:47:27	599.375
-15	10526	526300	5f63315e-c9d0-4b52-ab03-715551ea2743	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:02:46	-496.97
-16	5264	526400	c8f26eb2-737a-4bfa-bb8d-6d42d796f7e5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:19:47	-550.916
-16	10528	526400	7d57d8fd-697b-41da-85d6-e21cd7b59aa4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:33:54	-23.822
-17	5265	526500	9f1a018a-40da-480e-b00e-a80c380d127e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:32:02	-430.938
-17	10530	526500	fc03a97d-7a25-483c-b82a-3c3ac25c9e48	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:53:59	-956.614
-18	5266	526600	8d5a48de-62ea-4e55-a951-b396c95c33df	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:20:38	280.572
-18	10532	526600	d68c6463-ab7e-44a7-bb56-12591ed8238d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:53:50	-657.690
-19	5267	526700	1c108d86-b8a9-4c63-82d4-f36fa615c374	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:46:57	83.888
-19	10534	526700	6fc43748-de91-45a1-8465-1447e55ca9cc	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:32:13	60.501
-20	5268	526800	70f8500a-4d1e-4d59-bcd3-e215cbb383f5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:25:23	429.728
-20	10536	526800	e55620f7-276e-45bd-ba35-85ba2a06b65b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:39:48	-690.262
-21	5269	526900	90b43a13-749d-4873-b83c-a3dcba4f6735	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:49:56	-987.298
-21	10538	526900	898649a4-b9d5-4325-b727-250ba7ed2d70	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:58:30	197.344
-22	5270	527000	6db82d58-84e0-4b50-be4d-0f91c0f06c93	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:33:31	996.155
-22	10540	527000	f7b80da3-f8c5-4625-8ddd-3d4519d5dbb9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:19:59	119.841
-23	5271	527100	687ef957-da1b-4bc3-ad24-ff7dc783184a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:13:57	-274.790
-23	10542	527100	59db2269-1f97-479c-bc3c-7a20d7fba107	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:41:38	571.588
-24	5272	527200	e9c94384-1ab2-4a2e-ba91-1974a5115795	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:08:44	-356.252
-24	10544	527200	84eafd01-da41-4a8e-b8d1-0165c4114bf5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:59:59	677.231
-25	5273	527300	8b9f4ad3-d7fc-44c8-b53f-8d5002c8fb62	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:27:09	-155.843
-25	10546	527300	4e10a0a5-743c-4345-ab90-c4836dba682f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:21:05	916.887
-26	5274	527400	8d5dc24f-96be-40b4-aca1-5270237b735d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:42:46	-814.518
-26	10548	527400	c0d264de-a789-40d8-a8f1-c5f8cf11229b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:39:38	-502.342
-27	5275	527500	1ddb0fff-0b54-4dec-a0ed-79a7e437d5e0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:12:04	467.25
-27	10550	527500	4d0171d7-f61e-43a7-875b-cfba7ac8e4ac	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:22:23	606.377
-28	5276	527600	85a0f63c-e277-44be-bf96-7e636e4810e7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:28:02	-373.249
-28	10552	527600	870650b9-cbf3-4e71-8911-a3a70b445f0c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:01:58	-538.281
-29	5277	527700	5df83cf9-c694-487b-859b-c226d7cfec45	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:32:01	453.780
-29	10554	527700	c383648e-9d0f-4983-ab67-7f83c5187682	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:22:36	-797.319
-30	5278	527800	0d73d77c-e190-4d3d-9ceb-56083d848046	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:36:16	61.903
-30	10556	527800	5f677cb1-79dc-45ad-bf23-ad6fab861fa5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:54:34	612.403
-31	5279	527900	0e4faed7-ee49-4d21-b4dc-c4a317e5a769	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:00:55	-828.617
-31	10558	527900	caf7c6f5-45d8-4bde-bc33-d4820c8d42b3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:45:08	-135.511
-32	5280	528000	4546cb61-af30-41e4-aea6-0573d526f02f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:48:28	102.512
-32	10560	528000	9aab9e35-72af-4533-96b3-e12c4c65c523	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:25:47	117.128
-33	5281	528100	22033e37-2b5d-4c1c-9366-8c15e239ad3b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:54:55	508.182
-33	10562	528100	98be6193-6ed2-4a74-a145-04045ab35114	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:23:40	-777.904
-34	5282	528200	601fdfd5-6aff-42cf-821b-c07ca054323f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:17:06	-593.837
-34	10564	528200	e6fffae1-5798-4e16-9440-53736d847507	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:03:49	936.980
-35	5283	528300	5baf7f1b-a5d9-4749-a5fb-cc1f6c90516a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:53:27	-211.557
-35	10566	528300	40d2d216-bd20-45ac-9bf4-9b68a7b71716	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:31:49	556.657
-36	5284	528400	cd8cf7da-0393-499f-82a8-47a09709eba1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:13:54	-844.315
-36	10568	528400	e189ca69-f165-480c-9f5a-9eb8c471e172	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:23:42	154.395
-37	5285	528500	dc6ed010-1cda-4828-9a14-183a0f0ce96d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:51:44	-204.343
-37	10570	528500	419c4836-18cb-4461-8097-c3ee94746ca3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:34:05	-312.257
-38	5286	528600	2b00eed9-01b0-445f-86db-fb28f6e177a4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:19:39	-249.582
-38	10572	528600	0830b589-6c6c-4e15-ba72-0e265b82302b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:15:21	156.422
-39	5287	528700	42258759-c3e1-40ae-81db-fe5d163f0e6b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:05:19	-807.225
-39	10574	528700	115ccedb-a005-4578-8ee2-b5ce72a29f40	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:21:10	217.376
-40	5288	528800	954f1e06-b917-4536-921b-c2bd7d13c7fc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:41:19	-478.720
-40	10576	528800	799275e6-0124-445f-8219-83e91ae66083	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:19:20	402.893
-41	5289	528900	57fe49bb-af46-4d97-9574-7fa53121df2e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:33:40	-601.726
-41	10578	528900	f2d5ca8f-336f-410f-bcca-3b0034641195	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:54:24	815.148
-42	5290	529000	f79bc40c-4d5e-415d-9a0f-f21018764245	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:42:57	-172.586
-42	10580	529000	70383a90-6772-41e9-b52f-74c70ce2fed8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:34:07	-174.579
-43	5291	529100	97b11ad0-b99e-4ae6-bb4f-90771cb50b8c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:49:22	-589.284
-43	10582	529100	61d72880-d4b2-4d09-beaf-48702e385dc0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:27:27	-256.890
-44	5292	529200	75f5e7b6-ae8a-405a-ae88-202a8bd63cce	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:12:54	-858.743
-44	10584	529200	f6105345-3e0e-4242-ad38-d3570ee10442	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:20:58	637.458
-45	5293	529300	544f64d6-29f1-4325-9119-db78fe77f594	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:32:15	314.820
-45	10586	529300	cf74dbdb-791b-4869-aff8-98235ab55c02	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:46:29	601.837
-46	5294	529400	fa100f00-0eb1-4e36-bfa0-e0be961cdb95	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:49:22	111.406
-46	10588	529400	979b5219-cecb-40e8-b48d-e6c5b7d9987a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:32:34	247.249
-47	5295	529500	702bf7a2-fa9f-4a3b-b1e1-d10ae73fd153	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:58:37	-656.144
-47	10590	529500	8233c96b-851c-4334-98ad-f9c32f21f0ac	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:33:14	422.301
-48	5296	529600	365e4d09-2e18-47ef-a0fa-9914b6da6532	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:20:50	174.912
-48	10592	529600	1c9ea8b7-9ef7-494d-affc-10157cd0c8a8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:24:03	886.925
-49	5297	529700	4ad87d20-79b7-46ea-aba1-30611c280732	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:51:22	752.571
-49	10594	529700	b6f2b7f7-becd-468a-930f-a544e641c542	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:22:58	-451.90
-50	5298	529800	1de3810c-b1b3-42e4-b4d3-ad5393bc78b2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:35:51	-330.624
-50	10596	529800	d9695684-cbb6-4ad6-a507-19798d6d4b27	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:18:56	-520.563
-51	5299	529900	b2473602-5a64-43db-a1e9-5c3c00fac668	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:59:28	-305.849
-51	10598	529900	fe9f4bc2-b2b7-430c-8af4-15feed8774b6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:10:12	717.558
-52	5300	530000	41ff6a57-eca1-4f25-afd5-b96979fc8819	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:14:14	-548.243
-52	10600	530000	35d7c11c-a30f-4123-ae27-17f2c3c7ed5c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:17:12	761.102
-53	5301	530100	a9696041-6e98-4f1d-8a24-2654c0b253bc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:13:00	-3.463
-53	10602	530100	1b9e63d2-463c-441d-b8ef-76f8350ba42e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:50:03	-941.506
-54	5302	530200	3ef93787-bbfc-46ef-9ed1-dab029621775	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:01:34	-684.25
-54	10604	530200	0d8b3a54-9293-4ff8-9927-183f3cd3b467	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:53:42	443.985
-55	5303	530300	c6263538-c3a9-43c6-bc2a-e02d469dba13	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:02:43	-708.499
-55	10606	530300	ec0ea920-98e8-48b0-b2fd-7dd649bd01a7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:45:30	599.657
-56	5304	530400	fbe66094-3120-4081-a664-ae0507b01288	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:49:30	351.95
-56	10608	530400	b136f527-bffb-40a6-a12b-065a3663b4bf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:44:28	569.674
-57	5305	530500	cd9471d9-321c-48d6-91b4-d07593ace96d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:39:22	-753.584
-57	10610	530500	82bad39f-33ae-4e1e-892e-c32703ae779f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:37:45	567.525
-58	5306	530600	069d78ac-e2ab-464e-ae66-dffbdbe6f6f1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:20:12	21.243
-58	10612	530600	4a56e41d-ecc8-4493-b84c-03f94d12b9db	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:00:55	-968.558
-59	5307	530700	7f394304-e8e1-4cdf-983b-d8b560855998	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:35:48	720.423
-59	10614	530700	c17f6df5-3b17-4bd7-abfc-7030ff751f28	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:54:46	270.630
-60	5308	530800	5d73510f-9ed3-4500-86bf-f04ed573ddff	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:08:38	-685.570
-60	10616	530800	62a73af5-97d5-48f6-b4da-43e8299a1017	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:30:00	-445.936
-61	5309	530900	726f9e97-c843-4f72-986c-48d3595c2db0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:16:28	-167.543
-61	10618	530900	33643006-41be-4ab0-892a-25425f75e600	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:41:06	657.510
-62	5310	531000	50f66bff-2c5d-4f2b-b5a4-df01df0c8f84	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:23:14	564.936
-62	10620	531000	ca37fa51-7f40-4da2-a0fc-035fb7bda4a5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:06:59	811.504
-63	5311	531100	f360f95b-75f7-4b37-8b1d-a309c964c87a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:20:06	531.637
-63	10622	531100	1c6865d3-9aa1-424b-b673-b40d5f507bd5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:32:17	-263.928
-64	5312	531200	9b878a61-a89c-49fc-a1aa-edb886c66853	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:01:43	-879.706
-64	10624	531200	c4016600-d777-4a8a-b8d7-19e3b4996b1c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:14:40	-751.222
-65	5313	531300	f1b9f2a1-3763-4791-9aa9-484e2dab1006	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:19:08	74.205
-65	10626	531300	e5e6cba8-696f-45b1-88f2-76fe7fec4eea	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:01:19	694.718
-66	5314	531400	323348b7-2650-4acb-bc99-6e48ee70013f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:49:43	-908.736
-66	10628	531400	b1bf3cbc-a436-4e86-92d2-d57c943ee1a6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:43:50	884.137
-67	5315	531500	034b7614-fefe-483a-ac12-fc87fa1f2611	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:50:23	-266.668
-67	10630	531500	225f3bcd-0b90-4ea4-8d40-9194dd81f4d1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:14:34	910.127
-68	5316	531600	a090d061-1505-4d8d-bae6-02ed03abb812	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:43:48	770.725
-68	10632	531600	7c7424de-e1ec-4f45-98a4-a3a5d9e16b28	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:58:38	33.99
-69	5317	531700	d162ec23-45a8-4a6c-bbf3-57b3364ff20b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:18:09	-205.759
-69	10634	531700	3450b499-76bb-495e-be17-78dbdd3533a5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:35:24	-864.719
-70	5318	531800	9d0b63cc-aa01-445d-9459-1cbbc525d0f9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:28:15	-669.673
-70	10636	531800	d5e24f07-1683-4af2-a240-a6ded0cb71b4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:54:46	-987.626
-71	5319	531900	245d0014-5d96-4e15-9b89-64553d62a634	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:13:44	96.486
-71	10638	531900	7e506a7f-6fdd-4174-9cac-35612f263245	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:11:56	-662.340
-72	5320	532000	1123cd7b-097d-4474-91fb-e254166044f9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:33:50	-488.14
-72	10640	532000	7155b318-a609-4bfa-9641-5a40c38b7837	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:15:56	-590.519
-73	5321	532100	4ac05614-f427-4f0c-b3d7-c1cba45cbeee	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:25:02	-953.879
-73	10642	532100	c4fedcc8-cec7-483d-a4af-b50b15759683	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:23:12	-133.67
-74	5322	532200	8e751e03-7e33-42d4-a71e-f29b98c8afba	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:47:25	807.418
-74	10644	532200	f67a6ac9-c658-4d05-81d7-cfc2d91c9a0f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:18:45	92.253
-75	5323	532300	48539aa5-3d34-41cd-844d-bcbe48c44663	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:06:21	955.323
-75	10646	532300	3e435fe6-dd66-4b02-87c5-e375ffd989e5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:11:49	-805.879
-76	5324	532400	ef81ebd5-23dd-411e-839e-ea065cffeb9f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:18:58	-534.964
-76	10648	532400	0e917dc6-3e36-4d44-90a7-c44c5e8efa7e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:57:40	583.404
-77	5325	532500	8e089aa7-eca7-4e62-a58f-cfb72295f3eb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:56:05	-919.312
-77	10650	532500	26bde577-a756-45dc-8b20-3200f6ca43e7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:47:26	-771.371
-78	5326	532600	5e2f968a-7897-42aa-9e42-355ed3cdb5a5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:29:26	319.523
-78	10652	532600	234d20df-49dd-4aae-9845-ffc62375b889	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:57:24	899.57
-79	5327	532700	e2e8ea50-66c2-4d67-8d9f-714491851407	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:52:31	-981.459
-79	10654	532700	951f780b-551f-44c7-a295-0a47a5e20b0a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:42:14	989.994
-80	5328	532800	f9f2246a-30ea-4bd5-a39e-02cfc88a1d3b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:52:03	-418.482
-80	10656	532800	952d2d6a-68f9-41da-aa1e-c1b05d9d4ca6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:58:00	-209.297
-81	5329	532900	ee324690-d371-483b-acdc-c6766847da5c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:20:55	459.515
-81	10658	532900	977e1b81-f7c2-48bf-a33e-093a0d40fafe	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:06:45	700.352
-82	5330	533000	9f2a4d65-2ee0-465b-81c7-219d6837b3bc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:00:31	-478.675
-82	10660	533000	183a3ee6-3c83-4921-979b-598d7f5162a4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:56:17	-155.45
-83	5331	533100	fb102ed6-b7d3-4ad1-af1a-87ee110e0088	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:30:24	372.283
-83	10662	533100	01720e07-4ca8-4296-804e-fe526dc0df50	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:43:36	-596.257
-84	5332	533200	dccd069e-529c-4d2e-9c9e-571525299fce	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:32:08	529.864
-84	10664	533200	e7450ca2-f91d-4f5b-8ba8-8332dbed1152	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:22:33	787.909
-85	5333	533300	410f64de-b248-4f7f-bf38-c6f8ba35d54b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:16:12	-412.408
-85	10666	533300	46466728-f837-4d67-b158-6fb9f24492fb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:17:39	-927.190
-86	5334	533400	e1ed2792-7657-4f30-9cc8-8cd2d8c24e73	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:33:32	781.197
-86	10668	533400	9adf3b20-d570-4ba5-974a-e2ac54cf32fc	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:28:18	847.357
-87	5335	533500	746c7458-995a-4d31-b2e0-3ba7909c1a7e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:22:32	-311.886
-87	10670	533500	cfc43629-8009-45b9-af06-d3293e0e5a1a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:46:57	-8.222
-88	5336	533600	cae9bbe3-a097-4f07-b77d-c36dbeaa61c8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:19:19	107.413
-88	10672	533600	f0f4d875-9d2c-4010-b5ef-9ba5485161f1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:42:31	-722.65
-89	5337	533700	3bac5bad-71a3-4578-b33d-04da6a0f7eb3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:15:19	-804.400
-89	10674	533700	e0641032-3a39-4926-bc72-b5a11b6dcaa0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:11:10	807.794
-90	5338	533800	600e14db-ec56-46b2-8109-cd94a5dd1520	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:14:43	-359.269
-90	10676	533800	adfc764c-fb98-4f72-8fd3-70551e3cbaf6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:56:39	625.366
-91	5339	533900	35cb945c-6fe8-4b4c-9e01-72c18d879959	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:51:31	-851.938
-91	10678	533900	c77adf8d-1dee-49d5-a5f8-f7140ad7cdf8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:09:10	121.327
-92	5340	534000	8a40bf67-bc9c-4bd9-b3f3-f5abff748d3a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:59:39	54.663
-92	10680	534000	29205f59-9747-4847-9a47-e51cadbbc7c6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:55:54	43.220
-93	5341	534100	1dc27998-9813-4c67-9334-fd6b8d5e6ade	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:49:16	-722.210
-93	10682	534100	dcd0fcad-14a6-4414-bf44-5745eab813bf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:41:20	-676.106
-94	5342	534200	ea4bff7b-c031-4a14-a682-77c8d51a439a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:05:27	-913.844
-94	10684	534200	9181cd37-db9e-4442-a53c-5174d05d1f55	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:31:14	786.133
-95	5343	534300	ed2f9968-a4b0-4bb7-bf46-1a4ba7a1e0ad	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:17:29	198.339
-95	10686	534300	4886847b-c6ca-4b3c-ac44-97e27f8d5304	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:45:12	878.932
-96	5344	534400	d05e7dc5-7d18-4570-ae42-f2c4f1c11570	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:16:39	471.199
-96	10688	534400	60f22404-166f-4f83-a503-a9907f4c8eee	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:56:52	-582.3
-97	5345	534500	f70632ce-ffc1-4dc1-85a9-7431d67cb268	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:48:02	-436.650
-97	10690	534500	3fc79418-d6e4-49aa-805b-a8483f2ff9c5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:53:25	-587.867
-98	5346	534600	700ed26c-5e6b-4a20-8e07-a3c740d033b9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:28:30	-10.588
-98	10692	534600	c1ec2793-3e95-465d-bb0f-2b00f6c170be	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:37:07	-951.501
-99	5347	534700	d424088c-9d7c-4e01-9a3f-404a2bce7d43	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:06:55	-195.777
-99	10694	534700	5e716594-7e63-4ad7-8f01-74b4157114db	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:02:07	-620.408
-100	5348	534800	889b8c55-b614-403c-9356-1cf813cf2c5e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:20:59	213.979
-100	10696	534800	57d974bd-f5cc-4951-b5d2-84ab8f1f795d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:34:24	542.332
-101	5349	534900	345a29d4-1dab-486f-9d8f-542f8891ac17	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:22:31	-622.804
-101	10698	534900	cd24b053-3338-4b25-82e2-89a70f17bb14	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:33:51	-444.484
-102	5350	535000	31808451-6a0b-4e74-8e79-77ce4a68c656	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:01:21	475.674
-102	10700	535000	32dd31a9-a291-4429-97cc-c158dd140ff6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:24:03	929.854
-103	5351	535100	8eb18ff1-21de-4ad8-9e66-59e7a9088f39	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:45:05	602.714
-103	10702	535100	7b4fbea1-bfa8-4dda-8146-bd45ebc1e57d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:52:23	-824.320
-104	5352	535200	8f67ffc1-9b5c-4444-95b8-d9679c56fcc8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:48:46	752.579
-104	10704	535200	6c649158-b6e4-4d47-8c98-c1d4786e2869	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:33:26	-968.759
-105	5353	535300	eb0e1e8e-8731-4733-8982-2215ab8b4b8b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:44:37	547.365
-105	10706	535300	d5ce078b-2aa5-4bdc-8e9c-f4736770b5f8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:49:08	576.782
-106	5354	535400	8ddba807-c05c-4eaa-a9a3-7f36e707d75a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:18:36	24.483
-106	10708	535400	b3349106-506f-4448-abf4-2685643a61d0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:19:03	690.981
-107	5355	535500	311b256c-af62-41eb-9c31-ad043667cd8c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:58:10	499.123
-107	10710	535500	4eb6cd08-6212-4303-8829-a25525ab8c32	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:45:05	-740.187
-108	5356	535600	9543e2ec-3df0-4b67-b6a4-69cff33b8c3e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:36:13	-565.697
-108	10712	535600	a264dc0b-7b1c-471b-b9c2-32f924553862	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:47:33	-630.326
-109	5357	535700	8b77fa92-ab32-4705-b39c-74f74b7c6b59	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:25:21	462.579
-109	10714	535700	a857d26c-21d1-436f-b413-41f2afa95687	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:50:11	918.172
-110	5358	535800	d1d015eb-aa24-4dc8-81a5-46e332aff2b3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:37:53	-991.860
-110	10716	535800	b5cb9c69-b867-4e91-91f5-014311945702	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:37:51	-341.7
-111	5359	535900	ece19020-9fdd-4387-8db4-c7b50ac01c9c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:03:48	261.84
-111	10718	535900	3c7bd859-5493-48fa-a800-39b45de89694	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:03:00	76.811
-112	5360	536000	f1cf45f4-5df4-4978-8b02-00a4a8358bc9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:13:17	-200.872
-112	10720	536000	e24cd863-6d6a-465e-b97b-b4872216f362	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:44:10	-739.697
-113	5361	536100	d235cb73-5d20-4c82-b276-77aa092f2534	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:22:41	-728.598
-113	10722	536100	445cb30d-57e0-405d-aada-e343e69d43ee	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:32:20	911.341
-114	5362	536200	e0a85ef4-aae1-4e90-bb66-c1918de7599f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:40:46	-265.457
-114	10724	536200	1c8ac0d1-e64c-427a-9edc-9466bcb4c2cd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:23:52	406.879
-115	5363	536300	39ed5f59-3939-434a-978a-8f2898af4fd5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:33:05	-938.778
-115	10726	536300	a7d79def-a756-492c-8fe8-e810539ffdf1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:03:20	-554.761
-116	5364	536400	30468818-358d-46d1-804d-4261ec737150	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:59:34	-580.612
-116	10728	536400	a9251a5e-7c2c-4cb0-9af3-932160b8c73a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:52:08	952.958
-117	5365	536500	b319f743-c1af-4c47-894c-6d80d223cb68	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:32:36	395.227
-117	10730	536500	97f2d9eb-197a-4e1a-b017-c0208c82d097	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:22:56	987.974
-118	5366	536600	bb402745-225c-4ca7-9889-c76c99d004b9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:13:24	-830.74
-118	10732	536600	b3ba43e5-e922-43a8-af59-6632175607ba	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:45:01	442.657
-119	5367	536700	ca363422-8f86-48b3-9f98-00676bb79c6f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:24:17	287.30
-119	10734	536700	58ecf7b3-d2ac-4258-b4cc-951131cd8a41	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:43:25	-83.116
-120	5368	536800	e3e8095f-0b8e-4531-bff3-bde0aaee5fed	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:53:29	-938.842
-120	10736	536800	b4b2d19e-6376-4c33-9d9e-b4d9971d678d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:44:40	-86.29
-121	5369	536900	88b1dac1-6215-4516-9dfb-71eccbf7699d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:06:18	-376.60
-121	10738	536900	1cebabe9-0ae9-4cce-911a-8e8f8a52a9fb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:49:54	423.207
-122	5370	537000	086234be-e823-41eb-9826-81d01c17d8be	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:09:06	577.24
-122	10740	537000	247aac19-ea4f-4ef9-aced-e5ae35eb8adc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:59:53	-128.535
-123	5371	537100	44aa378d-4061-41c4-9e63-946a84daf6af	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:10:51	768.735
-123	10742	537100	75f939dc-bf37-4333-8128-1415712720cf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:54:15	-179.550
-124	5372	537200	8065a94b-394a-44a5-a3d5-6c190f037805	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:31:48	-723.340
-124	10744	537200	104c0111-867d-4c35-aeac-fca73c814f30	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:41:34	-472.488
-125	5373	537300	2009f80a-b334-41f9-9420-03dfd3600632	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:57:42	624.858
-125	10746	537300	03063259-aade-4bd5-9e6a-ce00e292bd2b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:24:51	-987.119
-126	5374	537400	268c57d1-0209-46cd-8a1b-4a6662bbc2dd	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:16:40	-252.20
-126	10748	537400	efb6c8b5-3b52-480a-ab49-2fd90c87d22c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:44:45	543.465
-127	5375	537500	ff359e3f-64b9-4d50-ba3b-392d629d27f5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:27:49	-915.448
-127	10750	537500	2578ac1e-e168-4857-8f49-56ac8461d5a2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:52:34	415.373
-0	5376	537600	92b2996b-8959-41b2-bdc0-097b7fcc3a78	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:57:46	678.274
-0	10752	537600	dc14dff5-0d46-4362-b6b0-8d73125b8437	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:28:47	-826.983
-1	5377	537700	cb53165d-d0a2-423b-a4cf-62e41e09b3d5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:39:17	-20.496
-1	10754	537700	488a1817-8e7c-49ae-85f0-1ab8aef1f5bb	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:04:30	-50.267
-2	5378	537800	245ca2ca-c1d1-4d6f-a62e-2f7607f7de3f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:25:17	-223.548
-2	10756	537800	3753002e-5318-4f44-b08b-0e348ac4e58b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:08:17	-37.790
-3	5379	537900	1dda0b40-f724-4a59-aa0e-171c383d2a1b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:21:10	-502.934
-3	10758	537900	2f349213-30e6-44d8-8c7e-cc1a2cb078c7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:14:03	244.574
-4	5380	538000	96aadfb6-c674-4767-8f77-7c758655dc2e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:20:53	368.246
-4	10760	538000	390ee70c-8f7f-48bf-9989-1e13dbbf5fd5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:51:14	-650.455
-5	5381	538100	20703efa-0d8c-4f16-815d-c6b72c825e17	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:10:03	-26.334
-5	10762	538100	39a84ab3-9bb4-474c-90fb-7189029b7af2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:07:43	618.810
-6	5382	538200	d90dc35f-1806-430e-b112-ed56b26e7da6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:49:46	-883.205
-6	10764	538200	337021a5-deea-4eb3-89ca-38066a623135	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:15:09	456.1
-7	5383	538300	60f0153a-1b8b-43bb-a46a-a4f9d679003f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:15:05	-719.379
-7	10766	538300	b35c0e3f-f22f-4a04-8dd4-8e742fec8ef7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:50:56	499.890
-8	5384	538400	dcc5d088-3b05-4915-a611-93f83eaa7bfe	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:44:13	605.131
-8	10768	538400	edc02539-9ae8-47c5-900c-513be00edcca	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:25:01	166.355
-9	5385	538500	76d62ba7-d685-45e0-bcad-2fe608f33d4a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:14:28	-246.973
-9	10770	538500	c528c3c2-ddd8-4aa8-86bb-f6f1055df487	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:55:43	-184.386
-10	5386	538600	ba98be25-2d88-47a8-b8e6-5b0d30190f22	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:28:15	26.140
-10	10772	538600	4c02d317-c729-4dab-82d3-34a7dd7a0baf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:34:58	-95.249
-11	5387	538700	cfcb4b03-3bc5-478b-9555-2235ebfb8b94	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:08:58	968.221
-11	10774	538700	7f958f89-667f-43da-bfc5-26da1ec0f920	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:02:45	-104.988
-12	5388	538800	4b46c27c-4827-4eaf-8bfa-ed2140127ad5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:11:47	-287.830
-12	10776	538800	c051f6e7-3079-4e8c-94b9-d100d06cd572	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:26:14	-359.330
-13	5389	538900	7fdd5940-9121-4556-b578-ebc12bbd376c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:21:42	-772.373
-13	10778	538900	e1e2fa74-2ab0-47ae-a787-a4b5d9625324	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:24:13	-291.550
-14	5390	539000	f9185dac-273d-4a11-8d3b-ee6abcfef3a4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:22:58	110.721
-14	10780	539000	f8367f3a-785a-4d93-9007-bca8de96ce6f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:44:13	-722.106
-15	5391	539100	79c3432d-039b-417a-8aab-e89de0629fec	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:44:23	992.234
-15	10782	539100	7da67452-15fd-4808-8239-b0d206adf0c2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:53:36	335.131
-16	5392	539200	edc24255-9fc9-4fcc-8ef7-5be8aa0c1aeb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:02:54	-109.34
-16	10784	539200	f88f0250-b87f-4b27-8f09-814107247538	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:54:49	-999.733
-17	5393	539300	854c8ada-83ef-4912-bf9b-9f3430ee7569	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:48:01	522.614
-17	10786	539300	d85a6c21-b744-4082-91b8-a35b5d53c475	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:30:04	-982.267
-18	5394	539400	e743d713-ade8-4c5a-be90-c9e895a5baa2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:18:28	212.194
-18	10788	539400	30fafbc4-2327-4e7b-ab14-63c4e161d770	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:16:22	835.781
-19	5395	539500	8781c71d-6d0c-43ef-ae78-0746fb5df1a5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:54:22	812.848
-19	10790	539500	7733ca96-f637-4d7d-8084-2ab5d4e3bbcf	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:13:10	-252.283
-20	5396	539600	a95c60c0-0bbe-42c6-a351-862dca5b96f8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:09:49	-233.937
-20	10792	539600	2c430f04-63bc-4101-ba02-7d1d2e2e3a2e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:53:02	-194.65
-21	5397	539700	216e0a29-54f8-4094-8d2e-925963d12649	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:15:07	-429.162
-21	10794	539700	640aa70d-489f-49d7-b47a-c4c56db95805	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:12:40	49.440
-22	5398	539800	93bf992e-7665-4c3d-8792-302d89c481fa	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:31:12	-483.228
-22	10796	539800	7cf08dae-4805-4d31-9f3f-668c43673f46	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:58:44	-625.750
-23	5399	539900	c8d6a9c1-9ee7-4b17-a827-06c9beb5c6f4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:42:54	712.436
-23	10798	539900	fb7a0e93-3df2-4118-be60-f91d8026cd59	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:51:05	-811.610
-24	5400	540000	1319be47-0de9-4619-81b5-1ae61f69380a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:17:35	424.821
-24	10800	540000	68390751-8984-4240-a0ca-9b46c442abd8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:58:07	-905.856
-25	5401	540100	6238a32c-22e2-4cd7-9ff6-f32b82c24ffe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:40:26	359.797
-25	10802	540100	a41275f4-cdf1-418d-8c25-fac7315a4ad1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:30:05	697.746
-26	5402	540200	cd38ad01-d019-4a90-b45d-145f641792ed	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:47:43	177.912
-26	10804	540200	c744619c-322b-4a58-9cab-09dc45f7449a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:33:11	-458.789
-27	5403	540300	907057e2-09a0-4e38-879c-b7cd23aadaf4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:26:54	955.354
-27	10806	540300	e29d6f54-6f04-4f98-9ec4-b88aabb73c67	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:08:39	246.548
-28	5404	540400	72419a26-622d-4173-9139-c01078747f73	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:25:46	632.76
-28	10808	540400	9e3d9805-b544-49a7-896a-7b8b3af98d75	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:59:13	-899.98
-29	5405	540500	058c712a-5162-4d8c-a15b-d97c823bc52f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:04:12	179.996
-29	10810	540500	08af46ae-4042-423b-9f73-a9fc15d78dbf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:20:55	-198.651
-30	5406	540600	e2696d73-b2b8-4b20-8e5c-f7c3c1efc2bd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:30:29	665.231
-30	10812	540600	ff046f67-44b3-439e-87e6-97694500eb5b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:23:02	454.804
-31	5407	540700	ee1382b3-86cc-4bf3-933d-62c1fdd991e2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:47:48	843.758
-31	10814	540700	710b5f04-f95f-460d-8bc5-b6bee0b3cb2f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:56:39	148.9
-32	5408	540800	ff460461-c216-4a46-a7c0-727a4ace97b3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:44:53	733.607
-32	10816	540800	c8271ceb-a4f9-46ae-9c06-01e0070f9548	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:24:24	34.160
-33	5409	540900	e84700ef-40b2-429c-8e9f-c52b7ce80853	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:22:19	-505.840
-33	10818	540900	91de55c9-2f5e-4c5f-a641-988221ff9902	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:51:19	8.138
-34	5410	541000	4b8c52b9-d7f2-4a4e-bf12-b89a84abb2d3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:46:15	742.721
-34	10820	541000	3571799a-c2a0-4b07-b673-fcd1784deef9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:18:56	-47.308
-35	5411	541100	0e90c2c5-7f23-44c7-bb92-a428656bdfe1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:11:20	-349.361
-35	10822	541100	69c78874-6cdf-4b65-a433-d86d611cd689	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:38:35	-541.335
-36	5412	541200	31c0f2b2-283d-4bc3-acd9-dfa22e703ddd	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:45:39	766.937
-36	10824	541200	308a555e-4657-4804-b961-c70ccc960711	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:19:05	-48.468
-37	5413	541300	f67e2720-797a-438a-aaa2-556ff5e41aef	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:42:04	-565.494
-37	10826	541300	76751557-0f51-4c17-8a52-8a40d6ea2ff4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:05:21	817.496
-38	5414	541400	d828dbea-6e8e-4636-b096-10aa32c8e346	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:24:43	-674.171
-38	10828	541400	daf71a5f-afe3-4159-8ec5-f062165bcfd0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:33:30	-533.545
-39	5415	541500	c09e609b-145e-4b05-86d1-925f331bc369	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:20:12	174.846
-39	10830	541500	236fed50-45d2-42ee-bf6a-9b8ed4a1dccd	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:36:59	-405.635
-40	5416	541600	f7cc87aa-35b0-40ec-9301-94422c01082e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:01:51	960.591
-40	10832	541600	1c3aaac0-e67a-476b-a4c9-c11d63eb7a5a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:42:18	-194.414
-41	5417	541700	7344cf68-c7bb-442d-95e9-af19533a6635	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:39:21	-99.753
-41	10834	541700	90baf7db-0d0f-4490-9009-f983cd536b45	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:57:23	695.203
-42	5418	541800	582a2113-44e9-4004-ab4a-32052aa1910f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:02:11	-366.758
-42	10836	541800	0bce4479-dd6d-4d9c-9f57-a07372473b39	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:32:38	-868.197
-43	5419	541900	2ac5f812-02a7-4758-ae25-be03f36bdaba	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:14:59	-168.43
-43	10838	541900	e5ad2133-93b2-4a92-a15c-fbaaf1ea6d99	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:31:39	842.518
-44	5420	542000	7b01785d-8758-460f-9b78-d0679e141470	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:22:27	548.996
-44	10840	542000	1774dcb4-310e-422c-a216-64f99be6f1d7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:24:09	821.577
-45	5421	542100	052c4a94-204b-4f74-868c-0c3e50558405	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:14:23	-159.893
-45	10842	542100	2461113f-ea65-4e37-a67e-21b449dc82ac	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:11:23	486.25
-46	5422	542200	37fd7261-dd77-40b7-8800-0f999e78adb6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:57:04	-240.885
-46	10844	542200	98bf92dc-026f-48c8-b483-0278323b52b3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:07:24	-536.635
-47	5423	542300	acaf661d-3376-4f3b-8399-7f7f9f688bde	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:52:50	680.670
-47	10846	542300	4886dd82-97f0-4a73-818d-59a7916a58b7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:22:10	-721.502
-48	5424	542400	8203396d-f529-4217-962e-d6edb8619ccc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:12:40	-812.404
-48	10848	542400	bb568105-4103-40d6-a9b3-4a5198d58f35	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:20:16	-475.495
-49	5425	542500	bac34a29-814d-4124-b0e8-f534cd8d0930	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:35:17	-441.713
-49	10850	542500	7607c99c-1229-40b1-b5c0-1bb8e4fdb428	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:41:53	172.54
-50	5426	542600	4acf61e2-334b-45be-ab50-6fd1435e7bd3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:28:48	-572.191
-50	10852	542600	2d9e63f6-5785-4106-9a9a-85cad92734ac	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:20:49	747.770
-51	5427	542700	19791833-f776-4667-a90a-24c4d99a6916	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:36:15	-677.562
-51	10854	542700	080d89c1-2b5d-46bd-ad10-719a27ccd2b3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:48:30	633.907
-52	5428	542800	3234ccbd-6895-4d6c-842c-132887bd6dd9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:13:18	-943.879
-52	10856	542800	8711fcba-96de-42e2-923b-2cc05fae8e67	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:03:36	-463.634
-53	5429	542900	0db274b3-b35e-4e71-b517-6ba7b32f9e99	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:02:17	537.239
-53	10858	542900	9cc81277-806f-49d3-9082-8552e9d417d3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:17:44	-309.822
-54	5430	543000	d1cf95ea-0620-437c-8168-e582ea801bf0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:40:01	-927.307
-54	10860	543000	b0be38ba-0328-4878-95bc-ff1c18f16e7a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:20:19	265.469
-55	5431	543100	7fb0a73f-d09c-4f59-8b33-84941037aa88	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:21:39	67.435
-55	10862	543100	add1ea09-6523-4a6c-a529-054f7bdb0fe0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:34:02	987.250
-56	5432	543200	2e9f8f13-b4fc-46f9-824a-12ffc18156cd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:47:30	768.605
-56	10864	543200	8ba23146-182a-4980-97e8-a6d929c865df	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:05:34	-443.726
-57	5433	543300	006ae51c-abd6-410e-bd68-79e03e041549	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:35:24	-339.393
-57	10866	543300	c267ad71-5ecb-4deb-8bc5-e0ae01f10bcb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:39:03	-911.959
-58	5434	543400	0998db5e-9950-44e3-9678-150122491bf1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:43:59	599.72
-58	10868	543400	8cb58e7a-5389-4faf-9fba-e7acaae84481	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:20:21	-693.812
-59	5435	543500	f8b51f07-07eb-4738-8301-6fe983f67b29	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:46:39	88.641
-59	10870	543500	b18d3aa6-9803-4742-b6be-ae894d3ac776	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:40:18	-496.613
-60	5436	543600	a861acb9-112c-4d34-9475-6a3bcd98a67c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:19:29	-502.676
-60	10872	543600	b7022ecf-3531-4244-8574-32b47616c3bb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:48:01	-637.561
-61	5437	543700	1eaa8f89-fa62-465f-b43e-06bb0d146bf4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:29:54	-869.371
-61	10874	543700	e0215c1c-11ad-44d6-960d-de36453e5dff	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:21:50	328.623
-62	5438	543800	ac5a3866-3259-4b94-8024-efcd0769888e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:00:02	264.679
-62	10876	543800	97295a3f-f305-4c35-81cb-ee4c5adf5b6a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:18:06	-58.980
-63	5439	543900	29cd6720-02d8-4191-b077-b25ba0fe248a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:08:04	-997.105
-63	10878	543900	633b81cc-d98e-40e1-a1d3-bea86138ba32	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:44:13	848.301
-64	5440	544000	1b24d7a2-4d91-4c6b-a3e6-6814679e79a5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:41:09	638.397
-64	10880	544000	0380a30b-9169-4d31-9bcb-94ebe7d8b17a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:49:30	-261.48
-65	5441	544100	5b00f695-e191-4f83-8604-3ce1df46259f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:40:43	-317.922
-65	10882	544100	6363d1bb-a49a-4dbf-99ff-31e437557ab4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:48:01	-736.809
-66	5442	544200	79cb1ff2-cebe-4a3d-8fc7-89a9da2ac406	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:36:01	-478.730
-66	10884	544200	7005ca67-c4be-419f-8891-8bed4fd0952c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:14:17	395.136
-67	5443	544300	a460f9d6-55e3-4f96-9d0f-e3f66d783446	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:48:45	-37.228
-67	10886	544300	9ba0d967-3bea-4b73-8e29-ec2ad57b625d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:15:48	-295.590
-68	5444	544400	c2cffae9-9e97-4efa-8744-8baf87abce4b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:19:10	-906.860
-68	10888	544400	8d70f88d-1eab-4e70-b3dc-8dd453ff5e03	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:51:17	740.97
-69	5445	544500	fef89d3e-cc0c-4e31-8849-209af0edb364	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:45:40	-323.590
-69	10890	544500	0884c2ce-3c28-4481-8160-cb4df4a1cff9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:59:48	-322.142
-70	5446	544600	0352bbb7-5186-49a7-8292-d9bbf7434940	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:17:07	-613.493
-70	10892	544600	ec8fe0dc-5e2f-45c4-b69d-2f8c719bee82	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:01:44	-836.589
-71	5447	544700	c311f7ae-166c-4919-904c-d38c2d235ae2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:45:35	-411.785
-71	10894	544700	316cb353-fc98-4997-8c29-1c262985bc8f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:22:27	-392.154
-72	5448	544800	2f54c1f5-d8c7-4062-83ee-ade6c6fdd7f7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:13:28	-267.998
-72	10896	544800	bb51c987-db49-41a2-876d-29e22323cb84	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:35:42	-330.3
-73	5449	544900	3131e2e2-1adc-46ef-8f7d-5b3fd465db2c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:34:55	-504.451
-73	10898	544900	5e48e6f4-30a5-4d3e-b7d9-4daf4cb4a176	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:12:35	963.891
-74	5450	545000	e7d25d3b-0f16-4ce9-9061-502ebd88cfe5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:57:17	-545.903
-74	10900	545000	6662340a-2ca5-4428-9fe3-4be160d91407	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:24:58	909.849
-75	5451	545100	1075e0e1-1bc1-4d94-b2cf-639694e68a46	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:00:17	-219.880
-75	10902	545100	cef434b4-23a9-42c2-830a-5ec9959e3f96	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:50:43	-774.90
-76	5452	545200	be10f3ee-ed0d-4723-b5eb-fc9e741a5532	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:57:54	-431.424
-76	10904	545200	f88739a9-a79d-4114-96ef-16b057b4ca03	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:32:48	-212.704
-77	5453	545300	67217474-197e-4415-8e04-a8eb90ce0b7f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:42:02	-224.444
-77	10906	545300	454ee90b-8a66-4d59-812f-76407f536921	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:58:08	-939.181
-78	5454	545400	7255a301-71eb-4f60-96dc-a9e63186d9f3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:04:49	427.311
-78	10908	545400	d08c8b5a-5ab8-4e11-8752-bed58fe6301f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:19:57	149.801
-79	5455	545500	5fffac45-926f-4efb-9e2d-7574be8d6767	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:20:05	890.628
-79	10910	545500	e4fdbae3-1041-46f2-a4d5-db858e7c3f2f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:22:04	267.108
-80	5456	545600	065aaadf-f2aa-490c-9db0-552fad78867a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:32:29	-911.762
-80	10912	545600	fbd52ca6-92f2-4df3-8cb8-9e385ba0e743	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:11:32	974.360
-81	5457	545700	34f8391c-06db-456b-a6e3-f05063e3b878	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:12:37	503.329
-81	10914	545700	b5f89e70-a97f-4d39-ace3-034948d4bb3a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:40:32	333.965
-82	5458	545800	7c7b6146-b82e-40d8-b33f-db7bf06917e7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:28:01	-994.441
-82	10916	545800	5cd2080c-388e-4b2e-8f28-d4a74f9a7de8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:05:57	-303.220
-83	5459	545900	db01f7d1-51d5-44d9-a03a-a93b6d806bed	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:33:47	-309.956
-83	10918	545900	9c84dc08-8529-498a-b080-863f30f0dc69	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:44:21	-888.321
-84	5460	546000	37547878-9f63-4901-959f-9d8241879dc5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:19:55	-230.442
-84	10920	546000	4c8c99ab-69c9-4396-a808-5b3011bf497f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:57:50	-566.11
-85	5461	546100	b2c94102-3980-466a-ab95-70de940a73b0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:52:52	-485.374
-85	10922	546100	7539f0f0-5918-411e-ba0e-c05c755d6a70	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:51:39	-66.0
-86	5462	546200	94c00bb9-8c00-457d-ad25-b740ff3dbcb6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:34:32	-451.114
-86	10924	546200	6481de10-8932-48dd-abe5-1cbb432b165c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:29:54	-688.462
-87	5463	546300	47d00014-25c5-47f0-9d64-d87ced3249b2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:37:08	-556.683
-87	10926	546300	b6b629c0-8114-4015-a759-864d7fc5a2f1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:10:51	139.264
-88	5464	546400	47555916-fafc-488f-90f5-77a3633d0a58	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:26:58	-792.774
-88	10928	546400	81ac8203-8718-47fa-8b81-8f42fb61e1a8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:04:08	574.642
-89	5465	546500	e4b73642-73a6-4d4f-9ab4-6dfa85cdb33a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:33:35	851.728
-89	10930	546500	9b1b6d55-8b91-4fa0-8cf2-fd35e048ded6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:19:01	-745.876
-90	5466	546600	44ea4f53-a929-49a6-9036-5fb8895e4373	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:22:30	349.997
-90	10932	546600	5d498d0e-dcee-4c47-9886-d33ba2fcb416	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:19:37	566.812
-91	5467	546700	accb7633-4e0c-4db9-9c4b-98894d015e79	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:13:45	928.633
-91	10934	546700	e08f433d-90ec-45ac-b8f8-54e82fd5500c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:04:58	-937.509
-92	5468	546800	6823c081-ed4c-4758-999d-7b1476f460db	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:17:33	329.808
-92	10936	546800	c90ef542-9a39-432e-900d-20c60e601817	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:10:44	569.42
-93	5469	546900	c684f611-a71a-4670-9b02-3280c8f8b6d8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:46:13	-382.948
-93	10938	546900	b7723e6c-689d-43c8-b469-c83da0b5415a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:07:22	-250.967
-94	5470	547000	c47d8612-ba98-4b8f-a03c-19da6cd06ac2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:59:47	-591.977
-94	10940	547000	a600bcce-cc99-495d-a0f9-9b99e63c277c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:38:48	24.395
-95	5471	547100	3e7feff8-b60a-469f-8341-afb9c9f96cf1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:16:21	999.78
-95	10942	547100	fd5d18db-e04f-499b-a1dd-7d372cb89403	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:32:55	-42.759
-96	5472	547200	ed4fda74-d8df-4f77-9f66-fb4308497783	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:47:10	52.329
-96	10944	547200	40cb01e7-6381-40b3-a0a9-4a5d1637b7f9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:43:52	-897.945
-97	5473	547300	812fce9f-e72d-4b8f-bc5b-f34bcbc2a486	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:43:22	456.918
-97	10946	547300	53426bb9-2f90-42a1-87f6-3f433516b5a9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:16:22	490.416
-98	5474	547400	a3ab7798-2ffa-4a05-8649-236fd0cfef39	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:57:25	872.799
-98	10948	547400	52879fa9-5df0-4b93-8054-7d072ff68757	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:02:40	731.331
-99	5475	547500	8af8d23b-1a55-4e93-85a4-1aea39f2d5f9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:48:40	-412.547
-99	10950	547500	b0d44deb-fd91-4757-abbc-03a811082881	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:51:26	-803.765
-100	5476	547600	f134c065-0f89-4205-9bd0-28b561b04693	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:18:55	-214.680
-100	10952	547600	d6147aed-afcc-4fb4-b201-7c970a8ac6ee	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:33:21	162.323
-101	5477	547700	1dcf8163-1dcc-497d-9bd7-5d7485120ef1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:57:54	940.159
-101	10954	547700	ce0c2ca1-905f-4a26-b518-0a80fd2e35c9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:16:31	711.460
-102	5478	547800	9af8c346-d96b-44c3-99cc-1f41a8d6ec05	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:01:24	736.911
-102	10956	547800	0cc7b147-dafb-4f9e-93d2-5e8196cfb164	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:36:40	413.398
-103	5479	547900	2b0402f3-37b4-4bae-a653-e22418e02bbf	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:02:40	-431.210
-103	10958	547900	8f237333-ae6c-4724-b4d5-a2c528db1b89	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:18:00	928.914
-104	5480	548000	1094b497-6a04-4324-8bea-814e807317bc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:17:08	142.494
-104	10960	548000	f82cbfdd-4c55-44e3-9892-f3040dd932a5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:49:27	-136.397
-105	5481	548100	ea217610-d9be-4de9-8dce-0b64c021429c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:52:55	-773.687
-105	10962	548100	d3b1ae79-8055-4723-b8ea-c48589eed0b9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:54:28	-967.82
-106	5482	548200	a68e4c17-b309-45f4-b2a6-6df4e99d5079	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:04:36	-314.299
-106	10964	548200	286ffcb4-171e-413a-a37d-c4ddbb010e18	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:13:43	-159.435
-107	5483	548300	e15227b1-2090-4c29-8060-046518f7cdb2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:34:35	886.724
-107	10966	548300	00e903dc-ae3f-4c84-89f5-8773b0fb4ae7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:38:02	-263.210
-108	5484	548400	54566e32-c1b2-482a-a798-12855abb99da	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:31:40	704.526
-108	10968	548400	a0d65ebe-6a1d-4588-bcac-cf52c95c7274	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:47:05	-244.833
-109	5485	548500	5986a636-7102-4666-8ba0-7fd1a7c0264c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:15:56	-607.191
-109	10970	548500	428b5d93-2c40-4ee7-a0d4-c8e6d1e06d95	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:17:00	-861.193
-110	5486	548600	834f287d-602e-4227-b828-181681a8dac8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:40:04	273.499
-110	10972	548600	b8110fb3-4320-4bd8-b4e1-0e17e5876477	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:09:54	420.419
-111	5487	548700	b18ccf5d-7447-4165-b787-d7f1aa977fdd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:53:42	440.447
-111	10974	548700	f7fef0b0-d8fa-4e4f-a649-734e85be7a7e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:45:50	145.589
-112	5488	548800	3108c6b9-2184-4df7-a370-a6add4d0c9c7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:45:47	65.368
-112	10976	548800	4b6c2313-c7cc-4a8a-b34d-22b014f7e49f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:04:33	601.809
-113	5489	548900	4d30e5e3-08ac-4d4b-be50-60232ecb340e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:04:09	692.534
-113	10978	548900	7495425a-927b-44a7-a314-fd580f03a568	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:13:00	822.114
-114	5490	549000	c9ddcc9e-9612-43d9-a6d5-8385e0eb6279	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:54:29	-752.527
-114	10980	549000	8785384e-0caa-4c5c-913c-b0246aaf4f34	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:12:44	23.847
-115	5491	549100	9e41b295-8a61-485a-abaf-df382c6a13af	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:50:15	12.491
-115	10982	549100	420a3cec-663c-4ef2-89fb-f378c82c5567	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:35:12	486.763
-116	5492	549200	59c28ea3-75c8-49be-a5d4-9b3f87461255	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:33:00	-965.435
-116	10984	549200	6a3620ad-6eb4-4b92-ac2d-307943fde3de	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:14:42	997.481
-117	5493	549300	fc0c0259-7aaf-4f4e-b46e-8f721a7be8b4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:58:49	-701.337
-117	10986	549300	88727471-249d-4c95-90a3-50deba4e7052	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:50:03	-572.440
-118	5494	549400	b890bf4e-c0d0-434b-8dfb-7989a80e90fd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:44:09	426.951
-118	10988	549400	b22e70de-4055-4a1c-979a-cc9f4f1eedc5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:15:21	512.225
-119	5495	549500	cb633d52-54bc-4176-8212-2af65debd96e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:36:48	599.534
-119	10990	549500	d1f7ae5a-8cc9-4fe5-ab6f-4166ef806d4c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:05:44	-670.672
-120	5496	549600	e6c940f3-0987-4e01-85d2-4795ffa62c0b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:06:22	-819.626
-120	10992	549600	1ba1cfa3-5366-4144-a359-2061e8454136	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:01:53	755.145
-121	5497	549700	f4c93152-6448-4e1a-970c-b3e3eeda0ded	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:41:17	-761.299
-121	10994	549700	56734999-e191-4870-a777-2600d295b677	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:31:48	656.857
-122	5498	549800	e8768686-a319-48b9-83bc-fbf2ae30abe9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:55:50	364.530
-122	10996	549800	9f0a05be-020a-4575-ba17-bc1a037c64b4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:28:28	-46.370
-123	5499	549900	730bf0a6-4025-4c3a-bef3-680168d8c797	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:24:24	-136.926
-123	10998	549900	8a712e27-8465-4c2d-8c8c-efe7524e634c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:28:05	133.827
-124	5500	550000	2decec04-bfb2-4550-b379-cb5d4355b740	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:56:31	-155.371
-124	11000	550000	c4a5be94-b0df-4fee-b5ef-67aa395420d8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:06:26	319.471
-125	5501	550100	686ccaff-95f5-4e7d-9be8-74f7263f1c78	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:52:22	-963.873
-125	11002	550100	1b20aa3d-ec63-4a1f-ad45-fc89a82d9e51	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:02:24	-520.39
-126	5502	550200	2ce15ee6-9126-45e3-809a-baa39ede576c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:09:27	544.265
-126	11004	550200	71a4482e-1b69-4dd5-a69f-030111a37582	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:35:08	-839.916
-127	5503	550300	55e4937e-a36a-4ee9-b80c-5dc7e0ab64a4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:48:32	790.946
-127	11006	550300	f3436ca2-4f6b-4547-b3d3-dfd097771332	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:45:40	-59.111
-0	5504	550400	96e0c6df-af00-4915-ab0c-7961e095a71f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:26:55	-732.82
-0	11008	550400	63fd08d7-9d31-4f46-8060-c4a9ed3e9c23	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:55:58	291.961
-1	5505	550500	3fe63085-1dee-45d2-b275-39b465d5362d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:46:21	995.805
-1	11010	550500	16fb90e8-6ff0-426e-bd3c-7272a5e15be4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:16:04	344.803
-2	5506	550600	f5d33fcd-ed11-49f4-96c7-881b9a40b605	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:02:48	-206.958
-2	11012	550600	4d5bd6a8-f44c-495c-b97a-d59869dbec2b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:43:48	-77.940
-3	5507	550700	5559fe7e-6674-44a9-b07f-c99d07d890bd	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:09:20	712.212
-3	11014	550700	3ac95187-7393-410b-a0be-129e46abb0a8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:58:26	37.31
-4	5508	550800	0261f8a5-8a1d-43cd-a79a-3961c392a489	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:58:15	-495.642
-4	11016	550800	08a8b5fa-5c79-4cb0-8f58-6035e986a4b0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:48:45	-235.686
-5	5509	550900	1bc5a1ba-91e7-4584-8ba2-3a6b0421b2a2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:36:29	-73.981
-5	11018	550900	1176a4d3-81e5-4333-9c9b-87734eb8a0dd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:13:45	60.175
-6	5510	551000	ce32b575-d01b-4e54-a24f-56c89a372716	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:06:47	-79.818
-6	11020	551000	3e9cbe3f-3994-4ef6-ba04-e0cd26aa0ccc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:49:17	-418.847
-7	5511	551100	92831ce6-79c5-433a-a3c7-be15d703548c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:34:21	471.718
-7	11022	551100	ef973ce1-7b0d-4614-86c4-39d2e2b88726	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:26:58	267.314
-8	5512	551200	9eb9e3e4-59b1-4102-9e00-a80a21935de2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:30:44	-205.787
-8	11024	551200	8b816773-f30c-456c-aa59-8deaaa285653	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:05:22	477.110
-9	5513	551300	576d0438-5620-4fc1-abe6-a62fb3326258	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:09:19	111.385
-9	11026	551300	3e257e38-a443-479c-bfcc-f22a2e64c82c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:04:41	430.693
-10	5514	551400	036e6df8-7c5d-4368-b815-3da222ec4f13	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:47:09	-174.454
-10	11028	551400	64a78766-dbfa-4c7b-bf18-976c1e1857d5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:55:23	-297.285
-11	5515	551500	b7adf7cf-bb37-4412-a2f5-a1b11f2d1c0a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:18:26	-995.710
-11	11030	551500	3f81ad66-af08-4b3f-bcc8-ef3d8c0efe4f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:25:14	-80.239
-12	5516	551600	b964e2ce-dbde-42fd-a58a-1009deed1686	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:55:53	364.209
-12	11032	551600	9b0d9fca-c922-4115-97a9-7e2745f0c7b7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:09:24	-949.954
-13	5517	551700	8d028a69-e2c5-4482-9105-756c69b1312c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:40:50	-271.363
-13	11034	551700	4e97c760-6d18-44d9-bf06-cba67ac54c9d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:10:01	760.332
-14	5518	551800	d19c8205-2afb-4d8a-a410-39cb64346386	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:13:33	438.642
-14	11036	551800	c5b15022-6b5c-4e07-8200-a640b48c69b2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:03:44	552.947
-15	5519	551900	b23bfced-6c92-4be3-846b-c6652afa998f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:51:54	-794.358
-15	11038	551900	ae8773d6-25ab-4e0d-99ec-d41eccaf9de0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:27:04	137.637
-16	5520	552000	457abf8b-ae97-4a68-b584-a6aa79285d56	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:55:13	-264.576
-16	11040	552000	c7fefc93-17b7-447b-a957-c99666b202c8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:09:22	893.581
-17	5521	552100	db3e1ef5-d9d3-4e9a-bb20-719297eb6c53	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:50:40	525.204
-17	11042	552100	d9b4c9db-e2d0-4ce2-aee2-09b662f21852	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:26:41	926.829
-18	5522	552200	d071c84f-b753-415e-9dc4-5c00e065cfe6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:11:11	400.600
-18	11044	552200	43a99d98-19c9-4296-83b4-c3a015e3a839	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:11:54	-646.914
-19	5523	552300	686625c9-17e9-4f60-ac5d-dee1a4d2c417	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:01:26	618.294
-19	11046	552300	fec2da60-2ab4-4a05-8a69-2bc936fc4593	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:04:26	-869.583
-20	5524	552400	ae84eb94-a3bf-43dd-8921-4ff79eca07b3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:43:41	814.470
-20	11048	552400	f4e5841a-ff0f-4a71-be9d-8cd8aa8ff18a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:54:12	-176.784
-21	5525	552500	ec1164cc-72fc-4850-b965-9d073e7daade	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:05:34	337.971
-21	11050	552500	5d92d957-307b-4bca-a64f-245e50f3c6e0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:49:32	-554.269
-22	5526	552600	75d2cdfc-9882-4fd5-88ee-ecf414963e89	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:00:17	-888.920
-22	11052	552600	22522141-3b2b-4c52-8e9d-0f08124bcaba	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:00:48	418.921
-23	5527	552700	a9f5a684-7603-4aff-8f39-21e21d1d7324	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:49:20	-771.704
-23	11054	552700	a1d84090-6d81-4b7f-a44e-17f7411de84f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:36:25	-707.0
-24	5528	552800	8d44a016-c461-46c0-b692-997daa668246	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:53:54	481.582
-24	11056	552800	6cffc19d-0b72-4968-836b-2c406861c2e8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:43:12	990.495
-25	5529	552900	1380d46c-6c8c-4f12-b6cc-29447d05613f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:19:39	339.739
-25	11058	552900	1535501c-6146-452e-83d5-d4447f7d2b37	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:22:27	-398.450
-26	5530	553000	78cc3991-a4dc-4287-8e87-e50cc82cc2c8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:50:41	851.896
-26	11060	553000	e6d1cef5-89eb-46a3-9aac-d4cf6ef44a93	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:45:52	-744.886
-27	5531	553100	7572be9d-f285-40ff-9efc-e944ca9fe7db	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:19:27	-648.77
-27	11062	553100	23193bc8-73f9-4133-acd5-f5b5c4b647e4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:14:33	590.97
-28	5532	553200	491a1c62-f388-489a-910c-9e65b57af8f2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:01:35	-860.929
-28	11064	553200	3ccf8569-a299-445e-85d4-cd0f2cc0ca60	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:03:21	623.836
-29	5533	553300	43db66c5-04c6-421c-8c58-ccebe9cfcc95	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:38:59	292.364
-29	11066	553300	df01dd01-1c5d-41f4-af95-cf3f6667d565	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:46:27	-893.332
-30	5534	553400	20f3afaf-75a0-42e8-b2dc-15f5866940ba	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:55:12	-95.179
-30	11068	553400	e0b53384-8ba1-426e-abba-c24960f0eb49	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:27:44	-22.892
-31	5535	553500	b4f803d8-e994-4f32-8c19-abaabfa3c305	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:26:39	-199.709
-31	11070	553500	7fc0561e-b8b1-4108-b50a-103b3db64e03	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:15:24	-684.104
-32	5536	553600	23b9b235-2ff2-413e-83cc-6cc8dfeaba9e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:24:46	458.776
-32	11072	553600	8315d3b8-40b3-4ce5-b32b-479a01f5037b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:45:48	-328.882
-33	5537	553700	f95d7d34-6869-41e1-8b0e-83907f422307	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:57:57	-495.413
-33	11074	553700	c95be4ba-0775-42dc-816e-d608b827eeb1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:07:40	-440.345
-34	5538	553800	e953b02b-5f39-43d2-983c-b2eacef51f23	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:16:55	-440.198
-34	11076	553800	c1cb2402-4de5-4076-804a-659384d06f82	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:07:11	379.342
-35	5539	553900	25795302-7bf5-4be2-b3b1-0ac9706677e9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:47:34	-343.733
-35	11078	553900	5dec8367-88bd-486b-ac2d-5ba103fd5033	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:21:18	979.906
-36	5540	554000	3a1445df-d709-43ab-ba17-d900b75f3a92	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:40:50	-858.496
-36	11080	554000	3ff18e1d-c552-418b-8100-b7e9ee6a5e7c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:04:33	467.733
-37	5541	554100	d2156a6d-8c0a-4e36-808d-78cbfb59e4ee	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:09:49	-187.349
-37	11082	554100	85bce1c7-b11c-4085-9415-a1578794bbfe	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:13:35	-899.533
-38	5542	554200	7e599560-1379-408e-9abb-418339c21ffa	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:20:36	798.502
-38	11084	554200	f3771bc7-de54-4cfc-91be-713a068ad58a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:10:31	513.571
-39	5543	554300	53d71fea-9327-4fc9-8fab-904ca0ec88c5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:37:39	-873.110
-39	11086	554300	d7f2d5bd-b8f6-4a4d-8a39-3997944fa7b5	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:48:27	75.155
-40	5544	554400	650b836f-e5fb-4980-aa07-62285486a893	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:55:17	-805.148
-40	11088	554400	c7fdb768-f034-4998-b2c7-f4eb77db8ec2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:35:18	-8.557
-41	5545	554500	792e3fe8-7f99-4779-98f9-601030f4c124	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:55:43	277.825
-41	11090	554500	1b40cd08-7cb7-4b3a-87b7-1746ec833484	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:39:53	-45.779
-42	5546	554600	cdbe8cf6-2c74-431f-a25b-9a4a5664285b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:30:13	-709.335
-42	11092	554600	4f466574-94db-41cb-98ce-b5956e1f7085	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:26:40	-649.966
-43	5547	554700	6cc23be3-2651-47ae-af86-ba2520cc9c98	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:33:05	-496.628
-43	11094	554700	d22cbd30-63d9-4133-8dab-7a403c3a50a3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:18:27	782.343
-44	5548	554800	fa538784-2057-4157-bada-ae3a5bfe3c76	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:12:53	-872.941
-44	11096	554800	2953c24e-aae3-4698-8e5c-8d581aafe3ae	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:59:41	438.244
-45	5549	554900	4650b24b-1051-43aa-a8fb-765b9def8b4a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:20:30	-858.262
-45	11098	554900	d6d055ad-339b-4f02-b471-a03028dc2ab9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:55:27	267.410
-46	5550	555000	08c447ed-3b0e-4c1e-b5fb-243aa3da543c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:53:51	-757.112
-46	11100	555000	0cdaac9e-0a43-48a4-adbe-33ef8b923d01	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:27:58	-17.587
-47	5551	555100	23c160ca-6006-4b45-9c7f-e0ff8d102c96	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:07:25	-706.87
-47	11102	555100	33a07445-2c98-492d-bc81-ea5682da9d90	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:07:45	407.593
-48	5552	555200	ba91d33f-2256-457b-9388-f340319ec132	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:34:53	-813.173
-48	11104	555200	3997c0b8-3b81-414b-9590-b1b22f47824a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:58:54	-223.576
-49	5553	555300	d63894e9-3a20-4ea0-8060-c23898da28d8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:09:57	62.772
-49	11106	555300	257a5241-e27e-42d3-8637-5d95c35c4b7b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:09:25	-390.950
-50	5554	555400	49b68028-b592-4f42-a1cb-58c2d60a375f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:46:08	-955.673
-50	11108	555400	3a6b4658-70d1-41a2-b6d4-bfe7c4448d48	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:10:41	388.228
-51	5555	555500	ddabd828-ddde-45f0-9ec9-17cb1e83b383	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:04:21	-75.64
-51	11110	555500	67030220-1f40-4d84-9446-e085c2ea6ab4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:42:30	-715.379
-52	5556	555600	204b6450-8830-4745-8a0f-963d26faddb0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:15:43	-165.696
-52	11112	555600	0fe757f0-acc9-405f-84f7-93f22c892952	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:22:54	-165.143
-53	5557	555700	fe94997b-cb92-4ed7-90e2-847b00013e26	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:12:08	355.40
-53	11114	555700	293eb39d-3148-4c58-b22d-4aa7076525f4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:01:41	-399.58
-54	5558	555800	253cf386-9984-4d62-a7ee-754e8bfed050	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:51:11	823.267
-54	11116	555800	0fda0767-3f21-437d-9645-b9f06e83fc95	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:01:02	-459.233
-55	5559	555900	eeea1f63-39a8-4aba-b9ce-6c324ab600d6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:14:04	366.635
-55	11118	555900	09d3c0bf-93c6-4578-8359-ccb46a9b06a4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:36:18	295.711
-56	5560	556000	e8f70359-212c-431f-9b05-9900c986313c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:17:10	788.859
-56	11120	556000	5e9a8b00-240d-4244-9858-e780b9eef7cb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:03:21	-513.267
-57	5561	556100	4b85c4f8-da5a-41f5-93f2-92425dbbf63c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:07:33	-851.819
-57	11122	556100	77d98787-017c-4e3e-9d31-ceaa970ab9e6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:28:39	-600.624
-58	5562	556200	b1d2800e-2b2b-437d-8725-474224f9ba80	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:08:25	467.962
-58	11124	556200	8ec85524-5990-410e-a49c-2b4a31fff402	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:12:55	335.640
-59	5563	556300	1337a30e-00f0-4db7-875d-9b3cca171ddb	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:13:38	-702.897
-59	11126	556300	25f53233-7744-4399-957b-85a72bda50ac	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:33:17	-937.123
-60	5564	556400	aa9ad0d8-3931-48a0-9eff-5823e4710a77	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:01:18	553.724
-60	11128	556400	4a7f3a97-978a-47b4-a343-2b7911e7e11d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:05:03	802.873
-61	5565	556500	5d40df35-3303-4eb3-991f-fc5aab8c2eb9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:38:58	-695.955
-61	11130	556500	c3e23429-c3b9-468d-a4fc-b8b445185cdd	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:18:32	592.718
-62	5566	556600	74bd6bb5-42a4-4a0a-aae7-31e41326a629	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:19:09	174.338
-62	11132	556600	db5884d9-ebd0-4da7-8863-230c5d5e35b5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:40:32	120.621
-63	5567	556700	906f423c-0cf9-46bd-ab81-88b0acba236b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:55:05	515.891
-63	11134	556700	dd489fbe-6bae-485d-9e75-1fff7d83d482	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:39:10	141.62
-64	5568	556800	74b552b2-f8b9-4422-a917-11f03ea5d09f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:49:02	-460.951
-64	11136	556800	657b8231-fb54-4df5-9f3b-46725ea7da0e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:51:47	-316.446
-65	5569	556900	eea5556f-5b39-40e3-931f-6fd52f3a0bfb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:01:58	-583.798
-65	11138	556900	b4256365-b744-4a05-a1a6-41c44782c356	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:14:07	-982.851
-66	5570	557000	35d9429b-0654-4144-b97d-951cd92d2499	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:40:39	-709.889
-66	11140	557000	ded66fd6-c9eb-44d3-861d-39fe585a537b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:35:50	-474.853
-67	5571	557100	3735e187-381c-43a5-a3a2-2e31a172e4e6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:35:56	-292.40
-67	11142	557100	19ab7eec-abd6-45f6-ac56-bf792deb0192	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:10:30	332.994
-68	5572	557200	c972a190-7c17-4a94-a4c6-e7287fab7cd7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:16:20	-152.557
-68	11144	557200	bc2bff78-6d12-45c8-8e41-054f1e9a22bc	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:15:39	968.51
-69	5573	557300	d9f1323d-5e7a-4a64-a9de-8d23a6272fd8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:55:39	701.455
-69	11146	557300	b453aaf7-7429-4879-8c11-dec4eff7b060	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:27:58	665.535
-70	5574	557400	02d222d9-adfa-42b4-90fa-c1467dd7355e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:12:50	474.909
-70	11148	557400	06ec1cc8-3507-4de4-8693-5f202adc3532	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:59:27	963.138
-71	5575	557500	e7f2cef3-c0b8-47ee-bfea-1af78f62c03b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:23:08	-935.334
-71	11150	557500	008d296d-00e7-481b-962a-268a2c359191	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:28:24	548.907
-72	5576	557600	47907fc3-adf7-43bd-8f54-f25088d8a6cc	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:22:09	-853.103
-72	11152	557600	25e32458-60a5-4fc6-889e-44c2467a9036	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:22:48	92.539
-73	5577	557700	807e10e4-7d42-4097-ae73-862927831f6c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:10:26	-420.603
-73	11154	557700	e4ef691c-2935-4bc2-a320-3681c8382137	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:46:37	397.804
-74	5578	557800	389af964-a413-4199-acee-497f7662ef5d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:56:14	-997.593
-74	11156	557800	fe0b8ff9-3a50-475e-8926-d02b765067a4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:54:44	117.569
-75	5579	557900	ad706f91-f070-4019-a47a-6f05d2b752d3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:42:02	220.909
-75	11158	557900	5b0c2bd8-1f69-4c35-a5de-7cf7b7163bd0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:29:15	879.460
-76	5580	558000	6fb4d385-15a3-437a-a2de-5e75a65a4b91	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:48:42	179.740
-76	11160	558000	32c05c6e-7d74-4467-819d-9d54110a39fe	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:16:17	-860.900
-77	5581	558100	449ed17b-ac2b-43bf-b912-5b31cbb51e80	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:14:44	189.529
-77	11162	558100	7b071acf-671e-4e3d-b426-30e48dabad15	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:43:01	582.491
-78	5582	558200	f8634f0d-61f8-4d0d-bd44-492e2eed10a5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:45:01	-577.124
-78	11164	558200	8b72792c-c8dd-47cd-8d1d-a48cae2d3857	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:04:12	364.192
-79	5583	558300	cc4d0e25-3946-492a-803b-213d9edee9f6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:56:05	-964.93
-79	11166	558300	992f3f53-8a97-45c4-9bd1-fc7c2ac0f2b4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:09:55	-808.395
-80	5584	558400	02db12b0-611b-474c-b0e5-031090347a28	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:05:31	-985.116
-80	11168	558400	aa50d340-cea2-4bc1-aa6f-b45c1c6e2d3a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:32:30	446.641
-81	5585	558500	8ceaaa97-da9d-4f2b-855d-21aebf9cbfc8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:50:45	-733.422
-81	11170	558500	d9e8d1a4-a33a-4522-9a1c-097cb5e59d77	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:11:44	-552.913
-82	5586	558600	03658530-e9e2-4fb7-9058-ef008dc641fa	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:07:58	-256.268
-82	11172	558600	3317e9fb-6755-4768-9da5-e4953a0e8fb3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:04:43	-266.504
-83	5587	558700	3c73dfb7-d505-4af9-a4b9-892e216e5dd4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:28:54	829.760
-83	11174	558700	5c52d292-c568-4b6a-af75-c4ed8c9252f3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:19:27	663.370
-84	5588	558800	19bc1d47-311a-45dc-adc9-dc9dcecd978f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:23:52	-470.196
-84	11176	558800	ea987844-eead-44ad-8bb3-ee0ef4d70dfd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:03:46	839.857
-85	5589	558900	f49ed1b9-05c4-41c0-a1d2-de84e5edb12d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:17:27	-207.609
-85	11178	558900	d0ffca64-16a8-4514-bc6f-ea1764d45c27	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:05:45	410.136
-86	5590	559000	685186e5-c337-47fc-82ad-b255a8d596fc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:59:47	395.611
-86	11180	559000	9beb5a85-737b-4a76-8848-b4b8af68dceb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:38:56	-62.662
-87	5591	559100	08e23920-c245-441a-9abc-9645aa6bbfb7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:41:29	413.900
-87	11182	559100	4408763f-d1c9-4ece-8d86-333ff1fb1ff8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:24:02	-786.66
-88	5592	559200	5a41134f-a81d-411d-89b1-9e5ddf2fc111	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:18:00	517.936
-88	11184	559200	ac3a927d-237a-4ee2-80f9-cdb874909a7b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:36:50	553.901
-89	5593	559300	c4d91026-b75d-4fe2-9f2d-bf6b5f082971	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:55:33	-707.665
-89	11186	559300	b3fcd1ac-c74b-4e1f-8062-73399cd4a734	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:25:31	-777.157
-90	5594	559400	eba3de58-dad8-4271-ae25-94349f3b810b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:13:42	-538.166
-90	11188	559400	7b270b69-384d-4e22-973c-9b67cbbf1a47	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:42:03	868.535
-91	5595	559500	2c2b30c1-d92a-4927-b731-80888fa9302a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:35:43	933.897
-91	11190	559500	6ad97179-8e3a-4ec2-a7d2-8ef2bc5979f4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:30:19	-49.788
-92	5596	559600	3b3188bd-aaad-494b-ad02-c97ce60ce6e4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:18:48	467.456
-92	11192	559600	ac79edf4-c125-4a60-b00c-7ae3e443a2d1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:11:51	689.774
-93	5597	559700	96987953-3992-4d51-9091-0ed71d63d511	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:46:51	377.973
-93	11194	559700	a3a8c942-91ad-4c5d-8b41-06685b7a54f8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:06:33	20.600
-94	5598	559800	4867a52d-8536-41c8-a24f-7dcf4d11f177	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:05:50	-694.567
-94	11196	559800	e4a04148-86e4-42f8-b28d-54557d51452f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:11:47	759.65
-95	5599	559900	fa4e23e1-760e-4682-ac9a-f1b4e76e9615	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:31:46	586.744
-95	11198	559900	5d0c873c-a1a6-4f82-a2bf-ab17906f44ea	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:35:40	-86.403
-96	5600	560000	971ba165-b4f9-4378-8975-3e551ac3e75b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:52:21	-586.309
-96	11200	560000	17ff8c5d-b541-4d7f-a116-2ff55015b012	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:53:11	487.109
-97	5601	560100	07e404e9-6c2b-4a52-8abc-27c7a31703fe	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:57:47	326.492
-97	11202	560100	38dec68a-c2b4-4572-9a61-374565b81039	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:35:39	-489.735
-98	5602	560200	8dce0801-51d3-46a5-9aa8-59ae5efa59b7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:06:39	-361.871
-98	11204	560200	6dbaac90-b8e2-435e-b3fe-f134e953eed4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:24:40	-884.349
-99	5603	560300	309c601a-21d7-4621-82d6-c1f882ad4695	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:25:09	-614.658
-99	11206	560300	84c9a7ad-0393-4c9a-9777-a375bbd71430	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:26:43	825.919
-100	5604	560400	3b29a9a3-0138-4dd4-a9ce-f39bccb1bb28	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:59:10	-448.385
-100	11208	560400	d7df30be-400b-4258-beba-c123e86aaa11	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:24:07	406.972
-101	5605	560500	58584ee4-087c-422c-a796-70e9ce12dd85	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:23:15	-969.685
-101	11210	560500	a77d5888-1542-431f-9609-7faf61922200	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:11:13	271.230
-102	5606	560600	432bb518-32e6-4032-8e61-f79e0b050586	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:11:41	-93.262
-102	11212	560600	77fc49e2-65ee-40e4-bd18-b5099a53c3ba	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:14:01	-446.848
-103	5607	560700	d521dad0-a5e3-4e9c-bcbe-8aeed6bb6d62	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:30:04	614.173
-103	11214	560700	53516bc0-1771-47e6-931b-e352f04d4394	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:09:40	5.471
-104	5608	560800	ce8c835e-ed80-4453-8851-814d4688ea6e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:03:23	962.96
-104	11216	560800	228e3131-7acd-4218-936b-d61876b80095	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:55:06	-952.456
-105	5609	560900	837f07a9-af2b-4075-bd7a-886580cd694d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:12:55	529.810
-105	11218	560900	705dacaa-4cf5-42eb-8bff-72b74bc0a102	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:03:03	-60.768
-106	5610	561000	f1035858-4abf-4998-952c-92cb661f38fa	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:17:17	311.494
-106	11220	561000	63dc86b8-ee9a-490c-85ac-512ee3573c56	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:39:32	-105.291
-107	5611	561100	88f635b1-523e-4e98-9614-12fbd384d7ab	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:28:11	-378.939
-107	11222	561100	b407585f-e9e1-4342-9e2f-9a4c1469b4ca	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:34:12	743.521
-108	5612	561200	3418fbb2-4580-437e-8477-ee588d78e3b0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:39:42	-889.591
-108	11224	561200	27ce4a84-6965-43be-aa8e-081deb98d49a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:09:25	141.841
-109	5613	561300	f320b426-d672-4549-a692-4fda6bf5422e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:52:22	848.335
-109	11226	561300	7f8a828f-51ab-4e3a-a91d-df769b425a8f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:19:45	-526.276
-110	5614	561400	16a471df-20e6-44e0-adf8-9030755a7de7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:27:32	-686.844
-110	11228	561400	96955a56-19e9-4ad2-b3b0-d5ccb7d2f8cf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:23:20	276.339
-111	5615	561500	2920fdff-5e2b-4810-9bb5-235916a2a34e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:02:34	694.241
-111	11230	561500	b99d0138-8d00-49ce-9dc8-bfdc25033a4e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:11:51	-382.204
-112	5616	561600	3c029217-7b48-4cdc-b0c0-e7bee638419d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:03:03	-865.61
-112	11232	561600	32a67d88-f4fa-495a-b19f-bc1e4eab26c1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:29:05	360.783
-113	5617	561700	4790e833-71fa-4b5d-96e2-2cab3edcbd60	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:40:46	-932.142
-113	11234	561700	ac8e87d9-3f71-4d5b-88be-12e604f8aae4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:47:03	458.632
-114	5618	561800	2b296899-a6d7-4d6d-9c9c-cd3b9c930c14	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:11:35	-590.337
-114	11236	561800	9ce58fd6-3c0b-47ad-98bf-6088eca849bf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:19:29	206.626
-115	5619	561900	ddee7e27-3a32-412c-8b36-785f7a1765c8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:21:58	880.423
-115	11238	561900	cf063c81-99b6-4682-806a-b5824b2b412d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:43:07	-34.212
-116	5620	562000	36e798d9-332a-40b4-9072-b5b7deab5752	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:19:19	653.464
-116	11240	562000	fd574fcd-277b-420f-a629-27fb16f59b7f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:05:17	932.270
-117	5621	562100	f277890d-a0d8-4038-bac8-d7c53095dc60	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:28:48	-395.554
-117	11242	562100	d9cf9db2-d7ce-4431-9039-07a17eb7e149	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:43:25	-342.771
-118	5622	562200	19d6bc33-7c44-404e-9526-78a238a7b276	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:14:34	-374.868
-118	11244	562200	91895cc5-cfc6-4ab9-ad11-1ad9442b5f21	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:23:25	-43.725
-119	5623	562300	ee8040ee-60d4-4bc7-b659-c5351938e7e4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:37:01	67.78
-119	11246	562300	025782da-0395-41dc-b4cd-b5ea90a0209c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:43:57	-314.37
-120	5624	562400	721374b2-133c-4c81-a747-eb05948bf3f0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:46:16	203.387
-120	11248	562400	729c5091-9e0c-41df-919c-1125ee2267d1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:05:06	471.919
-121	5625	562500	a2840968-649c-4669-abf5-ad6782be51af	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:31:35	-470.236
-121	11250	562500	25bd126c-5175-4414-bed1-a84c92f0038e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:49:40	-615.133
-122	5626	562600	f045b651-d91b-4b72-819a-8cdec22797a6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:59:40	287.163
-122	11252	562600	c76f60f0-3ed3-4749-867b-7eb641ef230c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:25:13	394.153
-123	5627	562700	6c8024ed-2eb8-42dd-b828-7ef3e002a2f5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:53:03	313.196
-123	11254	562700	6f1ca9ed-8988-4c31-9bf2-a1f017f1fc59	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:40:27	820.887
-124	5628	562800	aa4a50ff-19c9-4a14-aa53-06564b5e4142	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:01:45	-150.358
-124	11256	562800	53723bac-0b01-4b6e-9d02-2d2f7e24b9aa	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:06:13	-253.663
-125	5629	562900	774cc569-75b4-4ecf-9fe5-1c3b97397fb2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:54:19	-934.481
-125	11258	562900	e3bf382e-13d6-4733-80b4-454bc161d5a0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:30:14	402.263
-126	5630	563000	898ec025-c0af-4336-9c96-016e73508a26	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:10:04	477.180
-126	11260	563000	0f4ce9a5-3d6b-4891-a081-05c2d765d5cc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:28:25	-765.319
-127	5631	563100	0c458d9c-23c0-4345-aeea-ce397bfb5f19	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:11:16	-67.78
-127	11262	563100	45afba4f-a865-4b99-9b37-6ded6c37f9db	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:39:53	-56.807
-0	5632	563200	13fed4e9-849a-405d-8a1d-cb6778f8a435	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:41:58	157.35
-0	11264	563200	28296254-cbcd-4119-aa8c-6ef5ddf1a4d8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:37:05	-199.610
-1	5633	563300	6ac325a5-b448-4941-82c5-fff415a91be8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:58:36	834.802
-1	11266	563300	4d485d7e-efdb-45f1-9683-4b3a67197192	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:28:22	-123.925
-2	5634	563400	1a2b111a-80d2-450c-a13d-5a645e5c53d1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:04:54	-570.864
-2	11268	563400	1a9e8d55-cd65-40ac-96d0-0442d06c0e55	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:09:03	-298.603
-3	5635	563500	b7e63f3f-3020-4a61-b8b6-70f86e523f49	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:52:41	-927.502
-3	11270	563500	ea950f25-c2bc-4234-8b51-0fc5a8bc4dba	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:15:26	-119.15
-4	5636	563600	eb9157e2-22f8-4dff-833f-25c059ed280a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:16:28	-918.437
-4	11272	563600	bcea0ff7-9459-4e5e-8f88-c95d5d64fa44	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:56:51	397.316
-5	5637	563700	bc971db5-cbac-4632-bafe-cacc644a22be	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:09:48	815.601
-5	11274	563700	ca10e3a6-fe85-4f3f-9502-b742b054395b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:41:46	-686.437
-6	5638	563800	e83075c9-a192-4500-9b68-8498ce597269	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:27:37	-539.9
-6	11276	563800	78d7b3bf-f0a8-463a-865c-79fc89c01b26	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:10:40	839.350
-7	5639	563900	c8a4e4c2-0176-42ba-8b54-bf2b62cca7c5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:13:05	839.134
-7	11278	563900	970443d9-f01c-412f-a6b2-49ed4614dd01	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:08:09	846.309
-8	5640	564000	4881667b-e2a7-426f-9b39-1033542320df	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:33:16	834.822
-8	11280	564000	e7e502af-7145-4960-8391-44f892a086d2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:23:41	210.210
-9	5641	564100	5157abf0-edb5-4c18-b451-d8a456471fc2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:58:13	53.855
-9	11282	564100	ace3c251-5abf-428c-b7fb-f75d923be7e0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:43:55	855.751
-10	5642	564200	630ff146-cd03-4be2-b1db-62dc8ff580bb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:26:52	251.141
-10	11284	564200	af2b58a2-d99b-45ff-bb6c-6f0d16df642a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:43:39	511.449
-11	5643	564300	25c2da85-dcf5-4d26-a678-2cba6c5466a3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:26:08	-621.485
-11	11286	564300	08d6f5a3-48ec-4a5d-a600-f88cfa71755a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:26:59	146.663
-12	5644	564400	051c50e1-173e-4576-8182-916cdc5d186f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:44:38	527.264
-12	11288	564400	3251aa7a-d5a7-4b35-95b1-e748ae7b14db	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:14:56	549.957
-13	5645	564500	2d9984e4-22f3-4eba-ba58-292bdd197ec0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:23:34	73.614
-13	11290	564500	920847d0-6d4a-4719-8873-5ce672ca85ef	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:17:07	804.61
-14	5646	564600	8d8138b1-5459-409e-bc3f-db1c2260c6d4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:37:54	403.291
-14	11292	564600	7673486f-4c1a-4ddc-a2cf-864d43675351	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:18:46	447.334
-15	5647	564700	b7e0ef10-4a46-4908-a0f5-05442a0d0bb9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:34:16	-450.781
-15	11294	564700	e9c7afb2-7b6a-4357-a362-e16602e5c0fe	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:02:55	20.492
-16	5648	564800	f07dfb37-b78a-49c7-a412-0a8528d745ed	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:52:20	-113.471
-16	11296	564800	19f38385-54fa-4706-8e7d-876a091a9564	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:26:05	520.379
-17	5649	564900	f445533c-b9eb-4fad-937f-8e75c62dcac5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:43:44	-282.711
-17	11298	564900	0ca23308-37bb-47f2-81d0-cfec8401d598	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:56:23	399.960
-18	5650	565000	088b4c7b-7f11-49e3-9119-d48d336eeb4e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:23:43	-771.420
-18	11300	565000	87b710ed-0edc-4c17-b4c0-9536ead86e1f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:24:53	268.199
-19	5651	565100	1aa83764-447a-423d-b747-35a49b2026ca	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:01:46	16.357
-19	11302	565100	e297ed53-f76c-46fa-a086-41f20f2610bc	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:44:28	-298.854
-20	5652	565200	c58e9e99-7384-4b02-a785-603f1464c0c3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:28:30	-833.973
-20	11304	565200	289dcb3d-f7c5-4f05-97cd-22dcaa92ea95	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:13:35	696.600
-21	5653	565300	a6588ec4-c7b7-4ac4-b5e2-8bacc4a81a77	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:53:57	-520.297
-21	11306	565300	dd633d60-e2fb-483f-a41f-837afb8de2dd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:35:39	-389.252
-22	5654	565400	ac968890-5ff4-4bdd-8b7c-0239b7f4e5a2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:29:46	917.187
-22	11308	565400	811d7e64-8d17-499b-8559-a1328881746b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:17:19	790.851
-23	5655	565500	c4eb2a0e-4161-4395-91d3-1f33648888e4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:43:49	864.272
-23	11310	565500	3fc0543d-3e0d-4305-beb6-f994ec964946	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:07:14	433.374
-24	5656	565600	95b2414b-6ad2-4e8b-aadd-18432b172627	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:58:01	-185.403
-24	11312	565600	39bbf745-2339-41fb-930a-956078f55158	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:37:15	904.784
-25	5657	565700	9794bee2-6ef4-4cb1-ab70-dd653087bb57	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:44:43	-875.514
-25	11314	565700	a73c8b66-54fa-4314-b28d-fae8a14c0a21	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:33:05	906.469
-26	5658	565800	95cd067b-2b1e-48cd-9301-ed35022fb7f7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:51:55	-534.983
-26	11316	565800	85ac87d3-4f41-448d-b376-94ceef5a98fb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:56:54	-934.627
-27	5659	565900	4e6d11c5-f1de-4752-8bc8-3c7b159faf35	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:12:17	530.667
-27	11318	565900	230bb13c-096d-4f00-a31a-5e592f120801	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:15:31	32.677
-28	5660	566000	f7b6bb3f-3aad-4fa2-b09d-a86be4ca64e1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:22:06	-368.340
-28	11320	566000	8c1bb30c-3d4e-456b-8a9b-270c8fe1574f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:17:44	-529.783
-29	5661	566100	6602b732-e7c3-4fb1-b2a0-b91c8d85b384	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:04:25	574.824
-29	11322	566100	76417f9b-dc35-499b-bc7b-e928282e8b6d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:45:31	794.903
-30	5662	566200	9bb933cf-baa3-4b67-9ca1-af3316476887	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:17:29	185.944
-30	11324	566200	fb54a8bc-1459-4cc4-b4b2-bbf9ead0e1e8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:39:06	153.779
-31	5663	566300	569c0f45-ee20-4b43-9a9b-f1d7af7ba330	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:48:03	-57.665
-31	11326	566300	5f844cf4-8ce1-4427-b882-d30fceab15d8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:57:50	-261.159
-32	5664	566400	e18e7396-81b1-423a-8e7a-0e694f1e9ddc	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:16:23	-150.573
-32	11328	566400	37c3931d-7e09-4c8d-84d0-42df082a5302	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:35:31	-556.402
-33	5665	566500	1488dece-b895-47f8-9748-bc152c874322	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:54:30	259.80
-33	11330	566500	f8f44cf7-2b78-4779-8787-13cd397b7dd2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:09:54	-925.91
-34	5666	566600	0db3c062-5e9e-4607-8599-90606c7380db	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:53:05	734.61
-34	11332	566600	caa95a71-af4b-4be8-af75-365944f38b3f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:27:47	467.837
-35	5667	566700	0810ab3c-7441-439b-b238-db481961daa1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:02:26	-948.79
-35	11334	566700	66de53b4-680c-41b6-a6b2-2a1e8d986ecb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:09:00	192.533
-36	5668	566800	dabf328d-a20c-499d-9a74-6021f9bd1dec	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:01:33	-660.218
-36	11336	566800	f55d6fc0-f184-4617-85e3-608a9935c080	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:52:52	-572.682
-37	5669	566900	65e00dc5-bd8b-488e-bb24-5c5a115093da	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:16:49	-578.85
-37	11338	566900	51ad9662-0940-4fd2-81ea-9841e8d8a460	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:26:23	-990.852
-38	5670	567000	6e90761b-74af-44bd-8569-c15dad7487a3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:21:49	39.971
-38	11340	567000	42fa72a3-f35e-4c77-993b-42ffc2c1bbaf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:30:48	184.21
-39	5671	567100	a874ea14-b0ac-4ffe-af48-5c2080f97a28	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:22:25	774.443
-39	11342	567100	eb7261b4-0615-4e41-8ad1-34e132983c0e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:31:29	680.774
-40	5672	567200	5605946e-94e3-4592-b1ef-5162640ef60f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:32:24	-782.620
-40	11344	567200	ebb95425-96c1-45eb-ab42-430cb66a9623	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:50:40	438.183
-41	5673	567300	be81ec3d-a443-4ece-9ac6-9f9bc7b226fd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:57:36	504.751
-41	11346	567300	ad2f89c9-4519-4709-bb72-4574a0194211	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:52:46	-155.341
-42	5674	567400	bf6b0fd7-b34c-466c-bc0b-963f811ef0d3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:38:34	785.626
-42	11348	567400	d8869367-5f2d-46c8-8829-aef14224e60d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:11:08	318.410
-43	5675	567500	ba92447d-333e-4895-8a19-7a1622125dc1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:35:17	-176.888
-43	11350	567500	daf72d57-c35d-4f83-95f5-f7d1e48e7c67	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:05:56	-867.905
-44	5676	567600	30baf7b4-19d6-4e23-b285-4f1cda28fd09	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:50:13	97.18
-44	11352	567600	feb09b58-c5c4-4f3f-a7ee-0c823dce9f21	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:15:01	298.641
-45	5677	567700	fba08348-1222-43c4-846e-41e3506fdddb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:38:17	-68.518
-45	11354	567700	15cd19e1-a4f5-4ac2-b5b5-0217cdd34e7f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:02:42	46.802
-46	5678	567800	210f86d8-c176-4727-9f3c-d54f33105c00	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:00:22	970.405
-46	11356	567800	f4851097-4ed5-4a82-a929-9e84429e32a3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:36:00	229.460
-47	5679	567900	8a5cc017-383c-43e2-8b3d-3de8bc8ddab7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:34:58	-675.504
-47	11358	567900	c47be714-d49f-4a02-9d67-9b23ac28c00e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:56:50	-500.748
-48	5680	568000	08f03859-0c43-49e2-87d3-78f5afdb5ed5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:31:07	834.842
-48	11360	568000	abcea3ae-a5b5-4ed8-9cc1-94b327f1618b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:21:30	308.293
-49	5681	568100	ea23720e-db04-4e62-bb37-703e59ab79eb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:34:57	-310.980
-49	11362	568100	2fd52da5-0ad4-4f10-9d66-d0088cb849a4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:28:12	-88.926
-50	5682	568200	09841b4d-b27f-4fd3-bba2-07e7527151a9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:14:44	-251.873
-50	11364	568200	81c664f3-1a77-49eb-90a0-6f4e05bd9440	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:24:37	137.974
-51	5683	568300	83bbe8fc-c6ec-45d7-a367-afd55b302ed9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:57:03	-553.399
-51	11366	568300	52cb6764-cdb3-4e02-9b6a-7e3cc0db4cb3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:38:51	42.485
-52	5684	568400	d205d810-af39-4508-a0d5-1cc585711818	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:32:45	591.115
-52	11368	568400	efef57cb-debb-4945-b6f7-0cacf387fdf6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:11:05	539.999
-53	5685	568500	32d501df-9f94-4e75-a780-8b01e93fef7e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:23:42	-396.39
-53	11370	568500	eb6dfaa3-0339-4910-8780-bd83229443cc	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:34:26	494.64
-54	5686	568600	fc256ca7-efd3-4c56-bf8d-6e0ae9279102	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:41:34	149.218
-54	11372	568600	83391e5f-9ae9-424f-ad85-efc36bcf2600	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:32:46	-935.881
-55	5687	568700	f69d8287-cb38-4f31-81a2-8f216b3a585a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:11:23	-491.149
-55	11374	568700	7a0ba054-d8e6-48e7-b777-a081303f18e3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:43:25	-421.192
-56	5688	568800	c74e36b2-b38a-4845-b825-f96c01a5ebe7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:24:20	651.619
-56	11376	568800	0219d827-99c8-4e48-9ca0-ceaacacc783d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:57:11	-169.705
-57	5689	568900	1491e816-bc08-45bd-926c-584a8b6a2072	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:12:33	-609.40
-57	11378	568900	eebcb59a-534d-4955-9c63-a4779f2b4f84	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:58:07	-534.604
-58	5690	569000	667c3a2d-384d-49be-bb45-7ec93f0f1ef1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:14:34	600.786
-58	11380	569000	6b388bf3-b69f-4ca7-9e09-f0816d514cdb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:19:51	-800.352
-59	5691	569100	0458590e-d97a-4ebf-ad70-5a687d98826b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:55:05	914.568
-59	11382	569100	d964af34-30a5-413c-8d17-39787542ac8a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:44:39	-465.161
-60	5692	569200	30ff03c9-5e8a-4938-8205-ea4a3bd72c34	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:15:08	-678.19
-60	11384	569200	12482c09-0ba8-4c82-9776-d012ab226e4c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:58:04	-226.758
-61	5693	569300	011d791c-31e1-4b44-9056-276c258cb3d2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:04:48	159.289
-61	11386	569300	53dd88a7-d52d-4b43-b6ec-6ce5100e4aa6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:03:56	63.302
-62	5694	569400	8a0a5d27-1fe2-40f4-a387-49451b07935f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:51:06	-868.628
-62	11388	569400	014fd143-dd7e-4e03-b783-c6faff05d4b5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:54:20	349.778
-63	5695	569500	165c6d33-46f5-4f1f-acb2-a07cb1831a46	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:14:05	-989.382
-63	11390	569500	5ebc02b1-1be7-408d-8373-2d240d50ddc1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:04:41	699.777
-64	5696	569600	9d7b1790-cf18-4beb-b5f5-2bb224e2c7de	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:20:38	247.801
-64	11392	569600	e022ba4a-22c0-4c6c-86ad-e626fd45c9ed	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:47:15	-728.522
-65	5697	569700	f9e74df6-1d96-473b-9fbd-58e80192bd94	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:23:28	391.986
-65	11394	569700	8c139c72-8451-450e-8391-7a4a1d1b5688	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:56:01	-26.940
-66	5698	569800	b4214f50-da00-44aa-8349-99c114a17bdd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:33:47	-818.976
-66	11396	569800	f1c1369f-ceac-496d-93ac-2f209745f8e2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:26:05	-60.756
-67	5699	569900	b915e830-feec-4910-b621-6df5147e1c74	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:48:17	102.312
-67	11398	569900	ed4c5d0a-1345-4ca2-b662-cbad51f1e444	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:06:31	171.161
-68	5700	570000	42d02882-3f89-4699-a24b-5128294358a4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:18:23	-5.816
-68	11400	570000	2e844124-660d-4099-bee5-dfb6f36585fe	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:24:13	24.407
-69	5701	570100	bb5f80ba-8756-4a61-94c0-7be79d65ea82	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:11:09	362.28
-69	11402	570100	848c1857-0159-48a4-a975-d282010885d5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:32:52	-181.807
-70	5702	570200	b0581a60-8cdd-4ae2-8158-c4b26bbdc078	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:24:49	961.641
-70	11404	570200	311e9e21-5a25-4865-93c5-6eb21bdf8dd8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:34:07	541.755
-71	5703	570300	fe4a8dfa-2be1-494e-9678-5548d0d41b76	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:49:48	502.358
-71	11406	570300	44eb8831-ddff-4b1e-a481-b8823d3a6da9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:45:38	-401.554
-72	5704	570400	30edd795-903a-46c2-8464-d9488dd71360	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:36:05	-765.982
-72	11408	570400	b34ad391-36bb-495d-a331-09072e9c210f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:39:03	630.322
-73	5705	570500	89076578-458d-4f5a-b2f2-658fee73c845	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:05:28	-313.254
-73	11410	570500	23464871-5812-4df4-9ee0-51d7e7ecf7d6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:15:03	-61.408
-74	5706	570600	899999f2-ce04-46b6-ad00-ba4ed6f0fc32	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:47:11	193.70
-74	11412	570600	ba17554b-25a3-419c-bcf0-855a9a83232a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:05:24	92.659
-75	5707	570700	f198b8f4-953e-4e8a-90e1-cf33330796f1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:31:48	-232.114
-75	11414	570700	5e95ecb6-4a70-4663-9105-6e4fab9fb7e5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:57:28	-199.241
-76	5708	570800	5a2f90f8-29e6-43bf-962a-83df39d3aac3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:09:37	408.123
-76	11416	570800	8d2f679d-644d-4301-980a-76670d052fc9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:43:42	804.759
-77	5709	570900	430bc652-3082-4ccc-8a60-04d9a62a436e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:21:28	-476.179
-77	11418	570900	d01ba205-f85f-47e5-a70b-6517bf06c023	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:18:02	51.55
-78	5710	571000	83f11bc8-3bf2-4eab-b4f5-f00be3845d03	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:12:11	-543.764
-78	11420	571000	23f213b7-5982-46fe-a504-76fbc87909b6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:28:47	848.4
-79	5711	571100	c5b4733b-c755-4e5d-8b1f-9e1bc6e9dbf9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:59:22	953.109
-79	11422	571100	4be66427-10fb-42cf-9af7-40d08ede3cde	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:34:06	-424.55
-80	5712	571200	fa23605e-8bf7-43d3-b29b-5256db807ff4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:10:23	293.13
-80	11424	571200	f45a561c-1a1a-471d-b4ed-37f72b7b8cbe	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:55:02	203.500
-81	5713	571300	b66896c2-2960-46db-8ae7-5359a36bcc15	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:17:48	-558.398
-81	11426	571300	271c01d7-f6a6-4795-b9a4-1b5c9d63f92a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:00:49	-265.695
-82	5714	571400	6a4ad051-9b4c-4869-929d-c4af7ca0cb47	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:51:38	-751.745
-82	11428	571400	db9874b4-cba0-4b9c-860e-c5081bba166c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:26:48	914.500
-83	5715	571500	eb61535e-7831-4fb6-acc4-cb9b672e28f2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:26:32	190.458
-83	11430	571500	a8348b0b-2fea-4a89-a61c-2ed9fff3186a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:02:05	-103.971
-84	5716	571600	62c56492-b63e-4cb9-8c39-99b37769578e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:43:05	-869.675
-84	11432	571600	c45f53c9-2814-442b-8821-ca5a477bfbb1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:30:25	517.976
-85	5717	571700	873ad8f6-c075-4870-8dcf-c78d23758c3f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:04:43	581.505
-85	11434	571700	74029db5-2885-423e-9cb8-b23266f3c3f4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:29:52	215.989
-86	5718	571800	2851b41b-2b33-4f77-a8c0-388820e0420a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:08:02	-89.49
-86	11436	571800	bc72890b-4b5d-4470-be54-2722be28ede6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:37:50	-379.678
-87	5719	571900	37953efd-34de-4a1f-a412-c1a87a11c3bf	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:37:53	591.319
-87	11438	571900	c253543a-89f8-4374-a5f5-3e099bac089b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:03:55	-585.201
-88	5720	572000	fd159577-aaac-4013-acfb-4caf4063e847	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:37:31	-652.797
-88	11440	572000	cc152725-7cf1-4170-8c24-c109e38a733d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:25:18	-958.762
-89	5721	572100	1c08febe-eb8d-4cd1-afd5-fbe7cc8fe7c2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:49:39	-203.278
-89	11442	572100	7f2ca99c-926c-43e0-84aa-29a952e241bc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:44:12	-13.899
-90	5722	572200	eb86c73a-df77-46d5-b9f7-9f8363c9969f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:26:14	-612.494
-90	11444	572200	f67048bd-a664-4ae1-9051-dc6df1c3c44e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:19:06	566.127
-91	5723	572300	0f8aa610-dfdd-402d-bd68-67c5d2d023fc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:34:28	-938.961
-91	11446	572300	07324704-6ac5-48f1-a69d-198f8372a18f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:08:32	407.172
-92	5724	572400	c1f9cf0b-97af-4ee7-b15b-409b27615b58	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:55:58	-661.368
-92	11448	572400	2b67f621-a9f9-448d-9b1d-69863bb0ece8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:49:39	827.971
-93	5725	572500	89f2f918-42d3-49ed-98a3-1b669657ae18	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:51:05	738.936
-93	11450	572500	3cfda099-d98c-43af-9424-3841f3fe8f58	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:01:34	-40.121
-94	5726	572600	9131adf5-772b-438d-87bb-b9558bfb5034	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:36:08	-200.613
-94	11452	572600	dae27dc7-d91d-49fb-9ece-0341902729d8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:12:34	-755.300
-95	5727	572700	1bb9107e-4e25-466b-9468-177b0178bb89	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:32:45	874.73
-95	11454	572700	934673e3-6501-4f17-a2e4-1858fb34aa5e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:37:46	119.914
-96	5728	572800	70611337-bb53-4a0e-a83c-6500cc8afb64	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:39:11	-930.819
-96	11456	572800	1b600469-a832-403a-b3b9-51fd0b87bf61	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:49:26	-187.754
-97	5729	572900	160aea53-8f0f-483f-bfaf-c2a4749ef5a2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:21:48	32.305
-97	11458	572900	d8faf1d0-4372-49c7-bf43-7a2c27b288c9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:37:00	-488.327
-98	5730	573000	13d7dc7e-675b-4f67-b47a-4331c34bc70b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:58:26	259.841
-98	11460	573000	8d5116ff-eda2-4c93-a6ea-74db48cc58bb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:18:33	-853.751
-99	5731	573100	79a0e518-60b6-49ef-8c93-0fa4441fdc10	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:24:18	-623.953
-99	11462	573100	c28eda7c-fef7-4498-aebc-273d554a03bf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:37:50	-997.376
-100	5732	573200	0a40cb4d-1ec4-4983-b987-257da5ed9642	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:37:34	843.86
-100	11464	573200	cfa50047-f8cd-4002-bd71-1bf1d46c05dc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:15:33	623.944
-101	5733	573300	26f1fcb4-ed80-41ec-ba6a-bdf1b8e733db	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:05:28	-702.60
-101	11466	573300	5eff22f2-bbc9-45f5-9944-98561fedbe77	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:29:43	257.585
-102	5734	573400	ba85de67-2719-4f95-94b0-a48f2ae85696	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:59:26	183.604
-102	11468	573400	aad8990a-9389-4b0d-aeee-f85cc62879e5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:05:48	-105.694
-103	5735	573500	02c351e0-656f-485b-81e5-7fcdcebe5f93	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:51:53	273.474
-103	11470	573500	9118eb36-09ab-41af-a80d-d010ada04e82	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:10:48	-799.811
-104	5736	573600	04af2e7e-2586-43ff-ae08-2358179b3711	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:05:08	-633.9
-104	11472	573600	a51ac0c9-9561-4ce1-935f-ed362881db2a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:51:46	-572.16
-105	5737	573700	13ba95d6-de6a-4eb5-a462-8ebcef54bdd1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:11:56	-312.513
-105	11474	573700	b9ae1dbc-95c0-4e7d-a702-b01b3a4ae9ce	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:12:02	-250.255
-106	5738	573800	994c3cab-5199-44d0-8a00-95fbd56c824a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:38:32	847.648
-106	11476	573800	40d81436-5e52-43c6-95f6-190b8c10c97d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:25:36	470.43
-107	5739	573900	46d200e1-7a0b-412b-97a1-baf2c1c9072c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:22:15	-551.772
-107	11478	573900	51fe105b-dc1f-4f51-8cd7-8851b353ad42	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:57:12	-472.596
-108	5740	574000	65150260-0b77-4ff9-86dc-431b74a16df4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:31:52	-874.514
-108	11480	574000	9f13ed5c-c063-4051-9920-70c9c5dd0043	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:10:26	-751.997
-109	5741	574100	e9b074d3-0dd4-45a3-823e-8642acb3fa44	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:37:53	-776.193
-109	11482	574100	24c5b082-16bf-4a55-83f2-9b64446bc588	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:40:32	-280.830
-110	5742	574200	c53662cb-81a7-415f-9be8-fde71a27f7c4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:59:53	-683.468
-110	11484	574200	d777b9a1-965f-4473-bcfd-ad8522843f9d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:57:28	-695.176
-111	5743	574300	4bf4d94e-6c07-461c-a4c5-408f29bfbaba	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:55:23	771.824
-111	11486	574300	f677564e-beca-4ce8-bba2-6828a41733be	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:18:29	346.956
-112	5744	574400	c557c260-5b66-4db8-9702-5d57bb0a32b9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:51:36	-601.543
-112	11488	574400	f0335e75-c901-4d54-a051-722d250321cc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:31:56	-549.893
-113	5745	574500	ba9fd78f-e8ec-4395-be07-fa8187c871c5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:53:48	43.353
-113	11490	574500	e6cf3c4b-c3fe-452c-a219-f4470e5e9ba9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:26:19	510.33
-114	5746	574600	ab3bd666-0738-49e5-ae55-bc28685e6a02	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:10:13	-415.975
-114	11492	574600	bb27922f-74ef-451b-bbe7-9155a4783d9d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:48:47	604.197
-115	5747	574700	135d7343-7a3c-49ce-9d81-06f05f6045cb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:20:26	457.169
-115	11494	574700	c0343000-31bd-4504-b000-f52ba62d9d15	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:04:29	-365.610
-116	5748	574800	95adfa66-7936-4ddf-b737-1f19ae5b3cd7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:43:58	317.525
-116	11496	574800	90bd80e1-072d-42a9-bb85-5a42ecbd1dca	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:38:28	378.461
-117	5749	574900	8a900e52-8a3e-406c-9fd3-b78b587b260e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:37:57	907.754
-117	11498	574900	4ccd3195-134c-4cc0-bd8e-60c3fd0beeab	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:51:47	847.582
-118	5750	575000	0ee508ae-5c2f-43b4-a906-23d9b30a8900	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:37:41	470.538
-118	11500	575000	d32b9927-2888-47f9-99eb-0f80eb635714	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:12:36	-723.199
-119	5751	575100	f072b22b-17c9-4b8b-b22f-20477dc67cd5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:18:37	193.502
-119	11502	575100	b614e68c-7bb9-478a-beae-60b378d95f03	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:27:02	-83.471
-120	5752	575200	a99b9550-b687-49a7-a008-3e15bfb11cb4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:42:19	-328.475
-120	11504	575200	4844a464-dd52-40b6-b777-9e86985e6675	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:26:20	-65.903
-121	5753	575300	dedc19bf-c858-47c4-b9a4-fd3c221b11c9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:25:16	141.645
-121	11506	575300	5e244b2a-41bd-42bd-b60e-a7c0a45054e2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:23:36	745.507
-122	5754	575400	a3af21ce-1c07-4fe8-9b19-4f9c339ca1b5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:32:56	-12.656
-122	11508	575400	54789eca-0561-4265-a1b8-9f4e6f2a52c9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:59:43	-541.439
-123	5755	575500	fdef368b-36b2-417f-8ba0-0aa7ea3356e3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:47:01	487.338
-123	11510	575500	5f2750e7-ff95-4f1a-ad13-01523172e8ff	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:36:31	-269.976
-124	5756	575600	b131d2be-ff49-4cc6-826c-fe9e5c2ab4da	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:32:13	301.226
-124	11512	575600	7bb0cf4e-6aad-44da-906f-9d917f587296	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:59:48	156.800
-125	5757	575700	8baf5fb6-2b3a-4e74-a0e3-cc8bfeaeef55	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:14:42	962.569
-125	11514	575700	6773a892-7bbe-4293-8f8d-b7daa24ad3d6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:37:21	454.160
-126	5758	575800	3c7db1a7-c9b7-4db4-95e7-28018996d7c9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:16:16	-736.790
-126	11516	575800	cd0a7bcf-7774-4371-805c-8652f954dd0c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:03:06	-517.337
-127	5759	575900	bf2e43f7-2521-4a9f-924c-2f29470cd849	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:20:35	630.907
-127	11518	575900	299fd99b-8501-4d82-9de2-b62679b0b11a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:51:39	62.745
-0	5760	576000	3231271c-ad18-4a77-a57e-0dee67eb4185	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:47:42	801.420
-0	11520	576000	66312390-ca98-43f4-89e8-e7b03c9c7cef	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:43:48	48.95
-1	5761	576100	87534ecd-409e-4ece-82a7-e03539112eea	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:20:27	186.88
-1	11522	576100	a4a351ec-35de-4d1a-a1bd-d6c50f97209f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:45:39	357.348
-2	5762	576200	e17bcef9-3781-4166-aa5e-530785b56369	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:17:45	-157.640
-2	11524	576200	131b441e-f520-41e8-a693-d99a7665b0fd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:58:47	393.227
-3	5763	576300	a149f98f-8dff-426c-bec4-c2cfdc8d4ea4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:48:04	903.208
-3	11526	576300	b1fdf394-22da-4daa-a4a8-b4f3819e4029	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:21:34	697.789
-4	5764	576400	43892333-a76b-4266-ae4b-51163965ea7e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:51:21	-259.40
-4	11528	576400	2bc0643d-6631-4b82-852e-5f845edc3d60	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:45:12	86.705
-5	5765	576500	4edb0d46-4f98-43ce-b575-0b20bc6b079c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:32:48	174.143
-5	11530	576500	379ab8d7-f0b3-4d55-8624-1cdf20d240ed	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:08:03	-938.317
-6	5766	576600	d49d43e8-e2ab-49da-883c-3a3480b2a2bd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:59:29	370.52
-6	11532	576600	09917455-ae57-4fbf-ba6d-0da563688164	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:36:22	-644.976
-7	5767	576700	60122bcd-3ba4-43bc-a153-126f80fbf2c5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:08:52	-55.431
-7	11534	576700	910d2d24-5418-4a7a-903e-ede76caa95a1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:46:36	24.387
-8	5768	576800	5685b59e-871d-4af4-b2bd-a0e23ca3e0ad	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:23:19	327.539
-8	11536	576800	107635f6-e818-482b-b6f7-066dd0797ff5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:57:14	-429.605
-9	5769	576900	ea888160-bd7b-4dcf-8e7c-9377e4780b33	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:02:22	894.431
-9	11538	576900	cb73e257-89df-42a0-b50c-916385c878aa	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:37:19	910.113
-10	5770	577000	4324f0be-f7f2-490e-9470-2c075c926ac9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:11:11	-15.751
-10	11540	577000	8718a23d-6f95-4730-8cc1-e202515b22bb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:33:44	319.513
-11	5771	577100	ce429f10-13b4-4e1b-9dca-803e9328934e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:34:15	-197.58
-11	11542	577100	c8f790a4-950c-4932-accb-c0ffd8adcb11	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:43:28	-188.530
-12	5772	577200	806e3939-28c5-465b-9d78-44cb3542623e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:10:37	-659.378
-12	11544	577200	b7775d01-7b17-455a-a190-23669fc5f62d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:44:12	830.243
-13	5773	577300	004cdd1b-f6c0-4c11-bcab-d9df0e266111	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:28:00	132.710
-13	11546	577300	48292583-000f-4f3f-8795-52de185f3e87	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:13:36	-995.866
-14	5774	577400	2fea169c-6836-416d-8e77-c6ff5aff78b4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:39:17	405.323
-14	11548	577400	2e5dd436-6913-4366-aa5e-89b8e8e1ba20	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:55:43	660.119
-15	5775	577500	0dc3baca-f2be-478c-9c25-5c2c6ee82250	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:21:08	301.568
-15	11550	577500	fea59838-6851-4d15-9986-11d75ebc5dc9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:35:03	-603.206
-16	5776	577600	2ac1d905-bb8b-49c2-be88-73ef3621115d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:31:35	549.322
-16	11552	577600	3b2fd5b4-4308-4bf3-9dad-713c2fdc9087	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:20:24	664.665
-17	5777	577700	7b57f49b-aff3-403c-87f4-12ebfe05ed5a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:32:56	34.180
-17	11554	577700	3d27dbc3-a0d0-44a1-96c9-c3fb16d0e6c1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:27:33	-215.298
-18	5778	577800	ecbe43a5-8290-4abc-9772-f52c5bef7ed8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:47:48	745.33
-18	11556	577800	1eb56d2e-e2e6-479d-87ba-21caea8d78b4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:51:28	-343.919
-19	5779	577900	8de987b4-f280-44e9-9153-9d9d8289f920	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:25:36	635.170
-19	11558	577900	ec910e49-e497-41f9-816a-c499fc33d56c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:26:02	112.92
-20	5780	578000	52bf9cd7-19a8-41ef-a28a-5286ba4a48a7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:52:39	-741.162
-20	11560	578000	d03aa054-f5d6-4d89-9525-52d25ebabd19	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:04:55	-158.925
-21	5781	578100	b8c5588f-ea78-48b8-8c8e-feb213c56b9b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:26:42	-633.533
-21	11562	578100	5a567026-e6b8-42d1-b89b-aec3e6359908	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:30:51	307.280
-22	5782	578200	50a1e460-bce2-4358-b0bd-03b1df8f7cb9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:12:40	-512.63
-22	11564	578200	45526402-6763-4974-a31c-37213901252b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:14:53	-602.449
-23	5783	578300	f438537c-98e1-4823-b80a-5e2f8f9272b5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:18:45	584.880
-23	11566	578300	31dec49b-d4f6-4695-8837-f3524257d9ba	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:02:37	-170.859
-24	5784	578400	b0171121-e60c-4054-8e2d-3bd53957683e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:59:02	-197.417
-24	11568	578400	77d420c0-f66b-498e-b54a-5f94c22cf6f8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:43:47	44.904
-25	5785	578500	4cf23340-7707-4ca5-a67a-ef577803c7fb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:52:19	388.585
-25	11570	578500	091a0cee-5077-4783-ac2d-3739d2731b0c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:48:59	-702.281
-26	5786	578600	37d81fda-2efd-41a1-8eb2-b0a1b3cfc6c4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:19:26	-239.849
-26	11572	578600	8b8aa605-09a5-4e4f-8698-be93e0bd47f6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:41:02	-669.210
-27	5787	578700	b2434073-9263-4a09-9844-1535adcad175	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:29:13	-807.870
-27	11574	578700	f83890f1-4889-48dc-86a7-609ecd214a8e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:01:10	-417.392
-28	5788	578800	1f438f2f-9dba-4bde-a684-529ab98380b6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:28:34	987.24
-28	11576	578800	ca7d674d-f071-452a-8f38-5525c058e176	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:40:02	-990.702
-29	5789	578900	68d97067-8b3c-440f-a5fe-2fc5f812bc99	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:11:05	-756.926
-29	11578	578900	dd19f6a0-104c-4f7a-83fa-1391b04baa9d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:31:39	975.857
-30	5790	579000	b7d6d4ec-9da0-4521-ad44-9d1108eafe9e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:09:48	-244.470
-30	11580	579000	899f1e7b-c7e9-4c29-81b0-381183dc23fb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:16:18	-86.17
-31	5791	579100	2ee6974a-902d-4eda-ba8b-7c3104c7db9d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:07:30	811.792
-31	11582	579100	0e689e01-3bb3-4999-8fd9-808dd867e9f4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:23:42	-463.806
-32	5792	579200	da532938-f06c-43fe-a15a-3495bc44794b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:52:44	346.309
-32	11584	579200	a94f2396-70c4-4d65-b2c4-dc278b37d072	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:06:00	-102.118
-33	5793	579300	fc737c0c-b718-4a1b-b2aa-27e785c1940e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:23:28	362.895
-33	11586	579300	246761dd-7922-49b6-9d98-21cbda54bd0b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:08:35	644.165
-34	5794	579400	aed8c3e5-7474-4437-8a6a-ed0d1c60e287	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:01:25	-1.597
-34	11588	579400	baf52468-cb83-4fc3-aa0f-5ccb8e38847d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:49:01	538.967
-35	5795	579500	a1b6718e-27bf-4775-a705-9ba520af58f9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:12:11	992.360
-35	11590	579500	488d5ecf-a224-4155-a2f1-9044a372fa36	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:32:57	469.31
-36	5796	579600	361c5138-2ae1-404d-b088-f64109eddc25	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:19:05	176.491
-36	11592	579600	5125f919-d5d6-49c6-b5b5-70e5a331f528	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:02:26	-232.757
-37	5797	579700	08ee6c4b-0a79-4527-94a7-6d6939f89bc1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:04:08	-714.756
-37	11594	579700	8ee5152a-e112-4e30-869b-5e2f6c4fe98f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:19:01	-251.743
-38	5798	579800	bc3198c2-5f20-46f2-b60a-685efa2d3d55	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:11:36	793.503
-38	11596	579800	a93dd0a7-0a20-42ba-9a24-19748321b5a1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:48:38	885.132
-39	5799	579900	bbb81e64-dd5b-4eb0-9d7d-9c071ef14a80	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:25:58	-939.460
-39	11598	579900	567e1982-c541-48fe-abe9-4341d10c7204	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:55:21	179.426
-40	5800	580000	e767490a-6477-467c-8f1a-4907046771b0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:10:14	224.717
-40	11600	580000	5698c1fb-8545-4cf0-a4c2-a590bb9eb760	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:00:31	-530.395
-41	5801	580100	d63b5e69-5d0c-455f-99af-05ba565c269d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:21:45	-71.968
-41	11602	580100	33acf5d0-2e1f-477c-b493-8264ab247e61	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:00:11	-249.159
-42	5802	580200	7846e61c-a6c7-4cbb-91ce-531eeb4bdd04	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:46:02	257.398
-42	11604	580200	362aa96c-df24-45ea-9c55-a1e2e2d41b9f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:55:24	69.921
-43	5803	580300	27dccbe7-8bbd-417c-b847-1de34bfcf51e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:49:06	587.241
-43	11606	580300	d0de9483-7d0e-400d-9d7a-23097a34e9ce	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:50:04	873.102
-44	5804	580400	65af25d1-4181-4b96-8dbb-794d9e8b5a9a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:59:09	-144.19
-44	11608	580400	825eff9b-4336-4701-b240-cfa43c9c77c6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:42:12	-83.157
-45	5805	580500	8f66ac18-32f6-4980-9918-fda0faf9a039	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:07:53	-687.368
-45	11610	580500	d6363227-06d2-4a4c-8692-89fb86fde0bf	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:24:37	716.138
-46	5806	580600	b981e397-46bb-4156-98db-c3d1da77e54e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:02:13	-192.785
-46	11612	580600	2807126b-ed0d-4ad6-b9c6-31920bd874a6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:31:56	-970.220
-47	5807	580700	6c28ecba-6379-44b0-8271-cf6bd67e2ef8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:36:01	-545.792
-47	11614	580700	6ff43e76-34fe-4eea-bf7d-99cd54e3be19	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:44:26	223.894
-48	5808	580800	5393e704-53e6-4d7c-aab0-ac3a170b0737	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:21:18	11.173
-48	11616	580800	6aecfd90-3427-4c49-bb37-4a406e3df56c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:48:04	489.642
-49	5809	580900	c70708fd-fa03-458a-be1c-0e6c02396d36	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:36:50	-69.623
-49	11618	580900	d0668f6b-abfd-4479-955c-42e59c63003f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:33:22	-322.755
-50	5810	581000	3e45948a-a463-40b6-a4ff-d2376053e592	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:12:40	-130.366
-50	11620	581000	c23a5c15-1f67-4e37-9deb-c47f1bb6e3e1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:21:58	-493.399
-51	5811	581100	89601295-3011-4e68-bd98-03c2bb892f09	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:29:17	-232.49
-51	11622	581100	3bdea329-69a2-4d3d-a24b-d5db5ad3225d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:38:23	-46.692
-52	5812	581200	a71c3e7c-0a49-48a8-a22c-98aac1ff804d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:34:26	239.914
-52	11624	581200	7b409d07-ba2f-417d-bb18-b33ceec48da7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:03:49	-784.647
-53	5813	581300	cb76a21d-3f69-4164-b1b1-e2febb2e2691	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:00:31	-274.875
-53	11626	581300	64bcff74-d1aa-461c-b3e9-4a618e322b68	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:33:26	864.959
-54	5814	581400	a1bd7cef-62e6-4820-b1cd-e7b68cd852ed	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:35:43	691.716
-54	11628	581400	222c783a-5810-40a2-b8e9-ec2f6b6a5861	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:50:45	309.299
-55	5815	581500	5c105508-ae81-4092-8df7-ac161540fa3d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:34:25	-471.40
-55	11630	581500	f99132d3-bbbe-43b9-a836-a317639cb86a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:43:31	527.344
-56	5816	581600	43d6912e-4de3-47a0-883e-e183f5deb91f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:41:39	948.342
-56	11632	581600	29c347e4-77fc-4556-b11b-23a0ee170535	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:38:52	-353.74
-57	5817	581700	b7bef66f-04fe-4c97-8059-ee5b3b643098	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:08:45	617.624
-57	11634	581700	5adecd2a-890c-45a9-ac29-5a159d8a1df4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:12:39	123.293
-58	5818	581800	46c4c718-8490-4152-8c75-9d4977607869	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:46:50	-677.436
-58	11636	581800	99edf157-198c-463a-8e2c-336f3abe56e2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:35:40	-999.519
-59	5819	581900	f66c94ed-9a3c-44a2-9d61-d5b6b0253eab	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:14:18	-739.648
-59	11638	581900	113f9a0b-35fb-41f2-9b17-30c8f26a09b0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:26:01	-981.688
-60	5820	582000	d69ee652-f7fa-45eb-b5f4-76bbb64f0d76	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:12:45	-578.368
-60	11640	582000	a89b718a-259c-4327-8f12-969fbbe297d9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:56:49	750.367
-61	5821	582100	fe3aa976-ea00-4f8d-b540-43b84e6e3c46	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:08:26	-30.318
-61	11642	582100	44e38e8f-1518-433f-95a9-e65fd1bf4977	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:18:48	854.963
-62	5822	582200	b642c716-ddd7-49b2-9e0d-0b518e2b1579	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:40:30	565.563
-62	11644	582200	ae0b59dd-fb1c-48da-b045-2948824face9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:06:16	841.553
-63	5823	582300	80e6a512-6aeb-4ae5-9da3-7ef361a01fae	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:45:53	-788.199
-63	11646	582300	87d42c81-fce9-426b-ae01-872e8b5dea14	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:19:09	622.816
-64	5824	582400	cfabadce-b15e-4df9-9dae-f374df51d32d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:29:46	-564.848
-64	11648	582400	a62d2769-2067-4733-a6e6-85380bd4a552	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:00:26	576.608
-65	5825	582500	02b89dcb-ef28-4cd7-9576-db6e2e8c9fdd	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:44:49	659.499
-65	11650	582500	be79d9ae-5621-411c-8d5f-26b65d0f4cfc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:44:44	100.993
-66	5826	582600	e66011c0-60e7-47be-8581-2d9d84a91aa4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:26:15	655.115
-66	11652	582600	43b02f7a-980f-413c-afc9-377b106a8f61	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:59:54	16.234
-67	5827	582700	1a0c3145-56f2-4007-9164-32b673b2907b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:27:46	634.725
-67	11654	582700	3aef57ca-0951-492f-90e0-7684c8409ac6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:21:07	-648.125
-68	5828	582800	ba9c181d-4ace-4ee2-b092-1fa74146ef96	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:22:48	311.178
-68	11656	582800	c6884d92-dc21-4042-8df0-5cb4a4050a0a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:01:10	-837.510
-69	5829	582900	076c1473-a384-45f0-bdd1-8aaf3a223575	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:47:16	441.103
-69	11658	582900	46af4ed6-049d-49c0-96c4-c8967c6a057c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:21:04	930.856
-70	5830	583000	41ac5578-f14f-4e99-88d9-401a87c45a85	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:51:16	784.640
-70	11660	583000	b72261d0-a465-4d4f-badc-069181b0ed9d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:01:05	-46.94
-71	5831	583100	9d7ca7fc-b66c-4029-b585-7230708a8146	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:31:02	-925.378
-71	11662	583100	70eff3f2-ba19-4eb8-a39c-8cd7ba9287bc	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:50:24	623.760
-72	5832	583200	a4cc80b1-60d7-41ae-a407-2a0287068daa	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:01:33	-80.828
-72	11664	583200	39221c63-6c0f-4566-93fd-b28a4167f248	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:44:58	755.258
-73	5833	583300	844ad388-4009-4600-9f8c-8da347183b03	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:53:25	15.60
-73	11666	583300	6510df18-de65-4a07-aa81-4582732a2124	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:16:10	33.160
-74	5834	583400	43ec82a4-d05c-47d7-adb1-854f26f53105	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:46:48	-510.219
-74	11668	583400	5a8e6de5-8a28-47e0-9967-110dd0c5c5e7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:59:56	-847.893
-75	5835	583500	dfa82a77-b23b-4af5-8197-4a413180586e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:24:02	-879.501
-75	11670	583500	1c1b1232-9161-4f27-b63b-5e53dfa0ff28	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:08:10	140.526
-76	5836	583600	25cc0c2c-7bc0-42bd-8d4b-290285e362a0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:04:24	-887.222
-76	11672	583600	8e816a53-4ac7-4c34-a91b-bb1cfb0ec1d6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:10:38	722.109
-77	5837	583700	a607b9b8-98a5-4784-93e2-282867d2b37d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:10:54	-472.346
-77	11674	583700	6fdfb604-6817-40e2-bac2-9d1c05db23c2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:24:00	35.316
-78	5838	583800	c7123a23-195d-4cdd-9eb0-a2ec9f05731b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:10:12	109.418
-78	11676	583800	73b0612d-8d4b-4f00-98e6-9cadf02ca569	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:51:33	816.776
-79	5839	583900	744ea864-6f93-4578-91ad-bd2e01ba9e86	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:00:29	676.79
-79	11678	583900	a74ee674-9083-45f5-9511-02775d280f22	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:18:18	548.200
-80	5840	584000	7f74808b-7b19-4109-90f0-3b72c39e8f65	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:19:24	350.118
-80	11680	584000	a58d4985-dbf9-4c15-9d0d-d43bba682b60	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:45:18	462.313
-81	5841	584100	47ba3767-3bb9-4d42-ac4d-3a78a987baec	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:03:23	-857.708
-81	11682	584100	baf8c17d-6b9a-43e5-b9a3-094f8dc526df	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:13:34	-671.163
-82	5842	584200	6227b3c1-715c-4e67-ac9f-2ebaffbec01f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:53:26	-862.433
-82	11684	584200	407ce440-2476-4d83-9280-7f2b2455ba39	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:33:37	297.578
-83	5843	584300	df01e639-e311-4e7a-821f-1309df4f2a3e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:09:24	802.364
-83	11686	584300	46748303-0a98-436b-aa12-a4e19f5e11ea	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:20:10	-550.641
-84	5844	584400	3b07eea8-73aa-4f43-a777-b973bf69b676	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:08:56	-693.188
-84	11688	584400	d844f550-6c6c-4433-8419-cfe4785d9fc4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:03:02	769.896
-85	5845	584500	5f194a5a-da11-465d-99b4-57096732b032	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:29:39	-980.343
-85	11690	584500	d8b4e2de-ced9-41d2-9bef-21618d928d6c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:10:58	94.739
-86	5846	584600	a34eb2be-7b9c-4d28-99d0-78bf6e6fc91c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:13:03	210.912
-86	11692	584600	3d4355cd-9cf0-48f2-8c9b-52e3b4251e06	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:32:37	150.667
-87	5847	584700	6db80c18-d295-462a-b05c-a775624c0fd5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:41:13	84.435
-87	11694	584700	8359a134-ad8e-4b01-8c08-b91bb44d2e50	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:48:54	-533.463
-88	5848	584800	9780109b-55ef-4770-8056-11503fac8975	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:33:42	-893.333
-88	11696	584800	f08bc695-8c31-4bd3-8024-bfce0520e9fd	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:23:32	841.718
-89	5849	584900	7f21ff8d-76a3-4b5d-adc4-e03c24b88acb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:20:41	-275.987
-89	11698	584900	2772e238-5f64-4899-ae0f-e673b6b55df1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:54:11	-882.838
-90	5850	585000	feee7c05-c757-4045-a708-286c560ff46b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:36:34	182.434
-90	11700	585000	b9414d04-7f08-4f24-8c2c-4d56b941db5f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:30:44	920.318
-91	5851	585100	695e123c-31c3-4c59-afd6-88d7c64484e7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:26:31	-994.675
-91	11702	585100	e8ee471e-32bb-40b0-a5b7-9649d468cb48	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:17:43	255.99
-92	5852	585200	f1754744-8b5c-40bf-a0bd-e8b7ae85c070	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:04:28	-897.907
-92	11704	585200	1a6187cf-544d-41bf-942c-74cc9676a84d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:56:51	512.464
-93	5853	585300	b1bc0418-3dae-4db2-8697-404dde37fff8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:46:07	-163.601
-93	11706	585300	cdfc8abb-2639-4d79-8258-e729f1a6174f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:55:40	-40.594
-94	5854	585400	4aee3fc3-1528-43ba-b21e-ea7057827817	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:56:09	-753.62
-94	11708	585400	dd5ffc94-4cdd-47d4-b4b3-84b6e9b2f464	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:05:45	220.802
-95	5855	585500	783e31ae-e147-4a04-ba66-3572a764ca83	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:47:53	56.406
-95	11710	585500	d4b45f1e-2dbc-4145-812a-939556dd1432	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:17:24	-581.817
-96	5856	585600	62ba6e76-71c1-410c-973e-fc9b5c3d5db4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:21:37	-799.540
-96	11712	585600	24177935-9876-45fe-a619-c9223ddc262b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:07:30	-348.320
-97	5857	585700	ded7aa42-0f0b-459b-983e-75111f8a09b3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:43:31	-162.634
-97	11714	585700	1b4ddd6a-ba12-42ae-89fb-d0c2eca2e831	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:38:25	46.956
-98	5858	585800	04892f98-6336-4ca9-a41f-31c392f51dff	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:42:41	-534.234
-98	11716	585800	25eec515-81ca-46cf-bae3-b91cb228e084	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:39:17	-536.299
-99	5859	585900	deb86c3b-7b14-4a84-be88-ba4355bc0eec	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:08:42	47.25
-99	11718	585900	18e76ed9-c3b0-47a5-8346-b7086866a914	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:48:14	-897.977
-100	5860	586000	d828554d-025b-4ee4-860b-fdcb403adc40	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:18:34	729.420
-100	11720	586000	f60215be-5ffa-4f52-98bb-66cdce828c09	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:10:22	593.177
-101	5861	586100	d8fab4ac-9676-4419-9d11-22cebe5f1b88	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:11:11	566.333
-101	11722	586100	0fd658fe-3351-4ae5-8937-278c420e40ac	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:09:01	-613.551
-102	5862	586200	a8297c4c-8d5b-4ed3-b287-17205e69eaa6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:48:02	-416.409
-102	11724	586200	f15be26a-5e54-4165-b5ff-dbb1bd84d602	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:59:54	-617.0
-103	5863	586300	df519edd-2d00-4c62-8848-8091fe38b360	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:44:26	742.643
-103	11726	586300	eee5581f-beba-4772-b530-8f061c00d552	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:09:04	310.740
-104	5864	586400	2778b1de-41b6-47bb-aeba-f9041f8fcf93	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:09:37	-201.340
-104	11728	586400	fcdded1f-17b4-4cd6-bc48-f78386e69960	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:40:07	-339.633
-105	5865	586500	37f06111-57bb-4ac1-a9a1-40adc8c47af4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:55:17	-197.425
-105	11730	586500	e64a12d5-5ff5-49e3-8aef-5cd46677741c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:53:34	48.661
-106	5866	586600	3f0d514b-62ff-4a15-82a9-30c0cf12ce77	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:59:11	925.517
-106	11732	586600	cf63158a-5924-4ea4-b000-6f73308eaaad	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:32:33	221.955
-107	5867	586700	f0a086e6-a89f-411c-ab04-37b741339c78	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:10:31	-411.831
-107	11734	586700	37165234-4a2f-44a2-985d-2c88418ebf62	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:17:43	-931.317
-108	5868	586800	2a899ffc-0b42-4fe7-905b-e2d62df35fd3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:36:10	-904.989
-108	11736	586800	d6e95755-a380-40f0-9b1e-a9a331b34fc7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:08:11	-898.454
-109	5869	586900	91bb1c76-38a3-4ae0-9360-4433d5ff19cc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:26:50	82.345
-109	11738	586900	0c943d46-7b97-43f4-9ddb-e90b3e1211a7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:20:24	123.830
-110	5870	587000	d13ef40c-ace0-4c9d-b763-cabe7b3d8cf5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:31:25	-189.498
-110	11740	587000	c91d2559-9a23-400c-9d3c-6cb20e1325ad	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:28:05	-886.63
-111	5871	587100	d733c285-7ecd-401e-ace9-31701fd064d1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:04:35	-119.430
-111	11742	587100	394d6593-8296-43bf-a116-4cfd165f1c1e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:24:10	468.628
-112	5872	587200	edb4cbaa-cf50-43a0-b6cf-0570186555d2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:44:14	793.521
-112	11744	587200	8231a463-15ba-4090-923a-05559d97f422	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:09:25	-116.785
-113	5873	587300	f047a6e2-0973-49bf-8adc-7af2ab9f957c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:27:11	-941.787
-113	11746	587300	20882721-2770-4967-9852-336a279eb9d9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:33:42	-851.143
-114	5874	587400	915f88cc-5831-4230-9590-88599baef08d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:03:18	-267.804
-114	11748	587400	16775801-e7ed-4792-a6c2-ac79e6d66440	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:30:01	-922.477
-115	5875	587500	fa70353c-57de-41fb-93d7-243273e9c2d4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:44:25	-809.18
-115	11750	587500	3c13cf2b-f9b7-4e9a-911e-7cb24a5b204a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:31:35	323.112
-116	5876	587600	656d63f1-f1f9-4231-851b-e73e83570142	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:51:16	-192.98
-116	11752	587600	4054f303-b67b-4a75-a025-c840d5598256	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:48:31	-710.415
-117	5877	587700	01b9e767-d682-43e8-af7e-bb58019df0ac	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:03:28	187.718
-117	11754	587700	89ff942e-e1a7-4ceb-a9ef-b38117e13fc5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:11:53	-740.128
-118	5878	587800	24e800d9-cd8f-4114-b47b-d58ab5635c91	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:24:39	-6.706
-118	11756	587800	9290f6a4-877e-477b-9ff2-ac0819bac787	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:39:41	-266.689
-119	5879	587900	0115a85b-6600-4b43-9456-61367cea6bfc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:27:19	-519.997
-119	11758	587900	895dc3d2-70cb-4e82-ad1e-ccdedac3d408	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:45:32	-18.447
-120	5880	588000	94823b45-1f56-4693-ada8-f9e02f50db42	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:04:45	-277.646
-120	11760	588000	9d3664e8-8104-4548-82c7-c3dd18c7494b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:12:52	25.704
-121	5881	588100	100cd394-b904-40d5-a603-3b9de94af177	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:45:09	-305.835
-121	11762	588100	ddcfc4d4-1c31-4265-a519-28f633065dd1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:53:34	-964.400
-122	5882	588200	3b76c336-0d14-4b3f-bc3b-1aa451271ba7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:32:56	-290.564
-122	11764	588200	313c46a2-aa7f-4001-a8ea-0e56feb69997	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:06:16	135.9
-123	5883	588300	b2c75546-57d2-4b70-8d89-a24ac2c7468d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:17:07	-594.660
-123	11766	588300	c78272c1-2a08-4e3c-8064-3e30d685289b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:12:49	-315.585
-124	5884	588400	8d6dc6c3-208f-4d85-97d7-27737b0c0746	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:05:31	-779.516
-124	11768	588400	0f6b966d-52c4-4d19-a4f2-0f092d770462	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:57:14	-449.793
-125	5885	588500	9e1832fa-c153-442c-8816-50ef0c282985	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:26:46	-780.431
-125	11770	588500	6be46712-bacf-45d6-b6d9-768f828e6a50	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:54:00	836.773
-126	5886	588600	584e0821-5407-4bbd-bf01-7ef386c3f115	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:54:16	431.511
-126	11772	588600	b29be4c4-d708-4d46-bad6-c81e902fa674	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:07:48	-556.374
-127	5887	588700	de24297a-4c81-4b1e-8aef-ebae2e1332d4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:37:16	300.252
-127	11774	588700	8d2a8f37-dc5f-40f7-9726-c9641bc2087d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:09:52	91.918
-0	5888	588800	e108e431-e3f9-4fb8-99c4-40607e34f54c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:27:53	231.444
-0	11776	588800	86272b7e-38d9-4a0b-bfbc-3cdc9f4f9f87	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:39:08	-736.22
-1	5889	588900	e53261d6-92af-491b-b885-66b38023c806	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:34:04	-243.527
-1	11778	588900	2ba93657-6f66-4c4e-befb-d75099186f41	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:25:17	368.991
-2	5890	589000	d7c82058-4910-4cdb-a55f-0a3e91a79e24	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:27:52	-428.519
-2	11780	589000	82d662fb-dd62-41f7-bb3e-9f20989ba92e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:06:08	275.691
-3	5891	589100	85a2d4db-3fe4-4bd5-8086-cdcd0f4bfeac	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:35:56	335.915
-3	11782	589100	f07760a2-90e4-46f4-9aa2-ac9b8c9c5405	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:37:12	-614.205
-4	5892	589200	0a9eee1c-3aa8-4d4b-88d6-511e4416e548	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:58:58	591.212
-4	11784	589200	eb921269-f0e2-45b0-8590-711459076216	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:47:49	112.73
-5	5893	589300	2f0de5fc-56b5-4a05-bb3b-f046e0dfba6f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:04:22	297.825
-5	11786	589300	aa5504f9-e33c-44e1-a2f3-dd493ce659a0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:28:32	389.225
-6	5894	589400	c4a4a0ce-eb23-4b2b-88cb-caece72c1719	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:43:21	-344.379
-6	11788	589400	c1199373-1ba9-4634-b04d-a4802f7dbe38	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:12:44	-479.590
-7	5895	589500	bfbfb7f0-1f1b-4b85-b7fa-e74a36704e53	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:15:06	-128.732
-7	11790	589500	fbde3ad7-d81c-43a8-ac32-f1aba7cc5f72	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:56:40	328.462
-8	5896	589600	058b5491-e269-4167-91af-f48f755ca6f3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:25:13	512.791
-8	11792	589600	cdf894db-0a23-40e3-a7f2-eaba494afe4a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:03:50	-287.203
-9	5897	589700	4169b981-bad3-4eca-a358-61a19fef5543	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:19:12	-509.43
-9	11794	589700	93c58433-cbe3-468f-96b6-26f991976b5c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:40:06	314.456
-10	5898	589800	52bbc43d-a6cc-45f9-a7d9-08ff4e09a828	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:01:21	-96.713
-10	11796	589800	80ab2c7f-fe8e-4601-886a-cec423348b46	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:58:47	-520.545
-11	5899	589900	b9743d09-e435-4aa4-94f5-c591343a4812	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:59:29	-594.62
-11	11798	589900	1f2c3126-3fcd-483b-a59b-0ad0d4a4e1ab	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:23:00	455.166
-12	5900	590000	eb9e1259-a1fe-45fc-9716-f56903f5e77b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:49:08	-284.74
-12	11800	590000	05e635a8-6917-4cb3-840a-15ec37ec3f8c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:57:32	-468.48
-13	5901	590100	96332b38-e1c4-4dd3-8e1b-9c3f85c38b98	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:29:31	445.361
-13	11802	590100	aa5ca266-ba80-4440-9a65-9f166c30bc5c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:04:16	-472.395
-14	5902	590200	1627d5bc-4b57-4667-afa8-65f3156d60fc	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:44:27	570.91
-14	11804	590200	0d678a2d-238c-4ad6-83f4-0be55293cb9d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:03:21	716.196
-15	5903	590300	9ce6f716-4b16-4a85-9a2b-2ff2d70972e6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:38:45	-798.467
-15	11806	590300	282fbcf6-3957-439e-ad86-c2bd573a5f9c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:59:11	719.906
-16	5904	590400	0d7ee675-e6b2-4563-8bca-212a96e5865d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:05:23	803.304
-16	11808	590400	375a3c0a-5ba2-4ce4-9c54-0d04f9c7bbe1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:47:08	124.0
-17	5905	590500	99b7b62b-d771-4446-8029-d194be424b8b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:56:32	-262.85
-17	11810	590500	cc2a4c67-cf29-4fd1-ac0d-7feed902a873	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:05:01	-996.184
-18	5906	590600	2cf82fc5-7029-427b-8f62-9b2236af27c8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:42:44	-74.973
-18	11812	590600	6deb6aac-53f2-4202-9d06-e1bb43c64913	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:18:14	637.571
-19	5907	590700	a2f62d2d-2035-4641-b9e6-3b2daeaa74dd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:21:32	260.660
-19	11814	590700	773258e5-234c-4c1f-b5e0-c84ac16198ef	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:05:03	-780.791
-20	5908	590800	6f8932a3-5e8c-4524-8ee0-d1b4465bdcee	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:06:02	182.429
-20	11816	590800	7a775866-1a95-4842-a16b-f791d71b6e27	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:14:38	-775.311
-21	5909	590900	d54c4223-8be9-434b-9aca-af4fa14299dc	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:26:47	-119.910
-21	11818	590900	aea7e127-2632-484a-bfeb-3b49db949b73	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:18:17	-413.253
-22	5910	591000	55b75f6c-4e6c-46fe-9f88-734497841277	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:46:20	-218.730
-22	11820	591000	e643b7ad-26ae-412b-8158-dc5d1895a1c1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:57:05	34.735
-23	5911	591100	32dc7f15-ac7d-42ae-9606-30534d1dddc1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:50:55	156.919
-23	11822	591100	8c2aad92-ece7-4f36-bfd8-26549543ca47	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:09:06	-105.282
-24	5912	591200	cb05cc4b-5a2b-4263-81e4-8684616289a2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:44:19	-812.140
-24	11824	591200	23378e64-bd05-4db5-af26-58596774036b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:27:41	-394.100
-25	5913	591300	36b4243c-0a52-48ba-b4f5-481bf6a040ad	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:53:28	-959.700
-25	11826	591300	71c0ecd5-f36c-4238-93f2-8c69de74d2bd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:44:15	-383.857
-26	5914	591400	3b4b4f67-f27f-4217-8eb4-6e9045672f83	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:52:58	-234.626
-26	11828	591400	14ec972e-65f5-44c8-8c66-1867fc2ab968	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:46:22	-126.374
-27	5915	591500	8a375105-6420-4d04-8518-0ea8980757aa	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:45:00	608.130
-27	11830	591500	0c4cbb05-7ccc-4dee-8c43-d80a44aa0287	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:13:01	945.285
-28	5916	591600	ac540dc2-25b8-4a07-9327-d3b80e1ac4e6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:53:58	291.214
-28	11832	591600	a1704c18-726c-4a71-bcca-8cabea9c75ad	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:13:02	-503.318
-29	5917	591700	dac0685f-1ebb-4313-8efc-a435626dbc13	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:27:50	439.3
-29	11834	591700	fc628f91-bf07-4711-ae02-37853a15a5db	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:39:13	692.921
-30	5918	591800	dd3004d0-3133-45da-a5c9-9266de65135d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:22:01	-741.191
-30	11836	591800	e9e385ea-d4c0-4788-b2b2-379a1a380f26	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:06:09	-239.208
-31	5919	591900	6022d477-25e8-44c8-a7f9-de8b9a684313	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:59:30	-172.148
-31	11838	591900	b3d96a6c-2057-4610-979b-7421d45ab9f7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:42:49	-759.543
-32	5920	592000	7121ef7d-b5b1-4fad-a480-d83f9e821dff	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:52:32	-794.135
-32	11840	592000	69c0621f-2cc8-4c80-99f0-9e76a8c7b8ac	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:58:34	-457.46
-33	5921	592100	197cc0c4-e428-4751-b86d-5a31e302b452	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:02:33	761.300
-33	11842	592100	1a950c93-bf16-45ea-a6de-2b47ea67bb42	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:32:08	-496.241
-34	5922	592200	b080b647-a6b6-47ae-ad1e-f77e8d62cb51	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:45:25	602.455
-34	11844	592200	0ccf3876-34c4-4988-a291-58813a3ea623	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:40:34	-428.207
-35	5923	592300	47f7a992-a12c-4e12-8240-489552f94bc8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:01:59	38.371
-35	11846	592300	1561e767-c5e9-44a7-bf4a-634e6f99d596	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:19:42	-850.185
-36	5924	592400	3da13f84-84b8-4d70-880a-19ea7c83a66d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:44:28	-785.798
-36	11848	592400	4b966f6f-0303-45c3-a104-0c6395a45502	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:20:39	-955.557
-37	5925	592500	a1abe959-3ab7-4dcb-a830-7625be3d761e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:20:02	962.502
-37	11850	592500	46787b5d-3168-4533-8f3a-d70783e93488	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:28:30	141.793
-38	5926	592600	051d332e-5832-4749-9188-85beac39a327	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:24:40	832.822
-38	11852	592600	c5a766f8-1175-48af-8637-a109a3b3d516	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:42:20	-263.507
-39	5927	592700	fb6e2a41-695a-4660-ac43-14c90c581f1c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:35:20	23.587
-39	11854	592700	3559be19-059a-4c10-9428-2a8843d826da	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:10:20	-45.918
-40	5928	592800	aee0c32a-15f7-4383-94d3-1ec29d6e6546	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:05:58	779.499
-40	11856	592800	c59669c7-56d9-4c42-8699-461d23ed1d01	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:32:48	978.787
-41	5929	592900	4a0392fb-f395-44f7-b0da-6ab80a9479e4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:36:26	298.408
-41	11858	592900	83cde95e-2ff5-4a75-9a9c-cee07e123990	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:13:44	846.914
-42	5930	593000	14ecf632-8367-4719-95de-13c3ce4f7d9e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:56:09	933.47
-42	11860	593000	0ca3fbca-ee1e-43f4-9da6-db258f79cc61	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:56:59	-991.107
-43	5931	593100	3b84391b-8782-419b-a7cc-b93cf8621ee4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:27:43	-354.195
-43	11862	593100	109d2ac3-0d53-4962-8214-0166b7231a2a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:15:26	-690.639
-44	5932	593200	366ccf04-a92b-4a62-96fc-dd1fe0e1fdf3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:02:41	-226.465
-44	11864	593200	a0ce113d-08e5-47f3-a063-04e6f83163d8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:14:08	-856.875
-45	5933	593300	9a3c39b7-177f-46b2-ba10-bc4ca7cbaa8f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:18:48	-498.165
-45	11866	593300	82b99dbd-8b3e-42b9-a896-d092d53016c9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:57:32	126.334
-46	5934	593400	848db845-d452-4099-ba2c-caa2f5537270	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:53:43	-617.986
-46	11868	593400	e2b3d18c-0644-4183-b3fa-682a8b064e17	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:45:10	268.665
-47	5935	593500	08c5feda-9779-48f9-af47-84aae523b350	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:05:50	837.858
-47	11870	593500	f9f8d41f-ba62-4cff-a018-1ef3435ae8ef	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:05:30	749.923
-48	5936	593600	a1cfb126-e12e-4049-abe4-55343b128919	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:53:05	525.108
-48	11872	593600	012faffa-1cbe-4396-9f42-f4a21f741aeb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:07:29	857.336
-49	5937	593700	5a184856-06f5-40e8-b784-1f8daaf32c5e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:36:59	973.963
-49	11874	593700	2d0353f4-ab7f-41b5-833b-13366ebed2d9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:15:21	510.746
-50	5938	593800	2bd7aa3e-e8cc-4e31-a18f-d66a1095251d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:44:49	-457.881
-50	11876	593800	8133ce56-9793-4984-bb82-88de42ce8938	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:51:48	-270.393
-51	5939	593900	b5c376d4-b0b2-4254-a274-31b37f3a3a57	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:14:51	-66.48
-51	11878	593900	f1baea05-d673-4536-aa05-565e4e366ba7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:57:33	58.418
-52	5940	594000	d550e8a3-0457-48eb-add0-f2518c8cfa20	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:23:12	424.882
-52	11880	594000	c450416b-9436-4f8c-9255-d9ebb174d753	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:39:46	975.827
-53	5941	594100	a4d4df83-219a-46d2-a0d1-9c29aea6386d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:54:30	-387.107
-53	11882	594100	c8a5b54c-3d42-4cb1-b2f0-a63007db28a1	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:16:10	525.808
-54	5942	594200	de3b8631-6a3d-4baa-87e2-b4a63e9f94fa	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:30:52	-858.152
-54	11884	594200	120bdcbe-5b6a-430f-b443-4b7953bf3659	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:26:56	-640.279
-55	5943	594300	b69f9ba1-3eb1-4ab0-be23-167866da5a33	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:58:02	727.769
-55	11886	594300	1eebbee7-1e30-4666-bb16-127ccb6e73b9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:36:39	-483.622
-56	5944	594400	93f825a7-4632-4442-91d7-9631b77f4880	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:03:20	-328.272
-56	11888	594400	e65cbe4b-027f-442b-893f-26d5a8e40c08	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:37:12	870.650
-57	5945	594500	be29f36d-7f8b-44b1-a4ab-54f26bdaebf1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:32:58	-905.679
-57	11890	594500	91039462-d672-49a1-8fc9-24ead30c1d16	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:20:48	-876.553
-58	5946	594600	0757808a-1284-4e1a-a941-234ddded3a5d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:42:34	-387.208
-58	11892	594600	f87dba13-0c5f-4796-9902-990b06831326	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:18:26	86.871
-59	5947	594700	40d5bdff-d982-466b-9fd6-b410494afe7e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:32:31	877.458
-59	11894	594700	b736a3de-07b3-4dd3-a2c2-39842366b92a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:32:17	622.557
-60	5948	594800	1c68d8ad-d1cc-47b2-a411-25c80ba32552	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:23:27	778.65
-60	11896	594800	572c464d-23cc-4e97-b017-61bf9ba70f5c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:18:48	753.800
-61	5949	594900	0eb92452-b87f-4000-9a34-bb28cbe40c9e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:58:14	343.266
-61	11898	594900	ead3b264-5862-45d3-9341-224c332d7838	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:23:15	-572.149
-62	5950	595000	e48d027f-8dca-4e7c-adaa-2f6f09d3167c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:17:34	-757.382
-62	11900	595000	ede55bfe-bee3-441a-b7a7-14d8a300e870	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:38:43	-568.652
-63	5951	595100	d16e1e76-af8b-48ea-9c13-5a77321ffb6d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:39:32	-68.438
-63	11902	595100	33ba6f68-ab47-4a19-a073-80e286e007b6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:37:16	-997.346
-64	5952	595200	ae0c380c-b5d3-4bb5-b5b5-dcbc3c3ffc5b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:39:58	-934.169
-64	11904	595200	02b5d9c1-8f2f-49a8-b3b4-0f09d3357dec	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:04:46	-919.741
-65	5953	595300	b8d05f45-7331-458d-a7c8-3d6bc2f889ee	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:38:00	105.118
-65	11906	595300	e118d0c1-0470-426b-80aa-e198b7160355	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:20:40	383.474
-66	5954	595400	1782ac73-f497-41a7-ad5e-5116ad6774af	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:30:40	43.864
-66	11908	595400	ea28cf3d-0dd0-40d6-97c1-b8d36fe85dcb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:10:51	-131.675
-67	5955	595500	1c46a639-3ccb-4a67-a1c8-ae94b5c4f8ee	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:43:01	-500.394
-67	11910	595500	c4ca31f6-5b30-4be7-871a-1b3f0ef99a0f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:41:09	-35.736
-68	5956	595600	a4bf3df3-bcfe-47d7-a020-c861edc3d8da	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:20:45	-826.780
-68	11912	595600	89ee42ea-f33e-46e0-82ad-c3648cb2997a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:46:13	376.483
-69	5957	595700	5ec77cec-79c8-40f0-a24f-92d7eb9052bd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:16:01	207.471
-69	11914	595700	2dc66ff2-d913-493b-9e05-1f03c9d04780	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:30:30	452.600
-70	5958	595800	30b03e77-fe4f-4b3e-8f9d-344bac62b56f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:17:31	603.36
-70	11916	595800	a3e41e49-c7c8-4778-8050-4981a6cc3550	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:27:57	-88.685
-71	5959	595900	38833cc7-2cf3-4188-9244-f088a0cc5d69	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:06:08	813.498
-71	11918	595900	be1dc492-39a7-4ed0-a1d3-3a2177047c85	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:17:50	-48.836
-72	5960	596000	5f88c2c7-06bf-4e38-be7a-d48d33f96c5a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:16:43	-592.799
-72	11920	596000	967746bf-9284-4054-a83a-f00f4699dc05	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:18:29	34.533
-73	5961	596100	26593654-b2ae-4918-bfc3-ae0dae0ab21a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:49:27	773.866
-73	11922	596100	8eb4df34-ef3b-4f3d-8a4f-3519244b8d30	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:35:27	498.213
-74	5962	596200	03d7835d-4505-4e18-af2a-9409171f46f8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:06:59	-501.663
-74	11924	596200	713a32b9-40f4-446f-840f-f886f7f1bb6f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:23:21	-719.229
-75	5963	596300	3bfb3d19-c6df-44f9-b8b6-663006665992	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:27:00	227.232
-75	11926	596300	a9e5fa44-847b-472b-9277-7014820593a7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:29:49	296.803
-76	5964	596400	cb75210d-d11c-40f2-84c9-8c51331182a7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:34:37	-299.989
-76	11928	596400	8638277a-6c8e-4202-893f-d1027d261978	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:13:25	695.965
-77	5965	596500	b8801bc5-f8da-4414-bd56-c40d139d668d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:43:03	396.676
-77	11930	596500	c48f0dfe-705a-475e-9d3e-1c33f061551a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:44:14	857.431
-78	5966	596600	c9c5dda1-9aeb-49a7-89f1-c1d16025158b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:02:50	792.887
-78	11932	596600	5231b77d-ec33-4d32-a722-1be5b063b101	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:09:01	398.725
-79	5967	596700	b23420e8-3b07-4b2d-ad1b-b7255991a588	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:57:05	316.386
-79	11934	596700	e891ba70-e6e2-4f30-94d4-8623e04dbb2d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:51:21	-885.404
-80	5968	596800	67865ec9-acdb-40d3-a5b4-9a2ad39975c9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:14:03	-313.801
-80	11936	596800	9b6b0e2f-bf61-4e08-a39b-150d08780f2a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:59:24	732.87
-81	5969	596900	0964ab53-c874-4a9a-add4-063a64b10d3b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:11:31	244.780
-81	11938	596900	dc15522a-85ac-4d50-964e-dcde061963be	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:20:13	-918.867
-82	5970	597000	8c295c63-b373-496f-87f4-87303bcc0913	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:32:58	-251.203
-82	11940	597000	c75bf84a-6dde-4e39-9dbf-78984a11017c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:49:03	414.348
-83	5971	597100	03989857-8c36-4780-85bd-a6564d2e9349	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:57:26	107.802
-83	11942	597100	e28bcbf0-7ebd-4cf9-a73b-b5c64be8d776	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:08:06	207.696
-84	5972	597200	92ba3b84-dd14-441a-a2ab-82133d50a62f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:29:13	701.850
-84	11944	597200	110dfd30-05f9-410a-9eb6-8a431a55c6fe	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:37:09	394.466
-85	5973	597300	d723671e-ba03-4675-b75e-630ee8700f50	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:15:16	-63.442
-85	11946	597300	c4171569-9090-4f0f-80e4-53839add9145	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:14:43	260.330
-86	5974	597400	a9b6d5aa-76d6-4de1-9e56-54558fdbe814	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:38:38	734.958
-86	11948	597400	8eb610c9-559c-44e0-9ce6-5a0fa46cb6df	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:02:02	7.327
-87	5975	597500	970a6ba3-1af5-4ba0-b654-b27ad6e740bf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:42:11	202.672
-87	11950	597500	3c5b61e0-c174-43a7-9a88-ab159225f5af	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:18:20	-414.668
-88	5976	597600	c6e4c111-1076-41d5-b34c-ae9f9f7cb3c6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:37:31	-382.919
-88	11952	597600	17fada36-c43d-4065-b0dd-e7f9dcf32aef	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:12:58	329.833
-89	5977	597700	f7e073b6-3fb0-43c8-84c8-3581784d0c18	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:25:20	898.231
-89	11954	597700	b498e186-354c-4cd9-808a-d3fcb91054b0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:23:39	763.685
-90	5978	597800	f5c18fdc-39ec-4369-8881-6107ace738f9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:49:50	540.924
-90	11956	597800	84b5de56-db8a-4dcf-9c13-667c8e4e73fc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:34:57	-215.267
-91	5979	597900	cdf71ef2-3d25-4329-957d-34f7c643e93e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:40:48	696.723
-91	11958	597900	2e584040-4e1f-4730-b8f1-1e635d9dfcaf	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:56:04	-382.87
-92	5980	598000	7936834e-42fb-4f38-85e3-c3bcc1c85882	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:10:02	536.320
-92	11960	598000	b5740af8-9e69-4697-b4cb-3f913c257419	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:36:34	-633.31
-93	5981	598100	618e3105-6f73-46e6-b0e8-829e370d23b1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:55:07	-945.909
-93	11962	598100	1a34f8a7-6c4b-4c1b-9932-91f9e642a988	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:30:33	899.377
-94	5982	598200	0077067a-2ec1-430b-8734-5bfa08408b15	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:01:37	-188.314
-94	11964	598200	a3512d19-09e6-497a-b824-2b7adfbb1577	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:25:22	-397.576
-95	5983	598300	06d4d990-38d8-4e42-a7d0-8d247bf5d8e1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:50:24	655.6
-95	11966	598300	6e4d4276-0569-47e7-80a1-c97d5fecd08f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:09:06	282.771
-96	5984	598400	b58b010d-d6c5-4eaf-a30b-e6ffe36575d2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:57:22	-908.705
-96	11968	598400	ea5cf12c-2dd1-43d4-9f1b-224fc834d38c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:44:53	390.639
-97	5985	598500	40406033-5df5-4c3f-93bc-d94480084b41	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:16:13	386.600
-97	11970	598500	80fecbef-3894-4b32-b2e5-83cb9e636bf5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:24:56	1.883
-98	5986	598600	d9cc7be4-0b8d-40ab-b792-422f48f320e1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:42:29	825.216
-98	11972	598600	57de8ef3-174f-48bb-a6ec-63b4c429c358	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:49:54	653.510
-99	5987	598700	0824921d-f966-4fba-aaa4-09e53b5f5ada	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:58:35	846.609
-99	11974	598700	9826ab73-fc57-48dd-9a15-b2ae6d6c2850	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:04:16	-904.352
-100	5988	598800	1c367c4d-05a6-4322-b3bd-cc4722b7e5c5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:07:32	-928.532
-100	11976	598800	7175dbd4-d8e7-4eb0-a8a2-b76181de36a6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:26:14	923.42
-101	5989	598900	0c1d0df9-a2bc-457a-8ea7-24e322a6a0f2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:52:21	299.838
-101	11978	598900	7561ce7b-6181-4772-b192-0709c7a3b2b0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:46:30	738.305
-102	5990	599000	9917b164-aa38-4b2c-9f6b-fe4d8c7501d6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:57:55	-497.574
-102	11980	599000	9c2f4683-f2c2-4640-a71a-5df50abaf118	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:26:12	510.529
-103	5991	599100	9f01235f-3213-42c7-ac99-c06de8b8ebe3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:10:28	598.568
-103	11982	599100	26c8f57a-68b6-465b-8e01-7b8fb4db8e8b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:46:41	-770.149
-104	5992	599200	ab3dbeae-7529-49f8-a3c3-c4af5627a554	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:20:09	-400.118
-104	11984	599200	33a5d79e-ae65-4bdf-973b-88a8dab0ae89	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:20:19	-182.568
-105	5993	599300	d6468740-c390-4b66-954e-c6ba77c2e9f7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:49:25	-316.1
-105	11986	599300	d18f26b0-696f-45af-8541-20cba13272b7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:41:32	882.668
-106	5994	599400	5d9fad03-89d5-4bfa-80b8-dcc27483b9eb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:01:46	-547.482
-106	11988	599400	e81583ff-2a37-4c47-8605-a37ff97a6265	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:29:25	-885.892
-107	5995	599500	d41d7d01-a53e-4b8c-b7ce-310a40818205	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:26:41	-326.481
-107	11990	599500	78aa8e20-36e9-44d0-a7b6-a52c44683e38	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:47:27	703.508
-108	5996	599600	f56ee0fe-b0cf-4a80-b2b1-50eaab58bd12	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:43:02	-704.750
-108	11992	599600	232f0746-52ed-4173-bee7-793025fc9543	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:48:30	-797.883
-109	5997	599700	3634a4af-07a3-423e-96d2-69394459f917	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:02:26	12.447
-109	11994	599700	4ecb3e7a-ba9b-43df-bd96-8e9c341149f0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:46:43	629.466
-110	5998	599800	88ea35f5-74e5-4319-90e8-69d5eaf19dff	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:08:17	118.698
-110	11996	599800	59540119-88b6-4fec-be7d-6ad7dff5f63a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:00:20	708.256
-111	5999	599900	ad6fee36-627a-49cb-aa2a-608e4c7b9665	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:35:09	-601.566
-111	11998	599900	0b2ccc4e-d143-46fa-aac2-a7ab1e75352e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:14:51	-68.601
-112	6000	600000	2de8a216-b2e8-44eb-802c-dd04af2a131f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:34:30	-530.608
-112	12000	600000	45afd369-f566-4327-9d95-4ba447623dee	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:06:11	436.654
-113	6001	600100	614c074f-194e-4bbe-8a22-97fe0ffe8383	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:28:34	483.286
-113	12002	600100	54d981f1-e1a2-4383-954b-d76e3cb5a76e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:19:07	761.167
-114	6002	600200	42ce1911-fc28-46dd-b7c3-9c01cb6ce572	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:38:11	-333.439
-114	12004	600200	019fd0e0-8c10-483a-a35e-dcd4450b3b06	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:00:22	614.206
-115	6003	600300	11d23ac2-cc51-49f6-87bc-00129001b873	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:12:07	-356.674
-115	12006	600300	a1aea489-8626-411f-b404-a2b477c19e87	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:11:59	-259.33
-116	6004	600400	8472391c-03b6-4dc5-b2a5-b9bf11a61853	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:28:09	-160.641
-116	12008	600400	25d15c2d-f60b-4b62-b3a5-4b6dcf992a17	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:19:12	418.373
-117	6005	600500	cc9a248b-496f-49db-bee2-141d41a3cff8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:45:14	327.157
-117	12010	600500	53f1cbe7-498d-4b3a-8118-a5a597e308fa	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:51:59	546.364
-118	6006	600600	6e771960-6ffe-4fca-ad0e-649245c083d3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:35:12	248.959
-118	12012	600600	f515f62f-dba4-455a-9ef3-6d79628527b3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:15:02	755.205
-119	6007	600700	3b69a7a0-0c78-48f2-8df5-c148f2d2d821	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:12:03	-167.814
-119	12014	600700	d573e033-01ca-4002-b9ad-aacdc044b9a3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:59:18	-158.451
-120	6008	600800	d3310a68-8489-4a09-a917-19224d260723	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:23:57	176.157
-120	12016	600800	56b4b59f-2c44-4a96-98f7-e60ffe324e7f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:55:01	-362.720
-121	6009	600900	28e290da-0c71-4855-88c3-84b9f8b0059c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:41:44	336.748
-121	12018	600900	ca875c7d-2ff6-4676-a9e2-e4c28186e71a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:42:24	469.667
-122	6010	601000	47db1f94-3710-47be-a8b5-4daf596e43ae	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:23:36	-788.310
-122	12020	601000	bf9af13b-251d-4aaa-be11-f538d960ef6f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:54:20	-954.183
-123	6011	601100	2fa4df2a-6925-4c20-8f29-cc9d519d8820	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:44:01	-159.280
-123	12022	601100	8987fc16-98df-4982-8dc0-370e432fe60b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:17:03	-189.345
-124	6012	601200	640c1dfc-694b-461c-ac8c-b664eae7a717	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:27:29	-860.880
-124	12024	601200	68b02718-b7c1-4eb2-b72e-39789757b55a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:03:18	-792.928
-125	6013	601300	60aa8b72-465a-4489-8c52-6e3ddd2e16c2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:56:58	517.481
-125	12026	601300	f7997105-51ba-479a-88d4-2aef6fd37bae	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:13:04	778.647
-126	6014	601400	7b0d44d1-0480-4b3a-9dfb-f99cbbdc18ce	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:38:49	-994.731
-126	12028	601400	2fb9085e-ac43-47ab-a6d3-3d27dad3f219	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:26:16	223.448
-127	6015	601500	efa720ce-6abc-41da-9e03-1091d40b3453	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:12:34	461.762
-127	12030	601500	a6ae511a-abe5-46ed-bf1c-4cd412990ea2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:49:36	504.997
-0	6016	601600	608d49c2-288a-4f28-a861-5a823c6346cd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:54:49	637.299
-0	12032	601600	26ed699f-b734-4042-bc67-bd5478134bce	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:25:35	-372.608
-1	6017	601700	3bbf9c42-71fa-444d-a093-4fe787ec1671	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:20:13	124.796
-1	12034	601700	160ad7b1-d5e0-4637-a146-7f1043b6f8b8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:33:52	997.508
-2	6018	601800	4348ca41-6668-4515-97d7-821914c447b8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:26:44	-240.989
-2	12036	601800	402a9f9e-abf5-44fa-953f-92c8c73d6d0d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:19:59	344.858
-3	6019	601900	ce1a3f03-5369-4131-bda7-809ddea6816e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:34:54	-518.637
-3	12038	601900	0c7c6968-1500-4b2d-b47e-34daa43f02f7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:14:55	978.99
-4	6020	602000	de95d6f8-b43f-4c3d-b7fe-92f009d3a5ed	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:58:03	-922.410
-4	12040	602000	dca76316-66ac-45d6-993e-0554fc250be5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:33:28	586.278
-5	6021	602100	e94e1f53-234a-488c-a0e0-d0b17dec0867	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:25:23	-740.361
-5	12042	602100	c5cb7133-74e2-4403-9b1e-34c4510dbe18	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:56:06	297.982
-6	6022	602200	c6e7675d-0f68-4fce-9f78-f67535bd8143	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:36:24	174.169
-6	12044	602200	fecdae29-4365-4b03-b6de-e68c963cd606	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:24:35	-21.177
-7	6023	602300	4ae94cd6-1861-416f-bd36-123b537478ff	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:40:43	523.117
-7	12046	602300	1ac9dd96-97e5-4a47-828e-8b1e9c1690e6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:08:15	754.770
-8	6024	602400	cd06a9a1-b72c-4308-ba80-1298d09ac58d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:17:28	472.550
-8	12048	602400	4ed8ecc7-22d7-4ecb-918a-5497a82521a7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:41:08	-300.86
-9	6025	602500	1b15d747-cdae-4a38-87d7-2fe28505feda	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:52:14	752.170
-9	12050	602500	780c432d-bfb9-4e3f-81b2-19dedb6aaf15	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:31:28	143.680
-10	6026	602600	c6e073a0-b31b-411e-9d54-0ee420d840be	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:23:37	-754.325
-10	12052	602600	18766b2d-9f34-47a7-9278-53a80b14e724	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:56:38	535.118
-11	6027	602700	3961f6c7-2516-43bb-9aa3-bdc941c5db61	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:54:32	370.969
-11	12054	602700	0c46b5b7-34de-4ba3-8e5f-7897b9f0565e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:05:05	-669.951
-12	6028	602800	dfd77cc4-89f3-4c8b-98f8-8c9cf6fb325d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:21:00	255.957
-12	12056	602800	3fd4eaf9-6ef5-4841-96be-89bfcf40ec1e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:04:58	599.31
-13	6029	602900	49a73e22-4f1a-425c-810b-653efbce9c10	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:50:38	491.456
-13	12058	602900	59fb3acd-5ced-4ee1-90c6-da191557b249	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:10:33	-627.557
-14	6030	603000	d06826e8-7ce2-49da-bbfe-62145eb11912	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:26:03	-119.83
-14	12060	603000	99ef2057-1209-4037-830b-9823aa4b0bf9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:49:32	-510.880
-15	6031	603100	20d3f66c-8404-4178-8469-35259f9947e0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:11:48	-360.636
-15	12062	603100	4d887030-540d-481c-924d-c97b75d16be9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:29:14	-169.294
-16	6032	603200	f22e8e9b-c019-4065-935b-52759cb55cf3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:56:59	12.962
-16	12064	603200	bb5beb02-4e0e-48f2-9790-5fbecc9cc776	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:55:34	-617.42
-17	6033	603300	b1459102-389d-4be1-a0b7-bfe3ad12d976	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:10:42	382.47
-17	12066	603300	16eccbea-7b12-48df-83f6-e1ad0a23aa97	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:32:22	-870.525
-18	6034	603400	8c162662-451a-4242-8a65-39c8899ad4c2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:15:15	701.170
-18	12068	603400	e25c7510-245d-4554-a6a3-2d5ef0d9fbc6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:30:27	-892.162
-19	6035	603500	d354dfe0-fe41-474e-844d-72ee25e25080	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:57:01	691.594
-19	12070	603500	bef56eaa-aed4-41f4-851f-f89463f15eb3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:17:41	624.395
-20	6036	603600	5fab4c42-31ff-4d42-b61a-69aa5eef92e3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:12:41	719.127
-20	12072	603600	996c8d52-5e01-412a-bed0-e85f0efd3b8c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:24:13	-183.410
-21	6037	603700	fcd6d07b-a5d8-4461-80b7-0e261293c0ef	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:29:21	341.971
-21	12074	603700	be0646c7-6395-4fca-82ae-55ae3ff5912f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:32:03	-754.995
-22	6038	603800	40ff722c-5587-4428-b962-a462986d58a3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:34:19	652.475
-22	12076	603800	4dfb34c1-a867-4b90-99d3-5c549402e06e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:51:26	-503.785
-23	6039	603900	4aeb7a1f-a8fa-45fe-8089-2add4dbd8796	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:41:25	-346.153
-23	12078	603900	afa2b682-830b-4fd6-9d59-f9b15c005276	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:38:26	735.666
-24	6040	604000	80c6668a-2964-466b-8883-ac1a056689f4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:32:08	41.651
-24	12080	604000	d1d53718-efe9-4a1f-b683-48cfcaf459b6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:13:16	-821.124
-25	6041	604100	189ce28a-19e1-4558-9449-8162590e85ef	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:36:55	-345.779
-25	12082	604100	abb4f161-f145-48a6-ae92-0d878cba24a0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:40:30	578.404
-26	6042	604200	df061f08-9109-467d-a390-803b8f66fd2a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:01:56	884.513
-26	12084	604200	9925d247-0580-4565-a04b-7450cece28a2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:25:56	270.871
-27	6043	604300	c35719c7-a119-4a96-9e46-1554ef96f95b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:03:46	-354.112
-27	12086	604300	9df59abe-85df-4e88-8d69-8c202fa69f83	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:00:47	136.369
-28	6044	604400	0080deec-d7c9-47a7-b151-829247d83868	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:21:25	73.687
-28	12088	604400	8aae03a9-7206-458c-a262-a0ef6660fe46	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:44:16	-210.278
-29	6045	604500	fece1f0d-8e4e-4114-9804-99aa5f01847e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:57:26	-598.283
-29	12090	604500	d1264cc9-567a-40c3-83a0-edd85c70f019	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:05:53	-458.325
-30	6046	604600	2ca46a65-d5ca-49d5-bee4-c3d1f544685d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:48:44	-113.625
-30	12092	604600	cbae239c-f868-4132-80fb-b2da9dad1943	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:45:14	507.787
-31	6047	604700	90f42ba5-927a-40df-95bf-de3a61734169	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:13:25	-13.96
-31	12094	604700	a0a44d8d-839b-4a0d-824a-6a5505b15a61	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:58:27	318.128
-32	6048	604800	4c1e7124-ce24-4df3-bdfa-a3438eda6bd7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:12:45	427.349
-32	12096	604800	998a1c9d-594b-46ad-9e9d-856accd7246a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:38:27	275.226
-33	6049	604900	42ed2b20-1296-423a-8685-103bc18ca6e3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:28:14	-103.745
-33	12098	604900	28876240-5020-4725-9239-64b83a95c82f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:51:52	-825.169
-34	6050	605000	8279cf31-1dc5-40a8-a45f-4663eaa4833d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:33:34	876.139
-34	12100	605000	5688d4d4-fc1e-4ca4-84ac-5a235d130c84	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:33:19	-942.200
-35	6051	605100	925a20a4-526b-47bc-95b9-b686b1f31565	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:57:06	144.712
-35	12102	605100	c2311da5-24e5-4edc-b216-a16180add969	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:30:40	484.476
-36	6052	605200	704e4adc-e009-42ef-982b-2b9f31c1591e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:09:32	-259.117
-36	12104	605200	1a9afcf1-82c1-4ac8-961e-85c12fde68b0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:26:27	853.735
-37	6053	605300	c866e6b1-1597-430b-b68c-1c9f67c5ebb1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:32:22	799.642
-37	12106	605300	0e212e88-42bf-4da9-9330-648ae332fd8d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:55:11	-968.834
-38	6054	605400	da3f68fe-48fd-4601-8cc7-cdb7a739e4dd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:21:13	-837.77
-38	12108	605400	24f2c1fd-c84b-400b-b057-0eda422feb54	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:20:46	-36.786
-39	6055	605500	f0ff4168-01e7-4713-a6f2-6cc27b6ffc5f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:16:08	803.232
-39	12110	605500	285d433b-790c-41ff-8c58-8547e36fbc91	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:08:46	-978.845
-40	6056	605600	68ab32a8-51a6-4204-b01c-4027af136dc1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:18:06	311.828
-40	12112	605600	1a5cee20-5872-4322-80e5-1d9be219ec72	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:27:28	-567.598
-41	6057	605700	0e6fec59-9b8c-4c6b-8ab2-86f37cdcf455	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:42:08	-534.693
-41	12114	605700	3ee0be10-fb56-48ce-aba8-ce31576d1b3e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:36:21	-341.496
-42	6058	605800	59302ccf-c07c-4dd0-b4d1-465b2eb1c2a9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:57:07	818.577
-42	12116	605800	442b8915-a079-404c-bc5b-76a135b8bb0b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:35:00	-900.11
-43	6059	605900	86871df7-dd7d-46aa-a42b-ef65bac48529	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:15:40	927.195
-43	12118	605900	16a9a9cc-c941-4ada-9ccf-a9ddba10cdf7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:07:31	285.538
-44	6060	606000	d4e78b91-2b46-4e04-8c0b-0b5ed139f91e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:42:47	12.219
-44	12120	606000	549110e6-22bc-4427-8f2e-3f98014be3e2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:09:31	-557.445
-45	6061	606100	527c1679-1684-41f7-adaf-72dddeec9e59	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:30:48	646.840
-45	12122	606100	90baa10f-9476-415a-806f-0454af7bebcf	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:37:18	299.79
-46	6062	606200	ce001645-b6b1-40cb-9f08-963c2a355da7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:20:20	968.867
-46	12124	606200	78489637-4ffa-46a3-b318-5c76719a7022	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:37:51	622.903
-47	6063	606300	179e4ba2-9cc3-4f27-9a43-09044609416d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:51:38	27.397
-47	12126	606300	ede716bd-0204-4030-bcf7-cee4f856a12b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:49:30	888.629
-48	6064	606400	9948475a-b8a2-4307-9006-cd255d3a0b7c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:09:44	650.157
-48	12128	606400	3d859887-78b9-493a-914a-0256e4d4ea9a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:13:35	-115.34
-49	6065	606500	b2784448-563d-4469-a1f9-9a6c35434e52	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:14:27	-869.668
-49	12130	606500	7421fb75-4fab-4731-a165-643649dc1e75	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:16:24	-844.891
-50	6066	606600	5fb23ef8-5b23-41ea-8335-62771a9be6f7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:10:15	910.129
-50	12132	606600	63620f08-43e3-4eb8-9acc-e9c3d65c338c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:07:51	-291.920
-51	6067	606700	b0054286-b61f-497b-90a3-8d5dbcfbd550	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:08:04	750.831
-51	12134	606700	d7847b6e-3f26-4c04-8346-e8aeca5420b3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:45:19	207.662
-52	6068	606800	097dea0d-2757-44c4-8618-7d8cc1aa2b4c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:54:44	-436.162
-52	12136	606800	6816f092-2043-492b-99b3-d530792e04d5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:48:16	-329.454
-53	6069	606900	9f73d84b-6ee9-4aa8-b4d1-a879e95c55b3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:27:41	215.625
-53	12138	606900	77aef6b3-4744-4ce2-8f44-4d899fa18dfa	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:04:48	-872.247
-54	6070	607000	54a7139f-6a8d-46b3-9342-e19eb05b115b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:40:21	-302.549
-54	12140	607000	c6babacd-86f4-4f00-9e9b-ffc8c5c47222	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:52:03	-610.832
-55	6071	607100	1eb7b8ec-ccfe-4cc2-b446-42e3cac636c0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:58:36	-367.699
-55	12142	607100	39f61445-f11e-4be5-9f69-d4bb7daedd5d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:01:14	-369.475
-56	6072	607200	e5c34c77-ef87-49c0-a51b-532aa03439ba	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:16:15	-177.119
-56	12144	607200	60271f4b-50f0-4f9d-aaa4-7d5b522ddd50	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:27:12	656.613
-57	6073	607300	5ea88b34-d717-41a4-9731-47a808a0346f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:49:23	-106.744
-57	12146	607300	ec16bba9-c434-4929-a242-137e85807cc4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:08:12	87.518
-58	6074	607400	59485dc1-7670-441d-a112-9c1b56538bf8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:56:04	774.392
-58	12148	607400	a059bc7d-67fe-4de6-a316-ffede95985e8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:04:29	-228.894
-59	6075	607500	8a510a0d-b7d6-464c-ad88-ded51051d62b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:54:02	543.375
-59	12150	607500	058a8585-6f98-4433-86ce-46f7cbcc12bf	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:32:03	259.901
-60	6076	607600	8ce8c3cb-d637-4abe-a466-ba98862f266f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:39:20	216.991
-60	12152	607600	c67d91d5-c973-4b25-a3e2-0853857767c1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:12:48	-154.697
-61	6077	607700	92c5d85d-71d0-4c2a-8bb4-362081f6cb61	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:12:40	-166.951
-61	12154	607700	5e34beec-2c18-47d2-ba46-60b708e8538a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:47:13	184.586
-62	6078	607800	2c2c91d2-f6ff-44e1-ba02-25baa658da41	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:46:55	464.780
-62	12156	607800	67c4411e-3f2b-4965-b1a5-ac054e4f5197	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:14:22	-68.840
-63	6079	607900	931415b1-2d42-427c-87e5-f08e561a8f9b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:10:31	-779.226
-63	12158	607900	4766ba13-8a17-43a4-98a5-84ccbddb20ed	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:35:12	321.818
-64	6080	608000	c3187774-eb55-4cce-8d64-a8f32002521e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:12:34	-772.967
-64	12160	608000	e964d366-416a-4a24-92af-accd80eb9de3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:10:14	-817.261
-65	6081	608100	5c6e8860-778a-40a2-9dbd-09d26e5039a9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:39:54	865.275
-65	12162	608100	7b713000-dcc5-4c4d-bd28-3d2acd07102a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:24:47	575.247
-66	6082	608200	436ea1ab-02ae-4f20-9fe3-a63b1bc37101	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:13:11	-995.974
-66	12164	608200	2ae77a25-e690-4095-97a6-f063ce4e2cf8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:17:29	471.770
-67	6083	608300	80146192-dca6-4023-9c1e-0fb490080813	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:06:47	461.870
-67	12166	608300	4a477bfa-80dd-4da2-a635-6d259fe76b53	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:28:30	-653.126
-68	6084	608400	05d391ec-27cd-44e9-baf5-1f4ef2672d73	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:23:44	210.629
-68	12168	608400	008c7ac8-8f42-409b-85ba-1e1d5bc52755	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:18:44	327.428
-69	6085	608500	a4e6ef7e-6b75-4e31-9c1b-5a9a00caffe0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:15:02	583.387
-69	12170	608500	8bade655-ab4e-4b54-b652-48bc8b18abd3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:16:46	-523.179
-70	6086	608600	86165e3a-59f3-483d-b1da-9174c4a891bd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:00:10	325.87
-70	12172	608600	9ce3fccc-ff08-46f3-9ae1-44c85d9c1cc2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:25:58	-536.145
-71	6087	608700	17fc2908-6371-4d74-8070-f0575ff4b1dd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:54:47	380.930
-71	12174	608700	3f626f53-0094-47dc-be1b-01ec2f225938	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:36:25	821.497
-72	6088	608800	52d03ca4-0fff-44b3-a776-a00754fd69ad	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:29:13	-227.132
-72	12176	608800	d19bfcbb-1118-4d93-b19e-c8d05787f56f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:20:07	539.796
-73	6089	608900	c4ffd383-424b-4fe3-abf9-f57d49a23f9e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:06:15	60.356
-73	12178	608900	363b416c-bb81-4065-b8e4-a258199d62fb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:45:26	667.275
-74	6090	609000	07045a36-8969-4c9d-98e8-d3d3ebee9a22	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:55:35	-728.52
-74	12180	609000	d42b5145-e969-4242-9b2f-7b80067058be	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:19:45	-108.547
-75	6091	609100	1d7d98d5-6dd7-4d5f-adfc-99ed4b56078e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:36:14	133.245
-75	12182	609100	6fe30d48-70a0-4865-994a-6b91de48a0d4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:18:08	525.769
-76	6092	609200	14214cfb-fcf1-408e-83fe-e785d2e76ef4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:28:29	-5.295
-76	12184	609200	1ac3441c-f680-4ec9-8fa2-13b9e51a433d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:04:06	541.59
-77	6093	609300	c9dfbbc8-f223-48e0-abb2-9a45a8beb2f1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:13:06	415.215
-77	12186	609300	43e58a91-5e4f-4c2c-9bd8-1db5192363ce	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:32:39	-539.911
-78	6094	609400	f966fa27-504f-46ab-9458-dc1085fa2eda	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:58:43	339.704
-78	12188	609400	96e0003b-d72c-4294-afe6-3b550b97abc8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:55:54	569.95
-79	6095	609500	39648151-655f-4392-b191-3fb39ac36747	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:56:16	360.342
-79	12190	609500	26e53f97-2212-4af8-ab83-6b0da0a701ce	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:38:13	410.99
-80	6096	609600	4c86b54f-2919-4cc5-83b9-f0dfef0f124a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:37:35	-762.921
-80	12192	609600	5093ce85-1734-4f0f-b730-95246a66c0bb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:02:06	-929.468
-81	6097	609700	6c1af3e1-f837-4230-b61a-c5db00cb3b5d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:54:14	37.35
-81	12194	609700	b9a9dd11-0a20-473f-9fb2-ae03f9fc34c2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:06:26	202.320
-82	6098	609800	3a8c00cd-4cfb-4707-90db-7c794144379e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:54:14	664.804
-82	12196	609800	1eba5e14-4416-462a-96bf-aa629ab6574d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:35:40	-235.960
-83	6099	609900	4c2c77b8-f94b-4b0f-bcb0-80d56e44f99a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:44:25	338.871
-83	12198	609900	60be9d41-1e58-47b0-853c-baa5c0af2562	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:29:03	-143.291
-84	6100	610000	3b8d40ea-d706-4a1b-b6ae-8a4c4b3b00ee	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:37:58	-748.467
-84	12200	610000	30a4fdb8-9195-4219-aa2b-7e0dbd49ae4d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:43:58	-888.16
-85	6101	610100	e5bb751b-ba2d-4cf3-bc2e-52dc7f2f2355	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:25:30	894.230
-85	12202	610100	32328255-a97e-4f17-a966-6b5944bfe87d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:21:43	-126.473
-86	6102	610200	5ce8bf4a-d10f-4042-9968-dec3c88e37fd	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:25:28	-133.794
-86	12204	610200	ca92dc9d-e161-4c40-8eab-1a9711d25452	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:09:44	495.81
-87	6103	610300	145648e4-bc04-46a2-a976-d4bcee727916	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:21:46	-966.232
-87	12206	610300	d8aac436-8591-4908-a86e-684b4a1c62e8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:59:07	102.485
-88	6104	610400	87932175-1d6b-4d67-8a96-e835b72797eb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:33:54	836.778
-88	12208	610400	4e615d30-f744-4b28-bc2d-a94feafdfa6a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:38:11	327.882
-89	6105	610500	e06cf0f3-57af-4b75-bc7b-32c866c755e1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:25:35	-232.269
-89	12210	610500	e242a8d0-3b5f-4e2c-b462-2a5f36581427	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:58:04	705.618
-90	6106	610600	903cd63b-b180-4984-8426-584c1d30c976	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:10:58	477.69
-90	12212	610600	8e2fd1bc-4e47-438f-9d86-6aeebfa4af94	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:44:45	-65.185
-91	6107	610700	29fb0b19-313b-4b75-bb53-17b340f1912d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:05:02	-147.646
-91	12214	610700	a5a756d7-a0cb-40b2-a583-65e91c145d42	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:28:25	-933.642
-92	6108	610800	beb6073c-6b9e-443b-9b80-f44453b27335	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:10:16	-831.800
-92	12216	610800	1d5747a7-81e2-4cb3-a925-ea307d715480	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:11:35	-816.475
-93	6109	610900	375ddd2b-e815-4d5f-ba1a-3d5f76233fda	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:52:01	4.525
-93	12218	610900	16d25ef4-74bd-46a1-a433-10a62705d576	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:25:38	-583.370
-94	6110	611000	abf20ea7-aa29-431f-a21c-eaf0b51396cd	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:29:16	-268.383
-94	12220	611000	e90f67e3-f699-429f-bac8-cef998f63aea	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:58:42	427.31
-95	6111	611100	248bfdd4-1e49-44df-9dc5-921920e0b210	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:38:47	167.654
-95	12222	611100	67b7d642-b130-429e-a730-aaa68165d25c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:13:08	-838.472
-96	6112	611200	1da9da78-25b6-4058-8882-3641e430b05a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:17:22	913.616
-96	12224	611200	6e55fc40-496c-4a29-898d-eb45c5c6c511	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:00:54	-790.987
-97	6113	611300	f778523c-49f5-4dcd-9b61-49ff9bdbedc0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:01:19	508.698
-97	12226	611300	e8bfd199-e908-4bcb-b771-09fd1ebb7d47	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:42:21	71.263
-98	6114	611400	3770e719-f9da-4b65-a006-91fcc1bf761e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:05:56	447.589
-98	12228	611400	06503e7d-b75a-4c88-bce7-b9f489b7e158	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:15:59	-874.549
-99	6115	611500	8011ca06-8d5c-407c-8a34-520efe4be5be	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:25:04	326.210
-99	12230	611500	3cf30394-6564-4715-90f1-2cd82ec7010d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:05:08	-788.101
-100	6116	611600	b73317b4-8096-4179-94af-824dfe254bbb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:25:02	-619.704
-100	12232	611600	5b6ac231-d487-4f1f-9712-89712b50a6af	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:34:33	641.757
-101	6117	611700	1763863b-392e-4ba4-acfa-18743c7371cd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:07:29	933.851
-101	12234	611700	6d601cf3-3cbe-4c0b-a7da-bf2b1b71e384	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:40:27	702.405
-102	6118	611800	282a2113-61e9-472b-9fc5-3286fefb2d73	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:55:05	-169.279
-102	12236	611800	22bc754f-fe08-41fe-9f73-62505ef747f1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:49:59	-824.798
-103	6119	611900	34e6ba77-ba89-4f4b-8365-6c87ea4c784c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:20:48	543.125
-103	12238	611900	5868f6e8-5146-45df-9143-41188e68e25e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:29:27	885.492
-104	6120	612000	fb0da00b-ad79-4bbf-8332-05e61b551618	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:07:02	630.861
-104	12240	612000	804204e5-a71e-4f65-8c31-a50048339703	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:08:24	204.270
-105	6121	612100	3800b833-4693-4bfb-b4ff-d6f7ec52839a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:14:58	502.406
-105	12242	612100	e4ca163f-fcc8-475a-bd6c-b7dc93206123	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:35:56	-332.898
-106	6122	612200	cfc598e2-114e-4327-9af8-7748105d2333	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:43:19	-952.934
-106	12244	612200	d1e4ba45-6acd-407e-91e7-d2fff3384152	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:38:56	-164.322
-107	6123	612300	6a968172-fa4d-42e7-bda3-6f98c0d0be4a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:47:47	409.231
-107	12246	612300	9610e1d0-c668-41b8-998b-9cdb1fbb2cf5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:33:07	-287.150
-108	6124	612400	aaa3a676-ebfd-44ea-b868-470e1d178bf5	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:57:31	-520.958
-108	12248	612400	02d40429-c60d-4424-bab1-4d8bde5d3dc0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:31:43	883.446
-109	6125	612500	2d7f151e-1a05-4ffb-93d1-d7e141e272c9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:37:13	-433.347
-109	12250	612500	32a1baf9-78b4-4889-9595-29ff82e10a44	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:57:51	414.539
-110	6126	612600	5f706a3d-e264-497c-b809-8fa133edf68b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:11:55	485.220
-110	12252	612600	e5c817f6-5290-4bb6-a1d5-d03b9ca80c5c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:04:04	-636.880
-111	6127	612700	64521eae-1e58-4ed5-b93e-933244f1b949	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:33:53	150.801
-111	12254	612700	eca50585-d89a-4efa-b99d-c0061090a9e0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:31:03	998.529
-112	6128	612800	6c5888f7-41ca-4d95-a87e-89fa3037b070	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:01:37	138.549
-112	12256	612800	274fda4b-8242-400b-adfc-e3309b611f0e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:13:46	-418.986
-113	6129	612900	d1f8bcfd-34b9-4fc6-90e6-b8cae95efbff	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:37:46	380.837
-113	12258	612900	aa7c0c8f-b56e-41b2-a7e1-2fe4b6896993	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:34:32	99.841
-114	6130	613000	1c1d1e88-1f32-42f4-8112-702d1b4a61d0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:32:07	720.97
-114	12260	613000	412d0983-af00-4f61-9fce-1bd1695fe992	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:37:24	263.375
-115	6131	613100	0946357f-90d6-429f-950c-5587338f788b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:45:57	-343.139
-115	12262	613100	8acf944f-bafa-4fe4-8909-d4790a00536b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:45:24	-430.255
-116	6132	613200	f8860159-c1e3-461a-9868-647d9b932f00	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:36:08	640.227
-116	12264	613200	8923b926-68a6-417b-ae4d-afd37e98135b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:08:16	537.532
-117	6133	613300	a4229140-a8d7-49da-9544-8ed559382399	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:29:47	-922.248
-117	12266	613300	2d501964-4cad-49d2-9fa7-d325fd1a2a17	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:40:24	744.816
-118	6134	613400	7fd82209-3caa-4330-924e-9d43ff4b31b3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:14:52	-263.62
-118	12268	613400	69b282fd-092f-4657-af72-e39b6b3c435b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:59:39	17.12
-119	6135	613500	b9241fc7-bad9-4133-b8e7-b25f072c12a9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:30:14	34.947
-119	12270	613500	9b19fe29-07a4-48af-9b6e-98c0bfa50b0d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:50:40	-704.510
-120	6136	613600	565b7eba-7d77-4cf8-bbfb-ca8ec7d8767b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:15:44	-16.470
-120	12272	613600	f1853416-5637-4449-af06-d4e90aef1443	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:59:29	357.71
-121	6137	613700	943a2d1c-9c95-4955-92df-f4db76f275dc	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:44:47	-826.336
-121	12274	613700	e8311e50-ec8a-4f91-97c4-a1ab5dd1bc31	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:17:33	929.808
-122	6138	613800	e2e55680-00a6-4885-8f54-325575b07c55	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:09:06	-277.432
-122	12276	613800	e98091c9-8c8f-4279-bd21-ec2f7223f09c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:32:32	421.633
-123	6139	613900	a0d64328-44f4-4a18-a565-ee3502de34ff	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:50:17	-459.523
-123	12278	613900	b6f29b52-4e89-4de2-94e8-571e97cc3332	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:37:28	-674.5
-124	6140	614000	b1e0bb3c-9ac3-4159-b852-5ebc3c12827d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:28:26	-609.187
-124	12280	614000	3357078c-5a7a-4bbd-8478-793d1634e389	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:49:41	-815.134
-125	6141	614100	a0a28a0f-fbd6-4748-9638-0845a6ca8d68	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:26:33	994.757
-125	12282	614100	b40497f9-e72b-48f0-8d99-aafadacb761e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:06:56	673.642
-126	6142	614200	546cb0fa-708b-4633-bd1c-d3662d209fc1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:55:21	-435.192
-126	12284	614200	4edc25ad-ed9d-4f8d-8576-4afac3ed5f9b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:17:42	663.449
-127	6143	614300	b7683a01-df09-4046-9575-0eee22e254cb	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:26:51	516.48
-127	12286	614300	d8c39f70-bd69-4d5c-a504-d2e1a0e23382	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:23:02	-608.613
-0	6144	614400	bc5f2e12-8f63-4c99-af6a-4c0997103fe8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:20:12	429.496
-0	12288	614400	614bfed1-c7dd-402a-a867-2a15e8088f3e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:30:45	966.801
-1	6145	614500	1b0a7869-2f7e-4a9c-9b10-0bd64a37b377	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:42:39	262.836
-1	12290	614500	aebd1e85-21d5-4272-95d5-b44dc5210355	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:53:41	709.369
-2	6146	614600	32df2277-90d2-47bd-8e28-4d9145fff2a7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:21:29	64.229
-2	12292	614600	6ed485e3-4784-40ce-bd77-35b2cf09ce73	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:48:16	-505.633
-3	6147	614700	eb0ec55d-56ea-4cbc-a22e-289e0aaa4bb0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:09:26	-836.507
-3	12294	614700	52beaa2a-1a23-4892-a481-7cded41804b3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:16:09	-362.172
-4	6148	614800	47949eba-0da1-4689-8e97-3d2d02a205f6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:59:06	-591.57
-4	12296	614800	16b3926a-6ef1-4435-885b-539778d719e6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:43:55	35.327
-5	6149	614900	8aef0ccc-ae89-42c8-b8e6-c20e044e3937	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:38:06	487.640
-5	12298	614900	bdfc8f69-15ee-47b8-8dd5-b51015010de4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:12:58	307.338
-6	6150	615000	e340ea8c-b051-471e-9e41-618da8fa8c93	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:34:08	141.816
-6	12300	615000	473b3140-6d3a-4f9e-9504-0ba2b2a9988c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:36:26	350.881
-7	6151	615100	2c8c578e-92a5-4600-ac6e-a216d2b216e6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:14:10	111.301
-7	12302	615100	8cdb9540-fbd2-43f0-a840-dd337e785bac	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:21:57	799.947
-8	6152	615200	5286f679-63fb-45b2-b43d-0069e43a1414	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:54:16	552.986
-8	12304	615200	a4f465c6-85c6-4021-9601-6f346b8c0a23	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:36:13	153.32
-9	6153	615300	65d67aef-d442-487a-9968-154992c72825	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:27:09	262.53
-9	12306	615300	1a78a0b5-d05b-4b6f-8c3c-da75de1a085f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:27:53	460.258
-10	6154	615400	033f4943-f6fa-4c70-a1de-a3c9d84b4afb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:57:26	619.237
-10	12308	615400	32a42e6c-3ece-4989-8ea5-efe27c5a7109	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:02:35	-203.61
-11	6155	615500	7f11e649-1e28-4906-96fd-c2894a39c013	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:12:23	213.797
-11	12310	615500	f53008e7-5fe3-49c6-8e55-e1323126e8f4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:59:49	-517.908
-12	6156	615600	74c0d025-a66d-4e26-8ee6-d7ca14da60d4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:48:22	932.302
-12	12312	615600	cde5ad6c-d1fe-4de8-ada4-a18602f92ae7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:03:03	-631.489
-13	6157	615700	377d6b24-f1ee-48fd-ba1c-09f1263142c3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:13:03	70.322
-13	12314	615700	d8a95e5b-f4bd-4fcc-b94d-fc1d32c19159	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:44:32	-292.933
-14	6158	615800	95ffa85e-dacc-4250-9f83-eef2ef575db5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:01:10	158.242
-14	12316	615800	ecc3804d-1a52-4a3f-8034-89463d114c81	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:53:05	75.602
-15	6159	615900	c08d591c-4342-4996-ab76-f6db1a1f2756	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:08:47	44.150
-15	12318	615900	c809f5ca-0a97-4a35-ac4c-baf0e60dcb2a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:02:30	94.224
-16	6160	616000	55b9274e-ace7-49a1-a3d6-81a6687c7b47	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:47:38	-905.301
-16	12320	616000	bd506b69-9503-4451-9876-e5618816246b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:37:12	-61.747
-17	6161	616100	ca312337-4182-47d7-bfc4-0a87450fb9f4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:33:00	-276.341
-17	12322	616100	ccd6463b-ecce-4452-8f9d-68209564fb06	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:26:53	809.172
-18	6162	616200	f3bcbfd4-6587-4a36-b376-b4fc4a4b524e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:31:56	663.909
-18	12324	616200	526697d9-b12a-46b8-9981-076b564d4da1	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:32:00	87.494
-19	6163	616300	f1dcb640-fc30-4c02-9217-e7dc6626b5c4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:51:21	997.86
-19	12326	616300	831e4580-85b4-4442-aff8-af608f63a01c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:21:51	956.793
-20	6164	616400	09abf9ea-bf8e-42ec-a206-3debedf59a96	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:34:43	-713.49
-20	12328	616400	e84c8d65-d7bb-4faa-9dfc-2e9a44bfb380	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:41:57	-425.347
-21	6165	616500	f6ece067-1196-4cb3-a5ee-03a6f5331083	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:56:42	-629.11
-21	12330	616500	7200c1d9-3fc7-438c-b0e3-70cc656c36ed	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:39:44	738.929
-22	6166	616600	781b26a0-d540-41d4-a188-53e3028a276f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:52:20	-974.309
-22	12332	616600	772ea476-bd36-4fa4-a6cf-738df0f785fa	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:06:11	824.593
-23	6167	616700	9537230b-fd23-4945-ae46-a4372ae033aa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:31:38	161.609
-23	12334	616700	e69d9e09-51c8-4526-9d33-9910986ae333	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:12:00	-225.351
-24	6168	616800	e41bb4ea-ddc8-46bf-9101-236ef766fc87	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:00:51	117.783
-24	12336	616800	9fd49f13-04c8-4dd6-954e-b950cc16e87f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:03:24	42.524
-25	6169	616900	8025ec80-09bd-426e-aa41-3dd9370a0a18	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:44:16	815.340
-25	12338	616900	03f34815-4523-4c45-85aa-ad05a900889f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:28:27	-337.213
-26	6170	617000	c57cab77-5f41-47f5-9e2d-877158520721	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:40:31	728.807
-26	12340	617000	7a104f0c-76f9-4d6a-a33b-0c2e78620493	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:58:27	-33.724
-27	6171	617100	700df9b1-582f-4c2b-83f3-0b7f76206348	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:08:21	-14.678
-27	12342	617100	b5dc7ddc-ba77-4abb-bdc1-ac630a5c3583	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:52:41	-946.625
-28	6172	617200	79186700-307b-43bd-94c1-a4c501bb885c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:51:04	-403.391
-28	12344	617200	09205606-1545-4c11-9c41-526015d522c5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:20:29	-714.784
-29	6173	617300	589f2c52-b998-4a24-8902-b9ae526d5d3b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:08:18	-939.509
-29	12346	617300	bb5e528d-8845-4e27-b7bd-09c2444f2238	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:40:25	-21.834
-30	6174	617400	6b0653df-5137-47b2-88ad-9822f19ac90a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:57:40	-57.350
-30	12348	617400	6de749c4-6194-4885-88b6-a2a2dc3988f7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:45:04	-75.923
-31	6175	617500	2104148c-eafd-49e4-bdd5-47e6dced9e4d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:38:51	-390.227
-31	12350	617500	ac08b1d6-c5d4-4b48-81a9-09a3f945a555	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:42:31	-50.795
-32	6176	617600	2b837db2-2f20-462e-8acf-0e5c27ede7ba	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:20:10	784.845
-32	12352	617600	a039a10b-a535-4852-9a9e-6f2adb75fedc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:16:17	360.929
-33	6177	617700	4a1501aa-5818-43a9-9b21-601a4adba609	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:04:20	727.742
-33	12354	617700	094c4898-2202-4151-b345-f97591b890fc	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:53:49	838.53
-34	6178	617800	7f8e823f-7291-4eca-99b1-cb9d919e1699	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:31:40	223.529
-34	12356	617800	3d734bbe-7f4d-48f8-9cec-429819c8d870	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:16:55	-391.569
-35	6179	617900	4eed8cad-d12c-403f-9c87-13fb52f5d3b8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:36:21	931.797
-35	12358	617900	54be15a2-a353-433a-9335-1265fd9a20fb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:51:37	833.856
-36	6180	618000	d14da417-ef86-4b02-801c-a100553c050e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:56:13	830.235
-36	12360	618000	0b7ea278-6510-4702-b789-9add17077b2c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:45:53	506.569
-37	6181	618100	635323b6-57f6-4dfd-a38e-989cba8422bf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:51:08	554.983
-37	12362	618100	8af90acd-c648-424c-af86-5c415eb60b35	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:15:29	-555.908
-38	6182	618200	8b920449-eef5-44aa-8623-2bd53c4f1649	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:54:10	310.928
-38	12364	618200	19bccc01-6bdf-4d41-be1b-7f0ec222fe0f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:42:01	-440.137
-39	6183	618300	f3c3d00a-f125-4021-865b-b4c28c828ca9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:02:38	-430.773
-39	12366	618300	95a846c0-3ae5-41f4-9f45-14010a7e7cfb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:57:39	-161.808
-40	6184	618400	502d427c-6207-4ce7-b1fe-6efa3527e812	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:13:37	32.932
-40	12368	618400	c0d7e3a0-2a9b-4663-bf64-02bb758986cb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:22:58	-414.581
-41	6185	618500	65f1beee-ff1d-42ba-bc0b-927774518127	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:03:54	950.448
-41	12370	618500	410a3737-54b7-40e5-93ae-3e02b4ad35f7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:33:11	-505.902
-42	6186	618600	5d5dc07d-2b06-4ee4-baa7-052b4994c864	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:47:13	-112.173
-42	12372	618600	a27043f7-0ccc-41bb-b161-1b12a263e066	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:57:13	-310.417
-43	6187	618700	6fd69f06-8e63-4a8f-be3a-fca885ca6bf3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:54:49	975.492
-43	12374	618700	739c4f92-fcf9-4a58-8771-d53b528b69f2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:29:01	-972.505
-44	6188	618800	fc0af436-d025-4f9b-b6e8-46cc918a39b1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:50:44	812.975
-44	12376	618800	39c56dc8-31f6-465e-816b-d20ff6388581	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:43:35	-46.765
-45	6189	618900	fbb056bd-67cd-4e61-827b-7f40d0304efc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:02:31	624.855
-45	12378	618900	dad72d74-9336-4be2-b358-8cd25bdaea57	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:32:57	-981.854
-46	6190	619000	f999f234-3fac-4128-bd2b-2373dc3b06cd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:44:13	632.43
-46	12380	619000	d65d0e68-507f-4479-8d58-203d1ed86451	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:16:36	645.547
-47	6191	619100	2ec8c02d-4c1a-40d7-9f5c-35bf53f2a27e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:25:33	345.712
-47	12382	619100	127555a8-506a-404f-8355-cab76325d92e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:08:51	566.955
-48	6192	619200	e3522474-a99c-4dca-9d52-055034d7ba9d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:24:07	-632.381
-48	12384	619200	bae4ceb2-34e5-4504-ab6e-a0d99d2573ba	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:15:54	209.869
-49	6193	619300	c330ffca-0c07-4165-8cfd-0cb1948c9af4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:50:39	163.514
-49	12386	619300	fe0f64c1-97c6-4d30-877a-3b95f12f2be5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:36:06	-948.704
-50	6194	619400	2e028f32-54bf-4580-9095-33858a3b3b87	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:00:06	980.743
-50	12388	619400	30dcef44-4c9f-4fba-98df-4edaad42565d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:27:08	-547.238
-51	6195	619500	323b5ca5-0f0f-4262-b69e-4115b23d220d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:46:48	424.546
-51	12390	619500	c30fc9ad-1b66-488c-ac19-d4ca4b5df733	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:34:29	25.523
-52	6196	619600	e45918e3-9b78-4e5d-9f5b-4faea8e01df4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:18:55	303.846
-52	12392	619600	fcfd973e-c9d4-4dc5-902d-237b5c932acc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:02:51	-449.492
-53	6197	619700	e41b06f7-4360-43d0-9470-42509e97e3de	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:46:37	-373.764
-53	12394	619700	f228460e-79dd-4515-b407-3ec5f98a22a1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:32:27	-102.644
-54	6198	619800	bdd34785-db1d-4337-ae1e-de86ad83782f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:32:44	-565.631
-54	12396	619800	5ae2e501-c82d-41c1-a787-b46617d34561	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:39:05	-49.961
-55	6199	619900	355e2e78-b307-41a3-98b3-8d2c605b157c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:20:48	374.916
-55	12398	619900	631c7e03-5942-4c0e-a992-ef4b99dcde01	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:26:25	178.653
-56	6200	620000	e2a8bf63-cc17-4361-ae14-880adc96cffa	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:46:21	60.804
-56	12400	620000	a5acd5e1-3a2a-4245-bd01-6176d6d3b98c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:52:23	145.934
-57	6201	620100	5a366f3b-d483-4fd9-ad8b-59802a20c5ea	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:08:21	-317.899
-57	12402	620100	f8d72ba3-ceca-4039-8856-6f4d4e8c74cf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:46:38	981.170
-58	6202	620200	5d0f6d0c-e3a6-4632-b8a3-8fa29c5c6c25	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:11:41	956.620
-58	12404	620200	eac3916b-bafb-46b1-a9d5-429e706d88de	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:58:40	61.149
-59	6203	620300	5328838d-e1a5-4034-80fe-959db496bd4c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:05:15	-224.779
-59	12406	620300	12eecfdf-12b4-4cc4-b664-d54d4b217a93	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:53:27	866.929
-60	6204	620400	1f43fc63-0335-4221-a299-e10327846bc8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:15:09	-985.931
-60	12408	620400	6c737c6a-6e81-43b5-ab9d-997a75719d74	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:51:02	-925.563
-61	6205	620500	f132fccc-ce6e-4293-911f-d4b28ea99903	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:35:13	487.253
-61	12410	620500	fa71422f-5a4d-4436-b465-0f3cb08f33e3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:35:17	-65.714
-62	6206	620600	874d8a8f-f081-44eb-98bc-f7a151f9fb03	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:19:17	-266.540
-62	12412	620600	7abeafbe-a79c-4f4b-8123-51bdb12b842d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:44:35	-708.18
-63	6207	620700	1dc8376b-d087-4281-bd93-b6bff964029f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:16:47	-690.524
-63	12414	620700	15f6b377-8f38-4a17-9225-f6b1347dccef	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:34:00	-460.668
-64	6208	620800	41d74608-9c70-4199-b494-276bc3fd7f22	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:21:08	206.71
-64	12416	620800	d9ec7023-1b24-4ec6-8b86-a50143bca373	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:14:17	-7.866
-65	6209	620900	7a378391-993f-42b9-81c3-115c954389ce	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:06:05	203.613
-65	12418	620900	462d7e50-c89c-40c3-b4d5-9257672c038e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:07:58	-502.487
-66	6210	621000	803bcd9c-951f-4900-b7cb-76388c505253	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:32:22	-749.882
-66	12420	621000	8d79097c-697c-46c4-9a0e-d0c4af5be3b4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:37:23	-135.393
-67	6211	621100	cf556277-5ddf-442a-9fed-5fcb4dc03fba	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:59:06	284.59
-67	12422	621100	b958e305-6afc-48fe-8edc-4ec1ab0cd207	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:34:56	683.914
-68	6212	621200	ffb621b1-ec19-4a8d-9f4e-b31fde1e6ebb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:31:56	-71.364
-68	12424	621200	ea20523d-a7b5-4f76-9dd5-8bafd6f42c8e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:33:47	964.682
-69	6213	621300	86a8e8f7-3da7-430e-bdfc-67a15976a75e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:19:02	830.55
-69	12426	621300	c48f9cc0-cc06-482b-8061-b52a17b52096	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:09:26	719.313
-70	6214	621400	78e89595-1068-493d-8a9d-776f54805605	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:31:24	204.986
-70	12428	621400	bc8ba99a-3a23-43a8-817d-13427dd8a402	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:42:27	586.674
-71	6215	621500	22eb6f2b-0d01-4d49-b808-3f6a27adfff3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:49:25	110.643
-71	12430	621500	033dfcea-f3e3-48e2-b140-925632b1d309	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:58:17	379.748
-72	6216	621600	cb1c1454-debd-4486-aaa9-7610dfbcce65	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:34:53	-817.357
-72	12432	621600	17aabb87-83f4-486d-89dd-922c523d9a3a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:25:51	104.573
-73	6217	621700	4a4d83c3-3946-44e1-93bf-1946b333c43d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:28:41	-257.416
-73	12434	621700	4c116563-3017-49e7-9062-f4aba9d63b13	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:47:06	12.847
-74	6218	621800	365d65e4-8c54-4106-aeae-8b77beedae8a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:48:17	454.496
-74	12436	621800	5bdbf253-ad38-4a35-b70c-20a6e231d975	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:57:21	-130.407
-75	6219	621900	0504eeec-ab76-4a3b-b89d-3f85c777bc51	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:50:25	-119.538
-75	12438	621900	6e1d809b-7598-4472-89bf-89c5f84c7661	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:58:58	-818.448
-76	6220	622000	0457ea91-cfb5-4e89-8cbd-18ab61d1bc38	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:35:09	-903.720
-76	12440	622000	0e2d98d3-70ef-48fd-9739-1dc9bee0ba51	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:15:56	-776.764
-77	6221	622100	d4a8875d-bd2c-4428-afd7-3a3d4fbda049	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:19:14	-158.740
-77	12442	622100	95cf4e2f-e4ca-46d5-afcd-8fbe59626f02	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:42:58	-305.91
-78	6222	622200	0e3ee1b8-ca59-4ace-9d4e-900a99eaabdb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:58:23	-18.665
-78	12444	622200	ba731f02-b71a-474d-8a14-35e65426321f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:34:12	376.5
-79	6223	622300	b28f0f9b-e548-450b-9968-ca6bfd13df08	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:06:21	-775.64
-79	12446	622300	17e09dce-5968-433d-866e-acad3f99958d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:53:07	439.458
-80	6224	622400	d35f0dd3-3b62-4a72-8c1d-4cd5bccdcee6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:41:08	976.507
-80	12448	622400	bdf8f09f-3985-4ce0-bee4-0db33b35704b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:12:25	-767.518
-81	6225	622500	52e8ec52-f962-4506-853d-53d7fe053c55	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:38:34	76.18
-81	12450	622500	56acb264-5018-4304-bc66-5cfb7a0cc938	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:21:22	-56.799
-82	6226	622600	eeb7158e-2257-4171-8a1a-57389d7040fd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:24:28	-431.402
-82	12452	622600	d81c330f-cfde-439a-879c-292399be73b6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:02:14	389.218
-83	6227	622700	217dba25-1b4c-4158-a889-c751d8e6a703	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:52:43	51.648
-83	12454	622700	d2d21327-8ae2-4a1c-9936-8cb7f45230d2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:37:30	41.43
-84	6228	622800	25e9f694-c405-484a-b369-7b8005ec35cc	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:58:16	921.324
-84	12456	622800	d2c01ef0-a421-42cc-805f-ca33d9c2ed69	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:11:23	-37.706
-85	6229	622900	2836588b-5b14-4c42-8223-b64fb160cb89	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:57:49	860.696
-85	12458	622900	0ec7234c-7702-4e4c-9ebe-1da24b250311	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:13:06	-247.569
-86	6230	623000	b4139057-2afc-48b8-b355-41aac1a6bb9b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:31:03	-359.80
-86	12460	623000	a7daf737-57d5-410b-9d53-3f56d282cb58	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:07:14	-29.50
-87	6231	623100	935899a5-766d-48c7-b3e6-86c6bf64c7b2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:16:36	-213.140
-87	12462	623100	8f4a0937-87b9-4d2d-aad7-9e7b2c7eb081	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:21:43	689.557
-88	6232	623200	1383dfbb-e3db-4dde-b9ba-3b7cc7d5c1b9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:53:27	174.370
-88	12464	623200	ba9e451c-6fc9-4bf4-acfe-fde8d1bef002	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:32:24	-800.313
-89	6233	623300	94c84725-ccb7-4ace-9b29-bc13c27d4078	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:38:13	831.776
-89	12466	623300	b13d22cf-49f6-49be-ab78-3cad85df9711	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:45:02	-498.139
-90	6234	623400	c535a1c7-ad34-4ee7-9ab2-e6baba8a7b35	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:24:06	740.762
-90	12468	623400	aa3e0b38-fd95-4648-ac93-9f69fdddbaa8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:49:33	-302.245
-91	6235	623500	9a0c2e0a-1dea-4887-824a-280397053444	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:21:29	-164.992
-91	12470	623500	7bf51d44-71f6-4ec8-8ac9-3f94d5b4b54c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:37:24	230.333
-92	6236	623600	5d76080c-4436-410d-9b0f-abe609e7d950	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:42:13	-941.975
-92	12472	623600	199ac09c-3e61-4927-9734-d40a2fa2504e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:05:43	-806.587
-93	6237	623700	726107a8-5ff0-47d1-a2d0-009b746e6656	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:08:57	-75.254
-93	12474	623700	f174e253-30d7-491f-a044-01945c6558e2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:26:35	-764.54
-94	6238	623800	432f54e4-fd09-4198-932e-f1b787679f3f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:00:05	-349.841
-94	12476	623800	398032f0-19a1-4735-9a28-235e9c603962	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:36:15	-833.866
-95	6239	623900	903af615-46ea-43e6-a397-e37ff478c5dc	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:20:44	167.181
-95	12478	623900	a4c6480a-3a20-4ee3-be69-ed5758d86534	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:03:50	-513.163
-96	6240	624000	7418f153-55e4-406c-83be-9b269f21c640	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:39:24	795.756
-96	12480	624000	ab898cea-0dfb-4cfc-bb2d-51bb3193c0a3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:22:59	721.86
-97	6241	624100	ae97c96d-e0c7-47ad-8412-18bd6f38209c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:14:13	-771.778
-97	12482	624100	77c2ff16-9538-42f7-996d-dfae17f2c563	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:31:32	564.984
-98	6242	624200	42974371-bbf2-47a8-9a15-406061c21bbe	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:39:48	-888.186
-98	12484	624200	c60b2704-62a4-44d9-8cce-9a8f63d31962	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:04:34	536.406
-99	6243	624300	a105ae07-09c8-4a30-9c26-90927e699b2e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:41:16	-32.15
-99	12486	624300	59246927-f9fb-4201-806f-dc7cbd962391	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:46:21	631.460
-100	6244	624400	7ddf60f4-8d6a-4a88-b4cc-98d5766e4483	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:40:13	-398.355
-100	12488	624400	a1e6c1a7-f7cc-4394-bf9a-6dd2a8163f6f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:32:28	370.598
-101	6245	624500	9a2da83a-f844-4eda-b50f-07742fe98b9b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:33:23	-886.321
-101	12490	624500	dd4a0c83-01c7-4b66-bd12-4f2f8f28b168	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:25:43	895.617
-102	6246	624600	ec496c63-5599-4bf5-9b4a-a84646f46c26	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:47:27	-827.909
-102	12492	624600	476b86c4-ca69-48f1-ac77-8ed6f4685a97	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:02:45	767.32
-103	6247	624700	3648c058-ed55-4318-b4f1-f9a583bdfc43	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:17:27	131.515
-103	12494	624700	2c69f38d-926c-4510-80da-ed1e04bf03b8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:45:29	501.604
-104	6248	624800	5cf265bc-57f1-437b-9188-9774e0b87195	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:04:18	341.734
-104	12496	624800	54445a3b-e3f7-4d53-800b-84c70edc8dd3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:41:18	-534.712
-105	6249	624900	fd917710-8975-4559-ba55-feacb16ac81d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:23:58	918.875
-105	12498	624900	9dc65359-5220-475a-b3fa-9fea6bdbb771	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:02:30	549.494
-106	6250	625000	53a25b17-7e77-41a9-b61c-9669c7b0ca2c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:41:29	968.931
-106	12500	625000	83d71f00-6278-4d04-86c3-ca06adf1b90d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:17:07	-648.158
-107	6251	625100	82d8cd6d-38d4-44c3-876e-d1f75316af55	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:32:08	326.837
-107	12502	625100	e8895a03-88a6-4991-8d37-82517dc66cb0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:31:40	124.393
-108	6252	625200	8bc58459-7729-4f6d-8215-8f1ca2dca3c9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:38:47	-499.801
-108	12504	625200	43c65ace-b484-4d86-b67b-4c477471eb5d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:45:04	823.751
-109	6253	625300	378292ab-9907-4cde-80cb-f07c84a2405f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:10:51	-198.473
-109	12506	625300	6ba00e27-2a85-49d9-b77a-3a66dd9364e5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:19:59	-308.283
-110	6254	625400	b98372a7-18bd-4fc1-b292-b0c36bdfa2e8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:45:29	461.876
-110	12508	625400	b8eb2dd0-9a76-4304-b126-98adb4771d24	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:57:54	-872.725
-111	6255	625500	2c53c3fd-2c60-4577-a9e1-194fa79fb6f3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:56:34	-303.880
-111	12510	625500	a86c9f49-a532-4a3a-9758-daf5cd9e6a2d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:36:08	-361.502
-112	6256	625600	2e1c2248-e767-49c6-bdc4-cd8c6d0e50b1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:36:02	884.462
-112	12512	625600	c20169fe-5196-4e82-8a7e-58f17abd39ce	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:06:47	-509.179
-113	6257	625700	58901ccf-bdf6-4331-b6aa-691f4566c8ba	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:43:17	-497.247
-113	12514	625700	c14c9fc8-e2c7-42c1-8dde-bc6809fa5608	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:50:02	858.363
-114	6258	625800	04ee3551-189d-444e-98b0-a5bb61883d6e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:32:21	939.259
-114	12516	625800	abad00d4-7192-4773-b0f0-e8529b173dab	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:16:47	564.242
-115	6259	625900	c71a39c0-b5ff-4591-b0e2-99d531e17082	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:35:34	-638.415
-115	12518	625900	93f2b92e-a3fe-4128-b983-98c154e601bc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:07:07	818.325
-116	6260	626000	15d3183b-2901-4686-bcf6-a1fae7c0e1df	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:10:58	-225.963
-116	12520	626000	7e025292-8bc9-4fb8-94c2-b66183e162bc	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:48:33	-546.88
-117	6261	626100	30b36413-6b3e-4351-8cb7-f55c6d765c62	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:48:00	-454.952
-117	12522	626100	eefea965-0d5f-4e81-8569-1f3270885cdb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:44:16	-925.494
-118	6262	626200	dd65cab9-c48f-4b7d-b3b1-74c8a73cf9b5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:39:04	848.486
-118	12524	626200	df43184d-616d-4797-a047-8db312b9461d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:31:26	605.524
-119	6263	626300	57a45465-0fa0-4b2e-b47e-12dfc3b0d215	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:36:52	-707.818
-119	12526	626300	9c6c78a2-ca74-40ad-8532-9d15d98f8eec	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:25:37	-852.20
-120	6264	626400	0b57b08c-707a-45fe-9d34-8d8933174ccc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:52:43	55.619
-120	12528	626400	a1351a3d-634b-44c0-b29c-1414c04a6bd9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:54:47	878.984
-121	6265	626500	755ec998-641e-4462-a11c-a86ca44b098b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:47:26	-98.482
-121	12530	626500	aa03a89b-e004-4e9a-a1b8-51ada56b6fd8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:28:26	814.336
-122	6266	626600	04a08a25-c947-48b0-92ba-815ac0a6fea6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:50:09	-137.199
-122	12532	626600	f3851ca3-cea7-4885-8210-9c97df885f40	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:26:52	-307.788
-123	6267	626700	264536c8-7de2-4a19-bcc7-3bc84bb468b8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:57:38	491.65
-123	12534	626700	4335723c-d96b-46e9-8dde-b0e37896e7a8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:36:28	162.266
-124	6268	626800	75af3dac-c03f-49f3-aeff-ad2686e891c8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:19:20	-469.339
-124	12536	626800	500a62d4-9b8b-4bc5-b9b3-6f6f4d601882	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:19:53	-646.346
-125	6269	626900	b417e020-fa9d-46a0-bd2a-0ef3804f729e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:28:21	-729.159
-125	12538	626900	c01e2eef-e2cc-4cf0-9e46-485dd4007cc6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:07:21	-268.82
-126	6270	627000	ef00b034-d249-4f26-90ce-55e59af18130	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:15:38	-385.395
-126	12540	627000	b3930f41-9bfe-4bdd-b54c-005e69e10002	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:22:11	-11.863
-127	6271	627100	2dc73258-e0ca-4020-9de2-e1a3600e8bc4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:54:32	-769.497
-127	12542	627100	0bf55ad1-1b0f-4a39-aff8-baae7d11a8f5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:36:49	-206.65
-0	6272	627200	f085af79-384a-475b-ac7b-07f2022647f7	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:18:16	443.583
-0	12544	627200	2b857db8-1ad0-4d9d-84a9-5bf5d6aa54f9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:29:34	-216.195
-1	6273	627300	b60a8a0e-60bc-476c-beec-10a8e19509ef	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:01:14	-841.753
-1	12546	627300	3a289583-6909-4358-a145-baad5f95b930	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:07:16	-870.988
-2	6274	627400	7188696d-ed0d-4ba2-a2d3-eb30a26c8268	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:52:01	-519.239
-2	12548	627400	95b8d340-8227-44ca-9c4d-fb3f4f61db49	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:49:40	-961.183
-3	6275	627500	102c8c3d-13d9-43ae-8212-9e769c0c90af	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:08:43	-274.321
-3	12550	627500	9f3f99d1-8e12-46fe-b398-2e2a3e2c1dd6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:38:38	254.36
-4	6276	627600	492b0786-afb9-43ab-9994-8add3065e297	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:41:58	-881.289
-4	12552	627600	75e3d33b-7956-4ab4-afb7-a7998d2160d8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:29:50	699.87
-5	6277	627700	9710b600-592e-4115-84bd-4042daca667b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:56:26	594.75
-5	12554	627700	aac438cd-cbe3-4e50-ac4e-9c4a23edd3c0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:30:30	-58.855
-6	6278	627800	0275c8fd-c2ef-432a-9866-e4dd0c15d103	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:57:31	962.125
-6	12556	627800	fdcc45e9-ab49-4b92-9512-ab9d49e5f1b7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:20:12	660.238
-7	6279	627900	bc28d05f-8ff5-4dde-859a-8554ae372dc7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:52:26	-365.765
-7	12558	627900	9841b050-14af-45c0-b01b-6dfe115be34f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:06:12	865.789
-8	6280	628000	69c6feb3-17b9-4b28-9fab-38ef6ede727b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:53:45	-488.306
-8	12560	628000	5878c6fc-b2b4-4529-ba6a-823690d2ecd2	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:54:24	281.644
-9	6281	628100	db7fe216-313f-42ed-9cc8-3989c2b3359b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:15:51	753.228
-9	12562	628100	7db40a28-3622-4abe-843c-c499c2ca03ea	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:06:49	948.548
-10	6282	628200	7e299c7b-1060-4e87-88f0-4377a775f217	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:37:15	605.68
-10	12564	628200	f886836d-ee3f-4748-b1a8-1e66e2a7ad7a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:30:56	833.777
-11	6283	628300	b44156ef-ca16-4c13-839c-412ece83d308	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:35:27	694.229
-11	12566	628300	2e6f622f-cb7d-45c6-ab16-6c962ee69097	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:35:37	-408.63
-12	6284	628400	b04d7463-81f4-4458-ab97-a027de492ffb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:58:13	-513.327
-12	12568	628400	456e1d4d-693f-4802-8a14-598dc484a338	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:43:18	515.201
-13	6285	628500	bea8665b-61be-4b72-b74c-ec5b78693732	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:32:19	-383.830
-13	12570	628500	fedbb71b-a2c2-447b-9441-5d17c15b5017	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:46:30	-428.891
-14	6286	628600	a0ce65a7-df32-468c-8c35-8825f46fd19c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:18:29	207.494
-14	12572	628600	14f885cc-5da2-4ec2-8bb5-9d7ecd605916	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:25:00	-830.163
-15	6287	628700	d3547f92-3509-4833-8cfa-52dbc29a6dc0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:23:41	-788.494
-15	12574	628700	54a6579e-782a-43c5-aeb3-0653b7bd84fa	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:40:28	925.492
-16	6288	628800	046a2c99-8318-4867-b9b1-87be2a46947e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:33:29	-360.821
-16	12576	628800	417b7e73-2de5-4344-86df-583a96df31e7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:54:53	344.797
-17	6289	628900	6d38ad7a-c1bb-4c52-8232-9b48444bd78d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:28:36	-998.139
-17	12578	628900	b3126cb7-5d20-4c0c-92e8-ad4b3e791311	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:07:51	-161.981
-18	6290	629000	ce468f92-9b5e-4a15-9511-6bce5704c341	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:12:11	346.562
-18	12580	629000	4a5ca547-be1a-4981-a5d1-1905927cab2d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:07:52	751.759
-19	6291	629100	01689f1c-c2e9-4da6-9c59-5dd8438a193c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:03:19	-294.918
-19	12582	629100	7625b955-d718-4b5a-a4a3-009e688b2a04	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:02:18	897.754
-20	6292	629200	d1d64072-45fc-4b9c-87b9-8f2a1ca3bd2e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:38:20	-250.39
-20	12584	629200	22dbaef1-1997-41c0-82eb-2ff3f1efef9f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:03:09	-362.784
-21	6293	629300	0377a6c0-b6cd-45d0-9240-3aae281cc765	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:56:15	-955.818
-21	12586	629300	c893511e-ebb7-4452-b231-5901ef1f9d41	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:27:57	-511.493
-22	6294	629400	f95fd786-21b9-4527-a1c1-3341df64749f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:16:25	-634.449
-22	12588	629400	49256b4d-e59b-4790-b3e6-fbc461c754a1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:00:42	-342.460
-23	6295	629500	ee0daec7-d85a-499e-a089-535128b534b7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:49:24	-479.169
-23	12590	629500	e1f75b25-50e7-4647-b19a-ae6044c82d04	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:47:50	-363.234
-24	6296	629600	661aa222-7b4f-4ede-b8f6-b1d9c2074307	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:18:17	-363.809
-24	12592	629600	9b1ab480-3633-4d42-af14-351074be618e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:58:31	-628.163
-25	6297	629700	6d4af715-fd31-45a5-a0af-1e249717e820	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:26:55	500.360
-25	12594	629700	1cf03b0d-9cde-48d2-af6e-71c8c5f18908	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:28:51	213.112
-26	6298	629800	1da6cd1a-4391-4a79-9064-c4ffc6d1445a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:19:01	518.815
-26	12596	629800	83d0b479-66a6-4360-9d35-79f9a53c715a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:34:19	-124.423
-27	6299	629900	c53e8096-cdd8-47a6-a7f0-ef421d6c5a23	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:06:49	10.145
-27	12598	629900	33dc19b6-625f-4f60-9ed2-3ca108f227c4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:47:37	-778.919
-28	6300	630000	ec5db0da-b446-4462-8f57-820807b14d52	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:47:36	781.129
-28	12600	630000	40eec502-14b2-4f24-8a91-4358c75a6519	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:20:09	-988.284
-29	6301	630100	9a3337d6-035b-4772-8ff7-95a5a4bf79ab	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:01:04	-542.118
-29	12602	630100	705ece91-82fb-4cee-a6c8-a38dd0af2090	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:58:53	-539.386
-30	6302	630200	5bffa399-c2bb-49cc-913c-b6c884d6b4de	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:12:15	-222.282
-30	12604	630200	4b91dfb9-4471-4853-9cca-5042c54140a1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:26:32	633.394
-31	6303	630300	a61deac2-a2ea-4596-9a69-d9f9df7a57bb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:22:56	-55.551
-31	12606	630300	fbfe0473-eaa4-43d6-ae7c-a3801a7bebfa	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:45:22	249.235
-32	6304	630400	448e4cf7-18b5-42ab-88ec-f014ae09a1e0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:13:41	-58.85
-32	12608	630400	e903f6af-7d89-428c-872d-6057029ef4cd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:55:01	860.637
-33	6305	630500	2c533310-9eb7-446c-84a7-218853d46596	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:35:15	318.773
-33	12610	630500	91b1e4a9-ab1e-425a-8f8d-41f0ad804ff1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:19:16	-474.912
-34	6306	630600	5ec3d53f-4e73-42ca-bcba-2019356f4df1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:03:18	178.65
-34	12612	630600	03f623ec-3117-49d3-9ee3-36c40de08027	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:33:28	963.705
-35	6307	630700	15851310-9c70-4010-bcb7-a1e60c0e464e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:48:33	346.761
-35	12614	630700	5f73b354-6c21-4d59-92a4-5507c5748714	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:13:15	220.661
-36	6308	630800	9ec9b6d1-6603-45f3-97a7-902415f4607f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:38:15	-252.750
-36	12616	630800	c8427f45-7712-45f4-b43f-75c866648e03	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:07:48	971.458
-37	6309	630900	2b899749-ab3a-4323-899c-32ef2957c3f3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:14:09	347.465
-37	12618	630900	8e7ff6ed-f533-42dd-b642-843b3bc8cb89	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:24:23	-703.667
-38	6310	631000	18e1edb1-52c1-4c59-8d51-8ecff6c1413b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:58:18	754.398
-38	12620	631000	288fd274-c66d-4f71-bbb1-210f9889bfca	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:23:55	-248.973
-39	6311	631100	fbdd5e02-5b94-4b08-8098-cf1541d51a09	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:31:01	-97.842
-39	12622	631100	b5e13eff-b63f-4584-8233-190edadaca67	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:02:42	-591.54
-40	6312	631200	080549a7-5ac8-434c-9175-cc7df4f0bc11	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:31:38	218.110
-40	12624	631200	9cd0fdc2-34d7-47ff-ad1c-5b82b493fa3c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:31:49	-32.78
-41	6313	631300	6214c1dc-bd8c-488f-9965-360c36d8cda6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:01:55	390.60
-41	12626	631300	cb22db7e-12b2-4d2f-b870-d46a5273125e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:49:31	224.411
-42	6314	631400	3dd10ef9-7b60-4c61-8aac-c205a9a100be	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:40:53	764.874
-42	12628	631400	722d162e-603a-43d0-b857-38c163e6614b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:47:16	646.287
-43	6315	631500	82b87076-d4bc-48bc-bfdb-a5a3ff0bbe46	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:29:39	725.553
-43	12630	631500	736e2073-8bdc-48df-8528-4b87751fbe27	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:54:55	-150.890
-44	6316	631600	6861f9c2-7d2c-4924-8456-8e4c2c19d64a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:40:58	61.94
-44	12632	631600	b5f44fe7-de8d-425c-aacf-c406ed7866b2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:05:35	25.648
-45	6317	631700	5920361a-fc0a-4978-9d0b-5e89e0d8e297	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:35:40	184.216
-45	12634	631700	d9647e2d-3262-4475-84a0-aef237a76518	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:02:36	-942.132
-46	6318	631800	a6d1c2f2-04a7-472f-b233-a503c88e182d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:15:08	196.547
-46	12636	631800	0be381c4-2a77-47c7-95c7-a63358f36b3b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:24:14	-82.534
-47	6319	631900	0a2ae668-278f-40b0-9ab1-27bcf4b74161	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:02:23	-311.94
-47	12638	631900	9abed653-814a-4786-b6ef-b79bec3a4690	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:39:19	919.326
-48	6320	632000	578cb771-e656-4052-b397-42d7e99a5859	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:05:20	-848.6
-48	12640	632000	d3bd6de5-9f2c-48da-9f04-ae0da47d16a2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:19:17	-530.687
-49	6321	632100	3085adcd-a0cc-4412-9fe9-00a5ded9285b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:42:55	747.20
-49	12642	632100	9d2d7aa6-0998-4927-8fb4-65299ce32dfd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:27:02	-266.823
-50	6322	632200	af01838b-344b-4f68-ac1c-8cb9977f6eff	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:41:46	907.248
-50	12644	632200	44aae427-0b6c-4df1-951c-047b034db1ac	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:48:19	-797.769
-51	6323	632300	dca536c0-0ba3-4250-8e7c-e662bbfa7526	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:48:18	874.279
-51	12646	632300	ea55e449-fdb5-44bb-825e-9da81237465d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:41:06	-683.586
-52	6324	632400	ae80bce7-e6fb-44a4-8e56-9e5fb7d64b44	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:16:10	-437.996
-52	12648	632400	08cd7438-0065-4ed1-9987-98af907a512d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:05:05	-294.480
-53	6325	632500	7f8e8c47-30c4-46a4-922e-47d4fedb725b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:55:44	-659.824
-53	12650	632500	a1ddf147-6514-43cd-8ed9-1575d8b9877c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:02:16	-286.131
-54	6326	632600	0867dd94-34c0-4ec9-bbe6-62ee77843f25	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:39:51	-399.328
-54	12652	632600	39abeb46-6389-4128-a8e5-40b540342e64	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:05:51	341.934
-55	6327	632700	60a840d1-4504-4e5d-a4d9-3317dc04b63c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:35:10	515.598
-55	12654	632700	b9e3f9c4-e728-448c-b846-086c00c7ce49	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:28:14	-109.803
-56	6328	632800	f10dbc09-b0aa-46ae-8391-4a89ddbf1ce6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:20:38	-897.874
-56	12656	632800	120e750c-6c22-4878-b016-09ae021857cf	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:24:04	867.380
-57	6329	632900	9b92cc0c-a492-4fd1-8e3e-a812a81e149b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:34:21	781.528
-57	12658	632900	40950f47-b6a1-448b-ae1a-e412d80188fa	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:59:50	-128.379
-58	6330	633000	0de33b60-b0ee-48a1-a485-58b377774d2f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:01:27	-488.563
-58	12660	633000	c39a2527-2790-42ff-9fd6-7511c089f20f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:55:15	354.25
-59	6331	633100	d3789959-e959-4449-9554-e1700e675fbc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:36:54	-116.826
-59	12662	633100	10454a6d-5421-42e3-aca8-e9fbf3c1a95e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:41:28	-901.679
-60	6332	633200	2f387609-05ec-4037-aa01-8082a5224f08	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:08:44	369.359
-60	12664	633200	76e4482f-9071-4038-8ed5-6cb44b575353	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:45:56	-11.473
-61	6333	633300	09ae823d-5bd6-4c57-b195-42eb677f955f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:29:31	-178.646
-61	12666	633300	ee344f29-6b8e-47ec-8c77-af63f125164f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:05:49	-174.68
-62	6334	633400	719cd6e5-bc31-47d1-a19f-28fe1bedee4a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:23:11	-718.887
-62	12668	633400	8544bb1b-0167-4092-9e98-ee53654a8b3f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:42:45	-929.340
-63	6335	633500	51000f42-e230-4c17-87f7-a5b906e64102	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:52:47	17.129
-63	12670	633500	9c07270a-680c-4140-b85a-9fd25da7428c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:12:38	155.461
-64	6336	633600	37a2c1e3-c913-4cb2-8881-30a6c0b1a81d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:10:42	-220.962
-64	12672	633600	1959ed7f-6745-48f0-ba5c-e3989cca4802	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:11:45	-936.999
-65	6337	633700	4a81cf88-044e-4269-ae3c-ee29a2d7731b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:05:23	-605.965
-65	12674	633700	5d5ce2b3-2ed0-43e8-9180-705e72060a71	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:31:11	844.402
-66	6338	633800	fd2e5a75-6c03-45f5-aa0f-ff59972fcee2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:43:23	-848.956
-66	12676	633800	44631df6-f3cc-4174-8e32-ef999aea19c1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:36:48	-84.340
-67	6339	633900	4b899fc6-76f4-49fd-816a-4a4075820593	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:00:17	841.764
-67	12678	633900	4405f5f7-528e-42c5-abd5-722b07238d25	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:26:18	699.126
-68	6340	634000	855eac75-9fbe-472a-a22a-ea709c805d02	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:08:08	-652.128
-68	12680	634000	28769de5-2c40-4d63-9272-3ce48e22d52c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:34:56	-369.698
-69	6341	634100	d73db3ea-2452-4960-aa04-e21abfab11d7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:41:54	358.266
-69	12682	634100	1283fdbf-ddfc-47fa-aa19-84fceaee156e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:48:25	-675.237
-70	6342	634200	26f0bd1f-7e5d-4d09-9443-bd467b80068a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:55:33	781.262
-70	12684	634200	297f3281-0c4d-42d7-89d7-cd6c51316a97	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:23:12	504.420
-71	6343	634300	3e4bc401-2b54-4ad5-97bf-04fd74206f3a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:38:26	967.434
-71	12686	634300	ec7d6fbb-4160-4a83-8cb5-4bf178f8f362	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:19:45	-532.439
-72	6344	634400	d7342a06-05f9-40f0-bfdd-d02d4c1864d9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:44:49	191.500
-72	12688	634400	92e4ad8d-bdff-491d-b70b-8304e1df48e4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:23:02	476.249
-73	6345	634500	e523a0fc-9b7b-4594-a01c-9b759c9296f8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:37:15	-594.227
-73	12690	634500	6d6b79b3-f263-48db-b388-cdaad2e7a61a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:33:56	985.982
-74	6346	634600	823d692b-4b24-4e57-b50d-b039f43f5e82	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:52:47	818.975
-74	12692	634600	272b0e32-aa98-4e84-80eb-8e2ffa94a3fa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:58:29	-621.716
-75	6347	634700	50d9a7c0-af21-4a4c-b7b2-deae4ab29c92	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:42:08	-463.769
-75	12694	634700	463dfc65-eec5-4c8b-9ce4-ced3826e619f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:50:08	-903.61
-76	6348	634800	9a2dd2ce-2919-433d-b2a0-681b039388ac	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:04:24	605.693
-76	12696	634800	7e0317ce-5957-4198-9539-5fcc510e6bea	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:24:21	-335.607
-77	6349	634900	0d3981c9-73f3-48e9-b4a8-080c555d3f56	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:49:57	404.201
-77	12698	634900	e148955f-d443-4bb2-ba64-a6f206b831ae	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:30:50	879.232
-78	6350	635000	c1a72dbd-6f78-47ac-823f-5fbfc35a999b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:57:21	-797.110
-78	12700	635000	5c312c5f-a1d0-45fd-95af-46ac88b25132	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:52:19	-724.397
-79	6351	635100	23e5be5a-ff87-4b7d-baf7-ba74bf6745ea	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:18:12	682.918
-79	12702	635100	49478e5b-ddc3-4ae9-b151-8da71563c77a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:27:21	363.84
-80	6352	635200	2d9b0d16-b2a8-49d2-a413-056c6530d0f4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:05:42	-363.943
-80	12704	635200	6a3fb702-ba90-45b5-95cf-af13f4953cf5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:57:08	303.439
-81	6353	635300	ca4dcdbf-2197-4d53-a785-73688744d0fb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:26:26	762.643
-81	12706	635300	d3bad8c7-2356-4847-8b8d-5f90964c1804	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:36:29	500.927
-82	6354	635400	baa45cbf-aae4-4b1e-909f-5b495fb10cb7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:51:06	-870.363
-82	12708	635400	37fbdd4b-ba14-4f94-ad61-287193ee8f46	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:14:23	236.906
-83	6355	635500	0de45bee-c3a3-44fb-b85f-af73091ab73d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:57:55	-198.6
-83	12710	635500	ffc70e7a-8941-4906-8902-8f4bf0cde705	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:24:44	211.857
-84	6356	635600	84891ed3-512a-410a-99c6-c7631c83a009	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:43:41	11.378
-84	12712	635600	3637dba1-7417-4491-9252-3657f791f430	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:08:55	-377.156
-85	6357	635700	9256bfa6-0a44-487a-9f63-fca73e8c3923	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:22:37	227.162
-85	12714	635700	da6d819e-877a-4f27-8bf4-046119115499	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:10:52	642.656
-86	6358	635800	5ca89068-1da1-4bb3-b3de-19a466b358b5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:31:01	976.736
-86	12716	635800	ccf0b3ce-5846-4c9a-84e2-ba066c12e803	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:56:10	489.796
-87	6359	635900	05e5eebc-1a2a-4267-a1c2-cc97c8f27de4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:23:36	750.821
-87	12718	635900	58546b79-785d-41ad-a06e-e8f97fd415ca	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:34:57	664.790
-88	6360	636000	fb4ec42b-a11e-4c87-b932-17599768c70e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:02:00	783.655
-88	12720	636000	876ca1ab-0ad4-48dd-b5a9-7a4c162e4aff	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:07:51	396.860
-89	6361	636100	98e27a4e-d9f8-493b-80bf-2154debadc78	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:53:40	-615.911
-89	12722	636100	5c5a1eff-0307-499d-8e6b-271370b16818	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:10:26	-18.16
-90	6362	636200	8df21ae7-114b-4329-b58f-c95d33ae9645	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:58:05	876.718
-90	12724	636200	aa8fb834-8cd5-464a-9050-7876e1ebe1c2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:20:05	-36.292
-91	6363	636300	b35b64bb-11f9-4e48-b397-b9b17c8c8a85	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:51:27	-372.34
-91	12726	636300	e3b57613-d36a-4e25-8731-bdd073187e61	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:22:59	-278.873
-92	6364	636400	88f49322-420b-4212-ac11-007ab28de8dd	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:36:14	-739.132
-92	12728	636400	bfe92b3f-7b7f-4a70-9d80-8d705810a823	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:50:11	-167.540
-93	6365	636500	a23bd453-c8ca-47ef-b457-7261ce5f4a9b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:00:23	414.905
-93	12730	636500	41d6c288-7c31-48df-ab0a-54c4b8959703	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:34:50	-910.657
-94	6366	636600	7ab8f19b-7337-4d20-9ea6-7d8524866bd6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:11:44	-473.305
-94	12732	636600	03e15add-24cb-49bb-b8fd-399521ac1dc7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:07:51	-405.768
-95	6367	636700	225ce1c1-6eab-48df-a690-8a73f86be3f6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:25:08	-296.136
-95	12734	636700	d7e246a2-284d-4cb3-824c-73e855ed033b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:24:01	624.793
-96	6368	636800	01d199a1-640e-4e96-8f60-151c84a80271	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:52:36	220.681
-96	12736	636800	81f17187-85ba-4241-a0b9-c054761d9e64	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:32:15	953.485
-97	6369	636900	73c89ff6-70f4-4d87-a8b1-bfa30cf69ef2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:11:01	-51.718
-97	12738	636900	bb52a150-50e6-4337-9591-c0827260a0ba	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:39:59	762.770
-98	6370	637000	4a8b0b7a-ed46-4819-ae60-8f7f54a73827	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:52:30	111.55
-98	12740	637000	0753eebe-3768-4f37-8faa-3dc5c6664812	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:16:10	694.595
-99	6371	637100	0a4d8587-f999-4038-b92b-e502ddc3c2a5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:00:00	864.117
-99	12742	637100	950049b4-2032-4578-9303-16b60981e0bc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:02:26	73.105
-100	6372	637200	422a4f0d-ac22-4d66-b8fc-d4566ca6c601	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:16:50	653.109
-100	12744	637200	e4610ce7-b2d9-43a1-923d-06d495c73149	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:01:29	-595.212
-101	6373	637300	b1220332-f2fd-4494-aecb-6013f8d22789	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:29:56	-24.105
-101	12746	637300	efe60bf8-b6ce-4345-adcb-35019be4316a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:25:11	-339.853
-102	6374	637400	a6ad724b-7d25-43da-813e-cb40085fc14b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:04:31	502.354
-102	12748	637400	a0abee70-e02d-4e5e-9148-81fa1f94b924	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:36:14	138.631
-103	6375	637500	5a3a8024-91e8-4b6d-8a3a-d0c4a765c06c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:35:31	-195.928
-103	12750	637500	ec27446f-ea27-4c61-b6e2-34620686a35f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:00:29	440.175
-104	6376	637600	921e35bf-e677-4fbd-a420-ebc0b50cce54	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:55:48	830.755
-104	12752	637600	d080eb90-9cb8-4b74-80d2-7dbbc08a0e37	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:08:47	646.231
-105	6377	637700	8856576a-2c33-4cb2-bfdf-7f009c1b72e4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:58:47	211.587
-105	12754	637700	80f59a16-e1ee-4427-aca6-8ca01f6bda06	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:43:59	-162.566
-106	6378	637800	b80b4b33-bef3-4a61-abeb-856c0b8a333f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:17:18	973.542
-106	12756	637800	a1879592-4846-4a1d-939d-f579e355dded	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:33:11	576.310
-107	6379	637900	9188f170-8feb-4fa2-8cb9-2f0d8d60fe60	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:10:08	-647.629
-107	12758	637900	9dd4b960-e4a5-44d9-8a17-fbd976720420	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:53:30	-707.848
-108	6380	638000	9e6e00bf-1131-439e-ba59-a6936bca0a16	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:51:06	-738.853
-108	12760	638000	d03e7ecd-5f44-4111-8539-51fb32886ca7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:49:18	58.114
-109	6381	638100	42ab2e8e-6d30-4a20-9e3f-1ba752ff1175	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:48:13	-904.532
-109	12762	638100	4847db8e-6ed7-41a9-bc97-bd306e306616	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:06:07	687.42
-110	6382	638200	2a53fb4d-bf60-47fc-8d2b-fd6e3a6e8368	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:34:47	914.382
-110	12764	638200	b7804d90-bd3a-43bc-888b-2fe72ddffc78	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:31:34	946.882
-111	6383	638300	9d6bdbbe-7ffa-4d27-a66f-467984c31c3d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:08:06	341.707
-111	12766	638300	00511ed4-c595-496d-a05c-9654946d5ad3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:22:14	-185.667
-112	6384	638400	34ebb3f5-eff4-40b5-a237-ae7d78fa659b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:41:15	583.703
-112	12768	638400	dfd47ca2-bc7e-4f34-8db5-c646ff770268	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:29:48	84.97
-113	6385	638500	30edbaa8-a686-43f2-9dfd-e67ed7d1c036	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:52:09	934.508
-113	12770	638500	814a95db-4d4c-4aad-bb8c-4f05894c0f04	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:33:15	716.776
-114	6386	638600	74cab89b-4454-4e87-80a9-ebc241934b3b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:03:59	-478.262
-114	12772	638600	09867a13-4d69-4643-a84a-12dddae74075	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:00:47	-378.532
-115	6387	638700	dec8db3f-585f-44b6-a1b4-e1b7e8bceeb1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:30:29	-455.13
-115	12774	638700	322a610f-59f5-47b6-a40f-e53729a53bd6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:07:26	246.511
-116	6388	638800	d0666bbb-4ef0-4390-a32d-78777d620320	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:53:32	-166.587
-116	12776	638800	7236a258-5018-4074-af1d-0d58b5e870fa	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:29:12	-89.69
-117	6389	638900	3c21fa82-ba1d-45bb-8edd-c90c23cd095f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:55:17	-871.49
-117	12778	638900	f2a69274-e9f2-4d8f-8bf8-e3c6503abe09	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:26:51	783.229
-118	6390	639000	9d7c45f4-26c8-48ac-98db-5e0c94025599	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:21:12	662.277
-118	12780	639000	9b17568f-decb-4602-99d9-409e933cf6ba	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:08:11	242.65
-119	6391	639100	d612e440-dd7e-49ba-a529-5150190ff106	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:01:05	35.725
-119	12782	639100	9f17abc5-6922-47e6-97bc-f69c8098cca1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:20:06	430.787
-120	6392	639200	8e0d4e06-5e2b-4abb-a4f4-fe6d97ea7f4d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:33:48	404.235
-120	12784	639200	3a3f7efd-c378-4cb0-a32d-f1e458a1e25b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:21:27	474.155
-121	6393	639300	7e715c15-4ec0-42c2-8656-a354d8a0db78	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:18:23	943.124
-121	12786	639300	351a66d7-bd22-48d2-970b-4b6fbe61a995	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:34:43	-743.86
-122	6394	639400	a779d84a-386a-419c-95d4-6beb7bd12196	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:49:38	-836.835
-122	12788	639400	15769442-a729-49fb-8a6f-1cce06f8fb48	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:54:27	-643.454
-123	6395	639500	afff2ba4-4bd1-41bc-88db-04b1d12c469a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:32:32	-579.547
-123	12790	639500	e6731271-ee0b-4798-866b-e725379833ce	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:50:36	486.536
-124	6396	639600	ec89a2a5-7287-44c7-a7b2-219c02d4168d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:26:22	-77.598
-124	12792	639600	534f33f8-0ded-4fef-80f2-8183487f7a1b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:59:44	-43.367
-125	6397	639700	ca18a4d2-3399-4ee4-b3c8-83ace29a9aa5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:45:24	-544.477
-125	12794	639700	50106ca1-927f-46e2-8a17-0e7b9136c554	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:03:12	832.528
-126	6398	639800	8e0c37e1-d602-484b-9a38-244359c6c7eb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:44:06	-975.806
-126	12796	639800	8729cea9-492c-4890-9973-856e4a0a9741	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:02:00	426.377
-127	6399	639900	fa440e11-9f2a-400c-8826-11012b227701	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:24:56	-428.584
-127	12798	639900	cc3308a1-c61b-401f-a823-c527e28abfb9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:05:29	280.985
-0	6400	640000	e45c8d60-75d6-416d-b361-36b767ae64a8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:20:15	752.364
-0	12800	640000	0efaa9eb-b3ae-42a5-976d-dea65bac74db	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:33:26	-786.282
-1	6401	640100	d95b04c6-c399-417e-afcd-7e4cdb41630f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:37:10	-946.903
-1	12802	640100	e7a7dfac-13cf-4d79-8267-e3d2780f4dcf	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:07:46	245.361
-2	6402	640200	93213f68-3956-4fd0-a459-69cd9563f5ca	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:38:22	183.504
-2	12804	640200	853b2784-b366-4205-a2f5-eac6a7bdf206	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:41:43	-173.449
-3	6403	640300	17ddc740-fca3-4231-a2a5-b33121dbe44c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:05:56	506.854
-3	12806	640300	2ba5c32f-204d-4240-93e2-fd59b11be887	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:34:24	217.413
-4	6404	640400	6f1dc550-8224-4afa-a61f-76dbd6154fdd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:46:35	199.750
-4	12808	640400	ecc3e0a8-a8b0-42b8-badb-95135aa48ccb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:10:21	-919.518
-5	6405	640500	ca00cb66-8ced-4885-ab0c-387ad9dab11f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:18:20	798.869
-5	12810	640500	41b24c24-be03-4cad-a0fb-e7be1374d0f8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:07:20	-294.22
-6	6406	640600	5fa18302-3b3f-4d42-90c6-e4675af19543	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:02:25	-642.442
-6	12812	640600	85345d62-824a-46a9-a180-ab2f15e706ec	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:38:40	-604.101
-7	6407	640700	96259833-38b1-4c19-9868-e754a023bd07	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:00:35	758.433
-7	12814	640700	477854a1-363c-48ea-a16c-847691ecf42c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:54:44	672.959
-8	6408	640800	607b1bf0-e2e8-400a-9ae0-7beb27724a89	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:37:39	627.634
-8	12816	640800	9292f445-06c9-4a98-9596-6bff4965606d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:25:24	357.547
-9	6409	640900	1b243e51-8092-435d-a8ac-bb8ce20f1155	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:34:45	-348.190
-9	12818	640900	eab9feac-ce79-435b-ae31-07ab98c9104c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:45:21	692.992
-10	6410	641000	41748877-4823-45a1-85f1-35553dd9593a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:02:34	-191.393
-10	12820	641000	b8293a69-999b-4921-a1da-5a7a38bad395	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:45:05	805.532
-11	6411	641100	0667ba77-efa5-40d1-8bcc-025b18e15ba9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:54:45	978.362
-11	12822	641100	fdb026ed-757d-4d46-96c3-c417d050c77d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:03:56	-702.920
-12	6412	641200	65dadacd-5816-46a2-86a9-f0de41742fe0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:11:03	-607.548
-12	12824	641200	846f0244-47a2-4c2a-b55f-d988dba3f246	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:07:45	-809.412
-13	6413	641300	1c4632aa-1a7a-4b05-9284-397c8c47ecc9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:04:50	355.633
-13	12826	641300	f66e2077-5c52-48ff-b20d-ff884864f594	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:31:45	299.778
-14	6414	641400	6c2c214e-cfd6-4a05-a3e6-499b403e097e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:36:04	-732.739
-14	12828	641400	d11142f0-5fca-45c3-9b43-3031c1cbf66a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:26:15	608.84
-15	6415	641500	73a69350-e0d3-4506-bf41-827e68202e52	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:13:41	-294.854
-15	12830	641500	2bb8dfa3-964f-4eb5-ba42-508d93e11c0f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:20:14	521.318
-16	6416	641600	b2a41eb8-b2fc-4766-afce-29c0cca4b3c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:18:10	-26.179
-16	12832	641600	4a1befd0-55e4-4e17-9947-be6d5a477e0a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:53:54	-958.39
-17	6417	641700	94aef6db-b119-43b8-a4d7-7bada03176cd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:45:35	607.490
-17	12834	641700	d4042ca0-b942-4faa-b267-4c3fc7196fbc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:59:01	-926.474
-18	6418	641800	71516b66-e71c-4e29-adc5-32f36f748a9d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:42:00	-624.142
-18	12836	641800	fc2d871e-f299-40ad-a8e2-779fbcfff293	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:35:23	2.804
-19	6419	641900	8fe77c57-dd4c-456d-9663-33c1050da193	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:43:41	-381.470
-19	12838	641900	4a4ef3e7-71b1-43ac-a38e-646b0bb70656	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:51:20	170.489
-20	6420	642000	8e1cd3df-c196-4e03-870a-4a955f1d3956	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:53:09	199.167
-20	12840	642000	49527f25-8953-4aa7-848c-9f823adb74a5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:54:39	428.77
-21	6421	642100	d47a1855-9e04-4d78-836b-2557d3faab55	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:18:15	588.87
-21	12842	642100	0de34292-ce0a-4a78-9541-686f62c58e2b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:49:30	725.31
-22	6422	642200	ef3d6e40-4ed4-45c8-a596-fbd4b4896cd1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:57:17	-520.178
-22	12844	642200	6528eaf4-26ea-46e6-a222-af8c8fbc4c2d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:31:18	-641.765
-23	6423	642300	9772aa8d-8d5c-4dc4-b108-a9e727f61a37	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:02:28	876.976
-23	12846	642300	24608074-18b8-4551-baf9-54e6d3015a45	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:33:25	503.403
-24	6424	642400	7dff6c3c-c6bc-4eb7-98a8-bf220fbd1300	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:15:08	-10.11
-24	12848	642400	0395df3d-da0f-4a96-8ce0-c4937cdbd308	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:38:19	-318.538
-25	6425	642500	fe362fbf-5e1d-4d31-8ecc-018d937f93c2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:26:11	-101.157
-25	12850	642500	f6a31792-c597-4687-84db-c0fd19624ecf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:05:20	610.505
-26	6426	642600	7cdab109-f4e9-4be6-823f-6c526e92ad08	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:28:39	-156.903
-26	12852	642600	8662552e-e192-4210-9474-6986e34c779a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:13:23	-651.742
-27	6427	642700	ac67250a-f177-4e9b-8426-70d5a96f15bf	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:55:11	-215.322
-27	12854	642700	0ab2da88-0a13-4a97-b717-95a9fc7b4968	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:15:52	-493.364
-28	6428	642800	a0cd91bb-459a-412e-a33c-f25c37831c86	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:44:03	644.497
-28	12856	642800	d0c46f5b-d419-4956-a4d9-fb8bff42d056	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:42:11	99.416
-29	6429	642900	17eb8d2c-64ad-43ef-91aa-0e295caed207	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:57:36	-477.785
-29	12858	642900	0b0fb35b-ecaf-4507-809a-bdd8a207bb4b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:09:09	-815.25
-30	6430	643000	b1e549df-cc6d-4976-a51c-524fbcb5c061	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:07:28	-485.229
-30	12860	643000	cc1f517e-840b-438e-b04b-dfd8b3547bd6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:37:46	425.243
-31	6431	643100	b3b9e013-3312-4305-ba4e-ec0822609239	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:21:20	893.469
-31	12862	643100	04e961fa-a020-48ea-b2bf-5322251e5f98	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:11:33	739.683
-32	6432	643200	840666b1-6517-46c2-a2b9-26c2993fb3cb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:56:11	-565.939
-32	12864	643200	17946aa3-5045-4c5c-a39a-a428002f4674	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:41:21	-415.805
-33	6433	643300	ee2f10ce-7fb4-4212-8bc9-775d21285d67	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:29:00	175.904
-33	12866	643300	59a814fe-077e-4b80-a4e3-6b4baa0dab40	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:19:52	99.195
-34	6434	643400	f6bfae2c-805c-44cb-b613-a3f2e1393dd2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:23:38	799.653
-34	12868	643400	d2438ab8-00d7-4495-93ac-f35d3fd04124	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:47:42	67.639
-35	6435	643500	0259255e-da75-4b96-bf47-6e01fe524460	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:12:06	999.412
-35	12870	643500	651ef391-bfca-4816-918b-355d433a55a5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:22:51	132.205
-36	6436	643600	1bb962bc-7bbd-438b-b915-5f8dc0ed21ae	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:28:44	487.383
-36	12872	643600	274b8f9d-412a-46c3-88be-b8dc4556c767	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:16:36	237.824
-37	6437	643700	bfa9943e-d9c6-4f51-a80e-dc93860ffcc9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:59:39	664.268
-37	12874	643700	815147ec-4c15-43b1-a847-624dba389e5e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:02:02	769.611
-38	6438	643800	84ec212d-9692-47c5-87c5-4700ccfaa6a2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:24:40	-192.845
-38	12876	643800	07ed52a0-a2e1-4645-8971-0542ba7d7f40	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:24:41	-373.752
-39	6439	643900	d8362a4a-9d57-473c-9fc4-0c51ca6fdc50	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:41:08	522.403
-39	12878	643900	56eeadf8-b966-47bd-84f4-1afd5502fdd8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:54:04	-179.230
-40	6440	644000	ae2ad43a-d687-4da3-9815-d42d93077fd0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:56:03	502.595
-40	12880	644000	806d87d6-2071-4cfc-951f-8aea0fd22e77	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:36:47	178.495
-41	6441	644100	fc875835-bcb0-4c8b-aa0a-a61e21aaf6a6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:18:40	356.848
-41	12882	644100	8b0811bc-5133-4907-98c6-2c4d0dea52c3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:31:43	740.667
-42	6442	644200	af841cf1-bd16-4f4d-af84-7196a6f62625	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:03:30	-744.348
-42	12884	644200	a3b5ce8a-f66d-4e28-b51b-bdff0a0fa9f8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:16:23	100.904
-43	6443	644300	50d0befa-414f-49f0-a192-a990d50a3193	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:11:47	-931.449
-43	12886	644300	e5a784c9-46b7-4263-be0c-19a9252ac142	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:09:46	-536.459
-44	6444	644400	dc69f081-0b8f-478f-9439-5a4f1e01ba20	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:37:13	-948.721
-44	12888	644400	3e29e5f2-a96c-4fe7-a9b9-6e2c6f036087	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:44:12	520.462
-45	6445	644500	cc681b1c-a0c1-4e6f-b3ae-192233910ea4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:31:03	-699.599
-45	12890	644500	d7592be3-2cc7-42e1-8749-e185a8d95375	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:36:32	978.706
-46	6446	644600	2137a2f6-56c9-4cc3-8dd3-8f027c888226	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:20:27	-595.428
-46	12892	644600	1f5cbaa1-c20d-4ac8-b0be-e3920d8e08f0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:53:37	-360.787
-47	6447	644700	7ef83e25-d416-45c2-87ce-9e590e04dbe9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:38:39	-413.275
-47	12894	644700	93afc462-9043-418f-b995-45609f90a8bf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:57:02	-405.325
-48	6448	644800	03549935-7a19-458d-8c05-25488a417a83	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:50:56	-924.809
-48	12896	644800	b0db08bd-3739-49d7-ae6d-79ba14ef9ed7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:11:54	819.912
-49	6449	644900	c9dcaa19-2892-4382-878d-36556c958ca8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:25:13	556.771
-49	12898	644900	177d7ac6-3f7f-4533-bd7b-574101a12004	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:23:54	295.697
-50	6450	645000	0836562a-2786-4f1e-a19f-bdb94eb3c996	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:55:21	498.363
-50	12900	645000	b866001f-f97d-4f7b-af88-c4347b5ffba5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:09:10	41.907
-51	6451	645100	7aacc1da-e193-478f-8403-bcf8a6b36893	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:53:03	-160.410
-51	12902	645100	c636a781-5b2a-426b-bd6b-c15af89f3a0d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:57:59	-793.470
-52	6452	645200	c082d8b2-98cf-43be-a829-abbbde8557a8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:45:19	812.47
-52	12904	645200	048dd919-db4a-4fa4-9748-e3248e9ec733	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:42:32	426.403
-53	6453	645300	eb655211-25db-4175-805a-1e321bd56acf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:17:14	285.501
-53	12906	645300	c27e0a68-01c3-430a-ae17-832d3914c7f6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:28:18	-257.12
-54	6454	645400	442b2b75-2e80-4215-965a-cf9639f8c07b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:16:25	-409.634
-54	12908	645400	7e9f05d1-f681-4f23-9742-2fd1b04c18d7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:56:45	520.857
-55	6455	645500	dcf4eb33-35b2-412b-82d9-535c2e7cb160	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:07:34	-121.43
-55	12910	645500	806548f2-372c-4479-8b3d-b76ffb1ad2f6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:38:25	-985.581
-56	6456	645600	78724eee-4af9-4e6e-ad78-eec7466ca9c8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:56:53	-377.28
-56	12912	645600	f320a982-5db9-49f2-bc66-6185028f6c86	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:36:54	-311.549
-57	6457	645700	26c61102-f399-4375-82bb-c074dd115880	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:23:04	136.80
-57	12914	645700	e821210f-6827-42ba-8c32-ecc3a070e2de	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:39:44	519.184
-58	6458	645800	d24c8bb7-b78d-4aa3-91af-ea0e0a8c28fd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:47:07	85.57
-58	12916	645800	e5cf9eef-d935-4768-8dae-893824d0f6d8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:19:31	158.855
-59	6459	645900	adfebf09-2ecf-4241-a57b-b241065e7168	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:57:31	-81.957
-59	12918	645900	01596923-d120-4f3a-975e-a30d6d510f6e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:24:51	-241.153
-60	6460	646000	4438cd6d-c971-48ea-a237-66fd1b8988d3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:09:32	-486.845
-60	12920	646000	75a7cdab-551c-448d-8455-f46a0ea81b6d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:29:00	800.784
-61	6461	646100	a5fc655e-a54e-4264-b16e-c8f20f8f89ff	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:49:37	-850.582
-61	12922	646100	0befdd58-f017-4ac6-8f04-c72e95204c27	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:03:56	48.225
-62	6462	646200	3587fa9e-8799-4c0c-9479-ddcae50e9c09	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:53:19	-240.851
-62	12924	646200	c16c644e-6d9d-4098-86aa-f4de0db2ed5f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:00:50	266.318
-63	6463	646300	82cf6ee4-7491-44e2-bbfc-590563d3dcaf	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:52:22	448.4
-63	12926	646300	5cfb9544-565f-49e5-b8b0-9694f7ee45a7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:39:43	-437.430
-64	6464	646400	cec87296-cc67-4bea-b273-298dc3f58a80	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:20:50	523.493
-64	12928	646400	498a8ff9-7c08-426e-b7c3-b6c02cf72286	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:18:50	-61.67
-65	6465	646500	70ce8a75-8f6f-4797-b2b6-9e6ed8380b54	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:27:00	911.652
-65	12930	646500	1e2b405c-23af-4fe3-a6f4-e887e9a782b4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:12:53	838.199
-66	6466	646600	def93df3-bc5b-480b-b877-dc76b8d52130	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:46:59	-609.534
-66	12932	646600	47c78e63-4e43-4c8a-9bc7-6cdc4cf8ad1a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:54:39	503.100
-67	6467	646700	5a053e4c-e1a8-4264-a524-8b7e5293ac40	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:36:23	955.908
-67	12934	646700	bc7006a3-172d-4cca-8d29-83e881c2aa24	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:50:32	55.174
-68	6468	646800	dee421b4-007c-4859-b80f-b504dcbd0495	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:36:46	-256.557
-68	12936	646800	fc647cfc-50d6-413e-bd86-1d6e02307ec6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:33:23	-81.214
-69	6469	646900	afa9cd2c-9bd1-418f-884a-6b341ef89c4a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:14:33	-162.895
-69	12938	646900	61416f14-fa6b-4526-8e8a-10a7fc173d03	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:36:58	-151.610
-70	6470	647000	75ba0903-9068-433b-ad4d-ca0cae1de35d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:33:49	-414.386
-70	12940	647000	44548fc9-3719-412e-9aa9-7aa279c2ea5d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:12:42	-16.92
-71	6471	647100	031b2b75-5d50-4f30-bdad-1245a3af5f7c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:56:36	-349.520
-71	12942	647100	648686dc-b7a6-4a3e-93c3-2935cd0bcc50	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:58:04	495.824
-72	6472	647200	4ad3469c-44dc-47e0-b19a-bbf8113cb200	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:08:22	149.140
-72	12944	647200	476db981-3653-4fe2-89dd-387b69878cb9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:26:21	-254.61
-73	6473	647300	7c69d526-35da-4b75-91f6-233afc86399d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:04:46	174.369
-73	12946	647300	93d09f94-19aa-4fb7-8fcc-e0211dbbb92a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:27:39	-851.927
-74	6474	647400	1ca0afdd-f39c-4b14-91b2-fe3db38c8978	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:34:31	-437.175
-74	12948	647400	7acbd1bb-2db5-4e5a-86e6-99061444a841	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:46:19	-798.821
-75	6475	647500	8e3dbb87-f590-4383-8be8-da7ab1417bd2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:36:51	274.166
-75	12950	647500	e1e22300-8840-43ba-99d4-917cd431e0ca	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:06:11	-779.996
-76	6476	647600	b1ae8e0f-e51a-44a0-8d7d-b55a2de96aa7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:46:15	487.285
-76	12952	647600	3f29cee0-4d64-42a1-8b0c-6b260f4389a4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:28:06	-592.588
-77	6477	647700	f9c40e4d-39d4-4cbe-925d-d8fd07e9ea13	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:28:56	-529.342
-77	12954	647700	3e1cb971-a454-4fc7-9865-d919943a8999	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:48:22	716.159
-78	6478	647800	b252ee47-c5ca-43d2-a827-c1c242a35b38	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:53:15	553.25
-78	12956	647800	d234185e-cfc3-46d9-84be-4f24390f7f34	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:07:03	66.503
-79	6479	647900	6afab62e-6abf-46be-9b07-8b06f5586bad	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:47:44	450.239
-79	12958	647900	61eee69f-22c5-4dc0-9154-f5322606d331	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:47:33	507.339
-80	6480	648000	38e04698-7b20-4ae0-baae-73af4b66b901	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:46:21	86.5
-80	12960	648000	c1c9f81c-57d3-4263-97bc-9dc434f6488b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:21:49	-895.79
-81	6481	648100	3def1fff-8122-47c2-a366-9da696c727e1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:29:03	850.9
-81	12962	648100	2df7fb14-d838-43a5-9bc4-e39442e78a8d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:30:58	-452.5
-82	6482	648200	dfd97950-b687-4d07-bc5a-c8a52d2ec35b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:46:33	514.34
-82	12964	648200	24d73097-7676-498f-80c8-a9279eb0089f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:23:49	876.913
-83	6483	648300	c3c65f30-c4b3-4215-9fec-88009cef728d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:48:25	-352.11
-83	12966	648300	96227d95-f4cd-4346-a850-4174d8695cf8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:06:40	-105.669
-84	6484	648400	89c5d8b1-1e86-4e0d-9858-2d02b7ebdec5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:23:26	-470.435
-84	12968	648400	b77f159e-6616-44bf-9e7c-f5f9df738913	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:02:44	276.745
-85	6485	648500	19779e19-a082-4f41-a860-a97ddcec336d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:13:18	529.161
-85	12970	648500	c52af6ce-67b2-440c-b09e-547ab6f901a7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:57:34	229.360
-86	6486	648600	4a31b8e4-e7a5-4187-9a62-98d3a2d09e61	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:25:06	-929.917
-86	12972	648600	34723af6-87e2-4951-89d1-8f6c324ab5c3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:01:07	-423.22
-87	6487	648700	d02bd09f-a2e4-4020-924b-cfcea8f5ece4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:54:28	978.523
-87	12974	648700	ac8f726d-22a9-467d-ab7b-d8e85a6ab48a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:55:34	-972.19
-88	6488	648800	b29732d1-577b-4800-8f40-0f5c67d88485	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:27:49	697.941
-88	12976	648800	531e48b7-9940-433e-927e-7d80109d032c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:51:30	-552.911
-89	6489	648900	cbc16350-38ba-4c3c-ac46-4a7bcf86733c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:28:44	-953.732
-89	12978	648900	f5a1d315-7df6-444a-a955-dbbb217f4540	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:35:34	-743.571
-90	6490	649000	86856447-13fa-4f33-ad86-028374277155	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:12:43	547.319
-90	12980	649000	1c26b653-9158-4dcb-95ea-07af9b646a50	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:32:30	-992.126
-91	6491	649100	8161e842-5bec-414a-b4a5-f408e1cf7e7e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:09:53	919.734
-91	12982	649100	9d9f314e-7834-4dcf-897b-17e4b69cdd10	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:41:31	174.154
-92	6492	649200	a9e1768e-d5fa-4585-9fd2-b4b4a407ebc5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:56:37	-966.415
-92	12984	649200	a5be5dfa-a208-4867-8b7e-292e02466c37	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:40:32	-294.453
-93	6493	649300	a9efd14b-86cd-4b33-a8ed-d79f18b4e632	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:16:53	753.151
-93	12986	649300	3b05638c-9052-45e7-9d3a-4bab13d2cdd9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:58:04	112.365
-94	6494	649400	cdba040a-118a-4bad-870f-d348e73bf6f8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:18:06	-308.977
-94	12988	649400	00f894ab-410f-4ea2-8cc1-1ceda1344893	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:26:03	-902.436
-95	6495	649500	9835c243-e2fd-4992-a30c-5237df5dab02	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:21:24	812.195
-95	12990	649500	bb9ef258-2b0e-42d7-b3bc-f07759f91850	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:18:44	864.876
-96	6496	649600	1027f2d1-b574-4d7b-b585-b1ddf74c5395	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:14:55	-178.779
-96	12992	649600	69c8773a-ca5b-47f4-a11f-e10709d1fa7a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:48:42	-820.3
-97	6497	649700	249f7aab-84e1-41d5-b578-8038a31ca89a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:45:17	685.382
-97	12994	649700	26548c1a-fc3f-4950-8df5-2ec92e6e4948	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:55:25	-907.249
-98	6498	649800	85891cb7-d436-44f4-994a-0e3f3630b052	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:28:16	-664.764
-98	12996	649800	8a120ee5-dc2a-4044-b738-bc583397d1c7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:47:44	-789.586
-99	6499	649900	d595e01f-d959-4639-ab67-d3ab071ddf1b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:21:12	328.299
-99	12998	649900	f6f587fe-0874-4670-8965-1d66aeb548c4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:22:48	-316.802
-100	6500	650000	2a594e1e-f966-44a1-9428-c6daa76dcb59	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:57:25	-939.15
-100	13000	650000	d30f671b-464b-4f4e-96db-7037da5054f0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:24:26	-894.362
-101	6501	650100	a5c48ef9-b7d5-41f5-af5f-6801a1bef7a0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:01:32	-900.322
-101	13002	650100	df3861de-48b7-4c51-9f21-61945223455f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:15:55	-673.996
-102	6502	650200	1fed723f-bb8f-4c40-ba83-5b1604e4f6a1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:40:42	-622.70
-102	13004	650200	17232699-1e12-4e4a-a3ab-38c05309b809	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:02:07	-797.255
-103	6503	650300	d6405d23-8e11-4576-bb4e-6e60a4e21ee0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:30:00	-540.891
-103	13006	650300	5aaa6c10-300d-4883-89c4-dc6ede1047ac	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:22:05	-453.844
-104	6504	650400	ab1d76c8-d01b-4de0-882a-fdb4c63993ac	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:34:12	-715.131
-104	13008	650400	870ba41b-9754-4d4d-b021-a262c81a6482	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:14:41	-807.880
-105	6505	650500	f7d70edc-30bd-4a0b-ae7e-bfcb527c2611	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:48:03	660.460
-105	13010	650500	eb98b69f-a1fc-40c7-8c5e-c4ec0a26b9be	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:51:20	-541.910
-106	6506	650600	c40a26a5-9b33-4416-b460-b42f68ae6086	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:36:24	228.191
-106	13012	650600	2893621f-e871-4623-b147-c31cb1f21602	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:54:13	-67.702
-107	6507	650700	3cfdde46-b294-406c-9217-4a76efb6e170	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:15:06	242.896
-107	13014	650700	68d0339e-e7b7-4175-a91c-bda50ec96507	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:54:54	-715.141
-108	6508	650800	367d2572-2f7e-4d5b-9752-329cdb0256bf	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:32:11	-598.717
-108	13016	650800	71b71e56-337b-4c47-9bec-a61534e85aca	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:32:20	380.996
-109	6509	650900	4ffc2030-4943-4dad-bf15-5c2566fca326	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:13:01	43.133
-109	13018	650900	251c9a4e-8bca-4a93-a7c1-7456efda8487	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:44:26	829.168
-110	6510	651000	9f1cfd9e-d4b3-4ce5-8e12-a8873cc86c44	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:35:09	-469.448
-110	13020	651000	982725bb-21d2-4ee0-a9c6-e99d80542dac	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:31:03	720.628
-111	6511	651100	29f603f2-11cd-472f-b3ff-53f093246b4d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:22:07	-608.905
-111	13022	651100	b9c3d5f7-9227-41f7-b6e8-19f93817d046	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:18:08	-796.19
-112	6512	651200	f49b373e-dcd3-41f1-b74d-44f03991fd95	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:45:06	-243.323
-112	13024	651200	da9ac244-17d7-48e3-b0b9-af22daf6df24	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:36:26	-751.753
-113	6513	651300	d57568f6-d423-402f-98cd-e5d949d628b7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:54:14	800.559
-113	13026	651300	7c5d2a19-2539-489d-917a-058418161bdd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:43:06	909.0
-114	6514	651400	2f4fb91c-c0c1-45a1-aad2-e99b5d2eea72	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:39:53	-663.746
-114	13028	651400	60fcdabc-3363-4583-8dec-09715cd2bccf	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:18:19	148.554
-115	6515	651500	d1391cbc-e1b6-45d4-9524-5408b50fded3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:54:39	442.538
-115	13030	651500	5ad27108-6387-407e-817d-5a064d0e6c5d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:10:18	139.714
-116	6516	651600	1ec5fa08-a6eb-4dcb-ac73-4e561e3669fb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:57:06	-179.71
-116	13032	651600	a4f1a479-a79b-4e7c-8b85-baee4dfa2f18	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:29:38	525.347
-117	6517	651700	45dabf4c-ea1b-462a-96bf-321015fc7bac	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:06:13	-997.423
-117	13034	651700	62de91e6-60e8-438f-b2b1-c03629c5bc53	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:12:28	-517.272
-118	6518	651800	3b2da692-8dc0-4585-a898-6b3f37561c74	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:49:42	-411.226
-118	13036	651800	b2065a8e-3b52-48c3-a036-5d1131477be5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:37:50	191.38
-119	6519	651900	60388b45-4adb-456f-ad60-d676050c3ec5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:36:59	799.258
-119	13038	651900	261b509e-6818-4aae-841e-41ffd6d13d7a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:57:06	-105.338
-120	6520	652000	9f8cfdb2-4744-4008-8494-ee6c9e4ffdd4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:32:53	649.467
-120	13040	652000	e2530cf8-0b51-4e5b-bb7f-8c37f939437f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:06:45	-392.872
-121	6521	652100	d81d28ad-176e-413b-8032-ae07d4fe15a9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:50:38	32.776
-121	13042	652100	00f01c1b-3216-41a2-83c3-31ae9003e104	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:26:36	-145.57
-122	6522	652200	0ace7a2c-1242-435f-85bf-ba10031ebfb0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:24:06	-35.955
-122	13044	652200	7d513ff2-6618-4ba1-943a-97cc2299759e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:28:22	186.321
-123	6523	652300	157c5004-bf8d-477b-a7c6-cb92f4ac77b1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:11:01	247.295
-123	13046	652300	c0bd8d80-6ea1-485a-88fc-07f60d10aa1a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:20:27	841.986
-124	6524	652400	d99cb7ad-c243-416f-b8b8-8dec3caefe5e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:57:27	707.569
-124	13048	652400	9bc96848-4e50-4706-ad24-d3943e475ff8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:16:28	552.493
-125	6525	652500	9ff4e9bf-b6fb-4c42-b808-7fe7f3c8cad9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:47:52	515.283
-125	13050	652500	e3d16adf-f5a6-4146-b9a1-560ca3ac15d3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:33:42	-736.569
-126	6526	652600	896dc529-e879-48b2-8412-92c45a1e8685	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:44:33	22.954
-126	13052	652600	19e8dc5e-ec0a-4577-abc8-30cbf5291aa5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:57:56	-374.444
-127	6527	652700	45f323eb-feed-4779-b6dd-2a032916ee3d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:32:52	770.971
-127	13054	652700	da86c3ed-80e0-46e8-85e7-1e4c72a7c668	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:19:11	67.580
-0	6528	652800	7cbeff5b-9a4c-4275-a005-4453043e4884	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:36:22	-875.920
-0	13056	652800	c4d7fde1-61f4-40dd-bd42-a9ed63e97267	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:14:25	707.446
-1	6529	652900	0eb66aaa-1bd4-4663-8cc6-f7ffaf66351b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:57:14	-348.859
-1	13058	652900	fbe51807-6652-4777-8e1b-8cb7e856a972	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:54:03	-287.487
-2	6530	653000	8ebcced8-110f-4d9e-b951-fdd6b8777af6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:22:46	773.462
-2	13060	653000	8166d5e5-bd20-47dc-9278-9a095e10a819	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:41:04	-840.989
-3	6531	653100	9bdf8801-c313-4fc9-afdd-3b90d84f6aef	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:27:49	-421.51
-3	13062	653100	dd315d56-b165-4b50-8644-7a2fb86ed2dc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:19:48	607.354
-4	6532	653200	f9ce46cb-9019-4f74-b742-31a3a1b44604	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:16:22	605.553
-4	13064	653200	a84934de-3d8a-4634-937b-884afc9d1260	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:09:08	-742.531
-5	6533	653300	3b232c71-bad0-46f6-98f7-5ac8dd537436	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:04:27	523.41
-5	13066	653300	831cc8ed-fa5d-4ba0-b283-c0a8015949c6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:43:39	-727.913
-6	6534	653400	79bd25b2-27db-412c-95f5-491bd0e4836f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:05:52	987.160
-6	13068	653400	3ca65921-d9d1-452b-a85b-d5e4718f5d7b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:02:58	-833.853
-7	6535	653500	06c508db-38fe-4147-85b8-8db270030952	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:22:12	398.631
-7	13070	653500	2c4c4b2a-502e-45be-8446-c0a62fe72c67	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:07:28	639.958
-8	6536	653600	97b47525-0dcc-4bbf-abd7-5037a2fbacae	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:55:17	578.879
-8	13072	653600	7e4ea2bd-9c2b-417c-9311-1b7b64410989	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:23:41	825.64
-9	6537	653700	7fb46800-195d-43d1-ad78-c98c323781cb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:10:54	-241.17
-9	13074	653700	cb0a99d4-3c31-4743-bc66-006006419638	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:32:44	649.947
-10	6538	653800	f07c752a-d24d-478e-9b9c-c8ee7f4552e3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:05:58	479.696
-10	13076	653800	c678016d-fbb7-45a1-bbf9-b19d5cff6b2c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:14:28	-93.114
-11	6539	653900	15125065-d22f-4924-bbd6-06fcd0b18327	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:31:25	696.443
-11	13078	653900	366f1961-75eb-41c3-8894-94c73bff2b4d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:31:40	780.785
-12	6540	654000	853df656-e42d-46e2-98c4-0a3862791e64	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:07:56	-815.430
-12	13080	654000	5172d808-44f1-4f1e-aa92-456a55bf82c6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:30:36	-533.471
-13	6541	654100	cf438984-a1b1-4f7e-8e67-1bd63f36d360	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:08:00	-412.352
-13	13082	654100	26edf6b7-2ef6-4e2c-b69d-9443fc4e9aa3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:13:54	-259.207
-14	6542	654200	1f7f4b64-7a19-4433-a453-4881bda85acc	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:01:44	-392.886
-14	13084	654200	c0c9bfb0-2937-4114-927d-46a94de43312	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:23:27	-644.683
-15	6543	654300	655d310b-6e8c-4d95-9ca6-a4d5cd7437d2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:52:29	928.180
-15	13086	654300	f849de8d-52bb-4505-b652-f487120c2b2b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:49:08	-642.934
-16	6544	654400	fe112767-cea0-427f-9128-79444224a862	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:00:28	122.727
-16	13088	654400	a56a7ebc-3114-422b-a46f-f9a3e76c4b49	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:24:38	-209.338
-17	6545	654500	98ffcb9d-b0f9-4a88-a956-7299a38ce156	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:52:26	975.396
-17	13090	654500	312fcd80-7b26-4633-84bc-4839a63bbf0b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:50:30	-596.100
-18	6546	654600	bf781e8c-c1cc-44d4-8186-b9bd33b961d8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:35:36	26.321
-18	13092	654600	4022b15b-6864-451b-a9ce-22ff5ba7e933	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:56:14	413.475
-19	6547	654700	c586f92b-74fe-4745-afd1-04d8d1983245	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:13:34	-539.335
-19	13094	654700	06f93127-e448-4361-b757-26a88ba99968	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:28:15	-563.76
-20	6548	654800	1941abc3-8b2e-4f23-b19a-b68a16e44f7d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:30:05	518.423
-20	13096	654800	55fcd71c-a24d-40a7-801c-4a5009d73fed	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:39:14	562.579
-21	6549	654900	3299e530-4589-422b-bad4-9a3909276cc8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:33:06	-780.803
-21	13098	654900	994e98ba-fe23-4364-9160-faa490b7ee0d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:19:48	-136.170
-22	6550	655000	671cb548-553b-475d-a32b-6a385bf1217f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:05:38	-434.285
-22	13100	655000	3b1df67b-d770-47eb-a0d8-d2cdeb6a070e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:33:24	667.664
-23	6551	655100	f345db40-c151-4d36-9095-1a86827fc064	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:27:25	287.423
-23	13102	655100	ba69c2c6-9a16-4161-b139-5cafbcafdaf0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:42:41	692.957
-24	6552	655200	bc1691bd-07e5-41c6-95bc-87834421db03	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:46:46	-679.177
-24	13104	655200	13439713-add5-450e-a55d-5a2bcecc3dd8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:01:00	315.905
-25	6553	655300	167df226-7266-432e-9e36-c2a1b38ebb2a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:01:38	971.186
-25	13106	655300	21974aff-2f1b-4347-8be8-2e18d9f55b0b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:05:53	-600.330
-26	6554	655400	c9898d01-b79c-4c68-b4f8-5a64304e494e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:19:53	463.896
-26	13108	655400	4d896a88-ddc6-44f1-89d0-87c3b19a1e6d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:44:25	857.104
-27	6555	655500	52cc8f4b-19fc-4d69-8fc7-446e9631f7e2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:15:38	-705.610
-27	13110	655500	3e34d7d9-410b-4e01-a30d-b6e345a65871	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:19:06	-6.243
-28	6556	655600	975e125e-ef44-4c84-a65d-28dbbb0cac25	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:13:52	-285.342
-28	13112	655600	d8947378-7bdb-46d0-9122-62cb534d82d4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:23:33	-830.489
-29	6557	655700	ebb0124b-3098-4da9-9ecd-498ed612b3ff	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:30:05	495.862
-29	13114	655700	480784c2-ce1e-4136-9181-107a437563e3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:30:19	202.357
-30	6558	655800	8baacfb0-1fb5-472c-a829-693c2d35321d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:19:06	267.639
-30	13116	655800	eceeb943-2bbb-4174-b8d3-2bd3446b10cf	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:42:36	507.16
-31	6559	655900	23094cf2-87fc-431a-a44f-5f2d94157316	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:41:32	898.434
-31	13118	655900	2a3e142d-cbd9-4d83-93e5-fef78fb25416	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:31:18	985.157
-32	6560	656000	99a3e33e-f699-4f9f-83f8-a7db08b4df56	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:56:32	-867.688
-32	13120	656000	5d06ee0a-c962-4489-ab07-e88555b57b37	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:25:18	-43.675
-33	6561	656100	7ba238d2-6638-4889-ba34-0be1840f3cd8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:17:57	-503.499
-33	13122	656100	ed99584c-401b-4faf-923b-98d264cf1b38	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:51:22	-763.851
-34	6562	656200	6edb42e0-9768-4ac4-b56a-33ccbb213888	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:15:30	768.431
-34	13124	656200	96b5b135-d101-4872-ab9e-ed8d35ce9016	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:51:57	-812.717
-35	6563	656300	4dd377d0-0e5e-4f44-aea3-6a69749d947f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:01:43	646.731
-35	13126	656300	de383054-d58e-46b3-aa32-0a4646f7f6d0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:25:51	304.345
-36	6564	656400	7a799f58-4af4-4112-9e93-d28d83dbd3b5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:24:32	-97.191
-36	13128	656400	7e119f77-6ab6-4efa-a461-b2f3400b2bd9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:12:30	-568.581
-37	6565	656500	a01c9fcf-d1c7-4467-856d-dac0827721ba	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:56:44	386.289
-37	13130	656500	8dd65523-944f-4850-9feb-22766d3ab2e0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:54:56	211.902
-38	6566	656600	f05e69b3-1bba-46a7-840e-65972536bd59	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:49:02	804.172
-38	13132	656600	bb45834a-7b63-440e-b46d-d552f495eee1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:33:36	355.312
-39	6567	656700	013d708a-9a95-4f55-9e0d-9df605ed5054	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:42:05	112.219
-39	13134	656700	c50b1ac3-e802-4b88-9ca3-274ae14ea549	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:05:40	567.501
-40	6568	656800	bc492dcc-720b-40ee-8e9c-af99d1fcfdf7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:31:16	966.580
-40	13136	656800	80927a59-649a-4c1d-8de3-babd97caa7e6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:00:49	294.99
-41	6569	656900	45b9df6d-9e21-408c-be87-dbb7e2d02f24	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:47:36	838.136
-41	13138	656900	483a243c-0116-4f92-a647-5221b1aa5ebc	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:38:59	48.457
-42	6570	657000	98063637-b18d-43a7-932e-f36a535302fb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:07:33	-674.899
-42	13140	657000	9bb7b080-9985-4ff0-966f-22ad87eeef8f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:13:18	910.958
-43	6571	657100	fc99c14a-de0f-422e-bb9c-e29657b8ea28	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:52:32	-571.428
-43	13142	657100	a8cf1741-9155-4349-a458-d0bde91ff6c3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:01:05	343.513
-44	6572	657200	4f932a5e-d8fd-452d-957f-86d2e0f8d53c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:10:53	734.47
-44	13144	657200	0a269e98-b168-4720-873f-1ef9d6c7206b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:31:54	-900.567
-45	6573	657300	3a2c4a51-1f75-4f83-b892-dd616496976f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:33:47	-199.951
-45	13146	657300	bf158f25-42bf-4523-9773-c9177639a319	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:47:18	658.965
-46	6574	657400	2d8ce810-f3fb-4ba0-be92-c51fa6f5e2e5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:25:04	999.868
-46	13148	657400	f2861b2c-fded-4fd9-b491-833bf382a2c7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:07:53	657.75
-47	6575	657500	907f99f3-cf08-4406-b97b-1accb832489f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:18:16	47.395
-47	13150	657500	03ddcfb6-5e71-4d9f-976d-a6c55051bd5a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:19:57	3.595
-48	6576	657600	7e77cf00-e46f-495e-ba71-699471c05e79	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:32:44	-577.318
-48	13152	657600	883f36e7-515a-4eb8-b3e9-a8e249a31345	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:19:27	-949.970
-49	6577	657700	d65205ff-ecbf-425a-b476-2c05b6f7ef37	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:22:16	-682.160
-49	13154	657700	31e14e71-79b3-4676-b738-d4cf6d11adf5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:52:12	316.599
-50	6578	657800	169d1046-432f-45cd-9181-4387ac490b2c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:57:32	683.767
-50	13156	657800	f4c4c88f-efac-4fda-8bcd-89231dc70afd	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:42:30	689.178
-51	6579	657900	a7a55bd4-e1e5-4f19-af19-5d7b3de5022e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:51:18	916.811
-51	13158	657900	d093ed21-d94c-49b5-9c89-268b85c8dea2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:39:01	-565.409
-52	6580	658000	c02c6cb1-2244-4e1e-a9a3-6fbae5924945	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:21:54	268.677
-52	13160	658000	280c3296-13c7-4de2-b7de-c237aff2d94e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:23:09	-501.174
-53	6581	658100	93d78d96-f5a1-491e-8aa9-4dadd43366e2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:47:39	-885.271
-53	13162	658100	8284209a-6953-48b2-8444-e9d0be02a6ab	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:03:05	619.385
-54	6582	658200	9644ef41-4dd6-4f80-ba5f-117322a7a20e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:27:18	-758.741
-54	13164	658200	d6b3a852-1c17-4673-88af-df6e219d4a53	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:18:19	-549.265
-55	6583	658300	87f16470-f198-493d-ada3-e1cf95538d1a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:49:25	52.501
-55	13166	658300	d44cae49-df35-4b6a-ac85-d36501269849	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:15:07	-822.705
-56	6584	658400	7ff4b9ff-305a-48ce-b052-34a0d3708d80	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:29:55	329.146
-56	13168	658400	5c817f76-43bc-4169-a06f-bbc54cd693ff	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:44:38	300.320
-57	6585	658500	2dbf7d3b-aef1-444e-a170-23da21f9463c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:33:37	-363.254
-57	13170	658500	e8ca8394-376f-4b76-b4ec-b282c1862c7c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:46:16	-363.845
-58	6586	658600	ab887d8e-35a2-4d5d-a1da-40a1256b1b66	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:37:48	71.855
-58	13172	658600	3231fadc-11dc-41ab-871e-d2e70e149c74	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:02:04	807.739
-59	6587	658700	ae657892-d724-4e61-b5dd-41351175c351	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:05:56	340.12
-59	13174	658700	35006f5b-ca28-4bd3-a270-548ddb88a985	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:06:12	-575.638
-60	6588	658800	5d3e292a-d5b6-4bf6-8785-41f99edaae09	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:07:54	499.543
-60	13176	658800	e32c2bcf-a505-4c75-8778-4349345489cd	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:30:42	-801.703
-61	6589	658900	2ed0135a-6fbd-45ca-bc5e-e38047256c45	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:49:01	-384.894
-61	13178	658900	e70b7bad-6c77-459c-a27a-cef332489f38	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:49:28	530.894
-62	6590	659000	66527ca3-09d7-4ace-90a2-9399d7cecb52	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:12:11	257.118
-62	13180	659000	b69b543d-29bf-4f88-b9c6-5e65a5fb8f83	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:29:27	950.923
-63	6591	659100	5d678908-8bb2-4530-b680-b1a53a4302d1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:31:45	-15.673
-63	13182	659100	fa2d0e32-1a85-4e98-af94-2bb902a9e3ea	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:49:32	-40.159
-64	6592	659200	49ef05f0-d87e-4187-bc23-956ddb353a61	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:26:42	-602.83
-64	13184	659200	7aaddaeb-b93c-480b-a696-e0f7ffa75bf9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:41:30	903.898
-65	6593	659300	77f22b5d-813a-46e5-9305-0dce2ac0a15d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:15:35	283.778
-65	13186	659300	d5f29076-1a20-469c-9d45-91256e3e2ed4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:02:52	776.176
-66	6594	659400	b10623d1-d729-4e71-b9b4-2d2dfabf35a1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:53:06	231.662
-66	13188	659400	b5a5116a-0519-4dff-8d30-888830cb9f0c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:00:50	78.237
-67	6595	659500	b25f681d-57e9-4977-9e42-a17ff36efa35	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:35:15	899.16
-67	13190	659500	20c405a9-07f5-4532-9710-77464d68c6ab	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:45:48	-655.740
-68	6596	659600	c15318fd-1ed8-493c-a279-291cfe185eb5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:29:49	-483.106
-68	13192	659600	3c03f32c-a5f6-4c6a-a139-2c3fc914b373	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:12:01	-177.510
-69	6597	659700	92c58646-b3d4-4902-9b1b-6baf218eb6fb	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:14:38	150.92
-69	13194	659700	6de4988f-027f-474e-a444-98712286e7b7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:41:10	440.555
-70	6598	659800	ddae736d-6fe6-4c11-b3ab-5ce762d3b919	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:03:54	-109.911
-70	13196	659800	4b8b9a31-cc81-411b-a14b-bd89183d9b68	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:55:08	-786.32
-71	6599	659900	e2097bf3-aa4a-41c1-977d-a689b95deb04	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:37:53	-304.699
-71	13198	659900	4aad4cf2-db2c-4ff5-9b83-0e8933e280b9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:50:18	297.791
-72	6600	660000	023690f5-97ff-4457-80c4-5cc843feaeb9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:05:17	990.739
-72	13200	660000	38d6e647-97db-4b70-be94-cce7ab9a8451	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:44:37	856.771
-73	6601	660100	4c157e33-2542-4717-817e-dc0623c81457	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:47:47	-361.294
-73	13202	660100	910ce0e0-5272-4cab-bdcb-71cfa530e6a2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:03:08	-381.529
-74	6602	660200	787869ea-d5bd-440b-966e-90e96461e39e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:40:18	675.739
-74	13204	660200	574ceebc-72c3-47b1-b143-093cdbbf9d2c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:10:52	573.219
-75	6603	660300	02c25c1d-0d1b-4208-b8d2-cbfd395a5b8e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:21:20	-856.881
-75	13206	660300	c2fb8b75-69ae-4d74-b042-8cd3af261f38	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:38:19	-385.469
-76	6604	660400	46d7ce91-53c2-40f9-8600-54ce50446523	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:46:33	-765.261
-76	13208	660400	2bd6eec2-9f87-486f-93bb-0a2a4eb6d447	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:59:38	-878.157
-77	6605	660500	944f69ca-070f-4701-bb7f-c6edf3222aeb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:10:04	-666.682
-77	13210	660500	feb26a17-698c-4e86-804c-25fac3eafc18	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:42:02	-745.39
-78	6606	660600	93af0b21-9569-4693-8358-43a767ed4015	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:35:56	352.981
-78	13212	660600	9aac597d-9331-4d3d-8101-7280be6a2048	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:29:25	435.754
-79	6607	660700	ee0f33f6-5cd2-4d85-8b85-0ba13eab3e15	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:09:58	122.30
-79	13214	660700	8316df35-e633-4db7-af75-a06fde163e64	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:52:43	728.898
-80	6608	660800	ff2cf033-46fa-41f0-b7ca-4f88a2d1aae5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:28:07	-493.137
-80	13216	660800	f7beb16a-9f91-45d9-93c3-ab794846b7ad	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:16:25	827.304
-81	6609	660900	746829f7-8353-400b-8fb9-43c85aa73002	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:48:34	53.540
-81	13218	660900	98854c4f-b495-4e6b-a61b-fa1d9a72a5d6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:29:42	100.64
-82	6610	661000	325e2917-2da7-4f7c-b885-f52beb88c620	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:08:30	883.547
-82	13220	661000	5d251904-353c-48f4-9e8d-a6c57bc6523c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:19:11	-553.968
-83	6611	661100	dd25ce66-cedc-4d62-80f8-8cf2cda56b92	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:31:27	-252.538
-83	13222	661100	ecac8943-bb18-497e-883d-17f3d0f7804e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:56:26	385.438
-84	6612	661200	e4a607a2-b2d4-48ba-abcf-0341c4a3678a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:23:23	-140.49
-84	13224	661200	eaaad4e3-a2ce-43b6-b45a-dae93a59a043	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:24:59	-545.190
-85	6613	661300	efc58cca-d756-4286-b9e4-5378d8d65d01	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:35:34	-602.904
-85	13226	661300	2d678984-6b58-4bd0-96f6-2f0373df3913	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:32:54	456.619
-86	6614	661400	4cd33c23-caa7-4ddf-82b5-e6f24b31ecf7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:56:14	703.69
-86	13228	661400	e49fda35-2950-435b-b5ff-8fd6339bf99c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:03:21	474.985
-87	6615	661500	c87ec25e-67b3-4336-a898-29f4930461af	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:13:04	979.140
-87	13230	661500	492d6fed-3836-4651-b37e-0fe1fb6a04b9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:30:40	419.193
-88	6616	661600	a009b91c-95b4-49df-9c63-7e0c2a36181b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:02:53	890.686
-88	13232	661600	7524c0b1-333f-495f-a3fc-5992efde6bdb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:00:38	815.30
-89	6617	661700	9167e487-231e-4798-8362-3cf2699ffd88	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:26:33	-34.673
-89	13234	661700	3f404c7d-4d24-40ab-aef0-a9c342c35619	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:16:30	-93.167
-90	6618	661800	33d117d1-5ccf-4744-9735-99c967b5456f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:27:51	-571.865
-90	13236	661800	2e37032a-f06b-4a1f-83cb-d0d3c6d4dfb7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:12:39	-395.77
-91	6619	661900	c3ecd28f-4dd8-40c4-8446-e428e6fe3ba5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:36:07	217.707
-91	13238	661900	cf1712e1-fd65-49e3-87fd-46aa3a74d97a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:36:02	138.276
-92	6620	662000	d36caecd-839b-4ac3-9420-c68fee9a8b26	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:28:19	236.538
-92	13240	662000	efe1298d-4bda-4a44-a73a-118d4a739dd1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:29:27	733.615
-93	6621	662100	c71bb774-1035-4db3-813c-a237d4a2f317	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:02:35	-901.694
-93	13242	662100	b4bd3c70-05f9-4ba5-b5ca-612b6f8fed24	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:53:32	291.440
-94	6622	662200	bd10dae8-7f2f-46cd-942d-b2a04c6bd736	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:30:21	-707.216
-94	13244	662200	a024c356-f7ce-46ba-96c4-4477794b529b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:23:50	-979.731
-95	6623	662300	a3a2450f-c0e1-4df1-97b3-c5fe8b9b3dda	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:45:40	587.167
-95	13246	662300	9c258de0-e206-4b99-92ea-89b6db34660a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:24:07	810.277
-96	6624	662400	37c73329-c080-4560-bb9f-860c79fc2854	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:17:53	566.854
-96	13248	662400	7a94aee7-d79c-49f9-a4c3-526d473d8afd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:58:14	-820.860
-97	6625	662500	bbd88628-04ad-459e-805b-da597b278139	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:35:29	-23.540
-97	13250	662500	5023d5a8-41b6-4f1f-87b4-b67447d556ec	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:53:29	925.592
-98	6626	662600	45ad35bb-264c-4fe5-a7d4-442338c22370	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:59:10	5.966
-98	13252	662600	81822f08-7977-4ef3-9fcd-543598befb30	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:50:26	523.686
-99	6627	662700	877ff8db-690d-4434-a683-5938eb315a61	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:59:19	133.395
-99	13254	662700	7d51da6a-f294-46c7-9674-caf87b395fb0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:31:02	255.355
-100	6628	662800	ce34611a-01d7-4c64-a326-c18dfa4c29b6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:21:17	952.757
-100	13256	662800	ad27a180-ccac-42be-9667-1b80d4503044	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:51:12	778.470
-101	6629	662900	3461f5e3-cfcf-423d-80e7-b33f6381826f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:51:04	46.459
-101	13258	662900	51a6d5bb-528d-4b26-a930-a4afef140286	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:09:31	-493.505
-102	6630	663000	43619f25-b308-4e22-b4b9-24489b94195f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:03:10	-364.75
-102	13260	663000	a846fb45-a81f-413d-942c-46a8be8a89e1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:49:47	969.459
-103	6631	663100	6cd94269-b495-488e-adb3-c74f84d8dadc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:56:20	-865.647
-103	13262	663100	064dca1b-926f-43f3-a85a-68b733af6930	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:52:33	-469.277
-104	6632	663200	fa111c75-e82f-41eb-baad-0399765ccd8a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:28:43	536.224
-104	13264	663200	a0cd77a1-eecc-43e7-bc39-bead8ae20465	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:34:31	665.155
-105	6633	663300	a1a376d5-7fdf-4c99-9a47-cbfc45900b94	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:18:39	82.218
-105	13266	663300	82a83d90-44d0-49af-ae1c-c51c6f66fea6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:36:15	-542.277
-106	6634	663400	e746022a-7c4b-4696-8c36-87ba9fd7126e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:38:35	995.606
-106	13268	663400	52fd8507-51f5-4d62-b51f-b3af2867d6a1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:13:27	981.17
-107	6635	663500	4fd9826e-30e8-4f1d-8aa2-baa86f29b0e1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:39:44	-591.780
-107	13270	663500	e18416ee-6e92-47d8-9121-d9fb3ddce8f9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:56:28	-208.172
-108	6636	663600	e957511a-53b3-447a-9b26-4b41f3284209	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:11:22	33.81
-108	13272	663600	0d81f5b6-93f3-44d6-b27a-9cd4fef06598	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:23:33	294.425
-109	6637	663700	b3e6a1cd-8a95-4951-bfee-190dabaac4f1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:06:26	481.114
-109	13274	663700	24c17a64-6ee8-4721-9658-78721c4544dd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:53:54	-703.353
-110	6638	663800	37b6f8eb-8d60-442b-a8cf-5996d081d52a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:04:23	830.536
-110	13276	663800	7e45097d-cb1b-495f-9013-736e55db6540	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:28:36	-114.252
-111	6639	663900	21c32c43-054f-452f-8d4e-289136402aa8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:41:18	-391.146
-111	13278	663900	cd82f9bb-58ad-44d5-9504-13abb51938f5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:08:36	6.424
-112	6640	664000	92ffeee1-e6a1-46f5-9f37-e3cc517600ae	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:43:38	-285.517
-112	13280	664000	009b8786-a965-4a01-86b0-8048efdb38b2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:17:26	-915.961
-113	6641	664100	64d8b2af-3b6f-4158-9a8b-4a7998ee110a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:20:37	534.200
-113	13282	664100	e424ac06-f91c-4095-afda-956e87ef7b2b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:13:04	-51.72
-114	6642	664200	c8a843b3-1af9-47e5-96d4-afd61cac6c00	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:31:12	685.51
-114	13284	664200	0f5212e3-2f76-42f3-84e4-68fb756dab29	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:09:51	-860.212
-115	6643	664300	df573188-6015-4bd8-91b7-31640390f0f3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:06:33	-44.372
-115	13286	664300	052193ec-5707-46c8-954f-30728250f599	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:01:18	676.393
-116	6644	664400	2d91519c-21d4-40f6-8370-846a2555e060	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:55:00	311.411
-116	13288	664400	abd06eaa-7223-4709-acd3-d9d0b9c7ab9d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:54:41	948.93
-117	6645	664500	8ed0cc37-54e4-41bb-9599-3051f2553501	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:50:40	-210.760
-117	13290	664500	c8ed4f38-f698-4437-a4b1-03c80d6b0b9b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:46:59	-889.306
-118	6646	664600	4b1599b4-6784-4417-87a4-83f488959411	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:20:08	984.835
-118	13292	664600	cc0a9ce9-537d-4037-b5bf-b3076efa5734	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:47:12	-891.98
-119	6647	664700	312ece97-3fbb-4a9d-814e-0d70bbc0b35f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:15:22	-814.565
-119	13294	664700	d6c680e8-d48b-4872-bc72-ed697662616b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:19:40	-873.57
-120	6648	664800	e44c2137-2b13-4498-8697-59e59931d4b9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:25:33	-736.620
-120	13296	664800	1cf9b0f0-25e3-456a-b98b-418c2b88059d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:15:20	966.523
-121	6649	664900	e2f704a2-9363-44c4-bb5b-143d5d5039b0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:23:54	-826.864
-121	13298	664900	bcf90af6-b55d-4dcc-9b10-e7c42ca87f8b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:37:31	212.371
-122	6650	665000	e967799d-ad49-4772-a4bf-e086a0253b90	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:39:23	-450.330
-122	13300	665000	8eddd49f-ef27-409c-8ff2-73890b4d3ada	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:46:16	-252.431
-123	6651	665100	c7afa79e-f99f-4072-84b4-0e7ee3eea8e0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:39:19	40.169
-123	13302	665100	a28658e4-5b96-44ba-88c8-e75c946d03ef	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:21:31	23.270
-124	6652	665200	87a55e39-f022-4ebb-a472-24329b0e023b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:24:33	-981.148
-124	13304	665200	f2117e96-abd3-432b-b3a5-e682f264e3b1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:49:37	516.0
-125	6653	665300	15e6130a-6a53-4580-98b9-272267b48a03	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:57:19	-217.643
-125	13306	665300	9ccfe0ba-d131-4365-9e96-5825dee68d74	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:40:53	833.714
-126	6654	665400	26a5dcca-2c57-4549-81c6-aeedd6fffb87	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:50:13	466.760
-126	13308	665400	c31f5e2f-890f-4415-acdf-e49296b4912a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:21:33	-229.309
-127	6655	665500	96b85142-edfb-4e34-b203-23d412dedc6c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:36:51	420.324
-127	13310	665500	330b94c6-f771-4372-acc7-86e1119c4b54	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:06:31	484.777
-0	6656	665600	59e41b82-f5ac-45b8-97f4-3488ef941ddc	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:20:08	922.700
-0	13312	665600	e9b39eee-1692-4686-8396-fd03473a89e0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:12:25	816.580
-1	6657	665700	4e42f304-cf4f-41e4-85cc-e323d21e26d0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:44:05	-923.249
-1	13314	665700	784ad565-9a75-40e9-9519-34849d11011b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:11:50	466.516
-2	6658	665800	11a8205a-2bca-46d0-be08-fe47db89b187	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:37:24	652.97
-2	13316	665800	0988348b-be23-4f05-ba9c-053929bf272c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:12:54	83.752
-3	6659	665900	e6c35113-3718-48bd-a23d-990705f1f15d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:08:12	355.259
-3	13318	665900	ca394f7b-f35e-4913-a446-4a9bb654c648	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:42:02	323.138
-4	6660	666000	ac7e9bdd-be59-48e1-924c-e4903dbe73c7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:20:08	459.828
-4	13320	666000	a86cea5d-b8eb-4e88-96bd-86c8a4a289d9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:53:47	893.714
-5	6661	666100	562bbbe3-1b32-4d50-883c-80c036e36e57	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:03:21	332.531
-5	13322	666100	ec091852-789f-412d-a4ab-01bae3a6e157	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:18:37	-785.21
-6	6662	666200	3193b549-9284-4424-9aa7-21f973a51b0b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:16:19	-310.209
-6	13324	666200	42dc0e01-cb90-4789-b44e-5badf10319f5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:52:15	-720.382
-7	6663	666300	25ba79fd-b805-4296-95dc-788fb0add761	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:29:51	221.906
-7	13326	666300	67c56e2e-c354-4f80-9695-2a2f4ede8e20	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:17:38	-662.272
-8	6664	666400	a0313d82-eb84-4207-9cb9-bac776620e19	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:24:03	676.731
-8	13328	666400	b009e386-e514-432b-a367-a6720df0a5dd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:54:21	-715.87
-9	6665	666500	6781a682-dfff-4adb-9fc0-06168a5dad30	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:28:51	957.698
-9	13330	666500	a1275bfb-d9cf-481a-8efc-ac9078435bda	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:47:59	-672.387
-10	6666	666600	cffe319d-9731-4951-a381-f5d35929db56	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:57:20	639.734
-10	13332	666600	a721bc8f-d305-411d-b5d5-087a668bf4ce	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:50:56	686.190
-11	6667	666700	3f686e43-41a2-4e07-999a-4a36d86ada7c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:41:22	-603.346
-11	13334	666700	47502df8-d105-497a-9de1-debfa05798bd	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:09:30	-674.175
-12	6668	666800	5c2460e0-275f-4c73-9dc6-4f3c1f8f7681	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:07:04	242.637
-12	13336	666800	7e26a35d-073d-4ef2-8948-ee740b876e39	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:27:50	293.863
-13	6669	666900	3de54f43-655b-4713-b8b9-30af3f4b3b6f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:32:53	-739.821
-13	13338	666900	9dfffc36-5040-411a-ade9-1247d04855ce	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:58:00	514.576
-14	6670	667000	507f9e5a-4b81-4b12-b8db-ba43d401a210	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:15:04	677.958
-14	13340	667000	85ca9b50-e4d1-41ac-b503-cdeabc1d292a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:26:18	-340.932
-15	6671	667100	23dbc87b-8d07-437e-af92-c00c434b5fce	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:53:09	-920.675
-15	13342	667100	6c9fcbec-0555-42d3-bb79-3c795055cebc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:28:32	548.613
-16	6672	667200	1bcf0f13-89e3-4281-b466-cba5d7e0c935	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:53:07	-217.726
-16	13344	667200	7219d251-d209-411c-8de0-be8c1be0a924	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:14:45	662.341
-17	6673	667300	55c64742-4709-46c1-b7fe-4f467bcffb97	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:56:18	-112.257
-17	13346	667300	36a003e7-f19b-43e5-b71e-0872890bb35d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:18:20	162.288
-18	6674	667400	86085185-10e0-472f-9223-2cf76eeb726a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:28:42	-514.321
-18	13348	667400	b513e2b0-dedf-437e-b27f-6a76fbdf9895	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:20:58	-552.939
-19	6675	667500	1bdf81b9-590d-4b2a-a9ee-874f3a0a6603	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:48:00	-935.734
-19	13350	667500	b49f235d-d7d1-43d6-881b-75750a8e2611	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:56:02	-289.65
-20	6676	667600	ab3cc23b-2f26-42bb-b44f-56cd56c78d3b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:48:39	604.347
-20	13352	667600	44fc8cbc-8460-4f20-9bf6-fefe4e0b5ac0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:31:51	325.698
-21	6677	667700	fd1aae81-abc0-4550-b3e6-fce727b70eca	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:51:11	410.262
-21	13354	667700	7a615b09-c744-44cf-96bc-5c4ad1d39d19	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:53:26	-997.150
-22	6678	667800	57c1a865-78f8-4a2f-bb96-e7a7a63aacab	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:51:31	-434.930
-22	13356	667800	db1a2d85-e956-4843-855e-447f95b8e028	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:35:11	386.966
-23	6679	667900	42b4c51f-f2d3-4fd4-978c-a71e91e08ee7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:56:10	-592.559
-23	13358	667900	76403886-2e11-48f2-bbf2-1c618ba7b37f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:12:18	994.657
-24	6680	668000	0f66e059-2d7a-4397-8a4d-5afd198429fd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:25:16	-118.551
-24	13360	668000	1bc5f3e8-ff82-4600-acc8-1441e3c2999f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:42:58	645.635
-25	6681	668100	c3401a4c-e54a-4c4e-a262-632b6c137620	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:17:42	-727.274
-25	13362	668100	95a3c4bb-8171-481f-b639-0ec0b6ea35e2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:39:08	-845.277
-26	6682	668200	5b856183-2261-43bb-b72d-e6735c5f0a93	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:46:38	-740.537
-26	13364	668200	4f5c5b90-e033-4498-be05-167a3942a1b1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:24:06	6.988
-27	6683	668300	06d09935-5ef0-4fa0-bffa-366e60b564f4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:58:24	995.440
-27	13366	668300	7d97e5a4-c781-4ae5-b78a-eed7a47fa75a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:09:16	-365.150
-28	6684	668400	394d66cc-9ece-4b68-86a5-f702fccc6ad6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:22:02	-573.142
-28	13368	668400	bb9553dc-9ca4-4c68-b8c2-385a408fbb13	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:42:37	620.959
-29	6685	668500	0a16ec71-4cc3-43fc-a6ac-dd82974c534f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:21:34	-508.33
-29	13370	668500	03ae3e39-dd38-4711-a730-3c80f556a4b8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:04:16	-447.987
-30	6686	668600	33035a49-89c7-4a2b-9f55-afbc940f8fd4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:54:05	653.945
-30	13372	668600	7e46609e-3613-4779-a68a-94e66d581d13	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:54:17	-19.973
-31	6687	668700	76bf6884-a1dc-4e86-bf69-f6b54b79ac11	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:22:06	371.160
-31	13374	668700	c5ae97ea-2938-41fd-bd1d-9eb85383f7f8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:28:50	-992.261
-32	6688	668800	3dcbefb8-159d-48fe-abf8-5a2cdf2a4008	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:18:43	-725.53
-32	13376	668800	05402224-d8f1-4fb6-90fc-421250b360ac	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:03:25	436.951
-33	6689	668900	e3b8715b-d952-404e-8323-0001cf86647d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:12:44	79.204
-33	13378	668900	140c945e-705c-4dc9-bb70-d1aaa212cc60	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:27:45	-718.893
-34	6690	669000	3adc6812-20e4-4532-b50f-21f5cd78a55b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:21:30	-104.206
-34	13380	669000	8c3082f0-6076-4c78-8d67-d15d4c975407	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:34:43	-46.936
-35	6691	669100	c6e74d92-74ee-4b2b-96ca-7630df22b2d1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:48:03	-616.53
-35	13382	669100	cc8a4cd0-b452-4ec5-af44-25a117d5b596	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:34:46	94.804
-36	6692	669200	00f0962c-21aa-4013-bd3a-473ab301dcf4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:59:40	4.264
-36	13384	669200	937b4afc-8005-496e-ac8e-fb88c23499c4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:42:52	249.381
-37	6693	669300	99cf8309-b967-4836-80ad-8c81558f524f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:37:13	129.665
-37	13386	669300	0be28f5c-388b-4ad2-953d-b25a8f8ad19d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:11:10	378.909
-38	6694	669400	7d018aab-a6a7-4c04-9b2d-0cde0aa07279	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:22:47	430.570
-38	13388	669400	8d35cec8-de26-4578-94ca-1e9168d0ec3f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:42:41	257.278
-39	6695	669500	c5f4a3dc-0c1b-4f6f-bd06-c179223ff8d9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:14:46	-10.688
-39	13390	669500	87f9be63-857f-428b-9e2a-96ce7cf4372a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:03:33	-541.27
-40	6696	669600	fcab8e86-1dd7-496f-a479-74f702e633e0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:51:37	987.62
-40	13392	669600	048e1375-823f-499d-b8de-f8a636561d9a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:57:12	-499.661
-41	6697	669700	ee6f2c68-fecd-435a-a5c6-1719e5948bf9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:45:15	-77.611
-41	13394	669700	36afafc8-2cec-4f4c-8e5c-cc34a860b0c9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:00:53	898.867
-42	6698	669800	b76785dc-1483-48ef-9e65-04f35f232cc9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:01:47	70.339
-42	13396	669800	eba0a730-927f-4531-9247-dba300379465	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:38:01	343.508
-43	6699	669900	68bb5083-ad5b-4f77-82b6-9f0c768b19e0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:03:28	-389.487
-43	13398	669900	d7d6c06a-44b5-4a5f-b450-5d36116a929c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:47:00	-358.88
-44	6700	670000	ce1d74b3-9f72-402d-94ad-7b9ba55fccdc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:21:19	-318.348
-44	13400	670000	41f10d9d-425a-413a-87d4-4611e17195ce	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:04:57	-305.438
-45	6701	670100	2957faa6-1562-47b9-a30a-debd3c70c023	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:23:20	-990.602
-45	13402	670100	ba6af0bb-7cdf-4d07-bd23-f3178ee86ab5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:25:36	20.652
-46	6702	670200	fa3fd7b7-d3d2-4fcd-ab1a-7cece8834c8c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:28:07	663.766
-46	13404	670200	c0ccf46a-829a-420b-aa84-d61acd70b9c0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:42:13	-899.736
-47	6703	670300	05b8bf25-e816-4fab-84c2-90a01ad9e585	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:47:24	424.929
-47	13406	670300	fdacabf0-163a-4354-942a-e05dc7b1161d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:46:10	-460.399
-48	6704	670400	f7beacda-804f-4eff-a1fb-541637a46fc7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:43:13	534.25
-48	13408	670400	67a89c13-058d-4b23-9e40-c9556acd7c25	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:32:07	439.17
-49	6705	670500	9452f1f4-5727-4a55-895b-047caab65ec1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:45:08	955.360
-49	13410	670500	8add1740-d237-422d-9f0b-5fe6b330bccf	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:46:25	138.791
-50	6706	670600	3e3c0641-11f3-4958-9893-7f61bbbc1bec	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:08:53	627.314
-50	13412	670600	c541ae64-ebfa-4b21-81f0-5b408f8b3627	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:13:02	238.231
-51	6707	670700	786c42ad-8c46-4a28-895d-08d95486648c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:20:55	-875.438
-51	13414	670700	625a4509-6ab0-4a95-bbd8-dac96cee7146	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:42:13	-623.567
-52	6708	670800	b054d85b-5372-4627-8359-1e82e7ee0aa5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:48:09	-210.364
-52	13416	670800	c221b506-7d06-49c6-80d1-9b0b913445ff	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:29:52	249.236
-53	6709	670900	5a17c7b4-5ae6-4485-aa0a-d709d292ab19	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:53:46	-522.244
-53	13418	670900	b01b33f8-3448-450b-8b0b-b68dc913dec8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:35:27	952.818
-54	6710	671000	0108c075-461f-4bd0-bbea-eb7a6bd9c279	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:44:03	-843.350
-54	13420	671000	a7d36b89-4796-43a0-91a3-438829e5508b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:03:44	345.464
-55	6711	671100	1a836515-94ec-4cbe-913a-8a10022fa115	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:29:00	84.410
-55	13422	671100	3160bd4e-a88f-4d8e-a960-22713f115098	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:10:43	-202.722
-56	6712	671200	ec5e06ca-bd49-43c1-aba7-eb80ac0f7db0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:59:23	10.230
-56	13424	671200	3490ac29-02d8-4e8f-8d79-757c9139770b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:36:57	659.561
-57	6713	671300	f77256ca-88b5-4817-9882-8accb91452e4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:54:06	-767.807
-57	13426	671300	592adcae-7be4-4c36-8d66-51762615e984	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:19:37	197.668
-58	6714	671400	8e8af30e-fa5e-45d2-8eed-86683faee3dd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:57:52	-934.874
-58	13428	671400	65f77855-fc4c-495d-8837-bec7007910b0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:34:22	739.273
-59	6715	671500	3e9b3062-4c3f-4304-ad74-ca2dd20b2629	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:47:30	522.666
-59	13430	671500	642f8a1d-0c15-4478-b262-e4394f45eb45	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:41:15	-469.670
-60	6716	671600	c19de14c-3284-473a-8cd1-64614f74e624	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:03:08	432.691
-60	13432	671600	9f6225ea-5810-45e2-8d2c-9c83cb826e00	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:06:05	861.149
-61	6717	671700	4770a451-1f3f-49f0-9083-432b556b1afa	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:21:20	256.784
-61	13434	671700	0a1fa7ab-d622-43ca-8fcd-8cd7cb1baafe	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:38:13	8.828
-62	6718	671800	00dcb95f-4872-4636-b23e-86ebf8607f63	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:07:18	-986.525
-62	13436	671800	c5d21a8b-1602-4877-a3f8-f7ad1a297834	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:46:29	0.105
-63	6719	671900	aa10fece-cd43-420c-82d2-d90cce240faf	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:33:58	741.913
-63	13438	671900	01d4d4b7-f5d2-4f4a-97be-becd4dc0e8e0	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:08:17	708.275
-64	6720	672000	c9bb2b98-c183-4e88-b376-7732423cd66a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:05:24	781.321
-64	13440	672000	8f1f641e-f834-45d8-b879-0602b1472775	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:01:27	653.99
-65	6721	672100	70c64b82-e103-49ae-8a49-1605d21cc8dd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:02:40	-644.59
-65	13442	672100	0dada9a9-15e7-4158-b7f4-afc496395782	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:49:31	291.336
-66	6722	672200	9b7d482e-24d5-4057-bcd6-2f534d3df3bd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:32:39	-384.399
-66	13444	672200	5aa5abdc-8368-48ef-9aa8-1ff1f9092930	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:34:53	-820.703
-67	6723	672300	b684a060-868b-4eab-b6f1-3c46eca1f085	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:51:24	-96.457
-67	13446	672300	7542408a-7672-4563-9793-41d5c3dd5c04	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:31:45	565.849
-68	6724	672400	9ec85ed4-741f-48b1-815a-0d064a360837	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:49:13	-697.749
-68	13448	672400	20f42428-2dfe-4285-a549-83dadfc9aa52	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:13:47	559.304
-69	6725	672500	a31f0678-52a9-4ea6-9323-0722a437dd36	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:36:52	-467.642
-69	13450	672500	7eff859f-e175-4e89-b0f7-4c8f0dd53ddc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:40:58	-143.448
-70	6726	672600	a8ce65e5-ecb3-4a9a-a113-79b919b3df4e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:36:16	-767.495
-70	13452	672600	5b5faa3c-0662-40c0-9f4d-09666c984a10	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:43:55	73.106
-71	6727	672700	0ce434f7-acc0-4602-aa40-c7c7d7ba311d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:13:55	-323.113
-71	13454	672700	c0baea95-43d1-46e4-a483-dc6e0af76c88	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:02:15	-706.82
-72	6728	672800	02c770cf-0594-4750-b778-f997f389f551	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:46:22	-760.171
-72	13456	672800	db87a540-1f5e-40ce-a2ce-0fde281d1ade	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:15:59	855.149
-73	6729	672900	16279c3e-c632-4b4f-ba34-51119b2a2344	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:15:54	344.612
-73	13458	672900	10d00631-a625-4564-ade2-7a7ce0ff6b42	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:09:13	-233.709
-74	6730	673000	63f17a59-7698-467d-b28c-4a8957a0c6b2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:56:51	113.599
-74	13460	673000	039dea79-b1bd-4e3f-aaf0-3c2340b6e8ab	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:20:35	-394.398
-75	6731	673100	bead85d2-a6ab-4d99-afc4-68663b8ef120	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:14:23	523.512
-75	13462	673100	91cb5a0c-4229-4ecb-beee-fd10fb1ffcad	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:38:22	-892.249
-76	6732	673200	2d343a55-d398-48b8-a21d-a58d2550f73d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:19:38	576.466
-76	13464	673200	617591bc-60f3-43be-a237-abe97fa13b98	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:45:43	669.195
-77	6733	673300	109e44dd-b45a-4d98-afff-220faad010fa	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:39:00	293.451
-77	13466	673300	22194bb9-d506-429e-9c59-aaa329c42810	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:53:01	441.766
-78	6734	673400	9a07117b-f2d1-4760-9f31-56c4cc623bfb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:46:24	-413.460
-78	13468	673400	a8750ff2-e5f2-4474-a8ea-3bab6059083b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:01:07	-90.868
-79	6735	673500	6786010d-444b-4f8e-ab49-9f00517dfea5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:44:37	-835.889
-79	13470	673500	056213de-e4b2-4a6b-a0af-47935913a87b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:49:18	-789.837
-80	6736	673600	4eea26fa-8c7a-4bf6-84e6-1d5f4b9cfc7e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:22:48	-567.230
-80	13472	673600	f9108960-7039-4970-8493-322adaaf7515	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:06:28	574.42
-81	6737	673700	883d813e-d96b-4141-ae10-3704b4f6f737	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:52:09	679.230
-81	13474	673700	0a9d9762-c919-46f4-afb5-155f9ed4e1ec	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:41:07	713.283
-82	6738	673800	37bfa0aa-18d5-43e8-a271-bc3ae9157c83	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:50:40	-84.642
-82	13476	673800	465dc367-9de0-4f62-9209-a6b3b101d330	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:45:43	537.192
-83	6739	673900	053c1eb4-3d28-49ba-9d34-01981a7e7b9b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:20:43	-582.375
-83	13478	673900	d81579d9-b22b-42d9-96d4-68ad6d97cf1c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:04:21	374.906
-84	6740	674000	773d4388-eb26-467f-b532-eae5c8716d58	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:34:02	448.989
-84	13480	674000	0620b4b0-5ae7-4b06-b2a6-1a4fc0ea3955	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:00:32	-12.92
-85	6741	674100	8f4429e0-b797-451d-81ea-d5e9fdc8843a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:05:37	560.438
-85	13482	674100	d5f168b9-5a66-4939-81d9-d70e17137aca	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:19:12	587.83
-86	6742	674200	26aeae8c-1d4b-4b3b-b5bb-1a760891f8b7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:14:09	-429.823
-86	13484	674200	c11ebf45-eef6-4be1-a6e1-74a7db763e95	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:32:43	-207.757
-87	6743	674300	dc8809a9-903e-40ff-8cdd-b759eb33f78d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:04:20	-840.522
-87	13486	674300	06bce595-ad8c-4590-b91c-f04c6b84a148	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:05:27	-698.899
-88	6744	674400	53b24f89-1eed-4ee0-8a4a-fa36c6457e03	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:46:28	-15.87
-88	13488	674400	00e71f59-8fdf-48f2-b646-6e55c0f3f2e3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:04:35	-243.779
-89	6745	674500	b74528a1-4035-40a6-8032-4d9617a5499d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:20:25	-332.169
-89	13490	674500	acf2a6df-bfd4-4dee-b808-a3969b994d98	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:30:59	-406.286
-90	6746	674600	ec91def6-499e-4d11-bc2c-c1061f8a4004	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:57:11	678.825
-90	13492	674600	c9345e62-57ed-45a3-9702-5d55a3465dd4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:31:56	-352.690
-91	6747	674700	4fed45bf-2070-477b-b9a9-254dbaeb6870	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:19:32	-57.108
-91	13494	674700	b38e63e9-6310-4ad2-bf6b-112f18e05467	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:56:15	-210.232
-92	6748	674800	4f8db509-e54c-4b4d-b6fa-324857e61d95	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:03:37	-996.427
-92	13496	674800	21f95d30-02c6-4211-b1bd-127fbb97f8c8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:59:10	-614.527
-93	6749	674900	709c7acb-b906-4de8-a6da-bf912da2eba4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:13:22	-594.425
-93	13498	674900	1122fbca-2716-4bed-9f54-e1625b4712e1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:16:23	909.684
-94	6750	675000	4736705e-1a4e-477d-b624-d126321c9604	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:27:11	-984.246
-94	13500	675000	82d19a43-3adb-4342-bbe7-2c2200d41b27	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:07:07	774.279
-95	6751	675100	50628183-2618-41a4-9c50-71981e7ae63c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:00:56	620.633
-95	13502	675100	fd8b392b-d493-45b4-afe5-051b56ea600b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:18:57	-491.209
-96	6752	675200	2653b736-2bf6-4970-8732-7f4333c42b8f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:46:14	-611.507
-96	13504	675200	428aee17-11f7-49ec-89af-5288a87ef9e3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:51:17	142.711
-97	6753	675300	ff04658a-0ada-4ee7-8df7-e787e18d0a7e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:12:14	878.249
-97	13506	675300	7ece8176-e3c0-4500-92bb-9da78cd5c453	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:37:59	681.644
-98	6754	675400	2c99e9d8-7a0b-4110-a4c4-5a12c859f4f0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:26:13	-817.985
-98	13508	675400	d57739b2-d5f3-4ef5-8f81-8422ecb1ac79	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:42:20	53.131
-99	6755	675500	57c96153-5b3b-42f2-b490-489315074e65	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:36:40	-995.999
-99	13510	675500	a1a829a7-86f2-490e-859e-3de395ca3dd7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:35:55	-94.746
-100	6756	675600	16ab8682-1e37-4022-99aa-9e3f08523d0c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:49:05	-873.308
-100	13512	675600	ac536083-bae1-4995-a2db-fffcb39bb239	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:55:59	-212.990
-101	6757	675700	c12bd0b0-965d-4bad-8429-c6aa41c159f4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:20:08	947.883
-101	13514	675700	a2746b26-f035-4ed7-b583-c22cbafe3ba8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:19:25	-853.89
-102	6758	675800	518dfcd5-bbb6-4ebf-a1e4-d18e9ebc5b6d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:08:23	953.111
-102	13516	675800	c7f6d3a1-6964-403d-8e51-2be3b5c21a9f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:43:49	-208.94
-103	6759	675900	d35165ce-def9-4a46-95df-ea3e4caf60bb	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:57:13	-423.271
-103	13518	675900	28d741ae-1744-40c2-bd50-ca90d4558c2a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:49:06	512.757
-104	6760	676000	8f614af2-0ab1-4504-859f-69dbe0af59ff	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:37:23	-571.574
-104	13520	676000	dd566c34-c65e-4639-b74a-ef595d4b3337	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:00:04	-329.985
-105	6761	676100	343b25f6-80ab-400a-9fa6-27659b60a6c9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:58:09	944.350
-105	13522	676100	a4ecff8b-5a8e-46fb-926e-9dc5303cd70b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:47:10	604.827
-106	6762	676200	51ae18c1-f049-43dc-ab44-4339cd424701	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:31:28	994.450
-106	13524	676200	58094e9f-b260-4990-9e2e-2fcb87404851	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:57:48	408.68
-107	6763	676300	112774e7-5df8-4a8b-8ced-305dde406c1c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:28:59	381.499
-107	13526	676300	7c601d97-7599-4dfe-b99a-f7606fdce07a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:23:43	479.603
-108	6764	676400	ce647a12-7e7a-4d8a-9492-4f8b49d4e0e5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:19:15	-186.144
-108	13528	676400	b507970e-a187-4fd2-b37b-162b6e6edbb6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:57:00	-688.690
-109	6765	676500	1c527ea6-e46e-48aa-a062-84c548727367	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:45:41	589.776
-109	13530	676500	2cba71de-1eb5-4d8d-bb57-5d40c95050c1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:32:28	379.692
-110	6766	676600	d96f2d4f-3582-4b84-85ec-1ec28f1022a3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:15:22	-292.167
-110	13532	676600	c4d1e11b-a0d6-4d10-a0e7-3002dbe7ae49	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:57:25	725.851
-111	6767	676700	da77df80-ffc0-4971-adf5-5899ae8ee6a4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:11:13	967.727
-111	13534	676700	4a74ce9b-c608-4102-a4be-83da52d4c187	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:30:30	63.565
-112	6768	676800	c1b1f9b5-3baa-491b-8f8b-dbfb84eb6cf4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:36:40	-956.73
-112	13536	676800	d8167afd-9d4d-4639-b0f7-5a4f23ce6b8f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:59:56	-891.142
-113	6769	676900	dbd2f0c3-4ab5-4e76-a5fe-99e104cf660b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:40:27	227.78
-113	13538	676900	173e3ec1-3147-483f-8110-326e53000306	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:36:23	42.450
-114	6770	677000	940a837d-6a51-4442-9aba-74174dc2506c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:36:20	-936.987
-114	13540	677000	c445a8ba-cf26-4b44-8726-7ef0c00f6ec4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:12:57	-260.652
-115	6771	677100	6036670d-6ebb-4e71-b4ca-42274a8167a4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:25:11	-586.508
-115	13542	677100	4594f476-e138-4c99-b6c5-f2b5d18c91e0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:47:37	86.137
-116	6772	677200	4f6c22b2-f051-4db0-898f-da04b9091bae	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:57:55	9.861
-116	13544	677200	622b9f28-8554-47d6-be0a-cd58eaeb8bcb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:00:25	42.72
-117	6773	677300	d8aa1e9c-11df-4e7f-b0fd-ffae7171fb4a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:10:43	-562.174
-117	13546	677300	aa7b3e21-f2cc-470c-8c14-ed959b2645e6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:42:37	-874.886
-118	6774	677400	1fe750fa-5ada-4f02-96a4-993cba0c6754	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:36:51	363.341
-118	13548	677400	058b693e-e704-4772-a9a0-b9d754f9e129	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:12:59	724.503
-119	6775	677500	242644c8-dac1-4c19-82ab-5f5f34630494	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:44:31	470.831
-119	13550	677500	4bcd99ae-d9ad-467d-857b-101c32cef72e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:33:19	503.214
-120	6776	677600	28103bbb-227c-4bba-abb8-c806914079b1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:45:07	153.295
-120	13552	677600	001b3120-c528-42e4-96eb-fd728c5b8126	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:40:43	253.333
-121	6777	677700	e9e376b3-e084-4200-b776-f9163e9dd731	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:00:18	-984.782
-121	13554	677700	03c397c2-e824-452d-bb48-9a71185955ed	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:59:41	774.79
-122	6778	677800	9d6a7f51-9de9-4685-947d-75992b33efc9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:23:25	266.728
-122	13556	677800	9308782f-a037-4cc3-a469-5befa128ed51	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:35:12	-694.310
-123	6779	677900	9ced3902-88c8-4939-bb78-2e7f7fdb8099	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:28:09	804.437
-123	13558	677900	7279fb53-a1b8-47f9-a716-f91886c66b1c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:38:29	-425.113
-124	6780	678000	07ca3334-b23f-4e10-9bd3-0d804e948f15	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:20:56	892.833
-124	13560	678000	1128741b-a7a6-4ae0-844e-45355ad9a527	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:50:24	-174.546
-125	6781	678100	e0865f61-cfe6-49b2-aa0c-0edb804378f1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:59:36	80.335
-125	13562	678100	65fdf259-824a-484b-85bc-c9aaca4cefcf	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:50:41	-506.425
-126	6782	678200	05648b79-d1ba-4d71-8ae2-c7d2c8106a30	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:58:13	843.245
-126	13564	678200	e0037b3c-cdfd-4517-8467-d749bbc6fb19	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:37:37	-937.441
-127	6783	678300	89fa4260-c6c9-4cdf-8e39-663181e37738	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:35:34	362.837
-127	13566	678300	f986b5f8-39cd-4c23-982d-138221d98995	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:43:48	-800.192
-0	6784	678400	e72beee6-f974-47f0-8d3b-fc84f3737b1d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:53:49	900.782
-0	13568	678400	cda1aad0-aa0b-4538-8b16-069102d366cb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:14:11	404.613
-1	6785	678500	556fee0f-e233-49ad-b770-f57af556a869	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:39:47	132.10
-1	13570	678500	af0efd97-7c0f-467d-b8fc-cd5ee57f4bad	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:46:02	482.539
-2	6786	678600	2d26f2dd-6d87-47c6-a358-f017d7984fd9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:44:39	-969.537
-2	13572	678600	5fd3642d-2d80-4e85-811b-c81fe07890ee	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:52:58	446.9
-3	6787	678700	73a0ae87-4c38-4809-b99b-a203cdce353d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:58:34	2.347
-3	13574	678700	6695db2c-add6-4a47-93ec-4d190ea06a7a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:50:42	784.80
-4	6788	678800	49238ee0-8a6b-4738-baba-515e9cd3cba4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:26:08	-482.288
-4	13576	678800	cd590fb4-0ca2-4dd3-a9f0-1ec39611de2d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:06:39	535.66
-5	6789	678900	3fa41d5f-8a21-4fa9-b2f4-7911daaab51c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:31:32	358.143
-5	13578	678900	dbcb669e-658f-40b0-9d01-b3956002b1b3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:32:16	-417.808
-6	6790	679000	d9722e2f-4a58-4b78-89a1-dc18c1fab7d3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:49:18	30.619
-6	13580	679000	1c80b506-54f0-4abd-bc8f-53bc16ed7520	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:43:30	-30.540
-7	6791	679100	e9737df1-d5c6-4a80-af2e-43a22a084b2a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:39:01	19.243
-7	13582	679100	4ce0dcf3-eff4-47db-9603-9b9f47fc6c36	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:08:42	519.894
-8	6792	679200	ff0bc05d-290b-40d1-83e9-c8edfad70d93	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:09:09	74.429
-8	13584	679200	0b9dc2b4-8456-420a-92f7-2fc032b4d9ac	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:26:07	205.562
-9	6793	679300	a2c357c0-d2de-47b6-b596-07007a4592f4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:01:25	269.368
-9	13586	679300	62ea4762-c9e5-4100-82b1-e1de1d45e054	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:52:25	218.276
-10	6794	679400	1c275e19-49a1-48ae-91d5-0f348d1c802c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:16:23	-99.785
-10	13588	679400	13f4ad41-286e-4395-8f9a-15169b8c2007	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:52:49	-176.605
-11	6795	679500	b3ac7e8a-66fe-40bb-9827-f425c2aaf208	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:50:32	813.697
-11	13590	679500	96582043-49f6-43a5-b5d1-740924bdd350	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:33:58	-568.388
-12	6796	679600	1b529f18-a6e1-4a21-bc60-007591a56f7c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:16:11	-594.540
-12	13592	679600	4bdd6a1e-dfc8-4c8b-a7db-5798ca6a3280	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:58:27	-151.509
-13	6797	679700	35a5e762-a0ce-4b6b-b70c-5ccd699a12a1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:50:36	921.290
-13	13594	679700	62060200-10c7-4de9-a574-8280d97dde4e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:31:46	630.238
-14	6798	679800	00c555ee-3b94-43b3-a86b-c3a53f3ca430	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:37:57	-503.231
-14	13596	679800	17b616b0-b4cd-4eb4-bbc6-85f56ceac14e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:29:40	530.435
-15	6799	679900	821d7250-c26b-4e37-88a8-b74692c7dc9a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:47:13	-76.285
-15	13598	679900	22eeb852-a4ed-464b-9c02-9c2cb8c43ee9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:35:24	-452.762
-16	6800	680000	6e958c3f-fc7a-4b23-aec6-343793159a0d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:52:06	-886.248
-16	13600	680000	14137a6f-8f97-42cd-b900-ac5612f0d057	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:34:54	-939.847
-17	6801	680100	0864f365-9fc8-46b5-a025-7b14ef3438d3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:53:05	692.282
-17	13602	680100	d29e8c37-a42a-44d7-9bf4-8157c90aa497	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:30:23	-896.777
-18	6802	680200	dc726c32-3584-42e0-a98b-9993d2e272ad	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:29:53	101.73
-18	13604	680200	77d9a4fc-351f-40b5-923d-c8e7223d3dae	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:53:20	-103.899
-19	6803	680300	dacfb84a-e062-4f8a-9226-3eb172623a1e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:18:44	-886.652
-19	13606	680300	5735330e-8537-4546-9ee3-848941bf9bb5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:14:08	71.663
-20	6804	680400	3408b40e-71aa-4232-9db0-80bdd1e8682a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:44:28	-606.817
-20	13608	680400	0a6f8c0e-578d-49b6-8117-76332946cd64	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:43:05	126.664
-21	6805	680500	ff7cbe45-cd07-4fcd-a5d1-d86d08a230e8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:04:29	-354.331
-21	13610	680500	1299411c-80cf-4373-a4cf-d61460d8f180	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:12:40	16.976
-22	6806	680600	5e3f2d58-9251-427c-b7d0-094349cd81c5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:17:45	-979.149
-22	13612	680600	7200478d-bb5e-41b7-afb9-b4cbf8532b3c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:08:57	768.153
-23	6807	680700	a8338bad-1dea-4509-a601-e8773211b01f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:13:05	-604.933
-23	13614	680700	aad309bf-0b3c-4b90-9760-6354cdc118f9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:13:47	-467.418
-24	6808	680800	3ed3ceef-0784-4541-9d99-0d119f2fb0bf	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:55:34	-837.830
-24	13616	680800	a3a78dce-3934-411e-8efa-68b52e75eab7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:13:46	-490.223
-25	6809	680900	77fe81d7-9768-4908-bcf0-45cd88c141e7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:50:30	617.524
-25	13618	680900	f274967b-17c2-4b43-94ec-d9345a8dfcc5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:45:38	754.43
-26	6810	681000	ebf87d62-edfb-472d-b9b2-4a3991a53a2e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:26:06	-790.484
-26	13620	681000	adfe653b-0875-41b7-b537-cbd38e874e41	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:07:48	521.404
-27	6811	681100	d5c971d7-3861-489a-a26f-9cb14d596bd3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:34:01	-405.382
-27	13622	681100	bfaab993-ee91-455a-9f2a-2a12bc9de682	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:34:30	-586.526
-28	6812	681200	fff2dfec-943a-4f1e-9faa-c337b0df0a69	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:32:09	605.761
-28	13624	681200	a9ffc003-d979-4014-b95a-ef6f45e93501	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:02:54	228.366
-29	6813	681300	e7716175-83b8-4708-820e-26c73f9573fc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:09:03	971.191
-29	13626	681300	4616a643-ce3d-47f4-8057-8f2df2137c99	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:22:15	50.158
-30	6814	681400	cf2314c2-6553-4fc1-a72f-8e55236566c0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:43:03	-238.253
-30	13628	681400	dd61276d-4fac-4606-a1c4-4e99045e8e66	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:06:57	-173.168
-31	6815	681500	5c0d4ca9-c8bd-4c71-b89c-d102a7a2312a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:40:09	314.843
-31	13630	681500	c5e0887a-20b7-4b93-a7d2-191850173c17	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:09:05	-126.524
-32	6816	681600	4a0f7372-b716-4ac7-93c9-45719629ea25	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:53:39	-487.75
-32	13632	681600	20471683-b61c-43d0-90aa-b1d5f09d678c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:44:27	-444.182
-33	6817	681700	f8afe957-a162-47aa-ba2e-072b5a10434d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:34:06	929.35
-33	13634	681700	007b5713-53cc-48c0-8feb-7dab66299229	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:33:17	987.886
-34	6818	681800	a4b89a13-358a-4909-8403-bfaec3d5924c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:25:53	-989.284
-34	13636	681800	5114ca92-f7aa-4b06-bedd-804c7a64ce45	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:36:55	-921.91
-35	6819	681900	b28c1360-f914-403f-84f8-3ed1b441c367	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:12:06	-526.735
-35	13638	681900	38acebf9-eabf-4dbb-b487-2d3802e44e07	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:48:53	-805.475
-36	6820	682000	0b1dc009-b634-464e-90a6-375586a9d885	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:42:54	978.64
-36	13640	682000	9d46b128-b273-4f08-9da5-1b522bd4a4a8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:17:07	958.751
-37	6821	682100	ac096a3d-aaec-489f-a716-725fe213494c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:08:01	584.399
-37	13642	682100	1c7456dc-ecca-4a85-ad10-450ff0370a1f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:07:12	584.154
-38	6822	682200	fd007cfd-d3fc-40c5-960f-538cf5bdbebd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:35:46	-416.842
-38	13644	682200	5c0a1485-5cb9-4028-b7ac-1b0e4088235a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:42:21	-977.596
-39	6823	682300	ae6d1f58-ba62-4ef2-8ce3-0adcb10caa53	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:50:35	585.885
-39	13646	682300	65dba229-94cd-4b93-844e-6791c0d8f9c8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:18:05	441.290
-40	6824	682400	b8b36bfc-6428-4f72-acfc-f1207adcd037	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:36:24	432.508
-40	13648	682400	4af309d4-7635-490d-b605-4f07afbde6de	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:10:29	100.740
-41	6825	682500	6d3377b2-da45-4b0e-963d-6e213d707feb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:22:59	-358.381
-41	13650	682500	07a65bcf-6155-4b58-8952-9a68028d2602	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:50:50	-987.951
-42	6826	682600	dd8a8f07-f6bf-403d-9845-0204af5822cf	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:46:54	267.133
-42	13652	682600	f41a1e08-ea82-4032-aa6f-3f961227ea4f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:22:13	-329.91
-43	6827	682700	91400acd-615f-430d-aabf-4e5a180cd207	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:04:24	904.957
-43	13654	682700	c6aac45a-00e5-46ae-bdfe-0ac71ec999b8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:09:22	745.148
-44	6828	682800	42b0357d-939e-4592-8a70-f313ddb6113f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:43:58	295.391
-44	13656	682800	70624068-3b1d-49d8-a60a-7fcc5a26328b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:17:06	108.475
-45	6829	682900	379d3de6-2614-44e9-bd11-63e001f8730a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:57:23	-813.190
-45	13658	682900	5933fab2-8265-484c-8151-f1ef362232e7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:43:34	373.932
-46	6830	683000	de7f12a5-9fb1-4a34-8826-1ad8e85fa748	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:39:34	-269.219
-46	13660	683000	82e5bc68-97f8-4223-914a-d538e13c74fe	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:03:32	-451.643
-47	6831	683100	bcf2c70a-ae6a-445c-8835-3608cc740a15	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:31:21	409.107
-47	13662	683100	72551fd8-8e3c-49f7-baa5-333a67acf223	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:45:38	-562.609
-48	6832	683200	8fc3c99b-1024-40d8-91c6-3198dd9aeaef	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:24:28	920.819
-48	13664	683200	c6adf641-85cd-4821-8151-22b09df01857	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:40:14	700.611
-49	6833	683300	c0e88ae6-67ca-4698-b3df-faaad2725f45	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:45:07	827.369
-49	13666	683300	b76cada7-274e-439d-9dcc-ce3625bf3318	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:04:07	579.419
-50	6834	683400	7bb59129-4450-4d72-8163-d4caf020c84f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:45:20	487.101
-50	13668	683400	62e27682-63e9-4201-b1ed-0e83c6f80ec0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:37:48	-476.484
-51	6835	683500	563f7ca2-5e64-4514-9092-4b292b105737	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:52:30	-252.549
-51	13670	683500	7868726a-fe4f-4cdb-98c5-d0fc6af99b98	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:52:00	-772.39
-52	6836	683600	f1b2baf5-6f7b-4597-95c7-b7d7d923ea55	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:35:50	-149.589
-52	13672	683600	ad833c34-1b65-4cfb-91b7-ed9b6a9e471d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:36:22	-203.498
-53	6837	683700	5e001c15-ae54-40be-b78e-3a8f2e0c2e02	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:11:32	-851.943
-53	13674	683700	b4fd0151-7a2d-48ee-aa3a-a778836a77d4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:56:14	-887.974
-54	6838	683800	d70635fa-8c70-47ec-9152-a03fceef24ea	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:28:46	125.903
-54	13676	683800	9c5c1fb1-8950-4245-b52f-5ece9dfdd6ee	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:42:33	-156.904
-55	6839	683900	f7b79d07-e9e0-4c77-a75b-94eb434038d4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:14:17	952.503
-55	13678	683900	d8107291-f486-4642-ad6f-2c6f50dc9360	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:00:06	686.930
-56	6840	684000	16d814be-b518-4a17-b9e0-879fed1eacbb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:51:08	419.691
-56	13680	684000	6f0a2e13-117a-4bf3-b5e5-6fe88cdc086e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:17:21	312.32
-57	6841	684100	b42647cc-842b-4fc7-bc48-4416b7d4bb5c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:09:12	-863.880
-57	13682	684100	851adc24-bd29-4b39-9c80-de4e6e85b895	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:48:23	362.546
-58	6842	684200	ba53ab49-5b49-4aea-80f7-20da171bf38c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:13:28	-185.737
-58	13684	684200	d4123942-7b89-4bee-896c-9a43b1382e14	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:15:16	-269.805
-59	6843	684300	27f1560e-5e08-46ea-ae57-66a1317d9ff8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:42:25	845.599
-59	13686	684300	3cc97e4f-78ab-40ee-a675-456d5b8d9079	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:46:39	951.70
-60	6844	684400	3e7fc684-a3d7-435c-9e3b-8b93d6cb55fc	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:47:45	-355.835
-60	13688	684400	3b4fa294-b05a-4c3f-bc50-735272dcbe58	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:30:53	412.477
-61	6845	684500	2c535483-8f5b-48ce-8997-abc200f2b72a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:57:25	864.696
-61	13690	684500	e7546453-35c6-49ac-8992-db3044f868d8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:43:56	564.590
-62	6846	684600	058207dc-ba22-4062-807f-d16c500c5a0b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:56:37	28.709
-62	13692	684600	9c5926f2-63ae-410e-911e-fd1841a2ba64	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:16:53	623.5
-63	6847	684700	9e1a7404-6ae5-4af0-9ee8-6da9c8c5af38	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:07:37	-736.165
-63	13694	684700	f3df010c-b1b8-4e92-b051-30d93b35858f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:16:41	-437.216
-64	6848	684800	dd0b9755-7a9a-4525-8cbb-608d0a34da17	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:26:56	773.249
-64	13696	684800	b1654dac-e3d3-4d78-85f5-6aeebe971cfd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:07:09	-783.411
-65	6849	684900	6636cff9-2e8c-4f90-9779-20a94726f83c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:19:47	-395.966
-65	13698	684900	5c7e502a-b9c4-4ccf-97a9-e1155ba1b64a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:31:02	-439.779
-66	6850	685000	27dab629-413e-4572-b152-a67cc29f6b26	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:43:06	28.930
-66	13700	685000	af569f29-ccf8-44e6-883a-6ac072c05a7e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:09:32	962.810
-67	6851	685100	72575ac2-4fe2-48ce-abc7-d39fa61dc4e9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:24:50	146.617
-67	13702	685100	c5836c23-5151-4181-af1e-f55cb167967c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:07:05	-708.462
-68	6852	685200	fc6382ab-04fe-467a-8210-2ef9c5a0b7d3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:11:21	-984.269
-68	13704	685200	9c0d566e-4599-44f5-9d76-13dadbcfff4c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:01:04	172.844
-69	6853	685300	901ee9fc-9386-4add-a2a4-bdf7b9aedfdf	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:16:46	-686.847
-69	13706	685300	cc600eaa-f745-49fd-9a82-e4b9ccc1a8b2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:22:34	990.533
-70	6854	685400	ddb3f6b1-b52e-40e3-a281-9b1bce8a5657	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:57:49	-18.260
-70	13708	685400	82c98004-239b-4bfe-a54b-dda7147d7dd8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:14:20	102.220
-71	6855	685500	b6da3db7-2afd-454f-91a0-bd0137fc0643	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:14:51	64.199
-71	13710	685500	3ad0664e-8069-4fea-9890-0d98bcf06955	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:52:35	213.265
-72	6856	685600	b0f80bc5-33a8-4ee4-9dd8-1e01360a2eac	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:03:24	816.27
-72	13712	685600	15e74189-6ca8-494e-bbef-895017d4a13c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:50:07	-964.858
-73	6857	685700	240d77f1-1ac1-4004-96ab-1398d0e0cf8d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:43:30	-40.91
-73	13714	685700	d005a071-a845-4fa1-91a7-0e0633354a43	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:05:16	-888.128
-74	6858	685800	0f1b7ea0-e028-4536-8173-b89c2d7b9183	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:03:02	-369.275
-74	13716	685800	ccebe961-aa37-4bf8-85d1-c0c3a5d78d7e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:17:13	-722.658
-75	6859	685900	1c0c23ce-96e6-4b8e-95bb-66393f79a03c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:29:12	-115.804
-75	13718	685900	82347d09-7423-4425-a7ba-5301d58eace2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:47:25	-798.828
-76	6860	686000	2859be44-f894-4484-82b0-60f81979ecd9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:00:09	693.757
-76	13720	686000	cde766bf-6684-4039-8577-3cc7ec8a8e5d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:37:43	-879.443
-77	6861	686100	b6a1aaa1-792e-4558-92fa-81ad7f137e2e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:54:18	-368.390
-77	13722	686100	36197468-9738-4124-a4cd-7b4cc9be5bec	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:12:59	681.312
-78	6862	686200	7e17d58a-df80-4214-9bfc-a44725a7679f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:15:36	-115.619
-78	13724	686200	fbd98256-b0c8-476f-8290-d0af0f4a15a1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:53:15	-436.273
-79	6863	686300	4b6e1cfa-daf5-44a9-83ed-47c1cbda041a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:52:00	-118.891
-79	13726	686300	13d92a99-4f15-4f9d-b4d6-cecbb91e9e32	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:55:14	-601.630
-80	6864	686400	84c6f60a-7edb-4871-85cf-1f7d3ef30ae1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:43:36	840.75
-80	13728	686400	5496df81-50d4-4c12-b6d4-6454e47bbc4d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:42:52	603.10
-81	6865	686500	cd358a84-1f2f-4416-af49-f9be899ae106	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:31:48	-409.551
-81	13730	686500	3f9eb9d4-18e7-4d78-9def-b2b182ef266d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:18:07	-740.938
-82	6866	686600	cab403ae-b04e-4198-86d9-a330a8282253	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:35:58	939.248
-82	13732	686600	e05558e9-7843-4e9c-992e-d48576422c66	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:11:19	-819.708
-83	6867	686700	1aa3492a-e0fb-46a5-bbed-8075835f8e04	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:09:43	-59.35
-83	13734	686700	921176d9-c00b-4a70-9d20-8d054207865a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:08:08	-443.906
-84	6868	686800	50e9fbae-0f85-496a-95e8-190c8e096bff	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:28:48	867.744
-84	13736	686800	0e71d006-0821-4ab4-b2d1-b3ad69362597	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:13:58	818.405
-85	6869	686900	a9b2de0b-5757-4129-b685-69721b0f15e4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:46:05	676.319
-85	13738	686900	c4766469-a011-4d2c-8cba-743d0e8324d0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:14:22	-619.249
-86	6870	687000	540cfc60-d450-468d-9fdd-6d4b6badcb48	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:04:23	991.346
-86	13740	687000	05297c41-d852-4486-8bf4-ad22759b33eb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:42:24	-366.85
-87	6871	687100	0ca3d382-291f-497b-ae14-e59d0a5d594a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:21:35	-263.851
-87	13742	687100	a0a8848f-e2ad-4d8d-b76c-c8d557772e1f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:46:32	-138.342
-88	6872	687200	3af68661-5b45-4a4e-8ce8-11338fb5bde4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:59:45	251.345
-88	13744	687200	443f91af-44c1-43c8-b2d4-25dc1420f659	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:21:47	516.411
-89	6873	687300	7ce11491-e166-4de9-878f-7fd1b48cbd32	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:03:46	599.692
-89	13746	687300	8daaca14-b63c-4b3b-8a8d-946f9e4e64c9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:43:57	-143.48
-90	6874	687400	75a0defb-d6ce-4123-aa88-bfa0cae2b024	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:39:41	254.137
-90	13748	687400	b9d83f31-fbbd-4977-a065-72b62e0c7727	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:52:12	-447.876
-91	6875	687500	5fa7b85a-28c2-4db6-b5a2-1dc53c68afc1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:37:31	660.315
-91	13750	687500	9b84894c-f891-4a15-886f-abe9101a5ad6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:25:07	36.814
-92	6876	687600	a0ade130-4155-4b10-a82a-9a49494385ac	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:01:25	428.995
-92	13752	687600	8f0a5cf3-d05d-4622-be42-d0b014c793af	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:06:04	-579.2
-93	6877	687700	c1afb23f-5c95-420b-9e69-cd212461ce91	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:41:00	-922.290
-93	13754	687700	a135e0df-09e2-4f3f-bad5-994d5519771d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:15:20	63.406
-94	6878	687800	2e7a6676-53e4-4577-8250-52af32852e13	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:57:11	746.748
-94	13756	687800	56e8d6a0-f5f5-4608-b365-09b2fa229c06	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:46:09	757.225
-95	6879	687900	3f0b0b6a-e565-4376-82ee-c958c945952f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:41:48	453.677
-95	13758	687900	b331c87d-6c86-4192-ab99-ecb2cf1d4299	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:52:57	678.98
-96	6880	688000	b3df27b9-3645-467b-9535-08a8d9c27e01	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:16:07	307.914
-96	13760	688000	8d3d6158-ef92-4f65-b1c9-7c409f7c0e96	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:30:08	-713.79
-97	6881	688100	0b4ae206-cf3b-4cc2-a98e-50caf0394146	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:34:34	-213.223
-97	13762	688100	47df0601-72db-4103-be52-f75fddc5ea8f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:50:01	554.500
-98	6882	688200	844e03f0-90a1-44f1-bb10-db1361df3a69	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:14:37	-488.85
-98	13764	688200	d963ce55-0c74-438b-94ec-061462cd195a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:44:45	-497.448
-99	6883	688300	ff207ba9-f384-4501-b3ce-b0055e659c2d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:59:57	616.952
-99	13766	688300	2bd1373c-296c-4db6-abd7-e38493cda58a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:29:21	-703.544
-100	6884	688400	e82dda71-9b72-48f6-84e2-ac8a7ffc067b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:04:28	-254.669
-100	13768	688400	cf8814b2-35e2-4768-b218-17a5d3343a02	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:30:03	-967.904
-101	6885	688500	57d18e00-6007-4090-a671-10d390f073ab	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:45:57	772.302
-101	13770	688500	436c659f-cc64-4b9e-9761-627c39e5c2a4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:22:01	294.837
-102	6886	688600	923d788b-e879-4d18-b422-290d55e6c6e4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:12:27	-467.940
-102	13772	688600	2c0118e3-c860-4ade-a869-9a9594e0dce9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:49:24	130.693
-103	6887	688700	ae9d957e-0435-40ae-9958-73105fc017d9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:29:31	255.522
-103	13774	688700	2c8a9b3f-4617-4d8c-a7bf-f8b0cfc78c9f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:37:52	-931.615
-104	6888	688800	55c0563a-0943-4b80-b273-be7af8ed7ffc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:35:38	-49.827
-104	13776	688800	ec691fa9-f37e-4c86-9b05-03bc2d24e92f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:23:04	156.670
-105	6889	688900	5e62df5f-89a0-45dd-b26a-028ff8d5ca5f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:26:55	-102.294
-105	13778	688900	79ac7d04-4920-4658-86ee-9e415fb14d67	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:49:57	462.154
-106	6890	689000	5be5e7a9-89f0-4a0a-9e42-7cc919f8ec32	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:25:35	-851.998
-106	13780	689000	efe5a9b0-c34d-4ec4-b794-0530bf876a89	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:24:45	402.395
-107	6891	689100	2c967a31-c67a-4ee9-b980-1f9b1f4c71c1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:22:45	-362.522
-107	13782	689100	d268616a-d97b-4b3a-88e1-b5599f793446	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:31:12	-675.171
-108	6892	689200	80f920e2-ce31-4765-9e69-e24381fa898b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:12:40	305.899
-108	13784	689200	b680cfe2-40a1-4d50-8cd6-5786ab62fad5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:07:23	644.801
-109	6893	689300	4f097c44-495a-4014-ad5e-238fcdcadfb8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:37:35	353.967
-109	13786	689300	882c7e0f-11cb-44ba-bd9f-7f92b9a16226	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:01:42	393.970
-110	6894	689400	9ae7268b-12d3-423b-aebf-e3381726f977	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:12:34	-862.360
-110	13788	689400	8ee39198-b486-4776-bb8a-26ead2e8d4ad	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:51:15	914.454
-111	6895	689500	acc9a66b-2ff5-49e6-baf9-da30204dbfeb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:35:18	302.847
-111	13790	689500	3a01892b-3da5-4588-8a1c-55b48ab08752	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:01:22	-94.151
-112	6896	689600	b9a4b862-19bf-418c-a263-538f30a340c6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:07:07	-782.63
-112	13792	689600	be4ca069-e258-434d-87e3-3577cf59bb90	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:16:05	106.83
-113	6897	689700	02d75938-fa6f-4820-a7a3-441824ca3765	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:19:57	830.150
-113	13794	689700	f9cf4ccc-75ff-4002-bfd3-d98f23df156f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:14:12	305.627
-114	6898	689800	288d0616-f954-4d9c-9eec-595947833e2a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:51:49	41.921
-114	13796	689800	de348a68-cd4f-4af6-b31a-8fd83a3be4b0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:48:56	-176.142
-115	6899	689900	aebfb102-b437-4fd1-ad64-1b1ceb61b78b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:46:13	32.665
-115	13798	689900	dda72289-a915-417a-8687-8bbc5132ef62	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:12:03	-501.391
-116	6900	690000	e718ed32-1b8e-446e-b50c-8e40906f79fd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:11:01	-883.261
-116	13800	690000	48f0dec8-14ce-4410-a787-0b81135ff340	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:20:18	-112.12
-117	6901	690100	f0575686-4b1e-4c7c-87d0-399a5b026f90	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:44:51	-161.347
-117	13802	690100	63c5c18e-bbd5-496c-bdbb-09aa6d5f9737	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:02:14	949.418
-118	6902	690200	ee32e2f0-d460-44ae-90b2-de1a5cc9614a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:24:35	976.188
-118	13804	690200	461a35f8-2804-4603-a813-c5dcbf0db478	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:14:01	465.794
-119	6903	690300	15b2b170-a7d6-4f92-914f-4e4d2f4d2b13	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:21:34	384.122
-119	13806	690300	5012b31b-29ac-4aa3-b270-f42c22cc0d5b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:54:37	456.576
-120	6904	690400	b21895e7-d60a-40c5-84bb-ef0bc35a00d0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:58:10	840.323
-120	13808	690400	0518d3b7-92f0-425d-a85c-8f693570b4bc	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:32:27	-460.622
-121	6905	690500	43e9902d-f47c-479e-8090-f179e00a14ea	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:38:17	-772.72
-121	13810	690500	0abb11e2-cb2b-42b1-afdb-1625b5a63271	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:48:21	-746.179
-122	6906	690600	dc1df635-b68e-4074-b335-dfe52ce0fdd3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:37:00	460.584
-122	13812	690600	c0a28c64-01d2-497f-9220-f3b114e23b83	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:00:30	408.588
-123	6907	690700	d1766134-f437-4d37-a2db-32235fcad178	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:29:13	-185.947
-123	13814	690700	5cbe7ec9-32c6-4cd1-9fd6-175fa7e2bfc4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:38:53	332.645
-124	6908	690800	0b468630-a358-4d54-af8c-c385525c2255	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:23:19	-309.294
-124	13816	690800	d610d7af-82df-430a-8b06-114b18ce0e16	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:17:45	-404.225
-125	6909	690900	a2aea149-f312-450c-8701-b06b194e0f02	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:43:45	524.919
-125	13818	690900	d3af8f6e-a0c0-4d36-98e1-d8a3066cd26b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:20:55	199.108
-126	6910	691000	dee9c047-8486-4c73-9e4a-11638539b516	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:01:02	-457.347
-126	13820	691000	360460d1-6adc-4d97-8aad-92acbb3fd5e2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:14:54	67.609
-127	6911	691100	22990ae7-f5dc-40da-8165-432289f1dec5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:38:17	268.871
-127	13822	691100	8884e592-bc3c-49f7-9622-86efc1ea5147	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:56:25	144.920
-0	6912	691200	5777e375-3f9b-4409-90df-9eefa51ec89c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:33:26	-742.238
-0	13824	691200	5df79f7a-4c8f-47a6-a813-f9bf2fa99a13	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:15:03	81.23
-1	6913	691300	599d0d16-ebbc-4b6a-86eb-bfb755897e92	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:14:57	39.54
-1	13826	691300	25494dff-6a77-404e-bb6f-e2199e748426	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:09:15	-594.995
-2	6914	691400	c57cce30-93fd-47d8-b94f-ab8bfef9701f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:53:26	420.685
-2	13828	691400	064e52c2-8dd0-4296-b4bd-3e4fe3fdc350	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:30:41	345.585
-3	6915	691500	a3b3f75f-392c-4585-960d-77d60713e6cf	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:06:00	527.67
-3	13830	691500	f43ad4c8-9624-4da6-8838-0fc6eb324566	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:35:21	874.152
-4	6916	691600	a481bf49-dad7-410a-8f76-6e04ac39400b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:15:24	578.221
-4	13832	691600	68c58374-2ca0-4e7a-ba06-415eeed2fbf6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:47:38	-800.570
-5	6917	691700	8a264b12-1aa3-4183-993e-9fcdda97f3d2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:08:50	-590.592
-5	13834	691700	af36ec2a-9769-4dc7-a7a1-5fe1dd0b909a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:58:07	448.45
-6	6918	691800	370a10fc-b653-487a-9755-0aae059f8c74	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:06:54	573.515
-6	13836	691800	ec70e0b7-053f-4122-bbc8-5ea9a1c18411	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:45:38	435.278
-7	6919	691900	eaea2ca4-2f22-416a-a13b-c0c8527e3e72	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:59:21	312.240
-7	13838	691900	16e82b56-260b-418c-a9f8-674eb0a5dc8b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:43:18	976.740
-8	6920	692000	9a3347da-ec00-4ba9-bebc-ced715a4c6a5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:40:40	587.908
-8	13840	692000	58bb9e18-077d-4746-8218-98cf1fb0bf1a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:51:39	-657.551
-9	6921	692100	cf5f2b21-cc5a-4db8-925a-3a20a8c8beeb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:31:49	799.759
-9	13842	692100	058d9f34-500a-48fe-84b8-3be614edaf6e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:48:18	-888.833
-10	6922	692200	950adcb4-3bba-4293-9ec4-8c0b126fae87	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:33:13	-399.375
-10	13844	692200	9e67102c-3262-4951-b2f5-934582d395eb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:11:27	771.281
-11	6923	692300	52b61728-02e2-4593-89a7-30cacff2a731	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:12:24	-251.929
-11	13846	692300	eece2d69-30a0-4a53-87f9-375e93730b02	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:21:07	-370.724
-12	6924	692400	c6e6f053-ad36-4bd3-b2d4-d45360a6c3b3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:20:55	-629.321
-12	13848	692400	deba5547-aa2b-43c1-875c-a8b578b0e14b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:44:52	50.597
-13	6925	692500	f3253150-5e52-4914-825e-70df6a8e1597	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:01:12	229.690
-13	13850	692500	b64bb34a-c150-4e35-bba5-9eede6c34323	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:19:48	779.212
-14	6926	692600	fe9a064c-db99-4352-b86a-47c876209e3e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:05:33	839.82
-14	13852	692600	1a9d0e71-d463-4b14-92eb-3620d1c2d648	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:10:42	-457.793
-15	6927	692700	b5df3999-df03-4838-9f23-2d0d644b352f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:23:11	413.345
-15	13854	692700	9dff965c-14d5-40ec-b045-93b9ad87c634	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:44:10	-815.376
-16	6928	692800	45eccf0c-76cd-43b4-a356-e1abbad35b50	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:37:09	-754.291
-16	13856	692800	291e649d-98cd-4135-ad9d-a3aec93f0c54	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:18:15	259.216
-17	6929	692900	da961cc9-f23b-4cd7-bc31-5a632a09024b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:48:12	17.861
-17	13858	692900	868bce00-b60c-47ae-981b-3fd635e4a353	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:05:42	174.457
-18	6930	693000	eb0b1d23-c2df-400c-979d-0bde9d0f9ebf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:18:48	-660.647
-18	13860	693000	f2a1cdf6-9a52-4f9d-a6f5-21f42c3e0e0c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:41:06	715.361
-19	6931	693100	3fbd5bd6-4d4d-4fb9-86de-11dec2952fb3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:07:11	-822.697
-19	13862	693100	985af0e5-3052-4b9a-a8a0-17a918a787ab	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:44:00	-849.390
-20	6932	693200	ce1288ec-9f77-4c3b-8c18-c912f895af84	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:33:13	316.570
-20	13864	693200	35ad741e-cd3a-4dff-90f6-2c2a0af77d69	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:24:37	679.457
-21	6933	693300	c5b4ca98-17c0-42f3-a163-0ac7fc1387cb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:55:18	-706.655
-21	13866	693300	f286d4e7-2d01-4ce0-addb-60adaed012f2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:39:37	580.310
-22	6934	693400	a0e96b9e-d52e-4df7-bee1-2fb00aec8f74	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:37:54	-201.638
-22	13868	693400	34d53366-8a9f-4c4e-addf-240223879cad	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:34:53	-543.522
-23	6935	693500	11200fd9-2768-444b-b095-16966311003f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:58:36	800.96
-23	13870	693500	3c8a58ea-34cb-48ef-b40b-3678bf5e9e24	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:26:23	212.771
-24	6936	693600	49bbd46f-dd89-4b3f-9dfb-15cf7e1fdf81	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:01:31	419.708
-24	13872	693600	f6139b59-5869-4d38-8b14-898149f8ee4e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:39:11	424.519
-25	6937	693700	a942d065-8564-4949-a0aa-5ef6e7d5bdb2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:18:02	-14.355
-25	13874	693700	eb4019ce-f498-4ae5-b495-51fee0454a51	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:43:30	-283.907
-26	6938	693800	69022eb6-b270-4f73-b251-5a5d8911059e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:12:08	999.242
-26	13876	693800	0184a046-f34e-47a0-b7d6-27738fa852ac	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:45:42	-310.209
-27	6939	693900	66fbb525-6619-4ac6-8957-e4ffa0d67949	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:12:07	-599.505
-27	13878	693900	34da8a75-1dbe-4de2-acb8-370111946619	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:09:03	-12.57
-28	6940	694000	d3f892e6-17a4-43f8-a42a-39ae57bda1cf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:34:02	-542.7
-28	13880	694000	30c71bf6-e0af-4087-9f9e-171bf8a9eeba	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:25:02	184.491
-29	6941	694100	d66205d6-ffc8-4457-acd1-7b85c1a2e2b8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:05:05	-797.936
-29	13882	694100	69449774-e5b1-4af7-8514-2b3c30f5337e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:46:06	688.130
-30	6942	694200	224aa931-1cf9-4d67-8653-8422c260221e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:17:11	-424.736
-30	13884	694200	8246fa4a-8904-4d8b-9499-084b392f4d7b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:46:56	355.128
-31	6943	694300	91faa16f-e476-4cba-a880-58a40b7be523	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:03:20	-734.747
-31	13886	694300	e1ce3d48-9520-46b3-a804-46027034071a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:49:52	308.380
-32	6944	694400	67f1629a-3b2d-4ec4-9617-1f413e5fca77	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:30:27	107.789
-32	13888	694400	d16aa193-f20a-4684-a520-0cd6533a605f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:46:04	-825.882
-33	6945	694500	3fba07ec-7020-4b7e-8d89-0ff65f52865b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:06:32	-764.891
-33	13890	694500	28ca842a-d395-4238-a688-2e8f2291190d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:37:27	104.885
-34	6946	694600	a5618190-22dd-48ec-b404-6fcaa7b31b2f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:37:56	-801.347
-34	13892	694600	b67808b4-de71-49ea-b86f-1003b68c4f1c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:41:14	882.734
-35	6947	694700	7ae23557-52a9-4846-95a6-a91762ede09c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:34:45	310.253
-35	13894	694700	a0afb184-c07f-4ecb-918f-5c2f9036566c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:58:35	-126.440
-36	6948	694800	e37eff85-6c6e-4f80-a4f2-a8d57db0dfb0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:11:09	-360.61
-36	13896	694800	42884193-2761-4bf6-828b-6df847f989c7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:07:44	-35.269
-37	6949	694900	66b71f43-083e-4469-9919-db3999cb92ed	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:15:28	-735.161
-37	13898	694900	4512f8ee-44f2-4c31-976b-acbc36ddce19	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:51:20	654.213
-38	6950	695000	bc6438d6-df6c-45bd-91a6-88ecce9c2301	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:30:38	280.433
-38	13900	695000	3493a647-f476-4f33-9d55-6ea81af3be3b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:42:08	678.39
-39	6951	695100	82473b2d-9b2c-4f07-8d05-f9daca1bdbce	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:11:42	72.432
-39	13902	695100	17cad2ab-6893-438a-b0fc-1923615ad31e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:55:42	828.174
-40	6952	695200	0b7ee540-f546-4610-81e4-6dfb67576881	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:20:13	-959.299
-40	13904	695200	4a2653c8-0289-44c0-ac5b-dc37fde9443e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:32:31	-715.50
-41	6953	695300	18681323-52ff-4c2b-9ca6-bfed84eb2c31	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:07:15	575.833
-41	13906	695300	86c7393d-aa2c-49b9-b93a-91c048884c13	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:59:35	951.154
-42	6954	695400	25b23876-c8fd-46f1-a6cd-39fe9b51d0aa	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:55:37	851.305
-42	13908	695400	f488f718-9913-4451-94bd-4dc30401ffb3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:59:47	-156.85
-43	6955	695500	e6399114-d02d-4b4d-88f9-fff456cdce85	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:18:52	407.662
-43	13910	695500	bf0aac0a-a2bd-43f8-b559-67dc49ab42e9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:13:58	507.779
-44	6956	695600	35db8317-af9a-46f2-b03e-f2e3a6622800	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:16:32	-145.923
-44	13912	695600	a7e4cf0e-ec51-4003-81f4-9639aa553dc1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:24:48	263.449
-45	6957	695700	0cc5c461-d20f-455d-805a-eab12cbc957d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:19:19	141.746
-45	13914	695700	1ed5857d-b34a-4dde-aca9-f38bfc55d483	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:50:08	-262.376
-46	6958	695800	26f70d58-5e43-4ae3-9998-e8c558b1e3f0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:20:01	710.111
-46	13916	695800	1ba4cc34-237a-4e48-b302-8d229a8d751b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:58:08	390.90
-47	6959	695900	b48dfd00-ea9c-4f9e-8f6f-5497e0302ccd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:12:06	-213.794
-47	13918	695900	82077046-3bb8-4f0f-ab21-cbcd5577e0c0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:08:06	481.969
-48	6960	696000	48b4f658-6c7a-4a75-8e61-50745897513c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:55:42	-588.923
-48	13920	696000	74cf1f74-d1ac-4bf5-89b8-9b279d2f09c5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:45:02	-86.651
-49	6961	696100	568f9aa5-d495-4c39-b6a5-fff3694c2bb1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:46:38	649.519
-49	13922	696100	5d9cf688-7f3f-4db1-b181-5fcc4744fa59	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:50:19	-769.722
-50	6962	696200	9a5497ee-a780-42d4-b691-db976e849c7d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:39:59	-251.64
-50	13924	696200	a974dc5b-8635-4535-9195-7492d045f770	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:22:05	-702.74
-51	6963	696300	3b9d08cc-f216-4d5f-9499-b49b31b799ee	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:43:59	961.82
-51	13926	696300	73e38f29-ee9a-4c8a-9b7e-700a82cc49f6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:29:27	-428.575
-52	6964	696400	bb62883f-dd2a-4bf9-a7a4-d12c40cd7b84	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:37:44	987.606
-52	13928	696400	fc638e14-cc77-4d23-9b74-96e5e4222e86	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:59:21	953.623
-53	6965	696500	060ae376-ebff-48db-b4ff-275a23cda35a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:44:50	-560.781
-53	13930	696500	d5671a0a-5df2-4403-983d-e3f8194ac54c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:22:53	-96.826
-54	6966	696600	fb3c2d4c-933d-4643-b6ea-81979b709363	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:24:49	-256.530
-54	13932	696600	c83332bd-9a96-4115-8002-39dae87572cd	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:59:32	703.562
-55	6967	696700	701fc62f-a852-4578-ad09-c780267f392c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:55:39	414.22
-55	13934	696700	8117b32d-1068-4914-8764-54fd6f0d12b9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:49:41	-77.647
-56	6968	696800	0be7fdce-507d-4299-b01b-094b876caa41	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:20:57	79.871
-56	13936	696800	ff8c6163-ab9b-4760-acbd-452afd017156	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:15:35	21.631
-57	6969	696900	0da387da-27e8-4d71-bfef-08087be22083	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:10:42	-125.645
-57	13938	696900	23015f82-fa52-423a-9c8b-ba00d2e1a174	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:33:16	-520.995
-58	6970	697000	3f7fdc70-d877-45e5-b0a9-bc1eb1abd728	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:13:44	-338.739
-58	13940	697000	30cebcb7-0835-487e-8ccd-75e3c0391489	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:30:03	531.320
-59	6971	697100	412b3a24-7fdf-4765-8149-890f0c2565ef	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:12:25	-629.838
-59	13942	697100	528d5aa2-1086-437c-8ef4-d97639c598e2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:05:07	-252.567
-60	6972	697200	a9cb6a17-e300-4595-8b79-0a952dbe5194	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:59:14	-427.349
-60	13944	697200	963c06cb-209d-4410-968e-0146c280cda9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:21:51	-772.861
-61	6973	697300	1d8c9f46-6850-47c7-8724-34cba276e780	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:22:34	-958.574
-61	13946	697300	5d07c67d-bb01-4201-bb51-c7c7f5cbf86d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:59:01	313.18
-62	6974	697400	ab775f72-492d-4bc6-9b91-71a908693ffd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:02:05	-920.246
-62	13948	697400	a454a326-bbf8-4118-937f-88b90ce5777d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:04:49	-335.202
-63	6975	697500	89722454-7309-45f1-88a5-d018b419104c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:23:56	424.624
-63	13950	697500	b0dff17f-075e-44d6-a7ec-99b6316ceb13	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:37:32	-301.299
-64	6976	697600	90e4f5ff-471b-410c-8136-8ab190aa5993	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:54:17	-9.339
-64	13952	697600	b63bdf5a-4322-4ff2-81c6-44e9bc88281a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:21:43	-580.121
-65	6977	697700	04513603-7b90-4b2e-8453-8fc280969ae6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:33:23	594.940
-65	13954	697700	f8452b7c-aa82-404b-8259-f97c1d4594dd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:12:48	330.540
-66	6978	697800	fbe4b458-6fad-45ff-b55c-61ced746a248	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:28:25	15.344
-66	13956	697800	5f90754a-6fcb-4587-8f8e-6ddb609f5578	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:19:37	-387.271
-67	6979	697900	9223d772-c123-4b1f-9374-4453194ac75f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:48:28	-912.834
-67	13958	697900	34f5909d-14e1-41e3-bfc3-550c404b8ec4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:44:17	634.959
-68	6980	698000	09e6ce70-78ae-4cb6-8a86-b24208e3b606	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:53:26	925.337
-68	13960	698000	fba335d1-252c-47f4-926f-3f707e138791	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:07:59	933.948
-69	6981	698100	b966241c-254c-4b52-93cd-1c1b55bb02ae	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:13:32	525.774
-69	13962	698100	f8c13b03-ea82-44bd-ae19-194bdd3e2be8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:41:22	295.904
-70	6982	698200	4fa83afb-93d1-406c-8fed-631523c6fd54	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:02:49	495.880
-70	13964	698200	7e6130d2-9d70-4540-9854-19e6f4dce0da	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:57:07	513.11
-71	6983	698300	d06e0fa2-2aca-46da-b8d0-c02946ce3bf4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:03:37	134.433
-71	13966	698300	95f20f55-5dc8-4ed9-ab8c-2d44875e31ca	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:15:39	119.995
-72	6984	698400	b19d2de3-98c5-42ab-9e47-cd6c2e912d97	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:04:37	668.945
-72	13968	698400	37de9afe-6a1a-444e-be7c-bf9d11314623	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:11:49	147.24
-73	6985	698500	bf525317-75f1-4e9b-914a-75fa5627651f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:25:05	304.248
-73	13970	698500	286f2231-cc58-4ed9-81e2-526cf240aaee	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:32:30	77.937
-74	6986	698600	28cdcd58-7648-43cf-8493-57dbe82586b5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:18:44	-608.394
-74	13972	698600	cd2253ab-37c6-4022-bde7-873051bdd4ee	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:56:30	-776.648
-75	6987	698700	0821938c-6a82-4c43-a8e9-d9397e105e13	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:00:37	666.237
-75	13974	698700	343c5ab3-2421-4f26-9907-c30723783afc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:14:01	-498.226
-76	6988	698800	481570d3-39b2-4815-9be4-59822939d8ab	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:17:49	-930.522
-76	13976	698800	67b2b619-a101-4a04-99b8-6cc41637147a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:40:04	-844.55
-77	6989	698900	9bdbfa55-0c71-4d36-8c45-ed50573968a4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:25:53	-505.61
-77	13978	698900	10863535-cb6c-4552-8534-052aa84b8b72	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:54:21	770.652
-78	6990	699000	b5f5eb4e-e053-44f8-965b-2b2826f8a1cd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:28:52	18.62
-78	13980	699000	551f7020-191c-4853-988e-2a3718d5fd4f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:24:47	-244.445
-79	6991	699100	e96a437b-761e-4117-a94c-d6ab413dbe15	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:40:35	-827.86
-79	13982	699100	1972108f-3c72-4cfc-bb70-391f1bd141fe	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:11:50	-392.486
-80	6992	699200	e94e5ac5-b1b7-4d2e-9af8-fa3acbe0970f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:06:22	-550.265
-80	13984	699200	953d0305-5b42-4989-8e73-2701ddb04d40	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:28:46	731.794
-81	6993	699300	cb7bfe28-e95f-454b-b075-030a6cd24c88	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:13:30	520.217
-81	13986	699300	3530264c-3e48-4d84-8809-1410c60d1ebf	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:12:53	-846.537
-82	6994	699400	474f695e-3ffe-40bb-b39e-4f5258087566	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:06:23	-656.482
-82	13988	699400	e56c8a2d-fd44-4a91-a550-8ba999a21e85	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:27:53	274.281
-83	6995	699500	1f14c488-40b2-49de-9cdb-b2beafade2f4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:28:03	191.40
-83	13990	699500	fb81f693-b265-442d-a537-8d8038733e67	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:32:06	160.682
-84	6996	699600	3b654d25-acb5-4677-95d7-7532621d6248	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:41:37	-541.299
-84	13992	699600	e35b74d4-12f2-47ea-bd44-5849c9da1e34	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:52:06	923.737
-85	6997	699700	755d3d45-4374-48d5-9083-ebd5cfdb9921	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:41:54	-431.632
-85	13994	699700	e17057ec-55a8-42cd-8ae2-8366d555657e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:42:06	-591.96
-86	6998	699800	3712310a-1101-4d90-9d80-53744e96b04c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:18:20	-718.333
-86	13996	699800	81d925ef-4891-402d-ab03-f226669b583e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:58:14	-730.279
-87	6999	699900	119f6dfe-fb83-485b-a453-79c534603d01	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:39:34	510.952
-87	13998	699900	d1ead84a-ea54-4ee5-98d6-e4300c497c76	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:23:32	-868.872
-88	7000	700000	b3e08a4e-40a8-4608-9746-e5b1ec6159ef	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:34:15	-632.234
-88	14000	700000	ecc513f0-0c78-4044-852f-2b178d441949	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:54:10	-616.487
-89	7001	700100	24c81cb4-7829-4941-9bb1-e51e6459e523	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:51:23	17.322
-89	14002	700100	17601ac7-7ee9-458b-b2c1-3be2c36a9084	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:38:23	-359.50
-90	7002	700200	8eb0c0ed-b34a-4f9d-ae7b-acc0688563db	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:17:49	-485.440
-90	14004	700200	9a7f63b7-9cf8-4bde-b33f-6b2416ccbd58	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:19:56	-625.979
-91	7003	700300	2f466335-20ab-4383-a0e3-2a4b5c41eeb9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:32:52	-754.383
-91	14006	700300	e5e1674c-f90d-40c6-bf67-2a970977e7c5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:50:02	-514.781
-92	7004	700400	65434e4b-719e-4fb2-bb0b-bfc55b96903f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:29:50	-107.575
-92	14008	700400	69047273-aee7-435a-bc60-25881dc3dd31	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:36:35	-472.765
-93	7005	700500	5c9bf8cf-ac70-4b31-8f23-f39895a575b6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:20:11	470.877
-93	14010	700500	0cac3095-4728-42a4-ae78-a56128840c11	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:08:38	644.204
-94	7006	700600	9124af4b-2c0a-4332-b57e-8e3eb40dac47	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:34:29	-132.572
-94	14012	700600	782fab19-9308-492d-96f8-f10c0ed9a4ea	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:15:57	852.205
-95	7007	700700	c5fcd58b-e7c9-41c8-ada0-3bf93eae1115	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:20:39	-371.832
-95	14014	700700	2dee1dad-825c-476b-a569-74b449908a8c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:16:10	325.805
-96	7008	700800	802710a5-845e-4bd4-98c7-512cc110abcb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:08:12	425.888
-96	14016	700800	4c5d7d9e-088e-4ac8-86e9-bc166be39f18	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:18:43	545.341
-97	7009	700900	6467aefe-0bce-433d-87f2-a5657c3799e4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:45:18	508.535
-97	14018	700900	6ba41d7a-aedd-4832-89de-d0747e5f7c24	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:27:53	-107.936
-98	7010	701000	48e2b687-79ea-4feb-8820-ae4f80362597	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:04:09	899.292
-98	14020	701000	90bb64ac-b03a-4e9b-88f3-ba9e2baf71f5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:54:24	785.565
-99	7011	701100	c843a27e-854d-44c0-99b9-69fe21b5636b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:34:04	-116.746
-99	14022	701100	b67cd739-7e78-4677-ac84-2be3dc179dd8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:46:58	228.849
-100	7012	701200	d19a7c55-be69-4919-b8dd-567426ab2d7e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:22:38	-409.575
-100	14024	701200	1daf69e8-9a74-4be6-be78-cc116e6eed46	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:02:39	942.354
-101	7013	701300	991d203d-ed3c-423e-80a5-9437210d3ad8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:18:18	-675.58
-101	14026	701300	ac1a31c1-51bb-4f20-ae7b-3dfa3de71821	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:22:14	-396.28
-102	7014	701400	edc76a40-3380-4e46-a9f3-888b80185f69	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:01:23	741.528
-102	14028	701400	3492ed74-6e0e-4050-a4b4-41dbf660ff6c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:36:08	-559.143
-103	7015	701500	d306f2af-5d1c-46cc-b4dc-8126cfd0a93f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:32:04	-400.691
-103	14030	701500	4cc9f07c-d06b-43bb-907a-adf672e9aac5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:23:04	-137.416
-104	7016	701600	d65c892f-e9fb-4e68-805d-fd4984ced0c6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:11:25	-445.647
-104	14032	701600	5f2c1838-650a-4168-9539-da472ff48bf2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:28:32	-576.231
-105	7017	701700	bf1d1402-b350-4936-a3ae-9884af3938c1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:40:32	860.873
-105	14034	701700	34e8a28a-5bba-48b9-8286-cd8199891e62	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:01:09	-759.208
-106	7018	701800	695afcba-7b6f-4098-ad15-a96cddb48305	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:30:37	941.669
-106	14036	701800	d5cae2fd-f95d-4405-bb7a-a4dbbfdd6d64	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:49:47	-787.720
-107	7019	701900	6b6cd19b-43e7-43da-89b6-29a9b8b3273c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:32:57	-496.813
-107	14038	701900	193d27de-1db0-4c82-812d-eea3d5f677e9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:50:50	73.999
-108	7020	702000	d18c1b15-10e7-45cf-bf8e-cdb8fc13be8b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:12:09	277.510
-108	14040	702000	31cf80cb-7f44-47a0-9a4c-21491f1f2c61	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:52:42	304.518
-109	7021	702100	ffc034f6-1e61-440e-a6d8-87009e99e27e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:00:14	576.491
-109	14042	702100	2fb6fcc8-6879-49ff-8d5b-980bca92ab91	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:11:20	-622.353
-110	7022	702200	ca6bfe4b-4150-45c9-bba9-e6f314757868	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:18:24	176.536
-110	14044	702200	a79e15b8-f5c9-4153-a66f-d32ced140011	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:08:18	717.387
-111	7023	702300	52a253b7-b88d-4c32-b254-05852634ee30	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:50:20	-93.784
-111	14046	702300	c5ea7a3b-2b20-4f66-9e63-5c266eaa802c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:10:30	369.937
-112	7024	702400	c6e541c5-7347-45d1-9d1f-bba392c305c5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:51:37	379.204
-112	14048	702400	9290313b-a75a-497e-8d4e-e32aad6b31cc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:00:05	832.703
-113	7025	702500	9ee56280-b981-4596-bc3e-1376a28f444f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:43:08	565.991
-113	14050	702500	c218d5b3-de16-44aa-b0a4-62f283791ee0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:42:02	845.407
-114	7026	702600	ee5b757e-a71a-4d0f-9037-c74be0d437ed	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:03:27	523.754
-114	14052	702600	ee41b5d7-de5a-405d-bc5f-bad0c7f4da98	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:45:12	-309.12
-115	7027	702700	d4d3a8fb-0efc-4087-8ee2-1de42c795b88	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:17:11	723.199
-115	14054	702700	d35f5769-1321-4447-9d7c-18c5c692866c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:45:07	397.439
-116	7028	702800	9b363280-af77-460e-96a5-772debe1d607	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:55:51	-706.386
-116	14056	702800	f57e23dd-3240-44df-a0c9-dfbb095970e0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:15:43	742.468
-117	7029	702900	a1b912d6-894a-4670-b74b-abe23372d564	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:09:53	-665.647
-117	14058	702900	caae2c2c-7f4e-49a1-ad19-33d95a677cda	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:05:18	423.98
-118	7030	703000	0921c7f1-0daf-4066-a98d-9f4646970183	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:46:53	-887.267
-118	14060	703000	fa3cb996-f77c-471d-9d49-97967232521c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:09:47	-602.377
-119	7031	703100	c3317396-47dd-442d-80b6-d0ca7aa98f16	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:15:51	749.678
-119	14062	703100	807a5779-ffa2-481e-b4a8-d33cf6077b6a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:39:23	188.161
-120	7032	703200	a28a38ee-a27a-4495-b952-a11479c851d8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:25:55	212.318
-120	14064	703200	dcefff79-41e0-4545-ab63-99785cf3e71a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:43:06	895.502
-121	7033	703300	bf4045a1-51a8-4e4d-a3d8-17b1cea65339	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:10:51	654.205
-121	14066	703300	c99d4942-c729-4412-b091-c470ad46b507	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:15:51	524.113
-122	7034	703400	81d6989f-079d-4a6b-8fc9-1c989f666208	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:54:22	-278.315
-122	14068	703400	35092312-cf55-494c-b41a-95950bd15344	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:52:35	-3.782
-123	7035	703500	a35d816a-dcb0-4e9e-8de7-ef4ab2381c30	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:13:30	-523.280
-123	14070	703500	fe351e2f-90db-4243-9987-fad3730ff822	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:25:29	-915.343
-124	7036	703600	ae652cd1-b55a-4d65-8456-1a876d3b1207	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:07:36	928.995
-124	14072	703600	8ecccff6-0692-4eb6-adda-36a0856b5a79	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:45:54	578.676
-125	7037	703700	f0245f89-d29d-471f-b3b4-be0306af537f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:48:04	-973.148
-125	14074	703700	2f0c1baf-14c4-4e2c-8da9-26097ea3aeb9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:57:37	-329.655
-126	7038	703800	c2c13b6c-c2e2-4baa-a698-c02af2400082	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:18:32	-512.297
-126	14076	703800	5c7da854-6cd5-4b2f-9307-e50317609711	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:15:04	-383.567
-127	7039	703900	305444a4-95d3-464f-8b75-4ecdddfec4a6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:06:36	-709.714
-127	14078	703900	2e547303-7516-4236-941c-cbcc227f4bfa	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:55:54	-432.597
-0	7040	704000	ab4275aa-f9a3-48a2-ae46-3f7cbbca9eed	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:57:24	-754.15
-0	14080	704000	a8ab96c9-7b99-46a2-a2d7-5a258c37562a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:31:27	-642.347
-1	7041	704100	68f552e9-92a9-49ff-a4ba-c9e89d8f208d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:55:58	-195.244
-1	14082	704100	dcd50a49-d573-4c05-a9ed-031214c3948b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:50:57	172.158
-2	7042	704200	f24e2c78-ef81-412b-a50e-38aa704ae446	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:46:00	278.55
-2	14084	704200	33b151fc-8dcc-42c3-a488-04a623f5ac44	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:11:53	775.763
-3	7043	704300	fe18b858-276f-42f6-a378-f39dbcf350ff	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:43:48	-251.526
-3	14086	704300	768ba1f7-b2f4-43b8-a68c-75ffc8a47598	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:37:46	811.62
-4	7044	704400	60d83b7c-a077-46d7-b633-4f63cb036d4c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:21:01	-784.179
-4	14088	704400	486d4227-b07b-442c-a1d9-e389a632c2a7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:22:41	282.146
-5	7045	704500	c5a367f7-faba-4e64-8a6f-daddbcd8a062	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:30:42	-608.503
-5	14090	704500	ae248232-3092-478c-b91f-ebcc8708b6e2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:16:58	664.982
-6	7046	704600	ada6dd1e-b272-4a11-8018-ff9fcd8fc3e5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:34:09	848.529
-6	14092	704600	08bd4ac4-4980-4c92-b557-5bb8f8956000	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:08:01	-71.455
-7	7047	704700	c79bed9d-7fb6-4b9d-a165-06ac17d33f68	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:37:22	459.722
-7	14094	704700	97223331-9bfa-4cbb-aa45-835b6b939fe8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:10:31	-329.186
-8	7048	704800	a027c050-acbb-4de6-946d-42887a8e1bee	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:36:49	-419.99
-8	14096	704800	1fd18dd5-6c8d-415c-a754-0d700b4ab131	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:26:55	628.653
-9	7049	704900	92e4eecb-5a1a-438c-8e02-c6991dfc6f4a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:16:29	246.12
-9	14098	704900	a3876e7e-019e-4615-93fd-aeb1607d3573	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:03:28	-882.139
-10	7050	705000	0cce5688-fa60-442d-accd-6142c77436f0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:55:34	-422.746
-10	14100	705000	6dd00251-213d-480d-8e71-4bd9533164ee	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:18:30	922.83
-11	7051	705100	e4011919-ad80-4f67-b5f4-766be8d5549a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:38:08	-659.669
-11	14102	705100	0b111985-f9ec-4610-b37e-bbd963aeb9c7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:24:19	-329.749
-12	7052	705200	b3160f5a-ea40-4d10-b458-a16fc47963bd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:10:31	252.701
-12	14104	705200	adab7af1-e71d-4d12-92ca-ca64855ca6f1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:27:26	-97.341
-13	7053	705300	94c3e621-d076-4292-be46-cbda88456f0d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:35:39	633.280
-13	14106	705300	951fa3ca-7dfd-4ebe-9d42-8f997d99f28c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:36:27	-335.322
-14	7054	705400	f80512e2-75e0-4548-aeb2-81ef746355e1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:21:27	-186.205
-14	14108	705400	33769d1b-3979-4231-ade6-d2dce9063cbd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:37:49	551.412
-15	7055	705500	275af66d-294c-407a-aa01-c7f680dde93d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:11:04	-646.278
-15	14110	705500	d589b8b6-f21e-45ec-8c0c-447dff18e228	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:39:45	542.899
-16	7056	705600	f8723984-f5e4-46c3-9cad-e5f7c97b420a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:22:19	-960.608
-16	14112	705600	74a15aa9-4e6d-4819-8775-c16800b3f1c0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:53:59	9.132
-17	7057	705700	24c29ba6-5035-4176-808f-6b2dc18a0a12	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:23:35	-712.368
-17	14114	705700	f44978c9-2da3-4e59-a689-9c4164676f23	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:51:59	-643.925
-18	7058	705800	0af5bd09-27c0-4016-9f8f-2936e2e26a95	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:44:15	-666.92
-18	14116	705800	9eef2edb-b425-4340-99c8-c408d35f1049	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:11:23	-677.232
-19	7059	705900	a3af6738-fb28-48af-8b20-c1651305c39f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:02:46	-806.116
-19	14118	705900	472e1e6a-e710-480e-81d2-d7cc6d0c69c1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:02:26	-219.637
-20	7060	706000	4a64ed99-6527-415e-a8ad-5e7f33f0c4e3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:41:04	-316.920
-20	14120	706000	0e16124b-fd75-4251-b628-2250cce712ef	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:45:21	-495.818
-21	7061	706100	a4746e52-6558-422d-8ab6-bcbcecf91463	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:21:41	-615.348
-21	14122	706100	97976e9a-b4f5-498e-9a54-8cfbaeb31a06	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:59:07	97.688
-22	7062	706200	904a785d-6f9d-4583-99ef-6a10e760f0fd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:46:59	-775.207
-22	14124	706200	f9dfda75-b156-4b24-bc1c-446d52ec7382	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:00:34	229.48
-23	7063	706300	71a03271-f0bc-42a2-ab31-49191b7ac779	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:50:59	86.132
-23	14126	706300	346a8730-225d-4475-ad2a-16ad0f2a2f30	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:58:09	-558.527
-24	7064	706400	b35e84d2-69f5-4e0a-a779-1bd25d238f0b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:58:20	-911.299
-24	14128	706400	776bf549-23e4-42e5-8176-76c729ddaa43	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:43:14	62.464
-25	7065	706500	d5e1e96a-caee-4e59-b373-d88cd62ade49	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:26:17	-644.956
-25	14130	706500	d8d23d31-2d89-43e2-a2bf-4a7fd9dc41b2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:02:12	-613.597
-26	7066	706600	2405645b-d11d-41f1-9991-1efbf95248a2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:40:17	93.844
-26	14132	706600	0a4b8629-8a4e-4e76-b467-f9bb2e170ae6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:37:49	149.505
-27	7067	706700	add70ca8-396f-4f77-bad6-690e2b5cae17	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:43:58	-99.2
-27	14134	706700	1068a091-52a4-4bf1-a93f-f99bcd54e75b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:09:32	-791.262
-28	7068	706800	96d73472-8045-4680-9e9a-d85c03aa54a2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:56:51	-993.181
-28	14136	706800	437cb88c-648d-4173-a15b-923523e91718	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:37:55	372.17
-29	7069	706900	9c1698e9-6dec-4a05-a1a8-f94f83e97928	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:05:01	-235.769
-29	14138	706900	ddb8db0c-3da2-41d8-8b52-126734a6a964	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:11:38	465.573
-30	7070	707000	94174e80-b186-41a2-8a32-c43cbfa19f1b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:56:17	-932.649
-30	14140	707000	d4fdf5f0-b556-40e0-b66a-57d3d883615c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:58:01	-900.611
-31	7071	707100	7c058adf-efdc-4fbc-8be5-a68460097115	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:29:56	-63.824
-31	14142	707100	6c05e083-eb57-42ff-9634-9f754ffc56f3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:10:41	592.540
-32	7072	707200	a6f03f56-aaae-435c-b356-995179acd050	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:00:56	-690.211
-32	14144	707200	f1cbc5f2-1128-44a4-8301-eb1629227781	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:13:36	380.557
-33	7073	707300	526139d9-fa3c-490d-a493-b57038fa15fe	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:40:45	835.715
-33	14146	707300	df747f3b-d605-4255-a33f-06b640c5a371	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:39:54	971.852
-34	7074	707400	bb9c46ea-83a9-4b4d-9d0a-edeed8ccdbd4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:59:41	644.66
-34	14148	707400	5890e426-73a4-4604-a5e0-d86fd6ca8613	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:06:23	592.622
-35	7075	707500	37da4a43-303f-4655-9dfd-9d39205b7a41	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:30:46	-452.376
-35	14150	707500	63530a79-364f-4a69-bcdb-0b0b1074615b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:17:59	-351.594
-36	7076	707600	50a693e3-4408-4fe3-8230-640e5a9ac40f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:43:08	559.238
-36	14152	707600	9675b6e6-a69a-494d-8c4b-d6b3e3f45d67	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:16:15	588.794
-37	7077	707700	d4ab421c-58b0-4a1b-8f87-04212afdb2e9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:22:13	722.453
-37	14154	707700	98ce1ff0-cc9f-4f48-b2db-347f7c3b6c56	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:04:53	61.153
-38	7078	707800	5cb30fa2-cd29-4641-8c44-39fbc510ceed	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:03:39	529.214
-38	14156	707800	9c919116-d7ec-4fd6-8150-5f5728411931	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:11:17	-10.354
-39	7079	707900	c68e85a1-61f1-4e21-aff5-35e151212cf5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:17:28	287.510
-39	14158	707900	d224d2c5-45b5-4c57-a7f5-de3239ac1514	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:59:27	-791.143
-40	7080	708000	65c0b672-ce7e-4d65-97b3-eee1346d2dc4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:20:20	59.473
-40	14160	708000	530cb6e6-ded5-45be-bee3-678cf3e27b46	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:40:40	-700.481
-41	7081	708100	b2ca159d-7567-4e10-ba81-c17c2d4e4fbb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:15:35	319.189
-41	14162	708100	e54d5ed4-1bc3-4ed0-ba55-abd93c63460e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:59:49	-311.620
-42	7082	708200	3c3efc80-758c-46bf-ae43-56ff9f5fc831	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:48:07	580.863
-42	14164	708200	69974a7e-4489-45dd-b837-b12ea749b629	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:48:23	-213.14
-43	7083	708300	31925684-9e90-4a1e-9e05-b72d1c06802f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:27:12	561.317
-43	14166	708300	c83d3d7a-a4bd-4ccc-a311-f39769a59c17	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:31:37	863.426
-44	7084	708400	895c98c2-a8c4-40d1-981a-51b55d6cf200	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:55:17	-661.465
-44	14168	708400	20db46b8-57aa-4b01-9fd0-67866aa21329	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:14:53	-677.36
-45	7085	708500	277486f8-a19e-40ee-9cc8-a42d81614e1d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:25:42	-442.115
-45	14170	708500	2a195583-a425-421b-9630-c8ca0f433153	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:24:05	956.476
-46	7086	708600	f79b0a62-f16a-4985-a8b5-dd284a621f3d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:16:12	-407.699
-46	14172	708600	19490b35-9e26-4331-9213-869c75e0be28	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:50:54	623.666
-47	7087	708700	65c9baed-f168-410a-8872-593e21ecd40e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:34:26	-449.557
-47	14174	708700	eceafbf1-3015-425f-af41-ff081e88e9f1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:32:40	130.297
-48	7088	708800	c354f022-b235-4037-8869-834dfe4d14ac	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:26:55	-349.507
-48	14176	708800	98cab032-7e5b-43fd-ae35-9004fd3a1ed1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:30:00	-887.55
-49	7089	708900	de93b5c6-9005-4461-a98e-ed53969b6a25	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:44:59	-91.720
-49	14178	708900	981eddc8-fe4e-4110-872d-2e06910b0b41	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:12:39	29.980
-50	7090	709000	81c1de71-743c-4e24-a1b0-3d7135f119e2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:23:47	817.190
-50	14180	709000	99cf3f52-3753-4de6-8b5f-9ba6d64b94c9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:14:30	243.27
-51	7091	709100	573d2256-3ea8-4cfc-8454-8250c8017467	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:36:40	-269.635
-51	14182	709100	9dfe1c0f-4b70-4956-b45a-c73641dd7969	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:38:25	-35.762
-52	7092	709200	5620f118-2afe-45ef-b62b-072abdc89842	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:59:27	-40.730
-52	14184	709200	063e5551-0fb3-4328-a77b-579c3075839e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:23:29	95.730
-53	7093	709300	845104c1-8d9f-4ddb-9186-38daecc174cd	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:22:06	626.145
-53	14186	709300	06062c11-da20-4411-bbcf-fb7515c10794	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:07:51	313.961
-54	7094	709400	3562b10f-4456-418d-8b21-444eca8fcc4c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:21:06	107.294
-54	14188	709400	80cef7af-ee67-407b-bb58-0cc2cfcb08e5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:10:05	907.38
-55	7095	709500	c208b3e3-c86d-45b8-8b0c-70e4f4566e90	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:55:12	135.29
-55	14190	709500	a453a038-2852-4244-8b3f-3aae2f83d460	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:49:45	880.40
-56	7096	709600	9b7c5519-eeef-4163-a6bf-15fd5156eb64	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:25:33	-962.668
-56	14192	709600	53f29b6f-8e71-4d7e-860f-6260a5016eb1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:23:22	182.620
-57	7097	709700	ab086206-a20b-4a07-a34a-eb6f84caf5dc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:36:08	729.223
-57	14194	709700	7932a61e-277f-47e0-a186-c7b23b7f98b7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:45:51	602.555
-58	7098	709800	39f870f7-f1f7-4f6e-b6c5-52df9821871a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:41:38	551.609
-58	14196	709800	4783ca90-18ec-46c0-bd7c-cefc8b6bdfa0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:31:22	-3.544
-59	7099	709900	e8027787-f737-4c2e-9ef5-19ca55847534	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:08:18	-535.431
-59	14198	709900	137cd361-bcc8-4371-a57f-f3405ed0dd93	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:24:39	-161.447
-60	7100	710000	15174ef4-9f5f-4887-84d7-f8120bd2666a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:25:35	-884.386
-60	14200	710000	f2c89374-ee5d-481d-99e7-c3af1d507635	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:47:10	-647.627
-61	7101	710100	15ad2d44-46eb-4b82-a3bc-eebdbcfcc78b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:07:27	778.827
-61	14202	710100	d7cfe581-0da8-4239-afb7-a582228cdf06	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:32:39	-466.773
-62	7102	710200	a8a43279-cf09-490a-9724-9c63ff0b7ce8	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:58:00	-993.163
-62	14204	710200	dfe35973-42fd-40f3-9bd7-b673c19b04cd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:33:31	-781.188
-63	7103	710300	18d6e60a-b04c-44cb-bad5-6bcb19e0986b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:47:34	696.220
-63	14206	710300	23d84f02-7d81-4f5a-a5b8-b5373088b34e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:52:15	-109.742
-64	7104	710400	6164de1d-257c-426b-9201-c8127a8f424c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:28:53	-196.706
-64	14208	710400	28a91b51-bf34-45a9-89ca-8a2372e75e8d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:22:20	997.93
-65	7105	710500	fdc99eee-f71c-4964-bfb5-030353f2862a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:58:57	601.815
-65	14210	710500	5458a5ca-7367-4def-ae33-1edb2ea2ec7e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:28:19	-78.876
-66	7106	710600	a33f225f-bff3-45a1-bc0a-b7ed204089c3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:42:48	64.722
-66	14212	710600	c52e555d-eb26-449d-964d-2d9c748baf0c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:05:03	-559.127
-67	7107	710700	e3c80157-4c5e-4cad-bcba-0db71044512e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:00:54	-9.570
-67	14214	710700	0e2345fb-a905-4fd0-8d0a-0f5a5f426e50	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:56:32	629.711
-68	7108	710800	76166c90-5a3c-40cb-ab46-787f018cc0e4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:15:52	-539.597
-68	14216	710800	1a77f163-84d7-400c-bd2f-22d743e34315	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:15:47	290.72
-69	7109	710900	c283a721-3129-4fb6-834f-c5f4778365ab	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:44:15	-630.267
-69	14218	710900	e3f2c4d8-ae14-4a6f-b84d-c86de743d45b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:33:14	-510.427
-70	7110	711000	6a8f2c0e-3418-4e15-b99b-a32f38b39c8f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:10:59	752.443
-70	14220	711000	5edb7da8-26a3-4d33-b995-abdf83b29ffc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:13:06	327.964
-71	7111	711100	ca9dc8b6-eadb-4fdd-baff-9e9006c98d46	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:39:18	731.617
-71	14222	711100	1ff3a618-3187-49c2-9299-9e7354645734	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:17:24	273.456
-72	7112	711200	2d31e4c8-500a-49de-ab4d-77b40758cadb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:34:20	109.985
-72	14224	711200	8a474362-f02e-4839-93d9-8ee29fcb1dd5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:52:05	-449.338
-73	7113	711300	507265d0-5d52-459c-b4aa-6a4f7bb743fc	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:58:45	190.104
-73	14226	711300	96a06604-745a-405a-908e-fb484cd2c69d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:42:42	-604.893
-74	7114	711400	aacc9317-6ca4-430f-92e6-b2305fb8581d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:03:19	-40.133
-74	14228	711400	90b3e704-5a2d-4f3d-bc14-018114eafb3e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:18:47	-537.135
-75	7115	711500	9014d889-d55e-4f51-9be6-bfbd88813357	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:56:16	-125.789
-75	14230	711500	08de35bc-9e8f-434e-955a-b8b0b3621a17	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:14:52	-719.94
-76	7116	711600	b693184e-dd08-4178-b07b-5e22ad1e4a86	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:09:05	-358.967
-76	14232	711600	f9f8de09-fbdd-41fd-87bf-08df819313ee	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:26:37	670.24
-77	7117	711700	f2ff4b59-1761-4fa0-98f6-12a348784b0e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:25:41	-726.927
-77	14234	711700	5cc34925-9609-473b-b21c-c098d4ba5494	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:36:57	355.181
-78	7118	711800	db329dac-92da-4a9a-b786-498039244680	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:14:47	-294.442
-78	14236	711800	483c3a82-9e16-43e5-8cb8-84a8045d4885	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:20:17	-524.685
-79	7119	711900	ffda7c7e-d3e0-4a01-884b-1bd32522028f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:55:10	524.850
-79	14238	711900	69a2da55-0585-44dc-9dde-8a02ed0f126a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:20:59	-196.135
-80	7120	712000	aa7dae21-7f03-4320-9846-24922ac0780f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:22:04	152.584
-80	14240	712000	34bf3d1c-a63c-4fd3-84bc-8d076461405d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:54:47	-353.112
-81	7121	712100	ed7d369c-592a-4f3b-8093-1a3a552a1350	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:57:44	-529.939
-81	14242	712100	5a6271ff-7828-4825-9e1f-036d9d0a7c75	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:33:37	56.472
-82	7122	712200	4379c8de-51ae-4d61-9aef-b22d3cb429a5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:27:16	-970.272
-82	14244	712200	49a518ef-dea0-4e09-a4a3-b9af99d8324b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:07:47	45.895
-83	7123	712300	022de53e-0706-4e15-b506-0f59f0b91d43	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:04:55	-100.118
-83	14246	712300	9aedb68a-23bd-4127-b707-04c8dd8b95a7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:31:29	-858.49
-84	7124	712400	25c55cc2-ea94-4351-86ce-7f4857e274f6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:39:08	419.861
-84	14248	712400	17f1d5e0-58d8-4d20-9fd3-ad9fb800378c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:34:12	-198.160
-85	7125	712500	def4b1fd-fcaf-4a66-b842-3760ed2db176	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:42:56	-858.992
-85	14250	712500	665dd42c-5790-4d76-a5a3-99a248e29c67	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:59:59	823.640
-86	7126	712600	acfe864e-eb12-4231-9b67-dbd851b9003e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:25:34	501.670
-86	14252	712600	c886640a-6a41-49a8-adba-9cb2fc691a5d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:18:45	124.127
-87	7127	712700	882d2edb-0ee1-4aee-814f-ce435150e6de	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:58:16	852.714
-87	14254	712700	a4a5db70-bf9c-43b4-8b13-0101f6b20d42	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:52:56	-696.455
-88	7128	712800	fb731250-b4d5-4ecf-8b3b-c62b6b22de87	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:02:52	337.31
-88	14256	712800	7dd4131e-cfcc-4283-9b81-6fac01bf4858	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:25:29	361.836
-89	7129	712900	ce7d9094-ef92-45bf-ae0f-e5ca07d5171c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:16:47	-616.316
-89	14258	712900	b4aca992-03f9-48e3-9af9-43c241f33805	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:40:54	819.677
-90	7130	713000	26d3515b-b4e4-4add-a751-19cda1205596	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:27:02	-443.279
-90	14260	713000	27fd531c-f2d7-4d47-8e94-23fc29bbb115	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:38:45	-64.534
-91	7131	713100	a899cd45-bcc8-4b5b-9d64-e642d158c6c4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:29:13	-100.84
-91	14262	713100	4592d2f0-a859-43a6-bcf3-2d2c1fc98a68	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:30:32	-842.276
-92	7132	713200	50f8e2c3-99c6-4bc5-9c57-a43737600e89	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:02:02	91.737
-92	14264	713200	9b31c237-0187-49f9-93b4-2bd52fa713d7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:35:52	-912.535
-93	7133	713300	ed5e9eb9-f890-4ffb-b703-6508f20b9220	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:27:06	-595.233
-93	14266	713300	1950e4ef-f275-47bc-a182-8686621ba963	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:35:59	-371.530
-94	7134	713400	0c73ecf8-ded2-4ac1-9857-f3cabdea06d6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:39:28	399.542
-94	14268	713400	3e9ae838-9744-4c88-8372-f7a31ccb3545	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:30:43	419.477
-95	7135	713500	54e090b2-fcbf-4f83-98da-3dbeb7546734	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:13:03	-932.263
-95	14270	713500	a1e81c81-a23b-4585-a95a-49367dfdcad0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:00:28	-262.770
-96	7136	713600	f2f9ac86-4c12-43c1-abd1-1a52a0a485e2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:53:57	147.645
-96	14272	713600	fbdf73d6-115d-4964-a98c-77b5daca224e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:58:39	870.342
-97	7137	713700	3c8fe7e4-780b-4424-82b4-597b4f7f5e78	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:58:16	295.893
-97	14274	713700	f5381c60-8df5-405e-b791-7d67f2ad425b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:03:14	-314.284
-98	7138	713800	546ce443-896b-4e2f-aab5-e9847cf4c7be	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:12:01	-652.8
-98	14276	713800	dcd56802-1d08-401c-9935-defb4e5bb525	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:49:03	-902.784
-99	7139	713900	211b623d-0404-45a5-99c3-327ece085dab	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:12:19	-901.86
-99	14278	713900	3de1c4b8-0d21-4563-b58b-4f9dea0bf4b6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:20:15	-732.987
-100	7140	714000	1d9f66a5-f019-44bc-8b27-0019d4b57870	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:13:59	50.218
-100	14280	714000	f42219fe-7739-4d91-9af9-dda23ce3396e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:59:00	-671.331
-101	7141	714100	c4782769-d15f-4909-86a8-4fbbd066dae3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:39:01	917.110
-101	14282	714100	3e7696ef-69d2-4388-9bae-7f9b5cf70831	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:10:49	924.408
-102	7142	714200	ed7e521c-6bea-4b50-adc4-461213fe693f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:55:18	-453.987
-102	14284	714200	5e4b94f6-6190-499d-8345-d9a9eb99fca4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:10:02	517.879
-103	7143	714300	98d198f0-2fde-41af-85a8-0b183c225e93	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:40:47	161.263
-103	14286	714300	80cce2a1-4d1f-41f7-9a3c-c24e92efcffb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:23:09	-43.456
-104	7144	714400	0d395690-0ea2-4280-9077-94ecb97a2425	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:21:32	-414.33
-104	14288	714400	0435dd3b-334c-433c-9a92-a2241b144b28	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:33:53	-284.933
-105	7145	714500	ed83fcef-d2c2-46f3-9c4d-789568f90872	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:04:04	669.320
-105	14290	714500	665cae4f-1398-4135-b332-3199445cc267	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:48:35	-621.837
-106	7146	714600	815ac4c2-41c3-42ea-b1c8-22e27282aa43	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:56:10	319.406
-106	14292	714600	c6ac5268-7605-47ca-baa7-5327414f9b4b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:43:40	448.290
-107	7147	714700	e2117bd3-0eb3-4cac-a650-630feb220d8e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:56:26	-779.434
-107	14294	714700	aef3a5f3-f268-4979-9edb-25f800b53025	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:58:05	794.272
-108	7148	714800	c986c887-b3d6-49c1-b80c-56837fb1f5be	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:13:39	-14.587
-108	14296	714800	19d293b8-1bf4-44b4-9268-d5c089e0fd86	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:54:47	871.967
-109	7149	714900	3fea76db-8e9b-4afa-9ecc-0a906e3858ff	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:07:10	466.554
-109	14298	714900	7292591b-ff5c-4372-9a00-8e686938bd74	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:29:23	322.752
-110	7150	715000	4d668171-a76f-4bb7-bcb8-3db973e8309b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:14:20	-985.383
-110	14300	715000	71c45bd3-79ca-4998-b51c-d6742da190d1	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:08:05	-478.79
-111	7151	715100	77674bb7-b530-49ea-9f42-363158b87bb1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:41:57	-643.58
-111	14302	715100	730bb4ce-09bb-4cba-84aa-c42be52d845d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:06:41	-195.207
-112	7152	715200	9b0ce3fd-05f7-4d7c-8d2f-d365f7ee7f8b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:55:36	-770.622
-112	14304	715200	57a426c5-4cdb-4ca6-addc-8d6d50c083b7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:56:35	22.847
-113	7153	715300	1605297c-b12b-4d85-b295-0f2922c7bd8a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:30:39	-501.326
-113	14306	715300	026ce38a-f441-4b82-baa4-09ba0e7600ef	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:48:59	-447.332
-114	7154	715400	c51783b3-e014-4197-bf98-9b4fc8dff9b8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:29:33	-656.573
-114	14308	715400	78f855d4-cd02-4647-b480-8ed31c6f63d0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:49:16	441.81
-115	7155	715500	026114ef-d772-49ef-a797-db0da5807dfa	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:40:08	742.109
-115	14310	715500	d84ec67e-ffd5-449e-8372-2247d12d321b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:29:42	235.122
-116	7156	715600	6eca0d94-3433-4a10-9ba6-85fe2a80a306	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:23:14	728.556
-116	14312	715600	6f1b2c21-1f6b-4743-a2b6-f0941f92ace6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:59:14	157.67
-117	7157	715700	046efcb6-c947-4508-a8b4-5cd54207304e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:10:21	-909.394
-117	14314	715700	e1085473-cc61-459b-893f-54a835fd2519	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:57:00	612.972
-118	7158	715800	bbaf0467-08a7-4526-8018-65c03665a4ec	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:31:19	512.892
-118	14316	715800	e40e8232-5431-45f7-850a-d6fe258886b7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:32:31	-281.263
-119	7159	715900	d1ccb91f-4bb9-4b44-9034-d25f8b0220cb	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:46:55	156.804
-119	14318	715900	a4eaa168-badb-43b2-a58d-f9d19f6e72f8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:29:15	822.732
-120	7160	716000	b85305e3-b7c4-4c6c-bfb3-58bcbd7804aa	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:11:56	822.399
-120	14320	716000	39749d43-0467-409c-9bfc-7fd35e10d2e8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:06:17	-667.743
-121	7161	716100	352eade3-cba3-48cc-83a8-571dc66c75b5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:07:03	-617.580
-121	14322	716100	1fd17ce1-f4e1-4353-b56d-1ea4524b8a6d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:24:47	-184.143
-122	7162	716200	27271c1d-7273-4efa-8cc6-35ca2100b70a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:56:32	462.734
-122	14324	716200	bb03af5c-e0e4-401f-a1cc-fb068995bfac	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:55:44	-327.87
-123	7163	716300	74d906f9-2e84-49c9-ae94-8fc57617f891	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:06:41	124.125
-123	14326	716300	4e12b959-ff9e-42b7-bb67-0ad3eed1b8c9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:59:30	-615.451
-124	7164	716400	4a985b06-41c9-4d5f-b59f-9efe04f01a0d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:25:28	-517.560
-124	14328	716400	b2c00283-f384-4a2f-845f-b2ae1275e58c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:13:46	-445.240
-125	7165	716500	2f972511-7006-44b5-a8f3-dd9050a34349	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:00:01	-935.61
-125	14330	716500	2692b1d8-da2c-4ec4-ae3f-1584a9d2c4e7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:35:41	-277.721
-126	7166	716600	5094a7be-7be2-4c3f-9671-379dd30b2b90	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:12:10	260.279
-126	14332	716600	94099a75-6fa4-4dba-a2a7-33f9a6558cda	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:35:48	257.216
-127	7167	716700	1e90928b-7382-41d9-9560-36f682fcbedc	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:44:06	904.226
-127	14334	716700	16e5fe93-1c96-4958-8d43-1bd48d88d735	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:31:20	637.2
-0	7168	716800	7dade74b-516b-4c47-8a13-d7964fd9516c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:01:29	-266.392
-0	14336	716800	46cb83f2-5133-4ee6-9dc6-6e0ca2095168	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:53:51	6.206
-1	7169	716900	b83aff6d-e993-4754-8624-0195801a807c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:09:05	172.752
-1	14338	716900	37be41d0-19d9-4022-b3ef-699ba32de6f4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:06:11	-555.463
-2	7170	717000	2ee8e260-ac4c-4c32-bbb3-5a32a2d24e9f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:20:24	-49.132
-2	14340	717000	e16eeb20-1394-4d01-8bec-d992f71560fa	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:12:58	336.377
-3	7171	717100	28e763fe-2242-4e5a-a659-294de5409a60	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:55:59	-223.882
-3	14342	717100	20e44ba9-4c16-4aaf-95e4-49aab75f9d3d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:11:02	307.99
-4	7172	717200	fc30b83c-17e1-495a-8f92-86d077a1c8ca	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:57:05	-103.950
-4	14344	717200	085e6ece-11a5-4cde-804e-636a80db0525	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:28:55	780.281
-5	7173	717300	5b893fba-20f2-4302-9b48-cd6e1c54e0c8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:09:22	-313.939
-5	14346	717300	391d50a5-ddc1-44ac-9044-b386dc6d19c2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:47:55	257.892
-6	7174	717400	d414af27-0d6b-402c-b687-c1733ab5525c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:54:52	786.513
-6	14348	717400	d63c428e-5b78-491a-a146-0470dbca0b07	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:47:40	-154.238
-7	7175	717500	24299e90-7323-48d9-9bdd-76d9d701b799	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:04:20	1.45
-7	14350	717500	a07fdc49-848d-422d-8351-71c5b7f5aed6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:23:02	316.925
-8	7176	717600	ebd89746-6b31-4430-9010-638c53737332	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:07:42	802.307
-8	14352	717600	06ec4b76-648d-42e8-a6c0-5e2a75ef9d83	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:29:25	-708.149
-9	7177	717700	a7300d18-72e2-4f96-99c0-7b7d09ab36ab	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:02:09	-958.80
-9	14354	717700	ab457f3e-55ed-4ca9-acd8-f5d3e3100ce3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:29:33	-749.289
-10	7178	717800	d7e01a73-e0c4-4ce1-8b90-fc94b7d8c759	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:36:52	-569.200
-10	14356	717800	c85ad139-aacf-4470-b581-6aaaa413d591	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:23:18	-583.283
-11	7179	717900	30c20b15-7cfe-48b9-8f68-90ff6e557360	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:11:58	838.936
-11	14358	717900	ff2b7af6-ccbe-402d-8b0a-c483cff78020	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:22:29	88.124
-12	7180	718000	407c5798-b7b3-41cd-a3e9-ec6c6f6f91cb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:55:48	-374.171
-12	14360	718000	42e16931-09e4-4497-9d00-727fa76051e6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:41:56	-203.303
-13	7181	718100	b6064106-4aae-4d21-a9be-1293615dfce3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:03:51	41.975
-13	14362	718100	16914ed8-1844-486f-a427-ebbcde2d6939	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:50:50	663.279
-14	7182	718200	55151662-9d47-42ea-b73c-f61d41573708	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:12:57	-569.674
-14	14364	718200	eb02717d-7876-4455-92c4-1c2da224e1d2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:29:15	-749.779
-15	7183	718300	0d87fa85-d9d1-4542-82fb-2ff0da6087a4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:26:42	-476.541
-15	14366	718300	543d7cd7-9630-4192-a77b-8da2caae5866	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:05:05	-696.780
-16	7184	718400	012449ed-da16-4a9d-b8cb-0cb654ce63c4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:24:35	-879.139
-16	14368	718400	5bc419a4-8ef4-4c22-973c-9b1645a64f2f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:18:35	-393.633
-17	7185	718500	8082eca9-73db-49d2-adc2-99f70807dcdd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:11:41	-584.619
-17	14370	718500	84134603-b9ba-404d-8e2a-99d4bcadf2b9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:17:09	-553.246
-18	7186	718600	3c88d3ba-5a96-4a5e-b2f3-028403d55b69	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:55:38	-925.247
-18	14372	718600	351d5336-f0a2-483f-859c-ce2f2114b227	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:12:12	781.113
-19	7187	718700	9d2c6b86-89fc-4a33-8650-5bbd8f113de3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:51:19	-329.771
-19	14374	718700	cef69383-0443-4a18-b31f-f94590779b54	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:06:20	-966.877
-20	7188	718800	821a7fd1-17be-481d-9b3c-7d5fbabec61c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:24:13	249.79
-20	14376	718800	90e83cd8-1366-4494-86de-a2e05e6db6fe	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:29:07	-41.962
-21	7189	718900	e9ccad84-e9d6-4462-bd8f-717dafb7445e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:28:55	-401.533
-21	14378	718900	082417d1-c22b-442b-9b21-eb19b510c487	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:00:35	182.627
-22	7190	719000	2f9e5c00-f80c-4411-aafc-f42386154c13	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:07:09	277.94
-22	14380	719000	7a05cb4f-0e44-498f-bedd-fc03739cd55e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:25:30	-486.503
-23	7191	719100	5f8a84f2-8c0f-406f-be2a-66e0d5988b8d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:19:04	480.105
-23	14382	719100	effb4c13-28be-4818-97a6-12539acaea37	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:01:13	-905.958
-24	7192	719200	72a7f381-21b3-4be8-a023-822acab1c6bd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:06:46	-82.704
-24	14384	719200	f2a51405-4598-42d7-bcd7-f7cb7e2de3c4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:28:47	-429.993
-25	7193	719300	2edacb3a-89af-4f2b-bf0f-c75972673b88	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:50:26	744.475
-25	14386	719300	f89e9acf-b231-4057-a377-984562c1554c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:21:25	-112.511
-26	7194	719400	c0998513-5a04-4287-a39f-2aba275e0f8e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:09:51	-86.721
-26	14388	719400	d1a42e62-2045-4d2c-9be5-1cc75e7cedb0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:49:30	785.460
-27	7195	719500	59ee60be-861e-4959-8360-0e4dee431aee	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:10:42	-132.769
-27	14390	719500	d06567ad-eb15-4731-8660-a04ab3885c2a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:59:24	955.823
-28	7196	719600	f79977a5-4bc6-4096-b58f-4fa4d487ae41	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:08:21	-285.41
-28	14392	719600	b3509ce0-5ca9-4deb-babc-a8dd2f534886	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:04:46	262.470
-29	7197	719700	e8118c2b-0f08-4823-949e-0bbc8d084972	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:14:18	-682.96
-29	14394	719700	fe5e19a3-a4ff-464a-93de-16c67701f752	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:36:21	257.904
-30	7198	719800	233a4d54-be6d-46e7-a74c-15763a0c3cef	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:43:10	542.31
-30	14396	719800	5429cf79-f80e-46c6-95fb-2b023bd01a96	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:18:11	197.513
-31	7199	719900	06537176-d387-46e0-bf08-d7410d86c677	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:55:43	-522.668
-31	14398	719900	3be6c024-a62e-4fe4-bf8c-ecefde0f6820	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:15:37	892.755
-32	7200	720000	24f89b3b-c85f-48f4-89ef-116c218ea327	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:45:43	-165.194
-32	14400	720000	326dda96-2a30-4fda-bb45-936a8010fff4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:25:25	-470.400
-33	7201	720100	159c2466-989d-43d6-817b-ebbc10f20dc8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:20:01	-801.590
-33	14402	720100	70df85c8-1dc8-4fd4-a7a8-3c064d799852	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:07:12	-698.762
-34	7202	720200	49ecf5d1-7331-4fb4-91ee-6443fa447544	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:07:01	121.19
-34	14404	720200	1d2f5044-2c81-46cc-8fb9-3ff90adfaaaf	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:55:37	73.313
-35	7203	720300	c111209c-0ac8-40e7-8c82-5878531afee1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:03:53	-524.767
-35	14406	720300	c7890033-fae1-47dd-bf60-5f9ebde6a6b9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:31:01	-722.673
-36	7204	720400	79de0ff7-20c7-4023-8cc2-804c8895b545	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:11:18	-232.474
-36	14408	720400	3165dcfb-5a69-4c9b-b69e-ef350467642f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:14:34	968.259
-37	7205	720500	42688829-de98-4b1a-8252-e9ec8f08d825	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:02:13	97.69
-37	14410	720500	2d786063-932d-47bf-b701-d77f1bdf5a77	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:10:59	274.918
-38	7206	720600	50b5f055-3c18-4414-ac58-47b1462a0ed3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:52:15	286.714
-38	14412	720600	984ed167-81e6-45c3-840e-cafd14ea3e80	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:29:16	713.516
-39	7207	720700	da131e78-f69a-4aeb-9618-bb785b215383	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:55:22	-396.607
-39	14414	720700	ca61e86f-6e3d-45d4-846f-229ecf5bbb34	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:31:16	665.704
-40	7208	720800	11238346-f71b-40cc-94d7-a5a3c5e6a14d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:06:35	-440.619
-40	14416	720800	750f5f97-5e41-4eec-892c-03e768da9914	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:05:37	38.519
-41	7209	720900	e5e63cf7-33a4-4212-b587-5c86827b3b74	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:19:11	677.294
-41	14418	720900	a1eac2cc-906f-4e3f-9fab-05d48cb9d526	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:38:35	-833.185
-42	7210	721000	9383b4b4-0bfc-46db-bad5-8513c47f0e49	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:18:20	-395.161
-42	14420	721000	3fb59b43-5a57-41f3-8055-b86c6fdeb2df	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:09:41	803.529
-43	7211	721100	aaaed52a-7c56-4b7c-a6a0-7e4cdf4db7cd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:56:25	179.407
-43	14422	721100	8f0c7d30-b186-4e59-af67-0063fd02eba6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:09:20	-400.37
-44	7212	721200	c3ed78a2-a952-44c6-a62a-daaee65194f0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:25:45	-3.838
-44	14424	721200	92acbdfa-5f9f-4ff5-9a43-6b1ad0417ade	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:32:33	-789.208
-45	7213	721300	af0eb440-458b-47d0-898c-dbf64c3fde2e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:47:28	-564.673
-45	14426	721300	8ad04822-9c9b-48ad-93a4-d4da7415ec1f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:21:35	-806.52
-46	7214	721400	0b72a713-9847-428d-a967-739e9b15e701	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:01:47	-20.499
-46	14428	721400	971485eb-ad44-4e96-a564-06d7874b1656	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:00:21	630.576
-47	7215	721500	ba4a7571-9d8c-42a8-9264-d9277f19aa6e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:07:26	997.426
-47	14430	721500	e751caa4-93dc-46f4-814c-20fbdb47115a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:08:40	-835.583
-48	7216	721600	37a5304b-0171-42c7-ace7-e737a3972039	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:28:31	362.131
-48	14432	721600	f95fd122-a3ce-4c65-8030-6e76927aaf98	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:20:43	500.597
-49	7217	721700	385cf4ba-67b3-4dfb-95f7-a5b3d9638e3c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:23:18	659.495
-49	14434	721700	eeebcbf6-b453-473b-b9a6-02e55b73e2d2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:09:41	-58.443
-50	7218	721800	84561e80-5437-41f2-9d52-9ab1c019de0e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:45:30	-933.995
-50	14436	721800	f7826246-bc80-44b7-9829-898bc1b1c2fb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:56:44	618.940
-51	7219	721900	2645093c-83b9-43ce-b35d-7bd7276c4d5e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:49:45	-605.612
-51	14438	721900	d74dc6b6-9fb3-421f-8322-5630a5afa40c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:18:37	686.32
-52	7220	722000	144e9ec2-23bc-4e83-8fde-357d1b00ba87	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:12:38	560.947
-52	14440	722000	3bd77293-3dda-4f00-9ab4-d96a42cca459	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:19:41	899.160
-53	7221	722100	a32e7363-2615-41f5-8360-4e3279ab4966	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:29:57	206.441
-53	14442	722100	9442b31f-b55d-4799-beff-123ec5f44657	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:37:01	252.18
-54	7222	722200	c4f7d405-f49b-4479-9e22-f3e2f1fc6b73	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:59:36	-420.810
-54	14444	722200	0172d1d7-6384-4530-83bd-a9c5374d3915	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:24:24	-324.791
-55	7223	722300	041e347b-0c88-4b08-b81b-763d55837bd7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:38:55	589.263
-55	14446	722300	2eb8d352-d44d-4e25-b6b4-ca6d3007d329	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:15:08	-244.993
-56	7224	722400	a3a8306d-fd24-476f-945a-7bf4b28a985e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:42:17	77.10
-56	14448	722400	0795fc08-fb71-4065-9719-65c96e45f4d1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:48:38	-128.93
-57	7225	722500	0d26d779-dedc-4f51-a708-a9a243100d0d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:03:13	139.963
-57	14450	722500	3910a163-3194-4002-9b20-d93c54d03739	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:35:12	874.363
-58	7226	722600	5e42456c-a091-4888-9363-278563065452	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:40:42	93.734
-58	14452	722600	28f72872-7ee4-4e00-9c5e-06a67d4cf45f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:27:28	23.935
-59	7227	722700	46ccbd0f-dd79-4771-a445-8cf9c90d6a59	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:53:28	710.750
-59	14454	722700	3931d7aa-205d-4029-aac3-5c1f295d3215	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:44:59	-552.695
-60	7228	722800	f24447fa-c749-4689-8db2-4fcc7868db7c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:47:48	503.63
-60	14456	722800	f4d1922b-602f-4726-a039-a6ebca316028	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:36:13	337.167
-61	7229	722900	e1e546de-1d2f-496c-850e-c503fd7d970a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:59:26	-389.977
-61	14458	722900	c76ffb5a-548d-497e-a12f-05c3ad6582df	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:54:18	803.414
-62	7230	723000	3a23b2c5-bbdc-47de-b214-f268ab63a61b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:25:04	511.996
-62	14460	723000	8a9a10ad-e482-427e-a84a-0b890376cf6d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:23:20	190.445
-63	7231	723100	cbd738b4-d685-4a40-aa20-8fca1fbe1f01	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:22:20	401.221
-63	14462	723100	ec19c825-48e1-47e4-a74a-93c63353e6ca	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:04:32	759.583
-64	7232	723200	ddd7fce1-1223-4318-a7cb-14267d727639	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:32:01	636.779
-64	14464	723200	7fa0cee1-55f1-42e6-8892-1e9000400ede	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:54:03	748.415
-65	7233	723300	d2470ca0-2ac4-422a-be68-1eae35d5a3fa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:20:39	340.993
-65	14466	723300	b7338843-1a4b-4b1e-a28b-9d1a8a08199d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:57:38	-8.772
-66	7234	723400	62e2a7ad-a825-4689-ae34-f2ba1bbd8e1f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:54:47	302.309
-66	14468	723400	c54f24f7-5e40-412a-9f35-b75ef718dcb1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:47:20	-600.48
-67	7235	723500	4a87be2e-271e-4678-bcae-64dce31028fe	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:51:24	-266.995
-67	14470	723500	797e0187-1de4-441a-a4d4-275be59a2057	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:57:55	754.385
-68	7236	723600	3040b88d-71b1-4462-af15-bc748cf68172	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:25:33	108.559
-68	14472	723600	811c0857-818a-4e80-840e-cdd02277d405	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:02:49	850.11
-69	7237	723700	3e5c9c86-b7c9-4964-b4d9-b6541ccc3d9f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:40:27	743.966
-69	14474	723700	9535c590-1598-44bb-9ece-79e91867023b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:48:47	116.173
-70	7238	723800	450b8c4c-4844-4a06-ae17-5b3571264bf7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:26:24	818.114
-70	14476	723800	3fad87a0-8a2b-4285-beac-19924f89b196	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:28:05	193.657
-71	7239	723900	2b11447e-784d-413e-9cd5-7a85f33ed7cc	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:34:12	-703.878
-71	14478	723900	ad7d3661-b612-47ea-8603-6b5c49b2dcaa	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:46:32	-418.576
-72	7240	724000	b06f41fd-d635-4a54-9677-c93229259765	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:40:32	152.670
-72	14480	724000	0b5ecade-b960-4493-8b90-a614e5781f20	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:28:21	822.581
-73	7241	724100	2ae732fc-a7ce-4bd8-807d-1ef8df30e1c2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:46:28	20.98
-73	14482	724100	6ba56dd2-8975-439c-a907-8cc89734d5ae	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:07:41	-507.733
-74	7242	724200	9f064ede-b8b6-4e48-9b00-9c4fa4dea5f8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:52:30	3.989
-74	14484	724200	81024183-3ff9-4369-88d8-064138653781	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:34:22	-361.364
-75	7243	724300	70ebe7aa-b7d7-4cb6-b31f-2ab4f3cd0dac	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:02:12	172.928
-75	14486	724300	51f2ccf5-ed35-4a1c-a3eb-449d5c6d572d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:01:59	-93.143
-76	7244	724400	e041f4ff-ad3b-4190-a7a8-7f29218cbe6f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:57:50	-200.524
-76	14488	724400	654703b1-739c-4a3f-8f15-75d0b1319fe8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:54:12	77.875
-77	7245	724500	ce643fe9-fdc0-4608-8a6e-485feb4902ba	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:38:48	853.641
-77	14490	724500	0966efe9-aa34-41f8-a6c5-0d63b0a87580	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:06:10	-655.252
-78	7246	724600	f53f637f-14f6-456b-b1ad-ec62274fda61	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:17:58	-719.151
-78	14492	724600	988f9ffb-9312-46f7-8f2f-f47071fd2995	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:33:23	192.713
-79	7247	724700	e08b4738-ba89-4a31-98b8-38c4a1fc8305	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:32:17	-528.299
-79	14494	724700	ef700857-a467-4060-b922-a7b34468034c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:51:25	-695.299
-80	7248	724800	c79e78b0-d3e6-4595-bf8d-6bce5f9216d5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:24:10	653.682
-80	14496	724800	bff462d7-3fbc-4bfd-819c-fa944d4f66b6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:46:57	644.451
-81	7249	724900	6f8d2bb8-ae76-44bd-a5e2-678b94704efd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:18:26	-225.534
-81	14498	724900	d74551df-2c14-4117-8ed8-da427ffc8605	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:01:32	389.477
-82	7250	725000	a3adcc46-6688-4733-8166-32685c130e9c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:46:41	413.714
-82	14500	725000	4496afce-9193-484b-971e-9bbbb2bc8b8a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:52:40	18.380
-83	7251	725100	deba1872-6bf8-4f26-b8b9-d1208cb291f9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:42:44	327.781
-83	14502	725100	9178561e-21c2-458a-9f7d-3621ed62928d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:11:59	-840.609
-84	7252	725200	3d05feb2-1c95-4089-a511-9432ee29ec1b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:19:30	-408.763
-84	14504	725200	3273904c-7c5b-4d59-929a-f0ab8ef91681	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:26:23	602.381
-85	7253	725300	2530c57c-2e9c-45bf-8b0c-3e6173c1091a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:34:35	-448.630
-85	14506	725300	85707c83-f4de-49e7-8fda-eec82470e7ec	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:11:16	151.167
-86	7254	725400	2fc2f6f8-ceea-4c4b-b30c-6ebe826b250c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:09:09	-88.190
-86	14508	725400	bd733061-72ba-44dd-9d7b-b0a35c73d279	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:21:27	-8.973
-87	7255	725500	2178ae42-a2e0-4821-b8f2-ee0c4bf0c92a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:35:14	-78.391
-87	14510	725500	add9ccd3-4f00-40be-87c9-be8a23b729ed	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:38:06	657.971
-88	7256	725600	d26a0b69-2dc8-4d32-a193-57c4e2f5eab2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:09:07	-643.666
-88	14512	725600	50c76107-fa8b-4a5e-beba-a86de9deeeaa	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:04:35	-816.805
-89	7257	725700	242085d4-b53d-486c-b0a6-f9a00a0130a6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:18:12	-297.337
-89	14514	725700	46c5176d-bf87-457c-bdf0-aee76283f962	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:44:03	729.766
-90	7258	725800	dc0ed000-b5c1-414a-833d-64aee566ffee	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:33:48	655.291
-90	14516	725800	50211b89-9364-40d3-b8eb-7c89f47f9b4f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:47:19	142.396
-91	7259	725900	5588d3da-78a4-4c48-9626-96a51604659a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:30:09	208.73
-91	14518	725900	71204823-9488-4d1b-9360-2f97739f9fbe	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:44:28	141.929
-92	7260	726000	ed3c0a0c-7bfe-41c9-b3fb-48f54b916416	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:51:35	852.449
-92	14520	726000	6302ac2c-55e5-4050-9fc5-e92c0ad5c734	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:30:28	895.210
-93	7261	726100	fda69d82-4d0c-4572-bc53-131531aeec7d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:26:01	685.683
-93	14522	726100	06690730-e889-4542-a444-387da1ad49e4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:53:05	320.614
-94	7262	726200	fd95ad35-4b3b-4ade-ad66-32dd41196f52	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:37:36	-417.326
-94	14524	726200	5439f824-109c-4915-866a-7a2f3af34110	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:30:54	-921.17
-95	7263	726300	17382183-abe6-4b57-a1c2-f09215e3ff40	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:40:20	-941.537
-95	14526	726300	6e7e31ef-1c97-4004-860f-fad70fc04d57	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:19:06	19.634
-96	7264	726400	fd344e84-1184-453a-9941-97d939ed217b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:46:38	-58.728
-96	14528	726400	fe50add0-e0e7-4557-b043-6742c30fb92f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:55:34	415.283
-97	7265	726500	24e98c90-ef93-4236-bcec-449a15a7cc77	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:07:29	-888.345
-97	14530	726500	fff21547-60f2-4f05-aabf-4c05c340930f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:10:12	819.628
-98	7266	726600	fb6bf15a-9746-48af-a2a4-c4922b7e3f0f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:17:27	431.248
-98	14532	726600	fe159cf6-3f22-458b-bf92-339c9c4c08e1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:50:04	-539.988
-99	7267	726700	b9ebe1bf-ba47-4627-aa56-58e90cc4738a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:43:05	953.829
-99	14534	726700	e81b29f1-b4d2-47f2-b507-014bf3793f0a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:44:30	-9.642
-100	7268	726800	ad10cabe-16a5-472b-ad7e-3c15c0e84ad5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:21:29	801.246
-100	14536	726800	f9714d86-09ec-44da-b1e4-dcd29c37cb4d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:13:31	245.37
-101	7269	726900	66e2bfd7-6c4d-4aa8-8fdf-c0b43b98f262	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:32:21	-927.750
-101	14538	726900	a6dd573d-7ac3-4cfa-96d5-ca95ac2fe56d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:27:29	498.407
-102	7270	727000	96bb9b84-ae41-4368-a0b0-01fbda6ddc17	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:46:18	-112.379
-102	14540	727000	c1bef7bd-d280-4167-af01-e90eb63b51bc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:32:37	-200.686
-103	7271	727100	91b2f23d-5047-441e-ac58-a816efaa5900	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:13:18	327.545
-103	14542	727100	65309ecf-a9f3-4363-ba33-76a107dc8746	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:45:18	30.728
-104	7272	727200	25649e45-f993-46f0-bad8-83e441efacaa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:39:14	234.433
-104	14544	727200	387cdba8-0772-4f51-8562-ac6baac848f5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:56:30	-663.639
-105	7273	727300	a97c49ae-58d2-4a5a-bd40-6edba7dd23cd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:03:47	8.527
-105	14546	727300	6bf191cc-ba5f-4255-8449-a77e24cfb39e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:32:01	-507.577
-106	7274	727400	9ec8820e-9005-416e-8d80-65305909bacc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:37:45	-77.899
-106	14548	727400	37453bfb-2f02-4d05-8e65-c58ad0cf2af2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:24:58	513.223
-107	7275	727500	f4c92686-abf0-4913-8c3e-936c6fd974ed	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:17:08	-777.443
-107	14550	727500	6acab82d-3a56-4a24-919e-18f5c530a59c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:03:34	940.828
-108	7276	727600	ef843d89-c173-4e71-91b9-bb8f8bcf0e5d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:58:52	410.19
-108	14552	727600	762d6df7-602e-4b1a-a970-b607281874db	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:09:19	-518.797
-109	7277	727700	ae565c9f-13b9-42c1-9f9d-df5668ed3c11	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:44:59	647.644
-109	14554	727700	6bcd925e-f461-467c-a258-6fd13a2d11ec	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:16:29	-795.606
-110	7278	727800	e485b424-ae36-4a31-9725-edfa1c92d12f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:47:03	-453.531
-110	14556	727800	c11349a1-f690-425d-acd6-b046f7a7c302	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:40:07	-137.549
-111	7279	727900	33ca8172-934a-406f-bc95-5e7eae4a79dd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:25:08	663.877
-111	14558	727900	4e9f0e37-2789-493d-bdcc-be5912e20fc2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:11:59	128.860
-112	7280	728000	dcab2c2b-a2b5-4f30-9e1e-784cd8419bfb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:16:00	764.538
-112	14560	728000	a7b5d3c9-fe03-44da-afe6-ea0fc0cc7716	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:18:49	932.52
-113	7281	728100	0c90b67d-6b5e-4fb1-9923-b8da8feea49e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:13:16	-551.888
-113	14562	728100	38af2ad9-c84b-4b42-8a8e-306faf8c1728	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:32:24	-379.93
-114	7282	728200	f6b85636-bf31-4572-bffd-8c14761f2cca	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:11:19	363.81
-114	14564	728200	1ae9f261-ecb1-4d49-a9d3-0e9ab0d54ad5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:02:16	818.990
-115	7283	728300	ac444d87-75d0-40e4-9b67-05847cd11bbc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:16:56	-832.374
-115	14566	728300	3501f2c9-e75d-446e-8377-17dd5ae2e935	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:16:49	-649.932
-116	7284	728400	41be4722-f475-427e-808c-b4697c16f7de	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:35:02	-899.577
-116	14568	728400	3b6051d4-f092-48cc-9de8-39f49c71810f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:49:23	-292.806
-117	7285	728500	2bea2e83-1782-4207-ab89-634f350806cd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:32:37	-676.228
-117	14570	728500	c39b1560-e39a-453c-91fb-3e99693f4a28	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:46:04	-106.773
-118	7286	728600	9ce8b330-ee94-4dba-8330-8b3d33e2e386	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:04:57	-983.687
-118	14572	728600	a302ac62-89fd-472b-998a-9f417f9b27e1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:40:06	-953.881
-119	7287	728700	a5ad8822-b5c1-4a17-896d-1af3ffda97bc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:41:21	758.255
-119	14574	728700	9a279a35-cdc5-485f-ad7f-be944382e821	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:59:18	-436.154
-120	7288	728800	0d3baf6b-b634-44ad-993f-7092c7b0c6f6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:22:28	939.670
-120	14576	728800	dd38e239-4c7d-4974-a2ab-96eb866c21cd	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:23:12	800.496
-121	7289	728900	526b84b6-4a2a-446f-bfc4-6cf1eac02856	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:40:00	602.903
-121	14578	728900	fe8b09fc-7360-4a24-b07f-58f0cece7a5c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:30:09	-538.599
-122	7290	729000	e6b86e85-73a4-4477-96b8-07531b288a8b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:02:31	-964.889
-122	14580	729000	ce3e03f0-5cc0-41cb-ae05-b0e69d6541a7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:07:32	932.938
-123	7291	729100	98b49f49-52b1-489b-a338-6bc48fa9fa33	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:55:43	50.554
-123	14582	729100	097e6af7-20e5-4fbb-8204-d171663cbe6b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:55:35	465.563
-124	7292	729200	0a0f6d4e-4713-4c9a-8a33-e79ae3ab02db	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:44:13	-239.140
-124	14584	729200	10578edf-9e8f-4338-a4db-dff440396d69	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:42:30	626.127
-125	7293	729300	4847e50a-8a91-4d0a-9731-fcbe19269af4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:14:20	486.884
-125	14586	729300	d89acdbb-659b-4f83-a61b-607591303d93	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:51:21	374.245
-126	7294	729400	83c74c53-9f4a-40d5-8dd5-506e91d1e8c7	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:18:05	-360.581
-126	14588	729400	0b0c20f8-d363-480d-8f22-a27d99a89911	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:20:11	669.468
-127	7295	729500	2c251314-eb55-4b19-8237-5a3d6e744d7d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:32:29	720.331
-127	14590	729500	5eec4d55-74de-4493-acfa-2ef7fb4c58c1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:56:55	208.34
-0	7296	729600	d71b5ad7-b0db-4baf-a03f-eb5b6bb94470	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:19:12	-420.139
-0	14592	729600	d800c6b1-3854-4bf4-b641-3f9f112bda73	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:12:37	-974.73
-1	7297	729700	e03e2975-f49b-49ed-8705-f586f8f8fc04	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:46:50	-734.216
-1	14594	729700	1cdba77a-878b-47c0-9d33-cce12d5a9245	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:34:19	-515.939
-2	7298	729800	4ae74a3c-124d-4d48-b262-a153d32f0738	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:12:01	416.133
-2	14596	729800	496e17be-aac8-42ec-9114-3af745b8d106	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:48:02	-816.359
-3	7299	729900	7ac8716f-fd1d-475e-82d2-fa96846d375b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:48:01	-39.100
-3	14598	729900	d44e2055-4fe1-4d77-9d47-b01b602f5024	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:20:54	-387.378
-4	7300	730000	069af90d-1480-40c3-a22e-510ad7184a3c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:41:38	-887.732
-4	14600	730000	71c9ed25-67fc-4062-bdec-3cbbcebd9ebc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:33:28	571.661
-5	7301	730100	f78d3fe0-4b33-4d5d-9e7d-55295cba9ebf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:22:40	-231.819
-5	14602	730100	92217bc7-6a95-47b8-a510-3457a62ef8f6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:23:49	-785.532
-6	7302	730200	8fbd9e00-ba41-4be4-a25f-5d3787b44287	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:14:36	-182.319
-6	14604	730200	7fc8b126-1e71-480a-a977-958120c174a7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:58:33	-119.528
-7	7303	730300	530a95eb-4e3e-4c9c-bd14-b93d4d86fc90	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:02:29	-120.375
-7	14606	730300	4366cd47-f303-423b-9916-95df21033a83	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:40:15	-176.904
-8	7304	730400	fc8865e1-674b-4967-826f-bf7beb84f444	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:45:01	689.743
-8	14608	730400	4375c277-a729-4379-8964-6739132c4221	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:15:29	382.202
-9	7305	730500	fdfba052-fd3a-4606-b8cf-f5a4153ae636	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:43:50	177.144
-9	14610	730500	f30d0955-d252-4ae4-b528-482429b22893	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:48:51	925.782
-10	7306	730600	da37ba84-37bf-4717-969b-1aa3d2b29831	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:23:03	-145.632
-10	14612	730600	ce8eba85-eba7-49ba-ba90-d40c11fb5953	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:39:14	252.185
-11	7307	730700	f501645f-08db-4478-be44-a20770214821	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:16:38	-72.454
-11	14614	730700	6528df6c-0e57-488c-9f9d-9ff27371bf73	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:44:09	-219.861
-12	7308	730800	11b08e06-6151-484d-8007-d02133f211a4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:30:34	-37.610
-12	14616	730800	8f83ae95-a9c4-47f6-b3b6-745e77660d6d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:31:26	662.634
-13	7309	730900	ac7d1eee-602d-4fc9-b1c5-28904fe4db95	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:34:33	165.559
-13	14618	730900	75732595-7611-4450-82ba-d609b57cd95a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:56:07	-481.149
-14	7310	731000	60cabf38-6ebf-48e1-bcd4-42e708231e32	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:42:53	-483.648
-14	14620	731000	74fb4400-6bb2-483f-b916-874b90f28d33	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:47:58	-827.764
-15	7311	731100	d6cfe549-df71-44a7-a0dd-4a1a33c67a34	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:19:08	628.711
-15	14622	731100	69eca2c9-4c97-47b9-bb59-8abf08bb8325	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:54:02	-334.311
-16	7312	731200	a77022f4-2c50-49b0-9084-6cdb764748df	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:30:13	36.102
-16	14624	731200	ddf378b6-a9bd-45f0-9c56-04e2b78dbacc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:44:31	-547.552
-17	7313	731300	d48ac33f-2076-4096-a673-573f6a754732	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:16:02	450.297
-17	14626	731300	78dcb2f1-b576-4a79-b72e-a9e8a0912078	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:33:20	-531.730
-18	7314	731400	015ae891-f0db-4899-9873-42ac3bf2c1a9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:52:07	-659.632
-18	14628	731400	bc1e4e0f-39b7-4865-8020-a53a75636284	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:13:13	427.764
-19	7315	731500	f3efe61e-a3af-4923-a52c-986c6f316ea2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:52:46	-628.373
-19	14630	731500	bce00e93-c48e-4d87-b9a6-b0f0ce0fdc9e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:45:48	-728.304
-20	7316	731600	eb36149d-75ad-40b9-8eff-0e4ef6c6daae	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:59:38	461.185
-20	14632	731600	223cd20a-0545-420a-8d31-5257ce1d3232	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:13:23	437.83
-21	7317	731700	5f96dd08-19a1-4f8d-b953-62911290f4d7	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:50:12	-255.556
-21	14634	731700	e8613773-a933-4fcb-a53b-1276e53c17b6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:09:11	652.318
-22	7318	731800	a79b763e-c33f-429c-bebc-45a950d1f4fb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:21:56	82.977
-22	14636	731800	e5b0d3c2-2be1-4e41-99f0-135cd76207f8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:05:22	621.623
-23	7319	731900	aba4d6fe-1c41-4595-a8ec-2f3f1d549652	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:59:20	458.948
-23	14638	731900	c54a0f6b-7894-40ad-9100-741b6631fcd8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:03:54	-883.859
-24	7320	732000	4c41e2b5-07d5-4368-aec7-d8751bd6b6d5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:49:23	-727.153
-24	14640	732000	9b021cc8-7f0c-4f8e-92d5-f5f679fc0dcd	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:24:54	776.159
-25	7321	732100	280e7493-bfaf-43b8-b3ca-1420269c8401	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:48:42	500.903
-25	14642	732100	a3039fc8-e2f5-45d7-8aeb-8407770a9875	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:42:36	-588.871
-26	7322	732200	7397ba0e-65b0-4020-a69c-296d5b73bbf2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:02:40	-972.228
-26	14644	732200	45dbf26c-af50-4906-8265-cbbf37048368	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:23:32	678.456
-27	7323	732300	3b0844ec-f47d-4350-8810-51973ad30a76	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:36:32	665.493
-27	14646	732300	d1ff3ae3-1aa0-42ca-9ebe-7a89b212eb69	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:28:51	315.194
-28	7324	732400	02c3f986-a2c2-41c0-b3ce-896333fae345	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:27:24	554.675
-28	14648	732400	1d400139-0249-41ba-91f3-0786a22ced45	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:15:00	376.421
-29	7325	732500	8a7d5e8d-e7db-4ff5-95b6-a0cf69ee22a2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:39:35	637.512
-29	14650	732500	c1b84465-c7f5-4347-9d32-4a4b1cabce0f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:34:53	811.904
-30	7326	732600	c089dbab-95ae-4da6-bea4-8526e5f051cd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:32:14	-275.775
-30	14652	732600	a495d557-681e-4dfd-875f-d31f9daf51cd	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:31:48	846.660
-31	7327	732700	686d95ef-226a-4ca0-a8bc-3fd76f6d49ff	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:51:59	-76.935
-31	14654	732700	77ca4118-8329-4317-bacf-64cb782269b3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:46:44	-269.404
-32	7328	732800	ca38a6eb-3eac-4084-a472-961f8b935068	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:53:37	234.803
-32	14656	732800	0ae0313f-e80c-4d14-b739-ebb679da0340	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:18:50	-217.207
-33	7329	732900	d0005702-91e3-48fc-b4e7-93fbd5e8b863	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:10:06	-379.685
-33	14658	732900	ea9421b3-61bf-4390-91be-f39afd01b09d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:34:26	172.11
-34	7330	733000	26d6ab89-9839-4471-90db-4e3a9f9fa99b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:44:43	613.63
-34	14660	733000	5134764c-608d-4d6b-9f19-b179d91828e0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:45:34	760.992
-35	7331	733100	89b8153c-bcfb-4e36-a49e-6cc28cec113e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:49:42	-646.803
-35	14662	733100	582d1b3f-6bce-4504-a3f7-8d08886c0b93	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:18:05	-67.360
-36	7332	733200	9504a02d-30d0-4ae6-a1dc-ce21daa79732	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:59:10	123.940
-36	14664	733200	51cc5c80-e0be-4799-93a0-db3e67ef3492	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:19:04	484.600
-37	7333	733300	bc61edd9-bc53-467d-84b7-37166f3d4490	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:06:38	-930.258
-37	14666	733300	b736ea84-02d2-4720-955e-fce2ef9145fc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:24:36	900.890
-38	7334	733400	62acf01c-8f32-43ef-970c-9340bcbcd6a7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:52:02	994.122
-38	14668	733400	f9afbaf1-9894-4675-a26f-ece23677a5e8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:05:36	-423.905
-39	7335	733500	7a4dbe66-21df-4d80-93b5-fc0b5c6b29b7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:22:55	-863.680
-39	14670	733500	b7da624a-be45-4d18-9dcd-1f0fa429e8fa	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:58:02	778.142
-40	7336	733600	e55d1f70-eba0-4287-9f88-52cc7141d146	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:38:00	-492.98
-40	14672	733600	742a7267-4b9c-4149-b872-88b992b04504	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:06:29	-253.850
-41	7337	733700	0c73571a-61b9-4c34-852c-9493b0586138	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:13:59	668.812
-41	14674	733700	0aa289f9-0ffe-465d-8573-7da11310e1b7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:34:11	-868.396
-42	7338	733800	5b237f50-eec8-4457-adf1-8a1e82f07bf1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:49:33	906.800
-42	14676	733800	194eb10e-794d-42e0-8602-6f0e68b02ea5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:21:06	-853.999
-43	7339	733900	9e8d98a9-a885-4cde-ad84-50bc1af255d4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:07:54	-420.994
-43	14678	733900	40e3a83c-3e86-41a3-b280-8d01d58b60bc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:57:13	424.180
-44	7340	734000	1ed3f1ca-17f2-4cf8-b4e7-e70a2089584a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:32:41	887.12
-44	14680	734000	bb831bb2-13da-4d08-af8e-35cc6ead787a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:48:11	-266.750
-45	7341	734100	1a100397-0e65-44dc-aa30-388041758ab2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:42:17	919.468
-45	14682	734100	e3705548-e237-4037-8b95-5a6e16354b60	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:01:14	878.524
-46	7342	734200	e3cefc5f-55e9-4934-8cf5-0f85c9093a3b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:21:56	-717.274
-46	14684	734200	61218aba-d0d8-44f7-b143-7a0a01955e8c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:35:24	-131.147
-47	7343	734300	b3812277-4a2c-4c02-a821-d33f472d3b1d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:52:07	-908.621
-47	14686	734300	a2361ff9-49ab-4121-a04d-6ac55a0ffb76	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:44:44	-180.879
-48	7344	734400	ec2c79a6-8080-48f6-b834-53c30c436368	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:55:52	307.469
-48	14688	734400	b404bd47-b77a-4e1d-9aef-ba08dd4168a0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:57:40	728.821
-49	7345	734500	e8af3fdb-7da5-42e7-b643-ddd6aa5f4bd0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:28:40	951.363
-49	14690	734500	3b8286b0-54fe-463b-9a39-8b5919372ae3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:03:56	-816.58
-50	7346	734600	eba48bf3-9a70-48a5-8f5d-455be09199b9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:24:02	18.447
-50	14692	734600	f0a145d4-876e-4367-9584-65b7b6c86db7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:06:14	-552.578
-51	7347	734700	525612ab-45ff-453e-9dfe-7b40634877c2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:53:29	239.151
-51	14694	734700	9b700f28-c02a-4a5a-acac-489a1bf568e7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:24:09	144.724
-52	7348	734800	e750fec3-8193-40c6-a2ae-46b504a98d6c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:09:57	966.753
-52	14696	734800	00505e15-5341-49e3-83d2-bf62efe22f0f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:54:59	-907.504
-53	7349	734900	2d5062c9-b1c1-4b44-a378-90e5c24b6e9f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:48:47	-229.134
-53	14698	734900	0ef93829-0c33-43a7-89d3-6c47e0a1a4c9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:42:00	-875.312
-54	7350	735000	73b2b539-f2e3-4687-b630-61cdaae68359	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:43:33	-544.789
-54	14700	735000	de875d1c-4dea-4918-937c-5f290ed72518	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:58:09	-896.360
-55	7351	735100	b1b90521-9d40-4a5d-bfe5-d400930d50b0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:26:40	-648.776
-55	14702	735100	abbae6c1-75b2-4dca-8358-fa9912eab3b6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:43:26	862.895
-56	7352	735200	a8f10dc9-a940-473a-92c9-bc97311e4297	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:15:31	-46.404
-56	14704	735200	a6c53383-bf25-44a1-b1e5-ac0400d835e5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:07:38	-394.958
-57	7353	735300	0f3de45d-cea9-480b-9a0c-98916e2cf1c5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:38:59	-125.574
-57	14706	735300	648e5c00-fe95-4890-bd02-98ef6593e539	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:45:35	-404.701
-58	7354	735400	3d2fd602-3a3d-43f6-a3ee-f167872d6734	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:56:37	-32.227
-58	14708	735400	d98e34b0-c6b3-4d50-a3d3-2c0e11949b73	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:50:10	524.107
-59	7355	735500	4b9d239c-a7f9-4509-b1ac-c77d9753527e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:52:40	390.449
-59	14710	735500	479bf4bd-bbbd-4208-9c80-ff499d6e88cb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:21:43	10.102
-60	7356	735600	4d5d702f-2bd3-442b-ad45-58fec7eab474	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:20:03	-928.781
-60	14712	735600	32e4e668-e842-4362-9e16-3703b6885e0c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:14:59	-217.18
-61	7357	735700	262a84f8-e293-4646-a0d9-61477c575d9d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:48:41	900.543
-61	14714	735700	d4b20450-01db-4867-aaac-8a7cea62b97d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:58:03	139.0
-62	7358	735800	227c2cde-0554-4e64-a570-15eab254fb2e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:14:01	519.619
-62	14716	735800	4a81e609-fc32-4946-a9a7-438cdb7704e7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:34:15	923.725
-63	7359	735900	341dedf1-a992-4c93-9503-330896a3f753	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:00:12	-917.824
-63	14718	735900	dbbe7af3-96d4-4c80-a7fd-9cc9da08217c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:01:32	-739.862
-64	7360	736000	f8522a2e-1b49-429f-a87f-bb487064857b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:19:45	233.132
-64	14720	736000	728ab96a-d8bf-43ca-bfb6-608805103e40	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:41:01	-928.914
-65	7361	736100	091396ac-f01b-49dc-88df-7ca16f247d71	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:43:26	34.326
-65	14722	736100	bc6a63bd-77f3-4628-9a53-1f86c5ce0e62	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:54:47	501.46
-66	7362	736200	3efa8c33-1936-46d3-b96f-0c46dd4cd476	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:44:35	-957.158
-66	14724	736200	913126bb-bda3-4c1d-8544-8eff57fac24b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:38:59	-498.822
-67	7363	736300	197afbfb-9011-426c-b9ac-b6f9bd078f1d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:48:31	-514.775
-67	14726	736300	84297a61-1bed-49e7-bd62-ff98cdc63b3a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:04:36	990.166
-68	7364	736400	f25303be-11d1-48da-aedd-d32063dd81f7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:47:17	-847.601
-68	14728	736400	b440aa88-1286-478b-aa78-06e7818f0761	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:47:40	350.612
-69	7365	736500	35b3d847-4d55-4d4b-bf08-a1aadab8d1a3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:00:01	872.670
-69	14730	736500	73023483-20a8-4567-8c81-1b86b933ce48	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:05:50	-39.75
-70	7366	736600	d36dfe4f-4293-415d-963c-8123b24badef	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:25:29	808.196
-70	14732	736600	6ba475c6-9d91-47d2-978a-9004bfcb89af	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:04:24	-237.601
-71	7367	736700	7e06d894-72c3-44b2-b094-3855c7d0d37a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:37:31	346.113
-71	14734	736700	a3db0598-2d6f-4427-a79c-5c5524f91185	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:58:10	-88.822
-72	7368	736800	71f7fdb7-4f01-431a-b8f6-f6e976374e66	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:12:28	751.651
-72	14736	736800	2e30e7d9-6b5b-4fb9-8796-3dec93a19114	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:10:31	900.652
-73	7369	736900	04a1261d-b198-4f40-a3dd-1a9775792afb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:31:02	152.975
-73	14738	736900	73b86a6d-86aa-4c11-9f0a-9c7f3324c408	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:30:46	-556.577
-74	7370	737000	68bcd42d-b502-4aa4-b9d3-c22b49ca113f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:42:46	-114.414
-74	14740	737000	1bff0ffe-739e-464f-969e-2b7e032b8923	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:57:02	21.382
-75	7371	737100	debb550b-0888-4edd-a4f2-8b8e98aaa060	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:22:04	855.469
-75	14742	737100	f5507644-9b23-430d-8522-499edfcbecc3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:48:36	-354.496
-76	7372	737200	8aef4338-0a2e-4771-a228-6d1cf064fe96	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:03:59	257.310
-76	14744	737200	0d676d48-9540-4ac7-b476-100539ee0a1e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:46:14	993.56
-77	7373	737300	0964266b-f6f2-4358-8f5a-01d4c9171d7d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:53:48	919.891
-77	14746	737300	cfcc2c60-4cc0-456e-b958-9eda216819ae	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:34:43	-499.971
-78	7374	737400	060baa75-219f-4210-a191-113ebbbbed5c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:40:35	-805.898
-78	14748	737400	cd3969eb-f1d9-43d4-9d7c-bd97ccb06dc1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:39:54	-322.698
-79	7375	737500	326d350d-5044-4942-b103-cd84dd76aaa9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:03:29	-474.749
-79	14750	737500	88dcc0e7-beb2-47df-b3c5-9b85df3f0b29	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:29:19	406.985
-80	7376	737600	295c8c43-568b-4e71-8e49-009d28310a56	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:59:08	459.867
-80	14752	737600	8ffb40fa-7b42-4714-8c7c-8bee24ec1914	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:34:38	609.977
-81	7377	737700	46060941-d76a-42a3-859a-e32b11811880	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:41:42	181.191
-81	14754	737700	a7ff7737-f27a-472e-a523-765a8f2c74fa	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:20:45	-43.422
-82	7378	737800	b0943f5f-e182-4ccc-bbdc-667d1951ca42	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:22:36	112.805
-82	14756	737800	cce2edcd-99da-4ade-8ad1-c58ec6779566	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:16:17	-364.407
-83	7379	737900	b845790b-6859-431d-9127-330ce7046b18	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:28:45	99.914
-83	14758	737900	87ff97b8-23a8-476a-89fd-d7cddd71cbc7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:27:13	744.144
-84	7380	738000	3622cb46-7358-42df-8a42-f3aa0b00bf7c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:45:01	-496.990
-84	14760	738000	71b76673-5170-4a4f-a7ed-f1497f475f4b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:46:36	-625.355
-85	7381	738100	bbf19d45-c2a6-4cb3-b8c3-d098ac4340a5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:37:24	55.284
-85	14762	738100	07a55387-00cc-4425-9025-2ecf817058f4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:43:07	-126.816
-86	7382	738200	6f71eecd-de1f-4907-8301-aa4d988440fa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:33:04	-258.409
-86	14764	738200	a2c0a100-3808-4c12-a41a-1ec64362b072	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:54:24	-745.736
-87	7383	738300	d16727fb-9412-407f-870f-099f158935fc	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:43:19	-844.735
-87	14766	738300	82b77ecd-7b7b-4ae9-885d-a2a844f3bfd0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:52:35	-629.552
-88	7384	738400	93d63dfd-90a3-4f67-b0ea-0cef630d892f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:19:29	37.986
-88	14768	738400	12677279-62c3-45fa-9386-69666f9f85f6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:28:13	922.499
-89	7385	738500	0bb46497-8a23-447f-a96e-446c198f2b46	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:34:19	-440.42
-89	14770	738500	bb556f10-91dc-449e-89e4-024e1ea5b037	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:11:53	-221.554
-90	7386	738600	10dd53b7-85ec-4748-90c6-40949b80dc5a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:08:59	-53.929
-90	14772	738600	5cc7566e-6949-448a-b546-aeb4a6e5718c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:50:16	-729.284
-91	7387	738700	9b18d49d-5240-4480-94a4-90450fb9ec9d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:01:56	3.591
-91	14774	738700	957b46de-40ad-4253-b854-da45389f5d2e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:02:07	495.329
-92	7388	738800	62e48909-de57-4659-8230-ee23302ef3c7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:42:23	356.988
-92	14776	738800	9f538315-6eb0-4f30-8811-3e7dc056d57e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:53:51	572.657
-93	7389	738900	50862554-185e-4ede-98f9-39a0e613f5f2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:28:56	-39.119
-93	14778	738900	7acaa2df-a743-4ca9-91ba-6426889e8db8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:17:50	-175.382
-94	7390	739000	eece56f2-6f80-4d18-a671-86718ee25a1f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:44:19	152.495
-94	14780	739000	41daad7f-6e79-4f56-91ab-b25bb2b27bd2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:55:00	-829.170
-95	7391	739100	d5ed36eb-6c23-477e-ae0e-22417388e53f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:29:31	-573.527
-95	14782	739100	696b2c11-cb28-49b6-9994-120f43f54bcc	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:26:51	194.341
-96	7392	739200	6b5e50a9-ca5d-42f6-955b-cce6a8b75518	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:49:39	-674.513
-96	14784	739200	2dc4e0bf-bbe4-4cfc-b88c-9502ec85d570	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:44:48	-702.987
-97	7393	739300	ea68acad-414b-459d-bee2-58290abff1f7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:35:08	-670.37
-97	14786	739300	487b2814-e838-4637-99cf-1fd947c89247	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:48:55	61.205
-98	7394	739400	23f4e6e6-d55b-45e2-8df0-34479b554dc2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:20:19	374.368
-98	14788	739400	cccc92b9-b26e-4e05-8cd2-06100636de5a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:15:29	-598.880
-99	7395	739500	9fb942dd-312a-48c7-8d4f-212148a661c5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:19:52	726.812
-99	14790	739500	53b702f8-61c5-4daa-b6bc-def11b671dc2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:49:30	240.442
-100	7396	739600	7968442f-fe6c-4d1f-b090-e5e0e81a960b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:25:07	279.417
-100	14792	739600	0aa3c5e8-7540-4767-8856-cb665fb0ffc6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:37:06	186.615
-101	7397	739700	8df53a58-1044-46d5-a558-8d19a4e1da8a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:31:05	21.323
-101	14794	739700	044f6c27-122e-4587-828b-60e346515d20	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:13:52	70.226
-102	7398	739800	521b765c-24f3-47b8-a6f9-f7082a941963	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:07:23	-508.45
-102	14796	739800	1df824cb-6987-412c-88f9-cbd04f13a5b5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:10:50	-146.754
-103	7399	739900	5316bf5c-38e7-4a2e-8aad-1675c5132fff	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:22:25	-68.432
-103	14798	739900	222b607a-32a7-419f-91d6-a2ce5477750b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:17:06	620.765
-104	7400	740000	f998885d-f9a1-4f97-8c68-2415293cf066	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:33:39	-848.726
-104	14800	740000	7912512d-7113-4c36-afa7-9769923f1634	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:24:23	-320.335
-105	7401	740100	e65016ec-ea15-438b-81ea-3b2582455ced	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:33:43	-594.438
-105	14802	740100	0764e2b1-2aff-4cfe-ac9d-dd3b51b12736	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:18:14	-397.538
-106	7402	740200	8ff34ad1-f4f5-470a-949a-b2ba8dbfe7ef	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:03:58	-339.319
-106	14804	740200	d83e29c9-e596-4d12-a087-acc689ffbd46	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:25:50	-309.26
-107	7403	740300	268f9967-b6fd-4cec-8673-ba0a8f59a878	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:41:46	-455.160
-107	14806	740300	97f2f379-1f76-47ed-8a14-1cda2e67d9b1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:43:13	-488.268
-108	7404	740400	89fbc861-cade-4d9e-998b-b644e3f5d2ee	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:29:12	229.550
-108	14808	740400	2e2b609d-92f7-49b9-ab11-c64789b2dd58	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:13:29	-24.209
-109	7405	740500	adbbad81-74b5-46f4-9b3e-fe7573e01041	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:59:24	-982.188
-109	14810	740500	85855b64-1232-4b25-aa54-3f815801e56c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:28:13	-269.956
-110	7406	740600	e2d06600-c88d-4d4f-b1f0-e8e942c510f9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:37:15	318.904
-110	14812	740600	ee24863e-e8fc-49c2-93cb-3024884ee0dd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:24:12	350.666
-111	7407	740700	1c283627-e795-4b3a-9980-dcc791c9e5cd	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:33:23	-932.64
-111	14814	740700	23e4f116-f674-44c8-94c3-f09241e6cf48	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:00:54	442.444
-112	7408	740800	24663de3-3811-45a2-bc9b-c5b181385891	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:07:39	-704.53
-112	14816	740800	e7911c19-e954-4c20-bb8f-a474f3eb2454	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:43:40	736.638
-113	7409	740900	bf27366d-1ceb-4bf4-b488-bfba33b44ee8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:43:03	-834.451
-113	14818	740900	fff1b58c-124c-40c1-bba7-d55231c49989	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:42:32	-37.81
-114	7410	741000	612b6df5-d5f0-40f9-a0a8-942b0c6633cd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:48:26	-362.734
-114	14820	741000	5e2663a2-284e-418a-b9dd-ee5bf4858111	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:33:10	190.924
-115	7411	741100	6749351c-c06d-432c-97dc-b5c3a2a5dcd8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:37:08	-623.392
-115	14822	741100	353625b0-cfee-482d-86d1-6882d903a3f8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:54:13	-300.436
-116	7412	741200	adbfb0a4-2ed9-4f36-8b6e-4e496307d66f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:10:57	-299.901
-116	14824	741200	118b30b7-deb7-4905-b492-50d6952cced9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:44:10	462.983
-117	7413	741300	afc5c052-c81b-45dc-9910-3c03e06f590d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:56:19	-632.292
-117	14826	741300	b7311f88-32b5-44b0-9a61-c2aba91f5a81	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:07:44	-171.754
-118	7414	741400	99f57a8f-9975-4ff7-a7aa-ab50383d6cee	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:22:51	-211.655
-118	14828	741400	0cd319f6-933b-4546-88b6-6d5b83801d11	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:17:03	-354.80
-119	7415	741500	b5240ccf-0499-4e46-a8d1-33dfea97c4fe	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:45:23	-601.912
-119	14830	741500	c1469919-c15f-4e49-92c3-81d3abfde2e9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:39:50	637.795
-120	7416	741600	01111f6a-11b7-4433-b6d2-9278a65444dd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:05:33	558.875
-120	14832	741600	0b26a103-5db2-45c5-b83e-ffe75852dac9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:32:37	-62.518
-121	7417	741700	fcdd6b75-87de-49b4-ac0a-895c5264722b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:48:01	-860.355
-121	14834	741700	ac3e1706-3ede-4d5d-9b11-7dbe2c699692	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:54:56	247.943
-122	7418	741800	7ee8c8d3-e856-42cc-b1a9-dd4ac37685a9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:43:47	-941.359
-122	14836	741800	f260ba76-87f2-4862-a051-d056723b75c1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:50:14	-26.207
-123	7419	741900	9aeb44cd-3507-4e13-a615-f0eb20a44541	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:50:13	-52.940
-123	14838	741900	98c460df-7eb6-46dd-8e7b-dda2e99eafbe	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:54:38	198.101
-124	7420	742000	5290bab0-6ef5-43f0-ae15-598df5d9affe	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:10:35	386.578
-124	14840	742000	852bc2ce-0219-4ea2-94ca-232dbc8de542	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:35:00	-207.640
-125	7421	742100	4a866e7b-e937-443b-a412-441f0ca224e4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:56:27	-418.730
-125	14842	742100	37c7156b-9bc7-4bc9-98c2-e2fca847977c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:00:18	290.231
-126	7422	742200	0dc0a889-8fc9-463a-ac45-f036b99edcd2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:50:42	-485.653
-126	14844	742200	da420d7f-0acb-4022-9470-3c3009f3d465	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:05:16	107.136
-127	7423	742300	61dca2eb-0198-494f-9a76-7e69aec914b4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:02:16	272.454
-127	14846	742300	b66a7c6e-8ee7-49d0-ace1-6cb8f972094f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:56:13	587.450
-0	7424	742400	b57eea9f-5473-429d-ae09-55cb87de1392	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:25:10	-484.718
-0	14848	742400	e6b56c35-4900-4326-b943-6ea19bea5350	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:43:35	215.844
-1	7425	742500	5c4df0a4-a192-4735-a261-186e7bc98e4c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:18:52	-17.553
-1	14850	742500	002ea13d-32ab-4608-ae59-657d40ca6a11	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:08:50	47.693
-2	7426	742600	05ee71ac-289f-4fb6-93f6-008ae4cad1f7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:55:10	-234.505
-2	14852	742600	981daf68-9c61-47ef-bd5b-eec8db0a9b62	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:21:40	361.557
-3	7427	742700	cf960f90-7214-44d8-8956-098da8b6bc80	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:11:28	-265.711
-3	14854	742700	635de417-e662-4017-a014-585e8766a490	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:26:44	318.528
-4	7428	742800	ec3ee78a-f27e-48f6-9f4b-d6e2025fda07	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:27:05	248.922
-4	14856	742800	575f8bd2-4926-47ea-a1e2-a38156b51d4c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:43:08	344.658
-5	7429	742900	f8909a18-98be-4c08-8cb1-0886845c05a6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:59:53	-984.946
-5	14858	742900	bca6ffd9-3f2e-4687-849a-e1a2048b7ba9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:17:24	297.41
-6	7430	743000	b2a29172-521c-4750-925a-66a8dbfec34f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:26:56	519.355
-6	14860	743000	3458aec0-ccbc-4682-814d-42ec9bbc3541	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:55:01	-423.710
-7	7431	743100	9af3ead0-6936-4625-8914-5d4b24d71a51	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:42:15	-263.762
-7	14862	743100	a4415ccf-e181-4e70-938d-d57e2b281132	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:40:29	49.767
-8	7432	743200	c3ca0fdd-88cc-45e2-8bd8-fa4f4003479f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:45:57	-289.292
-8	14864	743200	b8a5dd96-d31f-4462-9228-2c4fd4488d7f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:50:34	895.871
-9	7433	743300	c92726fb-9f7b-4bd3-8034-add6660deb47	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:22:44	461.815
-9	14866	743300	4fd21bb0-d736-494a-a1af-efbcd4d73b0a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:04:37	328.902
-10	7434	743400	3eec6fa5-77c2-4399-b60c-f07903c64d48	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:01:09	-419.983
-10	14868	743400	86f7a2ff-90f9-4629-b5e8-c723c3c4d353	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:00:38	469.733
-11	7435	743500	a75942b2-4da0-44d3-a773-22b2c13447c0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:37:45	756.463
-11	14870	743500	5f480042-d04e-4dc6-95a4-532dbefb7cc1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:53:40	-671.430
-12	7436	743600	7b70de7b-c18d-4208-b11c-f2d6778bf60b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:19:37	-15.516
-12	14872	743600	a197cb4f-e0bf-44ec-9e37-f9d1d4252d51	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:27:47	-724.410
-13	7437	743700	8712fa4d-7564-4b23-8b19-22d340ca9080	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:20:43	602.155
-13	14874	743700	ea2350e9-2ef5-4e23-8e29-d62c4f917090	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:52:16	-131.543
-14	7438	743800	428e9018-9e24-4e03-a8ae-5e833c9aeae2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:21:36	-294.643
-14	14876	743800	3f5ffc1c-b441-4a5b-b462-1920ff846b3b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:52:46	163.398
-15	7439	743900	126b6409-a4a2-4dd4-a9ac-57f220e2c097	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:35:46	-464.302
-15	14878	743900	bdab2d9d-7e57-4433-afd6-49a1f31e3c0b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:04:56	208.510
-16	7440	744000	7dbcd19e-a9bd-4ba1-abfd-4cb79cd1216f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:47:42	-164.605
-16	14880	744000	a0679ecc-f7da-42a7-a82d-5f4dab0c1b55	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:01:16	13.599
-17	7441	744100	894db557-860e-42e9-a192-66552dc94690	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:09:08	-682.110
-17	14882	744100	47afbfde-6abd-43d8-bfd8-8dad6ee9d8a1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:09:00	46.0
-18	7442	744200	dcd00594-5717-405f-bb83-0e98d45b2989	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:45:58	-799.87
-18	14884	744200	d993bc16-56ec-4a51-b6ea-9797ebd844f1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:31:24	77.813
-19	7443	744300	1da4b180-706c-4a9a-9719-bc45b8c263bd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:31:23	391.847
-19	14886	744300	ed491c51-9568-4796-8701-635a0a911b9c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:56:18	-111.711
-20	7444	744400	d70b79c3-c15e-469d-a16d-6641ae803e7c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:46:09	-569.726
-20	14888	744400	cf403d0d-7980-4355-a0a7-6af88bea0d44	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:33:37	-104.903
-21	7445	744500	76e80c66-6e96-48bf-a8a5-d6025cc01c58	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:33:57	199.145
-21	14890	744500	120b020e-8e42-45e1-92c9-22eb91ebca06	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:33:28	-995.704
-22	7446	744600	be728f35-e83b-472e-95f6-ec34e2833e8f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:58:03	-96.709
-22	14892	744600	5a834435-7459-4c9c-82dc-a24ab954ce02	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:44:40	-992.668
-23	7447	744700	a77911fe-e7b0-4b99-abc7-9f6c2c07c423	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:19:08	-302.248
-23	14894	744700	aa8659b6-53b7-43a6-bc59-b2fb769780cb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:44:33	-997.481
-24	7448	744800	615b7f4e-4ca4-4b24-907b-878c8d6233a9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:02:12	-842.16
-24	14896	744800	b80665b0-9423-4e4c-93f5-4e2fc0c34a45	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:42:55	-180.476
-25	7449	744900	4b26b3f7-3ba4-4f9c-bc72-a32331660841	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:41:05	903.480
-25	14898	744900	a8ab5db0-6914-425e-ad50-c551ebb5e2ce	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:46:38	260.866
-26	7450	745000	bead3744-55ca-4118-bf29-25521c264e0f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:51:33	-591.497
-26	14900	745000	cdbc0186-35b9-4112-97d7-9f0dbc5182dc	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:56:52	-71.528
-27	7451	745100	e45f392e-3e52-41b7-bb13-7e11e8c7bd23	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:04:35	-714.356
-27	14902	745100	e15180c6-d9fe-4b38-917c-756e15e6b39b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:43:41	-466.465
-28	7452	745200	2ba9557e-f433-4170-81dd-81b4be5db7a0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:39:03	898.85
-28	14904	745200	ea80b8d9-d1af-4f60-a0ca-f6b756c66f74	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:53:45	-904.354
-29	7453	745300	ca58b137-62cc-42d2-8daa-28a14dafb2f6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:23:14	113.49
-29	14906	745300	a81f2991-f7a7-4ffe-b958-3089cdf0fca7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:49:35	934.737
-30	7454	745400	84dd75e2-7d3a-40e9-8372-7ece04f1e91b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:19:04	0.848
-30	14908	745400	e7b3d88a-72fd-4cfd-9993-42f0ceb935b5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:44:32	-169.591
-31	7455	745500	4bd18206-588a-41dc-98ec-90ca34fefafd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:57:16	927.622
-31	14910	745500	16b9e3aa-ba69-4028-a964-8aad7f189220	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:37:45	-757.545
-32	7456	745600	6535c345-fbac-42fa-8502-f7eaa1a1464c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:39:46	-582.270
-32	14912	745600	12e8a337-3b85-4217-b871-6be788df13b6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:23:49	418.668
-33	7457	745700	abed85c7-f240-4d03-adfd-7da669e52138	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:35:04	80.795
-33	14914	745700	bc7b822e-1754-4e50-b492-0dc54fa1d660	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:34:09	-470.147
-34	7458	745800	60ab001e-3d10-4200-97ee-06f1a3495543	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:23:46	731.994
-34	14916	745800	78ec7cc9-f7d9-4dbe-8624-abb1509880b7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:00:56	891.748
-35	7459	745900	7e72bddb-8146-4bcc-9c44-19ffca9fbfc6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:19:41	-967.73
-35	14918	745900	6be6165f-e7d9-403c-a600-63307a51b605	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:14:24	136.837
-36	7460	746000	9140895c-e27a-4eff-9703-9fdbe9b3f5d6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:15:26	396.542
-36	14920	746000	b8685277-577b-4f95-8b98-361eed7c3e4f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:56:29	647.706
-37	7461	746100	92f109e4-6cf3-475e-b18a-3824672bc19c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:15:59	989.304
-37	14922	746100	186a3a7a-648a-44d3-a0a6-b64f3d14719b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:44:25	-100.917
-38	7462	746200	a968364a-51d0-4cf9-aa4b-9e2077898481	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:46:39	295.496
-38	14924	746200	a95db592-62b8-472d-8215-97e3584897d0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:18:07	414.449
-39	7463	746300	a6e80278-b5da-4eba-8f85-ed97dc6ef763	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:15:50	-800.581
-39	14926	746300	0f05d7d7-b7ab-40ca-a5f2-3fd36918551a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:51:01	-106.171
-40	7464	746400	9619e774-f4d4-4680-b685-89404e9203f8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:28:58	-174.394
-40	14928	746400	403bc85a-fd12-423a-8216-80203f7d4136	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:05:25	257.821
-41	7465	746500	97218366-dc5f-4453-9324-3e9f46609b4a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:56:38	-573.617
-41	14930	746500	61e6e605-d0e5-4b61-9b20-e8863b4aa523	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:34:25	-164.835
-42	7466	746600	d2e94671-52e4-4fb9-9d47-2b71653e984b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:15:33	544.108
-42	14932	746600	51b60a22-3685-49db-8876-8ffa04fa2b19	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:47:02	-189.947
-43	7467	746700	4b2ac1d6-6e2c-4237-9959-c2edfcb110f0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:10:00	-44.768
-43	14934	746700	fc411b98-48dc-4bcc-93ba-e9caeccff4f6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:19:28	-457.305
-44	7468	746800	948e7af7-c803-4c13-9cb8-1a9f3cf84242	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:37:36	-496.456
-44	14936	746800	e451145b-d95c-4e80-ab82-0fa5ca072fd7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:17:00	920.9
-45	7469	746900	5026da44-7a56-4b6f-ac4b-672f1299d340	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:15:42	630.561
-45	14938	746900	e2b47410-ad1a-4b0e-a4d8-8ffcd383302d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:46:03	696.570
-46	7470	747000	66857d0d-5301-431d-9d63-68f4124eab02	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:23:07	-952.224
-46	14940	747000	75958414-e17f-48f3-b3af-16bcd5b07788	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:40:06	420.452
-47	7471	747100	0e32740a-4f96-4bb2-a9ce-283ba5f2450e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:38:32	-176.503
-47	14942	747100	1878e678-694f-4ff2-8509-beb06991a215	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:19:49	885.738
-48	7472	747200	7ccc0c4e-6068-438b-8bed-1a560d4141e6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:15:14	-230.947
-48	14944	747200	8e6f1aaa-b66a-49ad-85a4-54f0f2889a7f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:02:34	-280.977
-49	7473	747300	28420923-9e5c-4674-b501-b6646c460525	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:20:26	906.466
-49	14946	747300	05464906-f0d6-4303-84ce-1fc471a0ab5b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:26:59	86.128
-50	7474	747400	4f8acf3b-d21a-48ae-b45b-28fa89bd6381	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:20:15	479.792
-50	14948	747400	ce171af4-dcb2-41eb-b508-3f7c344a65aa	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:26:59	642.256
-51	7475	747500	76cc7c9b-5fa2-403a-bb09-11ef97052059	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:20:51	196.461
-51	14950	747500	7dca341f-1144-4a08-b867-eb410e54adc0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:12:13	-194.416
-52	7476	747600	8d2f9bb2-4958-4f16-a2ac-baf0dc434a3d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:17:56	103.641
-52	14952	747600	81034681-e3ef-4854-9e2a-1e98d867fdd0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:34:43	518.197
-53	7477	747700	cd8b202b-d740-4006-bb57-7d90842fee6e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:19:42	507.724
-53	14954	747700	4215b2b5-c316-4c9e-bf6d-671ad172ad66	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:04:19	-981.416
-54	7478	747800	658c2ad0-5bbc-409f-9016-62de66d8252c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:21:50	330.695
-54	14956	747800	97f1bee4-03bd-4403-afb4-da5d17b5fc90	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:59:21	79.301
-55	7479	747900	c522ca8a-a7fc-43ee-8159-1ca6288267d5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:47:31	-449.655
-55	14958	747900	8d1d8097-e7c8-460a-8f85-080ae74f7bfa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:03:09	869.332
-56	7480	748000	3215dfa5-7b1f-470d-977a-8941c12e8c3c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:28:46	899.596
-56	14960	748000	10d12d59-8c6b-4868-920d-9ecb1c495460	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:14:15	-304.638
-57	7481	748100	57d16737-6759-4572-8a06-64ba04d324fd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:42:10	252.716
-57	14962	748100	d9907085-fb45-4cc7-8d76-28614629aefb	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:39:06	-494.687
-58	7482	748200	a5f3d902-77f5-422c-91be-06636b119147	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:51:38	-173.548
-58	14964	748200	530a70c9-5a68-4142-8035-dee30abf159b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:52:20	-539.174
-59	7483	748300	eec147b9-9e94-43b9-8323-b4e978e3279b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:23:21	-800.354
-59	14966	748300	844061c9-7f85-44a2-8bd0-07692f100d9f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:39:43	154.800
-60	7484	748400	86eb7545-3649-4048-925c-1463cfecdaea	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:42:59	-53.959
-60	14968	748400	e6f4d983-6c57-4d9b-a676-84966a9d6091	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:17:09	-662.86
-61	7485	748500	4ff7442b-5ce3-4be8-a076-bd8569458016	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:54:26	-247.819
-61	14970	748500	ed2b8ae3-3b6a-4414-8392-7ccdab97edbb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:11:19	838.864
-62	7486	748600	219813c8-c425-4c4c-a9c9-4fcceca41416	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:02:40	780.163
-62	14972	748600	4bc8b315-50c9-4232-8ec5-9b848ea557c9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:00:40	-338.861
-63	7487	748700	5b003069-67f7-466c-ab55-4084156991c3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:35:06	407.142
-63	14974	748700	9848beb5-747d-4c99-9c68-66a003f4cf2a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:48:31	-68.449
-64	7488	748800	bb16aef6-24db-4e44-9308-9e557c205d00	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:53:09	823.699
-64	14976	748800	f724ffeb-7692-43c4-a903-2d86f34c44d2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:02:20	-758.628
-65	7489	748900	632e9d1d-bb99-4c4b-9db4-356044d879ba	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:39:46	-14.292
-65	14978	748900	532cb90b-9cf8-4930-8976-f51a03897502	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:06:41	-791.891
-66	7490	749000	b38f61f8-1fa2-443f-8d2e-65d7c1df27a2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:54:32	-477.255
-66	14980	749000	5bce0a5b-41dc-4374-9a92-a117ce5e79f2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:00:10	-200.159
-67	7491	749100	7f38e5de-0fa8-4bd0-b9c6-5fb41d65c21a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:21:14	-533.737
-67	14982	749100	743f6d00-cdbc-4ca0-80cb-c9f098356d16	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:37:15	625.207
-68	7492	749200	6f148d78-3513-47a4-a129-ddded8a54f71	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:29:00	-878.579
-68	14984	749200	b20650c1-fa69-41ef-9f11-5140449518db	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:02:23	789.862
-69	7493	749300	d1d6fd4a-6560-426d-b349-24bd08de6439	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:28:02	-569.332
-69	14986	749300	e3a16109-8abe-4954-9453-29a75a2bf176	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:12:48	-212.523
-70	7494	749400	55a296d4-f1c5-4d97-887f-12b2c254c024	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:02:37	519.750
-70	14988	749400	c85f63a0-8748-400f-a99f-3273645a5c19	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:32:40	-360.999
-71	7495	749500	8dc6c2a5-0fd2-43f2-b9b8-b347360b822c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:20:14	-849.175
-71	14990	749500	cea5cffd-1d85-4e0e-93b8-182a4296b070	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:39:53	948.71
-72	7496	749600	40ac465c-c826-4488-95ba-7852c77e9d35	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:05:24	841.980
-72	14992	749600	39ecddc4-d9bd-49e8-93ab-50c3d7c24286	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:11:33	957.51
-73	7497	749700	523a27ca-4f8d-4717-861d-6157114a6ad2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:07:21	-835.90
-73	14994	749700	9bcda443-a56c-460c-861c-a580a5129d16	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:46:25	835.832
-74	7498	749800	de6c793a-7eef-4a39-9bcd-596dcf6af8cf	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:40:40	942.665
-74	14996	749800	05060088-276c-4448-a378-4cc5b8eb225a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:19:58	649.84
-75	7499	749900	54371193-6855-440d-be08-4070d886d63b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:16:57	-705.149
-75	14998	749900	1bb8aed2-b3e5-4655-8979-bfdc7671bc63	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:01:12	-169.624
-76	7500	750000	ecc39cc2-ce19-426a-96f7-ec69b8e007e9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:13:06	-284.499
-76	15000	750000	e256927c-7c46-408d-a6b2-7486d0e6adfd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:29:17	707.39
-77	7501	750100	770c3415-79f7-4786-b6c6-3e6d63724ef1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:07:54	-985.453
-77	15002	750100	f352ee1b-fd88-45d3-90d5-5275397babfb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:47:15	789.337
-78	7502	750200	bce7eaba-f124-4f9a-a9b5-53f723063e71	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:17:27	120.354
-78	15004	750200	6d491f36-2956-41c7-8660-77761b19bb4c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:08:06	-154.166
-79	7503	750300	a351e3da-0f64-4ade-bfaa-90bf16cd19d0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:03:49	173.980
-79	15006	750300	6e6d7d1f-bb83-403c-a8e0-a130a89bffa2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:46:38	-714.895
-80	7504	750400	4e19206a-618b-4bf8-bb43-b32fa7d3f771	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:57:19	-866.646
-80	15008	750400	df6f7511-b223-41db-a7a3-19a5c43bf9e9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:30:30	-440.240
-81	7505	750500	0bf84555-ca31-4b73-9696-83cc0503b3e3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:40:40	729.480
-81	15010	750500	16e30125-3123-40b1-8839-0daa14ab6a7c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:16:07	-299.621
-82	7506	750600	a4e39009-ae7e-4970-a04d-59602e50bd12	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:16:53	684.542
-82	15012	750600	3028a299-a12f-4b26-854b-30302d2c6729	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:25:14	-109.288
-83	7507	750700	1563ac8f-5b7f-49d4-8211-cfd0c26914dc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:35:47	-431.813
-83	15014	750700	577b00ab-1b0a-457a-bc60-aa9df3f483a6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:15:50	692.895
-84	7508	750800	49c2354f-2f7e-4b5d-81f8-f601881c79e4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:46:26	894.177
-84	15016	750800	636cbabd-861f-4076-a43e-41910bec20e1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:31:11	431.105
-85	7509	750900	e863db06-a94d-4807-a08c-6256592c4e33	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:25:27	-860.756
-85	15018	750900	0fee356a-40e9-401a-83f8-bce003b7616a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:23:44	-418.627
-86	7510	751000	039a4d07-6c50-4832-9c14-c755802a17eb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:36:11	878.648
-86	15020	751000	9b8b711f-1033-4694-acce-bf368eeb0462	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:48:05	50.694
-87	7511	751100	414667a2-a6f0-4a3e-a650-347fa80ab341	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:34:44	630.325
-87	15022	751100	aff7abf4-6a55-4ef7-9d58-83d59fcae4a8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:50:22	-389.4
-88	7512	751200	4f7a5e1f-1b13-49d3-ae25-6a5efef32e8b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:06:24	-705.407
-88	15024	751200	2031cbf4-6416-472c-a715-4160f1f75beb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:30:58	-590.828
-89	7513	751300	2f0fbf19-bd8f-4619-b147-bd93ce4837d9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:47:49	-276.172
-89	15026	751300	cdf117ec-1de1-4c3e-a1c1-4c4f2bcb19f9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:01:06	933.553
-90	7514	751400	bd9ce5bc-e5ea-4546-bc01-8e66cce9d4a4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:35:31	651.193
-90	15028	751400	7c1a9781-2156-4dc2-8205-200e66e2989d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:42:57	-803.556
-91	7515	751500	de7d4509-6138-4a76-ad21-1ab22aa73bd4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:16:22	518.407
-91	15030	751500	b20a5ce7-0fd9-4310-b350-9f04d07bd4c4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:45:50	-576.566
-92	7516	751600	d2deb837-b278-4d3c-8242-2247f8903899	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:06:40	-520.91
-92	15032	751600	22534185-f61f-4d92-8223-557cedfeb22e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:34:25	465.912
-93	7517	751700	85225f87-cd73-4d7c-9bec-6d3e09f83f87	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:41:01	147.460
-93	15034	751700	f6613b41-20ef-4bed-9fb9-a7e192179a46	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:23:03	226.464
-94	7518	751800	0df20377-a6f7-453f-838d-705f3a98a024	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:45:20	977.802
-94	15036	751800	f9fae2c3-e969-4799-a494-2078828e3d5b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:27:14	-989.361
-95	7519	751900	7d6a9da4-8e10-4edb-855b-cec57c15025f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:20:20	-912.47
-95	15038	751900	127349d8-778f-419d-b030-13f259633da2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:28:14	-359.414
-96	7520	752000	40179f73-163a-49bf-8acb-3e5ebad5d3d6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:55:36	952.35
-96	15040	752000	f9ce03db-b82a-4f53-aa67-66c330e43312	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:24:44	-45.925
-97	7521	752100	90298298-81f5-4539-99ff-480385fe7cb6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:22:13	-605.495
-97	15042	752100	8618ac89-b777-414d-aa32-59b49a2b476d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:13:49	898.911
-98	7522	752200	9af38aff-c5ba-4f2e-910e-7d031342fbb0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:58:32	-331.621
-98	15044	752200	db6c1f01-f356-4c95-b63a-583bdba2763f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:42:29	-602.601
-99	7523	752300	394172ac-24e3-4edb-9520-8dca4b5a86e3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:21:22	-164.425
-99	15046	752300	73cd4677-fe5a-4a83-9a46-3b14ebc62fc1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:17:16	-121.525
-100	7524	752400	f0900fce-a07c-4b64-b4bc-221399f3d3eb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:33:44	-441.263
-100	15048	752400	d8e90255-d6b1-4809-9a07-2a48ad6ea2af	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:40:38	-974.489
-101	7525	752500	b6b48c34-5b26-4059-a909-94a167532ae8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:38:45	578.551
-101	15050	752500	21ed9ae4-0eeb-4ea4-92bc-01c7b318396b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:28:28	-234.304
-102	7526	752600	27b87b77-36ea-46c5-8675-003a96a3e325	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:45:35	184.996
-102	15052	752600	fae92259-dd5c-4f28-877f-8b2b37aec812	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:44:49	850.308
-103	7527	752700	3af6f363-4868-49d2-bfeb-2154f67d9d4e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:38:35	-309.395
-103	15054	752700	34562237-580b-4ab8-9900-78897fe7a6b2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:50:59	502.701
-104	7528	752800	5df6f856-2514-4098-8bf1-8540350b3959	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:25:26	547.174
-104	15056	752800	e6e51d82-2ffb-4a77-b779-57d7438e217d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:53:26	-713.967
-105	7529	752900	5152e0ea-ba44-451f-9bdf-105533cb196d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:01:43	19.579
-105	15058	752900	b5fae4ad-b0a6-482d-aa95-c9794c5c72d8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:18:04	-948.640
-106	7530	753000	dd613861-4030-4556-9f8b-08275b88a0f6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:38:13	129.434
-106	15060	753000	36aeab49-5de1-4470-9a07-3adc046b56f4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:34:47	512.973
-107	7531	753100	6fe9da3e-36a9-43e8-aafa-08d97087aa38	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:55:11	509.228
-107	15062	753100	875b99a4-a974-4877-a93c-aaff29900c33	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:24:58	364.384
-108	7532	753200	2621e929-7070-4e96-b611-3197ecc9bd0e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:48:31	27.115
-108	15064	753200	b03ea2d2-c427-46d7-8123-9c1630c26188	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:17:27	-217.757
-109	7533	753300	ec7b1508-9f8b-4077-8488-4e976b6aa3e9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:27:06	284.890
-109	15066	753300	3de71a09-6a02-49a4-becf-98e647d41e50	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:02:52	-666.255
-110	7534	753400	b31384d4-9e1f-49d0-bef6-1715f609a463	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:25:36	66.845
-110	15068	753400	fb3aa57c-76a2-4d2a-aeb1-170029015eae	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:00:29	100.741
-111	7535	753500	9d558b7b-ef35-48c8-9c7f-3c19e1fe017f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:01:09	915.865
-111	15070	753500	206a5c99-be03-4746-8a08-786dd3113688	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:51:42	84.400
-112	7536	753600	7bc040c1-8a38-4585-89f3-701cbaba8d9d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:41:00	-499.496
-112	15072	753600	09120135-f019-42c2-a1f5-0acada742266	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:09:41	738.170
-113	7537	753700	f4a960a2-4949-4911-aa7a-f91fc466d380	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:55:16	121.102
-113	15074	753700	3d51fe4b-7a5d-44df-b277-f89968ceda16	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:58:34	679.947
-114	7538	753800	59f81523-1aae-4a8a-96b5-b511b52b4d8d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:06:01	-68.140
-114	15076	753800	608bec95-a0b9-466d-b86c-3b954fcb6377	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:14:41	561.152
-115	7539	753900	8b50eaac-aa4e-4183-9004-d5ab7adea82c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:43:33	108.101
-115	15078	753900	d529eb1f-6856-4cdb-9709-9c48f54d77b1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:53:21	621.374
-116	7540	754000	4dc0469f-4f62-4807-898f-159151e09d9b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:38:14	441.643
-116	15080	754000	b6c4d516-e5ad-45ff-8bcb-913ab9a795fb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:40:04	-34.540
-117	7541	754100	c1707986-c93f-41f0-a0fd-85181899d760	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:28:18	-282.213
-117	15082	754100	a690ea40-64e3-4fc4-9208-ffd0c88e4e32	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:54:46	202.55
-118	7542	754200	aa7cd0d3-c723-4dd3-9ac3-610dbafbf932	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:09:53	-46.351
-118	15084	754200	8f46e9cb-1e43-4652-be11-5cb002c764df	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:09:37	-274.370
-119	7543	754300	5096354e-a55d-426c-92ca-658e81a8b6f0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:33:35	-194.967
-119	15086	754300	d4e40e27-1f51-4a0d-b809-ae8d393775dc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:31:18	-905.878
-120	7544	754400	d14c95bc-3b35-46e0-bbfe-68703775afe6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:33:40	119.59
-120	15088	754400	72517db5-b6c7-4c20-a582-e4a8d9f4d685	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:40:11	984.23
-121	7545	754500	72606c26-fb93-4901-a152-83248e67c33a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:03:18	111.119
-121	15090	754500	2d44c748-0f35-4aab-be0d-857a7334f772	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:10:14	555.2
-122	7546	754600	5bd3c385-d381-4b9b-a473-d21ea67c4f66	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:36:17	357.614
-122	15092	754600	de12df8d-658c-4403-b6f2-259d7448176e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:51:25	681.850
-123	7547	754700	71c8628a-fa3b-46dc-a60f-d33e16540aa5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:57:40	212.146
-123	15094	754700	1c2d6ff1-8231-41a5-a3bf-d78807a8e2c8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:51:28	901.156
-124	7548	754800	3f09ae22-0639-44bd-bf35-ac5d3f6a9e64	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:23:44	620.274
-124	15096	754800	921e1281-1765-46c1-b1f9-880e922888f5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:33:07	-367.364
-125	7549	754900	56a4bd53-05f4-4a7d-a104-2e35b54afb71	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:15:34	-978.317
-125	15098	754900	0b6ee3e2-b3cb-4dcc-991b-8273cad34e37	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:06:54	602.811
-126	7550	755000	4396d1bb-846c-4824-8068-3eb191e5265f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:46:01	-265.804
-126	15100	755000	a813a2be-6b44-467f-b471-f9bdb98c591a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:27:48	-889.678
-127	7551	755100	c2a770f3-bf6d-41d4-9435-93b513d2e2d2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:39:19	940.194
-127	15102	755100	a914ed26-79d0-42a2-904d-1e485ba858f2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:09:11	424.636
-0	7552	755200	b5085ac9-91dd-4ac3-b476-b47c6d7e7da7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:51:31	-116.566
-0	15104	755200	2bba480b-d840-43e3-b60a-b53485a7bd0d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:30:08	-687.644
-1	7553	755300	da9452c1-28ff-4b89-8502-56d9c5c7af31	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:44:15	-600.956
-1	15106	755300	2c17f2f3-8412-4528-8a56-b5c6a7c2931f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:23:42	574.169
-2	7554	755400	8ed2f117-e484-4aa0-b993-e22110267edd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:20:10	-392.443
-2	15108	755400	a9fde119-a90d-449b-a452-de37d10fb20b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:42:04	-8.734
-3	7555	755500	c8d17ada-1f8d-4b74-98cf-f8f953e75617	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:38:01	608.986
-3	15110	755500	13ba67a9-5ded-46a7-8c9d-ad47bb9d74ed	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:56:23	-803.971
-4	7556	755600	b7b81cf7-42fd-44ed-b2cd-3beea8dc1c0c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:43:24	618.255
-4	15112	755600	9f817c0a-4b2a-4dd7-918c-978056afd81e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:41:37	-105.559
-5	7557	755700	5594746b-3f76-4bdf-98eb-eae958c7bee7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:49:37	486.177
-5	15114	755700	0af25ba6-dc8d-4b28-bef3-d1fe7c6e837d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:56:12	-965.952
-6	7558	755800	cd081fe7-69ee-40af-babb-477993ab4bd5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:34:37	-927.42
-6	15116	755800	f3ea62d7-127c-4c3d-a588-c840d33ac059	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:19:18	-565.474
-7	7559	755900	6e8e5f6a-606c-49ab-bcb8-30e91eb41dd7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:29:46	-755.280
-7	15118	755900	8ddfe257-027d-4cce-a512-916ec9d9cd5a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:18:37	395.144
-8	7560	756000	895b653c-e6fe-4e27-bafd-2962d547699d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:47:36	-566.299
-8	15120	756000	9107f0cb-bc96-4137-ad2b-cfcf325b35a5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:53:28	-776.243
-9	7561	756100	a0080db3-1d71-486a-a909-fa4cbc44dfe9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:23:12	48.662
-9	15122	756100	deb0927e-fd6b-40a2-bed1-749332d2988b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:56:13	189.888
-10	7562	756200	5e8ee94e-6787-4d11-ac18-cba788869489	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:44:21	639.723
-10	15124	756200	b3aec981-e655-4bde-9e15-3679014911cf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:57:38	415.633
-11	7563	756300	edf72a3c-b6a0-4d02-b537-65d0f4d39d0d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:13:50	155.784
-11	15126	756300	1a473932-aff5-462c-b911-41700d6763c8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:42:35	-208.752
-12	7564	756400	763e3abb-603f-4a98-9ed3-8d09a8fd67f5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:30:43	304.532
-12	15128	756400	f9c9a4ff-5f12-4ea2-b790-9ece4fe16c71	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:33:09	-841.869
-13	7565	756500	3973074c-f0c0-4079-a187-89e9ead365e8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:58:57	-902.680
-13	15130	756500	a0997095-a362-4b45-999e-6faf457720d7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:33:57	560.191
-14	7566	756600	161c9759-d803-42e7-bd17-f0d726fc7871	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:51:05	-201.615
-14	15132	756600	10d8df1f-3021-4805-b67b-77f4a739e702	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:32:04	-229.396
-15	7567	756700	b1034be5-c467-4d12-9cec-6769f8c462ae	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:05:59	-348.394
-15	15134	756700	7aba40a1-b685-4eec-9a2b-576f9ad8f436	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:38:51	495.650
-16	7568	756800	c89e5b38-8912-444d-864a-6b71aa4a8de3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:07:42	212.474
-16	15136	756800	eacfc827-2325-47ef-9e25-07f4ceb91a5e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:09:43	911.741
-17	7569	756900	f3fe3ed8-c292-4fa2-bb5b-1e24a9b58a44	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:09:37	-736.74
-17	15138	756900	012f3f49-906f-40ee-8923-cd6cabe5a34a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:45:58	670.886
-18	7570	757000	0160ce05-92fe-45ac-a675-d66f964cd06c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:13:17	291.737
-18	15140	757000	b79e8f96-b418-4dc9-b139-148ad7839a47	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:38:18	821.790
-19	7571	757100	11a9f537-5108-4e2d-9705-7574bb328e1c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:01:31	459.872
-19	15142	757100	8799443b-7d96-493c-a2b3-594254370fa0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:34:28	975.799
-20	7572	757200	2a582b79-e180-420e-bf43-4e64730ed1a8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:32:54	324.492
-20	15144	757200	ddb35bd0-6d47-4397-a658-8e76bd0d3652	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:26:29	400.975
-21	7573	757300	f5e8bd57-672b-4d93-87c0-28eb896d0e75	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:31:50	-423.519
-21	15146	757300	3e5254b0-26b7-4814-8185-6eb64f6c4ab0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:37:46	942.25
-22	7574	757400	acc9ac52-df20-4812-a089-cccae974f068	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:16:13	-136.747
-22	15148	757400	a4c72b97-e59b-4852-8bc6-7d15ffd9d85a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:50:56	-211.406
-23	7575	757500	80c696da-c8ef-4f55-9958-9935e8ecf2b6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:10:02	-652.435
-23	15150	757500	627efe2e-a9bf-4632-8714-8694ee532fb5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:26:01	519.425
-24	7576	757600	fe9d0646-1670-46eb-99fc-8af42b9c56d7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:51:40	81.403
-24	15152	757600	37820478-d01b-494c-8943-a3fb235b4d45	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:21:26	547.235
-25	7577	757700	736a7009-5b6d-4920-9e6a-ca2be790916e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:37:03	747.978
-25	15154	757700	53478b58-f597-4467-abba-09939328884e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:14:41	-799.612
-26	7578	757800	017605e2-c72c-4c29-94b0-c85911901da1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:40:29	-317.40
-26	15156	757800	d08876b3-c74d-40dd-bfc7-9416df3006d1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:15:28	-222.609
-27	7579	757900	42b39149-6eb9-48a9-89ba-ea3db9c7e9ce	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:00:29	921.412
-27	15158	757900	bdcc8512-7060-4e61-b569-6adb7b4d4737	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:23:03	-513.853
-28	7580	758000	5115f959-c47a-40bf-9c48-cd8fdd96929f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:18:01	-580.458
-28	15160	758000	9db4378f-195e-49e3-9161-e8b536f938a0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:14:42	-365.676
-29	7581	758100	f4ccc54f-0d40-4b73-86e9-126af0becfc0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:23:25	-665.349
-29	15162	758100	18c12d0e-07f7-4373-b510-44b0d87ebda3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:32:38	-562.774
-30	7582	758200	d758ed1c-0b46-43d3-b33c-3ab611ed38fa	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:16:37	-275.588
-30	15164	758200	e0a0762c-4c19-49be-a2df-29a87f0afaa4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:55:31	-484.173
-31	7583	758300	bb26c859-529f-4cd3-bf4d-8a0408aacf9a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:08:48	634.218
-31	15166	758300	2fc032da-5ba8-4b79-b3dc-f89812ca0346	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:35:34	208.280
-32	7584	758400	4004299f-358f-487e-85a9-120422a44e32	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:04:31	8.534
-32	15168	758400	99a70442-96f8-4905-bc02-e625aacb96d5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:46:36	397.324
-33	7585	758500	23a9632f-9a14-4697-ac16-bb63ef5dcdb0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:15:02	78.284
-33	15170	758500	059a162a-2280-455c-9095-1bbe2b655d04	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:00:43	194.617
-34	7586	758600	97873716-78a3-4373-8c90-5fdb91b18ed4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:46:07	692.390
-34	15172	758600	9cccba79-8905-453e-ad92-b134aab34ce0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:40:30	734.926
-35	7587	758700	50c3d8ae-2f72-4a59-81b6-9dfbcebbfb03	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:39:54	-805.614
-35	15174	758700	9c56536b-3ff5-486b-8453-a35fb4b80f63	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:31:08	356.18
-36	7588	758800	a6574b95-7bac-466a-98f2-3eded12bf3f7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:35:24	144.533
-36	15176	758800	c599bc3b-88b6-49ee-a78d-34abd4924d5e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:34:57	544.171
-37	7589	758900	9aaf9625-a28a-4878-8581-768fe9bb949d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:04:24	-750.259
-37	15178	758900	61ef3194-d28d-4218-9436-0f3cc30bdf20	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:00:47	474.937
-38	7590	759000	3cab77d4-7c11-44fd-b0af-814ee8bcc347	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:12:42	747.399
-38	15180	759000	d1936ddc-3057-4d9a-b695-f0a4d397d24a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:50:50	-504.149
-39	7591	759100	9b75c84a-d71a-428f-b07c-8fc8bead6ba8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:22:49	892.339
-39	15182	759100	37ad2f9e-7ab0-47b3-938f-99eeaf3f7975	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:16:25	-755.576
-40	7592	759200	f1b61e3f-330d-4ec7-a60d-7066186d0036	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:22:05	-990.144
-40	15184	759200	345f59e7-51c0-4d4f-ab11-b0367ad33114	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:49:22	-712.645
-41	7593	759300	d59bc6db-37e3-475f-8b23-dfc87f0a68b1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:44:18	-719.337
-41	15186	759300	3a042cbb-ace4-45a1-a0e9-e030006b4168	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:54:40	-692.21
-42	7594	759400	76d39f46-50a8-4104-ac80-b6e83cc9cb9b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:45:53	333.16
-42	15188	759400	e8466c54-ea85-4fae-a768-fcbb73ea112a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:25:20	285.856
-43	7595	759500	be908b63-d298-4055-9554-5839d3c1db6e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:34:34	-960.17
-43	15190	759500	fd5b5fd1-3ffe-4098-a6c4-21bc2be7f8f0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:12:09	-312.186
-44	7596	759600	60fcabca-90b6-4e67-9733-b7174fc807f4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:22:29	-115.813
-44	15192	759600	c1751bea-f698-4121-92f1-698cffe7e127	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:35:33	653.240
-45	7597	759700	4d8a4681-b5b9-4e42-820c-ec97b0fa3866	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:42:03	-209.37
-45	15194	759700	ad920042-8dee-4566-9aff-cd07d58ac86a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:02:24	-835.290
-46	7598	759800	6096b7fd-0daf-4432-ab26-89a5b15adcc1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:47:14	904.465
-46	15196	759800	07bf010d-bb79-4686-9cd3-06ba7d5f239b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:09:56	-597.829
-47	7599	759900	99e3d7a4-4edd-4cd1-b822-02806eb82cb9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:45:42	-865.97
-47	15198	759900	8a5aed00-a7e6-401f-ac3b-d47e9127d79f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:53:24	930.961
-48	7600	760000	b6cf8816-74e7-405b-868d-fd507fe8dfd8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:26:12	-744.228
-48	15200	760000	653ec55e-6cba-4c1a-b900-d604aed97b6f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:26:30	-135.44
-49	7601	760100	ef00563d-4265-4b5d-8550-ce7420146ae7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:14:05	137.618
-49	15202	760100	d6fb549b-ef1e-405f-901a-b3298b51e761	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:53:59	-216.306
-50	7602	760200	db698db0-ab67-4a22-8ca2-aae9f15e5895	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:28:33	326.327
-50	15204	760200	d85cdd1d-237b-4f8a-bd5c-8ea81bb62b6e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:48:26	-839.724
-51	7603	760300	35b7b791-da0d-426b-a75f-1016de4d1f03	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:35:29	292.692
-51	15206	760300	e8fbf052-df7c-494f-b80b-a51fade6f672	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:23:47	-929.68
-52	7604	760400	ea375866-724b-472e-85cd-896ad6a07fd6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:58:40	-95.233
-52	15208	760400	feef0ff5-c9bf-4189-96e9-252b21d6cae0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:19:09	-13.688
-53	7605	760500	52397acc-5809-4a60-ab58-c9436855b1da	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:42:46	-961.339
-53	15210	760500	5eb95e4b-d964-4afc-8d3e-f8fb2fecf835	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:56:56	861.215
-54	7606	760600	20e1e3e6-ee6b-4261-830f-6098ce3e0390	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:36:17	-662.929
-54	15212	760600	8a6502ae-5f97-4ec2-9cb2-75b807c9830b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:00:27	548.486
-55	7607	760700	d060c947-f1cf-44d8-88b4-43a8e3a3be9c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:51:56	610.892
-55	15214	760700	7950a0aa-f79f-411f-ba91-c4902603953a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:05:48	-616.477
-56	7608	760800	8ca3799f-4f77-4922-895b-824fa39c777a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:23:35	-234.953
-56	15216	760800	efe59927-6f53-4ced-936e-d57436b92fde	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:55:44	965.732
-57	7609	760900	53697b64-58a0-402e-9f6b-1f85489eddaa	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:01:16	-414.408
-57	15218	760900	afda8ca2-7333-4336-a292-6c18ce2a19ae	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:19:40	733.197
-58	7610	761000	b83f4d5a-ff27-456d-89da-d56fb49b40ea	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:06:28	2.772
-58	15220	761000	6b2f53d1-7f2b-4ee7-9978-7ecb03cda005	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:44:37	-621.76
-59	7611	761100	1ed6c6f2-e656-45e7-ad06-7d3195ab2294	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:09:16	781.238
-59	15222	761100	cc66fba4-b96e-4b47-adb1-5bb3b7133712	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:02:12	832.240
-60	7612	761200	997d4ba7-bde8-4e61-9807-3d02c494dee1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:02:30	980.328
-60	15224	761200	c6242ee2-d437-4d05-ac03-50f8333b55bb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:19:56	778.62
-61	7613	761300	69e0518b-b97e-400a-9ab5-6b8f41c97581	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:20:34	672.108
-61	15226	761300	312c1148-c00e-4cd8-bdcf-72501076f72a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:23:35	-483.524
-62	7614	761400	76449a84-45e5-4030-9576-02694d0ba2ee	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:28:18	824.877
-62	15228	761400	d764f603-f452-4625-a08b-a0260d1eaca2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:54:16	540.44
-63	7615	761500	c09473a1-3b5e-4f0b-98fb-dd76b8f323a9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:02:32	429.248
-63	15230	761500	d729e920-8e68-42da-8f46-0792dccf768f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:01:43	237.17
-64	7616	761600	896cd16f-14a5-444e-a62b-e23334d2b0a5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:45:50	-556.592
-64	15232	761600	db87d507-1826-4d8f-9f8d-5ff3e9a37b82	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:39:49	-98.224
-65	7617	761700	341d009a-99c7-4bc2-9025-1c8cf25f0c69	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:54:47	255.674
-65	15234	761700	b1e39bc2-403c-41bc-9dc7-ed60217f2594	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:07:10	-671.714
-66	7618	761800	709a9737-a668-4d2c-a5b0-59074eb79fa6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:38:37	-856.697
-66	15236	761800	d26a1667-500e-415c-a3fc-45ff411ac8ea	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:14:45	392.981
-67	7619	761900	879689f8-c3bb-4210-9da4-85633184b2fe	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:31:34	349.190
-67	15238	761900	4f19eb97-e5a3-40f5-aacb-eb3450fe0873	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:17:08	-914.812
-68	7620	762000	798798e7-abb4-4763-9811-40fc148e5b84	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:01:29	598.134
-68	15240	762000	df5a86b0-f35a-4211-bf95-347d4700c0e3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:47:44	992.149
-69	7621	762100	18ab49af-8b2f-4574-aba5-f99780b03c1b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:43:57	-980.352
-69	15242	762100	0151b75e-6320-4cd5-9af0-a74a0f3e4787	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:43:08	533.778
-70	7622	762200	2b16cf54-01d8-48c0-8580-21a12a2b2572	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:17:36	502.458
-70	15244	762200	e7ca8e80-7a8e-4004-b816-3d8375b79044	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:10:32	499.537
-71	7623	762300	0dafaf13-662d-40c1-bd3a-2f09c9e7c52c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:36:50	737.195
-71	15246	762300	2a0e4c1c-ab0e-4cfc-8dc5-9574d0da073f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:35:30	986.393
-72	7624	762400	c6ab5827-2bf3-4386-96bc-f0e4091c5819	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:04:57	554.534
-72	15248	762400	47983853-54a8-488b-9d58-ed202868333f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:56:48	147.423
-73	7625	762500	9cab292a-1b7a-4c8e-b23c-131c3e812f80	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:47:25	-516.645
-73	15250	762500	62b5c024-e293-43e1-bfb2-0c62802debed	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:55:16	89.802
-74	7626	762600	45689398-7aae-4dac-ad9e-2620b89d4627	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:08:53	744.402
-74	15252	762600	01c83992-992b-41a0-ba47-d59195204424	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:42:38	183.851
-75	7627	762700	681f200e-3a19-4599-af19-e564891498a2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:19:57	-212.805
-75	15254	762700	1e3b69d5-c465-4e23-9dfd-1ae125e5860d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:25:57	-306.817
-76	7628	762800	5bc55968-94b9-41e5-9cb0-833d0d93ecb6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:24:50	-375.955
-76	15256	762800	e5449417-385d-4ca5-9bfe-2aaebab8bc27	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:24:34	688.811
-77	7629	762900	32dec4e5-2f5a-4cf6-aeda-5bfb56e6ae95	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:17:27	661.426
-77	15258	762900	1f0913c3-2e01-46a0-ba00-b4d9a314a7a4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:50:20	938.578
-78	7630	763000	31dca239-3877-46fa-8d9e-37de6864731c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:08:22	-18.270
-78	15260	763000	b654f478-d058-492e-a533-b67f6d426b79	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:08:12	475.663
-79	7631	763100	c92453f3-02c2-4a3f-9577-965b6ad22ce7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:35:54	-511.938
-79	15262	763100	bb7518dc-4351-46c5-b4b6-0753223d0b81	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:58:54	677.624
-80	7632	763200	0fade030-5d5b-44bd-ac41-af06c75f53c1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:34:58	-852.734
-80	15264	763200	fef247d4-f8d6-4ce9-b48c-3e0af25d8329	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:35:32	557.856
-81	7633	763300	b9085cd8-1c5f-40c0-ae20-65c8318203ce	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:38:27	-576.996
-81	15266	763300	de989315-84f9-49af-9a0b-03b3c4a82741	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:24:00	28.693
-82	7634	763400	eb500d47-0994-4c6a-a88a-46e4c4f3c1ef	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:46:20	-578.447
-82	15268	763400	6f3fe8dd-efe4-4b85-8139-e7f2efa7b5d6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:31:42	160.469
-83	7635	763500	219ddd67-d7a7-4caa-bf6b-e8cb7416bbad	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:13:26	-751.120
-83	15270	763500	72d60e1f-b58e-46a4-b2f6-55a55bc69337	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:18:54	767.164
-84	7636	763600	97b8c06c-aedf-4c76-8f60-4d1415d8e864	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:08:40	-695.775
-84	15272	763600	2937320a-3918-47a0-ab13-9786d336e36d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:51:23	-892.783
-85	7637	763700	e181db00-525c-43c8-af74-4f59ca6f52be	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:37:27	914.205
-85	15274	763700	19107a82-50f5-4ea2-8f37-e0342b582b5a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:53:04	-851.316
-86	7638	763800	56498f1a-ce95-4da0-bb0e-52a90565e990	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:39:00	936.15
-86	15276	763800	c0c1bca0-1c99-4b6c-b7c4-9f98b6f4e143	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:36:00	79.973
-87	7639	763900	97a61f4d-c61e-4a09-8426-68cc4e045d3e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:34:14	107.975
-87	15278	763900	afcc827c-580f-40f8-84b6-b8b84cd72fae	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:53:57	-867.167
-88	7640	764000	ad971986-e99a-45f7-bf70-1094803fa394	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:33:34	-569.480
-88	15280	764000	c2a6d257-8c51-4b52-b752-641461fb767f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:24:20	68.106
-89	7641	764100	29c0aac7-cce7-46b8-bda0-189766b8f354	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:32:06	871.335
-89	15282	764100	2eaece86-9377-4d22-8b34-e86e61dedbe8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:56:41	-679.950
-90	7642	764200	4558d190-e242-4ea2-86a4-7ef6495468b3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:43:06	353.366
-90	15284	764200	d7c70a74-d209-4925-baa0-54a8110cf508	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:41:18	38.151
-91	7643	764300	76874c7e-0f4c-4014-a78a-8d9e4cadfb15	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:31:20	-361.609
-91	15286	764300	228ed607-042e-4bfc-bf23-1f2d9f63170d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:15:38	853.75
-92	7644	764400	9d7c64c0-8b3e-4e98-a220-173c008c1e0b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:00:13	-886.245
-92	15288	764400	07b20432-e1bc-4182-b01c-9db09688ead2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:10:49	511.93
-93	7645	764500	ebff5bc3-24be-435f-bb51-e109ba016357	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:25:12	-592.918
-93	15290	764500	454e2c6d-0597-4edd-8c37-ce40350a672f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:24:13	-185.651
-94	7646	764600	286f1698-5b78-4320-b59a-d5c45626caed	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:04:28	960.886
-94	15292	764600	b9f3bc50-921a-4be6-a0a6-ae1b189b39fb	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:07:29	214.80
-95	7647	764700	4d2ab8e0-4c93-496a-8ae5-c53c431ead61	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:40:33	-461.227
-95	15294	764700	2f387ed0-3f9b-45d9-8f42-3e93730898a7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:38:30	-601.682
-96	7648	764800	d4722cf9-241e-49b4-a412-ed2997d807c7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:49:50	962.802
-96	15296	764800	2fe901e1-fdb9-4fac-8b8e-bddfc65cdb04	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:01:37	-816.108
-97	7649	764900	5f983f14-7a44-4031-be6d-95b99ee6a118	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:23:04	-685.869
-97	15298	764900	987d9826-bd43-4da3-a300-115e3e084644	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:02:28	-125.767
-98	7650	765000	cd574da2-3701-4ce9-b46d-0b84a2592891	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:38:50	224.206
-98	15300	765000	1078ed02-3365-4375-b0cb-7658565d6e1f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:58:12	-782.734
-99	7651	765100	e5af7413-9704-43e4-88a2-fd81ebfb60ab	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:25:59	-850.129
-99	15302	765100	92a04a55-302f-47ba-90ac-57be1e9e6379	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:51:36	-322.354
-100	7652	765200	4cf6733a-6da7-4335-955b-d4619246ab7a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:21:43	785.927
-100	15304	765200	d28fc880-bf66-4ada-bbfa-bcb8133b109c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:17:30	-713.141
-101	7653	765300	cccb96cd-1011-4cdc-b198-5682c2991d69	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:19:09	421.964
-101	15306	765300	ddd40dc4-7d4c-4e06-ac8a-046fad8794b3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:06:11	151.202
-102	7654	765400	cf07246e-c865-4153-ad53-fe4f9ecb6443	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:53:57	-67.144
-102	15308	765400	f4ccd10c-00a3-4d06-8406-54cd7c9557a1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:05:21	550.402
-103	7655	765500	57204910-3d37-4075-af5a-e8468d941316	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:54:50	-537.654
-103	15310	765500	b1a90338-1dc3-4f67-aba4-c8367718cf8f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:55:10	805.519
-104	7656	765600	17d73c95-1e52-4f65-8de8-c63450769c02	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:16:21	-614.832
-104	15312	765600	7e42364c-d1ae-4ecf-9995-c4f454f9ffae	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:21:19	717.566
-105	7657	765700	820cd700-a144-4dc3-94e3-48bdb36158f6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:42:33	-564.889
-105	15314	765700	729bacd3-4679-4535-81a0-bfa986f2ba59	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:28:41	-21.809
-106	7658	765800	0c473f73-d905-41d3-a7e6-893fbb1ad8af	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:16:50	-78.476
-106	15316	765800	ff7da95d-93e6-4819-a636-2dd3915b840f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:46:42	-170.6
-107	7659	765900	6980e24e-43a4-4ef9-b57c-6a84c083825f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:23:18	910.595
-107	15318	765900	229bbd3f-16d7-431a-84af-0db74f1a48c1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:47:59	135.385
-108	7660	766000	098f6898-6e54-4c87-bdac-78790db7f13e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:46:27	14.846
-108	15320	766000	904e12ff-d7f9-4b6a-9a83-77ece92d1c57	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:10:46	-753.193
-109	7661	766100	c105db11-bafc-4e16-bd94-c542f0c7e61c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:43:17	-512.621
-109	15322	766100	8e260f97-6df6-44b1-a96d-4920c5548474	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:58:05	-431.471
-110	7662	766200	7b11cc19-b628-4c80-8367-f6fcb43b0a6d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:33:18	-886.321
-110	15324	766200	ed033a65-052c-49bf-93a2-8150f2c668e2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:47:09	131.257
-111	7663	766300	21780562-ced0-465e-b743-5ea455c29765	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:00:11	170.19
-111	15326	766300	435bd958-aa70-4a55-94bf-6a7dcbaa881b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:10:34	476.181
-112	7664	766400	76519cf6-0b0a-43e4-856f-cd303f782455	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:22:46	-899.895
-112	15328	766400	fd0da3c2-1901-49ab-87ff-c22708930e69	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:17:54	538.600
-113	7665	766500	e8369860-df93-4dd6-871c-22e572e6a469	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:36:03	-631.943
-113	15330	766500	43ac741f-e900-49e2-a880-54bb1dc17310	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:56:59	931.868
-114	7666	766600	e94f171b-fa76-4bf7-b9cd-a508fb34c389	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:10:04	-212.289
-114	15332	766600	a07bb18b-aff8-471c-aa45-f8816f64fbe5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:47:26	24.827
-115	7667	766700	6a771fbc-4184-4550-b76e-d23e0f560c28	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:40:58	823.783
-115	15334	766700	bb2aa80c-476a-40a8-88ae-778bb204d740	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:02:36	798.9
-116	7668	766800	e12360e4-5f8c-4468-9a95-c2ba98de9340	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:43:09	-280.99
-116	15336	766800	2851b489-1c4d-4153-8f54-ff4f059518fc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:03:16	-68.393
-117	7669	766900	7e218780-121f-4907-a7a6-288a144cadee	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:45:31	487.419
-117	15338	766900	c58e5cc2-e5c6-459f-b16c-9df8c13ac30a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:58:07	-620.5
-118	7670	767000	500f3e18-5f82-49df-aa4a-415d03f8136e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:51:55	-949.733
-118	15340	767000	484fcedd-e179-4289-892b-f7f60797d5d4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:24:12	-77.841
-119	7671	767100	631b6eeb-60d3-4799-b5ea-0544899d4a9b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:09:08	505.748
-119	15342	767100	cd3a5ac0-7f92-4f42-8da8-241bd69a585c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:58:26	-733.800
-120	7672	767200	966c3f6e-db76-4799-bb7d-e08962304c82	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:12:26	-989.83
-120	15344	767200	06de4ff0-a295-479f-9b80-6536c8a21a58	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:45:01	250.239
-121	7673	767300	1a9f0f82-c941-4699-b380-154858ee6a42	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:58:55	626.714
-121	15346	767300	ddfc3c7c-d43d-494f-a66d-1b618872f6e0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:05:07	306.651
-122	7674	767400	21fc11e8-4430-449c-9a51-f8018da04ad2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:08:40	-994.284
-122	15348	767400	139a2a0d-d52a-4143-8b8c-7ba4e37f8cdc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:47:02	-558.567
-123	7675	767500	942565bf-e80c-45a8-95d1-f669c77598a9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:54:37	-808.269
-123	15350	767500	9f08c457-287b-4798-9e1f-45070891f20a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:49:06	-154.870
-124	7676	767600	b2c700d9-8eb4-4f38-9b35-7b5940be30d9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:06:29	-768.302
-124	15352	767600	3367235c-1689-44ae-a00a-6d95e535a86d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:36:20	-562.933
-125	7677	767700	6fc80ca0-f359-47de-938f-da28d84acd68	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:23:31	574.6
-125	15354	767700	41ffca67-7d00-4ec9-9260-0210eb106970	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:06:55	-509.138
-126	7678	767800	1357ed7c-4427-4ef0-ad23-5ab27fec2d7a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:46:04	-764.732
-126	15356	767800	47148f98-0d4e-4f05-8595-18d70a516a2d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:40:55	845.148
-127	7679	767900	69106f95-3cee-41ad-aecf-6d634fe047f1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:11:00	841.18
-127	15358	767900	4e72011b-416a-4208-8326-0876527e52ac	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:35:58	566.589
-0	7680	768000	40d7c629-02da-4970-bab5-b13e8eeca00f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:49:05	695.829
-0	15360	768000	880cb9e6-cd5b-4f53-8ba7-7837e7f6c89a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:49:10	376.461
-1	7681	768100	03cbfc24-1825-43b1-91a7-2b14beb5f380	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:01:38	-744.593
-1	15362	768100	4d263eb4-09c5-4572-abdd-8a4ae8ec4cf0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:58:37	-204.463
-2	7682	768200	0e818511-7239-4121-931a-32430865f97b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:00:48	238.786
-2	15364	768200	6bbf880a-5f71-4b31-907c-e2c4cca7ab8e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:09:01	-289.232
-3	7683	768300	a5c91712-b2b6-4d09-8e1c-d8d200f6b245	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:07:31	-943.955
-3	15366	768300	e1fded15-6a2e-4b49-905f-279d82dfde30	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:12:15	910.590
-4	7684	768400	bc6cb4c6-8615-42b2-a426-cdbacaa91066	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:22:10	-216.373
-4	15368	768400	97782451-43f2-4ec5-98b8-be0bd08aa9f3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:47:40	-315.167
-5	7685	768500	ecc9e8b8-bfbb-4e92-b05a-62532e01277f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:11:07	548.911
-5	15370	768500	85be9958-e7c9-4367-a52d-4a9567afb643	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:43:20	-244.359
-6	7686	768600	95fdaf5b-9728-463b-bc41-417d1e5105fb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:35:08	315.906
-6	15372	768600	7cdec545-0145-476e-8bae-f8d9e800690b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:06:44	-561.407
-7	7687	768700	0e70ea2d-3e54-4c07-b430-1593eb276b22	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:15:25	-335.565
-7	15374	768700	8a350996-1630-4862-bdd4-cb089a9943d2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:38:39	690.162
-8	7688	768800	f1682739-9c5e-4c78-aade-671822a0bdd2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:38:27	-268.517
-8	15376	768800	107c6ed3-b13b-4a4a-89d7-1b6e362fcb9d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:46:57	474.82
-9	7689	768900	a691e48f-214a-420c-9e53-018999d647c1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:43:34	-92.97
-9	15378	768900	f83d1ac5-165e-43ab-b82e-ab10099348e5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:15:34	-4.691
-10	7690	769000	a2d2816b-3ce4-444e-9fc5-c9c92db58eb0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:43:18	732.597
-10	15380	769000	15aaae7e-bbc4-454f-9138-0f36c1bea1f5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:24:36	411.162
-11	7691	769100	7f0e5dbc-e72b-4032-b07e-59dea0b5a78d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:50:04	744.507
-11	15382	769100	86290cab-86a7-46f3-bf18-3735e9499e4d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:00:45	238.239
-12	7692	769200	e742452e-cf09-40db-8105-8f4a8d4199a4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:06:36	-621.693
-12	15384	769200	a89e2248-3bff-421a-bb7c-aa0f5f663784	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:54:12	922.231
-13	7693	769300	07f1c099-6aef-4e1a-bcec-0951df3fcffd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:09:03	351.230
-13	15386	769300	a0a2736f-08b0-4f07-94de-49f2eb683d27	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:37:17	-512.622
-14	7694	769400	165a0490-451f-4408-bb48-cabb02f91e06	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:05:25	948.788
-14	15388	769400	ecb7867b-94b2-4f55-9d70-6a6f9021f734	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:40:33	-829.80
-15	7695	769500	78cfc23e-be20-4045-942a-7216df9e3861	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:55:28	-206.972
-15	15390	769500	365836fb-0c2f-40c2-a617-83dbe183d26e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:16:33	-458.207
-16	7696	769600	7b62acf7-1fb6-4b40-a964-66280d5bb5b6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:21:15	-310.926
-16	15392	769600	ae40676f-e9f9-4491-9a7c-e371fdc098c1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:51:10	-972.229
-17	7697	769700	0f67b9fb-2332-4ded-a39f-6d13bfb601b6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:35:23	128.567
-17	15394	769700	86dbdb6b-1369-451c-966b-d75bdc40353e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:48:26	148.497
-18	7698	769800	d3ad02d1-6f2f-44dd-9ccf-75b33dbcf21c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:43:25	863.910
-18	15396	769800	53a64261-14a4-459c-bd0f-845224fd77b5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:59:12	-839.924
-19	7699	769900	ef9a8661-6796-46c9-bfa5-f1e052b6ab39	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:45:09	475.2
-19	15398	769900	28199aae-d3ed-4ac7-8c65-85d4bb9a7baf	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:21:26	-183.960
-20	7700	770000	93ebf9c4-4ef0-4149-aaac-4562eeab6a6e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:15:57	-102.566
-20	15400	770000	c9158dc0-f54d-4c2b-8888-3841cc538f9d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:05:20	630.417
-21	7701	770100	7625e243-1909-4f49-8bfa-8d2d36cf7a10	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:18:49	756.772
-21	15402	770100	51d7dbb9-4152-40c1-af83-32b6c32ada0b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:38:42	-407.193
-22	7702	770200	9f6bf25f-fa3e-48b3-b1d0-b083019fa618	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:36:56	-923.952
-22	15404	770200	e0c2104b-c199-4813-b71c-c12396fa58dd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:09:24	467.544
-23	7703	770300	6b63ebf5-7bda-4e0a-99bf-c0d0ad042b6c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:58:45	-611.48
-23	15406	770300	dd8671be-804e-436d-9490-7b5eea6ccb2f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:58:27	405.626
-24	7704	770400	fcf9cad6-9a5c-45a8-96fd-58de66cc930e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:45:24	-858.473
-24	15408	770400	aa53e261-587f-4f13-953f-1a99623f36c4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:44:49	453.510
-25	7705	770500	3231c4a8-f902-44cf-a082-e7927f4d5882	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:29:23	-322.779
-25	15410	770500	9c3f1372-5d15-4581-854e-b4281e6a01b4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:21:15	-862.22
-26	7706	770600	00b75145-ee49-49a3-ad96-9cfad3d1ed40	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:21:16	848.895
-26	15412	770600	0c064692-3757-4966-9f7b-592af79441bb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:23:49	-929.315
-27	7707	770700	554dcbf5-4083-417c-ad7e-8739fa68b0fd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:26:58	390.988
-27	15414	770700	bef6c59e-f190-46d9-94aa-6dfd3db5c31f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:54:19	-150.19
-28	7708	770800	9a30f551-89d3-47d7-ab1c-ea7a79b4dc6a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:41:16	-81.290
-28	15416	770800	8803982e-dcce-404c-af18-6ad306eed2c6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:34:15	-966.118
-29	7709	770900	9a6d96ab-572f-4e31-a84f-d890abd6fc62	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:01:58	-155.366
-29	15418	770900	3f6a1a61-6c53-4930-884d-87470a80501f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:06:58	-238.817
-30	7710	771000	4eeb9897-2e59-45ea-8c42-41da706971ff	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:06:31	-370.784
-30	15420	771000	92674451-fe32-4fbf-8f44-f3871938d8d8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:07:40	788.582
-31	7711	771100	9b582367-9053-49e5-a3d7-197d036bdc59	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:09:33	609.570
-31	15422	771100	1800cdc3-4e19-4bc5-99d8-cf75e83e41dc	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:43:48	433.569
-32	7712	771200	dd58a11f-9a6a-4fd3-aff4-5f5e36e27093	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:57:07	799.357
-32	15424	771200	a7d53384-4ac3-4c0d-b727-44647a2eed2e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:55:38	430.144
-33	7713	771300	9012165e-7b7a-4375-8a6f-0e638c36f07f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:56:53	-511.12
-33	15426	771300	9c53b777-1ce1-4ed0-9268-0089a7d63984	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:40:36	-68.945
-34	7714	771400	de7b6bc4-bc5f-4704-99c4-3cdca7540ad0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:59:50	-683.427
-34	15428	771400	1f623b51-2593-4c96-beb2-71ad8b9f1cc7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:58:15	-401.636
-35	7715	771500	81af33a0-830f-46e1-b8d5-7154c7f069b7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:57:20	-343.622
-35	15430	771500	3b6e6098-6b9c-465d-b262-d5000de220d2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:12:43	-271.273
-36	7716	771600	1677d000-2a97-4153-9439-5520f959fa7e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:00:19	-244.279
-36	15432	771600	9c6cb42f-07e1-46dc-9a99-5d27e4101c71	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:18:31	-823.73
-37	7717	771700	8f4b221f-5429-4270-9b5d-4ad8525795e3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:46:49	147.962
-37	15434	771700	1c605453-981f-4e6a-b99d-37380883c750	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:35:45	673.867
-38	7718	771800	9d2ccbe6-1c86-4f36-83e2-39a9ea49611c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:14:15	658.376
-38	15436	771800	36a4eb98-6fc8-4f53-848a-c35de9925513	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:06:25	372.644
-39	7719	771900	7726467c-9f18-4d6b-84cd-c25b325c78e1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:20:04	-25.607
-39	15438	771900	df3c0b19-b9b2-429f-89e2-50211f4a7efd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:12:12	-430.432
-40	7720	772000	96f281f0-38c4-4c6f-b6d2-d0ed8a4462c5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:54:16	146.456
-40	15440	772000	e8a99007-ac1f-4d0b-b5be-e0762558f5b5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:33:27	-135.722
-41	7721	772100	eb08459c-3f41-42f9-a19f-57285df2e308	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:49:41	-644.375
-41	15442	772100	8312b415-5e66-42ec-8446-cab081524250	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:31:11	434.120
-42	7722	772200	7e25048a-ff5c-487b-a43f-269b639c009b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:05:09	373.993
-42	15444	772200	f9c5860a-da4c-406b-9701-7f9e382d6e5b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:20:20	492.811
-43	7723	772300	1f1c486f-4fb8-42df-bcda-fd498e9a0c05	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:32:05	98.143
-43	15446	772300	00c86762-7873-4048-8b42-9c5932cfcc5d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:30:16	-81.720
-44	7724	772400	ad779f6a-db37-447f-b12c-f0a74b376252	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:16:17	-824.595
-44	15448	772400	d04682c2-593f-4fb9-938d-b70577f1fe1d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:12:07	-3.280
-45	7725	772500	7cd8f83f-3179-44ec-9b46-8815991f9e54	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:09:04	-610.526
-45	15450	772500	b0e9a6d8-11f7-4b0c-a914-70079b4353e7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:36:07	791.326
-46	7726	772600	b1a51d4e-610d-4168-845d-79c705517d85	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:40:18	-202.872
-46	15452	772600	16d321cd-6a43-4167-851f-d4a86c27eabb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:36:28	-224.165
-47	7727	772700	e2c3e969-6f64-4d0d-b3be-fec98ebf153c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:23:10	-328.592
-47	15454	772700	5d747543-90b4-4028-9e20-4413cb865360	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:00:36	613.44
-48	7728	772800	70e465ef-0172-4a02-906f-ae9654179fff	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:19:39	54.287
-48	15456	772800	2a3746ad-a926-4490-aab0-9a99d1244cf4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:16:17	-425.694
-49	7729	772900	ebf180d2-f210-40d1-8651-8ebc32050472	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:47:12	843.712
-49	15458	772900	9300f745-2c7f-446b-ac5f-b6c140dcbeb9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:33:29	883.734
-50	7730	773000	9f73ac83-7740-48e3-a1e1-60f30850ceed	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:03:20	382.182
-50	15460	773000	300a9405-306c-4a40-9bc2-fc8c3105cb25	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:28:50	971.310
-51	7731	773100	cf21094f-67f8-4720-8f54-21ed70e85d90	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:27:45	-134.892
-51	15462	773100	50f7579b-e628-414c-8283-f6cd655c54b1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:03:43	853.524
-52	7732	773200	261a8203-ff6a-4ee9-a636-f62591410847	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:28:48	302.519
-52	15464	773200	859a68f0-0f03-4b64-9f2b-10e35639c873	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:18:25	265.308
-53	7733	773300	51106452-3738-4ce5-a392-9523a5c1ec82	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:12:36	-374.583
-53	15466	773300	36b959ee-dcd2-405c-a706-c9b5b33327c1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:01:47	763.908
-54	7734	773400	f5bb8d8e-fa27-4909-9512-076b167dd830	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:56:20	-399.358
-54	15468	773400	290cf215-66c4-4710-beed-82e8fffd3d12	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:25:18	959.887
-55	7735	773500	8227f136-d3d0-4dd5-9ca1-c444977bd5db	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:06:36	958.731
-55	15470	773500	ecdc109a-5bd2-4014-8c2e-effaf820427b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:56:07	-937.932
-56	7736	773600	6d6766b6-6bb0-4da6-97b1-e63fba9601eb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:44:02	949.376
-56	15472	773600	aebd5f16-2e9b-4b65-bf35-94aad38a76ae	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:44:06	846.401
-57	7737	773700	494c83fc-e0dd-4787-acf0-1be90158fb2f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:19:51	-894.228
-57	15474	773700	96b9b5d6-f664-4c65-8c76-9c1fa85c6f3d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:03:27	655.395
-58	7738	773800	3abea5ad-4cf6-42da-9bee-98006feab66b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:29:59	-869.818
-58	15476	773800	7b76734e-20fb-4e87-8fdd-6bbc5ecab536	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:26:14	118.290
-59	7739	773900	95c56bdd-8dba-449b-ba8a-455bb5713a6c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:17:08	-310.189
-59	15478	773900	14821178-758e-47a3-b252-bab323ae458a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:34:43	904.211
-60	7740	774000	98dba396-3a11-4374-9f35-1e26439d0a0f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:10:59	240.941
-60	15480	774000	748ff3f1-c580-4a44-9372-a3619476036c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:29:03	-298.959
-61	7741	774100	35cded54-b0cd-4eb9-bcb1-d7cefc80042c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:16:26	-515.179
-61	15482	774100	efff305b-ba95-4c10-ba81-9808c02a515f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:20:57	340.302
-62	7742	774200	62e2ca05-8a79-4b9c-b07b-f74232c868c1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:31:58	195.990
-62	15484	774200	afe9e26f-0071-4fcd-9533-1dab80938fe6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:49:21	-346.613
-63	7743	774300	ca5ee309-7910-4c48-be4a-4881d5be83ed	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:43:19	947.458
-63	15486	774300	4891b1be-10b8-4d44-9a1d-d63ed1b01074	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:22:42	-57.859
-64	7744	774400	3e9c1a26-ba7a-42a0-8cca-6ad7866386bb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:03:43	-716.943
-64	15488	774400	b3b23bb8-07fb-4fad-9fb5-ac944e8e519a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:08:40	405.557
-65	7745	774500	06b96eb8-ea2a-4bf0-a47d-44b83ee77e7d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:04:43	-137.445
-65	15490	774500	ee248bb8-b888-4bb2-aa18-d49245901e7a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:14:12	-173.349
-66	7746	774600	3290f3a6-5c18-4638-8df6-2e31c77a4210	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:23:49	967.121
-66	15492	774600	992e5ccc-0f5d-4ae0-8a6a-467737c32c67	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:04:20	368.390
-67	7747	774700	9b76cd5c-3279-47fa-a9e1-9c828659a586	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:26:17	-55.532
-67	15494	774700	d7c793f0-998f-42d7-9bad-7e4008de6491	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:40:20	498.40
-68	7748	774800	a3c95ed5-0455-44b1-9b4f-d638e42ffd2e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:42:42	97.635
-68	15496	774800	d30cb0ec-9de5-46a9-be80-3886b0ad2cc7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:56:46	568.860
-69	7749	774900	5d9dfbff-78e4-4d56-8ebf-3a40a4659700	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:55:59	-586.546
-69	15498	774900	882487d3-9167-4db7-94ab-4b56e58e84b6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:17:44	-460.295
-70	7750	775000	076f2161-7d0f-41b4-a2b3-8bc4eaabc587	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:21:29	259.235
-70	15500	775000	066efb67-a1ca-44d4-acd1-b10ebee5f85d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:33:44	275.149
-71	7751	775100	a447dd6c-c9b8-4651-87cb-9b96814c7a70	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:51:59	-283.67
-71	15502	775100	c2703bb3-ada0-4e3d-8ca4-0779f32e8a99	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:56:29	-669.987
-72	7752	775200	dd62511c-9b8a-45ab-b6a9-ec0910147f24	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:20:31	-957.888
-72	15504	775200	11b507a3-5fb4-4244-aa41-ccda78308659	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:59:15	-23.23
-73	7753	775300	f4e113ef-f3fd-40cc-9d0f-7abea62de603	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:24:18	-867.344
-73	15506	775300	52218852-77e9-4bfd-9079-93f16a92e485	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:49:29	-190.228
-74	7754	775400	70eb5851-be43-447c-a1a2-a01b60be2909	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:23:43	-508.479
-74	15508	775400	498180cb-2ca5-4f47-ade7-a1bf700e7bdf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:15:14	-843.611
-75	7755	775500	bb374043-3527-4e4f-b230-5aabd8d7efd2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:50:59	56.985
-75	15510	775500	d58abc90-e6ea-43b7-8618-1d1b63238303	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:12:59	-20.167
-76	7756	775600	b5205fc0-b292-4901-a9bd-e56dd03b358c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:32:45	319.92
-76	15512	775600	6c748829-9b63-4359-bf86-5ba0cda626fa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:49:53	-734.575
-77	7757	775700	3dbbe760-bcb2-4ea8-a6cb-a2407b24d526	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:30:50	284.661
-77	15514	775700	3567ce95-1325-46fb-832b-cefb62fc6344	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:26:02	995.733
-78	7758	775800	21949543-ca35-4d57-990e-521700d1dd7a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:58:01	-261.623
-78	15516	775800	a24eb7fb-3c05-4fd6-84b9-0a3dbe8fdf5f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:28:32	845.238
-79	7759	775900	97b413e0-22eb-469b-b214-ff941bf54267	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:29:18	-374.774
-79	15518	775900	5bb19a1f-227d-4d2e-9ab8-16adbc00d616	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:18:12	-31.787
-80	7760	776000	d7051dc0-8806-4881-97de-048429c977b3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:08:45	-347.593
-80	15520	776000	c33e2381-6a96-48f6-b869-43b9fa1f4521	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:31:36	-753.753
-81	7761	776100	da8dcd68-e9d1-40e1-bd05-9bbf35c9c602	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:37:31	516.250
-81	15522	776100	26172f72-3da2-42b0-b482-28b7565e1913	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:12:48	783.392
-82	7762	776200	ee08450f-22f4-4ee7-80a0-75cb28292ce6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:03:05	-131.113
-82	15524	776200	0875ee10-98e8-454f-9dbf-b225a7fe1bf8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:02:02	-899.772
-83	7763	776300	8c86e475-edb2-4a55-b3c0-06f0c777f599	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:20:28	710.188
-83	15526	776300	6d53db44-4620-4e13-8fe8-412ff941f3d3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:04:14	78.226
-84	7764	776400	45fbea0f-3527-4b55-9622-ddc6afad0a02	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:32:51	-987.770
-84	15528	776400	28a54706-5d3a-4acd-a155-45742c56f7cd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:01:27	-803.332
-85	7765	776500	1f55302e-a7de-4da9-b318-8408c6c56b2a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:26:59	-179.304
-85	15530	776500	67858e90-abdc-4a50-baf6-7033d1e5677a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:02:17	-755.611
-86	7766	776600	013a9159-0950-45f7-8d9e-94688a8833fc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:11:54	-230.495
-86	15532	776600	f70c2ba3-368a-4268-8862-01552a9ef0d5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:05:03	-82.440
-87	7767	776700	93cf18c7-6781-4c8c-94ce-be08c5cbbcb5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:27:30	-521.449
-87	15534	776700	72ebde33-1cd1-4fad-9cef-414cc952e40f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:42:54	495.406
-88	7768	776800	2d0916ab-ad49-459a-9361-3833289c6fbf	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:05:51	-484.864
-88	15536	776800	0b4a6cb4-871e-46dd-9ec6-5adecb832d37	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:26:26	-96.192
-89	7769	776900	f3d2ca79-5ac8-4f3b-b78c-33322b15a558	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:44:55	714.219
-89	15538	776900	727bc0e6-319c-41a4-ad24-bd01f4fa5479	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:06:14	-906.269
-90	7770	777000	a2f55db8-576a-462d-8f00-415692d63d32	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:20:08	-6.363
-90	15540	777000	b1771f2c-38fa-487e-ae14-1f37631f2890	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:28:59	381.852
-91	7771	777100	34d02992-f7d8-4791-8816-8ac2d06c1c19	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:33:53	-311.302
-91	15542	777100	45e75e28-9ce1-4a7f-acbd-9703edef84b3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:21:23	365.544
-92	7772	777200	3150de5a-53b2-4638-8242-55e8806235ea	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:44:08	234.824
-92	15544	777200	0afa2507-9a11-4d9e-adc4-052ce8d0e805	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:41:18	-746.132
-93	7773	777300	995cffff-bb15-4df9-a49f-06a7d6f5769c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:05:40	543.129
-93	15546	777300	da8ab8b9-05df-4a51-ac0c-da38ace26c1a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:08:13	-40.743
-94	7774	777400	7a723431-3113-48ce-b957-20c018359bef	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:25:49	-575.927
-94	15548	777400	eef34de5-167e-463d-9164-eb35f50d5d8f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:26:04	648.578
-95	7775	777500	076cee14-b889-49e5-b4bc-ba9d562c3a83	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:16:29	-325.476
-95	15550	777500	070db572-eb92-4d12-99fd-b5f1a7b8c0e3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:22:07	-719.2
-96	7776	777600	4729edad-2003-4f60-949d-01e47266e959	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:30:13	557.688
-96	15552	777600	053568fa-7932-4d3d-abf1-46a8b24fff41	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:48:12	246.828
-97	7777	777700	0f15b4d9-ad46-43f7-86c3-4214f318507d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:56:43	725.86
-97	15554	777700	5492880d-9446-4469-a9ce-3990fe91efb6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:08:46	-860.980
-98	7778	777800	522d891c-a43c-44f0-8132-c15ac1072190	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:13:54	851.352
-98	15556	777800	5e57dffe-fd10-47c1-9cc8-2554a6c5fb40	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:48:46	631.824
-99	7779	777900	bf2a46c7-80c1-414d-8c64-f62d903163b5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:54:39	-356.23
-99	15558	777900	fb0697e7-e292-497e-ae96-838c47089ac5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:35:01	486.455
-100	7780	778000	eaa15cd1-3bee-4f1a-a779-92992b1aafc0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:23:27	556.999
-100	15560	778000	19058f98-0fb4-474d-9340-f994083985bf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:54:10	-575.597
-101	7781	778100	ee4df498-cf53-468f-8ed9-2b35af0724b2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:43:37	-120.327
-101	15562	778100	b59956c1-1b53-43db-bf4e-d51111e3e568	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:23:35	879.173
-102	7782	778200	abff1e57-da2f-442e-afb8-9923cbb80112	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:01:58	-679.250
-102	15564	778200	a3c36857-088e-4862-9ea0-5ca9d381fbfb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:51:07	-501.36
-103	7783	778300	0d5b9517-46d6-41ed-9245-bcac5691b5ca	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:41:03	-774.893
-103	15566	778300	73eb86ac-6d1d-4172-b618-362c041c0ed8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:29:23	-773.143
-104	7784	778400	121f10c0-b10a-4e8d-b8a4-16a62e0f47e5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:50:06	437.694
-104	15568	778400	2f6e82dd-c93b-4aef-bb20-d78504662fc4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:53:02	-67.865
-105	7785	778500	7ab78ac4-3fc6-4fe0-bddb-7100d650f575	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:11:59	-182.58
-105	15570	778500	37cdb7c7-3096-4c80-bb78-b600119becc1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:40:07	-941.303
-106	7786	778600	4c09ae6c-ec48-4996-aed6-97a42a5c82f2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:08:09	-577.102
-106	15572	778600	248eef44-c012-4168-97fa-1ec50bf26356	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:22:14	298.813
-107	7787	778700	d51d6073-187c-483c-bd84-aa4b654e7704	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:37:08	697.662
-107	15574	778700	cb2693e8-07e0-486e-87db-60fd59502130	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:23:03	-772.55
-108	7788	778800	e4364b53-3a1a-424e-bb4c-103f2472552a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:19:07	-545.813
-108	15576	778800	8f2079a5-12df-4655-b1a3-8b11f2a7ef04	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:07:20	987.736
-109	7789	778900	8b3385b5-e250-4321-9b15-04c8905fcd95	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:31:24	-738.87
-109	15578	778900	52f444b4-1441-4351-9258-560102a7afe9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:12:58	421.156
-110	7790	779000	1186a8fd-4763-4452-91a4-9375034aeffb	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:19:07	708.995
-110	15580	779000	7b664a4d-352a-4318-9613-5f3eb47f05d9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:42:20	-227.76
-111	7791	779100	db0e640a-404d-457d-8950-5942cb19ff6a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:08:25	164.873
-111	15582	779100	455edfe4-cc3a-47f5-930a-9e9e5e181519	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:53:47	-245.954
-112	7792	779200	eed2c63a-398a-4208-b980-dd6a1d5095b3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:18:04	-4.152
-112	15584	779200	056e8c26-55bf-4d75-8745-39ebd902bf7d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:03:20	857.743
-113	7793	779300	8df70194-3bd0-457f-bd46-70a3bc138496	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:58:33	-828.183
-113	15586	779300	1ee7781d-a2ef-40c9-a5ac-9c3c3b057feb	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:20:52	921.648
-114	7794	779400	a7d5bb47-1a89-4b17-abe1-56f91f1711ce	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:33:59	-150.73
-114	15588	779400	021eb675-cb29-4f56-9e01-42b553c21f1c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:46:11	-836.436
-115	7795	779500	c67da0a7-62c8-4a6b-8fec-4bea0fd9d426	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:06:01	-118.763
-115	15590	779500	c78ebc61-2f43-4cf2-8f70-00c29f11e970	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:18:16	-808.64
-116	7796	779600	e88b824a-8157-4995-b5e6-787188d4121f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:40:32	-360.69
-116	15592	779600	4aa42a0a-58cf-4cb9-a7ad-ec41fb9f6ff8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:21:38	-914.442
-117	7797	779700	f1d438f4-3e55-4083-915e-edbf9ebad335	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:15:46	-819.207
-117	15594	779700	672b6b7a-b8b5-423a-afc0-2aae77cc3881	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:38:02	-221.880
-118	7798	779800	28f776e9-4b9e-400d-9baa-002e442e9862	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:51:55	-354.869
-118	15596	779800	b1673521-64b6-456c-8031-37a5c2ea3c54	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:09:17	736.53
-119	7799	779900	f453f6b1-3c30-41ac-8e7b-3c9da99d92df	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:48:49	-881.428
-119	15598	779900	9dd7502d-743f-47ee-bb87-3d93a43c3691	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:56:46	-70.839
-120	7800	780000	aacb1fd6-1cea-4679-828e-f214afb894f4	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:21:34	515.53
-120	15600	780000	1d87f31a-834a-4cab-b95f-aac75f758d4a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:45:57	205.419
-121	7801	780100	e8decef8-0d91-42c8-96b9-5e754aa78671	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:23:07	904.15
-121	15602	780100	9fe05612-4094-42b2-8af8-3777e26c6270	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:18:06	512.238
-122	7802	780200	98ba4a2a-de9b-49ce-95bf-bafec985dca8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:21:32	-386.739
-122	15604	780200	691d3b83-01a6-4715-9a92-7cbddbfa3b3c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:19:42	-443.467
-123	7803	780300	84c9a11c-dbb7-4f4f-a59e-20fcc35ce7b6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:48:51	376.696
-123	15606	780300	070382f0-9a96-4c93-b2f4-c43ae12bf499	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:26:20	-372.531
-124	7804	780400	9ea9eff5-d310-42c7-8e1a-ffdca03d1c97	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:09:16	768.379
-124	15608	780400	d176dd85-b1ff-42a6-85df-81021e752d0b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:24:21	536.25
-125	7805	780500	9ea9dd7b-ec12-4655-b50c-0be8c8c82fa0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:34:40	-841.465
-125	15610	780500	ae14372a-6d86-49d0-bf08-1e3955b6664a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:46:47	45.747
-126	7806	780600	476e4b00-c0e2-428d-aa04-443003c18952	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:42:22	-876.415
-126	15612	780600	247d7f5d-371e-4622-b293-df6da04e3a12	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:36:10	782.692
-127	7807	780700	99376667-8527-4d58-a06d-5f6f172e694c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:29:52	-310.196
-127	15614	780700	38cfa05b-2e3c-4f88-b428-223df32b3626	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:54:57	994.984
-0	7808	780800	3d5a4baf-0386-4c8a-8bf1-624a1fd2c82e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:33:50	200.779
-0	15616	780800	119cb5bd-6082-4fed-91de-8238137fdd25	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:20:29	-214.402
-1	7809	780900	fb0c63bd-da85-401b-902a-f7dfd4105b01	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:17:26	-217.413
-1	15618	780900	58a20d72-b94c-4b00-a326-13807c9ebb97	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:31:10	93.370
-2	7810	781000	45e52ba5-097f-491e-85d0-b3de01586dab	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:58:24	249.884
-2	15620	781000	2749aaee-2b31-4dd0-ab52-49f1ff4619fc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:01:56	-887.253
-3	7811	781100	d8248c5f-5c58-4fad-a198-0bf3ba6040ed	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:18:06	606.124
-3	15622	781100	06cb63ea-f0cd-4089-a655-80e8930e257b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:13:40	78.453
-4	7812	781200	5cfb8faf-8c2c-4899-a435-664c959bc13f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:15:37	235.604
-4	15624	781200	ecad61b2-8ca8-4285-a4df-52507010647c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:48:48	-658.400
-5	7813	781300	79e927b3-7831-4b20-b51c-481e3d404c14	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:08:08	-885.445
-5	15626	781300	3efb1a31-fb61-4195-9c87-ea6758681de7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:44:45	401.907
-6	7814	781400	f9e85955-3aaf-47c3-af70-c52f84b85352	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:31:57	-626.691
-6	15628	781400	20d12b0d-6856-429c-aaa6-dafc85b12e3b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:21:24	478.287
-7	7815	781500	c0872507-866c-4f21-b93c-03cd622302d5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:33:05	-532.67
-7	15630	781500	19b39610-f0f7-42d6-9a0b-e4615b915456	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:59:16	94.357
-8	7816	781600	44e6b2de-aff8-4347-8b30-ff4e0f112e72	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:09:39	-324.971
-8	15632	781600	e586c964-6feb-4e19-b785-75361773e774	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:35:08	621.176
-9	7817	781700	9ee79bd5-106e-465d-a0cc-7a5749be418c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:53:39	236.325
-9	15634	781700	dc78bfd0-25bc-4bd4-be05-c91ff7441150	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:24:56	544.153
-10	7818	781800	4e709b75-b807-440a-9afb-1f4ff26429e2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:16:21	106.517
-10	15636	781800	7e8cb78b-3cec-46ec-9380-8c8d5553f741	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:44:16	-37.156
-11	7819	781900	cb268f00-4e32-4f93-b1da-0bdfcf6f7f0c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:48:15	-732.5
-11	15638	781900	375929d8-f27c-4427-9fb2-af97ace71d88	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:13:22	-813.707
-12	7820	782000	fc8fe979-4b61-4138-8a41-b47a3642acaf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:49:46	639.63
-12	15640	782000	3ee7f770-5646-4121-98bd-f64eabc427c9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:07:54	91.108
-13	7821	782100	68aad625-1683-46d7-ab19-0a643a456175	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:46:55	-606.86
-13	15642	782100	9933c4bf-96fb-4cbf-b273-2e6990142e74	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:20:45	-356.229
-14	7822	782200	17952e41-5b18-4af8-8720-91592732d9a7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:11:53	-559.355
-14	15644	782200	4db9675f-5f0e-4db9-950a-984eb1cf75fb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:09:39	490.341
-15	7823	782300	e27d2dac-f940-4ce5-8341-4a3be1155d9a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:12:04	349.461
-15	15646	782300	c3df8550-f753-4e49-ad70-439782c8da87	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:36:43	891.653
-16	7824	782400	a609e5d8-9556-4c3e-a96f-3728a2b99448	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:44:29	-611.693
-16	15648	782400	4f7b95fc-f963-411b-92dd-820ba7afedde	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:03:03	-810.34
-17	7825	782500	e3758a46-1966-4b3f-954b-abc73b4a100c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:49:47	631.542
-17	15650	782500	a9b6604f-fc01-492b-b83e-d493c8b5aca1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:29:07	-308.665
-18	7826	782600	02962d0f-f886-469c-b399-aa231f233c8f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:46:52	-186.490
-18	15652	782600	08e91f73-647e-4860-bd30-07f69d388312	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:18:48	389.264
-19	7827	782700	ab440372-9731-4a92-9a9b-5f72c4e9a84f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:01:51	185.766
-19	15654	782700	faaceb78-23a9-4d83-8f10-ffd2656c4c74	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:42:30	-451.776
-20	7828	782800	730ba86c-c26d-4723-83f0-3d37b15bc67f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:04:58	526.130
-20	15656	782800	c516197b-980a-4f26-8ce7-c906cd028bc3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:10:50	586.362
-21	7829	782900	47926167-3848-4748-8d5f-fadd3a18a156	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:30:52	557.709
-21	15658	782900	21274918-076c-467b-8512-014557fbd1cb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:23:10	-610.623
-22	7830	783000	a7bdb108-6ae5-4e83-aa39-47bb53873f0b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:35:11	-973.445
-22	15660	783000	95a12a03-7a62-4691-aa16-3a28898948db	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:43:46	-361.620
-23	7831	783100	9c4e9945-b139-40aa-9fac-561bda967b9e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:49:49	-863.804
-23	15662	783100	1c3177c3-ae4b-443a-be5b-fda9a96dbd0c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:59:30	848.654
-24	7832	783200	7402cca5-0a43-48a0-ae6a-9523be18e4bc	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:47:59	-625.361
-24	15664	783200	934c21d1-3f0c-4616-b415-efcd8f382eb8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:23:07	-74.722
-25	7833	783300	4a9e9386-72b0-401d-aa95-cd83f3a0cd91	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:03:47	990.689
-25	15666	783300	1c2c292c-9fd8-48c1-873c-86382d1bdeae	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:05:00	879.433
-26	7834	783400	2511f59f-f2c6-42b1-9c53-2b864fff6b71	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:34:53	769.869
-26	15668	783400	690aaceb-1e15-4def-bec0-8e0a0efd9d54	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:14:04	-915.428
-27	7835	783500	38091361-97de-463f-9ada-cc38ae3120d0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:40:46	362.194
-27	15670	783500	7586ca5a-c03e-47f4-83a1-90f9b8389db7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:58:56	538.147
-28	7836	783600	eff7a313-7dda-4515-a261-60d7b4cb2b8f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:48:56	-55.316
-28	15672	783600	86bc6645-c1e4-4bbf-84a0-05b59d79af80	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:17:17	-85.674
-29	7837	783700	070bf2d8-1a17-4978-aeb7-e8438d986eaa	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:24:46	153.426
-29	15674	783700	a0a8c929-3e5b-4008-9acc-d8fc8fec465a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:58:03	-262.315
-30	7838	783800	d4f33533-4583-4c68-ae56-e5789bfd3993	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:41:10	-498.698
-30	15676	783800	03eb184a-d36c-4a99-84a2-74a4e184b1ee	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:45:50	548.327
-31	7839	783900	8ac162f4-861e-470b-920e-4afe3029fcdb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:46:39	-322.389
-31	15678	783900	4151d00d-d0af-46b9-827b-164779335537	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:27:49	896.211
-32	7840	784000	88ecc068-ce58-4aa9-b37b-a7710ef7c2b0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:04:16	220.638
-32	15680	784000	5f9d5598-ce30-479e-adef-7dc76d7903f8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:46:49	645.289
-33	7841	784100	17387abe-c658-4d27-9587-dccedbbbad75	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:05:33	-888.975
-33	15682	784100	1a3ec697-9016-4aa4-b9f0-d7978a156600	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:22:45	703.189
-34	7842	784200	e4356ad9-376c-454a-8ae6-89a75c72a8e8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:35:14	-719.473
-34	15684	784200	704374d7-a396-40c2-aaf5-0f627aca702c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:14:13	544.490
-35	7843	784300	770a9773-6a38-48d2-a3ea-d39bb9798266	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:21:53	438.437
-35	15686	784300	4324874a-0fd5-4fe2-bf73-39970f3a297f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:56:30	-525.373
-36	7844	784400	4c89d39a-3100-4514-8fb3-deb6be897bce	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:16:43	-928.234
-36	15688	784400	4ea46d05-ddaa-43e1-b000-2528515fb566	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:12:29	-113.872
-37	7845	784500	22904ac2-5326-4d0f-b942-fd3cd91aa63a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:01:06	552.52
-37	15690	784500	9d442d82-3b72-4870-8eaf-bb3e7d18f19e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:55:49	685.63
-38	7846	784600	71e0ac4f-18b3-41ab-9077-1947f949171a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:17:47	-948.758
-38	15692	784600	4ec0b3e7-993e-496a-80da-5d7a80381171	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:31:39	-269.356
-39	7847	784700	d94e59df-3223-4f4e-9634-909f25ed5af2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:33:13	661.510
-39	15694	784700	8dcf3960-066f-432a-ad5a-c824f624980d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:52:50	-107.140
-40	7848	784800	784927cf-ecf3-4dbe-866a-2e231de867ca	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:00:31	-252.206
-40	15696	784800	a34b8f31-5200-49de-9c7f-2d845a7cc52b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:15:39	639.745
-41	7849	784900	9bcf0c18-2e56-49dd-a54c-30eb4dca0da4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:11:28	-46.48
-41	15698	784900	24952cbf-fc88-4e57-9838-7ddce0abc38a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:55:50	426.842
-42	7850	785000	44f4cc62-f5df-4a1e-b66b-655c7520b468	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:18:31	-794.145
-42	15700	785000	f1c4da7f-71f4-4366-bd37-a60498393eff	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:58:00	711.381
-43	7851	785100	95823c71-8406-4fc2-bc9d-ed4fde6863d3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:49:27	-35.488
-43	15702	785100	204be862-0c62-401b-aed2-df25efadffae	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:30:30	-599.293
-44	7852	785200	b4fc39fa-4629-4495-847c-eb0169516b6c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:30:23	932.240
-44	15704	785200	e79d3793-6a73-4653-842c-d2f702e556af	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:42:02	779.73
-45	7853	785300	aa1fe499-ed91-49e4-ad1f-712973f7ed73	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:16:38	-352.709
-45	15706	785300	f5346a03-8a60-49fa-b7d3-2a67cba5ed9a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:50:20	867.666
-46	7854	785400	8d71dfa3-85c6-4894-98fa-66eb984f99f5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:19:25	549.580
-46	15708	785400	fff0963f-b3d8-49dd-a625-4547f969d25c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:47:27	445.907
-47	7855	785500	ebfcf354-dcf0-448b-b06a-79b7da033bf9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:25:47	871.942
-47	15710	785500	d9a2d95b-d604-4661-b6a2-447d4ce92c2c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:42:46	-818.478
-48	7856	785600	0903ec03-2863-489f-9444-bad12a03e0df	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:11:46	497.836
-48	15712	785600	1e41ddde-04b3-4761-b759-7c59d87c8af1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:50:26	708.261
-49	7857	785700	fa42b90e-50f0-4093-9f91-5845e35402f0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:29:52	755.904
-49	15714	785700	7b1ac5e0-9016-4fa2-aceb-0bea94783d1a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:48:25	376.88
-50	7858	785800	95c5db14-d47d-46c2-944a-075db1438aca	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:17:14	-455.229
-50	15716	785800	471e6658-0280-493a-b72d-e7e8e7e3c495	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:33:20	161.519
-51	7859	785900	f0446fef-8d02-44d4-a6ca-2e8435ce7357	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:06:46	-622.787
-51	15718	785900	d1ca5719-233c-4319-a64c-31bfe7403383	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:13:53	-918.390
-52	7860	786000	a690f3a1-699a-4f91-a0f0-638ff53e52b6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:16:04	842.894
-52	15720	786000	0ca2be92-5133-432f-9f78-16f8e2e8f68e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:48:48	626.651
-53	7861	786100	70c28d88-c718-402c-a0f1-0864b0f76a71	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:36:35	-400.504
-53	15722	786100	6eea0f71-d27c-4ce7-b35a-95fdc9e071fa	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:25:09	338.962
-54	7862	786200	cf619f5a-6178-4595-a49e-83ec74680a3a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:43:34	-949.891
-54	15724	786200	9f41c56f-bbeb-4db2-aa3d-fde6db77fedc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:43:08	409.108
-55	7863	786300	dc515a10-e6a4-41c8-8ed5-485136c0c828	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:21:17	-621.188
-55	15726	786300	8fac11f1-100e-4bc8-97f5-55a2e0ab1c6c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:06:16	923.114
-56	7864	786400	464a4141-9798-4e0e-84ce-3bba73169288	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:37:23	858.567
-56	15728	786400	994ceefe-1d72-4fc1-a6b1-b280b1220f03	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:01:14	644.774
-57	7865	786500	2be901ec-8856-47f2-9786-c985ddf654ff	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:50:40	-443.159
-57	15730	786500	5501dd6b-44a6-41a0-95ba-e73be3e80a28	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:36:16	723.192
-58	7866	786600	7591f274-f1e9-4972-afc7-a11f0902a1e2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:35:45	632.639
-58	15732	786600	76b91383-4357-41d5-b963-64ff8fd96932	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:09:21	-532.111
-59	7867	786700	82fc7de2-62d6-4097-a5d9-c86b5f8bc280	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:21:13	-3.772
-59	15734	786700	7300d61c-a7fd-4283-a761-525c72a37577	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:37:02	-832.520
-60	7868	786800	dcbf0d12-c398-48cf-880b-2355e4ca96c1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:54:27	519.188
-60	15736	786800	279c6bd9-dd90-40aa-a71e-0e4cefd937a0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:13:18	-975.458
-61	7869	786900	8c7eff86-7c47-4472-a154-866e5d6dd79d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:58:50	295.851
-61	15738	786900	0ed3be41-83f7-454f-94b2-0bdb3b3f6da1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:18:39	387.587
-62	7870	787000	7b398e0d-f002-4343-955d-e9ed8e7974b6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:10:33	-16.191
-62	15740	787000	74a84602-c3e5-4448-baa2-9896ddf50934	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:01:45	-592.829
-63	7871	787100	275badff-2b4e-4a0f-bff3-b0a8114dc81c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:57:57	247.917
-63	15742	787100	c5dddc1d-07b3-4458-b04d-8fac00b13b42	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:02:50	928.396
-64	7872	787200	c198da04-4a16-4c86-a8f0-b8f286221349	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:55:20	550.391
-64	15744	787200	b3b4e7a0-f1ce-442d-b891-057b4bda5f8b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:13:40	-587.21
-65	7873	787300	a5b3831c-880d-4755-800d-848e670c090c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:09:01	968.570
-65	15746	787300	1f55c3ba-9fb8-48ea-bcbe-e460270a9451	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:15:55	765.32
-66	7874	787400	36be1d5d-e854-44a4-ab5a-d38215a03b28	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:25:14	273.976
-66	15748	787400	9d7339a2-cced-4d6e-9427-f3f8dd7aa073	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:15:11	767.846
-67	7875	787500	7c679a50-17b4-4a9c-a60b-f672fb474085	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:10:35	-136.851
-67	15750	787500	13f9daf5-81ef-4cec-a85e-a54fb46aafc2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:12:07	526.474
-68	7876	787600	b18de097-bcf7-4674-a04a-22502135ab01	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:55:24	-573.479
-68	15752	787600	fbf33629-d4aa-4db7-b9f6-b13f16e395b0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:42:04	-483.598
-69	7877	787700	5b81358c-c796-473b-b77e-d316fc5fdb64	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:35:54	-237.435
-69	15754	787700	e336d871-5a9c-4b9c-99a6-b5aef86d8958	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:58:16	-688.742
-70	7878	787800	b0953b27-df35-467b-9450-60469fb8561f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:00:29	-477.861
-70	15756	787800	7e29517e-ada4-4337-9967-03c889adf1f0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:54:46	220.814
-71	7879	787900	274ab66f-e13b-4c88-8554-9cf3094bf890	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:04:24	-640.665
-71	15758	787900	98a5588d-603e-46a6-8f43-62097fd6b718	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:33:58	834.529
-72	7880	788000	77d9d1df-ae1c-4a54-b498-a84b21f9ab3e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:48:54	-272.675
-72	15760	788000	1fec059e-7284-4a89-a353-c2b012ab04c5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:50:46	665.76
-73	7881	788100	46bfbfe2-c4c1-4088-8a0d-26b7fc752a00	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:46:32	-866.176
-73	15762	788100	dfa00ff5-6881-463d-831f-83cc49eebf98	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:47:22	-314.524
-74	7882	788200	d3e2e971-9ee3-471c-bfd8-373d951f5673	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:27:21	368.143
-74	15764	788200	9348b576-ca40-48bf-a409-6d4a111c0065	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:04:43	841.763
-75	7883	788300	9f0353d8-f2de-4a7f-9531-670fd657b703	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:29:41	292.101
-75	15766	788300	b468476d-ce6e-4249-8491-d8535a5d3d78	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:37:31	-389.858
-76	7884	788400	850b4a7c-5058-49b4-97ce-b52f10d6a0a3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:43:01	-916.635
-76	15768	788400	bdb29b44-cd29-4101-9db2-ece92bf2a0ea	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:18:08	457.943
-77	7885	788500	a6536bdc-0078-4302-b027-da18047d7258	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:43:57	836.251
-77	15770	788500	fa62f750-14b7-4f84-9907-62eb00936a06	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:26:20	-581.296
-78	7886	788600	13f036ab-f3d7-4fa2-824e-92ec06270363	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:06:42	-832.934
-78	15772	788600	256bf586-d289-4a4c-bc19-342737100082	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:12:44	798.683
-79	7887	788700	019c499a-b658-4fa6-a793-a7336e83d6ef	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:32:24	145.879
-79	15774	788700	b884068f-36ed-42da-a9c8-45c51d756003	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:31:24	-479.212
-80	7888	788800	8dfb972f-337d-4a1f-a144-d44f6920803a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:51:19	125.435
-80	15776	788800	5c510438-e40f-44eb-96a6-e82db114ce8d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:14:48	533.172
-81	7889	788900	51c31908-9383-4140-927f-096b3e3fbee4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:12:06	-156.232
-81	15778	788900	2d043710-fd2c-499b-bff5-4d04c9782ddd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:34:02	-472.869
-82	7890	789000	2ca022d3-b592-4b89-9224-0f54cf25c903	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:16:41	-762.600
-82	15780	789000	7bff37ed-3a0b-4c7c-85eb-456ae7c11a16	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:52:41	935.974
-83	7891	789100	f575969b-e738-44f9-b00d-37af9116a76f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:02:39	-772.834
-83	15782	789100	734d6610-72be-45b1-882b-8692708eff04	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:42:26	655.433
-84	7892	789200	f43b1fbb-a681-40ff-b145-6aeaec8f1ad0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:56:10	-361.637
-84	15784	789200	a383f067-a9e6-4ce9-a0dd-937b6fcbec27	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:06:01	13.537
-85	7893	789300	8f739473-8afc-4b88-a0f4-f4bd9f9b1cb1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:46:01	952.265
-85	15786	789300	00f76e1d-52d3-435c-8dc0-a85148341329	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:12:22	-551.386
-86	7894	789400	4a7862ca-6063-4de8-b446-7210854af42e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:08:12	-275.771
-86	15788	789400	dea4c867-665e-423d-9472-cb28d123a820	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:16:16	-797.226
-87	7895	789500	e2841550-8a07-47cf-aa32-61f7acfc00f0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:12:38	-501.239
-87	15790	789500	65698cfc-0630-4910-92e4-7ed3c9580dfc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:59:29	410.144
-88	7896	789600	d2ffd091-4106-4161-b13c-28aa100e9590	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:24:39	280.510
-88	15792	789600	492ee341-b069-4eba-be33-da2d31a9bda4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:50:02	-264.467
-89	7897	789700	2db22903-9ef7-42b0-b72c-850e3a9ac960	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:16:26	-801.480
-89	15794	789700	bd90edb3-fecc-4b5a-b716-88bab8d6a3ff	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:03:45	414.322
-90	7898	789800	5175f97f-c1be-40c3-a130-52bb5cac3359	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:07:53	695.689
-90	15796	789800	7e0b0151-56c2-4139-8e9a-830ef576f8e8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:35:38	94.90
-91	7899	789900	11c12b77-74a2-45e6-8145-8be170190a45	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:42:32	547.721
-91	15798	789900	f5abeb5e-01ab-4ef1-a2a4-c02f76353b91	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:35:29	752.853
-92	7900	790000	520e5622-e3e3-4155-a45e-8066cf798e24	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:57:36	371.950
-92	15800	790000	56daa34d-8dd0-43bb-96e1-1ddcf2ca8b40	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:48:17	-913.320
-93	7901	790100	df46c77c-e6e3-4547-b1ba-2e64fc9b3301	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:25:19	-173.584
-93	15802	790100	03f2b671-70ce-410e-89cc-10e3a4590d54	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:01:11	-835.131
-94	7902	790200	b6f40aa5-fbc2-4eab-b082-fc01256568b3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:34:40	286.343
-94	15804	790200	6b6bebeb-c31a-4192-b9db-f4b4e908ace9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:23:46	-871.402
-95	7903	790300	791ac7db-f411-464b-8e1d-57ffeb162025	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:04:44	-457.243
-95	15806	790300	10664950-d02a-4c82-8302-fe12e779643b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:51:21	800.870
-96	7904	790400	7307c592-e5bb-4397-bf1c-5f456de38239	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:08:03	-167.400
-96	15808	790400	ffd1c23c-887e-402f-a1d3-5a371c943013	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:11:34	604.745
-97	7905	790500	9d239d5c-89cf-4c2c-b923-0777b4a4b51c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:08:22	-376.572
-97	15810	790500	6ad4de5d-bba2-4bbf-a1dc-47075b0afe15	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:14:31	-636.821
-98	7906	790600	f9382903-fd21-49be-bb79-375d6031b6c2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:18:09	292.437
-98	15812	790600	2f35db83-aafd-448e-8156-a056cca63500	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:40:34	-663.225
-99	7907	790700	ce9c651f-b109-411b-b3f4-5bd2821accf0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:34:48	-999.65
-99	15814	790700	a674bf15-8693-4927-ab7d-fb0843f1e17e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:50:09	476.991
-100	7908	790800	1f7641ca-02ab-4f43-8368-9f8301122291	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:02:42	425.699
-100	15816	790800	92000489-4e40-4e05-b115-d5af1114aa13	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:16:12	-488.844
-101	7909	790900	65a7fe01-a27b-4b1d-9cf8-0794d2b0923b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:35:35	-731.892
-101	15818	790900	e46c9855-2d76-4c9d-92e3-00b29a1d284e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:16:52	627.462
-102	7910	791000	38a9d177-4e97-470b-807c-960913c17428	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:58:34	708.78
-102	15820	791000	ea06a93d-11a4-40d2-b6ad-26e469d93cc6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:38:30	-39.234
-103	7911	791100	75d56135-303f-4284-b788-04250d9d1fbd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:12:59	-674.624
-103	15822	791100	b299af91-a201-4219-88a8-7994d8678a04	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:00:02	647.204
-104	7912	791200	7bfb98ef-5962-40c9-bb8a-1a4428a92456	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:03:03	-454.921
-104	15824	791200	8479e31c-55fb-4679-bb78-170a859f3b1e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:31:43	-938.283
-105	7913	791300	39e91640-231b-4e66-adb4-4d4e8413daf2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:15:04	156.67
-105	15826	791300	084c3804-d263-4c12-bf51-9c4160b98025	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:46:19	589.357
-106	7914	791400	591d0796-e495-4032-8527-ddc1fe0ddcd3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:28:39	-77.292
-106	15828	791400	5b71b559-e508-4998-ae1b-eacf0129233c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:28:56	-632.65
-107	7915	791500	755e701b-63c2-4c82-acb5-bf9d2acf1a8a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:25:36	978.76
-107	15830	791500	db49d31c-8662-49cc-802c-bb8d4a058b9d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:02:32	-450.841
-108	7916	791600	a6c0d95b-63fd-4f43-a9d6-93149f3d40d3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:12:15	137.526
-108	15832	791600	21699cbb-c967-44f6-b034-6b590e14f707	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:01:06	-43.820
-109	7917	791700	b040cbda-45cb-4497-9b3a-edf0334de004	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:12:04	-52.317
-109	15834	791700	683ee6a3-e795-400c-bee4-256d411fb42c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:24:31	-671.258
-110	7918	791800	caf8ffc7-848f-4c28-a5d9-1a44f54d6ba0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:04:23	353.759
-110	15836	791800	b69fb74a-77e3-49b5-a261-0f0f7159ef80	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:32:10	954.153
-111	7919	791900	850d4969-6366-43c0-9ae6-471fd81d287b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:29:59	-128.198
-111	15838	791900	5e974c68-d257-420b-b25d-05866f620a38	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:14:11	287.375
-112	7920	792000	e2aa91dc-d7d6-4341-8549-e57d6e64409d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:19:55	-137.408
-112	15840	792000	987fdda3-e923-4ff0-98fd-ea0401749572	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:38:18	-658.145
-113	7921	792100	ab4c83ad-bfa9-4ac2-943c-59da6c9faaa7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:38:50	376.203
-113	15842	792100	4f293aaf-5fc2-431b-8a07-936a4891ff97	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:58:30	-372.945
-114	7922	792200	97180add-dc75-4b3c-8d53-d0ab39c4148b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:21:26	235.510
-114	15844	792200	53829b5c-5431-4f82-892f-055738f5f408	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:59:41	-411.880
-115	7923	792300	2c48d845-647c-4637-ba18-3fa51a5d2ee6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:50:59	-858.990
-115	15846	792300	83b15517-ae1b-439d-bae3-073be0e8b4ed	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:07:16	-687.165
-116	7924	792400	57ba1272-45ed-4d8c-8143-14d609ed2c39	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:26:53	-841.340
-116	15848	792400	8c64507e-d286-4951-b0f0-f7d6016851b0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:51:36	-510.416
-117	7925	792500	6a41afdb-296d-4933-835a-af598e44932a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:21:04	-392.342
-117	15850	792500	8e866607-5c8b-4b82-84e4-420c5147483f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:44:35	721.203
-118	7926	792600	04b67f97-d619-497c-9360-101f220dc696	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:52:07	-394.82
-118	15852	792600	4f3d7d30-8a1c-485c-a742-3947e7e2a9e8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:43:37	-43.140
-119	7927	792700	e7fd1ba3-07bd-465c-803b-9c8f281613e3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:02:41	-804.888
-119	15854	792700	9e83eb48-5e4a-47da-b5c5-0bb923c7b8dc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:35:54	-785.851
-120	7928	792800	de0da0ca-ade9-44b9-919e-a51c2a92c85a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:42:00	820.344
-120	15856	792800	4227aaa7-06b7-4eb9-8217-70e5820782fb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:51:12	780.359
-121	7929	792900	69745f3b-c04d-4cdf-9db3-ecbcc09614b5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:24:43	883.307
-121	15858	792900	8d598617-a84e-4356-9ed9-9255e044e6df	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:36:22	-803.125
-122	7930	793000	3e0f2ee4-e469-4f30-9892-4386a1173e45	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:42:01	-946.961
-122	15860	793000	c8417e1f-a379-402e-9211-11384b13fd87	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:12:53	798.176
-123	7931	793100	8cf84d61-da44-4971-aee1-c7b4444f3606	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:43:51	-377.530
-123	15862	793100	6107dae0-75af-4117-8adc-49c83b404f2f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:57:12	168.355
-124	7932	793200	ccff0ce1-fc21-40f9-bc2e-174676383456	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:48:47	178.131
-124	15864	793200	76b1d0df-27ca-4aeb-bbc1-6e74f99b0385	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:34:16	-524.50
-125	7933	793300	ab20fa30-9816-4026-893a-cb68014932c7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:01:36	-275.517
-125	15866	793300	e15c48f9-8b01-48ef-9fdc-2ba43cca3633	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:12:03	-62.98
-126	7934	793400	77b175d9-c955-44f0-a0cb-805e64c437f6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:21:25	-576.990
-126	15868	793400	02c04659-861b-4771-a0e7-588477b9d3e9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:52:11	-482.157
-127	7935	793500	3f47e364-8d2f-4dbd-acfd-a5434d321eb9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:43:08	622.7
-127	15870	793500	e47f2277-aea6-49de-b633-5bbd14635046	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:08:26	-667.235
-0	7936	793600	13e29cd6-6771-47c3-9028-578140441c50	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:52:43	-809.221
-0	15872	793600	b11b6f7c-a4cb-48ca-922f-3e5311df7c26	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:47:35	913.936
-1	7937	793700	453f3300-a5b4-4f28-aaba-1c309615e5c2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:58:04	-708.303
-1	15874	793700	2628eee2-5492-4aa5-a44b-b4de09e93f3a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:50:50	580.897
-2	7938	793800	096c4cd0-7abb-44ac-abd8-14f0d2760d4e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:14:09	559.958
-2	15876	793800	02324181-1615-4d02-a187-ba48ff4d7de5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:56:08	-519.935
-3	7939	793900	f18ff845-b4db-4909-8f77-6165d12a1313	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:12:43	912.486
-3	15878	793900	3152dab1-1030-499c-ba25-e2eefd4c31ab	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:06:11	-630.506
-4	7940	794000	f40eaaaf-84c1-43e5-993e-e49167d3d88c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:22:36	795.664
-4	15880	794000	ce37357b-4607-4081-a7a7-f4a9cd9b2595	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:51:22	332.591
-5	7941	794100	3cc9f30f-6a6a-4a36-aa92-67e7f1efe1e7	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:31:31	692.491
-5	15882	794100	0f1b4d0c-cae6-4a84-a64d-63a5e174d9e4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:58:43	138.541
-6	7942	794200	7f5e802e-d1e8-4f9a-bc97-379a84e8ad6b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:19:54	253.620
-6	15884	794200	a393effb-5d52-4f68-aa4d-b3aaf527a318	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:32:20	151.936
-7	7943	794300	dd01bb09-2ae9-45f2-8454-aadee8021abe	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:49:02	-454.234
-7	15886	794300	37185910-e499-4b69-9b1a-e6bd8adc54ee	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:37:08	-819.966
-8	7944	794400	d809e441-2798-4f10-9684-362668c3af4f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:13:58	536.287
-8	15888	794400	77ad4afd-d1cf-4292-9c86-2b23a50eadfc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:33:18	-31.772
-9	7945	794500	b2a02c5a-e6fc-49b7-b62d-5480d6bc23de	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:43:15	-962.226
-9	15890	794500	89a9197f-d74e-4138-887a-b2f0275da7a3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:09:02	933.625
-10	7946	794600	0f95e50e-8977-44c6-bc65-45e0e59a655b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:10:38	-738.833
-10	15892	794600	a0dceebd-6412-4429-a19a-09f9bb9b6435	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:35:55	704.851
-11	7947	794700	a7ce8927-2d05-4fe3-b194-8d285f29080d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:15:07	833.572
-11	15894	794700	af27c346-7faa-4bef-9f31-3b81a39aa428	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:43:47	-241.81
-12	7948	794800	54033939-fde9-43c4-9c70-ea350385115f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:33:17	-859.779
-12	15896	794800	7d9e3a85-5976-4a62-8d6d-d51c0572e59a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:45:23	916.271
-13	7949	794900	cc015d26-ff3a-4184-9bd8-191907841300	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:53:02	925.470
-13	15898	794900	3eea0e4c-fc1d-4e36-9be0-f7d869623733	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:45:02	329.234
-14	7950	795000	31069eb0-7904-4da2-b261-df36249a2c0f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:23:25	833.499
-14	15900	795000	524bc957-2a99-413d-9311-8495d10e24f3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:15:34	474.24
-15	7951	795100	1cf84c50-cac7-4b84-a8c7-a1eb7f27cb3f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:06:52	-370.561
-15	15902	795100	f871bd67-bade-4599-90a1-d5d045ee2b5a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:16:06	-401.418
-16	7952	795200	5bb13794-4825-40b7-a7f9-c23b2aa4bbbe	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:51:13	625.42
-16	15904	795200	23a238cb-89d2-4558-9209-ed6fdd779469	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:58:59	-58.130
-17	7953	795300	f5d25a2d-fe9e-4125-82d0-fcdd5eda363e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:04:50	706.393
-17	15906	795300	368d707d-2b71-4595-9665-8b6a7dbadde2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:43:20	-282.31
-18	7954	795400	f8bc6d04-279a-4b97-870c-e353423a20c6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:32:22	337.74
-18	15908	795400	e36b318d-cb41-4be5-9374-53180538418f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:54:23	804.531
-19	7955	795500	78122ae3-2450-4b78-961b-55af7f6ff6ca	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:08:06	527.889
-19	15910	795500	893951f3-6d83-4d8d-aca5-9b45baaabdf3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:57:26	-923.188
-20	7956	795600	c05d4677-c85a-4928-9264-1c9d59eaa2da	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:55:23	-31.751
-20	15912	795600	22076e18-11f3-4964-a7f4-e362c3767741	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:00:44	368.639
-21	7957	795700	0341699a-5984-4ab0-91d2-0715a6c1de6e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:24:31	753.498
-21	15914	795700	9957e1ad-8281-4e35-945c-a94837850d24	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:56:17	-15.669
-22	7958	795800	7daae398-cd95-43c8-baf0-9a711b34bd8f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:06:23	-358.941
-22	15916	795800	5a89a177-6692-46ca-8c23-100541a3a59e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:02:49	-892.249
-23	7959	795900	53007b2b-6d48-4f65-8cc4-aa24e5a7c1dc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:48:53	-804.49
-23	15918	795900	31dfb0e4-bc83-400a-8186-945136f1a2b0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:19:36	-221.465
-24	7960	796000	4b14e519-9992-4046-a33b-57c778e87d89	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:25:32	-234.955
-24	15920	796000	18751624-e697-4a47-b739-88fa33d5ed74	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:50:52	-502.76
-25	7961	796100	da110df5-d352-4def-b5bf-8731af14d335	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:34:40	-613.513
-25	15922	796100	bdb5b015-9fef-489e-a06d-c7f66a72cb5c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:02:23	880.682
-26	7962	796200	02c6d5f6-9f50-4c6f-8e53-068f0ddd8f71	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:55:35	-603.586
-26	15924	796200	cedb2517-a42e-4f73-ab0e-994ced9a7ca1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:11:08	-914.643
-27	7963	796300	8a677faa-1508-4beb-b926-a25ab2727fd9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:13:58	-782.396
-27	15926	796300	b96be6fe-f264-4a3b-8428-91f7268a6d82	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:54:20	468.806
-28	7964	796400	ecfb0a69-d451-4961-8bc8-9f465fb1b3b5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:42:19	-798.887
-28	15928	796400	46779174-214b-44a9-8e3b-30cd448387cb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:53:26	962.798
-29	7965	796500	fdca0dae-d3c8-476b-aede-a17b106b708a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:27:32	432.51
-29	15930	796500	e0bf28df-bab9-46df-9f64-1f229501b1e9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:32:23	531.389
-30	7966	796600	470a0831-2ed1-4d43-9bb1-af38ac8c4827	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:23:22	290.437
-30	15932	796600	89df58b1-c297-45e5-b008-142b15e818f6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:27:56	-571.639
-31	7967	796700	7af62741-b72a-4b5f-b7a9-0cd0a0e00af1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:59:20	-461.915
-31	15934	796700	ca8b9a5c-9fbf-4557-bfa2-54af59e8404d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:35:10	653.871
-32	7968	796800	4bfdfe4f-d6b1-4b46-84cd-78108207d56f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:47:50	-358.122
-32	15936	796800	d0dc6ea4-cdd9-4d4e-a34e-d17467127426	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:19:04	-260.578
-33	7969	796900	bbdfcb95-d933-43a5-b58d-3a7b567bbb44	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:33:02	120.232
-33	15938	796900	aa84f40e-710a-47e2-b6e5-616cfb6c6266	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:30:59	-989.441
-34	7970	797000	0eeb9ddf-f457-4d11-89e2-c83a48960609	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:06:09	-240.896
-34	15940	797000	bc3bd911-ed8c-44a4-89fe-a9d2a9d73c8f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:23:42	726.429
-35	7971	797100	2f0ae7bc-512a-4717-9d13-8f2e1872d37b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:14:30	189.962
-35	15942	797100	00c624fd-30ef-4eec-a443-0884dbbef7c9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:18:51	-639.424
-36	7972	797200	4495403e-dd52-432a-8178-031267a40596	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:38:34	-826.670
-36	15944	797200	e3870976-800a-45e2-8d74-f8c15f630ef2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:11:06	-993.103
-37	7973	797300	370ad794-2543-48e0-9c3b-4c3fd83be19e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:50:39	-252.647
-37	15946	797300	c442645c-8f6a-4043-b8cc-e811d92c00a7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:57:34	617.493
-38	7974	797400	02be47fa-d915-4473-b39b-b7d91f1da9e6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:35:20	469.658
-38	15948	797400	f94a0b54-3232-4359-83ec-8d6958b96d9b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:01:51	-395.834
-39	7975	797500	874224fc-8533-47b9-bab7-ca1f494dfbfb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:11:31	541.508
-39	15950	797500	24224180-d8e3-4a08-898e-5a5ae430127c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:23:51	653.592
-40	7976	797600	02b171a3-d810-430e-8dbb-be5d4e022d2f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:21:11	535.456
-40	15952	797600	bd3da073-5b2a-4e79-ab95-7207cb32e442	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:58:21	-352.864
-41	7977	797700	8ff12c61-87f6-4c85-85cf-75a6fb772f38	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:44:10	630.781
-41	15954	797700	ac9a25ec-9e6d-4446-87d6-9707d2266cef	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:27:18	-361.955
-42	7978	797800	dae14ffd-1a69-45d6-890a-a4ee91381b8a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:18:03	-162.484
-42	15956	797800	4156e637-c162-442b-a633-f1bae85ea4da	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:33:00	-262.677
-43	7979	797900	ea69463c-2fdc-44f8-975d-8d86ada13cf5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:09:53	-275.434
-43	15958	797900	c2bc69d2-9835-442d-9db8-d0176900ed1d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:51:34	625.220
-44	7980	798000	810c94b5-350b-4bcd-b5b1-4d745c36b8a8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:07:30	636.996
-44	15960	798000	5b4d1f2a-9dec-4eba-ba72-a28725e78a24	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:25:31	-867.718
-45	7981	798100	e7d5bad9-ee66-4233-bc41-77447791d2f7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:59:22	-213.712
-45	15962	798100	afe27422-e366-4b04-a9b7-7ccdd9b34949	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:35:55	199.349
-46	7982	798200	156d995b-8c5e-483f-8a0f-6dacf57f046a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:57:05	-863.485
-46	15964	798200	e23bec53-1f2f-44db-bf07-a1a9ce8a239f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:26:57	70.702
-47	7983	798300	5cacb848-d528-41fa-bfe0-0dd9f3de7f12	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:05:31	-374.842
-47	15966	798300	46483e25-de86-4133-a89c-3b0f0f615a08	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:45:12	-959.214
-48	7984	798400	0d353c72-7ab6-4094-9442-4456a14d26a5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:21:49	394.985
-48	15968	798400	593f1e89-62ac-43a7-9f11-664543140385	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:48:34	-313.379
-49	7985	798500	360cbabf-a664-4dd6-ba28-041fb9a66dd5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:08:18	814.604
-49	15970	798500	8ce1dc98-1b22-4c21-9479-5e1c158d2608	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:30:19	-364.745
-50	7986	798600	c76f6b08-ec97-4002-93d7-51a1247cacee	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:59:01	263.354
-50	15972	798600	76b70cd3-b47c-4a53-b926-63c088e8b00c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:21:56	-640.808
-51	7987	798700	fec575ff-b565-4ae1-9b6c-015cea160fd1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:56:57	-406.913
-51	15974	798700	af81b911-f7aa-4b45-8fca-f676cf44c1f5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:44:57	42.583
-52	7988	798800	21279cd3-0583-4d53-9cd0-28d9bcb79d03	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:40:18	-847.19
-52	15976	798800	db62d5ba-36ea-42cb-be9d-e097ab48458c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:25:07	582.827
-53	7989	798900	02a9a2d1-3cd2-4c63-a7c1-82209701ed42	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:50:14	901.528
-53	15978	798900	f0118a41-7699-4f05-905d-7a2b51237104	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:13:18	-232.228
-54	7990	799000	2d282734-f535-4201-9fde-c9071decdf48	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:23:07	-789.976
-54	15980	799000	2262b188-3736-4b28-a9e7-d7f8591fbb79	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:42:12	-486.184
-55	7991	799100	dded8470-74ea-403b-9b96-df34bec5b0b7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:11:11	569.638
-55	15982	799100	15701ace-8211-4b2b-bc1b-b6083643a6f6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:10:23	-849.70
-56	7992	799200	e1e90f5d-9978-45ab-bf34-3bad505ab7af	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:22:26	195.785
-56	15984	799200	6259c975-36b8-43fd-b658-ec6edfe07e2d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:42:44	-230.605
-57	7993	799300	f52f96e1-42ca-48c7-bf68-98b954675fca	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:51:27	-144.576
-57	15986	799300	8dd6a68e-2793-4b5b-8768-0a76ae14b7d3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:55:58	696.465
-58	7994	799400	c3aafb60-16cf-462a-ab08-4039ea902771	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:50:31	913.389
-58	15988	799400	df4f09ff-a7e1-479c-be56-f2b09de1a556	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:57:50	-84.479
-59	7995	799500	a0c35a8f-0251-42bc-972c-d9b89a25702c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:12:04	915.643
-59	15990	799500	174bc53c-df5f-48db-ae3a-21cfcf3a4401	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:56:47	966.4
-60	7996	799600	0673c03d-7b42-4b17-a903-48760c553d9a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:54:26	978.43
-60	15992	799600	070ecf92-451b-4534-b1e2-160d340bb86b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:05:45	346.108
-61	7997	799700	2bf675c5-9b45-438b-9675-0995999b1c6d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:20:34	539.238
-61	15994	799700	b0626b23-dbb9-460b-a66c-b2d4c011a41e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:25:09	-762.234
-62	7998	799800	8b239545-595d-4a54-9535-4beff4d6e7de	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:07:11	372.449
-62	15996	799800	9b26dfc9-5586-4e6a-b31b-2962924d862d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:19:34	167.854
-63	7999	799900	22de04ca-066c-4879-90ab-d6b801affa25	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:02:24	-623.508
-63	15998	799900	ec49210b-d6b8-42c5-8ec1-a5acf7fefeea	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:28:44	-690.543
-64	8000	800000	d404bf51-35dd-4187-a5fe-57345320397b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:58:33	-886.655
-64	16000	800000	7f9ba803-a2cd-49f6-b3eb-a9cc4da67a5f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:38:34	299.146
-65	8001	800100	4146f5f3-335c-4700-adf6-de7366bd3095	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:45:08	831.128
-65	16002	800100	b982d4ea-7268-4254-ba58-e7a8f874077c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:11:30	603.377
-66	8002	800200	41f91829-c997-446a-9547-148445cf9030	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:50:13	-431.117
-66	16004	800200	8ae24d47-b44c-4a0f-9f92-4c80d42156f8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:46:42	862.839
-67	8003	800300	05b52901-1cbd-4279-89c3-ff9b3ada70d1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:25:15	274.738
-67	16006	800300	e4c65fee-71d3-4359-8a84-35cb4551cc48	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:56:30	209.235
-68	8004	800400	27f820f2-50be-47a0-bd6e-7a19fa0b558e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:35:56	981.453
-68	16008	800400	1ab38407-cf3e-4a7e-89e4-ee613cf2fed6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:19:59	-404.756
-69	8005	800500	b5f278b1-ccfd-40be-ac13-bd8637a69398	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:19:01	165.673
-69	16010	800500	7b34906c-7566-4791-b8b8-e6138dedc717	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:44:55	609.270
-70	8006	800600	83398742-dff1-4332-aac2-8bbcda1d71cc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:44:08	150.411
-70	16012	800600	76f1dacc-52ac-4110-8c9e-4bf8a88fbf57	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:41:59	956.878
-71	8007	800700	d754a928-8b22-4846-b7bb-8155d75db0c7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:48:48	756.456
-71	16014	800700	dd0b5eb3-b4bf-4c86-a621-b06bc423b40c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:39:14	-690.928
-72	8008	800800	8270ef5a-1147-4b47-b391-96bd2fb0914e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:51:04	-855.649
-72	16016	800800	8782c350-4a14-4012-beb2-0e6bf3af20b3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:38:00	-93.386
-73	8009	800900	d75c9f66-6ddc-4f70-a020-6fe9f28326a3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:38:03	981.515
-73	16018	800900	7bca4b92-a7ea-4b11-a47c-e1b8e06dd2bc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:49:57	746.270
-74	8010	801000	ad5e9586-4cd4-4fdc-95b0-dc7cc452d77d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:00:32	-841.933
-74	16020	801000	d3234a65-a3cb-4200-8609-88abfeee8ab2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:15:25	793.14
-75	8011	801100	25bdebc8-d272-4cc4-bd33-392081cd0c5d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:02:22	-473.640
-75	16022	801100	ecef05c8-46af-426e-9e82-30ae7cb63da4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:08:49	-746.596
-76	8012	801200	90160f16-358a-4ba1-afa2-ec4297af7278	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:06:43	-176.265
-76	16024	801200	c378142b-68dd-4e15-8e50-eb64a6690a22	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:09:40	-683.915
-77	8013	801300	8a837e0f-7386-4899-a4e3-a37a5b6edf84	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:58:52	476.911
-77	16026	801300	491f4673-e86c-4c0d-a186-a0c1d8b54bad	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:21:43	-399.820
-78	8014	801400	1eab9a70-fb96-43d3-b88c-3abd248eeb9f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:47:01	63.789
-78	16028	801400	eadae34a-ae16-4223-8f51-ed2c944d5e34	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:58:36	-541.185
-79	8015	801500	c5a7b22c-a4f0-4a0b-849d-4359c7c42f9e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:43:39	-690.534
-79	16030	801500	888afb1a-0e45-48ac-b0df-028bd9ddd4f5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:24:20	-134.688
-80	8016	801600	f709812e-482c-453c-ba11-9cd838414f4e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:11:05	530.766
-80	16032	801600	b72bc8da-ce29-4209-bdd8-e763eecbdff1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:42:49	-249.423
-81	8017	801700	c3d86fd0-4bfd-4e79-bf97-4dd17d560f58	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:02:32	-636.463
-81	16034	801700	04c2c0cb-b263-47fd-8761-318d5b70b739	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:37:57	-918.492
-82	8018	801800	b3c9f99b-a2ad-43cd-b22e-07cbf56ed4bb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:46:45	-130.353
-82	16036	801800	a8d7c7b3-ee67-4fa1-b008-73b7dcc07009	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:37:17	-424.88
-83	8019	801900	d8e166f9-199b-4669-afa7-fa0d7f6af477	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:58:05	-53.189
-83	16038	801900	d5e64f8f-03fc-453d-a5d7-7466bad817b7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:55:13	-313.65
-84	8020	802000	9592ff56-7544-42aa-9eda-28cdb23be8d8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:39:18	556.1
-84	16040	802000	98397d83-d23b-41b1-a1e9-4808ca74d3e8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:45:14	-23.981
-85	8021	802100	2ac42b5b-325d-44d6-86e6-ec0348c7410a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:35:48	55.583
-85	16042	802100	e9f6eb72-8bbc-446e-8c81-741dd9d8e26b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:23:38	18.104
-86	8022	802200	9f8d88fb-c77f-4553-af49-4edc308a1f54	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:47:36	-386.938
-86	16044	802200	38971977-0455-4fe2-8812-f44d7cf0d4b9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:49:31	-941.547
-87	8023	802300	fec0e2a6-94fa-4157-b245-2702621d5fa1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:09:08	975.444
-87	16046	802300	eaa189ce-3e8b-48fb-a154-65a8d9baeee1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:40:04	995.909
-88	8024	802400	4da0cdac-92bf-4e06-9ed4-1e6758565209	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:57:09	-495.936
-88	16048	802400	7af6de02-b31b-49ce-a607-efb9dcbf9d37	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:52:49	-58.92
-89	8025	802500	2df6a214-f490-4d71-ade3-b8981db67841	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:14:56	401.368
-89	16050	802500	a2bb9154-0a4e-4274-a43c-ba2c2be966fe	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:38:44	865.130
-90	8026	802600	f8388685-2d87-4741-9360-104959e61cfc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:50:19	461.942
-90	16052	802600	67bc9120-440d-400c-b41b-2f2cb8e4fc7e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:01:39	-370.792
-91	8027	802700	fd935a95-16fc-4769-9f9d-7bfa4d748103	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:41:56	812.412
-91	16054	802700	45dba7fd-69af-4ee7-b8ef-6c2565721b13	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:50:08	801.810
-92	8028	802800	f8827e54-0c4c-4c37-b322-894b668566f3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:47:12	-770.32
-92	16056	802800	cd24a206-5e38-47ef-80e4-1d259abc17c0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:32:03	-734.555
-93	8029	802900	fdbdee46-b6a9-4d92-9a0e-d69fc3d6f32d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:04:51	-699.177
-93	16058	802900	b9d5f5d8-0cf3-4d61-99cf-98a194bcb1d7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:12:11	999.992
-94	8030	803000	2381bfb5-6406-4d31-8ce2-e583d5ca1e3a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:14:59	-624.99
-94	16060	803000	d9b25bf0-d026-4a33-869d-87ddecd122fe	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:48:44	941.121
-95	8031	803100	c7e5d28a-b42a-440f-b221-445d9c03656d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:08:56	267.161
-95	16062	803100	f4f53b29-f482-49c1-b205-4e72841815cc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:42:11	878.617
-96	8032	803200	131be43d-149e-4ffc-bd9c-785b26ef82bc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:43:06	-125.835
-96	16064	803200	e00a8763-5801-4a11-bfa1-ccdfac6bdbfa	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:51:41	-315.671
-97	8033	803300	f29122a3-50a1-4baa-8fc9-aa1df58acedd	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:42:05	864.987
-97	16066	803300	0bf909c7-f1c5-4dc4-9d37-7b7c32bf0620	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:39:46	479.156
-98	8034	803400	4dad28a4-8da3-4576-ab1c-cc6edd6d6e10	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:33:52	360.729
-98	16068	803400	691d04ea-06f1-44a8-8491-334b4edc12d1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:16:00	156.714
-99	8035	803500	3026f971-c3d3-4fe4-8785-933a20c6e3d5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:11:37	737.873
-99	16070	803500	ab0fe2d5-4262-4a9f-a08e-f64db1033a3c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:43:08	508.820
-100	8036	803600	1b7ec5ae-ae9e-4339-9970-334b0b8b9eb7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:12:05	-77.129
-100	16072	803600	be5cef70-0b92-404f-bb53-f861aea25de2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:37:49	597.682
-101	8037	803700	415ef5cb-90f5-4211-8d45-ff205eca4a04	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:02:25	712.624
-101	16074	803700	ed1b9378-dc26-4e62-a06a-45ef4f4cd77f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:25:39	-827.512
-102	8038	803800	6e811bb6-e218-4947-82f4-af8dcb028fb0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:47:30	-531.228
-102	16076	803800	7055b433-8f52-4bde-80da-16f25e4e24d0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:44:24	-915.67
-103	8039	803900	a202cbda-cf91-426f-9372-1f10d97893e4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:47:08	220.609
-103	16078	803900	92d75578-91bc-4008-8614-e5d127eacc97	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:36:02	737.5
-104	8040	804000	08e1c8f5-efda-4813-aef9-52f139dfab27	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:11:20	-125.628
-104	16080	804000	cd6e93cc-cad0-4d3a-9a1e-321f949a25bf	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:35:21	-74.53
-105	8041	804100	48c9901b-718f-469f-ab8f-d49dce884524	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:23:55	990.564
-105	16082	804100	b17dcabf-2ebf-486f-9a5b-bb2714dfb17f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:52:42	-307.644
-106	8042	804200	aaf3fc3b-c58c-4955-91d8-86c58de9798d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:38:18	-364.997
-106	16084	804200	919e6c14-776c-44a9-b4f3-7a1339d7aaf3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:10:00	707.119
-107	8043	804300	2faa3755-225e-4bdc-8f05-acec3cc2af64	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:01:13	-170.890
-107	16086	804300	3f6fcda1-6538-428d-b27a-5a6d3982dd57	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:57:46	-402.568
-108	8044	804400	c69cf669-cfeb-4f25-bd3e-e57db98c07aa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:57:49	395.379
-108	16088	804400	af45422f-5a91-44c5-8eeb-055151d09306	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:19:09	620.679
-109	8045	804500	51c81e9d-30cc-4acf-9d43-be1fd9f122a6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:38:00	948.723
-109	16090	804500	3e5443a4-1deb-4f30-aed3-d2a3b9de8bb5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:34:06	-896.19
-110	8046	804600	c02805c7-06e1-48ea-bb3a-c2b8ac850309	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:04:21	552.720
-110	16092	804600	a5c6acbc-2270-4e45-90f2-10b845129fc6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:46:16	-750.438
-111	8047	804700	dc676e7d-b714-4f8e-86ac-ad0fb6508a2c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:33:08	-377.993
-111	16094	804700	ffa4da0d-d4a9-4e37-89db-25c57ed93f60	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:22:32	37.722
-112	8048	804800	1c63b21f-ea78-46a6-95eb-eb40d2906c85	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:06:22	636.161
-112	16096	804800	02711c70-136e-4e56-8d9e-23f5859d0f8c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:25:07	346.395
-113	8049	804900	a50a2164-1716-416f-90a4-f63e329f7497	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:22:35	-534.584
-113	16098	804900	3007306d-edd9-48a6-bb2c-085677b0c594	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:12:22	-403.920
-114	8050	805000	29e8a862-101b-4562-8e1e-a5b5119af10a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:51:56	-992.158
-114	16100	805000	59b278b7-39b1-4d4a-a9b6-41db5060f79c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:04:03	156.568
-115	8051	805100	707983f9-7f89-4984-a98d-05363a60240d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:29:27	430.544
-115	16102	805100	0d037c89-4f48-40ea-992a-c105c9c657bb	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:41:13	-215.754
-116	8052	805200	ec7f546e-82dc-4c03-9be5-e59167dd5079	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:53:47	240.535
-116	16104	805200	c45daf00-3d66-4fc5-ab6e-b660c9d80feb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:34:08	787.20
-117	8053	805300	4df74cac-da0a-4af9-bae5-16b46423a822	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:50:03	-156.154
-117	16106	805300	2e3a2297-bc70-45ef-b706-e1aa24dba7fe	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:34:06	538.114
-118	8054	805400	933e507e-ec7b-4895-bb2a-5cd5e44782bf	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:56:19	529.498
-118	16108	805400	a8ec78b4-a666-4f9a-9a75-32ab02d988bb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:01:56	355.658
-119	8055	805500	73e6693d-dd28-4f00-a3d1-f9efcd02ba0c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:31:03	408.362
-119	16110	805500	a10816c0-0431-4a7e-be06-1c35da8e7e9a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:15:17	-816.530
-120	8056	805600	15abb5c8-2dc1-463f-b3cf-0c3fd314b65d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:47:35	163.762
-120	16112	805600	4e4b5317-e676-496b-9722-1b68a0d558eb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:45:13	-588.62
-121	8057	805700	374cc58e-f82d-43b2-9a9a-a62e9ba73e01	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:27:01	-351.417
-121	16114	805700	e30d5f6b-8f09-440d-ba65-de25ae61d0ae	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:18:05	904.139
-122	8058	805800	4776a659-92f0-4d97-8d37-e8760436af84	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:08:06	-498.351
-122	16116	805800	affe1812-d069-4cf0-af08-89aa3298c74b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:08:54	-445.354
-123	8059	805900	3212ea80-4010-43b4-8d47-8a7fc1f45139	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:35:51	-178.693
-123	16118	805900	41eb0d3e-7f2a-4799-a3d9-a29ff2ec53c6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:10:49	-255.840
-124	8060	806000	2d83c252-4af9-4c44-8163-a22abae2a49a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:42:56	-635.720
-124	16120	806000	3762d4a0-9b12-47ad-ab9f-09608f5e15e8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:25:03	-571.843
-125	8061	806100	071518d4-110d-4000-afc7-94c755b2890d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:16:03	-281.438
-125	16122	806100	6bdc3122-82c3-445f-b10e-0a76315c9e8e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:28:16	16.377
-126	8062	806200	16deb731-7bd1-4ad5-b34d-febf3ba4a363	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:12:07	626.307
-126	16124	806200	566840e9-7d8c-49ca-9336-b99843286ddb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:03:32	-721.359
-127	8063	806300	121d955d-3b76-442d-b468-41b5e790b912	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:31:38	656.552
-127	16126	806300	2d3f121e-0d4e-4efe-b24d-517a45aaf0cf	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:30:56	-690.588
-0	8064	806400	c96607a8-cc6a-495b-a3fb-bb0a14d09a4d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:19:23	247.645
-0	16128	806400	5c964026-2b4d-43ff-bcb9-cd8eb0bb2f83	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:16:04	-430.454
-1	8065	806500	4487e5a9-cab5-4ed1-aaa8-4469cd99e596	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:02:41	777.255
-1	16130	806500	fb0d0c93-2cc3-404a-98bc-949c47fd19f7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:55:30	-115.209
-2	8066	806600	dc60f7f3-83a7-421e-aa53-5cc178b7e534	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:28:41	25.131
-2	16132	806600	cdfda975-be57-47b8-83e7-2fbcdcab0e24	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:56:00	401.307
-3	8067	806700	6b237d4f-03b2-4f9f-9649-93d4cdead8ce	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:25:17	945.186
-3	16134	806700	4f6f1079-546a-454f-9146-5393aca103f1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:49:54	48.570
-4	8068	806800	895482d8-0fe1-4f10-a30c-4f99df4c5ab1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:08:10	626.452
-4	16136	806800	d6b318e9-16db-4720-8a62-18aaeed32177	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:38:35	808.842
-5	8069	806900	b5c1d9c8-3006-4057-80d3-a8ed2b3afcd2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:49:37	-330.683
-5	16138	806900	086bb215-a04b-4bb9-aff0-bd568102270b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:45:10	219.812
-6	8070	807000	0cb252b4-b5ab-4bde-bcd0-422f70873d31	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:31:26	960.285
-6	16140	807000	e4878abc-9ab0-439e-a578-085bdc9ff5c1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:40:24	-897.722
-7	8071	807100	74811bc4-69a8-4dba-b6ba-133749b47572	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:54:56	889.925
-7	16142	807100	d2cbd18e-fd56-4206-8a74-036e659489ba	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:58:50	961.725
-8	8072	807200	76f61479-ed11-4ff5-9183-84bfa38c67ca	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:02:32	530.223
-8	16144	807200	fa04c543-4889-407d-a769-269877777fb2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:05:13	756.553
-9	8073	807300	581ef39d-8845-4f89-977f-f8027292df02	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:24:43	868.991
-9	16146	807300	715413cf-8f7b-4b5e-8e21-f685890b59dc	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:36:26	446.762
-10	8074	807400	ac419f6a-f79e-49f2-90e8-94bb8cf0529a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:12:48	-822.660
-10	16148	807400	1a67a752-9814-464d-b9e1-472c1afa2092	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:22:55	298.708
-11	8075	807500	10f12b8e-bf1f-44d2-bf74-c12837776565	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:34:47	504.27
-11	16150	807500	63613098-af49-4538-9174-8ddfafb35efe	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:31:27	-341.735
-12	8076	807600	b021774e-aa72-4bf5-bd9f-a51a2c76de2e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:26:51	750.808
-12	16152	807600	3bb0be67-238f-49f1-a3c2-727897b97c9a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:01:09	48.833
-13	8077	807700	7e81b354-46dd-4fd4-87d9-9f042151b6df	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:13:36	-307.223
-13	16154	807700	d1c8b9ef-6287-460c-b38c-bf79c2a87c21	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:15:43	5.170
-14	8078	807800	69cc13a6-4cbc-4bee-90c3-6e870f5fcba2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:36:53	-205.318
-14	16156	807800	2bbe24af-af1b-43ba-bf03-41301967f1e1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:40:57	7.842
-15	8079	807900	a42288d0-ac09-4616-b73a-968faf20bae1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:35:00	938.762
-15	16158	807900	0c57b8d2-814f-4399-86f3-a4f949b7a013	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:24:46	-334.45
-16	8080	808000	b082591d-c3cd-4909-8003-edfc09042573	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:36:00	-656.706
-16	16160	808000	d9cf3a04-c31f-4b88-9d00-4574d3838a78	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:10:19	-542.960
-17	8081	808100	0d04727e-5dda-416b-871d-e32f0369cb28	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:21:44	-245.151
-17	16162	808100	33045aba-d13c-4c54-bb2c-00f2bba6ef8f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:38:12	62.202
-18	8082	808200	25a95603-78e9-4c29-8ac7-f2d7f8356c4a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:10:43	25.182
-18	16164	808200	faca3a2d-efe6-4e8c-8bbc-e23c0892cf9b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:46:13	936.99
-19	8083	808300	71a99e45-893d-4827-87d3-45d5dc8124ce	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:30:21	-194.146
-19	16166	808300	f157f86c-e23e-4705-9d22-cdbd211ed323	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:17:14	462.256
-20	8084	808400	8084c725-9dfa-4d86-9928-4d7e16e653b7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:35:29	-742.595
-20	16168	808400	fa3416bb-dc3b-4e1c-8f99-162ce0cf072f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:07:14	517.837
-21	8085	808500	110df81c-34c3-4b36-9604-93d140814303	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:15:04	402.470
-21	16170	808500	a5919b5d-efed-49fe-8e77-b149d7cc3a36	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:10:54	403.125
-22	8086	808600	5aa93a2c-3557-421f-9940-eb0da45752ae	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:38:49	-828.37
-22	16172	808600	b075d6e5-2272-494d-9aff-e5534d9046a4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:48:59	-58.514
-23	8087	808700	8e5eeb4e-4902-447b-9a78-c629152cd7b8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:59:50	618.290
-23	16174	808700	eb6efdd9-fdef-41db-b5fa-b22b0ba6245d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:56:58	-892.595
-24	8088	808800	3af77ada-6738-4731-82a0-d94f6f9f628b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:08:40	142.134
-24	16176	808800	82689f66-239e-4332-9bda-dde696997ae3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:42:25	-233.940
-25	8089	808900	5c18e5c0-9cbf-41a7-a2ea-a8db1941338b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:35:28	593.913
-25	16178	808900	c3bf372f-93db-43dd-a9af-6f8a84675402	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:54:44	-808.290
-26	8090	809000	78a52256-be11-448c-8a15-3e63a4c66f91	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:21:10	564.929
-26	16180	809000	606c7da3-5c53-4c02-9563-52e9e2e96697	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:11:00	-441.994
-27	8091	809100	e9a8cb5d-1092-40e8-9b2d-b3c4adb81e7b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:36:43	916.145
-27	16182	809100	7742799c-c85a-4ca9-8075-1c6bb932da9d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:27:36	-10.582
-28	8092	809200	2b4c4ca6-cfb5-4c6d-88c4-dd8b8313ec6c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:42:38	218.509
-28	16184	809200	bd1a699b-dcf5-4bb7-b82a-32ceca832610	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:04:37	-213.469
-29	8093	809300	60c5304c-a260-441f-971e-69a52dc0c39c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:39:41	193.459
-29	16186	809300	62182053-ba06-4f72-9461-63e1ef12e87a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:57:35	994.381
-30	8094	809400	3eba9670-7a3b-4c53-92a1-b9867daefc78	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:31:34	87.222
-30	16188	809400	783d7d0b-e0d7-4a17-a758-7b18f50c0ac3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:09:56	294.309
-31	8095	809500	90ff53c0-58d7-4eda-99f6-7d1112a8386e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:15:42	255.131
-31	16190	809500	e9467243-0909-442e-87c0-abb8ed4fd081	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:41:02	229.542
-32	8096	809600	8bbff979-b578-42ea-850e-767a9de541b1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:07:23	-251.737
-32	16192	809600	c628a3ed-5ff4-44ac-8990-a12ad6887957	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:13:01	-301.922
-33	8097	809700	513f6916-6211-438c-9862-c3299b571b4c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:35:45	-684.626
-33	16194	809700	b558b7bd-e70f-47a7-9680-bb1cf486d65e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:26:36	338.824
-34	8098	809800	b2d24049-6341-45eb-be37-033bbab44c7a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:45:43	845.287
-34	16196	809800	af190d70-b56b-465e-a171-4611812cb101	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:44:40	990.451
-35	8099	809900	d088eb47-2e29-4d96-9d75-00bb616951eb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:04:21	624.467
-35	16198	809900	6f175086-0461-4a4f-921c-db2dd4894d9f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:36:44	686.149
-36	8100	810000	626b380f-2154-4055-893a-e8d87ef578bf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:15:12	214.680
-36	16200	810000	d7f4ac18-6f82-4174-866f-122a5c5df160	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:26:00	-188.471
-37	8101	810100	c7b97e46-8f13-4a01-8215-55b596201bfe	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:26:46	-492.534
-37	16202	810100	ea944638-f5f1-4062-9a98-3aa5f4389a52	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:43:04	-262.69
-38	8102	810200	8e481495-217b-47e6-9fac-cae5f73468ac	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:57:32	911.991
-38	16204	810200	394adaa5-37ee-412a-93ff-1c554b0d87b9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:16:35	718.810
-39	8103	810300	4d15538d-4097-469e-824a-93c4ee7337e3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:59:28	-297.400
-39	16206	810300	7505436a-a820-42e1-a8f4-df1e023cd8f5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:58:50	887.965
-40	8104	810400	449be1b3-08ab-47b1-a02e-0af716d1a127	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:12:35	-233.899
-40	16208	810400	bd533a7e-1908-460c-b1d0-2e3e7f4b2264	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:13:57	-956.686
-41	8105	810500	81e307a2-287d-46d2-be6a-fffcfa93d910	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:43:08	-185.105
-41	16210	810500	3e55acc9-6dd2-4993-a993-d717c6a7ab32	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:19:48	194.859
-42	8106	810600	8ad2cbb3-d36e-4ab9-92e1-a12bbe4d1acb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:16:50	-363.896
-42	16212	810600	58a68bb4-ec1c-4a65-8c7f-a5d9d025c4a8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:28:22	-152.951
-43	8107	810700	cf4836a0-bd54-4922-9ddf-fdd756fdc931	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:50:35	-786.452
-43	16214	810700	569f4f0c-4161-4d6f-b12e-d7c21bc41ab5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:49:39	287.42
-44	8108	810800	90c0c9fd-0a99-4526-957c-dfdb61e1926d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:47:04	476.262
-44	16216	810800	2eeb118b-dc59-4f72-9dba-b4d1a97207a5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:26:07	206.384
-45	8109	810900	bfb6db59-94f5-4cc8-8835-3d14bb3e3005	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:34:08	347.985
-45	16218	810900	f99826d2-23e2-4b87-a146-d5326550feaa	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:03:46	708.783
-46	8110	811000	80575605-5957-4a21-9c0e-e057bf94fdf2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:33:39	166.934
-46	16220	811000	28ec51fe-66cd-49e7-8f72-14c5dc09d9f5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:52:51	501.976
-47	8111	811100	3fc0a2f3-dfee-4de6-b0c8-b9b3b1f5f7d8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:38:48	530.789
-47	16222	811100	f21edc7a-21d0-4e29-9284-7546f5733269	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:48:42	-941.291
-48	8112	811200	765f6b58-a8fb-48cb-b20f-342527e8576e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:32:53	-632.205
-48	16224	811200	18f0dd40-60a2-4274-bae4-091821dc0583	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:00:06	-706.861
-49	8113	811300	d7d05458-7d2a-485e-a075-d2bb63a0ab63	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:54:41	-492.398
-49	16226	811300	faa74143-4d48-4ba7-98cf-997ef3f8c457	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:06:14	-799.61
-50	8114	811400	e0079e50-2194-4cbe-9f10-2ff9bed33552	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:01:07	-703.655
-50	16228	811400	51ace1b9-b855-4f44-a06f-48c2c9bfabb1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:48:53	-979.332
-51	8115	811500	41f2fc81-5ef3-42b1-8740-95fddc07dcac	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:11:12	-243.285
-51	16230	811500	79ca1b2f-ea80-408b-b6d8-3bbe8b954940	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:37:16	74.175
-52	8116	811600	7a394e64-673b-462c-9e9d-4321134c1b09	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:32:44	371.592
-52	16232	811600	80416137-1289-4390-9d48-868b636adc1b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:35:40	262.235
-53	8117	811700	b14d648d-3467-4ffd-8b0d-2150d68803ea	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:16:32	153.709
-53	16234	811700	e922c0eb-c147-43ad-9291-61426fbca186	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:18:06	477.570
-54	8118	811800	95aec397-40e4-4ff8-81f3-7daac37047fa	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:47:51	751.937
-54	16236	811800	f564a258-aa34-4622-ac11-4cee757b61e7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:42:44	-265.33
-55	8119	811900	2b450222-bc5a-4d7d-b00d-764dbaf8a562	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:18:58	-5.798
-55	16238	811900	f1630e14-c3c1-4950-aaae-3af676f575f9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:41:30	-911.600
-56	8120	812000	e1470908-0016-402c-976a-f92f4001ee0d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:37:37	798.153
-56	16240	812000	76136b64-2ddc-4ca6-b25e-0e275f88ff4c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:20:10	235.53
-57	8121	812100	88b76227-b614-4f2d-a92d-1307dcd8ec78	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:42:24	-717.699
-57	16242	812100	576e420b-aa58-4153-a2c0-d10bdf30b0dc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:39:21	50.982
-58	8122	812200	581f8e81-430d-4446-a5da-748085368435	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:25:03	10.488
-58	16244	812200	ca1c5584-a501-4218-90a7-5370afab0de3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:36:26	-229.291
-59	8123	812300	bf9e7dd7-2dee-4c7c-a3e0-cf5777edfbf3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:45:28	-395.760
-59	16246	812300	fcc45115-5064-4305-834d-bd4bd4779f1b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:07:46	-342.44
-60	8124	812400	806599b7-8a19-4042-b6d1-8f0432c849dc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:07:04	-391.71
-60	16248	812400	24803bc6-2e3b-4df8-8757-0228699e7fea	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:10:19	16.796
-61	8125	812500	fcb06c85-d147-429d-a8af-bcfebd8cf8fd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:36:02	519.803
-61	16250	812500	7f261dd1-a910-48d7-b24f-4e74f49a3f8f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:47:50	184.213
-62	8126	812600	8f183bfb-90b2-4bae-8441-b9ed7bfb2bc3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:56:46	-728.225
-62	16252	812600	67360d19-b818-4544-beb0-32ee6eb71649	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:53:58	685.708
-63	8127	812700	1b6b6c9b-6d9d-49f7-9460-5287fcd2b9c8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:34:25	-158.121
-63	16254	812700	c80c12b2-b574-460f-a813-bd623c510567	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:26:59	290.191
-64	8128	812800	ddd34757-69ed-43b1-8f82-e513da917a43	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:27:38	-281.465
-64	16256	812800	c399261a-f637-4a83-8c3c-f1f3089378a4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:11:22	-712.233
-65	8129	812900	9d031444-94ec-4630-9edf-cb1e6e2a79b0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:11:39	372.802
-65	16258	812900	3ec3179e-0370-4cd3-aed0-abc0231a6ceb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:03:57	820.334
-66	8130	813000	0685205e-0e6c-42db-8852-8301f20afb51	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:44:03	-103.864
-66	16260	813000	8c4059f4-9ed9-403e-9a63-03a7d858b6fb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:23:09	-360.210
-67	8131	813100	419ecebd-b200-48af-a125-da16fd4c5a22	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:16:01	917.587
-67	16262	813100	9b146b7f-eb6f-4cad-a382-22f90b1f550a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:24:45	-20.15
-68	8132	813200	ea002205-7c5f-4022-abad-a117e6760899	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:19:51	769.241
-68	16264	813200	21552084-0087-48ff-847b-68c6942a8fa0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:47:31	-805.833
-69	8133	813300	7f72b40b-bb48-428e-959e-4afedc0e168a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:10:34	519.931
-69	16266	813300	0d2b449f-b4dd-4417-b171-f5951790ff70	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:16:29	-907.397
-70	8134	813400	73d2af17-9867-4809-a519-aa730ee1bec0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:06:19	308.369
-70	16268	813400	63cbb287-9097-4650-9485-94a1be97481e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:46:01	-691.977
-71	8135	813500	8991d15a-7d85-4046-a25f-4037c6984758	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:48:36	-438.280
-71	16270	813500	1bb82e96-4a5e-484b-8799-baeb326a4114	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:34:53	-392.831
-72	8136	813600	0b7c191c-be33-4ca6-bd5c-1cb6324946a3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:00:56	-674.581
-72	16272	813600	13b9f71d-5217-43e1-8a91-8d4cb83007b6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:58:45	-840.397
-73	8137	813700	2ce5631f-4918-487c-92b6-c081625bb892	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:04:14	67.726
-73	16274	813700	3a984959-0310-453d-a699-787594ac1449	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:27:07	-259.814
-74	8138	813800	e2b963f9-4069-46f4-8a7a-e3d94166b6a8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:18:17	933.701
-74	16276	813800	5a28f62b-743e-4418-993f-94a9ab892f09	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:31:33	-650.281
-75	8139	813900	3e56ceea-5807-4035-92da-d5222d0239af	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:50:08	677.953
-75	16278	813900	3f9d0823-7097-42ad-9b5d-568060d00a07	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:07:41	511.957
-76	8140	814000	b0eee25c-35a1-4001-86fb-8522ee21c6e8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:34:19	-395.121
-76	16280	814000	36008b96-bb9d-411d-a6bd-814bf0e729c8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:13:52	-8.324
-77	8141	814100	51c26a6c-a269-488b-8311-8bc1ccef8f9a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:01:30	-25.951
-77	16282	814100	3ec8d030-06c3-4f32-a55c-c6fcea12e5d5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:50:29	726.758
-78	8142	814200	a79246cc-a026-402b-8ade-5eb19af0e278	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:16:12	-53.956
-78	16284	814200	077361d3-0a36-46e1-b7d8-363b476d5d9f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:54:33	36.616
-79	8143	814300	33c8f5e1-534c-4cf9-90cd-edde1c3b74b4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:22:05	862.940
-79	16286	814300	f16eb508-6db5-4af0-9789-9b45d8f57977	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:31:00	239.700
-80	8144	814400	c4b7caa6-941d-4fee-9557-4a59d9f0086c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:33:20	439.687
-80	16288	814400	ac24d2d8-d317-4faa-8913-617bfa8128fc	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:06:33	-835.424
-81	8145	814500	22e18a1d-e2ed-44d1-ae42-6b7d1465575a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:50:32	378.210
-81	16290	814500	0e964d34-980c-4977-93cc-adec73622e1d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:41:56	665.185
-82	8146	814600	db32471d-983b-470a-b5c2-98fe80d84f39	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:20:01	746.673
-82	16292	814600	ae30dc6f-0bb0-43cd-ba92-01a57bdb092d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:51:09	562.575
-83	8147	814700	025c7867-b25b-41b7-a182-6d9fc96a4456	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:45:46	299.885
-83	16294	814700	6927c940-4fcf-4f9d-9cac-28144a8c1469	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:26:34	-530.673
-84	8148	814800	e30689dc-cea7-480a-8f4e-1ae3c3118b8b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:58:56	-130.460
-84	16296	814800	32b1b325-2ca0-4dfc-a7e9-a491b797f7eb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:35:29	966.567
-85	8149	814900	9a25284e-4d64-430d-9bf1-f53395031abd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:57:44	-3.569
-85	16298	814900	99375227-c1fb-4351-8433-db27314b8c6e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:10:17	-381.553
-86	8150	815000	32f7c2ec-c7a9-4e9b-ba18-84d2b0cf2a38	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:51:07	-60.184
-86	16300	815000	616f7359-a2c9-48f4-bb67-ada12cd2c608	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:07:56	-281.464
-87	8151	815100	bc17f3a4-ba46-45ff-a4e0-622b98a50314	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:28:32	347.426
-87	16302	815100	92469c68-5245-4db3-a49d-68e9d40ced16	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:44:32	-874.949
-88	8152	815200	a824e7ca-285d-46c3-8bee-de6a0f073e3c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:59:12	-860.765
-88	16304	815200	f8ad7d16-1b4a-4188-a758-a660e1a102b5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:18:15	18.841
-89	8153	815300	039e1cb5-a5b9-4561-9e1e-fe13a40cb14d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:58:50	416.88
-89	16306	815300	55a24326-36d5-4e86-a934-3afb972963af	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:33:11	-248.311
-90	8154	815400	6febf83c-517d-40aa-b93e-d37150437981	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:05:51	662.537
-90	16308	815400	8c3229bc-30d2-429c-9faa-fc11ae5a50af	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:51:46	-456.135
-91	8155	815500	676e7101-e020-4768-804d-9eebbe4e66ce	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:52:56	312.584
-91	16310	815500	fe655b18-2253-4637-b344-b854bcb5490c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:14:19	371.1
-92	8156	815600	5653609f-eb35-402a-9f4f-3418045f4e3b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:42:16	-86.541
-92	16312	815600	b9e52236-4eaa-4340-bbf2-55a4f58ca537	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:38:30	-921.472
-93	8157	815700	35af13c0-5a91-4fd2-b152-27f8f5c71bf7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:57:43	903.239
-93	16314	815700	85d7276a-8f20-4711-aff2-71f168f27725	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:29:15	-290.799
-94	8158	815800	36365e4f-0329-4b3f-9f6e-7ab437487a1b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:37:14	-773.363
-94	16316	815800	17525aed-fddd-41bd-827d-09ac92d16d91	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:49:16	-215.137
-95	8159	815900	5cb53d9c-d40f-40a0-92ba-7ea8ffd5aa5a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:36:17	-7.224
-95	16318	815900	b26a84eb-caf9-4d84-bdcb-2e9a3604e699	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:36:10	-752.99
-96	8160	816000	e665b72e-35ae-408f-bf3c-b1953176e557	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:25:07	147.536
-96	16320	816000	8d3e7410-f8e8-4f9a-87df-70a1273c0135	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:20:03	-625.535
-97	8161	816100	344ecf53-8154-4270-8551-a46d9bef54ea	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:32:45	633.559
-97	16322	816100	1fbee443-0007-4679-a2df-f26bee7636bd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:44:24	-218.795
-98	8162	816200	6f2f15a3-e640-4bdd-bbfe-efe841ec970a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:54:24	482.437
-98	16324	816200	50b6305e-9f4d-49ee-899a-d90ed605d96c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:58:46	794.431
-99	8163	816300	bab41b86-e544-42be-b026-4ef1057d9311	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:14:35	117.626
-99	16326	816300	66cf60a4-4d33-4ac6-ac7d-0f025d2e1be0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:54:47	243.247
-100	8164	816400	97a2b0ff-1a56-4e34-9621-3795200f555a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:51:06	614.774
-100	16328	816400	80b21529-59e5-412f-b9ad-9c7b5ef59606	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:05:52	-344.533
-101	8165	816500	2ec195fa-749e-4825-abd5-c659ca89ec3b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:53:57	-918.991
-101	16330	816500	c0c7cefd-e302-4b6a-97a2-bf7b633be243	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:27:43	776.469
-102	8166	816600	d6d3efaf-e14b-495c-8bc1-8d206476e9c9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:26:28	729.253
-102	16332	816600	14092d4f-9ecd-4838-bf56-1852b55d9d69	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:29:40	-552.765
-103	8167	816700	b2bae970-bd38-445e-9d6f-914ef207df53	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:23:08	886.131
-103	16334	816700	b62e6f7b-026f-4345-82ca-8824ba55b150	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:19:36	895.166
-104	8168	816800	7401cdff-2223-4d4b-abf1-8e31b53567a8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:08:06	-787.740
-104	16336	816800	3e8efaa6-3a2c-47fb-924b-84c7db4a6f32	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:42:05	0.915
-105	8169	816900	c98fd51f-7729-4598-8ae8-2c9251a90613	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:18:45	272.130
-105	16338	816900	2f9fec6b-8448-4b58-9837-804259169fa6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:01:01	870.977
-106	8170	817000	046da67d-de3e-4efa-8b8f-c08024fce783	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:23:50	246.44
-106	16340	817000	84ac1828-5b77-4d69-bc8e-3bad5c047e3b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:59:08	-853.282
-107	8171	817100	72e609d1-055b-4633-8445-a705ee70df00	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:07:58	-637.956
-107	16342	817100	9722662f-c0d4-4bcd-8512-93dad422ee2f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:55:06	-838.20
-108	8172	817200	87e2de47-516c-42df-99d9-e45f89e5f6e8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:36:55	-83.971
-108	16344	817200	6f465461-e735-48c5-ab47-ee01cb462ac0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:31:01	-666.805
-109	8173	817300	6ab5c9b1-3d25-43a8-a21b-32fb6da01cd0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:00:25	784.734
-109	16346	817300	5756e21f-4fa1-4707-bc14-b70735fa951b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:42:00	-463.81
-110	8174	817400	da919875-4919-4aae-b371-57e0702e1d83	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:30:22	-712.868
-110	16348	817400	a9c25a49-294e-450d-869a-a96097b880b5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:52:09	-246.772
-111	8175	817500	4e0cf02f-5f89-44d3-9b94-1d27bab0bc5f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:04:50	124.865
-111	16350	817500	0982fd22-e466-4fe0-8f2f-19402a7f3a47	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:05:55	-552.616
-112	8176	817600	14d618ec-7e6f-4918-b1ab-b9e816ea9f7e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:51:15	-746.388
-112	16352	817600	72a4d796-7e20-4155-a8ea-b381324e664b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:57:05	-853.615
-113	8177	817700	042ef3a2-3e14-4970-83ee-0c35ac93d884	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:11:09	-340.523
-113	16354	817700	3bcf7779-9ea0-4a1a-8480-61469861d292	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:34:10	81.569
-114	8178	817800	5b5f12ec-2a45-4cc9-9234-a8eafae28ec0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:25:26	-526.979
-114	16356	817800	21f8f482-2288-42b5-8c05-de81fb44316d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:52:45	-58.581
-115	8179	817900	51cd6b7a-b96b-48ec-bc07-d5bfabc4fafb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:31:26	790.743
-115	16358	817900	c8b2db11-0b1f-4eee-82ed-50649d9d4ae3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:38:58	427.431
-116	8180	818000	9cbc880f-40b0-4693-9753-e2a46e58067d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:33:22	-938.344
-116	16360	818000	43d7d7a7-89f0-4f7e-8773-9a3850d9e30a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:50:40	-64.353
-117	8181	818100	0ae4b7cf-296a-4f1a-8f19-ad91b3e6b50a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:00:13	900.375
-117	16362	818100	05faa209-5eff-4643-91c5-10222c2be9ab	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:54:19	374.447
-118	8182	818200	c568379b-4759-4029-994a-03d1760634bc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:47:43	-11.24
-118	16364	818200	c652aba5-6145-44c9-87aa-634eae2c0802	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:37:33	514.336
-119	8183	818300	b7bf7609-cc01-46c0-9a6f-00ee9c618b42	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:34:12	-567.281
-119	16366	818300	ba8ff3e4-57d1-4cba-b3bb-7e99b0421a55	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:08:11	65.730
-120	8184	818400	540343cc-2eee-4a8d-997f-8528c2235889	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:14:43	910.308
-120	16368	818400	9fe268f7-cacc-45d4-b678-2ad319488157	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:46:45	-138.692
-121	8185	818500	c620ddc5-bf31-4d09-a1d5-a06196e5a2cb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:38:10	569.312
-121	16370	818500	8cfa9794-fe9c-4cfd-a852-220d6a8e76e8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:13:40	538.467
-122	8186	818600	059e5a9c-bf57-4822-95e8-d8d70f22c65b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:00:54	453.812
-122	16372	818600	89d10bad-c8eb-4ce3-8242-48616cb45fd4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:10:30	-676.849
-123	8187	818700	e5040c6d-aba4-4a2a-ae52-395c98ebdf0c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:00:58	562.435
-123	16374	818700	0537bd95-ffc1-4605-b446-cfdbe571ae85	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:58:11	-473.952
-124	8188	818800	7ec210af-cc03-4eba-a239-37fa768f1ed9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:19:54	-859.902
-124	16376	818800	9c897109-ebee-4496-a97d-cbdc4e5fdfbe	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:27:31	-970.452
-125	8189	818900	a41a1b75-201d-47af-91bb-eb2417c58168	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:16:34	145.545
-125	16378	818900	caa50eac-0a84-47d1-9a55-0baf726769dd	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:28:40	183.81
-126	8190	819000	ad4c8f47-0663-491e-a8f7-3cb1f6059576	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:22:59	895.189
-126	16380	819000	b8051b4a-af59-4cb1-b067-6ce3cff1e3a3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:20:29	-255.558
-127	8191	819100	0c6bbe5c-594f-4ad0-8766-367db5b8a4e3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:26:55	133.430
-127	16382	819100	34c57256-79f1-4e39-8035-5dca65c85a35	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:54:22	753.275
-0	8192	819200	4e20bd31-37e9-470e-8416-ff1f08162a83	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:47:54	567.61
-0	16384	819200	0e1befdc-d4ac-45b0-a212-75b7407431a0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:43:46	34.282
-1	8193	819300	8360b745-3311-4aec-b22c-66fc6a7bcd32	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:00:05	495.644
-1	16386	819300	db8c5633-a89c-4d75-adc9-7a177762954a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:14:57	998.518
-2	8194	819400	e165d61e-1acb-43d1-9142-4edd0c0cb3a6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:25:05	399.852
-2	16388	819400	f18d83ae-3533-4a76-8864-cc0f17440d26	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:43:33	-80.128
-3	8195	819500	ef2d70ab-64a9-4685-8a1d-43d1e1c43b03	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:42:34	643.895
-3	16390	819500	58285ac3-50ad-498d-bd16-192d1df9bdd2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:11:46	8.88
-4	8196	819600	c3030df2-23b6-4e10-9851-2c46055a17dd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:04:42	-913.755
-4	16392	819600	edf7f641-aacb-45af-8f24-8a417a0b0804	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:45:41	283.12
-5	8197	819700	583f36f7-5283-4ce4-9c6c-d525e5abfde0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:14:50	992.13
-5	16394	819700	035b465d-3dd8-468b-8d5c-a840f69908f1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:22:50	611.857
-6	8198	819800	53f3bc7b-1397-4f74-ba45-b72f65cfe46d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:45:31	-33.604
-6	16396	819800	cdef5c70-88b8-4f74-8668-125859ebd0b1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:12:33	-478.402
-7	8199	819900	6dae664b-73ec-4838-bd4a-94602b63f1b6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:12:26	133.374
-7	16398	819900	9ae11bc3-76ae-44f2-95af-2c88edf62b2c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:58:14	-966.288
-8	8200	820000	fdb7c3ec-02b1-4afa-9698-78da6ccebabf	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:22:54	349.570
-8	16400	820000	fe1c6b65-f245-441c-9262-56e463b6e4ef	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:29:48	67.620
-9	8201	820100	19792c4d-13f5-4ced-a88e-c755a385b16d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:44:43	781.55
-9	16402	820100	3262e227-7aa2-4e2c-865b-b87a237e273d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:03:51	532.850
-10	8202	820200	940690b2-521d-4525-841b-2e6106d2f638	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:04:17	666.927
-10	16404	820200	fc30eac3-b9d7-467b-bcb3-daf5d8a3e9c4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:48:06	-956.639
-11	8203	820300	7b5afc67-c5e5-410a-afe6-45aeaa7f903a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:06:32	838.80
-11	16406	820300	0f8aa4ca-0107-4c22-a24b-2853bad10c88	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:20:11	421.432
-12	8204	820400	9db02e2c-75b9-4593-a311-fb76b65ef00e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:16:43	820.846
-12	16408	820400	bd2ec8ac-db40-4a9e-8369-5261f7c86fc5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:03:08	-657.5
-13	8205	820500	22259715-9cb9-4c08-9bbb-302325bdec6e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:40:39	-704.601
-13	16410	820500	646ba0b6-d567-4e56-acc9-e7cc8058d9e2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:18:35	-67.346
-14	8206	820600	75c083b4-d497-4736-888e-3784f297a429	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:33:47	-562.324
-14	16412	820600	7a516642-fd2a-4170-aec2-6e89b4f94151	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:36:42	901.953
-15	8207	820700	79399b95-6e46-4fda-9dda-d2945e3cafdb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:37:21	61.844
-15	16414	820700	a8e2189f-5eb0-468b-b870-6031fcacef3e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:44:32	-953.991
-16	8208	820800	3b04d37f-3133-404d-97bf-09d9c492c5de	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:41:28	-625.435
-16	16416	820800	747a0880-f49b-4e83-b2b4-76a2a304f5a4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:43:26	-387.419
-17	8209	820900	eaccc055-dc42-46eb-8127-cb6c2703c2f7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:33:56	767.260
-17	16418	820900	2cdce159-7d16-4686-ab42-05a5aecc3a14	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:03:24	-87.300
-18	8210	821000	d6876146-3d8e-455d-af69-ec5b10359cb1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:01:31	-139.936
-18	16420	821000	3ecde119-33f7-4bfe-b89b-59d55db05a28	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:10:47	-83.156
-19	8211	821100	34c6abb8-0030-4993-935a-4497279e8cda	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:51:18	-516.125
-19	16422	821100	cb93226a-f7a2-4c1d-8cc4-36d27074d8e9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:30:05	-195.78
-20	8212	821200	3915c83d-12e3-4004-9598-f570e02f66d5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:45:24	866.350
-20	16424	821200	2429c62a-d780-4bd3-84f4-084f4bb4534b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:47:58	121.314
-21	8213	821300	9fcbc4a5-4cf4-4a64-b998-c576673cdaf0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:48:56	-732.852
-21	16426	821300	ce369bf1-a493-43bb-ab49-e2f04edbf4a3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:56:28	374.871
-22	8214	821400	9b248fdc-ed23-458a-96a3-e6c2004ee2e0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:43:04	919.441
-22	16428	821400	37f8bde5-5689-4503-83a0-e1f09c84b86f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:53:02	-258.37
-23	8215	821500	b01857bd-ec8e-4c08-a8de-8d7785ff09e4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:29:29	732.422
-23	16430	821500	1c576e9c-8f56-4a28-8769-cf9323f5ddf5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:44:16	235.981
-24	8216	821600	d9da1904-9b8d-497a-b422-8572df8142d1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:42:25	-443.820
-24	16432	821600	518b9b94-a518-496e-b17f-4f506faf4c84	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:56:24	-887.450
-25	8217	821700	65bd88fa-cf06-4906-98cd-65dfe515ddf1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:36:45	-814.973
-25	16434	821700	fca309c4-bbef-4630-a46a-89087dbddf00	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:33:53	528.20
-26	8218	821800	1734f672-718d-49dd-b6f9-4e630ad2c2bc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:46:11	-793.531
-26	16436	821800	50d48ec3-683b-4a1a-a50a-4bf70e5d1a4a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:29:36	-527.174
-27	8219	821900	6276486e-759c-4793-bc4d-047759886eed	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:16:35	747.285
-27	16438	821900	791a2c7e-1e21-4d44-b7e6-1504050dfa55	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:38:48	-512.15
-28	8220	822000	35647676-9588-4fce-aa10-47aa41615153	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:32:30	753.690
-28	16440	822000	b9be5c36-b30a-4272-beea-156568aebe2e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:28:31	858.206
-29	8221	822100	bfaa9976-5b93-4566-818a-d3ce03a921ad	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:08:04	-621.974
-29	16442	822100	930383a4-de05-4ef6-86ba-2385ac18e5d4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:48:03	888.923
-30	8222	822200	f0f107e4-0130-4bfa-a882-38b8ca3cdd31	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:33:21	-288.848
-30	16444	822200	8fcacea3-3abc-4dbe-a187-08fd214756f3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:18:18	-304.980
-31	8223	822300	54b9e07c-a9f9-4eee-a8b7-75e893c84196	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:37:40	-692.591
-31	16446	822300	8de4d662-aa56-419f-a5a5-d078ce81515b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:33:04	-779.982
-32	8224	822400	0c101d45-3f7b-42a0-92e2-5e1a85284210	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:27:29	-197.446
-32	16448	822400	ba4a5d55-0414-4bd4-b2ff-9716a76f9a6a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:29:51	-34.997
-33	8225	822500	3bbe47e7-dbd5-475f-bb82-4770fa14c0fd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:54:22	692.71
-33	16450	822500	048eac24-61c4-472e-8595-68f4c2fb9805	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:31:43	-60.764
-34	8226	822600	eee1bb18-91a4-485b-b2fd-1964c7b27d66	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:46:17	-657.179
-34	16452	822600	0cf76e2a-b714-4012-a9a6-eb93ccdaae63	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:25:23	23.260
-35	8227	822700	a2cd2836-a8e4-4561-a2aa-6d76c15c91a1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:17:49	-525.48
-35	16454	822700	24c90594-1db3-4123-9944-805971589d50	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:43:05	256.669
-36	8228	822800	f650b83a-e98d-40c4-9997-4b27e0eb703a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:27:01	718.410
-36	16456	822800	9b7885dc-aa23-4e78-950e-92416e07ea77	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:18:33	135.641
-37	8229	822900	c2d2e22d-4b54-4895-a701-e37a2da646a9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:32:20	367.746
-37	16458	822900	59a757b3-604a-4347-86e3-af180d6c9276	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:57:05	665.461
-38	8230	823000	444a1f94-f5ef-4b44-a63e-af96a7ea6c18	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:04:40	985.895
-38	16460	823000	924b06fb-4d13-4b4a-bc59-082231dc6089	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:30:22	-797.710
-39	8231	823100	03cc22c9-7c80-46e1-adc5-0d65b427df8d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:40:22	-791.588
-39	16462	823100	af35265b-217a-40a0-aaab-d189ac469d19	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:51:30	-790.404
-40	8232	823200	9a465ab6-bd63-451e-a1bc-7ee5a9297d57	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:44:21	-386.8
-40	16464	823200	cf1639cd-0abf-4409-a0e0-ac4bb87fcd3b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:03:10	-61.389
-41	8233	823300	bab93008-2069-4bd1-ab75-94c483e0fb83	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:55:58	-369.252
-41	16466	823300	0788672e-3d89-414d-81d6-fd181954e153	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:42:43	441.945
-42	8234	823400	4d1e3c7b-9f16-4fe2-b9b5-07639b063fb8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:52:06	187.760
-42	16468	823400	b90a9d8d-66f4-4a37-b7ec-f4aa4364140b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:28:16	978.867
-43	8235	823500	70a5ff4a-8ffd-4115-84ad-13d2799374a9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:36:51	113.378
-43	16470	823500	42400fad-bedd-4f25-8ede-061104235a61	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:50:50	-710.8
-44	8236	823600	f6068cae-d2ae-43cb-be7c-7139cbc0330f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:10:26	-24.151
-44	16472	823600	fa9924af-7f59-4ed5-830b-d62a004a1f8b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:13:12	792.745
-45	8237	823700	b6016039-fab1-406a-ab55-f320b55b761e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:48:25	-635.756
-45	16474	823700	994a810f-7e3d-4e40-b3b5-a117288c5210	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:03:59	355.435
-46	8238	823800	5b4e34c2-0bf8-4821-a4a4-07e67af26bdd	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:02:31	331.32
-46	16476	823800	c468c2fb-21c4-4ad6-b6e0-f50f21304878	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:55:03	469.6
-47	8239	823900	6db3aede-7567-4346-830f-8da5281feb89	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:29:13	-97.35
-47	16478	823900	22a220d2-5dcc-49f9-9543-2beaa99e4e1c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:20:48	590.751
-48	8240	824000	11565732-3d47-49fd-bbaa-4a98fb8c4c66	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:38:17	-987.472
-48	16480	824000	3c30194f-1a5f-44c5-9826-d8e3c4a377ef	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:38:49	-965.592
-49	8241	824100	56a240f3-eada-43b5-a0ab-1b775f8b4c9f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:11:22	-750.626
-49	16482	824100	20d69128-0b48-45ca-bf0b-4bfc43aeed5b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:43:42	733.495
-50	8242	824200	25555fb5-1420-4b17-ab42-6a42c35da002	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:54:30	-97.841
-50	16484	824200	2c857d6f-6a3f-4383-8deb-f0daa73978af	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:14:24	-226.494
-51	8243	824300	4cf9f7b7-ee94-43d0-a237-086ef47d9d73	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:27:59	-128.34
-51	16486	824300	8c8344c4-17aa-4dbd-9cd7-2c68cdd99216	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:47:52	-97.336
-52	8244	824400	892c9336-c753-4a97-baad-1113dc18df0c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:24:37	-174.389
-52	16488	824400	72d4f94c-27d2-4318-a492-2c23a532869e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:43:14	-944.364
-53	8245	824500	862254f1-e811-47cd-aec3-e7fa7e189460	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:48:48	936.535
-53	16490	824500	d12840e7-5256-4528-956c-3b54eee5dd77	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:39:03	-303.628
-54	8246	824600	44b9f177-a029-4723-9fce-7a8ef8187574	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:36:56	-763.633
-54	16492	824600	d90b58c3-1bdc-4aec-a85e-8a89b53492de	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:31:16	-909.904
-55	8247	824700	7854f65e-6360-4b38-ab16-86e4dc976453	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:59:22	512.893
-55	16494	824700	8f616f13-da6c-4c67-b6e7-7dcb7116b99c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:12:38	-203.194
-56	8248	824800	73cf14c0-93b4-414d-81e5-30bf6d2f5ace	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:44:13	827.582
-56	16496	824800	12957b0f-730f-4914-b3fa-76706ad4d6f0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:25:54	-43.864
-57	8249	824900	882e866a-1b59-48c9-9029-83db4bc2d467	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:08:23	-42.936
-57	16498	824900	46df294e-209f-4df7-8ed5-67604c346cc1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:31:11	78.454
-58	8250	825000	c2e3edcc-ee95-4bde-b4ce-b057febf9a52	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:22:19	544.335
-58	16500	825000	a93d72a1-cce0-40f9-8582-772cf8af0af7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:11:20	124.258
-59	8251	825100	0a1fd4e3-1ace-43b9-a45d-92a718e4e4fe	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:58:00	428.881
-59	16502	825100	539d11d6-10dd-432d-a3e2-2f2ed78c7bb0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:43:36	-817.768
-60	8252	825200	81cfe26c-1435-45b3-9c0d-d062d049a00c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:29:48	856.320
-60	16504	825200	93978683-d2f6-449f-9f86-b63aa7c22166	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:19:56	793.784
-61	8253	825300	7237696c-67ab-4339-a35d-505b6404719a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:15:17	-556.908
-61	16506	825300	bbbdc986-5505-4e01-a69c-96ff4e5ed9fc	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:01:26	-46.299
-62	8254	825400	6cab6976-a745-48e5-819b-63ae33f385e6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:10:23	792.521
-62	16508	825400	19a725d0-5a07-4bd9-b885-710483cdd772	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:00:17	704.841
-63	8255	825500	84d76dc5-7585-4207-a5aa-b17959a3d009	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:52:34	423.668
-63	16510	825500	13662142-e312-4aaa-b127-8d708579d646	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:33:49	-672.10
-64	8256	825600	ba90607d-3981-4008-b394-5816a0e49567	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:32:33	742.456
-64	16512	825600	443f46c4-61a4-4d4a-b2f1-75128ad56692	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:10:30	-192.123
-65	8257	825700	201501c4-bccc-4362-8294-b8b3edcc0418	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:11:29	396.741
-65	16514	825700	8686e728-41e2-48e2-a393-15c77403f694	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:21:33	-386.661
-66	8258	825800	e7a83a78-2010-4575-ad74-bc9ec1e3b4c7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:27:35	-210.183
-66	16516	825800	9840e043-277b-4dbb-9990-1984143b4425	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:43:06	-378.617
-67	8259	825900	ab63cfe5-6e7f-409d-a73e-52cef9c3f213	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:14:26	481.241
-67	16518	825900	6c5dd2c1-c3f5-4e38-8495-77bb8c158eae	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:50:50	775.858
-68	8260	826000	b1613685-33e1-402a-8e0e-208ee06b0153	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:38:17	835.849
-68	16520	826000	3a7f50e8-53f2-4b9f-8495-5165c24dff80	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:36:11	172.880
-69	8261	826100	d30d292a-a8f3-40a6-bac6-27e1d7327978	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:11:28	-232.764
-69	16522	826100	ec8fef5f-ba85-4912-9c76-5adeb18c138b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:37:08	-910.817
-70	8262	826200	37357aca-eacd-426e-a56f-9c0289dcc835	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:59:21	363.2
-70	16524	826200	77739c55-6d24-41b8-a31c-ef638debc046	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:41:19	-786.822
-71	8263	826300	77cf1ec0-a282-4b8d-95b0-ab3eaf17d624	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:29:31	299.280
-71	16526	826300	a735248d-213f-4047-8958-b3340e96a69d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:02:39	77.922
-72	8264	826400	5d9d15cf-6ecc-43a9-9b75-283af1652bc7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:26:11	552.169
-72	16528	826400	b3b9fb6c-93ee-4c5d-91f6-3de862e67557	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:27:52	-53.714
-73	8265	826500	1c6e1749-559c-4cdc-ae07-523a5c5d777f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:07:29	-266.320
-73	16530	826500	136805b2-c5e4-4b08-8915-794d0e8add7e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:08:45	552.346
-74	8266	826600	de1b1d16-5bb6-4b55-a150-8749d64c1e45	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:22:25	-45.803
-74	16532	826600	9ac0333d-9c7e-4aa4-b09e-c248884c410f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:43:31	940.843
-75	8267	826700	4d386806-558b-4759-84a8-99f048e0c289	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:23:15	757.821
-75	16534	826700	9a03307f-e58c-4d78-a25c-30f09fe6b02a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:31:52	276.252
-76	8268	826800	d828e5cb-1a22-42cb-bc45-e6f9121091f3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:18:22	-432.431
-76	16536	826800	139249f8-797d-4ba7-8da4-169dfa254d12	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:56:35	-662.817
-77	8269	826900	34663fc7-4a2a-4477-982c-4a7647c31ae4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:22:20	187.397
-77	16538	826900	cfbd4f9c-42c2-43f1-b7b8-6a8c7900180c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:18:36	927.577
-78	8270	827000	b95c9833-a609-4f18-a2c5-fb853b0ade3a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:11:01	-697.68
-78	16540	827000	544bcd77-903a-4456-831b-41d54a856fd4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:55:49	-775.876
-79	8271	827100	9e1b9b1f-f5eb-42aa-b20a-62c7ba85fa1c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:47:53	224.894
-79	16542	827100	707f1296-fb7b-4ac3-9057-2f58b92691c4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:01:36	890.197
-80	8272	827200	3037f763-42a2-4084-a992-711c0d518c7c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:01:39	597.595
-80	16544	827200	d3cf0833-cb95-492b-9ddc-b6d4446f7832	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:43:50	120.677
-81	8273	827300	be2e1dbd-d6aa-495a-a02d-872c2d51eba9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:19:58	3.133
-81	16546	827300	18693860-7251-49c4-8239-21dc58eb3565	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:06:22	-139.111
-82	8274	827400	eff2547c-a7e9-4ca3-843b-276635f66627	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:14:40	-561.116
-82	16548	827400	e07b7abe-3d8e-4609-8100-77fb1bb881f5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:12:17	4.548
-83	8275	827500	ba98c95c-84a1-4555-b573-89216b564b78	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:57:02	-292.432
-83	16550	827500	63a1fe77-b89f-47b7-8ca5-2df4b23fc6b8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:16:23	-65.257
-84	8276	827600	54e4f9c6-281c-4e5f-a173-b8f26af995c7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:33:47	-195.157
-84	16552	827600	3cf9866a-a3e8-4991-b723-f21a4478fff8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:58:37	836.195
-85	8277	827700	7dd97780-7a79-4ba5-a20c-052ff225b7b3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:00:00	-865.615
-85	16554	827700	e42ecc42-64f8-4caa-b0e5-cb52ca0a90de	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:53:44	-722.854
-86	8278	827800	b4db4d76-551f-4ff0-862a-62bcff998e11	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:45:26	165.715
-86	16556	827800	2248f872-f968-4ad2-9d65-a0b2af1d8b91	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:54:28	723.679
-87	8279	827900	89c6cefa-0b06-467d-8e5a-e66bace11c48	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:50:14	56.133
-87	16558	827900	c6751bcc-231b-4d1c-8dea-458e3e28ae1e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:30:41	514.764
-88	8280	828000	eeed75df-a704-4033-8440-a2360819ae93	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:26:17	314.591
-88	16560	828000	d9a096ee-e3af-44ac-8d9c-4e6069ae54cf	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:35:41	-627.77
-89	8281	828100	ba5e0baa-f818-4a40-82a8-1b1e9bf60e92	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:41:03	-656.957
-89	16562	828100	35a97e17-2276-4f4d-8b69-559249803eaa	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:39:29	744.331
-90	8282	828200	d9d51332-fd3d-4dd7-99bb-e4ed6f01473d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:10:43	346.898
-90	16564	828200	742e999e-c896-4e58-8f1b-a33b2cd34a8a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:39:18	875.576
-91	8283	828300	ed91df99-2ef5-4676-b94e-a572473b9018	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:10:32	-339.420
-91	16566	828300	6bf42f58-07ac-4d4f-aced-ca34f1319b90	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:41:39	-851.964
-92	8284	828400	6a2e1775-a61b-4341-b48b-d6af65b9e597	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:39:35	-191.647
-92	16568	828400	93b5f3e1-ef71-4631-a0c0-284230c01748	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:47:24	534.264
-93	8285	828500	1a1b6380-513e-4e68-99f6-1c631f8e8688	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:10:15	190.99
-93	16570	828500	4fa4e51d-ec8e-46c4-af79-de35ca272db1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:07:53	-685.928
-94	8286	828600	305164cf-efd9-4b28-9b66-d3dcd776b2d2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:44:27	613.192
-94	16572	828600	c823fd75-bd84-4ac7-ac6a-bf79975094be	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:39:10	-523.687
-95	8287	828700	d6a8b464-a899-46f3-85cc-2585007dda93	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:59:46	884.563
-95	16574	828700	286f56ae-864f-42f2-b1fa-781cd528f4e3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:24:28	732.103
-96	8288	828800	78a42f3b-1ba9-474e-8cb4-e659449d0f86	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:24:15	514.684
-96	16576	828800	fe44634a-c629-417e-b103-70d7cde2e67b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:05:38	-248.775
-97	8289	828900	8553c171-df67-4c69-9473-72e6357640fd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:15:13	43.724
-97	16578	828900	e77b9b24-37d0-4b9f-9fa9-48c296d55d86	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:46:04	787.151
-98	8290	829000	448a9b52-2c7f-4d22-8928-3b231d6e1b3d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:58:25	896.65
-98	16580	829000	bcea3f88-a91e-4846-a0b3-7a849ba0c466	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:19:59	697.441
-99	8291	829100	ba48b770-7d43-4adc-a044-54d95f932406	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:24:15	220.198
-99	16582	829100	68f6d705-8e84-4fa9-a128-54a326155ac0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:55:00	892.277
-100	8292	829200	99da8edb-d6ca-41d5-a382-935b99dbe851	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:08:05	577.120
-100	16584	829200	c1f7b254-3de7-40ad-80f1-17bd75134cca	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:23:12	638.282
-101	8293	829300	db49164b-a3bb-40bf-81d2-273dde553c59	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:34:52	-827.428
-101	16586	829300	1ddb319d-2df4-4c6c-8bc6-1155d04dfa1d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:36:56	-184.714
-102	8294	829400	dbaa3739-1b32-471e-8ca2-583100b769f7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:23:26	-665.570
-102	16588	829400	e8587eaf-9a90-450f-8ccb-d70292262c82	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:56:29	110.742
-103	8295	829500	7a51c599-b529-48e8-b477-c85b0199d01b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:51:23	30.45
-103	16590	829500	2be41d65-097a-446d-baf3-c3dedf0977c3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:22:18	-372.251
-104	8296	829600	40ebf413-a607-49ff-abcf-230bf6b53c03	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:22:08	-735.227
-104	16592	829600	c72e46a8-2330-4cc2-ad1d-36041a0b4c43	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:34:52	327.659
-105	8297	829700	210b603b-14c8-4fc0-980b-ca7e3c7dbc30	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:11:14	-98.316
-105	16594	829700	326443d7-258d-4566-8d91-0dc90046365c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:11:56	148.733
-106	8298	829800	7bf1ad63-eb98-4969-96bf-b3a022b4b0f3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:57:35	-729.439
-106	16596	829800	554a5aaf-3455-4d06-ae39-9f28655472b7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:06:49	111.203
-107	8299	829900	c1b345b5-c953-48f2-a7b3-6f8d6bb29e2b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:10:00	-354.320
-107	16598	829900	8403442c-f8dc-4eb0-9e1c-f5cef54520da	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:09:33	649.215
-108	8300	830000	6e98829e-55dd-4db3-8fba-434dc6e2b869	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:32:30	-162.231
-108	16600	830000	64d1ad85-c906-457a-ad79-b71928aa4e8f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:31:14	540.435
-109	8301	830100	3bb8fde0-99b0-42ec-8557-a6b7ca0cdcf5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:48:26	168.432
-109	16602	830100	1edad301-8c48-4d23-b75a-d5391988e414	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:48:50	592.260
-110	8302	830200	2781b6b1-dd60-4b8a-b462-4d3f89a9f243	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:17:08	-153.424
-110	16604	830200	561ad55b-745b-4469-8883-f4e603f9d6ff	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:15:31	273.95
-111	8303	830300	4ca6954e-84f4-451b-87d3-a0dfc821ed4f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:16:07	909.826
-111	16606	830300	ff510531-c656-47a6-904a-fa5625d49ae8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:00:46	444.140
-112	8304	830400	567772c9-f3fe-4c16-8455-2aa39d20807e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:18:08	-7.236
-112	16608	830400	20efe011-4576-4528-ab9f-839588c67bde	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:56:33	-856.902
-113	8305	830500	8c0ffcb4-e49a-45d3-8da7-3f83f2a94767	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:04:48	-859.220
-113	16610	830500	520ecb1e-0bf8-4d1a-924b-09c0b935109b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:14:05	999.939
-114	8306	830600	71b37e90-2672-4c30-abc5-47babb1e8d41	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:52:27	503.661
-114	16612	830600	1b8eecad-3e2d-4b0f-8fa1-b227402e0c40	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:29:33	-760.634
-115	8307	830700	95cab01b-eedb-4f7c-afa5-4675867182cb	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:38:05	431.267
-115	16614	830700	a422e8e4-5da6-45ad-993c-303fe01cf0e8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:38:33	-238.794
-116	8308	830800	6617559b-22e6-499b-8041-a46b95fc377c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:01:47	-679.59
-116	16616	830800	ab36ba58-b381-4be3-92d1-ae7ec0814a65	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:06:04	340.196
-117	8309	830900	0470852c-3a84-42aa-a6cf-0e2fe665d2b4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:03:25	-222.47
-117	16618	830900	0d142d7c-b0f9-403b-a671-2fb5adcc1005	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:38:54	-875.115
-118	8310	831000	ac99a282-b669-4522-a542-abedcb886e50	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:35:52	130.321
-118	16620	831000	a103a302-5805-4d59-80c5-17caa8d89fef	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:59:41	377.707
-119	8311	831100	a7cc5bdf-1a66-444a-b102-f43b970a2cab	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:45:46	372.549
-119	16622	831100	2e676c4f-169e-478d-814b-bb4c78c22e2c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:51:10	344.223
-120	8312	831200	7996a3bf-2222-4526-83e3-723696ea6c52	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:45:13	-823.365
-120	16624	831200	461ebacf-827d-483d-9384-6c71003a18d4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:14:49	-413.794
-121	8313	831300	43c42f8f-4011-4159-bc1e-7ddba6ba86c2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:38:46	-254.858
-121	16626	831300	8ce74d9e-6e0e-499c-b00d-0908ab3b101b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:16:58	574.437
-122	8314	831400	9bf19c49-d1de-4be5-901b-8949a4b6225f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:20:27	-681.612
-122	16628	831400	49c5a1de-b582-429c-89bf-7cbb9cfcba21	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:15:56	274.597
-123	8315	831500	46fd8d5b-7c7d-42fd-a173-750c58f4c821	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:58:01	-392.842
-123	16630	831500	336e2a79-5c01-489b-92ee-515027d2b93c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:18:05	-998.621
-124	8316	831600	d1d0a34d-63b7-4e60-8240-27edb5ba5c29	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:51:38	984.981
-124	16632	831600	0af6f9d7-57c0-4dc6-a3ca-a11e3fe6e5cd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:00:56	-391.489
-125	8317	831700	3a7e9475-ce1d-4058-a802-08ab55133bc2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:13:51	-902.310
-125	16634	831700	0bdbcb20-c019-4650-bdcc-99861a8b2ae9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:56:18	527.596
-126	8318	831800	24e3a0b1-6a99-4631-b27d-7ff11f25db17	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:46:43	949.484
-126	16636	831800	03ae7659-16bf-4bcd-91d5-943738a8855a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:20:24	905.702
-127	8319	831900	a29bd53b-1008-4bc7-b9c8-0ca885dd50c6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:11:10	-289.791
-127	16638	831900	6b51a014-dbc4-4a14-bf75-51e9f78af665	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:42:04	453.85
-0	8320	832000	b1aabf44-0467-404a-bd61-2bb0ea1afae4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:35:58	171.516
-0	16640	832000	e4f0c977-ef6f-4b87-ba3b-1f8d2a7a4617	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:15:28	-605.596
-1	8321	832100	ac49708c-48d1-4314-91e6-b29717d8c5dd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:18:34	-816.493
-1	16642	832100	5f0dd062-30a2-4248-9d3d-7be4fa32d193	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:28:00	-311.664
-2	8322	832200	d1cdfcbe-61d7-4153-88bd-c4675e679d59	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:59:29	-737.685
-2	16644	832200	fe10d86c-93ce-42f0-8f42-24fa6c079405	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:01:05	346.724
-3	8323	832300	2d22376b-1e04-42ca-a368-2dc04066f602	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:00:12	515.115
-3	16646	832300	8ed36ad7-e9b4-4b62-ba0c-904400c269b8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:15:50	-555.174
-4	8324	832400	0bb791a8-b54f-4a75-b5b6-daa816f96070	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:19:01	569.138
-4	16648	832400	28bd4fbf-74a9-4335-ac22-0b76c5aade7f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:29:38	666.553
-5	8325	832500	2bfb95ff-f30a-437c-ad52-a7bc54e0b3a9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:42:56	-441.96
-5	16650	832500	21f03cbc-da0f-4347-b37d-664a0a43a811	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:28:39	-652.365
-6	8326	832600	cb1a0fde-cc8e-401b-9d81-b56d11f45d5e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:42:28	926.605
-6	16652	832600	d489cf4b-5d59-4137-8bfe-4ff0622c991e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:59:14	-603.456
-7	8327	832700	8aab40bf-ce89-4848-9328-2bd89f0906b7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:17:13	-335.229
-7	16654	832700	a78b28eb-db9c-449c-86df-563a808e72db	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:56:09	-246.230
-8	8328	832800	67485908-a7b0-465f-863d-87c43722669b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:14:15	-63.434
-8	16656	832800	7f80a405-8b13-4eb0-9e89-b72c3c35495c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:28:23	-563.172
-9	8329	832900	71608825-c857-41ee-b5b9-1ceb5b23e854	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:33:44	-912.872
-9	16658	832900	20e04d61-492e-4e84-9122-f3163eb0e969	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:44:55	444.593
-10	8330	833000	d7fe9f1f-cbab-4003-b34d-a93770297f30	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:28:31	129.546
-10	16660	833000	9d8fa7ee-482a-458e-887a-e0de38b9fd3a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:14:12	578.921
-11	8331	833100	e145a67a-14ce-4490-84c4-80f83e2163b5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:28:37	849.97
-11	16662	833100	7abb9a74-25bf-473d-bec8-3bf2a61d0cad	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:24:38	-402.54
-12	8332	833200	6720bcac-8e49-4385-b6e8-05d2f26b5da0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:53:24	-11.262
-12	16664	833200	17cbaa86-96a1-4fd6-88e7-8463eaf6a475	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:17:46	-534.430
-13	8333	833300	58453a44-f092-4688-a2e1-302081522a51	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:41:23	-214.882
-13	16666	833300	808fe471-8e93-4dad-b278-81f8b522aa97	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:29:12	61.223
-14	8334	833400	51df8ad2-c6c3-4bc7-9e94-f722d5ee3aed	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:37:35	284.808
-14	16668	833400	04013d06-d8c6-4a37-8990-149a355c798d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:26:52	183.551
-15	8335	833500	816cf720-f35c-42ea-bc24-ff980739415b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:52:29	-436.904
-15	16670	833500	f11a5877-b39a-459e-8f7c-8f57cb1564e9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:52:45	891.348
-16	8336	833600	4eaf47eb-2f64-4d3d-8b3b-7f2dad73bcf0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:19:28	-526.700
-16	16672	833600	13906b52-849a-4928-867f-881d8c38fde3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:39:46	375.125
-17	8337	833700	fc81ff74-730f-44b5-8aea-db7843bac5cc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:28:31	464.578
-17	16674	833700	31b9f6ce-ee33-4628-9d35-9d415ff92064	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:48:53	830.255
-18	8338	833800	f37b2654-1c30-4471-b15f-a55aa0d86f8c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:36:01	47.374
-18	16676	833800	8e221d1b-5ca4-4719-8b46-31d83cece147	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:38:54	98.277
-19	8339	833900	c7337002-2b30-403f-8b9d-2d01539ac7dd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:12:02	-237.54
-19	16678	833900	bc8ee220-c241-4968-8591-3db629265bc1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:56:56	343.917
-20	8340	834000	80798899-3f42-4dde-a7ca-49dc942f7ed5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:16:42	-89.684
-20	16680	834000	c163f561-db38-47ba-ae21-01f12f04fae8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:04:31	282.429
-21	8341	834100	e2fb84b3-3172-469f-95aa-680f3a70be6d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:40:20	-127.924
-21	16682	834100	56a7aa3b-84b3-4b20-9882-e2d10d03829c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:57:51	-593.665
-22	8342	834200	9b74d100-df45-445e-8a3d-c8c5139f7205	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:58:53	895.611
-22	16684	834200	f522c9f3-c97a-472d-afad-5b64f60dde60	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:34:22	-956.948
-23	8343	834300	3e8a71e8-be2d-4c9e-a97f-a32b09436b57	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:24:11	807.607
-23	16686	834300	df513372-028a-41e1-a072-02306c13a9d6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:48:57	-515.130
-24	8344	834400	285edfaf-6066-4792-adc5-84b576f2415b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:05:03	-704.277
-24	16688	834400	acbc6aae-c219-4258-9752-86ffce254cbc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:12:26	461.370
-25	8345	834500	6349a6e6-296d-4299-adfe-6d91880426d4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:58:45	138.378
-25	16690	834500	814a1771-763c-47d2-969c-fd11c9a29db0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:30:15	900.624
-26	8346	834600	e97186c3-d982-4a1b-8316-c606c303a3b1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:21:03	-440.781
-26	16692	834600	948dd0d9-4aab-4ba8-a16f-14b44b940682	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:19:39	-286.246
-27	8347	834700	0b8b88a6-d0b0-495c-be71-3e378284541b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:49:51	196.625
-27	16694	834700	79102d16-af21-4d38-bf2f-6569be7cb2e1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:47:47	455.85
-28	8348	834800	a067c1c5-7333-4492-bb62-34251e16829d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:51:29	293.757
-28	16696	834800	76562313-5ec6-4a9f-8c2a-ff044faf2729	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:34:01	460.694
-29	8349	834900	3730c6f4-2e7e-48cb-9051-be9b47762e82	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:45:12	586.687
-29	16698	834900	57805dd5-6bbc-4aa1-889e-47389661ff3a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:05:20	110.33
-30	8350	835000	8656cf97-abda-441f-b554-1785e83a153b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:02:01	-615.396
-30	16700	835000	0e0a499e-0ba6-46a3-9698-d8da06f761ae	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:55:09	-102.321
-31	8351	835100	25a4a84b-d320-41df-be74-fc6d37fb711e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:59:38	20.289
-31	16702	835100	e724e43e-0847-4d13-9fa3-c4c06eea1096	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:01:29	901.491
-32	8352	835200	8d5ab57b-5482-4707-a658-f98e634e213b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:48:54	-795.623
-32	16704	835200	5db86bbb-8cfd-4263-be54-7a6272a8b978	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:48:26	867.560
-33	8353	835300	bfd58b40-3e85-4873-9650-b6ff81424c6c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:38:28	-820.639
-33	16706	835300	0f5daa98-7ad2-4e4e-b0fb-f1ab7d216f03	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:57:15	387.496
-34	8354	835400	3b451642-deed-447b-9038-1f36e8af66a4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:24:59	765.794
-34	16708	835400	dd42cd6f-eea3-4d27-9e6b-e240d716b747	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:41:39	322.734
-35	8355	835500	7a0d6bf9-5135-41fd-b285-1daa19a72500	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:57:28	-538.457
-35	16710	835500	1f138196-047a-48de-bbe0-0e96e64212d4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:51:05	-271.706
-36	8356	835600	5887c904-d431-470d-b118-4c82ad705ea5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:56:38	22.313
-36	16712	835600	03492327-62ca-462d-afc9-d558e02b7b84	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:24:04	-145.653
-37	8357	835700	c1ae70f2-908c-438a-ba4f-da4a888ee9b2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:08:49	-978.134
-37	16714	835700	189e0d2a-97f1-4d0b-ab08-b80f651033a7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:53:39	827.208
-38	8358	835800	3449e21c-df74-4928-85e7-e6d9a572d33a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:21:48	352.687
-38	16716	835800	990ed055-4d56-4fab-8197-ab87db1f8673	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:48:20	-413.479
-39	8359	835900	01c9ab1f-91f6-4a7e-8949-833c10e124ef	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:20:32	224.982
-39	16718	835900	bf27aa2e-eda8-4e2a-b135-6eb8c79a4359	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:51:00	628.204
-40	8360	836000	5bbe8e3a-0819-408c-a83e-632375e19faa	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:00:59	787.734
-40	16720	836000	5523aaf5-32eb-4393-8f7b-c52edf56ab73	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:02:44	-919.409
-41	8361	836100	21063e7b-fe03-4212-b028-b8138fce3997	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:41:16	565.490
-41	16722	836100	569420bd-e004-417a-8c4b-8ddd5930f4a2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:13:45	-611.417
-42	8362	836200	40292de4-65e9-4ab0-b900-61678e90f912	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:26:17	-688.606
-42	16724	836200	ea3d5412-4586-4491-b760-248d887d2510	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:21:24	525.125
-43	8363	836300	3902ea31-f9b0-4f18-be05-b83c59e13294	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:34:07	-455.14
-43	16726	836300	2c463019-b23f-401d-9d69-f7974d12c631	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:11:34	457.7
-44	8364	836400	bdc3855d-aad4-455f-b8ee-1be8960df597	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:55:43	601.709
-44	16728	836400	59d1a441-45e9-4c36-9463-2ac9af526155	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:28:36	-544.571
-45	8365	836500	82b793ea-e0fd-4581-a317-00523db477ea	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:01:40	739.726
-45	16730	836500	40021351-cffd-4202-b46d-53ab1d1d95da	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:10:50	526.546
-46	8366	836600	1cd1b621-a3a9-4fbe-b7ef-1abab54522d5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:17:32	496.206
-46	16732	836600	0197e5ef-7ba5-442d-8525-126e065e33d7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:49:24	837.526
-47	8367	836700	1644ea2a-ca00-4e01-8143-d5e1a2393cfb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:08:08	210.80
-47	16734	836700	f9932988-88b2-4646-a923-e6d59a9409a1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:37:32	-166.203
-48	8368	836800	fb1c65cf-b9f5-4772-af18-3e6be66e651a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:14:55	-153.573
-48	16736	836800	c3314c8d-626c-42f3-bc9a-8e12955b6337	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:21:10	550.765
-49	8369	836900	82b8e86c-ef6d-4122-9973-4972f232cd90	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:07:18	122.890
-49	16738	836900	6cd14daf-63b7-421f-b397-7a989156661d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:06:36	709.535
-50	8370	837000	2296cb8a-804c-4515-9849-607468be1370	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:36:21	-198.629
-50	16740	837000	1a83d55b-100c-4d91-a236-b636afc523b3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:35:06	902.798
-51	8371	837100	43a1b9cf-b8bb-498a-b708-1ffba221b50f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:39:35	-474.447
-51	16742	837100	dd51f0f6-4f5d-4eac-a250-f979cdfebc1c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:14:12	-130.298
-52	8372	837200	3385c678-bc8a-4e02-b9e7-1c47d9e05967	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:33:09	-24.663
-52	16744	837200	849c77bf-914e-4dfa-a2a2-afce4a5d26cd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:37:31	-865.568
-53	8373	837300	871cc59d-77a4-4c2a-b06d-aa026f428d6d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:25:20	948.386
-53	16746	837300	a39fa853-8eab-47b1-918d-e66f7f4e1d39	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:51:18	-547.969
-54	8374	837400	591478ad-8603-452a-9bce-bf34f99fc5dd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:55:29	923.703
-54	16748	837400	333a9850-28f8-4b9e-8113-bc0b5a893e1b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:21:49	861.172
-55	8375	837500	3f9b6111-5c32-4f20-ba8f-e34518bcec27	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:59:32	-190.470
-55	16750	837500	a8a1aec5-4a41-462a-8156-3049e2a47659	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:07:06	-829.994
-56	8376	837600	2aad6798-611f-42d3-8306-6bc190c9e874	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:31:09	743.433
-56	16752	837600	0139fe16-79db-4c26-a7c8-985529d58d43	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:32:54	-993.82
-57	8377	837700	73d3db19-533b-4837-975e-a330732640dc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:15:08	232.753
-57	16754	837700	82f63583-0795-45b3-9cee-da669804748e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:44:35	636.998
-58	8378	837800	b1ef7f33-8e6a-49ed-8497-67bd9bf91eed	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:48:03	-612.297
-58	16756	837800	73fa9a37-1298-45f3-b2c9-6bd79c29759c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:42:38	-147.734
-59	8379	837900	529163d6-0a0e-495d-bb8c-5f47e21ea4aa	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:23:21	528.519
-59	16758	837900	d93f425a-5baf-473c-8c1a-a5da216fdb0a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:55:39	118.614
-60	8380	838000	df5efc98-7c97-4e2c-96f3-63cc30ef98a0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:08:08	5.882
-60	16760	838000	b11aa71d-c345-4049-a91c-3f1efcd0689d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:08:04	-360.868
-61	8381	838100	814b0dec-27b7-4461-8ad0-8bc5639c7b9a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:14:31	228.740
-61	16762	838100	7a231426-b6e2-44c3-b377-a798cbd1128e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:08:00	-252.286
-62	8382	838200	1787ef0c-7316-4387-90c4-ca7e48b43181	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:20:51	201.335
-62	16764	838200	346358f9-241c-4dd8-880a-322893010207	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:26:34	-316.822
-63	8383	838300	429ff063-92c4-4415-9b55-7404ae2e1147	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:14:00	456.290
-63	16766	838300	09fa239d-6b9d-4f2c-9710-9664af7baf52	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:27:08	-28.13
-64	8384	838400	96e12bac-ec36-4fda-b13c-2c12f09157c5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:31:27	-142.755
-64	16768	838400	027dc3d1-5dac-4958-94dc-d1aa4e957518	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:35:04	-860.764
-65	8385	838500	a5a04508-b832-4e4d-8411-3eb57a43a6fb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:46:28	313.387
-65	16770	838500	3b378eef-01a7-4281-8ee3-48447476cde1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:18:31	-211.580
-66	8386	838600	14ee005d-7bca-473a-ba4a-d7d19ebfb735	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:50:26	321.947
-66	16772	838600	5e58ac02-b905-442d-bf62-a1d2b8b94d63	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:16:32	-270.957
-67	8387	838700	c848d44b-8f9f-49af-b1f3-fea634904196	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:23:49	748.207
-67	16774	838700	3a86cb3a-055b-4cab-8a70-0c47fd919dce	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:47:09	494.647
-68	8388	838800	6b64dccc-de9c-4127-babd-fb178033273f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:39:32	-590.619
-68	16776	838800	23376077-be32-4c13-b988-e23fd799edd8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:36:38	653.717
-69	8389	838900	75612962-5f83-42b0-855a-b993dc3e119f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:58:17	-908.978
-69	16778	838900	f4d4b58a-a204-47be-b524-c5148ce6d7fd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:57:18	446.414
-70	8390	839000	23aa65ae-b29c-4966-bd0d-dbfaa201af49	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:51:05	-268.910
-70	16780	839000	6719dfd0-b40b-40ca-a1a9-d6db9d98f46c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:13:37	-99.593
-71	8391	839100	4f0964f7-e18c-490d-938e-d02dfdc765b3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:36:50	183.600
-71	16782	839100	8d0b4630-fb79-4699-a414-e293ac94dfce	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:17:42	176.188
-72	8392	839200	3f4dae7b-cbee-431a-9e41-04be1671432d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:52:24	-680.194
-72	16784	839200	097b2305-3a91-4da5-8319-0a56ca6e2e18	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:50:38	986.945
-73	8393	839300	51df8356-76e3-4cbf-8cd6-55c1c86121ba	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:07:51	765.973
-73	16786	839300	d0bdaefd-3a28-4c3f-b4f6-e93360a2d574	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:38:28	-565.604
-74	8394	839400	a6835927-2175-42bc-9201-0778ba5ceaf0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:01:55	215.647
-74	16788	839400	649dd5f9-e4d0-49a3-a194-efa8e657c97d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:09:21	-702.390
-75	8395	839500	77d74e14-7bea-40aa-b3fb-392c237cc746	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:07:09	-477.916
-75	16790	839500	835f450f-3d06-41f6-945f-fae965a3c27b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:46:26	730.857
-76	8396	839600	76319394-8e1a-4354-a4fb-f5726c5d83ed	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:15:11	763.25
-76	16792	839600	a004eaf7-da40-4a56-9e45-1903f27e16f6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:44:14	-638.771
-77	8397	839700	003ab35e-15b3-4a3b-9771-b906aff6f8df	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:55:37	809.124
-77	16794	839700	da6fa274-fe6d-4253-a057-58261f1a6e6b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:36:30	-671.656
-78	8398	839800	283aaf7c-1127-41b6-bb9d-c6432f1af1d7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:36:32	-285.542
-78	16796	839800	111f6fc3-8a28-49da-ad15-daf5c407b9e8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:06:14	-288.199
-79	8399	839900	39092cf9-8169-44b0-836e-66b0c66f15e0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:02:30	-904.766
-79	16798	839900	9ee155ae-54c8-426d-a24f-74f5dbfc6077	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:22:32	446.704
-80	8400	840000	0325ae4d-efc2-412e-a31f-7b2a58a2a8e6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:50:08	573.328
-80	16800	840000	83b5f6d0-4c93-41ed-8ec6-c46eb2b2c26b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:03:29	-634.410
-81	8401	840100	eb487bae-afd3-4a50-b08b-9da6c285be96	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:42:49	-31.718
-81	16802	840100	f674bd5f-f5e0-4319-8914-ecb6aad332ea	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:04:08	-491.981
-82	8402	840200	2b0cadfb-d349-43d0-a86f-cb5934222af5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:36:17	-505.90
-82	16804	840200	4e7d3d0d-705a-4680-80d0-fd55a8d34d65	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:13:02	586.553
-83	8403	840300	a0a401c6-02dd-4a4b-99b0-0860cbe38e5d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:08:10	-70.405
-83	16806	840300	188db1ec-3f18-4a81-a935-cf4aca65bc80	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:49:24	-266.326
-84	8404	840400	d46946aa-d601-4fd2-918f-984a540ce933	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:04:01	160.566
-84	16808	840400	f2d15548-68bb-45da-b3f8-9a70da66b92e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:05:16	363.120
-85	8405	840500	25f34461-273e-4794-a5c4-c59298eebc51	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:48:09	-594.723
-85	16810	840500	8745d3fd-7ed8-4b34-98c3-cfa21a870823	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:03:11	-546.944
-86	8406	840600	8e16cef3-2648-49eb-a7c0-4210721a544e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:08:39	-530.238
-86	16812	840600	c01d6801-f013-4be3-af93-4f8d96d10f27	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:25:27	117.884
-87	8407	840700	ac271025-57fe-4e18-bfe8-8a7f8d06f523	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:10:39	-441.663
-87	16814	840700	a7af5973-8159-4522-b252-a260424c5b0b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:09:51	-319.276
-88	8408	840800	1cdea7c3-b9f4-4f28-8ef5-6fd4626e5b1b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:09:35	266.573
-88	16816	840800	e082e793-62e4-46af-8a4a-2e72db627966	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:28:21	-246.974
-89	8409	840900	d1fac08d-dbae-47ce-ae41-d07356f4b42d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:30:29	91.338
-89	16818	840900	37bcbce2-2d0d-4373-9f58-1e563fda9d62	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:34:53	-513.984
-90	8410	841000	526a302f-0eac-4995-8040-64deb6bd3804	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:38:26	-628.725
-90	16820	841000	d13be542-0586-4f12-9e19-71f4ea9b1e83	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:59:41	265.406
-91	8411	841100	f4acc53c-2230-4284-86a2-8757c8992fc0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:20:12	105.353
-91	16822	841100	0a546867-5ad9-4819-9814-e2f88d7ea579	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:42:53	-315.286
-92	8412	841200	86a63052-f62d-40f4-955f-cc25a40b09ae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:46:41	524.831
-92	16824	841200	36bff6ae-5011-479b-8f26-85df7b83e30f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:29:00	-168.301
-93	8413	841300	a8ab13fb-40fa-40ff-b7de-bbf1a9c6daef	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:22:05	-995.299
-93	16826	841300	2f17d163-5229-48ad-ab63-a420bcf89446	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:26:34	388.93
-94	8414	841400	5f0c6839-d6d5-44d3-9cf9-1951852d2d94	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:34:07	-382.893
-94	16828	841400	c0d281cf-c283-48a4-9354-e797b489a2f2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:58:10	258.731
-95	8415	841500	37a6cad9-d255-4abb-ab43-75a6d5f8dc59	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:40:14	-420.927
-95	16830	841500	720ff7fa-7d87-4a36-8d46-892dc2c2c952	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:59:15	353.384
-96	8416	841600	c5d42857-d434-4672-b3fa-ecaa499ef166	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:55:55	925.309
-96	16832	841600	d74c9085-1e31-4a05-9315-a9937b7fa050	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:25:26	379.709
-97	8417	841700	3f6547b1-b3e1-46f7-b7f0-3b4754a27764	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:58:51	-530.748
-97	16834	841700	3ded05d0-76f1-43ba-872a-251ba32b2f5b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:33:10	566.303
-98	8418	841800	dacc3851-c2b2-40ee-aced-848420af4f76	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:58:23	288.907
-98	16836	841800	e6ba2353-47da-4aa5-bc7e-6e3d2e571f72	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:34:31	788.872
-99	8419	841900	8dd86a9e-eeca-4182-9815-08ec662b0457	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:02:48	-130.425
-99	16838	841900	dbeef994-e608-449f-b30f-0e0767c8e4b9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:16:14	484.707
-100	8420	842000	bec5221b-5f3d-4998-ae56-21d6efe9979b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:49:33	-981.285
-100	16840	842000	ba7e8dd0-20d5-4dcf-b039-9b803e9ab4cf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:43:23	-309.376
-101	8421	842100	d51a8996-8702-4a83-9a0e-e9cea9ac3711	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:41:52	226.439
-101	16842	842100	00c03c6c-44f5-4b5e-ace8-90183112a4b0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:29:49	-146.34
-102	8422	842200	bf3ae178-30bc-4f0a-9235-8756c0d578a4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:15:07	-680.196
-102	16844	842200	ce817b2b-1760-4421-ba20-b169bf6f87b7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:59:38	585.758
-103	8423	842300	b4f8ea3c-f1fd-4fbd-a3d4-1b471a59462e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:22:53	-50.22
-103	16846	842300	b898d280-b23c-42ba-abb8-dc03f9ed09d9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:07:41	459.7
-104	8424	842400	327fd62d-eab2-4bef-962f-e6deefa32850	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:34:42	-831.144
-104	16848	842400	318c80e8-af34-4dc9-8d5a-b08a31298d27	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:39:14	-937.404
-105	8425	842500	5195f25b-50ac-409a-bd5f-caebc8b80426	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:22:35	932.634
-105	16850	842500	6fc1eebb-e855-476b-940b-835cb6159b00	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:49:02	96.259
-106	8426	842600	d6df4eda-01b6-4b64-b16f-1a226af007f4	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:37:14	-85.253
-106	16852	842600	68877208-58b2-49da-aff3-4b82558f7d36	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:03:24	-765.383
-107	8427	842700	4c594e5e-bedb-41fa-a461-153fa8a12ff2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:44:15	605.675
-107	16854	842700	acbb21d3-9845-46b4-a252-8449679ccb5a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:10:41	44.326
-108	8428	842800	4cf3b9ac-685c-4262-9a2e-08a3fd5938e1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:14:59	837.65
-108	16856	842800	80b3b6ca-a489-499d-8244-ed0049fda86c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:13:24	928.413
-109	8429	842900	76faa096-0073-4ac5-a783-ac402000e7be	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:01:43	-902.83
-109	16858	842900	1186ef46-84f6-4a1f-bff7-27dd15e55462	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:07:22	-617.517
-110	8430	843000	f3cb456c-1cb6-4db0-80f1-3eb721872261	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:06:52	178.914
-110	16860	843000	d68e93d9-4b27-427d-ab5a-10cd60885368	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:25:03	-282.995
-111	8431	843100	513c3d0a-174c-4cd7-a2e6-446ea8e282f2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:56:56	768.108
-111	16862	843100	63a71302-9549-406c-8464-9cc14ffa8e3e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:03:33	-233.937
-112	8432	843200	eec08fa0-5566-4843-abff-4abda205501a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:10:11	-691.287
-112	16864	843200	440afdd1-899e-4300-80b8-fb61fd55c158	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:57:08	661.751
-113	8433	843300	0b1bcf49-4577-4301-9277-df5339c3b532	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:15:28	654.630
-113	16866	843300	f09536e2-b9a0-4b91-917d-20512a406b12	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:25:22	353.79
-114	8434	843400	cc26e02d-b836-41d6-a56c-c3412aee876e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:37:20	597.746
-114	16868	843400	9f8ec8ac-c13d-482b-942f-356f0b3967df	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:32:12	362.107
-115	8435	843500	66ca0812-c8e7-483f-8e42-fa8f87f9318b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:21:01	952.510
-115	16870	843500	1e9b2a74-9891-4a2f-92c1-4090b0d9f311	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:56:22	686.253
-116	8436	843600	bb76dc4c-69a3-4cc6-869d-e1dbd238364f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:17:12	-730.282
-116	16872	843600	2676d717-1a44-4797-a4a6-45c6209e12b2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:45:48	204.883
-117	8437	843700	dd6a5613-6f6e-4a2e-87db-1f9e2759d1ef	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:58:10	-628.86
-117	16874	843700	2602876e-39b2-4a84-abdc-bfb41386ba1a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:42:09	-158.53
-118	8438	843800	1ce8b823-7b3f-4aab-aa9c-11461388bfc3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:49:45	-579.996
-118	16876	843800	31b7a4f8-641b-48e3-85ad-9a6c907dd618	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:31:40	-318.387
-119	8439	843900	dc260dae-e6c7-48e1-aa29-8904e297a872	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:14:48	-832.347
-119	16878	843900	7c7d555e-60a1-4f85-9269-2f9cb666d58d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:12:26	522.486
-120	8440	844000	e41922df-c378-4140-a98d-d40b0bbf104e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:33:13	-724.156
-120	16880	844000	9da5a70d-528b-4070-b8fa-4b9d615ca816	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:27:12	-499.526
-121	8441	844100	a8f9d0ff-30b9-4123-90a3-f5a837598ed3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:14:06	771.975
-121	16882	844100	6ad2b851-2bb5-4711-b593-01453ce003f4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:43:32	782.909
-122	8442	844200	dd6fecb6-d729-4edf-9bc6-caa748f73dcd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:42:33	18.373
-122	16884	844200	f05f6be7-2b3d-49e9-ae9c-ecae392c28cb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:36:23	-862.814
-123	8443	844300	98c1b70e-0665-4cfc-9e32-c6bdc75d6cfd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:32:05	77.647
-123	16886	844300	c96a264f-ac8e-4cf2-bfb6-e1343ad0d5c5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:58:11	205.269
-124	8444	844400	ed24e7e3-a36e-4a25-82d3-af4fe90b32f8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:32:19	-446.90
-124	16888	844400	d7cbefd4-3888-452f-add9-289fe8e92c0b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:31:26	-23.313
-125	8445	844500	e69b2e70-dee9-4c9b-8039-cec7a5ac281f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:24:05	-467.575
-125	16890	844500	23e58910-8b15-4462-a99b-cdfb51cb99e4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:46:44	-985.601
-126	8446	844600	25a4dd91-c30c-4ea5-b88c-50b5ace456c8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:37:27	-245.323
-126	16892	844600	2da349b7-8219-4267-927f-c65df6f7be2c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:27:46	290.300
-127	8447	844700	95a33b45-47c2-469c-8154-a5922a331c40	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:13:07	-244.515
-127	16894	844700	11d3f316-35f0-488e-88c9-5d5daaffbd05	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:13:03	-495.871
-0	8448	844800	eca45826-e44e-4b13-816d-1d022383eae7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:55:19	-896.45
-0	16896	844800	3fa42063-5c5f-498f-ae9b-f9133f251cff	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:52:44	-126.384
-1	8449	844900	31199c9a-ba5c-40c4-b22b-c0009886b449	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:43:52	281.364
-1	16898	844900	a548b116-7ab1-4c62-9adb-5ae75cf44755	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:55:26	529.321
-2	8450	845000	c4084dae-6847-4340-979d-72b3419eeaba	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:58:39	982.42
-2	16900	845000	e350d64e-006f-4fcd-93c8-0c5605489db8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:02:04	-197.372
-3	8451	845100	a92130f3-85b4-4af9-8f05-5e4786a8e8c6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:23:05	724.942
-3	16902	845100	0ee5870d-a5d9-4dcc-9cfd-62cb98b97bfc	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:08:42	820.175
-4	8452	845200	ab3bb600-7342-463c-b788-1b92385f20fc	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:57:11	-534.972
-4	16904	845200	fab86938-7ac7-44ae-b032-1f06630fc7f4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:18:07	644.628
-5	8453	845300	8853b5c8-494e-43aa-9225-db68ea56eacf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:58:42	473.176
-5	16906	845300	3411cd85-454b-4e44-bee0-8b66792209b2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:12:35	81.825
-6	8454	845400	336b9808-5db4-4fc3-b82e-685384f02b1f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:44:23	429.846
-6	16908	845400	025f5e18-cf1d-4630-98cd-42ae4526d4c4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:47:24	529.906
-7	8455	845500	09293b9a-493b-4c19-b319-5816a3ae2fd8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:19:01	-632.541
-7	16910	845500	8c7bd060-5e4e-4f65-ac5f-bb269146f76c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:19:47	207.884
-8	8456	845600	9ae1efd0-9e3f-43d5-bb01-b991fa15f893	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:12:07	-369.22
-8	16912	845600	673fc42d-fe9e-421b-8db0-8a6d3b701e59	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:22:11	53.262
-9	8457	845700	ab64c7a7-3a8c-4009-91f4-8741494594eb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:22:05	207.246
-9	16914	845700	46447910-b9ea-491a-a89c-9fc3c7e00f8d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:50:41	175.199
-10	8458	845800	35f30244-43c2-4eed-a2be-3c1b25e0c371	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:09:30	-484.745
-10	16916	845800	57d7fe30-b426-4cfe-9327-c169f856b837	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:40:49	-36.62
-11	8459	845900	88507b0e-7625-4b91-8aef-e586920d69d5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:50:25	982.529
-11	16918	845900	aa40f51a-c493-449e-958b-365960590283	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:45:54	-780.502
-12	8460	846000	b8cfe300-b4fe-4d4e-aa01-5a71f53a2b8a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:57:30	-196.803
-12	16920	846000	1d0ac7b4-4a6b-4acf-8900-39cf8c8fef51	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:39:31	-346.658
-13	8461	846100	d52cbf8e-78fb-4638-8eb5-aa2168978588	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:07:17	295.372
-13	16922	846100	bcc21f61-2d24-4ad3-9e19-4653fac17510	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:33:31	-187.991
-14	8462	846200	cc41c093-7878-43ca-88a6-24f9fbf5760d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:42:40	-874.277
-14	16924	846200	dea81729-c4df-428e-8310-c793de034054	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:22:23	521.744
-15	8463	846300	63e79aab-c277-4963-82e6-91984107bd01	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:10:30	616.150
-15	16926	846300	15c20ffd-fddb-443d-bfdc-2329fdd0a82c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:52:20	-631.466
-16	8464	846400	02fab0b7-559c-4d61-9457-34f57d540325	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:08:26	294.332
-16	16928	846400	c95a1018-1eea-4afe-bc78-7bbc20026dd8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:22:13	889.849
-17	8465	846500	01853ba7-e486-4d1e-b939-24cd8b3db44b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:14:00	737.178
-17	16930	846500	5d48d84f-f919-4ec3-92e5-061602eeb609	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:27:42	213.654
-18	8466	846600	cf6013bc-d98a-4c87-b1b9-89d8f9bba4af	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:05:38	-812.99
-18	16932	846600	206e119f-ea5f-4d9f-9652-16c137533afe	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:21:48	-657.867
-19	8467	846700	15898066-184c-4b4d-bdc7-8b0faf6439aa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:26:41	975.673
-19	16934	846700	ec5243ad-dbea-4020-b012-d6d896fd4546	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:04:35	440.315
-20	8468	846800	ea5ec5c0-27a2-4fbd-af49-350e85a59d54	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:24:23	930.884
-20	16936	846800	be7cacef-6051-4c05-abf7-05ea07d02eb6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:44:18	-116.490
-21	8469	846900	1834637b-cdac-40fc-8449-903e6b9794f8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:48:38	290.259
-21	16938	846900	ae09f0f5-647b-4d07-906f-ecb10804014f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:05:54	381.855
-22	8470	847000	8157a1ce-d7d0-446b-bed5-80eb2f5682ae	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:23:58	-919.480
-22	16940	847000	e45881f0-ac3e-494e-b447-a69452e93742	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:40:06	-887.280
-23	8471	847100	300c3ee6-67c3-4360-93a5-1ad93b01a2c3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:10:57	165.963
-23	16942	847100	72e05346-5c94-4a31-8a97-8e5e281ed12b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:56:38	-41.570
-24	8472	847200	2e4060a3-b92a-4d1a-8fee-842ffb2327c1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:47:28	718.414
-24	16944	847200	36afe504-339c-4973-8fec-115409a933cc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:48:17	726.613
-25	8473	847300	9b27f379-2cc6-4069-afd1-6c020b3487e6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:15:59	-447.938
-25	16946	847300	256977f7-2704-4d8d-8faa-239a537f087e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:44:08	-991.930
-26	8474	847400	1825f190-eb8a-4432-8bcd-1cadfa665f03	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:43:59	-898.170
-26	16948	847400	e322cdfa-da5c-4ba8-aeb8-1c530f630bb7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:33:33	-751.901
-27	8475	847500	c3260e67-8171-46b6-adc5-63ed21bfab97	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:40:48	-548.174
-27	16950	847500	8a9faae8-7e25-4473-aa2e-b5b227047f75	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:16:41	-531.359
-28	8476	847600	ee29ae02-e7be-475b-a7a9-1de98077761b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:33:43	681.840
-28	16952	847600	3232ddc7-6531-46e1-972a-254d61274c61	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:35:30	544.227
-29	8477	847700	1a4e393d-b059-4410-8160-a8927405536b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:46:36	808.116
-29	16954	847700	69876eb9-54e2-4813-9f91-d28f29ff3434	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:26:21	-434.995
-30	8478	847800	cd192843-d4d9-4930-9840-1801c048ad98	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:46:20	519.94
-30	16956	847800	3f7c4136-622d-4b76-afd6-1b9536942937	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:15:08	-949.538
-31	8479	847900	51f3ac9e-9e04-4883-811b-03a7345fe219	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:49:58	-132.755
-31	16958	847900	b2a62757-9597-44e7-b3ea-43fefae58c3d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:59:58	-735.670
-32	8480	848000	20436713-9a6a-4d30-b327-50adb52eb3b3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:59:10	193.963
-32	16960	848000	f2760799-3577-4917-9a3a-16d00498f45f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:05:51	-996.415
-33	8481	848100	d587a645-07a3-42b3-a8e5-6bab9e5c59e7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:34:19	968.689
-33	16962	848100	6aac5b43-1214-4f95-85c0-e1a701d34ae1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:47:05	-264.919
-34	8482	848200	e1b3516a-bbbb-45ef-a15c-9b64299c270e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:00:16	-429.615
-34	16964	848200	3d784cff-0614-4bb5-b1cc-42ebb62c672c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:21:41	970.740
-35	8483	848300	373a327c-6507-42d4-bfff-fe78437aa741	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:34:24	-482.841
-35	16966	848300	a7b7ad4c-7acc-4f73-af4b-0ebdb149abc8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:51:40	868.370
-36	8484	848400	22cfadc4-1d05-4df3-a1cb-42f849729620	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:23:00	-89.39
-36	16968	848400	6dcc6875-dcb6-408d-8fe9-4cefed4f2c5d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:19:53	-166.511
-37	8485	848500	16a216f8-8a0f-4300-bd01-054f580ad1ac	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:52:02	-337.226
-37	16970	848500	0301494e-89c4-4444-ad15-e0540327a068	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:49:18	-907.635
-38	8486	848600	67b7b504-ae0a-4762-a622-32e953c24945	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:00:48	857.61
-38	16972	848600	afb21fef-d987-4581-9d02-bc9d51f7e1ed	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:17:54	-301.788
-39	8487	848700	b323a4c7-bc0c-4cf4-82f1-a92ea9aa18c8	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:56:26	994.697
-39	16974	848700	8b764f21-5cfe-4059-a6e5-8f3413bd2607	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:27:22	-787.610
-40	8488	848800	7918557e-0e3a-4832-a8bb-57dcd8c4b721	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:22:49	879.558
-40	16976	848800	4cbb16c7-049d-4a99-9066-4f16946ed4d4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:06:06	322.657
-41	8489	848900	7c875cd3-5417-4297-ad0b-e5f5c4de3f4d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:54:45	-849.569
-41	16978	848900	8438f1bd-e945-479b-9509-158b8f60da4a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:01:23	-663.503
-42	8490	849000	4850a5db-7604-4f3d-9d7f-bbbcda6020f2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:54:09	-398.437
-42	16980	849000	ad1ab53b-907e-4a01-acec-4a7bba04b28f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:20:13	-905.463
-43	8491	849100	9114f16f-fe42-4800-be80-478a081979fb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:39:42	-868.105
-43	16982	849100	9166caf5-6ede-4d1c-935f-3a53e9bfba78	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:49:19	-551.146
-44	8492	849200	da457062-2aa1-4515-83d2-86a9011a24fc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:21:53	-374.306
-44	16984	849200	53a7afe3-72e9-4b85-82da-6025b4bfcc59	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:50:06	-650.299
-45	8493	849300	addc47a8-04e1-42d4-9385-6920a7ba18f4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:29:01	700.628
-45	16986	849300	9c066d51-b9c3-4fce-8b5a-836e144063da	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:41:29	-891.825
-46	8494	849400	c9f741fd-a544-42b7-83ec-cb74a9b998bd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:49:05	966.519
-46	16988	849400	072a53d0-3f57-4ce0-a97b-5fb26f481c7f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:14:28	881.396
-47	8495	849500	ab0771c5-dddf-444e-b9cb-7d9afc786ccd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:01:44	299.356
-47	16990	849500	9db54c20-37b3-45de-89c0-6254f2318fca	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:16:06	-340.250
-48	8496	849600	54b98f37-f03c-44c2-a616-b900f456e7bc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:12:13	-265.62
-48	16992	849600	df14afee-6228-4ba6-b243-8461ca1e3967	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:22:00	777.648
-49	8497	849700	8973ba70-a61b-42bf-8605-b1c7365a8016	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:21:03	341.883
-49	16994	849700	2323c644-63b4-44cd-bf80-c3dca1d0bba8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:43:49	-707.857
-50	8498	849800	249a940d-9f5d-4c83-8f78-83b1583658df	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:13:31	450.559
-50	16996	849800	1718f655-68b3-44ce-918f-48d4d4099bb1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:34:14	862.707
-51	8499	849900	f85d7224-05ef-4088-81c6-b51453d7f22e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:33:31	174.779
-51	16998	849900	6b53c59f-4164-4cac-888f-9756b2104408	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:39:32	954.579
-52	8500	850000	733e7036-ec51-444d-8e83-e812b5f7e2d4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:44:30	180.844
-52	17000	850000	1f5e244d-e3dc-484b-92fd-b9b66dfec3b3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:15:01	-475.822
-53	8501	850100	42b10cd8-a8ba-4536-9650-672e864d5d1e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:52:05	745.823
-53	17002	850100	3caa3c9b-0d7f-4ea5-b24b-4d5ff780ef75	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:28:32	-142.13
-54	8502	850200	a0aac4a5-f11d-45a0-988a-368b281d2d66	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:33:51	187.680
-54	17004	850200	63e5e2fd-38d8-4175-8f9b-0ab66b44cc9e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:02:50	872.333
-55	8503	850300	f888cc40-2c5b-4152-9744-a602906ff2ab	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:59:36	-462.436
-55	17006	850300	4471afab-b0db-4596-8e48-64706cdc7c9a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:00:37	-187.26
-56	8504	850400	cbbc0dbf-86a5-48a7-a05a-c3fd9964b2f0	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:19:08	938.979
-56	17008	850400	bc44a868-317f-4236-b10e-89c61929dc51	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:21:46	-516.875
-57	8505	850500	6072b46c-6380-4081-b871-b10706b6f18e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:40:05	-690.69
-57	17010	850500	87f2a869-80af-490d-835d-b5b783abd6ef	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:56:33	-439.13
-58	8506	850600	9dc9d8b6-7559-415b-bf60-f6a36812632b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:55:21	-308.425
-58	17012	850600	aa2301ae-fe89-4966-8af5-3928aca30d4d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:47:33	775.492
-59	8507	850700	82700ec0-615d-47ef-94a8-e4928a65282c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:06:00	800.272
-59	17014	850700	8cf6a131-f06b-4f57-8813-5451111d8371	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:30:30	-639.555
-60	8508	850800	e41263a9-aa12-4870-9df1-5b58a1df2261	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:32:18	190.316
-60	17016	850800	5003155f-4917-4dbf-9b55-f3fd07ba95a9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:53:55	-240.559
-61	8509	850900	e171cbbc-dab5-41d8-913b-ef92a6dff09a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:14:31	881.612
-61	17018	850900	a76b634b-356f-429c-9501-13e27ef1c504	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:26:17	436.626
-62	8510	851000	f802046d-aba6-493f-bb4f-1e260967696c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:08:38	-599.133
-62	17020	851000	e05c188b-7d02-4cc9-bd79-0a5aec73b844	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:39:14	250.927
-63	8511	851100	fbb723ea-5121-4bef-9327-f4fdf6f3dbb5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:36:04	-884.202
-63	17022	851100	c763c52a-4dfc-4db8-923a-87e27aed2f48	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:32:59	989.780
-64	8512	851200	5c2eeb2e-a5fe-4a1c-bd57-1ea347b72381	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:15:59	50.557
-64	17024	851200	c9024706-77a8-4d89-a2d0-048d3bb2a127	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:18:56	263.459
-65	8513	851300	7d55abce-d47a-4a66-8984-7f8aaa0f4a7c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:12:43	-55.576
-65	17026	851300	a2b9e6fd-162f-4023-9ab7-47304bdc4fcb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:03:30	-386.759
-66	8514	851400	2e6b3c7c-8c02-45e3-9f72-9b7729e97bf2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:32:14	887.436
-66	17028	851400	3f00c4cf-2f1d-4573-9b73-97c9d6159a63	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:31:20	456.418
-67	8515	851500	7073bc2e-0f8f-4f8b-a725-bc91ce7cd62c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:43:23	-66.536
-67	17030	851500	63850531-d9bf-43e1-a757-c903b6b59225	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:52:12	216.955
-68	8516	851600	f66a2979-1316-4d53-acf6-c42a43eda0ba	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:44:33	199.115
-68	17032	851600	0f80632c-cd36-46f0-a8e9-37ce2cf87a0b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:04:46	354.226
-69	8517	851700	fa8b8556-15f3-4b62-859b-164b8abb841f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:40:28	-646.252
-69	17034	851700	10425c9b-6c5d-411c-9981-ee79640a5045	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:28:24	320.285
-70	8518	851800	49e65ba5-861f-44db-af23-66b35cefa458	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:18:48	-965.223
-70	17036	851800	fa8d52f2-8a42-4b52-b0ad-eb4e8807d7ff	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:07:05	-216.618
-71	8519	851900	b926eaac-4877-49d3-992d-ba955389d509	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:11:19	-632.104
-71	17038	851900	cb7dcc09-db8c-4c69-8f44-32cbb6428d2f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:13:06	631.167
-72	8520	852000	ef6e47cf-f296-4a2a-8251-65ffe0313e39	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:23:37	-668.501
-72	17040	852000	90198479-1dc1-4785-b9fe-cba49b27dcb8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:54:08	639.669
-73	8521	852100	3e7866a5-1fad-4016-927c-0588a368b9ef	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:14:13	549.454
-73	17042	852100	ec61e67a-14c5-4600-a8c2-3e77ae6974b1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:58:45	808.537
-74	8522	852200	834aa6f0-ae45-4425-b51f-fcbc0a88d061	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:50:14	-962.980
-74	17044	852200	ab6a1339-2178-420d-9bcc-6befce9d13fa	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:05:35	-364.542
-75	8523	852300	dd43b551-1c05-4253-8742-61242d7a6fd0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:39:24	-544.170
-75	17046	852300	a19db545-27fd-4061-9af7-386ee3faeb1a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:51:58	-674.19
-76	8524	852400	10df4651-ce36-4c76-a216-c901371a451f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:22:07	-22.522
-76	17048	852400	5526728b-0c4a-478f-aaf8-01945826751d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:31:07	-426.624
-77	8525	852500	212fb846-da3f-4dbc-9232-b49a75d66e71	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:58:24	576.298
-77	17050	852500	d6ab2228-83ed-4b05-89fc-391a810b506c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:17:18	105.739
-78	8526	852600	6b35496e-6697-4f08-a136-0daaf94d25dc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:49:56	756.650
-78	17052	852600	cd388bbc-2245-4dcb-a89c-73c9b5e915c9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:48:43	710.749
-79	8527	852700	8facfe06-1063-401b-a752-dfea67a50cf7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:13:11	822.363
-79	17054	852700	8f61c05e-abe7-4db2-a1c9-abb126fbadf7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:21:45	-561.83
-80	8528	852800	f68e3648-c47a-4952-ac2a-26e397002077	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:44:13	532.529
-80	17056	852800	97fc750a-2539-4ea7-a080-39410ea3015b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:29:50	247.619
-81	8529	852900	8cddb10d-6c95-499f-be12-83a46ae0a884	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:59:12	-915.780
-81	17058	852900	a228040e-9fd9-4771-9939-c0436b16377e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:50:57	-554.615
-82	8530	853000	89d98528-dd76-4321-9a1f-9c8fa8848438	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:07:32	291.191
-82	17060	853000	2e015fbc-6e84-498a-aae3-62c8f98aa142	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:43:14	-727.45
-83	8531	853100	44a8f387-dd6a-4657-9a8d-6bbfe3f14d21	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:21:46	-420.96
-83	17062	853100	88dcd8c4-cff8-45ed-9634-d390c9dd127c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:32:48	307.993
-84	8532	853200	8a2844c6-4243-449b-ae3b-16a2ca45c37a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:21:01	680.493
-84	17064	853200	c815963f-938d-45bd-96d2-1653c3c7f0e1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:38:28	868.652
-85	8533	853300	357a14fc-3f99-44a0-9577-2030c9db8de6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:36:03	-630.252
-85	17066	853300	0e08391d-1706-438f-a7bd-7b531af82e8a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:08:52	-148.996
-86	8534	853400	0c5f0bb7-a37c-4e36-b0db-eb7c492c3c47	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:20:00	-291.362
-86	17068	853400	70ac95c4-5788-483a-9e42-b3654e48ffc2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:19:00	143.834
-87	8535	853500	e5ec7a19-c97b-4671-b8aa-a0c2f1f41dd9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:33:31	-88.872
-87	17070	853500	8daf4526-21f4-4135-b107-d74530b6c514	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:50:04	845.793
-88	8536	853600	8a4db517-6922-4c80-8bfb-46ee076c5411	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:36:34	951.94
-88	17072	853600	97f23d52-73df-48e2-9f69-77e6d6dd40b8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:25:43	-84.613
-89	8537	853700	10de2f18-614f-4e39-b2e5-3e6d8bb4b837	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:57:27	847.222
-89	17074	853700	bdf3893c-1b5b-42f7-a4bd-d90d3333c748	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:00:12	774.114
-90	8538	853800	43942c61-1ff5-40e2-ba06-018cd64d488d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:22:40	-804.702
-90	17076	853800	8dea13f9-b4ca-4e43-b46c-680936faafec	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:17:58	-380.987
-91	8539	853900	ead1b5a5-cc32-48b7-888a-31bff26e0621	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:01:54	-653.373
-91	17078	853900	f6948d22-edb4-4382-9fbf-6d9750fdac3a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:06:10	-338.612
-92	8540	854000	1119262c-deb0-4545-9e28-bb2755871269	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:37:59	979.104
-92	17080	854000	c053e2c5-459b-4289-850f-6c2aedb6dd01	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:27:34	11.776
-93	8541	854100	90405e94-da99-41fd-b9b9-7c261b227114	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:08:36	932.876
-93	17082	854100	1bc15465-7771-4e95-b9db-67fe0aa3ffa5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:42:48	-39.762
-94	8542	854200	2965b339-e159-4db2-8863-b2db35924731	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:50:20	-221.970
-94	17084	854200	fdb26e06-e836-4b21-8f5e-d549ce560fad	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:02:17	-726.872
-95	8543	854300	f49bcbdb-9206-498f-9bb3-691c3af7a51e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:52:47	-783.242
-95	17086	854300	8068b92a-1df2-4782-ae2e-fcca60af773c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:37:16	-652.506
-96	8544	854400	7ae040d8-8633-45c9-b142-2568a5990ee3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:39:44	203.865
-96	17088	854400	da5cc361-08b8-4f30-a219-9b6009db3919	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:08:27	-894.898
-97	8545	854500	5a48696d-a581-43ce-9b0d-722084ea710e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:39:22	522.833
-97	17090	854500	61c1c1ea-8d43-4469-80ec-abe69b2b1cb5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:59:02	356.97
-98	8546	854600	0149fe6d-57b2-48c5-a9fd-d34c1462d0ea	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:04:37	-646.894
-98	17092	854600	70b2f4d1-6f3e-4c1d-987d-d312c869e17c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:35:39	504.681
-99	8547	854700	b2e67d5e-ba0c-46f5-b26c-f6d6661efae0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:14:03	-66.461
-99	17094	854700	18a810db-e471-42b8-ba4e-f4bad2d74c15	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:31:53	803.676
-100	8548	854800	699f90f3-0527-40d2-ad8a-cf81d6fe3d6e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:46:11	490.189
-100	17096	854800	c4b0d58b-e21e-4ee4-a090-8e7e3495fa00	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:01:12	547.151
-101	8549	854900	dcaef328-b3dd-4f42-b02a-4d8e79be4f58	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:40:37	-94.124
-101	17098	854900	0d8fdc13-c9a7-477a-9116-3cc495a58e61	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:19:21	833.230
-102	8550	855000	f87d059f-b76f-4e2f-81ed-9589c6df28ff	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:06:16	278.268
-102	17100	855000	485ae4b2-8d26-4f68-9077-39acd25128ea	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:41:08	520.271
-103	8551	855100	ea4aed61-27b8-48e0-b77e-6c5f3eb9bfd7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:50:28	909.713
-103	17102	855100	f9b5f3fc-51aa-4933-a61a-c7cc0b07d781	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:52:11	-490.715
-104	8552	855200	64de680f-c4bb-4939-8920-18442a1e74e9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:53:40	-106.335
-104	17104	855200	181e956f-554c-4ae2-b974-be62dc672f67	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:29:02	546.192
-105	8553	855300	e80e9382-3adb-4d40-84a3-af40a5d08631	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:11:03	230.826
-105	17106	855300	0c06e076-9ada-481a-a1cf-541c112b3729	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:55:44	705.209
-106	8554	855400	a11b1fbc-6d36-41da-8832-88accb221639	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:02:01	-523.631
-106	17108	855400	61540324-12cc-4ffe-b8f0-0f8a8572fd1c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:54:15	904.589
-107	8555	855500	ac86411e-2918-43c5-b5e0-14a1dd685084	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:49:24	41.259
-107	17110	855500	6e2a6b2f-f274-46dc-9611-1de70e770948	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:52:33	-182.901
-108	8556	855600	a14a36a4-fbcd-4ee0-aeae-c8b31f6d6f62	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:13:22	57.96
-108	17112	855600	91111d0d-8977-43d7-82ec-e1011570fb97	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:23:56	716.799
-109	8557	855700	006d1e86-fdc5-4582-b8c7-4b68d8041e2c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:01:44	590.592
-109	17114	855700	f2e74396-30f2-416d-a70f-1003e88e9163	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:06:55	514.488
-110	8558	855800	aeff767b-55e5-45af-9e61-bedca0f9f899	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:48:33	-595.323
-110	17116	855800	bed925fe-7a88-4dda-a728-7ca520a7acb4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:11:10	-892.627
-111	8559	855900	67f7c083-9707-4668-a282-b022c3a61907	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:06:56	943.896
-111	17118	855900	c8780dc6-36c5-4e91-87fb-a2b729336d36	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:38:55	-313.34
-112	8560	856000	70ed8af2-e2a3-4ef8-aaac-d28d62b86db2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:08:17	215.359
-112	17120	856000	2a48996f-3f45-478d-8aab-ca7cc544f493	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:27:10	783.916
-113	8561	856100	64e8fbf0-7aa9-4c5b-8338-1e442e061689	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:22:12	302.774
-113	17122	856100	4b22b8ee-8fe7-4fa5-b87f-229f222bdf32	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:27:55	53.466
-114	8562	856200	3ccaf6e5-2584-4e2d-906b-7e4a537b6961	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:32:39	22.208
-114	17124	856200	49bdfd88-1cab-4002-90fb-5a8ff3625ab0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:56:13	73.782
-115	8563	856300	9f7cb6cd-16c9-48eb-8d60-6134d902c46f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:46:44	930.707
-115	17126	856300	e5952499-4f1c-4fd9-8144-cfebb81285a2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:57:39	730.855
-116	8564	856400	0cb5b058-6a4e-42fe-8807-5fa59db68249	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:33:08	383.869
-116	17128	856400	4632385c-b123-4db1-8295-9a89779cc9b9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:38:07	-4.251
-117	8565	856500	6700635c-a673-4b00-82e6-20ec19deba50	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:04:01	762.842
-117	17130	856500	4de0af51-19c0-4d2e-a2d4-afb14d974db6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:56:19	-39.608
-118	8566	856600	e916dc3e-a646-48ce-987e-01d6e6d9596c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:24:12	254.649
-118	17132	856600	551dca5f-49f6-418c-9b37-26afeb201e3c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:29:35	706.641
-119	8567	856700	94ab5ca4-02ba-4925-8300-def8b794ea2a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:42:33	122.901
-119	17134	856700	3dfee8a9-c6ad-4d62-ae0b-514e44325754	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:23:29	228.691
-120	8568	856800	ccd4e446-3cf9-46e2-a616-eb6b390d500f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:43:04	286.654
-120	17136	856800	ff502c18-83c5-45b4-8645-5f8ff9efa67e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:06:09	212.962
-121	8569	856900	2fc13de5-16ac-4f08-a15e-a40e934f6078	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:10:19	-580.612
-121	17138	856900	658ccd0f-d589-4408-ad81-9b94bc6f40ed	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:18:17	488.781
-122	8570	857000	485b8327-c377-453b-98e7-bc10485fac42	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:52:00	225.945
-122	17140	857000	9d7b4607-c723-4588-b141-cc687dd32249	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:24:16	978.480
-123	8571	857100	baa3f5ec-2f81-43de-956d-28f58589b3ae	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:58:30	978.574
-123	17142	857100	cf5d3233-819c-4ad1-a725-80bc26f4d391	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:36:46	-780.292
-124	8572	857200	5f76f4f5-2512-4ae7-baec-40bbb821286c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:21:13	369.106
-124	17144	857200	46532096-0e9b-4ba5-8ef4-58a8ba72cd9b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:18:01	-173.489
-125	8573	857300	1a3c7a8e-a8eb-4ee8-94b9-f2b123311ba7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:41:51	-386.182
-125	17146	857300	beddeb81-d153-426e-b4fb-69dfbd613c27	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:31:23	-547.468
-126	8574	857400	899951c2-6e4c-4894-a8b0-fd5254ee2da4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:51:01	877.396
-126	17148	857400	28b27eda-bf00-40ca-98ce-c1b9ed0f29e5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:26:50	-922.963
-127	8575	857500	a64561b3-ed7f-4499-b238-993e0f41a288	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:31:28	-356.187
-127	17150	857500	0c6c3751-aedf-41eb-9bed-155bb4549cbf	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:34:35	324.573
-0	8576	857600	78cf2556-cd82-4335-a599-32d75f20076e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:30:35	540.340
-0	17152	857600	f051809a-eae2-4a8c-850d-72ae61885c1f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:35:57	325.197
-1	8577	857700	e9919fa6-292f-4c07-b20c-3662d3f336e4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:03:35	990.88
-1	17154	857700	5497f473-8b17-4134-829b-e912e17c122a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:15:34	-764.205
-2	8578	857800	7c170c86-e07c-4246-bf2c-7a3f0490f476	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:34:48	743.210
-2	17156	857800	82ef16fc-d671-46db-89cc-52aae7276f53	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:38:59	237.547
-3	8579	857900	21cceee0-4398-468d-ab2a-10253ca8cfa0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:41:23	-875.340
-3	17158	857900	fcbb8c64-c788-4735-a103-c33ff0e7d559	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:33:04	442.857
-4	8580	858000	3be8c392-7b67-4765-aa4d-966f2533b834	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:36:43	313.948
-4	17160	858000	c22b5dd0-0f39-4713-906c-ba121d37767d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:49:38	-936.719
-5	8581	858100	0eff631e-d45d-4776-bbd0-3f6680a0d51c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:44:14	459.761
-5	17162	858100	041c444b-bbd1-4e1c-91bc-9fa6be8015be	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:54:58	-499.326
-6	8582	858200	8c7da1da-1e59-4392-9367-23b76c68be08	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:09:08	808.241
-6	17164	858200	98d33b6a-96fb-44e4-b286-1b5298ae8bf7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:57:50	880.643
-7	8583	858300	8e0e042c-d37c-4134-af27-57f78fed8552	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:43:31	19.542
-7	17166	858300	d406a6a8-9f5a-4b44-8a2e-544926ac65ca	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:43:58	395.512
-8	8584	858400	32e7785f-3285-4a3e-996a-7aec66e2d72e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:57:52	33.721
-8	17168	858400	a3a130de-93be-4d1e-8ea5-78fbc3326d91	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:01:40	-871.761
-9	8585	858500	bf05146e-9e20-4596-847f-b8a895e27a35	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:36:20	-953.356
-9	17170	858500	1d27a57b-6475-41de-82ee-2534cd02ff6c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:56:23	337.269
-10	8586	858600	a30bbe3b-2cfb-437a-a85c-8a38ff3a4d1c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:42:12	130.663
-10	17172	858600	533cdce4-8d78-4a13-9fbf-ed65974cc5cf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:00:47	323.764
-11	8587	858700	955419a1-dc37-4625-902d-30b10823f75e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:15:02	781.831
-11	17174	858700	aebf2ee8-f66b-405a-90c6-96b5a2e6ffb8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:37:52	682.912
-12	8588	858800	46a2854d-9b5f-4409-98e8-91da91c79bdd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:14:57	-824.560
-12	17176	858800	b504f6da-e8c9-4092-8e2c-72ec2fb997de	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:49:10	-75.770
-13	8589	858900	9346d6cb-9409-4d2d-9bad-a96735a0a34d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:17:34	-985.505
-13	17178	858900	f94c97c0-e861-41b0-9029-5cab6520c524	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:31:35	-65.445
-14	8590	859000	0d5f49a3-91cc-494d-a331-289ffff46662	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:52:41	-212.58
-14	17180	859000	acdbaa73-9bf5-4fc9-b2c0-98a0f25bc328	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:44:04	739.414
-15	8591	859100	a774a3b4-1926-438f-b81c-8a1605b5d1ff	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:17:43	764.103
-15	17182	859100	1eda446e-6512-447e-baa9-3faca4212dc8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:26:34	850.474
-16	8592	859200	5c62f65b-8399-40f2-9e8e-9ca5bd5c59d0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:22:11	983.185
-16	17184	859200	9dbdc6cd-4a21-441d-a401-ab462ffad482	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:01:06	-140.643
-17	8593	859300	be39261d-a5a7-4abd-99d5-7b3c37737364	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:06:18	-867.39
-17	17186	859300	de6a0179-b26b-405a-9a9d-2256bfd8fa9a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:55:26	331.451
-18	8594	859400	5787cf1d-13b2-461d-8d99-714b146ffaf9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:46:44	816.180
-18	17188	859400	152d20f6-f928-4103-a517-899f2464ff97	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:51:51	-876.924
-19	8595	859500	4ea3a301-5715-49f3-9652-5ed265f2070c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:37:48	-794.17
-19	17190	859500	8869e44e-99b8-45c9-b5a1-1c8be9aca5c7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:24:07	-817.420
-20	8596	859600	403ea1c5-31d0-454b-9997-cda67e0c47b4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:47:44	-575.741
-20	17192	859600	cda95521-4ef0-4a0b-ba55-3daee049916c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:00:18	-589.51
-21	8597	859700	1cbf662d-9b4b-4694-ab83-d969ec417fb7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:24:16	559.149
-21	17194	859700	ad324f25-0123-4bb9-85e8-1bb232e69f5a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:52:35	289.215
-22	8598	859800	52d23c04-31ba-479e-a9bd-982948a9ee14	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:04:00	-542.103
-22	17196	859800	f0b38030-2a85-46b5-8510-056bdae6e09b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:06:41	945.21
-23	8599	859900	f5e1a6e5-747d-4b81-8214-9c367464d219	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:32:19	-126.959
-23	17198	859900	0a3ca5ec-03cf-4709-b1cc-5d2d72ab6935	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:44:09	-802.368
-24	8600	860000	abb92d27-89d3-4fe6-b793-52a930bcd64e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:49:44	230.133
-24	17200	860000	cc4f00ca-7177-42d9-bc6c-1d94a3cfa007	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:05:51	771.657
-25	8601	860100	74696cc1-2dd6-4db1-838a-754d5f7db30b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:07:38	423.65
-25	17202	860100	c3bd5934-14b3-4f9b-b2da-c09369e3da1d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:02:54	25.429
-26	8602	860200	73f975c0-e1a8-42ea-8984-d4b874226f25	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:27:15	-307.757
-26	17204	860200	6496c728-1242-4ef2-ae3c-2b32b6a33212	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:47:04	-207.259
-27	8603	860300	acf68c1d-f1a5-467f-8222-213a387262e1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:11:53	-682.671
-27	17206	860300	b266d4eb-3c7b-43fe-89fa-38489d3d105e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:16:29	836.659
-28	8604	860400	16663b46-22f2-4cbf-a667-dee2c7dbf5e0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:47:13	-929.675
-28	17208	860400	df3b4188-697c-4bcf-9bfa-c3a989475d34	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:24:10	814.882
-29	8605	860500	dd64a69c-7950-4de7-8ec0-ee2592f9d2ba	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:18:19	214.413
-29	17210	860500	e0513106-52a2-493c-a4a2-e8319afd541b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:26:50	849.960
-30	8606	860600	01505989-9a5d-4fc0-8fc8-9986da62cd58	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:34:37	56.802
-30	17212	860600	757e8cf5-95e0-485f-b23f-c1c16cc1ebcd	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:33:07	-126.579
-31	8607	860700	276e7cb3-e667-484e-a26d-38cafbe759f8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:09:23	690.233
-31	17214	860700	787aa0ed-4002-49e3-b766-184473307f0f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:57:17	-732.517
-32	8608	860800	ca983b6b-5353-420f-8e58-33d3520e3ddf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:22:27	-333.161
-32	17216	860800	8446fb89-1e86-49d4-a87e-13643e52a626	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:20:03	691.46
-33	8609	860900	9b33beb4-bd25-4e41-856c-41397c8d67c6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:16:44	301.34
-33	17218	860900	72193d7c-5471-4ba1-b6d5-f76a8b744b2b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:44:29	113.706
-34	8610	861000	efecfdad-4de9-4f6a-a748-6d54db18538e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:30:21	813.599
-34	17220	861000	5f2c95e1-d474-4607-b6cc-964459688f57	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:02:09	-277.880
-35	8611	861100	d3f5cf52-e2cf-4926-979a-13bd534f50f9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:16:15	-321.284
-35	17222	861100	2cd93422-eab5-4d31-ba31-1373454fbf6a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:01:51	-936.395
-36	8612	861200	c646c410-2299-4d23-806d-f6c5f32b0640	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:24:29	-239.984
-36	17224	861200	b047e488-f013-4733-ab3b-c32a27811275	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:55:42	-473.198
-37	8613	861300	74a7b96f-441b-4e70-9340-1ab4046dc198	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:52:07	-966.953
-37	17226	861300	9f377f7a-20f6-43f0-8045-0de4342c29d7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:37:22	227.320
-38	8614	861400	4ea6c359-27cc-4fec-92dd-ff96289cad53	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:37:00	719.541
-38	17228	861400	3d8763fb-c1ba-41ae-be13-e365f866b40c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:30:57	-809.466
-39	8615	861500	b3f7da73-050d-4143-85a6-a8a9d99a2d44	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:28:16	-385.876
-39	17230	861500	af409393-e663-447a-b489-828fe4ab1a24	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:00:40	-844.441
-40	8616	861600	40e8e483-60cd-4141-8879-04f0decdb60b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:09:01	-884.432
-40	17232	861600	d726a931-faac-4967-91d9-52557cc16bd3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:52:07	915.141
-41	8617	861700	b4597159-e2ab-4f25-b64a-a66c64ad3dd4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:54:41	-624.783
-41	17234	861700	abd299f9-dae9-46a2-a121-031720c2ba8a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:20:41	194.885
-42	8618	861800	695645a2-1826-4405-882b-8056a8127439	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:33:05	440.109
-42	17236	861800	8db01022-c19f-4a4b-9ef0-7f2a6ed0a2c2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:58:53	751.545
-43	8619	861900	6dec1bc3-c9ce-45f9-a1ad-46cacfae3305	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:38:17	-684.413
-43	17238	861900	c21426e8-779a-49b7-a8cd-6913d0a8beb6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:09:50	-127.35
-44	8620	862000	91e956bf-3605-4415-8b5b-a7b85fbe0ced	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:16:34	-10.517
-44	17240	862000	b975dca4-8287-4f59-bb1f-5544a1a72020	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:50:13	563.102
-45	8621	862100	6d33ea35-375b-4635-b9e5-dd6e688f3d03	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:22:05	286.231
-45	17242	862100	6e9931d8-e1ba-4082-9d47-02f8068cb9af	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:39:55	-586.917
-46	8622	862200	b86cdb05-7f23-45ae-9e41-55d20d41cf05	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:23:13	874.717
-46	17244	862200	ab2cb7bc-a36b-422b-ba99-d86e574e654e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:01:54	515.934
-47	8623	862300	170f508d-9a89-49ed-ab3a-0e99bedac95e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:07:54	-159.356
-47	17246	862300	cf404677-7d53-473d-b803-2ef17f13cc93	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:15:43	942.625
-48	8624	862400	608ac052-8a5d-4cfc-9b01-0de5f136bc7c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:12:16	-178.410
-48	17248	862400	9b3a5926-b985-4668-b516-24daf0625f01	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:08:31	357.225
-49	8625	862500	a1f32c11-042d-4bd0-8cfc-35ffe1dc8332	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:23:30	662.548
-49	17250	862500	37b71668-b1ce-4492-bee3-d0d06eb518f9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:49:48	-885.720
-50	8626	862600	bd6c559d-9522-4a01-b4d1-df24c13a943f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:29:35	106.447
-50	17252	862600	43aa685d-6e67-4d7c-a348-3ac98bdb29a4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:12:06	-698.258
-51	8627	862700	698ff473-3315-4653-9e57-6d7daee2a1d2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:14:07	192.262
-51	17254	862700	c589931b-2da9-44a3-8066-0ecc9e84c4bb	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:34:19	-156.969
-52	8628	862800	df0999aa-13a7-49b7-b1ea-49c8fe5de081	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:31:43	624.135
-52	17256	862800	ddb3379a-15fa-431f-88fc-2afcdfdbf52c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:41:58	-478.631
-53	8629	862900	6b1e91ed-203f-4398-b3ae-8af50bdb67bf	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:49:16	-427.485
-53	17258	862900	562c6c93-4b39-4d89-adb7-c3ffbf30d910	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:53:00	-820.111
-54	8630	863000	aafe8593-ebf2-4ff4-ba81-73a8a22f426d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:07:36	-475.902
-54	17260	863000	aeedf415-3851-434b-a1e7-2d0f04ea63a8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:40:44	137.219
-55	8631	863100	5ad6fa6e-b74c-498a-b229-2f260232f38f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:54:43	-819.273
-55	17262	863100	6e4d9377-1131-40e4-9df1-3ca39d2189cb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:27:58	93.49
-56	8632	863200	1d6d2b33-23c5-4d0a-afe2-f2da7fb0b3dc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:13:33	114.608
-56	17264	863200	cf9d82e9-dc51-437e-b6f3-fe8b42be84ae	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:02:23	402.580
-57	8633	863300	20d6ceed-74bc-4bd1-8596-6acca4ade9df	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:39:19	-830.252
-57	17266	863300	f877ff3a-9028-4b51-b575-2b044532832d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:12:07	576.689
-58	8634	863400	d569de3f-0acd-4ace-ba78-4f0064471527	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:01:21	596.499
-58	17268	863400	2675edec-adf1-44f3-9ee7-0ebab18d9645	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:43:56	896.379
-59	8635	863500	1e1844b2-ac19-4a19-a3ec-5945d3f3ff52	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:45:06	315.753
-59	17270	863500	f4b3cf6a-2f5f-4e80-97b6-4c1205001f08	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:56:30	-232.443
-60	8636	863600	a5646cd5-785a-41e2-8ae2-34c1adb1bfa0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:34:00	407.812
-60	17272	863600	e4de0dc6-a156-4559-ad4d-9357ae8d6423	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:36:37	-630.95
-61	8637	863700	cba0ae29-8b4c-4045-8efc-33430d29822b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:36:10	-201.414
-61	17274	863700	7cd316b8-3b2c-44b3-a103-ea4d98ecc05f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:08:36	989.322
-62	8638	863800	fafd1ea5-c9f1-4fce-839c-b667838e61a4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:27:28	-685.621
-62	17276	863800	3c0d9ba7-eefe-4ce4-b9b4-00b0b5bd0499	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:53:37	259.468
-63	8639	863900	ce88f706-bed6-41eb-b50c-5ee44ceb3df0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:00:40	718.107
-63	17278	863900	ff275576-023f-4eb4-be65-828dab2a4d00	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:01:08	-929.410
-64	8640	864000	2d04ee44-aa09-428e-a8c0-3415f1dfcb7e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:34:14	-18.304
-64	17280	864000	de8105f2-cd8c-4026-a0c6-06af59b9aa38	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:16:24	-695.946
-65	8641	864100	a4e51558-6945-4094-a493-5e3a7e034d5b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:21:47	494.502
-65	17282	864100	2f1e1466-85ae-456a-9b0f-cc0088f3d19d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:42:44	-906.994
-66	8642	864200	ba101ba4-89c2-4eb4-8dab-6fafe8101296	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:10:25	377.136
-66	17284	864200	2f051ed9-ca03-454a-a450-052fa0b278ba	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:41:06	-289.599
-67	8643	864300	12de93f4-2eda-4072-baf0-9aeab02aef14	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:53:30	-338.704
-67	17286	864300	416b2c1a-3576-46a7-be35-e09fbdef0dc0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:19:50	128.978
-68	8644	864400	b8f4190d-3be7-4282-8f62-61912f426474	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:11:16	-340.119
-68	17288	864400	2feb9302-32f8-4cf6-9396-b4457fde3c29	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:41:04	-724.186
-69	8645	864500	d70e9bb7-9dc0-4b44-9cb9-f864be62c7fe	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:14:31	65.108
-69	17290	864500	df2473fc-1eca-470a-9ec6-a20e3505645e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:48:08	626.568
-70	8646	864600	50a4154f-015e-4b3c-be47-0ff540a5cbc0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:30:12	19.94
-70	17292	864600	802ce80e-bf75-4a64-88ab-2b8c38319d84	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:54:55	-30.796
-71	8647	864700	e15cbc02-a5c0-474d-9edc-d05a3162255c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:53:51	-842.530
-71	17294	864700	c54e1e88-7f04-4db9-a27d-540b25755c20	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:59:05	230.656
-72	8648	864800	b917acde-d9d6-4e8b-a8fe-1e99e403e8fb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:00:30	998.133
-72	17296	864800	f3a6eaee-63f8-4a03-87ad-08c26453d1b2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:14:36	-453.63
-73	8649	864900	3878048c-bcdf-474d-9150-66b4f59f9677	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:36:44	391.142
-73	17298	864900	155c4354-ff85-4853-92d5-e28f4eafa247	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:04:16	235.402
-74	8650	865000	538e1988-89e4-4296-ae40-02a730c7eb56	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:31:31	35.328
-74	17300	865000	1e65739a-8a0c-49d8-8b97-a830bc07b958	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:22:59	497.234
-75	8651	865100	7d443677-c63d-4a72-8c85-4d027414d15c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:08:26	-911.367
-75	17302	865100	4af86d7e-bc4c-405a-8d2d-382349450bf5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:28:15	-948.895
-76	8652	865200	f3393a4e-7d65-4817-96ed-362dd476491d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:44:15	724.311
-76	17304	865200	571f0eb8-4bc9-4aee-af57-516006456754	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:20:07	-11.822
-77	8653	865300	901a0e18-780f-4bde-8306-0ac4d3fcf731	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:18:55	606.68
-77	17306	865300	22239eda-20e5-453a-aa33-bea84eb97198	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:26:23	-140.688
-78	8654	865400	5f37f9fb-5a7c-47eb-a7e1-ddf5b00bcf1e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:09:30	-115.912
-78	17308	865400	e49467a7-2bf3-4ddd-9f43-c2889c184851	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:49:28	936.297
-79	8655	865500	db8672e4-e6de-45ac-aeb1-164ac02864df	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:03:05	584.579
-79	17310	865500	a1e9d25e-6439-4262-8587-3a131cc7c00a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:09:58	-153.775
-80	8656	865600	f95c2830-ce3c-4525-a2b1-3712e20d2088	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:21:16	-755.152
-80	17312	865600	1f7c4488-b33c-481a-85e2-eb5bd68345af	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:38:25	-802.227
-81	8657	865700	c6adc57c-c040-47db-bc39-1250667c9a0b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:18:56	454.537
-81	17314	865700	844cf0db-d857-40a6-8a01-e9aa0a9ccb92	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:17:10	-694.270
-82	8658	865800	c2291292-7cc7-4d8b-8d59-1e3c75244844	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:26:29	677.931
-82	17316	865800	cbddb70f-5ed2-4742-93af-11489d55178e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:05:24	-304.568
-83	8659	865900	22176264-f40f-46fa-9a39-664a1a6f5965	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:32:48	-434.220
-83	17318	865900	35d434f4-53ea-4c13-a9b3-ea99a3c4dc01	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:10:53	-917.128
-84	8660	866000	ad253deb-2409-489f-b9ec-e936bbb819bb	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:18:27	-290.657
-84	17320	866000	4ee2741a-7254-4aaa-acc4-aa84a6c95a09	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:07:19	519.311
-85	8661	866100	ac78a669-61ee-4509-935a-ce29cfc3fd1b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:32:34	536.215
-85	17322	866100	86659b11-a4c2-4461-8c51-6b2fe32e14a0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:21:38	448.840
-86	8662	866200	e23a54e8-7ea5-4495-a394-def2f28e284b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:59:46	610.120
-86	17324	866200	d70d8b15-366d-45a2-92e0-355301168091	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:05:52	238.108
-87	8663	866300	fc0c54cc-c88f-4f07-a82f-8e9ea18f6342	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:57:57	-639.717
-87	17326	866300	db1573d8-5fed-4a00-a1ca-f45eae81d894	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:12:35	851.182
-88	8664	866400	6a85ec3a-6370-4d4a-b704-1b165c6d40f2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:05:39	-777.848
-88	17328	866400	c1cb25ed-6255-41fc-b64d-66ca5d50827b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:56:15	146.310
-89	8665	866500	91f338e1-4f0d-4f21-a05f-b6dc06c78452	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:38:10	-338.379
-89	17330	866500	35e013ec-db26-4274-ba36-40034024c61c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:37:25	360.295
-90	8666	866600	465f4486-604b-445b-9f6b-c12c327983bf	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:16:19	907.935
-90	17332	866600	01c37c62-f450-4758-a18f-e937f9761230	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:28:39	-73.645
-91	8667	866700	a16ebe90-4267-4a77-a817-11391a354741	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:25:21	-304.34
-91	17334	866700	abfdfa83-218c-4763-9828-0cca11613c88	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:12:39	8.780
-92	8668	866800	8ff7c31d-98db-45ec-b6da-dee89b7ea475	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:58:14	-28.91
-92	17336	866800	512688dd-6a39-4956-81da-38214135596b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:10:29	-198.547
-93	8669	866900	a53e8a16-721b-40f4-bd57-20e16f335bf9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:08:32	-175.723
-93	17338	866900	f29787d6-c152-49fb-86db-b2c707c681c6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:27:53	731.251
-94	8670	867000	ccac9c41-f184-4551-bb88-3524a80da3cb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:36:47	-670.41
-94	17340	867000	fa9b08dd-0499-4e1a-a4fc-80bdd5c98198	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:12:38	658.639
-95	8671	867100	8fe05b37-ca89-4011-8bc7-30326a7890ac	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:23:19	-948.982
-95	17342	867100	64a5e300-fd40-438b-830a-6ff2f950d278	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:42:48	-434.535
-96	8672	867200	dd54c80c-1bf1-47f7-958f-9a64900da089	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:13:03	-460.583
-96	17344	867200	d56d1ccd-ea68-434c-9885-f0363175036c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:53:10	82.452
-97	8673	867300	e4dbc063-eac0-4e4a-b292-4007e18fb500	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:40:19	-927.656
-97	17346	867300	fdd7efa2-db73-4ad3-b149-af354e7db051	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:50:34	-911.733
-98	8674	867400	d4d83074-28b4-47df-814d-d429572c871f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:44:11	-748.136
-98	17348	867400	8eb36eb0-d0c2-484f-8e9c-928928f84177	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:53:32	259.298
-99	8675	867500	961badaf-d8ef-43fd-af0c-4b096d42e5cb	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:28:23	794.882
-99	17350	867500	7bb0dc2f-0aab-4d34-acf7-ee5f4f29583e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:16:52	423.696
-100	8676	867600	6cca5591-4e36-4c62-be5c-d34e77d2f5ee	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:20:12	-113.355
-100	17352	867600	f17ee527-43e2-4081-9216-2bbd324ee595	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:11:34	-956.434
-101	8677	867700	32b87e4c-dc1e-4272-9caf-676e2db3b6ca	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:25:55	-439.592
-101	17354	867700	76c77f26-7892-40e1-b2b6-1a18c77334ab	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:25:39	552.11
-102	8678	867800	ce04dfa6-aa68-4bda-a4e9-89ad70d44210	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:49:23	-407.933
-102	17356	867800	8a9167d3-8905-4e64-9adc-bada8c430dc3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:06:46	605.603
-103	8679	867900	655f03e5-2b14-4dbf-aee7-ca3dc9570a61	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:49:11	680.324
-103	17358	867900	6dd0422f-b6a1-4408-b30a-0290c803c36e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:44:24	568.318
-104	8680	868000	fa2c3122-ada9-4dc1-9a3d-544595fa45af	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:36:05	471.834
-104	17360	868000	e3d19349-c3a8-4462-ae6a-6b1aacf07be2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:16:55	-271.183
-105	8681	868100	3f55b9d0-c72d-4ea2-99c0-bc379914f2f5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:15:41	-658.433
-105	17362	868100	1f2ce70c-1904-4a39-9a64-61a60ec66c25	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:54:10	-340.929
-106	8682	868200	8d65b6cb-97b2-4a6a-bf01-4783bd428508	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:27:42	572.366
-106	17364	868200	b82468dd-3100-462c-8242-5c14e752fcaf	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:51:32	679.200
-107	8683	868300	645e65aa-9484-4894-96af-3fe3a4646172	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:03:02	-932.474
-107	17366	868300	30421ece-1b2d-433c-97a7-649d8f4cbf16	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:35:34	-632.617
-108	8684	868400	6b6eb49f-0f68-4056-aac2-71b4928a5cd3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:32:49	-831.223
-108	17368	868400	0b3de1d4-0498-4096-8e4a-78625e05a05c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:15:04	-692.192
-109	8685	868500	82267e7c-e232-4212-b51d-d0eabee2e546	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:34:53	-261.763
-109	17370	868500	7b25d3e8-9efc-44ac-a2b3-f436023fa765	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:46:14	-832.261
-110	8686	868600	d3435994-a985-4a1a-889e-dfab840b8623	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:02:17	442.246
-110	17372	868600	4486513c-1597-41bb-9e3d-a5e793c13e7f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:19:47	540.218
-111	8687	868700	c4c822fd-4e59-4318-ad6a-fba0668e5474	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:14:04	-568.755
-111	17374	868700	6e84623d-2d22-4424-bc67-765a2c7a007c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:19:24	677.401
-112	8688	868800	deea6c3c-fe01-4e40-87d3-055991c23550	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:35:41	497.863
-112	17376	868800	a56df0fc-64df-4b4e-abee-ad6ed0370da7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:23:25	-214.721
-113	8689	868900	507fce5b-5ae0-4839-9d71-8106175ac437	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:41:24	994.251
-113	17378	868900	443ff286-7932-4508-a338-72d8ea82c9c0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:44:37	623.436
-114	8690	869000	2295dc86-151a-4e2d-a486-74c7c802dfb3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:48:57	-710.896
-114	17380	869000	95657f68-d72e-4a3e-924a-7e066591db72	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:34:19	911.909
-115	8691	869100	87439917-37e0-42da-a035-05ff98a72ed5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:29:49	-402.408
-115	17382	869100	86e8b202-4c82-4ec9-9bc7-68cef18bc75e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:05:15	-67.961
-116	8692	869200	22bf7925-ee9a-41bd-93e9-39e082448658	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:41:13	899.993
-116	17384	869200	2d214e35-0397-4db9-85b7-e532d13f954d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:06:30	375.738
-117	8693	869300	f4f77a30-5083-4dd4-88eb-5ccd67354a5d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:21:26	-544.994
-117	17386	869300	57c86f70-4639-4cee-a0d6-bbc9ee6f7e57	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:33:26	-964.42
-118	8694	869400	788bfa66-337f-40fc-9eb8-7c251b05dc86	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:00:08	800.979
-118	17388	869400	73c88d46-4135-42d9-9f7b-ba639bd4a81e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:00:33	455.865
-119	8695	869500	1a7cb5b9-007a-474a-9818-1d29246385e4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:26:05	-463.956
-119	17390	869500	964c43b4-597e-4c91-af4d-bf1eb23b712c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:24:24	-162.903
-120	8696	869600	0b1a80b1-ad88-44ea-9549-bdb1b9edaa32	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:35:04	24.937
-120	17392	869600	969c8d4c-4347-492b-994e-6b794e44937f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:40:57	-517.635
-121	8697	869700	dd6b26c9-7a0d-4871-ac61-967ec45e4ad7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:36:49	985.440
-121	17394	869700	0100e58b-077a-433f-96a5-5f209a6882ba	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:24:26	901.173
-122	8698	869800	85df72cd-b588-40f2-8815-246241b4286e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:46:10	14.167
-122	17396	869800	6496ba9e-83a7-4057-b22f-3e58decdcda4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:12:37	645.815
-123	8699	869900	75c4f8b9-09be-461f-ac07-572c9f815efa	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:20:09	-762.923
-123	17398	869900	5206bc5e-6805-4700-b530-e89b17f36fac	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:36:29	-354.984
-124	8700	870000	f85304d5-a9fc-47f8-9f80-f07e04e887ff	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:14:58	832.807
-124	17400	870000	eb5977bc-c3d5-4027-983c-5c5ef30397ee	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:01:55	-550.72
-125	8701	870100	d236a9d9-3f07-4f51-8715-666b1a698cce	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:30:48	-438.204
-125	17402	870100	2968887d-bd41-41c2-8b0b-36e159b56136	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:56:05	933.786
-126	8702	870200	6de8983e-17b2-46c4-b1ab-6bb8ef5e00ee	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:02:36	-105.451
-126	17404	870200	4450aa05-d23b-46da-943a-2412492c2d3a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:17:45	-639.760
-127	8703	870300	511594e0-99a1-4c54-84b8-920f3d26e356	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:27:28	-283.588
-127	17406	870300	b5354369-6950-4a34-b945-cfdae802eab8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:18:25	-742.571
-0	8704	870400	f47825aa-0c0c-45fb-9ae6-bea87615980c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:06:42	-627.835
-0	17408	870400	f2d6d66a-587f-4473-a2ec-f39f0d8d6d8e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:37:23	-692.993
-1	8705	870500	d6ecd9fc-b87e-45b5-834d-7bc7a6303a84	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:10:25	-74.523
-1	17410	870500	a79ace84-b203-4e93-b042-bff2fa743c42	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:36:24	-381.542
-2	8706	870600	a1ea8a7f-03f8-4570-a082-f4cfe08f7395	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:55:58	-617.570
-2	17412	870600	3a1072b5-e02d-4306-82a1-d8a3ab45a248	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:36:17	-998.667
-3	8707	870700	4f3fb3eb-d5bc-4189-a48c-0966c7a8e041	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:34:49	652.752
-3	17414	870700	9d9c297b-c69f-4922-9fa8-7836b361be7c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:20:20	-467.101
-4	8708	870800	a40c6e17-e5aa-484c-8abc-f95f8d9d7954	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:24:18	592.7
-4	17416	870800	380ad91a-93fb-4987-a862-a240b7c01842	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:07:59	-851.955
-5	8709	870900	a8cd850f-363f-42f2-bbb2-fb3f14db9b85	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:36:47	-639.612
-5	17418	870900	a88cda3c-b36d-480a-a923-7bd03c194a3b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:18:53	-817.540
-6	8710	871000	a4b88586-97a0-4a96-b6a5-872d2289c08a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:25:28	888.608
-6	17420	871000	3503b716-1a28-439b-aafe-b4f6c675b9f1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:52:33	349.624
-7	8711	871100	992a2dcf-6f07-4944-b968-0251bf7c7c91	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:21:12	-657.904
-7	17422	871100	9ba17cc6-0443-4a37-a296-b7d183e013b8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:56:01	-248.382
-8	8712	871200	53bffa52-b494-42c3-a020-013414cba620	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:38:31	92.9
-8	17424	871200	7101b893-4acb-40cd-a4a5-78ed2c427219	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:04:58	78.979
-9	8713	871300	089a70e2-1e64-4d35-9a70-f9bb6c57da1e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:57:34	-524.724
-9	17426	871300	3775e103-2fc9-40f8-84ea-3f0431a99bd3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:27:15	288.20
-10	8714	871400	1125f0d6-00cd-4d70-be58-321a29aceab1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:41:43	-981.767
-10	17428	871400	82afc5f7-63a4-44e8-8dc9-42b5705430da	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:00:57	-95.584
-11	8715	871500	b885b544-e6ee-4d2e-a593-a3f5744b1f13	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:12:19	655.905
-11	17430	871500	568e0074-da06-499d-8986-286776906391	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:50:46	474.548
-12	8716	871600	71092862-0712-4726-b7be-a18f4e11aae3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:09:41	299.114
-12	17432	871600	aa53c862-a4f9-48e3-9f1c-6cb5043fbecf	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:41:10	625.399
-13	8717	871700	e3344b44-9152-4a9b-a95c-ce8386c0ff36	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:10:08	-484.738
-13	17434	871700	6d44083e-9b38-44b6-b6bf-f572feffb155	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:02:38	597.233
-14	8718	871800	3a7bbc25-94c1-457a-8056-c0dc66451957	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:17:03	903.743
-14	17436	871800	0f80f9cf-e6a1-4afd-9e12-89b9483b05f0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:25:01	-128.789
-15	8719	871900	788aaac5-cecd-4b55-8cc5-e8fa27497cb1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:27:20	563.45
-15	17438	871900	b0cc768c-47bf-4fc3-ab72-72cd9467c7ec	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:26:24	-416.752
-16	8720	872000	763c8d88-e0fb-4641-8072-bd160512be1b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:01:33	-68.357
-16	17440	872000	5db4a28e-e08f-4e4a-b09a-92bf7799ea77	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:29:50	-624.257
-17	8721	872100	4c7ef9f0-5c84-4ece-a4d6-b4e9122352dd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:17:59	696.855
-17	17442	872100	67fd93a2-bad2-487a-a207-d731677d38f7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:06:30	-298.263
-18	8722	872200	1e5ee65b-c6c0-40f8-a4b4-12d04e41b615	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:27:45	444.592
-18	17444	872200	9b73165f-1f24-441b-9335-79cebf3bf26c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:22:34	-404.842
-19	8723	872300	7033868a-c159-4d65-8373-3c595a11b704	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:28:16	209.313
-19	17446	872300	de41b90d-780e-4399-b623-5e66eec74fed	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:32:56	545.892
-20	8724	872400	7a48ffaa-9f00-45ee-a276-73fff3cbbacd	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:25:19	532.350
-20	17448	872400	0aaf7994-d05f-4af5-9480-901afd0d021a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:32:05	118.76
-21	8725	872500	28970feb-63e6-4d3d-a5cf-f689585c6d71	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:46:26	-297.730
-21	17450	872500	335a7744-da25-4837-9723-340fff872271	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:44:29	-547.268
-22	8726	872600	66449851-97fe-4dc8-a28c-a2087ee8d5b6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:45:14	-433.755
-22	17452	872600	fcfb2d67-a662-4626-85c4-083c3f69606f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:35:26	144.431
-23	8727	872700	0dc0dc46-5c38-46f1-9089-8c480e07e8e0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:24:21	-632.125
-23	17454	872700	91a8f118-9ae6-4274-937e-7631a99b2c93	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:12:28	742.592
-24	8728	872800	c234f2c6-9b00-4bd8-af34-32f39e604bb7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:00:42	344.935
-24	17456	872800	c4ef6f48-a3e5-4b35-8f16-0223d63e672d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:09:31	-780.58
-25	8729	872900	8caf84e3-41cf-4375-8758-8f8f284c9c59	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:53:07	-893.266
-25	17458	872900	7b5561ae-7ec2-4e9f-ad53-16baaa9a5892	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:44:16	330.595
-26	8730	873000	bf710cfd-b107-476a-9cc3-db4e5399cead	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:42:44	-844.791
-26	17460	873000	cda5ef15-b467-4a11-8d5c-28c7fbccf996	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:58:42	144.40
-27	8731	873100	3ba39ee3-ae91-44b6-9c16-cc14a5386606	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:42:17	-891.777
-27	17462	873100	157b1e56-495d-4748-8e46-9623fbeffb6c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:39:31	852.699
-28	8732	873200	00bfe5dc-82bb-4725-9969-d3fb305fb7fd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:34:41	-732.334
-28	17464	873200	44409c2c-50eb-4930-8ae7-ea079a48b1fc	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:07:50	372.146
-29	8733	873300	e54f0368-b66f-4be9-bec9-f003643f35d5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:47:23	-87.230
-29	17466	873300	e85bedc5-c315-44b5-84cb-177a50412b99	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:26:16	582.851
-30	8734	873400	3be780fb-0195-4f75-9924-1a1554d1f45a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:16:02	600.49
-30	17468	873400	21b9d40b-3b6a-490c-9f44-3131c3f1fa7b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:57:53	257.56
-31	8735	873500	7e2edc2f-1e4a-49d2-bfce-0b3e9a4c3308	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:58:38	-499.56
-31	17470	873500	ed7669e0-292e-4f9b-b5d3-36783f377062	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:46:42	-77.882
-32	8736	873600	b5c0e5d3-0de4-442f-83c9-3d9c64960b2e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:51:19	-301.620
-32	17472	873600	d90a4378-b0f7-4fc0-9d6f-22794f518230	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:56:31	325.650
-33	8737	873700	5c8d528b-d35b-4745-ad10-85849fb6a6e8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:13:50	-738.294
-33	17474	873700	8e2325b3-cbf4-4340-9d4a-59ef71c8c91e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:39:13	-942.517
-34	8738	873800	e9cf6047-3d2d-405b-838b-5546be00010f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:04:08	-533.902
-34	17476	873800	df8632b7-0e6f-4ebe-8887-d7e6bbfb65cc	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:37:49	-565.287
-35	8739	873900	65134515-a40f-4e34-9dce-ec0d16541189	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:46:22	-782.429
-35	17478	873900	d8791893-9f9f-487e-aeff-4b8b88212ffe	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:35:08	-12.813
-36	8740	874000	f32ebbc3-141c-4b67-a843-63ab485c70c1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:41:24	531.611
-36	17480	874000	b810fe59-84d8-42ab-9942-922a2c3b8867	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:22:21	784.780
-37	8741	874100	55152d7c-b9a7-4330-b0b1-c85b77f5699d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:34:35	16.231
-37	17482	874100	73a1eddc-9727-4a71-bf04-54808191c64a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:37:21	-223.426
-38	8742	874200	a551e1d9-2fd9-4116-9b16-e103451b4c3a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:44:30	672.570
-38	17484	874200	599205e4-d8bc-4791-a888-036719f46e02	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:00:08	305.129
-39	8743	874300	3127344e-5f77-48b4-a22d-f1e76cdc644e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:55:58	905.790
-39	17486	874300	899f76e5-f21b-4c60-9a8f-70187a812106	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:08:17	369.666
-40	8744	874400	23523290-2104-4236-afaf-85a435cf8800	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:50:12	-516.190
-40	17488	874400	d03ebbe8-c127-49cb-b9b6-d8fc72727865	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:56:21	-492.127
-41	8745	874500	0dc2801b-060a-47b7-835c-ce315adfe668	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:51:19	264.935
-41	17490	874500	f94f2fc7-fae6-4a93-8f68-6ceb3509e2e7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:46:59	604.533
-42	8746	874600	699c1643-ca21-421c-a0a5-5f9ca4563fd5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:27:27	-708.540
-42	17492	874600	c8a10756-f3ad-4729-b815-99023c2a167b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:12:37	-941.620
-43	8747	874700	0d804160-5aba-49d8-9f5e-14fc962bc44f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:40:52	-889.188
-43	17494	874700	3ff1f3d5-8218-4973-802e-393ac4312847	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:30:30	993.718
-44	8748	874800	8f5685f7-87d2-4201-b179-9fd88c696ea8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:50:02	416.427
-44	17496	874800	adce341d-9e9b-48b8-86eb-e39e61ccf4fc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:51:00	511.938
-45	8749	874900	6148fcea-f738-452c-832b-3fba085e2fa6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:26:11	308.635
-45	17498	874900	3a893c03-cc7c-45df-aff0-3a51d514bafc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:41:36	929.825
-46	8750	875000	e390038f-be19-4b30-b5a1-4ff11a4a3b42	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:29:33	-929.707
-46	17500	875000	344d63ff-90cc-45a2-81c9-0850227a8df5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:19:02	-80.881
-47	8751	875100	03931cd6-dc19-4884-8d05-6a1613b01e15	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:09:54	675.295
-47	17502	875100	180be1a4-a4ca-495e-a5d3-e531e8c0a011	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:49:02	708.96
-48	8752	875200	31a1fb69-42b7-4e6e-b512-650dd3fe9eca	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:51:24	-489.805
-48	17504	875200	c9e7d987-11fd-4022-a00b-b4cf10204514	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:16:36	143.94
-49	8753	875300	5d3cb1c7-075f-4c87-8b5f-4bfbf07cd6ef	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:11:54	-224.883
-49	17506	875300	95effd47-f4c5-4134-80c3-910eea3a139e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:16:26	-30.103
-50	8754	875400	92b05f2f-f7e0-47b4-96da-f4de146b13ea	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:39:07	189.631
-50	17508	875400	1e4d1fdf-24c8-4f53-aafa-6d419e950008	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:05:29	-593.977
-51	8755	875500	1c721e8b-c1e2-4a95-8b37-8e12396b9c4a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:58:13	691.887
-51	17510	875500	987fd52b-e1ac-47da-b84a-67a54d6c5644	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:41:09	-43.118
-52	8756	875600	6e806890-d87f-49ad-bc41-276031c68acb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:43:16	-724.909
-52	17512	875600	c2998718-b061-4111-b1b8-845f0b0d4fba	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:26:11	642.961
-53	8757	875700	a2f67510-aafc-4fbe-8f51-a73845ba89de	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:07:03	-224.645
-53	17514	875700	3ec7e00e-712d-4abe-b33a-6975b71d98ce	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:44:03	994.644
-54	8758	875800	e7e89556-eca6-47ea-b9a0-c2cd0ccc9e4b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:06:45	202.971
-54	17516	875800	982b243f-c657-4573-bcc3-4f5f4761de2a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:51:44	239.210
-55	8759	875900	ef4834c8-fc4d-49f2-a46f-365b64e2ffe3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:52:44	893.859
-55	17518	875900	ce07ecfa-eec6-4c27-b59d-f13d3fd5a265	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:46:44	799.870
-56	8760	876000	62d1a7b3-ff11-4140-a804-f1c3ce49a173	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:17:16	398.456
-56	17520	876000	28746f5a-ad62-4766-b942-45791d9c1f97	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:43:08	-809.464
-57	8761	876100	33ed9ff2-9bd2-4872-ae32-66f8166ace8e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:02:16	909.527
-57	17522	876100	6c6c4958-5586-4ce3-87f2-7a88c1638073	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:31:54	-606.933
-58	8762	876200	369eadaf-6fd6-4670-9998-9230c90f46d1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:30:20	931.567
-58	17524	876200	af2625c0-a0ec-491e-ad0d-a25bdda47ccd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:59:30	515.945
-59	8763	876300	7efe5ceb-4fd0-4ef0-b2c9-b8270bad79bc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:02:31	762.509
-59	17526	876300	ee63462f-c922-4aea-b4c0-e13060732aca	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:48:22	-783.907
-60	8764	876400	530f5425-cde2-4758-9e11-2fbc9ce81b11	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:43:36	-225.714
-60	17528	876400	24c2e33e-1e9b-4653-a67b-5f7788c5a041	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:25:17	-390.180
-61	8765	876500	c97bfcb0-f429-4340-acbe-58b234bb2870	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:08:17	397.985
-61	17530	876500	ca6e127f-3aba-4f92-b994-e77787a39d7e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:30:01	768.218
-62	8766	876600	5a7e71d3-b111-4963-a656-92eb7e370707	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:04:33	-616.125
-62	17532	876600	05d10a7c-0cd0-4781-b628-65b338b6bec9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:02:43	-328.714
-63	8767	876700	147fb5ad-3ed5-4564-9eb5-9d19a5d75d5c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:44:59	280.597
-63	17534	876700	2338fd6a-d457-4391-91ab-1adeba5cdeee	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:11:13	275.257
-64	8768	876800	fa29c989-5bfc-4a93-b8b5-0bbf30d28d59	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:47:00	278.520
-64	17536	876800	d715372d-9cef-4208-8db1-2afe9849a21e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:17:02	325.133
-65	8769	876900	1ed8a304-dbed-4cbb-a432-201889fd1e61	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:07:11	457.225
-65	17538	876900	3a138fd0-e8c8-4cba-8a2a-e91efff28b10	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:00:48	386.489
-66	8770	877000	639130fc-7579-4721-ade0-3b5580b59971	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:03:48	332.601
-66	17540	877000	95bf1bef-0413-4ae2-a8b5-d42c19973591	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:08:41	517.763
-67	8771	877100	2e88f598-7e8b-45af-b5b4-b1fd57dc25d3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:35:39	774.373
-67	17542	877100	edcea1e2-70aa-4515-bf96-2bb90fa23c64	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:46:34	717.716
-68	8772	877200	92315f4f-e026-4a75-816e-374d88222692	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:10:17	-298.111
-68	17544	877200	899f7e0f-11e7-4d64-ae99-393eafc1a37c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:24:57	354.906
-69	8773	877300	dcc56cd1-6429-4261-b04a-f0c24bd497b8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:40:05	849.371
-69	17546	877300	3f630588-815c-455a-8f37-1284facebd30	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:34:20	-327.471
-70	8774	877400	53a17831-396a-485a-8381-7ff5aa002e9e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:56:13	-412.405
-70	17548	877400	94edf468-8d31-4832-9585-3b676a15026f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:00:35	-593.436
-71	8775	877500	3ea0e017-7219-4f54-a91a-78fe293f1d7b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:02:24	-706.562
-71	17550	877500	95effb01-26a1-4f64-9d4b-e8c9e930aeef	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:14:55	253.588
-72	8776	877600	34a6924c-9f87-4dec-8095-bf43d7cfdee7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:02:22	-501.3
-72	17552	877600	0d0b9f92-77ce-46e5-b54a-553de689ff45	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:34:09	460.177
-73	8777	877700	00cfbb3e-ded7-4869-99fe-3c4b98e3f157	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:17:28	29.133
-73	17554	877700	6f286159-032f-439a-951a-6f74c418b290	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:55:02	-352.405
-74	8778	877800	3ce64127-7e66-4c44-9f10-7a0195695c1c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:24:56	-363.206
-74	17556	877800	12364e04-b970-48d8-82a0-fba65aabf96a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:11:30	-687.817
-75	8779	877900	3667c179-3ebe-4dc4-a966-c71589ff5446	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:30:45	-629.429
-75	17558	877900	8867ec55-2a83-4831-8490-6056fd6ed5ad	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:15:34	414.365
-76	8780	878000	de017c27-0430-4fd9-bbff-d7f9cd989e15	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:30:50	-984.49
-76	17560	878000	e6cdbbdb-91f5-4f06-8ec0-3f81acdfc41b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:30:58	129.967
-77	8781	878100	45f8c240-cca8-4694-b254-40372f48263c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:12:20	-226.911
-77	17562	878100	6d84b14f-4807-4ebd-b81c-fa733608bb7a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:59:53	593.220
-78	8782	878200	7a41c844-f5ad-4b68-9e10-4732fecc9ac8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:38:42	499.191
-78	17564	878200	dae52b4b-dfc2-4bf0-a68e-9beeda15d8b4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:48:26	-222.393
-79	8783	878300	85d8476c-a42c-4d93-bd13-22d96e245134	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:24:32	264.324
-79	17566	878300	89d02c0d-e247-42dc-ac54-da0642697866	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:06:56	398.733
-80	8784	878400	cdac2291-444d-4bcf-8aa6-f2929ca5112b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:54:40	976.135
-80	17568	878400	21ceaab9-133f-4703-88af-5826225b3ad2	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:46:46	-577.330
-81	8785	878500	745afe91-89d1-4728-9248-4dfa09c5d510	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:51:46	977.479
-81	17570	878500	5096734d-04de-4453-9d3e-eb4b86489529	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:57:19	-94.418
-82	8786	878600	3ae64faa-67fc-45f6-91ef-cc89d000fa95	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:38:36	164.664
-82	17572	878600	61bd5f8d-8890-4ec5-a31e-5e677cf7a7ce	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:25:12	-58.33
-83	8787	878700	0d2c321b-15e6-4c97-b143-fab86da5107b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:14:05	459.654
-83	17574	878700	0c6667f2-e9ec-4851-b563-9b43eafc847d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:49:35	2.594
-84	8788	878800	619a5316-e338-4175-a8cc-d7bce61c4f34	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:47:03	-85.631
-84	17576	878800	cc9069b7-3d56-4fe0-aa69-0a97bd6c0f6e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:12:25	698.515
-85	8789	878900	9b8e3f08-04ee-4b28-9603-2e1b0fcb5ee9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:47:27	-126.177
-85	17578	878900	07dc6984-b521-4da5-96e0-0470ffae563f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:49:59	-234.922
-86	8790	879000	b3d4c998-65dc-469a-a2f4-4bdc4ad2591b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:21:22	-930.238
-86	17580	879000	abd93c63-60e1-428a-960b-f06d76180a4e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:38:07	-313.462
-87	8791	879100	b563b553-1a0a-4957-9f5d-74edb01cedb3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:06:15	224.814
-87	17582	879100	3dd943c1-3939-49e9-bae6-8c3027a32fe5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:48:48	-121.173
-88	8792	879200	94488052-c5cd-4a13-a690-a913e0965c4c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:18:58	215.692
-88	17584	879200	6766cb21-6ffb-4ae6-86b0-aa09955a47d3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:42:50	-405.137
-89	8793	879300	f0318bc1-0e29-4644-9f59-9a6ea87bde4f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:08:39	-623.182
-89	17586	879300	e2e9306d-e251-4729-aab7-0e884ae6fe51	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:06:57	728.881
-90	8794	879400	07558399-064f-4fad-a17e-efe7345532bf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:02:08	-940.937
-90	17588	879400	452c228a-ecbb-4544-b9d4-d4d102080997	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:35:36	560.984
-91	8795	879500	4433b28c-526f-4e57-aedf-37d65c2126e9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:08:36	593.524
-91	17590	879500	52db7b69-9858-4ebe-91ee-fcb499e7f679	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:34:03	-376.156
-92	8796	879600	d4525bee-57aa-4c35-9d61-d0a23f6f3ac3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:05:51	951.427
-92	17592	879600	26444547-cec4-4b8d-968b-a154ba653734	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:18:34	331.556
-93	8797	879700	7f13dc19-c25d-4fa5-914c-9675714eeaf2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:50:26	-677.194
-93	17594	879700	ae4d9b19-897f-4970-9bcb-4a94371f5b43	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:25:35	-83.381
-94	8798	879800	193a985f-1576-44b4-91e7-d47d07df25a5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:02:32	598.967
-94	17596	879800	1f1882e1-735c-4562-bd8a-31f76c402d16	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:27:24	-145.623
-95	8799	879900	ba39c257-4d8e-4572-8c12-69a38daa01b5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:35:17	-239.856
-95	17598	879900	5f748d0c-2ba4-495c-892f-84376f60ccdf	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:39:37	681.510
-96	8800	880000	2df5a611-d56c-4615-bcb5-10da6cd8fb42	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:23:30	96.871
-96	17600	880000	85dfdc4c-74e2-4688-9319-947f41c2088c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:33:01	454.906
-97	8801	880100	a3504c48-856a-4c0f-bbd9-76636230ff6e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:16:42	-731.249
-97	17602	880100	5927f835-717a-4fea-b8b9-78c4b2da6e7f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:18:27	-70.306
-98	8802	880200	7651ae48-5618-4a3a-ab44-e96ac96541c1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:38:03	-368.885
-98	17604	880200	8496de8d-cd45-46c3-9c72-db6031220ba8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:35:43	683.323
-99	8803	880300	7025186e-825b-4614-987c-25403da62f44	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:03:15	-580.845
-99	17606	880300	6ef2aa8e-9c82-4231-b880-5a99327132dd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:37:18	-205.323
-100	8804	880400	8b95ffd4-8cbc-4925-a9a2-95e7d3e7e10f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:22:12	959.925
-100	17608	880400	e87ab91e-e301-4f75-a596-c40033080069	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:07:03	-515.123
-101	8805	880500	b100a96a-3124-4316-a974-f3e92f3c40eb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:50:17	-781.906
-101	17610	880500	0dfe9b14-943d-41ac-9ad9-678f05b752c6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:49:15	764.167
-102	8806	880600	99a8cfea-70e1-4552-8306-0787a57d4d09	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:51:40	-742.665
-102	17612	880600	72150aa3-145d-447c-9321-342575f515e9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:54:46	545.371
-103	8807	880700	afbbcc7e-9b39-4218-8c98-932cf19d7a14	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:23:38	748.58
-103	17614	880700	1dafc9ac-7d79-42b9-8d01-70246a607ed3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:43:14	-247.437
-104	8808	880800	0fce941c-e012-4f0a-84b6-26e15973386c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:56:50	380.823
-104	17616	880800	220254fd-fe3e-4dcf-85f9-2ea6788143cb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:12:56	-607.220
-105	8809	880900	d06458cd-d986-4a63-82ea-96efa6d02f53	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:59:28	775.105
-105	17618	880900	4e983f18-48ea-4c7b-9533-2256afb5172c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:42:30	371.413
-106	8810	881000	49e29326-338c-48b5-9738-dba35dc3e256	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:03:07	-437.666
-106	17620	881000	6cf14630-70bb-4cf6-8ea4-2c9d9c585cd5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:48:48	636.934
-107	8811	881100	1a5ab3be-7603-4a55-a2d3-9b8dc04c4c98	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:05:03	728.836
-107	17622	881100	30e1dd7e-8b3c-452b-9270-53b5515668fe	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:57:46	-177.838
-108	8812	881200	74bcf612-fe5f-449e-84b4-dfb0f9eb9755	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:05:44	-191.151
-108	17624	881200	b8a3b4c2-bf4f-4ddd-9be3-e74421da14e2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:53:40	-847.568
-109	8813	881300	3d120804-40e8-45c8-815d-fc986d48ea8d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:10:11	-103.955
-109	17626	881300	d0e740c3-5e60-43d5-a66a-845ade928dd3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:51:17	-838.239
-110	8814	881400	4f85e9c1-fa4c-4d1a-94fe-85600fcb8fee	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:42:57	810.367
-110	17628	881400	fe852a6b-6884-44ee-b44d-dab904e21525	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:22:59	758.414
-111	8815	881500	5844a810-e456-4a8b-90ce-995e8ae2190b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:12:35	414.897
-111	17630	881500	a87f37ca-da84-4419-b6d9-318d1cb9e38a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:24:21	907.469
-112	8816	881600	a58352b5-b0a3-4c05-ab68-971412f837f4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:10:44	-52.160
-112	17632	881600	d4c4d2ef-8880-443a-a05e-dd0ada6d9dbe	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:41:57	680.798
-113	8817	881700	b02007b9-9315-47eb-8d20-680c32db64cc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:27:01	-785.800
-113	17634	881700	3c221e58-0b13-400b-880a-28b408807d53	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:03:26	953.371
-114	8818	881800	b245c5da-54ac-4dea-a6cd-379252aca157	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:38:50	-961.15
-114	17636	881800	2a3a410f-67f8-40f6-b01a-1d1db645a30d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:09:02	-614.320
-115	8819	881900	887768b5-f880-440b-9741-a5c5ff4f50e1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:52:11	103.898
-115	17638	881900	fd89b7ee-900d-40c2-ba59-182d0840c4f1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:38:56	-546.489
-116	8820	882000	7cee64ca-1432-4cf9-b270-bac93c0cd268	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:19:46	725.99
-116	17640	882000	cf6809e2-6fa0-454f-8627-227e03c43aff	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:09:54	673.384
-117	8821	882100	066ecd3f-4d0c-49a5-be75-8373d87cd290	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:54:33	375.56
-117	17642	882100	0e65bd9a-3e65-49f1-a76d-5d566ce75239	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:06:01	903.330
-118	8822	882200	5f59f908-47d1-400d-b488-78e1d91c2b60	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:45:57	361.562
-118	17644	882200	c87d7dc2-37e0-4716-a51f-20038f6e1d26	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:49:35	255.228
-119	8823	882300	9d292ebf-9e2e-4139-8409-fef3bdf688ce	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:33:51	902.571
-119	17646	882300	b9b391f7-1b11-4468-8a7e-006bebfdee1b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:14:44	640.295
-120	8824	882400	2f9542da-3ae5-49fd-bbda-bfae0bd92270	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:00:53	-959.329
-120	17648	882400	b9ca6dad-4232-4f16-b426-9e22ec12cc5c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:52:19	620.892
-121	8825	882500	50910e71-9273-41ca-8e90-3d699f6b37f5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:09:11	-773.741
-121	17650	882500	26fce3e0-7b5f-4dd8-98fc-1b9070026216	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:00:47	290.830
-122	8826	882600	b639f135-00d2-4f4c-a8ac-cbb11a0aa6f9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:00:55	37.155
-122	17652	882600	78f63c8e-7973-4873-9d5d-2b18dadbe7de	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:53:41	198.947
-123	8827	882700	ad9e4f27-fce9-447f-a797-1f8d2adb41a6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:17:05	329.362
-123	17654	882700	e06163b3-a265-4f35-a5ab-c7a1a5b84283	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:47:20	906.372
-124	8828	882800	7b57e4cb-a8b9-44c9-ab6b-885ac1a51e08	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:23:03	126.409
-124	17656	882800	ad2675da-1615-4387-9fcc-49d60903a791	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:11:56	329.950
-125	8829	882900	9baacb7b-772a-4af7-bb18-9c58b87cdf2f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:38:06	811.330
-125	17658	882900	3e56cb6b-a783-4402-9c5a-1716b800d17d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:31:30	180.671
-126	8830	883000	678c5c43-1183-4879-9cbd-f962171140bc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:43:22	-553.739
-126	17660	883000	dc00d6f6-7fe6-4d06-9bcf-7a2bb2649d0c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:51:30	-886.389
-127	8831	883100	025e139b-0038-4b91-8e4e-558e6a73407a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:24:25	26.670
-127	17662	883100	c025c38f-142e-4b16-ad87-bde467e28600	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:05:33	67.620
-0	8832	883200	00427d95-0b18-4acd-afef-41babc6d7417	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:21:42	-125.530
-0	17664	883200	5b39fcca-fe69-4899-a749-142f6d9389f2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:51:06	906.601
-1	8833	883300	009fd553-016a-4d8d-9dd8-8960b71937de	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:04:16	219.251
-1	17666	883300	64782207-8f4d-4cde-bb9c-311414116f07	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:04:38	672.380
-2	8834	883400	e9d65b7f-490a-46d9-a77e-be5abbd2da9e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:47:20	-634.724
-2	17668	883400	be88fe89-6e03-4019-98bf-40bbb62b630c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:03:58	394.82
-3	8835	883500	247f41b9-d2b7-47df-9171-5b2f722abc29	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:58:02	69.805
-3	17670	883500	19024efe-5059-4cd5-9469-5084ecc8602f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:59:51	194.983
-4	8836	883600	17b8c236-f043-44fe-9aa5-16d38cc1726a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:20:59	-441.411
-4	17672	883600	857fe536-30f1-449b-b450-a307785de442	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:24:44	-41.593
-5	8837	883700	6ac32144-628d-4063-8801-435008bee737	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:32:02	-157.931
-5	17674	883700	08302b14-a717-46a5-8243-91d9c0917af4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:54:06	780.503
-6	8838	883800	e612b1d5-884a-4e21-8967-d50fe9879201	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:03:42	-978.656
-6	17676	883800	4f8ec23d-f345-48da-8547-957c273c689b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:48:39	-159.138
-7	8839	883900	1a1d2eb7-55b4-4a9d-ae78-893eface9132	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:38:27	-488.611
-7	17678	883900	61e2f8a1-864b-4c2b-a629-f3f2a84ed3ba	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:43:59	603.254
-8	8840	884000	a34832e1-9969-4823-bbf1-e8d01f0855d3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:29:02	658.100
-8	17680	884000	f5a1a97e-89bb-418d-ab72-09cb0d069026	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:02:35	-422.964
-9	8841	884100	af4c1344-c8d8-4c32-9325-3e817cdc3ad3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:33:32	108.64
-9	17682	884100	f9bc75b0-bc16-4419-bf29-7bda05db14fd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:54:12	-362.529
-10	8842	884200	3c45896e-ba12-4c7b-bb2c-1af2b34923b7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:40:30	602.486
-10	17684	884200	557ccbe3-9921-4d13-8155-12e901620ecd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:32:37	-423.37
-11	8843	884300	b7672f5e-7106-496f-98c4-f25850bd4995	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:02:25	-817.450
-11	17686	884300	c8f80a92-cdeb-4925-a183-98336f40ad53	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:36:26	774.668
-12	8844	884400	1b0ad339-0ef8-488a-95e5-3f3c52bad415	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:05:39	-91.60
-12	17688	884400	53bebfa3-e9a6-4a86-a4f1-7bcbdb5ed469	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:31:53	862.588
-13	8845	884500	c1cfd5d8-7404-41ad-8f77-b9f0f57f44fc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:33:39	-688.396
-13	17690	884500	0bfb5e70-9c42-4baf-b8fb-8436cb03d419	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:28:42	-721.556
-14	8846	884600	d9a38fab-4913-49aa-8330-88781cd21e45	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:08:03	360.443
-14	17692	884600	e3626d03-0108-4036-a643-a45627526399	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:16:35	227.442
-15	8847	884700	061f25b5-f444-4655-9441-5dcd453e5f9f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:07:08	-860.312
-15	17694	884700	986e3b80-ed81-47bb-901e-72f51bf6157e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:13:37	-598.874
-16	8848	884800	ab6882f8-a7ce-46e7-8746-cf3bc478ffac	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:04:46	320.29
-16	17696	884800	61c6472e-d15f-4023-95e8-16855854c39e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:26:17	-385.195
-17	8849	884900	bc0cb717-97b1-415f-adad-82557af0ee7f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:06:51	406.80
-17	17698	884900	ecc53a61-07fc-42d4-84ec-bae6612d575a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:15:15	-629.449
-18	8850	885000	ed43a6cc-8f6a-4fb6-ba1a-405dd2fdd6cf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:05:43	283.936
-18	17700	885000	4c4cc57b-a9fd-4c5e-a606-bf444bccd886	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:41:44	355.496
-19	8851	885100	0966bea7-7b04-4ad4-a2c9-bae2c1863a8d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:10:50	-985.379
-19	17702	885100	70bd1900-b979-49c1-9ae4-e80946a01a6b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:13:20	648.206
-20	8852	885200	eb33713a-4277-4f7e-817a-f72fc18903be	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:09:37	8.37
-20	17704	885200	21c0c25a-abf0-4659-80f9-a4d0177ece73	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:55:14	538.449
-21	8853	885300	810d45bc-7d7d-4ebc-8567-d26089cffd77	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:06:11	-107.919
-21	17706	885300	2bc3ec4e-e728-4cfb-bce6-fafa2da4b9d7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:53:12	-599.428
-22	8854	885400	f33f2b8c-cdf2-4ad0-9a0e-4201b93b6e0d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:24:50	-238.966
-22	17708	885400	42f36fca-b7d7-4b76-809b-93fd9c40d8f1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:50:17	-709.167
-23	8855	885500	f1cd2b36-7769-407d-9923-1ade29fc8ce3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:06:16	966.10
-23	17710	885500	56d5821a-139f-426b-8cbd-eb4b4498231e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:19:03	257.303
-24	8856	885600	a4b38567-4275-4237-aec0-9d9841db9c48	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:30:25	66.440
-24	17712	885600	318970c0-7779-4323-8560-585b2d471ed0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:17:02	843.30
-25	8857	885700	adee43ed-c9bc-4b74-81b0-d3613b6c04f2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:28:28	809.834
-25	17714	885700	3c66b07e-7046-436b-9b8c-a392d2f51688	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:03:15	-941.292
-26	8858	885800	8439e5eb-92be-48fb-ba72-ef5db07bf8a7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:56:19	65.55
-26	17716	885800	c5456b74-8925-4ed2-b40b-f89cac755bc6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:19:16	-631.752
-27	8859	885900	118860ac-8446-4f72-b6ec-438437321738	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:03:28	416.129
-27	17718	885900	4a8372e2-c79c-4d19-96c4-47f91985e001	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:05:39	-404.443
-28	8860	886000	8424c826-7178-43ef-a91f-b7db11c4d0ea	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:46:09	352.767
-28	17720	886000	74450df7-1bbf-43fc-b4aa-d09d9f535212	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:00:28	408.834
-29	8861	886100	6897d80c-178a-49cc-9983-7a0ae000fb84	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:55:23	-179.751
-29	17722	886100	396cbda9-504c-49bd-a295-e1289f899b4b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:55:18	-39.476
-30	8862	886200	030d095a-0ed9-48ea-b36f-15cb93ca4879	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:13:23	-741.964
-30	17724	886200	3adf7466-72ef-4ec1-ae3a-4144aba51e12	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:59:17	-392.588
-31	8863	886300	6504c86c-43d6-467c-a54e-4b0749a0a9ab	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:55:52	249.904
-31	17726	886300	0b92eee6-8471-4359-b568-188dc3412077	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:56:16	836.334
-32	8864	886400	4640c0b1-9724-4182-b8a4-2b9bacc9e25a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:07:49	-761.744
-32	17728	886400	16311e6b-fff4-4822-b0a8-2edc89e1be73	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:16:32	268.178
-33	8865	886500	376318b3-3a65-4c87-a36f-6c27fea336c2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:08:46	289.611
-33	17730	886500	df77d91e-6198-47b9-bf8f-62efdec9fbfe	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:58:30	-609.638
-34	8866	886600	11d4ab1d-d3ab-431a-bab2-693b04dfb5d4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:21:30	-603.134
-34	17732	886600	c7701b25-f0c3-46e2-b9ad-1e1cc65dfa73	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:33:14	-451.213
-35	8867	886700	62a6feb1-67cb-4059-a52c-51742a542139	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:56:49	-642.651
-35	17734	886700	4c436116-361d-4e96-a376-89b69d006cea	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:32:30	-291.959
-36	8868	886800	160d451c-5ab9-434e-92cc-d0892f9d7582	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:20:24	904.160
-36	17736	886800	8960d56f-69fa-4240-acfe-c267e65589d6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:08:19	814.92
-37	8869	886900	b5b5b195-1b5b-46be-a0a6-ad9cdcec89c7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:14:01	13.255
-37	17738	886900	ec25c2a5-8630-4341-8ede-a0e9c285a527	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:19:35	-235.338
-38	8870	887000	69597b19-0bfd-46ff-b2f3-188182e4d8f9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:41:46	283.918
-38	17740	887000	0f0c4253-6d69-4179-9b73-5fa74825ff35	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:47:00	678.177
-39	8871	887100	51e6b571-8d7d-4a9f-a268-dfaa9746e1ea	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:37:52	-35.397
-39	17742	887100	9852fecc-cd5c-4c4a-8928-57a9b99abd9d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:03:04	285.320
-40	8872	887200	9ef9151e-35d0-49d0-ba27-dd40ed85eec8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:12:36	194.804
-40	17744	887200	b8947931-762f-4b62-9631-109f95e08f98	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:56:14	68.467
-41	8873	887300	3ae8e062-ad97-408d-99c9-ee84daf0fc3d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:48:34	-145.438
-41	17746	887300	eb16bb8c-0206-4c8f-b092-3b210cee93e9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:37:05	622.262
-42	8874	887400	b5eac530-c5a3-4035-8033-2d0c9cb1c054	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:51:37	231.990
-42	17748	887400	888bf151-1b3e-4ff8-a1fe-d4d88af323b6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:30:58	121.255
-43	8875	887500	d7fa8bea-096c-4c95-bfb0-33d6136e0974	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:37:06	867.745
-43	17750	887500	c8183891-c10b-49b1-b015-86fa92ab5479	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:17:46	170.841
-44	8876	887600	26c448bf-6bb3-407c-a73f-38f2de1d667f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:27:30	-6.774
-44	17752	887600	4ff195ba-473e-48ea-ae6f-2c9f88b6f6eb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:18:05	100.443
-45	8877	887700	d6b85e84-baee-4023-988f-b8ce279b90a3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:00:49	196.118
-45	17754	887700	b2783184-8459-45ef-a79c-cfc61295e29a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:30:48	129.210
-46	8878	887800	9153be41-7116-458f-b57b-7b7cf93941e8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:03:53	357.983
-46	17756	887800	f3f64b09-78b4-4df9-ba04-363ba34e4503	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:55:26	-942.166
-47	8879	887900	865e284d-c80c-494d-b01e-05d18bdccdd4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:33:12	-637.158
-47	17758	887900	e2b83d0b-7e94-4f8f-b600-9242111957f6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:10:59	939.243
-48	8880	888000	c8e73f59-63f5-46b7-9e14-ea5fb2151895	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:19:27	-13.358
-48	17760	888000	ffabed05-5b3b-49f4-b0e7-811fc2c3f606	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:42:35	466.206
-49	8881	888100	9d51e16a-3b00-415c-9065-904db0dc8718	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:29:09	118.786
-49	17762	888100	703da407-5df3-41ef-b993-15d73047c5d3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:05:59	143.708
-50	8882	888200	2943c7c5-84b3-467a-b42e-ffc88234ec33	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:03:49	611.740
-50	17764	888200	63e999df-9f13-4c7a-8e2e-2a93b4f73302	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:40:39	207.209
-51	8883	888300	a45cc022-8ec4-4dca-bd2a-404eab354ada	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:08:35	-278.316
-51	17766	888300	282ff432-2bd6-4f19-b87b-9b900d1dc02b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:12:01	-242.592
-52	8884	888400	a3ad3484-6811-4d91-9580-a80c5347905c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:48:52	-506.0
-52	17768	888400	9057259c-1b82-4650-bbb5-92bb79d9ad9f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:24:10	902.384
-53	8885	888500	9129b00b-e4c7-4a87-ac54-95281b401aa9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:01:08	-107.987
-53	17770	888500	8175f064-df7e-48bc-b0dd-67437471c39c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:44:38	25.829
-54	8886	888600	8726bf7f-9e1d-45ca-9152-c4f037057b88	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:44:57	522.62
-54	17772	888600	d6c3adaa-7e42-45a9-b6fa-a940d3bdef37	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:05:54	708.375
-55	8887	888700	e4bdadfd-043f-4384-bba1-acffd0145a8e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:29:58	-491.721
-55	17774	888700	ceda7d43-b347-4a94-afcf-c6958ff3b7b8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:59:45	135.886
-56	8888	888800	38b6ea18-b08e-49ce-b6fb-d8de2cb596eb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:31:57	-727.48
-56	17776	888800	f5460404-cfd1-49ad-b4c5-34b55894028e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:11:28	-278.113
-57	8889	888900	a0aab393-652a-4282-8e8c-4b4959dbb5e7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:57:50	-444.699
-57	17778	888900	549a8438-a165-4a7b-9aa6-027c0c239d7e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:05:37	-450.383
-58	8890	889000	4f1d02ba-8e98-4a8c-9c0d-ce69081adde9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:26:33	-224.541
-58	17780	889000	75903757-bfc6-40dc-bdd0-f6226aa18941	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:47:34	25.1
-59	8891	889100	a5367c61-4638-4f2b-be65-97c8774dde4e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:58:47	39.576
-59	17782	889100	f3a5a1f4-0a06-4ef0-a36b-d2dc42c88eba	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:45:38	909.401
-60	8892	889200	e1f66d5e-f1e5-453c-9956-1258d04d9d17	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:52:05	-67.916
-60	17784	889200	7551a1e3-a1e2-4ca5-80fa-14a8d10f797b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:39:26	796.934
-61	8893	889300	0c7f0b1d-8036-4bfd-b10f-6ccaf008fe76	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:07:23	812.391
-61	17786	889300	6ed87391-d1cb-4c95-8fa3-b58483165722	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:31:38	361.701
-62	8894	889400	04f98bb9-51ba-4e3f-8027-a9db0fb4b778	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:05:52	665.780
-62	17788	889400	a341bf49-0822-430a-929a-61b8a19ba8e3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:43:02	-717.88
-63	8895	889500	1155357f-6719-4d1e-9999-7890c411fcbb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:23:09	456.221
-63	17790	889500	f425150e-92a0-4153-bc9a-1a512b632865	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:36:31	632.641
-64	8896	889600	a93514f0-3795-4b3e-a76a-bdf1075efbc4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:21:04	-306.183
-64	17792	889600	9d3df30b-fde0-4ba5-821b-5354a624640d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:00:40	493.984
-65	8897	889700	11889fdd-f15b-4118-ac3d-3d6b9c48433c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:45:53	299.327
-65	17794	889700	163541db-39d7-4b8b-a091-3d09ce13444a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:13:11	-824.282
-66	8898	889800	02fa78c1-4171-40e2-92c3-bc639a47ae87	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:17:59	913.724
-66	17796	889800	2692554b-a2cb-4d4a-8551-d7ee5840f3b7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:15:14	-680.296
-67	8899	889900	81607c0a-c479-44ee-b207-c987eb735838	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:44:58	-708.944
-67	17798	889900	36dfe5fa-ee6e-4528-8bbd-d082ffc462cb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:41:49	434.902
-68	8900	890000	a601d941-f2e9-4fa9-b101-eea0e1e54219	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:23:35	616.724
-68	17800	890000	94e6c71b-4bdc-45bf-b36f-229f1a04f360	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:06:47	62.270
-69	8901	890100	f95d2891-758e-49e4-a513-871095030178	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:13:22	606.624
-69	17802	890100	9aa23c5e-3dc6-4129-b249-b69e4a94f10b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:31:54	287.918
-70	8902	890200	dd08fed9-3f9e-48db-b9e7-3897480ba5a7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:08:12	-233.224
-70	17804	890200	a9db7ac6-317a-4102-a9c5-66336b16fd99	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:48:22	556.503
-71	8903	890300	e7e098d6-ef89-42c4-8705-2b3fb5483f7b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:56:35	-746.72
-71	17806	890300	eb7cc124-8845-4086-af0a-fe30898c4400	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:18:25	164.240
-72	8904	890400	2728669d-0fcf-430f-84fb-b585d2060ded	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:19:02	133.959
-72	17808	890400	b97ec59b-37ea-4400-a781-2bf2e5183469	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:24:36	517.32
-73	8905	890500	adefaef5-7ca8-41b8-8a89-b3c3939287d8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:18:02	-389.171
-73	17810	890500	fb4a930b-c491-4d09-893a-77c69306aa55	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:39:57	911.989
-74	8906	890600	2b3dbd79-eefd-457b-8935-33a1e9ce737c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:19:58	399.516
-74	17812	890600	43ca3013-a5fc-4c34-9592-1e0f44d0f4f8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:31:55	-247.283
-75	8907	890700	47fd5deb-3e7a-45ae-beea-6d5c30e6f537	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:47:17	847.918
-75	17814	890700	eee24e56-8e27-4bf0-999c-ce91a6ae064f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:59:49	708.685
-76	8908	890800	629f8e3d-b112-4565-8571-27dc905d291c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:39:39	754.937
-76	17816	890800	2eac21fb-f006-469d-a258-dbacbfa003a1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:53:11	770.5
-77	8909	890900	5dcebbac-7796-4e1c-a6b5-f432cb6ee362	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:46:27	780.402
-77	17818	890900	b5b5c995-e080-43ea-b444-1bd989385805	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:07:58	-114.945
-78	8910	891000	a87a4692-ab25-4802-8e43-c791aee74ad2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:55:52	-417.93
-78	17820	891000	4fb00790-c26e-460d-944a-7b64abbcc3bf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:25:15	-163.934
-79	8911	891100	b4184bf8-a668-454c-9dbd-12ad0987a8ff	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:55:41	235.578
-79	17822	891100	322891b5-b0ab-4182-974b-bc9efc885bd2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:06:42	784.50
-80	8912	891200	ce19c2c1-1546-4c62-93bc-8eae6b725afa	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:58:23	-490.875
-80	17824	891200	7b7f21e3-6ac2-4c78-aec2-b9aaa5ac9e24	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:01:14	352.878
-81	8913	891300	e218d2f8-fae0-481c-a26a-d054fdddf246	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:26:14	983.590
-81	17826	891300	564e019e-d773-414e-a433-21f5de0b300a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:36:56	782.427
-82	8914	891400	dc6857af-8366-40f5-a496-b80ac11617c2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:41:56	-814.890
-82	17828	891400	054da797-3d30-4411-9e0e-0b92f7ac2c0e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:20:52	-984.165
-83	8915	891500	0b1ea2cf-fe10-4c04-9b5d-540f15a97c45	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:25:45	68.703
-83	17830	891500	4ad4bc0f-58c1-4940-b161-d9a4a68cc768	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:43:47	-324.760
-84	8916	891600	3f6c99b1-b8ae-4057-a48f-25d4c29ab1de	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:58:29	482.385
-84	17832	891600	15eef475-47b7-4c89-8390-08e03b44aa8c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:34:00	-748.63
-85	8917	891700	f1bb704b-a088-41c0-8dcd-2cb207dd4f2d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:59:40	-792.843
-85	17834	891700	5aa1b541-704e-4cdf-a92b-e4811ec27dc8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:46:55	64.905
-86	8918	891800	c0750045-6d1b-4bca-a1b0-161be2306213	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:41:15	-143.938
-86	17836	891800	91e01943-4dbe-4736-b25a-bf6b5d0aa906	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:51:11	-24.988
-87	8919	891900	d3fabf75-eb82-478e-aab7-3a1506b130e7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:53:23	285.811
-87	17838	891900	ec435fdd-ccce-4a0e-809b-a0442a75ec53	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:45:01	886.476
-88	8920	892000	bc82e1f1-54df-459f-b563-29a95e12cdc9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:35:19	751.57
-88	17840	892000	3036971b-2c78-41e3-aced-b10c4ca3d466	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:54:54	739.195
-89	8921	892100	2ac5c0ed-733c-4936-8249-c03fda49b352	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:31:10	-634.659
-89	17842	892100	d3219d12-3b23-4f5f-b274-48068ff32722	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:22:10	-452.760
-90	8922	892200	29c476fc-405d-4017-97d5-525283e94f61	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:52:26	951.126
-90	17844	892200	e6f79e0a-4f18-4ec4-b7c6-a7e0aff35124	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:08:02	-91.84
-91	8923	892300	d593b582-4b5f-406d-ae60-2c9e8d2ba5d6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:20:21	-436.267
-91	17846	892300	4bd06895-1c9e-4aa1-8161-464ba059cc3b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:42:40	-548.109
-92	8924	892400	f9798768-0e2c-441e-9bde-7258ba9788e9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:50:11	-222.364
-92	17848	892400	89b2bb93-5a2d-4b4c-9afe-7af226e7f127	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:32:11	-91.875
-93	8925	892500	42228b1e-548a-4007-8962-5057f928ecf2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:52:30	151.663
-93	17850	892500	02bbfc9b-00f9-491c-b8fd-ea9c36d0baa7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:29:11	786.154
-94	8926	892600	23036853-203f-4b9a-aec1-6f72f6db8fae	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:22:52	-743.149
-94	17852	892600	960d9db0-0d8a-4f6a-89ce-f79bdc5b1a6a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:36:15	534.951
-95	8927	892700	18ad62b6-8420-4bb4-9007-9c2ae0e02609	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:04:37	-903.130
-95	17854	892700	fc7ef3f6-9772-47f8-bf60-92e83d30a807	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:06:31	795.511
-96	8928	892800	81254958-dabd-4982-9e56-c6d6e4f125e3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:23:25	394.524
-96	17856	892800	25634b96-d252-4e63-ac00-c3e356031918	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:59:58	-287.563
-97	8929	892900	5c8755c9-c11c-4073-b5e7-4c195635da5a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:54:36	449.560
-97	17858	892900	4ec2599e-cdee-46e5-ba95-34c47a866418	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:44:04	-851.904
-98	8930	893000	6c71c317-2c19-4944-bbb4-0007a079a8e1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:03:38	954.59
-98	17860	893000	8d4d2e36-9b92-4206-9f8e-c9a3311b8d5f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:39:14	-595.155
-99	8931	893100	c2d09cc4-efc8-4c37-b171-865500d9639d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:16:02	759.958
-99	17862	893100	882a377c-25e4-4aaf-b68b-fde15a1f08f4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:12:15	-197.166
-100	8932	893200	032f74af-468c-4781-83be-131ba56c49d5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:48:52	922.642
-100	17864	893200	b8acb56d-cd66-4de9-aefc-84d9c4c1bd57	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:59:25	-630.21
-101	8933	893300	847827f1-3b66-4467-b7de-06a77234f0a2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:29:48	685.896
-101	17866	893300	93da7f06-83dd-4ff1-b469-c92450dd0f3c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:55:52	555.434
-102	8934	893400	9751e50d-62a6-4c3d-a8b8-901ae44f1efc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:03:35	-687.673
-102	17868	893400	21504b20-1d10-4f00-973a-c29f457b54be	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:01:21	-465.323
-103	8935	893500	b65c233b-179d-446c-9857-f0c12099e5d5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:32:55	246.824
-103	17870	893500	85eab6eb-d8a1-4c52-9ec8-9ef5315965e0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:39:58	643.88
-104	8936	893600	ad60e31a-fdfe-4e56-afb3-64ca2e2e70cf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:57:42	-616.643
-104	17872	893600	f7610659-23a8-4c4b-bdb7-3b67520b1688	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:26:50	158.443
-105	8937	893700	6ae5791d-6a99-4893-88d6-0882fdd696eb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:01:42	-569.933
-105	17874	893700	a620e4ac-003a-4ff2-ad39-61ee7f58c162	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:40:54	-945.253
-106	8938	893800	ff2b1f60-96d8-4171-8d5b-659ec0742544	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:20:48	385.750
-106	17876	893800	6323ff08-5712-43a4-9919-8e057441eaa8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:51:00	-931.453
-107	8939	893900	84b67c35-4fe1-4f45-a118-2d17bc8ff756	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:37:03	593.423
-107	17878	893900	0181f393-fd36-4324-ad11-799477883549	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:02:54	643.417
-108	8940	894000	1a114a18-f2f1-4fce-b2b9-cfb884d91d7b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:50:56	950.885
-108	17880	894000	e9faca48-09f4-4472-a0a3-59f15a7a1f0c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:23:25	-251.252
-109	8941	894100	9af268d6-38e4-4a81-8c07-8b78920a7d94	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:11:33	744.455
-109	17882	894100	5abc8884-8dae-4204-9914-044424095c69	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:12:28	-29.413
-110	8942	894200	4d8a34c9-83a0-4699-ba6c-55a8758ccd38	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:21:28	382.947
-110	17884	894200	69cc99f4-097d-46ab-9e9f-39614a339681	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:47:21	-718.327
-111	8943	894300	06fe5f70-6c02-4891-abda-f678723ce48e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:18:56	-364.918
-111	17886	894300	8934fbeb-ba7b-4b0f-8f35-269584089fdb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:23:59	-190.11
-112	8944	894400	0c7b0265-06a0-4c9c-96d4-5dece732473d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:18:03	318.523
-112	17888	894400	63382cc5-b18a-40de-ac0a-6b07409e59d4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:24:45	365.317
-113	8945	894500	89395cbc-5028-4dd8-a8a4-0f2b82fe110c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:52:10	-245.463
-113	17890	894500	6bea2c9b-a9b3-4320-84ae-6b64127503b4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:54:42	158.773
-114	8946	894600	a81a8c75-3da0-4360-b518-47562f8c4cc0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:26:15	585.575
-114	17892	894600	62c64562-345a-4222-82d4-341fdf5a7058	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:46:21	124.665
-115	8947	894700	1c17a24e-bf7d-4303-9a17-47c112a4180f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:59:02	-769.364
-115	17894	894700	9395a5e5-77d6-4cbd-bd98-07562ead81e3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:59:00	-74.284
-116	8948	894800	4b87b8de-29d8-4c90-a80e-0e2ee84491f4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:18:12	49.52
-116	17896	894800	43b7c39e-3ffa-43c3-a367-9c257c749236	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:46:55	369.633
-117	8949	894900	89f5b536-a295-4686-8de9-52d6950e2c4d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:59:40	222.726
-117	17898	894900	db6b8f99-7319-41d3-bd26-f8af94600a15	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:22:25	-684.960
-118	8950	895000	bd54c8ba-e057-4206-80fe-13f55d9a97fe	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:26:09	625.617
-118	17900	895000	a493cd53-4e9c-449c-ac24-3a0a12e33ecf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:09:07	211.819
-119	8951	895100	d6993c83-05d0-4b24-a5d3-3d5f726f126f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:42:28	-903.295
-119	17902	895100	4708be2b-307c-4d32-823a-2c377a5b0f36	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:24:44	-419.424
-120	8952	895200	50321cfe-5ed7-43c5-8102-7112f8469d29	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:30:08	752.910
-120	17904	895200	aca3d471-17f8-4427-9ca4-c35e3c69d92d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:49:13	12.229
-121	8953	895300	a91d0a19-b331-4193-b190-d5109c8d5f71	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:05:09	-718.167
-121	17906	895300	a3dff6ef-4c5e-4d10-9dba-a5173f251e0a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:08:00	433.416
-122	8954	895400	3e428563-1620-41be-8ae9-82cae5ca60fd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:10:08	284.487
-122	17908	895400	d4dfcc57-34a0-4635-906d-06ab3fb60cc9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:36:44	-898.657
-123	8955	895500	de509e57-cec0-4a85-9c89-7892f8f9d3db	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:21:19	-701.464
-123	17910	895500	f8972dc9-8748-41b3-a65a-aec750a492cd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:30:08	-192.175
-124	8956	895600	948fa8a3-ee5e-424a-8567-46e71e0a9820	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:06:31	117.764
-124	17912	895600	9e2e2223-98ce-4735-95ac-361012ae8504	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:32:49	-977.73
-125	8957	895700	0db1587d-242f-41cd-91ec-27652b3dd77c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:37:31	154.590
-125	17914	895700	2ff09403-f4c6-4ba0-b828-57da37bcbaf4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:54:40	-111.92
-126	8958	895800	f31261c5-7577-4229-86e1-e21c22e9c29e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:58:06	-858.88
-126	17916	895800	9f13a3e2-beff-4ffb-b56a-ff635df9d583	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:18:36	-326.670
-127	8959	895900	77a8656d-dc44-4eac-9ede-f550de1a6193	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:15:36	-604.296
-127	17918	895900	f2b51da6-a1ed-4ed4-b1f6-de4629baf266	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:14:10	-806.980
-0	8960	896000	2b5a0d4f-aaf3-466b-9f3d-445d009aa0ad	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:09:18	-383.419
-0	17920	896000	b4040aa0-a61e-487d-89dd-4a108d03ef14	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:16:45	262.556
-1	8961	896100	b863b4be-bd26-40e3-b4da-c7037d5116bb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:59:51	-252.711
-1	17922	896100	29d0f1fc-a731-4944-a869-27f9f4074a93	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:13:54	492.536
-2	8962	896200	5a449b28-acea-4a1e-a2d5-683904602541	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:47:35	-304.759
-2	17924	896200	85d23c04-ec3e-43c5-8307-cef024db821d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:43:18	-443.727
-3	8963	896300	f8411de2-f99f-4b0c-9ee0-2ac02d4389b1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:08:23	-968.142
-3	17926	896300	5ac2a331-5a55-4ea2-9d4d-408b74b52071	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:32:04	-51.154
-4	8964	896400	44a03312-a736-49ae-85ed-7e5ea8fbe6f2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:53:47	255.379
-4	17928	896400	b9928fe3-05cf-4c9c-b4ce-ee25ad5b452b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:53:05	205.321
-5	8965	896500	a4f62939-b38e-43a1-bac7-dbba428ae38f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:39:17	-968.371
-5	17930	896500	79fa9fa8-50b1-4cd4-885e-86c41b04a4e2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:27:15	-915.2
-6	8966	896600	42f66572-7c0a-4afd-b768-a0ff3e186c14	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:53:21	866.471
-6	17932	896600	51e88efc-abba-45c3-96bb-e2186aec700d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:38:22	-177.636
-7	8967	896700	42e574fa-3bf3-43f7-b514-6a7b77402832	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:02:03	-498.732
-7	17934	896700	ddec298c-a3d6-4fcc-bb48-27a7ef41646c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:18:53	370.567
-8	8968	896800	8c9bd8d9-d00e-4ce8-b7ba-a79d203b9e3c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:17:19	-952.534
-8	17936	896800	74d68178-5dfb-414f-b41c-d91ad1397a9c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:30:01	-50.214
-9	8969	896900	b51abb89-e883-431d-8c8c-8be4c7a83049	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:21:57	-892.118
-9	17938	896900	80d86ab1-ba43-45ec-a8d6-db89cd2c114d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:11:18	64.941
-10	8970	897000	bc33c561-4647-4be8-b509-4b9fd8bf1117	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:39:07	-981.948
-10	17940	897000	8a858276-daa2-48d0-bdba-4762a21ef2b9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:37:30	-215.821
-11	8971	897100	2a56c599-b702-4daa-b251-eb0e8d19bd92	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:29:07	-91.948
-11	17942	897100	a0206d2f-ee7a-47bd-abc7-f3b75a86949e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:06:38	-929.99
-12	8972	897200	28cfed0b-adca-4abc-84f7-ef698e107bd5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:56:03	-260.659
-12	17944	897200	371c21e8-a0be-4d55-a41b-e18cbaca1766	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:45:08	-511.828
-13	8973	897300	40d11100-406a-43c9-bc03-d47ba4c3539b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:47:39	-475.48
-13	17946	897300	c057b2b5-dc21-4792-aba5-3d156e5b8e9f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:34:04	861.649
-14	8974	897400	f04b7010-10d9-424e-a1ad-7e36864272d3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:29:54	-975.87
-14	17948	897400	af9d903c-cf37-4c54-b576-38f134909623	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:51:34	259.915
-15	8975	897500	db7e8e79-a591-4124-931a-30bf1c80eb68	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:08:57	617.45
-15	17950	897500	0a79fd66-1cfb-4b82-8ffc-f9f5a25c29dd	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:06:18	-782.72
-16	8976	897600	c67121a9-36e5-48f2-b8a6-2babb50211a5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:39:56	430.728
-16	17952	897600	40ce3c4f-cf91-4a7d-897a-a60d6a1357c9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:40:33	-593.999
-17	8977	897700	5f02461f-d22a-48cf-846a-21c639fa1406	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:15:34	423.842
-17	17954	897700	a04c7a0f-38f8-44a8-a341-167beb2af597	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:48:49	329.176
-18	8978	897800	e3efe836-057f-4a9f-8aea-779e51cdd4ba	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:30:19	-291.927
-18	17956	897800	4c17e655-6894-4e45-89d6-6ed0eb3ecbf0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:13:32	-991.142
-19	8979	897900	ef8d41b0-a0e5-4204-bee7-f8b531ef7860	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:57:35	177.53
-19	17958	897900	68176f56-e023-41d9-870e-d4e8445305f1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:21:01	964.706
-20	8980	898000	0727d922-6dfa-4968-99a0-ea21f9f7cc1e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:15:12	888.573
-20	17960	898000	57aaf08d-5f5a-442e-9c68-f4f3658943a5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:34:50	588.936
-21	8981	898100	a20f2338-8e34-451a-9566-4c3da551cc39	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:54:43	-476.793
-21	17962	898100	e998822e-60ec-4c79-b013-2c808720324c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:18:08	923.201
-22	8982	898200	a60100d0-90cb-4c98-a8f5-029bae311288	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:00:38	-215.877
-22	17964	898200	c8a81d61-c512-43e3-8bdc-8795f2f64451	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:57:36	609.227
-23	8983	898300	8bc8bbd0-ad69-4e1a-80c6-29de53fbcf09	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:38:49	468.354
-23	17966	898300	be7f2069-eb09-4c78-8bc0-789c05c693da	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:14:52	327.713
-24	8984	898400	e1b672a5-e41d-4d37-924a-9ae17b20239d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:38:25	50.905
-24	17968	898400	200a5ed6-9339-4307-9348-6fd4bf47c435	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:46:53	-823.879
-25	8985	898500	9733565f-62d0-432d-a4a1-792758045dd6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:38:44	-615.310
-25	17970	898500	df234a2b-70e4-4842-b8bf-b86829fbfeff	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:50:53	68.66
-26	8986	898600	3b12ff80-3101-4cdc-ae1a-eca431957710	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:47:00	298.706
-26	17972	898600	524d6761-eaf8-429d-b8b4-1b1f45e35dd3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:04:47	261.131
-27	8987	898700	24967bb6-1a59-49b3-b140-f24464f8ee16	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:16:42	64.107
-27	17974	898700	0a02af54-1bc6-4d77-9bc9-5b37b2887b36	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:57:33	493.727
-28	8988	898800	0517969e-59c5-407c-b592-ceb13f40e979	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:39:04	68.536
-28	17976	898800	5bbe03f5-75b6-46f3-aa0a-9df9414d3d1f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:30:58	-990.965
-29	8989	898900	c1f358ef-92e9-4866-b308-dd1aff7af698	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:34:21	611.73
-29	17978	898900	6a102906-aa54-4217-b1d4-ff09e4440fc9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:16:09	829.654
-30	8990	899000	da00ef49-a2d2-4bc9-aaaa-8fed287ea237	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:41:46	225.353
-30	17980	899000	5142174d-bb68-449e-b582-8d4d014f615a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:48:17	-910.907
-31	8991	899100	cfd1b3aa-94e5-4f10-8a1b-e8a69846d079	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:53:00	-646.442
-31	17982	899100	acd180f1-1d39-4070-b252-8707d7ccd37b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:05:15	-734.474
-32	8992	899200	bd1dbb18-3b09-4833-8cc4-8e2e779c733b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:20:15	807.781
-32	17984	899200	9c1d80d1-ffc8-4363-8142-0970799967db	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:04:36	-908.539
-33	8993	899300	96c93b01-854c-4b72-81b5-0773a1439e20	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:05:23	210.352
-33	17986	899300	10795b97-929e-4927-9a4c-588889604452	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:06:19	419.2
-34	8994	899400	8379eba3-8f12-4fef-9c39-9c709db630cb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:08:00	-946.76
-34	17988	899400	eb55ff20-310b-4639-98f3-bd03ab462e10	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:28:21	-999.881
-35	8995	899500	c0d99245-1dcc-403b-b2b7-cdd924b20325	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:36:40	578.538
-35	17990	899500	61d566cf-8d38-4982-b581-c6eb90fc0f1f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:45:39	-566.40
-36	8996	899600	78297e83-a31b-4570-9d47-e169c04642f3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:14:01	103.833
-36	17992	899600	c230ce62-3e39-4ed2-805f-82118c042ad5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:07:34	-10.555
-37	8997	899700	ca853221-1df2-4c43-b2f0-7d2f40f3bb7b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:15:12	-657.582
-37	17994	899700	43533f56-c0da-409d-9539-6e55c60a35fb	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:14:37	214.683
-38	8998	899800	3b9fffe5-0893-4ac7-a95b-cb5b0f7c1dd9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:32:18	311.574
-38	17996	899800	322d742d-d965-4ceb-a9e3-7075b6e8aa13	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:13:02	187.537
-39	8999	899900	c295c45a-11cf-4cf7-8211-c682556d984f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:11:57	-5.481
-39	17998	899900	f15a17c7-bb21-4af9-ba7e-432fa7c3e45c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:20:59	-606.282
-40	9000	900000	b6f6cd87-8f08-4692-a1df-4f95f294afa3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:37:39	729.913
-40	18000	900000	9142eb53-d025-4767-8ed6-b0bd22effa83	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:54:13	-314.961
-41	9001	900100	4dd50704-4cdf-461d-b196-777b5ed2a689	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:01:04	122.942
-41	18002	900100	0ab79f09-5295-4f69-a6d7-7d10f1898309	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:04:30	530.925
-42	9002	900200	cfa7c3ba-d71d-4164-bec1-eda450b37ad6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:58:23	-582.978
-42	18004	900200	6beddaf7-5005-47e4-a698-29e9216b5d1d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:23:46	235.740
-43	9003	900300	76d636b6-0882-45b1-b71f-b35ee965ec19	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:28:42	-594.492
-43	18006	900300	3f30d5f4-f110-493c-a276-a30752479cd3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:51:11	312.797
-44	9004	900400	ca640d0b-9864-4fca-87be-1453ea17ca55	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:43:10	-150.856
-44	18008	900400	355486d1-a234-44e8-a0c3-b29f2a8ad5e7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:49:58	-486.680
-45	9005	900500	60c9b648-6c7b-43ea-bfad-b148902c38c9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:48:14	285.686
-45	18010	900500	7571aecf-f736-4b05-a29a-e15ae2eadd6f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:24:54	563.246
-46	9006	900600	15c62641-d629-4a51-ab31-d07f679ba2ce	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:17:16	838.102
-46	18012	900600	aa912954-b32b-46c1-8289-3e3a1369236f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:33:18	327.571
-47	9007	900700	9ef6c370-78ed-4fe2-aca4-ca30a0f0356e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:49:07	696.748
-47	18014	900700	f86b76ea-fa7a-47ab-aa80-1232350bf657	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:32:39	-671.338
-48	9008	900800	2f321eda-1934-4cfd-884c-81c228c72694	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:55:45	-694.842
-48	18016	900800	239e1938-baac-4e0f-8076-5f95d92b07bb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:43:49	-735.333
-49	9009	900900	4a794249-2230-4cec-9f4c-959c91cf838a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:33:32	-403.519
-49	18018	900900	7c5d58ae-8c0c-455d-a548-339394ce680c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:01:01	-661.113
-50	9010	901000	0518040b-4c5c-40e3-8342-06ca3e5b3cd8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:15:31	484.350
-50	18020	901000	ef3cf5c2-76dd-49ca-8583-23df0425bd22	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:49:12	771.172
-51	9011	901100	159f247e-7904-4950-8186-9cd3282cf262	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:35:18	855.983
-51	18022	901100	be4f9bec-2e29-4785-a1be-62db5b92b258	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:21:38	-135.231
-52	9012	901200	ed924228-dc36-4eeb-bd1d-f329e04f7872	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:46:24	-428.360
-52	18024	901200	de3be637-77af-4365-ac38-468031714b5a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:49:44	818.9
-53	9013	901300	a7e96aa5-cd3c-4b08-ac73-fe278d7bb576	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:26:50	-796.323
-53	18026	901300	93b78d7c-c810-41a9-8a09-821394610ae6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:57:14	-498.486
-54	9014	901400	f19cd9f2-ee79-48c6-914d-d900c2319767	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:49:56	892.612
-54	18028	901400	a46f8085-90c4-4bee-bc72-9f603f4c6279	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:43:45	-281.279
-55	9015	901500	9698ea0d-74b3-471d-8597-78ae2a8d772f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:17:57	16.633
-55	18030	901500	ae8baa24-ee69-4c1d-8543-232693924e4b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:46:52	202.158
-56	9016	901600	e46f00de-5756-472a-a198-23d6a8830667	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:16:23	5.209
-56	18032	901600	1c0201bf-679a-4390-b52b-81c3a2e72a00	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:53:26	27.895
-57	9017	901700	538f145b-d3c6-428d-8ebb-2da347e924f8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:10:02	509.710
-57	18034	901700	0370312a-f914-4bc3-b2d3-a27458f71fe6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:27:48	906.748
-58	9018	901800	ddb5fa97-72ce-4c87-9c91-6be4c3c83f0c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:07:45	876.127
-58	18036	901800	0585d24f-3a5d-4fc5-b46b-9e84da4d4182	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:29:15	-309.696
-59	9019	901900	06d62a99-72d4-4361-9460-5dac1a1cfcce	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:24:58	-18.547
-59	18038	901900	532a3d72-11cb-48d8-aed2-6f3462fba6fd	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:17:00	409.912
-60	9020	902000	819f0279-b584-4ef8-b4a6-e9d56a584f89	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:50:12	36.639
-60	18040	902000	5b31ddc5-db94-43bd-b990-3c923a7490f6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:35:10	-95.261
-61	9021	902100	9c2afafa-c969-4135-b6f5-2164efe374b9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:40:10	442.6
-61	18042	902100	472493f2-2a87-4552-acd0-430e1a7cce7d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:00:18	75.347
-62	9022	902200	1e5194ea-49bd-4e3a-bca4-0a2c73604c6d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:32:57	833.21
-62	18044	902200	af244c4f-871f-4890-ad1e-8f3523416d90	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:47:40	-874.784
-63	9023	902300	92daa64a-62c1-4f94-b478-51eeaf7dcfdf	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:18:35	-227.297
-63	18046	902300	336c7db8-120c-4b05-9166-4b3bc9e41451	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:03:13	145.26
-64	9024	902400	faf6d941-401f-452c-9496-ec5fa43627e6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:24:08	840.338
-64	18048	902400	6a6a0019-ae70-4a99-b432-9b563fbbd093	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:36:29	-849.813
-65	9025	902500	2da799af-90ff-4a7f-9b77-5f62461e9b58	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:25:06	68.294
-65	18050	902500	97545c54-a590-4d2c-8c56-2a7f5fb6c971	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:01:42	517.812
-66	9026	902600	7ef1eba7-cd28-43d8-84e9-995be5142b93	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:23:47	344.941
-66	18052	902600	35cf8b40-c56d-480b-a29e-cc5c9cd4fe17	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:57:13	131.285
-67	9027	902700	319950ce-7fdc-4e40-9593-011b571305b9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:03:40	-204.606
-67	18054	902700	2d87370b-7b32-44c4-b972-2fdbb2981fcc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:07:33	-986.949
-68	9028	902800	c326fd08-5e16-4ac2-820e-a60272199354	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:11:09	656.175
-68	18056	902800	31c884bd-63f9-4608-9666-4f01e3553529	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:34:10	374.372
-69	9029	902900	b8f97ba3-8290-4c47-83e9-f5a6c8d5cf78	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:06:09	421.515
-69	18058	902900	0d5ff04d-9e98-4878-9081-62bc0dbea463	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:11:33	-592.869
-70	9030	903000	323eb86c-d5ed-4b32-995f-14c3f89a64ae	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:49:32	506.898
-70	18060	903000	8ecfbab4-9351-4db3-8b14-c28ee0173373	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:10:16	-711.401
-71	9031	903100	f76e617e-0556-45f2-af72-478b6d32d50c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:51:16	-372.292
-71	18062	903100	de0e641f-fe8f-4418-961c-efb2759845c5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:35:35	753.448
-72	9032	903200	92a15ef8-4ae0-4825-b0cf-4dbb393c1bb9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:41:24	30.378
-72	18064	903200	b8b2566c-4756-48cf-b0ac-906134284df7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:40:09	211.795
-73	9033	903300	2af173a0-b526-4cc5-975a-a2003b8ff011	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:49:12	-546.837
-73	18066	903300	b0c7bcb9-d095-4d53-871f-36e78e9126d9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:17:34	961.758
-74	9034	903400	7f2dba6e-1b8c-4614-bbfa-5fe620e2d959	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:18:48	-183.846
-74	18068	903400	b6da9ced-ce8b-43db-9f6b-4c4dc26475db	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:12:29	628.806
-75	9035	903500	959c3d6d-6bff-4c10-bd1b-978974a699c0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:02:17	547.562
-75	18070	903500	93b9500a-c48b-43ee-a1e5-598dd52a1360	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:05:22	-265.2
-76	9036	903600	65fd8672-6c78-4a20-9b3e-e0533c3a7481	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:54:05	507.383
-76	18072	903600	1ed1e13e-1056-442d-a0a0-3718e5a0fbd0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:48:45	-406.604
-77	9037	903700	cda7416d-d235-4865-990b-39c9b191bbb7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:38:56	-478.712
-77	18074	903700	10192934-40f0-4852-9483-0eea65a9884e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:19:16	-8.11
-78	9038	903800	99da8596-4ed8-4434-8083-92dcbbee71d2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:25:55	437.263
-78	18076	903800	83c26c3d-63fa-4e70-b4bb-5d3ed544dbf2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:13:10	-702.244
-79	9039	903900	5d8dd92a-2530-4d31-906b-fc34f7a4527a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:41:31	165.740
-79	18078	903900	b5f20ffe-e686-4bdd-b58f-7bbb244b077f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:55:45	-987.357
-80	9040	904000	9b9d2098-7943-46f1-9200-7129a5e514e6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:25:16	-229.592
-80	18080	904000	1a170a8b-3a9d-4f4f-a3b3-0281e7c7927b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:26:25	-517.946
-81	9041	904100	bd42bd48-8a36-4bbe-983c-494bd7386623	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:57:27	516.183
-81	18082	904100	a097c7f1-fa7f-47f9-b16f-0ebd531b6bcb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:20:47	90.419
-82	9042	904200	2d97d4d7-e0f2-4040-810d-d9c39323eab9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:40:00	-58.106
-82	18084	904200	27d84e53-ee22-4192-b16f-fa0d9235ac55	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:33:11	990.568
-83	9043	904300	ad05f3e2-1cb8-4048-8ace-0d7bf1290bed	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:24:24	812.372
-83	18086	904300	bfbb8770-89da-4160-95d5-48f38961e0ff	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:53:45	-703.425
-84	9044	904400	c5bd08ce-9ee2-4d3e-b806-6548e17e0251	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:40:10	34.452
-84	18088	904400	2183ae56-c557-4ff1-ac7b-07d6c0364abb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:20:06	465.433
-85	9045	904500	5482cd1e-d7f0-4327-a1be-ebf89446dada	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:54:23	197.87
-85	18090	904500	9070edc6-445f-4ec3-a4b7-160096574258	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:09:42	-490.756
-86	9046	904600	3a596d9e-b71f-41e5-9dc8-caadecb12267	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:17:23	-157.429
-86	18092	904600	5a5a7ffe-4b7a-4c8f-96a6-7304163df710	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:48:54	571.318
-87	9047	904700	300780cb-98c4-4f49-a89d-17b93de7f6d1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:26:14	-798.477
-87	18094	904700	aefc5cce-623a-4d4d-bf4c-3532225d370e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:36:26	-81.955
-88	9048	904800	0c3909f1-e75e-40af-b552-a2f2166f222b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:53:44	-533.443
-88	18096	904800	b2ca3d8f-cc06-4eb3-bd79-77eafdc4a3f8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:58:19	84.824
-89	9049	904900	a31f911c-e999-4d8d-97cf-54276b910537	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:53:11	279.520
-89	18098	904900	018f964a-c458-42e8-96aa-578fa7a05d5b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:37:59	727.82
-90	9050	905000	b08bfca2-7dbf-492a-bc8a-8549346d9560	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:30:37	-644.395
-90	18100	905000	f4865b89-e21e-48ca-97ad-3e19c384e246	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:57:22	-939.718
-91	9051	905100	beb7d767-8141-4595-9438-d19acafe2a98	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:11:37	173.530
-91	18102	905100	1ae1c9d4-df4b-4a96-b40b-7529801a6e92	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:56:52	737.432
-92	9052	905200	31c2ff81-a208-46b2-817f-7900f3530718	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:02:53	181.839
-92	18104	905200	46e4e834-79ab-458b-a285-8ac3ed03e3c0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:49:22	679.122
-93	9053	905300	81e8d87d-e33b-4ee3-a8d1-ae1f729b5c8e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:47:48	395.925
-93	18106	905300	df9501a8-3c79-4e78-a75e-33a7bbb1c66b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:49:38	-234.268
-94	9054	905400	5f7edacb-64f4-4fc5-b883-33af1902a74d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:45:06	785.220
-94	18108	905400	6d05996c-0629-4a2d-81fb-4e49887004e3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:05:33	-539.680
-95	9055	905500	bf9e8461-4ba7-47a9-a150-8aa4e4ceea6d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:06:19	-618.193
-95	18110	905500	d64c22be-84a3-4f48-9629-957dd1cf5585	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:28:19	-630.621
-96	9056	905600	00596716-6f69-406d-97d1-3d03b2d3e25c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:32:30	106.257
-96	18112	905600	e8425a5c-826b-406f-b01f-6364c5e29fe8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:57:56	-789.476
-97	9057	905700	69a92012-edec-447d-ac2f-cc9069100960	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:09:01	-880.262
-97	18114	905700	573b1407-118b-436e-8dc7-e2b32dff8889	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:04:11	394.444
-98	9058	905800	5248b711-119d-4b41-9c13-6ad57ca5d9c2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:18:52	292.78
-98	18116	905800	9b7733d9-c6ad-418d-b567-89075cbdb85d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:37:58	571.152
-99	9059	905900	df09a514-e665-4ad0-9d80-67a328518814	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:11:56	299.950
-99	18118	905900	5cf32881-5515-4001-b184-e6a78bdf7a39	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:49:41	733.113
-100	9060	906000	7c2c2a2b-d068-443b-b986-16ad3a35059f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:53:00	658.748
-100	18120	906000	673c0514-9ca8-481e-b161-65e2db9ed1e3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:18:53	-882.53
-101	9061	906100	79eb0fe3-f253-4231-948c-3be61de9f813	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:13:01	-773.666
-101	18122	906100	439c78a4-a220-4c63-be4d-be389d4c4e6f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:39:06	800.822
-102	9062	906200	62a21b9a-c917-4b67-bfe9-5741b6d38052	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:59:22	251.23
-102	18124	906200	35d55bcc-160f-4700-a53a-2c4e3d7d50da	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:26:22	588.236
-103	9063	906300	cbf5225c-fd6a-4674-acc4-d2b96c2b58ec	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:18:48	601.161
-103	18126	906300	148f864e-0f8e-4d77-becb-427208d823b6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:04:37	-675.264
-104	9064	906400	a4696a47-6f3d-4b0e-83ac-3d2f893a589d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:50:13	-716.746
-104	18128	906400	762aa366-beb2-4de7-af4e-910693479000	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:51:47	540.672
-105	9065	906500	a9a3848c-16b2-4517-8749-fa51aadaa10a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:43:51	-626.981
-105	18130	906500	e7dddf5b-e705-4a39-ae9a-437f42bec266	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:22:34	938.646
-106	9066	906600	98cf55b8-efc3-427e-a742-009176cb034a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:51:57	393.967
-106	18132	906600	4510844a-87f3-41e8-be44-7759a353b332	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:25:09	-206.872
-107	9067	906700	b75340ac-6011-422c-a94d-976ee18b9fff	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:04:45	531.47
-107	18134	906700	b0580117-2064-49a8-958d-d106e9149c04	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:02:03	-672.494
-108	9068	906800	5497a44d-7489-4e98-8ef3-18f58ac53f33	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:19:10	-690.868
-108	18136	906800	5773bd62-4e92-4275-84f5-e0d386de3cde	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:12:32	-589.682
-109	9069	906900	0dd449f3-a9d6-488e-bad2-48f46129df8e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:02:29	-701.608
-109	18138	906900	90699939-7756-45f1-ae6f-52f3e7d6caf0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:43:20	-70.328
-110	9070	907000	f041f54d-2d93-4e9b-8cca-ce191595c0a4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:41:05	-518.787
-110	18140	907000	b7c92681-c92d-46e5-9e24-5c0882945ba2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:56:02	241.792
-111	9071	907100	71a24f0a-2f4a-440a-bcbd-3b472cc8ff2b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:53:04	-60.957
-111	18142	907100	e7adb002-822e-4cd7-9d3b-fa4aca99decb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:54:39	-853.251
-112	9072	907200	384e24b4-66fa-47aa-a47a-879dca840ed8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:18:32	-822.94
-112	18144	907200	d8033b7a-c245-4af7-a5db-3e764b012bfc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:53:09	-506.92
-113	9073	907300	842a5317-e5c4-403d-a942-e0d74abf9e3d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:09:34	-5.85
-113	18146	907300	b0e740dc-3d25-4d11-a7ff-0f9604f21552	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:02:40	953.108
-114	9074	907400	9a0ef5f2-70e0-421d-9430-4a580a59d215	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:38:12	661.125
-114	18148	907400	b77b74ec-d8e0-4d1a-abb4-2dc3ad70ac50	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:07:18	427.825
-115	9075	907500	6fc5dd01-0a9f-42b4-9ac7-f67ab5fb00d4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:12:29	-62.908
-115	18150	907500	a1dcbe24-4188-4325-9720-100380a88040	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:39:24	-91.152
-116	9076	907600	ac1b3c49-bde9-4a50-8e33-518654c3040d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:17:48	-766.351
-116	18152	907600	8efa35c6-1870-4c54-b234-72f8b2ae2a1d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:30:18	224.961
-117	9077	907700	528b3159-c539-4874-a33d-cef73d1cfa50	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:23:04	599.163
-117	18154	907700	d3dcc51c-0142-4b1c-b97c-b768207f0a18	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:29:35	-133.901
-118	9078	907800	5da6dce9-2a3d-446d-b92f-93ebdca999c4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:24:06	-669.438
-118	18156	907800	ee5d7231-fa85-4927-b784-915fa71e2e21	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:25:46	135.501
-119	9079	907900	3d94ce3d-fcb7-44fa-b975-644dd6174697	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:23:26	-994.40
-119	18158	907900	fdf1532c-00bc-4d09-85e6-fed016478f7d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:27:11	-628.837
-120	9080	908000	17e660c1-543a-4dac-81a7-cfc90e907fab	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:25:15	-665.145
-120	18160	908000	92e58e6e-2386-4406-984a-95badee0128c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:29:34	-740.702
-121	9081	908100	df682c68-f5ea-436a-830d-deb07e3d3b14	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:58:27	-78.623
-121	18162	908100	d66b20b1-d0c4-43a3-806c-87e66e4e2abe	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:53:47	-422.671
-122	9082	908200	301b0bca-fd64-41e5-a4de-45f3ef1dcb38	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:19:53	562.872
-122	18164	908200	27c9890f-78ce-44e0-a5e9-b289b9c38d93	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:49:39	-896.88
-123	9083	908300	91d456ad-939d-4404-aa0f-d9bf7289cb0f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:58:57	192.641
-123	18166	908300	0628c569-0515-4c5c-ae9d-7cbd7c268be8	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:08:32	440.611
-124	9084	908400	0cf250e3-76af-4ed7-a16d-04f14159258e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:35:04	-244.18
-124	18168	908400	30b2cae2-8786-4250-a73e-7d2c73446973	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:49:44	203.939
-125	9085	908500	b4215308-9e52-4f80-b02f-4c7d7022cedb	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:49:26	530.342
-125	18170	908500	dfb32ca9-d32a-49c8-8ab3-5fc25167cc06	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:05:16	-330.388
-126	9086	908600	c21b60a4-5fe3-4dfb-8a2b-456836a339b7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:05:17	-218.865
-126	18172	908600	fd5393d3-f9c9-4961-8203-28fcb36d737a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:51:54	-154.458
-127	9087	908700	72105c16-7cab-42b9-9de8-3ba2844a7fbf	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:15:19	-923.916
-127	18174	908700	cb75ca55-bdf5-49fa-9b44-ff0ed27795a6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:24:07	364.563
-0	9088	908800	7feefb7b-3a9c-46a2-9504-f7f0f4242f49	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:18:26	-448.323
-0	18176	908800	632b80f1-e4d9-4846-b833-5348e8cd5c93	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:04:18	940.357
-1	9089	908900	26750ad1-09ca-4098-aa45-a78ed27e5388	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:07:31	37.548
-1	18178	908900	d593cb78-210e-42b7-b32f-53151e3ac0b7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:36:47	-618.826
-2	9090	909000	e7b1a58c-3b0a-4aee-aa87-5b77f751203b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:28:11	-638.630
-2	18180	909000	5f8a3372-e98b-4cdf-bd29-1a77a6df118a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:33:11	864.105
-3	9091	909100	d80a36e9-2ec9-488b-9924-36fbddd10d26	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:20:07	-998.63
-3	18182	909100	77a7999d-1ca6-4721-9036-cda5a0f67ad2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:50:21	-891.428
-4	9092	909200	1be4b51a-3c91-46a6-8d6c-83046e2a1bad	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:07:32	61.415
-4	18184	909200	860a2753-edf9-48f1-8a6f-c29803f451d2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:38:51	-682.212
-5	9093	909300	1fa8ad22-ac10-487a-9228-a2661840e04b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:13:26	-608.118
-5	18186	909300	5d381236-e6f9-4ef8-8735-a03e491b9b6a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:26:24	730.951
-6	9094	909400	6f7b625d-15fb-44b9-89ef-14e443681e24	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:07:01	775.365
-6	18188	909400	8e36bfda-fd01-4614-bf81-daebf70cd8a6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:39:31	-89.243
-7	9095	909500	c32cbb58-b8d2-4c73-a33d-49e654ebd0c6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:51:10	386.691
-7	18190	909500	a426d968-b5a4-4e3c-9dd9-f67eb8064cbd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:57:14	-874.977
-8	9096	909600	bc11bc36-cd9e-45ff-a824-1b6d9563729a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:10:49	788.935
-8	18192	909600	ca061f36-d504-416e-9865-37059a088e9a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:23:56	936.151
-9	9097	909700	e2fe8858-1ef0-40d2-85b2-e34b5a85cbbb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:18:52	-260.692
-9	18194	909700	86718d7a-04d2-4a21-a3a9-a52288cf5784	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:20:02	-682.435
-10	9098	909800	ba0d96df-b026-4ebe-aeed-25494d2e3906	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:31:38	713.638
-10	18196	909800	b2f4055f-9cd7-4b69-8768-c7cd0db8ceac	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:49:53	-657.752
-11	9099	909900	4bc95ed1-98dd-4668-afbb-66d5735ed88d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:37:54	233.280
-11	18198	909900	4a6c1118-3857-4597-909c-f1b3836c1995	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:38:25	-525.379
-12	9100	910000	47e4a03d-df12-486c-8097-8639890392cd	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:39:38	910.74
-12	18200	910000	0f4dc484-a015-481d-b23d-f381d96edc33	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:48:59	671.935
-13	9101	910100	58308286-ec1e-4302-b493-704e7aeb2192	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:39:00	-865.885
-13	18202	910100	41099985-c9b4-400b-8e16-a6ab61294665	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:51:55	-305.222
-14	9102	910200	584b3c4b-9210-4cad-ae85-9b51de1fb301	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:47:34	597.235
-14	18204	910200	b28b3b36-5840-42d6-a10e-0461663104c1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:09:10	-476.327
-15	9103	910300	bbccf041-c2ef-4955-afb8-9a61c9ef2e6e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:13:37	708.684
-15	18206	910300	06d2be70-15c3-45ec-ae85-3e21acc42c2b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:40:12	-929.721
-16	9104	910400	8d7bdd56-c624-4f3c-9813-b0121a4f4eb5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:22:59	815.422
-16	18208	910400	92cd79f0-8dc4-4ba3-ba28-ffadc234a0a5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:57:32	-22.489
-17	9105	910500	1dabb3c2-2ea4-4e68-91f9-a09b4bfa94fe	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:58:49	-518.638
-17	18210	910500	a2493463-2369-4e20-a235-4ac7c8df2244	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:04:52	-611.178
-18	9106	910600	cd94880b-ebda-4dce-9399-72612aac9cf6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:18:11	671.132
-18	18212	910600	1925caac-b18c-4d73-80f7-df4d6476e34f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:02:06	-152.966
-19	9107	910700	e1d1b7d1-9303-4dd8-ad7b-c40bb3a223a7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:58:36	-132.561
-19	18214	910700	f79a4136-ea58-4245-9f16-99961bbb2326	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:44:26	-894.65
-20	9108	910800	d89a408c-841d-4437-b74d-1952e9382e88	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:27:53	945.146
-20	18216	910800	8b726910-39cb-40e6-a4ee-86ae687ba0f3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:10:08	-553.200
-21	9109	910900	b748a2eb-b0ad-47a4-86e7-ab6056a8ec11	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:43:40	-405.56
-21	18218	910900	c1c34f18-d41e-4d8b-8c30-69a4db2d2fe3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:36:47	-348.170
-22	9110	911000	08fe4ed4-c29d-4051-8cbc-781f8cec4fe4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:53:07	372.137
-22	18220	911000	b5c57b44-71a1-4140-90c5-e6fdd05d11ff	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:06:49	-602.223
-23	9111	911100	8fae0744-a47e-4560-a55e-6b661d3e4def	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:09:43	-686.792
-23	18222	911100	d097dd73-278d-45be-b351-2fe2cd99c59a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:05:33	383.832
-24	9112	911200	4f6b1c0c-1d0a-42a0-9764-62711ea90276	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:19:43	787.356
-24	18224	911200	41301739-0ca9-474d-8f6a-50652e60e3f6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:02:42	-999.809
-25	9113	911300	27fb114f-327d-41c8-98e5-97992f847541	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:10:30	-142.15
-25	18226	911300	74e200f5-a52c-4934-96bf-836bb549ccd3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:09:35	827.45
-26	9114	911400	d93779c5-7582-4817-816d-1c1b218012fb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:32:26	335.961
-26	18228	911400	9470515d-1027-4c8f-96e0-923ca7f1e682	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:37:24	-415.404
-27	9115	911500	c6f1d1bd-edfa-4979-8361-db8876a57e4c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:05:48	-692.781
-27	18230	911500	8003ab7f-8103-4bb8-967b-133d1d04d765	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:50:57	121.59
-28	9116	911600	65cd6307-a9ad-44cc-9e67-0a423d8df273	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:38:32	962.437
-28	18232	911600	a5059001-7bf9-49bf-9a24-9f6e0bf4489f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:46:14	217.853
-29	9117	911700	3f36a9f8-c999-415c-8ac4-d452383c4922	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:29:01	-907.365
-29	18234	911700	509fbf2c-e4ae-40ad-9de8-ec793bdcb65b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:32:25	651.2
-30	9118	911800	0b279b1c-256f-44f6-aa3c-73fe139f5d09	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:20:17	-77.468
-30	18236	911800	ddfddb8e-17bf-4168-8f98-693aa52451d6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:47:41	-563.816
-31	9119	911900	f274a90b-7665-4750-8204-fbde3088bbc2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:30:14	510.313
-31	18238	911900	7f72394a-74c8-4176-9c69-f91db196840d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:09:35	631.56
-32	9120	912000	5cf128c5-ae70-4d31-aff9-5eb201fc005d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:59:53	828.338
-32	18240	912000	eda71b67-7682-4076-86bb-394904f56e96	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:35:02	-145.501
-33	9121	912100	d877ba7a-e88a-40fe-8ea6-784ecca12ea6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:10:37	-898.616
-33	18242	912100	af5317e8-569d-4968-ae24-32b416fef69e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:49:07	832.891
-34	9122	912200	38d33d8a-ab59-460a-9f62-ac28320034d7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:22:25	33.455
-34	18244	912200	04e06378-0812-4fbe-a07e-049fb707c1fc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:21:14	795.164
-35	9123	912300	53c57f37-32a3-47e6-b35b-83cc55b4fc60	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:18:41	-355.330
-35	18246	912300	6642131f-36ca-4b55-be0f-972a14a72733	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:53:32	140.662
-36	9124	912400	b08a463a-8ba7-4250-99fb-507a63e1885c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:04:36	-369.967
-36	18248	912400	a386e8f7-6b84-42bc-9696-90cf3cf3d600	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:05:46	690.77
-37	9125	912500	41a1821b-5ac3-4999-b35c-4bdab8953290	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:32:17	-478.645
-37	18250	912500	f10c498b-324b-45cf-81da-e5669dc65b8c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:39:32	-509.181
-38	9126	912600	6bd022f0-3737-44ec-9d9e-6e2ad3070957	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:01:45	628.553
-38	18252	912600	b41cd8b4-521a-4f78-993c-d232ca62fe33	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:26:30	-654.367
-39	9127	912700	2dde35ed-a15b-4874-bf05-b600f693f7a5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:40:37	-450.147
-39	18254	912700	3ea8114e-7384-4a8f-bbb0-2516e9477e01	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:02:56	118.7
-40	9128	912800	6619721c-715c-4804-9f5d-e9bb55143052	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:12:34	-464.618
-40	18256	912800	ae2fee16-c057-4681-b481-8c6d4743a3ff	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:16:19	328.91
-41	9129	912900	4999df72-6a7b-4cf2-9fb3-a51f4053773d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:38:57	156.148
-41	18258	912900	58e0a884-11a6-4fa8-94a0-7e9442b4ab8a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:44:26	901.423
-42	9130	913000	9bfecaed-51f7-4610-a65a-72ce0835983f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:36:54	-335.962
-42	18260	913000	56ae9d7a-8642-4df3-b5af-d29ca1fa9482	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:04:58	-982.476
-43	9131	913100	6542ccc1-7520-42e1-bf1c-f484fc6c6fc6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:22:59	886.789
-43	18262	913100	eb9a258e-4cf4-4803-92a0-6c52c1fc7645	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:44:34	640.437
-44	9132	913200	1f9f5f17-091c-45a1-842a-3296b6c1fa8e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:56:31	-509.403
-44	18264	913200	6632a422-9b90-4c11-95b3-a5702afff072	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:42:06	754.747
-45	9133	913300	c8456c30-6da1-4fb3-8a75-d5c69074bbce	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:02:14	-894.771
-45	18266	913300	02f3bcff-a908-4523-bf05-bccdecfa40f4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:30:14	-109.349
-46	9134	913400	d0fc0722-ea36-48f2-b70c-2eec45841eac	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:00:41	-616.129
-46	18268	913400	a0bae9c0-16bb-42be-8f92-3c1994aa9d1f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:12:37	358.735
-47	9135	913500	39ce1198-d787-4071-9fc4-6b7c6e8a37ba	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:53:52	639.646
-47	18270	913500	9ea65f9e-f79c-4e53-857b-abdfa208b41b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:43:32	-97.940
-48	9136	913600	95f8d697-e97c-4c31-886e-f3fa6dfec53a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:35:10	-701.912
-48	18272	913600	d1c096aa-fd12-4e61-875b-5aaddb5899a5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:38:20	71.517
-49	9137	913700	57b2cfa1-8601-4033-b9fa-9f70cb1a6014	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:03:06	781.893
-49	18274	913700	548423b5-83c7-4852-b500-9749dccd7113	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:14:12	916.823
-50	9138	913800	49fc82dd-090d-407f-809d-414b240fb8c6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:08:17	312.513
-50	18276	913800	27fbe950-1208-4844-8d68-4f2445c5f85f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:11:20	211.838
-51	9139	913900	c79916fc-8a1f-42fd-9fe2-9690b351170e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:05:34	533.303
-51	18278	913900	a91a9af7-3996-485e-9605-b5f3701c8ccd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:08:38	615.416
-52	9140	914000	243a3767-803d-49e4-acff-846ed0d23159	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:30:20	-452.343
-52	18280	914000	4aaee357-92de-4ebe-81dc-b2c946190fe3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:13:00	-243.576
-53	9141	914100	4cbeed56-57c5-4b5e-a13c-238a85b6c99c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:02:16	196.995
-53	18282	914100	28f5b2b7-ea79-4333-ba5c-09b9fcff4fe9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:33:18	658.580
-54	9142	914200	a2c08f5e-a4fa-43ce-9ad7-995b1731e2c9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:55:14	249.814
-54	18284	914200	32fbbf1f-01f7-4af3-83df-a53c644f5692	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:53:33	937.307
-55	9143	914300	4a4107ad-2f11-45d0-a904-09320ae763d9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:04:46	-274.457
-55	18286	914300	85a5a234-2ced-43d2-bb40-30f6365afd73	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:32:25	-198.648
-56	9144	914400	ecfd05fb-edb5-43f9-a261-83afff0ae297	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:11:19	-360.512
-56	18288	914400	60d9ca44-7a94-4e7a-842b-975f891ecaaa	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:04:23	376.638
-57	9145	914500	8ec455cf-bfb2-4541-9365-8fd4d60baf60	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:11:16	770.96
-57	18290	914500	2a08cc61-f3c4-4d5c-a628-c6414ccc8add	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:28:34	839.31
-58	9146	914600	3c89c8eb-c26e-4643-b199-d22d770633d3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:54:14	630.98
-58	18292	914600	037f6000-053e-4349-a94a-028600e7704e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:46:23	35.586
-59	9147	914700	67158322-1037-45ff-8506-019b7ba0a48d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:57:55	851.203
-59	18294	914700	801e57e0-92b5-443d-bf27-0f5c9b14cb5d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:04:06	-712.92
-60	9148	914800	7c713838-d37a-4c9b-b10f-9e293508b426	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:01:44	613.857
-60	18296	914800	b7b9c3d9-512b-44c8-97b9-3bf326f27ccc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:43:17	-833.143
-61	9149	914900	68e78ef3-4a45-4a93-ab5b-efee8068d42c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:59:11	987.563
-61	18298	914900	261cd574-b0b6-418d-b521-5ab2e7182709	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:02:37	-200.42
-62	9150	915000	b8d9afca-c85d-42cd-82ed-4a894e188700	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:14:33	515.619
-62	18300	915000	4142a11a-854b-4105-bb8f-9bea5996a935	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:04:23	760.980
-63	9151	915100	728aed86-0209-4c80-af90-cc8c7b53a9c7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:29:40	255.523
-63	18302	915100	7b48c255-c751-4477-84d6-891394dba6cd	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:21:31	880.802
-64	9152	915200	e0c5d682-b2b8-49f9-9133-0be7a0158a4a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:32:47	844.96
-64	18304	915200	f2c44cc8-e270-4400-818c-4f548e56a2a9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:50:35	-293.106
-65	9153	915300	8122d9a5-95e6-4b32-89bf-d2904fd8e0f2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:57:52	-29.551
-65	18306	915300	fc1cc05e-b2cc-4872-a2cf-8a688f76a315	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:29:57	43.716
-66	9154	915400	fb19eb2f-4934-4e71-92df-b7091a442328	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:54:42	719.418
-66	18308	915400	21da7efb-b078-4d56-8dee-47e739f7fa92	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:45:32	-354.508
-67	9155	915500	77ce4b14-4182-4e59-a1ba-74017eab48f7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:48:40	-303.681
-67	18310	915500	64c15d1e-3d9c-4c89-bc4c-2aac7ac3cd40	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:11:25	-547.221
-68	9156	915600	d362c91f-2495-4f73-ada3-30b7c0773334	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:52:00	222.228
-68	18312	915600	049d9866-9e68-4453-b389-2b9c7425c9ab	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:59:23	-999.156
-69	9157	915700	30850d9e-89e8-4fa4-9bff-9dc85130b05a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:56:02	-335.36
-69	18314	915700	ed80c025-7d5e-4c5e-8537-ba8055eb319d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:50:03	-253.851
-70	9158	915800	2ff1239b-42b7-4f44-9fd6-e82fb840de38	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:08:36	903.352
-70	18316	915800	c5f7827c-bb09-452b-ba68-2886ee470362	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:20:06	-926.78
-71	9159	915900	8b1afcf7-0651-4eae-abb9-38cc3bc9050f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:44:07	46.673
-71	18318	915900	aa910e05-b39a-4f59-a6d5-f68ecf4de01b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:33:16	912.628
-72	9160	916000	6a1c2e99-03c9-428c-9511-c3e8683b4d28	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:41:06	90.449
-72	18320	916000	cea8dabb-c993-4283-8113-3d77b611942f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:09:39	967.537
-73	9161	916100	a4db6267-8a5e-4215-b00f-84f1714dd6ef	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:47:22	495.341
-73	18322	916100	6c514299-efbb-4dbf-a712-6068ca267f3b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:32:37	104.636
-74	9162	916200	766f4846-f556-45de-af24-240449617ec0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:26:06	-260.504
-74	18324	916200	2a15bc45-0045-4c62-9b09-0e3b8e8a7d8c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:32:08	88.547
-75	9163	916300	169addfc-8e15-4d32-9e38-98157fb2737d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:38:59	994.98
-75	18326	916300	e005a6f8-b44a-4e64-9635-5758f37e5e01	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:14:14	205.400
-76	9164	916400	9ed943b6-59e7-42e0-9f61-129f48bdeaa1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:55:32	-468.677
-76	18328	916400	0f5feace-ae84-41da-b499-56f34344719f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:16:34	-940.845
-77	9165	916500	413c81c2-d6c6-48d9-8093-505bf5df543a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:24:28	333.509
-77	18330	916500	64267319-8ed2-414a-a2b4-0b23408c85e2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:23:11	-508.660
-78	9166	916600	624797d3-22c8-42ff-8b39-db834c93fd4b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:23:28	869.647
-78	18332	916600	4f1cd638-c3a4-4916-9c7a-638e9584f3fb	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:05:16	284.92
-79	9167	916700	34c3ec05-ecf6-49f5-af7c-d77cc8087e71	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:52:14	-952.524
-79	18334	916700	6d78e452-3c06-4b1e-9c9e-02d19e32fbb1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:13:58	-717.992
-80	9168	916800	feb0f9b0-46ae-476a-ac76-c96cfe4e9fb8	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:37:59	-692.15
-80	18336	916800	751e4c47-9622-492f-bd8c-ef0b462e0645	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:54:58	952.593
-81	9169	916900	6ab0bd9a-52b5-4b1e-943c-c913a9663898	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:57:57	-950.689
-81	18338	916900	a5d5b573-088c-443b-81ad-5895a8a055b7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:05:10	367.636
-82	9170	917000	4eec3035-bcba-411b-a764-02d2ab470324	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:05:34	-307.837
-82	18340	917000	d96a5986-acb7-4031-9f56-21e3b0eae6a5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:27:05	-550.754
-83	9171	917100	08dcb661-d6c3-45f8-8ea7-c1e85d6b7d1d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:34:38	-435.576
-83	18342	917100	1e2d99f6-346e-4b45-92de-0716b9cbc86c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:02:01	384.850
-84	9172	917200	88eb62ce-662f-4aff-8d8a-99c88720612f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:17:39	-739.187
-84	18344	917200	6d6e7a77-5f44-4db6-986d-b01bbb51dfc8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:15:55	195.807
-85	9173	917300	35699897-e293-4f0b-afa6-c2fff74f5ad0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:28:54	500.752
-85	18346	917300	6cf4453b-c319-44d8-915b-68b43efbe1a1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:08:38	181.130
-86	9174	917400	35c856f2-d0ce-4675-b0ed-f6a8fbd362e5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:04:36	561.899
-86	18348	917400	30032df4-88d5-4933-89d2-d9c1ab95d2db	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:30:54	-233.608
-87	9175	917500	003d5e38-de4e-4e9a-a610-44d30ed9ef50	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:42:12	-519.56
-87	18350	917500	e77e4f76-b3e3-4ee0-9e37-bc9298d56794	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:23:46	715.54
-88	9176	917600	2b01b209-2cfa-4d80-8c22-f7c2d58ae182	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:36:12	723.888
-88	18352	917600	7f4055f6-3059-4f4e-a91d-b169e2ad2b17	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:03:29	773.362
-89	9177	917700	d3411040-d13c-4f24-bbe9-c23519062a1d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:30:18	745.251
-89	18354	917700	c538b639-a623-4d95-bedd-57a6336fa4d7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:42:45	811.567
-90	9178	917800	3833fc24-ab8c-4026-8410-497345ad657a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:26:49	-359.27
-90	18356	917800	48bb089b-9114-46ff-bb9f-0f12955d6f43	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:59:26	-957.635
-91	9179	917900	367b36a4-b7f7-41d1-9246-d6ca31e4a574	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:37:30	-740.153
-91	18358	917900	4ac8464e-18a3-40a5-9f6b-3799f6cc89b5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:24:22	879.572
-92	9180	918000	51c76317-c7a5-4139-bbfe-6f722c742860	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:38:35	-192.617
-92	18360	918000	cddeb280-3fc7-45e6-afc0-02d892846636	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:22:50	168.419
-93	9181	918100	ff896fc0-e9d7-41ff-85e1-dd5ae548aa63	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:31:57	935.27
-93	18362	918100	788d3d21-0dd0-4019-b3ec-091b138ac0c2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:37:16	232.432
-94	9182	918200	9c01b530-3eee-41e6-9690-9ff8dae0651a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:36:10	-631.597
-94	18364	918200	f72b3073-d92c-45a3-88df-45ae085c9f6e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:01:14	78.891
-95	9183	918300	aa979368-18c7-4026-a49f-0d265ed19b3d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:12:23	-938.777
-95	18366	918300	c8ff382e-ffe4-41f6-ad63-aa65743a2d00	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:32:38	446.159
-96	9184	918400	2dfcb434-a20c-47d9-a1c4-2138d469371e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:19:20	437.258
-96	18368	918400	06c74693-8ef5-4e1b-b254-c5549e913238	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:06:39	975.344
-97	9185	918500	76f773fb-40bd-437d-a009-c922182a2e62	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:18:21	856.587
-97	18370	918500	5b432365-d011-4af2-9b4e-e18c54ca6e9e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:05:38	823.551
-98	9186	918600	9ae6509e-b488-44ec-9adf-5da8458486fe	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:27:59	-870.447
-98	18372	918600	84cd996b-2236-43a8-9f1a-67d85e53252e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:22:01	-538.774
-99	9187	918700	56f4043f-934d-4c01-86aa-662d5115e185	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:07:10	-87.251
-99	18374	918700	47f219d2-ae82-4af1-8f73-b88469a20a9f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:23:34	-873.368
-100	9188	918800	019b7823-c79d-4726-a2d7-2f14fce62e17	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:53:27	-37.370
-100	18376	918800	7ffb5569-7bfd-452c-b799-71f8cadffe68	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:42:10	-669.802
-101	9189	918900	4308cf76-e6b5-4a74-b657-6671811695cb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:07:19	-45.518
-101	18378	918900	2ab19d62-29a0-4330-a634-a8e924dfd90d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:56:34	832.518
-102	9190	919000	f7b72673-029e-4097-bfb6-1cc6375ad6ba	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:12:42	-460.149
-102	18380	919000	b3dbd097-f758-461b-ab39-d9582c834607	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:21:19	-660.177
-103	9191	919100	01e3dca6-a6d4-46f7-a08f-11de44961126	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:29:38	-639.28
-103	18382	919100	d742b789-3ffd-4ab6-a4c3-34dfc4f0c65b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:57:26	-792.753
-104	9192	919200	54c24f05-6c8a-4735-b0fa-1b2d588cf1b9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:35:00	694.69
-104	18384	919200	c524a7c4-b71e-47d6-a943-77cd5807c2a0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:39:03	94.678
-105	9193	919300	2cd80add-0ccd-42fd-8000-1a4e26b29158	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:35:40	-361.45
-105	18386	919300	99ea61b8-317b-4f70-9f6e-fdb349a24e2b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:40:02	525.559
-106	9194	919400	9219af83-7ca2-43c0-9cb3-ad03eb7e2f52	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:09:08	741.525
-106	18388	919400	a793fa44-1bd8-4ec8-83c3-707583d453b4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:56:57	-837.493
-107	9195	919500	c9a6acfc-61e7-4d27-a159-fd7971d6c151	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:11:54	-162.742
-107	18390	919500	d5314d14-20dc-4bcc-af2c-4a1f13080b9a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:41:54	501.884
-108	9196	919600	487428c4-e142-4269-8739-0b7bb669e361	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:52:52	-972.788
-108	18392	919600	0f9049b9-2c4d-4203-9260-e013ab38dbee	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:06:25	-880.556
-109	9197	919700	456fcbf6-db8e-45f7-ac98-d9ddb820c0f9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:07:26	-153.966
-109	18394	919700	e1932078-34e0-4e41-b394-c9055ae27572	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:28:56	306.199
-110	9198	919800	920dbe14-7e27-45cb-8bf3-a15c6b3d7f58	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:51:24	82.522
-110	18396	919800	f0e06642-4bcc-43be-b915-6ffcb5a212b8	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:18:57	-929.241
-111	9199	919900	fb1d56c0-ec90-4bd9-a79a-3de04242e800	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:10:22	833.694
-111	18398	919900	23cfe7fb-b3cb-4e1b-9531-6983e45f812c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:42:33	787.328
-112	9200	920000	0db31871-3004-4183-a08b-c842a97fae6d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:05:52	-776.153
-112	18400	920000	8fb66590-c815-4e20-93c8-5a2f95c9aabd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:22:17	-674.129
-113	9201	920100	320978bf-f237-43fe-b739-ec48f2bdd9c4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:05:48	-412.721
-113	18402	920100	07d294dd-d47b-4ba3-bcf4-fc5fd43fa4c7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:48:19	641.594
-114	9202	920200	9cacac33-649c-4c70-a560-21576fe03935	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:06:15	642.589
-114	18404	920200	a1317b13-650a-4b7a-9c05-d3a0b387aae4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:20:02	-850.803
-115	9203	920300	8076f4aa-8f48-41d0-8a2f-43a17d3fefae	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:44:13	-681.686
-115	18406	920300	e9ee807f-5892-459b-adae-c2454110d4fb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:33:48	-593.948
-116	9204	920400	3d0928f4-b158-44ba-be3d-ae6f3790f912	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:38:35	-331.984
-116	18408	920400	dafaf633-8430-4021-b530-2621ce6e5061	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:35:16	-423.35
-117	9205	920500	af379e4e-542f-40d3-add2-f298027d2271	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:27:49	-866.555
-117	18410	920500	0b3f6ab8-a84c-4544-83bd-cb462a529800	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:10:38	-367.129
-118	9206	920600	132387cf-9dff-440c-96e2-caa6c7cb2e2c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:19:45	-719.248
-118	18412	920600	999d193f-5ffc-4f53-92a9-0221e331af1c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:30:15	-338.597
-119	9207	920700	f5ca84b4-558f-4d27-bf54-9123d65f24a4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:25:00	-59.274
-119	18414	920700	3bcfb2f6-6d51-4870-b7ee-0b4ed52cf845	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:05:09	917.629
-120	9208	920800	79ed0cc5-2187-4480-b0ba-03a90887c79b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:12:45	188.181
-120	18416	920800	0f41e706-bffd-4ac6-a369-4646f30308fc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:50:41	991.363
-121	9209	920900	7503bceb-02f5-48f2-a01e-8205184056be	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:38:10	26.977
-121	18418	920900	a5540ab4-49da-4abb-a386-e2361f31767c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:58:35	-918.621
-122	9210	921000	1318ced0-5c7d-4ea5-a9d2-e8ab06e0036b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:58:04	-764.922
-122	18420	921000	14d2afb9-79a8-44a7-8702-a384a2913719	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:53:51	194.514
-123	9211	921100	6c4a67c3-f39d-4d27-a1ea-069a2f199674	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:14:23	-979.470
-123	18422	921100	a876751a-4003-41c4-b0aa-870d264bc032	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:06:33	-771.760
-124	9212	921200	ea612010-bf6d-4fbe-8ced-3ea234b3b7bf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:19:39	-263.971
-124	18424	921200	f061fd97-aacc-4ce0-918d-2102d943d8d7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:54:03	-720.875
-125	9213	921300	eaf12985-c074-415a-807f-c9d2bd783289	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:33:11	-228.800
-125	18426	921300	18161e6c-bd21-4b88-885b-6b4ec87d9616	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:31:41	-867.474
-126	9214	921400	4c690111-c31e-4ee3-8b6a-0036553d81de	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:27:12	-962.663
-126	18428	921400	6ea00db6-abba-46ec-86b1-46605fcbf634	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:17:24	451.103
-127	9215	921500	d8141b17-7edc-4458-b0c2-1ece94ab66f7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:46:38	157.674
-127	18430	921500	cd04de16-9987-42a9-9528-d63a201d2bac	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:44:51	470.211
-0	9216	921600	5a089052-7ba1-4647-b94d-978a7431ed57	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:06:24	-607.138
-0	18432	921600	c2b29740-3991-4a2a-864d-7d1a1554f137	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:50:29	-639.135
-1	9217	921700	6881fbfa-2635-4be0-8143-5f2940754523	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:31:15	-521.279
-1	18434	921700	f3d08b64-34e8-4e9f-90dd-e2e3cb3f5f39	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:21:11	838.360
-2	9218	921800	c35ac660-59c1-40f8-8f4e-831e6cf820be	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:56:09	-616.735
-2	18436	921800	8b9e1b11-def2-4206-86a8-6e700087c5d4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:20:19	288.766
-3	9219	921900	df53a728-2388-4013-a35c-7576a25191bc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:19:43	-34.390
-3	18438	921900	338fe67b-d975-4837-940a-5776cff53519	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:09:19	-995.171
-4	9220	922000	0f2cabfe-1437-4d7b-b8e8-40259a6ade2f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:34:15	-388.381
-4	18440	922000	c398445e-ec7e-4bff-bd62-ff9163e55c2c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:24:01	-87.875
-5	9221	922100	d886fd4a-bab0-4bf1-9bef-76bb09bb3d23	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:42:38	880.62
-5	18442	922100	0ba59373-9160-4ad6-9741-527477f9ea0a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:05:54	351.81
-6	9222	922200	f0a926fc-105f-4f50-b2a3-54fa463aa030	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:11:23	882.617
-6	18444	922200	94776753-1535-4dc2-b303-37fe8b0f813c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:50:47	-819.987
-7	9223	922300	15f4d17b-2d12-4718-b28c-dc12626a5e66	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:00:13	591.377
-7	18446	922300	cee6b798-47f3-452d-bff7-46bd2eb39783	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:04:00	-532.12
-8	9224	922400	94f1108f-5dce-4403-b5ed-89f47fa59d58	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:38:46	821.308
-8	18448	922400	5f154d9e-a5af-4a7c-877b-cac263e2cff7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:11:56	-823.929
-9	9225	922500	8d116603-20e7-4532-ae38-d800781c70ff	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:13:22	-996.867
-9	18450	922500	28b4b397-59dc-4945-93c0-40a772e53129	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:57:03	954.53
-10	9226	922600	37c74f0c-5cb4-442a-86c8-6512e2e991be	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:55:24	-432.485
-10	18452	922600	6cc0918c-1e9a-4792-88b9-a08c115b6173	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:17:55	-504.335
-11	9227	922700	abfcabb1-25aa-4e6e-9226-07234b70b9c3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:30:36	834.379
-11	18454	922700	2ca1ea1e-6778-4db0-8142-96ecd4ebac7f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:39:01	429.601
-12	9228	922800	b37625bc-14a0-479a-9b5c-5441576cc934	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:22:50	152.636
-12	18456	922800	228b385b-db30-438d-87ed-0c519b63e4d7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:34:11	873.687
-13	9229	922900	e8ee9628-0319-4d18-b7c9-2e37bd0b4bfc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:05:46	-238.631
-13	18458	922900	d3ba00a6-1e0d-42f1-a4b8-c8287b0cbe6c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:00:31	-259.477
-14	9230	923000	b0951062-3871-4c8d-9582-3e2b003ae162	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:30:31	-82.996
-14	18460	923000	f4d2b3e4-b2b0-4d97-828d-d4e42384a772	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:20:33	683.155
-15	9231	923100	c5750c32-3671-4262-b3e1-0630678f0649	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:37:17	-635.696
-15	18462	923100	ba3ddb87-e0c9-4b57-8a2c-60d8e93198c4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:16:26	948.447
-16	9232	923200	fb4d504d-5ccf-40c2-8d1f-a54a4ab0904d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:28:31	493.309
-16	18464	923200	c12279dc-1fe8-414f-81f5-5c5844b4a3d6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:40:03	446.473
-17	9233	923300	bdeb9fda-a848-4818-bac1-b94bd9ea6e06	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:53:17	583.283
-17	18466	923300	04dd5d3c-3ddd-454c-9e3f-2af9f1a67cb7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:25:51	651.455
-18	9234	923400	df2fdf00-db8f-4c09-a9d6-ad0e9c759ddc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:25:11	147.116
-18	18468	923400	fa530921-7cdd-44bf-93ff-d0fea3127650	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:55:33	595.234
-19	9235	923500	0539fcb0-6dda-44ee-9835-b4bf257c258c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:05:11	-124.115
-19	18470	923500	208a39be-c9a7-4905-8304-2eff5c1d7ef2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:33:52	-562.856
-20	9236	923600	8778fb32-da92-4dba-a290-908ef2f29f92	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:15:16	146.143
-20	18472	923600	e44034b0-a06f-4d05-8562-d2f6e382e9e9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:16:11	-329.495
-21	9237	923700	a02f7529-5309-4d87-936d-9c270e39aafe	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:55:23	-193.372
-21	18474	923700	5b7d1eee-af3c-4452-a414-6f7f5dcd3519	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:22:41	62.487
-22	9238	923800	cd83823e-2a22-47af-9b5a-fc0004826d9f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:38:16	482.225
-22	18476	923800	37555962-5eaf-4346-abf2-c0675b957fe0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:09:36	707.685
-23	9239	923900	68c7ba67-d174-4964-9c7f-08e8a8117436	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:28:35	96.483
-23	18478	923900	82f9d925-2677-4a82-8b51-95afbbd2c612	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:15:23	-786.530
-24	9240	924000	6d1303c5-48b5-4aa8-9e54-f66e68ebbf9b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:06:19	614.832
-24	18480	924000	bd7ac226-32f5-47b1-8adf-178a6716b576	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:04:41	-648.51
-25	9241	924100	c827a96f-ed1b-4fe7-bac5-5824ba0b08af	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:51:56	-893.466
-25	18482	924100	56ea6d91-089d-4c01-a904-88c50427052f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:09:59	-873.186
-26	9242	924200	18428c8d-7352-4e08-9f30-d2c177fb9fea	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:29:32	-406.926
-26	18484	924200	a76259ab-5993-4888-805f-47f6a68c798a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:05:40	-526.149
-27	9243	924300	43c7a1d4-5fac-4877-8d07-90870f6bbbf0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:54:18	25.612
-27	18486	924300	9d1ead28-c73f-468b-b242-9a47d9b8a19f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:56:02	362.462
-28	9244	924400	0ba64190-a0ec-4bb3-b74f-0a92ce451a65	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:53:40	-559.90
-28	18488	924400	e4964fac-f896-48b5-bd83-96b84486621f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:12:33	-235.192
-29	9245	924500	93f9a3f8-5711-4492-8df9-31f3c5c6910a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:06:54	-286.405
-29	18490	924500	e3f52a87-7234-4701-813b-ea9b96344818	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:17:13	707.588
-30	9246	924600	3bd1e72d-3ce3-4b79-b985-a05510d972cf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:09:55	931.665
-30	18492	924600	67560a86-5ccc-4490-94f3-5be594a1688f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:54:27	410.553
-31	9247	924700	55ea926e-ab70-4049-b7cb-0701264455bc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:53:10	-374.186
-31	18494	924700	f314312f-04ca-4f36-8515-250083fe4551	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:16:01	394.313
-32	9248	924800	269ed768-a393-4456-ac61-6ce66b3929f3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:15:55	-226.354
-32	18496	924800	939a3854-d165-4a51-be90-a71c3e22a23a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:42:27	71.88
-33	9249	924900	a0f1cf6b-8dea-48e9-a496-f7677aa68568	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:14:49	372.652
-33	18498	924900	1eae31fd-4c18-4946-8eee-0a611243172d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:34:02	-428.824
-34	9250	925000	a48d1cad-a8fb-48f9-adb5-1e7dbab867e8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:39:50	976.470
-34	18500	925000	1bd0ea26-f12e-4f5f-b665-6249ea5080ac	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:15:44	432.265
-35	9251	925100	87eda2f9-9686-4224-8273-0657b4047ea3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:43:45	850.880
-35	18502	925100	a539d2b4-cb98-4400-9492-a461f95f09fa	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:53:16	-239.584
-36	9252	925200	f14ca7aa-5f99-4648-81a4-6b8dfe6e99ef	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:49:23	614.157
-36	18504	925200	a6b25310-94cd-4ce2-ab03-3e1c58c9e34a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:36:40	774.705
-37	9253	925300	868fd17a-07d4-45ad-b970-1c54b06b0411	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:11:52	-125.716
-37	18506	925300	1d565b52-5c37-4006-bb81-e9e6f0ca0099	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:51:30	-508.411
-38	9254	925400	d3e3cde5-cb02-48be-9b35-ef212d695f08	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:17:17	-480.935
-38	18508	925400	2fb3d5bc-a5fa-460e-8570-4b9b8f685159	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:51:24	221.440
-39	9255	925500	cb6c0124-68f6-441b-a6ff-0d25fa8bdbda	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:10:59	-88.834
-39	18510	925500	c0f30e5b-b32a-4753-a4f9-9b4823d13686	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:47:45	225.858
-40	9256	925600	3a6cb6e4-4a50-4fdd-bb23-f42dfb946046	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:20:28	632.909
-40	18512	925600	fced48e6-e41f-4437-bef7-14a0afb57856	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:02:06	-273.213
-41	9257	925700	c256f073-f1f7-4024-a895-56c2afc7c6a1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:48:55	170.444
-41	18514	925700	1edc1fe6-abf1-4bb5-9526-d540197b8d83	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:32:49	686.113
-42	9258	925800	110f96df-ff49-4954-8003-45ee3c8a51da	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:04:25	328.748
-42	18516	925800	1bddde37-4106-44fc-a4d7-116c670267a1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:49:49	61.181
-43	9259	925900	1418b410-8816-4360-9b7a-19fe18b26a4a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:59:28	916.143
-43	18518	925900	a1de9d9a-2b5a-4807-a25e-b9609c9f33c1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:37:16	921.893
-44	9260	926000	952f81ee-b153-442e-bd0f-577c149d4dbf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:54:15	-554.29
-44	18520	926000	f26b7286-4f09-4248-992f-335559aa1438	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:31:19	-609.603
-45	9261	926100	fb513998-26a2-4782-afe3-15d546edcada	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:04:01	-102.378
-45	18522	926100	c81c5ecb-6e24-49c9-a18d-052b171c720c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:08:54	742.737
-46	9262	926200	0bd06ebf-b407-46da-82de-0efcad529b84	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:38:26	-804.960
-46	18524	926200	66fab628-1605-4ef4-945a-fde5228d4011	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:35:11	-975.470
-47	9263	926300	fd4020b9-86f8-4fe8-a17c-e281631547f0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:10:24	-407.427
-47	18526	926300	3a7ddb1a-2a0d-4402-bb93-d35f32be7ff8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:15:06	383.380
-48	9264	926400	1ed21dd1-3e99-462e-9bd7-bf733cdd00c5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:58:31	-987.28
-48	18528	926400	6d69e5b5-5ffb-4a3b-a9c5-e7ceed0e972e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:50:04	-183.559
-49	9265	926500	f795b9a5-0043-4f08-8ea4-04c4a01a62b0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:16:13	92.446
-49	18530	926500	15d6cd4e-a50a-46cf-be67-f3dd9de69f52	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:52:41	321.275
-50	9266	926600	3bb751ca-effc-45b2-aedb-e832a7ab540d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:15:34	-214.912
-50	18532	926600	27f73e70-f6da-4f6f-9ea6-e54a6f3f1ead	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:20:22	-769.956
-51	9267	926700	d0aa8f9b-2985-440b-bb51-8f5e06cf203e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:50:18	-335.68
-51	18534	926700	91358c44-ca24-4823-b0d3-1a7de994a624	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:22:31	-330.370
-52	9268	926800	f7a3c11e-bc79-4115-a47c-806aacd2f214	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:30:38	507.575
-52	18536	926800	6469e1cf-7b57-4a24-bfd2-fd238984dd29	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:38:00	942.232
-53	9269	926900	b14ad6de-538b-424e-a299-f64d53d0e1bd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:49:53	-332.310
-53	18538	926900	3663229c-5b6e-431f-aed0-f5adbb0fa09f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:57:57	-80.332
-54	9270	927000	965aca25-bdf6-49a1-a334-a880ac1f69db	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:25:05	718.532
-54	18540	927000	b01d2e89-2194-4cfd-b437-4171dc6b8539	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:58:29	-822.387
-55	9271	927100	e26502e6-e63c-4a1a-a26a-d7e177307e1b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:06:34	-342.270
-55	18542	927100	67ae6d54-5a21-49b4-8edf-ee1779f8759c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:50:51	579.302
-56	9272	927200	2a12cdcb-a03e-4acb-95e0-f00e90f7683e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:13:58	-572.796
-56	18544	927200	f8069dd7-d6ab-4032-87f3-feff1fdbadb6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:15:59	940.891
-57	9273	927300	10bdee00-0bbb-448d-ae91-228fa3bc792c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:53:12	604.449
-57	18546	927300	52adf868-0a51-4ebb-a78b-f4307f95a3a6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:47:45	530.385
-58	9274	927400	7c5b8589-1c8f-4c41-b7bc-4b85ebf37f32	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:02:21	-877.639
-58	18548	927400	2695060a-0142-4b87-b022-f119f86edfab	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:48:11	-838.449
-59	9275	927500	b739f537-f210-456f-b15d-e82690fda5c3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:44:43	311.431
-59	18550	927500	1980b45c-79af-494c-afa4-c04ec5bdc19e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:58:05	-475.388
-60	9276	927600	85a0b48f-066b-4330-8efe-f7b4314934c1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:25:55	344.507
-60	18552	927600	c0502e62-5b1b-4871-b973-988f9569bb5c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:17:27	-138.660
-61	9277	927700	b274a4ec-d679-4e89-90f9-aeaade90affd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:31:02	-424.494
-61	18554	927700	56071d28-cd3e-4236-a8f7-9ce52c32078c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:53:50	582.296
-62	9278	927800	69cd86b6-97d0-4a9a-b36e-03b4f37f9780	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:34:21	-231.302
-62	18556	927800	337e942b-b9ad-4ea3-bc5b-19f84b7cbeec	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:07:08	-275.818
-63	9279	927900	c7d1c884-f964-4a8f-a3c6-99d9a987c167	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:29:54	-500.213
-63	18558	927900	3a539074-dba8-4e76-8244-b7a19a6a9ce2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:54:09	120.72
-64	9280	928000	cf3c362f-798c-4c49-9e63-bf9d4da9c95d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:45:16	-260.210
-64	18560	928000	e43cb1e6-8e30-428e-acc3-b3fe706784c6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:38:14	-642.877
-65	9281	928100	a3c02697-f4db-4a5c-bc9b-9311ec445252	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:38:46	-193.128
-65	18562	928100	e486359d-04bf-4372-825f-7811a967aa13	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:59:22	-682.623
-66	9282	928200	4ce544d7-ec46-4eea-8470-299b11774a3c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:24:08	-404.39
-66	18564	928200	358b4722-547c-4579-bbee-27858723242a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:48:26	-667.156
-67	9283	928300	43739a9b-285a-4de7-97ed-2b486d1df57a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:37:38	339.200
-67	18566	928300	fc8133a2-52b5-4200-8f6b-a73328a976db	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:29:10	248.224
-68	9284	928400	086e035a-5597-4d56-a919-d705f1207fda	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:15:59	458.333
-68	18568	928400	31026d25-9e44-47d4-b214-bc715fa45acd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:16:28	-353.736
-69	9285	928500	e9590bbf-0e99-4fb1-86ea-00bfa1c693d5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:19:44	125.150
-69	18570	928500	be67ce32-70e7-4a6d-827d-ced5b01ddc53	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:52:45	979.574
-70	9286	928600	f7e07403-b46e-48cc-8463-416d90216590	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:05:34	-87.660
-70	18572	928600	3ffbbeec-a2af-424d-a4f8-f8b6ee6a6c3e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:54:23	438.155
-71	9287	928700	5fb29cf3-6a3f-4980-baf7-688d0223593c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:59:09	367.744
-71	18574	928700	7f2cf6dd-0c97-4688-9b10-9387aaa60daa	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:18:23	-616.906
-72	9288	928800	48d7c570-d419-4999-bb0a-1e703742ed10	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:11:39	-625.618
-72	18576	928800	b7342a1a-ed84-44a0-b76e-3f5d060943f1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:28:49	115.6
-73	9289	928900	b8c0d17b-994c-4615-9b25-84610850eabf	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:53:50	563.283
-73	18578	928900	30093681-16ca-4b44-942d-727beb9315b9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:00:26	-518.181
-74	9290	929000	50e9ef68-86af-416a-be63-4f347fc11b9f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:46:31	-147.71
-74	18580	929000	dfd30f8d-d650-454b-8ce6-db029a84c58d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:12:42	727.574
-75	9291	929100	b4baa26e-e8ff-4b63-a638-17fa2187ddc9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:00:29	-380.761
-75	18582	929100	304cc391-709f-4f59-ada1-6a921fd99b4e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:31:21	166.920
-76	9292	929200	f5320909-8176-4d29-8331-828fc2a01cbb	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:17:52	-853.11
-76	18584	929200	dcb7578d-df84-4b8c-b6d4-bade977220d6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:03:50	429.798
-77	9293	929300	2b02821c-4093-42f7-bb56-1a3d697d8e06	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:12:07	-34.482
-77	18586	929300	9615ffc9-640b-4d1b-b84c-6012e16c34c0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:00:01	-452.214
-78	9294	929400	85a48b26-2e38-4854-8304-b4bda98a965a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:50:25	746.146
-78	18588	929400	aa72e9f6-1298-4155-a3a2-c13d56d4065c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:14:17	610.366
-79	9295	929500	cfc30193-6a30-493b-be0d-283cfe6e5e2d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:54:17	165.470
-79	18590	929500	1ed8ef8e-c586-4aa7-98aa-3983cf039524	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:11:47	55.904
-80	9296	929600	5a776f32-9d57-4471-882f-33421c58be76	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:33:42	-463.741
-80	18592	929600	bd735f91-06b3-435d-b339-43db58904c74	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:11:57	-903.689
-81	9297	929700	04a3473d-51ad-47f8-96d9-e4526eccc83f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:18:54	-706.793
-81	18594	929700	a287a782-e671-4351-b47a-867ba3b726fc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:40:11	952.321
-82	9298	929800	a9679c17-5554-4d8d-bb00-79e14471eac7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:13:36	279.190
-82	18596	929800	4f536cd3-8ffa-488f-b92b-82bb1a24c7f1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:53:05	-590.72
-83	9299	929900	71e28efc-a0ce-49a8-8d14-f0205b41bf33	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:32:02	-262.80
-83	18598	929900	745de43f-45b4-4481-a6db-42eedfa8eed3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:39:01	-862.537
-84	9300	930000	8b93fb4a-3f8d-4b05-9429-27abe8b0c1e1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:46:49	733.551
-84	18600	930000	5b6d4604-cf82-4351-8b21-334e0eb09709	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:38:34	182.3
-85	9301	930100	85cfbb89-2eae-4641-8266-a51bbc37e340	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:22:56	182.714
-85	18602	930100	008a9966-a8d0-41a1-8b7d-8638e5b3d61e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:47:37	913.519
-86	9302	930200	43a1ec3b-9f8b-4560-8188-b7ca2499fa82	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:20:03	337.80
-86	18604	930200	d2974821-5594-4745-930a-6912aba72e00	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:09:33	594.379
-87	9303	930300	ab5d67a4-7f55-4289-a42d-877444a4fd47	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:03:45	-407.793
-87	18606	930300	7b5e2356-53be-467b-858f-590d4242eb74	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:28:39	296.212
-88	9304	930400	a9128e6d-6a66-4fba-b0cd-8a562f9db3a7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:20:55	475.938
-88	18608	930400	eafd6dbb-9d5b-4649-92c1-1796f558250c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:54:27	-884.319
-89	9305	930500	25a149a1-bc16-4b85-b41e-a9d65c5f9424	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:37:38	901.295
-89	18610	930500	f8920ef1-99a5-4eb3-b2b3-536518dbcee1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:57:34	681.484
-90	9306	930600	fc325552-e709-4998-b48e-06d02a1ec04c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:33:59	4.66
-90	18612	930600	002d064f-929d-45f2-8dab-2863d3344b15	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:04:45	687.740
-91	9307	930700	ac85d2ae-b9c3-4d04-ae47-5f51127bdc9c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:00:52	-969.349
-91	18614	930700	74feffc0-7d7f-411e-9af7-3d4c89ae7d58	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:25:48	92.475
-92	9308	930800	f11ea4e0-baed-43d2-b2b2-c7398c1b0c41	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:04:40	198.335
-92	18616	930800	6517cb89-85b4-42eb-a941-1fdaec33b062	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:50:45	-854.42
-93	9309	930900	b74e7151-c456-4e87-976a-35349572ac94	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:50:14	-679.525
-93	18618	930900	e96d7e37-bb7c-4405-960e-bb409daafddd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:28:23	114.845
-94	9310	931000	1a497a38-bbfd-4be4-bd84-ed4d1314eb98	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:43:57	73.216
-94	18620	931000	3e905e54-3813-437a-bf65-dcf98ab8bdf4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:25:07	454.373
-95	9311	931100	3d19ff54-7fec-47ff-9b42-590ae1932bf6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:07:06	-7.576
-95	18622	931100	466c8a81-d316-4ceb-9cff-2853a5fd1e6f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:01:14	128.670
-96	9312	931200	e2451124-4771-454b-ba34-092697309a88	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:40:21	-387.236
-96	18624	931200	f61aaea9-175d-433a-93ab-914026118742	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:09:24	-630.120
-97	9313	931300	6d715e6c-e7ba-4084-b4d0-84640663510c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:46:22	443.883
-97	18626	931300	f9a873f9-dd1b-4d4d-b0f3-69d25072dc23	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:20:16	1.78
-98	9314	931400	f50342cb-1ef9-4b71-bf5f-8f2d78cc420d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:35:38	-150.431
-98	18628	931400	7cdc71c0-7426-47e1-8d4a-34153797ad9d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:52:28	178.990
-99	9315	931500	201d7302-1e42-4fd5-a195-085e9089829e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:52:00	257.490
-99	18630	931500	5c9245e5-fcfb-43d9-9eea-ea7bf66b9480	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:15:12	-469.174
-100	9316	931600	00be8001-7096-4d44-8bf7-c7c66e4a1a89	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:39:56	-470.548
-100	18632	931600	6616e2d3-d371-4db2-9a7c-8facfc6f39a7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:18:44	-452.204
-101	9317	931700	613adb1a-ee43-46df-af7b-48c9bad7f81c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:26:35	542.250
-101	18634	931700	d907c180-8a27-42c0-bb67-c21323db38e1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:40:36	-625.212
-102	9318	931800	d2e555c2-d49b-4f50-ad09-fb74fd8ca4d4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:25:35	-142.488
-102	18636	931800	34baaf02-5f6b-40e1-be46-5a0fb643106f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:48:58	-307.222
-103	9319	931900	8836c647-29b3-4b36-a3ce-34a0d2694f4d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:14:49	132.668
-103	18638	931900	95daca47-efc9-4144-a063-efc825b504a5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:19:04	-110.172
-104	9320	932000	01a66b57-7dcf-405d-a107-c8e1cec41173	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:32:13	-665.869
-104	18640	932000	ccaddf78-6513-4520-bb1f-de4a3ca920e7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:28:05	668.2
-105	9321	932100	47007640-ff69-4665-b810-b58558f916a2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:11:11	-319.157
-105	18642	932100	7500a44e-d58a-4b22-addf-1344192d3282	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:15:57	-233.376
-106	9322	932200	82089fd8-8b19-40c8-962a-d1d078c550fa	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:45:07	901.627
-106	18644	932200	4e188404-1c22-4bcc-8f49-0f82dc5893be	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:20:36	-909.779
-107	9323	932300	295c0232-8b7b-4e87-ac67-8017694af04a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:55:35	-709.644
-107	18646	932300	fe69ccd7-903a-4b78-a945-831914d91eb9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:14:07	-867.116
-108	9324	932400	9eefa005-2948-492f-8448-dac6c37e5101	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:48:25	80.697
-108	18648	932400	e83917bc-f499-4e91-88d0-3d6b58e1b9f0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:24:43	940.227
-109	9325	932500	21916e50-0c92-437d-9e85-7e53ac29cbf3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:35:58	-237.412
-109	18650	932500	69922d8c-be5f-46dc-af3f-9ada45e224c4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:23:21	118.566
-110	9326	932600	b82529ba-f471-4e75-ac43-624d64a44a23	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:48:38	-234.313
-110	18652	932600	3b83363c-5230-4deb-bafe-45cdd137b140	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:20:57	-131.785
-111	9327	932700	21bcae62-409f-456c-b856-5d1cb1bfa2cc	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:26:28	-507.841
-111	18654	932700	b179235e-d500-4129-86c9-da5246011d73	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:11:34	-964.123
-112	9328	932800	1bc7e44f-76b9-4aee-9d3d-782596cee7b5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:42:24	-298.785
-112	18656	932800	0a372e53-a68f-43b4-adca-7eb40caa9711	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:48:32	-145.652
-113	9329	932900	99d36d2c-d2bf-4700-a3b9-aea2a0dba154	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:41:08	538.352
-113	18658	932900	f68579a7-eb2b-4a18-b7c1-093a973344c9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:44:17	-525.942
-114	9330	933000	448eed46-6a3d-4748-9903-56ce9ea9b3f1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:02:42	281.779
-114	18660	933000	a70981bc-6625-4273-82e2-482d9cd18957	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:53:49	869.932
-115	9331	933100	7dff54a8-dad8-4e06-ae60-80206c8f9b6d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:05:09	-963.258
-115	18662	933100	5abafe62-f354-4d7b-adaf-b2e7b9c952d9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:15:20	576.906
-116	9332	933200	64193e6c-0e4a-42a7-b35d-2b9f7dba18ff	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:18:53	401.899
-116	18664	933200	94774c31-779f-4c20-aafd-a9caa8d4cabb	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:57:11	-132.80
-117	9333	933300	664916d0-4922-4ed4-818f-781eee4eb318	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:07:31	-863.689
-117	18666	933300	2cd5ab7a-bed1-40eb-a8d1-6a48232991fb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:32:16	-646.927
-118	9334	933400	0395707f-714b-4654-97e6-748944fcdee1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:54:16	-539.897
-118	18668	933400	4183b029-8957-4f12-af38-e17e5d6e097a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:49:36	-681.453
-119	9335	933500	0b04391c-0fba-467f-8ab9-99550ecd4eae	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:25:52	695.282
-119	18670	933500	21dea647-b4e9-4ea9-a0d7-0ef92f17bea7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:58:56	-290.915
-120	9336	933600	6d540888-4c81-4dd7-9ade-3c56a05fcfde	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:26:53	487.318
-120	18672	933600	3599067b-41e5-4ff6-84e0-31e635e81c88	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:37:17	951.507
-121	9337	933700	2171c9ef-a05c-4d50-8b88-19864a745ef9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:50:58	-890.57
-121	18674	933700	80e61ae4-5a4b-479f-9886-fa3a6d10e5a7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:06:37	-585.463
-122	9338	933800	0b9bddca-b1de-4ac9-a033-900f7334ee35	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:33:43	31.887
-122	18676	933800	eadc3ba1-6ed5-4a0f-a713-cecb3eac971f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:38:49	-455.231
-123	9339	933900	1188a74e-d241-4466-8fc8-08224c39c3d8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:56:32	387.948
-123	18678	933900	da40ddec-5929-4fac-b869-976117ffa6a6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:51:41	879.428
-124	9340	934000	6d1fa787-4faa-4614-b33c-b832703a99af	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:08:14	404.665
-124	18680	934000	2351427d-9063-4d34-b082-06ff4050ac35	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:14:22	-691.612
-125	9341	934100	e0cd3156-1491-4b3f-9e76-20e1b25a2180	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:32:23	31.829
-125	18682	934100	bea99438-c3ad-4705-a4fe-48d7ec6e80aa	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:43:18	672.968
-126	9342	934200	10a29d9f-8b29-449e-b8f9-87e07f3c2d43	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:42:58	-596.614
-126	18684	934200	2fb56498-93ff-4bad-bb1f-a987cd7b0cdc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:28:56	963.149
-127	9343	934300	10f2f6aa-44f2-4d0f-aaa3-10dce6a9b650	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:28:46	-350.492
-127	18686	934300	82e3b858-d0f2-4239-979b-2b44f42cc896	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:04:35	-286.871
-0	9344	934400	44656186-4dae-4c96-95b5-da7a727b0c13	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:39:14	710.252
-0	18688	934400	6089ba51-074a-4ff4-bfe6-51cd18b2071a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:21:41	-455.862
-1	9345	934500	f275356d-a070-490a-8305-7735485570c8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:24:34	-230.127
-1	18690	934500	5a6d42ab-826e-4ab4-aec1-9f990fb7bc71	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:57:53	-580.979
-2	9346	934600	32f72bf4-6edb-4d8d-a69e-ab54cc5e2357	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:54:19	-481.763
-2	18692	934600	865c382a-d69b-4bb0-9b6f-e967293c96f8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:46:51	-100.241
-3	9347	934700	22d4cac2-07ae-493a-8cd3-3bf65e10de02	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:44:07	-336.333
-3	18694	934700	0b3d0b82-fe7a-4e95-bc57-04f7fdabec28	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:02:19	493.698
-4	9348	934800	adac8777-90f6-40bd-b818-f204c9747df0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:32:05	864.247
-4	18696	934800	6b7afffc-a581-4f09-9cf7-1ba151a4fd86	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:01:08	815.280
-5	9349	934900	15ea1d38-7e0c-406e-9a56-54809f45ba21	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:58:55	724.538
-5	18698	934900	294aab3e-164d-4278-a33a-4bd1b5b84ffa	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:56:20	111.435
-6	9350	935000	4602ffc7-ea23-4b9b-8300-2ca49e3683b2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:48:36	790.305
-6	18700	935000	bb9aa9be-2b69-46d0-aa21-fbca64b2413f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:13:29	168.491
-7	9351	935100	17f40334-611c-422f-a23f-c8e604604d45	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:21:05	-201.150
-7	18702	935100	2d8b54dc-d7ee-4b53-aae5-f763511893c6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:48:03	954.200
-8	9352	935200	7ff686de-8f6c-4499-9c7b-524a69d24480	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:23:32	-12.371
-8	18704	935200	afce7ca7-9427-451a-90df-6d1524fd179a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:52:22	-251.217
-9	9353	935300	adbfb20d-03c1-4417-ab87-73ad3c2c2dbb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:37:02	324.28
-9	18706	935300	04a4b924-e0e5-4faf-85a8-54b9ba82c0d8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:02:50	261.823
-10	9354	935400	54603ebd-7588-4b12-a9f1-c892e996371e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:20:17	-799.300
-10	18708	935400	8fb37f03-42ad-4f5a-9879-10281f5e8d80	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:27:59	-767.884
-11	9355	935500	b9cd8cb5-9dd4-4554-a3c7-3eafb02a2380	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:45:34	-356.97
-11	18710	935500	2037ed41-2696-447a-98a8-9c68ae9f3207	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:48:04	-566.212
-12	9356	935600	1c554cae-9d88-47dc-b9cb-d8dd42a9b2b3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:24:29	670.407
-12	18712	935600	d9f91d43-897b-48f9-8f7c-82fad5f0b0c4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:01:27	-214.38
-13	9357	935700	f26faa1c-d630-44d7-bf13-6009597253fe	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:38:41	-963.670
-13	18714	935700	f1196091-2f07-4cdd-bc5b-5121c06dceea	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:56:19	741.317
-14	9358	935800	78d89697-247b-4c3f-a31a-607bfbf90a81	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:49:27	639.981
-14	18716	935800	552ba8f8-661b-45a7-9c1d-47ae28dec75b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:29:38	92.662
-15	9359	935900	9aa24bbe-d795-436d-8caa-9dfabbf5b01e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:14:37	-479.559
-15	18718	935900	ab42d778-55ce-43f9-9a50-5e40a8c31148	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:37:28	639.529
-16	9360	936000	95cdd249-dce9-46cf-89b3-ca570aca1687	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:03:01	-573.496
-16	18720	936000	b8b6572c-c1b3-4970-8305-5d449f15f846	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:43:10	84.66
-17	9361	936100	6922dbde-183f-4e3a-8b80-da61bcaafcd8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:07:09	-881.709
-17	18722	936100	c5d8b04e-50b2-4e80-8b58-fcf69ab5f1dd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:49:33	785.903
-18	9362	936200	3e71f345-49d2-4fef-a576-fd4671f5a132	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:48:32	877.469
-18	18724	936200	d8630a66-b865-4e5d-ac02-3b2f9cf71741	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:33:12	793.27
-19	9363	936300	87add746-6f7a-45f4-9a0a-56ba06ef3a98	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:56:00	-68.290
-19	18726	936300	f2fd73eb-c51f-4620-af98-21ab4ee38cd5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:26:51	-168.826
-20	9364	936400	0847c267-d7c7-4a4b-9b35-4b03accc46c3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:41:53	-180.127
-20	18728	936400	cd383c6f-e071-466f-9c2c-2bf479e9cf1d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:05:51	-997.41
-21	9365	936500	b805b2b6-bae1-4f2f-81e1-13fe19104b07	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:46:07	-854.631
-21	18730	936500	1a699275-ee1e-4ca4-8a0b-7de3edb1854c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:49:57	121.741
-22	9366	936600	9e9046ed-2330-4de5-af76-21c11f10e541	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:37:43	641.741
-22	18732	936600	f784968e-0b71-43ff-8f07-8f9e8a02da09	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:33:19	219.233
-23	9367	936700	b1d2f5c6-402f-476d-aef6-a1c92b0619b9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:01:30	-392.988
-23	18734	936700	0ff26631-dee6-4dc2-b67a-75e1156632af	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:52:14	-464.644
-24	9368	936800	94f7314a-39fb-4efb-b8df-9eba41dbbd19	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:06:42	796.936
-24	18736	936800	fb528943-aef0-4b02-8f89-bb4f3ce04cb2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:11:10	136.562
-25	9369	936900	ffbb0002-4e84-4693-9f1d-a7fccf46357a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:24:43	44.322
-25	18738	936900	e1027f20-e49d-4442-91c3-9c7aee56440a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:16:39	-311.918
-26	9370	937000	a088e07f-eb0f-406b-9076-b30191165aed	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:26:41	-269.711
-26	18740	937000	4d7729e3-5142-4c76-9837-1404a7e9bc8d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:28:38	-862.78
-27	9371	937100	0fff7d9d-586d-407c-bc7b-3557bf7a054e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:41:01	612.308
-27	18742	937100	3b599d64-04b8-4256-89ed-c7bd98bdc135	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:01:46	801.717
-28	9372	937200	048a5f97-4754-4f21-becc-2d8e76140b62	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:34:27	407.949
-28	18744	937200	a91a5fb6-1140-492d-96fe-976d3aec405a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:03:10	-398.438
-29	9373	937300	13ec126f-2742-45c0-a027-5506fc3423d5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:35:29	-814.191
-29	18746	937300	6f561ca4-e05f-444c-aeb6-3e114de5f725	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:30:04	56.599
-30	9374	937400	6cddd9ab-fb78-4242-96c2-336bb2736566	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:18:43	-388.477
-30	18748	937400	f74bf334-0abb-4403-aee8-7a87eac0f69a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:31:30	909.293
-31	9375	937500	b4463218-9615-47e7-b2c8-ae2aa6d39abd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:47:03	-208.397
-31	18750	937500	e8279909-dae7-4aaf-9c6b-c4afa39ea846	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:39:37	-435.267
-32	9376	937600	cfe6604f-9ee1-43e5-a2ef-267881489d4a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:12:45	317.361
-32	18752	937600	b2568a82-5c7b-4a4b-b6ed-665fd2c5a0ef	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:40:05	-336.45
-33	9377	937700	9e45e90c-9260-4b31-acf2-8e033c059244	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:21:54	-546.226
-33	18754	937700	60cb320c-56bc-4cd0-b533-34140b96404b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:19:15	489.940
-34	9378	937800	3d1c9b67-a290-4dee-8820-a297d2241b1c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:55:06	-299.990
-34	18756	937800	dc81ab4f-b164-4a11-b828-ebc3593d271c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:18:22	823.899
-35	9379	937900	e6798567-057f-4ba7-b0f6-2b411fabad82	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:58:08	-123.440
-35	18758	937900	fcf25ee7-2cb1-4c5c-ab45-70cfbadab831	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:44:04	155.44
-36	9380	938000	81f76ca1-557d-438a-86ad-557b4be7ab6a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:27:47	-171.961
-36	18760	938000	a53d9bb2-5038-4b14-9873-26ef304500de	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:54:55	-608.877
-37	9381	938100	2b2ab1d4-60bf-4280-95e1-acdf9fb3aa3b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:32:39	826.725
-37	18762	938100	8d11cf18-7e94-40af-bc03-db9ec64cc653	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:17:15	572.213
-38	9382	938200	84e4621c-dfbb-4a3a-a9b6-0a6da97cf4fd	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:13:39	901.670
-38	18764	938200	db59e942-fe51-4303-8c4a-e37d7f2c4463	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:02:02	727.581
-39	9383	938300	1dc33377-6835-4879-9188-3953041af593	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:18:44	536.45
-39	18766	938300	d3584298-baa7-4a56-a5e8-33fa695392e1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:11:38	-624.378
-40	9384	938400	dc2bec97-9ff3-46a5-8dcc-f6bd333d1f4e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:15:06	986.489
-40	18768	938400	e177c3a6-1af8-4d00-986e-bf632f40f430	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:28:02	981.974
-41	9385	938500	4c131f81-3111-475a-9089-d42a7a20a666	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:01:41	-166.812
-41	18770	938500	1d1fe948-799a-4e22-a259-1c16febef212	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:02:27	659.10
-42	9386	938600	5c307a25-8a7f-495a-9f8e-21f28749ad40	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:10:24	-232.676
-42	18772	938600	e0339f43-c4db-410d-9032-0c9427d84326	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:57:27	-527.260
-43	9387	938700	63b0c2a1-4b61-4a39-a946-6a570679b0e9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:12:44	-760.27
-43	18774	938700	3413a01f-fbf6-4f48-a73e-f85f26edebce	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:32:15	412.367
-44	9388	938800	a6679766-aa09-4a6a-90c9-a0679a8ab440	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:16:23	276.765
-44	18776	938800	241f9a5e-6427-4071-8434-e29496a4529e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:30:18	-886.384
-45	9389	938900	d3b4c85d-4aba-48a3-94a0-135fa6a9c5db	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:36:11	-888.987
-45	18778	938900	e4aff701-9dc1-4065-a920-286ea1a4782c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:01:33	-664.509
-46	9390	939000	28153832-372c-4939-b3c2-ec6aaad49c71	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:54:02	118.612
-46	18780	939000	87d6d8db-e63f-421c-aec8-cca39848618a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:24:32	905.503
-47	9391	939100	391db810-ce32-41e3-95c6-1758598f8058	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:20:30	403.815
-47	18782	939100	5d0f78ff-c772-4750-8160-afcd806bdf79	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:54:41	-632.980
-48	9392	939200	97839447-d261-4185-828a-6f04be05768c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:59:49	329.858
-48	18784	939200	a6839fe4-caf4-4e7b-bfee-80beae8adad3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:15:14	885.456
-49	9393	939300	a7e283a6-c129-4841-be4f-789106a00333	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:38:35	-144.487
-49	18786	939300	10c427a2-adc3-4759-a0b3-b204c836a5a7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:13:11	-999.47
-50	9394	939400	6ee43274-4db7-4390-ba29-a59df0ccb055	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:21:37	-519.420
-50	18788	939400	cb7b64f1-d58f-4f39-90d3-6869da69e383	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:28:26	401.346
-51	9395	939500	15ed059d-6a16-421f-bfce-59116fb302b4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:05:10	-903.929
-51	18790	939500	7c267882-6700-4417-950d-58254ed83e70	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:36:39	-284.291
-52	9396	939600	125c9879-7f29-471d-8643-d5e337e73de1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:39:12	793.526
-52	18792	939600	846c2b3b-f24b-4089-aa6c-8e3f9409eba0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:07:41	735.24
-53	9397	939700	85139f02-a391-48fb-ad89-5a3516443bf7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:42:48	-552.358
-53	18794	939700	fd7d65e3-fecb-4604-b482-571a0422233f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:30:05	975.691
-54	9398	939800	c1f1ab29-798f-4bf1-be74-e8f2a230384b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:01:32	-781.889
-54	18796	939800	f1d5a8fe-ae76-418e-bbf8-b0aacd0f5e61	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:54:52	478.939
-55	9399	939900	ac0fcaaa-b451-4409-871f-a3b7a6e7e61c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:09:20	-241.615
-55	18798	939900	e17c1d34-c376-4fc6-bde2-174c51ab2386	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:54:15	-303.85
-56	9400	940000	44e19750-187d-4de5-a80c-3ebb5f113a80	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:59:05	-170.907
-56	18800	940000	cf165a6b-40fe-4959-b3ea-e94d1268378e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:59:04	427.170
-57	9401	940100	0558c101-0690-42a7-9281-81df94cfda7e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:44:48	-125.56
-57	18802	940100	8d036987-c884-44b4-bbc5-aaad013cf7d9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:29:38	-543.109
-58	9402	940200	b394e3dc-ac5a-4d68-99bd-a21b2bc7e9b9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:00:17	140.778
-58	18804	940200	96da56cc-44fb-4746-b723-fec7c93b9f70	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:51:40	-778.508
-59	9403	940300	f74b06a1-50ed-46b2-b5eb-b7bfd45943a6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:57:17	187.412
-59	18806	940300	87c95e9c-1f5f-496c-a3ee-6272b748b480	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:06:19	511.479
-60	9404	940400	09b394fd-1378-4a6f-a020-a8de3b245276	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:49:34	237.190
-60	18808	940400	ff97a5dc-73da-4670-b788-8281479d877f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:20:31	131.91
-61	9405	940500	c3d63443-77c6-4b02-9208-660e725d064a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:50:48	-651.607
-61	18810	940500	8c1f2954-9c2c-492b-bdc6-44b813705a3f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:18:58	306.621
-62	9406	940600	876c863d-05bc-4492-b225-210209ad62e8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:37:03	-987.132
-62	18812	940600	ffb71e00-6ec1-47e4-b98e-8d273ceed9d8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:50:28	444.766
-63	9407	940700	920d35fb-db7e-47c9-9662-a54323af0270	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:32:01	-531.87
-63	18814	940700	8d46f0f1-4997-47d0-bb16-0c3f60cb5334	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:24:39	-529.236
-64	9408	940800	b9fbfe63-e350-45ce-bdc0-be8461c0ae2b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:14:33	-427.288
-64	18816	940800	e90d0777-f458-4ec2-a0df-733cc30ea566	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:51:53	950.134
-65	9409	940900	34d0a478-6fc9-4f5b-94c9-10f97b146080	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:56:50	-121.846
-65	18818	940900	5ba8bd3f-79ba-443d-95a9-be24bc488147	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:54:41	734.117
-66	9410	941000	e25e1df5-4958-4f52-b3b2-3d9da16d2345	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:34:49	715.376
-66	18820	941000	3812eab2-8bc8-4ddb-b891-0418c2006013	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:55:33	177.322
-67	9411	941100	9ee4630b-794c-4aa7-9bc4-a1b4b26ef79b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:12:27	889.331
-67	18822	941100	528907f4-53d1-4564-a414-f1b319c471c9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:25:37	186.745
-68	9412	941200	fdc9b017-7474-4bd5-aeec-bfb01a1b23e6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:14:30	410.944
-68	18824	941200	cf199c25-ce52-4739-8797-7148d39b5910	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:15:57	722.946
-69	9413	941300	13f27082-d694-4592-8e70-d2f8cb968b2d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:06:31	-73.348
-69	18826	941300	75ec3ded-f976-477c-bdd1-db9ef226b8d6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:24:46	-883.412
-70	9414	941400	e2e1bc73-38b1-4699-b909-83d973900589	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:04:15	289.164
-70	18828	941400	bea2c90b-fc38-44be-a730-0d6c123bdf4f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:29:28	-378.236
-71	9415	941500	8799ab29-1ed6-47d3-9a35-3b4fbde10f4b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:34:09	-972.131
-71	18830	941500	ef36bbfd-b86b-4727-b053-56f46e927e24	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:55:08	-92.867
-72	9416	941600	3458db7d-3f44-4732-b543-b8115189a796	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:39:48	323.773
-72	18832	941600	9bca04cc-a854-4456-af2a-20506c36213f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:25:43	-824.265
-73	9417	941700	03afbec9-e469-430c-b997-e2621a219378	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:41:06	-17.234
-73	18834	941700	1cd3acfd-a4dd-4bac-8747-6fd8c828d3d3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:34:23	552.163
-74	9418	941800	6fd31141-4613-432d-ae28-a0e69e82cab8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:36:47	-496.365
-74	18836	941800	d7633b9b-7aec-4730-978f-c1ccc5b73e48	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:49:27	891.698
-75	9419	941900	3dd67854-75f7-4b41-9028-53b0e94e4dbf	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:03:18	134.801
-75	18838	941900	738967be-cc5d-4d8b-9356-5627f56be2ac	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:38:20	334.972
-76	9420	942000	747574fe-a517-4906-930b-5f01c0383862	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:10:00	280.264
-76	18840	942000	52187e93-3202-44ac-a864-3da510c98880	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:55:56	960.733
-77	9421	942100	281714db-3f7a-4e56-84bc-de1a7ba9d020	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:59:01	-7.801
-77	18842	942100	81b38577-29fd-4bbe-88e2-d907d75eb0b0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:35:38	-744.883
-78	9422	942200	af37b9ac-61fd-4b37-9e66-2ff8a23d6a1f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:12:56	-322.647
-78	18844	942200	ac6edefc-13cd-47c9-909a-70bade008741	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:41:26	720.31
-79	9423	942300	c68b4892-711a-4b4f-a059-25765165aa97	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:49:32	944.73
-79	18846	942300	a99bfb19-8899-448a-91d8-cabb054828fd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:13:09	-954.278
-80	9424	942400	7ab9c585-ba1f-40be-a453-6404f9775efc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:09:47	615.166
-80	18848	942400	f3be7803-9b54-4a6e-b90f-68c0ace8f4d4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:10:32	-241.59
-81	9425	942500	3d429872-628e-4d9e-b3b7-4f6b185c20de	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:44:06	450.92
-81	18850	942500	56b0795a-c58e-489e-a403-93a8010ea3b5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:07:33	899.53
-82	9426	942600	c8b5205f-d4ac-4a25-9768-62c247cb2b19	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:18:38	347.233
-82	18852	942600	8beb2ad4-b89d-4f81-8320-4f2c47ffeecd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:08:30	-721.310
-83	9427	942700	872e4dda-2669-456c-87cd-af3eb406914e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:21:37	900.38
-83	18854	942700	6a55429c-bc65-45eb-89d8-748c8e36bd13	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:29:43	-231.203
-84	9428	942800	78832e74-7d48-4da9-8d14-1614ab21e520	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:54:50	-374.712
-84	18856	942800	2f4cb529-bea0-4544-84ea-fe061d6189a4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:35:28	81.439
-85	9429	942900	41bd8bd7-5725-4b38-9f64-b3b6f7b7842e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:40:40	264.148
-85	18858	942900	56349e80-2f95-4520-ade9-d875b561c09b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:30:37	-896.501
-86	9430	943000	45be9696-c262-4b54-86ea-70afa74e9b3a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:25:20	331.208
-86	18860	943000	b7640e44-e964-47ec-b6cb-cd54ae57e951	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:49:32	731.589
-87	9431	943100	091a67f4-2a4a-4d14-b95e-4cd96b683c80	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:12:36	451.183
-87	18862	943100	90c6c8f5-54db-46ba-8ee7-c0d94c37ff77	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:51:35	209.107
-88	9432	943200	87f85369-de69-4e7a-a427-9744670673f5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:49:53	882.881
-88	18864	943200	e1448b7e-89b3-4675-a404-c1e55b10f416	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:24:52	607.70
-89	9433	943300	13ac5bb6-fc4c-4a95-96a5-d9392a3f3d13	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:52:41	-717.921
-89	18866	943300	bdbda829-db92-4e24-aba5-33ab07af8ff0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:40:11	-555.792
-90	9434	943400	5d64bfd0-ddc4-4296-b754-012723a69f78	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:32:46	-879.659
-90	18868	943400	a8fe81b0-9248-4ff8-9970-c020a88771b8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:05:30	415.970
-91	9435	943500	3636daba-d742-4a1a-b750-1d8bbed3eefd	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:48:09	873.6
-91	18870	943500	9740df0a-e7dd-4188-9c94-70295b39dbfd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:03:28	101.492
-92	9436	943600	576a518a-a6a4-4f9d-b4fa-2af04d1045dc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:10:39	-589.231
-92	18872	943600	4b300360-f71b-48f3-87f2-02452a66c066	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:01:08	916.23
-93	9437	943700	4bdaac6e-aad3-4648-9f63-2964a0409e82	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:59:33	-598.284
-93	18874	943700	d7f7205b-a4b7-469a-9c61-b9d12287275c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:37:48	-279.405
-94	9438	943800	b37a8fab-a847-4652-aa68-3f70d448430c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:07:11	-713.856
-94	18876	943800	710d12b9-725b-44f0-aefc-525835ab1af5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:27:26	-177.118
-95	9439	943900	e60bbd04-e8bd-42ff-af27-95eb26254b87	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:23:52	123.559
-95	18878	943900	9a429214-6088-43bb-a0aa-74410251f74b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:49:39	-970.58
-96	9440	944000	b2fd563e-b4cd-4d71-bb49-a9481f58d275	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:34:44	214.91
-96	18880	944000	af882b74-d44c-4c03-93a5-a00504f6ef32	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:41:56	126.148
-97	9441	944100	2af32fdd-8d51-4271-a129-06732dfedf0e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:04:57	631.675
-97	18882	944100	fdab7275-1c25-4799-9872-5b95ef3246fa	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:34:35	-542.715
-98	9442	944200	c9b7fa22-fbc1-46a3-9530-886886c37bf9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:45:44	-808.801
-98	18884	944200	892b6f00-b7f6-4a04-a93e-4fab676cbca7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:59:11	304.512
-99	9443	944300	355c8e9c-e68a-4c65-9675-b76a8103af85	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:11:01	300.991
-99	18886	944300	089cf2c8-fa37-4b78-ba52-d8a5e986492f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:02:04	971.714
-100	9444	944400	e51bf891-c25e-474b-a57d-3e4b74fa2f7e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:28:29	-52.34
-100	18888	944400	ce327ec8-0970-40a9-a59a-8741f931e025	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:30:46	-333.81
-101	9445	944500	8967c878-76f3-45a4-888e-1e461fe0f868	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:50:44	-428.991
-101	18890	944500	2b389199-8826-4fd7-95f7-8ea7f7125b2e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:18:06	576.886
-102	9446	944600	36c6d7fc-de56-470e-8b7a-cb0b5b6aecda	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:51:34	31.111
-102	18892	944600	a5634286-ebaa-4eb4-b156-291ab43af435	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:04:39	-296.572
-103	9447	944700	ad420a98-c2e7-496a-a1db-3a6985afb365	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:21:02	776.404
-103	18894	944700	7b5b5bb1-ac31-438a-9893-4333f5c775fc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:42:17	-523.877
-104	9448	944800	83d4647b-9adf-4237-990e-a77e0df9d1a3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:38:44	94.162
-104	18896	944800	3d97d867-b4e2-4244-9ed9-e875fba92e3f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:28:18	-998.821
-105	9449	944900	4f320823-52c7-4cd0-a060-7793ff809b07	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:58:52	474.107
-105	18898	944900	c95c99f4-b33c-40bc-870f-740419caa793	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:19:21	-989.706
-106	9450	945000	a1bff7b3-6e00-474c-970c-55dc0f89957a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:19:36	670.501
-106	18900	945000	b8be7876-07f1-4be7-ae82-6b8b519a2c3d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:08:53	600.880
-107	9451	945100	05f07c6a-2e57-4292-b2ad-bb5efffcd78b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:27:59	-330.761
-107	18902	945100	c5470852-6580-4369-a49e-ace5ab71220f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:22:10	-920.476
-108	9452	945200	6d56358d-c10a-436a-bd6f-499dbde76cad	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:28:04	-424.881
-108	18904	945200	25677d41-6433-4ac9-a6d2-badbdc5f5326	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:30:21	-866.896
-109	9453	945300	2e177c19-1dfe-4043-ae25-a0b89caa22a6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:47:32	-39.739
-109	18906	945300	2fb209df-7471-4327-acae-ce2ac31b715d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:00:51	-324.169
-110	9454	945400	863188ca-9176-4be6-a0bd-91a73b69472c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:10:27	-429.716
-110	18908	945400	74035126-fe17-4547-aac7-37f2587b6c40	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:53:15	-82.939
-111	9455	945500	0baceba8-8940-430b-b5f0-aeddbd90676d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:34:25	-168.787
-111	18910	945500	d09d6baf-7c50-4066-9eb0-f74ef2e93bdb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:37:58	670.239
-112	9456	945600	89eaf291-608c-43a7-b466-87b69322045e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:02:13	-8.400
-112	18912	945600	92301dea-0089-4cdb-9759-dd6aac43c6f6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:49:33	-917.524
-113	9457	945700	8d51783d-e310-4bda-a546-e6ecb8023668	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:39:30	-816.28
-113	18914	945700	5cf313ee-5bd1-4070-9e20-accb7fb801c7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:53:02	-405.42
-114	9458	945800	31d7cb1a-a3a2-4a0c-82f8-24a590f20712	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:21:19	-917.30
-114	18916	945800	a9075bd2-4350-4a9a-8c27-c6f4fc190a8d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:00:20	271.217
-115	9459	945900	ea9b5816-85d1-4866-ba20-9e21e5509228	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:45:14	261.786
-115	18918	945900	9d896ab5-32c4-4681-8a48-12c247c0ae7a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:33:16	-384.857
-116	9460	946000	d1417f2b-70a0-4c5c-978a-2fd19efb049c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:01:45	-26.552
-116	18920	946000	af17e620-7a9a-4770-9781-806d5f27a042	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:39:58	224.578
-117	9461	946100	970b6fda-77bb-4ba4-8aa1-029b23520270	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:04:03	-926.281
-117	18922	946100	5395d976-665e-4d71-ace2-7fbb21a2e466	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:50:23	182.349
-118	9462	946200	824fd68a-753f-4956-a265-bd1d83919774	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:56:14	-223.783
-118	18924	946200	e230d4bc-0290-41f3-b9c7-3863c66cac78	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:34:27	320.908
-119	9463	946300	ea376d0d-d616-4314-806f-960c73b1f0a7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:13:05	291.661
-119	18926	946300	1d63399d-8899-4970-b54f-f140441f8e09	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:04:36	-683.798
-120	9464	946400	3af7b592-c6dd-47c4-a992-a17228739f9b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:18:45	-189.219
-120	18928	946400	6dea0e98-3007-4e10-8857-38119d9a3c85	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:34:24	829.869
-121	9465	946500	9eb932d9-c948-4522-afcb-62ee6fdc6ebd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:43:26	260.563
-121	18930	946500	4351994c-18a9-4b63-a6cc-3741101d094a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:08:16	367.351
-122	9466	946600	cdc907ee-815d-4e24-8219-7f96fb13bb44	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:11:24	403.248
-122	18932	946600	a5a27757-2563-4c36-8775-cccc1228903a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:06:45	680.719
-123	9467	946700	7288ee9a-7f2b-46f2-bf20-6318868154f6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:52:45	496.610
-123	18934	946700	70df1876-daa7-433d-90af-3e8a72d7ad3f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:22:55	-30.24
-124	9468	946800	64a5e0d9-8e9b-42d1-af72-767c215c1a6c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:01:27	234.717
-124	18936	946800	43093c4e-fdc6-4040-8fe9-c653099e5429	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:23:51	891.465
-125	9469	946900	16f51b4c-de1a-4caa-8da0-50f3d40a2605	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:26:25	-393.348
-125	18938	946900	79b716a8-b2ff-4630-83bc-68616c65c4b8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:47:17	-182.99
-126	9470	947000	3e2d4f58-08a9-49d6-92df-d8a5236cc318	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:30:50	-860.937
-126	18940	947000	c4f7967b-0693-4dcf-90c0-bc0f02fd69d5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:33:07	681.447
-127	9471	947100	dc70a50b-ec11-4876-93ec-915ea895092b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:52:48	-504.269
-127	18942	947100	cbe06a54-cc71-442c-a756-b07344e5a261	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:49:11	-346.146
-0	9472	947200	1d502b3d-3add-4926-95ba-6166c25c98cb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:55:13	34.772
-0	18944	947200	aadf7a1b-aa67-4479-a765-713425f6a50e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:01:00	-720.332
-1	9473	947300	bed779e3-b761-4b30-8913-7a1dbc23aed3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:32:32	300.282
-1	18946	947300	850d185d-e4ac-444f-8c99-9e61b9b56f74	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:39:02	480.85
-2	9474	947400	f460b438-ca2c-4a1e-aaff-5d092a388ce4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:07:10	-861.989
-2	18948	947400	deb9d323-56d8-41aa-bc61-9877bab395f0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:48:29	516.179
-3	9475	947500	612eb6e6-e972-440a-aaa1-7235ac553654	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:55:28	394.93
-3	18950	947500	86ddbec0-c6db-4e59-bc9c-a24fd80ffe21	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:24:57	-386.995
-4	9476	947600	b8dacac9-4a60-46e5-a0fb-13ab994ac7f9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:28:26	-456.989
-4	18952	947600	23a904ed-e012-4eea-94b9-adda5587e454	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:57:35	856.802
-5	9477	947700	87b19567-e5dd-4f82-8b36-8e8d35e1b971	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:37:01	-31.434
-5	18954	947700	3a8030a4-eb7d-4f2e-92c6-25b4d35564dc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:08:23	967.684
-6	9478	947800	5591e0b9-d623-4918-9c37-3dd8176a5d25	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:38:35	790.395
-6	18956	947800	866e9c87-45f3-4649-8e41-1455d1cee8bd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:27:22	-745.429
-7	9479	947900	35100b19-aa63-4df0-97e9-a13de3192230	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:15:12	-582.398
-7	18958	947900	1fb732db-1360-4a9a-bf98-f81b4f044d02	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:51:19	465.101
-8	9480	948000	342bff58-cfe4-4401-86a2-9f063ae5c458	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:50:25	601.894
-8	18960	948000	913c293f-a335-4f2a-8cd3-30bac75c8a94	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:10:26	542.787
-9	9481	948100	e803bd8d-934f-4caa-acc1-f9e08a1c5136	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:59:39	322.302
-9	18962	948100	602a6cc6-69c5-4a38-a474-0e4bdc8c27b7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:04:44	741.177
-10	9482	948200	6e2fb9b2-6954-4582-b004-a375f5820fa1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:41:22	-598.188
-10	18964	948200	22b9c95b-e710-4ed3-a5ca-805d4078334a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:44:27	351.427
-11	9483	948300	f4802db3-3767-4711-aa59-7ef937b01f6d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:48:29	87.53
-11	18966	948300	7d2f434e-696b-475f-8950-f2ae96f111c9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:04:54	626.332
-12	9484	948400	cdb99ac1-fe32-4cd2-b2e1-af813b05930c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:19:45	-102.865
-12	18968	948400	3a3ac85a-e3d3-4940-80c7-8cefb17ecd00	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:35:15	-129.980
-13	9485	948500	19f19656-ee09-4179-b469-5ca50327e514	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:24:48	-95.885
-13	18970	948500	738f766c-26cd-400b-94f7-9fe04213fe74	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:22:10	450.238
-14	9486	948600	465efe15-53a4-49bb-a71c-715395ac51d8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:20:31	-72.777
-14	18972	948600	8bad5fa9-6a32-4806-9cb8-736e5bf69045	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:27:37	886.30
-15	9487	948700	af3dc31b-ce60-4622-bde8-c0addf9a0f4c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:41:26	873.906
-15	18974	948700	c1da63b0-ead8-4b79-a2d8-10e07691725f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:53:39	-700.646
-16	9488	948800	98ed2599-342f-43eb-b646-ed2297f253eb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:06:01	-891.760
-16	18976	948800	c2d5d0e0-587b-4dc7-b917-43c7901dddbd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:23:43	218.669
-17	9489	948900	116e3d5d-76c9-4d00-ba7c-21bcce1fef85	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:08:08	-824.633
-17	18978	948900	a067855d-e439-416c-8df0-87eeec09a685	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:58:53	-203.642
-18	9490	949000	cc913a54-debe-45d2-9392-1f2580026367	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:22:50	528.202
-18	18980	949000	5d64cc3c-bbb8-49ea-ab77-a74e2356ad5f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:00:29	-537.636
-19	9491	949100	5961d028-3990-4046-976e-75fab6c11128	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:07:43	569.69
-19	18982	949100	cbcd948d-861d-4da8-a20a-9358734b7872	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:12:44	771.542
-20	9492	949200	69b83733-780e-4460-8738-8652280eb07d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:25:16	-405.84
-20	18984	949200	b00173ed-525f-48ed-a219-c91189717051	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:01:41	587.156
-21	9493	949300	0f736ea0-6791-40e8-bd99-cefba772ca18	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:47:09	606.51
-21	18986	949300	727dc928-9c03-4ff1-8b4f-dd5ab02baef8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:08:18	-866.75
-22	9494	949400	a032e6cd-c049-4ea1-8003-c9e6d510b719	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:59:22	-808.926
-22	18988	949400	ebd0dc5d-490f-4c8b-8cfc-36acc53c2c34	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:25:56	293.68
-23	9495	949500	dfc2abf3-7535-4b03-80ba-6d2a1a283da9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:22:33	-965.104
-23	18990	949500	911e8429-3efb-4478-929c-d466ddd404cf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:16:35	-267.254
-24	9496	949600	3d20b71d-c0ba-464a-b2f6-5d2351a396f0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:07:28	366.107
-24	18992	949600	3245a422-d510-458f-a8f8-e0b7a09fa373	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:37:25	-13.794
-25	9497	949700	a28dc900-3b57-42e9-bcfb-b62f12205b5f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:08:03	318.330
-25	18994	949700	689608bc-5ff4-45b9-bea7-34fba25b4d7c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:51:58	-641.782
-26	9498	949800	3f8dd7da-f3bc-465f-a782-544373361b2e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:45:54	76.413
-26	18996	949800	b4a1e475-0d0a-4443-ae17-ff71a3c5e9a8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:22:26	104.255
-27	9499	949900	699c14ae-ab61-4975-bb49-0e8a9475cdcd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:32:15	374.192
-27	18998	949900	1191a6c1-025d-4bb4-b4e7-e392159217ea	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:50:36	-371.99
-28	9500	950000	73763912-2088-4b7d-897b-3f2072b477eb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:19:08	979.235
-28	19000	950000	095e67d3-679e-4544-99d5-ab479e595d57	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:37:55	-656.591
-29	9501	950100	79b4dc99-fee1-4c39-8915-503d89449a7c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:32:18	655.829
-29	19002	950100	02a28ae9-cbfe-4592-87ee-fe5d94ab5634	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:57:50	-830.889
-30	9502	950200	17efa5bc-3f42-44a2-b0ec-f0ff34b27705	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:26:21	459.437
-30	19004	950200	01ee2b43-d7e9-45e2-bfdf-954c8ebba87e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:11:14	-443.670
-31	9503	950300	a2eabe34-5080-48f1-96e2-19734bbbbc55	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:38:58	-422.540
-31	19006	950300	f9b14f2f-0385-48f3-bde4-41d9818c587d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:52:15	715.313
-32	9504	950400	c88f44df-94e4-401c-8e7f-2b9643bb7713	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:36:30	-390.297
-32	19008	950400	b6c86171-9048-45b8-a7a1-a67ab2bc14f3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:12:16	682.739
-33	9505	950500	3063cd1e-8c5e-4968-b837-0fa2a27d3b5e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:02:18	21.278
-33	19010	950500	e5d39d07-6d16-43ee-8eba-124f8461ac4c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:09:50	-363.573
-34	9506	950600	af07f447-258d-4df7-8bec-03aee6259e8d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:53:03	-325.71
-34	19012	950600	ecaf0029-dd99-4486-aa29-f12d4f5586db	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:47:00	916.4
-35	9507	950700	cd07fbcc-1dbd-4d47-b3f0-54fc8b87e841	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:24:36	-938.693
-35	19014	950700	803941bc-f8ed-4810-856b-8a5095c88059	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:34:46	-294.925
-36	9508	950800	8b34e97a-806a-4346-ba38-6a86d770ed7e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:05:45	-959.321
-36	19016	950800	6353d139-def3-404a-9a51-84b2df8ce00c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:01:00	824.202
-37	9509	950900	00ded4f1-59ce-459d-9a02-693332937252	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:18:09	527.945
-37	19018	950900	b67527b3-767a-40b3-806c-d536bb0a6cf3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:07:59	851.909
-38	9510	951000	0efd6352-8654-4ca3-b7f0-8beb06b5994a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:28:07	118.183
-38	19020	951000	ee7b7d2c-ccab-4e84-98af-3826f18210b7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:29:45	-743.481
-39	9511	951100	df1afd53-dea3-45da-8631-31c9379f98af	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:12:22	157.596
-39	19022	951100	f6125895-802a-479d-91fa-88cef6fa8d03	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:30:42	-401.926
-40	9512	951200	ef1f2bec-9493-47f9-9582-7cbbdb0ab3a7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:22:40	703.704
-40	19024	951200	0b98e457-84ab-44d1-808b-9f2ea3b6e337	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:13:28	-851.325
-41	9513	951300	2561d5a4-0a6f-477e-8e05-9221382dc662	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:42:33	180.810
-41	19026	951300	56115e4c-956a-4b66-9266-239c60bc5511	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:36:00	-510.142
-42	9514	951400	67d87a1e-8335-46f3-8d11-e334cf0debee	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:46:35	663.701
-42	19028	951400	4f68666c-719d-4be6-af8b-6bef97622f09	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:00:25	-716.995
-43	9515	951500	05ee6c85-8fec-4edb-bffa-80b18f02d82d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:32:29	-301.764
-43	19030	951500	0fe81f19-cfef-4318-9fde-ea65ebdbb556	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:18:35	690.190
-44	9516	951600	7f76e29b-1cad-4ab7-88d8-ff160e39ec28	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:23:22	-727.425
-44	19032	951600	cc2d0a2f-0c85-4eca-9535-597addc3d3e3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:19:57	576.942
-45	9517	951700	3e6ece4c-2067-4a08-aa8d-c3570131ef49	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:55:34	190.744
-45	19034	951700	ffabdabc-9b81-4a28-b379-968f54401ad3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:58:34	-255.165
-46	9518	951800	25a3b345-7586-41c7-abb2-112aae4fb7a4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:47:48	200.620
-46	19036	951800	5ea7de5e-995f-42ba-bc47-c2db377e2424	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:18:27	857.505
-47	9519	951900	dd4e669c-4194-4a1d-8322-220175363942	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:21:39	-341.89
-47	19038	951900	71029eb3-8715-4c23-8e7d-f6564fad8a59	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:26:43	-137.951
-48	9520	952000	b719e209-1425-416d-a5e2-00ea22d6a888	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:53:28	991.322
-48	19040	952000	e5c40233-4757-4abc-9f59-8a162d55ddb6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:10:46	-624.604
-49	9521	952100	a98c8735-5666-4a50-84e8-b72555e3da69	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:30:13	689.667
-49	19042	952100	de5c5bf2-e683-4efa-a7cf-162d20cd3783	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:46:28	-606.839
-50	9522	952200	fbdcc46b-a48b-4735-ba59-939b9c8e6c41	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:26:14	-861.72
-50	19044	952200	e7d04ccc-d40e-4c47-b999-8b1b1141411f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:08:44	659.701
-51	9523	952300	a29d35a7-a00c-4848-b95e-c1f144ff906b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:29:33	-176.82
-51	19046	952300	04fd3037-c0db-493a-8f32-492daa078af9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:40:42	294.539
-52	9524	952400	2380c995-589e-44dd-9d7a-aeca3e88ab45	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:13:36	-489.689
-52	19048	952400	7851c4dd-51d8-40f2-9bba-43ee7e2ab18d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:34:23	586.520
-53	9525	952500	8d84acfc-b880-4a42-89b5-2e2204728e3f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:53:22	-7.283
-53	19050	952500	958e759e-d497-4e8a-9ae7-6ec3ccce828f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:37:53	862.714
-54	9526	952600	fb8cbeba-a797-4ece-b5ec-2b7749adee57	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:32:14	-308.110
-54	19052	952600	5f9e77c9-9e19-4331-a03f-1c8bf9fb0500	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:01:19	603.581
-55	9527	952700	98f79804-140f-465a-bdcd-5dfafb92ec88	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:47:00	-841.909
-55	19054	952700	06681de4-c038-4500-837c-827c69800435	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:57:35	581.75
-56	9528	952800	d28b3bfa-73df-4618-8a0e-a806397c9a92	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:33:43	-775.459
-56	19056	952800	a5ebc3a5-71c6-4627-9c1c-a798e14b0a31	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:54:12	516.355
-57	9529	952900	8805dc10-51a6-4509-925e-751a0090ead3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:30:33	873.842
-57	19058	952900	59dc9dae-fa52-4640-8169-c784ae84bb25	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:34:34	-542.311
-58	9530	953000	41897005-d641-44f1-9b13-71332e4876ee	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:13:11	-942.621
-58	19060	953000	a2776945-dfb7-4110-bc35-641f6e3d3728	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:23:24	-991.731
-59	9531	953100	7265ce87-2ef4-4df3-bca0-c9967bdcb1f9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:32:32	906.961
-59	19062	953100	0f3f7a9e-7afb-4f22-83de-3c3e31dc654e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:50:54	658.967
-60	9532	953200	38d81389-8efa-45a8-b160-7ebe357d8145	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:08:21	74.722
-60	19064	953200	3b793d4d-4a11-445c-8cfc-5bb2d3f55433	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:30:27	473.317
-61	9533	953300	cc103f2b-060f-4ff4-8f95-9177368de787	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:56:28	415.241
-61	19066	953300	0e099aac-3b8e-49e6-8215-51a6cd3189b9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:42:56	364.290
-62	9534	953400	da01d4a9-0dc9-4ecb-aa55-1711527d481e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:14:24	-905.723
-62	19068	953400	8610bb3b-6328-4568-bd29-91d653d98486	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:31:19	636.827
-63	9535	953500	07935f01-7548-4079-ba53-7418269ddbb3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:32:12	198.859
-63	19070	953500	1702e339-083f-465e-aedc-c8b26fd48e69	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:18:29	455.613
-64	9536	953600	ce69641c-fc81-4fde-8fcf-4405c6898751	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:54:49	372.983
-64	19072	953600	4949abf7-3119-4566-bc9a-b0acb5b50fea	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:54:59	-301.915
-65	9537	953700	6aff9d12-0689-45df-92b9-9a09da0a2001	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:35:58	-676.574
-65	19074	953700	bed6c087-f665-48d1-836b-29573e143d8c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:11:46	-24.686
-66	9538	953800	1a751369-4e42-480b-aedc-8f7b29b785d3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:08:28	652.137
-66	19076	953800	72c757f8-9564-422e-a226-bacbf2835ea2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:09:57	-43.575
-67	9539	953900	0ca542e8-862b-435c-bb80-8a31a5bf17f2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:54:18	335.85
-67	19078	953900	b1cc5d53-de1b-4437-ab18-24ad01d2eebc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:12:42	-836.869
-68	9540	954000	82673925-fb7c-4bd7-9e1f-64ec5ee10031	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:52:31	-554.762
-68	19080	954000	566f75a5-d946-412a-afaf-29a744f940f0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:20:58	504.297
-69	9541	954100	cd0773a5-d15c-4f8e-9edc-f0bad26a328a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:50:56	831.258
-69	19082	954100	f579d90c-684e-4285-8f4f-9961a4c11e99	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:02:53	207.258
-70	9542	954200	bd97f44e-b0a5-4f15-9eb3-5dbefd2d65ca	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:34:46	365.492
-70	19084	954200	0dfccfc0-884b-4685-8260-42381610afc8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:11:37	-867.487
-71	9543	954300	5f43220a-fba8-45fa-a967-087f2cdee8ad	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:21:09	-229.635
-71	19086	954300	ca9a8b24-a114-4e52-973b-1e70d908bc97	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:23:06	295.367
-72	9544	954400	4173c1e7-b86b-4479-9e38-bfc0ab9efde8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:41:14	129.827
-72	19088	954400	566491d0-a565-4bd7-8114-6438626b5b3a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:49:33	265.241
-73	9545	954500	0048a654-e3ac-4808-8a19-b5a7c9a05419	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:40:09	604.476
-73	19090	954500	fd92b73e-5586-47e4-b372-1564886cd132	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:26:17	543.210
-74	9546	954600	11510892-52b5-4764-8f95-efab6d981f2d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:55:43	187.836
-74	19092	954600	d1def073-06e7-4830-a30b-cce566c5ea31	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:48:22	-962.650
-75	9547	954700	0a4bab9b-2a6a-4c41-b447-692c65026c51	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:38:47	968.690
-75	19094	954700	dd9eae4f-8601-43f3-954a-1c936d8c384c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:30:59	-305.548
-76	9548	954800	1370bfa9-b0d8-47bf-be21-6466ce69cae1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:47:46	-95.556
-76	19096	954800	2c8f7f5c-60df-4aae-8dff-84e4674bbcec	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:04:35	-460.324
-77	9549	954900	4d9d9c3a-5a61-497b-937d-7b8de4e58720	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:13:15	-189.197
-77	19098	954900	a1fc7395-b92d-442c-8937-a3aebe2dcaf0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:36:06	-384.867
-78	9550	955000	b5bc4f1b-0906-45c7-a2ce-f4bbd6bd1028	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:37:04	-410.583
-78	19100	955000	11230c7d-7c1d-409b-83ec-6e697139bedc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:22:09	-922.162
-79	9551	955100	aa8e8aa6-6be6-4b4c-b602-fc6557a83a55	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:05:58	-61.861
-79	19102	955100	675ae9cf-1a8e-4845-9b0a-9ce8f94344af	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:55:10	-585.426
-80	9552	955200	1fb4eb5a-57dd-4ef6-b306-1ebb3d534543	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:28:30	-7.90
-80	19104	955200	b173cbbf-e859-4025-884d-286fdb8d500c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:30:26	-576.732
-81	9553	955300	f6b63702-e16f-4ab9-b5bd-ac3246bef90a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:31:01	734.167
-81	19106	955300	4a1696c1-5253-466c-9d1d-8c6479763ba3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:24:06	678.636
-82	9554	955400	6fcad20d-0e62-4bea-a64f-ea461bfea74e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:00:30	-629.299
-82	19108	955400	1a40d5d0-f649-4536-b874-6fcdfc508463	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:50:54	598.913
-83	9555	955500	77f63712-b1ea-48d4-952c-10182fa673c4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:45:15	-261.885
-83	19110	955500	87cd1006-319c-4cea-9bdd-253b5336e472	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:29:12	433.959
-84	9556	955600	6e23093a-0109-4357-a83d-b04aa58c343b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:13:45	922.466
-84	19112	955600	a15686fd-136c-4698-8e52-169ae6f79e4e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:36:35	932.445
-85	9557	955700	b50edcdd-8e88-45b8-bc61-399b0bd16b63	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:58:35	-935.804
-85	19114	955700	d7955489-248f-479c-a3a0-ecdd0d9da69c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:09:18	143.554
-86	9558	955800	1dd203af-cf4e-4a7d-a496-f1df99f137e4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:47:26	-905.300
-86	19116	955800	59afbfe7-1dd8-4fbd-821f-cd3cf3f2d87f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:46:29	887.395
-87	9559	955900	bd34ffe9-cbea-4ec6-87f8-cdc634aa1ab1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:44:14	-446.228
-87	19118	955900	9bdc8ac4-405e-420b-9545-09836f560669	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:25:23	111.750
-88	9560	956000	954aaf0c-0231-4d41-b10b-fc3fea72b084	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:53:47	-726.904
-88	19120	956000	dd03fbb9-c0da-4c04-a066-13fd9cde65b1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:28:01	923.321
-89	9561	956100	de35afaa-cf0e-41de-ba86-9c85f25f2c26	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:16:24	-248.286
-89	19122	956100	a9eadca5-d69a-455d-8abd-fb7f9d66a4b2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:02:49	-645.464
-90	9562	956200	c22962ea-90d0-4454-bbd1-542f274a4cb5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:59:28	436.182
-90	19124	956200	2df0a390-8613-4a18-8dcb-c835b987061f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:24:20	912.105
-91	9563	956300	38b95d2a-d674-4153-a1f9-54da403a5915	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:38:03	6.683
-91	19126	956300	0390adf6-8fee-489d-acd9-3cba82779cd0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:40:49	-41.492
-92	9564	956400	71f7b4f2-137e-4e5b-a62a-0c5678592602	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:56:06	744.558
-92	19128	956400	cd40622d-4a09-4e7e-b2ac-fbccb9252f38	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:58:08	624.789
-93	9565	956500	92c9f879-4fde-48c3-aaaa-5e21e8dd48df	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:10:00	909.177
-93	19130	956500	99f02445-10ae-4c58-8abd-e132f3367094	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:07:46	-77.327
-94	9566	956600	f34e7ae7-8b66-40b7-b02f-5365c62bbfd9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:18:56	424.664
-94	19132	956600	12213111-d034-49a6-8553-12cd69e15690	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:51:49	-945.656
-95	9567	956700	ab821c41-b4f1-49e8-8a8b-2cdd6d017b98	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:09:17	-647.949
-95	19134	956700	707bb7c7-2f6a-475c-ad2a-93d882d3476c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:06:04	-928.531
-96	9568	956800	26721f32-7655-4fce-8004-8603edee5af1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:57:35	852.793
-96	19136	956800	bcc71b4f-51fe-45f5-951f-f44eac1f9b1a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:21:06	-411.851
-97	9569	956900	6ec3a98a-bee2-4a13-a33e-df6abc866918	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:05:40	-295.112
-97	19138	956900	1ec88bf8-8431-4e3e-9152-1dd58f07f50d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:50:29	-747.971
-98	9570	957000	fd556e30-fcce-46af-a68d-2525623e517d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:29:05	-249.261
-98	19140	957000	e66e4bd5-c74f-44ca-8f3c-3a8f12947aae	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:59:48	646.282
-99	9571	957100	2e412efb-eb10-4002-83a8-b49c0b0e0209	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:13:19	-73.324
-99	19142	957100	f5aa0fef-42e4-4574-aca6-47ae47b36c39	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:18:07	-221.615
-100	9572	957200	733803dd-da4e-462e-b32a-3236e3de7afa	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:47:44	161.95
-100	19144	957200	ab2ba1b9-ea58-444b-a024-8db340c78770	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:13:01	732.787
-101	9573	957300	fc74dc46-5e23-4ed3-9752-34757f032da9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:44:36	-115.905
-101	19146	957300	20a6fb09-a5fc-4a18-9714-33681dd7b9e3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:45:44	-258.805
-102	9574	957400	6fb349c2-618e-4388-af60-572aa2cf2aa0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:12:49	-420.939
-102	19148	957400	eb68b50e-be41-4128-b8e1-1ad58c6f42d3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:29:51	360.231
-103	9575	957500	de62c4e8-a6a3-4d67-97db-30b43aca8cee	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:58:17	-315.857
-103	19150	957500	4a16917a-2cdd-4e62-beaa-e045920abf02	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:27:16	844.98
-104	9576	957600	27d34f13-6f1f-44af-a973-6c805f0ea4ee	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:44:29	479.931
-104	19152	957600	8c2c251c-fd0c-43db-8a36-154fe7a5ec93	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:11:39	593.538
-105	9577	957700	7d50cf89-6e57-49ae-8b86-8e1a8195aa96	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:22:50	-571.371
-105	19154	957700	5b70e799-4c45-48d1-a343-e06e749451e5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:06:00	847.319
-106	9578	957800	5272bf12-8739-4d12-a379-87b0b60e0d84	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:01:14	-19.11
-106	19156	957800	7560665a-b86e-4366-9a08-8adf89e706f1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:02:58	118.733
-107	9579	957900	f6c77cbc-4c98-4396-8117-4f6ada320eef	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:26:54	-672.43
-107	19158	957900	85312f6b-b20f-4106-af7f-05ebd52bf437	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:40:17	901.775
-108	9580	958000	f7632c38-378c-4131-adff-4918cc14a9a4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:19:00	633.212
-108	19160	958000	48ec4f38-f2c8-46d4-97f4-014a109d08df	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:15:57	289.265
-109	9581	958100	711d01d2-24d8-42a9-8bbd-11032544f4c9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:55:06	-950.442
-109	19162	958100	1ddba969-13ba-437f-82f6-b2d85f91d4d6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:15:17	520.606
-110	9582	958200	14baead8-3050-4c87-8f61-e688ab35959c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:00:03	-95.651
-110	19164	958200	ac612a55-c142-4978-b78c-fb89e07eae51	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:15:25	-360.350
-111	9583	958300	5d821260-b64e-4f7d-840c-582299d1a1e8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:07:27	775.362
-111	19166	958300	d7db8893-0e26-4ee1-ae03-04ab9047862e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:08:29	-357.245
-112	9584	958400	2707d406-983b-43f6-866f-73f9943375a7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:13:55	-19.712
-112	19168	958400	ed200a03-b16b-4e72-80ca-884f9e230c33	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:46:26	-108.941
-113	9585	958500	2699a33b-3686-43ae-a29c-992b14977ac6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:58:46	646.850
-113	19170	958500	0e4e69b9-7b74-4b98-b1a7-6e6d4c251719	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:56:47	995.50
-114	9586	958600	06a2fd53-8909-41bb-8367-c9f7ad801efc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:31:38	118.417
-114	19172	958600	0b29866d-ad50-4d09-ab57-00ecdb08489d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:45:57	-569.354
-115	9587	958700	26dd1caf-db36-4353-af5b-8dfa14139610	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:40:57	-779.945
-115	19174	958700	47a25a6f-b7e7-4a3a-a8b6-015c24e1327b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:02:12	-557.379
-116	9588	958800	fc015080-929e-400e-9dd0-b7b88a083888	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:19:08	574.600
-116	19176	958800	250d1a8c-4796-454d-a56a-98a82c8812f4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:36:18	-881.85
-117	9589	958900	a2a402d9-dbec-439f-b5fa-27435629e5bd	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:31:33	275.108
-117	19178	958900	26cdd757-76c6-4977-936d-da18b9a124a8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:03:54	-544.822
-118	9590	959000	18ffa7b2-b767-4b29-8666-4700412bbc49	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:48:22	-318.861
-118	19180	959000	63031fde-6d2b-4edc-98db-1541989d6184	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:54:43	-659.667
-119	9591	959100	d396b93c-99c2-4ee1-81f3-e16a90bcca22	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:21:34	797.506
-119	19182	959100	b03bddea-42ff-4a51-aa98-4d103c753c62	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:04:01	-364.273
-120	9592	959200	adfd0632-9c2c-4a0d-99db-595b323f0fd7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:20:43	697.940
-120	19184	959200	a7c40a39-cac8-4f3c-89d7-3ff4ac3decdc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:16:47	-421.246
-121	9593	959300	f148c56e-7287-4c3d-b6b3-765fb2ce3abe	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:27:33	857.228
-121	19186	959300	a16973cb-9547-48b3-a148-106b6d5729d9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:16:27	114.288
-122	9594	959400	c5ca2aa4-4f09-436c-aac1-080d0c48b6c8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:50:36	597.588
-122	19188	959400	ac221ab2-c844-4a61-afb4-cd921da65ee4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:59:37	-877.558
-123	9595	959500	2c55322a-5b92-4c26-bcb5-de3c59ba8f07	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:45:14	-527.753
-123	19190	959500	7c71a61e-7bc7-4104-b80c-dd1cb37736f9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:34:14	-229.129
-124	9596	959600	2df23665-b41f-4c44-a714-3bf14ebfb827	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:22:51	300.497
-124	19192	959600	6a8a33e2-c8e0-46b6-b24a-0b0dbc2973d3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:00:45	-577.26
-125	9597	959700	9e204142-6cd0-4a1f-999b-b3a38359569b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:50:09	980.501
-125	19194	959700	fc5177bc-0e0d-4c6c-b990-fd8fabb98d66	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:10:28	911.588
-126	9598	959800	e6f2cc87-ddda-4cf1-ad32-806d67cae855	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:36:11	549.855
-126	19196	959800	f37dd695-a78c-495b-bf20-efa26088b96d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:33:21	-913.935
-127	9599	959900	d5dbfa8c-8fa4-4d8e-9ed0-dfecadd41b26	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:53:31	110.632
-127	19198	959900	cd2a654d-9d37-4d54-a892-310a17eed75c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:50:30	767.385
-0	9600	960000	06280ed2-22fa-4160-8dad-b9e1c2edc85a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:53:58	657.711
-0	19200	960000	5a525bfa-54e4-4a93-a7a8-f6ce5161e695	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:07:49	-167.407
-1	9601	960100	e3ebebc3-ea97-4a5d-a894-7a0153dfac48	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:21:20	321.93
-1	19202	960100	05c24ce7-9d12-4afe-8dd5-2c276cff352e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:31:48	782.846
-2	9602	960200	56ce8999-a422-4bc3-8793-78c431144ad9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:49:04	747.484
-2	19204	960200	df56eb02-1cdb-4754-99c5-79ac82d1deb9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:21:13	151.829
-3	9603	960300	0b2ca2da-09d1-4519-bd54-c0d687589e00	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:42:39	964.785
-3	19206	960300	3ca1cb76-e90d-41dd-8f0e-7a4deaa602fc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:13:37	-189.966
-4	9604	960400	522c5eb2-e904-4c30-90d8-aa6b9bce052d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:19:26	-444.93
-4	19208	960400	31ff03be-34dd-449c-9fb9-87ae095b8b33	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:39:21	954.697
-5	9605	960500	20f8783b-c22a-4f24-9e6d-326343439ab8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:21:39	-938.571
-5	19210	960500	de42522e-df0d-490e-aa21-0fcad480b036	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:28:51	-434.296
-6	9606	960600	a340de5e-19d6-4238-ac86-6ca4528210d3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:02:41	678.37
-6	19212	960600	60d3b451-6d28-4b18-abd9-d953f98e6711	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:48:51	902.217
-7	9607	960700	63b5dd7c-52c6-4d5d-8812-eca65ec8e46e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:54:16	-821.483
-7	19214	960700	31c497e7-af64-4f30-88b5-c65d230239ea	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:49:35	110.112
-8	9608	960800	6e95e115-5849-4ef8-8a90-a57d39dc1ef7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:35:20	975.192
-8	19216	960800	b8835c96-03b4-49f4-8c98-5282256f5669	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:02:40	-859.692
-9	9609	960900	afa3009c-4f09-4343-959e-6bbdadc42bd6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:31:43	-374.879
-9	19218	960900	43c12223-e810-4a54-bca4-82fc6c317f0c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:46:56	523.914
-10	9610	961000	92f6abe8-44f6-4345-a3b8-7446c3579eba	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:40:03	880.86
-10	19220	961000	5f7088b1-a156-405c-b9f5-964b2fab5b80	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:37:54	-79.663
-11	9611	961100	f174b1b0-b573-42b3-b219-7251b08ddc82	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:28:33	674.360
-11	19222	961100	27ac4eee-a5d1-42b1-80bb-6aea6858e907	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:00:30	60.182
-12	9612	961200	0fe9700f-3d5c-4783-a7cc-d82e9c637a88	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:44:51	393.463
-12	19224	961200	c0013ac4-6b1c-4615-ba42-e0826ea984e0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:02:49	-306.442
-13	9613	961300	16500936-6ec0-4c06-a80e-dee753c49f17	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:11:22	746.399
-13	19226	961300	6d7eafec-5697-4add-bdec-fb3146503f60	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:15:54	-944.15
-14	9614	961400	c524c669-d0b7-45c0-b5ef-62059efa2816	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:58:42	341.211
-14	19228	961400	acf7ebb1-dfaf-414a-8dfd-401dec519452	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:45:59	906.833
-15	9615	961500	58754063-1949-42d7-8671-c26c7d7a60b3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:43:08	-206.236
-15	19230	961500	49b7837a-795d-4384-8eb7-efc41ed4beab	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:33:07	-85.157
-16	9616	961600	7bfb6c58-e050-4e97-aaf6-73622756401e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:48:15	-213.778
-16	19232	961600	ec78ff7a-2c30-4232-9a72-4541f2dbdad0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:02:03	263.235
-17	9617	961700	64b9b7de-806e-41e5-a851-c1c12de0146e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:04:16	-69.356
-17	19234	961700	6cb446cb-6d47-4485-be43-a429bf6198a9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:51:11	-938.508
-18	9618	961800	55eb8093-2eb1-4051-a6e9-61427739a325	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:14:32	-220.282
-18	19236	961800	a2b9d0ce-6274-404f-b609-e17298297cec	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:41:34	-179.129
-19	9619	961900	484e898b-1e2f-4e9c-8baf-714d04f3ee41	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:31:55	-80.32
-19	19238	961900	54fe6357-1299-446e-bf23-d46838226b5a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:05:00	-486.676
-20	9620	962000	e76e09f8-84ea-463c-a6e6-d79269e776e4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:14:41	-845.365
-20	19240	962000	7d708785-f7e3-4973-b8f7-40398e60f7dc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:28:24	207.409
-21	9621	962100	877d27d9-fa90-4073-b86b-0490b412864f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:23:00	-885.783
-21	19242	962100	ce81d1e2-095d-4d37-9194-989dc663b608	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:18:21	-432.542
-22	9622	962200	da51e822-1788-4aba-a2fd-d03e5cf567e5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:36:41	-206.917
-22	19244	962200	8b6bc7b2-4f69-474a-a15f-098d6a1c8323	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:26:14	271.808
-23	9623	962300	f681b290-4743-43bc-863b-353cd7662a75	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:23:35	-232.171
-23	19246	962300	769295d1-dcd1-4f3f-8ee6-dca45bfb437b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:26:21	264.314
-24	9624	962400	25f9bafb-5257-4730-91e5-3b8a61ee9c03	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:25:03	387.703
-24	19248	962400	e23ef762-4188-423d-8731-d346ccc73a46	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:11:58	986.443
-25	9625	962500	63d11a3a-fa81-49c8-9ce2-fe427c0c3a58	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:15:06	457.485
-25	19250	962500	0c939551-c82f-40eb-8456-5b05d8674954	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:25:18	-212.859
-26	9626	962600	f350e48c-bd23-4112-b836-330b94a23a20	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:01:47	-480.209
-26	19252	962600	b8a2b370-6d0b-4de9-9191-570068d6a76a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:12:54	-500.365
-27	9627	962700	9447e5de-4285-457f-91e1-554ffc78065c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:40:29	221.815
-27	19254	962700	e9ee2619-53b9-4c9b-bb6d-85ebb8cc02a6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:36:58	-290.760
-28	9628	962800	01484a5f-8512-42d2-a691-0e9d92fdeb41	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:21:22	713.596
-28	19256	962800	d734f60e-415b-4c5e-aa74-9a47fd91fff6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:56:20	40.583
-29	9629	962900	19accc41-3f52-466d-b000-4eda07a03106	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:44:51	-370.882
-29	19258	962900	e51ec874-f37a-46a0-9d73-1450bcd7e487	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:19:45	801.303
-30	9630	963000	a548eb98-591c-4d5e-ad44-522a64772591	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:22:36	223.194
-30	19260	963000	16678504-6d5f-4b13-99e8-e31f77cf4f48	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:49:03	342.697
-31	9631	963100	e47c272e-607b-4637-89db-512aed8eca71	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:50:53	653.288
-31	19262	963100	0dfdecbb-189c-4d93-a95b-ea36cc90d802	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:23:08	-593.931
-32	9632	963200	49629fd7-d4b2-4df5-b6d7-3473c3e4a0d7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:17:16	-810.335
-32	19264	963200	0fd40e5f-00bf-4cdd-8939-b0466fec3333	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:29:19	-15.83
-33	9633	963300	bd5dc42e-6cb5-45cb-8d76-fa25f2d08636	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:51:26	-840.990
-33	19266	963300	3dbf93eb-2e37-4f37-af12-23cb272c7d6d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:31:19	-934.804
-34	9634	963400	4a48fd5e-f5bb-4da0-b5bf-b82e5e80cbb3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:31:39	-456.638
-34	19268	963400	80e8a4db-d763-46c2-b4f5-0128e7a75382	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:15:23	411.50
-35	9635	963500	9f2b3237-f5c7-49f1-928a-4cdd89deb152	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:22:32	278.39
-35	19270	963500	d90c30b0-bbf9-4a5f-9927-440cf68e79e1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:28:21	883.371
-36	9636	963600	4efbd565-e4dc-4d17-93c2-7087d9f6ed76	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:10:29	-524.150
-36	19272	963600	20fc1625-566e-45ce-aa99-21ce00b212ba	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:00:49	-212.731
-37	9637	963700	3de7aae3-3447-4704-8861-9cdf394c90cc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:02:12	411.341
-37	19274	963700	87af6ba2-2d31-456f-b3dc-09a4023c64a6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:38:18	837.815
-38	9638	963800	433a4870-1b27-44cb-aa35-24988c266e45	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:34:46	-637.898
-38	19276	963800	cee987cf-f3c5-4ed3-92a7-5d8ca8f14b0f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:44:02	-55.432
-39	9639	963900	b29d1904-1377-4511-8f32-b50b29b6b03a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:00:07	-388.777
-39	19278	963900	a7022f3d-e7d8-4085-8e34-b60f5a70ac3f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:04:48	854.415
-40	9640	964000	1c1ef786-941e-413f-bec6-d23323e5510a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:49:49	877.761
-40	19280	964000	debd2fa0-6fbd-4408-b5e6-a7f490e42de0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:30:17	725.329
-41	9641	964100	aadcbe0f-b8ab-464e-89b5-a1a29481bdc0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:08:25	-314.581
-41	19282	964100	a86caf00-e9a4-4d87-9888-8ae07e56922e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:26:04	-975.288
-42	9642	964200	dad4d0b9-afe5-4363-9d28-d9e78c102c7d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:13:25	-13.41
-42	19284	964200	3b6d1e4d-eb25-4716-ba9a-3b45e3dabfcf	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:36:40	257.316
-43	9643	964300	e3db79e7-c5f3-42b4-9083-9d0f52f146f7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:00:25	-380.186
-43	19286	964300	56ac5a98-b910-4043-a73a-8f7d25081f62	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:56:41	-521.515
-44	9644	964400	4f96eb62-489f-4393-a549-a5afd2c6c05d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:35:43	-92.55
-44	19288	964400	051547e0-392b-4549-b696-19025ff7d579	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:21:33	673.915
-45	9645	964500	c7ad4ed3-0d43-4c87-a305-9bf6a49ce19f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:31:26	-496.311
-45	19290	964500	bb48f4f1-01f9-4e10-9de6-f3970eaf91db	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:08:51	-757.686
-46	9646	964600	65d5e3da-810d-450e-858e-75b3cbc4db7c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:03:46	-176.525
-46	19292	964600	dd8af982-aa7b-4977-a532-3e45427f181d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:11:55	140.861
-47	9647	964700	d37ec50e-efb0-4a7e-9b48-f50a6bd267c7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:44:46	348.389
-47	19294	964700	00c8d4f7-7042-4c97-a41f-d8cea6c63365	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:54:29	-452.721
-48	9648	964800	358a7125-c346-4a3d-b867-dfa403b9b02e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:34:32	244.783
-48	19296	964800	62df687b-7209-470f-9b8e-b701316ee4e6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:22:41	-86.317
-49	9649	964900	8ca45d5d-cdf4-4226-b16f-0df9313572ea	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:21:50	808.538
-49	19298	964900	5215d070-e271-4b4a-b788-920c41a5ee63	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:51:22	-198.274
-50	9650	965000	1cf34634-2386-4a4b-9b83-6edd301873a9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:15:38	-987.388
-50	19300	965000	aef9ccdc-d74d-4288-9a58-d24b29de7fda	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:30:44	671.697
-51	9651	965100	886c69ba-4519-4274-a148-8510305ffb0f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:56:38	725.211
-51	19302	965100	9a5375b1-6e76-4728-addf-23a5d96b5d93	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:19:21	351.954
-52	9652	965200	27806f3f-0029-4a7c-9d44-adafc0675544	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:56:13	-696.932
-52	19304	965200	4d63e8fb-e87a-4c74-9487-eecd1620cdf5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:58:23	636.479
-53	9653	965300	a0056e42-bbc2-4ced-b0fb-fff818812b86	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:49:27	-436.716
-53	19306	965300	896ba0fc-7c60-4c6a-9731-60bf129894d8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:59:31	-700.596
-54	9654	965400	efb80198-0f7c-4bca-b131-c2ac48eacce6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:29:58	306.932
-54	19308	965400	bd4ca85e-7ca7-4102-8008-20c6602e06fa	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:07:47	-385.267
-55	9655	965500	d33c2bc9-09cc-4354-94c0-f77d15cdb976	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:44:59	348.299
-55	19310	965500	2f3f0fc1-2079-46c1-94db-962bd1f50e9c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:47:42	-459.974
-56	9656	965600	cc4c2a15-d8d7-41f7-8130-bce00c2dae1d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:44:12	-626.145
-56	19312	965600	050c24d7-157e-4782-a4d4-63528211be97	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:29:44	211.333
-57	9657	965700	80fe3f9a-5a77-442b-9a42-3cd5b64fc6d4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:58:44	721.142
-57	19314	965700	7cc0c62f-a83c-4fb7-a69c-4d4b957cc049	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:49:13	-109.709
-58	9658	965800	cf30b173-296f-4dbb-9a50-81d00ed37c88	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:59:14	-518.429
-58	19316	965800	8038092d-a739-4259-8c5a-d419c35bd24e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:21:38	-59.766
-59	9659	965900	194d106b-4648-4ffc-8907-18978e983d4e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:01:56	704.790
-59	19318	965900	502bb445-ed31-44d1-a8a5-04427b537f3c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:47:52	-901.928
-60	9660	966000	83c11c5d-11d2-4abc-ace9-7a9321c0e770	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:12:04	591.363
-60	19320	966000	198aa197-d278-4566-9300-c1fea28907e7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:07:06	436.879
-61	9661	966100	a185c4f6-47e0-488b-ab74-b562879ef356	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:21:33	-208.265
-61	19322	966100	d7d92a4f-ad63-40f8-b0ee-03d4ba32eeeb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:01:01	995.136
-62	9662	966200	cdd7df1e-e0d9-4785-9985-a8ef4fbbdb4d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:05:37	-297.334
-62	19324	966200	0438cdd6-2a96-4483-959b-35e9ca573d69	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:13:50	902.121
-63	9663	966300	a2a886b4-78de-40b3-a2f6-67162b56f189	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:45:22	-964.219
-63	19326	966300	3989cbb9-342b-457e-a6c8-7f6494e5a598	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:58:24	-197.918
-64	9664	966400	64508b05-1fb8-4263-9dfe-6efee7bf6a51	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:22:55	758.501
-64	19328	966400	b6fd2575-e015-4e00-8c11-e2cf90d132a6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:40:24	796.421
-65	9665	966500	b66d7fca-e854-4898-bd79-b0bb33dba26c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:19:00	241.372
-65	19330	966500	f344b770-9ea6-49d0-96c6-ed9f48f3c7e3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:40:06	172.656
-66	9666	966600	88bc7688-c54e-43fa-91da-7de38c8871ee	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:42:23	-186.694
-66	19332	966600	d75fc2b7-4d6e-4d84-b981-39366b59abd1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:46:28	497.982
-67	9667	966700	fc88be07-608c-4a2b-b24f-25cb1231a877	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:19:33	809.259
-67	19334	966700	a7a22c00-cf8c-4e1b-83bb-61474bf05b55	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:54:01	70.93
-68	9668	966800	00f002d1-7bbf-4532-85f7-2102c334f483	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:24:12	972.377
-68	19336	966800	6a36b0b2-f397-4381-a052-8b2dcb58f2e8	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:51:41	-710.174
-69	9669	966900	a95c0cde-f8cb-44e0-b61c-949c4070653c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:43:51	198.715
-69	19338	966900	974fcc8d-c46c-4e30-8a88-c643c0bfd4e4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:34:43	-685.878
-70	9670	967000	8d97c28a-b7c9-4c78-80ac-23c69d640dc1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:19:28	-466.591
-70	19340	967000	3fb170b1-3a1c-41c8-bdf9-fcaa9b4bcb26	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:39:21	-173.398
-71	9671	967100	17039fbd-18c2-4950-ab22-22bcfc29709e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:13:40	154.487
-71	19342	967100	8d920b30-ff67-43f7-8beb-38691c218d26	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:50:37	-689.92
-72	9672	967200	3ab05ad7-39a8-4002-9f03-43ed9a2e4e37	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:46:06	236.737
-72	19344	967200	97d16ffb-41f6-42f0-a3ab-62e2c5978e2a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:18:23	-610.499
-73	9673	967300	dd4446de-cf02-45f6-993e-982b6f7aa627	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:23:00	-178.469
-73	19346	967300	575307b7-530b-41b5-87fc-5c7730f99797	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:02:51	761.249
-74	9674	967400	ccf88d7f-6ce0-4e25-9ebb-8701ca6c3a38	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:33:48	253.565
-74	19348	967400	676a83ee-4dd4-4e72-ac42-a5af26c3f2cf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:37:20	-24.480
-75	9675	967500	8bf91b16-651d-4fb0-b17c-a8d586f532ec	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:25:20	155.647
-75	19350	967500	67ab87d6-da9c-4ed0-aea8-6f8a79882a00	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:45:34	244.844
-76	9676	967600	3bdd445d-686b-43f1-8c06-7763866ae945	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:35:11	-912.440
-76	19352	967600	bf7ff450-38ef-459d-ae8f-6edfc883e038	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:40:54	837.541
-77	9677	967700	7ec56882-3615-444d-9ba1-25301bc79a9b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:14:46	682.962
-77	19354	967700	371f997f-c189-4a23-932b-707af45a4b0c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:26:01	-449.462
-78	9678	967800	2354b5c6-108b-4b1e-bb59-05f05f27c4a8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:25:22	-760.488
-78	19356	967800	c83f9672-0a9a-4a6c-bb6a-edb52567e6de	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:52:16	262.945
-79	9679	967900	4bfdb4cd-db07-4a4b-a969-58432d6df8c7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:45:40	654.539
-79	19358	967900	021794ad-bcbe-49ae-b92d-d80d393bf28e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:31:48	-157.598
-80	9680	968000	5c9738f4-f768-4b2c-8871-968b3490a925	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:23:57	183.219
-80	19360	968000	859f485b-1b39-46ab-9cea-6ec98320526a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:30:29	-402.421
-81	9681	968100	3cb11eb3-4f12-4480-a608-b6b9d842d783	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:41:45	-333.8
-81	19362	968100	b9fa88a3-a7c6-45d0-b3cd-00a710aa6439	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:27:19	731.510
-82	9682	968200	3cec4799-2f27-43e7-b7fd-fe80e1cefba3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:47:19	-83.829
-82	19364	968200	8a714e76-2b16-467d-899d-36418af46304	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:44:36	-166.367
-83	9683	968300	50aeee77-760d-4a61-922a-d6241b700045	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:34:09	772.1
-83	19366	968300	3381d65a-fc88-4ce0-89f7-d341e355d385	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:04:13	-5.646
-84	9684	968400	c60ef47b-92c1-4f00-afa4-3d3a65f9bea5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:35:27	-93.139
-84	19368	968400	d7a66e04-6abc-47db-8fe3-acd447a01b04	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:00:18	476.188
-85	9685	968500	678583b9-8b20-48f2-844c-e886a90d69f6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:31:22	935.825
-85	19370	968500	2fa0eeb9-cd2a-4ba4-8ab9-a3ae6c2696d7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:26:06	-728.951
-86	9686	968600	db84527e-a6fe-4407-90bf-852fce9aeb78	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:29:47	204.329
-86	19372	968600	c7d38089-9558-42fd-97fd-fc87ed18712a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:09:21	-108.837
-87	9687	968700	c4a3a5c8-c2a0-4cd2-a952-14c7d2284165	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:17:29	553.960
-87	19374	968700	a01af7f3-78e1-4657-b38b-982e64f098de	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:18:36	-440.596
-88	9688	968800	3ebf5c1a-0f27-4289-95d9-bafbc3702c29	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:00:55	546.59
-88	19376	968800	dfe3dabe-1f4d-4ec0-941b-ec39b1f4c309	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:27:41	-634.319
-89	9689	968900	b2d96b0e-dfac-4336-9bad-32b29cc2aac9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:09:02	-34.925
-89	19378	968900	29b21d2a-3aa2-4325-b0a4-ef21df026602	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:55:54	557.768
-90	9690	969000	c7ba958b-11a7-4c78-89dd-7fd3ace6ac06	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:53:56	315.374
-90	19380	969000	5aff28b6-e275-438b-b8b9-33fba206c81b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:52:51	-290.736
-91	9691	969100	1c93fadd-1624-4920-8892-17768693bf90	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:56:47	680.485
-91	19382	969100	31ca3ecd-f3f8-4555-a47d-b478194b97c0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:11:39	-36.22
-92	9692	969200	b29b686d-e3e7-45ac-8701-12a37c48b4f2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:41:44	214.981
-92	19384	969200	32458086-118b-4c9a-915e-120ffb144547	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:18:41	458.231
-93	9693	969300	bfb90e74-c70b-4dc8-83cb-871a0e67eb61	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:58:54	-766.447
-93	19386	969300	93414d8c-602c-4993-ad2b-6f1619e1b9af	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:56:15	650.482
-94	9694	969400	f671ac36-7f4c-4dc9-9761-4dddb0e720ec	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:19:43	910.75
-94	19388	969400	72bbe04f-73e9-4938-9bc0-54e6cb695313	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:47:04	-846.817
-95	9695	969500	a5d5f48f-78db-4415-925a-432ae4c5988e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:32:56	-907.197
-95	19390	969500	18c41022-0eb3-40b2-be11-f004f1052988	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:51:48	-445.46
-96	9696	969600	0f879255-1db7-49b3-aa7e-0c6c61620b65	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:06:46	-339.937
-96	19392	969600	6a724640-323d-4886-bc7e-cc7c4589e056	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:22:07	889.515
-97	9697	969700	ec6c0573-9055-4185-b0a3-06e2cf7b501b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:26:02	-930.91
-97	19394	969700	78728e3d-cb73-4555-bd46-4047a72a1d61	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:03:02	713.777
-98	9698	969800	1016f646-193b-4356-8503-4f0b0f1bc9df	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:17:37	-27.101
-98	19396	969800	68668aaf-20a9-42f1-9eeb-caba4853358a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:38:48	594.789
-99	9699	969900	b068d68d-3496-4d60-9e43-4573582a6fbd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:00:01	193.45
-99	19398	969900	a74a2c18-8ba9-4ae3-8748-2d609fafcf5b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:56:00	565.376
-100	9700	970000	ee001c8f-b03a-4571-a785-b5629c490b1e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:59:53	807.244
-100	19400	970000	21fc64c9-7ff1-43d2-81a7-e0539e1d1294	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:13:28	-160.418
-101	9701	970100	23da17fd-5dd5-48ac-bb2f-29f6b30be226	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:35:07	-401.230
-101	19402	970100	4aa4e571-57de-4ede-b7e8-025a448fe857	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:28:23	-354.836
-102	9702	970200	2fc24d04-d41c-4c27-bd83-501dc154d016	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:10:08	-613.917
-102	19404	970200	1d69398c-84ae-482b-8cc1-24c21a1dd1c5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:49:53	399.609
-103	9703	970300	294d31a5-14d7-4fb8-b288-2adc41d2ccf7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:37:07	-376.659
-103	19406	970300	d193aae3-dd09-4090-928d-7d71e415bbb4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:30:50	563.343
-104	9704	970400	015d2d84-4fa6-4239-8105-324af33053a2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:31:04	-492.593
-104	19408	970400	63029aa1-198b-4d2a-9300-ca408b0a717e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:44:35	-843.286
-105	9705	970500	95291568-003c-43d9-b541-44e125d344e0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:06:11	24.135
-105	19410	970500	17751d3a-d159-4915-ae2a-0ea02ac74311	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:05:20	-345.584
-106	9706	970600	7acb1cd5-32b1-430d-a233-516df3063d8d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:08:14	-562.807
-106	19412	970600	53ff45e0-1678-4885-b407-0d0965405674	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:22:43	-747.15
-107	9707	970700	b0e52f2a-9c56-4449-b05b-dbf7153e07de	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:39:52	-141.602
-107	19414	970700	09b4c5fa-b306-4081-b4d3-e358d7a415ac	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:36:36	310.893
-108	9708	970800	b4f97152-5d67-44d7-8a61-df4f63932423	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:07:55	254.689
-108	19416	970800	b8d4cada-19c0-40b2-b232-fff38a3d40cc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:53:32	-82.862
-109	9709	970900	5776e70e-2207-4afa-9b39-3214dbd26e78	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:07:31	415.280
-109	19418	970900	60ea5691-224e-4dee-bd17-544d9942021c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:38:31	-207.623
-110	9710	971000	63862f49-bac0-429b-b7e2-b70704897aff	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:01:06	316.913
-110	19420	971000	264ce168-db7f-45b1-bb02-f8bf36962db3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:13:00	11.949
-111	9711	971100	0725f01a-0c53-4423-8371-d39c35b732e2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:53:15	-878.572
-111	19422	971100	f802f8bd-ee69-47c0-97df-042d4ac3b0f0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:23:37	963.769
-112	9712	971200	35c69334-4f5a-4587-9a9a-b9f38106e3fd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:15:02	-386.248
-112	19424	971200	4ceda474-b103-4a8f-9e31-0af51e648798	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:54:23	673.728
-113	9713	971300	eab4198e-ada2-409e-99c5-c779b6034ce1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:43:43	-845.680
-113	19426	971300	8d2233a5-a002-4939-a407-f504dceea9b3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:19:27	-834.629
-114	9714	971400	98f3c0cf-1edd-474a-bda8-96fe34911a86	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:16:32	979.272
-114	19428	971400	9c9a352b-f2d9-4b9e-8011-8057460cd84a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:19:17	-748.565
-115	9715	971500	fc4acbee-690e-40a3-99b3-8eb6ec08943f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:46:33	57.751
-115	19430	971500	940fc094-eb93-4b7e-bb55-cbfd6fb5c8ed	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:12:14	94.465
-116	9716	971600	ff3065e3-df8c-4c99-a700-eb84fcb63693	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:01:14	19.657
-116	19432	971600	8c58ea16-bc0d-43cd-95d2-702abbe457f4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:49:36	-720.151
-117	9717	971700	bff158b5-280a-4b0d-8c13-2e24e60ff0c8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:07:38	-97.791
-117	19434	971700	e020f31a-e373-408e-89af-e119d8486e7c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:35:21	101.382
-118	9718	971800	856e9e9f-bd30-4494-b1b7-f66a9f16002d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:27:30	-748.198
-118	19436	971800	d1366534-f9ee-4501-abd2-bb3a5cd2b4fa	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:05:42	233.265
-119	9719	971900	9a51d90e-a181-46ff-b372-d15c765da755	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:55:47	864.225
-119	19438	971900	0f9331d5-3e5c-4b58-ab53-cc0e997d260e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:15:57	-348.808
-120	9720	972000	4638960e-60fb-4aaf-ab2c-7a143696c0d6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:57:20	93.500
-120	19440	972000	e9101158-745a-4b82-9322-73b6e46b4a10	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:32:50	164.113
-121	9721	972100	6230c35c-2f44-4f6a-8513-020dc9d9331e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:16:44	-59.35
-121	19442	972100	33342a01-093e-45cc-bb97-9170fa8d9bec	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:28:10	673.204
-122	9722	972200	efbc8a33-7d9c-4f0e-a3cd-55b4cc36ec0b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:14:19	-817.861
-122	19444	972200	582bee18-e2ea-4189-bd7d-128349d69456	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:24:52	-626.600
-123	9723	972300	9d71bd5f-1d69-4747-98b8-2ac183530245	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:46:46	934.985
-123	19446	972300	cd332fd8-de52-4d73-b7d2-2ef0e6bd2e47	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:32:44	-767.207
-124	9724	972400	bcb51f77-16d1-4a26-a95e-12bf0a7de82b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:05:56	-25.45
-124	19448	972400	1f0ed336-59e7-4ef2-8507-eed31ae74e77	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:13:17	-913.319
-125	9725	972500	a76988ec-e800-4f73-8557-c41789dc1e45	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:03:49	-95.275
-125	19450	972500	d550104e-90f2-4924-9cb9-d1d7f16f4787	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:35:20	-942.632
-126	9726	972600	ac9f5c9a-2f12-4083-86d1-6abad764f91f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:45:09	469.367
-126	19452	972600	4cb88b40-e72d-4de0-a49e-aeeb83f6650a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:31:20	290.705
-127	9727	972700	92cec0bd-1b7c-423d-8429-31ca27e3427e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:05:23	925.240
-127	19454	972700	7d8fab9e-700d-4c02-bcac-b0b1dd067d95	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:33:38	-361.720
-0	9728	972800	592a7456-39c8-41d1-9b36-d7d54115e475	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:57:36	120.839
-0	19456	972800	19776d1d-948a-4a27-bc07-6c1493d5cebf	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:39:34	795.227
-1	9729	972900	4d63f55f-0ab4-470a-8327-dd064607ad3b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:55:24	-739.551
-1	19458	972900	fcecec85-fe5e-4626-8d0b-bc6d76f02d16	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:53:16	-33.897
-2	9730	973000	b98efdc7-6dbb-4dd8-b137-e60c470fe85a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:48:33	-575.925
-2	19460	973000	92e000ec-a996-426e-bd98-f759eae635ed	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:32:53	436.940
-3	9731	973100	23248e03-91f1-4f1b-af94-3f79f0af86e3	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:03:44	557.458
-3	19462	973100	67c2d83c-c658-4976-8c79-a730b0d377d9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:35:48	-384.142
-4	9732	973200	2fe7ee84-6200-4efc-ae6a-9cffe33b03e4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:23:51	-448.467
-4	19464	973200	de323034-c8b2-467f-af8b-66bf4615321d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:45:08	780.803
-5	9733	973300	08ed338f-f358-4b91-af2c-4051fd63a1ea	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:44:09	-919.463
-5	19466	973300	aebfaf5c-be5c-43e6-a818-79f37e3def1a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:41:00	196.64
-6	9734	973400	fa89801b-621d-420f-b5de-f02b36c4c572	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:25:29	435.713
-6	19468	973400	cdadaeee-718d-430c-be3f-dd62900fc558	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:32:44	770.490
-7	9735	973500	fa3d3779-a3f2-411a-8140-1cae39731c35	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:58:14	375.577
-7	19470	973500	7efab6d6-313c-417b-a56f-23a0fadbbec7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:15:02	648.942
-8	9736	973600	5c683259-e351-42ac-94a1-52274ba7614a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:45:46	-555.778
-8	19472	973600	2ed38c1e-f32e-400f-96ce-665ff91f1a26	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:11:39	754.279
-9	9737	973700	7d8989d7-3e35-44db-bb45-5231eebc8538	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:11:16	-542.104
-9	19474	973700	8973938a-eac8-49cb-8cd3-5fed2da225e7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:35:10	523.919
-10	9738	973800	de8d4faf-acc6-4c20-8fcb-5fd4cea79906	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:36:50	-633.541
-10	19476	973800	968896ef-a9ee-4fb8-8246-a3b6349878e7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:11:11	575.886
-11	9739	973900	c9ccf9d3-7719-4318-9862-7c88ceae1d30	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:05:33	820.771
-11	19478	973900	e2ab4d0c-5f05-44ae-ad8a-c86a5844324d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:30:19	379.456
-12	9740	974000	79d728c3-b1e2-4b41-bbae-f6959b18a0de	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:08:59	-152.192
-12	19480	974000	b2e76a35-299f-43d3-a4bf-2335d1ae7ce0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:04:35	520.300
-13	9741	974100	d5ada568-914b-4d4c-b323-d99730b47d3d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:50:05	-679.159
-13	19482	974100	15ebd295-8fe2-473d-b065-693f91133023	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:37:56	800.917
-14	9742	974200	cd0e6a43-392b-4259-8a67-281393ff0f13	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:15:03	-242.551
-14	19484	974200	809a1e3b-3d2f-44ac-a755-7a87c7057cf3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:29:54	-879.286
-15	9743	974300	43f0360f-e54c-4ee9-8479-bde65ca8f0ac	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:20:37	843.836
-15	19486	974300	fd88215a-878d-4f4b-8ceb-8e3865f2360a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:31:13	653.139
-16	9744	974400	d13e7562-ce64-45e0-be31-2f1bf1836230	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:45:44	410.733
-16	19488	974400	75e15a48-5112-4d21-bc0e-b19569d4eba8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:13:48	192.763
-17	9745	974500	07fe5910-1d86-433b-8f11-e502c109aae0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:19:56	56.925
-17	19490	974500	a68b9ca4-1285-45cd-88bf-46181da3539a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:09:32	-93.565
-18	9746	974600	b72dfb35-3ce6-42d7-ab00-70cc3ffaa552	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:42:04	-947.606
-18	19492	974600	97d32332-9e9f-4843-9a58-d57907d32fa2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:04:04	-626.924
-19	9747	974700	b5f459c9-8e6f-45c5-830a-b04804e0f958	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:42:56	-698.63
-19	19494	974700	a3710276-c798-45a0-bb4e-b2906a4ae406	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:33:20	297.850
-20	9748	974800	9f3aa881-95ef-477b-b170-7adf34c73828	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:43:33	-14.755
-20	19496	974800	1bb8c77e-587d-4ad5-9a51-5e24678a43ca	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:14:08	926.796
-21	9749	974900	c9a8ff0b-2a72-4f70-8314-53dcf6e754a4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:44:01	376.252
-21	19498	974900	8c7fe7ae-ac4e-4e54-bde0-e69254bdd1e4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:14:49	-101.251
-22	9750	975000	fba1354e-83a1-4ea2-b0e6-5df0024f78b6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:20:54	-925.525
-22	19500	975000	ac0f08e5-6a33-4adc-9bff-f741eec6b107	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:46:40	882.863
-23	9751	975100	ff74691b-e277-432c-9ae2-84812544350d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:23:15	-215.882
-23	19502	975100	0d376d9f-c8a5-4507-8db0-ad0af3c98f4b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:50:50	-728.142
-24	9752	975200	6f3d82d8-481d-43cb-bcb2-83f985d655fd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:53:29	968.397
-24	19504	975200	bc627e82-3e05-48b0-bec4-c270afcad98f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:01:35	621.516
-25	9753	975300	93de1143-a8e2-4cf1-ba61-e0b733ce344a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:58:06	2.940
-25	19506	975300	3a75be3a-8581-4f98-b425-6ec2c3a51808	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:49:00	-394.483
-26	9754	975400	4bcc1fc5-94ea-4f6f-b945-3fc7128c11fc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:25:48	-113.651
-26	19508	975400	79e3aeaa-9405-40fa-8784-3c461278a76c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:45:32	-693.923
-27	9755	975500	7897a7f6-0567-4a20-8789-1a9648f80161	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:56:31	-346.132
-27	19510	975500	66fa5cb3-cf53-4544-854e-f52e5292f223	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:54:42	-757.682
-28	9756	975600	05c9d56b-b729-47d8-9f1c-faacdc0700a2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:05:58	-275.249
-28	19512	975600	6a9f783b-5872-4a9c-9f8c-6b1367d8a3aa	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:26:10	67.887
-29	9757	975700	07130c13-f071-4e38-9445-ed4c34abd4e6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:27:11	-5.842
-29	19514	975700	26d28934-4576-454a-a4b4-51e20edafac4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:04:07	-497.51
-30	9758	975800	e0e65e13-5059-4529-a66f-4e3ca09282e4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:09:08	-904.228
-30	19516	975800	db697d64-0226-4b22-b062-6f527f28fc0a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:36:52	-893.582
-31	9759	975900	9415036a-939f-4c4c-8102-faf20c3d739b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:44:33	553.608
-31	19518	975900	2163ff01-4a6a-49df-a56c-adc20a9b861a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:40:50	-378.628
-32	9760	976000	5e766987-5c73-485c-88e9-000bda6b13ba	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:01:42	-271.386
-32	19520	976000	801efc8c-3740-49a5-8bb5-8d32dbadf098	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:06:46	297.66
-33	9761	976100	55322ad2-22ba-434f-986c-dfa492a2194e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:43:57	-66.21
-33	19522	976100	cb64355b-209a-4bfd-b754-ee9fa1d2c3af	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:40:29	546.159
-34	9762	976200	3a010523-9314-4c64-be72-4942986275ef	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:32:48	346.136
-34	19524	976200	ae8a99b2-81c4-45a0-8b20-e26423ca16d2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:02:52	-745.303
-35	9763	976300	68ad8354-eb4f-442a-8161-2deb58d3f167	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:19:09	907.232
-35	19526	976300	16bd6a01-c418-4274-b6f2-aab7cd695327	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:27:30	-637.679
-36	9764	976400	3cc8db56-8856-4a7c-9dd5-93a5fc2aa7d4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:35:21	156.540
-36	19528	976400	03ae4442-4b43-4f60-8b49-623a1e0e3ccf	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:28:25	807.350
-37	9765	976500	56231775-94cb-407d-a29d-fc3b381f71a1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:45:39	375.938
-37	19530	976500	6018b0e7-1aa8-4ed7-a4cb-723dec291fb9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:08:14	378.629
-38	9766	976600	1fd8ea43-7e9a-465b-9153-30506a6a7871	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:14:52	-908.898
-38	19532	976600	46f204d7-6353-4e89-8b9f-0c0d5f2ee122	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:10:02	791.2
-39	9767	976700	a8bcfb76-ccd1-460e-bb67-962bf9d4e36c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:54:39	-517.916
-39	19534	976700	dc14dba5-e073-469e-9096-eefa12bbfe5a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:48:29	-348.131
-40	9768	976800	bb54f7d0-2fb9-4ed1-a8a8-1bcfdf874e58	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:27:56	-84.424
-40	19536	976800	b51d3edb-9c0d-40f6-98a6-d7e71ee02ab4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:31:19	400.982
-41	9769	976900	98f753c2-0487-4791-8ac8-adc9efdeba0c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:20:57	551.437
-41	19538	976900	f44a85e7-9fc4-4e41-98b5-cd1ffbb969d4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:55:03	-173.20
-42	9770	977000	2da2dd55-5fee-4622-919c-2d02b77c4f9f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:36:28	538.68
-42	19540	977000	aaf9ca96-3e3f-4aed-a8c9-872394aff16f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:54:51	-954.210
-43	9771	977100	7b36883f-680f-45c4-a1fe-dd0628060fcf	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:12:35	-264.468
-43	19542	977100	f4279d85-b0e7-4a94-aafb-d6353ed37a59	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:40:52	-371.549
-44	9772	977200	003fa2e1-cc93-424b-b546-2bda15f69311	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:27:57	793.208
-44	19544	977200	180fd9d4-c8f2-407c-bde8-902f31c37de7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:52:11	590.616
-45	9773	977300	890d0914-4c2c-4ab7-912c-85da9eb861b3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:19:28	857.710
-45	19546	977300	15fca91a-cf56-4b8a-bc69-5d0e6ecc57cc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:47:26	-579.266
-46	9774	977400	842f11ab-dddb-4608-ac9b-4f87608737f3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:20:31	-456.74
-46	19548	977400	3a97a268-4787-4096-b583-40989daf9e7a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:11:28	898.878
-47	9775	977500	9e06260f-efe5-4639-b797-847380f004f7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:42:24	-842.929
-47	19550	977500	c69f2bee-29ba-4bf7-8ada-3b30a2d9f2fa	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:37:25	-392.177
-48	9776	977600	57934e86-52bb-4da7-806b-c875aa78d759	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:14:07	-610.575
-48	19552	977600	5a945997-e2e6-405e-a751-9b1d4eb67060	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:35:32	-683.18
-49	9777	977700	8c0efe3a-4fd3-4b9a-bbbc-5293122acffb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:11:06	385.235
-49	19554	977700	23f1bbe8-59fa-4e31-a68a-37a866e2cdcd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:05:43	-521.285
-50	9778	977800	102ce41e-5d80-4a69-8d9c-f2f80737d5e2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:49:01	-299.974
-50	19556	977800	2f18676a-f4ef-46cd-bbe6-64850a32101c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:27:54	968.514
-51	9779	977900	ded7c438-0791-402a-9f50-eefc003eefa0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:32:40	925.934
-51	19558	977900	d222f1c1-e9f3-472a-aa9e-307218244a51	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:46:04	380.247
-52	9780	978000	97e7d739-02e3-403d-9916-e2fa8a799d59	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:50:34	-385.273
-52	19560	978000	8dc551b5-7db8-4765-8db2-1d622a9379da	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:09:56	-101.400
-53	9781	978100	01221745-9785-43f3-b820-54d336def655	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:02:35	-53.723
-53	19562	978100	c8030a83-bd88-4812-afa8-c6a3ccfc38e8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:39:15	329.344
-54	9782	978200	8aae15cf-9516-4052-b342-fcb926d5ba5f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:49:03	-155.924
-54	19564	978200	22c5b48e-a934-4d96-a1a7-5efd402ae7b6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:11:39	-697.205
-55	9783	978300	898b3820-9c19-4d81-bc90-e75e659353db	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:54:55	90.428
-55	19566	978300	96f67a50-9530-444d-83bc-c98437adfd0d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:49:15	-541.868
-56	9784	978400	0b89eb77-5f2c-4223-8f2e-682738d48865	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:42:09	336.406
-56	19568	978400	70d3bb90-675c-4966-9d87-d69f26daa9c6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:21:24	315.234
-57	9785	978500	07a70941-8257-41e6-9759-73af915c9c55	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:48:11	-208.123
-57	19570	978500	fa121e2d-4dfe-41a3-a4f3-4fbb451bfec2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:18:48	78.220
-58	9786	978600	2dcf69c6-76f7-4421-837f-b1fa7a4f2361	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:37:22	-30.381
-58	19572	978600	525c7ccf-6a9a-47b6-8a8a-0ebfec2203ed	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:01:50	-447.315
-59	9787	978700	1dd4e544-79d1-4229-88d0-23096727980c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:13:57	-597.643
-59	19574	978700	91e4a594-e657-40ac-8822-f27819b91b51	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:16:18	-77.947
-60	9788	978800	e4862dfa-02cf-4e31-afd7-179b3a750858	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:36:33	949.70
-60	19576	978800	70670b09-8743-4230-91e3-dd2caac6edc2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:47:21	320.923
-61	9789	978900	3c6f61b1-f2c1-4a45-a3e8-00047a9ec57f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:45:52	964.888
-61	19578	978900	0c5ce9d5-9d35-49f5-8f84-a0b27d67ff21	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:56:41	-876.442
-62	9790	979000	fd3d7cca-c247-4487-807b-28f969e313b5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:28:15	55.950
-62	19580	979000	58740b8c-4495-4bec-ab0f-88520b6b7b7e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:02:39	-530.868
-63	9791	979100	96e22fe4-0959-44f5-8272-7b1cf0176bbd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:47:30	-908.961
-63	19582	979100	325f3114-f0da-4531-aefa-4c2b4875dc6c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:04:19	542.681
-64	9792	979200	efdd5bd5-c0d2-4418-b5b1-f2252190f949	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:19:23	864.943
-64	19584	979200	a64dd203-9b9e-4925-9fa0-2a660ec08432	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:18:00	-899.759
-65	9793	979300	1c22cb87-d748-4bd2-9fc1-26889b35a467	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:26:05	361.38
-65	19586	979300	55bca570-4ecb-46aa-8738-2483c861d83f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:53:06	-101.137
-66	9794	979400	4b2ebf04-e7d2-49f3-abc5-bbbfb444460c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:02:46	566.458
-66	19588	979400	de981018-d5b0-42bf-9404-557fe690f0a3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:51:00	-526.176
-67	9795	979500	c29fd8f4-d2e3-4337-97ef-054db89c62ef	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:27:26	213.334
-67	19590	979500	01de0e7e-c4ad-4db9-8694-2a66fb2f5429	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:58:53	-892.837
-68	9796	979600	9b25fa94-764d-40a1-b087-a1c76685ee7a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:43:24	37.982
-68	19592	979600	ac1fdaf6-75dd-4b49-8372-fa7a0f444974	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:01:47	275.831
-69	9797	979700	816f067c-8452-47d6-853e-fc235920a68e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:04:44	-3.393
-69	19594	979700	fb9cc495-ceeb-4660-a45a-3a8c14b8ba9b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:08:54	-39.264
-70	9798	979800	1c05c91f-aed1-4a25-88d6-be96ab8c3029	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:54:38	39.219
-70	19596	979800	b36faff9-00b6-440d-8ea4-dfd56568f07b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:41:28	953.829
-71	9799	979900	8ce325d8-27a1-4f96-ba57-6469449ba9e0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:18:07	-239.578
-71	19598	979900	52f98af1-0b8d-4b45-b7a9-b10b1d70583e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:32:19	649.68
-72	9800	980000	cd5acc37-518b-47e9-8444-4f790a285584	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:07:54	171.40
-72	19600	980000	eaba1b52-49a3-4e00-9615-f1f7e530dff6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:15:06	444.919
-73	9801	980100	6e2e04f6-f971-4f7c-a01c-fdc738d04165	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:40:16	526.630
-73	19602	980100	c45ac00b-e28c-4eb4-ba6a-402f520ae6ad	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:39:28	585.320
-74	9802	980200	45f5390f-b02c-47b9-a896-6ac3a3b53216	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:09:48	-89.242
-74	19604	980200	e8c3c986-7be7-4797-a57e-42394fdfdb37	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:50:51	871.767
-75	9803	980300	27533fab-f46b-4f6b-b840-12b9217738f7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:51:25	-67.148
-75	19606	980300	4383afd5-97c6-422d-854d-35df0e119d1e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:43:26	72.4
-76	9804	980400	4367ba60-09a0-4f91-a43c-63e3373482ed	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:11:50	245.979
-76	19608	980400	c5c8fcb1-77a7-409c-a4da-1e7d9dc317e6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:56:23	-559.226
-77	9805	980500	81fbb95b-1244-49d5-bb6b-c96ca6711895	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:08:00	-837.644
-77	19610	980500	b4163368-90d0-44c2-9b83-9497ed9bee44	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:14:51	205.269
-78	9806	980600	b133364f-8d01-4e2f-a2c9-09fc332aac35	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:53:43	-378.77
-78	19612	980600	9b1d710e-5666-416d-a25e-6716196e0d9e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:49:32	791.66
-79	9807	980700	b34896b9-a3bc-4023-9ad6-7b4cd4c80cd0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:27:30	-418.827
-79	19614	980700	b3ee0518-111c-4abe-a496-5beb673d373a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:22:59	628.116
-80	9808	980800	b6a4bc81-d247-4cec-9131-1ae991cb790f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:09:23	-294.71
-80	19616	980800	d2a60888-2dbb-4358-81da-8619f39a57ad	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:49:13	862.98
-81	9809	980900	da9d0c7e-5d2e-4fc2-846e-592612d19af4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:11:20	67.11
-81	19618	980900	567bea24-7112-468e-be33-9725c43529f5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:48:15	-70.1
-82	9810	981000	d194e502-e718-4acb-ac2f-e875fe909011	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:06:09	618.516
-82	19620	981000	02a674a6-84ce-4156-bc73-5aadc21569a9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:17:06	134.775
-83	9811	981100	3d2e8516-5e55-414f-91e0-c836e1f24be3	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:56:13	-161.857
-83	19622	981100	f05bc28d-dc31-49e3-a57a-627807f653d9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:34:52	435.980
-84	9812	981200	a23e6bdf-335a-45c5-8cf9-8efffddd5507	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:41:33	-261.195
-84	19624	981200	39198184-c5ac-46cd-9e2d-fcd7daaee25e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:10:27	-785.438
-85	9813	981300	5944e879-fdbb-4935-91b3-4a5b0875bac9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:35:12	502.321
-85	19626	981300	2a6a72c2-cdb3-455c-8c30-d75105d32fe4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:27:43	-788.116
-86	9814	981400	eb62c2f5-dddf-4368-bc58-69b94d00c084	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:57:54	381.692
-86	19628	981400	e8667870-4b5f-4d0d-81a8-c2870fe30e10	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:49:06	-342.673
-87	9815	981500	6f80eb98-f0c0-4f1b-969c-06c78461385f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:55:00	-953.807
-87	19630	981500	3d86e613-3655-4330-ba75-0d42b97b91db	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:42:44	-646.156
-88	9816	981600	f66532a3-bd07-4d47-8ffc-8c44b1e01bbf	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:42:52	163.851
-88	19632	981600	5cea3a13-1821-442c-bcd1-744856d05922	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:26:58	118.244
-89	9817	981700	57253a74-d9be-4c00-bddf-50cf24e231be	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:42:56	-876.618
-89	19634	981700	89a4559f-b158-4621-af1d-e2452898df7e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:57:54	852.620
-90	9818	981800	d2b0f2d6-2a43-4430-9e16-dce593bcadfb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:28:34	-641.769
-90	19636	981800	80cd7552-db51-427c-b5a2-570a29b3b240	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:31:20	220.506
-91	9819	981900	4b15ca6d-413f-4070-b765-50a341f61f1e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:58:36	-898.997
-91	19638	981900	91679fa7-2f73-4059-810c-9e03aa91cd04	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:16:40	-3.950
-92	9820	982000	711ebe47-afbc-4c03-afaa-d59fd47fbc0a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:16:39	47.75
-92	19640	982000	6e4ca21d-f899-4436-832e-fd51f914c9a1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:00:42	-985.96
-93	9821	982100	840170d6-a2a5-4f2f-8afa-b0a1c059fc3c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:21:21	-58.690
-93	19642	982100	96cc0cdb-7d3d-48ae-a087-5849f691645e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:32:09	851.530
-94	9822	982200	5fd74caa-157a-478f-88f4-c544728d8795	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:11:54	542.594
-94	19644	982200	5892a6b3-20db-4a1a-baf0-707e0c67277c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:24:55	505.252
-95	9823	982300	6d221cf7-0675-4f5a-9980-2f0779d8bae2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:47:54	754.329
-95	19646	982300	1d63df1b-a239-49c3-bb24-5fe2e847fbb6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:14:20	-751.268
-96	9824	982400	8c34b685-b33f-49e8-9532-1200e7906b7b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:28:23	-247.227
-96	19648	982400	4606def0-92c7-4265-a3c1-528962abeb20	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:26:15	929.863
-97	9825	982500	6cc1542a-0601-49be-95cc-f1998c33f199	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:48:04	467.717
-97	19650	982500	27c7149d-8233-48e6-ab94-e4e1f2a3e11d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:24:17	-65.702
-98	9826	982600	b7f63185-d5b1-4e8b-bcfd-2122f377b044	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:55:17	550.959
-98	19652	982600	8e848bd7-2fff-478b-9e1d-4c297de6950b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:03:08	964.669
-99	9827	982700	5c9f3e35-2a1a-450f-920a-92a1c331f4a2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:53:32	91.966
-99	19654	982700	748bd522-336c-46da-8316-568d517cf104	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:45:46	-345.206
-100	9828	982800	f8190bff-ab59-4565-a318-9678670e3317	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:32:59	-577.884
-100	19656	982800	fd57a5cb-a9ba-49c0-b955-1bbbddf0a65f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:12:48	199.534
-101	9829	982900	14c8a3c8-eb6b-42d2-a182-6fbb8cd0e419	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:40:18	657.551
-101	19658	982900	eb60d9d5-ab09-4ba3-9d0c-077bf50ae19c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:43:53	-891.482
-102	9830	983000	e85911c9-5d1b-49aa-90af-d0f84a5c3984	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:11:40	532.384
-102	19660	983000	e6a60f5e-494b-4a96-b71e-9a8958bcf9c6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:56:56	462.187
-103	9831	983100	56f4cdbd-a0b9-4391-87b4-a8ae1b8e6836	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:35:42	128.35
-103	19662	983100	6754fcfa-b16c-4628-9393-10ba33cb5e00	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:58:07	-503.243
-104	9832	983200	f1361ba6-4677-41d4-9734-f3bafe16d9e9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:50:13	-147.935
-104	19664	983200	1384f0bf-0287-444b-aa7b-7f771e7902f2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:12:23	230.653
-105	9833	983300	328769c1-c8f1-436c-bed3-f76dc96fb5d3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:09:31	711.132
-105	19666	983300	cce1ed04-9eb8-42fc-b3e4-105668f194e2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:48:18	317.466
-106	9834	983400	021842f9-275a-4354-a093-c041a9ce33a2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:04:33	28.379
-106	19668	983400	886dbd01-5116-45e9-b73d-5e66ad8e8265	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:23:35	-780.542
-107	9835	983500	a702cd1d-3253-4c0d-a967-5a1caace63d4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:35:42	-771.583
-107	19670	983500	2840d691-de7a-4bcf-8894-e3425b096c3a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:21:53	-871.541
-108	9836	983600	a6b3e8d1-19bc-44cc-b6ef-95ca4aca812b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:10:10	-230.247
-108	19672	983600	e1e0ba72-3e34-4f8c-b755-ba57189cd1df	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:16:41	497.110
-109	9837	983700	a8e25d58-d71f-48b9-9b11-9f496f540d48	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:12:19	195.310
-109	19674	983700	734ecbcd-f592-4ae6-9e94-23a3320105c9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:46:52	190.643
-110	9838	983800	17bfb8a2-e123-4b5b-b1b1-d3f8840ed0ac	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:03:06	-941.680
-110	19676	983800	3bc45833-6b7f-485e-9292-9e155b7582e6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:23:25	546.466
-111	9839	983900	704cdd13-9467-4349-981f-24e5ada4c71b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:01:34	-618.540
-111	19678	983900	cf583d41-daa9-46ac-a049-ec4c261a1acc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:20:19	-619.793
-112	9840	984000	570cad13-e468-47a1-b68c-6416f68ee013	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:36:35	-575.225
-112	19680	984000	ebba1165-d693-4243-8c0f-831f51852e7b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:12:54	-941.551
-113	9841	984100	9048ff17-011d-4fbe-a007-1700ef0769e6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:32:04	-359.30
-113	19682	984100	5dba97a7-34d2-4d1f-afce-c804f1cb8944	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:15:16	754.923
-114	9842	984200	73bbad4d-06c8-4973-83d8-612a3cf6994c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:08:26	-969.113
-114	19684	984200	fac8d016-4b6a-4398-b948-187e00b98090	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:18:16	946.834
-115	9843	984300	95b1ac51-e462-41fd-bef9-c6598583c62c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:00:11	-181.462
-115	19686	984300	03944465-accd-4ac3-89a1-e85162f53adc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:15:01	-746.98
-116	9844	984400	80b2735b-1820-4c8a-b912-97102e981683	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:09:44	133.12
-116	19688	984400	60a5557f-4e8d-4658-b71a-ff9f80432034	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:02:38	-587.435
-117	9845	984500	71bf3fb9-2bc9-4021-bc2b-34dfa048e508	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:40:09	-134.909
-117	19690	984500	1bb29cb9-4a02-4f02-853d-2d1310cb915f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:06:49	622.966
-118	9846	984600	b2a5a6aa-88f2-4afa-8ea1-e82196a6edc1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:06:11	82.99
-118	19692	984600	e52a6a5a-3e10-4d4e-a96f-ac4305629ef9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:48:17	40.473
-119	9847	984700	cc41951c-70bb-4156-a8e5-994223296b57	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:26:37	682.398
-119	19694	984700	9c6dec33-7833-4559-98cc-fab94db84873	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:41:40	-700.381
-120	9848	984800	67c66fbd-804f-40e7-aeb8-5d4de4e69782	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:38:09	777.144
-120	19696	984800	b7aed901-fc23-46f9-adde-8963af97f35d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:30:55	-780.564
-121	9849	984900	8d3b5099-3546-4bcc-8d22-5cbd4dad877b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:42:23	916.374
-121	19698	984900	a1d27e4e-1483-4c78-af24-9ccd6419b412	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:24:43	712.541
-122	9850	985000	3f4ccb8a-cc71-4d9d-a8d6-cb302e763dcc	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:39:51	-977.456
-122	19700	985000	d37fb6e9-c654-48ee-984c-e1d382e84425	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:24:23	-225.407
-123	9851	985100	4f264d62-4b37-47dc-b383-1767a2be2f0a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:51:42	-947.500
-123	19702	985100	1d109c6e-f54e-47fd-a953-1ffd033d700b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:53:09	-30.958
-124	9852	985200	206b2d73-ba1d-4271-855f-7344df318d32	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:15:28	-755.893
-124	19704	985200	8ba780af-fe98-49aa-9e88-b88c51128cdf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:30:21	435.456
-125	9853	985300	eb9c61e1-413a-436f-b980-5d112f0a3bb2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:55:38	-101.736
-125	19706	985300	de7f0676-9740-439c-94d3-7827b66e03ae	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:35:00	534.455
-126	9854	985400	2022d5c8-11d4-4647-a227-da86dd63fed4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:27:00	-127.495
-126	19708	985400	bf35b4af-7173-4ed2-a76c-d257012617d1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:23:03	277.481
-127	9855	985500	ca51d66e-bfdc-4dc0-9fe5-aec45ada0b30	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:11:12	-190.517
-127	19710	985500	58cdf1ac-c8bb-4170-a729-cb9cbb13e63b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:57:10	-4.328
-0	9856	985600	9950b6a0-d968-4a4a-acb0-5f2272357a6e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:48:58	-63.712
-0	19712	985600	2b4ed4a8-a578-4f20-b3b8-e35d907664a0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:44:46	764.120
-1	9857	985700	e8674153-61db-4bab-a6ff-c0f448ea1d1e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:21:42	-581.457
-1	19714	985700	5e573120-eb2e-419f-a15e-e0eaecee27b3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:05:05	-570.679
-2	9858	985800	db9e1468-992b-4612-b1a7-5a9a983f31ae	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:01:36	-620.249
-2	19716	985800	1ee55cd0-1a87-43e3-8b15-778c147feb01	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:40:33	-45.733
-3	9859	985900	77f66368-9d90-4e79-9622-ed8dc4063d64	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:13:54	-991.658
-3	19718	985900	6bdca140-82a7-460d-b96e-8668209ad9c5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:09:02	-455.206
-4	9860	986000	ed00b153-2d9c-4eb3-867f-01231885044a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:38:31	-572.73
-4	19720	986000	2df906bc-f2ec-4558-98d1-996b2458d22d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:29:44	-182.852
-5	9861	986100	03dcdfd3-73ab-4c30-9ace-4800beb712c0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:00:07	-642.21
-5	19722	986100	63d917e7-2844-4365-ab86-d2f14478c285	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:03:55	-250.699
-6	9862	986200	0a6784bf-cbeb-4f9a-a405-5355df4f9557	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:54:40	-845.618
-6	19724	986200	e2d38f29-7c49-4d8e-b899-0f9ed61a4329	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:34:53	-546.778
-7	9863	986300	5b1ad557-2e46-4512-b949-e37a7ae56106	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:48:28	237.10
-7	19726	986300	0ebf855c-1fab-46db-9a62-403baae8a852	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:14:23	-976.795
-8	9864	986400	0d10af11-0bbe-4fa1-a556-4a54e4a769c9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:50:34	129.400
-8	19728	986400	597e5bc7-74c9-4eb4-9c61-5cc9b9754613	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:22:49	981.104
-9	9865	986500	1faa47c3-5e98-4a3c-b8b2-1cdfca7a2a2f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:23:41	104.558
-9	19730	986500	b0d5d672-1970-4771-8496-d002cf56f4ed	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:18:44	38.534
-10	9866	986600	8046530b-4498-4059-9dbe-3da01cb320d1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:03:06	159.656
-10	19732	986600	044cb96e-252c-4894-963e-fdfbd2e8bec3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:03:15	-689.207
-11	9867	986700	5b9198ae-d1cb-4c71-be49-0a59cf6c3387	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:49:46	-545.344
-11	19734	986700	5c6bae97-5d0d-4c63-a78e-9b8b825bbf8b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:47:43	192.15
-12	9868	986800	318d853b-1d07-49b0-8d25-7ab501f9563d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:29:05	-275.577
-12	19736	986800	09ea24e1-b300-4d64-8df4-8aab828eb6dd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:09:28	-112.161
-13	9869	986900	504608a9-d58f-4a1c-bba1-a043884cb8b2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:46:26	666.139
-13	19738	986900	6bb2c29a-c5a6-4a3b-80fe-ff7fb7484c89	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:50:52	-916.210
-14	9870	987000	0150dac3-7b0f-4156-8cbb-3583c3e48277	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:38:50	-143.31
-14	19740	987000	575749bc-4575-46d6-bdc4-9f945aeb297e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:18:04	140.873
-15	9871	987100	f18f6102-0a5d-4d9c-ba76-cb520b8cf803	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:54:40	-457.56
-15	19742	987100	16c32ecc-5fea-4ca0-ba46-3b09ea041d0b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:05:02	-445.389
-16	9872	987200	dc471038-ae13-40b1-a55a-a0bd61294301	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:15:50	-866.506
-16	19744	987200	3da0dce2-be7e-4d56-91d8-dc7a932adb69	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:38:38	-519.879
-17	9873	987300	8216f1e4-d272-4cc6-b908-838f6f55ad7d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:30:24	949.855
-17	19746	987300	7de489ed-9b6b-4b30-a7c1-84b98aa4eafd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:07:33	109.649
-18	9874	987400	0aba4ec7-5f91-44f2-8675-36e415566c4d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:51:52	-584.198
-18	19748	987400	30697637-e3cb-4b3e-b174-42c9f738b858	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:47:09	987.13
-19	9875	987500	5af51981-c095-42bf-9561-412b984c15f2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:07:11	261.560
-19	19750	987500	85b01bc5-157b-4c10-8cb3-f6a4ab6061a6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:59:05	602.684
-20	9876	987600	2f67b946-d889-48db-bf1f-f60e07eb19b9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:47:02	-792.926
-20	19752	987600	0dd32704-7bc2-40b2-822a-2e721612b1dd	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:28:05	548.860
-21	9877	987700	3233b7bb-f095-476a-b7d7-0bdd856e22b6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:38:07	346.945
-21	19754	987700	04b7545e-c0ee-41ab-9125-0a4aec744fcb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:25:23	-901.290
-22	9878	987800	b00163a2-c009-45bc-a345-e93630c461bd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:36:01	-904.896
-22	19756	987800	0e88634c-8443-411f-ad20-2436f4df0da6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:35:05	518.582
-23	9879	987900	abcd6e59-773b-4c9a-a2da-68c14cb6ef8c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:08:53	-882.609
-23	19758	987900	6940c2e0-efa6-43ba-982b-5cb76f7e9024	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:29:50	-533.109
-24	9880	988000	547b522a-b867-44dd-b538-7d73e54a9ca4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:24:49	-673.370
-24	19760	988000	7dba5b32-324d-479e-90d7-e5b86a21d2f9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:57:58	980.748
-25	9881	988100	b5203967-bdef-4df7-bab0-7b806e8f7e2a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:27:44	118.720
-25	19762	988100	5a287b15-b608-4fc6-a797-63353455396e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:02:33	709.193
-26	9882	988200	7e0ebe03-52d2-4102-97bd-fa6349e27940	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:16:27	393.274
-26	19764	988200	dcc23916-4364-4af2-a429-8d0bb3835eda	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:09:55	-847.491
-27	9883	988300	12c593f2-629e-4d72-8c29-66224dea7643	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:50:18	-319.965
-27	19766	988300	5cb5aa1a-d3f3-41ad-b410-7e69d6eaff88	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:45:09	-895.361
-28	9884	988400	96580b10-bf0a-4148-b1c0-34e3f0940922	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:03:18	901.62
-28	19768	988400	89f58995-5163-4347-a193-d2301023f6bf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:25:39	187.682
-29	9885	988500	c1f8b1ad-6128-4022-a17e-f70384420cd4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:12:14	-758.661
-29	19770	988500	b6c83f37-1c10-4543-a4de-50c7251c5115	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:29:58	-381.985
-30	9886	988600	5ff1695f-c6ae-49a6-a816-9f702842fb02	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:44:15	490.934
-30	19772	988600	88750030-cbfe-4e7a-92fd-77834adbbc53	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:43:20	-718.640
-31	9887	988700	a36be8a2-db34-499c-ba07-2e843d67dd29	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:04:40	66.752
-31	19774	988700	127927f9-f0b1-4122-a65c-29fcb12b43e9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:12:19	90.776
-32	9888	988800	870fd912-b6d1-4153-9a5c-6750a3226111	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:54:28	-792.971
-32	19776	988800	66b10b3c-3e2a-4d4c-a035-c57c969ffe49	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:06:59	-358.261
-33	9889	988900	e947116f-cd53-4f09-8ec3-53bda6e72feb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:02:00	-602.918
-33	19778	988900	79bb6d02-b88e-44c3-ac42-10c9ad5c2bc0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:46:07	-521.182
-34	9890	989000	36e3dec2-d72a-4146-995f-99d1ba79be3c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:30:58	496.546
-34	19780	989000	95decb8d-457d-4ab2-97ea-0b1bb9738287	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:05:27	-657.863
-35	9891	989100	83b33d28-71d5-4f4c-842c-36a27e813f60	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:51:49	949.433
-35	19782	989100	43630528-44af-424f-ba76-e5e107320c91	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:02:09	-565.412
-36	9892	989200	cf6d713a-0ce2-486a-8607-2cd39065b622	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:14:10	-511.943
-36	19784	989200	97c8dc60-92a4-4881-abe7-57a94743d0f1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:53:59	-437.112
-37	9893	989300	c980491e-a23d-467f-9255-35031bdbd980	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:10:25	721.695
-37	19786	989300	3ca14155-270f-463d-88f8-1f32fe28ef59	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:59:37	-777.713
-38	9894	989400	ddc6c8b9-7b05-43b7-80e9-5111f69615e1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:11:28	25.888
-38	19788	989400	cd850ffd-2934-4259-a117-489c5f704108	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:14:45	-637.685
-39	9895	989500	a501fb0d-4365-46c5-822b-7168ad3980dd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:09:44	-964.712
-39	19790	989500	932f0dbc-d2ed-4884-9697-f89582848df3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:46:07	-299.269
-40	9896	989600	c2736f8b-99c5-41b4-8bb4-10cb8e5fbed6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:58:43	-918.68
-40	19792	989600	0fee0d77-fa52-4eec-a510-46470f209a4d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:23:19	936.579
-41	9897	989700	6e61e7e7-5c80-49a5-b346-18631e9dc898	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:49:48	-955.785
-41	19794	989700	f1b8a1a7-e89e-4ed6-842e-bde0e772469b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:14:14	-143.632
-42	9898	989800	3ec1bc32-e6ff-4485-a3e7-6062538c3c2a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:44:45	239.874
-42	19796	989800	08a9f71a-7e8a-4458-92e2-55ac312e3bba	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:22:46	103.523
-43	9899	989900	b7d65a91-c963-4bf1-8608-1a6666cbfb35	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:55:06	-529.114
-43	19798	989900	68fc33af-aaeb-4260-b2f9-26de550d6fff	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:03:56	188.904
-44	9900	990000	80c5908c-e639-4437-9a0d-f569aecb4f32	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:42:26	507.964
-44	19800	990000	ac71af09-ee5f-4532-b0da-a27158eea381	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:04:15	-691.517
-45	9901	990100	ca4ce622-8352-4f6a-941f-09bc1a91376f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:15:45	877.333
-45	19802	990100	15bd3d3a-53de-450e-8267-ae713ecba5d8	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:30:07	289.773
-46	9902	990200	d89603cd-e619-4771-8eae-aaba5e47ba02	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:41:36	703.468
-46	19804	990200	b926b8ba-5dd9-4abb-98b8-fabf7f01aedf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:32:13	-646.527
-47	9903	990300	59829023-87d8-409a-8103-9a5ef4d3e51a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:49:27	-115.522
-47	19806	990300	b57712c3-2b13-4036-aeb6-d9b0dd4c8b5f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:28:22	930.208
-48	9904	990400	7d3ca42c-63f8-4931-9d10-6365e1ec4e8c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:48:08	88.392
-48	19808	990400	29f02f60-b0b7-4e22-a0b8-61d4fd9f66d5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:29:09	35.385
-49	9905	990500	77ede5c9-244d-4abd-8065-cb9670c67496	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:39:52	269.176
-49	19810	990500	b8ac6056-d674-4439-97d4-ed0d2684ac9c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:27:21	-956.162
-50	9906	990600	1ffd4099-e46b-46a2-b0b8-6bb1b22d4a5c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:53:14	110.505
-50	19812	990600	4ce5b941-d5ae-45e5-8d21-cd5dc075ecc5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:05:48	-944.956
-51	9907	990700	91ce3514-45d8-4955-8031-7a48f12977a0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:40:21	-883.37
-51	19814	990700	52622b4a-f050-490f-9ad1-af4bb497a518	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:08:08	472.470
-52	9908	990800	eaa6dbb7-0dfd-48f7-9ab7-00b8a1e1b9f5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:44:45	-591.260
-52	19816	990800	a04bc6a1-522e-4f66-9cb5-e497e1a46c2c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:58:07	-744.857
-53	9909	990900	15ffb8db-c210-4b5e-9f34-4e510bf6d391	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:36:45	-461.894
-53	19818	990900	8ac1df85-6afb-467d-aeb6-85c739d94e54	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:32:28	758.655
-54	9910	991000	429b403f-b4c5-45fc-bbf1-5f65cc77b9e9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:40:57	623.100
-54	19820	991000	b3ba6d92-ec85-4d8b-843e-112f26c230cd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:43:02	-46.601
-55	9911	991100	9a4ecb29-d3d0-402a-9e0b-521353ce7fa6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:20:00	54.297
-55	19822	991100	6efe7c04-1f87-44f2-a018-63022b96b407	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:23:53	750.110
-56	9912	991200	be2a3479-6eaa-4a9b-8ae0-9833ddcff4ca	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:16:09	287.888
-56	19824	991200	0fe3ab17-fcef-42c7-93b2-bcce3f8d3c3c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:59:07	805.744
-57	9913	991300	3c7da6f0-d376-4190-aba7-fbfb448e1bde	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:12:15	-923.595
-57	19826	991300	b6521518-a715-4e65-944f-4d849df993b7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:53:05	862.871
-58	9914	991400	a22d93bd-c635-4be9-a51a-446f7a7b4a82	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:04:50	-153.80
-58	19828	991400	13d7ad31-a69f-4bd3-b394-2f8b6d108482	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:50:53	-23.445
-59	9915	991500	0d6807b9-f4df-4108-8f74-5d97d78e2fa3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:42:03	-280.393
-59	19830	991500	e6a9dfd2-8c9b-496c-a3ba-869347bc0572	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:06:14	69.913
-60	9916	991600	b21e6b17-e385-43bd-bdf8-ebdff4b15886	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:26:10	992.405
-60	19832	991600	39b24179-4ea3-4f59-8a42-5efefe7efe73	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:49:00	-522.500
-61	9917	991700	961fc87b-12de-4533-bbb7-1759ba39c883	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:34:46	983.100
-61	19834	991700	a45b76f6-a1da-4a43-a67e-4c9b3d768cb7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:06:15	890.569
-62	9918	991800	ba61bca4-736e-4e21-a013-5cf362c1d9a9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:18:42	-693.142
-62	19836	991800	6a9eed7e-f4e7-4ba6-848a-638939ca1593	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:17:12	314.552
-63	9919	991900	b5cfa522-9151-4d2b-bfce-f01a41eaa0ad	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:39:50	515.643
-63	19838	991900	eb97e7fc-105b-49d9-9181-ec320b0b391e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:13:45	-882.439
-64	9920	992000	ec628a01-a216-4383-bede-1cb83e36ecfc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:15:13	38.350
-64	19840	992000	deb21681-0bfd-4d89-ab07-35249988fed8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:03:19	-606.241
-65	9921	992100	61e797b8-31bf-44b3-a49b-79357a35bb24	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:17:13	92.936
-65	19842	992100	0fc19b19-ec52-4b13-a589-d00bbf3cc1fc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:15:53	659.868
-66	9922	992200	195237a4-9052-400a-b07d-e54328d54446	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:31:32	-950.886
-66	19844	992200	86be72d9-2c1a-40a6-8e77-15cd5bc191a4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:22:34	666.396
-67	9923	992300	0a8d4206-cbfd-4f3d-b29f-535b27455150	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:42:08	265.120
-67	19846	992300	62192415-13fb-4922-9f48-9596c222a5e7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:59:29	-66.979
-68	9924	992400	e41226fd-4b80-4ae1-a421-5c355f64d751	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:44:41	-143.983
-68	19848	992400	a9a843e9-7546-428a-bf54-dc9f54b81a35	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:11:39	673.486
-69	9925	992500	f4726c36-6c3a-4bf0-adde-9ed71c5265a7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:02:02	-185.951
-69	19850	992500	3bf64967-7fcd-4c60-ae90-c43287ef01a0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:08:34	-131.805
-70	9926	992600	bba94e91-0e9e-4a9e-89ed-bc3511a21839	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:53:09	874.15
-70	19852	992600	9f1851b5-dea5-4f04-8c1d-a67a5e4bd3ee	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:15:26	213.635
-71	9927	992700	47e3e4cb-c382-44e4-bc31-33c5f313d219	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:21:04	-899.911
-71	19854	992700	cf028ee0-ebfe-4b87-838f-0a3d6656cad5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:20:59	989.870
-72	9928	992800	5faafc32-5063-439a-bd4e-17bea1a95e91	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:43:58	-202.488
-72	19856	992800	494fb570-81ef-491b-b151-0e9084a7a085	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:43:24	-198.95
-73	9929	992900	6b250059-1078-4f1d-bfd5-35cbe522a664	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:24:32	-899.148
-73	19858	992900	349d0bf0-a4b0-457b-8c13-dec833a682bb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:22:30	958.103
-74	9930	993000	68c52d20-e415-4167-b2c9-d91309cc6b90	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:20:34	-48.724
-74	19860	993000	6e4f2e88-b61f-4bbb-b608-34668d25a26a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:07:49	-643.969
-75	9931	993100	32c02df7-ad75-4241-963d-225e3588d384	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:13:46	733.607
-75	19862	993100	30d2a86d-9ae0-4d99-acdb-e068b71b01c1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:47:07	381.408
-76	9932	993200	16e755bd-43c9-4826-b08e-9e0963598470	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:24:06	49.968
-76	19864	993200	feb8e581-7c12-49b7-9bba-cdda61c3efa3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:05:31	-927.45
-77	9933	993300	7c0439b9-d145-41d4-a4db-e67361afc622	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:00:00	-499.984
-77	19866	993300	1bdd5e4b-b197-41f0-81a2-555b690b8cba	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:27:37	133.675
-78	9934	993400	1f543986-0875-493c-bb8d-2a156db00b53	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:45:46	101.645
-78	19868	993400	c735e6bb-a392-48a7-aa2d-0c36edfc2a1c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:11:38	187.979
-79	9935	993500	514925a3-1469-4cfa-9837-3ef9d8454019	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:32:30	645.795
-79	19870	993500	0a27cf8f-2d01-4130-a21e-aa5efe34edc4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:32:45	700.54
-80	9936	993600	740d4db7-5ef8-4102-8355-5e6e36605dee	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:36:03	635.428
-80	19872	993600	28ed45ad-16c8-4682-a661-ee6054e34df0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:20:01	-322.999
-81	9937	993700	f6c36d3b-c9fc-4233-9ffb-1c243cbc85d4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:37:15	75.39
-81	19874	993700	f04385ff-6dd7-4eb1-bd6f-5e445f47b8aa	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:54:34	-761.645
-82	9938	993800	f64b7f10-e914-4b11-a53c-4b225209d926	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:14:29	579.285
-82	19876	993800	0e5967b3-4111-4620-9ec0-e272df80d1e1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:28:24	527.36
-83	9939	993900	cd9c81e4-bef3-4e70-838b-7219fb647025	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:37:45	931.953
-83	19878	993900	e1b57b74-e5fc-467c-b2e5-b1ed639dc7dc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:26:42	-432.40
-84	9940	994000	99c87b27-65e4-4262-aff7-a7be819b7784	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:18:37	-529.76
-84	19880	994000	3863ea42-8682-4042-9acf-6cca92edff84	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:17:44	631.581
-85	9941	994100	c601085a-ff34-4dc0-bda0-84b8dd4d4804	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:11:27	-215.383
-85	19882	994100	67e8fdf0-c408-4e30-ace4-ba36c7cfd35b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:47:31	-287.819
-86	9942	994200	c0edf018-76a9-4cc0-80aa-21e54f59b1d9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:51:30	-976.639
-86	19884	994200	e3f73dbd-ef9a-4971-b286-d2b8c2ac3c39	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:38:33	-40.745
-87	9943	994300	6fcdc95c-463c-4715-9efc-0fdfced17127	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:13:35	494.979
-87	19886	994300	0c8e1ce4-e0f3-4eaa-a2a2-2293e557f2e6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:51:45	-349.834
-88	9944	994400	66a74bc3-7bf4-4788-aaa1-2c7e27711bbb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:36:43	-321.394
-88	19888	994400	db8766a5-2800-4f43-939a-01098d11ad05	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:43:49	-263.36
-89	9945	994500	112363d5-1afe-4f01-ac90-6745f9276ba9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:27:54	708.997
-89	19890	994500	603d0d12-4a9c-45cc-885f-8d6a522d84f2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:47:26	840.901
-90	9946	994600	18aa9722-070a-4fb4-a1b5-5f567a760b8a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:55:50	-648.985
-90	19892	994600	da668c23-d8ba-48d9-bc10-e06120d60c81	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:15:07	966.918
-91	9947	994700	84ede767-bbdd-4073-bec9-ae8e53b5079f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:58:16	-365.129
-91	19894	994700	7c073541-195e-4e47-9eff-e23b8233c63f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:17:57	-969.703
-92	9948	994800	4e1507c0-7ef4-4148-9e4f-96ece3d37a1b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:58:15	133.564
-92	19896	994800	1cf0c07f-78d5-4459-a398-c11b9b75025a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:23:04	638.422
-93	9949	994900	85d23524-6500-4859-afe1-ba28a23d4f79	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:54:38	-927.103
-93	19898	994900	082ea8a7-ae20-4493-8492-bf06756795b1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:14:26	577.681
-94	9950	995000	4d50eae9-09c8-44b1-a666-17155de20717	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:26:50	-627.398
-94	19900	995000	7301ee31-bc2a-4d09-b64c-568e9ee60e56	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:44:17	-782.322
-95	9951	995100	c5cc16ca-f0be-4812-8442-32fb1c3f0650	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:17:22	80.844
-95	19902	995100	d273baa3-baff-4364-964f-1481d001dd47	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:53:20	-20.309
-96	9952	995200	81e14f3b-7d46-4c05-82f1-b8bf0fd67195	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:39:53	421.649
-96	19904	995200	a75f72c4-8858-4699-b83a-fb47ddb8f6f7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:03:20	493.892
-97	9953	995300	6e315536-4b64-44a6-b106-b823a7a4cd87	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:42:21	-647.867
-97	19906	995300	d2947665-5ba5-40e4-a63c-b25ba6985337	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:06:49	914.765
-98	9954	995400	3121a651-d2ad-4cf9-99e1-585958a1f087	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:38:38	-718.455
-98	19908	995400	ca0e450c-19c8-4c76-9e7a-1680403221df	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:18:52	816.598
-99	9955	995500	5621ae3b-b605-4db9-ac13-d2b316ee1c80	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:42:05	421.992
-99	19910	995500	43835ba4-5be7-45a4-bc79-ed4aab330206	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:53:03	-614.950
-100	9956	995600	f8f43372-f421-4f80-a1ba-5c2ef03cbfbd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:03:01	-846.862
-100	19912	995600	0466538e-b767-407f-9b82-997690b2f1dd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:27:06	-381.310
-101	9957	995700	a1949658-7a5f-405d-8743-1e34f4bcf55a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:38:50	691.951
-101	19914	995700	22d1fbe9-b84a-4e47-9913-d9029d49023e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:22:36	808.210
-102	9958	995800	be3333f8-32be-4b27-8420-3c5f221bd8ab	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:30:49	239.652
-102	19916	995800	a3ac00f7-a045-4667-878f-6a7b0079e1ec	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:11:55	483.694
-103	9959	995900	79f39ca4-5eba-43b3-9ccb-08031211be44	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:24:33	-505.195
-103	19918	995900	672bd1cf-793a-4899-ad1e-a1425d29d0cb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:35:12	-701.716
-104	9960	996000	276d799e-9444-409d-89c2-02bf914cd8b1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:32:51	-613.657
-104	19920	996000	28ced4dc-d697-43c6-b5fb-7942a023b3d9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:55:46	-994.489
-105	9961	996100	01c6ee93-8b5d-4989-88e8-137315f2d5e5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:12:16	-847.505
-105	19922	996100	624ce246-de9a-4b51-bdf5-a0b8316be7db	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:35:21	-194.924
-106	9962	996200	15ba5bf4-d3c9-47b1-acd0-bf0764f6335a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:18:20	-149.885
-106	19924	996200	7ff0ea25-ea17-4d34-9f76-0a624dc5736d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:50:20	62.743
-107	9963	996300	2f448bb0-c0c4-4ea1-a8a4-e2717d70ba76	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:07:38	-626.500
-107	19926	996300	b46292d6-ba78-43d5-9578-0dd5d34d37d0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:40:09	-598.606
-108	9964	996400	41266eff-cc33-477f-a452-f0dd13d01033	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:52:22	568.221
-108	19928	996400	77cf46a7-98db-4fd0-aec9-687ac931d392	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:29:59	-241.903
-109	9965	996500	910d2e65-2d3b-4d6f-a24f-a4af88084cff	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:47:44	608.297
-109	19930	996500	8c9e6a16-410b-4058-83f8-a37d9efc2a68	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:09:20	-868.338
-110	9966	996600	6fba9e3f-56de-4583-aa52-41247cbf0900	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:39:44	-426.191
-110	19932	996600	83c619dd-d43f-40e2-a7fe-649ca7ec0d53	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:25:56	282.608
-111	9967	996700	257c3603-b886-4046-ab2e-b7d145e28885	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:27:01	794.144
-111	19934	996700	76e7afa5-16a3-4e8d-af55-ae80a1eec957	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:12:24	177.805
-112	9968	996800	de1045d2-6764-4002-9af5-de91c4343f33	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:36:26	661.84
-112	19936	996800	9b119b6b-d58d-410e-af19-aa3177af7b1e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:05:19	-375.821
-113	9969	996900	b49431ac-efbe-4d44-b207-18b800183840	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:42:49	564.255
-113	19938	996900	f1ece2d0-6461-441b-99e6-3f2176a7a450	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:34:10	-860.891
-114	9970	997000	9e940d26-d74d-4db2-b6c7-9994612a1cfc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:32:12	-195.109
-114	19940	997000	1de9a99b-487a-4517-8faa-d29e5b9af2ac	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:05:59	-274.471
-115	9971	997100	9b6fc933-b8e1-4f86-ad69-95e7372b3099	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:40:29	610.393
-115	19942	997100	f3a9a46a-cfe2-4c29-8727-8d6e0d1aed1c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:15:42	-308.956
-116	9972	997200	e4a8dbd2-c1cf-4735-8e85-9f2ff3430a45	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:36:36	419.636
-116	19944	997200	2aeea5c9-5cb1-4eed-a2e3-56760413d50f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:46:25	873.470
-117	9973	997300	934ddfb4-f0df-45b9-ac50-73acd256f57a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:19:47	390.191
-117	19946	997300	95597398-62d3-4756-8dbb-9dcb70deb25c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:00:46	931.809
-118	9974	997400	997cbfcc-0438-4541-bcf3-4199b0def740	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:27:12	474.931
-118	19948	997400	3e393f33-314f-42a0-b5a6-e51e91d84e50	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:31:02	-928.527
-119	9975	997500	d203169a-2aaf-423a-8df3-93f7eb929b1e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:28:33	206.163
-119	19950	997500	c6d14ea6-e0f8-49fc-976b-507d137fd55c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:46:23	253.311
-120	9976	997600	70ab2dec-fff3-43db-b7d0-85faa75b1b5c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:18:58	-620.657
-120	19952	997600	cbadac87-765c-4a7c-a704-74c849cc8965	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:39:11	991.308
-121	9977	997700	478416c8-b478-41e5-b1e5-b9f8974c6a55	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:37:52	289.242
-121	19954	997700	00e72c43-0a67-4908-8c85-3645081d1f35	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:31:08	-624.129
-122	9978	997800	e3836e04-0291-400a-b170-81198b1b8a31	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:39:10	-995.919
-122	19956	997800	57a3bd53-ca19-49d2-82be-2b2e1a08953b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:42:35	-315.625
-123	9979	997900	63d66d72-c09c-4dcb-a050-80ec5ce54b58	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:27:03	-134.418
-123	19958	997900	9c37f10e-40e7-48a0-bc28-2648788a3a2a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:33:51	-767.635
-124	9980	998000	a7907554-4ba3-4c96-b131-caf39d5e1c57	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:33:27	129.712
-124	19960	998000	caac1d05-f114-4bb1-8580-e4175eba6fac	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:44:26	766.608
-125	9981	998100	04b5ccf9-1473-4f03-a57f-32a04ccdcc25	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:54:31	352.942
-125	19962	998100	6d7db424-e2b8-497f-8c6d-6e545e283157	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:09:21	228.603
-126	9982	998200	b8475556-da39-4fbf-b720-908ad7d96200	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:01:46	136.496
-126	19964	998200	d666ea6f-8be5-4d91-b5a2-e2fda8ab4657	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:13:56	954.994
-127	9983	998300	00e65caf-cfb0-4490-af0b-35fc1a408ca9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:46:31	402.139
-127	19966	998300	564e1d42-d88a-43b3-b629-738441ad0233	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:03:33	232.199
-0	9984	998400	78d068a9-3091-49aa-a38e-b35c39752432	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:01:25	565.73
-0	19968	998400	8a5625f3-db12-4d15-8c5c-dcf6fbc47218	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:32:51	632.694
-1	9985	998500	5c2e2fdf-e727-484b-a8ae-faa0771ea13b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:44:06	-950.795
-1	19970	998500	89fe3bcc-5907-42f3-813e-2227f8a1729d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:14:27	-864.332
-2	9986	998600	e8e7336f-dd4e-4212-9b46-a7b8c3288110	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:32:06	-684.413
-2	19972	998600	5250e7c1-ab27-44f6-9d62-4801ee9c1596	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:55:31	-695.127
-3	9987	998700	c0427637-5a66-4bf8-a015-33ea1d4347a3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:50:03	585.984
-3	19974	998700	f4f34b66-5df9-4dc5-ac8c-286d41c2eed0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:58:29	718.734
-4	9988	998800	88a7efc4-d579-4f1c-866a-e6279020a48f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:00:11	77.714
-4	19976	998800	bc745e28-82ba-406c-a127-ebed8a95898f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:26:04	-917.648
-5	9989	998900	293ff3ff-4108-4e3d-b8f6-f9ca4a8fc220	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:44:54	884.572
-5	19978	998900	8cef3ba4-2466-4ee7-af5a-22c670021645	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:23:50	-99.146
-6	9990	999000	a7f270bf-7bba-4918-a9af-2b9b89633ebe	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:30:46	499.336
-6	19980	999000	a0dae1ec-c42e-4db5-a261-99aff47d710f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:13:18	-197.620
-7	9991	999100	4f27dd45-3c1f-4a2e-8962-1dcf76e8383c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:42:40	296.795
-7	19982	999100	59004581-6821-45e1-b8b3-496e575bb0b9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:45:53	600.423
-8	9992	999200	4a04d470-9383-4332-9ba3-f985abac055f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:12:13	-720.773
-8	19984	999200	b9822c64-b879-45d8-8d1e-b7ec8239214a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:18:42	-723.595
-9	9993	999300	b31a1396-25d6-4c71-b882-5decd37ae33e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:36:57	-578.400
-9	19986	999300	9b2a6eae-1fc5-406e-81f2-9d95cdfa286c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:51:14	169.692
-10	9994	999400	44714c39-8ff8-4955-8bbf-8c021b08e9ab	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:18:14	-403.996
-10	19988	999400	96a24d75-2454-4a43-96c6-095771cbd3a6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:08:14	961.499
-11	9995	999500	6d3edfcc-beda-4869-b0b3-7b10773808b5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:33:18	-503.805
-11	19990	999500	ca19f789-1387-4b91-9d84-db6d93be2afd	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:19:49	-758.187
-12	9996	999600	fea97e48-58c6-4e8f-949d-28b47fe6cc25	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:28:15	57.717
-12	19992	999600	9d169fe1-29a5-408c-a6d6-deb11373477d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:36:55	-827.131
-13	9997	999700	d22c4bbd-b322-4c30-806d-b28668c9634a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:40:12	264.1
-13	19994	999700	5518c041-edc2-4f70-80ca-0c8e03648ee5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:40:51	729.362
-14	9998	999800	276c56e0-e0b8-47a4-bb03-ab092f54cac1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:50:03	739.413
-14	19996	999800	1e9c45ec-1f65-40b3-b245-2bc50e49fe4a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:56:02	777.603
-15	9999	999900	3ea5c91a-e931-494e-86f3-6039cbbc0cee	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:45:56	489.702
-15	19998	999900	8fb9eec8-b45e-4fd5-944e-3a83703bbdd5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:04:49	-538.967
-16	10000	1000000	bf56b735-1b98-4d3d-85d5-6bab24c93b22	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:30:58	0.111
-16	20000	1000000	ff696d03-2be6-4ee6-a112-e977bab77c2d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:02:14	359.191
-17	10001	1000100	9f06a823-bfb6-4952-be54-7c52c45cdef0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:06:49	-613.341
-17	20002	1000100	3130a53a-7ef9-4311-968c-fe4d75a75448	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:03:21	-910.573
-18	10002	1000200	dccf10f2-146d-478f-bc7a-96e4fabff7c6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:00:59	814.21
-18	20004	1000200	f3f434ed-4bba-45e6-b352-1f158a8df318	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:32:17	888.560
-19	10003	1000300	f2124d28-a02f-497e-b924-e570be58e35f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:47:30	912.9
-19	20006	1000300	9c7622d5-222c-43bb-878c-f7a86522353e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:59:43	926.737
-20	10004	1000400	a41584a7-2edb-442e-bc0f-54414f482b11	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:28:09	945.834
-20	20008	1000400	e6382597-9bc1-4126-b5a0-f741a7e3a9e9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:20:16	727.466
-21	10005	1000500	430081bb-ba50-46b4-838b-163864b8c73b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:53:09	650.833
-21	20010	1000500	1e6c1d26-0ded-4de9-a3e9-244c5254a307	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:48:26	234.771
-22	10006	1000600	ebceabe1-8c63-4d34-b91f-28a3adf1dc7e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:03:56	673.478
-22	20012	1000600	eb871a93-2094-4058-9eed-6c52f9382f5e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:25:24	-657.719
-23	10007	1000700	125b5d43-ffb1-47bc-86ba-98e9893c5ac9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:41:31	-851.94
-23	20014	1000700	0bf4e03c-54ee-4b23-8102-0e2246f0ff81	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:52:14	-231.57
-24	10008	1000800	b8b3d5ee-9c1f-4181-a292-665f0a61dfec	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:33:50	-19.924
-24	20016	1000800	ee39b48c-a785-484e-af28-bf4935e85c4d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:13:00	-829.737
-25	10009	1000900	93fa23ab-2417-4aaa-8a7b-2218d56ec92d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:55:51	-217.925
-25	20018	1000900	2a53e57f-acaf-4248-8558-fb4e567291af	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:14:30	774.293
-26	10010	1001000	36056d67-3da0-44de-888d-dee5d531e8f5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:57:13	-669.441
-26	20020	1001000	a8ec05ef-a923-4783-b593-c5e8f226adfa	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:52:10	992.889
-27	10011	1001100	70f37708-3eda-4c59-ae23-2391a03d01e8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:25:33	675.104
-27	20022	1001100	78d93e2c-6fbf-46db-bbe0-53fe00962c35	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:11:41	69.573
-28	10012	1001200	d6d901a3-045a-44db-8884-114695071d55	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:48:35	767.931
-28	20024	1001200	b4a48aa3-6f0b-4832-9a89-6fc75f492285	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:49:02	12.216
-29	10013	1001300	d8910417-9319-4de8-ad5e-29b6b9af3080	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:16:11	-68.420
-29	20026	1001300	ab5dc1f4-5b44-424c-a537-25b721bdd870	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:58:46	-90.627
-30	10014	1001400	01c730ac-222c-4343-ad29-6ebd743124c4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:21:43	474.430
-30	20028	1001400	b369ff3b-f234-4480-a4b1-fe2b52936be4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:48:27	-661.268
-31	10015	1001500	1cbf36b7-bba6-4be5-b54f-424e5dd08073	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:08:02	252.525
-31	20030	1001500	935fac6c-01a2-4dce-901c-e820b4055633	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:29:16	-850.470
-32	10016	1001600	8be805a8-bf19-4c00-8ff8-feb3eb15b85e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:27:18	832.629
-32	20032	1001600	d2d3b4f1-2213-40a2-8db3-26b3dfab8d58	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:21:39	989.305
-33	10017	1001700	5c0dc279-6cb9-4ca0-88cd-cd9723555347	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:13:23	635.982
-33	20034	1001700	64d1e21f-288e-4cad-97ba-ec6ed9815e1d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:15:15	549.616
-34	10018	1001800	72386ac8-c170-41fa-974e-d43e8565950c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:12:21	-294.594
-34	20036	1001800	2b4ece16-fabb-4a2a-bb83-7b50fbeebd52	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:45:22	-603.166
-35	10019	1001900	a5fad908-8490-4062-992b-8a34bc12eaa5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:20:55	0.574
-35	20038	1001900	3101f85c-682b-48f0-8a3a-5b590aac58c6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:19:20	-169.217
-36	10020	1002000	0d07c18c-a773-400f-a9c8-45378bd82164	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:39:25	224.967
-36	20040	1002000	9a20fdb2-4ecd-4c58-9a87-50d62a8c4bce	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:07:11	-753.837
-37	10021	1002100	c76215fb-18b9-4b82-8c31-b28d3289f66b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:19:07	567.619
-37	20042	1002100	5b1caad5-c89c-4bbf-81c0-cbc29de37221	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:03:25	-849.578
-38	10022	1002200	0576b561-4de7-481f-bf85-2c7957c6e077	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:45:26	814.151
-38	20044	1002200	5dfe0f7b-e7a5-4e32-96e5-69cd041a2183	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:38:42	431.265
-39	10023	1002300	47ce143e-a698-41ab-836a-3c7302ca68e9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:10:34	217.441
-39	20046	1002300	65feb4f2-2e8f-423d-8ad0-80cac5c649ff	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:14:38	-766.250
-40	10024	1002400	2ce74b98-e6aa-4344-8608-648c1d124376	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:43:16	-421.734
-40	20048	1002400	79494993-e0cb-48ce-876a-c0dddf419d3c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:56:44	-600.828
-41	10025	1002500	dff38b46-cbdd-4a48-a36f-bf5b0b720b8d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:38:12	921.439
-41	20050	1002500	ab8d1686-aeb9-4006-a213-66cca194852e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:16:20	-826.125
-42	10026	1002600	a16977e4-3a16-4c83-99ce-c410f69175f7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:27:57	-351.403
-42	20052	1002600	08cc003a-0a01-4201-9a0b-0dda2c315146	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:44:53	860.255
-43	10027	1002700	1aa9e311-0898-49ea-ba53-4be9c58023d8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:55:01	-167.929
-43	20054	1002700	8d83fc8e-797d-46a0-b239-5eb6fcce450a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:51:21	152.56
-44	10028	1002800	4cafb05c-3575-44b4-8044-a19512471ee9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:20:30	-715.768
-44	20056	1002800	51a39a55-abb8-46e0-ac02-2fad9d93da45	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:24:23	756.231
-45	10029	1002900	c73cf0fd-7ad1-4b74-be79-bae240038edd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:57:07	644.807
-45	20058	1002900	ccb029f6-f7d0-4b9d-8916-940aa460330f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:19:35	660.28
-46	10030	1003000	5bc9654a-b29d-48bd-8b47-2c6010e8600f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:49:38	-461.55
-46	20060	1003000	464ab851-d17d-4d62-9069-669347d7453c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:19:55	-967.431
-47	10031	1003100	1c0fc2bd-125f-4e14-8cb2-52eb87ce8451	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:15:18	-880.813
-47	20062	1003100	6cf93acf-98cf-4af1-952d-6ac3cb886979	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:17:22	920.368
-48	10032	1003200	70a7eea6-bc0e-4833-a403-6072597abf29	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:13:47	132.303
-48	20064	1003200	7b63576c-5b60-425b-8c46-e5b9e4b15113	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:25:44	327.444
-49	10033	1003300	382f6e02-ca3d-4efd-a25c-b0ad604fffa8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:58:16	285.20
-49	20066	1003300	8e58699e-48a5-4ec0-9503-6287e8c5ebf0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:55:45	167.437
-50	10034	1003400	5764fbee-64c2-4c2b-84c8-abd7a56605e3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:50:43	-190.19
-50	20068	1003400	a437839e-b95c-4ec1-bbb1-fc6717ced198	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:44:03	-157.197
-51	10035	1003500	fe2ff4d8-c705-4399-8f35-9d56dc4115f2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:01:05	912.407
-51	20070	1003500	94d1aa6c-294f-481f-8e9d-fd5d5e0c5453	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:29:40	364.99
-52	10036	1003600	d264f344-f9e7-4c97-880d-e47a17b0862e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:52:35	748.90
-52	20072	1003600	205b60cc-8801-4e85-a055-514121dec065	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:27:40	-948.495
-53	10037	1003700	f0d19020-cd2b-42b1-a23a-33001bbdb429	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:09:50	-399.731
-53	20074	1003700	863fa08c-9bb3-4bc5-8825-4d2778569b3b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:38:38	-678.192
-54	10038	1003800	3d8de470-e781-4f10-9be7-aef093522d7f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:04:19	413.885
-54	20076	1003800	97ab014f-b06b-4ed5-8ae5-5264128616e3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:58:06	-474.661
-55	10039	1003900	baaa177f-315a-408c-8cf6-243ab7350695	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:37:08	744.337
-55	20078	1003900	747321a6-c297-4906-9642-1ab0c5d52a52	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:16:24	238.534
-56	10040	1004000	4c41d997-4bdd-44b7-87da-fe2e69cd0f2f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:01:18	284.488
-56	20080	1004000	6ec81ffc-9dc5-4fa8-a05e-e1fa536079ff	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:42:59	11.542
-57	10041	1004100	8ee17967-8a9e-411b-a167-ed6ead21e274	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:35:20	745.579
-57	20082	1004100	611467c0-f3f3-4454-af7b-493303a8a5ee	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:06:31	-222.937
-58	10042	1004200	2d2ca387-71bb-4423-acf7-e9a1cba191a6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:13:36	-570.162
-58	20084	1004200	24c1ad5c-a0b6-4ac7-8cbc-65497a692c16	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:46:15	406.373
-59	10043	1004300	01030c58-3376-460f-b9ed-ecc79a9dd2b0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:38:21	652.710
-59	20086	1004300	e8fbf7c8-3575-41de-b502-5635e2d730c7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:55:48	-974.576
-60	10044	1004400	93ff2e39-eec4-4fbe-bd3d-75099846904c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:36:00	889.208
-60	20088	1004400	baf493a8-4351-43c5-b2eb-9f3073d9fd0d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:28:39	142.996
-61	10045	1004500	22cf3b1e-0ee5-410e-93e0-328bc007227e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:46:35	389.541
-61	20090	1004500	4d5ba6dc-3e7b-432d-88e5-105f39efbac5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:00:26	-765.842
-62	10046	1004600	31782207-89f0-4c6b-9c0a-7285ea9964ef	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:46:40	-671.373
-62	20092	1004600	519d53a8-8240-4da1-a559-875289991590	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:42:26	-309.92
-63	10047	1004700	e92c3117-c6f4-4934-aabc-2dd3d19e1888	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:47:11	-551.151
-63	20094	1004700	5087528e-c5e3-4431-a1c6-0ec984e7699a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:55:16	810.867
-64	10048	1004800	4476d7d8-fe46-4361-b0d9-3e1a99023f18	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:14:07	37.732
-64	20096	1004800	9b3fc404-a917-4d64-bf43-4f92ff3334d6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:01:58	-222.279
-65	10049	1004900	5a8a0a22-8e6d-4976-bc47-49a801ada46b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:20:07	-430.148
-65	20098	1004900	d336f86b-6147-4668-a285-cdcf7e3f5d60	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:23:05	414.663
-66	10050	1005000	c0d226ef-ffe7-4c2f-93eb-609ca5d9ceaa	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:27:59	-739.776
-66	20100	1005000	6834bec6-ff82-475e-8db3-454bd372b0eb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:46:15	606.86
-67	10051	1005100	83d5a17f-a5a7-44fe-9abb-825d29a77505	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:31:59	-824.396
-67	20102	1005100	0d7cde00-767b-4d94-a186-e4f87193b3d6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:02:07	-257.507
-68	10052	1005200	88895165-429b-4c68-aa7c-cd277898aa48	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:09:47	-386.612
-68	20104	1005200	d8dc9641-6434-48f9-9e6d-78b655e0aeeb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:58:52	33.646
-69	10053	1005300	cf220c45-1c9d-44c3-8c9d-5178ab9fcda0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:49:51	-758.856
-69	20106	1005300	51d053b7-0955-43ec-92f3-3ef42c8c47e1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:22:50	176.679
-70	10054	1005400	6bcbb600-daf4-43ed-8c91-4c4c8ebd7401	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:54:56	-756.558
-70	20108	1005400	0f7ea804-55ad-4492-80d7-d349033e0d16	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:59:52	916.20
-71	10055	1005500	758bc3b9-e171-4359-bdff-6b8b116334a7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:58:04	474.520
-71	20110	1005500	5821912a-26d0-4140-8c17-b02dd425c732	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:12:17	-751.170
-72	10056	1005600	62905502-d710-47c2-b236-a643231a6fc6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:47:28	-582.314
-72	20112	1005600	2d872875-c01f-4923-97c6-9a814cd879a6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:23:57	-186.358
-73	10057	1005700	c1e920d9-945b-475b-86c8-ac8282f34f90	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:32:15	-161.474
-73	20114	1005700	0cde9cbe-d4cc-4ac1-822d-36813dd4b706	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:09:15	-902.943
-74	10058	1005800	284d2086-6864-4860-b6a2-7c1923e7a7cd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:27:18	326.82
-74	20116	1005800	9781d2c1-bddd-4b45-915c-bd02f34a958e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:04:51	212.80
-75	10059	1005900	2a9b9463-08cc-4bf4-91e7-e34672351f52	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:40:04	661.773
-75	20118	1005900	d84710d2-a269-4d7c-8a0d-b9df9eb5639b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:13:51	-339.381
-76	10060	1006000	e31bef36-ab20-477e-98cc-ac83fd3d42a8	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:20:44	104.759
-76	20120	1006000	daed082c-aa5e-46a9-b09f-c8fb9ce40fd2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:01:16	-715.287
-77	10061	1006100	88534213-ace4-4324-8a0f-ba03212aa89d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:14:35	-111.566
-77	20122	1006100	72253233-d50a-44c7-a78b-014ce3ef1dd4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:17:08	-236.89
-78	10062	1006200	32f1be06-d99e-4485-b408-1fc2144b54bb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:58:57	175.584
-78	20124	1006200	95975dec-e278-457b-b34d-7445d3e000a3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:50:44	-80.747
-79	10063	1006300	5cf8f5a3-4165-4557-8622-ec25c7dd70b4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:45:54	-39.292
-79	20126	1006300	7ddad242-ed62-4762-b3fc-0f616500a500	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:10:55	859.888
-80	10064	1006400	2ca4a8bb-7a8f-4e94-b9a1-9a7d2e683e18	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:04:41	567.303
-80	20128	1006400	04f758f9-2f00-40cf-8ef6-aa03f36a9083	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:22:54	461.875
-81	10065	1006500	9e1a3a8d-b8b2-484b-932d-687d362e4dcb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:49:49	-409.46
-81	20130	1006500	59e2c768-da71-44d3-8928-7f94fe89930d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:58:17	-624.457
-82	10066	1006600	41bec0c2-17f2-422f-81c0-4545d7b2e8a6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:25:25	-229.230
-82	20132	1006600	fb7dd09e-b43c-4afe-ab70-74f38cdecdc5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:11:36	-398.197
-83	10067	1006700	f3947b35-8bb2-471e-aeaf-42c4d658ea3a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:28:56	-961.718
-83	20134	1006700	f6d0f6ea-2a3e-44b1-80fa-e5856258ab8c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:33:22	336.389
-84	10068	1006800	a9df7468-6066-48ac-ae77-1a598b97ba98	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:40:46	-529.66
-84	20136	1006800	788c8996-cac9-41fa-9cbb-3fecadc3bc88	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:39:00	-447.569
-85	10069	1006900	0f4d4f08-69b2-43aa-9c53-476c1f228d5a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:08:22	80.318
-85	20138	1006900	f72fa94a-b7bf-46ec-a086-4b3267b10159	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:19:02	558.303
-86	10070	1007000	e56ca5c4-83ba-4fb3-bad6-029af8a482e2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:33:20	-457.516
-86	20140	1007000	c5e93ea8-5805-42b1-8770-80f74cb7df6c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:40:01	996.391
-87	10071	1007100	e2b982fa-e439-418b-9736-b4405af8dad8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:49:46	83.413
-87	20142	1007100	17306b71-56e2-4b46-be33-18c0e7461756	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:55:42	-354.692
-88	10072	1007200	ff633aa1-cb70-459e-8cc2-254e0d6a324e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:18:13	446.990
-88	20144	1007200	dbfe6449-2d8e-4f07-9755-5919a638cb0e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:15:59	640.972
-89	10073	1007300	8533b7a7-b71a-4eed-a1c6-e9cb8d21d193	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:28:00	-991.908
-89	20146	1007300	0ab733e6-37bc-47e2-89c9-64b58b996547	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:16:23	-918.643
-90	10074	1007400	5d1ca626-55d2-47c2-b671-1410d153cb01	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:55:04	-484.786
-90	20148	1007400	9fa75e54-0eda-405e-b2c5-a285c5e0c303	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:51:22	-764.968
-91	10075	1007500	7052abb1-4019-440d-b387-d9e742bbcefd	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:24:31	336.681
-91	20150	1007500	d35c2f75-6e34-4456-87a5-cb7cd451b3dd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:51:49	48.110
-92	10076	1007600	ef780fe1-1071-4cb2-be5c-4456c16e04a3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:04:31	743.106
-92	20152	1007600	0d9f56c0-0194-40d9-ad7c-fcdb27009fe9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:34:48	-306.464
-93	10077	1007700	7e90124d-a0d7-4f7b-a9f2-357d1dc9cf84	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:32:05	-214.936
-93	20154	1007700	bf75f0bd-9fb2-4c5a-a749-a3415d93d9fe	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:26:02	908.964
-94	10078	1007800	afa587f2-4dab-43c7-906a-55f5441b2e3f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:02:25	843.787
-94	20156	1007800	2a042ce2-b6bd-4364-b412-2e45b531b4e7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:44:21	-577.844
-95	10079	1007900	11b33242-937e-4a3c-8148-7e5c8e4f6a32	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:12:21	-194.30
-95	20158	1007900	ed7e9f2a-6947-4318-9de8-2f70ba0ccfb0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:18:21	743.211
-96	10080	1008000	0740374f-3c63-4e69-89d5-4445768899f1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:37:20	894.854
-96	20160	1008000	123dcad8-343f-46ee-b0a3-9e3f6362baec	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:36:02	233.71
-97	10081	1008100	18021de4-a8aa-4262-9899-db941669914c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:03:05	-442.688
-97	20162	1008100	7997ff3c-8e2b-42f2-b5ce-5c2da8710514	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:58:30	927.808
-98	10082	1008200	df4d11e2-2f48-4b04-8bcb-b3c2085a5b26	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:01:45	456.297
-98	20164	1008200	6b7ab382-5bbb-462d-aaf7-72cde4f2ea6a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:20:23	210.761
-99	10083	1008300	24872500-42b0-4958-afec-4c86054009cf	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:15:57	347.673
-99	20166	1008300	69024f0b-e5df-4b63-bc8a-6efa4d0eef98	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:59:08	-639.123
-100	10084	1008400	cd3f68b9-ce42-4414-9e81-c93cb58e9065	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:44:11	531.98
-100	20168	1008400	15ff58f5-8f46-406c-87ff-4f73b75ef70c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:17:23	283.556
-101	10085	1008500	3879a603-60f1-4e52-8fbb-b7afcb2acd5a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:39:27	-373.924
-101	20170	1008500	334e4fd9-47fd-4e26-aa9a-166f851d30a4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:21:50	-840.754
-102	10086	1008600	157df9f0-408b-4818-a547-eb0bddcbcda3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:09:24	-248.591
-102	20172	1008600	ea9848a5-cc33-4086-8bfd-8a624ddf7d99	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:34:35	-63.476
-103	10087	1008700	ffcef704-67a6-448a-8fcb-4a27f7000456	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:47:25	-117.973
-103	20174	1008700	229660a8-c69a-42ad-9f57-ec384f462175	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:58:34	835.719
-104	10088	1008800	cbbf0b4a-1e1d-4d19-ba6a-b25aa6e4c33a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:18:37	617.613
-104	20176	1008800	9419a60e-695c-49be-80ab-ddc76d41483f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:22:44	941.41
-105	10089	1008900	99bd9b67-6b84-478a-8529-93598146a760	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:28:16	696.82
-105	20178	1008900	9d4cb96a-7f36-4405-b01a-d4d3e5b84994	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:41:11	-698.725
-106	10090	1009000	9fb3ac2c-010d-4cf0-9197-99aa76010430	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:28:53	-265.226
-106	20180	1009000	e87fa24f-43fe-4b1d-8e81-a48fc3de2c03	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:06:28	-370.634
-107	10091	1009100	51c96b29-6ed0-47ad-9dfe-24f86a66fa02	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:58:12	370.461
-107	20182	1009100	23b8be44-c060-4d11-ba30-68fd00cef7d3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:17:09	-466.474
-108	10092	1009200	50ed2929-0c7c-4edc-a319-e81c570186f4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:04:30	804.717
-108	20184	1009200	5ab6d835-d797-446a-b5a7-b3ad8758b8a5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:30:28	-10.776
-109	10093	1009300	4b21e589-b0de-4f29-a723-1171570841fa	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:00:31	-829.757
-109	20186	1009300	f0d69d7b-3f63-4c6c-a354-333173854dcd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:47:34	342.920
-110	10094	1009400	159ffbef-5459-446d-955b-191264daa99e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:43:17	340.978
-110	20188	1009400	00563423-6f65-4cdd-8a97-70897dc71673	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:13:53	-842.788
-111	10095	1009500	34a5aa7f-f0ed-491e-a443-987eff6da8a4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:14:33	720.221
-111	20190	1009500	aa192e51-e57d-4ee8-80e4-64f13b99c3c1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:04:58	-250.240
-112	10096	1009600	15132ea5-8fb1-4b5b-a63b-d103783bd25a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:03:00	-479.457
-112	20192	1009600	f998fa17-8df9-40d5-af02-0d3d52271480	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:44:46	250.937
-113	10097	1009700	fd92cea6-f482-446f-bb95-86e3ddc2d036	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:36:27	34.395
-113	20194	1009700	2acb5dcf-4674-43fc-8524-d38c31d0a502	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:13:04	268.36
-114	10098	1009800	1d5a384b-8312-4f56-985e-9b83d90732df	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:32:55	672.966
-114	20196	1009800	4faa2724-2229-4000-b5d5-f36868ec8ec9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:45:11	487.779
-115	10099	1009900	eb356bba-fbd0-47e3-9863-04dc3462afdd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:52:43	-260.279
-115	20198	1009900	f07f76b9-7493-4740-8149-252db7baf8cb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:34:48	701.934
-116	10100	1010000	c2c13abf-b3b3-4075-a65c-741d5b32f359	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:23:09	-702.295
-116	20200	1010000	06ad42ad-1dc4-4baf-960f-0fbaa9959027	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:56:54	-405.737
-117	10101	1010100	3c7eb756-4304-4852-9049-c8ed3de412e8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:35:52	-811.892
-117	20202	1010100	334a2f91-ee4b-4f20-ad92-eed1c9fb673d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:21:41	-781.201
-118	10102	1010200	f086d264-7e34-4723-8887-ff0acebe5bfb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:26:55	16.793
-118	20204	1010200	7c03ba55-8588-44d8-897e-31f95aac3578	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:34:22	-407.394
-119	10103	1010300	397dd2bf-8534-4e38-98cc-c7175dbc1f12	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:40:17	-694.316
-119	20206	1010300	1de5abb1-0394-4971-8a5e-bca11525c08b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:57:40	697.726
-120	10104	1010400	8758570c-1bcd-4aa3-a3a6-957c6eed9831	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:28:36	-175.495
-120	20208	1010400	b2e5762f-19c7-4f31-8df1-bcbb68768aef	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:24:42	-84.573
-121	10105	1010500	a073e095-6538-41a4-b389-0d795c2654ea	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:02:41	-574.665
-121	20210	1010500	8f4e96c6-beb2-486e-8057-0080892b3d95	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:54:50	764.238
-122	10106	1010600	42e03262-0801-4998-8b66-a744389538c7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:03:20	748.593
-122	20212	1010600	e588231f-08e4-475a-9d5e-68a06d5fad3b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:40:06	-309.207
-123	10107	1010700	89fd8d8e-d067-40dc-8f2c-0d398de150bf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:23:51	919.54
-123	20214	1010700	a32e22d2-0d55-4b2f-a4e6-5fca43aeaae5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:11:43	930.131
-124	10108	1010800	69e2c1fa-a32e-4ffc-a051-09c6141df595	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:01:21	822.92
-124	20216	1010800	845c4779-3b27-4e75-882f-0a32b4da9f9e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:24:19	-132.396
-125	10109	1010900	a3ca9360-11a1-46a8-80d9-6773f16e833c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:47:33	-380.188
-125	20218	1010900	2cf1bfca-64d6-420f-ac4c-937e0473ea98	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:18:16	-550.916
-126	10110	1011000	509c8ab0-658b-4af5-9263-da0814968a17	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:48:51	949.43
-126	20220	1011000	7d646406-68c9-4404-93a3-3cfa4852631e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:44:12	-102.62
-127	10111	1011100	997a68e2-e263-442a-a0e9-8ee57818db0d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:30:10	126.649
-127	20222	1011100	13ef134f-516e-4a07-ad77-6db563182261	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:21:26	-361.231
-0	10112	1011200	af874371-76b3-45c8-a6eb-0c3af8903950	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:26:05	135.641
-0	20224	1011200	4c2a89c6-f3d0-4555-a27f-4ccef94630db	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:41:02	962.309
-1	10113	1011300	5064e3e2-d45e-46d1-a90f-f6f0bcd5e462	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:40:08	-485.982
-1	20226	1011300	a822a81c-5ba1-432c-8964-da5107234c1d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:17:29	390.466
-2	10114	1011400	70c9298f-ddb2-43b1-950d-0cba009ba464	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:54:17	-23.349
-2	20228	1011400	433b4792-3226-46c1-bfd5-b260b0deb606	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:59:01	-817.304
-3	10115	1011500	075443f6-3132-40a2-9bae-ac837ba88f6d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:09:03	-253.407
-3	20230	1011500	46a20dd1-68ae-4108-afe5-e472948ec3f9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:10:47	-770.941
-4	10116	1011600	c3684e4d-8924-457a-8661-8b0051b9fa1c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:00:12	669.319
-4	20232	1011600	2b30cd2d-738f-4394-b861-d862a066a8fe	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:31:21	697.294
-5	10117	1011700	544d026c-9dad-43bb-a3e6-1ee5b636062a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:05:01	735.32
-5	20234	1011700	77c6aa13-8672-4a6e-afc4-5a02a1d556cf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:44:58	-51.940
-6	10118	1011800	e7c200c5-7917-4a45-b4f2-7a22ccd93600	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:29:37	-392.498
-6	20236	1011800	cafb4fe1-e7a0-4506-8722-addef0199116	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:51:44	-598.529
-7	10119	1011900	bc946d19-74fc-45ee-98bb-606b35556da4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:39:12	612.960
-7	20238	1011900	ac2693c2-f3f3-404f-b30d-24e2b878f9ae	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:45:40	-132.642
-8	10120	1012000	29cad293-7d86-46ff-83cc-d4eb9a7560b1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:00:49	553.434
-8	20240	1012000	6e2a2aa9-983b-425c-bbac-b60a584a7e14	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:26:36	363.67
-9	10121	1012100	a4a382f7-1743-46c8-b7ff-568b2018b92c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:46:44	756.884
-9	20242	1012100	6cb09389-6fde-4f9a-959e-7faa761215e6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:43:47	853.867
-10	10122	1012200	8e4a9c30-97a8-45c7-b275-0af42c2dd108	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:31:13	-29.776
-10	20244	1012200	7f51fbcf-55fa-421f-a91b-fb78f1dc5cd5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:52:18	816.710
-11	10123	1012300	12f2a72c-dc9a-470b-853e-0bd45afb0557	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:38:38	-874.148
-11	20246	1012300	b5e8900f-9c65-472d-b7f8-29f337ca21d8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:41:20	-920.601
-12	10124	1012400	fc54a2cf-c18e-410a-a782-4b8c3f8f1e66	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:48:35	298.32
-12	20248	1012400	f320366e-05ff-44d7-9d05-4d4b724ff79a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:07:50	-705.351
-13	10125	1012500	f3e518c3-b750-4181-a279-a20b9243f923	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:52:27	67.949
-13	20250	1012500	19caa838-db4c-4e5a-b09b-a0c264ee45b8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:10:12	773.258
-14	10126	1012600	a360d622-10e4-4c8e-921e-9b65bcfd5565	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:47:01	-171.853
-14	20252	1012600	0209f8de-33c8-4584-a801-fa65612af510	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:07:34	30.6
-15	10127	1012700	ef36c636-83ec-4791-87fc-6a0dfd8ee06f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:45:59	273.175
-15	20254	1012700	400c2842-ad28-4614-aa7a-0d5ed7e40f04	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:15:50	570.504
-16	10128	1012800	70e3410f-d384-44d3-83af-105fde8756f8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:38:08	-154.444
-16	20256	1012800	e9dd8688-1da0-4713-b1ca-6e206ab67926	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:47:51	-840.272
-17	10129	1012900	f1583699-b70f-4ec5-a210-3fab3458ca68	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:08:49	-529.706
-17	20258	1012900	ca42498f-165f-46a5-9227-48a02a68b08e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:09:20	724.430
-18	10130	1013000	aa2e893c-0d27-498b-b9ee-a4db905111c7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:34:04	40.513
-18	20260	1013000	fdee374d-d023-4676-ad14-bca0bfad56a3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:05:40	580.20
-19	10131	1013100	8eddba62-0d31-45a6-a88e-2f0f4cb0026a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:57:18	-888.723
-19	20262	1013100	b821a211-558a-49a9-8a56-b835d9af522a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:13:58	208.889
-20	10132	1013200	c1da1d83-c2f8-4d88-bcce-d86b2c3887a8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:10:10	-499.421
-20	20264	1013200	72811dcf-b6b1-4044-a132-73f6e961745d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:39:07	-323.392
-21	10133	1013300	2068fe00-1d2c-4477-881a-2e6f90fb8fd5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:52:35	-735.438
-21	20266	1013300	1c334351-0983-4212-9694-bc8a977f4b56	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:37:57	-488.206
-22	10134	1013400	503d222d-0318-43a7-877c-baf32b5b1896	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:25:42	-794.740
-22	20268	1013400	e8bd70c3-4b35-4255-98ea-f14812533549	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:44:20	795.104
-23	10135	1013500	8f8428b1-2985-4dce-8802-7f557f49d960	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:35:37	429.865
-23	20270	1013500	2a83332a-97f5-4fbf-964b-0f7f8fb42791	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:11:53	-390.405
-24	10136	1013600	c751d522-97af-4fd4-a1bd-c8b17203da88	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:46:36	-49.644
-24	20272	1013600	48870cad-5702-4ae0-8e48-afdbfa85cc0f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:58:06	110.928
-25	10137	1013700	47bde779-b6cc-464f-90f5-7e7ea7cfd1f1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:36:39	-119.103
-25	20274	1013700	de4e205c-6291-4f9c-a0f7-526095517bd9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:07:57	259.298
-26	10138	1013800	fa89d0e9-4c0b-4e87-abe3-21ba188f8414	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:18:04	-940.749
-26	20276	1013800	22e6225c-d231-4d67-b1c9-280db0865543	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:31:22	-700.339
-27	10139	1013900	f001a52a-118f-4c93-86a6-835d889ba796	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:43:27	751.873
-27	20278	1013900	21f7d210-f3c4-4cdb-97a0-e79171fecbdb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:22:29	822.249
-28	10140	1014000	158c6e8e-7226-4e87-8811-2bc73f98739e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:05:07	-63.771
-28	20280	1014000	e4e8ceef-1bfe-490b-8895-4f0ceaa285d1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:51:21	229.678
-29	10141	1014100	f9433f39-ff04-4ef7-8b80-79021bca906b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:59:03	-915.379
-29	20282	1014100	8594adef-eb9f-4662-884e-4f25230cc997	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:35:24	281.399
-30	10142	1014200	d1001546-288e-4038-b34c-10308f0ab4d5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:42:01	-392.250
-30	20284	1014200	cdd2338b-66d1-4eb7-8ad3-86f65d260b0c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:51:49	-974.65
-31	10143	1014300	bea3f9c6-899e-45a3-ad92-ad364f5b0f2b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:44:18	434.380
-31	20286	1014300	9f9eaacc-609d-4e78-9d97-5b5f06eca1b9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:43:12	-722.93
-32	10144	1014400	32e2c3ee-64c2-41e0-a2b6-16d7565894ab	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:07:01	-987.265
-32	20288	1014400	ec8e8168-c645-4dfa-94b2-0398243b2eeb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:21:08	-554.720
-33	10145	1014500	45a12729-7b8b-448a-835f-7732036adbc3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:21:44	843.317
-33	20290	1014500	9f25424f-931e-42e5-9412-5cd662e939d1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:18:09	-390.899
-34	10146	1014600	7104c261-9535-49b3-97a1-dea2a931f4fd	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:30:11	234.176
-34	20292	1014600	c8acd97f-23ed-450d-a44f-5af5c3a6fa1f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:36:05	829.378
-35	10147	1014700	7eb4fe67-6e1c-4b4b-af1e-474719461059	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:08:58	-678.443
-35	20294	1014700	ffdb85bc-017c-4940-b481-02aeaa8d11c6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:12:31	128.590
-36	10148	1014800	d0f26737-7c80-4c98-893b-fc569bf2f734	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:34:35	523.528
-36	20296	1014800	08bcfc2b-c9fe-4bd7-99a2-485edddedec4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:16:08	-892.491
-37	10149	1014900	70ee9fe5-d783-472c-b1c2-48cbba2b0365	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:24:28	5.549
-37	20298	1014900	157053f1-c0cc-4182-9fc9-f3ccb027371e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:21:10	222.526
-38	10150	1015000	007f55dd-ce38-4483-a1c6-695643919bda	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:20:03	698.37
-38	20300	1015000	ec34b859-4dc3-4b00-b3bf-3a5b6ceff1fb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:29:50	-564.590
-39	10151	1015100	1b996dbf-5e27-4438-afdd-570eb42ec45c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:05:43	801.399
-39	20302	1015100	65cbad72-045d-45d3-b735-f854d2fb8840	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:23:43	-810.912
-40	10152	1015200	13e6a603-8234-40b9-b902-16dc83608db1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:42:35	-497.990
-40	20304	1015200	66b688e6-df49-47ec-9ef8-654bc0f216d0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:14:59	-424.192
-41	10153	1015300	f945717d-2dab-4366-b4ef-d90ff7e7db2b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:40:43	-382.670
-41	20306	1015300	8c15f860-ed2e-4c62-b337-a637d141939c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:21:01	-405.588
-42	10154	1015400	553c5c83-9fb7-4cf9-aa76-62a76aaf90d7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:07:47	978.831
-42	20308	1015400	6958f17c-f86b-45f9-91ed-768b0c591f91	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:03:28	729.466
-43	10155	1015500	c1c0b3ba-e551-4911-88a8-929fbce4050b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:32:24	-121.595
-43	20310	1015500	607ed24a-6b04-470a-b572-a6148f9dc6b4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:47:01	-884.617
-44	10156	1015600	2ebdb33e-5a4a-48be-858e-03d3a93d96c2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:19:53	94.61
-44	20312	1015600	39df4aaa-626d-4101-a86a-0771d80b8424	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:43:51	-868.487
-45	10157	1015700	3fd14918-a647-40cd-b93e-c80f5e4e28eb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:11:18	-919.907
-45	20314	1015700	599a2c39-13af-4ace-88d8-08d0b58b10d5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:33:51	829.480
-46	10158	1015800	5dbb83a7-d3e9-41aa-902b-b3aa02c184b4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:44:59	-38.679
-46	20316	1015800	db1b4840-1d8a-41b1-99fd-15458f43047e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:13:33	648.734
-47	10159	1015900	26ac4550-edbd-4920-89ac-acc35dbd2ad0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:18:36	906.263
-47	20318	1015900	91b5b5bc-da64-4854-8209-5b15334739b3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:12:30	418.460
-48	10160	1016000	cde92db8-148f-44ce-baae-b6dd562de606	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:43:45	478.217
-48	20320	1016000	31bb91ec-b0dd-4b6b-806d-157e50e273b1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:12:13	111.812
-49	10161	1016100	9599dccd-bf6c-4dec-9911-6bf32d6db81c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:14:16	-155.139
-49	20322	1016100	c12c72eb-1db7-4040-b45f-569fa508de29	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:02:28	111.81
-50	10162	1016200	5b106cf8-e2d3-4a9f-84ef-282de88c0f9d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:59:34	-540.734
-50	20324	1016200	784df71c-e334-40fc-abc5-5635adb07eec	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:30:45	-871.969
-51	10163	1016300	d2ddb749-4c10-423b-bbb2-99750882b06f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:08:22	248.778
-51	20326	1016300	6a55ec3d-0bbc-40e1-8c7f-efd6321c8e0f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:22:01	856.322
-52	10164	1016400	1fb9c7ad-3158-43cd-82d4-143d68f7efb1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:22:17	460.335
-52	20328	1016400	83627877-0abb-4db6-b220-7dd7441820a1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:39:12	-677.157
-53	10165	1016500	fdc54bef-879f-4f5b-954f-10e04c7f475e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:48:39	473.794
-53	20330	1016500	c1fb3922-d83d-431c-9e4d-b16b54b050e2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:14:05	-828.982
-54	10166	1016600	40bed72e-5a22-4e72-894a-eaf1c70e1790	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:29:04	0.459
-54	20332	1016600	face694d-f9fd-4f84-a76b-2aaf3a510fbd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:18:20	817.633
-55	10167	1016700	86af8e10-fd65-4be2-afab-4158cb45fdbc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:59:21	-472.862
-55	20334	1016700	1844bd35-61bc-431f-9023-414d106f8447	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:53:36	-928.125
-56	10168	1016800	cab3b4ef-2e88-4279-9c0a-83fd2daff015	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:14:27	990.268
-56	20336	1016800	8526d868-8131-419c-8d85-be53e392d728	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:21:43	-334.810
-57	10169	1016900	a84817b2-77ad-439e-b186-3ff5fa5d83ca	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:07:59	945.408
-57	20338	1016900	ecabcf46-41c0-458e-9c19-11df9686c741	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:25:09	-485.409
-58	10170	1017000	71a9ba99-d43c-4bf3-be8a-6aed8d579db5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:37:46	-602.743
-58	20340	1017000	09678305-98ec-4df9-9898-9bf2ef074fc0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:03:54	165.648
-59	10171	1017100	afdcc924-a885-4011-a5c4-f585328044e6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:16:52	503.249
-59	20342	1017100	1b63d295-c2de-4aff-acfa-353c64239b7e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:40:00	982.710
-60	10172	1017200	0d8d2b1c-ccd3-4ccb-8aca-6799f7f0d5e2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:04:32	961.462
-60	20344	1017200	5a02ce2c-8c11-453a-a16d-5bbfc2231ed0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:50:37	-277.659
-61	10173	1017300	88e5dfd5-7628-4011-874c-3b3caae5243c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:44:13	344.649
-61	20346	1017300	83b5d0b6-76df-493b-a7cd-65821f021590	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:17:36	-279.939
-62	10174	1017400	0cda1242-947e-44fc-91de-51d2f4eb99e4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:43:41	59.765
-62	20348	1017400	ebf8082d-f1cf-4f32-844f-138bf533715d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:41:56	832.509
-63	10175	1017500	0ead6ad0-3f07-45be-859b-ca0f095a3166	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:51:50	499.870
-63	20350	1017500	6c6fa861-c015-4f6c-bc60-4bea4430ec83	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:05:15	235.648
-64	10176	1017600	83ce8e75-925c-4bf2-8171-b286bbdf0c98	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:56:22	297.617
-64	20352	1017600	28f6bfea-0ed7-498c-a378-b38bea5d0774	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:17:40	189.466
-65	10177	1017700	a95f45c7-76ff-44c3-add3-488a2064d7d5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:54:07	-366.809
-65	20354	1017700	194192cc-7181-4f42-ae0e-914c07c47c8d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:26:21	-400.460
-66	10178	1017800	5959866f-0bfc-45f3-b233-4797557c1d41	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:27:47	-3.409
-66	20356	1017800	62b55416-f51f-414e-aee4-49bceaf6cf01	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:57:57	777.746
-67	10179	1017900	07388d69-7fef-42c5-985c-2cf36429b981	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:03:10	541.663
-67	20358	1017900	c5abcce7-269f-4f32-8697-d4e315ee7fb2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:18:57	609.601
-68	10180	1018000	92551491-22d2-4a27-a4b4-6dccaa16792a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:26:42	-801.535
-68	20360	1018000	c35185c4-cb15-4c61-a1e5-c46f592f1995	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:40:12	-472.552
-69	10181	1018100	020a32c2-bae2-4842-a072-f5686b9588f4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:39:13	-814.34
-69	20362	1018100	ed2c719f-1ac4-48fc-a923-0d967b68b9ca	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:22:37	636.811
-70	10182	1018200	aed91523-68eb-4dc6-a9fb-88943445e983	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:21:48	104.575
-70	20364	1018200	6e7a13f2-70a8-4fae-844b-732181477c3a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:27:56	363.339
-71	10183	1018300	f836693a-c159-4e40-81bb-58487728067e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:05:45	517.461
-71	20366	1018300	d4fd63e4-ac7b-4f33-b542-cf931bb39ca1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:10:15	-391.810
-72	10184	1018400	439ccd52-c4c9-4c33-a6a5-6a9f48b4c52c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:41:18	-383.725
-72	20368	1018400	1d50e209-8ed8-471d-9082-8126112ffac4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:57:00	-942.943
-73	10185	1018500	927fcd18-55af-457b-b9f7-9ec940532346	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:20:55	-562.331
-73	20370	1018500	5737c651-58f9-4cf8-b017-3d0ef1151734	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:07:43	-120.720
-74	10186	1018600	f28b712f-1853-435c-9836-3b39a5cf3b85	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:47:41	13.566
-74	20372	1018600	de1eca48-9726-498b-b468-a46e1dff9dad	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:18:29	657.966
-75	10187	1018700	3573df49-6e0b-419e-93c1-4f95f48da9e3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:22:11	-887.886
-75	20374	1018700	f2087752-609e-4290-9ed8-651c09797cdb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:42:50	102.980
-76	10188	1018800	f36f61d4-a528-443f-9adb-7aaa1718ef13	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:43:42	-676.236
-76	20376	1018800	587525ea-0245-4742-a8f9-c3712a0b5f0f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:51:28	-283.845
-77	10189	1018900	e60bae68-ba4f-49ac-b0c4-85bd1ef91de9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:03:16	133.180
-77	20378	1018900	ac3a24b7-e511-4b3c-9b6f-54056a209d68	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:40:12	-816.498
-78	10190	1019000	8ef9ae6c-d9ee-4316-9d77-b43e0eec9a25	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:22:45	-142.127
-78	20380	1019000	c380d3ae-250e-4c7e-9c74-1837e846d919	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:49:18	-822.857
-79	10191	1019100	cd385ff4-0a73-43dd-ac2e-ba5f8b301800	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:57:07	-727.480
-79	20382	1019100	b6b127ad-3885-4d89-a062-4ec993ae5109	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:37:10	-115.786
-80	10192	1019200	9282feed-eae6-4522-851c-f91cfceb2400	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:34:13	-514.555
-80	20384	1019200	d38a49f2-2130-4e39-9242-17249d08b174	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:22:46	461.814
-81	10193	1019300	7d11e6d2-7f33-4681-8fac-cfe3ab45fd27	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:17:44	-801.327
-81	20386	1019300	a83e3c5b-6b2f-4ebb-92e7-01beb1ad2c33	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:09:29	329.24
-82	10194	1019400	5a0eafde-e74c-496a-a85c-c89dcd450e6e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:12:44	143.48
-82	20388	1019400	87881792-04e8-4628-8518-e0b63964c7fb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:16:29	805.111
-83	10195	1019500	2be75067-6bce-4040-9d15-4f25ff5fa992	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:38:28	-761.631
-83	20390	1019500	f30b69c2-6ebd-4fa2-af39-94d62708f4f1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:29:42	-739.451
-84	10196	1019600	2c16d702-dae3-4aab-96bc-b99d3a28ed48	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:50:56	-923.990
-84	20392	1019600	0db104df-130b-4e84-a1cd-bf070408ba70	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:15:37	-38.679
-85	10197	1019700	25a31fd6-8d9d-42a9-803f-59900d77aaaf	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:14:03	-472.872
-85	20394	1019700	3b1b1776-700e-41c2-9471-dcd8f4355dec	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:29:40	93.427
-86	10198	1019800	30126def-45e5-46d4-ad52-bca755f14299	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:27:59	-811.8
-86	20396	1019800	f261cc80-963a-41b4-b1dc-125dea38a0f5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:20:14	290.64
-87	10199	1019900	c8367390-edb3-41bb-842a-c8b105476674	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:32:09	-416.191
-87	20398	1019900	cbf45164-0eff-4b06-8dc2-1976f47c284c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:18:27	510.601
-88	10200	1020000	7eb647cf-364f-4356-9e3a-11b724dcc9ba	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:48:54	-347.999
-88	20400	1020000	ce536b17-a868-47cd-866f-7b50eb98ea58	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:44:40	-825.28
-89	10201	1020100	7d7eeba5-2a39-4875-818f-0ffe17bdb5f4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:56:38	-265.636
-89	20402	1020100	f4e1a277-2c73-425c-9255-682b3b6d014e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:24:56	787.304
-90	10202	1020200	2df0f736-cf33-4981-b93c-4d7751cf2ed6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:41:13	-877.404
-90	20404	1020200	4177dae3-99f8-48d9-83ad-da7b321a0f83	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:26:25	-437.834
-91	10203	1020300	ac393aeb-e11f-4735-91fd-ccd88105abd0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:07:40	-71.191
-91	20406	1020300	4f94afa3-99a5-4bca-94f8-3cf4952c3ca7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:47:18	-258.953
-92	10204	1020400	678c2213-d1da-4cd6-ab1d-ab5fea91ad34	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:21:16	-125.786
-92	20408	1020400	087f2494-6d98-49bb-95bc-7ba8ce9243ab	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:54:39	130.461
-93	10205	1020500	8413a825-c732-47d3-91da-0c26fee3a643	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:35:03	-726.859
-93	20410	1020500	fd61de04-e32a-4638-95ad-6561fcaeac65	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:32:18	144.517
-94	10206	1020600	ea2a1fe8-3b42-4457-a9eb-082c018d6d58	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:28:10	-442.773
-94	20412	1020600	d5334dc9-5154-4566-bccb-703d90f5aea6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:10:51	742.692
-95	10207	1020700	5d350f79-6d6c-45cb-b114-19c464b45934	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:54:01	-885.850
-95	20414	1020700	da9095de-b57d-4772-9471-902294fbb379	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:48:13	-428.244
-96	10208	1020800	973e3f2c-4a6e-4bab-b662-e7d4cfee70d3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:30:16	-323.399
-96	20416	1020800	597bdf67-9933-4732-82fd-4767d027ed15	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:40:12	-103.681
-97	10209	1020900	b6bf1e60-0f6e-4332-8e42-67fa752b24a0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:42:59	887.202
-97	20418	1020900	0af1e7bf-fabe-42d2-b230-3330863a67a3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:57:36	745.267
-98	10210	1021000	2695cf52-f369-414d-a792-f55f05f8dd83	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:40:33	-352.194
-98	20420	1021000	72716c4a-6dde-4b0c-996c-4fc3e9874bc0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:30:38	-862.399
-99	10211	1021100	6915f34f-72ee-4310-ac78-51b5a1920849	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:26:13	82.113
-99	20422	1021100	d8f33aba-32fb-432f-929b-bb0d71e9105b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:19:45	-175.955
-100	10212	1021200	1a11a9bb-2a4d-43f5-ba4c-f1a9d88f1695	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:52:54	-324.210
-100	20424	1021200	d80178a8-5d47-432e-b349-5ce9c697c253	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:02:02	-660.779
-101	10213	1021300	2157229d-1a0b-4ce2-83a6-15c89de26e1a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:13:50	124.989
-101	20426	1021300	944e1e83-439f-4c80-9717-32ee08e9c8b6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:03:30	631.6
-102	10214	1021400	692c042c-6808-4b6c-9a9f-3b17c981704f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:31:16	177.969
-102	20428	1021400	dd001585-8ac3-48cc-a113-29ddbdb7a8d3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:54:38	585.871
-103	10215	1021500	8faaa173-feba-4981-9cd2-35180dae3462	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:39:36	27.823
-103	20430	1021500	a14bb12f-bb46-4c9e-b208-bb4eeb2a15f9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:06:45	-615.637
-104	10216	1021600	d1067d9d-6b99-4619-88d5-053893079f0d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:42:35	-660.552
-104	20432	1021600	2bcf4abc-dd86-4385-b520-d92711c393ae	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:26:04	-54.721
-105	10217	1021700	b3c95ab5-7178-43ea-a724-f1841d96ac23	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:28:18	388.589
-105	20434	1021700	43bceb4a-176b-4430-9b40-13be38fb4ec8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:51:47	125.783
-106	10218	1021800	6ca2733b-0e5e-4cb6-9d74-9b5c4e5f4b4b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:51:54	497.149
-106	20436	1021800	caeef40e-406c-4036-bb03-43330d9e6354	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:26:05	-455.18
-107	10219	1021900	3a55f396-7de0-490b-b007-dc66c0b8354c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:43:11	-251.895
-107	20438	1021900	87b1ca39-e79d-44eb-926b-3f39d098218f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:22:46	-524.276
-108	10220	1022000	3fd2ace1-1742-4bf3-8a54-a8ed07cef0a8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:35:29	-36.581
-108	20440	1022000	552197ee-83ec-4bab-b74b-1ac38cb41a0a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:42:03	-677.342
-109	10221	1022100	5b2beab5-8770-4778-8489-d503e0c36480	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:55:31	-446.168
-109	20442	1022100	62670270-06d3-4d3d-88c6-f33d6adb8c78	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:46:52	-416.432
-110	10222	1022200	8647ee4c-0c1a-4a7f-8213-e989480a2347	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:11:17	-343.663
-110	20444	1022200	25ac8d84-ce71-4b14-8a56-39aba3b2c7c4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:50:08	-318.931
-111	10223	1022300	f2d9ee41-b7bb-4d2b-ad54-5a13d72bdee7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:44:09	380.620
-111	20446	1022300	a58806ac-54f7-4af9-84c6-d6407e64ec1e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:45:36	-342.529
-112	10224	1022400	10281dc7-aec4-4739-a1f5-a112aaf81b4a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:19:41	-304.237
-112	20448	1022400	2e359bd0-a181-4c20-8fc9-f95b9f63157e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:19:15	-156.556
-113	10225	1022500	12ef992d-8d40-410d-9466-56eb88b5c655	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:37:51	-232.146
-113	20450	1022500	3e436cd3-a526-4e46-baaf-5a733f0576d3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:42:13	170.21
-114	10226	1022600	cb1b0272-c787-4777-b086-33b189a70133	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:36:23	840.772
-114	20452	1022600	d2e579cb-249e-40d8-9a8d-ff23e426f836	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:01:32	-301.89
-115	10227	1022700	76d26f96-676e-4076-9b28-695e9b27acff	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:38:54	-326.715
-115	20454	1022700	3d9a6027-2186-4e5e-8fa0-6fb67414a8b9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:49:25	-585.663
-116	10228	1022800	a1f1801c-f91f-4e1c-9096-22918612d2bb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:10:34	445.43
-116	20456	1022800	58af3459-39e9-4d0f-9f19-67ef126ce470	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:56:03	509.159
-117	10229	1022900	08b1ec06-c376-4059-9d10-5529c970a803	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:01:37	-709.422
-117	20458	1022900	ae6ea2c6-ed1c-4f88-8510-3f86ea40e3e6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:07:27	-637.156
-118	10230	1023000	3a5b920a-4f91-4b4e-b108-e87290612ab6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:37:31	-893.413
-118	20460	1023000	34760e47-1db2-469e-a13d-15d7c70c5138	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:33:16	955.491
-119	10231	1023100	6dc257bb-fcc2-4cd8-b725-7b059c94f913	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:05:09	252.88
-119	20462	1023100	0760260e-f7ad-45a4-b4c7-6a1cb4618f7c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:25:18	721.300
-120	10232	1023200	4737208d-9e86-48e2-9f5a-97dfc5c1ba6b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:51:22	-899.570
-120	20464	1023200	bb292182-7830-41bc-b275-416f06275465	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:10:48	-581.698
-121	10233	1023300	d74da4eb-6673-49c9-900a-651ac299f4b2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:46:42	-122.62
-121	20466	1023300	d431edac-1060-4ff8-92af-d10cfc694f9c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:35:46	279.837
-122	10234	1023400	227e3587-35a3-408d-a5c4-3dece684e550	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:28:44	-380.321
-122	20468	1023400	e857ebbf-b656-42fb-b5e8-67de1c171aa2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:57:32	352.912
-123	10235	1023500	f5f9b25e-34b0-4664-9562-c5e14f0a820d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:49:11	246.188
-123	20470	1023500	16ecfee4-5d26-448e-8dd0-e5cf1d35794c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:15:12	-463.731
-124	10236	1023600	4d2d9535-5190-4742-bf5d-5037d73cc1da	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:00:05	125.966
-124	20472	1023600	d43f9003-6b40-4101-92cd-f737e17693b3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:29:26	-880.182
-125	10237	1023700	eae7242e-0b95-4f1e-9350-a07222f1dfea	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:36:27	-143.743
-125	20474	1023700	53ddaea8-1b8c-471f-9397-d8afb567b3e2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:51:03	276.432
-126	10238	1023800	f92304b7-4e3e-4f7b-ac5e-113e300c6267	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:51:53	522.381
-126	20476	1023800	605d10c1-8d1d-41d9-b457-16d48ab46f64	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:57:13	-238.478
-127	10239	1023900	00f3f6fb-6d1e-46df-9259-7160080ec241	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:03:03	-495.37
-127	20478	1023900	4771efcc-26f6-43e2-b14a-92869e2e4f63	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:10:48	-985.845
-0	10240	1024000	0ffe5b46-1cd5-4048-a60e-25e20a54a761	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:35:04	-546.511
-0	20480	1024000	cb3e0d2d-2698-4ec1-a3c6-80b6dc88973c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:58:33	-225.360
-1	10241	1024100	e09ad9cf-38ef-4267-ad1f-70075667d901	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:16:08	59.651
-1	20482	1024100	8e2df35c-d12e-452e-b2a3-9cc2f024089f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:35:49	180.883
-2	10242	1024200	e11f56dc-91da-493a-808d-52157ea0ffcd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:55:44	-348.800
-2	20484	1024200	5eb7c4b4-7ff0-48de-9738-77f7765bc321	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:22:19	158.306
-3	10243	1024300	649d7d4d-5d6b-410e-9d36-6ba03468879a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:17:41	503.27
-3	20486	1024300	b742e2c8-6fb0-497d-bd97-a4c9dde0b60e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:37:25	-743.606
-4	10244	1024400	72d2f799-222f-4b06-b029-0de95d2c6579	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:31:51	-673.322
-4	20488	1024400	ced15bd2-d225-4806-abed-b31a5e5545f7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:19:23	0.963
-5	10245	1024500	21d800c4-dbed-4ae4-8c28-8f6474b59ce7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:58:53	-592.490
-5	20490	1024500	7ed96d03-de82-4956-8acb-623fa58141b7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:48:29	-57.304
-6	10246	1024600	0ad0477a-7313-4905-9b73-e9a765edce6d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:39:40	-497.932
-6	20492	1024600	959e09b9-6bb6-47d6-8281-1b2bfc606219	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:09:41	625.194
-7	10247	1024700	e71b695b-2e28-41f2-b73f-4241a8c6b353	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:29:44	790.790
-7	20494	1024700	20ab0d9e-0f37-4d89-aee5-7453314d7101	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:10:42	372.848
-8	10248	1024800	a4bcf914-8bb6-4dd1-9744-d238c24b0e1e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:31:10	-597.450
-8	20496	1024800	1fe8f4aa-2447-4478-ab56-6262796e26d3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:48:22	-53.187
-9	10249	1024900	75163b4e-6563-43e2-983d-65c835a21ad5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:25:30	542.470
-9	20498	1024900	39b7a17c-9fc0-4d21-92a9-9fa10d0f5400	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:36:05	610.471
-10	10250	1025000	c20a4760-26cd-4fed-9173-b4bb26fcef81	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:38:12	-363.134
-10	20500	1025000	08def748-2a99-46c4-8135-54920f0aacaa	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:42:22	-896.446
-11	10251	1025100	f1abb607-b8db-4e09-8a44-99144cc89c81	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:56:04	-210.736
-11	20502	1025100	30b21f85-4a75-4f05-9e0f-03fa242f3404	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:45:03	-368.34
-12	10252	1025200	9ed8781a-7b68-475b-8fa3-4450eb23bd5b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:46:54	994.632
-12	20504	1025200	d30f6196-cd4f-4860-9bae-c0fb744ccc83	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:56:55	-135.545
-13	10253	1025300	3dccf707-6d21-453f-8d8a-f36116589463	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:32:45	-829.541
-13	20506	1025300	77acd8f2-c11c-428c-a7d1-ba4924eb8fcd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:59:24	456.402
-14	10254	1025400	d4114f48-214a-4f16-b7a2-cfa34632d65b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:05:21	333.199
-14	20508	1025400	e9db1c83-c091-4d17-9e94-e33bb88014b4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:48:52	833.606
-15	10255	1025500	f97c328b-4c93-432b-b044-4e1084038a32	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:39:50	995.606
-15	20510	1025500	9d3e52ac-e687-4047-9c67-aa1c75c4c877	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:42:45	-6.94
-16	10256	1025600	44a2c17c-791a-4738-a45f-0d88004ab5c0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:37:33	-993.835
-16	20512	1025600	8f717c66-3de6-4e82-a209-aa156ee4d97d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:17:51	-357.621
-17	10257	1025700	d9902fe5-1617-49e3-b223-e8f894e7e668	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:22:08	320.798
-17	20514	1025700	58565bee-4a55-4c34-a7e3-7337487fdd52	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:50:15	-22.825
-18	10258	1025800	dc6992cd-c7dd-41b7-bf53-2fca85388e96	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:34:21	724.931
-18	20516	1025800	3a2fef4c-4274-42c7-aa82-7e8da2e635ef	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:32:03	556.638
-19	10259	1025900	738f0c07-4455-4ff0-b120-cb02eb3e8f40	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:03:28	-450.689
-19	20518	1025900	2c864f4e-00b1-4db4-bd0a-119311bb6dfa	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:19:26	790.277
-20	10260	1026000	cb682f08-fde6-4a75-8f22-7cd26fe83c6e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:43:39	-396.696
-20	20520	1026000	a1b5e089-d1fc-4396-8d3f-ba9e1b75a6d7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:04:40	-552.666
-21	10261	1026100	d425fd54-689a-400c-885d-434acf917fda	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:17:40	669.473
-21	20522	1026100	ca63010b-49fb-405a-a6d8-c90767dda251	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:44:18	715.382
-22	10262	1026200	2cc787db-6bcb-4491-94fe-aad6b99d998d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:53:55	517.912
-22	20524	1026200	eaf38a46-563d-4fdd-b2ad-4d3d07d497f2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:51:13	284.103
-23	10263	1026300	c65c4cb7-ee5c-4489-bb91-6d87b7987f5d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:08:43	249.979
-23	20526	1026300	c69e1c8e-9664-4483-8942-3c8c4399ba66	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:25:28	823.552
-24	10264	1026400	36ace52c-091e-4452-95a4-8ff0981b9b24	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:12:30	-711.882
-24	20528	1026400	e9fd1997-5244-476a-bd84-820e06146033	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:06:27	-11.530
-25	10265	1026500	6ab0210f-322d-49ad-8a94-900c276c5c1c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:55:18	-425.268
-25	20530	1026500	5207f6c1-1747-4801-99e4-45026d6784e1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:04:56	-446.288
-26	10266	1026600	e834d0ff-c891-4897-8709-cc934280910a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:28:20	-113.671
-26	20532	1026600	8cc6592c-b043-49e6-9cf9-7206b273f80e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:49:48	-75.978
-27	10267	1026700	68f97ac2-e886-4e88-ae09-30ec198d6ef9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:56:24	918.687
-27	20534	1026700	0dc78f2b-76b0-4ca4-9510-717aae016552	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:16:41	698.650
-28	10268	1026800	cf722fb5-5bf6-41de-ac7c-0499a6674970	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:23:07	777.508
-28	20536	1026800	b47d7d83-5a35-4c5f-a550-f76c6b6f7468	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:17:35	-282.626
-29	10269	1026900	51966645-2e99-4328-abe1-a1b0d74a73e6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:11:31	-320.237
-29	20538	1026900	68e6dddf-4eeb-4d06-914f-7f6997aae9bb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:52:07	-122.451
-30	10270	1027000	da771816-666f-4e44-86df-b86ea233c75a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:32:14	-336.484
-30	20540	1027000	aef0e0d1-2cdf-43a8-8d52-495e4f716d6f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:54:49	-32.607
-31	10271	1027100	92a4446b-36a9-43c0-8c04-f3ce9e564f10	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:18:59	401.712
-31	20542	1027100	45f54d2d-531f-4e8f-8a2f-980b1dddd8ba	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:12:52	-249.972
-32	10272	1027200	507bf018-e82e-40da-b57b-39eef05b11ab	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:04:04	-210.456
-32	20544	1027200	acc4cab7-18c8-4611-9044-2bf98d026b79	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:05:45	-126.665
-33	10273	1027300	fa1db9bd-b172-4890-9bce-0c5e62d01b22	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:25:21	-314.897
-33	20546	1027300	c1b832f1-8daf-42c5-b1c9-782ef4ef1e88	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:12:43	50.217
-34	10274	1027400	a01f7fda-791a-410a-9c35-0e1d862e9262	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:23:51	289.857
-34	20548	1027400	6a4af43a-7a8e-4a76-8e12-a50f79ba637b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:02:39	26.971
-35	10275	1027500	7d71e57a-4f1c-4f64-aad6-5b4256f35c99	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:55:37	384.500
-35	20550	1027500	575f7b28-caf4-4444-a595-b3512e39f56e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:17:38	-993.499
-36	10276	1027600	acf592ad-c7b3-42a4-8041-b0d7771b8510	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:56:35	-765.781
-36	20552	1027600	0ae6d026-8bea-4e31-97c2-fa80b2840c12	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:36:04	-539.362
-37	10277	1027700	0c8dce19-bebe-4979-bc5d-d28af1c29fce	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:36:02	934.165
-37	20554	1027700	748fa64c-88e5-4a71-ae69-c5144df34a5b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:36:32	-616.996
-38	10278	1027800	6ed7c244-13d5-4fbd-a89d-87af0335cd63	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:38:03	376.943
-38	20556	1027800	5ebd24c9-5a22-4a5e-b471-997e190778d2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:27:40	979.857
-39	10279	1027900	40b1c7a3-0c3e-4812-a3fe-6647eea129e9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:21:40	-5.48
-39	20558	1027900	1d83493d-fab8-47c7-bce1-0e0c24c655bd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:29:24	328.187
-40	10280	1028000	37ae61de-29cb-4e06-aee1-183e41e6b4e7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:12:40	188.749
-40	20560	1028000	2fa47a0a-d9af-47f3-b0e7-1b4d41dbdb82	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:45:01	891.21
-41	10281	1028100	170bd6f1-c641-4315-9fa2-1c5d6918c278	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:12:45	-768.13
-41	20562	1028100	72682ad9-fcd7-4fa7-87b4-e0ac75a1319a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:24:02	-44.553
-42	10282	1028200	b69cf732-8d20-4edc-8f5f-43c202702667	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:12:12	-497.763
-42	20564	1028200	35c143d2-d8ab-442a-8acc-b78ee4e3825e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:19:49	441.59
-43	10283	1028300	0a269ebd-7405-4ad9-8eb4-e48638c28093	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:56:18	981.445
-43	20566	1028300	474b1f2a-76d9-4d98-b1a0-fee822c28921	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:40:44	-275.467
-44	10284	1028400	2bf4ee4f-30b4-44f0-addb-c3a6763e33b5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:47:57	-702.20
-44	20568	1028400	d12ff482-05ae-4730-b9f6-b77d58cf2ae5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:41:56	712.518
-45	10285	1028500	3f343ddf-de60-4f23-aa0a-1b82b0dcd376	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:05:28	-343.399
-45	20570	1028500	2ff09ac3-1f88-4089-a963-8c327a3f2fd7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:51:04	551.897
-46	10286	1028600	9b26972c-3f92-494f-add6-57806a1b446f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:34:55	-8.678
-46	20572	1028600	6477e010-be47-42ef-b229-55bc3066f3d9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:26:04	86.602
-47	10287	1028700	b40e2fde-e13b-40cb-9673-990277888822	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:07:51	795.23
-47	20574	1028700	ce931734-a77c-48f4-8df5-9504b2c88555	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:08:53	-811.708
-48	10288	1028800	b97e461b-ab0d-43b6-a0d0-f2a6ed5d1bfa	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:00:42	200.166
-48	20576	1028800	36c0b546-30a4-4684-8164-f95c3984ca21	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:48:30	30.8
-49	10289	1028900	156de5e2-a9b6-4a36-918f-4f069035edf1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:31:04	824.490
-49	20578	1028900	7682a2c1-2432-477a-a503-2bea79ac4ba4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:50:26	-93.464
-50	10290	1029000	14323ee3-6a7f-4ecc-ab0d-cc50f3ed0c6a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:02:17	112.214
-50	20580	1029000	9dbebf9d-9fde-4c01-ab2d-0e1d5c283832	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:29:01	-411.623
-51	10291	1029100	12cc021c-514e-4621-81f3-69f380ebc2a5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:50:44	227.771
-51	20582	1029100	229043a4-dd99-46a6-b0b9-e60c557aa533	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:43:06	566.381
-52	10292	1029200	88a43004-b7fd-45d8-aaa8-2bd9fc065475	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:13:21	-86.780
-52	20584	1029200	3193bb0b-8365-4f50-9faa-0d78cf3c4bac	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:53:14	942.574
-53	10293	1029300	2b283d5e-6836-4dd1-9619-660391acb014	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:15:29	-834.999
-53	20586	1029300	633f34f8-4c24-4fe6-92f5-405e200e3cba	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:27:24	-218.757
-54	10294	1029400	2078351a-ba79-41ea-8a58-6a6614b8cea0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:17:03	-567.432
-54	20588	1029400	d9fc0a29-3fac-4754-a0bf-75cde38b005e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:40:36	435.929
-55	10295	1029500	77803524-bd3a-4a56-9e80-4288bc3aeaff	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:47:32	958.651
-55	20590	1029500	f7e7b1e2-f338-4206-8797-eb93a567b7dc	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:44:23	-120.327
-56	10296	1029600	6bb15869-634e-47cb-89c4-f58f7adc082d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:18:09	629.109
-56	20592	1029600	fc0a3156-699c-4611-a553-ff5088140e29	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:07:05	-164.859
-57	10297	1029700	1f7876e4-977b-46f7-9aa4-0b676dae9c11	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:40:29	741.943
-57	20594	1029700	1e74dbba-5aca-424c-9128-b0b42729a2d1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:41:31	35.957
-58	10298	1029800	549150b2-96a8-40d3-a99c-6b34017169e1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:04:11	805.590
-58	20596	1029800	b24ce819-0eff-4865-a074-2f8590d16a5c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:43:04	-243.997
-59	10299	1029900	cb001275-4aa5-42e5-be48-91b8db7bf973	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:25:17	299.418
-59	20598	1029900	7793d2ea-737d-4558-bafa-bcf16459b667	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:54:13	-372.179
-60	10300	1030000	74b34602-fb02-4a31-a3da-014282d6cd50	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:05:14	922.909
-60	20600	1030000	f68c19a3-13f3-48f3-9af4-313084223ca4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:32:36	-35.378
-61	10301	1030100	8aea0fe6-e9fa-441d-9a37-4a1fa5e661e0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:20:40	648.176
-61	20602	1030100	7841c5f3-f2ba-4786-8100-44e077a78955	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:29:19	262.472
-62	10302	1030200	7cb8e574-48b5-4205-bd03-86a30d8bded5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:02:05	-81.650
-62	20604	1030200	ba785500-7cd3-4892-a06e-fd4453a17c0a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:55:19	817.525
-63	10303	1030300	ba9319e7-30b7-4202-8512-5fa1e3b3db6b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:31:12	-624.401
-63	20606	1030300	dc647dc2-80aa-46b6-90b2-c1d0a7b0d13a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:10:10	698.914
-64	10304	1030400	9ee253f3-6d86-492f-bdc0-81014fba3c80	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:33:07	-243.266
-64	20608	1030400	fb650a41-7540-46e6-81b4-2a0000913505	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:19:25	-654.0
-65	10305	1030500	62eeeeca-05fb-4561-aa20-d89ad60f6011	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:24:40	890.676
-65	20610	1030500	c23e602f-eefd-43c1-9bb4-30fb2048cd7f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:16:09	976.363
-66	10306	1030600	def340f8-4e02-4361-95a1-ad8c8ab614c7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:48:41	-889.942
-66	20612	1030600	a30d493b-7ff8-4bd0-8538-ad1213813655	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:54:06	250.100
-67	10307	1030700	20c5e4a7-abd3-4918-bf11-ca2973176974	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:07:44	-223.122
-67	20614	1030700	df70c24b-8149-4b0a-aadc-716a1ef22b1a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:02:27	359.606
-68	10308	1030800	5c0d7fb6-3685-4ccc-ae6c-c13a164c4b9d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:06:31	950.536
-68	20616	1030800	09dc05da-f68f-45ec-a535-6a410d437a51	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:08:00	-668.706
-69	10309	1030900	ecaaa9d6-48f8-4f9c-9de9-b061a26fe78a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:30:18	-113.77
-69	20618	1030900	4d9ebcca-4c01-44e4-95a8-4b13a2983014	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:30:17	-943.601
-70	10310	1031000	56dc027f-3cb1-4379-aeac-e27455be1805	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:22:11	-412.200
-70	20620	1031000	9256d436-6241-4c90-b391-61b127e9cefe	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:14:02	871.16
-71	10311	1031100	b7224e7d-22c3-4068-8bf1-b177de2c2d27	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:03:03	-945.241
-71	20622	1031100	729a6dec-2680-4db5-a234-dd12e336d514	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:56:06	-890.652
-72	10312	1031200	ee0ea96b-81a1-4b85-ba03-e158e0ecf5f7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:35:50	-675.44
-72	20624	1031200	7d936174-b208-470e-848a-7d21b1c8cff9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:54:24	-127.57
-73	10313	1031300	0dd25cb4-cbe2-4863-b2f6-4bd6be6920bf	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:32:46	-209.218
-73	20626	1031300	fe5b8815-77c0-4711-9324-d51aa46b1e2e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:28:48	-880.931
-74	10314	1031400	7450ac2b-9fbb-4955-a0c3-5d198627a2c8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:46:02	844.192
-74	20628	1031400	aad4d7c9-0e9f-42a8-a051-76291301c399	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:55:30	-8.284
-75	10315	1031500	11519167-1724-4843-9c0c-7be350f3d05e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:01:00	190.515
-75	20630	1031500	c0586eff-f72f-4652-9d36-5f3485f1d84c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:44:27	773.355
-76	10316	1031600	872f965c-010b-4a56-bf32-45a0e08cacbe	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:01:39	151.363
-76	20632	1031600	8500a7b7-768d-4fe1-8fd4-54b2b823dc29	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:54:58	616.424
-77	10317	1031700	13972912-ad43-49ec-856a-ac379239c649	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:16:33	178.769
-77	20634	1031700	74e6a1bd-8cbd-4084-be91-76d7a85a1f6b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:08:28	-498.689
-78	10318	1031800	e5910206-b6bb-49e2-aef0-a1e22c2a5eca	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:44:43	-56.968
-78	20636	1031800	8e0f9f8a-5e62-4aeb-949a-a864be8842d3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:30:31	-448.40
-79	10319	1031900	07dce6f9-4761-49c0-b2e6-ffd46f9f3f45	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:29:08	-529.486
-79	20638	1031900	6eb1ce11-df29-4a85-8ea6-b75bb9bad162	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:09:35	-168.525
-80	10320	1032000	827f0646-f6cc-414d-b931-61b781c8af0b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:26:21	327.335
-80	20640	1032000	a1d0285a-7dc2-4979-a9b7-a511122faf03	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:33:08	-196.702
-81	10321	1032100	2b4ef77c-5e34-4f29-bdb5-d4e033b4e3f6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:23:30	-835.913
-81	20642	1032100	de74838a-b17f-41e5-965f-ce62730450df	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:18:10	394.980
-82	10322	1032200	89e77d95-659c-4d27-9ca1-bd51a66a62f7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:27:07	-465.186
-82	20644	1032200	75f9f506-5b21-4b7b-9cce-0a7223565bfd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:15:38	-842.826
-83	10323	1032300	3bb7ba31-f1d2-4cef-acee-5cab188b5fec	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:06:18	256.870
-83	20646	1032300	b9593db6-78ec-487d-9e9d-f9e6119d3a32	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:04:02	167.735
-84	10324	1032400	06f06a7e-b5ee-4783-9871-75988e49de3c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:59:37	742.793
-84	20648	1032400	b29e67d3-ce08-4cea-86a5-6c49964c93fd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:40:51	642.745
-85	10325	1032500	3a207d71-596d-4559-876d-979243f83119	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:23:42	733.32
-85	20650	1032500	9e8f06c1-fab2-46d6-bd71-39309136bc92	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:10:25	550.250
-86	10326	1032600	461f4c4f-057d-47ff-a43e-f581ef71fed2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:04:14	154.786
-86	20652	1032600	abaeca14-dd09-4293-a70a-fcabbc41ab5a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:16:59	-773.852
-87	10327	1032700	7265e071-47e9-496e-ba65-18260ccf8dd8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:21:05	-880.42
-87	20654	1032700	4c4fd81f-5c5c-4a05-b4f1-7982e8e04a3c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:35:22	566.715
-88	10328	1032800	6069d1be-0e0a-490a-96b5-9e60304484eb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:54:37	-70.649
-88	20656	1032800	a8088c8f-1bad-4d8a-b1fa-be8b778a8681	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:49:22	-827.561
-89	10329	1032900	1c64b9f3-b233-4a9d-b4b4-146c03e9f5a7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:03:57	106.79
-89	20658	1032900	0d69bdad-aa6b-4c52-bbcc-a3c356aeb7be	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:13:40	830.315
-90	10330	1033000	68f96895-beaa-40d6-952f-3f01603ba129	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:50:08	508.977
-90	20660	1033000	401e671b-4f63-453d-afe3-0ff297617aa3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:18:47	394.391
-91	10331	1033100	cf369ed0-1de4-4833-ad11-dfe8ba196853	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:06:50	728.176
-91	20662	1033100	79c08b2b-843a-4dc7-bf63-c435408b429f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:09:28	-482.604
-92	10332	1033200	e5c772a4-5b90-4952-84dd-967ece03ad24	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:40:59	177.494
-92	20664	1033200	dfa3a354-13eb-45cd-b4f4-70453248efac	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:28:07	-51.534
-93	10333	1033300	980686aa-06d7-4a44-b3fc-d010ed1cd4de	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:00:42	642.201
-93	20666	1033300	34512186-2be5-471d-91c5-5e2f2728b94f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:49:22	-610.695
-94	10334	1033400	fd234e18-5b86-469e-8480-fa4656302854	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:20:27	827.486
-94	20668	1033400	dc09f9fd-71c5-471e-8811-f8fdae5e8f0e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:38:14	-76.185
-95	10335	1033500	34017caa-9b6a-48f7-a706-590eb22dbaf3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:05:22	-794.103
-95	20670	1033500	9abac27c-2477-44b0-a443-ac821dbf83a0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:23:36	-559.17
-96	10336	1033600	e2353833-f7c5-4745-b50e-20ff6b615fbd	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:20:58	-761.560
-96	20672	1033600	86fdc3af-85e6-4d3d-b406-a6c4a945e524	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:17:16	738.978
-97	10337	1033700	ed13279e-f2d7-4fef-8775-853471f4fe3c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:51:45	-326.28
-97	20674	1033700	92116841-adc2-442a-8e69-0695b75fc19b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:08:55	512.812
-98	10338	1033800	c06ad824-2a5a-420e-b368-3301d3f44e4e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:58:55	951.1
-98	20676	1033800	c1c29657-6d5b-4ba6-b77a-1b412c1deeea	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:25:40	283.864
-99	10339	1033900	16f1bb84-d892-40f5-810e-00e4e1dd4ad8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:56:56	375.897
-99	20678	1033900	af52fc54-1c51-4004-b255-bf031848d54e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:45:06	253.693
-100	10340	1034000	ad459026-cc40-4878-a6c2-6996ab432afc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:27:09	-956.504
-100	20680	1034000	918e4bc8-c08d-4c69-b5ed-e038254383cc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:47:01	-219.670
-101	10341	1034100	3382a77b-e930-4b2e-8ba0-2aadcdfa675b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:44:22	-28.947
-101	20682	1034100	363747c6-0d6f-4690-9695-f718d6b80dbb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:21:09	548.125
-102	10342	1034200	1fec4681-efe1-47a0-9310-ccb45e449bc2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:28:30	-898.349
-102	20684	1034200	cb5bfafa-e93d-4621-a118-d28a42057f50	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:30:31	582.795
-103	10343	1034300	1ed5c56b-a829-4215-9d58-6b3d30e3cf1f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:40:45	-637.134
-103	20686	1034300	c08b3cf7-39d2-4950-8306-05ebe5fef746	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:40:08	-872.909
-104	10344	1034400	55261b12-fab4-45d9-925b-f964930b07ea	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:57:11	172.882
-104	20688	1034400	2eb28206-0252-492c-a822-ee498b6bddaf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:19:07	-965.343
-105	10345	1034500	5d91cc04-20b2-4b97-9610-2678d570c14d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:10:23	231.829
-105	20690	1034500	2a34d65e-415f-4217-8191-3eddc0702a94	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:27:37	601.458
-106	10346	1034600	09fc975e-60a1-4685-8842-a2696e99be71	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:10:22	-547.96
-106	20692	1034600	644421a8-45cc-45f1-bea7-d712e63c0a1d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:48:15	-574.412
-107	10347	1034700	94457117-eeb1-41c9-ad96-d860c201c67d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:21:35	526.332
-107	20694	1034700	20483d9a-1513-4ca8-b229-d13e60b9488c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:27:28	-425.396
-108	10348	1034800	1746301f-6787-4570-b266-ec733726cd5e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:32:19	-141.137
-108	20696	1034800	46f20f8e-6f91-4f84-bc83-233c53d55eea	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:46:11	-532.727
-109	10349	1034900	e63f9e3e-6346-4723-90d6-0f9a48b40bae	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:13:30	846.77
-109	20698	1034900	c8af247d-ddbd-4d42-b7f1-6b3ab4030852	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:59:42	-360.849
-110	10350	1035000	fc55b6bd-05e3-419d-ae1f-492d0a4964d5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:42:15	-132.982
-110	20700	1035000	a4e6568e-2d65-44b4-841c-743af491baa0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:21:37	720.97
-111	10351	1035100	d3d8f8a6-5c5f-4e85-b552-2d7c1d58bfa9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:49:30	63.628
-111	20702	1035100	36ca1ecf-08ef-4dda-860f-a7a5136d27be	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:39:58	867.173
-112	10352	1035200	c00dfd7b-9a34-4f60-8232-61e5588bf243	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:30:19	527.896
-112	20704	1035200	f7fd0f0e-e790-4a0a-905e-813b5bf05e3e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:01:06	-770.849
-113	10353	1035300	f334501f-ca00-4498-a419-d988d31fcce6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:00:46	988.910
-113	20706	1035300	b815f7fb-7748-45aa-a6d3-596966037ac3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:38:49	-953.893
-114	10354	1035400	581f1c5f-7e39-4e84-ba43-6b37f76a5739	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:42:06	-278.483
-114	20708	1035400	5110cdc2-5f06-42dc-94fd-1097734ae0bf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:43:49	347.698
-115	10355	1035500	e8806626-9a41-4469-8c5e-ec486bbe2f2f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:41:54	653.685
-115	20710	1035500	3c1bbaa6-ecdc-4bd3-9290-464af7cb1e06	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:11:30	-935.914
-116	10356	1035600	eddfd9a2-626b-4458-abde-0d6db06d1437	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:56:56	-542.156
-116	20712	1035600	0279f089-156a-4669-9591-b57b43fe6ce3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:00:16	598.404
-117	10357	1035700	633bc57f-0db5-4a95-b03f-0dc0571bdd31	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:25:01	999.225
-117	20714	1035700	1e72bf1d-f704-49da-ad97-213e8c174d1b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:37:22	-138.265
-118	10358	1035800	bffd9452-aa4f-4292-81f8-65d3b6dc6a39	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:57:20	390.882
-118	20716	1035800	5feea372-1d8c-4d7e-ac8c-7fbf7aa001a9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:27:15	-347.483
-119	10359	1035900	a54d0747-23b2-4ce9-a019-104db0556aa0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:13:32	-859.371
-119	20718	1035900	9f073b4f-c7fe-4d6c-88c2-16765c93c7c0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:22:04	-888.572
-120	10360	1036000	b205161b-9cb6-496d-a9f7-7e0baf7c4ce2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:42:52	151.155
-120	20720	1036000	a6fb22a1-86b3-447a-a2d4-c5b2e54ae1ee	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:34:40	886.903
-121	10361	1036100	f9ef3ac5-5c4b-4c0e-a950-140faded5eef	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:32:27	550.583
-121	20722	1036100	439d611e-8d59-41db-a42b-aa32b0613566	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:28:30	893.214
-122	10362	1036200	898736e6-5a14-451a-b481-4b3b30dace12	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:28:26	347.380
-122	20724	1036200	743aa85f-d83b-4dd9-a54d-d6c10066d384	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:13:19	682.380
-123	10363	1036300	cbeddd1f-6d2e-4b34-ac0e-953111ce63fd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:08:36	-318.473
-123	20726	1036300	92406248-8592-4ae1-980d-d74edc11eb56	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:05:56	-417.655
-124	10364	1036400	81615c06-4ff2-45ea-9006-8770faabdbda	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:47:59	919.774
-124	20728	1036400	038afbd3-6cc7-4877-bb3d-7895a4ee3ce2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:31:03	287.992
-125	10365	1036500	c7bfe28e-2a37-4a94-86fa-b01dae092634	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:02:18	745.572
-125	20730	1036500	14755f48-6a92-4d13-bddd-70c4a77f8769	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:38:27	-532.716
-126	10366	1036600	e344bbce-641b-43eb-925a-b6dbc240e202	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:43:42	-112.165
-126	20732	1036600	130c5f72-0a26-415a-82df-5ba829058b17	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:13:39	340.588
-127	10367	1036700	fcef4aab-85ba-45e5-b0fc-35398e693950	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:40:45	-206.353
-127	20734	1036700	6fe0dba4-743d-40d5-abc2-6af117502ec7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:42:43	-65.248
-0	10368	1036800	63c3f465-b45e-4ae0-b5fa-73f83d25ff26	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:45:22	61.650
-0	20736	1036800	91979b73-e1d8-4ec0-8806-05caad6178b0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:18:07	-163.938
-1	10369	1036900	80d2d921-de2e-442b-b621-e9292873fd39	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:31:17	794.52
-1	20738	1036900	e2d40baa-6573-4007-9241-fd5345646f72	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:07:52	-764.489
-2	10370	1037000	c0b58b1d-c243-465d-8594-4f89fcbf905e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:41:00	-878.600
-2	20740	1037000	b3ae8fcd-093f-4090-84ef-8e3bf8649d0b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:39:35	-181.350
-3	10371	1037100	4ed775ba-a20b-4a0a-847f-961be3d53b9f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:56:27	979.816
-3	20742	1037100	634a88b3-61d0-4c0f-ac40-6a8eb83a0493	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:33:10	-922.998
-4	10372	1037200	f009da72-86a6-4afe-a1fd-ac6922aac240	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:43:55	93.317
-4	20744	1037200	62d1c6aa-eb2d-49ff-a105-f8c658d9813a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:51:43	-340.804
-5	10373	1037300	f8355764-34af-430b-84e3-03e4ce1bb4a1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:31:25	513.45
-5	20746	1037300	2cbf3ecb-192c-4ac9-9a31-baa6f4baa198	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:46:54	152.632
-6	10374	1037400	e6a9aa04-2cdb-4b25-b904-d6c04dbf6a6e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:26:02	499.602
-6	20748	1037400	0bc5151a-78b6-4b44-95a7-0e017d52e113	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:34:49	-815.254
-7	10375	1037500	7a6925d3-ade4-4b5c-9027-bcef04d298d7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:18:54	-31.178
-7	20750	1037500	679bd70e-4a16-491c-aa98-436b78c7b003	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:11:55	-548.44
-8	10376	1037600	943276cd-bc4d-4c8d-b133-211a3c4a12cc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:13:24	244.700
-8	20752	1037600	a3c00a41-56ba-4d69-87ea-8e0c390b09fc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:12:59	-628.744
-9	10377	1037700	2f1195b2-3825-48c5-83ce-8dfd005a25d9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:30:03	-883.492
-9	20754	1037700	338a4b73-c689-4667-a518-67165d338dcf	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:12:59	-404.685
-10	10378	1037800	e0e0830d-872d-4c7b-8bfa-ed6a35c9343d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:41:38	536.124
-10	20756	1037800	aa04d7d7-e0be-40aa-9ce5-5f7a4f58a81f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:46:48	759.0
-11	10379	1037900	d198229e-716b-47e1-b2bc-80947a6899a2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:02:31	301.875
-11	20758	1037900	39df25e9-1530-4177-ac16-f9853361d0c8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:21:29	-10.754
-12	10380	1038000	cdeeba37-6c06-4cc3-be0b-b536d6fe62fc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:11:29	-400.641
-12	20760	1038000	f2ad74f6-20ce-43e3-ab02-a2007853b382	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:00:22	508.310
-13	10381	1038100	afa56c6b-720e-4f79-ab84-fb4be6143058	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:12:28	-440.384
-13	20762	1038100	f7c6c05b-6b4d-49f4-a0a6-527c14b00ce8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:30:58	555.151
-14	10382	1038200	5e0be0b5-7f47-419f-9cf0-45fa8c31e426	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:16:35	-668.123
-14	20764	1038200	13b2a62b-a608-4225-8d49-5803b18992d0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:58:48	-689.799
-15	10383	1038300	150342f5-1927-4fcf-b98d-0699f6ffed64	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:04:31	563.493
-15	20766	1038300	d505c116-a82d-4949-9b69-ed9bc4cb33ad	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:25:35	-279.38
-16	10384	1038400	1b3541e0-c71a-4f54-b002-a870824cfbb7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:04:57	-904.103
-16	20768	1038400	c2648139-8a5c-4173-a536-ba146e98eaed	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:33:45	-162.205
-17	10385	1038500	4db51699-0c6d-4256-a585-c0e8c4159837	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:41:55	-525.265
-17	20770	1038500	6f4b3468-56bf-4517-8d05-718cbfcd2d9b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:50:32	-718.900
-18	10386	1038600	ac3417b2-1b38-446f-ade6-9d941c733261	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:53:56	-545.7
-18	20772	1038600	298eea2a-df67-41b2-b6a7-2ebc4f47acb4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:37:29	81.973
-19	10387	1038700	e0d8145a-5ad8-43ff-8e49-011d45826324	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:55:34	384.787
-19	20774	1038700	3810862f-ca14-452e-b0ae-b1f95b50d73c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:59:39	-98.486
-20	10388	1038800	82c301d0-bf26-4b9c-9a61-22f27b34763f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:53:04	-428.683
-20	20776	1038800	b73a011a-b4e4-4baa-94cc-e9eae12e210f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:11:24	-995.991
-21	10389	1038900	63e82f22-8aef-4bcc-852d-f542078fedf6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:50:59	295.119
-21	20778	1038900	d2e4eb4a-43dc-435e-9bce-4d583b39dff2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:31:50	552.475
-22	10390	1039000	40bbc4fe-b99d-4bc0-b966-6bee36a74d47	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:51:28	621.94
-22	20780	1039000	2a0395b7-8330-42fc-b3eb-636de2e18c8e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:50:57	693.586
-23	10391	1039100	5d5393cb-208c-4985-8271-e8ebdfda38c3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:17:15	-583.98
-23	20782	1039100	d08d8446-6c6b-4c34-8cbb-ff0c465d7ca6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:29:43	22.545
-24	10392	1039200	c5710534-b366-4aea-89af-965a54363c92	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:11:21	-411.51
-24	20784	1039200	c039317c-cf5b-4e97-8ce1-a0c24097c1aa	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:53:12	-274.828
-25	10393	1039300	5652ba31-58dd-436a-90a5-9cdb75674159	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:40:09	-766.12
-25	20786	1039300	c3274a19-8aac-48ad-8860-50ff181417de	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:40:50	-355.511
-26	10394	1039400	2f3519c4-3b23-443a-b55b-f0cb4fec6647	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:46:48	145.22
-26	20788	1039400	66cbce55-b5cf-4860-ba8f-f490e44eaec7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:27:23	594.344
-27	10395	1039500	33382cfb-b753-4bc1-829f-bddd5ff66d6d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:29:53	757.966
-27	20790	1039500	ceb0b441-c432-48f5-a410-3d7384cbad29	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:13:20	-975.266
-28	10396	1039600	f2a59688-ad04-485e-96d9-84ec007611a0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:12:04	-519.804
-28	20792	1039600	a50f4af4-fc62-496d-9b30-91195d0ef35b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:34:45	206.735
-29	10397	1039700	cb1e3e4a-d308-4ae8-9ecc-883129d3b0ec	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:01:10	329.122
-29	20794	1039700	3b039c18-f613-4233-a343-cfb0d555cbc8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:39:19	-785.26
-30	10398	1039800	89d78896-2877-4a49-a955-bea18a1e0645	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:01:42	-705.426
-30	20796	1039800	b47617ce-9bff-498e-9b00-5cfe61a89693	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:57:07	-573.397
-31	10399	1039900	e9d6f683-93ea-419b-9ae0-b591960e31c4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:38:19	-155.553
-31	20798	1039900	128dc9aa-9ed1-4a94-9811-3fb92ced2ee5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:43:49	563.826
-32	10400	1040000	189b414c-677e-454b-89dd-22f71bf53a4a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:08:38	-192.551
-32	20800	1040000	3ec2ea5c-5e82-4609-adf6-64de519b343d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:10:06	-829.883
-33	10401	1040100	86d4fc5e-015d-4708-ac06-b7985d3ed9b4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:56:10	684.151
-33	20802	1040100	98507fdc-189f-4b3f-974d-0cd940e918f0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:50:41	-916.498
-34	10402	1040200	7639d5c3-5dc7-4027-ae19-835bee362280	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:44:10	916.711
-34	20804	1040200	d6eebbac-4362-41eb-9780-c333d4612bc6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:14:32	221.117
-35	10403	1040300	90ca97cc-6559-43c5-bdfe-c7010631581e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:49:22	523.206
-35	20806	1040300	b00885b3-81d7-466d-8baa-3cc985955daa	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:30:50	-80.387
-36	10404	1040400	beb98551-b8ab-4abd-878a-c411c6e860a2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:00:28	-796.131
-36	20808	1040400	d7cea350-e02b-4627-88f6-bb0055ff7f39	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:25:20	-987.226
-37	10405	1040500	463bc19f-0a0e-4c1e-b559-13ad497f1907	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:08:41	46.874
-37	20810	1040500	f20a4d30-5a29-407c-b9bc-a729b46a0518	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:21:44	-645.974
-38	10406	1040600	d8f99d13-6122-4d34-8afe-5edd68b287da	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:29:28	623.958
-38	20812	1040600	43184725-46f7-4512-848b-1bc8cc6aeb5b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:52:25	-79.709
-39	10407	1040700	6698a00e-3e52-423c-825a-47ffa9d44c0a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:28:41	341.86
-39	20814	1040700	e5c28a6c-63fc-4cc0-a2de-61c6baaac367	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:52:08	-643.733
-40	10408	1040800	fb559672-86f0-4e05-bd35-179f209799c1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:22:32	-747.258
-40	20816	1040800	b450178c-8f98-4fa5-ad62-f55cee73e247	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:10:55	708.855
-41	10409	1040900	896d12b0-cad1-432e-95b1-62dea485d0dd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:01:26	991.936
-41	20818	1040900	29c446af-e9a1-407c-a746-453e7d4d2fa8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:44:25	-214.172
-42	10410	1041000	5a26cbb8-6c16-45c1-a84d-035e6ffa7a05	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:08:30	797.427
-42	20820	1041000	d614bdba-8f10-4455-8f46-99ae8836daef	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:23:14	536.86
-43	10411	1041100	e31683da-bdcb-438c-800e-d320c38bcc63	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:08:05	-282.593
-43	20822	1041100	4bb280cf-7eac-49b5-bf73-ca7a2217c7b1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:52:42	540.659
-44	10412	1041200	47b75689-65cc-4533-9f81-7759714b66e0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:20:53	-993.40
-44	20824	1041200	a3e1469a-2767-48a7-9c5a-6d5c5b94bad6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:54:42	971.389
-45	10413	1041300	5a84abf2-c9e9-4d9a-88ab-abd47350235c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:58:15	507.475
-45	20826	1041300	1b869bda-0425-4190-9aca-12a6b80bfac4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:22:27	670.272
-46	10414	1041400	e68b3417-5eac-4677-b06f-8d9d2a889c94	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:47:45	868.806
-46	20828	1041400	0374286c-001d-4cb5-8bcf-7ca413ec158b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:47:34	314.81
-47	10415	1041500	38790bde-a8a3-443a-8c9d-9683efe01966	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:05:28	-883.391
-47	20830	1041500	63ae565f-471c-4eb0-b9ca-43e7b9610822	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:16:43	231.9
-48	10416	1041600	0d63de66-2227-487c-a619-9ebe8eac240d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:22:42	699.630
-48	20832	1041600	ca2d18c1-688e-4268-934a-7e722f1dfdb9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:57:03	390.873
-49	10417	1041700	40a0e10d-7a3e-49d4-b3e3-fdac1fdfb472	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:51:20	127.24
-49	20834	1041700	3b687660-f7fb-4cd2-96f7-768fd151ffe0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:56:18	199.933
-50	10418	1041800	ad8e42c3-ffd4-4599-9f66-7dec0163239d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:04:36	-579.720
-50	20836	1041800	1a16cf1e-e1e5-4cd5-8587-810a4c65e4b4	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:20:55	-720.678
-51	10419	1041900	9b2a7460-c578-4b14-810c-c46bb1ade7ed	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:48:33	-84.9
-51	20838	1041900	7d04cf83-a621-4835-9c19-3d66588388ff	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:29:24	-698.92
-52	10420	1042000	0df0dcfb-a0a6-48da-8ada-70eebb83e062	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:39:59	6.591
-52	20840	1042000	481e29a2-f72c-4283-b729-fda431cb9a96	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:16:41	851.802
-53	10421	1042100	a979b1bf-e619-43fc-861f-16544af26259	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:08:37	-331.428
-53	20842	1042100	977c5871-5008-493a-9bc0-43d1617b8a5d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:58:32	-374.713
-54	10422	1042200	4a4aa2c4-83a4-4f7b-9a02-368789e1122b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:39:40	-457.461
-54	20844	1042200	faef06c6-a4e0-41da-bcb0-3eab9e684d37	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:27:54	-369.282
-55	10423	1042300	5ca81de7-96b9-4f7d-a0ea-e872388e736b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:16:25	397.634
-55	20846	1042300	d1c6c5a2-af83-4b45-83f3-42d199697ad6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:17:05	678.283
-56	10424	1042400	44894076-06a5-4b8c-bc73-633ee2746e06	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:10:41	113.794
-56	20848	1042400	e53a118d-20d0-4e93-a524-7952e7dee86b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:09:17	529.226
-57	10425	1042500	27099d19-84f0-455f-bf19-6aa410d4cc6d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:47:50	114.523
-57	20850	1042500	4814e129-cfb4-4f5a-86d0-4770b1dffddc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:13:49	899.155
-58	10426	1042600	a3e748a3-85e3-4857-a185-4e24521a9766	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:31:14	-164.314
-58	20852	1042600	f326dabf-6c94-4d14-9206-f4c5f69ed3a4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:51:21	359.169
-59	10427	1042700	a910e31d-3a44-45ea-80a5-09581ddc310a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:22:02	397.728
-59	20854	1042700	c6c4d97f-8bc8-4383-bd54-ca37bdd0824d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:24:39	-386.518
-60	10428	1042800	7b861d0d-9059-4017-b06b-45b2c470e392	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:12:54	551.164
-60	20856	1042800	31e2d01f-ec42-4929-8e13-080ffe07a531	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:55:57	696.142
-61	10429	1042900	2f950f16-3141-4687-86f4-eeb6072932b3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:08:00	597.311
-61	20858	1042900	b727bbaf-cc90-4cfb-a917-1b56d7e53a6e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:04:18	-828.480
-62	10430	1043000	faca20e4-5a41-47c7-914e-b6a07ed8a312	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:28:03	-986.562
-62	20860	1043000	cc882bb5-adf9-4863-85dc-8ca24c5e7768	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:11:58	-103.348
-63	10431	1043100	4ea6d987-d538-47b2-b8b9-470d52c45b91	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:10:36	-484.982
-63	20862	1043100	5b426d15-15e5-434b-b9e8-4cb61f3af7eb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:38:17	452.424
-64	10432	1043200	45461b40-359b-4a4d-92a4-2aa985d0d79e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:21:09	681.404
-64	20864	1043200	4deccdd9-5885-438c-b3a1-294481d10622	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:49:54	217.812
-65	10433	1043300	291b9a01-3c41-45f5-81f1-ede6da1ad4ef	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:56:01	330.609
-65	20866	1043300	730779be-3385-488a-874a-dc5e1e9fc0b3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:30:13	-306.801
-66	10434	1043400	40b6d4b9-c088-4b5d-bd16-fa0297cd58d7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:34:09	324.269
-66	20868	1043400	f7ee396f-2db7-4c59-ab7c-75252fa806b2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:27:05	-959.597
-67	10435	1043500	a28d982c-50df-4aa1-bd77-19a15e9886dd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:38:44	643.434
-67	20870	1043500	3e130fa2-0cc0-4fc6-bf93-7e8da61b4f32	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:06:30	15.426
-68	10436	1043600	f8b01d62-1ccf-4320-a115-6491036cfa0a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:38:52	-60.840
-68	20872	1043600	49d3b090-e55a-4d89-a82f-6f2ade4bae41	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:53:16	778.303
-69	10437	1043700	bb0ed6c8-076a-4727-9a66-705e07967deb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:56:38	369.72
-69	20874	1043700	b0461690-3b7c-48f9-b6f2-1a994f2efba5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:56:08	-205.297
-70	10438	1043800	7773d099-ccea-475b-8768-8d1a724f7271	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:14:43	638.2
-70	20876	1043800	77c7060c-26ee-4649-bf3a-d9f2db4a1a64	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:47:33	-761.899
-71	10439	1043900	f068bccc-9991-428e-8b62-6835dc7998e3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:20:49	897.334
-71	20878	1043900	ac257acc-ede1-4af0-9bc9-d0baabdc1a50	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:14:54	624.212
-72	10440	1044000	2d38128f-ac72-411f-b8b9-5355b52d039d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:16:16	-143.291
-72	20880	1044000	df1ba7e6-f5a2-4076-8629-b6e4d44884de	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:20:06	443.687
-73	10441	1044100	df025ab2-137e-42e5-99fb-5853fb056c8d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:40:22	888.471
-73	20882	1044100	a3e85c9e-9605-44b1-a4dd-2a34935c2809	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:51:22	870.677
-74	10442	1044200	214476c9-b14c-403a-81a5-84bc9c67a0e9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:03:59	-68.989
-74	20884	1044200	2b2d092a-d736-4f2c-92b0-9f8c736fd8aa	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:56:51	-145.167
-75	10443	1044300	02703d42-24cf-4fac-8fcd-0c24b802545d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:17:09	410.618
-75	20886	1044300	63fd0bbc-ee6c-45d3-8815-50c0fdb60ab6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:42:15	-568.812
-76	10444	1044400	695bffb2-8341-4986-a68e-118f85efc81a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:03:44	-228.819
-76	20888	1044400	86da3ae9-27fe-45c0-8260-8ba393bcf7d8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:28:53	-593.89
-77	10445	1044500	6ba92560-5191-4007-a34f-d0de15a22edb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:52:02	-598.813
-77	20890	1044500	8f572aa1-22e8-40e7-83a0-795c753cc0e1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:01:19	250.23
-78	10446	1044600	1f320045-969c-4aa6-9a34-ef39612a3a6b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:39:11	-103.852
-78	20892	1044600	727f57e4-8f69-4600-b3cd-dd1ef499d29d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:57:45	-490.417
-79	10447	1044700	806ce07a-8eda-4fd3-910c-40fc2c7f27ea	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:13:07	-371.767
-79	20894	1044700	e85dbcfd-136f-4c4c-a913-341897038492	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:43:30	25.11
-80	10448	1044800	9916410d-2608-4284-91b2-8ae0db1f02c6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:26:31	-687.790
-80	20896	1044800	9530a45b-8ee4-4700-bd7a-e75b915455c7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:06:35	-239.550
-81	10449	1044900	ba290566-de50-4ef3-a608-c571e1cd23ec	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:15:30	-786.258
-81	20898	1044900	325d5c8c-a891-4f0f-bc6e-323361aef812	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:19:33	740.520
-82	10450	1045000	53a61e70-5140-4a2c-84f1-ef9cd37fd8c6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:05:17	-565.265
-82	20900	1045000	6b1bcc66-b722-4d83-8546-638eefeb8eba	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:25:04	-690.841
-83	10451	1045100	2d61fffa-229b-4b21-bed0-87b79399a0d1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:22:23	963.882
-83	20902	1045100	48bb0a49-1d17-462d-8d7c-ab53b70ee85b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:39:44	395.199
-84	10452	1045200	665aa53d-cd37-48b5-a346-098419afefcf	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:30:28	-645.661
-84	20904	1045200	57578294-fc98-4ce3-a76a-64ec82f5381f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:54:00	165.912
-85	10453	1045300	b1d82aee-97bb-46ba-bad9-5bbee44cc61d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:18:27	533.324
-85	20906	1045300	60710131-6679-41ae-8e23-659dffcb4da5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:21:34	223.971
-86	10454	1045400	1fb291f6-0910-4017-bdd1-56ef8dfab8cb	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:50:09	129.768
-86	20908	1045400	d55a4229-63af-415b-8249-42aae3033d09	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:40:41	911.620
-87	10455	1045500	f591063d-0449-4bcc-af3c-faf05276cff6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:34:53	365.52
-87	20910	1045500	6255e953-80aa-43c2-93ca-1b1aa9dc6cb0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:34:50	-714.193
-88	10456	1045600	b5d3ae49-c628-4cea-8bd9-9caaa6afb0de	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:36:32	-386.226
-88	20912	1045600	15f38e1c-abad-4287-85dd-e2eebf84d671	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:46:43	725.727
-89	10457	1045700	46c5cdb5-bd36-4c64-a762-83025fd154e2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:39:33	17.239
-89	20914	1045700	8d20389f-efb0-4516-a9e8-e8920a62da06	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:49:20	210.365
-90	10458	1045800	166e41d4-b8d9-43d0-ac0c-2d0ca4556166	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:44:54	441.117
-90	20916	1045800	de07af92-0e29-4646-892f-5703fec80dae	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:30:16	-398.898
-91	10459	1045900	d878a3fd-9640-41ef-bc74-8499bbeb80ea	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:27:35	-66.956
-91	20918	1045900	71aca5c4-5e7e-4c43-bec1-be73dbf557fa	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:46:23	487.292
-92	10460	1046000	d2aae36d-3d9e-454e-be4e-d637310224df	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:07:27	-529.320
-92	20920	1046000	3c354cad-4a09-4d83-a18a-95fcc9693252	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:19:19	195.706
-93	10461	1046100	f7142927-b6f5-4fa2-b75a-e5d687d612ae	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:32:29	273.787
-93	20922	1046100	f0cd4d05-1f68-4c3c-8894-b762c8319b48	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:32:15	336.165
-94	10462	1046200	15046084-277d-4ad6-8a30-df6d2143d6df	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:32:10	588.239
-94	20924	1046200	f0cbd247-e1ac-47c1-b653-e27c667794a3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:35:55	253.267
-95	10463	1046300	46a8d337-cd6c-4acb-b116-fa4a4b80c2c7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:04:56	688.104
-95	20926	1046300	fe82479f-f665-49c3-a9de-6b3fab23fbae	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:14:53	-772.558
-96	10464	1046400	55ce0a68-a934-4208-92ca-475af25bc7ef	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:26:48	127.437
-96	20928	1046400	3e05b3de-46fe-4c11-9380-70db51bb6f9b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:20:56	657.700
-97	10465	1046500	ae8ae484-7b9b-40b0-a0e3-5f34113aabbd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:14:50	-793.462
-97	20930	1046500	f1b9fa39-a7b9-4c1a-8053-721b52021a31	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:31:22	295.689
-98	10466	1046600	a6a80ad3-da1a-422f-a58a-9d469b8ea233	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:10:52	-880.980
-98	20932	1046600	93e2e47d-120a-44be-8233-3c4e36b60f1d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:11:56	356.3
-99	10467	1046700	6209a072-caaa-4b26-b8ae-514523e02b46	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:58:04	670.746
-99	20934	1046700	5eaf51ce-8c6d-4d7e-9bc6-1be5488018d7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:04:56	-750.205
-100	10468	1046800	8febcc15-34fe-47fb-bb53-539ce41c4f72	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:38:49	114.288
-100	20936	1046800	17e8da04-67cd-4d83-96de-1c4844f11d7d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:17:56	-402.639
-101	10469	1046900	00fcd50a-6ff5-45e7-a7d9-17b3f4dc90e4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:19:17	463.273
-101	20938	1046900	1a9f5492-f824-421e-8f3d-81a04ec27313	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:16:09	-742.707
-102	10470	1047000	74eea4e3-2434-4a7f-879e-f0797e2db6bf	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:46:42	522.261
-102	20940	1047000	f0831d1d-1dff-4ac0-a3f7-fbc0dd08b212	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:58:13	73.78
-103	10471	1047100	cfb78a79-3b50-4512-b0d8-27c620ca3c34	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:58:10	61.175
-103	20942	1047100	0770d0e5-c8ed-493a-8eb5-9f93cc695b2e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:23:37	506.789
-104	10472	1047200	751672ab-5e5a-48c2-b833-2cb4510b1a27	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:23:50	-741.765
-104	20944	1047200	09837c98-397b-4062-95de-6ad6878a0ae6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:42:34	31.673
-105	10473	1047300	df67519d-b70f-477f-920c-4bf3185bd4f4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:04:54	-373.278
-105	20946	1047300	f558717b-c4fc-45ac-a633-d106710e6567	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:58:39	681.897
-106	10474	1047400	5f4c9940-2532-4d8f-9dd0-02350218e5b8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:45:47	-397.603
-106	20948	1047400	75d5c518-3673-4d97-a169-c0858fe95c09	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:46:54	-19.199
-107	10475	1047500	b791c89e-6ba8-4ace-af4f-d4fa07f70f73	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:17:50	-638.652
-107	20950	1047500	2ef1177d-05e2-4b2c-ad4c-7a3ab88e36dd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:24:42	-360.344
-108	10476	1047600	84029062-2b9d-48ce-a403-0ae326ac2c82	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:25:19	-310.601
-108	20952	1047600	14ee76b3-06a5-45b3-bd3d-889dbbd14717	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:01:27	-130.396
-109	10477	1047700	c9788898-a67d-4910-b62e-f5eab4d8679d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:20:56	-909.51
-109	20954	1047700	8915857f-a925-44cc-8e15-ecebb193dab5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:56:56	-533.584
-110	10478	1047800	3359841b-04b4-4d79-a8b1-ada11bb94b26	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:34:01	569.418
-110	20956	1047800	a1a92439-a481-4f55-a210-95f6db9c6112	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:19:29	-652.342
-111	10479	1047900	57daa12b-1603-4821-91c6-cbab2bc0ac25	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:21:43	-208.670
-111	20958	1047900	b42cea26-077b-4208-9bcd-b6b8eea57eb0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:33:38	486.422
-112	10480	1048000	e361bdd8-54c3-4c69-920f-fd1d3528a2f7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:20:46	511.729
-112	20960	1048000	57114186-713c-44c2-9f68-8ffbaf467b28	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:00:25	-755.497
-113	10481	1048100	a9644da9-6a82-416f-ade3-ddd0bba51b77	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:19:16	-833.15
-113	20962	1048100	496b60c3-923a-4206-a433-c7b319e47561	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:27:36	-122.323
-114	10482	1048200	b3271a89-279d-4279-9f66-180686106cf7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:59:23	-492.35
-114	20964	1048200	cb923274-b815-40cc-a2d4-1c27609067af	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:29:06	954.649
-115	10483	1048300	6d0d41fe-d825-45a4-807e-5fdff89c29e1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:52:07	44.391
-115	20966	1048300	48c36425-c34c-4829-be3d-3e39c38d00d0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:29:00	466.564
-116	10484	1048400	d6a053d4-71a7-4df3-bf71-909c0858be0d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:44:46	859.942
-116	20968	1048400	d24d8a71-f8c7-43a9-a643-179f2bebaeb4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:47:29	170.871
-117	10485	1048500	13c95da9-33cb-4a03-942d-f6b9d64d73d6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:58:08	-697.462
-117	20970	1048500	851d2dea-c6df-4bc7-b1d3-69e9c789c710	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:54:58	419.841
-118	10486	1048600	37a6f924-02ae-488e-9d18-c1200a386c3e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:00:11	-949.897
-118	20972	1048600	aafa3ca8-da30-4890-8dad-90f61ed4f5da	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:06:50	189.508
-119	10487	1048700	b26488fc-2bfb-47b5-946a-c4de182c23e9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:07:55	479.485
-119	20974	1048700	c316fafe-7e9a-44b1-8e56-3334f01271b8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:10:26	-199.450
-120	10488	1048800	dbf829c7-0bbf-4ae0-bfd9-c1387f24a905	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:13:36	150.198
-120	20976	1048800	224087c5-b04f-4d51-a2b3-6c746cae518d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:11:03	870.164
-121	10489	1048900	df8d0437-3de6-4110-9d0d-2eec3dcec3ce	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:53:41	353.180
-121	20978	1048900	a6cdff08-9b6f-4b68-aacc-d1484f430bf9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:43:27	750.703
-122	10490	1049000	5232d772-7347-4df3-9db1-6e834266dfa4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:07:56	240.483
-122	20980	1049000	934da3fe-a0bf-4456-ba2a-82f893173c55	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:11:01	283.762
-123	10491	1049100	fae401de-1fc2-4912-b1ad-2581349dfb2d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:56:29	-908.363
-123	20982	1049100	54864334-ca70-4bd0-afe3-be27361a0553	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:18:07	877.415
-124	10492	1049200	29b39d52-8c59-4984-81d9-4bef84b00972	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:13:59	-957.810
-124	20984	1049200	6bb6b795-3ff7-47aa-a104-d0949bd0e27d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:21:27	-241.608
-125	10493	1049300	ebf93183-87e4-422d-8ded-83c753cc4a92	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:54:34	-254.410
-125	20986	1049300	1a6a7242-3dd9-4f22-9333-347a93fd1abc	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:21:05	547.114
-126	10494	1049400	7c412499-cbf4-4668-8fd7-53a4a2ee1197	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:53:13	695.977
-126	20988	1049400	70ca4eb1-4363-4f80-b736-ce78eeb6d713	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:38:43	580.173
-127	10495	1049500	4817c9c9-3386-4bcb-ae68-3db06b83e2da	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:46:49	-96.489
-127	20990	1049500	220ae811-6b44-42d1-82fd-5bd58fb2294a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:57:26	-79.153
-0	10496	1049600	0d88dcf5-895f-47e0-b06f-0339b58ffe53	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:04:24	394.442
-0	20992	1049600	63630254-12de-46e7-9e77-a43503cb8ee1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:26:11	-282.910
-1	10497	1049700	f634857a-cc14-4cbb-a36a-e95a97052d39	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:36:23	474.255
-1	20994	1049700	070ca91d-17c7-45dd-9af1-fa1864162a4c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:11:11	-477.896
-2	10498	1049800	359f7b1c-1e9b-4197-b149-aa9db98ac1fd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:01:04	-507.662
-2	20996	1049800	b8a1ccf1-49d8-4e42-ac95-29626e99b22d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:20:25	-878.276
-3	10499	1049900	4a11129f-d330-4793-bb8a-45f25fb0ec0e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:01:39	-352.394
-3	20998	1049900	6bc75641-c6a5-45ba-8f9e-c9845e4f8103	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:51:04	-489.668
-4	10500	1050000	395c7990-53a4-4f0d-850d-d9479260db3c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:16:06	-638.286
-4	21000	1050000	b353903d-0a34-41f4-8bda-c4e0f3b3dd9e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:20:11	663.984
-5	10501	1050100	d4006eae-0395-4ff4-8c36-fe64f7406379	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:39:10	772.353
-5	21002	1050100	57ca208c-7752-4ea2-8c02-5127b8a7fa22	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:15:05	97.670
-6	10502	1050200	5fa54107-fa01-4272-94db-314e751f0c3f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:05:45	777.291
-6	21004	1050200	5c7f1a4d-2be7-48f6-842e-8f364469531c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:21:06	-825.519
-7	10503	1050300	0701f04b-822f-4a22-a7d0-befa6f855e58	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:34:10	531.893
-7	21006	1050300	a300be7f-9b1f-446c-86dc-45095ce61513	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:58:09	635.49
-8	10504	1050400	16aaa440-b80f-4217-a1a7-67eddad5d4f8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:16:34	-102.758
-8	21008	1050400	3ea09322-2a77-4851-80ed-3a98668b7d8c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:52:11	499.997
-9	10505	1050500	0e8e8d30-00d3-4473-8ad4-d650a8637cab	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:15:53	491.272
-9	21010	1050500	3a19fef7-9866-4358-839b-5e8632968af2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:24:16	-764.418
-10	10506	1050600	323db971-abbe-474a-880b-c7784824025a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:09:25	461.845
-10	21012	1050600	201a31a9-6407-4cd8-97e0-35d3a6b82264	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:10:01	-483.730
-11	10507	1050700	c31c00ac-e6a3-4d57-a96d-98a1a298d9f3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:25:01	-617.699
-11	21014	1050700	827ee067-b41f-4ee9-a2b7-2eeb9b37706f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:58:58	471.377
-12	10508	1050800	22e7a6de-e83d-464c-9ec6-51f64ea217b6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:05:24	743.767
-12	21016	1050800	63870808-07a2-4c47-8b77-b0ca224696ab	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:21:52	339.468
-13	10509	1050900	a1137f09-259e-4e41-bb75-3b34d9355e29	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:25:24	-340.703
-13	21018	1050900	c6cecfe2-1ad2-4454-a40c-6f11eb1013cb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:59:25	-708.125
-14	10510	1051000	15767aed-ae59-43e1-9f8e-e21986da25d5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:09:45	983.931
-14	21020	1051000	7f8eb55e-b175-49d2-89bd-448ad5915eb8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:08:35	-278.434
-15	10511	1051100	554254fc-a3f2-40be-8f22-e82072e388d0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:00:58	966.869
-15	21022	1051100	e67c5a5b-6126-42a9-bf78-e5b8a806a6a9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:28:48	285.750
-16	10512	1051200	252f54a8-b0b2-42a3-8480-b8c8bcd5a698	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:52:14	308.6
-16	21024	1051200	df94c508-f439-4ef1-aa5e-b4643bf31db5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:00:32	846.686
-17	10513	1051300	33c0e1b2-338a-4028-a5c0-7a6af42d3c2a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:04:18	139.77
-17	21026	1051300	cef89bc5-0eab-4dec-8b47-7ddab3fcb4f0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:32:34	662.291
-18	10514	1051400	6f0e350c-e081-44f7-8994-88239bbe4589	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:13:21	810.383
-18	21028	1051400	91733868-08a4-4fd3-969a-e446eaf9de1d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:46:10	-182.171
-19	10515	1051500	00b20042-a0c9-489c-a5af-fc5340a103c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:44:45	-236.84
-19	21030	1051500	985bb19d-f7f6-4a17-9beb-4caea0b5b7d9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:31:07	194.763
-20	10516	1051600	be253df5-3a36-48b8-918c-348f95a55127	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:15:12	146.365
-20	21032	1051600	df18d9be-f932-4b6b-bd59-6692cbc50573	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:51:15	807.696
-21	10517	1051700	45a19deb-cf24-4b9f-b47b-b4f787dabc0a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:30:55	-239.365
-21	21034	1051700	ae24629a-0131-4167-b79a-8750a2b9351b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:12:37	370.580
-22	10518	1051800	5e45b8f4-da64-4b86-8555-b946d8f7f90b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:42:33	469.565
-22	21036	1051800	bc227e0b-769d-4791-ae51-c0aae0dcd1bf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:23:16	500.871
-23	10519	1051900	268f376b-a497-4265-b789-edaa8f1be697	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:30:14	101.646
-23	21038	1051900	50db8030-c169-44c6-bbfa-32e9941e01e1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:27:31	876.427
-24	10520	1052000	0b2fbf69-4f68-49a3-b11a-521056796370	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:12:44	521.547
-24	21040	1052000	0110a398-24db-468b-95c6-0b668045440f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:07:21	-802.467
-25	10521	1052100	a6c0f8bd-b054-4bee-9139-6ccbe5573df4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:34:02	-209.637
-25	21042	1052100	37c5a733-0860-48e5-9c36-a6fc010d54ce	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:34:37	855.872
-26	10522	1052200	d84eefb9-8895-4c02-af4c-7d1f8572a92c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:59:05	838.258
-26	21044	1052200	645df0da-000c-4a05-839b-6018ba4dac45	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:10:51	334.779
-27	10523	1052300	eea075bd-1e1d-4784-9b5c-f8e90cccf41f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:48:14	757.607
-27	21046	1052300	6dbe11b1-4e5f-482c-aeed-8ebb0b929318	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:52:35	941.632
-28	10524	1052400	121fc6e6-baf6-4d58-85a5-6ccf640e7fc1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:10:16	-189.444
-28	21048	1052400	917f0306-be33-446b-bba8-ca3b24c1f701	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:19:01	85.844
-29	10525	1052500	2d5ea60d-9000-4ff7-97d1-3b850eed5011	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:09:44	-934.437
-29	21050	1052500	a8655144-2c55-46ff-98b6-48908032b67c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:02:53	-196.636
-30	10526	1052600	1abc34b6-81d5-409b-86a6-5b3210c311ab	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:09:51	-362.56
-30	21052	1052600	27240370-04b4-432b-9ea8-3f838e7c9b52	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:27:56	-613.971
-31	10527	1052700	e2678058-7f65-407d-8be2-85ec4c9169d9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:47:50	-633.426
-31	21054	1052700	a4119fe1-5142-4a91-8a04-0c6173a78314	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:17:16	-271.121
-32	10528	1052800	51e591e2-f153-49e4-8a6b-cbf9951e9707	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:53:55	-562.174
-32	21056	1052800	bfecd8e0-c905-45d4-8317-ff6a97979d99	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:24:05	-934.966
-33	10529	1052900	720a06b2-5009-4d41-bf48-92076c1ca41b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:43:55	-501.409
-33	21058	1052900	22ab525a-5897-4666-82a4-26417fe11c09	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:12:08	4.631
-34	10530	1053000	63db18b2-58a7-4af3-81ce-ebb107fc3d43	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:24:17	521.392
-34	21060	1053000	12773f4e-c232-40a8-aa3f-69575ab0ba8f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:08:20	-773.559
-35	10531	1053100	91b983c2-a532-4058-9107-d8c8f62dd1d3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:46:58	292.129
-35	21062	1053100	fa54dbd6-fac8-4210-8616-8ef73cc8da9a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:30:56	283.402
-36	10532	1053200	290a0e89-9a80-40fd-b02b-a3fc5c7bd049	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:39:31	-33.720
-36	21064	1053200	623a4d8b-39fc-4105-bb03-2902dfe0ee41	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:38:33	213.812
-37	10533	1053300	20380d8f-ec80-4ab1-8a76-bc998b30cb3c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:36:46	-587.261
-37	21066	1053300	a3ffa337-3e6d-4fa3-ac53-256b40267ab4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:10:58	105.418
-38	10534	1053400	199ab04a-6998-441c-8a8f-0e2b99d63b95	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:42:26	425.272
-38	21068	1053400	31ac6e05-c654-4143-8a7d-d5f6913f73f3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:02:35	904.743
-39	10535	1053500	79a9ad7b-bfa0-4078-a965-bdd0e4d34016	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:29:31	-903.11
-39	21070	1053500	077cf3df-f8e4-44e6-a9c8-1251ceb30ec1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:01:04	242.398
-40	10536	1053600	b8d1b6cc-08b5-46b0-a7e9-d26a78141fbd	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:20:38	196.68
-40	21072	1053600	bbbac2aa-8330-4953-9cd2-5aebfc9f2475	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:12:52	957.193
-41	10537	1053700	0d60793b-5856-4be5-a6b0-6b398f40f555	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:18:10	-495.324
-41	21074	1053700	fb679f6c-8c5b-45fe-9b81-47ecad0eab1f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:46:06	-641.423
-42	10538	1053800	9e0fe9f8-bc38-40b4-b3aa-831e0ea557ee	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:31:50	-986.202
-42	21076	1053800	0d3da38d-e1ba-420f-b3a5-97017aecb48a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:34:21	-76.334
-43	10539	1053900	3124a8a0-7e72-4274-88d1-ac00765777da	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:36:19	109.940
-43	21078	1053900	95ab64cb-3573-48cb-84de-b6d6a98e33e3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:58:16	492.427
-44	10540	1054000	a62455cf-1865-4d39-af93-e299b0529496	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:07:52	-633.561
-44	21080	1054000	e4eb4957-174e-4b67-b054-18d270817c1a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:46:52	-604.724
-45	10541	1054100	697cc4ee-3cfc-4788-a1a1-9bd2ad8ea28a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:30:32	505.285
-45	21082	1054100	9708ca92-8066-4b6f-b1ed-23ed5d1e6531	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:02:23	-188.156
-46	10542	1054200	e082b4b0-741f-458b-ad13-fd1bd8a95bf7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:00:11	-675.859
-46	21084	1054200	ddff5804-20fe-4b55-9742-1b2485925ad3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:55:14	-340.211
-47	10543	1054300	bf6bbfae-c066-4825-af5c-2c5c959a1ade	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:25:26	-249.114
-47	21086	1054300	5fce8909-fe51-435a-9b04-b191ef73c846	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:03:43	720.91
-48	10544	1054400	cd4a737b-0259-417d-9ce5-db986423cb1c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:10:08	607.958
-48	21088	1054400	334f6a2a-c582-4c0b-aed8-a9fcbcd3c156	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:39:45	-268.96
-49	10545	1054500	1bed7166-3ad9-4c98-877c-dbdf4ab2e8fa	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:14:32	100.568
-49	21090	1054500	df78c0cf-2bc2-4300-add5-ec46b07480cf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:32:51	-816.473
-50	10546	1054600	97ada0a9-465a-4cae-a0e8-a18fcc138e75	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:26:10	697.895
-50	21092	1054600	d980092a-41ac-4a5a-9a31-db98ddcbc342	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:18:12	523.904
-51	10547	1054700	7016e430-fa05-4a71-8b53-6fc1ca9ffd02	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:43:25	-8.395
-51	21094	1054700	8b606680-c694-4138-97a6-550160a46dfa	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:56:40	-731.704
-52	10548	1054800	54289ca8-2fe2-4fd9-a92c-5724b423a003	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:06:52	-467.308
-52	21096	1054800	b0e19bbd-47b0-473c-9d6a-13892504256c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:45:54	791.708
-53	10549	1054900	696df3b3-e791-409e-bfe4-277c0a12dea3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:39:17	888.392
-53	21098	1054900	fd0adbe9-a50a-4060-82b7-a2e322434737	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:47:41	130.517
-54	10550	1055000	ce95b348-5ff6-4c65-91cf-e28ed276f934	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:00:25	248.929
-54	21100	1055000	48eea8f0-4d79-42cb-abf1-34a937920c0f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:10:10	771.626
-55	10551	1055100	2eb182f5-8c09-4514-b7b6-87e6e6650d79	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:15:20	-761.744
-55	21102	1055100	4160f281-3e9d-4c3b-be09-25545aa1f4bc	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:20:27	-494.91
-56	10552	1055200	3bf75925-78f1-4bcd-ba58-0a0c91e7bf44	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:16:11	497.73
-56	21104	1055200	cd13219a-9cd3-4556-a966-05764030aaf3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:16:44	132.285
-57	10553	1055300	9e548620-c206-47b8-b087-91a4f9ba0bb5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:27:53	-58.446
-57	21106	1055300	284412b3-9b08-48e6-b87e-5c67915423a7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:14:41	26.783
-58	10554	1055400	b0beca99-85ba-4ec1-a483-523e3a346b6c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:34:54	-486.33
-58	21108	1055400	8f73d452-9d8c-4e9e-bb3f-641f722e0e5b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:54:56	-385.452
-59	10555	1055500	76462039-fb25-4c7c-af5b-4f19766b9ebb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:11:52	-269.797
-59	21110	1055500	1a79c850-585f-49f7-8d1e-b4bef712cbef	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:34:39	-724.918
-60	10556	1055600	1a5545c5-34bd-4906-966e-8964a6c2af2f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:33:45	-963.812
-60	21112	1055600	b9eddbd9-f4ce-486a-8eee-f5f59b064903	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:14:26	294.283
-61	10557	1055700	4d286460-72f8-4eb3-b86a-bffa189cda37	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:12:08	886.587
-61	21114	1055700	010b9b84-6dfc-445b-8635-7df2b33ec8c0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:26:37	484.464
-62	10558	1055800	b01d261b-24ff-4594-b4c0-6371802f06fd	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:34:40	-543.363
-62	21116	1055800	60824179-0395-4350-875a-9770ef2dca1c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:43:03	-163.402
-63	10559	1055900	f8310116-74b6-43de-8924-49ba38de4c37	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:58:02	731.254
-63	21118	1055900	ba664cac-5573-413d-8935-a3660ac55c21	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:48:11	-762.913
-64	10560	1056000	cba3a308-6fb4-476f-8505-c5ab0b8dffb4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:34:34	132.630
-64	21120	1056000	fed212d7-69e0-4875-9daf-ada8bf41cb66	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:15:41	629.169
-65	10561	1056100	c402d6c4-bff3-4dff-ae5b-d3b0170052eb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:50:41	563.969
-65	21122	1056100	90694438-25d3-489f-ac0a-b5273df437c0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:36:01	715.231
-66	10562	1056200	3eea7990-d162-413a-8312-5d4991e45316	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:36:21	525.641
-66	21124	1056200	5bfacebb-91c2-4444-9f25-9a752c62c41e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:08:46	877.733
-67	10563	1056300	6401f214-22c1-44e5-810d-9811356178bb	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:05:23	203.955
-67	21126	1056300	c001a9a9-8692-4e46-b0a3-133daaa97496	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:17:30	566.502
-68	10564	1056400	cb822fbc-571d-42f4-88cb-254efce6006c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:44:20	-982.100
-68	21128	1056400	52ab9b4e-5e95-4d73-86d2-cf3cca1ceab8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:28:09	159.259
-69	10565	1056500	13ab8bd4-6493-42e7-9233-04642ee8ef91	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:54:15	846.442
-69	21130	1056500	fb6ce15b-6a90-4384-9b3e-55bc709e4033	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:55:52	-637.691
-70	10566	1056600	42688468-b24e-4450-93b8-8723a1ea8862	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:05:11	-465.856
-70	21132	1056600	87a104c3-f565-4f14-9316-458551e306b6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:58:31	474.314
-71	10567	1056700	7626f407-495a-467c-b95a-97b720f5fb31	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:43:43	614.724
-71	21134	1056700	abb64daf-50a1-432c-bda7-07a12c88aede	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:14:20	-596.28
-72	10568	1056800	4afa7203-c99e-4faa-a3ef-00607292907c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:47:20	796.986
-72	21136	1056800	e0ad9851-e7d4-4b1d-a93f-41bff1f61765	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:03:06	290.918
-73	10569	1056900	d0b07822-022f-467f-8617-316c80216383	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:13:14	-519.484
-73	21138	1056900	1ee555a1-1478-4168-bf60-101c92bf8ad6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:45:55	890.453
-74	10570	1057000	91212bd4-2230-4cf0-9d93-c47bfcc11479	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:46:22	602.559
-74	21140	1057000	c516b80f-e952-4d93-bc4b-1dec38499196	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:14:44	-601.181
-75	10571	1057100	cf39f887-3520-4fa5-93f0-cce0fd5f5957	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:00:13	787.267
-75	21142	1057100	eca9a239-b3b0-4bbb-b28a-e5a52604d1f5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:59:43	-563.274
-76	10572	1057200	4505979f-6d76-4d9e-a9f7-f62fbadd085c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:52:59	762.66
-76	21144	1057200	cb617e74-980e-45c0-bca4-6fe76f80f13d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:07:47	545.454
-77	10573	1057300	2cee59c5-29d2-4cd0-846c-79e7cb5abf88	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:38:02	-50.718
-77	21146	1057300	6a58a0bd-e7f3-4fba-a69a-15ed5d006d3e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:57:42	237.562
-78	10574	1057400	61d3fa72-9d48-4a96-840a-6147cd70c767	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:18:43	637.603
-78	21148	1057400	f49f138a-d52a-4d2c-b528-340e68c93236	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:18:51	-937.91
-79	10575	1057500	803bf539-da9e-4fd1-b42a-b7161b5e497e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:37:55	516.625
-79	21150	1057500	a58671b9-dcb8-4f70-87f7-97f5c3cf6f15	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:06:28	-100.78
-80	10576	1057600	ca4e0ab4-6122-4443-a3ad-cb5059802ce6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:18:50	-261.154
-80	21152	1057600	a4021c48-1a24-45bc-a262-beca65336fa9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:32:16	-412.94
-81	10577	1057700	ee14ba4f-e25a-4b44-8a35-2f4b7014636e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:31:30	970.838
-81	21154	1057700	62bf2d3a-1f81-465a-b56c-6b6df9303bf5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:56:55	261.700
-82	10578	1057800	8f91abde-d843-47c7-ba4e-06cd1dd56f84	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:20:42	-224.607
-82	21156	1057800	d54fa97c-06e3-4ca4-bff5-f33cd4b7e014	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:58:32	-552.774
-83	10579	1057900	4fc16308-2a22-4974-9a4d-d8f6febbe49a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:24:29	-943.82
-83	21158	1057900	8f544860-5265-44f6-83a8-1dbc23e611c5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:12:02	1.610
-84	10580	1058000	d12f46fa-5c25-4e34-9abb-d7ed0559c367	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:15:28	-838.579
-84	21160	1058000	f036f72a-a2f8-4754-b84f-9ed1b9ac2329	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:47:08	-583.35
-85	10581	1058100	175762dc-4d66-4df2-8b88-879b1c10560a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:13:02	-983.931
-85	21162	1058100	542e7a01-724b-429f-bc1b-7c0a22da4e1f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:19:54	738.583
-86	10582	1058200	9f371839-8149-4773-b3e4-68d05415f97e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:18:25	-789.186
-86	21164	1058200	c4d628cb-85dd-4d14-8f1a-f28fb04384ab	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:02:12	999.591
-87	10583	1058300	667bf803-6ab5-4a05-8374-4453ae49d010	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:44:59	369.131
-87	21166	1058300	8fecddb2-ceaf-4eab-a275-b26468dfb4e0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:51:48	-340.319
-88	10584	1058400	bd0fe950-758d-4fd3-9884-7e0d555fc345	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:16:41	30.757
-88	21168	1058400	e4b17c23-e6c6-44f0-bae8-42cdd81b1304	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:44:20	-993.227
-89	10585	1058500	4d583962-15e9-4020-9af9-926381495c95	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:36:59	12.474
-89	21170	1058500	cb6a4203-7899-4ecf-b9f5-9ee4a952fae5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:38:52	478.661
-90	10586	1058600	5a2456fa-8633-4475-a590-86f356d332fe	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:24:34	-386.100
-90	21172	1058600	c99d97b8-6e9d-4fa4-8ee8-6e60ee6bb0e6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:11:54	-406.844
-91	10587	1058700	ae7c284a-cadb-490f-961d-f00369000b53	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:26:07	-506.363
-91	21174	1058700	fe537a44-bd8c-42aa-ab1d-d6250154d480	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:06:13	695.980
-92	10588	1058800	51ad4fd0-53db-4b46-b5d5-7421f86cb739	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:13:43	768.650
-92	21176	1058800	31a516c2-9a63-4f89-96de-d3dd3235eb0e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:27:33	-453.216
-93	10589	1058900	06f0c9fb-b676-4c96-a7c5-8982e1725e3f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:32:20	887.222
-93	21178	1058900	eb6e4d4b-47d3-43b0-8c2e-8d41775de723	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:55:23	-196.590
-94	10590	1059000	ec25f3aa-ec08-4cef-a784-8ee03982ae5c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:55:14	830.787
-94	21180	1059000	a357ff10-3be2-41c4-9594-4f5d6ca37d6d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:01:47	853.413
-95	10591	1059100	61a2a14c-0009-4ee1-9f62-2bb14394e26f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:42:04	943.377
-95	21182	1059100	14361942-2bd0-45fa-a627-d374dcdc9ea3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:23:35	-633.549
-96	10592	1059200	0014d3ff-ba1e-40d0-b259-56812339fa0b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:27:32	-185.665
-96	21184	1059200	3ed0adfc-245a-45d3-bf48-e9d0f30b77a5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:00:26	-133.418
-97	10593	1059300	186afd82-6218-4a07-bfe7-aff3e4f25d61	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:49:53	283.16
-97	21186	1059300	75209628-3dc9-48ed-984e-89bc6ac0f43d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:06:48	-413.867
-98	10594	1059400	2f92d865-4105-4f39-8499-4cb657f32ca6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:38:51	387.340
-98	21188	1059400	137893b7-51be-42ec-91e8-d429555075a4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:30:36	836.750
-99	10595	1059500	415acd71-7ccd-4bcb-9878-40731d32ce9e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:36:32	-789.63
-99	21190	1059500	884a50f8-8e49-46ff-b3e7-f9df98cd6b43	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:39:10	328.110
-100	10596	1059600	a28994eb-6b4d-4130-8473-7e24757c1c11	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:54:17	151.323
-100	21192	1059600	8fa74db9-8110-4336-95cc-470da9bd0540	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:18:38	-64.658
-101	10597	1059700	0c357de8-75bc-4ebe-aa26-587543784566	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:21:21	-428.900
-101	21194	1059700	4b662d6d-c40c-42cf-9e4a-27ee86b646b0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:27:16	-850.91
-102	10598	1059800	745b076b-d772-4bb4-a179-0752ad6a0cc5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:56:36	87.595
-102	21196	1059800	7c729631-96c5-4baf-a996-994ae5e7d6e6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:23:44	-120.858
-103	10599	1059900	f15c5a70-1391-4b57-8327-46274cc59782	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:05:06	265.489
-103	21198	1059900	5b2c9d8b-df4b-4d2b-b4d4-56b92bfcbbc7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:14:23	592.798
-104	10600	1060000	dbdd238b-981b-4002-be65-d51038b27ca1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:23:39	-755.781
-104	21200	1060000	ef518367-334e-49e0-bdd2-2f0650bee65b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:46:54	-143.744
-105	10601	1060100	fb5e716a-4ef0-459c-9765-840e8ad99b8a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:59:30	717.490
-105	21202	1060100	2c2efb28-28d9-431e-a780-322ee55f5538	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:50:18	836.169
-106	10602	1060200	1114e336-b700-4d4e-8359-397a69a19723	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:10:29	-839.738
-106	21204	1060200	741263b7-f96c-4a39-b182-ac4ff8812c12	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:53:48	57.333
-107	10603	1060300	18041c0d-58fe-496e-b795-2ae7ab80da45	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:13:46	284.238
-107	21206	1060300	a00975ed-7b2e-45f5-88d2-12bef89f6495	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:10:22	-981.545
-108	10604	1060400	70d55501-98ae-4231-a391-637146b14956	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:54:03	-538.986
-108	21208	1060400	f493c114-9d9a-4fbe-84bc-027b40d7ab9b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:05:24	-668.444
-109	10605	1060500	5325fd02-8c19-43e1-92ea-d89a3a594913	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:47:23	-161.829
-109	21210	1060500	32d4031c-5c5f-4c45-b19e-66e0c6840f41	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:53:29	497.102
-110	10606	1060600	e419c6b5-2654-4cf8-908d-2c3386f930f6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:33:51	-807.401
-110	21212	1060600	d4f98b4a-cbca-4704-bf58-d012757879a1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:42:36	113.743
-111	10607	1060700	035219a1-75d9-475d-81ad-c722cdba4755	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:45:00	368.640
-111	21214	1060700	911352aa-79b7-42d5-885a-e89b42085cd2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:10:45	882.854
-112	10608	1060800	73328475-9092-4055-a4bc-df07c49ff0c4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:53:02	567.608
-112	21216	1060800	57e94a88-a2f9-4ff2-938b-9efcd22a2701	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:02:34	-912.447
-113	10609	1060900	9697bfc1-caf5-4169-aafb-4e7e953c763a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:37:10	-903.38
-113	21218	1060900	beb2acd1-fe90-4482-a8ac-b558506edb7d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:54:04	693.387
-114	10610	1061000	eb2e1d57-80b5-409f-b797-cfb93f7564e7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:47:18	839.310
-114	21220	1061000	632258fb-b2fd-4ed9-9d71-41c9d442d37f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:33:18	-418.185
-115	10611	1061100	9254f5c0-c059-451b-808b-91e9a953d26c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:03:15	115.950
-115	21222	1061100	f8410800-4471-4e1d-ba19-e0c125c4a0ae	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:40:50	-476.429
-116	10612	1061200	8a5b2043-7fb1-4eb5-b784-f997deb70501	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:50:54	-950.230
-116	21224	1061200	ceb42b9a-a441-4268-809b-7e2a04b26376	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:59:39	-401.194
-117	10613	1061300	95d9d2eb-3f7a-46e4-9b61-b5c04b1eb9b0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:36:27	-682.905
-117	21226	1061300	916919c9-df89-4a17-8d3d-4857e64166be	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:39:06	-771.291
-118	10614	1061400	190f21ca-0305-4af6-99d4-80ae28128304	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:14:42	256.648
-118	21228	1061400	41dec6ef-3635-434f-be44-e50a2d2233c8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:19:53	-558.29
-119	10615	1061500	a0f1b3e2-1624-41bc-89d0-c4f7765ec60f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:35:35	-654.739
-119	21230	1061500	78e5cffa-a812-4790-b1a8-f06bc8089f9a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:09:25	-777.946
-120	10616	1061600	eaed4fca-12bf-4fd2-bd23-9e7ab97ef269	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:03:32	296.63
-120	21232	1061600	4e592db9-87db-4d87-a854-48724fb20af5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:00:29	-340.219
-121	10617	1061700	68e37ab8-06be-4cbe-a8e7-08ac9874ccee	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:44:07	-926.458
-121	21234	1061700	1f8fc7c9-77e2-43a7-a9ee-02e46753bf3c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:37:50	-100.442
-122	10618	1061800	5702c478-36ab-446d-834c-370fe6916ff3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:59:02	-460.634
-122	21236	1061800	36704178-9c95-44cf-bb94-98bbb714fa33	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:54:10	-12.429
-123	10619	1061900	bd2d3e2c-0e7d-4e4c-a08a-a9b09bc0244a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:43:41	-862.284
-123	21238	1061900	9d8eece2-d1e1-49b7-bc68-e94098e8cefb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:04:59	-234.489
-124	10620	1062000	2b8bef26-eb70-4c87-b9be-50b0f66e4ea7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:59:24	14.787
-124	21240	1062000	6ae6fde8-2a30-44df-b0c9-2e3025fcdfc4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:03:48	-152.468
-125	10621	1062100	3d83116b-5591-474b-9ab9-5851d9554e4a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:54:26	-700.922
-125	21242	1062100	22643859-2d0f-42c0-99ad-77487d0ff959	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:42:54	-83.757
-126	10622	1062200	f7237f3d-f723-43a0-aa50-6e9cbc88f93a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:16:45	-664.981
-126	21244	1062200	fb308a1f-bc68-45d6-8f7e-b64dd8efe440	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:56:32	807.823
-127	10623	1062300	b97bffe3-da6f-4b99-82ce-3a85a9f9bec9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:51:23	471.521
-127	21246	1062300	6bc96039-f8a1-4874-a0c7-752907281ee6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:29:28	-737.136
-0	10624	1062400	3bb3b47c-8d9d-43e3-a432-d169484fb715	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:34:45	-837.188
-0	21248	1062400	ad981920-c972-4b0e-976f-df50d0bac70d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:58:25	-651.416
-1	10625	1062500	9ae9c483-6bf0-44c3-8b60-bd5a52d6b38f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:40:17	-739.302
-1	21250	1062500	a21241fd-06ad-49b0-8859-2b587cb36af2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:52:06	653.308
-2	10626	1062600	892057ed-037a-48e7-a268-a8512ed03328	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:31:07	-258.391
-2	21252	1062600	86ec52cb-68d8-4726-96f3-e383d2caffc8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:47:37	353.640
-3	10627	1062700	938150bc-8d35-4a9b-873e-a7e39b0c0590	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:21:11	-504.298
-3	21254	1062700	47800b1d-c290-48a5-9c98-fec6e54983bb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:09:19	-124.165
-4	10628	1062800	4143dfd6-9d41-40f9-adba-853cbf3ba12c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:33:15	967.206
-4	21256	1062800	60fd93fe-13b2-4f9f-a39f-fe67f9a30599	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:48:47	955.407
-5	10629	1062900	d2ae5b91-fc93-4cac-b72b-2326deb0ce7c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:16:51	-370.926
-5	21258	1062900	ff5c862b-2678-4efb-bad8-99680722197b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:47:32	884.404
-6	10630	1063000	f5854ac1-09d2-42a4-8334-2449f4211db8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:21:49	-413.512
-6	21260	1063000	1dbde511-2b21-4951-b033-016229fe24fb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:58:16	-951.691
-7	10631	1063100	6d673651-aded-4b5d-bd51-182192923d76	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:10:16	903.825
-7	21262	1063100	64c95a09-e23b-4447-8573-d31e63e36783	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:50:55	-941.101
-8	10632	1063200	71a8655c-d455-4dc0-852d-9cfda1ad9784	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:53:56	545.846
-8	21264	1063200	96e46e0b-0f88-4014-849d-1a1f4f078893	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:20:35	-668.152
-9	10633	1063300	45b0dcd9-fc16-42d6-a55a-dcedc3f3abf9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:50:22	-718.614
-9	21266	1063300	5dd6d281-8280-418e-b1df-d55bb8c9529b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:45:57	558.913
-10	10634	1063400	a4048819-65d3-4576-baff-5a5735cec055	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:11:06	169.83
-10	21268	1063400	9db528f3-331d-4af1-aebf-2d7383991bc3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:03:30	-969.483
-11	10635	1063500	9d58eb3c-04be-4fce-9014-8ddd94c0609e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:56:12	181.22
-11	21270	1063500	3f4fb34d-f602-4865-8c5d-fdb56884f97f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:40:35	-793.538
-12	10636	1063600	7753d723-b8bc-4340-a065-48b8a15592db	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:30:59	-339.166
-12	21272	1063600	d72e0899-deee-4ca2-99d8-28ff4baa13c9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:25:48	-533.321
-13	10637	1063700	88eb0e01-4c12-47d8-afd7-9ccf191a6be1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:29:34	736.447
-13	21274	1063700	7280223a-efd8-4ece-b7dd-3debb3ddff1a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:13:32	724.623
-14	10638	1063800	d81c8bac-89cf-4fd2-a3ec-0bc4a88d5659	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:07:19	-491.557
-14	21276	1063800	e6459bd9-2584-43c6-b5bd-f1c9f9483bd6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:50:58	-228.470
-15	10639	1063900	ceab7af9-35e9-4f87-aed4-7414198f5a3d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:00:54	-591.272
-15	21278	1063900	f034c90e-5887-4034-a189-5f28e64bfdbd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:55:25	-546.514
-16	10640	1064000	14bdf661-85a3-46e2-aa86-f4b1361c929c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:41:53	-211.269
-16	21280	1064000	f75d9494-ae0a-42be-8b27-c65ca1a0f3f6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:11:34	894.935
-17	10641	1064100	ddb60ce0-dd13-4b67-bb92-a980982ef2f9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:33:30	807.886
-17	21282	1064100	b0d1dd13-e951-4470-a76d-776d9142227b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:03:33	-775.300
-18	10642	1064200	b0000b98-cac7-44aa-b55b-0b6b23fcabf8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:36:03	808.356
-18	21284	1064200	09f52c2c-3635-4f8f-a8f2-76a877b4f0fa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:40:37	-620.218
-19	10643	1064300	5b61dcdb-fab2-42d3-a23b-7d9ffad00787	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:49:31	-778.128
-19	21286	1064300	71784003-61d6-4923-ab96-b3f0ad97eb33	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:49:30	954.570
-20	10644	1064400	15336f85-3c3d-4920-8dd2-3b94762c0d1d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:09:42	928.772
-20	21288	1064400	741ec9aa-4249-4a8a-8792-38ef413c4ff1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:58:08	686.946
-21	10645	1064500	c10cba5f-ff51-4253-932e-3ceb7ff651e9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:42:47	156.871
-21	21290	1064500	5c3b7cca-c5f4-43da-a290-6a6d02511a6c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:02:42	-676.705
-22	10646	1064600	6b52f751-fa6f-4865-ae46-68c97650c945	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:38:01	741.15
-22	21292	1064600	d9f57fff-1f17-471f-8e44-bdee5043c2e9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:13:41	169.936
-23	10647	1064700	c9be3574-62f1-4b22-8972-a58eae4c0442	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:25:03	618.739
-23	21294	1064700	6369ac13-4e40-4ece-8c73-df88ae8226eb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:30:19	-293.298
-24	10648	1064800	84b1d3f1-1626-4bbd-9d36-1c6c9d8bfb9c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:08:50	448.3
-24	21296	1064800	c3228754-7538-4277-bec2-782aec8e9aff	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:13:35	-547.614
-25	10649	1064900	044aa778-c1b4-4051-a16e-3c3332cc39c6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:28:18	143.11
-25	21298	1064900	ffb94ffe-3b8e-478d-9afe-9abf5959abc5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:24:41	259.44
-26	10650	1065000	8861747c-5177-4183-9fa3-273165f60ddc	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:54:17	-409.683
-26	21300	1065000	633da84a-b001-4247-b14a-a55350cc83d8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:52:25	-996.863
-27	10651	1065100	30734a29-524a-4224-8b52-d1f2c6d0cf16	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:14:19	-352.786
-27	21302	1065100	7d86d07b-cec4-4526-8cd9-52ef1ff394be	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:19:15	240.404
-28	10652	1065200	61b891a6-9ae2-4f07-96b0-bbee1866e13a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:44:58	-470.688
-28	21304	1065200	ce7546b0-9eb3-4f52-b84c-0e6108f2ce06	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:02:37	-205.156
-29	10653	1065300	8c864ce4-c505-4668-ba7d-1e9a112b083e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:42:49	-43.688
-29	21306	1065300	1dd566ab-0a6e-4e3b-a0f2-f53026b5d300	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:16:08	-762.909
-30	10654	1065400	af332913-f21d-4318-80b4-06b5adbf5553	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:04:25	370.780
-30	21308	1065400	30b392ea-9f1b-4a40-8da2-7ef9ff92c5da	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:19:42	-360.94
-31	10655	1065500	ebf0cef7-d4d5-471f-9fb2-7e9b10a2594c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:16:30	971.410
-31	21310	1065500	717065d1-356d-49ca-881b-f0e234103b31	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:33:49	-451.199
-32	10656	1065600	30203b0f-a317-4e98-85be-9e686d2cad83	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:53:11	23.994
-32	21312	1065600	6b1331a3-e641-4be0-90da-edccc98c482e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:38:14	-689.91
-33	10657	1065700	7366e52f-3f45-4c51-8aaf-b70e6d8fe0c2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:50:16	276.411
-33	21314	1065700	db8d8dc6-f53b-43b9-bf11-8532250b8632	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:15:55	-266.566
-34	10658	1065800	697b1b80-fa3c-426c-9d73-eea0ace96e01	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:53:32	306.952
-34	21316	1065800	080dfffd-2317-4568-a755-696b7a318ce1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:25:30	-686.288
-35	10659	1065900	839e31cb-90fd-44c0-b5a3-4406a7456ebb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:27:53	318.642
-35	21318	1065900	5cf6c40c-3f15-4a58-b6a9-c03df6098a34	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:53:28	938.404
-36	10660	1066000	48307737-0580-4564-befa-1e13046aa867	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:34:37	656.643
-36	21320	1066000	fd313bb6-f1a4-42af-8a27-e1020c9f1b90	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:46:59	772.942
-37	10661	1066100	94f673ce-b2e8-429c-9b0a-d0d7032993b1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:23:41	-678.633
-37	21322	1066100	6106e042-29ec-403b-a903-f99fc1e05811	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:22:16	846.388
-38	10662	1066200	61996085-ecc8-4124-9929-4ecf08cedcbf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:22:08	106.549
-38	21324	1066200	1913aa6b-6619-4191-8260-ae54c3394009	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:47:38	506.756
-39	10663	1066300	e7bf721f-1d16-44eb-b512-afb35a704c3d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:29:32	-149.220
-39	21326	1066300	c9695421-292a-4f25-adea-c72058d4227d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:29:26	-547.144
-40	10664	1066400	cd23ba20-13f4-417c-82dd-aef8b85c07da	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:11:09	-221.269
-40	21328	1066400	971f2ebc-c149-44ce-86fa-43bfe30ff057	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:20:45	375.189
-41	10665	1066500	6c2f080c-94f5-48e9-81e3-0bfbaf66be4a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:04:43	-131.72
-41	21330	1066500	da65328a-f540-4c2c-b9ac-68474cc3a475	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:29:43	-654.995
-42	10666	1066600	0520fba3-5fad-4e1b-8231-8dc5c97deb17	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:40:16	797.988
-42	21332	1066600	80b89ecb-820d-4cf7-b09a-4e5d6b1d9512	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:41:50	968.944
-43	10667	1066700	4e31ab76-81fd-4080-91fb-a7b577783842	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:11:47	-71.46
-43	21334	1066700	197f5a05-ac86-4ca1-8334-c98b1ef296f0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:54:24	864.952
-44	10668	1066800	d7149dae-2fca-4d1d-9003-ce685feea1c9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:35:23	-903.755
-44	21336	1066800	62e96edd-c3de-4fb6-be1a-75e8bd3a4645	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:59:38	-983.41
-45	10669	1066900	f68a80a2-9999-465a-9a45-a37264b7cd9a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:41:04	-200.438
-45	21338	1066900	8e41d4d2-fa61-42e8-874e-107256f892d7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:57:18	768.4
-46	10670	1067000	043bf2d9-3753-4716-8468-c03d19a54bbc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:42:43	-308.843
-46	21340	1067000	03cf863e-a01b-4b51-a33d-1981c9df0f3b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:18:58	-760.164
-47	10671	1067100	5604d0e1-e1d9-4daa-8464-ffa7b25ae5eb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:53:31	-818.232
-47	21342	1067100	4c2f152c-718c-4068-9ea2-b7976d9bf910	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:25:26	412.537
-48	10672	1067200	6b4fbbf4-d848-4a33-ada5-4a8c050c80d6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:05:41	742.502
-48	21344	1067200	2d264d5f-d1e0-433e-9695-ba45bc7302db	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:05:07	633.710
-49	10673	1067300	f05445cd-8732-436c-901c-da6c337c89bd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:03:15	354.167
-49	21346	1067300	00b7836a-d5eb-409c-b5a5-fefc63daf86c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:51:57	-630.694
-50	10674	1067400	e23d767d-df0b-4220-9c5d-652b92b7b1e0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:02:27	-979.698
-50	21348	1067400	d169d185-2894-4d39-a3b4-4a63db8b79fe	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:48:27	-245.824
-51	10675	1067500	5710f9f3-da6b-48dd-b9ca-a4e713eadefa	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:43:43	-676.561
-51	21350	1067500	a1a89df9-dad8-41eb-82f5-17d2db416d36	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:38:48	-834.521
-52	10676	1067600	b38846d6-e7c5-4cd5-97c1-387936589145	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:18:54	-925.870
-52	21352	1067600	80ee3592-9c69-4973-bc8f-3e7c38beb437	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:07:09	137.770
-53	10677	1067700	5d3582b0-07c3-4abd-a04c-2d15166f0fa8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:04:46	864.949
-53	21354	1067700	20ba780a-91fe-40a2-9c5c-c792dbd8b076	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:07:56	747.596
-54	10678	1067800	0022e289-2d2d-4e79-bd98-fa7bb6b4d5d9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:09:12	780.835
-54	21356	1067800	582efc2c-40da-4767-bc31-d95b20531209	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:36:52	-883.919
-55	10679	1067900	89f07bf3-ea7d-43e7-9a5b-7872cc319d69	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:20:04	169.663
-55	21358	1067900	982eb690-8950-4938-9fef-e4164ac1d852	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:51:42	331.565
-56	10680	1068000	8c2230e3-de01-45d5-a1d7-f2e46cbf7b1a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:58:01	-964.335
-56	21360	1068000	84d4d937-fb9e-48e8-869c-8dc12c492352	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:22:35	-141.647
-57	10681	1068100	c053f959-ec17-44a2-8096-f19656e0051f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:26:12	73.360
-57	21362	1068100	657176aa-8f9d-45a3-9e88-b023dac3ad68	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:13:49	-689.53
-58	10682	1068200	a8b5cf7e-49a7-4e6f-a452-0aca7a907c92	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:57:52	641.739
-58	21364	1068200	271fce31-72f3-4bad-89dd-0de12d16f438	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:11:12	-722.465
-59	10683	1068300	8ed4a69d-6339-4a9d-830b-248c15b1ec1f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:11:23	-329.856
-59	21366	1068300	135fc262-dcdb-4d07-8864-75af0b29dc8b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:46:19	432.452
-60	10684	1068400	fcc0f1c8-f838-4a87-a7fe-de8f435d051d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:18:28	457.311
-60	21368	1068400	394b5531-2ba5-4840-ad34-cf95f003a34e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:15:55	292.514
-61	10685	1068500	9786bde6-3fd8-4c43-aa04-b15253e684e7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:42:38	42.770
-61	21370	1068500	5a9390cf-9c89-4cff-a865-dcc1f2afbb20	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:07:09	-381.552
-62	10686	1068600	354952e9-2720-47ba-9d40-f18658c7aadc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:08:36	517.791
-62	21372	1068600	d1130f08-a260-4228-910a-254f95f4ceba	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:43:10	-852.95
-63	10687	1068700	c472902d-7be5-4b09-8cc5-86438684edc3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:10:37	139.185
-63	21374	1068700	0f2eda64-0bab-4131-a536-4abac0c6356e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:32:46	-722.76
-64	10688	1068800	47ce2079-6eaf-4d15-966a-975e649e097d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:19:54	82.429
-64	21376	1068800	cea1aeaf-e221-429f-b0d7-310558e3c947	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:53:41	-683.795
-65	10689	1068900	ba1e6186-9ae6-4f52-bf29-eeec5d602b59	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:32:35	-482.637
-65	21378	1068900	0115228e-1ab9-4ceb-8bc8-01885a1b6f76	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:42:17	-347.928
-66	10690	1069000	3310c84a-aa9b-44f6-944b-0f3379e4ed03	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:42:43	-597.251
-66	21380	1069000	17572b27-3e72-4035-852a-26d5368d2c69	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:01:26	-149.682
-67	10691	1069100	7c92b9be-edf9-4067-a790-ab6146b98607	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:53:15	-605.34
-67	21382	1069100	859aee88-7448-44a6-986c-55f802aa4062	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:52:15	-261.58
-68	10692	1069200	60ad7f01-57b5-4b2f-a19a-6e63931dc141	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:05:49	-939.941
-68	21384	1069200	e5091565-1869-4b5b-8943-e6e914a1409d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:17:14	80.776
-69	10693	1069300	3622c1e2-d6bd-458b-9659-15b448748f09	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:01:49	253.329
-69	21386	1069300	27baf86e-e677-48a0-95b0-82b9060f42b7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:52:12	908.17
-70	10694	1069400	7144c54f-8f16-4ac9-b522-29cec4c7e531	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:06:58	-90.944
-70	21388	1069400	541f7e3b-823f-49b0-b712-318e0515d490	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:07:42	-179.34
-71	10695	1069500	55b0bc6a-b676-407f-a6c5-489ec395fcd3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:13:06	-419.804
-71	21390	1069500	b74ffcf9-6951-4a24-8dbd-83f1a2be2d10	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:05:51	-483.260
-72	10696	1069600	2754d487-33e6-4837-af3d-93ea3aed2c10	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:22:57	-647.43
-72	21392	1069600	6dd85df6-23da-4ad5-b759-eea6e4aa66d9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:30:55	128.188
-73	10697	1069700	18ba3545-20b8-4f8e-bc6e-a7b9b61bb619	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:38:13	69.738
-73	21394	1069700	41a6c7e9-91c1-4343-abd4-ee6b12f9c2b2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:41:54	-961.821
-74	10698	1069800	e16a0cac-3422-4b9b-8258-26db6f3c9dba	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:50:59	-475.6
-74	21396	1069800	063c25fe-c0be-46bb-b310-c312b055e558	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:45:03	732.884
-75	10699	1069900	f0b56d90-e68d-490b-8578-eb54fb2e44e9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:27:18	225.238
-75	21398	1069900	9535a9c9-bce8-4ce6-96f9-9cdd059deaae	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:03:38	-650.427
-76	10700	1070000	1a4bc478-72ea-4298-8344-20f0843e0340	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:27:26	170.398
-76	21400	1070000	9a30366a-94bc-4026-a0dd-643c51556166	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:05:42	943.283
-77	10701	1070100	1f3d8a87-de3c-481b-bd76-045f9f3b122b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:54:53	-681.656
-77	21402	1070100	a7af6d17-7e58-41ff-981b-245768d73fd1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:41:22	595.961
-78	10702	1070200	ff4957d2-293e-4720-8de5-2af95f44b7dc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:00:05	446.651
-78	21404	1070200	41466591-393c-42c7-bc5f-73cf399390e6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:02:45	307.34
-79	10703	1070300	c716751e-2fb6-459d-a7cc-c3c7dbbba61e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:48:36	-748.967
-79	21406	1070300	962a1771-015b-4bff-a04e-bc07ffd2c243	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:29:14	407.60
-80	10704	1070400	bb3ee9f1-11f2-40df-a656-79d95318d3ed	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:26:32	-834.507
-80	21408	1070400	12bc69ab-01f7-48c1-b4d0-272418aeeeb4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:03:29	-298.761
-81	10705	1070500	d43f5239-7dc1-49f5-b3d9-320cabd54eef	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:06:05	419.434
-81	21410	1070500	2df2405a-8dd6-4b4b-830e-dd6d72041b76	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:07:12	151.310
-82	10706	1070600	6c990cc0-f31f-4438-9785-2bd71e65e4e0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:46:06	-62.299
-82	21412	1070600	5c3ce618-774e-4e11-b02b-1b5a73a9ad8f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:05:13	931.628
-83	10707	1070700	4d6c0cdb-67dd-433f-ba0a-6ff74199e40e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:34:52	-416.569
-83	21414	1070700	06dfc870-3216-4797-aaac-4fe60c8bf6da	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:45:13	915.649
-84	10708	1070800	d9537d39-67f0-4f22-9d59-d923f37dc9ab	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:32:34	575.695
-84	21416	1070800	72ff9aa0-bf95-4414-bc89-85b29e7899d1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:18:02	117.63
-85	10709	1070900	97fb4d23-3a0a-4124-beee-7e2d2605dbb3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:50:29	-869.98
-85	21418	1070900	255f3c43-aa5e-45ec-8823-41e595d8f414	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:57:54	-931.904
-86	10710	1071000	4f30c055-284f-4438-a966-e4904eb2fa35	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:08:25	286.828
-86	21420	1071000	ef8b4e3e-95db-45ac-8839-1298b9372664	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:17:48	-677.263
-87	10711	1071100	2541b255-b9c1-4eb2-8629-e662df1cb118	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:12:38	986.648
-87	21422	1071100	4fee28c8-08a7-49b2-a9eb-b66ac3fb5716	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:57:51	550.917
-88	10712	1071200	ac2dced0-bdf3-450d-8d8a-478be273b1e0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:00:49	-95.824
-88	21424	1071200	3c8dfa82-64bc-4ad1-ba05-52babbbe6e2f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:57:43	632.803
-89	10713	1071300	cae7b4a5-0bfa-4026-aed3-ae45b383f51c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:32:20	-587.76
-89	21426	1071300	c4e79b98-b271-4059-bed6-b19c3116a9bd	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:30:57	-347.619
-90	10714	1071400	7978aff4-47a2-459f-8774-382112d7117a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:53:14	-27.728
-90	21428	1071400	68989cad-a431-4ae0-8715-747b706c6fda	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:25:54	210.907
-91	10715	1071500	23ea0a7e-7ef8-4e23-91d7-16d79fd8169a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:29:05	-690.464
-91	21430	1071500	b8aa2cf4-8cf5-4115-bea9-5fc16989bd12	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:03:33	391.84
-92	10716	1071600	471426fa-0e5a-4e7e-a18a-8c99373da314	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:00:02	-801.29
-92	21432	1071600	6c9e32c7-767a-4447-8c7e-922f8f1fe2e2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:13:40	-568.159
-93	10717	1071700	49eaddfd-0d5d-4832-861b-8425d874bc75	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:45:32	75.118
-93	21434	1071700	d33a8561-f55c-457c-982f-168d2ec5c9d2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:54:38	425.610
-94	10718	1071800	0f2fee53-c276-49c4-8e39-93ff64fbc11f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:21:09	-422.349
-94	21436	1071800	177ea809-5202-41da-8a40-2b79044de80f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:28:17	-521.364
-95	10719	1071900	5aef6f41-790c-420c-b75c-b5b23ca2a7e0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:10:40	715.137
-95	21438	1071900	68d4e566-242e-4491-9d1a-518e879e2fa5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:02:07	-255.481
-96	10720	1072000	53505c3d-8332-487c-8bb5-1050f390da28	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:10:28	23.499
-96	21440	1072000	32f42012-98cf-4545-ac2d-addfa375a5fd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:15:32	86.817
-97	10721	1072100	3de65d57-a3e8-4c3a-8e96-240ca41d583e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:54:57	-367.851
-97	21442	1072100	c6f3056c-16d5-46a8-a09d-f461bd06bf13	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:43:10	128.382
-98	10722	1072200	978925e6-c46c-47ee-8bf3-51861cafd199	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:12:27	-448.458
-98	21444	1072200	851c6101-241d-4acd-87de-e337b48710ce	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:42:02	922.79
-99	10723	1072300	edcedd8c-5036-4c32-9305-8a66214d7733	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:24:28	378.0
-99	21446	1072300	5fe965a0-d605-4386-a75d-20344d594501	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:54:28	475.365
-100	10724	1072400	b4be4256-5b99-4095-9d2f-aed900527aa7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:00:55	-768.480
-100	21448	1072400	a5dd94a2-d507-45db-93c2-01c6017e02d8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:05:51	-310.463
-101	10725	1072500	b161f053-e6c3-44df-9395-d54370d29724	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:53:07	827.901
-101	21450	1072500	15b87348-7386-4b68-9f30-2433e00efa11	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:05:39	579.959
-102	10726	1072600	d76ad1a3-d12e-4abd-b857-a206a5f524bf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:46:25	-123.630
-102	21452	1072600	4018b039-4979-4a0d-8ab4-3e0fee59dc5c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:25:58	-610.527
-103	10727	1072700	295091e6-b2b8-45de-8d8d-594141d24a93	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:26:29	235.959
-103	21454	1072700	02d63e20-35e2-4f4d-be92-3fff260c81c3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:34:09	-339.156
-104	10728	1072800	a4c2af48-0124-4b0d-a222-ffc463c0f130	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:11:11	305.391
-104	21456	1072800	7f5d1e44-6277-417e-83ac-24ba18087119	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:09:16	332.434
-105	10729	1072900	36b4bba8-ce78-467b-bf51-94c3f7800aae	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:18:53	684.17
-105	21458	1072900	6b5bea6f-cc44-438d-b218-ad0a8a1e82d7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:57:17	-451.872
-106	10730	1073000	cf6f23a9-a290-4457-9e50-4743331bd90d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:29:34	165.137
-106	21460	1073000	acf57b07-429d-4456-89d8-d7d9d39c5343	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:07:24	-965.653
-107	10731	1073100	bc60a096-7734-4a8f-8198-c77284982f2f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:32:03	-733.691
-107	21462	1073100	14a11577-dbbe-417d-9fa9-3566122a995c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:08:14	384.680
-108	10732	1073200	1d405b92-f451-46b6-af1f-2001daf0d1ff	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:34:44	569.403
-108	21464	1073200	c91fcc3f-34c8-4475-9a7c-619874d6d429	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:38:47	-582.965
-109	10733	1073300	afae3e73-ff7b-4121-bd07-0afc12a6c3f3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:48:03	-205.694
-109	21466	1073300	8a9694eb-1959-4fd7-9b88-ab603264472a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:35:42	-120.239
-110	10734	1073400	90a5b4a2-c9bd-44f5-badd-1fd2d2506a16	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:21:08	835.547
-110	21468	1073400	c5d87b69-2e5e-4116-bc9c-48c4d416176a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:24:16	-359.609
-111	10735	1073500	35f71bf2-7fcc-44c5-ac99-e3851975a144	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:47:44	35.997
-111	21470	1073500	7ae0d3c3-2d71-45ff-8b63-7e4ece6f462a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:48:34	562.15
-112	10736	1073600	61fbf157-72bb-4ff2-8689-623f08443107	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:49:10	141.943
-112	21472	1073600	ea4c9970-618d-4bf2-9500-a0f1bf68fbeb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:36:51	200.850
-113	10737	1073700	482af052-0eec-4076-a8b6-100416890626	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:53:18	-487.418
-113	21474	1073700	393d0724-05af-4d38-936c-57c90b3fae0b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:13:59	-837.89
-114	10738	1073800	e8916c5d-f678-4443-86fc-7e917254e471	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:44:15	-212.716
-114	21476	1073800	d69a6da8-e59b-4b60-a967-ae37c50bda04	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:15:00	-202.445
-115	10739	1073900	6b3f1a76-68eb-4cd2-9756-cc0a851679ae	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:09:56	404.810
-115	21478	1073900	073d1631-28f3-489b-8f1a-fa348952460e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:27:14	897.560
-116	10740	1074000	e4878aae-088f-4b9f-b454-451111b9e5fa	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:36:29	-941.633
-116	21480	1074000	6bc03cc3-4d30-4aa1-b2a9-cc1fb5a91902	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:59:12	-239.535
-117	10741	1074100	bd1c2a04-f796-4103-b347-22293c5c64ed	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:04:20	165.562
-117	21482	1074100	e8a2d56f-2487-4bb3-87a5-e3d959b50d22	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:39:34	-164.970
-118	10742	1074200	719c901a-2ace-4961-b870-b8cb8c08f7fa	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:45:49	367.787
-118	21484	1074200	7f2c6991-9cd6-464d-8df9-b9df67e8a0af	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:50:16	-543.956
-119	10743	1074300	6f309eb9-36a8-4870-9020-8038712b2d61	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:59:29	756.386
-119	21486	1074300	6f541d28-436e-46b0-852b-d9efb614d894	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:10:51	-82.213
-120	10744	1074400	7cf52816-6b9a-4365-995d-dc91fe3271ea	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:58:40	874.742
-120	21488	1074400	66cba132-486a-47f6-aa0c-4c14c918a6fa	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:11:42	395.764
-121	10745	1074500	2c7fe1db-053a-42d1-ba84-4cac096f4004	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:18:59	-592.481
-121	21490	1074500	0178cb84-7496-40ce-8b7e-b2cc536bd0d2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:51:12	-722.458
-122	10746	1074600	14f01805-8c61-4932-80af-172941601b82	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:41:35	-824.394
-122	21492	1074600	525390dc-c362-488d-982d-fd03ccabb1ba	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:57:50	-959.696
-123	10747	1074700	40fef690-25b9-4a4c-83de-982ad278c0fe	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:39:49	231.495
-123	21494	1074700	8ad2d817-224c-49c2-9835-432bd9921d78	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:50:39	601.434
-124	10748	1074800	6855ef8d-928a-4575-86f4-a0feeb401888	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:08:08	-246.32
-124	21496	1074800	f08a295b-0879-4a95-af75-c5196219d035	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:55:05	766.779
-125	10749	1074900	c8ceeb7c-b46b-4f4e-aa9a-7bd39f1188cd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:25:44	253.505
-125	21498	1074900	a000419a-7078-4d40-9f1b-c7ad0d1b5554	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:35:38	-449.970
-126	10750	1075000	0201dc38-8fc3-4e63-862f-afcff674ac06	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:20:17	-644.155
-126	21500	1075000	221b0403-84b5-44d7-a017-b08dab3c55ee	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:05:42	120.139
-127	10751	1075100	30566600-26b4-4e2c-81d5-ad54e3f949eb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:48:11	-765.378
-127	21502	1075100	e8f1c1a8-87b6-4fdc-9176-2068e083cd44	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:17:12	-939.836
-0	10752	1075200	9172131f-939d-4f27-9bc0-d3397ccacf22	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:28:43	-292.584
-0	21504	1075200	dec20c4a-eb14-4a40-91a4-211f53827918	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:14:57	-110.500
-1	10753	1075300	bfc55698-de44-4375-802e-383bb8fe6b1d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:43:50	868.931
-1	21506	1075300	d590603a-0cf6-4679-9dff-ef9c5a7e850f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:10:51	918.354
-2	10754	1075400	b1a0c024-da49-44bc-b0cf-1fa14353fb69	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:02:39	-76.755
-2	21508	1075400	768fdc9f-43e4-40fd-9cf2-9be8dbfaeaf8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:49:38	-689.681
-3	10755	1075500	d7205985-2a6e-4539-891f-f49d7e0effbe	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:41:37	-631.582
-3	21510	1075500	027c7d80-bad0-4054-838d-6683452ca2ac	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:25:59	-747.137
-4	10756	1075600	6108a53e-7d9a-4317-919a-5e04dc5d970a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:38:39	-580.264
-4	21512	1075600	60ae4067-d4c7-4e0c-becc-1a9dc88de4cf	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:49:26	486.191
-5	10757	1075700	715321d9-ed1b-4afd-a67b-deafcc138fcf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:50:41	269.177
-5	21514	1075700	126a495c-7ff2-4173-99ae-24fa6e474c0b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:47:17	520.758
-6	10758	1075800	761f49ff-9b13-4d5a-97b9-caa0e63a2868	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:05:28	-526.969
-6	21516	1075800	e72fa0ed-1b66-4e68-9309-f54e257cb761	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:41:00	883.918
-7	10759	1075900	b681f49d-f368-4984-9d8b-e0f5c6612eb9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:29:51	-97.497
-7	21518	1075900	22a1cd64-7be7-4aa5-9471-993a77fd0088	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:42:25	-870.376
-8	10760	1076000	39cbdf53-1946-448d-84c5-12f2d8f41e62	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:01:16	430.796
-8	21520	1076000	2a89fd55-c503-4d18-a2e5-d01d6e00c42f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:23:50	-718.778
-9	10761	1076100	f8e1a616-d6b0-49c7-a34b-0f0f555d717b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:32:06	843.813
-9	21522	1076100	4070b322-b833-4427-a819-439ca6fef83e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:01:40	-327.577
-10	10762	1076200	e12c2d25-1cf2-470b-a75b-993b51f1a54a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:26:18	-812.114
-10	21524	1076200	b3251ff8-267f-4530-9f43-01ae65f38b7d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:15:28	-464.87
-11	10763	1076300	3eb8b4f7-c1b2-4d32-8551-59f27b89a0ad	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:18:23	-584.615
-11	21526	1076300	842b603d-a631-4a5e-a426-b079636cbe34	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:06:38	-395.544
-12	10764	1076400	a7851f1f-52a9-48a7-9590-c9cca8535145	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:10:10	716.346
-12	21528	1076400	6a8e2d5c-f948-46bf-9a9d-58ae452ffc1f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:45:31	355.291
-13	10765	1076500	ed84a7b9-64ab-44c6-8dca-92788a2c4ff5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:10:54	-404.350
-13	21530	1076500	bd4a4d53-0a38-4163-9462-c0e7153e5529	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:29:06	865.352
-14	10766	1076600	ed6ce97d-48c6-4b7a-a799-e19dfd9e4395	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:14:40	268.779
-14	21532	1076600	ed20bf6c-d962-40b5-a2c4-efc44d64301d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:20:26	653.365
-15	10767	1076700	68832278-b972-46d1-ae4c-397c09e3c7ed	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:44:35	131.723
-15	21534	1076700	22697fd4-259b-4882-83b4-20f3fdea983f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:43:53	310.301
-16	10768	1076800	cdedfaac-f454-4e9a-84d2-d4baf4138479	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:35:08	-689.984
-16	21536	1076800	27c5ed65-c21a-4e70-ab8f-35e4eb11664a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:13:45	240.343
-17	10769	1076900	6bd5f5de-0c4a-4c45-a1e5-d1b6227402cc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:29:08	-607.941
-17	21538	1076900	66fd5d2a-5085-4a5f-b36b-91b44a1d0c8d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:43:21	823.201
-18	10770	1077000	23b560b8-1027-4bb2-a85d-af268d8ed048	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:13:50	13.620
-18	21540	1077000	e57f8f4a-af49-45d6-8c51-75b315717e17	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:33:26	283.68
-19	10771	1077100	9b43385d-964d-401a-b887-75ab83b22054	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:42:05	-639.340
-19	21542	1077100	4a494068-e767-4b88-b998-708fc05d2c9e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:48:51	-243.373
-20	10772	1077200	ef32d8dc-f852-4896-83d6-3e13d2d27d0a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:38:10	289.877
-20	21544	1077200	8f747ac8-1e19-4cad-9148-83beed1f46e2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:23:58	-477.118
-21	10773	1077300	99a5758f-4642-4561-b1eb-9b33c2f78361	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:39:40	-299.358
-21	21546	1077300	d4771ad4-41de-4777-9cae-7b1c8bdf315f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:05:18	-86.722
-22	10774	1077400	19d79775-d10c-4f10-8b17-47da62cc59e5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:13:06	-87.843
-22	21548	1077400	75de70d0-63ad-46ed-8ec3-c310cfdda92b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:09:57	-27.584
-23	10775	1077500	713eed52-3c88-4f46-a15a-81842d7362d0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:22:18	333.398
-23	21550	1077500	0f2b364a-8b3c-4748-b421-a3b900fa00fb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:08:29	485.901
-24	10776	1077600	0fd58c93-3f61-45d6-9d6b-f07609c84966	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:01:14	765.619
-24	21552	1077600	21030a4f-6927-4bf4-a4e0-1f126c0fb3be	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:34:18	-649.848
-25	10777	1077700	4f08d77e-22ed-4f9c-9a67-1048e57eb76a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:22:19	-791.461
-25	21554	1077700	7861b6d8-4ed8-4775-84a5-707cffafe967	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:47:43	562.281
-26	10778	1077800	e59dad61-1c9c-4afc-b098-c0faabc082dd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:45:43	712.799
-26	21556	1077800	996cd7de-058f-4de8-8195-697baf9efe5f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:40:21	591.917
-27	10779	1077900	72f53a61-cec5-43f9-ae90-48ca14102d47	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:46:04	-406.514
-27	21558	1077900	c0d1352e-d3cd-4769-b92a-c859a3ce4bc9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:39:27	607.4
-28	10780	1078000	39eb4164-d9e3-4f52-9046-428bd5d1f28e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:17:58	147.25
-28	21560	1078000	0402b17e-85c4-41c1-bb42-144cde35b91b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:01:21	148.701
-29	10781	1078100	91ead1dc-b80c-4c41-bccd-3d925554896b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:32:19	-175.391
-29	21562	1078100	06c9784f-ed92-4fbe-a93e-735aec732e63	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:58:43	220.9
-30	10782	1078200	1b233187-a1de-4f1a-998e-f5cbe6e668c3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:14:18	-533.844
-30	21564	1078200	c2819b69-8904-415a-898d-db8cf958e64f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:54:04	346.855
-31	10783	1078300	3bfa7dc7-1dc7-4baa-a962-102590548f7e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:40:03	-35.413
-31	21566	1078300	404f54b1-47cd-491f-873a-808860fc1ace	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:37:34	983.46
-32	10784	1078400	afb5966d-50cb-4fd4-850e-031e7cd1ae0e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:05:29	-548.588
-32	21568	1078400	2cd37dfa-60e4-4f36-8056-5878e093ac42	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:46:41	-270.938
-33	10785	1078500	35b8c6d4-cfd0-4770-aba4-a4f0d049d5a0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:19:55	-77.788
-33	21570	1078500	5fbc3907-f183-4f05-86f5-6f3811ecf32f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:26:43	729.450
-34	10786	1078600	00f21194-8195-4ed1-8de3-e312ce3fe877	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:29:20	-493.837
-34	21572	1078600	5e65c01b-44d8-49ed-92e7-bb8ba2d66f85	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:50:03	-596.134
-35	10787	1078700	22923e33-648f-4e09-8389-4ecb0210379f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:03:26	489.896
-35	21574	1078700	46344272-72f8-4fb6-be25-10bd19d63d1c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:46:51	-789.824
-36	10788	1078800	c343570c-50c6-47c8-b8d5-c9d58f4212e8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:13:15	-378.469
-36	21576	1078800	965034c2-8739-450b-ab23-ac9165f0368c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:21:37	-498.644
-37	10789	1078900	f9b71a0b-bba3-4740-af37-054f3f558b26	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:15:25	539.950
-37	21578	1078900	a2ecf4e2-6181-4f5d-b545-e1b2c455637b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:21:54	-51.597
-38	10790	1079000	264ef020-67ef-46d8-a43f-79e9f03fe3f1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:22:45	-755.68
-38	21580	1079000	d43dab06-42f2-4727-a989-75c751350ff1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:51:49	577.305
-39	10791	1079100	f1317a95-a933-402d-9c52-f1f5f5574349	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:28:38	710.527
-39	21582	1079100	6e561d9c-c11d-493f-b6c4-bb5b195367bd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:22:30	202.659
-40	10792	1079200	772a4aef-ec1c-465a-a248-263038d01cdd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:50:15	-817.772
-40	21584	1079200	b31bb583-9710-46db-afb7-21f32ee3b6d7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:00:47	-827.269
-41	10793	1079300	ab58fda1-8cc7-4d91-9336-39d320a11593	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:33:15	-734.647
-41	21586	1079300	af6e8925-9199-410d-9448-722a62d0bca3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:25:38	906.981
-42	10794	1079400	48de4e1e-bde5-48e8-b082-f84caf4980a7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:09:05	905.411
-42	21588	1079400	0c75f208-5f6d-477e-bef0-07d269bf8672	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:09:26	740.350
-43	10795	1079500	c3cba8bc-52b6-46d4-ad31-c07b2733212c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:37:46	868.64
-43	21590	1079500	b08fbaf7-69db-4ea6-bc0d-57a8e11c1655	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:58:39	932.952
-44	10796	1079600	dd0dd0e6-4efa-4d4e-849d-cd5a25da3551	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:22:44	600.471
-44	21592	1079600	bd0b714b-914a-432a-99e8-74f2d6308064	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:04:03	-854.940
-45	10797	1079700	1d9b14ea-f51b-433f-a669-caa48ab1025c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:04:21	737.435
-45	21594	1079700	77d4c94b-f519-4d49-941b-acc6fcb42fe8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:44:13	-803.330
-46	10798	1079800	905a2241-d845-4329-b563-4fa75d928293	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:45:25	-418.993
-46	21596	1079800	d501ef01-4a34-4e16-af6a-b8eddcc913b6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:49:31	-326.371
-47	10799	1079900	ec0fd1c4-9a15-4ae6-b61e-e30df08dc34a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:18:13	884.992
-47	21598	1079900	c39db1ca-583b-478f-9c64-9a18da87aa85	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:16:07	80.110
-48	10800	1080000	2eb10828-b681-473e-9093-09b8ff823219	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:46:30	458.301
-48	21600	1080000	d7561d13-7336-4b55-8bbf-fd8d3d1a62b6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:55:06	828.312
-49	10801	1080100	87d2102e-5bb7-43a9-8d8e-64618dcd3d8f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:18:20	871.487
-49	21602	1080100	bab56d58-dc45-4ed9-b636-5d227631f55f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:48:14	18.77
-50	10802	1080200	b04e03ee-a526-4fa0-8571-772fb61339cf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:04:34	200.120
-50	21604	1080200	878681a2-3416-4b32-a109-1727a53a989d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:44:43	-42.318
-51	10803	1080300	690cfb96-30c8-4f40-8faf-e8c356f95435	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:32:59	-388.468
-51	21606	1080300	870e9e77-4991-4fa1-893a-531ead1dac17	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:53:09	-645.593
-52	10804	1080400	96eb7925-3819-4759-9b6e-6daec9337f5e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:59:41	-858.102
-52	21608	1080400	bfb3383c-9f0b-4c3a-bda1-b4829875ea0d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:20:49	-318.408
-53	10805	1080500	e5408064-1d1a-4328-8e06-e203f79a4d61	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:54:09	498.747
-53	21610	1080500	69fe6d91-d522-437f-a7f2-9d7b25e2dcad	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:09:06	-866.677
-54	10806	1080600	391c9efc-e091-4722-9081-4030fae7b38e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:48:01	219.223
-54	21612	1080600	b43beb4a-f8fa-4bbe-b3f2-5e93e80df555	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:20:12	-809.384
-55	10807	1080700	1b0a7abc-d92e-4d2b-8853-ab6a80a671c5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:09:06	-211.391
-55	21614	1080700	ebf4fde2-df76-4456-9408-b6bbf4e19c1e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:05:41	-494.188
-56	10808	1080800	0d062f0c-94a7-4713-8e67-bbba85b29425	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:39:14	-479.665
-56	21616	1080800	84fa6cc8-d5bf-41c7-8e85-e065553ec012	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:47:35	66.970
-57	10809	1080900	429cd206-cd84-46d0-abe5-3cad90ac421d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:42:57	-959.508
-57	21618	1080900	4ff74938-9c63-4757-8f89-78bd561c2a0d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:03:26	751.881
-58	10810	1081000	cba42396-e575-46b9-bc55-9569d735b1a4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:12:12	378.772
-58	21620	1081000	a4442325-2331-4524-8e47-0b32410bf6c4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:21:49	572.655
-59	10811	1081100	c0886d3c-edf5-4124-9b1f-cb5f5d276975	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:38:41	972.507
-59	21622	1081100	fbdffe27-a1e4-4727-84d3-6389e38b0e49	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:36:48	-213.829
-60	10812	1081200	68f94c32-fc3d-4818-801f-f890d4c160e2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:45:45	571.840
-60	21624	1081200	f37061f4-6fed-4d4c-9b4a-153a56dacb6d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:08:01	-811.769
-61	10813	1081300	3d5a10da-5289-46d6-889e-927dd0ade346	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:07:05	192.717
-61	21626	1081300	58aafd8b-7fa6-4ecb-8b5d-5c68c80025d2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:34:30	21.267
-62	10814	1081400	95b510da-bdd4-4406-b6c4-3cda080b9c18	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:37:50	251.193
-62	21628	1081400	b0648a07-cfdc-4de7-bdd4-9845103a4bba	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:17:42	-922.261
-63	10815	1081500	0e9f6c40-862e-4967-a8c7-7993ccb5e437	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:12:53	801.171
-63	21630	1081500	f78ec125-c450-4512-8e3e-78fcc78901f4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:59:30	-74.233
-64	10816	1081600	dbd21cd6-5ca6-4f2e-8d9a-6138e13fe5c4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:36:58	760.414
-64	21632	1081600	9bfb0b5d-4bc3-4a15-850c-cea205250be3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:43:41	436.320
-65	10817	1081700	222d9ea9-9111-48a9-a597-558324decc5c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:31:43	-848.1
-65	21634	1081700	a8d97a72-e5c2-4bb2-a514-8c07f8b039d0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:30:24	320.502
-66	10818	1081800	8bf36094-46a2-43db-999b-23b9e5815f3c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:41:28	-575.691
-66	21636	1081800	ffb70a52-07d5-4f96-a196-e2cfb6c86069	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:42:49	-760.444
-67	10819	1081900	fba654e4-3189-44fb-aab6-14641fb5e5d5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:41:45	-666.978
-67	21638	1081900	ecd0fe5e-3060-4f31-9845-c51fd156e246	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:34:28	805.722
-68	10820	1082000	ebece876-b56a-4175-a591-c3d552ab75ae	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:48:28	787.376
-68	21640	1082000	47b60d25-5427-444d-ad49-1cbf753f101c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:20:28	368.935
-69	10821	1082100	103c9e4e-1163-44a8-994b-b26d4f3d0dc1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:15:04	-614.553
-69	21642	1082100	78d7368b-e972-4af5-b9c6-4b9c6f449ac9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:04:09	635.416
-70	10822	1082200	d832e625-cfee-4df9-8d3b-10e1a8e3a134	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:04:29	202.651
-70	21644	1082200	7d2347aa-375e-4d8d-a9cb-751c0fb9e3d0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:36:04	-792.583
-71	10823	1082300	432900bb-940b-4818-8df0-b523e963c502	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:38:32	139.455
-71	21646	1082300	ba311bf2-48a1-45a4-b118-a24609446438	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:21:46	-604.91
-72	10824	1082400	e8774eda-b571-4acb-82ee-6fbcbcf614b4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:09:48	-545.76
-72	21648	1082400	3b129c03-0ed7-4975-a783-1a191216f38a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:38:07	-388.54
-73	10825	1082500	ad6cf8a9-ebec-412c-89ed-0d94dd0e5dbb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:48:03	-411.791
-73	21650	1082500	b6d3537b-00a9-40e7-9869-05bfa955f4b2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:23:25	965.967
-74	10826	1082600	b15ae31f-b77f-4ee9-9e04-1366e6602366	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:30:25	-926.572
-74	21652	1082600	1a3a2719-26be-4581-8a9a-3670d113e9f0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:23:56	332.232
-75	10827	1082700	c74931a0-b9c6-4331-b10b-faf97acb9563	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:34:16	784.240
-75	21654	1082700	b90599ee-52c0-4790-9be4-a4cf8e607f31	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:05:08	-361.645
-76	10828	1082800	cf0172da-67ca-48a4-9a40-c2ac53f9f86f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:07:50	448.30
-76	21656	1082800	e330c157-e5cf-4ec1-8887-a8c8d36414d1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:21:29	-414.994
-77	10829	1082900	1d46d82f-4739-456b-a993-4dcac6612e27	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:18:59	-736.45
-77	21658	1082900	473b8144-0444-4953-9080-c6592c1cee8b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:45:30	-989.28
-78	10830	1083000	10edf334-4797-4a48-897b-7ce806c7410e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:58:23	763.844
-78	21660	1083000	70e45167-c1b4-4dd1-8055-3c1dd308f9ec	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:42:47	-364.171
-79	10831	1083100	49ced2fb-9a25-498e-8b0f-28fd09212f85	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:20:58	975.374
-79	21662	1083100	e05a3a28-2805-44ae-aaa8-31976e943ad7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:52:30	324.258
-80	10832	1083200	557d1ab3-724a-4d3b-b6c9-d7995711e95e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:08:30	561.702
-80	21664	1083200	9835ce22-3175-4e88-948c-dc943a7c778a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:50:05	-264.533
-81	10833	1083300	19f434e3-d7f0-4f5d-b735-59c965f57fea	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:24:31	526.437
-81	21666	1083300	01fbee51-f5a2-48e2-86d0-bca22f8b7d51	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:48:22	-385.444
-82	10834	1083400	f3e1dbe5-09b7-4f79-ae87-7aa6d89d902b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:48:47	448.205
-82	21668	1083400	3c468780-8708-4bd4-98cf-aa687c32d36d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:38:51	-681.356
-83	10835	1083500	9309cd1a-4e60-43d0-99d5-0661ba39f6c8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:25:55	-466.832
-83	21670	1083500	826fa6e7-8f58-4de2-b715-23c083388a34	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:21:37	661.873
-84	10836	1083600	11f3c335-607a-4fe4-8d02-d49b89f88571	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:37:04	-322.689
-84	21672	1083600	963f28b8-d3f6-4797-a0f7-e46854134357	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:24:42	-972.827
-85	10837	1083700	38bc763b-2988-4fa8-be83-7f243b51d5fa	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:02:24	278.20
-85	21674	1083700	e6663482-af3b-4889-a808-f43a2ceca6c3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:53:02	-169.814
-86	10838	1083800	465d4fc2-8982-4000-949f-72b61c268160	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:32:58	140.868
-86	21676	1083800	0c603535-96e3-4c32-8329-fcaabb8cb793	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:20:00	-152.820
-87	10839	1083900	51cf7896-9931-4fa3-9c38-fdc25a38e363	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:49:17	-277.389
-87	21678	1083900	eb09e45d-0dae-414f-a74f-76b9b3e79239	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:47:16	29.930
-88	10840	1084000	380ba89b-856b-44d5-ab7f-85ddf1bcf528	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:29:36	-186.29
-88	21680	1084000	d9ceb188-d9d9-4e1a-8644-63c6f09c45b1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:10:28	952.22
-89	10841	1084100	831d63d3-20d6-4b25-b64f-1cec0505d655	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:41:47	889.323
-89	21682	1084100	8c6c48f2-8622-47aa-870f-37a8b7aba9c2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:10:12	201.526
-90	10842	1084200	0a8f32be-2e41-42f1-a54e-c5e5661046af	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:19:56	-299.554
-90	21684	1084200	f49465e9-6e16-465c-8a55-b1bec8b74b81	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:19:28	-923.818
-91	10843	1084300	79c85e6c-60f8-4b0b-ac8e-ebaf19f956a3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:23:49	-829.833
-91	21686	1084300	d7744300-4bb9-4910-9734-8156576c0438	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:45:54	709.937
-92	10844	1084400	e1960eb5-78a8-4f2c-b102-fc2361292db5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:20:01	518.894
-92	21688	1084400	520c9b50-ef26-4975-8ae1-91c8ec7b6a2a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:06:49	740.72
-93	10845	1084500	73f4eedd-2c11-491a-9985-916da091d1d5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:32:39	145.333
-93	21690	1084500	3506310f-b3eb-4ca9-9225-7788113370f6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:15:38	310.658
-94	10846	1084600	c015d4ef-f7a6-46cd-a88b-ec9b6acc7b0f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:45:36	260.77
-94	21692	1084600	faa50e57-1cdc-4a4f-8805-e26038c29a27	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:05:15	29.718
-95	10847	1084700	0ea29199-5c69-4b9b-b0be-19a9a3c38831	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:11:24	-438.289
-95	21694	1084700	5d3cfeec-9c6a-4fbe-b1ce-5e1f663531d1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:11:10	-744.244
-96	10848	1084800	a8f5c899-8a6e-4e29-839f-3712814f88a9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:07:41	-131.908
-96	21696	1084800	d9a2af8a-f857-4580-98a1-f3881060f347	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:42:12	21.314
-97	10849	1084900	eaac748d-c9f1-44f4-98f5-015bb1a7aa6f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:26:09	-960.515
-97	21698	1084900	9319f088-ac0a-4db9-9f30-b160bb521b19	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:54:39	-125.223
-98	10850	1085000	d9cd786f-bae7-489e-a93e-f8e6e9f78a75	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:11:57	-247.789
-98	21700	1085000	c5e1e51e-c09c-41b7-8887-e689927f5451	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:25:05	-888.420
-99	10851	1085100	5f253d60-953e-4ac4-af72-741b92e2589a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:48:35	22.430
-99	21702	1085100	5eb38fdf-4220-47d7-96d0-4e0359280a61	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:14:09	-605.896
-100	10852	1085200	eab0af5d-2725-469e-802c-81ad4e199f2e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:37:32	801.301
-100	21704	1085200	d882aba9-46cd-4fce-aabe-c4d146dd31f5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:43:28	-619.631
-101	10853	1085300	42c6ee71-32e9-4806-8c97-98ff0794503f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:18:21	-898.424
-101	21706	1085300	864585ba-9fb0-444a-a747-0a41521017da	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:14:34	304.711
-102	10854	1085400	5fa65da9-8861-4f43-91e0-336d19499a57	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:58:28	256.751
-102	21708	1085400	eb6a60a3-121e-453d-8237-9009a82e3226	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:39:52	-498.117
-103	10855	1085500	7e60c749-1329-4278-80ab-a2ad96ac1b77	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:14:01	982.97
-103	21710	1085500	8a987557-34c9-4a02-8cc6-d6a10b839015	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:25:25	972.395
-104	10856	1085600	bda316c0-a965-4d9d-9ac7-240bb2eedde4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:57:36	698.919
-104	21712	1085600	4fe159ad-e973-4c0c-821a-cc949d9720d5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:04:11	-320.713
-105	10857	1085700	eee4eda5-9ddb-4ca5-82cb-3b1ee84efba6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:08:53	688.278
-105	21714	1085700	1d8afd09-f0df-4897-83d3-14627487845e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:54:34	-431.317
-106	10858	1085800	709f42cf-fd57-494a-8154-f6c56f9b5a66	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:07:32	729.536
-106	21716	1085800	2a9fff95-c4a5-4068-97d8-f01a4db36d2b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:02:13	-787.283
-107	10859	1085900	3e6f623d-1caa-4991-991c-996c83f3ded6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:47:26	784.519
-107	21718	1085900	849285f7-c19d-40e6-a5a8-04636792291f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:41:30	535.574
-108	10860	1086000	280cc080-4420-4b03-b7c0-f55fb7db656c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:03:21	-854.295
-108	21720	1086000	7e6056b4-f1ac-4e38-9e0d-fc9b30a9205d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:17:56	-425.385
-109	10861	1086100	e8b5dbf9-e579-41e5-b2a5-7aaa7bfd3050	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:07:22	-123.575
-109	21722	1086100	33818c0d-6150-406a-9f08-04b11a3d6ec7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:44:07	567.964
-110	10862	1086200	e5c6f11f-14c2-4285-973f-9eb10bb688c1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:44:37	41.642
-110	21724	1086200	65415a6b-1c2f-4661-aa64-17b4573c6d42	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:43:37	543.83
-111	10863	1086300	fe560f80-b3ad-4774-9913-51c5d682c1b8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:47:48	22.224
-111	21726	1086300	e6d88054-dbcb-48e1-bb8e-800c916e88f4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:43:28	513.637
-112	10864	1086400	ad6c6673-ade5-4e93-aa0b-748ee1d4ba88	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:58:37	332.166
-112	21728	1086400	ae148488-2c71-4cc0-aebc-a702976e8b7d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:21:11	-289.172
-113	10865	1086500	0f0429f2-19b0-48da-b072-65018649b831	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:08:00	-209.471
-113	21730	1086500	fa2d0bbd-5f17-4d40-9b41-d238cdf5bc31	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:32:24	-534.727
-114	10866	1086600	113ec1eb-e538-4bfd-9007-66f83205b38c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:20:11	-73.722
-114	21732	1086600	799ac0c6-1b6c-4dae-8cbb-5d8cdc10a4ef	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:19:14	993.388
-115	10867	1086700	3f856e95-bb85-4c20-b0e1-ac5e1d5e9fcd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:05:52	801.610
-115	21734	1086700	c38d75ec-bd16-44fc-9fbb-8a27a87ca568	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:22:07	262.16
-116	10868	1086800	60f81efd-1ab1-4ec5-b8a5-eb4d05ba59f0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:01:07	323.846
-116	21736	1086800	7f0755a2-decf-4961-86dd-a3dcc6032543	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:05:08	660.20
-117	10869	1086900	eeea103b-8289-4816-86f0-b0bc2e551561	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:57:49	-906.522
-117	21738	1086900	d5d878fd-3b2c-4e49-bef7-d0ffed153618	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:47:01	-101.989
-118	10870	1087000	ab6b609b-69a8-43b3-8820-f2655a70cdc2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:07:23	-664.621
-118	21740	1087000	0a9d2ab2-d5a5-4647-948f-5187056f4a48	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:34:46	-755.849
-119	10871	1087100	5c917088-9475-4011-b943-cbdf1a7283c7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:28:28	243.316
-119	21742	1087100	f2dae7e5-d976-4aca-afe9-5237b2c45697	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:25:07	990.659
-120	10872	1087200	8553c995-e323-44e2-9331-d7d55139ccde	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:30:29	260.349
-120	21744	1087200	5be60daa-3db4-44f7-af60-dd6e47c4e946	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:00:31	86.323
-121	10873	1087300	74a13d49-141a-4770-9227-50ca5869a7a7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:42:05	86.726
-121	21746	1087300	b6290d02-edf7-4487-8c8a-17bd9d2878d1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:56:42	-330.634
-122	10874	1087400	eb29a5a3-1164-44ab-94a1-b3df16e6db56	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:45:11	357.118
-122	21748	1087400	86a9decf-1def-4db0-a980-f0f1e8590fd2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:55:33	193.427
-123	10875	1087500	0c5cabaa-3b8c-40a3-bcb5-71aeb6429831	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:43:42	-551.499
-123	21750	1087500	48294645-a384-42d3-9fd8-3bebbb48d2db	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:58:22	145.249
-124	10876	1087600	0089c7ca-e65d-42b5-8085-2a7833e52af0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:01:42	587.206
-124	21752	1087600	fe3cc2b8-7481-4da2-943e-e9b3610c6764	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:15:18	-304.139
-125	10877	1087700	a18f81f6-5d95-4ffc-8191-ba089f89a6e9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:08:00	-879.606
-125	21754	1087700	3baddf81-ca9a-4867-8d1d-0e8a42d5936a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:32:57	-600.119
-126	10878	1087800	90ba4258-2ef8-47f4-b92f-bc849e34beaa	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:16:37	-622.675
-126	21756	1087800	15cb864c-9bbb-4d00-a0bb-171c8a211c92	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:11:59	-683.893
-127	10879	1087900	7b6883d9-1831-4568-8c00-44a5cd1870d1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:00:59	-51.352
-127	21758	1087900	957ec463-b86f-4922-a2d8-29468a69eacd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:06:04	9.275
-0	10880	1088000	0c7ac930-7f05-48c1-b301-d7511bcc3113	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:10:24	902.893
-0	21760	1088000	37d680d6-ca7e-494b-a0d6-b14ecd5ca530	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:01:04	896.177
-1	10881	1088100	5fdb9334-01da-428f-9738-d3ea90fd2d91	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:33:44	446.562
-1	21762	1088100	276487d7-b859-4644-9d9c-9cbae5e3b306	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:42:07	-410.138
-2	10882	1088200	4834cf16-06b0-48e0-85ca-ad11d97b1f25	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:49:01	-535.430
-2	21764	1088200	6a04aa12-82d0-4023-ae96-ac48196b8a9e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:28:54	-228.411
-3	10883	1088300	9ec8a90a-2be2-4654-81bc-3b51de47d471	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:22:21	-677.958
-3	21766	1088300	c4c9767d-883d-42b9-b2aa-af730f3b0068	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:38:23	-765.598
-4	10884	1088400	5034817d-770c-493b-8722-fa3fbdaaaf66	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:24:44	532.574
-4	21768	1088400	616be193-2ba8-4542-8f9d-11a296c5f426	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:13:44	-57.619
-5	10885	1088500	e00413a4-dfac-4e91-a2df-286f7684a86d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:59:54	402.299
-5	21770	1088500	af718a8f-c3e4-4cca-a12c-36d38ce9e5f0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:42:09	71.321
-6	10886	1088600	a03f3e46-3be0-4665-a3ce-5bdc70401cea	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:48:19	372.888
-6	21772	1088600	595c9a54-f9de-45aa-ae23-9ee82927e8d8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:25:13	-329.488
-7	10887	1088700	55dc2230-2f46-400a-8dd7-644186d3a0f7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:20:51	910.387
-7	21774	1088700	0dd09ba7-e050-4f76-8f26-6a302d807e67	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:14:12	-58.905
-8	10888	1088800	adaffd4f-dfda-4ed1-abf4-ca2fda2d3deb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:19:15	-654.805
-8	21776	1088800	a4a69cb0-8c7b-4991-81ec-ac46b40bdb78	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:34:13	453.919
-9	10889	1088900	16d30484-c16f-4373-ba1b-939aec3d750b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:33:27	801.968
-9	21778	1088900	0c1adfa0-1c4f-471e-8d2a-9b8fdf9064c9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:30:05	449.466
-10	10890	1089000	2655071e-de66-456f-b568-d8bb2307d05b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:47:18	-849.236
-10	21780	1089000	544de71f-6e0f-4ebe-96e6-1fe1cebf8e11	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:37:39	-614.486
-11	10891	1089100	5125d597-3d45-48f9-982d-663ebd1388a9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:16:30	66.737
-11	21782	1089100	95a8f49a-e224-431a-9acc-e415bde2cb13	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:53:11	-336.689
-12	10892	1089200	0f2029c8-383b-4cce-a74a-94be5f2dfffe	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:32:15	-337.755
-12	21784	1089200	fb890053-4723-4f1b-9256-596ebd4f5ec7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:24:39	48.783
-13	10893	1089300	108b166a-9445-4ac8-9b46-06b4f26e7075	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:26:44	767.340
-13	21786	1089300	5373d4bc-a4d0-4bfb-a2a9-c6c7fac2022a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:54:19	621.38
-14	10894	1089400	a845c4a3-a87f-43d9-b0eb-677eecbed5be	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:09:41	447.148
-14	21788	1089400	f97b1db3-5d8f-4322-b02d-9f6d40434f52	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:18:14	354.981
-15	10895	1089500	e41121c8-131f-4703-9ff8-57086ee7ebc3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:31:38	-892.384
-15	21790	1089500	80d44d44-e1de-4354-865f-5e366f63fbd5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:53:28	-702.255
-16	10896	1089600	d463dc65-39b4-4a0d-b927-ddb38d9d55d2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:49:05	882.449
-16	21792	1089600	de33b60d-7265-4db3-9b45-2834721d18c2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:07:48	821.35
-17	10897	1089700	bc69f5bb-32ea-42e2-9b24-3c7c57460266	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:02:18	127.589
-17	21794	1089700	0d4b630b-0e43-4d51-8adb-efb7c260f75c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:43:50	457.613
-18	10898	1089800	9ecd1904-0061-484a-a643-691b1a176807	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:47:37	701.384
-18	21796	1089800	684c5842-65ec-4906-b967-c34b98e79d18	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:14:25	-841.234
-19	10899	1089900	7fad21a9-ff22-40c3-9d30-25c1dc990492	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:40:03	-341.853
-19	21798	1089900	8c8233a6-7249-4939-82d8-3fbf77db058a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:40:13	-48.622
-20	10900	1090000	07674067-6486-4e48-abed-41262d4bfd03	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:10:58	212.941
-20	21800	1090000	8660281d-0d80-48db-adc9-2f28f4775eb8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:25:56	491.120
-21	10901	1090100	9343af82-80f8-43ae-b9bb-afc09eaeb9ce	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:53:29	-404.882
-21	21802	1090100	c0bbf04d-5323-4d34-80c3-67f74886f6d3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:49:39	-565.781
-22	10902	1090200	da153b67-548c-42ee-8502-125c3ffee081	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:53:14	-489.499
-22	21804	1090200	7d776902-eeae-488f-87b4-358ee23ad708	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:59:27	273.705
-23	10903	1090300	b93f7e21-b6c1-4d70-af70-6af31f3b15d6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:18:14	743.998
-23	21806	1090300	c43718c2-83c9-4b07-965a-cd4bd0bf34d8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:42:42	-67.131
-24	10904	1090400	357a1eff-1753-4f64-874c-7f555070a835	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:22:17	-23.108
-24	21808	1090400	0d4e8844-a66b-4bae-8e23-bd66a4b831f9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:29:05	817.857
-25	10905	1090500	d322d801-31e9-4b7f-a06d-d6188cb25a29	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:25:14	504.336
-25	21810	1090500	3c476f46-eee9-4d6b-ab03-3c4cd45bcfc6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:26:03	-735.768
-26	10906	1090600	38daa0b0-d4c8-4f52-93ff-326f92c78e01	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:56:38	225.955
-26	21812	1090600	43020a44-f5bf-4075-9d15-46e2bff5c397	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:27:14	-102.146
-27	10907	1090700	8afda59a-0d66-44b3-a655-5061f7a1e164	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:41:49	755.702
-27	21814	1090700	85564d06-8b19-4b7c-9dc5-75ff5083cd51	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:02:40	168.397
-28	10908	1090800	29a69f96-0e3b-4bd5-814f-31f20f07e792	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:24:28	-423.550
-28	21816	1090800	56d54d09-28d0-4e8f-bcae-06d51418aa93	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:18:35	190.961
-29	10909	1090900	e0cac98d-f7d1-457c-b579-dbc69597d298	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:57:21	281.875
-29	21818	1090900	ae927c9e-c0e9-4559-ad09-8016192da978	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:27:34	238.677
-30	10910	1091000	905ddcb5-936e-4faf-b64f-1b560b89e542	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:33:28	677.243
-30	21820	1091000	3b795eb0-f9ac-4cc1-b4fc-bce0cdf8ee91	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:51:26	818.301
-31	10911	1091100	f713ec86-de9f-49bc-a753-f6b04f771c52	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:04:44	843.876
-31	21822	1091100	44aeb657-9852-4727-8127-5304013e4d70	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:49:36	376.347
-32	10912	1091200	0853a304-d96d-4ab4-bf16-1d277287ddfc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:32:23	351.335
-32	21824	1091200	8e8a468c-0091-4cdb-93a4-8898574993b7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:00:59	-347.108
-33	10913	1091300	49e3a468-8e2d-4138-9284-3b669e698640	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:52:54	904.830
-33	21826	1091300	1303c8b9-5c96-416d-9481-bcd547bb0dd9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:26:38	-286.993
-34	10914	1091400	c8bcad0d-be7f-4a69-962d-ed0233612544	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:24:47	918.3
-34	21828	1091400	83a62c9d-983a-44b4-922a-6378bde7f8d7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:40:07	103.404
-35	10915	1091500	f16febad-d507-4199-a822-da18df73cd8c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:53:46	783.666
-35	21830	1091500	0156e809-438a-403d-b6db-4b7ecf19d65b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:23:50	-520.365
-36	10916	1091600	d42edce5-9da0-443d-901b-9b238ad75f80	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:46:53	-763.460
-36	21832	1091600	c0d9ca59-fb72-496e-97ec-7c2f8fe8f24a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:58:45	-450.977
-37	10917	1091700	f7748148-e758-4a66-b58a-7e3f8ea81595	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:16:44	-928.369
-37	21834	1091700	e802ab64-4f5b-4c67-b511-2387ced726ae	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:39:19	-253.367
-38	10918	1091800	7b98456f-b13b-4590-82dd-0fdbf89be39c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:30:36	-475.745
-38	21836	1091800	2aeec8d9-590a-4403-ad12-77600c1bce0f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:19:01	-47.452
-39	10919	1091900	007ce348-79e5-4ab9-b606-28bca8847358	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:20:08	901.666
-39	21838	1091900	37739a82-b6e2-40eb-b65e-979a4bcf1669	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:15:58	112.194
-40	10920	1092000	74efb306-9161-4dab-b7e2-8d547e97e97a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:16:08	951.697
-40	21840	1092000	887f795f-913f-49f2-8e20-a96a0af0591d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:12:01	-870.153
-41	10921	1092100	b05274af-8bac-40cd-8815-c4e53c935d1a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:58:11	563.33
-41	21842	1092100	b482f4ca-8f2e-4bdc-8393-fea24ff0c0c8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:08:47	-821.772
-42	10922	1092200	dcf0fcb4-ff26-4505-9e20-3ef495e553d1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:51:57	-295.902
-42	21844	1092200	35fdae3c-dcd6-460d-b103-1cb21769fd67	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:02:24	525.636
-43	10923	1092300	cdb5dc06-a997-48b3-b19b-5f8d0fca7e49	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:14:00	-318.799
-43	21846	1092300	4a9fb4f9-4418-4b45-82d8-311fbd60dfc6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:46:59	-863.201
-44	10924	1092400	b74702fc-0c1a-44fe-afbc-dd112b990708	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:03:58	-426.919
-44	21848	1092400	d589ac02-0f01-49b7-b4e5-022bf87d8619	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:45:17	-242.121
-45	10925	1092500	6f5115db-cf3f-4b34-acd2-946ccc20ebff	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:17:27	-561.756
-45	21850	1092500	badcf240-3f6b-44ea-b20a-f1d7dd43c51b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:27:04	11.312
-46	10926	1092600	4eb292e3-c511-4229-ad15-8f8b47948e67	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:29:06	395.824
-46	21852	1092600	6b8a1820-95ef-4886-9014-bccde8386b8e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:06:34	-518.840
-47	10927	1092700	114fd777-07a4-4930-8a5b-5417ca819fed	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:42:29	917.359
-47	21854	1092700	b58d1683-e4cd-4802-ad61-cd6fb7780f2f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:59:44	894.416
-48	10928	1092800	a8de925f-4beb-41b8-a688-96f34749a918	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:42:11	-181.561
-48	21856	1092800	34d708b5-af2b-4c1d-a92c-02540c7d80e9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:26:52	286.914
-49	10929	1092900	8e0ca9e3-4fac-4c42-89a1-76f7f74ec7bb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:06:34	-53.864
-49	21858	1092900	0cab7166-881d-4bbb-87a4-69b49ad8b155	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:49:57	-621.504
-50	10930	1093000	eb70a197-db0d-49b1-82af-15e94a2c3703	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:09:17	872.771
-50	21860	1093000	d182bb94-41c0-415f-8901-4a6d199d09a9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:21:56	-137.667
-51	10931	1093100	7aff1e16-dbcc-4ed9-8422-1241e36543b7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:01:58	607.741
-51	21862	1093100	13b77ec6-3134-4c80-855a-e507a04268a4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:35:36	-389.544
-52	10932	1093200	2afca906-0c69-4af3-b0db-b67621a47d39	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:27:37	-337.682
-52	21864	1093200	8ac3f706-c3c7-469a-ab28-f1f62570cf42	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:26:40	-97.478
-53	10933	1093300	a2353407-d330-41a8-986a-70246ca449e4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:16:33	739.515
-53	21866	1093300	daad34e9-0c1a-4d0a-b409-2c75f6231ca6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:13:42	204.44
-54	10934	1093400	f3d16855-4560-432d-901a-6bbbf5c741cb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:09:31	-569.933
-54	21868	1093400	c8ba8d97-5763-4a18-8a53-c562b401e04a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:41:50	303.312
-55	10935	1093500	fdd9c4fe-f67f-45cb-95a0-507f6b170fe9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:05:16	-451.124
-55	21870	1093500	2d6dba6b-b96c-4142-8c14-b2d3e7dc5362	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:25:32	-876.661
-56	10936	1093600	c608b375-55e4-4e8a-84ee-539d2dd32c6b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:37:25	-304.673
-56	21872	1093600	be4362f9-4045-40ba-be08-b9f20209939e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:59:36	-391.569
-57	10937	1093700	fe4a69d0-89ef-4606-92a0-8fcf5327fe43	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:05:30	-380.291
-57	21874	1093700	75cd3a92-5834-4bd4-a860-cd3334f8ecc5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:48:12	638.657
-58	10938	1093800	b9a41f71-65ee-428c-8bae-b24f765cbe60	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:50:08	-378.401
-58	21876	1093800	3f054a2c-e4e8-4f61-bf64-51753ce74d2e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:43:19	115.944
-59	10939	1093900	887978cc-7d01-45ed-8a76-8087e0e3e8d1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:52:05	930.828
-59	21878	1093900	6f15521a-0741-44af-8d47-5752a1c1c8e2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:36:00	-472.49
-60	10940	1094000	4b1dc8af-34f7-4e13-bcc0-30348cfa2285	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:10:46	-333.451
-60	21880	1094000	760df325-387b-492d-bce6-42158b08a3f8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:42:27	225.403
-61	10941	1094100	7caf0db8-3cd5-4fbd-b3db-d9ec91c29876	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:26:53	743.951
-61	21882	1094100	6c647054-43ca-44e3-8e45-e1ede1517be0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:30:33	329.174
-62	10942	1094200	661cad05-607e-4d4f-bdd0-66895b1867ff	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:03:27	-307.794
-62	21884	1094200	4a169b21-5adb-4d9a-9354-a585019a563d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:29:47	270.216
-63	10943	1094300	e2cbc233-e011-4c79-9281-fd485c4a3a40	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:25:50	144.493
-63	21886	1094300	83612719-cb7f-436d-8cec-96246b438597	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:30:19	-709.926
-64	10944	1094400	c3d336d8-9565-4785-8ba5-3cb0dd23b9b6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:23:55	478.140
-64	21888	1094400	8ef59e46-db22-4e61-8e85-10f3ca13f74a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:59:40	-304.346
-65	10945	1094500	02da754b-13bd-4df3-abb6-a357f819b7d9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:12:07	-717.405
-65	21890	1094500	e5bed897-866b-42d5-8325-c36ecda77286	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:04:31	-139.791
-66	10946	1094600	5c47be85-1bb8-490b-8c49-5f4ac7c11e49	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:00:28	295.291
-66	21892	1094600	217a0f54-d73f-430a-9f01-10deefde04bd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:34:00	-185.656
-67	10947	1094700	916c4ff9-9375-491b-8012-90eb49101461	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:22:14	888.952
-67	21894	1094700	0fce34d7-2e97-43ab-8bed-dbe0c65057f7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:11:06	-959.451
-68	10948	1094800	bb7bc183-4de5-4eb9-932c-ef681e75c35f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:36:33	38.993
-68	21896	1094800	588162a1-e113-49b0-911e-aab526294687	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:46:11	451.432
-69	10949	1094900	d82c0ea9-a600-4aa5-b17a-195f4df8b64d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:41:44	99.473
-69	21898	1094900	93565f8c-2976-4982-9fd4-4ffc5da8e5d1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:39:19	-947.185
-70	10950	1095000	23d82650-7356-42ab-90fb-29c0aa159934	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:54:50	788.256
-70	21900	1095000	f79e7e8c-9a13-453f-a0b6-6df5d19759e3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:18:42	581.875
-71	10951	1095100	ee5292ca-9a93-4f4e-a633-da767f7ed3d9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:14:45	-873.98
-71	21902	1095100	3a4d899e-bf90-4c04-b2cd-e9ab8041e5fa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:59:41	635.357
-72	10952	1095200	6930623a-2ad2-4c92-8608-d45b6e68c61f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:49:28	-552.388
-72	21904	1095200	1f9c0218-b660-433b-87a2-44788e59481e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:32:51	995.203
-73	10953	1095300	a07ca7d7-8e1d-4a6c-88d9-5758976746bf	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:40:34	806.879
-73	21906	1095300	81d49bb8-321a-4f8e-ac4c-829e660eaf0a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:03:45	-482.261
-74	10954	1095400	c0bebe4e-4c15-4e38-9b33-ccc353d79ef6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:24:54	845.787
-74	21908	1095400	5c9972aa-79b9-4f7a-b324-94aab1f8c938	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:07:24	-660.214
-75	10955	1095500	236e3246-bf15-4ae1-a1aa-521fdc42b8c8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:44:37	-618.645
-75	21910	1095500	13d6dad3-ed1a-4ed8-9cfd-b406fa21bbee	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:24:17	-738.866
-76	10956	1095600	ca2183c3-8a35-496f-8d35-2782f0471af4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:19:13	-820.650
-76	21912	1095600	2fba04ec-d815-4edc-98be-5e732f041176	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:58:20	387.437
-77	10957	1095700	742e54e3-af6a-478d-9632-8468af3e00e9	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:17:46	522.477
-77	21914	1095700	c09df11a-64ca-4f5a-8e16-f7e71b7d400d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:01:33	508.834
-78	10958	1095800	7005cd34-41bf-4254-ad3b-6b54540b87bb	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:44:25	-68.276
-78	21916	1095800	b9f75989-02f1-414e-87c9-1cbf20ff9e2b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:43:12	-203.862
-79	10959	1095900	bd598327-0c95-4fed-9ef4-123bce8a6185	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:58:20	-710.499
-79	21918	1095900	d38b058e-eed2-476c-91ab-5d46cbc8d198	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:36:32	227.157
-80	10960	1096000	8dbb68d3-dd53-4052-a416-881f1b676024	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:21:48	937.256
-80	21920	1096000	e70f14d4-dc9f-4350-ad98-820ec7efc776	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:35:37	-789.885
-81	10961	1096100	59e33011-2582-4471-8200-5dd1e3f80660	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:33:10	-78.877
-81	21922	1096100	cae23375-f82a-4d6b-9841-b4f3809d3b44	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:59:42	-372.308
-82	10962	1096200	09a504f5-1311-4198-a7e0-6d73c66540bb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:24:53	-647.261
-82	21924	1096200	8da73aff-1693-409a-a4b8-39e9679ed605	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:37:47	342.522
-83	10963	1096300	e31a86cf-2086-40a4-bdce-575547c69959	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:17:45	165.724
-83	21926	1096300	0bb52d60-6ccb-447d-9748-759e20eb2dc4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:17:24	274.901
-84	10964	1096400	9f1189f0-7cc8-4fdb-83c0-78eb79ac3819	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:39:58	-103.78
-84	21928	1096400	acb986e0-0a2d-480e-9107-d4557aae5746	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:42:48	779.965
-85	10965	1096500	bc5bdb2d-7104-4cd8-aa2b-229565ddc00d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:12:38	-341.476
-85	21930	1096500	55a8e523-e4d7-4ccd-bb03-63dff4ca27a5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:02:21	785.957
-86	10966	1096600	312f6414-c468-42f0-a5fb-192ec20cbf26	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:49:46	-289.102
-86	21932	1096600	047d027b-eb1b-424f-afd2-ba5c5deea396	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:09:55	-589.325
-87	10967	1096700	7b701dc1-ee91-4fff-b70f-408d5d8a0fe1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:38:01	-663.720
-87	21934	1096700	e60a3566-8ed3-4d52-ac7a-4e00f5e92e6e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:17:46	-955.419
-88	10968	1096800	94d26bba-6812-450f-ac8e-87856bf067a8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:03:33	-272.541
-88	21936	1096800	8ec06d96-5a6c-40a1-baa4-3281b579fb65	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:43:51	260.690
-89	10969	1096900	f7f8cbc3-ced8-4f10-ba1b-3e2df9fd87d2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:34:38	511.446
-89	21938	1096900	61724d52-b470-4122-93b2-5b9e35c7bc7a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:39:23	812.802
-90	10970	1097000	141e7c2f-af90-4984-93ac-8eb54321527a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:27:09	-402.1
-90	21940	1097000	37974ebd-b45e-468a-a8fa-3bd3fa062150	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:33:06	283.879
-91	10971	1097100	59c79560-ca24-4b9b-89e1-b56f516bb77f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:40:14	670.738
-91	21942	1097100	16b8bef5-4284-4290-b59d-b29007f4bead	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:03:22	786.753
-92	10972	1097200	a49694cb-bef5-4b1a-b0b9-240ed996143e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:05:53	-481.970
-92	21944	1097200	7f51cef5-7e59-40b6-a0b8-f3a2d510a8cc	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:37:42	-723.651
-93	10973	1097300	d0db7a16-1dc2-410f-922a-797750c024ce	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:42:50	-418.60
-93	21946	1097300	03e44f45-4c87-4574-aa37-d905b021c895	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:25:13	-810.190
-94	10974	1097400	1b44f245-4388-4f4b-b846-82f9dafc27bd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:28:32	151.329
-94	21948	1097400	f2357045-fda7-4532-88ac-4333536da755	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:19:30	-12.248
-95	10975	1097500	dc3cb06c-3cf7-4c74-8bb7-13fa724fe987	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:19:54	867.673
-95	21950	1097500	4043d2ca-bda4-4897-a3c8-f06a79f84a0f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:48:07	-12.227
-96	10976	1097600	0981d28b-bd67-45d8-a57a-10572597d88e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:10:40	-798.52
-96	21952	1097600	d457e67f-a6f5-4083-aa36-2b876a7c52fe	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:03:19	-553.572
-97	10977	1097700	a679646a-1b55-4a0e-984c-dc7e6a0cd412	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:07:32	-29.888
-97	21954	1097700	37bddd7c-6f0b-451c-a400-c35df628dc19	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:02:58	810.665
-98	10978	1097800	fadc3b0b-661a-4da2-b803-79f110c83cbf	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:03:46	-337.678
-98	21956	1097800	4e62014d-891a-44e7-8eb8-db4bfd76fb61	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:09:45	-216.916
-99	10979	1097900	5e8d7b7e-9203-4cc6-8976-cd6470f18e45	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:20:18	-760.427
-99	21958	1097900	09357679-2abd-4857-bc7b-927556879074	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:13:07	336.720
-100	10980	1098000	c99bc3ff-6abd-40da-8bcc-97f9ba8a1699	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:09:15	-695.75
-100	21960	1098000	406faa44-051f-480e-9e86-22b008886c9d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:13:10	-595.245
-101	10981	1098100	f6180f37-e00c-4b90-9530-33571a82e204	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:55:46	92.541
-101	21962	1098100	94e7a955-a6b6-406f-b60a-b57f84131dea	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:43:02	202.637
-102	10982	1098200	c737c56f-9d66-4b80-8592-1f114d69dd64	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:08:39	-328.512
-102	21964	1098200	0937ff3a-fb61-41a1-88ce-100c96568cfc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:12:28	729.756
-103	10983	1098300	d33f22a7-4ac6-4577-8d2e-5a52e79e9f3d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:53:12	61.695
-103	21966	1098300	00cb1d33-376f-483b-a7f1-b86ae12de3a2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:57:02	-297.835
-104	10984	1098400	869bf49e-ff29-49b3-ac0e-187d5fa2a98b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:14:01	-613.864
-104	21968	1098400	21d51b1c-b818-4a3d-be45-cc030bf528ec	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:50:19	-60.325
-105	10985	1098500	28ea869a-a291-4cdb-a87c-a0512d903986	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:08:59	981.678
-105	21970	1098500	458f20e6-b114-4ec2-94fd-711bc2156a30	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:07:42	-21.786
-106	10986	1098600	31ba581a-b190-4568-a8de-20e5caefe023	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:06:39	-502.833
-106	21972	1098600	1578ec45-3811-464e-a305-c261127aace1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:29:16	-948.919
-107	10987	1098700	1761d828-5828-4e5f-809f-9f8a1eafa29a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:01:18	-626.779
-107	21974	1098700	3f87cceb-101f-4360-af39-66e22b3259ce	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:36:47	928.136
-108	10988	1098800	26e2ffd3-e6f0-4c4e-8e50-9016741426fb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:33:09	728.149
-108	21976	1098800	b9925f5d-9fe3-4ef7-813a-7717e3acdf27	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:34:35	568.758
-109	10989	1098900	1f18f576-b31e-47bc-89cd-a26aaaef0009	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:58:08	228.645
-109	21978	1098900	13a8a9eb-ada4-467a-ba77-fa5aa30c19f1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:52:09	126.237
-110	10990	1099000	56acc805-50be-4745-be60-72210e3da7d9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:36:59	-38.455
-110	21980	1099000	5eaebcbd-ab80-4328-a90c-f1d17930f485	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:08:22	-913.857
-111	10991	1099100	f0a255f2-90fa-4335-a70d-94c0a5aae3ff	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:34:39	-242.175
-111	21982	1099100	cfe77e4d-9d8e-4e2e-b3c1-694f3db9b097	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:40:46	-321.131
-112	10992	1099200	3a2ec94f-5663-48da-9d33-7207c9f083c6	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:36:19	-589.196
-112	21984	1099200	1744c2c6-0ce6-441c-9f3f-d9957953a418	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:04:37	-401.632
-113	10993	1099300	f56a98f2-8171-4ae7-bd13-ff6893d907f4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:27:43	-836.288
-113	21986	1099300	89400a69-6626-4eb0-9354-44d0b4886dee	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:00:23	-197.542
-114	10994	1099400	76b292f5-e504-44d8-be58-d7ba3b493190	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:42:04	15.163
-114	21988	1099400	ce85f07b-df89-4eee-bafa-fb0c06409b79	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:07:13	-364.394
-115	10995	1099500	330c5c43-98ec-4a38-902d-7be3ae53dfa9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:43:29	-571.7
-115	21990	1099500	3213d0eb-836e-43e1-a57a-fa2ac05d5731	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:20:38	230.31
-116	10996	1099600	00b3f4a5-8f67-4b7b-8371-42f0347a3bec	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:24:30	-221.558
-116	21992	1099600	83106c22-4f48-4bc8-8fa3-08a98218cc49	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:39:55	194.940
-117	10997	1099700	deef66e1-d164-4566-911c-e73ec27968cb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:52:45	-687.440
-117	21994	1099700	97a419ad-d9d3-4444-8dfd-0a4b1cfa56f0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:36:07	-361.765
-118	10998	1099800	45854768-be78-4224-b7bf-f14bb825f3e4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:11:12	-677.790
-118	21996	1099800	9500166b-0d13-4bf6-bf39-53cfaf00ce62	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:30:55	-434.402
-119	10999	1099900	e155cad7-67b2-4214-887f-4b485ea8b86f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:16:12	-557.803
-119	21998	1099900	fefa1858-7593-4808-8fd0-fe1aa35b07a4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:21:57	273.922
-120	11000	1100000	aa41fa16-3546-4b60-9ee2-e49d1d14270e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:50:23	910.646
-120	22000	1100000	68a8215c-beaf-49b2-b0bc-c4abc784a505	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:21:59	-161.421
-121	11001	1100100	f1618d10-8a69-45a8-a926-ccd12a7da4db	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:31:30	167.160
-121	22002	1100100	f2596914-eb7f-4c5e-b8cd-87e3f2cd6ea0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:59:29	-312.136
-122	11002	1100200	e180591c-941d-4365-91ba-63363efe9981	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:06:57	-345.404
-122	22004	1100200	55e17de1-8218-470b-84aa-64a952cc7bd8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:06:53	-315.96
-123	11003	1100300	3436e744-0d5c-4d78-95de-f391f50cce21	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:16:27	-818.279
-123	22006	1100300	95e4fa4d-b84e-48f5-abb7-551d20d70bd6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:46:17	774.713
-124	11004	1100400	a76ff299-2417-4b7c-aba0-ed5fbcde5c26	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:38:30	-987.177
-124	22008	1100400	265af308-165a-4e8f-b2ff-adf342533b5f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:24:03	708.971
-125	11005	1100500	2ed0de1e-7ef7-4eb9-b556-5f15db5cc536	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:55:18	96.428
-125	22010	1100500	57bf9cf3-0dcb-4cd5-bca6-b9ec135e36e6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:13:10	208.436
-126	11006	1100600	dfa86293-723e-48f1-b2c3-40ad5d4609a2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:35:12	900.89
-126	22012	1100600	3cf2c0b3-6ff1-4adb-92bd-6a239611ede9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:56:59	69.569
-127	11007	1100700	9ceee0ef-6547-4d58-b5d8-be9b3f67d6bd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:37:23	541.272
-127	22014	1100700	bb77f988-7f3d-4d53-be44-c07dc164e5eb	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:35:20	312.577
-0	11008	1100800	7803c98b-83d5-47c3-abbe-a9452c405efe	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:24:39	32.499
-0	22016	1100800	4e910d4b-d046-4366-bec1-16aec0ae61a7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:07:59	-111.452
-1	11009	1100900	fcd897df-f52b-49a8-9a94-8c6be917ec84	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:46:09	-598.141
-1	22018	1100900	90cf7351-d296-4cc5-95df-164aa5259efe	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:45:40	-861.333
-2	11010	1101000	da706026-a1cf-4db9-ba6f-efea2ae23a30	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:22:55	-876.449
-2	22020	1101000	ff5ec398-d41f-41ba-a22b-3fb1fa9cabf3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:26:17	164.820
-3	11011	1101100	802e5dbc-ccc2-444d-a951-9aacd7a0d7c5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:35:29	-280.723
-3	22022	1101100	009b02b2-3ecf-42ef-a31b-d3144122b5a3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:32:16	-438.339
-4	11012	1101200	46eff9cd-3cf8-4730-844d-a4a996d5d498	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:39:07	-719.278
-4	22024	1101200	3bd0252e-de4b-426b-9101-fc6be89dca31	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:26:33	-646.899
-5	11013	1101300	697173bc-34d0-4b63-882b-97abbd90c067	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:33:09	-791.103
-5	22026	1101300	2f2edbc7-c321-4cdb-b1b6-852d81faf91a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:09:58	637.985
-6	11014	1101400	9533d394-5b8e-48f7-b0aa-551b88887067	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:17:42	-608.887
-6	22028	1101400	6aa13a63-86c3-4856-9a24-a2182c8978e2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:05:24	720.606
-7	11015	1101500	56c79fd8-4df6-4baa-bf79-7abd56cb78b2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:39:05	-807.172
-7	22030	1101500	b2ec093c-a653-4a47-a603-1cf3e83dba80	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:25:26	-3.946
-8	11016	1101600	7ddc47ca-aa09-4de3-bceb-7d322f3b9904	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:29:28	-370.30
-8	22032	1101600	0696c52f-9c7b-41b3-a3b8-4b7cf3160350	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:46:16	841.504
-9	11017	1101700	e30ad948-3bae-4761-8ec1-26f0c78d541f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:35:27	758.59
-9	22034	1101700	ccbd8b11-e408-454e-8f90-523f7f0d432a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:32:08	-634.865
-10	11018	1101800	5a26fa37-25a4-4f31-8950-773dbbb93884	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:00:15	-420.401
-10	22036	1101800	bf5c38df-6e81-4cec-9a3d-f2af9f96c5d8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:23:24	138.836
-11	11019	1101900	08ec5f6d-fde6-4c74-ba2f-52309375bfd0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:33:11	-724.704
-11	22038	1101900	c6675433-8888-41c9-87dc-ed63474df625	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:24:38	-291.313
-12	11020	1102000	ed3e37a7-d383-482b-a3ce-98b77155423f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:04:59	-53.897
-12	22040	1102000	65c407bb-53e4-4e75-aa07-2e40c263ac83	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:38:03	-920.312
-13	11021	1102100	4807f5ac-523c-4cf2-b269-724507bb70b5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:35:51	-533.53
-13	22042	1102100	24b92c2a-b07a-455d-a61d-ae3a09c3c93a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:38:04	-944.344
-14	11022	1102200	adfd288a-5c1a-4070-a4a1-8fe747cf339d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:30:45	662.946
-14	22044	1102200	1f2ffb0d-fed3-4e53-8145-ee590d1ce0ce	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:38:24	240.508
-15	11023	1102300	31f8b4ad-79e9-436d-998d-369a149ac460	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:34:49	71.862
-15	22046	1102300	79062e6f-943f-42ab-93c1-83c5bd7b9c0f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:52:42	931.961
-16	11024	1102400	8be47fab-8bec-47d2-9281-200c99f8fd4a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:48:26	991.778
-16	22048	1102400	ef56757b-0155-46d8-994f-74a42f226316	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:34:58	-936.339
-17	11025	1102500	b387ff80-7014-47ca-bad7-f280db757df2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:56:11	522.848
-17	22050	1102500	0d723dde-d34a-4937-839d-c4ef728e55c8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:16:42	-790.137
-18	11026	1102600	c7df0411-9904-4d97-9a9d-e4d69111ec4f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:19:14	-575.159
-18	22052	1102600	c293a077-e2b5-4d63-9b70-7ae249cd2bd2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:11:22	838.977
-19	11027	1102700	ad67ece3-d5a0-4bbd-b3b1-a97989195f3b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:09:00	-396.263
-19	22054	1102700	9026dbf4-3706-4064-84b0-507a0cb060ff	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:47:45	-14.861
-20	11028	1102800	ad284cd0-fc24-4ff6-8de7-36e19aab316b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:21:12	695.246
-20	22056	1102800	3737e4f6-eaeb-454f-bc89-7d7a5371fb1f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:02:48	999.863
-21	11029	1102900	6663200a-91a0-4fe5-b854-20975065019b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:41:21	-275.715
-21	22058	1102900	a2a6cd08-219d-4296-9870-936aa787f31e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:00:43	563.358
-22	11030	1103000	48c49d58-36e3-4714-a9f9-7d747cd2bcda	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:15:02	91.540
-22	22060	1103000	772e34df-f5a7-4137-b4c1-720ab46f7ac7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:12:34	211.536
-23	11031	1103100	d1f10b60-a1bd-4b98-94e9-4cb3069a5c5a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:00:30	-572.411
-23	22062	1103100	d9f9626f-dc52-4a19-bd95-195f8bf70026	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:05:16	-991.764
-24	11032	1103200	4023e973-e9ac-4374-90bd-3bd3094bb62a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:08:42	480.211
-24	22064	1103200	795c57e7-b0f6-43b4-8511-8f2f15ef5f98	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:11:22	342.119
-25	11033	1103300	0ef5eb5d-6e0b-4291-bb9c-84458bc19111	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:04:10	961.703
-25	22066	1103300	2c172d4d-1b9f-407c-bfa5-825ca56c41dc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:03:00	-33.384
-26	11034	1103400	05599ab2-ee80-4b32-bfea-eee308cfe10b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:48:10	-60.602
-26	22068	1103400	da9b990b-d478-413c-a42e-73d4b962193b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:14:20	749.420
-27	11035	1103500	284d12f0-cea8-4aae-86d7-93a55f890f8e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:58:22	464.472
-27	22070	1103500	5e1633d2-afdd-4db8-b325-6a7a97b5b04f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:23:50	900.642
-28	11036	1103600	6ed2c167-b9a9-4b1a-ae79-ee6502e35ee5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:13:04	-40.673
-28	22072	1103600	1346fada-bfe0-4610-bf9d-6973a9ad912e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:44:10	-230.717
-29	11037	1103700	d3e69695-1b90-4e14-857a-62b8b5387ed6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:40:02	596.850
-29	22074	1103700	2a13e697-5cfc-47a1-b0b2-046b082d4aa8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:44:28	648.937
-30	11038	1103800	14c6a821-b83a-4daa-9b83-cbc265f41dec	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:30:09	659.11
-30	22076	1103800	4d19af29-7614-4e46-9519-efe68dd54b78	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:41:54	-598.501
-31	11039	1103900	44971026-4bad-4ec8-a2c8-0dc49ac1ad3c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:26:03	-991.137
-31	22078	1103900	8d2cf1f4-a662-4f57-9931-81dc2b602787	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:38:16	-12.578
-32	11040	1104000	bda9b92c-9c3d-44da-a07a-cb2a3cf92cb6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:46:38	-372.194
-32	22080	1104000	1c4e6be1-3be7-4c7b-9478-f32f7bc126f6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:35:47	-941.452
-33	11041	1104100	afe911d9-cff8-48a7-813c-3d5c2690635d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:55:07	55.743
-33	22082	1104100	94bc0405-ff08-4873-aa30-ad16d00ea69f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:31:55	-722.744
-34	11042	1104200	8de6bfb1-b2c4-4f78-98a6-254ca8788030	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:21:26	457.249
-34	22084	1104200	b43f8d44-4f5c-45ab-a2dd-55110e3ff6c8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:41:38	-471.563
-35	11043	1104300	03dee454-eab2-4340-92a8-c5cf4a1701bc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:37:24	931.815
-35	22086	1104300	f6411928-61da-4d67-a480-f3d4f67fc623	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:59:11	278.56
-36	11044	1104400	3c3de1a0-f8a7-452b-bed2-a09b4d97d927	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:46:07	-830.144
-36	22088	1104400	abf3aad7-21be-4345-9b25-a764832318c1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:54:28	-639.309
-37	11045	1104500	2049290f-4c68-4f06-8458-a3f1a60c2dcd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:32:29	99.179
-37	22090	1104500	49760fa7-dc6a-4a68-be5b-8f7ccd08c705	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:59:51	201.504
-38	11046	1104600	a7ec7627-4053-405a-b446-590d702beedb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:35:50	269.144
-38	22092	1104600	a34565a3-b142-423f-9528-138d29eb2ecb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:21:50	990.873
-39	11047	1104700	52fbb3a8-99c6-4542-8e2e-3f51323be73e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:35:19	70.993
-39	22094	1104700	e4ba1b4d-570c-4784-abb1-02a48a706a30	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:48:55	-969.262
-40	11048	1104800	58906db2-909c-4762-825c-78606759cc38	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:14:24	794.321
-40	22096	1104800	06a1c9ca-7398-41ec-ae51-3b2d3346db72	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:18:47	-234.657
-41	11049	1104900	03caf644-8088-44d6-ae1c-d952ae8c39bf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:52:21	-36.844
-41	22098	1104900	c662eeea-99ba-470d-84ae-230927653d00	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:58:27	464.506
-42	11050	1105000	a9a5926c-8dbf-4b8a-8757-dfc683113981	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:21:09	-497.740
-42	22100	1105000	14643ea9-fa10-49d9-a6e2-d21930f9bf31	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:37:38	-582.657
-43	11051	1105100	aaf24100-3f35-4ad0-888a-34df0eb8bdc4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:17:45	584.644
-43	22102	1105100	c06fa5bc-7416-433a-a140-3a1d5d422908	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:28:24	99.587
-44	11052	1105200	8bf8c6ec-35b2-40c6-aa96-283bad938091	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:48:19	-763.641
-44	22104	1105200	2ed6a44c-5a6f-4750-9f8a-8caed7f8dd4b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:11:42	33.654
-45	11053	1105300	b017ebbb-dd60-4229-83e4-de6b9dffdd17	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:38:39	454.579
-45	22106	1105300	1445d039-8cd5-4fd1-b715-1f298fca72be	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:36:10	254.187
-46	11054	1105400	e8d8ff17-a62a-4ee0-9386-78aa300bcb98	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:20:08	-380.671
-46	22108	1105400	9e51199b-a22f-4046-ba1e-ca6dd7c9256a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:45:51	647.9
-47	11055	1105500	381d3d18-c694-4dc4-9735-46ef5e5e8e75	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:37:01	857.620
-47	22110	1105500	b4576ff7-c81b-4262-9717-ebb3f11e78e4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:40:04	-45.758
-48	11056	1105600	3b5acb8a-b7d4-4a78-89b9-07904600b076	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:04:08	442.605
-48	22112	1105600	0f9fccce-ee9b-4389-9831-eaf1443dd838	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:50:15	-735.316
-49	11057	1105700	6c209d9f-bba2-41c1-a732-7db982a154f1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:14:52	-236.287
-49	22114	1105700	7f45d934-1256-4610-82b1-f276df9d2a3f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:18:33	384.21
-50	11058	1105800	53f6d578-e506-4802-9827-ce7679c34d4e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:21:38	538.68
-50	22116	1105800	f81a9647-a163-442d-bf3c-27adff8abe5e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:51:58	536.347
-51	11059	1105900	d5756a48-e697-4f72-9702-db4f958b14c8	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:01:14	-775.406
-51	22118	1105900	f8288e50-4ed2-4421-a543-e61a31a641b3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:42:26	-22.543
-52	11060	1106000	04692bef-c593-420f-ae4e-d5e9b3bd7d28	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:02:28	656.525
-52	22120	1106000	65d190cd-58e5-4010-8e2d-f9ab8bf44796	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:11:25	318.530
-53	11061	1106100	2c3d5401-fb54-42c9-bb7a-743d16e5131d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:00:29	-973.521
-53	22122	1106100	5555f34f-241a-4b2f-b9d6-00ec11be1021	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:48:22	-312.237
-54	11062	1106200	c745e535-8690-4c0e-a0d7-7ad842960122	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:55:07	-855.367
-54	22124	1106200	da03eeb8-33fb-468e-b64a-b789144321eb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:42:53	839.517
-55	11063	1106300	67824824-7250-4d15-9ca1-7347529cfd8b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:04:10	36.28
-55	22126	1106300	9b6fbafc-93af-484e-9441-41a85eeb4b15	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:44:34	775.199
-56	11064	1106400	1a0c2c39-0405-4167-aeb6-5f56d3c6d08d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:21:57	-248.665
-56	22128	1106400	4042acec-74b9-46e9-ae1d-665c00ae2462	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:35:20	-194.655
-57	11065	1106500	3fbe67f2-5c34-42ea-a224-3ff5ec368957	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:13:35	844.474
-57	22130	1106500	1ba5deab-b10c-46ba-8be5-3ddc1c00f2d9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:24:04	-46.316
-58	11066	1106600	f00d7286-2cf2-4512-8154-5d80b66f6bbd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:30:50	433.22
-58	22132	1106600	f52fac7d-e043-443c-b552-158626eabe54	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:58:22	4.470
-59	11067	1106700	f76ae921-4e2c-4488-a61a-cf73cc9a33ce	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:25:13	-876.686
-59	22134	1106700	4142e4a5-0355-424c-983d-67647e55c8d9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:13:24	-409.407
-60	11068	1106800	23f148d4-c9c2-4ad9-8351-95bc87be1bac	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:55:11	-644.647
-60	22136	1106800	48097a00-8e34-40b4-a02e-8d1ae88315a7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:56:32	-991.187
-61	11069	1106900	eb3bbe1f-042d-4614-adc5-a8139f689f1d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:33:23	322.944
-61	22138	1106900	1c892109-c49e-4d38-a44f-173ed14c6f14	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:29:42	-374.334
-62	11070	1107000	f4680055-6926-4edc-a817-9602572d788f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:43:42	-357.508
-62	22140	1107000	311246cc-5952-4d05-b1f6-72f92f472961	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:05:58	385.624
-63	11071	1107100	b6a83897-793b-4e71-9e25-e2192cc40b18	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:07:24	354.310
-63	22142	1107100	0154ade1-0a20-4cdd-b9c1-62c332aa3d5d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:49:51	901.824
-64	11072	1107200	5abc3ddf-9c8b-4fb8-9c6a-a789343e6e2a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:53:37	-632.233
-64	22144	1107200	5de1074b-5600-42ab-a2ae-5f0867928f70	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:21:54	-528.281
-65	11073	1107300	081dae8f-6f8a-42bf-bb14-db2f9f6b83e3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:31:55	646.190
-65	22146	1107300	c69de4d1-3486-45fa-a1e5-4ef1e8e5c290	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:13:56	-314.755
-66	11074	1107400	9685190c-8a32-4c43-bba1-d6427d29ea13	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:27:44	-556.811
-66	22148	1107400	e0b2bec4-7926-437f-b435-2b83ba5ef6a9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:41:10	-969.791
-67	11075	1107500	31adf199-01ea-4239-9e6e-5a838de7cf5b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:10:58	-878.553
-67	22150	1107500	dfc848ae-e821-435c-915b-22c50ec23d3c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:55:38	950.429
-68	11076	1107600	94860fe8-afe1-45c2-a870-6b4873e09067	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:24:42	-687.357
-68	22152	1107600	c4eae224-2c3a-4508-9fb9-57261af32f1b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:29:44	-55.210
-69	11077	1107700	ded3a591-4d7e-4203-9600-bbe0b57164fa	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:10:06	-463.349
-69	22154	1107700	d37b601b-d751-4321-a58a-4fee7a2d1450	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:35:15	-289.258
-70	11078	1107800	0c831687-7f3a-4c80-bc87-bccfb64d974e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:48:54	492.669
-70	22156	1107800	120b321c-aa00-4714-9587-a19137f9c600	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:36:02	-483.856
-71	11079	1107900	eca1e45f-0669-4896-9b33-430ee819e4ee	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:50:57	698.560
-71	22158	1107900	c703de28-64fe-41db-9194-34eb3972e85a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:20:19	-936.314
-72	11080	1108000	7f954205-8e9c-4f6b-b8b3-a515cbf99291	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:45:37	-726.399
-72	22160	1108000	8e16753d-a330-4075-8020-8d0bc751f86d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:26:49	-951.625
-73	11081	1108100	b68b8b7b-8f0f-4975-abb4-6a175c4433c1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:53:34	480.586
-73	22162	1108100	de2d8b30-6cc3-423e-a79c-5bc3b979c42a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:22:20	-859.368
-74	11082	1108200	76b38ef1-9380-4857-9192-6514e7217500	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:21:25	-5.757
-74	22164	1108200	9b817c25-b428-44c0-aaf0-b5991ff374be	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:59:18	-158.775
-75	11083	1108300	e3a85140-5374-4654-9466-42cd9ac7b9c5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:54:37	548.529
-75	22166	1108300	adae0735-fea4-4eee-b3ab-adcb35d6506b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:34:43	768.360
-76	11084	1108400	ea651547-ba9c-439e-a554-c9618050a1a3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:10:06	-238.346
-76	22168	1108400	01f37390-9d34-4f44-b302-6aece70e142e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:18:19	-63.998
-77	11085	1108500	c8a67056-5db4-41d1-8aed-801c4efc5a73	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:09:19	946.781
-77	22170	1108500	3fa41091-4f70-4b67-8700-cab7e64fcd8e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:52:55	-865.376
-78	11086	1108600	b9466b47-c378-42f4-a366-3779d0ec310c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:44:57	-844.630
-78	22172	1108600	3b4a2bc9-3ccc-4662-bcc8-a64b031eaf26	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:42:32	117.19
-79	11087	1108700	eafc849c-d24e-4bef-9bfe-b0c93b9e6838	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:15:24	99.423
-79	22174	1108700	0d01d5c5-4afb-4296-b0b2-c930deb285f1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:18:41	-606.603
-80	11088	1108800	ad8160c5-5a56-407c-a4e4-3be4fe2d21c5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:30:59	203.782
-80	22176	1108800	a37c4eaa-a1a1-4106-98bb-542e655daa26	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:40:44	-554.495
-81	11089	1108900	7148cfae-ab60-4576-9da5-437cc3d015eb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:20:54	961.376
-81	22178	1108900	888505eb-1bf1-4cc8-8cae-d72da6c1528d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:49:04	-53.982
-82	11090	1109000	53a357dd-d591-4f2c-97c7-a646859d1881	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:20:08	514.933
-82	22180	1109000	928dfe05-967e-4060-81c3-950021b68f61	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:18:17	666.193
-83	11091	1109100	6bc196ec-83e9-4bbf-a9f7-9dc4f51a3689	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:43:46	-267.632
-83	22182	1109100	8331a07d-6114-48f5-9e75-f11937d38757	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:13:31	-184.216
-84	11092	1109200	958ae02a-f510-4ea2-b4ed-9a0acbb0f480	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:46:44	158.219
-84	22184	1109200	7592e69c-8a8b-45c2-baca-c3048ca717db	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:52:28	551.556
-85	11093	1109300	c8116a4e-4f54-44ce-bb0d-2b4def5bedcf	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:33:37	-521.542
-85	22186	1109300	7dbd0aa4-18f0-4d93-843f-062b536dde0f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:17:27	-25.641
-86	11094	1109400	110e8a2b-fcac-4cb4-88b4-1e56011044c2	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:24:05	-185.664
-86	22188	1109400	3f933564-cf9e-413b-ba31-dc7c66e308e0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:33:01	-756.724
-87	11095	1109500	7ad4b272-f22a-49d3-90a2-f42277dcf739	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:14:18	-933.315
-87	22190	1109500	cf2ddb0a-bd10-483a-96ed-1c155e623813	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:35:28	167.168
-88	11096	1109600	8d6bec95-c556-4708-8176-0921721f6146	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:55:04	-268.833
-88	22192	1109600	54491fd2-1d2c-4dd3-85c8-bd84bd492d6e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:10:54	-18.414
-89	11097	1109700	84771349-b765-4aad-8877-76bc3f1850cf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:45:34	184.197
-89	22194	1109700	431a7d22-1c71-46a9-a81e-7bda5e2bde0f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:09:15	-223.769
-90	11098	1109800	d85d0fe6-5f2a-45dd-9616-8532710bc183	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:14:33	-450.136
-90	22196	1109800	0f5ad453-f9a1-4499-90a9-721b4967f64f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:00:39	-388.185
-91	11099	1109900	f395e95c-63ef-49c0-85e4-5fd60e58515a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:02:24	880.229
-91	22198	1109900	269b1fde-6242-4fad-a91a-b6c88e54c0fb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:47:16	-580.726
-92	11100	1110000	d79733be-a155-412a-9998-40ae3d78cc8b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:31:31	-402.92
-92	22200	1110000	4ee35c52-6291-4e42-a465-913e90b0668a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:19:35	-3.955
-93	11101	1110100	17992fc6-78f1-484b-94fb-5df101e443df	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:49:15	477.455
-93	22202	1110100	bafb731f-ebf1-467b-99bf-de707280f0e4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:06:16	875.93
-94	11102	1110200	7e1e3f52-2bf6-44e6-90d6-b5f668812433	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:38:42	31.54
-94	22204	1110200	f0864aa3-7e2a-43a7-a33e-b84c05ec6a15	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:31:53	285.913
-95	11103	1110300	3dc4ef57-9b89-4489-a459-ff6f5dae0a20	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:28:52	-209.162
-95	22206	1110300	09c87c2a-54a8-4124-8b70-0a1cc327afff	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:03:53	848.201
-96	11104	1110400	51596496-415e-4a36-95b5-9cc10b571167	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:07:08	-49.998
-96	22208	1110400	d5a40e4a-490e-4e11-899d-e00e71927c11	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:36:01	-501.410
-97	11105	1110500	04f6f52a-e9cd-47f1-844f-c0316df50749	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:04:44	635.299
-97	22210	1110500	705f5a85-63e0-4b8b-b619-4da7dfd8d79d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:24:30	55.854
-98	11106	1110600	faaffd0f-e8a3-4db5-b30a-df6539d410f3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:37:52	-310.65
-98	22212	1110600	a609dc69-5b31-4d1b-8716-4b7eba03efa2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:36:40	132.600
-99	11107	1110700	42889b10-151a-417b-80ac-d0872d0fc8c7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:09:55	-324.799
-99	22214	1110700	4b06826f-0ef8-42f2-8848-e61afa49e20a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:34:57	394.962
-100	11108	1110800	9894720b-ccad-462a-98a7-75fdb1d3a3c5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:10:42	-494.916
-100	22216	1110800	9db2d6b4-f26f-472c-aa39-f17065ad99a4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:58:28	145.713
-101	11109	1110900	a1c49976-b968-4b91-a04f-28bb48751a57	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:21:44	-641.56
-101	22218	1110900	dfec87b3-1388-465d-861e-83395a99b7f0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:55:03	-745.169
-102	11110	1111000	f09e1206-d44b-47ab-b55c-8a8de96e8db5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:19:27	698.763
-102	22220	1111000	0df6319e-b080-43af-ac6e-b1b39547af4a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:41:17	10.339
-103	11111	1111100	2c9aab6c-5f18-466a-b3f3-456d44be1e26	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:20:59	753.523
-103	22222	1111100	66df347a-26e2-4aa7-ac4b-fe1886bdeab4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:00:05	826.649
-104	11112	1111200	11ee4e35-c12c-4f4e-a4c2-9df5b0ac96a7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:25:14	710.764
-104	22224	1111200	72c05125-60ae-4f4a-8a2a-b99692f69008	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:22:06	-881.266
-105	11113	1111300	b65f0db9-ea29-4b5a-83e5-99030b5ae022	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:20:33	458.248
-105	22226	1111300	c6401c8d-e5d5-4b3b-9d61-19fa896852bd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:27:28	-829.532
-106	11114	1111400	dd4cb1c9-f564-4800-b2a6-0735a01f2f11	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:09:48	748.759
-106	22228	1111400	a09d09c1-3d4b-42c8-be71-cf4aa45a37fc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:15:44	71.681
-107	11115	1111500	c94217ef-df1d-410c-9792-53ad4fc0559f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:33:55	401.320
-107	22230	1111500	8ea1b999-8498-44db-bfc5-e20641d53b36	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:24:58	207.561
-108	11116	1111600	fe3b8d2c-5fc2-4a78-8be8-ac2bfe690397	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:11:16	940.660
-108	22232	1111600	0c5614de-8583-4d4c-82fb-f51c5bbe539d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:05:08	-864.927
-109	11117	1111700	aedddf9e-7787-418e-9e16-ea5e1ca221c0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:24:05	536.502
-109	22234	1111700	316c9cc2-7b52-46c6-b665-fc615050d696	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:56:20	812.950
-110	11118	1111800	723a086c-15f2-4289-bfe6-24c03d2662de	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:32:31	-724.545
-110	22236	1111800	f44cc6c9-aee4-487d-a980-bd63ac953062	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:10:13	-212.463
-111	11119	1111900	d8d6075a-af18-4268-b1e7-b6bf06e9fe0a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:12:50	-447.359
-111	22238	1111900	cd77d56b-a838-4417-8c4b-af126e7a0869	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:24:13	-590.158
-112	11120	1112000	e3197f17-7a3c-4aad-b374-7d984d5bfc41	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:00:36	687.373
-112	22240	1112000	9a58a66f-99d6-40bb-9134-660faa8c614f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:31:38	238.321
-113	11121	1112100	0484bb49-62fa-4cef-8b76-aaf9680427b5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:07:19	-802.690
-113	22242	1112100	0323c5ee-322f-42a0-ab16-d988cee8886b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:33:42	388.62
-114	11122	1112200	240ab028-65c1-42e5-a14b-763dd23f8695	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:47:37	930.80
-114	22244	1112200	5fc40e66-a42b-4e49-bd5c-3c845df7671a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:41:44	-759.859
-115	11123	1112300	181806fb-b673-4fde-8f43-d5faf42b36f4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:19:50	-130.860
-115	22246	1112300	375f5139-fe3a-4e21-82a3-ddf4135c8d39	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:02:12	73.852
-116	11124	1112400	367ca6e0-9bd1-4c72-8460-aa0cf06651d4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:36:48	-646.593
-116	22248	1112400	c079bd5a-6c8c-43c9-b22b-e80dbe7d48e4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:23:57	-326.897
-117	11125	1112500	dceae0f5-c50f-44d3-94a8-16716ba9055b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:21:16	-633.815
-117	22250	1112500	32462320-a341-4309-8f76-85206c3c989e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:51:54	665.53
-118	11126	1112600	94b66d93-2bcf-4afb-af39-11814bbb7f1d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:54:11	-714.135
-118	22252	1112600	cb521872-3861-48df-a991-8b1c7b1c0bda	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:21:03	365.258
-119	11127	1112700	befb578b-e15d-442e-a1b9-45f84a6d18fb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:35:39	-645.267
-119	22254	1112700	391dc91e-58c7-4e12-8364-17269d1bf9af	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:11:09	197.483
-120	11128	1112800	c503da40-9929-46bb-b124-352822225200	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:49:38	812.241
-120	22256	1112800	bffbcad2-4da9-49f6-a7f1-9fba4a65d4d0	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:07:46	364.523
-121	11129	1112900	4fb45fa1-147b-47b7-8b39-7b2f5673232c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:38:59	210.774
-121	22258	1112900	c5a59ce1-da20-4db6-bb27-258b7848acd0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:57:44	-145.739
-122	11130	1113000	42bfaf6a-0105-4105-922f-696d0e35f81d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:30:57	421.743
-122	22260	1113000	a3ee2541-fabb-4a48-b66a-5616b625529f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:37:48	-46.976
-123	11131	1113100	b867068c-a21e-4f55-b93c-f5e9339f170a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:05:57	528.942
-123	22262	1113100	5567108a-0618-4600-9484-720331086b8a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:46:48	290.671
-124	11132	1113200	501d9732-e030-49a9-a069-e328f2d85e98	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:43:41	23.289
-124	22264	1113200	087d434d-2203-4c1e-9bc4-fe64bb532d2c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:00:01	-912.178
-125	11133	1113300	c9289163-d9ed-4a08-9958-5f12ba0addb2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:37:50	136.276
-125	22266	1113300	f15e3062-26ea-434f-acb1-f3e10be5f053	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:15:29	-513.313
-126	11134	1113400	86844ced-28ad-415b-bfb1-d0b061ba27f6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:18:12	672.518
-126	22268	1113400	2061765c-b033-4cd6-ab51-0504d5ac9d15	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:48:30	627.127
-127	11135	1113500	5eec7818-ecd3-4eca-8920-dd5ce6b6e307	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:11:10	-362.331
-127	22270	1113500	6d616a25-1e80-4ed8-a754-410cd32f5da3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:12:51	-723.502
-0	11136	1113600	293afe6b-eb91-4cd3-a15c-2a1000836567	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:35:47	-387.976
-0	22272	1113600	328f053b-5b75-427f-9567-00c445b58a15	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:30:44	-769.419
-1	11137	1113700	68965241-0ef0-4a1d-b231-c4307b6a5107	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:38:18	832.66
-1	22274	1113700	75886b57-0a31-4cbc-a656-f47e4ddfeb19	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:49:41	578.789
-2	11138	1113800	f7b52b67-8cd7-4c86-9d10-6476e9e8fe6b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:12:11	770.695
-2	22276	1113800	c5a3378f-d6b5-4bf1-8529-a7ea3e9120d1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:05:35	119.798
-3	11139	1113900	3f05c602-72ad-4bf1-a2ac-7e888f9cd390	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:49:03	562.460
-3	22278	1113900	38c3381b-31ba-4874-b6d2-41de0f04c684	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:26:39	506.141
-4	11140	1114000	e4c839fb-1a22-4557-8ca8-03277d8370d0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:53:15	77.348
-4	22280	1114000	cb9b1f49-9c07-4e43-b1a2-93f7440fe9e7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:04:27	-838.573
-5	11141	1114100	5f927196-cd24-440e-b4c0-c596139ea4b4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:51:23	-180.467
-5	22282	1114100	01635782-6530-406f-bb7a-55c8b0fbfc09	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:59:15	-904.914
-6	11142	1114200	d9bafffc-2bee-4832-84ef-c4372dd8358d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:22:16	-295.127
-6	22284	1114200	9edf6d05-b9c2-4d2b-808d-851f7a87111f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:33:54	-291.307
-7	11143	1114300	eabbf4c0-fd11-4df4-a77e-c4d7505ea1c3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:45:47	-953.726
-7	22286	1114300	68f557e0-021a-4d99-bff1-7f0411ee4cb1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:43:58	819.945
-8	11144	1114400	e23a99c9-42de-4a14-a1e7-274e4e56d11e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:03:14	-670.619
-8	22288	1114400	3456157a-d281-4109-93db-6b9f6d5d3dc8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:57:31	564.63
-9	11145	1114500	c6d2e2f3-f630-4f3c-aaa4-4d78e08bdbd4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:21:27	-919.902
-9	22290	1114500	af67fd25-9718-44c9-9b88-386194ef4a48	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:27:22	-83.585
-10	11146	1114600	5344b692-eb67-4c69-814f-136159be1c83	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:18:39	-348.646
-10	22292	1114600	109db107-ae64-470b-b8cc-7349e4ea9481	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:58:24	392.102
-11	11147	1114700	19024c8a-ec91-4a7c-ba38-867aaafdc5ba	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:01:26	887.751
-11	22294	1114700	a42e1a5f-591d-430a-9c0a-e2968e69cdc5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:57:05	383.195
-12	11148	1114800	7a74b0a3-c6d1-4093-af11-fa0328a47b80	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:42:33	121.507
-12	22296	1114800	a57b7ac2-44d9-460c-9518-8e673ed21917	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:22:11	674.834
-13	11149	1114900	2b228140-aabb-4218-8743-2f5d02596b4e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:01:10	709.119
-13	22298	1114900	8d307326-ff5a-4a1b-9019-f2509e0767c7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:25:11	719.281
-14	11150	1115000	ef9d7dc0-a83b-4850-95dd-2b0b875ee368	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:56:44	771.236
-14	22300	1115000	9423aa14-e736-470a-b80f-e8428fef9078	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:37:27	-954.75
-15	11151	1115100	61840d27-95d7-492a-99fd-36703f85597c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:31:39	163.86
-15	22302	1115100	440c6af7-b006-4d64-a6d0-e1178e62d6e1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:31:16	421.312
-16	11152	1115200	6e86fcbb-5b7e-4010-a64a-dc2d1c291143	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:02:15	-593.498
-16	22304	1115200	a1ee525a-2737-4527-ab1e-ac34bcf4ca97	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:13:34	-356.191
-17	11153	1115300	90a6c543-138b-4e55-adbb-ef5fb6ad10f4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:21:23	-524.2
-17	22306	1115300	62deefcc-3105-4a06-af7e-a2f13f77facd	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:23:38	-359.970
-18	11154	1115400	da12ddb9-1361-4941-9e86-28db42570104	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:43:18	697.723
-18	22308	1115400	f48401b2-35bd-412a-9d6f-5ed9ddb4f87e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:33:40	468.91
-19	11155	1115500	00e9f5f6-880f-496b-b56f-612a8a2c7c3c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:22:16	557.163
-19	22310	1115500	82134b3d-18d8-4969-b1e1-54fd20e2337d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:58:27	646.47
-20	11156	1115600	e22e494a-6205-4c28-80c6-bd22437c9737	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:17:55	-724.101
-20	22312	1115600	ab2f8294-eb3f-4d34-819c-0ab01ae746b0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:39:27	-243.322
-21	11157	1115700	f5e39b83-dfe3-441f-bb08-95b4a70ccf59	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:29:13	-93.293
-21	22314	1115700	ef7b54ec-3cad-48da-8c8e-486ae2618ab9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:45:17	-775.748
-22	11158	1115800	0c3e85a3-1225-4155-af65-c79802ec8477	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:42:17	691.498
-22	22316	1115800	8dcac42c-00ef-4811-b11b-25cd979a0e89	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:58:33	-757.869
-23	11159	1115900	4da09f64-ae49-48ef-92a4-4d8f670de864	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:41:51	475.646
-23	22318	1115900	bb8bcd59-0e22-4ff5-9e7f-9c8ccbbd3f33	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:48:33	902.177
-24	11160	1116000	397470be-c466-40af-beca-e07db9eba8ad	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:05:17	-362.128
-24	22320	1116000	62ca5ba1-d838-4b6c-928c-703cdcf0c460	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:33:18	198.580
-25	11161	1116100	d35617ad-5752-4f7d-82a2-34dee4493d43	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:32:48	804.428
-25	22322	1116100	0faf2dcb-4c98-4afc-8f82-9db445f29aea	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:14:44	-658.508
-26	11162	1116200	afdab753-efbc-49d3-b347-33842247550c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:17:26	-94.586
-26	22324	1116200	e86ebe8e-a430-48c6-a79c-bc811eb4f830	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:57:54	-688.28
-27	11163	1116300	82590a66-6a24-4a49-be7d-b42c572a329c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:38:47	-460.887
-27	22326	1116300	ffd1b31f-ae4c-4247-bb68-943b77bf0d9d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:09:51	945.696
-28	11164	1116400	8c957be5-b0ce-4d9b-80a9-6a370906eb0b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:56:24	-217.283
-28	22328	1116400	0d616cb7-c5c2-4126-90f8-6510dd0276b7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:46:48	-510.159
-29	11165	1116500	ce51e75c-be61-411c-a85c-cb29278652cd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:09:22	-552.272
-29	22330	1116500	9eff26ca-30fc-4d47-8424-ac617e907339	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:05:00	727.860
-30	11166	1116600	2c5f9091-54d2-4a63-b20d-d7b4263550ec	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:30:44	-135.135
-30	22332	1116600	83d2ca2e-63b1-4c69-b8a2-71ff0bdfff95	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:25:09	-851.854
-31	11167	1116700	4f00f088-6af5-456c-9208-c851e3d1e797	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:03:33	-545.967
-31	22334	1116700	8c33d7e6-810b-40c2-b08c-304eb72a2166	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:34:36	-939.244
-32	11168	1116800	35646f48-4ad1-47a8-9af3-d5f362590285	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:51:52	-88.155
-32	22336	1116800	9c2c5000-18cf-4f98-92fb-7949289dc167	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:06:45	309.31
-33	11169	1116900	78f04493-98a6-46db-abdf-a7cde5e98ed9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:03:42	671.724
-33	22338	1116900	d66d4ef8-ecf4-4f12-b18d-ec7860b6de04	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:12:19	-229.56
-34	11170	1117000	729f7a05-70dd-44ce-886b-d21ab88995bc	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:13:16	-599.67
-34	22340	1117000	aa95ed22-c3bd-43f5-a78b-354508589bcb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:30:41	190.40
-35	11171	1117100	8bf183be-3959-4d32-b400-e192e9a134da	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:50:18	549.959
-35	22342	1117100	eec463c9-f676-4af4-8970-aac2aa24856f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:58:16	-923.796
-36	11172	1117200	f70d112c-9209-4659-8e5e-8f76ee59a066	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:53:48	-383.178
-36	22344	1117200	98f19dd2-7ed2-40bf-a326-d13755ee7d09	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:56:01	-462.660
-37	11173	1117300	83918455-cc8d-40da-8456-ddd0918a8727	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:38:21	90.739
-37	22346	1117300	a98dd86c-5f9c-44f5-9a77-f0d9df8afe50	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:16:17	-813.917
-38	11174	1117400	b60fc619-8e5c-4a24-882b-be9740596e4a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:09:01	-525.786
-38	22348	1117400	59298bfb-fa81-469e-ac93-5f3a298181d7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:01:04	909.295
-39	11175	1117500	0d0301e9-61b0-4ae7-b7fd-e8075ee29b3a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:18:42	840.728
-39	22350	1117500	32ca8e11-60d8-4c95-89b6-2dc8622d5832	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:11:04	325.917
-40	11176	1117600	318072b5-c998-4070-8e61-132d47d10b73	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:45:41	-677.768
-40	22352	1117600	c7594b5c-bf28-4c7d-8977-07495b6736fd	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:43:50	-913.731
-41	11177	1117700	73045221-1dc8-44f4-b5ce-58819e773f7a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:20:27	751.671
-41	22354	1117700	1065383f-0de0-491b-a4fe-cfd7c8857140	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:43:01	603.430
-42	11178	1117800	12690dc9-9f8c-4076-aa4b-c2b6f8647828	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:22:16	469.158
-42	22356	1117800	e52b26e7-1f63-4c7e-a57b-c9cda829108b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:08:46	3.294
-43	11179	1117900	de00d7e1-fa58-484d-bf5e-f35c7d9922d2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:05:35	-851.774
-43	22358	1117900	a86f28d9-569e-4c64-aa3a-ecee4554b749	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:31:11	189.461
-44	11180	1118000	3f5b83ab-10a7-4582-9d2f-3c633ce9d30a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:58:09	196.585
-44	22360	1118000	b4a903d9-a3c3-4244-b50a-99f6208d29cb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:07:01	-685.209
-45	11181	1118100	038bcfde-1f34-4c3b-a098-be2a33f90e75	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:29:38	-325.575
-45	22362	1118100	84f7a37e-b6aa-424e-b603-04749beef36a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:55:58	-999.982
-46	11182	1118200	a4f33de2-5fcd-4b97-b52d-dd11ea5edde4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:48:32	650.957
-46	22364	1118200	a6c63c65-24b4-4aee-88dc-54fa393cc98f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:11:34	553.910
-47	11183	1118300	75216d3f-1c20-40f7-82c4-f57f550c08f4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:14:50	-926.720
-47	22366	1118300	30b3ba55-5e61-4495-a784-fc01d567b55b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:11:24	149.61
-48	11184	1118400	2565eb85-1049-4e9c-971f-4496e1b995cc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:33:20	-240.905
-48	22368	1118400	597b9958-1130-4563-aafb-8903a519850d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:39:05	711.147
-49	11185	1118500	f93240ae-d619-42f5-a1be-12b0fcdd59c8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:30:59	590.26
-49	22370	1118500	aac074a2-052e-4563-ac96-46550fc798c8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:31:17	986.659
-50	11186	1118600	29eefd79-a984-43de-909f-5c433cb123b5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:04:48	656.557
-50	22372	1118600	7c6f7968-062a-42b7-9e42-b1e32701e4dd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:55:41	-810.450
-51	11187	1118700	8c1d36f7-203d-4268-8136-15f4ee87bba0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:57:07	463.527
-51	22374	1118700	6f23c227-0cd0-4f9c-995f-80bcabfe6267	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:05:10	586.971
-52	11188	1118800	8a9ce3ec-d79d-4621-a217-afba14bc8daf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:19:08	585.771
-52	22376	1118800	eda6d8df-f9b2-40f6-a095-26d9d94f8197	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:33:20	-775.665
-53	11189	1118900	550d8dfb-14c7-4e6d-91ce-2bf1e6b61090	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:48:14	459.68
-53	22378	1118900	3c3e977f-55f4-459a-bd9d-e7c983047a96	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:33:30	-389.774
-54	11190	1119000	ecf3b056-7a2a-4c69-86a5-3416bff6002e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:22:21	-537.440
-54	22380	1119000	ca0c709c-446f-48bc-92e4-57d3c6a62d2e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:28:07	-616.660
-55	11191	1119100	82d19cb6-5933-4b95-84db-a1175001bd02	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:42:54	467.612
-55	22382	1119100	09fbb156-e7ad-4723-9871-8715156a795a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:18:17	601.743
-56	11192	1119200	b3c76065-c10f-491e-a7d5-a550e8ff793f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:12:38	640.179
-56	22384	1119200	08494578-0b26-4fde-bd1f-3b0fe8fa71a0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:53:43	376.446
-57	11193	1119300	9c5f7af4-b748-4e39-88e1-75a40eedece3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:53:12	-263.105
-57	22386	1119300	15721870-94ee-4da0-bbf3-b53746fd36bb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:28:40	-453.205
-58	11194	1119400	2d546ccf-8e47-40d3-8307-de3f6a5abfee	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:11:25	-45.877
-58	22388	1119400	b0e1a822-d740-4d6d-ab9b-4de5180d914b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:48:39	-706.27
-59	11195	1119500	4970cf50-3480-4f60-8236-ca3ff923755c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:29:35	-410.415
-59	22390	1119500	e4e887ee-0512-4acf-acc2-ceb43eddfbec	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:14:10	-452.617
-60	11196	1119600	d7702c89-f5ac-4f85-8bba-6c897d833284	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:30:59	-596.664
-60	22392	1119600	0a3f1059-2962-4c6f-a64c-da5fa3fbdcdb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:08:59	-369.834
-61	11197	1119700	f4631677-6e84-4297-9231-662090d522e1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:24:13	-903.96
-61	22394	1119700	269884f0-6375-4081-a761-0c19447697a8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:42:24	183.844
-62	11198	1119800	479c7a93-220a-4f32-bc86-e8914e708894	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:05:38	173.319
-62	22396	1119800	760e80f1-f482-4108-b4b8-c9cd1dc7d4b7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:07:21	93.861
-63	11199	1119900	8987c108-2951-45f5-8a79-d6b7851ec8b6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:52:01	792.646
-63	22398	1119900	b0553781-5100-4527-96ed-aa42e3668c18	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:07:13	-871.916
-64	11200	1120000	d5d8e56f-8edc-49dd-b326-dfb356118b71	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:17:11	-690.420
-64	22400	1120000	4e6f661f-9e37-44b6-a956-d74a62417f7d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:18:49	18.789
-65	11201	1120100	1932d92c-739d-4626-ad31-5f54fc5f4e25	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:37:21	-592.946
-65	22402	1120100	466e7eb4-727d-4b0e-b857-a0e0c5b3e1e0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:42:44	-472.338
-66	11202	1120200	f37b4c67-da37-4b5c-8ebf-5ac34d19dab3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:54:23	160.995
-66	22404	1120200	103c620b-3469-489b-a0b9-2dcc1762e0b8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:55:28	976.724
-67	11203	1120300	94a9d170-0e16-42e5-86e2-239985090d97	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:10:41	-724.914
-67	22406	1120300	de1ebd8a-e873-4a0c-b63b-e90d500f5e4c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:34:02	-274.513
-68	11204	1120400	ca7ecac3-3951-41c9-b27e-e4e24793bfa2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:00:20	-631.433
-68	22408	1120400	358419e2-d5d4-44ca-9958-197c7ba78e6e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:20:59	646.46
-69	11205	1120500	c94d2bfe-c8f9-4686-b388-6d3230569d87	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:48:54	911.651
-69	22410	1120500	f95ddfc2-f321-4cab-b702-2c33a42f3833	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:33:06	-338.689
-70	11206	1120600	e1557935-2c66-48ab-89b1-4955612309dc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:56:35	-64.479
-70	22412	1120600	3267de38-10f0-4a8c-9e6b-a7d938fc22d0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:58:25	-649.398
-71	11207	1120700	14b4cde7-11e8-493b-a8c0-c664e4d95e09	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:48:18	77.665
-71	22414	1120700	f2910a8b-e045-4203-8637-f31ee13c9258	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:09:03	-543.982
-72	11208	1120800	c82bbdc3-aed5-4467-89b0-bfc98ca5bb33	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:43:34	550.610
-72	22416	1120800	0528d26c-0e6b-4e89-94aa-cd3393853ee5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:56:33	-809.501
-73	11209	1120900	e083b3e4-0548-4437-906d-d3b7fbce7626	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:47:36	-143.502
-73	22418	1120900	7b5f5cea-cf7a-4c05-ac91-4401da97a565	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:57:52	113.52
-74	11210	1121000	fcc4b928-65b3-42cb-834d-5bf00c8005d3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:43:08	23.988
-74	22420	1121000	7c60250e-5035-4f54-8ef7-2b8111bf58d3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:11:05	-383.384
-75	11211	1121100	287c5af5-98ed-48f1-9ee8-4e5262715dff	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:02:00	221.678
-75	22422	1121100	6f559e20-ad31-456e-8668-59bac100bc89	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:14:05	-435.20
-76	11212	1121200	924654a8-41fb-4b60-aa23-582966fea2ec	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:38:21	-950.324
-76	22424	1121200	a6d579b5-c4b1-4059-98de-c304773da2e2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:21:46	-46.512
-77	11213	1121300	b4d907ba-14be-4746-bfa8-02df9061f60b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:59:48	82.373
-77	22426	1121300	c8da3e7f-2d18-4077-8cdf-961889f03dad	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:40:07	-866.357
-78	11214	1121400	4f0fd0a2-33e7-4d8a-9aad-5fcf828cb0d6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:38:12	73.627
-78	22428	1121400	58a32d5d-372f-4822-9f45-aaff9fafbb41	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:59:00	-502.952
-79	11215	1121500	ba2299f7-af03-4733-8d4a-dfa169e39c0c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:21:59	344.204
-79	22430	1121500	8290a262-0849-4733-82c2-aaccbc1fc81e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:01:15	700.620
-80	11216	1121600	f0eeb299-3398-479e-9130-1eecc760b0ce	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:14:14	-611.680
-80	22432	1121600	309b0bea-1540-4775-83cb-69f74bc9e81f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:54:01	-325.461
-81	11217	1121700	3a92fd71-ba3e-4045-933a-86d77d765ec6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:33:35	551.453
-81	22434	1121700	7a03e275-a976-4cea-897e-9e164bf948fe	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:38:02	548.792
-82	11218	1121800	d47fa9b8-c8fd-446e-aa8a-fa6b39491614	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:02:17	696.592
-82	22436	1121800	9a339f93-2363-4aa4-ba49-a066dd1e44b6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:49:03	954.600
-83	11219	1121900	e6d317aa-a30b-4841-bba5-d0637cab39b1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:42:32	298.585
-83	22438	1121900	fb2932f4-0415-4c44-af31-e285f54e0b8e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:09:00	-354.337
-84	11220	1122000	9feb0771-d191-4f66-8c33-5a9cddd184cf	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:32:44	172.769
-84	22440	1122000	c53c48a7-e05d-42ad-bd3e-e37948961a1b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:33:33	537.627
-85	11221	1122100	55412dc6-56b5-47d2-9287-11220c87b0d9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:08:41	-708.821
-85	22442	1122100	5939b7ea-ea60-4c72-a11d-2d0bcf7df215	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:19:23	130.343
-86	11222	1122200	fe41c0a2-d4aa-41d9-93d2-e98417702245	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:12:18	-17.763
-86	22444	1122200	bb4ffc4b-c311-4ea1-88e4-47a91a50cea4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:24:44	-812.549
-87	11223	1122300	ec6a2d05-c0ee-45e0-8c6b-a7e712566c13	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:59:38	921.739
-87	22446	1122300	c40acdae-4880-4da2-8980-c4b2cfd18b89	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:04:25	-302.502
-88	11224	1122400	e8652797-7236-4477-9210-d22fee453ae5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:53:43	581.406
-88	22448	1122400	a3199c32-cd51-475f-8a70-905c906a237e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:31:21	-327.791
-89	11225	1122500	92642458-4758-4c18-a18c-2fdb1c1b1082	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:58:33	415.196
-89	22450	1122500	19eb770c-777d-4904-8537-34dd6c8debdb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:41:43	1.767
-90	11226	1122600	bf2440c7-e725-4de4-bfe8-f4b6f5f46ea6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:31:02	-785.586
-90	22452	1122600	6097e097-8cd2-4790-b4fd-15712f2d4300	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:36:53	-323.113
-91	11227	1122700	333164c8-523c-407f-90b0-302503810c2c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:41:18	863.566
-91	22454	1122700	ef442513-6a05-40f0-b779-e583431bead2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:18:04	837.781
-92	11228	1122800	96d8875b-5354-4745-9e8a-5d111bbd75c6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:30:02	-270.150
-92	22456	1122800	6bc2c2a5-1c9f-40fe-a0f6-7b1bd762c47f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:36:04	-734.988
-93	11229	1122900	c4101ee3-8cf9-445e-a39c-506d0b20dd6d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:25:02	-557.796
-93	22458	1122900	056d0849-32bc-487e-ae60-d57a6569fe5d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:30:52	326.738
-94	11230	1123000	b2b3d518-36ca-4cce-af00-903dc4b5b9f8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:07:14	-603.127
-94	22460	1123000	cc30cc97-4d79-4c51-b047-8f43b7d6bc17	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:53:15	518.908
-95	11231	1123100	1c7312e4-7145-46e7-b1e1-d233d0d3ce85	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:47:36	-938.403
-95	22462	1123100	13273f74-58c7-4c0a-8458-39092fe8b0a4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:18:13	-178.641
-96	11232	1123200	ead53c3a-bb1c-4979-aed4-636007a75159	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:45:42	737.278
-96	22464	1123200	5aefcdcb-3cf4-496a-84d9-ef6929757da4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:27:11	138.967
-97	11233	1123300	1585b769-ae4e-48d4-8d58-e8b210cd32a4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:07:44	-643.72
-97	22466	1123300	d02ceff0-b279-45fd-a993-0bdf28eeac91	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:04:09	384.280
-98	11234	1123400	723f277d-fbc7-4f1a-874c-9c8cef05c70a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:02:06	49.985
-98	22468	1123400	aa0fb183-70f0-4034-a9eb-60855422b22e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:24:34	125.88
-99	11235	1123500	23191a2a-8b99-428e-8666-07dfc8a577c8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:20:12	-289.284
-99	22470	1123500	9cfc8ac7-27b1-413f-b6b1-95e3c79a6e47	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:33:17	-622.36
-100	11236	1123600	465b4bb5-5c89-4a2d-b5c3-3454f2145433	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:11:19	-329.417
-100	22472	1123600	cf7f49b6-9844-45ba-a796-c51fcee775ff	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:35:58	-160.402
-101	11237	1123700	83f39869-c5ef-4e9b-9442-0cf1ddde1192	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:30:18	239.903
-101	22474	1123700	bd24c56b-588d-4f78-8f71-74fc14162eeb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:42:30	495.924
-102	11238	1123800	873469cc-6cdc-4429-a372-befc7f17c0df	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:46:24	-990.294
-102	22476	1123800	49869468-5f90-4f59-be7e-17b5d557bd3f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:25:59	-543.71
-103	11239	1123900	869e3896-716f-4978-8b5f-040156161aaa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:52:10	-838.101
-103	22478	1123900	8e03a386-e744-47d1-b8f6-b6cbd55dc46f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:34:40	110.865
-104	11240	1124000	c57a515b-ce0a-404a-a974-87e24f559d99	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:52:04	72.930
-104	22480	1124000	ac723b08-3c2c-4db7-ae14-cc38abbc5a58	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:48:23	-144.985
-105	11241	1124100	1029438b-5b90-4cef-aef4-9ba4f311ecf4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:38:34	-562.406
-105	22482	1124100	8cb96b6f-f57b-48e0-b99e-954c3c2fd86a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:00:28	341.642
-106	11242	1124200	a497d568-1725-4fd9-ab3b-b53f7ed4e6a7	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:42:10	-910.836
-106	22484	1124200	5f5b37c4-89db-45df-b808-8f7bce668ca8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:37:01	300.76
-107	11243	1124300	3628f8f4-3771-4fdd-8cd7-1c5e1c65324f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:40:06	915.352
-107	22486	1124300	91014711-5481-4e6d-ad85-6f6873f4fcc1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:01:47	788.384
-108	11244	1124400	4c8da1c6-8b42-45d3-a559-9d57580f9e5f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:11:09	-104.169
-108	22488	1124400	20f1a09d-3276-4c86-98b9-7fa9e71ad035	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:32:08	912.472
-109	11245	1124500	4ba6ec3d-74ae-4daf-ab73-e68f4ba535e6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:26:55	89.334
-109	22490	1124500	2f7c286f-425a-4cbf-b496-710d4f9d779e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:26:48	823.875
-110	11246	1124600	83588b20-f013-4798-837e-32c097094362	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:42:08	454.875
-110	22492	1124600	c89a3cdc-5a37-4602-b76c-187e86aa0ce9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:15:55	-894.364
-111	11247	1124700	5f37e35a-1b19-4b75-9e57-ed241a70a765	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:53:02	596.723
-111	22494	1124700	943ee0cb-f57f-401d-bebe-54e1e35a4174	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:29:02	-165.597
-112	11248	1124800	cbd7ea5a-8581-4b01-80e0-a00de4abbc6b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:29:53	609.49
-112	22496	1124800	e0fd95b8-1178-4aad-87c5-d539e97da6b6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:14:40	-833.282
-113	11249	1124900	85c442e2-5125-4729-9f81-323113cf860b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:41:06	892.344
-113	22498	1124900	63e21264-35c6-46dc-89a5-e4bb365f3d9a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:47:55	419.46
-114	11250	1125000	2cbbea31-a822-48bc-a1d1-e9f71226a4bf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:28:36	209.224
-114	22500	1125000	b1f45284-8d3a-405d-ba93-a009715471bb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:55:19	-201.219
-115	11251	1125100	e31da5a9-53b2-49aa-bdb9-ca0a387bcf52	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:36:15	861.493
-115	22502	1125100	6364d070-ed4d-4a61-819c-6800c15a4104	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:27:10	-849.430
-116	11252	1125200	d6c78c45-1ba7-4aac-8031-a4aa13bee24b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:23:04	684.905
-116	22504	1125200	53221438-39bc-4837-a877-4d6a1f8a1a79	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:07:44	995.52
-117	11253	1125300	e2ec5253-979c-4697-923c-6402afea9789	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:23:13	46.945
-117	22506	1125300	3af077e0-9f63-4c00-a675-d9946bea76aa	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:42:31	878.890
-118	11254	1125400	2c468206-72e8-42b0-92cf-132b0fe92f1f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:55:24	932.365
-118	22508	1125400	14c87209-787c-44d5-b52c-40e02c40d92b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:39:01	-189.532
-119	11255	1125500	012a2845-3bb9-4c78-966c-1969066bfe1d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:35:36	901.731
-119	22510	1125500	ee710742-1ed3-4fbb-a267-4d3ce0621fae	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:35:47	-501.459
-120	11256	1125600	1b583fa5-5e96-401a-9b6d-787a68d18759	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:02:59	-406.953
-120	22512	1125600	4a10fcd7-fd5d-418d-8620-46238549da9e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:19:12	330.61
-121	11257	1125700	96088cb0-fe27-41ca-bdd0-c87af0e386c8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:50:32	-181.382
-121	22514	1125700	a1e8846e-fdd6-4b9c-9987-ae5402e2aac3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:40:27	956.578
-122	11258	1125800	d2b19fac-88fe-40d0-ab64-bb567238a41a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:25:11	-935.541
-122	22516	1125800	1a737093-b91b-4aa5-ba14-f476ff77cd4c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:07:22	360.781
-123	11259	1125900	32ed96e5-1cc1-4efe-9273-b2d5704d09d0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:22:56	-280.944
-123	22518	1125900	c98028d7-f73a-4c8e-88c4-5b87d34dd3a4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:38:54	-305.390
-124	11260	1126000	49440ee5-a0b7-4b5f-a767-ef4a0721c554	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:42:44	-850.770
-124	22520	1126000	ed526136-d60c-4e39-824c-7ccead278d17	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:28:17	475.133
-125	11261	1126100	a54fbc99-2233-42b6-ac2c-86b5bfe35765	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:24:22	-457.585
-125	22522	1126100	51671a79-79e9-41f0-b264-d7405b919924	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:21:45	846.675
-126	11262	1126200	3b57b7fa-2c27-47ec-a484-5d1978db529e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:35:06	545.413
-126	22524	1126200	5efd7203-84ed-4dec-a7d1-f4f299c229bc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:27:24	-217.743
-127	11263	1126300	9b9ea0fa-615c-48a8-919b-407014650160	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:30:12	-193.870
-127	22526	1126300	0573ee26-0869-4022-8056-b4832c8a92c6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:28:26	1.969
-0	11264	1126400	0eca50d7-72f9-4a52-a43f-9814e72138ee	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:16:39	700.614
-0	22528	1126400	fe97bcc4-c8c1-435a-8b35-8ed312583fff	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:14:49	898.547
-1	11265	1126500	87f60b3d-954a-42cc-91bf-63fee06d3a21	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:14:03	-741.383
-1	22530	1126500	8d63341f-c685-4acc-9592-5d5dcbf721fd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:07:04	-544.739
-2	11266	1126600	8d13679e-fb59-4720-ab5e-626434af5892	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:43:55	489.656
-2	22532	1126600	00a94a8d-70bc-4dd6-afbc-533c30dad9a4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:41:53	-102.527
-3	11267	1126700	18ec732c-9bc0-42cc-862f-9df714283883	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:56:51	-941.555
-3	22534	1126700	74f0e998-1e8c-410d-8403-e69217b70416	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:37:32	234.853
-4	11268	1126800	3d74cf10-a8e0-4844-8c34-56a3d4b78f90	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:25:47	-275.83
-4	22536	1126800	35162720-e20f-426d-b099-bac9b2543403	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:35:19	-136.207
-5	11269	1126900	44c6b677-4469-4302-9c1c-3ef4c660b1c3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:38:05	-361.455
-5	22538	1126900	0e88103c-fc48-4094-87db-f1fb55735fdc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:54:53	-221.638
-6	11270	1127000	290c2fb0-89ea-4b4d-9e4a-b9749c57a73f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:10:44	455.996
-6	22540	1127000	37f9b3d5-8fa3-43b5-9435-7b3f608bdac1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:06:16	-845.350
-7	11271	1127100	479d9782-08bc-4325-b5e3-a65adae75675	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:55:41	-653.803
-7	22542	1127100	9a6faba8-4032-4723-8f46-3ba747abdf9d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:19:20	370.689
-8	11272	1127200	aa643bba-dbc7-4a73-8e64-16000faf726c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:42:33	-184.658
-8	22544	1127200	baf52061-6efa-4830-b3a6-935411b50b8c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:30:53	933.469
-9	11273	1127300	a30a6d55-b0c8-4376-b19e-2822f60e6e5a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:41:11	-494.309
-9	22546	1127300	cda1c47e-962f-484e-b70a-b137a5169368	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:49:21	-822.726
-10	11274	1127400	10af4e1d-a6b4-41ed-b4dc-08e48629322d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:09:47	655.386
-10	22548	1127400	2f462442-9799-4d25-bcce-8dc950ee6653	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:32:44	-714.252
-11	11275	1127500	65171830-a282-4c7c-ae2c-2ec4e3e50a7b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:41:16	-316.795
-11	22550	1127500	9baaee4f-195c-44fb-a70f-d96d6c61c8a0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:27:26	857.502
-12	11276	1127600	127b9a7d-66df-47f3-8149-fffd5c2da587	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:40:00	508.378
-12	22552	1127600	0e7a9cd8-dc29-4db5-ad61-50003b096557	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:12:30	734.425
-13	11277	1127700	0dc35e49-0120-4e74-91bd-066807cade20	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:27:02	-334.653
-13	22554	1127700	cdaf85ae-5312-4bea-800d-7a73030cc530	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:11:31	-925.467
-14	11278	1127800	27c232c8-8b17-4956-b12a-da8c04193566	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:17:23	982.358
-14	22556	1127800	56e15ddf-1e86-47a3-950a-07dfddf42531	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:12:46	-553.640
-15	11279	1127900	b9248d55-86e2-4781-b609-f15240701942	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:29:03	-714.550
-15	22558	1127900	e179daca-6d72-4465-8953-2f6465081f5b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:44:32	314.647
-16	11280	1128000	81f6f7e5-788c-401f-90b6-fd63c658647c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:06:48	669.420
-16	22560	1128000	80a455a9-90d1-4bd2-9988-f31a6eac9900	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:25:41	-483.866
-17	11281	1128100	e17e7245-0212-4d81-9ead-02dc13922328	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:58:13	-726.750
-17	22562	1128100	f98f8f25-6771-4168-9a0e-d62550a636b9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:42:49	296.187
-18	11282	1128200	3b275f3c-27df-4627-80f0-692213ec0c23	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:46:54	-747.854
-18	22564	1128200	b2062fa1-0bcc-450b-8507-a0b6437da309	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:40:03	155.507
-19	11283	1128300	06f4f088-af9e-407e-86c7-1ca30e746787	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:32:36	432.82
-19	22566	1128300	1095bb1f-730e-461f-9803-8a8b5aefd8b6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:27:25	63.843
-20	11284	1128400	8268fca6-1a14-4df8-95e9-71a5487b2f31	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:33:48	-975.218
-20	22568	1128400	1905687b-962f-4cb6-8a05-69b4e1e7de5f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:09:43	-537.606
-21	11285	1128500	2277a370-5453-40a6-994d-fc759d999723	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:31:26	-80.83
-21	22570	1128500	7f222201-4020-4762-be7c-4c1c90889c2b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:47:23	709.726
-22	11286	1128600	dc65de85-a19b-4eb7-a8a2-1d1758832db9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:49:21	-875.12
-22	22572	1128600	8a020068-a0f7-4861-954c-23eb79397928	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:41:46	-186.15
-23	11287	1128700	e3570736-b43e-4400-94e2-7e3af834ee28	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:43:04	327.98
-23	22574	1128700	62b2cffe-eab4-44cc-bf5f-79905a96a80c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:51:17	-257.41
-24	11288	1128800	a9212480-331a-42da-a5b4-17dda860bdad	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:59:16	904.413
-24	22576	1128800	73aed513-8b17-42b4-8b4c-fbfa007a486a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:50:13	-917.403
-25	11289	1128900	641c4f6e-574f-4e8b-a7f9-dd4dccf8b080	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:36:11	-154.760
-25	22578	1128900	f6d7bc5a-ad51-4a73-8fc6-28bc1a4481f7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:13:05	387.695
-26	11290	1129000	1984c387-7bff-4e91-9db5-89d28a463517	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:09:58	-622.786
-26	22580	1129000	64b1439b-81f6-4ab3-ba04-d18ec8c05a6f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:35:53	897.8
-27	11291	1129100	7bc3e0ae-9d61-4285-b9f0-e0488bbe6eb5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:39:19	114.87
-27	22582	1129100	e62a77d1-889d-45d0-8daa-cb692e01b2c8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:44:56	-931.785
-28	11292	1129200	1515c4f7-9c15-4f31-a9eb-7e4d7186edbd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:03:52	-698.484
-28	22584	1129200	2dafe99e-3ef9-4e45-87ff-4b7f9759d6c2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:05:32	-151.717
-29	11293	1129300	f6901a76-02f7-494a-bd1e-193e70d692d5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:53:46	-858.863
-29	22586	1129300	918681fc-949e-4e13-a6f1-7ebb9db93e35	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:08:37	945.94
-30	11294	1129400	60c78b81-b698-4fa9-a1ff-0c4b4c4b585f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:59:04	-316.571
-30	22588	1129400	fe899dd0-ee18-48d5-aa89-22c9d6b6f299	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:58:58	-818.558
-31	11295	1129500	4618014e-7ecb-4908-b9fa-1d33fcde9acb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:55:11	836.300
-31	22590	1129500	29622c77-847b-4554-8fff-d2e03f108732	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:29:44	-364.72
-32	11296	1129600	df9bfc80-813b-4e3a-bbc8-7bc8bd16c168	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:24:50	683.457
-32	22592	1129600	e6277b60-08a8-46d8-a69f-686e757b214d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:04:47	-287.101
-33	11297	1129700	2b327b34-6e88-4d71-a3a9-e143eb4bbf59	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:28:29	-550.824
-33	22594	1129700	92f05584-ab82-4057-ac59-9cdd71b4c043	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:13:30	796.856
-34	11298	1129800	b8f5f7e7-6aaf-4184-878d-e87610ca8088	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:10:24	-87.64
-34	22596	1129800	a9a830ef-3424-4cbd-b645-c87192ba5dd3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:31:25	846.147
-35	11299	1129900	e266fba5-bb85-4ebe-b0b9-645778fb2910	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:43:21	866.649
-35	22598	1129900	e7802cd9-f734-4c3a-8aad-6bac7978436e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:04:10	-33.738
-36	11300	1130000	3b49ef74-2c4b-479c-8ec7-313f15de3d4a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:01:45	-207.25
-36	22600	1130000	fc3f9b59-fc34-4bb1-b2bb-410f85699dfa	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:01:40	-377.101
-37	11301	1130100	0eb03dac-4a39-416e-a40c-cfc0b3efd84a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:20:00	398.558
-37	22602	1130100	80a78a07-b522-4314-aee8-87714b6a9219	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:13:21	-11.105
-38	11302	1130200	eab0acc9-a16b-4116-9460-45fe640831a7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:52:39	-459.291
-38	22604	1130200	35c1ba47-e699-4e66-b678-436d9406ced1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:25:26	409.343
-39	11303	1130300	ea2a0588-ddf7-463c-b23a-c5ad0c3191f9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:01:46	809.231
-39	22606	1130300	39d56592-85e4-493a-807d-19294a7329f8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:10:47	54.751
-40	11304	1130400	e3caeb0b-3736-47f9-9d43-1c996b65e0a4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:18:03	-450.625
-40	22608	1130400	8e1484f6-3265-43ef-ad1c-0422010393aa	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:56:42	-668.566
-41	11305	1130500	b039678a-d154-40e0-9bca-be170c9ed869	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:29:11	964.976
-41	22610	1130500	b8ce9535-6ec4-489e-82b9-dde83ab26b50	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:24:28	594.146
-42	11306	1130600	e8e1f7cc-0977-4147-817b-cd7700d04a2d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:11:59	653.111
-42	22612	1130600	5fd1de57-3d44-47a1-8f29-1eaa9724718e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:14:20	177.230
-43	11307	1130700	4a8ab2c9-074b-4914-a339-202458e2a29f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:39:18	392.736
-43	22614	1130700	11ef4d6d-4d14-43ac-b2d9-7117b52914a7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:35:20	150.126
-44	11308	1130800	b04a93f0-2570-4fbc-a39c-0333736c8029	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:45:08	-434.258
-44	22616	1130800	d1507b08-0416-4439-9d01-4da870527083	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:48:12	217.296
-45	11309	1130900	d47bea42-4cec-4766-b111-1c87d6b5f759	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:15:47	-915.117
-45	22618	1130900	ac92a745-3cc1-43de-bcd1-3c869a3d6c0e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:37:40	-151.839
-46	11310	1131000	49b6b340-2661-4c41-bbda-599a08633f44	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:51:50	-988.276
-46	22620	1131000	bb4ea93e-60f6-45f4-9c7b-7f03a82f8596	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:52:35	291.689
-47	11311	1131100	776107a2-bf2b-4a23-8d24-db9551a7610e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:37:37	393.120
-47	22622	1131100	fab95575-7e74-4d8e-86d3-9a05dc725ef9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:46:01	841.575
-48	11312	1131200	ade3a6a1-5100-4c61-8aed-e924c19823bc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:23:22	-193.677
-48	22624	1131200	ffe03696-aa44-488f-85ae-2d725d6a7086	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:29:15	270.157
-49	11313	1131300	4917db1e-d5cb-4219-bc98-2faa25044419	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:39:33	822.323
-49	22626	1131300	3b9ad149-5570-4bf3-89fc-b81346f325d4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:06:58	698.251
-50	11314	1131400	7f03ba65-4e6a-47f8-b94d-c9fe1bf14414	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:09:02	877.269
-50	22628	1131400	681ebf5f-7b5f-479c-8969-7d9d03c8d233	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:43:47	612.446
-51	11315	1131500	1dd232e2-447f-4278-8e5a-8cb06c56ee6b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:42:55	-502.241
-51	22630	1131500	11e9f594-d258-41b0-9457-fcf74c809580	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:50:04	-960.642
-52	11316	1131600	65955b5f-e0ea-4c6c-bc88-9ce3a92c65b1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:08:38	-964.816
-52	22632	1131600	91a428c6-d89d-41e7-b3de-7a0017d3b6d5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:30:14	-572.487
-53	11317	1131700	e584f5f7-7b2a-4785-8d33-b038d3307f5f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:34:09	-899.776
-53	22634	1131700	52ca4f02-e36c-4304-864f-11923e3bb1db	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:17:57	-487.85
-54	11318	1131800	bf0bd30b-8d61-4c16-85e1-3b1ecf2dacfe	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:28:33	271.802
-54	22636	1131800	04b48292-9081-4ce1-b08d-759ce0f753d8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:55:15	-70.787
-55	11319	1131900	d691e958-69cb-4bbd-a381-9c27e41579b4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:34:29	122.802
-55	22638	1131900	78b2adde-dc64-4c4a-b5f9-8ea739a25ea0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:18:45	315.605
-56	11320	1132000	4947429c-6b61-436b-96a7-7a6992b8968d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:41:24	-442.459
-56	22640	1132000	c2645c92-6687-4972-ba5f-de65135623b3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:03:34	710.271
-57	11321	1132100	4b7e6aa6-71aa-42b6-b87d-62a76e992e77	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:30:33	-437.865
-57	22642	1132100	47f351fc-26ca-462e-84aa-f60eb4c83130	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:05:13	-117.777
-58	11322	1132200	5847d7f5-9c53-4bcc-8501-818ffbab4872	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:33:59	739.356
-58	22644	1132200	54e5355f-31d0-4e5d-8c0c-ac720900d44d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:28:54	-854.639
-59	11323	1132300	760f1f72-9df5-4dbc-b430-a4d6c501c80f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:06:12	-295.253
-59	22646	1132300	bd2d1900-f7be-4ee7-bfaf-008e27590cb1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:32:56	-710.771
-60	11324	1132400	286cdbd0-49e6-47dc-98b9-ce3d914b3604	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:08:49	419.262
-60	22648	1132400	2ef2cbe7-e000-4c6b-9413-78790635923a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:16:22	-752.903
-61	11325	1132500	7e550c71-6414-43e8-b4e6-5a34fbb09872	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:54:40	-146.188
-61	22650	1132500	11a544ef-c6b1-4f5f-a4b2-e267ff1b2898	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:21:38	508.511
-62	11326	1132600	e603c1c1-cb22-4cc4-88d3-e2f686ecd62d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:20:53	-320.319
-62	22652	1132600	c75de6f1-ce99-4a01-892a-1412c7d46644	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:24:54	-488.216
-63	11327	1132700	9ac706af-44a0-4208-810b-0baa21d94746	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:28:29	-416.647
-63	22654	1132700	3ab41f47-2d86-4dd3-87a1-5b51d00da2a2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:37:38	-994.210
-64	11328	1132800	c95259a6-c096-42b8-b6e8-7f1f2b4310f0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:53:45	672.714
-64	22656	1132800	50c8bb88-28fe-40d0-a29c-0a36066a08ad	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:58:33	512.984
-65	11329	1132900	17d36b2a-28a3-48ba-a842-ec7dbd43b6cb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:50:33	857.427
-65	22658	1132900	f46b1fb0-7230-417b-a6d0-590675a60570	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:20:52	-387.628
-66	11330	1133000	3bfa74f8-4797-4153-9d3c-37d40128c74b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:27:53	-812.931
-66	22660	1133000	c7910785-e3d2-4253-a9d8-8c11128ec520	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:51:50	272.386
-67	11331	1133100	4bbee0e2-f21b-4d80-856c-7191fb851d16	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:39:09	-87.769
-67	22662	1133100	1abe842f-715c-4fa7-9bc5-f093a3bfbdc4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:41:06	643.310
-68	11332	1133200	fd683e64-28a7-4a1e-9a3b-4e6e24693726	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:24:13	-878.766
-68	22664	1133200	4c5e4ad9-32ae-4aa9-b315-9155176f47a3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:59:13	239.393
-69	11333	1133300	f772b90f-29fe-49bd-85f3-4aa1c8f69a1e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:16:19	-159.322
-69	22666	1133300	66181193-e0bd-469d-961b-62bd0625a769	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:03:31	165.834
-70	11334	1133400	f48166cc-28ad-4302-8f11-76a5f1768e71	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:12:47	-869.113
-70	22668	1133400	5649d2e9-4b26-4c48-8186-d34444721081	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:33:25	384.743
-71	11335	1133500	408f3486-907e-4ac0-9d21-9dd386b5f1ec	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:39:42	-276.234
-71	22670	1133500	540b514b-149b-4a02-9630-acbf262f702d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:06:45	-865.574
-72	11336	1133600	a365d49a-07b3-4c37-a98d-4b220d31490a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:07:08	-831.150
-72	22672	1133600	b7c6bdc8-e62a-43e7-bff9-bc347cf5fd74	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:50:21	329.127
-73	11337	1133700	a2547a41-3205-4c69-960b-cf1a6134f0d2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:54:38	531.833
-73	22674	1133700	877cb865-5019-40be-ab1f-e23b91264b8c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:30:43	-30.960
-74	11338	1133800	2d925a49-406d-4e32-a145-70923494fbb3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:16:54	-205.102
-74	22676	1133800	c5de5ce8-825a-470f-9968-abf403a99275	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:45:00	727.5
-75	11339	1133900	fe584f8c-7a1c-43ac-b026-132f19d61b79	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:00:04	-211.710
-75	22678	1133900	2e6dcf97-c71a-420c-a5f5-628d5a751ccd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:45:30	235.555
-76	11340	1134000	edfbaef3-c989-459c-97c5-53e4760a6cd0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:17:17	-519.558
-76	22680	1134000	98c1cf4e-88a5-4feb-b36d-780a61785d1f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:52:41	-588.785
-77	11341	1134100	5ee673ad-ae44-4c3e-bdb6-dfbf2d984422	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:26:42	417.284
-77	22682	1134100	04ea466c-aec7-4cf9-b005-afd066d406c7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:53:29	769.687
-78	11342	1134200	19db6b8a-628d-4aa3-8a26-15dd7623b994	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:02:40	154.862
-78	22684	1134200	98714a54-9211-409a-af68-986742dce542	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:24:22	-870.192
-79	11343	1134300	f71cae75-f19d-49af-905c-81b53fd0a91c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:43:50	643.267
-79	22686	1134300	b9df624b-6beb-4437-b39d-af9b95ee6dc5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:36:25	-138.140
-80	11344	1134400	c5f60631-eb01-4434-8aa8-872308339d36	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:22:01	-470.920
-80	22688	1134400	e69ad51c-6181-49a1-b2eb-73d5309117fe	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:05:45	150.899
-81	11345	1134500	8d9b3844-fee1-4609-98b4-91197040ced4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:53:31	62.561
-81	22690	1134500	b10e0a6c-1b40-4a12-bd79-9e836ee4a4ee	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:36:27	-918.368
-82	11346	1134600	0017c54b-17d7-4144-9a90-bdb7e4b22101	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:00:34	-76.15
-82	22692	1134600	14503821-b3d4-4e66-8eb8-e8756fadcab3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:39:22	866.486
-83	11347	1134700	4390864b-d576-4e9b-9ca4-3c36b13f72f2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:02:10	-800.933
-83	22694	1134700	b9e2532d-85df-42da-a260-7fcea34323b0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:58:41	437.648
-84	11348	1134800	f071dd5d-bfc4-4964-b8e8-3b12f8bd0e2d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:07:18	139.27
-84	22696	1134800	6c42dda5-ea1b-4cac-a94f-99ba9b0ce3d7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:43:07	415.860
-85	11349	1134900	d832bd12-ff4d-4717-a51e-b309aaa39edb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:44:14	-504.771
-85	22698	1134900	6304110a-2de8-481a-8958-7740bb234dc5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:55:04	773.100
-86	11350	1135000	7612dfb8-0191-49ff-8a2d-ee31f0494d1c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:33:01	-949.593
-86	22700	1135000	64aef0c3-744e-4901-940d-43ca5d44e020	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:23:24	853.865
-87	11351	1135100	45da6052-894c-42d5-8a9c-9b5de29be542	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:25:05	922.599
-87	22702	1135100	5eaf9d0b-8a15-4dea-9817-c4d708550b67	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:43:54	325.992
-88	11352	1135200	bb27543c-c485-48d1-9886-a2042dd096c8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:40:32	-629.862
-88	22704	1135200	a48c6566-bfb7-45e6-b05a-816dc818cffc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:18:20	-124.650
-89	11353	1135300	562b5edc-2073-4c18-9923-922bbb167f54	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:41:36	-733.949
-89	22706	1135300	2a48f8e9-9993-4387-88a4-0f6c1fddb900	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:33:54	302.43
-90	11354	1135400	4ac5b990-63c9-47b7-8bb9-4c0d5a87a86a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:07:10	-803.471
-90	22708	1135400	c784619a-e74c-4981-9ff3-573fa23d6253	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:54:58	-55.724
-91	11355	1135500	1f7e6737-83a1-41a1-a69a-73dc24edf214	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:59:23	67.101
-91	22710	1135500	0cf58d79-93b2-4c11-80f8-dbbf71060a2a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:59:10	867.848
-92	11356	1135600	759c24f1-4770-42b0-bbe7-18fe24cd4ef4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:44:53	198.404
-92	22712	1135600	2f328e3c-bb42-4ae8-a5e8-3088025e9b9d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:07:08	-122.329
-93	11357	1135700	26dadd4b-47d2-4866-a9ad-e2837ff46a23	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:18:59	940.9
-93	22714	1135700	f3befb3c-1911-4682-a427-bd9d83a68d5f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:28:45	-615.73
-94	11358	1135800	b12b4e9b-901a-421d-af4f-8db2ed0d78ad	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:47:39	-118.39
-94	22716	1135800	91b46d09-fb07-468b-bf6d-6378f872250a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:56:33	751.588
-95	11359	1135900	42d55479-d3cf-4d9e-8891-caf09a00c8bf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:50:20	-144.516
-95	22718	1135900	b1147c37-becf-4e02-aa7c-f39eda54d8c1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:50:16	-463.941
-96	11360	1136000	26258600-2f75-4a4e-9e8d-83fb0c0cf77a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:42:31	244.50
-96	22720	1136000	b86ad888-3672-4780-a2b3-3ba86951beff	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:38:58	262.228
-97	11361	1136100	c890100d-6951-472b-a8af-a518d1628c9e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:18:35	-800.447
-97	22722	1136100	048c7b8e-0aa2-461d-9c23-3bad27f1e232	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:42:14	-676.525
-98	11362	1136200	2ed18a92-cd35-4fc5-b002-2edd66256e53	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:36:09	855.968
-98	22724	1136200	f5db7141-73b5-453e-aac9-cfcd087f1d3c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:10:30	-902.996
-99	11363	1136300	16b8bff9-2198-4500-b4ff-3d85b99e489e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:09:38	37.175
-99	22726	1136300	3dce3361-68ac-4e9b-8ace-6e42dcce68a9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:10:04	-894.880
-100	11364	1136400	889b4b09-00c8-4f43-8629-8364e9b63e96	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:19:11	34.790
-100	22728	1136400	39b96e9e-f204-4a73-8979-7b5477c720df	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:01:45	-922.289
-101	11365	1136500	a1a55c5b-891e-48c6-8d97-e4415fa973d1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:11:22	945.489
-101	22730	1136500	abaa3cb7-2ee5-4e06-9915-5c7cdae558e1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:04:19	888.127
-102	11366	1136600	37338083-281b-4b87-b906-399dcb3274ce	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:21:11	182.645
-102	22732	1136600	db0e9623-dde1-4b9e-835c-13d4a6c78cfe	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:43:01	-409.496
-103	11367	1136700	183a72cb-4cb8-4cad-bbcf-250ef8df1a50	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:18:04	611.455
-103	22734	1136700	295a06ad-9e85-4671-9730-141a3e4be2e7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:53:26	-934.409
-104	11368	1136800	383a5d42-88f6-4df8-81cf-6c74a6f9e822	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:20:20	45.768
-104	22736	1136800	c3322b84-3d5e-414d-a097-696c0cd94f05	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:22:32	-926.412
-105	11369	1136900	9a58ad1f-62a5-428a-b31f-52c8e9784143	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:22:19	-751.772
-105	22738	1136900	875b0153-5149-4779-8553-c8f2c4e3b1ed	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:58:06	391.552
-106	11370	1137000	47a2fce9-bc1b-4a8c-9ec8-ae8aa541a9da	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:42:50	-923.161
-106	22740	1137000	381af27e-55df-40fe-b1c2-b88c5c8aec66	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:02:51	-505.169
-107	11371	1137100	a96d7aa8-896d-4b49-95c3-cee9c9c71328	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:09:17	296.834
-107	22742	1137100	2052a4cd-6523-4512-93eb-707282bbc5b7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:06:54	-126.585
-108	11372	1137200	253ab436-0f73-4306-a74e-d1b0278cf3d6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:21:34	-730.332
-108	22744	1137200	57063fca-d71c-4805-ad52-7f586461a641	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:59:55	-376.344
-109	11373	1137300	c9624887-ee22-40de-be3e-48b5b0af3117	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:52:52	-684.968
-109	22746	1137300	06dd86ca-ab6f-48e0-9daa-74723d311d6c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:09:48	368.833
-110	11374	1137400	4766fcc9-b9cc-43b7-a51f-196c9175f621	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:56:35	769.778
-110	22748	1137400	dc7d4e23-1836-4213-af1f-d5c358d9a3b8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:14:05	974.491
-111	11375	1137500	2e6a5caf-e257-4e33-837f-3298fca509b0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:14:13	786.296
-111	22750	1137500	d5224b68-4865-488e-ba99-6d7a79c92b56	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:20:16	372.753
-112	11376	1137600	cc60659b-d7f2-4f1a-8af4-c345aaaec185	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:54:12	-627.817
-112	22752	1137600	af533490-e90f-48f7-82b5-37e610456632	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:43:54	60.872
-113	11377	1137700	5c3af491-6816-45a5-8de9-4c8bc3611517	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:00:14	686.114
-113	22754	1137700	f3c37a7c-ece7-4f18-8743-4fa90a274e16	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:18:24	-849.550
-114	11378	1137800	b3e9ea2c-ec0b-409d-a52c-f4611272a463	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:05:19	765.449
-114	22756	1137800	d4fdb103-c1ee-4683-8aed-f7c5601dbf12	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:24:16	-355.8
-115	11379	1137900	5ee24f76-e291-49b7-bed4-6fd6fb127ff1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:13:47	-282.174
-115	22758	1137900	d0148ad1-5e06-4c2f-ab0c-57a0c7d39457	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:25:47	634.72
-116	11380	1138000	cfb5693d-4f4b-48b7-90f8-1be77c1ec4e3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:23:42	454.84
-116	22760	1138000	53a9b6a4-b130-46a5-9e61-266be76af8ba	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:00:21	-915.766
-117	11381	1138100	63274c3e-19d2-486e-8fd4-96b318c2a9e9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:11:16	291.306
-117	22762	1138100	ec9aaf9e-e739-4457-951d-8f1d0a3cd57e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:02:24	-643.482
-118	11382	1138200	4a8bd760-0780-4abe-abf1-51a83b2ebdf7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:19:31	952.523
-118	22764	1138200	d0b96d7f-e485-4b24-b5d1-38cf8599b984	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:12:13	-84.483
-119	11383	1138300	cb097b8e-8df0-4faf-8bb9-70825341b6c0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:30:16	999.983
-119	22766	1138300	3f100eb6-c026-4efc-817f-6c0c5d4b8abd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:04:20	-670.47
-120	11384	1138400	88ca404a-222f-4081-9c1d-af8c0478d3fe	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:35:10	786.955
-120	22768	1138400	827d7264-bd22-4785-b9e3-7571ef2134e2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:04:31	-788.143
-121	11385	1138500	44967eca-b7fa-4b17-adae-f041e32cd2ed	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:11:06	347.648
-121	22770	1138500	2d84a1cd-4769-44a9-b501-2f0f978e134a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:50:05	-586.703
-122	11386	1138600	3db075a1-289b-4605-a3da-03b0d1d34bae	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:38:23	60.157
-122	22772	1138600	2c787fae-c763-486e-a15a-943392466d84	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:59:33	-794.788
-123	11387	1138700	943cc51f-5eb5-480c-99f2-99ea531654c0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:28:56	297.262
-123	22774	1138700	50a35feb-ea6f-447a-b614-92ec727e7483	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:00:27	-671.620
-124	11388	1138800	c83da772-3ee4-4baa-bd2b-34e13a80cea6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:16:23	-186.727
-124	22776	1138800	7612dcee-7186-4e71-97a0-09d794c0d202	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:04:09	454.328
-125	11389	1138900	ea0d659e-0dac-490e-bbf6-3a5bc697ca11	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:52:29	-952.614
-125	22778	1138900	6e92b7c9-2621-48ac-8ce6-163e3be7f82a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:21:45	250.190
-126	11390	1139000	2129b974-04cf-4e35-8c52-a1d6dffa5908	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:05:22	-430.661
-126	22780	1139000	00f8606d-7640-4817-9ce5-f2737a09a510	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:16:00	584.431
-127	11391	1139100	6e5b682a-28ad-40af-947d-d1b007e3b6ef	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:15:45	-913.116
-127	22782	1139100	8c0b81e7-661b-4826-b4f7-24bcb823819c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:07:06	883.522
-0	11392	1139200	0354cfd8-cde6-4572-9fd5-4fb5ee5a9847	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:32:13	-672.862
-0	22784	1139200	1f8b0d56-c810-42a4-bb0d-ff23a9a7c31f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:14:36	-508.503
-1	11393	1139300	5d87cfaf-9b2e-4881-873a-36d30cb301d0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:12:06	525.856
-1	22786	1139300	9588ea4e-d9a2-43cc-9e14-f8607a8c515b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:59:27	-786.693
-2	11394	1139400	38599d62-01ad-4796-824c-270f51c91f9f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:31:21	-753.891
-2	22788	1139400	f2f4514c-71c0-4edb-a338-68652a238e32	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:16:39	-26.712
-3	11395	1139500	bd7c9eed-9d17-4eb5-a741-cc5cb0e40956	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:03:44	-957.906
-3	22790	1139500	0c137624-2dbb-41b9-ba27-280d16292af0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:49:18	35.518
-4	11396	1139600	12b1d01a-fda5-4374-b25c-9f9fa205b956	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:32:03	-389.574
-4	22792	1139600	7a98418b-8b49-4dd4-a98f-298444676832	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:10:18	-406.226
-5	11397	1139700	e477af3b-4eca-4528-9d6b-3f7e857307e4	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:03:32	641.497
-5	22794	1139700	f18515e9-28de-448f-a63d-a03d8bfe7d3c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:32:07	554.644
-6	11398	1139800	6eea52c2-fabc-4df3-9486-cbf2a20be93a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:10:40	13.860
-6	22796	1139800	f249c6b3-913b-4217-b04b-fcb77fe9a8ba	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:54:50	-739.824
-7	11399	1139900	455c4098-ad7d-4c80-b1f2-cf22b134d876	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:29:32	380.608
-7	22798	1139900	eafed6b3-7848-416c-935c-673384331568	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:34:55	-438.94
-8	11400	1140000	8bf6f1b5-a008-4543-99a7-d5f1a97e6457	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:08:01	-974.935
-8	22800	1140000	84b30daa-fcd5-41f8-85eb-593d5b6f0f95	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:56:49	-253.763
-9	11401	1140100	5679e0da-3a65-4d4a-8d10-a4a589f5c8d8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:56:28	635.292
-9	22802	1140100	ea344378-aeac-4e4e-8b22-6e2999f92cd6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:52:50	-500.127
-10	11402	1140200	faa451ae-8165-4dbe-8852-bdcb564c7022	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:07:33	-102.83
-10	22804	1140200	64659d90-9e8a-4beb-b87f-f410b48e3b28	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:34:40	434.994
-11	11403	1140300	a24ef760-5e2d-4efc-bb4b-785a410c6f28	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:54:32	748.607
-11	22806	1140300	31bbc8ee-42a3-4a01-885a-2b02fefef081	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:43:21	-500.336
-12	11404	1140400	53db3c7a-e7ef-4aaf-81a0-1cc3457275e1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:05:25	-745.408
-12	22808	1140400	16cb57cd-e84c-429e-9f90-e07ea2045b81	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:10:49	-40.420
-13	11405	1140500	6b3b8af0-4bf1-4dcd-9884-ec6900557066	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:23:06	134.152
-13	22810	1140500	dbcf7374-18ec-421d-ad18-a50882f3f2cf	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:50:32	926.817
-14	11406	1140600	bbd672a3-4d0f-470e-81e1-792e4768f860	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:04:25	-164.441
-14	22812	1140600	b16a6b30-c314-4569-a670-465c0f1add90	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:05:42	-381.919
-15	11407	1140700	6dfefe89-6276-4ba7-8b9e-831d650859bf	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:47:40	-215.651
-15	22814	1140700	a9b8edb4-f010-4eeb-8a38-e92a4e3e0e95	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:59:46	-399.736
-16	11408	1140800	f20171da-d035-4df7-adb8-3c64ca86aae2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:34:33	212.790
-16	22816	1140800	3e4be801-4395-49ad-bd0c-2a7ae4d362fb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:42:30	-982.602
-17	11409	1140900	bd61cd83-31d9-49dc-86fe-942a632cfefe	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:50:49	763.903
-17	22818	1140900	1885bc0c-6f66-4c5e-8e6a-eb1a3291b8e9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:28:54	-562.408
-18	11410	1141000	2d695f2e-e8f3-4c59-a8b2-b931737784af	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:07:56	787.960
-18	22820	1141000	0b0005e3-b034-4448-8e69-c3b11c7ca57d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:51:19	953.940
-19	11411	1141100	0ebd7a04-7646-4e55-9540-9f49a1f9672f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:04:05	-828.224
-19	22822	1141100	0db37c43-ae2b-4a86-8022-31dc80324e57	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:03:38	148.652
-20	11412	1141200	110b95ec-4e0a-431e-923a-15dff9e618a4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:27:31	502.521
-20	22824	1141200	d6fb5479-cce3-4863-a0d2-fee3f0e2c82a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:38:01	141.82
-21	11413	1141300	220a6c22-5fff-4117-9fff-cda59e744569	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:49:59	-244.493
-21	22826	1141300	7580395a-c9b2-4a94-8f4b-a4bae7dd05f0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:28:58	131.407
-22	11414	1141400	90fbb727-04a2-4e2c-aea1-e2198f075505	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:11:10	-267.191
-22	22828	1141400	9ad11a67-a8d1-47c3-a5b1-2b0c27facfbc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:44:35	248.883
-23	11415	1141500	394e69ab-27e3-4567-8a04-10ad0b8d8fb5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:29:43	-691.922
-23	22830	1141500	44ca66de-2c10-46d5-9af6-9531afda8e23	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:49:19	-357.961
-24	11416	1141600	b59e19f1-fe17-43ae-9c9b-098b5feac187	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:50:43	-906.881
-24	22832	1141600	40244e63-a694-4602-a8bf-0ccb61c1bcdc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:35:55	-149.328
-25	11417	1141700	836dfcec-6258-4ca9-baf2-6e2b3696aefb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:41:23	-446.448
-25	22834	1141700	b407058b-b8cd-417a-aae5-c57538e7737e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:39:39	336.724
-26	11418	1141800	82b688d5-4d1f-4580-957a-eca31496a1ed	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:13:27	-901.461
-26	22836	1141800	2414b0db-737c-4e96-b6fd-79720c2b9c35	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:50:00	828.404
-27	11419	1141900	d1d2124d-96c1-4524-8032-8f142f6348e8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:23:40	554.631
-27	22838	1141900	0cbabd83-726b-4902-86fb-f72e6b04f675	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:53:52	670.276
-28	11420	1142000	d9c09957-f667-4752-bf4c-a804e3be79d4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:25:40	-811.302
-28	22840	1142000	67eae13f-2a6a-4269-b38d-5c33427baf0c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:54:18	-825.695
-29	11421	1142100	0963f450-c170-4a34-93fc-83a40a4e05d2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:34:56	-375.636
-29	22842	1142100	fa48ad64-6e95-44ee-b474-7d6f48442a26	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:34:43	28.559
-30	11422	1142200	20e7f8b1-4ec2-4f37-9297-710b1a8f3a56	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:26:39	-86.825
-30	22844	1142200	ee22f7b2-4da4-4bf0-a095-987c217684ef	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:14:14	246.772
-31	11423	1142300	34ef0bda-5ae1-42f8-8bf5-bc9c8827d19b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:51:19	804.273
-31	22846	1142300	634c503b-f2fc-4918-ba74-e065195c9ee4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:22:12	-748.379
-32	11424	1142400	e0371060-e3f6-4fe9-bd8e-8c49ec23185d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:05:17	-856.30
-32	22848	1142400	8f55caf4-5eb8-4689-ac24-f046575befff	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:40:57	933.479
-33	11425	1142500	751384b1-6db8-4b3e-94d7-023830fa9598	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:13:25	-364.713
-33	22850	1142500	f76ab145-f60d-4c20-b9b4-ca0ad0e56dbc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:37:34	-339.902
-34	11426	1142600	f698995d-b5a6-4b15-a125-f07b208100b5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:53:12	-273.18
-34	22852	1142600	03a78c72-71ba-48e1-82b9-37befc310a63	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:43:50	-756.966
-35	11427	1142700	05deb70b-26dc-42a2-b6f7-b0da128f7db9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:16:43	-716.445
-35	22854	1142700	130041e9-14a5-42da-9ff5-312cd761e036	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:40:36	-417.432
-36	11428	1142800	e1b868f8-42c7-4730-b0f1-fbca6bfeadfd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:44:22	-329.404
-36	22856	1142800	6e96986d-b61e-4433-bb96-52ce1d7d556d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:13:49	598.737
-37	11429	1142900	fa409896-158e-414b-9d88-cd53b1e96aed	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:27:39	-243.458
-37	22858	1142900	34ca3d14-7f5d-41a1-9930-a36c433c525f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:41:03	459.882
-38	11430	1143000	f21d40be-4e4f-48e3-af64-cbf7e74305df	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:24:10	386.716
-38	22860	1143000	170c639b-7f89-4fe0-bdce-069caedd9074	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:50:12	-287.305
-39	11431	1143100	35468e76-9727-4179-a915-8750a01e530a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:32:01	-517.223
-39	22862	1143100	efec7a04-a2b3-402f-8c6c-1a582ce7b3b2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:41:32	755.138
-40	11432	1143200	bbf6b1f4-bd21-4b12-a270-f6f95ceb22c0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:17:39	861.447
-40	22864	1143200	71736868-2ebd-43ca-b59e-e65debf8e7f8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:25:56	-112.907
-41	11433	1143300	549500c7-ae0a-468a-b718-d7e66edc8a7a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:29:20	-416.611
-41	22866	1143300	6cdbb27e-68b3-49e9-8885-b1f930f61205	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:08:27	245.712
-42	11434	1143400	2a2c14a5-7e3d-48e2-be5d-d53a13ff383d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:24:00	-266.935
-42	22868	1143400	75a238d1-d3e9-42d4-b943-828a8392e611	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:56:52	234.582
-43	11435	1143500	91386b58-0cbc-4253-b6ab-fe48eacbf884	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:53:37	-90.150
-43	22870	1143500	33a82282-2b50-48ca-92f7-53c656f03ad9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:53:07	36.184
-44	11436	1143600	8daa9012-f5d3-42b6-9137-cbaad4f7fb99	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:41:11	474.250
-44	22872	1143600	f4727aed-fd7b-49cc-9512-a3a87f18efdd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:39:04	-230.744
-45	11437	1143700	9cd934ff-ce67-43f2-88c7-dea3fc01a531	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:25:40	-994.374
-45	22874	1143700	4a8e854d-bf6d-4d4d-9e2b-5a0760038c57	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:36:49	521.878
-46	11438	1143800	684cbab2-f857-413e-a634-29b5ec64e0ee	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:02:20	-452.989
-46	22876	1143800	b56135b5-b338-4234-9061-f7ccf2f46fdb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:28:06	791.280
-47	11439	1143900	38a60b67-3ce1-4648-90f0-fbf65596a0d7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:48:06	218.744
-47	22878	1143900	6cc833ca-0b21-40d5-8341-e214173dda3e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:11:54	-67.732
-48	11440	1144000	2cf742d2-a546-427e-94bc-15f5a485a01c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:51:53	548.373
-48	22880	1144000	d3cb2726-538e-46d9-8447-5bcbdf246f2f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:39:12	-985.693
-49	11441	1144100	fa87a2c2-2ebb-4a67-a84b-eed18a4024f9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:53:45	842.379
-49	22882	1144100	3863cb17-e742-40d9-8b04-237d57300b65	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:55:14	-229.804
-50	11442	1144200	b34ed80c-2cfa-427e-b34c-f48604bfc253	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:54:02	53.884
-50	22884	1144200	34c6ff98-9803-4086-9343-06cd79d08cad	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:00:38	-828.638
-51	11443	1144300	c1f9ba66-b82c-4481-bc42-49bdc75711ab	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:39:48	168.439
-51	22886	1144300	3bace4d2-7344-447c-b139-2b71c1616c44	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:39:12	-201.703
-52	11444	1144400	2d228d7a-e01a-4750-9d20-02a593408a84	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:29:21	899.107
-52	22888	1144400	04e49c1c-7356-4dda-ac6f-53540b3cc09d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:58:34	-692.404
-53	11445	1144500	74c8c3fa-c820-43a5-a4b9-9eb434c36d12	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:03:46	-636.832
-53	22890	1144500	c88a8dc8-bd59-4cc2-92ca-b9a8dc0f1665	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:05:26	815.109
-54	11446	1144600	5e8f6fb9-84d3-49fe-abdc-be18a883b8a7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:26:55	181.15
-54	22892	1144600	05e90979-ac57-4f5b-88fe-cf61de216ae0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:20:26	-844.557
-55	11447	1144700	51c952de-08fe-4232-958f-4c65312e040e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:46:17	-583.573
-55	22894	1144700	defd7845-a4a1-4067-8cf7-7ffb5fdec78b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:42:59	897.472
-56	11448	1144800	44637ab4-5725-4736-9811-31fea4a420ba	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:00:26	-771.194
-56	22896	1144800	7785deed-3244-481b-b9f1-0aae3ba3ad4a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:07:12	603.330
-57	11449	1144900	1216172e-04e7-4203-beba-030729052897	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:17:01	-591.349
-57	22898	1144900	31276d9a-ee46-4c67-b003-a52f34e08ccb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:29:34	-752.188
-58	11450	1145000	54f8c4f3-8006-4268-abea-9710d48a2182	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:47:41	596.81
-58	22900	1145000	b7e42daa-bdc1-40c6-b13d-b40ba8633d58	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:49:56	-82.298
-59	11451	1145100	d406e80a-71fa-446a-8f27-e043b48065b3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:11:51	546.571
-59	22902	1145100	2285631e-6956-44d3-971e-0afd212a5035	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:29:52	546.359
-60	11452	1145200	a3146c6c-8f21-4387-8da6-e77c258de66e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:59:08	-30.663
-60	22904	1145200	55fbfa8e-bb54-49f3-a092-202821f0d979	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:11:47	540.722
-61	11453	1145300	92e323c4-2497-4de0-98cc-ae8f88f2705c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:25:28	-467.287
-61	22906	1145300	43fec6c2-f974-46a3-b6f4-95db7d0fdb2b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:07:28	452.592
-62	11454	1145400	47d0b966-27ca-441d-bd98-f1401eb30e95	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:51:44	-466.853
-62	22908	1145400	f5672e22-9793-4cee-9d4d-bb95a7da2e7e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:53:37	-446.492
-63	11455	1145500	8ff91d5c-f04e-49f4-8441-63dda8f94727	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:39:47	921.205
-63	22910	1145500	56b29677-5757-4c44-bf64-a2c97db465fb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:08:06	-294.732
-64	11456	1145600	28880da6-0707-41c5-bb2d-f42629f2f941	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:17:31	-509.721
-64	22912	1145600	ca6960ba-3819-46f5-9fa0-6ad6dfc71798	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:47:22	-344.809
-65	11457	1145700	90a72786-627b-4b3b-97fb-fcade46433d1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:13:27	-364.533
-65	22914	1145700	f525a2a3-31f1-4548-b46c-da1e0904d78c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:20:52	310.483
-66	11458	1145800	3f453323-07a2-4b70-8bda-ae1d848f6724	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:51:27	-811.368
-66	22916	1145800	887b7ac7-92f8-4d41-8381-fec0792fdbb9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:48:44	221.750
-67	11459	1145900	593c4aeb-f4a9-4c1b-90b8-bd8bffe8b16b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:13:31	744.399
-67	22918	1145900	e9f21f8f-68c4-4cf3-b784-bc70d3bcbfe8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:30:02	-29.369
-68	11460	1146000	dc434205-9f81-4999-9893-fd300677f6d0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:55:20	-598.849
-68	22920	1146000	b99bf9cf-ebee-47ac-ac3f-f2aca41634d8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:39:07	-281.174
-69	11461	1146100	603b3e2c-c03d-4014-99f0-ac5a3f4e7142	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:34:21	-506.566
-69	22922	1146100	a4a4374a-cd52-4555-bfa3-1003c944f16a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:53:25	447.853
-70	11462	1146200	e693ae73-a812-4acc-a2d3-fb55d2a58655	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:28:43	740.986
-70	22924	1146200	1a5e5136-bdd6-4900-868b-36dd49698c70	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:20:41	572.692
-71	11463	1146300	5a89f254-c8d2-4893-ba89-3aefe859f7e3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:52:12	741.621
-71	22926	1146300	1bc5d87b-914d-4f79-a9fc-b9508ae89fb0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:06:31	320.267
-72	11464	1146400	1f83bf0e-ba49-4383-9aa7-461140df9238	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:45:18	-597.239
-72	22928	1146400	977804e4-4bac-453f-8b57-be311073b195	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:58:32	191.117
-73	11465	1146500	487d9ae3-8ab6-4f50-860f-919fe6ba0633	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:10:16	-1.210
-73	22930	1146500	c35c207f-8277-46b4-8b3d-ed88adbfa67d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:56:43	-707.826
-74	11466	1146600	c2d0741d-8ea7-42b4-a849-ecaa9deee29f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:23:52	402.243
-74	22932	1146600	e988125e-4cf1-4403-b881-a7ceb0dcb72f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:48:45	212.0
-75	11467	1146700	034effbf-5d7e-4df6-9717-b65d2ee7b339	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:18:39	879.662
-75	22934	1146700	ac535653-f141-4578-ae73-2112f15170c3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:23:06	-498.128
-76	11468	1146800	8518450f-f4bc-40f4-a8f4-eec099656c09	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:31:35	221.775
-76	22936	1146800	aa3fb460-129d-406e-905a-b2431fd29cdd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:36:17	-594.75
-77	11469	1146900	876071d3-b665-4481-8ab7-fc779c547157	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:40:54	456.703
-77	22938	1146900	b2fc86ad-517c-4dbc-bd1d-de32c4dfe4f8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:39:10	-376.708
-78	11470	1147000	926aec6f-1f0b-42ac-ac90-d3f3681d4609	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:36:21	-534.275
-78	22940	1147000	255870ac-99fb-4cbb-a8e8-eca78e87fa3c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:44:02	145.46
-79	11471	1147100	89e43026-eda1-41c1-a3d3-03311d5172a5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:38:42	-968.202
-79	22942	1147100	5578091e-3497-42ad-badc-e3311e87419d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:55:10	-367.548
-80	11472	1147200	dff37166-3583-404e-afc6-886852ca49dd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:11:52	-94.357
-80	22944	1147200	a52a92c8-9aee-4433-a9f8-3a85f569f970	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:17:14	157.877
-81	11473	1147300	de08e835-7496-4b53-8ffe-a50a835aae54	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:12:56	-871.391
-81	22946	1147300	d00cf266-cdf7-49f9-b21d-292492bc53dd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:32:56	-355.873
-82	11474	1147400	2b0fc58d-d0ec-4ae6-a7fa-5d96e223989a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:52:35	-131.567
-82	22948	1147400	16b9204b-ab9e-4a70-8bf6-e9b161fe9b8b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:10:10	564.437
-83	11475	1147500	f453e1d2-a2ce-4d60-a76f-516ee05ddd10	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:29:13	420.230
-83	22950	1147500	224d33d7-f219-4b27-bea3-f872203912e7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:14:23	-285.491
-84	11476	1147600	110ade39-f2fd-4d7e-a65a-0a2ee5aeede5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:11:57	928.72
-84	22952	1147600	532975fe-5ece-4451-8b12-24ca4bc8d5fe	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:07:13	-368.369
-85	11477	1147700	e7ebfe85-2d36-4bd2-8ee1-0beae3de45dc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:25:17	-672.199
-85	22954	1147700	ad8473e7-948c-45d0-85da-45a16a941146	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:44:16	808.610
-86	11478	1147800	ec0a2f73-2774-4b38-a0f2-70b567a514a9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:36:56	847.231
-86	22956	1147800	4332b6f5-b05a-4b4b-8f29-c33b2da8ab13	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:45:53	-580.63
-87	11479	1147900	d3b29fc3-1986-4904-aebb-2a2c77610f0e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:12:27	840.29
-87	22958	1147900	cc9346e6-8a89-421d-b39b-895dcc70789f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:34:48	41.282
-88	11480	1148000	78e4f437-b6fc-4255-9edf-e4cc70e09001	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:14:42	-497.692
-88	22960	1148000	62f0b32e-cd61-44e3-b79a-3d19e10698de	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:06:31	56.895
-89	11481	1148100	d8351bc6-634a-4d64-bc00-a69875a8dcf5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:15:37	-129.294
-89	22962	1148100	9bd865ef-a97f-4049-99eb-36ecfae1e80a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:23:45	-848.761
-90	11482	1148200	6dafc795-ab67-4ec6-bfe8-13c6694355e9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:56:46	-279.556
-90	22964	1148200	455a0865-0029-44c3-adb3-248b17de3c37	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:51:39	-438.712
-91	11483	1148300	8ba8c5cb-4479-4388-b296-2e722e95b2da	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:39:21	660.727
-91	22966	1148300	cfaaf979-925c-4ba3-83b1-9a872cbe58f5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:59:40	-567.642
-92	11484	1148400	8a3a30f1-0c91-4e22-ba4c-e6b62646900e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:14:35	132.737
-92	22968	1148400	b6e838ab-0eea-405d-92b0-71ea41c2a7a6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:29:25	300.618
-93	11485	1148500	05e1b697-9097-4071-bd5b-2ecea173e2da	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:18:49	-129.712
-93	22970	1148500	fd071d3c-c97a-4893-bf0b-16986dcd358b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:26:30	-386.728
-94	11486	1148600	7cf920a5-9a4b-40b5-b081-4d1e6e57a7ba	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:36:24	-306.852
-94	22972	1148600	e00abd7b-649c-4461-b0e1-bb9d59f3ccea	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:16:13	-567.944
-95	11487	1148700	de2aeabd-7c32-4d66-88df-7073dc361c5a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:11:12	125.302
-95	22974	1148700	a6c076f6-1a0b-488c-8ce3-7d6dca3c6d2f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:11:47	-935.291
-96	11488	1148800	db41c917-7819-4515-83aa-1b7db426a16d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:36:18	-646.631
-96	22976	1148800	9706fd3f-8704-4f2b-8330-04e17ad6cb61	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:02:53	-392.667
-97	11489	1148900	ca01ae50-44fa-4207-9b8a-ff610e666db1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:17:35	539.467
-97	22978	1148900	516ccb8f-18e7-4c26-a931-d67928cf494a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:19:25	894.25
-98	11490	1149000	6fdc360b-18dc-4f09-b40d-fddf4bf33a0b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:06:34	680.735
-98	22980	1149000	3a871019-88df-45e0-8958-2ab18721e78b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:02:26	-751.985
-99	11491	1149100	3bca41d0-c3c6-4e21-b4e8-53a0009381f0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:21:20	-902.392
-99	22982	1149100	318ab483-bd6d-4374-809e-6c97f8326c8b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:48:34	741.369
-100	11492	1149200	19a6fe62-bf6a-443d-a342-736e0c11c867	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:58:26	-761.388
-100	22984	1149200	abd74a7c-51b6-4ce1-a6d0-5c42ab496a82	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:06:49	-510.288
-101	11493	1149300	e8468e99-1eb6-4df7-a875-d551dc7a85ca	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:06:38	-449.823
-101	22986	1149300	08528545-b6c3-478f-963b-554f9ea8936e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:05:44	744.157
-102	11494	1149400	387f342d-8b30-49d1-b62f-06369e158f45	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:49:24	910.310
-102	22988	1149400	f67d47a9-d67c-4a7b-ad5c-96a7896a3a9e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:46:51	-623.112
-103	11495	1149500	0a787ea4-9e3a-43e5-b9bf-f232f06f6d3e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:44:18	285.449
-103	22990	1149500	4f43810d-cf14-481b-ba27-abbcc94185c0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:09:07	-795.35
-104	11496	1149600	9606b70b-292d-40af-96c8-82560086f292	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:21:18	416.363
-104	22992	1149600	dccb3263-ad2d-48d5-8514-911d82e227ef	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:45:52	-966.244
-105	11497	1149700	26600a44-54b1-4ffd-92e2-b4cc0c331986	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:00:19	80.331
-105	22994	1149700	df727481-d47d-42e4-98d6-a1f5018ebede	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:08:59	678.175
-106	11498	1149800	39585587-239b-4677-a852-bd46bd080fe2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:11:22	43.791
-106	22996	1149800	5c8cd380-1d88-48bf-a338-71e407ddb2f7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:55:44	-492.840
-107	11499	1149900	411d31ce-620e-46af-be1a-9844c06aab01	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:15:11	792.932
-107	22998	1149900	b05b0fe9-585a-425d-9f74-ae98831a4ced	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:22:52	-335.731
-108	11500	1150000	0ab80821-7293-4494-9d50-413d8e675643	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:36:06	232.922
-108	23000	1150000	8246074a-3ea4-4aa7-a25b-f11781039838	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:21:23	83.988
-109	11501	1150100	12c34ad6-786d-4a51-ad78-5fa093881dc8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:52:47	-986.553
-109	23002	1150100	9a683349-5c93-4812-80dc-01dc34b80e56	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:26:16	663.834
-110	11502	1150200	4e3cc697-d0d3-4a7d-8e62-9a22d5ad6335	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:19:10	-298.887
-110	23004	1150200	474df327-b149-41e6-884e-f91e12b845db	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:41:52	-205.77
-111	11503	1150300	a2307cf1-d2f2-473a-8d38-91fe120cfe17	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:58:29	81.497
-111	23006	1150300	b63dd16e-8384-4f3b-a444-c6e9743dd606	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:02:45	874.174
-112	11504	1150400	f07a69e4-8bc1-477a-8343-4f66ff9535c0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:43:58	98.714
-112	23008	1150400	42e50f6d-3d62-485e-bd1a-140915149f33	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:44:28	886.679
-113	11505	1150500	415c1c57-e689-4986-8cae-cb6c8d928fd9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:22:49	283.675
-113	23010	1150500	cf2e48ac-558e-4085-91c7-29c1e7fbabea	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:07:30	-779.960
-114	11506	1150600	f27b859e-4236-46b6-a79c-8e6d1b378d6e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:11:28	850.5
-114	23012	1150600	63feb715-9b5a-47ad-bf1e-91dbeb202ea8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:39:41	-224.944
-115	11507	1150700	966673cd-a3d9-4656-91e5-10a47db73d2c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:13:50	-508.164
-115	23014	1150700	2dd75672-c992-4a83-9542-0537364217fe	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:47:36	717.265
-116	11508	1150800	247ab54d-30b5-49f1-9088-3b70d1ec9eca	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:36:04	671.202
-116	23016	1150800	9bf10627-3d48-40d6-930b-192f32caf825	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:58:12	-391.586
-117	11509	1150900	f87aebd2-0895-45f5-91c9-aefaaa3370f5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:55:29	-359.132
-117	23018	1150900	4803b1ab-e09c-4b50-a8af-e192d5b7bb9a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:49:02	-974.408
-118	11510	1151000	4ab0ca8c-9805-4ecf-9dc7-e0bba5d6f5f9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:12:03	-603.247
-118	23020	1151000	c52b8bcb-595f-43bb-a90d-b958fc4e90cb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:26:40	-659.466
-119	11511	1151100	007cddfb-3ab6-4689-975f-3526777c117e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:10:14	183.227
-119	23022	1151100	82cca73b-5e4e-4301-bd6f-88be101693e9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:56:47	-487.749
-120	11512	1151200	119511c1-d16c-4ce7-a6e6-1602a041da4f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:37:10	60.441
-120	23024	1151200	a493d3a6-c05f-48d3-b349-743ac2c682e0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:49:51	132.849
-121	11513	1151300	7cf40b77-6beb-4a3a-85eb-3a6716ca7b09	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:45:53	721.336
-121	23026	1151300	08349b27-a142-4e0a-8959-f4a4f3408af3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:44:30	420.712
-122	11514	1151400	be2b5a7c-8349-4c1e-90ca-bb9ea6c5539e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:25:50	146.216
-122	23028	1151400	08c50daa-1ce3-4fc7-9a40-e0c5acc58c50	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:38:37	-654.172
-123	11515	1151500	7a498966-9789-4c98-9ccf-80206dd294e3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:22:08	873.79
-123	23030	1151500	2227a383-6eee-49a2-824b-86748bd93eab	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:37:03	799.923
-124	11516	1151600	ebda23f3-75ba-411a-8fef-b579874994b1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:19:07	815.825
-124	23032	1151600	5fba1a06-267d-4f75-b96d-8647f8d220c0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:35:57	155.902
-125	11517	1151700	2680ef65-9a54-47d2-ba4a-f05ab9ad5021	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:27:49	-95.705
-125	23034	1151700	2787d815-acfe-4489-ab26-e207eaffdb6e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:01:34	-763.345
-126	11518	1151800	c243eb3f-6b5f-4154-b147-1b680fa12b88	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:04:18	-745.308
-126	23036	1151800	155eee81-2ee3-4b36-9b31-cc4d71d2d48c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:11:27	981.103
-127	11519	1151900	44a9ad01-200e-4089-a589-ac37e7c2c3db	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:18:38	-409.964
-127	23038	1151900	6a6e66ed-1942-4d8a-b13c-238c21a121f8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:54:27	87.102
-0	11520	1152000	925ecf05-cb7e-494f-ae3d-7719d42b3030	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:04:47	191.696
-0	23040	1152000	b4e55bda-d2ea-4e7c-9c83-5c63147b71b8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:43:20	-1.680
-1	11521	1152100	26cd167a-5dc2-458d-abc6-303ce6f73d82	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:55:52	273.902
-1	23042	1152100	38229ce1-7d0e-486b-80ae-da7a1b7e18ca	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:09:05	-366.712
-2	11522	1152200	4976df9b-66e1-4e3b-ac4d-e44a6fd1249b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:43:04	384.872
-2	23044	1152200	d9697c74-28d3-40a8-bb5a-2c1379bae8a1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:11:00	850.203
-3	11523	1152300	727e6589-68d8-409a-8b74-60b25994c97b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:20:32	-215.18
-3	23046	1152300	a59eb84f-e347-47da-a654-524c93a57e72	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:56:27	-556.689
-4	11524	1152400	4ba61991-a279-40a4-aa81-955cc2efec28	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:24:36	-45.845
-4	23048	1152400	e7a3cb21-fb75-4af0-9548-e0f0c5c02510	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:58:39	-386.477
-5	11525	1152500	93c7dc29-ab23-4709-a883-2d029a1577cd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:03:59	196.329
-5	23050	1152500	b9896b56-b511-451c-8db6-e5500b064a96	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:44:45	-114.730
-6	11526	1152600	a8bb427e-8174-44b3-a893-cd76d56bc50b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:35:45	-979.58
-6	23052	1152600	220d54c1-02b3-45c0-876c-d12d761809cd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:59:27	731.840
-7	11527	1152700	0d859e2d-883b-4542-9a83-7b86552868b8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:46:57	-859.838
-7	23054	1152700	fb8a4fed-16f7-47d0-8b70-1efc4865240b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:02:30	165.905
-8	11528	1152800	3e5844d2-84af-44ba-924f-c08fce8db0b2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:19:57	276.434
-8	23056	1152800	a7a04a86-8355-456a-bfaf-cc8c64d50a30	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:59:00	618.479
-9	11529	1152900	d49765b1-72cb-43e4-b00c-34ed50f6a674	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:24:30	-772.33
-9	23058	1152900	7fe83374-30a1-49e2-98a2-10d339816c2d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:48:59	900.495
-10	11530	1153000	35464735-ea1d-487f-bd4e-4c54da56d279	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:55:35	893.597
-10	23060	1153000	e76afacc-b0d0-4dbf-957d-d9923d310328	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:21:10	486.860
-11	11531	1153100	7a2938b7-f11d-4167-ba37-f9ccd8bce913	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:36:33	987.768
-11	23062	1153100	c6987c11-4c1f-4406-ab1f-996fca23de29	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:56:16	492.247
-12	11532	1153200	f37280a7-d3c4-42f3-bf16-cf0993193115	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:12:03	145.435
-12	23064	1153200	1b5871db-3a5a-4740-b586-ee845921da7b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:37:48	-443.881
-13	11533	1153300	09152aff-fc0d-4c19-86c2-ce2f5e9e38b5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:25:47	-294.459
-13	23066	1153300	de630a0a-2296-4a55-8e94-c7826de48058	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:48:15	-809.744
-14	11534	1153400	556f1a82-6f4c-4996-8fb2-19db5311b6c9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:44:06	-232.308
-14	23068	1153400	c6be7c66-3639-42b5-ad87-3faf60330eed	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:08:01	-748.549
-15	11535	1153500	3d1a413c-0fd0-4657-a0d4-721614bdfdd7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:38:13	-714.770
-15	23070	1153500	cee70981-689c-4af5-a6cc-1df4abca9d2c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:31:56	-523.594
-16	11536	1153600	c349d716-5ec8-4487-a964-6107c75899b1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:17:23	-508.178
-16	23072	1153600	668be7d7-0368-4c65-b901-42b510f2ae36	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:26:33	164.450
-17	11537	1153700	317c9c81-090c-4b82-b489-17fdf60ae213	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:38:02	-786.17
-17	23074	1153700	2114c950-1aa9-4f93-aaf1-93e958c8fcc0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:38:18	760.148
-18	11538	1153800	f9aecd52-1c7d-4ee4-a8b3-b15eaece840f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:39:25	-174.9
-18	23076	1153800	6fe05320-2c75-48c8-943e-6a67491b6be5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:18:41	-176.107
-19	11539	1153900	5991a809-a4b4-4a5e-abb0-3f24ab9aff20	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:33:52	520.553
-19	23078	1153900	011689dc-e39d-4c4d-8cea-9ac21ca9c205	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:22:04	743.707
-20	11540	1154000	446f467f-180e-459e-8b49-6bc520aefdea	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:42:42	-772.34
-20	23080	1154000	eaff90c1-0950-42c3-a71b-6ce40b7e933a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:27:47	-470.781
-21	11541	1154100	1755b8c8-c8f8-465b-af3d-26b4fedbb1e2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:15:20	160.603
-21	23082	1154100	3aa63bcf-60d8-4c67-bab8-ece669a8aded	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:23:17	-768.726
-22	11542	1154200	bd5b0942-75f4-4f68-8712-ee392c6d7d6f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:24:08	-978.876
-22	23084	1154200	1a8793e9-de5b-4349-baa4-140994302f43	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:09:19	-825.868
-23	11543	1154300	4463a24d-c5af-4bb4-bcaa-9d23616918a3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:23:30	-640.959
-23	23086	1154300	a1e2543b-8bec-448a-be37-49d6e28ea5a3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:30:49	-88.155
-24	11544	1154400	d9846e75-0bd5-4f56-ab7f-b36495ea11d8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:20:53	-683.465
-24	23088	1154400	d31d94f3-1ca3-4214-b512-05441c1b4287	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:29:21	-88.797
-25	11545	1154500	c695420a-a535-4161-8359-71a7d808af2a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:06:05	788.518
-25	23090	1154500	f5f8fce0-f222-4eb6-84d4-1755ff46fc34	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:29:28	-534.172
-26	11546	1154600	11072012-e8cc-45ee-a37a-e845a669aa08	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:16:00	-642.295
-26	23092	1154600	4b4602bb-3eaa-4351-8574-d1a796a80cc8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:14:29	699.840
-27	11547	1154700	cc95ebd5-f4dc-405b-acc9-5dc8d5f8aefc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:13:43	-631.152
-27	23094	1154700	59f9bbef-f6e7-493b-a2b6-73d3633abbe4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:24:45	-675.181
-28	11548	1154800	72b517cc-ec24-4ad4-ade1-e7d7ded7bf23	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:21:49	715.415
-28	23096	1154800	8838d7dd-f5e2-4427-aefe-e31f8a62aa21	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:04:40	808.237
-29	11549	1154900	3de8ea15-96cf-4566-a4ff-c33508f84cdd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:35:33	-468.590
-29	23098	1154900	ac4ef3b1-6169-402a-bd1a-0a4d8e5b1a94	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:54:16	-327.586
-30	11550	1155000	1f39cd0c-8c52-42ce-9376-1910501596e2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:05:15	-312.400
-30	23100	1155000	d440db70-f435-4037-b0bb-1440b04c482a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:16:24	283.703
-31	11551	1155100	39f1bed2-becc-4bea-b20b-dc042379ff0d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:56:52	-318.67
-31	23102	1155100	c7718fe0-78f6-454e-a4e7-468c4fde7abb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:10:25	456.401
-32	11552	1155200	e87104ae-cd32-4581-8003-70f4e867ae7f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:50:55	-612.465
-32	23104	1155200	b50b8284-1df7-4565-9a8b-8e6d9b70f195	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:10:17	271.970
-33	11553	1155300	ff92e9bc-76e7-43fe-ba80-d81b55986eca	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:19:53	963.320
-33	23106	1155300	9d0a7e94-3c27-453e-9a48-8593e9956edb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:10:05	-611.405
-34	11554	1155400	ff49a29e-6f82-44ed-b0d9-6eaea530c671	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:50:51	-417.910
-34	23108	1155400	bc4eaf64-bbe8-4c8c-8d59-4c28c3114b47	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:39:28	974.180
-35	11555	1155500	1bfe6f14-fbb9-4255-8a70-0d0ddcb89a6e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:58:26	-411.690
-35	23110	1155500	72dcac94-fde5-4e1b-8e14-b1c8f731dd06	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:48:27	303.404
-36	11556	1155600	24e94674-6c70-4a52-b81e-74bdc611b875	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:55:00	-652.3
-36	23112	1155600	bcec33a4-8770-44a4-8ecc-f8e465770aab	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:36:46	385.979
-37	11557	1155700	0966a135-8c35-47c2-94dc-d5428bee31ff	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:39:41	-619.156
-37	23114	1155700	b327f55e-d61a-4b21-933b-c05416ac0934	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:18:20	576.317
-38	11558	1155800	7a74028c-7c4b-4c0e-96a8-7e5a95a36a6d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:56:51	-14.15
-38	23116	1155800	21d975e0-5012-4c04-ac94-1bf3519bc687	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:02:29	-743.671
-39	11559	1155900	b4e4edea-5334-4ae5-abce-1d5a5d0253dc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:58:05	907.593
-39	23118	1155900	55f4d3ab-bc9b-4bc9-a3c6-514be502ab22	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:06:11	818.702
-40	11560	1156000	578fbe7d-9a8b-4949-b0e3-1e3509f46264	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:46:53	51.353
-40	23120	1156000	667f67c3-dd59-4f04-997e-f6daa006175a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:19:25	-355.790
-41	11561	1156100	261b6225-e542-4d9f-8244-1a8698857ee4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:09:00	522.543
-41	23122	1156100	d53638d8-9c16-4288-8407-e68f2e15370c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:43:53	468.189
-42	11562	1156200	2cdb8f68-a3e3-4585-a520-68de7b0c6f94	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:41:10	-432.523
-42	23124	1156200	2783743c-2193-48b4-a6ba-188032350cac	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:32:55	-586.304
-43	11563	1156300	8f5fc03b-7994-47bb-b1c5-eeb8beb44ca4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:33:38	948.459
-43	23126	1156300	cb93d870-3d2c-4f1e-b5d5-1e93f2c7911e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:10:33	-377.749
-44	11564	1156400	8fb35575-3a60-425f-afd0-fff1363b4afd	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:20:34	830.878
-44	23128	1156400	9ab3bf0b-f382-4fc8-810c-6d2a777a607d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:26:40	46.0
-45	11565	1156500	6074c9ab-815a-4be1-b96d-4cbb2c23bde3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:37:53	-217.330
-45	23130	1156500	aaed4fe7-4e57-41e8-9deb-78cafdd82444	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:22:16	-634.435
-46	11566	1156600	c42011f6-faa5-41ef-a0e4-611ff2229544	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:55:09	-453.124
-46	23132	1156600	04380df2-ed12-4742-80bb-b71d7308774a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:08:14	-917.457
-47	11567	1156700	6af34b76-7779-4351-9cdd-7779673172ca	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:29:18	241.141
-47	23134	1156700	03094279-a412-43c5-a3cc-c3c8cb55a6df	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:19:07	425.798
-48	11568	1156800	590b7eb9-90b7-4362-b357-7c2d97a57499	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:25:16	116.55
-48	23136	1156800	8837e262-93d0-4475-8f69-2c10836d6d4e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:09:25	617.691
-49	11569	1156900	5bae782e-5ae3-4026-9488-a1410a30abd6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:34:14	-954.533
-49	23138	1156900	c144481c-d053-45fe-9711-b58e42a38e4c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:56:05	-40.451
-50	11570	1157000	66f99a78-d883-425a-8353-f9d7e9991ad1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:15:55	331.909
-50	23140	1157000	5207fbd7-8273-4c96-a1b5-fc7a8da91aa3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:16:11	120.537
-51	11571	1157100	05e61c16-44ec-4d51-b34e-1a36fd20eca6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:26:34	-444.369
-51	23142	1157100	15b074d2-cf35-45b0-a177-6b37ab42eead	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:14:50	21.857
-52	11572	1157200	7d68b2f0-ccee-417f-97d2-377531163abf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:05:18	-870.406
-52	23144	1157200	88d33789-001b-4be4-9d25-d204003dfd3e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:58:21	901.626
-53	11573	1157300	36b06643-7edb-4ecb-a11a-d9cf62b073b3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:34:41	442.617
-53	23146	1157300	801d81f8-e096-48e3-803a-c0698354161a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:16:03	-851.423
-54	11574	1157400	53e45dfe-5fd9-476f-a063-57aaf09c2795	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:30:01	-248.171
-54	23148	1157400	3e51bbeb-5c91-4e22-8724-5bee2d34b3b2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:44:32	-60.226
-55	11575	1157500	7825e8e6-5080-47c5-ae75-70f70cb7de04	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:35:54	880.576
-55	23150	1157500	61e0f900-54ff-4e26-a52e-22ff563acba3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:34:29	832.951
-56	11576	1157600	0ef75e6e-2744-41dc-b38f-f1bf01270b71	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:34:51	123.789
-56	23152	1157600	44c70132-286c-4313-a2d2-5351c0082545	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:57:16	604.601
-57	11577	1157700	33d1898b-94f0-4181-ad55-4856c9c9c867	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:15:10	389.54
-57	23154	1157700	d4f41a8d-e520-4b4d-8b4c-bcee596520a2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:17:33	-440.52
-58	11578	1157800	bd480215-d011-4df1-8dda-9d9a5624558d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:20:34	732.668
-58	23156	1157800	8765395e-3926-4435-82b6-8b31f4337d7e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:28:06	902.309
-59	11579	1157900	5ba2c946-8aaf-4837-a613-c583478ad61d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:34:58	-779.132
-59	23158	1157900	61e3aa8d-073f-4b57-be71-c5889a017c71	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:09:55	-979.806
-60	11580	1158000	f84671f6-28b5-4863-806c-3198d4b870d1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:17:34	877.274
-60	23160	1158000	65f860e1-f7e3-4fcb-ae29-64a16b115f88	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:46:47	853.687
-61	11581	1158100	71dec347-18ed-4fd8-a240-a2dac65bf9df	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:29:10	291.732
-61	23162	1158100	c4ca9843-9c88-4dc6-a0cc-7cb5564333a5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:17:45	599.484
-62	11582	1158200	bad8f197-470c-4d47-a60e-092192f7c7ac	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:23:28	108.727
-62	23164	1158200	94900a6e-9bb4-4fa6-96ca-0be3102ec77a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:57:04	910.88
-63	11583	1158300	e7fd21c2-79f1-4850-a082-418131915463	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:41:25	43.256
-63	23166	1158300	54b75f36-73ab-47ee-9da1-dc9d3d5edb43	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:42:13	-15.896
-64	11584	1158400	1e00d84e-7d00-4a33-9143-d96810d71857	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:34:02	-596.287
-64	23168	1158400	0da712ea-5736-47b8-a322-16afd33e74f3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:34:23	854.933
-65	11585	1158500	51347dd7-a29c-46f1-8223-7e954ad12b6a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:26:23	-836.47
-65	23170	1158500	b542c045-65db-4d78-afb4-88c7b1d37487	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:07:58	380.623
-66	11586	1158600	6c5ad527-f9a6-4316-99d1-7338d64599c4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:54:58	-326.150
-66	23172	1158600	7455076c-7d4d-40f6-9d66-792c237e363b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:11:11	700.972
-67	11587	1158700	9f4e0206-9eae-48c3-a538-4ceb9dc5fd17	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:08:26	868.358
-67	23174	1158700	3d918657-b075-464c-adae-23f497f8dc55	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:28:48	-676.176
-68	11588	1158800	ba9ebbab-652e-4db2-a62b-407d6f8eb497	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:17:46	-392.477
-68	23176	1158800	df3ada5d-6606-4d47-bf94-53471f6e43d0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:59:22	666.995
-69	11589	1158900	ad67f4bb-9d55-4880-9aad-a5e3bde5c809	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:36:09	-642.504
-69	23178	1158900	11b29413-53c0-4ee7-a033-5dcded48508f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:17:39	329.576
-70	11590	1159000	b11c1a57-c22d-4011-8d82-3d0802affc21	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:38:33	-959.863
-70	23180	1159000	bf152236-621b-4cc4-a3ea-967eb679dd1b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:58:25	233.449
-71	11591	1159100	4f156a75-3a2e-4832-9abc-8f1068d762f2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:49:48	-203.397
-71	23182	1159100	9525a0d6-da17-4c8c-bd87-0b38ba95554e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:59:04	199.793
-72	11592	1159200	c3352fa7-16cc-425d-89a1-469f0017de8d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:38:06	-488.81
-72	23184	1159200	b27ab618-dc31-4059-b504-af15bac554f4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:13:38	481.894
-73	11593	1159300	eb62cdbb-f653-47f1-9092-cbfb36ac40a6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:50:57	-80.230
-73	23186	1159300	bed868d3-56fd-4a51-8312-8da2e91fddbf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:46:58	82.975
-74	11594	1159400	9ad8ea08-b8bc-4356-8eed-b58fe9b30c58	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:54:50	567.40
-74	23188	1159400	b0872ab3-4b20-4d4b-a730-01ed10c2f0d5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:55:44	953.772
-75	11595	1159500	369125cb-f669-4c3f-9501-65f5c9795884	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:49:50	-678.933
-75	23190	1159500	e9136a3c-1891-4917-99c6-68c8acdb0de4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:08:08	-268.875
-76	11596	1159600	fff6a35c-73e7-4cc4-828d-4187312f9341	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:06:18	-745.663
-76	23192	1159600	d8589212-22b6-4776-a72c-3b3b5af632f2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:15:17	69.308
-77	11597	1159700	2f1410f5-4d42-4c2b-b965-e9c3495f647b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:20:19	313.413
-77	23194	1159700	a80596f6-2c85-43ce-b109-ff9efa01c56a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:07:28	-899.388
-78	11598	1159800	e230c95e-0ab4-46cc-bfcf-64d1ba64b7c7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:00:43	-52.598
-78	23196	1159800	71ab33bc-26f3-4597-b494-f68e54f503ad	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:32:06	-751.911
-79	11599	1159900	1679240d-0995-4815-afb9-dc4d9be8ee04	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:28:41	-595.313
-79	23198	1159900	07993b66-2a5a-4b78-aac2-2810b7272f30	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:09:46	472.534
-80	11600	1160000	826a7891-2ce6-4f87-9aa3-0f6ce13070e8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:05:22	-618.785
-80	23200	1160000	22987247-ca88-4fa8-b051-ed7d58191169	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:18:34	-137.952
-81	11601	1160100	6cfbb5a4-635e-45d1-b2ef-0b7cd451e297	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:04:28	-109.420
-81	23202	1160100	765c224f-f321-4f7e-8855-a76ee70b97de	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:38:02	539.844
-82	11602	1160200	6c30b5fc-9331-4b0c-b101-41c2c438a275	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:32:34	26.253
-82	23204	1160200	5c9a05b4-f3cf-4285-a7b8-755a824fcc95	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:18:53	-49.363
-83	11603	1160300	ae82e4e2-83b7-4059-9249-89031c0d8e72	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:08:58	736.226
-83	23206	1160300	923ff70b-11d3-4699-89e8-77223e7e4003	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:13:08	111.317
-84	11604	1160400	446a51ba-133c-4977-9e2b-1c3745adab42	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:53:20	321.416
-84	23208	1160400	898e36f0-3ba5-4d4a-aed3-be79a65a896e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:55:46	803.54
-85	11605	1160500	6da0de8b-49c7-4250-a448-87cdf7841d51	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:12:47	-744.144
-85	23210	1160500	f326d8a4-78f9-4ddf-bd03-f8fb26fe74e5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:29:52	627.146
-86	11606	1160600	dc386cab-5fb3-45f6-a4cb-47637eb14b49	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:36:09	412.132
-86	23212	1160600	92bcc767-41a4-4a30-9dd1-89093888b251	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:25:16	492.571
-87	11607	1160700	3fd741af-a385-4a6c-bede-46419811a3aa	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:46:06	391.169
-87	23214	1160700	1ff2f8d4-2f47-483b-8b93-cdf7cfa8566a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:32:33	991.499
-88	11608	1160800	d55404d9-7a65-4778-8a14-f55b4ac490bb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:39:49	405.677
-88	23216	1160800	e15bef63-a265-473e-8d89-d5c1af802fb8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:33:57	712.758
-89	11609	1160900	f21d9ad9-7fdc-42d2-a155-41d0664792b1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:57:40	607.438
-89	23218	1160900	039e32ec-a286-4381-b8cc-7ff748374267	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:08:12	-694.428
-90	11610	1161000	bce26f1a-e5a4-4235-8677-b9fc48bf489e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:26:45	-480.60
-90	23220	1161000	f8032b03-e0ab-4cdb-9251-2078e3fad866	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:30:16	800.392
-91	11611	1161100	edf8a2d1-cf71-45c3-83b1-4d5bc9450b6b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:40:38	-602.182
-91	23222	1161100	3c917e65-8423-4182-a069-7e35c346d9a0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:47:01	118.32
-92	11612	1161200	830693d4-811b-4830-bb5c-558c223aa2ed	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:45:27	-600.492
-92	23224	1161200	52ec3f48-269f-4a26-a802-cd78e04268e5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:50:24	-604.444
-93	11613	1161300	36bec2bb-aa13-42d5-a1aa-e6222e713bcb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:03:26	123.660
-93	23226	1161300	a110c312-1f8f-4447-8d9d-efc525c417cb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:07:09	150.798
-94	11614	1161400	ab294f3d-5978-4f85-b6dd-a2ac87c2430e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:45:12	418.125
-94	23228	1161400	bc5fd170-f343-4278-a787-c3eefb602ab2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:17:58	266.975
-95	11615	1161500	e4d8812f-66f2-4160-a2ba-e28ac6b683f2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:35:43	-947.636
-95	23230	1161500	da222dd9-0ccf-444c-9d2f-c01eacdba84f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:57:10	136.830
-96	11616	1161600	3ede6268-78a0-491a-ba3a-f52dd46ec23b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:12:24	-239.803
-96	23232	1161600	882068f4-db8a-4dac-bcdb-0904762dd9f6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:53:44	-442.648
-97	11617	1161700	76d756ac-22a1-45a3-ac1c-83beeb60b939	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:42:27	731.783
-97	23234	1161700	ad6f5b2f-a3e5-493f-bf50-1207a98685cf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:24:59	714.420
-98	11618	1161800	d8286c62-22a8-400f-80b0-006e1488f21a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:06:14	825.74
-98	23236	1161800	0aa1a0d8-7708-4b19-bab7-a66d3f56bb8b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:55:19	58.57
-99	11619	1161900	c7e7e695-bd2e-4d17-bff8-bac1cb19e35b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:38:22	-947.275
-99	23238	1161900	397378e7-6d53-4ace-b1e6-f917008df409	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:52:11	-136.864
-100	11620	1162000	70f6d4fd-7aac-4ff3-9551-e0d8425f168e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:53:23	98.438
-100	23240	1162000	d26dd65f-0902-4d0d-8989-977c949dd175	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:34:57	-220.597
-101	11621	1162100	df045582-ae06-401a-96f2-175edefbc6e3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:29:08	-317.69
-101	23242	1162100	9d533d8f-1904-4b03-a036-df43598c41bc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:15:57	949.221
-102	11622	1162200	fef10bc4-3cd6-4eaf-b912-ad4724113e70	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:28:48	819.333
-102	23244	1162200	d0a00035-9e94-4495-91b4-964125b6ef1b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:09:19	466.677
-103	11623	1162300	369048f8-7072-4a43-9439-10f0ef945243	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:00:09	946.33
-103	23246	1162300	4fb5933b-ccf1-46ba-8070-c90931fe2784	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:06:09	531.413
-104	11624	1162400	86c2047b-9f0b-416d-b8eb-b8bdae52aaff	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:16:57	668.827
-104	23248	1162400	c30bd417-f6ce-4094-b9a6-144ed3a3a9c5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:23:45	-693.933
-105	11625	1162500	18ed24c9-dcda-4660-98e6-2f7157440eaa	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:28:17	-218.325
-105	23250	1162500	4390079e-2533-4c24-8da6-08258c464040	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:31:09	-885.389
-106	11626	1162600	85ce699f-46a1-4f58-99d1-58779e24113d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:00:19	-659.877
-106	23252	1162600	96019281-5af0-490b-9012-67adf3ae1d1f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:08:40	-77.963
-107	11627	1162700	7c75fac6-4bf9-46f3-b0eb-42e1a1cdcc16	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:58:35	556.57
-107	23254	1162700	9e90a7cf-33dc-4fe7-9b62-e33fdbdf701c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:57:02	936.981
-108	11628	1162800	74e0dbbd-ce49-4ad2-b23f-80813ca2e969	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:25:11	-295.468
-108	23256	1162800	53e77e6c-df0f-446d-b8ff-79af342f00a8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:46:18	-728.997
-109	11629	1162900	db676c42-22c4-41f5-a5ec-1118b8557323	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:35:50	96.886
-109	23258	1162900	4737f5c2-c162-4583-82dd-cc3755842fc0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:30:31	-922.943
-110	11630	1163000	5dcd7226-d0dc-4698-97df-1e3eaf157a4d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:46:23	522.602
-110	23260	1163000	43634172-24ce-46f4-a030-4c52c298d8eb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:52:48	-433.257
-111	11631	1163100	852c13b3-7ad4-4e14-bbaf-994b55dc6bf6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:58:22	-588.110
-111	23262	1163100	a688ba95-4159-4006-a653-76c8fa89df27	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:51:30	997.998
-112	11632	1163200	cc2461c8-9d35-43fc-9ee1-56acd72a1c7e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:57:01	-22.16
-112	23264	1163200	054e34df-7f5a-4d42-9219-397e7d47f073	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:12:21	-205.813
-113	11633	1163300	8a25da50-7572-4e3f-bc77-fea3b2cefb36	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:06:39	-967.106
-113	23266	1163300	6b9440e1-69c8-4cf9-a979-2340e5aab34f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:52:09	103.334
-114	11634	1163400	ae26f86c-7bf5-4fc8-b0cd-f9215c3914a1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:42:55	797.483
-114	23268	1163400	baeceb84-9719-40c7-addb-67fde648526a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:32:57	79.445
-115	11635	1163500	60affcc4-bee4-4753-b4ee-852f17cff9f4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:01:07	-92.26
-115	23270	1163500	10b744fa-36fc-47ed-afb9-e9dfd814c8e7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:48:03	-847.48
-116	11636	1163600	a2e46e12-b095-4d9e-9f19-db2d4397a1d1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:12:53	-25.296
-116	23272	1163600	ff333934-de34-4a65-9766-6f77a0742c56	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:23:03	494.728
-117	11637	1163700	a17083ea-be64-4272-a17d-51aa9d9aeecd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:57:42	82.954
-117	23274	1163700	b11ff4a5-0804-4628-ab07-cb8755f46536	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:37:23	-247.824
-118	11638	1163800	b0b128a2-c065-460a-9a15-f722f300f936	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:56:53	937.612
-118	23276	1163800	7e5b453d-a825-4da3-9c15-216b9a190973	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:18:07	662.474
-119	11639	1163900	e15d309a-8dcf-465f-8636-4fe5eb808e27	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:10:34	678.741
-119	23278	1163900	4476d303-77e8-461c-b4e2-958e580980fd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:26:36	-436.348
-120	11640	1164000	bb2f941e-af2a-4fc3-9fe4-1f27d01df9fc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:00:33	201.290
-120	23280	1164000	464313a5-6d0c-4bef-a203-d254e0f10551	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:16:04	553.99
-121	11641	1164100	9e9d1674-faf6-4949-a0da-9d186495fdde	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:07:27	-104.417
-121	23282	1164100	11ca90ef-bec6-4dda-801d-b810a4832c25	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:36:11	-707.161
-122	11642	1164200	cae0d191-c71c-47f4-94d9-f5cc7c1ccf63	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:46:18	-745.235
-122	23284	1164200	3e42c6f3-369c-40b8-8aff-032991b581f6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:53:09	-344.147
-123	11643	1164300	eb685ad6-e2cc-43f6-af7e-83aedc31f364	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:28:49	846.703
-123	23286	1164300	cb2419e1-c69b-44ab-a2d1-f7e875b40648	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:36:07	722.199
-124	11644	1164400	42c09d68-50ca-497b-93d8-2e4204fd1214	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:08:16	505.929
-124	23288	1164400	572295ac-ded4-41ea-bd75-cc02bd967b72	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:30:47	-549.657
-125	11645	1164500	c50d5bf7-939e-4875-9aee-7efb2c0f877d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:48:05	-512.843
-125	23290	1164500	9d5a5083-2092-4d5c-8312-bc3748824863	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:20:22	-207.541
-126	11646	1164600	79dd7ab9-a866-4454-ae8a-9250a7e6ffde	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:23:18	715.843
-126	23292	1164600	66904746-7e97-49c3-824f-20953bd90d9c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:26:42	303.154
-127	11647	1164700	3deca76e-4433-4bbb-bdc4-07a264581385	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:33:40	-783.57
-127	23294	1164700	ea1a0d82-769c-41a6-9103-447485067f9a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:54:33	373.963
-0	11648	1164800	e6e79150-1f32-445c-9481-ee90aaf8ad46	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:05:51	-483.767
-0	23296	1164800	55871da2-a12c-4589-81c0-aecd01179f2f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:03:46	-33.882
-1	11649	1164900	0fe64a6a-7e14-4f6b-b7a4-eeb8df89bec7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:56:56	605.470
-1	23298	1164900	96c0edb2-37d1-443b-88af-2b9f12d2632b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:33:50	-761.202
-2	11650	1165000	cdef9f10-7494-495b-b991-3e4fd4183061	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:11:52	830.630
-2	23300	1165000	762c54f4-0087-42d7-8fbc-97b9a879817f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:26:48	816.992
-3	11651	1165100	39eff6a7-4644-449e-9759-c2c54d988df8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:39:27	-374.980
-3	23302	1165100	82852e84-1faa-4e68-98fd-26873fc92369	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:27:29	104.814
-4	11652	1165200	70b2c9ed-6b37-488e-8093-48f3bd5895aa	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:39:39	-953.954
-4	23304	1165200	58ad2564-6328-4d33-bf92-08301a1d3bea	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:16:21	771.923
-5	11653	1165300	f11b2915-26d3-46ba-9745-8be735229dc8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:33:05	224.454
-5	23306	1165300	8192df7b-7e02-4b92-9652-d30155f6df2b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:28:07	102.51
-6	11654	1165400	b21f792f-e1ff-4ad3-8e2c-f6b170760b19	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:39:07	660.954
-6	23308	1165400	b9d69fc5-ab3a-4294-a79d-b3bc1c628778	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:25:31	-683.30
-7	11655	1165500	6b1266e1-3351-47d1-b2e7-093db5e3c078	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:21:30	415.213
-7	23310	1165500	7532fb8f-e0fc-4064-a584-387e8990c06c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:28:34	-345.971
-8	11656	1165600	e5bbe612-bb86-4a73-a72e-258428ae5882	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:07:20	-197.218
-8	23312	1165600	982747ff-c291-47d0-8a45-f91d5507cd6b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:10:47	673.254
-9	11657	1165700	e9ee5e15-109b-45e5-8d56-648b639a0ebd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:20:05	-501.121
-9	23314	1165700	4072b8f6-806d-41e7-a8a5-6200e44d4c7e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:32:48	308.84
-10	11658	1165800	8a052c68-42fb-4359-aee2-f30e365aacea	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:20:00	-756.86
-10	23316	1165800	ed0023e8-7a19-4c52-b4d1-176bb12386db	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:38:31	-148.457
-11	11659	1165900	bcaf7a3b-095b-484d-82c9-d5161b305e46	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:01:22	828.320
-11	23318	1165900	664dc888-87d8-4c03-b2d5-a1f1ff5375d8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:23:56	133.65
-12	11660	1166000	a8d6932f-761b-468a-9e0d-224e159bd350	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:54:23	-112.354
-12	23320	1166000	2b8102c6-397e-40c5-8728-34c4bd8d7eda	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:20:02	897.172
-13	11661	1166100	4dfdeaac-a931-4717-b13a-c27d84636599	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:00:48	846.941
-13	23322	1166100	864fe144-b610-44fc-bd69-765b5bc693e0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:38:45	-636.619
-14	11662	1166200	31aad275-8642-429d-8f54-233b7d5b8d96	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:51:22	208.904
-14	23324	1166200	67d29abc-bb2c-4f1a-bb60-0c4de1de92de	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:17:05	64.719
-15	11663	1166300	edffd41b-c5cb-4f6c-bf6a-4e1394c3a417	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:11:45	719.610
-15	23326	1166300	03b07e5d-0fc0-4177-9476-a703d864a892	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:37:31	-587.628
-16	11664	1166400	1953548c-a535-43a1-8f37-253a88ec25ce	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:11:33	-551.434
-16	23328	1166400	8a5a67bf-c77b-423a-87b9-b6adcec497f4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:10:55	940.630
-17	11665	1166500	a7d5f09d-2a19-4bc2-8814-2aba98083703	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:07:24	299.116
-17	23330	1166500	20558e37-7d5e-4f92-803c-2b49243b4e33	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:33:39	-82.458
-18	11666	1166600	f17540e6-ab7f-48e6-97ad-cae238a52488	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:45:01	412.53
-18	23332	1166600	ba6b3876-d529-445b-a9f9-7994e2c2b92d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:43:17	449.528
-19	11667	1166700	0e40dfb1-677d-41bf-8e5b-ab20cd90b924	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:27:49	9.91
-19	23334	1166700	daacfff3-6322-4b79-b2cf-8d24b57437ae	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:14:18	719.83
-20	11668	1166800	7a83ad37-2c23-42bf-8675-53429fe8bb5a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:00:00	319.262
-20	23336	1166800	f9b5cfd2-190b-47c9-8e83-ce830d088276	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:30:59	-269.370
-21	11669	1166900	7f6224c5-6d57-4323-ba96-40bccff7dd65	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:24:52	381.561
-21	23338	1166900	01b8654e-706a-4b56-8453-48113652ba59	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:20:12	-193.747
-22	11670	1167000	441aaa54-e466-4bd6-9d77-8184feeb7a11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:28:19	512.14
-22	23340	1167000	ba395b8b-2602-43d6-a557-a7074364bb5f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:58:05	-767.609
-23	11671	1167100	04219e88-7c14-4561-a5b0-cb79cc658070	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:10:26	-65.953
-23	23342	1167100	df67e260-2b8b-4c6a-a53e-5768491b747c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:55:44	422.442
-24	11672	1167200	db4594a0-2758-41b0-be79-3994cba263fe	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:02:43	731.949
-24	23344	1167200	a946c725-a261-46a3-ba0a-14c51823d5f0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:43:59	207.959
-25	11673	1167300	da2dc086-e6ef-46c5-ab9b-90919702cd02	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:30:12	570.716
-25	23346	1167300	a5aaaa6e-c483-40dc-9f62-929133d5adc3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:06:36	-690.704
-26	11674	1167400	fec2fc37-3325-4692-97f8-10b9c0213e7f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:21:33	920.999
-26	23348	1167400	0ed2944e-f393-42a5-8c1c-337920b3d8b0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:47:36	-6.404
-27	11675	1167500	3bcf426c-8f06-4ed6-9cd3-88e987c19482	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:04:36	-436.130
-27	23350	1167500	e2dafeea-6402-4c57-a584-856fb34cde42	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:12:23	-788.682
-28	11676	1167600	043f02f3-ba12-4c6a-a2a2-0cb4d296412d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:47:04	92.606
-28	23352	1167600	b624a149-8b51-4b7e-bce8-6113b70c9e8d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:56:13	-455.312
-29	11677	1167700	ceaf9267-8716-49e7-b8bc-9977606db606	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:39:32	714.316
-29	23354	1167700	ab0c972a-1847-4caf-ae93-a4c976c84551	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:50:13	-656.360
-30	11678	1167800	a7e6262b-93e4-4485-aab2-d8921afaa5b9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:55:08	-161.729
-30	23356	1167800	077af352-cb56-49f2-b456-826c8c20ec95	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:56:37	391.180
-31	11679	1167900	8b0d6e0d-9b77-466e-ad39-a4cba3095d60	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:25:52	-682.582
-31	23358	1167900	7c749e10-e3f9-4163-a14b-57129dcb5ea6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:08:49	-637.340
-32	11680	1168000	d437487f-7902-46ac-ae87-7c6d16d6eba0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:57:24	-100.934
-32	23360	1168000	35c3ea91-0cc2-4137-bb21-12e4ec2cf924	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:15:22	-873.192
-33	11681	1168100	336571fa-57a9-442d-958d-721215f3eb5b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:08:27	15.290
-33	23362	1168100	05b07be4-5a74-4db5-948c-053ffe6f9978	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:27:29	149.516
-34	11682	1168200	c6707114-f84b-4610-b95d-5ff947cea051	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:29:40	352.301
-34	23364	1168200	adda1e01-ae78-48ba-9aa4-e11211e65d35	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:08:09	-545.46
-35	11683	1168300	89092119-3eeb-422f-a6c8-c52f50ea2fc9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:16:13	590.413
-35	23366	1168300	23b6e5b9-a136-4b04-86ce-75ab5d2a18ad	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:57:31	-852.45
-36	11684	1168400	f8255e09-9bee-4a19-9756-283db2cf9a93	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:55:26	970.607
-36	23368	1168400	e14de317-546d-4e36-9dd6-553013070ca2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:29:50	-804.677
-37	11685	1168500	fe62c9e9-42f7-4af5-afdb-da5bbd0e8459	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:40:26	389.399
-37	23370	1168500	de6eaa23-7744-402a-bcab-a5024be44b2d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:21:47	512.836
-38	11686	1168600	32373814-bf85-4637-8fa7-ba64fcacaf42	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:45:37	634.510
-38	23372	1168600	0dd903fc-d389-42db-8295-dda2cba26d13	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:45:29	669.742
-39	11687	1168700	61a4efb2-1fe7-4b8d-a7b9-2948070148c3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:00:27	-245.927
-39	23374	1168700	5db033a1-2772-4bcf-a0e4-fe2cf8d20d88	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:49:35	729.377
-40	11688	1168800	4476f4c1-100e-44ef-bb24-becfd7906a85	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:53:29	985.469
-40	23376	1168800	4aeb342a-3888-411e-876d-fd3699fbf5c3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:26:12	854.254
-41	11689	1168900	f60e4024-9ab3-4cd0-847a-cc97354b2d6a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:07:28	-621.728
-41	23378	1168900	7c8cedf0-818e-4b5f-9ba1-2de70a2eef5d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:20:45	557.185
-42	11690	1169000	b96c7604-2692-486b-8b50-8e830a7a5faa	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:45:49	90.744
-42	23380	1169000	08eecddb-698f-4761-8d16-ee7efbbe36ab	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:11:29	207.792
-43	11691	1169100	f5e28a46-a586-4055-82f8-2f97cf17e6aa	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:00:55	-107.269
-43	23382	1169100	7d1f1d55-b09d-4df8-95d2-f4d81de66be1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:16:36	415.116
-44	11692	1169200	1dc3d6f8-f138-4cb4-b4a1-a1c60e4d5a46	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:23:48	-838.602
-44	23384	1169200	471a1d1a-8d2a-4b57-947a-5b784dcf57df	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:52:58	-829.934
-45	11693	1169300	39c4f66d-37a7-486a-916f-235b4003c5f3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:43:51	454.254
-45	23386	1169300	cb64783d-7368-4b0f-a16e-6e581f8b01d1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:35:05	797.31
-46	11694	1169400	2564c938-b2ec-40d0-80eb-88948c656a59	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:22:14	-91.659
-46	23388	1169400	7aa860d1-06b7-4a74-b449-a2b715e86fba	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:39:46	-345.603
-47	11695	1169500	9c9d56d9-d8f7-4c23-a187-ea41a4ed1d70	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:21:12	-396.563
-47	23390	1169500	8242247d-cd0e-43d9-9c7d-b7b91569e138	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:03:47	-192.554
-48	11696	1169600	5796145c-7d26-4723-a9e5-2dbda27f3464	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:11:10	292.997
-48	23392	1169600	646cd944-2f51-4c98-9480-b1b7b3b36df6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:01:24	-594.363
-49	11697	1169700	2d4625d3-c47c-452d-b887-dabc4cf068ad	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:51:20	-161.7
-49	23394	1169700	69064670-b3a2-45f5-976c-062aa841f702	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:02:36	-711.331
-50	11698	1169800	eb8e20a0-a714-4ec3-b6b0-db5a97408284	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:29:15	-113.396
-50	23396	1169800	8a87c7b3-745f-4186-9263-38026dfa5ce1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:16:37	-609.164
-51	11699	1169900	20349d21-64a5-4d96-aa2f-b6ecffeed0cc	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:21:57	-194.829
-51	23398	1169900	5992c473-d42a-48e8-85dd-cb8f8fdde0af	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:54:37	-120.840
-52	11700	1170000	aa367782-bca4-4a16-a2e0-db71d1c811ee	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:13:43	-17.659
-52	23400	1170000	8b305e07-8602-4996-acf8-0a3a0989caf5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:42:21	-44.785
-53	11701	1170100	8d4376f2-4734-4593-a4db-8009bdc2f56a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:49:14	-793.841
-53	23402	1170100	9fb70954-463d-4ec6-87e1-d5548ba57f8e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:56:49	485.675
-54	11702	1170200	7b475eac-c9a2-4e95-8029-e7622bd87646	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:32:31	-435.710
-54	23404	1170200	e1d46ba0-91ee-46f9-8cd7-055652abf54d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:17:44	656.478
-55	11703	1170300	8cebf871-e2e9-4c23-b040-60626230a99c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:36:29	864.797
-55	23406	1170300	5261cf58-19a8-4375-84a0-3282271ee0be	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:14:51	-274.518
-56	11704	1170400	43ba5bc6-5996-42ba-92c2-ee950f2e2e82	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:42:52	-136.436
-56	23408	1170400	0883abaf-4b07-4096-8d89-bbd6969606e0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:29:07	-714.347
-57	11705	1170500	871c478c-da1f-4539-bca8-69d77c7255d5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:10:00	-94.547
-57	23410	1170500	0b07478b-3268-42e7-b07e-e242db296bd4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:32:56	793.755
-58	11706	1170600	18f17791-af2a-4e76-89d2-9d5e3cfc10bc	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:12:37	390.451
-58	23412	1170600	77d3d9ca-4552-46d6-b386-9292b0696058	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:03:51	-44.457
-59	11707	1170700	4d150f76-9dda-4511-a85b-b1463fed435f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:47:34	408.53
-59	23414	1170700	92fd025e-5179-43eb-902b-c45652c46539	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:54:57	876.210
-60	11708	1170800	bb3b5df9-ed9a-4fd7-ab14-cc8da6a6b0d2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:08:59	605.684
-60	23416	1170800	2127b032-6c70-4c73-a9c3-4aa76de196c6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:41:22	-94.459
-61	11709	1170900	2dce7f30-9676-46af-9ef9-191864110294	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:36:49	-964.531
-61	23418	1170900	048e1de3-e0fa-40ee-b8e3-bbc1f45f65d0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:28:48	-886.29
-62	11710	1171000	bbdcb140-866f-4c27-b7e4-b669a5a6c3e2	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:10:53	553.672
-62	23420	1171000	b0e06586-6b86-4be2-8909-46fdece4cb4f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:25:41	50.52
-63	11711	1171100	64aed413-681e-4d51-805e-3a11039fd7a8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:37:00	-971.368
-63	23422	1171100	9ff88fdb-eaa8-4be3-9dbc-1d02bf82300b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:36:34	-977.660
-64	11712	1171200	1646970f-e552-4a52-a668-3b082f54778c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:27:28	175.509
-64	23424	1171200	426e09b7-227f-4e89-b7f9-a42efdf64416	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:40:55	104.775
-65	11713	1171300	a051ffa4-79fe-4092-8871-6710b8823077	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:53:56	265.418
-65	23426	1171300	d3d84203-4912-4ecc-a2d7-5d32cbd70901	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:36:59	490.330
-66	11714	1171400	32bd59be-4b65-4fea-9051-2ed22a2393a6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:57:03	-417.71
-66	23428	1171400	9f73caec-8faa-4a88-98c6-1da579e80128	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:08:26	408.269
-67	11715	1171500	942e32be-3221-4c86-b57f-dfc4b29ec992	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:33:45	-222.296
-67	23430	1171500	63d316da-8153-4388-8f88-d5ba99d3deda	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:26:03	884.471
-68	11716	1171600	bd2c189f-fbe8-4593-aaf1-1395a9d659cd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:33:50	-69.604
-68	23432	1171600	0e4f4672-924a-4597-85dd-51114f35e81e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:56:31	533.464
-69	11717	1171700	aa85e0e1-6772-4007-a585-96345ff7f3c5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:30:46	95.656
-69	23434	1171700	f54679f4-a936-494a-91bc-1f2ca611d65b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:35:56	203.550
-70	11718	1171800	f35e970a-2506-447e-8e49-6ee4fce5043b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:08:05	-521.403
-70	23436	1171800	04757807-6c5b-4cd0-b859-17fcdfce8d93	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:12:17	113.953
-71	11719	1171900	1042aa4b-59b2-4e95-9eb0-8bb0290a6fc8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:58:27	-541.135
-71	23438	1171900	fb535af2-cc20-4c96-8e08-15681664fe51	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:20:27	766.348
-72	11720	1172000	30cc004e-0733-4914-bee7-62549abe94b6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:52:37	-632.14
-72	23440	1172000	858020a7-9429-416f-9f98-7db338093fd7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:09:08	621.938
-73	11721	1172100	e58075fb-11c1-4d58-853d-fd27e63a17bb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:05:48	498.202
-73	23442	1172100	71b85051-3cc7-40ad-8026-ef967f73520b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:10:20	295.904
-74	11722	1172200	7cf61732-b40f-4802-b0a5-145cb21d7ebf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:49:36	333.946
-74	23444	1172200	09661eeb-e2c3-4913-9c83-c7fdb4c1286d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:08:31	8.611
-75	11723	1172300	b834c7b0-25b9-47b8-909c-1a1030421468	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:37:30	906.88
-75	23446	1172300	d48d322d-5a47-4130-9cec-f4b7ef44dbf8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:01:20	-747.934
-76	11724	1172400	3aa0c288-a8e6-4302-8a28-3bdd33568787	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:01:18	-511.734
-76	23448	1172400	95177251-bee6-41aa-93f6-c6a6ed9db2ab	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:10:16	-302.45
-77	11725	1172500	0ab58f48-9d87-424c-bdb1-c0eaf0d21b72	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:12:20	587.372
-77	23450	1172500	4171a06b-b8af-45d9-bea8-b8c4371ba932	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:47:19	112.574
-78	11726	1172600	5edcf23d-cf07-41b8-a66a-ba9c900279ac	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:36:19	-781.382
-78	23452	1172600	f7ff7b15-25c6-4739-9ecf-0b471608eb4d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:11:25	-789.722
-79	11727	1172700	f58f50df-74f9-4e71-9d65-873446acf052	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:12:33	-322.918
-79	23454	1172700	8ff499c0-0846-4c17-bd34-450bec65ca26	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:21:33	-299.846
-80	11728	1172800	18287a26-7b88-4847-ba0a-5a703a209840	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:19:40	-974.231
-80	23456	1172800	98689492-a9d4-4616-9f5f-9bf22b90d96f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:19:06	910.114
-81	11729	1172900	ad74d6bb-58bb-4d6c-9d97-1b7c1c264dfe	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:12:04	-721.172
-81	23458	1172900	98c24722-9bc9-4716-a030-4385478511bf	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:30:47	738.898
-82	11730	1173000	2d075249-e0fd-49d9-b445-1de35209787a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:28:24	-950.20
-82	23460	1173000	1a45cf68-a1ad-4abf-9a73-d848d124577e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:50:16	337.29
-83	11731	1173100	1075d779-ac12-49b5-9f60-e56685fef7ee	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:53:04	137.43
-83	23462	1173100	363bb5cc-8ee5-40b3-b493-23186f8983f6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:48:44	-98.177
-84	11732	1173200	22cf427c-0510-4adc-9c8f-50cb1e8b18be	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:02:26	-148.497
-84	23464	1173200	81accfaf-5d72-482a-bbf8-b77e3e8c394c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:31:45	685.924
-85	11733	1173300	55a743a5-284b-47a5-9bb0-fa257973f778	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:06:36	-612.620
-85	23466	1173300	39693564-2d4a-4c1e-8c54-c5ae0b87d772	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:14:17	937.354
-86	11734	1173400	33c9cd6c-4bce-4b22-862f-227cc554482a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:16:43	-258.671
-86	23468	1173400	804cd944-7963-460e-9f61-d3717badcede	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:54:13	164.596
-87	11735	1173500	a40dbc1c-34e1-489d-9fbb-f1a61f489da7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:16:13	390.404
-87	23470	1173500	9b05cd5d-456b-40ee-a1a7-dc8f5f1db32b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:56:21	749.408
-88	11736	1173600	c977bd51-2567-42ab-b1d7-0594c93f5df7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:52:19	439.140
-88	23472	1173600	af2d1833-c15e-4593-b705-8bd5afb02cea	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:28:17	296.873
-89	11737	1173700	202c0177-5c38-4022-8d1f-8b761be00bfb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:49:48	883.345
-89	23474	1173700	293bacf8-25af-4fa0-bc06-4e6061dac38b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:53:53	-618.478
-90	11738	1173800	49f3ecb8-6eeb-4a12-97e2-9cbc396ba8c2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:00:12	-535.986
-90	23476	1173800	2ef8bc3e-cae6-4ea2-b43b-9fc57927fbba	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:22:41	-159.349
-91	11739	1173900	d12ea5f3-1930-4f21-b420-893f2812b678	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:33:10	-326.103
-91	23478	1173900	93f1fcc1-41b7-44e1-bd1f-b482df925089	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:23:06	-812.506
-92	11740	1174000	7d12571b-a959-47b5-b6f9-bdbb34606a88	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:48:51	164.377
-92	23480	1174000	9db5d118-4953-44a8-bc41-849db03a5df1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:57:19	741.810
-93	11741	1174100	0a984f2d-25ff-4820-acf8-2ff1444d3125	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:41:09	-934.159
-93	23482	1174100	8ba195e9-0401-4407-8d3f-ac300c345fb6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:44:19	-911.69
-94	11742	1174200	aa86fe59-06ee-49ba-8fac-9f7c32dc09d4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:46:20	-542.456
-94	23484	1174200	b4a0594a-fc3a-4fc0-acc1-4975d4c9f397	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:19:17	92.188
-95	11743	1174300	ccf66964-1859-4c05-875c-b266a69d9127	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:06:09	224.218
-95	23486	1174300	e9d48f60-65ff-45b7-b261-da71f238e65d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:58:37	314.559
-96	11744	1174400	c55e800f-7583-45f0-9e73-87633ce1259a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:31:44	317.580
-96	23488	1174400	1c4f8bf2-ed8c-4eff-a051-d226b9e0a32a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:09:00	913.135
-97	11745	1174500	4e65591e-bfe7-4342-b6e6-ea69bde9b16e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:54:15	-969.376
-97	23490	1174500	cc8b848b-001b-44a7-8c20-0668d41d70c5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:22:59	-328.800
-98	11746	1174600	3f9d6ac5-6340-489c-affd-43bc53d9f741	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:54:43	248.852
-98	23492	1174600	6ea89ff7-9fa4-47f2-ac0e-6c0178d7d956	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:44:04	297.541
-99	11747	1174700	33aeb56e-07ba-42ac-9751-38bbe343cd9d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:14:54	150.331
-99	23494	1174700	796721ab-de7d-42b7-b367-c0d77b6e91fb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:14:35	953.534
-100	11748	1174800	09e46a10-52a7-49cd-8e12-91a34ad96661	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:45:00	357.393
-100	23496	1174800	2075fa72-4e32-4ed0-a569-6788c5139cb0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:41:49	777.375
-101	11749	1174900	f342bc98-11c8-4d2b-a81b-e2edfb6097a1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:21:01	-314.791
-101	23498	1174900	a0200e2f-fa03-47b8-a8c2-1c1e58065198	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:24:58	593.601
-102	11750	1175000	46abe24f-f61e-4458-84e2-e33b61b0fe0a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:55:18	258.19
-102	23500	1175000	ca41efc0-4754-45fa-9a68-a8f10894f230	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:41:10	-967.998
-103	11751	1175100	2de79dd1-ecae-471e-868b-4a537aa9959a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:24:05	579.702
-103	23502	1175100	073f38ad-1bca-4e3f-a00f-075f06935d25	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:33:58	497.467
-104	11752	1175200	87f5985a-3444-4617-a9ac-227f6b8a3174	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:51:49	980.357
-104	23504	1175200	1bb7455f-2134-4ab9-8ebd-0c78d4f43107	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:48:48	-459.644
-105	11753	1175300	34ab4e4d-ae94-472e-a26b-9738c683ca9a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:28:12	-69.753
-105	23506	1175300	fe4244f3-91c7-4c60-b34e-59e340193d73	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:18:25	-339.815
-106	11754	1175400	ca2cd5cc-6276-41ad-aa12-6f1b6a19bbf8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:51:11	263.424
-106	23508	1175400	96f04751-f97c-499e-a28c-4571a75ed6fd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:23:57	652.559
-107	11755	1175500	2bc18412-f10e-4e0c-bf4a-224f293c0d09	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:26:13	-664.240
-107	23510	1175500	053f5ef2-2949-48fb-b9c1-1c9d39b293f3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:02:02	494.430
-108	11756	1175600	07581a98-faf7-4964-908a-5ad4603f76b7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:34:09	396.720
-108	23512	1175600	2af597b0-6d47-435e-9e59-6e5196d2ac11	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:59:46	-838.143
-109	11757	1175700	ed82b168-32eb-48df-9060-8986b8f2b886	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:40:46	-783.772
-109	23514	1175700	7f8aeff2-c092-486a-938d-8a50f2ad5765	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:16:24	-855.55
-110	11758	1175800	7a9299cd-51cf-498d-a114-258da2c20e9c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:30:19	285.672
-110	23516	1175800	3e0ebab5-58b4-4dca-af45-d0cdd534ea5e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:47:23	485.788
-111	11759	1175900	89390353-d92a-42da-9d4f-47d1045b95c2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:53:36	-663.744
-111	23518	1175900	946af407-32bb-4154-acc7-da988b271d09	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:20:14	714.494
-112	11760	1176000	47983106-0f9b-44c5-aa1f-97e4d35144cd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:29:49	-663.92
-112	23520	1176000	d374192e-f472-4952-a385-bd68a2d8f805	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:45:33	788.374
-113	11761	1176100	0668818b-ca5d-4321-9ed9-818affe87d3c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:28:05	-230.25
-113	23522	1176100	da0f1eb8-bc87-4869-bf12-937f974d2c5f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:47:58	-195.927
-114	11762	1176200	61c7e9e4-ebee-4175-a079-fcd5d69665fd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:01:17	-371.509
-114	23524	1176200	a7812203-5e57-4579-9c06-8501a8b14af3	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:56:45	675.414
-115	11763	1176300	71fe8f53-ed1e-47e6-95ec-bef89da1b4f4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:43:59	459.665
-115	23526	1176300	98ecebc6-b287-42d4-937b-3ee25840b79a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:21:21	780.219
-116	11764	1176400	e4783146-2676-452e-80dc-3cf87283bdf4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:13:46	-119.559
-116	23528	1176400	3a7e1278-f8ef-41d9-8162-53ab967f3e6b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:31:54	423.678
-117	11765	1176500	cfd29e28-21aa-432e-8776-9b06b78deac0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:39:05	362.966
-117	23530	1176500	67b1a8cb-b284-426e-8916-8f89a1388580	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:19:19	-801.366
-118	11766	1176600	13638ded-a42c-465a-9354-8beadcf9020f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:07:34	-51.269
-118	23532	1176600	f33963c1-f94b-4986-ad2f-14bb4a43b535	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:19:54	147.304
-119	11767	1176700	71b65327-41dd-4760-946a-b9cc78a333ff	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:16:03	952.30
-119	23534	1176700	977bc79d-51e6-4232-8114-f1068881ec15	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:30:48	659.445
-120	11768	1176800	ab541909-1634-4067-ba36-ee19500de58a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:11:59	-44.418
-120	23536	1176800	be2d0205-e1ff-4e52-af0d-c75a5b384d89	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:10:52	-200.925
-121	11769	1176900	08b0b7cf-b55a-45a6-8a7f-325ff6732aaa	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:21:54	-137.15
-121	23538	1176900	bb11c581-7cef-4d98-b373-f5a61578569b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:27:15	856.839
-122	11770	1177000	8da3f482-2dcc-4264-9d21-88634b5bbdac	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:03:13	-452.788
-122	23540	1177000	f5851231-53d2-4125-89fb-4c614af9adfe	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:39:19	-647.249
-123	11771	1177100	a6aaff26-c6dd-4603-a4f9-3ab78d261ece	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:16:07	-428.962
-123	23542	1177100	aa55fcfa-bbe2-40f4-8321-2a1f0b28bce6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:55:21	403.998
-124	11772	1177200	3f423c99-2ff4-4d83-8db6-bfe991a72c01	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:47:23	258.790
-124	23544	1177200	3af50045-f497-49d3-b37f-af5d650d6431	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:56:48	-608.460
-125	11773	1177300	3b905ae4-9658-4ef0-8ddb-acba206b0be4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:25:46	757.797
-125	23546	1177300	fa47cc30-7eae-421b-a892-0657060130e4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:50:30	-615.707
-126	11774	1177400	285c908d-cf53-40b4-ab09-377f56598e0b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:43:39	-202.189
-126	23548	1177400	363d9792-a6aa-4aed-9754-a62cf0a6726d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:30:19	-932.817
-127	11775	1177500	0aca49d3-cd43-4d5f-852c-1bd52eb574e1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:51:44	-718.594
-127	23550	1177500	d5582d7c-d7b3-4765-869d-a69f9a777871	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:57:58	-537.656
-0	11776	1177600	1c557ea6-779b-4692-89e3-6d9ab46f5d56	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:00:45	-349.227
-0	23552	1177600	867a74de-d19b-4f36-93c4-7cf6cc950369	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:30:53	-703.380
-1	11777	1177700	44212f22-9ba0-4e92-85f4-b6f9f91ab4f1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:45:48	21.23
-1	23554	1177700	6bf26433-74e0-46ba-b169-39a6c27ecb96	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:18:11	-852.432
-2	11778	1177800	34abb23a-160a-4952-aae7-e44f6e8ec77a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:07:00	-631.606
-2	23556	1177800	7c70d8e1-8114-41e7-8f4d-aaf0f41dd303	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:15:15	677.844
-3	11779	1177900	1d42c507-75ed-4f38-bc28-d66c52f83a87	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:07:45	-625.859
-3	23558	1177900	4cba01a1-e7a3-4fc0-9ddf-0b42af058ccb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:01:47	-625.281
-4	11780	1178000	d623c332-b57b-440b-b1ee-3af882274403	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:49:47	366.922
-4	23560	1178000	4305ab77-8d92-49d5-a0b7-44d238d7a0bf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:43:37	-631.593
-5	11781	1178100	1abc1295-c4e6-40f7-bfab-01a75af75936	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:06:50	26.342
-5	23562	1178100	fcb0cca7-60eb-4be8-ad58-cc614525f0f7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:40:48	537.423
-6	11782	1178200	b9b4fe2b-9a6c-46f6-a4bb-ec5be9f1fb65	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:31:11	-477.232
-6	23564	1178200	f26e8740-fb7f-4715-8bdf-4a75182f009b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:12:32	-430.773
-7	11783	1178300	2cdd4add-c7d4-478f-9149-435c1f9339a4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:34:43	-905.655
-7	23566	1178300	d3f5a4cc-3284-4a53-b44f-f384e6b9597c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:23:06	-155.274
-8	11784	1178400	8ca9f75d-9f1f-411c-a787-dd5ff4e2ae1f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:46:47	-153.318
-8	23568	1178400	e02a000a-54bd-48f6-83eb-c8c6a918828e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:01:20	-584.756
-9	11785	1178500	e69f0fd8-d097-4a24-a696-314ae2281241	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:21:01	-455.187
-9	23570	1178500	d00acec2-ef72-491a-b90f-5e18f3fbe047	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:52:19	959.333
-10	11786	1178600	15fcf24f-b9c2-446d-a5b3-074cd95d4f92	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:08:48	-93.560
-10	23572	1178600	6d69ba62-81b3-456c-8483-2e98f7640ebd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:28:57	918.919
-11	11787	1178700	e98f4e0a-8ae6-47f1-a55a-1204ee7c2f4d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:34:56	292.923
-11	23574	1178700	eb95efe9-5dde-49bd-b19e-a43b386ef4ae	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:43:58	-275.862
-12	11788	1178800	90c92a24-1198-4c25-a331-96229e4a4ee1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:10:21	997.805
-12	23576	1178800	1989375e-1f58-42b5-b609-87aea7dca5b6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:34:03	755.865
-13	11789	1178900	ee91517b-3e0e-4ffd-ad62-c1f2ce665d6d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:19:19	-558.486
-13	23578	1178900	1c8397b0-13d3-4aee-a91e-0b94dd5b4eaa	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:52:32	-583.918
-14	11790	1179000	e74b71db-f3d2-4be3-8e90-cafe85040b0f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:09:15	897.209
-14	23580	1179000	55ca156b-877b-4188-85c3-aaadff7207d8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:39:17	-252.774
-15	11791	1179100	85b926c5-5825-4412-a371-152943be8925	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:59:56	681.525
-15	23582	1179100	f5e370da-725a-4dde-b768-2068c5390cc2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:19:18	720.799
-16	11792	1179200	3ce5d232-57e2-4d92-91b6-683ffa42d854	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:59:31	-378.443
-16	23584	1179200	0bbfe54b-d9cf-4587-9946-c2bede9d6187	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:33:17	-801.6
-17	11793	1179300	42eb96b5-7004-47bc-a2ca-8f7f1c067954	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:04:38	-852.647
-17	23586	1179300	b87508f4-6f16-4ece-9f82-ff9d5b484656	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:41:33	506.897
-18	11794	1179400	8e9cba43-c18f-473b-8afe-2aa52d494417	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:55:33	-587.24
-18	23588	1179400	cffa0db5-f98b-41b0-ab16-8824364a50ce	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:23:02	-571.198
-19	11795	1179500	7885b2a6-4bc7-43b6-aa43-109bb5cdb34e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:12:52	-283.501
-19	23590	1179500	3e54a80e-a81a-4d03-9414-b822ed7dc33d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:47:12	59.128
-20	11796	1179600	b6ac646c-329a-4906-a4da-aa2094ff3900	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:03:59	-666.58
-20	23592	1179600	90da82cb-3c5b-4ba8-be11-f1027673afea	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:26:45	924.686
-21	11797	1179700	12acbcf4-e74c-4376-9ca6-5df8079f5860	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:07:00	-384.676
-21	23594	1179700	cbda5876-bce7-4e7f-b74c-a58e0b136626	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:51:41	292.186
-22	11798	1179800	a79582a7-7de2-4d78-96fe-0f917e1cc732	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:24:30	837.984
-22	23596	1179800	ec2172e5-75da-43d7-97fe-75c5aa89d1a2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:19:13	-327.138
-23	11799	1179900	ee3752f4-c7fe-41fb-a029-4ecd65e344c1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:57:43	-457.103
-23	23598	1179900	6fdbf3a7-d039-435e-a79a-548bc40c9cce	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:48:47	-509.772
-24	11800	1180000	ae4e8c13-a6f5-40bf-9a64-669eb2d495dd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:48:30	330.322
-24	23600	1180000	b4b75442-3e0f-4cc5-ab71-0d9a5e7492c9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:21:47	492.270
-25	11801	1180100	ae169a87-07bb-4f20-a995-dd1c1f013b4b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:29:12	-79.899
-25	23602	1180100	46c9d491-324f-49fd-813a-91a3f7b5ba4a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:21:33	236.931
-26	11802	1180200	887a297c-dd7b-423f-9406-a9d4b6c6a73b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:53:27	-572.83
-26	23604	1180200	f879e205-df57-4c56-8015-343266b61cc6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:03:29	-815.3
-27	11803	1180300	54296c5a-357d-4c9e-b44c-6a0cc57d953c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:30:51	-52.68
-27	23606	1180300	2ed2d54e-8201-4506-833d-f2d87fb7f80c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:23:53	240.896
-28	11804	1180400	b246e272-c0bc-4cd4-bec4-991ce56e8a8f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:07:16	170.347
-28	23608	1180400	2e98971e-80ea-4f86-bacd-053b9e420467	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:21:00	-789.496
-29	11805	1180500	ba3849d8-58bc-4b45-87b3-acc97677a8f1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:21:42	385.919
-29	23610	1180500	5f7811c4-f1a6-4b8b-b77d-09f05f21ac49	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:58:41	637.738
-30	11806	1180600	92f22a8b-412a-40ca-8eef-88249f89b246	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:45:00	-232.44
-30	23612	1180600	d54a63f8-3e7b-430d-99d8-910078a21af8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:35:08	383.742
-31	11807	1180700	708bb3a4-c5ac-463e-9d59-b14a6f7fd1e9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:20:45	-591.648
-31	23614	1180700	2858873f-39c9-430f-918f-43aa26569c0f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:05:28	-812.48
-32	11808	1180800	49014bcb-8319-4537-94d1-4667572419a6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:42:55	668.997
-32	23616	1180800	8144bed1-c035-4d95-bb35-fb01c2e79d8c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:33:16	-527.555
-33	11809	1180900	0062db5a-2575-4539-ba9f-b6477cd24ecf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:26:17	-730.428
-33	23618	1180900	a523befe-d7bf-4ea5-878a-8c670fb854a4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:27:55	-221.145
-34	11810	1181000	4977a65d-6f8b-4d36-84bd-01653b5eeac4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:01:19	-47.897
-34	23620	1181000	0d293f6f-73a4-4806-9be6-e5c6f350dcbe	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:41:35	456.15
-35	11811	1181100	08aa4dd0-f91e-4bfe-b4d5-a04669957abb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:38:20	574.118
-35	23622	1181100	ca6b73b8-8da0-4f7a-8c6a-36e1b9d4f7d4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:38:58	207.693
-36	11812	1181200	6a824de3-5c1c-4ee2-be91-ab226b9843dd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:29:28	-410.349
-36	23624	1181200	8dd61a0e-4fd5-4278-816d-f7948feff108	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:52:52	233.152
-37	11813	1181300	7fb91353-7436-46a3-8872-12eb97ac958d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:12:14	-27.609
-37	23626	1181300	26b13a62-4728-4016-bb14-b25ae701bf32	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:09:51	813.798
-38	11814	1181400	53c64c18-3d64-4dbb-ae4f-901609f68da0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:32:17	-398.690
-38	23628	1181400	a4445a3e-d26c-4173-a02a-da598430c007	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:06:37	224.714
-39	11815	1181500	0c9b4a3e-e3c4-496c-a40e-65c4228ba776	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:16:48	373.188
-39	23630	1181500	2bcc79d7-ad55-4954-9a77-7dade9e7327a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:09:38	984.690
-40	11816	1181600	5de537f5-bcb6-4b68-b760-070e3c543ded	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:38:07	552.445
-40	23632	1181600	f50d92b4-81c2-47c4-93d3-2f5360ed43d2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:47:10	423.820
-41	11817	1181700	d6747557-46b8-4a24-8d9c-b2772aec9419	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:46:29	300.215
-41	23634	1181700	efe60bd9-d57a-48bf-992d-a4dce85a2473	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:42:38	-55.543
-42	11818	1181800	6f9f20b8-a54d-4775-b17c-ca4845880d3b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:18:54	168.630
-42	23636	1181800	d157ecc7-1254-4d93-82b5-eb7240fea1cd	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:38:10	261.877
-43	11819	1181900	bf6f4f85-2ae7-49c4-9be6-e087cf80a5d2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:39:28	-943.440
-43	23638	1181900	989f51e9-ab90-4678-8a31-b82ec5ef9dc8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:36:35	437.675
-44	11820	1182000	bc02ba64-9077-4f2f-bcf2-64e544c57564	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:29:23	602.223
-44	23640	1182000	323c57eb-72ca-4cfa-954a-df03a0283b3f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:15:34	-928.966
-45	11821	1182100	3bb56652-5b1e-4768-a6ef-af925dc4c315	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:27:17	-35.38
-45	23642	1182100	2235ea1b-8417-4901-9402-fa8936cf45d7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:00:18	809.584
-46	11822	1182200	f9f63a78-0335-4c61-b0ed-a790f8071113	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:10:13	-706.517
-46	23644	1182200	2c97b0a2-a562-4b5d-baa6-6212920bf933	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:25:30	-372.182
-47	11823	1182300	d2f9032e-2428-4d3d-b8f7-103f11325dd0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:06:49	928.664
-47	23646	1182300	4abda5c2-de11-47da-bd68-567811f6d3ed	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:28:32	-441.932
-48	11824	1182400	d02a2129-9f14-4cce-aea5-fce6845b1e41	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:05:53	449.696
-48	23648	1182400	08ac0fff-858e-48d0-be7a-b60a0b4f76f1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:19:09	-294.429
-49	11825	1182500	7920b53f-67d9-4af2-b6a1-330fcab07cfd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:09:51	-192.159
-49	23650	1182500	e9424661-d115-4cef-8421-2ff54b414496	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:42:15	-306.421
-50	11826	1182600	e03a063c-ea84-432e-807e-9e207dc8f85a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:43:16	920.395
-50	23652	1182600	349a51db-2bde-47ca-83a9-1a0192044a37	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:16:30	-756.139
-51	11827	1182700	0e3c3609-538e-4479-aa60-a3df13e69594	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:59:24	147.987
-51	23654	1182700	93c99127-ba82-4aeb-a394-bafe70d75c68	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:57:14	-282.48
-52	11828	1182800	3b1449cf-c712-4e8f-9094-d073b9a9306c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:24:50	-497.871
-52	23656	1182800	c6b7903a-0618-4372-a3a4-1ac3cf03d760	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:48:59	748.818
-53	11829	1182900	3008de9a-ac56-41f2-84c7-25ef93b77852	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:11:13	726.301
-53	23658	1182900	1e0ef84a-5370-4f52-9309-de241cf09249	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:28:40	352.869
-54	11830	1183000	9d220bca-19f4-49f1-87e1-236496a0b655	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:16:54	-212.304
-54	23660	1183000	397de8de-8f21-41b7-a641-7a24289252cc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:06:57	-521.1
-55	11831	1183100	2c44528e-9555-4540-94d4-a34526ec1f51	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:09:53	399.7
-55	23662	1183100	7f042ae6-7f1f-46be-8db5-077901fc8d55	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:42:21	947.935
-56	11832	1183200	0cfdfabe-5a64-4794-b3ef-81b403e3e21d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:38:07	268.914
-56	23664	1183200	8dde2895-7f0f-43f7-bb64-dd500e05f759	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:18:24	-332.606
-57	11833	1183300	692f46f3-1cde-4668-9ccd-fbc85445b215	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:55:01	-578.977
-57	23666	1183300	b449f4bd-0c3f-45d2-a3a2-6f6d6c700dcf	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:15:39	957.622
-58	11834	1183400	34b449dd-f502-430a-b6b6-aa089ed330c5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:57:46	453.156
-58	23668	1183400	a2a410fe-4947-4acf-8a10-31f988de9aa8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:25:53	649.866
-59	11835	1183500	b24acf3a-7ea2-4487-965d-ea736e533e97	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:53:08	143.862
-59	23670	1183500	bc78b0a4-f7c6-4247-b19d-2a38b55e18e5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:25:57	-641.675
-60	11836	1183600	bc7b7d09-ebf5-48c2-8101-d2c987c8a6c9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:19:25	139.477
-60	23672	1183600	027d5797-7740-42ba-8d55-ff2c34a961d1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:07:21	168.859
-61	11837	1183700	875f751a-50cb-48d4-8a30-f7b3bfa1535a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:51:31	-914.558
-61	23674	1183700	c2fe28c4-bea8-4dc1-9e10-3ffc1d145939	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:36:46	-941.216
-62	11838	1183800	0acad174-c9a2-4884-8c3b-6d9e58138836	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:08:47	-808.122
-62	23676	1183800	ed413191-2d40-48f9-b9a3-86d099634f09	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:36:57	668.953
-63	11839	1183900	95ba1ab5-790a-4bd0-92f1-4c4d4271c01d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:41:32	-750.532
-63	23678	1183900	6f7be6d2-ac52-4323-a4a3-a9cf984fc983	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:16:47	-679.956
-64	11840	1184000	b9276c97-a3e5-4d80-bdd3-13bb8e76297e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:18:04	-311.397
-64	23680	1184000	c20544ea-bab7-4565-9976-0b9c9be5b597	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:10:59	-64.679
-65	11841	1184100	d958d793-04a9-463b-b5a2-3e25d380591c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:31:39	-658.10
-65	23682	1184100	450a5bb1-a105-4daa-9d60-8a22e53dae5d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:37:28	-675.344
-66	11842	1184200	299ca44d-7a0a-4a78-80f0-423bcabf82ba	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:58:07	715.917
-66	23684	1184200	b9694c2c-6604-4c05-93ae-3ea08257fe97	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:06:24	-589.619
-67	11843	1184300	7744622f-afe5-449b-b4d8-11020da87c49	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:46:46	-482.641
-67	23686	1184300	84ea18f7-1c74-4c8a-be10-c97316bf7ae9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:57:02	415.311
-68	11844	1184400	bda69fa4-8b77-4e2c-872f-ba575be8d82c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:14:53	-684.919
-68	23688	1184400	3c6b7eb8-c755-474c-8119-418340e67b02	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:35:36	-746.549
-69	11845	1184500	12b30065-fd3c-41be-b1b1-a37808fbca5b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:30:34	39.82
-69	23690	1184500	adc40d63-6985-4fa2-afdc-0c9821808480	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:20:58	36.853
-70	11846	1184600	2be32fe5-733d-4c96-8b14-a9e8306c7a43	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:58:50	792.296
-70	23692	1184600	aa8246c9-bf8f-4893-ac59-aeb7f373e633	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:07:32	-900.427
-71	11847	1184700	3138f9ed-d2b4-4ec7-8827-36c49da095a3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:39:25	309.479
-71	23694	1184700	641d80e6-9f20-4509-b7d6-2ede47f150a1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:10:20	-471.741
-72	11848	1184800	05add661-2b51-467d-ab45-ae654cabb801	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:42:46	589.504
-72	23696	1184800	99a9e8a9-62e9-43c7-bfb0-f343277ba56f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:42:22	-925.768
-73	11849	1184900	ce109b5b-c05f-4241-bf7d-e7d5c197013b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:10:54	141.261
-73	23698	1184900	d212ba9a-d65d-4869-9e3c-1a76c030128a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:55:46	-779.536
-74	11850	1185000	1a549458-2931-4484-97b4-423bd0686a6e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:55:23	318.48
-74	23700	1185000	c22a1c79-00be-44e0-853a-242c61227739	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:37:28	521.930
-75	11851	1185100	6b491021-d14d-48fe-9998-09cdae91de4e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:14:21	984.604
-75	23702	1185100	6b3c0bc2-641a-49db-8c52-b673b25dda9d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:01:52	988.3
-76	11852	1185200	00551e57-a87f-442b-a299-b6e0c34ac2b4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:29:38	739.94
-76	23704	1185200	d49b39ad-3345-40b5-af35-83a8d0ca8d15	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:23:12	465.416
-77	11853	1185300	f69fefd8-c245-4b42-9184-48070380868f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:37:42	319.692
-77	23706	1185300	6f096edf-9497-4865-899d-9de6969a855d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:52:39	548.468
-78	11854	1185400	e3ba7ccd-3b32-42d6-a4d3-1bdf0a7b7e7c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:42:14	579.856
-78	23708	1185400	d515f9fe-c754-4b32-b3dc-edf201ebc492	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:02:56	-214.102
-79	11855	1185500	5c3e23ef-697c-49dd-9f09-9137a8bc5cd5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:29:56	-512.564
-79	23710	1185500	fbc3b334-3d74-4124-a8cd-edda1db9686b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:18:16	-196.300
-80	11856	1185600	760d1dc1-14a0-4e48-990b-981b5ddee8ed	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:48:52	-975.432
-80	23712	1185600	c5aef6a0-f4c7-42eb-bd81-67389348718d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:28:24	-599.54
-81	11857	1185700	9a04b6b9-fc5b-43e4-b921-349e874f76e6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:08:01	-840.249
-81	23714	1185700	f82c5b15-1b26-4dcd-bf1a-88f7c7a2a6d8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:05:52	-732.873
-82	11858	1185800	d2578ac5-e2eb-4c78-8ee7-e7beb1000a8f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:37:05	-840.236
-82	23716	1185800	a6f2cd2b-ad25-4f55-b71e-b763c7fbdf1e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:25:54	486.52
-83	11859	1185900	08c59630-d317-42e7-89b5-acb73b8f15b7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:52:11	130.703
-83	23718	1185900	55c9a709-f301-4384-a858-24ace01c7dfa	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:35:54	901.585
-84	11860	1186000	eaef8922-f63e-4079-a962-4faca36c94ab	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:30:01	-222.410
-84	23720	1186000	68b6ed8c-7d97-44f4-aa5d-ddb55cf98376	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:48:46	-266.502
-85	11861	1186100	186eaba6-e4c6-4b1c-bef6-e07f09b5a2e4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:55:18	973.357
-85	23722	1186100	987f72d2-d1e8-4f9c-b6a0-f94c9ce21570	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:47:26	-263.221
-86	11862	1186200	40562653-a0d0-4e44-a58a-695218106e3d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:40:06	-662.778
-86	23724	1186200	ff500cc9-473a-4616-8628-b3a0fe0662a3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:21:10	355.486
-87	11863	1186300	c8730f10-1677-4f33-9b74-750704337599	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:56:34	-91.89
-87	23726	1186300	7d433d49-eaa3-4f0c-91b0-78a5773eb3b8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:54:22	84.584
-88	11864	1186400	d050a622-1123-4402-89f2-ff3318d86d59	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:43:46	218.722
-88	23728	1186400	71098533-b7b0-44f9-996b-98e83bb16127	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:39:17	-82.721
-89	11865	1186500	65af1e07-b3b8-463e-bd82-40a2eafdfd3a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:11:09	140.419
-89	23730	1186500	3ca20543-ca98-4cd7-97ef-c662b78c14f1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:12:45	915.678
-90	11866	1186600	28208bb0-5411-4adb-9bc9-813707081638	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:59:33	-942.393
-90	23732	1186600	30fa5a17-3d7f-4318-b293-ab98c58ad5e3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:19:16	-258.353
-91	11867	1186700	4524bb3b-c1f7-48af-848e-60e2e9b8e67a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:44:08	605.879
-91	23734	1186700	5ff4ddec-80f4-4508-868c-8b0d5fcfdec8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:22:57	-606.345
-92	11868	1186800	9ae71f88-c8da-4d74-841d-681880d18073	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:15:36	352.906
-92	23736	1186800	bdc99aef-c6a0-40db-87a4-fedfa448a3ff	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:03:54	-191.732
-93	11869	1186900	3d0e45ee-840b-48de-8db5-e160bda13a16	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:27:56	347.558
-93	23738	1186900	603f6aa7-859f-43ff-804d-d703686d25ca	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:31:50	-833.618
-94	11870	1187000	ad478cc0-7107-486e-8308-529f7c1071b5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:43:38	-571.228
-94	23740	1187000	95dff802-d937-4d80-9a6f-bfa3dfbc406b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:23:15	-646.319
-95	11871	1187100	ab3885ba-138d-4ede-b1a7-a8e20c74c33b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:54:33	-495.386
-95	23742	1187100	d5bc974f-fc81-4c72-86f0-70658aa4bf3d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:19:06	97.223
-96	11872	1187200	7930d22e-6972-4d78-9829-0c0f4189f10a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:49:59	521.855
-96	23744	1187200	c40b1490-cb26-4440-9243-8a6b9b60e1b7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:48:28	572.30
-97	11873	1187300	a7cceb7a-a8e7-4bb0-a13a-152e3f382ab6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:39:10	480.588
-97	23746	1187300	8d41b810-53b7-4703-8e3e-595beee01afc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:00:02	400.791
-98	11874	1187400	7a8a7b52-1f8e-4144-af98-dc8f125b329c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:01:00	621.392
-98	23748	1187400	204cfcdc-4408-4e05-ac89-791cdd517fcb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:17:05	330.564
-99	11875	1187500	ecb18bd4-377d-4468-8968-54ba153146c1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:21:03	971.200
-99	23750	1187500	c703ee1e-23ea-4182-83b5-6429229f6cd0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:54:53	-242.441
-100	11876	1187600	fac8eda4-e92b-45df-9276-25fd68149373	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:13:27	327.737
-100	23752	1187600	519fca70-2dc7-467f-a4a4-add2addd91d6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:53:09	645.928
-101	11877	1187700	688d0a65-887d-4794-9628-ef104b8a71f4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:42:30	716.311
-101	23754	1187700	09ec429f-f2b6-455c-a308-9e54ca9c162a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:46:50	-925.906
-102	11878	1187800	1580e76f-4f95-4407-92de-a8a7be429733	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:11:21	-227.847
-102	23756	1187800	011946fc-0fb3-4bba-8425-51c1adc8b89a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:04:22	47.426
-103	11879	1187900	05fcb822-c69e-4337-a12a-d241ba8c1f58	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:20:08	-412.682
-103	23758	1187900	314b9af0-cf82-4e48-8a6e-018eec393df9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:11:54	816.889
-104	11880	1188000	cdc77a62-985b-4785-9344-1c285fcf1d72	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:27:27	-621.27
-104	23760	1188000	0b7b77f4-0fbb-4ac5-bc00-d50df28f3483	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:04:01	-58.327
-105	11881	1188100	ddc0f235-026d-43ce-9ff1-a4e177c15662	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:24:58	-270.528
-105	23762	1188100	868ecf33-2770-40f8-9d3c-0844a061c858	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:19:26	-563.204
-106	11882	1188200	ae90e1d1-6017-4d47-b564-8a7b0f064486	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:07:17	517.464
-106	23764	1188200	11eb6864-faad-4adf-9a70-848178459d3d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:12:13	-360.887
-107	11883	1188300	af4ae607-e083-4df4-9a45-939899a8ceb6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:28:45	378.358
-107	23766	1188300	9d7b21b7-3375-408b-810e-4e8dd8d6d219	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:42:00	805.595
-108	11884	1188400	8cda4112-6255-466d-983c-69881238883e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:16:51	195.654
-108	23768	1188400	6d3d730c-fe8e-48be-8065-aabfc94b293f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:21:39	-741.237
-109	11885	1188500	5588c8ba-0c42-4b57-8ef4-8045525a241a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:56:38	-63.714
-109	23770	1188500	21f2e119-0ac4-4483-9e23-5606e11b68f1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:51:37	883.800
-110	11886	1188600	e74d544c-6880-42f4-b719-f4aa390fe414	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:17:22	-983.15
-110	23772	1188600	542c4238-32d7-445f-b76b-c41f60689320	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:44:43	-228.649
-111	11887	1188700	102d5fe5-5f51-4b3c-b5f6-32c3263b96a0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:25:58	-117.862
-111	23774	1188700	6ebc4e9f-4944-4f3b-9e3c-65f5f7f7804c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:14:16	-474.433
-112	11888	1188800	23877f79-e944-4928-b9b4-7d307326422a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:02:09	-5.494
-112	23776	1188800	4d585aad-c852-4d44-b403-ea29075dc20b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:34:10	-455.969
-113	11889	1188900	eb790b5d-3da5-44b2-8f10-ecefe0ed072e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:34:05	455.110
-113	23778	1188900	550a40b7-ab90-4411-8e83-cf76ee0f67c9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:20:43	-858.732
-114	11890	1189000	7378578e-7db9-4b58-9c7e-47c35268cbe4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:53:47	-773.639
-114	23780	1189000	b20e7525-ef68-47a8-a78d-1fada66ec046	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:43:57	-88.133
-115	11891	1189100	cdc56c6d-43ff-4144-8702-4b23a9d0b4dc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:22:51	-555.38
-115	23782	1189100	b1dd8cd2-e4a9-4c35-a4f0-4052b86d9a2b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:45:40	101.621
-116	11892	1189200	8d2d15ea-6be0-4f8b-8681-17f23025cee3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:28:49	777.217
-116	23784	1189200	848a6eb2-72a5-4a2c-a54e-bd84431bf85d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:54:57	-345.276
-117	11893	1189300	564e95fb-0cc9-4bf9-a469-9a467712be86	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:08:37	956.469
-117	23786	1189300	56a87ae4-e512-4708-a051-1e8efda467b0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:49:13	-603.553
-118	11894	1189400	acd6e172-d685-426c-a040-a7db968048f2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:03:57	332.308
-118	23788	1189400	a9297dd4-237a-41f8-9592-2f14494974fe	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:48:56	-858.746
-119	11895	1189500	9fd8ea6f-2dcd-40da-bbb6-2220c5abda1a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:47:07	-150.469
-119	23790	1189500	90464c39-2a56-4888-ae28-a7ea56e5d3aa	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:14:04	-709.379
-120	11896	1189600	7513222c-5e1b-45ac-ace6-6cb6983593c1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:36:47	866.958
-120	23792	1189600	7be6942f-7a4e-4105-a46c-c31e3a851bdd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:59:52	-54.807
-121	11897	1189700	7e77a303-124d-47c3-ac3a-7f811bc23947	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:56:43	382.497
-121	23794	1189700	2e979107-0acd-4028-a510-48196fad755f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:50:24	-939.21
-122	11898	1189800	0fb4005d-9de4-4c0d-9c32-d70a4c510bb4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:43:26	-856.401
-122	23796	1189800	a58babf6-593c-4c40-a073-bb3e61a7c67c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:47:05	-80.438
-123	11899	1189900	b496e08f-47b4-4b2d-aaeb-51a94bf5f5d7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:35:24	-386.401
-123	23798	1189900	14ea1d91-a5d9-45ed-b290-3cae1f2b2b56	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:55:42	-927.915
-124	11900	1190000	4543e21e-abf8-49fa-9ea8-09a4c45e827c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:26:52	-536.563
-124	23800	1190000	20d375bd-367b-49cf-9bf4-bbdcf859780c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:02:57	528.769
-125	11901	1190100	1089d22c-ec74-4ceb-8310-5a25b1e6a1f4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:58:35	-944.893
-125	23802	1190100	ea4ad003-d22b-4431-b526-326f35fd31b9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:06:30	-162.561
-126	11902	1190200	62d8a72a-133a-43df-afbf-8b2b7a19433c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:36:52	920.416
-126	23804	1190200	828e2e3a-38ce-4116-858e-2b8bd6821cc0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:00:24	-201.776
-127	11903	1190300	429b047c-4524-43f6-b966-169ca5d8f72f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:56:59	111.836
-127	23806	1190300	517af375-e967-48e0-bb22-a74d2ee0939b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:08:04	-525.437
-0	11904	1190400	fa8994b9-5902-4f25-a835-3cf3bf3e3229	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:14:06	-261.889
-0	23808	1190400	cb5920d4-83ad-4e30-b3eb-8ee9a51a6cc3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:06:22	954.845
-1	11905	1190500	92368a88-9429-4fd2-a2ee-75958a07ff44	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:11:34	-843.642
-1	23810	1190500	946deaec-d5b2-45fc-a29c-f8cdf280fc3f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:36:35	125.788
-2	11906	1190600	565e1c8c-4ba4-43fe-a17b-58eb0015a98b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:30:21	-176.884
-2	23812	1190600	5dede159-6631-4420-927a-fab188406664	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:22:15	224.894
-3	11907	1190700	c5641e06-8d1d-479c-af39-e2645e98bae1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:02:51	609.242
-3	23814	1190700	211f5cb2-903c-4251-9df1-f133b199de40	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:15:03	-589.941
-4	11908	1190800	d764dff6-6e72-46f7-aa74-a8b354a6e764	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:26:30	-7.46
-4	23816	1190800	d058062e-f34d-4a4d-bb7a-c079287958a5	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:37:03	253.726
-5	11909	1190900	ebf6e9be-0067-433c-a7cd-a27dd000d9be	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:51:01	217.990
-5	23818	1190900	5f00f2c0-a1a7-4798-a484-494505563cf5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:19:48	538.166
-6	11910	1191000	e20e9543-9bd3-4a65-8298-96249495e64e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:59:55	-486.214
-6	23820	1191000	2c0f2004-32ec-42f1-92f6-a61f227a7748	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:31:46	890.879
-7	11911	1191100	a91c7352-5ec7-4c24-a828-c130da62676e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:02:55	-276.795
-7	23822	1191100	c3f3086e-2a53-45d6-8d55-4d5f9074bfe7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:31:47	-494.670
-8	11912	1191200	1b959103-fc05-4a17-b047-d4a27db12342	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:58:55	-324.784
-8	23824	1191200	580a5de1-b16c-4fa2-9d4f-83dc4f6942a3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:58:28	467.545
-9	11913	1191300	dfacb2aa-0242-48c0-bb39-5ee3bb33f44a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:17:59	-576.901
-9	23826	1191300	24950e28-b66d-426e-acc5-d6e770eb5048	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:53:20	-840.661
-10	11914	1191400	23204799-ba9e-4da7-8535-8b1bb5273cbb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:14:05	897.581
-10	23828	1191400	4f1a4e4a-a736-4013-9c8f-ac1b5e6e8572	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:59:21	54.682
-11	11915	1191500	5457ddda-493d-48da-b1de-acaef1aae6b3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:08:53	-688.826
-11	23830	1191500	bea25ceb-aa9f-4650-bc19-5742d986e03c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:54:10	956.776
-12	11916	1191600	c1e1fda0-26cd-45ad-b350-fefe8f32bb3e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:41:58	-553.311
-12	23832	1191600	f2138078-049b-4986-b3e3-5af7265cc903	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:43:40	516.573
-13	11917	1191700	57a57b15-9d6d-4089-a66e-c1fbf1cec126	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:29:28	587.35
-13	23834	1191700	ed43647a-660c-406a-a0d7-789b6a16140e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:43:27	-306.393
-14	11918	1191800	b8764ad0-df42-4fc6-8a6c-c79b24a09b7f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:40:56	-706.688
-14	23836	1191800	2c349175-08f5-4303-b024-6c63d036f709	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:04:11	-788.612
-15	11919	1191900	a9ad3ba9-1368-45cd-9276-637f90b934e1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:20:26	-563.630
-15	23838	1191900	4be786b7-e71c-43b5-a141-0692c2defe8f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:32:11	576.863
-16	11920	1192000	84dfdb06-c913-4c21-85fa-7b2a55925621	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:52:58	379.934
-16	23840	1192000	4a1ec9ce-5885-41bc-baa9-b09e6be50c74	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:35:41	201.80
-17	11921	1192100	e8e8c3e3-ebfa-4e3b-af39-6057200292fd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:42:07	958.548
-17	23842	1192100	8cf1dc71-1e93-4748-8902-b6118244a28b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:54:41	-510.971
-18	11922	1192200	b210a38e-e208-4022-92c1-7ca2c8ee53ac	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:51:27	524.106
-18	23844	1192200	0e2a2e52-e037-4045-a9b8-3580adf6e6e5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:27:19	252.128
-19	11923	1192300	ed4e7247-f5ea-4181-8f33-c88e5ad07b60	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:04:20	296.6
-19	23846	1192300	462464e4-75bd-4448-b2ba-4fb70c2e45f0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:05:58	-261.716
-20	11924	1192400	8cf4d38f-8a92-4765-9032-d1fc2bc77c79	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:27:14	-883.647
-20	23848	1192400	1d9b5e74-4c80-47e7-bf5b-cdecf3b55cbd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:43:17	-40.141
-21	11925	1192500	c50d983b-3ab9-4ff6-b1fc-041735d70a6c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:45:07	789.74
-21	23850	1192500	8494a060-9144-44ac-a823-b1f62aefd139	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:37:37	-603.813
-22	11926	1192600	274b6756-a39a-45ea-a3ff-89fb0e40765e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:47:22	-978.54
-22	23852	1192600	a371037c-d2b8-4e3f-b9fb-b790ac4f9ff0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:54:56	670.198
-23	11927	1192700	e15f06dc-c6d8-4efd-8394-d331b651d421	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:23:42	398.994
-23	23854	1192700	4701bdb7-07f5-4f2b-b82a-adfe5e2fcb3a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:22:31	459.320
-24	11928	1192800	c6226058-76e0-48b9-8cdb-587537a43032	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:17:50	-687.555
-24	23856	1192800	32fa7c37-10d6-436b-92d4-08201eace679	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:00:55	956.225
-25	11929	1192900	ceda6742-76cc-4cb1-86fc-c8492a749841	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:24:15	542.60
-25	23858	1192900	141f349d-d032-47b9-971f-ad043fbe6bb1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:28:17	919.919
-26	11930	1193000	da9c3cf5-b493-4d80-af2b-2b74658a0e6c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:04:09	718.651
-26	23860	1193000	2e517ef2-80a4-4606-9e33-47ae66575f12	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:06:42	916.33
-27	11931	1193100	28b62d25-8c60-44d5-a113-f85689c81cff	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:16:09	773.856
-27	23862	1193100	3814ca29-ad59-47f5-9792-8afb3cea50de	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:51:59	-377.943
-28	11932	1193200	38a14977-9647-45c3-93f8-0c3e565017f7	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:30:41	-585.684
-28	23864	1193200	df9e0a75-3337-4413-b146-f982e1304aa9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:59:09	-472.874
-29	11933	1193300	565dd2f9-3d09-46cf-a78c-89a284fbbde2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:47:53	-26.120
-29	23866	1193300	e8a69c1d-c299-402c-96fe-6a4916dba30e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:14:41	-668.529
-30	11934	1193400	5366f567-1b55-4723-b677-254a530023f4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:29:51	-773.170
-30	23868	1193400	25e4a34e-fa72-4dbd-a869-f24d381226d1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:21:57	925.972
-31	11935	1193500	756f2dd2-6c90-45ec-8254-86f159d5afe6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:07:00	-936.73
-31	23870	1193500	237a38b6-560c-4889-b805-2534206345ad	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:13:26	-957.677
-32	11936	1193600	bab4cff8-ba61-473f-9ae3-e926d76fdca8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:09:32	939.79
-32	23872	1193600	a5b108fc-3ace-418e-a891-49c6e62ad166	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:40:38	-849.94
-33	11937	1193700	43dfb83e-ac51-45d7-be4f-c98ad45815c9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:32:18	-722.454
-33	23874	1193700	1919e0dd-3479-4f02-a10b-ea7f155d23ec	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:30:01	-417.651
-34	11938	1193800	9f26933a-a063-40e3-87b8-e91749a48a50	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:18:23	-704.350
-34	23876	1193800	64580339-7ea5-47ee-a27f-45513d360b71	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:39:43	-365.526
-35	11939	1193900	a8f3fc5e-b03f-4572-b0e9-fbe4dde77225	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:13:25	3.999
-35	23878	1193900	d29b7d95-209c-4705-8fe3-1a3ac61cb660	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:36:37	-304.634
-36	11940	1194000	be4270dd-1d03-4769-9dfa-ee9006b720c3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:22:01	-175.364
-36	23880	1194000	b76ceca8-2620-453e-a22b-fcd22d51b998	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:41:25	363.979
-37	11941	1194100	61cc6b86-4fbd-40c7-bd29-b0d0469765e6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:48:10	-225.664
-37	23882	1194100	879491a4-77a4-4eb6-81f5-c1f8c4c4e467	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:25:23	-912.698
-38	11942	1194200	cbc4f0fa-c29a-4835-983e-850fec575eee	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:42:15	-436.692
-38	23884	1194200	2cca3322-84e7-41c1-b76e-d70255be3986	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:29:32	-833.654
-39	11943	1194300	f0630bd8-5a8f-483a-aa5b-6541d9399023	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:01:16	-907.162
-39	23886	1194300	71f960b4-73e7-4be6-88c1-9866cc0c7aea	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:07:14	10.761
-40	11944	1194400	38e19330-6948-4a9e-8de2-04fafd9848c7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:22:55	791.486
-40	23888	1194400	ffbc9e3e-7035-4dd7-bc03-eceb4c8b9dcd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:01:21	712.281
-41	11945	1194500	38ef04be-f8a8-4cd2-94cc-cf53e5f6c5d5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:46:33	735.624
-41	23890	1194500	8d5ef12e-6721-4be0-8833-382cf869ea2c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:05:55	960.592
-42	11946	1194600	49d7f54e-dbd1-4a3c-a879-459a358e252d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:11:36	-653.685
-42	23892	1194600	2119b87d-a32e-4740-adad-c93dadbf83c9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:00:41	-821.751
-43	11947	1194700	2a44f98d-9157-4ec3-9856-02979cffe2be	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:41:44	-889.606
-43	23894	1194700	cb950f15-6fc9-4d05-b14e-8fed8951920c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:37:48	199.852
-44	11948	1194800	b4d9d7b7-5989-4704-85f6-f1c8338333ed	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:35:58	181.229
-44	23896	1194800	63efcb9a-0f34-439d-ad8d-4294fadcd81c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:03:48	129.410
-45	11949	1194900	75b94f7e-7e9b-4a05-baee-40c7ba378af0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:03:35	263.335
-45	23898	1194900	df3ac006-be11-45df-99e0-ccf6362b250e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:02:30	693.943
-46	11950	1195000	9c2425ef-9543-4115-85a8-643ac629a944	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:27:51	898.5
-46	23900	1195000	0d7e6820-6ec0-4aed-b143-4653bec05121	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:02:31	-333.701
-47	11951	1195100	6be71723-721e-4f7e-9228-67bd079a69ad	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:51:37	104.136
-47	23902	1195100	f1086491-b3c2-4c71-a0eb-05f9994c035e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:04:29	734.299
-48	11952	1195200	0c10fbe2-bb52-47b3-a85e-7f005eb0cc91	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:40:30	-823.585
-48	23904	1195200	485dcf25-ce73-451b-9420-83ca24b2409d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:21:21	79.796
-49	11953	1195300	8d72beab-3d86-41aa-bdc3-76cd8a59e639	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:50:11	156.919
-49	23906	1195300	caa500d1-cb5f-42f3-bc05-8f39ecb8f8e1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:29:18	-653.447
-50	11954	1195400	02168d2f-d2ed-4cd9-bc63-f5792027db63	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:26:55	663.870
-50	23908	1195400	f72c57ca-6675-4806-8af1-c3a2665a8218	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:17:41	624.885
-51	11955	1195500	d3e34ae1-7285-494b-b04c-b9dfb57e785b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:08:32	84.973
-51	23910	1195500	a50117a5-7983-4c6a-b1ff-2aa6e10fcdf9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:41:01	93.744
-52	11956	1195600	37669e75-2221-40fb-8128-d6cd7f9a01a2	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:59:27	-709.668
-52	23912	1195600	7a9b3c14-bff8-431f-bc66-3b201ffc5d0d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:56:03	727.644
-53	11957	1195700	536a1f7e-eb82-43a8-9c77-61b30eb74578	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:02:01	-26.897
-53	23914	1195700	f2082e04-fe7f-4e07-9b0d-9ad52e2aff62	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:49:34	128.625
-54	11958	1195800	0b2cde31-550f-4b10-a7e4-631a3af0d746	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:41:51	995.31
-54	23916	1195800	60d617e3-e46a-4cc6-9b82-bd807b13578e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:04:56	188.813
-55	11959	1195900	832da5b9-5912-4603-b3b2-4517d141dd50	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:14:17	-175.803
-55	23918	1195900	262275d9-2f6a-4051-a8c4-7fdd9ecc3be3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:21:34	703.537
-56	11960	1196000	17115a8c-3b50-4452-8a8e-63a0db544b69	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:58:17	508.487
-56	23920	1196000	ed8712cb-aa61-4ed7-b6ba-aebb8c475fe4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:51:40	-392.820
-57	11961	1196100	90cac615-7023-4d85-8094-127d23dd6804	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:08:50	-948.693
-57	23922	1196100	6da2bc91-26a5-4125-9d82-c00a93aee65f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:56:26	-383.234
-58	11962	1196200	0f31af16-d114-4597-99f4-34acec50226a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:14:07	443.356
-58	23924	1196200	604bc141-eba3-480f-8681-5b5e97480a8c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:14:05	953.433
-59	11963	1196300	475d9096-81ae-4381-9ac2-75eec8847e96	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:31:54	-189.341
-59	23926	1196300	4ac60e4e-cce1-4f7a-970a-65ece4eaf2d0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:39:19	-328.489
-60	11964	1196400	4651e607-162e-4d49-9e6a-a6cd2caa7430	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:33:40	-371.426
-60	23928	1196400	5509282d-66cc-4df2-9a86-7c964aa2cdb2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:27:05	520.905
-61	11965	1196500	9c025932-8f50-4706-a73a-bb30d65883c5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:56:27	926.370
-61	23930	1196500	ae1aac63-4400-4adb-8b98-83fc06fbf13f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:23:03	953.604
-62	11966	1196600	74f9fd4c-ad78-46ee-b899-ebf7e5709189	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:21:02	886.658
-62	23932	1196600	93db47d6-ed1a-422d-9c80-76aae16c1059	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:28:39	-750.557
-63	11967	1196700	c16f3c02-3fcb-4ab3-89c0-6e81095515ab	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:08:46	-29.605
-63	23934	1196700	1085600c-ccc8-4897-8437-211134e6a5f7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:37:51	399.434
-64	11968	1196800	fac2d27d-4940-4fd3-9f37-24171e0784e1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:48:42	50.618
-64	23936	1196800	fe955b96-74c5-410d-8654-bb799b7e1dec	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:00:07	172.138
-65	11969	1196900	66c72990-934f-43cb-af00-0981981d9f5f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:08:21	822.30
-65	23938	1196900	b1f22af7-8862-43ba-a719-ef80d47f8b2a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:30:46	345.503
-66	11970	1197000	e8447f3d-c253-405c-a383-3161f2207b23	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:13:18	-558.499
-66	23940	1197000	f8696dce-41b0-4add-a9be-75a1b5cb29a5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:45:25	-918.942
-67	11971	1197100	1d3c68c0-4909-424d-9611-612ab3249084	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:31:22	-777.659
-67	23942	1197100	45a8d2dc-7cbb-497f-a852-fa99bf81f693	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:58:01	-295.735
-68	11972	1197200	4f00f46b-8f44-4e62-a88e-f765fae040bb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:43:59	31.322
-68	23944	1197200	7b64e571-1db4-48a6-9606-cd8ff6ac7261	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:43:47	-87.392
-69	11973	1197300	741b562d-6e3f-44b0-bd66-0fd8e32567d1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:55:30	120.606
-69	23946	1197300	16f5167e-a4ae-4c1e-9ecb-bc56f6705cb2	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:25:52	423.435
-70	11974	1197400	83239876-5861-476a-aa6e-250623dd15d2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:37:36	244.689
-70	23948	1197400	4d5805b6-a556-4561-b7d6-c78972f3538a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:33:51	886.704
-71	11975	1197500	001b538d-7528-4436-b887-60b4340c0fef	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:41:53	386.983
-71	23950	1197500	e2a1df2f-73ab-4d82-88a4-8d0699587787	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:55:34	-875.690
-72	11976	1197600	4caaf1a6-44e5-4429-8402-47dac9808f6e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:35:02	894.313
-72	23952	1197600	22b3813e-d6c7-48e9-b32e-ac71f4600401	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:08:24	-416.122
-73	11977	1197700	4bf68372-03e0-4313-ae4c-c9158222c78d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:03:13	-151.570
-73	23954	1197700	982d4950-11c9-429b-8526-9e005f985303	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:05:41	360.350
-74	11978	1197800	0fdb5c58-5521-4b8f-bf2d-3e48d4ee744a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:18:38	-552.924
-74	23956	1197800	facd01aa-0ff5-472c-b8e4-4f5770b6309e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:27:10	332.251
-75	11979	1197900	6347dd9a-b092-418d-9d69-00de89cc0519	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:50:31	345.386
-75	23958	1197900	f732447f-7310-4fe1-8985-2c305198315a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:22:43	-192.917
-76	11980	1198000	79656a6a-6f9c-4fdb-b643-2e517e576496	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:05:06	-941.484
-76	23960	1198000	c4b85c8b-6dd7-4418-8c9e-aa50aff63927	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:34:24	282.278
-77	11981	1198100	790b1fb8-13b6-4449-9a78-cd95185c26ad	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:05:39	936.908
-77	23962	1198100	4a19df3c-d9e0-4332-8783-be3064cbf7c8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:38:14	786.941
-78	11982	1198200	80f43d72-1115-45dc-810d-0aa35b0c8eee	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:06:45	582.87
-78	23964	1198200	6df746fe-4ff1-4599-9d5e-31206ac84346	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:26:20	116.958
-79	11983	1198300	777cd860-f016-487a-82d9-ded3d2b1864a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:13:06	-523.710
-79	23966	1198300	af3a5e9a-430d-4862-a54a-8a42a2a67339	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:42:15	573.518
-80	11984	1198400	319d724f-e405-4d80-95f1-6e5f1b25d1f7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:07:56	-200.80
-80	23968	1198400	acbdae73-f8ee-4409-b087-28d8f5a2ac32	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:31:21	788.170
-81	11985	1198500	befca50b-178d-4c0d-8007-6d29489572c2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:32:00	-14.410
-81	23970	1198500	79857ee7-3ab9-44d7-b349-80fd255f334b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:31:22	-485.378
-82	11986	1198600	72f669c2-847c-4e0f-87ed-db0ca506f6a0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:53:15	-65.200
-82	23972	1198600	7fb55845-0351-4ce1-a72c-42d0661e30e1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:26:14	793.443
-83	11987	1198700	98cde0fe-6bee-4847-87d3-16bdf120dc28	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:21:59	729.846
-83	23974	1198700	09db8c3d-9b98-4066-af48-f62dce8fc80d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:20:49	-42.484
-84	11988	1198800	0b35d0e2-9dfe-4969-b863-54b6fac98512	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:44:51	-246.706
-84	23976	1198800	a554e96e-4d9d-425e-be3f-8433b69e04a5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:41:25	-146.635
-85	11989	1198900	5a9a1d8f-c5a0-4430-ab23-a6db4bfc389d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:50:59	-126.500
-85	23978	1198900	619fad8f-215e-40fc-a6e4-e30c36c7e5ae	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:07:38	398.647
-86	11990	1199000	4f1cf90b-3c2c-4fca-9b01-ed2e8c345e1e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:13:34	201.65
-86	23980	1199000	d39696d9-8859-4223-a1ac-7153e548905c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:16:47	988.69
-87	11991	1199100	7e0971d7-6ee6-4832-996e-bb0af5aeefd9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:56:20	935.277
-87	23982	1199100	322e5604-c0cf-4032-bd6d-daecc5cd14b3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:25:23	635.26
-88	11992	1199200	ef4770a2-59cf-481b-8417-d923e49a40bd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:42:52	848.637
-88	23984	1199200	866a91a2-d1e5-4f22-bb52-20236d877bf5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:18:20	758.123
-89	11993	1199300	edc7bdec-0fe3-4f3b-9868-95af6ba89c31	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:29:36	-734.71
-89	23986	1199300	59ce69cc-b52f-4057-a610-bc8b79dd445f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:43:41	-100.880
-90	11994	1199400	4f54ccb5-e715-4bee-a562-a7ba52adcd36	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:28:18	297.361
-90	23988	1199400	5bcf1335-d3a1-4eff-95b6-ab5bee616374	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:58:53	-621.534
-91	11995	1199500	e114fa03-f235-4749-8d6b-1afbd646021f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:42:33	723.545
-91	23990	1199500	1f68052e-c80d-4474-95e9-347e986e1d31	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:35:14	-819.616
-92	11996	1199600	64dd6ad8-afd9-4b64-b918-0d346325dec8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:33:44	-382.865
-92	23992	1199600	8b5c5e05-3d9b-4282-b904-ffd3054e1583	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:58:15	453.346
-93	11997	1199700	9cb247ce-25dc-4e6f-bf8b-62e02d669d81	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:48:06	665.726
-93	23994	1199700	3a4f3e08-cbb8-42f0-9353-371dbc357999	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:20:12	931.106
-94	11998	1199800	4e6b38f1-a7d7-456b-aa24-5920bbf4cf9d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:36:44	-282.285
-94	23996	1199800	f7702606-6c78-49ce-a50d-41394e9473a1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:34:55	-247.833
-95	11999	1199900	7dc6ba2d-e985-4d74-a552-23a9f394ff40	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:25:47	-921.945
-95	23998	1199900	fb57d5a7-ef51-4dbd-b81e-8ce42dbe8141	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:44:53	-296.308
-96	12000	1200000	49ee1f03-10e6-4c01-b6d3-8b1204afb86e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:32:15	545.37
-96	24000	1200000	56b82a7d-95fc-433f-88ca-95a846996c6c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:19:47	-492.433
-97	12001	1200100	68d92f34-6b56-475f-877c-2fbd349ad8ab	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:28:07	941.414
-97	24002	1200100	84f9ba1d-276f-4f8d-bfcd-eb1eb1bf2e31	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:37:10	701.683
-98	12002	1200200	1ab1e9b1-ce3d-4d7b-816a-18e36ff7aed1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:51:12	510.418
-98	24004	1200200	fd9c93cd-78e2-48d3-9f0f-f8b8be33b8f7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:05:02	698.854
-99	12003	1200300	0e09e26d-2e8a-43f2-a379-4777f30c1c0a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:19:36	-806.466
-99	24006	1200300	9b82897b-3fd4-4a3d-a903-f6a5deba6d0f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:16:49	-550.45
-100	12004	1200400	89c28873-dd38-4e42-948a-0a24871a6831	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:21:00	-835.547
-100	24008	1200400	b4383c44-6cff-4fa2-ba8d-22ec704d91dc	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:51:50	-441.541
-101	12005	1200500	ffe4b5cd-94e8-4ccc-85dc-b7fdd5b08e67	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:10:55	728.237
-101	24010	1200500	a65dd4e1-5fcb-4b65-ae54-55d0b35385ab	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:45:21	-237.71
-102	12006	1200600	3c2c041f-86e1-4b54-a999-356cdf73231a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:15:19	-671.89
-102	24012	1200600	4ad43cb5-399b-455b-bd05-b95cc973d68f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:52:58	864.70
-103	12007	1200700	0b358f55-1d76-49b6-a867-4c9462a6d102	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:26:14	781.714
-103	24014	1200700	de59fffa-5a9b-44c8-b87c-e362ca441a31	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:27:36	-633.754
-104	12008	1200800	2bf1d470-963d-4d0a-bb66-112b4f39ae4b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:10:03	505.929
-104	24016	1200800	a025b39e-9ef0-4097-b875-4b31d2ace74f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:34:11	689.347
-105	12009	1200900	28a4fd61-fdbe-458a-a99b-3a10f200b834	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:36:38	264.738
-105	24018	1200900	d94cbe07-65da-4ef3-a8ae-366de86e88d2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:37:29	-369.76
-106	12010	1201000	54d8a04e-92bc-4e17-9658-8150eafc39c5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:05:44	308.671
-106	24020	1201000	a590ce63-1ce5-42bb-80cf-10cb87d49bd0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:23:54	-657.547
-107	12011	1201100	95e8bcc5-ed86-41ba-953b-5354f81ec925	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:18:46	739.859
-107	24022	1201100	47f9266a-156e-4435-a790-6231ec514ddd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:23:10	-908.102
-108	12012	1201200	5710de60-2362-48bc-9095-7494ef6e8ad7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:40:27	-793.461
-108	24024	1201200	40293363-30ca-4658-a3c0-69e9dd1843a8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:31:06	96.284
-109	12013	1201300	8b2f135d-ace6-4b88-8bce-67e80dda750a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:09:37	124.851
-109	24026	1201300	fd32722b-7cc1-403c-a41a-ad3d0763442f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:34:48	-538.938
-110	12014	1201400	5173e32a-6887-42d3-8308-2a811ef274e8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:42:41	-458.35
-110	24028	1201400	81988c95-40fe-4422-894b-b49581a27f11	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:23:18	536.903
-111	12015	1201500	e1916fa2-1f1d-4310-b066-798d28b54db7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:20:29	476.637
-111	24030	1201500	3081579a-8e65-4df0-a829-b5c1f3a1d7c1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:05:20	-399.337
-112	12016	1201600	ea56c2b6-f053-4924-92a8-e3d0cef0d04c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:13:56	-740.739
-112	24032	1201600	9f8d9486-2b75-4edd-949d-f09e4f2f5684	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:47:13	875.816
-113	12017	1201700	6a1b6d0b-83ae-4156-8d75-47a09aef2397	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:10:29	219.574
-113	24034	1201700	bc98d357-42ef-4728-a01e-026540312ccf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:06:08	-402.850
-114	12018	1201800	7a70de60-cce5-4d61-a800-fbb3ace02a3b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:07:19	-818.210
-114	24036	1201800	9ff7b4fd-afde-4c25-b453-2d8d44831357	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:56:43	-341.519
-115	12019	1201900	872dd741-180b-4886-8b03-13145d1d117a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:35:58	-515.954
-115	24038	1201900	6ce49a27-a6a3-4bee-b0cd-bab9baa7f024	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:18:55	-744.423
-116	12020	1202000	c7ff686e-9ed8-4165-860c-2b4f1f83e2e0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:31:29	137.756
-116	24040	1202000	e6ffc4e6-eea8-45e2-ab4c-4d75709454c3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:45:52	-101.398
-117	12021	1202100	6091c366-98ad-4331-b835-84356b87d21d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:38:52	-760.305
-117	24042	1202100	972f5309-b755-45ce-ad2e-52042f6a16a0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:18:26	628.470
-118	12022	1202200	3c6d6458-1fad-49bb-8867-68632bfa3132	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:31:45	-989.108
-118	24044	1202200	382c4d23-5b0c-4050-80dd-b3c6d26b368c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:15:13	-915.344
-119	12023	1202300	7e72a110-33b6-48c5-94f0-36f3dd34faee	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:47:43	387.508
-119	24046	1202300	66038b9c-6eb2-497e-9b56-880c16880369	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:32:16	-13.616
-120	12024	1202400	cc031080-e367-4fac-8b32-b1b1b3865d9b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:04:12	-727.732
-120	24048	1202400	b8689629-68c9-47e5-b563-d4e799355c66	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:34:20	-273.569
-121	12025	1202500	553e5946-1839-415e-9aa4-ea3bc3917775	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:05:37	486.107
-121	24050	1202500	271b6fae-b8b4-49d9-94bd-ccda9024047e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:56:55	-529.978
-122	12026	1202600	7479fcdc-318b-4bac-aaee-4bb326f7b00b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:43:41	867.673
-122	24052	1202600	10869036-1477-4318-a4fa-7a08b8b5de29	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:35:27	-42.343
-123	12027	1202700	b2894b12-a3a0-4b1e-acb3-29e45d8d6edb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:50:44	556.22
-123	24054	1202700	49a98427-d27d-4cf2-83f8-f801bf8690c9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:03:22	-589.586
-124	12028	1202800	d857a080-2673-4091-ab76-c1c7898ca760	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:34:46	125.200
-124	24056	1202800	d4d6dfaa-891b-4c86-b3dd-effde0fe10a9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:03:12	779.698
-125	12029	1202900	ee35a58d-bc1f-4529-a7f8-5b719956a4bd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:48:46	311.152
-125	24058	1202900	388015a7-323a-4723-9e6e-48f63fadf4a0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:01:34	272.279
-126	12030	1203000	ada3ee24-fc96-47e5-abef-7e11b10e7c9d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:29:59	805.456
-126	24060	1203000	be128701-dce1-40f6-8209-d35b89181dcc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:29:52	595.816
-127	12031	1203100	88197681-382a-4d41-ba20-438af656e610	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:53:09	-516.188
-127	24062	1203100	788b8fee-908b-43c2-981c-1fa1114650c8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:01:56	797.422
-0	12032	1203200	fc3dc777-8117-41c8-b47b-5cf32ee68455	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:51:36	-843.717
-0	24064	1203200	3a1b0f08-ab40-422a-9409-27ac4bd26672	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:48:44	-306.228
-1	12033	1203300	361b4644-a21c-444c-9d20-508b6bec569b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:29:06	649.41
-1	24066	1203300	ad683643-096a-4f2d-bc20-5b9ac7e9730f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:19:20	304.554
-2	12034	1203400	bb8f569e-73da-457c-8dde-de5b90538f31	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:46:18	137.11
-2	24068	1203400	5bc18b9f-a964-4038-9e0f-48328e1844f3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:07:36	102.951
-3	12035	1203500	d2ad36d7-d1de-4314-8b1d-b4054bc43e62	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:48:07	-123.675
-3	24070	1203500	c7d0739e-0fc1-402a-b1c4-196eb91eb0d1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:16:49	775.51
-4	12036	1203600	431d38dd-b592-4bb0-926b-7692f3df4422	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:35:36	736.195
-4	24072	1203600	11145f3d-5181-41ff-b3e4-0a1808033e42	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:54:13	254.769
-5	12037	1203700	0802cc2b-be51-40ad-8edb-03b1d77092c3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:43:20	287.233
-5	24074	1203700	3632a9ae-7cab-4b47-9f2a-96bcaaeec450	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:05:38	982.764
-6	12038	1203800	c7b7b7f2-69a9-495e-889c-e5808d4961bd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:34:50	-746.874
-6	24076	1203800	78be19bf-b05b-4f7b-9996-9595932a3e83	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:01:16	49.300
-7	12039	1203900	faf9b193-e735-43af-9c26-6e4221c0b4c6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:15:55	-662.491
-7	24078	1203900	efd4cf9a-888b-4fb7-8839-d3605208f776	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:55:33	927.504
-8	12040	1204000	33b48086-11bb-41ed-8b72-90de7d11c3a8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:38:16	41.760
-8	24080	1204000	24cbd2e9-159e-4c95-a36b-e82e79898f37	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:30:45	82.784
-9	12041	1204100	38db04a1-5a67-4dac-866e-6cdee7a847dc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:51:46	745.647
-9	24082	1204100	5852e6ee-7c42-4f31-95f3-ad44bd31afef	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:34:34	266.958
-10	12042	1204200	b936ee6a-7340-4946-8a4e-09f53a85145f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:36:41	444.656
-10	24084	1204200	ed71175e-73b1-4ef1-8a9b-49fa32e9cc03	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:45:04	575.843
-11	12043	1204300	ce4f90e4-2c20-45f6-82db-6d620b352c41	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:15:17	974.694
-11	24086	1204300	ffe799be-5a04-409a-b549-8ae890158cde	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:30:02	-102.679
-12	12044	1204400	21fa3daa-5b79-48bc-9934-c63300c76bac	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:55:48	-480.529
-12	24088	1204400	70a8a539-09aa-4e4a-afca-590ef464c262	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:21:26	52.27
-13	12045	1204500	54971b18-8a20-43c3-894a-2eb82037e6a5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:40:44	-826.621
-13	24090	1204500	2fb01e3f-3efd-4039-8dee-a69bbc6e7d7c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:18:55	-387.727
-14	12046	1204600	bffbce0c-2a0c-4c70-9b6e-621d9311a5a3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:35:25	-45.30
-14	24092	1204600	50cc9a51-e824-45d1-aec9-30ff0feb78d5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:33:58	833.500
-15	12047	1204700	d345b146-cb6b-42f0-80ed-fa5a6f74af9d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:02:51	-29.868
-15	24094	1204700	84afdb03-7e6d-45f7-abfc-8c48251066e5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:31:35	704.636
-16	12048	1204800	b12a9d29-c68e-4fc0-a279-5034960a0d9a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:40:25	287.389
-16	24096	1204800	22612b36-775d-4630-84e9-085e4f301ba8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:34:29	-463.815
-17	12049	1204900	94ff4d35-8e6b-4032-8344-e01aff6e5723	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:12:06	-445.732
-17	24098	1204900	ffa8cdfb-57fa-4e68-a045-80af6010c744	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:34:07	121.510
-18	12050	1205000	11a95bb1-2788-4ac5-b20f-b642c04c515e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:45:28	-219.309
-18	24100	1205000	9f110744-7442-4868-8378-5280843bb83b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:43:00	-934.969
-19	12051	1205100	bf703b11-5f80-4103-a469-62c9d770f424	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:10:22	593.814
-19	24102	1205100	98c0a787-6034-4222-aff5-f005dadf63ab	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:27:14	-728.285
-20	12052	1205200	f370c7c1-3946-4583-899d-bbdc55ff1c5f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:42:47	176.559
-20	24104	1205200	1cf0ecf1-1aeb-4ebc-8cb7-f9e06b7c0d22	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:24:34	-91.389
-21	12053	1205300	80e5c445-f3aa-4b98-823c-b8bc70bd6c8c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:15:38	763.469
-21	24106	1205300	ced17632-7a21-4be6-93c9-e5b0f28123b0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:27:53	-893.872
-22	12054	1205400	4333299e-af59-4374-8f3a-27f487687067	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:53:48	11.249
-22	24108	1205400	266b493f-6602-4819-b868-d8a958b3c89f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:13:48	-380.915
-23	12055	1205500	5bf664dc-f76a-447f-8d16-4a1983905eba	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:36:15	-669.115
-23	24110	1205500	861b78a7-4b67-4e61-ab59-80cf63c4be92	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:49:03	-802.194
-24	12056	1205600	ad079ac4-ee4f-4c9b-932c-0bba8bb7c2dc	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:26:10	552.915
-24	24112	1205600	59442d04-268d-44f0-8adf-131b7f8f33bb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:51:39	-481.31
-25	12057	1205700	5c409fbb-8107-447e-9a51-2db5146546e9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:58:33	-292.568
-25	24114	1205700	4d47d152-4459-44ad-9f16-9bf02bf34818	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:41:54	573.722
-26	12058	1205800	be460e89-b8c4-4a59-a093-6c10c00061ed	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:34:18	866.441
-26	24116	1205800	c989fb26-2286-453b-9b79-c85b5a76dc61	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:56:31	-925.726
-27	12059	1205900	295c0dba-f027-4623-8d87-d7a198ee1df0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:36:21	256.220
-27	24118	1205900	5497bde6-6fa1-4337-b7bc-418359aa3dd3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:56:18	8.189
-28	12060	1206000	9a635140-60f7-4c3b-ae5a-7541839e2360	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:00:56	624.482
-28	24120	1206000	8f0da055-fbc3-44be-aeb6-d6ce5a15bfd4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:08:41	382.109
-29	12061	1206100	06362849-a8cf-4eff-ba65-7fa31f526f5c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:17:10	-139.988
-29	24122	1206100	9c2fcf4a-3ff3-4942-b1ce-9466fe1f8ca3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:15:38	525.603
-30	12062	1206200	e92d8523-2414-42b2-84ff-25eeab3590ca	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:48:11	-900.578
-30	24124	1206200	ccd7dd00-393c-4283-aa71-3cf215748f02	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:45:19	-229.541
-31	12063	1206300	3d90a91b-d331-45ce-b81d-c561345e2449	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:11:20	-959.611
-31	24126	1206300	d0eaea8f-767a-470a-abd1-005a664d1f27	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:09:09	692.520
-32	12064	1206400	8b7dd1a3-505a-4d73-8351-74cc551ccf5d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:38:45	-918.423
-32	24128	1206400	7eb47b68-8bb6-4af3-90d7-671e89363b82	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:08:38	552.881
-33	12065	1206500	72c40ee5-fb56-46aa-81d7-2ba7e91cb60f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:23:53	811.139
-33	24130	1206500	24d87303-e126-4a81-8629-76b28a85cb72	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:01:55	-74.21
-34	12066	1206600	12d86830-e447-4c3e-a469-e9b8cf446445	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:04:00	825.988
-34	24132	1206600	765979ba-2716-4a22-bf35-73520d958ed1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:18:02	-935.176
-35	12067	1206700	7ebb8614-a421-4393-ac72-89f167eb6585	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:07:20	-708.378
-35	24134	1206700	7f1d1fb9-2c2c-4d34-957b-7e5d4a6c8698	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:17:33	189.671
-36	12068	1206800	af0e1458-e441-47dd-8e48-401951892b0e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:36:39	130.724
-36	24136	1206800	772c9d03-b753-426d-a870-23286f9ed180	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:54:12	-120.991
-37	12069	1206900	63b7ede4-c28d-4abe-a319-e1e5baafc9b0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:42:34	-230.894
-37	24138	1206900	8bc67918-7ffc-40e7-86dd-06136795e139	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:19:24	-582.219
-38	12070	1207000	0e7fa7e8-43d7-4d19-8450-07c417a4e82c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:12:05	-375.605
-38	24140	1207000	14ba2dbb-1ad2-4cf2-9cad-40642a47c423	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:27:02	-153.25
-39	12071	1207100	7aa064c6-fc09-44a4-bf14-c2de7cffba03	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:59:20	279.614
-39	24142	1207100	b39fa262-75f1-4c95-8d00-5511e4678c69	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:15:55	-201.144
-40	12072	1207200	3e54f9d8-b093-498a-88b7-f49ce46c904a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:11:56	-217.877
-40	24144	1207200	25f45c8c-f09a-4f9f-9c0e-23d48fb4298f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:08:17	-512.533
-41	12073	1207300	8efeea03-fd77-4677-9f96-65893aff7282	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:46:59	860.989
-41	24146	1207300	a9ef47f2-2faa-4307-ba17-f01d40df1bc5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:10:21	169.315
-42	12074	1207400	f4eb8d24-0c52-4333-9ad0-6cbc933de921	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:12:05	427.662
-42	24148	1207400	574c690c-3baf-443c-8eb0-923bf3711fff	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:02:09	445.818
-43	12075	1207500	7c097dd4-549b-4b06-b1a6-c527987e9747	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:42:44	450.40
-43	24150	1207500	33837438-264c-4fb9-9f34-3b21223ea1fb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:23:14	-625.208
-44	12076	1207600	1adb29e1-da83-4439-b26d-0e50fa9e997b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:49:20	-606.725
-44	24152	1207600	307197d5-8fdb-4bff-b57d-58730fe51d37	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:22:57	-747.98
-45	12077	1207700	0f5f24ee-5c2d-4414-aee9-30e10aa9aa7b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:05:19	-455.832
-45	24154	1207700	789a6ec8-0374-4d68-8730-fe3a7a353862	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:26:55	-428.252
-46	12078	1207800	11b7c051-06de-40ea-800f-253b372c9a11	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:31:26	-46.950
-46	24156	1207800	01dc2b16-4360-43f4-a3fc-6bef39b960dc	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:34:36	2.439
-47	12079	1207900	a8fb0cd6-1ea4-44a5-aad5-57c2ca28589c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:47:05	-123.658
-47	24158	1207900	8f91747b-ebce-41f9-a48e-fe1c02760130	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:02:28	253.549
-48	12080	1208000	a19fbdfc-0f2c-4860-81a8-257a191e5153	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:49:37	622.472
-48	24160	1208000	a4b60870-ef65-4775-aedc-6138d75a97d7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:41:09	-540.261
-49	12081	1208100	26e6ce69-dcaa-4e07-9c88-d97010a51e48	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:08:11	793.661
-49	24162	1208100	a8452fe0-cf79-4fd0-b2ee-17cdffd87b01	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:02:36	621.595
-50	12082	1208200	7682b91b-e318-4891-9abb-e9f25ef711a3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:20:35	131.385
-50	24164	1208200	0c87fd71-1394-4b3a-adad-bbb6abda539a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:50:56	-373.603
-51	12083	1208300	bf17bbff-496e-4bdf-a795-b0643954ae5d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:05:41	266.843
-51	24166	1208300	8bd60587-e1e5-4e70-8bca-7c55ebce46b0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:04:04	-680.372
-52	12084	1208400	df1279ef-8c59-41d5-aa9c-4bd9267ad81c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:39:54	649.136
-52	24168	1208400	daf127da-fe06-4cc0-abd7-915c9f5b1e41	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:57:50	496.941
-53	12085	1208500	d7484bf5-86bd-4343-b333-d30d5b1abbe2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:45:17	-392.561
-53	24170	1208500	17d19f41-54af-48e1-a892-55af2f8ff11c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:55:09	-179.889
-54	12086	1208600	bee5d3c6-1ce0-42ab-9fcf-5db1c8cbff18	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:55:46	752.574
-54	24172	1208600	27726533-a2fb-430f-9cc0-fc2293620ba5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:18:27	-522.246
-55	12087	1208700	a3ce1e2d-fec5-4123-a983-ed90cb2cb981	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:24:43	608.618
-55	24174	1208700	fa77b9e2-e5c1-40f6-a0b2-21226af8aef6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:40:59	538.103
-56	12088	1208800	25fc7d4b-c1e2-493f-a9b1-e9d6377f01f0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:04:33	102.427
-56	24176	1208800	dc424360-9933-4974-a89d-7f2ea08fac30	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:25:53	989.92
-57	12089	1208900	bd2c477d-2ca4-4d19-a27f-72d5b0aaeb11	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:21:29	904.521
-57	24178	1208900	e76f7c9b-ff19-4bd4-88fd-f1b3ec256617	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:52:14	319.487
-58	12090	1209000	5f754623-00e8-449f-abfd-acd99b380d6f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:52:02	-317.869
-58	24180	1209000	10731687-436c-4a5c-94f0-e92d76883461	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:39:49	-449.602
-59	12091	1209100	816887ca-b697-4665-b95c-a37fd896eade	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:53:38	-660.964
-59	24182	1209100	109e70fe-28c4-41a1-87bb-1e316b372a90	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:20:50	-740.378
-60	12092	1209200	5e7d991d-ab86-4c5e-90a2-63287a6dfa76	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:49:43	-758.776
-60	24184	1209200	3dbe7b73-4e9b-42b2-b748-046cb96d210b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:24:05	-106.812
-61	12093	1209300	37fb8ad1-8672-4197-bb47-5072944d900a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:22:13	-37.388
-61	24186	1209300	092b217a-55dd-45aa-9261-f1b16d6b4314	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:56:24	512.803
-62	12094	1209400	5adb64e6-5f35-414e-9430-feff33d48cf0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:00:10	6.586
-62	24188	1209400	21132feb-225a-4da7-bdcc-55f7abc815a8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:34:24	-109.575
-63	12095	1209500	6e665e83-56da-4cf7-92c0-8b1ca70d4717	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:48:12	496.789
-63	24190	1209500	c6d2fbc6-b964-45b8-8792-16f9b7e60266	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:18:38	703.719
-64	12096	1209600	b2d1f741-d172-4353-a1c9-9690dd9a9c14	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:50:56	-893.681
-64	24192	1209600	ce368982-5e5c-452d-99af-010df2fc5cac	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:10:11	-161.542
-65	12097	1209700	3f8dc8af-2c58-4a24-9bb4-12aa04707aca	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:43:59	885.76
-65	24194	1209700	89ec9078-a36c-429b-b751-0e39c10e1307	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:31:28	-8.720
-66	12098	1209800	701b37c4-2c61-4aa5-82fc-d044b3749b36	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:58:03	-767.316
-66	24196	1209800	ef3a55a8-e6dd-4fcd-b4e1-5c2cd5199655	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:55:37	823.818
-67	12099	1209900	80c7dbe2-d378-4820-b4e4-0458c7394069	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:50:50	784.662
-67	24198	1209900	b94cf1bc-f084-4653-af74-ef2fb2583ea2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:43:19	-515.158
-68	12100	1210000	ea8a6435-bdfc-4c80-86d0-74591073dc34	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:12:44	-816.632
-68	24200	1210000	e91b9368-01f9-47d4-a407-9b8903a362f5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:55:35	71.979
-69	12101	1210100	8730af87-6e22-4b5e-96ff-022a808db08f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:21:15	-265.471
-69	24202	1210100	917dc1f0-f559-40b3-85f7-ff199a12184b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:13:26	262.151
-70	12102	1210200	35f85735-5a72-4232-8034-4191dcb376a1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:44:12	-346.894
-70	24204	1210200	fd34ff69-04e9-46d2-a8b4-2ed75f95fe09	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:36:08	600.879
-71	12103	1210300	42899f6c-1733-4dd9-b4ea-b090f0b2d676	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:07:38	-928.57
-71	24206	1210300	f9758584-53e6-414d-961f-d9de3027fd55	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:36:38	540.461
-72	12104	1210400	2851ac5c-0e12-4c06-948c-43760b304f4b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:50:57	747.419
-72	24208	1210400	9899e8f5-eb80-4778-ab8c-b62488162214	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:44:06	-164.341
-73	12105	1210500	1e5b25f3-1730-456d-966c-5c978dca9d3b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:48:06	-898.38
-73	24210	1210500	56ea5f3b-865e-4a1f-9b31-e22390fba082	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:33:52	681.194
-74	12106	1210600	cfbfed7f-cda6-451b-a4ec-69f8f892dd18	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:34:00	416.121
-74	24212	1210600	1c265dae-7f21-4f55-8a40-6af230d17c72	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:41:21	870.693
-75	12107	1210700	1420496e-e3fa-44da-9ccb-2712f693aa26	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:44:37	-15.837
-75	24214	1210700	82e583b2-ab0e-4c4c-849f-1f58570249f6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:05:19	-113.982
-76	12108	1210800	aa23d6c2-8f75-4830-add2-781b0d3e5548	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:09:13	-724.566
-76	24216	1210800	b514e829-ff57-4a93-9975-a91223badfd9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:56:26	-440.271
-77	12109	1210900	79246585-c143-4962-b3c9-3c9f366e01f9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:49:50	253.642
-77	24218	1210900	6e343bf6-ae80-44ce-bd34-bad07f869957	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:30:51	38.949
-78	12110	1211000	48b02045-3813-4443-bc52-c8b0660289d0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:21:13	116.88
-78	24220	1211000	9b3de4d2-f7c6-46af-9961-2f733bf09782	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:29:03	-511.640
-79	12111	1211100	fac86d98-5859-4af3-96c4-4b0ce747c90c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:04:32	-400.642
-79	24222	1211100	d076ab34-b3f7-4f45-81cc-2c351693c7c2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:40:42	-944.249
-80	12112	1211200	9295b812-d780-428b-87ad-98c4cc3066be	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:54:51	494.10
-80	24224	1211200	23626b9e-c835-4561-bafa-9f6d5ea93b49	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:33:11	972.62
-81	12113	1211300	c0f09054-0988-44ac-b2e7-e41d742a7fdb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:36:04	15.804
-81	24226	1211300	aa9659e9-3c8a-46d7-a990-8b9c1b87ca84	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:57:40	-265.607
-82	12114	1211400	ea0f3eb0-9c1c-481a-8686-0c20bc5d0794	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:55:32	752.846
-82	24228	1211400	fa3e00c5-c263-45f6-a5d9-0a7126a4ac5f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:47:28	575.645
-83	12115	1211500	be16d1aa-0dcb-47fe-be4c-0e411a053621	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:28:06	752.908
-83	24230	1211500	7dd2de74-0821-4d9e-afbf-35e946d6670d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:00:38	-753.279
-84	12116	1211600	8761a084-035f-42cd-9d7f-9d9e01217aef	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:13:27	-383.39
-84	24232	1211600	c4c25f98-7db3-4fb3-b9de-c0fa33fc75bc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:05:22	-177.38
-85	12117	1211700	93a8a5c2-dff3-42c9-8ca2-cb33218cf873	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:35:21	178.478
-85	24234	1211700	d4d29a12-d142-4def-9bd6-9dd0f5b6104a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:44:51	-182.112
-86	12118	1211800	f709dfee-cd89-42be-85b8-742f785ba1ae	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:26:18	805.870
-86	24236	1211800	d65078eb-2587-4356-adf0-282cefdd5fd0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:49:21	843.956
-87	12119	1211900	ab4d12cb-f906-4079-a002-fd21b749842a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:16:58	-474.42
-87	24238	1211900	d825eee3-77ad-4858-9f42-1eb999df9efe	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:05:51	779.654
-88	12120	1212000	3d8ced5f-c77b-4877-9ac1-1ef0b3c725eb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:01:27	471.690
-88	24240	1212000	c62f10c1-e3d4-402a-9ffd-ebe7fca232bb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:50:50	493.963
-89	12121	1212100	eab2dafc-0a65-48f0-8791-0a48707aa7c2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:52:45	-108.915
-89	24242	1212100	eb4aa0f4-fe50-428a-86a1-30011cf53833	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:05:58	-807.472
-90	12122	1212200	da32d70f-eb8d-40cd-969f-6721944c8e2d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:38:23	-573.594
-90	24244	1212200	fe837e96-9a20-4755-88e1-8e8085ad10cf	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:41:54	175.233
-91	12123	1212300	29413446-60e8-4c38-8823-670fc9549dbf	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:45:52	356.10
-91	24246	1212300	187d045b-db2d-4f1a-a745-41a6f9b866a2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:48:40	-896.180
-92	12124	1212400	e9e39f13-2eb7-41f0-b719-342abbc78640	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:21:44	-979.235
-92	24248	1212400	4a65f16d-99a2-401f-b5e4-ed31f15100ab	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:15:48	-861.690
-93	12125	1212500	98090be1-b295-4b62-9345-efa7505e54b6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:47:27	719.236
-93	24250	1212500	83cb3511-14a0-4171-a2f5-58579efc6236	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:29:29	62.534
-94	12126	1212600	0ad16ee7-e154-4df8-bb2e-7e05f36a2703	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:28:28	-464.680
-94	24252	1212600	0674bb3f-b151-4792-ac03-ac4f3ec66d2a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:58:02	489.21
-95	12127	1212700	e3a2e37d-a50a-4cc3-86a6-316e3d4865f1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:43:56	416.721
-95	24254	1212700	3f658c60-1853-47b4-97b8-188fc02cd80e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:49:14	341.19
-96	12128	1212800	a2a70bef-ca45-4297-857c-f5e78af27a66	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:57:09	-306.69
-96	24256	1212800	a311e38a-7a5c-4dbd-b26e-f2ce25fcbac8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:27:04	169.755
-97	12129	1212900	807d4d9d-3fed-42ef-8a1a-acaf45867bf6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:49:31	260.521
-97	24258	1212900	07d063da-f3db-401b-aa10-a913018e110d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:36:54	-956.534
-98	12130	1213000	b9a20555-562e-48a8-a266-6a9dc3fb9e18	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:00:13	-556.972
-98	24260	1213000	6fb38d51-101f-451f-bd9f-5117103b754c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:02:10	253.287
-99	12131	1213100	cf5af9eb-0c97-4612-ab68-246cb1483d16	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:10:23	75.965
-99	24262	1213100	bbacc667-7c34-4a44-8dee-dda76212f154	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:22:52	-226.972
-100	12132	1213200	a83101c1-8d18-4ff5-9dc8-a9cffb6c269f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:03:37	-358.683
-100	24264	1213200	6a972ea5-8aee-4c57-97d9-97b81e1afba0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:34:32	927.241
-101	12133	1213300	a1954ec1-955e-48b7-9d02-b5e3a51cdc46	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:23:56	-173.120
-101	24266	1213300	8441589f-48ff-4a7b-9799-add3d9a9da88	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:59:21	-197.121
-102	12134	1213400	62eb5706-44b3-4488-a37b-fc4e9f8635a8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:35:34	709.256
-102	24268	1213400	a347c8bc-c130-4913-a69c-a4ae153b1e67	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:54:49	571.828
-103	12135	1213500	49a0be57-dfb3-4d24-98b6-a846f79a0dc6	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:36:49	879.707
-103	24270	1213500	9f56c7ff-ebd8-440c-9420-3721e8729689	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:43:31	-531.430
-104	12136	1213600	9d8e1959-35e6-4aad-8ce1-2a83585bda23	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:29:30	735.731
-104	24272	1213600	20a19926-1967-416a-a414-68c999ddf8f2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:39:32	-434.573
-105	12137	1213700	6b0594e3-5056-42da-a54b-96421fe14892	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:49:17	-446.273
-105	24274	1213700	f1a9b77b-beba-4df9-b2d4-efb6712a0ead	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:29:32	667.879
-106	12138	1213800	0f18871d-038d-4725-b7ae-499508e1cbf7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:17:26	-271.935
-106	24276	1213800	10eb329d-5d50-4a80-8cd5-688c95feeeb1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:55:27	-247.848
-107	12139	1213900	6bd8a1fa-4f21-4161-9e11-1696f3addce1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:23:45	-944.378
-107	24278	1213900	723aff62-4fca-44ec-b5ba-a1c131883823	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:15:30	962.76
-108	12140	1214000	dd8d5923-d04f-41df-a2d5-6b286fe0ff62	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:18:24	-337.508
-108	24280	1214000	3fec6225-2012-4834-a8e7-e07650e5324b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:18:10	629.264
-109	12141	1214100	df984230-bd23-4e5b-b600-ac462888af48	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:33:54	-475.257
-109	24282	1214100	47d611ab-73aa-45e6-8d11-457749aa1647	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:17:34	740.399
-110	12142	1214200	f7d8166a-761d-4f20-a67d-c6f0fcf1c6bf	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:03:26	-733.557
-110	24284	1214200	2e0bb5b7-8cd1-4cd5-bced-a760a2281c84	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:59:56	-424.772
-111	12143	1214300	49d39215-fbc2-4e0a-80d0-42454409c4f4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:18:45	498.757
-111	24286	1214300	59f392d3-d606-495e-8f17-583d0a05fe46	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:48:58	798.46
-112	12144	1214400	7cb0dd5e-204a-4334-b5f0-dbb8bd23de6c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:34:19	242.655
-112	24288	1214400	5b15d5d0-fb72-4462-8df0-1236d0cd5f02	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:02:57	-999.539
-113	12145	1214500	d4a91d07-1a3c-4d45-b7fd-753999234a95	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:14:26	-99.680
-113	24290	1214500	62cd4f17-c5fb-445f-b09f-c6b0a1f35e67	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:37:58	-6.445
-114	12146	1214600	fdfd8c53-ea65-4523-926a-9e51d8c07558	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:48:25	-496.30
-114	24292	1214600	9f01f667-7a78-4686-b8bc-ba877905fb12	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:49:49	591.150
-115	12147	1214700	01be1797-3ecb-4490-a9d1-8eb76bb3ee72	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:05:02	-402.690
-115	24294	1214700	93f13270-28d4-467f-b5ac-80de24ef4076	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:52:37	376.256
-116	12148	1214800	9133f937-1ae1-4c6a-aa7f-038c30b2c873	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:10:17	-686.385
-116	24296	1214800	7e9516e4-22a5-4847-845b-cd4c4c66a7ed	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:21:56	432.837
-117	12149	1214900	9230c712-4e89-47e1-9f05-616ed518b462	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:37:52	519.58
-117	24298	1214900	a5b6e2f2-8bcb-4c4c-924e-110c1e610139	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:54:39	-610.444
-118	12150	1215000	1f966691-60ec-4cb3-bd1b-c4d4bde252ff	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:57:40	250.418
-118	24300	1215000	db6432e0-fc26-402b-b762-131a6d160096	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:10:18	614.873
-119	12151	1215100	4be6ee12-e2e9-4113-a46f-e8bb182dc0c5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:19:10	78.812
-119	24302	1215100	cf63b4d4-12f7-4316-851e-0c30af9789ac	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:47:05	695.581
-120	12152	1215200	8d1b63e6-cdfc-47b1-91dc-e77302a8ba2b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:40:37	379.273
-120	24304	1215200	268ec924-2a5b-47cf-a1b9-330d2380f764	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:11:04	157.257
-121	12153	1215300	8b4cf3d9-0dff-4076-9135-ba8d5fb10754	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:47:31	-401.332
-121	24306	1215300	b17be0c5-2fe2-4ad9-93ca-5c1170ec06b1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:47:35	998.142
-122	12154	1215400	94453c9a-ab83-49de-8e29-3893cc8c9055	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:38:57	305.83
-122	24308	1215400	bdeb841b-597c-4587-ac37-ede8d89b46fe	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:15:04	869.91
-123	12155	1215500	2d749b1f-9bcf-4819-a33e-b16343623e60	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:55:28	416.355
-123	24310	1215500	bef3b008-9682-48ed-8980-6244b602182c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:56:56	-763.534
-124	12156	1215600	7b8c02a2-b0b3-42b0-97ed-e654836ff589	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:31:30	-953.292
-124	24312	1215600	dc0b2e3a-b746-4b52-9d5c-5d0b9eeaf32b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:33:17	-555.49
-125	12157	1215700	2e61e504-ab29-4ee3-afd5-cf267f1e5cc3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:09:25	-434.166
-125	24314	1215700	1642b31e-c590-46bc-9dfa-77d5138c94be	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:33:02	-541.221
-126	12158	1215800	bf758b07-679c-41ad-aa0c-eab1f2f2527c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:13:21	-206.673
-126	24316	1215800	c8a7e407-89cf-467f-a716-495b552f279b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:14:35	54.618
-127	12159	1215900	0c5f04dd-61f3-4d79-8b4d-ff980a1ffc0a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:52:47	-247.909
-127	24318	1215900	ea79665b-397c-469a-afb5-c5fd9b6664e2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:49:28	-670.310
-0	12160	1216000	6ce01e8c-d1f2-4e81-8779-46d2fc0f0206	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:50:22	615.709
-0	24320	1216000	84c88ec1-41a2-4f3f-87c2-2dbc2b798ae7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:27:47	80.981
-1	12161	1216100	8ea9959d-de04-44ab-bc5f-ca73283e7e49	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:31:40	499.603
-1	24322	1216100	7ef74f23-2e3d-4f6f-bcde-ed1f52c0f94e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:09:09	103.724
-2	12162	1216200	1a575820-027c-4b01-aadd-5e8d9885055f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:12:43	666.976
-2	24324	1216200	e7aaf6f9-7ec6-4e89-af89-b427c3150adc	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:41:50	-774.752
-3	12163	1216300	1275dde9-9148-4560-b61a-323b293aa99a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:52:09	190.628
-3	24326	1216300	6fbf519a-c8c5-4063-b1a5-a0b073529aa4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:00:23	-250.740
-4	12164	1216400	3cd3bff2-30fe-4279-b73c-bec15976221a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:37:25	481.595
-4	24328	1216400	506f9eeb-4e62-4123-9d96-789bc6fbe52c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:52:59	-936.284
-5	12165	1216500	20b9c367-bd96-407d-9474-1b12b43750e8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:03:03	588.103
-5	24330	1216500	74d96b08-ea16-41ca-a5ff-37ff8200fa7e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:55:08	-511.141
-6	12166	1216600	66719fc3-2237-445b-8a10-bcd99c3a2812	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:33:57	-762.816
-6	24332	1216600	2da9d659-27a5-4fdb-acf4-0ec13faab6fa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:30:44	-141.852
-7	12167	1216700	641a4a81-10f4-4317-a295-42f8d3d4b8e6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:48:00	458.938
-7	24334	1216700	6bddbf94-2897-4626-864f-041d60abbcb1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:53:18	-126.258
-8	12168	1216800	1247ee00-865b-4f93-b1bb-ebd6f6b4fff4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:37:36	-543.864
-8	24336	1216800	81b18d95-06e1-476b-9fd3-3891167b1906	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:57:19	-253.355
-9	12169	1216900	8351ecb2-e14a-4285-91a5-117cc095d8f6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:24:29	-92.641
-9	24338	1216900	6c292f67-bb46-49f4-9dba-1187f13e8dfc	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:32:01	-456.256
-10	12170	1217000	731203e8-2f3e-4c50-bfe8-b802dd591c90	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:40:16	130.351
-10	24340	1217000	63acf95a-d406-41b6-bd48-930a68cec66e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:17:40	-762.975
-11	12171	1217100	465adb39-cb5b-4680-bf3f-8769971b2831	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:39:46	913.535
-11	24342	1217100	16d0020f-56f8-4588-94f1-fea1c5de6504	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:27:43	-833.710
-12	12172	1217200	9e3a4fc8-d2b0-4b31-8142-80cbb735edb8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:46:30	-292.647
-12	24344	1217200	597448eb-2802-40a4-a818-5f28e90e2b20	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:35:10	392.166
-13	12173	1217300	915cc65a-8891-43b9-ae10-371fd7135d88	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:42:18	9.245
-13	24346	1217300	f82f10f2-f8cf-4358-868b-5c3e633d5e00	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:38:59	501.520
-14	12174	1217400	942444a6-065a-4f6f-a058-22373325c447	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:15:10	96.20
-14	24348	1217400	00f8d164-c9ce-4fb9-8d01-76992a1a3c9c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:58:11	-874.796
-15	12175	1217500	2aeab778-4064-41ea-be00-58df32aae9ec	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:21:01	243.87
-15	24350	1217500	c3a4d0e7-b2f7-4cbc-ac96-09180641188f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:44:13	-659.140
-16	12176	1217600	593f643a-5ce8-42ba-ac6f-8bd77de91a26	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:36:04	582.287
-16	24352	1217600	d5e10504-4d28-4305-8ec2-6546c8b336ee	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:24:18	218.627
-17	12177	1217700	97fd76ec-c83e-4086-a07e-8abb8d20763c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:39:44	-945.659
-17	24354	1217700	35908018-2b2d-4e8b-9c38-cc436de86bb8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:10:46	-664.313
-18	12178	1217800	f721b57b-610f-424e-afba-e9d064208e14	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:26:38	-619.793
-18	24356	1217800	629ac8d4-1fdb-4e78-be21-9a1a12551d7e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:56:34	680.409
-19	12179	1217900	3f64cbc4-ec76-4b6c-b0a2-5da66419c465	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:56:19	339.235
-19	24358	1217900	8962cb44-419e-441d-870f-d38a34b41f6d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:50:50	860.565
-20	12180	1218000	94d58e92-181d-4263-be1e-936dc18c44a2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:08:14	209.207
-20	24360	1218000	f946b5c2-599b-4854-910c-7d725838c9b6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:03:50	-400.374
-21	12181	1218100	fc525ebd-9880-4296-9660-d69361a4f432	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:27:02	390.339
-21	24362	1218100	67aa0b96-266e-4527-9e2d-32014b7df682	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:52:16	887.337
-22	12182	1218200	783f9183-03ca-4279-9988-156b39da49f7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:05:26	723.806
-22	24364	1218200	49a95655-ec47-4726-971f-34dd268ffb0a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:09:20	-614.760
-23	12183	1218300	a2263046-cab2-4ca9-84f3-f89370cdb57d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:39:01	-48.789
-23	24366	1218300	f2d771c7-b271-4d0e-93c9-deec0d847fc1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:12:35	996.734
-24	12184	1218400	580d6cdb-f396-456d-bc4c-fcd13268de79	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:05:00	329.360
-24	24368	1218400	11b3e42c-012f-4109-bc22-0467ed8b3b19	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:38:33	-241.204
-25	12185	1218500	fe2b766f-113b-4b15-9d82-3298e2ace117	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:04:33	-86.751
-25	24370	1218500	786ae6da-256b-4f4d-a6d8-636bb472466a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:17:13	36.538
-26	12186	1218600	382924d4-5ec9-478c-8b9f-bd99378472b8	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:56:03	927.93
-26	24372	1218600	35c04cad-dfd7-45c0-8b43-96c5864ca6bb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:28:33	-108.862
-27	12187	1218700	ef0b7afa-67e4-4e44-9c21-08da9a67eea7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:31:15	343.783
-27	24374	1218700	d23ca281-6757-4c47-872c-56c09c14a670	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:07:19	182.107
-28	12188	1218800	b842686a-ab58-435f-b598-452b8ff9510a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:52:42	883.728
-28	24376	1218800	de28b3a4-a24a-4dc2-937f-14aa51baea31	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:21:21	179.600
-29	12189	1218900	0f8ff7c5-8192-4f82-91f7-f5576fb7193b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:42:43	380.280
-29	24378	1218900	865ffe3d-477d-42fa-8d8c-05f11120d188	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:13:10	-544.451
-30	12190	1219000	69133db6-9237-43fa-b33d-cae4bfdea186	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:49:41	32.109
-30	24380	1219000	b0fe1d33-4c4f-47cb-8407-5426554a0a77	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:01:43	501.624
-31	12191	1219100	7c4346a8-92cf-42e2-8d87-efb1c642e623	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:39:28	-174.714
-31	24382	1219100	46e16fbf-c5b3-4712-b6e7-86f137a29560	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:18:57	541.582
-32	12192	1219200	c9ccb2b5-5e9a-4bc9-9278-2c76cae47c90	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:06:39	127.305
-32	24384	1219200	fb6442ad-9956-408d-987a-8c949c9db559	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:46:34	-724.303
-33	12193	1219300	4b079ac1-f47d-41a5-930e-6c2ef8b299c6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:28:11	807.393
-33	24386	1219300	84fc5caf-682a-4d85-85a5-3254b098c5ef	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:05:10	-469.962
-34	12194	1219400	eb26b321-e15b-4ee6-991d-535897091a6d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:43:36	380.595
-34	24388	1219400	148f5754-457c-45a1-93db-eb96bb238c1c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:43:08	648.452
-35	12195	1219500	af0cf53b-0d20-495f-a437-a29d70fc7731	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:34:03	-252.714
-35	24390	1219500	0c100d0b-8374-4f62-bb92-ad26bef4c1f8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:52:55	302.225
-36	12196	1219600	2fb477fc-2989-4d34-9cfa-c3521a8e5bcb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:32:44	-575.713
-36	24392	1219600	a9d14b02-54f5-48b2-98b9-8b86c49c3fd8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:22:42	-93.569
-37	12197	1219700	b78e9812-ca81-4396-b702-0240eb5d5cd2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:05:04	654.123
-37	24394	1219700	da1101ab-3773-4d26-afd8-d209bb9da2f7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:11:28	-252.868
-38	12198	1219800	b7da2216-430b-421f-9ba5-29f249f644d5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:03:34	-243.863
-38	24396	1219800	ebf5db51-f9b7-4ceb-bc2f-328c6ebfdc8b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:50:10	-159.782
-39	12199	1219900	2a1610c4-788d-41aa-856e-dbe96eafdbad	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:57:20	-675.432
-39	24398	1219900	d39d6570-c4ea-4041-aaad-793e426d291e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:48:43	-300.7
-40	12200	1220000	e69c9dfe-6c07-4ae2-a625-6a2f92bdae19	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:09:50	-335.491
-40	24400	1220000	6df72d27-ffeb-4764-ad04-e54107e5f555	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:45:16	-944.553
-41	12201	1220100	0093b18a-846f-48ef-be91-1d5b7dd9888b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:12:15	776.340
-41	24402	1220100	c22495d5-6924-4972-b303-0d3d7adc517a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:47:22	529.742
-42	12202	1220200	be1e162c-c00a-4769-aeb4-a1d877daf4ec	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:18:59	229.216
-42	24404	1220200	5b47f70b-d256-401f-86a9-7946f869320b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:36:59	-808.392
-43	12203	1220300	55680dfb-486a-427d-ac54-ad5df4d8a4b0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:27:42	607.818
-43	24406	1220300	0dce1667-d977-4d93-be64-acbe8985361e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:35:07	630.42
-44	12204	1220400	cedc9f94-40b7-4c4a-a891-b81879c8ec99	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:01:26	-59.278
-44	24408	1220400	2e3cf9d7-af5c-4daf-afb1-fe8c59cb9506	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:21:40	-269.144
-45	12205	1220500	cb9860cf-6ad0-4daa-8c68-15b71b9a6db3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:41:09	561.586
-45	24410	1220500	b400c41c-c380-4a3f-9d1c-7862ca8d2e5e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:27:10	-237.513
-46	12206	1220600	15b2a83d-7a20-4125-8079-50c35c220a0c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:37:20	-595.469
-46	24412	1220600	0cbcf217-77b7-4f0c-a9e6-5f10cc395cea	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:21:28	-170.872
-47	12207	1220700	5bda6988-b9bd-4c7f-a8dd-e1b5cd4461ef	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:18:07	-216.235
-47	24414	1220700	5d3638f4-3d47-4169-b32a-2425e1dc9f93	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:30:28	-68.818
-48	12208	1220800	4a768ade-700c-4177-a2b5-da5c2209a9fc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:20:33	-132.242
-48	24416	1220800	80ede4fe-f533-42f9-acd3-46eb559ff577	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:38:12	184.482
-49	12209	1220900	5335396d-50f3-439d-bd82-f121404eee18	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:35:28	421.513
-49	24418	1220900	ace9ad68-67ea-4d2c-885b-83dc125cf7c8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:03:00	-706.465
-50	12210	1221000	c5522904-dd86-4676-bb13-8f2d5e33dc64	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:36:48	107.851
-50	24420	1221000	c8eef74d-ac13-4c04-914d-13c76e4cddf9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:42:38	-660.313
-51	12211	1221100	37fda5f1-5944-4dc8-9124-6b55051f2a21	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:49:27	-121.542
-51	24422	1221100	aafa00f3-a711-41fc-aa7b-091b96b06b91	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:33:33	-254.119
-52	12212	1221200	36157b14-0ac7-4eaa-9d1e-5e331dfb53d7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:22:25	-102.31
-52	24424	1221200	d24823bd-8a33-429b-9fc5-ab6a50ae3817	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:50:23	-220.744
-53	12213	1221300	c6fd5ffd-761e-4200-a86e-81e4e264d8e4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:15:53	-592.160
-53	24426	1221300	dfb195aa-c6a5-47e7-93e2-b96c83a62cd8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:48:10	576.767
-54	12214	1221400	8a94ced3-ffcf-46dc-bc29-df0c2fa9d764	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:35:50	798.738
-54	24428	1221400	0e558ae9-c90b-4458-9fe8-cf1751fcf6f6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:30:21	-710.656
-55	12215	1221500	07fdfc6a-ccd7-4a89-b8fd-74b255601dfb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:13:47	-347.199
-55	24430	1221500	5ae7b16a-f628-4ed5-aeef-20d82b765828	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:04:36	95.450
-56	12216	1221600	e3732b61-250c-4338-bd19-3e025f99b2c7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:35:17	-535.21
-56	24432	1221600	dd72c0ae-0627-4ac8-bd9a-4ad8e6496d05	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:27:18	-778.239
-57	12217	1221700	869a9c8d-12c2-400c-a11b-0f16a2710fdb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:37:35	319.834
-57	24434	1221700	fd65f6cf-8a17-4801-bd0a-4553ec380d55	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:47:12	523.284
-58	12218	1221800	c84e3e11-482d-41dc-8b40-8b535fc2c1d1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:08:19	589.371
-58	24436	1221800	5908d6d0-93ec-444c-a9b7-b58b8430125f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:41:35	-374.121
-59	12219	1221900	62ecbfd4-f060-4c91-ac3e-fa652c2ebf36	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:12:09	-591.46
-59	24438	1221900	6ac8baa0-150d-42f0-852c-fab93b938b7a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:58:37	-133.262
-60	12220	1222000	fa79aca0-7177-4143-bc8b-cc5074acd36b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:08:36	-862.997
-60	24440	1222000	6382597e-74ce-4a97-ab95-6ff10e3df380	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:24:09	857.328
-61	12221	1222100	cde9f19c-f304-4dda-a7e5-5221acc508cd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:18:59	-292.545
-61	24442	1222100	a888be43-8bb8-4ca9-9a37-4b09e25bb2b1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:45:35	515.102
-62	12222	1222200	3eec095e-3189-4ead-b3b9-6887a693b1b7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:32:10	876.994
-62	24444	1222200	cb80543d-148e-4de8-a0c1-aceb903936c1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:30:58	523.259
-63	12223	1222300	4d894e4a-17bb-40d5-ba67-8d03ae5a21bc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:05:21	-426.652
-63	24446	1222300	d3ff5a02-1c58-4888-8e59-8e991185d3ee	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:44:40	-627.835
-64	12224	1222400	67b369f3-ef4d-49d3-949f-cd567f4a43c7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:23:51	972.847
-64	24448	1222400	14c9dcce-5cf6-4f21-9030-91e288eaf867	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:16:10	648.91
-65	12225	1222500	a008e30b-ef00-4673-bd1b-69d3358d4f56	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:34:12	-545.682
-65	24450	1222500	8bc2fe76-119c-487c-9a61-a00eb7eb87e5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:18:00	934.84
-66	12226	1222600	df520cee-25bd-4e10-ad1f-c89b2fb3e922	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:36:19	-955.428
-66	24452	1222600	c6a6ff1c-0019-4fe6-bcfb-e9b53c685145	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:14:16	669.374
-67	12227	1222700	2d331cd6-24ae-4e40-a83f-cdd4f2f0a4cf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:32:55	296.965
-67	24454	1222700	8dfae368-3f7d-4eef-aae7-fd52da38dfb1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:17:04	-529.867
-68	12228	1222800	b9c9ad36-10f8-4813-aad0-164615cc0d48	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:11:18	392.556
-68	24456	1222800	bd5f5528-ad48-4e52-81ba-62967af226a3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:50:08	200.265
-69	12229	1222900	546d587e-c3cf-4564-ada5-c91ee201aa9d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:33:33	-767.187
-69	24458	1222900	84584b03-0f3b-4838-82c2-894e652af799	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:24:51	-766.968
-70	12230	1223000	00bec6df-1af5-44f9-b36f-bb955e770fae	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:32:25	-380.786
-70	24460	1223000	8c9fcfe9-66d6-406e-babd-67fc93105c1c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:23:30	-380.637
-71	12231	1223100	619d79c8-e5fb-4310-ba45-85b4dbc028d9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:12:29	-796.404
-71	24462	1223100	9ef6c77d-0820-47e1-99c7-99b852abe34e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:10:07	-222.663
-72	12232	1223200	5a450b7a-c1fd-4e9a-ba8c-47b2867e8550	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:09:32	10.558
-72	24464	1223200	7093f2a3-cae0-4851-8086-d004f431e5e9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:23:17	-177.184
-73	12233	1223300	34cbdfcd-ea89-46a6-9b1e-0e808580372f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:30:00	63.971
-73	24466	1223300	18656250-29cb-4e92-b307-ece3070800b1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:44:34	-961.974
-74	12234	1223400	4b338cb5-1770-4529-be64-b26c9741e2a3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:06:58	-435.126
-74	24468	1223400	1330d69a-4a40-48f9-8e90-5658f4101949	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:15:09	-395.426
-75	12235	1223500	0dfe3ab3-1871-453b-93c0-72b3db4277aa	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:43:35	-214.775
-75	24470	1223500	4ba8a5df-f024-4b1a-bd71-6fe60f7e9dc0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:21:32	-623.920
-76	12236	1223600	2fdb6000-2400-40a5-bad9-62cb287d2d6f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:13:12	-336.750
-76	24472	1223600	ff8ec87a-0917-4b82-b445-7ee9db8c6628	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:47:10	232.71
-77	12237	1223700	2c2e6026-77af-473e-b836-3e2da1fde60a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:06:22	-721.954
-77	24474	1223700	a2977dfe-5c03-40c8-9f98-0e98ecf237b1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:25:31	736.140
-78	12238	1223800	e60d226e-7a79-43ad-a762-ab979d387c63	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:39:49	135.321
-78	24476	1223800	8d46f0ec-6c5d-4890-974e-88b973e01928	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:47:08	537.705
-79	12239	1223900	22318c9e-d886-4e8b-8553-4352ab2ac612	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:19:00	96.785
-79	24478	1223900	eab47bb7-c8a0-4dea-981a-95b4c73a91bd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:06:52	-316.46
-80	12240	1224000	4520caa9-a69f-4fef-8243-b8e3c4e4b25b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:15:25	-265.834
-80	24480	1224000	d11c4ccf-51d6-4680-9cb2-d87c57996f80	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:48:32	125.344
-81	12241	1224100	c6b5ec7c-6e3c-4d06-b737-332b7ba8eb8b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:13:43	81.753
-81	24482	1224100	2689b956-1cc5-460d-a018-622e1fab57d5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:48:19	-709.576
-82	12242	1224200	37b33047-ad34-4190-8554-f55dbb9a42f8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:15:47	-864.134
-82	24484	1224200	cf91dd94-ded4-4a15-87dd-764997442d55	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:37:49	-228.591
-83	12243	1224300	c2c078fb-feb2-47d7-ad61-b13337559339	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:12:31	58.848
-83	24486	1224300	faf06452-6788-4370-9ef9-c43cbf15a156	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:14:43	-849.541
-84	12244	1224400	93ed4725-3cb9-4b7b-99e0-3f182a026928	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:08:38	-368.409
-84	24488	1224400	d0f89ee0-f1e6-46b5-b45e-59ff883734a9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:41:42	765.783
-85	12245	1224500	c644bea7-b79f-493c-aa28-7785de65cfa6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:26:36	181.582
-85	24490	1224500	e6bd0ba6-f5e6-4f8b-bc20-a9ae9e3ebe80	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:19:00	2.909
-86	12246	1224600	9427c0ce-e7ec-4f53-977b-6b5f701758f3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:22:07	-47.6
-86	24492	1224600	5170e3e3-614d-473b-b1da-bf7f43096600	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:38:20	-821.1
-87	12247	1224700	3a366067-7646-4d61-a059-4b2c377cb7ac	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:13:10	-10.770
-87	24494	1224700	7a3880c5-3620-42d2-80b2-a0f4fabc3a49	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:39:07	156.296
-88	12248	1224800	858ad4d2-0452-4de0-a180-3a823916b4ac	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:41:51	-306.156
-88	24496	1224800	c934c924-fcb5-4c6d-bfd9-5e7dcf57b6d8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:52:35	216.754
-89	12249	1224900	0e6f6a57-2325-4983-afc5-6285e938207d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:28:02	-612.434
-89	24498	1224900	8f8858f6-0b32-4ed9-8a94-acf5fce139f4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:29:03	601.41
-90	12250	1225000	bb2350a5-efc4-4b3e-bc1e-f3f307754df9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:53:18	513.668
-90	24500	1225000	6e5d59a8-9adc-46cf-be13-fc7563dc7aed	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:32:33	228.265
-91	12251	1225100	603ca17c-fe16-405b-9c8f-ca90e28b2693	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:28:58	-135.447
-91	24502	1225100	44fc9b52-f3c5-490a-a76c-544b0976799a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:53:56	-46.222
-92	12252	1225200	a47fdc2b-8bc4-4c6a-8b92-9ee7f6a16dc2	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:06:32	-494.694
-92	24504	1225200	6d457be3-8f7b-4aee-913e-0c605e121068	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:07:31	-252.687
-93	12253	1225300	449b9010-24eb-44bb-b389-240a619eea77	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:54:01	-502.88
-93	24506	1225300	8ab34f53-28d7-481b-8993-73371a72b492	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:11:10	773.78
-94	12254	1225400	697bea58-cbb2-4795-8c9b-3f1cb3e1ef27	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:45:26	437.740
-94	24508	1225400	1903c9d4-700d-4392-b79e-f8f62da626fe	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:16:43	-94.731
-95	12255	1225500	ba6daad6-5c03-4a14-a855-8337017fef1e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:58:24	-417.473
-95	24510	1225500	e1810293-c3a5-479c-8632-024e98341cff	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:08:52	-469.223
-96	12256	1225600	3b8a879b-45bd-477e-87d9-200b90b8314d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:23:28	158.346
-96	24512	1225600	2704450c-3b60-4a48-873e-be9f69394044	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:58:41	502.469
-97	12257	1225700	6e72a58f-4d52-472d-9c20-e34dc48ae0df	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:02:39	378.578
-97	24514	1225700	0cecc738-1786-4b82-8ecc-de2076e7c05b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:09:59	-780.183
-98	12258	1225800	2db581b0-f7c4-4b42-92fc-c01872df9645	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:24:48	974.766
-98	24516	1225800	b2a8f1da-e631-40c2-a4ce-62fc5f564d8e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:25:50	-374.22
-99	12259	1225900	7e7e308e-ec85-40db-8967-102ec0d26520	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:39:58	35.489
-99	24518	1225900	3f07b72e-15b2-429d-a7cb-126447a68489	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:15:05	447.100
-100	12260	1226000	de9e52bb-3fa7-4417-a1a6-cd275770661a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:42:37	15.782
-100	24520	1226000	7082995a-ae5c-438e-a243-0f488afc8cfd	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:59:41	383.896
-101	12261	1226100	52a17024-3482-40d3-bd26-10457f2551f5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:07:23	-788.188
-101	24522	1226100	dabea079-ee74-471d-b996-1318af8ea793	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:02:13	-202.388
-102	12262	1226200	7f06d8d1-84db-4a00-9b92-c325ce0c36f1	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:47:02	943.332
-102	24524	1226200	a437051d-907f-4d13-84e7-dfd564e7361f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:33:45	-322.520
-103	12263	1226300	2b681c08-478c-4e8d-b994-bb3d548394d3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:55:51	-597.7
-103	24526	1226300	0142b59d-f57a-4324-9d89-65cac9cf4e4c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:09:18	423.314
-104	12264	1226400	b4745d74-44d2-4d68-ab3a-8726d3110f5d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:48:58	-455.511
-104	24528	1226400	962af920-61ff-4d24-92de-c1cb403de171	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:08:40	79.55
-105	12265	1226500	d46cae42-9983-4033-b394-29336a476c18	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:33:32	-853.649
-105	24530	1226500	732a7e02-02c3-4014-b581-4a7eff44dcc4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:27:54	-398.422
-106	12266	1226600	7a6fc08c-9139-4802-b3c5-cdd1e8520cac	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:36:11	-812.167
-106	24532	1226600	56cd473f-36da-4a1d-95b8-444a459bd8ac	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:44:30	-749.289
-107	12267	1226700	b4a3cccf-6362-4a45-afb9-99792f1075dc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:05:25	181.325
-107	24534	1226700	165b1a39-18e4-4cea-a945-9625c027fb00	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:24:09	-564.171
-108	12268	1226800	665b8abb-e745-4b75-8966-d616b19d1c33	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:59:14	-302.172
-108	24536	1226800	e2ee1569-9b1b-4fc1-b91b-968569c6b30e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:21:29	-939.332
-109	12269	1226900	b1fa3b7e-6318-4d25-8eaa-5e43485ba080	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:49:01	-312.536
-109	24538	1226900	98af146b-9387-4a7a-a11c-1eab97762b87	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:19:16	659.502
-110	12270	1227000	8e99e459-1f54-4cdb-b103-cf6107732b54	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:10:36	347.686
-110	24540	1227000	0926d431-57a5-4e9a-a40b-3989b8424d47	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:22:28	-856.810
-111	12271	1227100	29f5ab9d-367a-4608-841e-4f1386f08801	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:16:49	-769.645
-111	24542	1227100	555cc354-3a35-4c33-b21d-667afda5346f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:37:42	775.600
-112	12272	1227200	81f957cd-8aee-46aa-afb1-f2ac691bba26	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:27:12	526.235
-112	24544	1227200	d7cf3ead-4118-4b39-986a-d729227af2c4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:21:54	-766.636
-113	12273	1227300	4e3b1261-54a1-42a6-a25e-823455051778	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:19:24	801.474
-113	24546	1227300	1cb348a4-991b-4c5a-b7fe-d10bbbebd61b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:40:23	-550.357
-114	12274	1227400	ee890691-bb1a-4de9-8161-4318d3686f9f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:01:36	-303.281
-114	24548	1227400	9729f767-5a8c-4ceb-abdd-2a1f83f21ad0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:08:12	304.524
-115	12275	1227500	b2702a17-ae62-4b44-bae3-9f3dfd6d6ad8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:47:30	-942.322
-115	24550	1227500	55376ac0-e242-485e-bef9-669f8713bd76	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:33:26	-759.291
-116	12276	1227600	e3d31a4b-637a-4b3f-a947-6214bcf67765	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:52:07	166.413
-116	24552	1227600	26788e83-9423-4735-accd-eaf0795f75d4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:32:35	-515.7
-117	12277	1227700	cfa187a6-baf9-4c90-b75f-c8ad34593db0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:57:37	-929.594
-117	24554	1227700	f91b8f41-abc7-4d62-8950-8d463f1a9e2c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:19:32	962.944
-118	12278	1227800	d3b07dc5-8814-45e7-8333-701390b2d28c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:43:13	387.725
-118	24556	1227800	2c631a46-0a9d-453d-8e8d-5a8e7e571835	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:40:36	508.445
-119	12279	1227900	56dbafd9-9ee4-40f5-9c3f-1776bd9dd55a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:06:25	-791.16
-119	24558	1227900	9a0e55f3-0f2c-48bb-bac7-273207ffcf5a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:26:44	-121.772
-120	12280	1228000	763a6d5b-8075-493d-adbd-f65f99265278	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:18:07	-2.127
-120	24560	1228000	f2cf8e57-b316-43eb-a088-8235bde8e49d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:36:39	-574.575
-121	12281	1228100	54af9aa0-2ca1-4e97-a52f-9bec92d10c12	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:43:04	901.301
-121	24562	1228100	296b7c13-e1b8-45f7-8a30-a6451f10fe9a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:22:33	-323.117
-122	12282	1228200	3f9df2eb-a3ae-4a2b-9f6c-3bfa926c19c9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:11:26	-658.648
-122	24564	1228200	5d2469c0-5fd6-4073-9185-0158ab9a2b39	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:29:57	-764.43
-123	12283	1228300	51a23a20-35c6-4781-8f85-6de584146edb	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:55:19	788.143
-123	24566	1228300	f1116316-b412-4dcc-afa8-3a45cee994bb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:26:48	-903.426
-124	12284	1228400	e596aee1-72e0-4685-99e8-7e2536481ea8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:03:04	508.207
-124	24568	1228400	4fda7cf6-45e6-4e80-88e3-5d60e60c2081	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:44:50	97.774
-125	12285	1228500	f832694d-0c02-4b06-9412-1365af05bb49	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:48:44	640.5
-125	24570	1228500	128c8137-d09e-4ed0-95b1-a967485b6392	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:20:46	753.791
-126	12286	1228600	aaee28d9-d7c1-42f7-bf8c-fee72c45578d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:35:21	58.82
-126	24572	1228600	49513646-bb27-46bb-8cf3-bff31908a1d7	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:24:02	-488.49
-127	12287	1228700	522fd86d-e276-4e24-817f-2bc3a7230328	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:30:03	572.693
-127	24574	1228700	ab45590b-f6e2-43df-845e-1b162b115c79	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:57:47	-272.233
-0	12288	1228800	93ed50c7-10d4-4034-afbc-6307244640ca	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:31:15	390.96
-0	24576	1228800	52eda9ee-6c1c-4af5-9d06-a6511534ded9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:52:31	-613.586
-1	12289	1228900	ee9be113-2849-46dd-8742-b8fd3d2dab58	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:46:13	928.748
-1	24578	1228900	579141c2-83bc-4418-a6ea-9afd9c647ed8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:56:43	322.459
-2	12290	1229000	080e1f1c-c55f-4b20-9174-ebbba284b9bc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:28:37	978.584
-2	24580	1229000	b2bbd37c-79b3-4ada-a04d-c8363b7d8acb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:45:26	-495.804
-3	12291	1229100	dfaeec46-23df-430d-a23f-e9b127a995e2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:50:49	-535.785
-3	24582	1229100	25706b32-5d7f-467d-b6bd-efb3718ddbda	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:45:04	166.575
-4	12292	1229200	4c00a436-2b30-4f0c-8b76-6dc04ef5f14f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:48:42	-706.871
-4	24584	1229200	5f1ed7a4-4f27-4abf-9217-dfba3557d000	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:12:18	228.511
-5	12293	1229300	d678dddb-1346-4882-bf47-9cacecc8548c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:03:16	-854.176
-5	24586	1229300	9f2243af-855a-4222-9e09-5b2df5ce0bea	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:22:35	-861.29
-6	12294	1229400	0a9ff3e5-e0f8-48a0-a8e3-098a4c31ac23	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:52:14	476.889
-6	24588	1229400	f065daa5-a5d2-427b-b03e-8a60f7bf3b84	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:55:02	888.17
-7	12295	1229500	1c645bb8-cc83-4012-a056-58bc37baf3ea	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:02:29	-85.105
-7	24590	1229500	957b9358-a3dc-420e-a117-97c28aca04c3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:23:24	745.41
-8	12296	1229600	668c2192-7eca-4383-a180-dceead60f32f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:18:19	-323.80
-8	24592	1229600	3ab0fa2e-d6ca-4bc3-a04d-d7c9c4fb7be9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:32:06	-822.578
-9	12297	1229700	98cb1472-4cc3-4819-a3cc-fc8bfad1ba17	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:07:30	-882.25
-9	24594	1229700	816270d5-7ef5-4f4e-aab5-5ff4bdc744e9	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:40:37	691.872
-10	12298	1229800	18bf630d-90c4-4614-8764-d0fd16544fc5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:55:58	830.128
-10	24596	1229800	2b00c630-b3cd-4702-955c-a30153f938d0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:16:11	-346.358
-11	12299	1229900	309eff47-fe09-4bc0-8243-a253d270fe12	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:28:35	-354.890
-11	24598	1229900	4c566846-3501-4b00-8163-e0926df879fe	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:16:05	379.167
-12	12300	1230000	5f3d09e8-d636-4f9f-a75e-6042842b70a9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:12:21	966.570
-12	24600	1230000	898773dd-5286-4bae-b932-7cebf3dee544	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:06:24	211.303
-13	12301	1230100	af41a3c9-d28e-4115-b2a3-0156ceaaef02	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:38:27	841.822
-13	24602	1230100	a9a772e5-daa4-4544-bf90-8ca56940d96e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:13:49	-384.525
-14	12302	1230200	37971e9b-1858-4f06-87dd-f0164adf608e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:51:20	-556.13
-14	24604	1230200	45d15b11-1828-4e88-adae-c53bf744483b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:29:06	-550.959
-15	12303	1230300	87ed3ad7-7183-4cb5-89ef-85c0883fcd38	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:58:15	-342.853
-15	24606	1230300	967d4310-9000-4849-b176-89ab39d75ccc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:10:31	-382.952
-16	12304	1230400	53816083-e314-45a7-9b4d-16ad2e2c55dd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:04:40	860.621
-16	24608	1230400	d6080a67-c78f-44bf-91be-34eb17ed100a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:44:57	-988.265
-17	12305	1230500	9f0c69a2-d14c-488a-925e-a942d61d5cc7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:00:31	-50.34
-17	24610	1230500	ce3b37e9-1cf6-4f3f-b9fe-fc05adcb8d9d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:48:19	-311.232
-18	12306	1230600	41873e36-bec5-4332-92a1-46afe26dc262	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:58:04	144.135
-18	24612	1230600	0782c33b-510c-4c0e-8252-294cdf3e2f57	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:35:58	-921.240
-19	12307	1230700	a633becc-9637-4c30-b7db-741e5e207709	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:02:07	-325.506
-19	24614	1230700	3aeea9b2-6f0c-4e37-abf6-a2724f4fd815	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:05:57	462.52
-20	12308	1230800	c2c165b2-63be-458a-8d06-0c2ab101d724	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:13:50	-963.436
-20	24616	1230800	694c0fec-6768-4103-86e0-fe8e49fdd118	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:10:23	418.857
-21	12309	1230900	ef3e0174-83d8-4f4e-a988-adac99f34073	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:41:23	-353.838
-21	24618	1230900	0203e44c-417d-47fc-9355-09b9e1a1fafb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:40:49	682.557
-22	12310	1231000	ed7879f2-3779-4127-902e-163a93d2be80	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:43:19	-68.611
-22	24620	1231000	a059d721-acf7-412b-b23e-ccb66126c6af	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:21:17	822.87
-23	12311	1231100	52a582c9-6c55-4bd0-991f-e0112290da55	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:57:42	138.120
-23	24622	1231100	2a82d3e3-31c3-4d99-b671-5bf88c911d11	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:25:33	736.777
-24	12312	1231200	30d6dbe6-5f36-4c2f-9624-97ccd20bb032	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:04:04	497.336
-24	24624	1231200	7aaebac9-35f1-4e2a-b4e5-dc83e9206969	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:52:11	-779.474
-25	12313	1231300	dc8999cc-4b66-43a7-a291-a288eea36574	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:41:44	-643.718
-25	24626	1231300	bc8d19eb-7d29-4073-a731-f0a5761645a5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:39:12	496.394
-26	12314	1231400	baad2a30-8c19-4323-9edc-ece696d5b701	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:03:32	601.307
-26	24628	1231400	c4da0750-9241-4ad5-b338-b9b833fb1427	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:02:23	-865.643
-27	12315	1231500	8fae1c06-6742-4732-9f34-e5cd44704b5f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:18:21	-839.312
-27	24630	1231500	91587c78-4726-4525-8bf4-4dad7375ba40	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:48:55	82.298
-28	12316	1231600	6acfd1f7-dd3e-411e-bc74-69684b0d7b23	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:25:42	-176.182
-28	24632	1231600	8bf1f512-dbed-4cbc-895f-1af914319574	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:33:57	-397.915
-29	12317	1231700	e57be265-0775-4a32-bc4c-443bd8a5aeba	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:16:50	-529.474
-29	24634	1231700	305a3b41-da28-4a82-9af6-420a558549a9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:16:41	919.752
-30	12318	1231800	40fe448a-c0e3-4ebe-9390-5b5531d79b5f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:54:19	993.631
-30	24636	1231800	8f5edb79-4cb5-45fa-a796-ef708c950b28	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:12:53	-362.314
-31	12319	1231900	941e87ca-aa99-49b6-8dc0-4bcd184e454f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:28:43	-493.453
-31	24638	1231900	88b91e6d-da26-4a8e-8860-a7cc02a7975f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:32:01	-599.526
-32	12320	1232000	cf9294cc-e593-479b-b2d0-fc277666e44a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:47:49	-100.491
-32	24640	1232000	6f5f8333-b40c-4c4a-86d8-d9c29da94866	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:46:24	157.304
-33	12321	1232100	5ea0f5aa-39a6-40ff-b602-b36137927331	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:28:08	-21.724
-33	24642	1232100	0d2053dd-93d9-4f00-b9a7-adf44834dc83	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:09:32	406.550
-34	12322	1232200	c19020fe-43d6-4285-b6c2-fab5967261ae	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:30:23	699.653
-34	24644	1232200	80af8794-18a7-45e3-a09d-e7f03c157268	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:34:28	-622.249
-35	12323	1232300	59264b81-fc59-45a2-8ed6-ec73729ac519	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:14:32	44.949
-35	24646	1232300	0f5fa0f6-2bb8-4d97-bebd-5be4a1b02fa0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:32:09	-310.238
-36	12324	1232400	299e42ac-b90d-4118-a14d-ceed16a24598	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:08:07	-402.470
-36	24648	1232400	bb497180-10df-4661-a060-43ab57a9d0fe	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:57:54	-118.648
-37	12325	1232500	3f0c0f72-73ed-4848-8fb0-c2c61a8d36d9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:39:48	-584.839
-37	24650	1232500	26125ea5-5acd-4723-9ca3-d9778034dc6e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:29:24	-687.323
-38	12326	1232600	f513d35e-1811-4c4f-9281-078919c54ae5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:27:39	692.395
-38	24652	1232600	302db87b-1fb3-4b5e-ae9a-4c910428722e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:31:40	-122.557
-39	12327	1232700	1d99ec52-a70e-4941-9160-495208fc22fc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:18:42	-73.177
-39	24654	1232700	cd521845-8cfa-4a07-881b-9373c4b5e2a6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:04:42	935.471
-40	12328	1232800	c1c13e9f-9091-4644-b8e0-0eb46ce03b59	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:35:32	-534.716
-40	24656	1232800	f996fc53-55a8-4d7e-92f0-98da9d42934d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:35:01	-172.318
-41	12329	1232900	7cc73673-e6cd-4bb7-80d6-3f4796b698d7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:57:15	540.573
-41	24658	1232900	9408ff3e-00b5-493f-bd21-f83a9fde8fb5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:18:42	703.54
-42	12330	1233000	a580bc16-ba70-41c5-a1f1-0125dd5b368b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:16:15	-394.178
-42	24660	1233000	bb16e843-8d10-49c5-b08a-31e4910523e7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:06:13	-289.843
-43	12331	1233100	48d6f570-4ce2-4940-b226-ebc8a1fa5a9e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:58:48	199.397
-43	24662	1233100	b7191a78-712c-4d95-992b-bf0d5abe7f5d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:21:30	-18.35
-44	12332	1233200	4e72666c-fff2-4162-973d-144e1608b0d7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:23:11	429.230
-44	24664	1233200	7ef54c89-91d8-44aa-9ed6-585b44948033	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:25:26	664.576
-45	12333	1233300	9aa9a032-64a0-4278-87ca-118a97f655f2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:48:32	609.734
-45	24666	1233300	5b4e06e9-cf6a-4105-ae6c-f9c635156748	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:31:54	483.444
-46	12334	1233400	393623bd-4d70-42ed-b745-5c13973cc27b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:36:14	-937.982
-46	24668	1233400	670481a4-6a9f-4ff8-ae11-e2f88501f39a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:03:56	-470.363
-47	12335	1233500	227fcb32-668b-438e-867a-d208985c6073	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:05:43	164.836
-47	24670	1233500	9c1f7a0e-fd56-43d4-80de-f67e09533c7f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:44:00	-675.613
-48	12336	1233600	55fcdfcf-6a3b-4426-a5be-3ec252088723	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:46:21	-805.947
-48	24672	1233600	99f6e25e-8776-4ef8-a4c0-81a718545c24	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:47:54	-820.44
-49	12337	1233700	d06fd033-e20e-4e23-9c9d-b60b4b42a227	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:48:01	-943.292
-49	24674	1233700	7abb1906-1631-4813-b238-5274a31abf3f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:36:56	813.754
-50	12338	1233800	4c61451b-9b6f-4922-bb05-b23daa9be80f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:19:00	-312.384
-50	24676	1233800	69522f17-a3ec-4b4b-8b68-da19be9c4d07	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:08:43	-461.361
-51	12339	1233900	3cd0eef3-53a1-4e45-a974-9f68eee3d660	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:29:51	511.784
-51	24678	1233900	b7424025-12db-48a9-bc45-264969da798b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:29:29	-22.556
-52	12340	1234000	3c19fce0-88ff-4992-9a3f-5e84a84e21d2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:01:03	-801.869
-52	24680	1234000	ea8c884b-b19f-4b4d-9df2-abc8daa1a8cd	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:25:25	137.448
-53	12341	1234100	7d03078a-09db-406e-aafa-6b80aebdc9cc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:03:10	361.752
-53	24682	1234100	0e4257ac-ce5a-4cd2-9a9c-62f87a748428	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:22:16	-594.870
-54	12342	1234200	b04ab991-bf62-4477-b47d-ffc960cd484a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:13:48	-232.424
-54	24684	1234200	dae9f6fe-8a1e-411b-b93b-58cf899d3fed	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:00:27	-85.569
-55	12343	1234300	2e103a0d-4e19-43d7-9c33-7edda0baa062	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:46:27	-967.359
-55	24686	1234300	cc659ae8-d796-4119-9867-a227db58dcc5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:31:43	528.167
-56	12344	1234400	6c8594fe-31c0-4070-b315-c2316f0e59a7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:20:31	-70.118
-56	24688	1234400	e2bf99b8-c6c4-41ec-9bad-781d1986c738	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:51:33	291.294
-57	12345	1234500	7ed3b0e2-4625-4719-886c-d530a0c48763	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:31:28	-273.34
-57	24690	1234500	72e8adb0-567d-4a90-bd9a-a38b170d99ed	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:13:11	-187.163
-58	12346	1234600	e24c9703-4444-4df0-9ae1-56f4c2adf952	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:23:18	860.36
-58	24692	1234600	5b2c2a91-d20c-4a64-87b4-88c7e58b1479	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:40:03	-806.702
-59	12347	1234700	6095ea63-6489-4dff-be6a-86591d62cb42	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:00:11	-819.750
-59	24694	1234700	bec58004-e326-4413-bd2b-39d917ce9756	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:36:18	988.133
-60	12348	1234800	22df56fa-55c2-4bb6-8078-7e6c56e1f2ac	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:39:52	460.251
-60	24696	1234800	c64c136c-0c9f-4057-b47e-dc9e2e9f6275	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:41:35	53.240
-61	12349	1234900	5ca70c73-7f9d-44ef-9564-19a52e97d853	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:25:35	-592.133
-61	24698	1234900	01f54f95-fe3f-4dfb-bd7c-3b0a9e3a7726	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:07:55	966.590
-62	12350	1235000	833c13fe-686c-42ec-a927-920490f27ff8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:02:58	-880.910
-62	24700	1235000	e8139b94-a45c-4e8a-8e99-8a6a548fd9b2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:14:22	408.830
-63	12351	1235100	42c4582d-73b2-454b-bb82-33c7cde93d6e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:48:48	-13.804
-63	24702	1235100	6b36ce11-046f-47f7-abeb-8a87ca72c285	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:54:01	557.414
-64	12352	1235200	a6fb7603-28eb-4bb8-8f5f-07710b61587a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:02:06	518.462
-64	24704	1235200	009c68ac-1a13-4bcb-9612-2372869ec0c1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:57:20	-435.900
-65	12353	1235300	7ac8153f-7441-4117-bef2-96440344e01b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:06:37	640.665
-65	24706	1235300	0169ff05-9011-49ad-becf-df688a84bb5f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:30:22	-861.623
-66	12354	1235400	be911a9e-f672-44a4-8049-bf0bcd503fb8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:17:36	286.693
-66	24708	1235400	a0fe26d7-d1a6-433a-87bc-900c16f346d0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:57:13	195.672
-67	12355	1235500	579469bf-d08c-4c37-b7df-d426e8df0bb3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:56:55	588.534
-67	24710	1235500	74af1fdc-dbae-4ece-bfdc-4f96829386bc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:57:14	-368.165
-68	12356	1235600	0f64d1d7-373b-4427-b67d-96e8e668f384	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:59:47	-11.535
-68	24712	1235600	df987735-4155-491b-98b6-ffedd63f74bb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:44:19	51.357
-69	12357	1235700	724b0250-6bb3-4707-9bb6-1433de8d0c14	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:26:01	520.65
-69	24714	1235700	5238dcec-c987-49bd-bb08-3b09a8cdf260	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:35:25	914.8
-70	12358	1235800	37a8bc9a-1727-46e9-b085-bad653c7bae8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:26:40	-878.787
-70	24716	1235800	af78fd17-6cca-4e37-b814-462abdbaf344	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:10:41	-942.942
-71	12359	1235900	f8f027c4-6e1e-4480-81a4-837cde9a7a3c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:53:39	291.915
-71	24718	1235900	116c5cf9-b0c2-4a69-8211-89674f5f04db	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:57:25	515.458
-72	12360	1236000	d5f85895-9363-4754-9c77-2ea656d06c57	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:53:15	-294.946
-72	24720	1236000	0b650549-faaf-4a86-88c5-e6c1c1275796	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:49:53	732.943
-73	12361	1236100	30d56629-81af-40a7-9549-20410073b576	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:38:25	-319.272
-73	24722	1236100	3441b42f-64a1-4bdd-9b42-57df1fef00af	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:29:32	871.217
-74	12362	1236200	0f8ae056-ab79-4218-a643-bad5f8d9c09f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:13:45	735.865
-74	24724	1236200	03f057a3-458b-426c-aab9-31cc615dfb5b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:34:03	995.491
-75	12363	1236300	f6aa1c95-9442-4aaf-a7db-4763cb9267e7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:44:23	492.712
-75	24726	1236300	01e48321-eb1a-4fcc-9f3f-5c6215b6cddb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:24:41	279.783
-76	12364	1236400	e2429d78-c08f-401d-acc3-586259970d80	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:11:47	445.373
-76	24728	1236400	3aed2fb4-c74b-4026-a3ea-c6e37b6813f9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:25:01	-694.443
-77	12365	1236500	52ab8a69-6431-4c6a-a508-448652ccc3f4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:29:52	-339.217
-77	24730	1236500	2e4ee953-9b78-4094-8a54-00e88928327b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:06:14	886.567
-78	12366	1236600	6cdad608-1929-4d39-9849-65af9ff138f4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:05:52	-227.151
-78	24732	1236600	26936762-1a9e-4e71-93f9-44c83db04ef4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:28:01	833.115
-79	12367	1236700	562101bb-7960-4c47-adb2-68facc08c35e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:49:01	142.470
-79	24734	1236700	6308ea8a-ca1b-4936-bbfe-117066d58498	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:08:21	988.86
-80	12368	1236800	852deade-2e6e-4a59-947b-68106dd8e53c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:35:46	415.678
-80	24736	1236800	06d8f9a9-39fb-405c-b683-5f2bf1d7960d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:09:03	47.900
-81	12369	1236900	af957f92-e522-4c78-8b4a-212fb21dcc7a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:34:22	163.654
-81	24738	1236900	46e4c9c8-c79e-4e90-a386-404cc9d415d5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:46:16	434.440
-82	12370	1237000	8013390f-8edb-4f99-8c33-6b8569724810	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:59:23	-761.583
-82	24740	1237000	544cbf79-13b9-45aa-b96e-85fa888e3da0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:32:27	-607.563
-83	12371	1237100	2c20e911-c890-4c89-a948-13af9b3ba87d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:41:17	998.524
-83	24742	1237100	1d37b9d0-ac29-40c6-8538-9e0a0ed3f929	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:55:48	-130.397
-84	12372	1237200	c0550cb9-a2f3-493b-b8f6-cac0a29dc287	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:44:44	-512.162
-84	24744	1237200	47a3eb4d-9e99-4459-9cb5-cf2e605bfbe8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:13:51	135.993
-85	12373	1237300	705fdd5a-8bd6-48b4-8bbd-70c7d7d056d1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:42:52	861.385
-85	24746	1237300	4c7947f2-8889-4a4b-b2f8-425ccc04885c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:02:11	436.766
-86	12374	1237400	fcc67a2b-bfef-4fc3-a24c-6a26b1579ef6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:11:34	241.462
-86	24748	1237400	0e14b9c9-9632-413b-b646-2165a76295e9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:09:38	592.267
-87	12375	1237500	f2ba2f55-93c3-4693-8655-8a6b0f08385d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:37:34	-852.559
-87	24750	1237500	f2b4f9e2-76f3-4365-8096-49965bb0cabf	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:03:04	-279.939
-88	12376	1237600	ba6486ba-2a2a-45c7-b30d-b4e012c9fb56	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:11:12	976.913
-88	24752	1237600	cfd846e9-fb24-488e-b7a0-3b0134589293	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:07:12	-693.400
-89	12377	1237700	42d488e7-0fb4-4db5-87fe-0d5e0b6b9e0d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:25:58	901.899
-89	24754	1237700	16ecc32a-26e7-4fa0-9a17-d3a83cb2b22d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:03:13	-955.765
-90	12378	1237800	a7302219-6a2c-4438-9978-ecc97d8a2024	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:46:47	162.985
-90	24756	1237800	5f7c9764-2f73-4484-9825-faa2a3ffca60	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:50:36	97.844
-91	12379	1237900	c6846b48-42da-4142-9f09-5048f63518fe	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:28:18	747.552
-91	24758	1237900	739a7295-c0c4-4aa2-a5a3-c19e53d63106	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:17:15	-52.362
-92	12380	1238000	1efa6e31-2062-4d04-b010-d8da2f60cdd0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:56:02	781.238
-92	24760	1238000	e31fcb88-162e-4ce0-b26a-81ff4b2a24b4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:53:19	-527.254
-93	12381	1238100	7e52f323-c776-4bb6-8eef-a1318ae94ad4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:58:46	-161.867
-93	24762	1238100	1de0a656-d839-4f2b-87e3-1688b23e94ab	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:11:49	-410.871
-94	12382	1238200	fcdb644a-9635-47f7-8d9e-87ddfcf5486c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:56:04	496.596
-94	24764	1238200	4470688a-7ec1-428c-83c0-879553fa10bd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:57:06	-155.925
-95	12383	1238300	2faeb0a2-ab4f-459a-93fc-6bcc6456fc35	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:09:48	993.247
-95	24766	1238300	bc086734-6f11-468e-9aa2-802493e66a93	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:38:43	178.788
-96	12384	1238400	25223cd5-ee55-40d7-9123-70c1fcfaf578	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:41:12	-896.730
-96	24768	1238400	910f08c0-4d1d-4cef-ac6d-f425aa82d173	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:13:06	388.49
-97	12385	1238500	5e50776d-46af-4a07-b2b3-7acc0713b321	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:09:48	674.482
-97	24770	1238500	6e3bceea-5f57-46bc-af68-281ff42d1f8c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:07:58	-540.689
-98	12386	1238600	3200c1d3-79cf-4615-b012-c1e007823fea	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:22:50	-469.294
-98	24772	1238600	0c17aa60-68e5-43af-99c6-daea552afe47	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:24:51	-700.6
-99	12387	1238700	6c7a1f4b-b4a9-4cd3-8fb0-529b07099d08	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:48:42	-245.926
-99	24774	1238700	1b4fcedf-24e7-49fa-8239-72cdfce9d30a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:44:50	-130.314
-100	12388	1238800	be235018-75da-4a4a-9ba4-942d949d1650	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:16:13	19.768
-100	24776	1238800	ca5620ae-42f4-438b-a0bb-1c88985536a7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:07:49	-401.477
-101	12389	1238900	7188aaf5-fc63-462f-8e0e-a9e0ffa5b72a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:08:37	595.778
-101	24778	1238900	9b1ad100-3953-4458-992d-48998a1e0af4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:17:17	-253.125
-102	12390	1239000	b835dbf0-f934-4062-b2d4-084a0e8e8231	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:16:19	-115.978
-102	24780	1239000	d5cd0846-1858-4809-911a-0a46db396481	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:09:09	-866.526
-103	12391	1239100	12c6f588-cc80-433a-acc9-52a0f12ee1b8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:01:07	-936.671
-103	24782	1239100	cc9b3383-ac13-47e2-b7ee-ee1db644187c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:01:50	991.352
-104	12392	1239200	fbcfe4d5-eefc-43c4-a034-b55bd548c262	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:35:54	734.199
-104	24784	1239200	835d9ac0-37b1-4b0e-830c-d024b1c40b76	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:58:47	-45.233
-105	12393	1239300	cd114004-8601-462a-a22a-a07793f0cb1c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:45:45	680.841
-105	24786	1239300	cbe96172-100c-48d7-9e41-8ed75ccf94e0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:51:00	-110.442
-106	12394	1239400	32bb0314-71bf-411b-a73d-48dff67477b5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:00:39	860.921
-106	24788	1239400	b40ba3be-dd07-4558-a4b4-a639552fb0c7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:54:51	-238.352
-107	12395	1239500	b805179f-da3b-42b4-8b75-f765c8709a81	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:56:54	-468.480
-107	24790	1239500	26871352-f179-4bd4-b8fa-424fa22119d5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:50:45	-483.390
-108	12396	1239600	1ad98a95-cc2f-46ae-84b2-2e6370c49f46	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:43:14	316.645
-108	24792	1239600	f905d292-63e5-40e8-8cbc-f9b94d747059	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:53:22	582.665
-109	12397	1239700	24011d5b-4042-497a-8fa1-7a697652df58	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:54:39	-611.609
-109	24794	1239700	ed2e5fe6-aa8e-4e28-b59f-c8683930aa36	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:27:10	-514.138
-110	12398	1239800	f5dc3d8f-34fa-4f3e-b939-7d73cabe9892	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:10:50	-917.305
-110	24796	1239800	9d136642-86b7-483f-b874-d6246b811f2c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:09:46	-316.532
-111	12399	1239900	e1eb3a48-c590-4277-a647-8ae41fc11483	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:40:28	927.161
-111	24798	1239900	8e447826-c0d9-4571-aefe-b3b5076172a1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:34:01	-71.182
-112	12400	1240000	fdcd7669-af36-45e7-a4dd-bbf441aee287	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:28:32	614.327
-112	24800	1240000	999d8e79-7fca-415c-83ea-7dfa9e93884c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:42:29	-870.93
-113	12401	1240100	bf557c79-85ac-45d4-ab13-d7b92ca9933b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:56:01	874.491
-113	24802	1240100	948cad15-db73-447e-b072-347e631acfdf	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:19:26	-253.405
-114	12402	1240200	8fa7a87f-89ba-4441-882c-ed36c2c02db1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:45:38	205.70
-114	24804	1240200	d4fb8f1f-76ed-42d9-b9f6-0ef3de09f278	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:01:37	954.261
-115	12403	1240300	37ad2c28-3bf6-462f-b531-a7bf7ed6d9db	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:41:21	-52.122
-115	24806	1240300	63afcdb6-6bcf-4349-bb16-2e24dd175b50	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:39:13	392.231
-116	12404	1240400	7a1b0e90-c54d-4575-8e4e-bbd8fce78441	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:06:28	432.769
-116	24808	1240400	c9017458-b24b-4898-a4f1-19f7bca4d7ec	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:29:50	-639.961
-117	12405	1240500	8cf78d2f-51f6-4db0-89c9-d231c65f0ebb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:44:57	357.926
-117	24810	1240500	90bedc13-c724-44d4-85ed-cb8662f20c66	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:36:57	347.834
-118	12406	1240600	a2d796c2-947b-476c-8289-7a521f87577a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:29:57	370.772
-118	24812	1240600	ca146437-4b66-4b4f-b0e7-a2e7051a7005	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:04:01	-881.157
-119	12407	1240700	9e60c603-c277-4b74-aada-1427af7dd6a3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:15:38	76.823
-119	24814	1240700	f17d296a-b327-44aa-84fc-026d4feef8dd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:26:18	-44.2
-120	12408	1240800	434e97ba-90c2-4a6c-a816-510c7a0cd0cb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:55:27	-342.526
-120	24816	1240800	1f8afb1c-9db2-4e30-9729-8e22657b403d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:38:34	-220.232
-121	12409	1240900	f2ec6388-343a-4737-91bc-05ed395a812f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:54:14	-45.178
-121	24818	1240900	f6b503ff-d90b-4c91-87d8-443f11c6dc0e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:31:27	-316.390
-122	12410	1241000	b0b0d46d-1384-4d0d-b033-99ce255fc8bc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:12:31	103.564
-122	24820	1241000	3746bfc5-cbcf-4c89-b90d-e3a272e52146	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:50:48	182.950
-123	12411	1241100	92279be4-c6af-4995-ba10-808a4342c25f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:19:25	734.417
-123	24822	1241100	785f009a-194e-4f87-ba68-cd5ff44236f7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:39:47	-946.582
-124	12412	1241200	d5a7f800-663d-4e65-99b0-d4954260336f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:07:22	784.483
-124	24824	1241200	7db28b73-d7ce-4608-9e2e-9e74771d8a76	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:59:11	-101.679
-125	12413	1241300	5ca4549b-499f-4bdd-bb03-bdc129c69c5d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:37:07	-308.528
-125	24826	1241300	5e4e1a99-d1f9-4b2e-8b77-5d4cf0ae7ad3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:22:27	736.684
-126	12414	1241400	cde092ea-1254-4550-8dac-6c61278ef689	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:02:07	465.946
-126	24828	1241400	0bdfc395-2e76-47ad-9d2b-8f12ce03b829	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:31:47	681.454
-127	12415	1241500	9695d2f3-6d82-4292-9a58-32a2f2e37f07	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:15:55	882.696
-127	24830	1241500	66630c8d-a85d-47c9-848f-36c6f821f11d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:37:15	529.158
-0	12416	1241600	920a76ec-4ba8-49be-a88a-742a3e432b23	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:23:59	-268.465
-0	24832	1241600	2ac54e71-a7de-4728-b3fe-0ba6d81e571e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:33:10	755.130
-1	12417	1241700	5d59490b-757c-4881-a977-43365616f4a6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:51:10	512.228
-1	24834	1241700	089da277-fdc6-4e0a-bf52-b34b519aa8c6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:55:57	514.526
-2	12418	1241800	782914d1-a410-4f83-94c0-56c68bc019ee	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:35:13	-843.119
-2	24836	1241800	796e4441-70b6-490d-bdb7-96f3cb8ece1e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:33:11	-483.862
-3	12419	1241900	042b5e52-a1fe-42e0-beb3-f0952ac0a38c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:51:59	741.737
-3	24838	1241900	8e0d3ee1-b3cf-4fc2-8280-4687ae5e85b8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:05:44	-971.511
-4	12420	1242000	3c6511f4-4e32-47f4-b41b-519274c8602e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:17:24	709.526
-4	24840	1242000	83ffc68f-b67f-4fa6-afc6-8950e427ea84	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:00:03	156.133
-5	12421	1242100	43adcffc-060a-45d8-877a-8ca9c5d90821	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:16:37	-292.720
-5	24842	1242100	14f677ad-9b8d-496d-a7da-523f9927535b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:47:22	365.339
-6	12422	1242200	33d0480b-42bb-4962-b6ed-6f3757278c63	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:25:42	303.286
-6	24844	1242200	9a0b5197-dbad-488a-b8d5-9f5d3d4c309f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:46:09	969.372
-7	12423	1242300	7725106f-b353-4cde-9ce0-2e899d701174	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:32:21	248.908
-7	24846	1242300	0e3b8905-6df1-4959-ad2f-201a8b03609b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:35:15	-569.450
-8	12424	1242400	ffe67d82-b219-4525-ae33-e113a62bc055	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:24:50	635.927
-8	24848	1242400	67a8ca8c-f2f2-48d3-916d-8e520118ecd9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:16:09	-61.570
-9	12425	1242500	19de31c3-6abf-4709-acb8-e94fefe22cdb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:29:44	534.48
-9	24850	1242500	e8cf926c-0720-42bc-84e2-2d6ae24dd5fb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:40:42	-228.85
-10	12426	1242600	3eb86964-a216-4a49-9659-07430ab5de77	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:03:45	517.296
-10	24852	1242600	830153ec-7344-416a-9cd3-fa1070170a5f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:24:36	291.560
-11	12427	1242700	0bc3db22-3e53-4c2f-ae4c-3963e259a513	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:15:54	-520.489
-11	24854	1242700	dacbd396-f126-41b9-9802-f81189abdb31	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:23:58	719.108
-12	12428	1242800	eb517d4f-20b8-4d94-bd35-5479726532a1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:54:37	122.579
-12	24856	1242800	ce9afefb-e8d4-4006-9437-bf0f9334f436	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:33:41	165.211
-13	12429	1242900	9e519b33-81d5-4f03-a615-f26722f07437	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:47:47	-572.566
-13	24858	1242900	4bd80654-b8b4-4bc1-9d7c-03098b47525d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:47:37	263.610
-14	12430	1243000	3d14a388-1af8-4c93-8723-f3d5fea53001	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:23:50	99.247
-14	24860	1243000	f2cc5f4f-06ec-4d5d-a018-9e48c382867a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:20:53	797.298
-15	12431	1243100	3ceb7843-58f1-4266-825b-16cf992c1bfb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:28:58	504.338
-15	24862	1243100	fdfcf7df-74d4-471c-b2ab-35265a3190aa	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:35:09	-611.620
-16	12432	1243200	c58474a6-8bdf-4919-b234-c66b62c6d659	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:18:46	-437.218
-16	24864	1243200	fd1d0ec8-8ea8-4b08-902d-d87e15a6547f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:42:42	103.320
-17	12433	1243300	de71c0c0-0dc4-4b13-8316-bafebb76c5a3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:25:25	-639.484
-17	24866	1243300	6b433942-decd-4a26-b28e-680057bb7aa7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:17:01	-290.672
-18	12434	1243400	8824f83f-3a05-4168-ae8c-4e20e50b9188	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:42:47	-195.722
-18	24868	1243400	817f7381-b9a6-4a8d-a01a-f3f3ef325569	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:43:34	796.723
-19	12435	1243500	0ad64d67-c22a-457d-9468-dd1b12308eac	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:41:23	257.276
-19	24870	1243500	b43708d2-f9d6-44a6-b2be-26f0fe91a373	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:12:31	295.909
-20	12436	1243600	91c1eee5-0efa-4f9e-9721-29cd1daf175a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:04:07	759.999
-20	24872	1243600	c114016b-632a-4465-a622-62fe8c1147db	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:14:20	656.658
-21	12437	1243700	921139f0-9ca3-42ef-b5fd-72dce1899142	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:49:45	-325.846
-21	24874	1243700	97b37326-4001-4b2e-8f5a-a149989923d5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:42:57	-368.180
-22	12438	1243800	c4b979a2-c7fb-46b1-8d42-8536d784a02c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:29:50	223.737
-22	24876	1243800	4f045f82-dd29-4bff-ba66-ea2cc18d91f6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:16:16	-566.153
-23	12439	1243900	33a8319a-c26d-4034-95bc-cc7c97555dec	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:08:58	342.855
-23	24878	1243900	2d5db777-33e8-4b4b-b019-e2f4755d1f1c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:30:29	936.974
-24	12440	1244000	799c641a-df44-4ac6-9177-32388c3c1f1d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:17:21	-941.362
-24	24880	1244000	0ec66824-ca68-47ae-a0d8-f3609e50ada6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:45:50	-428.352
-25	12441	1244100	96ef5522-8f41-4433-b4c4-59972d94c27b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:55:16	-645.365
-25	24882	1244100	f5e5af0c-f778-4b11-a4af-acb50a726425	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:43:38	-480.940
-26	12442	1244200	fd88173c-e640-4543-baa2-3fe6ed4a4dfb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:11:22	700.625
-26	24884	1244200	2a899de9-98a9-4085-9fa9-8dd15aaaa500	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:14:25	589.941
-27	12443	1244300	edf59d8c-6fb4-4f21-9d83-00408aac180b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:58:37	-683.105
-27	24886	1244300	e7c7dceb-f1ed-4cef-98db-9d33a2d964a2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:49:01	-574.352
-28	12444	1244400	7269f1cb-5676-4c0c-ad57-44979c4853d4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:40:19	-254.589
-28	24888	1244400	dcb17ef8-e70c-4c8e-91d6-4c7a2929d834	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:22:25	-720.760
-29	12445	1244500	cf209f01-ba81-42f0-9393-3d62957595c9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:26:15	-466.613
-29	24890	1244500	f3605f50-95b3-4766-9032-0c0c564f9e37	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:35:37	-209.528
-30	12446	1244600	afd4e4bb-0a4f-457b-ac89-8cee1a72e1ba	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:36:05	901.5
-30	24892	1244600	3c13e217-723d-4845-ac2f-3ef81201c3b8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:03:06	-969.435
-31	12447	1244700	c4065df4-92af-4b3b-a244-15fdf5b27c6a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:17:36	-635.138
-31	24894	1244700	88821a44-fe18-4ece-9d55-31ef647ee1d4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:18:53	-37.248
-32	12448	1244800	62b002d1-b438-4554-98b6-e93321aec5de	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:34:20	-344.871
-32	24896	1244800	df892fcb-4aad-403c-8614-bc59d9944b68	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:03:23	-850.699
-33	12449	1244900	673a437c-1b09-4bf2-b6d0-54ddbffe5ef4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:38:58	-126.692
-33	24898	1244900	6a0bd878-2be8-4cf8-b571-45529f8237b6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:22:34	562.207
-34	12450	1245000	54b24c33-86bd-4aaf-9778-a079eefb8dcd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:21:25	-766.717
-34	24900	1245000	6dc96c8a-35b4-4576-b7f6-9865d7675424	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:22:59	-192.459
-35	12451	1245100	7167cca3-5bcc-47a4-8fd7-3ef9aac2f8b2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:12:31	-872.363
-35	24902	1245100	72638b50-c91d-41eb-b207-88d43efc2b24	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:19:43	532.937
-36	12452	1245200	1615b888-115d-47a7-b88a-78e40a8c7fe1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:51:18	-356.802
-36	24904	1245200	f4162693-0d95-4932-b1ba-c0b4d5d63578	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:11:51	873.191
-37	12453	1245300	a3bb8932-2966-42c8-b751-80a83f8dcba7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:53:12	954.54
-37	24906	1245300	9d128d52-e142-46c4-85c1-70c1f8cd5f70	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:25:18	684.708
-38	12454	1245400	99fc5bc9-cc87-4ab1-a93b-7b1440c3489d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:58:09	-233.655
-38	24908	1245400	207d6ca2-f9a1-477d-b0d7-aace6fea8389	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:00:11	849.862
-39	12455	1245500	8eff6e8e-4b48-4f61-8093-73dffbf4afe9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:43:32	-38.940
-39	24910	1245500	7d965235-750f-429e-bc83-30bfd0bdba48	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:12:07	383.50
-40	12456	1245600	bee3cd4d-b8b8-41a8-9d37-2d0b1a00993f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:39:38	-197.439
-40	24912	1245600	38004bc1-e69a-4de0-97d3-73f0e7cbac6a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:57:54	487.260
-41	12457	1245700	33c78859-52c1-4750-8576-2f1ee01e0a95	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:17:56	233.563
-41	24914	1245700	e08fe1ae-0f68-41e9-936b-d5cb60c8b28d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:26:06	-922.134
-42	12458	1245800	98ebaa10-b439-418a-8669-f11435bef9f0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:07:43	-614.639
-42	24916	1245800	00af8809-652b-46b2-b9eb-4be9dcdf36a7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:02:54	-588.393
-43	12459	1245900	42fc948c-ac02-4827-a305-38ac297077f3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:20:06	602.258
-43	24918	1245900	f4af4eb7-75fc-4f80-aceb-32ca96acadc4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:58:41	-519.208
-44	12460	1246000	d6cb5f2a-b39d-4399-a008-40d53341c590	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:27:36	473.837
-44	24920	1246000	8c023f83-dc7b-4c65-bba3-c25424f109ba	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:47:50	-713.540
-45	12461	1246100	8a292d22-8a2e-4555-a547-d44c08c38050	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:46:04	-385.217
-45	24922	1246100	20cad8e4-57c8-40e7-8ee0-57e78373e037	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:37:16	428.451
-46	12462	1246200	bebad39f-4da9-405b-a288-18a729f6a9bf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:51:54	-357.412
-46	24924	1246200	ad5c1626-8cde-498f-8c9f-d28b82c8df59	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:28:41	-109.0
-47	12463	1246300	51dcc2ec-3408-4a93-9d00-5af15c705f5e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:46:42	524.499
-47	24926	1246300	c6d1af6e-b54d-49df-8a49-ef55d0397b0c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:06:36	-278.600
-48	12464	1246400	980e6771-3c04-4e38-b6db-fc3e7acaa781	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:25:05	-711.288
-48	24928	1246400	967f64c8-8da2-4ed5-8242-bf28526a12ee	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:03:55	134.940
-49	12465	1246500	c6126472-ac2b-4feb-a110-f73c6e9a6ba8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:57:47	-222.50
-49	24930	1246500	50f84af1-59e4-4363-87d1-e7cb3b09e6fd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:56:42	292.583
-50	12466	1246600	b3355f94-a5e4-4eff-9494-ad33229fbd46	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:30:53	476.131
-50	24932	1246600	775db75d-ddd5-459d-8932-8a01d2e11d36	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:11:47	-665.453
-51	12467	1246700	728d5a52-32b6-4dc3-b58f-a0af93872738	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:15:53	-561.934
-51	24934	1246700	43f643d2-44c1-420f-b0dd-b864267b42c5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:51:29	-137.209
-52	12468	1246800	7b7bb847-6ca4-4977-b35f-9c7953374690	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:05:44	-214.442
-52	24936	1246800	5b900bc0-7788-4c6c-8eba-eb4f0b83305e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:11:42	-104.610
-53	12469	1246900	92129be1-1088-451b-b61a-dfb56be7ea7a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:39:25	-674.540
-53	24938	1246900	54686609-e271-4424-9b61-c627f6d6387b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:23:29	-703.401
-54	12470	1247000	752adcc2-03f5-429f-9919-5a145d3342e5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:48:14	-786.231
-54	24940	1247000	d0fd13ab-d639-482f-9992-623194ed4748	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:55:11	962.770
-55	12471	1247100	0dcd3ef1-9110-4ded-be7b-e4f905c15be8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:12:09	-380.56
-55	24942	1247100	a5805950-1838-4ee9-b7c9-27bf4c94b463	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:53:21	635.46
-56	12472	1247200	cca9228a-c5c2-45af-a7e7-e28cbe3d4efe	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:52:27	-598.555
-56	24944	1247200	befea464-a4db-47e5-aebf-9c7dccddad52	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:58:03	-926.25
-57	12473	1247300	520aadf8-dbc6-4b30-873d-a82c7bf68a7f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:17:51	15.144
-57	24946	1247300	da2770e2-7f20-4ab2-a6c3-007a0bfb867c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:12:58	-257.753
-58	12474	1247400	a8004e90-650d-4b0c-a72b-4c72479b7985	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:44:49	-972.147
-58	24948	1247400	61d4b7a2-8cd7-46f4-8a49-8bd159b7b5d5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:49:29	98.370
-59	12475	1247500	54b75405-b1aa-4cb7-908c-32e1c4aca090	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:34:00	946.152
-59	24950	1247500	762dcdde-841a-436c-8ad6-e6ff9d9b33b1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:03:55	905.904
-60	12476	1247600	351c454f-7fb6-45b5-bcf0-cc9b855a4a3f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:04:59	14.185
-60	24952	1247600	a78a9508-4cdf-456b-9d79-f4c0b537de11	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:43:54	423.603
-61	12477	1247700	7746d682-495a-4cbe-b85d-2976ade385cb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:08:08	965.898
-61	24954	1247700	20465415-da86-4b4c-a62a-247be85cebee	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:03:27	-23.595
-62	12478	1247800	9b4f405b-bdc3-4c7c-8e7c-831c5298d5f4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:08:02	213.602
-62	24956	1247800	4426633f-8b56-4bdc-a34c-1a5ae746ee8f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:55:32	-444.533
-63	12479	1247900	b7cdbc3f-e327-4e6e-af04-9d5124c93e08	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:30:51	839.285
-63	24958	1247900	af8245c6-add3-471d-ae9d-4420c5083b7c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:17:11	-332.978
-64	12480	1248000	acb53a18-cb81-4720-8ff7-c2e98515ac15	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:13:31	132.82
-64	24960	1248000	0568a862-8ba3-4217-a283-afa17ada0b71	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:56:55	807.33
-65	12481	1248100	b5a9a15a-e649-43fd-87a4-7dfe3eae3497	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:34:23	916.631
-65	24962	1248100	76864000-ea27-4416-a787-5a9c5ad05d3a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:34:27	192.655
-66	12482	1248200	71103f3e-04c0-466d-a703-2f19d5b342fb	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:22:30	-913.459
-66	24964	1248200	2377b8ac-8668-43df-a0be-5160f7595094	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:54:01	97.91
-67	12483	1248300	97302f86-03a7-429a-9071-536c0101fb16	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:05:46	978.786
-67	24966	1248300	5cd1b96a-5045-4309-b15d-2dc22304418b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:48:17	439.852
-68	12484	1248400	49daf47b-8914-4893-8d02-0c0b72497707	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:26:59	613.832
-68	24968	1248400	e18b547c-74ff-4cfe-9fdc-968f059b386b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:12:55	453.910
-69	12485	1248500	fae2bc2b-ef1e-4351-a72d-2c15270673a6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:20:50	-123.238
-69	24970	1248500	87e6012f-7e45-490f-85cc-4a4ed0c75711	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:58:30	479.201
-70	12486	1248600	c84e0800-4a17-49ae-b0b0-fb471539e44c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:19:48	860.388
-70	24972	1248600	d630e257-3c2a-422a-8a6d-bb2c7c699146	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:29:06	496.366
-71	12487	1248700	76d47c6f-a76b-4dd9-80af-3ab0a35986bb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:23:57	-677.626
-71	24974	1248700	4e220c36-5ec2-44aa-bebf-c04bdc483a7b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:06:39	220.597
-72	12488	1248800	15cdd870-3911-4e1e-9c23-dac5e1d84c1d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:14:04	-888.471
-72	24976	1248800	366d65f3-8644-434f-bac2-973f69e6e63e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:06:57	-527.902
-73	12489	1248900	33dbdec5-5999-4801-ba7d-c0db200d6daa	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:27:21	618.92
-73	24978	1248900	33abe691-30b9-473a-9ac1-a04d949a2673	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:30:35	759.590
-74	12490	1249000	849bfef0-4fe9-4ae4-88cb-4eea132176e7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:39:57	-667.149
-74	24980	1249000	afb3a20b-4225-45a4-afe7-dc3a8b4bc745	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:45:24	156.87
-75	12491	1249100	204207d2-a583-40a3-b14a-02c21fe932b4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:39:04	-822.92
-75	24982	1249100	79e07099-8403-4e09-890a-96ccdb23ff96	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:18:27	-759.500
-76	12492	1249200	355b6c8d-5a23-4fef-9f44-b02f0372c826	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:14:43	674.219
-76	24984	1249200	ec9c55e9-e09f-41c5-b308-3d3130742f12	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:48:13	-845.974
-77	12493	1249300	5b145de6-0e9b-43e8-8b4e-75e13e2a2cfc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:40:43	898.330
-77	24986	1249300	1982ac23-2b5f-49ea-948b-3601c500c919	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:40:31	-245.207
-78	12494	1249400	98947ea2-ff7e-4c91-a59a-23b2ec6ec06f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:00:10	-871.622
-78	24988	1249400	59f2cb34-fd69-43ce-940d-e14432364c00	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:52:07	-844.628
-79	12495	1249500	ba18f524-7260-4c9d-90aa-adcd4884fbe5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:34:06	-97.914
-79	24990	1249500	443227b8-6748-41c6-ab64-9b30e556f441	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:16:11	-557.530
-80	12496	1249600	b4e4ea2e-adc9-481e-a536-e555fbfc52a3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:01:10	-426.857
-80	24992	1249600	6ec81a3e-a2ac-4ef1-a23b-c6905f6ce992	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:33:27	129.984
-81	12497	1249700	86d927ca-0da6-4acc-a5f8-6c4ececcf3de	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:31:01	306.671
-81	24994	1249700	2036d049-c969-4f60-930c-39243819e0f1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:41:46	-479.37
-82	12498	1249800	2fb61e59-1be1-4e6d-9cf6-29af12e6f033	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:08:26	-926.663
-82	24996	1249800	76870c0b-0720-431e-93a3-25fc232c8b5c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:23:51	287.293
-83	12499	1249900	f84b9a06-6db8-4008-b798-12bb901a3ec0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:36:17	857.583
-83	24998	1249900	b9a7d460-1e47-4fea-bb18-6d65c5d27977	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:20:17	763.412
-84	12500	1250000	5bceaef3-7b69-49ad-9643-aa98e2d293ea	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:12:43	321.137
-84	25000	1250000	22e3119c-01fd-4454-bb21-dbd2c384132f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:24:21	677.868
-85	12501	1250100	aeb6ed0c-aa92-4020-9f1d-5ae9dce692bd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:59:22	-840.765
-85	25002	1250100	991b7ed7-205a-45eb-a946-e752c9671f10	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:25:02	-801.796
-86	12502	1250200	fc127033-4094-4515-bf5b-b5937b4cc0f4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:44:54	46.276
-86	25004	1250200	8a47e9be-0931-4c6d-a76e-2d5997aa982b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:22:39	-628.316
-87	12503	1250300	8d01c370-8ef1-461a-9c7c-e0aa541aef7e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:35:10	-548.711
-87	25006	1250300	ca97b030-ea6a-4be6-bbc0-158ee4665bc3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:35:13	-20.357
-88	12504	1250400	8bbfe030-949c-48ad-b0ca-ba1991bd9e47	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:50:08	613.915
-88	25008	1250400	3e3db154-2342-43f9-89e0-72e4c6e74c73	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:35:19	396.170
-89	12505	1250500	72f810fb-4fb5-4f18-8187-8fd2d78b227e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:41:57	-49.523
-89	25010	1250500	605f38e4-edbe-418e-86ee-fa40e6193b91	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:03:06	214.934
-90	12506	1250600	59d9217c-1b60-47f2-a803-bbf54f139ac1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:02:30	104.173
-90	25012	1250600	658c6d2f-c95a-4aab-940e-f61e360176c8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:48:45	-618.617
-91	12507	1250700	ce22fcc3-8b54-4867-9d5b-ae4a5417f292	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:12:16	597.758
-91	25014	1250700	4d1c8842-9882-443b-8ace-820b9a2443c6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:17:26	120.576
-92	12508	1250800	f122f0f8-883c-4b8e-b321-1b2c170803a6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:28:44	-189.605
-92	25016	1250800	677aede7-19aa-42b7-bcae-19a61bc29516	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:24:42	361.289
-93	12509	1250900	a64ecc15-33a9-4c22-9c9a-cf701f758aef	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:25:35	-562.795
-93	25018	1250900	48ccdb85-1eef-41f0-9888-a88f0af16b3c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:05:54	-899.696
-94	12510	1251000	14f9e0cc-5894-437e-bf67-0e1ac3431001	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:29:12	151.521
-94	25020	1251000	0fbaee0f-a0c3-4dde-a364-443823cd4dd4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:35:46	-97.579
-95	12511	1251100	3c205f13-4ff7-4987-b0d8-4a9e7dd7570b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:24:30	371.240
-95	25022	1251100	77ffe604-948a-41c8-bcd0-26da477268ab	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:46:00	492.707
-96	12512	1251200	8647eb42-cb56-4e88-9b05-bf60a2c233f7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:00:15	-19.654
-96	25024	1251200	a5e23505-12cd-4360-a653-19f5489bc2f6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:07:12	-765.65
-97	12513	1251300	efea6b75-c89f-470c-9ead-449e5f4c08bc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:08:05	200.449
-97	25026	1251300	6659d56b-05e3-4355-a9de-1a6b2ff00147	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:00:43	-650.817
-98	12514	1251400	4ce4cd63-53ec-48d5-87bc-980ef6a94066	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:54:34	284.410
-98	25028	1251400	5c333935-c888-4a72-b124-a6a58c740bd3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:30:19	732.729
-99	12515	1251500	cd342f84-df65-465b-8896-e5c57df08974	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:58:43	985.659
-99	25030	1251500	b39edd85-47d7-4c23-bf48-bc65c42a9b2f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:55:41	106.511
-100	12516	1251600	41e2bbae-4380-4d2b-9223-5e7d55e52804	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:54:32	776.472
-100	25032	1251600	ebba55ec-fb30-4c71-a09b-70a5eee8247e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:23:30	-904.594
-101	12517	1251700	ba2a26d2-1563-4297-a883-fd3f4987322d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:48:22	653.502
-101	25034	1251700	945b1a4d-4ab2-4679-a13e-8d1cefc4357e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:05:56	639.144
-102	12518	1251800	3cad4adc-21e8-4eee-973f-5c7400cec4dd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:37:58	-935.396
-102	25036	1251800	a52ac9a0-dc94-4deb-a3ba-d97ba3c53e8a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:34:27	-17.894
-103	12519	1251900	01548b98-5003-47a1-80b0-47e80b28cdb8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:04:11	723.838
-103	25038	1251900	938342a4-5a1d-4610-974f-e8d4199a9fd9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:06:56	337.120
-104	12520	1252000	849aac18-578d-4ab4-9cc3-b26c17681aac	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:08:43	793.348
-104	25040	1252000	bf90a525-6109-466a-b5a7-70a4bf6d36cf	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:13:40	-944.133
-105	12521	1252100	73a9f2c3-ce44-4783-9bbb-be8b90c45007	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:25:38	685.239
-105	25042	1252100	b60c4c37-dd60-44b7-bd91-ab4106cb245e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:59:26	667.137
-106	12522	1252200	8c7d8805-18a9-40aa-ad80-09e9f17cfdf4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:26:40	-389.677
-106	25044	1252200	39cca587-d291-4fca-820d-a2d0ce6d2771	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:42:53	634.906
-107	12523	1252300	5a924e92-3c75-4eaa-a8d0-f6aafbe7640c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:56:32	-71.774
-107	25046	1252300	1526c399-264a-407d-983c-503bfcd3f3e3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:10:29	754.792
-108	12524	1252400	b0b40f97-3056-49d9-bab1-02bf4f233e2e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:47:59	-980.132
-108	25048	1252400	03533fcf-25bc-4a92-8103-37aa929b9fd2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:15:50	-339.778
-109	12525	1252500	a854e82d-050d-4d49-8b6f-fff212154db9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:12:06	-118.310
-109	25050	1252500	f8f2c025-0c20-4b60-a221-ba0048f59f8b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:35:59	812.392
-110	12526	1252600	9df63786-7684-48ab-adea-61513a565e81	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:14:11	126.140
-110	25052	1252600	231e74ff-6eb4-4b14-8d70-feec30a7646d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:44:16	-552.759
-111	12527	1252700	ab902213-a7e7-42fe-ad63-8bda7363f3fe	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:32:34	-820.992
-111	25054	1252700	444936d7-faea-4021-bb50-f1d6fde116d1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:10:46	-407.396
-112	12528	1252800	a7ea1ead-9a66-4b9c-8744-e7fe472c9ae3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:32:45	-311.5
-112	25056	1252800	b804762c-fda0-49c4-b63f-dbfe432c0e71	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:53:37	-788.326
-113	12529	1252900	c124cd23-8a7c-465e-ba58-03e965db5397	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:49:39	329.361
-113	25058	1252900	5180dfa9-9ad1-4a47-a7e5-426e09cbeb6b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:13:37	472.99
-114	12530	1253000	9ddc5e9b-c836-4e9c-b0d4-724be268dcdc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:06:22	-368.175
-114	25060	1253000	161a9aa7-371e-4550-b432-002e5bfad57b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:36:56	565.729
-115	12531	1253100	f401f89b-5468-40d0-9e9a-4aefb1414e32	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:10:56	209.778
-115	25062	1253100	e98c8bfd-ab05-42c5-a011-5d3aa6aee286	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:20:19	133.207
-116	12532	1253200	143fdc97-5851-4fae-b6d8-dc5e5c28572e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:49:28	181.961
-116	25064	1253200	c33e7bed-1cd4-4c9d-a7e7-079f811d6c86	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:42:19	312.399
-117	12533	1253300	fba87836-39ea-46c7-be97-a02862b0ecdf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:01:48	-781.284
-117	25066	1253300	c9f02ebd-45c8-4324-9141-e620c2ca9ee4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:36:04	850.822
-118	12534	1253400	8396863f-c043-4eef-aaf9-1bf3ceda0df2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:25:27	-843.391
-118	25068	1253400	a38e5e9d-4b30-44cc-a6cb-072257937fdf	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:38:58	95.555
-119	12535	1253500	982defe3-e0b8-4d09-9002-66cf6ef18b7f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:38:32	502.881
-119	25070	1253500	e641440e-997c-4eea-a9b6-8458f79bc8ba	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:13:46	823.743
-120	12536	1253600	853da55d-8107-4b72-9db8-3429a4b2fec0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:41:54	-630.780
-120	25072	1253600	b5ec1fdb-a33a-4348-9a92-f398b82a37e7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:43:50	-600.728
-121	12537	1253700	db188de9-b687-469e-b4e3-2836916b4ab2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:19:16	-35.859
-121	25074	1253700	e09907dc-0ed8-44c2-a023-4ab543ace74f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:14:00	73.515
-122	12538	1253800	05805b5d-f61e-47c8-8313-ab634d9c9a9d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:52:20	340.342
-122	25076	1253800	86f22214-1200-4679-ab14-37eb48f79012	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:06:59	689.341
-123	12539	1253900	cf0a8279-9724-4d4e-a879-18110f443fd2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:43:47	-503.510
-123	25078	1253900	0ca8206f-7f6b-4743-8bec-63adf001ee5f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:47:44	-540.909
-124	12540	1254000	edd829ff-675b-4443-86d0-85d3b2a4dc9a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:11:33	-328.516
-124	25080	1254000	a1ea4bef-8be2-4c28-b324-468d29890ea5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:06:40	-923.128
-125	12541	1254100	e0cdc5c1-e96d-4e10-aeda-ea404f2c2ece	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:45:16	588.75
-125	25082	1254100	f96dfb9a-d06f-4150-bd02-b59a7f3d3e5e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:51:21	994.88
-126	12542	1254200	0de356a9-18ef-4fbe-9ea9-064231c5e693	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:33:02	934.323
-126	25084	1254200	ec07d4be-ea37-4a90-941d-36e82d5f2182	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:19:41	-545.454
-127	12543	1254300	92f7d017-c804-46fd-8186-85ffb22a6940	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:43:09	864.485
-127	25086	1254300	5d095033-fbab-4110-aff8-94b94437ca28	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:20:20	-810.584
-0	12544	1254400	0c8d5980-0a99-4379-8923-b9e2b98627dc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:31:49	712.875
-0	25088	1254400	c3e92675-19d0-4706-8d9e-d7ddb90beb5a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:34:35	-984.653
-1	12545	1254500	0f573373-9be0-4fd0-9bd0-dcce598444c6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:44:49	635.863
-1	25090	1254500	9a826d20-09ff-4a1f-b893-02df294529b7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:43:21	-976.809
-2	12546	1254600	64e2032f-e0f4-451b-a26e-9ef02f5bb516	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:29:53	-489.781
-2	25092	1254600	b89f35ca-570f-40ec-acbf-92161a161a40	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:38:02	-350.676
-3	12547	1254700	b94b2f05-ba23-4b73-aa10-2e087283b86e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:44:46	-565.864
-3	25094	1254700	ff5afa41-9429-4857-bb12-c055048b2aa3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:08:40	-447.176
-4	12548	1254800	4fc981f4-50d3-428d-88e5-7296606a529e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:38:04	209.124
-4	25096	1254800	c820f875-edfa-4144-a793-bd99f59dae7e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:26:12	-486.583
-5	12549	1254900	fde2c474-aef0-4fbe-b1f8-053411e00e67	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:44:00	285.963
-5	25098	1254900	604b09a3-258e-4ab5-97b6-859a8eead02a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:53:20	436.315
-6	12550	1255000	036e3375-b647-4214-98ef-eeb70bf2100d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:35:01	850.243
-6	25100	1255000	d05f4b5b-3f75-4d78-8367-8492e0e9436c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:42:05	522.77
-7	12551	1255100	f88742d5-3572-4ed4-a0ab-2a291d76b8a2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:18:21	562.213
-7	25102	1255100	f6466c23-428b-4222-a027-e65e3ab8f4e3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:00:20	246.438
-8	12552	1255200	c531e66d-9147-43ba-92b4-fd68866d3d61	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:42:10	789.833
-8	25104	1255200	f1a8c13c-cf71-4c57-ae49-20624de3a2c8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:16:02	318.101
-9	12553	1255300	f64ca0fe-cdc7-4541-b324-59686208da95	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:53:28	963.279
-9	25106	1255300	0dea2cd5-1f8d-4e61-838c-139382446b34	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:56:30	209.519
-10	12554	1255400	bc946aa8-1a38-45ad-97a7-5b7dd7ad9e71	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:04:42	-937.727
-10	25108	1255400	4549fc1a-3cfc-45b8-8ba1-98988823a6d1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:24:15	-606.837
-11	12555	1255500	1a95329f-deb0-4cd3-a4b5-38f1f743c35f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:03:43	843.667
-11	25110	1255500	71847a11-b1b9-4468-aeb0-a9fab0ded002	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:56:57	-701.493
-12	12556	1255600	d9247631-e3f1-4550-b58d-46b612ece710	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:32:15	113.914
-12	25112	1255600	e7d571c2-6465-4cb7-b032-7461cb7f241b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:32:55	633.310
-13	12557	1255700	530e58f8-1553-43d0-98b4-60e5a8721247	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:52:32	-410.24
-13	25114	1255700	22f6937f-80a1-406e-bf65-5193ef83b57e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:32:14	-484.49
-14	12558	1255800	50ac8811-e27b-485e-8b60-3a819dd3c70f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:41:40	-5.526
-14	25116	1255800	c97d2090-9b17-43ee-ba40-689c430b0ff7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:23:27	-689.214
-15	12559	1255900	eb8a687d-874b-47e9-b063-31ea2d0f784c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:13:45	281.331
-15	25118	1255900	0f14c506-d07f-4848-a761-15f46c05e018	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:07:13	938.374
-16	12560	1256000	9dc3d650-0596-4b52-ab5e-3a974e94f54d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:08:57	915.410
-16	25120	1256000	342018a5-e359-41d2-970c-4b0e1e37cc4d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:17:29	-351.17
-17	12561	1256100	59f1016b-fbf2-41ab-871a-281ce6a4e526	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:25:52	-959.733
-17	25122	1256100	30615c59-5643-4e20-98b6-95ee7fa2e9f2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:37:28	613.707
-18	12562	1256200	a28eaad0-d656-4c94-a6e0-174870b2bec3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:00:34	-405.724
-18	25124	1256200	e85b3c7a-dffb-4490-b8c3-004b0284bc7d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:06:34	453.191
-19	12563	1256300	2d44614c-401a-4ed8-acf5-3587bf116762	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:56:52	-906.829
-19	25126	1256300	49781662-528e-439b-9b80-d6834d8a8d16	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:53:10	40.429
-20	12564	1256400	cfcc7735-98df-478e-b501-b3a9e3cd3ea8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:14:20	-459.563
-20	25128	1256400	f3cca594-a7b4-4d38-b259-02e794c8b298	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:25:13	201.117
-21	12565	1256500	69b73655-a647-4d5a-9dbc-571933237c70	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:42:34	543.585
-21	25130	1256500	e5caf93b-0e4e-4a6d-8d95-72d65b762380	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:45:53	314.176
-22	12566	1256600	944de5cf-f8f3-4b9e-b1d2-138acf196ca3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:22:37	-434.535
-22	25132	1256600	fffe7eac-3a66-473a-ae34-3c669f4b969e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:56:54	-493.227
-23	12567	1256700	7317508e-1577-4096-8199-c11a7968cfce	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:26:05	-19.91
-23	25134	1256700	e2502512-202c-4b36-b947-1b3046be5ee8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:51:21	-725.93
-24	12568	1256800	124064e5-838f-45a7-b096-78e0f3a0d4e8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:56:27	458.393
-24	25136	1256800	b7063f5a-dd4d-4db4-a462-cc7d4bd7318d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:53:59	-699.892
-25	12569	1256900	403d4a30-827c-4e3b-8bc6-316992291afa	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:56:31	-110.975
-25	25138	1256900	40dd5ba0-5d9a-4737-8aba-78d3c7c85632	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:08:20	-782.950
-26	12570	1257000	470ab10d-eeaa-4603-8c4c-0a64dfd73c23	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:41:29	390.95
-26	25140	1257000	9019d64e-ee32-4124-a181-6c7ab8e962d6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:59:44	185.142
-27	12571	1257100	4c69071a-545f-4bc8-8b2b-ec2ee34821d1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:25:57	-222.922
-27	25142	1257100	88605571-0aed-44e1-a584-5a77cbc4ddcd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:47:07	-661.516
-28	12572	1257200	ad9638b2-c6bc-48f5-a9b5-5e31454a9e16	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:39:05	-503.285
-28	25144	1257200	0fc3c587-7388-4916-a72e-0793abf0e064	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:17:09	173.347
-29	12573	1257300	6226bfec-4adf-4071-beab-958ce671963d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:10:05	-472.147
-29	25146	1257300	45d0ecf3-0ae9-4739-b42a-d81380c85386	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:01:14	502.589
-30	12574	1257400	04dbba33-5a53-45e8-b307-6d09c7b4438e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:21:55	182.717
-30	25148	1257400	8c07c871-4460-4756-ac1b-0bbca28b325d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:06:48	686.312
-31	12575	1257500	0f281dc3-71b3-445c-bb10-d91ae299f779	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:15:25	758.329
-31	25150	1257500	b49cc748-7ea2-4f40-b5a0-90818447aae1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:08:09	895.470
-32	12576	1257600	b5c37d7a-ec04-4f04-89de-e59cb90cfc95	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:14:04	624.927
-32	25152	1257600	17bf696f-15e3-4fe5-9533-a1d611db0b8b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:39:47	-380.323
-33	12577	1257700	34deed34-1926-4881-b339-dff50fb12a9e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:01:03	-346.428
-33	25154	1257700	18c1157a-807b-41b9-86ae-b8b6491410e0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:13:28	787.301
-34	12578	1257800	185b9bb1-c0f9-4010-b09e-1a3aa02bef67	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:34:29	490.311
-34	25156	1257800	3153a826-ae65-45c1-bfa6-c9cb0b652e51	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:46:51	-552.551
-35	12579	1257900	18b13db6-dcb9-484d-bab0-d962b5609b93	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:10:07	-616.304
-35	25158	1257900	f2c10ca7-4b46-48c0-bea2-5b2b468ce3e1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:13:47	106.462
-36	12580	1258000	f7c3f319-17cc-446b-b739-3899bc268198	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:55:15	774.393
-36	25160	1258000	284ab508-1352-481b-bdb6-025e77866b0f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:23:54	-157.825
-37	12581	1258100	b8c9d5ac-bef8-4624-b34a-ca5720141db6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:26:19	-185.306
-37	25162	1258100	2b29bb08-ace8-464e-abd6-1f71a618215d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:11:41	412.41
-38	12582	1258200	5359f47e-ea3a-4e69-b024-036e3b359411	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:35:03	-173.688
-38	25164	1258200	eacfc978-4c30-4817-a726-edf914b526ad	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:42:46	-983.462
-39	12583	1258300	95b01e9e-cc05-492e-8a7d-f05b1b0fea28	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:24:47	-930.71
-39	25166	1258300	c5550f04-9c13-4bc2-90f7-367a03226972	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:06:58	-74.976
-40	12584	1258400	09284499-8d34-47f6-8eb6-274e521c8b9d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:58:35	-194.203
-40	25168	1258400	501d7f73-3c0c-4885-aa1b-09e6c280bbc6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:04:24	353.175
-41	12585	1258500	0eda984e-2425-490f-8305-49d743f5ecbf	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:33:33	269.735
-41	25170	1258500	5c3c4273-b87b-4f3d-8db6-c312185f712b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:15:53	-433.95
-42	12586	1258600	f85d709a-7709-48d3-bb10-8c1da75a3ae0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:03:31	174.829
-42	25172	1258600	1539f0ad-7b2f-41e5-aa92-7c0405cab77c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:15:27	-535.664
-43	12587	1258700	7810c9a1-2bbe-4cec-99b8-73f2c33b89d8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:35:17	751.804
-43	25174	1258700	aac0271d-721b-45d6-9fa8-74c4d042d8ac	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:23:23	13.745
-44	12588	1258800	e56084b7-0525-4950-9f25-2641f9322178	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:42:49	915.996
-44	25176	1258800	125c6983-c0bf-41ec-8b94-4bd836b98880	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:52:10	-592.954
-45	12589	1258900	120518d3-4f5b-462b-91fd-cc650ad977c1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:59:17	684.532
-45	25178	1258900	a17a159b-1185-47d3-97a8-ba3639c75c10	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:00:23	331.121
-46	12590	1259000	1909d240-4ae0-4a44-b9b5-4f68d4ea6918	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:32:57	429.51
-46	25180	1259000	3efc42d2-4b56-4061-a4cf-24eca441cbdf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:34:36	856.613
-47	12591	1259100	ddacb54c-a395-443a-b2b7-5a82da04db3f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:50:42	-828.125
-47	25182	1259100	042e7035-f678-42ed-8e8b-c8f6ae4a1ebc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:15:53	739.863
-48	12592	1259200	417fe2dd-872d-4dde-bebc-a7d749df130a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:43:25	556.789
-48	25184	1259200	d805ebc6-7496-4bd6-b7dc-2e1fc282cd81	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:54:30	911.494
-49	12593	1259300	ed410bff-d511-4055-974d-8fed7e6bf57e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:54:24	6.321
-49	25186	1259300	f589f1fa-d58c-45bf-bdfe-024a1f4a5a95	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:09:56	567.332
-50	12594	1259400	70b1fff5-2a88-4c70-b60d-b5127da64a7a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:10:59	-854.620
-50	25188	1259400	470580cb-abfb-4a22-addd-8181344d89de	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:34:58	470.563
-51	12595	1259500	f6db6166-1b40-4196-85e1-685288425daf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:36:14	859.564
-51	25190	1259500	93f3318e-fb20-46ce-ac6a-506cf49ba27c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:31:58	-158.935
-52	12596	1259600	0eb17a17-9efa-47c6-9d5c-961a5e11cd8a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:21:48	874.996
-52	25192	1259600	58c0dd25-8dac-4e1f-8861-94bca85d3dae	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:24:38	-429.199
-53	12597	1259700	98c3db84-5e46-44d4-82b7-7ff35c5fa7cb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:54:53	-644.675
-53	25194	1259700	7aae07ee-6a5f-4403-bf74-7affa2f8aeac	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:33:07	936.652
-54	12598	1259800	35d7051b-b2c3-457a-bd0e-09efcc52a48a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:53:54	140.409
-54	25196	1259800	fb727d2b-d64d-407c-941a-9e656239b342	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:59:01	486.849
-55	12599	1259900	57b492bb-620e-446e-a7ea-7d9a07a43135	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:56:34	-491.489
-55	25198	1259900	75dc9648-c0dc-4f81-95e1-b8fa449a09e5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:49:55	-535.909
-56	12600	1260000	c2b85b4b-f1a0-4031-8ecc-1dea1db21844	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:22:27	178.119
-56	25200	1260000	6f48f135-cb70-46b1-b6f6-a11acd19a330	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:14:39	867.685
-57	12601	1260100	7114ad65-92ac-4c72-9eb9-f933c63c8a18	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:46:07	76.886
-57	25202	1260100	19381bc6-8ea9-4ba6-af80-dc6d2ba09841	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:05:12	133.460
-58	12602	1260200	cb8c539e-c10a-44ba-b54f-b555d9065627	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:27:38	977.357
-58	25204	1260200	6e377ee3-da38-44e2-8a41-184504b4c56c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:51:43	3.926
-59	12603	1260300	e07c805b-9632-4c83-b12e-e49a08cb5a07	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:05:06	-170.85
-59	25206	1260300	2847da1a-a00d-4fa4-9939-82cb5aad1884	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:02:08	555.276
-60	12604	1260400	45f4b5a9-f87d-4f0b-a474-b3199dfff26e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:29:27	-343.794
-60	25208	1260400	93be4fc4-c393-4968-9510-24e2ddf2cc1a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:31:48	444.762
-61	12605	1260500	9e0140f2-0042-49be-835e-ccf426169bfb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:09:30	-120.188
-61	25210	1260500	25e17764-e49e-4377-a4dc-b21fec3849da	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:36:46	-780.74
-62	12606	1260600	e1003a30-4b5e-4d8c-892e-3d8eefd2a5cc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:40:36	-73.655
-62	25212	1260600	359acae6-6abb-4398-abd3-dd117202724b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:01:28	-451.690
-63	12607	1260700	a29bd5ac-0c30-4c7d-9938-7f8ed8c16c4a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:28:53	685.630
-63	25214	1260700	ce4aa633-c0d8-49ec-af88-c482860dcbc9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:50:05	-908.468
-64	12608	1260800	fa0d7b4f-1751-45ee-b761-b24155a4d4e2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:11:00	469.235
-64	25216	1260800	c36b7efd-a3ba-434e-a1f9-c9139cf1a48d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:11:16	-527.522
-65	12609	1260900	dc523a72-82c4-490e-b3ee-7481cf798bd2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:26:54	-8.907
-65	25218	1260900	5c868298-bf32-4dd8-88e1-85d2008c20f4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:28:21	936.823
-66	12610	1261000	5a5fcbcd-722a-4952-b842-44eeef3a011a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:36:23	-239.465
-66	25220	1261000	0dbf2a6b-b250-4351-b73e-befce0a9ea10	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:23:18	697.762
-67	12611	1261100	72e93efb-dec2-4861-8bc8-88f7a93c1024	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:10:55	-718.505
-67	25222	1261100	5e9811f6-4540-42b4-a32a-ccbb9d1cbd8b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:06:48	-99.284
-68	12612	1261200	03cca1ea-41c7-4353-8fdd-5b84f894ae11	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:19:39	-640.652
-68	25224	1261200	fb63e70c-7170-4cd0-87ec-86247cb1b059	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:18:39	255.434
-69	12613	1261300	8d6d24cf-d326-4455-96b9-5ec4ae3b952b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:06:41	323.62
-69	25226	1261300	5d04fcfd-30d6-4d12-b3b0-73503018502c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:58:15	-286.106
-70	12614	1261400	6ef6a93d-1ba0-4cd4-af61-21b96fbc4710	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:55:26	436.492
-70	25228	1261400	5d7b1af0-5675-46fe-9047-5a49f3c7b133	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:58:26	201.122
-71	12615	1261500	39b7d0ea-0480-4657-871b-87c34c518820	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:45:50	879.56
-71	25230	1261500	31209b96-4aa1-40bf-be30-8e4a2fb39354	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:31:21	-700.226
-72	12616	1261600	431861a6-afad-40dc-afcb-3eb1d1992aaa	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:30:48	-844.901
-72	25232	1261600	0c6a551a-7bf6-4e05-a33b-2027ed4c6fa8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:31:26	-333.305
-73	12617	1261700	d07405eb-6cb6-40de-abaf-f0e7b5fc5008	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:29:02	-175.273
-73	25234	1261700	9b96f899-253f-4a81-980c-ab35b0418295	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:02:11	-568.215
-74	12618	1261800	2f64451e-d6c5-4f4d-99fb-e09642b54ec6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:43:56	538.741
-74	25236	1261800	44797c88-8673-40ea-8c57-efc4c931cc1e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:59:01	98.655
-75	12619	1261900	a8684526-b65b-40e8-afdd-4b2c9b12df69	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:10:34	-865.801
-75	25238	1261900	77d61cd3-2157-4b56-b85b-30a99b768489	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:30:54	-339.875
-76	12620	1262000	d2ed174d-3849-40be-9f78-b8e66a3c4424	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:01:03	-463.790
-76	25240	1262000	01f7c578-4537-47c6-be21-2c006d1f668b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:55:44	499.157
-77	12621	1262100	40eb0e5f-634f-4eca-b27c-e0fa50614e95	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:54:11	54.966
-77	25242	1262100	729a5d64-9f42-48b3-8178-9c9c43a28985	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:37:10	217.45
-78	12622	1262200	33cf6c58-9ad3-4315-9f05-0fc59c2a4418	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:37:48	409.512
-78	25244	1262200	2565a7d0-4455-4c37-a0f9-0d25621651b8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:21:12	-369.670
-79	12623	1262300	c4ae1c8f-5062-4cb1-9833-df6acd11bc5f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:08:32	653.219
-79	25246	1262300	bd61a7fb-ca51-410f-8ff1-c65bec75c6ac	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:54:58	801.783
-80	12624	1262400	37c0c539-125f-4281-b173-05c0cab2d11a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:57:36	-877.852
-80	25248	1262400	5e0bf2fc-5ffd-4b1e-ab15-d02c096e3741	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:46:55	663.409
-81	12625	1262500	6bb7eb90-eff2-4523-8e60-98e27b7f872d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:08:20	-265.615
-81	25250	1262500	c9b60a6e-a4f7-4c35-a960-69de3b8dc204	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:53:53	627.348
-82	12626	1262600	14c6cd45-227e-4f91-a0bd-1f694e47dc54	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:49:19	41.687
-82	25252	1262600	b7a5813d-1e5b-488f-bd40-2bdabc7bb190	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:49:44	8.42
-83	12627	1262700	325f67eb-ddb4-4161-85d1-36ee9877253f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:38:51	-932.658
-83	25254	1262700	6c57d0c7-2fd6-4eed-b30a-bf44695e2587	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:38:30	18.324
-84	12628	1262800	6e95be88-27b2-4a47-b556-c1ee293b74a3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:49:10	562.916
-84	25256	1262800	f2ae5990-e8bd-4ae1-a31f-fe1d0f55a08e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:49:31	78.800
-85	12629	1262900	3fced68f-9a3b-4092-9e26-ca4f1ba6f295	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:44:42	-227.35
-85	25258	1262900	65415cd5-410d-40e7-bd58-91edbb2f5ddd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:35:03	-241.76
-86	12630	1263000	f1fd7b80-1794-4244-91ee-4c2db91609d3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:09:06	-112.149
-86	25260	1263000	f8970a83-8faf-47c2-bc97-ae8460c73d50	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:41:23	-773.509
-87	12631	1263100	1c637b0a-cc79-4e00-8b80-74542dfb79cf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:24:24	-640.973
-87	25262	1263100	fed6ec28-76c4-4094-8f1c-aa18d4ce6dec	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:32:22	-418.385
-88	12632	1263200	acb16a21-f80b-4058-aa47-e6006f5ce3a3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:46:43	-374.519
-88	25264	1263200	021fcadb-03c4-44f9-ac1b-38166af6afc8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:27:25	809.776
-89	12633	1263300	98f87135-a0dc-4a9e-a509-c8f23256274d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:08:45	-564.947
-89	25266	1263300	16e4890f-e09d-42e6-9cf8-b6eedbe148a2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:34:39	-964.94
-90	12634	1263400	9b9d2761-d52a-4601-93a2-7654d32e5631	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:56:43	-519.87
-90	25268	1263400	547bf31d-399a-4dff-b66e-668a5f518844	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:00:22	661.156
-91	12635	1263500	fff67339-4ef4-4160-92fe-dcb56365917a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:31:34	-409.206
-91	25270	1263500	8b2f2b03-e564-41bb-a589-40f68f010c3a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:50:10	529.227
-92	12636	1263600	db59f612-cdce-41b6-93df-6d7e6901b0ff	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:02:46	706.281
-92	25272	1263600	ae00dfdd-aa68-4667-8529-dfdb2fa7bebd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:38:28	-65.899
-93	12637	1263700	377b082e-5913-4fe9-8c3b-dee75cad81bb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:38:26	727.38
-93	25274	1263700	cfc8a108-7c70-4d77-ab34-23eff370e082	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:50:04	-198.548
-94	12638	1263800	34532a3d-204c-4c7d-9eb7-5326eee0ab3f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:02:13	707.23
-94	25276	1263800	a5cd2a9d-139a-4c32-b8b5-76379376cc5d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:47:47	29.398
-95	12639	1263900	2222d920-b364-48c0-9385-69d7042e82d1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:54:47	495.609
-95	25278	1263900	de36c5fc-5b32-49d0-b930-e5243678ad6d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:22:47	916.89
-96	12640	1264000	01565512-fbc1-45ac-a29e-d32ce2dae9c6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:55:17	-788.366
-96	25280	1264000	4444d9a2-049b-45f7-a4be-6105d77136c4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:30:02	951.704
-97	12641	1264100	376a39f2-a3d8-492a-8c0d-b5bf03861fde	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:56:07	-28.432
-97	25282	1264100	ebe2076e-0804-4e7d-b135-f497654b4b21	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:55:11	50.198
-98	12642	1264200	dc35deb4-6225-4da6-b9a0-c5b241fe76e3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:39:46	-506.752
-98	25284	1264200	33c46693-9ac7-4db5-8418-c94ec731c172	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:17:56	395.90
-99	12643	1264300	d1d4d4a0-751f-4383-817f-09a99fed40e6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:50:04	-147.912
-99	25286	1264300	4e2dbaae-1fa7-4e29-a0e6-eddc07eedebb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:34:01	-347.193
-100	12644	1264400	700f693d-6dba-450d-b607-d8682766d538	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:14:46	426.12
-100	25288	1264400	3d39cb43-6896-4faa-b02f-45100342ea1f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:27:42	-573.818
-101	12645	1264500	a97c2644-bbc9-49a3-bcf2-09b7e334f2fb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:25:34	763.938
-101	25290	1264500	fe191627-faec-4793-8c92-5e4327806432	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:16:14	-669.195
-102	12646	1264600	f1654c42-f11d-4da3-9556-7dbfae80e373	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:02:28	-129.312
-102	25292	1264600	6d434fdb-1398-4fbb-b15a-79d168013a9a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:50:09	-345.497
-103	12647	1264700	c4bd595c-82df-4899-bf1b-93c1ea7d1269	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:01:01	-291.938
-103	25294	1264700	1cfdac7d-f8c4-4a89-ae27-44a43ba25573	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:22:37	-712.789
-104	12648	1264800	60e715a5-2f2c-4dc4-b67f-ec529afdfe69	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:24:30	-19.426
-104	25296	1264800	3247c15c-1265-4b6e-a223-7ed8e74e8e63	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:44:21	-748.596
-105	12649	1264900	9f1b8cfb-a866-4fb8-be36-73883ddcb96a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:29:52	-259.611
-105	25298	1264900	ed36d938-57d5-4bda-8ec1-117d01a468b4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:06:24	-528.503
-106	12650	1265000	ab83621c-1502-465a-9be4-39e0815b80eb	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:25:35	458.404
-106	25300	1265000	460c2fc2-d966-467f-b164-e8de65ad9d86	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:53:02	191.24
-107	12651	1265100	5db86eda-1544-4dad-a625-069598b03b53	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:17:53	45.386
-107	25302	1265100	bcfefef5-c654-472c-8ca4-285da1687966	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:38:33	-583.257
-108	12652	1265200	d5589ee7-2b56-4126-b7cc-ef83d8c1d3c8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:40:20	-874.869
-108	25304	1265200	3d5ff8cb-e362-44a8-820b-b939f20bd0ec	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:27:28	292.155
-109	12653	1265300	27b3a64a-2807-4f23-8c81-8270db3a15d1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:05:04	-453.136
-109	25306	1265300	02a6f8d5-caab-41fc-9f0d-28aacdbe4e66	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:06:20	789.437
-110	12654	1265400	2ba28f7a-0c23-43ae-85c6-0c68e1c6d237	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:21:32	-412.877
-110	25308	1265400	9b190e94-3d1e-40e6-a56c-d49f86263e5b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:46:44	674.180
-111	12655	1265500	51e3275b-1558-4292-ae3c-6004fc591979	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:03:09	646.727
-111	25310	1265500	a3d5f65d-3020-4ff2-a811-9baf8c5bcd1e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:47:49	-737.236
-112	12656	1265600	864f343e-d5e8-4b2c-9938-2a95baec07eb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:39:29	172.923
-112	25312	1265600	b5a45fb6-87da-43d6-987c-50f2a00dc891	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:40:45	640.328
-113	12657	1265700	699b81c7-7166-46c3-9e30-444d8392d572	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:45:03	-918.811
-113	25314	1265700	e189ebff-0fa9-40c6-806e-c7f448f13467	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:54:53	-176.270
-114	12658	1265800	b3b7464b-b3b3-45ba-850f-200e1def7f62	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:06:53	464.174
-114	25316	1265800	8a4ce8db-ac9f-423a-a670-1b40345cb084	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:07:08	-791.492
-115	12659	1265900	b69cc5e9-59f3-4c3d-b042-6cb1d0e9c698	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:56:24	-539.832
-115	25318	1265900	8ce795a0-0e04-4498-9d21-9a27a82230a9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:01:44	700.510
-116	12660	1266000	f58c52ba-2028-4086-a9b4-9603525d23b1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:19:26	340.224
-116	25320	1266000	a60d8b90-79b6-4241-9bbf-b3b2659c8d99	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:35:29	292.455
-117	12661	1266100	07b96f80-96a7-4288-b6e6-fd551be868fd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:57:39	-588.492
-117	25322	1266100	bf93ad21-7177-4ff7-898a-d383575abc76	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:24:24	-705.520
-118	12662	1266200	ba130c8f-0e37-4017-8fe2-a2a6df870670	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:18:05	745.844
-118	25324	1266200	e142af11-51ad-4682-bec0-feb602b8552e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:00:28	8.192
-119	12663	1266300	a8dddc61-4b04-4510-9b22-59f7a37285be	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:33:29	-291.609
-119	25326	1266300	e9db5c76-65f5-4d99-96b9-af60807650de	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:49:28	-594.858
-120	12664	1266400	5e47a878-171f-422e-855d-6dfbad308f95	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:02:44	169.400
-120	25328	1266400	abe9ddc9-1dc2-4778-a37a-52943a91fad6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:09:10	271.387
-121	12665	1266500	63660693-9f96-42de-b4fc-561c7d7d2f4b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:29:02	-576.642
-121	25330	1266500	f6943522-0f4f-4ef6-b08b-d05024c10de6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:35:29	-791.39
-122	12666	1266600	fa47e6c7-df38-41bd-85b2-d2caa525d341	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:27:01	127.310
-122	25332	1266600	84263a3a-1f9d-4aed-9f74-20f61ed2a30c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:05:33	-789.682
-123	12667	1266700	1f09bc30-233b-4e29-a9c1-ee18553794b5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:08:50	-59.701
-123	25334	1266700	77546c55-c42d-48a0-9315-7ea76e0bfe0a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:05:27	-936.153
-124	12668	1266800	ebc0b266-c5e1-4120-aba6-e5905341b473	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:24:38	-155.672
-124	25336	1266800	9e213d15-543d-495d-943a-f163644f7bd8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:15:29	-715.197
-125	12669	1266900	19b559e9-cb30-4001-bd64-2d188d2162ec	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:24:56	352.379
-125	25338	1266900	74a78f77-7f72-49d2-9027-aea3ccedd0ba	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:08:01	-95.786
-126	12670	1267000	878d39ee-50fc-4c19-8a97-29fea532f33a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:06:06	-776.249
-126	25340	1267000	ea776a0d-5bb5-4794-84d1-0a587ff22017	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:55:45	-300.909
-127	12671	1267100	387c9736-bb4f-41b7-a062-1dff6e0bb526	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:12:53	639.606
-127	25342	1267100	229e2fa6-feff-4a91-9dbc-9a81499c9a4d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:37:38	-494.822
-0	12672	1267200	6f614093-7d29-421b-85df-70ebd6818f7f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:58:20	218.469
-0	25344	1267200	a6a265c3-5541-4b63-983d-a1035d9bb754	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:53:46	-369.130
-1	12673	1267300	0da19433-8242-4256-bbe4-c763f01eeef7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:55:31	-672.329
-1	25346	1267300	737f7e19-51c3-4dc2-a805-e342c1f96dc1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:58:30	506.252
-2	12674	1267400	44d49092-7719-4c5f-aede-98d989cb8be5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:27:07	-152.723
-2	25348	1267400	dc5e1edb-61a8-41a0-98aa-57628cfdc7d5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:52:24	-280.660
-3	12675	1267500	ca2a48d8-5edd-4e9f-b0c4-4c58314a1e31	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:27:22	-225.595
-3	25350	1267500	38b2c595-d890-4dd0-bfc0-9a5fb65b9f88	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:13:28	-364.282
-4	12676	1267600	138387b6-73ea-47f5-8d78-0f3db6969287	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:30:43	422.799
-4	25352	1267600	ef090500-cdec-44e8-9ad2-0cebf0435a65	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:44:20	655.185
-5	12677	1267700	d5a97449-ed2e-4bd5-84e1-127a3135413a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:13:45	72.473
-5	25354	1267700	3a1bae9b-328c-4fe5-b54e-30c16d5d0178	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:38:44	143.92
-6	12678	1267800	b1fe772d-9bd5-4b10-9ccd-d692afe3f571	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:21:25	-183.339
-6	25356	1267800	87e0187a-813f-4c36-a52f-ae7c2799ddae	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:24:02	-885.720
-7	12679	1267900	553d52b3-b23d-4bb7-8da9-fe8c611cfadf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:00:07	-860.323
-7	25358	1267900	41b7a273-4872-40dc-ba10-0f5710e5c20f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:18:04	-398.0
-8	12680	1268000	6ee2372d-afcd-4e9b-9d1a-d81f8079c1bb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:02:41	410.621
-8	25360	1268000	f60785e8-9278-4aad-885e-f574fc01d43d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:21:30	-43.505
-9	12681	1268100	b318df35-fb35-4299-ae40-df72e44007c5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:46:40	298.924
-9	25362	1268100	58b09434-38f5-48e5-8319-b3bc6e970fbd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:10:23	-131.179
-10	12682	1268200	59c3e1dd-f513-4f18-9987-4c12b3629f63	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:38:03	-388.290
-10	25364	1268200	b279e031-3ff6-4a85-8fd3-87d3f26d6f40	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:20:25	-132.936
-11	12683	1268300	5f1d84e0-542f-4405-af80-202b92520628	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:32:33	625.847
-11	25366	1268300	d74166cc-ea7c-47e8-96e0-f956e62204ff	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:50:47	469.979
-12	12684	1268400	50c07d18-3df6-4abb-94c5-9d5d5aeb2f57	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:14:39	376.960
-12	25368	1268400	aabc8dd1-6c1b-49d2-b49c-826ee78156ff	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:28:12	561.987
-13	12685	1268500	ef2dcfaf-c612-495a-a818-c40eea7cc7c9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:27:35	-152.579
-13	25370	1268500	6d141f6c-d3a2-42d5-b32f-1b3415820dd0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:20:31	-656.341
-14	12686	1268600	37f9992d-f107-4d0f-8483-16d942553c12	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:41:06	-455.607
-14	25372	1268600	7a5b6f68-6e8f-4c23-a5b6-1d5f8cd53c04	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:20:13	412.906
-15	12687	1268700	da8066b8-2cb0-4b24-a96b-4cc10f65e22d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:54:30	495.717
-15	25374	1268700	9db71056-25b4-48c3-bb9b-d4b6e27b8722	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:04:55	819.430
-16	12688	1268800	4c4e5918-e825-4999-a2c9-641d6f24274c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:57:14	-984.788
-16	25376	1268800	b3718f88-5b65-4c2f-aea2-a0eefe48cef7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:20:18	506.227
-17	12689	1268900	4c50cb61-4635-427e-a9d5-ce9c0f820bb6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:17:47	750.215
-17	25378	1268900	bd92b53f-25f7-4a77-adec-b777a5ca5207	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:41:46	7.47
-18	12690	1269000	c8034a1d-63af-41ca-b921-a9e9f222c976	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:42:24	-929.564
-18	25380	1269000	3c19d2ff-4198-40dd-943e-116e34559d7d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:08:51	-943.647
-19	12691	1269100	1e4335c9-b771-4428-9d03-348ad2441c54	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:43:03	-147.900
-19	25382	1269100	6841127f-a685-4c83-8edc-db497e04897f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:26:05	-79.957
-20	12692	1269200	bf8f2732-8359-4a05-bc06-694e1be3d2c7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:40:19	-716.192
-20	25384	1269200	712e133d-484a-452d-8aeb-011d3211b605	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:04:45	-85.743
-21	12693	1269300	ea0abc75-04cc-432c-bbc4-7575ef766e66	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:17:48	-232.840
-21	25386	1269300	c8d481e5-b05d-4918-aa5b-9b31cee2200e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:25:36	-329.686
-22	12694	1269400	b9779558-e381-4b74-86bd-e289a3caeac9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:47:06	-625.86
-22	25388	1269400	e97d5b83-a557-4688-8809-2d8edf2a4005	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:52:39	-426.337
-23	12695	1269500	5d9bc3b8-b3bb-43dd-bd09-2d05fb83e26d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:05:57	892.33
-23	25390	1269500	78c9721f-4b57-4fe5-9584-aae593efa5d8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:48:58	-621.916
-24	12696	1269600	38a140c8-4f01-42b3-b667-3368233237bc	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:48:16	341.475
-24	25392	1269600	9948c2ff-f0e9-4059-aa0d-d2852a1bcc84	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:47:11	138.839
-25	12697	1269700	e7533687-52fe-4a8e-871f-4418707c632e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:47:25	948.173
-25	25394	1269700	72ebe27d-c0cf-4eb6-a176-4b96ebaba891	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:14:52	-661.167
-26	12698	1269800	d89c678e-f2bd-4603-8462-dea0b42d3b41	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:14:59	-415.687
-26	25396	1269800	cec5f276-6f8b-4ae8-9e38-f4bc290138e4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:08:35	38.805
-27	12699	1269900	f2c5cd17-c3bf-494e-8dca-59d0b25ff7b7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:20:20	-994.229
-27	25398	1269900	79f99541-4c80-4434-aa71-314d11f1cab3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:49:09	-864.389
-28	12700	1270000	c29c0756-ddbc-4e88-809d-1e9f40164e5c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:20:33	726.787
-28	25400	1270000	5486e492-cdad-4113-8f81-8c8c424f8ee9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:09:21	331.284
-29	12701	1270100	b5190170-437d-4136-9a89-0bab1ad4624f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:33:31	668.260
-29	25402	1270100	03b5b185-2a0a-4b85-9cd2-7cef59c9b694	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:06:27	60.180
-30	12702	1270200	fc046e08-c1d9-4265-9aae-8d642927bfe3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:47:53	583.273
-30	25404	1270200	50d10b50-a9ac-4fd9-a67d-1de4943279bb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:18:08	-876.802
-31	12703	1270300	b2c78534-b5d8-4b0c-8caa-7ff10cdaa1b0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:51:18	775.342
-31	25406	1270300	ed5681dd-91cd-4db3-b02e-a88363c53d85	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:01:33	-981.45
-32	12704	1270400	766e9c16-a684-40f4-a477-f40161bf3ea1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:46:36	108.357
-32	25408	1270400	2d900465-75c7-4302-aee0-4602fb7a5720	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:57:25	891.711
-33	12705	1270500	08a01b2c-85a3-45ed-8578-8333552de833	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:25:32	196.735
-33	25410	1270500	8fe6d53c-9b9f-4838-a55a-c47388d2126d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:43:44	435.678
-34	12706	1270600	08f5ed53-e492-4246-a016-5da43487af1c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:59:44	408.930
-34	25412	1270600	54d61cb7-e744-4d6c-b69e-32dfcf41e219	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:06:42	848.781
-35	12707	1270700	0b65ec49-5404-43d8-9935-88a2c04782ac	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:59:36	407.716
-35	25414	1270700	7f81b14f-312a-4d53-97c1-156138b41292	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:10:34	649.552
-36	12708	1270800	db2c28f9-9dbd-403a-92ce-5965a8c93d86	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:12:34	416.999
-36	25416	1270800	754dbc92-e92f-4aed-ae27-8d094339bd3e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:56:13	236.16
-37	12709	1270900	0af639ca-f011-4c76-b002-6da649be249a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:32:25	-524.372
-37	25418	1270900	e451af93-b85d-42bf-9e1a-c64a24f54a66	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:09:37	2.291
-38	12710	1271000	6c4effb9-97dc-435d-ba22-9d8a7aed5303	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:39:12	513.541
-38	25420	1271000	e41756ef-a901-450a-84bc-f0ca957a0cbe	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:30:34	854.163
-39	12711	1271100	edbf6721-54c9-4fb4-b3b6-6f95d4e3d1b3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:52:46	114.265
-39	25422	1271100	6f4a3b29-6bee-44b7-b05a-6f4c974ee9fb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:50:18	119.901
-40	12712	1271200	b99fafd9-e1a6-4353-bc1a-214d1984d036	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:10:24	452.252
-40	25424	1271200	f220fd5d-e0e1-4f1f-a545-a8fe88a3f812	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:39:12	-692.780
-41	12713	1271300	db4e457c-9c50-4ee6-945c-c4b31c899472	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:37:13	-556.338
-41	25426	1271300	bcabda9e-f9dc-47c7-8f35-f60190cfd1a0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:54:56	-276.970
-42	12714	1271400	767ad0db-135d-4174-b41c-e8f3a6554bec	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:14:05	-719.701
-42	25428	1271400	9fb12af3-3ae2-4113-ac5d-c9f01f1f76a1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:08:23	556.712
-43	12715	1271500	97f3fb15-3d91-44aa-b771-ffc89197b2ad	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:34:53	50.291
-43	25430	1271500	5c115a9b-3926-4cd8-9243-02154f87adfa	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:44:04	88.735
-44	12716	1271600	2fb33627-2a51-447c-9a8a-37de94f3089f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:09:51	-112.371
-44	25432	1271600	3d8397b2-d6dc-4be0-a9c2-3b177ba973cb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:38:58	853.432
-45	12717	1271700	288d3335-cfdf-450b-8077-6162d2b17860	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:30:42	539.375
-45	25434	1271700	f50775f0-d95a-4e85-9310-25b4dae58d5a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:46:39	750.800
-46	12718	1271800	b67e61b9-0db9-41dc-9997-751bf3ff7711	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:51:15	789.984
-46	25436	1271800	9cb5420c-2147-4965-8906-89a3b425ee90	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:13:35	663.49
-47	12719	1271900	58b89f3a-9b70-4a54-ae87-f25e960bc4cf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:49:49	-942.161
-47	25438	1271900	dd8c6f43-e023-4e8d-8e67-b27e0ba1503f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:53:12	-258.797
-48	12720	1272000	edb82f54-7e1e-40b0-849a-9cac8142e237	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:21:52	-41.506
-48	25440	1272000	f855a77a-a6c6-413c-a63d-919ac77935e5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:12:38	729.611
-49	12721	1272100	cfa6e986-9f78-44e7-b76c-c6c69c5ecea4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:52:39	664.741
-49	25442	1272100	928ee53b-953c-4540-8e77-9328d201063c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:00:35	76.307
-50	12722	1272200	5b44325e-5b67-47a0-85cc-5cda3a0da8a7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:07:58	-139.781
-50	25444	1272200	b706a609-4cee-4876-bf24-957c61323303	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:20:32	399.606
-51	12723	1272300	d6b5a1c2-5491-41c3-9804-a85a3ea34832	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:45:35	-543.854
-51	25446	1272300	b5a12961-b03b-4168-aa4c-1567cd6cfd1a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:43:45	897.226
-52	12724	1272400	58e36505-afb4-4d71-b820-afd792298473	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:55:10	249.208
-52	25448	1272400	c8eb4b9f-263f-4f5e-b280-20734a8a0c52	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:31:42	-601.728
-53	12725	1272500	ac35b17d-ade8-454a-b7c7-6809e120e869	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:34:48	-465.697
-53	25450	1272500	c4c428a3-5265-4d80-a18e-d778d3edc77c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:09:35	-857.234
-54	12726	1272600	911bfe8b-cf15-4d3d-b8d5-39203ed16653	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:45:28	-369.338
-54	25452	1272600	645a26eb-8a1f-44fe-acde-be6464dae738	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:54:18	-637.310
-55	12727	1272700	356e80dd-1ef6-4ca0-981e-5e1fb2c2a4db	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:59:51	-30.370
-55	25454	1272700	8e53c5b9-5c8c-4e78-a84b-b091921d87a0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:55:15	-230.665
-56	12728	1272800	6ef90b19-8aa5-4cbf-a0a4-696854230e9d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:36:37	892.597
-56	25456	1272800	b3f5a088-8dcd-4915-b5ce-14d512d15af9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:51:32	-351.678
-57	12729	1272900	aa49f9db-9e53-460b-acaf-850cb6d13963	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:47:32	-152.485
-57	25458	1272900	f9acc4ff-3095-4db8-a52c-a744bf97d9f0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:43:51	982.952
-58	12730	1273000	6f6bad21-b69c-4ccb-bd31-ee8828a2249b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:28:43	-255.229
-58	25460	1273000	9865fd67-1e34-4a52-82b8-87557f357fb5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:00:56	-376.506
-59	12731	1273100	5e444913-a378-4a54-9038-74471acddbb9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:02:45	-86.396
-59	25462	1273100	d36fc4fb-9082-4cc8-b18a-75e295577b1d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:01:50	639.439
-60	12732	1273200	b8a452f5-8312-4bab-bb29-9d691168d8f0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:33:47	-63.409
-60	25464	1273200	a0aa2795-9c21-41a4-b57e-57a98f53914b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:13:10	-134.364
-61	12733	1273300	06b0d4b0-9533-41a8-a4f1-c4bb85dcb8c9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:08:15	698.675
-61	25466	1273300	34fbc81a-ecc3-4dc1-a563-188e0337697a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:57:12	277.374
-62	12734	1273400	b32a0fbb-413d-486c-9b10-ba3fbabb18c9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:31:40	-867.820
-62	25468	1273400	40899e08-68a7-4e71-9ee1-34cd9701d1a7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:02:41	928.963
-63	12735	1273500	3b926884-195d-4a95-ae83-b649785a35e9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:21:29	94.90
-63	25470	1273500	cf149e13-cf85-4e28-bcaa-90265e3a14b2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:38:28	171.698
-64	12736	1273600	a6f7782b-b523-4423-b0ec-09e9b8d2c8d8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:53:56	-699.598
-64	25472	1273600	343395d6-3ed4-4f5d-abc7-63bd617aec94	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:58:07	-432.549
-65	12737	1273700	172ef68b-2cf1-4c91-a190-75800323e067	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:41:11	-70.541
-65	25474	1273700	01689bec-5030-4077-a822-b5999ff5cec1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:29:25	652.464
-66	12738	1273800	cda98207-5041-46c6-afdc-de4c90ad3e7a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:20:03	-153.922
-66	25476	1273800	507887c3-e823-4fa8-8a9b-e4af189c5b9f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:45:47	83.610
-67	12739	1273900	dbeb816b-6fc6-4b7f-8eeb-c0859b1d0e1f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:10:21	440.962
-67	25478	1273900	488abfe1-ab21-4f44-be76-89acd233d269	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:23:53	-121.471
-68	12740	1274000	3c2daecf-af7a-4cbe-aae6-ad6a394072c9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:55:58	772.492
-68	25480	1274000	c4a35e50-26a2-4adb-b457-d1f09e27be9e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:59:55	-631.149
-69	12741	1274100	125b035b-2e96-43f3-8210-7649f4bc3b33	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:09:41	-751.566
-69	25482	1274100	527cf367-7a93-47e5-985c-4cd258650acc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:29:34	-258.169
-70	12742	1274200	52b407d0-c137-42aa-8025-19c9e4d02e7e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:26:56	121.618
-70	25484	1274200	03904fc7-6025-41bc-960a-3fb6272073c0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:08:31	-663.401
-71	12743	1274300	27a4ff50-6d06-451a-807d-37a542ae4ef3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:48:06	-405.555
-71	25486	1274300	8c318a3a-737d-40a8-b7af-85e8ac639e6c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:16:23	888.883
-72	12744	1274400	1bf727e3-d0d5-4ced-a7f1-5af12d773d1a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:13:01	-689.848
-72	25488	1274400	cbbf14fd-7d79-4766-b98e-e817b06fd18d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:04:58	-706.129
-73	12745	1274500	a4f1fb14-0e2c-4df9-9708-12a2b35cdb8f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:28:21	858.489
-73	25490	1274500	c876076f-39b0-4aed-baf1-b5ed519b61c7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:10:13	-912.722
-74	12746	1274600	6d7db9e9-0932-4d08-ad3a-670cda182931	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:07:15	-102.102
-74	25492	1274600	6d0488f4-918f-44a7-8d11-559e5e56dbfa	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:32:15	106.225
-75	12747	1274700	56f51440-57cb-48da-80b7-89e2ca191eed	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:52:36	-751.488
-75	25494	1274700	d68a5bc3-e595-4507-8554-23e0f2fcb225	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:38:01	813.300
-76	12748	1274800	d7e9cd85-d818-4632-b635-26132c9acd52	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:35:08	-121.961
-76	25496	1274800	658f1dbc-7068-4eaf-9b11-33367ec4f4b8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:48:16	657.617
-77	12749	1274900	ca71d307-02f5-47c3-9a76-dfd50a1cacc2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:23:24	900.477
-77	25498	1274900	1186d956-417f-4196-93fc-4ef4cba2786a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:05:54	574.311
-78	12750	1275000	b4e79ed1-8bf1-4480-a963-e01e00da7e2e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:57:08	354.908
-78	25500	1275000	bae4bddb-b39b-4d61-b07f-8d7199967e40	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:05:11	548.777
-79	12751	1275100	370a0fc8-b407-47b9-bb89-58a90a315441	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:57:42	814.970
-79	25502	1275100	667ad804-1f68-4aa8-9dbc-c8af7cfb9736	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:51:26	-331.759
-80	12752	1275200	258f27ef-53f0-43d3-9556-2e06624b719d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:44:26	-69.518
-80	25504	1275200	74151225-a369-4943-9b0f-3b93b3273d47	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:35:39	-644.164
-81	12753	1275300	bbd1eb8e-a30e-491b-88b8-7406daf23b97	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:32:58	-444.98
-81	25506	1275300	7c1f92a7-50b2-4a2f-af98-ea60fe3cd474	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:41:46	-409.631
-82	12754	1275400	38771db8-8a3d-4350-93bc-bb3976d12267	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:55:42	-750.438
-82	25508	1275400	6563a931-0151-40ae-b22e-39881869e11d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:34:37	-174.327
-83	12755	1275500	a0366052-4d66-48ac-a0d6-45eb08ffe4d9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:57:13	103.381
-83	25510	1275500	74fab94d-58ba-4ac2-a8a2-da01efdc996e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:52:25	-38.75
-84	12756	1275600	c7e3595a-ff53-4e72-b275-e77dcfda98b1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:52:46	726.167
-84	25512	1275600	91f1e8d7-c129-4bbb-a9d4-4f122c0620f3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:45:58	-243.747
-85	12757	1275700	36db6d2e-5234-4271-8188-1d50dfdf7141	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:16:22	-198.30
-85	25514	1275700	b487d3d4-2109-4059-89ac-cfd1d0c60d48	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:35:38	15.222
-86	12758	1275800	f0864a1f-fbdb-4cfc-8feb-021b16805b31	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:35:20	-592.99
-86	25516	1275800	5746f8da-0f6c-4774-9156-717f205cafc5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:55:39	969.507
-87	12759	1275900	adc879bb-1759-43c0-933c-9e52bbfc36eb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:21:11	-122.252
-87	25518	1275900	861fa708-8375-4365-a6e9-0578b9ee3401	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:28:08	498.294
-88	12760	1276000	7bdc6202-5162-49c7-a6e9-baa299f84fd1	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:51:15	595.560
-88	25520	1276000	01cd029f-82e2-482e-8c82-2126ebc3207f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:03:09	93.857
-89	12761	1276100	0cb4f5b4-50fb-4979-a709-328db1e0787a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:35:54	699.281
-89	25522	1276100	7870c37e-fc3d-4ccc-a97c-4794e74c7631	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:25:12	-808.821
-90	12762	1276200	afb42afb-a48b-4f0b-b48c-c4b4b9536130	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:37:03	212.424
-90	25524	1276200	6339a208-30ca-4c16-939a-1dbf60122768	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:49:24	-301.953
-91	12763	1276300	6819b174-6fd2-486f-ad89-85f333f63dec	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:50:00	474.657
-91	25526	1276300	e1b10ce8-ee56-4842-9614-9fda7fa00f19	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:38:07	157.570
-92	12764	1276400	bc78a312-a4a8-49c9-a048-9a76770c9253	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:03:05	-117.157
-92	25528	1276400	2389108e-962d-42a0-a169-b0e5f9ac99ed	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:45:58	41.89
-93	12765	1276500	99a86b3c-6ed6-4c9c-af24-7202f11c9276	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:44:52	19.327
-93	25530	1276500	91cb6d79-16fb-477e-8ac9-b504c5798cac	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:34:26	-404.829
-94	12766	1276600	2c788cf5-88f0-4491-b5bf-d8671af8b245	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:43:40	-153.284
-94	25532	1276600	2dddb756-b001-46cb-9879-29bb218c0fac	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:44:32	289.323
-95	12767	1276700	74415dd9-d807-4565-8769-86d941be2491	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:53:40	174.498
-95	25534	1276700	067a79e4-5f81-415b-b0e6-a27953999998	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:05:36	798.230
-96	12768	1276800	7b6c173e-6cd5-4f50-80d6-ed759890e138	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:48:28	596.432
-96	25536	1276800	906e60f2-9f1d-4ae3-80bb-efca3f211492	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:09:39	984.558
-97	12769	1276900	67c57cbc-a826-4533-b1e6-eb314d5a0221	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:36:32	-652.351
-97	25538	1276900	d99ccb79-c171-4c5b-b3fe-05a95f945f4c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:21:00	898.141
-98	12770	1277000	9524487c-14d6-42f9-8008-09a142911dae	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:41:11	723.888
-98	25540	1277000	5e4643e1-180f-4589-8118-ef2587139208	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:36:28	-151.311
-99	12771	1277100	5cec8dbd-e497-4fe9-8a3a-1e28ac37369a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:37:02	-747.972
-99	25542	1277100	05ac0e6f-0659-4e33-9b46-5c4f4eb00b18	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:58:44	-67.268
-100	12772	1277200	e08fd4bd-1007-46d9-8880-c9ea7e7bcf47	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:47:16	940.453
-100	25544	1277200	908cc586-9289-48f1-a20a-178ae7f38958	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:42:31	853.363
-101	12773	1277300	30eb8a80-abc3-4f61-98f5-ba119a8e0ba5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:08:24	-359.373
-101	25546	1277300	65530d11-6da7-40a8-b4f2-bb2a6090a841	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:46:21	383.434
-102	12774	1277400	72276ba8-dc81-442f-91f4-149205e44792	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:11:12	-30.385
-102	25548	1277400	479bc949-f91d-439a-ac5a-61eae855ea66	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:25:57	45.401
-103	12775	1277500	174ae38c-0a14-4b23-ac91-2fba88226847	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:56:01	-487.500
-103	25550	1277500	23adfb0d-80f0-457f-8780-f8cf357fbf26	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:51:30	-558.560
-104	12776	1277600	f62e9104-9903-44b7-b3f8-1ddadf27f21b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:52:30	-116.207
-104	25552	1277600	f3c5b3ac-1333-41a4-bc85-900659d7d1e3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:36:29	798.175
-105	12777	1277700	95859b65-25f3-45d4-b1d4-7540a57aec82	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:14:29	-687.281
-105	25554	1277700	0e2cc86b-4c7a-4a10-99fd-39ee0658aa5c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:31:46	58.537
-106	12778	1277800	0095d376-f3a7-4d38-913d-2c044d3070b6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:04:05	-985.313
-106	25556	1277800	12f7d96e-c6a9-4b49-a5dd-e093788413a9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:19:42	758.688
-107	12779	1277900	df224c7c-19ad-4e8e-a766-a16bec3c1b48	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:32:39	-260.730
-107	25558	1277900	69e3f168-730a-41cf-8160-c135df034adb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:22:10	788.891
-108	12780	1278000	a0b00bd7-b991-45e3-b9af-a9310f5160e5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:59:24	-322.148
-108	25560	1278000	389fc74a-9737-4800-8259-df293b9505d6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:38:35	-175.61
-109	12781	1278100	2a2146bd-6471-4678-b11b-e28242977b0e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:38:23	190.735
-109	25562	1278100	901c2b23-e091-4cf2-954b-8a0a673c00ad	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:46:13	-714.475
-110	12782	1278200	beace035-471d-4f27-92d6-17a2e64a5267	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:04:46	-241.10
-110	25564	1278200	a12b5c8e-79f9-49f6-b5b6-87504bd3b50d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:56:36	699.474
-111	12783	1278300	9ad836cd-4b2c-43b6-8547-1b2a3fe4c055	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:29:13	13.100
-111	25566	1278300	ed398928-47e5-44a3-b934-895593f7abcd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:13:24	580.469
-112	12784	1278400	fb3196c7-3374-4897-825a-54a2be1cc219	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:22:49	-940.648
-112	25568	1278400	88de0c1b-9e8f-4813-a695-a3f659b6132c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:29:25	-474.235
-113	12785	1278500	c490d802-be26-48cd-888f-efb919c3b184	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:43:11	-387.751
-113	25570	1278500	6269980d-2028-4a54-9d36-964c0aa132e0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:59:44	-111.64
-114	12786	1278600	8c8e5cb8-3b52-4b8a-be12-5b619264858b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:00:18	676.635
-114	25572	1278600	2a336a2e-7bf1-4179-b287-f6708ff7bda2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:32:10	81.712
-115	12787	1278700	d291209d-243f-4d6f-af78-cb8963fa2c32	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:56:11	-201.724
-115	25574	1278700	2b4881eb-1609-440a-995a-57c78b8f7548	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:59:27	914.52
-116	12788	1278800	1c9fa6db-166b-405d-a099-79d02f146f07	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:24:04	736.865
-116	25576	1278800	7c6cf7e0-e60d-4ac4-8515-e4b57cc0dd0f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:58:36	874.124
-117	12789	1278900	d264b0a6-5176-43ce-a898-80059c426217	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:28:31	40.419
-117	25578	1278900	50279aa2-df36-4786-a71a-dd05ca607bcf	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:29:25	958.92
-118	12790	1279000	a3df5eea-f493-45fa-a037-d733cf932a10	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:21:13	806.437
-118	25580	1279000	c794a8b0-4db6-4eb5-b117-f0836838f386	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:45:12	455.838
-119	12791	1279100	3651126a-0eb7-43a5-897f-b4d2eef0ccc7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:11:02	-145.785
-119	25582	1279100	5ebd4716-b277-4ee2-be8f-944d476fb6cf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:02:23	898.913
-120	12792	1279200	5b921b35-fc60-49a9-9aab-aa8917c3e224	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:04:26	-430.657
-120	25584	1279200	39c51e27-6676-4d2c-ba78-3f261764c1f9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:47:58	247.2
-121	12793	1279300	e17598b3-fc0c-4cbd-997d-1b224f2f7b5d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:36:21	402.510
-121	25586	1279300	d14765aa-d949-4352-bbb5-f5bfcea25eb7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:59:58	-917.222
-122	12794	1279400	712615a4-f3eb-4360-86d1-22a956156df5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:42:18	40.121
-122	25588	1279400	3ff38beb-c5cf-4cd3-93e2-27877dcee758	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:58:09	809.595
-123	12795	1279500	26dd20df-f5eb-4ee0-a1be-3b3cf89e7867	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:13:18	623.995
-123	25590	1279500	f605c411-9566-4216-bae8-406ba7d898e0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:40:18	-920.90
-124	12796	1279600	3530ef6c-88ee-4ff6-989d-e9a533e28024	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:32:05	68.727
-124	25592	1279600	083c49bd-b95a-4db0-af28-c0067040dc1b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:44:41	944.734
-125	12797	1279700	1e7e9da0-7479-49a0-b1a1-be848e47ab0d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:30:48	714.123
-125	25594	1279700	fd6221c0-3211-4f10-a50e-2606836da23b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:28:24	-864.155
-126	12798	1279800	271a37b6-55e8-4b0c-bb8f-e5ffc6b8b9c7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:23:44	-547.811
-126	25596	1279800	8a4124e7-bd17-4086-8214-1e3b914c55cf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:18:38	540.492
-127	12799	1279900	0fd1d326-94ce-4738-bfce-2580f9613475	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:08:28	-948.306
-127	25598	1279900	99894ce4-35ca-4387-bdd2-c3d5d31307d2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:39:05	-155.958
-0	12800	1280000	e3b3fab4-983d-41c2-8191-7b0ff1792e57	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:20:13	939.457
-0	25600	1280000	9c9cd3b6-6877-415a-b87a-17800d921b8b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:28:29	-177.623
-1	12801	1280100	b9be8352-a3bd-4166-b188-3734de03c970	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:04:59	-247.627
-1	25602	1280100	3c455999-ce63-475c-9ca5-1e4612d82bb0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:42:48	298.507
-2	12802	1280200	acd2c8e9-138f-4160-81d5-554484253ead	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:47:13	714.414
-2	25604	1280200	dc5350bd-700d-4dbf-8fd8-429c436f2bcf	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:50:01	894.373
-3	12803	1280300	310b2491-2307-4941-bff0-da4ad497d3c3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:42:08	26.235
-3	25606	1280300	a7a23d94-5fa4-406f-abde-5c1286c04e46	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:02:16	728.258
-4	12804	1280400	0c478bae-6973-415f-8b08-927d0472475f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:38:46	176.62
-4	25608	1280400	46726d4c-3d2b-4083-bb44-989ed40522f8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:46:34	500.744
-5	12805	1280500	92934d29-bb8d-456f-81ad-adc124b9fe89	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:18:12	684.583
-5	25610	1280500	d6738c94-4549-4545-907b-5b5dd4fcad55	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:37:38	558.228
-6	12806	1280600	ee23b608-569f-4b60-94dc-1779d3bdfbb9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:52:27	719.15
-6	25612	1280600	76f2be3a-c289-4495-b437-a2f3a8fc7d83	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:57:13	127.400
-7	12807	1280700	d480954d-ad77-4e9f-82c5-446c14310f87	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:52:30	-377.773
-7	25614	1280700	11e6146a-e61c-426e-90e5-2544ac5b7723	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:53:38	-141.2
-8	12808	1280800	4697701c-a0d3-4e50-b439-648357c1e24b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:18:07	205.311
-8	25616	1280800	f41054a0-5c24-406d-8117-a7bddf2c1dbe	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:59:22	976.634
-9	12809	1280900	ea4b231e-ebfa-4073-b0e3-9e75451b4796	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:32:54	817.383
-9	25618	1280900	a4672946-bc25-4459-a3cf-083264a0a5c6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:31:16	-674.752
-10	12810	1281000	244a16bc-51d4-4ff0-b097-39238372afbc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:39:28	-233.974
-10	25620	1281000	99e22b9c-2530-4f55-b7a3-eeb2d700acad	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:33:57	918.377
-11	12811	1281100	c95affde-3d98-4712-90a2-8b93e5dd7617	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:20:17	584.806
-11	25622	1281100	8d2a4e9c-03be-45f9-93ba-c25d58c35cc1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:17:21	677.642
-12	12812	1281200	1fc910ba-bac2-4bc3-859b-fc8855a0d0af	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:31:26	268.335
-12	25624	1281200	331dfbe0-eb12-4ac4-8863-216cd47102c2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:11:48	-777.927
-13	12813	1281300	2b624873-00af-47d1-a42a-531cfac320f9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:44:56	532.153
-13	25626	1281300	43e7256d-bb8c-48ac-b8f7-ca0524771035	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:24:59	-227.618
-14	12814	1281400	0a155d6a-8bb3-44a6-b315-297c3bcf91b5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:58:36	-995.212
-14	25628	1281400	868c4de3-3c3a-4935-bf8b-8a1c0ed123c6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:30:27	601.859
-15	12815	1281500	48c8fa72-37de-461e-bd6b-b2391fa63ade	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:35:55	816.222
-15	25630	1281500	fc185785-70d9-4924-8ab7-583813c79a9c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:55:35	555.932
-16	12816	1281600	bca9e859-be3e-43fc-a91b-b79e3851ef23	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:55:07	89.520
-16	25632	1281600	6af0f43d-5c8a-4771-8052-1d77372afdb3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:30:44	572.706
-17	12817	1281700	813d8cde-075d-4906-86ab-b70d78de615d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:26:47	-537.25
-17	25634	1281700	c56774b2-32c8-494d-8dfa-e5b0b5eda80e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:29:58	-757.577
-18	12818	1281800	fe12dbec-1847-4167-81e7-6b672b2378d9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:28:34	-604.734
-18	25636	1281800	dfdbbe79-dcd1-4f9f-9bcd-3da629abb01e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:03:13	283.108
-19	12819	1281900	16e6e6a6-727a-4164-98c4-3a12811a81a5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:54:39	329.20
-19	25638	1281900	c2c73813-b52d-4343-af8c-5427f1eb348a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:26:08	492.445
-20	12820	1282000	f3d14b06-4821-4aa9-b68a-b789502f4439	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:05:08	162.813
-20	25640	1282000	f34762fa-4152-4460-8db4-cc7c34a358a6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:59:53	-159.70
-21	12821	1282100	4c6b3032-ec6f-4b29-a0ea-0dfaf01b1d44	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:07:02	962.302
-21	25642	1282100	e415807b-6164-4d5e-b5b6-f0e858eda353	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:47:19	644.319
-22	12822	1282200	8120bbbf-e6c9-4bc4-8504-139e26435382	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:26:28	169.781
-22	25644	1282200	ab4de1f6-7ab5-4e34-8565-c78f76283f9d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:17:15	168.163
-23	12823	1282300	523a6af2-9ebb-4971-966d-fdb915425435	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:59:27	-234.89
-23	25646	1282300	eb4ff7b1-cb87-4b6d-b289-c69628dd3689	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:31:12	302.449
-24	12824	1282400	1aa7342b-5722-4d81-b6b0-adb6545be3e7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:59:11	820.871
-24	25648	1282400	a08cb07e-7982-443b-b6be-84e4290bf7ce	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:18:33	966.742
-25	12825	1282500	01a45b51-ff39-49c1-94bf-bf03fb413d22	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:21:22	279.122
-25	25650	1282500	1b56c8cf-63f6-42b3-90e7-192d7b72353f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:19:57	898.909
-26	12826	1282600	5f97c407-787e-4db1-a096-0350a27a5e62	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:42:18	613.796
-26	25652	1282600	c47ed512-6d0b-4f5b-be25-c99ab93e207f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:46:41	-696.17
-27	12827	1282700	f31ea829-275b-4bb2-9a3a-a72e87a68650	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:43:44	699.180
-27	25654	1282700	2e7debc8-8583-4cc7-ad21-c40fb27e1ff9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:46:29	363.562
-28	12828	1282800	9dd25088-71ad-498f-bb57-e4bb732066c3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:57:55	-553.128
-28	25656	1282800	c7588887-ddea-464e-9123-63bcaffe2507	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:58:30	-71.515
-29	12829	1282900	2744fa03-9297-4fa9-9666-087ae4dfdb13	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:52:04	979.930
-29	25658	1282900	160797ac-d4ae-4551-9e03-6711a277fa6c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:40:14	839.251
-30	12830	1283000	8ded1682-8f2a-4ce1-ba86-1b8d4a33fdb1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:00:22	747.538
-30	25660	1283000	d615a50a-efa9-44d5-b649-cd1ec9ef7e33	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:54:07	681.430
-31	12831	1283100	4de8c2b5-c3a6-4e32-a7d2-da26fe18db22	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:27:25	373.104
-31	25662	1283100	f83fb3cf-368b-45d6-9d2d-afbe825ff328	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:23:36	-624.899
-32	12832	1283200	33c4bf62-6889-47f3-8bb1-8a4f2f44bd6b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:57:51	-797.743
-32	25664	1283200	f5747863-0340-4806-a652-f17e9c9bcac9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:33:55	-814.514
-33	12833	1283300	70aa1409-0b3d-4e49-b7e9-2a2f5be3ff24	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:26:14	117.25
-33	25666	1283300	c6fda560-7d04-458b-8d17-37b8920421f2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:26:54	-781.653
-34	12834	1283400	e4616b7d-3c63-479c-9a20-fbac1002d7d4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:49:30	-387.690
-34	25668	1283400	8edc6c3a-ae5b-4871-a045-3ee191000e25	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:31:48	-853.990
-35	12835	1283500	ae4f65f4-8960-4f29-973b-2c658f12429b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:04:19	768.307
-35	25670	1283500	7da37867-799d-4bb0-9a27-b1b9ccf80813	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:46:27	-52.683
-36	12836	1283600	d596990c-8b3d-481f-9200-de494a5a5d44	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:50:02	258.494
-36	25672	1283600	9415dbe3-6915-4580-a6d4-852cbed529b2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:55:57	-673.470
-37	12837	1283700	0e97891b-874b-4e17-ad02-c20c5c32133f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:23:30	735.95
-37	25674	1283700	1ab295bc-2ef2-497b-bd35-e9dc2f6e4000	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:42:17	31.836
-38	12838	1283800	7a5c0eb7-147f-44eb-a6de-3fd637dd6602	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:15:06	718.591
-38	25676	1283800	23c0dd59-2c60-4b96-947f-1b1a79f8985d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:01:02	-609.399
-39	12839	1283900	df4d5253-ef28-4260-b260-c41afe58b533	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:41:44	-427.748
-39	25678	1283900	50c90d39-a6fd-4726-9d20-610bcc2bfb3e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:30:33	-500.406
-40	12840	1284000	ea5c8560-54bd-4435-86ce-a7098a0bc2f5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:57:04	838.161
-40	25680	1284000	a2f76819-a982-41f5-96f1-896e4e8171d5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:31:30	-139.645
-41	12841	1284100	b81176a6-4333-4adf-a0d2-5f6cd11d0c89	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:11:06	-649.694
-41	25682	1284100	e4ba7f85-3624-48d4-90af-3462ee785f78	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:23:54	-579.140
-42	12842	1284200	6d0956a1-c0ba-492f-b441-4d34b3c1d5ca	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:49:19	806.88
-42	25684	1284200	6647f95b-e0c7-47dd-80e3-0862425b2a51	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:00:19	-47.983
-43	12843	1284300	33a4209d-93db-4914-90f1-b00db4c652f9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:10:16	691.60
-43	25686	1284300	67de7e23-e2d7-4b79-b952-97018e9f0dd7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:57:49	576.840
-44	12844	1284400	5b1759be-58ad-4e3a-91ac-d8e909f58b3e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:20:08	-219.230
-44	25688	1284400	3c0120c4-72f3-41ac-9f61-d40b2a474cfc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:08:18	-183.454
-45	12845	1284500	27ef7bec-0105-481d-941b-eb35f11933c3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:50:25	917.943
-45	25690	1284500	a8fe3c37-69e7-45a9-bad4-dad6b2f5d6be	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:36:49	673.799
-46	12846	1284600	421f0740-e790-4010-8980-8755f49ddd96	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:22:18	635.916
-46	25692	1284600	d055701a-f21a-40a8-9326-da847a7d6ccd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:32:00	125.824
-47	12847	1284700	784ad212-a65f-4189-acfe-85f950006c39	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:35:38	920.304
-47	25694	1284700	fb860dd2-4932-4323-a9a6-2e671d4b2ccb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:43:29	595.95
-48	12848	1284800	d129b4b1-af67-4800-9878-1a8833c6c523	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:48:24	-245.625
-48	25696	1284800	ea2eafff-a8e0-4b17-ae9d-6b037ea169f9	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:00:05	-815.629
-49	12849	1284900	6788bf21-b96f-4a14-8d37-292efcd23ef0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:24:05	-646.841
-49	25698	1284900	3a98eb9d-869c-4069-98ab-528adab72999	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:01:04	-11.923
-50	12850	1285000	83fd8c4f-e497-4e6d-814e-c577d2d37d4b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:35:35	-519.344
-50	25700	1285000	ac1256b3-73f2-4a7f-b306-e11d90c3e1e4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:28:41	-11.829
-51	12851	1285100	f66d3759-4009-487a-bb9d-d542e9fbb70d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:04:33	659.990
-51	25702	1285100	256ee25b-e0ff-4a9f-8c86-0746e959db60	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:30:04	-594.251
-52	12852	1285200	08732eb2-357c-4c71-a394-df291a2b1589	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:16:46	74.418
-52	25704	1285200	1e624c1f-ade0-44ec-b54e-a370e20bb2c5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:46:43	-230.175
-53	12853	1285300	8d0c6865-fe34-4f57-aa34-79c7fcefcaee	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:18:19	-93.772
-53	25706	1285300	ae6d7789-3130-4f60-afef-5fbfae73baab	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:40:49	783.160
-54	12854	1285400	2d93e4d4-6f66-4b7c-b0fb-d267531d3b41	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:50:38	-763.440
-54	25708	1285400	c1ada1e7-2302-4339-adcd-e47bc8a44bae	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:02:52	31.747
-55	12855	1285500	13c70e2f-206f-443a-b635-75ff48d94a04	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:21:01	-198.618
-55	25710	1285500	05528c83-0198-456a-89ac-74e568aeaf65	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:07:35	77.132
-56	12856	1285600	808a951b-66a0-438c-b59a-3e6dcdbec408	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:44:33	-11.61
-56	25712	1285600	83c191ad-dc4e-4035-b012-09f73e65625a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:52:06	-999.531
-57	12857	1285700	02555715-1ce5-4a94-baca-2a38b55f5d79	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:33:48	-787.583
-57	25714	1285700	63f1af9b-0b51-4b41-a2e4-ec0e119abf56	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:19:38	784.717
-58	12858	1285800	8ce669e7-fb9d-42ad-8ac9-d0ef40e884fe	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:38:21	263.563
-58	25716	1285800	ee2b0b40-cbc3-40f8-a2ab-e6b48fb0df65	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:16:49	-394.460
-59	12859	1285900	bc3dcdd5-8e80-454d-952a-6b4dd80fc306	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:46:15	396.779
-59	25718	1285900	880ede03-0d94-4319-bd2a-35290313997f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:37:21	-195.402
-60	12860	1286000	1890409b-2cdb-4487-b8b1-e31a7eb45d1b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:03:22	-545.998
-60	25720	1286000	35f8dd33-d05c-4797-8f1f-a02943797fb6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:29:00	637.750
-61	12861	1286100	e25ac661-a17b-4adc-8986-19036518eed3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:18:08	-431.335
-61	25722	1286100	ded36072-f8b1-44b2-81f4-6226f542ce95	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:21:46	17.295
-62	12862	1286200	9e158dea-03fc-4a28-805f-611fed8850ea	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:04:19	-329.997
-62	25724	1286200	e5ab0210-19ff-4ee3-bc4c-dba9b8df7d46	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:39:24	-593.986
-63	12863	1286300	76261478-120a-40a7-bc08-afdcaf97509b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:28:24	103.416
-63	25726	1286300	f3e3c0b8-7a5a-4f4e-932f-7c530ea31359	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:17:01	-288.974
-64	12864	1286400	adb1a62e-24ba-4dce-914f-1856c7f7c534	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:31:22	764.309
-64	25728	1286400	3ec0aeeb-fcf7-46a5-a7fa-d4457b1fde89	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:59:49	406.642
-65	12865	1286500	c9416fc0-21a7-4ec0-a410-f6c0d3221dd0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:40:50	-631.69
-65	25730	1286500	f94ab2ca-b709-49b5-95b6-14f646ce1686	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:59:22	-647.156
-66	12866	1286600	6ebedd4d-e35e-4ff9-8569-1038cbc9a03a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:44:32	-574.387
-66	25732	1286600	e7ef8464-561d-40cf-9542-30b5120fed20	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:03:25	-408.874
-67	12867	1286700	5c038cb1-f349-46df-bfdf-8658946d2f75	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:57:04	-212.782
-67	25734	1286700	f3c628b0-f54f-4699-bb5b-2bca0c09d220	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:24:49	617.305
-68	12868	1286800	e3b75a56-1ac7-42c6-b409-58a67f8153e0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:16:43	-184.422
-68	25736	1286800	3537ad69-8d88-4c45-a0ad-58e7dfdaf23a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:04:28	618.478
-69	12869	1286900	bedc2d07-4d72-49da-800f-0e0f4c951842	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:44:49	642.590
-69	25738	1286900	4710b26f-d58e-4d88-ad43-967a380350f4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:23:18	75.605
-70	12870	1287000	252a8495-21d0-47d0-9a79-023b7e05f59f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:43:39	-800.426
-70	25740	1287000	d4d74ebc-e0e9-4172-95c0-cc3ff7c3890c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:43:58	687.973
-71	12871	1287100	327f0323-88a3-4916-a57c-92b11c147b87	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:55:29	-187.649
-71	25742	1287100	2fb99dbe-a3b2-46ee-8f62-e22c8ed237ad	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:31:16	454.214
-72	12872	1287200	c7acf264-22d8-4b6f-b972-af77c7661389	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:30:02	-806.136
-72	25744	1287200	39f22d47-1d72-4ec6-922f-1f84c7a2abfe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:10:21	730.585
-73	12873	1287300	28ef5625-4677-48d4-bf75-b3b66627f1d5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:57:09	925.327
-73	25746	1287300	6ee7120e-0d8a-499a-b37d-213c1b9914eb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:11:20	401.895
-74	12874	1287400	cd699e23-9761-4cf6-a5d9-923db80305dc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:33:31	-166.845
-74	25748	1287400	9f478996-b82c-4075-92c7-89c3af37d847	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:23:59	262.555
-75	12875	1287500	50e0f6bd-6bcf-4534-af60-3dd3a2b5ca39	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:35:46	-117.182
-75	25750	1287500	2f96ae4d-4d98-408a-9ab2-2d26fe55f2b7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:49:36	642.367
-76	12876	1287600	2ba047a4-a515-47df-b340-5451ff45f647	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:03:42	-899.51
-76	25752	1287600	ae5b6376-3ada-4f93-bd89-3e2f7dd9d14b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:00:47	8.828
-77	12877	1287700	31cf068c-22cc-4080-8b42-a8774fb1dbc7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:13:38	-637.614
-77	25754	1287700	425490bb-e0a9-41fd-8e94-57e5a156d451	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:11:14	897.500
-78	12878	1287800	b9963112-fca1-4299-bb72-0f5007867ab9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:54:46	-944.564
-78	25756	1287800	06885a9b-404e-4fca-b0dc-e1358168d91b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:09:48	844.494
-79	12879	1287900	973c8f7f-c6d3-42e1-89d8-bd233bd294df	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:53:00	-212.235
-79	25758	1287900	ea7f5ec2-3c26-45ce-9e36-bfe58f532e7f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:59:27	-773.261
-80	12880	1288000	129c5983-e65e-4f73-8818-94b48e8160eb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:50:18	-290.131
-80	25760	1288000	4e3d4b28-9cdf-4fd0-a26e-ed10b9970a34	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:14:04	-869.890
-81	12881	1288100	046757c5-e361-4bd8-87af-b9fec5e63be7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:36:20	296.299
-81	25762	1288100	aede485c-9614-47f4-b379-4e4544d27a58	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:24:12	628.162
-82	12882	1288200	2b4b8665-e9e4-46bd-b2c0-559a7f46bb65	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:16:42	-975.818
-82	25764	1288200	952af6ae-04f1-4627-972a-5fb21ee5b599	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:24:08	-736.224
-83	12883	1288300	f0a0e583-336b-43cc-83b0-bcd3ff319341	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:32:58	338.58
-83	25766	1288300	f9a08ec9-71ac-487d-8182-64167807bdd5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:14:50	359.166
-84	12884	1288400	40357f55-7917-40f6-9bd6-1ea6d2dc52a4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:51:55	-372.30
-84	25768	1288400	1ac428bf-f0da-4a66-b034-408d63570e29	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:58:13	131.479
-85	12885	1288500	ec217207-8693-43cd-98f0-6195be805440	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:38:32	-155.465
-85	25770	1288500	91e67943-7b78-495a-9180-5e91ebd93060	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:29:11	-746.505
-86	12886	1288600	c66e9b05-d4a8-409c-95a9-8c45c47db6d2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:29:35	-893.428
-86	25772	1288600	40f390ba-1850-4d87-8992-02b297354055	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:20:35	533.209
-87	12887	1288700	fc7ae8d6-92c7-4966-933a-46dfb3aa6376	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:17:07	-439.379
-87	25774	1288700	cb6b5490-4082-4cb1-ad6a-a94355b9c499	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:39:12	257.520
-88	12888	1288800	5ec21d5f-f7cc-4f35-a03f-3c91abfc01e6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:08:25	-602.142
-88	25776	1288800	40bf0030-af36-4422-abe6-ca3d45ff1a62	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:02:30	136.441
-89	12889	1288900	3eca32e9-6d37-4dd1-9489-2f2f3a994945	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:23:36	-15.912
-89	25778	1288900	aa98a1dd-a55e-4a57-8d1d-382771172204	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:51:45	-908.560
-90	12890	1289000	536d4589-9435-4a16-b49f-e939d82cfe18	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:47:33	352.159
-90	25780	1289000	6235f623-9a83-422e-a9b5-95eb02181319	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:38:50	72.585
-91	12891	1289100	971bd119-5638-4772-8b37-a4f91e1f0f85	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:16:29	-191.22
-91	25782	1289100	44c812be-f9d2-438f-94c7-d009d1d87a8e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:57:10	-490.940
-92	12892	1289200	d66be1fa-bfc9-46d9-b50a-1722731daca8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:31:12	245.246
-92	25784	1289200	6b5feb90-18ca-40dc-86fb-161e56e9637d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:12:40	-814.296
-93	12893	1289300	babff283-124d-4896-9099-77c300f76000	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:53:48	-22.140
-93	25786	1289300	d4ae1bdd-1b5a-4a1b-8119-ad2ae9cf9c14	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:41:29	826.275
-94	12894	1289400	d5d34398-9e30-48da-a023-7b1435771fec	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:34:21	-176.838
-94	25788	1289400	f4e963c3-5ff2-4d1e-9c39-1d512150e118	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:13:49	-646.756
-95	12895	1289500	479ebc28-3465-4c33-ab64-6ade6e44aaf9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:07:10	143.803
-95	25790	1289500	9ab58cb4-3c55-43e8-b2bc-d3bfd634a4dd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:11:52	812.534
-96	12896	1289600	6b18379f-9b5f-4824-91a8-23793cea5f04	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:13:06	-531.871
-96	25792	1289600	012faf47-f40e-4f96-a07e-6282005c2b4f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:13:45	-470.937
-97	12897	1289700	f0d5493e-6174-4a57-a98b-a776b0742fb1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:00:42	451.734
-97	25794	1289700	d2b6e7e9-0eb3-47f3-b875-07ecd2be7c44	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:09:24	-639.303
-98	12898	1289800	8fb0b73d-753b-447e-bfc7-39585b94c598	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:56:02	-848.68
-98	25796	1289800	2e83790e-dbc2-4d54-9508-67484d516d8a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:04:42	49.884
-99	12899	1289900	f1e00af3-cda9-465b-a141-6ff711661feb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:42:45	426.838
-99	25798	1289900	2029dd04-8ef0-4546-a2e6-96d9af918ed3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:52:08	437.471
-100	12900	1290000	d79f4c0c-84be-4360-8738-1a4327aad359	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:48:57	598.937
-100	25800	1290000	fc419959-ccc0-477c-92e7-8ef56ce1c3c8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:22:42	-503.887
-101	12901	1290100	3745a468-a169-4a3c-957e-bb627aee5d23	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:13:50	349.673
-101	25802	1290100	8882b219-04dc-4234-bb59-dcf4cf8451c0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:49:37	-393.49
-102	12902	1290200	45ccd855-37cf-4835-b8f8-e97d86d4ab7b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:38:56	-268.603
-102	25804	1290200	9d6baea3-2f6d-40a7-b59a-c871657184d3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:01:44	10.559
-103	12903	1290300	926a484b-0a24-4a8b-a176-63bb22579a6e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:09:18	-188.581
-103	25806	1290300	05bf3d1f-ea00-4038-921e-b80736e8c12e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:36:20	766.501
-104	12904	1290400	55d6b8a0-bfd2-4115-9a90-778c774b935b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:40:06	-495.425
-104	25808	1290400	79671dd4-09f0-4b80-a7fb-30ff1ade5b69	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:39:33	-347.482
-105	12905	1290500	8ed43bc8-4e6d-4e0a-bb6b-42a38c5a5056	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:21:51	-87.962
-105	25810	1290500	63b27d3b-cb6c-4e65-8262-8d6e8d094aa8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:21:43	-879.325
-106	12906	1290600	9b01cc6c-1b70-45e9-b38d-d5472384531d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:57:04	485.657
-106	25812	1290600	f8382010-7fea-4ace-8556-5ca578188424	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:58:52	653.110
-107	12907	1290700	ab85844a-e887-43f7-b5c9-a44b2c9ce133	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:07:02	187.740
-107	25814	1290700	ae8ed5a7-d7ee-4e2c-941b-49d4f1865be3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:51:09	-347.451
-108	12908	1290800	84565a60-3eed-4a9d-a9e2-9fc4586a3acd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:36:20	-561.98
-108	25816	1290800	af9dadf8-f32b-4804-a294-ab7ead91ae9e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:39:37	-742.445
-109	12909	1290900	4f05f5e6-8e66-427f-b8b8-1e3a2130d977	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:09:41	200.94
-109	25818	1290900	2648d313-a30d-4ba9-96ce-104bf58c94ee	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:17:46	97.213
-110	12910	1291000	f3dc401d-26ab-456b-a612-5d1e22fb502d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:58:39	-373.201
-110	25820	1291000	c1629261-d558-4422-a1a6-d3b8fbee9efe	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:59:54	859.268
-111	12911	1291100	39ff44d9-fbc6-4a5f-a5ac-ecac3fe4c3a1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:30:22	-239.160
-111	25822	1291100	58c9fe81-7784-48fb-a9cf-8421bba85bfc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:09:16	-508.866
-112	12912	1291200	66d45449-6670-4e31-8347-e9635a6ad93d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:42:54	-640.349
-112	25824	1291200	d5d1f75d-41fc-42c5-9847-48e77d3ef77e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:33:34	402.290
-113	12913	1291300	af0a851e-91ea-417f-b437-34b817df096d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:35:28	772.60
-113	25826	1291300	2c7e891a-e8d6-49dd-9591-204ffbf7ac04	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:01:07	546.398
-114	12914	1291400	ef39173f-f64b-41f7-8424-012f171e9cee	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:18:20	-739.324
-114	25828	1291400	91a6f443-66bf-4143-af9a-ddab119b34cc	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:10:23	871.613
-115	12915	1291500	d586c581-15f4-4e9f-88c2-5f3f00de4d30	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:25:04	968.643
-115	25830	1291500	768c8cd4-d106-4d24-be92-1ac10ad3a1fa	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:40:34	198.666
-116	12916	1291600	e8da4b5f-8341-452b-87d6-e45e29080d5c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:53:08	-299.877
-116	25832	1291600	05812040-09a4-4bb1-8ac4-8da9721cd8ac	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:07:27	-262.87
-117	12917	1291700	ae413340-e965-411b-abc1-63567b4bb380	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:11:49	144.629
-117	25834	1291700	713c5114-94b6-4372-bbea-4a40b197e49a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:28:03	84.129
-118	12918	1291800	58f6dad3-6e01-42cc-bbee-fc11b1607ffc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:34:29	37.695
-118	25836	1291800	32df707d-0ff5-4094-a824-a4a2ce885356	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:42:33	846.279
-119	12919	1291900	f658c721-8545-46eb-a46f-0c44590d4a55	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:13:40	-813.301
-119	25838	1291900	bf866c9b-eb6f-455f-898c-6fff68ac1f01	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:33:18	-621.812
-120	12920	1292000	5431fd93-932a-48c5-a2a4-d3291f699fd6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:20:42	681.487
-120	25840	1292000	c7af40b5-986f-44f8-94fd-fddb0cc4c8fc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:18:20	-308.868
-121	12921	1292100	815b808c-2b16-41c2-bd0a-74f2961ecaba	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:09:58	-813.971
-121	25842	1292100	b1b028df-0da5-47bd-874b-ae0505385863	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:43:11	-505.248
-122	12922	1292200	d6025a01-f543-4ab6-94e4-155bd51b907f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:57:45	-271.503
-122	25844	1292200	f3d0ed03-0b6b-4c7a-9bac-8527cf0e2599	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:22:21	54.192
-123	12923	1292300	4180ff63-fa7f-4e09-8b52-8c6713150392	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:13:27	738.681
-123	25846	1292300	0eaf26eb-ffb0-4f13-8c58-b1f95c057aa0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:34:34	894.751
-124	12924	1292400	125078b1-b805-4705-8088-2e25806ca8a1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:23:30	869.55
-124	25848	1292400	d61ad8ee-97de-4b7f-b19d-f2b576cae00e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:17:37	983.328
-125	12925	1292500	39d6b040-caf5-4c0f-b6eb-d5aefc1b99f8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:26:12	-300.307
-125	25850	1292500	94775a79-063b-4877-9033-e7cef2a2adae	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:19:11	536.513
-126	12926	1292600	1c0bc928-326a-4092-bb32-50bcecc467d8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:48:14	581.148
-126	25852	1292600	f4316e54-8ae3-4576-a271-d38195121326	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:46:36	571.908
-127	12927	1292700	cb9a353a-4846-4d24-95f6-9f631f775114	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:24:57	47.226
-127	25854	1292700	e1b6479f-ff1d-41c3-b59a-9419b4e158fc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:01:09	-879.354
-0	12928	1292800	f59ca36f-8f35-4880-80aa-095e35444a48	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:44:47	-785.292
-0	25856	1292800	1e7ecfea-5c28-4c19-a9a4-36cdbc192a24	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:18:57	-988.631
-1	12929	1292900	12858b31-93d2-4094-b7f8-046d27ed4eaa	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:30:10	101.922
-1	25858	1292900	d7f03abe-550d-448e-b58c-1985795eb4a2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:03:40	418.68
-2	12930	1293000	dc3e767a-0723-442f-9319-26a8a1b8caf3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:05:15	-310.963
-2	25860	1293000	c43cca6f-776a-4538-9309-be4d9e9fa33d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:46:20	-848.986
-3	12931	1293100	edd18910-fbe5-4f5e-8ae3-67ce33e2825e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:56:37	-783.144
-3	25862	1293100	334f0bcd-011c-4042-b366-027546b1be0f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:39:23	789.178
-4	12932	1293200	3b9ac6d0-dfc1-4056-a7f6-f9601ce85a76	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:48:26	-845.723
-4	25864	1293200	f7cff6bc-c735-4e9d-bd4e-dca69ba18df6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:50:43	189.354
-5	12933	1293300	45b26d6d-1649-4219-a15c-55eb4531faad	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:28:10	545.114
-5	25866	1293300	0c3576ce-48d3-41ab-9853-fcd237ae6e43	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:28:21	972.430
-6	12934	1293400	b62c5d9a-9ae0-4710-8817-53804b224bc3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:45:27	758.659
-6	25868	1293400	f7e6dca3-e570-4a00-a12d-95b8ff2f4ab1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:22:03	-115.92
-7	12935	1293500	37d622eb-4b89-4b5b-ba11-e5735f54a177	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:14:26	744.539
-7	25870	1293500	9a184e9e-0776-49da-9224-47d1ed0b647c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:33:05	857.325
-8	12936	1293600	549acd93-5b56-4ced-99bf-266dca2cf706	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:18:43	292.99
-8	25872	1293600	58738a6c-3ade-4734-9e35-7236a34f81e9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:44:19	472.344
-9	12937	1293700	299ab074-e832-421b-b4ff-fc49091888cf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:58:02	-606.541
-9	25874	1293700	e22824e0-caad-4c4b-8299-017e11f05f78	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:27:03	106.864
-10	12938	1293800	b2d544be-d829-46ed-b1d2-8e6cc5141249	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:17:22	300.812
-10	25876	1293800	4b0806e7-fbfa-4a80-9c39-dbb27aaa9912	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:00:36	-843.540
-11	12939	1293900	a6c95ef9-620a-456b-8807-19e5410b9fa0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:03:41	-122.626
-11	25878	1293900	1a1eb861-8f50-4522-bcb5-708b9d7d6e17	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:04:24	593.686
-12	12940	1294000	60139a56-a377-476f-984e-874f75da1be1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:33:36	97.707
-12	25880	1294000	1572559c-6929-4aeb-90f4-9903ff005702	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:17:40	-474.708
-13	12941	1294100	b771c787-6141-46ad-8d6a-197d641b74a2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:47:26	970.485
-13	25882	1294100	a5edb01d-834d-4143-bf71-e5f91dfd1f9a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:00:26	827.73
-14	12942	1294200	c8ef3014-641d-417a-a812-c5abdcdf8db3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:20:09	955.225
-14	25884	1294200	bd05dfb4-cb58-461c-ba87-01413f2ba92a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:56:14	-592.349
-15	12943	1294300	acde4495-bbb8-461e-ab3b-511dda541af4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:49:25	-475.789
-15	25886	1294300	56fb3bfa-27ca-47fa-8271-41e4387c0dd1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:55:01	170.271
-16	12944	1294400	1bac6f22-5841-4ce2-b937-cfc1247ee560	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:40:17	-250.438
-16	25888	1294400	d66a1b73-7f3a-40ba-b6ed-231c59661181	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:55:18	331.643
-17	12945	1294500	18b9aeae-efa1-4ade-97b2-a6f14d8cdfdc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:29:34	-23.921
-17	25890	1294500	85e3b3c6-77fc-4bfa-9ea4-3fa9d534b62d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:25:29	538.260
-18	12946	1294600	171ebf0b-f2e8-43a2-8407-95cfbe59b906	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:41:28	365.544
-18	25892	1294600	9afc1ead-46b3-4b8f-a4f7-1ec5bac77aa2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:19:08	-676.422
-19	12947	1294700	a969106c-6fc8-4e16-aad6-9fe3f98b0ee5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:21:58	95.340
-19	25894	1294700	8792984f-a1ef-4dbf-8fc6-991f752625d4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:52:09	813.353
-20	12948	1294800	f258a4f5-b575-41a2-9fd1-fe7cf3360a46	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:29:36	-368.501
-20	25896	1294800	336ccfef-7fd7-450d-acdf-f210b9b931c8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:01:01	361.499
-21	12949	1294900	438682a8-ef47-4f9d-aa89-c0ef2068df34	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:48:28	-558.225
-21	25898	1294900	92f53b82-5273-4ce7-bbf0-0b436b2ccf04	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:32:12	-931.998
-22	12950	1295000	c6e66a2c-9abc-4b57-8b4b-340e716cce57	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:55:59	-869.247
-22	25900	1295000	50e40079-008e-4de4-9356-85a5277233b9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:23:50	-979.542
-23	12951	1295100	fbc14f07-932f-45c5-9f79-1518e2f077cf	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:54:09	-149.653
-23	25902	1295100	8a36265c-0f2c-4b1e-bf58-b5f32d965490	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:29:24	96.636
-24	12952	1295200	26db369e-408b-4494-9d1e-d58c79f71153	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:53:44	104.372
-24	25904	1295200	0a29fe1e-cf2c-45bd-8424-76b7384c0aaa	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:38:34	232.665
-25	12953	1295300	e7fb00ca-a101-41eb-aa45-1cc469e82302	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:07:29	-461.896
-25	25906	1295300	6dc6f475-0f52-48bc-97e9-325e83ab54b2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:17:16	-598.468
-26	12954	1295400	5c1fc459-7456-44c5-a413-93d4076645a7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:26:21	600.86
-26	25908	1295400	51392ecd-a931-4d79-b609-2359282c52cf	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:42:10	-990.732
-27	12955	1295500	69f94aea-c430-4bc5-9693-8891ab1d03bc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:38:53	-576.521
-27	25910	1295500	f3253f88-5b2b-4ebf-8681-dc6c8862c767	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:55:34	-541.640
-28	12956	1295600	a4060bb3-1895-4147-93f7-97034c242098	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:54:14	-300.805
-28	25912	1295600	c2dbb7b7-ea0f-4a1f-aae3-797cf215d125	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:31:11	496.863
-29	12957	1295700	921463a8-d880-4780-9c32-80a2f1547253	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:31:09	-866.918
-29	25914	1295700	b170892f-c5b7-46e4-afb1-039183bb4329	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:43:18	-686.703
-30	12958	1295800	59c2bbaa-4f28-435b-9dd7-802457e89e08	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:51:38	-499.847
-30	25916	1295800	c0617846-9c31-4f58-8182-562f8010bfbe	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:45:25	-555.147
-31	12959	1295900	71a1377c-51f4-4d09-a415-e99a987efdb5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:56:32	776.547
-31	25918	1295900	64eb6928-9e17-4813-85cf-d2cbc49c1d6b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:07:15	-215.411
-32	12960	1296000	b40e103b-b55c-499b-88ec-210669a0e577	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:02:03	658.601
-32	25920	1296000	a0adf8b3-1372-49a0-bad7-194a79de272e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:55:39	-968.106
-33	12961	1296100	d7203ef0-8d4e-4800-9374-7325c5ab5280	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:44:55	854.72
-33	25922	1296100	81caaf63-b6c2-4573-af22-f09c7ac2917d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:15:30	-410.498
-34	12962	1296200	3b40344b-eaf4-4a30-bb41-9a7a7187dec8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:56:21	-252.816
-34	25924	1296200	19f6310b-0d26-46b6-84bd-9def0353f721	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:51:15	897.435
-35	12963	1296300	ea0851f4-ecdd-4e0e-a5ca-2cef058a0fbf	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:03:04	668.492
-35	25926	1296300	d8b2a6bf-c47e-4469-9b70-41bfd8ea538d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:24:51	56.938
-36	12964	1296400	bcbb969c-c681-4b99-8578-a57a18cc539c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:50:27	716.909
-36	25928	1296400	7023e160-953b-4cfe-81ea-67d0585a85cd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:13:49	-66.47
-37	12965	1296500	102979d5-6eb3-4483-8fb0-5940a2795427	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:49:33	21.951
-37	25930	1296500	f2678068-be4c-4d4e-a197-b38bd6a98435	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:47:50	294.915
-38	12966	1296600	91f5393b-8943-4054-8d43-d0b8b7372d51	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:35:34	35.48
-38	25932	1296600	2e14eaab-8e23-450a-84d5-99160fd32f13	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:23:27	-831.558
-39	12967	1296700	c3391c44-90d6-4a67-afc1-ba2869062558	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:30:45	629.346
-39	25934	1296700	2eff88ee-cd54-4f26-a54a-37e622b980ed	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:37:47	968.6
-40	12968	1296800	69694587-1720-46f2-8ecf-da5e1d82c26b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:52:52	-478.294
-40	25936	1296800	0dc28900-f760-4d07-8647-76e45ea17191	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:32:18	-941.812
-41	12969	1296900	a9ba1d83-e0d8-4660-bd89-2efc4589c259	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:17:51	-226.162
-41	25938	1296900	8c1093ca-b9dc-4ab9-a45e-6bf0aeee3bc4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:48:31	-322.72
-42	12970	1297000	440885df-380a-4975-8aa1-f039b686c6d3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:24:32	515.391
-42	25940	1297000	73b0e0a9-ef7b-457d-8b0a-23627b3b0248	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:30:36	298.96
-43	12971	1297100	1a85ffe4-ca52-406d-a80e-a213c042a7c0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:11:05	-256.450
-43	25942	1297100	b065d89e-d7ef-42de-aa9e-4bed9ad4d4b7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:33:48	925.776
-44	12972	1297200	a53b5328-fa9a-45e0-b3b2-84893d5b0600	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:30:50	138.790
-44	25944	1297200	169f2ac1-bc2d-4845-a7d8-15ca809cb1d2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:23:38	-775.231
-45	12973	1297300	6473341c-7c50-46d7-800c-c63565b1ea79	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:32:17	305.463
-45	25946	1297300	46890f11-96e0-4d57-bbdb-82146f9ca56d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:47:13	-868.187
-46	12974	1297400	883fd0d5-253e-405c-833c-37ae9dd6ad21	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:29:41	-794.427
-46	25948	1297400	41a59a79-f623-4c22-945d-69cea1281068	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:58:10	-94.596
-47	12975	1297500	7177bdd3-ddb8-4d01-8fba-77f5b23b3ea3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:22:46	762.224
-47	25950	1297500	50849e10-b25a-4734-9d96-aefc9f0674d4	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:54:05	-193.964
-48	12976	1297600	ba128422-52d8-4855-ae46-694ed521d0e0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:41:30	-633.58
-48	25952	1297600	338be576-e529-4e33-8db6-6508aedd594a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:04:56	-267.427
-49	12977	1297700	ea61ab88-98b9-4121-9f10-7ec444092be9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:34:35	209.402
-49	25954	1297700	212349fa-a795-4625-87ec-e328fab9e4ac	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:15:10	-674.962
-50	12978	1297800	9e9efdb7-de0a-4ef9-9f8b-d9b1a305bc6f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:17:59	-37.784
-50	25956	1297800	96b176fa-2d86-4b37-86d9-e73bea0a43e0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:29:22	599.704
-51	12979	1297900	9cc31ab0-b466-483a-9e5a-9e6bc981c62f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:04:25	30.296
-51	25958	1297900	fb6a3060-cf10-4e64-97e5-89e040694056	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:11:06	-887.545
-52	12980	1298000	d78bccb5-ff6f-4b82-8c45-58e49930cdfc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:47:15	259.519
-52	25960	1298000	0a5fc94a-e065-4c50-bf44-cdee8f923c33	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:16:40	-866.924
-53	12981	1298100	309bd5eb-cc4b-41ca-80a6-4f57190554bd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:03:28	316.495
-53	25962	1298100	85150b17-ccca-4163-a00f-7aafaa46bf6d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:05:56	-949.300
-54	12982	1298200	3f78618d-cfb0-4336-9049-de733cee0d7b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:55:52	735.226
-54	25964	1298200	65a1ebfe-c2c1-44b3-9eaa-65aed9501514	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:16:35	-827.826
-55	12983	1298300	331727a8-d1b7-4197-b1a6-e7ab69917128	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:04:48	-923.699
-55	25966	1298300	0d93cc1f-f235-496f-abca-6c5af8758b1b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:09:21	461.70
-56	12984	1298400	263b7c5d-0f79-4bb4-b7bc-5ae516cbe009	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:54:17	-620.584
-56	25968	1298400	c42ea4d4-6830-4290-a5e9-b22f867fd454	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:34:09	-670.977
-57	12985	1298500	e7ac6c47-1b59-44b0-8c4b-ca94e1fae060	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:49:18	-437.348
-57	25970	1298500	10ceff87-a17e-4922-9d6f-d6bcbb387f52	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:35:09	788.962
-58	12986	1298600	0d997cf3-1151-4fec-b218-eb6edf0b862c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:42:43	979.104
-58	25972	1298600	4c02fbc2-84da-43e1-a307-e8c94139bcfa	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:25:14	-449.207
-59	12987	1298700	970e020f-4ed4-416b-b2b0-791d3593aac3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:51:59	-742.221
-59	25974	1298700	f4d94a0c-6932-4ed0-98fa-d027bd9fa592	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:47:42	-233.996
-60	12988	1298800	452ac273-2a34-4d16-b094-e85c3e3380b9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:10:38	-247.104
-60	25976	1298800	3c60edf1-de9b-4f9e-bb4d-109dc5b6a704	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:17:05	-795.175
-61	12989	1298900	2f1c2a35-1a11-449e-bf78-21879b946be0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:57:02	-638.525
-61	25978	1298900	e214c4a8-2d39-484f-9883-6828e8d27502	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:15:58	132.918
-62	12990	1299000	e0d35ecf-141b-495c-b4a9-ce513a9b7567	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:31:20	790.845
-62	25980	1299000	3ee28587-6f3f-4151-9e15-c773a9f1a8cc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:52:31	-728.656
-63	12991	1299100	6889d72c-a36a-464b-a040-0a73cbdd77a6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:40:18	728.168
-63	25982	1299100	f95a909b-4ee8-4bfe-b9a8-0ec32f0f9402	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:24:17	244.574
-64	12992	1299200	074ff9be-5d66-44bc-b6f6-3e07b850dd28	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:20:12	402.539
-64	25984	1299200	e19dad45-1490-4fea-87bc-f6f783491a9b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:25:46	248.49
-65	12993	1299300	daa184bd-4c18-4b2f-b819-c8b2d20eb4e0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:24:38	-647.661
-65	25986	1299300	0100cd2c-6e3a-4d53-b3fa-323280e5546d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:44:58	-395.745
-66	12994	1299400	80fa3178-77cf-4858-92ae-99006ea447b3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:58:48	923.970
-66	25988	1299400	480740ef-27ec-4fdf-9d30-33ef162d189c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:44:06	-38.321
-67	12995	1299500	3ad09950-f342-4fa2-911f-049127d3ee51	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:21:19	81.123
-67	25990	1299500	00156663-86e2-4841-905a-1c4a1527f2b7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:21:32	-898.843
-68	12996	1299600	d7096da7-9860-46d6-bf03-105584f6588d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:08:59	-802.291
-68	25992	1299600	e5a6e3a8-c27f-4d5d-a9b5-ce8f28ad56b7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:53:33	-296.982
-69	12997	1299700	1cb9da71-c40a-4e59-b6a1-e9135e1e59f7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:09:45	372.25
-69	25994	1299700	9281aac6-ec5d-40a4-a746-43454136c567	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:26:45	149.885
-70	12998	1299800	b8397630-0aee-4a84-9b21-c140040fff10	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:07:29	-57.438
-70	25996	1299800	380c2e08-dbde-436d-9854-633bd74f847c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:59:21	168.392
-71	12999	1299900	c7ad1aec-5c18-4012-99a7-6ccfba285967	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:51:01	535.589
-71	25998	1299900	25152730-d7db-4eb4-b591-54ccc170b050	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:25:42	834.253
-72	13000	1300000	dc745066-90cd-4b78-9fe3-10626f941973	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:27:24	868.408
-72	26000	1300000	36df1902-0e2c-4157-ad01-66d50c66c5c6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:16:35	-72.302
-73	13001	1300100	a2d9f0d0-dece-462e-a6dc-302126ac6d90	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:56:41	-379.713
-73	26002	1300100	a536b19f-8c18-4f38-8ad5-31344f583736	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:16:17	741.773
-74	13002	1300200	7ad042da-461a-46b6-8636-475671e14e82	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:47:54	540.253
-74	26004	1300200	b27741c9-7050-4d11-8a44-d0efb426688e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:14:31	-310.210
-75	13003	1300300	285832e5-c8a0-4d66-b723-a94b26ee6731	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:39:30	-760.185
-75	26006	1300300	72e0e931-287d-47a0-9e2f-a2ab77743627	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:13:16	103.398
-76	13004	1300400	32a8aa81-f438-4dd7-9ec9-5d042b3a15b5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:42:42	931.844
-76	26008	1300400	4991e07e-915b-4277-852c-a62154c12c5f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:21:42	68.980
-77	13005	1300500	c8c3f97a-6bb5-416b-b960-42e01dc3afe3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:42:52	-265.220
-77	26010	1300500	b92a3356-2185-43bb-b9fa-828a03eca06f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:50:03	-552.995
-78	13006	1300600	b2efef3e-542a-4379-b474-371156691928	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:04:01	-189.112
-78	26012	1300600	ab9640c5-d1eb-4d77-a67a-cb38c09399da	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:59:21	-689.464
-79	13007	1300700	bc8d3fc6-6fb2-4d17-8b40-9a08978d6b4a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:12:58	-945.382
-79	26014	1300700	4d11c870-399b-40ad-aa33-e3a5efd24659	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:19:06	-907.977
-80	13008	1300800	00f03a42-c077-4ada-9ee9-d5bb24d816db	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:36:50	-105.413
-80	26016	1300800	e459281f-e1f1-40be-a89e-7ddf2181f06e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:58:57	-900.2
-81	13009	1300900	65ab09c9-1c90-4125-b1eb-82bf41a8ae8d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:49:47	350.806
-81	26018	1300900	76fbb629-157d-4dde-b610-f35072f141ae	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:12:34	527.675
-82	13010	1301000	13ae6e09-5da0-4c6d-b2ae-25ba9b5e8e6b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:41:19	957.919
-82	26020	1301000	91a56bcc-f4d6-449b-8b8d-8fd0f7a88de5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:28:35	-809.471
-83	13011	1301100	cdc717cb-8a87-46f5-9964-42336f806b24	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:58:02	770.581
-83	26022	1301100	e8b05b5d-4132-4826-b936-94d6722afb3f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:04:22	864.505
-84	13012	1301200	1e82af8a-40e2-41fd-997a-6072bec7519a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:55:59	400.721
-84	26024	1301200	f11609af-239f-4532-88d1-53b464058341	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:46:11	439.585
-85	13013	1301300	464f2919-1c13-4729-b653-8f3a7bf9a575	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:08:10	907.585
-85	26026	1301300	6a4ea209-fdf7-486b-83a2-41496c8e0a8d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:00:55	625.226
-86	13014	1301400	f4e333f4-68d3-4c12-951c-5e43cbff5dd1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:28:54	553.856
-86	26028	1301400	6284e10a-d3fd-4ef5-a75a-5ae44777b742	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:17:39	-78.997
-87	13015	1301500	1ac562e8-1888-4f32-9c29-7a0ffde219dc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:07:43	656.836
-87	26030	1301500	62ef5718-df1a-41a6-9005-67a2b695f173	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:51:31	-208.680
-88	13016	1301600	9d538a73-6ed9-4f61-8633-e7f3dee40cc7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:58:24	-511.388
-88	26032	1301600	885c59cf-69b3-4c91-b8c6-8ec8f62f58fe	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:35:39	930.311
-89	13017	1301700	7348de0a-306b-4191-9c19-63f40cad66a3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:00:40	-10.736
-89	26034	1301700	99e44c81-a377-4715-baca-f88f37e39d60	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:10:15	-219.323
-90	13018	1301800	0ae619ee-74bd-40f1-b13b-6049ce5a1df2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:20:49	-329.561
-90	26036	1301800	246366d8-e9cc-41c5-84cb-f31f2df04985	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:17:49	984.397
-91	13019	1301900	d94a758f-d1b9-4a77-b589-61c50883cec6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:49:02	-312.992
-91	26038	1301900	3b947072-a142-412f-a2e8-004fc4462b8d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:16:25	-801.484
-92	13020	1302000	4e7fe8e3-194b-48ea-8881-9742a7723a4e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:41:04	267.692
-92	26040	1302000	23022109-9fa7-4455-85da-32019df3e118	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:08:02	-467.313
-93	13021	1302100	0efc4792-0f64-4b8e-8394-900b6332a8e7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:48:09	875.16
-93	26042	1302100	e4e793fb-bf2d-4f58-8952-276947f3f283	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:44:09	-760.330
-94	13022	1302200	2a210d9c-cf02-4a67-a39e-8e70e3fb0fa0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:49:25	721.768
-94	26044	1302200	8295b83a-9285-4dac-83da-25ecb7aa87ca	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:52:24	-584.660
-95	13023	1302300	7ae79a94-d065-4608-95f5-6d167c5bb759	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:57:36	443.630
-95	26046	1302300	fa0fd8bf-974a-48e6-acb8-68d7db59ae22	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:45:23	-880.171
-96	13024	1302400	19485547-2826-4839-9126-f87d81041abd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:01:51	353.866
-96	26048	1302400	aae3135a-6a9b-4170-b3d9-f2c3f72624d8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:51:38	826.532
-97	13025	1302500	42da6724-6256-4e7b-9791-ecab6245cb10	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:32:28	863.687
-97	26050	1302500	e84edf95-781c-44ff-80ec-f085615b02f1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:24:38	498.9
-98	13026	1302600	f722e6db-84cf-4698-82ec-7419879ca671	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:08:07	567.318
-98	26052	1302600	4997771e-8b82-4a2b-875b-ac84fcfdb6d8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:34:33	226.723
-99	13027	1302700	591fa23e-782a-4b67-92f9-a65c1dc9efe6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:09:55	23.889
-99	26054	1302700	2c5232ed-1985-477e-9e28-dad462b89e04	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:12:57	5.29
-100	13028	1302800	e33d5300-669f-4364-af14-89e51b12a0fd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:21:43	108.103
-100	26056	1302800	f059051b-3c37-4646-81e0-bf4632509763	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:04:57	405.499
-101	13029	1302900	889f2eef-2318-4e47-8498-e037cd77955b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:43:14	-311.908
-101	26058	1302900	26b85d79-dee0-41e3-9aa4-fc93474ea43f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:15:46	635.386
-102	13030	1303000	f8700fcb-50ec-47dc-af92-7ba576751ec8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:24:48	-155.336
-102	26060	1303000	b03b90a7-e7cc-4690-add7-0bc95f3b5a5e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:06:27	-18.961
-103	13031	1303100	e4565144-90cc-41df-a434-2029da055130	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:44:37	176.718
-103	26062	1303100	e4fc2205-3639-4895-8e3b-e02d8e806808	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:14:43	686.496
-104	13032	1303200	d183ef9c-c9e8-4fe1-aaae-bfa6bfeb755c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:45:10	-904.795
-104	26064	1303200	3d06490b-cfb0-42ec-b19a-3ad83e97380b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:55:34	330.120
-105	13033	1303300	58a21e6c-b2f0-48c7-a478-73f7f6dcb3e0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:35:11	-903.890
-105	26066	1303300	68703454-a257-495b-97c9-05f4e479d308	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:06:25	274.938
-106	13034	1303400	885928d9-f32b-4844-811c-c44399cbd23c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:14:04	41.771
-106	26068	1303400	758406b4-bfb6-4fdb-b490-e21765f01038	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:24:51	695.742
-107	13035	1303500	0fce9e10-7da7-44b4-a9b0-c3cf66a5bc9f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:01:37	-244.101
-107	26070	1303500	d5523bcf-5d3d-4635-9474-359bc164441a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:04:38	679.374
-108	13036	1303600	3055b2d2-1c6e-4b4d-81fe-442cbed79911	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:45:52	-34.84
-108	26072	1303600	e77f50fc-5e8b-4470-8078-362254e8b6a5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:44:58	-678.874
-109	13037	1303700	31337ec4-4bb3-4c7d-9bbe-c44f6e72c246	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:47:07	124.889
-109	26074	1303700	35a038a3-6add-48fa-bae2-a8b9743fb454	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:38:38	731.458
-110	13038	1303800	f7e98f70-5a68-4b57-a19b-909c877b934a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:30:56	776.413
-110	26076	1303800	a1b73b17-0150-41ea-97d5-6e8d18a87102	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:15:25	-778.222
-111	13039	1303900	30f1c27d-b49b-4338-bcb5-e98a13180371	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:35:45	-251.999
-111	26078	1303900	1aa5055f-e6e1-4ad1-846e-ceb35bcfdcdc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:28:15	-247.558
-112	13040	1304000	a97b759e-608b-4a57-83af-5be6250756df	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:52:02	468.566
-112	26080	1304000	b523ec3d-42e1-4164-9859-d792c63e7917	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:32:54	226.411
-113	13041	1304100	bf597db3-a821-46fd-aee5-86b71fd6f30b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:59:26	105.501
-113	26082	1304100	373d429b-02de-48e5-a736-04293e1c688e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:58:35	852.112
-114	13042	1304200	81a61c06-8dc8-4f81-8935-95af2f69e235	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:43:03	88.996
-114	26084	1304200	10d75421-90d1-4345-a87e-6f423c8bf67a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:05:41	-191.22
-115	13043	1304300	1b72f8de-12c6-4f7d-b1d2-83e9f495b206	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:15:02	483.654
-115	26086	1304300	1634f4c1-95c4-4535-be20-e5920bb20ab6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:45:01	506.513
-116	13044	1304400	280b381b-e330-44d8-8aa2-1290c0190f57	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:12:46	-86.113
-116	26088	1304400	7b935f62-217e-4dc5-8a6a-cf6aa9e361e3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:13:22	545.56
-117	13045	1304500	16882ee0-832d-47aa-bf4a-21d8de34ed78	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:39:05	674.847
-117	26090	1304500	2f7381c5-5528-44d1-8bcb-975916dd98af	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:37:18	231.820
-118	13046	1304600	a2a57d38-aca8-4267-8e58-e08c723a8517	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:40:40	609.360
-118	26092	1304600	29950271-8b65-4af8-b034-ccb5f898a839	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:43:25	-149.415
-119	13047	1304700	898ed011-28e3-4632-879c-f6cd2e40d5a3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:24:43	661.527
-119	26094	1304700	a3e11599-616c-489b-92db-8ec3200993ed	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:31:11	-250.642
-120	13048	1304800	bdee66c5-d4f2-4cf7-ad90-9d69cfcc1317	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:35:57	296.818
-120	26096	1304800	49c95147-cf83-4f2c-ab53-5c52a8f58e6a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:10:59	892.69
-121	13049	1304900	45d81f15-51c0-4e81-944e-3285ef7c9776	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:02:35	-259.25
-121	26098	1304900	13dbc94a-a245-4032-8e76-94ce7093c8c8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:58:12	-881.997
-122	13050	1305000	740ac05f-9f8f-4b08-8199-e8ab1e081890	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:22:46	814.949
-122	26100	1305000	db7febe7-b2fd-48ab-a9d8-27c063bc2564	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:01:25	496.506
-123	13051	1305100	04a7a5a0-ee6f-43e8-ac83-6d348ee41d95	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:00:48	200.37
-123	26102	1305100	e38f4e18-5914-4698-8c34-659fe29114b9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:44:52	743.687
-124	13052	1305200	dd0134be-2ed7-4fba-973f-20d6ade2c4c8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:38:38	373.711
-124	26104	1305200	15eea29f-a657-487f-b1ae-884b597a3660	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:05:03	588.413
-125	13053	1305300	3c2e431b-623e-4e71-a051-a8423c8f63f7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:45:10	615.312
-125	26106	1305300	4111821f-6dd6-4531-90a9-544520766c61	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:22:49	551.912
-126	13054	1305400	083d43c3-c1ee-4121-b79e-04d0b1573fae	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:00:52	-801.481
-126	26108	1305400	83eb14e3-4cf6-4297-bce9-1030f2d98ff2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:20:48	-800.278
-127	13055	1305500	efd80796-6dac-493f-9af1-4a1f0bb69f1d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:14:31	786.445
-127	26110	1305500	9f814e77-4937-435a-8f32-a7bfb8860c1a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:18:21	703.496
-0	13056	1305600	1222d4d5-14bd-4de1-90e7-55eac6da3c46	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:50:53	-247.498
-0	26112	1305600	10d25030-18aa-4e03-9a7c-6c560ca97796	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:06:45	780.2
-1	13057	1305700	c2f1826d-b6b1-47e4-b6ad-b887262433cd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:29:09	-209.277
-1	26114	1305700	7f552f02-3940-49ea-88c7-673820189d2a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:57:20	-484.260
-2	13058	1305800	db1e3a7c-e92e-46df-b62a-4c573388a53c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:27:06	164.339
-2	26116	1305800	921a63c8-581b-4738-af58-3b49e02755eb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:28:27	730.55
-3	13059	1305900	184e0935-47ce-48a9-acef-40d0ee00ba1c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:47:29	-365.438
-3	26118	1305900	a69029a5-c2f4-4f5c-8c54-a157dd8f5d2c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:07:14	-113.190
-4	13060	1306000	7c94271e-3eb2-433d-88bc-30a684ea9f03	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:17:58	-310.797
-4	26120	1306000	2d96af01-9aa1-454a-b2b2-8541b5b1a1ee	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:24:52	176.827
-5	13061	1306100	ae37390e-95d9-4eed-bcb7-3968618e0f47	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:14:27	-340.607
-5	26122	1306100	ebf29518-7642-40a2-9047-b25350979efd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:52:39	-290.827
-6	13062	1306200	02a911a1-867b-4ed0-9250-24baeea7ce60	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:33:13	-362.516
-6	26124	1306200	fdad3317-7f20-4150-a617-31630706e9fd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:17:43	565.577
-7	13063	1306300	8e4912fd-1562-485f-a6f6-8db03646aa28	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:06:10	587.54
-7	26126	1306300	b567e21a-056d-40d1-899c-4fdb8a7aab69	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:03:39	-461.910
-8	13064	1306400	af6393b7-7002-4565-b5f6-1145ce3806b3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:11:46	-251.613
-8	26128	1306400	c68c68cb-d9f3-4e44-8979-202843fe7686	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:11:52	785.772
-9	13065	1306500	e8fd5c03-9d41-4fa4-9c51-780a5bf2a3b6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:46:08	-718.774
-9	26130	1306500	2ea2328d-127b-41f9-add7-bade9556507d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:51:18	360.751
-10	13066	1306600	c5d4ccfe-eac1-4f6c-ae23-9674ed1476dc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:19:30	-450.747
-10	26132	1306600	e795ccd8-bed3-4fa4-b680-975edb33a238	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:57:59	-642.403
-11	13067	1306700	dff24c94-4b2b-4b79-a68c-fcd274d16ef6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:01:39	-19.503
-11	26134	1306700	cd2e9645-dbb1-421a-b3b2-c2f8e7fe2b70	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:21:13	-390.518
-12	13068	1306800	012f3824-7695-4e7b-94ff-b1970ca23190	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:22:40	784.394
-12	26136	1306800	c91df421-67eb-4313-ad11-905c11847690	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:21:07	-34.283
-13	13069	1306900	766470a3-d997-4253-8911-594eca4159dd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:04:45	179.954
-13	26138	1306900	50226250-5c99-4583-adf4-1dea68be05a0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:41:13	-130.235
-14	13070	1307000	026aafd2-2e04-4127-979c-f5a38dd286f5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:13:04	687.835
-14	26140	1307000	34191688-ff53-4d55-83a2-5971c6708248	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:46:27	655.718
-15	13071	1307100	fd213412-78d0-4b7a-8959-cef7e92fd888	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:18:59	-97.684
-15	26142	1307100	049cfdf4-fdeb-436b-acbb-31e3690a93ea	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:08:21	351.351
-16	13072	1307200	8f06704e-4478-4bad-99d9-8fa48e642a77	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:02:46	-610.550
-16	26144	1307200	ac29ebf1-bdc4-49d6-9b1a-f10d867ed094	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:39:12	-119.544
-17	13073	1307300	87b97004-9ac4-49fe-bf5e-f735ee1a0f8b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:41:34	318.153
-17	26146	1307300	70cdbde4-9175-4c7d-837a-15a868bacb0d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:10:29	-206.467
-18	13074	1307400	caf1ea3b-b97d-43b8-81e4-876eb000fa2c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:25:07	-446.75
-18	26148	1307400	bfb99f07-0cfc-492e-8d60-e65402df3850	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:41:49	470.992
-19	13075	1307500	4a9613da-c885-48a9-8c33-806cdeee2345	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:56:13	-222.287
-19	26150	1307500	b01c057f-c9a1-401d-bad0-71f6170ce847	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:13:04	-8.556
-20	13076	1307600	68e7c79c-bf89-4f3f-9c94-81d930525aea	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:18:10	-783.423
-20	26152	1307600	567a132a-bb66-4bf9-9705-12c07062b0d3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:12:25	488.808
-21	13077	1307700	ec53f954-94c6-4201-969b-bc6a44c74e69	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:57:49	-887.328
-21	26154	1307700	d80ea1cb-bcd9-45a8-aee1-46b0f3274584	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:38:17	-952.909
-22	13078	1307800	183c3539-e6f8-41b9-9977-678dd47d7ebc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:46:32	427.17
-22	26156	1307800	b2991b66-71a0-4c95-b459-99485fc796ed	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:22:21	-254.598
-23	13079	1307900	3918aba2-ffe5-4190-be95-983b1d31ab64	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:47:04	-339.103
-23	26158	1307900	7c4376c0-6250-4674-9e9e-68f199a0ee25	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:44:22	275.902
-24	13080	1308000	5e4b85f6-a944-4c65-ba5f-fc6d485f98c2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:40:24	-902.412
-24	26160	1308000	b5281867-165d-49fd-9526-6133492ef0cb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:16:01	62.285
-25	13081	1308100	7a34eb9c-3007-4e00-9d36-8896b1a8de81	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:28:18	-334.538
-25	26162	1308100	67affe19-a021-4f71-abae-07e26e894194	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:45:34	-319.907
-26	13082	1308200	497f439f-3205-4b9b-93fb-c6153f1a8cdf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:04:19	-561.303
-26	26164	1308200	816c1a46-a455-4458-9d2e-50f96d9bd416	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:55:23	542.375
-27	13083	1308300	b2aa1dc5-90fc-4bae-9506-09e993f0b71a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:54:16	276.956
-27	26166	1308300	a39ba4b8-7ef7-49d8-9639-d8dda3c1546f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:56:16	763.123
-28	13084	1308400	4f26ba6a-a66b-49ee-9668-bb1ba8423e37	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:54:32	234.344
-28	26168	1308400	d928ece1-6ed6-4909-a0b4-3b43e26d73f1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:30:57	222.266
-29	13085	1308500	de82674d-451c-4507-ba80-c8430c022d4a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:01:29	372.107
-29	26170	1308500	eda6c1fd-3e29-4417-a695-0a87b706f42d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:40:24	-668.22
-30	13086	1308600	e4579c1d-327b-42f4-8324-c75d5ea172ea	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:48:02	-514.428
-30	26172	1308600	def541e9-198b-4713-8bd3-40783da8dea7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:41:02	24.389
-31	13087	1308700	6f7a75c4-2088-45b3-a395-dbde835c27e5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:12:35	-985.824
-31	26174	1308700	7c091c6b-c971-4a6c-a1ff-a748b7f8aa44	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:30:51	-495.455
-32	13088	1308800	44ef87ec-9fb3-4086-9b84-e5146daa46d4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:25:51	721.57
-32	26176	1308800	d6574e15-dd08-4966-8d9f-81d03f9f2e3d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:41:26	-305.408
-33	13089	1308900	cbf24a3a-ffac-4b5a-8c44-672f8b7f55ce	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:31:48	401.814
-33	26178	1308900	37cfc1eb-8c0b-4b3c-89aa-87325c664963	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:57:41	-175.211
-34	13090	1309000	fde1ba53-30cc-4572-9458-dbf3245e13ec	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:33:22	-918.546
-34	26180	1309000	603d2657-3e12-4f03-a7a6-42fbd71d0b7a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:08:23	602.133
-35	13091	1309100	9af44a18-853b-42d7-8aa1-57040725f86d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:15:10	-433.937
-35	26182	1309100	83d682e4-4ed6-406a-b556-3ce97dba3580	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:55:11	103.561
-36	13092	1309200	66427165-1999-40bf-a4eb-51a514d0fcf3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:50:36	-419.196
-36	26184	1309200	4f9bb429-228e-4650-a62a-40c927d935c0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:45:48	-294.197
-37	13093	1309300	edfded9a-58bd-48a3-a571-df6cd041591f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:47:15	798.500
-37	26186	1309300	c4489fcb-1d6b-4438-94e8-34a04b92c087	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:13:34	903.0
-38	13094	1309400	75e4533d-19c8-46cf-9be6-e414de533c5a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:09:16	763.740
-38	26188	1309400	7e5f8823-2e9c-44b1-91f0-92286c42fcd6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:24:09	-154.760
-39	13095	1309500	1862b3e1-05d2-4c2a-8234-2c1e119309dc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:08:53	437.660
-39	26190	1309500	b1fdcffe-f246-4700-927e-d81757e69323	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:02:14	24.828
-40	13096	1309600	0e24db3a-5481-4c86-ac3d-3157db045e16	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:12:47	-700.939
-40	26192	1309600	362a15b5-0e09-4844-b765-632c211536d2	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:00:37	-835.126
-41	13097	1309700	22c6420d-7019-40d1-b4ee-7c5c3f78f1b1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:24:57	-683.900
-41	26194	1309700	599a32f6-b794-4750-b340-20dbef1a72d4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:40:28	500.293
-42	13098	1309800	8d155df9-0256-4a15-ad13-0540aad6ecce	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:30:16	543.69
-42	26196	1309800	da7efd50-62c1-4ea6-8db0-59482e6311ce	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:41:08	-700.524
-43	13099	1309900	475c6cd5-9678-434d-ab39-de9821dd4d12	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:29:03	-514.570
-43	26198	1309900	1b02566a-dff5-4840-906d-84c43d5ec213	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:06:56	964.275
-44	13100	1310000	0014fb6a-ae59-4161-bcad-858e243df67f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:38:21	-548.900
-44	26200	1310000	1d249781-4f6a-4f8f-9b2d-533ad9e96a45	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:49:04	583.425
-45	13101	1310100	27b3ead4-fa54-4503-8a9c-17385fee85f3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:51:44	-853.524
-45	26202	1310100	f1610e74-3a4c-4afc-8280-c6b0971427fb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:06:36	442.96
-46	13102	1310200	bf446cd3-bd08-4ddc-93f7-cc17e023894d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:15:30	-371.73
-46	26204	1310200	04ba475e-1356-4073-ae34-75a842941ef1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:49:44	-303.782
-47	13103	1310300	69b425b6-f9e8-46bc-b89d-bcd56a551e74	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:38:47	-559.675
-47	26206	1310300	05839193-a26c-47cc-925e-015898c1d283	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:58:43	104.940
-48	13104	1310400	7227695e-d201-4435-8b3f-003661bc9b40	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:32:39	154.685
-48	26208	1310400	1b786d40-b2bc-406a-8c63-70d70fa7274b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:47:32	-866.570
-49	13105	1310500	8e5646f3-6d5b-475b-985e-338e6109c9c4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:13:47	-457.251
-49	26210	1310500	75b72e43-8ba2-4378-8330-ddefee8abc12	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:53:33	761.57
-50	13106	1310600	5d6abf28-9a58-4837-93c1-5a1a0ccfb7d2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:29:45	-17.805
-50	26212	1310600	3b00bd6e-5cd2-44c9-8356-21a578e70181	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:55:58	-628.619
-51	13107	1310700	be5a6a57-9543-48bb-9f8c-cedba7b0c7eb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:44:44	-706.829
-51	26214	1310700	575e4014-2a51-4a70-9d1b-0a62af0e85c7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:04:16	-540.716
-52	13108	1310800	61c068f9-f491-4aaa-bdbf-897c8692430b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:34:26	141.632
-52	26216	1310800	1de47437-f6d0-4943-85c9-a167dc736615	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:18:52	-14.206
-53	13109	1310900	da6b8f3e-2554-4396-a38b-b9bb12a58782	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:24:34	131.511
-53	26218	1310900	16562905-a10e-405f-81a3-6825ff929261	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:40:50	492.892
-54	13110	1311000	ef688067-fb65-4594-a41b-7ee2df19a0d1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:37:45	-523.872
-54	26220	1311000	6cc535de-cce5-4b45-88aa-c62b300d5e0f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:38:08	803.567
-55	13111	1311100	e849b369-67b7-4e28-a8e6-5ca1989d4f96	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:01:52	-299.625
-55	26222	1311100	1df82a28-c4f7-429c-ab85-8f2362f30810	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:51:25	-901.958
-56	13112	1311200	f012d6f1-0f2c-480b-aad4-fb3167bfc5f2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:58:36	441.693
-56	26224	1311200	58f9117a-c78d-4321-9782-1798e6b6f5ec	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:46:50	-21.326
-57	13113	1311300	55dae86f-1f01-4630-b50f-bea658f7af5b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:43:30	254.293
-57	26226	1311300	a2f522ab-8297-4f1c-97a6-58125f05354e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:55:35	905.447
-58	13114	1311400	3c1fc99d-d27e-4070-83e8-6f95f7783dd9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:54:12	956.806
-58	26228	1311400	f3ce077c-21b6-4aab-a30b-d4483654e448	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:49:31	449.683
-59	13115	1311500	25f56efc-795c-46cf-aefa-4e4f3baf0f6f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:14:21	-964.898
-59	26230	1311500	4fe16435-d748-43b9-80a5-b6b80402efcc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:38:59	-808.583
-60	13116	1311600	49d738d1-af82-49a1-b81e-8c5768e8e394	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:06:59	-240.269
-60	26232	1311600	d5618e77-5eb5-4803-84e2-8fe3aea0ae14	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:57:47	-41.532
-61	13117	1311700	bc9a7d9e-19a6-4587-b63e-c5813d3b5e86	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:55:40	-866.416
-61	26234	1311700	e968d11b-dbf2-407b-9244-2884d9a2fc32	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:16:02	-235.535
-62	13118	1311800	945703f6-8f5c-420e-8dca-4f48fed79e34	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:10:01	-740.350
-62	26236	1311800	8be4232b-8233-4274-bb07-29388be09c0d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:49:15	-662.233
-63	13119	1311900	9e250495-1839-4fcb-9548-6a40caa7436b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:08:04	-661.44
-63	26238	1311900	9656d351-44da-4f64-9d12-28b0cccdd07c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:26:25	867.208
-64	13120	1312000	609ae9a6-ceb5-461b-995d-f10a7e3e1123	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:12:33	525.948
-64	26240	1312000	1d81cc90-e952-48e1-94be-3b3e4121e790	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:37:18	-881.855
-65	13121	1312100	7c943467-67c3-438b-b7ca-64700b5355af	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:01:19	-642.153
-65	26242	1312100	c0a90180-ef40-4330-9f2e-3ea86abcc611	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:55:47	419.359
-66	13122	1312200	94764080-492d-4519-b0c0-2cd05e0d700e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:20:55	807.278
-66	26244	1312200	0fb54cd2-e526-4885-b7fa-4dee0d8fe066	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:16:32	-395.569
-67	13123	1312300	6c003175-bcca-4b0e-94b1-636eda4ba9b9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:29:37	951.869
-67	26246	1312300	663c5118-5038-49c2-b5bb-a89fe3b8c947	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:30:40	-61.192
-68	13124	1312400	729f39a6-f2e4-4635-bf5a-8769cccb16fe	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:01:09	-837.823
-68	26248	1312400	a7662d5b-a48c-4b08-841f-9e527d8ee3a6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:52:51	176.960
-69	13125	1312500	1efd0f9a-1be4-4c01-98d3-baa72a1308b0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:03:01	-22.793
-69	26250	1312500	0e3107bc-32fb-4c4e-9cdb-d2f817887f59	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:50:19	59.230
-70	13126	1312600	af465c92-849a-46f6-be5d-488d0da6fe9f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:25:23	80.352
-70	26252	1312600	5cc49e0e-6123-4a26-bfc2-6dbd5feb1890	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:01:24	894.256
-71	13127	1312700	dacb2e12-6c54-46ff-8025-e58fdcbd7152	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:29:30	-281.135
-71	26254	1312700	184d15a0-9470-48a1-825b-029e09de1ad3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:56:44	-865.932
-72	13128	1312800	3c788108-5015-4e1b-a9f9-247016436986	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:53:25	58.524
-72	26256	1312800	e11b0c78-1707-4732-b1a5-5da4f3a019f8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:15:58	785.802
-73	13129	1312900	408f9e3a-603e-4094-9287-e1b3a132ab35	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:48:35	-212.242
-73	26258	1312900	3b52f5b3-a722-4597-86b5-c682bfaa3d3c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:31:22	588.695
-74	13130	1313000	aacd250c-e460-4777-a86e-695b3372e74b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:13:50	507.971
-74	26260	1313000	d23f17de-ab6d-4515-81f9-1efab014646c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:36:05	-184.907
-75	13131	1313100	d9c65a92-5373-43fb-9717-53ad32fa13b7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:46:58	-198.325
-75	26262	1313100	52462858-3b3e-45f7-800a-180c6f158823	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:42:45	-688.387
-76	13132	1313200	f86c3495-ae54-4029-8a46-416dc8a948dc	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:14:34	699.220
-76	26264	1313200	8f5c6131-13c7-4c66-a6c3-ece0211c1fc3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:03:59	-33.289
-77	13133	1313300	21ad4e0a-6ca3-48bb-ab20-783ce8c2a285	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:13:47	376.735
-77	26266	1313300	d3a6596e-f51b-4db3-a3b7-e27246e14c96	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:30:35	-874.136
-78	13134	1313400	9615fb43-c2c3-4472-98c2-a8da96a35fc8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:01:00	972.229
-78	26268	1313400	8c07bd5d-612a-4a71-adb7-8a45e917dcec	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:02:10	701.637
-79	13135	1313500	5cc36360-ad75-43c9-8311-cb7dda639c34	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:46:42	594.920
-79	26270	1313500	6a1b8d18-79fd-43be-9737-211a9f9dddeb	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:35:08	-961.834
-80	13136	1313600	dc369ed6-55b9-4710-9511-e393a1661ffa	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:29:39	-164.511
-80	26272	1313600	c86cab76-11aa-4f3c-a40e-8ce84bca05b2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:59:31	17.976
-81	13137	1313700	1c26fb8d-3564-466f-975e-2ea289ac6ca9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:24:50	-717.541
-81	26274	1313700	fc267933-c875-4c09-94e6-54a547d75b76	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:40:36	378.576
-82	13138	1313800	86039eea-bf3e-4944-bcbe-55744a6c937d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:29:05	-775.741
-82	26276	1313800	77536111-858c-4284-b675-0b8af97e3e3e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:06:06	-123.367
-83	13139	1313900	6eafa6db-55c4-4c93-b18f-ada0e2857325	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:10:49	789.242
-83	26278	1313900	f3bc13bf-983b-4377-8578-b5dc22c983c9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:18:10	-632.363
-84	13140	1314000	23b798ee-758f-4c3d-98ee-14cf88cf4a68	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:19:46	77.907
-84	26280	1314000	edddef2c-14df-427f-96b6-e349d0429395	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:02:05	252.798
-85	13141	1314100	707aa55f-03e7-4d5e-a04a-8e344b1fbd38	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:19:28	-135.808
-85	26282	1314100	a188cabf-65b2-4b31-8c33-f0b577e8e350	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:42:38	605.618
-86	13142	1314200	12691d55-c0c9-4f21-9bd5-57f5a6c7115e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:18:46	-759.942
-86	26284	1314200	f18d97f3-a38c-4adf-a7d4-0d7f109feba1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:41:10	88.894
-87	13143	1314300	b1d9d952-adb9-49c8-ac80-d3727fa2b79f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:56:25	802.313
-87	26286	1314300	8e5110e5-b818-469a-ba20-b6699b0ca50a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:16:02	-37.789
-88	13144	1314400	1d4c75f6-a78d-4f1d-827e-91e8a689c950	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:36:13	39.560
-88	26288	1314400	a842f022-a437-436b-8114-9f18631bd046	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:34:35	533.512
-89	13145	1314500	b7ac4579-f5e5-4b3e-bd81-2ad21fcfc944	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:46:28	299.701
-89	26290	1314500	8eb22b45-760a-4fcc-9563-38230987052a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:47:22	-579.114
-90	13146	1314600	e82e5b5b-d17c-401b-8483-e299d3488483	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:10:28	-716.806
-90	26292	1314600	90529898-c6f2-4bc2-8d3e-69f382b5da9b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:04:28	308.232
-91	13147	1314700	fe7d20bc-55b5-4c69-be1e-92afb18a2643	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:44:38	570.771
-91	26294	1314700	98e1da83-0285-49a0-a51a-12d99d042135	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:02:03	-622.926
-92	13148	1314800	e8b594d7-691f-491f-bf74-531cb765c9de	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:55:21	203.131
-92	26296	1314800	48c2484c-d2d3-4e31-bf90-92fa00cb8f7c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:13:54	875.516
-93	13149	1314900	36a02d96-2dd5-4384-96f5-a274f679cbd9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:27:36	-249.492
-93	26298	1314900	9572574c-7e03-46c9-98cf-c0135ab27e99	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:43:56	821.812
-94	13150	1315000	0258af59-e0c9-4a72-be71-fb8b05988d13	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:30:40	-507.747
-94	26300	1315000	7411e040-93fb-45e6-a964-da459e119f41	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:12:33	203.162
-95	13151	1315100	411ae691-ae00-4030-a304-af8b6eb02c71	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:19:04	-525.768
-95	26302	1315100	d6cbe6ea-a0b6-426b-8190-00019bfea94b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:00:21	-539.101
-96	13152	1315200	3a1ff5e3-ab33-491d-8e11-897e18cf41ca	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:50:21	-354.615
-96	26304	1315200	fa3dbff4-0c73-4508-8f2a-978f3cefdd73	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:12:54	-533.890
-97	13153	1315300	8264b6e6-b008-4da0-bc2e-96d2e36561d2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:05:43	22.796
-97	26306	1315300	2579fb92-7795-4063-9df8-5f1eeb1cc6d5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:45:18	774.582
-98	13154	1315400	04f08b14-8211-4e1a-910f-9b4c1ce3dcc2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:23:22	890.15
-98	26308	1315400	9243f6bc-33df-47e4-bfb0-c4e4ccca7ebf	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:45:25	591.7
-99	13155	1315500	d956daa8-2159-4e39-864a-5215c1cc28bd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:49:29	-727.800
-99	26310	1315500	87caeac0-4983-489c-abd2-2f325dbe4236	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:26:12	617.258
-100	13156	1315600	4e3af1d6-8a07-4f0b-af2b-8f01bf29d93c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:33:06	451.586
-100	26312	1315600	de3ef8e3-289f-4430-a2e1-09e7b0dd92a5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:28:30	735.893
-101	13157	1315700	85e16260-0de0-4d63-b97b-baa5997fd9c0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:35:56	-176.721
-101	26314	1315700	4f75a6a1-220f-472c-8e82-517526b6256a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:49:25	-794.838
-102	13158	1315800	71eb8490-5f10-47ca-88f3-f5be0c0bf631	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:13:08	566.421
-102	26316	1315800	415272d7-e9a6-4821-b2db-d7f01f5cad4e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:52:54	533.350
-103	13159	1315900	d411c555-265c-474d-a06e-185b812d28b8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:52:22	-781.187
-103	26318	1315900	19e7e578-550f-4e32-8fed-4591c92bf143	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:16:37	87.213
-104	13160	1316000	0f2fef33-8575-4f3e-8562-23c0d93a7743	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:10:44	-891.503
-104	26320	1316000	595cd8bb-66be-44e2-ab34-cdfc0787a712	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:56:04	-638.712
-105	13161	1316100	8fa85d5b-8b52-4a51-9500-d7badc1baac3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:33:12	-542.430
-105	26322	1316100	222e24c5-ab8b-4f7f-897c-210d7d75ff77	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:47:37	171.794
-106	13162	1316200	3a72fab1-a79c-44d2-9369-d5242ca8e607	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:42:19	538.812
-106	26324	1316200	788e4d80-d3a4-4869-82d5-a977218c8959	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:12:22	-798.63
-107	13163	1316300	1a2b92d3-7be9-478f-9815-a7b80c7539f1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:45:57	828.463
-107	26326	1316300	86a5b40b-c8f8-41a5-a3d8-183e938b049f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:51:52	451.785
-108	13164	1316400	2cdc1cb8-a0dd-4980-a554-6676261b85d4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:41:22	-798.347
-108	26328	1316400	51b18cda-2f17-42d8-a0c4-d2195570daf7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:40:43	759.127
-109	13165	1316500	90b246c6-1faa-45a7-b182-b68b3d94fccc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:42:18	-856.279
-109	26330	1316500	ae21194d-29fe-4f3c-80d1-d2deed430c75	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:28:01	-655.368
-110	13166	1316600	cf9f3444-1a5e-486b-8511-0b88fe40b3c3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:05:31	-80.542
-110	26332	1316600	b4d9e2d4-0a4c-491e-9610-36796060f995	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:39:21	528.488
-111	13167	1316700	97ef507e-8ed8-401b-a1f7-fcbfeae5ee49	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:25:10	-215.195
-111	26334	1316700	13d48f5e-74ed-40f1-b6d7-1fd502783dff	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:40:52	-161.850
-112	13168	1316800	71ef1059-6319-45fe-be89-b4ff19066e9b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:37:30	-756.358
-112	26336	1316800	8f28b815-0918-4f1d-adb7-469ba0d00db0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:01:45	-531.29
-113	13169	1316900	acc1611c-812e-4a46-9c3f-c61587e1341a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:46:29	384.438
-113	26338	1316900	11f98361-baef-46f1-9232-d01528e4f3ab	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:06:07	516.953
-114	13170	1317000	9e49a5df-c81b-48c4-83b6-e30f0ba91b07	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:02:18	50.214
-114	26340	1317000	f244ab9c-1b45-4692-b02a-e64423fa0714	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:01:07	-858.94
-115	13171	1317100	33edc2af-3d69-4d01-8c7e-acc9334b6ba7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:07:53	924.673
-115	26342	1317100	384816d4-53e0-4d00-9143-6f15ef7eab3c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:17:19	-311.189
-116	13172	1317200	16ef7a52-8a74-43ee-8c1a-387da3ef49b3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:42:12	-109.513
-116	26344	1317200	0d421984-326a-49da-99fb-17d8a7393b7b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:15:07	-71.955
-117	13173	1317300	4cffc397-8b59-486b-9a26-5a58f03e89f7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:16:54	789.960
-117	26346	1317300	620a4fd9-fceb-41d5-ba18-4a4605e0ffaf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:57:34	83.161
-118	13174	1317400	e7989e4c-1756-4afd-a1a3-385b16b69909	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:49:07	254.113
-118	26348	1317400	d6a933ca-e2c8-4ef0-9486-329cac536ef4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:56:45	267.115
-119	13175	1317500	95027dc3-074a-44e1-97bc-9edaf6b43083	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:31:10	-259.292
-119	26350	1317500	2518687f-50ad-4c08-b659-0bea30bbdfb0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:39:45	-94.530
-120	13176	1317600	b3eac662-3bc8-4870-9668-90d7fe8e7c8b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:35:38	-936.193
-120	26352	1317600	1ac5d750-d0be-4183-9c76-c28bf0996d68	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:52:48	856.565
-121	13177	1317700	19a37290-d05a-429f-823d-345890db6aa8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:21:51	-74.655
-121	26354	1317700	55feff7d-607e-4847-98a5-8a60e7dfb562	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:48:04	260.190
-122	13178	1317800	dd9d6a16-48c2-493d-b095-22aa80d5e9f3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:00:50	-79.582
-122	26356	1317800	7744a3a1-b13a-496c-bf5d-fee49aa39cfd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:45:37	-835.653
-123	13179	1317900	a1892860-f661-49f2-ae9a-2f7e88a164c5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:28:43	715.710
-123	26358	1317900	c152ba50-c7cc-4f8c-86cc-b61ecf6181ca	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:32:35	696.216
-124	13180	1318000	253c2fdd-7dd0-4ef5-96bc-2e34343ad7cf	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:03:50	556.751
-124	26360	1318000	2947809f-90f4-400c-b24f-a329ecf39556	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:26:35	-750.36
-125	13181	1318100	174aec7a-8170-4fb2-bc39-cbd37aa84bde	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:54:02	62.917
-125	26362	1318100	54a0120c-0c23-45d7-9066-72455595a7fb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:27:40	-114.618
-126	13182	1318200	18b4a2c1-32db-4e3b-8498-cfb59b017909	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:44:56	-333.687
-126	26364	1318200	9481cf63-cc80-4ff3-a505-6ae3f00fc244	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:24:29	564.861
-127	13183	1318300	1603ed02-773f-4564-bfdd-d739dfdbf56d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:51:05	-935.254
-127	26366	1318300	5f7b5b23-7dcf-4260-8f95-f10b6ee199d4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:23:47	720.179
-0	13184	1318400	99204bc4-f84d-4a63-bfaa-e9480a2c343a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:59:41	-239.653
-0	26368	1318400	91fa5aa2-b783-44d6-bbe2-d64705a26726	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:50:07	-651.176
-1	13185	1318500	f2032458-ce13-4fb0-8778-99a4c3dbe685	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:08:19	-69.948
-1	26370	1318500	12deb357-062f-449d-b8c1-fddc236e63d5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:13:34	-890.568
-2	13186	1318600	80a77e1a-adf8-4f77-8b35-300598789c85	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:05:40	551.395
-2	26372	1318600	008e41ad-86ae-4d1d-89fc-d1a8c9152e29	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:46:39	463.47
-3	13187	1318700	bc994ad8-649b-43d2-ac4c-5ceab85d27e0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:34:29	433.770
-3	26374	1318700	08df2539-c58f-47ef-8ebd-f7adb178acc6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:39:27	-366.220
-4	13188	1318800	f35d5edf-b4f3-4ac3-8a65-5c34f308f0c6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:09:08	47.244
-4	26376	1318800	8a7225bf-d436-45ba-84fb-267d158df2a6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:45:32	633.505
-5	13189	1318900	f9829714-837c-46f8-a0db-c968a1dc0290	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:34:08	178.500
-5	26378	1318900	bd037224-348a-4778-8798-d6ad3c6d063f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:02:22	186.219
-6	13190	1319000	469d10ed-d64b-458a-b8f2-582005996287	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:16:57	550.771
-6	26380	1319000	8f9bcab8-ab3d-4d05-939f-5aec3aacba29	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:54:19	-575.642
-7	13191	1319100	8e7e44a0-c213-4fae-82d2-851be96f12e5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:35:05	-249.90
-7	26382	1319100	d7123801-a630-4097-b75e-145975f9df5a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:10:16	328.545
-8	13192	1319200	b0a421a7-f754-4303-8c0c-9e78668c33b9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:32:31	-26.62
-8	26384	1319200	25b4cfe1-deee-453e-9e89-f7c4a8d79f6c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:56:56	29.180
-9	13193	1319300	a729cede-c3bd-4612-b581-835b5f004413	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:41:33	-192.362
-9	26386	1319300	ac1c723c-5990-411c-b7d3-94efb8d0af0d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:46:08	935.773
-10	13194	1319400	4367379d-9182-416a-a7cf-500acba2a1a7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:00:12	111.279
-10	26388	1319400	c766c47a-90b9-41f0-8438-87ce5c145069	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:16:19	697.276
-11	13195	1319500	2dd61ff8-47ba-4664-a302-a9f3241142d2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:27:42	-982.212
-11	26390	1319500	3cc536b4-4821-43f8-b43b-bd7a5eac633e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:29:39	-243.52
-12	13196	1319600	b1fabe15-90e9-44fe-bbae-b232ba754ca5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:29:34	137.741
-12	26392	1319600	e7a83c5a-79fc-49cf-aa9f-ec0e5be064b7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:23:40	-542.453
-13	13197	1319700	2e1a6a17-1893-4f79-9b37-7964f29da519	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:24:19	-944.187
-13	26394	1319700	2c0c4b7a-b22c-440e-b060-91dcf4672a99	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:42:56	-875.492
-14	13198	1319800	28aa5622-4aa4-4059-a7ad-40a7ccfbfd13	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:15:53	610.811
-14	26396	1319800	e4f96380-7057-4e4c-b511-b5906ffc367e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:20:29	-809.216
-15	13199	1319900	83e1d785-007e-4682-af17-4e5c4d6d286e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:09:40	442.942
-15	26398	1319900	d6d97aba-7c6b-4f12-8087-17b1fc34e5df	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:07:57	735.444
-16	13200	1320000	69f050d1-44f9-4554-bfd1-3226d13d2f9a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:40:12	424.125
-16	26400	1320000	cd1e439a-ef4b-4849-9eb7-b40a9cbf63d9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:00:09	430.465
-17	13201	1320100	d4a899b7-08d0-4331-8b50-8a5ef7b77c9b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:02:21	-272.292
-17	26402	1320100	beb69d02-2239-4845-ae87-b5cacf1334e2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:14:55	235.535
-18	13202	1320200	d92d3fe7-6d0c-4168-8247-c4381e83ecd8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:40:50	-102.950
-18	26404	1320200	70769020-96cd-4140-a011-6760ec3a42cc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:23:14	964.170
-19	13203	1320300	a7a9a7a4-ff79-442c-8469-72e615f83ed3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:27:58	357.751
-19	26406	1320300	8feae1cd-b53c-46e8-8599-7d6f046cab31	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:15:34	355.253
-20	13204	1320400	8e2affc6-6e8d-4cc8-84dc-175d2d5ee22e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:54:11	913.919
-20	26408	1320400	64edc57e-6537-4ef4-bf0d-8e897cfec348	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:37:27	125.377
-21	13205	1320500	24c3e81b-3dd1-4000-82b2-c7fbdbdcac5b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:22:45	-286.981
-21	26410	1320500	4e447100-2fa1-48ab-b0fa-fe1bcf3f6d41	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:02:26	-568.616
-22	13206	1320600	39844c7d-36a7-4528-8750-01e7cb8de31c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:52:10	-546.698
-22	26412	1320600	0ba486ee-8ce6-4fb4-a99d-38f937014571	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:13:06	668.450
-23	13207	1320700	b29473ba-fec9-45bc-a286-f3f841268b00	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:19:51	294.942
-23	26414	1320700	0d2d02be-9f2a-44af-80ba-ecd5e8b13b08	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:42:57	821.511
-24	13208	1320800	0a03884a-5d2e-4a20-8beb-784c37804114	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:18:40	568.259
-24	26416	1320800	2f7036e9-43bc-43cf-a6ad-a89b20e5ad90	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:31:16	-364.250
-25	13209	1320900	1706b9a3-7335-4d3d-9c60-b601433480ad	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:16:01	937.955
-25	26418	1320900	6e3b2cf2-a8e4-4ea3-b007-a8b5fd1c0f7c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:26:47	831.387
-26	13210	1321000	08c21ea9-ad00-4964-85d4-709450783382	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:43:38	-751.284
-26	26420	1321000	72618085-c400-4458-8ba0-957adcc58829	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:02:21	427.382
-27	13211	1321100	085649e5-c160-484c-8e03-bf0a6439fdcd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:00:22	-622.838
-27	26422	1321100	26e5b338-9003-4f23-abd9-0cd692078974	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:33:03	865.320
-28	13212	1321200	47f411cd-a702-45f9-a5b7-3e7a38d49e18	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:58:27	479.1
-28	26424	1321200	a6dc513b-268f-4e1d-ad2c-85c45f1e62a7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:41:45	-21.269
-29	13213	1321300	12d8cf4f-cce8-4dda-95f4-ae52fc9b9c50	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:39:57	-385.473
-29	26426	1321300	f6f41496-1495-4609-803b-b8ef3562771f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:12:19	-450.470
-30	13214	1321400	6010a584-c9bb-4c2d-9aa2-69db695e8e37	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:09:42	-711.897
-30	26428	1321400	662a4bd8-4b10-461f-95f9-bda1db07cc6b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:58:28	-763.232
-31	13215	1321500	67f624a9-50ee-43d4-ba1b-8e78414a0f36	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:46:39	-19.34
-31	26430	1321500	7c9bdd12-dd7c-4bfc-81a5-2a7f8cf63147	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:56:14	-694.394
-32	13216	1321600	3e816b25-4646-4ccc-9449-683315684211	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:12:52	-918.531
-32	26432	1321600	7eab081f-e0fb-4440-a71e-37650b508e5c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:38:33	-939.637
-33	13217	1321700	04ed4339-07be-4af9-9811-c5621f98fa68	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:59:33	-719.152
-33	26434	1321700	d9e92f3e-3e26-4bb9-95c9-65e260f93776	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:38:34	975.672
-34	13218	1321800	17f99945-1420-413c-872a-07d07a745989	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:07:29	-918.855
-34	26436	1321800	83720e9d-4f89-47a1-ae54-c7d2218793ea	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:50:53	-57.54
-35	13219	1321900	b3335c29-38dd-42a8-b7f5-71c6963ece91	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:20:47	160.982
-35	26438	1321900	a11d42ac-f668-43b3-b621-76535fc5823e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:31:45	331.393
-36	13220	1322000	54bf7dc6-02b4-4ff2-ac8d-37d867017217	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:09:39	657.191
-36	26440	1322000	036978c4-a994-4f0e-a994-d4cb03713c10	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:03:49	408.250
-37	13221	1322100	00c6f7ac-8ccd-4a27-8905-538252d14d91	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:52:38	897.689
-37	26442	1322100	e0e1d488-06e0-429d-9bde-8310a0c38666	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:17:22	431.700
-38	13222	1322200	d7c5daa5-ea4e-454d-b589-bc2368c88aee	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:42:46	-368.458
-38	26444	1322200	f0054823-778e-4fbb-a411-c5fdd781f772	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:04:48	437.171
-39	13223	1322300	cd0795eb-e1ab-40fe-9ea7-0f6684806882	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:40:32	994.85
-39	26446	1322300	e9227c13-0d97-4a86-96c0-c2954f87d634	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:40:51	-401.804
-40	13224	1322400	276a68fc-b035-412a-8d83-53d951f05ab0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:12:17	166.368
-40	26448	1322400	7dfc9ccf-f19e-46dc-99a2-505ee8b3f63f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:18:11	487.647
-41	13225	1322500	de312e26-2270-40c8-9150-e07803b61063	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:14:44	842.519
-41	26450	1322500	5c7d60f1-7cc5-400a-8187-896c5f26c073	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:22:35	-142.337
-42	13226	1322600	576b99c8-05a2-434d-9fe6-0acca0a19cac	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:38:29	479.266
-42	26452	1322600	d40e51a7-290e-408e-8656-0afe815259c5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:42:21	-946.327
-43	13227	1322700	9d0e42ae-f1a0-420a-9a63-516ffc3e2f0e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:24:49	336.590
-43	26454	1322700	41b93339-c7d7-45bb-b34a-a97b0805f635	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:47:47	-251.13
-44	13228	1322800	a6714e02-a25c-4f0d-bba9-65ec9cc8a5c9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:52:35	902.187
-44	26456	1322800	49c87417-01cd-43a7-848c-774046852065	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:32:22	820.937
-45	13229	1322900	148b410e-75c1-4a5e-a665-ed530e13794f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:04:10	84.602
-45	26458	1322900	ba66bbf5-9ec7-4336-bcf4-1630d690d9d3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:59:21	306.940
-46	13230	1323000	f1c105cd-dc3f-4531-93f8-d25263f9d6ac	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:55:31	99.447
-46	26460	1323000	f134abd3-1439-4b53-9be6-eda19e210467	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:25:52	738.342
-47	13231	1323100	af408a61-041c-428c-929f-fc903e9599a2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:12:49	505.673
-47	26462	1323100	d9257a26-f32c-4573-a50f-da5a79a97b57	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:16:01	15.760
-48	13232	1323200	15d49643-3b57-49f6-8522-5c0175e91601	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:03:22	901.512
-48	26464	1323200	870a72ef-d3c4-4e3a-9d06-b73ec5414d04	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:41:37	-237.569
-49	13233	1323300	aab52e46-88b2-48f7-b6df-6776c95047fa	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:17:28	219.250
-49	26466	1323300	b3f901f7-26a6-4cc7-a824-dcfe47e167f8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:18:18	109.645
-50	13234	1323400	4cd6522b-ba58-4ed9-963c-8bdd4a2f06d2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:19:25	147.940
-50	26468	1323400	431200d4-23d3-4d0a-ac9b-2aa73f9ddbad	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:00:46	-590.408
-51	13235	1323500	d3cf1c64-5f8f-46d4-b2fd-711003f58e91	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:11:59	515.784
-51	26470	1323500	795a79cc-c2f0-44d6-92a2-8260bb936950	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:20:25	-141.219
-52	13236	1323600	4feaed8f-728a-4c77-bae1-9408fca23876	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:07:07	585.531
-52	26472	1323600	182ab198-ea8a-4751-935a-938516b7fc63	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:57:04	-524.160
-53	13237	1323700	874581c7-9bbe-4774-9c08-8b2812544fce	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:25:46	24.462
-53	26474	1323700	c176f444-6844-4ff3-81b5-a2dbd41c585b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:34:47	-548.87
-54	13238	1323800	b0e609c3-107c-4169-8f48-311f7e3dfe7d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:00:08	-485.532
-54	26476	1323800	2483711b-d27c-40e9-9f5f-29aeac2d8e48	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:08:34	-623.230
-55	13239	1323900	e7d08665-362c-40c9-b19c-eb3f70907aa6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:21:59	-461.439
-55	26478	1323900	8a37d63c-f699-456b-8e6c-808db9a63a6a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:14:11	-461.223
-56	13240	1324000	8a7e4533-c48f-42a3-bf25-75065b322d80	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:16:22	-767.278
-56	26480	1324000	a7dc3c7a-1461-4770-ab3f-5f03f403cce5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:04:50	620.427
-57	13241	1324100	a4c7f995-4abd-46f8-a717-4e3d97fd547a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:51:08	577.314
-57	26482	1324100	504f9cd4-6018-4305-9819-86784cdf348a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:28:39	699.179
-58	13242	1324200	c8c3657d-a912-430a-b561-19d083edef7d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:59:23	-28.824
-58	26484	1324200	92d9d5e7-a6a9-4d38-bc40-994674bf4352	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:31:49	332.256
-59	13243	1324300	c3a42da5-ce18-44c8-a32f-2c38181f5366	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:11:53	-237.418
-59	26486	1324300	56f6325d-44ef-4541-87cf-7a4fdc72404a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:56:10	207.1
-60	13244	1324400	63c2ee37-0a3b-49bb-9c04-bee9462e861f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:41:24	822.965
-60	26488	1324400	45daae5b-df18-444f-a966-7b92b4e65804	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:16:04	30.482
-61	13245	1324500	c408081b-89d1-4d0e-b580-5c84dd916c67	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:37:35	623.225
-61	26490	1324500	f8e2604f-37af-4690-8adf-2c6cce22d275	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:19:15	-599.627
-62	13246	1324600	2e42194e-ebd9-4578-b067-b55296eb00eb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:43:42	637.786
-62	26492	1324600	5836dd46-d244-4048-80ac-77ba06b9c0e4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:23:48	206.12
-63	13247	1324700	38cf23c1-11c3-4925-981d-548c31245963	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:23:33	-770.623
-63	26494	1324700	6f40c68c-720f-4521-bf20-ca385a52566c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:25:07	690.759
-64	13248	1324800	03cf9094-a741-4ea2-bd5d-14b6e4af63be	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:45:29	410.600
-64	26496	1324800	3570100b-b49e-43ae-9498-df49fbef0c5a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:16:12	-122.622
-65	13249	1324900	ff74a1b7-01ea-4fea-8939-3cbcf1144e37	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:15:31	-766.624
-65	26498	1324900	f07b70d9-c526-47ae-a4e9-a481a6d7ecd5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:30:52	-483.335
-66	13250	1325000	d7f58119-6e4b-455d-a95b-fbb42f18c50d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:03:13	555.591
-66	26500	1325000	9ec57d64-fc1b-42bf-bafc-dfc77486d1a8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:42:32	-573.397
-67	13251	1325100	701e6950-161d-4105-8268-d46d98517edc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:06:25	-95.909
-67	26502	1325100	556ac0e1-9201-4952-b8ab-fd080e6b0b97	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:55:43	-438.47
-68	13252	1325200	62149e23-a120-4848-bdb7-8ca409d1c6a4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:29:42	552.631
-68	26504	1325200	f383365a-3ec4-41af-abe4-bdb7ae04a3c4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:55:55	-681.992
-69	13253	1325300	aa0f458c-e438-46e8-ba52-96290a0efc2a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:15:32	-393.906
-69	26506	1325300	0b1424a4-7dc1-48ad-8112-bc95cd0b3bc2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:07:43	47.325
-70	13254	1325400	2b1c46f4-6fc3-48af-b308-85145ce59dd5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:13:44	-731.617
-70	26508	1325400	eeb22bad-21f6-4a9b-85d4-97989e3c141c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:29:45	758.754
-71	13255	1325500	0e717036-33d8-435c-ae36-07893512fa89	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:17:31	815.528
-71	26510	1325500	fa8597e2-1943-4b2f-af4b-8f0cb2cc7d73	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:25:48	-382.23
-72	13256	1325600	e81e438e-bf61-4628-88c7-be6ccc8d0d11	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:02:25	-72.7
-72	26512	1325600	8ca8bf47-0939-4961-ad3e-2e6e975428f1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:41:25	-564.726
-73	13257	1325700	79c1355c-25fd-4ff9-9514-2966ecc31908	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:18:47	-85.438
-73	26514	1325700	1e0ab8a8-d98c-4662-865a-1b6666f81c1f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:21:46	-543.816
-74	13258	1325800	77f074ee-854a-48a1-9980-73cb72a1d9ac	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:16:57	146.559
-74	26516	1325800	9c90d868-6292-4ae5-bee9-1a8638605c07	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:14:15	43.124
-75	13259	1325900	785fd343-8fbd-43a2-b987-8d8b7a399bea	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:23:09	970.348
-75	26518	1325900	360f7d38-3cc0-4f63-9a82-7b2b4e442924	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:34:00	266.571
-76	13260	1326000	5bf3985a-6862-4021-90dc-8647ef7a46f5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:36:16	-346.404
-76	26520	1326000	872467db-a8b4-4ae1-a1c9-5f59ed1ce8e6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:22:29	-64.790
-77	13261	1326100	8ea3dbb4-903b-4524-9957-fd93432ca053	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:53:18	-431.224
-77	26522	1326100	87440142-5135-479e-be8d-4148167da306	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:19:07	117.159
-78	13262	1326200	26e7fa56-0ca7-4ca5-9e3c-9b69883a95fe	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:49:19	-748.751
-78	26524	1326200	d6368d80-3a82-4c3c-af56-9404cd73d0ae	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:02:21	499.810
-79	13263	1326300	34b2d52f-f8d7-4897-8018-f017b7503f3c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:22:42	730.487
-79	26526	1326300	a423a0d4-57d8-460c-80a4-20155128797c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:09:00	-418.124
-80	13264	1326400	4da70d5c-edc8-400f-9d24-75a866e946a6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:10:53	27.953
-80	26528	1326400	4630605a-fcb4-4188-bda8-b5228f72287d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:52:25	-509.46
-81	13265	1326500	0229952a-8ad0-4a1a-95b3-276813771ec8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:24:03	271.310
-81	26530	1326500	60762dac-1ded-4551-aeba-7f299bcec6af	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:43:16	-1.130
-82	13266	1326600	551c357a-d83b-45af-95fc-63d316290440	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:45:20	-859.176
-82	26532	1326600	363cfcc8-7a4f-4c26-93e1-5e65525fe234	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:54:36	-417.630
-83	13267	1326700	e7bfa353-3005-4ba6-9687-e132775a203b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:39:59	-918.748
-83	26534	1326700	ac11e1ac-d34b-4ef1-abe8-85cbe6dcd4c0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:14:31	329.247
-84	13268	1326800	3e456016-406c-4e55-912e-6693c31dd727	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:57:52	880.976
-84	26536	1326800	03446008-1658-4709-88e7-f1f017d04251	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:54:18	157.484
-85	13269	1326900	70dc4798-ae39-44b5-98d2-4017643d1bb7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:31:49	-560.380
-85	26538	1326900	85b81ff7-509e-4a61-92ee-4ebc9d7cd664	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:53:36	876.384
-86	13270	1327000	4d9928b3-2b8c-4bb5-9156-bf7591e61e8c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:38:37	860.109
-86	26540	1327000	365d2e9e-cb99-4eed-921a-cf4b44bcad82	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:28:27	668.970
-87	13271	1327100	402bf0cd-fff9-4ddd-9e3c-1a4cb0000bb4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:44:27	513.414
-87	26542	1327100	5d28b4d6-aee6-4c63-bba7-59885b9edc96	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:21:37	-355.615
-88	13272	1327200	ff688d1e-0b59-4514-80ea-bd03f4ec44a4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:34:59	-208.71
-88	26544	1327200	b334c6c2-32f0-4a2f-8b1a-8254dbbb58a8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:15:25	-236.553
-89	13273	1327300	5c10abd0-3146-4e9e-bd78-d7dcecbcc1f1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:58:28	329.516
-89	26546	1327300	071c0bdf-6fa4-41f0-8551-020588598cc1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:55:52	-993.571
-90	13274	1327400	cb9a830b-ac7d-400a-aaf2-1086be6c25f1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:19:17	-682.404
-90	26548	1327400	4bdbff29-01f0-4365-973e-62120a6fb9ab	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:28:06	-628.577
-91	13275	1327500	50a1cb2a-9f01-47d7-8f29-6d8b2043b257	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:36:12	543.780
-91	26550	1327500	ba03e93a-fc61-411e-9ed1-827820a19ac3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:16:08	-351.804
-92	13276	1327600	2a6100b7-87a2-4873-adcb-a3dfaca90e11	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:53:36	-791.184
-92	26552	1327600	3c67c7ca-951d-4b47-8dd4-9d23e2614db1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:35:12	-323.691
-93	13277	1327700	3008f6ef-2667-4751-8901-c53f9bacabf2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:40:03	-180.448
-93	26554	1327700	fc184073-b617-4a7f-8941-97f4baba0ba3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:39:09	407.856
-94	13278	1327800	a79d4c85-287b-4e2a-9bd8-11504da13c0f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:21:33	-549.111
-94	26556	1327800	11b592c4-96ef-4847-8889-55547c67a2c7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:18:14	-883.890
-95	13279	1327900	01b7830f-02cf-4fe7-b274-f93e612ad5f8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:37:06	-511.111
-95	26558	1327900	648c39d9-4be7-4a86-a1f9-caa352734edb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:21:04	-319.532
-96	13280	1328000	cca56d8f-6015-45b1-bde7-300ee400e558	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:10:19	640.124
-96	26560	1328000	651deb43-07d7-4f6d-bea5-4b150199ea08	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:40:30	457.150
-97	13281	1328100	6863c186-5afa-4f1a-b449-9535ef3d599c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:36:05	-96.748
-97	26562	1328100	9e6ca061-f823-4144-bad4-8101959cfe17	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:06:21	-801.908
-98	13282	1328200	d1c8acc0-47ff-4a09-9f18-e2910263b6fd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:32:24	399.147
-98	26564	1328200	5fde7c15-447c-44c4-b3b8-39eb4d01350a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:10:52	10.374
-99	13283	1328300	543436b1-6b7c-429e-876a-5036fb99746b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:49:40	-589.434
-99	26566	1328300	c98ac0d2-7a45-44aa-8205-b85482ca781b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:36:13	-738.403
-100	13284	1328400	282f482a-5e9c-4099-99b6-e552569f9a88	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:38:05	-432.501
-100	26568	1328400	f2f13e32-6bf4-4796-9778-01a3e13fd37d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:23:51	-601.737
-101	13285	1328500	40cedc3a-0724-4078-a979-19795a48dff3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:20:37	169.471
-101	26570	1328500	29ea487f-1b93-4754-8d3a-aea01320a2c9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:30:27	18.638
-102	13286	1328600	2873c203-9111-4ebd-b739-4187f40f4979	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:03:50	881.684
-102	26572	1328600	b2987735-b444-4b75-82f3-d1699a9f739f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:47:56	842.197
-103	13287	1328700	e18364ca-849c-4ba4-bff5-4d2c14917c46	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:42:01	-395.230
-103	26574	1328700	1f84ee2b-9ea4-469f-a3ba-f8a66dbcada0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:53:30	822.191
-104	13288	1328800	96f64697-8946-4f90-a967-7ead6f7fad2d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:25:17	66.608
-104	26576	1328800	ccd374f7-cbeb-455d-9571-e1a993483989	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:47:33	-140.400
-105	13289	1328900	1e5ee57f-af18-4a65-9dd0-81b095545c34	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:38:27	66.442
-105	26578	1328900	b292ef29-5b37-403c-927c-92977aa0bb99	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:55:39	-944.130
-106	13290	1329000	8d2fc45f-160f-4706-8834-4662fc59ec96	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:17:59	-67.237
-106	26580	1329000	097813d6-c5e9-4d5e-9ce8-8ed7cfc21fb5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:07:47	55.843
-107	13291	1329100	b7977f77-9275-4ccd-bfcf-40a5907ac835	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:02:17	600.788
-107	26582	1329100	7770ea50-e2fc-43a6-9e3f-246355629d3b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:51:03	399.982
-108	13292	1329200	83ecfb2c-f28e-4d6b-bde1-f0e377234833	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:49:04	-155.51
-108	26584	1329200	7447878e-0c28-4b9b-b4e7-908b6ae45bf0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:36:53	409.759
-109	13293	1329300	2670e2ef-448a-4695-856b-d3e9eb37b45b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:11:50	533.621
-109	26586	1329300	8aacaea5-5a11-49a1-a171-2befd20c4ed3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:02:28	33.957
-110	13294	1329400	35a0b906-6485-4aed-b141-ccbeb43aebfd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:54:11	-63.249
-110	26588	1329400	9952da0b-ed20-4dc0-929b-5705775312dd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:17:12	261.396
-111	13295	1329500	45e1fcac-8c56-496f-881f-58a9a92f475e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:01:09	-601.167
-111	26590	1329500	e7f0e4de-aaac-4065-af37-7d602ee08cbc	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:26:36	-494.257
-112	13296	1329600	61b5d332-0805-40b0-9b0f-28b24b2f7025	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:35:32	-427.95
-112	26592	1329600	7519dfd3-054d-4366-85d4-537cba70df65	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:18:30	753.311
-113	13297	1329700	81705757-9c67-4561-b042-5347874b4a6a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:01:20	693.870
-113	26594	1329700	36dc6ed8-819b-41c2-bbfa-31bdf3c77ca7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:09:39	-573.428
-114	13298	1329800	6408f27d-e950-4a67-95dc-ca2b1f55548f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:19:50	-637.773
-114	26596	1329800	95c5dbe5-9c77-452c-bb6a-7283746e9b4e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:26:08	-611.798
-115	13299	1329900	41225531-b928-4ffe-9bc0-72b190da716b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:53:51	861.549
-115	26598	1329900	70957fd8-9901-4d08-addc-a76a881c7343	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:59:21	-174.933
-116	13300	1330000	a3a2bdde-3864-48dc-9a60-5adc0533a73a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:19:28	-965.594
-116	26600	1330000	ca0d1274-9292-454e-8e0f-be61adc2e175	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:39:35	-318.988
-117	13301	1330100	234cc782-cf70-4c83-8f15-9c3993d3dca6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:01:55	163.414
-117	26602	1330100	adb6870f-f711-41e0-82ac-849ed71a36d9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:01:55	38.217
-118	13302	1330200	ef8a9f48-828a-47e7-9cb0-78f9218da789	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:55:18	-328.133
-118	26604	1330200	54e0d02a-6c9c-4765-a334-e8e2a7655133	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:46:51	312.902
-119	13303	1330300	8f732a99-e463-43a5-ac4b-dd88f745e852	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:53:44	85.228
-119	26606	1330300	4f29da0d-7729-4215-b502-f13a2ec6e531	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:47:13	-57.523
-120	13304	1330400	f9055dee-1ea1-4fb1-ac53-426956b95f3d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:59:07	-546.808
-120	26608	1330400	47a89173-d6fe-441c-b7e7-23e85c1770d2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:55:30	-34.603
-121	13305	1330500	312e57f0-dfd7-4c9a-836a-9b47615b0a14	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:36:24	-854.84
-121	26610	1330500	159d99ff-8cdf-44a6-86f9-5ecf171db36c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:13:27	-525.740
-122	13306	1330600	8b405fb3-982c-4b30-be07-29aa3390811e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:34:25	-799.511
-122	26612	1330600	aebe29b2-90ea-499f-8666-1bc839fa4859	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:52:07	476.789
-123	13307	1330700	59deba1c-ef96-429d-8990-3e24c86dd773	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:51:39	-392.924
-123	26614	1330700	9038290a-9318-46fa-a28c-4dbcd4f028fb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:03:32	472.443
-124	13308	1330800	4eab82d0-3cd4-4917-9f3b-4998ed0b19bb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:00:16	-918.948
-124	26616	1330800	64afd759-3661-4b55-9f35-fb40bd59dfd1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:41:49	-955.911
-125	13309	1330900	cb42950d-c6ed-49f8-bd87-7909fc23355d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:49:34	557.288
-125	26618	1330900	aff696a9-ddd1-436e-8a2e-2c40f3695008	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:22:56	-553.13
-126	13310	1331000	4d0b4cf3-defc-48dc-a32a-3b284e4739b8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:08:13	-624.531
-126	26620	1331000	99e83a4c-69de-4314-a296-3537f23d19d8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:24:42	-724.916
-127	13311	1331100	6a24e9a9-474c-4f09-a6fd-4b8a6b6d0173	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:57:04	481.28
-127	26622	1331100	c5c30d03-b4bc-4bd3-a28d-33345fdd86b2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:02:11	-26.205
-0	13312	1331200	1d46779f-2b41-4261-b1bf-e08db7f0e16a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:30:40	-369.874
-0	26624	1331200	3d294999-6942-4ff0-8a13-53a7b4fbea97	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:45:15	936.79
-1	13313	1331300	6497dc27-b02d-4d50-8c1a-d718af6d0479	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:24:43	127.506
-1	26626	1331300	96498fff-28a0-469e-b1de-3b67b4b0cc49	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:24:44	816.177
-2	13314	1331400	b4641e2d-f57e-4585-8424-db19ad8ead87	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:07:58	-67.408
-2	26628	1331400	23d3b890-5dcb-4d0e-98f6-704c9825616a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:04:50	-290.771
-3	13315	1331500	b1db2fff-999f-401d-b63d-f8dbc9669657	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:49:43	-877.383
-3	26630	1331500	9b0362c4-aefd-40fd-9481-749d4d0e20fa	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:22:26	210.245
-4	13316	1331600	5d6e5a7d-ba36-4539-8af7-af73193f66f2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:59:10	281.179
-4	26632	1331600	27557e32-7f72-47ea-b8b4-1f05b29037d0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:16:42	-267.588
-5	13317	1331700	6e3f5fb6-dd2b-498f-b732-e0474c13910d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:08:58	191.17
-5	26634	1331700	203a8bc0-06f7-4fc9-800d-709e98988110	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:25:22	576.784
-6	13318	1331800	93b48db7-c61a-4bcc-b615-ac1236946ea8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:34:38	68.534
-6	26636	1331800	f432170c-ea50-4448-a61b-dacb3a2f97fe	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:12:27	-529.228
-7	13319	1331900	f6bd9943-77db-44bb-9d55-532711cd79d6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:53:19	-275.835
-7	26638	1331900	73decc5f-dd40-4127-8ffe-21043d44eec5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:53:47	-163.601
-8	13320	1332000	e92275cf-3289-41b5-9e26-c8e751daa073	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:31:36	423.992
-8	26640	1332000	af6f8229-a6fb-4de3-a5bd-788f11e13d96	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:59:24	-580.440
-9	13321	1332100	8acdbdc7-0671-4678-b7ba-8276e0ecfb80	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:26:18	-874.129
-9	26642	1332100	929014aa-6015-470a-864c-b3c29066da11	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:33:44	139.155
-10	13322	1332200	0ba26007-f872-4ad4-bb73-1efe6bf35364	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:16:39	93.135
-10	26644	1332200	57f0b1a1-8582-41dc-aeb7-f11ab9a8c3c0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:09:59	168.58
-11	13323	1332300	3d1a304a-ec12-475f-a3ff-f85bac2d3885	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:23:25	-607.288
-11	26646	1332300	ac23d9ea-56be-497b-80ee-056868ba2b71	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:54:17	397.149
-12	13324	1332400	b0019f86-06d2-4459-ac3b-83baa1b2f33d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:25:02	267.654
-12	26648	1332400	aac3f58b-f949-4299-811b-f61161668b0d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:35:30	-438.846
-13	13325	1332500	c7164af1-608d-481a-807f-81ecc7ba2098	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:22:00	879.523
-13	26650	1332500	527dd278-ccf6-497b-9090-b2ee667842af	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:54:10	-391.141
-14	13326	1332600	22f84bb6-8262-48c6-b239-f2db8dbb204e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:08:33	989.905
-14	26652	1332600	335139d1-1da1-4cad-879e-c7155c580f99	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:02:56	52.54
-15	13327	1332700	f06b0305-e066-498c-b9fe-1960971767a0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:09:14	281.578
-15	26654	1332700	7f05e718-b731-41a6-b02b-b17b8d3d3adb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:59:57	409.941
-16	13328	1332800	cb541b3c-7258-4fa0-b63c-47bd46b31f16	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:36:45	-846.258
-16	26656	1332800	303d52b4-4d5f-4b5d-8edc-b9bd5b98c678	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:04:28	-537.927
-17	13329	1332900	c46a277f-c417-4c3c-bbd5-3690d45b35bb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:35:59	-684.676
-17	26658	1332900	4346d6ea-b07c-4fa3-8a3e-7c12def88f72	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:40:22	404.31
-18	13330	1333000	76d2b437-fb72-40a7-8062-4a73eeb4c2e2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:19:24	-941.483
-18	26660	1333000	ad3fd463-4c56-4c6e-8a75-90dde2945fb6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:18:34	891.512
-19	13331	1333100	79116cbd-3a91-4d14-ab24-a46b701caa4d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:27:47	-474.538
-19	26662	1333100	8a9ec2b5-8e0b-4bf3-8500-6e927ac04a2e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:08:00	-757.777
-20	13332	1333200	659c88c6-8ab6-462b-be81-2bc8a7a634fa	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:32:14	-430.352
-20	26664	1333200	5bfe5327-f5d8-4361-831e-675a9df384c1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:24:09	399.47
-21	13333	1333300	6b0263c6-1b7c-4f8d-bbf5-fbdedacfdd31	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:44:11	745.509
-21	26666	1333300	e926a49d-df40-4c6e-85b9-51ef4193be15	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:03:07	-94.850
-22	13334	1333400	c7c4f1f9-9e82-4f3e-bcae-0e64dd645408	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:16:48	-741.275
-22	26668	1333400	4b70783a-40b6-42f1-b552-119e198acb37	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:35:17	801.300
-23	13335	1333500	e9528f4f-d538-4577-94a7-30e653592ea8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:26:19	-936.810
-23	26670	1333500	e51b3170-17f9-4cc3-bb1d-4fdce1e59b79	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:32:50	-214.930
-24	13336	1333600	a62d65b7-5d01-44ea-9e26-bfd0146b4cb5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:59:37	352.313
-24	26672	1333600	43222020-45f5-4b26-928e-770ffc425b81	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:13:10	-985.792
-25	13337	1333700	4d18fd4f-6eff-40a7-8869-7e092396e867	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:07:56	264.331
-25	26674	1333700	9c757c80-1145-4b6d-9ffe-52744b3dd194	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:42:26	-815.458
-26	13338	1333800	9a95b9f0-6035-4a75-a0b4-7bf98d9ed9ef	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:28:34	-106.20
-26	26676	1333800	2a100cf0-4857-4933-ac76-05b5dfd4bcbe	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:10:19	-231.472
-27	13339	1333900	9007424e-7a30-4ad4-8f71-652b0e1dc83d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:10:16	807.943
-27	26678	1333900	ca74230d-1bcb-4b98-a7cc-d2b36258b777	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:59:49	444.129
-28	13340	1334000	3bdadfc0-acd7-4220-aacf-acbdb65d013a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:25:25	270.795
-28	26680	1334000	3ed1a06b-5c2b-438e-bf09-624bebc7ce6b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:06:01	-210.312
-29	13341	1334100	36dee093-b9b0-41b4-b085-28ab031b7af7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:25:53	-74.489
-29	26682	1334100	b30f2cba-f6f0-4f3d-8d4f-4b37cf86197b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:22:05	-407.977
-30	13342	1334200	54db579c-f1fc-4fce-8d73-2a3305ce1b0d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:19:02	-810.556
-30	26684	1334200	5982d61c-34a5-4a61-a657-45155774e485	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:00:01	330.915
-31	13343	1334300	32c33388-aaa4-4df2-a92c-085bc63010f5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:50:56	692.868
-31	26686	1334300	00e0c92f-57d0-49d8-96c9-1fa427736c3b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:13:58	150.304
-32	13344	1334400	6d112dda-8141-4758-bd2c-7fd06b180aed	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:39:20	-463.380
-32	26688	1334400	a963aecf-76b9-4297-9017-4f0f945e580c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:52:53	-809.726
-33	13345	1334500	46f53aec-ee9f-4e4f-a11b-aaa1bc3df5f5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:53:53	517.441
-33	26690	1334500	b29fd3c7-fa87-419b-b554-a5173bc4372f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:26:42	-836.544
-34	13346	1334600	5264d96a-98ee-4e23-b28c-5e5f793fee2e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:58:21	-603.476
-34	26692	1334600	66f5dcbe-d45e-4ca1-820f-4930847847ea	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:21:16	993.594
-35	13347	1334700	141bf000-eb9c-4176-b676-86a14081fada	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:32:39	-258.998
-35	26694	1334700	ba8cdbf6-5687-4d94-9400-c6c2f2b485dd	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:13:30	-63.788
-36	13348	1334800	be3fa33f-90d9-4dd4-92e1-8f070e2eb318	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:39:17	442.520
-36	26696	1334800	88b706d0-7257-432c-b463-2b1a41bf8ec3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:43:47	537.990
-37	13349	1334900	78684a29-8bbb-4648-835f-a74844dc3218	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:14:06	-325.716
-37	26698	1334900	72928161-b596-41a4-86b1-8009225a7adf	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:26:50	-918.234
-38	13350	1335000	6d2e4199-52d3-4da5-8598-002d62476ec7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:16:54	-353.958
-38	26700	1335000	dfa98474-bba0-45aa-95ec-1e14995ec935	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:13:44	-424.281
-39	13351	1335100	a2856dd5-04c1-412c-aa74-0a875d23015f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:45:24	-236.890
-39	26702	1335100	a1ef988d-b1c0-49ce-be7c-6200e57152fa	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:05:06	225.368
-40	13352	1335200	99d791c5-5a4d-4322-a37b-9c0bedd7edaa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:26:37	51.342
-40	26704	1335200	40c9b559-ed9c-4692-a1da-af2eee6f6dd0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:12:02	512.276
-41	13353	1335300	e73daa9b-9f5e-4dbf-bf47-07fbf09c09fb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:20:43	657.88
-41	26706	1335300	58e6656c-a650-4a2f-902c-7a0d838ef42a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:02:35	-932.79
-42	13354	1335400	7146ffc4-eae2-4c22-8de7-94f7ebb73cd9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:23:19	-75.794
-42	26708	1335400	2462455a-3747-48e9-942d-7e6bd66d3316	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:28:50	460.687
-43	13355	1335500	d92cc165-2232-4952-802d-a77097a9c531	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:33:40	699.956
-43	26710	1335500	c72ddffa-1245-4f6d-85c2-5c4cd4df82a5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:03:06	575.158
-44	13356	1335600	5ea6c3d7-ab6a-4301-89fe-2dee1084509b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:47:55	302.672
-44	26712	1335600	43803f0b-4cb0-4ab9-8e25-90f30fec4725	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:57:45	280.243
-45	13357	1335700	b838d965-5e1b-494e-834f-9f37c191d03b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:59:06	-555.289
-45	26714	1335700	23690fd0-66c9-4272-b879-5d1bdc7b6e57	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:29:18	-271.452
-46	13358	1335800	075383af-04dd-4ecb-83d4-b60fa78027c7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:02:41	-559.397
-46	26716	1335800	091ab65c-e408-4847-a7d1-b5add377a26a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:45:34	-954.905
-47	13359	1335900	02e0bb18-7ac4-47f8-afd1-ddce656d41d6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:43:43	460.316
-47	26718	1335900	d68c0e74-4aca-4d1e-9d99-f909dc92494f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:49:02	110.81
-48	13360	1336000	27b02c52-7a2e-4f0c-ba69-4bd0f2048070	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:29:35	-479.873
-48	26720	1336000	583252a8-8bd8-482b-9c6d-da3c502be22e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:29:16	-646.500
-49	13361	1336100	781a982e-4b8f-4450-b15b-39378bf17755	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:50:02	523.689
-49	26722	1336100	1cb82c3c-01d3-43e4-a2f4-a983dfb5286d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:46:38	611.775
-50	13362	1336200	06ca5a42-35f4-4f6b-9320-31e785adc6e4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:35:00	-828.163
-50	26724	1336200	0c52ef58-47b5-439c-b35c-0598a9cb8b97	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:58:22	214.501
-51	13363	1336300	49b2c7c8-adc3-4010-9725-1c578d6e5938	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:30:40	-932.682
-51	26726	1336300	d929b4db-1e57-4544-8bd5-1a895efc0759	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:42:25	-136.225
-52	13364	1336400	f33814fc-82b3-46c3-a893-75dc0c3c5191	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:55:08	-670.961
-52	26728	1336400	205088ab-440a-484b-97da-0f3dd78b1545	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:37:11	176.143
-53	13365	1336500	1bc2b7f0-f5f8-4c23-a09f-4504700f3c01	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:45:36	-172.754
-53	26730	1336500	45ebd32b-7f4f-482c-b59d-51d200bf4e5b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:21:21	695.872
-54	13366	1336600	325e0fda-e136-4479-b827-4facecd937bb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:32:47	212.354
-54	26732	1336600	711d2ca1-bd26-4238-8431-0b344f63fab5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:23:26	82.581
-55	13367	1336700	e0d8028a-a0f7-4674-bfb3-989bee5433e4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:32:45	42.822
-55	26734	1336700	1cdec20c-a6b1-4518-85bb-c366de0031a7	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:25:26	333.351
-56	13368	1336800	40e238a3-b2ff-4dc3-be7c-77c6eee80297	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:46:56	-893.697
-56	26736	1336800	bc3da4e3-e1ae-4a94-8fba-26395873024e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:42:53	-199.868
-57	13369	1336900	ec3719e2-fefe-4d9d-bbb4-70efa954d304	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:41:17	664.769
-57	26738	1336900	0519a930-2f6f-4784-af0d-b320b02b9cc1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:51:51	-474.355
-58	13370	1337000	2a52e92f-0bb6-4287-9f9c-a570e1727e33	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:05:18	-170.953
-58	26740	1337000	00c6d8e6-4aea-4ecd-b2d2-3a3b50a34dcf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:02:35	798.978
-59	13371	1337100	6115da04-9890-4b53-861d-80e6e2975e4c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:00:30	134.328
-59	26742	1337100	ab4db481-e9e9-4099-8f64-ffccb4d51ca9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:17:44	596.228
-60	13372	1337200	4d7bce6e-bb19-4e31-8ff3-05be27ab1793	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:45:52	-824.796
-60	26744	1337200	d525390d-1bd4-4129-b521-533a10d9ea38	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:05:28	621.240
-61	13373	1337300	55ff18d0-5d16-4999-9f29-f170596dd8c1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:39:01	485.83
-61	26746	1337300	6498bb7f-d7bf-468d-aa9e-ae7c262fcf5f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:48:16	690.93
-62	13374	1337400	aac58921-0a52-4dda-a642-52233c2e4019	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:06:52	703.536
-62	26748	1337400	3b95ad04-a768-4701-b9f7-123474f42de5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:22:23	107.643
-63	13375	1337500	70b57818-ccb5-4c06-b173-6b7e4121b4d8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:15:39	47.782
-63	26750	1337500	d51dc6c3-ea8b-4e06-bf3e-ab8b697c992c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:05:42	-571.397
-64	13376	1337600	d58e7b72-078d-4b78-b003-504743ba837d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:21:57	183.286
-64	26752	1337600	a3d19e0d-301a-4572-bcff-ae2a02c8ffc9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:50:02	-492.678
-65	13377	1337700	2d0876c4-7456-4e6b-8e58-6368f3750b54	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:34:20	528.748
-65	26754	1337700	fa386c1b-b199-4913-ae5e-1214221bd05b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:18:44	531.988
-66	13378	1337800	c9adb7d2-c85f-43d2-a1e8-35437f87b66a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:09:49	352.284
-66	26756	1337800	ce63400a-4658-41ea-b860-3bb8ad433519	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:43:04	-87.649
-67	13379	1337900	e219f483-cce3-486a-8909-a42cad0ce1e4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:51:59	26.366
-67	26758	1337900	b9d9cbd6-f353-490d-8823-8e6023e4f139	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:32:14	372.489
-68	13380	1338000	d037d093-da91-461e-87c1-308f77aa2ac5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:40:09	978.720
-68	26760	1338000	a14bde6a-87db-493b-9ca5-0b070fd0eefe	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:27:02	502.213
-69	13381	1338100	53728e30-fd4d-4daa-a8fc-aa69cc834886	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:57:16	-863.676
-69	26762	1338100	77d6c197-e7ec-46e1-9401-add75c09efc2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:21:45	627.757
-70	13382	1338200	38a63b8d-4ba4-4198-b095-07a16fc0ea2c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:55:07	490.868
-70	26764	1338200	b8db2666-f296-4b6e-946b-889dbc8b5e0d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:32:35	-891.980
-71	13383	1338300	c65c1768-f60a-41ef-ba83-2ed07432899e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:52:04	638.278
-71	26766	1338300	21ac30be-7cce-4527-a813-0927a8107ba5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:16:20	-934.553
-72	13384	1338400	e583346e-e24c-42f7-9c61-793b7b498892	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:36:00	-214.112
-72	26768	1338400	90b8b60a-e7ce-4aa7-a15e-b95a90ba0e19	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:51:03	-617.939
-73	13385	1338500	eaefd4a5-c26d-4fa1-a530-7f7c8043241e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:20:08	-119.805
-73	26770	1338500	e264ebb6-d905-4c1c-b4bf-6936dd540954	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:49:48	918.596
-74	13386	1338600	0418b0e4-0578-4b79-948c-50a88a33600d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:42:26	-531.262
-74	26772	1338600	d897e72c-fbdc-4cf9-ae2f-0fca6c9a79b8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:42:22	-389.489
-75	13387	1338700	e3221c94-d20d-4c78-9ee5-93d4913a12d3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:25:31	-733.801
-75	26774	1338700	2f48103e-d1dd-4775-a5af-c98cc42bcd12	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:27:32	-343.368
-76	13388	1338800	ecd8b234-4087-4043-8951-0f71898da769	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:09:53	19.268
-76	26776	1338800	f601e494-ad70-4095-9245-eeb87994799b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:37:57	802.245
-77	13389	1338900	32a98582-237e-45b4-9b50-f96312445ad6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:17:19	-134.393
-77	26778	1338900	36a56093-2074-4ccd-947c-63857bf07234	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:06:36	985.956
-78	13390	1339000	d48ae6e5-d002-4ab3-8578-3910dc5aa75e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:17:42	-690.656
-78	26780	1339000	6fc7997d-0c92-41d9-9c9d-fa39571f822e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:57:42	58.831
-79	13391	1339100	902fda4a-58d3-4fb8-a6d8-7a2fd426965f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:44:51	311.977
-79	26782	1339100	80e07635-be7c-4593-819d-056103e80832	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:39:05	238.565
-80	13392	1339200	855bfb06-ae01-4241-8d9e-d65b78b87e6e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:24:02	930.467
-80	26784	1339200	5bc0a0d1-bc61-41e1-8e0d-4951fb451f6c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:23:57	-530.265
-81	13393	1339300	11413b9d-5a3e-492f-81c1-ba5e0ff452a9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:51:08	185.509
-81	26786	1339300	a6b209e4-7859-4609-88fe-aff307132868	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:35:12	-862.563
-82	13394	1339400	45dca0c9-c0f5-47dc-8b1a-62ae369afe13	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:46:56	503.173
-82	26788	1339400	d1cded85-664d-416e-aefb-e6f346c17d55	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:17:00	417.335
-83	13395	1339500	11460bb2-43f7-464b-a6a1-4481884430ae	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:48:16	-212.34
-83	26790	1339500	399ee60b-9dc5-46ac-9e0f-cb6fbe9990e8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:30:02	-656.795
-84	13396	1339600	3e5d4d35-baff-463e-82be-fd61128b8ce6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:35:45	-953.440
-84	26792	1339600	b5528f2a-1dca-4f87-9a94-3456078c0ed2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:18:12	-198.649
-85	13397	1339700	7f3566db-99fb-476d-b945-a0debcab5c77	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:35:32	-179.19
-85	26794	1339700	722e32c8-461c-450c-b0ca-3c0171a110e5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:39:31	13.663
-86	13398	1339800	e3a84fb3-9d52-4ef5-9a59-b3d5834cc5ec	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:51:55	820.226
-86	26796	1339800	bb32bba2-8b7b-45a2-b440-d2f07f7b1fd1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:29:20	-660.822
-87	13399	1339900	1b0682aa-7530-408a-b7b7-73c1a67874cf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:41:26	-203.493
-87	26798	1339900	5fd237f3-8454-49e5-851d-6739132f415a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:42:52	-688.703
-88	13400	1340000	13fb9cf8-686e-47ce-89f6-94b2a03c16c9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:28:23	828.807
-88	26800	1340000	cfbea3af-e952-4173-a510-cb53a2c44bc0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:04:54	392.677
-89	13401	1340100	2d01a416-883a-48b4-a0a8-a9d4fd2d874b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:29:20	-352.793
-89	26802	1340100	4ba7e4d7-ce48-4d31-9574-593bf62e2d5b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:44:16	665.283
-90	13402	1340200	b4e13de9-da6b-4829-b24d-da79881af7bd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:49:49	-357.156
-90	26804	1340200	7a05b9e2-0938-4930-8371-3c5291a23785	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:28:59	12.23
-91	13403	1340300	6eaf11a2-cee7-410f-846a-0f140279d2fc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:45:27	457.315
-91	26806	1340300	87b284b2-f86a-4b29-affd-25ec5ea722c8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:52:11	-557.828
-92	13404	1340400	a95508c6-ae19-43bb-b0ff-2608b3692f66	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:16:26	-987.998
-92	26808	1340400	7f3bf3d4-fa4a-4518-9746-d9bf4b7bcd31	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:56:58	146.605
-93	13405	1340500	9e2bb116-190c-435c-bbbc-8312d814d136	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:21:37	695.491
-93	26810	1340500	d27302fb-aa3f-415d-9811-7bebdf3b2282	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:46:23	-872.578
-94	13406	1340600	39f4ed51-6ea2-46ba-b105-be84d165a9fe	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:06:12	-369.13
-94	26812	1340600	7dcda6c1-c32a-4e65-ad7e-4a311541b3df	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:53:03	714.800
-95	13407	1340700	f1654747-863c-4750-a509-9a3e4a3245d3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:05:18	146.391
-95	26814	1340700	e3340e9c-a132-4c2c-997e-7a36f9c4e49b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:51:09	376.49
-96	13408	1340800	c7a6971f-6f9e-4dd9-81fc-4b28d1efe3d4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:09:39	529.446
-96	26816	1340800	f3a0ff91-e32e-4576-9a80-8f7f74d8d02d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:18:26	-662.218
-97	13409	1340900	131253ba-8a5a-4f7d-8ccd-f5ad5ba34834	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:39:53	-83.36
-97	26818	1340900	e26efc97-73ea-43df-8b1d-0674913b5639	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:48:25	-533.835
-98	13410	1341000	4988f63c-1c2c-4018-8d30-dbebe07e38f8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:13:57	434.138
-98	26820	1341000	bcea0140-c71c-4a65-bfec-362f271d7322	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:04:38	837.752
-99	13411	1341100	dec22a9b-7ce5-47c9-ab1a-f6fd9e0863db	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:58:06	160.138
-99	26822	1341100	6228f88d-2d97-4b4e-b8f8-caec654aa70e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:50:45	614.101
-100	13412	1341200	28c0e1eb-55e3-4284-a2b7-813290007e28	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:43:54	195.613
-100	26824	1341200	141081d5-d01c-4f58-946c-56b762d54c29	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:41:08	326.348
-101	13413	1341300	396bbadd-7c23-465c-897e-821503588558	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:18:44	137.190
-101	26826	1341300	8794ff01-6c6c-4049-838d-e9f3f8142cc1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:50:37	-617.683
-102	13414	1341400	8275e0ca-5456-4e67-9be6-86aebb9637b5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:09:40	2.475
-102	26828	1341400	50b5b70c-f6ee-424d-b3b7-1e411d14b376	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:31:47	893.536
-103	13415	1341500	c53a5dc1-0155-427b-81fb-908199eb8ffc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:31:27	-610.378
-103	26830	1341500	3b14458d-5af5-47ff-98f3-7c4223a4edba	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:18:32	325.616
-104	13416	1341600	4e5692cc-4984-44df-ab87-767808a1c7a5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:46:54	152.636
-104	26832	1341600	514246c4-d3bd-4213-886b-d3f36f3101fc	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:28:20	986.679
-105	13417	1341700	5cd605ab-6bfb-44d4-ba3b-e6bbe3c1e237	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:07:47	823.356
-105	26834	1341700	8e2ba04a-1622-4554-80fa-279a75bc656c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:04:39	-769.987
-106	13418	1341800	e776b9cb-2a14-4da0-a3af-ce66cd94a7e3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:59:20	-716.547
-106	26836	1341800	19a16b84-d8ab-4d44-a700-ea5677d789e2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:42:45	-450.480
-107	13419	1341900	4abde5c5-b2ce-49b1-bc33-735c7e76dc66	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:06:29	-759.537
-107	26838	1341900	46d8e797-4dfe-4c4d-bbd5-3ca605e0c491	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:27:51	-225.113
-108	13420	1342000	f0a6a9bf-07bb-49da-bdaf-e546b8574da0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:41:51	-279.63
-108	26840	1342000	c242784e-a0d1-4e0a-90f5-be708ee52b2e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:06:46	143.366
-109	13421	1342100	a28149b4-6cfa-4da6-af35-1d0ad03bab08	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:19:57	104.521
-109	26842	1342100	3ad6ebc0-051b-4cf2-ac7c-2855ca7402b8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:14:07	-718.413
-110	13422	1342200	f7d51532-182e-4a97-a1e1-9520fb041b5d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:04:37	-385.134
-110	26844	1342200	01066c4e-2e13-46e2-ae65-1ab00e079dab	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:27:20	931.497
-111	13423	1342300	088143ef-27e0-4d4f-9512-30684c458740	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:52:35	779.417
-111	26846	1342300	6cfdb083-4785-461f-a35e-9b777673f05b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:13:49	644.67
-112	13424	1342400	d6d869e3-0866-4079-89d2-188e03742dac	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:15:13	448.708
-112	26848	1342400	a33b6c78-d436-44de-b96c-98b360bc42c0	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:59:58	39.859
-113	13425	1342500	10d582e6-1214-419e-9a1b-2844d3b039e6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:39:25	-800.787
-113	26850	1342500	0d34a9b7-ec9c-495e-84db-6b28bcf41e70	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:57:46	-990.414
-114	13426	1342600	67cf559f-9080-4e74-b17f-54884170bbe3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:50:47	904.148
-114	26852	1342600	f7809bb9-c930-4490-a36f-978529ae23f3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:26:19	530.456
-115	13427	1342700	ccf1de82-7709-4948-88d0-937f54962bdb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:47:57	534.910
-115	26854	1342700	1a22907a-04ba-457e-a3b0-867f0a68b5ad	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:34:09	-967.550
-116	13428	1342800	e2132385-27dd-4b0e-be86-2e41d971fef0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:31:11	188.267
-116	26856	1342800	b7df01fc-5f29-4b4c-8e92-1faf10881785	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:16:58	711.201
-117	13429	1342900	8d48a978-bcea-444a-bd1f-b19ffeba28a2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:06:32	-129.894
-117	26858	1342900	e04eb365-ca1d-4999-9c5a-128c328f4249	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:13:01	724.21
-118	13430	1343000	d79dc05e-8576-41e4-ac3a-8c62681918d7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:11:56	193.501
-118	26860	1343000	7050f591-341f-4632-be0c-3a84283d5e4c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:15:31	914.917
-119	13431	1343100	35b50a54-91bb-44ad-bd04-f8c648f8d62d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:24:10	127.755
-119	26862	1343100	c1a2781e-3195-4ba9-bb25-d9b5add2526e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:22:02	339.38
-120	13432	1343200	ad67524e-4e99-45dd-b2eb-a54125137843	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:41:24	-956.405
-120	26864	1343200	611db163-ad99-439b-a0ad-9c0f3f3938dc	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:38:11	644.280
-121	13433	1343300	766fd571-60ad-45b0-8048-c2edb79dd247	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:41:06	572.653
-121	26866	1343300	5ef61b48-cde2-444d-9fb8-1559bebc16d3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:39:06	-122.106
-122	13434	1343400	8ca3beef-d0d4-4689-b0c5-322a964717b4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:25:24	391.959
-122	26868	1343400	af1fec25-d9a5-4d91-8255-b28d592b28a3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:35:51	-714.904
-123	13435	1343500	f4d2c8a4-3e70-4e28-9a7a-0508e233d6b2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:14:58	-549.749
-123	26870	1343500	9290f0a3-9371-487c-9ce8-66c5d894424a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:07:33	-66.549
-124	13436	1343600	e8950282-3605-4e27-9c45-c5a31f1492e6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:19:49	-564.657
-124	26872	1343600	a7e7d7a4-664d-4bf4-a201-e9ab4bbfc45d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:48:01	900.601
-125	13437	1343700	e7ce558b-2d06-4e45-b910-719b3e08a030	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:04:46	-222.12
-125	26874	1343700	47829b8e-ed1b-4a37-9218-cabe995bcb5f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:51:09	-832.240
-126	13438	1343800	e11e5720-6dba-4253-89e7-9774318d32e6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:26:51	-328.524
-126	26876	1343800	3500c8dc-8a35-4e97-a7cb-5130edb3084f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:15:16	509.145
-127	13439	1343900	ec699e54-0146-43e0-a286-b1f6cf7bd304	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:55:54	801.333
-127	26878	1343900	7af862fa-2459-494b-bd92-41428fef6149	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:15:27	-214.662
-0	13440	1344000	73961855-9b80-47c3-83e2-f92233882c2b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:59:37	262.549
-0	26880	1344000	3198184b-3e33-467d-a4f1-6dd3928939d2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:53:07	-290.566
-1	13441	1344100	b32c2e06-93d8-4aa1-b008-48b85c770d90	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:47:20	84.197
-1	26882	1344100	8e9b3fb4-734f-4c07-bf29-572bd0145b94	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:38:37	-580.522
-2	13442	1344200	cc5261a8-bccd-47fb-acec-51e2bb3cb018	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:14:59	336.406
-2	26884	1344200	9b0f93c0-b768-4817-b7ee-115cd2968b12	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:44:04	371.617
-3	13443	1344300	e3eb6ce6-ed53-420b-bc54-343a655a9d2f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:34:30	218.415
-3	26886	1344300	c1da5127-534d-4e3c-b2d4-8541764deacc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:34:54	644.74
-4	13444	1344400	bd0cd1a5-62e1-432b-865c-d568dede6ebd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:46:42	-837.954
-4	26888	1344400	ee38512d-69a5-43b0-928f-4cf9716bf41f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:44:44	-542.892
-5	13445	1344500	6b391ab2-93fd-4dd1-a014-9953122666ce	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:45:08	-338.981
-5	26890	1344500	59cecd68-dbc8-4deb-a115-ce337742b051	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:41:18	-631.503
-6	13446	1344600	e894a03a-5d35-4575-8e4c-c4941bff9c53	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:30:25	-170.307
-6	26892	1344600	cd274dc2-4262-4759-b148-36234bafe768	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:53:43	52.303
-7	13447	1344700	f5d31235-2fb9-41b3-a425-8086fa89fdce	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:01:07	14.375
-7	26894	1344700	409b7d07-866d-4e43-9c35-e6b6daad94a2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:53:33	441.381
-8	13448	1344800	e35997d9-ff77-4fdb-87d7-944062acb096	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:47:29	657.984
-8	26896	1344800	48892c20-f247-4c8c-b43f-4db76e29ecb1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:00:17	-776.336
-9	13449	1344900	51fc08db-84a2-4ea6-904d-354df0a89e57	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:45:33	-236.679
-9	26898	1344900	1e0593db-46ae-4b1a-87d5-f701f2b1ba89	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:04:17	460.998
-10	13450	1345000	61ac6826-f4ae-4aa5-93fc-cf3c1025b839	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:15:43	435.48
-10	26900	1345000	177a1f93-09ab-413e-935e-7a4087b08697	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:59:31	47.55
-11	13451	1345100	4dc710ce-7994-478f-8b20-75842086a584	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:51:58	-509.430
-11	26902	1345100	70b3f152-d010-4d72-b89d-e76fc1348765	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:25:45	42.993
-12	13452	1345200	76cd7c16-000a-4633-aefd-7d8ea3065c10	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:21:34	-194.360
-12	26904	1345200	4394e78b-7321-48b9-b4d3-4512f45adb14	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:51:20	706.428
-13	13453	1345300	9b3a5d4f-49a9-41cd-96a8-61d33225e8a7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:35:42	-326.294
-13	26906	1345300	b69d36c8-0ef0-49e9-8436-13eba6479c17	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:31:09	-864.379
-14	13454	1345400	c7465a4f-fcac-40fb-b6f4-c737245a92bd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:40:02	-706.862
-14	26908	1345400	eddfe1c7-69f8-4c45-bf03-1da336ef7372	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:45:04	-202.457
-15	13455	1345500	d0bd7e38-38c8-40f4-8e2e-3650cdc20f09	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:08:12	792.448
-15	26910	1345500	f57f81ee-6754-48f1-84cb-d92bdf51048c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:26:59	977.828
-16	13456	1345600	e15901df-bdc8-404d-9548-fe3bba5fa77e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:07:15	-332.233
-16	26912	1345600	c0679ebb-c055-450f-89ea-8acc1f0fbd03	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:34:45	-78.377
-17	13457	1345700	96d1193c-5ff7-4903-9a6d-e13bc7e60f91	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:03:40	-930.765
-17	26914	1345700	79fe7302-b24d-4171-963f-c8fc8d92aada	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:28:19	948.2
-18	13458	1345800	d6ed0506-7158-4f75-938c-e772907e31a8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:06:10	-58.123
-18	26916	1345800	05948ca8-de36-414f-8b96-223279ec646b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:06:04	-202.581
-19	13459	1345900	049d51b4-e66b-4871-82cc-7ce919068e8d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:56:43	-549.389
-19	26918	1345900	690b3822-05aa-4c8c-a47e-35aa60a13139	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:35:35	-598.162
-20	13460	1346000	0efe1866-0298-4368-bd52-132a42f6b6b2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:45:00	208.796
-20	26920	1346000	c7f8b323-6bd8-4b1d-a5c7-998165b63305	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:25:48	96.187
-21	13461	1346100	0720381d-0d56-485c-b99f-6c52b51de752	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:53:06	459.448
-21	26922	1346100	dd145943-b87c-44e7-b9b0-49e45066cae2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:56:43	-172.973
-22	13462	1346200	8cf2c433-6526-4b30-a3b3-d2ae3117c274	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:15:57	512.743
-22	26924	1346200	1e51c6d0-4e36-471b-92dd-b155ffd4e4c6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:37:36	-930.975
-23	13463	1346300	ec7a8885-3534-4c5e-b5a2-45a064e99911	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:52:28	975.375
-23	26926	1346300	61670b59-c3f3-49ac-8c05-147b212530fc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:41:42	-432.206
-24	13464	1346400	91737f7a-805a-4165-97e5-2ebc7ed0556a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:55:27	-68.174
-24	26928	1346400	3fb37e54-9154-4564-a6d8-508bd59dba08	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:34:53	-98.965
-25	13465	1346500	76b7f3b9-f5cd-4f7a-8785-95bf272dc716	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:28:35	826.402
-25	26930	1346500	f3a4360b-f456-4bc4-8d70-15ba53082d8c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:06:56	79.343
-26	13466	1346600	8491a714-d411-4556-aafa-411a42f61740	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:51:33	-879.645
-26	26932	1346600	eb516078-204e-4115-aa02-b8e0ca6ca909	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:21:30	249.267
-27	13467	1346700	4cca8125-70e1-4f21-befe-ca1943633dda	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:08:19	-423.113
-27	26934	1346700	4a464d55-24dc-4d79-be4a-e5862dac421a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:42:52	-472.158
-28	13468	1346800	6ee987dc-57dc-48a2-99ca-c248fd008f3a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:03:18	276.576
-28	26936	1346800	26f92fa6-a428-490f-b0ae-2b4af674dcc8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:38:37	-408.251
-29	13469	1346900	86deb593-cc98-44f9-8249-80a6fe45124b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:41:39	376.59
-29	26938	1346900	d08b3459-c27a-422f-856a-2aeb9864a600	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:05:22	295.94
-30	13470	1347000	aeb4c975-3d57-4cbe-ae80-563196f587b4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:30:09	660.125
-30	26940	1347000	981b7f66-753a-49a2-b95f-7ae910d8e89b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:57:09	-561.678
-31	13471	1347100	30c8b57e-c457-4ae8-b23a-14643dc43499	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:24:39	489.432
-31	26942	1347100	3f7d00c9-1fda-444d-aceb-205afac5d822	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:13:08	176.981
-32	13472	1347200	5bb50210-b161-4ea9-8eea-55d1017a8071	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:58:07	-576.347
-32	26944	1347200	dca8550a-2f58-4a3f-a7ff-8f9e0a140951	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:16:33	-884.157
-33	13473	1347300	e9043fc4-e13f-42d1-ae55-3cbf15a48d34	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:18:47	-571.652
-33	26946	1347300	dbc9f66e-cd18-459c-9b5f-c6825aca04b5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:40:20	147.398
-34	13474	1347400	55be0161-5579-4577-b2fc-3e71a4a2e40c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:42:23	208.289
-34	26948	1347400	c6c379ca-e382-4cca-883f-50dadbfbc389	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:36:28	114.382
-35	13475	1347500	728440fd-6d5e-4242-8639-f02201179659	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:28:15	228.187
-35	26950	1347500	4400fbfb-2a04-4dda-8cd2-d4498ee3a32a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:37:46	-889.124
-36	13476	1347600	dd07873a-2aa5-41e3-97b4-948c7cbc254c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:24:46	707.210
-36	26952	1347600	58d371b1-c2a3-42b9-b46d-31e523e1221c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:00:27	807.846
-37	13477	1347700	814e463e-bf7a-46a7-be48-d5c51dacaae7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:51:10	194.621
-37	26954	1347700	70e61c81-0ae8-4f1f-8023-42b1835e15f4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:41:22	-786.674
-38	13478	1347800	9335b730-b246-4367-ac3f-49b3ca568144	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:53:03	-253.706
-38	26956	1347800	2eaeb8a1-51f3-4799-b3c3-ece4237f3bcb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:39:03	-76.951
-39	13479	1347900	f58644f1-27c1-46cb-b248-4d025b65b15e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:13:03	-295.58
-39	26958	1347900	71df40ef-1917-4028-8947-fcfeb4fc28bf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:55:31	-417.195
-40	13480	1348000	2a432190-2a3d-47bf-a8a3-b5e719311096	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:30:50	255.721
-40	26960	1348000	becad3d7-cad3-4e82-8963-28207bf1d393	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:04:01	-562.205
-41	13481	1348100	f3082867-4f5d-47e2-a072-f7e17be2f337	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:02:56	4.893
-41	26962	1348100	e01a0150-fdcd-4490-9f14-a90aac4412e9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:36:38	-657.369
-42	13482	1348200	2035dad8-6587-4b41-b406-fe0e3e6da69f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:43:16	78.680
-42	26964	1348200	4b066d95-7746-47f0-97cc-4e907be4d4f4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:22:51	-39.609
-43	13483	1348300	c419edcd-efda-47af-be4d-09e2a465d418	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:40:45	-680.979
-43	26966	1348300	6d6e3a6f-d1fd-4d53-9620-d0f1f2e34117	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:12:33	68.506
-44	13484	1348400	5306c184-1ed8-4d92-91aa-8e0d1e64e844	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:12:40	641.680
-44	26968	1348400	ce9d07a7-e090-4e89-afac-11938a73f9ed	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:56:05	129.69
-45	13485	1348500	5c82a217-0cae-4b71-883d-ddfd6671423a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:03:51	665.975
-45	26970	1348500	506b85c2-df8b-4716-9134-f3c2523ce4f6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:02:23	166.888
-46	13486	1348600	59f55da8-3f0a-4fb0-9bf0-1242585e8b36	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:59:31	968.706
-46	26972	1348600	bb41536b-d4a0-4033-a7b0-3386d6faad37	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:42:17	-147.869
-47	13487	1348700	73ceee62-238c-44bb-b64f-1f1dccfa4c17	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:54:11	70.457
-47	26974	1348700	540ea85d-f2c3-4c1c-9e9d-ca336b06ed3c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:41:27	203.904
-48	13488	1348800	02a9a200-0724-4f50-93b7-6d0c5fb85da3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:05:40	-835.656
-48	26976	1348800	3186ba2a-16a0-4fe9-9ffa-73be2ee08d21	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:46:06	453.13
-49	13489	1348900	0037d113-6b25-4d35-822d-c35da2524c20	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:50:44	810.731
-49	26978	1348900	88592821-3ccf-4ecf-93e6-2a7f508f4871	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:01:17	-319.828
-50	13490	1349000	5882faf5-c8b4-4704-b369-f2870de49a76	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:15:15	-736.825
-50	26980	1349000	b1f9b2b5-5c0f-4b41-8de4-f798e8a20de6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:51:30	504.606
-51	13491	1349100	01ae9d91-3f0a-4612-941a-c33b68613d29	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:51:58	-957.190
-51	26982	1349100	71b67a8b-26dd-444d-aaed-dc44083c0b02	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:56:57	601.178
-52	13492	1349200	eebebbc6-2e2b-431a-b98e-a7be97f52115	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:31:33	250.234
-52	26984	1349200	e5a24c66-9bc5-471f-b4fb-e3d86f69d235	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:10:06	592.444
-53	13493	1349300	980c1ddf-80a6-47d4-b670-31d9461919a8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:35:11	-426.5
-53	26986	1349300	49012bd4-d504-41d8-87cc-17e2dba5d2c1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:54:25	-412.509
-54	13494	1349400	9396f21f-df0f-4ea3-84cc-a983faffa43f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:10:24	-377.181
-54	26988	1349400	5c42650d-d913-4b92-813c-4ac91731f555	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:15:48	-812.1
-55	13495	1349500	4c7ae208-3c9c-4241-b5e9-fed4f87429c1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:19:02	346.488
-55	26990	1349500	74c96ddd-58d7-40f4-8db7-b8af00d61d62	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:43:29	603.80
-56	13496	1349600	9fd45ab2-0edf-44e5-be0f-eaf944054d81	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:04:50	-922.359
-56	26992	1349600	258b8d91-424d-43c5-ba12-a874e97f8aff	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:06:01	193.780
-57	13497	1349700	1818859c-fc01-4b6e-951a-eced9fb484db	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:36:19	788.348
-57	26994	1349700	dd05c851-aea7-4db0-81f8-087ef539668f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:35:30	-643.932
-58	13498	1349800	13bafcba-f90e-49ca-bdc0-178d7c9bfa85	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:23:08	699.893
-58	26996	1349800	3d8000d0-da4e-4cc7-8f64-991e49325f2a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:19:28	360.733
-59	13499	1349900	2a56bc7b-a5f5-4d39-8722-992ddcb6e0dd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:34:05	800.233
-59	26998	1349900	c778f8cb-abbf-4543-9475-9bad95c1ce99	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:44:33	657.509
-60	13500	1350000	4166f397-14d1-4d10-a2bb-6653d7ea6494	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:29:07	53.551
-60	27000	1350000	beed4f00-ed72-4409-afaf-57a687acdb40	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:51:20	-381.102
-61	13501	1350100	ef728664-f29c-4982-ba14-7be8bcb4f13a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:46:13	-702.419
-61	27002	1350100	fe35341a-95ee-4d19-9d6a-505cc4cae84d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:39:48	558.647
-62	13502	1350200	0523634b-139f-44a5-a409-e65364a20a0a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:18:22	906.525
-62	27004	1350200	631c0ef8-5179-42a2-bcc7-b191322d4d89	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:45:05	883.496
-63	13503	1350300	9648cbfb-8ee2-475a-b3bf-316a501ed04d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:17:12	-138.695
-63	27006	1350300	a7c8f837-93de-4e70-aec2-f15cab282201	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:14:40	-728.848
-64	13504	1350400	429f1bf3-773c-4db9-9998-7f8108f00fc6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:50:20	-133.557
-64	27008	1350400	3386fa5c-9bab-41fe-865e-7ef438bf8993	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:52:12	678.930
-65	13505	1350500	76f13bb0-ece2-40d6-982d-af33b1e0855d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:34:08	184.277
-65	27010	1350500	8a23c0f1-1d09-4025-b178-f34cba1c9da3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:36:44	-935.410
-66	13506	1350600	5d647713-7bbf-42ac-9f16-412486322ce7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:36:35	-794.324
-66	27012	1350600	2263a675-4b5f-40c5-b5a5-3f5b5199a808	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:18:53	200.909
-67	13507	1350700	d8f84490-687b-4242-b953-ed1b86311a58	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:19:56	843.966
-67	27014	1350700	017e5098-9613-4b04-beac-7b8d571aa74d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:12:01	-846.884
-68	13508	1350800	ee4f2242-9a54-4b3b-b557-50a606ad34ee	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:49:38	47.178
-68	27016	1350800	7c532877-f810-4cdc-a32c-4a2afec622ab	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:58:42	21.128
-69	13509	1350900	e5a47ca5-678a-431f-8dc7-8893869a9998	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:28:51	-346.74
-69	27018	1350900	6a6b45d2-1b13-425a-8f8a-7cbec37d1db3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:04:26	846.265
-70	13510	1351000	09fa1552-076d-4db9-900c-69ed6e1ce750	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:50:55	-463.901
-70	27020	1351000	48a30666-bc34-4dab-986c-51e5a32d0afc	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:01:00	-590.666
-71	13511	1351100	43f67bff-36f0-4b2a-ab8f-adabe486ef21	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:00:35	73.170
-71	27022	1351100	45cf5399-4514-4d23-b5b0-b8a324877e7a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:47:06	-628.131
-72	13512	1351200	61fdaf32-0763-45cd-ab79-726790e67ad1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:12:37	183.985
-72	27024	1351200	b620de7d-0343-4b2e-9051-59ade85b2af3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:19:16	609.427
-73	13513	1351300	38477798-8dbc-43d9-9a72-8ea27e6c524a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:41:17	444.137
-73	27026	1351300	4453b23e-e144-4f3a-885f-5866052fce51	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:31:58	-355.418
-74	13514	1351400	10f814bf-4856-466f-8906-95be7e84ac7e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:37:29	81.877
-74	27028	1351400	c3b54ee2-4c2d-48c8-bf50-a7c44698501a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:03:14	-556.905
-75	13515	1351500	861e38a2-b018-41f0-bd19-9d112929e782	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:57:10	814.917
-75	27030	1351500	26bd3226-4395-43b5-adf3-f35315ef3efc	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:29:48	210.589
-76	13516	1351600	7ef3a719-5945-43fc-b86a-e1af4c83cb30	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:46:44	189.53
-76	27032	1351600	ceaf116f-c3a8-4c1d-b88f-1d9d3f857704	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:18:22	656.285
-77	13517	1351700	58ff5dea-d6c0-4ee0-88b4-bc20e246c2ef	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:28:51	-768.811
-77	27034	1351700	ccd1edc3-4dde-4bf6-8891-21fa76191fae	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:17:01	364.472
-78	13518	1351800	f53cbbda-5f7b-487a-9ea8-d3fe591597e7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:08:37	116.354
-78	27036	1351800	af6271d0-0750-4aff-96f8-d3ac4d2eb7b5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:54:41	603.847
-79	13519	1351900	317905ac-4a6e-45bc-9ed1-1f6cef362ff1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:55:10	343.477
-79	27038	1351900	8d51146a-af49-48fe-a9b9-214a0c029715	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:01:15	-748.687
-80	13520	1352000	bd994ce9-3275-44a5-a2a4-ccd498f4e83f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:01:17	112.350
-80	27040	1352000	0fb22d20-f4dd-445b-8abc-6f4cd8067dac	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:57:10	-59.967
-81	13521	1352100	b7add220-5a93-492e-b217-5c0c6a8cd288	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:46:37	542.65
-81	27042	1352100	c6fbdf13-a9d2-45c6-8d1a-f76232e6a677	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:49:08	-702.989
-82	13522	1352200	2db73188-581c-439d-86e0-c32c84c998c5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:59:05	-210.110
-82	27044	1352200	bac703d7-b2c6-4188-8f9f-db48aecee8c4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:43:32	537.494
-83	13523	1352300	93155078-cf12-40cd-acb7-46b91618cf92	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:35:50	561.30
-83	27046	1352300	6fb8fab4-3c3d-4d19-b1d9-7c7e8d9d8f63	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:56:30	296.571
-84	13524	1352400	c0e17994-d757-4c0b-9d98-2d8aff7985ed	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:29:30	-466.339
-84	27048	1352400	ad1d997f-a3d9-4542-8433-bffcc423289a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:54:24	913.388
-85	13525	1352500	35466714-a916-441f-91e4-d82026c1a49d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:45:01	-727.614
-85	27050	1352500	d0135dc6-8269-445d-8bcf-0f237c32a447	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:30:50	-347.725
-86	13526	1352600	b905221a-07a3-453a-a3ab-2ab399e76de7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:49:07	263.726
-86	27052	1352600	f34a3cba-b470-46e3-9bb4-812a9d9a7bdb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:47:30	-89.735
-87	13527	1352700	ba4881e7-f308-4e2c-bb28-50f40ebc2ce5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:10:15	467.922
-87	27054	1352700	c568d783-34a8-4334-ae88-c0cf30e569a6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:43:16	616.673
-88	13528	1352800	3fc50d1d-2485-45f8-a662-7a557528eb52	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:55:17	536.816
-88	27056	1352800	8ec4afe7-60dc-4789-8773-714f19266637	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:44:01	37.462
-89	13529	1352900	eded8bf2-9f6b-43ee-8f54-a5dafd267369	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:29:00	301.738
-89	27058	1352900	68c2d21d-3665-4c22-83e4-24976d1744c8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:08:26	-338.898
-90	13530	1353000	139ef180-ddd6-4bd0-9f2a-c02f45e95301	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:06:33	236.384
-90	27060	1353000	0e6fa435-f324-4b1e-851c-221a57f347a1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:37:19	51.832
-91	13531	1353100	50c0f5ac-edad-4dd9-b056-8b61a8881d40	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:19:47	563.280
-91	27062	1353100	71484000-8dac-44b8-a267-8a2c628f59c3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:40:49	-32.380
-92	13532	1353200	650521c8-d15e-4aa4-ac13-182d29bbafda	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:23:28	-230.488
-92	27064	1353200	19f03f29-0630-41ee-b369-17ce16d995ed	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:59:02	679.37
-93	13533	1353300	e7ebfcdf-e3aa-4045-9d18-8599707f74f8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:57:38	419.507
-93	27066	1353300	482a3dcf-768a-47d1-8e08-b80f2b09f03b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:42:17	-559.902
-94	13534	1353400	4c212954-6815-4a8e-aa26-6068d0d41794	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:23:58	-382.509
-94	27068	1353400	bd00acfa-78bb-42b1-83c8-37943e8f7c57	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:27:02	79.665
-95	13535	1353500	607792fd-f75c-4ff4-8c8c-5285b88f0ed7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:26:37	-377.389
-95	27070	1353500	21c8c2cb-d84c-482b-8930-2dca2c141b13	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:34:23	-483.678
-96	13536	1353600	5a3278be-04fc-4279-89c5-72f8b679c6dd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:29:15	-898.782
-96	27072	1353600	b21c6e55-8c30-41f2-8cfc-f324e63bb0cc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:08:48	-887.127
-97	13537	1353700	b41d05b4-874b-4f18-9d88-3b2b7dedc6d2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:00:53	305.396
-97	27074	1353700	9b49695f-fb94-4601-8754-39babe3e378f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:44:30	344.983
-98	13538	1353800	e731ea6f-e4ca-4ab2-9e08-464ff2779af9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:55:54	761.131
-98	27076	1353800	37a61954-745e-420d-917d-37730bfd149a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:41:21	238.179
-99	13539	1353900	82744a1c-ea93-4278-9a24-52848d28c8ec	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:29:46	387.308
-99	27078	1353900	2767b80e-a687-4b87-82f1-303cd9025442	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:34:30	652.295
-100	13540	1354000	f84f43c4-a98c-4537-bcd6-4eee67a42573	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:44:25	324.895
-100	27080	1354000	4cfae68e-c9d7-45a7-9311-aff97b68d9a2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:25:33	518.953
-101	13541	1354100	1761ac14-6327-4a2a-92be-2401152b00ea	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:44:23	-845.396
-101	27082	1354100	d4724ef1-933d-42ab-8966-1a5d4c4cb9e6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:39:42	902.998
-102	13542	1354200	d5ca87c1-ca35-4580-9ec2-70d28d918498	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:04:23	-453.90
-102	27084	1354200	04e363e7-2a2a-41be-b9bf-6e37ffb2a00f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:19:16	850.909
-103	13543	1354300	4ee2da67-6e6f-4b2e-babf-c61c45ed23f1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:43:34	682.836
-103	27086	1354300	bd222f73-95cd-4c51-a76c-655bc07d576b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:51:42	586.554
-104	13544	1354400	e9d2b89b-3298-42f4-915c-e80bc53eaa30	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:14:08	424.977
-104	27088	1354400	e29829ef-0152-47ba-b899-0d6364fb4548	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:10:51	-66.259
-105	13545	1354500	e028ef6f-66be-4d3d-b351-ae93aae3c492	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:24:09	-905.996
-105	27090	1354500	9a9b1f90-a7c9-49e2-b33a-185241f807a8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:08:19	129.749
-106	13546	1354600	4a29ec4a-ed87-461b-92d5-f7934a9a6c09	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:33:34	-55.879
-106	27092	1354600	6f7ad678-2cec-49e4-9ffb-be9a44bfe913	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:29:04	450.136
-107	13547	1354700	b4d471ca-07c5-43e5-982b-11c7b10d7cc9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:47:56	-610.501
-107	27094	1354700	915e056c-7c95-45ee-9834-b44a3ec98b2c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:45:30	-575.944
-108	13548	1354800	39f6774a-3c03-4b32-86b2-8c9291a52d7c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:29:13	355.494
-108	27096	1354800	b6349698-5166-4f36-9189-5ecfd2a6c5ee	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:02:32	607.732
-109	13549	1354900	d3b64d3b-e727-449e-9d7a-67046d4f09e8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:32:04	-450.40
-109	27098	1354900	038887b1-9c08-4c36-90ef-82940a3acb50	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:26:30	81.215
-110	13550	1355000	d2a3f108-c747-4674-b9b0-cfe25be5f916	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:28:42	-907.99
-110	27100	1355000	0f3bcd3f-f62d-4f35-9f15-62fe5fd1a425	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:24:12	726.887
-111	13551	1355100	460c67f2-8543-4050-b5e8-0995f14c234c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:04:49	851.361
-111	27102	1355100	8bcbc2c0-9aac-4087-9aa5-bf08624ca49a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:34:34	-169.135
-112	13552	1355200	ac9b0296-2187-4293-b62a-fae5fbe3a2f6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:58:57	-407.967
-112	27104	1355200	b6c32328-cd1a-402a-bf38-e3ddb5ed3158	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:19:55	436.64
-113	13553	1355300	a2fee92d-97e6-404a-ac97-c885504afe2f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:14:06	-729.33
-113	27106	1355300	b706ea3a-2de5-4909-a991-10863703f50b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:27:40	988.974
-114	13554	1355400	d615571e-9f0f-4ba3-845d-c6b355fc8776	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:29:19	-637.557
-114	27108	1355400	205d012a-74c6-4b5f-b419-4195aca76b48	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:45:03	366.724
-115	13555	1355500	ae6f1db2-7526-470f-8dff-1609e902fa9c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:32:34	575.106
-115	27110	1355500	50546304-867e-4df0-9235-56cf176e0d60	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:17:09	-809.979
-116	13556	1355600	f145d284-bedd-4e33-a94a-3cc5614b4ce2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:18:00	533.481
-116	27112	1355600	acd68dec-0c43-4b54-866b-a61bd148d4fb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:29:36	-219.675
-117	13557	1355700	b5cda285-4dc0-4d1e-b262-3b0f5a6e2c47	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:50:52	578.599
-117	27114	1355700	06d55ee6-bde2-42b6-922d-6b20eeb62ab8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:38:28	-838.643
-118	13558	1355800	ac43289a-1fb5-4320-a2f4-46d4767b44bc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:28:56	338.519
-118	27116	1355800	0e9dbc10-f2d4-4f0f-a535-c885194004fc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:31:34	-37.676
-119	13559	1355900	918d8f6a-b603-4c3e-a5dd-e30a113d22a8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:24:37	-44.767
-119	27118	1355900	8a996f5a-c89c-46dc-a675-2a65d7d65486	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:09:33	927.459
-120	13560	1356000	b654f917-50c0-455e-a924-adccc0833df6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:49:09	923.605
-120	27120	1356000	23368611-f6d5-4f3d-9d3d-c031df2a2b2c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:43:49	-832.598
-121	13561	1356100	a1d71299-9f04-4ed9-9e1a-b666525faeb5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:17:30	-78.571
-121	27122	1356100	58f86954-0b5d-482f-92f3-0bec05c3851c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:32:04	309.977
-122	13562	1356200	350f03da-d61c-4462-bc9c-4a39708a3df5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:54:01	353.368
-122	27124	1356200	83ceb9aa-df05-4e21-b705-e16ff63938af	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:17:11	-670.683
-123	13563	1356300	5b7ed97c-4a3b-4ec3-9dc1-18ac51be7a6f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:28:35	494.704
-123	27126	1356300	45cfb5e5-81cb-43ad-98aa-4efd25dd6b79	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:42:59	770.122
-124	13564	1356400	9127e5ed-1e5e-42c7-9cb5-a317fd898765	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:32:29	-877.54
-124	27128	1356400	db01eb5b-c75a-483c-ba5d-f125f935b91e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:50:00	-436.515
-125	13565	1356500	9976d2a8-2109-4233-9382-3f27acecd0e5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:40:52	548.632
-125	27130	1356500	6f8a9171-a18a-4965-b19d-5f4431de329a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:57:50	-339.335
-126	13566	1356600	22bb5d01-36dd-4474-86b9-fe769f9cd3e7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:54:32	-584.231
-126	27132	1356600	448b87bb-82e8-4191-8ec0-9488b7bb2111	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:21:39	487.800
-127	13567	1356700	3e3b1041-0ffb-4b42-80e1-02029e30e531	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:04:43	-233.952
-127	27134	1356700	42f3c3c1-88a1-41dd-86d9-531c183ed341	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:31:12	-164.852
-0	13568	1356800	1a7b3854-37b1-47d1-b506-8eb872176215	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:27:44	53.15
-0	27136	1356800	7b0f83f8-a21e-4038-8ba3-9da51fdad1a3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:21:56	657.333
-1	13569	1356900	8afbfa4d-e717-4d4e-9ce4-87a1fdf8845c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:55:41	505.585
-1	27138	1356900	c1b9d3ff-6806-4a2a-935e-a64de9e3326f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:39:13	849.342
-2	13570	1357000	8d8b7e29-ee8e-4e2f-bd3f-0411a6c91e6e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:13:46	338.116
-2	27140	1357000	151b899e-65fe-4729-8d21-dbe557c31469	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:23:29	958.966
-3	13571	1357100	f5929def-72ea-42c2-ac7e-a37ff5846400	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:09:09	-372.781
-3	27142	1357100	56548f87-52ad-4a19-943c-954b760d8ebe	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:12:53	214.667
-4	13572	1357200	04401c92-d2ad-47eb-8d4b-48a524125775	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:28:19	-386.398
-4	27144	1357200	14e876a5-68c2-47dd-aa33-413744379605	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:01:52	-569.729
-5	13573	1357300	cc8f7bea-99ee-4621-9335-551c0fe69bb4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:33:24	-214.410
-5	27146	1357300	edd17670-9abd-45fc-a910-cbb6fc2a51f5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:02:15	-328.458
-6	13574	1357400	a256ead8-36eb-4733-8363-e56f9dc66818	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:57:31	-73.794
-6	27148	1357400	f43ac0d5-683d-468c-9610-079d58f200c5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:26:47	808.190
-7	13575	1357500	cb2f34af-4fb8-4de8-80d7-d71ce25efd68	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:30:23	42.393
-7	27150	1357500	86133cf0-ae6c-4395-8762-bb1c2bec0774	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:32:17	-141.144
-8	13576	1357600	0d4fc2e0-cbf0-426a-a65e-473a96f082df	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:32:40	-91.960
-8	27152	1357600	cfb3374e-6576-4208-b566-b6925a96ed2a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:23:14	321.217
-9	13577	1357700	d160fed5-25be-4b4c-ae7a-0b53b1e6193d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:40:13	-907.698
-9	27154	1357700	e42f9dbb-5da3-4f76-91f3-0691fef64b7d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:10:36	-567.696
-10	13578	1357800	b88a7b97-a48b-4d3b-9ffa-ae580a23b261	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:59:01	574.733
-10	27156	1357800	4a058664-0d33-461a-9597-7676b4280297	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:16:08	-464.858
-11	13579	1357900	d2be5cb9-4df7-4cfe-b7cd-26cfb2c88f78	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:05:13	987.921
-11	27158	1357900	6824ce78-f9de-4103-a0c0-70d82c004fde	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:28:01	767.454
-12	13580	1358000	638ba2fa-68a6-447c-a9e0-9c99b02c77c2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:50:58	-692.258
-12	27160	1358000	12cf8d8c-5e32-48b1-8ce2-27b7826e78ad	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:16:14	879.326
-13	13581	1358100	2e413b31-75c0-4331-9335-d0383b74b651	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:26:11	-692.402
-13	27162	1358100	cc6ca379-0260-45c7-bec0-200a20bf6cfe	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:11:37	-343.590
-14	13582	1358200	086ba3bc-9151-4134-918e-d4b4c685086c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:46:09	828.352
-14	27164	1358200	6fc2e057-fa75-4ba4-91b2-17c6978bbb78	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:14:17	105.289
-15	13583	1358300	c89c3bb8-8e26-427c-b927-2fb389823edf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:50:29	-387.575
-15	27166	1358300	b6f0e7a7-72b5-4de3-b72b-d26a6db98888	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:13:01	-347.770
-16	13584	1358400	b3a5f074-4e05-4b9e-a6c4-cd4f96877485	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:40:15	309.69
-16	27168	1358400	435c8a3d-5712-409c-a48c-7bf8ab07af43	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:09:28	-495.359
-17	13585	1358500	51810abb-aa11-4a11-9c98-d5714d09598c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:44:17	485.363
-17	27170	1358500	d4d9542f-a471-47e2-9c9e-a26c261ebd33	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:23:50	-730.13
-18	13586	1358600	fc2ff1ea-68d3-4847-81e0-7789c8edd3f1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:56:45	-932.212
-18	27172	1358600	7b9d42a0-abbf-4e99-a424-e1c840aebd65	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:40:29	323.35
-19	13587	1358700	5ef793e6-b24e-465a-8ca8-99716f230104	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:14:24	-594.658
-19	27174	1358700	e80610a3-a829-4e8c-ab76-b5bdef5994aa	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:58:33	-256.291
-20	13588	1358800	c87c46cd-e8dd-4ed0-8196-97fee4b42aac	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:44:23	254.178
-20	27176	1358800	aad68b5f-17c4-4031-bb0d-895edfe68df7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:42:02	207.118
-21	13589	1358900	fc6241a2-f9e8-4620-b017-3847bdffab36	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:49:00	-465.457
-21	27178	1358900	13e5a493-f90b-4551-80c7-5777be72b3e9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:03:05	-123.791
-22	13590	1359000	b42b7169-0c4b-4fe5-b9ac-b7cadd93d6fe	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:30:16	-740.622
-22	27180	1359000	8033eb73-66b9-4dae-8981-98cc142c3a97	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:16:36	-866.628
-23	13591	1359100	e36c795f-07fc-424f-857e-64b2a5425bae	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:46:05	-675.242
-23	27182	1359100	4f1f29db-1cb0-4e49-a6d1-388a670c747d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:20:31	749.233
-24	13592	1359200	fef49cf6-bad9-4c6f-9d95-a5016c7616bd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:15:12	641.791
-24	27184	1359200	44d5cd63-6a98-4d57-aa5f-43cf189c1bb2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:14:23	142.3
-25	13593	1359300	05b65fb2-ce63-4b4c-b8e8-1ab710536a57	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:02:19	628.754
-25	27186	1359300	1d25e670-75d4-44d0-b60a-298a4e549b58	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:15:43	752.443
-26	13594	1359400	ada13c95-dd55-4cfb-a8a6-52aeb5990278	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:56:02	-98.250
-26	27188	1359400	7fd43b66-3612-4a3a-9f8a-67aecf2dd4ca	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:25:34	548.959
-27	13595	1359500	08ae0f7e-409a-4885-a0c2-181a0e0e8278	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:56:16	-207.180
-27	27190	1359500	78c97485-d9e1-4f93-bd8d-b11bc39334d3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:27:02	391.250
-28	13596	1359600	117dd0ae-dec4-437c-9a00-c2cb31d298eb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:52:41	-622.318
-28	27192	1359600	331e864b-af8a-49d8-9fb8-08c948cf0aba	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:54:00	-638.271
-29	13597	1359700	02170a1a-7fe5-4c58-a67b-8305a50cb459	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:58:04	-518.202
-29	27194	1359700	fc99027e-19a7-4de2-8e7c-a0d8c49e1764	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:56:53	360.879
-30	13598	1359800	ac8f287d-3660-430b-8317-624f8c98e076	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:05:24	563.391
-30	27196	1359800	b3c0724a-e030-4c57-8804-029322885c66	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:03:32	157.105
-31	13599	1359900	58140731-3f97-42f1-a672-e7af3160aaa6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:26:12	-896.401
-31	27198	1359900	cff5aa78-af2c-41ac-9607-9f240137f15b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:49:47	576.745
-32	13600	1360000	0ab3dedd-d495-441a-ab80-a776329dac75	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:25:50	-76.281
-32	27200	1360000	4d19efa3-8609-49b4-a2c1-9cf511cbc3cf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:20:09	-623.161
-33	13601	1360100	b67c026c-e330-4eb3-9543-43999350d1d4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:04:11	-105.94
-33	27202	1360100	be12b42f-a7e8-4ec5-815b-b05dc657c57c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:05:28	-607.172
-34	13602	1360200	20d68078-9681-4306-b82a-b7ad61d16243	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:43:38	286.919
-34	27204	1360200	9da846df-731c-4609-b2d2-8fc8492a54ca	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:36:48	-837.578
-35	13603	1360300	519b4fd0-243d-45cd-b866-a103cba9ea49	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:12:13	-888.564
-35	27206	1360300	4c16aa95-2850-44c7-8501-81fe062fbc98	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:34:32	-866.4
-36	13604	1360400	46c34fcf-70bc-415d-a9e6-a7a84fda9d44	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:56:25	-958.536
-36	27208	1360400	61d9d858-977c-4af8-ae58-e2c45e7ecb65	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:41:45	381.896
-37	13605	1360500	77053a3b-ac9f-4fe6-b32c-607b35da4845	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:35:20	452.608
-37	27210	1360500	5fa33236-ecb4-4fba-a834-08699b15c7d7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:45:23	-266.995
-38	13606	1360600	453f735c-d46b-4cd0-af0d-bac48b4b31f7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:19:02	-651.44
-38	27212	1360600	ff2f97b2-6f4c-4d49-baf3-e4ed6e781e44	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:21:49	748.433
-39	13607	1360700	89ba63d7-e2a7-4e14-a26b-ecbf338d039a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:37:09	684.855
-39	27214	1360700	db4ec3d9-4fa2-4aab-82cb-c9cf16583559	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:57:03	-905.856
-40	13608	1360800	e0617279-9f00-4217-9a6f-5fd8481bd759	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:12:32	691.869
-40	27216	1360800	7ddfd985-690b-4381-96f3-c94fb513de2f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:44:07	773.992
-41	13609	1360900	c39b9b8f-a1b3-4909-bc13-770b1cdc8ccf	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:21:35	257.700
-41	27218	1360900	05d680a5-2489-439f-9a02-e18f3f97d7d8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:28:54	433.519
-42	13610	1361000	95802a05-40c4-40a3-ba87-5201d26c9f71	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:18:01	435.502
-42	27220	1361000	b9d959b3-0a70-4f7f-a1ec-89d2684a566d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:43:26	-506.871
-43	13611	1361100	5804cdad-8623-4486-b060-6b968f8982a2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:39:24	-425.260
-43	27222	1361100	fdc8d5bf-2124-4a48-9e2c-e061a2f22baa	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:34:54	-215.338
-44	13612	1361200	4db7fc6a-d45c-43fb-aa6b-726b721bac7a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:09:16	961.659
-44	27224	1361200	f47cd7f2-62c8-4be9-ab38-294e397055c0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:31:08	44.446
-45	13613	1361300	2fd846a4-d883-4841-ab41-a72a643e32ec	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:00:53	779.342
-45	27226	1361300	7d45c385-b2f0-479c-bf09-b3b632f910b2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:18:00	558.349
-46	13614	1361400	cb52eb51-bf32-424b-bdd4-343963eb0d42	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:23:06	-264.888
-46	27228	1361400	6631ef40-e1cc-43bf-bee0-0c9a254ebb42	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:26:28	729.555
-47	13615	1361500	202a0ac8-142b-4563-a680-570873d37597	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:45:11	-707.276
-47	27230	1361500	29b8b46d-2886-4ddb-af10-d3b76c2ae1de	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:40:56	-499.377
-48	13616	1361600	7e91efaf-db8d-44da-96e2-9ca0efc32e5a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:15:16	-492.324
-48	27232	1361600	4366f501-6834-4be0-9f17-2de399f56d85	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:04:50	558.882
-49	13617	1361700	02b2c7ca-3ed3-4263-8a82-510ebb223364	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:09:58	-890.633
-49	27234	1361700	5668eddd-871d-4ee8-8baf-5a07a2106ea8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:25:23	426.451
-50	13618	1361800	07c299bd-8ddc-4645-b255-be017b1b995f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:02:33	-682.873
-50	27236	1361800	42886180-22df-4b59-9e84-89549eb901b3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:12:52	-101.389
-51	13619	1361900	d26a3647-23ca-4622-9d71-da82e41866e9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:05:21	-151.360
-51	27238	1361900	eb98c689-5978-4d3a-9f95-94108bed5037	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:02:39	883.55
-52	13620	1362000	c5c05f59-8c7c-4273-8903-02053fa81b8d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:38:53	700.45
-52	27240	1362000	49ebe1fc-1190-4609-bd2e-18c6ceb2b717	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:25:22	148.587
-53	13621	1362100	f00eba9d-6643-4d8b-840f-5a4c4e1ceb93	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:48:31	-818.934
-53	27242	1362100	9dfc1cde-9369-4c95-bbe0-dff450bea137	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:59:51	-52.954
-54	13622	1362200	f7e1e7f8-2cdc-428c-953b-1a2f3a01c336	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:18:49	716.344
-54	27244	1362200	f42853c4-66d2-4514-85be-3620e61a7b58	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:31:08	880.95
-55	13623	1362300	12021ab6-07db-4390-9deb-dd0a741cd025	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:58:34	576.56
-55	27246	1362300	7a17d6e1-e6c1-49e5-bc9c-a722c696b098	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:44:14	682.450
-56	13624	1362400	fa1d42ec-e9f8-4ec1-a837-d47c149a7df4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:31:12	775.693
-56	27248	1362400	ea015da4-e9c2-4212-8bca-5e80876583da	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:53:24	-360.534
-57	13625	1362500	098f7706-523a-476b-8bb7-c218aa149acf	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:49:04	-934.459
-57	27250	1362500	b3c2b091-165f-4188-9958-a46bed8800bc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:35:49	851.628
-58	13626	1362600	a89776a9-c5a9-4f62-b4a6-9b80275b61f6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:03:50	-746.576
-58	27252	1362600	4191d77f-960f-49f5-a041-56635c4eb63e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:00:01	746.610
-59	13627	1362700	4cf6f6fe-949f-4508-9d31-88284f75efc1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:58:02	-319.948
-59	27254	1362700	939367ea-d060-4674-bf04-96f6bfe1d813	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:31:36	-900.212
-60	13628	1362800	cdfc8608-9816-4c81-bb35-041da5deb295	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:28:26	-393.738
-60	27256	1362800	d445e02f-9a7a-4d24-a1bf-979f2e9db93e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:00:44	712.176
-61	13629	1362900	1d47d92c-8d18-475c-a7ce-4fb6d08bf3eb	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:26:57	-95.710
-61	27258	1362900	65b5d1f5-cd40-4465-b926-042b9db1f1fe	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:13:06	967.915
-62	13630	1363000	e27fefee-3005-4c87-bc93-8603d9ab0e04	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:39:33	-328.569
-62	27260	1363000	fd470509-2ed3-49de-8b59-796b4d4d26a8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:49:06	-105.743
-63	13631	1363100	89425e5e-8b31-46eb-9ae7-4c8b5a434e54	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:10:08	-465.543
-63	27262	1363100	637ee496-2b58-4411-a52e-07e8befc8c34	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:33:49	-178.953
-64	13632	1363200	4671533b-758a-4125-b7d4-9a8689c2d363	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:02:11	-541.945
-64	27264	1363200	abe9f7fa-9c3a-47b6-b8f5-9252249fbbee	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:51:09	964.685
-65	13633	1363300	353158d5-41f8-4aca-8f94-996f216fcef4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:56:37	-178.580
-65	27266	1363300	16da6dff-f9dd-419c-839c-6055c5b7e6b6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:03:51	949.365
-66	13634	1363400	b7915c69-7481-4631-ae40-ec2a1a49f1cc	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:11:35	616.711
-66	27268	1363400	1445b3b1-9ed3-4c77-b1a8-218f2fc0a53b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:48:22	54.408
-67	13635	1363500	84ca33de-dd03-496a-adfc-e98372d7819d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:10:13	-930.935
-67	27270	1363500	a5c5c7a1-9437-4fad-a34d-16e2ff797e6f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:10:36	5.4
-68	13636	1363600	0952231e-11d5-42bf-afd7-f8a6e732c36d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:52:05	204.90
-68	27272	1363600	210dd2b8-834a-4acf-831a-b69c1b06beba	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:51:34	-645.249
-69	13637	1363700	7b5deffa-6d39-4322-9f95-c1f7f43a0017	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:13:14	-920.328
-69	27274	1363700	492235cb-54fa-44fa-9c3f-4e774a6d8792	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:03:14	-206.82
-70	13638	1363800	f5917555-a8b8-4296-a236-a9682ff7cd43	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:25:15	680.631
-70	27276	1363800	ada75d0d-178b-46bf-9a61-e54eef7b609c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:50:09	-90.528
-71	13639	1363900	354fe620-377a-4d06-920e-e41099140216	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:26:45	919.485
-71	27278	1363900	7f009756-85b8-4c40-9f6c-febcff7fd0c5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:34:32	-925.74
-72	13640	1364000	3e6ea7f9-74e1-4f12-adc6-2ce7aa679ea9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:32:28	-145.62
-72	27280	1364000	7855cfb4-1ea3-498d-a876-0a9f5cc2cc78	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:20:06	77.114
-73	13641	1364100	41968665-f8b6-469b-b67b-28bd70489a92	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:26:47	-388.234
-73	27282	1364100	e7ea806e-ba04-4b09-a832-394fa6564d99	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:48:24	-912.921
-74	13642	1364200	58788ac1-c9c8-4059-aaf9-7f7b2fd02bae	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:09:18	73.354
-74	27284	1364200	7293e552-98ea-4d63-909e-40c4c42ac61f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:27:52	134.206
-75	13643	1364300	a4488f35-c1ef-40c3-84b6-d29363e14425	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:43:11	814.524
-75	27286	1364300	84442063-6bd3-4d50-8ea7-6922bc16293d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:15:27	-88.499
-76	13644	1364400	d66867bb-0237-452e-9170-5a9a8b8dee0e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:21:47	-596.412
-76	27288	1364400	4c3ce8ea-a996-44d7-80fa-0ff2166713d1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:54:03	628.296
-77	13645	1364500	000c8f34-7587-4939-a737-a9d0e66b480a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:52:43	-760.142
-77	27290	1364500	3a391cac-0f64-455f-96a8-77c681164d9e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:27:41	341.111
-78	13646	1364600	efe695a5-38ca-45af-a17e-edb400479d74	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:03:21	312.437
-78	27292	1364600	b1328c12-22d5-49f5-b9f3-1db00fc6711d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:17:03	884.510
-79	13647	1364700	fd39ec2d-c997-4545-beac-b323542e1d20	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:18:06	-853.659
-79	27294	1364700	02039934-42d8-4aba-ba62-6e6b0c2c871a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:59:45	-357.962
-80	13648	1364800	1d82eee5-071c-4677-8e19-f50030ef8e7a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:27:49	770.806
-80	27296	1364800	b24116b0-f74f-4e8c-bc58-b192c93581a5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:46:59	277.783
-81	13649	1364900	2e75048a-057a-4eb4-aa27-cdc031906a09	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:53:55	779.594
-81	27298	1364900	3639de87-d110-47eb-b75e-cc0c40a092ea	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:00:13	-428.454
-82	13650	1365000	9804bc49-08ae-4fe0-9a88-ac733beb2f3b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:04:30	-123.998
-82	27300	1365000	21013247-6f9f-46c4-9dc4-496c588bb811	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:44:29	190.510
-83	13651	1365100	fcfd3966-d1ac-427e-a91b-974a66731c9a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:43:10	-954.550
-83	27302	1365100	cb93005c-d2ce-48fb-8935-5eb0bf18ca4c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:08:52	-714.716
-84	13652	1365200	07dabdee-2f1f-4789-afb9-c5b9b5a6836e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:34:37	-652.501
-84	27304	1365200	7b121472-5340-48ff-8a1e-a7636951cb20	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:14:04	-281.511
-85	13653	1365300	7b215db3-fc69-4cd8-8522-f7a3684c3249	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:37:36	-527.923
-85	27306	1365300	d4f98cda-3382-443d-9975-7d78532efacf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:53:19	289.409
-86	13654	1365400	1625f901-5c33-4af1-aa1d-30449a5d6266	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:21:49	-25.750
-86	27308	1365400	8eba8a19-556f-4677-bad9-f4d2bdaa5997	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:56:32	-649.863
-87	13655	1365500	d7418be2-4ad0-4287-a42d-9efa4ade7157	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:40:53	468.868
-87	27310	1365500	d151933e-87ab-468c-8951-436485c9621e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:48:57	-985.251
-88	13656	1365600	b324cdb3-ec2c-4a81-9051-524215439584	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:05:09	925.416
-88	27312	1365600	60d5b9b9-9823-48f5-96a7-8c9aee22d0ce	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:17:29	743.739
-89	13657	1365700	7796ce7d-6ee6-47a1-9de6-824b0f8e1c54	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:35:37	358.223
-89	27314	1365700	025ca93e-9d63-40a3-b8c2-83807c67ed02	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:31:12	-951.769
-90	13658	1365800	7895cdbb-ef5c-4ddf-adf9-dc2041a37fb4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:39:25	-272.245
-90	27316	1365800	f9d11afe-b122-45d2-a57a-05b8de84b8c0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:04:11	907.958
-91	13659	1365900	20db01de-cbb9-47e4-93f3-121e603f0fca	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:47:11	922.547
-91	27318	1365900	c1fd7bfb-f2af-4ac2-b6f8-c64c1d9032d6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:02:18	571.340
-92	13660	1366000	a03f86a5-bb30-4800-828e-ef0f18f0a8c7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:00:56	842.889
-92	27320	1366000	670140f9-00f5-4b06-8032-55776bd243f6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:45:44	836.278
-93	13661	1366100	ed8b5f7c-b50d-4287-9627-683804851416	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:10:45	-500.657
-93	27322	1366100	64d58149-a942-40c7-88c6-0f621e6abcf8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:05:40	-415.672
-94	13662	1366200	3254a74e-fb2d-45dd-9298-ac8e31b53bbd	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:36:22	873.161
-94	27324	1366200	59b78163-1a3a-4885-be95-5462ce756bfb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:56:06	237.949
-95	13663	1366300	0edc777e-c90f-45ae-8bf0-433a1fc2c532	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:33:41	796.877
-95	27326	1366300	d45f56c1-3cd3-4ca9-9aee-cf0d5868d78a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:09:12	-765.893
-96	13664	1366400	17205841-8c05-42b5-ba63-fd588c057d94	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:54:30	890.395
-96	27328	1366400	e47b1688-9c8a-46d1-80c3-6c9a322e0d4b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:48:47	-655.587
-97	13665	1366500	85f263d4-2fc3-4264-85ac-219d8d9eab9b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:10:15	-451.585
-97	27330	1366500	07d9888e-860f-44fc-9f50-8656c7d69b23	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:19:20	470.211
-98	13666	1366600	e26f3e29-0670-4ebf-b699-493a024c45ab	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:05:28	495.514
-98	27332	1366600	c0fa7bfc-b24d-47f4-94c7-87056db36375	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:59:37	-789.466
-99	13667	1366700	e653c782-9323-4a76-b0aa-c3d77765308a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:11:07	932.559
-99	27334	1366700	ec98b33b-573c-44a1-8ecb-daf774925a93	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:22:48	-432.8
-100	13668	1366800	e3633499-9f26-4619-bd76-97cea4cd48e0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:41:32	-977.59
-100	27336	1366800	791809f6-1960-448e-b0a5-78a3da9dd3cd	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:53:38	955.398
-101	13669	1366900	fb627a0b-6565-492c-bcf7-57caba2a3221	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:57:30	746.663
-101	27338	1366900	07622c6e-e4ce-4a3c-b2c9-387b86b0cf57	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:55:55	878.383
-102	13670	1367000	fa450462-5316-43ed-8341-0d026adbb89e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:32:06	290.798
-102	27340	1367000	fab6b313-2fe2-4435-a373-61851be96fb0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:13:02	-409.699
-103	13671	1367100	5ac528ee-729d-479f-80b8-a8e826a56b34	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:18:52	-778.573
-103	27342	1367100	4ed80749-1183-4e86-9351-b2a4dd872561	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:29:56	12.810
-104	13672	1367200	30be362d-590b-4cbc-87fe-35da54b4ed93	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:33:37	-795.139
-104	27344	1367200	1fd63f24-cda4-4935-9c73-8faa1462881b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:58:18	438.393
-105	13673	1367300	93c663dd-8812-4fc8-bd63-62bbfb057100	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:46:30	431.67
-105	27346	1367300	230a5c52-44b7-4ff7-8c01-57f23e53e402	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:47:16	-852.953
-106	13674	1367400	109325fb-3d77-4161-82d5-7be71f88c745	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:21:33	-646.630
-106	27348	1367400	8cb1a981-2ef6-48c9-9097-686b497ab8ec	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:09:44	827.801
-107	13675	1367500	0ae8b330-2cd8-4a5a-93a3-a39bdc669bb3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:23:55	880.833
-107	27350	1367500	753b5904-4f47-40fd-80d4-a2c8096b1252	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:50:28	-766.726
-108	13676	1367600	4a0a9dd0-859b-4140-9f49-58b41f330eb1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:14:41	-21.369
-108	27352	1367600	fb58e49b-aab5-470e-bf79-9bd36658b3cd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:18:19	510.901
-109	13677	1367700	b7b33f95-9711-44d1-987b-f123fce9a102	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:47:29	-260.955
-109	27354	1367700	9178c2cf-ab89-4a4f-a80b-b9b657ddfa4e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:51:14	123.409
-110	13678	1367800	66795147-efcb-4eb2-bca2-ff64f07ea122	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:19:17	-991.260
-110	27356	1367800	9730632e-c119-4a78-a0a1-e79a8e30d41f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:13:09	-872.429
-111	13679	1367900	d89f5af9-49fa-4b8f-b32e-386f92e551d0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:03:20	193.66
-111	27358	1367900	69963786-b967-4ce9-8daf-5810411d6295	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:37:32	-19.679
-112	13680	1368000	bcfcd762-a976-4efb-9c8b-56dd1c9e8a43	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:05:48	455.346
-112	27360	1368000	39ac8d3e-d5fd-4f12-89f4-587a0c457f84	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:29:01	-695.268
-113	13681	1368100	3f28d24d-a239-428f-a363-55fc727efbf4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:25:53	551.885
-113	27362	1368100	2fbcd349-18ab-436c-a806-924c2c664548	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:52:50	511.361
-114	13682	1368200	21dd6f49-8d34-4cfe-8aef-94b7b5946554	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:17:45	-394.193
-114	27364	1368200	69566dc0-1f26-40d9-ab72-0d900d326560	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:57:43	-712.153
-115	13683	1368300	82de461f-700c-48b0-a7a2-2fc5d7e25556	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:23:24	762.624
-115	27366	1368300	a2713417-5ae1-44fc-ba04-187825840cd9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:55:37	-324.561
-116	13684	1368400	5fa4d071-45da-44f4-a078-739672fe9d0c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:27:42	-61.170
-116	27368	1368400	067a0d01-353a-47b7-9517-1a4f12845085	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:06:39	337.106
-117	13685	1368500	e18d660d-5521-4c0a-b853-25a245d8e18e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:56:09	11.342
-117	27370	1368500	926f0273-7428-4e71-bf88-e3738a00a505	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:37:59	968.833
-118	13686	1368600	55d733cb-e94a-4d49-9bd1-3c3e43281855	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:23:03	-330.346
-118	27372	1368600	00103dca-c9d3-407d-9c76-0cf1aeefc8a8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:20:45	926.9
-119	13687	1368700	5bb92190-005f-4b88-9503-3ad2e8d652fb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:16:03	646.885
-119	27374	1368700	5eaf4d34-c886-44fc-897b-bc0299e31187	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:32:02	-367.263
-120	13688	1368800	9ed6b7db-8fca-45f2-bf34-d3741b54e942	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:47:58	-226.868
-120	27376	1368800	a5fe3e58-d873-4c0e-bd58-a0135ca854aa	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:40:35	585.362
-121	13689	1368900	2da91e46-9f9e-4c85-9d4e-9c325fb47d72	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:31:50	545.574
-121	27378	1368900	1f94da86-f67a-4c26-a75f-0727fbc6e825	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:47:11	481.309
-122	13690	1369000	3415fce0-c7d5-439a-bc5e-87dc4b2d7a84	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:20:52	207.216
-122	27380	1369000	ae184506-7a9b-4a16-b433-2cf7394100ad	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:16:22	326.781
-123	13691	1369100	0893ec51-46e4-41d9-a831-c05aca9bfeb5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:30:37	801.430
-123	27382	1369100	f6e1c3cb-8983-4a2a-b3c9-e2c53e924147	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:43:28	-13.548
-124	13692	1369200	256478e0-55b5-4456-ba65-df5682829eed	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:42:00	423.884
-124	27384	1369200	4998fd2c-1c16-4553-911c-919bc04a3695	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:28:04	-79.770
-125	13693	1369300	2b1ebb11-dc1e-4c8c-92f8-bf1682d8b646	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:23:30	932.980
-125	27386	1369300	5a1a4e49-4228-471f-b4ea-d12245680654	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:43:45	886.632
-126	13694	1369400	98579562-7d54-4167-a277-eefef9115f25	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:59:15	741.320
-126	27388	1369400	f6024792-e324-4a61-9586-18c9b16956d3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:59:33	-378.406
-127	13695	1369500	359178ea-e305-4e36-bb7b-ee3dbe3c2229	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:09:22	-180.713
-127	27390	1369500	6d1bdd2b-62a4-437a-af8e-53d2c64bf7ff	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:57:03	752.682
-0	13696	1369600	5bc6f43d-be4f-4fd6-9293-da58c54974b3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:22:38	905.852
-0	27392	1369600	545595ad-dd55-49c7-9119-2a97687a21cf	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:48:41	762.186
-1	13697	1369700	db568aaa-7999-44ce-b8ae-8de99eb301ac	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:01:25	-13.395
-1	27394	1369700	36afa894-18e4-4d1f-a85c-8c33393e5d19	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:31:39	3.359
-2	13698	1369800	ba22ea49-4940-49ad-9363-b04d938bd596	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:19:22	371.680
-2	27396	1369800	bcc0a909-2fff-4213-9544-b99aede25e55	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:20:16	584.625
-3	13699	1369900	9e67d178-537d-4b3f-9e76-79543d0fea40	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:10:18	-606.677
-3	27398	1369900	75147bd3-990c-4547-bd58-070d480ba372	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:53:09	251.855
-4	13700	1370000	3f42940b-8d9f-4675-a2d9-59020961fb77	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:54:41	-988.28
-4	27400	1370000	4ae16c49-9c1f-4eaa-91cd-81637a628c05	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:27:57	-677.145
-5	13701	1370100	265527a0-3544-4bf6-bb3a-09b6d61a352d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:49:41	772.311
-5	27402	1370100	f647bffe-3033-4749-8357-8279ad45babb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:01:54	675.910
-6	13702	1370200	66a17b0b-7ca4-405e-a814-551ad363b69d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:23:00	-902.754
-6	27404	1370200	ee3d749a-e4c9-4db7-b9bc-14a40efda73f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:35:14	-279.416
-7	13703	1370300	7ac464a6-248b-44e9-a8b1-86f3c8c8ec2a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:38:08	667.990
-7	27406	1370300	63e5dc38-66ac-43b5-95c6-d643fbc35a64	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:33:24	-149.800
-8	13704	1370400	36f98a0b-4054-43ed-b39e-27692853d5dc	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:23:56	-766.111
-8	27408	1370400	a3b29eeb-ff56-49d3-b125-fdf48dd4ef2e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:47:45	-69.25
-9	13705	1370500	903337a7-6184-4af1-9b10-b6221917042a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:29:37	-309.784
-9	27410	1370500	474ea293-72ba-4bce-b1e9-0045afd34c7e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:36:04	22.4
-10	13706	1370600	a0e52a5b-a8cb-40a6-bbbd-06d676832bed	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:34:45	620.342
-10	27412	1370600	94ac44da-c6d7-4900-ae95-dd090c6c1214	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:59:08	-635.115
-11	13707	1370700	c436cc77-d14a-4aa4-8aaf-d248013eb6e9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:49:44	353.780
-11	27414	1370700	fa33de9b-609a-4f04-a89e-dcbcd0150b22	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:29:52	-631.272
-12	13708	1370800	15f4fda5-0ede-4508-beed-b4216f792bf6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:18:55	748.458
-12	27416	1370800	9b24cec2-dc24-44b2-b108-4bcf99dfa911	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:28:35	324.421
-13	13709	1370900	2f61f71d-b0ea-4230-866d-cac8a9237f58	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:12:17	-204.239
-13	27418	1370900	021f07dc-06b3-4c8b-ad40-a1dc84ce138a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:28:43	882.615
-14	13710	1371000	c0bc6582-47c6-4f79-a33f-99dfe335bbf9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:19:06	382.265
-14	27420	1371000	cd443dd7-88b0-40c1-abf4-c328dbc54260	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:02:10	125.236
-15	13711	1371100	9c240279-f626-4bea-8988-b00dc04d85a3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:36:19	159.141
-15	27422	1371100	e81881ef-9350-4cf7-ab2f-3c2241c3fe4b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:52:27	-897.968
-16	13712	1371200	b0ac3158-ff79-4dc4-b4e7-6c7d35368d39	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:15:18	308.871
-16	27424	1371200	76cabcda-3045-408b-a352-20d48f61f142	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:06:05	889.812
-17	13713	1371300	d3b8e15c-2a61-406c-a775-cf75addd2231	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:50:27	595.527
-17	27426	1371300	46fd532b-1f59-4e1d-9e31-50263fca2eab	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:17:48	-9.905
-18	13714	1371400	69bf128f-9e9c-4e7b-aa8f-7b3605288847	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:39:11	366.223
-18	27428	1371400	454071af-218f-468c-a47e-68346059acff	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:15:25	364.805
-19	13715	1371500	1bfbe594-39fa-4f57-817a-e340a7c8fbb9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:40:47	675.368
-19	27430	1371500	a0940381-6dc2-4b87-aa44-b9db695779d9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:52:19	-309.800
-20	13716	1371600	f37ded7c-0fe7-4af6-85e3-fdd3844a72d1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:33:03	-308.48
-20	27432	1371600	d2709dbe-b7f8-4a09-a02e-9b3ee5fbf459	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:14:29	37.9
-21	13717	1371700	d25d625f-2dbe-4758-ad65-eee726f63854	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:45:21	205.157
-21	27434	1371700	21ae1dbd-2b60-40a9-827b-d9932c8e7071	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:42:07	-413.858
-22	13718	1371800	225b93e3-1be7-489f-9d15-f4b084e0f51b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:28:59	66.919
-22	27436	1371800	4d1b82fa-d2bd-42dd-b65b-1ff42d78c0e2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:32:47	858.861
-23	13719	1371900	e07de28d-62d3-41eb-9563-5cf6f43a76b5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:11:59	266.841
-23	27438	1371900	6bb2431e-d2fe-4d9d-b2dc-74a4fc0c4a8c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:53:44	255.679
-24	13720	1372000	90a80e4c-a291-4300-a269-3449be2ade6e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:07:05	-578.166
-24	27440	1372000	3546fabc-e9d1-453f-a1bb-c3f65c363c16	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:56:17	-660.249
-25	13721	1372100	f49651ee-1f7e-4da8-bada-45231d70899d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:23:31	423.910
-25	27442	1372100	8bf9a16c-9277-4881-be5b-a7d767478355	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:26:28	136.79
-26	13722	1372200	d076fdae-a86f-4eb8-98cf-cf473cfa61fe	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:56:22	350.171
-26	27444	1372200	18831140-7fe7-4735-90f4-2614b344cb91	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:53:34	-371.870
-27	13723	1372300	cd3fc35a-bf47-4a46-9b82-7802905e4a53	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:58:03	-24.857
-27	27446	1372300	b76cd358-be48-4d70-8f2b-ea539f471c37	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:38:33	-5.949
-28	13724	1372400	011b1321-fede-446e-a0b0-56640c0cb5b9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:02:23	4.137
-28	27448	1372400	a4389c98-ff04-489d-956d-e9b70a98f8c0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:41:28	557.967
-29	13725	1372500	ce9fc012-6e92-46ff-9af6-6d240281f62c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:12:09	386.433
-29	27450	1372500	6a333a37-67e2-4501-afad-b4c97dddbe06	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:33:26	459.589
-30	13726	1372600	010cf0df-1abb-4d0c-ae58-33bcaa3b67ea	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:37:55	-432.384
-30	27452	1372600	6f8ed5db-c0e9-4af8-ba4a-39fcf2d162dd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:52:38	-495.120
-31	13727	1372700	2bdc28d2-8402-4dfe-9b72-beed485a5e94	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:36:42	-229.392
-31	27454	1372700	56293925-7c6b-4a90-942c-49b14e4b5409	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:14:22	795.744
-32	13728	1372800	c253f79f-2f61-413c-b5a3-b3723b10ad99	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:10:11	-230.390
-32	27456	1372800	f69b6d0c-f886-47e2-a8c4-1c3413b220d5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:00:46	219.467
-33	13729	1372900	8b347c02-9ac8-4168-b48a-3b0901b46130	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:36:24	908.648
-33	27458	1372900	3ba79d5c-f4a3-486b-ac94-956bcc95622b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:05:58	903.71
-34	13730	1373000	bcd0c628-ae92-417a-b691-c2193cf90df0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:29:15	-920.161
-34	27460	1373000	3da625ce-9194-477f-9bc2-0ea19aaac8e2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:03:24	-99.624
-35	13731	1373100	aa9699ed-28c6-4bf4-96b8-6b6d43c31a2f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:59:38	-563.517
-35	27462	1373100	f590d001-b56c-4082-b1c1-472d2b5dfcfc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:54:25	-587.37
-36	13732	1373200	954ada1e-4341-4f47-8b30-aa1d60b17435	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:42:20	-340.575
-36	27464	1373200	5dd918df-3316-4629-afa0-59a3f3788a32	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:55:29	344.360
-37	13733	1373300	e53351e0-e556-4c5b-9db4-5d304633d917	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:11:09	765.870
-37	27466	1373300	265c359b-1378-477d-aa7e-36a08f1cf79c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:22:47	61.688
-38	13734	1373400	50993224-5589-455d-972e-4478bd67445d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:07:19	-442.962
-38	27468	1373400	050588b2-e931-4581-a5d4-6de986bdff83	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:16:09	228.98
-39	13735	1373500	0c905051-9fe4-4b01-b339-e66e2ffbae4d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:52:05	852.535
-39	27470	1373500	a3c2c902-c830-478f-863a-29f13b0e32df	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:01:45	-52.621
-40	13736	1373600	1b05c767-d7cc-412b-93b5-99d90e589370	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:29:47	839.232
-40	27472	1373600	3cd0b1ed-c3ee-4304-b248-e37da5eb84a8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:18:28	-120.14
-41	13737	1373700	86b0ce06-b950-47bc-a3b9-cf988eb15873	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:54:41	-430.137
-41	27474	1373700	8d07209e-9b27-4aae-b5dc-52f60d7873b4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:08:13	-195.872
-42	13738	1373800	57045b25-e7b0-478f-9dea-77e48d136bd2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:23:36	489.516
-42	27476	1373800	7a4ce107-328e-4dc6-a1e9-d7db80a76151	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:14:47	222.76
-43	13739	1373900	18841b09-61a1-4e57-94c5-adba14bb749a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:38:03	-218.649
-43	27478	1373900	69437b23-423d-4112-8ad6-8bae58c01eb2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:21:52	831.880
-44	13740	1374000	5cf7c3ce-4b95-4bef-9189-b011c3cb125a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:05:12	49.426
-44	27480	1374000	3300967d-189c-4c9f-be37-90947f30901b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:42:16	-104.819
-45	13741	1374100	559636f4-e3bb-49bb-8b02-33ab501138d0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:25:03	-790.88
-45	27482	1374100	d2e13467-f6ce-4d17-9f55-794331344c68	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:59:13	61.338
-46	13742	1374200	0f60434f-b384-49d4-9d04-7647c8fd0ec1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:14:33	-507.645
-46	27484	1374200	1bf04d48-dcb1-43ce-b80e-e23b47efe5e5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:00:30	-794.329
-47	13743	1374300	8f535c42-3c4e-400c-964b-ba84a063bcd4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:52:17	93.687
-47	27486	1374300	21590e2d-3b61-48f0-9d69-88338f2e6a2f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:26:30	-694.114
-48	13744	1374400	12ad633c-714b-468c-8147-311391a27903	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:55:04	-181.877
-48	27488	1374400	66d48646-65ed-409c-82d2-570cad690a79	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:26:25	-998.641
-49	13745	1374500	31a12e9c-bcd5-4fbc-a3ec-a678e5a0d91b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:02:23	-250.354
-49	27490	1374500	63ddbd4e-7ef7-4cfa-8160-d6dbc0ed01b5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:21:04	-223.637
-50	13746	1374600	3cc1b0df-c70e-4290-ac21-2d728c9cfdca	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:39:32	523.104
-50	27492	1374600	b43c096d-1520-4ade-9b29-80ff2151b9af	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:43:01	-69.490
-51	13747	1374700	29f1066c-6997-4e0c-a182-156c381905ee	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:11:32	-841.695
-51	27494	1374700	ce08778e-f3ed-4cba-a85f-3f81282048c8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:00:58	55.551
-52	13748	1374800	f7eac050-abe0-4f5f-84c6-2861269c1d32	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:35:22	851.769
-52	27496	1374800	8620867d-409f-4a9f-a914-df2484f49cfe	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:50:29	927.776
-53	13749	1374900	05a090e0-ce41-4da4-89ca-3d7829a4a250	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:21:19	-161.738
-53	27498	1374900	0b05da88-364e-479c-8a48-035a2832e4f9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:18:47	-111.168
-54	13750	1375000	89edde5e-adc3-4688-b7a3-90625de76567	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:42:12	-83.164
-54	27500	1375000	bdc5742f-23d3-49da-81d8-57db3e377ebb	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:46:19	789.127
-55	13751	1375100	afcaa84c-a015-48d9-9fd2-a90ea038a0b6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:23:21	914.7
-55	27502	1375100	5136380e-c442-44d9-a8ab-c59a75ac44bf	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:18:59	-321.737
-56	13752	1375200	2f7fa8ea-2a79-4ec8-a01f-4bb1beb69094	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:33:38	890.227
-56	27504	1375200	22c3de64-7dc0-407d-be19-4c5aeb443227	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:36:18	-628.778
-57	13753	1375300	8ccf751a-ab4d-4d93-9cb2-3dff1dd9bbb5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:16:25	239.950
-57	27506	1375300	10b1a63d-a694-4a13-a512-3c3a140d468e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:24:18	29.584
-58	13754	1375400	076c4050-e77d-4ec0-9d0b-c76d3b12a189	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:17:04	-295.974
-58	27508	1375400	7e8150fa-f484-4868-9456-f531c3139152	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:02:15	-377.145
-59	13755	1375500	746b6de0-1840-4537-bbb5-7e7bc603d2bb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:57:14	686.628
-59	27510	1375500	98dbb04c-17fb-4ae0-accd-7129365ea54b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:32:58	563.619
-60	13756	1375600	4c2c13f5-70bc-4b7e-8661-b747223014ab	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:21:14	818.66
-60	27512	1375600	c7f34afe-63f9-47f1-aa0c-3eb3a876ee35	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:14:41	963.502
-61	13757	1375700	57366b0b-aabe-45b9-860d-886cd5c21286	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:44:37	256.787
-61	27514	1375700	97566e92-e89d-4bc0-bf40-84664ee8b73f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:18:50	-726.746
-62	13758	1375800	fefde97d-b35d-4a76-9629-e2d417f717b4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:59:18	-31.895
-62	27516	1375800	b2d49a82-96e3-4fb8-8e8c-d75b53776c4e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:19:04	-110.303
-63	13759	1375900	ed118721-67a7-4c18-addf-4d101401cda8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:37:25	-129.160
-63	27518	1375900	2641b7fc-3e60-43ca-8938-9db5a38f52dd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:45:25	-518.430
-64	13760	1376000	ecd7dcee-8db5-4f80-96ea-f172a2cd5c3d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:22:03	688.200
-64	27520	1376000	392d2d66-a5ae-490e-a03d-1e2df3633625	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:37:12	770.178
-65	13761	1376100	85feca74-8398-48f7-afa1-731ef5f1f366	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:16:58	-279.557
-65	27522	1376100	02474473-2cce-4259-b0db-d6131823a625	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:08:25	-427.652
-66	13762	1376200	1e482350-4d97-4e69-af9b-721d89ba51e7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:25:42	602.553
-66	27524	1376200	a28ae790-17f8-4949-9cf4-565451f61d5f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:34:07	249.350
-67	13763	1376300	942d0a61-ba04-4eba-9b91-5c18f544fe66	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:12:01	862.9
-67	27526	1376300	122871ce-a96f-4870-b698-68fe64f821f0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:03:14	332.962
-68	13764	1376400	c7fc8699-2a64-4667-bfc0-b16e9387b382	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:59:34	717.867
-68	27528	1376400	103b7873-8c41-4260-a332-259ad7298f08	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:25:54	-610.967
-69	13765	1376500	422862bf-3496-4439-9bd0-ad50af91752e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:02:50	-133.153
-69	27530	1376500	2e9d3b62-083f-4615-877d-c33e38419fd7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:34:47	575.18
-70	13766	1376600	90dcb3e9-d1f2-400a-8cb3-a7cf0343e786	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:06:56	-217.41
-70	27532	1376600	81ad01b4-1def-44f9-b7ba-37a8dacb2c9a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:36:12	845.656
-71	13767	1376700	621e39b5-eefb-4979-a405-d74b7e90d609	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:54:53	-220.124
-71	27534	1376700	b840ba13-97d4-4605-9b65-bd520cce676b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:50:50	321.212
-72	13768	1376800	cc39b265-db0f-4168-ba69-2d9ae635945c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:03:04	388.893
-72	27536	1376800	4fb740b6-0c1c-4fcc-9a73-4af69a53b5f8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:02:48	-409.790
-73	13769	1376900	224a2555-a6c7-4bed-b040-7423b3cb093c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:35:18	614.279
-73	27538	1376900	d990e2f0-b25f-4aa0-93cb-27d14cf06228	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:09:33	-566.394
-74	13770	1377000	a81f2522-e164-497a-a9fe-75933e757171	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:18:10	594.91
-74	27540	1377000	c4164eec-519d-423b-9371-340e46011653	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:19:47	-181.895
-75	13771	1377100	624c811e-8b8a-4104-8a31-4ccd7da06ee2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:42:11	-196.431
-75	27542	1377100	efde8bf7-6f44-4ac6-9c12-565ba1eb9d15	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:45:41	-381.359
-76	13772	1377200	89f6b58b-d430-402b-8561-e12397018820	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:49:47	-198.642
-76	27544	1377200	3e395f07-0349-41f8-a548-85a57c6cd67b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:19:40	-1.875
-77	13773	1377300	a460aa2b-c83e-4264-a4b9-e62586f43765	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:02:43	971.469
-77	27546	1377300	ea2fb6f6-293e-411e-bc12-26a1f9ac96af	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:13:27	-805.760
-78	13774	1377400	7061df08-db5f-4313-9628-0f753ea3ff8c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:30:00	-437.929
-78	27548	1377400	75f558be-680e-405d-be14-4e1cb2741ea5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:08:17	612.411
-79	13775	1377500	ae0b1015-1956-40e1-8c2e-9efd2f7d244f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:41:23	666.239
-79	27550	1377500	809d9c13-3167-48c4-a61f-71b2800561b3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:54:43	-439.958
-80	13776	1377600	2cb756c3-3ee2-48a2-b0a5-2be14232655c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:46:30	-390.804
-80	27552	1377600	7ed351c9-5821-488d-bbc7-b454eeb9f373	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:03:28	-310.540
-81	13777	1377700	e88cf8cd-dcde-4432-b5b2-dfd8ea4ebc81	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:42:14	-789.990
-81	27554	1377700	9b6d15ab-30a4-4d14-bc94-a35f2c4d0994	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:17:00	767.201
-82	13778	1377800	4b04726c-f99d-4497-a254-78307db8f029	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:10:07	-366.990
-82	27556	1377800	1c36e50f-f107-4f58-85ad-4d92e06a1242	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:26:23	-992.944
-83	13779	1377900	9844289c-ae16-4347-962c-be6290ae51f9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:04:08	-341.9
-83	27558	1377900	b4c5c270-6d4c-42e6-834a-359ebc8ee1cc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:26:36	424.874
-84	13780	1378000	488a8c43-0ca2-47b8-9df3-bd326761fad5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:22:02	-148.298
-84	27560	1378000	d573b68d-9660-4929-9b06-deb2b801a661	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:00:06	-996.783
-85	13781	1378100	150aac01-400b-421a-ac2f-d90661c4cdde	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:44:57	292.115
-85	27562	1378100	274e3416-b3a2-4215-a954-ae8b68b0fd1d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:28:40	-241.593
-86	13782	1378200	df9d0ad4-adf2-4c76-bd03-257624b2b7c9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:05:19	323.633
-86	27564	1378200	0d5f545d-a580-4848-af53-955acf83499e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:37:55	522.695
-87	13783	1378300	66d4096c-04a2-427f-8c75-e581de2b0d4e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:39:47	17.938
-87	27566	1378300	c689438b-2549-4fbb-9acf-95a7694bb581	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:22:39	586.890
-88	13784	1378400	24964dd7-4357-462b-a74f-33c4fa1971d0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:39:05	-806.370
-88	27568	1378400	7c5a5b94-e059-42bf-900e-2a615628463a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:08:20	-502.307
-89	13785	1378500	d14439e0-e0e4-4daa-824f-71223e4ee7d7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:48:18	687.220
-89	27570	1378500	267d2c6a-d2fd-490e-9c95-28ce0053edb5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:38:32	-81.571
-90	13786	1378600	ef4822b9-519b-44b6-8bc7-08c430c67306	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:38:28	778.723
-90	27572	1378600	fa8eec0d-2e9c-4dd6-8d70-c7425213af8d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:44:56	-928.80
-91	13787	1378700	ebf3959f-f461-40a8-a8a8-8a03e6aa61bb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:56:25	-24.219
-91	27574	1378700	3fd01506-90a3-4ef6-ad96-95e069d8368b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:13:22	337.721
-92	13788	1378800	a54e69c2-1dcf-4ac1-8d3d-bd2c7ce8fab2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:51:41	-50.148
-92	27576	1378800	1c0dab5e-82ae-45a8-82a6-33c85cfc3e35	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:59:34	825.574
-93	13789	1378900	57cca7e5-ef17-4fcc-a784-276b5ba4b70a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:09:29	735.985
-93	27578	1378900	88c74b7c-b03c-4f54-94ef-5b4cd85d3576	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:03:29	-518.355
-94	13790	1379000	c959813a-d97f-42df-b77c-f764052642c2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:40:32	723.155
-94	27580	1379000	5195e705-879f-4cca-b05c-06da18085651	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:03:07	-867.800
-95	13791	1379100	0a0293d0-eaba-44cd-920b-356aa6807395	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:25:36	986.295
-95	27582	1379100	8a6e4936-c5cf-4de3-82a7-277c27f1928b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:57:26	-534.750
-96	13792	1379200	467d92f5-0fbe-4c05-8751-f4b04fff2999	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:50:51	-204.764
-96	27584	1379200	a5e975d3-c646-4462-87a4-abdd997cd9f5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:13:01	146.872
-97	13793	1379300	10fc08ed-5c07-4a57-9ef1-70a15b7c599b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:35:15	877.883
-97	27586	1379300	9abdfe7b-a6cc-4f84-996c-1cc356867a86	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:07:52	-335.750
-98	13794	1379400	8b25355e-38df-4f6a-987f-58a9a8e01507	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:32:03	895.63
-98	27588	1379400	a94e3213-0589-40bd-a22c-95b01bfa2d32	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:24:50	561.211
-99	13795	1379500	747c7065-964d-40e4-a800-822caa6a0b0c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:47:59	583.789
-99	27590	1379500	db231a7d-e5f8-49ac-9623-1f37397a2bee	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:07:20	-31.198
-100	13796	1379600	10f5a953-d0f5-40ef-85cb-d3abda7fe94e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:18:15	116.449
-100	27592	1379600	55acceb2-2404-4e07-9103-78270ea3ec6c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:33:40	169.75
-101	13797	1379700	ff1c332e-85d0-49a4-a52f-7b9e9ce868e1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:03:22	540.978
-101	27594	1379700	58f7aa7c-f3bc-4a64-9e1a-274afef3542e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:49:41	-212.95
-102	13798	1379800	54546664-4a20-4a41-8704-07368157564f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:11:00	-173.427
-102	27596	1379800	8b25d4e5-6935-4bab-9360-2466042a6e0e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:06:38	430.856
-103	13799	1379900	dbc662b7-f007-4b4d-9ebb-b9a9fbd6eefb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:25:56	-283.463
-103	27598	1379900	568b772c-226d-4df7-867a-808a092d3ca1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:09:56	-489.883
-104	13800	1380000	5c2d0b78-f68b-4878-b5f6-a3047fa7dede	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:36:39	225.70
-104	27600	1380000	2ac9806b-cae8-42ae-8488-2f6b979824d7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:33:54	75.808
-105	13801	1380100	0b9627e0-ba0f-4b6e-8157-a6d113837e4c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:19:14	-724.723
-105	27602	1380100	fbc364c4-df01-4cf1-a286-8b13b38569f1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:40:27	-371.750
-106	13802	1380200	d8354f77-348c-47ee-b17a-c48f09c24a4e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:45:27	-326.523
-106	27604	1380200	f712a020-a898-486e-9c71-37f17975df29	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:59:42	457.638
-107	13803	1380300	74d5583f-de4e-4fef-bea0-2d3941459448	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:45:49	775.149
-107	27606	1380300	0473c10d-f7ba-4d94-80af-638f136bbd86	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:37:35	40.348
-108	13804	1380400	3336cbea-2c8c-4f04-bd97-7834cc6f601e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:30:02	941.857
-108	27608	1380400	1eb50455-1280-4287-8454-cde5df850003	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:58:50	-399.896
-109	13805	1380500	766650cf-4a65-43a0-afca-34508c44843d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:29:26	195.70
-109	27610	1380500	68a92417-4d10-4446-8a46-bdc450a31887	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:37:23	430.724
-110	13806	1380600	54acf95a-b958-459f-bce6-d137b9eefd78	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:30:49	-201.534
-110	27612	1380600	30e778fc-de74-45b5-9b6e-a7ec681548ed	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:18:15	504.361
-111	13807	1380700	32c672bd-d979-4a97-8c65-91b016691571	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:00:54	616.503
-111	27614	1380700	60d01f13-708f-4bb7-9992-09c7b69d68e5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:47:11	979.645
-112	13808	1380800	db8dbce9-38e1-4f64-ae19-44f393dc3648	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:45:54	230.305
-112	27616	1380800	dcdfb386-af7f-453d-9ded-5202175dc63a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:16:15	595.228
-113	13809	1380900	27d6ca15-cfe3-48bd-b93b-92257412c477	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:47:57	318.221
-113	27618	1380900	0b6b99b6-f257-407e-9baa-ba86bdca4f88	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:39:56	286.153
-114	13810	1381000	aff7cce3-b9d1-40ee-806e-baf86fbb44e9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:56:42	473.258
-114	27620	1381000	b037703b-c72f-4516-b34a-7b2d2016000e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:32:18	822.195
-115	13811	1381100	417dcbe7-00bd-438a-bba5-5d3cafccb1f6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:06:52	766.890
-115	27622	1381100	34dfa25f-8cc1-4fb3-969d-c261b939b894	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:43:35	-631.715
-116	13812	1381200	ca51aa26-a445-4ebd-b655-5d66f05d2aa5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:41:36	872.657
-116	27624	1381200	101688ad-d45e-4aa7-a78a-7eca5cf75f5e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:04:11	699.656
-117	13813	1381300	5ed7084a-3189-454a-a60e-2a79ede263ec	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:53:29	-237.737
-117	27626	1381300	cea56d0f-773e-4920-bb86-86534d7e51a3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:40:07	616.537
-118	13814	1381400	334b3a4c-d6e3-4ab1-8c7b-28db26caa7fa	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:53:23	110.408
-118	27628	1381400	8fcff8a4-9269-4a5f-b536-3b9d15e51442	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:16:01	-825.384
-119	13815	1381500	48e6ffbe-cc00-45cc-a4e5-d58ffb45b94d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:50:34	471.739
-119	27630	1381500	6ee9fd99-cb17-4578-b1af-7a3334dc28ad	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:21:54	195.429
-120	13816	1381600	44820e27-4067-495d-9532-fd3d752926b6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:40:55	449.757
-120	27632	1381600	25f0a177-f2e4-414a-9077-dc6e394ad63f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:13:13	320.663
-121	13817	1381700	42629e38-a350-4bdc-8aee-5b44e2796f9e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:12:33	-139.313
-121	27634	1381700	2b227135-6f73-4c92-8e3e-03fdfdde9eab	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:04:58	237.864
-122	13818	1381800	5f67eb95-65bc-44e3-a3ed-8cdbdfdb659e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:08:43	-640.909
-122	27636	1381800	ccb24a59-6c72-445c-a69e-ae7ef4005de7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:30:32	172.434
-123	13819	1381900	1153ec68-76aa-41ba-95ab-40ab9c113c6f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:26:49	870.268
-123	27638	1381900	4536d6fe-71de-4fd5-874f-54fb6321f401	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:44:46	530.190
-124	13820	1382000	2829319a-dcc8-46f2-9d8e-2dda5eec152d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:26:17	639.527
-124	27640	1382000	c84abcb8-cd89-480a-90ed-08eb94093d04	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:40:25	-744.224
-125	13821	1382100	2f8925f9-d982-43e5-b099-27d2ef9d6f64	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:23:12	813.219
-125	27642	1382100	01c0e9a4-1771-478d-a46e-a9bbf4be3ba0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:44:51	-265.350
-126	13822	1382200	b9bb2a14-e777-438d-9763-e713131f134f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:22:06	-213.90
-126	27644	1382200	13b8f84a-a070-49a3-b63b-d95d04bb0387	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:31:39	856.256
-127	13823	1382300	b74870a7-09bc-483c-9f3a-4c9dd0645609	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:03:00	104.531
-127	27646	1382300	b153709e-484d-45de-965a-9ebbf4192ded	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:20:42	-56.428
-0	13824	1382400	bdb9c4db-8d46-486a-961c-6da39367e75c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:35:29	-421.318
-0	27648	1382400	506e842e-858f-4f80-98f4-27beb8aeec17	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:31:31	68.887
-1	13825	1382500	e25783a3-7d2f-4b47-9863-adcfc100cbff	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:46:53	-771.604
-1	27650	1382500	12b8748b-ad07-40cc-b27a-8f267a43e2c5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:44:54	-553.16
-2	13826	1382600	4625d567-02b0-4fc5-be6c-bf0571e9c900	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:16:29	-610.734
-2	27652	1382600	a06e7212-b426-4dad-a89e-6fd2c1e9a988	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:09:00	-742.328
-3	13827	1382700	b73c4383-2caf-4f8b-9215-950791733eac	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:53:45	-140.23
-3	27654	1382700	bc36bbe9-795c-450a-87ef-e427487d1f3f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:00:53	215.247
-4	13828	1382800	08cdeb9e-960e-43f8-8c8d-43c5760a55f3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:45:05	891.490
-4	27656	1382800	2aa7dae4-fb4b-4c60-b278-3c4d83d0583c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:08:55	-287.648
-5	13829	1382900	63dea8b6-e11d-4b81-9e27-3cf1eab4b824	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:28:40	887.604
-5	27658	1382900	2c801eb5-5c17-4b8e-bf1b-f9164aa5aa43	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:35:23	-418.566
-6	13830	1383000	fffff577-b644-43e7-a28b-7f675c57e1e8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:50:45	129.255
-6	27660	1383000	371fd4c5-479e-4f06-a102-134fa33b0404	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:38:26	284.724
-7	13831	1383100	38dde1aa-0a86-4d46-8939-dfccf0449e76	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:16:20	-884.203
-7	27662	1383100	fdd82cbf-330e-4f86-9a43-0f9939badd70	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:03:48	-253.938
-8	13832	1383200	e1f38494-9aac-445b-96e0-903ee1f5276a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:55:10	-700.583
-8	27664	1383200	51b98cf5-9e23-443f-b75b-e978c72cfb4a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:41:24	408.325
-9	13833	1383300	490cde9a-0d71-4fce-b539-5c54ed448030	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:11:37	-815.214
-9	27666	1383300	9440a5e5-840b-47e4-9d43-9ef460611036	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:07:54	878.669
-10	13834	1383400	036a629a-8cd9-4777-8b67-34b18858363f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:46:27	-960.283
-10	27668	1383400	dd23a455-146a-442c-b79c-b95d305a1c44	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:17:49	535.397
-11	13835	1383500	e09d3de7-862d-4cfa-b186-4de615574f69	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:48:11	-886.84
-11	27670	1383500	2785c89e-942f-490d-ac70-b2963882710e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:13:26	585.104
-12	13836	1383600	4ea96251-b22f-42f1-93a7-c8e6ce28a242	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:43:13	143.204
-12	27672	1383600	1e340992-a842-4820-899d-6a44cc6ef31c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:02:17	212.80
-13	13837	1383700	b63092b7-8230-4d32-b383-82c84758e1ce	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:51:58	526.410
-13	27674	1383700	cd3cad06-a7b9-4821-b745-ca36ff16a4cc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:15:40	-48.718
-14	13838	1383800	13afe336-c72d-4993-ab34-d6bf1b182574	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:01:37	-255.527
-14	27676	1383800	cb75ebba-1503-4cd9-9352-4252f060b033	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:18:32	218.789
-15	13839	1383900	fc556187-7409-40f2-ba6e-f1bd96a38e65	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:18:50	-453.306
-15	27678	1383900	8759d85a-effc-4c30-9b2e-ffbccd6aadc8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:34:11	442.626
-16	13840	1384000	4f8c23b0-42a2-4156-a133-48e24cf0872d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:40:15	-805.529
-16	27680	1384000	40369a7e-e53b-4120-9e54-bf0cb54005aa	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:30:10	-950.590
-17	13841	1384100	2bfac235-bca4-4d98-829d-4459c6ef285f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:56:20	464.125
-17	27682	1384100	87ed7d22-a613-4118-945f-14f5f98db12c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:06:31	776.538
-18	13842	1384200	528cce6d-451e-4c22-81d8-3ea1e3242f06	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:51:24	-658.262
-18	27684	1384200	413f5bc6-dff6-42f4-9f00-c706cc6a08c7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:31:27	283.672
-19	13843	1384300	e81d215e-691b-445d-bec9-0dc006d4cd22	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:32:32	-68.223
-19	27686	1384300	85c82c25-c539-4701-ac0d-5908d0b697e1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:17:18	183.554
-20	13844	1384400	0b4ce069-3688-495c-a17f-183f06287159	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:16:27	-877.705
-20	27688	1384400	b0c11162-1a38-4fc5-8e83-aeef85d4f731	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:53:44	-599.537
-21	13845	1384500	d85fe55d-c83b-4742-8aef-eb2ad40d3986	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:06:13	-215.468
-21	27690	1384500	fafce70b-2c75-48cf-807c-9b1fdd299160	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:12:21	847.961
-22	13846	1384600	2735708f-9b1a-45e0-a436-5c764d05ae8c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:40:10	439.247
-22	27692	1384600	ca2d7fef-bfad-43f0-a315-de33ffcaed22	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:05:37	-512.670
-23	13847	1384700	73ffdfed-61db-42b9-b944-12f98bba7b3c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:44:28	-189.122
-23	27694	1384700	2522d8e9-2a43-4abc-8bf5-33524d07ea0b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:22:52	-108.401
-24	13848	1384800	a78a1b5a-1f95-4956-94d5-cdd51ecc0c0b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:31:15	-885.85
-24	27696	1384800	115e5ced-f11d-479b-b62a-da23da048dfa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:44:56	-412.298
-25	13849	1384900	6e1a9e49-2878-4834-9daf-da65204a617c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:02:02	669.827
-25	27698	1384900	122d9742-108b-45a4-a1c6-7e25e6c121f5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:27:16	71.369
-26	13850	1385000	b91b7905-84f1-49d8-b4e0-6154043ce8e0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:08:56	-273.999
-26	27700	1385000	095baef0-56e7-4545-9265-360a9cafe54a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:16:06	774.63
-27	13851	1385100	1141e3c7-d3d8-450c-9c1b-d821be681c25	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:34:55	-26.563
-27	27702	1385100	cf0aec6d-180c-4809-b44f-e0741d161680	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:19:16	-997.47
-28	13852	1385200	f86ab9ed-8366-42c9-a60e-34b11c7be836	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:26:54	-115.614
-28	27704	1385200	3a5bb640-5348-4492-8e38-539c25ae27e6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:26:00	218.961
-29	13853	1385300	0ce47079-d69d-4a3b-9ad0-7e3da2418d8e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:22:15	757.100
-29	27706	1385300	39fa7501-2ce0-4763-8b82-6a2e9b9e02da	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:02:19	-936.564
-30	13854	1385400	2a6d4f29-94f1-4cf1-b00d-b2413a004ef5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:46:04	-471.748
-30	27708	1385400	7db2926e-ef65-4066-b56a-9e587cae5a9d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:04:18	655.211
-31	13855	1385500	5a056012-45b1-4df8-b428-83d02af94427	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:36:11	618.831
-31	27710	1385500	8ad71c3d-47e5-4674-a3c1-7f461915bb27	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:05:34	173.484
-32	13856	1385600	c2f7127e-314a-441b-a882-25f02c79b8d9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:11:49	772.603
-32	27712	1385600	2fba3332-835c-448a-90e8-6e2c1a3c31f6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:20:19	163.581
-33	13857	1385700	1deb05fe-dece-470b-ad25-b1aa2e704b8d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:04:21	60.503
-33	27714	1385700	79eec29b-65c2-4840-a215-bdfa2ba354c6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:49:59	553.268
-34	13858	1385800	e4cd67ed-e5af-49dd-94bf-dbf6934bfbe2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:14:31	836.929
-34	27716	1385800	c6b234e6-d8a0-48b5-9131-d737871a1c80	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:52:48	-723.837
-35	13859	1385900	3c347f15-c439-4ae8-925f-6715960f7150	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:04:01	-418.101
-35	27718	1385900	33b689db-f8ec-423e-9e68-a2ae868a578a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:32:02	-885.605
-36	13860	1386000	7acbc5b3-aa65-4022-9ff8-063efa645586	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:06:50	399.558
-36	27720	1386000	9ce18e94-1bd7-45ac-896c-ea0167b71b0c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:39:55	962.221
-37	13861	1386100	e644ef56-b288-46c5-bf07-4428b2e80ed5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:45:29	-223.797
-37	27722	1386100	5cade708-a069-49ad-8b88-c31323b99eb3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:09:16	488.578
-38	13862	1386200	b45069bf-1f03-49d0-ac7b-42e250fee729	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:07:03	-787.76
-38	27724	1386200	3a9c0a9e-9185-4ec3-9650-b758270ec7fe	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:47:43	-932.635
-39	13863	1386300	25978171-03ed-4eb5-9abf-d0ccc35b6cac	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:45:40	-489.918
-39	27726	1386300	458d6e87-3371-436c-ae11-2fe44c1578f4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:03:34	-118.501
-40	13864	1386400	d4b0a09f-85d9-4b73-a5b2-12bd8ee5f3a4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:45:01	270.714
-40	27728	1386400	fe2ba80f-226c-499a-a6e5-a7c923badc1f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:28:36	251.236
-41	13865	1386500	86b44627-f353-418a-a253-483f2dc01a97	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:34:02	-607.572
-41	27730	1386500	e4ddb2d5-df82-4ee4-83b1-3c4f850e6f6e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:18:10	912.413
-42	13866	1386600	d16b499f-ed06-4454-b06e-fbce5d8125cc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:28:13	-64.759
-42	27732	1386600	f5b9d47e-5e6e-4313-b2fc-b8ec1e559fec	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:49:17	436.897
-43	13867	1386700	a1155190-3a0d-487e-a9e6-f622b9eeb25b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:32:58	895.661
-43	27734	1386700	0ecbc32d-c1b2-422e-aa86-0807a538bbfc	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:39:04	225.835
-44	13868	1386800	54428f67-a3d8-4f16-8b06-3e9db288c407	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:27:18	994.993
-44	27736	1386800	d25df892-9617-4340-8529-342d5abcf3a4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:41:41	835.694
-45	13869	1386900	abb81505-7b48-4e2f-8c1b-dc676bf6ea7a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:44:12	822.638
-45	27738	1386900	0cac32b9-96ac-4f76-9a4d-1f4419e9be7b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:07:49	-413.211
-46	13870	1387000	d9fdef4c-e0d8-4596-8bd7-b247c0c543f8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:19:40	-955.404
-46	27740	1387000	77738da2-938f-4f6f-8f5b-42b3adc2768c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:53:17	-872.503
-47	13871	1387100	cf3b5086-7883-468e-85ae-690855d42d6f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:58:17	-440.125
-47	27742	1387100	32a52a40-fd68-4b32-ba37-2ab113180365	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:33:15	-817.793
-48	13872	1387200	50708122-ca41-4b1e-b6be-dac330fe9927	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:20:43	-126.807
-48	27744	1387200	f2bb9a35-4bd2-4c90-8cf6-ea02dff396e8	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:22:54	-314.265
-49	13873	1387300	e8b90b49-8785-4b8b-ad27-de0d17545d2b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:28:35	-871.679
-49	27746	1387300	cd9bdf89-11a8-4315-bcc3-502ad751ecaf	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:45:56	151.859
-50	13874	1387400	f97ef230-a1c1-4fff-8f15-94afb1620d5a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:45:49	388.221
-50	27748	1387400	b2d625b3-aecb-49bd-966c-7d49ba4299e4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:37:38	15.815
-51	13875	1387500	97d610f1-d150-472b-ad77-7d6c1a70fa38	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:22:51	-107.111
-51	27750	1387500	8eef7658-7a02-4121-b11a-794be87b2446	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:42:18	775.103
-52	13876	1387600	e9eac61b-9027-4ebb-a789-fbb684a68f85	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:42:02	-891.328
-52	27752	1387600	bb12aab0-09c6-4670-80cc-b48b03af5c04	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:52:36	569.814
-53	13877	1387700	c7485324-e1f5-4fc5-80c4-b05b92e68068	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:44:58	345.407
-53	27754	1387700	f75fb096-96a2-4304-8e19-0f055a021baa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:11:22	-8.820
-54	13878	1387800	d3d030b8-29cb-4c45-a93e-4460fdab2ffa	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:24:33	-631.629
-54	27756	1387800	8c3eeedc-64b2-44f1-a59e-9d8b9f0869ac	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:24:59	-383.495
-55	13879	1387900	e2ccf82d-36f7-47bd-b618-3475fb7a042f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:25:19	-329.562
-55	27758	1387900	7f29b8d6-16ba-4c23-8528-4cf54a54ae32	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:46:38	258.579
-56	13880	1388000	25796df7-188e-4a5f-99b2-31148cc11080	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:48:41	194.799
-56	27760	1388000	4e1fd106-6947-46f7-9f21-10809dd03abb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:51:56	80.812
-57	13881	1388100	55f179b2-e531-4033-83cd-2ce902c560e1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:36:28	719.349
-57	27762	1388100	23a9c186-e46d-432d-b85f-a88d61fb3533	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:01:09	326.417
-58	13882	1388200	a219bd2e-31f7-4bf7-985e-6b828aaf5024	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:25:17	3.27
-58	27764	1388200	f6133794-7aa5-463b-91d6-4608f400ea77	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:26:52	795.283
-59	13883	1388300	7a24ce86-3e59-4fc4-8d26-272876f121be	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:15:47	-186.867
-59	27766	1388300	4ee2e6bb-a3db-4f1e-8b6a-f7f662abc7f5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:10:06	-46.740
-60	13884	1388400	420d9544-7652-4e82-9427-6411aaa65ff1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:52:35	255.588
-60	27768	1388400	1c648035-66da-4a2c-a109-7ac7022387ae	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:36:18	842.638
-61	13885	1388500	019920dc-c2de-481b-85c1-13e44b6c2caa	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:16:22	685.868
-61	27770	1388500	d07e4215-e316-4e1b-8f75-b294cfd82313	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:25:04	-426.476
-62	13886	1388600	85695fdb-cee2-45f4-8b57-cec17e156535	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:43:01	-667.647
-62	27772	1388600	766e0e9b-f258-4782-8d8e-249f20aec5cb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:52:18	895.872
-63	13887	1388700	47482aeb-eef6-49e9-96c5-0d66956dad82	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:25:50	154.777
-63	27774	1388700	07af10d0-dd27-48ed-8905-2511d8e72874	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:10:18	123.623
-64	13888	1388800	0caa33a1-df26-4e82-9b31-33a19989ba57	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:55:38	-770.413
-64	27776	1388800	03822d29-227c-4971-bdea-0b4065ed6a9d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:29:47	-201.516
-65	13889	1388900	b7806c50-9821-4f4f-b0e2-45afcd7423b1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:00:56	-419.30
-65	27778	1388900	58346911-8b03-44b7-bfd7-a9799b8970aa	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:57:29	-734.665
-66	13890	1389000	ab707b2a-e36d-460e-ade7-29b559e63a32	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:54:27	-182.995
-66	27780	1389000	1fa8dc7d-6bb7-4ef0-8ab2-3e0dd36514c6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:02:47	883.746
-67	13891	1389100	60738f01-dd07-4c51-b060-942f126c6862	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:27:46	555.433
-67	27782	1389100	c88f230a-0d27-473b-bcfb-bde0e51024f4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:44:55	368.803
-68	13892	1389200	a3409530-ba42-4ea6-b89b-1d342972fb49	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:22:04	41.194
-68	27784	1389200	c7f2b1df-6456-4234-9580-a0a8606287cd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:15:59	-963.992
-69	13893	1389300	7fbb51fe-60c3-46ef-80e6-1ef94f95fa61	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:13:54	660.289
-69	27786	1389300	4c24f4da-a30a-464f-a068-77cf234eb2bb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:21:27	318.613
-70	13894	1389400	60a2f65a-d9a6-4150-9dd8-6522fc973aca	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:51:21	969.275
-70	27788	1389400	e2ef3f3d-f690-47f4-b8fc-e5d238ab463c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:49:53	-499.988
-71	13895	1389500	5101aab8-0db2-4a30-8d23-2bebc0205c0c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:18:13	841.717
-71	27790	1389500	89ce3c97-b802-4e93-9795-220e888c33ad	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:27:05	-758.857
-72	13896	1389600	72705a83-3b15-4b02-b335-5f0749962a13	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:40:57	43.554
-72	27792	1389600	f7dfc5ba-7702-4a29-99cd-3098ec106f01	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:23:08	-255.380
-73	13897	1389700	fe05e67b-b5b7-4396-816f-ae2168ea650a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:24:58	-731.485
-73	27794	1389700	689c1a21-2f35-41ba-a9c3-7cd414b21fa3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:39:43	-767.886
-74	13898	1389800	1a576a1e-3dc6-4b0e-95fd-c2d4d6846cfc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:58:04	-423.275
-74	27796	1389800	3bbcf13f-3286-4710-836e-9c24ab0b6684	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:24:57	-65.965
-75	13899	1389900	903dc386-d673-4efc-bdf5-648a44761dd0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:14:38	302.429
-75	27798	1389900	19b59cf4-8733-4600-9d11-6e397a7bc465	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:08:44	-145.819
-76	13900	1390000	bcb241ed-12db-47b8-8f69-ee1a124512de	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:04:13	-449.140
-76	27800	1390000	ac890199-475d-4bcc-8fdc-b73b7ac78475	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:21:28	352.917
-77	13901	1390100	4d082063-4261-4f7c-aa61-2f497f1e6248	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:42:40	-914.688
-77	27802	1390100	2935b1b4-4bba-45e9-806b-9e79cfecbed0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:14:15	-73.830
-78	13902	1390200	fe87e02a-91a7-40e3-8685-8681c9eb9d14	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:53:41	-478.36
-78	27804	1390200	d03523e8-f913-40fe-b614-a1d54bb19adb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:35:11	159.243
-79	13903	1390300	f384ff3a-f41d-4f6b-a16c-e735bab588da	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:23:18	-962.655
-79	27806	1390300	5c4d8c22-cbc3-4ef3-a2b8-7e442e781e97	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:48:23	-576.689
-80	13904	1390400	0287af07-88a1-417d-a187-2ae6e84b056e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:00:40	-735.914
-80	27808	1390400	6712571f-1ac0-4aae-8128-a5bfdc720ba2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:49:51	290.888
-81	13905	1390500	2488c080-1479-4f73-8b52-b682714cf03d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:22:20	-808.482
-81	27810	1390500	d5913125-dabd-48e8-b28f-6942cef3ce8b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:07:30	832.878
-82	13906	1390600	d9015780-5ff7-4630-ba82-c97391c477cc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:10:51	-280.127
-82	27812	1390600	42ae8629-fb75-441b-a496-223ef74512f6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:59:15	-307.703
-83	13907	1390700	be23d040-abd7-4523-9394-c95345625ea4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:11:56	495.277
-83	27814	1390700	b64e16ec-262e-4d00-bb70-242eeae11e14	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:04:39	483.386
-84	13908	1390800	06867b64-ac63-4923-a8cc-27418132aeb9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:33:56	38.460
-84	27816	1390800	7c497e97-a0b5-4668-b459-e9acf9d4f6df	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:19:04	724.595
-85	13909	1390900	c3010dd7-5816-406c-98c2-53ac61058602	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:55:41	618.264
-85	27818	1390900	70217dfd-1ee0-4188-9500-8dd814b58e16	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:26:06	-447.55
-86	13910	1391000	37068d5e-4d6e-43b4-a4db-a65aa2547e0b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:04:47	441.897
-86	27820	1391000	ce03998c-4794-4ed4-99b3-79e78890d343	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:09:59	-462.338
-87	13911	1391100	7e5eb7ea-fdb3-48a7-aec4-3f547326a494	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:56:55	949.924
-87	27822	1391100	0413531f-8e7f-4c39-a596-a19ced60c846	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:05:51	691.298
-88	13912	1391200	40a5f54d-54d8-49b8-93be-2b5542bf850a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:04:07	997.841
-88	27824	1391200	07e40ae9-acd9-4681-99c1-bcc73e6a035d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:22:39	531.760
-89	13913	1391300	2150d197-51a0-4924-bfc0-f2d7f84e2875	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:45:26	-888.153
-89	27826	1391300	67e3bf31-bc7e-4ec1-8a9f-85c86ce5b1c1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:36:33	600.78
-90	13914	1391400	b2937dfd-fe63-4a90-8a2a-1c6e121cea11	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:29:48	-776.536
-90	27828	1391400	56d7d81e-8740-4f0f-99d8-f662beea5abe	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:10:41	469.578
-91	13915	1391500	3f4af72b-cb08-4c71-abdb-b8ee1d0fd9d6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:56:33	108.215
-91	27830	1391500	52885604-a091-46ca-88b5-6ee10ac5311b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:13:26	-630.595
-92	13916	1391600	a1e49fcd-3066-4caa-86dd-fbd16e3244f2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:25:38	517.924
-92	27832	1391600	27b4e910-3a68-4035-b1de-f63e46cda0c0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:13:19	685.207
-93	13917	1391700	421912a4-7be2-4133-b7a2-ba07e3d8a061	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:23:41	-987.608
-93	27834	1391700	6b78bdcf-6806-4464-a8c8-280b65dc2368	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:45:11	-965.434
-94	13918	1391800	6feda523-3cf4-44a2-bb14-6cf93d0fea7a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:30:40	-266.386
-94	27836	1391800	260790b3-9934-45c2-87f8-f4c341c5aaa0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:44:41	-752.737
-95	13919	1391900	622be41c-4e4f-48e9-9d96-467c6a4ea6b2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:25:21	-320.408
-95	27838	1391900	d14156d9-e38a-4524-bbe2-3844ac714e0d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:08:11	-902.312
-96	13920	1392000	8df8d0f1-033c-4190-886b-3c8a29fec52d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:03:13	129.202
-96	27840	1392000	ccad1f34-2b1b-40fb-94fc-14c8eddd99d6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:11:04	115.423
-97	13921	1392100	651a7a42-b2fc-4e5a-a243-288adf18e2cb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:02:16	470.5
-97	27842	1392100	308e6865-ea34-4891-b60e-2a58e8de4b53	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:36:25	555.814
-98	13922	1392200	1f37a255-a157-461a-a10a-0e7a4d214a0b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:56:01	894.513
-98	27844	1392200	ba5096f0-a5cc-48fb-b406-6d1c26af4d34	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:19:35	131.684
-99	13923	1392300	b678ed27-8d01-4f8e-a5cd-d2e9856fe963	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:45:12	475.338
-99	27846	1392300	0dbed55b-442b-4c2c-a6c2-efbcac0d7c49	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:41:03	-338.511
-100	13924	1392400	f9b2f60f-8c76-429d-9fd4-9422d5872350	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:42:34	-358.872
-100	27848	1392400	e4d80ab4-b7c3-4dbc-b3b0-197d04015ce0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:23:04	894.736
-101	13925	1392500	3d2e4352-5342-4b31-ac78-a36c24f20d53	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:17:50	685.215
-101	27850	1392500	b0300349-b909-4c2b-8d24-9bd730d7a748	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:03:28	280.540
-102	13926	1392600	f75fb04c-db3a-49bc-8b60-d7f356e13979	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:55:15	-767.524
-102	27852	1392600	12d1d825-1e39-40f5-9e98-71d95bcfa662	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:01:00	707.295
-103	13927	1392700	f9e5344a-c56d-46ec-b808-4fced8ae3b3c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:19:20	-265.121
-103	27854	1392700	19875bbb-c67d-43b3-9650-dbf0b57cc564	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:06:55	-963.548
-104	13928	1392800	03ebefad-ec6b-439e-83a4-8438e2db7043	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:41:20	87.886
-104	27856	1392800	30ec8e58-d138-477d-8016-9932fa2ffa51	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:00:12	298.23
-105	13929	1392900	6d0818a8-7033-46cf-861a-cbfa60a03143	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:43:46	51.715
-105	27858	1392900	af0b4576-4007-4303-add8-3de1071b7edf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:28:46	817.739
-106	13930	1393000	f8859662-446b-4f98-94f8-9d76414a90ce	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:13:29	-54.777
-106	27860	1393000	14a5568f-b46d-43cc-9381-3fb28123c95a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:30:03	-670.617
-107	13931	1393100	a0958171-168f-4ba2-9043-6e3961426f0b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:47:25	-449.595
-107	27862	1393100	5e0b7a5e-2ed2-41c6-9823-1f730bd82328	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:37:12	-380.84
-108	13932	1393200	82a097cc-7e4d-41c2-8a22-b4416ef5630b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:58:47	930.889
-108	27864	1393200	9d3b1673-7d12-4137-9ccb-c760a98a6852	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:07:40	147.243
-109	13933	1393300	fb7f7165-f098-4f0e-bb3b-1777e0a93b89	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:48:09	-298.987
-109	27866	1393300	5f162f2e-f548-4510-8310-12ec7fe4b923	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:29:15	-312.74
-110	13934	1393400	b9c8747d-92b2-4b73-a936-8efb42d385a4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:45:52	-330.340
-110	27868	1393400	a4e97399-2da4-41a6-bc81-6904bfcc473f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:13:31	-43.210
-111	13935	1393500	1bd70b45-62aa-4a29-bc03-becb52875821	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:52:02	-490.586
-111	27870	1393500	a053660e-787f-4af9-a1d6-36df02f903f4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:48:57	165.122
-112	13936	1393600	7ae39634-ef42-4e18-92e4-2742d07253c6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:18:40	-408.895
-112	27872	1393600	80b816fa-ad26-4a4a-9785-a25d08354a1c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:29:28	-125.16
-113	13937	1393700	ebe31ead-5dc1-46e7-a77f-359ba2bdd60c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:32:36	-427.409
-113	27874	1393700	db76c4b3-9050-4c26-b7e7-b1d174b59c41	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:40:26	119.861
-114	13938	1393800	c4cf86e4-03cc-4e1b-973a-e734c7aa0191	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:32:59	-968.656
-114	27876	1393800	6efbedb6-3c82-4bef-b722-2d752587fc1c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:00:27	-897.635
-115	13939	1393900	2446cec3-3c7f-43b3-8977-42fcbf2681bd	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:48:58	-43.330
-115	27878	1393900	64551282-5eb1-45c6-9537-6b54cf3df65c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:05:31	-447.878
-116	13940	1394000	2ad44f1d-4933-46e0-9124-78584a022772	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:34:10	521.99
-116	27880	1394000	c421c49a-0665-40f7-b3cd-28d739f37e4a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:32:53	116.680
-117	13941	1394100	935d8acd-fb15-4005-904a-431cf9578ce7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:54:01	415.156
-117	27882	1394100	99d0400c-ff17-44e6-a35b-288982616697	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:04:59	318.349
-118	13942	1394200	868b1f50-8a5e-4b83-b7ad-751e92a66563	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:59:53	-481.682
-118	27884	1394200	0221590c-bd17-442c-863c-395d78068b30	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:13:48	866.638
-119	13943	1394300	91b3676f-807f-42a2-a6ec-32ce39ec6ca0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:50:38	529.198
-119	27886	1394300	20ed9302-e155-4764-9332-efa5e4ab282c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:20:51	-420.322
-120	13944	1394400	d900a353-ffad-488a-9154-9ec6c18b082b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:22:37	266.247
-120	27888	1394400	f8c93c89-36a0-4ff6-b303-fff42257e9b9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:29:11	869.527
-121	13945	1394500	3d180acc-a59c-423d-9c5b-c91aae98318c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:04:09	817.547
-121	27890	1394500	eb9af5e0-2cea-448c-a868-e5f02a70fae7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:31:11	95.750
-122	13946	1394600	e0f1cc65-f8d7-4a37-b5ff-ff7fd01b7b01	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:53:30	299.319
-122	27892	1394600	355bc6fb-3f8a-4471-8156-97e75cd320be	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:37:59	-495.623
-123	13947	1394700	ad62d9a8-70ce-4fa7-8e0d-3dabaa3f9981	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:00:10	-394.239
-123	27894	1394700	371d4375-0c05-4548-bfe4-7ccab1772c01	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:55:45	815.957
-124	13948	1394800	59451211-b16f-4d0b-860e-00b2e3cd9b28	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:26:11	-132.847
-124	27896	1394800	d3846467-21a7-4e01-a735-f55b0eae9c45	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:42:12	-884.803
-125	13949	1394900	5b714e3f-dde2-48ef-86c4-72a21f7b35e7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:51:21	287.839
-125	27898	1394900	4cf6beca-306a-4fae-8bc8-2e7bd7d86f48	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:02:37	-143.867
-126	13950	1395000	19e960ff-5eae-4ddb-bdd6-956af30b83c0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:46:20	-652.411
-126	27900	1395000	aaae43c0-d6bf-4237-a574-ac5bdb3ae679	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:04:12	-770.820
-127	13951	1395100	cd585295-40eb-4629-ba76-70cc023d46d4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:32:57	-936.495
-127	27902	1395100	1be7a451-53cb-42e7-96dc-7a845f16c784	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:58:11	553.160
-0	13952	1395200	3464c665-4f40-4926-9886-e2d7e10b4e57	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:13:36	291.930
-0	27904	1395200	ead323a7-10c9-40cc-99d0-a5b4e68b361e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:47:51	-713.896
-1	13953	1395300	3f0979d9-1583-46b1-8b32-67ca9928a780	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:43:30	912.284
-1	27906	1395300	b9c53e6b-87cb-4d46-a3bf-7e84bfcd6c43	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:02:08	-294.106
-2	13954	1395400	13635715-ce2c-4407-84e5-72e604578605	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:26:13	-728.608
-2	27908	1395400	b458aa5e-c492-47ee-b31b-c59a1e0cc8ec	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:17:27	-248.896
-3	13955	1395500	f121dcd0-c1d8-4c49-83b9-c69bd093dbe1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:04:34	-54.411
-3	27910	1395500	cb6b672d-4d3b-436d-bc57-fa51dfab964b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:53:21	761.732
-4	13956	1395600	f57cd86f-1d48-414f-88a5-7eaf05c3f940	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:28:16	738.243
-4	27912	1395600	4a5123a5-f65f-4dc0-8c5e-4b710a0d9acf	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:42:57	253.146
-5	13957	1395700	e9c04eb6-2334-4796-8c94-ef9ec1582736	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:01:34	-250.524
-5	27914	1395700	faeed26f-ba35-4c9c-a790-ab6cef5d9324	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:15:53	588.687
-6	13958	1395800	30b7fab2-e065-4719-b39c-f455a5e79f24	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:40:14	790.441
-6	27916	1395800	46ef9d51-2017-45a6-be92-de7529ac5ca2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:11:19	499.293
-7	13959	1395900	de20a782-8500-488a-b0db-74775ee82e32	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:04:35	96.951
-7	27918	1395900	4428b075-33f0-494a-bd21-80c23a377d0a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:16:01	772.722
-8	13960	1396000	c89244e3-585c-41d1-867e-1bd267fca22e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:16:49	-657.647
-8	27920	1396000	c1bd3eba-6e5e-49e7-a2e2-90524f7325f2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:15:26	504.50
-9	13961	1396100	32d63776-4619-438b-9698-ea45cbf10c67	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:27:51	-673.239
-9	27922	1396100	9567b682-d00c-435f-a64a-897d89a0586a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:58:29	-728.828
-10	13962	1396200	8df7933e-3486-4cde-89a0-516e8a1400b5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:48:14	-944.947
-10	27924	1396200	89591a4f-aa7f-4d45-a1e2-0f345d3de193	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:16:11	127.190
-11	13963	1396300	939f7f3b-1d90-4ff3-8805-43ae38e09caf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:26:09	402.203
-11	27926	1396300	7a0d702d-3199-49a7-9348-3ffd7eb31d34	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:18:28	606.871
-12	13964	1396400	30a1c314-64a1-41c2-9190-0118d473168f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:36:21	-9.303
-12	27928	1396400	6055752d-dd30-418d-9b59-e2bfb61a12c3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:42:09	-175.994
-13	13965	1396500	eaeeb160-2d73-4ca8-883a-b3074fa9952d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:36:52	347.634
-13	27930	1396500	79f319b7-20d0-4d04-a0f2-d80c46eb127b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:15:07	265.724
-14	13966	1396600	78d86f84-75ce-4e63-bd72-2d9eade8652a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:02:17	961.302
-14	27932	1396600	3d423c3f-5c9b-4c53-844c-d1d40ec725cc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:44:10	-27.275
-15	13967	1396700	202ebe19-c9d5-4a50-8965-3b9a048de549	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:14:15	507.124
-15	27934	1396700	11879ea7-248e-45c3-b7e0-a8598c2a82dd	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:45:26	-930.875
-16	13968	1396800	d0d48e66-03ad-4fc5-90ab-078374130866	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:14:35	-111.290
-16	27936	1396800	b9bc9e8a-6c91-44da-a6fe-901559c0daec	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:21:25	553.638
-17	13969	1396900	a8a80cdf-3d23-4ee7-9738-3da3164c4a05	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:52:55	13.491
-17	27938	1396900	ac5ffd86-a0ef-46f4-af4d-47fda07ced58	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:39:52	-507.470
-18	13970	1397000	c87556ea-3367-4b8b-89c9-d542d66fa1bd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:51:56	775.302
-18	27940	1397000	8482e222-14d3-471c-b275-017af3a3605f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:06:41	530.365
-19	13971	1397100	cd18c67b-c7a3-4c7c-b0bd-d5be51109edb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:29:11	265.543
-19	27942	1397100	7cf981bd-4315-4bbd-aacc-955f2e3d7b42	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:24:22	-267.280
-20	13972	1397200	69522748-66eb-4c90-b612-6ebad4f1ceab	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:19:41	874.559
-20	27944	1397200	f8315321-b6dd-449b-9319-77574b373f45	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:03:32	-979.245
-21	13973	1397300	b7242b5b-543e-4383-a09a-f728a9dea959	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:57:24	-751.806
-21	27946	1397300	df718c24-099a-4b68-9d45-0228cf462ff3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:00:48	861.36
-22	13974	1397400	4d752fae-05e8-4770-8258-dc952e74109d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:07:47	-846.851
-22	27948	1397400	a93af0a3-f914-4b59-803d-5e79ff0b84ff	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:30:35	42.508
-23	13975	1397500	f84358b6-cea7-4e22-b600-b07b8e7f25af	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:07:31	-515.723
-23	27950	1397500	731fcf87-cb4e-48bc-996b-8b025f5e789a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:49:31	676.806
-24	13976	1397600	5d524fbe-d8c5-4504-90a3-d41bc837620f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:23:07	145.610
-24	27952	1397600	b2ab4b4a-287a-4776-8367-cc64063971e4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:08:42	673.203
-25	13977	1397700	fbfc43ff-b300-46f5-b4a1-00a89e321b83	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:56:05	-196.593
-25	27954	1397700	9fe6215e-f1dc-4a59-9e15-bfe0172d006e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:09:07	460.999
-26	13978	1397800	fe1ecc40-d34e-44df-906b-36992286819c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:26:57	-607.456
-26	27956	1397800	ee8bc5cf-a8c6-4081-856b-d1dd6c81d855	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:36:05	187.488
-27	13979	1397900	27b57dbd-b652-4457-a544-ac77b1c52615	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:24:01	-239.779
-27	27958	1397900	d2583c0a-a0c0-415f-9cb0-a3dcd13432a8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:01:59	391.661
-28	13980	1398000	5507a3f9-bf43-45cd-b90f-3f89fbdd321c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:11:48	795.262
-28	27960	1398000	ad78112e-d7db-4642-9e47-83288228ed2d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:20:33	-139.537
-29	13981	1398100	34cd41d7-1ebd-48be-b023-eff540f59247	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:57:11	-681.39
-29	27962	1398100	c03e2017-c51c-43a5-809a-6492e84fae1f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:33:17	-943.380
-30	13982	1398200	b21b4aba-2b15-452c-98eb-7f1cd684f327	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:01:29	-987.337
-30	27964	1398200	ed6e3d0f-fa1f-4971-96d6-415f74502d5b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:02:47	913.195
-31	13983	1398300	72db0fd2-4dd8-4012-a2dc-df63fb88f414	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:28:20	197.456
-31	27966	1398300	2ee2e302-890c-48be-87c3-a282637af53e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:21:54	628.400
-32	13984	1398400	74e7ff52-bdd5-4554-a38d-cf7b39477119	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:47:19	-875.338
-32	27968	1398400	984cd070-fd8f-4710-8b07-51bb8c768611	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:19:37	397.989
-33	13985	1398500	f89f58aa-654a-44ad-8ca6-92df86c0527e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:23:11	-203.670
-33	27970	1398500	cdf9ea1b-b6e0-4a05-959e-5244506b4e5b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:54:53	-471.4
-34	13986	1398600	6b81d099-c385-4e22-b893-02661316a365	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:30:09	-155.484
-34	27972	1398600	3c9d7438-510a-42c8-a58e-077b753b04e2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:30:13	-802.146
-35	13987	1398700	611603d0-86f4-441a-91be-72e1499ea2a4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:55:05	-106.569
-35	27974	1398700	ac27f9d4-0e74-4300-b0c2-040e45bf3e24	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:39:18	-590.404
-36	13988	1398800	abec9dd5-8878-4061-bc0f-7b8acfa796ef	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:04:12	-67.355
-36	27976	1398800	3a61c3c8-c30e-4939-9bac-26dbb8cecbb2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:34:04	0.2
-37	13989	1398900	92978b22-8d6b-4cd2-877e-084748cb5918	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:55:37	-215.227
-37	27978	1398900	b0304cd6-37c7-45e6-85fe-c77388875516	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:10:07	-297.265
-38	13990	1399000	4a84697f-6b66-4cd6-acc8-ef2f886145f6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:44:19	-64.60
-38	27980	1399000	677e5c45-1c0f-4df1-89d7-916825b1d209	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:28:15	-783.393
-39	13991	1399100	d6d4abac-fb7c-4a52-97ea-04283383ecfb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:46:30	-915.989
-39	27982	1399100	4c5754a6-909c-4098-8a80-caba362377c3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:02:19	-509.207
-40	13992	1399200	c37d10fb-c49a-4acb-a35f-29b00e5e31aa	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:31:00	865.537
-40	27984	1399200	2cd8314a-a402-4cca-ac17-cf4999d4a179	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:26:41	502.857
-41	13993	1399300	c020e274-46a3-47d6-8ebc-3edbf960de1a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:49:35	-8.631
-41	27986	1399300	a338ed2c-374c-4087-bc45-6b7202477e74	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:56:06	294.559
-42	13994	1399400	67abe5cf-164b-4224-bd97-b4aaa7eebede	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:57:31	-427.30
-42	27988	1399400	289d3cf2-88be-441c-919b-5e939985c482	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:35:35	-612.133
-43	13995	1399500	fcca77c5-a34e-4471-90d0-9862f2b5fdec	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:45:09	730.260
-43	27990	1399500	636fa470-0d39-4d25-8583-32c9fdc15abd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:21:50	879.488
-44	13996	1399600	1f56c9a3-cf6d-4339-b4ba-02d07b6dbdfe	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:00:03	319.749
-44	27992	1399600	ffdea540-fe4a-45ea-b275-1c947e658964	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:51:30	222.548
-45	13997	1399700	e0d59574-aae6-4543-b086-84d8215c90f4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:28:50	-910.802
-45	27994	1399700	024ab8a2-3abf-4ad1-8bbd-3882c6bbc7fa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:23:50	-510.314
-46	13998	1399800	1a8e574d-4ea8-4478-a096-6d5e84eb14d6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:34:14	137.760
-46	27996	1399800	d9245455-dfe4-45c3-afaf-8be5fc97b389	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:06:59	44.534
-47	13999	1399900	40e612f1-5bd1-425f-9347-cae258dcdb0c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:06:50	-52.105
-47	27998	1399900	5182ff8a-233c-4d2d-a82f-d2b1b9c6149f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:43:00	-465.196
-48	14000	1400000	87ba2955-8eed-4d70-be11-5f48ea389d98	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:13:38	587.323
-48	28000	1400000	eb1c860c-766a-4f29-8fc9-5050c7861b4f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:17:38	-957.398
-49	14001	1400100	96426a86-ca20-436c-b778-09c4393cf5f3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:15:14	-585.189
-49	28002	1400100	669674b5-e465-4c05-a206-ad126fe82625	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:28:54	79.351
-50	14002	1400200	ec1ef801-ec75-469f-816b-f11e88c98a0d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:49:00	783.940
-50	28004	1400200	a3ad2a9a-2a94-42c9-aaf3-941e188fa581	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:02:51	-407.48
-51	14003	1400300	d3514f97-856f-4c2a-81e5-be47c17f3268	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:11:05	821.408
-51	28006	1400300	7b82610d-8c93-4377-ada2-7438704f2e69	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:03:00	123.599
-52	14004	1400400	7c3f67e7-e33c-4415-ba59-77a7fbf29d7d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:17:48	-540.216
-52	28008	1400400	258edecd-a77e-47b3-bac0-3a876bd924ab	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:34:08	-326.605
-53	14005	1400500	56874682-2751-499c-930f-e63d1cf18f9e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:46:55	138.268
-53	28010	1400500	d071757e-c7dd-4cd3-8651-263c58737567	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:06:48	-428.967
-54	14006	1400600	637f6ac5-f529-44d1-a3cc-670f2cecfaf2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:33:45	654.503
-54	28012	1400600	5e6013e5-a743-446d-8ea8-cf476e861be6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:52:14	980.257
-55	14007	1400700	5791abdd-ed73-4bda-9fb6-b63074564d52	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:17:51	173.473
-55	28014	1400700	f14a49e0-012f-4d3d-ab0c-bf6e08825aaa	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:57:13	741.279
-56	14008	1400800	e29b0f77-67e8-4a0f-a3e1-0222663411c7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:11:05	-527.262
-56	28016	1400800	6001b222-2266-4c1f-b16b-dace3353b668	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:49:22	300.835
-57	14009	1400900	2ad5cca6-fbad-4384-967a-41bb18969c67	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:22:41	309.103
-57	28018	1400900	a8275586-2422-45ef-87e6-404905146a31	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:13:06	-466.234
-58	14010	1401000	2a0bbabe-1f90-40f5-aa35-f7848feff13c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:01:47	703.77
-58	28020	1401000	56f1eac3-fbe6-4249-b2a2-511746421348	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:44:19	-198.665
-59	14011	1401100	a8e8b641-81d5-4c30-9711-42a4914fe410	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:57:55	-320.681
-59	28022	1401100	806b9823-673a-415f-80db-a1f29f4d7d3f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:06:13	79.562
-60	14012	1401200	5a7fbe04-fde2-48af-8d77-29085e3a3e0b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:55:21	-78.797
-60	28024	1401200	89d3e176-0d05-4383-b0b9-73e098997f1d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:52:13	-310.741
-61	14013	1401300	6f998ae8-b6a9-4724-bc9c-e6c64e60c319	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:42:24	614.460
-61	28026	1401300	8f070506-1ca7-4a93-ba6d-09fa10dcef57	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:04:56	816.132
-62	14014	1401400	2d6cc352-db55-40f2-ae79-d0b43924b53e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:12:36	-614.376
-62	28028	1401400	6876685b-53dd-49a9-ad8e-42e05a39e1a5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:28:43	-938.220
-63	14015	1401500	fdd39f11-3e6e-40c9-b7aa-6587c8377ae6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:59:46	783.133
-63	28030	1401500	bb843b01-d287-49f5-816a-dfba58bd0368	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:32:10	172.460
-64	14016	1401600	27c659bc-1412-4650-94e7-fe08076800a1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:28:39	-198.67
-64	28032	1401600	b41c41b7-a518-4e2f-b393-656ae4322232	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:17:13	418.315
-65	14017	1401700	ce5df885-5142-4c10-9d19-efdb88eefceb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:17:54	293.581
-65	28034	1401700	0e68f845-fdb0-447c-acfa-79cc1e61fee4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:17:22	453.315
-66	14018	1401800	e7e8125c-0754-474c-bb51-f3201ac66875	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:55:56	-213.221
-66	28036	1401800	e6391a33-72a7-4847-8a29-b0162b7d5412	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:52:38	558.169
-67	14019	1401900	97b23c36-7a76-4666-bce0-23894425b4b0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:19:25	778.302
-67	28038	1401900	3ddda9c2-bb56-487f-b4ca-14115277a55f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:48:33	946.867
-68	14020	1402000	e14e1a38-9163-4b15-8bee-ded01d73c055	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:47:26	-447.890
-68	28040	1402000	0758fbdc-90da-4e61-b120-6a2f1555cf4c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:30:38	-42.108
-69	14021	1402100	01bd7db6-af82-432b-a22a-60d079323d40	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:23:21	-39.456
-69	28042	1402100	15890009-0c9e-40e1-80e5-357fd0523946	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:52:50	-488.313
-70	14022	1402200	5bae0a6e-8256-48ca-9738-f4d974e1dfd9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:54:05	478.925
-70	28044	1402200	30fe93eb-f3da-48ad-8f35-3bfcb93b4da8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:22:02	-814.597
-71	14023	1402300	cf5a3385-fc5c-4001-8d79-7bd1f65e4016	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:54:23	392.111
-71	28046	1402300	aee028bb-21c0-401d-a612-3dcbb2952d02	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:12:09	-5.595
-72	14024	1402400	0f918da1-68cc-4646-a334-91aff0c7705b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:24:19	-989.219
-72	28048	1402400	e9f883ab-b052-4a49-8796-3f1da7981b2f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:05:54	-421.26
-73	14025	1402500	f7bfcfc9-9d5b-4d14-b343-ff800fe31ce8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:15:42	880.555
-73	28050	1402500	12b639e4-ec4a-4461-9717-1022c1a86f84	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:53:09	243.313
-74	14026	1402600	092edc85-4421-4a5a-aaa5-11f6787a1aa2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:05:43	-697.268
-74	28052	1402600	64fed276-6358-410d-8e52-652c839a95b3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:16:20	958.68
-75	14027	1402700	a6b3d625-d5e3-4cd5-a1d3-21d25de9d9be	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:49:00	-471.537
-75	28054	1402700	3eb2a6e4-a8b6-4c96-97f0-28fd5655b689	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:33:36	297.250
-76	14028	1402800	e13d0315-dcab-443a-a42d-a3b2a75a1819	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:48:40	989.956
-76	28056	1402800	1d914497-6d65-4e89-870f-f6c8cf0fa4f3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:10:10	206.268
-77	14029	1402900	5859c2c0-02a5-464e-a6d0-ddfbd3ad5513	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:12:58	596.713
-77	28058	1402900	28714a06-2392-436b-a3d6-ab2bf420b65e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:18:15	-784.196
-78	14030	1403000	8b772b1c-b479-41ea-a134-684c5ef71b7e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:34:09	520.369
-78	28060	1403000	e5e9044c-5ae1-4c5b-b8fc-24d71ddc05e6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:19:50	73.131
-79	14031	1403100	bca9e5a3-7df3-4b42-98bf-e3227b217dbd	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:18:35	880.296
-79	28062	1403100	2908b986-a753-47cb-898c-a22018ed7cbd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:36:03	425.63
-80	14032	1403200	ffe0e8d0-c92e-4fd5-b900-c86617ff15bf	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:44:22	-489.225
-80	28064	1403200	29d56996-747e-4407-bf8e-218d24a57341	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:48:18	950.273
-81	14033	1403300	5a8432c4-ab61-474d-9a31-7e01c9f5bd12	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:39:02	-290.641
-81	28066	1403300	f7a141dc-2dbc-4392-ad12-8cb7b0a87d67	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:43:00	-768.962
-82	14034	1403400	9a4a8bb9-ce40-4bae-8bf3-933ff35520bf	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:19:03	-439.156
-82	28068	1403400	dffaf4e2-c46b-4d7a-8a88-a9830ca48581	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:55:43	434.37
-83	14035	1403500	763eba1f-ff5b-4ed8-92a0-d3e41a917f1a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:28:49	716.823
-83	28070	1403500	5e53ca65-b974-4ba5-8876-a5aa4e87c934	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:37:14	-52.145
-84	14036	1403600	1fa79fa1-1fa5-485c-ab16-da058b56c7f9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:07:02	-863.525
-84	28072	1403600	3c8de649-be9c-43dc-b5d7-1b3c34e7ead5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:28:06	878.167
-85	14037	1403700	c234ac9b-e77e-4722-b159-454fa0f7d572	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:02:41	-856.683
-85	28074	1403700	74ee6f0e-f916-41b8-9e25-6e8b37141b09	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:30:14	-350.487
-86	14038	1403800	e40a9ab2-cfd1-4e9d-91d5-b27f9174f8a0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:34:46	-66.81
-86	28076	1403800	72986deb-e664-4ba8-af64-917215df8330	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:30:41	-576.0
-87	14039	1403900	37c648a1-8206-4860-a0e6-2e64c0376993	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:09:55	-480.762
-87	28078	1403900	546da823-e7ad-44ed-9fc9-9c8a5c96c537	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:58:38	926.235
-88	14040	1404000	4d3e91a7-8c2f-45bb-94b2-970be0d75d4d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:53:23	359.622
-88	28080	1404000	2ffa34fd-f43a-45aa-aec9-6040083e8703	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:31:42	939.437
-89	14041	1404100	f61a320f-b82d-418e-a56d-9d353a1bba84	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:09:32	-596.486
-89	28082	1404100	b8608fb9-96bc-45d3-886f-005d60ba1f15	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:43:16	-89.261
-90	14042	1404200	d8e0efbb-5a83-4630-b9de-1790e01e03bb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:47:01	-727.834
-90	28084	1404200	99700043-87f8-4520-9e21-3485b7ca0e73	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:40:14	-334.45
-91	14043	1404300	da871ebc-bb36-4846-8a21-e696785ede7f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:01:39	335.596
-91	28086	1404300	e80e3264-db9c-4a20-80c2-0c0aa64bf4cf	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:58:09	159.549
-92	14044	1404400	c17fde25-59d0-490a-aac1-f4ac897e99ef	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:37:33	-763.46
-92	28088	1404400	1be6c989-c2aa-44b4-a1ad-1568366e0440	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:36:01	516.422
-93	14045	1404500	81530872-083e-4575-a1b2-39d78ee1af12	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:12:51	229.720
-93	28090	1404500	1e43a06b-803e-4671-9bec-f18940529e8d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:49:06	-554.222
-94	14046	1404600	7eb21c10-1d08-4177-af5f-95974402ffa9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:33:41	-430.655
-94	28092	1404600	de3a057b-26f5-46da-9f31-cb907991cba6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:34:53	874.853
-95	14047	1404700	6b26d7d6-c012-4414-a745-2ef3f0ae3d24	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:38:34	996.22
-95	28094	1404700	a51a1e3b-2718-4a03-af8e-1fbe2070a50c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:50:38	-126.544
-96	14048	1404800	5f7d3c83-b3a8-49d7-b316-8fdf59052c8a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:36:47	606.181
-96	28096	1404800	e5dff76c-9d45-44b0-90ff-762c40be4517	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:56:33	-945.566
-97	14049	1404900	c31ffc70-f8a5-41e5-baec-a95766eff7ba	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:24:57	765.164
-97	28098	1404900	d2f1f6fb-4804-4484-ae87-f030f3f4bf66	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:44:59	-249.193
-98	14050	1405000	a5f8fae3-1afe-4242-afa8-5d515cb87aa3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:50:27	-628.642
-98	28100	1405000	8e1cd226-4ca3-44ce-bed1-aa3530a22816	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:08:27	305.113
-99	14051	1405100	a94ad258-7c54-44d7-b028-53ac3ee94216	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:10:49	-528.308
-99	28102	1405100	f462dd3a-05e9-479b-98ac-86d1cd867c0b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:04:27	-400.141
-100	14052	1405200	a96bcea2-9398-4b4c-a3e3-27f6af50ef0a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:18:57	-508.525
-100	28104	1405200	7887c9c8-7a90-4ac7-ac3f-de14795ef74d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:39:49	619.728
-101	14053	1405300	6dd17522-5e6c-408b-bba5-699e877c9797	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:40:15	241.769
-101	28106	1405300	631ec314-d83b-49c2-98cb-1de1381be207	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:51:32	-280.170
-102	14054	1405400	6e6236fb-3f9d-4a25-bf30-e185ef8fbed9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:22:52	250.679
-102	28108	1405400	2b586056-5d64-4a29-82d2-53670ee2162c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:07:47	-873.797
-103	14055	1405500	0fa57f04-dcf6-4522-8e11-d9ac5f231450	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:24:57	-401.979
-103	28110	1405500	b7e91dab-7655-4c3e-8684-71ed5e12ea41	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:58:49	243.593
-104	14056	1405600	e30c2d62-42bc-45ef-a9ee-2075e6eceac2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:51:16	76.41
-104	28112	1405600	2ec38d4d-3d1b-457a-91bb-9d9feb220fae	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:33:44	87.305
-105	14057	1405700	c742219c-e9d6-48b1-b7b6-384443eae363	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:02:23	138.991
-105	28114	1405700	40d4c3ce-ba17-4338-956f-00d7bc873e62	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:37:53	760.621
-106	14058	1405800	205f95b2-21b4-4c18-83bb-16ca813f96b4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:43:37	783.471
-106	28116	1405800	99c8b493-2e1c-48fe-8b1c-19e8b751d670	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:32:40	-72.375
-107	14059	1405900	234189c0-aed2-4d77-95da-8fea99df9bdc	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:33:08	108.799
-107	28118	1405900	2df947ed-9494-453e-af61-573ed17c8171	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:58:36	648.608
-108	14060	1406000	ffebcdc2-380a-4da1-a57b-73b61f7edd15	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:54:07	550.951
-108	28120	1406000	63120106-960a-4cd3-99e2-d74f87ea8835	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:10:29	345.80
-109	14061	1406100	cffeee66-6ce0-4771-a7c6-688b14e926dc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:57:43	166.859
-109	28122	1406100	03dac4ad-1df3-4d12-93c6-8dde05f5b1da	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:10:41	-28.707
-110	14062	1406200	3087b9db-ac4f-46f2-b5d5-e93ab7c84d1b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:31:34	254.843
-110	28124	1406200	bf89c400-e5ae-4b72-8036-8f9bc3423301	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:16:09	192.39
-111	14063	1406300	c967ac33-5245-4c8e-8173-a0bc4ef61881	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:30:11	-236.587
-111	28126	1406300	3a6e9c24-390d-4bf3-a505-2690114d657f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:12:10	275.41
-112	14064	1406400	0ad9110d-aaad-4c23-b4a9-e74b9ad5dc02	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:46:26	826.378
-112	28128	1406400	838ef896-3b97-40a5-be82-96158c867efd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:43:38	-518.120
-113	14065	1406500	4773c5ab-a912-4201-b864-354efb7109fd	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:55:27	-799.305
-113	28130	1406500	486193ab-cff5-40d4-a9b1-5b25400c2eee	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:50:27	-548.933
-114	14066	1406600	2e3daf1c-93d5-4e86-9e14-45409326561d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:58:51	998.173
-114	28132	1406600	35312292-f5fd-4ab9-93fe-1b3958680f4b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:02:51	-473.900
-115	14067	1406700	5d1baf65-eeb1-4f86-92f9-e955d711494c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:41:14	-251.204
-115	28134	1406700	ffd81dfa-11b2-47f0-a93f-f4b2b47d0ddd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:11:30	-994.447
-116	14068	1406800	667bc1c0-f758-43bf-ac02-cb7486a3c2d9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:48:02	-752.220
-116	28136	1406800	26e41a59-8bb0-4689-98b0-5e1b3909a351	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:43:54	182.883
-117	14069	1406900	fbed257d-2212-46c9-b8dd-fa02fcfcbe2c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:00:04	879.979
-117	28138	1406900	c7e84129-27f7-4f81-ae22-fbd02b82e72d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:33:31	-82.22
-118	14070	1407000	9369390c-727b-4ac4-ba91-7a0a04579abb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:08:20	-703.487
-118	28140	1407000	8d5007a5-84e3-49ef-a9ad-fe786690c09e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:34:32	-428.89
-119	14071	1407100	c6c882f7-881f-4530-b4d7-053d834466fc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:39:57	-310.439
-119	28142	1407100	0f74ed12-a766-4889-acdb-bebaa6076d14	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:33:31	-444.370
-120	14072	1407200	a7068712-5976-4e5e-bebd-ca9df622a333	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:04:05	47.344
-120	28144	1407200	2b624bca-d495-44d5-9767-c7597c70dc48	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:13:49	-552.29
-121	14073	1407300	0309f2fd-dc54-4918-ac41-5fb80d66d163	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:00:09	-49.201
-121	28146	1407300	343ca937-e958-4e6c-9409-29cd1985fc10	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:42:15	880.20
-122	14074	1407400	6dbf53f8-7fe4-4065-950e-3080a2519ff4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:02:48	239.874
-122	28148	1407400	ece9c093-3419-4b9f-b356-336a18aede72	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:55:09	-690.337
-123	14075	1407500	6e798084-b564-4421-82a1-029cf530a6b8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:14:49	819.764
-123	28150	1407500	b1a83ae4-b871-48fc-97ff-e07fbcc53396	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:48:58	-849.667
-124	14076	1407600	e5b34cfb-0a40-4803-a9ef-c13010165819	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:21:30	-142.553
-124	28152	1407600	d8c0a51f-5a1c-4814-ab3c-fc867aad6f3f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:37:16	-287.635
-125	14077	1407700	00a82630-345b-4cb8-9b8f-9c5920ef5567	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:57:58	-139.4
-125	28154	1407700	322aec19-a006-40e3-91b0-285d243b145f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:04:56	-750.584
-126	14078	1407800	02e5a61d-d6e0-4562-aad8-07810cc6289e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:49:23	811.301
-126	28156	1407800	571854ef-ba04-420c-8b3a-6ea9d4d9ae72	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:54:58	-78.526
-127	14079	1407900	bed4fe2f-2a1c-4307-b175-10d0067045c7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:27:11	-57.724
-127	28158	1407900	0969d7ad-59da-4388-82ea-abdcd3cf036c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:54:42	-873.820
-0	14080	1408000	db46b8fc-3fcf-4a87-927f-476cc0216416	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:48:32	14.268
-0	28160	1408000	fca7c08a-6ba0-410f-a8c3-02be71e7501d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:26:24	857.519
-1	14081	1408100	de41d4af-47ff-455b-9d16-3a891cc5d749	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:01:24	-230.93
-1	28162	1408100	e611f497-b99e-4e1b-8578-2a1f01f7294b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:39:25	-720.269
-2	14082	1408200	66b234f6-9ce2-48c9-b915-86a459e5f1b3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:33:35	-277.652
-2	28164	1408200	baf53944-1ab4-4b05-864d-5add5a3cfcf8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:47:30	736.311
-3	14083	1408300	a225a67d-1f83-4765-8e0b-be4e0ebd5d39	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:34:55	-820.9
-3	28166	1408300	73dc5a66-a1b7-48c4-b0e7-3c3e040f21f6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:54:57	266.693
-4	14084	1408400	e4f471fd-370c-42e0-9874-db820ecd90f2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:29:50	303.401
-4	28168	1408400	46bef6a0-72a8-4577-ad57-a21b36607463	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:17:04	746.362
-5	14085	1408500	06d22b7a-f946-46ec-a7c1-168280bd9fdb	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:27:49	-824.572
-5	28170	1408500	a9e20a64-e060-4cdc-8747-94a06374eeba	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:11:09	315.971
-6	14086	1408600	ba6ff270-db5a-4655-a556-2d45fee13822	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:09:48	-822.70
-6	28172	1408600	258c3ced-b7e5-465c-ab20-2ee951e1122a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:43:51	907.793
-7	14087	1408700	71bd5683-5ed5-4032-8ec9-635d606dd0c0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:37:06	-177.823
-7	28174	1408700	44256044-c9ad-4a92-988a-985b616e8fb5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:17:00	985.362
-8	14088	1408800	b2c87808-af1a-436d-a6d7-988948dceff2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:38:24	399.284
-8	28176	1408800	4dd5d1f4-de94-4e44-80d2-eb10d1c90de1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:34:09	-731.585
-9	14089	1408900	cb2ab04d-1baa-448a-8925-3770d266785c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:06:35	835.163
-9	28178	1408900	5c074f42-9982-4b0f-9693-71e566d0e24f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:02:27	-427.364
-10	14090	1409000	f1345980-0923-4c31-b48b-ddf3c1b8b7da	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:50:05	-930.769
-10	28180	1409000	496a0b8c-ab74-454d-a888-91e5f0ae4301	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:17:20	101.38
-11	14091	1409100	4c32a87b-f3f0-4de9-a99d-642538e6ced5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:41:33	-485.876
-11	28182	1409100	05116a25-c77b-40ee-b3ba-5ef194602178	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:11:22	-790.325
-12	14092	1409200	fb8e4fe3-5da3-47a4-a1e3-99647a71fcd0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:28:39	754.492
-12	28184	1409200	ae22e20f-f328-45be-8c2c-c528eae8ad5c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:46:58	-269.735
-13	14093	1409300	009e9f6e-4a0c-4b66-9aaf-8a9f0ba2434d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:29:39	394.215
-13	28186	1409300	b4d67e72-f4e1-4286-b0c1-ae37c4c87f12	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:30:23	-541.387
-14	14094	1409400	dadb71c5-af81-4e0d-b206-a40a068d3848	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:16:31	371.116
-14	28188	1409400	7318810a-93a9-4c72-bd72-2e65cc3866cc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:19:27	340.695
-15	14095	1409500	5b9ce253-40c1-48a6-b87b-3f6b5ae2185e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:51:52	-302.934
-15	28190	1409500	8490a1c6-828b-457a-8555-adbe551803d5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:34:17	142.782
-16	14096	1409600	1d02827c-fbc1-4605-86a1-fa6fc170fe91	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:33:27	-922.501
-16	28192	1409600	c640fe95-2229-4551-b5fd-ee49a8e229bf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:47:10	444.832
-17	14097	1409700	c6973504-d884-4ece-8bf2-781347d66c14	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:27:11	-242.333
-17	28194	1409700	4fa48653-8dae-460b-9ef7-dbce2a6f6abe	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:55:11	-175.616
-18	14098	1409800	6d1d0521-58d5-43d1-9471-d7c672df7ef6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:20:16	-698.853
-18	28196	1409800	bc6288b4-552b-4a7f-88a5-6f33d7eff564	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:12:41	-450.472
-19	14099	1409900	070e6080-1609-4189-a9ed-2822ecdf1c9e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:20:03	654.29
-19	28198	1409900	2d080068-a4ca-416b-b82d-b865f40efa85	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:49:05	736.308
-20	14100	1410000	f0acb298-3345-4317-9fcc-775858a37b63	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:42:19	100.782
-20	28200	1410000	20187625-4860-4363-8a99-b7d8f27a4ea0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:05:29	568.533
-21	14101	1410100	697b70e7-99b5-4ffc-8976-10a8a2f451ed	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:26:13	603.38
-21	28202	1410100	85f364f5-55e0-43da-9b94-c137f6e0b99e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:36:17	598.107
-22	14102	1410200	aa0396ce-3f1b-45dc-8032-72cec46950f2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:06:41	805.386
-22	28204	1410200	af106d6f-baad-4c2e-9342-b2fa8df10776	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:10:26	-209.793
-23	14103	1410300	377b4a3e-1e5c-45e5-a793-3f347047faa1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:15:57	-621.815
-23	28206	1410300	d6980736-6273-4c21-a465-0a85c14cf471	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:20:04	-220.79
-24	14104	1410400	c43d4f31-d3b8-45a3-b32a-8642b55d1435	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:31:56	-907.999
-24	28208	1410400	f10f84d4-5fbd-4ac3-bdf3-c3ce1f01d0a5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:54:36	-888.204
-25	14105	1410500	7a5b21b9-afa1-4afc-a71d-e000fcdb072f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:08:45	-956.471
-25	28210	1410500	966b9352-eecf-4f3b-9b61-47894989eb17	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:52:08	-809.5
-26	14106	1410600	39e756d7-e4b6-46d3-b81e-c5ccff796046	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:09:37	-141.870
-26	28212	1410600	d5bb6cb3-0bf4-4758-bfe1-a4647a7ee79f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:55:09	-362.231
-27	14107	1410700	309d1ff6-afc3-4ced-b631-7fe6321d0838	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:33:04	824.997
-27	28214	1410700	37c08f01-ec0a-4fe5-9f0d-a13da607c6aa	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:57:58	57.98
-28	14108	1410800	939937dc-b355-4b62-9355-2b020f4c11d8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:55:48	-617.244
-28	28216	1410800	9d6f66be-70a6-4553-b6af-63f1bd1d6163	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:53:17	549.741
-29	14109	1410900	bcafe672-b5d1-4065-a64b-4dddd3317f91	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:51:59	-18.160
-29	28218	1410900	53f9d0ed-0d06-472e-8346-ccf254402c2e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:38:00	501.835
-30	14110	1411000	068fbec9-3185-4b15-a158-eec258a4c5b3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:04:17	-805.342
-30	28220	1411000	fdd97f63-60a2-4775-ba6a-c6619142916e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:55:09	675.509
-31	14111	1411100	10996178-1708-4f65-b651-9d1b556e113f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:51:33	844.484
-31	28222	1411100	d0ff4c3f-c6e2-4e79-8266-80e0a0ccdda8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:59:40	-466.695
-32	14112	1411200	093097e0-225c-4b51-bec7-432fe6dd01a9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:22:13	-447.581
-32	28224	1411200	68816287-6c4a-43ae-bed9-ae54aa8d9ea9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:35:39	-49.359
-33	14113	1411300	3a6b235a-86b1-472e-87f7-f8459bb42de5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:09:27	-171.374
-33	28226	1411300	1c4d7f56-55f5-413e-b112-c48eff541cb5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:43:18	-742.397
-34	14114	1411400	66b583b9-7ffa-44a2-9ec8-de8c68318d0b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:20:59	653.829
-34	28228	1411400	d0af2ed2-2be5-4b55-8aff-77437fa22419	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:50:43	-671.682
-35	14115	1411500	e6acd8d0-638f-4c29-8843-73fdc76db6c0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:43:12	-802.857
-35	28230	1411500	610ce8e8-0fc0-4bbe-b799-a2cff91065f3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:42:57	-541.176
-36	14116	1411600	53511565-c4e9-4db2-a0a7-236ecc093f9c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:17:58	-380.777
-36	28232	1411600	f8db80ed-7ea8-46be-9964-1b42aabcd316	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:38:13	47.398
-37	14117	1411700	258f1fb8-d8a6-471a-9992-ae300e0ce60e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:29:08	839.48
-37	28234	1411700	686d1956-8eb8-4428-aba2-498a5fcea036	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:05:19	-83.133
-38	14118	1411800	032273a1-1df7-4c1d-a3d4-75d9259756bd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:13:44	463.797
-38	28236	1411800	927f9625-1544-4f38-8706-892f3bcc3f7a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:50:40	966.691
-39	14119	1411900	c8486263-e032-4a8d-ae0a-60bac881a2ed	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:27:57	867.527
-39	28238	1411900	b300d309-4908-450b-b6c5-a14f1021a764	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:02:19	-410.34
-40	14120	1412000	702964ae-f50e-4cd9-879e-d930aafa674c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:52:08	-882.286
-40	28240	1412000	79086154-1aad-4a3c-ad33-3d5355c815ee	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:33:41	592.630
-41	14121	1412100	0bfadd00-cc3f-4c66-9a3a-441fdb4ee2d7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:29:49	-414.299
-41	28242	1412100	817e3874-c28a-4c87-92fe-b56375f41631	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:26:00	737.940
-42	14122	1412200	6fa65001-426b-4711-9bc0-fad3a26dceec	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:15:19	-478.79
-42	28244	1412200	f5d14313-5aa2-49de-9f97-9bf4e0bdff26	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:21:36	213.266
-43	14123	1412300	6e84fc2b-021e-4d9b-b0a1-70c352929ba1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:21:32	-730.451
-43	28246	1412300	26d1fb0d-30d8-4259-9071-865f55eba861	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:48:22	-818.451
-44	14124	1412400	d39076a2-0f3b-4963-b582-b48bd2d0a685	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:45:41	404.277
-44	28248	1412400	c63a2c4a-b97f-442a-a5e7-7eeff419f4f1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:47:51	44.250
-45	14125	1412500	35ff7b42-1978-4245-a0f9-c2ff9073e25a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:13:16	801.273
-45	28250	1412500	3ffd20be-4f40-498d-aeb4-2f2af9ac5172	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:01:17	-269.829
-46	14126	1412600	3ed3db35-7fa1-4555-a85e-effe5c6cd9eb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:16:11	-129.329
-46	28252	1412600	2779e7ac-eced-46ba-9c8c-52901892bf4f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:30:38	801.319
-47	14127	1412700	2dcc0689-284d-48e5-83cc-bf3166d8ad79	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:12:38	-52.737
-47	28254	1412700	95b56f9a-2bd8-46ba-b3b7-3be1c5ade9d5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:58:10	-344.60
-48	14128	1412800	c4d9114a-ac76-483f-86cf-8ddeb0e6d620	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:38:30	-928.183
-48	28256	1412800	5e22b5e9-a043-413a-91ab-28c553f55238	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:59:25	-596.776
-49	14129	1412900	7d9a4b77-3944-470f-b13e-4ec33c7a2a76	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:08:33	751.340
-49	28258	1412900	f3d63aa7-b156-4ade-87f0-6c642f134850	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:50:29	-746.739
-50	14130	1413000	62ca88af-33b7-4cbd-912f-0275f00a78a5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:37:12	-729.44
-50	28260	1413000	cb1417e0-6967-4a35-a43f-f8cc144a19e8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:55:20	524.335
-51	14131	1413100	d3e2834f-ed37-4c5c-952d-2531647766b3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:21:55	521.605
-51	28262	1413100	5c6e6efc-eb6a-4ab1-a323-32cb106239ad	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:13:28	589.179
-52	14132	1413200	cdb2da5b-335b-4722-b241-cae75262498b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:01:18	-187.335
-52	28264	1413200	681309e2-fcd7-415d-93d9-de52052957cb	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:03:09	-407.414
-53	14133	1413300	56074242-fee1-40b9-a518-089e24e0410a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:12:22	-148.22
-53	28266	1413300	5ff39791-512f-413c-badb-c386c7bb77ca	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:54:08	923.837
-54	14134	1413400	a5ff0e20-aa93-4d2c-8597-72ab000a5659	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:14:23	329.33
-54	28268	1413400	8a51db35-44a6-4d95-8356-7e5070bb99fb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:56:34	-696.95
-55	14135	1413500	6f7079c9-3a2f-42d9-aba7-2aad3a6ffac1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:43:16	-835.441
-55	28270	1413500	11381000-c7a6-4a39-b980-a6e30702a0d6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:35:17	842.37
-56	14136	1413600	b6c0ec8a-e7ee-4e92-9214-0dcb9e854023	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:36:12	-82.971
-56	28272	1413600	b8819cff-c249-4658-b74d-3506809a5c1a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:08:38	-999.115
-57	14137	1413700	3bf4b4d7-a7d4-4fcb-9a6e-9ede9d273d47	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:33:02	-65.807
-57	28274	1413700	14158a28-eb9e-45ef-b8a6-2065ebd21c49	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:43:32	-215.221
-58	14138	1413800	f1249066-6b5c-4b84-a347-befbacba2987	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:41:49	63.799
-58	28276	1413800	67e48d4b-4bbd-41d6-b9d3-01ed9f533796	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:14:21	-624.407
-59	14139	1413900	904bd152-f417-4cca-a526-d23e7c23cb0f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:10:47	-146.606
-59	28278	1413900	36173707-4c08-40c5-8c58-82bd8c38f983	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:21:26	-47.295
-60	14140	1414000	4d6e40ba-1f36-48d4-973f-c06aa6642c05	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:38:25	-760.47
-60	28280	1414000	9c2984fe-7b3b-4d1c-981e-e3d42ac9f26a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:50:25	-845.548
-61	14141	1414100	578d7860-2e48-49dc-8d62-5ae5d7829d65	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:47:55	-256.122
-61	28282	1414100	9b4013c8-9afb-40bc-a84c-c11d43a90b46	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:00:00	77.181
-62	14142	1414200	c3f94747-e86e-46c5-b31d-1d8dac47d182	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:05:30	99.234
-62	28284	1414200	15d4c97a-f0c6-4cdb-a227-15c0e8d892c2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:31:13	235.811
-63	14143	1414300	0fb639c5-2dc5-4824-b762-5abcced1bf5c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:13:50	-167.574
-63	28286	1414300	25a72774-c397-4489-aa05-c723be7cfd9e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:34:28	408.643
-64	14144	1414400	58d21dd1-0b42-486c-903c-f979935b0025	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:23:45	380.87
-64	28288	1414400	ae5c4e79-6a7e-436a-98ee-70332daa508d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:08:24	-250.921
-65	14145	1414500	b50b4e06-bd47-478c-9edf-2d6683ddd313	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:10:03	-643.972
-65	28290	1414500	8497d2cb-f0c2-4f66-86a2-0bc5eea2a7ea	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:54:07	500.951
-66	14146	1414600	8b517724-bd4f-4924-8eda-6d1d03c56585	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:43:28	-860.467
-66	28292	1414600	dfe5eee7-55e4-4fce-9089-14da12e3a3fd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:44:56	-406.378
-67	14147	1414700	1d91c72d-818c-4c24-8e0e-eab52e3ecb30	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:58:06	626.674
-67	28294	1414700	ee8a883a-6b99-42fc-9de2-ac41c0391df3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:27:56	294.615
-68	14148	1414800	8cea0b18-cb2c-4f67-a463-4c0a0389e8e1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:07:50	988.747
-68	28296	1414800	a2164719-7cda-49f0-87b1-ddaeedffc378	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:48:38	862.121
-69	14149	1414900	19574dab-35f0-438b-b87c-baea08d6e83f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:26:53	848.508
-69	28298	1414900	e5540286-ca63-4fc8-93df-ac25a1b604b2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:41:14	68.962
-70	14150	1415000	d5efff6a-7eeb-4373-ba1b-9805c6df8a2f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:52:44	21.455
-70	28300	1415000	65b1c5c4-4dac-4cd0-9ffb-321a6bf94e50	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:14:07	673.516
-71	14151	1415100	058df6d1-a72d-40f5-9db7-09bb6c7b8fd4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:46:22	471.416
-71	28302	1415100	ca364e0d-1aa7-4eed-a03f-52cada834f0a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:47:11	188.772
-72	14152	1415200	60b88005-1fe7-4df4-b4f5-fe408ed67a70	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:32:59	-680.344
-72	28304	1415200	8af5af9b-5007-42e5-a227-3e79f5232826	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:36:17	-516.195
-73	14153	1415300	156401fc-f709-4f29-874d-de8097b7efb0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:41:12	228.178
-73	28306	1415300	87db6103-2297-4898-8550-a5a54b102e8f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:03:29	-997.778
-74	14154	1415400	6460704e-1dec-4200-91fe-c54110ee7512	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:54:59	-313.374
-74	28308	1415400	2398097b-3226-44ee-9cdf-c7ea2d48e5ba	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:12:28	-310.739
-75	14155	1415500	c791b26c-b34f-4b41-81bd-722999ed68d8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:51:01	-933.704
-75	28310	1415500	66819690-6fe7-4dc3-be57-a46a815f2e54	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:46:06	230.910
-76	14156	1415600	d11f8f91-6c3d-4c07-8af6-be8241213daf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:47:41	-613.574
-76	28312	1415600	fa36a2da-0c29-4be9-be37-043857ac7ef6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:12:06	967.958
-77	14157	1415700	0efaab7b-1c16-41f4-a3d4-20a72359f26d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:19:12	-667.281
-77	28314	1415700	a042d8db-4ea4-476d-91c0-ee77d6fbed0c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:49:12	608.468
-78	14158	1415800	2a372236-296f-4fcc-beb4-220ac0708ab5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:11:44	-928.482
-78	28316	1415800	ee876e78-a635-49bd-afb0-d6e50a59faa9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:58:13	-519.42
-79	14159	1415900	dd9bac0b-0ab9-45f1-9c29-bfeed2433f68	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:37:17	737.499
-79	28318	1415900	f02e2817-428f-4f3c-a8e5-21800f068f5a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:21:36	-266.396
-80	14160	1416000	1b3e3ad3-baed-4ccc-b770-93149f3b616a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:11:14	-750.525
-80	28320	1416000	f21b52f1-976d-49c2-801e-3725f749aae6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:07:57	448.330
-81	14161	1416100	bbfb56a4-ac2d-4747-8b29-798dc08904c9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:18:12	-81.814
-81	28322	1416100	82168167-e116-46ab-8274-9badbde92015	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:30:31	-967.421
-82	14162	1416200	3a579d49-558d-4a7f-9cb3-4aa6462ed197	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:19:46	-378.853
-82	28324	1416200	288a0703-738f-44c3-bf33-5969c59b6dcc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:45:10	524.811
-83	14163	1416300	002d29f3-f721-4ebd-ad1b-78334fd49490	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:50:08	-473.708
-83	28326	1416300	d6b53c60-4c37-40f1-a428-1923c295ab3e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:04:58	-681.291
-84	14164	1416400	4ed60dee-ad2e-422d-a909-266dfca8125a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:56:53	-987.82
-84	28328	1416400	33634fc4-c18f-46e2-8a6f-61da951c45b5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:53:26	-18.681
-85	14165	1416500	5e58916d-648d-4655-9719-bfa4171869b4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:32:27	108.320
-85	28330	1416500	9f67becc-504c-4bf2-beac-7c976bb7112f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:46:18	313.734
-86	14166	1416600	7899133f-b455-4860-b739-4ec00b50fcc9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:15:51	132.859
-86	28332	1416600	915c43ab-0c09-411d-b93b-9e015718e12e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:31:37	-582.621
-87	14167	1416700	df695936-9945-4a4a-b5ae-21ec0416069b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:01:59	680.442
-87	28334	1416700	18a3a958-6108-460e-bce0-85baea49de88	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:51:51	216.673
-88	14168	1416800	1eb0dbca-3aa5-432d-a0f8-b611daf39064	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:03:47	785.515
-88	28336	1416800	7ce79633-0f3e-4107-9776-7bd190b40f59	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:15:31	-772.282
-89	14169	1416900	faa8cece-149a-4e88-b17f-8e036b6b5eb5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:38:57	511.4
-89	28338	1416900	c303ddea-0f26-4463-bfa3-b1e702009692	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:44:06	-324.864
-90	14170	1417000	3b038fcd-57a5-49b5-a890-1ca201c2b954	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:18:24	662.436
-90	28340	1417000	5680776e-237d-4d91-b1b8-80ee077af2a5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:32:54	-9.311
-91	14171	1417100	69809c60-54e0-4b86-923f-45abf3345b38	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:32:08	480.629
-91	28342	1417100	8561e7b1-0d0d-4656-a11d-15628e3f871a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:34:17	25.253
-92	14172	1417200	95837dc8-2e9c-4935-a8a1-26a59164d536	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:05:45	425.858
-92	28344	1417200	17140bbb-f622-4d95-9e80-839ea21f19fd	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:29:08	406.191
-93	14173	1417300	8c37a771-e485-43db-bafb-168ddfbeda8b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:00:32	451.788
-93	28346	1417300	7c2fe406-086c-4c11-8265-1ab5baf6512a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:13:29	343.572
-94	14174	1417400	e7de3ff4-2344-484f-8b10-f0955c1d3e7f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:42:49	-452.204
-94	28348	1417400	75fa2cb0-4323-46d5-bcf0-ebf1c6a9d590	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:00:46	745.221
-95	14175	1417500	28889a1d-07c4-4a12-82a8-61466565b808	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:37:29	-90.153
-95	28350	1417500	1a08a2d7-d920-45cf-892e-3e720d7d64f8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:51:41	-233.812
-96	14176	1417600	f9ad8e3d-a15a-4066-9352-c3107347b8ef	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:04:21	-408.15
-96	28352	1417600	f27101f5-159f-47dc-a65c-2c46ffe2141a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:38:27	-380.310
-97	14177	1417700	56824974-0cdb-435d-8bbb-8638aa268e81	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:21:19	356.183
-97	28354	1417700	d2bc3c4b-0c76-43af-9ba2-8c65a7c57368	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:28:25	619.535
-98	14178	1417800	e81d9db4-0ec8-4d96-906b-8a26ea7f9887	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:50:20	-565.478
-98	28356	1417800	c218eacc-3c75-43a7-947d-983dbd4220e6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:37:59	277.100
-99	14179	1417900	82017253-cb28-4f99-aa23-c9babc22af64	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:38:54	507.868
-99	28358	1417900	4b2bd9f6-fcc2-4416-8874-7b0dbccb4483	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:22:06	637.205
-100	14180	1418000	a69187cb-d4bc-4028-84d3-d921185e9c47	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:02:37	798.96
-100	28360	1418000	0d725bf7-6c3e-451e-b07a-8a9ac46b9b5f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:11:17	-386.967
-101	14181	1418100	eddda416-c8c2-4297-9be1-de936c1dbaae	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:17:36	187.272
-101	28362	1418100	201c66da-ca90-4a73-8709-e0a13d31b2e9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:50:18	-588.579
-102	14182	1418200	a76e2844-6f36-4273-9da5-7c5937544b03	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:42:07	780.355
-102	28364	1418200	98d93ecf-ed03-456e-b75c-5001ad89a5f9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:49:44	-101.570
-103	14183	1418300	14b40f93-1ead-4d72-9502-dfa7bdd68250	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:06:23	-834.495
-103	28366	1418300	bdb77324-2134-4b57-9716-025d0d30bb05	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:44:54	-520.771
-104	14184	1418400	8cc95de3-4149-47a9-ada6-c073529a8e53	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:56:02	-291.931
-104	28368	1418400	7e4fe79f-5ca5-4731-ad24-18fd7d8f3507	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:26:54	-864.960
-105	14185	1418500	5f5bfa96-60da-4b1b-9adf-c7d40f6e6459	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:09:12	-365.669
-105	28370	1418500	586a5b22-8c07-4615-8f7b-daa95d0cb34e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:47:35	773.354
-106	14186	1418600	1710a306-303c-4f85-9641-6054f0639a97	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:31:02	662.112
-106	28372	1418600	beca575a-04b3-45c2-ab2b-03d5777d6be6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:04:08	-386.476
-107	14187	1418700	35a978e6-1c83-491d-a238-8984867af414	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:03:36	369.574
-107	28374	1418700	94f06058-798b-4de2-b8b4-f256fb3dbae4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:13:31	-647.958
-108	14188	1418800	c5855634-da73-4207-b297-1777ff853142	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:40:21	900.253
-108	28376	1418800	49d43bf9-4a09-462c-b504-8a8e7fbf63bd	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:06:29	857.409
-109	14189	1418900	29431199-c4ab-4d29-963d-8998f53a6ae9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:38:37	838.390
-109	28378	1418900	d68f9ab8-352a-40ad-b218-d8c024288f75	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:01:48	-749.487
-110	14190	1419000	186557b4-de1f-45d4-9865-2ce931e60054	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:11:39	176.486
-110	28380	1419000	6a27deb0-bb59-4f63-b129-7dd5b9ee04a8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:35:42	-537.139
-111	14191	1419100	c44e453c-3d08-4e72-8876-bdaac93a012b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:58:32	660.457
-111	28382	1419100	cd66617e-4b85-4450-8007-695063d70fa3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:19:36	-255.307
-112	14192	1419200	0161696f-0e05-4f98-8c78-67622d8821c5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:20:20	710.194
-112	28384	1419200	59ef9bc0-28c7-43c0-98df-958c06c20eae	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:04:10	-659.382
-113	14193	1419300	a570b759-4089-44a2-b0a0-f8a7e43836fe	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:17:22	-523.368
-113	28386	1419300	49f9be4e-75aa-470d-a80d-e4b389c1ed89	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:52:17	803.270
-114	14194	1419400	db832088-d903-4ac5-9246-908bde7b123b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:30:17	825.653
-114	28388	1419400	666d03bd-52be-414d-95f1-c9694b2cc56e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:12:18	-827.376
-115	14195	1419500	d5b72cd7-3ac6-400a-b7fd-212da965880b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:15:02	64.121
-115	28390	1419500	c73a69a3-758d-43bb-bbd6-abfb698fe611	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:14:54	-296.707
-116	14196	1419600	6b99a33e-07e7-4261-b8d1-ff10cd655a3f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:13:41	-70.912
-116	28392	1419600	9e585e92-1664-44b3-b100-7f627d228e05	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:30:07	956.405
-117	14197	1419700	af087159-314f-44e7-86a6-b6c570776d7e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:19:31	-514.877
-117	28394	1419700	34076f55-39d1-4bf0-b22d-7afd600c6a34	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:21:37	569.864
-118	14198	1419800	5fb43b00-a629-47e4-84c7-137b53d9fe3d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:14:51	-384.441
-118	28396	1419800	6bcf51b0-f8e8-4ae7-a375-727c4b38791e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:11:37	-425.789
-119	14199	1419900	5db0ced6-7a76-4cf5-aaa0-760ec4a6164c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:34:04	458.553
-119	28398	1419900	3ca71451-b1ad-4522-b92c-a84ac992f87e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:25:57	-449.370
-120	14200	1420000	9ca11efa-a209-46a3-a518-03c033a43396	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:51:03	68.469
-120	28400	1420000	b743ec6f-d105-440d-a11c-530802c59e2d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:53:00	491.831
-121	14201	1420100	f522ddc8-2fbc-4b9f-870d-e2eae37d9608	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:21:06	-16.839
-121	28402	1420100	d52d4072-9134-4792-9567-d1e80ab1ad7d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:46:10	-816.42
-122	14202	1420200	11d7eb23-4c03-4740-8363-d55c85f86fe8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:40:14	-778.256
-122	28404	1420200	d986eb24-2c05-4b67-b674-66c038e522da	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:30:55	487.684
-123	14203	1420300	a782f670-76be-470c-8132-c9870b80e7cf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:53:03	531.996
-123	28406	1420300	7df2f041-3c02-4e94-9c90-c73522f007cf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:06:32	724.307
-124	14204	1420400	e7fe729a-34e1-45cf-af2c-3ab47ee9b4bb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:48:36	-981.612
-124	28408	1420400	b4441f2e-352f-42ed-aa38-b7715d662728	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:53:09	25.562
-125	14205	1420500	9da6ab99-b5f9-4e1f-9cf3-ffb7edfbde39	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:20:43	223.234
-125	28410	1420500	14136147-161c-4f4b-af6e-d1eaed4668a8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:31:56	-786.397
-126	14206	1420600	94f760c6-bd76-48d3-869f-8727830e3624	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:06:02	-935.760
-126	28412	1420600	086847b3-7b69-4ede-80de-af6dfe173653	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:28:37	-491.181
-127	14207	1420700	560b4b0c-9757-405e-9009-fc9f33c1e40b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:41:02	491.250
-127	28414	1420700	82f40ba9-9ec7-4b1e-aa34-e063b96c4540	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:48:39	-931.12
-0	14208	1420800	93f981f8-7e3c-4c63-98c7-ed7ada5ad270	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:32:29	-148.27
-0	28416	1420800	d1c94ca4-2cb3-49de-91b3-5852c7932f4f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:21:10	634.638
-1	14209	1420900	dc370bfe-906b-4f57-9568-5fc39f369e69	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:06:27	-331.968
-1	28418	1420900	996dc08d-ac11-4529-8ce0-f4d62448f2dc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:17:56	151.412
-2	14210	1421000	831665fd-f307-4d5c-9912-7719fa574aec	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:56:37	325.908
-2	28420	1421000	03ad6ce9-5fa3-4408-b724-6e5e36a9172d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:04:06	-173.707
-3	14211	1421100	18a43ca3-f3d7-4350-892c-c924b3a36345	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:23:39	-525.684
-3	28422	1421100	1bfc19e6-9099-4916-aaec-2ae4243299c5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:17:01	-207.683
-4	14212	1421200	88d12641-e188-4e96-931d-8bd44e99d495	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:08:47	-56.357
-4	28424	1421200	ad95f3a2-041a-4d13-8893-618658fd0da0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:46:50	-838.269
-5	14213	1421300	7a1d7440-eb8e-4949-858c-97773adaf1f8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:20:53	-667.710
-5	28426	1421300	d75f64cb-95bf-4249-9e14-eba37122396b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:41:01	37.943
-6	14214	1421400	d392d5dc-216c-435a-91a8-98c1eb32708a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:31:00	-47.873
-6	28428	1421400	95c1e760-07d4-45eb-a2c1-944d9044ce59	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:39:45	-318.659
-7	14215	1421500	39e182c2-116a-4c58-9cfa-c83b3add5429	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:33:11	-461.768
-7	28430	1421500	7474f4e8-ca44-425c-a2be-941cf9cd28ed	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:46:11	282.800
-8	14216	1421600	cf915b2e-0fab-4b21-a9f3-dd2ee35f5abc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:48:15	873.553
-8	28432	1421600	ad302cee-3c96-4a85-91e1-41803737d4a5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:38:44	976.920
-9	14217	1421700	3d69fb8b-55ef-4bb9-b90f-1efb852d4020	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:27:25	-208.380
-9	28434	1421700	74af0711-a182-414e-81fc-8d42ee237806	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:17:49	-748.583
-10	14218	1421800	d3cf08c8-bfeb-4f70-8bfb-0f07a74e15c6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:37:29	257.761
-10	28436	1421800	dd9c160f-4e75-48b5-9f46-3739681817af	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:51:02	190.644
-11	14219	1421900	b5000273-6754-4ed6-b05f-b05008596b2a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:30:04	-904.11
-11	28438	1421900	dc375e4f-8681-4dae-b1d5-ef25ea4c4c5f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:55:22	662.499
-12	14220	1422000	71b09f3c-ed48-4a4b-85aa-34bb0cf0b0e7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:38:33	-584.499
-12	28440	1422000	56636ec7-8932-40ad-a292-f6eeb350c84f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:37:18	162.215
-13	14221	1422100	d7d6d3d9-6d4a-432f-86d9-3aca43e69265	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:06:39	-480.272
-13	28442	1422100	db274759-6fa0-4264-ac87-bd46b7a9c746	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:13:08	432.738
-14	14222	1422200	5004821e-3178-46c8-b02c-afa0f30b61c8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:06:19	475.779
-14	28444	1422200	aceb6bfb-8295-4b35-a016-ea19051b3eb5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:57:28	55.756
-15	14223	1422300	419289f8-6d4b-4155-a5f0-3ed0960c0eb5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:48:02	-977.462
-15	28446	1422300	4d739ae4-b118-48c7-bfed-b6f112583606	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:54:36	-800.907
-16	14224	1422400	55d1bb45-3e0c-46e9-9ae5-4b41e68544b5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:44:39	309.36
-16	28448	1422400	f00cb341-630b-4796-a261-e5410310b899	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:45:18	642.583
-17	14225	1422500	7bcf9a47-ece5-41da-a3d8-30a86fcec8b5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:20:41	-13.175
-17	28450	1422500	371e7829-4793-43b8-9d03-4fa74934262f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:43:20	-368.284
-18	14226	1422600	0016b51b-be44-49a1-abab-3267e2eb1c31	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:46:40	669.343
-18	28452	1422600	557eda40-9455-4c7b-a9a4-086e9fa6edea	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:39:20	75.705
-19	14227	1422700	6f210ece-38b3-454d-9c6e-98572e8fa29d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:00:49	731.635
-19	28454	1422700	b5eafe1f-26cf-4ec6-9e20-50908d8a9717	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:21:29	982.988
-20	14228	1422800	6209175f-a2a8-4e9d-a72d-9485ca689cbb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:59:26	115.841
-20	28456	1422800	c486f54d-d928-44cf-96cd-1b3549eefd39	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:44:50	3.89
-21	14229	1422900	e52a0529-0a42-4cbf-bdc2-b39cd15bd35f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:09:09	766.583
-21	28458	1422900	da9eaf0d-189f-401a-88be-15b46282d3e6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:59:28	604.373
-22	14230	1423000	5be3a72b-1cae-452e-93c8-6c611cba7634	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:21:15	568.226
-22	28460	1423000	1d5dc06a-5a13-499b-b682-9388062f9c57	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:18:27	597.856
-23	14231	1423100	3faf21cc-1327-4545-8f9f-087c9068613d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:55:48	-773.277
-23	28462	1423100	52405e0d-4026-43af-ae85-bf498a5e2159	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:49:06	229.626
-24	14232	1423200	537b6c42-0407-4592-8f6e-323f5d1b9f0e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:04:57	-294.37
-24	28464	1423200	7879eaf0-9ada-42a0-b6f1-329b43a6ff1f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:47:22	6.307
-25	14233	1423300	e65d31e5-1dfc-4010-bad1-5642889d7c5c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:29:09	641.484
-25	28466	1423300	82b09ef1-7a55-4ca2-8122-71ff5a3bbf0b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:23:53	-575.227
-26	14234	1423400	da6015d6-9344-448a-adb2-0ee540c74b1c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:00:04	-503.720
-26	28468	1423400	a4ac6c0c-ef79-4a42-916b-f809897c0e52	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:39:39	-775.958
-27	14235	1423500	dd651ef3-e5c5-4716-ac32-34ba3b4c37d8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:04:20	291.846
-27	28470	1423500	10b0b938-95ba-497a-9964-f90ac08e0cab	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:25:35	793.693
-28	14236	1423600	0693d4c1-0168-4bc9-9bec-90bec6cba370	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:29:09	590.715
-28	28472	1423600	3ad657bc-25d5-413b-ac9d-d1153fdb1d10	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:06:39	-341.771
-29	14237	1423700	4fda72ab-6478-4cf2-a680-56fc1508b0d2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:26:30	957.16
-29	28474	1423700	df9cac28-d953-4307-b10b-be55dd03c046	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:30:40	-205.122
-30	14238	1423800	721a0b8e-62f4-4605-b6cf-8bd4d0229626	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:30:11	537.570
-30	28476	1423800	c0484eb2-8099-4cec-b17f-09f57efd4698	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:41:59	546.562
-31	14239	1423900	b0e9a592-b29b-4af2-b6db-ce0cd8fd1cb3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:42:53	942.862
-31	28478	1423900	a21d4e24-7881-434c-99e6-ca87004aa9ef	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:58:21	714.890
-32	14240	1424000	27a7d1e5-3cd0-435b-b96a-5bb32d723e42	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:30:32	359.733
-32	28480	1424000	5adfdeca-b9d8-49ad-8323-7d0fd3b99ea4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:58:04	-208.52
-33	14241	1424100	e96b4242-c156-43ca-8618-86b66668e04d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:02:16	-937.909
-33	28482	1424100	3515f55f-5b5f-44c3-8777-fffa318e677a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:35:13	-481.490
-34	14242	1424200	60b0b22b-f7f5-4f6e-9ed4-4ed8378cca17	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:02:58	920.256
-34	28484	1424200	f513bda4-e847-477a-8484-9346d24335cb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:16:36	41.137
-35	14243	1424300	79a913ef-f1ad-4263-b979-d6bccacdf5d3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:57:31	703.501
-35	28486	1424300	a70afb9a-417b-44ba-b206-2f08393aaff8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:43:08	829.725
-36	14244	1424400	cd6fe497-6f55-4e2c-98af-4e73fbbe5771	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:33:20	-109.761
-36	28488	1424400	54043198-6193-4f4e-a22c-d3c0d9359a69	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:33:26	-570.390
-37	14245	1424500	c1c2dc12-acff-4cb8-8398-ad7b9b1a23c9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:09:23	445.418
-37	28490	1424500	0a2e8ca9-3ae7-4498-a3b0-4deb5d9f39ce	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:49:02	-981.493
-38	14246	1424600	7f612361-529c-4515-b32d-eecc0427e87f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:06:20	-839.996
-38	28492	1424600	aa4cf090-f9eb-4426-aee4-3039acbed9c5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:20:23	-464.724
-39	14247	1424700	2e4c148d-1544-4a93-bf76-f5d2399ed8a9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:46:57	-435.430
-39	28494	1424700	a7844440-b362-495a-9de2-f93d1dbc159f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:05:52	420.909
-40	14248	1424800	ed332f75-02a1-4d98-9b18-3e6119aa4d63	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:07:36	823.343
-40	28496	1424800	88258a97-c419-42cf-9012-5b43d02721c8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:26:49	-639.591
-41	14249	1424900	343328a9-5edc-4ef7-bea6-d195425fef91	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:32:04	163.242
-41	28498	1424900	2adaf51a-4801-4303-ad42-c5867dfd21cd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:45:41	556.106
-42	14250	1425000	38b5570e-ae96-4f46-a4fb-db87dfb93003	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:36:09	791.900
-42	28500	1425000	de93b51f-f2b8-428d-9042-5c46bc011869	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:44:01	-108.971
-43	14251	1425100	4deabd8b-afee-491c-a4d6-f29b21e809d1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:13:17	-588.971
-43	28502	1425100	476787c7-90f7-4396-b2de-6fa25c46c534	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:28:26	733.766
-44	14252	1425200	46bfd873-5150-4181-9507-f051561273fb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:39:08	11.969
-44	28504	1425200	c23a3e44-1417-48e5-9a86-ff327590b58c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:35:03	759.23
-45	14253	1425300	b8a8700c-cf02-4bbf-a0e3-cfb3abea5958	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:53:34	935.232
-45	28506	1425300	2d5b3a59-f1b3-4259-9e0a-5c03f107d391	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:12:29	-137.254
-46	14254	1425400	4a9faced-1a54-426c-af3e-82a81c7a40af	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:10:57	-102.909
-46	28508	1425400	aa2550f4-f695-4890-9582-61e49086dc78	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:20:38	961.917
-47	14255	1425500	1d9c5f47-e9f3-4d3c-a785-f47c9477f473	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:33:09	-43.593
-47	28510	1425500	ebadb7cc-d0ce-48c0-940b-1ebb898016b3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:17:44	-918.329
-48	14256	1425600	00f9bc14-1450-4af6-8592-840d165f87ac	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:38:57	111.540
-48	28512	1425600	4b3cff3c-6098-4ce8-a316-253b95ecd345	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:36:15	433.119
-49	14257	1425700	f0f0251c-af47-4699-93b6-501ed4d4c64c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:58:13	742.243
-49	28514	1425700	97fb17b7-b0be-447a-bb70-a47bbd2932c1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:02:10	740.600
-50	14258	1425800	a9e1a076-086a-4e36-9e47-20720bdd2866	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:52:55	-612.544
-50	28516	1425800	6414c1a0-c964-4baa-b796-3f8f3167405d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:47:31	-467.294
-51	14259	1425900	2b94c1bc-b450-4cdd-93f7-ac92d6e6cc58	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:13:55	266.262
-51	28518	1425900	a4e31350-cdf5-4c71-9933-f8acfdb2893f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:14:15	920.732
-52	14260	1426000	17acb967-d70e-4390-bf25-39f3630e26b4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:00:10	-134.600
-52	28520	1426000	ccc26797-ee78-4e47-b4f5-bcf863e6a1ae	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:30:52	901.344
-53	14261	1426100	175cd9b9-8bc4-47fd-ba3e-86e5acaf910a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:36:24	740.969
-53	28522	1426100	aeacad47-7828-4117-897c-0848bfe14ef5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:30:41	-690.509
-54	14262	1426200	358e1ecd-630a-44b8-8d87-ff5a99d66a8c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:46:53	523.838
-54	28524	1426200	909ef5a9-444a-4acd-9b9c-4a9a2bd55a69	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:05:07	-11.26
-55	14263	1426300	e033ae85-166f-4dcb-8b07-aa5566294608	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:24:12	-761.737
-55	28526	1426300	cdca2cf8-a87a-44dc-b513-baa3a0bf1ebb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:40:00	620.12
-56	14264	1426400	8731d0bb-db53-43b6-a8c3-b23866c8db14	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:49:50	-123.416
-56	28528	1426400	e23939c4-cbe4-490f-9ab0-cb498835b328	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:42:11	-393.876
-57	14265	1426500	998123b9-002e-4228-9b87-cc85a1a0760d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:45:00	514.793
-57	28530	1426500	79f3dc6d-2e84-4808-98eb-15cda276cf41	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:20:46	-395.820
-58	14266	1426600	f4b11b82-f9e1-43a4-879c-4e56342d827a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:22:38	-866.686
-58	28532	1426600	d43af6be-8f5e-464c-9241-d16c91940f64	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:57:45	614.49
-59	14267	1426700	386f572b-0e99-40fe-a8a1-688217060062	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:48:44	-803.835
-59	28534	1426700	3cff1124-35bc-4789-9017-f84b3610bad9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:53:32	670.85
-60	14268	1426800	2eef3e00-3d43-4016-a1d6-ab38edef15a1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:24:17	644.639
-60	28536	1426800	a506bd72-126d-4d57-b1bf-fa4c3e4892b6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:13:33	-245.52
-61	14269	1426900	06c2f36b-1f87-41da-9670-cf184dc4914d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:21:49	586.909
-61	28538	1426900	65dffe9f-b314-4fe7-a944-7c166912dee1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:54:04	-38.926
-62	14270	1427000	6f96b7c6-c924-40a1-b7f7-2731afa783e4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:16:28	-376.359
-62	28540	1427000	77d7b7fc-bd74-420a-9044-a6c4305fbddf	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:56:06	421.591
-63	14271	1427100	59b77ad2-d433-44ba-bb8b-3f6216053ef9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:58:43	-304.117
-63	28542	1427100	fd45399d-cc8a-48d5-9653-6706da93416c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:20:55	-736.510
-64	14272	1427200	59b037df-692f-4721-9c2a-8022df6822a5	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:49:44	-361.445
-64	28544	1427200	f0d2dc6f-a0ca-4f2d-80eb-4d57c58416f2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:47:50	-292.440
-65	14273	1427300	4379b74c-4612-4e1a-8edc-2fe51205a568	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:15:09	-143.87
-65	28546	1427300	b661306f-5b7d-451b-9c59-cfe5ad5ed549	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:03:21	-39.249
-66	14274	1427400	b0a42cc5-0ce7-4eab-9bfb-13227744e99e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:34:49	-756.708
-66	28548	1427400	ad3db7df-cdda-4659-b4ef-3405f4ba9448	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:39:33	551.937
-67	14275	1427500	ddb134e7-7c5a-495c-bf59-8abe65d4581a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:42:42	161.430
-67	28550	1427500	b14e40df-5aec-4445-a82b-2131e0f5825c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:37:44	-441.306
-68	14276	1427600	d79af44f-9645-4494-9c48-3b8fabbf8c85	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:22:09	-714.34
-68	28552	1427600	74e88e9a-30da-47d2-8357-486862e3500d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:47:14	-852.928
-69	14277	1427700	a131f156-d585-4944-957c-aef16d05456d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:30:22	-853.549
-69	28554	1427700	701953a5-7abe-42c4-a750-abf6cc274e4a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:26:57	485.92
-70	14278	1427800	c2f14e01-1924-466b-b517-58e8c27dc66c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:14:14	23.246
-70	28556	1427800	fdddb381-dc65-4974-93d2-535a9e11161a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:38:33	999.792
-71	14279	1427900	731cf2ac-a16a-43c2-bd7f-b3d2e63f6d4e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:05:55	519.551
-71	28558	1427900	a2ba7580-783e-4970-9057-155a32901572	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:31:09	-89.327
-72	14280	1428000	29a55a81-57bc-4606-b938-58564aa05147	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:31:50	-463.901
-72	28560	1428000	060b8f02-b3b1-444a-be93-25eb8ea26578	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:08:15	-456.776
-73	14281	1428100	33ef3528-14ab-46b2-8d1b-86bcb34d29fc	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:42:22	-860.890
-73	28562	1428100	6f38f87e-0093-4eec-b265-30f5702dbe5d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:31:06	-2.443
-74	14282	1428200	c9b907c7-ca0f-432e-9890-f35852220a61	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:48:11	-409.226
-74	28564	1428200	650deb94-32ec-41f0-958b-6448b5e50966	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:53:22	-797.746
-75	14283	1428300	9ba82778-75b4-4275-84a7-5fee36940bcc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:18:07	481.842
-75	28566	1428300	f9171a39-b091-4b99-be03-433caad69464	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:56:37	247.5
-76	14284	1428400	7233fa4c-72e8-4edd-a375-d87156ec96da	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:28:55	556.137
-76	28568	1428400	58b9d07c-0128-4939-aa2b-fbf190a9d0a1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:43:10	-835.793
-77	14285	1428500	b41b78f7-862c-4d04-9c0d-7e66330f16bc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:58:19	-561.820
-77	28570	1428500	57c69928-c011-4556-991f-1f66ff1c372e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:29:51	586.726
-78	14286	1428600	a78db79b-b40e-45cf-8b52-e54260ad0e87	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:36:16	345.842
-78	28572	1428600	e6d85c06-8950-4895-bb00-20cbe7831927	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:49:00	877.474
-79	14287	1428700	3a006b52-c145-48ba-b0f1-1c0ded496474	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:40:35	886.505
-79	28574	1428700	c90b6e9e-21b6-498f-aef5-bdabbe274ddb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:33:02	-775.882
-80	14288	1428800	5df93055-8d17-4eb9-88e4-fc1de03084e9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:49:14	627.827
-80	28576	1428800	178bd3b3-0090-4d61-b3d4-e2e1fd206b6c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:16:59	-440.290
-81	14289	1428900	41b756d9-1ca8-4794-8877-6402240e09ae	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:51:58	-560.984
-81	28578	1428900	407a93ac-e213-44b2-a874-0f1bbd7ebe34	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:55:23	-936.849
-82	14290	1429000	0cb09102-64a0-4f00-9243-49f7637a886a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:31:26	9.801
-82	28580	1429000	525322d4-c6e0-4159-a3ce-fd12e60b9e80	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:23:01	293.208
-83	14291	1429100	86183331-8e2c-44e8-bc5e-c6429e71f83f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:43:00	-880.496
-83	28582	1429100	20e0134a-f19c-4c31-b6d4-343b4be60579	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:24:38	-783.939
-84	14292	1429200	cc5aa47c-eaf5-47f1-a8a2-1914e58f134d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:02:53	643.708
-84	28584	1429200	a9a3851b-5cda-4360-b918-57067726e44b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:28:09	890.762
-85	14293	1429300	34699694-4bd0-45eb-a127-113dcab22393	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:25:18	519.915
-85	28586	1429300	5542bacc-7d18-4651-9ee5-a23b8f012125	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:54:56	822.994
-86	14294	1429400	09aeb4da-c40b-4eb1-8ce1-33a08ff05a1f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:12:33	-652.55
-86	28588	1429400	49ff7094-a1d3-42da-a17d-c998e6b335bc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:17:09	-704.136
-87	14295	1429500	dadd30c8-76e1-43d8-a602-cf89350db680	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:11:57	-214.953
-87	28590	1429500	e27b5264-19e8-4e0b-b610-a7b72db9a056	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:09:15	-444.953
-88	14296	1429600	a347dc90-a658-4ede-8f27-a28fef21f139	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:00:09	142.48
-88	28592	1429600	63fa3d29-0424-4c6d-8070-bc1a3fcd036a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:54:21	-433.815
-89	14297	1429700	0c9df1d9-6ad3-46b7-bbe9-3c87e80ddde6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:45:54	332.167
-89	28594	1429700	ee87d408-4465-4e7b-93d5-a12aa2198213	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:01:53	-987.891
-90	14298	1429800	6622ced6-306c-4c09-ac28-57cf5398e0c4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:21:30	287.987
-90	28596	1429800	0cf2af39-9056-46e5-9340-5ba14fdcede2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:12:04	385.926
-91	14299	1429900	a9c97a0f-b3b6-4363-9034-1c35ed08fd12	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:32:08	336.165
-91	28598	1429900	a962f2d0-40ab-49c0-baa5-325598796152	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:51:54	-947.175
-92	14300	1430000	ef8b369c-4b61-4dea-b893-001ebffcfc8a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:50:13	-380.343
-92	28600	1430000	5e02529d-6133-4509-bb16-912fa18fad71	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:35:56	-514.683
-93	14301	1430100	43386e19-bc66-4cc9-b65c-9d3de3308b5a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:48:03	155.547
-93	28602	1430100	3320a409-f338-4f44-91f5-7d34e5a0badc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:49:34	143.357
-94	14302	1430200	a6270a07-6b7e-46b7-9b04-dd767df0a63e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:08:53	-188.80
-94	28604	1430200	282f408b-61c5-4fd9-aaf0-03679491a467	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:22:43	491.575
-95	14303	1430300	3454292d-2cd9-4696-afb4-7d75f6ccfaa7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:34:18	-161.928
-95	28606	1430300	2ee67a2d-89dc-41b9-8369-3c997381eebe	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:24:47	855.795
-96	14304	1430400	8fcc5b3e-ff88-4f6e-8d80-1cc0921d9444	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:29:44	438.704
-96	28608	1430400	391d2ea0-fdcd-4c04-a360-c487100d2853	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:54:13	-837.254
-97	14305	1430500	e27473f9-cd1a-475e-9fe8-a726e6776996	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:43:17	-350.378
-97	28610	1430500	0bfbe9ef-596e-40e5-9363-5f3a8d8fd4e1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:53:57	237.343
-98	14306	1430600	0e015a42-aabd-44aa-a1ea-7a3f5a938a0c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:17:00	-839.764
-98	28612	1430600	0a2a223b-fe4c-46f9-92db-3efade840a28	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:16:22	154.303
-99	14307	1430700	f1c777dc-9fec-4877-b588-c6999461d95e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:32:06	611.62
-99	28614	1430700	c3d379d2-fa5d-4ccc-9ccc-825d1d2cace3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:08:03	-799.450
-100	14308	1430800	301592f0-cb8f-4b22-b109-55592a39163d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:28:53	729.476
-100	28616	1430800	fe15f93d-c4dc-42ed-b3dc-51d6e5ef72b5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:02:45	268.692
-101	14309	1430900	e3bd702f-e28b-4c61-a960-3452e5a8f1a5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:05:39	966.940
-101	28618	1430900	a554b1ae-f5bb-48fd-91ec-0f27e3e25443	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:21:54	13.64
-102	14310	1431000	b9afeaea-33e5-4b4e-9740-cc4b247a217c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:06:42	280.26
-102	28620	1431000	07aee9e7-8a9b-4f90-9b95-9e2bcc4722a5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:12:42	-278.21
-103	14311	1431100	af805d40-4fbf-4223-b9b9-3321d7378580	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:33:54	502.749
-103	28622	1431100	748216b8-fd73-46fb-bb1e-78b1df43ee3a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:41:41	564.541
-104	14312	1431200	88a2bdea-84b6-4e50-997d-563543f687ac	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:21:15	909.991
-104	28624	1431200	65ad7b84-deea-471e-a1ad-8be80b004201	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:59:02	502.780
-105	14313	1431300	ce52b120-8144-4be8-abf4-d8dc227528dd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:49:36	94.197
-105	28626	1431300	c0f74ff8-0592-457f-8d84-3f32610afa1d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:27:42	-648.846
-106	14314	1431400	b06b286e-ffef-472b-a343-04e1ebccc145	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:54:42	714.619
-106	28628	1431400	081a8816-1069-476b-95e3-9186af1389df	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:42:57	490.101
-107	14315	1431500	ec240a80-3cc9-42b5-9098-1b8961d23493	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:42:54	89.934
-107	28630	1431500	fa737360-34e9-47ae-9164-d865593d682a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:58:42	839.8
-108	14316	1431600	66793c6f-9750-432e-bddf-2eac82de87b9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:39:08	-768.26
-108	28632	1431600	b9a65cfd-7233-433b-bde8-ac270723011d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:46:47	316.528
-109	14317	1431700	ee2516cf-f47d-4281-9ca6-0ffc5a8522b6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:37:10	558.276
-109	28634	1431700	97bddfd9-4794-49b4-b21b-10683b0b3152	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:46:54	282.586
-110	14318	1431800	2ca45581-c4bd-4437-8fa3-57c20f9e5988	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:11:17	-478.257
-110	28636	1431800	d22b63bc-a0b7-43ed-af72-66602c65fff3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:58:51	19.156
-111	14319	1431900	01881d42-065c-4faf-ac29-13c56d1a750e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:22:23	-478.914
-111	28638	1431900	87726514-ca07-4c98-b291-e81c3c9a87d4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:21:50	811.182
-112	14320	1432000	9c6bce3b-49ae-4cf6-9e1e-43c40b2fe98b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:23:30	960.932
-112	28640	1432000	3e72d062-7dfe-4b43-9e3a-d9790663a36c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:19:02	675.554
-113	14321	1432100	dd83d67b-b35b-4b7f-b3d7-69810257d77c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:51:37	-373.193
-113	28642	1432100	6eeacaa5-f1b3-4fc0-bc87-a1978e6bfbe0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:03:11	-487.28
-114	14322	1432200	6b41363d-f1e1-40f2-ad60-a42279c05dd0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:53:42	-462.343
-114	28644	1432200	7bf42768-f359-4092-b2a4-859a8c6d960b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:20:47	460.569
-115	14323	1432300	2759ce96-4e26-4e69-b1e4-ccea2711dd1c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:17:57	576.373
-115	28646	1432300	114295e2-d9f3-455e-8282-2a58969b132a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:41:30	452.240
-116	14324	1432400	0d83cbea-e43d-4958-a9a5-4fe0c82f1f0f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:25:35	-153.474
-116	28648	1432400	753f91f4-49b7-4342-8fea-b13c0d967cd7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:34:59	-355.949
-117	14325	1432500	3aafbb61-2f9d-45f7-a316-b13d44ebd7b8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:45:56	-769.181
-117	28650	1432500	4261f26c-0b3e-4998-9855-8efb4966143c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:39:36	-31.210
-118	14326	1432600	31622cc2-f55c-4b57-a242-18db9acf984d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:22:54	-852.69
-118	28652	1432600	1ed80970-1b41-4782-b366-514f8d013080	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:02:30	-577.312
-119	14327	1432700	415e6b4d-f64b-4679-9c5d-61036b9efb38	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:05:04	-441.376
-119	28654	1432700	24a0bdbb-cd75-45a3-a03a-1a0fc37c0dad	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:36:40	385.447
-120	14328	1432800	ef7c1fc9-cfc1-4fd6-9af4-af79becdaf54	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:43:58	45.392
-120	28656	1432800	ad6d0d6b-636a-46ed-ae4d-bb893ab2aac7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:42:36	878.408
-121	14329	1432900	ffb1e78c-e8b8-46c8-876a-cbb3e894ee6d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:35:51	-803.903
-121	28658	1432900	918f05fe-7f77-42dc-9260-60f8948da878	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:04:03	867.379
-122	14330	1433000	338871ab-9066-43a6-92aa-844c366bcede	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:55:06	276.996
-122	28660	1433000	0c7a24c4-7b73-49d5-991c-5b13033d492a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:39:02	-354.640
-123	14331	1433100	92ad9fbf-15a2-4505-a4dd-21d1f6ac89fe	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:19:44	610.156
-123	28662	1433100	f74bbdc4-344c-435d-9b26-b302b959597d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:57:03	117.904
-124	14332	1433200	90c85535-1859-4dfc-b508-c7dedce8e502	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:37:56	-586.606
-124	28664	1433200	cebeb4cf-9fe4-47d8-94e8-8ae5308baf48	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:55:24	69.838
-125	14333	1433300	fadb70b7-5e62-43f2-a3cf-a4a9aac1394c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:47:59	-364.951
-125	28666	1433300	49cf34f6-872a-4136-9beb-50786c800cd2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:58:33	-641.35
-126	14334	1433400	7f67281f-d7c6-4413-b11a-fa777098327a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:59:59	-436.641
-126	28668	1433400	fecda457-7176-4e05-9a7d-4d08c73666d4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:04:48	-768.405
-127	14335	1433500	c417e76c-fd9c-4a4c-add7-91e0c39926d7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:30:29	-899.593
-127	28670	1433500	69ca1bb7-9783-4cff-afdd-b7e2ce0beb2d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:03:40	580.84
-0	14336	1433600	d923b323-e494-4808-8871-b66d40b264a7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:29:05	-630.996
-0	28672	1433600	c54395a7-af56-4729-aac0-83fc0677c41f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:37:50	302.110
-1	14337	1433700	edc871ea-1b32-4e78-8444-341707877d19	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:36:25	201.866
-1	28674	1433700	51ba84f1-4905-41a4-9277-771a458c1cee	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:10:00	-775.999
-2	14338	1433800	2958d900-8a2d-4cd3-baaf-13864c372d41	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:53:00	-742.512
-2	28676	1433800	db79e566-b7a8-4527-8ebc-ea5d298ab17a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:42:51	937.403
-3	14339	1433900	aa7ba575-efc5-4f48-92b1-9931bfa66823	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:13:26	107.343
-3	28678	1433900	cdbb94f4-6cc3-48ad-aac2-6312ded52430	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:21:42	679.109
-4	14340	1434000	882d2951-e249-433e-9eba-269898558f2f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:51:38	-443.920
-4	28680	1434000	1244a90a-0978-4c98-921a-cf10b8ea03ac	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:41:03	228.719
-5	14341	1434100	ba2b4004-ace6-4dbd-aa06-ed2985505961	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:30:14	586.348
-5	28682	1434100	1a56a7ba-5d1e-4441-94f7-3ec149189a52	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:16:32	-809.411
-6	14342	1434200	b1f217b1-9f78-4cf2-893f-7cbdccec03d4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:53:28	960.622
-6	28684	1434200	64d5001c-a23e-48bf-ab17-e7c742f6d539	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:37:19	-996.700
-7	14343	1434300	54f61f39-f6c3-46e6-ac18-ad068416be91	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:45:30	394.346
-7	28686	1434300	159a559e-1b6d-47da-96bd-a0fc51c32b57	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:09:20	639.722
-8	14344	1434400	4b7655ae-9ffb-457d-b91e-5749e60075b8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:47:03	-877.980
-8	28688	1434400	2ad87991-d026-49ef-ae42-a9bbcc3f5a5c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:35:10	91.507
-9	14345	1434500	eceb50c9-73fd-47d0-8acf-5b917c3e3e9c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:45:17	866.361
-9	28690	1434500	da3a79eb-e6d4-457c-95b4-18d0339bff37	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:18:23	-403.684
-10	14346	1434600	8f3b176c-9db4-4333-8d80-b1f9f6864087	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:24:07	-930.60
-10	28692	1434600	7a5a6474-c35f-4bd2-9b54-091fdc65aa3e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:10:26	896.569
-11	14347	1434700	f9d6271f-b785-4e53-9797-7d486358cd6d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:34:44	-683.116
-11	28694	1434700	18c5f45c-b443-4c6f-a277-2a3abad6b3db	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:53:16	-571.743
-12	14348	1434800	76b27e21-a5b3-4297-872e-57531c624abb	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:44:07	-956.370
-12	28696	1434800	94c1beb7-5efb-413d-bf93-1853f1736fd3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:01:41	-820.516
-13	14349	1434900	127df50a-61e9-4dc7-9029-c1cc74b3b459	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:06:05	-693.21
-13	28698	1434900	d88b5df2-262f-497b-a681-d61d3cef80ea	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:12:46	204.937
-14	14350	1435000	a200a9ee-ed98-4ce4-a68a-b6cca08a09e3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:38:06	504.484
-14	28700	1435000	15d659ca-a519-43a3-bce1-c02cae99f65b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:04:19	646.23
-15	14351	1435100	7f4cb40e-f6f9-4a4c-93e1-d1eefd3017fc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:04:14	-471.870
-15	28702	1435100	562c0b8e-e352-4ee4-9670-4f3d5f623f9d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:06:24	468.542
-16	14352	1435200	8f1ea640-8a33-4c38-a60d-295a5ee3bc0d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:03:28	-343.939
-16	28704	1435200	7bfe3a86-3e24-42ef-a562-ea23a5cb3fa6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:13:45	-251.60
-17	14353	1435300	6c581c10-086a-44ce-ad06-dc70cccaade6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:34:51	7.748
-17	28706	1435300	97258103-ad15-419e-8e6c-2a382b9f5550	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:39:52	777.189
-18	14354	1435400	e64830b4-a953-44e3-9ad7-a62e9bc0cd92	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:37:59	-840.534
-18	28708	1435400	61c534bd-f43e-4856-b71b-45ec7e7a9ddc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:25:00	-228.420
-19	14355	1435500	a190aa01-7ef3-4b91-99eb-c587af0f9683	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:08:56	-78.923
-19	28710	1435500	3f5b95e4-51c5-4640-90f7-aba3314bb48d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:00:48	-940.15
-20	14356	1435600	2e2b2b20-8f68-411d-a71e-a4d293ed213a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:55:31	-855.522
-20	28712	1435600	41e25805-4fa3-4af6-ace8-3257cc6ee505	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:44:03	-942.256
-21	14357	1435700	b4929608-37de-4837-8f10-427dc1497ea3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:28:14	815.855
-21	28714	1435700	50176a01-0f30-46f4-b994-e95e5fa3ba20	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:27:21	182.407
-22	14358	1435800	c456e80a-e519-4273-94ef-3e4d74ee8fd2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:07:58	-291.288
-22	28716	1435800	3e67f2d5-975f-404b-99d7-e2d549f7e733	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:59:01	-618.292
-23	14359	1435900	0377ab99-0a1f-4541-b78f-a7ecdf0452b9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:48:05	733.677
-23	28718	1435900	1acfc7db-2072-484d-8d46-bc8c571fb18e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:40:45	-737.920
-24	14360	1436000	23521de6-d3dd-4c50-a8e4-c57f1d3ad893	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:48:02	-887.799
-24	28720	1436000	96a2c89b-9215-404d-8aa8-6c7a2b376859	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:08:07	-180.142
-25	14361	1436100	e85396dc-9509-456c-80ed-07f85c31b542	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:00:02	897.766
-25	28722	1436100	a3cf0fa6-24d6-4cc5-acc1-b2f92cf41dcf	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:24:14	241.20
-26	14362	1436200	e285d4d6-f813-43e1-a253-10d0970ee25e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:36:58	213.763
-26	28724	1436200	cfd8c0e6-77b2-495d-b160-f7648fbf49df	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:39:47	-258.718
-27	14363	1436300	dcda69e8-ae4d-4b0b-b717-85e6db1c658e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:03:22	-859.328
-27	28726	1436300	74f6386f-8bc8-4e82-a7fa-4286999e55ea	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:15:56	634.671
-28	14364	1436400	8a0efd18-c7fb-4e3c-b2f0-8ca78f6d32bc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:56:06	-569.356
-28	28728	1436400	171f6acb-4b30-4f44-a916-2cc3bf96b6fe	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:22:07	-945.214
-29	14365	1436500	5b50bd0f-6cca-4b8b-af1f-8c69e7fe803b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:27:36	-650.977
-29	28730	1436500	455ce8d9-8c2f-4c44-a12f-1207183893e5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:02:31	-391.431
-30	14366	1436600	340115db-8767-4fcf-87e8-6f521bde9d1e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:01:34	778.65
-30	28732	1436600	5f611d63-d81c-4ba1-9382-0ebe8d951062	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:43:23	-646.857
-31	14367	1436700	5304df77-fd92-48a9-a007-760b5e90b89c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:50:20	-585.443
-31	28734	1436700	630df50f-1eac-4b7a-9da8-4bec7c11a403	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:38:21	323.167
-32	14368	1436800	1f25b5d7-cd9c-48fe-a20a-02d029dfa5b9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:55:30	686.809
-32	28736	1436800	d6daec09-3077-469b-93db-28fdc78db079	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:26:50	652.805
-33	14369	1436900	83448431-ba12-4bd3-b552-e49779bda2a7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:48:15	-303.25
-33	28738	1436900	d5ae24e1-0395-4dd8-a448-4dafa03d5efe	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:01:30	567.991
-34	14370	1437000	d579ee13-772f-4e0f-9586-0c527eade60c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:22:30	276.922
-34	28740	1437000	10a3d7b4-8b78-4ab3-ae38-a409e2988c20	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:15:13	101.976
-35	14371	1437100	c4f7a23c-d20f-44e6-be85-5e848af17305	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:53:24	-53.755
-35	28742	1437100	943aa400-0cf1-4bd8-87ad-13c98987a94c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:49:14	517.544
-36	14372	1437200	07e2db36-7c00-4718-926e-f667cc22a45d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:11:03	871.653
-36	28744	1437200	f3181ee1-0200-451a-848b-1319fc9a7fcd	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:09:35	-166.561
-37	14373	1437300	2d95762f-ee48-4310-ae7a-9276fbdb4759	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:22:31	-726.642
-37	28746	1437300	5f669715-342d-433c-8bdc-7e0a842d7745	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:03:44	463.447
-38	14374	1437400	16ef0205-c10e-4615-9d3d-9333d288998f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:39:12	383.653
-38	28748	1437400	3302eb70-9881-4684-9b81-3ecee6f1bd13	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:46:04	579.195
-39	14375	1437500	b4316c7b-2fd4-425f-9326-c876edb1403c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:02:57	721.831
-39	28750	1437500	47e32778-ed2e-458b-91be-a40d253a1161	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:28:18	566.623
-40	14376	1437600	21220161-5e7a-436a-a4d0-cd370b2ebef7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:57:04	-963.95
-40	28752	1437600	9f80b455-22ed-4e72-8616-04204536edf6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:17:13	-563.13
-41	14377	1437700	70412450-0488-4fd1-8a0a-b81f2200448e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:32:15	854.592
-41	28754	1437700	0b6d7a65-bc39-41f7-82e2-d471554d040a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:10:01	-398.958
-42	14378	1437800	47c3621f-cfa3-4bdb-9edd-bb3b96b886d4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:21:03	-58.580
-42	28756	1437800	4a90ad1a-88b1-4190-8d20-af071356e2db	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:44:03	642.704
-43	14379	1437900	6e3b8bdc-c33f-46a5-afa6-9473eea7df6e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:51:42	-559.365
-43	28758	1437900	255194cb-fc84-47a3-a4f8-5eb20a3e8706	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:16:10	875.34
-44	14380	1438000	9dfee917-7455-49eb-8bb6-ebb8debca70f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:14:23	413.506
-44	28760	1438000	2c54fb9e-9fce-4b31-a9de-59406649abd9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:20:45	365.45
-45	14381	1438100	23472cd3-b56a-442c-b93d-73fae6f64c6e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:02:00	914.191
-45	28762	1438100	ac5243ce-b8e3-480f-a9ae-7b63023757f9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:26:37	-527.502
-46	14382	1438200	1993fca1-d8da-456b-9246-3122b283afab	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:21:09	-391.716
-46	28764	1438200	bb43a1d4-dc04-4687-9a88-205e5b65250f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:33:52	683.659
-47	14383	1438300	3aa01c1e-42cf-417d-8372-9bd830e86460	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:11:37	245.903
-47	28766	1438300	25b514bd-adf8-4a79-b63c-2ed13950124b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:43:32	-611.492
-48	14384	1438400	647ded83-02ea-4444-b422-ae2c66c871e6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:29:20	198.964
-48	28768	1438400	6974ffe5-6f3b-412f-a0df-2f625c97324f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:10:37	61.277
-49	14385	1438500	58e5b623-474a-4d1d-b28c-ccbc136940aa	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:44:28	-169.143
-49	28770	1438500	7a46e941-20ef-4edc-994b-00b906d94c71	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:52:14	115.882
-50	14386	1438600	0de0c5c1-9bc1-4abe-ad62-0966bff5c2b3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:17:59	-600.590
-50	28772	1438600	d72ac0ef-8584-4f3a-a8d4-1a663fafa146	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:23:52	563.113
-51	14387	1438700	383156db-d475-4137-8e5b-da6e2cccb32b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:08:08	174.854
-51	28774	1438700	855189af-d3c3-424c-86f8-1f003979ffab	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:16:12	-68.154
-52	14388	1438800	80955249-1fc9-4d7c-910b-089fbdf11cf3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:53:44	-489.669
-52	28776	1438800	8559c913-04b8-46fc-a75e-7beee8ae2fa5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:31:29	560.168
-53	14389	1438900	cf348adb-a062-4e7d-8ca4-03d544aabd55	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:59:10	885.25
-53	28778	1438900	72767130-2b46-4073-a32d-d0075bc85178	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:20:06	539.966
-54	14390	1439000	8b66ddb4-3d47-49ce-bbdc-a5f530d2f66f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:09:57	-940.927
-54	28780	1439000	f9badb26-3a9a-4ce5-b809-7d7df9bd3ebc	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:51:50	842.297
-55	14391	1439100	65d7c4b8-97cb-4970-8524-a7070f275ed2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:07:53	-554.812
-55	28782	1439100	76473536-5f01-4c0b-9493-80fcceaa5277	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:21:45	-938.830
-56	14392	1439200	0d40fbfd-8259-4053-af34-43de3de48ae8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:50:35	967.552
-56	28784	1439200	e2a98800-b2f4-443b-91f3-e3898de12e8c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:02:31	784.323
-57	14393	1439300	37eea620-7427-476d-8605-c9545f958397	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:23:06	-12.882
-57	28786	1439300	bd97ee54-55b8-490a-80b4-b8d99f108706	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:41:18	897.447
-58	14394	1439400	95c9a6bc-4c79-40b2-b244-6961c6906a1e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:04:49	391.249
-58	28788	1439400	0d2f7640-6435-47be-a92b-fc30758d2e2e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:26:34	-559.384
-59	14395	1439500	e7840c4d-8b6c-47df-880f-87d18199b6d6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:05:31	157.883
-59	28790	1439500	fa1a9cc0-3d83-4c26-8e52-7ba918f6b6e2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:18:11	741.819
-60	14396	1439600	fbcb3e4f-0dd1-4589-bea2-f2cebebcdeeb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:21:11	-663.424
-60	28792	1439600	d0c109f2-fd4e-4fee-aa3a-8d7630d9202b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:18:48	979.983
-61	14397	1439700	35afc42c-6f49-477b-a7f9-7ea4d691fe4c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:55:55	40.444
-61	28794	1439700	a5a72312-aa6a-46c1-9010-fa2c08fc4e22	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:29:00	470.931
-62	14398	1439800	1bdab65d-1353-4aa5-93de-8fbe5f3b48d0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:30:04	-199.224
-62	28796	1439800	9b519f80-17d2-4280-9dbd-4805e8f0b52c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:25:39	-467.950
-63	14399	1439900	9ebfeb2c-e944-4f87-91f0-85b57b9732fb	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:24:31	-137.458
-63	28798	1439900	f98a5041-1021-4584-923d-4448984a40f4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:52:22	821.993
-64	14400	1440000	f2e85f7c-4af0-4632-8c21-c8970c6cefac	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:13:03	-306.284
-64	28800	1440000	8f6a4e07-e9ea-458e-ac4e-bb7f1ba9b819	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:15:18	112.130
-65	14401	1440100	fef6ffa1-b499-4f60-802d-1faec00930f1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:23:15	262.120
-65	28802	1440100	5b2dd9b4-f6cc-49a2-a4b8-c6d83530bebf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:21:29	176.640
-66	14402	1440200	f1ea69b2-6b67-43c7-9de4-87ef661d4808	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:10:12	295.77
-66	28804	1440200	cafadca7-a102-4f28-8049-df3a3383c11c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:43:51	557.388
-67	14403	1440300	23e05c5f-1148-4bca-95c4-6a69297f1ac8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:02:51	421.534
-67	28806	1440300	56b9f334-c13a-4d09-a633-2ad742be23df	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:48:45	-599.539
-68	14404	1440400	c70cd862-2bba-4cc0-9086-5c109caef97f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:09:12	-905.225
-68	28808	1440400	21ca5a93-b4b0-4a04-a1fc-51f6e9f6827d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:39:46	-81.338
-69	14405	1440500	69ee58aa-0289-47e4-b281-c5385225ac91	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:37:24	-828.69
-69	28810	1440500	df9d5d09-36b5-4989-8bb0-0c1a0b41e525	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:31:35	-50.131
-70	14406	1440600	4779035b-73e3-4a50-ad88-212b3c380945	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:18:31	-884.821
-70	28812	1440600	b4bdaa6e-d4ca-4b74-aa15-a1d50abef936	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:14:33	-346.134
-71	14407	1440700	31e96834-fe7a-4bcb-b9e8-2f9464988678	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:14:35	509.764
-71	28814	1440700	650c2b4e-4625-4471-91ac-3535b6447ddd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:32:58	869.873
-72	14408	1440800	37e6ae1d-aad3-4a36-8032-033f35256bde	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:25:02	297.770
-72	28816	1440800	5fe2d8e3-b7ba-4859-8d0d-d2b964e24f69	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:16:47	948.114
-73	14409	1440900	8735dfb7-d8b6-443e-aeec-0e2f5a57b5c3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:46:29	490.171
-73	28818	1440900	136537f8-e508-4343-9926-8620aeabf805	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:45:18	-255.575
-74	14410	1441000	f9877f0e-ddbc-4091-b4e3-aabbec1061f3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:09:45	-899.216
-74	28820	1441000	2ad0853f-7d2c-421b-b155-39344d28de78	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:03:46	377.219
-75	14411	1441100	e4e674f5-df4b-46ed-b658-386a0244f7b8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:04:29	-798.428
-75	28822	1441100	5c912a42-9f2d-4981-a248-9a5d6c15068a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:03:13	424.480
-76	14412	1441200	abe96ccf-987e-4eef-a54c-2f9cc2395ae9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:24:09	137.103
-76	28824	1441200	a8689f55-9d8c-455a-9edb-3013f000767c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:47:53	-133.317
-77	14413	1441300	2bc017d5-6616-4556-ac12-254f83c5016d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:19:29	-767.683
-77	28826	1441300	13725330-a738-488f-99de-6b76ac3af8db	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:08:05	-563.846
-78	14414	1441400	93b7b643-96d6-42ed-ba7f-2d3d48dee5c5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:19:05	199.646
-78	28828	1441400	54c7816a-bb36-4ccb-bd73-863738811708	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:56:48	-191.746
-79	14415	1441500	b573c7e4-7e50-4d21-9662-b6d1b29f43e7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:49:47	-48.958
-79	28830	1441500	4c53ea3c-e9c8-4bc0-b4e6-c73bb283a130	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:38:01	195.870
-80	14416	1441600	83d9f118-f1a8-4041-9429-bf840a6997bc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:05:36	616.718
-80	28832	1441600	4313c34d-609c-4146-bb20-6c6b906715ac	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:15:38	-144.312
-81	14417	1441700	3b090d16-b0cd-474d-b0e5-ad027d076cca	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:58:08	-239.81
-81	28834	1441700	fc6e9b82-e333-4512-814d-03e269086a60	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:36:01	-371.60
-82	14418	1441800	fc89b028-0596-42d5-9b61-18e0cd21c7e3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:01:05	347.114
-82	28836	1441800	2b2eae7a-2f2e-4183-ab9a-7f490cc3a356	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:04:38	-814.751
-83	14419	1441900	1e200b17-a6de-4c24-911d-6912b4e17b05	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:08:38	999.976
-83	28838	1441900	16a371ea-da62-4065-8939-9c79eb0ff279	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:01:44	-34.829
-84	14420	1442000	4a86fca3-6abf-4c0c-810e-7f13e5afceb7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:16:18	779.508
-84	28840	1442000	efc0179e-7f09-40db-a033-172162c42882	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:19:39	506.958
-85	14421	1442100	eccf75b1-27df-4373-ba35-08b02fe6198e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:48:26	297.554
-85	28842	1442100	24f71410-1bf8-4ef3-b256-b415bdf2f280	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:19:33	640.13
-86	14422	1442200	86021408-0f45-4276-9d0b-4f9c192317c2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:52:12	828.61
-86	28844	1442200	615ad416-65a1-4d44-a1a3-312ef692ce6d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:43:50	991.632
-87	14423	1442300	54e01585-6862-4883-94bc-3c311722b44e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:21:25	-413.777
-87	28846	1442300	4eec8a99-efcb-4a5f-8d99-b2c61c322a59	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:58:57	674.73
-88	14424	1442400	c3d828f0-ed55-4005-838d-f839f12c5661	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:38:49	-229.879
-88	28848	1442400	8b611c4d-ed79-49b7-b385-c502b372e092	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:30:50	-272.759
-89	14425	1442500	4c55011c-b0c3-4cb7-8a60-4c23ed3c3011	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:51:30	148.149
-89	28850	1442500	e94bc600-6f2d-4858-b4d6-a9ab7c8c398a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:19:54	934.568
-90	14426	1442600	71cd7ece-509c-4840-8c8e-9067e0d741e0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:09:46	667.861
-90	28852	1442600	71376449-af65-406b-89bc-28a38c5b09af	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:56:00	-331.459
-91	14427	1442700	38bc782d-4f39-4663-a1dd-fe6bdb686a1c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:55:20	980.533
-91	28854	1442700	f1da474a-b4af-49b7-950c-ff1972981846	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:48:34	-844.763
-92	14428	1442800	0dcb8ca8-57b9-4066-87c0-2a9a5940a9e6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:01:14	-765.918
-92	28856	1442800	9b156d80-5cc3-4d13-8f62-46ee29df4e88	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:08:34	426.63
-93	14429	1442900	ae103847-69fe-408a-b430-4c405f4e15c0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:18:31	399.735
-93	28858	1442900	8d9503a4-d2d9-4b7c-83a4-d2d077bc6ac4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:35:20	-380.827
-94	14430	1443000	583dc59c-b2cd-409a-95f2-ae242fd68e90	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:00:54	-511.160
-94	28860	1443000	47439d18-c7a9-44b8-ba52-26aba258b2f9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:39:53	963.191
-95	14431	1443100	9ec2c01b-13e1-4240-9cac-643ea110d85e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:51:20	-212.406
-95	28862	1443100	a00c0f63-6321-4118-8076-761dd92ca809	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:31:41	-185.13
-96	14432	1443200	60316a0b-e081-4e10-98b7-c3fa204399cd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:36:02	-272.220
-96	28864	1443200	c81f105c-5e71-43f1-b3fa-f251d5e5966c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:41:56	-437.38
-97	14433	1443300	5b7c9072-898e-46de-8324-7fed4176496f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:40:15	578.216
-97	28866	1443300	e61efda8-f0be-46f7-a3a3-896f217d1509	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:02:40	-146.494
-98	14434	1443400	e1bc4710-05c7-4af8-bb9c-007f630df3f3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:57:17	-164.333
-98	28868	1443400	5872efb9-2542-43b7-9b1b-f66c160d3d62	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:15:36	-489.203
-99	14435	1443500	4bc35beb-e6e0-4c33-b9ea-01f24e959247	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:46:10	-571.614
-99	28870	1443500	44d06b44-4ba4-4b0a-a200-0eefb75d4c05	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:05:32	-94.750
-100	14436	1443600	b3d4f569-07b7-4762-a7e1-7077111a5488	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:38:55	912.514
-100	28872	1443600	748366e1-69f1-4b6a-bc9d-5061fd366001	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:20:23	673.7
-101	14437	1443700	cf2c7f7a-b878-4e8f-bd82-596bb06c1b09	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:32:39	-601.563
-101	28874	1443700	86ae7406-2f78-4fc4-91f2-766b85ee2eb6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:15:49	-987.590
-102	14438	1443800	01c4b01c-b3aa-44b5-a956-45c330d66e7f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:24:30	-228.840
-102	28876	1443800	e5eae606-1dc0-448d-8367-7ade098d2fbc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:45:20	369.152
-103	14439	1443900	7709d8a6-4496-482a-a931-2895a0c3257e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:48:17	381.88
-103	28878	1443900	3eb2fdbd-c2ad-478f-88a1-c2463433f3e3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:06:40	807.244
-104	14440	1444000	c57f14d5-19fd-4dc9-9dc3-16c50349409d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:19:32	-660.554
-104	28880	1444000	212fea5d-c934-4e25-90b7-c035f8f09377	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:10:30	-438.963
-105	14441	1444100	0727fd50-1216-4dc4-b9ca-c21c106cad42	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:55:53	-661.826
-105	28882	1444100	298dc5f3-0ebe-4bf3-abe6-d161676cf355	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:52:20	819.539
-106	14442	1444200	2c4e07c2-edf0-42af-8d94-30ae6caa4142	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:48:23	-737.352
-106	28884	1444200	5cbc195d-09ef-4036-9b61-b8b89b50c0d4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:54:47	844.677
-107	14443	1444300	d98f70e6-f0ec-4f6d-ad00-1f0ac99fe0e2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:59:22	918.853
-107	28886	1444300	e471e684-ff68-48ce-9d50-4315984eca71	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:43:33	-571.554
-108	14444	1444400	6fb4890c-24ea-4d54-ba89-e17213db326d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:35:02	156.310
-108	28888	1444400	0432b38f-35c0-4b6c-be35-1b45dcdc9250	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:12:15	94.96
-109	14445	1444500	49871f04-9772-4a87-a1fe-0eb2c8a02b8e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:15:55	102.192
-109	28890	1444500	008c1545-2d67-471d-b951-02a17187af1a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:05:08	-600.25
-110	14446	1444600	87efc8b8-4b04-4687-b506-0b1dfc9906fe	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:12:38	777.821
-110	28892	1444600	5693766e-f772-4d73-a214-ace5c49e7365	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:32:56	-889.69
-111	14447	1444700	9da3eabf-be68-4111-b3dd-5dbeaad5eab2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:11:09	-802.65
-111	28894	1444700	782d7cbe-9a06-485a-86f0-8a5ca3b48d2d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:42:59	2.570
-112	14448	1444800	193a1e92-49b0-4f2c-bd45-d3fb18f0b90b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:39:31	-77.566
-112	28896	1444800	10a077c4-3c18-48ba-ac4e-3a27e9f7cfe8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:47:12	502.563
-113	14449	1444900	e2ed2e15-5bfe-458c-9729-702ed2864f8d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:02:36	-474.270
-113	28898	1444900	7847f7d1-13ff-4b42-8955-00b11afe6539	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:19:01	-267.801
-114	14450	1445000	83176e88-d67d-4563-bd72-3d9f52b9aef3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:50:54	419.587
-114	28900	1445000	3bf53839-3a91-403e-bf9d-c1635beda75a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:11:27	-677.6
-115	14451	1445100	ce9117b5-20a2-48d4-9c43-436af736eca8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:38:35	526.954
-115	28902	1445100	ef21d2f4-bfc8-4ba0-8d13-24cea46ee893	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:25:08	658.393
-116	14452	1445200	4a080861-e5de-4240-acc1-2b0fd428b498	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:54:22	704.321
-116	28904	1445200	38a5afad-63e0-4673-95b0-afcb9ef4d3f5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:31:48	8.719
-117	14453	1445300	66f37a33-5a99-4d0b-9dc7-c181db6c2cdf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:59:01	-895.33
-117	28906	1445300	9809e35b-83e6-46da-8a12-466b866198ea	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:06:09	400.785
-118	14454	1445400	e02bfdbe-d51b-4a00-ba1d-6ccec4fa6e2c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:30:48	-222.904
-118	28908	1445400	df97fc8e-7cbe-4194-bf6c-5b0ccdd10063	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:29:22	59.854
-119	14455	1445500	cbc7eb83-9866-4c2a-9ca6-5eb955ce1d37	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:59:40	71.495
-119	28910	1445500	67d56637-628e-430e-b91d-93c03fb05b53	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:29:36	868.384
-120	14456	1445600	04ea7634-9124-46c7-b90d-f75f86782085	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:27:10	-442.734
-120	28912	1445600	e4b7b5b2-4085-48ca-abe0-f92a9049885e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:40:42	18.163
-121	14457	1445700	91c326b2-e480-4795-a2f4-e532eea635e2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:17:54	-621.979
-121	28914	1445700	c10ea5e7-4f27-4715-9d68-a0275e67dddb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:04:01	-729.692
-122	14458	1445800	da9acd1f-a0ab-4b34-9a92-8dc5f82e2943	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:22:04	-201.811
-122	28916	1445800	b30a3392-297f-4aad-a085-af6fed747e03	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:49:40	-42.208
-123	14459	1445900	95f884c0-f443-4723-bb9d-69b689712ccf	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:46:02	-239.198
-123	28918	1445900	0995bc64-e922-4799-89cb-604a2ae0582b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:53:29	585.17
-124	14460	1446000	b0a28097-90e2-456f-94fd-581afa2cdf7f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:39:57	875.629
-124	28920	1446000	1890d1b5-4252-43e2-a55e-55c01ac250e4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:24:41	976.461
-125	14461	1446100	7f1504fe-41e3-42ca-a9a3-587ce917d5de	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:34:59	875.459
-125	28922	1446100	37219916-5f40-4dde-88e6-363307bea084	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:25:22	856.383
-126	14462	1446200	13c2cf99-2fbf-4eeb-88b2-16eb75606121	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:20:09	694.687
-126	28924	1446200	f4c493d9-526c-4976-ac95-1a9d7b142756	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:11:14	-338.422
-127	14463	1446300	711caa50-f6d4-458c-b877-8a29a75097ca	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:09:00	751.892
-127	28926	1446300	df3bfb4c-260f-4a33-9d78-5f08e007b313	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:39:52	-406.619
-0	14464	1446400	b767e3a6-3430-4de1-bd94-04ab1ba7a7a4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:14:20	583.865
-0	28928	1446400	32853932-8812-46f3-8c74-65f33f20226b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:27:54	272.2
-1	14465	1446500	09858253-5a6f-48b4-8e40-08011fb30187	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:18:08	-774.249
-1	28930	1446500	d64c32e2-ddd0-4b70-bd44-ec5ae94c93ad	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:59:15	-758.230
-2	14466	1446600	f10e9158-a356-4d1a-978b-771344fbe99f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:43:24	-599.203
-2	28932	1446600	a7556515-a873-45a8-a43a-016b47547993	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:18:29	-770.68
-3	14467	1446700	f23eae72-040f-477a-a668-d1925ccb5273	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:48:51	-514.591
-3	28934	1446700	c0b61593-c183-4d62-9902-063f0055e9f9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:39:47	763.459
-4	14468	1446800	71b3ddae-8420-4c16-9792-1a54c1650b11	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:00:13	-610.401
-4	28936	1446800	55e81354-09dc-4d0e-abae-26630b8fdfbb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:28:45	-437.476
-5	14469	1446900	29a929f0-e85d-43ee-b15d-b0f3b4974778	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:37:42	-63.339
-5	28938	1446900	79e7ff22-97c7-44e8-a148-af8b16925ca3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:09:41	-342.16
-6	14470	1447000	9f4f223c-9ece-4d85-881c-8c8cde9cace8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:25:56	63.708
-6	28940	1447000	dbd9b294-3e80-484e-b621-110a286a02bd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:08:49	-948.213
-7	14471	1447100	f1fb4c3e-17a6-413b-b116-e46f4e3ff9e6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:24:23	-529.439
-7	28942	1447100	fc41ca78-534b-4a16-b721-12c10b7ef3c1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:39:18	-339.50
-8	14472	1447200	3a5f5798-488e-4621-b81d-6a1c42875017	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:50:17	-555.474
-8	28944	1447200	b4ddd550-98e5-4a54-a779-c1a9c90331b9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:45:26	-125.473
-9	14473	1447300	2697d6d5-5139-4635-8c2c-50a8a654ebf7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:57:27	4.481
-9	28946	1447300	6b345174-558c-4328-90fd-92b76719ed93	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:45:40	819.940
-10	14474	1447400	3cf048b6-779f-4b92-9b09-fd9b0fb67a0c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:39:09	-804.729
-10	28948	1447400	ddb469a6-c646-4f61-83bd-bebafaa16457	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:22:41	-389.468
-11	14475	1447500	e0524927-e6e1-4cee-95cd-b169e281f49d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:37:32	-162.424
-11	28950	1447500	dcc7b311-7bf5-4825-8d9d-01ebd9155190	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:07:42	168.375
-12	14476	1447600	7e818f5e-71ae-4769-9e00-5e92f52c96a4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:16:31	-978.625
-12	28952	1447600	02ab4577-8141-43d3-ad28-20fc094eb3f6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:08:04	15.568
-13	14477	1447700	c04f8e4d-f907-49f4-b7e9-7e49406f937c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:58:59	384.240
-13	28954	1447700	5e3211b0-df85-4b2b-815a-996be389b70c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:15:28	-647.837
-14	14478	1447800	8bf42e46-fa95-4868-97a0-a0d65fd86551	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:55:57	198.613
-14	28956	1447800	93bd4d12-1553-4df6-8112-c3113be6e9ca	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:06:23	221.6
-15	14479	1447900	5064951c-2d64-4710-91e8-371611b5f013	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:34:28	324.908
-15	28958	1447900	99594eed-2980-4387-94d4-5dbb1d2e8378	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:42:05	147.906
-16	14480	1448000	2e854874-13be-45f1-969f-dd435341f1df	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:07:20	222.518
-16	28960	1448000	12b801bf-79b3-4832-a953-3c0d73767d58	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:44:01	719.833
-17	14481	1448100	89a5f1fb-040a-4d7b-9bf4-e00a4323cc43	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:44:54	-858.778
-17	28962	1448100	2584272c-ac6b-453b-b360-2bcfcc9350ea	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:46:59	-234.13
-18	14482	1448200	04fefcdd-7318-450f-9438-b244c681f71e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:48:02	48.286
-18	28964	1448200	e7be5236-ed1c-4969-a183-baadcf35caf7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:06:40	-855.679
-19	14483	1448300	5326b3ec-e988-4891-b671-e9fd960c45d6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:16:05	841.395
-19	28966	1448300	68c939cb-0f6d-4c55-966c-e94451028fa4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:23:51	-152.174
-20	14484	1448400	40e260df-fa96-4f74-8ed8-12a05ff1efaa	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:33:24	-292.783
-20	28968	1448400	416b0c2f-c1d5-4336-8345-af9f90b583cb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:26:38	-604.925
-21	14485	1448500	890e40f9-731e-4b2f-b138-bfee4934e652	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:00:59	-618.731
-21	28970	1448500	a2d9184b-8950-4185-a6d8-364c65226193	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:54:52	-35.52
-22	14486	1448600	37e0426c-8ae4-457b-b476-a2837dec7209	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:06:17	550.943
-22	28972	1448600	2c94b4c4-c9f0-467c-9a01-628a30c56959	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:50:09	-645.503
-23	14487	1448700	d462dad7-d840-44e1-ac69-c467c916ddd0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:53:56	365.349
-23	28974	1448700	e5c4a7a9-edcd-4225-9ac8-392afa350329	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:35:26	-458.540
-24	14488	1448800	2184b26f-92dd-43c8-86d3-9090751813a0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:48:02	174.401
-24	28976	1448800	2b76b384-8e88-440e-ab38-c696ee3efd8a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:19:53	961.403
-25	14489	1448900	8379bf49-771a-46e4-8a61-086b0d5886cd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:31:56	-712.32
-25	28978	1448900	0d5ba546-0688-443c-8ed6-1d0ceacfe243	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:02:50	-677.945
-26	14490	1449000	1eea9f14-5725-4f19-ab2c-8214e5c4c982	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:28:54	-163.286
-26	28980	1449000	f946b4ae-261a-4513-b866-7509e21fdd36	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:32:05	103.362
-27	14491	1449100	f6ff218f-01eb-4b72-a2d4-2c33fc5687b2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:44:23	885.868
-27	28982	1449100	4a0e9971-2ff0-4b04-97c7-13461e29e6e0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:25:01	-726.934
-28	14492	1449200	57083905-23fb-4bcf-9f6e-1f9c457bf3a9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:37:08	273.258
-28	28984	1449200	a8a8b18c-4e15-46bd-9a25-7d15c25acc2e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:54:28	-314.589
-29	14493	1449300	32a40dcc-1956-4ddb-a2d2-25db60bcc80d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:27:33	-277.105
-29	28986	1449300	432834b2-37e8-4b46-b918-a9621fdd59e5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:52:08	488.689
-30	14494	1449400	a455f63f-c078-4eb0-a938-a0974518b1a7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:08:40	86.197
-30	28988	1449400	53e03543-d942-4046-b0b0-78f417837d46	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:50:00	-582.669
-31	14495	1449500	0003dd5a-0b8a-47c3-b635-9de1d70a3e88	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:38:28	931.676
-31	28990	1449500	05e9e83c-e820-4fc9-b1f8-1317ffdb5786	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:20:11	686.952
-32	14496	1449600	fa9ad6b0-13c3-4597-8369-9c1e0d6961cb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:51:07	-389.329
-32	28992	1449600	e2d446a9-1ac2-470a-af44-4ab895b3d609	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:34:34	-456.165
-33	14497	1449700	b59569c7-eab7-4d15-90c7-1e7dcd38dccf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:45:37	183.508
-33	28994	1449700	5bf7daac-703f-4ef5-b609-eeb432d57397	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:59:08	671.181
-34	14498	1449800	da73e30f-6b54-4443-bf26-fe15b0d7aa7a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:51:44	883.270
-34	28996	1449800	c492e69d-4039-478d-9332-410a6bcf8562	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:08:52	-384.247
-35	14499	1449900	56347c7e-80f6-4edf-a0f4-0ddac36e21ac	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:38:56	-218.136
-35	28998	1449900	3fcda5d9-b4fa-435a-9012-56303f7196d0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:22:45	381.866
-36	14500	1450000	2ba72ff5-c816-46e8-8f46-016304ab86cc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:28:51	332.30
-36	29000	1450000	b5b41d36-908e-417a-a504-5274b896789a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:52:51	720.111
-37	14501	1450100	adc1bd87-fd03-4f33-98ad-3f21a56c1078	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:57:34	-116.788
-37	29002	1450100	8b39740a-5190-4ee3-af94-20ee7fbfa004	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:14:11	7.157
-38	14502	1450200	78780531-0ddf-40ce-86f3-97f1aa6a2d83	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:16:41	-860.490
-38	29004	1450200	169c33ac-0f61-4bd3-996d-4d99375e2f6a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:29:56	-254.304
-39	14503	1450300	a803771a-3c66-4118-85f5-150ce47656e7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:38:18	502.175
-39	29006	1450300	301eb3d2-db9a-4ac6-9db6-9069bec2f6ad	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:59:03	-833.602
-40	14504	1450400	21e3a965-0d12-410a-91eb-0f2258279bc5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:59:25	-967.194
-40	29008	1450400	03533bc1-81ae-4f53-83f5-4dc0e9a72255	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:34:20	26.548
-41	14505	1450500	3cb168bf-95d8-4b6e-8d0e-6efedac739af	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:41:37	293.992
-41	29010	1450500	0fba5148-ffbf-4b76-ada7-2e674d28aa3e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:40:07	430.471
-42	14506	1450600	785dfbe8-e48d-43f2-bda8-04b0c59aacc0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:05:01	-410.789
-42	29012	1450600	b1afce42-1248-48bb-a186-71a3ba48b8e9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:14:09	940.81
-43	14507	1450700	a8907de0-c095-48f3-9fc6-0932a1d98730	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:25:38	-95.235
-43	29014	1450700	83565fc2-1ba5-4a03-84c9-1806752ea105	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:54:41	-206.26
-44	14508	1450800	da6aa385-a617-4e31-aa20-af0e79354d8e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:04:48	-329.827
-44	29016	1450800	231c36e3-fc89-461f-926d-67b389577925	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:38:14	564.331
-45	14509	1450900	f3783237-11cf-40cf-8990-921bbf7512b1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:48:23	-76.260
-45	29018	1450900	7a4d1645-e409-4837-aaa0-471511131c35	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:33:19	-324.556
-46	14510	1451000	29f6865f-6cbc-4cc6-ac6c-70051b2ca8b8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:52:58	284.455
-46	29020	1451000	c756ee1b-af32-4892-9e7c-b5b363eb9610	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:30:42	617.535
-47	14511	1451100	3e7aed98-670d-43f1-8fbd-20a54db397d0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:39:54	-622.44
-47	29022	1451100	1463bd86-5198-4b64-8c32-c9c08a60ced1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:30:27	-988.294
-48	14512	1451200	9bfb82f4-7285-41f5-93ad-8bcadbce78f8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:04:44	-339.721
-48	29024	1451200	446faf02-9c35-4408-908a-ebe91b9a35d4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:04:32	-523.494
-49	14513	1451300	9caa00b6-9ad1-4b42-8533-0ea31908ce4a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:25:37	367.229
-49	29026	1451300	3fd53fcb-c403-4869-9b2a-8c1b1d3f92b0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:34:45	-610.578
-50	14514	1451400	8bce8da6-4f1f-48cc-be8a-183afa9e07b5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:07:05	-959.763
-50	29028	1451400	bf425fc1-7e2b-49d7-8f43-d44fdbaf1aa8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:33:31	539.345
-51	14515	1451500	0d586030-9ed4-476d-a22e-91d8932aca99	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:11:11	472.640
-51	29030	1451500	7938f05c-fe20-4f8e-9cf2-2cc45da3568d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:35:10	-832.339
-52	14516	1451600	0406c6b6-bc20-4ed5-8ed3-5655e98900a8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:34:42	883.120
-52	29032	1451600	59e2cfec-56c9-4006-823a-862b145bd43a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:22:34	-782.121
-53	14517	1451700	3cdddcbd-c854-4c83-8362-185110dc1393	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:46:05	-216.170
-53	29034	1451700	cf33598c-f585-40f3-9e98-396201c898ee	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:48:34	488.32
-54	14518	1451800	a827f3db-c1a9-4e14-86dd-e8ea3c52a6da	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:20:00	-858.481
-54	29036	1451800	94c96690-6a07-4895-82f3-4bc07050e425	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:02:53	318.954
-55	14519	1451900	4829b793-b819-465b-8db0-0ae5ffb09b4e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:37:27	171.996
-55	29038	1451900	8d28ff07-714d-41d1-be5b-0e58b8e3080a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:16:11	-271.193
-56	14520	1452000	f87c6bf7-f5d7-44ae-b0ca-c3106145df53	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:38:47	-610.74
-56	29040	1452000	00126124-9c17-49d4-b6f1-45b024e091bb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:53:11	-941.997
-57	14521	1452100	060c2752-dd33-4d0e-9d54-cf9a4ffc6c7f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:52:43	-957.200
-57	29042	1452100	598eb1f2-ec31-4ac2-8084-ed49b05d9890	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:00:30	202.290
-58	14522	1452200	451026e0-3dbd-40ad-9836-1f35b33cc09d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:52:42	838.433
-58	29044	1452200	7358025b-ef54-4fb1-8af6-bbc765438d50	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:17:24	-683.905
-59	14523	1452300	67e61505-0571-4964-992a-52b66fe71ffe	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:53:59	278.295
-59	29046	1452300	b44f324c-1021-45e7-a405-8811d6d52271	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:51:01	607.486
-60	14524	1452400	64034955-6fd8-409f-be5e-8381efeb7120	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:24:43	-341.669
-60	29048	1452400	410f9ff1-688b-4519-8439-42ab20c77ce6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:54:49	799.213
-61	14525	1452500	2414c675-b05f-4385-97b0-a03054c0397f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:52:10	319.259
-61	29050	1452500	a8065c77-96f0-4290-9170-0eb45a6d0b86	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:53:49	-575.773
-62	14526	1452600	27bea3b8-bc5f-4302-8edd-e5105004f87d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:47:08	664.870
-62	29052	1452600	5a1ff9a7-f55b-4d10-b15c-0b5073fc8d04	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:48:35	283.949
-63	14527	1452700	866988e6-870b-4640-ab6c-18a22bbca4e9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:54:15	19.565
-63	29054	1452700	fea31c14-5971-4921-86da-f81827c53ab8	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:44:59	-731.883
-64	14528	1452800	417a6e00-4f4e-4606-beca-4c5c2d4469de	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:11:48	-900.377
-64	29056	1452800	ff69cdc5-7293-4252-8190-10dd24a58839	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:11:33	-314.839
-65	14529	1452900	1c00873c-6f1f-425e-b052-320f0137570f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:36:10	-922.577
-65	29058	1452900	7671de55-5963-4422-9785-52a93852c24b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:57:08	0.78
-66	14530	1453000	f0f154e0-ad10-4f2e-9579-45cbfff11d2e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:02:28	662.815
-66	29060	1453000	5caf2654-218f-4ad1-a473-d1a41bf38eff	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:34:24	449.171
-67	14531	1453100	c0dc6c34-7283-4055-bee1-b016fd84337a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:07:41	966.869
-67	29062	1453100	c1917a62-7cb1-48f7-bbe9-e924b549b85b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:02:12	569.316
-68	14532	1453200	c7dfd49e-dab9-40b1-a081-0a74e73c7d7a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:03:46	-927.0
-68	29064	1453200	b787f9f7-9a5e-452c-b15b-a929281faf79	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:45:20	-739.328
-69	14533	1453300	969b5539-13a1-4001-a31a-19df862ed20c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:38:30	567.930
-69	29066	1453300	84486f74-4fcf-4ab1-8ded-47ed5ed0b35c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:48:41	109.213
-70	14534	1453400	0007f20e-4a2a-443f-94e1-e17f139daabc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:52:39	-788.160
-70	29068	1453400	48d42158-21db-438e-a4d7-c95bf24a3078	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:21:34	895.590
-71	14535	1453500	4b9aea15-c57c-4949-ba2c-bc793581d57a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:18:42	172.113
-71	29070	1453500	855c40f8-7c46-4d74-b400-658de728e5cd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:51:48	740.117
-72	14536	1453600	de57c962-7d18-488a-9cf2-b62e17f62728	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:06:05	-91.137
-72	29072	1453600	4fefd9a0-0e84-439d-b8b9-905260a59f47	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:05:57	935.601
-73	14537	1453700	8e8f05f2-493e-4e50-ade6-00e9caea087b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:15:03	-698.140
-73	29074	1453700	c492c8d4-9d86-4bb1-ae14-1f4d262ca725	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:28:05	28.72
-74	14538	1453800	3b81f95e-7a1c-49e3-874d-15fbf733f1f1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:04:28	163.430
-74	29076	1453800	243a3560-6850-4276-8399-5f7c39adf4b8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:15:14	120.511
-75	14539	1453900	764ebaa3-9cee-4750-aadf-e7e611ef6bce	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:20:40	-436.576
-75	29078	1453900	4d18ce73-9539-41ae-913b-82e6575b2393	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:24:06	913.190
-76	14540	1454000	9beda36e-a6d1-4525-a146-4b109ea596be	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:49:51	222.989
-76	29080	1454000	0d57de16-d3b9-4a4b-90d8-eee866198c57	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:08:09	498.789
-77	14541	1454100	29913da7-7505-479e-bc95-71a142cb30d9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:37:20	514.573
-77	29082	1454100	03e04814-1691-491f-a03c-78a98700d85f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:34:48	-349.538
-78	14542	1454200	b5b75344-499f-4135-b515-02bf2730842e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:11:35	622.138
-78	29084	1454200	6ea6f90f-d5fe-4108-9d5d-69f931ff84b3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:21:55	318.629
-79	14543	1454300	ee1b5e67-84d0-4a2f-ae51-5f14490647d9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:23:38	-17.804
-79	29086	1454300	cdbdf549-0b7e-4960-baed-282c488f1b27	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:26:41	607.211
-80	14544	1454400	fe2af9d3-877e-4fad-8e18-5e6f524ebcfb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:29:37	701.497
-80	29088	1454400	4a45711f-fb25-46c5-b8cf-58e43b212ac0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:19:29	-102.78
-81	14545	1454500	1450c956-19f8-4aeb-bce3-9a853dd08c65	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:50:18	-886.552
-81	29090	1454500	4d646ef9-2148-4309-bfef-7f58570c2e78	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:38:17	-601.591
-82	14546	1454600	5bec7cbb-965c-48f2-9f2c-aee396a5a61f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:50:15	24.684
-82	29092	1454600	88e19ec7-81ca-4a18-a34c-e4c5eacd8463	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:19:14	345.792
-83	14547	1454700	ddc08d09-e3a1-4ebb-b033-71c42d33c487	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:40:28	-369.244
-83	29094	1454700	2bfd3cf0-9f90-4efc-a832-0ef6d42dd420	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:56:50	388.265
-84	14548	1454800	cbd3a79a-418e-43da-b073-19f1b1d98521	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:26:17	237.236
-84	29096	1454800	1ecc1ca9-683b-40ca-a154-9b4daac13469	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:38:29	189.216
-85	14549	1454900	2b955c84-044c-4706-947e-61a4fc9ccca4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:20:35	250.81
-85	29098	1454900	57af50d1-7a10-406c-9b93-96d3ca810277	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:17:38	-758.424
-86	14550	1455000	57065d6a-f66a-4a57-8f2a-8c2da921c285	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:09:41	935.148
-86	29100	1455000	bfac2aae-6feb-4284-b44c-4cb7214958b4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:42:06	973.171
-87	14551	1455100	f429ae97-c715-42c8-acf6-2e9ed65fec7f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:19:12	-562.830
-87	29102	1455100	301a50b6-8e20-43ae-8219-4409c4622898	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:10:18	411.4
-88	14552	1455200	6fec35a7-2cd9-4f36-a6dc-38c4f2fff9cf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:12:43	25.594
-88	29104	1455200	e39ecfe3-2f5a-47fd-9bc7-89f798d79c44	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:54:03	722.789
-89	14553	1455300	586fcc20-c259-4d24-a91a-19adefe7c2f2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:08:43	-642.389
-89	29106	1455300	a4e9485b-ebd9-4225-afc8-89cc21806d46	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:40:23	664.626
-90	14554	1455400	85b65d92-b0ae-47c4-9831-2f1812ea1576	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:07:28	-574.665
-90	29108	1455400	78572f8b-39eb-4d69-87bf-605c5f607857	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:30:54	74.899
-91	14555	1455500	e563d512-0333-4230-bbb9-cbc28ffc6790	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:14:54	93.659
-91	29110	1455500	e6461cdf-829d-4d70-88de-1a5039a6297f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:37:14	993.179
-92	14556	1455600	30113b9d-56cb-41fc-835b-3eb61a1883ef	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:49:36	-347.251
-92	29112	1455600	822082ce-ab48-42bb-9887-7830b1f697ad	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:55:49	-511.474
-93	14557	1455700	b2baf997-4e48-4a6d-8a40-5052c9cd3401	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:07:27	-699.789
-93	29114	1455700	111c6e4b-19cb-48a5-820c-ff2cb1132d76	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:02:14	360.752
-94	14558	1455800	2f8b5878-e97d-492a-b58e-cccb1c140684	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:55:50	375.725
-94	29116	1455800	af0e8339-3d6e-4540-a62d-62ec2552bad3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:37:06	-54.304
-95	14559	1455900	b53ccad5-36b9-457e-849a-a570c4c1e907	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:00:26	-752.110
-95	29118	1455900	ccb88ea1-7761-41bc-999b-258d0f38c217	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:26:24	-997.327
-96	14560	1456000	99858180-9ebd-4355-a77c-f1e02f161227	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:18:34	-982.741
-96	29120	1456000	ec339435-4396-40d8-8ffc-9d0b799a6014	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:31:13	23.490
-97	14561	1456100	049a4a8d-d84e-4d92-8fec-38e483e6a9b2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:23:40	-344.445
-97	29122	1456100	28196026-3412-4428-a841-7622f5c71331	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:07:43	-645.459
-98	14562	1456200	0a58dec3-0b32-4a8e-9f37-0d528c93660d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:17:42	455.310
-98	29124	1456200	d154774d-a2a4-43fa-a39e-af0a9f76089e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:55:19	-200.505
-99	14563	1456300	b3d332c6-499c-4aea-a365-2feb47cd17aa	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:01:29	735.627
-99	29126	1456300	8c061eee-a527-4ad8-9662-4ba61782a9bf	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:38:15	136.621
-100	14564	1456400	7f739477-f898-4046-b8cd-38dd53860abd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:59:54	-450.516
-100	29128	1456400	54ce7719-55b6-40e6-ab44-98d0bda1b6f2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:37:39	-632.87
-101	14565	1456500	3699fa53-ef12-4987-a88a-1704b7c39d83	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:36:27	319.11
-101	29130	1456500	602123b3-fed4-484f-9168-17e44aaa0fe8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:12:59	263.543
-102	14566	1456600	c596f63b-fac2-432c-bcab-96fcb5393f51	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:05:41	-436.30
-102	29132	1456600	2a2d1713-ff1b-46af-b13e-aa45159d3a69	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:17:30	-45.634
-103	14567	1456700	ddb90b98-2e2b-4307-9662-a663815155e6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:16:38	-914.767
-103	29134	1456700	69674258-4706-48e0-aefb-be948b3c7dc0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:46:54	436.237
-104	14568	1456800	c5dec847-0979-4499-856b-c764ee121fdb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:06:15	892.675
-104	29136	1456800	dcedf7b0-ee36-44b3-83bf-0dc7d452c425	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:34:49	752.605
-105	14569	1456900	d9911614-c39b-467b-8193-91fae3869ec6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:43:25	-275.877
-105	29138	1456900	9ef74867-8747-49a3-9caa-546352576dcf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:41:24	-757.673
-106	14570	1457000	fe9ba4f4-95ed-4a59-9450-98cc13133b1a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:59:29	-402.498
-106	29140	1457000	48e76332-6e21-439f-8344-c7971106bfe8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:14:37	-160.317
-107	14571	1457100	fde4a400-b361-4952-8936-5f92d4f052bd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:32:45	-319.957
-107	29142	1457100	13838b74-8f76-40ad-9256-52e7dbcfc5c0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:43:02	328.157
-108	14572	1457200	529dde28-a733-42f8-811e-26d77f6c822d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:11:06	-393.546
-108	29144	1457200	60393d25-b00a-456f-b5ca-8534d29d13b1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:06:07	-512.696
-109	14573	1457300	b0873961-997d-4539-9d11-c2b2f882a956	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:27:02	-222.532
-109	29146	1457300	f2e483c4-0ae9-4c53-9edd-a158586c1b86	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:10:20	128.652
-110	14574	1457400	0ade339a-1b77-4f74-b7f0-d65a46b5ec00	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:15:48	-626.366
-110	29148	1457400	3016d246-3e9a-47ed-960f-455b75e4f125	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:14:11	470.766
-111	14575	1457500	f0720423-3761-47fe-ac2f-8570c777081b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:36:36	-106.538
-111	29150	1457500	9ed4de4f-9109-409a-b572-dd4fffac4d02	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:40:49	-93.466
-112	14576	1457600	06b245f2-1daa-4172-b70b-132f6fc24f16	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:58:17	881.39
-112	29152	1457600	0b4469de-b26b-485a-846b-586f23716013	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:37:45	-929.791
-113	14577	1457700	62c0a0e1-4a1a-48e7-a0fb-21272de9421e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:18:54	-662.246
-113	29154	1457700	c372e818-ecbb-4f4e-af13-f4641f181734	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:19:15	610.398
-114	14578	1457800	0d60a733-42fd-4ef3-b992-303c2d9a0412	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:51:57	870.149
-114	29156	1457800	ecf3a5a0-67a9-4737-b1a3-d64daaeefead	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:28:22	-636.768
-115	14579	1457900	e9ce94da-c5a9-4c43-bd15-5caa3927a7b9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:43:23	248.29
-115	29158	1457900	402175c2-e556-4a21-933f-7ac6b89f6572	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:25:35	-696.892
-116	14580	1458000	bbe41de8-def7-402a-98e4-e8c50e869cf2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:35:12	-447.802
-116	29160	1458000	94e67195-0b8d-45c4-821f-3e67c46bc1d9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:41:15	676.812
-117	14581	1458100	41b1a283-47a1-453d-a31d-64999f3a2541	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:44:14	-437.216
-117	29162	1458100	96eeee65-6de5-45f5-9459-28dbb4871cf4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:04:34	529.26
-118	14582	1458200	de59f4fc-3025-4028-92da-11c2fece8fd6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:06:12	68.364
-118	29164	1458200	fac11935-8d18-4146-8147-3c699ebad5d2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:48:36	-479.601
-119	14583	1458300	d501d38c-3bf7-4472-9523-88bb8fd7ef3c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:50:19	360.742
-119	29166	1458300	452d6d62-60bd-4298-bc76-391b047fb98a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:03:49	-769.843
-120	14584	1458400	2e54e275-d4b5-4c4d-a1e3-e49a6346fe0d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:31:11	-781.127
-120	29168	1458400	aec74fe2-e26a-430a-b162-20310971e51c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:41:15	-973.231
-121	14585	1458500	eb699ebe-d601-4e0b-995b-e664b858e4c0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:01:22	-742.291
-121	29170	1458500	82df6e48-2dce-49e0-bf49-fbbb7ebe5c05	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:59:39	-764.199
-122	14586	1458600	5079255e-f6be-477c-94ae-37195d5c5a44	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:43:23	-19.84
-122	29172	1458600	e0205974-f0aa-4932-8274-093b4d5e34d3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:06:00	518.295
-123	14587	1458700	72903f88-4aab-4035-af6c-90a13ec16233	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:07:03	-44.260
-123	29174	1458700	5bc26fe8-03e5-415d-a499-8fea8c381dd1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:35:19	-257.258
-124	14588	1458800	cd3db0b5-5e15-4ba8-8189-c9fe54052bf7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:51:37	751.740
-124	29176	1458800	d7334a23-8590-43cc-8246-8183fe4e22e2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:42:09	-47.478
-125	14589	1458900	2f68d4b0-4e1c-497a-b313-4b7c10914362	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:07:59	-211.778
-125	29178	1458900	c5496e8f-9792-41d0-8bef-f03299daef9b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:49:38	-134.458
-126	14590	1459000	d368656a-2302-4cce-abd1-df192da9adf6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:47:35	577.42
-126	29180	1459000	9de076cb-6caf-47e9-af26-7d4378168913	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:07:49	4.418
-127	14591	1459100	7cae61b1-d9ab-448a-b30b-570666d7796e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:36:59	-979.795
-127	29182	1459100	d9c3ef7e-7c5f-4a15-ad1d-157f4791803c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:29:00	-109.442
-0	14592	1459200	6eeb4b7d-f359-461e-a8bd-defaf7b07953	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:58:39	602.641
-0	29184	1459200	fb7ca327-730b-41da-894c-05e0dcd5898e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:07:27	678.282
-1	14593	1459300	39cec138-a20a-4443-97b4-ad4e70114b06	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:23:25	124.79
-1	29186	1459300	36476e91-834f-4295-8831-bcd08ca33620	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:55:12	60.792
-2	14594	1459400	05d06ecd-c6b6-486c-9303-e583b4f3d09e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:27:04	748.619
-2	29188	1459400	a2b0fd11-be85-40b8-b4ce-033a8d1f4db6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:46:16	327.332
-3	14595	1459500	cf2455dd-5672-4a13-80ea-4bd530508747	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:09:17	-744.822
-3	29190	1459500	501f8fb6-47fe-4a66-985f-dde2d31ab1ed	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:40:08	-108.329
-4	14596	1459600	99af213c-bee8-4b5c-99a3-3982c976decd	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:59:50	471.564
-4	29192	1459600	d818c7c2-2029-4af7-a23a-b738a7c824c2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:15:43	-773.408
-5	14597	1459700	ed81c0ac-90c2-42f9-ae80-fa7128b424bf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:00:52	-533.539
-5	29194	1459700	bb1d86f2-9ff6-469b-b160-3a70b76e220f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:38:27	-511.660
-6	14598	1459800	0f70061f-4d75-4a73-a7bd-afcce20048f3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:04:01	-693.629
-6	29196	1459800	71afd3ec-a4a8-4dd0-aea3-5862751ecce6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:27:01	691.163
-7	14599	1459900	7711162b-aec7-49b8-82f4-a4ced65d1152	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:48:14	580.340
-7	29198	1459900	eaad08fd-d02b-49df-a99b-b9c1db80f28a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:24:23	71.667
-8	14600	1460000	cfd6fe84-d8ae-404b-9ba3-c8c8a0fee4f8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:23:08	-274.485
-8	29200	1460000	6af97588-fae5-4031-b1bb-8c62c6d1e1d6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:08:42	-829.370
-9	14601	1460100	dab429a7-db25-4a43-9b90-a10d6d8e698d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:31:09	27.239
-9	29202	1460100	163e2e44-49f0-490e-bd6e-4466f6439a90	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:53:20	147.627
-10	14602	1460200	4233e650-85c8-455f-b1a3-8f78eb142502	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:27:21	-880.490
-10	29204	1460200	d329473f-1ad7-4f0f-9f8a-39dc8260042f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:59:18	-530.656
-11	14603	1460300	0a8d530f-e0d0-42f7-975a-929bbcf67bd3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:37:19	511.789
-11	29206	1460300	7c51616b-134a-42a4-8025-3078e7837d69	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:38:12	-748.477
-12	14604	1460400	bc79ffaa-0c13-45c4-8569-0aec6510ab90	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:43:18	364.403
-12	29208	1460400	43dc81f0-df45-456c-8776-5b845b335481	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:33:12	-663.520
-13	14605	1460500	279f9006-1465-4a4e-9c46-055cc1ca8f80	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:38:27	735.0
-13	29210	1460500	3713b32a-a598-44af-82ce-f15200f7bf1f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:10:34	66.624
-14	14606	1460600	848473b7-bacd-472c-b853-e6c085e9797e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:37:25	429.132
-14	29212	1460600	0a26c18c-05f5-443d-b74c-9b7782187c1f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:01:55	-989.986
-15	14607	1460700	3f1f9bb2-53d0-487b-8f6a-1da9305a4090	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:12:08	-448.229
-15	29214	1460700	591043b2-bc29-49cf-9960-3e58c15295c8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:45:28	323.987
-16	14608	1460800	9ecf5d8d-4df6-4516-ba0a-e74e228c76e0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:14:31	915.954
-16	29216	1460800	90da29bb-6213-43be-baed-b1fa23a484fd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:20:10	354.122
-17	14609	1460900	47815d8f-b2d2-4310-8df5-28ea53863d22	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:51:16	-807.70
-17	29218	1460900	5666afc6-225d-4e64-84e4-9bde2da870c6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:40:20	722.106
-18	14610	1461000	5d438f42-c9cc-43f2-af42-755567f4ca11	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:42:21	476.5
-18	29220	1461000	5b0f268c-c7b4-4513-b64f-85f7f3cff189	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:52:57	433.521
-19	14611	1461100	ff420147-3451-4d9d-9338-2c036128eb0a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:08:01	-363.250
-19	29222	1461100	50397f3b-e6d3-4b99-be23-17be17865f1f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:15:21	-868.123
-20	14612	1461200	928e2464-0019-4a13-a4d3-0549e2113e38	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:10:26	-194.981
-20	29224	1461200	4af852a8-812d-48ef-9193-81347f531e10	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:42:14	210.558
-21	14613	1461300	76b662b7-8407-4c8f-b0ff-aaeacd4b118b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:27:54	-551.580
-21	29226	1461300	306d035b-fbe4-425c-832d-b3acf866cd54	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:18:42	-182.569
-22	14614	1461400	81fa62c8-efb5-4239-af98-252b8d69b913	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:36:46	-937.717
-22	29228	1461400	7ca4675d-4adc-476f-a52c-fb225ef62664	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:05:00	-608.700
-23	14615	1461500	525b9de1-b94c-4074-80b2-9c36b6694e7d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:24:27	961.749
-23	29230	1461500	49fed0a7-1917-434f-a9ad-7696f936a4ac	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:03:50	883.430
-24	14616	1461600	123a46fb-9d1f-44d9-bf42-16df3f716d60	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:47:27	353.792
-24	29232	1461600	8d83fcb1-42ab-4300-aff9-d7ee69ac1eed	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:14:51	531.251
-25	14617	1461700	8b65896d-4208-402b-ad44-e25af777e928	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:27:56	-536.834
-25	29234	1461700	7014acd9-de75-48f5-9fc8-e0dc3db92443	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:06:55	239.647
-26	14618	1461800	eb1c2975-34a3-459a-9850-177b3df13024	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:58:55	682.745
-26	29236	1461800	337b5a6b-2c42-402c-9857-dcdd83f22333	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:39:34	993.340
-27	14619	1461900	25edcda2-c72a-445f-9906-6b4475c999f5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:21:05	-609.960
-27	29238	1461900	359a9e2b-946c-4d68-a55e-4811aa169eae	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:24:47	876.295
-28	14620	1462000	5cfbe93e-138a-4b41-a6b1-a67a2513ca73	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:02:15	-105.826
-28	29240	1462000	5363b121-ee31-42bb-8819-3610449f7f4b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:58:00	738.50
-29	14621	1462100	82d2993d-7d57-41dc-a614-8b038cf0da2a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:21:35	225.533
-29	29242	1462100	7b6dafda-2b78-4b65-901c-5fbb19e5fb96	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:06:38	975.649
-30	14622	1462200	4d076c46-e677-4483-9566-b877df3182a4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:29:15	-958.577
-30	29244	1462200	a86fff9b-3bb5-49e0-9a95-6f4f77d9b974	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:09:43	529.254
-31	14623	1462300	facc460c-5bd5-4853-9ad4-0519d10a9408	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:26:39	310.995
-31	29246	1462300	d60ed7cf-9c46-4c51-b3cc-a865c4ea7681	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:04:15	676.421
-32	14624	1462400	0b44ecb1-9b10-4a65-9e13-97882188e649	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:05:09	-416.335
-32	29248	1462400	9e0a6574-85b4-4ec9-899c-ec6d59d021eb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:19:05	-94.82
-33	14625	1462500	236dccc4-b541-4f9e-8c58-19f0c3cd83de	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:40:16	328.576
-33	29250	1462500	42688881-72cb-4944-a6db-31433cfeb6da	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:44:59	232.24
-34	14626	1462600	14d56c1a-a3d4-46a0-af1b-126f740aa397	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:46:21	-23.29
-34	29252	1462600	85c9c8ab-c82d-4f02-ab40-4e516130d2cb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:59:42	-20.647
-35	14627	1462700	b9f88a61-1ed8-4370-b9a3-062cd75fb531	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:30:32	760.870
-35	29254	1462700	a2f90077-c0a6-405b-a962-bed94ca66799	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:36:42	911.724
-36	14628	1462800	745a5ddc-d526-48ce-8463-9f26815a2de2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:43:52	-171.234
-36	29256	1462800	cbfcfc64-e421-4bea-91c2-652339a1c43e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:31:46	129.864
-37	14629	1462900	d6237b46-188d-4c20-96e2-4c6bc7fa197f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:34:43	-795.420
-37	29258	1462900	18aeaf52-0fca-4509-9bfb-d8a2ecf327a9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:29:52	572.181
-38	14630	1463000	5a84d639-c7b4-4725-9263-2714e2b0407e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:04:22	521.92
-38	29260	1463000	ca5bca1e-c407-4953-a4a8-d194811979ac	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:37:03	-209.804
-39	14631	1463100	bfa21b6f-b8e7-4028-af4b-19dcebe4a73b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:14:55	-271.345
-39	29262	1463100	47dee14f-9001-4a74-90ce-d0fab30225ca	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:56:14	442.850
-40	14632	1463200	1bd065e8-9b6a-46fa-aed7-b29c10de6467	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:08:49	-431.426
-40	29264	1463200	c06fdcdd-6084-4c12-8b11-e48c7fd9f972	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:10:33	636.303
-41	14633	1463300	18fcbb7e-63ce-4b04-a2d4-1e35763a21bb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:23:13	-664.653
-41	29266	1463300	3ecfa09c-5b56-4883-9811-dce4a45f5c4c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:53:29	438.738
-42	14634	1463400	69ba9585-7610-42ec-be18-490418864f7c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:45:44	-430.643
-42	29268	1463400	5424e46f-bf51-4b32-a366-8f21f6099442	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:37:45	186.804
-43	14635	1463500	cc430924-badc-4a26-802f-7bd22b7bd1b3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:30:59	-45.590
-43	29270	1463500	2e6bdf50-07a8-4fc8-b071-970e26bfebbf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:04:46	-961.65
-44	14636	1463600	519ba7ea-4058-4b51-9155-9776475001ce	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:11:19	894.126
-44	29272	1463600	71384049-835b-4d6d-a6ac-e0fe524b650f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:41:17	-824.497
-45	14637	1463700	9e8f01dd-3d1b-41f0-904f-84167371aa7f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:26:21	-819.802
-45	29274	1463700	37a7c01b-6914-4089-988c-b1008e171d3e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:18:13	784.442
-46	14638	1463800	4cc9b4a9-5592-41a3-861f-5fa6f3e24d44	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:40:24	-31.449
-46	29276	1463800	6f493b18-02fa-449f-ba16-0735b7aeea49	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:10:17	916.414
-47	14639	1463900	d27792db-b50a-4fd8-9871-2552758618e4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:15:14	-80.396
-47	29278	1463900	8bb67ad7-7951-49f4-b96b-338a20e447ba	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:27:33	-442.273
-48	14640	1464000	c5dff16e-8944-46d6-ade9-8d63de013036	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:33:53	-126.521
-48	29280	1464000	3182b9af-41e7-4a68-bcf9-c7803e80e33c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:54:37	-192.816
-49	14641	1464100	c4e11e58-e1a9-4472-9d45-7dc811b4f717	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:28:52	-426.698
-49	29282	1464100	f1e51bc9-32d2-4769-853f-280efa602522	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:30:36	-299.865
-50	14642	1464200	0eb79d4c-483b-4019-aa60-f01e203af6be	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:03:17	261.694
-50	29284	1464200	4440919b-c738-49b2-bd81-0272dc5aa43d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:03:45	-467.137
-51	14643	1464300	e75afc08-c0ef-4629-91d8-38206532a495	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:17:45	-461.285
-51	29286	1464300	e7606228-98c1-4677-a869-3c04a69c52df	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:42:21	142.355
-52	14644	1464400	85077393-8034-4145-9caa-4106fdc647e7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:26:10	541.369
-52	29288	1464400	5bd6b2d8-7998-4be2-8ee3-61875ac530ee	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:06:32	121.29
-53	14645	1464500	41fedb60-126a-4b8a-9de3-8310aaa1c237	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:21:18	191.114
-53	29290	1464500	05999da9-a3ba-4b5b-8d13-d7ec4e4b27e0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:15:36	967.559
-54	14646	1464600	31fadb4c-b5cd-4e67-850a-acfc3d225bad	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:14:44	421.115
-54	29292	1464600	ba585088-2262-48c7-a816-9b2f12959612	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:35:53	926.619
-55	14647	1464700	501a532b-4089-4021-bb2e-8bbc6d946f82	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:32:51	532.303
-55	29294	1464700	e284de12-d5ee-4158-a3dd-615c89bd9e33	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:22:51	686.407
-56	14648	1464800	54aca8ce-1189-4edb-a56a-ed72dda48075	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:17:10	-618.715
-56	29296	1464800	3ee6145c-2415-4bd9-bc7c-1bde46a06954	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:44:25	832.897
-57	14649	1464900	ee78e7d7-a2fa-4c66-8952-cfa49f35b80d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:57:47	-107.118
-57	29298	1464900	f41d0727-e086-4c96-8ae5-00c31c86f4d1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:57:32	571.444
-58	14650	1465000	cace549d-e284-426f-9bbf-63fb39b9ad7f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:01:52	-332.428
-58	29300	1465000	9cb099e1-8b76-454c-ac81-a9fb9f89dead	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:35:09	624.787
-59	14651	1465100	d30d4e10-39ba-4388-8412-6a815f0c54a2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:19:07	-826.343
-59	29302	1465100	dfc92b4e-84b3-400d-a186-1df07d9244e5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:30:44	-930.143
-60	14652	1465200	85731323-bb93-4721-87c6-1c3a5ef2e473	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:04:00	-311.600
-60	29304	1465200	60558699-a57b-4eef-b72b-8ba958c93786	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:52:55	822.513
-61	14653	1465300	9e7b8d10-f1b0-46c7-86d4-dc932038c27b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:24:03	-749.857
-61	29306	1465300	4f26efd4-997e-453e-b2d3-fd7db76f8128	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:10:13	897.918
-62	14654	1465400	da64ba05-2244-4e95-b710-5716dec0f743	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:04:11	147.75
-62	29308	1465400	a704bfad-7b3d-4128-b19f-6ba30a20d12e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:46:55	-413.757
-63	14655	1465500	fc664bd0-b89a-4657-9683-71768477bcc6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:09:13	-130.661
-63	29310	1465500	1593e048-f81e-4d4c-b3f7-cc3ec02ad562	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:13:42	936.237
-64	14656	1465600	7dd67011-3c09-485a-acd7-a0ad459c7533	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:05:35	645.488
-64	29312	1465600	d487cc4b-41b3-457d-b538-596bbff6de98	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:27:11	130.458
-65	14657	1465700	cb3ca0ce-4f94-4e59-b399-9ebe27ad3afd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:24:28	547.305
-65	29314	1465700	5f29f03d-d166-4424-acd2-7987b0dcb85a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:44:07	-159.415
-66	14658	1465800	72989c0f-2d58-40eb-9844-8e4d6cc19548	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:24:23	559.461
-66	29316	1465800	c168fd30-086f-41fb-b88a-7f4af2804fe2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:47:11	685.173
-67	14659	1465900	1f456c67-7b5b-4617-9a87-d262cb8d4fbe	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:13:17	-151.126
-67	29318	1465900	cb805bae-6ec2-4c30-bbc6-49daf61d0dd1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:57:15	-212.174
-68	14660	1466000	e3ba61d2-707a-4c9e-950f-b55070331e15	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:18:03	-677.73
-68	29320	1466000	e7f45871-2f00-42bf-bd3d-22530e9ff304	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:53:30	142.72
-69	14661	1466100	806757fd-55da-46c4-96b3-758adb35d764	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:02:50	-35.243
-69	29322	1466100	5bb72347-82d7-4b1f-822a-0dc988f4076a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:12:42	-329.822
-70	14662	1466200	db124711-b515-424d-a4ff-a1acb4652144	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:55:37	708.480
-70	29324	1466200	57510c3b-f29f-46e1-967f-122cd87a7393	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:37:36	-327.74
-71	14663	1466300	0022678e-2586-48a9-8852-a2f03d707ba7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:49:22	-187.759
-71	29326	1466300	eceb9002-fc05-4a8e-8b5e-fbdee306ee2b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:42:34	782.108
-72	14664	1466400	690cb500-e96e-4730-b8ad-6a9f963ef607	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:08:17	765.322
-72	29328	1466400	9744c88c-c37d-4b5b-aedc-4dcfe107032d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:18:17	-732.163
-73	14665	1466500	85af4a60-518c-4d7b-a024-d6fb59755689	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:04:58	-422.269
-73	29330	1466500	4a10d8f2-9bfe-409e-b12c-37917503a946	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:14:09	-396.505
-74	14666	1466600	b9ed987d-1b67-4459-beba-2d8cf9036352	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:18:46	-854.155
-74	29332	1466600	176ee8e6-22b2-4a93-8d6e-edd2417678df	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:13:11	-705.11
-75	14667	1466700	3d758f91-fe73-4cb4-bcaf-a98e0765a0a8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:22:34	-547.594
-75	29334	1466700	21ce515e-13a7-475a-b825-4ffe206bcad3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:20:42	372.589
-76	14668	1466800	d2653c30-408b-4b05-b2cd-0f4fcccf4b15	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:54:38	573.533
-76	29336	1466800	56c1f5a5-c2de-44aa-a55e-b4d0787f2df8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:58:23	-632.127
-77	14669	1466900	57e785b6-ab59-41a0-ad02-1d41f95d01ae	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:17:32	611.224
-77	29338	1466900	b5d0f41c-c145-4294-8082-a4e3fd38835e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:16:26	-321.733
-78	14670	1467000	06186608-7691-4a6b-9d57-0b996b6452f8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:11:12	-180.386
-78	29340	1467000	c4212a02-eb35-44bc-97ac-6535081476fa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:44:05	208.33
-79	14671	1467100	93426bd3-0683-4e4e-a6ce-cfd90503607e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:22:45	496.463
-79	29342	1467100	ae9ca56e-c6bf-4505-9e87-e91cd8f58a4d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:33:49	-367.740
-80	14672	1467200	7d8c0241-a9ca-46f8-bed9-1b5d7baccb41	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:06:52	239.579
-80	29344	1467200	36dbe68e-889d-4130-bb88-081c8a22399b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:49:38	-434.713
-81	14673	1467300	783020b8-5c14-406a-b16a-decff1309ca9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:37:48	9.746
-81	29346	1467300	0faf5fc8-a29a-45ee-a025-c5215db0f057	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:59:10	-463.242
-82	14674	1467400	a9664d47-2c5d-4236-892d-6f6a3d376737	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:44:41	936.29
-82	29348	1467400	a04a142c-dac5-445b-997e-5cd1a0503084	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:51:15	85.678
-83	14675	1467500	87e3a253-2c6c-46f1-922f-75ab4457a7cb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:59:50	-821.114
-83	29350	1467500	1137ee9b-42a7-45db-bb86-d10b0aaafd88	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:36:00	-446.547
-84	14676	1467600	ec40fb48-bcdc-479c-93b5-e50b6e98d165	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:53:58	835.716
-84	29352	1467600	99bafa1e-460a-4a11-a68d-e8ceb7ce99fb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:59:49	-651.493
-85	14677	1467700	385c45f9-255e-46bf-a024-2a39d7e42add	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:49:10	993.898
-85	29354	1467700	60a99ecb-2842-4fdf-b084-22c6c2af6a37	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:44:17	548.704
-86	14678	1467800	ac6bdad3-5312-45d5-b833-019814ac854a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:33:22	-288.417
-86	29356	1467800	2a559cef-b376-4cbd-a6e2-a22921ea6919	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:42:01	566.59
-87	14679	1467900	c340ccf7-436d-4afc-b947-b7db1c987f26	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:26:34	-517.916
-87	29358	1467900	abd0a539-45f3-407a-947e-7eb914749e1a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:07:00	-78.339
-88	14680	1468000	f7d4380b-50ae-4938-910f-912620d25b8f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:18:09	-560.310
-88	29360	1468000	b1d86b27-bb00-4baa-9865-85490dd29b45	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:21:57	-860.879
-89	14681	1468100	5b85c36e-45af-4cdf-b2b0-d5643183d9ee	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:19:57	-408.972
-89	29362	1468100	8da7e07f-fdce-41cf-b959-608903032f37	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:38:36	241.659
-90	14682	1468200	77e7f15a-2488-4888-8ea0-acd7cc11aad5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:02:15	-532.831
-90	29364	1468200	195c4b31-b2ed-4aa9-9746-3326854a6d1a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:01:20	-914.210
-91	14683	1468300	03712689-4102-4b94-a420-6f2b014b7967	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:44:51	-427.368
-91	29366	1468300	1aaa5529-f486-4dd4-bf7c-24b7b48ecfc5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:46:26	-267.846
-92	14684	1468400	523a17e5-c3cf-480e-8c5c-990d210f1bf5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:17:33	-818.233
-92	29368	1468400	0ab26633-5f86-4309-a859-722285a88510	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:28:27	-391.414
-93	14685	1468500	9f34fce8-d8fa-48e1-abbf-d811ab5a9b74	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:13:28	880.346
-93	29370	1468500	45113da0-ad38-4f9d-8145-d03d0f4df77d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:23:21	694.750
-94	14686	1468600	1eddd26b-eba5-4131-aecd-fb9e12303855	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:53:50	-621.928
-94	29372	1468600	2a20f8b2-6a61-4352-a0a5-0c0030b23de6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:24:45	151.428
-95	14687	1468700	faa245a7-6c60-45e6-ae0a-b470e274c61b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:16:38	962.449
-95	29374	1468700	99b59506-0622-403c-8bf6-fb1a0b8e870f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:20:22	688.422
-96	14688	1468800	53a31422-1096-4d9d-923a-973ed408e743	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:17:53	-600.904
-96	29376	1468800	eedb350d-ce25-4475-beec-cb48e08a28dc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:45:51	-507.224
-97	14689	1468900	6030d500-fada-496d-b389-5c8156b47ab0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:21:01	-117.125
-97	29378	1468900	f57d9550-11ca-46c4-a4b5-b7f066e3060d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:54:34	165.521
-98	14690	1469000	642dbaac-2ffe-49f5-b42e-8e40a4f1afa1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:11:53	-917.864
-98	29380	1469000	17eb0655-213f-4c7c-90c0-9735a31b0196	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:02:12	621.908
-99	14691	1469100	d26334cb-d616-46ab-ae2e-888747c5be07	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:59:51	-351.830
-99	29382	1469100	b32eb02b-b444-4dc9-abcc-fa44376de036	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:49:06	698.330
-100	14692	1469200	9a6de887-2878-4b7b-8409-8b342794d76b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:16:27	-968.264
-100	29384	1469200	cb3044dc-7a04-4469-9507-5e47d431c9c0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:11:07	-116.327
-101	14693	1469300	70a93269-a68d-4dbf-b1a2-372bccbacd30	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:30:10	342.228
-101	29386	1469300	edfb837e-79c8-4e92-8a42-b39213b1ed0c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:14:36	-88.543
-102	14694	1469400	89fdaa2a-ee8f-40d0-b836-3dfbb4658da9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:25:39	420.677
-102	29388	1469400	d94808d7-c9c7-40a3-bb27-086c4581991d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:09:38	113.57
-103	14695	1469500	6b741322-e31e-4fd4-85f3-23e71684d460	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:50:15	-131.213
-103	29390	1469500	5895e022-b675-40f0-b1c1-97eb156cf5d9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:33:34	-398.508
-104	14696	1469600	c73310bf-a205-41a4-8f96-e65b8ff3c107	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:59:13	283.925
-104	29392	1469600	3b953d40-1ec9-479b-b9a3-15b3720ea1aa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:54:49	939.486
-105	14697	1469700	85b9533d-7121-40ac-a3f5-1ad6b4cdccf2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:13:16	857.309
-105	29394	1469700	12ea4a97-400b-4bd1-9c95-b2a5122e660c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:53:31	-516.308
-106	14698	1469800	bbab0ea2-06e2-40bc-a601-1394398149b9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:30:37	-1.980
-106	29396	1469800	2811d790-dbf6-4635-9067-d53255851806	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:01:28	-418.84
-107	14699	1469900	b897faef-f946-4d64-8d57-116e2714d366	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:22:36	167.132
-107	29398	1469900	eeff9dcd-3952-4d4e-9e0c-6cb588967391	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:24:37	726.228
-108	14700	1470000	667ca4da-a7e7-4674-a772-4b61c289996c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:37:44	284.38
-108	29400	1470000	0dad3449-d254-4cad-86c3-d5494d2b3108	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:19:16	-580.859
-109	14701	1470100	5d959233-90ca-40a3-9c21-7aafefe9c359	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:32:24	-103.454
-109	29402	1470100	8d6346d6-e486-41ce-83e2-5df652b6e438	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:51:23	854.502
-110	14702	1470200	ada1887b-4de1-45c9-8eb6-6d3f30b42d5a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:08:18	-291.503
-110	29404	1470200	026231c5-1e92-4965-a78a-3ca58cc90dec	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:35:43	733.363
-111	14703	1470300	a535af0f-6875-498f-844e-4c1248885a4a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:29:18	-653.183
-111	29406	1470300	bb3b07fc-f33c-4868-8d0b-ff37023d1814	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:07:53	-577.488
-112	14704	1470400	68e51053-bc6f-48c7-be0c-08e27c14ded0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:16:37	362.498
-112	29408	1470400	09b829a8-33ec-4aee-aadd-d25b47d3e355	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:51:59	903.964
-113	14705	1470500	8ed4560e-6701-47ba-8e32-1ecc109f18ea	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:30:04	-341.745
-113	29410	1470500	90e8caf8-92c1-4e45-a49c-deb861e901a8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:34:52	-586.664
-114	14706	1470600	cf4b4b41-acf5-4c42-acc1-14d4f934383a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:01:10	-792.115
-114	29412	1470600	1a56f219-20ee-43b7-9f06-26fb3f41a7d0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:49:27	444.901
-115	14707	1470700	23aa4840-9827-4cc2-b5dc-7cbb35ec0b7e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:55:11	-96.736
-115	29414	1470700	d2ebb0c2-4dfc-4ee1-90dc-aa7a46f7b1e9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:31:18	462.275
-116	14708	1470800	e904d945-e3d7-46ee-b262-15e450b21f9c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:52:45	-924.695
-116	29416	1470800	2c915a86-09ee-4627-9413-d8ea0536a301	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:49:25	528.188
-117	14709	1470900	ec90aeda-2494-44db-aed2-5d9591221d6c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:27:14	-638.955
-117	29418	1470900	3408d0d3-279e-4cc0-a78b-a5d97a13842c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:23:28	510.467
-118	14710	1471000	f7df8fe6-cef5-467b-b09e-2a9116a3b087	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:11:34	-75.337
-118	29420	1471000	190a6bb3-6a32-4c6d-8b93-2653f65e1a4d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:52:37	216.429
-119	14711	1471100	82e8c92c-169b-489b-8d7d-93976d8f62cf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:38:48	930.310
-119	29422	1471100	879f0121-001e-470a-9b6a-b2787337df08	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:45:02	998.25
-120	14712	1471200	1d6461d6-6c51-4ec4-ae26-8c892c49ae97	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:59:44	714.779
-120	29424	1471200	b0102701-d207-452a-b470-f40f0bc88e0c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:24:25	338.387
-121	14713	1471300	a598f998-70be-4d2a-a6dc-794976cc9166	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:44:12	-280.342
-121	29426	1471300	d220f313-c04d-46c2-a12a-e6b763a9899e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:11:38	249.23
-122	14714	1471400	a2420b28-6a91-4179-91f0-6738f9e6361d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:27:28	324.679
-122	29428	1471400	034bcb3d-1377-4add-ae38-e3089b0b06af	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:51:53	-442.131
-123	14715	1471500	1b77d93a-9edc-45ee-a3b3-aa21c7c3773a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:09:46	-166.909
-123	29430	1471500	0b8dfc93-eac0-434d-96b7-372288f01a58	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:12:41	412.670
-124	14716	1471600	b0b1817e-7082-4aab-81d9-093f5a58c0b8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:36:06	407.121
-124	29432	1471600	762758a0-7d22-41ad-afdc-3ad19a58fe28	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:28:03	-743.545
-125	14717	1471700	a830c48e-cf63-450a-954d-a77f4424fa6d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:06:27	379.569
-125	29434	1471700	6aaa05e3-edd3-49e5-ab86-94cf293ce9dd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:24:37	-854.293
-126	14718	1471800	162a8166-4e38-4abc-87cd-212e894d5f07	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:40:14	747.771
-126	29436	1471800	78b8f6d6-cc30-4938-a0ad-8b83f7e0bf00	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:08:56	-49.364
-127	14719	1471900	eba6cac4-8f72-442a-a0af-f87ea0443360	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:02:13	553.417
-127	29438	1471900	e2ef2594-1ee8-4e1d-bed8-e003f54344eb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:40:16	-431.222
-0	14720	1472000	f313e46f-b1a2-4054-87d9-0287e6cfdbd8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:25:19	-990.723
-0	29440	1472000	518aef03-7f74-49cf-9a26-001a806ac588	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:40:02	769.545
-1	14721	1472100	ec896f2e-b740-47e5-b730-9c81618fc7d6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:23:35	-368.615
-1	29442	1472100	348b5624-4846-4bf8-8ab9-6426e62791d5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:47:19	978.731
-2	14722	1472200	f1256edd-bf4c-4e55-bdf8-f5c964ac132f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:18:33	-515.974
-2	29444	1472200	1a71a97d-e3e9-42b7-98e8-df1f7cfd3498	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:22:11	-364.388
-3	14723	1472300	a5ef4875-2a8e-4137-a333-fd7c1ec379ed	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:35:22	-878.134
-3	29446	1472300	039a35ff-ad4d-41c3-a1c1-e53113408acc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:43:37	907.909
-4	14724	1472400	d7707128-473a-491a-88b2-276dbbd337d9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:29:02	-174.590
-4	29448	1472400	5adc5c91-506d-484b-b84b-1a60023d59bf	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:51:14	379.521
-5	14725	1472500	6cd45a46-98ce-4eed-bf15-7d8a9746e160	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:05:02	74.500
-5	29450	1472500	02e9f6da-7984-40e7-a51b-fe3644919073	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:01:26	-123.298
-6	14726	1472600	fbede998-33af-4d53-a88d-f36a95d799ad	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:31:53	162.745
-6	29452	1472600	fcab9f02-cbcf-48d9-8d54-14c27f74a7d4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:17:22	-395.67
-7	14727	1472700	f321edb4-b2ba-49bd-8a31-b91743342da6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:36:53	-105.859
-7	29454	1472700	cc9caa45-c07a-49c6-8c73-48bad1786ad3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:49:16	220.126
-8	14728	1472800	a55f7e6c-17b6-44f4-bd95-27e455fa938b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:36:24	232.41
-8	29456	1472800	2bdc4170-e3f7-4252-92ba-6c05116b9868	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:18:18	871.903
-9	14729	1472900	84b51429-19dd-40ee-b392-127c069f7e22	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:52:27	-224.955
-9	29458	1472900	abf06196-4db0-4d3a-8342-5519a75dc3fe	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:12:16	-856.46
-10	14730	1473000	4b7d94c4-d838-47f3-9e15-885917c61dd3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:18:37	985.75
-10	29460	1473000	68d611aa-b493-46d5-aa7a-d2ed6bf88aaf	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:32:36	880.586
-11	14731	1473100	4cd0aedf-89b9-46d5-a91c-ab1e8e02a6f4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:24:00	184.136
-11	29462	1473100	146b1295-521e-4880-9b64-c0c1505a22ca	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:31:38	94.270
-12	14732	1473200	22516564-6752-4dbb-8cf2-1f40059d8152	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:35:14	-585.106
-12	29464	1473200	70d96485-230c-4e17-977e-f0aed2aac1e9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:41:39	611.864
-13	14733	1473300	0e0bbd66-55e4-493c-ab15-85ccf0895c25	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:53:28	-92.153
-13	29466	1473300	a0ad7642-39ac-4aa5-a6d4-84510f9de529	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:10:38	211.454
-14	14734	1473400	b5dae18d-bfda-4278-b666-4f91390d7ddc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:50:30	-129.539
-14	29468	1473400	91df100f-d884-4144-9742-85afb205c9f0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:50:31	522.136
-15	14735	1473500	b16640c2-97f7-4878-a03f-98553d7f317f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:37:53	517.627
-15	29470	1473500	2d8f32aa-c639-4104-a942-11a8509ccefe	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:31:27	835.250
-16	14736	1473600	fe8db3aa-99dd-4c8f-bea5-2ab261c209d7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:13:42	967.963
-16	29472	1473600	85dd1940-44e3-4684-9cbb-b1f18ce64bc0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:54:45	-764.892
-17	14737	1473700	a185c842-6e75-45a1-9dd6-7b4130c7b8b1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:06:40	987.112
-17	29474	1473700	e95d58c3-7ccd-4b42-ad61-8d83f43a4910	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:24:11	-221.304
-18	14738	1473800	c33ca14d-7b7a-4cec-aebb-4bd75eaedf86	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:19:10	-95.275
-18	29476	1473800	6528b574-e87f-42f2-8337-db992a7c6d99	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:07:41	824.880
-19	14739	1473900	d6af30a3-6693-4919-952d-641b7438e94e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:00:57	549.471
-19	29478	1473900	62db940e-9ef6-4fc9-b727-57664098c607	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:24:22	828.493
-20	14740	1474000	6d8b9eb3-a28c-4491-8f40-6c12edd2bbcf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:03:57	247.459
-20	29480	1474000	dbebe431-a9ef-4a74-b845-24de02924ffa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:19:04	-182.297
-21	14741	1474100	b426f44c-1b36-48a5-b5fb-84a8fd8dff2e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:11:28	-575.96
-21	29482	1474100	8fe21731-e59e-495b-a5a3-2f26c9be80cf	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:06:19	919.64
-22	14742	1474200	d4dc7235-bd94-48b6-9a75-3ed4807d2bdc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:07:22	-753.896
-22	29484	1474200	f1bcf4bb-13d5-484c-bd65-32ff45b76180	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:44:49	-638.599
-23	14743	1474300	d0a7a2af-3891-415c-9297-60ea935eee58	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:46:09	898.433
-23	29486	1474300	9cac1478-803e-4480-b68e-ff7c0d906665	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:40:49	680.272
-24	14744	1474400	8012ca26-bab6-4b01-b021-f4058f718af6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:36:56	55.653
-24	29488	1474400	b9f9c433-a322-45a3-be3d-7f57cfffaa60	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:39:37	273.716
-25	14745	1474500	8bd448f6-799b-4216-b6bf-bb3c4837225d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:10:40	-154.626
-25	29490	1474500	2fcd4691-2ba3-4dad-81cc-3569f3a99ea9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:04:37	-748.892
-26	14746	1474600	86bee94d-b3d9-45a0-8559-9ebe6d585c0f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:31:14	-68.603
-26	29492	1474600	c211ccf5-fa0f-4ad6-9276-5835888177c7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:50:58	-464.118
-27	14747	1474700	69dc23f9-925e-4a4e-8865-1a6b4614181e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:32:10	-868.29
-27	29494	1474700	52a16ced-0514-490b-ab12-af0b4fe8fd23	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:58:35	-483.413
-28	14748	1474800	2fab66da-d295-4290-904c-a70aee6b79a9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:01:18	73.497
-28	29496	1474800	34087d40-e388-42d1-86d7-f8cfbbe7745d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:46:26	-39.200
-29	14749	1474900	e785edcf-fa78-4019-baac-35b08d203e99	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:55:42	484.192
-29	29498	1474900	fbb36e16-4dac-412b-a94b-173ac57d9f70	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:39:24	-42.627
-30	14750	1475000	09e435b7-6f1e-4722-bfb5-89085ecc7ae7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:16:45	183.109
-30	29500	1475000	fa0cdfea-29b5-4a46-b059-e5dbc0c6fad0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:33:47	-886.237
-31	14751	1475100	7cd5b049-4d0b-46ca-afe8-cb96a39043f7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:15:39	-710.329
-31	29502	1475100	60cc40b0-2c2c-4e03-bf9a-f41adc51f5b4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:46:36	-540.60
-32	14752	1475200	d2c77682-82e8-48c6-856c-28a3173262e5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:22:21	-392.245
-32	29504	1475200	07a6cc51-18b0-43bf-b9ad-a84d7f15dbbb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:15:47	-543.29
-33	14753	1475300	e6f29323-2194-4bb2-b2bf-2777e7b92619	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:58:11	891.140
-33	29506	1475300	2fc5bb4a-6ab3-4f71-a9ca-fec7321d4037	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:00:10	-35.586
-34	14754	1475400	544a2fd2-efbb-455d-866c-72ee00be6947	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:55:10	-784.85
-34	29508	1475400	236028d2-4a01-4e7e-afa3-256a4e5e9a2f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:21:04	-115.977
-35	14755	1475500	3aae0103-6697-4740-ac0d-144886ab34e7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:19:23	373.450
-35	29510	1475500	b519dd76-d518-4b53-89fe-e8e0b9b0f20b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:47:06	-591.70
-36	14756	1475600	62b19e89-2b88-43c8-8e3c-62e9491ef19a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:57:28	946.16
-36	29512	1475600	76bcacbd-148f-455a-9364-f54fddb7186c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:20:34	-969.860
-37	14757	1475700	2753ffad-b8c8-4295-8806-926bd752a357	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:46:18	-963.815
-37	29514	1475700	b2d79de6-def7-4e77-a85b-cedcce28fd4c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:11:24	869.421
-38	14758	1475800	cb3bdaf0-0c49-4982-bcbe-8a6ac2c6c115	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:12:44	-88.998
-38	29516	1475800	f3f3e900-0738-474f-9667-3c83db681f9f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:17:05	256.867
-39	14759	1475900	dc737f7d-27db-4edd-afea-e9aabcd8ed84	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:20:19	152.422
-39	29518	1475900	cb41cec1-458b-45a4-af97-c773d48a61d3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:16:14	977.663
-40	14760	1476000	8e1983f5-56a3-4443-a013-0112a181ff64	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:31:56	147.927
-40	29520	1476000	5030ee21-8ebd-4080-bba7-05720b90f3c9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:33:25	957.284
-41	14761	1476100	68d3aae4-9746-4cb7-8c4d-3e23be9f720e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:34:00	-319.824
-41	29522	1476100	f228b077-c009-4e09-949d-517c81c3862a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:36:58	-389.133
-42	14762	1476200	984ebac9-b200-4c68-8df5-2a63a5e79ded	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:55:39	295.403
-42	29524	1476200	0a7d1396-f5e4-4080-b916-177cc674ffb8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:07:52	-240.676
-43	14763	1476300	d0693dcd-8cc8-4fa5-8cf3-d3053f561c34	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:47:42	-637.208
-43	29526	1476300	ed2c784b-4d5f-4a17-9468-e27b15e311c2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:38:00	138.933
-44	14764	1476400	ea5fa7e7-bc1c-4589-a0b8-6e2262f1db81	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:54:46	256.141
-44	29528	1476400	23c986a2-79f3-4aa0-a612-3a96945e2ae5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:42:12	602.12
-45	14765	1476500	0cae0b53-09ce-4be6-9f5e-164b25092e6c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:29:15	-148.749
-45	29530	1476500	5ec07dc7-16ab-498a-b6e3-3586e18b7d41	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:34:03	-741.247
-46	14766	1476600	783a3d42-ece0-4c78-a8c7-9fca7a9a506b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:18:08	-107.705
-46	29532	1476600	32a85476-a592-46d7-9284-fd52c724b311	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:46:06	875.184
-47	14767	1476700	d520b659-549f-4d52-8b4d-3800560bebed	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:25:17	-778.421
-47	29534	1476700	ac18cde7-6308-4e0c-b7ca-9627464b2734	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:30:46	-479.877
-48	14768	1476800	84ad45c7-097c-4f8a-af49-3961dcd6a06f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:08:27	-920.812
-48	29536	1476800	5c127bcf-d3f1-4a91-83fb-442aa736062e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:48:13	679.218
-49	14769	1476900	49a2c93b-0fde-4f89-ad74-c8b114ef6dbc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:28:31	-278.137
-49	29538	1476900	38c006a7-4074-44c4-9e53-c44959f39568	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:50:41	929.413
-50	14770	1477000	cd28d4f4-6386-445d-b386-8e31b066dc07	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:07:05	-449.861
-50	29540	1477000	3484eddb-a360-4c92-a292-4315e3a29754	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:09:36	-143.164
-51	14771	1477100	ab2c3e37-75cf-4938-84b4-2e0f6840dd67	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:44:57	759.590
-51	29542	1477100	4ccb8a62-ea4e-4a50-87f9-3389fb919eb3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:21:10	675.910
-52	14772	1477200	5630b473-7ebd-4e3f-93a7-7f9bd9bf786f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:23:30	799.344
-52	29544	1477200	97fbe36e-1f73-4a82-b87c-bb644532f59e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:14:47	-389.456
-53	14773	1477300	8c5c1042-87a4-4789-9857-19cf8c4efd45	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:10:44	-3.537
-53	29546	1477300	16d5defd-fe44-4171-a526-d921036baf04	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:37:39	-461.614
-54	14774	1477400	13ec8bad-4b15-4a74-8a65-70201a42dbc5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:04:52	553.863
-54	29548	1477400	064ac219-64e6-4276-b748-12a9be46e834	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:42:22	403.600
-55	14775	1477500	948ff76d-9df4-4e7f-a888-78c17bf594a4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:48:18	-204.863
-55	29550	1477500	de265a09-ad9e-4578-bf86-80db75a68007	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:03:59	326.338
-56	14776	1477600	9e9658c2-d43c-4f5e-b55d-7c3bb26e41e1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:20:17	523.830
-56	29552	1477600	5e31db32-9096-463d-b0d4-41ef276b99bc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:57:27	431.461
-57	14777	1477700	7a7ed9e6-1adf-491a-8dd6-2f086f731375	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:55:44	-270.219
-57	29554	1477700	ea4af080-169b-4ed4-b3ba-84716ed02cde	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:39:43	779.314
-58	14778	1477800	4717d217-2174-4fb1-9565-c826f5e2f07b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:17:23	-81.728
-58	29556	1477800	457eb211-1b5c-4f8c-9176-aa1e112d346d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:36:34	-395.159
-59	14779	1477900	eb51ee88-f381-4b1f-a916-019c7df8d68f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:27:58	-321.488
-59	29558	1477900	a50f5a0f-c40b-4dd5-9c98-36db43ba52c6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:10:47	-797.505
-60	14780	1478000	5821b0ad-8d24-4e33-9397-6e0960c98f0c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:13:20	-31.978
-60	29560	1478000	fcf0295b-0255-43df-b2ef-e9bcbd2aae74	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:14:24	-673.738
-61	14781	1478100	d79b040a-05a6-4ca0-8d24-fac3dbb21574	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:15:18	219.630
-61	29562	1478100	a4946b79-a8d0-4944-ab18-48c02b400994	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:00:10	935.190
-62	14782	1478200	80efa458-ab7b-49c8-aae2-96af8b0fbc38	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:08:21	388.15
-62	29564	1478200	2aa1271d-6215-4723-9ab2-29ee1a28ef55	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:36:33	-233.890
-63	14783	1478300	3c83f372-4e25-4348-ac75-d547424c0969	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:25:59	-103.697
-63	29566	1478300	e453dc88-b56c-4e20-963b-64b9357eab3c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:44:39	950.167
-64	14784	1478400	aaee6642-5039-4575-bea7-9cf186be07c3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:26:12	269.533
-64	29568	1478400	76b80843-2a5f-4c34-b8ea-62865d01cb01	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:51:05	916.59
-65	14785	1478500	4006279e-fde5-4bce-a22d-f6abd20d4d65	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:39:31	-900.578
-65	29570	1478500	d35d8d9b-92d9-4ea1-ba8b-930d9a6af122	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:15:32	-841.917
-66	14786	1478600	184d1772-25e4-451c-bbbc-03260f076128	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:33:13	-784.992
-66	29572	1478600	70efc658-fb6e-49b5-a1f1-1a90af9fa176	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:45:52	578.607
-67	14787	1478700	15687bfb-137a-48b5-a888-0954cd5b2b35	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:19:51	975.18
-67	29574	1478700	90275eff-abe9-4341-8053-5fa4e0eb67f4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:27:07	721.433
-68	14788	1478800	4e45ff0d-7a5b-4ea3-996b-96764947a0ea	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:00:48	18.705
-68	29576	1478800	c6f533d5-48c0-4fc5-819d-1357be48bcb9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:35:37	372.870
-69	14789	1478900	aee1049e-70ef-4199-9197-fc616a295eec	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:49:19	694.925
-69	29578	1478900	83c02933-be7c-4dc9-ac67-3fc764687ea4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:44:09	-120.910
-70	14790	1479000	51a28b84-4661-4799-a690-287d9930130c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:22:03	-827.897
-70	29580	1479000	f68c7d2e-be0b-4a5f-8624-11d527922c30	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:25:20	907.178
-71	14791	1479100	70445117-2775-4d15-8271-21e424d6a1e7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:41:20	-160.241
-71	29582	1479100	717311d5-6d97-481c-81dc-fbc5940f2cad	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:28:03	455.526
-72	14792	1479200	0a07e5f5-45d8-4395-a5d2-a4f489fd120d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:58:41	-157.969
-72	29584	1479200	78fe9947-afc0-45ff-9a62-2791cb981846	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:16:38	377.967
-73	14793	1479300	a6530a7e-0775-4073-84b0-b9ab724a276e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:39:35	326.887
-73	29586	1479300	538344d0-98cb-404c-b579-76596117ac22	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:09:58	-338.496
-74	14794	1479400	69ef5f6b-7d00-46fc-831f-a9b61e3c3fa5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:24:17	908.682
-74	29588	1479400	3ae08afe-7744-4c39-b378-964cb7258681	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:12:52	-430.472
-75	14795	1479500	9821b920-743e-4a5a-86f8-8e132a0b9c2f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:05:33	409.354
-75	29590	1479500	c2ae4d26-9608-439e-a52b-51a9858ac565	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:46:34	678.121
-76	14796	1479600	b5ab7369-ec2a-4e9c-bf2e-f58505cc54f7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:12:25	-334.187
-76	29592	1479600	7646abc6-13b3-4162-8309-86dfe4f018ab	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:54:57	-376.301
-77	14797	1479700	0d751b96-63a7-49c1-b8f0-411bcb00898a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:43:39	916.556
-77	29594	1479700	69e0ce4c-863c-47fc-a0c2-3a9d732bb99b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:21:36	-952.86
-78	14798	1479800	0d76aa41-be69-4692-b3fc-877b49b30784	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:22:18	-740.883
-78	29596	1479800	ba57d176-8903-431b-87f6-bcbe1b6cd19e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:35:12	452.60
-79	14799	1479900	015aa9d2-0d99-4ebb-859a-f86f67e85dc9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:44:36	252.591
-79	29598	1479900	4d8d4967-aed9-4150-bc38-b8280e9d715f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:11:48	-955.243
-80	14800	1480000	b4bf82d6-5b89-4a19-9e55-56445867e82a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:25:18	-158.403
-80	29600	1480000	c3908585-443c-4b4b-927f-d609347096a4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:13:50	643.692
-81	14801	1480100	eceb434c-387a-4ce6-8380-b4a992f3788f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:16:37	-177.215
-81	29602	1480100	6046d342-451c-4f4a-80dd-0d53262a18ba	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:31:34	268.407
-82	14802	1480200	2e9c6ba4-1583-4e98-9c45-e9a0e224b6e5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:14:13	-603.89
-82	29604	1480200	4da6ebb0-1ce2-4066-843a-5a13d6b9497e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:34:01	-26.522
-83	14803	1480300	20303475-43c7-4572-a526-4ecab7972d2a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:16:32	-623.740
-83	29606	1480300	1e7e4dbe-27b9-4561-8ca4-b2f7ee3bced3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:34:01	274.533
-84	14804	1480400	6e6b610f-2c27-4a50-be63-47e036841182	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:48:14	-449.383
-84	29608	1480400	2ea84f2e-d16f-440f-8ea9-b9a455e44112	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:31:25	-296.83
-85	14805	1480500	e8654020-fd8b-4514-9767-7c6dd0624340	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:58:23	364.784
-85	29610	1480500	6657e323-4653-4be3-9a92-99fc6aef8b79	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:36:09	724.962
-86	14806	1480600	76c0230c-dd62-4915-a03e-59e59ffcc155	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:54:49	552.192
-86	29612	1480600	d4aeecd0-7332-449c-a8e0-55a3915f366e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:07:51	-678.802
-87	14807	1480700	fe8f6c16-9f8f-4f2c-8945-12ee1e94188b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:37:43	-368.831
-87	29614	1480700	1289ba36-8f23-430d-98c2-ab987d7d7c08	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:30:04	255.802
-88	14808	1480800	91e94e35-eb58-458e-b142-0880547c5f74	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:27:44	-724.959
-88	29616	1480800	b7734d87-b9b9-49f4-adb9-c530f6292a05	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:20:46	757.159
-89	14809	1480900	00340462-fba3-4ec6-96b1-2f2d32ddafa2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:02:07	472.403
-89	29618	1480900	830bf1b1-5204-4e2c-8d31-369e4921c9c9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:21:39	436.292
-90	14810	1481000	91621a69-e468-4a6f-bde8-6885bc7fbb45	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:38:34	-552.949
-90	29620	1481000	2c51edc6-ed68-40e2-8f58-2939a6150ea2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:19:36	-460.340
-91	14811	1481100	928f0821-bb59-4184-a530-448913ee4259	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:25:22	-679.288
-91	29622	1481100	4cb93154-254a-42bd-bcee-93e327df22af	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:50:51	715.892
-92	14812	1481200	0b113fd6-bfa1-4447-b302-b8c3952a85fe	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:01:28	-156.505
-92	29624	1481200	30a36dfd-7a43-456b-b3c5-8fa81e2cf75c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:27:03	-89.349
-93	14813	1481300	4ebb4f45-62fe-482b-82e4-a98013ef04e5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:09:30	-894.790
-93	29626	1481300	dfe41f9d-78d0-481e-87e0-98e2071048a8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:38:39	-807.279
-94	14814	1481400	b8ff075b-feff-465e-b88a-5bfc63a42f4e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:45:41	199.284
-94	29628	1481400	3ae1ab28-536f-48fe-a493-4b45918237b8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:06:03	-741.166
-95	14815	1481500	de7045a9-3994-4bdd-9737-d382ca764faa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:14:38	602.958
-95	29630	1481500	a9df730e-9a21-4fe7-9f0e-a26945955457	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:29:54	-645.315
-96	14816	1481600	6d96caa2-b8fa-422b-80d1-b6de99efe7e0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:01:42	-658.911
-96	29632	1481600	fbccdeed-d812-4f23-95f4-3e549388c239	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:32:01	427.971
-97	14817	1481700	a716fc56-5722-4404-991e-96ac3925d554	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:18:38	-30.263
-97	29634	1481700	42658a41-5a41-4ead-8b08-cf90d6910155	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:43:24	-44.765
-98	14818	1481800	63662a22-816b-4213-82cd-c85d7c3b3be2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:04:42	-58.556
-98	29636	1481800	697cb3c6-f00a-437c-adef-c851c62dd8aa	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:10:08	408.76
-99	14819	1481900	599335c3-8223-42ad-96da-6626a068104a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:37:02	-107.520
-99	29638	1481900	0ebe5330-9685-4c14-910f-9583ec082970	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:14:47	723.452
-100	14820	1482000	a5638380-e0ad-4552-b7e9-784e08433d52	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:00:08	-367.432
-100	29640	1482000	246d730d-7996-4b24-8f2a-c42065e99150	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:05:26	379.182
-101	14821	1482100	df07d70c-c63e-4b57-b716-49b960274306	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:45:08	-693.396
-101	29642	1482100	b3fd5338-6cb7-42b6-8ab6-7b7b69ed1a7d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:16:07	995.637
-102	14822	1482200	0948e1ba-3c3e-4a62-a1ff-e3d4c5a8bc71	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:54:55	-47.214
-102	29644	1482200	1a1b4c94-8c60-411d-a466-32cd910e98cf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:17:09	-931.3
-103	14823	1482300	12780cda-b4a4-4612-9aeb-0c76b92f31b5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:57:58	430.622
-103	29646	1482300	1b32910a-3ecb-438c-8a35-53bf2cdda4a1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:11:57	244.96
-104	14824	1482400	83446f80-bdcc-4c32-8770-8ebf7f9c349d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:16:07	791.532
-104	29648	1482400	2745bc8b-761f-477f-9338-c26f88c0e85e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:30:03	517.233
-105	14825	1482500	77d4d634-f95d-457c-88b9-8eca1f0d5c6d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:38:16	-611.207
-105	29650	1482500	94b60774-ff46-4c30-a1d0-bbd120c17ce3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:54:25	-797.97
-106	14826	1482600	c745f6e8-3cf9-4519-b30a-34c158aa2981	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:11:50	-369.749
-106	29652	1482600	27df0fd9-acbf-4411-9e81-2dd0adfd5c82	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:02:10	-943.878
-107	14827	1482700	a9675e9f-4d2a-4138-99f7-cb9891bfe145	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:09:59	-627.288
-107	29654	1482700	55d2f202-ada9-4ffc-888a-d84e128c92dd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:31:09	861.222
-108	14828	1482800	12053192-0e33-46d8-91b3-6f19f28452cd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:50:47	-201.817
-108	29656	1482800	0b7acac3-f9ab-4582-b06a-6a3157a8529c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:40:26	666.142
-109	14829	1482900	d9c6fbaa-67e3-4d99-8ddd-071d27f4a42f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:32:05	-42.635
-109	29658	1482900	d1bcecc0-86e0-41a3-aab5-0d25859bb0ca	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:23:49	-365.935
-110	14830	1483000	70098452-c9ab-4642-8269-1838d05f1904	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:13:39	945.942
-110	29660	1483000	a0481539-7677-4a64-90fb-2331dca79995	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:26:13	887.339
-111	14831	1483100	d9ea5594-8e8d-4476-b903-814a155aaf9e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:14:13	-344.632
-111	29662	1483100	2d6a40b0-b43a-4ca0-b477-a40c84ddb75b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:58:02	737.560
-112	14832	1483200	9c927a83-7909-45e8-a860-5ee5a001ec9f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:29:57	-678.18
-112	29664	1483200	ad81754d-fdee-4735-950c-cae9c307d18b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:28:13	615.298
-113	14833	1483300	a4aed98b-625c-402b-a8a7-57f17230fb64	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:48:32	873.181
-113	29666	1483300	52a89ad8-7081-4987-9945-4b1b99619d38	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:52:19	-58.104
-114	14834	1483400	a9ec8563-451d-47ac-b616-fec5444dc8b8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:15:01	-237.617
-114	29668	1483400	4a805e3a-611d-4573-b3a2-d26a8b3e49ee	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:15:42	637.814
-115	14835	1483500	0b4abb80-5482-4205-a270-2d8946a11c33	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:35:33	346.112
-115	29670	1483500	e3ac5f1c-8806-4703-84a2-bf369e428b0c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:10:04	88.351
-116	14836	1483600	14a4a9f1-6aaf-46eb-8dba-57b25290e75a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:17:39	-884.44
-116	29672	1483600	f6b0689d-dc8b-4cbc-9c8e-9d597dbefe98	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:05:36	-148.579
-117	14837	1483700	59ebde44-18a3-42e3-81bc-919f4adf724c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:12:07	570.985
-117	29674	1483700	2d0fa064-d248-4d66-ad28-9fdfbbf0f07b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:05:20	-750.812
-118	14838	1483800	6483912d-c395-4f3d-a7fa-936b61f0cbba	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:21:43	-921.914
-118	29676	1483800	f7cbd1f9-a78d-4ace-95be-0e562f3505d9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:37:03	-473.638
-119	14839	1483900	c93d15a5-2885-452b-bbf6-47330f7d5936	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:21:32	677.959
-119	29678	1483900	babb00c3-b3a1-4275-8fa4-368501c82011	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:06:29	-169.753
-120	14840	1484000	04227b97-04c7-432f-8ef1-164e3f2bb0d9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:56:54	-130.603
-120	29680	1484000	66bf9925-14a2-4f67-94a5-0e57307e3fc4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:11:04	584.457
-121	14841	1484100	01cf865a-b776-4013-8962-f3b4021855c8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:42:38	-214.938
-121	29682	1484100	2ae47483-b0ea-482b-8beb-b8081e328ca2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:31:06	-516.300
-122	14842	1484200	923dd621-95e9-408b-8343-06c7b0f3fba5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:16:12	473.252
-122	29684	1484200	f154c2c8-ff68-45b1-bc33-54f56254a65f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:45:03	161.445
-123	14843	1484300	6c06f9bb-03ac-49d5-8321-e6d769ba0aea	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:58:25	-683.366
-123	29686	1484300	49d42ffd-70f0-4f90-b7b0-ea61ab4b11f5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:31:33	-768.821
-124	14844	1484400	4d60cfbe-11d1-47b2-acb9-be674c5c2549	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:45:59	-252.48
-124	29688	1484400	7a30d5c0-e98b-48a4-867d-22fbce584773	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:49:55	-402.746
-125	14845	1484500	848adac2-0319-4e51-9e60-2fca86b9c981	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:01:20	-832.621
-125	29690	1484500	07941651-dd49-4138-a505-22e953eacff3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:12:48	-940.111
-126	14846	1484600	744760f8-20c3-47db-8ddb-0e9e176384c8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:58:18	370.556
-126	29692	1484600	1f8d5aa0-9d14-4589-8cca-f97846a1606a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:14:29	-710.9
-127	14847	1484700	f8960118-2fbe-4f12-bec1-586f7ef7f25a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:47:26	879.452
-127	29694	1484700	22785232-3950-4b01-bfe6-4e8f4ac62078	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:44:15	166.900
-0	14848	1484800	187bbaa2-60d4-4f13-8bec-bbd7b49bb5cf	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:40:16	464.476
-0	29696	1484800	78693921-1a1d-45b0-98a3-2b510348b26f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:22:10	-205.396
-1	14849	1484900	311a440a-9a9a-4512-88cd-ecea365beea6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:27:55	-648.65
-1	29698	1484900	075c3549-ee1d-4f73-9514-5b567bb7210f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:01:46	363.718
-2	14850	1485000	19dd47ef-5763-4bb4-adb9-7df644a291e3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:59:40	-227.266
-2	29700	1485000	e0de4f8f-1ae1-4818-95ad-7bd6616eed07	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:45:03	795.685
-3	14851	1485100	84056561-f00c-42c2-8ca8-c202ab778e85	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:34:31	-568.465
-3	29702	1485100	509de9d0-618e-4c95-b934-031808881082	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:48:04	798.433
-4	14852	1485200	e7987db1-bde2-4e34-b252-d70cdfcd8926	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:44:35	525.719
-4	29704	1485200	a7368962-795e-483f-b014-8c771441a64f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:25:16	-678.930
-5	14853	1485300	ee2671f7-47cc-4e3c-b69f-2c468160b14a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:36:37	-993.689
-5	29706	1485300	fc5a4adc-81fa-4de9-8496-16fae0b33bcb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:32:03	-614.773
-6	14854	1485400	36112d5b-0a0a-4b6b-8377-7a083f0752eb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:38:35	67.559
-6	29708	1485400	86bf2337-d7d2-48cf-967f-c1baf11be14f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:29:11	521.717
-7	14855	1485500	645b224d-4839-4e9b-b0b3-015f1480879f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:29:41	-122.944
-7	29710	1485500	3c359907-3c24-4938-b1d0-20f80eb70d10	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:57:02	332.428
-8	14856	1485600	eece2462-118c-46e9-a656-ed78442cc2bc	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:12:54	-476.397
-8	29712	1485600	7134ce9e-9994-4489-9032-ca89fc81b69a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:22:34	-134.683
-9	14857	1485700	d812e254-638a-4270-a6e7-a141faac15fb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:58:41	-889.35
-9	29714	1485700	359c720a-6eee-467f-b412-b768b7b6c384	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:46:58	-944.422
-10	14858	1485800	1a4982be-19b3-4f8f-969c-18e2d8a32e2e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:08:36	43.259
-10	29716	1485800	702d2e76-10bb-4737-9bf9-4b99586c528b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:01:21	-969.755
-11	14859	1485900	9dfc65fd-9b22-4c08-8367-feba6a406030	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:23:06	628.708
-11	29718	1485900	7f559eeb-a96e-4a32-bc52-97925b98a6b8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:59:23	983.56
-12	14860	1486000	d53bfb0a-d641-4445-8f5d-36e4a880f778	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:45:55	982.817
-12	29720	1486000	a75f9e6e-e1fa-4fb9-aa23-03fbb7180caa	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:25:31	553.278
-13	14861	1486100	2b0a7ab1-3941-4b54-a9c6-8c9da046fe98	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:48:40	459.882
-13	29722	1486100	ff7bc7aa-702c-4d5e-8d30-e6b97241cb22	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:28:00	-543.1
-14	14862	1486200	e1d72a74-ca0a-4d0b-80b2-ef0b2a9c6f89	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:27:29	427.832
-14	29724	1486200	08bbbc22-a8cf-481d-a422-e957344f4f22	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:16:57	-65.910
-15	14863	1486300	82ede3b1-62ce-4c20-994d-984b6a85c756	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:51:14	-578.394
-15	29726	1486300	825207bb-5fee-465a-b71f-bac96ba101fa	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:54:44	-674.521
-16	14864	1486400	b3f07563-9bf2-4f52-a981-636f207d6b38	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:17:06	870.4
-16	29728	1486400	70904502-d107-48e1-91dc-e0482551d5c8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:33:22	7.293
-17	14865	1486500	264d0ebe-062e-42b0-ab1e-f53a0bc027d8	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:04:32	-22.782
-17	29730	1486500	62034be5-5f5f-4406-8d7f-500fbce3e12a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:29:41	-453.955
-18	14866	1486600	b32e7fd6-70b8-4ff7-b4a5-824297dbc475	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:57:09	864.138
-18	29732	1486600	7ae4d062-c120-4174-bb40-cd02069e967c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:08:10	-101.371
-19	14867	1486700	46abe1d8-1271-4b94-b322-cf9b6199bd76	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:03:44	-162.754
-19	29734	1486700	14957d78-48ce-4336-8086-de111e0b1b62	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:48:08	226.721
-20	14868	1486800	706d03e8-f37c-4028-a747-0f7fe1dfb09f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:03:17	-399.873
-20	29736	1486800	66864429-335d-42bd-9c94-c35f851b5d5c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:32:16	-994.494
-21	14869	1486900	24e54ac2-69ba-453c-9be8-88f345f4f77c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:45:11	208.543
-21	29738	1486900	d8d9d539-a6cf-46e2-a6ad-cf1c3d96503c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:23:34	964.853
-22	14870	1487000	494eacd5-404a-4de0-874c-15f11eb64d8f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:34:59	-88.387
-22	29740	1487000	c1184124-c954-4e65-9bb7-59d98bb6f0f6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:40:12	851.328
-23	14871	1487100	4e6ec837-55ad-4cc1-a987-32fab2117b0d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:52:10	676.858
-23	29742	1487100	a8b21454-79f4-41b3-a999-fce6881985fd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:10:43	398.677
-24	14872	1487200	c2d70049-513c-4da6-b211-fb08794c9d7e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:20:54	110.85
-24	29744	1487200	53459dcc-2632-47b3-b614-e286e27c41a2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:24:15	-979.893
-25	14873	1487300	2f0b2115-29c1-4ef9-a4d2-c1d585326cb5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:07:47	665.549
-25	29746	1487300	bffade05-7d53-49e8-82d9-14b598b862f1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:17:18	-776.667
-26	14874	1487400	62e12824-654e-4ff0-8392-2da3f6ffd0b6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:17:59	-928.652
-26	29748	1487400	d97aa1d4-7e78-4ac9-a5b9-d3612d7c7637	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:37:12	101.660
-27	14875	1487500	55251fd3-6922-4b4c-92a0-21903f7b12d8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:10:08	711.460
-27	29750	1487500	fbd069b4-1dfd-4ab3-bd54-33cb7ce2d19a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:02:43	168.842
-28	14876	1487600	8fccc1a7-df61-475c-91bb-5c9a289b032f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:55:40	516.70
-28	29752	1487600	d135488a-cca0-4e28-b41d-af0120024a14	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:12:04	209.441
-29	14877	1487700	a307908c-c391-4285-9993-1acfdb663e7f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:25:35	-248.253
-29	29754	1487700	6b350ea9-8488-4c91-86c4-d44b9a248ae5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:38:09	742.507
-30	14878	1487800	55c1433f-9699-40d0-acda-3f81b6550fed	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:32:43	262.626
-30	29756	1487800	8736faff-82ad-4982-8510-6e1c423d9d11	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:17:59	716.632
-31	14879	1487900	6a32eed2-213a-4561-8b2b-015550f9bf9d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:32:13	281.959
-31	29758	1487900	07c97094-9f35-43b0-afe1-a8b8d41cea89	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:58:50	733.810
-32	14880	1488000	a177bc03-b9fb-4fda-8608-a3db4ec1d15f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:27:23	-962.661
-32	29760	1488000	4e42d582-42da-4b18-8e6b-12aaa5e58787	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:13:18	-625.29
-33	14881	1488100	280af66a-676a-41cf-8613-d084dea38ebe	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:36:01	-105.711
-33	29762	1488100	a0bf6238-e19e-4885-8003-2c2d87b0a49e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:38:22	-504.963
-34	14882	1488200	7b109881-8a23-43c2-bf51-4120d1b9581c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:40:27	390.637
-34	29764	1488200	967f2c17-9538-4a14-a48a-e5519428dc78	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:52:35	-133.851
-35	14883	1488300	3d2f66fd-928d-4551-8f3f-1652b0c43170	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:40:19	430.738
-35	29766	1488300	133f3113-5f59-4d4c-b2ba-b99d6b20b9b5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:52:23	-170.129
-36	14884	1488400	90c1b1d3-f8b7-493b-afa8-eb125720f4de	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:02:16	-851.434
-36	29768	1488400	77dca42a-ea87-471c-bb60-62e16215742e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:05:26	-272.461
-37	14885	1488500	27f32590-cacb-4733-888b-5b14a9f86c76	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:15:05	-842.885
-37	29770	1488500	add439ed-56f9-4cba-b6c3-1e4ce936fe3c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:50:57	381.914
-38	14886	1488600	9a2a960a-8263-402c-8c89-0ed9237e71ee	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:48:25	352.810
-38	29772	1488600	393eaee1-0ad9-4a7c-bb08-153de2ace81f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:51:19	-751.245
-39	14887	1488700	3d94a711-0b74-4822-8d16-fcdee30967eb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:03:21	246.650
-39	29774	1488700	8b16b70b-ad56-4508-87c8-559af023632c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:42:29	867.166
-40	14888	1488800	82de3790-522b-42bc-8061-ae7acbe97093	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:35:52	-950.984
-40	29776	1488800	42513f01-89a1-4cfb-920f-ebe6fbb9b701	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:23:14	407.439
-41	14889	1488900	df349a69-0b81-46f6-9486-73760a111207	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:55:14	822.400
-41	29778	1488900	5e529cfa-1689-4020-a7d0-ffde65c638ff	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:39:45	151.598
-42	14890	1489000	96f91bb0-02e7-4aa3-8796-ccfa8632a1ae	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:31:14	424.920
-42	29780	1489000	3cf21258-cbdf-486d-ab64-c8b99cf50248	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:54:51	573.355
-43	14891	1489100	816341ed-b502-451e-a3ae-7e5a68e12f2a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:50:29	9.436
-43	29782	1489100	0fc65138-eca7-4220-8548-92516c27093c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:42:38	-699.475
-44	14892	1489200	b0314c7b-41f5-4bef-8003-54aeb1e36c90	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:31:47	-479.472
-44	29784	1489200	30dc4f29-4fca-4d81-a75f-18d778890c69	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:25:36	-50.144
-45	14893	1489300	443f776b-5b27-4aca-af49-6da2bd7cbccd	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:42:57	-647.721
-45	29786	1489300	48ef379c-50d8-4dbd-a8ea-a39eba1f6970	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:59:30	757.655
-46	14894	1489400	2d73028a-e076-4448-b6c4-82c4e0f3fef6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:25:39	-474.518
-46	29788	1489400	73b66434-1469-4f30-9795-616d580fe8f7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:33:19	-170.106
-47	14895	1489500	aa3ef471-d33c-441e-9e40-442f7ae4bbad	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:41:36	53.854
-47	29790	1489500	35aba21a-b790-4686-8c86-4329d293b0c9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:02:03	79.953
-48	14896	1489600	9e647a95-ed68-4b73-95c8-0104910dfc1b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:20:29	26.238
-48	29792	1489600	90c5839b-102d-4017-a80d-f313adf261c2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:43:01	-174.492
-49	14897	1489700	f0517126-08d9-44c2-a29d-872377ac0103	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:21:52	280.915
-49	29794	1489700	05b7b234-bcba-4d00-8260-ad09499dff9a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:44:10	81.26
-50	14898	1489800	c2e1afbb-e1d3-4f69-868a-01233a401987	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:21:55	-475.810
-50	29796	1489800	577d069e-dda5-4d26-8184-658eaaa3995d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:03:38	-487.178
-51	14899	1489900	e8420a29-504f-45a4-8016-a040ab2815ab	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:01:11	-287.325
-51	29798	1489900	10061123-5b79-427c-952b-0fd77c68aa25	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:51:31	826.538
-52	14900	1490000	65cb8a85-6ce9-47e4-9247-93a31a135971	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:20:32	-281.308
-52	29800	1490000	8d122ea7-d0b9-45a1-a1aa-5925c4aa3df0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:27:52	-291.157
-53	14901	1490100	f72b9a46-5ffb-4b73-9451-f8094ddfc236	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:43:17	-779.416
-53	29802	1490100	7f10db11-dff4-4df5-adca-0ffd209a84c3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:26:22	-302.199
-54	14902	1490200	632a2899-fb89-4b07-b36e-eca324c6f5ec	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:15:23	738.140
-54	29804	1490200	db0f9d51-c594-431c-b41c-e0f9a9fca8cc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:57:26	209.501
-55	14903	1490300	ade5a125-a958-4e0d-8023-654559b5f8ed	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:53:43	874.778
-55	29806	1490300	a97528db-7bc7-4678-97e2-f4cd20250ad7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:40:32	-370.260
-56	14904	1490400	9ff1d1aa-0444-4c63-bbc0-8ff043b1df86	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:50:57	-651.590
-56	29808	1490400	81628ff8-59e2-4b27-ac62-1b4d699b18d2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:03:56	508.289
-57	14905	1490500	c07c4ed3-f54f-4955-b5fc-c58a27227de2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:14:30	-791.531
-57	29810	1490500	1d10f20c-6903-45ee-aea7-6a36f107e407	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:22:11	151.536
-58	14906	1490600	0768bcf7-77a6-4f09-96d8-14d9640557fa	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:29:58	-453.954
-58	29812	1490600	6ad02c3f-7204-4347-b00d-c660bd405b5d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:55:41	30.88
-59	14907	1490700	9c39c530-e060-4299-8846-b70c74e91469	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:45:23	379.443
-59	29814	1490700	09c2dc13-c198-4e26-b4e4-480318fae355	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:17:35	-896.255
-60	14908	1490800	96c72445-5973-4465-b24a-55b3430505ba	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:20:12	-411.247
-60	29816	1490800	cfecbb86-ea87-426d-89fb-875e8e90573b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:02:57	-614.620
-61	14909	1490900	d0f92dcf-a9a5-4bc4-8e10-b62bc2d8473c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:06:46	423.758
-61	29818	1490900	16794a75-3d99-4ac5-9407-45dd694083fc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:29:57	561.698
-62	14910	1491000	e9f7f18c-8c07-4f21-8c05-215b277da32f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:06:10	-203.730
-62	29820	1491000	4a42b777-fb19-4987-ae5b-dd41b1c8e6ac	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:58:53	-273.977
-63	14911	1491100	89e5eed6-f588-49fd-812b-3551cea2e1a8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:56:19	485.457
-63	29822	1491100	8723b24a-ce7d-4591-aaf1-7eb76cb1d56a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:26:24	-477.385
-64	14912	1491200	f002024d-6a8b-46ee-ae68-721320d85509	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:53:09	996.529
-64	29824	1491200	76e3734e-d85f-4cd0-a2da-261fd8d7bd52	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:22:17	913.991
-65	14913	1491300	3d4a0db2-10e8-46bf-83d8-4d2ce0f7b1c6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:53:49	850.945
-65	29826	1491300	fc8f54ae-2229-4d72-aefd-ac793a3c72e2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:58:15	447.290
-66	14914	1491400	033b3736-f5bc-4c5b-8d9b-0d92511c4637	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:49:04	-704.188
-66	29828	1491400	eba0297e-382c-4d29-b258-e5286e9e274d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:32:33	-425.475
-67	14915	1491500	ccee1c0e-5e25-44b6-bfff-6fc3f70e37b0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:53:22	677.481
-67	29830	1491500	750c60ca-7be9-4e69-b56b-22ae046383ba	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:05:08	-533.321
-68	14916	1491600	45336251-7ded-4a80-98fc-afdcc86411b8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:26:50	996.727
-68	29832	1491600	0dd90afa-0579-4b8d-a768-fea4b6c7e821	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:07:18	520.326
-69	14917	1491700	8291aa86-9a61-49cf-93ad-d1872b7be694	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:29:40	-263.837
-69	29834	1491700	5f710cbf-f6e0-4b0d-9d15-97375f0de0e0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:00:30	317.917
-70	14918	1491800	150da95b-4f8d-4eef-9dd4-8393ac234fdc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:17:19	-981.663
-70	29836	1491800	e984a074-16ae-452c-ad41-1ccd2d8a9b7b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:39:18	-890.269
-71	14919	1491900	e74edd4d-98ef-44ae-8590-58985b5d867f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:38:54	340.36
-71	29838	1491900	de553dd4-52f4-4a28-9a18-fecd59ec5d08	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:07:22	-379.159
-72	14920	1492000	7fcecdd0-5029-4ebd-8f86-9cd9f5e9fe31	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:31:00	-372.231
-72	29840	1492000	7594b229-ca1a-4fca-8df8-535ae8f67359	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:08:08	-739.930
-73	14921	1492100	e5ad6fe2-105c-4830-9764-05d6d8e03a8a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:00:28	-631.118
-73	29842	1492100	2bdb5e4b-3eb5-4c1b-8c31-378d5cb65f70	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:05:15	357.575
-74	14922	1492200	7ec37ade-fbae-4431-8125-bea767fdf218	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:02:18	-469.876
-74	29844	1492200	2d693c5e-357b-4d58-bdbd-13132ea63904	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:25:45	-451.450
-75	14923	1492300	e098dd52-4a58-4ea8-9bbb-202bed5fca48	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:25:59	-949.126
-75	29846	1492300	4a1e171d-0ff1-4549-a99f-5dadbc78ef3f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:48:13	390.914
-76	14924	1492400	55ef8fb4-bbc8-46f3-bbe2-49422a97cdf3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:04:33	-100.869
-76	29848	1492400	6e7f761d-6dbe-4a33-9c43-28de128bc7a7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:24:15	-413.508
-77	14925	1492500	ee78ee76-f952-4218-9ecc-861e391d18ca	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:40:36	764.685
-77	29850	1492500	4f7f3f1e-cc73-4300-9123-2f820fa1bb43	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:40:58	722.317
-78	14926	1492600	afa72c2b-e0dc-42f6-aa59-6244cca3a2b4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:28:24	-913.597
-78	29852	1492600	5882655a-748e-44de-aaad-ecc738d83acc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:39:07	-886.231
-79	14927	1492700	f0627327-599f-4543-ac81-c997173f920b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:12:52	-58.946
-79	29854	1492700	15d53a3c-d186-41f9-8d46-1acb0699e006	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:15:32	645.381
-80	14928	1492800	3d178ded-93b9-482e-a35b-1abfb8b40dd4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:58:39	-714.308
-80	29856	1492800	d8ef35cb-ae1f-4543-aabe-2b8830f5bd79	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:18:31	136.499
-81	14929	1492900	9fa66d35-5ac2-4f41-ba93-92e534805344	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:56:43	988.460
-81	29858	1492900	747ee37e-ce15-403b-b4e2-5ce748fad1da	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:33:04	-481.3
-82	14930	1493000	fe482ccf-5a6a-4948-902c-74d0c230be66	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:25:47	-37.345
-82	29860	1493000	8b5cd7fa-330d-4953-9c75-f5b4b44bdf83	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:31:02	489.276
-83	14931	1493100	3ab72d36-a66e-4ad7-bfd6-d87102668e88	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:28:03	-917.711
-83	29862	1493100	37d479c5-814e-4fc6-a837-8a804f67606d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:51:11	512.318
-84	14932	1493200	3573419e-c164-4e60-a71d-d93f47483152	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:34:26	-794.551
-84	29864	1493200	5dd35306-29ca-43f2-ac6f-1cd7065fc5ed	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:09:25	825.573
-85	14933	1493300	cbaec2c0-d2b1-45c8-96b9-f2536053c633	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:13:00	-435.501
-85	29866	1493300	97755d99-f786-40c4-99f3-87c1e1604cc4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:54:38	958.418
-86	14934	1493400	7d3dee2c-31fa-4147-abbb-e8cd16be7ac6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:05:01	-832.448
-86	29868	1493400	8a012977-6a5e-415f-9450-cfbb35ea0a93	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:30:48	-34.969
-87	14935	1493500	d6bfcece-6f27-4f03-b22a-27f567952ae3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:14:18	823.444
-87	29870	1493500	70621358-b49f-4b7b-a790-6d6b63988a97	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:02:46	234.681
-88	14936	1493600	3b74a2ca-9087-48b6-ba14-96288cdf2a1c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:25:48	841.615
-88	29872	1493600	d11dbce9-f9ba-4afa-8891-3e6bc1b768bc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:31:10	91.58
-89	14937	1493700	5676bdf1-8f8e-4639-8392-29b70842d00b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:17:40	-938.307
-89	29874	1493700	7e816a96-a112-4718-8818-ffb0f3e2ed60	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:50:26	-694.848
-90	14938	1493800	daa7b400-be10-4f66-957b-aff7bb9ac831	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:21:53	958.575
-90	29876	1493800	305886dd-b00e-46a8-94d7-b361ed36abfc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:42:10	-834.730
-91	14939	1493900	34e340ed-ebf7-40b2-95f7-e3c120b6c868	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:01:49	-896.120
-91	29878	1493900	db4a01b8-7d9c-4e52-b9b4-33e06fcd5578	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:58:41	411.298
-92	14940	1494000	bd699aef-6c0b-4005-ae92-76060f2fc5b5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:36:24	-450.884
-92	29880	1494000	60550696-c5f5-4cb6-bca8-8f2e3346aef3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:04:49	823.677
-93	14941	1494100	6b80bb9a-cf30-4931-b339-73bdb8a23b2a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:15:56	-525.847
-93	29882	1494100	23fde8d3-492d-463b-a70b-d04e693f7b98	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:23:56	349.315
-94	14942	1494200	6b2c5743-256f-4075-901e-431e09caa78a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:31:42	-424.358
-94	29884	1494200	f654724d-5dbb-4dd8-8a02-083e84fc794c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:33:13	584.279
-95	14943	1494300	e4c44359-dcd9-4a82-9d5a-13c6a4034611	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:11:48	118.114
-95	29886	1494300	a348cad7-92e8-41c3-ad6a-b6b87dde5c1e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:42:18	821.774
-96	14944	1494400	e2a00127-630e-4eb1-9eb9-a1ec7e1abc60	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:48:59	-462.734
-96	29888	1494400	0765b3bc-7c3d-4b5f-9617-1fc494781056	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:38:48	818.383
-97	14945	1494500	c4518f4a-2ac6-4342-b6ad-e7d9574972ea	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:49:03	911.508
-97	29890	1494500	d71e647f-fb15-4265-802e-196d069cafe1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:45:11	-785.754
-98	14946	1494600	1d9d1b02-7aa1-41ac-9ace-c12fd51ca463	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:57:40	890.720
-98	29892	1494600	7964c1cd-1451-4a10-b4ee-1c1d0d5f935a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:51:24	-292.79
-99	14947	1494700	3a2037e6-2d10-4e32-8a9b-6bf9164ef309	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:34:39	255.594
-99	29894	1494700	8c469e2a-2d03-460c-8746-1e0682365afc	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:19:09	615.971
-100	14948	1494800	92763c04-4627-4308-b270-f342f54cb1a9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:47:08	-415.229
-100	29896	1494800	5ef333dc-9c83-4db3-94cb-c7ac17b9542f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:43:46	-986.419
-101	14949	1494900	61d2c0fa-894a-4f0c-85d9-871f26276406	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:19:25	-111.298
-101	29898	1494900	a2ad5dc2-3cce-4297-952f-81b38cbe14f5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:28:18	753.921
-102	14950	1495000	8aabfedc-27b2-4f58-bf3a-e432fd1c1474	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:02:48	961.950
-102	29900	1495000	43a0ca56-7bc0-4dbb-98d1-8335067570bc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:16:17	243.436
-103	14951	1495100	d1fa7105-c53f-4fba-aade-e99fa847098c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:19:14	554.307
-103	29902	1495100	fbc8f6f7-4e9d-4c70-a090-23cef3096712	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:13:29	446.442
-104	14952	1495200	c6b5d597-3793-43b9-a9f0-88888b8debbf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:17:32	-205.584
-104	29904	1495200	0372aee7-a55e-465b-9175-1b4fbb86bc5b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:38:28	851.675
-105	14953	1495300	02b4370f-cf58-4a52-b8ba-b6404af0c1e8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:21:00	58.433
-105	29906	1495300	8f0c6aae-5c1d-4159-9432-999d0e7503d1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:34:41	-158.184
-106	14954	1495400	edacf12a-16e6-4df5-ba42-0799fa7b2d72	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:59:51	337.515
-106	29908	1495400	4a7598d8-27ce-4b98-859b-91fa4bebfeb3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:07:11	935.284
-107	14955	1495500	8525d16b-d2c7-43cc-8f0e-dc7afb1edcd5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:52:33	-382.113
-107	29910	1495500	eb4c1998-963d-4089-a534-c4465a55b9b5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:44:18	29.880
-108	14956	1495600	5528b624-fb9c-4fd7-9bfd-e0a1b177e2bd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:02:37	-186.862
-108	29912	1495600	acd38341-719b-4629-b9fd-3a38ad5b952f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:08:17	199.355
-109	14957	1495700	1c84f1a4-8723-4c7d-b02a-cae4f20c1ba3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:07:23	995.754
-109	29914	1495700	a452ce9d-1731-47a1-a1b7-514796e63040	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:47:11	400.735
-110	14958	1495800	81af9de6-fb6c-49f8-9b6b-7c189c9a34f7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:29:43	-665.241
-110	29916	1495800	ac5f7fed-e476-42b2-bb66-7ae7b01df389	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:34:08	-833.620
-111	14959	1495900	d2733e74-6dd2-4d40-8181-575e8281eb3e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:45:39	-255.133
-111	29918	1495900	d86d2d20-18a1-4c2b-8a4b-b57d0c7fd91f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:05:30	831.568
-112	14960	1496000	e4b333e0-825e-4796-a129-8b2b3f05c8bf	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:53:05	132.367
-112	29920	1496000	2643c890-7c76-4d4e-a245-ef5ee3687c23	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:07:38	343.734
-113	14961	1496100	8fb36204-31bd-4d32-98b3-a63148aa1726	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:30:28	-403.956
-113	29922	1496100	8cee496f-d7f1-4d25-9c0b-734df1cade35	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:55:49	-285.595
-114	14962	1496200	1e945f6d-ccec-4959-80b1-5f78a4cb5b3a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:05:34	748.805
-114	29924	1496200	381394c9-2a09-4525-953f-7e754b608ef8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:13:14	-98.340
-115	14963	1496300	e90d6e6b-b2f4-43dc-b0d4-84adc3473984	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:57:24	423.383
-115	29926	1496300	a6f7f38d-66a4-47e5-8d4f-ae7f4582a2ec	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:31:40	-896.360
-116	14964	1496400	688ef35c-b1d8-420c-a060-00ff0c431f3a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:17:03	-447.463
-116	29928	1496400	83de8ed0-532b-46dc-9c31-64276cc8628d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:14:39	-468.210
-117	14965	1496500	3babfa2f-d6fe-44ea-a149-e11013c89c71	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:00:39	-83.490
-117	29930	1496500	9ed2a342-f5f5-4466-bfd9-d7507c7c11b9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:24:03	-617.964
-118	14966	1496600	e3f5b81d-6748-468c-8cbc-54f90697e297	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:26:13	-965.601
-118	29932	1496600	f56e8161-1138-4421-921a-d64d1c21b8f7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:03:35	-382.204
-119	14967	1496700	b50fe3ac-78c3-422b-ad3d-41584e0b9f11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:52:05	567.398
-119	29934	1496700	405b0bb7-ff67-4903-bffb-282c326694e6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:04:01	785.155
-120	14968	1496800	be79c43a-ef3e-4644-8460-a3f50f7bfe55	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:18:51	-381.374
-120	29936	1496800	fc0d30e2-3e3d-428e-b495-d8c3ee93c405	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:47:19	465.287
-121	14969	1496900	f04151f0-eb93-4766-9365-782761d3fc6e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:38:19	105.920
-121	29938	1496900	1a69940e-130d-4b16-8169-5413cd98e8b0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:37:33	-126.739
-122	14970	1497000	fd22eff2-98e0-42b4-884a-9fb93b545c20	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:23:55	387.917
-122	29940	1497000	3f1dbffb-c6d6-4894-9edd-64af792a0354	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:36:11	369.351
-123	14971	1497100	c574076b-052a-45e5-8dd8-50165ececb7d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:26:15	-70.341
-123	29942	1497100	77540e30-cb60-4b04-9547-d40caa23f13b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:06:16	90.2
-124	14972	1497200	f4955dea-8f8f-450c-9c93-1cdd529dc8d8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:20:21	79.17
-124	29944	1497200	8fb8377a-e3f7-4e91-b218-e7fb5e38cbb5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:01:26	-290.86
-125	14973	1497300	1fc505a1-3b3f-4c68-acd2-f91e30c265d4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:24:00	-96.705
-125	29946	1497300	26290403-9f93-49ff-8b17-d2473cd25bb6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:02:29	803.223
-126	14974	1497400	04712d0f-b29c-438e-b38a-aa75b0c621ce	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:47:27	843.841
-126	29948	1497400	1fa6607a-4ace-4a4a-9de5-04de0987d531	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:36:54	-542.845
-127	14975	1497500	71bd217e-6021-4362-a15a-bb0d658654f2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:14:10	522.210
-127	29950	1497500	f68d0fe6-da10-4b2a-87bb-8d4c22df8191	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:34:49	-232.944
-0	14976	1497600	caba5abd-2f5a-41ed-98c7-74e93366f7d4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:50:49	-182.117
-0	29952	1497600	889be668-7a8f-4872-9ea7-ba5260ac9fdf	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:25:22	153.443
-1	14977	1497700	a6932d68-04cb-4314-badc-c3e2ac2a1304	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:47:51	541.489
-1	29954	1497700	a7ebf3f7-bdc9-45d1-8d1e-ac80af42677c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:03:54	839.551
-2	14978	1497800	5775c815-52dd-4723-83a8-21fa4ed48e56	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:08:44	-388.788
-2	29956	1497800	82356958-9dde-4ff9-9ec1-e686e47c1e4f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:49:38	-69.599
-3	14979	1497900	c12e7f56-4612-4801-83b3-fe35eb65da35	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:45:31	-99.760
-3	29958	1497900	61b8b3db-4809-4a76-b1d0-3e877bbeec08	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:53:17	596.194
-4	14980	1498000	676b2023-36cc-4441-a69e-a33471eccb21	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:37:20	203.855
-4	29960	1498000	ce587a3f-7dc4-474c-94c2-ce201384b5de	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:44:21	-14.481
-5	14981	1498100	28cbc4f8-ac42-45fe-9cf8-a8608ff375b5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:20:02	478.739
-5	29962	1498100	43075383-64f7-4260-900b-e0688631d56f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:17:46	-677.350
-6	14982	1498200	1bf3b1fe-1bba-4a0e-b867-94355e0a9581	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:36:54	-926.565
-6	29964	1498200	8d689ed6-1631-430b-9d92-98f4e3ba6ae4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:28:19	-887.594
-7	14983	1498300	bf52615d-12bb-40b8-abcd-95afca558c86	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:03:01	730.256
-7	29966	1498300	7d520086-3e58-408c-860c-7f42e6b07628	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:09:23	-596.601
-8	14984	1498400	3d3518c3-2389-4df6-9c6f-35e787db0cfb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:10:06	507.268
-8	29968	1498400	085432f9-2972-4298-a166-197f578d2b06	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:36:48	819.10
-9	14985	1498500	39d218a9-40b5-4269-a4e3-a39c4fb31c75	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:20:50	-871.864
-9	29970	1498500	a4f459d9-b5ab-4751-8e55-ffd799d01213	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:03:53	60.906
-10	14986	1498600	652258db-f604-4343-a6dd-c3b16129548d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:33:11	-946.79
-10	29972	1498600	3922244c-8ba6-465c-ae5a-e0475d4c7dce	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:14:43	168.649
-11	14987	1498700	aa6be461-561d-4e7a-af02-cad9413774b4	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:43:12	285.621
-11	29974	1498700	daa70ee4-d8ae-497e-bb19-4ac9c1bd8f3d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:19:34	-961.737
-12	14988	1498800	799f99e0-3bd4-4fd3-941f-8d2dcc0d9a20	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:37:56	-262.859
-12	29976	1498800	7c072c6f-5f1e-49ad-8459-13dbd33dbe06	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:38:35	-663.122
-13	14989	1498900	f86fe5a5-56d3-419b-8f3b-50ba56f41aad	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:27:28	-215.827
-13	29978	1498900	0f06c1c3-95e5-4787-8936-a905592013ea	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:10:47	-236.131
-14	14990	1499000	fc62b653-9812-4339-ad74-0fbeb66785fe	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:12:33	174.659
-14	29980	1499000	fb6bc212-4151-41fe-b029-f9005696744b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:01:09	-167.232
-15	14991	1499100	e0301cb1-9c42-41fa-ad65-6e0bb2ac3fcb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:12:12	-906.750
-15	29982	1499100	ca78038e-ceb8-4093-86e9-fc2dcd404d52	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:10:55	944.14
-16	14992	1499200	2f117f37-9fa8-4101-b449-c86231b30da4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:53:42	-900.350
-16	29984	1499200	2289bcba-d778-4e71-a1c4-a3005b6c4236	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:16:02	432.679
-17	14993	1499300	8a6f03ac-0cb0-495b-b331-6e7446f32b43	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:39:33	-190.358
-17	29986	1499300	a8b6efe7-faf1-4d37-af6b-d043f4cd1fb0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:28:41	55.24
-18	14994	1499400	632958c9-aaa4-4e37-a421-0bc916c3b43c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:55:20	-49.447
-18	29988	1499400	4b4a26d2-34a1-44ca-8c7f-b15bf04751fd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:32:17	-540.838
-19	14995	1499500	2d6ba037-fe74-48ca-b74a-84525c17aecc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:48:43	-186.717
-19	29990	1499500	d7262316-80f7-469c-841b-1087cb9cf404	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:28:54	366.815
-20	14996	1499600	6f200c19-becc-4ef5-b118-73e52ca0f6a4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:48:00	366.820
-20	29992	1499600	956b6bd0-0e50-4fc0-b129-05598af1b655	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:02:38	948.273
-21	14997	1499700	d19cc337-715a-46e3-ab33-d13a648d22ea	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:06:13	272.18
-21	29994	1499700	1010456a-1651-4a5c-bdda-fcbd5483dde3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:24:19	888.322
-22	14998	1499800	8acb14aa-9a08-43be-899c-4435bfce7cb7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:40:12	359.838
-22	29996	1499800	498129f0-fbe8-4b96-928f-5bb196fd6d9f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:51:11	-202.201
-23	14999	1499900	fa1e2b2d-5db2-482e-b083-20e66eb177ac	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:28:17	-886.785
-23	29998	1499900	49f0f5e1-8033-45bb-b30e-c997f149bfc9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:44:57	-421.732
-24	15000	1500000	ec66e7c6-9b49-4990-b6b0-ce2d0c37ad10	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:28:05	-80.651
-24	30000	1500000	aec2c7a4-ff3a-445a-9900-275cad3decff	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:48:57	493.891
-25	15001	1500100	decd9ee6-4d25-48f7-bcdb-a2e74098e012	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:10:25	-69.73
-25	30002	1500100	c5cccf06-ffb3-48ba-8304-e39e213d9a98	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:20:56	-734.45
-26	15002	1500200	f37ab6c9-1d24-4790-b210-e07252ea7623	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:23:44	714.836
-26	30004	1500200	a2da2170-a3fd-4814-b4fa-63f9878a0191	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:05:30	205.431
-27	15003	1500300	b707d767-cdfa-4400-8e39-bd6c5037f858	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:17:54	881.643
-27	30006	1500300	f804828f-0436-4659-aa26-548e9f92197a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:29:26	656.417
-28	15004	1500400	44c01eed-cd21-4faf-9c29-45e11aea58e7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:31:16	-359.218
-28	30008	1500400	a0c6e043-2109-452a-b25c-9dd631d0ee2c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:43:46	-370.553
-29	15005	1500500	f273ed24-f402-4d94-b03c-09301640d2ad	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:41:33	-600.402
-29	30010	1500500	5f1b5fa2-cee7-4d0e-a550-5ad299f46e1e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:21:04	275.117
-30	15006	1500600	ac29be04-5ed1-4304-b715-1854ecf8ea42	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:57:57	303.216
-30	30012	1500600	b5c12d8b-474e-4232-b811-05a22e9c673c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:33:29	324.760
-31	15007	1500700	37166a5b-ff2d-4c75-bb5b-0dcb89e7eb6d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:45:08	-392.581
-31	30014	1500700	9e9d113b-355a-48b9-bbd5-8e029562f1aa	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:38:53	-225.851
-32	15008	1500800	50ca737e-25f1-4f30-88f7-38571e52544f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:25:56	172.770
-32	30016	1500800	97f823d2-a35b-4328-8039-3f1639f9bfce	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:58:02	14.288
-33	15009	1500900	32f62968-c96f-4cef-a777-d5567e549dd1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:45:11	563.395
-33	30018	1500900	6b645cf5-d58f-4de4-be8b-822412aead33	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:28:58	681.646
-34	15010	1501000	aff965d4-de42-4acd-88e8-fb8b2b537763	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:43:40	731.788
-34	30020	1501000	79fe74ea-9d1a-4bff-b51b-f5911bfcec3c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:45:10	-484.405
-35	15011	1501100	fe6d814f-4631-4c47-b2bf-14a46c81730a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:33:06	-160.241
-35	30022	1501100	4cf61efa-f73e-4a46-b2cb-04f2fd8405c0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:06:01	579.189
-36	15012	1501200	9de8cd5e-a861-40f0-af88-b71fe75f2ef1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:40:38	-846.103
-36	30024	1501200	c39d1a56-9e73-431b-b8be-928c7346a49a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:33:59	-239.427
-37	15013	1501300	7de60cb3-c1d2-4e42-ada4-8aa037f286ce	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:06:59	617.383
-37	30026	1501300	65f333d9-510f-405f-b43a-48983609db8b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:04:16	863.662
-38	15014	1501400	81b433cc-5d02-45a0-8e08-d693e737983b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:40:25	-597.983
-38	30028	1501400	482b7589-3127-48b6-a598-31f1b733fc54	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:07:59	305.917
-39	15015	1501500	653c5e84-916b-4be5-b841-d6598a7575e6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:57:49	-269.323
-39	30030	1501500	1ce8e42e-6f4e-43c3-ae02-a4e1f9ba9b63	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:31:28	-215.561
-40	15016	1501600	15285d17-07fe-43a8-a7af-05c4d2f9b0e2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:23:58	197.762
-40	30032	1501600	343cb8e2-4d48-4772-9b07-f5f059c2522e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:21:32	487.607
-41	15017	1501700	4323c493-465c-4da6-b0f5-1e0253729fff	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:37:04	695.570
-41	30034	1501700	50bb1622-6cfb-4a51-bbb2-0601bd40a005	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:51:07	43.593
-42	15018	1501800	7327a26a-8d1c-4a3e-b78b-3f24383bbc24	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:00:47	200.76
-42	30036	1501800	c362ff39-0d0e-475a-83b8-b88f9f1d0598	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:48:12	-62.503
-43	15019	1501900	2d86a40c-01ea-45cd-b84d-af1ad0f2ee9b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:54:31	-131.196
-43	30038	1501900	545dec78-8786-41a8-baef-85f275511485	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:15:59	-459.832
-44	15020	1502000	c1600e8f-f4fd-4804-9f58-2e9a2852ffb9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:54:50	640.863
-44	30040	1502000	d7d4ce75-60ae-490f-a989-b4c51c0c8afd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:06:12	699.240
-45	15021	1502100	a1304910-bae4-48f4-8f88-e770bf0a9f37	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:00:39	-271.523
-45	30042	1502100	66df331f-e110-4c3d-8115-199575e35262	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:45:19	178.690
-46	15022	1502200	209d6548-334a-4ba6-8b8f-05b2a8187183	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:36:18	334.187
-46	30044	1502200	2c2b214f-0c5c-4252-a6e0-b37a2af89766	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:55:04	-597.281
-47	15023	1502300	171c1880-1ed4-48b8-99b8-5ebf4f785904	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:44:20	-928.715
-47	30046	1502300	f193d4b1-e377-45c1-9fc8-70d96d6af705	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:45:09	-597.657
-48	15024	1502400	991ddb75-99c3-42a7-bf2f-4d9286e8faf0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:29:57	643.734
-48	30048	1502400	b5bdad7f-cd7b-4d57-af55-f5688cf2620d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:10:13	-197.641
-49	15025	1502500	54d99dc5-f4d4-4c8d-ad84-0914b1e203d1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:40:52	103.845
-49	30050	1502500	47cb9c45-6964-4973-9407-43a49b2b848d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:10:58	586.8
-50	15026	1502600	e65c0d33-3848-4248-a9df-8719ce606a08	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:57:50	518.824
-50	30052	1502600	a4b178d0-e2c4-4d4e-b766-325b0b9e5974	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:15:36	-953.817
-51	15027	1502700	a2810cf6-2b6d-405d-8649-5077c3ff9c94	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:31:21	-646.10
-51	30054	1502700	61150c83-d71a-4d26-9db0-6e1c3c85c205	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:03:48	282.884
-52	15028	1502800	ac38162a-580d-471c-8f32-c395ba47c580	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:47:09	-346.852
-52	30056	1502800	214d3bec-b24b-4eaa-b004-d58083cc16b6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:43:45	-836.937
-53	15029	1502900	9ad3f4cc-b701-4cec-917b-c4e2a68efe8e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:56:36	-88.27
-53	30058	1502900	14e1ca59-faeb-4f84-8436-1dd235bc5a7f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:28:23	-195.414
-54	15030	1503000	7e32b664-9f8c-45a5-89b9-e334dd9098db	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:15:19	-611.553
-54	30060	1503000	afcb9edf-598a-4b20-af3f-64de1a6f5adc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:52:53	419.248
-55	15031	1503100	e81669f2-6a3a-404a-8348-9b510302441b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:54:02	-894.890
-55	30062	1503100	b4f005a0-23f9-4fad-bbbd-6d5dcdf8d9b1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:45:47	-195.54
-56	15032	1503200	5463108d-c80b-4198-ab09-cc28eef2a43e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:10:18	927.241
-56	30064	1503200	23b66ce0-a3a3-4de3-ad1c-baa096f21c0f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:24:27	188.327
-57	15033	1503300	89268278-b1a2-4e55-865d-55eff8527888	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:16:52	807.699
-57	30066	1503300	5c777478-5811-4e95-9045-b54d6df76625	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:22:00	660.286
-58	15034	1503400	79367e85-c8a3-467a-9eef-13830bf39ad6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:41:20	29.167
-58	30068	1503400	ead746c0-87c6-46bf-9885-9681f7dd8ac2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:50:42	-102.497
-59	15035	1503500	58960a72-b1e6-4036-8c23-821a99d75ed2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:36:41	413.720
-59	30070	1503500	af658877-5024-47a1-aec9-3ab18957cc8e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:44:35	-102.322
-60	15036	1503600	af58239b-d6b4-4259-b2da-c448161dc54f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:17:08	122.781
-60	30072	1503600	2dcf102e-e466-4464-b16f-4520622d577f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:19:16	-800.544
-61	15037	1503700	88fa8314-e821-4423-b1f8-60b3aff14d5b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:31:32	-156.532
-61	30074	1503700	3582f9af-90e4-4dcf-971d-158b4a7dbc7c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:31:27	-862.727
-62	15038	1503800	4ed7e01d-cc2d-44f2-b907-771e75520471	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:45:49	-433.637
-62	30076	1503800	4c1e8ebf-c18a-484e-97e7-0206fa680406	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:04:56	-299.568
-63	15039	1503900	e6a3e811-0eda-4a5a-9787-667de8d2738c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:43:52	-282.709
-63	30078	1503900	cfbc7ad8-3abb-4566-bf87-e4c8f57ebfb6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:23:23	150.208
-64	15040	1504000	b8fc0ead-e30a-4295-85b6-b4225d5f08ca	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:10:00	-94.971
-64	30080	1504000	93839d73-d08c-4e72-b8ab-abcee04bdf36	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:10:56	566.849
-65	15041	1504100	1c6b4c1c-46f4-4a76-a71f-1bb946f9d241	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:30:26	-348.261
-65	30082	1504100	197cceff-faec-4861-bc09-bbd51a7ab8e8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:36:30	399.475
-66	15042	1504200	9d7bdf56-be59-4202-abe0-552a15ca4187	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:30:14	-358.458
-66	30084	1504200	861a005a-3e9a-4327-a315-0973741006fb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:07:36	-821.128
-67	15043	1504300	016dbcd1-d936-4521-b3b4-8736b18429f0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:25:49	-910.814
-67	30086	1504300	406de1e8-fe9c-4b4a-aff6-f2e0e2126335	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:56:09	-107.144
-68	15044	1504400	e4c4e67d-be6b-431b-a50b-f22bdd2a81a4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:06:35	-768.395
-68	30088	1504400	d3e9798e-1ec6-4e99-a44c-3a5399992282	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:22:43	-183.822
-69	15045	1504500	1b4f20ad-25b0-4014-87a2-4cb36069f8f2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:28:45	-892.322
-69	30090	1504500	4ae2d728-dca9-48e0-8aaa-62eb10584599	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:41:35	181.552
-70	15046	1504600	e601efef-66e0-4b28-a1a6-0257c6def589	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:42:09	-216.836
-70	30092	1504600	a83e232f-33b1-4095-a0d9-66ed3fad7166	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:42:24	176.409
-71	15047	1504700	247b2ab6-74e7-4ee6-83c7-4feb20ee4871	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:39:59	62.358
-71	30094	1504700	7d2492dd-609b-40be-91f9-9ba40077d4a7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:58:55	537.906
-72	15048	1504800	5fce3f79-b3c8-4d8a-805f-aa2ad3e4c7ee	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:21:56	-490.883
-72	30096	1504800	cf669b9b-ff55-47ab-bb9b-93dcc70a451b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:38:35	-251.374
-73	15049	1504900	2b4b6685-5f39-4077-8630-df47a34befc5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:05:56	-835.810
-73	30098	1504900	3a8b760d-79d9-49fa-9069-2a3c5a7c137a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:09:25	-241.828
-74	15050	1505000	7ee4cebc-906c-40d2-9429-5f877b5c077d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:37:01	111.633
-74	30100	1505000	4ec4f533-7af8-44fe-bd92-d7f9cc618919	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:12:22	859.688
-75	15051	1505100	29ed821c-7dff-492f-9aad-8a45da0a5478	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:11:10	119.33
-75	30102	1505100	0a406dd4-66d4-4669-88b4-fea9f8318b64	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:12:01	294.28
-76	15052	1505200	07895235-9b1f-4a6e-b7d2-c113bbf32a0c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:08:33	-258.332
-76	30104	1505200	76bd1f50-ea2b-46be-95e4-55198ee04be4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:00:11	222.86
-77	15053	1505300	cdaa38d7-35ac-4001-9a77-a434d4f9c8b9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:51:25	403.998
-77	30106	1505300	56996754-a8c7-4e82-ba46-7ed5e4ef524f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:00:44	892.838
-78	15054	1505400	0b7ac79b-65e7-4b25-9fcc-b9c41b4e4eca	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:08:26	-617.400
-78	30108	1505400	ad3a9113-c141-4724-a00d-f47c554f51cf	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:09:31	-85.364
-79	15055	1505500	303bd95b-b7e0-42da-b5ec-1b4128fd5339	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:09:31	497.757
-79	30110	1505500	8ba3406c-0f50-411c-809c-9bcf43da3068	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:39:54	-198.640
-80	15056	1505600	a5cc06cc-84dd-4aa4-993f-6ecfc622c72f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:56:46	546.696
-80	30112	1505600	f91754ea-8f51-4220-a83d-f180f637fadd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:08:40	343.698
-81	15057	1505700	57f76417-fd0c-4b39-9800-2f3af2abf022	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:36:03	742.249
-81	30114	1505700	0e1d0eac-b80e-401c-9954-506d7efb407d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:43:36	-834.460
-82	15058	1505800	d5172c76-c826-4dec-ad4d-807a198bc666	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:01:01	880.572
-82	30116	1505800	dfd23c86-1884-4de6-9e25-ee1364ce939b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:41:30	817.585
-83	15059	1505900	269931bf-c362-4d8e-900d-4d56587d5027	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:23:19	359.179
-83	30118	1505900	a03c7620-c01d-43e8-b329-5c3c3e201e66	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:42:34	-954.134
-84	15060	1506000	a304c39a-5373-43ff-b317-6e4895ab8365	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:04:35	-985.406
-84	30120	1506000	41426dde-a4ed-41f2-9f36-fd70604b05ef	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:58:58	-168.315
-85	15061	1506100	26815df2-acef-497d-824c-8e235fce72e0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:08:31	-111.484
-85	30122	1506100	7bdb6441-a928-4203-87a0-5f8fedd7d8d8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:50:31	745.973
-86	15062	1506200	b9498c87-3d72-4942-8c7b-26387bdcb486	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:02:17	-672.746
-86	30124	1506200	740e6946-9fc4-4246-b0da-7e8bfb0903c9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:15:37	-88.243
-87	15063	1506300	f42cd7fe-6262-4e02-a68c-82c4d01af937	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:30:19	872.370
-87	30126	1506300	f508cc34-3658-46a4-9e59-c4a19be5ad86	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:48:39	927.883
-88	15064	1506400	09ca90c1-546d-42e9-b4da-ee2a4031d09b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:54:57	-652.808
-88	30128	1506400	f202d363-3216-4ecf-a998-803abf01af06	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:11:21	852.300
-89	15065	1506500	6cb2f730-b9c3-4d74-8801-7b089dd8b3ab	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:01:23	681.869
-89	30130	1506500	44fb77e3-47a3-4121-8b6b-033031838a9a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:25:27	-658.144
-90	15066	1506600	5774c0a0-b8f2-45dc-a0ec-38f32376fd57	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:59:53	14.802
-90	30132	1506600	703ec2a1-96f6-4696-a3f4-65cba98b650d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:26:47	-871.960
-91	15067	1506700	aeae610a-92c3-4109-97c2-8bdb8a68cc69	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:44:45	544.102
-91	30134	1506700	d9ab88f5-1c39-4e18-a7f7-1e7559490efc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:23:19	10.517
-92	15068	1506800	12af826d-4258-417d-ba5b-727f8ec9f48f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:08:49	229.616
-92	30136	1506800	53d930c3-abcd-414f-9e61-e92a948d2932	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:36:58	865.705
-93	15069	1506900	394452bf-e5cc-4016-ac37-bc366ea6faa8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:56:54	128.355
-93	30138	1506900	7075be67-720f-4cb4-ae68-1350328b6041	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:33:17	-92.583
-94	15070	1507000	c7efc23c-7108-46d0-9886-ec03d7b1b946	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:34:17	841.344
-94	30140	1507000	f983e5d2-a2cd-4784-821d-03696f877068	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:11:19	-542.948
-95	15071	1507100	8d805bf3-1e9f-4f9d-8da4-69f81ed8aa52	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:39:53	237.355
-95	30142	1507100	bf15f483-db38-4963-8089-a1c199b6ca71	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:54:53	429.257
-96	15072	1507200	122235f2-1b18-4806-93d2-56aaad6986c1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:27:51	748.63
-96	30144	1507200	f06a2896-bc0d-453d-853b-6b870bbcfb56	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:29:57	100.153
-97	15073	1507300	7a4a4e8d-1c3e-47ff-8c58-9e237a80378d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:06:55	228.186
-97	30146	1507300	8e02a4b3-7159-4293-a406-b0de5bc7f05d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:23:11	-679.934
-98	15074	1507400	d98715cd-061c-46eb-b65d-abc589ad1f5f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:07:06	-954.982
-98	30148	1507400	a66a13ca-bc3f-4792-9801-8d0918fb2f2a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:39:44	-429.499
-99	15075	1507500	11f6d566-aacb-4ff0-a56b-a84a36035a5b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:28:42	-88.190
-99	30150	1507500	c13a8032-fcff-4610-a896-45f733e7eadc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:24:14	139.879
-100	15076	1507600	e1306f7e-64b3-4b77-8c97-7aa8f05c25f8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:26:41	-990.48
-100	30152	1507600	b3352d3d-aec5-4a62-ba97-3ea5aa79dd94	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:47:17	-154.629
-101	15077	1507700	018ec00a-11f6-4c2f-967d-42ab87081f17	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:12:58	666.756
-101	30154	1507700	f5454bb4-cf94-4d7d-a414-22468517fd1e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:22:39	357.343
-102	15078	1507800	b053a909-6a4a-4f5a-939f-d17c3c301bc5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:15:15	376.7
-102	30156	1507800	6c6b8af8-a3d0-498c-ab03-7e2aef7c44fa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:55:38	211.941
-103	15079	1507900	7a3e3874-a222-4ed9-aa1d-6304db6b26d4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:10:00	703.321
-103	30158	1507900	bedc2c34-bb83-4f23-9a83-9b96bcff092b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:29:25	665.866
-104	15080	1508000	ff591619-2d13-4ac5-9a46-be229fc35dca	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:52:41	-93.24
-104	30160	1508000	620b67cb-0f2b-4ca3-84b0-a98fdf04a1ff	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:55:36	965.119
-105	15081	1508100	7cf55f6c-f299-47a0-845b-923cabf2b907	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:14:29	-515.923
-105	30162	1508100	0c9dadae-fa9c-49bc-8518-bee5e721ee88	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:31:50	-720.296
-106	15082	1508200	f7b667ae-f485-42a3-9fcc-78652ad4e8f6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:46:44	-822.833
-106	30164	1508200	555c60c7-0abf-47c0-91c2-e464960f669b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:20:33	706.382
-107	15083	1508300	cd88b145-4528-4125-bae1-4630793e38d1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:20:10	480.635
-107	30166	1508300	4781b785-ea84-4d90-b2c0-6df6044c4f05	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:18:42	259.346
-108	15084	1508400	27c9f174-784c-46f8-b1ef-78e2874a4b46	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:21:16	-556.197
-108	30168	1508400	37a4048f-4847-4100-bf12-ed195c541d79	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:47:36	897.498
-109	15085	1508500	d753c7ce-f349-459b-b8be-c1366e505041	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:19:58	-199.354
-109	30170	1508500	1c7c9522-82f0-4b1f-bd28-c277ba2ecc27	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:46:41	168.573
-110	15086	1508600	bebfaf7c-ffd2-4fbd-9438-0b09ca0d12da	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:09:32	613.490
-110	30172	1508600	bbcd91b5-2650-4862-a9b1-7086e6735629	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:13:35	-535.849
-111	15087	1508700	4e44b212-558c-4c32-beb0-87522c11d7aa	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:09:36	906.75
-111	30174	1508700	aaed5793-28e0-4c10-b2b8-5bd8ab3a718a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:07:20	-567.933
-112	15088	1508800	0ef6c9e4-6add-4987-afe7-fa9cd8395852	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:19:38	167.125
-112	30176	1508800	0d5c63ce-ef2e-4275-9aa2-ec7e6f0bf003	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:10:57	-720.309
-113	15089	1508900	32fa69ac-fb38-45b2-b592-33350e5773b3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:52:48	-656.824
-113	30178	1508900	3c4f5268-639f-443d-ab5f-723746c43171	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:41:06	-275.474
-114	15090	1509000	ec91774a-7ff8-4334-a285-d9085127fc7e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:03:57	398.267
-114	30180	1509000	5c7b93da-3328-4588-a172-ff3a834801b3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:07:01	88.852
-115	15091	1509100	42a5187c-1c0e-4b59-9ae0-240eb97db807	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:49:48	126.86
-115	30182	1509100	4f7c7f13-9fd3-43b6-950c-dff8d4aef16f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:06:43	169.697
-116	15092	1509200	ee52b254-5fd3-42e6-b0c3-363a3eb12866	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:28:04	-498.112
-116	30184	1509200	c7af202b-fe6a-45bb-8738-50ea2067924f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:36:12	864.858
-117	15093	1509300	600504a0-9218-42d9-8617-a2b24e9978d0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:14:19	67.127
-117	30186	1509300	5648b452-c1ab-46ca-a170-a79115db5f5a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:43:15	783.951
-118	15094	1509400	4817dfc2-eafb-4249-a808-04127af6ac58	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:01:43	718.583
-118	30188	1509400	b0fda2da-a545-4317-8218-3e7ece55470d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:41:01	377.125
-119	15095	1509500	a27ab9fa-49b1-4397-978f-c35638870b36	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:46:18	-144.742
-119	30190	1509500	745fef78-1a43-4e48-8dd4-b6b8733e039f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:59:18	271.249
-120	15096	1509600	06096a4f-3af6-48c8-bf75-d00dbd958324	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:07:19	-695.676
-120	30192	1509600	e8cfd8d7-e4eb-488d-902f-34966b71a9c1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:25:34	757.742
-121	15097	1509700	8f20ffda-7615-4b95-8dd0-f5652b91d5e3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:41:12	-269.946
-121	30194	1509700	c8797b29-5a88-4ae0-b57c-6e68f9f7d055	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:27:23	523.443
-122	15098	1509800	819ed546-c2c7-48b3-958e-3c23b7203d0d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:35:09	-656.362
-122	30196	1509800	45c574f9-64ab-4ca6-b229-b8cfa682813f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:21:21	501.387
-123	15099	1509900	a31230cc-e698-45e9-8db3-84fb71e7d946	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:04:57	-841.514
-123	30198	1509900	57311885-8440-48a4-a548-67e8b6df4c70	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:50:57	-729.697
-124	15100	1510000	9acf5799-6a72-4d99-b0a0-00f507294923	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:09:53	900.15
-124	30200	1510000	ce440d8d-9fb5-4de1-87df-8016e1595224	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:45:16	17.902
-125	15101	1510100	523168f4-639b-4868-8e26-f1c236e9a362	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:25:00	-742.83
-125	30202	1510100	7c232e22-c0af-42cb-aca7-72738f9ac5f2	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:37:38	792.560
-126	15102	1510200	e6199474-7695-4127-97b3-bb3c8a0a3642	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:07:06	-429.157
-126	30204	1510200	2ef94ae7-38b6-4f5b-94c3-4512871e1f5e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:11:32	-850.611
-127	15103	1510300	c61232ac-ef40-459f-bb14-ca8d65362571	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:13:24	-82.636
-127	30206	1510300	071c4bce-0ad1-4142-b77f-cdcd5ccf1f05	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:47:42	645.327
-0	15104	1510400	db8b9f87-8c03-4aa8-9ef3-5b6a22a5df0e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:43:05	-646.270
-0	30208	1510400	14ad2ca1-8774-494a-ae51-d9acccdbc4d9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:52:53	551.332
-1	15105	1510500	e78fe60d-5548-4841-beba-7e37fc1e287e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:39:03	-834.42
-1	30210	1510500	4643a843-2dd7-420c-adcf-1596e2abcb4a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:19:15	219.412
-2	15106	1510600	c4714ad5-f31d-42ef-9b94-d629e8bd1dcc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:31:19	37.682
-2	30212	1510600	449b9a03-1acd-4701-9674-e1bf7a31bad1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:58:14	-776.669
-3	15107	1510700	f578aab5-0754-4e6d-b228-934d4ae81d79	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:27:11	-674.493
-3	30214	1510700	49d2276a-e381-455e-b66a-11366743e852	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:20:36	910.106
-4	15108	1510800	520e1022-5f26-4243-ac94-259fff2931a8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:40:32	-477.372
-4	30216	1510800	b8005368-c759-406a-a40a-ab5641bbddc5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:33:21	335.215
-5	15109	1510900	4fb73b77-539c-4331-9a72-6f364ff337b5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:58:39	-317.683
-5	30218	1510900	e0b8c5e2-2714-4214-bd76-0732e5da1adc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:03:03	-255.187
-6	15110	1511000	e39da318-c2e6-4e1b-a431-23417fab1cd9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:10:56	915.44
-6	30220	1511000	7d6a6607-1fc6-4c22-9087-f410e948bbc3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:42:25	-554.697
-7	15111	1511100	9cf8a0af-a5b2-410d-abad-b5f65ecfc001	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:39:25	414.449
-7	30222	1511100	00d73abc-00ca-40e3-8e24-951376862984	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:40:13	481.687
-8	15112	1511200	c8f072e5-6a55-4534-81a2-b010e0b4ca56	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:46:25	475.408
-8	30224	1511200	addb382f-c8c4-433c-a8a5-6851681a7d48	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:48:06	-261.806
-9	15113	1511300	a9b5e448-4935-4bc7-a360-47b5723e8ea3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:08:46	886.23
-9	30226	1511300	060fba1a-cf5f-42e0-b075-97a9f372df6c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:26:23	628.113
-10	15114	1511400	8486b965-5fc1-409c-a762-74dfd2822d89	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:44:45	72.380
-10	30228	1511400	3c55904f-fb51-4bb6-a090-38f76ee479b1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:42:18	340.337
-11	15115	1511500	aaaf8d76-7f66-49f6-ba6d-221549c8ac7d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:36:45	789.376
-11	30230	1511500	8372e333-908a-4884-b2dd-320c6de9c8aa	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:42:48	-677.20
-12	15116	1511600	25d8b8d3-d26a-44cc-870e-5e7fb4fe8d9a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:29:30	186.335
-12	30232	1511600	9f6ef028-c7a0-4e86-8a48-6b2a9c168ba7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:55:11	790.792
-13	15117	1511700	10216a41-45bc-4516-9f0c-b0aa900f7a4c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:37:22	-913.29
-13	30234	1511700	e04d789a-44d3-4460-b25f-687b02b41f67	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:12:14	106.776
-14	15118	1511800	4b329f21-29ae-4a0c-bebe-f6db8d07c541	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:20:16	-959.169
-14	30236	1511800	ad24a758-a18f-44e8-9f7b-c10d67d38459	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:56:44	109.599
-15	15119	1511900	05be6bce-72cb-48a4-98a9-0a014f595f29	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:36:28	-859.372
-15	30238	1511900	af97a1b0-b884-4648-b57d-b055dc7bbe15	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:58:13	600.111
-16	15120	1512000	d4aaee73-6af2-40ff-8a88-9d6f1630cfc6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:21:25	-246.560
-16	30240	1512000	a8de93ed-3f6f-48e4-94c6-23a3db85e444	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:25:57	-913.785
-17	15121	1512100	8440428d-e6dd-47d9-aa0c-fe1e1f044ebd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:39:38	22.571
-17	30242	1512100	3a07372d-8d2b-499b-8580-c3a21d78d47e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:21:55	-743.806
-18	15122	1512200	56b9a084-0f7e-4a87-9e68-7f0db668166d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:19:01	338.983
-18	30244	1512200	5bb2feb8-4212-4751-ad5f-45b34ed1fe5e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:25:57	327.812
-19	15123	1512300	4c6bd577-9c3e-4afc-86f1-a9081180487e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:49:34	-35.482
-19	30246	1512300	2729dd73-ee8a-4c0a-8573-e860f5fbf6e7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:19:45	573.705
-20	15124	1512400	6c4fcb41-29a7-4ecc-a9f9-e90ac9625e12	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:12:28	-460.629
-20	30248	1512400	90b33129-8dbf-43d6-a1d9-e6ada580f554	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:38:18	987.864
-21	15125	1512500	8a40692b-74ca-49ab-ae13-ef59c3ebfc70	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:42:48	170.84
-21	30250	1512500	2c0f0606-4a3b-4f35-b065-a3d2daa2e3e4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:37:47	876.42
-22	15126	1512600	95bf5669-e15c-4d81-8098-bac638d664fc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:04:38	-570.88
-22	30252	1512600	809b8031-ceb3-41ea-8cce-0a486b58f7c9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:43:04	402.752
-23	15127	1512700	b5b71895-0e45-4241-87e5-60017a020bf8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:40:53	-832.554
-23	30254	1512700	5e887307-3ae1-47b1-b4d0-41eba1fae489	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:09:38	-888.721
-24	15128	1512800	f46bde90-43da-4ed3-88ee-2125074cc913	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:19:06	-146.932
-24	30256	1512800	9eb5d807-e62d-4657-922f-0de5b3b80308	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:16:40	367.355
-25	15129	1512900	5514ce1d-3455-4245-89da-c606e655b60d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:47:45	-458.911
-25	30258	1512900	abce8b9c-a038-4d81-8d0a-dc444c1a4ac0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:24:51	-858.29
-26	15130	1513000	7628c79c-6aed-488a-ad71-10ecf9258ad9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:52:09	981.225
-26	30260	1513000	834ed26d-70f5-464b-a3ad-31695a9d0246	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:18:38	11.621
-27	15131	1513100	a49a8fed-e31d-4e0c-a60d-81d91f68c23c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:19:07	-865.637
-27	30262	1513100	9c43a225-b092-44a4-845e-7dd36323d2d1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:53:37	-308.483
-28	15132	1513200	df6be591-0b12-4bfe-a4ba-46cf5e5c3a6c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:22:57	-871.281
-28	30264	1513200	f9ad8d16-5fd9-49df-b129-086ed750c886	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:41:51	996.465
-29	15133	1513300	30d9ce5c-a698-42b6-8568-16295ef382c3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:23:51	829.882
-29	30266	1513300	19b2f77b-0d03-45e0-a08d-d73dab518822	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:14:50	724.52
-30	15134	1513400	ac41d9aa-ab7c-4956-bb08-4b2d18cb8499	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:42:09	704.618
-30	30268	1513400	9291c42f-50ee-47bf-8743-99be0f4453ae	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:30:42	96.224
-31	15135	1513500	d7bbb10f-253d-47c5-b267-74087cfb5861	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:03:15	-857.937
-31	30270	1513500	95b4fa7b-dac0-4de4-b4c4-98f22541ab9a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:48:19	671.594
-32	15136	1513600	212e9486-c9f2-4da8-8c7f-d1776d5306d6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:58:54	368.419
-32	30272	1513600	209948f8-487b-4f0a-a105-a3a01acf6e75	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:37:55	580.232
-33	15137	1513700	66002841-dbed-4ef8-92ce-aef2d135cbd2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:24:38	-121.711
-33	30274	1513700	6ef00438-794a-4730-9eb7-4a2c06c34f46	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:43:05	921.259
-34	15138	1513800	0a4b4153-454e-4255-9795-edbe64614c28	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:56:15	900.535
-34	30276	1513800	bb28c387-bffc-494c-b16d-2dbc3985aa15	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:20:23	-323.314
-35	15139	1513900	82447137-c4be-4af8-8316-46c520e92818	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:54:24	-984.608
-35	30278	1513900	007c91cf-273a-474e-89db-d72501a3ba7a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:55:26	588.910
-36	15140	1514000	f70bff25-464d-47c2-9f68-d53271bcb67e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:50:31	-175.353
-36	30280	1514000	19092b0b-f1e7-4efa-bc11-c9da5220b13f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:12:19	862.721
-37	15141	1514100	c18a8ba3-9ec0-42dc-9af1-9d2414b0b72d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:27:02	-296.847
-37	30282	1514100	7937c2ea-f735-49a5-b4c4-56d34280eb22	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:21:07	359.400
-38	15142	1514200	d5549499-6b1f-427e-9b0d-b389ca3d0eea	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:04:37	425.245
-38	30284	1514200	cc2343ce-0cec-4851-b329-f1431cbdcb26	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:44:49	170.137
-39	15143	1514300	0624d71e-9041-488a-87a1-e8d50a03b039	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:56:13	-508.812
-39	30286	1514300	a64add9f-c09b-4afe-a171-43f401e3cf6f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:58:46	-771.518
-40	15144	1514400	f5633a6d-4487-414e-8c91-f4582cc5f62d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:07:31	81.566
-40	30288	1514400	1c59755b-70f8-49aa-8541-35d7c6de9873	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:08:50	-167.882
-41	15145	1514500	8fbbf272-75f5-47cb-9271-8c25def4b595	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:20:20	21.876
-41	30290	1514500	c2ef8237-8b9e-4be8-ac3b-d215cd1b9a84	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:32:46	67.62
-42	15146	1514600	8788bdda-5181-4377-852d-d0b77bc8203b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:48:53	93.770
-42	30292	1514600	3f4c191b-6bb5-4e40-8be2-a2cff66251d5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:09:21	-618.16
-43	15147	1514700	63949ae8-e47d-4149-b5dc-f6de36064edb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:45:07	-151.576
-43	30294	1514700	f36982f4-1806-4178-801d-76e464caf5fc	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:11:22	-786.302
-44	15148	1514800	4373cb44-3573-4c42-8314-9e4f8efadecb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:54:40	-581.657
-44	30296	1514800	5a6bc510-de6b-40a9-95c2-394c3ad97d2c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:40:25	848.242
-45	15149	1514900	6b04bb82-5140-4f31-aa9d-ee1fdda8d296	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:46:19	811.194
-45	30298	1514900	6fa8737d-654b-412e-aeee-3270bcb27d44	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:44:40	839.633
-46	15150	1515000	17e7a63a-c375-40d0-9391-3b1b86ecaffc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:27:47	82.910
-46	30300	1515000	32817346-1988-4f4f-820c-a713148b3916	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:17:25	-837.894
-47	15151	1515100	5b225405-89de-47c1-a3dc-67b1898105d5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:05:42	-709.341
-47	30302	1515100	1f8ea5db-9755-4897-b8d7-e67574366cc7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:02:10	338.176
-48	15152	1515200	94df1aa8-d350-4d4d-9a6b-f44824ce520a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:50:46	693.789
-48	30304	1515200	4c34a4f0-51ac-484c-b726-12bf7760fcd7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:09:57	522.208
-49	15153	1515300	7eccf92d-d2bd-4837-94f9-60dcde0c5240	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:57:35	-635.182
-49	30306	1515300	7e1b1672-d92d-4ad0-a9ca-ea968ad641b8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:34:23	922.947
-50	15154	1515400	0343b08c-8726-4798-bd38-db7e7d466a80	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:22:33	402.997
-50	30308	1515400	98dbeee4-8aca-4ba2-8237-d97eef438c6b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:35:56	286.785
-51	15155	1515500	ec9200b4-415e-42cf-b5a0-9fd6a6b97677	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:10:22	784.938
-51	30310	1515500	91925340-7277-49c3-a33a-3bbdd46ecaa7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:27:43	-520.404
-52	15156	1515600	76e8b8d0-0295-4569-b51c-9f3a47a22012	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:16:44	578.67
-52	30312	1515600	a29e14f6-7687-47d9-80fb-f28347d417ae	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:04:05	491.225
-53	15157	1515700	7db47424-0ad2-413e-b6aa-0cd8019e7172	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:27:34	132.210
-53	30314	1515700	4c96d4c0-3eaf-4804-95af-f601d97ccee4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:08:19	654.789
-54	15158	1515800	1147ff1e-eb4b-4b40-8a89-a4464ad408a4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:38:29	-194.479
-54	30316	1515800	6a9ea1a8-dd63-4510-ac4f-2db6868af83c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:53:29	-357.925
-55	15159	1515900	cd095f98-7d9a-472b-b785-9eeea386e8ff	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:01:03	-934.471
-55	30318	1515900	e2922b4a-294d-4c0f-a72c-453035807694	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:23:01	139.510
-56	15160	1516000	7d56df35-aab7-40f4-b846-d0482792a9e3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:06:13	430.539
-56	30320	1516000	cc943065-adc6-400a-bd3a-fe64de01d707	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:48:43	841.393
-57	15161	1516100	c8c38431-a4ee-47a4-ac0e-daa2ae4ac58e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:25:55	578.24
-57	30322	1516100	049c1385-00d2-456d-8f5b-e614d2964269	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:38:04	-589.692
-58	15162	1516200	438e38a1-5dca-4d60-8260-59d73478c6e9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:24:12	-142.357
-58	30324	1516200	db878ec3-4009-473f-9442-51eb39abcabc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:28:45	-811.406
-59	15163	1516300	61b53600-9638-421d-80a7-7ade7a11e7da	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:21:00	931.34
-59	30326	1516300	b836e4aa-7ffe-43e4-b8ad-2f7dc6d0b078	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:24:50	-244.750
-60	15164	1516400	d328b13d-c386-4101-a4ff-ac9bb415667f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:22:05	166.147
-60	30328	1516400	f424baf3-2d56-4b36-a5a3-1234098be4c4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:04:10	-908.469
-61	15165	1516500	4b5bc0c9-fd2a-4eea-b63b-37e2f25de557	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:20:43	-369.436
-61	30330	1516500	47c1747d-e05d-47fa-9c87-4e3aaceb4031	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:21:01	-883.577
-62	15166	1516600	1a0f3384-c97d-414c-99da-75c00fbb3278	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:09:49	433.763
-62	30332	1516600	eb80762d-a819-40d7-b4d5-ca5381d0eaa0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:47:53	421.629
-63	15167	1516700	39800fd2-27af-4c72-b42b-4a45da2331d4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:56:03	619.685
-63	30334	1516700	8dbf2d6e-ee65-4fe3-af5e-62aebc650bbb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:57:11	269.491
-64	15168	1516800	e0e2e441-7806-402b-be3b-a74c5167d010	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:02:14	-537.759
-64	30336	1516800	384e87d5-46b1-4272-b1b7-9a8953b56050	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:24:37	563.238
-65	15169	1516900	c7ed387a-b293-4374-80f7-792820fb3f86	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:32:58	-594.568
-65	30338	1516900	5c435986-9ddb-49c0-9003-534e4aa48abd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:17:01	76.689
-66	15170	1517000	82cee259-85fd-43b3-b995-1756d6b263e7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:08:29	201.663
-66	30340	1517000	1b974263-4ddd-4535-8e06-de93b5dbd9c0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:05:42	949.416
-67	15171	1517100	74015816-c150-4dc3-a714-f309f69d26b5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:02:02	-68.218
-67	30342	1517100	1f47fdda-0cc4-499b-9297-71acc8c648a3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:23:05	37.802
-68	15172	1517200	2d616de7-5150-4883-a1b5-bec53d4612f2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:12:23	881.226
-68	30344	1517200	6180f35b-bf13-450c-ad44-3d0ca4ac4515	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:35:50	271.510
-69	15173	1517300	e9982601-73a6-4548-b732-a8575cbce6a3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:51:34	32.400
-69	30346	1517300	228e8eca-46fe-4cf0-a4ed-74cf32e12735	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:05:56	771.70
-70	15174	1517400	59264512-dedd-42e4-84eb-602c28bb0ce9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:24:32	-734.491
-70	30348	1517400	fb9a67e1-ea3d-46a2-86f3-d0db77ea3218	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:46:55	-589.67
-71	15175	1517500	7ba0f5d2-ab72-46a0-975c-81064c410af5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:37:15	-464.373
-71	30350	1517500	435d6196-041a-4451-843d-dc661d64f472	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:58:03	-58.784
-72	15176	1517600	44efa9cb-2ced-4c93-9645-9ccf804f7f24	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:31:33	-392.243
-72	30352	1517600	7e4ef568-591e-4c5a-947e-653e56854b1f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:49:37	-804.475
-73	15177	1517700	03389389-2e93-4f45-8a9b-7ab51a402f02	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:39:13	-468.392
-73	30354	1517700	8510de0a-7154-4379-b0dd-6c206da5f089	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:27:36	-384.795
-74	15178	1517800	65bfd9b1-6b26-41e7-875a-2495357529a6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:35:09	-951.759
-74	30356	1517800	6864f8bd-1eee-4ca2-9bdb-29d216944a5d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:46:01	213.34
-75	15179	1517900	9b5e7080-bff8-4ad2-9de0-5df7e780ab08	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:27:21	563.13
-75	30358	1517900	d5a94e20-60dc-4d42-9565-bcb19f7ea5ff	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:32:31	-545.518
-76	15180	1518000	5d1f04bf-c89f-4d36-830f-9a6a318ddb34	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:01:18	-273.39
-76	30360	1518000	e4c3212d-6b95-49a0-9cb9-de0804a5b94f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:25:38	929.715
-77	15181	1518100	05839eac-1936-4b8c-91bc-ad4d37243cd6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:08:41	852.134
-77	30362	1518100	6b686019-1e19-4a03-9d08-7948591a44a2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:37:06	-450.332
-78	15182	1518200	4f0d9fbe-3472-4563-9a92-e6d80ec647fb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:14:38	660.673
-78	30364	1518200	9cbe31d5-50fa-4d5f-b4a2-64d1ae2a368b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:13:36	681.392
-79	15183	1518300	0c279f32-16c6-4880-8b4f-fa9d096d920f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:53:26	848.186
-79	30366	1518300	294b214e-5864-4093-96f2-572c526900d5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:14:23	-188.899
-80	15184	1518400	bb2dea6d-d8b1-4b71-b3cc-7ca32e9645e3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:36:13	918.409
-80	30368	1518400	09a79680-76a8-4694-b84e-73191fdbef1e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:47:51	-377.930
-81	15185	1518500	0d98c19c-dcaa-4093-a2b1-7446c819445e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:36:37	457.475
-81	30370	1518500	fc752778-630f-4630-80e1-413df7215c54	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:39:04	230.944
-82	15186	1518600	28a4c2f7-cc97-4b43-9186-d16fc6c17702	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:26:14	69.973
-82	30372	1518600	1f9bfd34-5c82-490d-8f46-4a7f591572bb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:12:59	-130.566
-83	15187	1518700	254a7375-55e0-4761-81e4-6e4c7a153b39	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:19:20	-74.144
-83	30374	1518700	5f15cc70-ed98-4c88-9bdf-b6d1d8928c2f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:24:36	607.833
-84	15188	1518800	1249399d-ed3a-4f85-a7ca-24478656f736	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:45:57	-968.475
-84	30376	1518800	c86b414a-81f5-44f5-a5f8-77b8ad4321ce	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:10:37	817.210
-85	15189	1518900	1873c74d-9b5e-4579-9a60-ea1fcbc84f0a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:58:13	255.415
-85	30378	1518900	ce457bcc-f569-4766-bf14-9dd5d7bde45b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:35:00	644.811
-86	15190	1519000	74a63b28-b22c-4930-83f0-b6fda20efc36	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:07:52	616.922
-86	30380	1519000	4ed0ac4d-a911-4ac7-ac72-d9071f1a97b8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:14:14	-659.979
-87	15191	1519100	077cb340-09c2-4764-a69f-da8a715fa3bb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:40:22	112.270
-87	30382	1519100	03fe489e-a771-480e-93b1-0b5b11a51788	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:04:47	89.879
-88	15192	1519200	e5bd83cb-25b9-4769-b938-e2154d5bc479	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:08:07	407.74
-88	30384	1519200	95bc8c9e-1eb6-4e02-8cb0-ba50f9a77753	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:20:53	55.640
-89	15193	1519300	7c479c44-bc69-4072-a49d-e31c0afa3a2b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:34:54	356.458
-89	30386	1519300	0dc5c443-a5be-4256-b5ee-00687234f9d4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:41:37	532.831
-90	15194	1519400	cba657ae-9975-4b3e-b00b-37170e134832	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:43:25	7.565
-90	30388	1519400	1c704346-a4f8-4b3b-96dc-1ddde61c8b5b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:36:14	-833.558
-91	15195	1519500	8d462a54-de13-4bcf-a7ba-04d1d2499fab	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:48:16	-70.313
-91	30390	1519500	cae17b97-a3f1-4637-a490-5db6779c1178	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:30:03	368.633
-92	15196	1519600	38768a71-7c43-4402-a77b-7a216ba1c21e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:09:24	354.923
-92	30392	1519600	be6774bc-3736-4fa5-b03f-14d15c45d925	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:54:59	-749.127
-93	15197	1519700	c12b8781-fdf2-49d6-b06d-6895538d067e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:28:18	-52.123
-93	30394	1519700	a06ee9c4-9fbd-4958-937e-8af265dd36f1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:25:09	-80.41
-94	15198	1519800	29e38e81-3e26-45c6-a756-22354920be0d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:05:53	-901.650
-94	30396	1519800	4fa4f1af-8c8b-4eb0-aae5-79fcd85b1459	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:49:00	59.969
-95	15199	1519900	c9f43045-dad7-4684-b813-2d3274731662	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:10:07	-97.645
-95	30398	1519900	c0da0ab8-dab0-4bd5-bc1b-98e34a8484b7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:58:50	-83.816
-96	15200	1520000	e46c7340-c434-48b6-ae9f-01effc2cd349	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:03:43	379.242
-96	30400	1520000	9e338f69-643b-4d0a-bbe7-75b73ded05ad	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:58:57	-604.356
-97	15201	1520100	79ed8441-faa0-49c6-9ace-793800c4d601	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:56:55	22.120
-97	30402	1520100	c6afa25a-1f68-40d7-a828-974bd12867a0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:37:33	456.69
-98	15202	1520200	8be4b4dd-c3dc-4809-99e4-0056ac6cdb5f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:34:50	424.63
-98	30404	1520200	1111a36c-858c-46de-bf2f-fe828a99fd04	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:00:58	286.69
-99	15203	1520300	2fee805e-91f7-4cf2-b46b-6932bc25f90a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:17:06	-651.363
-99	30406	1520300	24f3a354-d893-4da1-99e1-6e6d2e0d1b5a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:57:38	205.814
-100	15204	1520400	93d89884-e19f-496b-b3c3-1af5ff99d4f7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:10:52	472.862
-100	30408	1520400	3b47e5c7-515e-49e6-98de-5ccf7409744b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:22:58	518.471
-101	15205	1520500	3316dd3b-4fa8-4a17-9377-7f143eea5f24	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:37:46	46.799
-101	30410	1520500	44874582-3e1f-4093-a170-81977954b338	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:37:34	-693.146
-102	15206	1520600	56bf5928-1119-4cb3-be53-51f61cdc887a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:48:30	110.707
-102	30412	1520600	2c14bb84-ced4-41ef-8410-9783a665c82b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:44:33	631.62
-103	15207	1520700	0912c4b8-b6b6-4141-bd39-515c7db79ca2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:06:16	-330.162
-103	30414	1520700	4a29379a-4972-4f46-8409-12035ea42dbc	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:44:07	-12.203
-104	15208	1520800	0e7222aa-8b28-4693-92df-bb279ae89678	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:10:27	802.591
-104	30416	1520800	3edf72d4-8eb5-4741-931b-3ddfd2154f21	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:44:36	702.191
-105	15209	1520900	5bf04dc0-2b91-47d6-83dc-95e06beca6e8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:04:15	-50.925
-105	30418	1520900	2b2d4fde-d6e5-4dbe-b4ef-fe81fb0c5b1a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:33:06	662.632
-106	15210	1521000	eee26990-2bdd-4401-83a9-4142b0922f3a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:04:40	950.493
-106	30420	1521000	e39bd05e-5ff2-48da-92aa-915cfadd6f73	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:06:34	718.109
-107	15211	1521100	96d7b5ab-cafa-4ddb-b600-7adad8d22bef	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:28:42	454.375
-107	30422	1521100	59067a44-2677-48b8-b627-906fb6097365	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:21:51	-855.453
-108	15212	1521200	e292490e-563c-4a24-8988-5b81962c1fbd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:46:09	-718.477
-108	30424	1521200	9201bcc5-fee7-41c4-b42b-4ce3b261281f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:37:40	28.335
-109	15213	1521300	bec6d6d7-f972-46da-96a2-854c8144e426	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:52:08	439.576
-109	30426	1521300	e8aa7b8e-b506-4d0e-b194-91a69797370a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:32:29	-786.405
-110	15214	1521400	47b3676e-e07f-44f0-8e23-9d07fa9b6a57	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:57:00	591.859
-110	30428	1521400	5e0ebeb7-4c3f-4ab7-8efb-de844d7974b5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:05:16	-803.210
-111	15215	1521500	703d7221-3607-4bbe-bd2f-77916cabd22b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:18:49	-900.81
-111	30430	1521500	8a36ad44-9b77-4d6e-b8a1-e31b31ea0cdc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:28:02	-553.134
-112	15216	1521600	5fa469de-b203-4fc7-8d1a-b9ea8adee410	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:00:16	-497.113
-112	30432	1521600	205fa459-ffae-4aab-8d17-ae374ddf325a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:16:40	-628.162
-113	15217	1521700	7fa17f8e-d60d-49dc-9fc3-fee59be3590e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:49:47	-741.983
-113	30434	1521700	ce6b8091-4ee1-47b0-ad10-2526e7bbcd42	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:48:18	694.309
-114	15218	1521800	cb4538cb-3f38-4843-8c6b-7e3f159964f3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:30:03	48.517
-114	30436	1521800	f4d77875-2290-46d7-9364-8141847b2f8d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:27:34	63.593
-115	15219	1521900	b92cb374-fcaf-4281-bfff-8e38faf88eef	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:52:50	-87.105
-115	30438	1521900	48189a6d-5591-4529-9890-8c05b2c8cc25	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:02:09	-376.85
-116	15220	1522000	f17c5531-727d-41dd-a5f5-f895232cb75c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:13:15	-547.493
-116	30440	1522000	e6078f60-680b-463c-800c-f6ac37ee1db4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:39:10	192.408
-117	15221	1522100	2735996e-0c72-44d8-88cd-6dc19b4b96de	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:57:22	737.714
-117	30442	1522100	be2a7f1c-49d9-4c46-be21-a5115aeb9b51	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:26:39	460.358
-118	15222	1522200	e13b99bf-78a9-4638-8836-43623bb8132d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:19:38	-695.615
-118	30444	1522200	58789f33-2517-44f5-8b4a-376958130702	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:38:59	529.55
-119	15223	1522300	d1b3a387-bf7c-47e9-8b08-c3f7ccee2e31	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:29:32	324.474
-119	30446	1522300	c3de99a3-ac97-4929-b135-2d1b3c3848dd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:18:48	-357.40
-120	15224	1522400	cdc0f7ff-7e1f-408f-8ca0-6f8c264f6053	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:07:25	614.293
-120	30448	1522400	89b87aaa-cc97-42ab-94d8-0a0cc0a7ff74	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:20:48	164.695
-121	15225	1522500	02854b34-2833-4aef-94f2-687008cd364b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:17:55	-790.257
-121	30450	1522500	73ab56c8-9253-40dd-96bc-ed03c41070b0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:39:49	-325.144
-122	15226	1522600	fe3bf4f4-11c2-40c0-93d1-6e6e28da31b8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:58:35	686.463
-122	30452	1522600	bdffe084-1236-4c50-bce2-c2b15fcdd878	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:22:06	751.67
-123	15227	1522700	b1e77c27-19e3-4a6e-a5d7-624cf8003a87	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:25:04	108.134
-123	30454	1522700	abb69abf-41c5-410f-91c1-297cd6f0c907	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:59:41	90.932
-124	15228	1522800	85e4a3e8-8969-439c-81ea-9be11bd64fd6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:37:36	664.887
-124	30456	1522800	0bc4c34f-e940-4112-95e3-64381df65623	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:46:11	1.171
-125	15229	1522900	5d227db5-f42c-496d-b131-2b375688158e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:49:29	-94.219
-125	30458	1522900	020cc580-06e1-459c-8123-9130b384fefe	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:27:05	-937.762
-126	15230	1523000	1359010d-4add-4138-b6fc-ed1ad225941d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:07:20	-554.465
-126	30460	1523000	a7888de7-4c92-4a52-92fd-20b6b6ed8e52	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:42:18	619.972
-127	15231	1523100	39de8411-0e43-4c88-a399-ac985697d691	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:44:08	-2.279
-127	30462	1523100	a37bb09f-e8f7-4c65-8e2e-68b54c467e1f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:26:58	263.477
-0	15232	1523200	6c96ae81-5e42-4e00-b0df-b18a4d779753	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:07:12	144.473
-0	30464	1523200	de9801c2-39c4-4149-a7ec-7f12ffa0a7f7	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:54:02	142.379
-1	15233	1523300	921067b2-12e0-4611-bb1e-422e62442f7d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:25:49	582.872
-1	30466	1523300	6553d8ac-3b24-44c5-81b5-1775e337c3d5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:18:31	-452.511
-2	15234	1523400	7a7113e5-3c46-4a1c-bcf9-be36592c6501	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:45:36	-807.54
-2	30468	1523400	8438c709-537d-4514-aef3-924ea009645d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:03:47	-290.485
-3	15235	1523500	bf4664db-f861-4e5d-95ed-f0bacd057ab6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:41:44	-778.963
-3	30470	1523500	76b8e337-5f6e-4fe8-ba01-53b629cb607a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:02:38	-468.345
-4	15236	1523600	f3c3025e-8e0f-4d66-bdb4-705d3aa12b15	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:32:57	921.284
-4	30472	1523600	2e355885-c91b-4829-81a4-44f6e461ca73	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:54:23	985.375
-5	15237	1523700	076b996b-7770-4522-a31a-d8ba5fcfdafe	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:02:52	781.421
-5	30474	1523700	c8de06db-415f-48b3-b5b0-8e1c28279f77	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:34:01	22.185
-6	15238	1523800	3ad88b05-30bb-4f2d-b34d-4ae86ed62384	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:52:33	-916.1
-6	30476	1523800	28b33e0c-e712-457d-a0c9-94a9e2dac29e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:50:50	-970.170
-7	15239	1523900	76144859-638d-4897-a764-43834f6d7750	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:12:14	20.870
-7	30478	1523900	72b0e6b9-7f1c-439b-ba3a-72afd85cf110	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:29:48	249.832
-8	15240	1524000	cf14825b-5b35-45cf-b6fd-d66fc0e5ae09	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:47:27	800.376
-8	30480	1524000	7e78b9b1-f128-4bff-95de-e8457deb76ff	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:39:55	-778.809
-9	15241	1524100	73d80029-98f4-4ff4-a3f9-3d6a864f8279	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:22:35	391.315
-9	30482	1524100	c1e8eee4-ba97-49a6-9168-2435746ca90b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:01:18	-47.201
-10	15242	1524200	2d76a4d4-7676-408c-abad-bb916fea2e08	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:35:28	-14.236
-10	30484	1524200	ee0a09c1-6f5f-4220-9f60-deaa225f3de5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:33:15	-484.215
-11	15243	1524300	4ef86939-f34c-485a-b448-b7761bd8a4ac	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:05:44	463.558
-11	30486	1524300	74fb93ed-1d83-4542-92a2-a8c85b21c94a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:33:28	24.877
-12	15244	1524400	f23a4c51-1d83-40b2-9c30-1d2285183041	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:26:02	913.959
-12	30488	1524400	78b0c077-cb2a-4377-9b52-b96a9c007ca2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:14:27	-501.777
-13	15245	1524500	35e5ece8-2254-4b1c-886b-b92c6c28de8e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:32:24	807.133
-13	30490	1524500	e328451f-99a2-4e94-9fb2-e88747d1adb3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:38:55	-367.663
-14	15246	1524600	3cb9416b-9b88-4db8-9b88-c4905cb2455f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:36:38	-674.251
-14	30492	1524600	b5080323-a4a8-4ba2-9384-20d79ab2ce18	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:17:11	-997.459
-15	15247	1524700	eb4909fa-aaa1-424e-aa36-0679c6052dde	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:51:35	798.700
-15	30494	1524700	f64e6735-b5e2-4d27-8459-195ca6a149e6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:59:30	282.425
-16	15248	1524800	c7166277-5b92-4b2c-91d7-1fb5052468a5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:38:49	297.518
-16	30496	1524800	355b7d52-4589-4302-a197-f0e665448dec	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:05:05	152.595
-17	15249	1524900	047cba39-1c09-4e94-8d0f-22c27fd3d5cc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:56:12	-626.126
-17	30498	1524900	96adc90f-c946-43b1-a963-a4b827df39e5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:53:25	25.737
-18	15250	1525000	9b48363d-56ed-41eb-adb6-c9f0072b6900	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:00:33	634.704
-18	30500	1525000	5f3cc454-3872-4377-98f7-37e76ecb3f44	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:00:44	-127.917
-19	15251	1525100	c951482b-b53b-4c01-9295-be099884bf30	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:12:06	-328.453
-19	30502	1525100	258d55ad-6990-4427-937d-6df0e0ec0d84	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:27:06	-767.352
-20	15252	1525200	bc342f8f-d2d4-4b5d-93ab-5baaf6990ddd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:17:17	-68.812
-20	30504	1525200	e7038e6b-4e45-432f-95e2-2d227888679f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:38:16	-971.307
-21	15253	1525300	c30a154c-01a6-4e91-bd71-026d1baa934c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:13:49	-728.185
-21	30506	1525300	395e5979-bda2-4540-9a0d-357ab7aafc82	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:56:59	-772.52
-22	15254	1525400	528caba7-d5f1-4808-9e65-a3b0776d4fc9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:39:35	-170.55
-22	30508	1525400	d8c9322b-c63a-4cbf-801f-5943c4584c0c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:21:17	-330.249
-23	15255	1525500	e2d6ab4e-297c-459a-b546-df4fb4cabd29	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:09:25	773.460
-23	30510	1525500	8f43a7dd-618c-4878-b796-b66daab77ab7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:33:45	678.238
-24	15256	1525600	e51b2851-04ca-49a0-9456-68ed0556aefd	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:44:33	-261.698
-24	30512	1525600	6002d29d-2a6d-42bb-9074-6364902a515f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:03:16	204.276
-25	15257	1525700	4c81b60a-7b7c-45ca-8e75-7e784c3e52b0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:30:43	-934.78
-25	30514	1525700	5053d329-10e5-448f-960f-b6400d59c5ad	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:33:53	854.586
-26	15258	1525800	dc358333-39a0-4dfc-bd5f-d01315ca7194	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:24:30	888.861
-26	30516	1525800	81136b5a-19b5-4682-af98-aeeb6bc669f2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:21:28	-681.871
-27	15259	1525900	60632c6a-0873-4cc3-bd89-5756f5941e5d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:38:13	723.706
-27	30518	1525900	8910d81c-9d20-42ea-a50c-45aa1ce6cba6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:37:37	917.157
-28	15260	1526000	950f6036-b884-46ef-875b-1a4c63250371	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:09:20	-399.68
-28	30520	1526000	f478acf1-ced4-4c41-bfca-45e6615aec94	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:21:47	333.169
-29	15261	1526100	d7a8b5ce-7b30-42a5-a4c7-1f007afaf67a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:12:42	906.899
-29	30522	1526100	86a3af1b-afdf-4f69-989f-f15794fb458a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:37:18	731.102
-30	15262	1526200	da41949f-e41b-44fd-a500-25d362d91baa	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:04:46	416.4
-30	30524	1526200	f325c8df-4fac-4eb2-9ec8-404d8300caa5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:13:59	544.816
-31	15263	1526300	b25d845b-2f15-42a2-8cf7-1925fc119ca4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:27:21	-582.434
-31	30526	1526300	a193220f-d36a-4e28-9413-8b6d937b75b5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:44:17	265.290
-32	15264	1526400	81eb49f0-9c77-4cab-bba3-0aa244c36b45	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:20:42	-493.246
-32	30528	1526400	859342d1-ff91-479a-9037-82acac2e0824	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:41:57	828.806
-33	15265	1526500	9d6e6fac-6c72-424d-9665-f0e0c7144d1f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:03:29	583.605
-33	30530	1526500	1005800b-1ba1-4186-a3b9-d1ee2ccbaf2a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:38:44	285.807
-34	15266	1526600	62a03b6a-5ed1-4fbb-9d83-2d697fa8cbcd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:50:55	-997.664
-34	30532	1526600	13f782b5-4ad8-47fd-81a2-ff435eb07a53	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:00:19	875.913
-35	15267	1526700	2d1ff2f9-74e9-4376-b2ef-553fe24567a7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:58:34	-15.82
-35	30534	1526700	5d03fa8b-35aa-4377-b7df-af2983158978	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:50:56	-675.315
-36	15268	1526800	e65c96af-c832-4312-b3d4-0a28febb7738	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:13:29	-9.307
-36	30536	1526800	08c40d92-8afb-4b5d-891d-3159024399e9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:04:43	-514.44
-37	15269	1526900	a76ee417-e6c0-4c8e-add2-fc2be5a661f8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:31:44	-451.266
-37	30538	1526900	e9ca94be-1f73-4b16-a562-3f1c81a11ca0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:06:48	-270.321
-38	15270	1527000	bbf48a67-8107-4a40-8956-92d64dcbf249	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:46:02	571.617
-38	30540	1527000	baa07c8f-c256-459a-8272-360de9a9c990	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:46:51	-522.393
-39	15271	1527100	09fad16d-2215-4ee4-ba3b-6e6c9f5c35ae	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:39:49	-756.520
-39	30542	1527100	65704d1a-4d06-461f-925a-10748b30845d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:01:20	-931.664
-40	15272	1527200	d9ce519a-9f03-457d-a835-bc33703bbd5c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:28:09	749.534
-40	30544	1527200	09ee6fdc-8817-4815-969f-4a280fb7fb4a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:18:53	593.363
-41	15273	1527300	ed38b861-fe49-47b4-84eb-1bf53a713b6e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:10:00	-823.284
-41	30546	1527300	a80b28a9-1cba-42df-9bde-e2deb7d3f17a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:22:32	897.739
-42	15274	1527400	e2016737-2902-4561-a824-49a533c4f845	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:50:04	-490.108
-42	30548	1527400	90edb107-10ad-4606-a37e-740ecb98b7ac	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:28:56	-189.454
-43	15275	1527500	0727be8b-0a0a-4005-be2a-3f68eb22b192	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:24:58	-296.449
-43	30550	1527500	8ae3a787-f870-426c-aa90-2936781ec730	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:49:26	744.442
-44	15276	1527600	60badad5-3e09-4c3b-b133-27fec87d751c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:53:40	-362.12
-44	30552	1527600	f132ec6e-2716-4617-98a1-1702f8106fa7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:03:31	-434.234
-45	15277	1527700	5bc5d8d9-05f7-4f13-8fbc-5398e966be54	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:48:32	930.410
-45	30554	1527700	9a21e573-4de0-4021-a78c-7c1219b7fae6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:23:20	558.244
-46	15278	1527800	38080016-2b70-4982-91fe-6df09b9d8a5e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:35:03	949.678
-46	30556	1527800	08eb4cb4-079e-468b-ae29-c1ccfd154c81	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:35:53	254.939
-47	15279	1527900	c65572a2-22d3-4d65-a7ae-14f53975f204	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:57:57	-624.238
-47	30558	1527900	4cce6401-a5c1-47e0-921b-85d974fff330	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:42:51	-226.326
-48	15280	1528000	ed12643e-cd6e-4533-b99d-c86d867b66a4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:05:58	399.97
-48	30560	1528000	c27f4bdf-4d80-4006-8b52-da4af2ae6c02	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:37:10	-127.624
-49	15281	1528100	ee364c0b-64fd-4ae7-82db-f908e26db120	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:18:03	590.164
-49	30562	1528100	ef23981b-71b6-4bf0-a5f5-833b078086c1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:33:54	762.983
-50	15282	1528200	3f7bab52-d8e8-4893-b36d-0692fb5b185c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:40:30	14.201
-50	30564	1528200	22add9c0-195b-40d2-bf07-f4e60f2524bb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:43:40	-262.76
-51	15283	1528300	0d90352f-8478-4e95-a5fa-7e2c6ed3a5e8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:40:38	-947.720
-51	30566	1528300	41e320aa-0cf3-47b1-9900-9011e5d3cae1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:49:53	-154.381
-52	15284	1528400	7b19af82-a3ee-4a65-8013-4319a9dbee21	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:40:06	760.184
-52	30568	1528400	f52f6c1d-a8a9-41f0-b2bc-bed4e566d9cc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:01:44	676.150
-53	15285	1528500	4e4a3c62-aee4-4ec3-8e9c-ece473b58f82	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:32:47	778.37
-53	30570	1528500	ed4e026d-fed8-46d7-8aa0-f5356ac68a2e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:29:21	988.738
-54	15286	1528600	c728ed61-9f6e-4621-a53b-60fbbbf9240d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:16:55	-425.301
-54	30572	1528600	26edd89d-2ee0-4a47-bfd4-651cebcbc10d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:14:33	-367.378
-55	15287	1528700	1f40fd21-98be-4544-949a-52ec405307cc	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:04:51	-460.626
-55	30574	1528700	2cf1c557-4eb2-470c-a9e1-8fd8aaaebdfe	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:39:48	464.449
-56	15288	1528800	2df26f1a-af9c-4761-a24d-a6014940206e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:51:35	-336.126
-56	30576	1528800	c1ce48fc-b394-4375-b6a9-183e69419e69	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:32:18	-155.796
-57	15289	1528900	72777993-a547-43b8-8694-02ca7a16a877	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:09:44	-594.45
-57	30578	1528900	890067ca-17da-4e3b-a17b-14f74c90c121	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:45:05	332.700
-58	15290	1529000	196960d3-b907-413b-befc-0553a2e63874	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:14:51	510.743
-58	30580	1529000	a9b59056-2899-4e7e-8256-15fd1515869f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:03:00	-760.212
-59	15291	1529100	488a2d99-8e57-4539-88e8-34eaf72068d4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:06:01	159.673
-59	30582	1529100	ad745001-e2c3-47aa-a794-a40795668726	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:25:52	75.328
-60	15292	1529200	338af7ba-0628-4c3e-8c33-201b2dec5437	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:22:49	-417.515
-60	30584	1529200	7b6c083c-8d30-4a5b-820b-3a9cd13b7966	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:13:10	-751.445
-61	15293	1529300	4ffaa735-3bbd-4f5a-89d6-cc6862c4a1ea	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:54:17	-231.603
-61	30586	1529300	298bbd85-1137-4ae3-b666-ceff921d80bd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:00:26	941.613
-62	15294	1529400	b19b1959-32a1-4b0e-997b-50849e974883	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:18:45	50.893
-62	30588	1529400	c5e85a08-baae-487f-a450-d93914be7dcc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:05:05	919.284
-63	15295	1529500	77646881-fc21-4758-a143-d5a58ca67273	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:23:17	-441.253
-63	30590	1529500	36879bfd-0036-4c95-b454-a89f318b51c9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:41:34	-61.216
-64	15296	1529600	674f59f4-53ea-40e8-978f-7738cc769744	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:11:18	-809.917
-64	30592	1529600	8bff6e8b-fd2d-42dc-8d22-daba39b9725d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:15:39	-310.501
-65	15297	1529700	f7766265-adc7-4505-8f48-a46434b56731	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:16:40	-890.118
-65	30594	1529700	46b484f9-adee-462d-85c9-4b25533d97c2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:51:46	692.60
-66	15298	1529800	9756198f-37c8-49b9-9a8a-345568d860ab	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:46:55	-652.123
-66	30596	1529800	2d6c1019-b80d-45b2-8f5c-1ed21163c8ea	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:24:21	565.64
-67	15299	1529900	83cc76b7-09f6-4d1e-b79e-e60bda9debe7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:46:35	208.795
-67	30598	1529900	3a2c909a-6cd6-4696-a3b1-93fb04102c0d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:07:51	-636.317
-68	15300	1530000	4412d95f-4922-4990-8537-ccadf0acd198	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:39:49	524.250
-68	30600	1530000	e090d2a4-1ff2-4824-bda8-9e34df51c84d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:37:24	417.748
-69	15301	1530100	974eb83f-62e2-431d-a168-b145c810066f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:08:01	-97.80
-69	30602	1530100	430ee809-3f51-429e-b0bb-bf5270948c10	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:04:13	-139.333
-70	15302	1530200	0d1859b5-3816-4a07-81d6-27e2a5f3c277	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:08:43	565.707
-70	30604	1530200	6bac8ed0-fec8-49d5-989b-52086166deea	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:55:26	849.74
-71	15303	1530300	8fc2b01c-ea98-4bd6-a471-06893c22c18c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:34:50	676.790
-71	30606	1530300	51392ead-1a4e-4c57-8106-48c5105ec1a2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:24:06	-754.902
-72	15304	1530400	7d2f9a91-04f3-455d-90ad-287a3549b7a1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:45:22	-886.355
-72	30608	1530400	75f932dd-12f9-491c-b33f-ab2e28d462da	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:21:09	-351.80
-73	15305	1530500	d5c76013-0850-4652-9da4-7ac99859b75a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:35:48	165.241
-73	30610	1530500	6753421a-3175-4e04-b136-894dc8542381	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:21:42	-883.877
-74	15306	1530600	d59eeafc-fa44-4128-9ec8-83fecb3e2772	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:59:21	-88.993
-74	30612	1530600	791799f7-9ec4-4463-a7aa-c8f7db5d3075	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:17:51	17.825
-75	15307	1530700	52577e58-f432-441e-a710-8a877b6c0c19	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:43:17	968.565
-75	30614	1530700	9ff34b82-1ea0-400c-8fa7-d52437b1cd14	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:05:38	838.117
-76	15308	1530800	de027236-c2df-476b-88fa-8d73cc627962	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:19:57	-202.214
-76	30616	1530800	fafdb37f-88b5-4168-9722-cfd067e6a5d2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:00:57	-890.12
-77	15309	1530900	ca743add-277f-490d-920b-4b327b4db009	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:29:30	-97.131
-77	30618	1530900	7f56f835-cab2-48ba-9e1b-e391aea13c7e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:33:56	-955.570
-78	15310	1531000	834da201-89c3-4e74-8327-251239de15a1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:25:30	992.165
-78	30620	1531000	b9e282da-cf6f-42fd-b3f7-e49b8cd47f41	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:13:30	596.769
-79	15311	1531100	d796d61c-6156-4004-8377-d4c4dc6b184c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:03:59	607.543
-79	30622	1531100	2ed654d6-fd29-4c9a-ba58-c0b3431fc5ea	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:36:10	643.568
-80	15312	1531200	d92202d3-84cd-4a43-8436-ffd0ec38a00a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:03:33	885.88
-80	30624	1531200	339211d6-3fec-4975-a986-ed6211ecd6f5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:04:18	113.713
-81	15313	1531300	8fc570a7-eda9-4d9e-ba8f-c0966b4611e1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:43:13	153.572
-81	30626	1531300	bb1d314f-3b2d-4f56-bc36-81fdb6afaf41	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:19:14	419.829
-82	15314	1531400	e5a0adaf-f948-49a1-8d73-93c3727e0874	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:39:16	-817.462
-82	30628	1531400	2ea03f23-405a-46ec-94a8-e627d3808a63	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:38:12	812.273
-83	15315	1531500	fca4d4d3-b160-4adc-9d9a-2852d9308689	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:59:29	855.477
-83	30630	1531500	abb03be3-67e8-43db-9e97-77adb43cbe5e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:05:46	971.456
-84	15316	1531600	e16ded4e-26ec-4a39-bc7e-ffe6704bbd4b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:12:06	28.578
-84	30632	1531600	b8e1b555-a336-43d9-9abb-00e23ba66051	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:32:58	-318.670
-85	15317	1531700	bcbcbc10-ef76-4880-a942-e76bb61178dd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:19:21	-936.386
-85	30634	1531700	bb9beb62-b625-4d9f-bd73-1a99021871af	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:10:57	-146.404
-86	15318	1531800	9a7ec193-3c27-4b82-8ce6-ef2c066ef91b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:21:14	890.477
-86	30636	1531800	74efd322-56ec-4410-952c-2201cd85e7a6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:55:52	-48.183
-87	15319	1531900	ab4cca9d-56d1-4391-ba55-7e92d625a504	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:47:15	-554.111
-87	30638	1531900	a70564af-ffe8-4644-96d3-34be7ead026b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:40:40	-353.417
-88	15320	1532000	8ab13fc6-4755-4ef7-923b-0dc0255f5f60	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:22:55	-278.159
-88	30640	1532000	4d7ba14d-871d-4e23-821b-04e520d92cc1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:19:27	-404.88
-89	15321	1532100	4f2ca360-575c-4d10-8bc3-bc5f4ca07b20	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:00:27	-904.350
-89	30642	1532100	ef9145e7-2ad0-4764-8814-e9eb7554224f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:55:54	323.1
-90	15322	1532200	c816489e-b9f6-4b92-8c8f-8afd9e792561	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:13:33	39.700
-90	30644	1532200	4a7e79d4-b667-49f2-8c92-fd8d50c409a6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:27:37	-99.256
-91	15323	1532300	60d4b16d-16ac-462a-8894-03b3c2d9b554	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:23:01	931.223
-91	30646	1532300	8773baed-e4b1-45bc-bd15-3169a71ecc6e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:14:03	-645.55
-92	15324	1532400	a78138ba-133a-44ba-85ff-fbe07939dc74	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:53:46	367.512
-92	30648	1532400	ebfef2e1-bef2-4329-8167-6e836cff3b68	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:17:26	256.458
-93	15325	1532500	3a2e3604-70fd-4ee2-878e-ae758fc4b070	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:04:15	594.8
-93	30650	1532500	9ff5f8b0-c819-4e4d-ba0f-66e15ee6e99a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:37:25	104.11
-94	15326	1532600	676a3629-170f-4b76-b9fe-c344817f3bba	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:42:54	457.117
-94	30652	1532600	14996d86-1df3-43fa-891f-107d90961bf5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:48:52	-249.877
-95	15327	1532700	a6a7bf45-dc79-4bcf-853f-afb1ef7fa619	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:02:51	357.953
-95	30654	1532700	5743cb55-4500-437c-991f-869686a39359	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:53:55	387.415
-96	15328	1532800	c96e5bcf-5f0b-44ba-b279-c61a31de9bfa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:36:44	-569.797
-96	30656	1532800	6a1c3603-c32f-40d5-8404-c894adf4a660	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:18:24	781.966
-97	15329	1532900	6e1a02c9-a6a1-4ce6-a4d7-058b34029d76	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:42:51	-759.17
-97	30658	1532900	6535a479-9b88-4108-9abd-8a5f1730f4a3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:59:18	977.542
-98	15330	1533000	92de34c2-ed9c-4933-addc-8c86002e4640	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:08:07	792.798
-98	30660	1533000	dab6f3cc-c4d0-470f-8a09-88a28a766cf0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:13:33	362.195
-99	15331	1533100	12383a2a-076c-42f7-b19e-53aa5ace798f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:28:06	-976.536
-99	30662	1533100	e6b26be9-caa6-45c0-9eb1-ac0595f17568	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:45:28	655.821
-100	15332	1533200	05ece04e-8291-44b1-83c1-45640161b55e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:40:31	305.682
-100	30664	1533200	a0d6fe1f-f32b-4f34-8967-84f7a8565eea	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:45:29	-258.840
-101	15333	1533300	63b8bcd7-dbb6-49e6-b9c8-043a7630272a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:49:15	-890.117
-101	30666	1533300	23de7544-3138-41c6-83b0-62ac27ea3901	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:32:11	-527.154
-102	15334	1533400	7db83983-40e4-4a0f-a644-2f9c25631aed	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:38:20	596.123
-102	30668	1533400	d8b00a6c-b3ef-417e-b2ed-e34640265c2a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:46:21	360.751
-103	15335	1533500	90dd5144-4684-4ddc-ad81-ff78687459fa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:15:28	953.973
-103	30670	1533500	92d723b2-4ee1-443f-a385-18674b386ee3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:47:16	-155.777
-104	15336	1533600	00d2ba06-3d9e-4430-85d8-1a9c5a76b750	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:43:49	68.604
-104	30672	1533600	8d10b378-197e-46bd-bdcd-7ec60e5b02f4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:18:17	-682.960
-105	15337	1533700	cd00a8eb-d69d-4f8d-986e-f92c94bafc88	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:30:08	934.970
-105	30674	1533700	20861dab-b493-463b-aa8a-86500f4d734a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:26:36	600.17
-106	15338	1533800	8a07efd8-06e0-4b20-a443-3f2ed97b9256	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:46:39	-416.178
-106	30676	1533800	64adb31f-6d7b-4e67-9a06-7f5f408a1434	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:21:07	857.867
-107	15339	1533900	affd61f7-e08b-44d5-a4d7-22fbac59570a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:40:59	260.28
-107	30678	1533900	a1d20d40-8152-4c1c-bef9-90f777a1c195	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:33:17	467.351
-108	15340	1534000	ee8d114c-fe49-4c47-828d-093b36366218	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:04:06	-767.395
-108	30680	1534000	dac15501-a290-4298-871f-24db259554c6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:22:46	-267.532
-109	15341	1534100	b9791cb0-4da0-4508-9b7f-364a7f24d938	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:34:09	-912.924
-109	30682	1534100	a0a88ace-49e3-4a37-9565-5ecc01e13279	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:22:12	980.893
-110	15342	1534200	e97fd166-788a-4909-9bb3-6d43ccac0b46	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:00:55	-634.132
-110	30684	1534200	2aa5a29f-f02d-407e-affd-84c3ee29b550	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:31:37	-364.159
-111	15343	1534300	0c639c56-b9c0-4a13-a3de-572252dcb7c0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:00:00	-674.993
-111	30686	1534300	d0e0bc09-53cb-494e-b5e2-8a6884b81845	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:35:45	70.155
-112	15344	1534400	d02fd2be-8e46-475a-9677-1feb47c617f0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:39:00	-387.603
-112	30688	1534400	d1aca84b-5f11-4184-aab5-1a8797f60bc1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:02:53	99.449
-113	15345	1534500	856667ab-61cb-4b51-b234-8c949825f0d1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:35:29	-27.720
-113	30690	1534500	1bb79645-1e79-4eef-babb-f65bf2114d70	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:15:36	41.327
-114	15346	1534600	8c3f0cb5-669e-4c24-b461-891c0926b204	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:36:26	-309.947
-114	30692	1534600	503d3f85-3306-4fbc-beb8-d57caf579df1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:29:14	-344.944
-115	15347	1534700	2fd9a18f-efbf-4791-9774-06d80cb5b14a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:38:11	362.975
-115	30694	1534700	552b69e7-8d37-45a0-95d6-970fa72a2b9c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:53:02	61.784
-116	15348	1534800	b460fa70-0534-4be8-a2e4-307222aacbfe	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:07:44	-412.681
-116	30696	1534800	772317cb-7eef-4cb6-998d-ee1535120e88	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:56:13	-520.567
-117	15349	1534900	615f21ac-6521-41f8-b529-9a95bba39a1f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:30:15	-704.663
-117	30698	1534900	dddd3868-719d-4a82-9fae-f7dea0b268a0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:13:59	314.221
-118	15350	1535000	3aa26f9d-f983-41f8-8415-8fff22676b31	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:41:58	375.665
-118	30700	1535000	daff4b19-0e18-4a5f-b63e-51eabc2a156c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:52:21	359.133
-119	15351	1535100	1a7eb58f-316f-4042-a310-ca03d1bd48a6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:28:18	741.487
-119	30702	1535100	18dc494d-a4fd-4863-a24c-586fe5127ca3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:11:26	312.63
-120	15352	1535200	47bd3d69-fb97-4b56-bb40-61516d1762cd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:06:41	-572.677
-120	30704	1535200	72315ad9-f023-4170-9523-7b6282326e48	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:13:52	-168.333
-121	15353	1535300	07f1864c-bd9e-4cf8-8c9b-c4cfe9a78a0a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:43:00	-378.138
-121	30706	1535300	a2a2ee6b-a413-41d0-8eb6-97ed5658b5c1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:07:09	-86.290
-122	15354	1535400	8aa9ed81-6fd8-4c50-b078-4f5b2648b376	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:50:15	-874.876
-122	30708	1535400	490606e7-1ff4-47e3-ad25-9743522c8c0d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:25:43	-304.274
-123	15355	1535500	eb509ccd-aca8-42c1-b2a4-d1b6e8547d5e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:03:31	-140.286
-123	30710	1535500	75dead7b-ac20-4cf3-b99e-066cb499d305	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:41:02	120.821
-124	15356	1535600	6701e98f-b1db-41dd-9f79-042eccc72859	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:06:19	-793.152
-124	30712	1535600	e66e9702-08cf-4aa9-a90d-f33acd073c74	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:36:21	-135.614
-125	15357	1535700	747f6419-b37b-4b12-b01e-93e455988ad1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:59:21	-965.764
-125	30714	1535700	2e052ecc-9fb8-4677-8806-d814ede63b1a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:44:40	-950.70
-126	15358	1535800	f3896965-6b80-46af-9382-98194deb274e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:08:42	-267.947
-126	30716	1535800	2848cfdf-c263-4051-ba21-b7fa4aa118a9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:54:58	639.514
-127	15359	1535900	9a91ccbb-d3b2-4156-88dc-fd3195221cb5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:21:59	18.95
-127	30718	1535900	b5a6d7e8-e3cc-4e46-96d2-74ec616e057f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:02:14	84.784
-0	15360	1536000	10728660-f14a-4c5a-be00-eed4a35ea476	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:51:51	875.222
-0	30720	1536000	20c12dd2-1e59-4f3d-afef-5049a5b86ae2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:52:40	-857.997
-1	15361	1536100	c8117613-eb28-4b6f-b032-92631445840c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:23:15	-437.337
-1	30722	1536100	acff2788-4be8-4eb5-95d5-88199c938497	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:10:32	-747.361
-2	15362	1536200	2be030f5-75fe-4ddf-94ec-b975e82ee88b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:50:11	995.810
-2	30724	1536200	3f9ef3cc-fa4b-4f38-b347-c6bc50efd16e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:01:49	-536.349
-3	15363	1536300	61055927-47f0-4740-a4e7-056ac7a977b0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:29:15	556.631
-3	30726	1536300	3cdece9f-537c-4cb5-81f6-2a72968fccf3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:43:59	-345.507
-4	15364	1536400	0c8fdac4-8717-4821-a4f5-3e3d90c47572	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:43:54	-883.111
-4	30728	1536400	3cf9d736-75c7-4421-b3b9-85a8ceef085c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:35:43	166.576
-5	15365	1536500	ba529ac0-9ce4-4626-9b1a-58af81bba134	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:24:11	-837.870
-5	30730	1536500	d6e95c95-7d79-423a-89e5-2037293e261e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:15:45	594.17
-6	15366	1536600	921cebc8-7131-4263-8a56-5a73e379e3d8	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:39:49	-145.131
-6	30732	1536600	81a38e3a-b538-41f1-8e4c-409dc67e94da	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:50:51	-778.58
-7	15367	1536700	214f327e-7b0c-4e44-844d-cbe3c2ee1a93	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:47:23	704.22
-7	30734	1536700	8095bd58-bd5b-48d9-a32b-f93884f51196	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:27:36	795.78
-8	15368	1536800	a0d7b672-1866-4985-8d63-bf969655b609	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:36:40	-84.546
-8	30736	1536800	c6dbdb3d-e0a3-4d76-850e-d0d7b7ff4f81	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:16:47	370.388
-9	15369	1536900	a28fe0dd-8aff-44bc-8bac-b0a4ba7628c2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:09:39	-874.11
-9	30738	1536900	e1d8dcf5-8b70-471d-8f12-194c3622f2ae	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:16:54	234.633
-10	15370	1537000	7b9305bf-064f-456f-b4a6-e9dccea2a307	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:31:54	280.978
-10	30740	1537000	c0c18819-3a8a-44a5-8f40-0fbd7b5a5edd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:37:27	892.990
-11	15371	1537100	58eb8245-f0ce-4629-8588-e95a9206a6b9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:38:53	423.545
-11	30742	1537100	a8a3cb0f-1cf4-4543-bf37-8a8f69a0c3bf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:46:29	-820.644
-12	15372	1537200	75e1d994-4fb9-4eca-be8c-38e7a9179a1f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:18:30	-504.846
-12	30744	1537200	9cc8a098-11ec-4aaa-8266-23302e1a4508	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:23:53	-545.809
-13	15373	1537300	dfe78938-002d-46b4-95eb-3589dd402692	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:22:34	659.845
-13	30746	1537300	9f33cdfa-0609-4d34-b683-0ee64c727d67	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:25:07	662.894
-14	15374	1537400	e34bcfb0-61fd-428c-98ee-21e7f6e72722	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:38:11	-449.59
-14	30748	1537400	6c952856-bd0d-46fc-8904-e7fa4f22c1c1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:12:44	296.77
-15	15375	1537500	6c9f1bf5-18fe-44c0-9d6a-913589075dc5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:14:38	-760.980
-15	30750	1537500	fa325bfa-0b6a-4178-82e0-2c13e2ad1924	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:29:07	-126.547
-16	15376	1537600	91265256-caa8-446b-9202-55afff1b12d4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:04:42	-847.370
-16	30752	1537600	85f0f012-a7c1-47e7-88a5-c7715275f915	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:11:50	-14.188
-17	15377	1537700	84c94e9b-47d0-45cb-9b43-e1e8e93e5ead	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:26:38	-935.928
-17	30754	1537700	add20f69-faef-4e46-9424-598586380274	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:23:31	-217.620
-18	15378	1537800	4b5771b7-7340-4cda-9b88-40098166c658	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:08:14	344.568
-18	30756	1537800	ed405391-f9eb-4e03-89c3-dce7fa8b6fa2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:43:20	664.561
-19	15379	1537900	469fb2bc-5a0c-47d9-90db-401067e117b4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:21:24	-232.51
-19	30758	1537900	f134a8d2-8bab-4f0b-a44d-edda3ade14bb	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:36:17	739.882
-20	15380	1538000	b7716e6b-c47e-411a-86fc-95a786228c9f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:30:11	685.29
-20	30760	1538000	37cedd38-97de-47fb-8b97-99f15493fc85	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:29:05	-609.801
-21	15381	1538100	b5fd0976-49a7-44ba-b293-a1788af9ff83	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:44:28	350.398
-21	30762	1538100	313197cb-31c0-4683-a2fa-78539b792ec4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:53:26	56.512
-22	15382	1538200	30e289ef-e541-4954-89f6-50142bcf2ccb	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:03:53	-155.991
-22	30764	1538200	f8fef701-79f6-482e-a92e-02437e5c1813	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:26:18	-215.525
-23	15383	1538300	d0aa9687-471f-4689-b544-10e099869168	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:40:06	-832.821
-23	30766	1538300	dd43be99-611c-4f10-a8fc-6665dae18f3c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:46:57	-553.831
-24	15384	1538400	c9389333-c422-4387-bb02-434dc33ee9be	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:53:53	-224.278
-24	30768	1538400	2ac7882a-e10d-45ed-a3ab-554e1d8bf557	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:17:51	-205.327
-25	15385	1538500	3b27a50d-7e5b-4ce7-a75c-d678971336e9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:31:07	477.602
-25	30770	1538500	7cec109a-921e-4d46-bfad-951e6d7e227e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:11:30	-710.47
-26	15386	1538600	350b728b-6d6d-42bf-ac6a-3de6fb6fbb90	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:16:13	-954.215
-26	30772	1538600	d0cd6c1e-78cc-4f02-8736-762be4110d79	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:02:49	50.245
-27	15387	1538700	88584330-c564-4e85-a62c-3685326d3d29	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:53:52	-494.621
-27	30774	1538700	e051e937-94d4-45cd-80d5-bb00166af5bc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:07:28	-810.20
-28	15388	1538800	6ef6d5aa-3f22-4d37-bbd9-49bfad718f68	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:56:55	-257.506
-28	30776	1538800	f052ac1c-2d20-43b3-8a63-7180bff727a7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:10:25	550.319
-29	15389	1538900	7a5691c3-4f07-411a-b26e-e07ca34c4778	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:56:15	7.910
-29	30778	1538900	e78e407e-3a93-4b43-8a89-6d9a36e630a5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:28:32	359.707
-30	15390	1539000	bf8936e8-3c01-45bc-8705-9a5e4b925766	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:53:10	-640.957
-30	30780	1539000	fd9d0f25-d311-45ca-810a-16d6f6d6e74e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:14:19	117.822
-31	15391	1539100	470c6963-5d66-46db-84ee-11835705bd0a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:01:07	-849.919
-31	30782	1539100	852a2fbf-3759-4b90-b833-8a67165b9938	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:03:50	-189.421
-32	15392	1539200	dbc0b534-d01f-4520-b3e8-7aba569c746d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:08:44	49.614
-32	30784	1539200	f14e0920-968f-4d0a-9160-a6f7cb11dae0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:47:17	-658.739
-33	15393	1539300	10c04e5f-567c-4eda-b5bb-4fac48f21645	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:02:14	489.281
-33	30786	1539300	e224d5dc-d981-4604-8d05-33215d8856de	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:39:45	713.98
-34	15394	1539400	0fc1dc51-438c-4e66-aeea-f725740c9412	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:38:02	4.805
-34	30788	1539400	3e366a6a-1dab-4426-84a3-303c035a1dfb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:19:48	827.808
-35	15395	1539500	dac686e6-0518-492a-9e93-342779165fe8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:23:22	-536.810
-35	30790	1539500	0b2d3a37-5dc7-47d8-8ca0-be1f57335bcc	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:39:20	-418.169
-36	15396	1539600	1883564c-612b-4a7b-bc76-f9e353cb6977	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:15:58	584.260
-36	30792	1539600	529ea4e7-42ed-4342-867e-bd3fe61648d3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:17:03	127.405
-37	15397	1539700	26b8b5f7-1343-4966-8c90-75cfadd06a2f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:22:32	964.45
-37	30794	1539700	67784a6a-08c4-4465-ac9e-95c1b478ecb8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:58:01	-644.576
-38	15398	1539800	c2a0c23c-6fb6-406c-a4f1-7e0315ad604b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:04:00	602.678
-38	30796	1539800	d9d95ec6-4aaf-4edd-8197-fadb8011c63f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:16:58	624.663
-39	15399	1539900	79ef01b9-d7cd-4be4-96f2-ff9f32055979	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:23:16	426.338
-39	30798	1539900	ac45153d-e9d6-4169-9cca-5a9d662b99a8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:04:56	-118.572
-40	15400	1540000	782440c4-5ab3-45bf-8408-bbe979380417	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:05:37	529.918
-40	30800	1540000	cad2de3b-3fa6-4d57-b23d-e3574a3fea46	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:15:20	461.341
-41	15401	1540100	85f4d64b-a23c-4f8f-8b9f-cd8991b5709c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:20:50	472.641
-41	30802	1540100	3277df24-c92a-4d8c-b447-98b47d44f994	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:06:34	-567.213
-42	15402	1540200	1a5c56ab-db98-4cdf-877e-794255838934	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:59:27	99.128
-42	30804	1540200	2b13d663-23bd-47cf-8f8c-13d733483adf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:34:39	-735.793
-43	15403	1540300	66be9647-28ec-4c8e-8377-35da9c128fe4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:33:35	-518.918
-43	30806	1540300	c9896e4d-85d9-47ef-985f-dd77c0f70328	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:28:04	885.569
-44	15404	1540400	dc42fc6d-2586-4f6e-99ac-e7b2aa15ad08	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:04:42	621.474
-44	30808	1540400	fbbc69de-3fe2-4786-8c13-a143b1c4d9f1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:44:16	-680.772
-45	15405	1540500	d97215a7-3a24-4b26-bae4-da00ea09f41f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:04:41	178.166
-45	30810	1540500	5dabffdc-ccf5-45a1-913b-0c627f2013f4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:16:44	-437.268
-46	15406	1540600	93b5b156-c38d-46ba-862f-9e6bdeae6e9f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:59:31	873.968
-46	30812	1540600	5dca1820-bb21-4ec0-94b0-c265f6354511	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:10:18	-826.3
-47	15407	1540700	4c307097-669d-422b-8587-97548ebf5c2c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:48:09	-996.498
-47	30814	1540700	82b2398b-f9d1-4c26-945a-8159aed3a95a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:52:04	220.480
-48	15408	1540800	ba238bf3-9450-4ade-8674-160593cf5541	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:45:39	-839.228
-48	30816	1540800	db017ef7-7627-4c5c-9981-2d96d015a650	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:24:32	481.200
-49	15409	1540900	37bd3e15-e1b3-453d-9cd7-dc29ab4eb790	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:28:52	80.4
-49	30818	1540900	4f20b569-dddb-41af-8ffa-2dd1e550ff6d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:51:22	445.823
-50	15410	1541000	848e04d8-8468-41a1-aa1e-803c8f075cce	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:19:33	39.82
-50	30820	1541000	94bbd3be-1412-45d8-ab5e-af020d6127c6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:53:29	10.257
-51	15411	1541100	4f861650-3f69-4bc8-8e06-9ad30ab8f16d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:42:29	-355.619
-51	30822	1541100	d87f02d9-0793-44c9-88d9-2b78db17ce02	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:23:02	67.206
-52	15412	1541200	ef4b22e3-4e17-4e9c-9c4f-7f96ba1027cc	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:05:22	-469.570
-52	30824	1541200	a764929c-b77f-4eea-86f2-708c99a1ab4e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:50:32	133.350
-53	15413	1541300	f6bb49f5-ae0b-49cd-8aeb-60b81f3dd1e6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:13:50	605.547
-53	30826	1541300	5d8a5a27-4347-4f52-b636-54ff0f687380	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:51:01	952.656
-54	15414	1541400	ada9ea1a-66d8-4b6f-bb14-784b7835c39d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:14:30	557.774
-54	30828	1541400	1ddb70d7-f294-4a11-b67f-0ba2072c0ae1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:03:34	-671.563
-55	15415	1541500	e10e0ee5-69ce-4087-9508-ee62b5fe6323	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:01:17	-671.645
-55	30830	1541500	f2ccd8bb-b157-405e-861a-1df7486e061e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:26:01	-931.803
-56	15416	1541600	50c93f2d-9e4a-4b20-bd91-032c169e3933	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:57:40	836.400
-56	30832	1541600	2aca357c-dba7-445c-86cc-c13780739220	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:49:58	316.734
-57	15417	1541700	21f16bbd-c759-40cd-af7b-8d984db97822	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:11:33	393.715
-57	30834	1541700	393ea5c1-ad07-4e6b-a020-19520b562dc4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:19:22	412.285
-58	15418	1541800	001ede68-807a-433f-bd7d-4a9eb85d01d3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:13:55	-977.793
-58	30836	1541800	77eea091-73c7-4292-be21-460146673061	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:45:00	74.481
-59	15419	1541900	f1fb746a-08fc-4ba3-afe9-f72cb7418a64	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:06:27	446.489
-59	30838	1541900	20aa21dd-6bad-403f-90b9-1908544ed4f4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:46:12	-889.937
-60	15420	1542000	bc62f60d-7ff5-44f5-9d15-7a0bf60b22f7	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:06:12	-852.303
-60	30840	1542000	84397582-7e4e-4aed-be43-da3d4c73352d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:58:23	533.938
-61	15421	1542100	79f82acb-2680-47ee-ab73-ff2863153cdf	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:55:28	-453.489
-61	30842	1542100	ea625869-2438-4320-a61d-c8ccca191c5d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:58:39	-628.277
-62	15422	1542200	e161096a-6dfc-4431-86cd-54ba7f49392e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:15:27	790.918
-62	30844	1542200	32c24359-965e-4231-afcc-948ef8c1f713	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:53:33	460.281
-63	15423	1542300	23d97956-693c-4f3c-a4ce-b3fd32ccca2f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:50:04	519.513
-63	30846	1542300	5f76fcfa-3e90-4241-899f-6c13c42fbbd0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:27:17	-413.557
-64	15424	1542400	1390ff50-b603-44b9-ac58-51e1d6fafbcf	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:37:40	-735.139
-64	30848	1542400	b9f2cc56-b949-4c82-9181-d7a73d111740	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:05:08	801.967
-65	15425	1542500	b8433ed8-cbb5-4700-bf7e-a933cd33ede6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:21:38	223.191
-65	30850	1542500	e39ec7a7-51f6-4142-9cdd-d957adcc7883	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:34:41	-816.294
-66	15426	1542600	7993a6be-285f-435e-bf1f-f75f303e93a6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:21:38	370.114
-66	30852	1542600	680f50ce-087e-428d-a5e8-cf8559560c1b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:19:42	518.851
-67	15427	1542700	b7672163-874a-4d3d-869b-fede5594c7e9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:05:02	-648.231
-67	30854	1542700	84ecb1cc-b37f-45db-848d-cf12baacc90d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:26:17	783.521
-68	15428	1542800	af2401e9-e050-40ac-a60d-8d6b07ab050e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:14:49	201.566
-68	30856	1542800	a2302f48-cf6e-48be-b092-03c6ba910b45	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:54:44	-297.229
-69	15429	1542900	32dca35f-b547-4df1-afe8-4b49e893ce23	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:07:29	775.915
-69	30858	1542900	07daa1db-b9f4-41f1-acf9-3f097e1cb257	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:58:00	-703.91
-70	15430	1543000	3c76cb23-4506-412f-ae7c-65afa23fba8f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:14:43	-935.275
-70	30860	1543000	182b11c9-455f-45fb-97ea-4cd345a26c39	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:18:19	-402.627
-71	15431	1543100	c46bd6a9-9961-4a4b-a93b-f90b64ae69ab	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:48:13	-129.671
-71	30862	1543100	e761ae23-8c8f-46ec-b5af-372d4a1499bf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:26:40	-965.939
-72	15432	1543200	19ed07c1-107d-4e99-bf42-12140850fe21	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:40:42	-424.447
-72	30864	1543200	2e42eac3-82b5-417b-bef0-3aea096ad4a4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:59:18	597.383
-73	15433	1543300	1100ca0a-6e4d-4bc4-bbbf-95ce044c413e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:04:54	322.775
-73	30866	1543300	03176b85-6a44-41e3-9b9f-b8a9e2c7b3d0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:55:30	964.417
-74	15434	1543400	9312ec60-ece2-46e0-a590-06f20d930dab	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:27:28	-377.574
-74	30868	1543400	ed8d7a92-4c0b-499d-8eb3-68293671b45b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:28:23	-296.554
-75	15435	1543500	035f5223-b191-4087-8a7f-ac77c5a1112f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:57:36	-644.549
-75	30870	1543500	eb7c194d-8bc0-4754-b82a-2576d5bbfd2e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:22:46	142.732
-76	15436	1543600	088c8f9c-9c4b-4c8e-ad32-e3ec0f830018	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:52:24	-731.273
-76	30872	1543600	9603395c-6435-4371-a235-40301a63c971	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:36:40	952.38
-77	15437	1543700	f1242d1d-b55b-42d9-ab69-2275fcd3edd9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:38:54	886.352
-77	30874	1543700	ff8fdadb-a1d2-4836-a46e-1ffb09f11185	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:43:01	201.421
-78	15438	1543800	796f6f42-182b-4085-8a18-276c72e1363a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:56:57	96.254
-78	30876	1543800	2c13f7e5-492f-4ca1-b592-5554a8f6788b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:44:56	57.775
-79	15439	1543900	25584ff4-5df0-4f6a-9eab-0d221d223cb4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:00:01	-469.277
-79	30878	1543900	9b929788-a909-4a3f-8763-541190433d62	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:54:00	544.375
-80	15440	1544000	1f862895-83ea-47a0-84c2-a25f3a4d9249	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:36:41	573.49
-80	30880	1544000	bba6e8f1-8448-46b7-ac02-e62ad308e4a7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:50:05	535.344
-81	15441	1544100	977f100b-90d1-486e-b472-31766d7d684c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:50:52	-665.841
-81	30882	1544100	5362bb19-db47-448f-82e4-0cee2719de47	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:22:35	207.950
-82	15442	1544200	e48e68fd-455d-44a4-8f7c-35106650c91d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:21:19	-256.654
-82	30884	1544200	664bc3a4-1d2a-4dd5-a110-7268961c4f0f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:30:37	-168.901
-83	15443	1544300	815e5d68-3216-4078-a86c-90b1c0e314f2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:15:18	279.564
-83	30886	1544300	cbb2992b-a42e-4a0b-a85a-ac73bdf08c3c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:48:32	-787.592
-84	15444	1544400	2684942a-51fd-486c-9af0-1bc72f7364ec	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:01:41	660.14
-84	30888	1544400	73946358-97b1-47be-a3d5-358e0c3b798f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:47:42	259.151
-85	15445	1544500	e9318cb0-9d62-4fa4-ae13-ce471eeeb663	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:27:10	657.522
-85	30890	1544500	df837dee-16c8-4fbb-b558-8f7862803f7d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:37:27	952.944
-86	15446	1544600	76e8ac1d-51ea-4912-85ca-ff3ab7315535	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:14:56	-519.338
-86	30892	1544600	3adbee9c-a324-4823-90c3-02f8636e3ed1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:35:41	-504.155
-87	15447	1544700	a5f2335a-bf7c-4d73-84a7-a88d746ce653	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:17:38	910.315
-87	30894	1544700	8d8bfc56-6f2f-4f4e-ac9e-6d70dd24846a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:10:48	-929.731
-88	15448	1544800	a97444c3-022f-4a0c-b8c2-753a5f850c09	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:44:49	-938.955
-88	30896	1544800	a053cf70-e324-4f6b-9ad4-084eaa0a18bc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:15:32	704.150
-89	15449	1544900	6710fcd1-c1be-4752-a6d0-0c3be7e5aa3a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:36:12	-746.413
-89	30898	1544900	d95a59d5-d040-499f-b287-e3e0632a0846	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:19:35	46.569
-90	15450	1545000	14beb637-1d29-4162-83b1-cdccd695d242	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:26:43	-793.111
-90	30900	1545000	de5e3c47-92ae-48f1-b6cf-c2299ce5c6fe	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:27:01	171.578
-91	15451	1545100	926594c3-6aa9-40e6-af8c-03daceb5c2e0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:14:16	-243.986
-91	30902	1545100	3a0a81f4-7583-43d1-adb7-e0ce11c70e4a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:49:03	358.985
-92	15452	1545200	9e93d796-c6fc-4db7-8dbc-546d675024c7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:56:12	415.867
-92	30904	1545200	de5fc620-3cf8-4460-92f2-04e99dd5c8b5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:42:48	602.836
-93	15453	1545300	1834b241-e4e0-4dc9-a4cd-ac5490be192b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:43:31	46.115
-93	30906	1545300	09b19508-f280-4458-b668-13ff3c11b688	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:15:57	810.406
-94	15454	1545400	53da1035-98dd-49ff-8637-58f64c3c8739	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:29:56	-627.232
-94	30908	1545400	3eddb4d5-b510-445c-9fde-75a0193437f3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:02:43	865.98
-95	15455	1545500	b781ae67-8684-4ccf-9f0d-c8abcff3f934	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:29:11	695.957
-95	30910	1545500	52bc52cd-966f-4c63-9761-0da467c3f298	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:37:41	654.342
-96	15456	1545600	e0255c49-43af-4fdd-996c-dc995b0694a6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:03:17	891.764
-96	30912	1545600	86266302-5a33-47b5-bc7a-eba65f67b001	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:04:11	-547.294
-97	15457	1545700	023449bd-0071-42ec-9b72-006325881e43	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:53:40	-408.926
-97	30914	1545700	a745cac2-6cf1-41c6-8e86-21b7b5dfb822	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:47:42	-289.543
-98	15458	1545800	32db64b2-df26-4abe-91cf-1bc767955a1a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:42:58	-171.68
-98	30916	1545800	cf5267a8-9285-46f5-87d8-b4d81dcbd473	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:08:26	-627.256
-99	15459	1545900	ec580602-8576-46cd-8eca-5feb1ba7f34c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:58:23	952.33
-99	30918	1545900	1ef60bad-34f7-428c-a3e0-ecc7c0bde0f6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:35:17	-751.419
-100	15460	1546000	b817295a-b9b9-458b-9032-314f305a3f46	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:42:29	-575.605
-100	30920	1546000	06d893be-42f2-4429-9508-ccccd0005810	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:26:24	-819.369
-101	15461	1546100	950b9c27-8ae7-44f0-9500-dd8f6068e96f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:17:48	254.113
-101	30922	1546100	e079d574-9e2a-47bd-8968-946daf3830c3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:25:29	752.893
-102	15462	1546200	8115c0c9-8fd4-480d-852c-344ec2c2c478	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:15:37	-805.379
-102	30924	1546200	379c2dc3-b12d-462c-814f-9b895dec518a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:38:56	449.260
-103	15463	1546300	e70b2df2-2f11-4c9b-a7db-ccb3e3f6e0b3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:26:13	692.660
-103	30926	1546300	4d3f7735-efd2-4a4a-9637-3f773499633a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:16:36	816.590
-104	15464	1546400	f7d60a07-b43f-4fad-8f1b-e1da68d3bf7b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:44:17	428.278
-104	30928	1546400	ae6eadaa-bede-4f7a-b9b4-579197d9cd72	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:46:19	175.685
-105	15465	1546500	8d7d3d39-7c05-4a13-87c0-57d590b0cdb1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:36:18	-675.218
-105	30930	1546500	40022307-e7a9-4f26-a505-9961bf2af017	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:17:22	793.600
-106	15466	1546600	c15b43ee-a65b-4638-a9d9-dd81c0139d94	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:03:47	-594.541
-106	30932	1546600	34ea2923-c7d7-4380-8d8b-65526e81879f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:46:55	743.50
-107	15467	1546700	6a0bc912-c2d1-4506-9791-47fffbeed110	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:02:21	-932.219
-107	30934	1546700	b0f7eff4-8545-4a1a-9c86-6a59cf8c26cc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:56:03	-776.286
-108	15468	1546800	0393550a-0e3b-4ec3-ad65-6db08b411b36	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:55:30	904.92
-108	30936	1546800	08f148a8-4179-4ebc-bbc6-30b253d5c37e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:53:34	380.889
-109	15469	1546900	e4de694c-e5d5-475d-8e11-3bac6c2e612c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:03:52	-943.372
-109	30938	1546900	b3bdd79f-9ae3-48b4-8957-403955155325	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:01:49	931.877
-110	15470	1547000	a0cdbccc-e591-40f1-87d2-6468c8646935	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:42:15	-572.711
-110	30940	1547000	fb53158e-359e-42e3-bc58-5b558700c93a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:24:49	916.349
-111	15471	1547100	abb4a55f-48f1-4174-9252-c6888a918c51	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:24:44	-481.419
-111	30942	1547100	f828c258-48e8-4dd3-8f56-f464822ee49a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:29:27	210.82
-112	15472	1547200	2c4f6de3-898e-4e93-9471-dd832dadc3f5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:03:37	-853.516
-112	30944	1547200	931147b9-f54c-4dca-a14d-ea9bb657ff08	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:06:42	801.917
-113	15473	1547300	04bf5f0a-997d-47de-98d8-bddffae1e7eb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:04:03	-453.519
-113	30946	1547300	f4f23a6e-9c24-4f6f-a9bb-26868e65dc52	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:03:09	777.464
-114	15474	1547400	496eb593-b648-4090-847f-199037c6197e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:59:34	95.0
-114	30948	1547400	354500d1-d634-48b4-89c5-7a8efe24e4ec	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:31:14	106.87
-115	15475	1547500	56a93867-de8c-4a48-bd9e-7a3c449c51f7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:28:04	430.315
-115	30950	1547500	fe0f5e7b-5c49-4dd5-8547-aeff214eb9db	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:30:59	-676.321
-116	15476	1547600	9ac8c703-0b2d-4ae2-ad59-8c8e3960935a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:26:08	-572.338
-116	30952	1547600	7c647f69-8210-4653-b478-fcda38e01c8e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:27:58	106.377
-117	15477	1547700	59bca44e-8003-4938-908a-5250448b4bbe	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:34:40	309.697
-117	30954	1547700	60f1d100-c825-4cfe-8b8f-1cbaca8a1210	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:41:29	-704.354
-118	15478	1547800	fdd08243-b3fd-417e-ab5c-1c551dd0932b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:48:39	-822.572
-118	30956	1547800	50444fd7-0b19-483a-bb14-4e9abcf4b16d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:30:48	-744.848
-119	15479	1547900	202d20e8-314b-441e-9fb5-4ef8162a2e3b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:35:52	-681.478
-119	30958	1547900	1720b98e-95b5-437e-a1b1-1025c0f258bd	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:09:07	922.205
-120	15480	1548000	a5187332-26fa-48f8-ba3b-1dfd10c6f39e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:38:26	-345.680
-120	30960	1548000	6bd2448d-830b-45b7-8b59-162da8365793	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:43:56	409.343
-121	15481	1548100	8580982c-f62b-4e96-bc11-e8f2736c3867	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:24:47	867.567
-121	30962	1548100	b1b60107-0ce8-4521-b219-3ff448afaaef	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:11:29	81.816
-122	15482	1548200	8d6bebbb-8147-40a4-88c2-22841408e388	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:24:17	882.575
-122	30964	1548200	7e624554-c5d3-4aaa-9f8e-c4058b6a8c15	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:04:35	942.933
-123	15483	1548300	3f73ad82-8d42-4786-9b76-27c04f30d929	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:53:02	919.238
-123	30966	1548300	6467af6a-02c9-46e4-a8b6-12b37138fe37	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:37:02	499.434
-124	15484	1548400	02108bc3-2195-4f70-9952-452b0250dc10	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:42:19	519.393
-124	30968	1548400	3a7be59e-ba42-4fd8-817a-99ba4a25e88e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:58:56	193.189
-125	15485	1548500	e35a68d4-8e8b-4710-a2e5-37430fc9534c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:26:27	988.934
-125	30970	1548500	dcc0b1ad-859a-45e1-a080-88ee18dd51d5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:47:10	-338.269
-126	15486	1548600	43b7fbda-1471-4f89-a093-9f0dd5ffb354	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:59:40	455.396
-126	30972	1548600	b4fbdd7b-5cf2-4cbc-bfc4-7d71d7f30544	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:14:38	-220.938
-127	15487	1548700	fe19c340-96db-4094-aa06-bb39688efa00	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:51:48	-563.46
-127	30974	1548700	46727d42-e919-4aab-b93a-c88818e7b1b6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:32:28	549.985
-0	15488	1548800	63e658ab-8c63-4427-8e8b-675362755e8d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:57:09	990.106
-0	30976	1548800	b39fee07-9eef-4860-afa5-93942892220b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:29:38	-885.665
-1	15489	1548900	f51cb58f-8c75-462c-9668-6a3c9346e9b1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:24:24	-59.58
-1	30978	1548900	112c82fd-dd71-47de-80c3-dec3fc95bda1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:27:02	-219.33
-2	15490	1549000	0eea425b-3d80-47b6-b556-229ff80716d3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:38:41	-936.765
-2	30980	1549000	bc9253be-3494-4169-9cc7-68f4b2516d8a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:10:33	476.788
-3	15491	1549100	aab917c3-9391-45d3-8938-0a0e8b075068	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:49:13	748.58
-3	30982	1549100	e750d9fc-bd80-4ab1-999f-40ebec34ce87	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:21:12	-316.865
-4	15492	1549200	cc06ecc0-8448-49a1-9d10-94e71528c025	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:49:48	174.618
-4	30984	1549200	2ea986f5-5eb1-4886-b55c-8c1543224efb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:01:00	794.962
-5	15493	1549300	99129009-f2b8-4935-9186-7db61e3b1bee	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:35:55	949.411
-5	30986	1549300	f7b8f39e-0881-4877-90f1-5c085fa0e8b5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:13:11	-112.308
-6	15494	1549400	8b8c8988-19dc-4dd6-bb4d-06881e85f9cb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:53:40	-122.736
-6	30988	1549400	4934d886-fbfe-4390-b580-a695bfa31014	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:16:14	509.755
-7	15495	1549500	af777938-7b76-4a5c-88dc-6043710f7602	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:27:20	-995.195
-7	30990	1549500	3f4a296f-05b4-4aa6-bacc-d62b2022abd2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:08:00	-566.822
-8	15496	1549600	a111ab60-1bf9-42aa-a804-73237bc135d3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:37:55	-368.451
-8	30992	1549600	dcfadb45-49c5-4218-9926-2ad78ba23109	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:01:34	-608.363
-9	15497	1549700	267c57bb-0b60-4fe8-9076-885c4011485f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:58:51	423.872
-9	30994	1549700	f7f018a9-3a01-4f85-a5bb-bb82d9174c66	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:12:25	-120.114
-10	15498	1549800	ade86d6f-2a2a-4fbd-9d48-a31f3abffc09	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:19:09	-500.460
-10	30996	1549800	33123fe8-e12f-4385-b05d-e1a22900acff	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:12:30	-241.829
-11	15499	1549900	95c1787f-c4df-4d44-8648-c44d1a8c3070	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:35:07	-375.550
-11	30998	1549900	faad6e0c-d8f4-4907-ae65-1cdf4acb80e6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:52:51	-519.406
-12	15500	1550000	44365740-c33b-4096-ae10-d4e973f1ba48	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:49:19	-449.263
-12	31000	1550000	d1e00562-7b8d-48f0-8e61-fcdf4e741ea5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:10:20	-337.816
-13	15501	1550100	f1540eeb-04ed-4744-b81f-9c69b473cb6d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:25:57	60.653
-13	31002	1550100	8dd07b0a-8425-4a2c-b32f-8e658c4bfcdd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:20:15	-95.755
-14	15502	1550200	a6927660-49bf-455a-9646-ff94e406cd88	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:09:19	-830.462
-14	31004	1550200	fea781d1-071e-4cbf-a1da-f6fb690dc0c8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:22:31	406.24
-15	15503	1550300	be90d905-44ca-42c9-96e3-910dce5a427d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:47:31	440.966
-15	31006	1550300	d386adb9-3df0-4a89-b80b-fc3a8cd5d01c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:43:51	936.329
-16	15504	1550400	242d4d21-5668-4f85-b93f-6bd4989cb743	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:52:27	-445.585
-16	31008	1550400	1347cba9-ed1e-46bd-992f-5a74337d94b1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:33:03	147.941
-17	15505	1550500	07abc5e1-aaf5-4047-a99c-5df168bc0b5a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:33:48	-513.53
-17	31010	1550500	5a35dcce-2301-4ab5-af47-436045d9fbcc	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:54:42	714.221
-18	15506	1550600	b8c92e0a-70c8-4786-ae4f-ca36c2a309fd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:56:55	931.8
-18	31012	1550600	3a9ceba6-48e9-42d6-ad96-e9b90b3837a1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:00:06	145.316
-19	15507	1550700	54c16329-4c0e-492a-b4bb-1cf572f68e7d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:16:18	-202.325
-19	31014	1550700	9abb613a-70d1-46a8-9914-f433ce9f4525	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:28:56	212.346
-20	15508	1550800	4a0d869a-e9ec-44a1-84b4-6d9398b99f6f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:58:16	-629.588
-20	31016	1550800	107d2d05-1f30-4161-940a-9090511bc94d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:35:54	-143.784
-21	15509	1550900	0de9f25e-325c-4b91-bca5-1655f3d44873	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:43:39	-475.299
-21	31018	1550900	a3e7ab43-0c27-4b10-8ec7-e51da8743007	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:19:29	-440.519
-22	15510	1551000	7b38e888-862c-4bef-b7b6-8dff854c237f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:24:53	530.524
-22	31020	1551000	d87c8c6c-0c97-403e-9ff7-c1b1f60a0e7a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:57:03	878.359
-23	15511	1551100	bebfe9a6-976b-4e5d-bb49-0e4d3dc64107	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:58:15	314.568
-23	31022	1551100	145b107f-522a-4848-8c97-6a87d38c986a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:46:56	404.995
-24	15512	1551200	2475e600-18a3-4cad-868d-95fbee5f052d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:44:45	-9.179
-24	31024	1551200	fb8113e5-56b1-498d-9b54-b3b4d3bc16e5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:05:32	-599.408
-25	15513	1551300	80062906-c5a9-4959-9233-5f3a0e441f6b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:59:27	-223.447
-25	31026	1551300	46d3a058-967f-4fa5-aa24-acf2f2fae468	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:56:17	903.45
-26	15514	1551400	ce189850-8ff9-4aaf-9973-06bcd7f908a1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:14:57	134.854
-26	31028	1551400	d7b76cb1-8204-43a0-b3b0-063b537b27b2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:04:23	856.601
-27	15515	1551500	d2e2c73e-051c-464b-9bb1-793d050bcb47	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:09:48	232.269
-27	31030	1551500	adf36381-9756-454a-a982-e2b259c2fecd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:52:57	-552.872
-28	15516	1551600	ef229f4b-e9c1-4be0-ba83-873febc30108	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:44:31	-888.342
-28	31032	1551600	a93b71b3-ff94-42e3-84a1-d9cecc8bb35d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:32:03	806.291
-29	15517	1551700	a6d8a0bf-9b98-4045-ae96-cc47bc20031e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:54:13	-1.304
-29	31034	1551700	126aa863-c92e-484d-9224-898b399e57a2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:40:05	802.782
-30	15518	1551800	b98c93a6-4c18-4cb1-b761-08b4b9f9dc0d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:10:04	-129.599
-30	31036	1551800	22a9561e-fd7a-4bc4-9309-da01e066f491	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:51:28	335.11
-31	15519	1551900	398e7099-f93d-467a-815b-70905754d1b7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:36:16	890.202
-31	31038	1551900	3f0de06f-ee6d-4a89-bf9f-9e026ca12851	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:33:03	602.167
-32	15520	1552000	57eca86c-6ed4-4beb-903a-a1038cbe43fe	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:20:11	-286.890
-32	31040	1552000	f141c532-d530-4183-b9f9-adc55b4527aa	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:41:07	563.412
-33	15521	1552100	d9752384-4319-41ca-91dc-052573f76f87	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:31:14	72.56
-33	31042	1552100	2beededf-8da7-4bd3-880a-2eb90857cf59	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:38:58	-679.505
-34	15522	1552200	3fc04fee-a739-431c-ac6d-4c5292a326d0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:41:19	179.757
-34	31044	1552200	b5968315-cf32-47ef-8f4f-19ad488448ab	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:13:16	-933.875
-35	15523	1552300	bb49b07e-cdc4-45a8-8ccb-ba6f20e1f4fe	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:43:43	452.32
-35	31046	1552300	5c70296b-bc50-4c0b-9773-4f816867df0d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:14:44	501.362
-36	15524	1552400	1ba286ae-a053-473c-bffd-518338898025	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:56:25	-621.694
-36	31048	1552400	07d45650-f9f7-49c9-83a2-7ab87ad38a9c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:32:50	448.404
-37	15525	1552500	7ed84236-79d8-400a-ad2d-914e4e81e650	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:56:18	141.358
-37	31050	1552500	4ba6687c-5c0f-4d72-bf12-012c218bddce	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:49:45	179.865
-38	15526	1552600	d2ebec2b-a97a-405a-9d0e-52c1f5e19ccf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:46:44	-219.338
-38	31052	1552600	2f773f91-cd0e-433d-acaa-060a23ad15e3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:45:15	-207.428
-39	15527	1552700	3bd66a50-eb92-49dd-8305-731b191df7ff	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:05:27	-453.227
-39	31054	1552700	bacbd414-9ea4-4488-974e-4aa2e650b61d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:57:59	-878.916
-40	15528	1552800	07d1894c-49af-441f-a707-06637fdbb83e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:59:49	434.786
-40	31056	1552800	b98bbfd0-c4bf-4e47-a0ee-99c2e108c9a7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:08:39	-202.145
-41	15529	1552900	f824b9db-71c3-4efc-aacb-09fb41ec8b0a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:04:58	748.391
-41	31058	1552900	1b726654-01a7-4a1d-a9a3-a9952a143703	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:42:25	525.333
-42	15530	1553000	2e00544d-b79f-4f8e-beb8-ade3f28afb14	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:40:24	115.205
-42	31060	1553000	f04693c0-6b0f-434a-b61b-f48227132635	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:19:24	855.244
-43	15531	1553100	df31a0e5-b661-4b63-9c6f-02b7ec747cf2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:51:31	867.957
-43	31062	1553100	2cc218e9-fcec-4334-a561-118f04575344	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:19:59	909.51
-44	15532	1553200	908673b6-41ce-4050-ad4e-aa56e94ffc7d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:14:52	-481.872
-44	31064	1553200	39585769-7329-40d3-9ca3-4240f5f3c886	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:11:57	577.986
-45	15533	1553300	7018362a-2247-42e5-a818-1c4d344a2337	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:48:53	-517.127
-45	31066	1553300	4fd82fa4-2e59-4800-b299-4a414f4b7c90	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:40:42	-402.562
-46	15534	1553400	09c9aca9-54d2-46a8-9919-a244026b2fab	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:48:19	-759.142
-46	31068	1553400	cc561dd5-8529-4c24-8990-3411d8993303	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:40:46	977.767
-47	15535	1553500	6425efe2-95ee-4121-9e0c-59a4fd93989d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:13:55	646.412
-47	31070	1553500	f0287798-8350-4d26-9a26-e3b7e9aa00b7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:03:34	-632.206
-48	15536	1553600	0bf831e4-4297-4683-a416-2e644c0802d9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:29:09	508.272
-48	31072	1553600	21e09a14-364f-47af-aa2e-c14556ad7690	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:31:03	204.602
-49	15537	1553700	82481382-3f3c-4c9a-abfb-7dd4ab342d19	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:24:24	676.677
-49	31074	1553700	91b254fe-6d26-4dfb-9205-95fc88a2eb3a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:28:17	602.747
-50	15538	1553800	d3b31e4f-774d-4b91-b74a-4afb8a1b0707	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:46:19	-946.139
-50	31076	1553800	56c516e1-fbf6-456c-80d2-9567acf42d56	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:44:20	-915.497
-51	15539	1553900	c817d822-7500-447f-8984-6d130ddc6a68	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:53:31	395.118
-51	31078	1553900	c9d6d763-59bf-4c4c-baff-e79d3d6d4e1a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:56:09	-236.420
-52	15540	1554000	348ecda4-2aed-4ec6-82e1-476c36b1e2a3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:26:21	-766.205
-52	31080	1554000	8bd51839-8e23-43d9-999b-aa9d1ce05f03	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:12:33	921.920
-53	15541	1554100	bc2269af-2621-4c3b-8577-6cb654c9c4ff	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:11:25	74.759
-53	31082	1554100	5a6ddac2-e686-4c26-951d-98e2d4b72187	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:28:38	724.88
-54	15542	1554200	1dc11c47-4c7f-459b-81de-9e91b885797b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:01:01	-200.34
-54	31084	1554200	efeb0f4a-671d-4727-b597-45884657d0cd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:04:18	-319.612
-55	15543	1554300	e9f77b3c-352c-4921-b820-ac83be17235b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:26:46	722.886
-55	31086	1554300	2daaa30d-07da-4c0a-aadf-58f3cf717c07	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:58:49	914.429
-56	15544	1554400	d4bc4b11-ebff-4646-9e36-0fc66fd2a6a5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:40:51	868.704
-56	31088	1554400	9852be50-8c13-4a80-96a4-3e79570c6dcf	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:47:34	523.597
-57	15545	1554500	3c4bea84-37d5-4e40-b5e3-1fe514319406	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:34:43	716.764
-57	31090	1554500	27a5580e-f9ca-4630-be39-a2c920cfaa90	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:14:08	-898.223
-58	15546	1554600	5bf35cf2-ef64-484b-a8e1-d7cf1365614a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:54:19	-312.701
-58	31092	1554600	78620f20-a3ed-42c0-a62a-55f2f0cfff3c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:28:51	-127.642
-59	15547	1554700	3a2e4a52-cb8c-4e3b-86a7-b1cf86c3537e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:39:07	-245.667
-59	31094	1554700	0d0400d8-8c64-4f1e-b785-bb9d735bcd53	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:11:54	-755.895
-60	15548	1554800	c6d88602-e9ca-4186-8d33-577a64b98a99	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:42:48	24.980
-60	31096	1554800	57e07583-0900-4047-94de-46219af7c74c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:23:42	277.423
-61	15549	1554900	c7e7ccd6-8b8f-4558-b454-e38b3650c99b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:41:10	-115.690
-61	31098	1554900	90680859-2b19-4821-9047-bcb5d503cc0f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:08:20	912.486
-62	15550	1555000	9bba8e70-39ba-40e6-b859-26684fab0213	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:11:01	611.191
-62	31100	1555000	300a5c71-5617-44bb-9536-0fe11b454ab4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:49:09	-453.773
-63	15551	1555100	d6015a12-e0ac-4bfa-b970-bae614c49312	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:31:45	-610.675
-63	31102	1555100	dd0a6b6c-ec74-418d-bea4-3546785e8574	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:35:52	-65.775
-64	15552	1555200	7badad5d-def4-4a9b-82e3-1f7a5f7643f0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:58:29	-739.4
-64	31104	1555200	56f3490a-c11b-4230-902a-e3070cc74e97	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:39:22	-916.591
-65	15553	1555300	9273a898-dd69-4d5d-af2b-d76fab238b4e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:02:29	-288.109
-65	31106	1555300	2b30f04c-91ef-48f0-b7aa-812f0f96a314	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:08:38	-409.728
-66	15554	1555400	a88e2ab8-5d38-4bcf-8f2c-b79d36e40665	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:58:23	414.737
-66	31108	1555400	0077c0c3-5ff0-4026-9343-2f4bedb20b32	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:29:22	-898.371
-67	15555	1555500	a31b112b-3e6f-4de5-8fcb-4452e6b2641c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:30:19	626.84
-67	31110	1555500	95e4f827-196a-4b8f-a649-cd208f859df7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:19:52	-463.409
-68	15556	1555600	1644185d-4f18-4af5-8d3d-b8af10ef716e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:13:44	648.337
-68	31112	1555600	0596bb45-dc81-4e55-95f9-607eb1f726d4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:12:08	505.164
-69	15557	1555700	88aa1ca9-0441-4859-9cd2-0fd64e8d0b56	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:09:07	84.849
-69	31114	1555700	9e9613ad-54e2-41d9-b2ae-a4c0e5b22159	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:45:11	777.876
-70	15558	1555800	68ca9238-3f4c-4413-968d-f66a9b47c22c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:10:11	-919.560
-70	31116	1555800	c1064073-269c-42f1-a1ee-63cb4915f051	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:56:34	-371.303
-71	15559	1555900	021c0ab4-c4c6-4e9d-b852-244915de80b5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:55:00	400.738
-71	31118	1555900	e9eadaff-c90e-479b-8d88-38c17a0ff4c1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:11:27	820.990
-72	15560	1556000	d85d98ef-30d4-457d-ae2a-bbf2824f8ad6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:38:28	595.197
-72	31120	1556000	2473c075-08e2-414e-b7c2-86ddbb35955f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:36:50	-233.97
-73	15561	1556100	9974b55a-9a2c-4c8a-9dc2-93ed8cedac9a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:41:25	-721.459
-73	31122	1556100	969844a8-ba37-4f7b-947c-cca8a05b2262	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:09:27	-996.668
-74	15562	1556200	6d4da996-f6aa-4586-96b5-40243100cd03	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:10:54	-226.728
-74	31124	1556200	d810a8fb-98bc-4dd9-b814-09fb6f25b736	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:35:57	753.357
-75	15563	1556300	9810891b-d67e-4469-ac2a-bf3ec76bb829	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:17:03	-129.889
-75	31126	1556300	07d9e428-b715-4ad4-a41b-52969f0566b2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:51:38	898.451
-76	15564	1556400	6c51ca22-6a24-40c5-ad31-a2756d0f6a45	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:31:32	143.568
-76	31128	1556400	7106dd83-a814-449a-a95b-38ec863b964b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:29:13	45.957
-77	15565	1556500	4defe6da-3106-45e0-836c-c71f2b0af652	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:06:07	472.197
-77	31130	1556500	d1a08472-0981-40ca-97dd-25685ea5a80d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:12:15	807.387
-78	15566	1556600	282b29fa-35c8-4726-ae14-94a5996bad10	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:33:55	-912.479
-78	31132	1556600	ca619f20-31b8-447b-ad36-b877c44ea077	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:02:02	-672.834
-79	15567	1556700	83949bb6-6a23-4354-974f-8673b1b4786a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:13:38	137.164
-79	31134	1556700	81b2ee39-dd39-49ad-979e-cee822dcfa67	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:16:56	-706.84
-80	15568	1556800	afc7deb8-23a7-4fe9-adbe-b068704e452d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:17:39	70.765
-80	31136	1556800	70a03eb2-3514-4489-b759-538f73730b9f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:16:49	-437.416
-81	15569	1556900	ac89437d-cb22-4bc3-b75f-ce7927aba949	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:49:36	-796.670
-81	31138	1556900	5106e94a-6c7e-4485-9d12-4db3dc0d11d5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:25:54	-630.344
-82	15570	1557000	63868384-1396-4f4a-b160-af53bc611f1b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:13:40	-423.477
-82	31140	1557000	fe59d7d3-f387-475b-a19a-fb9158f59363	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:13:56	-290.433
-83	15571	1557100	d33e725a-4ab1-4d7e-ba35-cade76962898	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:29:29	-747.187
-83	31142	1557100	fa33e002-8e34-42bc-935d-9bc929c0076e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:15:41	388.378
-84	15572	1557200	573c2028-6412-468b-9660-040fe578d7ed	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:40:06	680.251
-84	31144	1557200	791516bd-4484-42aa-9b6d-159d02d493fb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:57:47	-724.411
-85	15573	1557300	6f90303c-2162-4fb1-bb86-4d4ec31babf9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:54:33	-941.704
-85	31146	1557300	426714cd-4b3c-458b-a75a-68848afddee0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:14:40	700.18
-86	15574	1557400	e8bd7209-3ea4-4b48-b414-9cc5ff8f474e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:09:03	0.872
-86	31148	1557400	4764d57c-53f4-4a61-a42b-cb66c7c4491c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:05:32	-46.638
-87	15575	1557500	b179bb12-1870-496d-a2aa-153b84a3ad34	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:46:36	-330.231
-87	31150	1557500	969d47e1-fe2d-4d8c-ab03-ca0b0054bf64	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:52:01	591.803
-88	15576	1557600	c949aa85-5bfd-41a3-8cc6-87d51edf6395	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:37:13	990.231
-88	31152	1557600	e9bf46ea-edce-4ca9-a054-02acf930ff98	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:24:09	986.831
-89	15577	1557700	225dcf81-86c0-4926-aae3-5c3e51de6697	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:01:43	-182.125
-89	31154	1557700	733b28e0-2ee9-413f-9fd6-a61ff951bc12	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:30:07	291.370
-90	15578	1557800	f3631853-a328-4aa3-9a10-b17f054b93c5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:27:32	-12.539
-90	31156	1557800	be40c8e8-50dc-4134-8670-7bd3a3800c09	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:36:28	856.742
-91	15579	1557900	ea805f65-2b1c-402a-a4ee-12b1486634bf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:15:02	-508.168
-91	31158	1557900	61b12ed1-ef9c-49f7-b205-6086f73c37b6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:59:48	526.144
-92	15580	1558000	b4c6fe83-a1e5-4813-986d-8183bdd69f3b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:19:18	-970.881
-92	31160	1558000	697a5676-e620-4615-a1f2-23269dbf5479	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:02:20	-809.392
-93	15581	1558100	0aaf3f82-2ccc-4102-af6b-5ffa21fc20c1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:08:31	856.583
-93	31162	1558100	69830f33-6b45-44a4-a57d-617369786a1d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:28:13	-442.351
-94	15582	1558200	86f6e5d7-ea05-49fc-8d59-8040448fc859	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:28:01	-630.562
-94	31164	1558200	5e7a6f14-44b7-42b1-8225-e21cd3b96b65	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:08:35	-21.179
-95	15583	1558300	752402fa-8808-4995-84b4-5d58548edcef	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:51:34	899.476
-95	31166	1558300	6f73d261-1c69-4bd7-86a0-2c3b1cce0991	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:46:28	630.979
-96	15584	1558400	ce2eabbd-24d7-4c39-84e0-6cf575e12a41	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:45:47	255.925
-96	31168	1558400	4a4bbf92-38ab-47cb-a774-75386f5c922f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:36:28	566.340
-97	15585	1558500	0a49332e-3ec4-4752-a177-96a1cf53ec5b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:30:56	40.227
-97	31170	1558500	cae1f8f5-4d7f-47c6-b444-1c9a7082ebdf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:07:50	117.778
-98	15586	1558600	c2e1160d-00c4-40f4-91ab-0bca1f3aa8ab	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:26:59	-854.57
-98	31172	1558600	c3afa565-2770-4798-9d59-561a51289d51	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:38:54	314.282
-99	15587	1558700	7f87fa81-0da9-4322-a0bc-3329c1afcd32	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:39:17	-823.399
-99	31174	1558700	2a042e97-d18a-4e8b-9334-c3b0d73982cb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:02:32	-948.525
-100	15588	1558800	f031123b-7de3-4beb-bb45-4b8f8cb964cf	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:58:42	75.651
-100	31176	1558800	d5e57369-a1c6-4751-873f-fe929d82668a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:21:37	532.835
-101	15589	1558900	bed8da2d-9c49-45d6-81c0-5ddb863eb689	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:54:49	-995.422
-101	31178	1558900	f1df2383-364c-4749-aea8-546f2c8e38d3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:57:18	365.559
-102	15590	1559000	f7e21a28-3773-4891-a9ca-c00f4ed36fa9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:29:55	99.391
-102	31180	1559000	a5965b5f-3ae1-43fd-b009-7a87d198c509	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:45:31	-40.892
-103	15591	1559100	e2ab605c-6b6d-472e-b1b8-29c0c9de0cfd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:49:05	187.592
-103	31182	1559100	0fa7d343-bac9-4b2d-a5d5-113ed7718ad7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:07:04	759.148
-104	15592	1559200	ff54423a-ceda-42b4-bf9c-2aca075898a6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:36:55	55.808
-104	31184	1559200	bb3ae7db-c89f-4da8-9899-456a8e2f1b42	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:19:37	-746.914
-105	15593	1559300	66ae4f4f-be39-4ca0-ac3c-bbb78a5ed1c9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:26:46	579.603
-105	31186	1559300	1ee13820-5e40-4d41-aa4b-a04138152ea7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:31:45	-695.44
-106	15594	1559400	f5b6f941-31a6-466e-bc02-40622aa8aa88	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:31:34	-233.997
-106	31188	1559400	4e96839f-b9d8-4010-8cc3-cdd4894e3ed1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:17:07	82.286
-107	15595	1559500	fbd185ce-f96e-4659-882d-5fa871d40ab2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:51:54	291.401
-107	31190	1559500	40d6b976-a5e7-4cd6-8177-8085823a1284	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:38:00	-925.653
-108	15596	1559600	1a6b37bd-d91a-4c7c-b3ca-cf7800d2d377	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:35:42	24.243
-108	31192	1559600	36293b2a-5fc7-4ec0-85e5-5790c89c7ce4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:52:50	471.562
-109	15597	1559700	48eb89e3-1d9f-4b0a-9770-142b2de33245	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:58:46	660.889
-109	31194	1559700	dbd582f5-e365-45de-9532-cc69ac96d75e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:16:41	124.962
-110	15598	1559800	2d062e0b-2401-4756-9509-298172eb88e5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:04:46	78.805
-110	31196	1559800	15dfd310-a4d9-4f54-a90c-ff2ced154224	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:39:23	962.811
-111	15599	1559900	84f88124-dda6-40d5-bb9a-d27c0dfb6288	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:40:59	52.780
-111	31198	1559900	e7ab2463-3885-4451-a0f0-fbb37fe13f90	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:40:24	103.626
-112	15600	1560000	4d9ce432-6f76-4124-8874-4a8f1052172f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:45:12	141.424
-112	31200	1560000	11d53e26-0cd8-4288-955d-70208ed175cf	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:22:35	-835.57
-113	15601	1560100	a3adeb5e-9cbf-4b92-8727-fcaa35545757	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:25:34	154.644
-113	31202	1560100	8afa8ef3-cfef-4c17-a2f1-7f8f3431f773	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:16:37	-925.947
-114	15602	1560200	c38a295d-deaf-44e5-8b32-8facf91da063	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:53:58	-826.976
-114	31204	1560200	482fc422-5987-4efa-8853-d6f57ac73a70	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:15:26	-167.141
-115	15603	1560300	b7f4dc6b-4158-4363-af89-3a1a32ac175a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:24:19	-656.15
-115	31206	1560300	56bcd5af-e0fb-4327-9248-99eb27e2429a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:48:50	-871.82
-116	15604	1560400	39259529-6af6-46fa-961e-244db2f17baf	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:59:47	214.437
-116	31208	1560400	c8d967fc-6784-4fb9-a39b-e02b87ed1d4c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:34:05	774.710
-117	15605	1560500	f87051d1-c9ad-4878-bb28-74d2b82335d5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:44:12	-974.44
-117	31210	1560500	49143567-caee-42ee-af8f-fdb2cdbf4a29	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:40:54	-246.961
-118	15606	1560600	6b2a8589-930c-4442-aab2-14584562789f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:39:11	303.282
-118	31212	1560600	b7cdc3c8-823d-4a48-aad4-771bb9992079	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:59:02	958.874
-119	15607	1560700	7b75c780-cb23-47d2-a321-ed1077a70c0c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:56:57	-461.672
-119	31214	1560700	3ca4e091-5eac-4e87-a7ac-eb66cd053d2f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:51:56	371.218
-120	15608	1560800	a45ea6ef-e358-4c2c-8bbe-1f4254e24f84	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:57:15	67.605
-120	31216	1560800	7033a9d2-9fcc-4584-9f0b-c111f12f4b67	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:47:21	937.18
-121	15609	1560900	cd2aa4e9-95f3-439b-a53d-80e72a8f9a53	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:27:05	-54.839
-121	31218	1560900	6324b163-551a-41bc-a325-5a0de1b22dac	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:58:41	-336.893
-122	15610	1561000	62ad5a0b-49a6-451c-9a20-dea64378384f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:19:16	339.786
-122	31220	1561000	f5433a28-871c-4c12-9634-8cc298fce5af	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:25:45	8.909
-123	15611	1561100	1556ffba-7c0d-47b3-af47-31acb97101cb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:30:03	-889.283
-123	31222	1561100	39b44f8a-6491-46fd-93dc-29242e6aecdf	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:46:13	-872.494
-124	15612	1561200	cd8c4d74-3277-4ea8-b797-32ae32a75ac6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:33:14	-486.331
-124	31224	1561200	255b3caf-5633-4c52-8fb5-4e808d5af8c6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:10:13	650.474
-125	15613	1561300	78c07c79-fcd9-4d04-863d-ea1ff5b58192	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:43:11	-90.851
-125	31226	1561300	a32311f7-73ec-4056-865e-79190b4ff7bc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:22:05	309.257
-126	15614	1561400	99ab5507-0027-4be8-a472-c6586589718e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:43:09	-981.633
-126	31228	1561400	7f64bb28-9b8f-4556-a8e2-154adbf0248d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:05:30	-485.292
-127	15615	1561500	b234710a-7524-4e1b-8545-208214ecf24e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:16:48	-40.805
-127	31230	1561500	73abda86-8d76-4f12-a69b-d32f721401aa	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:34:08	150.293
-0	15616	1561600	23bcad3e-7777-450b-a37f-12042b3faac3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:03:35	-357.140
-0	31232	1561600	67f25c89-d243-4242-ace8-6df6dc1131ce	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:34:41	512.243
-1	15617	1561700	7fdf5c18-a970-4f65-950e-44e8b0de8b84	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:13:13	-536.361
-1	31234	1561700	8f4bb443-37e5-4bff-81a6-b740e223696b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:18:30	-528.774
-2	15618	1561800	ea2f2fe5-2318-4519-af9f-b07acb86e6c6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:58:21	-556.64
-2	31236	1561800	1062c765-ba6c-416c-84ba-e637963a6328	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:39:19	825.711
-3	15619	1561900	43517b31-97fa-4980-9aa9-4c1fe8f44b89	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:05:59	304.986
-3	31238	1561900	f3768224-3f53-468a-8ada-852b19e6a5b6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:31:52	967.653
-4	15620	1562000	e481aca1-e2bb-4bd5-88a0-2f32d8b55970	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:18:51	-10.119
-4	31240	1562000	0a3df5db-b1f7-413b-86bb-576cdbfd3c83	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:08:35	483.705
-5	15621	1562100	9ca36cb3-ba2a-40f6-9bca-41e5ee16461a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:48:28	820.121
-5	31242	1562100	933fb094-699f-47b9-a5d5-86ab2a9ff7ff	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:19:13	-123.750
-6	15622	1562200	68a6040a-02fe-446f-b0a3-be9e2348e544	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:11:04	-530.291
-6	31244	1562200	8e37308e-8053-4819-bde3-ce823dfe4890	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:26:00	-937.583
-7	15623	1562300	15a991e9-f0e7-4d10-95f1-349fe3c52297	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:22:44	-957.541
-7	31246	1562300	2d4ef882-e4f4-4282-a855-600fdd386e3a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:32:17	243.292
-8	15624	1562400	fba519b4-9b85-4afc-8715-45392de515a8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:46:24	-249.850
-8	31248	1562400	228be165-fe84-42fa-82c0-031d7705fc67	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:50:17	-148.284
-9	15625	1562500	773e653e-0c96-40d2-8311-4de8b9293abf	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:50:47	769.868
-9	31250	1562500	0324e9b1-7c81-48d3-9fd4-7496ec45a6f3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:23:56	29.181
-10	15626	1562600	4348058c-5c62-4b27-99ff-6a4b61cc88de	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:59:31	21.501
-10	31252	1562600	05015be1-6b34-479a-9c79-2304c11939b9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:35:02	916.728
-11	15627	1562700	cb8e7123-073f-4dbc-8064-5e8378174fa1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:08:01	241.829
-11	31254	1562700	b1f380ef-2795-4a56-8d64-4378994340ed	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:05:25	134.738
-12	15628	1562800	a4b61017-9c7c-4a46-b834-68bf7d52d364	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:11:17	-352.194
-12	31256	1562800	4508b8af-a1d8-4919-a067-d34d726c2489	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:36:50	-737.198
-13	15629	1562900	51ab83d6-f1a9-4225-9f44-6d07aad79f6d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:25:28	-407.699
-13	31258	1562900	c13d63f3-e5bb-49de-93dc-fde9ac499e6d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:25:15	102.887
-14	15630	1563000	0a1a4952-1dac-419a-ae17-c9ca2c145d19	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:53:03	-566.56
-14	31260	1563000	87f38b14-994e-4e0b-8bd5-897a149d16f5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:38:55	-57.557
-15	15631	1563100	0f23beb1-208a-4279-a907-37788c38d434	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:29:30	346.250
-15	31262	1563100	fc38719c-69d9-4a4b-9e0c-30947954ecd3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:19:59	-181.596
-16	15632	1563200	c77e02c6-e18c-48ce-af66-8597d5e5049c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:24:27	991.46
-16	31264	1563200	bc08fa4b-98ff-4e8b-a8d6-7a473dbc1321	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:05:58	-843.93
-17	15633	1563300	a02432f3-2212-44da-a2fb-81051abb3fb1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:28:04	596.248
-17	31266	1563300	9ce0127d-ccca-4047-a9eb-b87a4947a870	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:10:47	233.701
-18	15634	1563400	3f87c88e-46f3-4965-92b2-1121e19a0b00	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:33:20	-740.923
-18	31268	1563400	d5efad55-c5b4-4752-b0ca-47dd8950337d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:32:30	-180.432
-19	15635	1563500	2f7dc633-c9c7-4567-86d6-5b57c5b9ed69	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:42:37	-618.208
-19	31270	1563500	49fcc66e-d43c-48ed-83a4-938a82c51bbc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:24:50	350.142
-20	15636	1563600	1cb31234-bd2d-4aa4-8d27-74c538d591e0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:06:44	-819.596
-20	31272	1563600	61dbae08-740c-44fe-9d5f-0c2fea13af8a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:49:57	-344.784
-21	15637	1563700	efb757f2-ab11-4cdf-a378-6889e4da1c9a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:21:18	351.134
-21	31274	1563700	459eb1c3-bf99-44f3-bdef-212a3392e28a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:20:50	-101.949
-22	15638	1563800	74b8b079-1e35-4b3f-a749-b70be6c14e36	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:51:42	965.571
-22	31276	1563800	f3f4734c-98f2-4766-bac1-febc9613a32d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:58:25	51.968
-23	15639	1563900	d0b9c12b-fa55-4c15-8f14-529e07bcab16	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:40:38	545.50
-23	31278	1563900	c2e95e64-86fb-4daf-9fe7-cd944e709d52	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:36:58	-387.43
-24	15640	1564000	3a307fe4-b6de-4076-86bc-486a6448cf1e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:39:02	736.95
-24	31280	1564000	041fa3c0-3ecf-4cd8-b5b0-898d7098436f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:59:47	654.157
-25	15641	1564100	10c70b68-c649-4925-851a-0decac2c3a58	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:42:19	-476.439
-25	31282	1564100	723651ed-1ebe-4a1e-afdc-f0557e2f6c1c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:27:26	-292.717
-26	15642	1564200	0370aa59-dc16-42d1-95ed-3bdce7a0ffaf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:19:31	-34.585
-26	31284	1564200	50ee0811-1fed-4a1d-a779-b430dd085ac6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:01:51	600.815
-27	15643	1564300	4144504e-ca77-4a8c-876c-303a8baea044	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:44:25	-662.318
-27	31286	1564300	eb8ed0b7-31cd-4496-9c9c-223ad71e8bdb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:38:01	956.352
-28	15644	1564400	606c8de3-30a6-4fef-92a1-857c36dfe399	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:56:40	649.967
-28	31288	1564400	45d8eb8e-5720-413b-a281-5a47fb81683c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:04:09	569.985
-29	15645	1564500	f0065e6c-4934-4f45-a896-628bdd9e4723	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:47:00	680.455
-29	31290	1564500	486fc857-45b1-414a-bd42-c467e2f21c6f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:21:21	-639.880
-30	15646	1564600	eedfad36-0292-4681-8eef-3707091db2b3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:34:19	-514.999
-30	31292	1564600	8f19b9d9-77de-4c92-8afd-d0cfa20bb565	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:30:13	-355.421
-31	15647	1564700	e46f2fc5-2c17-4f41-a0d5-48de085f299d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:40:49	801.816
-31	31294	1564700	e8a69de5-7ffe-403e-ab90-e31f091b68da	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:08:12	-257.231
-32	15648	1564800	2da8f19b-d004-42b4-b4a3-ee1a42837ee9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:22:13	-82.963
-32	31296	1564800	0c3adf87-a6fd-443b-9f6b-5b94da9a961c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:19:35	-129.950
-33	15649	1564900	40c8d92a-85d7-418d-a0ab-cc29ca435b62	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:52:35	-664.713
-33	31298	1564900	4315ec93-663f-4b36-a568-0ff2a811272e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:40:29	920.8
-34	15650	1565000	c1c11ee9-df21-4685-a932-3c920252af58	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:38:36	190.136
-34	31300	1565000	cda02037-1bd4-4aab-afaa-e5da14b33245	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:35:20	82.272
-35	15651	1565100	13c6e575-b423-4e87-99bc-f44d20cd4f27	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:51:37	701.413
-35	31302	1565100	c6aeacb1-faa3-4e6a-8349-a2e11dec1fe7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:46:27	-187.828
-36	15652	1565200	c359edac-adad-4080-8222-eb076662c955	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:07:10	589.458
-36	31304	1565200	240e82b1-7c20-46c4-92ad-ed2476088127	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:03:57	203.746
-37	15653	1565300	3806267b-0f91-4b3d-9ec8-fff9a51605c4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:15:52	294.51
-37	31306	1565300	527339f1-2fd7-4f87-9f97-c76d87504d8f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:34:49	-406.749
-38	15654	1565400	830048bb-827c-4019-a5a7-2039e371586e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:07:15	-69.988
-38	31308	1565400	f6e226e9-13d8-48d3-b588-c2c114ef4c17	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:50:34	-648.129
-39	15655	1565500	f5a34a9a-97ed-4f7c-82c7-82a1a5c7641b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:52:58	-949.810
-39	31310	1565500	f8c9f3cc-6b60-44d3-a0eb-b9e3c6c23608	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:33:14	-921.146
-40	15656	1565600	8339fe7b-cc63-42fc-84bc-9c2e0549fdff	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:57:24	-85.522
-40	31312	1565600	97165e47-61b7-4903-b88c-0349c3d1b3b2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:11:04	337.30
-41	15657	1565700	ffa9f6f0-3fb4-4e58-be05-001d4e1a33f2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:39:19	622.830
-41	31314	1565700	f411fd39-6f04-4d85-a430-9537aa907456	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:12:50	-84.129
-42	15658	1565800	ced23748-2faa-4f87-9a4f-d27ab07eaecd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:59:19	-951.129
-42	31316	1565800	b6d9e89b-e03f-4c4c-a371-861a8e1dacdc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:10:59	406.915
-43	15659	1565900	f243fdfd-0d69-4c79-b06f-09656f83922d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:07:28	-849.132
-43	31318	1565900	b13bdae3-bbfc-498e-b7dd-def8c55e3306	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:54:58	-351.507
-44	15660	1566000	eaba61fb-7c5a-40f9-a715-3060ad01921f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:24:11	846.567
-44	31320	1566000	a3d50ac8-92a1-40c5-8c7b-468a52cd3d1d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:31:25	-313.862
-45	15661	1566100	d083b12d-7b85-40e0-ab61-ebd21206891b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:34:03	990.772
-45	31322	1566100	9bc94284-3c78-4160-a97a-f35e7600de5e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:59:28	978.507
-46	15662	1566200	9cc8adb5-7c3a-4e02-ab60-dfd66acf87d5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:10:16	-30.526
-46	31324	1566200	11220b81-133d-4543-8398-f8021a10564f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:17:32	-726.491
-47	15663	1566300	ba55cfaf-555f-4d24-ae0a-4258f645ac86	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:01:07	389.871
-47	31326	1566300	828153e3-bc5a-48d8-96f0-00e2bf785d40	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:10:53	-332.871
-48	15664	1566400	29c27c11-357b-40cd-963e-e368c0c8a21a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:29:55	797.924
-48	31328	1566400	9b4f4bf2-7822-4b38-b8f1-94875c1bc4e6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:32:25	12.44
-49	15665	1566500	cedba648-6e7c-4a58-9954-5c53785fe3c6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:26:36	389.853
-49	31330	1566500	a58825ca-00cc-4f0f-9485-4ae82fa9c6a7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:47:35	-499.150
-50	15666	1566600	11b0f2c2-75da-45dc-bafd-565c771e6082	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:26:48	337.339
-50	31332	1566600	77c6b840-65ce-44d4-8939-8675b1638622	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:34:01	-986.38
-51	15667	1566700	62f7d239-5b66-44fb-b0ea-5d43312cbaee	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:41:08	401.903
-51	31334	1566700	9a4c3f3a-d387-46f7-8886-f1d27f8cc835	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:36:44	-501.142
-52	15668	1566800	2f0c783a-bcf9-485c-a746-4fa930c5d152	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:37:21	-832.508
-52	31336	1566800	806f63a9-ff72-439e-8e98-16e7224d85e4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:13:09	531.428
-53	15669	1566900	07cc5fc6-df7d-48db-afbb-7b4125d82d1a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:45:57	801.785
-53	31338	1566900	e9c66c82-a0ca-4b96-b767-1eca9deb1302	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:41:26	889.252
-54	15670	1567000	ce25a1f4-d27a-4308-bbb9-592e79747121	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:50:28	-621.698
-54	31340	1567000	12a85c57-c52e-44c2-bd30-a92ead836dd6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:40:15	676.879
-55	15671	1567100	91a52cb9-68fd-4b03-832e-4c1180ad45d5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:42:18	391.562
-55	31342	1567100	5a2838a6-6b16-4820-96dd-9635a5a93bbe	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:51:29	-321.870
-56	15672	1567200	bcb55068-b0f6-464d-9ca8-b5e6520d06b0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:30:08	373.404
-56	31344	1567200	c69e31ac-fdee-4c33-96db-a676011afbd4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:17:07	-674.122
-57	15673	1567300	4787d42f-6e62-4d24-9d09-ea6c2f2ff4fe	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:18:58	578.552
-57	31346	1567300	03f97829-9cec-4db8-8f0b-08d50c0a2252	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:45:22	-868.803
-58	15674	1567400	5ef2c08a-b9e4-4637-96fb-0728ee1b4365	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:32:12	-739.582
-58	31348	1567400	d154fae1-80ac-4703-b6ad-03d62153b0c4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:10:27	-96.824
-59	15675	1567500	55390274-1351-4bc7-bb41-c6063975897f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:14:45	978.571
-59	31350	1567500	b4e6bf90-f9fe-458a-8229-d1de21cd762f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:20:22	363.964
-60	15676	1567600	5651d137-4678-408b-8a2b-bc62e11c1997	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:32:54	848.762
-60	31352	1567600	1f413a93-3282-4a39-b38d-747b9cce60ac	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:22:07	-119.805
-61	15677	1567700	c5aeaf42-a48a-41a7-a022-c303fa9c6fdc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:42:26	313.617
-61	31354	1567700	7329ccdd-f501-473c-974a-e68ae13505ef	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:51:40	-372.655
-62	15678	1567800	d0fe553e-4eb4-44c4-aea5-92dda8c5fa83	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:19:09	-841.437
-62	31356	1567800	38f21cdf-221a-469a-a649-e0d3ea66b904	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:37:31	-54.802
-63	15679	1567900	15803530-324f-413c-871d-b725f267d97e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:13:07	739.274
-63	31358	1567900	53cf064e-4d70-4079-a459-c024ee9051dc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:30:23	-234.94
-64	15680	1568000	c16f0d51-8845-44c2-9db0-1b36a12bcb27	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:43:07	-800.887
-64	31360	1568000	23b52dc8-8c5e-4aae-9217-5cb6e312ee93	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:18:33	-101.805
-65	15681	1568100	39408948-250c-475c-b8cd-58ec386d5f6e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:03:20	-232.301
-65	31362	1568100	85fd3d7a-433b-4c94-b60f-a8f3b0a62f9f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:43:38	534.915
-66	15682	1568200	f31af21b-4817-4c29-8a07-47c5eb5c5ab5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:54:32	-7.989
-66	31364	1568200	726acb00-17c7-441c-a371-da04c73c92a2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:49:38	-437.177
-67	15683	1568300	58689ed4-6805-4240-8161-dec4e8ae5adb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:20:38	-39.340
-67	31366	1568300	51619a91-c10d-481e-bc34-753ade7e2973	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:57:08	-978.584
-68	15684	1568400	14582e3b-c2eb-460f-86b2-4afefe410a67	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:00:27	551.582
-68	31368	1568400	a50043ef-ac4e-4d79-be54-b6118aca17a5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:24:33	-110.55
-69	15685	1568500	e2fce299-f7e3-4211-8b90-47abffed68de	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:26:58	-272.32
-69	31370	1568500	a4d5a4cb-d713-4fd6-a0aa-d1db44d73679	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:13:24	38.75
-70	15686	1568600	141337e0-135b-4e18-b5e1-122d490c34b9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:33:42	633.450
-70	31372	1568600	6d2e2def-c317-4467-a9a9-43195c3f15e2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:03:46	91.29
-71	15687	1568700	9035fa24-c2a1-45f2-8813-ded83fd41f9f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:08:30	-151.122
-71	31374	1568700	a8cccade-9429-439f-bea3-93128f985b4d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:55:19	-956.395
-72	15688	1568800	ca7ac7d2-a29b-4fe7-966a-9559ffacc63d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:01:15	258.664
-72	31376	1568800	de680129-3b13-44e0-8bae-a78f7e713e54	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:48:16	-479.615
-73	15689	1568900	16f6a629-3f78-4c12-93ff-29a005b96103	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:33:12	-10.670
-73	31378	1568900	ddd2e2c8-cfeb-4d7c-9f0b-47136db18ca6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:04:08	590.910
-74	15690	1569000	046e4234-bdd3-44e1-a791-4965dec3849e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:56:10	-768.870
-74	31380	1569000	1e1d37b0-4d0f-4710-aa68-1dcade8facc3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:43:24	205.322
-75	15691	1569100	fe901331-91e2-4a3e-af10-4765ccc84875	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:33:14	-199.702
-75	31382	1569100	5a9ce736-51c1-4460-a1e7-fa0b7133951a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:41:45	883.729
-76	15692	1569200	514c34c9-decd-4955-8706-e65ce4bdd0e6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:27:10	-51.913
-76	31384	1569200	b4914fc5-92d8-4b28-8eb7-de4f1269d053	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:01:25	946.501
-77	15693	1569300	6cfbf212-d1ee-4543-914c-01f9ffd70e1a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:50:53	888.207
-77	31386	1569300	2107fa6b-ab04-4782-8376-8793ac4934b7	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:54:33	500.647
-78	15694	1569400	b27145d2-ebc7-4cb4-9f96-02bcefbc598a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:43:38	-641.446
-78	31388	1569400	2b2e5097-9de0-4a64-8a3b-e07d96129a24	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:30:40	-247.149
-79	15695	1569500	74369815-fe8c-4373-ad92-6eeb387c1c3e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:05:27	-779.563
-79	31390	1569500	424c8f82-e5fc-4a5d-bfc9-221f83f97eed	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:56:34	17.904
-80	15696	1569600	968e6e55-4fb3-4f50-861a-8c9e5a42b390	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:11:29	277.728
-80	31392	1569600	5349b506-afc2-4bc2-8c72-bfa14fd0b92f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:50:45	-433.614
-81	15697	1569700	f110976a-f944-4484-bcb1-734d415f63a4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:34:36	298.293
-81	31394	1569700	15f172ad-50fb-4dc1-875d-ea97ab523bf7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:51:52	-442.954
-82	15698	1569800	a2c3e7d4-d349-4fd2-abc8-627e6cf69f1a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:08:26	-870.18
-82	31396	1569800	d3b5066e-483f-45f3-8071-e84d5d797907	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:29:47	-491.610
-83	15699	1569900	47f45398-79be-4981-b3c6-e89485b47459	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:08:46	-713.939
-83	31398	1569900	03725bd9-9019-4f73-8a55-30f9c526f381	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:32:21	-868.272
-84	15700	1570000	10354b0c-8a30-4231-b462-1a151f37257e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:13:37	391.787
-84	31400	1570000	cafbeb05-65dd-47c7-bd9b-9c8dbaa242b7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:29:23	130.319
-85	15701	1570100	746eb85e-c6f0-4481-9b42-2954c81cb1b1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:28:15	-143.224
-85	31402	1570100	6487ac98-81d6-4fcc-93cf-e1caecf005cd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:11:32	33.928
-86	15702	1570200	6d54811f-05e0-4caa-8960-a08eca90d6ab	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:25:31	74.601
-86	31404	1570200	357d22fe-6c09-4265-82fc-d9a58ca191c6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:32:32	-60.712
-87	15703	1570300	ceece7a4-7197-452e-a774-eaaa0feaea91	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:07:51	744.812
-87	31406	1570300	0c8e9b10-01db-4df9-81b9-a2437552aee1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:21:43	-99.688
-88	15704	1570400	808c5e20-686d-4f82-a768-31007dacccaf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:33:59	250.709
-88	31408	1570400	8701ba41-b215-44ef-90e8-96c02545c773	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:14:46	-882.950
-89	15705	1570500	674b707f-d223-4035-978d-b7dee769b44e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:49:06	129.632
-89	31410	1570500	9b940db5-846c-4f95-9d66-dbb2d35b8f3b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:07:20	-203.746
-90	15706	1570600	55f81a0f-8621-4e2d-aa37-60eb31a6fb22	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:03:30	-850.992
-90	31412	1570600	133bc837-323f-4692-8385-208121ad999f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:22:30	-536.157
-91	15707	1570700	aa601fe6-30f2-4adc-a470-9f8c7ce1f9af	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:46:22	992.113
-91	31414	1570700	1f92ba7b-d782-4601-8053-d2fc46bf2b6a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:57:01	-293.470
-92	15708	1570800	84235461-1922-4152-8bbb-b8dd9d2608e7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:14:17	-542.576
-92	31416	1570800	4f16606e-febf-4ca5-9870-61ef9622e7bf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:29:11	-98.192
-93	15709	1570900	8b38225f-aa43-4fc3-9a84-d2523ad8c1c4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:56:32	-801.28
-93	31418	1570900	224d8977-4e39-463b-b60b-89100af994bd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:39:00	531.752
-94	15710	1571000	50e708c8-7e94-4902-badd-84c0a4c763d8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:15:07	587.759
-94	31420	1571000	bd9dd9d6-63cb-4dad-a121-9d711ea18267	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:10:17	-273.252
-95	15711	1571100	b7420f45-dcd7-4a16-a349-ed98e5fa731f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:06:55	99.985
-95	31422	1571100	cbf7a59a-88e1-4a5c-9889-0530f77bcadb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:19:19	-78.424
-96	15712	1571200	f6ba5845-f72b-416a-a6a8-c73b18ddeb03	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:51:02	376.986
-96	31424	1571200	8a275b2a-da58-408d-8e99-c0311148601f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:44:00	967.568
-97	15713	1571300	cfee2162-17ae-4a2e-a2c2-1b4b088ed660	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:16:13	-127.109
-97	31426	1571300	f2318350-6fbf-4393-a5a1-8090ccbd17bc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:36:33	-697.577
-98	15714	1571400	15ad8488-1f50-4410-8674-2c9c2b7e4cc6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:58:53	600.204
-98	31428	1571400	5531b0e8-5509-462d-866f-4b0335d1973b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:34:51	930.326
-99	15715	1571500	c1e024cc-7f5f-460a-8c71-81e6e472c554	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:16:07	512.844
-99	31430	1571500	417d84a7-96f0-4ead-985a-95dd271b8536	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:55:38	159.946
-100	15716	1571600	df4ba59a-a64e-4d9c-abb5-ecc9ee42633b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:51:52	482.243
-100	31432	1571600	19fa391c-ed85-4fc1-b6b3-ca9f86076204	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:38:42	427.362
-101	15717	1571700	1603d252-59f0-45d7-bc40-444cf03a662f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:07:05	770.286
-101	31434	1571700	67eba0d3-fb00-4a5e-826c-1d1ba21b0923	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:33:22	-38.400
-102	15718	1571800	b00f4a2d-b23c-4038-8cd4-5f42856b890f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:46:49	350.90
-102	31436	1571800	8ce995f5-1cc4-4793-9d5f-02e7d10e046c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:58:47	-676.481
-103	15719	1571900	21e86e29-0367-40c2-b43c-be88ba2c8247	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:36:46	-81.353
-103	31438	1571900	301a29ce-af22-49f6-942e-bbec0c1121f9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:03:01	-77.123
-104	15720	1572000	40162e61-52ea-4514-bacc-3ac18689f812	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:23:42	-103.650
-104	31440	1572000	6b8223a7-984b-4e83-a510-116986b8b894	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:00:15	-939.119
-105	15721	1572100	5f790c27-40ff-4072-8fb5-7f3303d5333e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:07:52	-453.192
-105	31442	1572100	d4770c26-b329-4404-89bf-b4e0fbcc38b6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:56:14	-714.905
-106	15722	1572200	6b48c65b-af61-4967-bc23-7b2852f05cd0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:46:05	-631.230
-106	31444	1572200	36851321-b5ca-45ed-824a-c6a4a9b7138c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:59:47	17.798
-107	15723	1572300	d6400e5e-7be3-497a-9850-b8fb2de2322a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:23:24	906.904
-107	31446	1572300	a4e12b4d-a94e-4277-9683-3d12b81bf6f0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:20:09	595.903
-108	15724	1572400	a9ca9565-2fbf-464e-b2d0-d5b08a4a2ce3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:22:11	620.178
-108	31448	1572400	746f4bbc-86d6-4967-ae11-b739525eecbb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:55:58	-28.84
-109	15725	1572500	4eef77c2-58d2-4c23-8c75-dc62571fdbe4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:07:46	-457.760
-109	31450	1572500	24727634-6b8a-410b-869a-c6761dff6792	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:08:22	127.590
-110	15726	1572600	1efc3543-c87b-4d3d-9dd7-9705bf2aa6f0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:10:42	750.645
-110	31452	1572600	a38e8bf8-47bc-45cd-b704-0f468960a593	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:26:16	-337.624
-111	15727	1572700	52b64075-e509-4744-a0d5-075bd220aba4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:48:50	822.127
-111	31454	1572700	01eb36cd-ce88-4f72-98fc-e957f0901c4a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:31:07	964.327
-112	15728	1572800	7b3ab709-e6fc-4cff-bce2-af9258ba5fec	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:58:36	456.451
-112	31456	1572800	c7bafb63-966e-452f-8b58-dc36083a5f63	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:35:45	120.555
-113	15729	1572900	1f4ffe30-a90b-43f1-8b08-ea9ad8f7299f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:54:16	-690.791
-113	31458	1572900	05ebc202-3f50-487d-9aa7-99bf9e3e1970	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:50:12	-647.600
-114	15730	1573000	962623f5-1948-4572-a052-7d7f47279f1e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:40:33	984.764
-114	31460	1573000	50ba540d-2a4f-4dde-94c0-f042876e57d8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:48:56	-741.515
-115	15731	1573100	01652c12-f0ad-4acb-b598-358289956fc4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:37:39	-411.697
-115	31462	1573100	677fcd41-83a2-43c9-b659-8d1515dd7ca5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:21:11	422.784
-116	15732	1573200	bafe73a2-254f-4ae9-878f-7d6c308319dc	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:25:01	-497.950
-116	31464	1573200	9e32efad-556b-4724-8bf9-396c5fa487fa	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:55:20	-817.312
-117	15733	1573300	3c56d4c7-c6cd-4e0e-bc7e-322711290186	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:40:14	-766.356
-117	31466	1573300	cc0b9a44-951f-4fec-96f5-07ab23784560	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:37:16	-83.929
-118	15734	1573400	eb96aac7-cedc-4698-961e-b826f1b76bed	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:52:15	400.531
-118	31468	1573400	1fd441fe-d0a5-4169-b808-2b669d2943cd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:00:34	181.97
-119	15735	1573500	0c97f2ff-955c-458c-bee3-5fa3267fc797	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:02:32	778.911
-119	31470	1573500	9313495c-a874-4b01-87eb-9d25860d2b93	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:53:44	-617.321
-120	15736	1573600	d2e4a493-ffe7-4ba7-8c39-64186d9e5a6e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:55:08	928.561
-120	31472	1573600	8c89e455-3132-4403-8bfd-154bafa63dea	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:12:32	-530.596
-121	15737	1573700	732a7e9e-c5ab-42e0-b210-2583500351b9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:40:45	-651.146
-121	31474	1573700	af8e87da-5381-4e42-bf52-352142ff0870	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:10:05	-669.392
-122	15738	1573800	497f8449-798a-446d-a01b-7daa5923c61b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:46:39	-98.283
-122	31476	1573800	97e30f5b-42a3-4204-a11b-520ce2b79811	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:37:49	64.316
-123	15739	1573900	0f2000bc-3325-4421-866b-f5303ddfbe5d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:36:09	-798.870
-123	31478	1573900	93ced3bc-ca93-42b5-8ce0-836e6317875e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:52:09	84.688
-124	15740	1574000	95eafbda-532f-4563-9da1-cbba8cbc5857	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:07:42	-282.709
-124	31480	1574000	0ab79ac1-5307-4aae-94f3-999a4e1dc85d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:00:07	660.995
-125	15741	1574100	6917c27d-d8b4-402d-b921-68998f74852e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:48:24	-547.659
-125	31482	1574100	7bc07646-c076-42a1-90c7-7c0e0ba103b5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:40:46	-766.73
-126	15742	1574200	8f15357e-60ae-4524-b2da-ea2d3d457fb5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:13:23	-939.386
-126	31484	1574200	d17cb0b9-ab4b-4175-b0d4-2509b2d4f03b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:50:40	378.240
-127	15743	1574300	d6308c18-d323-4858-a714-7ce8f773a3ee	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:56:19	-889.548
-127	31486	1574300	7ef23ea0-3238-4205-82fe-8a0c6cbf09d8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:41:37	133.891
-0	15744	1574400	5251be2e-e1ba-48a7-b8cd-b476320504fd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:23:28	945.700
-0	31488	1574400	0f10141f-c04b-455d-8d1b-7a4242e606f3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:28:34	115.16
-1	15745	1574500	bce442d6-017e-44db-803b-754b1f2bcb2d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:04:03	-230.927
-1	31490	1574500	247b4f11-16c7-4517-8da2-6d116730dd62	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:25:43	24.125
-2	15746	1574600	45cb73a1-fad0-482e-83a1-66b09e79009d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:51:21	-213.540
-2	31492	1574600	8b32c983-9601-4113-9f4e-842fdfc0d742	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:23:27	156.890
-3	15747	1574700	33a7da28-0ab3-433c-b5fc-a602f6e81485	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:44:15	257.82
-3	31494	1574700	0e1fc5ec-f715-4040-9916-be52d9ebad99	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:01:17	473.746
-4	15748	1574800	0bf8d1c9-c2db-469c-8550-f9856f27cb7b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:49:34	263.225
-4	31496	1574800	28fad232-9b72-4948-8b84-61f4dde9696f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:07:17	-836.133
-5	15749	1574900	656e11da-aede-499e-b21d-fc8181b58799	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:55:20	-946.840
-5	31498	1574900	a748a864-baac-4b82-89e6-5fd86b3f9978	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:09:13	773.656
-6	15750	1575000	0e6f3020-a82b-476f-8a6f-dd7fb80aa628	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:48:02	-489.62
-6	31500	1575000	c811a722-ef53-4d21-bb54-3af63e319de6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:37:18	-784.65
-7	15751	1575100	159c4afe-c282-439d-973f-01bacb061896	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:45:31	204.834
-7	31502	1575100	800c5e24-c46d-42be-bf2e-14a7b32e2dcf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:00:03	197.225
-8	15752	1575200	ef682f60-d1c3-4494-886b-385548233026	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:05:46	498.128
-8	31504	1575200	718809de-5d2c-41d3-b9b0-12cc76623abe	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:51:49	-641.897
-9	15753	1575300	75cc3568-f87f-4d67-875b-b8a3a28c833a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:44:34	405.950
-9	31506	1575300	713dc9e8-a502-4f4f-8f0e-12e587d5ee41	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:36:46	-693.231
-10	15754	1575400	d1639b1a-078c-4786-97f1-2f8b1fe71d2f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:15:27	885.110
-10	31508	1575400	1f3cca71-676e-455e-9b06-aa5cb1e9d72e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:21:32	-270.643
-11	15755	1575500	1af4ac1d-ebef-4c1f-ab9f-2433ee11de83	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:55:43	-121.116
-11	31510	1575500	518aac93-af0c-4221-ba21-9138e2897e3f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:39:48	428.343
-12	15756	1575600	a7f45ae2-0fca-46b8-aa34-52bb00ba4d6e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:23:17	839.903
-12	31512	1575600	718d45d0-3f9c-4732-9ad2-7eee8da3ad8b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:33:45	-235.103
-13	15757	1575700	a31656f4-c068-4986-be59-deaa3b797d15	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:26:08	-702.335
-13	31514	1575700	3ba8ab65-b290-4e24-bd10-0d34e1b3c0ba	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:17:11	775.891
-14	15758	1575800	894936a0-9126-468c-8166-9b500b711877	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:10:10	409.168
-14	31516	1575800	f71aa819-53ad-4678-9c03-665ddfd3b225	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:09:29	-299.406
-15	15759	1575900	aa6674d6-8cb4-46ef-bff6-7b046721c3a2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:56:44	-455.27
-15	31518	1575900	08c7ddb7-f0c6-428f-bc41-7d3869e11e34	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:35:11	-893.752
-16	15760	1576000	85dca693-7d1a-4977-a0c2-10849228a0a6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:42:51	-596.828
-16	31520	1576000	d5089725-c4df-4ab7-8adc-692bc6420bf4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:00:55	-324.108
-17	15761	1576100	24b5b7c3-b39f-414c-acf5-deeacdbbf294	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:28:23	197.690
-17	31522	1576100	602928f5-cbfc-4e88-99f7-d11ea9b27120	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:22:31	-640.656
-18	15762	1576200	1fc5a724-4a31-464e-a129-65dfbdeeda64	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:10:57	-46.590
-18	31524	1576200	6f50c6aa-0713-4523-873d-acbbe7489e09	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:13:23	-844.979
-19	15763	1576300	212915fc-eca5-48b0-9df0-4fa9874ddcc0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:25:19	-379.371
-19	31526	1576300	c6ffedca-7824-4001-87b3-0f43a1b046d9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:35:27	804.185
-20	15764	1576400	cf0c9a1c-3dcb-4133-af8a-5adef42f6c69	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:04:05	545.376
-20	31528	1576400	5752bf09-c098-4bb3-81fd-1807412e67a9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:28:01	-180.534
-21	15765	1576500	522b4dd3-dcb7-4316-922f-8f0d4c124518	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:42:53	748.822
-21	31530	1576500	0cc74408-0cd0-4113-a69f-0ddd9ac903d9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:59:16	255.353
-22	15766	1576600	5d29c8b1-8535-4e92-8c6b-740c25885374	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:09:51	917.929
-22	31532	1576600	bf4a85b6-4077-4897-8e09-b7932b133c10	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:24:21	400.480
-23	15767	1576700	44eca564-2631-4273-aa25-329da3da20ab	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:22:21	-150.840
-23	31534	1576700	1d3b6ad3-e72f-44fd-9cc8-a05d6a21f976	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:50:07	-182.345
-24	15768	1576800	5682b91b-8320-4acb-b350-92749cd93f42	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:32:07	-684.927
-24	31536	1576800	9c7fbe71-4504-4f68-a88a-02a25d153b8f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:28:16	-330.726
-25	15769	1576900	a58fc985-e65a-4699-9bde-53224ae888de	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:00:24	-976.11
-25	31538	1576900	81ea757a-cc2b-4142-ac71-d10fc4312bc0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:53:51	537.876
-26	15770	1577000	10a48404-cce1-4075-8c5f-7d010cd6b17b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:23:06	-268.117
-26	31540	1577000	62470270-6283-415c-8cac-b3b039c089ad	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:29:04	742.330
-27	15771	1577100	5da15a1a-cb69-4ef0-8248-4becc382b308	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:09:58	-389.96
-27	31542	1577100	5770d0bb-7254-4d76-a2a8-21acf1212a9c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:08:15	891.899
-28	15772	1577200	631a5e4c-83dd-4d3f-a485-b1677c6155c4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:27:08	-427.120
-28	31544	1577200	978aeafa-a361-4d65-a89b-c76dcb543fbe	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:19:08	509.996
-29	15773	1577300	85aa2076-7af8-4cbc-8a81-c7b00818b20e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:18:40	-288.73
-29	31546	1577300	515137b0-1fee-4302-8620-73cb05b5700b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:55:52	74.753
-30	15774	1577400	f43bce17-b329-408b-bbb5-0a70a96fcc77	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:56:05	587.196
-30	31548	1577400	a183bf3a-a06e-465a-be4b-564ab95aa053	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:32:25	274.885
-31	15775	1577500	3f631a14-565d-4d89-9d79-eb87ede8048c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:06:19	-125.238
-31	31550	1577500	220ba764-070e-434e-a7f1-2d69914eae0a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:00:28	305.761
-32	15776	1577600	bc12316f-4531-43cd-986d-755e4c95cf22	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:06:10	834.535
-32	31552	1577600	9514be9e-68e5-4607-8053-5c67d522b2d1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:48:19	642.700
-33	15777	1577700	8e1cbdb3-16bc-4f3a-a966-0818b9ed32cd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:49:22	-788.500
-33	31554	1577700	57f96a82-7019-43a3-9703-68a5d0f61b1b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:10:57	-647.691
-34	15778	1577800	4d599b69-dd8a-4723-9a70-8d06234eb75c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:24:25	518.505
-34	31556	1577800	46e15312-7176-4f28-a0d7-6c7f32767c6e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:45:23	360.642
-35	15779	1577900	98de53f2-e093-4390-aa99-fa28cec2ef49	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:54:00	-794.855
-35	31558	1577900	e53989dd-4d83-4df2-ae86-af4d5d801a15	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:16:38	445.367
-36	15780	1578000	847a5f73-e612-4dba-a5e4-881c5b207e10	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:59:33	-752.266
-36	31560	1578000	cc895995-c556-4cae-a84d-57f94f56b56b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:31:20	989.672
-37	15781	1578100	f7d7ce47-5630-46ce-9fc2-9c04de6c31d7	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:35:51	-575.855
-37	31562	1578100	49f365e5-e35a-4465-87dc-dcf12e152cfb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:42:35	561.179
-38	15782	1578200	04814aef-5827-4352-8673-e928a0843b52	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:01:19	700.855
-38	31564	1578200	0c7425d3-79f6-4f7f-a682-cdbea452e7c5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:03:30	764.100
-39	15783	1578300	e44c2162-162c-4fb5-a34c-b8a1b6782380	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:19:27	746.4
-39	31566	1578300	7767aca2-b52e-4d96-a438-ece27f1a4ebf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:22:09	-51.102
-40	15784	1578400	e1ce19b8-3c3b-426a-baa3-2bd104885ff5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:20:17	-271.524
-40	31568	1578400	889eb814-c2f1-4486-8bc0-5337e0b49f83	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:31:58	599.78
-41	15785	1578500	8223d75b-e06d-4b85-a740-ad79a4a54575	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:11:02	-547.794
-41	31570	1578500	ad8f8c33-ebd1-42a5-bf93-15fa3e5beb49	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:13:05	-722.91
-42	15786	1578600	c6ef1951-df60-454e-a81b-418d963af019	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:19:35	122.702
-42	31572	1578600	4dfbf80d-9810-4216-8482-ad557f8c05a5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:44:24	503.957
-43	15787	1578700	e5bbcc6d-fa6f-4a71-938e-83dd81bc57a8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:44:35	374.770
-43	31574	1578700	e5fc0d25-ceec-482d-a0c3-610217c3e8cb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:58:06	-807.325
-44	15788	1578800	fe562cf3-8639-48f9-b773-f3b0b19b2913	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:17:16	-786.154
-44	31576	1578800	fadf900c-d764-4753-8ed6-db33170f9155	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:29:35	424.436
-45	15789	1578900	89c2da52-8664-46c6-80e2-a689ab5a8e91	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:44:45	-124.321
-45	31578	1578900	5c5ab4aa-9d3a-4cd4-bd0e-3598fc27f7be	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:14:03	995.72
-46	15790	1579000	9a490a56-6ba1-4efd-a5fa-cc1876fa1b6c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:25:15	44.726
-46	31580	1579000	615da0df-5ef0-4f9d-8c76-951da4bf4ed7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:46:13	396.338
-47	15791	1579100	657c1371-356f-4c7c-9793-194aa02d5b0a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:11:13	-786.459
-47	31582	1579100	28ff2f83-9b53-4004-a37f-6fe4f8540909	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:52:07	-380.543
-48	15792	1579200	07a9d3ca-d308-408f-aa35-8e5d3327bb09	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:14:57	-570.55
-48	31584	1579200	7453e4af-0fa9-45d5-9ec5-4d13784aa37a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:58:22	683.253
-49	15793	1579300	f1f465ee-873a-46cf-9604-c751af9298d5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:39:05	985.75
-49	31586	1579300	f7a2f054-f843-4cef-8ab2-595bc51cfb3a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:01:38	-654.295
-50	15794	1579400	b73f99da-d821-4258-8528-dcd0cedacd97	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:33:48	-758.485
-50	31588	1579400	6e54a1a6-d0a7-45c1-859c-10cd9a5a9760	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:18:57	-930.512
-51	15795	1579500	ef29b8b9-3376-4c15-8bfb-e9a4b2850d32	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:04:00	-74.160
-51	31590	1579500	a01f40f1-7875-41c3-9b20-684581d046ea	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:32:28	-857.700
-52	15796	1579600	dc4af5e6-847a-4021-8be4-21f936f36564	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:31:06	705.384
-52	31592	1579600	7920689b-8c5e-405f-b170-b0039dc9a189	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:08:43	-89.840
-53	15797	1579700	c0835e3b-2ef0-4226-a58f-3b8efcd05a87	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:01:53	873.276
-53	31594	1579700	17428ab4-ac7d-430b-afde-58733f52cc79	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:27:38	591.317
-54	15798	1579800	4e62a6c7-2933-40d4-9ace-7a88e309733f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:40:37	-78.530
-54	31596	1579800	59fe50ea-d1a9-414a-95d4-10c004a58c8b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:23:07	-796.894
-55	15799	1579900	4ac3dc84-9873-40ae-83bc-a01bbcf7ecb6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:56:27	709.786
-55	31598	1579900	3eb0f725-f4f8-49ab-9f96-2fa5200e4a86	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:24:03	-119.663
-56	15800	1580000	9df4c9c6-0dc8-4f2f-a510-0bea53619b86	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:39:46	81.42
-56	31600	1580000	8e7343f1-fc80-4ae1-9a36-bb4d068622f9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:47:55	-309.117
-57	15801	1580100	cb29d271-5ddd-4dcb-ab30-702a88ae13da	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:15:49	-988.883
-57	31602	1580100	9f2e2eb0-7b8c-4222-8108-c316a67ba5fb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:20:26	-269.780
-58	15802	1580200	ebbd45c2-6504-4790-b712-0e1216044112	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:19:08	349.825
-58	31604	1580200	d02e8c9b-18db-497c-ac1e-2662b2359a13	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:49:17	77.729
-59	15803	1580300	6a9f6a2f-4e3d-47f5-896e-9c4809b10149	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:41:34	8.92
-59	31606	1580300	656918a1-db32-454e-b32a-2a38f33a2351	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:14:35	-907.448
-60	15804	1580400	7066d996-54da-4b12-90cc-a5a6c8809c04	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:00:26	308.832
-60	31608	1580400	fb31e2f5-4249-4393-9c72-b3dd9b266f9e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:39:27	-524.80
-61	15805	1580500	a028a1f0-f35b-4683-ae8c-95e5092b107a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:29:44	378.268
-61	31610	1580500	20ea1512-bb86-47f1-822a-9fc107f5aed8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:43:01	54.558
-62	15806	1580600	8111e936-6ce7-4183-8f47-cb19f8656eca	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:35:28	956.161
-62	31612	1580600	eaec7ed3-2e62-4ea8-b0df-c34d82d93c43	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:22:35	-586.716
-63	15807	1580700	b8e8e911-6f7c-415d-842a-b76eee17b61e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:04:14	312.513
-63	31614	1580700	e12c8dc3-27a3-4fac-8942-4168d15546e5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:37:08	-34.942
-64	15808	1580800	c5e780a5-6430-45f3-ba51-ce32ca73f8e2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:03:31	-494.566
-64	31616	1580800	3f034564-f98c-4532-86de-7c0ec8c9b4b3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:32:13	538.612
-65	15809	1580900	9bc09ea9-2cb7-44c6-87a2-76e595303014	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:08:31	-887.78
-65	31618	1580900	2203e5f0-efa2-4ee6-964e-0803d6b9804b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:58:19	-156.257
-66	15810	1581000	ae566a6e-9dc8-47f6-a71d-564aa8acdc36	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:20:51	-394.841
-66	31620	1581000	6f9ef19e-ab51-4086-8d69-2d4c13b10091	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:48:55	-766.312
-67	15811	1581100	30f28524-2779-44ac-a696-052c66a809e1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:57:12	829.889
-67	31622	1581100	f9b22d7f-3529-4e04-8aa6-7fc80e4fc882	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:47:50	87.998
-68	15812	1581200	a0e443fc-36ba-4f06-a6f8-b45a6e5067ca	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:16:42	469.120
-68	31624	1581200	3fde4c04-38ab-43d2-b816-ea67d6d320fa	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:35:12	-280.610
-69	15813	1581300	aad0f364-6931-4fb5-a62b-5fe1b6e78b1a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:47:59	856.636
-69	31626	1581300	7f0e1d0c-5c2e-488a-9694-f33e1a63b957	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:03:32	-923.226
-70	15814	1581400	e6b11bd3-04fb-4988-8100-992b272caf3f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:37:12	794.111
-70	31628	1581400	6ef56013-465b-4454-bad5-b56e29e80e3f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:18:17	50.313
-71	15815	1581500	e2bdd1fc-0661-4e19-a876-f1fbbdc6c217	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:39:32	32.106
-71	31630	1581500	3e9cb325-5617-43ae-80f6-0fcdef9b8296	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:08:30	-489.640
-72	15816	1581600	18cb8028-b58c-43cf-b6f9-d54e7439e1cc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:23:11	476.732
-72	31632	1581600	6a7a6c42-899d-4b65-bd5a-21905b1b11a6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:30:27	77.117
-73	15817	1581700	b70b05f7-da63-42a4-a9e9-68d5ec1e9c59	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:05:01	356.84
-73	31634	1581700	2ee7d7de-298b-454d-8dc9-65e992105531	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:16:37	-71.951
-74	15818	1581800	8d2c67c1-e7cb-4b2c-9664-c2a71f044e6f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:31:26	290.387
-74	31636	1581800	0b33f5ae-774a-4328-95c7-cbcf831547d8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:35:59	543.24
-75	15819	1581900	9b9baec2-71d8-41b9-8823-ca7e4573009e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:47:59	-62.646
-75	31638	1581900	daeacd4c-5ade-4eeb-8a5b-8bd42488988b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:25:30	-620.872
-76	15820	1582000	36a39d55-3780-4b8f-96a9-9c399a8d028f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:00:47	-281.115
-76	31640	1582000	73386d94-b7db-4363-a668-b87f4835bfe8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:45:05	-435.948
-77	15821	1582100	f0a4397e-7412-4938-bdea-b5f123663e11	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:26:49	-922.305
-77	31642	1582100	c4b201da-131b-4621-abe1-caa366892e43	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:57:42	-719.461
-78	15822	1582200	d727b579-231e-465c-9de8-139e7eb70dce	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:22:48	-32.316
-78	31644	1582200	67f45883-6db8-485e-963a-02c33b00ce14	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:20:38	-266.843
-79	15823	1582300	45c0bd17-d201-4752-a798-47d8c5236b20	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:55:25	-357.960
-79	31646	1582300	750b704d-cfb9-4754-a837-4578430abd11	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:43:48	-488.187
-80	15824	1582400	6c8745b3-3ac1-4534-b519-d455dea3a05b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:52:36	-315.650
-80	31648	1582400	4182e3c9-5df3-420c-8b5a-632b1107ce27	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:43:23	843.391
-81	15825	1582500	9d317c8c-ef50-455e-badd-d99d69fe4ba9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:34:25	-639.464
-81	31650	1582500	0c22f302-a385-40b9-a728-75d2d95b1989	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:08:24	568.9
-82	15826	1582600	d7e8dc12-60d4-454e-bcca-4fd62e4eeb3e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:00:10	-438.764
-82	31652	1582600	636aa6da-a549-4753-b769-c3d14725bed3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:04:46	616.663
-83	15827	1582700	72874682-2fc1-4d40-8a04-897965017e39	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:41:20	-821.248
-83	31654	1582700	701a1173-3746-43e2-96fe-c4dbb6679525	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:16:09	611.607
-84	15828	1582800	4d60150f-96de-47db-af63-4ed3b9a01c08	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:42:31	-427.631
-84	31656	1582800	9b8abf73-402c-4c3f-b9f5-cdafb63f235d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:31:54	-839.825
-85	15829	1582900	da007542-4740-4d3c-977b-514cf8268332	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:59:05	546.226
-85	31658	1582900	be3a87d1-6306-4af0-a9ff-68bd19be91d8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:50:59	-34.826
-86	15830	1583000	26f872cc-d05a-4be9-bac8-fed3d92185b9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:35:48	913.159
-86	31660	1583000	745aff85-a134-4f12-9cf5-c05b2cf2c2bf	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:50:05	796.995
-87	15831	1583100	3dc8e75f-77e8-4255-8b04-bb250b1ba957	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:20:31	987.368
-87	31662	1583100	3d166e43-41d0-439a-a330-79722b278a76	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:45:52	-403.153
-88	15832	1583200	6b0041a6-2359-4f42-a100-fc538491f1fb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:00:53	-163.255
-88	31664	1583200	b4566ef5-a5a0-49c3-a618-174937bce723	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:05:38	665.856
-89	15833	1583300	4bf8d7a0-17a5-4824-8d52-621c448618e7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:15:54	470.897
-89	31666	1583300	6656bb19-acba-43b9-bd14-8a39b4a46685	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:32:18	-292.561
-90	15834	1583400	5d6452e5-727f-48aa-b1f3-7ee75757e683	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:37:36	-990.574
-90	31668	1583400	4c4fa696-9207-408d-9b22-05559c948f57	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:34:18	639.915
-91	15835	1583500	909b7118-1ffb-4895-a7ff-42c134944c02	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:30:11	-393.732
-91	31670	1583500	15a898a8-d867-4dca-aff3-8cc070d2e86f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:10:04	-359.915
-92	15836	1583600	f115b63b-be26-4379-8275-419efd85d338	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:59:37	-264.75
-92	31672	1583600	f8e98a97-7f8f-42f0-be52-59f37e5ed4eb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:39:13	710.259
-93	15837	1583700	ae39d013-eeed-4c79-99d6-c0d424bfce0c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:26:38	707.925
-93	31674	1583700	20118372-cf7d-4d16-bf05-91a53e568e5e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:16:43	-579.885
-94	15838	1583800	c5d6e372-c1b6-4448-988c-50d6adecf8ba	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:44:56	303.940
-94	31676	1583800	933c194f-d555-4ce9-9a5d-e77997da91b8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:24:31	-503.664
-95	15839	1583900	3d3f4c95-83b4-4302-8b9c-8eb95afa00f1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:06:57	-598.741
-95	31678	1583900	de60d2ba-05d1-4daf-89c3-dd6dca74ddba	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:50:02	-151.956
-96	15840	1584000	3644e0dc-11a5-4761-88f1-7e8cb5e1c5f7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:06:43	-657.46
-96	31680	1584000	445f8e84-ad84-4d16-ba94-269a96b28b1e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:54:38	772.818
-97	15841	1584100	07c9a696-2657-458b-b7da-28d799a384cf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:27:25	-642.413
-97	31682	1584100	133ea71c-28fc-498b-b421-a83d18207d92	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:49:58	678.247
-98	15842	1584200	4f99165a-53a8-4249-bc95-b66f0a9a4215	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:47:04	109.597
-98	31684	1584200	d52f69fc-38ae-45ff-99d7-44ccf17f33b9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:12:16	195.249
-99	15843	1584300	7b8d4d0d-c52e-4e98-8e0f-a7dda6226f6d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:04:54	-958.884
-99	31686	1584300	554454dd-6054-42e9-878f-a925b205fb01	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:42:07	-355.205
-100	15844	1584400	436715d5-afdf-48e2-aa20-f0707cc35f7a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:06:20	-816.648
-100	31688	1584400	28239313-8e59-43f0-8b9e-1d1d91a46b36	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:37:02	-457.174
-101	15845	1584500	2a924ce9-d128-4792-9b3c-c439b4b38cdf	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:22:12	980.202
-101	31690	1584500	58c9f273-f93c-4298-bf2c-22ebab9eccd7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:32:19	924.888
-102	15846	1584600	c83002ac-7ddd-4829-bada-74b896c417c3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:21:37	229.760
-102	31692	1584600	ebff9af4-bae6-4922-bece-5c27f4e70075	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:20:44	179.19
-103	15847	1584700	3d219da8-e7f0-46d5-9fed-181a4d2e4510	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:09:46	-541.635
-103	31694	1584700	aa59e3f3-57a6-446e-ae2c-fc4f53b3f8a4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:18:29	618.881
-104	15848	1584800	0b0b2d6b-5654-427b-b587-8ed585d355ce	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:12:15	50.86
-104	31696	1584800	32293891-1019-4d77-90b2-2919eab1dfbc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:31:56	-609.197
-105	15849	1584900	020da3c0-196b-4fb8-92ab-aac22374a764	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:36:07	377.556
-105	31698	1584900	b139beb9-ae80-4eba-b297-64c8a894b38a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:10:48	245.290
-106	15850	1585000	bcbb7fc4-a80d-4504-8a60-108f2fa294f7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:47:02	751.188
-106	31700	1585000	4aa359fd-7bdf-4cee-9f39-777ea4a97227	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:16:19	-257.974
-107	15851	1585100	1d5bbdac-fcaa-4948-bcc9-57377b295927	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:03:49	-969.49
-107	31702	1585100	e999a5d5-0f8c-477a-aaca-275c3f931786	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:55:35	732.357
-108	15852	1585200	26719937-24ec-427e-ad60-849f99305d5e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:52:57	927.650
-108	31704	1585200	29fe9146-5d1c-440b-8d6f-8ac7db6f2466	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:17:27	565.278
-109	15853	1585300	8f790ad7-9524-406a-8a78-63e8e91872f2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:14:55	-159.797
-109	31706	1585300	c6bf93a2-9a32-4e74-9f7f-06cd4508d89d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:27:13	231.599
-110	15854	1585400	17154761-e38d-4595-8d6e-847464a85723	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:15:06	-694.579
-110	31708	1585400	f67d2f4e-b90e-4077-8ee8-c70e313b30c6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:22:00	-721.179
-111	15855	1585500	c564599a-db40-48ec-901d-543e67d422e3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:18:32	121.778
-111	31710	1585500	4a33c442-e778-4d3c-b6f5-0576202315a0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:12:50	927.932
-112	15856	1585600	0e5183d6-6435-4380-ab70-837548fb5a4c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:47:00	-214.750
-112	31712	1585600	58e3d9f0-9d5f-4849-a498-c97d64d9f630	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:03:36	157.652
-113	15857	1585700	6bca6898-2698-4292-b8ab-b9ac022352aa	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:48:53	491.218
-113	31714	1585700	ced80cd1-1814-4591-b0d9-2b6dc80c7439	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:38:00	520.89
-114	15858	1585800	93b61ede-0d19-491e-83e1-3fd503d82ad9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:03:18	478.572
-114	31716	1585800	287d10f4-8d24-4525-ba21-35241d41123a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:22:30	-472.406
-115	15859	1585900	ac683925-d25a-4f57-9ce0-95e66233f9b7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:45:07	-100.119
-115	31718	1585900	28b0da2d-dbc5-41b9-9c13-0ec070e7bda3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:16:17	-459.589
-116	15860	1586000	fef2ee05-9a16-469a-abb3-2071a0bf8c58	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:55:57	-710.406
-116	31720	1586000	91193c2c-301f-4719-9437-6d0dd62cbc98	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:56:49	-152.556
-117	15861	1586100	158f97ad-a319-4515-9da2-2d1727f05d48	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:07:03	773.213
-117	31722	1586100	9b10d71d-d4b0-4d42-a995-2cffdba1d0f4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:09:21	-659.402
-118	15862	1586200	1efc0d74-db43-45a5-befa-1a6cc12a5e09	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:17:43	700.103
-118	31724	1586200	9f3cadbf-87b4-404c-b5cb-b131a2cf5c13	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:37:37	-276.701
-119	15863	1586300	408e2f05-303a-41bc-89c1-acc05405c606	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:30:52	-21.989
-119	31726	1586300	14b6f399-b4e2-4e7a-80b4-0acf22d9889b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:11:47	-527.340
-120	15864	1586400	32baba48-5790-4e40-b8f6-ae3687fcbd33	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:06:34	-53.961
-120	31728	1586400	1825be02-4bb8-42da-a822-94165028694b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:56:09	848.952
-121	15865	1586500	c1aa081e-201a-4438-9865-572b7a6919f3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:58:33	-680.129
-121	31730	1586500	5c0928d3-3ab5-4b97-9f4e-efcc23e0066d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:48:15	-482.12
-122	15866	1586600	ea524bd5-0c20-4366-8d39-16d146379030	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:29:56	-537.315
-122	31732	1586600	846861da-1cec-4d02-a3a8-be26fd82c072	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:39:17	-947.257
-123	15867	1586700	4f248ee8-66a1-4903-b3fe-fd2951d4383c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:20:47	911.937
-123	31734	1586700	ec9be7f2-ee62-4f45-9c62-5e9fb1721317	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:34:54	439.170
-124	15868	1586800	67f4bb1b-fe18-4166-947f-7f3aea90d7f7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:03:54	-890.812
-124	31736	1586800	03e40dcb-e3b7-4f01-a7cd-a7a8dbaf9020	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:44:44	-251.46
-125	15869	1586900	447daaba-e854-4a3b-94e5-1f29b5f18d3c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:34:11	-962.800
-125	31738	1586900	fae237d1-9e5e-4824-ad20-fe5a0835258d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:50:40	-636.634
-126	15870	1587000	c447761d-1f1d-4a65-b3e7-db83b7d94dc1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:42:15	696.705
-126	31740	1587000	2f4b3d55-3219-4d46-87f8-dbff596b20b0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:33:08	-654.654
-127	15871	1587100	061b0a7b-0fcc-418b-9226-466b6cb093ae	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:20:09	-579.660
-127	31742	1587100	cac27215-ee1b-4864-995d-854cbedfb11a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:02:06	688.567
-0	15872	1587200	bec5e639-9f20-41f9-a112-283a98a41193	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:33:11	-944.787
-0	31744	1587200	4ed6353f-ce73-4165-b395-3f9ea290b535	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:35:11	-235.671
-1	15873	1587300	e9cdc486-caff-4ac0-b7fd-2ba55323b444	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:30:52	-973.335
-1	31746	1587300	2dd66816-2601-4086-9c99-3787d39a8d08	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:30:27	734.826
-2	15874	1587400	5bf7cfb4-a013-41c4-a7e5-1e49e317bcb0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:50:04	1.710
-2	31748	1587400	86a9392b-9215-4014-b200-bd1a7445ad99	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:15:38	150.768
-3	15875	1587500	162bcf3e-a323-4c02-b380-4ac1726c733b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:18:00	823.971
-3	31750	1587500	d3ca25e2-9b83-4d10-968f-a6fb0b1cfe07	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:51:43	124.939
-4	15876	1587600	8ff70e3b-e3ae-4cb6-bc55-45a2aedc2142	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:40:33	367.342
-4	31752	1587600	debe0846-6f87-4f28-8cb0-8eef30999397	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:45:12	-908.520
-5	15877	1587700	ab980aa1-ff48-48e6-b2f8-395ea5791d8f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:08:22	-338.855
-5	31754	1587700	bb8d49b5-a76b-40ca-886e-a58f88c98c57	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:36:34	-754.841
-6	15878	1587800	6e092489-2af9-4779-b1f9-196af0a75f8d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:56:57	63.324
-6	31756	1587800	44049894-5899-4388-9435-11ee0f4c9a16	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:04:41	-628.136
-7	15879	1587900	187efb8b-8591-404e-931d-fa9b02d0775b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:24:47	-799.281
-7	31758	1587900	a9a01b56-a1b4-412a-9697-a906c3972866	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:22:30	691.433
-8	15880	1588000	497e538f-5113-4cbf-bfa6-51d4dee89d12	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:46:21	548.15
-8	31760	1588000	fdea4e02-b80a-4641-a427-a0638f3a15b3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:17:51	-218.320
-9	15881	1588100	e1e1b9fd-9df2-461b-b2e6-86dafd5cc90e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:23:16	-509.118
-9	31762	1588100	c09ca284-90cf-484b-abc8-f4c797927aa1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:02:18	488.144
-10	15882	1588200	47b96b47-2be3-446a-8b93-18e3399677d5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:40:10	-196.862
-10	31764	1588200	07d73a04-4c92-4de4-a85d-c56d0a88b7a0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:52:29	291.680
-11	15883	1588300	c031b0f0-0230-44ba-b74a-9097358dcfae	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:10:42	762.443
-11	31766	1588300	b89d93f6-27e8-40df-bb54-838c28313ff0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:19:20	-264.37
-12	15884	1588400	bc60837b-7778-430f-90cf-e65b8faff5a9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:09:07	425.465
-12	31768	1588400	a6c7615b-e68f-49b6-b8b1-5c8c0ab93baf	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:46:02	-230.242
-13	15885	1588500	f1f4a210-094a-4a7b-8393-95ae05bc82b4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:07:59	385.799
-13	31770	1588500	db14e891-cc1c-4ef9-bbb0-d61db570b498	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:49:45	-808.435
-14	15886	1588600	74a382b7-acb1-46d1-ac27-518628f80b85	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:22:25	495.746
-14	31772	1588600	3bb38fd7-755f-40f4-b6ac-bdcbad55ee35	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:36:00	-969.247
-15	15887	1588700	399873bf-0afa-4cb7-b7b2-286528ecdfca	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:14:54	-899.969
-15	31774	1588700	943e6c78-4912-4af9-b604-59831b038e06	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:32:38	155.318
-16	15888	1588800	bb6d9d72-fad8-4f59-9b4d-95f317f9bbdc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:04:38	-948.301
-16	31776	1588800	e15335c9-8b1b-4a76-a326-cc8ac835608a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:36:16	-382.122
-17	15889	1588900	8c1d8ff0-40fe-4771-9f13-e2a231feb81d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:57:27	38.494
-17	31778	1588900	25f384b9-74ba-49a8-8aee-617867e26c90	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:23:55	725.32
-18	15890	1589000	a9a6e1f9-f578-4c6e-ae77-604c7cb39b3e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:06:36	49.876
-18	31780	1589000	8cb19e4e-54cd-4db5-9192-634520f19778	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:30:46	353.938
-19	15891	1589100	24bc7b88-1840-4f94-bf1c-0abadeb463c4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:01:00	-54.241
-19	31782	1589100	032cc8f3-6dd5-4aa0-a298-c8598b9787b6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:57:08	55.972
-20	15892	1589200	4de15676-e908-4f1b-9252-c35044b93712	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:22:02	455.836
-20	31784	1589200	79da2cd8-8e55-47e4-9659-f5134841347d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:00:35	254.543
-21	15893	1589300	c4622cc9-f58a-4f49-a392-f5d3683ad142	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:40:44	-317.640
-21	31786	1589300	c5cb8365-1de4-4043-91ec-377cd9dfaa9d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:00:01	804.762
-22	15894	1589400	da819e7f-c743-464b-8ba7-cb506fb2ad6c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:18:46	-278.578
-22	31788	1589400	d990d22e-febf-48c6-a97f-6ad9c3614a7c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:13:19	-57.532
-23	15895	1589500	2b01a673-dce3-4f88-8c8d-64610462b29e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:50:13	565.654
-23	31790	1589500	26ab3bff-8489-401d-8955-9b64a7bf20ac	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:26:49	-988.955
-24	15896	1589600	c4245594-f8fa-4dd4-90cd-b2ca0d4cce56	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:02:21	-69.651
-24	31792	1589600	658b562d-2f46-488d-9922-67d5dba9b4fc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:47:25	135.469
-25	15897	1589700	136d87d3-8cbd-4428-975d-c3891a90f78d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:48:46	911.65
-25	31794	1589700	ec1f3601-c8f1-49d0-8eeb-606d6775fe19	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:34:02	-792.787
-26	15898	1589800	daa24bbd-7b84-48f6-8077-17ff24007c48	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:07:28	713.94
-26	31796	1589800	f71c2695-207e-4854-8a88-b5c32c76fa36	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:59:36	304.191
-27	15899	1589900	ec2a4496-143c-43f6-a46e-1d0732bb8a0a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:20:37	945.354
-27	31798	1589900	a4b1cf16-6bb5-42b8-bdd3-3527c71335f6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:27:02	-168.55
-28	15900	1590000	f7fdad02-2aae-405c-8ea3-3135fe8b4a4b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:09:09	256.783
-28	31800	1590000	1a9b15ac-fbdd-477a-aed4-d7d24e46efce	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:59:15	-421.543
-29	15901	1590100	ce65561e-8dae-4e40-ad9b-6b10b309c0e0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:38:49	569.437
-29	31802	1590100	6cdee825-e761-4910-8c74-46c56b93ded4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:55:07	-122.615
-30	15902	1590200	2de377fc-6052-4789-9258-78f4f5ba9eeb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:12:07	600.48
-30	31804	1590200	33e5c8af-c2c3-40a5-ab61-338f802be0c9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:06:42	-267.106
-31	15903	1590300	b1ff5f9a-9707-42e4-95b3-1554cad58425	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:11:27	869.215
-31	31806	1590300	723d43bc-a24e-401c-b3c9-c2afb194a37d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:59:21	-579.886
-32	15904	1590400	e0b0b51d-53be-4c95-9a7e-4806b6482689	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:08:12	-456.936
-32	31808	1590400	af8c46b1-98de-4972-864a-24ae30c688b0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:52:54	-236.355
-33	15905	1590500	2e3140b0-b331-4c01-81cc-806d641b53db	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:13:39	736.809
-33	31810	1590500	8dc167df-067f-49b2-ab92-e11406f0b8e1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:04:42	961.848
-34	15906	1590600	90ba2a9d-8d1c-412b-9797-33535948bb2d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:25:39	-995.962
-34	31812	1590600	9471e57b-a870-486a-b7d3-f4ac4c77ce81	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:52:40	-525.478
-35	15907	1590700	db63b411-b0f7-4bf0-8df8-8853cdc69407	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:55:41	951.145
-35	31814	1590700	45b41949-88f8-444c-9bd1-0e825c4b68f8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:31:26	-22.949
-36	15908	1590800	b6c7730e-1b7f-4b7d-a7d7-2d3234ade8ad	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:03:12	-455.512
-36	31816	1590800	ed257b9a-f2bd-47b9-9506-31f689563019	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:50:31	-311.864
-37	15909	1590900	3a1d4d0c-4a2d-456d-bcfa-442228a65d9d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:09:35	790.106
-37	31818	1590900	3323dc21-624e-46b7-a07d-c62e68bbc4a4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:24:29	684.140
-38	15910	1591000	9fbe5407-4e78-434a-805a-c5f3d088c3f8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:08:00	-512.838
-38	31820	1591000	62cb4038-1d70-47c4-9fe5-e4298a9b2948	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:30:44	-973.265
-39	15911	1591100	60b1ad39-708d-4518-8d01-a9f5fa0b9feb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:21:06	-380.990
-39	31822	1591100	534cac35-90dd-4cc5-8dcb-d5eeec34fd39	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:49:13	421.38
-40	15912	1591200	8e7f9a67-bf57-489f-9d8b-43b1b60f4df4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:06:48	18.276
-40	31824	1591200	cf21ed2e-7368-4255-b0e6-fda6fce21022	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:16:19	-171.740
-41	15913	1591300	bd2c8b68-932e-41ec-9c89-46a05ff70476	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:13:26	982.284
-41	31826	1591300	a825668a-dd2f-41f5-ad99-266b34b6ea37	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:30:21	214.894
-42	15914	1591400	7df8e532-3a86-4b3f-81fb-c71b2c67c40e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:31:15	-861.328
-42	31828	1591400	252aa745-ca92-4b87-8641-a4e05f173b22	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:55:24	-711.677
-43	15915	1591500	97d07c41-ff23-484a-bc34-aefff18dc065	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:50:41	-928.706
-43	31830	1591500	576f1047-5d93-45f6-8cb6-22d55525de87	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:35:36	833.889
-44	15916	1591600	c3d5057f-8583-4e41-99c5-7a430db89489	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:31:01	355.431
-44	31832	1591600	9f7268c3-7dfb-48e7-82f9-ad100296d54e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:47:36	-473.381
-45	15917	1591700	2227e3d3-ec9e-4485-b64d-150b1a4cff3b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:32:23	970.455
-45	31834	1591700	4b571f06-dac5-4bd3-8b5a-a90c7f00555a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:47:53	-839.225
-46	15918	1591800	e36b0026-60e7-477b-9415-34744055ec45	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:33:21	337.745
-46	31836	1591800	95e246eb-3c7f-4a32-97b7-d8db63b9176e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:33:05	-740.40
-47	15919	1591900	22e12c9e-18b2-4985-a079-1501c972f1b9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:04:40	-78.593
-47	31838	1591900	e9b7617f-37cd-4c5d-8a60-f6af6a4f8007	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:54:33	-831.842
-48	15920	1592000	0884a426-fb70-4092-90d0-0d77e0b5c2c0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:05:03	-863.718
-48	31840	1592000	6515fb71-1197-47d1-b0ad-9c472018f5e6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:50:10	-897.587
-49	15921	1592100	933227ca-35bb-441f-aef2-ff498d47444d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:46:09	185.114
-49	31842	1592100	3b550e03-6451-467f-8858-2e878ef76875	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:32:45	-493.576
-50	15922	1592200	26546ca7-da1f-43ea-94e8-98a2f06b04e4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:39:03	704.218
-50	31844	1592200	d49f8b0e-256a-4b3b-9adc-14e135a099fc	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:13:25	-955.451
-51	15923	1592300	2e9120bf-a6f4-4a24-903b-007bc72124fa	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:26:04	-962.106
-51	31846	1592300	02897f95-7429-493b-acc9-46cb53c4dc95	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:14:06	663.522
-52	15924	1592400	a175e669-41fe-4d3e-9d1b-a359b4eb9fcc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:43:21	135.303
-52	31848	1592400	4661eb2d-7370-4468-bcab-fdb5965461ab	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:43:28	-161.173
-53	15925	1592500	cb7f40f0-464e-4065-8ffc-3bf60bfe1d4f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:42:02	711.238
-53	31850	1592500	0f4389db-a6e8-4f92-947f-46624c36866f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:51:19	59.260
-54	15926	1592600	41c6303a-5567-4d27-b7bd-5ccb86253162	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:26:29	272.137
-54	31852	1592600	3763e66a-3a6c-49d1-bcd3-7308e72783d3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:07:10	-174.408
-55	15927	1592700	80c2ac36-3c2f-4a7e-bceb-2e546c4d31a9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:11:39	-626.254
-55	31854	1592700	22b4537c-187b-40e9-902f-20113f296c41	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:32:40	-170.499
-56	15928	1592800	b1cc6646-1988-4eef-9ff9-29a4cffcbe0f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:09:07	-828.111
-56	31856	1592800	e1d6da8a-69f0-4ce7-aee9-c1c26612318d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:05:24	-196.861
-57	15929	1592900	51e778f4-3127-4342-a882-3d071b0a9590	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:01:49	-448.770
-57	31858	1592900	f00b4651-a42d-4de9-89f3-7a343cfecf84	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:04:17	-850.956
-58	15930	1593000	7ea94639-3699-4e45-b664-625fafed2501	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:21:42	-220.497
-58	31860	1593000	d0ed8ec1-6179-419c-8ebe-7d4ecc143c6c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:36:19	903.164
-59	15931	1593100	0eb21d51-9e47-4817-b10e-e0282cc34d42	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:25:33	-966.822
-59	31862	1593100	21bd3920-b4d0-4e07-87ee-f17157891dcd	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:56:13	-676.737
-60	15932	1593200	ef5d5251-cff6-4d79-9e8c-23a74e8ef08e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:43:07	-411.841
-60	31864	1593200	e99aee8e-47a2-4826-8f15-0fb43410729d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:51:31	236.42
-61	15933	1593300	5617e502-8dc2-4105-a348-06e8a1e2b4db	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:12:55	162.218
-61	31866	1593300	d4884e9e-09f3-4dec-bf3d-96e17da2413e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:09:22	-86.725
-62	15934	1593400	945587fd-64de-4508-9263-c1022aff8dd1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:08:19	845.961
-62	31868	1593400	256190b0-8a35-4cb0-931e-aa434cbbbc3b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:53:43	-472.351
-63	15935	1593500	6965cba9-4a16-48c9-8038-5614b338c25e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:07:48	876.618
-63	31870	1593500	dfebea16-3337-49ac-aaf4-1c1c31efab41	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:27:25	734.444
-64	15936	1593600	5caef2db-9142-4a63-98cd-3e2a3ad5fe7b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:17:52	474.548
-64	31872	1593600	9c648340-3fff-41f4-92de-5a493f868530	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:09:19	848.186
-65	15937	1593700	f489d533-5ff4-4872-822e-036021848df0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:23:32	797.591
-65	31874	1593700	c5087921-9e17-4e20-be63-b038f7431f1d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:21:47	178.138
-66	15938	1593800	a86abb52-3bd4-4d92-a9e4-b65d59347027	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:52:15	478.726
-66	31876	1593800	e6782b72-8b88-47ac-bd2c-8c739bb95f54	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:22:05	-366.31
-67	15939	1593900	480d8567-f390-4f6d-aaf6-73f8b6907bda	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:01:41	-967.553
-67	31878	1593900	738720f6-4bbb-46a5-b185-7255a2d4b31a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:53:39	-976.518
-68	15940	1594000	8edf2baa-ed3d-4606-8745-0c9fe52cf9fc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:47:11	-702.339
-68	31880	1594000	c3f510b7-1b40-4203-b30e-483d493a744b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:20:13	-651.317
-69	15941	1594100	0f50825e-8943-4806-80b5-f16fdb2c9580	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:13:25	-955.992
-69	31882	1594100	6b471608-f097-42ca-aae8-0ce27f916db6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:00:32	-93.187
-70	15942	1594200	318c916b-d526-4797-b41d-c5a4fec7c7bf	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:56:18	672.978
-70	31884	1594200	e3bfbd21-e5b6-4592-9b54-29a41d704e5e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:10:37	-300.172
-71	15943	1594300	7842d4f9-d5b2-448e-a05b-7b3cf6c30ec4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:17:01	295.999
-71	31886	1594300	4be1d909-e6d7-4457-aaa4-d932be03a4a6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:33:42	24.756
-72	15944	1594400	e68f64f5-5aad-45e8-b996-ef247ff98aa5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:22:56	-204.237
-72	31888	1594400	7933e90e-d7c7-48cd-9974-2c2f76fc2d46	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:52:19	285.572
-73	15945	1594500	8622a528-e33c-4116-8f8b-7e7f95e0b81d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:26:28	-630.228
-73	31890	1594500	b70dc643-5ef0-46e8-aa6a-4321ae0c512a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:27:19	-767.850
-74	15946	1594600	4ab29377-0d22-4de1-bc91-83a44d1d1110	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:44:57	901.975
-74	31892	1594600	f1f32588-4f79-45bf-8fbe-77e0aab0e780	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:52:19	785.750
-75	15947	1594700	eb9c5cd8-71e9-480e-9fac-b3fbf9051dc2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:00:31	-932.944
-75	31894	1594700	e393220b-26ef-4ae2-bf85-b9bac747e70f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:54:11	-126.742
-76	15948	1594800	3147e154-b662-4649-928b-aa5ecb431e75	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:33:50	-466.46
-76	31896	1594800	2e309426-0fbd-491f-9097-034b720803e8	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:08:53	-36.307
-77	15949	1594900	87b516d3-926e-4ea4-98d0-55a9a9c7f686	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:22:52	-505.44
-77	31898	1594900	3f6cc279-7652-40fb-b759-028cacacad8f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:47:26	399.910
-78	15950	1595000	95c841e7-0bdd-42e0-8076-608f41e0e283	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:29:23	607.180
-78	31900	1595000	8a1b1afa-9f12-4ae8-ad0f-0297e27397b8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:42:11	17.948
-79	15951	1595100	46db661d-0073-40d9-8748-a71d624e4558	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:11:47	254.335
-79	31902	1595100	82d816de-796f-4304-9e17-28fb80c0b758	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:12:53	-643.196
-80	15952	1595200	a33169bd-0ff9-4916-a99c-fc63fdc14770	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:23:38	-607.100
-80	31904	1595200	04c72471-1a50-4928-84f4-1953065bbd70	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:34:47	890.62
-81	15953	1595300	3e043281-d347-4473-8fac-eadf6eb124b7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:08:01	-187.467
-81	31906	1595300	ca292281-8069-4bb0-8b85-155e24f4f1a7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:02:47	150.541
-82	15954	1595400	284f4f36-3a4c-4385-83ac-74f3e66529b4	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:07:01	-499.742
-82	31908	1595400	8df1f3c1-6b06-4e22-ad04-cd9c49101812	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:37:55	38.971
-83	15955	1595500	177253cb-2031-4cd8-8948-ede7df657db3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:27:29	474.124
-83	31910	1595500	19c05846-16de-4504-8b4b-75a1e29f54ae	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:46:17	-760.581
-84	15956	1595600	9be38144-ce74-47cd-bb63-fc8933a75c68	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:51:57	-149.583
-84	31912	1595600	d6a5876e-2ae7-4c52-a7cd-912013d69443	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:48:02	-568.291
-85	15957	1595700	6e60a82e-48d8-454c-8054-a5de847f4abc	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:14:37	-233.895
-85	31914	1595700	5aa2a94e-d20c-4bc9-98b6-a57c01665b70	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:54:58	-885.215
-86	15958	1595800	dee2e73b-2178-4342-8112-d268a64d1a49	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:23:52	-344.264
-86	31916	1595800	cfd8e3ec-e378-43bc-8a5a-a0d5e6c20a2e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:49:46	843.56
-87	15959	1595900	575e11bc-7ffb-4146-9bcb-2c8cff6e379b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:43:45	-42.189
-87	31918	1595900	e12106f7-6e8a-4d9d-8176-aa726281c11e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:42:48	984.893
-88	15960	1596000	356ac6f4-64af-4e57-a3d6-cd07fb88c98e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:32:08	465.151
-88	31920	1596000	13daa17a-c7fe-4519-a2b5-842c4e179247	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:26:25	-899.756
-89	15961	1596100	5d788484-6b5b-4ead-a74a-02eda2b8ce2a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:12:08	440.607
-89	31922	1596100	fa430f91-0796-413c-9b4a-8a5781070799	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:43:55	-90.610
-90	15962	1596200	e6bdc45a-0280-416f-98d1-33f54f3790d4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:52:20	32.662
-90	31924	1596200	787db474-fccc-4f36-a2c6-508cae8c92fd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:10:29	-127.76
-91	15963	1596300	843a9f18-3d58-4dc3-85d8-6cb109f88719	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:30:51	905.109
-91	31926	1596300	e15c9a71-932e-42e1-aba8-5b4264bf5324	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:33:52	-186.154
-92	15964	1596400	4cd7aac7-9b22-4296-9487-380f93ac1d7e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:05:59	644.451
-92	31928	1596400	0d1bb9b8-a812-4daa-88ec-e32e962e4d51	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:52:25	632.193
-93	15965	1596500	c224a8b9-359b-48fe-91c3-83b40ff80e32	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:01:01	-655.554
-93	31930	1596500	77d31139-b533-4aa5-9473-09abc4e1569e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:01:33	177.619
-94	15966	1596600	111b1bce-ced3-48ae-8a7b-c1cdee145986	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:48:42	-365.155
-94	31932	1596600	00a9375b-a6a5-4218-98f2-084e3ae96752	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:40:40	764.885
-95	15967	1596700	6db4c723-b6c6-4425-a7a7-302cc8388502	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:13:31	373.794
-95	31934	1596700	881dedde-f09c-4e9f-bdbd-8541cae2e405	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:33:00	-579.648
-96	15968	1596800	fb352232-75e0-4cb7-959f-499d5b644b13	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:48:09	729.846
-96	31936	1596800	30b58822-24e8-4316-ace6-6f28ed830b4d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:13:36	-653.98
-97	15969	1596900	409450f5-bde9-49d4-8441-82ac9aba9f38	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:57:28	644.756
-97	31938	1596900	be276186-db38-4c16-a60f-bd9986e6abaf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:37:49	-176.887
-98	15970	1597000	613e07b3-c2d2-498c-861b-99a70cbded18	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:40:08	-126.189
-98	31940	1597000	38876e1e-dbaa-44ae-9616-265fc4ea3604	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:29:11	-679.231
-99	15971	1597100	d2ae5bf6-7d0e-48b9-aeaf-42ac1dc80da1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:52:35	-802.412
-99	31942	1597100	cdc7458d-9fb5-4d20-a9cd-ee3cc6abd478	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:38:16	-747.750
-100	15972	1597200	9066f36b-66b6-4ede-8122-fbd1aeab5cbd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:28:50	-873.479
-100	31944	1597200	e9d35dfd-7def-44bb-9994-f834c8b18c2f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:36:01	-557.21
-101	15973	1597300	643b483a-09c4-4df8-bc19-4761a885145c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:14:20	-959.594
-101	31946	1597300	9640ff66-5e91-444d-909c-a725130c0458	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:15:29	681.683
-102	15974	1597400	074935d2-682e-4786-9b74-dfd9a6b0b941	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:19:25	746.969
-102	31948	1597400	f00f6220-f0d3-4ba7-8030-52bd5831518c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:50:03	620.800
-103	15975	1597500	36afd497-8d85-4158-b447-f0fcdc0e29f4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:21:59	250.290
-103	31950	1597500	013752be-deae-4e1a-91a4-a71634c08498	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:55:16	-899.171
-104	15976	1597600	b1f58ca2-ce6e-446d-a04a-9f045a334001	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:36:05	-216.924
-104	31952	1597600	c1859503-203f-4878-884c-8a408b7eccd6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:38:40	-26.625
-105	15977	1597700	c4958e3f-f964-4426-a363-9de4551172a3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:07:23	-903.939
-105	31954	1597700	16a91061-640f-4276-8e8a-9a38a5ca9afd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:58:41	288.674
-106	15978	1597800	dc27f743-423d-4b93-a09a-0ccb2db1b66b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:22:01	-349.745
-106	31956	1597800	cef4b9ba-c8cd-4d35-9b8a-7277dc311ebb	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:49:54	479.907
-107	15979	1597900	9290857a-7054-466e-add6-48338b3cdc48	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:14:36	-428.145
-107	31958	1597900	6cca2733-479e-4d87-9829-2961e97fadf8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:11:24	911.191
-108	15980	1598000	abbf263b-97b5-494a-8687-207ce9afe57f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:17:45	378.38
-108	31960	1598000	4fca7404-1c91-4b31-a39f-cd369b1d1cde	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:36:20	-917.26
-109	15981	1598100	e9290a91-b456-49b8-a0f7-35da2fc96ab6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:43:14	-641.180
-109	31962	1598100	e1cee9c3-6b8d-4e38-97f0-1d5448deafde	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:24:29	-957.753
-110	15982	1598200	13568bd0-7ffd-4dd8-97a0-3d89bae373b8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:57:27	-505.908
-110	31964	1598200	724a85b9-bf23-4af1-9da9-60ccfa83a19f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:23:43	-242.963
-111	15983	1598300	f930cd16-476f-4eef-b458-4af15af070ed	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:12:20	-193.106
-111	31966	1598300	9285f84e-6858-4cb6-be45-356c66e89a0b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:29:03	941.999
-112	15984	1598400	b78ad663-a4c6-4f7a-826a-7d62b10e307b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:12:39	299.217
-112	31968	1598400	fb4d443a-6adf-4691-bc1a-cd9a13591f23	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:47:45	885.117
-113	15985	1598500	4a012020-5f2a-4fda-a4f9-0591571c9265	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:43:54	826.950
-113	31970	1598500	498207b3-e73d-47e0-ad29-d62367a607d5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:38:01	175.109
-114	15986	1598600	048fe15a-f148-4e55-aec3-3dc19ac3f608	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:16:40	73.197
-114	31972	1598600	215413d1-f427-4fe3-9e7f-764d728985e5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:01:19	443.548
-115	15987	1598700	d9d91e1a-0d89-4ffa-b66d-12eea235f137	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:08:03	819.396
-115	31974	1598700	b80ea51b-5ea8-4661-bb68-bdc45760f24b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:56:07	423.326
-116	15988	1598800	65a5d428-838a-4022-b57d-9f1e8c57a51b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:04:20	-733.714
-116	31976	1598800	b63b1ebf-cbf0-4c47-a759-069773abcda6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:01:24	-937.509
-117	15989	1598900	f1fe7381-2789-48c5-a211-a8b73ce1d84f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:52:22	453.445
-117	31978	1598900	319829e7-a368-4e44-83de-b0bc59ec1342	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:44:07	-872.104
-118	15990	1599000	968a8ccd-1398-4ba4-83a2-3388ccc3baa3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:18:14	92.633
-118	31980	1599000	0204fbfb-c92b-443a-abd2-a0a843f4dd98	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:11:17	-808.471
-119	15991	1599100	04233f3a-3a60-4b39-a50a-983987a1d173	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:39:50	75.376
-119	31982	1599100	73db3aff-e74f-4647-a8d2-71713a49a84f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:26:15	760.240
-120	15992	1599200	753cd654-08af-40ad-9556-f31359aa6b20	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:32:11	28.344
-120	31984	1599200	f1018fdc-897e-42f0-898b-851826f0421a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:40:12	995.964
-121	15993	1599300	65dc1856-4a0e-478a-9bba-6086ddcd40fa	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:32:55	602.298
-121	31986	1599300	d548ba24-96d8-417f-87ac-c92efe714bcc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:53:52	928.544
-122	15994	1599400	54ccefbd-a5bc-4617-b4a2-a319aa1d0aa4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:28:39	542.464
-122	31988	1599400	bdf567fb-5a8b-4b48-9018-83efc22140c9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:33:17	-351.192
-123	15995	1599500	1e67f11a-c820-4b78-8dd3-938e30010e46	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:11:27	921.769
-123	31990	1599500	169edde3-8469-4b4a-818a-c84aeb82972c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:13:30	925.500
-124	15996	1599600	240ec03c-a636-4df5-9842-475c89447ccb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:16:03	-341.51
-124	31992	1599600	6f458ddb-cba7-47ef-981b-36fc87f30601	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:56:58	-501.71
-125	15997	1599700	ee4e4e7c-1ae0-4fc2-9da6-d84e0daa29b0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:13:30	-948.215
-125	31994	1599700	232dff1c-b462-4e25-9593-de53f87c7069	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:34:08	216.159
-126	15998	1599800	0a5c59dc-7eb0-4a75-8468-c216b6700468	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:33:46	-895.644
-126	31996	1599800	d324087d-83eb-47ed-bfa3-cdf63bbbe619	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:13:08	634.585
-127	15999	1599900	4c23187b-e5ee-4952-a717-258b478f5fe7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:31:17	-383.801
-127	31998	1599900	ddec4930-12ba-4cb5-998b-d1028c99a9b5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:41:43	-355.184
-0	16000	1600000	6b60491e-c2e9-4098-98e6-d768d66897b1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:35:01	58.936
-0	32000	1600000	fb93a7fd-6046-44c9-a26c-40046070c94a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:28:51	679.721
-1	16001	1600100	7a2d86ea-adb1-4fc8-937f-2eafdd9e8b89	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:34:00	-288.829
-1	32002	1600100	31a1c2e3-a9c8-4cae-81a4-ad02761bb8b0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:50:47	-239.193
-2	16002	1600200	a048b891-3e62-4875-ae23-a2c26e01b6c2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:57:32	-629.678
-2	32004	1600200	3c2aca89-79c8-4b13-96e9-8647ff964faa	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:57:37	967.887
-3	16003	1600300	0936cfe9-e0bb-4ed9-bd02-bdda45419b67	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:50:09	989.55
-3	32006	1600300	39bc5eed-2dc4-47be-96d3-316460c09ba4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:21:17	-998.200
-4	16004	1600400	03c5d050-1377-4d88-a1eb-fe338df6076f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:06:03	-770.288
-4	32008	1600400	fb73129f-3c1e-41c7-9de3-bbd123c13e3e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:46:53	-892.982
-5	16005	1600500	86d68475-eb65-460a-860c-76a95403a904	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:26:29	-622.914
-5	32010	1600500	1c9eafe5-cafd-4480-bfa5-a3d7bdc20545	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:39:51	-967.71
-6	16006	1600600	86ad5222-77dd-489b-8b21-2827d6442118	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:12:42	594.47
-6	32012	1600600	beac952b-9ad8-490b-b20e-be55d1bf0a63	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:21:21	317.819
-7	16007	1600700	62c23913-7849-47a4-bf34-d4e807f47d07	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:48:35	-43.249
-7	32014	1600700	f73b5159-a3bd-4973-8b5e-494178cd0e13	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:24:46	714.34
-8	16008	1600800	e33eac2d-44a0-486b-860c-16df8a870921	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:12:54	256.44
-8	32016	1600800	048f46b6-2152-421d-a50c-bdc35ece25da	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:13:04	415.976
-9	16009	1600900	81a5b986-dcd3-42af-981b-fc6e24e74f0c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:27:02	-371.484
-9	32018	1600900	575b7941-82ab-4bd2-88b8-80c3c544cc5b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:08:20	597.659
-10	16010	1601000	ea314a62-58ec-45a4-8fb0-54cee74aa60c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:39:31	-822.133
-10	32020	1601000	ed266415-ce68-4d28-aa1c-64796d93c4b2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:05:28	-292.663
-11	16011	1601100	ef6affdb-dd7c-48dc-889b-8d07649d4c9a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:37:21	-402.406
-11	32022	1601100	20b74820-6f8c-41e9-9577-01a1e91dc853	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:05:15	920.765
-12	16012	1601200	54ca0fd0-ee7c-42e2-afc3-00bcde19bf0d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:22:42	728.340
-12	32024	1601200	776e04a3-1b3a-49d8-9b49-139563ffd838	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:11:12	-266.923
-13	16013	1601300	244df233-b558-43de-b2f3-db2f463dbe72	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:48:08	-14.999
-13	32026	1601300	4f4a3868-4d67-4212-92d6-dd0f25a06aef	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:28:00	409.570
-14	16014	1601400	b72b9c4a-e4c0-4c27-bd25-3ad5270364ea	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:29:04	802.617
-14	32028	1601400	8774bd71-193e-47f8-a89b-6ae014d2f778	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:25:19	-435.561
-15	16015	1601500	2d4c592f-d433-43b4-af35-89d70845ae76	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:36:24	637.391
-15	32030	1601500	a1ff9c8e-ff63-4646-a114-ba60f2866385	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:24:06	-278.627
-16	16016	1601600	b3153635-3223-4ef8-8607-564f1124774a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:33:19	848.384
-16	32032	1601600	45ddb4ef-37b2-4ea0-a63a-7dc6704f0f15	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:45:58	541.319
-17	16017	1601700	332618a9-363e-48b6-9e14-83f8eac45280	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:30:48	-912.902
-17	32034	1601700	a794f525-1541-4560-8995-9318a3262589	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:53:45	-123.788
-18	16018	1601800	81c9d3aa-7b01-463f-aa80-5917e7046812	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:58:34	56.353
-18	32036	1601800	d7ab264a-3bb1-48a5-aa51-accdc79236c0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:21:52	757.661
-19	16019	1601900	d37dc33d-8bc6-496a-86c1-8824d23a6a01	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:28:46	-899.768
-19	32038	1601900	b6081faa-c4d1-4909-9e8a-447856e9e02b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:43:27	318.272
-20	16020	1602000	f22fdee3-438f-409c-aeed-4a84c79f962e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:17:07	665.635
-20	32040	1602000	2b7a5bb6-2291-4963-b91c-0e394bd21d90	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:41:36	-278.488
-21	16021	1602100	f4d23966-fc61-4dd6-b601-a52095c63aca	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:19:26	113.4
-21	32042	1602100	973da258-a01f-49e3-a0bf-9e2d0ebc3d4d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:02:30	-888.272
-22	16022	1602200	65ceda2e-bfc7-4ccd-b966-e0b84492af6b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:11:55	-505.188
-22	32044	1602200	21ea5c6c-00d1-402a-88fe-2b1865daf516	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:56:43	219.835
-23	16023	1602300	e7a41f56-cfa4-4173-ad47-7cac44212c00	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:25:46	-370.366
-23	32046	1602300	99dbe836-0e12-418a-8a8b-c3f601de1a9b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:33:41	875.731
-24	16024	1602400	4519a9c9-2cff-43c7-a9bf-34d837288709	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:31:23	-722.4
-24	32048	1602400	c8ea81cc-249f-4e2c-964a-0943aed54a01	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:05:44	-991.300
-25	16025	1602500	cd8b2a6d-6906-4de0-8721-6f5180d7e688	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:26:52	-323.15
-25	32050	1602500	3964b584-6c96-451d-9334-828599240aa2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:43:24	-640.581
-26	16026	1602600	5ca2affa-9432-464b-b62e-7ed090d6263f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:58:06	833.999
-26	32052	1602600	91756773-442f-421a-ae54-d82fae498e74	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:35:59	-834.592
-27	16027	1602700	61fbfeb8-d33b-4284-8375-e77e966db3f3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:28:57	-105.559
-27	32054	1602700	c245fc16-d195-4ba9-88f2-3d290c47e967	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:41:11	-184.409
-28	16028	1602800	a6c7eed1-f883-4a03-9903-3cd8ad3d58e7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:39:48	502.408
-28	32056	1602800	732484cd-6967-46b0-99b8-2c00d10283af	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:24:56	-631.207
-29	16029	1602900	b6f09200-b042-4658-86f0-8453b232599c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:27:24	629.301
-29	32058	1602900	61fe1d49-b96c-4f70-9c37-61e4ebd8626c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:09:30	-479.990
-30	16030	1603000	84895929-73cd-45da-99b6-95e06f406525	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:29:06	921.783
-30	32060	1603000	8030bfe7-ce62-49ac-8a61-a8636d086c3e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:51:16	-183.208
-31	16031	1603100	8b2bdb62-9f6e-4b46-8e2d-26ca9a70a4b4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:02:22	475.753
-31	32062	1603100	a19cec52-d5b0-4037-9945-f1b158435598	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:14:30	-236.796
-32	16032	1603200	c799d75f-3688-42ea-b78a-80a15d0c4766	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:43:49	-180.602
-32	32064	1603200	e068b256-1aad-4c24-b50e-e495ea578fea	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:09:54	53.400
-33	16033	1603300	9dde1689-447b-4bbd-a62e-a81ec328358a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:14:28	-930.727
-33	32066	1603300	913fe6c3-d067-4557-b93a-c1bb39d77690	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:38:28	-443.565
-34	16034	1603400	ce19aa8b-8637-4f08-8f4b-cf257a5b905a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:16:34	-269.298
-34	32068	1603400	8801e3c6-016d-48d0-82b8-84194b7729b2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:21:39	657.656
-35	16035	1603500	2c8e41e0-84de-4ce5-bf75-f4e863dd8b2b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:00:18	579.161
-35	32070	1603500	d1edc25c-03ad-4a37-9a39-930d59c9f4bb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:35:53	779.737
-36	16036	1603600	01617c67-c9a4-449d-a98f-c05cc007c7fa	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:55:34	-625.947
-36	32072	1603600	813deb2d-430f-4303-aea2-bd26a93960a6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:05:18	5.973
-37	16037	1603700	d0631708-1a9f-45ae-9137-d0ebf2ebe3da	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:03:37	-4.324
-37	32074	1603700	3b5484d2-7233-4b4d-b68c-68b65af3bb16	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:53:10	-477.814
-38	16038	1603800	2d50e2d2-9233-4670-9fc7-2b1355345af9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:56:09	-940.656
-38	32076	1603800	0d8e07ff-799c-445d-9691-89be2cca9119	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:30:03	792.357
-39	16039	1603900	4bf459de-c21f-41d6-927a-66ddbf663943	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:19:02	-238.380
-39	32078	1603900	e838f4c7-78db-4f36-a16e-bfe3f6922c33	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:41:43	521.202
-40	16040	1604000	7d8a3656-ddbd-4c29-90b9-7bb5d92af820	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:47:58	156.984
-40	32080	1604000	c6840071-71fe-4e9a-bd54-f255ba58163f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:52:00	-774.635
-41	16041	1604100	9598b173-1f10-43da-a3d6-6ce9a2742cf1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:31:09	-504.350
-41	32082	1604100	44653afb-4b01-4169-9e80-f37b6813412e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:34:48	-587.959
-42	16042	1604200	fbd17565-8987-4ef8-ab33-2a5ad9908840	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:29:24	892.724
-42	32084	1604200	8f14afbf-d4c4-4a04-9ce4-49702accebb2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:21:59	-693.299
-43	16043	1604300	7b145b47-8739-452e-b5dc-79c705985f51	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:33:36	94.357
-43	32086	1604300	aab53441-8557-4c4a-aa58-c1210d6246e3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:22:39	288.640
-44	16044	1604400	c6dacaa2-ef09-4a59-b87f-9d0a287938f2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:16:54	20.236
-44	32088	1604400	9e54e5ec-c3f2-4620-acf9-0aeaef7026ab	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:26:45	165.937
-45	16045	1604500	a8ebd404-8745-47da-b028-fc09a9bbb587	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:41:31	-218.500
-45	32090	1604500	74f9c4a3-df44-48a9-a3c6-46e75e46673a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:12:56	-429.707
-46	16046	1604600	027ecea0-370c-423f-a9c5-6453593c0a31	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:57:38	979.285
-46	32092	1604600	f53d805d-0893-4c92-8925-0a5586ec1c8b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:26:37	-702.492
-47	16047	1604700	77b5c991-56ff-4f34-b493-02f3451dfff4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:21:41	-966.72
-47	32094	1604700	82963f66-7236-44af-84e7-cc3bf992d069	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:22:36	29.761
-48	16048	1604800	cc4e8cc0-d659-4284-8d2c-702be5bc84d2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:59:14	771.742
-48	32096	1604800	40f75e8b-3096-456c-924e-7a053921d152	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:50:26	-438.201
-49	16049	1604900	7056d332-cc73-4ff9-87ab-b5801f41dfbb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:45:02	60.308
-49	32098	1604900	f7509db5-2f5a-4b5b-9806-028e85f8670c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:27:49	-758.102
-50	16050	1605000	d2645d04-ff1b-4638-9034-a53ab5d4e343	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:06:45	134.622
-50	32100	1605000	809a5e2c-3eee-444d-ba0f-273dfb838dd3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:34:47	544.158
-51	16051	1605100	899762d5-904b-4c0b-9c1c-4834e7d411a2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:02:19	713.565
-51	32102	1605100	ef4b7efb-906a-4265-8a14-994f36eef623	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:47:00	-238.284
-52	16052	1605200	bffb8467-3843-45ec-b5eb-3a9d1945ce69	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:49:21	717.505
-52	32104	1605200	5edc7526-96e3-4846-b2f6-8978f5716f12	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:38:55	459.735
-53	16053	1605300	307cf8f2-f1cb-4727-8765-9197c7ddb58d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:14:10	78.930
-53	32106	1605300	cb4e6ed9-12f3-41ec-a700-5b1abc95756c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:54:46	789.420
-54	16054	1605400	37895467-56ab-4c13-8edf-176d66a96163	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:37:33	-276.661
-54	32108	1605400	e1c81df7-d349-46d3-9d35-61ed57b3d11e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:14:04	-586.327
-55	16055	1605500	7d92bb69-f277-4c3c-bdd0-c44b361f3350	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:50:57	-291.901
-55	32110	1605500	88be91bb-724c-42ed-94e5-ee62c3f24343	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:37:19	83.910
-56	16056	1605600	927e3777-6210-4080-a702-35ea6d7bacbb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:43:02	290.983
-56	32112	1605600	465e03d4-2420-4fa8-9b41-ea4f0ec2b6d0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:57:58	568.68
-57	16057	1605700	b7363fd2-892c-4c8c-a4bd-41e301495fad	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:21:38	935.214
-57	32114	1605700	62899cdf-4b6c-45e2-ba3d-86b54092f7fa	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:09:53	535.612
-58	16058	1605800	6575db73-5acd-4fc8-9fa4-0d67d826053e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:34:24	-227.11
-58	32116	1605800	7da2b78e-b3f5-4243-940e-c18248f782a1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:49:37	-748.317
-59	16059	1605900	de773d99-d71e-4b23-a800-22cefdd8418e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:13:18	-295.987
-59	32118	1605900	93b3a0bf-2ccb-42fc-ad59-90fb2a6fd722	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:12:47	-820.665
-60	16060	1606000	dbf4e60e-c6ed-4cbb-9f69-12a3de8cc1e1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:40:54	-962.122
-60	32120	1606000	cf8538de-b7cd-4694-b40f-5bb92b310f5b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:07:15	-995.988
-61	16061	1606100	04ec427e-a4c4-457b-85b1-ce9b8fe28ca1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:49:21	34.504
-61	32122	1606100	db51c482-b621-4b91-b65c-15b557623563	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:16:31	816.913
-62	16062	1606200	5839c6da-1194-4a97-b7ff-7fd1338052f9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:44:57	-784.95
-62	32124	1606200	94718023-1a5d-4fea-ba30-2adeea58d7bb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:30:19	88.179
-63	16063	1606300	1f103c7e-b96c-47b2-ade9-6852ffbffe3f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:12:32	710.912
-63	32126	1606300	c3fcf8e7-b269-4675-93af-eca16ee3f197	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:40:35	-287.739
-64	16064	1606400	1af5de47-0af0-4aa9-bee6-d1b8f75cd49d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:10:50	858.689
-64	32128	1606400	7d4f180a-bf92-4157-8134-ead0f1e47a49	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:09:04	-412.700
-65	16065	1606500	d25c2024-78ce-48de-b8ff-2f3e799c5b7f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:05:15	-575.93
-65	32130	1606500	c7533fd3-53ad-4261-adb0-f35e68986511	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:16:33	-513.538
-66	16066	1606600	8e70ef96-dc3d-4e7b-ada0-6fa9efc867b5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:01:59	-478.360
-66	32132	1606600	99d26962-edc1-4f97-aba8-64257493d7de	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:10:47	813.731
-67	16067	1606700	2827eb3d-dbb0-46f4-b8ef-adf53869f01c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:33:21	-699.476
-67	32134	1606700	7c4d54b4-adba-4334-bffe-1abc8d2d64d3	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:29:09	-116.991
-68	16068	1606800	bf3bc57a-904c-4ea1-b1d8-bf29c884c7b7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:59:54	681.674
-68	32136	1606800	18b016f9-d0bf-4256-8d83-5c918d690b65	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:39:57	63.729
-69	16069	1606900	280d12cd-0f86-46c7-9183-c99524683a16	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:15:47	161.539
-69	32138	1606900	8b772db6-eff5-4042-b36b-27836769b4be	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:03:36	557.49
-70	16070	1607000	1441d6b7-44d2-4dbc-bd8b-e6cf2e212645	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:03:34	229.903
-70	32140	1607000	bff25e8f-dd50-4039-bf5c-a7a16b5f62ed	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:03:28	296.317
-71	16071	1607100	e1333797-1083-4bac-b633-b9a78447f78f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:19:37	853.699
-71	32142	1607100	0795924e-3a06-4fd7-a493-78de84d505d0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:27:00	-636.361
-72	16072	1607200	a15f202e-229b-41fe-9f9e-503395c29a06	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:40:56	-610.599
-72	32144	1607200	45879c71-3669-4be6-b403-d99366ee0bfd	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:28:27	453.382
-73	16073	1607300	ed1dfd28-3007-475b-a9ce-8ce6196e103c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:20:40	541.716
-73	32146	1607300	596d3a76-27c5-4ba0-9d9f-4f467fde1362	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:14:47	-193.527
-74	16074	1607400	0a6f7c76-f8bf-4479-a951-043817efdaed	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:02:25	-208.125
-74	32148	1607400	1e65c59c-4526-4cc6-a7d4-21a9871a76a1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:19:32	182.587
-75	16075	1607500	bede8c78-b9ed-41f1-80e3-b3a4f3b0f00b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:00:27	259.703
-75	32150	1607500	b80428dd-2be9-46a8-adcb-76fb7baf3488	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:43:48	-884.461
-76	16076	1607600	8844bf97-d76f-4a7d-93a5-78d0565a00b4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:20:15	-355.281
-76	32152	1607600	79ebf139-00a8-4a51-8539-55a20afc6ef0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:34:16	163.219
-77	16077	1607700	0841f2cc-30e5-4a58-b58f-bd42ce5adc7f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:29:52	-232.726
-77	32154	1607700	af0f0e86-8863-4d10-a085-18e9787f3795	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:51:49	397.352
-78	16078	1607800	1ecd6e35-6b9f-4130-af26-cebe13c18ce0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:08:00	-92.13
-78	32156	1607800	ebb36748-73c5-4a96-9082-420b5ec51fbf	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:14:43	-801.942
-79	16079	1607900	16092319-70ed-492e-bca4-4116ad59fc5f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:48:05	257.231
-79	32158	1607900	1c5c18b0-0233-4157-879d-464a8283cd2c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:11:24	-932.159
-80	16080	1608000	d2e76135-004a-49dd-8125-26cd8136935b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:15:10	-460.14
-80	32160	1608000	329c0039-c7e4-4b42-8301-30650a946ca7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:07:10	237.344
-81	16081	1608100	ed07128a-78e2-458e-9181-0cf15b754691	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:04:56	-765.876
-81	32162	1608100	b4454308-b1d2-4df7-8ba2-0a802a34d084	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:52:21	-612.211
-82	16082	1608200	c36f16ff-078b-4658-9951-b41b74ef3c2f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:51:04	268.246
-82	32164	1608200	696968ee-771b-47e7-9b69-bf70624a5d5f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:51:31	-585.509
-83	16083	1608300	4c23cc86-fa8d-4dd1-9f76-58653fdc7b74	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:43:04	-973.797
-83	32166	1608300	bb264099-d439-4379-ac52-0e197526aebc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:24:01	389.691
-84	16084	1608400	beddb00b-25e0-4017-986c-57b3c076598f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:15:26	-797.246
-84	32168	1608400	21efde60-3071-4172-9948-ea3371e6b8db	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:41:28	83.928
-85	16085	1608500	49615861-4ec0-4302-84ca-62f1ec0de607	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:01:23	883.651
-85	32170	1608500	47cdf318-96f4-4e4f-8fe3-53a520437009	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:51:00	-344.304
-86	16086	1608600	ca973ee7-2af8-4b0a-bb8d-dda9f253e886	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:11:51	-226.835
-86	32172	1608600	ede030b3-97c5-4989-92d4-f0e2af4d5281	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:23:27	419.172
-87	16087	1608700	3a032575-2806-4188-afcb-1de5e9599e95	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:33:20	-288.545
-87	32174	1608700	ed1107bb-85e3-4a5a-a624-fa3a07bc35e7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:59:43	-385.699
-88	16088	1608800	60d2c4ef-cdf6-41b5-8de0-6596f31f18a8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:30:23	750.981
-88	32176	1608800	5872b7cd-2eaa-40f9-a26f-e970572a705a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:10:48	-672.431
-89	16089	1608900	91b8fc9f-2cbb-4f05-95d0-658cf708c972	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:01:36	-670.107
-89	32178	1608900	62a55377-d321-4f0a-972c-12f46d54cc78	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:53:37	-532.228
-90	16090	1609000	1b786a17-7ce9-40a3-ae27-b94d0dd937d1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:44:34	135.211
-90	32180	1609000	27bf4d1f-1157-4382-96af-fdec0a617bc8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:14:08	284.721
-91	16091	1609100	0923223d-ae95-4b10-976f-f6ce0dd4c915	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:23:57	251.726
-91	32182	1609100	652ccc71-a30f-4978-aa04-c1551981d550	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:57:48	541.644
-92	16092	1609200	a545afbd-d55a-4b40-b646-eb66ddec0cc2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:26:00	-557.348
-92	32184	1609200	38da982f-139c-45a7-8bbb-f3498d80f8a9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:16:55	799.959
-93	16093	1609300	aecc8678-4064-40b2-96fc-ee35ca4eb3a7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:42:28	477.796
-93	32186	1609300	cc00c2cf-e274-4914-bcfb-63660f3c3652	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:08:24	269.447
-94	16094	1609400	3ef026de-6404-4d33-80af-d107471c249f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:29:45	332.966
-94	32188	1609400	8111c18f-7dac-42f9-88ec-aa49e0c1a9d0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:09:09	-339.501
-95	16095	1609500	d664569c-d0c2-47e2-8f48-da33ca93ca97	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:50:11	-245.676
-95	32190	1609500	7ecdd590-c0de-414c-a54d-9b3d5e372a1c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:19:32	371.764
-96	16096	1609600	917d71f7-c2dd-4201-b0df-acaae372cd4d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:25:57	740.39
-96	32192	1609600	b636b946-ce22-4612-95dc-5c255537814f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:48:17	-672.730
-97	16097	1609700	35ef91bb-66de-438d-9fca-44f0248ffefd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:39:16	-379.581
-97	32194	1609700	88aaaca5-4670-4ae2-94e2-ca96307f1e31	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:33:23	-665.943
-98	16098	1609800	fc38e33f-b313-49f3-8316-6f6def3c0c81	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:32:25	35.794
-98	32196	1609800	96e31b3a-68df-4080-aaa6-00157b52972c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:49:59	-635.458
-99	16099	1609900	f227664d-b7bb-467a-8357-88db95acc249	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:54:10	815.858
-99	32198	1609900	d770ea35-d349-4205-88d3-54d81c0c1266	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:37:27	-726.754
-100	16100	1610000	d180ae50-16de-4190-a9bb-90b0617aefa0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:04:49	-71.673
-100	32200	1610000	3e88a34f-a123-4892-9615-dc81ac3a61b1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:41:20	493.564
-101	16101	1610100	5709ceda-3e90-49b4-bc89-d9f99cf7dfd3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:06:46	548.621
-101	32202	1610100	c5af2c7b-e6a8-4e6a-bdf1-43850cd03bb2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:23:13	572.493
-102	16102	1610200	55035f7e-393d-493a-b148-2da4e0b7eea4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:43:08	177.984
-102	32204	1610200	afcdb0b8-6ec3-4ba1-bdfe-39c419a098e4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:09:18	832.382
-103	16103	1610300	58f35d92-0285-499e-b367-ded2d49645b7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:35:57	503.642
-103	32206	1610300	66deb1a1-e079-4031-aa8b-6cf409452ead	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:42:26	-587.202
-104	16104	1610400	b88fb436-6d61-499c-a7ab-28d51f26e6f8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:50:44	435.179
-104	32208	1610400	d7d58342-6f53-41ee-b7ff-84baf133c734	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:56:19	-709.248
-105	16105	1610500	afe26217-d9d4-4396-a70a-8f3f20dd82e8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:29:36	109.275
-105	32210	1610500	675d3014-e006-4c53-b07c-14efdfcd701c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:41:58	-477.106
-106	16106	1610600	0ff0395f-4569-4699-bbd7-60806d931a7a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:33:01	-359.643
-106	32212	1610600	7350a1b3-3919-4594-9c96-3e4ef0a1b01d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:14:40	52.10
-107	16107	1610700	98c5e2d9-acd9-4c35-8335-67ae06e8d48d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:42:42	-830.280
-107	32214	1610700	24842f0b-1da1-4461-b9c1-300c481c6258	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:50:14	108.273
-108	16108	1610800	18f2980a-9f67-4112-99a0-f806a5f5bf84	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:47:54	-856.836
-108	32216	1610800	43755fbb-201b-419b-9df5-e80d6da61d07	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:29:11	-909.506
-109	16109	1610900	cc016087-eadc-42da-a2c9-72d0c2b9f25c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:01:04	54.817
-109	32218	1610900	ff20f0a3-6bb4-4428-9d77-69227be05b95	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:15:59	-837.694
-110	16110	1611000	9a9ccc31-aca5-4acb-bb1c-6a4314b6e07a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:52:56	615.155
-110	32220	1611000	337a4411-0247-4662-a73d-0ec3485a4f6c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:33:54	733.947
-111	16111	1611100	443a4826-a036-41c5-b3af-c2c31229dc4c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:08:05	-145.145
-111	32222	1611100	080cadb6-9451-4ddf-bd50-7c0400dc9a55	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:41:55	903.94
-112	16112	1611200	640b8b8d-0181-4519-863f-3144f8d7b663	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:03:13	634.927
-112	32224	1611200	e624c0bf-ef2c-46b1-91d5-a0a0de21fd48	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:24:06	-741.537
-113	16113	1611300	5c5b4549-7dec-49f4-81d3-08b3f9b16d38	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:59:54	492.19
-113	32226	1611300	55b48a0d-cdb9-4519-ba4a-7fe5c3f92f56	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:17:11	-983.928
-114	16114	1611400	c596a053-26b4-47d9-8c3c-751a7ce78957	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:12:51	-805.742
-114	32228	1611400	4987f78a-cf22-44ca-a5c4-0e855e8c5e7c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:17:57	-652.133
-115	16115	1611500	df9502f4-e141-4c3f-a5fa-876578d46609	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:31:25	-741.201
-115	32230	1611500	23d0347d-51d1-4083-bd68-16f9adc44098	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:31:55	652.623
-116	16116	1611600	63bef1ed-dd71-4058-8e48-5528216db1e2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:08:44	-460.746
-116	32232	1611600	9f64fb9e-1edf-4bc2-a083-93bcc8ba7734	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:38:12	-710.113
-117	16117	1611700	490212f7-c0b3-453a-82bd-caf991cef778	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:03:40	-727.267
-117	32234	1611700	81e834e9-8b0f-41df-85d9-c1a3f6f69c08	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:01:02	724.732
-118	16118	1611800	911bbacf-9a0a-4e9f-b2bd-4f674bd42d77	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:21:39	-36.190
-118	32236	1611800	25242aea-2613-4eca-81c7-23c2c452a20e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:14:06	-188.563
-119	16119	1611900	4037e5b9-b68f-42ce-afc5-a4709ab2cabc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:05:39	874.927
-119	32238	1611900	41843413-977c-427b-a7fc-e627867bade5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:28:56	-216.179
-120	16120	1612000	3d2a1d6f-1331-401a-8d80-bcf5fd234d30	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:45:18	170.605
-120	32240	1612000	0549f840-af23-4b91-9b72-d101bc1b4491	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:38:00	544.993
-121	16121	1612100	b5d1c36a-940e-4158-bb2a-c6f6a5c6f38e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:45:30	-19.884
-121	32242	1612100	e0e479f0-dbc0-45c7-9d01-d2395a01e489	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:30:14	-950.549
-122	16122	1612200	0b6cefba-847d-425f-a056-af021b50e78f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:40:02	695.973
-122	32244	1612200	405543ab-73f2-4d7c-a6b6-0bfcb39b52f3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:44:20	231.113
-123	16123	1612300	0afb2095-b48b-4f14-891b-547bdb68fdd3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:29:22	-523.695
-123	32246	1612300	f1bf77e1-2750-4212-a1ea-10d6dff046ac	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:08:10	484.659
-124	16124	1612400	378bc10e-6d86-4826-bdfa-0f9057261fec	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:37:16	-877.260
-124	32248	1612400	1fdc03b7-34fa-4ea9-8004-ffc962028bc2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:21:56	246.36
-125	16125	1612500	a741a8f9-374f-4fce-80b5-023186ae5f73	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:34:17	-28.299
-125	32250	1612500	4ef6ac51-4745-40ea-8c21-4c1ee3b4e894	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:17:02	-832.789
-126	16126	1612600	6dd71dab-2e84-42f1-9e17-8ca09b5b85c5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:55:41	645.958
-126	32252	1612600	99be523f-d946-4708-addb-a704df4ae2db	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:56:23	667.580
-127	16127	1612700	fe709613-21d1-49be-9905-cacd9b120913	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:53:50	948.107
-127	32254	1612700	90cbfe4a-b241-48d6-a974-0d6b9e937cd9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:00:10	-586.664
-0	16128	1612800	c9cb3900-1092-4e75-b00c-08af2624b90a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:34:35	-818.365
-0	32256	1612800	b5f8c5d7-980b-494d-a0dc-5cca743b3f50	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:53:47	367.576
-1	16129	1612900	01246cf9-20c5-4687-b565-056b7c2f7e33	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:11:32	798.378
-1	32258	1612900	965f35a0-7e3a-4d75-b37f-980803ada611	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:19:48	-808.882
-2	16130	1613000	a928180a-f717-4a30-8d06-412075b5fee6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:16:17	173.95
-2	32260	1613000	16d4d711-61f7-4d00-974c-6723b1090cc3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:45:43	-222.124
-3	16131	1613100	af3eb03a-3d7e-42a5-afa3-b22660ce789f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:34:11	722.640
-3	32262	1613100	7adc33e2-2282-4623-acbc-254727667255	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:50:55	-179.457
-4	16132	1613200	4df3cb9b-cb29-475d-9ee4-f1f3091803c2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:01:38	573.794
-4	32264	1613200	9315dded-e964-4d36-a817-bfa2440fc424	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:59:51	132.882
-5	16133	1613300	ca71dcce-d103-41a9-ab40-29750d33b7ff	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:15:43	-734.672
-5	32266	1613300	272e7ed1-43a0-4dfe-bc58-273232ae47e4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:07:28	-854.786
-6	16134	1613400	995085d6-a2c8-47af-a237-dc22183bd511	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:37:29	-827.845
-6	32268	1613400	3c5ebae8-adc3-4dfc-a6dc-712d3c0a364b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:10:51	-613.745
-7	16135	1613500	d7886e1e-52ea-45b6-a701-fc3a8637fce3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:19:49	-356.716
-7	32270	1613500	209074ef-6f0f-4f6b-a00c-b4dd8c45570d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:37:32	999.544
-8	16136	1613600	afb59dd9-518e-4db9-a203-9fecff85a819	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:34:27	-489.770
-8	32272	1613600	bdbf26a6-2446-4c8c-a90c-8bd2431e21e2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:40:48	-247.166
-9	16137	1613700	64578619-2f25-499e-8e3c-cc37505fe6cd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:29:36	751.47
-9	32274	1613700	f4093a61-1def-4f25-843c-4f75f162b616	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:40:06	-851.419
-10	16138	1613800	81e0842f-1cb8-42f3-9e5f-d8309f37b8bf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:59:38	659.698
-10	32276	1613800	eb0c454b-f945-4948-b73a-046bf554f1fc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:17:23	451.394
-11	16139	1613900	2603de5d-95ff-4dba-8cb7-b9c14fb283bc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:17:44	859.404
-11	32278	1613900	4333eb50-4c72-4ba5-a62b-e8055c4899cb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:49:19	-552.284
-12	16140	1614000	2e4eb449-6043-4424-b1b8-37f97af088d0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:03:43	-388.69
-12	32280	1614000	f3a7b6d1-2999-4fe3-965b-a5fd9e40610f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:52:51	-952.613
-13	16141	1614100	c434a8ea-bbb9-4420-ad94-b8fdc88c1ce7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:50:52	-734.709
-13	32282	1614100	96359765-d5ec-4417-b72a-30daf2f6485c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:31:35	-145.977
-14	16142	1614200	634e060a-48c5-4864-bcc3-65de0e01e49f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:32:34	-431.920
-14	32284	1614200	a0648c74-a9ca-4629-bc0a-dbcbca2fec4f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:52:54	579.31
-15	16143	1614300	f3b0200a-5dad-41a9-8a1a-fc4b3b48e1e7	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:27:58	718.221
-15	32286	1614300	a708ba2d-8d33-48e5-8516-eae5a29f9dde	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:05:33	-960.551
-16	16144	1614400	5336c9b2-19a9-4c1b-8795-77612f802119	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:03:24	171.228
-16	32288	1614400	30649d03-81d9-4b5e-9f86-ad2f59240c5a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:43:05	-657.687
-17	16145	1614500	9d083f7e-a3b0-4f3f-a782-144d10550ecc	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:57:41	473.279
-17	32290	1614500	ad6f8aab-f10a-43a8-8f6e-daa3cdb4c913	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:01:04	499.49
-18	16146	1614600	9d21ca23-d59e-4e1b-a135-fc1c956cdaef	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:41:06	-615.319
-18	32292	1614600	ed14103a-35c8-4205-af48-57e3ead057a5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:49:24	10.269
-19	16147	1614700	baf456fb-96b2-413c-baed-40433bbbbd83	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:35:43	-66.550
-19	32294	1614700	ceae5ad9-eacf-4a41-b9c5-64d37d7bf833	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:12:29	-830.668
-20	16148	1614800	1b516879-d9cd-452a-a6f9-714c73ebfd96	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:49:10	-339.521
-20	32296	1614800	1153d958-a4c4-487d-bf09-efef1b1d6193	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:27:02	-230.274
-21	16149	1614900	22742a71-4a41-455a-8fdc-7c90b7146f6b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:57:32	-471.871
-21	32298	1614900	c0d6f7fe-f227-4213-9ce6-48b3381cfda0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:47:13	-791.104
-22	16150	1615000	e0f1aea7-8b1c-43ff-b206-4bc3e2144e31	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:21:13	-995.0
-22	32300	1615000	b283bda3-1f44-4b21-b84d-c056e99f5ba2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:08:14	7.793
-23	16151	1615100	6f7da16b-a03c-4260-bcc8-64e843c23717	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:00:54	646.433
-23	32302	1615100	6ce1bea0-ee7c-44d8-83f3-1e7cfe72fab0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:52:09	223.385
-24	16152	1615200	c5671cb4-43a2-4583-826c-08eb45db9eb4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:17:21	697.719
-24	32304	1615200	41aec7e9-04f8-47db-9efc-cb4912d52d06	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:12:46	-784.789
-25	16153	1615300	c44b0dc3-abbd-459b-88ad-4cc889652450	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:08:23	-178.502
-25	32306	1615300	c354ff0c-f232-4bbe-89f5-013df0e8b147	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:10:39	-251.254
-26	16154	1615400	92392e6b-e029-4dfe-92ee-aa86847bed23	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:08:23	-198.55
-26	32308	1615400	be762a7c-619f-4ed2-8456-9e1048128fc6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:08:05	-630.937
-27	16155	1615500	1a601ccf-5b2e-44b5-a6e3-6c367ec0adbb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:07:08	476.227
-27	32310	1615500	cc98f582-e5b9-46e1-bd94-14435afcc0ad	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:21:41	-38.554
-28	16156	1615600	727cd859-aea6-4c34-8083-214bfff89ab0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:10:39	81.324
-28	32312	1615600	6ffc0640-d964-4724-ace0-c6d3deddaf11	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:25:54	564.927
-29	16157	1615700	0baddbe8-7a45-4192-8ce9-a9cc2a52d5b4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:58:57	-111.496
-29	32314	1615700	13f94e52-bee8-4be5-b85f-de56c5cb1992	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:51:34	-802.316
-30	16158	1615800	041c2a8e-22b8-4326-af4f-e885a7631ed5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:51:01	692.54
-30	32316	1615800	812e7c8e-e735-4ef6-9910-38ae68217bb5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:12:18	850.353
-31	16159	1615900	7f1f9480-688f-4ba4-abc9-e1e488f1d88f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:36:41	771.244
-31	32318	1615900	51204a50-6eb7-4d3d-9e73-2ea6aad86d60	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:31:00	-259.671
-32	16160	1616000	6ce85310-59a7-4a17-83ec-c0449f001373	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:46:44	-839.897
-32	32320	1616000	cad56c4b-fa15-47f1-ba64-42627d65b2f8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:14:13	120.365
-33	16161	1616100	05233913-7556-4d0e-93a4-7bec58bf0407	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:04:46	-132.237
-33	32322	1616100	ef5319ea-0f73-4b8f-b0eb-91777d8eb2de	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:15:18	845.58
-34	16162	1616200	9ae30a3f-56cf-424d-8f3a-fd88715289c0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:05:40	-986.901
-34	32324	1616200	25bd5033-566a-4a66-bcd5-6cefb6c3bea2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:42:05	584.994
-35	16163	1616300	95207b35-22cf-4985-af7c-b22ce6864f7a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:37:01	757.990
-35	32326	1616300	2248468c-2f2a-4ada-b123-d335e678420b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:16:44	-38.866
-36	16164	1616400	ee78bc93-52bb-4e42-86df-84595199dcea	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:08:25	291.177
-36	32328	1616400	c53721b4-1349-42aa-8e89-07049b41fe47	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:50:34	-327.384
-37	16165	1616500	6d75841c-7461-4ef5-9ab9-ffc89503bee7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:44:44	439.404
-37	32330	1616500	73edc863-ff3f-4887-97de-394bfa730554	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:31:51	-624.645
-38	16166	1616600	ef5cc9a9-29c9-40ce-85ce-0169b36ce949	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:26:05	529.660
-38	32332	1616600	98bfe459-0383-4611-8ee5-e31bd9eabb94	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:33:31	839.591
-39	16167	1616700	7a0560af-ac1d-48e2-afe3-7b32cc1df818	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:25:58	309.625
-39	32334	1616700	bc44f82d-b548-47a2-8fce-98953c004a00	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:24:07	406.247
-40	16168	1616800	78ed0b06-9ac6-4b19-80ab-bc9cdcd45049	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:45:14	135.810
-40	32336	1616800	6b0798a7-c2c5-4c0a-a09b-96b2b5269662	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:15:23	-869.341
-41	16169	1616900	0f0ea672-60c8-4b88-a601-d96ac12d92e6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:25:42	-531.182
-41	32338	1616900	3b7d1e6d-37c5-40e0-bac3-2e7a4e3f2df3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:42:57	-207.131
-42	16170	1617000	4d431129-c806-4e21-a197-9cb4f362d373	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:12:45	699.717
-42	32340	1617000	3186c0e8-9e25-42a1-819d-a32c913bb8f1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:22:53	-98.512
-43	16171	1617100	cd36ba4d-e2e8-4456-8b91-6a4fb510cc9a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:40:01	312.414
-43	32342	1617100	9cfd3f21-00c2-40ed-bc8d-101c33d371ad	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:00:30	-218.940
-44	16172	1617200	083e2394-d7d3-49e5-acfe-04e39a974a36	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:44:03	-963.913
-44	32344	1617200	7ad4fb0b-7087-4824-bfb4-741f6f69bf63	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:32:11	-883.61
-45	16173	1617300	3fad533a-fdde-48ab-b641-137ce57c550c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:17:11	831.72
-45	32346	1617300	6381f26d-6199-4d0d-b3ca-496394f89d19	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:54:40	-369.215
-46	16174	1617400	7b9a2d15-0113-47dc-be90-af1c341c8942	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:34:43	323.317
-46	32348	1617400	cbb148d7-3ea7-47e5-b957-67f1b4752c93	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:37:39	-163.506
-47	16175	1617500	ad053d13-2171-47c4-afe4-47a65780f48e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:06:38	341.128
-47	32350	1617500	1305ce4b-3609-420e-b958-9270fe3cef47	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:18:55	615.722
-48	16176	1617600	8db0dd3e-adc0-43f8-a6d9-009fb96c2450	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:51:05	-118.823
-48	32352	1617600	06221d8d-6d0b-4d29-b390-875b602193ef	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:23:44	-723.258
-49	16177	1617700	4e2bc654-35fe-4e8e-a9d6-a9c987f66128	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:46:20	779.883
-49	32354	1617700	060d9ac1-272f-469c-9462-4ab4ac39871e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:41:35	-544.714
-50	16178	1617800	4d22fbf8-b8c8-489a-a438-72e95f82dfd6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:29:49	208.168
-50	32356	1617800	13e5db2c-3f64-48db-84fb-ab8c87712ef8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:10:11	-723.971
-51	16179	1617900	a4041b95-63be-42d3-9fa2-15232daf1e1a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:26:46	367.325
-51	32358	1617900	51a0cfc5-4561-484b-87e3-1f3060e27ecb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:15:35	405.620
-52	16180	1618000	e6947b50-67b3-42a8-afee-66f943cf7f61	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:59:25	-742.620
-52	32360	1618000	f12265d1-a4e2-4f19-922e-32684648ffae	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:40:14	291.315
-53	16181	1618100	e1c8f357-eaf9-44aa-80c1-9d404d4bb04b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:46:24	333.121
-53	32362	1618100	e2db99df-6c15-4cd9-839a-4631e9bf5f75	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:33:37	-6.148
-54	16182	1618200	60493626-991f-4100-904c-f2d0f17ac05c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:56:31	-206.66
-54	32364	1618200	4fbf1a53-5cce-4818-b221-f47148f626a9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:09:25	-365.515
-55	16183	1618300	406d9453-123f-4b13-83a6-a7e0799ef732	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:42:48	-128.574
-55	32366	1618300	68462d09-0c21-4725-8630-9d4d155ab8ac	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:49:25	113.805
-56	16184	1618400	10715ecc-a51f-47c1-83e8-4a9e4b372f5b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:56:48	-699.554
-56	32368	1618400	8c3c3074-76c9-42a0-a80d-5d910d77199f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:46:23	90.752
-57	16185	1618500	24249050-a265-4018-89c0-4625feffaad6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:39:53	-455.847
-57	32370	1618500	32d85593-9d3c-4309-9254-9c47add18b85	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:35:16	775.799
-58	16186	1618600	f080b960-e3b5-45f8-b5c3-b120601bb66c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:58:36	-400.92
-58	32372	1618600	cab0ded9-f140-4b7d-b836-ded1db195d83	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:58:02	-448.504
-59	16187	1618700	ce5e33c3-116c-4696-962b-87de7d7de418	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:18:17	261.281
-59	32374	1618700	10d44909-45a1-4f38-9a11-2ea39450efd4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:05:39	-630.415
-60	16188	1618800	d558ffff-89d7-46f1-9736-c7806f7c0998	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:48:00	906.63
-60	32376	1618800	b018fc17-1222-4f55-9021-21a585966d51	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:15:33	870.953
-61	16189	1618900	b838b8a7-2677-444e-8343-be3bb9543084	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:21:08	21.418
-61	32378	1618900	ff065a6f-8037-421b-89fd-0456584b342b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:27:08	-290.799
-62	16190	1619000	1fda6d04-c435-47b6-9935-534473628a29	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:04:23	-501.161
-62	32380	1619000	632e071e-ab1d-4661-ae99-c706925c0baf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:06:40	-651.891
-63	16191	1619100	e04d66c7-f154-4c4c-a1b0-fe3c416ab8f6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:16:01	31.595
-63	32382	1619100	81179286-e173-4f8e-9bfa-b819eb9bc8be	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:32:05	-864.991
-64	16192	1619200	e5086cfe-37f5-43a7-80a0-4279514b6b70	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:34:28	-586.274
-64	32384	1619200	d6905094-41fe-463a-bfa5-d5fcc511d4ce	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:44:35	357.777
-65	16193	1619300	b0d4d195-8d82-436c-bbe1-1a1e3e5149a3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:00:33	-799.624
-65	32386	1619300	4472840a-7223-426d-bed3-a53f01d7ad65	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:38:03	79.474
-66	16194	1619400	c7c9ed96-2138-48e1-b468-edff2b652cb5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:42:35	399.147
-66	32388	1619400	b06a9bcb-5d0b-4438-a9f7-f8335dc4cc5d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:38:55	-613.316
-67	16195	1619500	557589fb-d3a8-4368-a8ed-0a320045655a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:22:28	36.908
-67	32390	1619500	682214f6-bca3-4d58-98e6-f7f9fc226dcc	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:00:07	-441.324
-68	16196	1619600	e77758f2-5e05-44f9-9294-1c94517147ad	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:55:07	-506.608
-68	32392	1619600	369a45ed-f81e-4070-989e-8898cbf8a8d0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:56:50	-495.688
-69	16197	1619700	706fd491-39b7-4ed8-9094-1569e212f601	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:25:45	-264.745
-69	32394	1619700	6b868a58-1974-4b9d-af6c-b803e7046234	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:16:19	-610.228
-70	16198	1619800	71146e88-14ce-44f6-921a-ad40e63015ee	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:26:18	-865.196
-70	32396	1619800	9c249685-2c3c-46f7-a3d1-dc73fbeee979	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:53:45	-918.129
-71	16199	1619900	4856e85d-bace-4c6d-ad39-db14d0a332db	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:25:42	-972.520
-71	32398	1619900	593a8218-f21c-4b11-a96c-2c026c13a64f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:54:21	-862.730
-72	16200	1620000	d6c75db6-8e95-491c-838d-fe8d9d5c7429	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:59:42	841.655
-72	32400	1620000	9c637caa-1b47-4df4-b669-717ffab3fa71	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:04:05	555.548
-73	16201	1620100	1d464ab6-e611-44f7-b1e0-5d24e3a8da70	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:01:14	-270.904
-73	32402	1620100	1b61d430-43f7-4c59-9a07-c4642b8cca08	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:07:34	882.416
-74	16202	1620200	f5bcd8c6-4583-4329-b597-eb4d1f52c52d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:15:42	-28.980
-74	32404	1620200	7abb9a70-36ca-457b-9ca2-9944f8ab36c3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:25:56	867.954
-75	16203	1620300	acab890e-f8d4-47fb-819a-e8dabe3432fc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:11:59	-492.927
-75	32406	1620300	56bf981f-bcaa-49dc-9fb6-00c83bb427c4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:19:36	-656.710
-76	16204	1620400	b7f30727-3992-4cfb-9a43-a6d05a8142f8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:35:24	237.266
-76	32408	1620400	786f2158-ab76-48f2-bebb-f99d9ee843af	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:13:11	408.577
-77	16205	1620500	e80b090c-667f-4196-9d14-80719beb9156	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:58:10	-232.646
-77	32410	1620500	71a4aff6-ae58-4dfb-996a-2c664babc4d2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:39:33	-766.338
-78	16206	1620600	7703a605-bbc2-4d49-8c0c-a54392a8bbc5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:12:17	632.639
-78	32412	1620600	8b527369-eeb6-4ef2-b2e1-a14d450961f2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:30:36	653.491
-79	16207	1620700	9b5b110a-9bc6-4503-b389-f6c6c441365b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:21:23	-854.457
-79	32414	1620700	f8acb783-faaf-442d-9573-fbbdc7f42306	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:19:42	611.661
-80	16208	1620800	7bc8d4eb-0839-421e-8132-2abde1bd67c1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:24:59	392.85
-80	32416	1620800	12404587-7cae-447d-a1e8-05ef42a1af63	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:17:15	674.575
-81	16209	1620900	f6a5d919-1739-4213-9443-d50f80af4f20	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:37:08	854.316
-81	32418	1620900	56840379-a6b5-4ed2-9d2c-b277ec31f2ad	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:31:33	901.98
-82	16210	1621000	fa45d2eb-4cbc-40e4-b8fd-166e4995725b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:57:35	838.264
-82	32420	1621000	26779633-17cc-4d7e-afec-0b602719c132	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:56:27	574.373
-83	16211	1621100	c38e9d09-ae95-466a-8937-ce360a56de42	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:01:41	-802.316
-83	32422	1621100	e271c560-8f1a-44fa-b918-1367fb49f21d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:59:37	645.865
-84	16212	1621200	efa8a7f2-24ab-4f9f-903e-7b66de4f4b63	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:15:02	683.567
-84	32424	1621200	1cac59e7-71fd-4638-9929-74572a4391df	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:04:23	666.797
-85	16213	1621300	c083c32f-712b-409a-856f-7b9c82b7c6d4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:11:55	888.376
-85	32426	1621300	635b3a06-f664-4dea-98f1-4b6d0740a37d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:05:45	541.453
-86	16214	1621400	fec25670-d252-4c26-a620-618dd3e5776b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:18:40	-504.630
-86	32428	1621400	6c525c70-4835-4dbd-a355-6e805da889ee	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:02:06	-647.719
-87	16215	1621500	19538508-b099-40db-a41b-12a855c96577	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:02:36	239.16
-87	32430	1621500	9764c2ff-b738-4c41-8457-d5da9c968c29	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:34:00	849.792
-88	16216	1621600	934835ae-bf5b-4378-8f46-1b7a17e0fce0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:17:20	-253.192
-88	32432	1621600	bb54c9a1-9b2e-4149-b6b4-c25fc8440329	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:37:04	443.542
-89	16217	1621700	a22cbc7d-2704-404b-a4c4-63928052603d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:12:06	-708.60
-89	32434	1621700	84a95415-60fe-4e12-9c81-a8e601fd6fed	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:40:51	289.728
-90	16218	1621800	4e4f4115-09ff-45c7-b7a0-c57826480150	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:44:48	164.483
-90	32436	1621800	43817c1d-c0ac-4dda-8bf5-cd1ea562d3ce	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:47:26	757.451
-91	16219	1621900	cf37383a-5309-4b33-86cb-fc79af3c816d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:05:30	873.308
-91	32438	1621900	b92fe096-a65b-4c77-a1d6-793a1b07a436	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:48:06	37.893
-92	16220	1622000	ec9d8d37-dd97-40a5-9951-dc8e7a9cf6cb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:50:56	547.484
-92	32440	1622000	19af9634-a846-4254-9b88-dda71bb34ad4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:18:18	-907.872
-93	16221	1622100	d9916ca8-7c7e-48dc-b19f-88a6c45292c9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:19:17	148.915
-93	32442	1622100	2b46982f-313f-47eb-aae4-0687295b5e62	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:33:40	193.467
-94	16222	1622200	90a39179-980e-4c95-af85-0ef2121a9a6f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:43:50	209.895
-94	32444	1622200	2bccdbbb-44fa-4f8a-90a9-0a30c7a543ce	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:34:49	-803.540
-95	16223	1622300	c11ba1e7-b2d8-4ba0-9b68-63538fb2cb9b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:27:14	-173.606
-95	32446	1622300	89cdfe29-9db2-47d3-876d-b827d2ace78e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:43:00	-884.748
-96	16224	1622400	3327c2d8-ed56-47a8-a505-69036ce0b441	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:20:11	-464.144
-96	32448	1622400	fb0e6f31-e676-4a68-9e83-3bfbb11601de	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:41:29	-540.258
-97	16225	1622500	9231ced1-2241-42df-b347-bd351fec516c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:28:27	-845.437
-97	32450	1622500	2e9c5190-4854-4a2c-8d29-1f178687f46f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:12:16	422.89
-98	16226	1622600	1d796ce8-64d8-4136-8969-55e845b58f18	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:20:30	-120.830
-98	32452	1622600	833e627b-d071-442b-a026-163f9cbaeb2c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:02:13	-705.946
-99	16227	1622700	572523ac-f436-4932-a9a7-68ab3696d867	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:38:54	-705.365
-99	32454	1622700	2d98cb68-c512-4403-956a-8d063b996736	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:08:25	988.152
-100	16228	1622800	94d5a8f5-4aeb-4082-9de9-a82cc4389dc5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:29:59	-970.450
-100	32456	1622800	1c48a6b2-4552-40f1-ad94-a4183bf16ff9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:00:39	186.780
-101	16229	1622900	bde6e148-8f35-4bd3-bd04-e1679f3822ce	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:25:21	440.231
-101	32458	1622900	1d0ef366-daef-42b9-b209-65fd708f6b62	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:58:05	940.218
-102	16230	1623000	e3409c3d-c8c5-434c-ba02-f5f9b4b86979	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:02:16	-988.423
-102	32460	1623000	dba6c408-a922-4cf4-b5b1-52a09d9ee20e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:34:03	831.264
-103	16231	1623100	ecfb4ed7-db8f-4ded-9d3b-edcdf6527648	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:54:09	-709.34
-103	32462	1623100	9f8eb26f-ba44-4b52-bee6-67816c8c7dac	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:59:03	263.171
-104	16232	1623200	38821fa0-a5ae-4833-9c72-3a5b1d4dc98b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:02:06	-763.258
-104	32464	1623200	7eccca22-8372-40a4-b066-b3853f8c2d43	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:01:04	13.262
-105	16233	1623300	389c20e2-0838-4bc0-82c9-87d21b00138c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:43:18	942.244
-105	32466	1623300	f057c495-5426-4145-9342-b5d8dd8e1479	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:48:37	-478.354
-106	16234	1623400	d9cb7ff0-f6fe-4c0c-ab74-64f3fbe3125a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:02:13	897.272
-106	32468	1623400	5eb11c20-76c1-4b47-a9a7-994eb2582c5b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:23:14	423.144
-107	16235	1623500	df214c59-45c9-47e3-bc87-53ea885777eb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:42:29	-767.94
-107	32470	1623500	c92d9799-7b00-4e03-ae4b-3c45425df224	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:33:01	537.59
-108	16236	1623600	e56a47bd-2c66-4162-a7c1-2bee529103b0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:22:41	339.543
-108	32472	1623600	bb638375-cecb-422e-8704-791e8b406baf	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:48:32	-435.136
-109	16237	1623700	61684b98-3bb2-4e16-ad74-583a442b93ec	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:15:01	238.543
-109	32474	1623700	d20a0f24-f321-4b56-b4ab-1333c4f68be2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:07:34	28.379
-110	16238	1623800	7a8bfbaf-e9fd-4105-b985-59257a5f2026	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:18:52	704.164
-110	32476	1623800	127a9e35-0754-4b7c-bf61-37df8147a4bf	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:53:29	676.929
-111	16239	1623900	0a118fbb-7aa2-4c7e-9081-1e772ce4436c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:31:39	-599.509
-111	32478	1623900	bd89f31f-2b9e-4cc5-a1f4-6b5e86285294	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:40:03	852.667
-112	16240	1624000	f24fb4ad-b2db-4a9f-8edc-1a7c5957e2a4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:16:30	899.854
-112	32480	1624000	41908f21-bc3e-4d71-a7c6-b302d5f91966	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:03:01	488.642
-113	16241	1624100	c822e740-2b7a-4098-8af1-96352ffd9f0e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:22:38	-750.14
-113	32482	1624100	a10def9f-f683-43e2-8aea-77d8ac985cb2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:49:50	-441.41
-114	16242	1624200	f4401672-93eb-459c-879f-63638867a7b2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:39:12	-44.358
-114	32484	1624200	9cfb9a5b-cf96-4a15-bbbe-c30ab2bb59ed	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:02:56	-512.969
-115	16243	1624300	ba2074c4-7c60-4d08-8ce7-fff6b30997ef	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:49:04	-803.623
-115	32486	1624300	2a2fe026-6279-4f06-9b02-f6a8f8f0948c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:24:07	-493.564
-116	16244	1624400	085192f4-a6ca-4f99-bc4e-8f0a70efa8fb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:03:20	983.595
-116	32488	1624400	24f3af0f-65b6-467f-9346-afd29a11514e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:24:15	343.175
-117	16245	1624500	30d2fbcc-f875-4f95-8462-6ebf61fc0d05	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:21:44	53.159
-117	32490	1624500	547cc550-ad78-4cad-89f9-cb54fad5750e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:21:33	-858.576
-118	16246	1624600	4bd67af8-54e5-4226-a5fb-d2807c072ae4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:17:41	247.100
-118	32492	1624600	e1178817-a858-4a0f-8cf6-f6ac258a2c58	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:25:36	247.801
-119	16247	1624700	7bcc7797-163e-4e57-a1b6-adedca7b0c6b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:32:14	-155.363
-119	32494	1624700	971ca029-ee02-4248-98d0-9177f2932f99	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:50:43	597.122
-120	16248	1624800	10df9605-c3aa-4628-9291-dc3d7567bfee	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:37:13	-39.8
-120	32496	1624800	d1b42789-d958-4d87-b2b1-e92348fbc83d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:53:34	-363.702
-121	16249	1624900	fba4272e-d96e-4926-8d47-d3ef3262e2dc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:26:06	-924.264
-121	32498	1624900	9703e5e7-ba01-427d-9c59-d5ac1b6d1835	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:44:40	-250.151
-122	16250	1625000	5bed2490-328b-47ae-ad7d-e549c6d99b13	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:52:56	-556.606
-122	32500	1625000	f8c47664-e56e-496c-a20f-c41cab0895f2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:28:50	-882.674
-123	16251	1625100	fbc85314-eae2-4487-a8cb-a682e4253e8e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:48:37	932.557
-123	32502	1625100	d7e3a623-6d24-4677-9ead-6e3c6c9fa2b1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:11:29	-509.918
-124	16252	1625200	bc6f8629-a353-41ca-ad7c-efba8b5ee53e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:57:05	-428.41
-124	32504	1625200	a50c0a71-5da9-4401-9805-360a1b6c817c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:42:30	455.787
-125	16253	1625300	4c494564-1326-4769-a137-4de075179bf6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:19:33	332.872
-125	32506	1625300	8fa16cb7-0e03-4678-96bf-c32f3e73ff25	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:31:16	-302.122
-126	16254	1625400	01e2a640-4213-4e35-a198-e63925c941d0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:08:00	-87.853
-126	32508	1625400	f08b705c-adfd-476c-a0c5-30c181ed3ae0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:59:13	-713.549
-127	16255	1625500	92f7edc0-5962-4680-af5b-d7da2079b981	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:26:21	-788.366
-127	32510	1625500	aefe72dd-61ac-4d57-892d-1b06e942ddd5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:20:50	866.784
-0	16256	1625600	dd737941-742b-4901-bc6c-5b692a5b5151	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:30:50	239.438
-0	32512	1625600	ddbcabf0-4b11-4c92-b461-903dad6eeaca	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:36:27	633.654
-1	16257	1625700	5067b694-7d58-4b31-ba45-7318125a4f9c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:22:17	503.563
-1	32514	1625700	7a2238c7-6576-4e88-9668-4926aa94b467	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:17:44	-188.364
-2	16258	1625800	17ffdb36-7356-44df-a1b9-62bd03509d9c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:40:14	328.642
-2	32516	1625800	ee11637d-e05a-46c6-9d3b-66648c5d2263	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:05:00	57.893
-3	16259	1625900	42419c97-8058-4278-8867-e15740ae598e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:00:03	-113.57
-3	32518	1625900	77893faf-1628-44bc-81bf-16b6926160a6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:03:27	178.554
-4	16260	1626000	23b70758-48b2-4561-b77e-0c474b072952	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:41:43	-933.301
-4	32520	1626000	1fa07be1-edf4-490e-81b3-9052893aabdf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:33:28	-366.360
-5	16261	1626100	1e4db0f6-ef3e-4bc5-9bbf-086f5d7dfd64	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:08:13	-367.861
-5	32522	1626100	fe22e81b-f0f7-4e20-9bb1-0f5726ccba97	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:15:20	362.27
-6	16262	1626200	fc4e26ca-b9b2-4918-93cb-ed2049e147c7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:00:06	816.332
-6	32524	1626200	d921805b-1040-42b6-983d-95d8388ce1c9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:00:33	406.474
-7	16263	1626300	0c81ca52-e7c2-4c14-8613-a3a739051a67	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:39:44	-346.623
-7	32526	1626300	7b322ac8-61b9-4dbd-a78e-0727bc5850ec	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:19:44	-585.548
-8	16264	1626400	d2b83a2d-23a9-4380-a5c6-6cbfa67d775e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:21:32	-829.65
-8	32528	1626400	3aa221bb-32f1-4377-9e26-8ecad88e601e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:24:25	-182.846
-9	16265	1626500	30288ad0-68e1-4767-b9a3-8d25fde4f360	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:03:53	-454.16
-9	32530	1626500	d7840d7e-a807-4f13-a7ec-4e83123afa36	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:15:39	-407.654
-10	16266	1626600	27eeae1b-cb19-4155-9452-275f1944b5fe	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:02:06	-318.456
-10	32532	1626600	13de3bcc-0fbb-4099-ae0f-21732b69cca8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:39:49	-850.541
-11	16267	1626700	7a7d0aa0-6024-4d4a-8cc1-62ded2393106	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:01:24	257.982
-11	32534	1626700	c615ad09-0ac1-463e-a782-a7c510d3915f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:37:49	-497.328
-12	16268	1626800	045cf909-7ec9-4122-87d6-79c382ce8197	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:20:32	25.384
-12	32536	1626800	0305d3e0-2186-4489-ac21-e4e3d0637947	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:33:13	-710.958
-13	16269	1626900	f388e7a7-69dd-48af-ae8c-4f7e9ebb0336	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:21:02	906.153
-13	32538	1626900	82a0e9dd-c096-4fb7-92b5-1e0dde67890a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:39:32	276.89
-14	16270	1627000	84037ab7-ea93-4c50-aaeb-7cffb9226a9d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:37:29	-63.586
-14	32540	1627000	e0a11688-abfb-498d-9a49-1776428317ac	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:58:27	-211.596
-15	16271	1627100	48702556-e88b-4012-af75-22c0e42aec1a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:54:41	-412.217
-15	32542	1627100	a442bb29-aa4a-4811-9132-efdd7aae351b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:40:58	-506.556
-16	16272	1627200	c6f299fd-55b5-4a7c-8963-5c39fca9a38c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:09:45	-310.739
-16	32544	1627200	25acfc0b-75c7-4c25-b81f-b0a6902fca38	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:03:49	444.728
-17	16273	1627300	dce43dd9-86f2-4976-a704-a8b54ae304b0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:29:08	439.318
-17	32546	1627300	3df8b680-df3c-49cc-b95b-ca662f3c89d9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:59:41	103.339
-18	16274	1627400	562d95ee-bec3-4bc6-a0e5-67e3ebc63d0f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:56:12	-156.989
-18	32548	1627400	2216df63-5c04-4d99-8db3-3169e7498f38	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:26:55	15.122
-19	16275	1627500	eb7008c2-0d2e-4b94-99cf-36ad15e4a866	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:14:29	-634.58
-19	32550	1627500	babe4971-cb91-4719-bfec-f98f454ab98f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:27:27	-938.416
-20	16276	1627600	c866cee5-1948-4c4e-9d9d-6bc4c67083cc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:25:40	476.944
-20	32552	1627600	5efa9a70-43f1-4624-b9be-2b08c139e803	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:12:00	996.655
-21	16277	1627700	9d329d64-21fd-4ded-8221-1d48c016a854	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:32:10	-599.586
-21	32554	1627700	2b8be7f7-e719-45a2-b68a-c347a4669de4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:15:44	-698.609
-22	16278	1627800	90865dca-8e9a-4ef8-9bd1-9cf34b014d8d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:49:46	200.681
-22	32556	1627800	d056c995-c5a5-46ae-9340-a383e47833c9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:46:12	-534.518
-23	16279	1627900	b10c3820-5806-409d-b6d3-6acb611fa14b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:54:29	423.72
-23	32558	1627900	29d85328-db7c-40d5-bb4c-8230a3c76409	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:51:13	-204.978
-24	16280	1628000	6d83a9c9-5777-412c-9a5a-d5f859e2b6e5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:12:28	411.673
-24	32560	1628000	f5ae7127-ad48-42f1-a9a8-02bfedd343c5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:14:54	341.205
-25	16281	1628100	6c424a99-e125-4d07-a84f-70a97a083bfc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:24:09	544.505
-25	32562	1628100	dfb3907d-846d-4a5e-9743-a930a7c203de	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:40:00	-264.580
-26	16282	1628200	f0e00bac-4d9e-4705-a578-90acb03c9df7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:28:03	712.166
-26	32564	1628200	af1f3af6-c87a-465c-9079-596901690067	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:44:53	-215.248
-27	16283	1628300	e126a1c5-c9d8-4760-8a68-932b2520ab4b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:26:36	473.517
-27	32566	1628300	5e1a3c31-401c-464f-b755-1a18040d7d24	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:18:26	-586.67
-28	16284	1628400	daf2d9fc-cea4-430f-861b-fd8600b54810	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:57:18	-57.822
-28	32568	1628400	e51b1483-793b-49b9-9bd6-bd3c666239a0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:18:24	-918.759
-29	16285	1628500	68b2d698-da64-4599-9572-52e47bbc7ab4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:18:31	-193.751
-29	32570	1628500	28b9924c-ef0d-428c-9e6a-2fafd431347a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:40:43	-695.524
-30	16286	1628600	b8f2de65-99ac-47e1-bc7e-0eecf2f9dd17	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:57:31	-370.2
-30	32572	1628600	e2e214be-583d-4e5f-9f60-927cc7e59a1f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:25:30	349.449
-31	16287	1628700	fe5315bd-1989-475b-9843-44c3111c36f4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:31:19	-641.422
-31	32574	1628700	63cc767f-b2a5-436d-9427-17dcd33bcebb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:12:19	764.464
-32	16288	1628800	24072570-27b8-4b48-a850-8deb6929824f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:15:04	-903.227
-32	32576	1628800	3a2f674c-00f0-4258-a02d-eded532fcce7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:50:52	484.878
-33	16289	1628900	ec5278f0-8f5a-4473-a7d5-f5237739cec6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:41:11	680.216
-33	32578	1628900	fae0d1c4-c879-48ce-afc7-71126cd95fed	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:26:57	-518.86
-34	16290	1629000	4d90baef-736c-4e7a-a91d-8e64818c54c9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:16:03	-11.965
-34	32580	1629000	1d019a1b-0ca8-4412-a611-d3069c09ea12	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:46:22	-576.581
-35	16291	1629100	2460c9e4-02ae-4da7-af07-d975881ec61b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:07:41	507.43
-35	32582	1629100	ca181a69-40f1-4535-8a22-59666c4602a9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:46:32	-554.167
-36	16292	1629200	efc0801a-b962-4f3b-9ad3-710495e7d987	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:40:01	726.367
-36	32584	1629200	daaccf01-e08f-420a-9692-24255b9dc715	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:02:29	-519.805
-37	16293	1629300	c2af797a-a5c2-46db-b9c3-930de4f0dd17	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:54:06	844.331
-37	32586	1629300	63361c24-2554-4ee7-b10e-29a4f7520afe	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:59:16	-508.970
-38	16294	1629400	1b21d37c-2dde-4f9a-9c22-e3183379640c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:05:40	-452.778
-38	32588	1629400	ac6d194f-3702-4e79-811d-89dabeb09d12	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:07:20	715.376
-39	16295	1629500	5ed1cbd1-b064-465a-a207-baa788912098	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:01:09	217.355
-39	32590	1629500	f16dbe2b-6406-409f-a5f9-0a8db0571fc7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:26:59	353.961
-40	16296	1629600	9547285b-9b38-4534-8a5c-0b943b461091	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:32:03	26.3
-40	32592	1629600	d214988c-149a-4c44-badd-e36d40c1d55d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:45:52	16.377
-41	16297	1629700	bb74024f-3a71-4cd3-80f9-117f89ee78b1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:40:56	-664.612
-41	32594	1629700	067a8f4b-9eb8-45ef-b218-d7e3b27c1d85	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:09:38	814.596
-42	16298	1629800	57952d23-bc47-46c1-8566-d8802b44d23d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:10:03	951.693
-42	32596	1629800	c7c2c2b5-3eea-4771-baf8-1845aa9d3971	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:40:54	-860.981
-43	16299	1629900	6bcea00e-f323-412d-a86e-b87b1ca6ac1f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:07:12	-869.408
-43	32598	1629900	67bdb143-3c1d-405c-82c8-193837365ebc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:48:07	750.710
-44	16300	1630000	a48b5879-b10c-4cca-91f0-89bdf223ff1a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:19:18	-67.513
-44	32600	1630000	e339ce3e-8f70-4340-bbcc-b2dab85a8976	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:10:21	989.748
-45	16301	1630100	9fd8dae5-0eab-4652-8e73-1eeb37154032	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:26:21	-770.103
-45	32602	1630100	0c5cf0d2-d7c8-4618-af7f-c2c5d62227c9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:49:27	-172.942
-46	16302	1630200	01b7adf7-a875-4dd5-ab0b-f55d3768a845	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:18:03	-725.492
-46	32604	1630200	8d3417da-907b-4369-80f2-e953c41deb68	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:06:21	-100.583
-47	16303	1630300	f2211cf6-79be-44a0-8a85-e51c7bb75bff	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:14:21	-976.428
-47	32606	1630300	c8af16cc-7706-4c28-b2bc-52e0c566e302	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:23:57	-424.859
-48	16304	1630400	012a8800-ed74-487a-95b0-f706e2d57392	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:59:25	-911.492
-48	32608	1630400	1a23145e-7c13-48ea-84a4-69ca77f7b8bc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:22:14	723.748
-49	16305	1630500	9616007e-91af-4e9d-bdd4-abe87b9f5a0d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:08:41	-181.698
-49	32610	1630500	8d4f60e2-403b-4943-932f-5ccc6027f52a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:37:17	-737.374
-50	16306	1630600	3f6c6bd5-b01e-483b-8b12-c7edbcff4d98	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:30:54	-543.12
-50	32612	1630600	132992c1-7d77-4478-9470-e6cddc38aca3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:55:05	943.602
-51	16307	1630700	abee72ff-8d24-477a-9100-e51dff28674a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:03:38	182.255
-51	32614	1630700	6397c462-1470-45b2-9948-2467efa218eb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:58:10	-49.349
-52	16308	1630800	9cd1a88f-0bb8-4c12-9727-ed04ced22ae1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:51:33	-793.803
-52	32616	1630800	d79ea2df-a71f-4c49-9698-db19bcf5a5b3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:29:30	-851.546
-53	16309	1630900	068c956a-54d1-4d88-8130-23ad23452597	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:42:16	777.731
-53	32618	1630900	9201c146-9d33-4d75-a5e7-fd44f045e82e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:33:24	504.748
-54	16310	1631000	367ca3a8-4c5d-483b-9069-d05227871632	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:55:30	592.856
-54	32620	1631000	096a99a5-5c52-405f-b5be-2687658396e8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:42:24	-911.294
-55	16311	1631100	8ab4fc11-4aa8-4977-b6b1-896b27a65855	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:33:45	-484.321
-55	32622	1631100	2daadd48-062e-430b-a518-5404492048e4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:39:05	632.473
-56	16312	1631200	7c56e3a5-11d4-4171-8408-4847a18663ae	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:44:40	618.711
-56	32624	1631200	43763063-c23e-41d2-aa88-adbbec29d6d7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:32:25	-505.232
-57	16313	1631300	5b2135a3-f385-499c-824d-56a31b3ee8f0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:45:40	943.434
-57	32626	1631300	4d502ab6-94bf-4c7c-affd-6f2e31e2664f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:13:01	-993.948
-58	16314	1631400	eba86b86-35ea-44f5-9425-2843951f0f49	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:23:17	-939.766
-58	32628	1631400	598b9bb0-82d9-4f8d-aa11-2a833f9f4ed8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:39:03	845.745
-59	16315	1631500	20f85ffb-4824-41b2-97a1-7c654a3769fc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:19:31	-19.815
-59	32630	1631500	630c497d-ccd0-4fa4-9474-1c5898296181	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:34:30	-219.544
-60	16316	1631600	bfaf9f97-2494-4db7-9f72-56df1826492d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:08:23	-56.776
-60	32632	1631600	e460e33e-2ceb-4930-a828-e1d149af6d31	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:14:07	420.346
-61	16317	1631700	0c753c1a-d504-4671-aac9-edac531ec16f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:28:49	421.471
-61	32634	1631700	cbd6cd97-a93e-43c6-84de-91a6a94a25e4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:44:19	250.653
-62	16318	1631800	e7b8e6d4-1246-46fd-ac74-f486a57fee80	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:57:34	999.612
-62	32636	1631800	60dcaf87-c5ef-4389-b095-63f107fa9f22	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:36:29	326.240
-63	16319	1631900	b0071bfd-33f9-403d-89f4-f4bce46a34d6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:42:10	367.902
-63	32638	1631900	81d996c8-e869-4586-a155-d805d4e58460	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:27:35	-219.981
-64	16320	1632000	ab6f3083-1e31-44db-a8b1-40b373ea8c35	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:14:37	-986.533
-64	32640	1632000	0c418f53-eba5-45a0-9d83-c34ee32f4fb2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:43:19	704.566
-65	16321	1632100	8eba063d-a6aa-4a53-abab-e963d2e82767	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:30:37	-307.272
-65	32642	1632100	aebd52bf-a732-4d74-a669-395a20417758	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:39:56	681.401
-66	16322	1632200	8b9d2afc-9f77-432a-8ed5-5936db8d0819	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:00:54	-610.98
-66	32644	1632200	a280c569-2203-455b-a08f-20af2fc6faee	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:19:01	-431.688
-67	16323	1632300	2b85c488-e3d3-47ea-b67c-4500a1161a19	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:04:30	895.847
-67	32646	1632300	d6ec8e68-c766-4864-8e79-e9489a064b75	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:40:53	-432.326
-68	16324	1632400	67ef4ddc-2510-479f-8e3c-20a748f73f7b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:20:49	394.481
-68	32648	1632400	75b37c79-b73e-404e-8d8b-78424b4484ca	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:52:46	5.520
-69	16325	1632500	e9890cae-e8dc-46eb-9632-337340c7a144	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:44:46	-682.399
-69	32650	1632500	4993ddd3-edff-41b3-bf08-3327d29d8495	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:34:46	907.744
-70	16326	1632600	2e921521-326e-4bcb-9219-cf64e304c2ac	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:40:18	586.601
-70	32652	1632600	ccc97297-6ba7-4d6a-a200-570190cefd77	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:59:21	-45.113
-71	16327	1632700	f5c34cfb-af37-4b63-9977-261bcb96b455	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:23:24	604.55
-71	32654	1632700	002e7278-b611-4e9f-81c4-354e0fde4c21	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:05:25	-380.453
-72	16328	1632800	bc49f9e0-3edf-4956-91d2-afddd8ed7184	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:01:43	641.847
-72	32656	1632800	539765e6-881f-4de8-93b9-fa8bfdf443a3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:07:43	-851.391
-73	16329	1632900	373dd240-9d30-48ff-96f6-5902134e7470	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:58:34	-109.218
-73	32658	1632900	17fa3314-6eff-4b5e-8171-f879795935c0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:33:16	-304.92
-74	16330	1633000	6abb5c71-8610-4602-9081-8fac40fb271c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:28:55	-509.784
-74	32660	1633000	339a1919-6aad-4e70-b876-068088c819c5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:54:24	916.874
-75	16331	1633100	4cd36574-51dc-4165-8432-b3948c9cf06a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:22:07	-698.686
-75	32662	1633100	e659f8ec-afa1-4847-a9ab-a45f853f8760	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:53:40	290.327
-76	16332	1633200	8c1ba546-db93-4724-bab1-731f08becc49	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:44:52	205.928
-76	32664	1633200	1c66810f-d6de-4289-b893-4640d19bd9cc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:27:46	40.820
-77	16333	1633300	d4a365e1-f5c3-44cc-849e-87072d2091f1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:44:32	691.26
-77	32666	1633300	b216b6fc-4e68-471e-9647-f91bc9397a9c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:35:57	79.364
-78	16334	1633400	ef002b3b-a825-4ea6-97ce-ea8a51e3ccde	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:49:32	890.982
-78	32668	1633400	6850a095-a070-473d-9c82-8ec84143a657	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:10:33	-99.331
-79	16335	1633500	2ef5dafe-60cf-4660-868b-d32f088e3866	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:40:16	543.158
-79	32670	1633500	6f23743b-400c-42be-b917-06722e4d640a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:52:09	-241.121
-80	16336	1633600	95e756f5-8fec-43a2-b9d7-f1c2a18d087f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:42:39	564.783
-80	32672	1633600	d7e8645d-4c6b-40fb-872c-3dac000bc622	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:24:49	633.878
-81	16337	1633700	1e0f88d3-a633-4816-831c-0e5a161e0d0d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:18:37	-338.72
-81	32674	1633700	948fbb13-1385-4814-8321-cdfd9e674e72	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:41:44	216.703
-82	16338	1633800	58aa281f-076d-40db-aeff-915462fa4b0f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:13:12	874.150
-82	32676	1633800	c151deb9-30ca-4548-a2f9-b7acfc76d927	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:58:53	777.763
-83	16339	1633900	35f7e783-30dc-430f-8749-499e2622cc39	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:18:10	247.893
-83	32678	1633900	2f3373d8-4601-4f82-b66e-9f5c0b5bbb69	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:53:38	-191.426
-84	16340	1634000	0cfdc541-6f36-4c33-a88a-e0d88ed2ca0c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:11:16	835.127
-84	32680	1634000	80c28c63-692d-4079-a581-d65243ac7ee3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:06:56	-319.728
-85	16341	1634100	ba9cd712-39be-4c89-b784-d3b5501c9679	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:58:17	550.471
-85	32682	1634100	3f37be48-07cc-4da7-8cc8-c5914165e0b4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:42:47	-58.310
-86	16342	1634200	717878e6-b2c8-4f04-8aa6-186ae2e37f07	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:20:06	-217.869
-86	32684	1634200	df633e05-ae9e-4028-8a25-e6052183902b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:13:48	863.692
-87	16343	1634300	cd67836f-2a5b-420c-acc9-f4173d0b01c5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:37:25	-61.100
-87	32686	1634300	614e0319-5d90-4479-b5f2-f3ec90cd4aad	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:52:35	-677.203
-88	16344	1634400	c6374762-445e-44fb-bd6a-73f98250a023	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:33:18	-20.291
-88	32688	1634400	bb4be716-1525-4237-aa23-7aed6b1e2130	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:15:10	-968.42
-89	16345	1634500	f7ab7d5b-fa48-4760-965c-f95fa0edb56a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:58:12	920.950
-89	32690	1634500	90e432f5-f637-4c0d-a358-98887f48ac58	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:01:37	-573.907
-90	16346	1634600	9a737ab5-2e81-46c7-924a-5ea865513bd9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:04:14	-671.75
-90	32692	1634600	ff3d82e0-b941-46cd-917e-b8360dc89151	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:18:46	995.176
-91	16347	1634700	a1c7a26e-64d0-41ee-969c-a725348ceec9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:25:46	-606.804
-91	32694	1634700	d44a1fd5-4d86-4a8c-b28d-8085e062a18f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:15:38	776.130
-92	16348	1634800	41c2b74b-8f61-43cf-a728-0b4747cbb230	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:16:58	-440.866
-92	32696	1634800	bb3e9f72-1cdd-439b-977a-08d05e82b582	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:08:18	-482.534
-93	16349	1634900	dc612759-9104-4ed6-9af5-6ac9fbf9e724	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:22:05	654.389
-93	32698	1634900	a83cb398-6f2e-45ca-a138-e24019d53943	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:17:12	-373.505
-94	16350	1635000	88ba77b9-6a76-4910-8bf8-bcda34bbabc7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:45:39	401.607
-94	32700	1635000	21f5ea70-9ac3-47f0-9425-b8edf84c23b1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:54:15	-418.956
-95	16351	1635100	4297b639-2042-4f16-bea2-f064d1bbe3d0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:39:08	-873.417
-95	32702	1635100	4cbabd97-19fd-4728-a250-72f7f2eb3f0e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:09:26	-906.576
-96	16352	1635200	b874c13e-492b-4363-942a-6d5664500dfc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:11:41	-311.68
-96	32704	1635200	1f3bba94-710f-4c83-a4bc-5060ccb89e73	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:37:26	-888.367
-97	16353	1635300	b4e47d2a-381f-4abd-94b3-6934f6d6ddc2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:31:12	-967.383
-97	32706	1635300	c172cd1b-ddc0-4d47-aa09-79e9ba42ff6c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:08:07	-259.660
-98	16354	1635400	fc2c0f98-8453-46bd-93c4-d1ef264a3e71	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:47:42	-971.275
-98	32708	1635400	eae5ed19-9334-454a-b0a8-41a12d5c387a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:32:28	316.376
-99	16355	1635500	c0976323-41e2-4895-868c-375476c2be24	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:14:16	669.747
-99	32710	1635500	831f1050-a3a8-4bae-92b9-b887c422cc78	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:11:41	-593.575
-100	16356	1635600	50b65a4a-b649-4b97-93b6-ca7f108e6c2a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:39:12	-791.660
-100	32712	1635600	f56f350a-24a3-4114-bf73-0512067b0474	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:40:19	-933.633
-101	16357	1635700	ec2af46d-2383-4516-bd11-6644ce7e9951	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:17:51	-687.685
-101	32714	1635700	13952a55-24cb-42f9-9cd6-7e4afde92dc4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:19:43	-331.162
-102	16358	1635800	76a3cdd9-4067-4074-b765-eb4b9ccdf682	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:51:10	212.925
-102	32716	1635800	be6989d4-733d-4af8-88a8-cff5c9e464b7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:54:55	860.503
-103	16359	1635900	f2067295-42c0-450a-884c-ce66a415da97	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:51:35	-755.192
-103	32718	1635900	6fa592d8-198a-44d0-b3c6-a51de5d2ca67	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:29:21	-41.83
-104	16360	1636000	b24041af-2a03-4142-94da-0f3b576492e9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:16:56	377.849
-104	32720	1636000	b9d98f4a-3b06-4106-b89d-5b228ea41eb2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:22:52	-984.27
-105	16361	1636100	66fa459f-237d-4369-a1a7-34db401affc2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:59:42	-735.553
-105	32722	1636100	88225112-2e20-4489-bdb6-0b6ac33dfc1d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:37:42	229.627
-106	16362	1636200	13a65d43-5947-4d7b-a150-1a339cda9208	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:53:51	440.192
-106	32724	1636200	b4a76b1f-1bdd-4f4b-abbb-ab1783a86d08	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:28:06	377.616
-107	16363	1636300	0a011937-681b-4661-bf0d-a09609e1f9ee	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:42:02	-75.685
-107	32726	1636300	f0e28765-d7fa-4f4b-9708-63ac95816ffe	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:32:00	-281.131
-108	16364	1636400	65dd699b-dd86-44d1-bd52-093590b2d5ea	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:45:00	-307.921
-108	32728	1636400	83b230ac-888c-4ee8-a484-c0795720e4ff	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:03:59	-519.703
-109	16365	1636500	51802fb7-8495-41f7-a1cf-db346ace6e12	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:25:48	-587.464
-109	32730	1636500	2aeb024b-7061-4e63-bc5f-ebe4b3cdcd55	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:11:31	-477.994
-110	16366	1636600	91eb2364-2119-48aa-9b24-6f3e0847549c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:56:34	-55.835
-110	32732	1636600	242b7bcf-3583-4bf9-8f45-d96d63ad203f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:22:49	383.34
-111	16367	1636700	ac176eb7-b508-44c3-a025-ef4e17f3ae3a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:42:59	-889.202
-111	32734	1636700	4f333b7e-1df9-48f8-9259-1ea837721ae6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:54:31	-438.272
-112	16368	1636800	5446e76b-732d-4fd7-99bb-13b31d1cec24	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:03:14	-945.765
-112	32736	1636800	c6fc37c0-d40a-4568-9a32-f9e304dc2cdc	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:37:35	-193.653
-113	16369	1636900	f0afe8b0-a162-4585-a086-d702cc2bbf90	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:46:05	790.559
-113	32738	1636900	9d230da4-4e85-4bc6-9fcc-7344ff89e6ca	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:46:43	-853.569
-114	16370	1637000	5de51f90-219a-4274-836a-e61367ec780a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:49:29	-335.213
-114	32740	1637000	7a5150b5-5fe4-4736-9727-4c1f4c724081	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:54:23	-673.635
-115	16371	1637100	2446b0f6-7a15-487e-97e0-672a8606e9ab	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:52:09	662.277
-115	32742	1637100	ab5ac35d-4aaa-43fe-87db-1017792ec9e3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:58:34	845.826
-116	16372	1637200	3a2018a5-bcf0-45c9-9482-ec26edd4a08b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:45:28	-520.858
-116	32744	1637200	959b2bcf-1aea-4f03-abac-f35fe38207be	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:32:07	-574.220
-117	16373	1637300	c04181ea-a255-46ac-88ec-ccaafd7cf715	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:55:49	447.575
-117	32746	1637300	40adb70c-92f4-4153-bf1f-fee4e63f4974	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:26:46	290.660
-118	16374	1637400	82137881-50ab-49ca-b5f3-1a3244dbaffa	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:38:59	-857.851
-118	32748	1637400	29fc2e5d-2b63-4778-840a-984950ef8f21	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:32:26	565.796
-119	16375	1637500	d18d162e-a3ec-44ae-9865-c95c7e8515b4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:13:58	637.848
-119	32750	1637500	b8ba4a5b-26a1-450c-a00d-9aaedffe57b6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:59:12	188.710
-120	16376	1637600	1b0bed1c-4c4f-405a-a4ac-32547ceea89e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:47:53	-575.272
-120	32752	1637600	0450786b-ee99-49ec-b908-1bc6d153cbad	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:49:35	-911.147
-121	16377	1637700	87b0a273-4b40-46a7-951d-76e15e60b00b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:06:42	-23.663
-121	32754	1637700	c253f20f-20e8-4aab-adb7-694256ec8f64	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:11:52	179.824
-122	16378	1637800	b7f8069d-3ebc-4900-87c9-6be3a55d7d5d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:58:40	-8.611
-122	32756	1637800	b0adc608-5b07-460f-8b2b-ae4502baa5e2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:05:08	-375.739
-123	16379	1637900	29344edf-5e27-4b36-be7d-a87f87c6c9b5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:00:30	254.699
-123	32758	1637900	70beb90d-05a7-4fce-9d90-798a53dbbdcb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:01:38	-547.545
-124	16380	1638000	4f127bd8-9dd2-4a6e-951c-49b5a6790ac2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:29:56	949.373
-124	32760	1638000	a7afa9f6-a283-47ab-b749-5f5f31b0c445	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:02:20	-168.472
-125	16381	1638100	63828a17-6f54-4b10-9c5f-327194c07349	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:04:07	-401.37
-125	32762	1638100	d3de5bd7-7acd-4ae2-9fb3-68c143724ddb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:41:54	964.511
-126	16382	1638200	23b3e2d4-b45a-48ec-be5b-e5c1df4f510f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:50:19	-51.363
-126	32764	1638200	9fc2c056-3d73-46b9-8fb6-96cee093d0ff	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:26:44	297.153
-127	16383	1638300	8afc9d81-c5a8-4ccf-ae9a-621661fa0d55	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:25:07	-955.819
-127	32766	1638300	f05135de-d386-46cb-ac0d-5c55d645e351	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:20:11	837.307
-0	16384	1638400	83c9db53-8673-4657-b82b-59f27400af06	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:21:42	-612.703
-0	32768	1638400	f670ead1-1213-425e-a16c-4ba0322de3bc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:00:09	-37.744
-1	16385	1638500	bdbc93ad-d676-4732-baf0-db5a9678d378	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:45:18	-633.0
-1	32770	1638500	a76548a0-9e96-44bd-8721-93eae98259d1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:35:14	-733.12
-2	16386	1638600	af4d3cde-7715-4e2f-babf-d3a060e6510e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:44:26	101.483
-2	32772	1638600	01106f0f-62d8-458c-936c-0b8908096481	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:43:06	-648.194
-3	16387	1638700	fe9dd085-3799-40ff-af55-63edf822c5f7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:54:30	634.765
-3	32774	1638700	5d690b47-f5ad-463e-a9ca-8e22d0c7accc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:38:53	476.217
-4	16388	1638800	20ccbac5-f365-4fb9-b739-96c16495e29d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:52:36	464.773
-4	32776	1638800	5d0e45cb-8a3b-4623-82b9-4f06be684f5e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:59:11	918.30
-5	16389	1638900	2307967e-16dd-432f-aab6-bbdc6f31ee33	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:25:37	-341.378
-5	32778	1638900	90582de4-0755-4dbb-befc-1cad0e761863	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:56:35	937.379
-6	16390	1639000	f62d1bbd-11b9-43a8-a196-4f66b38e8698	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:11:33	401.505
-6	32780	1639000	3eee958b-e9d2-4343-a67d-2371fb568d1e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:10:40	856.147
-7	16391	1639100	daa7314c-8ad4-49af-8801-c0b78624972c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:16:36	175.905
-7	32782	1639100	295b468b-8a2c-4477-b526-b922b4e10a7b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:48:23	-768.887
-8	16392	1639200	808acfdd-5712-470f-b7fe-2200e505c3e2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:34:57	-858.199
-8	32784	1639200	b9c37460-cacb-43d6-a8ef-1ae7e6eb3fd3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:37:41	-353.378
-9	16393	1639300	f9a52ff5-791e-4069-aafe-3a0a5bd874c3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:06:41	51.471
-9	32786	1639300	b7a8d27a-b172-4e65-9955-701587ebd129	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:58:01	-222.98
-10	16394	1639400	765ec460-fb94-41d6-b4c5-39a0bc19102c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:43:30	366.744
-10	32788	1639400	2f20eecf-15c4-40d1-a4de-21708699b4b0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:52:21	475.805
-11	16395	1639500	b5026c63-e7db-4824-8e2e-ef520e2d558d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:23:41	264.236
-11	32790	1639500	b9f3752f-59f4-4f94-bd88-d45cc3923839	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:43:29	284.287
-12	16396	1639600	a55ca05d-88cc-414b-85c4-1a4f596647ae	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:26:32	954.655
-12	32792	1639600	8194dac1-a9eb-4762-91dd-79eca382f8a8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:31:46	315.213
-13	16397	1639700	a6c38db5-4ea4-4767-9004-d85a8eebbd6c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:51:05	-129.380
-13	32794	1639700	b94e17cc-2a50-4ec2-99ac-6cbe0576ca3b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:56:33	-942.960
-14	16398	1639800	d89fd049-14d9-4adf-816a-3bfea0020536	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:32:49	-624.972
-14	32796	1639800	72fd7ed6-b04e-4e08-82e3-8df31a1d52dc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:56:59	-513.930
-15	16399	1639900	7edd64e3-6673-49c3-a639-29b0384ee3ef	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:42:23	558.145
-15	32798	1639900	6064f1de-0af2-4566-9c7b-399fc975c06c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:40:23	172.742
-16	16400	1640000	2a29bddb-6ff3-49d5-bf31-0e3c4e284cd9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:03:43	708.690
-16	32800	1640000	d5321984-cbdf-40f3-90a9-fd572f40a2a2	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:40:31	878.645
-17	16401	1640100	2ae1160f-5f51-4074-a08d-0b8cca01c85f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:22:12	-165.255
-17	32802	1640100	09d8b97e-8f2c-4eda-a7ee-a87b407b2f0c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:11:07	717.564
-18	16402	1640200	5a1212de-7a46-47ec-a14b-42cb735fa503	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:04:20	-950.401
-18	32804	1640200	cffc781a-af58-422f-bf90-db33c2e15abd	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:37:35	257.809
-19	16403	1640300	ae780bd6-4311-4023-9328-c38204a98ba2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:35:09	598.861
-19	32806	1640300	8afd3c0e-fb5e-4a2b-b12d-5bd15a4a37ff	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:58:37	-452.562
-20	16404	1640400	62491379-0117-45dc-87fb-2961c54e9803	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:04:02	447.789
-20	32808	1640400	fe6dbb51-f8e4-4dad-b98e-abdd7e9d3a3d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:04:25	-655.728
-21	16405	1640500	325ead5c-80b7-4f61-90bd-f2447e4a1933	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:24:36	262.6
-21	32810	1640500	764a4601-a0e3-4a0a-8117-847d8be70619	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:22:21	848.489
-22	16406	1640600	5c03adda-8b38-4f9d-9b94-2966096dc68e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:03:48	-279.666
-22	32812	1640600	b1abbf49-b272-486b-9a6f-27d3d233a538	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:52:29	-59.590
-23	16407	1640700	b5e7de99-860c-4ee3-9c71-4ee40a187325	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:11:37	-446.207
-23	32814	1640700	e7b27852-9741-4d54-8fcb-fdc37ee10141	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:27:35	-866.682
-24	16408	1640800	2b4f3161-f362-44ae-97a9-a9e0d8f7cd49	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:08:53	-357.88
-24	32816	1640800	94d62883-1bcd-406a-b781-fac387d05211	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:00:02	-382.737
-25	16409	1640900	24a9de42-4dc0-41f0-9bda-a8db54e3dbca	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:46:42	-200.240
-25	32818	1640900	d0000e90-2805-4d06-b604-bfba8efdf554	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:01:21	516.317
-26	16410	1641000	f0fe27ea-5aeb-40fb-aca0-1928ccec1995	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:26:29	413.94
-26	32820	1641000	34556912-2db2-4bf0-84f5-c35ec1142123	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:13:27	881.82
-27	16411	1641100	a326dfc9-2a70-45cf-8477-2d23691caa20	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:00:26	833.934
-27	32822	1641100	c39b6e06-7073-41aa-a107-3d33a85e4a03	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:04:54	883.652
-28	16412	1641200	e5a1d1b0-2d2d-41d6-9271-29d9537e2b56	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:47:39	549.369
-28	32824	1641200	211d04ca-bc30-4334-93ac-6d1c85ba2053	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:49:20	-416.439
-29	16413	1641300	e0ac396b-e462-49f5-8bbc-04e6dd21312b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:52:58	84.60
-29	32826	1641300	00e0f387-69a7-4239-9421-913ef5335bf6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:32:38	-609.499
-30	16414	1641400	21152e88-4bd1-48c1-870b-a6f239a25a9b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:51:15	733.414
-30	32828	1641400	584c304d-4e4a-4788-8440-12d551e2bdcf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:03:57	701.415
-31	16415	1641500	80f82362-b5fa-4e5c-9434-e0f2fa8f3389	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:41:06	474.624
-31	32830	1641500	d1e33b8e-09a9-4385-b03c-95fa56e6f0f5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:12:50	-789.728
-32	16416	1641600	bb82fcc1-3e6f-458a-8ab8-7f6c05b12433	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:49:10	-936.395
-32	32832	1641600	62b7a2a5-fbd3-4665-8815-fb148abf5f0f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:23:11	224.492
-33	16417	1641700	bec51cc3-e4f3-48a4-b96f-ae058143400c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:04:17	776.760
-33	32834	1641700	0e9948cf-1f20-4d97-9bbe-996bef7a6f16	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:55:37	575.661
-34	16418	1641800	3f898028-c316-49c5-96ea-1c3e6bd56ee2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:22:04	78.578
-34	32836	1641800	d38c748b-fa02-4746-89ef-2b0fd33db819	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:21:21	341.432
-35	16419	1641900	b0e6ae59-8424-46ad-9019-a67ee919c0a1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:09:49	57.194
-35	32838	1641900	81cdd52e-8852-47bb-b1f2-9d07842ed8ea	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:08:36	-856.286
-36	16420	1642000	d093da51-48e4-40df-aef6-e0860c6bc7ab	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:39:55	566.695
-36	32840	1642000	85de18ef-8037-4100-ad60-16c40a5d202c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:54:36	-347.985
-37	16421	1642100	f5fa77dc-8b40-4813-bbd3-ee3bc126923d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:15:45	-994.168
-37	32842	1642100	5f7ee4ab-0fc1-4204-b8a2-1d5a4ce7d41c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:53:24	640.725
-38	16422	1642200	ae7ecba9-3efb-4139-972f-986660e62e5f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:42:51	688.40
-38	32844	1642200	9f3df051-0c3f-4f44-a3a6-9098e0be9641	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:20:11	536.68
-39	16423	1642300	9e452ec1-53bc-44dd-a662-4b8666f11690	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:18:53	-321.147
-39	32846	1642300	6d36e837-e6c2-45f2-80cd-fa14225b0c00	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:31:27	346.452
-40	16424	1642400	e51dd9e5-b615-4a7b-b482-63447b368a18	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:55:07	-962.810
-40	32848	1642400	441172b1-0afc-4eea-b96f-451df12799fe	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:30:14	894.531
-41	16425	1642500	7940e0bb-6424-4ef2-b171-469a5d76331d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:12:31	-67.675
-41	32850	1642500	92b847fc-4c2f-4e00-8b1b-170b27a0274e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:51:31	646.29
-42	16426	1642600	cabd3190-40bd-4303-8493-021484f8197f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:07:32	-426.20
-42	32852	1642600	82f9e0db-62a5-4076-b164-4e291528f7d4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:57:22	-757.322
-43	16427	1642700	09b675c0-3054-48ac-8cf6-589d20639581	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:45:59	-54.45
-43	32854	1642700	d864d6ea-15a7-490e-8aa6-69ddd4875e3b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:32:36	-110.877
-44	16428	1642800	6d60f93b-321c-4b7b-bdbc-4a35ef173264	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:52:20	-419.299
-44	32856	1642800	1bf93368-422d-4789-9d9c-ef9a5c97b75c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:05:27	703.453
-45	16429	1642900	d90bf988-73ff-4862-bc12-ab922034011c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:02:09	-131.713
-45	32858	1642900	726a2718-7ea1-4734-86a4-d6fc9571cd36	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:59:22	921.98
-46	16430	1643000	0351f3c8-044f-43eb-90e1-4b132d1805a1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:38:04	993.118
-46	32860	1643000	f86df961-0780-4aaa-9b8a-353e32f77d33	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:49:11	856.831
-47	16431	1643100	94b836f3-ace2-4759-bd2b-554cd282106b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:19:38	-381.159
-47	32862	1643100	e5d8078a-8824-4dc6-bbc1-2937916eed8d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:49:46	961.59
-48	16432	1643200	c5bc4ce4-00fc-456d-ab64-6b1a4817fb28	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:55:29	-681.408
-48	32864	1643200	8aeb7ee4-cb4f-4ca2-9d07-92f0d7ecbfc7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:58:18	518.206
-49	16433	1643300	27e64d30-36a1-4a10-87a4-42a1e496f229	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:25:05	-924.970
-49	32866	1643300	70ba14c7-d200-4936-b038-37f27634b73d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:21:50	404.815
-50	16434	1643400	0341a85b-53ba-453b-8247-0221b743e11e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:57:59	-897.920
-50	32868	1643400	961fa54a-1ef9-48fd-b1da-5eb41784f5c4	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:45:44	-883.373
-51	16435	1643500	d4713c74-437a-4219-9fc1-4fecb0b42603	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:10:42	-521.871
-51	32870	1643500	53e7160d-eb00-4cc9-a609-6ee98a101aad	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:54:24	-946.834
-52	16436	1643600	96e0e78d-90bf-41e9-8d83-a2bda34f976c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:03:39	-288.547
-52	32872	1643600	8cca3264-31b5-4abc-826d-7be38c9fd04c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:33:16	-785.335
-53	16437	1643700	640094c7-9c26-41ff-8eea-5e525fbe4990	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:00:36	988.160
-53	32874	1643700	4b58cc75-98a0-448b-b5b5-85962ff31a0e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:55:18	-196.907
-54	16438	1643800	5a99da4e-6780-4de6-851e-95a19f939a80	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:37:04	-446.390
-54	32876	1643800	fc529fb5-6361-4979-8a67-daa2b6e096b5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:28:40	250.944
-55	16439	1643900	638fce56-2368-4961-9f48-7b651b522836	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:51:26	476.507
-55	32878	1643900	8d0e1839-4de8-493b-b4f5-5bcb23d95074	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:31:09	-896.841
-56	16440	1644000	2de4eb1e-4141-435c-af26-5ec74877d4ca	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:19:19	-854.483
-56	32880	1644000	84cb39de-6311-4f95-9593-91b45775d106	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:42:59	562.794
-57	16441	1644100	e263d5ee-5a1d-475c-9e9c-cb32e9423f6e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:05:51	-999.312
-57	32882	1644100	546a04a7-9a61-4e1c-ab17-8fc370091f62	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:37:13	100.114
-58	16442	1644200	286d8cad-5453-4401-8a93-fd7c4f617123	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:11:34	642.730
-58	32884	1644200	f79f3755-62fd-409d-b6ee-8b30927f7bb1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:01:37	947.475
-59	16443	1644300	6d3740c7-34a2-4bf3-a54b-8073d01d54f2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:38:46	146.81
-59	32886	1644300	b3b1225b-b37b-43d3-bbd5-23e0fcdef3f6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:19:35	638.877
-60	16444	1644400	c3eaad6a-7bf8-4a8e-baff-25733053c954	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:51:19	-821.617
-60	32888	1644400	a6dcce5f-6e53-4c72-86ca-d5272133a395	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:30:48	673.301
-61	16445	1644500	1eccacaf-6835-431d-8af9-ea52b2ffc66c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:39:54	-357.576
-61	32890	1644500	49ee94d3-ea87-4479-83f0-ec2ecb9f7283	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:29:15	-380.793
-62	16446	1644600	34fc7def-1c00-4ab0-8418-a5d9a4ec0b2d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:39:31	-729.785
-62	32892	1644600	71d99e1d-eda7-4be7-9c72-7ac9fcdf86d3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:41:23	148.939
-63	16447	1644700	fe2b2a06-e63a-4f0b-8a8d-414cf12e17da	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:57:26	733.44
-63	32894	1644700	9ea65bbb-95af-4907-b7b0-b9ebb2f45db0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:48:03	-196.431
-64	16448	1644800	3c109794-ec9f-4de4-a2b5-5d5fca24238b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:11:27	-438.541
-64	32896	1644800	b9e9ab49-3ed8-4c38-bd80-e3fb770652c7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:13:40	773.508
-65	16449	1644900	612e0e20-eb34-4fb5-8b1f-083ce9ce6fe1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:54:28	-802.709
-65	32898	1644900	446b8a7b-b68a-4682-be18-f34143212e61	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:54:23	80.453
-66	16450	1645000	bb9c6e65-bfa4-450a-9a34-5d1d1eaa3dfa	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:22:44	264.218
-66	32900	1645000	0f8bc9db-c144-45a5-89f9-1f906c037d5d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:29:03	-514.61
-67	16451	1645100	372f56c5-26ca-4aa4-8e9e-816bb0fc577e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:15:21	-779.783
-67	32902	1645100	0ad1eab2-9671-4630-905e-2dad312d95d7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:00:11	984.275
-68	16452	1645200	b9de2d2e-6488-4300-b0a5-652ff5d30d06	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:51:46	558.300
-68	32904	1645200	cc9b2bed-f280-478c-8533-d28db15bd3aa	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:54:18	-995.878
-69	16453	1645300	3b13762f-227d-4e79-ba5e-906356a7036a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:32:49	978.935
-69	32906	1645300	6351b585-ebab-4b30-b9e9-d25abb0ede0d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:34:33	981.217
-70	16454	1645400	e14e3905-5e3a-47da-abd5-523b5f11c351	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:54:07	178.690
-70	32908	1645400	0d066324-c6aa-4019-a2bb-67db90a3cef1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:02:59	-302.597
-71	16455	1645500	c9bff6a1-ac8c-4055-9b57-b9e1f9857458	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:39:49	-367.148
-71	32910	1645500	29c4094d-093f-4f3d-b969-f8590984c65e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:38:12	-524.779
-72	16456	1645600	4fb19810-02a6-4f5c-8b36-12ed38942962	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:13:33	-569.979
-72	32912	1645600	687db8a4-d6b8-4153-b042-43e2aa3461b0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:48:44	104.922
-73	16457	1645700	c1094851-4a6f-4ad1-8aa5-503f3f280cea	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:10:27	734.637
-73	32914	1645700	5b628fe0-f19b-4d9d-9dca-e92c6e01ac48	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:42:50	-659.271
-74	16458	1645800	1e8d5fd0-a0fa-4e02-bc61-0b73612ffaf7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:54:28	-288.171
-74	32916	1645800	5586f404-1955-4dcb-a57b-a9cb0e9c10f5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:48:20	-15.110
-75	16459	1645900	266821c6-da7d-445a-90fc-3c0073f2a6d0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:12:07	531.356
-75	32918	1645900	5d58b620-cfe7-4e50-b8a0-ca2599577d11	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:19:07	838.636
-76	16460	1646000	d2fb0c1a-0dfa-4ed4-bf3a-c206bf2967ca	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:55:29	-61.449
-76	32920	1646000	5c4e68f2-ff1c-4181-bd02-442b813b96df	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:43:09	281.851
-77	16461	1646100	11f4288a-3ded-4173-be68-a45abbaa1e86	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:43:58	580.554
-77	32922	1646100	97cb6dd1-521e-4eb5-ada6-9b5df82008c0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:02:34	738.962
-78	16462	1646200	7d5dac00-10b7-4b18-932d-a139c3c58054	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:03:47	291.739
-78	32924	1646200	7f5ef34d-3205-43dc-b66c-1acbb9529265	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:38:03	-889.729
-79	16463	1646300	518bc8d4-def7-4d8a-b61e-d88a8169c802	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:46:06	-661.820
-79	32926	1646300	ee239c58-1263-4c76-849a-18a43713fce9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:39:46	880.421
-80	16464	1646400	dc436118-7195-4293-a2b9-7205907c52fc	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:44:52	445.800
-80	32928	1646400	20eb6d04-2bc3-4f9d-abd3-9635e52bb839	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:59:10	-688.962
-81	16465	1646500	b18fd45a-5b5c-4074-af02-474509f1c2de	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:10:50	789.11
-81	32930	1646500	3e49d4c2-e40a-4525-8f0d-da2142b819bd	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:08:50	-146.749
-82	16466	1646600	d4e8a2bd-7df0-4302-b984-ce38a8d68dd8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:13:38	288.700
-82	32932	1646600	c8117f86-ec77-439f-9147-5a0563d8b876	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:26:55	-270.39
-83	16467	1646700	c4dd4cc7-46ac-421d-b412-3c1d3d6fe5ae	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:25:44	530.90
-83	32934	1646700	f2f07db2-a50f-406f-babc-0a2b331b9cd4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:50:49	-354.902
-84	16468	1646800	c9bf3dc9-fc2e-4309-a222-9585c432be8c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:18:49	-887.927
-84	32936	1646800	2c3845ea-f550-4a62-97ce-8712d50f29aa	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:03:29	-691.605
-85	16469	1646900	16a23c32-48de-4baf-8ebb-d316ae047082	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:25:55	-925.929
-85	32938	1646900	ba33bbba-b513-4dd2-bee7-6a8a59e1394a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:29:40	483.412
-86	16470	1647000	669a34ad-69e7-4ccb-a9a9-0f8fdfacdefc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:27:50	78.216
-86	32940	1647000	71e8923f-443c-4150-8a93-3985211b89ea	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:45:50	-929.25
-87	16471	1647100	acb76220-9069-4495-8411-e2aab9614de3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:13:19	-523.842
-87	32942	1647100	9331165e-241b-484b-8059-363743c76453	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:29:12	293.521
-88	16472	1647200	04dae3d6-2946-4f94-a112-16e44e3fcd95	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:52:14	-891.606
-88	32944	1647200	8cf1166c-7e37-44e6-9028-87b14d1431fe	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:26:53	86.210
-89	16473	1647300	e749913e-8549-47ca-857a-3cf742d4ba35	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:41:01	269.491
-89	32946	1647300	8eecffef-be04-43a8-8927-20a98d141297	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:52:27	-342.519
-90	16474	1647400	4ff91b59-7c50-427a-8ca3-ef8f47b9a8e5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:47:42	443.298
-90	32948	1647400	29f88441-ca8a-49e9-9027-645ae01d376d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:50:47	-59.13
-91	16475	1647500	14ac8231-14e1-4776-bac1-b354cde565c6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:51:52	772.542
-91	32950	1647500	35a53cfb-7d06-4b9a-8fd7-4b2e23c8d1ff	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:39:14	-854.877
-92	16476	1647600	915e0b61-04ec-45f9-b2ac-61d4915ebe51	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:14:54	-698.758
-92	32952	1647600	673ee301-adb3-4924-9d89-965a67f7e9d8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:57:36	404.356
-93	16477	1647700	334683af-e82e-400f-b0dc-69c607f065a8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:02:35	42.444
-93	32954	1647700	17db7917-68cb-4df2-a11e-b4e2655fefc4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:26:16	987.517
-94	16478	1647800	a1c5f635-14bf-4204-b6e3-bfafb43c00f0	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:20:50	-216.65
-94	32956	1647800	d32bdd0b-e4d3-4360-87a0-cedd45424832	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:06:55	28.304
-95	16479	1647900	25a2f8d0-f901-4af3-95f6-0811bdb22efb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:41:06	577.251
-95	32958	1647900	d6015f2a-857c-4156-b60f-6927f1bd4130	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:20:32	910.246
-96	16480	1648000	208ac839-71b1-490a-ac81-500404261cdd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:08:15	-382.210
-96	32960	1648000	e5c8316f-1cf7-49ef-80b7-c494e150a431	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:26:03	682.563
-97	16481	1648100	1d3c0213-822b-4097-a747-fd3d9dac6b6c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:51:52	230.99
-97	32962	1648100	bff50225-dad7-44e7-8d5c-80e6c0f98185	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:41:30	224.326
-98	16482	1648200	803993d4-fab9-4d5f-ade5-713bcb144ec0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:13:26	115.163
-98	32964	1648200	5e4e06e0-fd42-4f46-a66e-a83081406611	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:53:02	181.694
-99	16483	1648300	be81efa9-5a19-46b1-a53c-abb2b8c770af	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:55:05	-313.466
-99	32966	1648300	1b961378-dbe0-4973-a997-05a7106b0051	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:58:45	790.889
-100	16484	1648400	4b82d134-0f98-4105-885d-cf280c31f0a4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:06:13	187.962
-100	32968	1648400	35d99d9f-1e31-4243-ba5d-85380ec311fb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:53:18	927.768
-101	16485	1648500	586c7e53-5f2d-4d10-929f-753e40f65d16	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:14:35	-307.510
-101	32970	1648500	0d1e1420-6d43-4d00-bc5c-0e38e981c9a5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:54:18	-283.907
-102	16486	1648600	798e22ec-c295-4686-9757-4de2b6afc674	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:35:52	-121.971
-102	32972	1648600	c6c69bba-d049-4bba-9d11-cee9d6f0ba17	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:02:38	-736.147
-103	16487	1648700	a8397018-d30a-4f8b-8fc6-c701da8e3026	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:23:42	976.854
-103	32974	1648700	824b1f41-c480-4c13-92c8-1ef8697b44fd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:31:44	-669.867
-104	16488	1648800	eeda09fe-91ea-4fe7-b8f3-5035160c1ab2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:14:19	861.787
-104	32976	1648800	5a902a69-3d11-414a-93ac-32da00f550f0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:22:42	510.337
-105	16489	1648900	51e10168-e606-4960-a5bc-5b796a61977b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:42:52	168.648
-105	32978	1648900	a50f5571-099c-4e14-804b-566d4c59543a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:59:18	-383.670
-106	16490	1649000	eb799334-8c54-487f-9c3a-632f787210ce	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:22:56	-916.184
-106	32980	1649000	6bf354c1-2dcf-4667-b7a0-24c23c1e402b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:43:35	-190.700
-107	16491	1649100	341e37f6-bf2a-4bd7-ba3a-154c17b5845b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:09:57	540.705
-107	32982	1649100	09de5e2b-f8f6-453a-b47f-dd04000e72a8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:58:23	-820.404
-108	16492	1649200	5f40265a-0105-4598-95c4-7ed2b7f02850	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:03:20	582.496
-108	32984	1649200	370e6355-f4b5-46d2-a116-be8861f95c39	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:07:01	-288.978
-109	16493	1649300	d2d6aee7-f141-41b9-9a7c-8bf3c9a0186b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:24:49	-795.18
-109	32986	1649300	abccb3c1-496b-4875-8484-47a5c6aae4d1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:03:23	409.810
-110	16494	1649400	b5995212-38e0-4fb3-8131-314a3954ba89	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:17:23	-280.332
-110	32988	1649400	ffb09c77-8240-45e0-8022-601d91e0440c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:41:52	-788.321
-111	16495	1649500	2ed33e93-4d1c-4362-b1af-70c7f4e9a621	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:39:12	-142.638
-111	32990	1649500	1883f7f6-bfac-4957-98b8-0fb440753971	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:12:40	-772.572
-112	16496	1649600	52f1eba3-f288-4173-b7b0-83bfd3c5573f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:46:18	860.506
-112	32992	1649600	939f9894-8217-4273-a208-990bb10f7c14	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:59:51	221.487
-113	16497	1649700	65bca213-b825-4863-8466-587a6afe5e1a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:21:20	323.860
-113	32994	1649700	217788f8-810d-4105-908d-a36271524581	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:56:47	-316.452
-114	16498	1649800	247bd6b6-3134-4ac9-9300-a88c9bc49553	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:33:44	8.989
-114	32996	1649800	84281e64-5145-4806-b0b9-fb3aa73a3010	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:14:40	323.712
-115	16499	1649900	5950b344-aa33-477f-a22d-2546eca0bd37	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:08:04	231.234
-115	32998	1649900	94962146-0c98-4343-a75b-c1473a03b89e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:53:00	915.361
-116	16500	1650000	5509ea8e-d424-4448-913c-345ef24e7ada	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:08:01	60.332
-116	33000	1650000	8c17f978-0e44-4f9f-b2f1-510e6b92d907	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:51:34	-603.56
-117	16501	1650100	9e2f39b3-56c0-474d-a8bd-5b788b7322a7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:02:44	480.217
-117	33002	1650100	12b26d24-4e07-40b9-9596-e86d621afa5d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:48:32	-46.52
-118	16502	1650200	0d99dbb9-fe07-452c-b2d1-e4e5c49b34e0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:21:26	76.111
-118	33004	1650200	267fbe26-7f13-411b-9b6a-9282ac369570	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:42:47	299.813
-119	16503	1650300	8f398263-cf32-4444-b4b9-3d3dc43b8825	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:23:08	-809.748
-119	33006	1650300	7f04d51a-2f42-460b-a23a-c54b80dfdb1c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:18:44	-515.789
-120	16504	1650400	2a352c47-5788-4bcb-a7b9-f27b65ad32ab	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:31:42	922.696
-120	33008	1650400	e61ed402-933d-4ddd-8a45-136fb18b03c5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:51:57	-82.218
-121	16505	1650500	3def9a4a-6bf8-45d2-b740-021a801b5ae3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:20:02	861.116
-121	33010	1650500	23ddf91c-e361-4605-bf27-36427ead9f9b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:48:02	-523.237
-122	16506	1650600	f41ef3cf-c650-4c57-afe2-440fdfdf980d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:54:32	928.151
-122	33012	1650600	991763d4-260e-466e-b3de-aefd1ef46b1a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:28:33	934.337
-123	16507	1650700	fbf7c962-1831-4e38-a70c-ba40e015614c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:01:42	-231.56
-123	33014	1650700	23416c9c-503e-47d5-9dab-9acb219ecea5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:37:19	197.531
-124	16508	1650800	21ba585b-49f4-4af8-a889-40c4389f96e0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:00:44	641.72
-124	33016	1650800	b485a1de-b64c-499e-8275-4b0f6616d6b3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:48:15	-230.491
-125	16509	1650900	f04330da-6bb6-4d74-9d29-8097c38ea7db	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:26:15	-741.312
-125	33018	1650900	115a4328-79fb-449b-9a76-609ae45e89bd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:15:40	455.288
-126	16510	1651000	493c63eb-8e7e-4df5-bed6-a186a1042325	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:02:40	939.216
-126	33020	1651000	83fb18bd-2a50-49d6-b522-2394f42d8f17	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:01:34	-462.860
-127	16511	1651100	927cac5f-3a45-4b84-8e3d-c9eefa7903cf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:01:15	-364.894
-127	33022	1651100	99ce7094-f91a-40aa-9fd4-d7395c227266	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:32:59	-680.721
-0	16512	1651200	5d493280-488b-4a18-86ff-c599ce845606	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:20:41	151.226
-0	33024	1651200	8c365055-758b-4203-b262-f58077f8a124	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:17:22	1.490
-1	16513	1651300	e85075a0-0d45-4ce9-ba22-3966e0b97d2c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:39:26	-110.952
-1	33026	1651300	5a932f06-ba96-45d2-8bd9-4e268e5adfb1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:27:09	142.573
-2	16514	1651400	97b9da6a-3fb1-46b2-9bec-9f0b21e3d6f9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:59:41	743.523
-2	33028	1651400	e2b632c3-c55c-4a08-9340-f0e3fffad277	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:40:05	840.770
-3	16515	1651500	8c5888fa-71fc-45a7-bb33-3eacffefb779	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:33:11	904.981
-3	33030	1651500	bed18524-c583-4800-a97a-db6adbd034a7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:41:47	-34.368
-4	16516	1651600	bc1a8e40-0026-46fa-83a1-99e442ba732a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:08:36	-472.196
-4	33032	1651600	82463107-0224-4fd8-8977-76dad2219478	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:07:24	797.809
-5	16517	1651700	ec0e45df-e925-4e59-976b-c25db37efa37	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:40:24	-662.207
-5	33034	1651700	6d022595-14ba-496b-85b9-f4185285939e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:14:54	92.804
-6	16518	1651800	c5905b6a-9fd3-4030-a22d-955a1324c11d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:49:16	-361.267
-6	33036	1651800	25260d47-30a9-45ef-b0a0-e36033bf4f06	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:16:07	696.325
-7	16519	1651900	a2a50f1b-8c70-4694-a9b5-7118a22ba881	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:36:25	-518.549
-7	33038	1651900	551ef86b-c875-4b92-b376-fd11ed7eff21	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:41:05	-927.221
-8	16520	1652000	47256106-4eeb-4648-9cda-15f7645e636a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:56:22	-642.995
-8	33040	1652000	46642b5d-a6ac-4b52-8438-ac7471049afb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:20:04	-338.267
-9	16521	1652100	fa39ca74-099a-4577-aafb-002a67698389	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:39:22	-570.781
-9	33042	1652100	77f758ce-3dd1-4554-8c51-c8f8d5ee3a73	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:50:47	725.990
-10	16522	1652200	94bec9f7-098f-4879-9752-ec89bf657b26	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:02:54	134.827
-10	33044	1652200	19adb911-0583-49f2-920d-69b84bc4f57b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:34:43	333.478
-11	16523	1652300	aa652fba-3deb-4fb6-9e2a-caaa68140116	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:09:11	519.83
-11	33046	1652300	bddf0045-be51-4db3-b0a9-0c4ce9a697af	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:37:56	-520.931
-12	16524	1652400	3f5959a4-cf83-44e3-9c5e-2b697a9ff99e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:20:13	-913.127
-12	33048	1652400	0dbe667d-da80-4b9b-a7a0-4f5a9e39e651	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:56:07	185.694
-13	16525	1652500	d4e25ea6-0faa-4b6b-8f75-cdbc646d9fe3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:54:59	-859.620
-13	33050	1652500	81aa16ef-072c-4302-95b8-d2d48a9a34ab	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:24:27	-108.86
-14	16526	1652600	38a9d90a-26a2-4061-befc-018f3118c434	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:15:26	-693.745
-14	33052	1652600	b99a054c-3546-4509-b72d-14e4f3ee95e3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:56:27	226.101
-15	16527	1652700	8f906839-eb02-4ed3-a160-73f004fc95dc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:50:26	815.19
-15	33054	1652700	792007cd-9d7f-4c84-850f-2c7ad37cd014	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:52:31	-795.206
-16	16528	1652800	0d3a769a-2fa0-4935-8f42-c972ae7b3f5e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:58:26	320.871
-16	33056	1652800	fe669f6e-a08f-4a78-ba30-19d903c4dc53	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:14:30	685.179
-17	16529	1652900	3c1803ea-4439-4f49-abab-bc59b58a73fe	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:48:41	-309.757
-17	33058	1652900	4ed480b6-bcdb-423e-8787-2acf9ff00364	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:25:47	820.515
-18	16530	1653000	ad5a9906-7508-4a17-bd0b-018d2011a5b4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:29:54	581.359
-18	33060	1653000	b96f7048-08b7-4dba-a499-aa403d963d4e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:49:32	851.619
-19	16531	1653100	b5eb90f3-4f6c-423a-82f9-55341a67e597	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:10:05	-800.86
-19	33062	1653100	a9a51327-e2a1-4599-a31c-f615bc3c39e3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:45:22	438.311
-20	16532	1653200	c7ffb4ad-f784-4a0c-95c4-1208b4b6c703	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:06:02	-540.266
-20	33064	1653200	793ee80b-7f56-4f77-bb8c-b9f0c40e65df	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:33:39	462.580
-21	16533	1653300	86dfa912-2bf3-45a4-b75d-a735c5491bfc	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:27:20	604.866
-21	33066	1653300	5a67b3f0-75df-4657-82cd-4572c10b47dd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:44:53	558.592
-22	16534	1653400	8bdd97a9-8ee3-4c50-b0a0-32043d50aad2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:17:23	-451.895
-22	33068	1653400	d712b4d7-43a0-49a1-96fa-c63f1b630aac	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:37:56	-27.987
-23	16535	1653500	fe58b14c-9fc2-4f99-b17d-465cc28dd1b5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:19:27	813.114
-23	33070	1653500	b6775923-87f2-4994-8a65-acfa048d1f78	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:00:49	-981.195
-24	16536	1653600	eadda345-a8ce-47d1-b028-e17f00de062d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:27:19	989.828
-24	33072	1653600	48fd2c1b-0259-4e94-9e70-3162ad55a876	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:53:44	938.32
-25	16537	1653700	0b4e5ebe-32e2-4e6c-a021-c280bd3b5e3f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:27:48	-649.290
-25	33074	1653700	2b13fa4c-caba-4bba-a612-f5263272c424	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:21:08	-415.375
-26	16538	1653800	75dc39e4-0cd9-4580-8f24-c42ad3c37fad	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:35:20	703.659
-26	33076	1653800	ef456897-2fdd-4e55-834f-2cfa64aa15cf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:46:27	-524.573
-27	16539	1653900	e1de4e57-69c3-408a-bff2-c351fdfa4f3d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:27:01	-373.973
-27	33078	1653900	e6854c9c-35e2-4b4a-8c1f-843a84cad3d5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:27:54	-123.827
-28	16540	1654000	86f0e118-2304-40ac-866e-5e8979fa2f66	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:28:58	20.874
-28	33080	1654000	d6947db2-0840-410d-8771-366e1803c003	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:50:17	-568.510
-29	16541	1654100	6f4d7cb6-fe99-43f6-b9d5-3b7db44645bf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:13:24	-323.363
-29	33082	1654100	3f0addcc-881a-46d0-ac10-03d35a8948ea	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:22:07	-209.909
-30	16542	1654200	ec2aa6b4-b4c6-4aab-b4e4-94941d517ec1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:52:13	369.968
-30	33084	1654200	7cfe77dd-5ab3-4fa2-a385-6e4b1656f3a2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:58:50	403.536
-31	16543	1654300	fc79c9cb-18a9-42f1-bc3b-f4ecdeb08d59	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:29:13	443.845
-31	33086	1654300	348b6985-5893-4690-aaac-e12109e70eb5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:22:30	-690.323
-32	16544	1654400	dc1d4114-4a34-4768-90e0-89795c75e92b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:31:02	-135.847
-32	33088	1654400	aa8216ae-fb2b-4840-8edd-1e9430a4a019	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:18:08	-940.584
-33	16545	1654500	2ada9b0e-c8da-4426-9b00-c091ede04ed6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:23:28	867.462
-33	33090	1654500	84949585-60a0-435d-9c87-bb883aa9fe46	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:25:22	943.677
-34	16546	1654600	bd7279f6-1584-463c-b8b3-5a530e39c19c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:33:22	-974.500
-34	33092	1654600	2e2273dd-bdaf-4a4e-8604-534ce04294b0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:44:14	779.650
-35	16547	1654700	c6e549a6-2152-40e0-b927-28bd3194489a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:59:00	700.716
-35	33094	1654700	8c266590-309d-4673-978a-6dafe798858b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:56:50	-401.275
-36	16548	1654800	cda63dd1-1ba8-4b22-85a7-e3f919a3cde1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:25:46	-386.759
-36	33096	1654800	12e94411-f820-4685-b4cf-f3db382db961	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:04:43	852.177
-37	16549	1654900	d02f7a0e-5db7-42fe-8241-163b393f2ce2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:00:41	966.306
-37	33098	1654900	be64685e-83cb-4c8d-a29b-1b4319829426	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:01:37	808.989
-38	16550	1655000	e632416d-1fd2-4610-9760-cf1de418ef64	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:10:52	118.961
-38	33100	1655000	5460d834-95e2-48d7-b58d-4eca3533487d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:12:04	-593.961
-39	16551	1655100	951424aa-9e37-46a1-b776-774d26cf804b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:41:01	-528.152
-39	33102	1655100	2c84e151-a026-4fd8-94ce-9d321a6f352c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:00:42	-264.950
-40	16552	1655200	212644e6-c461-4c26-9ea5-a97c4f8f573b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:19:34	-741.839
-40	33104	1655200	bcd42564-889a-4eef-8221-8bc2cbed5f1d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:58:06	821.709
-41	16553	1655300	9d8699d1-2867-45ee-be8a-4579c2f17f1f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:12:14	-925.63
-41	33106	1655300	236d6989-76db-429b-9bd3-e7bebdd9214a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:04:14	-669.648
-42	16554	1655400	54504a12-caf5-4d37-ae3c-45d6be27ed4f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:16:01	-161.291
-42	33108	1655400	648149fd-dc80-452f-b31b-6967fb4fc9e5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:41:31	74.506
-43	16555	1655500	a58d9908-9dc6-4c3a-b5f3-5d9c2faf582e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:32:35	433.834
-43	33110	1655500	55c69998-8f94-42da-945a-c1bdc51ce70e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:33:21	301.116
-44	16556	1655600	1be77d9f-5a40-4986-88c0-c8d8f101be73	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:14:29	-90.602
-44	33112	1655600	97281579-d24c-43e6-8d3f-dc7ebc935fd5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:49:19	168.250
-45	16557	1655700	3e685298-9148-4802-8ea2-9e40f69a796d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:44:19	-408.479
-45	33114	1655700	43377404-eb2a-419d-bea4-a0a17fb3c16c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:35:07	-494.258
-46	16558	1655800	acbb85c9-7f1a-4395-b597-e13dafbd0f64	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:05:43	896.858
-46	33116	1655800	2fb2c7f0-57a2-4e62-820a-318f6f9c1c33	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:13:06	-130.161
-47	16559	1655900	f6e28f1e-4368-43bc-b035-f2182f9dd285	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:01:48	130.220
-47	33118	1655900	87eb8039-a8c6-4ec5-b8a8-9bea669225d9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:19:36	-485.707
-48	16560	1656000	8ad0be0c-c5f8-477f-9781-5705acd60d21	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:24:50	-446.299
-48	33120	1656000	d96809cf-f7a3-485d-9450-3a1a9274065b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:55:10	-817.216
-49	16561	1656100	6a214104-042c-4904-8a6d-e7121c0c711a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:48:01	-158.348
-49	33122	1656100	951f373e-18d0-4b57-bee7-5dc9f23ceeaa	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:57:14	595.82
-50	16562	1656200	ddf7b8a2-8480-4f2b-a496-8b80d4dec785	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:06:21	-542.564
-50	33124	1656200	4686234b-97e0-49bd-bb56-e7c501aab04a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:19:40	-600.460
-51	16563	1656300	3c39f6b1-ebc3-4c7c-9f64-af99eb6cbea3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:35:31	884.7
-51	33126	1656300	c2276132-9c31-43bc-b569-6211bf788fd0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:57:00	-865.596
-52	16564	1656400	68020fe2-ba94-4aac-8cd2-6807cd191900	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:03:21	1.485
-52	33128	1656400	d6fe3618-9ae5-4d1b-ba70-5b51cec3e432	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:18:10	346.833
-53	16565	1656500	6a04d479-7a85-4a88-831e-3bc4c45bfe11	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:29:52	-973.124
-53	33130	1656500	4d323ee0-9708-48e3-9462-7afdc764a30c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:22:17	-798.53
-54	16566	1656600	6d6ac58f-5cac-48fa-ad8b-299e19e1ea14	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:44:49	-1.12
-54	33132	1656600	3514e26e-b49e-48bf-b49f-382ae46ef329	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:39:04	767.501
-55	16567	1656700	af848b95-68f9-4437-b641-a0d04753f4d9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:45:52	4.308
-55	33134	1656700	69174e3b-7e88-410c-ac11-5ac9f9df74dc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:35:34	940.359
-56	16568	1656800	ec4528b5-156a-4df9-8ed0-4ad86a0fa8cb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:18:25	-47.130
-56	33136	1656800	8447a5e2-f76f-44b2-b3b4-b5a081927b01	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:14:46	-709.668
-57	16569	1656900	5b183ef1-25ed-4bdd-bace-bfe29a13fc9e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:08:28	-829.618
-57	33138	1656900	b9a37231-5492-4e09-a392-d19deab81f9c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:13:48	-226.205
-58	16570	1657000	aff8ced4-7f69-4e27-b46e-4c1087e31968	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:10:02	-504.293
-58	33140	1657000	2f8cc45c-68bf-4c4c-bc43-913cc2c00600	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:41:05	-910.915
-59	16571	1657100	69d7ef36-f31f-4467-a65e-68582d643247	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:27:13	-292.591
-59	33142	1657100	cd2c8b4d-5520-4a00-9165-b222580e80a7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:19:16	155.751
-60	16572	1657200	fd47197e-7717-4272-9125-38bf8e829644	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:54:18	-439.41
-60	33144	1657200	855f5f3f-0902-4b45-9cd3-f2028ee04647	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:57:56	-985.579
-61	16573	1657300	6bf10f3e-90d6-4466-8cb3-adc99afe3106	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:43:37	891.262
-61	33146	1657300	e248f9d0-c357-4e3c-aa57-098690e180c6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:19:13	682.564
-62	16574	1657400	7f1ce59f-9f8b-461e-a1e7-687ec607f262	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:05:27	681.529
-62	33148	1657400	7ecac84b-3378-47a3-8d98-0c90ed66dbcc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:00:30	-935.646
-63	16575	1657500	5c82d066-a671-4056-8119-d8c198e0a374	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:25:28	-968.985
-63	33150	1657500	02086544-8e41-42b2-ad2a-51b55c6b5eca	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:40:29	317.474
-64	16576	1657600	8b69839e-4aef-43cb-9412-f8bf5fdac37d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:43:34	-921.635
-64	33152	1657600	8be4d1a9-d1e7-41a6-a0ec-4876562bf050	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:25:09	-231.735
-65	16577	1657700	112d9c19-36d2-44c3-b0cb-df6383031731	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:47:41	46.395
-65	33154	1657700	8b371eca-e64e-412c-839f-2e832f63e11d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:21:56	673.787
-66	16578	1657800	6759bc36-bbca-49cd-81a9-1b72b1bc437c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:40:09	126.648
-66	33156	1657800	5647dd70-851e-4369-a728-6bde8eac88ef	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:04:46	-81.181
-67	16579	1657900	a4b3d2c9-0131-442f-b685-bac8992861a7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:06:47	-921.143
-67	33158	1657900	05eeac98-3f4a-4ed6-8d6b-657c5d5c18d2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:43:38	-704.114
-68	16580	1658000	631b17f6-f56f-4771-af1d-74d499ed7eed	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:06:41	-431.409
-68	33160	1658000	9092fe68-a0db-417b-aa39-5ad330c2b2d7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:23:35	-529.227
-69	16581	1658100	57f199f0-1323-4de9-9c2d-e48629db7079	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:12:13	-154.440
-69	33162	1658100	6c1854ae-ece1-4b65-a762-44f5120dc49e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:58:24	687.766
-70	16582	1658200	9169f36d-1643-44e5-94fc-ad9f31862398	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:10:07	-917.670
-70	33164	1658200	cbdb8427-4684-41aa-990a-24e491912d14	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:00:12	-399.799
-71	16583	1658300	d003022b-3144-42c7-b944-4aa02a469491	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:44:15	217.775
-71	33166	1658300	5ebef0f0-87f4-41b9-8539-be279cbcb722	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:10:46	-361.15
-72	16584	1658400	399fd1fd-2792-4d92-8152-69c1c241ed3c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:51:31	533.121
-72	33168	1658400	37076721-ef89-4a57-96dc-d90a6c6b07b5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:58:29	-878.845
-73	16585	1658500	c00d45e7-a238-4bcc-859e-cbc4185b882e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:42:59	82.142
-73	33170	1658500	8a54a8d3-a9e2-43a5-b851-0fd235ddacb9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:04:18	313.970
-74	16586	1658600	f47e834c-f760-42c6-9cbe-92d3379c73b1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:47:22	-807.782
-74	33172	1658600	a8685a12-d0f9-4ed3-86f9-70ed63f5a859	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:33:30	-651.740
-75	16587	1658700	f926770f-3454-4060-8de0-e0fd0fa714fb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:41:47	990.456
-75	33174	1658700	c83b8896-be1e-4715-bf85-57f67ea299e2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:42:44	-825.253
-76	16588	1658800	532035c7-5260-4f98-9245-994f36a7d498	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:47:17	725.340
-76	33176	1658800	e548150c-788b-4ca5-9af7-303bc5273e0e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:33:16	-872.240
-77	16589	1658900	5b785a0a-54c8-4562-a2b9-39cd0fd855d2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:09:07	-974.151
-77	33178	1658900	1f2954c6-44fe-4676-86ba-f3547e72132e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:46:41	-391.749
-78	16590	1659000	660d4516-00f3-42f3-bbfe-7a590aa061f1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:49:03	-791.660
-78	33180	1659000	7ca0a741-55e4-4a67-b381-312fbada8c4d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:26:50	-430.563
-79	16591	1659100	ddf8d63b-a21c-4a23-8430-548a675940ef	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:36:41	82.261
-79	33182	1659100	1521a8ec-b1e7-4532-8039-b69a2cffbc91	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:57:01	320.352
-80	16592	1659200	7efd6b3e-13ff-4eea-9d33-7aeef82f8037	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:35:21	707.928
-80	33184	1659200	dd11099a-ac95-4ffd-8a2f-6484f8aed973	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:10:19	279.508
-81	16593	1659300	0574ef8b-d6fa-4604-8470-06e250115cf2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:44:46	125.505
-81	33186	1659300	fa9c1f2a-ad3e-48e6-87b4-ed27fc7ab115	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:55:09	-297.269
-82	16594	1659400	173d5505-024e-41dd-a517-7784dfd3eefe	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:43:31	-777.247
-82	33188	1659400	6160aecc-5c86-40b7-8044-82b227132a52	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:29:09	-552.444
-83	16595	1659500	bfa0b631-c075-46b9-b8ea-462fa0742ace	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:45:47	555.153
-83	33190	1659500	7e306887-d073-41fb-a855-b49727abfbb7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:17:46	-392.678
-84	16596	1659600	eb00629c-12f8-4dea-9936-d6e5fd42e471	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:06:52	-818.938
-84	33192	1659600	4104203d-19f9-44cc-b1b0-cc9a596cef42	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:10:40	3.540
-85	16597	1659700	3f11e530-5b00-4594-9753-5d95203f526d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:33:39	-883.508
-85	33194	1659700	fac39699-1334-4979-b7db-edb79e3fa5df	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:55:51	-649.694
-86	16598	1659800	1f180506-92d5-49e3-ace8-921872a070f1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:24:54	230.238
-86	33196	1659800	63585b47-58f8-4bee-a5c7-3daca1895d50	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:57:03	419.641
-87	16599	1659900	59c90ea0-823b-4dcb-8062-aea18ac8f563	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:13:36	886.336
-87	33198	1659900	1c202f52-a853-4a41-8780-6a94ebb7c751	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:19:45	216.933
-88	16600	1660000	f59c9a00-8443-46cb-9243-e3f751f5638e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:06:08	-796.96
-88	33200	1660000	54140a88-5343-4e97-b181-7a4067d0a091	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:49:27	625.302
-89	16601	1660100	faf3c1b1-e319-4e6a-b55b-63ac0c1db312	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:18:43	-400.876
-89	33202	1660100	8fd250a9-e188-49c5-8f5e-b2033d4bb6e1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:39:01	904.178
-90	16602	1660200	ebd80f89-9ba2-446b-84c0-19bd7702b704	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:50:57	-336.719
-90	33204	1660200	e4b5c260-c9d9-46fa-b52b-f38d901b20e3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:47:03	-6.355
-91	16603	1660300	b3831774-1478-48d6-8248-5835864e209c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:11:58	892.823
-91	33206	1660300	d8be612b-2aa5-451e-9300-366ccff290a7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:44:08	884.217
-92	16604	1660400	6117e58b-be9f-4fbc-98f4-61161dbfabb2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:03:33	337.745
-92	33208	1660400	b903be1f-bda0-426f-bd27-8f1ede800e47	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:39:01	561.381
-93	16605	1660500	cd38936f-930f-4ca3-a409-c3e96b857367	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:20:36	-114.289
-93	33210	1660500	98591cf9-bdc5-4d81-bcfc-33c8ba2234dd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:23:40	-854.954
-94	16606	1660600	0f981c49-bbb1-4469-b004-b87e87fb4115	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:35:10	544.486
-94	33212	1660600	42ce7a7a-fe67-4ea6-8805-52a168af14ad	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:13:52	-356.208
-95	16607	1660700	6ea9add0-ea06-4c0a-b5e9-23f2c2b4bc2d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:48:38	559.821
-95	33214	1660700	a1b7cf25-9ed7-4a66-8131-18106cd168a9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:31:37	90.713
-96	16608	1660800	ae8f5d92-87f7-4a7c-bc04-1a78743877a6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:06:57	417.936
-96	33216	1660800	e033189e-824e-4fbc-a8f4-5ae5d73cb6f0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:14:59	-339.945
-97	16609	1660900	53c2f7c9-f4bd-4908-ac3e-cd19c9e120c8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:20:35	-250.228
-97	33218	1660900	4947293a-3c7b-467d-8b79-b73d8f2f68f6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:09:20	116.744
-98	16610	1661000	1b6fbddf-64b4-4595-a5cb-eb2fdecd3b6a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:59:35	263.896
-98	33220	1661000	97473a9b-e75e-463a-b337-f577e82d80f7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:50:00	-160.788
-99	16611	1661100	ce0602e6-e082-44e3-a0fd-5f4a4d30574e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:12:04	238.660
-99	33222	1661100	5387f4d9-ff58-42b1-9343-e199cc90f962	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:15:56	-318.308
-100	16612	1661200	fc7f8edc-60a4-426d-b15d-75bb59d661b6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:16:46	-727.644
-100	33224	1661200	4e25a703-651e-4dcb-981f-f67ab56d5bf2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:36:46	879.524
-101	16613	1661300	cbe300d5-c10e-41b3-a597-c5f6a51b26e6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:29:22	-602.553
-101	33226	1661300	c6b42c96-eda0-4b05-b033-977037d3ad70	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:28:39	427.842
-102	16614	1661400	69e243ff-6429-46f7-8c3f-0fb9e55bf856	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:06:51	-746.72
-102	33228	1661400	8cee2e27-d6e7-4d47-8766-303ee99376fa	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:53:27	464.142
-103	16615	1661500	7e025b63-f79b-4efa-8b69-2213d965d9fa	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:42:37	968.790
-103	33230	1661500	fef74346-50a8-419b-beb3-1bbfff20f08f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:42:22	-889.828
-104	16616	1661600	81d163d4-7c91-4db8-8c39-95581d219c3e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:17:05	-686.244
-104	33232	1661600	f77999fd-b1e9-45f9-99e8-943016129c99	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:33:27	-352.84
-105	16617	1661700	b9e7590f-8d93-4a66-9fca-88f3efab0663	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:27:49	-738.165
-105	33234	1661700	072d6300-4a18-4f8d-87dc-396a45ecb0b2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:59:28	-246.78
-106	16618	1661800	3eb2f3d9-4524-45f6-987b-b9d9093de2d0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:02:42	-815.995
-106	33236	1661800	c15436d0-963d-490b-b593-32419a1ac4a4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:38:06	-261.569
-107	16619	1661900	3f4e74ca-fc39-4476-9d34-e232bb9096e6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:41:32	451.698
-107	33238	1661900	213bc727-3653-4d33-b3c2-5334cead4460	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:47:13	745.63
-108	16620	1662000	ad097261-72db-4313-89f6-c13fef02a49f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:51:01	594.414
-108	33240	1662000	e08f004d-e258-45d4-8844-f0b1536cb46c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:18:52	146.100
-109	16621	1662100	e20363a7-afa4-4920-8161-14d16027dcf1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:51:35	608.772
-109	33242	1662100	9027203d-cc9c-435a-9892-34a2059dff99	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:02:09	-220.332
-110	16622	1662200	43ad2de0-f72f-4aca-9122-6682dae17479	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:11:12	436.173
-110	33244	1662200	5c8f4db1-0ead-4e83-8fee-1144a3333830	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:40:33	-559.269
-111	16623	1662300	4a4f0296-ec60-4cc6-9752-5b12947ce21e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:02:34	-226.267
-111	33246	1662300	b4a7e369-723d-4917-8bfe-94d08c6fe244	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:57:17	636.441
-112	16624	1662400	509d1651-4060-4b7e-8419-8cad31a9a0bd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:38:33	-275.109
-112	33248	1662400	f0c3af95-33ee-4d9f-b218-f614a0521b39	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:03:07	-227.110
-113	16625	1662500	1f37010e-a947-4187-a22e-38e040819913	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:54:08	-284.896
-113	33250	1662500	f2f45335-e549-4fc5-ad7a-2ec9effea493	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:48:00	-930.403
-114	16626	1662600	38e08718-abe6-4b84-87f4-9c42fd4f22d5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:43:52	-89.493
-114	33252	1662600	c4d07bd2-7ca3-4c92-8630-6d4d1f416765	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:07:37	-951.67
-115	16627	1662700	d2fc9ec7-de11-4be2-8143-a32d59c66803	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:11:54	-546.579
-115	33254	1662700	956febf2-fe7e-4fd0-98ca-f3131e9d6556	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:00:10	-565.903
-116	16628	1662800	78f3479a-9de0-46bf-9968-39c15b452af8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:58:23	783.162
-116	33256	1662800	3b331c80-b9f3-44ce-a359-a3d5f64128ee	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:28:11	-375.225
-117	16629	1662900	7926a19d-4021-401c-94dc-e9012ec1eea5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:20:47	959.965
-117	33258	1662900	98c8b63a-4d54-4d03-be71-d366c43b0819	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:09:13	-459.913
-118	16630	1663000	a806de94-74be-4a5c-8599-3a57fd3ad6ce	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:11:46	323.145
-118	33260	1663000	a2ca169e-ec22-4eed-89ec-cdf75cbc6892	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:07:26	521.141
-119	16631	1663100	b776815d-4123-4d1d-a82f-7b69d5497aee	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:04:34	918.27
-119	33262	1663100	7cac1b49-0a3b-494d-9e98-5c0d99e818f7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:18:49	196.664
-120	16632	1663200	a655ab48-65ff-44b2-8ac8-d995f8862de4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:06:59	-801.224
-120	33264	1663200	41fcca97-071b-4746-8cde-d5a61e5a7c2b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:02:33	598.519
-121	16633	1663300	d72ca41b-89c9-481c-86bc-8ad434dc4e60	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:24:46	213.162
-121	33266	1663300	e26166ff-15f8-4890-a033-4d560538fb9c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:33:29	271.340
-122	16634	1663400	405b54a8-100e-4b53-bfff-4018f4b16a70	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:07:53	-359.42
-122	33268	1663400	fd7bc2e7-e8b1-492e-b3a7-3d921ff01482	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:35:22	196.80
-123	16635	1663500	49293df1-fef6-49c6-a9f1-d36e09526e8e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:28:55	-790.507
-123	33270	1663500	c00d4fef-9b6a-44c9-b738-58d807f40d17	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:03:42	-439.825
-124	16636	1663600	80286e54-4115-40ea-a532-ecc06308f356	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:32:01	-721.193
-124	33272	1663600	1e936d31-f377-4333-a5f6-6703a2289811	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:15:50	-310.562
-125	16637	1663700	f942c977-da46-40ab-a00c-619422840b3a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:22:39	164.69
-125	33274	1663700	f47f8e9d-8412-450e-bf95-10783045f1e1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:55:34	501.149
-126	16638	1663800	e1d47d35-b58e-4e98-93d4-b32b01b8931f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:30:05	712.183
-126	33276	1663800	3663f5cd-5ec7-4a74-80fe-b621daffc8f4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:28:30	546.390
-127	16639	1663900	c5c4cd9e-b12f-4ac4-aa49-17f7b11fa733	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:29:19	-85.360
-127	33278	1663900	846e94c3-9164-49e2-81a7-f7b4efe6e248	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:22:09	-662.237
-0	16640	1664000	b5dd8b52-34f1-4e91-b1cc-830d987dfc7c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:43:15	-659.714
-0	33280	1664000	41b7c2fa-23b5-44b0-aaa7-5620156aa6ff	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:07:36	343.238
-1	16641	1664100	ee2587b2-05f0-412b-89fd-ec239fe7c3d0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:24:36	231.31
-1	33282	1664100	0d34c9c1-b133-4abf-bd15-629e4dd49f34	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:03:30	-715.288
-2	16642	1664200	52048e35-2842-432c-a830-77f92c967d0b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:16:37	907.526
-2	33284	1664200	7bad9bb0-20b8-4b64-813e-1acf347a0cb4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:47:36	-667.852
-3	16643	1664300	acd3c288-78b9-4dba-8bd4-8be115603447	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:39:47	288.990
-3	33286	1664300	1bea42ec-d344-404b-82e8-48e2095ca093	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:05:41	7.992
-4	16644	1664400	19b5b755-ef22-48e4-a332-e3e8dc1e5d26	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:44:55	850.669
-4	33288	1664400	b7d43ab2-df4b-4a57-a25b-062d21e10fd9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:31:22	798.812
-5	16645	1664500	cc376e18-445b-47f5-ac3d-c1cb75384cbd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:50:11	607.227
-5	33290	1664500	a0fa2d9d-22f5-4b8b-a7b6-e07a04da5e15	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:26:54	-263.809
-6	16646	1664600	04f9d159-ecd1-46b7-a602-aeacbd3e382c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:06:50	-181.854
-6	33292	1664600	5f33ceb8-b71f-40e5-8b46-532bfbd4ab7b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:50:18	-543.775
-7	16647	1664700	de495cb3-5d6a-49e5-8e44-c1efb6b4613f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:27:19	941.164
-7	33294	1664700	983ffaa8-2d6d-4262-8dba-b359a6a08fc3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:09:41	601.859
-8	16648	1664800	4447e4ac-231e-440f-bf43-58cc55ba6eb2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:10:43	-46.124
-8	33296	1664800	ecb29987-9e6a-410b-a031-b55b6f99ce54	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:23:21	695.374
-9	16649	1664900	0d79f584-d450-48fb-ae3c-ed3a1a8dc9e7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:55:54	43.482
-9	33298	1664900	5740a3b9-ff00-416b-9fa5-8bb140b4135e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:13:56	-886.963
-10	16650	1665000	76f8d9da-738b-4349-aa49-0e66f5cdf42b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:06:25	992.102
-10	33300	1665000	59ead970-4216-4519-8b44-477a43a2d62e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:14:18	310.664
-11	16651	1665100	c8c0d77e-c300-4c3c-80fd-9c8f73cf4ba0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:33:18	-155.303
-11	33302	1665100	65a0d776-c25e-42ae-a545-9bf8d20f0694	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:39:19	320.339
-12	16652	1665200	264e8723-d5aa-4f04-9308-5a01a7ba893d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:24:27	-511.284
-12	33304	1665200	b331d256-a9e7-4b6d-a0c4-3eaf85e43257	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:37:37	-842.781
-13	16653	1665300	d95c33e5-b98c-43ef-a3fb-09cb4156a495	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:29:15	958.862
-13	33306	1665300	bf01ad06-3be5-47fa-aacc-b0a0f2b4cc68	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:57:59	-385.664
-14	16654	1665400	d7e2b6d1-956c-4892-9521-d9a713f78673	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:18:58	-256.111
-14	33308	1665400	e3436153-7699-4289-85cd-bc834006ed08	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:53:29	885.377
-15	16655	1665500	5522cc83-a647-4f9c-9651-84af12bdc290	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:00:09	-525.476
-15	33310	1665500	26392cc7-e14f-45f0-9a3a-143e7c52b5bf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:49:57	625.983
-16	16656	1665600	4574e43f-5df4-464b-bd2f-657ef79616a0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:52:13	496.45
-16	33312	1665600	1f488484-c09a-4988-a4aa-aa0c9e27b4a8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:04:53	776.89
-17	16657	1665700	a0238cf0-6f55-4dea-9409-22de72ee5b76	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:36:58	-897.468
-17	33314	1665700	3dfdac4f-f4d2-4b4b-aab0-baab66b70ac4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:06:36	-838.377
-18	16658	1665800	395b967d-41d4-4a0a-ba92-19abe0dcec2a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:56:32	930.924
-18	33316	1665800	f02c4ac7-aaa8-4bc9-aac7-9f175a0c4ab1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:12:34	582.668
-19	16659	1665900	d33d6e78-f4c3-438e-9974-1be6684eba1b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:23:20	-63.151
-19	33318	1665900	08c22e12-7416-435a-a802-427a352b1ebd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:02:41	172.586
-20	16660	1666000	882a6d0d-a00d-45d0-833c-8184351442d6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:50:19	361.334
-20	33320	1666000	2d52dba2-aa0f-406a-8652-8b6c972a8bb3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:47:34	-528.459
-21	16661	1666100	d6ce3f0f-f858-4053-936b-c996c60c4203	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:48:48	694.771
-21	33322	1666100	4586452c-c115-48f8-a179-74c8b2b65f74	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:36:08	574.695
-22	16662	1666200	3ca96047-86bd-43f1-8dc6-3159e86562e9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:17:11	376.368
-22	33324	1666200	a66c258d-72b4-4423-bc3c-97921919c3d6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:24:22	163.883
-23	16663	1666300	d2df9a77-1b39-4082-85f2-08ca04897e84	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:10:53	-44.260
-23	33326	1666300	4703a7d8-c834-40ce-b364-abc890b1bf3b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:46:17	-355.118
-24	16664	1666400	b131f560-0240-4571-b73b-203ad380d394	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:03:14	-705.180
-24	33328	1666400	bc42cbfd-b8c3-4531-b765-fea4d538212e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:09:34	433.826
-25	16665	1666500	a2520d23-4131-4699-86ff-eb072d4a4b4e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:59:29	-539.121
-25	33330	1666500	282c2b6d-44c9-4b7b-939e-48797fee64a5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:06:43	-870.888
-26	16666	1666600	225c4c5a-bfee-4762-9efb-370a3a0a694b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:31:20	191.382
-26	33332	1666600	12617a63-3d8c-4bdf-99cb-117967fcf54a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:27:36	123.619
-27	16667	1666700	e9690108-849e-405b-8c6b-4b8bb1f0e540	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:31:42	206.876
-27	33334	1666700	56dcf9a7-9619-40d8-bf1a-7ef3b26452b1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:50:13	64.507
-28	16668	1666800	b4e3b4ca-8295-4bcd-bc19-025254db316b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:55:20	277.65
-28	33336	1666800	1eef55be-abd8-4246-b3b7-6ac1a4782380	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:59:26	-976.608
-29	16669	1666900	f4a762ac-e68a-46bb-b03f-26dc68c0904a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:21:57	594.819
-29	33338	1666900	b174d80a-d0e4-428f-aca4-4712960c7959	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:43:39	-159.817
-30	16670	1667000	ae3bf16d-4395-4c17-b6cc-f98f41c1775e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:03:52	-992.206
-30	33340	1667000	bbfb7a06-c26a-45ea-ae60-eb9eed811091	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:03:15	-101.885
-31	16671	1667100	7872ab7d-b247-439d-a617-84b161cd5fde	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:40:26	-375.448
-31	33342	1667100	e276bf17-87e1-4fb9-af24-4a3e3cdf999c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:55:02	602.879
-32	16672	1667200	7e69ed75-12a3-4343-acea-2f6f12c23c96	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:43:49	-591.616
-32	33344	1667200	e0a58f38-ee44-4c59-a26d-8f48d43c8842	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:52:29	120.107
-33	16673	1667300	c9301074-ceac-4da9-a5c0-3c757c2621ac	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:59:52	-8.583
-33	33346	1667300	247d6ac4-692d-4736-bead-c5a22da8f732	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:54:22	-663.908
-34	16674	1667400	4ab60806-0cbc-4fad-8823-55fe0dee9127	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:32:30	-945.792
-34	33348	1667400	45a8039f-7f13-471b-8309-525c62719731	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:10:58	189.119
-35	16675	1667500	8e9a7941-b66d-4d2e-ba56-0438bc983108	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:14:06	-417.566
-35	33350	1667500	fe2c3edc-bebe-4d40-8318-f6178abcad50	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:36:39	309.942
-36	16676	1667600	736bf44a-8dd8-4e1e-b8c3-cea5eb26be36	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:41:45	326.446
-36	33352	1667600	2cec4643-d685-4256-935f-dc16632db0fa	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:11:55	989.569
-37	16677	1667700	e84d14c8-1c18-4415-b0c9-36636a2db436	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:55:56	-214.629
-37	33354	1667700	12927dff-6b98-47b1-a193-5ae661643c27	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:44:02	50.122
-38	16678	1667800	6ea1257d-4c5f-462f-a1a8-dc9f175dc09b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:29:44	467.519
-38	33356	1667800	392a2996-7ace-43c5-87b3-f47b91afa197	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:50:02	519.273
-39	16679	1667900	09ebda1d-3830-4066-bd11-a268117d6f08	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:46:40	-360.543
-39	33358	1667900	c87e1302-6f6c-4c1c-958b-a533455b53ef	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:51:23	-939.822
-40	16680	1668000	9bf296aa-0630-47ad-b199-b111d4d76a2f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:58:34	-141.578
-40	33360	1668000	fd9e48cb-5f3d-4076-ae7b-b59b278cf45e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:20:10	513.719
-41	16681	1668100	fda36111-4bbf-4fd2-ae88-e7ed8f7c923f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:06:32	947.39
-41	33362	1668100	e110a681-a339-438b-bae1-98c7ff9ddc85	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:00:55	948.179
-42	16682	1668200	c91bc8fa-ab62-4e0c-9591-60220c93d873	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:16:37	665.410
-42	33364	1668200	73dd6316-29c2-4251-951d-6dbe981395cd	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:30:36	-916.874
-43	16683	1668300	c462da88-23a4-4331-b489-6106b494d508	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:25:14	633.901
-43	33366	1668300	04101e3e-5809-4fc7-b45b-51473461f732	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:00:46	259.178
-44	16684	1668400	73454715-f58f-420f-a4ea-0c0a81d79f8a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:24:54	-586.867
-44	33368	1668400	22cb28ef-20e5-4d59-9b71-227740987cdd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:25:24	-490.441
-45	16685	1668500	61dd4ab0-f258-4281-a76f-1fe3c2f48419	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:50:18	-376.13
-45	33370	1668500	0f651322-828e-438b-81f3-6f56df590f07	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:22:35	-108.777
-46	16686	1668600	e1fb67c0-172a-457c-a0f6-c5c59b4621ee	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:04:10	225.5
-46	33372	1668600	9f2944b4-1aae-4a4f-9879-10f2dd5aa050	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:04:31	-540.213
-47	16687	1668700	c274eb43-174e-4259-8c94-c6276357d0fd	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:09:12	-605.444
-47	33374	1668700	c81914dd-3c8f-46a0-a4ce-9207736b589b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:12:33	-482.565
-48	16688	1668800	6bcce9ae-bc8d-439e-a789-4806ed83b0fb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:58:16	-72.932
-48	33376	1668800	c90d8aee-781f-44c5-90ee-57f571446a31	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:49:32	479.534
-49	16689	1668900	62593544-0793-456d-9049-db479356542a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:35:54	-949.209
-49	33378	1668900	df92f28f-23bb-41d2-8439-e26cb1426a36	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:10:18	507.553
-50	16690	1669000	29923b3b-760a-4ea9-9411-c0dbbf00d511	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:51:11	491.761
-50	33380	1669000	d957405c-7ff2-44f1-ba83-e9081dfcde10	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:10:57	-273.148
-51	16691	1669100	088dcd0b-8fd5-4f65-8643-5f54f901121f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:44:12	-462.55
-51	33382	1669100	e134d13b-e8f7-468f-93b3-2a570915238c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:53:08	355.370
-52	16692	1669200	4787eeac-e121-4b15-9669-75eb2702f96e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:12:17	-814.181
-52	33384	1669200	51e05376-736b-411b-afac-49c5af9f7f0f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:52:30	264.218
-53	16693	1669300	de29dd83-3142-4266-bb33-d918cfaa8bf8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:34:32	-209.692
-53	33386	1669300	d84ac55e-5f8f-4dfb-80ca-0f6863f53cd3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:45:39	409.393
-54	16694	1669400	b637b886-7064-44b9-8882-7e836cf13603	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:15:24	-582.69
-54	33388	1669400	b295f93c-95d8-4eae-9447-7c1351554a1d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:23:39	686.112
-55	16695	1669500	60ee312a-65d3-41a9-8258-baa3d3c4d3d2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:47:16	749.271
-55	33390	1669500	c7e7852b-53cd-491b-b181-907febc41dc4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:15:52	606.422
-56	16696	1669600	00c0b274-69ba-4823-b1c9-b4ab0172eda9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:12:22	-805.814
-56	33392	1669600	326eb843-451f-4e65-ac2a-6518a819a04c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:51:11	515.255
-57	16697	1669700	726f0fcb-d95a-43c6-8b4d-ab522864c44c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:57:20	-480.180
-57	33394	1669700	de214092-5c20-4660-af1d-7ccef9ea917c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:10:28	-356.275
-58	16698	1669800	a92b5638-2b97-4693-8fd3-2209aa8fd792	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:31:22	-471.488
-58	33396	1669800	f6d1643a-7eba-4a31-b547-5cf75ee6ff23	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:04:55	-144.362
-59	16699	1669900	f040912c-809b-45e8-9712-09e6fa5af413	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:26:04	-199.47
-59	33398	1669900	44ca7cdc-dc39-4059-92ec-ec1cd29c7b39	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:11:17	-110.641
-60	16700	1670000	f57f4e77-4c65-4a3c-a944-70f8417eee01	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:34:55	-233.649
-60	33400	1670000	ebe254a7-6203-4903-811b-d253059489c7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:40:33	-562.867
-61	16701	1670100	7100498b-28ef-4f9e-818d-49d01496e4f1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:28:26	-825.737
-61	33402	1670100	e73b9e6e-ca8d-491e-ae05-eb0494dc2465	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:20:25	777.635
-62	16702	1670200	015cd0e5-b8a1-4d5b-9b6e-b4f94bb8e198	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:19:54	-168.533
-62	33404	1670200	39a4c813-2923-407c-a968-cf6d17b798f6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:42:39	629.220
-63	16703	1670300	82a85959-4595-45d4-9cf0-bc98205f55e6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:04:53	209.965
-63	33406	1670300	94ed0707-7f58-44d2-8534-6e820a55898d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:43:07	-531.114
-64	16704	1670400	21118b49-602c-43d4-9865-ac5220433efc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:06:54	568.199
-64	33408	1670400	b15cfe70-7b0a-4a32-93e6-0d76cb928eae	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:06:03	596.798
-65	16705	1670500	5849881e-a5b2-4ca7-a563-23cbf638d620	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:30:57	434.385
-65	33410	1670500	672e9700-1d8e-41b4-a9e2-ce3d6962361b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:39:06	-45.74
-66	16706	1670600	e6b1a593-8f8e-45b4-8c7c-228d205c5a4c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:13:52	-650.500
-66	33412	1670600	9103e0a1-73b6-415d-94e8-d48ac5eb5873	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:14:32	-894.336
-67	16707	1670700	ef5b2beb-ffbe-498c-b109-958a8c3f01e1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:36:43	942.938
-67	33414	1670700	912edbc3-cfbb-4646-943b-6fb316c6d68f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:14:52	446.797
-68	16708	1670800	896373f1-b463-4d60-a715-15725f0a99c3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:55:27	-965.157
-68	33416	1670800	0ef49aa4-c845-4ab5-8a4f-dce36c7ff676	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:13:33	219.744
-69	16709	1670900	3c912250-5e92-436e-ae24-9fee87104af1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:36:30	736.959
-69	33418	1670900	6d1fdad4-ad5f-4716-9717-7b46cb02d1bf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:10:06	985.922
-70	16710	1671000	8ef83c11-a9f9-4772-81db-4e9e22195239	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:01:22	904.412
-70	33420	1671000	c846719c-731b-4a9c-a510-9196e367308b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:32:55	-873.590
-71	16711	1671100	2c9e25e8-437c-4f8d-ac56-3b80b67298fc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:39:30	261.195
-71	33422	1671100	a9b20139-9dcf-4896-859e-fc86dc6cc8e8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:57:24	615.752
-72	16712	1671200	46ae2ca8-de52-418b-86dd-98e12ea7db2b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:04:35	-736.159
-72	33424	1671200	a121e09b-5f60-4b93-9da3-af780f8ce62b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:20:17	935.458
-73	16713	1671300	f096bae6-3777-4803-b809-878bfdd5f552	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:56:29	617.49
-73	33426	1671300	a7187e06-5bcb-4116-8b76-562825e53817	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:19:45	467.102
-74	16714	1671400	3b4eeb7e-04fc-436c-8116-5e30a7ffc68c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:55:33	-35.316
-74	33428	1671400	97ba4db5-2321-48f0-add0-f807b6291a0c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:09:31	-398.842
-75	16715	1671500	70e81504-0dc5-4280-93d8-1e408a4499c2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:50:39	-527.156
-75	33430	1671500	6a3d6c8f-ab0b-4bd1-bf66-b6b3c65e2024	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:08:09	918.522
-76	16716	1671600	e0cc1692-9ee5-4884-924c-927c9acd1ab9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:15:36	-796.182
-76	33432	1671600	350663cc-f254-4e3e-92b8-cdf2aaa84c7b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:49:46	307.959
-77	16717	1671700	a0b1b1b2-d216-4601-b78a-c58e34bd3158	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:51:06	779.371
-77	33434	1671700	4e27e637-751c-4424-972f-9edf9f11919d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:14:27	509.291
-78	16718	1671800	100e56a0-9fcb-4435-801a-96703ca6fcec	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:22:19	-582.527
-78	33436	1671800	380e01ce-e43b-418a-afa6-0f6e32a1f59c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:04:29	54.204
-79	16719	1671900	543ba61c-f642-4d4c-bbcc-6a9dc888f17c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:30:33	-45.195
-79	33438	1671900	6b006b81-65a5-48fd-a152-291b46fbecc3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:15:55	-853.240
-80	16720	1672000	21aa9ffc-4d40-48d8-97be-f62db0127028	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:30:36	-392.389
-80	33440	1672000	282cf6f7-b998-418e-a24e-ce22a59c843e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:10:44	-219.205
-81	16721	1672100	a819f03b-3f52-411c-b84c-361e9ffc1f5d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:47:42	-783.815
-81	33442	1672100	7ce1286e-1a8c-4dad-bef4-85ead37ec514	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:27:00	-592.635
-82	16722	1672200	2d1ae674-399c-40c0-810e-14896cab3226	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:48:01	516.218
-82	33444	1672200	76b3f28f-8bd0-4741-b458-f45391515df7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:59:52	548.678
-83	16723	1672300	d62d3c44-37da-4b24-a060-f3bd8d1c0b4a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:16:37	302.792
-83	33446	1672300	131bea17-d766-4123-ad92-c0e9705b9bbf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:02:49	124.20
-84	16724	1672400	3199a3ff-bbfc-4dad-aaa6-f7394cfa3561	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:43:43	-277.198
-84	33448	1672400	6d925ef8-fd79-43d3-964d-193490caa51b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:31:28	-905.656
-85	16725	1672500	4ce35f13-5e10-4927-b0b0-7b8ccdfc28c3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:49:44	-183.238
-85	33450	1672500	b212fcb7-1ec4-4f48-b601-ab3ac7ecf334	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:35:11	-10.902
-86	16726	1672600	28693e44-726b-4fd5-9e27-cde452dd67b3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:05:00	293.558
-86	33452	1672600	4d22b147-d255-41d2-8ac9-2262c3703486	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:19:05	-694.77
-87	16727	1672700	445dc5a8-e97a-4cc2-9c04-2c4002929c77	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:49:41	-680.30
-87	33454	1672700	933b0fc5-9f7e-4cf4-8869-37e33f0811f4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:46:49	-300.145
-88	16728	1672800	cb433d4b-36fc-4c4a-b3f2-6ce07377a4e1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:53:31	-947.248
-88	33456	1672800	01ac1a85-ddf7-498f-a74e-9f771ac7d96b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:35:05	250.516
-89	16729	1672900	f7bb7750-0a36-45d3-aea1-36daa1224980	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:08:32	704.828
-89	33458	1672900	1310bbfb-24e1-444e-8ae9-a4896c9ea371	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:32:55	820.832
-90	16730	1673000	3f794923-eaa4-41bd-bc31-b29bbc130124	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:15:40	113.987
-90	33460	1673000	550b3f64-68bc-41df-a19e-eb89a1169b30	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:55:07	-512.330
-91	16731	1673100	81ba0fb5-bf89-403c-9cd2-8169c3c79bf0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:45:31	468.630
-91	33462	1673100	d4263bc4-4e37-4d29-9ff2-958efaa217da	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:07:20	-266.314
-92	16732	1673200	137ff7e6-bc47-495b-82b7-1aebce3a7c75	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:12:45	311.716
-92	33464	1673200	8cfc30c2-e45a-443b-b492-e5372a70b9f4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:32:35	-730.147
-93	16733	1673300	f65a8577-b7dc-42ae-9e7b-c89950796ea2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:51:57	368.563
-93	33466	1673300	b3911e14-326a-4d97-9f33-dbd1cc8cd439	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:36:45	487.184
-94	16734	1673400	75da632c-9a4a-4f61-8aa9-e2e5877ad119	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:18:43	-125.322
-94	33468	1673400	9275e8f6-32de-4041-a5c3-f6ef2d02aee0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:25:07	-121.971
-95	16735	1673500	01a0e5ad-3b7e-4833-ac71-431d5d7f6f50	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:12:50	11.374
-95	33470	1673500	7a863294-bef4-48bb-8f47-500dbe36bdaa	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:21:44	-429.133
-96	16736	1673600	045b77aa-a39b-4b98-af72-b42c8e5c7083	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:51:52	-526.60
-96	33472	1673600	885a9c2b-c907-4779-878b-a9a5bb2c9b76	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:07:58	516.294
-97	16737	1673700	9ba60d83-584c-40d4-b35b-14cd61b64a7e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:46:34	517.575
-97	33474	1673700	6f6a0c9e-61cb-47b7-839f-5b4f0155d2ba	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:39:54	629.715
-98	16738	1673800	92a212cd-c059-4c7c-85e4-f10c82f1b9cb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:25:17	-253.743
-98	33476	1673800	d634dd9f-1b92-4a4c-9261-75e66ae05ab1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:03:00	787.155
-99	16739	1673900	a808874e-b742-4037-8deb-7787154793d9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:37:58	555.114
-99	33478	1673900	a37d1faa-4eab-40f8-93d9-4bdfb872d5ec	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:44:13	157.413
-100	16740	1674000	534f9b38-934b-48b8-9ff6-22150dd2d14a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:59:14	886.940
-100	33480	1674000	5c1a0c8f-997e-42cd-835f-a80f5feac2a7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:37:28	-834.529
-101	16741	1674100	76d5282d-09ec-4eac-8de3-75b6537a9d36	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:22:15	365.989
-101	33482	1674100	d8ba38cd-cad2-4de2-87a0-d0b8300c57e1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:56:20	804.440
-102	16742	1674200	1ccfe2ec-cfa4-408e-b1bd-4b7e1cfee84b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:03:20	-877.414
-102	33484	1674200	c435ec10-1e2e-44be-84d1-a0d990c23dd3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:28:26	546.409
-103	16743	1674300	e0b5588b-bd6f-467b-80fc-651a50885a58	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:05:21	396.316
-103	33486	1674300	56f6d73f-f3ae-4902-ae99-1b62e2fabb86	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:00:47	-308.854
-104	16744	1674400	20145972-f372-4afe-a3f8-d305ddb17dc2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:14:18	626.764
-104	33488	1674400	5bbfcfa6-502b-4ad2-b5b4-0721cb03f1c3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:32:11	438.41
-105	16745	1674500	d8274899-e0bc-493b-a0ed-812710448810	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:09:37	-585.157
-105	33490	1674500	45ea40ca-c491-4ba6-b503-becf43520e2d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:49:08	547.797
-106	16746	1674600	dfc6ec9c-76d2-4ea2-bccb-b75dd579fc83	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:11:42	650.857
-106	33492	1674600	f8eb421c-da58-417e-a2b1-b8af4449043d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:04:24	-696.78
-107	16747	1674700	59376ec5-ede4-46e0-b76e-e8e9a751c78f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:30:25	-546.203
-107	33494	1674700	efca8571-2360-471f-ac55-a7426dbd6988	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:18:50	404.287
-108	16748	1674800	80438709-6874-4b5b-941f-9ead9e087032	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:46:22	956.289
-108	33496	1674800	4bd9af4d-c5d6-48ca-8d29-77ebcf978374	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:27:06	176.152
-109	16749	1674900	17f93d00-c609-4501-a194-fb7ed52be055	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:07:03	365.752
-109	33498	1674900	30c7da38-d571-46d7-a7a4-0c33b06196cc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:03:13	-2.248
-110	16750	1675000	58013b34-3f52-4aee-a213-2470e8ddb052	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:18:03	139.346
-110	33500	1675000	00ba22a9-b341-46f7-92a1-c2e218e51ac0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:09:00	-302.36
-111	16751	1675100	30b75315-b14c-4123-b608-0559b0f4bd3d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:18:51	-677.704
-111	33502	1675100	89309dde-2aa4-4069-ad70-325bbd50764e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:50:54	225.829
-112	16752	1675200	d167b5b3-fca8-4173-a4b7-f96bb8b268e0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:57:00	15.980
-112	33504	1675200	d8740ca4-841e-43c2-9893-6c15f8c28c80	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:05:22	-394.973
-113	16753	1675300	3e46b1ea-a4f2-406c-b57b-ebe52882915c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:56:39	334.259
-113	33506	1675300	fa517bb8-8ae5-4ab2-b24b-4cdb65e4bcb1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:14:17	142.486
-114	16754	1675400	58fa331c-2eb7-468a-b2ed-a4bf1fd5976d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:39:51	972.794
-114	33508	1675400	99a76304-b99e-4fea-8668-33ea1a778006	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:12:59	-562.184
-115	16755	1675500	2b9d5496-38f2-4186-877d-14b3fb55275d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:18:01	-426.76
-115	33510	1675500	491f2487-80bf-4630-a989-3c4d7e3635e2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:09:30	-789.452
-116	16756	1675600	b221d17e-77ca-4907-bd31-15c3b3e14530	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:15:01	834.720
-116	33512	1675600	2491aad0-263b-429b-89a0-600815f4166b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:58:25	275.19
-117	16757	1675700	f30bb519-a791-49c1-810c-5311198f37ee	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:28:36	-398.352
-117	33514	1675700	fde0c2f6-962e-4730-9577-ed32dec8507b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:47:31	-117.404
-118	16758	1675800	c5de85b2-778e-4d4e-ad82-a3e204cedfda	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:23:44	997.527
-118	33516	1675800	f38b0386-3a52-42e2-865d-ba3adc1643ce	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:01:58	778.634
-119	16759	1675900	9644acf3-66f0-407b-94ae-c02ac8e75a2c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:06:51	187.210
-119	33518	1675900	07b2a7b0-edba-4231-b57d-d471c70965d5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:03:12	900.315
-120	16760	1676000	db0838c2-0be5-4f88-9e0e-a438abc8d358	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:43:48	-240.300
-120	33520	1676000	bbda246e-6642-4d80-9b67-e82a83b28c55	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:46:04	70.501
-121	16761	1676100	11ee8dac-b886-49a8-ad9b-e0637a08ccea	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:05:28	456.110
-121	33522	1676100	4f21bd2d-be4f-47b8-b99a-a4a40a06a8bd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:11:38	-293.496
-122	16762	1676200	8446665c-b6b2-431b-a9f2-09117f9ff297	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:40:20	734.466
-122	33524	1676200	1134ab09-7df8-4595-8ce6-8cea32fed5c5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:20:56	333.517
-123	16763	1676300	4be7f8be-6636-4aad-9826-b9bfa661048b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:36:43	-18.289
-123	33526	1676300	0c0151dd-670d-44d5-aec4-f73096561871	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:36:56	-777.502
-124	16764	1676400	4e16196d-3141-4b47-9c7c-cdfe7e201ee0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:14:18	-758.965
-124	33528	1676400	2c64efb0-15d2-4bce-a2a8-43b7738b8e76	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:05:06	752.487
-125	16765	1676500	24765e39-0335-47f3-b8de-1e1ccc231889	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:24:18	-554.155
-125	33530	1676500	f42b106b-03e9-4d90-93a3-9374892e9386	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:47:40	278.82
-126	16766	1676600	aa8a5953-1756-4ee7-a769-434e999704d3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:15:26	775.72
-126	33532	1676600	73614e77-c638-4dce-9f37-8b3c3c516e31	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:53:51	-660.595
-127	16767	1676700	94f54cd4-55a8-4556-b236-dc59b2327825	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:35:06	390.720
-127	33534	1676700	44183213-0a7d-4009-ba53-3fe1992e999a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:53:07	-561.98
-0	16768	1676800	1846a138-9f94-4dba-ac4c-a0ec518dc672	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:48:26	-318.86
-0	33536	1676800	6b5d5ec8-ea90-469d-bb19-eab3953dce23	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:26:38	-51.774
-1	16769	1676900	e68ccba0-a272-494e-9493-cf758f5f523f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:06:33	-534.804
-1	33538	1676900	f3fa8271-830c-43e6-8295-9186dfe0005f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:26:35	-577.591
-2	16770	1677000	aa4d504f-3478-421c-954a-223017afdf71	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:35:17	-398.974
-2	33540	1677000	cb4873aa-8b51-4aeb-967c-c3c147d4aed2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:24:30	-527.109
-3	16771	1677100	29493cfb-83d9-4b56-8dc0-bdffb8bd4107	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:43:47	44.81
-3	33542	1677100	925a163b-5bac-4250-b9c2-20a1dc6d2498	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:57:39	85.82
-4	16772	1677200	4ddd5d04-dfe8-449d-a0b8-33f8662fed6f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:42:36	-139.900
-4	33544	1677200	1055f347-8b5c-48dc-8535-4a2851fd19b9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:25:03	689.835
-5	16773	1677300	8d6bf084-711b-431d-a990-2ae41dd62cd0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:49:59	-698.331
-5	33546	1677300	7bace466-df37-4147-8825-60f1d3ab281a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:22:10	852.897
-6	16774	1677400	965cc5d0-3155-4ac3-9d0c-19598aa1b1fd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:27:32	107.747
-6	33548	1677400	6807e3eb-faba-4f16-a09f-27ac78553eb7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:49:09	774.238
-7	16775	1677500	48549ee8-cfca-4369-9445-7f1d0c30d7a3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:37:27	603.847
-7	33550	1677500	bf930dd5-f1e9-4cb6-914c-ca9bfd133500	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:54:40	745.811
-8	16776	1677600	4103e5f8-be6e-4986-a671-ba127debaa96	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:45:41	-209.681
-8	33552	1677600	871287ca-ec25-4b9a-bb1e-e1bf50f83591	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:01:00	225.62
-9	16777	1677700	e557c927-455e-4643-b75c-527660d0463a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:16:41	717.271
-9	33554	1677700	0a0d95e0-542a-4c7f-a6c5-35c4d86bb45f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:40:49	-964.971
-10	16778	1677800	1118a2b0-289b-4cbb-badf-f6de3f7ddaee	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:15:44	-525.266
-10	33556	1677800	7a768879-6194-4280-a633-30573fafdcb6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:43:04	65.838
-11	16779	1677900	806000e6-8b6e-4eed-96a4-fccb4cf903f1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:17:09	111.540
-11	33558	1677900	03cf3abf-8ec6-4583-8b59-d977c81834c7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:08:25	793.862
-12	16780	1678000	85f5b987-24ba-431f-a2e8-3e359c344b8a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:13:23	-145.844
-12	33560	1678000	1c9f2ff2-f290-4384-b4c2-bfb0a43a4a45	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:06:35	593.688
-13	16781	1678100	5c06c4ff-e435-4f07-8d73-fe282cdf6520	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:52:38	-824.403
-13	33562	1678100	da068b00-3ce4-4353-8a49-a80d02ad0734	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:03:42	712.213
-14	16782	1678200	6b8dd695-0f54-4763-8610-0816392a3ccb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:47:54	-265.8
-14	33564	1678200	98cc0044-9299-4ecc-a7b8-22dddc004bf1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:49:48	-974.334
-15	16783	1678300	fd030020-32c1-4dcf-993b-87bc018a5023	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:35:07	32.393
-15	33566	1678300	e1372892-415a-4e46-9322-57121187378b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:56:08	-295.359
-16	16784	1678400	e170650e-8d65-44e0-9fdb-d2d6663ea293	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:35:33	-246.19
-16	33568	1678400	94cac5ba-e628-45be-a84f-7166a8febb26	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:36:44	977.551
-17	16785	1678500	572faa81-d4dd-4c86-a70b-592f3a54d269	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:56:29	-162.467
-17	33570	1678500	f07939fa-88ef-4700-970b-900bc444e174	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:24:37	-52.444
-18	16786	1678600	35db8feb-1978-4cf0-b341-7ff63e253e11	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:40:54	797.546
-18	33572	1678600	fb36b630-5719-43fe-aa3c-f94a6fab069f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:42:27	201.183
-19	16787	1678700	e834c12b-d214-4944-a699-07211f16e468	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:56:37	794.895
-19	33574	1678700	509c1728-d7ce-46c8-a24d-b655c0a8e5da	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:53:32	319.851
-20	16788	1678800	6ef70e22-5fb9-4802-8dc4-c39a30293c7b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:55:32	60.608
-20	33576	1678800	35ab719b-5286-4448-bb8a-6b4860cb0aee	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:46:28	61.89
-21	16789	1678900	789726ba-cc89-46bc-a8d4-a046cc9b1d0a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:08:41	849.713
-21	33578	1678900	bf60bd4e-3134-4f48-8b07-a4e8334723fe	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:51:44	-756.293
-22	16790	1679000	1d145e35-5461-4410-bce1-2b560a53858c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:23:45	533.948
-22	33580	1679000	1f6b9a26-8511-467c-a812-d395da7de6cb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:46:18	139.838
-23	16791	1679100	32fbab73-0896-4caf-953b-0c237efa8329	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:14:49	178.72
-23	33582	1679100	25b73767-6b61-4347-a6f6-5195de130ec0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:07:53	-991.292
-24	16792	1679200	a41389db-f3fd-4a79-b2f0-865d33fba08d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:27:38	591.897
-24	33584	1679200	709752a3-036b-4ac5-a76d-06ceb2afddd1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:57:44	-592.598
-25	16793	1679300	5d7c9bcc-4b42-4c06-a32f-111e75ba42da	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:07:55	683.26
-25	33586	1679300	0032550b-bf9c-4384-be27-452996ad79c8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:41:38	95.126
-26	16794	1679400	39f670a9-9e8c-43b4-a45c-07a08feaa3cf	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:14:01	-782.647
-26	33588	1679400	07573c41-1793-4b76-b00f-549d54d9a80f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:03:46	-307.515
-27	16795	1679500	9b3ea913-66d8-461c-886d-fd9a52b28b9c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:00:47	-478.984
-27	33590	1679500	ea0b879b-d537-4714-b531-2923c1e8693e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:01:12	-18.999
-28	16796	1679600	d134b270-eba6-4667-b3ee-e74283b0cdd1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:51:42	486.860
-28	33592	1679600	6ce91e9f-b4bc-40fb-88ce-7624f71aaf0b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:53:28	-252.529
-29	16797	1679700	cda5aa05-604d-4b96-89fd-44bcf0e1914c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:26:23	205.294
-29	33594	1679700	ccc76f8c-0fb0-4508-9707-f57285e936fd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:56:36	938.516
-30	16798	1679800	bb0e1761-23af-4517-9ba6-7c20281b9ed6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:21:58	-701.698
-30	33596	1679800	0b2b6316-c96f-4464-a25f-8bb479b772cd	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:06:05	610.608
-31	16799	1679900	aa57ef93-0d3a-4d06-84a6-c7d914d021b7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:27:15	722.198
-31	33598	1679900	8a67c168-c60b-4471-8f60-7dfbe967dd11	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:40:08	-805.195
-32	16800	1680000	f7b328da-df04-4f3a-9ac7-b2344d6ba7da	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:23:13	657.38
-32	33600	1680000	63e0bbd3-c00f-47d4-b8b7-26046f7d4e52	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:19:28	-222.656
-33	16801	1680100	6d9fb492-0bb4-4d76-b997-eda7ee3c736d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:32:06	278.771
-33	33602	1680100	cdcf89f6-fc62-40ec-a290-0ec24ff0a4fe	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:59:10	-321.297
-34	16802	1680200	da2de5e0-7c28-4591-b85f-f4d0a2c545df	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:18:46	570.422
-34	33604	1680200	f929516e-82a2-4e44-a6fa-801ad3c82772	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:36:26	-92.991
-35	16803	1680300	b809c2ab-998e-45ba-a73b-5dc691503392	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:06:12	632.987
-35	33606	1680300	4cd62f31-b69c-461a-b7ce-4c885dc836b3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:20:04	-478.672
-36	16804	1680400	a1cc0eac-450a-4d97-9d58-b10860a8b42a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:24:19	897.924
-36	33608	1680400	2e779fba-91fb-4b50-9449-0f836274f3a3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:21:55	-687.521
-37	16805	1680500	33aff52b-2d12-4428-bdef-c928f71b9c12	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:00:40	696.496
-37	33610	1680500	080ffd2b-5bad-443c-aa6c-451ba8021737	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:11:02	201.419
-38	16806	1680600	b46c5643-302a-4705-990b-910553601e5b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:34:52	462.891
-38	33612	1680600	cb6e3d80-9fb4-45f9-8961-ccac72aa612f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:04:16	833.259
-39	16807	1680700	10cc9b22-0c22-4c48-a5eb-bf9ecf6d06d1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:07:00	-895.829
-39	33614	1680700	0c034455-cc0a-4c4a-8edc-ac8a4cdb7920	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:17:25	6.474
-40	16808	1680800	8ffcee08-0363-4498-8d82-e0c02cedb762	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:27:56	294.643
-40	33616	1680800	78ea50a7-6f9c-4d32-a142-99f3b5839e71	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:14:53	483.597
-41	16809	1680900	b25c4b9b-f487-45d7-b55b-a8240bf54865	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:25:05	614.645
-41	33618	1680900	dbfcff70-d858-49f1-a134-a9d20fae8018	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:17:39	-142.585
-42	16810	1681000	1659d26b-4f8d-448c-8bc6-0e8f2a7a61c7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:34:59	103.57
-42	33620	1681000	e55ada2f-b1eb-40f4-9dd4-ef1be1781a9d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:29:09	259.813
-43	16811	1681100	fcee53ef-6345-4f37-95e3-a2312ed0f275	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:03:46	699.914
-43	33622	1681100	28a2a4ec-cd39-4ea8-8776-fb22155973ce	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:40:24	-133.524
-44	16812	1681200	abf85ad2-3d77-4a40-8368-fbcc0221e0be	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:43:54	-357.471
-44	33624	1681200	e8957ef6-664b-427e-98ac-3f5911cef69b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:07:30	-360.642
-45	16813	1681300	db9e2f3b-2f8a-45c8-add2-3ddc02bdc0f4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:04:49	-226.342
-45	33626	1681300	857c684c-e8a2-4028-bd1f-1e56ec35ec59	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:13:23	887.357
-46	16814	1681400	becddaed-5ec6-4a92-88e8-318e2458f483	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:17:04	45.22
-46	33628	1681400	22b9c5c9-be34-405a-969d-31e024a1d139	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:31:11	610.421
-47	16815	1681500	c0c75b17-06a3-4173-ba90-51b342760322	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:54:50	371.915
-47	33630	1681500	da56b53c-3ce8-427c-83d4-b795bd8aa4eb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:23:48	-782.894
-48	16816	1681600	93da5ca8-08f0-4521-aba2-c4efe19c5130	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:49:45	943.428
-48	33632	1681600	57b4034f-0837-4ac4-b035-8b57ca8b35e4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:24:53	780.498
-49	16817	1681700	625aa9f5-7e22-49e5-b4d5-a83044fad9ce	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:42:10	-350.497
-49	33634	1681700	abcb55dd-7e5d-470c-bd3c-4474f0550b4e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:35:52	282.590
-50	16818	1681800	aa48b8f6-a2ce-45bf-93e7-e0df765c463a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:15:46	458.59
-50	33636	1681800	16f246fa-db2c-4791-a44f-6d7712b3d2d3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:50:33	-515.819
-51	16819	1681900	6364611c-8855-4540-a9aa-b05a1a1e08df	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:19:08	470.801
-51	33638	1681900	387083a3-e173-4250-86f3-997aa01348cc	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:25:53	-789.381
-52	16820	1682000	96b25340-2698-49cc-a790-2ddfbadcf5b0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:26:03	-977.140
-52	33640	1682000	d2b6e814-72ec-480a-8e63-2dbe43a27a4a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:08:16	284.746
-53	16821	1682100	0f04760e-8185-4191-bcd4-4232ac260a15	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:28:43	981.110
-53	33642	1682100	ba7df20d-8dc2-441a-a502-9ce6c7834a65	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:20:22	-6.577
-54	16822	1682200	39f71c5c-0db6-4be5-acaf-bc621846fa83	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:08:47	-346.674
-54	33644	1682200	0ff654cb-ef2d-4740-a91c-1c98cef78a57	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:21:57	-278.253
-55	16823	1682300	2aae9bd2-5902-4ae1-8de6-7c55a1721b4d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:13:45	-929.768
-55	33646	1682300	92018acc-44c5-49b6-9d62-c6e56aaabd1d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:17:09	186.653
-56	16824	1682400	9bd93444-76d6-4d06-b9c4-f444d71db68d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:11:07	440.123
-56	33648	1682400	9f00b714-bceb-4af1-8958-7a9902af4416	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:33:57	-221.393
-57	16825	1682500	50b048ce-d494-4928-9c57-c09eb1f01a33	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:21:21	-13.532
-57	33650	1682500	5a7d582c-6924-402f-bba9-5ad815ebb084	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:42:28	-900.548
-58	16826	1682600	fd1f14b8-9351-4841-a9e8-a3e0377224d6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:31:15	-13.232
-58	33652	1682600	04bd1b71-eddb-425e-a409-f6b32d9bd08e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:56:32	652.505
-59	16827	1682700	094a445e-6bf1-46fd-8423-2bb335ae9b0d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:17:53	489.695
-59	33654	1682700	fab31174-72a6-4251-9312-f53d4ae27ab0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:18:43	-81.570
-60	16828	1682800	9702687d-222c-453f-a2ab-7634aa865e2d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:37:00	752.70
-60	33656	1682800	05ac5f05-3eef-4443-98d5-323eec40dc33	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:07:05	-627.93
-61	16829	1682900	8faa6ebf-bcf9-47b2-acd7-6b00c73003ac	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:54:48	-542.96
-61	33658	1682900	717c0dfd-f073-445f-8be1-827082f61f41	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:00:04	811.440
-62	16830	1683000	f4a324d4-5298-494d-ae72-1231e9d04443	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:53:15	-190.417
-62	33660	1683000	c2dc825f-2b1b-4e29-8f4a-da1a0fb54980	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:24:08	790.709
-63	16831	1683100	2939c7aa-6c2b-4681-b531-cde7fd5a252c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:12:47	-459.131
-63	33662	1683100	119fe994-85c9-41d4-8e91-4633ff40ebe8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:23:35	-117.845
-64	16832	1683200	b7f6255c-addf-498a-8380-a1ee5cc403f0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:06:05	842.877
-64	33664	1683200	8c44dee3-45fe-4ce9-b942-7d8ed7612f26	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:33:11	90.190
-65	16833	1683300	a02fefe1-4635-4708-98f0-53d043026fc9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:44:55	818.335
-65	33666	1683300	d51e226f-707a-4cab-953a-32a033012092	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:27:27	-245.206
-66	16834	1683400	c96aad83-dcf4-4d07-948c-4dbe07257c1d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:17:36	980.698
-66	33668	1683400	63317cc9-9e66-4219-b56b-07a89ee4bc5e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:14:04	324.719
-67	16835	1683500	6cbbf5a2-fb2b-460b-aca1-d88733a364ed	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:20:49	-159.657
-67	33670	1683500	2e21795b-21e6-4380-9cad-c94c0832db73	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:20:34	799.547
-68	16836	1683600	9d8c91e1-c6c6-4435-9119-47606c4c2189	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:54:22	934.60
-68	33672	1683600	25bb3cac-143f-4b92-b53a-585c1e5b1033	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:59:39	6.668
-69	16837	1683700	18407a0a-96e4-4fbf-bff4-dac9da86a42d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:27:01	-696.157
-69	33674	1683700	d527452e-0191-4ae0-a02a-8c619dd3ef50	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:05:09	-475.80
-70	16838	1683800	7d23b88e-d97c-45f3-a78a-4a1e0d923286	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:30:10	-934.93
-70	33676	1683800	9505b165-2ab2-4edc-b336-af27bf717dc3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:54:34	-445.831
-71	16839	1683900	3522d3de-348f-4833-b651-01751a766a84	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:13:38	-465.320
-71	33678	1683900	1becfc36-f437-4639-8dac-4b48688c68fe	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:02:34	288.262
-72	16840	1684000	ef622120-fbc8-451d-91da-0b89b5deec84	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:24:00	588.79
-72	33680	1684000	6c5b2597-ca0a-4647-a592-65cf367236b7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:43:45	-59.506
-73	16841	1684100	b11b007d-29ce-45db-97bf-f019c0146a24	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:46:50	389.734
-73	33682	1684100	31008292-8267-45a1-859d-0a66e912cce8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:53:18	-834.31
-74	16842	1684200	b03f0972-d2f3-49a7-a6d3-5d9d7f76448f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:38:04	-384.993
-74	33684	1684200	0c70e690-f9eb-4df7-96c1-95b396d16a08	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:29:37	637.601
-75	16843	1684300	0b65ceec-36f4-4fa9-8964-920614b70af3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:16:00	-943.288
-75	33686	1684300	e718a0ee-df7a-4ef5-a188-7af1e6683daf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:22:45	-127.320
-76	16844	1684400	646fd2dd-e2cf-4799-8a59-caa54e5de5f4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:59:50	960.81
-76	33688	1684400	c30a25c2-3d68-42a5-a985-ade0d7789e9d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:34:24	-550.153
-77	16845	1684500	c69bc195-75d7-48bf-9fca-cb265714bcd7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:03:19	-104.514
-77	33690	1684500	34911f21-5833-43f5-8dfc-27cfdb138319	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:53:27	-894.333
-78	16846	1684600	78fe29c6-8167-4774-bd9f-f66694ef9802	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:44:05	-64.191
-78	33692	1684600	60991c51-1e12-41e1-92bb-0765867b4d98	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:14:38	587.461
-79	16847	1684700	631e5a5f-af3b-4965-acfc-b0dab76c3b50	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:55:19	-832.128
-79	33694	1684700	c1835bc2-1c54-4508-80a6-1d12842f1440	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:38:37	-365.856
-80	16848	1684800	6ae327e0-fe90-401f-a0d5-7ab2d9a6d8bc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:52:26	-878.34
-80	33696	1684800	8a448c9a-a763-4517-b28b-0b5ae84b364d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:38:59	998.558
-81	16849	1684900	64b9a221-1f5d-44ba-8699-c2cd8aa14096	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:52:36	123.46
-81	33698	1684900	6eb7532f-f5df-4a02-ab2b-816296549fb2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:25:34	592.935
-82	16850	1685000	f10ce389-3c6d-48ba-82ee-43eb85e0b924	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:24:21	-825.54
-82	33700	1685000	43c24aad-f4e8-4636-b5c5-1d55acd773b0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:31:20	586.79
-83	16851	1685100	c1ac57be-effc-448b-af01-c087582bb271	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:56:18	175.389
-83	33702	1685100	e5237fc4-59cf-44e8-89f7-e561a57938cf	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:48:36	-175.290
-84	16852	1685200	00d7c721-554e-4209-a07e-ab7a4bea496d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:06:59	722.853
-84	33704	1685200	76d5b52d-f3d8-4c5a-ada1-63f57530857d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:09:53	677.948
-85	16853	1685300	a6609a36-b1b0-4cab-8f4c-6092fe32e12d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:16:48	-380.957
-85	33706	1685300	ef288f39-cc32-4f86-a661-efc85ce12b72	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:52:02	869.254
-86	16854	1685400	0475335d-e4b6-49a6-accd-c5f67e5893e2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:35:08	990.414
-86	33708	1685400	a2900a07-6678-4785-9692-db361b62d8f0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:28:33	524.476
-87	16855	1685500	8bbf863d-9d95-4489-934c-a40f71fbc76e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:23:49	-809.649
-87	33710	1685500	3e9c26b2-2a4e-4799-8095-ebf7499ab9e4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:41:42	382.449
-88	16856	1685600	c46e5d29-dc18-4480-a26e-682e0d543f1a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:09:45	448.348
-88	33712	1685600	ddee0e4b-c869-4c7d-b6e5-c409009a6ef3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:49:49	-248.81
-89	16857	1685700	f74f4672-3166-4e00-9558-5de1b53209ef	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:35:53	426.85
-89	33714	1685700	5af6509d-45f0-4eba-91ec-979f4bb9c85d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:47:14	-245.406
-90	16858	1685800	118d8eaf-3593-4820-9ae7-eb07f0a67956	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:47:59	-497.93
-90	33716	1685800	055c2f2d-e0fc-428b-839d-d322463a3922	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:18:23	409.990
-91	16859	1685900	4bbf716b-6cbc-4bf1-a9ec-d60581a89ad3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:41:35	415.282
-91	33718	1685900	36e3a52f-7a4b-4638-a7a6-7cbed9aac392	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:53:44	-888.228
-92	16860	1686000	e9425b71-2eef-42a3-abe7-8b699b042ef3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:29:02	-411.514
-92	33720	1686000	7e0b714e-9d17-461d-af3f-bac72c3a671f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:48:41	435.881
-93	16861	1686100	141231a8-9594-486f-9f9b-c1d62a5bd415	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:51:52	865.516
-93	33722	1686100	774f4d87-b2ba-4849-8e98-0ed30a59e347	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:32:00	877.749
-94	16862	1686200	779c0d50-f4a0-4c24-8962-74afefb95444	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:07:29	383.81
-94	33724	1686200	73f12126-31df-4b47-945e-ed4b70114dec	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:39:26	912.318
-95	16863	1686300	bab940ef-0541-4782-ae44-2122fb706a39	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:46:28	761.285
-95	33726	1686300	f1ed20f6-f219-439f-bcde-38d01d89e7e2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:31:44	-959.4
-96	16864	1686400	a85a72b8-1818-4981-8492-eddb1d3ef445	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:05:54	-713.593
-96	33728	1686400	37905cbe-e738-404a-9ccf-89086ffbf089	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:17:43	870.165
-97	16865	1686500	3a073116-6f33-4b4a-9456-3fd5713926b4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:56:14	-917.700
-97	33730	1686500	318ebfa3-de5f-41db-ad31-b92a30c879a3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:11:11	-779.731
-98	16866	1686600	a36ff31d-b4a8-4fc5-9c91-31f41230e7c0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:21:31	255.454
-98	33732	1686600	c3662e7e-bd4a-4881-95c2-54967aecfea3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:13:03	535.28
-99	16867	1686700	d17e395d-656a-4d64-86aa-29792b93c230	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:39:39	440.304
-99	33734	1686700	1631505e-d4e2-43f8-8931-bfa470d38810	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:25:03	-567.787
-100	16868	1686800	61633066-fbd9-4cee-a465-53c90f969039	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:17:05	604.904
-100	33736	1686800	c30c3287-3a6f-465a-9c36-ea30e68593de	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:44:15	970.271
-101	16869	1686900	f91d81a0-a78c-4683-8226-82da38ffcddc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:53:01	-803.432
-101	33738	1686900	d6327408-f842-447e-97ba-b154f7540131	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:10:26	776.557
-102	16870	1687000	1f6e7971-2738-46a1-b60c-72a0c891a3a8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:50:39	149.259
-102	33740	1687000	11f7618b-947c-4599-ad1c-6783a0972fa2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:03:10	-771.295
-103	16871	1687100	03362a76-16c7-4887-b434-c91000ee32c9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:44:19	-468.221
-103	33742	1687100	38d32bed-2e57-4250-afe6-89452d5e1662	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:15:52	217.366
-104	16872	1687200	f1375eb2-4343-4d06-888f-324dc8a1a71d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:12:53	-357.759
-104	33744	1687200	e883d981-93a0-455a-8f95-4bb934bdf83b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:17:02	408.50
-105	16873	1687300	0b322a83-bce2-4bcf-8ff6-3b60ba714471	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:16:22	-172.307
-105	33746	1687300	1298ab1d-0782-4aba-935c-06f16a41e38a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:23:49	-938.450
-106	16874	1687400	80ed7865-ec98-4cd8-8858-d8298bfbf44b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:15:57	907.854
-106	33748	1687400	67790265-f3bd-478e-a784-cdaf6765f92f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:35:49	-258.824
-107	16875	1687500	543e133f-b085-4240-9ecd-88f2b8d51dca	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:14:03	-62.512
-107	33750	1687500	1189a690-b1f2-435a-a831-c54561df116d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:37:41	396.870
-108	16876	1687600	29b5f77e-f14d-495f-9934-2e46643c21c6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:55:26	-253.406
-108	33752	1687600	810d00ac-a033-4307-af6e-f0c75054c131	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:16:02	55.276
-109	16877	1687700	749b1dd8-7744-4d85-a4a3-8875643b5d6a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:51:03	165.237
-109	33754	1687700	4e566670-2a7f-4b09-8521-f8933e6fd523	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:37:16	690.461
-110	16878	1687800	afe84594-b65a-46a3-830a-4e4e97cbb909	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:48:22	-970.688
-110	33756	1687800	f6aec963-5938-4b63-bff0-b5f6278d9683	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:41:20	-387.916
-111	16879	1687900	50dc06aa-87bb-4a39-9079-0c78b0c0f41b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:03:26	339.843
-111	33758	1687900	16732aba-94a1-4a9b-aac8-a6345526f357	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:11:54	162.861
-112	16880	1688000	378f07dc-0612-48d7-bdcf-bf5af399a155	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:24:29	4.632
-112	33760	1688000	fb847c21-bf58-4f1b-8fa9-85a6bdd19b59	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:44:11	-131.481
-113	16881	1688100	64b80eca-2539-4d20-b1de-f456f5b5ebc6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:54:38	-233.860
-113	33762	1688100	8ad7d808-e916-4ca1-8133-be6c471984d9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:23:44	819.881
-114	16882	1688200	4817a167-b7e2-42db-b126-4a5c5445a530	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:59:37	-642.376
-114	33764	1688200	b50905a5-419d-4a09-b2a0-2172447d24b6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:53:07	-500.622
-115	16883	1688300	68e19f96-94e2-4f5c-972d-9376863f1128	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:03:27	-376.821
-115	33766	1688300	d3d2e142-77a7-4742-ba11-3c1d9e5e620c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:56:56	15.972
-116	16884	1688400	13c04842-29f5-44ec-8ecf-d0c3863e11b1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:41:58	-4.335
-116	33768	1688400	84df2197-5f22-48cd-8c0f-b84ca7ea9fb1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:28:07	-284.712
-117	16885	1688500	008701c8-cc62-42fb-9090-7e4744709c64	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:12:53	-295.623
-117	33770	1688500	cb1c6e82-cdf1-48f7-9537-4ca29ffab5f8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:42:25	142.441
-118	16886	1688600	b28e814c-5d5a-49d7-9998-3bf55f577904	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:33:29	97.303
-118	33772	1688600	e3d70a82-125c-413a-874d-019d3f236a85	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:11:23	689.639
-119	16887	1688700	c2266947-0aca-4d6b-b34a-c68839dbc5c4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:51:38	-750.874
-119	33774	1688700	701e9212-979c-4eb4-b3c6-c4957a3d6cd5	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:44:50	760.401
-120	16888	1688800	80ce4caa-1c3d-4972-8d7b-1e5df841d67c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:25:20	6.269
-120	33776	1688800	06c13bf2-a7b9-4ec3-a7ba-d378f7efb66d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:40:29	532.415
-121	16889	1688900	0d94d32b-7d38-4d6d-a879-529045c8903a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:34:20	-686.823
-121	33778	1688900	d11dd5a6-77bc-4abe-b95d-04f5dec45255	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:41:37	809.499
-122	16890	1689000	04701fc5-7c79-4a4e-adda-fa8e134ab8cf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:15:00	939.858
-122	33780	1689000	b8022976-4767-4633-b42a-faf6fca9364d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:55:30	418.577
-123	16891	1689100	985b09e5-467a-4fa4-899d-f0c1b11e56f1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:11:43	-506.335
-123	33782	1689100	4da43f11-b5b3-48c3-8f78-735e83382915	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:23:07	-613.212
-124	16892	1689200	55736696-2724-49f8-a6bc-c7038075ab1f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:22:21	964.38
-124	33784	1689200	57e97e6e-bac4-47d7-9b0f-e99c60d67bc0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:41:37	9.914
-125	16893	1689300	aa8daad0-5c26-4029-9dcf-77602be215dd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:09:10	-558.557
-125	33786	1689300	a3a9bcdf-b7ee-45f6-a3db-b28d72d556f4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:03:10	-363.616
-126	16894	1689400	8ded4939-b1a9-415a-9d51-ad49befd0ad3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:22:29	462.688
-126	33788	1689400	cd6edd62-15bc-4e42-864d-e477ea1585b4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:58:05	-4.344
-127	16895	1689500	76bd3435-440d-43ab-8331-e910ff77ec35	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:13:02	317.924
-127	33790	1689500	4669d4b1-a641-48b0-a50f-073f665353c7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:40:58	-925.758
-0	16896	1689600	da563db0-691d-4d4f-9032-fa1c1ca06bcb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:16:10	865.640
-0	33792	1689600	5a1cf2b5-db7e-4934-8de1-5eb99c1f1d59	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:50:19	163.98
-1	16897	1689700	313a263a-0c8f-4f2d-8e74-e7f2053c4734	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:58:49	126.646
-1	33794	1689700	2fd1318c-c857-46fa-a606-42511ba10471	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:48:47	-766.398
-2	16898	1689800	f24be671-cac4-4b7d-8ea0-56fad1d9fac8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:24:50	-778.289
-2	33796	1689800	95e21f46-c4f1-4bd2-95fc-9b95ab5ed3be	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:20:41	-85.593
-3	16899	1689900	62305986-9e07-4922-b500-f90bd6dcf5a9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:48:44	-688.334
-3	33798	1689900	51dd6c27-bc41-43e3-9e56-cccb1880787a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:42:47	-710.582
-4	16900	1690000	9b3f58a2-b28a-4c80-bbc2-682af09b545b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:08:19	518.567
-4	33800	1690000	2ace12e1-d6c0-4d2f-a20b-a3e69f124753	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:38:01	976.58
-5	16901	1690100	0ee85d68-a0d4-4539-9125-c3fcfb34a5f5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:04:45	174.992
-5	33802	1690100	3f9d0368-468d-4385-8496-19dfa8a9267c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:34:19	-475.758
-6	16902	1690200	ac3d70ce-ecb1-4b06-9d44-1afb25dc8043	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:26:35	-164.174
-6	33804	1690200	a49f21bc-cc4b-4d6b-ba24-0cccfe69a81c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:32:36	336.372
-7	16903	1690300	f4aec348-aa1a-462e-a1e5-714c17eb693d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:35:42	-980.634
-7	33806	1690300	a6796f5a-b722-4715-a973-7c5e3f2ed490	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:26:02	-831.218
-8	16904	1690400	292243c4-dd2e-4135-9eb4-a1e675711874	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:37:04	398.803
-8	33808	1690400	449989d6-a0c8-494b-a17b-20108b4b3c9f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:55:38	99.722
-9	16905	1690500	58e84705-fd47-4c3c-9abe-b9ea5a9eb1a6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:51:14	374.520
-9	33810	1690500	ef0831de-fa93-4385-9581-80099970830e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:38:03	871.956
-10	16906	1690600	9d131420-fb40-4574-8663-28ba5abee769	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:08:25	-324.640
-10	33812	1690600	41389900-1775-412d-a093-251ea63d2a8e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:41:32	393.723
-11	16907	1690700	468847ac-4822-4460-87ac-8b274d6cbe37	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:00:36	504.146
-11	33814	1690700	c206a683-53a5-41f2-918a-9c21eb838686	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:18:12	-940.857
-12	16908	1690800	093812a9-7520-4564-bd9a-85cd32e530df	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:37:00	-227.131
-12	33816	1690800	3899d2e6-8776-4c55-adb3-d238e1cb2413	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:30:42	-750.30
-13	16909	1690900	50f22259-88bb-47c7-9754-30bc07355cf8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:41:28	511.96
-13	33818	1690900	15230425-65d3-427e-bec4-50833e172f62	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:15:01	-658.582
-14	16910	1691000	e7734679-7c3f-4031-b079-8940c4de0e23	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:40:19	-73.700
-14	33820	1691000	d4735f54-5ac5-47ba-a7fd-4a652ca7bc1c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:34:23	537.85
-15	16911	1691100	68794184-7749-45da-ad38-84b1645673fa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:57:38	975.875
-15	33822	1691100	c3effe41-d168-42e7-bd92-88d0fa56f486	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:54:40	-40.738
-16	16912	1691200	ef42c15a-e27a-4af2-86c1-038332193782	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:55:57	125.799
-16	33824	1691200	892fcbbc-1db0-4893-a900-cd7ac49b8770	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:11:17	690.185
-17	16913	1691300	17c9e50c-cada-4712-a46c-35872d0b0021	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:18:08	-500.485
-17	33826	1691300	64454dcc-6141-4f07-90c6-b38ff51e3a9b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:46:12	-402.479
-18	16914	1691400	7efb7f94-f1ba-4c86-9ecf-8542158b8ec2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:38:36	-288.432
-18	33828	1691400	9d4fa76f-f6b5-40da-bbd7-597aa0ee5cf6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:13:44	296.344
-19	16915	1691500	4687dd50-7787-4da7-8b67-34c20e4c62fd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:01:38	-498.993
-19	33830	1691500	76cdfecb-237c-4820-a2e4-c7b1b2e2fd9d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:27:40	440.341
-20	16916	1691600	76ae5e92-2faf-4410-a665-0d20be27f747	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:12:54	-436.409
-20	33832	1691600	9e15e7cf-3445-4154-964b-f5dc524f57c8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:58:12	154.365
-21	16917	1691700	cebb6e3a-41b3-4eec-9182-0d22b201d94a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:49:23	169.386
-21	33834	1691700	3d73c230-e1f1-4e53-a4c2-d6549cb0b80f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:21:39	958.722
-22	16918	1691800	703809d9-5f5b-44f1-a1ad-56a1d2af44ed	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:14:51	-294.536
-22	33836	1691800	1a4b3fa2-4d4f-4090-9cd8-df75154d670b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:21:55	171.623
-23	16919	1691900	938f3440-47ac-45a6-9f1d-fb669f5de32b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:25:32	564.184
-23	33838	1691900	a8596fab-6b4d-476f-b865-d966a64d0fbb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:52:30	-853.703
-24	16920	1692000	0ea3e6e8-2303-4220-9200-5eddf6fae69a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:25:15	593.914
-24	33840	1692000	8ce37a7b-115d-4a64-b430-432481d79d2f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:32:34	685.92
-25	16921	1692100	b7fa40f9-b65a-4220-8ba1-767b0c74d719	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:33:26	-453.287
-25	33842	1692100	6fb4b5ca-dca6-44f0-9ea4-1eaaaa627f5d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:31:50	322.318
-26	16922	1692200	7e7741d0-cae9-4a0a-9b91-e4e84bc6a621	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:30:57	778.665
-26	33844	1692200	9ebf6673-8c1b-40e0-a791-a5b8a7189caa	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:17:58	-103.86
-27	16923	1692300	2c804809-02fc-48c9-a351-3aee6af484b2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:58:35	-418.416
-27	33846	1692300	1dea0868-e317-4870-bc75-31fe4470774e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:09:00	248.335
-28	16924	1692400	886088bf-680b-48d5-a901-2a8e2e754a5d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:36:15	-503.482
-28	33848	1692400	960e4da9-4b32-4665-a531-c10159131fa9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:49:10	946.886
-29	16925	1692500	7d8ea481-ca66-40ad-b8af-d0f55758bf48	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:37:18	297.713
-29	33850	1692500	d32f7923-a8b6-4aed-a627-cec3d5d5d4f8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:15:44	672.427
-30	16926	1692600	4d775652-0bf8-4053-a332-53d48710f287	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:18:50	59.196
-30	33852	1692600	500f9ef0-6d7a-42b6-bbb6-88375bfd9774	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:49:16	562.829
-31	16927	1692700	f51a2c55-8118-4a47-ba28-cb97c7eb5921	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:17:55	-414.361
-31	33854	1692700	82e5146d-ada2-43e5-85cc-6244f412ab07	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:52:11	860.325
-32	16928	1692800	75666d77-2c4a-424b-ad7f-6e1b3332c162	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:01:45	-363.27
-32	33856	1692800	94683fce-8305-4cc7-b9be-7f684e1030c7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:56:29	477.679
-33	16929	1692900	c70c413e-db65-4a90-8043-d310ec700197	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:07:42	-432.125
-33	33858	1692900	8e094781-a6a7-4949-a89f-2b009e22ef01	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:09:19	-346.646
-34	16930	1693000	632d97df-f7d8-4d3e-86c0-574c57cecd19	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:36:25	194.406
-34	33860	1693000	51d68fc0-dee2-4566-80bf-8c288817a0cb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:18:51	-216.458
-35	16931	1693100	93dc4aef-aff9-4d33-9811-72273afb6ced	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:00:24	-81.502
-35	33862	1693100	2bd8b743-3984-4b9e-bd64-bec786e4df83	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:40:42	-625.508
-36	16932	1693200	05e2fca5-a859-46f7-a143-cb49b3a4f82c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:16:23	360.588
-36	33864	1693200	3e2db757-3db7-4e84-94dd-0b3e32138da4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:31:44	-234.318
-37	16933	1693300	8e75afea-bfcb-4350-aaa3-25bb5ed2c780	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:44:13	716.951
-37	33866	1693300	2dcf162a-6723-4b4c-8472-06ed6e0e2db8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:10:59	-90.179
-38	16934	1693400	94413d17-e2a8-4b19-8e44-09a96a644e5e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:22:00	87.771
-38	33868	1693400	e3b9b7e2-6a24-44d9-9f6f-3cb10cc2d5f0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:20:36	-820.636
-39	16935	1693500	8b36f5d7-a1a4-44d6-bf09-0e5dd4694bdd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:11:59	571.118
-39	33870	1693500	1b97b043-a8f5-4c4b-b0a0-243805ebead7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:12:45	751.20
-40	16936	1693600	defc84e8-6dcd-49c2-87ce-fedfc9bcd49c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:28:21	-916.793
-40	33872	1693600	9b066fc7-fa95-4ac7-bfd7-8af2fde73db4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:05:20	-811.458
-41	16937	1693700	752b4af0-3c0f-4523-ac20-d254b0e7b9f2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:11:45	15.627
-41	33874	1693700	c848a94a-2ce9-47db-888e-9075f07d252b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:40:49	-597.792
-42	16938	1693800	660a474e-cbfa-481f-bdfd-ea027043e60a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:31:35	964.930
-42	33876	1693800	89c6297b-0d03-4850-96ba-098c3f15e3a9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:10:41	-589.774
-43	16939	1693900	b0828e68-225d-486d-b138-31e090fe8e9d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:01:01	699.460
-43	33878	1693900	b1a88f3f-ac3a-4c8a-a58b-ff39dba8fd23	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:01:28	-937.221
-44	16940	1694000	f07e6686-faf5-4267-8ab1-bf83c9b06eac	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:02:49	-106.398
-44	33880	1694000	55cf94b6-e0e7-4551-8bb1-5ec1dfe3a821	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:06:03	-544.218
-45	16941	1694100	18d16238-e651-438e-895c-4c4706f3fe61	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:11:37	-671.644
-45	33882	1694100	3e6e4f9d-d9c0-41f1-aa64-0e59ac398b64	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:44:38	-85.434
-46	16942	1694200	c6a38046-4d5e-4386-a978-56da8415b5d2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:12:15	-857.169
-46	33884	1694200	110758b2-6f36-420c-b43a-52c0d4843aae	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:42:16	562.770
-47	16943	1694300	87a56e08-08f0-4f97-a6ca-51486a992efc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:00:20	281.236
-47	33886	1694300	839563ca-8b99-4101-8141-2b8f4222f7f5	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:13:23	253.994
-48	16944	1694400	c7960cce-d349-400e-bffb-5432ca4ea404	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:29:18	433.4
-48	33888	1694400	89d2ad3f-c0ca-4a7b-b7b6-e7b31e8ab204	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:01:27	-37.503
-49	16945	1694500	06c07ccc-8b17-4914-b87c-53f11930cee2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:50:05	485.461
-49	33890	1694500	df0fca2f-a482-474f-924c-3864f2ea3604	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:19:54	330.753
-50	16946	1694600	44147332-91aa-41e3-aa24-275a2ff39e78	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:19:13	938.671
-50	33892	1694600	81305a3c-80f9-4f22-a1a9-6d80c56e37e5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:06:31	-612.221
-51	16947	1694700	32b12001-2fa5-42fd-9911-5e75f6f1669b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:02:25	-181.953
-51	33894	1694700	4b48bffb-1998-445b-b407-e8f8b8865805	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:52:24	-534.71
-52	16948	1694800	c9f38cc3-937c-41a2-8a29-c0f46ddd1db4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:58:35	-461.490
-52	33896	1694800	35744641-cb6e-4c92-a12b-7a66ebe1f91a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:39:37	-456.706
-53	16949	1694900	b84489ff-0f71-4107-b3cf-f75a89b91bbc	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:39:12	-563.389
-53	33898	1694900	93ff41a5-fe02-47e6-9662-4f5983581124	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:16:25	-950.336
-54	16950	1695000	cfcf71d3-89c8-4bc7-bec2-fd066643e883	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:26:39	-563.184
-54	33900	1695000	4d1ba348-0f55-4b70-bae8-5358f845ea1e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:44:50	44.24
-55	16951	1695100	cf3ee805-9fa7-4cdf-8aad-9356e32035dd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:50:55	567.299
-55	33902	1695100	09427ec3-bb4a-4d23-b5d5-b349eb4be73d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:31:55	-96.305
-56	16952	1695200	360330ec-3fa7-4a89-bf2f-7022625b1e72	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:59:54	-187.406
-56	33904	1695200	d57103c7-7916-45cf-9c91-b7c9e187e2ae	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:49:45	741.279
-57	16953	1695300	aaafea6f-ce92-4c06-8c75-f9b952e7b8ec	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:31:21	940.676
-57	33906	1695300	567f6485-6226-4689-827a-6d0e75f57c2c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:24:47	905.295
-58	16954	1695400	db9b53d8-afb9-4244-b625-cb8ebb3ca4a0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:53:00	190.972
-58	33908	1695400	e99e14c1-b0c7-492c-8f14-a0dc6f78a4f9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:33:31	207.6
-59	16955	1695500	ac2f3d5f-de9f-422a-869d-ecac4a2bcf61	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:44:46	-285.24
-59	33910	1695500	1b93e71a-3011-476a-aa38-e3a79ce45cd0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:07:49	-214.818
-60	16956	1695600	b33667a1-84ae-4ae2-9a82-066507c75f3c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:37:31	478.950
-60	33912	1695600	882e2825-b243-45a9-8c2f-0db3893ea1ac	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:15:27	-676.677
-61	16957	1695700	e2a842e2-83ed-40bd-9d27-ecc074e83293	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:26:22	-999.710
-61	33914	1695700	b074d044-7f90-48d5-8102-d88e3181c10a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:15:39	178.62
-62	16958	1695800	47b08865-db06-4a00-9781-85e1d5014add	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:29:29	658.794
-62	33916	1695800	953d4d63-d0db-4098-9e07-852cd8724a1e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:03:27	642.532
-63	16959	1695900	fb3b0b33-d420-4ded-8922-391d1b794658	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:01:34	779.997
-63	33918	1695900	67eb49e2-2e24-4a81-b9f7-a2d00117b7f7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:24:24	21.860
-64	16960	1696000	255ef02b-ce00-4d22-9b1f-8c82fa34d387	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:59:48	-712.492
-64	33920	1696000	4ffac399-01e8-4bca-b5e8-58b5a8e02979	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:36:35	110.925
-65	16961	1696100	db545798-6bf4-41d5-af4b-f77bb2a283b4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:28:49	498.529
-65	33922	1696100	2bc60463-b378-4e81-8d3b-b07cb2a1b7a8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:58:11	-726.418
-66	16962	1696200	aa63ec30-cff8-4233-892e-fe4790187661	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:42:40	540.1
-66	33924	1696200	fbea7dcc-e4f5-438d-8e23-898947011435	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:32:52	908.903
-67	16963	1696300	a5f42d50-6561-4bd8-b0bf-d0efe1ec7b95	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:36:30	-596.778
-67	33926	1696300	3892c1d7-768e-4b00-9834-59cb9c9694f6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:39:07	469.424
-68	16964	1696400	dd8f85a2-32cf-4077-a7d6-1846a18d7cf2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:25:06	-845.26
-68	33928	1696400	b7eceec3-9944-4b08-b6bf-34d7b47fb141	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:15:55	-78.879
-69	16965	1696500	0b0ad1b3-4689-4849-83f4-dd6f671a02e1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:11:49	-198.885
-69	33930	1696500	ae6f9f29-4645-4a36-bdf0-4f10842b571b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:26:55	-929.76
-70	16966	1696600	83e85a7c-0b6d-415b-8518-12e692115bfd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:29:07	-62.265
-70	33932	1696600	b336229f-bc6d-4ad5-a2eb-0cfb6bcb26f3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:49:49	743.316
-71	16967	1696700	28350c10-fe17-4aca-bcdc-c159e14990b0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:33:54	679.960
-71	33934	1696700	6c8a2de2-b99b-430b-b43a-68f2770f395b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:41:47	171.777
-72	16968	1696800	aa4952ac-383c-4633-b282-8cc12898a85c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:17:15	-322.74
-72	33936	1696800	767ad56c-da6d-49c5-a663-a122528ac80f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:19:12	462.966
-73	16969	1696900	9aff85b4-ee31-4290-8f10-67ccc8fc0543	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:03:14	-127.360
-73	33938	1696900	a40c9be8-bad4-4b4f-9bce-f074779af118	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:03:37	-569.244
-74	16970	1697000	6a383a33-7499-42f2-9176-45de9f2c4617	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:11:08	691.807
-74	33940	1697000	3a8b2f6e-5730-4ec6-bac6-cfe39cbe0b14	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:42:13	-406.217
-75	16971	1697100	44962dfc-00a9-4a76-b0dd-3e4a5ac82503	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:03:39	23.213
-75	33942	1697100	7f31e5a0-7989-428a-8091-2300af831ccd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:38:11	733.119
-76	16972	1697200	9a93b8f9-ae3d-459f-a2c4-dedfffc3db88	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:07:55	372.568
-76	33944	1697200	9ca43bda-646b-4571-898a-360d4ed06af6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:29:40	-804.425
-77	16973	1697300	c6c69432-00a7-47d7-b433-e9796776875f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:21:41	-902.244
-77	33946	1697300	18572168-673a-4d3f-9c94-81f87e0e8e2f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:06:52	630.182
-78	16974	1697400	359ea984-3ef5-455c-acc3-df49fa9751d8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:39:36	-785.357
-78	33948	1697400	a2fbad19-c58f-4060-8f2f-b9b7e122f3b5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:43:18	231.978
-79	16975	1697500	e6203da1-f601-4f8e-aa21-4d402e6362dd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:21:59	732.714
-79	33950	1697500	886a6b56-207c-46ab-8446-c10b1d4d57b5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:11:20	923.298
-80	16976	1697600	02d7521e-bcc0-47ee-8776-042bd7c83672	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:06:57	649.307
-80	33952	1697600	8a50b843-372f-4ce3-af07-09779d97c44e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:00:26	514.773
-81	16977	1697700	63a08f10-8bf0-47c7-8719-f05a08e4e20c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:19:45	-805.988
-81	33954	1697700	01cda35f-440c-4bc1-9ba6-7a56c8fbeeae	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:53:44	711.671
-82	16978	1697800	9c445355-1bca-42ef-bed9-03e0d260549e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:06:47	-991.950
-82	33956	1697800	c12d81b8-987d-40ff-9ef5-21e2b8feda9f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:18:06	110.719
-83	16979	1697900	81a6a0b4-0b0f-4a8b-837b-fffd3a400428	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:26:03	-698.71
-83	33958	1697900	dc5cf6a7-532a-4534-9caa-0b6ae8c19157	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:44:36	-291.184
-84	16980	1698000	5b276a8d-3876-4840-92b5-3930bd3cf0ac	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:21:27	-852.95
-84	33960	1698000	bb241334-ae8f-4e56-a532-c6dd2b592592	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:59:00	-202.161
-85	16981	1698100	d37387d2-8054-4896-9fba-f8d8416053d8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:24:10	305.883
-85	33962	1698100	fbab7448-8cc8-48ea-affd-ce6f3b995a4a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:55:47	-208.771
-86	16982	1698200	ee00ae51-e565-4676-a43d-53ff9a1d9fcf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:56:04	-921.351
-86	33964	1698200	261deb06-bbbf-4ba0-ba6f-0ee797f7526b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:33:29	765.893
-87	16983	1698300	c070d968-1492-484c-955f-e717b1c5af25	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:47:55	-356.947
-87	33966	1698300	1a461b3f-d7ba-47e7-a171-a3ec1c5be8ed	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:48:48	-689.475
-88	16984	1698400	a256e6bc-91a1-4186-9d6b-e7ceb52c324e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:41:57	-346.839
-88	33968	1698400	197bdccb-40c6-4319-a5f5-6b37d59ffd5c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:58:20	-820.46
-89	16985	1698500	3dc69adf-e8c2-4f56-b2e2-8f8ec34b10c5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:12:04	486.464
-89	33970	1698500	af576530-775c-44c3-b33f-4725a5e14819	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:26:53	906.742
-90	16986	1698600	d669f601-ad01-41ea-a392-a4b24094ae17	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:20:04	975.484
-90	33972	1698600	6857181a-f87e-456f-9e37-b659ed1bda42	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:42:08	224.652
-91	16987	1698700	09ec93cd-7a0d-4331-ba32-a256c717fa67	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:39:36	-252.827
-91	33974	1698700	f7e9d930-2b1d-43d2-8665-4377360cdfcb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:37:20	-746.647
-92	16988	1698800	c003ed9f-83fd-4e7f-bf06-128751fa2728	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:23:45	-495.701
-92	33976	1698800	91135880-b878-48d7-8f75-413fcb24814a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:43:53	125.998
-93	16989	1698900	2525c27f-3c47-42f9-8fd0-f261c8a96a6f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:46:00	-944.945
-93	33978	1698900	40cef192-906d-4b4d-89ab-7790f456f086	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:01:25	374.835
-94	16990	1699000	aaed00e6-7a18-4217-951d-dd7fb575993f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:49:27	-391.66
-94	33980	1699000	dab29b27-b140-48f9-aca8-516991f82e62	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:14:51	-686.86
-95	16991	1699100	fdd7cd81-3a7c-4329-80a4-64b64d54090c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:13:00	-622.957
-95	33982	1699100	be0b662a-44b2-403b-8306-718f17a006bd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:33:25	-466.828
-96	16992	1699200	ed29a6ed-1ffd-4ea5-8a67-5ccde5410793	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:05:27	-471.874
-96	33984	1699200	3bf8fed8-801e-4243-801b-73e42f9613f6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:20:23	947.690
-97	16993	1699300	a1c2f5ed-c908-4c03-aa1c-a20a3ded33db	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:18:31	-875.157
-97	33986	1699300	6bf24585-d1e6-44de-a2c0-0826d63bc820	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:12:52	793.669
-98	16994	1699400	b3ac1a46-0ffe-4ab9-81e2-fa2a1a63aab2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:54:53	273.255
-98	33988	1699400	d5fcdd88-bb4f-4c7c-9b09-738cc926c929	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:05:32	-411.354
-99	16995	1699500	c85b40ea-6914-4fb8-bd1c-3b8e9c4c8b5e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:23:22	-278.761
-99	33990	1699500	638fbc84-1fec-40f6-8c88-368815306d25	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:00:02	70.221
-100	16996	1699600	9cf970b0-a82f-424a-8656-9c894c01d7d2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:30:56	60.705
-100	33992	1699600	c0bb14fa-8436-43b1-ba38-06ff4b810733	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:41:35	-999.994
-101	16997	1699700	de4b8394-ed16-4d5e-93a2-a701a5653fd4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:54:54	304.843
-101	33994	1699700	02cfe788-ec9b-4e39-83ef-2cf84c9ff43c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:18:26	-590.143
-102	16998	1699800	fcf66424-c8fb-4347-a8f6-0ce70a774b03	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:10:40	234.847
-102	33996	1699800	19c2581e-5cc4-4288-92bb-f486d1c42c96	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:57:01	-277.329
-103	16999	1699900	40dece2f-0653-4557-bd43-e61067a6d79b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:19:09	-457.597
-103	33998	1699900	23f724fe-0b3f-495a-a23a-8bac1adec304	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:19:33	671.639
-104	17000	1700000	45446199-5efc-4082-96dc-f62b9b2581d8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:50:12	-219.512
-104	34000	1700000	dfbf1e9f-7003-4c50-aa74-027a560502e5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:06:21	65.809
-105	17001	1700100	5063cb4c-fb09-467b-94d0-f5bce3d5decb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:07:33	963.100
-105	34002	1700100	af7fa18a-75ea-47ab-8da5-5100a3cdf222	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:12:07	44.843
-106	17002	1700200	ad11c96e-25ca-4d25-bbe2-c2ff113f5f12	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:17:53	-368.255
-106	34004	1700200	e45f91a9-6d03-419b-ad2f-021ab93191c2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:03:25	-67.656
-107	17003	1700300	156da677-c91c-4eb2-b666-5c9628cb1192	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:48:44	710.819
-107	34006	1700300	c9bcd1bf-3f8e-47f0-bb0e-7c88d5d81064	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:23:57	264.176
-108	17004	1700400	a444e8d4-802e-499a-95a0-90ef15d34007	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:08:43	-671.320
-108	34008	1700400	79f83c30-1550-4c4f-99a6-cbe98787c090	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:18:32	403.146
-109	17005	1700500	50115564-140e-4348-bf92-93178cd4de09	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:40:42	-612.528
-109	34010	1700500	e5636545-f71d-443d-aff3-19559f08e286	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:22:07	392.957
-110	17006	1700600	51bd5307-9d46-4760-bbff-c78118c74002	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:47:16	-512.266
-110	34012	1700600	893cac95-92f9-42c8-bc86-d81ac468034d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:56:24	-832.719
-111	17007	1700700	229ee61c-30c7-407f-998f-f8f55bbaa1da	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:26:08	-355.640
-111	34014	1700700	984b798f-f1f7-4e1f-9862-cb9ef3b74cab	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:32:11	437.681
-112	17008	1700800	a272fa8b-8663-4bf1-9755-398790994896	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:26:14	-663.335
-112	34016	1700800	352efdd1-52b1-4d76-a2b4-260d9e0c592a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:24:14	-205.996
-113	17009	1700900	2d49874c-786e-4ab3-abc3-5f985efbbb3a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:57:24	60.458
-113	34018	1700900	6e9f57be-a92e-40cd-bdb3-0be83547239c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:56:33	-460.139
-114	17010	1701000	bd509ba7-53db-4243-821c-c0ce3cbb4341	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:52:05	-307.674
-114	34020	1701000	10682887-b01e-4afb-8d67-800fb2d2fb3e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:34:52	145.37
-115	17011	1701100	e4fe968c-8759-44f3-8784-786f525bfbe3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:42:31	-191.346
-115	34022	1701100	50dea705-339d-4b59-a14f-8b37d198c259	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:52:02	-354.848
-116	17012	1701200	5f6be8ae-cbe3-4539-943e-ac5366bfcb5d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:01:32	-693.444
-116	34024	1701200	220181cd-df4a-46ce-a127-9977d819dc73	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:50:43	-671.241
-117	17013	1701300	f6c1df1c-a005-4090-8d89-844edbf2fe2c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:27:31	392.222
-117	34026	1701300	2f623e15-9907-4fae-adcb-fbda57a6eb3a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:04:52	-118.459
-118	17014	1701400	3b3cb00d-c19a-48ca-8762-7248fc25eab2	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:26:20	-347.295
-118	34028	1701400	47ed7fbb-9fdc-4d99-97b1-0817ddfcee02	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:56:51	748.636
-119	17015	1701500	d98c3ad3-55c2-4675-99c4-3ab12813dd84	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:29:33	-725.102
-119	34030	1701500	362260e3-3fcb-421e-b671-1941be53cb49	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:32:24	201.943
-120	17016	1701600	1a1219a3-4bf5-4001-a645-1310a2db24c3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:45:29	26.997
-120	34032	1701600	3c8218f6-4cb8-4841-bd6b-ab16451dbe79	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:39:47	706.552
-121	17017	1701700	566b9a29-bbff-47ae-8f24-9112257bff8b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:27:49	-47.325
-121	34034	1701700	04406816-1826-4fbb-a94b-8288442c1227	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:37:49	484.690
-122	17018	1701800	ffdfc15d-7bdd-4b5d-a5a7-54c23c01a4ef	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:33:43	372.793
-122	34036	1701800	3cf139df-7cf6-48c4-8781-8e375cc7c6a1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:56:59	-438.452
-123	17019	1701900	11350089-0d77-4be4-9d62-916864b73b5e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:30:21	-645.439
-123	34038	1701900	d9ea4c0a-f4f7-48e0-bc87-7106de3fe645	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:48:26	510.593
-124	17020	1702000	3044bb7d-5773-4c84-976b-44fc522685c9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:11:23	845.803
-124	34040	1702000	99bc780d-d84c-419f-bbee-db6177edd9a2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:57:33	-872.644
-125	17021	1702100	22de9f7e-f793-4770-ae4f-c28f2ae6b2b8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:18:36	986.875
-125	34042	1702100	14312531-043d-4b81-bdec-7a21edd4b652	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:45:55	-148.597
-126	17022	1702200	3bce90ba-32b8-49d3-84f2-8487bf4b950c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:58:35	-130.11
-126	34044	1702200	0242257b-9788-4638-a894-e978d93bc94c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:44:53	-767.943
-127	17023	1702300	b19ec70a-0b15-4b40-943a-27e9b5614510	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:29:52	-340.582
-127	34046	1702300	89c9c57a-ae3d-408d-83ef-8f8baf154e39	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:59:58	77.427
-0	17024	1702400	d8524147-6dbf-467f-ab82-ca87844e4fe4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:03:02	481.776
-0	34048	1702400	9a1f8e0e-ca55-4686-b221-6d1739f41823	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:27:33	767.88
-1	17025	1702500	ab5a3286-c066-4f7e-b0da-28d2d0b3f725	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:00:52	-921.639
-1	34050	1702500	0adced97-6f87-42e9-817d-0529acbc70de	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:52:27	906.193
-2	17026	1702600	3a19829a-08f5-4849-8989-f5ffc0ee687c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:54:49	-251.499
-2	34052	1702600	5a806124-ec0b-4e24-bd28-0fca0db0e88c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:58:30	524.552
-3	17027	1702700	de281f17-3e7d-4e84-af88-c26a9681151c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:26:12	498.811
-3	34054	1702700	ee22dade-3127-454e-a34c-12c6e4fe3014	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:00:53	629.344
-4	17028	1702800	4150ccea-21fe-4a22-ac8d-6c7afce7dca3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:15:03	726.546
-4	34056	1702800	ab5de297-a774-46c4-8d52-5c9a07ac9ffb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:58:40	-692.133
-5	17029	1702900	1039cd23-5781-402c-b208-d99e36290991	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:19:05	893.313
-5	34058	1702900	a63465ff-8d96-4ce7-b1e4-051a0a3482ef	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:17:58	-284.893
-6	17030	1703000	c94d17c5-4538-4894-98ef-efb6225c81b8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:47:13	987.626
-6	34060	1703000	7d6404f6-5458-4c2c-a51f-9884ab866670	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:12:40	-938.77
-7	17031	1703100	0a89f68d-23fa-4c85-88dc-dbaa8a614daa	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:52:49	-667.703
-7	34062	1703100	82567642-f73b-4778-a842-071def09a57d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:02:14	498.365
-8	17032	1703200	47fd6d67-3ad6-457a-a74f-518c60bdb01c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:46:48	-791.790
-8	34064	1703200	02aeba3a-2ab2-4c08-99fb-a6394c08d072	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:53:06	-376.86
-9	17033	1703300	fdbbb7f4-3407-4a0a-a1e5-43cdb8f7b474	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:21:17	-74.635
-9	34066	1703300	5d7b2493-3d1d-42b7-8d85-a655e44016a2	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:56:29	715.427
-10	17034	1703400	843fec6e-15d1-4c6f-a4c6-1de629784ef8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:37:38	-600.927
-10	34068	1703400	94542f87-0248-4166-9eda-30916f9ee77e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:16:28	358.706
-11	17035	1703500	e8c19c00-a3ad-4819-88b7-9c4c8921bf60	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:28:11	-209.906
-11	34070	1703500	42237eb8-1aac-4512-a333-863b0d56ed48	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:33:05	878.922
-12	17036	1703600	44ad7cdb-a611-48e6-9c4c-00212216fe8c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:49:16	643.112
-12	34072	1703600	44321a93-d12d-4ff5-8c1e-48410e3d54aa	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:27:01	74.150
-13	17037	1703700	c677e230-666a-4c08-b9bc-c92f118d8fb8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:59:14	-755.943
-13	34074	1703700	0f119e2b-cfb2-4520-ad97-d8f7839e185d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:06:53	113.311
-14	17038	1703800	85877850-d570-4abc-871a-f3214dd29a04	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:11:51	-419.831
-14	34076	1703800	bd4c6b37-682f-402a-b4c7-ff69dd4b664a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:09:58	-976.963
-15	17039	1703900	9636de8b-65fd-4f0d-bdd5-cb5cab8cec0a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:20:17	128.552
-15	34078	1703900	5a78c1e0-cbe3-4a2d-acc0-e0936dbce213	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:25:07	953.901
-16	17040	1704000	cfd4e763-2162-4851-b650-e92442a4dbdc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:28:44	-267.166
-16	34080	1704000	26afeaa1-e8d7-4e54-aab4-237c0d07ecf1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:45:47	-429.520
-17	17041	1704100	60af7ff7-7c0c-45b5-bad1-3bf49f7cb92e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:50:02	-16.567
-17	34082	1704100	9fa3fc37-a979-4f2b-9324-0313b07fc114	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:35:31	86.470
-18	17042	1704200	aa41cc6b-daee-42f9-a4b4-de41ffb4ad6c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:35:25	-8.779
-18	34084	1704200	466f4a2a-c853-424c-a1e2-eef6f322bf92	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:04:55	409.60
-19	17043	1704300	1120322c-8d6a-4518-80ba-25e1844bb66e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:37:07	693.201
-19	34086	1704300	70692c71-a155-421b-a7b1-3dc3ef32d6a4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:46:39	137.284
-20	17044	1704400	9c2541e7-c279-49c5-8afb-5bfd205b8ebe	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:18:21	-456.892
-20	34088	1704400	728b7dc1-61c5-4f30-bd4a-d1b87c295228	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:18:33	-653.594
-21	17045	1704500	e08b30a5-913e-49e0-9a6c-26c43e689465	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:06:58	245.914
-21	34090	1704500	a5f4ce02-1056-4a33-92a1-dc8eed6b0bb4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:21:13	-18.638
-22	17046	1704600	260dc56f-c15c-45e5-96d9-3073eb42123f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:31:50	135.177
-22	34092	1704600	4c3038a7-7c64-47f3-9a4a-4804577c4aa1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:50:41	-489.997
-23	17047	1704700	d0b29f14-5ded-47f6-a751-80a58b587228	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:47:55	-843.434
-23	34094	1704700	5f53dc92-e440-4bb4-8a75-fef24cd61456	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:34:05	180.295
-24	17048	1704800	290ba078-1de3-4505-b846-e20106be6602	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:09:23	-150.216
-24	34096	1704800	cec15103-153e-4db7-bbc4-5586d0b7ea5d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:21:48	-236.735
-25	17049	1704900	0853c6c3-33b8-46ea-b8b2-e3c30bc6e2f7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:53:55	-162.239
-25	34098	1704900	8fd48a94-19f4-43ec-a174-8de1e01a6c14	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:51:31	761.479
-26	17050	1705000	dd5407b8-cea7-4bb2-aeda-d1a0331cb7d8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:13:58	-104.687
-26	34100	1705000	5ffd037b-cf29-4764-aa4f-e57a84b057b9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:23:11	521.980
-27	17051	1705100	45057696-750e-4a06-a3f0-3455d279e1b6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:44:27	-35.159
-27	34102	1705100	17c0b87b-d14d-4ad4-824b-dfcff9e6b171	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:33:28	85.695
-28	17052	1705200	bbeac26c-4bb2-40ff-a92f-02f1c88c8d8a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:13:09	-919.87
-28	34104	1705200	74718634-bfc2-4e94-8bc7-191546ad5a30	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:29:58	-276.208
-29	17053	1705300	75e7048a-7754-40c4-b434-b31463e44930	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:45:49	-860.784
-29	34106	1705300	c65e79a9-c329-4fcf-adeb-64dc2e4cfcbd	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:37:52	528.666
-30	17054	1705400	b398965e-d39e-44cd-a4ce-cbcc3170b9f8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:38:27	-96.103
-30	34108	1705400	bf4b9709-004e-4a39-a04a-b066a6cebfa9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:20:46	208.39
-31	17055	1705500	222b94de-7de5-44b2-9710-7a9eeb12f204	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:18:00	456.146
-31	34110	1705500	4e6d50e8-d6aa-4a4a-947c-827b9e47ea1e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:05:06	642.121
-32	17056	1705600	ab10b98f-b0d0-4e5c-9133-8673da2fe9d1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:42:12	-121.844
-32	34112	1705600	0cdfc597-22a7-479e-a883-f31eb4cf82db	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:29:56	650.924
-33	17057	1705700	894af139-0c85-429b-a548-7ea3b9232470	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:49:38	-437.70
-33	34114	1705700	346043c5-a7cf-4832-bcea-fbbb74feff5b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:44:09	-104.8
-34	17058	1705800	476bcf39-6758-41bd-9cfa-69c7e38ad303	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:10:06	671.41
-34	34116	1705800	fa0f43f1-5cef-4059-9167-4167b2edfca5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:30:10	-965.930
-35	17059	1705900	e5a0c5c7-6a02-4877-973f-ed1e94e1a3eb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:44:50	-345.750
-35	34118	1705900	39fd3eb8-6db9-4fcc-a4d2-baa286dc8980	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:18:16	800.568
-36	17060	1706000	8a2ceaa2-40fa-416b-9991-b49abd1e11de	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:05:51	-504.7
-36	34120	1706000	da6e64a7-bfa1-465a-8731-a8c7e1170bf4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:54:00	325.507
-37	17061	1706100	acc318fa-8926-4102-b54a-02253c613363	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:01:36	131.74
-37	34122	1706100	048fe609-c2b1-4a62-afb4-f675c575aaf7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:16:26	903.265
-38	17062	1706200	54cc7445-ac2c-4c20-972e-dee326f7c4e8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:54:02	27.705
-38	34124	1706200	c308143f-27ca-4a16-b848-42bbb376ac2d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:22:23	-859.290
-39	17063	1706300	08288645-54a8-4d80-8aa1-59ca5e74432d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:39:07	656.960
-39	34126	1706300	cf821b1a-d287-4cba-aea9-2cc4398e056b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:43:15	-789.633
-40	17064	1706400	e60c97f1-aadc-457c-89b1-89450544acfa	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:37:39	772.734
-40	34128	1706400	c1659807-6fd0-4ff7-befa-521e7d831644	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:06:27	854.685
-41	17065	1706500	59b79d2f-8ee2-4cdf-9de2-46b4766e1a20	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:25:33	-133.366
-41	34130	1706500	b6f56a8d-c6e7-4b50-ace3-7a48539daa57	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:01:31	664.881
-42	17066	1706600	88d1bfcd-72b3-4836-952e-4671d01f5d29	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:04:29	642.21
-42	34132	1706600	b09e1840-cc7e-4a39-bd94-6c7aa46f39de	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:57:01	-889.417
-43	17067	1706700	8551953f-e915-4f15-9d0b-60f43e659717	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:06:31	-750.193
-43	34134	1706700	8810fa60-f44a-4b33-9b39-7c69e4d1dd88	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:34:34	957.699
-44	17068	1706800	19140b19-8cfa-4db8-8053-e151ebbb77cc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:55:15	382.291
-44	34136	1706800	3553edd1-4d8a-4f4b-8744-991a636358c8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:58:52	735.634
-45	17069	1706900	2ab31484-c1d1-4c97-b36d-e2e6c378141e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:40:28	849.531
-45	34138	1706900	1cd7d76e-2694-4f11-ba0e-3058f7f8e50a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:28:42	-370.292
-46	17070	1707000	6a030b5c-a67a-4317-a732-da4b51d7b99e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:36:21	22.248
-46	34140	1707000	3556d31a-b0e7-44c3-8dbf-61c6b84d7b72	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:30:00	-267.345
-47	17071	1707100	f6591bd1-92d3-497f-a28b-801a9d0c13fc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:56:57	-948.231
-47	34142	1707100	dfff826c-2499-4d5d-b1f4-d9fbc732dd95	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:28:45	-955.541
-48	17072	1707200	f369b08b-81e7-4ac9-8638-7e0b1b40f9bd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:13:17	-26.132
-48	34144	1707200	1945317c-1ce4-4ac9-ac46-55cb7eff67f6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:39:51	-629.197
-49	17073	1707300	60c05472-40b7-4ffd-a8c0-7fe1e7f3ba69	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:24:50	233.567
-49	34146	1707300	aaa7f8a3-30f1-4e47-8234-762387d8d435	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:32:05	-33.149
-50	17074	1707400	11c49117-4e82-4a50-9b5c-461bafc0bef3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:54:00	834.552
-50	34148	1707400	830ecd27-20b0-474c-8eab-9ee725c8d923	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:29:39	930.383
-51	17075	1707500	f934787d-7c8e-4140-86c9-614a9bc74a7d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:40:17	-454.377
-51	34150	1707500	ac4bd6c8-2adb-47bc-bd00-25fc8a035244	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:02:07	237.439
-52	17076	1707600	56e126c5-d241-48c2-98b5-314062ed004e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:40:23	-317.606
-52	34152	1707600	d730fa92-8de5-4d69-8cd3-4923546962c5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:37:14	662.780
-53	17077	1707700	956ebf88-f85a-49e3-8853-3361394fb49f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:49:10	-715.182
-53	34154	1707700	1a49fbcf-43ee-40f4-80b6-efd97ed2b498	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:26:16	914.273
-54	17078	1707800	18e1fb58-2459-410e-98ff-189e41c6b876	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:28:15	-29.399
-54	34156	1707800	06137166-021e-41ba-b439-46e9d3fcab4b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:44:35	-138.934
-55	17079	1707900	77402d43-1abe-4f8c-ae83-6fd6d885e0ec	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:58:31	-663.308
-55	34158	1707900	02749bef-0f6e-442a-980f-fbc0e809dc3f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:45:41	312.825
-56	17080	1708000	374d5195-cb3d-4262-a658-9222e3c39c8c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:43:12	-115.986
-56	34160	1708000	46ac8c4e-0a5c-414e-9456-60b78ea6cd63	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:13:29	-465.744
-57	17081	1708100	aeba72d4-2fec-4e5b-8709-0a5b7332f1d3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:11:30	314.813
-57	34162	1708100	187a9a5b-db7f-4542-b002-90dbca5f2151	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:06:22	-269.460
-58	17082	1708200	95d0ba85-4c4f-40bc-a28b-160962dc948f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:19:48	-748.839
-58	34164	1708200	54e98ce7-7fe2-4b99-bee0-7a9bce9d840f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:02:01	-39.514
-59	17083	1708300	6173954b-398f-4d2b-bbd8-a6b60dc6bf0e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:44:13	-491.613
-59	34166	1708300	852f86e4-ed1f-4593-803b-21503927fd80	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:04:55	866.29
-60	17084	1708400	41c4d651-1d34-4180-b58c-bebcc797b487	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:19:48	-898.876
-60	34168	1708400	85355155-31a6-4967-8ef8-9bcb9c6581db	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:45:51	-266.277
-61	17085	1708500	deac1940-b4af-40b7-9062-a60c9fddc7e6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:16:32	-529.550
-61	34170	1708500	68f71873-0d74-49c0-986b-8dada37af256	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:36:35	846.245
-62	17086	1708600	bfd7b2e7-265e-40b5-bb92-2955963614b7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:13:09	-119.404
-62	34172	1708600	fbff91e9-3cd5-4663-902c-c75efeb6e028	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:25:13	-707.270
-63	17087	1708700	08adfbfc-286a-44af-a0e8-9c5dbcc8545f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:53:39	956.821
-63	34174	1708700	210caa26-2028-4483-a9b0-02c6d00d1ea1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:41:37	-604.716
-64	17088	1708800	86f6239a-fd8e-4ae6-909e-59a53e6d4774	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:27:42	-293.545
-64	34176	1708800	38398229-7a0e-4dba-ab28-2a86be4b478a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:36:23	441.126
-65	17089	1708900	9ceafb20-1490-45e2-8d19-184d72effef0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:11:35	221.886
-65	34178	1708900	e5d0744a-20ee-42d6-a70e-a0454ef62168	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:44:52	-364.926
-66	17090	1709000	4455d8ac-a608-4f98-bfbe-3afdb539c9bf	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:05:41	-979.106
-66	34180	1709000	7c8ad7c4-2b75-4282-93c7-3892b88b5dd7	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:40:42	-932.105
-67	17091	1709100	aa31d1c8-17f6-40a9-81a2-a90383458cbf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:39:14	-269.721
-67	34182	1709100	cc95a432-1209-4764-b089-0cc59326421c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:05:39	-851.704
-68	17092	1709200	7fec2eb1-a51b-44ee-89f6-51539a26e33b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:39:04	-175.962
-68	34184	1709200	cc5a9870-139b-4d68-adf5-dac913b5b2dc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:05:25	-627.351
-69	17093	1709300	249a8926-856d-4b38-8717-6c4582a7415b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:01:20	-462.308
-69	34186	1709300	9b1d4322-4505-45e5-8a9a-ac040ca89bc0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:48:41	-394.535
-70	17094	1709400	e23a8477-b01b-47b0-8561-56495fdb116c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:48:15	-819.919
-70	34188	1709400	2822e258-dd78-4bfb-bfe5-976986a36a7a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:51:30	273.647
-71	17095	1709500	01119205-6901-4e5e-b674-84bbd82601d9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:12:30	-328.833
-71	34190	1709500	f7ade7a1-1dd5-41d8-b09b-c37c81e525f1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:38:35	496.822
-72	17096	1709600	586cab7e-c8ce-46b2-96d4-a923260cf984	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:57:36	-218.758
-72	34192	1709600	4d6baf5a-2a4d-4604-8718-60a5f35c9867	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:22:06	377.922
-73	17097	1709700	8b62cff6-822e-4642-836c-baf7ed005487	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:53:24	-977.2
-73	34194	1709700	055891c8-efac-4319-b5ab-f5a5415f21b5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:08:42	799.891
-74	17098	1709800	f750aa8d-9c1f-4b6d-9080-c9904dedad8e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:34:46	-537.412
-74	34196	1709800	43594628-02bf-46bb-9798-d9f9766b1f29	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:42:58	646.137
-75	17099	1709900	31e0e7ef-8f81-4f08-84ab-719ed49effeb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:10:10	-969.644
-75	34198	1709900	ee67b1ec-167a-4349-9ded-5e7bd2b45597	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:44:22	-233.64
-76	17100	1710000	6e366b0b-5773-4492-bd64-d8c5fdf08264	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:26:55	-76.378
-76	34200	1710000	820d14f8-08a9-405e-bb38-16fae6778fce	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:19:50	-568.476
-77	17101	1710100	24921edd-9226-418d-8781-c259ded5af4f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:34:28	820.172
-77	34202	1710100	97306571-b1ef-424a-94b7-2a1dc5d5d137	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:13:48	345.940
-78	17102	1710200	864811d9-ca1a-4eed-b9ed-8c50e3ef9dba	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:23:19	452.692
-78	34204	1710200	a4c518ed-1f76-486b-bf9a-1e48e49cdb5f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:14:06	48.109
-79	17103	1710300	a01f1bfd-75dd-4109-9fbd-e04e06502885	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:10:05	-851.311
-79	34206	1710300	b70092af-46cb-4d0d-abb4-a107d5771bc2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:53:53	-750.94
-80	17104	1710400	32ee7318-d79e-4f8d-bf0c-453af989d1b0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:25:16	415.710
-80	34208	1710400	8a63a1d9-abcc-4fb4-b1a6-66e943befd48	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:43:38	-506.794
-81	17105	1710500	6da666b9-2db8-4c61-9728-a7f418c9f9d8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:15:48	-207.999
-81	34210	1710500	07e444e1-2dd9-4220-9e42-e90d259741eb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:07:30	-967.878
-82	17106	1710600	44470664-a71d-4a60-a3c2-ab364b7cdef4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:51:03	-703.171
-82	34212	1710600	03fb81dd-8cfb-4566-a3fd-9f5cb1c3f6e1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:40:57	776.400
-83	17107	1710700	c27754b1-b712-4c61-99b1-f8925a1aa7a0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:10:35	514.455
-83	34214	1710700	9d5f98a6-85c1-4722-9264-684eeade4b41	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:16:18	-874.406
-84	17108	1710800	aacd51d5-1436-4c4a-bba3-061dab92c144	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:02:39	-404.785
-84	34216	1710800	0edea5ba-98bb-4f99-8423-ddc1ee0d282d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:07:31	211.855
-85	17109	1710900	d7997340-13b0-42d1-a354-fa2c33d14d0e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:56:23	-714.125
-85	34218	1710900	b17a2049-9c28-4002-b316-5e5c347ba3ab	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:56:55	-941.855
-86	17110	1711000	e3f93f86-f2f3-4d1f-af63-5e456e962fae	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:31:14	668.902
-86	34220	1711000	cd609d20-62b1-41e6-aff6-d276f01f629e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:34:39	-15.310
-87	17111	1711100	f39909bf-6b33-4b7f-8a12-e5b95a747df6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:23:27	-800.598
-87	34222	1711100	ffc8d77d-f75c-4a56-a83a-970baef80bd9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:58:16	-702.614
-88	17112	1711200	b5d33d28-6c20-4c4a-88a4-7b366a9e329c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:35:38	-695.20
-88	34224	1711200	0d1d2066-7f96-4926-9289-5fbe17dbe06e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:59:21	994.446
-89	17113	1711300	6bdee9c0-02c0-4893-be55-4d28dcf7527e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:18:52	-264.771
-89	34226	1711300	9432d793-6b37-4d9c-a3f7-458d4e482a6d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:42:33	-345.200
-90	17114	1711400	edce8a7b-d696-4763-a438-89dbd352f2a9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:35:40	5.576
-90	34228	1711400	148d7fec-9572-4833-9729-5c034d815e25	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:32:52	916.945
-91	17115	1711500	dc2c762e-8c64-4e8e-a7ba-4899dd8f1254	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:45:44	248.115
-91	34230	1711500	5c75f510-ade1-4879-9d22-02ec943ef33a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:30:15	-493.865
-92	17116	1711600	9a0513d6-73c4-4ae8-bd2b-ce2e72377f84	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:40:57	208.925
-92	34232	1711600	c0e8df12-bb23-4f3e-bff4-82a5dd841caf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:50:12	202.973
-93	17117	1711700	e67c0396-201f-40d2-a8c9-c02ea0e82c05	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:14:07	442.924
-93	34234	1711700	ae27352d-7309-437a-a769-a9eecfa70a99	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:35:24	-459.765
-94	17118	1711800	ad229907-2c72-46bd-8695-5a7be61343e8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:52:54	-777.217
-94	34236	1711800	1d460e3d-9850-4f43-af1d-173b26fa1379	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:39:58	-228.396
-95	17119	1711900	3c4816e0-55be-4453-8d29-a7898138d131	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:12:33	615.421
-95	34238	1711900	f1c0e46b-92f6-4d40-a5a3-e717d0a8560e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:19:49	-405.399
-96	17120	1712000	3aa7dd08-ea11-43b3-aab4-f33cbf6d3388	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:53:27	965.943
-96	34240	1712000	8fa6bba2-6b46-4f60-8024-abb44346812c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:45:47	-495.638
-97	17121	1712100	d0f353df-f5a3-4c92-8388-6f537902745c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:44:51	-703.664
-97	34242	1712100	d9c31d94-dcac-4ce0-8bcf-e927ed5a72eb	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:56:35	364.113
-98	17122	1712200	92ae0f1b-0795-4f57-bbe2-49155bdeb4d5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:02:33	531.70
-98	34244	1712200	6cedf36b-f549-4a54-8ea4-a2d4450876a6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:27:00	38.432
-99	17123	1712300	e5705a54-6497-4c24-83fe-e4e1a1c79eab	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:28:45	313.567
-99	34246	1712300	4feebbb3-97df-4af6-8865-f0a0ac0a9fbc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:26:18	620.781
-100	17124	1712400	fa60f78d-6bb6-448f-a73f-29f9c84a1c12	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:44:05	550.464
-100	34248	1712400	5da35517-79b5-43bb-ad3e-c850c174a31b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:17:32	504.145
-101	17125	1712500	07c5543b-9efe-4166-a206-43c6ca91deb1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:18:50	633.379
-101	34250	1712500	98d56113-a1e4-4160-8ba8-fb13fa740962	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:25:16	138.528
-102	17126	1712600	6f529d10-4182-4c3b-bc92-28342e095273	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:05:42	975.239
-102	34252	1712600	5490db95-d81f-4a48-bf02-b2ba30d43e13	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:44:14	-251.61
-103	17127	1712700	ce4369ba-2605-40c0-b54f-cfba513ee1c1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:29:44	-326.292
-103	34254	1712700	ae7b8443-3b23-47e1-8fd1-de8a7b4d5b03	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:29:59	963.831
-104	17128	1712800	733bec6e-e414-42ea-8f49-4d97b3936d82	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:16:00	409.48
-104	34256	1712800	3684e280-e13e-4e99-92cd-5e7e7f418fa7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:27:44	-809.567
-105	17129	1712900	f575b2dd-2ef0-4bfd-8853-caeeb1b15dc9	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:07:22	431.856
-105	34258	1712900	e585f285-4f94-47e7-bf9f-a04ec27573b2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:51:43	-431.420
-106	17130	1713000	c6576fd4-bfd1-4fd7-9922-cf9b194f38dd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:29:02	881.846
-106	34260	1713000	01311443-1654-4465-8150-e784f435d6e7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:28:25	264.948
-107	17131	1713100	96873f6c-fa32-46c2-b24c-cde16075385c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:44:57	608.535
-107	34262	1713100	6bb9f7a4-cbf2-449b-92a3-7c442888bac6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:38:20	-708.959
-108	17132	1713200	89d3b129-3097-41a5-8301-ccbcfb56ee37	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:40:57	554.623
-108	34264	1713200	2dc8e1dd-4c85-467b-b5cd-58a3fd330f44	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:56:50	811.916
-109	17133	1713300	6306e596-d1d7-411a-bd30-1a2a0f8e5f95	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:00:27	193.671
-109	34266	1713300	d0771b0e-6011-4619-9196-b257b8d67584	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:37:06	-351.54
-110	17134	1713400	e6ea7dbd-33c1-49f7-b8e0-dba9d7482f3b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:26:28	-790.947
-110	34268	1713400	3658dfc1-a892-437b-862a-5f7f2d062c83	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:38:31	-933.588
-111	17135	1713500	1c53d449-d435-493f-84e5-d3c8b0f0ce98	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:32:50	-60.702
-111	34270	1713500	08d6cda3-eeb6-412d-b465-076612228f2e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:57:29	-758.127
-112	17136	1713600	0c59e455-c6ef-4cfb-8099-e6eb7a236113	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:38:33	-41.727
-112	34272	1713600	f05df087-f79f-4e2c-a15d-1812c06e9b2a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:03:47	872.252
-113	17137	1713700	3246e1e7-4326-4e64-9b92-9364ca1acd42	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:01:27	259.569
-113	34274	1713700	7b21484f-3153-4458-a3cb-e29fe582a919	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:18:02	6.280
-114	17138	1713800	3df22f0d-10a3-40ae-b636-6f81d32b9b57	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:32:05	-97.67
-114	34276	1713800	c7619acd-5801-4cef-8529-9fd902cd989e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:37:58	-161.323
-115	17139	1713900	aab4fafa-6e02-43f8-b1a9-9c535ba7c4f0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:23:51	699.71
-115	34278	1713900	e0cba472-ca89-442f-ad0e-d41642e3039a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:04:33	-417.733
-116	17140	1714000	7cce9177-7570-4aef-ae71-aeb005276126	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:30:28	469.0
-116	34280	1714000	fd9d5bde-b20c-4ed8-9c15-4a8deaa06279	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:34:31	789.491
-117	17141	1714100	7053cad7-714e-47ff-a535-54e731f669cb	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:30:59	145.372
-117	34282	1714100	b663fea2-4f56-4075-97f9-20485cf7a3cf	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:31:18	-52.622
-118	17142	1714200	370f077a-fb02-4841-80b0-8b4455f5b596	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:58:11	222.165
-118	34284	1714200	b103e438-cdd8-4a50-8074-fdfcf8c0821c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:48:44	229.751
-119	17143	1714300	1314ffa0-40c5-4769-9e70-b1d8193d2329	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:47:49	305.952
-119	34286	1714300	322d1df2-390d-4273-8773-fd98379b5533	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:17:56	90.531
-120	17144	1714400	97c72ba7-a093-467a-ab10-747df56ab964	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:41:05	775.825
-120	34288	1714400	685237fb-06f9-4338-a8e5-794e94501807	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:03:38	-944.633
-121	17145	1714500	6f23c952-09b6-48eb-8a23-a0006a70175f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:44:49	-353.492
-121	34290	1714500	0303543f-66a0-4ed1-88f7-b64b4566d2ab	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:13:13	863.114
-122	17146	1714600	7b9ba603-bbd3-4279-ab2a-29b7700353fd	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:43:53	649.657
-122	34292	1714600	f4e36bbc-27c9-4b34-bafd-38ceece30e1b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:25:17	-585.610
-123	17147	1714700	9074382f-fcab-49a0-ba2c-a08d12f1ff2a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:41:23	610.195
-123	34294	1714700	5b78fcd8-7039-46c7-9b86-1fcbde2aaab3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:07:57	-569.113
-124	17148	1714800	b1cf5ab6-8f18-4d98-a66c-95f1e386f0a2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:33:30	532.282
-124	34296	1714800	38d63fed-1a90-471f-af38-6ad049eb0551	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:20:50	279.591
-125	17149	1714900	ffb5cb5c-5456-4d33-9b97-3fc2d3dd5c10	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:28:27	-666.713
-125	34298	1714900	dc18e157-9b26-479b-9b19-19a42a016f38	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:46:09	269.523
-126	17150	1715000	35afa022-1c98-47f5-b002-957046ec44e9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:22:40	884.371
-126	34300	1715000	7ffbdb8e-be90-4a21-8e72-dcdae90e19ce	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:38:17	-502.246
-127	17151	1715100	5a1aef2d-c80e-49eb-a96d-d3c9d02b62a8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:03:50	221.477
-127	34302	1715100	98404f00-4cf7-459d-862c-4d78f6992265	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:49:42	-620.756
-0	17152	1715200	dd168e40-1a56-4636-af04-dcf130fd6094	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:14:46	829.575
-0	34304	1715200	6b613c5c-a9fa-4123-887c-2790ddabb1bf	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:34:15	-319.529
-1	17153	1715300	da995c36-2604-4eca-823b-55d66fd9b224	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:12:53	358.493
-1	34306	1715300	e349e633-de0f-4c9d-bdd2-22b74f8231ae	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:40:27	867.465
-2	17154	1715400	48c88d20-8cbb-4026-8828-ba74fa1e9404	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:11:43	-711.393
-2	34308	1715400	d600072a-7b72-46e6-8ad9-6288cdd70ed3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:08:54	-15.556
-3	17155	1715500	724a7cc6-c400-4827-a8f1-26942a6eac45	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:03:25	463.386
-3	34310	1715500	18f18a06-4064-4c32-be4b-f02b6233f539	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:05:09	-289.841
-4	17156	1715600	f8a105de-0f31-4ad9-8711-f02ca2ab8cb9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:44:32	-861.136
-4	34312	1715600	fa1475fa-a157-43fc-89c2-5f38e9ee4137	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:00:49	799.830
-5	17157	1715700	ed97d159-f6bb-4d61-90ad-b383eb3d4ade	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:03:29	-214.647
-5	34314	1715700	09a6860a-9cb5-4539-9394-83a63b493709	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:54:32	949.843
-6	17158	1715800	f4a60397-6529-4f00-8d86-b34b5528d204	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:39:34	-150.585
-6	34316	1715800	ea0093c2-43e6-41e1-9bde-14fb3ba3a56b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:25:22	-368.39
-7	17159	1715900	8be47346-1f29-4741-9463-00857277ccbf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:18:02	-441.890
-7	34318	1715900	41ac1e20-782d-48eb-b2c5-e30943d4c8d7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:56:00	871.674
-8	17160	1716000	613a7ead-cc22-4446-8421-c10b8a2994ba	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:55:45	-171.114
-8	34320	1716000	f22c1032-d660-45af-998c-e71b68af1d2f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:33:18	-865.848
-9	17161	1716100	39e9d6d5-fa7f-4e85-972c-0a6af951f9df	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:42:24	-371.818
-9	34322	1716100	11f1a577-e8b6-4429-942f-f8cfc8900972	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:59:38	744.325
-10	17162	1716200	1f25190c-ea98-4bfa-aed6-e1d96f0548a3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:20:17	-43.210
-10	34324	1716200	6ae41d27-adf5-4060-90d6-a6ad2c3e2fc5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:30:53	-749.494
-11	17163	1716300	f4538158-a9f0-40e0-aae1-6f3c4febcd4c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:03:43	295.355
-11	34326	1716300	51f655c7-d879-493d-a57e-6c268c2e5e69	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:06:02	-730.961
-12	17164	1716400	21f35278-c5ac-4318-ac13-d866b2014103	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:46:24	143.926
-12	34328	1716400	4a6a67b9-611f-4f90-a8e0-853b075dd88e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:35:41	-491.827
-13	17165	1716500	ead51bcb-9628-47d6-b020-a570a18b3401	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:28:25	-670.625
-13	34330	1716500	10adc051-6dc2-410d-afc1-4057271de646	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:03:20	-801.91
-14	17166	1716600	d53580ca-140f-431f-92c3-cf5b91b7f950	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:24:27	-115.497
-14	34332	1716600	29b41d45-9b67-478a-a8bc-6a2a4c9fc7c0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:26:07	305.818
-15	17167	1716700	6d767076-07a7-40b8-a424-dee47968ede6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:20:38	36.799
-15	34334	1716700	f47e0aae-4f64-43bf-bb5b-504bf9a27bfc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:18:22	785.877
-16	17168	1716800	d425d76f-e121-4adf-b6a0-10199c3933f2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:01:58	338.335
-16	34336	1716800	0b65f92c-0199-450d-b47b-3c2cdf9395ca	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:14:02	-748.263
-17	17169	1716900	11a0ee23-5ba7-4160-8ba2-7fe8c03ae222	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:30:10	937.924
-17	34338	1716900	9417b1bd-d926-423f-97a5-85a8d53fabea	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:49:12	-518.410
-18	17170	1717000	1896ec0b-e26e-4079-82ff-3f83315186ca	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:00:09	-707.147
-18	34340	1717000	9403dab2-376d-4d8d-af2e-d2ce36eb6de7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:43:46	17.501
-19	17171	1717100	c717b49c-fae8-4ede-88a4-8ce66c6b6429	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:09:12	-820.75
-19	34342	1717100	c47575ae-db65-4542-bc44-3704c1c3bfdb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:51:36	-85.607
-20	17172	1717200	725807ac-0f53-4cb9-b58b-6dba4d2fd17d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:18:47	375.553
-20	34344	1717200	6241354d-6415-419d-820e-c8f0a5860d7e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:20:07	-990.650
-21	17173	1717300	766e6ba5-8dda-4fad-852c-c6e14a23e730	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:28:47	431.986
-21	34346	1717300	f0c02b26-aff4-4c6e-a7c8-b2129fba1510	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:58:51	716.770
-22	17174	1717400	4d7474d9-71c6-43a6-8ed2-fcb7bb73d4c0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:39:17	-774.172
-22	34348	1717400	84a1b512-6596-4f4e-8338-afb3010a46d0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:16:06	609.25
-23	17175	1717500	adc9ce15-b8b2-48aa-beba-885365598c5f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:00:39	746.822
-23	34350	1717500	1194b13c-d507-4085-bf60-a44407c666dd	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:12:03	603.370
-24	17176	1717600	2ca36a13-77bc-41a1-a85e-3dfd629bf087	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:27:59	132.842
-24	34352	1717600	2b0c78f6-1b91-43c9-9bef-b03b285f2f47	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:41:46	407.668
-25	17177	1717700	48ba2fc1-57d8-455f-855b-38e266b19b91	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:20:54	-234.107
-25	34354	1717700	1b11152a-eea7-4299-902b-e71c77176138	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:25:43	29.468
-26	17178	1717800	5222541b-9c2d-42a3-9eb6-eafde60930f5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:45:41	605.820
-26	34356	1717800	63671751-991c-489e-9415-290fe5cd2c93	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:12:50	-154.422
-27	17179	1717900	0c1937ae-1d24-4344-937d-04a2c9a53522	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:52:09	-239.294
-27	34358	1717900	6116a450-dc81-4629-9758-4dbfb26b826f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:19:31	-709.251
-28	17180	1718000	8a863721-9daa-4809-a0e0-2c5ebbdd46dc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:56:48	308.258
-28	34360	1718000	ce4ae028-5868-40a4-a2af-cf496504732a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:18:37	-655.851
-29	17181	1718100	f3b87db7-de93-4e16-80ce-58a268474bd0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:42:59	-349.584
-29	34362	1718100	249916a9-a3e6-4333-8ed5-c7e09703ffd9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:54:32	694.367
-30	17182	1718200	6bb72fbd-f084-49a4-a767-42572032819a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:10:40	867.205
-30	34364	1718200	a42d614b-250e-4f3e-ab50-8c25ae9eaaea	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:28:35	-617.632
-31	17183	1718300	ec2d3328-6c43-4e1e-b8c4-f27fe3118828	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:43:23	339.524
-31	34366	1718300	8227295b-092c-479a-878d-53d0b30fb1a8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:43:22	-323.886
-32	17184	1718400	77ed6b9a-764b-4cc0-91c2-264ad8478801	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:29:07	-408.376
-32	34368	1718400	9254fa86-19d4-4800-9ab4-0c08bc7dafaa	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:13:24	909.766
-33	17185	1718500	6112db21-6a43-4962-8401-2e4eb45630c0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:15:14	918.550
-33	34370	1718500	a1af971d-8606-4bb3-a8c2-e49cd994df44	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:15:57	-638.93
-34	17186	1718600	fad93dca-d2c9-4d24-9135-45d0f5ac3ad5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:05:00	-212.578
-34	34372	1718600	5cf3ef05-0b0f-444c-a0a5-50384b90ac36	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:27:55	-360.972
-35	17187	1718700	d8745503-8b05-4909-aa39-55364e196a84	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:21:59	354.486
-35	34374	1718700	dec99460-56f3-42b7-b4ab-fe736844301c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:44:18	818.566
-36	17188	1718800	6f4d5ea2-fec1-40da-acd0-f1bf41df9818	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:39:43	-639.96
-36	34376	1718800	9b03b3ea-44bb-4aaf-bae3-ba019d231ad8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:59:47	64.564
-37	17189	1718900	d2c1f7a9-c565-4a13-9433-6cfc5982f5c4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:13:40	-890.952
-37	34378	1718900	84bf48c2-2a36-42cc-99fe-adcf2f0a81d4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:09:15	2.960
-38	17190	1719000	f00896ac-ed19-4bcc-9eaa-dc9913851626	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:28:42	-150.616
-38	34380	1719000	caad09fa-b0ec-47e4-8ef9-22982e315b7f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:36:22	286.556
-39	17191	1719100	e5760428-2e03-40d1-8358-0f4f7251758f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:19:00	851.725
-39	34382	1719100	2884563b-e9cf-412d-80be-72aaff9bb64a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:14:53	-968.12
-40	17192	1719200	a0c8b312-be6c-4782-9d94-c420e812919f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:25:30	-175.991
-40	34384	1719200	5b233268-641c-45f5-9ec0-992330769378	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:18:44	-777.49
-41	17193	1719300	5c44daac-3295-4c7d-a817-5b76fe28dffd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:39:48	660.624
-41	34386	1719300	2eff11d1-d6ce-4163-8e74-d8e5d8a7eb02	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:32:36	124.932
-42	17194	1719400	f64fe764-c7f6-4955-a7cb-6bb70685229d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:17:57	-458.261
-42	34388	1719400	25f8a4b7-eabc-45d8-adf8-09dccfc31d8d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:29:35	-266.572
-43	17195	1719500	f626965c-ca96-4cb4-a9e4-b89bb02eae5d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:50:08	637.64
-43	34390	1719500	a15b527e-920f-4d94-ab5a-e8d88f10a0d8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:14:25	67.79
-44	17196	1719600	21b8bb99-82a6-4a93-9245-74ad8e49505f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:33:37	-168.627
-44	34392	1719600	8cf46108-03a9-4d3f-8b1f-594ade9d1a63	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:23:23	397.707
-45	17197	1719700	4c530ff7-ee48-4cde-8155-7525489c8daf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:04:40	-478.839
-45	34394	1719700	07740e1d-6989-40f4-ba4b-31db7a431bbb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:33:20	772.492
-46	17198	1719800	62c05aa6-06b2-4d26-9a6d-31a1bc41b329	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:55:05	730.310
-46	34396	1719800	f75e7d64-ac84-42e4-8777-65a6fa0c7d7b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:20:20	371.77
-47	17199	1719900	49477079-de5e-461c-ae55-dbb35f4e0039	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:34:18	25.186
-47	34398	1719900	5fa8b5fb-61c5-4d62-88f5-a14649950eb4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:43:37	-384.152
-48	17200	1720000	bb5ebcc9-034b-462c-80e6-3519ea3643b3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:53:03	153.213
-48	34400	1720000	1b4d48de-e394-4220-bf25-167d0ec67694	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:40:30	802.604
-49	17201	1720100	398731b6-eaaf-4026-bb1a-d2ec0facfa27	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:25:06	931.278
-49	34402	1720100	d7983434-e863-4c79-8584-76747556ee05	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:50:24	932.246
-50	17202	1720200	421d0c49-17af-4b0d-be28-a5d602c74fcd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:19:22	-467.451
-50	34404	1720200	794e3d94-0f7a-4ba2-9e93-c1196c7cf901	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:31:41	352.806
-51	17203	1720300	5bddfadf-84a0-437b-9757-8af0bbe1d66b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:17:28	-979.527
-51	34406	1720300	8392f0de-eb77-4ddb-9ce7-e2c2a00b9382	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:01:36	-339.974
-52	17204	1720400	7692e34c-9745-4e6d-a02c-23e4886efa42	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:59:43	-302.746
-52	34408	1720400	be4166af-05c3-4598-82af-f2621011f9fa	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:58:38	-844.937
-53	17205	1720500	e7468016-fc06-44f2-9b42-ef52dde45eae	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:01:42	438.496
-53	34410	1720500	fa50bc0e-c54e-4966-bd6d-b72197feadd1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:20:44	-942.900
-54	17206	1720600	cafae1e2-205e-4666-bbff-1ab5d6438a96	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:25:11	19.580
-54	34412	1720600	1f0cd79c-b2c6-4099-a382-00ea412dc899	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:59:59	176.388
-55	17207	1720700	5e98f7c0-2be2-47d5-b924-3f9fded9f4e3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:25:35	-650.998
-55	34414	1720700	e990d16d-0007-4a0c-902a-467f4a7c7472	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:23:13	-485.362
-56	17208	1720800	0b6053dd-a59a-4e29-a1bb-131ab3b96a36	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:54:34	-418.349
-56	34416	1720800	c63b2215-f049-4fce-bc8e-3f74f0188cd7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:40:14	723.477
-57	17209	1720900	db953125-bf61-41fb-ac05-f07694592c09	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:43:40	-191.288
-57	34418	1720900	733ff432-ab3c-4931-ac79-11da1979c454	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:15:14	792.353
-58	17210	1721000	f7faad20-36c2-4ae9-bdd2-2c3d23c83635	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:47:00	-372.136
-58	34420	1721000	b6452f85-cc1d-4aa4-9f2d-e59a67f9a7fa	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:03:23	-28.189
-59	17211	1721100	6ce7caf6-142c-4c9e-8c57-d8e6d498cb39	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:39:03	757.43
-59	34422	1721100	491516aa-28ae-42a3-9ce7-f3283304a656	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:05:23	632.627
-60	17212	1721200	e9487db0-d34a-4ec4-ac02-f3b9a3670767	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:31:50	213.42
-60	34424	1721200	4f4ebbe6-ea4d-4412-a93a-444d21745a75	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:01:44	-774.846
-61	17213	1721300	382ecef3-e2cd-471d-b6a1-4184e3764694	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:58:20	-615.622
-61	34426	1721300	4294e0e1-7f8a-4a84-a8d6-6cacbbb9de02	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:36:37	-600.332
-62	17214	1721400	7f9a6ce0-595f-4311-8a71-acf84071031b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:37:02	523.647
-62	34428	1721400	dd39dc0e-6a67-40ca-a2dd-419e1cca61a1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:45:32	-567.537
-63	17215	1721500	bdca56cd-9ef1-42c3-b2e8-61346cd60b37	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:03:35	161.365
-63	34430	1721500	91308de1-eafc-419d-8a1c-765506d9777e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:15:04	-32.529
-64	17216	1721600	abbae0e3-1cd8-47f5-aa54-2ebef9b214ff	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:51:01	-679.693
-64	34432	1721600	c8576543-833e-4d16-941f-07096a987ba5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:34:18	-237.917
-65	17217	1721700	525d1bad-72ea-4af3-a5f4-41c5bc771854	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:46:20	83.30
-65	34434	1721700	d70c78b1-257b-4aa9-9d6a-c30b9e3b39eb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:19:04	-346.187
-66	17218	1721800	94a5c9e6-469d-4867-851b-449587fd0ea0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:06:27	743.0
-66	34436	1721800	105d8b13-9e6d-4970-99ad-c54d32353efc	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:07:54	870.990
-67	17219	1721900	fc049f48-2037-4de1-a348-5fc35ce037d7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:21:57	-390.531
-67	34438	1721900	94b87b3e-c263-4999-bef4-d3018226bd0f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:21:55	-353.252
-68	17220	1722000	f2949f3d-4434-4d46-b594-1e0fc4af6852	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:59:13	-337.22
-68	34440	1722000	e6a08004-96b3-497a-addc-99438039c06f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:58:09	701.427
-69	17221	1722100	130a9d39-f873-45a0-9a94-963bf3d90874	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:43:30	-397.900
-69	34442	1722100	e7a41033-cdd8-4ef7-9d4f-431d4e52eb7b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:04:41	-910.586
-70	17222	1722200	d759af1c-3011-4a2f-9243-bf07474e76fe	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:05:31	-532.404
-70	34444	1722200	a9eaf67c-c0e7-47c0-8040-1001bee9788b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:47:21	-908.507
-71	17223	1722300	413c408c-be5e-44f2-ad38-4356c8410fcd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:32:45	-940.87
-71	34446	1722300	4b66ccb5-a0bc-476e-a2a4-a8f827ae8474	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:05:39	-869.815
-72	17224	1722400	f1926207-57a4-459f-89c7-908733c3296a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:42:21	-931.514
-72	34448	1722400	e514e779-d9be-4e5d-bd60-e835efb9f1c2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:47:31	989.65
-73	17225	1722500	8d99ce35-c8c1-417c-bab5-e7c543ec892f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:37:43	-814.124
-73	34450	1722500	224688aa-0037-418c-b275-7d0afb7514be	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:58:56	408.807
-74	17226	1722600	2eec6b52-5b53-4d25-a22d-af7975a24f7e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:30:50	-422.71
-74	34452	1722600	c2289791-50aa-455b-a4af-15a7af20e20c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:21:35	-395.169
-75	17227	1722700	e7368546-687b-4cac-9539-e989da205098	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:49:17	366.899
-75	34454	1722700	2c6b49d2-3bd2-4c11-9d38-d8c60263152d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:19:52	764.108
-76	17228	1722800	872dab5f-a081-4bfe-ae22-c3bad421f25f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:26:56	-637.997
-76	34456	1722800	d0548eb6-a6d1-4d66-be83-c754bf83392f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:29:52	152.396
-77	17229	1722900	b7af1419-418d-4c13-8ecd-ad7c5c7dfd37	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:31:31	-228.312
-77	34458	1722900	e630a27e-02f3-45aa-8c72-c0578e98731c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:14:13	-153.805
-78	17230	1723000	69096023-06c6-42ba-a3f7-a2c46b4a438c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:07:10	-719.132
-78	34460	1723000	1d30569d-a79e-4a55-b5aa-16a5cfe586a9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:07:07	801.211
-79	17231	1723100	b906e7d5-2812-4b8e-88b8-1fb3b7321767	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:07:19	520.730
-79	34462	1723100	6826d934-0ffa-4d37-8ac1-49babe1d3b08	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:01:37	-569.466
-80	17232	1723200	5d3c7aa7-3fdc-44e4-8605-d504e29cd379	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:10:23	-971.337
-80	34464	1723200	e74615dd-2581-4532-b923-b694e7b749cf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:48:46	578.572
-81	17233	1723300	c90bd91d-4585-4481-bbb5-158fce929ebd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:39:26	-761.645
-81	34466	1723300	84d73f3d-2d41-408e-8f5e-3a000a7aeb31	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:55:18	-438.888
-82	17234	1723400	02fa9b53-571e-4eda-b1ab-746787d0dcf0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:12:18	865.258
-82	34468	1723400	e46f021b-dfab-4566-8eec-f8d78b7f60d7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:04:49	-934.252
-83	17235	1723500	03526ee0-fe5e-4f48-9c12-b7479e2f8b01	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:35:56	-303.664
-83	34470	1723500	18c851a3-b1dc-4ac0-bb9f-53368abc768b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:21:19	-785.346
-84	17236	1723600	d70bc11f-fd50-4d6c-a0b8-e59c2c704224	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:12:28	903.806
-84	34472	1723600	5b837345-cf81-4b2f-a6c9-d8b8ddd17417	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:08:37	-331.133
-85	17237	1723700	c58eee76-cbc4-412f-8067-64def14e0c50	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:10:27	-617.757
-85	34474	1723700	a09a88eb-c44b-462a-b524-c417c86230e6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:35:17	80.281
-86	17238	1723800	7cf73090-14fd-4757-8cc9-fbb63b653ec6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:37:13	495.216
-86	34476	1723800	85a1ec52-009d-4d60-ace1-d6b66d456df5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:14:08	-510.327
-87	17239	1723900	c94c5cdb-20c2-4194-b4f7-0443314c3061	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:36:05	846.501
-87	34478	1723900	e884c623-0313-4c60-b085-db42004d6829	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:41:57	-945.117
-88	17240	1724000	cc672128-a3ea-4ef8-8a68-b8cb59f478e0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:52:52	818.926
-88	34480	1724000	883bb2f5-db1a-4eaa-b2f4-a5616fdca3f8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:26:55	744.949
-89	17241	1724100	ae96c943-4c35-4aad-ac4e-92be22521f45	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:11:19	814.689
-89	34482	1724100	0dd4bb26-4e17-4d93-862d-91cf922ed3ec	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:31:45	-77.435
-90	17242	1724200	dc08f8f5-9a25-460c-b368-8eaada43844e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:46:13	901.268
-90	34484	1724200	f66b4cd4-a66e-4fc1-833f-2e18db778500	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:33:35	-988.900
-91	17243	1724300	fc557d3d-f09f-4f6a-8cc4-6a3b135f4b23	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:45:35	378.225
-91	34486	1724300	77e23366-d4e2-4fb4-bc58-611353b7f013	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:23:41	601.727
-92	17244	1724400	1b914147-64d4-4c91-95d6-dc880b278e1e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:20:35	-803.805
-92	34488	1724400	9d68044d-2b5d-4a3b-ac1e-e5c0c751e5ee	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:54:10	352.919
-93	17245	1724500	a1018a06-aef4-4af9-85c1-f82bc8fe7ba5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:53:31	-191.847
-93	34490	1724500	214c571c-279b-4aef-86d4-0eb340405c78	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:17:31	292.704
-94	17246	1724600	d24d2e70-0cbe-4c11-877b-9016b6cfeada	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:19:51	-917.181
-94	34492	1724600	1563fbaf-d9ff-48b2-95cd-c2d0c2e2a80c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:13:04	-977.218
-95	17247	1724700	dd69ee87-8503-40b8-ad56-b202bf6b7829	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:13:38	596.238
-95	34494	1724700	dc548438-8677-4157-932c-ac357be93019	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:38:43	120.631
-96	17248	1724800	30fbad7b-c749-4d79-a7e3-48a7c854e356	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:10:55	261.837
-96	34496	1724800	20137421-dc79-4ad7-836e-0ee8e810f89c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:05:06	977.434
-97	17249	1724900	559de71f-1b4f-446a-87d4-5e9085b66167	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:18:43	-482.680
-97	34498	1724900	b435cca0-0210-4440-9ec6-526f000c1b04	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:49:24	751.429
-98	17250	1725000	8b123d2b-980c-4406-9edc-5d448c1b8fcb	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:16:44	670.472
-98	34500	1725000	a32d792c-25a8-4463-8cae-2be53402f8b5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:01:59	283.131
-99	17251	1725100	67b1c30f-ae30-4593-82de-918aa9d8a47a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:21:20	994.761
-99	34502	1725100	19bf9731-735f-4f86-a612-bdb99aa0637f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:30:04	-307.207
-100	17252	1725200	1baf5d93-021a-41b3-9e51-3a7ef42ea05f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:04:44	47.572
-100	34504	1725200	52ef4da7-6d4e-4fb2-bd4b-8cfeed41fb62	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:14:51	-40.317
-101	17253	1725300	76e292a8-586a-40a3-8257-82b48d3003aa	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:28:21	-80.725
-101	34506	1725300	c31fddf1-01f4-4286-bae8-81d76f605178	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:01:33	148.270
-102	17254	1725400	9ea372f2-1ab4-405a-be33-be3aad026582	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:07:26	-639.749
-102	34508	1725400	aa2054ab-f3e8-42fb-87e0-04798389579a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:51:34	299.51
-103	17255	1725500	eb0b4a0e-164d-4a28-80f6-7830d23c305f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:31:02	-667.170
-103	34510	1725500	224466d5-cfea-4f8f-af78-692a778a22a2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:52:32	-3.53
-104	17256	1725600	8309119e-f3e6-418b-9895-04a5a2dec48f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:57:43	581.151
-104	34512	1725600	485ecd6e-0d33-4fce-9da5-c805e148f947	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:18:51	307.441
-105	17257	1725700	6880c014-fc78-40a4-bcca-edadf601c521	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:24:53	90.210
-105	34514	1725700	5587e732-ea24-435c-9bd2-dfaf23602902	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:18:26	-359.110
-106	17258	1725800	249c64cd-6f3f-4047-9187-54e6ef6f04a5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:30:05	107.120
-106	34516	1725800	d4f764c6-f068-412e-a384-dc1bd596c1b7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:37:47	597.457
-107	17259	1725900	e261834e-ad94-498f-a075-6386fc8794fc	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:14:41	949.913
-107	34518	1725900	2fa90b33-5a67-43ac-8586-1723ed7a55c0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:31:10	816.703
-108	17260	1726000	bfc367a7-7bdb-4c1e-9691-bcc211b78f11	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:37:06	-65.792
-108	34520	1726000	2619b821-f764-4594-b056-09edb37f936c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:41:53	-60.315
-109	17261	1726100	ed16301f-1cbc-46c3-8b5f-4a9390bd7269	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:41:10	-648.3
-109	34522	1726100	f26a5ab6-e0d1-44ea-8192-87f4aa75413c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:45:48	-282.813
-110	17262	1726200	46e71406-0211-42b5-bae9-46c16f191899	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:40:34	-32.894
-110	34524	1726200	0c03e0ab-e1cc-4e66-837b-f4370470fd12	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:36:34	886.96
-111	17263	1726300	3f906308-dea7-422a-983c-c04a744f3adb	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:29:48	617.894
-111	34526	1726300	14775e28-7a31-4721-9a58-aa843a06aeb1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:04:16	-75.340
-112	17264	1726400	2fde8ff7-509e-48e2-9508-b37bec482689	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:03:22	191.918
-112	34528	1726400	0d44b3a5-7454-4c4f-83da-07d8b8917533	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:55:29	-7.862
-113	17265	1726500	d70a0465-fef0-4710-b469-d17e90a3d9f9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:03:22	903.247
-113	34530	1726500	2de94c7e-d124-4487-9c87-4179cb35bc3c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:23:27	-393.526
-114	17266	1726600	b5054ae5-d592-4429-a969-998d814392f6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:17:32	907.848
-114	34532	1726600	41ac8a2b-dc53-4621-a22b-d3260a2d7580	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:11:34	527.63
-115	17267	1726700	1027b9c4-fcbc-48ad-82e5-252899a477c6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:45:11	-510.142
-115	34534	1726700	1f8d2149-0248-46cf-b81e-2b4adc000c6a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:43:54	27.599
-116	17268	1726800	5eb296c5-7d4c-4490-9042-6bce6ca65687	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:38:31	-703.887
-116	34536	1726800	2fe80818-7f26-4823-b2b1-c69c87aa993d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:06:43	-670.841
-117	17269	1726900	4d9cd8bb-4730-4ca2-b139-60c6beaad32f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:50:31	-319.971
-117	34538	1726900	4d3142e6-c0e6-413b-81a1-da9caf4d2d7a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:39:27	-892.463
-118	17270	1727000	f7ff8681-6280-46a5-a4b4-4100be218923	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:17:29	-430.982
-118	34540	1727000	dc40e91c-3901-456b-8ed3-d3a2effb6772	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:00:02	-28.300
-119	17271	1727100	d2430794-b295-4e83-aee4-d25f95e267e7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:44:22	532.332
-119	34542	1727100	9fed9616-f88e-488f-9630-ca805aee571a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:13:40	597.593
-120	17272	1727200	8c21cac8-c0eb-446b-ad82-bc2f0fc9a5fa	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:02:00	670.340
-120	34544	1727200	4562b216-ce7d-44f4-a0c8-fa439bc9ed51	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:00:45	228.529
-121	17273	1727300	2cc3a7f1-9b65-48cc-a5e9-36e9d75cbdce	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:23:30	845.626
-121	34546	1727300	ff2f896d-dc79-468c-8b72-56af7a23b716	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:46:54	516.462
-122	17274	1727400	0a515fa0-c7b8-4797-b779-045b21e71e68	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:05:07	-215.719
-122	34548	1727400	f92333d0-96d4-4172-a0a1-e8193337fd1b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:55:21	-39.484
-123	17275	1727500	971b34d8-2517-4362-8a04-19b2b6275995	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:53:34	388.287
-123	34550	1727500	b0ac0d98-93f6-4bee-aca5-e6bbf65469c3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:18:15	665.372
-124	17276	1727600	b09131e4-3fc2-4977-874f-8d86d64cd62c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:10:10	428.396
-124	34552	1727600	c1b6bbbd-2d31-4016-9a7b-5e1a6ff6e263	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:52:11	-730.492
-125	17277	1727700	51f13672-f734-4790-b0f6-ddb9121b57b6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:15:08	723.483
-125	34554	1727700	5d34a9df-d354-4161-a476-6caf4019f188	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:43:50	-440.800
-126	17278	1727800	b20ff469-f34a-407f-8daf-2b4c2bb38552	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:53:58	295.231
-126	34556	1727800	2d311388-a183-44b8-9a2c-c989a409d148	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:23:40	696.265
-127	17279	1727900	ab009ea0-0279-4270-9f55-c2366989f531	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:33:58	-889.928
-127	34558	1727900	75c59889-7e19-45d9-b78d-2e56db8fdef4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:23:00	-895.159
-0	17280	1728000	0b3de205-aab8-4635-89d4-a25292c09cac	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:43:59	-476.597
-0	34560	1728000	ee1339a5-c3d8-47db-a794-7cd3af50008d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:14:09	-973.208
-1	17281	1728100	dfa2d11c-0fed-4b73-978f-07472948f550	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:48:30	-635.674
-1	34562	1728100	fe9f655e-7836-47c4-878b-05f2186ea4fd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:38:41	129.714
-2	17282	1728200	8f611b3f-41b7-4e76-814a-ca7387700b01	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:47:21	-570.146
-2	34564	1728200	6ef05c11-9ea9-4983-bebd-70e197ee005b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:46:31	406.732
-3	17283	1728300	bdef8218-6d52-47c2-81f1-4934de0094d8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:48:16	774.21
-3	34566	1728300	c35e792c-0c0c-43a2-898c-13256ff39263	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:34:28	779.100
-4	17284	1728400	e7f38d85-95a6-4f97-9662-4c20d972552c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:05:04	-829.581
-4	34568	1728400	f77a87b5-2cf5-4a21-99d8-b535c0ad5d16	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:06:27	236.382
-5	17285	1728500	e6e9166c-50c6-4515-a58c-0c41a26ffc25	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:42:27	519.709
-5	34570	1728500	81e5dd1b-b487-4d78-8192-eaa158d78c4b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:18:41	-122.162
-6	17286	1728600	d08cff4b-23e4-4991-a4d8-c8b703782c44	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:44:20	792.79
-6	34572	1728600	24c078b4-4b46-4f87-a5e6-04ce53ec527c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:25:52	-429.112
-7	17287	1728700	2bd62a00-ba47-40d6-b3f4-36aaabdf9661	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:16:41	867.205
-7	34574	1728700	aae98847-6248-4b72-b3b8-ac2aa4270c99	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:34:37	-770.315
-8	17288	1728800	1036f5f6-5722-44c1-be55-277467e11b82	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:20:10	205.926
-8	34576	1728800	69c9437b-6782-4c4c-b8ad-ac343e73f768	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:00:30	-121.319
-9	17289	1728900	000d1ace-1833-470a-9bd3-ae1e6d16c7f9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:59:49	887.916
-9	34578	1728900	101ee9f7-ed30-4ad3-aa1d-1f529a874930	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:40:42	-920.877
-10	17290	1729000	39ff3ca0-de1a-4627-a173-44ebec91f3f2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:21:50	-824.181
-10	34580	1729000	0cd05c41-29cb-4f10-a84f-2080ffa8b701	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:02:00	966.548
-11	17291	1729100	950f8d84-803c-4936-8fdc-fb9bb9491a7a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:44:37	-557.472
-11	34582	1729100	4bcc4789-1ec2-44eb-a567-06af0e55b4d2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:54:44	-398.107
-12	17292	1729200	dcd88d74-7bde-4a29-a5e8-bbddbef11c27	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:57:56	322.140
-12	34584	1729200	431725c6-2e7a-4405-a6a2-5d2bb27b0fcb	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:20:40	-199.27
-13	17293	1729300	3266855b-7b6e-4ae6-8101-f4a569c8cadd	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:20:35	923.653
-13	34586	1729300	b1bf2a95-c38e-48fd-84e4-079965c536e2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:12:27	486.154
-14	17294	1729400	d0f7a59c-38a1-4edf-81d8-fbb9e7e08901	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:24:43	421.687
-14	34588	1729400	4bc3d300-a5ab-4c20-b8a3-a13719eb28df	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:18:24	-475.390
-15	17295	1729500	83418ca5-7135-4704-bd6f-af770d38f540	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:45:44	-272.498
-15	34590	1729500	e3be1f97-7b5c-4781-a1b8-02401b7b2766	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:47:27	-199.230
-16	17296	1729600	5851c3b3-1ba9-44bf-82e5-d460ce2c87c5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:04:58	366.271
-16	34592	1729600	d379ae19-fefe-4f19-820a-18f694ed4dec	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:51:54	514.819
-17	17297	1729700	1b6ec61e-7fcd-4b7e-8b1f-47910f4b7774	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:13:13	-560.1
-17	34594	1729700	7be5f9e0-9e51-49e8-9aa6-d3e5c93e5046	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:25:20	369.94
-18	17298	1729800	d032ec95-b5bc-4eda-99ce-b414b69eacab	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:29:40	-150.878
-18	34596	1729800	dc6bceb2-5ab9-47de-ae08-00ac0d53fa5c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:53:44	484.874
-19	17299	1729900	63eed92c-1425-4eca-98b0-4d0f1ff5c03b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:48:23	570.789
-19	34598	1729900	b9c87ed5-dd6d-4dd0-8806-be3d1fbd2ccd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:27:25	-512.304
-20	17300	1730000	b75aeb24-6f41-4c53-b513-fdfa41e8d7b7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:36:31	-716.870
-20	34600	1730000	38a47e45-f49b-4129-9819-aee5551bbe5f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:06:02	275.945
-21	17301	1730100	6040b7e9-6e6e-4a0d-b3ff-5ec0651be19b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:24:39	-782.806
-21	34602	1730100	c201d639-fbf8-427a-a763-5a36a20dfaa9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:22:02	-981.339
-22	17302	1730200	0e0ace73-bee9-43a5-a902-2c5a3eeb322c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:23:09	-504.919
-22	34604	1730200	69903d73-a494-44d0-b7c9-9ee0b66b90de	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:41:25	850.110
-23	17303	1730300	d6b03056-62c9-4131-932b-4bd001293113	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:40:01	692.517
-23	34606	1730300	ec5d41c5-38e8-4c79-b7e4-b94653245ddd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:29:15	-438.450
-24	17304	1730400	7c5d05f9-9850-4925-bd2c-e12f7890f50a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:57:12	-648.142
-24	34608	1730400	61139ffc-1ad0-4aa2-a204-d209e4e8e350	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:23:40	79.249
-25	17305	1730500	9f117ae0-497f-4425-95d0-87132a5cf806	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:52:03	272.560
-25	34610	1730500	314d8c89-9c04-455c-a5d2-e7c95da5663a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:10:08	-589.102
-26	17306	1730600	e213dc8d-c695-4460-9847-3515a646c4cd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:03:42	942.610
-26	34612	1730600	bbbb03b9-35e4-40de-8177-d38123151139	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:39:34	510.877
-27	17307	1730700	5f588118-821c-4212-9337-389448542ebb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:44:24	25.483
-27	34614	1730700	b977f1c2-e1a0-4383-8e94-332794217194	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:00:02	-607.602
-28	17308	1730800	f6d17fa0-44bc-4473-8e40-1afffdc4a4bc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:26:18	-222.56
-28	34616	1730800	14eac193-d9b9-4907-8f34-e8d888e51af2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:52:21	-413.574
-29	17309	1730900	222c8133-6827-43b5-b7cb-30bf79c7b226	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:48:59	708.565
-29	34618	1730900	4038e9fe-0cd1-4967-8743-c220f6919746	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:28:41	557.254
-30	17310	1731000	0564e3fc-6930-419b-bc8e-206ab6d6dbbe	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:21:18	659.959
-30	34620	1731000	49e3218b-f4bf-4d85-b101-29611e3db29c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:00:33	793.128
-31	17311	1731100	8f40535b-4a42-4f12-9990-ed7e2fe170d3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:23:02	-289.971
-31	34622	1731100	b1e6c9b9-8106-40e3-baa8-d37eb91df7f9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:36:06	-620.713
-32	17312	1731200	dbebd215-8791-487e-8c80-bd7f2f6386d1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:20:47	-674.633
-32	34624	1731200	9e2fe92e-df28-4664-a792-57eea75c7eed	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:38:36	-814.754
-33	17313	1731300	0db77106-a44e-4578-bcfb-44bf856a1deb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:33:43	799.472
-33	34626	1731300	ca547420-175a-40d7-bf52-fbd07ed94c0e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:09:26	914.292
-34	17314	1731400	c4c436d4-d3ae-4e1a-a8b1-d7828e74835d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:08:08	361.402
-34	34628	1731400	05ef76cf-c720-46da-bc8e-4f9fad785593	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:13:04	886.375
-35	17315	1731500	0dbfd839-5e30-40ee-ba19-61f15ac838e4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:45:08	91.809
-35	34630	1731500	94077447-af81-4362-8d35-63f05e01f82b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:43:46	216.417
-36	17316	1731600	597b73c5-99a6-43a4-8279-002e9fc30185	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:13:44	598.178
-36	34632	1731600	1a11417b-ae08-4fa0-bc39-028db0eb6277	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:47:21	217.332
-37	17317	1731700	e32e6e34-76a8-4589-b0eb-5ed40d6b3419	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:39:42	-297.953
-37	34634	1731700	77d65b56-4b76-4726-a308-028558522898	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:36:46	-858.602
-38	17318	1731800	07ad0eab-c424-44d4-b7a7-dbb2d2860d75	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:59:00	-84.819
-38	34636	1731800	95da3d0f-3fa8-446e-9900-40fec59085aa	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:19:43	-4.230
-39	17319	1731900	fd332c9b-f131-4a59-a419-382ea516c217	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:42:40	-332.363
-39	34638	1731900	7df2db73-54cc-4a1f-aa3b-b877ee365873	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:14:44	172.335
-40	17320	1732000	73c70708-8a27-4598-99c7-7430e0801630	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:18:17	-551.61
-40	34640	1732000	e6f23036-5728-43be-86f1-ba58e3f4775a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:22:58	-722.818
-41	17321	1732100	cab95413-6696-4f45-8e74-e5debdb599de	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:54:43	108.147
-41	34642	1732100	18fc6867-9fde-47a4-93aa-58d8b332f1b3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:20:16	195.79
-42	17322	1732200	7a1aa100-72f7-4cfb-b2f0-0d3da733a0f4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:54:48	880.405
-42	34644	1732200	5db90ecc-ce72-4524-9d24-576af191e329	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:25:38	-621.35
-43	17323	1732300	fff24dbe-e6f3-4123-b180-a262f04546e8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:44:38	96.809
-43	34646	1732300	9e55db00-a37b-4760-8ab1-7b884ac697dc	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:45:28	404.547
-44	17324	1732400	2a93de60-4c3c-48e5-8127-63afcaaecdbd	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:27:56	237.784
-44	34648	1732400	577b69a9-0981-4089-bb4d-3920d0beb052	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:52:14	-436.683
-45	17325	1732500	0b9bfa7f-55b7-4873-8cba-9fca5e94560a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:45:00	441.993
-45	34650	1732500	fdffd38e-6eb1-4395-a9cf-c7495ecdc167	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:58:37	370.851
-46	17326	1732600	d528108d-c9b0-4662-8386-94577fdc9c09	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:28:51	-724.23
-46	34652	1732600	c910bf97-8631-4534-8cb6-54829db14498	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:10:32	-181.614
-47	17327	1732700	fad6b7f6-463b-49f9-a775-b23ef4a9d8fb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:33:27	-186.905
-47	34654	1732700	55db9f2a-0847-4605-b861-a50a59946de4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:10:24	375.927
-48	17328	1732800	71ccd107-a54b-45ae-aa5b-3f0859d4e182	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:43:16	629.228
-48	34656	1732800	6e398a60-58f6-46d1-870d-55e3b30b661c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:13:06	980.47
-49	17329	1732900	382c5e55-dfbf-4f9c-828a-ee175996fd32	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:49:55	981.416
-49	34658	1732900	8df44966-d66b-4922-bc9e-b9f299beb1d8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:57:45	-998.199
-50	17330	1733000	dd7275a5-eea9-457b-bef5-202af6644899	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:48:21	760.311
-50	34660	1733000	ef9c78e2-36c7-461f-9bc2-0116d55915be	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:36:45	-537.857
-51	17331	1733100	d8468ab1-84c5-4a08-a0bd-4734e782e55d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:02:04	-966.947
-51	34662	1733100	7640b02a-c663-418d-8d60-31cbd9f6ba56	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:00:25	-235.403
-52	17332	1733200	59d1ea93-17cc-412d-8672-42d4d0656a6c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:06:44	-500.206
-52	34664	1733200	d666c1d4-3174-4903-9daf-4ce2f2deebb1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:01:10	-661.839
-53	17333	1733300	fa0d842c-c27a-43eb-ab4c-91cec3e8ef47	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:29:58	-310.17
-53	34666	1733300	0e06721b-d4ac-46ae-86ff-987fbaa41660	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:28:14	295.399
-54	17334	1733400	e4ca0f61-c359-4dc1-8002-bc08d781352e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:39:04	151.675
-54	34668	1733400	8248c2b4-f904-4ca8-bc9f-20f5bde6dd10	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:52:02	907.761
-55	17335	1733500	882f6de3-7751-40b4-9a5f-b46d8c28168e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:43:25	883.158
-55	34670	1733500	07780bf0-eeda-4ff5-9dd0-ce4d6ff27818	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:44:40	112.237
-56	17336	1733600	1c886078-fcac-4a42-b778-6200b9a69167	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:50:45	48.976
-56	34672	1733600	a4dcb9d6-4d42-449c-8817-ff8201761d20	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:20:06	-685.976
-57	17337	1733700	bb0b3005-da4a-4cbd-af1c-67d99a58a2e6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:44:14	989.249
-57	34674	1733700	f890ade1-27c3-4874-b5d1-cf4a39ca4491	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:35:01	764.387
-58	17338	1733800	ef37ef5b-b3cb-4178-ad0c-a79bda276577	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:25:43	604.360
-58	34676	1733800	5ff3eef7-336f-4910-94f2-34439ebb0a04	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:46:45	572.788
-59	17339	1733900	352a582b-2fa5-40d1-afd7-a3dbc888f488	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:04:06	332.304
-59	34678	1733900	019a4803-f2c0-4329-b6f0-2f839a3e402f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:32:15	115.690
-60	17340	1734000	40ccc65d-46cf-409a-a094-0eb2ee1c3af8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:10:45	-211.163
-60	34680	1734000	18311745-5f92-4533-9fa9-166c8f932d9d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:16:52	369.754
-61	17341	1734100	c812d3ba-7f1b-45cd-92fa-fc59ae8aeefb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:03:19	-655.558
-61	34682	1734100	3f3cf5c4-4c6a-485b-ab2a-91844d2fc2be	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:00:42	728.457
-62	17342	1734200	942b0edb-14da-42fb-9fdf-a35ed947855f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:07:35	882.833
-62	34684	1734200	88df6ae6-c4d3-4d50-9f85-6dcca6e1a68d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:29:54	764.773
-63	17343	1734300	36ac9bd7-f864-48d5-b580-f9e426a06309	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:57:52	13.266
-63	34686	1734300	45083741-697a-4156-95a9-a932eefbbb2d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:09:34	928.885
-64	17344	1734400	3845f114-a78b-45c6-81f6-b1d2e73eefd0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:36:04	936.898
-64	34688	1734400	014f08f9-2e21-406c-bc3d-049fd3d18d15	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:08:41	-794.850
-65	17345	1734500	40a19a0e-7a8e-4465-b458-59166b1c1809	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:35:44	-438.541
-65	34690	1734500	af3485d8-d017-4823-8b74-e829372dad10	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:22:58	-240.548
-66	17346	1734600	31d13abb-0e0a-4b13-bceb-7aaf48cb4287	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:17:56	-665.31
-66	34692	1734600	972d87b5-df63-4b5a-94e9-dbd347a3f85b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:59:55	-491.534
-67	17347	1734700	3ec4972b-1022-4912-ae9c-47b0c8d3eadc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:52:08	-944.597
-67	34694	1734700	4c700763-5a5c-4842-895e-e9e664ccf5f1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:10:30	432.240
-68	17348	1734800	c8d9fae2-9ae4-4a05-9e52-af9e6b7284f5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:34:42	-380.73
-68	34696	1734800	231d4cc8-0077-4677-b087-35c1b7a43dc1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:46:01	981.702
-69	17349	1734900	028bde91-ffb0-4dab-88db-f3da7063221e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:15:43	124.928
-69	34698	1734900	7dc72919-220c-4c8f-af29-b8f720d7c668	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:49:14	414.9
-70	17350	1735000	9584d1c8-843f-430c-9000-7cda157d5606	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:56:22	-599.621
-70	34700	1735000	7b140336-c825-4177-8993-e67ad3944a99	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:59:45	-938.286
-71	17351	1735100	0c78a088-a821-44be-bb27-142817d8dd1a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:56:28	367.148
-71	34702	1735100	9544bcf8-9542-47e3-add9-58fe629607ae	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:38:58	-898.859
-72	17352	1735200	e41c1559-5c2a-44e6-acef-048a4ac50346	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:12:46	441.870
-72	34704	1735200	5b35bc19-ac61-4c98-87a7-4348115b7fec	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:07:56	578.577
-73	17353	1735300	b5e2ea4c-e567-4d2a-8382-6444e8d0326b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:26:16	629.85
-73	34706	1735300	d3fdac27-946b-4d89-8250-76e2d8e6d1ab	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:40:48	-656.575
-74	17354	1735400	072ac8ab-537a-4f09-8d38-6db1abefdc10	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:18:57	799.497
-74	34708	1735400	ccec1197-7bfe-47b7-9ee3-bd0b03e3f41e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:06:47	-212.372
-75	17355	1735500	671d94e1-16d8-4187-8dfd-76222048d4c9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:10:58	514.734
-75	34710	1735500	953e183e-30af-46f9-8d58-0c69cd62e237	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:30:50	-452.750
-76	17356	1735600	c8515672-833c-4c71-a15e-e3ca80d391a3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:29:41	-122.715
-76	34712	1735600	c0239ce7-191a-4f16-9a04-6c22f1722f08	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:25:20	318.347
-77	17357	1735700	ff3e1c7d-12da-4ef7-900c-c9babeff0de7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:07:55	580.794
-77	34714	1735700	d4cc3eb8-2029-4028-9375-fbf741ab5f2d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:36:56	868.457
-78	17358	1735800	be5bb106-6a4c-4f79-a7f1-020adbd12ae4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:51:59	-390.228
-78	34716	1735800	cdd2b66a-6054-4c7a-b4ed-31a061d59627	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:34:04	-157.299
-79	17359	1735900	26d50053-fa15-42d8-8cab-5887af7eec59	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:10:28	243.493
-79	34718	1735900	fac2ebbd-343d-4b86-a142-d7c30cc73a49	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:44:18	111.951
-80	17360	1736000	0f870b66-4eba-47ef-80e2-527b78d87649	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:30:25	469.97
-80	34720	1736000	be26c7f4-9666-4900-bfb9-d2298683214f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:18:29	-889.873
-81	17361	1736100	b7dac456-347c-48d0-b5c6-0e9be474ecc9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:23:48	-954.254
-81	34722	1736100	4973857b-291b-4daa-b57f-d3ff8646fbde	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:51:58	-230.853
-82	17362	1736200	9f7e0608-fc33-4d95-b902-f87197e30a0b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:18:03	333.744
-82	34724	1736200	5641313f-b0ef-4fbc-a50b-52b52f7eabc3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:16:21	-92.223
-83	17363	1736300	f6b38fd4-29e7-4de4-886d-6b4622b261a2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:44:26	-828.563
-83	34726	1736300	d27d6488-23a2-40ce-bbf1-c1afab327b53	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:20:57	720.355
-84	17364	1736400	7f3bf12e-1de9-4aaf-8538-fb269042c1a8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:56:09	584.443
-84	34728	1736400	4767a180-a21c-4bb7-9733-27723b90ca98	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:14:05	-710.791
-85	17365	1736500	913724d8-2f21-4609-a39e-c540f6db8987	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:43:47	-173.250
-85	34730	1736500	8660f1a5-5b23-4216-a6cc-26a0864bc230	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:49:38	-423.576
-86	17366	1736600	5b95e30e-c743-4000-bbb9-4f01c2f6a24c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:32:46	458.787
-86	34732	1736600	381b14f9-017b-412c-b96d-f9b7d7dee651	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:29:28	22.84
-87	17367	1736700	d8a08acc-28c9-4c8b-ac92-eb79246729ad	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:38:37	-364.778
-87	34734	1736700	3639a405-899c-4142-98fa-5eeed1c6968f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:11:11	-848.417
-88	17368	1736800	b231981e-ce20-4bfe-9eb8-7d4e0b050dbb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:54:38	828.495
-88	34736	1736800	75495da4-52b0-4f19-a2c1-69d75b935aa6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:11:16	17.761
-89	17369	1736900	c4ad664b-d06b-4a1a-8ff4-4356518334b6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:59:39	-505.971
-89	34738	1736900	e5cbc198-99f1-4c3c-8d9e-c7dcbbdec45c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:46:24	-956.980
-90	17370	1737000	4757db33-fad6-49d9-87fc-5579e5f27bf6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:24:49	137.558
-90	34740	1737000	73e1744a-51fb-4a50-849c-ce20d9c2d1cf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:03:48	416.344
-91	17371	1737100	8aac23ae-ddd8-4c04-890b-f9319263117a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:04:36	-993.48
-91	34742	1737100	3a48a1ac-9b6a-407c-9b74-36b340cd71b1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:43:18	396.278
-92	17372	1737200	f8173780-432c-4ed5-9a69-4b2baf2a496f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:19:04	516.643
-92	34744	1737200	74e879ae-d8b6-4aae-abc8-2dc58ae76ab9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:30:22	-623.191
-93	17373	1737300	5888f5a0-7d21-4345-83f8-fcf66c406409	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:56:45	999.67
-93	34746	1737300	9f70f83c-8f25-465e-864d-8431b73aced5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:10:27	466.648
-94	17374	1737400	0754a6e8-2cd5-491c-9d05-661834168032	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:04:38	-363.912
-94	34748	1737400	4411f383-57f3-4a14-9b6a-bbb0271f0e4b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:21:50	568.165
-95	17375	1737500	9c076a02-ee90-468f-8911-34d08f96f797	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:57:11	-884.563
-95	34750	1737500	d3cbb2ab-ae5b-4bf4-afc5-5aabfcb70625	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:07:49	945.653
-96	17376	1737600	5188f7c6-cf79-4086-8c0f-794acdeca722	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:13:54	-171.486
-96	34752	1737600	e4afe6c9-1940-46c6-872b-4dea74c2b9c6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:53:45	-103.839
-97	17377	1737700	9b33ce6f-c36a-4e02-9169-c80a45be5be9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:05:51	73.470
-97	34754	1737700	a52be817-3582-49fc-a4e0-804205a3ae16	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:53:10	884.88
-98	17378	1737800	6f3163e5-8bb6-4aae-a1a1-39b7c06523f1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:42:31	-756.188
-98	34756	1737800	45490375-f92f-4c3d-bfe5-2efac8896184	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:39:01	462.306
-99	17379	1737900	9c945fa7-2430-46c3-adc1-14ff5b43a5b6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:24:29	518.134
-99	34758	1737900	0ffcbf44-1f2b-43fa-9a6d-d55e7cc1b8fc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:50:22	-785.296
-100	17380	1738000	fbc54954-6ed4-4dc1-aaa7-daa55cf551cb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:48:28	-693.900
-100	34760	1738000	b62643b0-9c63-46ce-8d9a-192a889ccb6f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:49:11	-186.474
-101	17381	1738100	29978261-5bc1-465a-8894-474e08ae93fa	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:34:36	964.174
-101	34762	1738100	3b96575f-3e1e-4ce3-99b5-766a74d9c2dc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:33:20	829.980
-102	17382	1738200	4b37d7b8-424f-4a14-8cd5-e3bba583bd7c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:11:32	674.180
-102	34764	1738200	30183ebb-8e39-4a69-9938-e35bef22a0ac	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:59:25	708.56
-103	17383	1738300	de74f8c0-3dce-4c25-8b7a-f0003f4ead94	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:04:27	-618.865
-103	34766	1738300	6ba49340-a7d2-4eaf-9ca5-515b90f6af79	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:27:15	760.0
-104	17384	1738400	e2033976-542d-4e12-834e-0c3dbaa7047f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:10:44	-803.893
-104	34768	1738400	b0aba8b5-4b14-4f7e-a31e-594f81e7497a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:16:29	-3.430
-105	17385	1738500	9b769bd1-8b2e-403b-b49c-1e447a4ecb3f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:52:37	-790.641
-105	34770	1738500	04d3113a-2276-43f1-a859-9049f24b8fe5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:10:25	195.702
-106	17386	1738600	68d2958f-e8d1-47ce-9b9f-1e8ca466d49a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:39:15	-134.898
-106	34772	1738600	88aa6541-b700-4b59-9240-af104256d175	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:18:05	-990.273
-107	17387	1738700	d018d78f-8d43-4ccf-a310-5ae383bb3435	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:47:07	322.579
-107	34774	1738700	2a484078-a049-4482-be13-1618f2044118	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:33:15	-868.90
-108	17388	1738800	c6216dfa-fe17-425e-b95b-53c44591880d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:46:43	-882.886
-108	34776	1738800	559dffdf-c769-4861-aee4-d97be6abb2db	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:10:44	-261.635
-109	17389	1738900	d663c9d4-5b23-48d8-a3eb-da3a68adc86e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:35:18	318.913
-109	34778	1738900	eb6daeff-7918-45f0-8e10-9bdebcc0a7e9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:49:56	-825.220
-110	17390	1739000	7fa61da0-1dcc-4d2c-a3f1-8a734ecfdea2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:22:51	607.321
-110	34780	1739000	90a9ac7a-4951-436a-9df0-5a83e6bf1804	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:21:33	300.865
-111	17391	1739100	898ff7e2-b690-45ff-9758-86a1dde3e2b8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:26:26	-275.283
-111	34782	1739100	6ce7338c-d203-4911-8068-1b53094da614	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:49:45	697.528
-112	17392	1739200	00116d89-ba50-4591-b18d-c6458781854d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:35:26	436.672
-112	34784	1739200	d1ba82d5-ead7-4a7a-b37b-c8ea0b65cf48	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:30:36	-287.661
-113	17393	1739300	4180a5a8-274d-4664-b203-a7a2575ea3cc	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:42:48	-977.167
-113	34786	1739300	7795457a-0316-45d3-8fb1-bf95a6e6aab9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:12:54	-146.684
-114	17394	1739400	007e6f95-49fe-4594-bbcd-40753d0cc12e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:58:55	-602.867
-114	34788	1739400	dfa6ff75-c16a-4239-a9af-d52c52e90027	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:54:51	-564.991
-115	17395	1739500	f963f482-742f-47ca-a338-26b82bcec692	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:31:09	-148.902
-115	34790	1739500	6651f53d-fc3f-4e47-bb01-3f0e5e86957d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:23:34	191.214
-116	17396	1739600	8a9bb74d-da2a-4e2c-a7ee-d8c89ba1cfe5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:34:23	-231.155
-116	34792	1739600	626c376d-c525-4ac0-b678-cd904e26f4a4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:21:36	601.797
-117	17397	1739700	b2c2c4c0-6ca5-4317-aaf3-9c729eb8c28c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:13:09	709.433
-117	34794	1739700	0722ddc3-9bc4-4a64-87ff-916b3d3bfa14	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:55:08	-117.695
-118	17398	1739800	07ca5430-bae1-4aff-8e3f-2e58e34f6dc1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:57:34	-305.27
-118	34796	1739800	01693a1f-fd8e-4036-9864-9a62667c7eed	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:37:22	-281.131
-119	17399	1739900	89a1d658-aecc-4464-a53b-d49b1c1b83df	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:02:26	393.3
-119	34798	1739900	39e2ef41-9ed4-4813-a81e-0d3367420a65	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:57:49	178.373
-120	17400	1740000	e7ce9611-494f-4fac-bc65-430e40766568	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:02:07	-456.826
-120	34800	1740000	03ecad78-b618-4cc9-8ea3-9db202bfd7ed	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:47:49	967.79
-121	17401	1740100	a569d8a1-57ed-40b3-a277-088f1d242f3e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:45:35	504.851
-121	34802	1740100	802695e8-7ffe-43d8-8388-2ae4c097ee9a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:09:49	-941.234
-122	17402	1740200	03d7ab1c-82f8-414b-8a7e-43702e818f10	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:23:43	-775.738
-122	34804	1740200	5da8426d-4410-4e8e-b8df-7204b4d2e9e9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:39:49	557.354
-123	17403	1740300	59de4c8a-f171-4adb-83ae-44cecea982ab	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:25:47	-536.945
-123	34806	1740300	ef1e6278-e020-4582-8536-121f7ae2dd67	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:55:59	505.569
-124	17404	1740400	e8e8b4c1-fe6f-48be-93c5-f56fea2860ca	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:22:57	-489.45
-124	34808	1740400	b63b47ef-1fe8-48b1-ac77-2b3f9a4e1436	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:30:57	232.4
-125	17405	1740500	004915da-4f4d-412b-a9f0-b14fcb7279a4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:33:50	645.2
-125	34810	1740500	318ffe8f-5d38-4e25-97de-19285bc74a35	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:40:28	980.377
-126	17406	1740600	1acea8ef-6ac4-4bd9-ade2-452e79a99c5c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:01:11	-639.651
-126	34812	1740600	ce94a6a4-a51b-4429-87b3-95c783b312c5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:36:28	-952.549
-127	17407	1740700	5397ae9f-89bb-4805-94d6-9bd514299331	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:41:57	6.673
-127	34814	1740700	a87ee29c-4c1c-4835-95e0-becbc2efbbac	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:31:00	581.276
-0	17408	1740800	64499895-0fd1-4588-b882-911dbad41954	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:26:54	-232.417
-0	34816	1740800	b0494bf8-07bf-4016-9b18-9c182715e3ff	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:10:07	493.595
-1	17409	1740900	00cdf67c-61fc-43e0-9f65-6ee5e667768c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:57:21	196.818
-1	34818	1740900	20875ca2-121f-4beb-b4c1-3b615782541a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:42:09	309.347
-2	17410	1741000	3ef463b1-513c-4d6e-9a1a-e8602019823f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:33:55	-90.405
-2	34820	1741000	dbad8e31-0ef9-4e77-a9a5-36db24ddc493	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:23:44	-821.935
-3	17411	1741100	00222b87-0d3b-48aa-b176-05bcf6ad3656	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:58:59	-950.76
-3	34822	1741100	97ab46b9-4bc8-4da9-b9d4-4e9a89f68642	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:45:54	-19.897
-4	17412	1741200	b826fd2c-2e36-412d-b29e-cfafd8c48578	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:27:27	661.142
-4	34824	1741200	234e9756-adeb-4615-aae0-d06813eeb85b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:31:17	833.273
-5	17413	1741300	05da5f74-c44c-4321-a063-ce62e57c7f25	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:32:03	-415.532
-5	34826	1741300	babc206f-a588-4e67-8c57-ec6fb7f2aec8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:54:49	847.782
-6	17414	1741400	2dc45436-5ecd-4818-8fda-d4910d618b1a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:32:22	165.881
-6	34828	1741400	86bf10d8-4b55-40d6-b747-4aed53df82b8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:53:35	-959.953
-7	17415	1741500	57e0d692-018a-4eaa-b757-26a4225a3473	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:02:41	788.543
-7	34830	1741500	acf65094-7f12-4ba2-a6ec-f3fb00cd8d26	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:02:12	154.27
-8	17416	1741600	c2ae5c0e-a3e8-4f32-914a-745fb6e385d2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:25:17	771.382
-8	34832	1741600	da257599-47cd-4680-b762-dc10777fb9c9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:48:34	420.11
-9	17417	1741700	12fa09d7-4aff-42a7-a790-4d81b7c3486e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:18:36	-9.151
-9	34834	1741700	a8c79a54-c47c-4e5d-90da-97b13485b130	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:09:27	-495.189
-10	17418	1741800	2398b3fe-6b16-4c32-9e71-1d36ac0c47a1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:38:05	239.373
-10	34836	1741800	f0fc9e6c-7496-4155-b7bc-3f9de5362bb7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:18:13	80.513
-11	17419	1741900	2ee7c237-f163-40cb-8197-ad44027eb2b3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:54:03	-739.67
-11	34838	1741900	a7fc4069-ca9d-44ff-bb64-925f2a67f988	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:49:54	732.346
-12	17420	1742000	c39ac7b1-ced8-40a6-8ced-3dfa414e94f0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:10:53	315.87
-12	34840	1742000	ef4f5e2d-1a1c-4377-86db-7dbabb551c60	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:28:40	42.729
-13	17421	1742100	b1e7a01d-2681-48d3-96df-89c25fb7a444	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:40:39	-98.528
-13	34842	1742100	fc5ddb9d-5cca-4106-a07e-a64608d6bd06	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:57:25	-650.923
-14	17422	1742200	6c3553f0-f0f0-4e0b-a019-b1e4b9352b79	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:47:02	123.269
-14	34844	1742200	afa97f70-67db-42a0-8e93-fc883fe0a64e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:07:33	920.864
-15	17423	1742300	0b78f555-2cc2-4adb-bdce-ae58aa2582a3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:43:03	168.113
-15	34846	1742300	1c4d3a26-39f0-4638-8a8a-c8165fb8a4e8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:02:34	-410.293
-16	17424	1742400	bcc17193-9903-4282-995d-23cfcde4dca5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:58:45	516.38
-16	34848	1742400	4160a53b-6728-4b6e-98e3-7b97cae82c6f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:34:12	297.59
-17	17425	1742500	c411d1cc-1d93-45a6-8931-7eea6f24547b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:58:35	-523.906
-17	34850	1742500	4f7727f6-d36c-4cf7-9a42-a68abdfd37f2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:02:45	664.741
-18	17426	1742600	1ed1c6f7-d698-4218-b522-2cde47004567	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:55:35	-89.968
-18	34852	1742600	64c3054f-4a40-4764-9563-1002b76609b4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:05:17	931.452
-19	17427	1742700	31d541e2-b2d1-42f2-9969-aa3bc402afce	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:44:11	-757.613
-19	34854	1742700	98240c5d-3507-4720-8c8d-31cf4ccd39e0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:37:14	224.754
-20	17428	1742800	e40ebc4c-1493-4213-811b-f7e780d86763	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:32:08	361.10
-20	34856	1742800	8b56f19c-32a4-45d3-bb25-6fbb20ba47b3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:52:24	-544.163
-21	17429	1742900	82a2558e-afbd-4fff-990a-57299346f723	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:12:40	-370.0
-21	34858	1742900	73bab31b-252d-475d-aca2-9904187a5646	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:27:24	-717.649
-22	17430	1743000	f0e1852e-fb43-4dbc-bec6-fb930b386df8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:24:12	420.4
-22	34860	1743000	0f0de000-6eeb-4ae0-84a3-a3a8c787f092	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:17:21	140.594
-23	17431	1743100	d248372a-ff02-4039-befe-02df4dce922d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:04:40	-772.361
-23	34862	1743100	f5fe388b-c0a4-4a4c-a869-30b211fd88c8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:10:51	-493.957
-24	17432	1743200	8830470d-9020-45bd-8a1a-36b03600d826	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:09:25	-270.895
-24	34864	1743200	54ad356d-2c5e-45d7-ae47-29e1f9af99af	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:59:50	448.259
-25	17433	1743300	8a796805-4075-4668-a49b-9c19ec7069dc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:27:00	-778.93
-25	34866	1743300	870ae2ed-920e-4f3e-a5df-9c4cf604fb72	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:43:07	-88.369
-26	17434	1743400	e5d0707a-62bf-4848-9a9d-a902736821ec	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:21:53	-900.250
-26	34868	1743400	2e3e5974-278d-4a3c-8964-d503dfaf33af	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:55:23	-687.652
-27	17435	1743500	3090d5f7-5b28-4bb5-9cca-14eb47486f74	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:46:14	368.875
-27	34870	1743500	9111b477-b6d3-4822-b62a-e42864a2e763	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:31:54	100.108
-28	17436	1743600	ec746531-7a61-465a-8928-b07dd45b1cda	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:01:58	898.402
-28	34872	1743600	f169c8ba-416b-4527-90d6-31190c7b0293	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:34:28	619.333
-29	17437	1743700	d2b1abb9-2034-46a0-a2dc-05e6b64bced1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:10:14	-353.546
-29	34874	1743700	e1d26888-e8ac-498a-9ad5-dbb4ca190a66	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:59:20	-719.351
-30	17438	1743800	2363f289-99fc-45de-85cb-9d3a327d89b6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:39:13	-516.872
-30	34876	1743800	58a1b707-bc07-4caf-9a5d-d3151fdb7a8d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:14:47	364.213
-31	17439	1743900	0f375e6e-20f7-4976-bc42-fe56c13fefe7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:16:15	-931.663
-31	34878	1743900	58ef1fb1-c392-4001-a387-3a5710516d21	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:12:53	942.947
-32	17440	1744000	8b1774d0-49a0-47f6-8fe0-1ee32cb717ba	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:25:23	-497.93
-32	34880	1744000	3fcfa244-5e78-457a-a451-abcd38b763e6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:41:14	-692.170
-33	17441	1744100	e9f19889-58f0-42a0-8d8c-984fb3addca7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:13:29	-282.460
-33	34882	1744100	9fd8529d-184a-4040-9ae0-567c713a48f1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:19:42	-137.552
-34	17442	1744200	7ef5b98f-6345-4bce-ac04-6f109c45c9d8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:35:05	967.456
-34	34884	1744200	26b57bcd-2329-435c-99fb-35b2a98c968d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:40:45	450.162
-35	17443	1744300	77209fa7-c056-4189-8832-713b880603ca	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:07:29	-273.664
-35	34886	1744300	89c8bf25-1c52-4438-8f83-9ff6e2f13284	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:22:03	-551.577
-36	17444	1744400	bba5c877-28f3-476d-bc74-22cb456e2525	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:22:59	316.203
-36	34888	1744400	69143371-d8a8-4535-a797-92392d73d383	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:21:37	-88.283
-37	17445	1744500	12649b11-8708-4d30-bead-86be972f0dd5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:55:19	-706.968
-37	34890	1744500	91a56f8a-434c-4d88-9d2d-76593b89bd4a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:40:15	-382.790
-38	17446	1744600	4b7f3fa6-e968-489e-8717-fc1bf356189d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:41:47	-68.884
-38	34892	1744600	ed10986c-2c65-480b-8847-64b4de0f4e6f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:33:11	-394.895
-39	17447	1744700	66c23866-b93c-4587-bef8-1cb671276f9b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:26:46	958.277
-39	34894	1744700	5b6b7a01-f9a1-4117-9528-331b4367c759	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:14:07	-741.222
-40	17448	1744800	04694318-f720-44a9-a945-253cc6ba4262	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:47:28	-229.648
-40	34896	1744800	95aec239-6b0a-4e89-b805-4167cf300e28	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:12:49	628.39
-41	17449	1744900	d352cb8e-1b49-4bf8-82a6-0b1c92afeda9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:08:58	742.930
-41	34898	1744900	1cc29f58-ad9c-4857-b49c-b34502b992d7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:00:15	-119.611
-42	17450	1745000	718b6e90-6076-4654-b3ab-d2ad386c545d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:29:52	-556.849
-42	34900	1745000	2db7e036-1ab0-4226-b2c6-96bebdbbea19	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:34:24	-746.656
-43	17451	1745100	41a7f2a2-6d13-45a5-99a3-9fcdf3245223	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:39:19	-290.179
-43	34902	1745100	c312fbe1-1020-4e37-95b5-e61e9400eb5f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:26:09	693.542
-44	17452	1745200	80bde5b4-829e-4fbf-9264-030d034575a2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:59:32	78.231
-44	34904	1745200	bd648a70-a7b3-4d5b-bf5a-98408ee3268a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:56:34	-533.187
-45	17453	1745300	251ff6fb-9882-442f-844e-19e70156eb8c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:09:32	-302.309
-45	34906	1745300	897fef8f-0dc6-4434-990e-7868bfad6739	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:48:55	616.26
-46	17454	1745400	4520c722-23b5-4b40-aca4-509353158b77	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:45:37	431.949
-46	34908	1745400	92beb596-bcb4-4313-8f48-766dff238d6f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:51:13	-50.527
-47	17455	1745500	d1322c79-2a68-4712-8b6b-f42332460d45	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:31:31	-519.347
-47	34910	1745500	11198009-cdc2-41ed-b0ce-3fc49bba03f0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:33:36	-435.42
-48	17456	1745600	8c970dc5-a73b-47eb-bebd-dee64fe8f12a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:14:59	-785.147
-48	34912	1745600	c0bf8896-1663-4089-b439-a11749abb2c7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:07:53	8.674
-49	17457	1745700	a4046539-6366-4c0b-a968-199482245d65	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:06:13	-787.151
-49	34914	1745700	3f14b609-2b01-4c50-9fa1-78bb3eb46a26	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:27:28	893.37
-50	17458	1745800	3421458a-96cf-430b-89c3-302d209ed3cf	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:04:30	659.721
-50	34916	1745800	cc5303bf-e4a6-4f99-ac9c-daa7f870de40	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:11:37	-679.614
-51	17459	1745900	1dee5b7b-71df-4e83-b07c-20cf9e2e1cf1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:53:38	-204.788
-51	34918	1745900	c4d5ab3f-753f-458c-9a93-3cfbb54622d4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:04:25	-983.403
-52	17460	1746000	323c9a2a-305b-4f76-9772-11869373a252	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:55:29	909.510
-52	34920	1746000	7760e05d-1e9b-4fd1-b24b-3e72504d4f3d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:39:36	666.660
-53	17461	1746100	852b4529-0b08-4a9e-8948-b34f6b8e25ab	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:47:58	11.369
-53	34922	1746100	5ecfcd1f-33dd-40ca-bb4c-bcb6cc587481	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:06:16	-230.826
-54	17462	1746200	c29dfe34-a36d-4059-bbfb-1fb929dc61be	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:20:39	-355.18
-54	34924	1746200	32cbca33-2ebf-4c1c-9002-151077de43ce	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:57:10	152.259
-55	17463	1746300	8c5aaaca-da26-43ea-98a7-d04cb79da24e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:32:48	-371.286
-55	34926	1746300	416b3f33-07a7-4466-bcbb-758b10916978	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:57:05	-264.899
-56	17464	1746400	e8dda790-65bc-4f45-af30-e4aadfa9a53a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:28:03	-438.623
-56	34928	1746400	ff1d172d-a7e1-4088-8d9e-062ed80cc4cb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:55:37	71.466
-57	17465	1746500	e488b072-3018-40b5-86c4-56d25f83edd9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:22:47	424.435
-57	34930	1746500	df562200-5ab4-4362-9220-961aa0746469	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:36:57	-396.555
-58	17466	1746600	4b2949b1-1d43-4ffc-ad3c-d91aa842408b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:29:18	-571.183
-58	34932	1746600	c06fafca-4191-4041-b8b5-742a08cb22ea	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:22:42	-295.94
-59	17467	1746700	9dc662ae-4372-4b27-ae3d-e1c0e44f91d5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:07:26	-330.451
-59	34934	1746700	a01c0435-e386-467c-8e34-20bf51d7ace8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:52:01	890.403
-60	17468	1746800	36d5e9b4-c97b-4d5c-8504-e9aa9bd72b50	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:14:21	-392.364
-60	34936	1746800	b1a7d88c-acf1-4529-8243-8d31e22f309a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:40:59	119.610
-61	17469	1746900	711bb372-b32d-4c56-9f4c-2c6f0ec50655	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:33:36	-209.531
-61	34938	1746900	f39d9989-0415-4a7c-a08c-e4d71469ed24	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:12:44	-235.291
-62	17470	1747000	32018074-0640-48c7-8b1b-d887fa7b3627	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:36:45	822.368
-62	34940	1747000	43987881-1025-443c-9873-02764127df4f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:18:16	306.909
-63	17471	1747100	83968983-64d2-43f9-9954-8aadbbab4086	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:35:54	-916.987
-63	34942	1747100	ad4c2ac7-429f-4b5c-9596-a3c0f2272376	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:12:26	-552.853
-64	17472	1747200	e3b65f52-42a4-49a4-b3b2-8c05f36cb27b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:58:57	-529.173
-64	34944	1747200	ef0a0bf9-cb62-4d8b-bf5b-4746849835c0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:40:15	915.459
-65	17473	1747300	daf3fcbf-a92a-4694-bee1-03d6cfb3b262	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:51:16	-43.258
-65	34946	1747300	eeab965f-e11e-4e00-b9b6-6c601db47582	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:06:01	-748.882
-66	17474	1747400	b3e9d406-8596-40fe-91ad-924b2e873969	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:15:15	-115.248
-66	34948	1747400	83a06356-8acb-44e2-b0d4-e55fc80e7d1e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:40:49	-296.995
-67	17475	1747500	3e533049-7f19-4f7a-b8a8-f9f0d313568a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:02:07	-283.76
-67	34950	1747500	5775613a-62cb-4ee5-bdc5-0f1ba8634224	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:05:26	-433.873
-68	17476	1747600	3c42ea02-6149-41e6-bd64-fea7ba5760d2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:31:56	764.813
-68	34952	1747600	d445b721-ed06-46fe-a677-8a8c417d22b4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:26:15	409.908
-69	17477	1747700	f0a231ab-d49e-4d31-9352-7a961bfca01f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:53:13	-268.667
-69	34954	1747700	b21e8c0c-1728-4482-82ae-14fd2ab52d64	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:30:51	-743.10
-70	17478	1747800	aa3df6b1-8762-4c30-814d-06a256787515	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:14:17	633.875
-70	34956	1747800	7f70e628-e07a-4b39-bc4a-31194e72ac32	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:54:53	206.605
-71	17479	1747900	ce9eeec3-dde6-4e60-afc5-3d5c74911ebf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:59:55	-202.954
-71	34958	1747900	cb4387ae-4cd2-4e98-bcd7-35b39b602961	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:40:12	490.902
-72	17480	1748000	cee674c5-3338-4d76-a9ae-6dcd443e5f15	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:41:00	-606.622
-72	34960	1748000	dcb19ffa-1774-4e58-b582-be80ea070744	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:31:16	-719.714
-73	17481	1748100	fa8c943c-12c3-4765-ab0e-ccaefe645ffa	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:13:33	44.880
-73	34962	1748100	19f2418e-f307-4b7e-b96e-589d2cd905c5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:23:09	-432.262
-74	17482	1748200	159481c6-3438-4046-a77b-c07399e5bb93	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:25:57	-536.389
-74	34964	1748200	ceed218a-a6b2-4066-86a0-119f20a85b66	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:39:29	-967.133
-75	17483	1748300	815bcdbb-b026-4748-b3a4-71970d139aed	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:52:21	717.430
-75	34966	1748300	41fffed9-b2d5-4044-b999-b4e88fe93b58	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:41:36	981.404
-76	17484	1748400	60ff45bc-7ce0-45a0-adb2-4a856789a785	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:51:40	511.642
-76	34968	1748400	d8969ff6-0504-4333-94b3-e6a8e9acf476	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:28:13	-807.203
-77	17485	1748500	ecba94e5-b947-4797-be95-d21446759dda	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:59:35	227.950
-77	34970	1748500	2cf7d9a5-4aa1-4d18-8269-daa2ff2523f2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:10:15	641.127
-78	17486	1748600	f8ba9907-bc71-4128-aab1-e1b09a4c52a1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:31:43	-915.687
-78	34972	1748600	c00058b0-3275-4c0a-8741-925f37bf655f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:15:11	-914.46
-79	17487	1748700	2d9ddf92-be0f-4336-aaef-d8fce1bf59aa	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:33:07	469.356
-79	34974	1748700	62001f54-a8c2-4ea0-a582-002ff0cc4664	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:28:48	-666.812
-80	17488	1748800	5910ccc8-a3f7-4918-86df-d7cd04110fc8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:11:28	516.397
-80	34976	1748800	e2e0291e-39b8-430e-b9b6-f57f64b8dc01	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:38:27	424.860
-81	17489	1748900	2c08f8f0-3cf8-49b9-a471-3e305c7f1998	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:11:49	650.730
-81	34978	1748900	c238be34-6a54-46ae-903f-5afea9314bd1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:15:54	767.305
-82	17490	1749000	a97fd3cb-db07-4c87-ab58-c8d79c8290e6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:51:07	-841.672
-82	34980	1749000	e94c76c0-8cf3-42bb-b041-3a0fe2d06f5f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:43:28	988.969
-83	17491	1749100	053422e9-d1d4-419f-ac8e-5bca52c20de0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:00:57	592.242
-83	34982	1749100	fcca8443-3811-4ff2-af74-827e78ea0fb1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:58:43	-288.350
-84	17492	1749200	83ba0d4c-4ad2-46ba-9293-156d37adf89e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:03:46	-957.98
-84	34984	1749200	da9c16dc-ec67-4c47-9769-21cdc4aad683	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:14:25	-605.188
-85	17493	1749300	fd3fe573-702a-4a68-9fa1-cff1586f145c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:53:00	568.304
-85	34986	1749300	a975c172-5d7d-47eb-a969-99b4ef46d4f3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:46:18	-557.228
-86	17494	1749400	e2d07575-8c0d-472e-b353-b3f3cbe39567	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:20:52	680.876
-86	34988	1749400	37a51dba-7b53-4470-a9c6-47284f368a3d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:31:21	587.129
-87	17495	1749500	b03352e3-c025-47db-b26b-98c5012159c4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:46:00	456.338
-87	34990	1749500	2a663f0f-0131-4396-a261-13e6984c97e3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:13:48	-603.464
-88	17496	1749600	a0f1d2f7-d605-4dfd-b368-707781784ad2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:43:12	537.604
-88	34992	1749600	47cba27a-b19e-459c-b0d3-331b2a552866	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:12:31	-363.221
-89	17497	1749700	9c80d244-2b62-4d11-b6b3-8bac478ff424	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:02:54	984.473
-89	34994	1749700	881832fd-70d6-4def-9a9e-69d978ed608a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:57:37	-256.939
-90	17498	1749800	824ce342-6ff8-4419-b89c-3e4dfdc69e39	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:46:30	616.504
-90	34996	1749800	383bdf57-704e-42da-b785-7e90fbd2fb14	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:19:26	778.476
-91	17499	1749900	2866f5ff-7ada-497e-b8a0-cd73e5f994dc	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:42:18	-138.171
-91	34998	1749900	56513695-235a-4e81-b605-cb99b8b68add	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:53:45	859.16
-92	17500	1750000	89c40ec3-61d3-4718-be39-3a8ecd43a7ec	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:25:32	197.569
-92	35000	1750000	0847b58a-e889-46b7-934e-41026e73299d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:59:39	933.526
-93	17501	1750100	97a55256-401f-4762-b930-3ebca1da7745	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:34:32	-527.118
-93	35002	1750100	e4866dfc-ecbd-4b81-8f2a-fc5f21caebe3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:53:28	969.561
-94	17502	1750200	8bdf38d7-ccc4-42cd-86b4-bdc8674a5507	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:42:06	784.441
-94	35004	1750200	fbede331-3cb2-41e8-b276-10774a4cceb3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:19:45	729.716
-95	17503	1750300	7bbdae90-0022-455e-91a7-38153a78bf9e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:58:59	-711.519
-95	35006	1750300	9dc6dd38-e48a-40f4-bb1e-32787f2c08cb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:18:49	-941.817
-96	17504	1750400	3c8d0d0c-b978-40a5-81ea-d3aadb7aff0c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:46:50	603.460
-96	35008	1750400	d875d0f3-6d03-408b-9363-0cc049b264db	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:47:48	-440.628
-97	17505	1750500	87d09ff1-b31a-40c4-8586-5c46dd9db60e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:46:46	-734.414
-97	35010	1750500	4143e900-8a88-4116-b068-3b67ca933ca6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:24:13	333.629
-98	17506	1750600	1c1fcc53-0a98-405b-8643-fe00b68760a7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:14:07	11.423
-98	35012	1750600	98506234-0fd8-485c-a150-ed79891b312c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:07:33	817.768
-99	17507	1750700	7c5ee561-5e66-4096-9f11-462c3d74d0a8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:41:10	535.202
-99	35014	1750700	dad0d63b-e152-4da9-8d58-f958ddc7299f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:20:56	-457.681
-100	17508	1750800	776f03b0-a400-4e98-9b19-d45ead1e7326	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:07:58	537.460
-100	35016	1750800	c3c2a5e6-3f26-4d2e-9eb7-9466e93d7673	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:09:20	824.884
-101	17509	1750900	1b3b247c-5434-4980-9bc7-5b046216ae55	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:42:44	-948.862
-101	35018	1750900	8d28b6b1-7dbd-421c-8d55-776c229492dd	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:43:01	-852.375
-102	17510	1751000	9ba65903-e141-4e28-8344-f02481cbe358	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:15:40	704.428
-102	35020	1751000	278e1ca2-d925-4387-98a3-b6f15d541d7e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:28:06	-76.561
-103	17511	1751100	33d4b209-881e-4e8d-a79f-6a88079d748d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:56:41	-436.818
-103	35022	1751100	c59f3991-3aae-4f09-ad33-a9e49a3823fe	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:57:14	-257.834
-104	17512	1751200	bc4ce08c-7993-4e35-abbd-a5462776daa4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:18:06	-921.746
-104	35024	1751200	3db67a41-2cba-4c03-bfe8-bd00713b3fab	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:52:24	-352.358
-105	17513	1751300	06992ac8-25bb-43e6-9c06-c60d9dc70316	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:52:33	-107.900
-105	35026	1751300	dc772214-779a-4c33-ba98-5aebb8bb0cf0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:43:10	904.588
-106	17514	1751400	a73c93d3-7fbe-405b-8b47-c8e515c81d1b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:29:27	912.665
-106	35028	1751400	ceb5c9a3-2882-4f7b-9b04-dc74f3cca8b8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:42:28	512.757
-107	17515	1751500	fff88d44-1a5d-4144-9df3-c1bf411953d1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:34:52	937.58
-107	35030	1751500	26f5e538-a2a9-475a-8b01-70124f9afb1d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:59:01	-881.202
-108	17516	1751600	9ec9d2d8-8fc7-41b0-be94-4412d49bc0ac	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:48:24	-749.12
-108	35032	1751600	9689e50b-a3aa-4065-9e7c-1d66ef309edf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:55:02	-400.269
-109	17517	1751700	6d700571-dd9c-4505-b5cc-bbe8c2c96d61	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:09:38	-7.871
-109	35034	1751700	5c66e8df-fbd8-41c8-99ae-805449f8d9ef	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:27:55	1.649
-110	17518	1751800	4b5779af-27c0-430c-9fe7-afc2c19ead1f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:07:16	-10.143
-110	35036	1751800	69d03f9c-659e-4012-9a01-13b24d4cd7eb	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:00:42	886.798
-111	17519	1751900	d21dad18-7097-4ef2-8904-3a5645f2431e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:14:34	185.316
-111	35038	1751900	bff31760-2acf-40b8-af4b-e1467e2d618a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:57:49	-244.871
-112	17520	1752000	7548fbaa-c0ae-4bc1-981b-d263599550c5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:42:14	-862.232
-112	35040	1752000	4e111cf2-3952-4fd4-814c-d26bd2f765d4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:05:44	-374.807
-113	17521	1752100	fb03c8b2-7119-466d-aaa0-02c44475e387	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:19:32	514.806
-113	35042	1752100	57f0650c-2e4f-48b5-bc5e-2c087b990571	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:57:08	-785.215
-114	17522	1752200	e2bd4779-99be-4d7f-a2cc-c9b05a834799	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:25:01	839.408
-114	35044	1752200	fcaa68f6-02d0-410c-b997-40bd1fed900e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:13:22	73.62
-115	17523	1752300	84db4f33-339c-4f66-a113-7615ac845373	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:28:57	-64.514
-115	35046	1752300	36e1c91b-6005-4bab-b627-36090bbd46d3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:50:03	-568.315
-116	17524	1752400	0ba6dbba-6275-46d5-b7c8-2ba0da2869ac	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:13:13	-458.208
-116	35048	1752400	6282ee1b-1079-4d9d-ad09-1a175dbc0dec	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:50:54	403.42
-117	17525	1752500	899abacf-bcf4-4cf1-839b-db1978410e20	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:11:24	939.993
-117	35050	1752500	c6af7860-2c3f-4b77-9c62-c08990b1a34e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:51:41	-167.951
-118	17526	1752600	10a0bbd3-0277-49d9-834e-0cfcab0a49d3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:52:13	-324.396
-118	35052	1752600	d027a037-2d14-4a0e-bbf8-4ebfec1cc36e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:02:06	103.146
-119	17527	1752700	202f7bdc-9b03-4d24-916e-2e3e806fc66e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:20:16	-767.557
-119	35054	1752700	11d489b1-a7fa-4b84-9a29-9b24b0556fa6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:51:31	-784.746
-120	17528	1752800	6fb40ca5-f84f-4731-b126-9058fde9d388	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:49:53	-834.946
-120	35056	1752800	6806cf41-740e-4184-b4c0-fd3a26d9e742	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:44:57	56.316
-121	17529	1752900	02cebea3-a992-49bb-a12f-ba59f4ae046d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:34:05	841.10
-121	35058	1752900	bf214642-465e-418f-8748-8df1243153ae	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:50:45	-202.62
-122	17530	1753000	c0e0b2aa-1f76-42da-ab21-46e51c8f89c1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:56:02	634.805
-122	35060	1753000	d8c1e29b-e3b5-47ec-9c86-cc63619596fa	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:25:38	287.234
-123	17531	1753100	c699cd26-d074-4daf-8d43-1514fbebd5c6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:04:58	443.705
-123	35062	1753100	38b96fc1-133e-4de4-9798-b8c9cecf557b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:45:49	731.845
-124	17532	1753200	ca1bd634-1965-4d7d-ac30-8c18c3dc0a10	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:00:16	963.729
-124	35064	1753200	d040d110-1fe7-419c-8d3b-95d927f7087f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:12:52	344.608
-125	17533	1753300	e509d1b3-2295-465f-9315-a160047ed22f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:54:26	217.895
-125	35066	1753300	1825bca2-77f3-4e93-a09a-d889526adbfc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:32:51	-19.30
-126	17534	1753400	c0f1682c-b7e3-41b1-a7bb-cdd60f7632a1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:42:52	-837.50
-126	35068	1753400	50a39b29-a05d-4654-a30c-f53671093b82	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:01:44	236.920
-127	17535	1753500	d7612560-309c-482f-840b-6aa74a41f6e8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:15:43	32.195
-127	35070	1753500	7c290b6f-f739-48f6-9f34-b12b33b11b08	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:01:34	815.119
-0	17536	1753600	f1ac1740-1083-4d5f-9391-c98d045779d0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:47:55	810.118
-0	35072	1753600	44214fe6-b86d-4d67-96aa-7c3fe045a100	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:12:05	784.449
-1	17537	1753700	a80704b9-223f-48e2-b64f-3ebb9745937c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:12:37	-859.382
-1	35074	1753700	ec5a9976-556c-4321-ad69-9799e56dffe1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:46:43	-593.37
-2	17538	1753800	488582d0-4153-4b2f-b2eb-7ee974105cff	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:13:35	-38.43
-2	35076	1753800	e869ef25-424d-47f0-a8ad-4ab71af90978	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:10:22	-631.350
-3	17539	1753900	051ac32d-b676-4edc-bc33-fa4168c7ff73	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:43:49	410.737
-3	35078	1753900	edef5334-391f-48f4-83f1-9f56f52225b1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:05:47	286.893
-4	17540	1754000	dcf01ccd-7a7e-4e32-bb70-748c16d682b4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:47:42	489.565
-4	35080	1754000	3c64914f-fe43-44c8-bc08-5275d7561f2e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:16:37	-887.286
-5	17541	1754100	e30f51ae-42fc-45ed-bf51-305240a2422a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:03:49	-579.17
-5	35082	1754100	372c7fd5-377e-498f-8444-1cab68db7872	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:06:50	292.575
-6	17542	1754200	f5d5cd2a-5e96-44f0-be77-ae901cac753c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:25:49	-634.859
-6	35084	1754200	f4a83b30-2849-41e2-a714-dd21a91f774e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:06:55	73.296
-7	17543	1754300	920d6895-a1c7-481b-b8c7-85a67c2b254a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:40:42	94.669
-7	35086	1754300	fcff5c12-4e08-4723-a9e3-42c9527ee4aa	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:57:11	-721.823
-8	17544	1754400	5f40b71b-17f7-4852-8977-f1ed1ca82010	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:22:58	606.305
-8	35088	1754400	40eaa152-a6cf-4878-9bb5-6d0a3754e0c6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:42:30	-346.66
-9	17545	1754500	d8940c8b-4194-4785-860b-db4c2018a0ca	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:04:15	89.993
-9	35090	1754500	84898395-8193-4429-97dd-7526794a8d5b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:36:33	195.734
-10	17546	1754600	95b74130-e74f-47ab-834d-177b2a75a2f0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:25:14	-229.754
-10	35092	1754600	ca38c394-979a-4ad6-b6be-62d37912363c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:16:02	226.724
-11	17547	1754700	abf6edbc-0c33-446a-9633-75b0efb0296c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:05:32	-676.220
-11	35094	1754700	4572e747-7461-44d0-9d8b-49b51ad6e86a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:15:46	-715.658
-12	17548	1754800	f9a182f6-58db-452c-a849-b902d2b54c99	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:58:44	550.301
-12	35096	1754800	91b73aea-cf2d-49e5-8146-afd2a6f71467	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:25:30	461.489
-13	17549	1754900	af2d6d09-721a-48cd-81ad-211fd1b669ec	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:32:41	-642.436
-13	35098	1754900	42625f4d-a168-43e5-9e01-eebfbb3a53f3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:54:09	-280.687
-14	17550	1755000	42fb2fe6-a25d-442f-990f-dd3a843ba8fa	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:21:53	-253.482
-14	35100	1755000	f34353c3-d03a-4ba3-bf39-fd7825b65a02	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:20:37	29.411
-15	17551	1755100	e3ae98d7-ed18-47a8-9ca3-2ece9d2dbe25	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:47:48	711.86
-15	35102	1755100	5c2ba5fd-249b-42c2-8525-254359f5153b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:37:51	-692.50
-16	17552	1755200	65ab0cc7-15b9-4272-ae94-307e30f6b7e4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:24:55	905.345
-16	35104	1755200	3f1945d0-a744-4a70-a5e7-ba3f3d9c4ce3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:50:54	194.204
-17	17553	1755300	bad48b08-eda5-4705-a936-1e95432e80f8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:19:22	898.646
-17	35106	1755300	7030f4ff-dbca-40fe-8195-e928b7614a97	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:16:28	-623.631
-18	17554	1755400	4fc0052f-500c-47ad-817b-0e8cfd54d9b1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:29:24	-191.461
-18	35108	1755400	129ba297-ec7e-4645-a4d3-10cf3b6b313d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:13:34	370.647
-19	17555	1755500	3f4cabc5-7b90-499d-b4d9-6f51691907a4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:12:21	156.860
-19	35110	1755500	d3244a55-e768-49f4-bbab-1df66329ba38	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:30:14	183.101
-20	17556	1755600	da3f9d37-58de-4cfe-8608-b9b18a623dff	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:28:39	670.698
-20	35112	1755600	0c3bd8a3-302e-4871-bcb9-63911259994c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:20:45	-623.889
-21	17557	1755700	6523e4e2-52c3-4f09-a4dc-c77a0dcff437	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:14:27	-781.518
-21	35114	1755700	c081840c-9c35-4355-8a02-b40f77945fe5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:31:00	-381.591
-22	17558	1755800	ae581859-2aee-46f1-96b4-de4f9dd990d7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:44:46	415.266
-22	35116	1755800	a0819ffb-dd01-4b46-b854-23d426afc5f1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:18:27	789.308
-23	17559	1755900	d8dddef2-e33c-451d-9c6b-833a08fa88c1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:56:21	133.566
-23	35118	1755900	e2067972-977f-4fe0-a88a-2342e6dc3e7b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:44:30	-194.516
-24	17560	1756000	9b5e47c0-d9fe-41ac-95d4-b264ade350bf	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:57:40	-295.185
-24	35120	1756000	a1d026c0-aa69-434b-8387-7a9b58a009a3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:27:50	503.63
-25	17561	1756100	7bde0b6b-977f-40c4-aaa3-d9b7dccd7307	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:43:12	357.315
-25	35122	1756100	3001a0a1-5192-4b8e-8bc7-cacb40926dfd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:21:38	-98.644
-26	17562	1756200	000217c1-8983-409c-8ac8-d51185c3eab9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:02:22	-202.808
-26	35124	1756200	7ea80dd2-4d76-40d0-a52b-a4dd1bfc6c7a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:39:46	825.958
-27	17563	1756300	32546e64-f150-4a14-86e4-a4ff06d2233f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:53:52	-59.980
-27	35126	1756300	0d9529be-cd0f-4a74-ab26-7d1b990a2486	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:23:55	-272.534
-28	17564	1756400	f757a766-bd23-4ce7-bdad-a1ddb40f86bb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:00:40	-340.556
-28	35128	1756400	021c8bb9-2de6-41fa-919f-c44e97ad9a3e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:22:33	-27.69
-29	17565	1756500	3be36aea-dd62-4ba2-8a18-b6071dc1c51e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:20:21	-106.886
-29	35130	1756500	56a077e2-b0d9-43b4-bc17-4750852e260b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:50:31	290.31
-30	17566	1756600	4a5f78b3-a37b-42a9-b515-2cf054947e65	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:37:18	-466.211
-30	35132	1756600	6096d2cd-f2df-4e3d-b0b7-5d1a202c874c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:12:51	-651.181
-31	17567	1756700	fddcc204-69d3-409f-9af6-768298d46e86	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:50:46	-441.220
-31	35134	1756700	b23f3638-eaf9-44b9-8786-7e3a84df1ce2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:58:12	192.50
-32	17568	1756800	51cf830f-4207-49ba-9125-1d35ba55f86e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:34:45	86.749
-32	35136	1756800	1a4355c6-9423-4e3a-b041-314fd93492ee	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:00:59	-349.992
-33	17569	1756900	43dcea20-37ed-44db-952c-e3a527ddb7cd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:26:58	966.335
-33	35138	1756900	4ef66571-7363-48dd-9511-a0d7ab514828	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:50:16	-722.194
-34	17570	1757000	e0979a27-2828-423b-b8a4-907cac1ca1fe	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:02:46	845.541
-34	35140	1757000	7b599e1a-4aa3-4d8f-b119-51cc9f1f2701	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:50:06	350.805
-35	17571	1757100	d013254d-4f31-4783-af15-3dcbd49f84b0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:18:35	31.992
-35	35142	1757100	76bd08dc-8c27-476a-b588-a0e723c466ac	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:32:09	996.312
-36	17572	1757200	3cddd055-648d-451d-8116-5dc905cfe01f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:10:33	-371.102
-36	35144	1757200	53a04f8d-5341-4c7b-a85f-3f5e73867af6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:25:29	-271.917
-37	17573	1757300	803d99d9-721e-4844-bb5e-6f162551479e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:31:06	-62.911
-37	35146	1757300	7e441752-7afd-4ea5-aff9-4cd1a141e0f3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:32:59	29.540
-38	17574	1757400	bf152a22-a3e9-47f6-87c4-4cf3fbeb0f7a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:36:07	548.117
-38	35148	1757400	7bd2e513-cf30-49e3-8cb6-10ec281a37b7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:17:48	368.543
-39	17575	1757500	45ec4f58-fa07-476d-9a99-92b17fb0e50e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:17:53	-740.849
-39	35150	1757500	e61ca5b1-213d-4a35-a3ec-66c415cda729	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:19:58	617.772
-40	17576	1757600	b2d999a2-d9bb-47ec-8589-3cb5d9c164d4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:32:42	428.93
-40	35152	1757600	8d6e4bd2-1ab9-402f-9784-21f14dbc0244	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:53:42	532.603
-41	17577	1757700	f8949f9a-f1b4-41a8-814b-c376f0c9bcc3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:09:09	293.100
-41	35154	1757700	b377bb78-2ddc-49ee-ab00-d30f0e3fa0e4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:53:58	-87.35
-42	17578	1757800	988db680-21d8-4044-bdca-43549ce408c3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:31:08	-767.474
-42	35156	1757800	39dff782-0dfd-44f0-91ae-9a70105e215c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:47:17	-331.119
-43	17579	1757900	eeab4344-df67-4437-a848-6a730195ea61	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:44:49	-152.736
-43	35158	1757900	64b977b8-56e2-40a1-a8c9-cf4d562424ed	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:25:35	-30.225
-44	17580	1758000	cf4a3c9e-2ba7-406b-855c-7f03eca117d5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:14:01	-842.64
-44	35160	1758000	6ae9a51e-63c9-45e6-b52c-f6e3ec9d9757	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:47:10	185.903
-45	17581	1758100	98ad187d-da32-41fa-8d86-a97fc2ddb158	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:58:28	-882.274
-45	35162	1758100	189345d4-ff42-4c11-882f-0d56fed8e54f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:04:28	-570.937
-46	17582	1758200	327a5b6e-f4ec-4253-8622-687695933f80	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:19:28	-615.781
-46	35164	1758200	75167051-0344-4060-98c0-455a3a452ddd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:31:32	302.78
-47	17583	1758300	c323712f-fc27-4f24-ba93-dff0f5b6c562	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:27:15	466.823
-47	35166	1758300	3c9aa304-0bee-4b2c-a008-1901dd1b274e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:21:12	-74.475
-48	17584	1758400	828a4323-18b9-459c-86a2-332e70a53a94	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:48:46	659.990
-48	35168	1758400	39b73a6e-6996-4a21-805c-63b6ff046983	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:14:36	-527.577
-49	17585	1758500	142fac9e-1376-4743-acb7-1c755198c6e9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:04:39	-323.237
-49	35170	1758500	4a476571-cabb-4f78-aea6-6b7afa6c4183	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:32:51	444.72
-50	17586	1758600	d06533dd-7309-4a62-bb1a-cde90df0287f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:49:03	-685.216
-50	35172	1758600	9281efb2-461b-4819-956b-9de425a3d0b0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:23:29	501.53
-51	17587	1758700	4321a68d-0ad1-448d-b650-a4437fa1d740	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:20:32	695.929
-51	35174	1758700	d4ca75f5-2da0-4d7b-95f8-9aba9c2c3401	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:40:22	-843.133
-52	17588	1758800	90aa513c-462d-42f6-93cf-7406511382b3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:04:04	-544.548
-52	35176	1758800	f21f821c-c592-48d2-8a23-2761f6a612f7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:14:53	754.27
-53	17589	1758900	53e839b3-798d-406e-944a-068081638e43	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:51:17	297.760
-53	35178	1758900	8e01dec9-9a5e-4f87-bae7-0a2320865803	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:48:44	-381.787
-54	17590	1759000	651fb141-45db-4c33-9c9e-caa2619e1554	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:13:08	-123.913
-54	35180	1759000	b00ab15c-af3e-4443-9a5f-6dd66ff52f6c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:13:48	-694.459
-55	17591	1759100	90e3be3c-34d1-4b6d-a72a-6766b3f2bd3f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:19:33	893.196
-55	35182	1759100	7559818b-2aba-4f4c-88d1-e50ff5eaf734	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:35:03	591.206
-56	17592	1759200	938710b7-10a6-4054-854e-94f7b5fbb7cd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:11:53	76.133
-56	35184	1759200	f8023409-7011-49a3-95b4-c75a91a33362	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:22:17	-615.276
-57	17593	1759300	542aeb5b-b057-4ea8-b2f7-93d43c360ab9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:05:26	-282.638
-57	35186	1759300	1d55090a-3a6e-43ba-bc78-888309ed71e4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:06:05	-176.930
-58	17594	1759400	0e17de62-4a0d-400f-9ecc-bb4b4760c5bc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:48:49	-167.724
-58	35188	1759400	ee4b7d88-20e3-453e-82b7-ea45fda89149	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:34:37	503.94
-59	17595	1759500	718b1d36-9078-4d79-a203-14108a295508	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:49:10	512.563
-59	35190	1759500	9d1d17ef-8f15-44c3-9c44-e3dbdefd6b4c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:26:28	575.106
-60	17596	1759600	2a2d07e1-a531-417b-9b1b-de42daecf0c8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:12:15	-877.483
-60	35192	1759600	24922708-f99f-43c4-9ce7-94d7f03e8e05	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:13:37	-860.254
-61	17597	1759700	6b4659a7-cb68-491e-a114-e54e5e577437	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:53:19	12.577
-61	35194	1759700	bd847bda-c31b-4900-b58a-e33921ca3955	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:59:34	-690.784
-62	17598	1759800	32015043-a911-4919-8c80-c0c96e1832a1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:56:29	-242.879
-62	35196	1759800	5ac440d0-b862-427e-91f1-255ed1d1406d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:43:01	-219.233
-63	17599	1759900	0250e6d7-8d96-45b0-a0c6-24ffe3c496e3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:27:03	775.42
-63	35198	1759900	b47c06e3-d5e8-4a9e-ad54-7a0d6e6eddf1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:58:33	249.677
-64	17600	1760000	b31ed01f-eb4b-476f-9b3e-4b31eeb3bca0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:19:47	321.729
-64	35200	1760000	e8b0d2f0-268c-4cd9-908e-f69abc08662b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:02:31	16.364
-65	17601	1760100	4d388b5c-b11f-4cbf-b724-868782ae02fc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:37:57	-56.489
-65	35202	1760100	6ecf9be5-8581-455e-a6e1-cb2e3a6d9f9a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:50:07	997.256
-66	17602	1760200	e5f02835-0ae2-4ee7-a5b7-be1467f9fe25	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:47:07	-819.842
-66	35204	1760200	23cc38fa-6ccb-4386-b81e-249197dd3975	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:14:17	497.19
-67	17603	1760300	b54c16d2-9b7b-43fb-a616-b158159f5a60	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:08:22	-896.858
-67	35206	1760300	b58811d3-b3b5-43a7-b089-84df37471be3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:14:59	362.303
-68	17604	1760400	c1e918d4-ee0e-4f64-ad4c-bf40f4edc8a2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:39:45	-893.865
-68	35208	1760400	215dd99c-3e96-42e4-9124-b2d7deaafcf7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:56:31	122.466
-69	17605	1760500	b14dbf4c-2771-452d-93e9-1b42e2e4eb70	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:04:52	746.631
-69	35210	1760500	4d9a8df0-7111-45c0-b791-c08b06377b22	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:48:49	-857.842
-70	17606	1760600	847a928f-e0f3-4ab8-a563-c8b646706618	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:06:53	182.479
-70	35212	1760600	4cf5776c-edea-481c-ac21-935c3d1d711d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:08:13	796.762
-71	17607	1760700	287330cd-e35e-4292-8ee7-aa963da60778	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:13:58	-462.391
-71	35214	1760700	8803ecc8-49dd-4da2-958c-004af2769fcb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:41:51	-596.288
-72	17608	1760800	daa2b6ad-fb9b-4194-a22d-9dd21079d6a5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:51:49	-20.111
-72	35216	1760800	6c4e3489-8f34-4d17-9cbf-5b729587f7bf	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:02:58	-622.461
-73	17609	1760900	b647eb55-ce47-460a-b20a-13656f21a8a4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:18:30	352.990
-73	35218	1760900	b18aa9e6-65b5-4392-bf15-bfa0c2345488	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:55:54	71.105
-74	17610	1761000	91cf2587-7e8a-4b6f-8721-14dc2173a0e3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:42:13	-974.920
-74	35220	1761000	db40c5b7-2ad9-4485-808c-a5b9dce63cd3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:24:44	384.479
-75	17611	1761100	b6057753-4382-497f-9543-f60d23817d65	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:23:46	586.493
-75	35222	1761100	756adc26-026a-40bc-a97f-91827d9961c9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:24:37	-289.381
-76	17612	1761200	fabcba3d-f2d1-47d1-8e96-7b2a2b092468	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:43:00	-697.78
-76	35224	1761200	c19e8e75-4cd3-4b27-acfe-436c8564790b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:44:56	-253.700
-77	17613	1761300	24c68e57-686a-4a14-9fb7-e2410d9b0711	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:33:10	-510.655
-77	35226	1761300	43afb8ef-8ca4-4dd3-a9ef-db6b9ca26b24	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:03:44	-254.378
-78	17614	1761400	af9c8985-b4ad-49ff-9113-d03817ae4904	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:25:10	638.523
-78	35228	1761400	8169087b-8e98-42a3-913e-558aa3fb769e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:28:45	-86.771
-79	17615	1761500	24af91de-16a2-498d-865a-6e6f2ea92f23	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:50:33	522.871
-79	35230	1761500	cd600093-367d-42b1-ac81-a43a8bb33504	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:52:43	-486.813
-80	17616	1761600	fda3135f-da85-4b73-8741-b23a8e1375bd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:29:49	-538.909
-80	35232	1761600	4b9fdf42-2532-47d6-9bda-18a47e40b344	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:03:21	-73.387
-81	17617	1761700	8146b9fe-7bc7-4e9d-9918-e1af540b6242	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:45:14	105.983
-81	35234	1761700	2e9b3eab-85c5-4408-a902-2b340d573af7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:16:11	403.202
-82	17618	1761800	952040e3-0ca5-4006-8a82-b5497820fb0f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:53:36	95.346
-82	35236	1761800	c56efaa1-4f92-4028-836a-f6d678f597b8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:27:22	20.278
-83	17619	1761900	fa039daa-52bb-4b3d-84b8-9d144275ebb9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:37:33	-136.220
-83	35238	1761900	3b2d2378-02a8-4186-a3c4-6d1800468214	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:18:42	211.307
-84	17620	1762000	be59a16b-9845-4829-b4de-40cc60096a70	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:59:53	711.480
-84	35240	1762000	308565e7-97ed-4484-91d0-44fa95a09f07	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:35:25	-833.629
-85	17621	1762100	04367808-da87-47ea-a23a-d87894449623	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:24:59	-661.169
-85	35242	1762100	235c8d5c-f8ac-42ef-aadd-97aafe80a4f6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:20:37	541.639
-86	17622	1762200	944a22eb-e401-496e-a334-f8195005b8f3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:51:43	681.512
-86	35244	1762200	dd02b5e1-39b7-4202-b93d-089fe609ab51	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:25:08	540.196
-87	17623	1762300	4a434bc6-5bbc-48e4-af21-05e562a23d80	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:12:52	604.363
-87	35246	1762300	2fc72992-6be6-48da-80e7-613b207ad248	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:59:32	139.128
-88	17624	1762400	2295c2c7-db85-4630-a222-aa1171e8d2f0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:26:39	83.123
-88	35248	1762400	ebb5c57f-2b1e-4c25-8905-01a8114da7d9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:09:00	-367.24
-89	17625	1762500	0cf6c24b-af6a-4758-973e-7ea3702cccd8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:47:12	-277.368
-89	35250	1762500	aead3250-41bd-46f0-ab35-07e6d2294f97	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:12:55	304.148
-90	17626	1762600	c98061d5-46ff-4ab3-8a04-bcdecb281b9c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:43:24	959.684
-90	35252	1762600	131f4745-995d-439c-b0d5-8fa1b9198ec8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:41:00	537.637
-91	17627	1762700	2d0d670d-cb7c-4510-953a-d4db76d87acb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:18:26	-248.52
-91	35254	1762700	7451b2e6-3a76-4720-81f2-b93264a32401	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:15:01	179.806
-92	17628	1762800	843d00b6-eb27-4e7e-98a1-2473723b5cb0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:39:21	308.641
-92	35256	1762800	958cdf86-c985-4712-a10a-da00d5345b79	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:04:07	545.727
-93	17629	1762900	bab78547-c465-481e-8e0b-8e734568fcc4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:19:57	88.166
-93	35258	1762900	98d10bca-2c1f-4eb9-bb01-c97cab5538f0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:29:35	-323.355
-94	17630	1763000	a193f493-62ba-4482-b815-602efab04751	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:52:06	-896.789
-94	35260	1763000	85fd9996-627f-480b-8a4e-a05ac0b81cae	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:50:02	637.259
-95	17631	1763100	ea2f6706-fd25-49e7-a033-e95326ce8f9d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:55:49	440.705
-95	35262	1763100	fdaa1a69-9ac1-44d8-8bd5-59efa0dcd510	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:43:20	-798.484
-96	17632	1763200	7e267d68-5c63-443a-b521-0316437d9799	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:53:00	553.952
-96	35264	1763200	9f89ce28-5336-42f1-a93a-1f3b8214e329	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:26:14	662.938
-97	17633	1763300	92e204be-abb6-45a1-bcf5-bbdbf6dc7ea4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:50:17	612.856
-97	35266	1763300	2024bb5a-d43d-4922-b0fa-01b8610a4acc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:32:20	-335.446
-98	17634	1763400	4d1d5303-cbbd-495c-8bd0-4fe2a677fd19	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:50:53	920.651
-98	35268	1763400	7d0f6c37-3299-4f58-8343-8c93776de4f0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:16:01	-118.690
-99	17635	1763500	6ae2e3a7-7f2f-4e7e-bf96-40c5214139ee	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:55:24	-923.645
-99	35270	1763500	145b7f16-b493-429e-9933-e54b3916ee1f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:54:02	350.670
-100	17636	1763600	f8fff9c2-74d4-47e1-93b8-48154663911e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:48:19	792.175
-100	35272	1763600	3312be4e-fbbe-4d50-823e-447dee608513	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:54:03	-901.741
-101	17637	1763700	44afa160-caa4-4c91-a424-c5d0789abfd3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:57:53	-725.904
-101	35274	1763700	fa8cbcda-4c48-4965-95ba-642c919e39d1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:45:33	261.351
-102	17638	1763800	58dfb0a8-773e-470d-92b6-53be6fd676c3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:31:46	693.272
-102	35276	1763800	ea8d838c-7588-4456-b0c5-2818b68d1ca4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:01:06	794.446
-103	17639	1763900	025d017e-2704-4341-9d3f-94bf9b6c1067	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:59:15	-119.337
-103	35278	1763900	137728f4-2512-4304-85ce-6381fc20a104	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:40:19	-33.257
-104	17640	1764000	0d4d9e76-a6fb-4316-950d-f46fda1f026f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:51:43	836.670
-104	35280	1764000	779435eb-0465-4b6a-867c-b84f0ff0cdaf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:02:16	-431.535
-105	17641	1764100	de617d38-2b6d-4823-820b-6137beadc888	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:18:57	-19.81
-105	35282	1764100	60a0eafc-70e5-4b90-b36f-bcafac5fd3bd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:27:27	916.577
-106	17642	1764200	028dd510-cd0e-4a8c-a05f-f450b148be00	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:09:57	722.140
-106	35284	1764200	7afd14b8-9c5c-46c7-8280-b858f9e2d48b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:54:20	-326.330
-107	17643	1764300	28e77a18-e628-4d3c-96bf-cad1bcbd502d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:48:28	639.845
-107	35286	1764300	30aa634f-b520-4e88-a86f-4c63e5e0cc96	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:05:40	361.49
-108	17644	1764400	c04465ed-dfba-4b55-801d-1327f182ab8c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:34:13	211.417
-108	35288	1764400	848c84dd-0d56-422b-b83c-53634e087b56	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:43:29	900.975
-109	17645	1764500	241c10db-2cdf-4df9-9391-e5a21a6ab1e5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:32:59	179.675
-109	35290	1764500	e85b5287-c7f1-4d06-b713-a39edd184295	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:39:42	-7.63
-110	17646	1764600	83749f3f-8da7-4f22-8773-e5d9a0bbe157	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:20:51	-688.509
-110	35292	1764600	ed707872-b5d6-4ca7-b392-56ac9460c4ac	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:59:57	631.845
-111	17647	1764700	8610b93f-2f93-46b7-8588-66a060bcc2cd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:23:24	-45.231
-111	35294	1764700	b4e74779-7384-4d05-8a73-11e57a7a3643	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:40:24	-667.752
-112	17648	1764800	4803a803-ef21-41db-818c-3f3186fa780c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:33:47	-170.25
-112	35296	1764800	9a6cdaf1-47e0-46b0-8dd1-98250d3a6a27	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:03:13	-380.757
-113	17649	1764900	dcb37a9d-560d-4701-b764-82201506bdb8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:31:04	149.630
-113	35298	1764900	027d0ef0-6d06-4195-b302-2fd76253f172	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:12:23	-890.924
-114	17650	1765000	e9dfa883-d964-4cbe-86a2-ff4e284ffe74	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:02:38	-784.332
-114	35300	1765000	da9d60b8-5274-45e1-8370-c2d70ae45b3a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:08:24	-141.180
-115	17651	1765100	49b7c177-77be-43d8-9719-5b8367fdc6da	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:54:30	86.163
-115	35302	1765100	2a4bde3d-5252-40ea-8b5b-515b5f3d5ba0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:57:16	842.142
-116	17652	1765200	15303e32-7545-49b7-9cad-ecd40c5bed27	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:50:53	376.897
-116	35304	1765200	a41b240f-1481-4532-baaa-730e27333057	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:18:16	-477.301
-117	17653	1765300	5cb1cda5-b004-4696-95a1-59e9866c9bbc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:54:29	-684.70
-117	35306	1765300	2354bddf-a1e7-49a1-86c9-4f69d9eaea1d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:24:14	-143.66
-118	17654	1765400	8c71dcf8-639b-476d-a23a-908b83a7a89a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:34:26	656.127
-118	35308	1765400	a9667bed-73e3-45c1-9281-6255753436f3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:44:58	-530.12
-119	17655	1765500	84989744-e668-435e-b7db-47fba29884d2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:03:23	-209.302
-119	35310	1765500	3b11571d-bf66-4c96-8998-24f7a3cac006	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:45:04	-751.399
-120	17656	1765600	e3563704-599a-4e02-b80c-e46af1faa738	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:41:07	-708.339
-120	35312	1765600	98481e55-b0c7-439c-810d-05ce982e42c7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:57:27	-232.322
-121	17657	1765700	e18e06e4-f5f5-47ad-8a3a-94f9bfb97339	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:32:15	894.333
-121	35314	1765700	cdaad96a-5a72-48e7-888b-c3a1166f1adf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:54:23	754.224
-122	17658	1765800	0ffbd96b-20ba-4df6-8b0e-9ff6388ac3e7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:49:04	-411.840
-122	35316	1765800	01b06561-0463-4b43-afa1-379af1a25b3c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:53:45	-211.932
-123	17659	1765900	ecd22941-18b3-41a8-ab88-d1a22727d1b1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:07:08	-945.796
-123	35318	1765900	6a731573-9f38-4c31-944a-af66cd7dab48	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:05:16	-72.873
-124	17660	1766000	6fc60612-40a1-48dc-a62a-0e5158094d28	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:35:38	-60.990
-124	35320	1766000	339905cb-cedd-4eb0-9810-c19e850db648	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:44:30	197.447
-125	17661	1766100	028a34ea-c370-42a6-aa28-6bc544b87153	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:57:19	-205.628
-125	35322	1766100	c214b964-40ea-47f2-a7eb-47f6460595f3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:47:11	-248.248
-126	17662	1766200	1d86b5dd-a7c0-42ab-a7a6-38ae12e4e805	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:46:53	-321.284
-126	35324	1766200	b50cac0b-ff65-4e54-93d9-950ea225b6a0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:34:22	167.496
-127	17663	1766300	23cfcbb8-4783-49b6-8585-1fe6d84934e8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:20:06	-286.333
-127	35326	1766300	89365b9e-3801-4bee-8c98-deebb9f5b660	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:31:46	166.675
-0	17664	1766400	a1c40d0e-b270-4c69-84c8-fe5a0c539531	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:11:55	-308.529
-0	35328	1766400	ce44a1be-c7f8-4148-96f2-db7e39ec00be	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:28:44	-208.79
-1	17665	1766500	9aa7935c-0a7c-433e-870c-4f9e4cafe5ad	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:05:23	-306.604
-1	35330	1766500	f7b466e3-4c8a-49d4-8183-511e3bca8509	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:10:05	216.693
-2	17666	1766600	1af46db5-c4d0-4251-be01-9af20268477f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:39:05	-740.726
-2	35332	1766600	e5381b9d-5328-4e84-bb17-33fda4caa521	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:53:33	-983.76
-3	17667	1766700	5832b2f6-2f3d-4ac2-aa3a-7321b4038bf8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:42:29	-178.433
-3	35334	1766700	fc4fd956-060b-496e-8ecf-ce2b9a308bf2	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:08:57	-811.833
-4	17668	1766800	28495d3a-2c06-41bc-9610-f398b5d00210	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:14:41	243.557
-4	35336	1766800	5e3ef3a2-36de-4003-b540-a99b007549bf	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:37:57	-954.205
-5	17669	1766900	294d52cc-ead4-4ab6-b89d-03cb068db80d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:05:36	770.235
-5	35338	1766900	2c7fa2f4-4df6-4f7e-8a1a-0d2a1a67c5a0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:37:16	-189.384
-6	17670	1767000	1ba7fe27-86ec-43b9-a379-4beda1944938	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:28:14	-179.886
-6	35340	1767000	584d95e3-5e4a-4d9c-ab75-d6cd06593793	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:05:31	733.703
-7	17671	1767100	768700d8-f8fa-492e-925b-a9d1cbaad57d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:47:10	-457.401
-7	35342	1767100	a063da61-1d08-4067-bde9-5867c3b98832	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:53:02	-485.42
-8	17672	1767200	dcc5f4d5-d7e3-4f3a-8878-64787cc1d8b6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:08:00	194.402
-8	35344	1767200	cf709382-6ef2-4ab3-b6a5-9b8212fbe963	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:42:23	207.962
-9	17673	1767300	2cfa8e00-d006-4256-983e-81266303775f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:23:57	-90.633
-9	35346	1767300	6d28b548-2559-45ec-81df-611cce6c9d85	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:03:39	695.672
-10	17674	1767400	b0792823-ff84-4d85-8eef-f09b7026ef03	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:52:02	794.977
-10	35348	1767400	3ca990e2-f0c8-43c0-98e4-72a74cf0e01a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:34:32	214.647
-11	17675	1767500	13b74ddc-8c7d-4e61-ba54-cd6540444111	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:45:54	264.694
-11	35350	1767500	bc7c9a49-83b8-47d7-b4f4-43dda0b75f98	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:38:56	144.164
-12	17676	1767600	6d692e26-616d-4739-b1f6-1db0dcfb60df	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:26:24	-907.709
-12	35352	1767600	a2e4d41b-9c93-476e-be5a-f4b092cc7aa6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:40:47	-508.511
-13	17677	1767700	122185b1-657c-415a-9085-b5fbc928c80c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:38:47	-238.684
-13	35354	1767700	989c57a8-4c12-47e9-9443-40f686f00c9b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:11:43	-979.222
-14	17678	1767800	463671a4-3605-4a30-8c7b-3331c1ab28ba	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:05:48	-610.946
-14	35356	1767800	35883b75-e2d3-412f-b841-a40da6ef9b0a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:28:10	-414.464
-15	17679	1767900	72dfc66a-4d63-47b6-9d03-545a000e4444	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:33:14	-800.367
-15	35358	1767900	2038b177-ef06-4651-9489-c91035ff4937	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:32:46	532.583
-16	17680	1768000	1df3ca44-c1a8-4197-b370-852878d2d4af	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:24:43	-206.818
-16	35360	1768000	bdae2d85-b3ee-41bd-8514-df824695f16f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:22:53	810.275
-17	17681	1768100	c04a7b41-c6ba-4e1a-8ddb-eeff534d6e7a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:01:40	-590.286
-17	35362	1768100	4dbcc6a8-87be-42db-a4fe-9e0d940b6d23	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:40:46	-7.885
-18	17682	1768200	8f6f8050-1329-4e4f-a3f0-2baff1a3a31a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:26:57	-819.831
-18	35364	1768200	d82245bb-ff8a-4e13-ba95-1dd7884c8f99	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:12:58	-842.96
-19	17683	1768300	62fb4a5e-8ce5-44e1-8f71-c049e7b79cf2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:32:49	418.696
-19	35366	1768300	0971af8f-49e9-4836-bb09-8b10076fe880	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:42:30	-707.501
-20	17684	1768400	9b444082-5a5e-4ab1-ba57-7b6ff8e6a17f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:42:49	-665.436
-20	35368	1768400	af285abb-102f-4ccb-8853-b9f16010edd7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:05:52	-547.764
-21	17685	1768500	80068dc2-91d2-40c7-8dcd-a8ef4ebbc050	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:12:26	-26.839
-21	35370	1768500	76438bd6-6d19-43f6-b1fa-4d438ae7843d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:12:01	893.850
-22	17686	1768600	3658b235-a67d-4537-bc4c-5399f6108aa8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:32:05	-978.12
-22	35372	1768600	5e6e1ac9-ab6c-44dc-8182-cf19dc91b962	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:29:16	979.731
-23	17687	1768700	05526617-a6ea-471a-bb7b-149044056a95	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:26:45	-863.913
-23	35374	1768700	05241e65-cb0c-4170-ad3c-8815285dd3ff	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:21:14	-374.469
-24	17688	1768800	e6884986-21d3-4d09-864c-93336650f881	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:23:54	-481.823
-24	35376	1768800	7a4abb71-3166-4e32-9b19-32a59538801a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:28:13	-736.702
-25	17689	1768900	f67e71d5-058b-4046-a20d-3b0c5ae8166c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:11:03	-972.904
-25	35378	1768900	3637396a-7d5d-4889-84cf-ee2abc84e759	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:25:59	27.684
-26	17690	1769000	fc951209-9f3c-42cc-97ca-48bb135e4d6a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:07:10	-915.700
-26	35380	1769000	e0589aa4-90f9-4c90-a85b-47df2ed73d68	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:30:49	-929.85
-27	17691	1769100	25950813-680f-46af-bde6-d5e46f7c8c9e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:51:56	-686.547
-27	35382	1769100	0bffb047-b791-43bc-a5d5-46f6461b764e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:34:13	-262.138
-28	17692	1769200	edee8514-4a3b-425b-9d2c-c713b115df6b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:35:04	-737.295
-28	35384	1769200	82aee590-4955-4f67-b44f-d563d4b3abda	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:16:46	392.366
-29	17693	1769300	ba7e0a5b-d5d5-44c2-80f9-fc7107cc2350	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:44:13	-884.734
-29	35386	1769300	c7a2f080-9141-463a-ae95-8bec6be7667d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:59:18	-738.92
-30	17694	1769400	4e919dc4-1e2d-49b8-bd33-717d85dfa686	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:55:20	-80.56
-30	35388	1769400	b85ec21a-e1ef-46fa-bdd1-2a4266c00472	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:18:15	-226.765
-31	17695	1769500	7913403f-b1e1-4b3d-8c3c-b310d9c37086	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:04:16	984.552
-31	35390	1769500	26eab902-1cbe-4803-9ecf-c7b52a2b70fd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:46:44	-503.742
-32	17696	1769600	bab2bc60-90e5-4d48-9b7f-fc7f8136b901	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:56:05	591.373
-32	35392	1769600	d768af1d-7676-4a41-b697-191a3caf6625	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:45:10	-292.480
-33	17697	1769700	59520a07-e2f4-4822-9eae-e2ad2794db8e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:03:43	21.343
-33	35394	1769700	f39d89d7-03a3-4749-acaa-c374dd4a7c76	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:07:18	-303.844
-34	17698	1769800	99a9264b-efbf-4dc9-b206-0174b6d7df88	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:43:48	182.750
-34	35396	1769800	05aa3c65-99b0-4fe5-ac7e-5d89131cfa0a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:11:50	485.495
-35	17699	1769900	7282695a-84fe-4c51-aadc-e4d6e9e2ffe4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:24:26	63.546
-35	35398	1769900	5951b463-9671-460f-b2aa-d261bf7407af	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:58:03	-162.848
-36	17700	1770000	ee41f1a9-5036-4bb3-bde8-f37cc852bd2b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:28:54	-839.760
-36	35400	1770000	5c465399-ab25-4909-a477-2c70c5e973b1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:04:15	-846.620
-37	17701	1770100	b6a90868-c5f8-42c3-817c-7de5aca36543	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:01:52	-933.202
-37	35402	1770100	e55aa2c2-1746-439b-a373-94e4a17ef3ce	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:19:37	-862.574
-38	17702	1770200	e15652e2-a6aa-452c-a719-8125c7b009b4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:06:44	-101.227
-38	35404	1770200	796ba361-5df5-49bf-9e1d-4a7216b97c53	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:53:51	-822.507
-39	17703	1770300	3e61541a-2fc8-4598-a20f-901eabb6539d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:57:51	741.788
-39	35406	1770300	0294a5f8-951c-4515-b4ae-1a2617dcf6c8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:56:41	523.670
-40	17704	1770400	51192dbc-be9c-45dc-9679-e3f4a32f3cbd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:54:01	146.106
-40	35408	1770400	7214936d-b99f-4b31-b267-eb7c99ef25b5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:52:17	-720.752
-41	17705	1770500	93685ea4-911a-4b6b-96ef-32d99c4618be	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:05:08	-412.261
-41	35410	1770500	73e0f020-b730-450a-a61a-804cb3fd0b98	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:15:10	-902.520
-42	17706	1770600	af55d100-ed10-42dd-8f7d-ff85b035b58c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:25:41	724.148
-42	35412	1770600	5f0f6801-7731-4e26-9800-f2cb1f22ce4d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:04:51	321.905
-43	17707	1770700	f67fbb55-e07d-4adb-8209-5aa96fe7df0f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:43:07	-295.976
-43	35414	1770700	e1137c14-61ab-4379-a925-eb785a2f3697	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:37:32	-161.86
-44	17708	1770800	f3e85b6c-a688-4b16-bdd0-ddc7e56d4b7f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:22:58	-479.74
-44	35416	1770800	9b34fc63-c598-4f16-b595-5c16836f9386	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:06:28	2.631
-45	17709	1770900	7418d438-df54-4be1-a587-703bb39edafe	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:05:43	663.761
-45	35418	1770900	96b58c3c-3666-45e1-86e7-ae18f4dbdaa0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:23:00	-382.216
-46	17710	1771000	50c81363-417b-4f6c-a4fb-cb3b4b71d9ea	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:14:20	-186.983
-46	35420	1771000	8b174390-f17d-4414-9bbb-e4e54f6b73c6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:39:04	800.159
-47	17711	1771100	5e29a3b4-9d8a-490e-b467-b47aae6c8dc5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:52:31	-377.795
-47	35422	1771100	d09efead-b0e5-4ba2-a7f8-d55f00e07fec	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:36:22	714.765
-48	17712	1771200	335c2b99-1b46-40af-8633-5ef9086c24bd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:04:22	-417.97
-48	35424	1771200	c3ecf1d1-7567-49cb-9afb-fb9e24e3fcdb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:46:21	549.141
-49	17713	1771300	c73585fb-45a4-4594-aca2-5b0949d878b0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:47:43	-447.37
-49	35426	1771300	09bca04a-b6bc-4945-a209-0b055b05e411	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:39:27	-204.460
-50	17714	1771400	52d17fee-b2a2-42df-be5c-639de5c9911c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:30:01	558.436
-50	35428	1771400	80a22067-444a-4441-99ea-9506aaf648c4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:04:33	-842.279
-51	17715	1771500	bf4aac7f-168d-4987-b4b4-9a41a4e28fb2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:17:09	-580.233
-51	35430	1771500	70a56fbb-bd5a-44fb-89f1-21cab3c0937c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:00:59	60.96
-52	17716	1771600	eed81c75-cec1-4780-aebc-03d522d6e5e2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:14:49	-236.60
-52	35432	1771600	6ecd1491-e900-4a70-9f5f-0bfd70243ab9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:02:54	573.30
-53	17717	1771700	32456150-9cb4-41cf-8c02-3a893a07b9dd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:57:08	-34.990
-53	35434	1771700	b7daa735-5cd8-4d55-a4c1-49af6348410c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:17:23	-251.833
-54	17718	1771800	1f2cede6-3ce4-4114-9552-449239db4bba	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:41:29	77.172
-54	35436	1771800	8d8fab1a-db7e-46a9-bce2-bd762875cb5d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:15:09	54.630
-55	17719	1771900	3da7fb4e-b6f9-4cd5-bc21-4556e0600a96	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:18:00	725.631
-55	35438	1771900	cc21f196-254f-4a6f-8c00-85e6ae733e45	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:50:20	503.692
-56	17720	1772000	ade7dee5-3447-426b-8a8f-f5b387f68699	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:21:33	544.947
-56	35440	1772000	990472e6-6ab1-45e4-a385-7d511667c9f2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:55:22	-287.559
-57	17721	1772100	0855fc61-31e6-47cc-b928-0fccb48e00b9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:03:37	529.705
-57	35442	1772100	903c6070-5d8e-4b94-ac9d-2f8c838b42a4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:41:15	-988.99
-58	17722	1772200	67c543c2-e324-4cf9-906e-037244ac44d2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:47:11	631.975
-58	35444	1772200	d0a6b62a-bbac-4433-a506-aff8a21dabe0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:44:53	393.836
-59	17723	1772300	e9deb183-b522-4fb0-89d9-0da760256c35	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:51:13	-947.789
-59	35446	1772300	7fddeee4-729a-468d-879a-c3ed71863758	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:57:20	304.989
-60	17724	1772400	50e76890-5282-4b71-888f-4ece3705c8d3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:16:37	438.439
-60	35448	1772400	1d9e2686-f86b-4576-9a6b-ece1169c0bed	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:08:09	422.626
-61	17725	1772500	0c22c23f-cb76-4f2c-847e-08f8216e2945	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:41:18	37.683
-61	35450	1772500	e9ab2764-441e-4fce-992a-8176bf44b1c9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:25:39	-319.923
-62	17726	1772600	d225e64a-9a4e-4910-80f4-2e3905ad8d5a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:39:26	957.61
-62	35452	1772600	e3cff8be-c8ca-44c3-a512-1e92d69d5223	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:29:52	-157.262
-63	17727	1772700	7236c720-00a7-43e2-8185-128e54df4688	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:46:58	-720.545
-63	35454	1772700	d999449e-29ab-4c45-a446-9041046184f0	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:06:52	-290.571
-64	17728	1772800	03880001-8314-44c0-a1e5-2b8f26565f5d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:26:41	-215.354
-64	35456	1772800	3c88ec09-ed8e-45fb-9cb2-b026b0000337	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:47:20	-364.584
-65	17729	1772900	3cdb0d64-6ad9-41eb-8a7a-126709b68202	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:33:44	-214.63
-65	35458	1772900	0df1cd15-1d3f-44ec-9349-76c49a2058fd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:38:39	-314.597
-66	17730	1773000	392d28b6-8cfa-4c9d-94e2-ef81590c7a45	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:48:47	233.564
-66	35460	1773000	e8dc172a-43fe-4ebb-a2a0-bac075790308	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:16:17	520.301
-67	17731	1773100	a461d0b1-7436-469a-8d13-330c1fe8a069	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:19:27	5.694
-67	35462	1773100	0e3ecda9-e19d-4ac4-abd9-dd0457913a7f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:47:22	266.627
-68	17732	1773200	9df1c366-3305-4aaa-9d2a-3462f135c8ab	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:26:54	-224.485
-68	35464	1773200	1913989c-8ac0-47fe-bc2a-06c4f067fb61	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:03:01	978.378
-69	17733	1773300	e5a7a9ea-5841-40d0-90de-7180df2f915e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:01:54	264.470
-69	35466	1773300	e13d8bdd-cd53-4f21-b7ab-69bea7b7578c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:15:09	582.629
-70	17734	1773400	22135bae-cafa-4905-a699-a9dcd1ca5541	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:27:21	-777.707
-70	35468	1773400	0b080f05-6b31-4dcc-8a9d-77a938c114dc	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:38:55	248.106
-71	17735	1773500	c88791c6-6ffc-4365-b589-dbf58dfb8787	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:30:47	10.842
-71	35470	1773500	5fcf56ea-1859-45de-90e4-2160d97dca2d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:23:43	-203.832
-72	17736	1773600	9f13f2fd-e05b-4654-93f9-674fa6ccb08c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:37:29	-93.25
-72	35472	1773600	16e36d82-6509-4bf8-bebc-018e5aff3694	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:02:04	-194.245
-73	17737	1773700	a781a525-5a44-46c2-9a68-1898ba78120e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:37:57	-233.10
-73	35474	1773700	a9fe6197-db10-4e7a-beeb-c16d21087b9c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:32:17	385.225
-74	17738	1773800	aa5935fa-c432-49bd-a532-36b5c71bd4ea	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:18:30	-7.850
-74	35476	1773800	8a06c048-4ee3-4ae2-8e77-5067e1012fc9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:13:06	328.13
-75	17739	1773900	73f97293-5012-4399-807e-4f44f56776bf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:22:56	581.917
-75	35478	1773900	339ebb0a-1687-425c-b7de-2c7e68ad1781	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:00:39	-419.847
-76	17740	1774000	260ec6a0-be56-46d8-89eb-c39a625b65c9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:18:02	894.344
-76	35480	1774000	37e7228f-aadd-49ed-b4d0-d09ea64a8a31	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:55:54	-818.730
-77	17741	1774100	5ccbe070-7f36-4375-aeeb-e6c2a687124c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:10:59	-52.912
-77	35482	1774100	29ace462-b038-4cd5-b97d-5346c165c43f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:43:39	-855.610
-78	17742	1774200	744bdcd6-cc5a-4232-9b3a-699d3f2b3d7a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:58:09	-176.669
-78	35484	1774200	93562712-0b1e-4f12-ba9b-41336f55efae	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:05:56	-680.130
-79	17743	1774300	1866ff6f-de76-4da8-92db-e8d84001e4ff	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:46:24	-243.530
-79	35486	1774300	46f7fb12-eacd-4313-818b-f004792d1ed2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:21:49	-458.227
-80	17744	1774400	e2badefd-d422-48ce-a2ba-289d983f5ea6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:12:14	82.739
-80	35488	1774400	7a0c75de-73f4-4a69-9c3f-d3a49684c4f2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:01:50	-993.436
-81	17745	1774500	9009d677-3e5c-4987-8fb4-293fc4e63911	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:13:56	-557.499
-81	35490	1774500	d76aa1c8-7a82-4690-b3ab-851bf62a2eb5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:01:42	-754.993
-82	17746	1774600	70ff7cae-e053-4a8c-aa34-224c676f2940	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:07:46	-741.956
-82	35492	1774600	70f6557c-7d33-4441-979e-b8ddb6628eeb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:31:31	-545.956
-83	17747	1774700	3596927f-e128-47b1-aca1-8ba76f4555c0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:10:44	-144.779
-83	35494	1774700	b7734614-15e2-4f16-8d3c-e896f29108b9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:12:49	661.765
-84	17748	1774800	f6810d36-2562-4441-9d2d-a537e092bf07	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:36:39	226.545
-84	35496	1774800	4e99021b-7a95-4df3-8692-511177c0d4be	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:16:49	240.314
-85	17749	1774900	745d4392-ea8f-4f62-b7ef-993d9e22069a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:05:09	436.43
-85	35498	1774900	8369158b-5955-4acb-9143-77bd99c0c78b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:39:18	-663.640
-86	17750	1775000	c1f85ce4-c510-4f6b-ad3f-f271c98f0a65	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:09:42	-24.901
-86	35500	1775000	0fb7a5f3-a8eb-47be-a098-98dea379632e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:17:33	-376.10
-87	17751	1775100	35cca867-fcb3-4fdb-b251-6838cba5b472	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:59:28	213.963
-87	35502	1775100	b0ca47a4-2fd6-4ddc-b6d9-5ff47a4c76ef	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:58:39	-900.317
-88	17752	1775200	640b8160-39c1-47a5-b29e-90c6b8441a26	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:56:09	-804.292
-88	35504	1775200	da9ebc3c-2207-42ea-a436-8323322cfe4e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:51:39	562.160
-89	17753	1775300	5e2f4336-83c9-4848-a2da-d173bd28a4e8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:46:45	-739.199
-89	35506	1775300	283673af-9620-431a-9bfe-3881901905d9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:29:45	961.441
-90	17754	1775400	a72a4793-1e5b-442a-bab6-83be3b599380	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:45:22	173.677
-90	35508	1775400	64119d1b-1bda-4b8e-a414-9df657756c13	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:35:07	-877.407
-91	17755	1775500	188fa1be-6516-4804-8f97-52282a521b08	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:23:22	-498.732
-91	35510	1775500	08b20177-6e86-4369-abe1-f07b43f6ada1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:06:06	-233.233
-92	17756	1775600	7f191d81-cded-483e-951f-c6e208bc3a7b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:09:16	-657.632
-92	35512	1775600	36c42fd0-e0a5-41e2-afd9-9f99a134a6f7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:42:28	-179.404
-93	17757	1775700	f37403d5-96b9-462f-a7fc-167235716321	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:41:06	603.367
-93	35514	1775700	7c8063c1-4451-44f3-84b4-e5f6082f9585	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:50:53	314.354
-94	17758	1775800	8c687fd6-5345-4e53-bbc4-058619ebced5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:33:29	-544.456
-94	35516	1775800	b63786ba-fe30-4021-9a78-c81d4442ce9d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:07:19	-359.26
-95	17759	1775900	d81b367e-7c6c-4e18-a10b-a4151d8b3f89	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:09:02	64.196
-95	35518	1775900	dd057dc1-e18b-4761-8e9e-7d9feca1181e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:51:49	789.919
-96	17760	1776000	f78f26d5-c323-4c5c-9c1e-47b225388d58	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:47:27	-450.300
-96	35520	1776000	853b9b44-6439-45c3-ac4c-9a985a70242e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:45:29	764.644
-97	17761	1776100	9db38071-34f6-402a-a1af-345184ea20ce	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:11:42	-199.15
-97	35522	1776100	0edf4c12-7625-4b6c-9bda-5935f6ff72a6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:02:46	-520.405
-98	17762	1776200	f1097111-2a3e-4c8f-82f2-ada2308b1f5a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:27:20	399.876
-98	35524	1776200	af15498f-677d-40ec-b709-4eb4b3dcbcf0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:43:56	-363.684
-99	17763	1776300	3610394d-5bd6-4452-b37f-f159fdc62d4c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:51:12	698.107
-99	35526	1776300	8110df18-9291-43fc-a402-691c050c6c2e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:49:07	-966.607
-100	17764	1776400	cc0279b2-29cb-4b5b-88fb-8c8c0df1c7da	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:48:53	-994.774
-100	35528	1776400	0a865e01-a4b5-4e18-bb75-db31e790f39e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:07:37	632.198
-101	17765	1776500	60b5582e-7d7f-487a-ae49-cf44283aab0b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:45:26	-719.326
-101	35530	1776500	4770e800-a731-40f3-8e2e-37856f1cfd5f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:58:30	388.508
-102	17766	1776600	d4ccd975-9e14-4a04-b32d-af3f5c373bf5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:53:42	562.631
-102	35532	1776600	16746b40-7a2b-4861-a1ec-d86d7d13ec58	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:58:15	-434.200
-103	17767	1776700	119b5ec4-bd75-48f0-bd8b-b926c7ddb6cc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:09:42	36.236
-103	35534	1776700	fd86bd7b-24b0-45dd-ab16-1f5497c86e37	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:26:41	-564.455
-104	17768	1776800	e7dc9004-d6e4-46f4-b5e9-90e86294bee9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:16:23	-789.483
-104	35536	1776800	41a173e9-aca7-4056-8c67-6b4e7ef596e4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:20:48	-45.735
-105	17769	1776900	919b2fed-c7df-4ae7-92c3-698961cb16eb	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:38:38	-664.634
-105	35538	1776900	a59c74dc-febb-4116-a25e-d60fc6037303	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:07:38	-939.371
-106	17770	1777000	5e596ebb-dac9-4d19-8bcf-6c9ee47cba73	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:30:01	850.61
-106	35540	1777000	410c3313-24a6-4c9d-a207-197a7e79fd38	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:05:33	-677.926
-107	17771	1777100	d0c0b203-c8a9-4537-9512-d66af77b8bde	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:09:51	366.304
-107	35542	1777100	e63eee89-df0c-4a8e-bb77-05717f65203b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:51:19	607.200
-108	17772	1777200	6e9583af-4bf8-41b5-a3a3-4d7e7f7d3429	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:31:17	-956.261
-108	35544	1777200	9093ab96-fda9-44b4-b02a-38c9f71b462d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:39:26	-667.509
-109	17773	1777300	5a466f64-a5a9-4ad1-bf69-1eb1431c447b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:48:01	-42.974
-109	35546	1777300	d48affaa-2892-4fad-88d6-9ef258233f44	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:02:21	-949.578
-110	17774	1777400	a90452d8-3e53-4849-b5bb-fd338dbb1f8f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:36:09	270.206
-110	35548	1777400	bac24ac0-3930-40d2-af38-6e1549485aff	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:22:48	863.429
-111	17775	1777500	db6b5aa5-24c8-4080-8626-d982400f5877	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:16:27	-214.123
-111	35550	1777500	965b3cff-f064-41cf-8aa2-6426200d49f6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:33:29	33.924
-112	17776	1777600	02b3863b-8889-4230-8ba5-04a8c3c37d35	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:16:15	423.272
-112	35552	1777600	751ae4bf-a8a9-47dc-a106-1f6fd708d9ab	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:49:10	-677.615
-113	17777	1777700	598ee43f-f2d5-442e-acc5-026c8eefdc48	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:18:40	54.907
-113	35554	1777700	62423a1c-67aa-4c10-a0cb-c67775548c47	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:56:35	-951.495
-114	17778	1777800	1b687029-9166-4b9d-a3ad-5a7510f004d0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:41:00	-70.303
-114	35556	1777800	6ee76f68-73e5-4c65-9b33-6fce31d57711	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:39:38	-573.527
-115	17779	1777900	9260456c-b1f0-4f44-ba09-49ac341effcb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:37:21	-986.592
-115	35558	1777900	5b913d55-322c-4b42-9def-eefd72ecf469	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:08:24	886.170
-116	17780	1778000	1f18e104-b4a9-49ac-a521-16ceb1d5e8a5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:17:55	-960.877
-116	35560	1778000	b04fa83e-3086-4bb7-90ec-cf87f40bd527	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:06:34	51.208
-117	17781	1778100	546bdaf9-6ccb-4831-baea-0ddd19f05f7f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:57:10	-201.142
-117	35562	1778100	a232faae-eed0-41a6-8d2e-81143b9069a0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:21:21	420.655
-118	17782	1778200	8d2aa513-3a6f-44fe-aaad-762e67020794	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:08:08	206.608
-118	35564	1778200	51ce0ed4-803f-493f-8ad4-74b30808a524	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:51:32	-461.375
-119	17783	1778300	7251c96f-f9ff-4bc6-9f64-03932666035f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:43:33	-426.243
-119	35566	1778300	2361602c-d7d4-4deb-8442-8e2c6aa4f801	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:07:29	-637.904
-120	17784	1778400	5211d30e-ec60-46d6-9799-145968f14164	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:35:20	-755.74
-120	35568	1778400	4fc33dd1-2bb9-44e3-b164-902715ec5298	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:59:50	997.10
-121	17785	1778500	8e14e2f0-e4b7-4bf7-9596-a9f73a9d1460	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:48:38	-321.647
-121	35570	1778500	74fa0926-f0df-45e5-b3f7-2259070980a6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:27:09	-11.482
-122	17786	1778600	dc072aac-e679-4f6a-a4b4-7e231072daff	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:04:19	108.909
-122	35572	1778600	020cf74a-4692-48a4-8ae4-e78de87ad7ef	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:42:52	-744.6
-123	17787	1778700	a7627217-481c-4f0c-b834-38797a80b5ef	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:20:26	-98.137
-123	35574	1778700	d16f0fb0-59d4-4aa1-9591-b8a75db70883	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:18:18	103.84
-124	17788	1778800	aedf1709-d131-4fac-a7b9-042a2ee72601	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:34:27	-664.716
-124	35576	1778800	5acafcf3-7f28-473d-983f-5bf64a02f78a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:59:56	132.642
-125	17789	1778900	13132a1c-c02f-4ed9-ba37-8663ef4ee290	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:33:33	-856.855
-125	35578	1778900	7e4d86e2-50a0-4845-9fcd-1253eaf2cc52	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:01:49	840.816
-126	17790	1779000	faa13ca3-87fc-4f1a-8a71-5000b93690e2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:06:44	-955.479
-126	35580	1779000	261436fb-8e27-44de-9c4a-33d4eb25acfe	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:35:38	992.881
-127	17791	1779100	f75a4528-28dd-47aa-a9c7-241d4fc314c5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:04:15	-747.882
-127	35582	1779100	94f0eac7-0c63-4e49-bcde-5036ef881c35	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:13:42	770.760
-0	17792	1779200	d28cd969-9b3b-40fe-9514-eef4fb07e5ba	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:12:21	710.370
-0	35584	1779200	0f1ee0c4-89dd-49ae-b3d6-1d963f168b14	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:43:13	-723.775
-1	17793	1779300	2abe8146-abae-4567-9513-5a14f0767df8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:16:30	-997.995
-1	35586	1779300	c19bc272-3be7-44b5-9fc9-24aefd4a11ee	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:17:22	-281.36
-2	17794	1779400	eb55b680-9960-4f4d-84c5-7e96181a21ba	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:03:26	373.236
-2	35588	1779400	1a6318b3-ae3a-441f-998a-35ec27c5c554	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:22:43	-314.792
-3	17795	1779500	c9159640-64a5-4988-8433-cfa1e5de5623	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:17:19	-12.946
-3	35590	1779500	25f3308e-341c-4c39-bde2-10353bb1bc98	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:10:52	-762.665
-4	17796	1779600	955de172-3bae-4585-9d4f-de397dfcdf0a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:47:27	-795.282
-4	35592	1779600	919a0d58-12d2-4485-b61f-cd74701eab60	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:08:13	-449.246
-5	17797	1779700	2ff987d9-013c-4dda-935e-e90e58e07fc1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:17:47	-262.698
-5	35594	1779700	1263fc74-3eeb-4dac-bdc5-45a1ba956752	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:57:58	-515.606
-6	17798	1779800	f3a14555-2d27-43e9-9eff-13d65f4ca34b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:21:02	715.350
-6	35596	1779800	d8facac7-8317-4d3b-9eaa-09e92ec3d05f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:46:30	-728.209
-7	17799	1779900	96b67090-3d7e-4f33-a090-0d642b213f03	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:45:20	-250.675
-7	35598	1779900	1befdebe-8283-46aa-9ff0-aa1cbd07ce18	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:47:36	-43.176
-8	17800	1780000	8fec993a-1c7b-4614-b051-2749860fe648	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:43:31	719.88
-8	35600	1780000	8cb096dc-8399-4711-943f-a0fab939124c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:00:06	381.297
-9	17801	1780100	ab0d28b8-8332-4753-b595-72a3cad1a2fe	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:08:03	525.998
-9	35602	1780100	ed7789a2-5ebf-43cb-ac24-2a2359c390ae	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:15:47	-465.503
-10	17802	1780200	c8ae1a99-b744-4589-9cab-ba66e6a34ae1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:02:32	32.214
-10	35604	1780200	f9c0cd12-b91c-483b-8fef-1ff9125e3117	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:17:24	259.525
-11	17803	1780300	b6082ade-48f3-4179-8fe0-d318dc543160	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:54:51	946.989
-11	35606	1780300	02c2544f-d7df-403c-9c08-8e47dc594624	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:02:20	585.391
-12	17804	1780400	e96e18a3-b5fc-4c34-8396-18d40e42ba5f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:37:23	854.990
-12	35608	1780400	9472a4dc-3169-45e2-b302-cb28b1d26c18	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:36:41	485.220
-13	17805	1780500	32297eea-a68b-4b26-b71d-23fe9eb1d9c3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:38:17	45.726
-13	35610	1780500	1339ffb8-fa04-4c59-8938-c3817adb3921	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:06:30	-201.367
-14	17806	1780600	1611fc38-f808-46aa-ac84-901a02c2c944	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:38:20	-971.128
-14	35612	1780600	57735447-3961-4041-99e0-b4ad2c461f8f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:09:22	-409.276
-15	17807	1780700	41298d2b-d220-4239-a369-106682065315	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:33:48	-222.472
-15	35614	1780700	403051df-4d46-4602-80b9-8d73025d88b4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:41:05	-711.186
-16	17808	1780800	7261361a-5de6-4520-a3c1-a83e8abc10c8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:06:21	-277.908
-16	35616	1780800	f17aa55e-6acb-4bdc-9217-e25d12d714a0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:56:39	-802.988
-17	17809	1780900	e61680f8-67e5-44eb-a474-dfbf0cf6c332	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:15:13	-646.733
-17	35618	1780900	7996ed78-a7a3-482b-b1cf-e09d1ba2c4f7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:15:19	647.989
-18	17810	1781000	76e06789-34fe-4226-b84f-b5d7b419c298	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:33:22	174.216
-18	35620	1781000	c4c046f7-8433-4d66-b1cd-130b10060e6b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:46:54	465.987
-19	17811	1781100	6baed3f7-fafd-4319-b4c2-4ef1b6193ab4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:50:16	550.515
-19	35622	1781100	b8b88bbb-175d-4814-b2fa-864990075dd9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:59:37	-76.606
-20	17812	1781200	2a596bcc-c7c5-4fba-b8f4-ade36f911881	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:30:59	286.407
-20	35624	1781200	a1eb9022-4705-4081-80f1-acd84b396014	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:55:06	128.108
-21	17813	1781300	ca4daae8-bed7-4447-b4e1-6f2e5fc910f9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:59:49	-566.145
-21	35626	1781300	27c2c0c2-12c2-4bc2-aa5c-a464e50b8d62	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:46:21	305.531
-22	17814	1781400	a0a24a21-2278-4397-8769-9d53658fcc7e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:22:15	-221.210
-22	35628	1781400	c3a8ac15-f935-4a32-9a42-2b8aa5e6b5f0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:58:46	-273.887
-23	17815	1781500	b69684f3-af56-4021-b66a-06f434264edb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:01:30	-75.165
-23	35630	1781500	92d683de-bf66-4a6d-9113-c978fc8ad8fc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:58:32	-244.626
-24	17816	1781600	7dda45ae-766e-44e2-a931-c8f0e6c52a00	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:18:46	-711.715
-24	35632	1781600	fb0e0cbd-46a9-4dbe-b095-c95f052f485b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:27:07	-994.941
-25	17817	1781700	5a703ee8-f2e5-40e8-b48c-e63016c5adba	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:10:18	542.168
-25	35634	1781700	4a9e9be2-5273-4c7b-a47d-94dec66ba7f9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:59:19	-997.661
-26	17818	1781800	3c3e21f4-4313-47ec-afc1-6faa8099d4a1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:39:40	687.801
-26	35636	1781800	7cd21867-9fc2-4294-9cad-0f0c0d12cc8b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:11:28	-302.177
-27	17819	1781900	a4569a3d-d4b2-4fa3-92f1-b3ec5f447c73	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:43:49	456.23
-27	35638	1781900	d58b9c7d-1436-44e9-b8e6-dd259a8ebcc0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:29:44	-954.130
-28	17820	1782000	55ebaad4-65d1-4ad8-a194-152a0984f32d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:05:01	760.559
-28	35640	1782000	23a98f06-cc65-49b8-9dd9-8f0999c39201	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:16:03	526.300
-29	17821	1782100	cce419f4-b558-4f98-ae6c-3a7797d31d4d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:11:05	61.863
-29	35642	1782100	8b6c550d-44c2-4c7a-ab23-6082d62fca2f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:11:32	-417.818
-30	17822	1782200	beb24436-0253-49bf-89d8-7ec6ab3a1891	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:16:06	-191.460
-30	35644	1782200	d01c77b3-b540-44f3-b079-1fad77b56b3c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:13:00	946.770
-31	17823	1782300	ebbe5d8a-033d-490f-a8ee-3e5bde2258c3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:26:20	340.683
-31	35646	1782300	8a71f093-df6f-4921-b868-8feffe0b5f53	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:38:21	656.610
-32	17824	1782400	a8284536-089b-47ed-b640-a76505db6b8d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:37:35	340.399
-32	35648	1782400	59761286-618a-4670-b1cd-ec565db2db41	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:25:55	146.257
-33	17825	1782500	347842b5-50db-408a-8dca-cc872f1bd54b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:45:53	367.453
-33	35650	1782500	43143e4f-d993-459f-8feb-614526a4c965	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:53:04	878.985
-34	17826	1782600	1fe86fe8-0cb7-47be-b153-cd1848e553cc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:13:34	-346.528
-34	35652	1782600	e437a6f0-6cee-43d2-8fa0-28a01720b2c2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:46:28	721.537
-35	17827	1782700	dba960fe-65fe-4c04-8eca-24d4b3fdbff4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:34:29	328.696
-35	35654	1782700	d8287197-7bc5-447f-8ac6-40c8bd95c3fe	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:15:55	-313.630
-36	17828	1782800	e04054cc-0d26-4369-95f7-decf8bc83437	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:20:35	-601.162
-36	35656	1782800	dfbfb3da-e710-4609-a8b2-817ec2a9fefd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:55:36	-373.359
-37	17829	1782900	c6eed8e0-2f8f-4be9-b568-33581774a6d5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:51:27	189.523
-37	35658	1782900	5ace6181-d552-4dec-90b7-47b61f88d508	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:25:53	-296.260
-38	17830	1783000	470eef41-cc53-4055-a922-490f18575863	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:24:35	-891.438
-38	35660	1783000	84af0f99-c6ab-4e69-9f1c-228076de2738	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:41:27	802.336
-39	17831	1783100	df68a9e4-c52f-4dd0-a828-593894d76ab9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:20:28	-282.740
-39	35662	1783100	68c205d5-d75d-464f-ac6e-29a0ccda957a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:46:54	-187.275
-40	17832	1783200	9876fc29-7939-4b19-8e18-832542ff4367	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:22:42	287.498
-40	35664	1783200	5445acf4-d989-45c1-890a-feadc19227f5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:40:49	486.440
-41	17833	1783300	d8cfea2c-801a-48cd-acec-0da121952456	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:18:14	-613.118
-41	35666	1783300	5b6e8d32-7b43-4d27-b060-0b23a1eba419	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:31:13	447.283
-42	17834	1783400	afa3928b-e1b9-46f5-8494-67529391e1f2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:56:14	603.394
-42	35668	1783400	33d58ed2-76ba-4c24-acdd-164a98e68155	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:14:37	31.874
-43	17835	1783500	ce915521-29cc-44d1-9a7c-158727277e7e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:56:10	-727.222
-43	35670	1783500	ecf40bf8-10fc-49c8-9fcd-47b57d70ba3e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:26:30	-481.468
-44	17836	1783600	30b8f0cb-e25f-4324-8fa9-58234049360b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:11:33	-291.836
-44	35672	1783600	0895727f-cc7e-43b6-abce-45e851a8fc08	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:59:26	605.336
-45	17837	1783700	8cb7e892-d986-4db4-94dc-45fc042530a5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:56:36	-345.998
-45	35674	1783700	82d4dde1-f266-489f-9e8b-7c3804e1aa50	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:35:41	-148.464
-46	17838	1783800	c7d08028-ab47-4a95-813f-357e1d40f761	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:19:01	-751.720
-46	35676	1783800	31886d30-4926-42c5-aa54-fbbbc49718d2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:42:48	230.731
-47	17839	1783900	0c44ec78-5700-401b-8b02-b00ff6166ff8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:07:33	-171.875
-47	35678	1783900	24ec22db-1f76-4414-9bfa-1916e8eb170e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:33:43	-951.111
-48	17840	1784000	cc784b3c-adcc-4113-ac4b-2154e1cb4244	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:40:30	819.199
-48	35680	1784000	85e72439-8c2a-4757-ab2c-d644ef3f89d8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:27:34	232.638
-49	17841	1784100	1927f22d-5f6f-4c0b-a1f4-87c6c5938c58	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:53:20	-369.464
-49	35682	1784100	6747fd53-c15c-497f-a89c-40beed6fe76c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:45:39	-371.523
-50	17842	1784200	92da650b-f132-47de-af85-acba2743d7ab	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:47:08	128.241
-50	35684	1784200	7ebc8f0f-512d-4558-9c18-79f2281f9541	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:13:03	239.376
-51	17843	1784300	c6d31d99-0e03-4bbb-a710-e4b3b037161b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:59:52	663.517
-51	35686	1784300	ff52e3b4-a0bb-42e8-aca9-c309d2b96acd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:44:03	451.684
-52	17844	1784400	ff010960-5522-4cf7-a5da-10f64354f9c8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:31:46	590.63
-52	35688	1784400	6a615267-9144-4c61-beed-34e16dd6222c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:32:13	566.742
-53	17845	1784500	f0de717a-4c25-4581-b22c-525135301104	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:43:05	-439.521
-53	35690	1784500	f83b9220-7f24-4f59-80b9-4d91f180beca	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:54:34	-187.96
-54	17846	1784600	1d2f3856-a89e-4613-9cf6-1714395d46fc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:41:42	154.546
-54	35692	1784600	6c88e2a1-8c36-4c79-9c46-bea3a48bd3f7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:07:56	289.160
-55	17847	1784700	7e88c549-822d-4877-8563-2841b077e7f0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:48:41	216.954
-55	35694	1784700	f3c3dc59-d729-4aaf-a2cd-623eb3a48846	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:30:00	79.766
-56	17848	1784800	d431f97e-e067-4a7e-9f46-91e0af7a54ed	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:48:04	587.240
-56	35696	1784800	1ad77a75-cb41-4bea-b741-b50ed226a41b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:26:20	-363.845
-57	17849	1784900	3412de69-40c6-436f-b825-712b44507a2f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:39:32	-363.801
-57	35698	1784900	a680daa7-339f-4582-a2d2-b06609a36ed3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:41:22	682.860
-58	17850	1785000	9f698bba-baa1-4cfa-8037-621c33234685	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:00:51	-533.858
-58	35700	1785000	7261126d-6e80-449b-aa4c-2a08e683a173	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:24:23	-581.633
-59	17851	1785100	e8bd043d-e2e5-4ed7-9b23-40ce2bb161f6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:39:27	302.72
-59	35702	1785100	60ae2b06-b042-4b40-b1b2-ce26ab74ac2a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:41:28	-658.956
-60	17852	1785200	af6cc071-896d-4702-953b-4adc5418c6c1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:26:32	-808.797
-60	35704	1785200	c2c23d1d-470b-419d-879c-963fefe2f7cf	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:51:41	606.848
-61	17853	1785300	2c2d46c4-b3dc-45d6-a823-b153b00c504a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:48:13	560.455
-61	35706	1785300	c247535a-51dc-4028-82a6-6e5c4e9c5a2b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:00:18	-244.316
-62	17854	1785400	e5611b76-43f3-4fcc-ae0b-f4a0a116d8e6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:52:00	-5.986
-62	35708	1785400	c82c7b3c-f315-4f5f-ae8c-72353a63cdff	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:11:04	639.789
-63	17855	1785500	5eaf9d62-b8ae-4848-9503-316bc9aa846e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:34:37	283.782
-63	35710	1785500	b2b882d9-ef18-42d2-bd0b-6d5622cda699	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:52:20	-702.178
-64	17856	1785600	6b865278-eceb-41fe-929e-7f79bfe9b3b9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:29:27	-58.538
-64	35712	1785600	731308d0-3ca2-4373-a29b-d8ddc8dc7f7f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:45:06	869.837
-65	17857	1785700	b5d2edfd-cf70-4f4f-896e-5d0fbd82a7d5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:07:33	789.568
-65	35714	1785700	adfaf527-529a-4436-a743-593e9820dee6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:03:53	-977.121
-66	17858	1785800	d734262d-65ba-43df-935a-03c35932a1a0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:01:50	741.611
-66	35716	1785800	3bd8e041-71be-4a1a-aa28-2b7ad1c7419c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:42:29	-511.658
-67	17859	1785900	6055fef5-eaf4-4979-ba96-04421d10aa67	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:41:57	-756.815
-67	35718	1785900	e65c4f23-efc5-409a-8c11-69cdf11ffc8e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:27:26	-800.9
-68	17860	1786000	5cd12657-f2ed-44e5-84ca-ab74ec31322e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:11:04	-962.121
-68	35720	1786000	92fd139d-1552-4d45-ba69-4735567b1030	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:02:06	-143.692
-69	17861	1786100	c58d5066-29a0-4a90-bbd3-787a809a2eb8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:14:46	838.776
-69	35722	1786100	84555a13-f353-4ab4-a538-98c8be8b39e2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:24:14	422.464
-70	17862	1786200	00164529-0aec-45d1-80b7-e9766d88bca8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:44:32	217.12
-70	35724	1786200	44fc0df8-27e2-4997-ad8f-ebda5eec173c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:40:15	-980.983
-71	17863	1786300	6f93d515-685d-4e6a-be5d-4953bcc48b12	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:17:18	866.308
-71	35726	1786300	c02f3a11-172e-4978-ba28-81cb12d385c6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:44:35	741.734
-72	17864	1786400	d61dfe49-8868-4cd8-b661-7bd4a2fa9225	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:31:21	955.874
-72	35728	1786400	a2d5e5b4-c08e-4351-8aa6-3ab9a081a8dc	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:35:18	-388.686
-73	17865	1786500	5f54a9ce-8a39-42e3-bcd5-fdd94c2a53fb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:18:42	202.836
-73	35730	1786500	b7e580bb-1fc1-4143-a0f9-3ac80b323fc6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:31:31	663.977
-74	17866	1786600	d73c9ad3-bdcc-48dc-aefc-82017f0c1a8b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:32:46	17.798
-74	35732	1786600	f5a633da-96a0-4dd4-b577-77b642c4e201	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:15:37	-845.183
-75	17867	1786700	390d6a48-c9c9-4dbe-9f5e-3fad1c743ad7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:54:59	-989.101
-75	35734	1786700	6cb06627-ea39-4935-9473-7df149866a34	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:27:31	338.873
-76	17868	1786800	df6a6baa-420f-47b8-bb48-cb8f169f50b2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:16:59	-935.960
-76	35736	1786800	15328199-1bab-4106-b4d6-7d8bee2a9cbd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:34:23	-70.736
-77	17869	1786900	c9a3aae7-a295-44cd-9757-dd660dbfba87	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:48:51	75.497
-77	35738	1786900	a89bb44a-1458-40b0-8f5e-104ae87640bb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:48:18	-234.241
-78	17870	1787000	0c02874c-4366-467c-bb0b-2017d7a75ebf	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:28:35	802.538
-78	35740	1787000	cd12c4f2-0a24-4486-bd88-4c2ee1af182d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:26:35	-709.971
-79	17871	1787100	01a07596-7646-4b53-8241-6e703325e2b0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:49:54	-91.971
-79	35742	1787100	da2cb36f-e1a4-444e-876e-dff7bda9c29f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:57:32	-10.533
-80	17872	1787200	01199e1d-685e-42d0-9079-c8db90784df7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:45:47	80.461
-80	35744	1787200	ab3c949c-c043-4783-a4fe-fbc0340a90e3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:43:22	-601.949
-81	17873	1787300	4423437a-ee2a-46c5-a7d6-84668520b177	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:42:33	754.512
-81	35746	1787300	aa184915-dc2a-46b2-b45b-d253da96e694	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:29:58	-930.760
-82	17874	1787400	54c62adc-b558-4e81-b3b3-fafa8314b7ff	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:21:36	-726.641
-82	35748	1787400	bcc54766-a4b0-4e24-bab0-9a8a83937e3a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:14:13	-687.717
-83	17875	1787500	a39bd4b2-29e3-40f9-ac71-8052e762ef68	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:54:48	-354.323
-83	35750	1787500	4b8c8223-0b9b-4df8-b192-fd35c46ac56d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:38:07	34.787
-84	17876	1787600	ff6682d6-0a54-4cb6-9688-a96b24a81825	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:27:51	-444.894
-84	35752	1787600	39ba9ba2-7b03-40a6-8519-e07f732d6997	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:14:54	-729.508
-85	17877	1787700	97e163a5-265d-4a88-88bc-cde49397cc6f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:53:18	-701.55
-85	35754	1787700	d9bab88b-5011-40f9-a76f-92b6b7156a7d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:37:00	-245.734
-86	17878	1787800	5789aa47-3e75-4dd4-a1c6-2bd3f87fe8c2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:56:31	-46.420
-86	35756	1787800	5e572d05-a7d3-406b-9ad0-1d3c10b5125a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:27:21	723.911
-87	17879	1787900	9471d4e3-9915-49aa-86e9-04f3bef0faab	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:24:11	300.818
-87	35758	1787900	5ac7b620-209d-485e-8718-add842e1d1a0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:52:55	-497.117
-88	17880	1788000	8a449c94-8457-45f0-b9fe-dc1586dbf91f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:28:16	188.286
-88	35760	1788000	49e7eaba-9e74-434d-b22e-9efc0c09d30f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:47:50	128.766
-89	17881	1788100	37d222fb-a0b1-4959-ba11-6ca9b1ddc977	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:16:51	717.261
-89	35762	1788100	96c4d66f-ba0f-491c-941e-341437fed18c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:50:12	368.742
-90	17882	1788200	346298fa-a9a2-4dd4-8b40-33e325004e28	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:12:56	-331.713
-90	35764	1788200	8d2a9f89-6cb0-4be0-8496-4bee61990d7e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:12:57	-440.171
-91	17883	1788300	a1d0f71b-5b70-44f5-9643-bface3d2c126	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:31:17	794.67
-91	35766	1788300	95ae9f26-cc6f-4b45-99c8-745bcc2fbd71	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:59:05	909.296
-92	17884	1788400	8fd725ae-333c-49a3-b3d5-d5995e40dc1a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:08:19	681.474
-92	35768	1788400	d7e365ae-e68f-4f8a-a2f8-25a225aa3796	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:41:03	-138.530
-93	17885	1788500	8aedfaf5-8559-4bc9-a0c2-7ece624b0e9a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:12:51	60.221
-93	35770	1788500	98c29e0a-78ee-48fe-b72c-35627b9db0d8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:41:42	119.361
-94	17886	1788600	a637a097-eb4f-4019-9543-55e6bf9fa1e3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:04:49	-178.993
-94	35772	1788600	37620ec6-bcc7-4119-b11a-a78251fae411	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:45:05	160.604
-95	17887	1788700	2080241f-039a-483b-b801-8a68b28512bb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:49:13	-915.216
-95	35774	1788700	947fd16d-aa4a-4f66-b064-a61d34985333	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:59:27	-642.50
-96	17888	1788800	6445fca3-308b-4ad6-9227-8a242d6e0639	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:58:30	-148.114
-96	35776	1788800	e6b98e4f-5e87-457b-9af2-2ecd91734af6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:57:01	554.996
-97	17889	1788900	d38f0cea-e22c-4ebe-9f32-4d8849054142	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:45:54	-70.101
-97	35778	1788900	0d2ef485-3dd7-4211-84b0-fac4bdde3633	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:59:17	202.613
-98	17890	1789000	6661dd89-7e78-47fc-9ddf-db829df0ce75	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:19:22	660.585
-98	35780	1789000	283472b4-8335-4449-ad84-1a818243e58b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:45:26	-594.776
-99	17891	1789100	d6b2db63-6bf1-46cd-93f6-ed82cbf4e997	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:37:14	378.746
-99	35782	1789100	79c7188b-448d-434a-83ea-7596b52d4e6b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:32:42	-954.622
-100	17892	1789200	6e42a373-a8bc-45b6-bae9-6f04dd88da22	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:53:36	894.5
-100	35784	1789200	9a392d5d-05d0-48c9-967d-103751713936	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:32:59	846.907
-101	17893	1789300	1f7b9f25-1108-47f3-9998-fbf7084a58c5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:14:56	-34.835
-101	35786	1789300	315dfc54-872b-4d3b-a69f-ecd4076f806e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:54:11	-726.52
-102	17894	1789400	a46ee441-b37b-44a9-95aa-bf0477f84d55	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:22:05	-385.615
-102	35788	1789400	58cbc90b-468e-4b2e-86d8-d4e8ee45ad07	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:58:16	480.479
-103	17895	1789500	b33e0d6b-2733-41d3-9385-ca6e46d93309	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:38:12	-500.309
-103	35790	1789500	61af1e77-95d5-432b-a0b6-b0f84857e86f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:35:28	46.887
-104	17896	1789600	883f85cd-a036-43ce-a122-f8d166a532c4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:32:18	547.138
-104	35792	1789600	ace785ee-27b3-4995-a6e7-e8b548c3a79e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:08:08	-568.113
-105	17897	1789700	d7b01ccb-6890-4892-b775-226911160145	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:45:44	677.540
-105	35794	1789700	39dcff1f-d774-40db-87c0-5373d612e09f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:22:26	337.308
-106	17898	1789800	88f0e69a-6a52-444c-b89f-8c75d18eaaf2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:47:48	-919.569
-106	35796	1789800	d8cded7c-2171-437d-aa8d-0b30824e59c0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:19:05	259.16
-107	17899	1789900	355a86ce-774f-4b21-9a4f-c5a95d8a07a7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:56:50	221.173
-107	35798	1789900	c64c5639-6e7f-4092-9852-e6d028fe3da4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:34:04	-367.793
-108	17900	1790000	2a35f393-25d0-4230-9bd2-8489685f86da	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:32:48	260.967
-108	35800	1790000	cc1df6fc-c7f8-45c1-8aa7-a165c0237f1c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:24:21	-191.222
-109	17901	1790100	14eac10b-abb6-43d6-b87c-d27d5952eb0c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:40:46	-332.483
-109	35802	1790100	159da58d-982d-44b8-9e29-ac80a391b868	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:51:02	383.445
-110	17902	1790200	1f16f280-81ec-41f6-8e66-132fbc244b71	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:59:01	999.154
-110	35804	1790200	e0dfed2c-2640-4358-829a-8e51d01b78d8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:06:48	338.318
-111	17903	1790300	1c98b389-736d-465e-821f-a9d8f4e85ca1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:19:53	-801.520
-111	35806	1790300	d5d8afcd-3389-4b8c-8052-cdb319ee9bc0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:59:50	14.539
-112	17904	1790400	4c58dc70-afb8-40ea-ba04-04ee1f5a5baf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:06:37	-569.176
-112	35808	1790400	8a17c15f-b7d8-4502-82dc-ab1c4c5d6c58	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:17:01	648.612
-113	17905	1790500	1fbc9af0-3ce3-4079-adb9-e7408f8ece9b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:38:53	639.268
-113	35810	1790500	0f655027-be54-4c05-814e-5a4286619236	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:23:01	279.446
-114	17906	1790600	c8e1077b-2189-4dbf-a3d3-d108e0b2942c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:36:49	385.439
-114	35812	1790600	a5148105-d075-494c-a480-a51b9d2d4409	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:40:05	774.612
-115	17907	1790700	69bdb87e-b8f7-4119-a46d-172a61793594	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:39:48	313.723
-115	35814	1790700	4f6bd383-b36d-411c-a1bd-e772cd51d6e7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:30:36	-512.867
-116	17908	1790800	9c51f865-eadf-4137-ba91-3f060770af2b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:37:43	-945.39
-116	35816	1790800	0553a9fc-dcdc-44e9-b93c-e464aa03f77e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:18:08	-901.514
-117	17909	1790900	cbba7f80-7e26-49f3-9eec-21f473506036	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:55:48	-353.419
-117	35818	1790900	a2aa1e61-3a92-4ae5-be1a-c25290bfc817	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:46:58	326.196
-118	17910	1791000	4cb9a708-ddd7-409c-8463-b11cd99bc2ae	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:03:58	334.668
-118	35820	1791000	a566848c-a2aa-464c-8598-fc3a4078680a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:14:36	783.858
-119	17911	1791100	e40141df-0520-46bf-855f-204d84ed7028	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:01:32	754.229
-119	35822	1791100	199fbd85-225c-4bc0-84ee-101d50b41952	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:11:54	126.0
-120	17912	1791200	373d761d-fcea-4465-870e-c67a0d52c939	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:58:25	473.901
-120	35824	1791200	82ac3eb1-7492-4371-bf2f-ef55d30c8f37	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:55:07	596.710
-121	17913	1791300	5af52e86-007b-4698-b2b7-49879b615fd3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:13:30	-258.412
-121	35826	1791300	24fe0cb5-6908-404c-8eac-7f692d7922d7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:26:24	-619.226
-122	17914	1791400	13f349a0-1b21-49b9-9ae5-68d33921cc1d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:46:14	-718.199
-122	35828	1791400	44e9800c-1b51-47f3-a831-ce5371c7551c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:45:07	857.733
-123	17915	1791500	75d23cb2-23e8-4b18-9ad0-147fabcb0ef6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:50:41	554.448
-123	35830	1791500	ed8fd9bf-e034-4f93-8f68-4b10550796a8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:23:42	-535.656
-124	17916	1791600	4bc8178b-87a2-4bc1-8efb-f95f67e64338	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:41:51	71.643
-124	35832	1791600	be54d429-d5ba-45d5-a68c-31e1f106b9a0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:09:28	886.269
-125	17917	1791700	dc351855-d7a8-4ed8-a606-281c9b084647	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:38:23	-740.425
-125	35834	1791700	624e5fa3-49d2-4def-a650-7003f2675b1d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:49:21	891.820
-126	17918	1791800	553f0c79-6493-410f-8cd3-a81145085dbd	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:40:31	184.153
-126	35836	1791800	2e37e451-293e-4050-8d26-0b88662a2fcf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:28:42	627.587
-127	17919	1791900	c1983b81-8675-4e59-ad54-fb957d4ad884	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:23:26	-290.327
-127	35838	1791900	f3e8c3ec-e2bb-407a-9675-c77a227d8c1f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:23:46	-803.954
-0	17920	1792000	3f0d9ad8-67eb-4b34-9da4-efb5b3b52f84	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:11:08	-487.331
-0	35840	1792000	84768977-3704-4ac4-b3b6-e93bf21a737e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:38:23	-580.880
-1	17921	1792100	a939600f-af6d-435c-a7ec-ab8cd26c795e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:54:43	-878.47
-1	35842	1792100	1686a3bc-91d6-42df-8fb2-4c2be12a632e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:23:42	-544.684
-2	17922	1792200	3d7a5b37-17ea-49cd-810e-1e4317beed4c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:42:01	291.358
-2	35844	1792200	fb616eb1-ca94-4151-a9e1-118a5061ac28	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:35:34	-328.290
-3	17923	1792300	93f8e8ed-3fb1-424c-840a-3c00f1051bfb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:21:09	54.97
-3	35846	1792300	4cc4cb28-9edc-4713-b209-c943557932ff	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:08:50	466.883
-4	17924	1792400	7503da0e-67fe-40db-af0f-8870b00f110b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:53:15	816.530
-4	35848	1792400	eb534101-321c-4b0d-9cf2-61e4752c7a86	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:05:31	-359.454
-5	17925	1792500	b2721c9f-434f-461e-8db8-064e497f5d66	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:54:38	571.215
-5	35850	1792500	66ec6853-381f-400e-bb47-e3e17719d0ea	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:23:45	671.458
-6	17926	1792600	e09ffe76-81fb-463a-9cdd-56061153ccf3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:06:14	368.732
-6	35852	1792600	636f891a-e339-44c7-b475-5f4d35e51bf6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:53:45	762.23
-7	17927	1792700	9519f1cc-023f-4ccf-b015-072ebcef339e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:39:54	356.899
-7	35854	1792700	4feb7aab-c495-4775-9ff4-5e4d3f87003c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:25:38	-914.632
-8	17928	1792800	1f2f8079-0716-4b42-97e2-8d045887705d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:09:35	92.375
-8	35856	1792800	ad699fb3-61e4-4853-a7b8-2aa2b6903e2b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:39:31	966.439
-9	17929	1792900	fbf5e00a-e5f5-47c2-81c4-0b6b8c7a63cb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:34:01	-335.844
-9	35858	1792900	e3e2c394-8237-4856-89e3-305ac2853e70	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:36:47	-331.503
-10	17930	1793000	470b83c1-27e7-455c-a6ba-ffbb784db4f2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:51:00	-285.681
-10	35860	1793000	dc4f719c-7a34-4721-9053-c25370b780e7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:06:11	-387.541
-11	17931	1793100	d3c9d185-2b95-4bf3-b008-5d3b45255321	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:50:18	-26.44
-11	35862	1793100	6b00090b-a927-443c-9b81-c58f52f7a764	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:27:29	-286.966
-12	17932	1793200	02a28941-663a-467c-8527-a3a30882716c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:01:56	-820.440
-12	35864	1793200	4a057b66-b873-49ed-acce-f598d501061f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:24:52	-913.291
-13	17933	1793300	efe18a6d-63db-4303-bdb6-4317e0fad580	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:19:55	-436.972
-13	35866	1793300	cffdc7df-3c0f-4145-a70f-efdeded63e26	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:53:07	254.320
-14	17934	1793400	59a702b7-79b2-4b8b-9694-046290da4096	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:35:32	-824.73
-14	35868	1793400	4cfbe6a2-9ab6-4a30-9a37-2108ba8f1f6e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:27:51	14.714
-15	17935	1793500	8ffe6d2d-3b01-4d81-bfb3-641018cb2323	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:08:53	-386.892
-15	35870	1793500	f72dbb6a-8d11-4717-9c3c-94efc247b8e7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:05:18	-642.752
-16	17936	1793600	f7eb9704-7acb-4d6e-8630-56f87cc097ec	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:29:46	90.883
-16	35872	1793600	1821ea48-353c-47aa-b169-ac9ceba0e77b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:02:07	297.466
-17	17937	1793700	cecca5af-e93b-4e4d-8cf0-24cf8fb53986	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:53:49	731.333
-17	35874	1793700	39214551-983f-4e10-99c8-0d45d4503d9c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:33:48	632.72
-18	17938	1793800	f4f19250-2534-4eb9-8352-2b33eb285af0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:58:01	920.746
-18	35876	1793800	f95e7d04-e3fa-42a2-9e0f-84ae00a7191f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:03:48	-100.803
-19	17939	1793900	e3c5e456-a0b9-4765-8bc4-4d6a9901ad1a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:53:36	512.487
-19	35878	1793900	955d817f-a44b-4c02-bb92-59798b21e5f0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:02:31	663.329
-20	17940	1794000	5bd9b494-53e2-4654-8573-b0085ce2073f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:25:31	-644.441
-20	35880	1794000	26c59ab2-1da5-44c6-973f-4d96e2602dbb	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:48:31	604.581
-21	17941	1794100	f172746d-68e6-4628-93cd-56bd97dbdb76	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:20:27	-88.693
-21	35882	1794100	7c247f1b-02b3-4ef1-b745-d77d48195e60	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:15:45	194.930
-22	17942	1794200	9b95d8e5-31b3-4f6f-b7c5-106a27572bc8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:29:36	269.957
-22	35884	1794200	bbcb504a-111e-42e9-9906-f66e19cb4504	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:09:01	-981.769
-23	17943	1794300	46e308e2-9381-490a-b1a8-43063a50eb84	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:10:18	-867.734
-23	35886	1794300	bd63ae14-b394-4af2-b4cf-f54f65aa42b8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:08:50	-843.396
-24	17944	1794400	620afc38-ff6a-4d5c-9991-6d7be362085f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:48:38	-31.655
-24	35888	1794400	b7940e76-54b0-4fb1-84bc-3955206008a8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:58:53	708.633
-25	17945	1794500	727fd969-21b1-44b5-912d-ac789e71e640	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:21:03	-776.749
-25	35890	1794500	027530c1-1638-4a47-95e0-dfd45fcc40b4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:21:32	271.972
-26	17946	1794600	670a649f-4b02-43af-9503-3de1e2113ce8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:52:11	162.912
-26	35892	1794600	686271eb-98b1-4e04-9dc4-671dc10de75d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:14:01	230.448
-27	17947	1794700	58000c6a-0385-4ba8-bf1b-92499e021e82	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:47:29	118.571
-27	35894	1794700	a3ff3320-c715-47f3-9319-09b79a1ac8c9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:15:38	-477.821
-28	17948	1794800	16be9c97-6f1e-4630-b2f1-7e11c7eecd75	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:55:55	-454.37
-28	35896	1794800	37bd246a-184d-41fe-a858-96229c511a66	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:53:01	547.605
-29	17949	1794900	846d1109-7057-4156-ad9c-9c58091a9011	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:34:03	854.896
-29	35898	1794900	75e5c463-d972-4e8f-a0eb-028ec687c5d9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:36:12	706.130
-30	17950	1795000	b3f51bcb-67f4-401e-939d-519b5d320dd3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:17:33	-902.977
-30	35900	1795000	4a475f8a-1a70-42b1-be2b-5a31c1daba3c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:16:54	-710.600
-31	17951	1795100	32636d66-4419-4cfa-a9a9-9393ed9f28a4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:47:16	-429.266
-31	35902	1795100	bb9edf54-c5ab-4a10-9489-26d13308c324	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:29:39	827.447
-32	17952	1795200	2c14a38c-c207-4007-ab0f-be81da7171d0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:45:33	9.896
-32	35904	1795200	47357985-e8ad-41b0-9045-77568350e9f5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:40:05	-217.388
-33	17953	1795300	506cda21-cb4a-4907-96a2-0ae5bd043a40	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:33:17	15.831
-33	35906	1795300	5d18f52f-39dc-48e7-936a-c2b98ab9ada5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:13:35	560.285
-34	17954	1795400	e60721b6-3389-4992-899d-ff0d135a9a65	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:51:30	15.923
-34	35908	1795400	a1159947-0d86-485d-9c11-0ed411232e1e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:44:30	-269.155
-35	17955	1795500	416f31da-0471-44b7-818f-2b89d68f21e2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:41:56	-728.932
-35	35910	1795500	289871da-774f-4e11-b3a9-93aa97777a93	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:41:59	-115.44
-36	17956	1795600	a43d5e25-db4f-4044-ac8f-e9c8d19c4418	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:51:31	-399.743
-36	35912	1795600	b3466188-84e0-4d5b-9948-8b5e1f1e3320	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:53:57	798.337
-37	17957	1795700	3b79e026-b20b-4992-87e1-ccec7125602c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:48:17	-236.177
-37	35914	1795700	bcdfdeb8-811f-4c8f-82a7-aaebe7d760cb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:55:01	-224.204
-38	17958	1795800	d3aa20e2-90b4-41f4-ae48-3aca5abcb192	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:12:13	-940.884
-38	35916	1795800	33a088ab-9b0f-44d7-a921-f36aabd1de7f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:06:00	685.775
-39	17959	1795900	e101a59e-5669-409a-947b-fa2aac1cca06	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:25:05	-653.906
-39	35918	1795900	eaf2c1de-2655-4363-a5b4-0d1a6123cddd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:36:13	-44.123
-40	17960	1796000	bf14838d-4941-4149-9528-4e4db0d2cbcf	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:46:13	-585.610
-40	35920	1796000	56611c87-b243-4453-bace-07655d5288b6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:00:19	-920.725
-41	17961	1796100	2c4c5c45-ea2c-4c71-93c2-2a39abe60476	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:26:55	-701.76
-41	35922	1796100	33bc0bfb-e182-4684-8700-ddefaecc6a03	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:58:21	-451.374
-42	17962	1796200	f4fc7970-cfa3-4a7f-864e-12c82d9e6514	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:58:54	73.392
-42	35924	1796200	38d7037a-3baa-4da8-9df7-4ee048a7b297	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:28:42	60.545
-43	17963	1796300	4cbd1d10-5f24-4c1e-83df-fb43c80bc61f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:31:44	-107.437
-43	35926	1796300	e116b1ee-a6f1-4d53-9725-9ab0b73b3923	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:08:25	-117.89
-44	17964	1796400	89c69b9a-9ee5-49d4-b924-f01d5945f444	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:01:50	947.941
-44	35928	1796400	eb52a040-e9ed-4734-a313-b024f4c0f339	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:02:38	57.861
-45	17965	1796500	83a5c355-7dd8-4622-abbf-8a40223751f2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:44:32	-803.950
-45	35930	1796500	26c4b09b-3cf1-461e-aeab-1f27e80946dc	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:52:38	-97.37
-46	17966	1796600	6f33b726-bc9f-4803-bb4f-c2d2214b57ba	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:17:33	660.178
-46	35932	1796600	c72be697-1f0b-4c04-972f-cc0ecdd82082	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:30:00	-490.935
-47	17967	1796700	6be86aaf-b4e7-4e4e-8d74-42399af97529	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:20:33	925.868
-47	35934	1796700	c20ae68e-4662-4423-9df7-60ee87c1f500	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:49:21	570.508
-48	17968	1796800	93716447-293b-4a85-a4fd-d66a4b515622	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:51:29	525.404
-48	35936	1796800	70437ebd-19a6-4036-93a7-a17329cd87ab	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:03:38	916.657
-49	17969	1796900	474bc387-ca22-4080-9bbf-d99e41a96745	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:31:36	-204.432
-49	35938	1796900	6dff97cd-f4c9-4ea6-8fc9-6bf76715f824	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:05:57	979.410
-50	17970	1797000	461a2f8f-183b-4613-becc-bf31cee391d8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:32:28	607.217
-50	35940	1797000	86ed448f-8bd9-48f8-8e59-6ad0d90ff602	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:55:58	-712.515
-51	17971	1797100	096150d4-48c8-467d-abbc-e92dbf362571	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:05:45	984.316
-51	35942	1797100	a54aabdc-31ba-4c12-a99d-6bedff81cf9b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:30:29	-741.429
-52	17972	1797200	84b064ac-faa9-472b-b7e2-e71342e777d2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:24:38	-217.650
-52	35944	1797200	c98e189d-54a1-4b87-9b24-4f2e0f73a4fa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:18:16	-117.810
-53	17973	1797300	7f13082a-161e-4c12-95d6-e8e68ca1b6d2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:00:33	-616.300
-53	35946	1797300	69da8007-d9cf-4355-a9a0-51a73b9b1e63	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:08:57	-308.577
-54	17974	1797400	3ee8b5cf-2a01-4abc-9194-e4e929f7cbe3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:52:41	-782.642
-54	35948	1797400	fddd0b18-0fd4-4d32-90b1-97a7f44b36d1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:19:49	-933.513
-55	17975	1797500	703083a5-368d-47b4-9eef-68222a832e46	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:44:10	-525.500
-55	35950	1797500	b44965a0-bbae-4073-aa6c-380ddab3e9b0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:25:51	-519.508
-56	17976	1797600	4b814e54-d733-4262-b3e4-6f0633d6f2e9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:08:25	143.902
-56	35952	1797600	17b8a5da-9ec5-4449-8fe8-7a0693892f24	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:52:27	-385.992
-57	17977	1797700	b8c3d517-e0a8-4a22-aa06-8cfbc9a8094f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:06:14	897.6
-57	35954	1797700	15e904bb-c6a1-4c05-9f71-6450c5052c13	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:30:37	-152.50
-58	17978	1797800	8de8d7b7-612a-422e-a427-3774df2abb0f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:44:42	-358.206
-58	35956	1797800	806aefb6-e4c9-4f83-a2d3-1a8f613a2d37	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:01:25	194.994
-59	17979	1797900	dd9fce70-fa0e-4b24-8652-25854c3adeaa	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:49:32	323.940
-59	35958	1797900	b2cd5ce8-7898-495a-bf00-a0cdfdb8afa1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:23:30	318.30
-60	17980	1798000	f4c65438-f915-4f06-8ef9-62ef61ca771b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:07:23	39.91
-60	35960	1798000	d5514779-1661-44e0-8c5f-753b00734c5d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:45:05	35.994
-61	17981	1798100	7d9d5be5-9c28-4cdf-92c8-94175342dbc0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:40:35	-366.287
-61	35962	1798100	47936e70-b35e-412c-8c86-52452801425f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:39:27	-423.526
-62	17982	1798200	0601d029-c527-434c-89e4-8db0be9fb98b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:07:03	-857.591
-62	35964	1798200	a8162268-7da7-4a6a-bd80-25b3b6799e72	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:44:37	-922.145
-63	17983	1798300	97ef4166-99c9-4c24-8f2c-7ffacd6158eb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:07:39	-381.664
-63	35966	1798300	1dd883fc-decd-4f7e-8c73-aef8e2eb778a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:13:18	230.387
-64	17984	1798400	8e9db24b-9571-46f4-bcf9-8501d8e80878	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:42:16	-317.923
-64	35968	1798400	3d6ec4a5-cd5e-4664-9b75-624b54e3b83c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:07:10	-719.741
-65	17985	1798500	c8389b29-f3d6-4b4f-9697-aba3ac08bc3c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:21:48	-93.646
-65	35970	1798500	f0dabd76-4889-4232-a9d0-de9ce85dbe1c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:12:33	-237.817
-66	17986	1798600	ec10a51f-860e-4b0e-bdb6-386505b29630	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:34:01	161.826
-66	35972	1798600	c45a3530-a55b-42e3-b56f-b9768aa8d1b8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:20:05	853.688
-67	17987	1798700	e9f7c28f-c516-44ec-aa13-c0a79d1cc867	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:01:09	-106.210
-67	35974	1798700	419bd9ce-ef40-4009-b9ad-0b8e79224a78	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:34:52	-746.587
-68	17988	1798800	e97f8c9e-1656-4d7e-9593-1073f0c4cbf1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:13:26	98.13
-68	35976	1798800	5aee6c1e-a55e-4025-a9c6-dcbe7ae4b437	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:19:40	865.721
-69	17989	1798900	be3e63cd-6226-41d2-9b12-afb0531b2138	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:10:03	246.403
-69	35978	1798900	5c928a82-1102-4b89-ba0a-b339f23c65ea	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:37:00	-785.411
-70	17990	1799000	49db6365-5e63-4368-bb95-cd383977ff59	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:56:20	-619.655
-70	35980	1799000	78e4293a-e168-43f3-989d-b73b178e6358	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:25:20	-844.158
-71	17991	1799100	eac065bb-9bd1-4a13-8def-6c69fd64f51e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:13:07	230.962
-71	35982	1799100	f59d7955-0e66-4d2a-a28f-e3e3afdd37a8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:16:49	-877.933
-72	17992	1799200	cbf9ff84-1616-4e0d-8abc-520ed5c2222e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:43:49	-829.43
-72	35984	1799200	08d534ac-53b3-4866-843d-ccb2e30e5436	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:52:22	-649.691
-73	17993	1799300	bbd99f50-f763-472e-be15-f133fe4437d3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:24:03	-280.183
-73	35986	1799300	ed27725a-6aa1-4254-abea-9b5bb072b3b8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:04:13	759.238
-74	17994	1799400	35c3f7d7-3df1-43ac-bcd8-5bc49930c1d4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:32:52	-994.141
-74	35988	1799400	07a81106-a0e3-402f-b258-725e95aaa8dd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:00:47	761.388
-75	17995	1799500	f4e89976-eb8c-4723-967a-97fcb5edbace	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:58:33	915.277
-75	35990	1799500	580abdd9-3aba-47c2-87c9-ec307a50e041	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:35:23	228.955
-76	17996	1799600	0ed70eb0-7561-425d-934d-f72ca575f50a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:24:32	128.507
-76	35992	1799600	b417bd77-96e6-4e33-9a07-dd93c44b18b6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:36:51	715.722
-77	17997	1799700	056b186b-da06-47f8-8fb1-e841b9d5fb3d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:08:17	-881.265
-77	35994	1799700	d5f08431-03f9-47f0-a306-c0def22551e2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:10:29	-911.751
-78	17998	1799800	2a690e33-0b5e-40e8-a68e-d1796ddb3bb6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:43:55	466.990
-78	35996	1799800	5ee198e8-dbf6-4456-b774-0e8353914559	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:49:31	989.652
-79	17999	1799900	be58bac2-7dee-49f9-a307-1cb354c099e1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:25:16	406.515
-79	35998	1799900	d46e8541-2fb2-4c4b-bddd-e90acd1c0487	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:57:39	-50.619
-80	18000	1800000	96accec0-cca4-499d-97bb-3dc1ff012037	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:57:05	11.657
-80	36000	1800000	a310cdf0-43b5-4ed6-9511-a2ea455a9ddb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:00:04	608.850
-81	18001	1800100	f5335aa2-4f13-4b5c-a523-b38ef561f2f1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:27:04	501.33
-81	36002	1800100	6c055fd8-2495-4ed0-b2ee-3ef10c4cadb3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:58:43	-466.627
-82	18002	1800200	07e271d9-09ce-49e2-ba66-202fce2892bc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:35:37	-852.628
-82	36004	1800200	bc937919-9a35-4988-8558-2784274c46f8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:34:15	-993.16
-83	18003	1800300	5ee5ca2e-6ff5-4ef3-b1a4-e2cf1959d957	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:02:35	-374.770
-83	36006	1800300	533160d0-580e-49df-8a5b-b4caf895a74d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:13:23	203.941
-84	18004	1800400	a382ec24-4a9a-49e2-a3f9-9f7ef03e2249	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:45:33	973.698
-84	36008	1800400	2256e1a5-009a-4074-8681-80f94d287513	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:48:23	735.209
-85	18005	1800500	cc271e21-8cf5-4910-a756-4d6a757a1033	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:12:00	436.801
-85	36010	1800500	e1439039-ab97-43ac-b7f0-6dd6edc26eba	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:03:55	649.476
-86	18006	1800600	b2b1d384-69e7-48a0-bf13-a12d1815a59a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:33:42	-989.731
-86	36012	1800600	35068517-10df-4f0c-9c3c-a09e5895b256	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:37:52	782.593
-87	18007	1800700	b5fce228-2c0b-469f-a5c7-28681d7b2040	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:45:17	943.111
-87	36014	1800700	fe6608ab-895a-409b-890e-109b8c066e39	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:18:10	868.359
-88	18008	1800800	ce1ecce1-0d49-4777-9ecc-ddd4de4b49a6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:10:57	902.98
-88	36016	1800800	a0f14f29-8f66-41cf-ad11-86e95324bec7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:02:31	-5.499
-89	18009	1800900	a4e613a7-f0d6-4fd1-8969-9f2f1e0e8f5d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:18:35	129.967
-89	36018	1800900	50a927c9-2e84-43af-bce2-28d4dc7c1de6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:03:11	-504.686
-90	18010	1801000	24a93d36-1559-4ef0-970e-ecb18e48d03d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:06:04	812.414
-90	36020	1801000	d2130648-5ea0-4ffc-ac84-1cd1596da476	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:31:12	469.655
-91	18011	1801100	bc4bc856-2bbc-481b-9ea2-68bcbda7bfb9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:11:24	516.623
-91	36022	1801100	28d4589f-c0af-4b2d-814d-82f17ecdf7b0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:08:58	-441.103
-92	18012	1801200	39480ecb-87e7-46e2-b1ab-411dd10c5bd2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:17:10	811.904
-92	36024	1801200	da204625-da75-4898-89f8-3a5d491239d7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:32:39	224.580
-93	18013	1801300	1b3484c7-df69-457b-bd1c-923d8de19ccb	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:23:06	987.437
-93	36026	1801300	e6946ea4-fb98-4f3e-a843-0f07735c6afa	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:08:40	-675.328
-94	18014	1801400	66aa6854-0627-4265-beac-97b3e5c0955d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:29:11	-570.34
-94	36028	1801400	b44880f0-4682-4492-8629-7beb57929291	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:42:04	626.624
-95	18015	1801500	bfeda321-b416-402f-b816-12af06f5d2a0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:28:46	-701.341
-95	36030	1801500	be670a24-dd79-4966-a9fc-3b3ac69c1343	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:05:49	540.802
-96	18016	1801600	ed83c2d1-8521-466e-a8c2-b4185629815f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:59:28	395.554
-96	36032	1801600	2307971e-dd79-41ee-a4c2-c2fab08d38f7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:00:05	-91.585
-97	18017	1801700	2c1a026c-2a52-43e6-9ea2-0d2c24e2324e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:57:57	9.271
-97	36034	1801700	acd52934-2808-4cf6-a8c2-709e7182e843	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:47:16	467.426
-98	18018	1801800	e8d70b4e-2f31-4371-802b-515df90f2264	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:10:33	70.530
-98	36036	1801800	5bedb292-0745-465c-a0f4-d2861c154ce3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:42:15	123.953
-99	18019	1801900	314df2f6-6854-4fb7-bae3-6491798f32ed	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:02:53	296.410
-99	36038	1801900	2beaa966-35c8-448c-85dc-0d9e25feb969	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:30:26	-507.251
-100	18020	1802000	ef3f8ba4-f53a-4fba-95b0-effbff1f8f64	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:53:48	-134.936
-100	36040	1802000	274e400f-7e25-4069-80f3-e3314399725b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:37:08	723.753
-101	18021	1802100	49828225-951c-4f60-b786-15d85feb37e3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:43:51	-126.673
-101	36042	1802100	d9b670ec-5807-48f6-81dd-df1a74d13544	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:58:11	-921.661
-102	18022	1802200	785eb7e4-72ad-45f0-9e66-f116c29b8702	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:18:17	913.710
-102	36044	1802200	fa846051-b3bc-4ec2-8594-f45973d02154	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:41:04	-101.152
-103	18023	1802300	7f29ea58-0c66-487c-aefe-201a7eda9b64	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:21:13	50.424
-103	36046	1802300	81df85b9-b919-4dda-97b4-477efe0bb1c5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:07:41	-655.518
-104	18024	1802400	241361b9-f6e7-480a-9927-bfeb23037efb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:25:21	957.834
-104	36048	1802400	5575db66-b1fe-4b91-acaf-0e6afd165490	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:34:05	-71.366
-105	18025	1802500	3467b239-f71c-42e4-ad48-2e179e0c2387	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:28:15	336.343
-105	36050	1802500	56bf4056-f82b-4190-9154-b687c6acda30	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:53:09	939.166
-106	18026	1802600	f10ce9aa-3709-454c-81eb-678d68a764f3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:52:17	-7.175
-106	36052	1802600	518d1ee7-1526-451b-bf48-2bd6c7774c05	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:59:12	-786.6
-107	18027	1802700	1c74bf99-0e97-4aa5-837e-41deac80364b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:48:58	-965.510
-107	36054	1802700	856847f3-dc4a-46f0-b99d-fbbb32b66e62	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:38:08	301.250
-108	18028	1802800	b5632be8-59ea-4d4c-9924-055a0137747c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:51:56	769.62
-108	36056	1802800	54fc64fa-2d56-4126-bf1c-55cc77c7f175	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:12:13	-955.671
-109	18029	1802900	e52a81ef-7e67-4e7a-9294-eff9358809de	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:22:24	103.387
-109	36058	1802900	3b5eafd7-bdc1-4f22-b46a-a0b16067578f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:10:48	160.318
-110	18030	1803000	1b84d3db-dcbb-443e-b710-b7b0bbb4f703	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:12:00	335.773
-110	36060	1803000	2437c546-b276-42bb-8ba7-b96dd02dd188	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:45:54	-591.644
-111	18031	1803100	68711a34-bac5-4a16-8369-171d7d30bff7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:37:56	954.393
-111	36062	1803100	b78c0633-afe0-456a-8ccf-2f03694697ef	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:54:40	704.720
-112	18032	1803200	3643183a-edd1-4276-9187-2c2b83b807db	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:51:11	358.689
-112	36064	1803200	d127f6d1-b99f-4a45-9b63-b8700f52a939	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:55:21	-550.556
-113	18033	1803300	00b04df7-e481-48a1-ba6b-82f57c6fd8ad	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:15:43	18.467
-113	36066	1803300	65807e08-b07c-477b-a8d2-760be362524a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:21:12	35.657
-114	18034	1803400	495bb122-a346-42ba-a899-d14cde9520fa	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:09:39	-227.248
-114	36068	1803400	0f800608-ca44-4ae6-b8ab-53fb5c97573c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:16:46	58.476
-115	18035	1803500	c7ab885c-afff-44d0-899d-f7a502024f70	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:03:23	-208.602
-115	36070	1803500	a46ad61a-ccb5-46b3-aa18-64c588d284ba	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:14:20	-417.941
-116	18036	1803600	b0c080e7-983a-403a-9aba-93dc4303359c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:32:50	-809.629
-116	36072	1803600	dd27b154-2ff7-4823-af44-5f32fb83f682	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:00:47	-414.734
-117	18037	1803700	2ab1f30d-6df5-47f6-885e-51e2f0fb8116	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:37:40	-361.751
-117	36074	1803700	2e7058e0-96c5-443e-b43b-c2d47ff148e8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:14:36	824.328
-118	18038	1803800	c38cdb15-ab43-4282-ba5f-a9b628d7a903	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:31:10	4.624
-118	36076	1803800	8da5df36-66ab-463b-8ec7-8702ea866704	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:22:04	-411.746
-119	18039	1803900	0d7cc8e0-7153-4fe6-bdf4-25a9ea941372	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:57:57	-819.96
-119	36078	1803900	fb3bc2c2-6321-4b4c-9c5b-6e7cf5df20bc	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:56:18	-124.121
-120	18040	1804000	d8d899b0-428a-45b3-8ad3-62730b023cae	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:03:47	286.523
-120	36080	1804000	01bee2c1-5195-46ea-a299-713507c4316f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:17:32	2.797
-121	18041	1804100	a57ebf05-9b1e-4f36-887b-10b0b65a8f35	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:53:41	93.676
-121	36082	1804100	00181c1d-6c99-4720-892b-897a966f9531	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:48:49	419.975
-122	18042	1804200	92bcd405-5607-4a96-ba0f-fd5b3817093e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:59:17	854.550
-122	36084	1804200	7943321a-d550-43c1-a139-6cbba2993885	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:41:23	199.328
-123	18043	1804300	5458db4e-3234-446f-bb97-d3a5459d0217	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:31:27	902.594
-123	36086	1804300	f7aef631-8a94-4334-a11d-6a8d6ddb3a90	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:17:40	396.788
-124	18044	1804400	a57bdef4-af51-4f36-bd1b-25c8ee7387ac	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:59:16	-411.80
-124	36088	1804400	73c7b816-2c54-4641-83ee-f0d15f1acf1a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:31:41	38.876
-125	18045	1804500	9fd7f195-ca9f-43e1-9746-b09ac4289f12	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:35:04	-295.577
-125	36090	1804500	671b0bb9-7211-4557-91ad-b42ab57b25ae	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:01:15	-441.298
-126	18046	1804600	d29b6fb4-60aa-4359-abce-51e72d45ca94	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:54:40	440.518
-126	36092	1804600	c0407f97-5ce3-40d3-996a-d3e2c1d2025d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:47:35	-848.235
-127	18047	1804700	8f7c438c-610a-4d52-b033-e1d6bedc85b4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:26:21	-930.813
-127	36094	1804700	55ef0777-a777-4569-a7f4-66a557c64767	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:29:51	515.971
-0	18048	1804800	58d50672-358f-401f-a76a-39cc4ebe1f65	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:49:46	101.962
-0	36096	1804800	7142a332-9c1a-4066-a1d1-0284b0dfe072	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:46:51	276.678
-1	18049	1804900	a68dc1e5-d0c3-476e-a400-d3dd8fc3a6ed	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:34:31	431.254
-1	36098	1804900	f869bd37-c724-4384-989e-27986a6c6020	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:01:16	844.558
-2	18050	1805000	0b161848-2c4a-45b8-bf9c-0225d4b6b03a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:43:42	405.876
-2	36100	1805000	92cd87ae-c8ca-489e-90b4-cbd79f79632a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:15:07	609.587
-3	18051	1805100	9222e27e-e100-4762-b400-62e7dd74a869	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:24:59	-477.702
-3	36102	1805100	372b08aa-f367-4a50-b769-6a4619d60a51	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:55:43	-384.503
-4	18052	1805200	897a3386-2812-4086-afdf-c550d1ce9821	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:28:44	502.467
-4	36104	1805200	d31ed4f5-3ed9-406a-b2f2-5599d0ccbe98	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:54:01	814.487
-5	18053	1805300	a6daf084-64ec-4150-a399-4c4243445880	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:57:40	147.621
-5	36106	1805300	9b39742f-5b76-4990-a754-892f268559c2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:29:39	-784.972
-6	18054	1805400	0aafe8d3-6a48-404e-839b-873516a4c694	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:15:41	965.370
-6	36108	1805400	d3b6c69f-7831-4919-8f09-e0049cc0b38c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:05:56	402.693
-7	18055	1805500	c2c28834-fc78-477a-9a61-1c31d3aec482	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:14:58	894.945
-7	36110	1805500	a8ecc314-cde1-478b-9078-c51549caf0ca	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:47:38	-323.66
-8	18056	1805600	dd1b6560-56d7-4daa-a74a-4278d9110d4c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:51:29	666.636
-8	36112	1805600	0cc9074a-cd8c-43ea-8e80-1c3648a36643	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:22:31	642.410
-9	18057	1805700	6daab544-48ed-4e50-92b9-926d34487518	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:28:46	14.196
-9	36114	1805700	64bbedac-500b-4ea6-bd27-7fa66bad33b6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:56:41	190.977
-10	18058	1805800	dc775656-e73e-440b-8acf-986777147cd1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:02:28	662.495
-10	36116	1805800	d2af7bbf-1a66-4838-a844-d56dc5d972de	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:21:45	307.76
-11	18059	1805900	b9d3f2c5-7e93-4d08-90c7-0b89c685dcbb	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:39:52	289.945
-11	36118	1805900	1322f6ed-a26c-44a3-95d8-82cfb0b30f17	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:35:08	841.192
-12	18060	1806000	1f829ed2-5b03-4546-8d9e-087104a26dd3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:23:14	205.208
-12	36120	1806000	c9ca94bd-0f36-4e7e-abef-6c8ba63d5784	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:06:06	763.207
-13	18061	1806100	09236e92-1ff3-46bb-8b7a-fe22c12f70c2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:03:11	312.672
-13	36122	1806100	8156933c-1559-4760-8bc8-19d0954e9a64	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:55:23	-667.272
-14	18062	1806200	33fb2656-7e5d-478e-a9cf-29fcf120e928	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:44:07	-475.653
-14	36124	1806200	17fa28c0-45a6-42ac-835a-a05dd37f6957	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:12:58	441.120
-15	18063	1806300	468db5d3-05eb-40c3-98c0-6df215fbb16c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:04:17	464.569
-15	36126	1806300	9d870578-a6ed-471b-afd8-7c6e5e2cd90d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:59:11	119.776
-16	18064	1806400	bca1f46e-e1b4-46df-b965-485e4273a40c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:11:34	-716.942
-16	36128	1806400	01754790-4728-417c-b2d5-1ad8766c2f60	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:09:17	727.477
-17	18065	1806500	538dbb74-62bd-48b5-b706-3d9971d4dee9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:01:46	164.108
-17	36130	1806500	0039c3f8-8e61-4875-87ef-f2135decf15c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:54:35	61.497
-18	18066	1806600	18d0d38e-e87c-4761-add3-f6f1a85b55ac	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:05:30	-873.277
-18	36132	1806600	fba4ecbc-b31a-4e91-ac06-7062ab9b3d85	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:41:47	420.249
-19	18067	1806700	1462ea5a-de0e-4131-9034-65b9ab9c8922	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:26:36	632.497
-19	36134	1806700	045e1e91-f8a5-4048-bacd-f16b2e3dcf4e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:45:41	756.426
-20	18068	1806800	64784b49-c3a7-4741-a025-798e1a9e08f9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:02:54	828.238
-20	36136	1806800	a5b21def-527a-4dd2-a40b-c1fab7e176cc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:36:10	-837.626
-21	18069	1806900	d25c3da6-4904-4b34-b3cf-e46d7ce1ff8a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:54:20	-91.458
-21	36138	1806900	24fedd5e-704c-4e3c-b03e-495e95c95d4c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:39:20	523.258
-22	18070	1807000	9701c88c-1723-483e-9a0f-5f347e58db08	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:18:52	100.707
-22	36140	1807000	ef6b28b8-0259-4868-a846-8d289ef4485e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:35:27	-121.681
-23	18071	1807100	3a6a5c31-4349-4e4e-a962-525d5b191901	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:19:35	-126.959
-23	36142	1807100	a823c10e-07f5-44aa-bc81-e88ffceaf3e1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:37:39	853.912
-24	18072	1807200	53198688-7d9a-4428-9ca6-8a3f9e18193d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:51:25	323.208
-24	36144	1807200	b5715976-890f-45ec-bae0-0a403367a55f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:18:44	-852.445
-25	18073	1807300	994cabf9-e205-4aaf-b04b-a0578763c723	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:08:53	633.412
-25	36146	1807300	3f39e51d-d32c-400c-94c7-d1d1d676861c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:52:57	-439.881
-26	18074	1807400	7626d3db-a93c-4b5a-bc50-6ede7dde5ffe	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:44:38	765.967
-26	36148	1807400	21e319de-4792-4fb6-a0a1-e7c46d48206d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:45:43	403.18
-27	18075	1807500	78377c71-0ea3-4a9f-853b-8852aaca536c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:20:38	-548.294
-27	36150	1807500	e2a06cdb-d3eb-4907-b1f3-97c6e2e8220c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:31:25	-278.860
-28	18076	1807600	03b59b10-66af-40a5-adc5-2e873247c3c2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:30:28	-709.539
-28	36152	1807600	7d3d9d59-d5b7-4e25-9b37-75426e4448e0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:49:30	202.600
-29	18077	1807700	6206d7d2-997c-46bd-b3c7-2dece4b1d023	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:22:36	304.7
-29	36154	1807700	4d8e6910-3f2c-4f49-8475-2898767d9fdd	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:29:05	-25.841
-30	18078	1807800	7700de22-e0ba-4850-a7ad-6cc348cf036e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:54:20	633.508
-30	36156	1807800	e373a0d3-788f-414b-aa81-6bccf0112122	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:08:29	-246.728
-31	18079	1807900	7c4781a2-1d95-4b30-a4e9-aeed01034b6e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:08:46	103.276
-31	36158	1807900	dc071f9b-5f91-49f5-b6f0-9e12c65976af	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:09:18	-571.168
-32	18080	1808000	99d63719-5fb9-43eb-bebb-774a47bc91fe	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:57:37	617.100
-32	36160	1808000	c154e0c0-3964-4f37-9210-5f7a97228201	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:15:47	192.11
-33	18081	1808100	c04791b4-b9af-4bcf-9ccc-caf6d960927f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:15:35	-654.450
-33	36162	1808100	790ed567-2e35-4469-96b8-5f4e83462812	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:09:57	-496.282
-34	18082	1808200	1a06e525-087e-4954-8656-20189959c8b3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:31:24	-998.464
-34	36164	1808200	d9ac6795-2027-4cd9-b6b2-c3ac1084703c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:45:25	341.60
-35	18083	1808300	e39bdcb3-9ea9-4230-9b22-4b227becb506	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:09:57	-861.569
-35	36166	1808300	9a76ef4d-1fdf-4fa7-9a5a-e2209f05619e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:36:24	487.109
-36	18084	1808400	ed9a7edc-aedc-451f-b503-0f985c89a7c4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:19:04	-859.991
-36	36168	1808400	ce5045d4-933c-4567-bf3f-220fed042943	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:44:40	-698.707
-37	18085	1808500	5feddd75-f6f0-4bb5-958b-84f4a30e784e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:47:07	-375.138
-37	36170	1808500	ea94cde5-fea2-4085-b204-41665c8bd420	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:19:06	-697.30
-38	18086	1808600	d8713002-cc7c-43cd-96c4-385ee8e068e1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:58:47	714.769
-38	36172	1808600	8dae1c9b-a5cf-4e84-a87a-ff49849e0dc0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:25:41	-878.881
-39	18087	1808700	7435400b-e6ae-4038-8718-b4f7c9a112aa	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:13:40	-935.124
-39	36174	1808700	297b01a6-b56f-4e88-90a5-e855557120b0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:46:02	-650.548
-40	18088	1808800	de2eb854-dda3-4a73-bbf5-aa5ee0f6929a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:40:07	530.31
-40	36176	1808800	0d0aff0d-4108-4d32-9012-384a80c265cd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:00:08	-754.771
-41	18089	1808900	b918ef86-7fa2-4c99-898f-bd1c26ff45ba	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:15:54	-732.383
-41	36178	1808900	9e59bc12-95aa-417f-a394-c6d7e86be8f2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:37:00	-108.57
-42	18090	1809000	6d87ff1e-1b93-467e-8581-1f9a2ed19dd5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:52:23	-298.728
-42	36180	1809000	9fb9a68e-946a-42fe-bfba-fcb79d331b00	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:22:48	163.122
-43	18091	1809100	a5cdd332-34b7-4fab-af87-9dc96c8f6bda	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:36:58	-788.635
-43	36182	1809100	a8a2693f-059b-48b1-8cb2-3ebaf15814a9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:28:53	119.810
-44	18092	1809200	cc36fb77-90b5-4a68-9b08-c1d6f09e8e84	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:10:58	521.859
-44	36184	1809200	cd7a8536-837f-4e5a-8fa6-26bd1efea7c8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:53:52	694.905
-45	18093	1809300	02d71573-dc62-450d-a594-2d77bb7301ec	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:27:12	-923.893
-45	36186	1809300	0b5ccd64-e30b-47c3-8058-cf6ffee6f771	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:02:55	-50.209
-46	18094	1809400	44ac2601-d53e-489c-88f5-dd6f96771526	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:37:38	-530.307
-46	36188	1809400	000c1332-cf51-4932-8815-ea4ebecf3b9b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:52:09	-757.970
-47	18095	1809500	01a32215-cd85-4ce9-b619-1ff7664f4f94	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:01:13	235.878
-47	36190	1809500	07f3cdf4-910d-483b-8938-585ebc6b761a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:07:53	266.899
-48	18096	1809600	84ade54f-e520-4b87-9591-223b52a2bb8b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:46:41	72.932
-48	36192	1809600	3222da66-a701-45df-8a3a-5ef974ee5d2e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:46:12	804.722
-49	18097	1809700	43ba437f-ea97-4eac-bf37-98f6f3264e93	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:11:59	739.936
-49	36194	1809700	a490ff77-ebb4-4b62-af41-3fd4f90fe356	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:38:14	685.165
-50	18098	1809800	097c9528-ce16-4a06-b056-3041f37b6a18	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:16:56	-664.581
-50	36196	1809800	d8727788-1410-4780-a603-9d66ecadd7cf	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:31:59	-94.304
-51	18099	1809900	a9c2ca97-687f-4b73-8488-27a4d7dc84ac	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:45:20	93.764
-51	36198	1809900	0a4f3cae-1b45-4262-8489-0bf63a5f838a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:53:45	37.735
-52	18100	1810000	db672ad2-5deb-4c1e-ba7c-e111726d519c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:14:10	546.940
-52	36200	1810000	5c343ac7-ab80-43fc-9133-ccab2b6eb131	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:04:15	-534.982
-53	18101	1810100	75a3e3ee-1f94-4344-a1fe-ced529377fa1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:11:47	754.997
-53	36202	1810100	0ff70852-ac8c-4f6c-99ac-878014a2f9cb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:53:55	960.35
-54	18102	1810200	c52c65db-a5a1-458a-8648-5fcd41f9c8e4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:12:42	-811.257
-54	36204	1810200	e279bbb5-c0ba-46a0-a140-b2e61cae9e6a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:47:03	-998.448
-55	18103	1810300	7dcdac5e-702f-458c-af62-8e4019abcebc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:52:21	784.515
-55	36206	1810300	f3c4b33d-0c69-40cc-8c1d-4432abd2377d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:35:32	-423.191
-56	18104	1810400	21d6395e-873e-4ae1-a1d3-5c5d29991181	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:20:28	-274.969
-56	36208	1810400	98b84ee9-74bc-4763-bf7b-b990db0d96f0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:49:35	359.819
-57	18105	1810500	d6e7cb34-002d-4735-bf92-7324a86e4d13	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:09:59	-772.372
-57	36210	1810500	0213cf68-77b6-401c-8f0d-d424e18733d2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:07:06	245.901
-58	18106	1810600	2f354b51-1043-4acd-921a-94b3f0e61a92	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:27:49	467.676
-58	36212	1810600	9c5f099d-c137-449c-b57c-3232dc6e8c0d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:04:01	192.93
-59	18107	1810700	58ca402e-7c91-498e-b2a6-74578c040133	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:08:28	15.492
-59	36214	1810700	ae8d4fef-6954-4534-82a7-7a773b62ed43	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:51:17	181.803
-60	18108	1810800	db7df262-7c09-4303-8dce-6ba29e3697ad	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:45:44	-249.247
-60	36216	1810800	d242981d-c513-4ec5-b2be-41f1deabcf01	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:30:19	420.888
-61	18109	1810900	cbb0fbda-9372-454c-af66-d0cc7ab7b80c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:38:20	197.774
-61	36218	1810900	92aa1e8f-4cf8-4c44-abae-6de5f0c7bb7c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:13:42	777.713
-62	18110	1811000	7379340f-1a48-45e3-a58b-6d87931131c7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:46:49	-555.112
-62	36220	1811000	3af43ad0-7472-4ebc-a2bf-f3fc8b200fa2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:54:24	-291.801
-63	18111	1811100	9f937443-fa48-42f5-8905-4d954e2d0d76	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:20:57	-78.338
-63	36222	1811100	8635fe82-9123-4cfb-aac2-e9b5f0c64da3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:35:12	93.658
-64	18112	1811200	d36534d6-6429-427c-9bdc-bdee8e6b8371	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:06:10	-457.326
-64	36224	1811200	c235e574-4a71-4ac3-853b-7624f5db351a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:41:03	-976.690
-65	18113	1811300	60eca09d-fd53-4328-905b-ef4d0b538348	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:20:00	74.749
-65	36226	1811300	8231b9c2-818f-40c0-af9d-20ea073593b3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:10:43	-814.372
-66	18114	1811400	25b6bef3-374a-4587-a2f9-0e9ca1718037	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:29:25	132.879
-66	36228	1811400	6d6d22fe-d47b-4c4b-a468-808f885156c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:13:06	-823.611
-67	18115	1811500	608e715a-eff3-4d15-98bf-7acfb2554532	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:50:41	303.715
-67	36230	1811500	9d118378-f428-43bb-987f-c145f82816a6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:10:19	618.610
-68	18116	1811600	5570b3c5-fb44-4060-8383-b39efc85555a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:19:23	712.779
-68	36232	1811600	7a458ddb-bd0b-4cc2-b05f-7bbb44018f36	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:40:29	-236.292
-69	18117	1811700	73990e53-3984-44f2-b0f5-95d434306450	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:15:55	-448.111
-69	36234	1811700	04e9453d-d17c-483d-85ea-73bc3b4bd80d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:52:38	-753.974
-70	18118	1811800	ba5c40b3-043d-468c-ad3b-bd9851bee9a5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:42:13	-723.795
-70	36236	1811800	6a106337-4811-40b3-a76d-72459ef93507	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:53:51	287.772
-71	18119	1811900	5409452c-4a7a-4af5-b896-582c6374d4b2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:06:29	-365.973
-71	36238	1811900	c3f7ce93-0eb8-4526-abca-2f11b1a71b2e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:25:50	-556.42
-72	18120	1812000	98149fe7-e483-440a-b482-235ff1eac587	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:54:35	-67.528
-72	36240	1812000	f4bab1f0-e32e-4dd0-b4ae-9deddd98a26c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:54:56	-628.782
-73	18121	1812100	ad1b1d3e-95f0-4c30-ae48-319b18d31108	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:39:52	557.755
-73	36242	1812100	99196fdc-42ba-4378-b306-29f280c766ec	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:16:11	699.745
-74	18122	1812200	8ce186ac-139b-4a94-bf2e-1a8a34f88064	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:02:14	-567.920
-74	36244	1812200	69e92adc-42c6-4776-ad85-f039c2d8268d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:22:31	-593.477
-75	18123	1812300	4938f822-1127-4b89-825f-8ed4fc879815	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:41:20	-874.287
-75	36246	1812300	6948211a-be93-4a14-adf2-d437214fcba1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:36:34	72.83
-76	18124	1812400	03cdd8b7-9a27-4bd6-bf8c-7648627451d2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:40:17	-343.681
-76	36248	1812400	5f248baf-b344-4029-b2ea-dfd6dac1ea4c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:18:02	-412.103
-77	18125	1812500	2aca27c5-3be6-4e2e-b783-553177cdf363	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:34:25	-205.711
-77	36250	1812500	0f892229-8bc7-4fb6-8c8c-2676a0a0e8d9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:23:08	401.39
-78	18126	1812600	6faf4c4d-ba51-481d-9325-621e6974d718	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:11:42	-218.578
-78	36252	1812600	5f8ab796-b1ce-469f-9e75-0933e3706384	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:35:44	-785.64
-79	18127	1812700	6982dee5-0ce2-4923-a08c-65e36b2b0e06	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:35:31	703.651
-79	36254	1812700	25d80881-b820-4d17-a2a9-08203d23cfb4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:54:54	397.208
-80	18128	1812800	7cfac118-1076-4e1b-8638-b0745df61791	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:42:09	42.782
-80	36256	1812800	085f3397-d37b-4a97-b1f8-3f82a39b530c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:36:57	693.732
-81	18129	1812900	43de13f6-008c-44df-a574-fe79e3522618	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:46:59	-23.565
-81	36258	1812900	45e97b63-d8a7-41dc-8bba-9236495786c9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:21:12	-158.559
-82	18130	1813000	a791b48f-2c7e-40de-a267-1b2f63d9f663	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:59:12	365.13
-82	36260	1813000	183ebe1c-b7bb-4f32-a450-467639acdc40	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:32:48	-381.49
-83	18131	1813100	bfa4f2df-82d9-4855-82a6-9845f4122b43	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:15:17	-417.685
-83	36262	1813100	aa3facd6-b6ad-425e-b8a8-1ec8427aef0d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:36:32	-666.184
-84	18132	1813200	b6cc8ead-bcc9-4da5-b298-56e535863469	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:41:19	-786.312
-84	36264	1813200	85bbc2df-39dd-402f-81f2-b33175352436	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:52:28	971.921
-85	18133	1813300	76418dad-5301-4174-b06e-0d2fa8673176	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:53:41	445.149
-85	36266	1813300	f357914b-f0dd-4a93-8448-951cc8e32ba7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:47:05	-73.360
-86	18134	1813400	074d917e-4c74-43ed-a445-37dbb7f8e352	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:20:45	-411.790
-86	36268	1813400	35974120-f4e4-46a4-9f67-1062f1d77e97	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:11:04	382.26
-87	18135	1813500	96d989e4-f594-4c8a-bbdc-e616c418378f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:52:27	-478.965
-87	36270	1813500	bfc574c7-2ac6-404c-b5fe-d18755a12e0f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:13:17	279.637
-88	18136	1813600	d61a14e0-33a8-49a1-a5cb-777b362fdbbc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:37:14	-948.231
-88	36272	1813600	93896ac2-9427-4e01-bdf8-f5a89e0c91bc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:24:07	-193.908
-89	18137	1813700	55229274-ca87-4672-a9df-2857efa15bdd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:05:25	326.60
-89	36274	1813700	5607e753-da85-4b46-a4f0-24aa3a635673	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:34:16	-339.68
-90	18138	1813800	886c4a64-e552-4a77-924a-5323cf01c1be	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:50:27	519.979
-90	36276	1813800	6a60a5e3-98e6-444c-a407-48db1238f693	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:05:19	-318.41
-91	18139	1813900	c3665e03-e444-43a0-b29b-3c580f12da75	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:11:23	97.315
-91	36278	1813900	b58f41bc-e470-48ec-80bb-50586bcd0113	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:15:04	-3.943
-92	18140	1814000	b207c05a-e6be-4fc5-996b-d6cb1129b6fc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:43:38	-573.648
-92	36280	1814000	83121634-8cbc-4071-9c51-592208ec6f53	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:55:10	90.129
-93	18141	1814100	02ec2857-87a6-4c0e-bb3d-673423f42a85	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:41:58	-419.450
-93	36282	1814100	8bec1f95-a04e-4907-9832-1fde9c869023	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:28:22	31.942
-94	18142	1814200	4bf611d3-8c27-4511-8cb6-e641029d06e4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:10:13	-905.131
-94	36284	1814200	055fd810-e216-478a-92e1-94cd16a7764c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:58:25	155.354
-95	18143	1814300	466aab14-99de-4060-b6dd-ab256624e3ae	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:13:52	-655.140
-95	36286	1814300	a7175a3d-494e-4c82-be6f-4604452b0365	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:08:15	-79.852
-96	18144	1814400	2ad60122-418b-4953-9cfd-ea00e27c0612	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:10:36	777.589
-96	36288	1814400	566f9401-4dbb-46bd-a087-c51a7ca7c5c7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:28:50	393.120
-97	18145	1814500	ea4505a8-1fa4-4939-ad9b-ee9a21f41c9c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:22:03	-508.737
-97	36290	1814500	be5930a3-73ec-428e-b2b4-0ce2a5a13c95	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:36:52	-461.484
-98	18146	1814600	507962ad-8587-4bae-b364-28d1f27863b5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:30:41	-444.667
-98	36292	1814600	6aa0b574-cc12-4ac2-83e0-7d3cf5257103	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:59:06	98.705
-99	18147	1814700	f5902350-4a68-45bd-9ed0-4dcbeedbb389	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:51:17	323.340
-99	36294	1814700	2d96c8e0-830e-407c-82bb-f23677ad11a4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:02:42	-959.722
-100	18148	1814800	737e9c74-8e2d-4195-951b-8ea50014f299	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:52:45	921.663
-100	36296	1814800	ee09003f-0ac2-4d12-9969-19151935a21b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:26:42	859.349
-101	18149	1814900	2c863edc-2b39-4462-a3da-8b7cfa69ee76	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:35:56	-702.589
-101	36298	1814900	d94dfa81-3b67-40ac-8a2f-04f229795a4a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:53:10	-469.705
-102	18150	1815000	82b72a1d-b2fe-41ad-8c21-146a9a682de5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:19:01	-655.222
-102	36300	1815000	e333779f-d931-4e6d-a423-bdbc49de23dc	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:10:44	502.678
-103	18151	1815100	008e8bc2-633a-4cf0-a68c-2da916ce0200	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:25:22	-473.228
-103	36302	1815100	2e79c193-c945-46ee-b333-937d9b80233e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:53:39	296.616
-104	18152	1815200	8a4e7e49-3083-4cf4-b448-11442f653997	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:37:52	-835.555
-104	36304	1815200	e161b84b-03e7-451d-a170-f81caed26c3b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:07:03	-628.351
-105	18153	1815300	b634215a-389f-4ee2-9a58-44874b3a3de7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:46:52	364.9
-105	36306	1815300	086e0992-c888-4f01-980a-aec1bc1067ae	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:52:14	-652.50
-106	18154	1815400	cac5cc55-8096-41c5-b6ac-e328af714669	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:56:33	-53.930
-106	36308	1815400	016fbf36-d038-42ab-b178-b00c4c8279c9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:54:34	-310.417
-107	18155	1815500	1b28c19f-669d-4005-b221-18669b158c4e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:06:40	258.792
-107	36310	1815500	fa837a34-ab51-43b6-8f23-493b3cefdced	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:45:32	502.151
-108	18156	1815600	7525fc56-d1af-4738-a029-2511550ad29c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:58:27	797.644
-108	36312	1815600	fa0e3f50-7038-4319-aebe-b02fdf338ad5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:01:24	-763.391
-109	18157	1815700	d5a91b00-fa10-40d8-b1d4-fdbfe39df801	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:30:17	-950.118
-109	36314	1815700	9e853894-a3c5-40f0-8689-a1ccc5a8cbd0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:21:53	881.23
-110	18158	1815800	5c6d33bd-90a5-4419-8e43-291e97b9a543	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:29:43	-926.126
-110	36316	1815800	fee908d6-294b-421c-a0fc-43deb8aab5fe	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:53:10	847.679
-111	18159	1815900	ca97a182-f36f-4a49-873b-2e7edc7ee723	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:24:50	-763.331
-111	36318	1815900	15099fd2-6f38-4ca9-bf69-5bd18a9169dd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:38:25	-103.270
-112	18160	1816000	cfdfc5f7-583a-4317-887b-451bac4932d6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:51:46	683.458
-112	36320	1816000	42ab3581-fdaa-41ea-97eb-8d6068ea546d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:28:56	-708.900
-113	18161	1816100	b401c1b8-132b-4183-b86d-8dd54ebe946c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:58:37	141.371
-113	36322	1816100	d68b522a-7309-45ac-bcda-f8980ec967aa	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:32:43	-477.406
-114	18162	1816200	72f2c479-d08a-4aaf-8860-db117fb493b2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:31:01	-895.255
-114	36324	1816200	4b16968b-fa58-4390-a23b-6f9ab227c0f7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:32:45	-981.505
-115	18163	1816300	68acc61f-1bb0-4b2b-8d94-c0b35653699a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:20:55	-573.865
-115	36326	1816300	85bf8902-d317-4c38-adea-53b90e0d6572	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:59:04	-546.644
-116	18164	1816400	a15b9e22-50e1-49b9-8ff1-8166651730f6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:35:45	150.561
-116	36328	1816400	8f68a1d9-b207-471c-8c8b-32c58bf2f404	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:03:21	425.469
-117	18165	1816500	19ce3d8a-8436-4a97-9ef1-28bd8273a76f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:50:04	-89.815
-117	36330	1816500	344ac6f8-5da8-4667-a6c2-ac4f6d824c31	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:38:26	626.865
-118	18166	1816600	1b98dc5d-4478-46bf-8ca6-809c0bc852f5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:45:10	738.708
-118	36332	1816600	26171b55-2411-4fc4-bfb9-89785bf8b121	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:47:50	281.943
-119	18167	1816700	a36882ce-2ac0-4f05-86cd-8e6db07c80d1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:24:07	-15.430
-119	36334	1816700	9f33ded4-9406-4f6f-9381-f33e0b770c66	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:15:57	-147.252
-120	18168	1816800	11fbe6d8-97b2-4197-ba39-06ff850b32b7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:51:57	-356.396
-120	36336	1816800	89d6caa1-719f-475d-a73f-f4b259e9b458	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:56:38	-973.114
-121	18169	1816900	997a6911-a8b4-42f9-80d5-2deaa9ce951b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:54:28	-195.802
-121	36338	1816900	e42e4d25-b2e8-4028-acc6-626af9f1735b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:51:20	86.83
-122	18170	1817000	8da8a6b8-4519-43a3-9199-e95e7c388107	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:48:29	111.685
-122	36340	1817000	b0da7b39-78a1-42cf-abf4-5d71ac5b30ed	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:18:30	-684.33
-123	18171	1817100	0cc4ea08-7242-48db-be9a-d52cd41142bf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:00:00	-134.739
-123	36342	1817100	b990e6de-6b1a-4cc5-9707-4a90ea7cbc84	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:23:26	217.386
-124	18172	1817200	5493c59d-7c83-424a-ae87-1b4b64524369	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:29:54	-529.152
-124	36344	1817200	b43cf47c-fd2a-4be7-ab36-058b29033d1e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:01:28	283.946
-125	18173	1817300	cfb0c588-fb8b-48c3-b651-17652087fe76	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:11:45	-366.715
-125	36346	1817300	c9b78f72-b70e-4f8f-9857-3771fb935af1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:48:40	579.712
-126	18174	1817400	8e6db0b8-8ac6-4c78-87c7-320e8ea930ed	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:17:24	-814.600
-126	36348	1817400	c5ff6b62-ec28-4270-8f9b-9142ddbe1532	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:27:21	-433.334
-127	18175	1817500	b2cf186a-aea3-4dc1-b111-94ba8e7390e5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:07:12	-305.212
-127	36350	1817500	2859660d-0a39-4a9b-835c-a79f923e0bd3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:03:13	-40.72
-0	18176	1817600	74563eda-566d-4cc9-87b9-67e1ee7a8541	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:15:30	-322.368
-0	36352	1817600	bc409041-e01b-4163-89ae-cb360dc1e8ee	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:57:16	-493.626
-1	18177	1817700	865fdb9c-7d3f-47a5-bdfc-33e9738fdfa7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:36:17	-863.629
-1	36354	1817700	c8e4474c-7392-406e-8107-8006cda06593	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:50:56	347.185
-2	18178	1817800	3eb78990-2f7c-44c8-8886-16e884d6c035	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:11:52	-337.728
-2	36356	1817800	4feffd83-46ad-4bfc-81ae-8bb3e554e2e7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:59:49	-53.77
-3	18179	1817900	e6f65474-e9ec-4ca2-91d0-484b1e57f758	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:40:41	-659.929
-3	36358	1817900	dd7632a0-c6e6-4f7f-a386-6f3e9a911976	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:51:53	859.308
-4	18180	1818000	f3fadb14-59ed-4446-8423-a8887c25297b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:22:30	-685.899
-4	36360	1818000	e9e96916-05bb-4368-a815-bcb2b492a62f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:02:57	709.418
-5	18181	1818100	64c5e09d-8de7-4fa6-869a-ed0eff2a1ae6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:32:23	662.255
-5	36362	1818100	78b58c8a-7d79-4ee7-ab6e-2749a6daf6e8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:20:46	732.390
-6	18182	1818200	cd696d60-6175-471f-9858-e9716e10a2c4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:50:28	-875.600
-6	36364	1818200	14330de3-f90b-48d6-8c1a-e569ddc20b90	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:24:18	666.415
-7	18183	1818300	964708c5-007d-472a-b9cd-cc21799ec5c5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:02:45	-27.982
-7	36366	1818300	7366f413-d09d-4f9e-96b6-42128cdd9117	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:33:11	-876.757
-8	18184	1818400	03d38e9a-1c00-49b7-9352-3083b699942e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:01:33	255.589
-8	36368	1818400	14c5ee65-ee01-4c6d-86f0-a1f38ecbb660	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:29:21	-961.98
-9	18185	1818500	1af8fd67-7d4f-4555-b839-a96f0f6b7c18	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:33:27	-36.79
-9	36370	1818500	a8e92ae3-9881-43c3-9657-0b3e24f2ca40	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:05:14	-646.247
-10	18186	1818600	fa52a6a4-9022-47b0-9d8b-cf3fcfc15cef	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:23:23	-996.87
-10	36372	1818600	cca8c432-3827-4206-92e3-f47539d48fc9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:13:01	-444.401
-11	18187	1818700	84d98b47-4b7c-4620-b5e2-ea0b6d9f3963	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:58:35	671.753
-11	36374	1818700	f53fd0dd-ec9e-4b5b-9651-91d6bcabb203	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:15:40	-761.456
-12	18188	1818800	dc07ec6f-8ee0-41e4-a698-afb5269cebb9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:06:31	-215.976
-12	36376	1818800	8c624ac2-7ddc-4315-a339-7e6aa4661101	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:46:11	400.876
-13	18189	1818900	8f6a3547-ddcf-46c5-a345-bb8d1b85f977	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:36:36	195.700
-13	36378	1818900	64da6178-2d35-4b03-b44f-88caa0acdb2e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:34:51	-796.644
-14	18190	1819000	1f8f2a8c-176f-4429-aab0-f5ea781a7a1c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:06:15	151.493
-14	36380	1819000	e5f340e9-f558-43de-94b8-48f36f8e000a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:09:10	164.553
-15	18191	1819100	f4578e08-6c51-454d-9cf1-81f78d0e5d45	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:49:23	-194.980
-15	36382	1819100	8ab5df9f-15be-46be-8ab3-244d90de6dd3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:39:23	230.835
-16	18192	1819200	373d8ee5-b521-4caa-acc8-a035b781f9ad	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:19:28	172.749
-16	36384	1819200	7d57652e-8a64-45cb-b84d-6a070bb1b6d2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:37:48	115.643
-17	18193	1819300	32367bfd-5af8-4e4f-acb6-225f6443486b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:39:52	-3.195
-17	36386	1819300	41dac678-74a9-4206-9c84-d6b6754486c9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:23:32	-306.524
-18	18194	1819400	a9ccb3e7-53fb-4537-9b5f-758f0519cac5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:48:01	82.861
-18	36388	1819400	50b2c091-5574-4720-98af-7e436b1e19e6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:49:11	607.927
-19	18195	1819500	bf92f9b0-3de2-49c7-8674-2f60831fe13f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:36:20	592.578
-19	36390	1819500	4db31a33-cebb-421f-bc6f-ed059e1dbb3e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:21:18	-195.287
-20	18196	1819600	04a04703-bffc-4dfc-af05-1114f4f2c33f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:18:43	189.294
-20	36392	1819600	4fb51168-e83b-4c8a-80d2-69f3de522d8e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:17:55	-369.430
-21	18197	1819700	f45fe04a-a2a6-474e-a635-cecd6dcb376b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:08:15	427.238
-21	36394	1819700	110ad966-6602-4438-95e0-4966481457c2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:55:49	-542.440
-22	18198	1819800	59dda117-2bdd-45f1-bde2-9c63aedcd1ef	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:00:02	100.235
-22	36396	1819800	43e9dcd4-dce5-4a62-a2b8-7864db23e170	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:01:09	-27.397
-23	18199	1819900	b42d65b8-9339-4dec-900f-5cfd790ca934	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:15:16	-877.97
-23	36398	1819900	a9ba681e-7927-48f9-b136-34c8268d23aa	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:04:32	-836.244
-24	18200	1820000	ca337929-663a-46ab-9744-0ecdef030c60	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:57:05	-644.901
-24	36400	1820000	cd972579-a5fa-44c7-b13f-59166022d89e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:57:07	-584.764
-25	18201	1820100	1725f821-1905-44b6-ae22-33417efeef4c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:42:21	-38.228
-25	36402	1820100	ea066783-e373-49bf-b0b9-398033ec0bd9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:01:53	-567.672
-26	18202	1820200	9401340b-0d87-4889-b368-af7fa5402454	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:43:13	863.207
-26	36404	1820200	71e47215-4a93-4a89-871a-92a0490ac226	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:33:53	-528.702
-27	18203	1820300	e36559ef-4e84-4c9d-935a-9b06d8f8f537	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:06:45	587.825
-27	36406	1820300	c54ecf50-d5eb-472c-8163-281e813f540e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:59:08	-234.332
-28	18204	1820400	230fb5db-5287-4604-937e-99eb4c7fb2cd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:51:06	852.756
-28	36408	1820400	4bfc0c53-e112-4f30-a9a3-f3af9e2324ea	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:41:54	674.811
-29	18205	1820500	645eabdd-40b3-4499-b055-297f1d6d3c36	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:26:30	-701.675
-29	36410	1820500	054f9f4a-daef-4055-befb-798d8dfd5817	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:06:35	584.845
-30	18206	1820600	e3fd264e-f77d-486b-8d17-635659241fd6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:12:28	398.433
-30	36412	1820600	b99ad979-7eb5-4c67-8d66-dc7e4e6b5bda	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:51:46	-557.517
-31	18207	1820700	736d63d1-beb1-4a24-8439-7939117dccd4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:51:10	-600.780
-31	36414	1820700	f2fb544d-d90e-483d-b246-57041fb204d6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:59:07	-874.975
-32	18208	1820800	1e48d80b-73b9-4688-997c-d0331e301f21	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:05:42	-800.923
-32	36416	1820800	ad184e1f-ddb2-45e4-b2c8-e7fc5cf06e5a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:28:04	770.327
-33	18209	1820900	03e1390f-b45d-434e-a6fc-60ba9b136455	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:47:14	604.280
-33	36418	1820900	e405a61b-f072-492c-935b-50f4b104a9ac	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:48:00	-336.105
-34	18210	1821000	7aaecb46-1ff4-49f0-8f30-9e254fd7c10a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:57:48	201.557
-34	36420	1821000	fcc9c860-a1b0-40c3-b2a7-cd693e6cf12b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:48:29	-795.32
-35	18211	1821100	28712da0-abdc-47b6-8216-d9eebdc0cbef	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:38:06	-669.974
-35	36422	1821100	78642f2b-5c7c-45e4-b6a4-9ce263ddef83	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:30:12	-760.461
-36	18212	1821200	f1eeb80a-50c6-4770-9326-b2d987f9f391	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:01:52	-787.640
-36	36424	1821200	a180551b-90f8-442d-a4b6-529b7bed202d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:15:54	-884.175
-37	18213	1821300	bb8bd1fd-ccba-4092-9743-34a816a61bd4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:24:13	504.224
-37	36426	1821300	87f20710-2c4f-4740-a3ce-493985ed6cf2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:35:31	-791.982
-38	18214	1821400	19adbc31-5319-4e25-afcc-0282f836b285	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:23:54	-445.596
-38	36428	1821400	0b4a476c-5740-46fb-900b-86a6a48cdfb8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:05:07	-181.896
-39	18215	1821500	325b4124-88fc-40b7-a2d5-35ac42802951	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:26:53	-549.837
-39	36430	1821500	50c52dc5-45da-4d7a-ac59-8c09ba306b1b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:33:21	758.852
-40	18216	1821600	1566a28c-f8fe-4880-ae58-6658d8c67022	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:09:30	-326.180
-40	36432	1821600	2e882e07-8cc4-42ae-80af-e784b5aa4a87	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:23:05	174.233
-41	18217	1821700	e36bac69-da4e-4108-bb19-f5278baf1792	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:03:32	798.577
-41	36434	1821700	16590c86-6888-4ce6-98df-9d0851e38319	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:15:00	199.804
-42	18218	1821800	b94fe356-ee3a-4419-9034-46b48d4045b3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:52:19	-983.357
-42	36436	1821800	e8a00eba-25fb-4160-ba75-ef6e7b596bc6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:42:51	997.407
-43	18219	1821900	0c19a755-7f8c-43a4-bbda-23d638be9760	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:17:23	453.514
-43	36438	1821900	b64ff076-5919-4d5e-9b70-5aa1bda799ee	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:02:36	562.710
-44	18220	1822000	c4581d49-cf12-474a-ba8b-409255386ad7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:39:26	-388.529
-44	36440	1822000	39c8153d-fe32-44c7-baaf-3333c498cd9d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:42:04	-597.34
-45	18221	1822100	bc9fa9bd-3c92-4a87-b025-adac6dc2ea99	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:10:04	-782.666
-45	36442	1822100	8c409e91-6f12-4520-991a-8462726b9ece	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:37:13	-218.201
-46	18222	1822200	a551b101-30e7-477a-adf6-eef8002eb3c9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:15:11	201.568
-46	36444	1822200	1c99dc9c-a33b-4a5f-acc3-642b03c005d4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:53:26	-318.328
-47	18223	1822300	9be0d21b-32d0-4b70-aea2-61a0f9882e72	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:52:39	-25.814
-47	36446	1822300	e2fd4bdd-cecb-4f0e-a986-bf7b9fe3ee01	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:37:33	685.22
-48	18224	1822400	d40bb8d3-19ff-43c3-bd0d-cb986d81cf68	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:22:29	280.586
-48	36448	1822400	ff14d692-8ab2-4f47-870c-500d9f9e0957	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:57:55	305.824
-49	18225	1822500	c20b8286-1762-471b-ad55-6ca325129ea4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:22:31	-892.788
-49	36450	1822500	21eeccd4-49b3-4835-9a9c-bd2802338924	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:01:36	700.734
-50	18226	1822600	9410f2b6-2ea3-41a2-acbf-0ae0e6ee6223	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:53:38	-394.928
-50	36452	1822600	7285d4a3-fc28-4ef5-a3bd-5b1d3b8a637d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:58:37	-364.318
-51	18227	1822700	ac26cc58-fea6-4a31-bb1d-f66d34689895	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:07:39	55.619
-51	36454	1822700	da631ed2-0ea7-48cc-8a52-30f1f8e6d647	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:05:14	-608.872
-52	18228	1822800	20e48b43-b4b5-42f2-86f0-b4767e86cf62	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:34:25	92.113
-52	36456	1822800	9d76a3e6-c4b9-4741-bfc7-76c25d3dd8eb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:51:22	-262.68
-53	18229	1822900	3615dba4-20eb-42f8-a561-f2550b2b68c0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:31:53	-146.489
-53	36458	1822900	b04d12a6-ace1-44f0-9ae2-973b6c03549b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:42:49	-193.296
-54	18230	1823000	f9212944-1f9f-439c-a2ba-aeec965195cc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:43:53	-306.31
-54	36460	1823000	439a33b8-9b90-41c2-828a-fe485385b071	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:25:39	265.523
-55	18231	1823100	fbe28676-6940-44d7-9133-aa057724ae99	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:29:26	-833.279
-55	36462	1823100	83aca23d-f6d6-4208-9bfb-404e216d17e6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:05:37	-365.697
-56	18232	1823200	aa035e58-c5f0-46f6-99b4-21fd66f0a602	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:25:10	-573.708
-56	36464	1823200	38dd1d01-25b2-4fdf-87c8-4190005d1315	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:08:05	266.625
-57	18233	1823300	6752b4fd-7b9e-4b81-8687-6d19ffe15f47	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:39:28	-290.506
-57	36466	1823300	5f647162-1228-481c-9108-0378f6687090	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:14:36	-963.133
-58	18234	1823400	c2bc80dd-1ccb-441b-a69a-75a8e2003cfc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:10:31	303.800
-58	36468	1823400	cb9dd3df-3af9-4d6c-870d-83c637932f31	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:32:52	697.976
-59	18235	1823500	b7e7e840-c94d-4be3-b577-4028613f842d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:54:03	-891.999
-59	36470	1823500	124e290a-ece6-4ee5-bc71-6da1b1fa587e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:36:32	-901.269
-60	18236	1823600	f9129dab-69e0-4ff3-8447-ec8eec2a0642	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:11:30	-632.48
-60	36472	1823600	d1d1a1bd-1153-489a-b137-b5724187d30a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:07:06	649.563
-61	18237	1823700	b0359fc8-3a77-4546-888e-2e80c4b9001e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:58:34	140.876
-61	36474	1823700	71990fda-a228-4407-bb3f-30d0aa3c9682	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:26:55	-610.889
-62	18238	1823800	a69d2142-7847-4c7c-bbc6-3664d77a3a0e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:54:31	-564.550
-62	36476	1823800	e9904aaa-6bf9-4c46-948b-dc88e3940275	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:04:53	-814.933
-63	18239	1823900	265ee5ae-dedd-4141-89be-ccc244d71186	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:06:54	462.687
-63	36478	1823900	8f36fdd4-2fdf-4002-ad57-a4f8bdcc98ad	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:12:21	-852.634
-64	18240	1824000	e20390d7-87e4-4cc6-8c4a-e34529934217	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:06:39	-362.422
-64	36480	1824000	b66b0ef8-33cb-491d-b950-bfbb91a77e75	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:20:54	779.634
-65	18241	1824100	8ace2b71-7c9b-451c-b115-ef09e1d399b6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:29:29	167.633
-65	36482	1824100	9067f0e2-f809-40f2-bb43-ecf91a83dfff	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:22:47	117.825
-66	18242	1824200	67613004-ff9b-4153-8ed4-d4a475dd5cb7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:32:01	831.640
-66	36484	1824200	fd7ed799-d001-425e-83a7-7515464f7f10	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:53:14	-306.553
-67	18243	1824300	2b3aa3ed-b39a-4ba9-8fff-06833151ccc5	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:16:34	298.483
-67	36486	1824300	3fa1628c-c509-408f-890a-7c82d9be42b4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:45:02	-302.511
-68	18244	1824400	12db15ed-f75b-4a5c-8207-8576f5c5e0c7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:41:50	-897.494
-68	36488	1824400	6e93f7b7-25db-4c52-becf-8cf75426b598	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:47:48	-576.764
-69	18245	1824500	2f06351d-e75f-4f90-912f-31fb47c5911b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:39:39	-344.145
-69	36490	1824500	efed4665-6d21-4d43-a197-b4c63b376d50	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:34:39	-849.855
-70	18246	1824600	fa3318e7-d237-4bab-839e-9072143f6743	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:47:38	-143.384
-70	36492	1824600	f256e048-5089-4301-80db-25ac479a4c24	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:06:28	849.208
-71	18247	1824700	10803efe-e6a6-45fb-abcf-d3c54e0ac7c6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:56:57	54.945
-71	36494	1824700	80274e30-500a-4c53-85e5-f1708077d2e9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:53:29	-981.112
-72	18248	1824800	45600f78-922a-4f43-8dd9-9703830807bc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:18:09	40.760
-72	36496	1824800	b1573e83-a196-43ea-ba7b-cc04f8c2c391	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:03:06	933.296
-73	18249	1824900	5ec8c408-b243-437c-a4a9-e8eb67e27fba	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:23:24	714.708
-73	36498	1824900	609fe483-c0a2-47ac-8c88-15a9a8160614	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:01:21	-675.150
-74	18250	1825000	6b32fb63-b8fa-418a-bb93-9c424e8762ea	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:30:29	-14.876
-74	36500	1825000	595b63c4-6676-4d58-8385-f742da4b2414	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:56:40	-21.606
-75	18251	1825100	5b182003-dfec-4305-a5ff-9514c37a62d3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:55:15	-647.886
-75	36502	1825100	0248486f-ea7f-408a-9295-494f3543b408	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:29:53	842.395
-76	18252	1825200	269e7674-e724-4a0f-96bf-3f7bd2158b58	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:11:00	545.487
-76	36504	1825200	a65a111a-70aa-4b57-942e-74c3e48ef09f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:33:45	15.724
-77	18253	1825300	6b78745e-cbab-4594-86a9-41ca31fd1e3f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:58:14	-963.967
-77	36506	1825300	991a3fae-cc3b-4d6e-b860-c6c6052719c1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:41:10	575.529
-78	18254	1825400	ac5b7aa4-5e54-4cdc-b12a-2db8f99041b0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:24:17	-785.480
-78	36508	1825400	e78194ee-26ec-4d74-9d37-fc465661c72f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:01:35	-152.275
-79	18255	1825500	396d935a-2fe0-4921-8838-328faee5c2bf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:27:20	784.343
-79	36510	1825500	29e0e065-18ce-4595-98d2-380d4decd470	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:56:41	106.301
-80	18256	1825600	4db7f874-879d-4e1d-b945-88991b0a25f9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:49:39	-749.831
-80	36512	1825600	e2834229-1c1d-4ec2-93ce-91377228f96b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:05:04	-892.307
-81	18257	1825700	6325370c-018c-4520-be88-e3680ee41c21	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:24:29	980.457
-81	36514	1825700	677e2af5-bd25-48ed-a61c-0adaf507cd42	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:05:28	-781.505
-82	18258	1825800	cc89f7e7-efe9-4872-ab19-0563925279ae	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:56:52	-55.600
-82	36516	1825800	081d1a3e-af1d-4cd4-bb48-89bbe834ca31	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:54:04	431.239
-83	18259	1825900	a478d4f5-7f68-4afe-b3da-b5cd829ea93f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:52:41	574.727
-83	36518	1825900	7248ba66-7a81-40c3-8299-a4aae95bf0cd	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:48:44	993.872
-84	18260	1826000	90a4b824-0a1f-4e5e-926d-7affa2117dcb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:47:34	834.186
-84	36520	1826000	f8887c8b-83d5-4b60-a822-2117f9336cb9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:56:12	323.203
-85	18261	1826100	6f390171-b8d5-4043-ab76-5b7330c62d2f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:08:25	298.567
-85	36522	1826100	ca2760e2-70e5-44a1-9667-567647434c18	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:42:53	-472.661
-86	18262	1826200	10746b73-1f88-42fc-b1bd-b675069746a4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:28:41	721.89
-86	36524	1826200	00446c94-41c3-4713-bb9e-b9ec739c2984	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:07:17	646.107
-87	18263	1826300	dc48bab1-1824-46f7-b9db-ca6c51f1d1db	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:24:07	-767.279
-87	36526	1826300	79300406-c18e-4f48-98e4-3248977668e0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:00:20	371.845
-88	18264	1826400	1a99ac85-8c77-4b4b-a132-9ab324854e6a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:16:36	2.475
-88	36528	1826400	5099d75d-23b1-4043-9a8e-1463b13508bc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:02:08	-154.529
-89	18265	1826500	e92136b1-2ac3-46c0-941d-5a1ba2e8e473	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:18:27	-36.794
-89	36530	1826500	d6d9ed23-a6e6-4ea8-b8f0-548debd5fc98	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:34:57	87.662
-90	18266	1826600	0a0091f4-79b6-4b16-9b4d-659286b7b8fd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:18:06	-524.789
-90	36532	1826600	54de1aa1-fa66-4458-96cf-4a953c5c6aa5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:41:34	-391.990
-91	18267	1826700	ba795f09-c36d-4270-82cd-69edd5a3570c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:17:54	-16.807
-91	36534	1826700	920aa98d-595c-4202-8a8a-4ac6b5ae2bf6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:54:59	-108.764
-92	18268	1826800	f582e9ce-14f9-4a01-9f71-98fbca932916	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:19:57	-336.868
-92	36536	1826800	58c952a9-1b3d-4c77-9ddd-ca76becd537b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:03:08	143.188
-93	18269	1826900	f1ff0866-7753-4c67-833b-0f737c2a706c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:26:02	-329.200
-93	36538	1826900	3625071e-e68e-453d-9000-7a5cb0c79582	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:34:05	-146.972
-94	18270	1827000	11998c61-1bce-4f52-b5c9-4ec401a467ba	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:58:45	140.990
-94	36540	1827000	31341e5e-3ac4-439c-8d74-614c6ab13df6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:04:47	934.531
-95	18271	1827100	47c6c538-b647-436d-9c63-43672e82a30d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:18:13	741.589
-95	36542	1827100	6c9d1296-1b00-4d3d-a8ae-7aab37999ff8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:23:52	417.78
-96	18272	1827200	c47fbb60-b0e1-40ae-a7eb-44b6e6adfa06	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:14:35	-931.552
-96	36544	1827200	0f78b49a-079c-4223-8fa9-0a9651db57f5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:39:17	-316.531
-97	18273	1827300	fd149bd4-90b2-4874-ba6d-bc17d66cbc99	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:15:04	-560.763
-97	36546	1827300	e1423c0f-0a4c-466d-a93f-46a2e771cce7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:35:58	879.53
-98	18274	1827400	87e1a850-ebb8-4988-9b92-c6103ed33877	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:45:05	-140.197
-98	36548	1827400	98a5edb0-20fc-4b43-aea0-58db582f7a7f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:43:33	-86.765
-99	18275	1827500	59096045-ed49-4794-9a20-5850419168e5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:55:03	928.627
-99	36550	1827500	2f6d9d22-f19c-4763-ba46-9f09e6b2a8f9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:51:59	992.338
-100	18276	1827600	6b06679c-4efb-4153-83be-c53f2b1df18c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:27:21	146.746
-100	36552	1827600	bf480da9-11ba-43f8-86ff-91064ab1d430	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:52:05	506.431
-101	18277	1827700	2a5ef86e-c444-4963-82b5-e11b06fdee4e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:29:30	479.200
-101	36554	1827700	636c9229-b6cc-4629-9db8-03a547c600f2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:24:43	391.706
-102	18278	1827800	b66fbdff-c644-4c99-a7c0-9ad86b3e0a47	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:46:21	276.778
-102	36556	1827800	b1c682ed-0309-4806-abc2-469593f1c759	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:47:15	221.171
-103	18279	1827900	813d71b3-0a87-457f-9fa1-735edf785e1c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:59:28	325.614
-103	36558	1827900	9e8e269b-61d7-406a-8c90-257993d4e565	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:10:06	-772.871
-104	18280	1828000	cba24895-5134-4b4c-8823-a3a9686fc3cb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:30:05	-825.664
-104	36560	1828000	ff742caf-36e7-4811-b9b9-3ce90d00d56c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:06:03	494.762
-105	18281	1828100	262bbae0-f317-47ba-beae-773535c12f1d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:14:41	-451.32
-105	36562	1828100	98b06562-7926-4953-84c4-bc4e1f165ab1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:33:49	574.936
-106	18282	1828200	5d0b30c8-847f-4c22-99b5-3e55d0677470	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:09:10	829.642
-106	36564	1828200	aed330ba-29b5-4b62-9116-2e58aa6271ae	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:18:15	120.779
-107	18283	1828300	0873e20e-3ed2-47e1-9193-5037d36f411b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:12:13	-695.47
-107	36566	1828300	799733e2-c976-48f5-bfa8-cd5dbbd30bae	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:08:54	-382.815
-108	18284	1828400	f5fcba37-483f-42c0-ae4e-961f3dd57a58	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:18:24	-686.26
-108	36568	1828400	4f2e93ca-39fa-4d39-b6ba-bd9fb63805d3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:26:38	253.94
-109	18285	1828500	1a809b65-e644-408c-84a4-7809af4797d4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:07:22	592.160
-109	36570	1828500	ce34b852-f925-4092-b1e1-824149eb0b7f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:25:48	784.511
-110	18286	1828600	f2627571-1e33-47ef-a6e5-a6337789fc7e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:12:01	-576.29
-110	36572	1828600	796d4c70-28ad-4345-ac85-c9d15534ad1f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:15:28	-572.451
-111	18287	1828700	a34e237d-a0be-4334-8bb1-69f0940cf219	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:35:57	-796.874
-111	36574	1828700	6b18567a-4ad8-424a-a577-61c040211652	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:00:12	-992.998
-112	18288	1828800	5a2e8ee3-a9bc-4e2e-848a-cb5c1db49ab8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:14:49	859.965
-112	36576	1828800	29420430-64d8-4868-8cf0-eccb8a25c832	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:44:21	829.452
-113	18289	1828900	57353a37-ee02-4d13-8145-ffc698702110	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:08:13	-684.810
-113	36578	1828900	c3ab7f38-5eb1-4341-8fb6-7ad3eb41f4ed	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:08:40	516.217
-114	18290	1829000	bdc5300d-f574-4917-863d-468594e299e7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:34:17	-3.124
-114	36580	1829000	b7369ac8-c246-4687-ac7b-6e95fab18dbe	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:13:18	-997.408
-115	18291	1829100	408c84e6-f763-4c93-9292-6a503168ad40	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:05:39	526.412
-115	36582	1829100	f3955b42-2f82-4544-931f-33868733a93b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:05:03	399.786
-116	18292	1829200	8f9e9073-c295-49d4-964b-835b4759652f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:19:30	-173.214
-116	36584	1829200	15d0a756-b343-4deb-be27-03431c23befe	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:08:30	-993.858
-117	18293	1829300	ff42f559-5fff-470c-a585-e62d1c54eb1b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:15:05	-347.884
-117	36586	1829300	072dbf36-5087-4bc2-9ee0-5be7b135ea2b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:51:24	649.327
-118	18294	1829400	0831d3b5-3f7a-48ed-8fe4-df53b923220a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:07:21	527.909
-118	36588	1829400	db64a709-094e-4ee4-808e-13caa26db98f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:45:05	779.722
-119	18295	1829500	bbafd74b-88e5-4a71-a3a2-e4cff8fe90ee	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:13:13	64.599
-119	36590	1829500	e5032d2d-20e7-4e6f-a302-869810ebc64f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:49:57	813.981
-120	18296	1829600	760eec24-dc49-4fa4-9833-cd1e61ba59bb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:00:51	-289.382
-120	36592	1829600	86c1018e-789a-4070-9b11-f612de99ec29	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:23:54	542.705
-121	18297	1829700	90f93a59-fd30-4ed9-a7ec-406bd0a84f47	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:35:32	17.455
-121	36594	1829700	dead185a-ab6c-4d46-8d18-dae2ba49186b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:40:54	290.849
-122	18298	1829800	a228ce2e-09b0-4a11-8e5f-518de3b73038	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:57:43	-96.967
-122	36596	1829800	b628dc3b-0c19-4c76-b1d5-3bb5b33c3e79	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:56:02	959.496
-123	18299	1829900	65b79bc5-5fbb-42d7-821c-01e5d1b5a730	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:28:35	457.831
-123	36598	1829900	46a7248a-9b84-4bf5-8f14-f7d1ed9319ae	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:11:43	549.894
-124	18300	1830000	813dc4d5-ef32-42f6-a2d8-0649a0b15433	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:24:54	-682.256
-124	36600	1830000	57af5fe9-d3c1-41e5-91a9-77411fdbbdab	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:50:31	-3.389
-125	18301	1830100	2aa9060f-3ffb-4e13-90b5-341491950525	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:12:09	-767.983
-125	36602	1830100	54cef8c6-4790-4871-bb19-ad033ac66b7d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:27:31	-223.289
-126	18302	1830200	08a37774-4c59-4223-b1eb-73060d4e98f1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:09:02	-719.379
-126	36604	1830200	054cfef6-08fe-4535-a9e8-119af4155291	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:17:21	-29.981
-127	18303	1830300	fcf02e85-26a9-47cb-83c6-0f96503c23a2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:49:15	-392.773
-127	36606	1830300	2ea4cc4c-a5e3-42a4-b644-30199db4f48e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:39:06	-438.482
-0	18304	1830400	fe2ed6cb-3bda-4702-8977-50f650bb65e2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:17:36	873.970
-0	36608	1830400	1bcc4c8f-0057-45e0-b352-6c20dba6adc3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:43:56	-435.125
-1	18305	1830500	655f11a2-1bf9-4ac9-9f14-498276e0eacf	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:18:33	187.195
-1	36610	1830500	c2b9c95a-3501-4959-b5c2-576c30cb5e7e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:25:02	366.187
-2	18306	1830600	804c3f1e-ef0b-4a91-be68-6537fe0c27c3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:54:22	-974.494
-2	36612	1830600	fdd118c9-4482-4ee3-af70-de284698bb7c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:37:18	548.863
-3	18307	1830700	39208b5d-5b76-4157-aac2-be09666e4a79	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:45:53	732.944
-3	36614	1830700	e9159b20-a10d-4857-a605-fea0a59f60ee	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:16:59	395.823
-4	18308	1830800	7661d116-1cef-4b52-950e-a465a26c3567	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:53:14	-797.642
-4	36616	1830800	223a30af-dc0e-42d2-8ae0-fd45373ed3d5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:27:51	-387.503
-5	18309	1830900	cfae85b6-b89f-445f-9c60-35877ba5974f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:00:46	-229.261
-5	36618	1830900	689d6a28-bd40-4f0d-8acb-033dca9343ca	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:46:27	688.293
-6	18310	1831000	465132ef-fce3-4887-91bb-2e90c7e3c700	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:27:38	475.332
-6	36620	1831000	5b593832-2244-4990-a889-a79f041ec767	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:15:35	-527.850
-7	18311	1831100	6503246e-6709-421f-ad88-1dc56a17c162	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:26:29	-427.238
-7	36622	1831100	d2d726c6-3788-4c0b-ae31-16a1f32dad80	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:09:36	-568.761
-8	18312	1831200	029530d2-ba3a-4b22-8b17-6be48268b7f6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:17:29	804.636
-8	36624	1831200	fefb6891-33c9-4760-b8a9-fba633c6e774	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:58:56	-752.623
-9	18313	1831300	e945310c-5cbe-4412-a4dd-314c8e88f796	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:14:26	-435.517
-9	36626	1831300	be4fabe2-71e2-4014-aa2a-fda98abab286	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:22:20	-321.959
-10	18314	1831400	d52de256-5025-45ce-a27a-f547b943c276	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:11:33	814.423
-10	36628	1831400	8e4e5e81-cbec-401f-bd22-d5f854e09117	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:11:09	-167.373
-11	18315	1831500	b04278d9-b328-4200-8b0b-f5040e66aed6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:51:54	994.495
-11	36630	1831500	6cbddece-f45e-4e6a-93cb-66dc398b5b9e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:41:51	691.918
-12	18316	1831600	03478923-3897-49bf-9173-568189de3b04	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:40:50	796.644
-12	36632	1831600	fd7addd8-412b-47e9-a2be-86f021124d10	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:54:22	-500.293
-13	18317	1831700	7da44e2a-c691-4a25-b9e4-6cbfbc20c698	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:18:47	214.328
-13	36634	1831700	72cc471f-9f90-4800-b8e0-7f8e023b9933	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:00:52	-354.502
-14	18318	1831800	ba12a61c-480f-4a03-9249-f6bfd42b1cfd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:49:51	713.472
-14	36636	1831800	2c3aac5a-525d-4fd7-ab9c-d63f5f40d5ac	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:04:07	-490.789
-15	18319	1831900	dfbba223-0171-4079-826d-59488195dd09	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:57:55	430.934
-15	36638	1831900	fb0f7100-aacc-4b5d-88bb-aadf5a9f2bcf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:26:44	-644.962
-16	18320	1832000	300168fc-8256-4183-95f1-7423fd8ff4cc	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:02:15	-52.462
-16	36640	1832000	a3824959-4a20-4555-81aa-1f171014a042	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:38:02	-304.269
-17	18321	1832100	82055254-a96d-4da8-9008-9cee65d08395	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:34:39	-119.264
-17	36642	1832100	6325e9fe-8c6e-4864-adff-795589344a2e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:43:44	96.749
-18	18322	1832200	ec36177a-c8b4-4cac-9e72-dc955d4d7ee2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:51:06	84.448
-18	36644	1832200	30975989-6084-423f-b748-7c938e64e9b7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:04:37	-609.475
-19	18323	1832300	04b40c5d-6253-4c44-b6e9-8f509907ca62	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:40:43	-748.501
-19	36646	1832300	3a22246d-918a-4a56-9f6f-84db61b7d237	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:50:46	626.529
-20	18324	1832400	f8d934b4-4cff-4dc2-878c-833422658b5b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:23:33	-371.772
-20	36648	1832400	7cce296e-f32c-491e-b7a7-377394f489cd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:21:58	586.373
-21	18325	1832500	708725e0-d50f-4492-9e7b-d922dac65753	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:22:22	268.377
-21	36650	1832500	be6c82fb-6a2f-4cac-9a70-78dfc6a20972	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:45:08	533.168
-22	18326	1832600	49b54127-543d-439f-a9e5-6de5f3f6f329	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:29:18	-551.412
-22	36652	1832600	d2387d7d-48ed-49d5-bce2-854657d6d720	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:27:00	-480.336
-23	18327	1832700	0c997dd6-8c09-460a-bcef-12eeacb8e08d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:09:42	-81.839
-23	36654	1832700	6cee7d32-39ad-4cb0-8d6a-c418841b04e1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:13:24	-887.243
-24	18328	1832800	6938438f-a761-4d03-b681-41edf6b9b374	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:21:18	129.996
-24	36656	1832800	1293544e-216a-4c32-b066-8aeeff93004e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:45:11	516.104
-25	18329	1832900	6b8c8236-202b-416d-9a18-144ac7a92bcb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:57:10	589.815
-25	36658	1832900	efb0d9be-c85e-4499-851b-2742f18eba42	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:46:34	-374.522
-26	18330	1833000	3b301d35-90c6-44a6-9ab8-3ebeb899246f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:08:42	650.917
-26	36660	1833000	5a10252d-9478-4d06-8a93-bfcac6bec5fc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:33:37	-525.56
-27	18331	1833100	cdad3247-b2ea-4aff-be70-3ea47c705aef	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:40:14	-896.636
-27	36662	1833100	18ffafc1-0928-4fa7-9b72-76873c9e115b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:43:21	243.186
-28	18332	1833200	898f7a0e-85d2-4947-8645-8b69b11311f7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:18:35	-773.647
-28	36664	1833200	b89b1b37-7e00-4185-ae81-1604431bf97a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:37:21	344.273
-29	18333	1833300	582493ea-e323-4aac-ae5a-1be92dd936d8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:29:10	135.491
-29	36666	1833300	3e2084d4-e52a-4f54-8afd-d788a3999ccb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:00:54	759.474
-30	18334	1833400	d61c81b6-a697-400b-9f9b-ccfffd647900	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:57:20	-841.504
-30	36668	1833400	732a0626-dbb9-42a7-ab58-8400beffa42b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:53:13	-628.126
-31	18335	1833500	06efddd1-9655-4d84-a28a-15842fbc085c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:07:51	-441.201
-31	36670	1833500	8d3707f6-733f-42ef-be24-2dfb4d91dfca	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:04:48	463.74
-32	18336	1833600	df11492c-c49c-43d4-bbce-55d035120713	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:27:17	-61.447
-32	36672	1833600	041475ea-64fb-4b00-b36b-6a5bc10c46be	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:19:37	558.539
-33	18337	1833700	173f2434-b400-4359-a738-f2a12b2d8bee	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:19:56	-105.110
-33	36674	1833700	eb3016a8-c075-4224-b9b3-9401de258e32	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:49:34	-615.741
-34	18338	1833800	72f2d256-3ec4-4fb9-a54e-734e2e75a9f8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:36:07	559.728
-34	36676	1833800	97f96347-52a2-4395-bf95-dcf48d2eea0f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:03:09	-768.231
-35	18339	1833900	30442fc3-4d5a-478d-b6d8-57c146eb2d22	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:25:02	387.707
-35	36678	1833900	27f2dd1f-8a82-4d90-9626-84b80d0797de	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:27:27	-955.306
-36	18340	1834000	93d8de27-d915-4662-b61f-f3725c558333	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:07:47	802.772
-36	36680	1834000	ffa1c3fe-8bc1-4775-a12c-9e03733c72f3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:38:06	-90.551
-37	18341	1834100	5cccd41c-e222-4df0-904c-5f9cfb359c8a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:21:45	425.154
-37	36682	1834100	2f991bb0-2a81-46ec-a3ab-00ce348e4ac4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:00:28	918.715
-38	18342	1834200	e5df2148-1257-45cd-bfd0-ee52c994a8d2	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:20:42	724.110
-38	36684	1834200	0017142b-9b68-4f3b-b7ee-eabb5e5bdacc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:57:15	579.981
-39	18343	1834300	dbf13f9a-aec8-4a44-9ab2-24bd7d6fd8b9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:18:05	7.202
-39	36686	1834300	34d70d57-3de3-4da0-b82f-4d382b335029	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:18:27	-546.245
-40	18344	1834400	b16fbfef-eb71-43ab-bf85-0785d76705ce	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:31:10	925.285
-40	36688	1834400	93780fba-a3b3-49bb-891b-bb7780f2c49a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:44:31	-341.741
-41	18345	1834500	8fb6a29d-8d94-4b89-a214-c4e2027dffc4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:16:51	615.363
-41	36690	1834500	0228b040-2c14-4f57-88b6-1fdb8a4b30fb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:19:41	-172.85
-42	18346	1834600	8a6d15c8-80a1-4058-8186-75578a84f628	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:52:45	-602.924
-42	36692	1834600	65c2b630-2fd6-4cc7-b3bd-4d4518362313	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:37:10	59.702
-43	18347	1834700	41d61dc8-7f64-4dfe-b134-273f2e364a8d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:54:17	-45.796
-43	36694	1834700	ad9eae36-9fc3-4e1d-ac12-3390ba02f8c7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:05:13	-779.491
-44	18348	1834800	4d5e97c4-df68-46f2-8474-383eaf5cf4bd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:27:36	-922.791
-44	36696	1834800	3623c7ba-b72f-46d5-a9c4-9712489e6ce8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:14:52	-145.47
-45	18349	1834900	e51ebeca-c077-46f4-bd4f-94e74a1044c1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:04:02	229.205
-45	36698	1834900	83385cfd-c51b-42f8-b38b-783266a16ab3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:33:28	-628.461
-46	18350	1835000	e38bd123-3abf-49dd-910c-dc99f8867668	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:03:27	-189.108
-46	36700	1835000	4e6d6863-a40d-4697-a130-e836481e6c6d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:05:40	775.208
-47	18351	1835100	afd9fd2f-19d8-432e-96fb-b1b34251faa2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:23:55	781.265
-47	36702	1835100	305b3edd-4a0e-4d0c-8364-63106d5b82bb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:34:26	479.978
-48	18352	1835200	b61b1537-f46c-453c-9dcb-06b22770d48a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:01:06	-666.864
-48	36704	1835200	64e5e5ce-ac71-4219-b60c-8bac09b228b6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:40:54	-543.50
-49	18353	1835300	b3ebb0fe-8f36-464a-888f-16f994521c0d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:26:24	-561.813
-49	36706	1835300	df178a3a-e9ef-4620-897b-e1eba22b12fa	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:04:04	-740.218
-50	18354	1835400	34eb3cd9-938f-4b18-90cc-a64f4af4e4b9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:59:57	-141.536
-50	36708	1835400	59acd213-4e40-4e2a-b517-4488f4b89956	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:03:37	-706.563
-51	18355	1835500	eace643a-ad63-4ba1-b694-94a84808a0d6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:42:52	-424.384
-51	36710	1835500	28d10939-7c29-471d-8e48-d11de0725b96	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:41:26	-781.768
-52	18356	1835600	e0ca828d-04f7-4c65-be43-1bd0bb0884ca	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:11:49	-358.72
-52	36712	1835600	dc15e1af-bb0b-4839-a757-eb1a32cdb7b7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:15:39	-141.826
-53	18357	1835700	3da3e746-5aa0-4736-8d1b-a6cb86121e22	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:08:57	-69.33
-53	36714	1835700	413008fb-e341-4b4e-88f3-dbca87aa6f5c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:29:29	123.923
-54	18358	1835800	5b902c63-c70b-412c-8d6e-69cb8ba74a15	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:24:54	-816.153
-54	36716	1835800	aa34ba9b-4afa-4ec1-a0df-ba7aba7fc819	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:08:21	-987.493
-55	18359	1835900	33554f6a-aa7b-4d2b-81b6-63d944708709	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:55:20	835.629
-55	36718	1835900	000a7ffd-f6c0-431b-8cd5-ea9c891099c6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:38:56	-821.87
-56	18360	1836000	9d23fba2-19f8-4652-8742-78cbeaac45cb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:08:09	-149.4
-56	36720	1836000	5e489d2c-a1f3-4503-a2b3-1e09b22fc28a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:54:02	-529.10
-57	18361	1836100	a07fef81-ba6f-42ae-b9f2-5caef6def54d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:36:27	-492.409
-57	36722	1836100	4ee37533-1108-4a65-8ecb-532a4bc91243	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:16:12	-145.742
-58	18362	1836200	84a9048e-b186-4bf5-b1ed-4552b15eaab0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:39:13	713.366
-58	36724	1836200	fba14ac0-ebcb-4633-94f3-b126f064573a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:59:16	-212.993
-59	18363	1836300	7b30a364-3df0-4486-b4eb-aac2930b6ab0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:37:57	671.848
-59	36726	1836300	d183a7bc-aeef-4c01-905b-8e94a8a2cf3c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:38:38	949.765
-60	18364	1836400	f2131f6a-c811-4d43-8215-73d869950515	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:23:48	-627.48
-60	36728	1836400	d61dde8d-066c-4877-8df4-d8340ab3ced3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:38:39	-941.343
-61	18365	1836500	610d4302-edf7-44bc-b2db-9be2c430aeda	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:55:53	-56.575
-61	36730	1836500	9100e1db-61f9-4483-8ed6-44930a59ba9f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:04:48	49.824
-62	18366	1836600	43327a1e-633e-4c58-84b7-831801092348	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:33:58	-837.554
-62	36732	1836600	54628cbb-fc16-4920-ba7c-c307f95d7520	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:30:17	375.851
-63	18367	1836700	934315a8-2452-47fd-a1bb-5232d4253798	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:16:27	-701.650
-63	36734	1836700	91c0076a-ea44-4562-924c-94f5e945be10	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:54:53	-61.453
-64	18368	1836800	33288e2a-10ec-48f3-8a9a-68b001cf3665	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:47:43	729.424
-64	36736	1836800	adb3a864-9034-4c83-af6d-99cdd7bb5643	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:37:50	-561.636
-65	18369	1836900	b2712bec-e155-4b33-8133-0b6370e45747	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:19:54	105.997
-65	36738	1836900	073abba1-9960-4529-94bb-e0dff9130185	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:50:44	-974.566
-66	18370	1837000	500a19e9-b6e2-4709-883f-ddd3c8803709	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:08:36	-470.129
-66	36740	1837000	e5ba3d4c-27ec-4573-b741-e9c3158f58f2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:52:26	219.83
-67	18371	1837100	b66a71da-f791-458e-a1c8-0f4a535489a0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:05:49	-493.510
-67	36742	1837100	bfe6a739-5bde-4beb-b4df-2c3a3174977e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:24:49	-570.528
-68	18372	1837200	e4f487cb-f053-49ab-9c55-d910282f5531	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:52:44	-856.272
-68	36744	1837200	9020c240-1670-44e2-8c59-079a50e71b67	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:17:36	654.850
-69	18373	1837300	c35b8298-b792-46c5-96c9-338f5f2e1603	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:48:21	-903.220
-69	36746	1837300	9b3f5264-69c8-419a-bcac-ebd9f647ab82	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:57:55	-733.282
-70	18374	1837400	3e824807-2b11-4e0a-b402-8b2db29c2460	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:13:55	-461.290
-70	36748	1837400	f40df7ca-ff51-4007-bd46-62ef2be0b976	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:08:28	-534.819
-71	18375	1837500	4939f52a-bc18-43d0-9401-ef868f3e314e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:25:40	421.295
-71	36750	1837500	21702b8a-e410-45f8-8eea-e5f90359bb5c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:13:27	-947.530
-72	18376	1837600	85cfbe87-fe9a-4a89-a20e-6af8dfbe90cd	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:45:16	542.369
-72	36752	1837600	d27996d9-2606-4dc1-adcd-0b26a866c389	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:36:27	-495.138
-73	18377	1837700	93c46492-31af-4edf-bc3f-af483e9bb22a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:17:33	587.809
-73	36754	1837700	b6595c47-992b-4d42-9e73-dd2d857fab1b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:55:14	-255.108
-74	18378	1837800	efae2fe4-cf16-4803-a838-bdec1ca8fcce	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:19:12	131.433
-74	36756	1837800	294c4197-4c23-441b-9a95-9c5b4c8b3543	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:36:33	696.14
-75	18379	1837900	ac4269b4-6d76-4ec6-a7b5-d109dba591a3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:28:22	-69.843
-75	36758	1837900	0fd1242e-ee1c-4644-88e2-3dddc8a75ec1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:49:04	901.899
-76	18380	1838000	acac3e4a-fe7a-4edf-b5b6-417e66585bfc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:17:40	522.12
-76	36760	1838000	40f3d7e2-0f44-40c8-b1b0-187743bc2d3c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:03:40	-440.795
-77	18381	1838100	c39c510b-6701-48ff-96ec-1728a2de4438	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:54:19	307.351
-77	36762	1838100	a99608d5-3161-4a55-9e79-ae7b146be7cd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:51:02	104.186
-78	18382	1838200	98c06580-e82e-4eee-85c3-ad27b14e5ef9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:56:20	-953.662
-78	36764	1838200	15ac5179-fa84-4380-986a-127ca3f96edf	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:37:06	916.668
-79	18383	1838300	4a1627b5-c757-487e-b472-37a238271dd3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:34:20	-276.871
-79	36766	1838300	1cafc444-147b-48bf-bb54-1f99ca040922	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:29:00	981.595
-80	18384	1838400	585dad4c-0ec1-42a0-b537-538cf1b4ecc5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:57:09	579.356
-80	36768	1838400	489392ec-61de-4db8-9c08-445e60d14f49	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:04:08	930.641
-81	18385	1838500	2b641e34-3bc8-4077-967e-725affd07dee	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:55:10	-176.801
-81	36770	1838500	d9ce22b8-54c4-47be-897a-bd4d8a776992	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:13:19	821.930
-82	18386	1838600	fc8362b6-2e36-45fc-bc62-58cabff6db9f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:39:10	880.520
-82	36772	1838600	deb162cd-0c09-4580-8e94-fd3946fd84a2	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:19:42	-959.68
-83	18387	1838700	49c0e7b5-86d0-4b72-b5d8-b6643600157b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:49:41	-868.783
-83	36774	1838700	6c1578f4-08e0-4ccf-bd52-fe288c8d15a4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:12:54	201.33
-84	18388	1838800	87950eb9-cb80-4873-80c1-78a977f3a4e0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:57:19	-104.872
-84	36776	1838800	5ce29df6-e3aa-4cd2-800e-9446ecb6ffcd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:36:01	-101.983
-85	18389	1838900	90f5d591-39ce-4f68-97f7-3f06c1500e7d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:01:57	-140.868
-85	36778	1838900	6e6fe02e-82aa-4d4c-9b02-75ff96389eaf	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:13:34	564.99
-86	18390	1839000	96847ecb-2589-4725-a727-afb926c859dc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:45:34	961.151
-86	36780	1839000	e2307e22-420f-408f-b419-d10c6b0a5ce0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:41:29	218.598
-87	18391	1839100	41e8635b-0ad6-4517-bbca-a5dd8e174aeb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:32:26	749.257
-87	36782	1839100	151fdeb1-666f-4f22-bb15-073b8e25062f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:45:24	-494.318
-88	18392	1839200	4014c7d9-a515-4ed1-b926-a3d6eb1f841a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:30:20	244.639
-88	36784	1839200	14a14505-2e25-40e7-8c53-a249f3dcc20c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:36:38	-157.258
-89	18393	1839300	e820da88-ef5f-4f17-8e50-c8132f8303f6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:50:44	-107.886
-89	36786	1839300	0d4f0e1b-11ed-4e1d-9617-a3909d182750	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:19:46	-275.703
-90	18394	1839400	aa09bee5-f0a2-4c97-998b-9daa32442976	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:45:38	-405.503
-90	36788	1839400	82ba87b1-afc8-493c-b335-28f70a0150ce	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:27:33	-648.586
-91	18395	1839500	f853463d-d626-4537-9155-afbff2ef6157	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:50:13	364.248
-91	36790	1839500	309395e1-301e-4a64-99ee-9394b6ce49f2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:29:04	-699.446
-92	18396	1839600	0d010923-be3c-4bb4-82bf-b66d50dbd8e4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:29:10	528.352
-92	36792	1839600	37bc3e63-c532-4926-a91a-c4d460e931a9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:35:29	-706.275
-93	18397	1839700	745b0690-9f05-448a-bcd3-68901d4593ef	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:43:16	803.196
-93	36794	1839700	5649a9a9-3060-401c-97a4-84a8ebe8bd29	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:03:31	132.261
-94	18398	1839800	028e88cd-faff-41fa-b0ee-9ae734c5081e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:38:09	777.749
-94	36796	1839800	41118d9f-c790-467b-b530-b4407f275ac1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:47:54	796.984
-95	18399	1839900	8bb45b2d-fe5c-4c8d-8afb-8e94bf5d55c6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:48:41	-957.471
-95	36798	1839900	e9dd42a4-451f-4b8a-ac8a-f1ce19f6a4d9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:23:12	-292.667
-96	18400	1840000	caf7b861-8ebd-474f-9b75-0149b41b5cd4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:22:42	-836.367
-96	36800	1840000	f9b2b1b1-0a82-4617-96af-cecdfbe807e1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:00:25	545.356
-97	18401	1840100	b00afe82-6c95-48a9-b862-ae833a4c41ec	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:04:00	645.650
-97	36802	1840100	24d19e18-1fec-4c43-b6ef-81ac2b12b8ba	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:02:36	-417.202
-98	18402	1840200	ee78bf54-2d17-4e2b-bad8-66156d9f40e0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:02:55	92.535
-98	36804	1840200	9356fb8a-ac90-4520-a72c-3d813eb8a93f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:34:01	-820.536
-99	18403	1840300	0f8cab0a-0d2f-46e7-b02a-16512b42ec03	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:45:17	903.171
-99	36806	1840300	94eb5db4-cdfb-4c2f-a4c0-02ce20a63d9c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:40:23	-691.810
-100	18404	1840400	f3a63170-8384-42f4-be8a-0c241f3e1f64	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:53:55	-511.408
-100	36808	1840400	033af3f4-3932-42f7-be66-8bd4a7affee1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:43:55	768.437
-101	18405	1840500	8c416ff1-bbe1-4aab-bcc5-dc253ae26cce	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:14:56	519.753
-101	36810	1840500	d51e9aad-539e-4f54-8d56-ea7b0242636c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:32:46	55.553
-102	18406	1840600	01486826-a85f-4bb5-b12a-a8a1e02f72df	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:07:33	-991.649
-102	36812	1840600	1b767553-6602-4dc4-9214-d3ae5442b9fe	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:03:09	-172.448
-103	18407	1840700	455e04ee-e627-45ab-a371-b8d65832466d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:04:55	367.456
-103	36814	1840700	331c3759-756d-41e2-80b3-1b1b130eed26	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:24:07	795.250
-104	18408	1840800	a9c108b9-a979-4b12-9fe9-c360ed730bd4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:36:04	357.696
-104	36816	1840800	8ce308b3-3a7d-447d-889a-091806fea6d5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:21:36	-245.100
-105	18409	1840900	c2790585-f028-4364-8ed2-8d1fb9209308	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:29:33	130.992
-105	36818	1840900	4c62e9d9-0faf-4dc8-b0e9-438f2c9cdb5c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:44:45	419.634
-106	18410	1841000	21f03565-9c35-4ee9-a047-e47f6a978bf3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:15:17	-766.943
-106	36820	1841000	689fffcc-093c-44b9-9405-5fbaf851db64	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:15:19	234.795
-107	18411	1841100	c7d17c55-6391-4bd9-868b-fc244fe4c4d0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:42:59	-623.202
-107	36822	1841100	b052480d-dfd8-4c5a-92d4-b32c28900477	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:48:18	-842.490
-108	18412	1841200	21b24b22-f579-4d1c-aac3-55a27f38dcfc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:52:54	154.27
-108	36824	1841200	6cd23fa1-f640-4ca9-aa29-9282f2393f88	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:13:59	335.407
-109	18413	1841300	568c951c-d0da-4704-a4eb-4e562e4ca7f3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:19:40	-582.435
-109	36826	1841300	b9ed76ed-e975-4958-b652-e4f8e8371051	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:32:40	-556.129
-110	18414	1841400	e9112c7d-915c-4242-a6e9-930df7d6095b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:44:30	552.892
-110	36828	1841400	ea788913-8844-49f1-83c5-ec110beb5157	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:29:43	163.666
-111	18415	1841500	81306285-6dba-4f60-b66d-0ecf40657a38	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:18:16	-498.935
-111	36830	1841500	444d0ddc-694b-4af9-a691-c135fb808e5b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:59:20	420.323
-112	18416	1841600	58097ee2-2653-4429-ace2-b8a91b1f99bb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:16:08	-195.574
-112	36832	1841600	f062a13e-cd0c-4292-8a07-67cb4fd29b0d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:15:38	449.637
-113	18417	1841700	9b836e3f-d154-4297-bbd0-706cc98df502	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:42:46	738.223
-113	36834	1841700	383a5da5-47df-4f07-ae19-6608984062c5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:03:16	717.159
-114	18418	1841800	544e56ca-996e-43cf-9416-b5a5a7c13c91	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:24:48	764.669
-114	36836	1841800	5f95e542-5990-4fa7-a611-7355ef9a7eb8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:24:41	-743.795
-115	18419	1841900	f513727d-9bc7-4b36-8766-c1a8292a8a0a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:20:25	925.155
-115	36838	1841900	2e4f1ef1-60a9-4860-97ba-6e9d533cf62e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:54:17	224.663
-116	18420	1842000	507c6fd4-b015-4b79-9560-cc8f62e6fd6b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:38:40	-804.581
-116	36840	1842000	d2dc44a4-6055-4913-b871-1dfed16b645e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:25:19	-86.469
-117	18421	1842100	7ea0c737-d578-4ac5-aab1-5f2a0fba2817	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:06:43	943.573
-117	36842	1842100	b5a1cc7a-7d43-46f7-b2c1-f2549b07b040	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:54:36	875.846
-118	18422	1842200	0a4998fe-8b89-45a1-9c72-91c9f613f130	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:01:21	628.235
-118	36844	1842200	464a48de-ac53-4e81-8e87-595558422682	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:05:27	-151.705
-119	18423	1842300	30db8eb7-f671-48e9-9c31-661e72b55158	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:43:11	654.273
-119	36846	1842300	f1c7e894-e4f4-4088-9877-910920c2fc84	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:26:10	80.523
-120	18424	1842400	bf129b45-3a43-404d-872c-f3ea5ff64977	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:39:15	733.393
-120	36848	1842400	638b42ce-0028-44a4-afb7-fb099f80c9b1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:36:55	-61.324
-121	18425	1842500	2a5b695c-29bf-4cbd-a02d-d0171c1ab256	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:38:18	796.818
-121	36850	1842500	4e9f6594-10ed-4409-a6fa-bcb849e198a9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:07:30	-642.315
-122	18426	1842600	ce4a8077-de2b-46a9-a97d-4fc2b109490e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:21:04	-215.463
-122	36852	1842600	3e2ac43f-e147-4f5f-8bc4-137c7940dfa6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:03:01	315.490
-123	18427	1842700	9474fd63-3bfa-4ea3-b4ad-2063ebe629d9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:57:30	-875.640
-123	36854	1842700	c229c19c-cb8c-4f52-97ba-8802e276906f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:19:16	-935.417
-124	18428	1842800	3fb223d3-6e17-4a77-9b6a-9d62593ea8a2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:03:07	663.959
-124	36856	1842800	59d6b3f4-5c72-421d-8dfb-3d811f1acdd0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:03:24	-452.778
-125	18429	1842900	c6938a63-f1d2-4108-844a-8dc8136fd811	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:12:26	-579.887
-125	36858	1842900	4323028c-5bd5-4fe5-ac2f-e8ce8f26dc4a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:33:12	355.192
-126	18430	1843000	aceda710-e81a-4d86-b761-0eebdf67e93d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:18:50	-636.852
-126	36860	1843000	52ce2c75-e3a1-461c-8f31-8c7cf403be06	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:09:22	610.153
-127	18431	1843100	b98255cc-d28b-4360-96ea-b6c979fb319d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:33:15	617.931
-127	36862	1843100	eb5fe406-ef81-46e4-b0cf-b2655e63e846	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:20:54	-344.522
-0	18432	1843200	da1ef2ef-db6d-4672-a7d6-498eef89fe58	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:59:55	-896.711
-0	36864	1843200	a58d7fdb-c55a-4dcb-abb0-103bd2f665ae	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:56:09	-144.263
-1	18433	1843300	f60fcf95-f692-4dbf-8978-61cf7762a668	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:14:26	-731.574
-1	36866	1843300	9395eb21-60de-47f3-b4e2-a1b486fe9c05	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:49:23	-701.40
-2	18434	1843400	e232eb8c-3a9e-4156-8699-30b18949b1a8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:58:02	-204.117
-2	36868	1843400	6bbc32b5-243b-472a-9a7a-56e3764d41a4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:41:48	-301.323
-3	18435	1843500	3b22f32d-5bf4-4718-9c37-53c10efe38c3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:59:50	595.964
-3	36870	1843500	543684ec-827a-44cf-8508-ac484ef9a296	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:44:20	520.787
-4	18436	1843600	bc1d3f80-3295-40a9-8430-bb85366bedd8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:31:50	-272.851
-4	36872	1843600	8cd246e7-5464-4288-a2d1-79b796c35419	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:56:43	-353.290
-5	18437	1843700	cb1f2e0d-ebea-4b65-96db-bdabacfa04b9	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:44:58	-557.990
-5	36874	1843700	e24170e1-8044-4bd8-ac59-5adf23ba60e2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:57:57	-613.200
-6	18438	1843800	8fdb4c83-ddd8-494b-91b9-13af3683cd62	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:03:28	-586.58
-6	36876	1843800	1051fd49-5c05-4620-b24b-3f58692072c5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:36:05	555.962
-7	18439	1843900	7faac7e2-ec7b-46f4-809f-798ad51d6e33	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:10:25	698.819
-7	36878	1843900	feb080fe-75c5-477f-8563-819d3a5d2590	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:07:04	-527.555
-8	18440	1844000	21e830a9-4b25-4e2b-9d89-97298fec7ffb	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:01:01	917.422
-8	36880	1844000	6015de39-9988-4166-9ab6-22aae38c1592	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:59:49	-606.629
-9	18441	1844100	7c9938b1-7240-4e19-aa7c-7a4312137658	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:01:39	809.789
-9	36882	1844100	cd917a0f-6597-4d5a-9b78-df5b6957b8ce	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:04:42	393.212
-10	18442	1844200	a635298a-5181-432a-aa66-bd7f05f71f20	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:43:48	-161.310
-10	36884	1844200	78466068-a476-4c62-b8c8-5cd042f37578	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:15:04	-274.934
-11	18443	1844300	61440553-ed72-480e-8cad-3023c057788f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:33:55	-910.554
-11	36886	1844300	6a428f6a-fb28-4799-b713-bc39f4944fdf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:11:15	-215.964
-12	18444	1844400	a4c79b2a-b09e-4b1a-ae74-8e5ca3935ba9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:45:47	119.927
-12	36888	1844400	fa1c5a65-d64d-4925-8d2f-e71e01191fdc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:18:40	-936.791
-13	18445	1844500	ba2d87c8-bfc1-4214-81bd-d65aed8c0a21	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:44:09	268.504
-13	36890	1844500	30d905bf-f815-4b7b-9451-3b013e709d49	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:46:05	760.537
-14	18446	1844600	59501a2d-ab40-4cb5-8d7e-3921f67b80c3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:52:43	885.860
-14	36892	1844600	cdf7fcc3-9035-4e72-98f4-71de4e118b65	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:50:23	905.148
-15	18447	1844700	e7238f6c-9a1e-4b18-9daa-ac2246da352b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:47:00	369.730
-15	36894	1844700	1a57f63f-17d4-47e7-85c7-17da9778e0b5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:30:47	-11.514
-16	18448	1844800	da6cd8ae-e638-417a-b703-6e883cbdf328	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:00:05	-61.811
-16	36896	1844800	9de55daa-ac05-4176-9784-926e67cabab4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:16:00	985.322
-17	18449	1844900	c5321c94-8b3d-49ea-be27-249e50592dbb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:49:23	194.23
-17	36898	1844900	503684c2-65b5-4b12-bf9f-18b81c759694	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:26:00	-66.186
-18	18450	1845000	33c706a7-3d90-4ea1-a9a8-b36cecdbde34	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:39:04	246.545
-18	36900	1845000	a2c1470d-d98a-49d2-830a-9bc53dcd7a15	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:18:27	-314.997
-19	18451	1845100	ac46686f-d6f9-42f0-89f5-5a31a30425cc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:23:16	-889.176
-19	36902	1845100	e0dccb01-3b88-4047-9e68-cb1928159c22	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:02:03	803.510
-20	18452	1845200	2073836a-f2a6-46f8-ad62-ce47d39d5626	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:15:31	910.765
-20	36904	1845200	0f46d76b-b8a4-4476-b571-3473d304fe72	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:01:40	705.777
-21	18453	1845300	4d11ae49-b8c5-4379-ac2c-4c1a2edddf61	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:34:53	-444.589
-21	36906	1845300	82a00b02-b59a-4160-97f3-ecf365bb45d0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:08:41	-796.360
-22	18454	1845400	0daed4fa-dfbb-449b-bc73-113f4af2f9c2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:44:37	188.51
-22	36908	1845400	9040b4cd-5a6f-4ebf-9019-4418df06b02f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:05:57	-412.28
-23	18455	1845500	4be8a0d2-b6b1-40ec-9677-9bf10d013ba5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:21:30	904.183
-23	36910	1845500	90c1b8e3-0381-4339-a90f-7327b0e722a1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:30:09	-991.555
-24	18456	1845600	f588c806-7ddb-4ad8-81b8-ae38853a1856	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:10:39	306.11
-24	36912	1845600	19bed333-3d6a-4ef8-99a9-a30796dab188	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:46:55	-503.907
-25	18457	1845700	9afc5a96-1efb-4d32-aeec-70ee8ca1d2b0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:42:21	-798.263
-25	36914	1845700	5da14bf8-3abd-4677-a704-6cad942a852c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:36:59	-630.228
-26	18458	1845800	d4dbf5f6-2070-43d8-b3b4-04588d58ea2b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:42:38	-924.860
-26	36916	1845800	4567ea11-3910-40d1-9404-1ad70258da5b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:45:48	-267.314
-27	18459	1845900	40cd39bb-7671-41df-b6a8-d529f18276c4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:10:16	-437.749
-27	36918	1845900	4653b18f-38f1-4ee5-a4fd-974cbc8ca4b3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:26:30	482.82
-28	18460	1846000	5c580067-d8cc-4d42-8684-0aebd14c6a45	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:06:20	417.619
-28	36920	1846000	355cd7bf-30ca-4bea-a586-998a81450f8c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:17:01	-99.518
-29	18461	1846100	bc90ae90-0692-4b1f-bd2b-654a7300a850	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:52:04	-128.270
-29	36922	1846100	f74a89a3-71f4-4e2a-ac8a-66f787b70507	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:18:48	-809.147
-30	18462	1846200	332add66-33d8-4106-915d-77c0e703af30	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:21:06	-109.153
-30	36924	1846200	a02bc682-2f30-479d-af0c-038e4c473819	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:46:55	-147.403
-31	18463	1846300	1802700a-5f4f-4a73-93c2-a444c5e53507	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:37:47	-424.286
-31	36926	1846300	9e97ef4f-e732-44eb-9808-380889dc5e6c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:31:23	-31.356
-32	18464	1846400	7201d787-379c-4b6e-80cc-01e69a80fcfe	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:15:09	-80.552
-32	36928	1846400	997a4710-7f34-4bd7-8379-7de64aa13979	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:21:11	-615.803
-33	18465	1846500	51c23e13-c0fc-4b68-b39d-96d62c20b33b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:06:07	970.686
-33	36930	1846500	a31b807a-50e0-453c-9ff2-3b050b3de919	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:42:11	925.991
-34	18466	1846600	00fa211d-7260-4fd9-9ece-2eb88998e876	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:32:58	736.672
-34	36932	1846600	85050ac1-daef-4157-bf07-31eb4562aeb2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:14:07	609.628
-35	18467	1846700	20f28f90-02a0-4df6-80a4-ef8eb1153961	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:34:27	-255.398
-35	36934	1846700	78d62113-36dd-4759-9ced-1722183a9cbf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:13:58	202.797
-36	18468	1846800	5d559596-b10e-4236-b998-2d7ea78e3df2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:09:32	-121.738
-36	36936	1846800	eb11eddf-8ea2-4d61-88ca-6e948abf904e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:23:03	-551.357
-37	18469	1846900	1dba0011-a6cf-4a2f-928c-848fd8848462	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:08:02	245.444
-37	36938	1846900	248a3850-6f70-4475-a3e6-c241009ddcd3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:18:44	-428.402
-38	18470	1847000	18dee741-4d0d-4751-bb07-99a008153b86	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:39:57	-657.91
-38	36940	1847000	1b50c392-f978-4522-aeb4-7c1a95c458ec	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:36:07	-167.157
-39	18471	1847100	bb1477bc-89f9-4c74-894e-76b0c4c0f465	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:15:22	460.995
-39	36942	1847100	8481d70e-752a-42eb-8dbd-8a319ae3b4e4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:28:53	149.823
-40	18472	1847200	af12c006-6e66-4826-a9b9-2d4ea33888f8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:58:59	235.103
-40	36944	1847200	3b4852bf-bc3e-415b-889d-b90839f9496b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:16:46	138.992
-41	18473	1847300	44e6d47c-3bd4-4758-9ba9-3ccd815cb1e2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:23:25	-536.33
-41	36946	1847300	7bc4c04e-b3a5-4231-8fd3-1221792c6a8f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:06:49	532.868
-42	18474	1847400	6d5cc5be-956f-4be3-a561-94938b92bb31	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:46:53	-981.571
-42	36948	1847400	3a5f59bc-17ee-41c3-be50-3d1dd023f38b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:26:16	936.880
-43	18475	1847500	37e0256c-081c-4233-a66c-0779df18ef02	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:37:38	-148.526
-43	36950	1847500	30ddf376-b67c-463d-acb3-1517b1b1a7fd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:00:24	505.974
-44	18476	1847600	26de41a9-1068-4e09-8981-41a2d0fcb090	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:08:55	-196.355
-44	36952	1847600	a0839fae-aaf8-432c-ad23-4e31b99fe9ef	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:05:50	180.350
-45	18477	1847700	5b8a43e2-32ea-4f5c-ad15-ece7a5ba2244	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:43:59	-835.617
-45	36954	1847700	c800dbb2-d660-45e5-810c-a976f557b292	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:21:51	-460.470
-46	18478	1847800	f3203462-3a24-49ed-82d5-5981f65ef705	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:12:11	-11.264
-46	36956	1847800	8bfec3d5-a1ca-4705-8366-5fe60a19df88	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:55:52	297.595
-47	18479	1847900	ddc88929-c9f7-4d00-b42d-e4e25b60ba96	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:43:07	-778.477
-47	36958	1847900	b4c6282e-5f5f-4538-9eec-be757879039c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:03:36	995.525
-48	18480	1848000	b462ff99-3caf-41eb-8e75-a8afaf394015	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:41:41	901.655
-48	36960	1848000	e103bce6-cce5-4087-9c82-a59484763929	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:32:26	901.948
-49	18481	1848100	650a8333-09be-4f0c-8a2d-853e77e1fe72	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:16:11	-929.84
-49	36962	1848100	b09e014b-c6ab-4c89-b7f4-189448447807	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:23:15	-103.838
-50	18482	1848200	cddc55e4-d513-46e0-a819-3d0831b00998	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:56:44	-304.74
-50	36964	1848200	8920291c-927b-4f76-931c-846af81bb360	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:54:37	-517.991
-51	18483	1848300	3ddf6750-3ff8-4b31-bcd6-5a982b015c74	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:54:02	479.173
-51	36966	1848300	30e56791-c218-4f38-80fe-35c101a65116	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:31:17	-876.595
-52	18484	1848400	b2ef4f04-d06e-436e-a45e-0d07a0393896	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:40:05	49.643
-52	36968	1848400	ccde5d83-cc02-45ef-be1c-335018b60645	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:26:02	-180.728
-53	18485	1848500	70437ea3-e68d-4923-a76f-d475b63bd8a5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:44:50	798.894
-53	36970	1848500	5955abcd-ab2d-4900-8daf-7b21540585c7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:10:24	-603.992
-54	18486	1848600	617e3117-e94e-4ce3-9f17-27d267c13d51	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:18:47	-433.783
-54	36972	1848600	f7dca115-f56d-4900-96cf-b74b12723d3e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:44:08	-66.254
-55	18487	1848700	61ef3b9c-6a7e-4ee8-9421-67cf85b97980	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:19:47	146.777
-55	36974	1848700	4510a673-9717-4301-8541-5099be59f713	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:49:08	38.356
-56	18488	1848800	de5f327a-a0e6-4e96-a17b-4664b9a5805e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:55:25	372.252
-56	36976	1848800	bc8e2da9-0de3-4b6b-b1a0-102d252048af	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:31:43	-441.471
-57	18489	1848900	0cde3350-b270-42ed-9436-fe9c532fb724	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:04:21	855.97
-57	36978	1848900	6518dbeb-eae4-4c26-ac0e-aa13f9fa6de5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:32:09	576.38
-58	18490	1849000	1d76517f-52da-4cca-a1bd-141e43ffc8ce	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:50:06	136.577
-58	36980	1849000	e445d8e2-426e-4eb7-b008-e08c00acc2e9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:40:20	-841.172
-59	18491	1849100	b1ac112e-675d-4c5b-8e36-c787a6e4a7e8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:48:19	528.420
-59	36982	1849100	97267156-a386-4ab3-b610-4336acf60fd5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:28:32	848.766
-60	18492	1849200	9121cf39-5336-4c4f-a1d4-9197f98c5d67	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:03:29	134.934
-60	36984	1849200	4ec4698a-2de1-4b80-b7a0-2d298686953e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:25:58	719.508
-61	18493	1849300	1ba082e9-5cc8-4b3f-a8b9-2425035c1af6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:19:06	-65.386
-61	36986	1849300	9bf9c3ce-76cc-415a-b473-7c92d9ea6a0b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:31:02	186.430
-62	18494	1849400	9a1df981-1035-406c-839e-1f748cfc5aa1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:05:45	322.329
-62	36988	1849400	492b283c-969f-45ab-adf0-cccaed17691d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:04:22	-412.26
-63	18495	1849500	9502b46e-da4b-4c0d-aa68-81a126494407	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:24:19	-516.131
-63	36990	1849500	85e12a3a-a4c0-4316-a04a-4527c191fcf2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:50:54	151.101
-64	18496	1849600	128c617f-f71c-4137-be1f-62872916770f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:18:29	-270.729
-64	36992	1849600	5e78f80e-f1dc-4740-ac74-88398a72e4da	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:07:36	-963.319
-65	18497	1849700	9302d587-6314-4319-b93b-82124c85b212	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:02:36	252.127
-65	36994	1849700	bd7314c3-3c99-4ee1-bd3d-4aa59454551f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:17:43	461.981
-66	18498	1849800	a56ff093-adb4-4cff-8547-861a30b59aa8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:55:51	682.382
-66	36996	1849800	e44056c6-2df0-439b-8cb2-9fea366e4785	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:08:11	116.195
-67	18499	1849900	69dc09e4-d683-444b-b95f-573587169d4e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:54:01	897.572
-67	36998	1849900	d3ee9ce6-8fba-45d4-90e7-2d8636022c00	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:39:22	378.457
-68	18500	1850000	e3be61a9-682c-43a6-ac69-3e0c07c9186c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:32:11	638.307
-68	37000	1850000	98026adb-07c1-44cd-bbf2-346faeaf05d2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:16:17	538.405
-69	18501	1850100	f7969810-5631-424a-b9c6-6b62bf9000e4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:26:30	-49.28
-69	37002	1850100	a8ef66b3-ef99-4d4a-a43b-11ad983c095a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:58:23	-752.511
-70	18502	1850200	3b35b457-ce10-4ee1-9bbb-9b1fb5829067	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:18:11	197.586
-70	37004	1850200	d0947b88-9ff6-4b5b-b459-49e2fe155105	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:52:54	-283.381
-71	18503	1850300	27cfb434-cd9c-4fd1-84af-bb26af5f74c5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:28:31	15.52
-71	37006	1850300	1db434bd-27f1-477b-986a-c8c9a90f7cbc	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:33:52	597.583
-72	18504	1850400	f54a90a4-4914-4f2c-8051-b9511021d9c1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:53:00	-593.406
-72	37008	1850400	a524a0c1-b875-4b6c-93a0-f723559ad7e3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:12:44	90.169
-73	18505	1850500	ce516094-896e-4300-865d-6ac66bb975d3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:04:50	-494.800
-73	37010	1850500	fb4642b3-9755-4840-9675-466556803470	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:09:19	-303.963
-74	18506	1850600	1f36b8c0-6d6a-406d-a1c0-6f917b61e970	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:59:39	423.325
-74	37012	1850600	1eb5e030-e44f-4520-80cf-91a2fe7ffde1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:00:03	644.122
-75	18507	1850700	68f541b1-b8f5-4418-a1e1-80ec12cee58d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:39:37	-307.916
-75	37014	1850700	5091640b-cbc7-4b00-8925-bd1f31d06440	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:00:28	213.401
-76	18508	1850800	bd318962-8f42-46c3-93e7-a417ee05c9e5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:50:30	704.367
-76	37016	1850800	6747e834-a115-4347-a177-ab67f8eb7d2d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:29:31	-126.865
-77	18509	1850900	702c7897-3abb-4c32-9723-3e945cc49c51	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:00:38	-989.383
-77	37018	1850900	15cf969f-cc6f-4d1c-b1df-43179dbd55bb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:09:59	102.834
-78	18510	1851000	ac01b658-231c-4274-b13b-204f8830e393	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:23:57	352.848
-78	37020	1851000	63b36e2a-0aab-4642-a93e-1dc5e82a9fe7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:42:57	42.978
-79	18511	1851100	2a2e6051-67c5-4389-8980-94c647db002b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:13:23	663.556
-79	37022	1851100	ede4304d-7d98-4d65-8427-ffef150e99c8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:36:44	-628.119
-80	18512	1851200	426d0473-3adb-4a40-9a60-d1a3906e7db4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:52:33	-922.760
-80	37024	1851200	55295c35-0af7-4435-9d43-11ee430afe6c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:13:26	-343.700
-81	18513	1851300	0a6a5327-6dba-4161-80f0-68d8588c0f55	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:47:51	-103.941
-81	37026	1851300	95ce20a6-a50a-4c1b-91c8-2745eb42e9fa	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:08:14	-467.312
-82	18514	1851400	f46eae42-ded6-4494-b635-3e6b26cae51e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:38:52	-179.571
-82	37028	1851400	71a4b60a-7611-44c2-bcbe-041270b910be	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:56:25	97.384
-83	18515	1851500	73dd9046-4e4b-4d9e-a403-02d5fc6f30f4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:12:26	962.507
-83	37030	1851500	2b5a4837-bd9b-4d72-9811-6bf4bc43b200	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:18:16	-372.759
-84	18516	1851600	c563c328-f9c3-4f83-bfac-a913f103c2a0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:20:59	-729.527
-84	37032	1851600	40a2576a-5bc1-4ba0-85b0-c0ad947c29a0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:22:21	-407.940
-85	18517	1851700	49a374c1-034e-410b-ba55-951801ba879b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:45:36	229.357
-85	37034	1851700	1da05159-a4cf-4b7c-881f-90c2e8215d39	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:51:46	184.852
-86	18518	1851800	0e2ff046-0b39-4172-8cb1-0ba025d7bcca	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:14:15	-653.646
-86	37036	1851800	75a7778b-03c0-4146-b3d7-16a1cb50977b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:43:36	940.68
-87	18519	1851900	1e6eee53-e2bd-41c0-8678-b4e1ead5e773	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:03:48	-213.697
-87	37038	1851900	c4ba7d96-c2ef-4d3d-a2b5-4bb3823f0ee9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:39:00	-422.186
-88	18520	1852000	2d181415-cf91-468a-bdd8-28430bda63d5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:48:46	68.729
-88	37040	1852000	1c0d34ce-12b2-4813-85fe-dbcc7eb8e486	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:33:12	-231.609
-89	18521	1852100	a6e6a7bc-c275-488f-8a42-743ccab354e8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:36:15	-614.954
-89	37042	1852100	3e63f94b-1cf2-4e49-b979-75093da96688	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:59:58	79.208
-90	18522	1852200	5bb575a0-64ea-4b2d-bf21-c07cd0227859	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:31:51	-528.255
-90	37044	1852200	2c4d327e-6558-4d52-b05f-51307ba65c22	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:24:54	-755.707
-91	18523	1852300	39e77489-559d-4c0c-8c92-8840d1869631	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:51:27	-666.400
-91	37046	1852300	2510cc57-43a0-4ab5-9baa-050826a7163a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:59:01	-512.186
-92	18524	1852400	af2894d1-83f5-48a5-b3c4-ade2e3aa31e6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:16:20	597.668
-92	37048	1852400	e7169822-e576-48b2-9c42-5f6d6aeedab0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:21:19	-657.973
-93	18525	1852500	9b99c0f3-e414-4fcf-81fc-e156b9ba9a7d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:17:43	642.42
-93	37050	1852500	2538c625-12cb-4625-8f92-85651c4f6172	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:14:02	-167.385
-94	18526	1852600	9fab4981-88e6-45cd-8ec5-2576a499d1c9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:52:01	493.653
-94	37052	1852600	f8115702-4e35-4772-ad8d-2c63fbe752d5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:50:12	972.867
-95	18527	1852700	0e6b8db2-2ec3-48a8-8a87-976e2f809c98	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:03:01	350.544
-95	37054	1852700	ee7ab76b-aeee-422b-a0de-93dea6e362c2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:38:01	937.477
-96	18528	1852800	b73f9f2f-a77b-4a30-996b-93daf14bf97d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:17:28	-641.550
-96	37056	1852800	52daf5d0-d529-47eb-8a83-e7f443649cb9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:51:27	151.170
-97	18529	1852900	d32590e9-93f3-4144-855b-dcb90d16f44b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:54:19	647.57
-97	37058	1852900	9a1fdf95-ce52-4758-92ed-d65a59e4fef2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:25:21	410.876
-98	18530	1853000	7cea5d03-e519-442a-be41-7794dcc82ffa	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:18:40	-836.291
-98	37060	1853000	0da03d2d-32a2-4fc8-8578-e45f2570c34c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:48:36	92.188
-99	18531	1853100	1d5ac3ba-882f-4be3-9042-c6fe661c2a5d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:56:12	-450.52
-99	37062	1853100	90db8dcb-41a1-4c77-8db6-ba48144af0f6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:37:32	260.523
-100	18532	1853200	d503c56c-119f-426f-ac8b-28cf33609972	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:51:55	-20.186
-100	37064	1853200	5ea80b41-d13b-4109-bbaa-c91470e80f3c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:23:36	133.410
-101	18533	1853300	24132063-b491-49c3-bbd3-beb03d2b41af	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:58:38	981.492
-101	37066	1853300	42f66dde-c39b-4463-827a-97c27bbe68b2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:18:35	774.344
-102	18534	1853400	e4c0e149-7c50-459f-88e4-e726aea3502b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:25:19	-688.429
-102	37068	1853400	42419871-fa5d-439c-bda1-9c12ffa7f57b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:42:23	219.926
-103	18535	1853500	107b2757-2fcd-4e50-8755-fa37cde8afbb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:16:56	-908.590
-103	37070	1853500	93c3146e-6acd-47d3-964c-7281e4c4fc98	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:54:47	425.995
-104	18536	1853600	1c2ce711-4cd4-41e9-8d8e-8a5a18ddd944	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:52:28	-567.799
-104	37072	1853600	a8c64a21-f8e7-49d6-80cf-4e64fdee7c15	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:56:59	925.427
-105	18537	1853700	4fef47d5-f7f9-436a-9502-330fb36dac6a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:44:12	561.453
-105	37074	1853700	5d7fcc07-8992-47df-8471-7a98cc667e82	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:12:10	427.685
-106	18538	1853800	39a98f34-e179-4f5e-8942-e2e6d63eab11	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:27:29	-607.409
-106	37076	1853800	0851ded6-71e3-4b46-9b6b-a620958a8bd8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:01:14	982.378
-107	18539	1853900	a8a505ef-3d0f-46a8-9c02-284f06b9535b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:18:00	-520.354
-107	37078	1853900	a2432020-8cbc-4e65-bb0a-e5e43855fd99	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:26:15	717.927
-108	18540	1854000	b1bbab4b-5df2-4d6a-b5d2-03eddb168dfd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:32:39	905.812
-108	37080	1854000	6aca2066-854c-4b42-b570-69334aeaa7d1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:15:49	-41.283
-109	18541	1854100	65ba518f-c549-4e66-bb99-ca6b1db40241	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:30:35	549.497
-109	37082	1854100	66f32376-ed08-46a8-b0f1-d87f57f81b43	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:39:42	-187.565
-110	18542	1854200	2f418355-875d-48ef-a328-2c6e86a3bc73	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:08:31	96.4
-110	37084	1854200	f6e36357-dc1a-4c39-bad7-8f6a52ec1ef5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:29:04	319.925
-111	18543	1854300	868f0b8f-11ee-4d40-82a3-28e85471856b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:00:37	775.68
-111	37086	1854300	c73a1f37-7c74-45a2-913e-9562264ec78e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:25:33	-54.495
-112	18544	1854400	d0f8b928-12e9-415a-ab00-c8decab4dd89	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:18:46	954.221
-112	37088	1854400	d4d57de9-3ce3-43e8-a8cd-a94a68c24ad4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:57:55	124.563
-113	18545	1854500	804e9a26-d49e-495e-bf76-ef910c987393	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:00:31	-434.268
-113	37090	1854500	f3ac7176-a499-425c-a0dc-20344357a0c0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:25:21	668.327
-114	18546	1854600	2bee4f89-2883-491d-80c8-657b4c05ca29	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:38:53	-13.18
-114	37092	1854600	2ad08d8a-f63b-4024-bb06-9ec08b3b1bd4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:07:14	-480.712
-115	18547	1854700	ee67f191-11a8-4534-beda-63810c4a5bf6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:36:37	-589.934
-115	37094	1854700	3f914378-1f04-4c78-9529-4c5b1f61c9d1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:10:43	-782.326
-116	18548	1854800	65eb5bcf-c5fc-4db8-be93-77dcd16240cc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:50:52	-214.539
-116	37096	1854800	5f57559e-f186-4a71-a4bb-418e64c2f12b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:28:36	-551.109
-117	18549	1854900	189af511-a8d8-44c8-865b-adba248fbf92	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:28:19	295.941
-117	37098	1854900	6905fe86-13e9-44dc-9bed-89bf7df2dde7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:57:52	-370.879
-118	18550	1855000	a42ec1b9-bd01-471e-b7a5-6d81c1bee288	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:31:12	323.745
-118	37100	1855000	aa0a53ad-ce2c-4fe5-900e-4315623d054d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:56:11	129.204
-119	18551	1855100	fdd5cf82-1fd4-42a8-a93e-9ffcc82c3f34	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:11:19	143.488
-119	37102	1855100	80a9d421-f0ff-4ed4-af7b-df4f4160f51c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:56:42	852.366
-120	18552	1855200	72bfae49-d49f-49f3-829c-0bb79edb306b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:04:54	-177.333
-120	37104	1855200	d3abe4d3-d831-41da-8580-25d3527c0851	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:41:41	-874.745
-121	18553	1855300	73bb330d-1ada-4273-b911-052fdb790c26	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:53:54	329.812
-121	37106	1855300	cf94218d-f661-4374-b5c7-cb0488418123	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:58:07	-789.93
-122	18554	1855400	a5442453-4a67-44e6-8863-1fdde8257816	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:33:12	-338.498
-122	37108	1855400	621f993e-ab2a-4f35-a1bf-fa5121597db1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:21:56	-714.458
-123	18555	1855500	d8df64e0-90cf-446b-9066-3156482e164f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:33:51	540.693
-123	37110	1855500	2475a987-7d32-455d-bc34-486634153bac	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:34:02	51.739
-124	18556	1855600	c0274b57-f444-43ac-b3ba-64ece32c41f4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:42:30	705.885
-124	37112	1855600	d59942a6-d287-45b8-8104-0546b0bbd7ca	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:21:20	61.450
-125	18557	1855700	f399b686-10bb-42e9-a24d-7fad7bbf9894	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:33:22	987.768
-125	37114	1855700	633a1599-80c8-48e7-af35-9b09e1ec2378	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:43:52	235.118
-126	18558	1855800	51f2f59c-08cc-49eb-835d-4264ff9608da	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:07:27	274.179
-126	37116	1855800	e6b037c1-121a-42b1-a2d5-a6dbd962c36a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:39:12	-4.219
-127	18559	1855900	d87a28b4-dbde-4666-8ba7-393c4c9c4be9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:11:14	172.247
-127	37118	1855900	5a51ce0b-d5ae-4445-9498-7b7427e1571e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:59:42	-566.112
-0	18560	1856000	a2378ea3-11b1-4b51-bbf6-56a3de298541	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:07:48	379.638
-0	37120	1856000	fe28212c-5ebe-4a9e-845b-2bfb7b231488	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:06:02	746.635
-1	18561	1856100	2e654175-c361-4e94-8894-934690ef083c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:07:58	431.328
-1	37122	1856100	ed470e82-d279-4349-987d-8846bc42bd77	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:52:08	-68.298
-2	18562	1856200	3ca56ddd-5946-4171-ab50-c02bf6179da6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:04:49	-519.885
-2	37124	1856200	ee9e60c6-0d35-495c-8475-b15f3508c520	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:27:34	663.283
-3	18563	1856300	b0aa4a7f-9627-4402-9f29-26acca252418	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:06:32	563.181
-3	37126	1856300	8d172366-5dd6-423b-bfca-f6bc308c5f13	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:34:31	966.895
-4	18564	1856400	79d00aa7-13dd-44ea-986e-3a8d0209b492	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:45:33	-830.91
-4	37128	1856400	074067a2-cbc9-44b3-96e9-529156f49969	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:12:45	-440.646
-5	18565	1856500	609a92ee-3824-4ea6-9441-f8ab8dfc7e82	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:16:58	-251.974
-5	37130	1856500	60b6ca09-ae75-43ea-9033-ced08ebdd70e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:44:36	-746.849
-6	18566	1856600	57dca693-e44c-43f8-8371-41464df2c6b7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:16:36	337.996
-6	37132	1856600	665ac48b-41ec-4b62-b02b-6a7a24c761a0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:53:56	-680.66
-7	18567	1856700	c47b795e-f19c-49f5-ba5b-e7b1a46f787f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:18:58	362.359
-7	37134	1856700	92699492-1302-47d4-9c80-49f26a65b667	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:42:23	-603.957
-8	18568	1856800	ac82202d-66b9-4203-93ef-5c323958108c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:27:43	-942.861
-8	37136	1856800	1a9f3d46-8d12-4765-bed8-067c68a19b86	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:06:52	835.773
-9	18569	1856900	6c9b7e2c-87f0-4451-8880-023306feafe6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:55:14	235.775
-9	37138	1856900	f381fbf3-5a18-4add-b116-0f9ac8370041	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:34:17	-448.730
-10	18570	1857000	033932b5-1472-41c7-9158-82bcbd5bb36f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:56:16	-761.834
-10	37140	1857000	daddb6f7-9fee-4bac-8388-e0ca3c3d1ac1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:06:52	-711.396
-11	18571	1857100	cae535e6-3708-4b7e-9bc3-9252fe98f972	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:33:16	-590.82
-11	37142	1857100	4592cabe-ebeb-440c-a851-4b5d71d15c43	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:04:48	-92.635
-12	18572	1857200	31ace610-5f3b-46fa-85ab-1d390cbf79f7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:03:24	175.943
-12	37144	1857200	2614c88b-4afa-444d-a61a-e5730e4f40a4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:27:16	-841.359
-13	18573	1857300	f2e791c3-c153-4720-96bf-14221159533b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:12:16	-149.169
-13	37146	1857300	b5315545-c346-4f7a-a347-658749a11591	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:31:28	-616.463
-14	18574	1857400	e7959f3e-517a-4263-8c96-c0abafac6e5b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:27:18	-560.929
-14	37148	1857400	c9ade546-64b6-43ac-bdeb-d70374fed4c8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:33:59	-238.305
-15	18575	1857500	b355cff6-531f-4e38-ae0c-b5da711968b1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:46:02	-481.2
-15	37150	1857500	c046b001-e488-449a-9995-897752db3e13	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:52:17	-547.174
-16	18576	1857600	775a0b7a-72d9-41ba-b345-38cc3a0cf3bd	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:18:37	-817.593
-16	37152	1857600	4807be0e-e9a1-4fcd-bce6-12000ce5063d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:16:03	749.582
-17	18577	1857700	b0bd3d23-8766-4ce2-9277-e2d00c19ac07	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:14:52	687.416
-17	37154	1857700	87e38d83-ccc6-4daf-bcfc-7d14b5ddfdc9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:01:10	-983.388
-18	18578	1857800	ac3da09b-a9ab-4c21-b4e4-eb770dc3b529	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:38:41	458.579
-18	37156	1857800	0fc7da62-567c-480f-a240-5c6917169b71	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:36:37	343.771
-19	18579	1857900	88bcacba-01da-495d-ad3c-db614d69a509	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:35:59	611.768
-19	37158	1857900	03de0902-7fc4-4af4-b898-2ac9bd546516	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:16:46	267.411
-20	18580	1858000	b7e2c69d-2382-491d-a487-8e4deaf58434	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:36:47	-308.353
-20	37160	1858000	c405b056-a485-4531-9cc6-c495b3c388b0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:44:16	-413.703
-21	18581	1858100	ff5f04c4-089a-4b86-9580-268956a5339e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:11:25	-551.651
-21	37162	1858100	cfdaa319-08f8-4ad3-8c3a-8a805b1937b1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:14:49	-945.15
-22	18582	1858200	5d937a68-7e06-4828-8bce-517af02a451d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:35:17	-96.588
-22	37164	1858200	dd5f99db-d3ba-4c22-a081-b3be9b4a6e8d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:34:01	-631.793
-23	18583	1858300	c775edc9-8c1d-44af-bbbf-2023ddf01409	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:40:13	-601.625
-23	37166	1858300	f4ad1ec2-9512-4b9e-a606-9ff532962ab9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:18:11	-824.711
-24	18584	1858400	11ed3db6-e98b-4f63-a377-daed877a82e6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:30:47	236.648
-24	37168	1858400	e1ce7679-de3e-4929-b96f-1634e90aa9fa	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:25:49	333.442
-25	18585	1858500	0957583d-0344-435d-8d2c-bc43771a40c1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:08:12	271.243
-25	37170	1858500	74f23a45-e8bd-4682-affe-9935e7b663a4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:51:47	-446.261
-26	18586	1858600	c0143fa3-7f41-448d-a4c3-f1b6bcebb4b8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:18:19	203.367
-26	37172	1858600	a1150759-4b56-4d42-b307-687034fbf278	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:54:45	-209.933
-27	18587	1858700	d91602f3-ec29-43b3-8c68-5f4fb8e8fe82	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:40:06	-633.314
-27	37174	1858700	7e3164f3-9dc5-4bbb-996e-0a296300a81d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:30:39	689.232
-28	18588	1858800	d791551f-1533-462e-a5e6-5813d1cea3ec	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:03:16	873.402
-28	37176	1858800	5e5613a9-932c-4063-941e-7fc98cb4c7b9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:30:15	193.66
-29	18589	1858900	33887336-dcab-4056-8caf-7a4f3094e025	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:46:13	-973.189
-29	37178	1858900	052288e5-ce07-4578-9ed5-67842c83c956	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:35:41	-602.34
-30	18590	1859000	2736888c-6f2d-438b-a913-caa5e26d5251	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:03:37	583.199
-30	37180	1859000	660f002a-3c03-42f7-b74c-5a804d769134	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:38:53	137.25
-31	18591	1859100	f69b210b-a94d-488a-8ea1-558de29c8a6f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:46:17	-175.326
-31	37182	1859100	eed275a1-b119-4fce-a0f2-0ed763bc7b2b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:43:23	78.192
-32	18592	1859200	f1eae18d-1e5c-41b9-b403-656f979fd6ac	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:14:58	-93.110
-32	37184	1859200	9f6401b7-9a36-4c90-85d0-b89785e13212	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:09:02	938.833
-33	18593	1859300	da41a8fc-4828-4208-905e-34f37fb0ee7c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:05:55	853.50
-33	37186	1859300	825db404-a655-405c-9727-4599fe8cf2af	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:50:27	-682.362
-34	18594	1859400	77f2f3b1-b8ab-4fa2-8718-d0f4bb4941c6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:39:34	-928.661
-34	37188	1859400	86dfa955-3fa0-40ad-b431-fa96f8b6b49f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:53:19	478.267
-35	18595	1859500	f04d48ed-0cff-4138-a400-0148db6c70b8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:12:25	-61.835
-35	37190	1859500	834cff22-16c9-4185-a3aa-718bea1f4526	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:31:43	-190.102
-36	18596	1859600	df794c0c-1050-4278-9a46-dd8f7d232691	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:28:54	105.765
-36	37192	1859600	bf07790d-d07d-4ef1-baa2-37c3bd25c7e9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:54:12	-469.402
-37	18597	1859700	b513cd9b-bbf3-4df2-bc98-5e53af2d8eb0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:02:14	318.326
-37	37194	1859700	37fe7f39-36e4-48eb-bba3-36a8b8860a42	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:14:35	-528.798
-38	18598	1859800	26141db0-a838-4bdb-83fe-ef38bc728cf9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:18:00	-408.59
-38	37196	1859800	043ac5c1-1666-45b4-8cf7-f7be80129454	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:35:44	-34.738
-39	18599	1859900	a51b2c62-7ff3-4303-b1bf-a83490d67587	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:02:43	858.70
-39	37198	1859900	5cf997d6-3bee-4af0-8e35-87c8a7a0e832	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:59:32	-860.834
-40	18600	1860000	6bbd9f7c-10ba-426c-a0f0-707e4b7fc4db	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:22:20	-830.51
-40	37200	1860000	c680a7ed-4b33-4ba3-929e-0f1ee8652ec5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:36:28	-515.703
-41	18601	1860100	22e47fed-10c0-413b-871f-21da745844c0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:30:05	-483.923
-41	37202	1860100	fcb5951b-1168-454a-a7a5-ec2cf817c05a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:58:55	338.888
-42	18602	1860200	65dfb234-3e34-489a-9cea-b23198f5e53a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:04:35	-338.686
-42	37204	1860200	1540a724-7769-4b04-b05f-a653083343da	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:36:44	-812.326
-43	18603	1860300	94682e4d-6c5e-4bdc-a895-4a5629bc21a6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:09:00	-143.507
-43	37206	1860300	f0e2da94-5da7-4251-a772-9cccf96efec2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:20:03	-606.869
-44	18604	1860400	0358756a-b01b-44ea-b87c-bbf1759e35d4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:47:09	594.450
-44	37208	1860400	ec514afe-e2c3-4bf5-86c9-a4ad039a9f94	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:43:46	-725.275
-45	18605	1860500	827f7d94-b6ea-4b62-a027-ddef2bcc010d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:19:55	363.747
-45	37210	1860500	cdafca0f-6134-44ab-a043-9819cbeae2b8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:00:39	599.92
-46	18606	1860600	b53dbf3a-0459-47ae-8d5e-56b02ad18a44	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:11:34	157.271
-46	37212	1860600	dfc6e888-a4d1-4571-b9a3-4b09598d594d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:08:39	35.139
-47	18607	1860700	c7c47bac-fc43-42a3-b208-2196f0008a51	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:40:55	-396.152
-47	37214	1860700	f6cbc894-488d-4582-9550-8a08dd69683c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:58:02	654.166
-48	18608	1860800	0321a523-ef58-43fc-aeb9-17f7c30159e9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:07:25	-959.288
-48	37216	1860800	bb8bf024-00de-45a3-8dd4-35f702ea655c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:35:00	630.48
-49	18609	1860900	6fedb17a-8539-49f8-8655-af5afea1d225	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:27:05	-105.892
-49	37218	1860900	ed972178-a9a0-4ea9-afe0-abcfc69565ab	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:42:54	-362.515
-50	18610	1861000	298db33c-5dc6-47fe-850f-c593d0568aa9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:30:11	705.303
-50	37220	1861000	3788dd14-3cc4-4161-97bc-a8c9ac55769f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:33:04	-228.936
-51	18611	1861100	287ce420-3228-4e0a-b17b-03902affc7fd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:56:54	-931.749
-51	37222	1861100	9805ea8d-8519-488a-9938-21c8f6f4f3ef	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:42:47	109.530
-52	18612	1861200	c7fe26c4-8522-4249-852c-4888bffa4d22	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:14:48	-724.52
-52	37224	1861200	0b6a3808-13c6-4373-a2cd-f03f13d879de	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:22:19	-109.31
-53	18613	1861300	bd74f7d6-2dc6-4ae2-ab03-c00190c2a89c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:22:16	688.1
-53	37226	1861300	b3821c36-6dd8-4b4a-b894-24c78c8793e7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:23:54	382.135
-54	18614	1861400	0be1ad58-231a-43bf-ac15-f5a1e6a8ac4b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:43:59	780.912
-54	37228	1861400	2bb0df95-a4fa-492b-b8ea-6027e200b446	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:39:38	-758.709
-55	18615	1861500	436924c6-bb82-476c-8992-6cd4346fcbcc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:21:04	-299.670
-55	37230	1861500	0625abfa-cc7f-4959-a026-ba83cfe9724d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:57:33	-978.39
-56	18616	1861600	719725e6-f788-4e90-a847-f90633bdccd3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:45:56	156.738
-56	37232	1861600	27d65d77-ec03-40d3-93ff-c6174fd358b5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:48:41	-567.79
-57	18617	1861700	15acc3db-a998-4245-bf89-2301b19e3e21	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:40:12	3.850
-57	37234	1861700	979aa075-82ff-453c-acad-610d77d8e048	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:11:59	341.886
-58	18618	1861800	e7e5e61c-a3d0-4976-ab01-d66fe1f7baa6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:44:09	977.45
-58	37236	1861800	1a229865-a529-449e-a4fa-2c9c36dcb4b5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:20:11	-66.773
-59	18619	1861900	11cda1d5-dd84-4b06-bb18-62ff327a4beb	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:13:09	-579.801
-59	37238	1861900	ec922595-4e7a-49db-b21a-d9c568f71f74	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:20:35	519.422
-60	18620	1862000	2871b2e2-6c3a-454a-b902-2711e93109da	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:44:22	982.676
-60	37240	1862000	c6e9b4f5-cc22-42ff-9d48-a120cc8ed3ca	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:49:22	346.223
-61	18621	1862100	2556f0a1-f937-455b-8fcf-54ec22a38f71	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:16:26	-243.151
-61	37242	1862100	09646469-1fc2-45e8-8460-10c8742fdb40	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:32:09	457.653
-62	18622	1862200	89d24235-b378-477a-b5ff-ea5d819fc07d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:11:38	-366.160
-62	37244	1862200	865f0a20-1c1e-4d82-9699-2d670e2e80d7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:14:49	-616.973
-63	18623	1862300	19a66874-4c9b-44c4-a6aa-dcd863978af3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:49:25	147.272
-63	37246	1862300	e5c3532b-adcf-4fc4-9a83-cbf39684e4f6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:17:59	-615.811
-64	18624	1862400	aa2f2f3e-f5ed-4e0e-b54a-0c6f7a13ce9f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:48:35	-675.975
-64	37248	1862400	59834aa9-5dfd-4d7c-85d8-27ce563d0a75	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:38:35	-822.139
-65	18625	1862500	8ef0c1c9-6758-4a04-8e32-5ddfb4c5e812	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:16:32	-395.882
-65	37250	1862500	0eb39927-6089-4fcf-b0eb-65027346e6ce	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:03:01	573.248
-66	18626	1862600	b9c75c51-a686-4d26-9f98-f2af49c95f93	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:52:48	-730.390
-66	37252	1862600	79a017e2-2120-4b0e-b7fe-7355b46bc125	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:48:26	144.871
-67	18627	1862700	73622248-5f92-4c73-a6ad-456918f400c6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:47:10	414.254
-67	37254	1862700	6a6d1f5b-7452-47b3-8ffa-bca961622dd8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:22:35	329.372
-68	18628	1862800	6e040123-1138-440b-8a7b-c91a941e0003	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:14:25	722.479
-68	37256	1862800	5c107ace-57a3-4f0d-b958-a10ed5f5ba0e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:41:47	560.492
-69	18629	1862900	f0f8da21-4b6d-40cd-aaa6-2ad9ed96ba93	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:09:14	-406.709
-69	37258	1862900	286561af-02d0-415d-9cff-4d5a542325dc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:06:48	606.262
-70	18630	1863000	786db634-954d-4bc1-ada6-2ff09c846e93	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:36:19	-284.99
-70	37260	1863000	17a3e4e7-646b-4865-b087-9210162a039c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:17:02	116.467
-71	18631	1863100	ce9cdbd4-7d9f-4ab7-b4e4-becf262addfe	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:49:34	-19.840
-71	37262	1863100	efa9c2d7-51b0-4a21-b5cb-921a9e693a4b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:26:17	750.657
-72	18632	1863200	b18b7703-46f4-4224-9b59-aff9b39f3102	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:39:13	-608.861
-72	37264	1863200	92aa23a6-c04d-4e01-af75-bc5ab17a9a63	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:25:50	-382.235
-73	18633	1863300	2eb18f1d-9f28-44ff-9091-3aae7eaeb86e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:42:49	-65.547
-73	37266	1863300	5d9bbbfd-eabb-471b-9c6f-3f535cbc7d9f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:26:25	-936.182
-74	18634	1863400	06975e9e-f4f7-4c36-9426-962e26c8de4e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:11:14	-506.321
-74	37268	1863400	bd27644c-6ed4-48a2-8e0f-6ae3f91b60d6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:02:03	-738.758
-75	18635	1863500	ac9d7aad-d837-47e7-95e2-cbaf11703e11	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:04:32	202.956
-75	37270	1863500	29c905ce-2f31-4974-a3a9-5745468908b5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:57:12	657.441
-76	18636	1863600	a6befdc7-ac6c-4ee4-a07c-2d93d060c908	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:21:19	782.748
-76	37272	1863600	dcfd3c6f-f4f2-4c4b-b697-4ea5a9c0cc8a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:22:19	-187.400
-77	18637	1863700	1b733355-0f50-484b-ae6c-31fb6cd3045d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:17:14	934.831
-77	37274	1863700	aebc5e03-2b43-4515-85f2-dfffcdf89dd3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:44:22	-981.796
-78	18638	1863800	168e8203-9bb5-42a5-847f-37ec26012216	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:57:09	-643.987
-78	37276	1863800	c86f87aa-b18e-403d-b29a-bfc546ab0a57	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:05:49	-858.443
-79	18639	1863900	6512e97f-29fe-475f-9859-004e9798b033	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:37:03	-795.487
-79	37278	1863900	321e5b7b-9ff7-4aeb-81f4-24d51ea53f62	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:58:13	-8.657
-80	18640	1864000	d89831de-c1af-479b-9327-c2c42a9717a5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:19:53	-885.162
-80	37280	1864000	dce70c60-a1d2-4d5d-9996-e8932993c678	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:42:49	362.263
-81	18641	1864100	750001b2-bada-40ad-92f6-74f6148fce36	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:28:25	-93.166
-81	37282	1864100	a921be6d-cf16-48f6-83fb-88432cf64e95	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:56:38	705.277
-82	18642	1864200	050331e2-ba73-4187-a094-bc95165b6fef	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:27:07	366.12
-82	37284	1864200	7a5bdeb8-76f5-4959-a8db-10b887863b96	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:10:20	244.185
-83	18643	1864300	c8da1ca4-2474-4a33-b63a-1b3e6d0349be	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:51:54	-329.456
-83	37286	1864300	a728ef2e-6d2f-4dfc-b27b-f0e1fd3a2f73	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:25:29	-4.601
-84	18644	1864400	b3e222a7-71c5-429a-a675-0969bb646839	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:36:37	-279.186
-84	37288	1864400	54a6ba1f-9d72-4980-a0ac-9b0e4c353146	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:16:12	258.301
-85	18645	1864500	ee023973-640f-4bb4-8ac6-cd0247eadd75	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:39:26	442.509
-85	37290	1864500	6320e2b7-2d66-4836-9ce1-528b044fe8ed	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:51:21	970.297
-86	18646	1864600	2426c3f5-dc25-48b9-8fa0-a909297a7c19	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:03:09	-676.622
-86	37292	1864600	358c0e11-8b6c-4bc6-92bc-990c541c885a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:13:33	-3.609
-87	18647	1864700	26a2ce2f-0069-4cfb-95a8-b3f7a8a1d4d1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:04:56	897.125
-87	37294	1864700	2d79a1b3-ca20-4156-b722-01f13de52e98	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:21:51	603.51
-88	18648	1864800	b355ff29-d822-4148-96be-7446e715e80c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:46:05	438.407
-88	37296	1864800	7189023d-8541-472b-860c-c6988a75086d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:06:28	-681.688
-89	18649	1864900	86ffd2e9-d7f6-4ce9-ae13-1ca358de4a06	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:52:56	686.370
-89	37298	1864900	1f81717d-33d4-48b8-be30-c1ab4b45ff67	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:32:57	-407.708
-90	18650	1865000	99e8d9a6-a5d4-4b77-b4a5-e6642079eda6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:46:57	314.344
-90	37300	1865000	696f3f63-a015-4134-b209-691b1859daae	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:43:52	55.887
-91	18651	1865100	2a17d392-a683-48a1-89e9-83d6e4f48bec	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:10:39	581.932
-91	37302	1865100	3e7768e1-616a-4648-974f-10010d7a31e2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:00:26	-456.784
-92	18652	1865200	62c38048-6b52-413f-a3d5-4225b905d184	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:30:48	804.879
-92	37304	1865200	05f7b37a-363e-43e9-b0d0-92e2bbcb3110	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:11:30	-286.900
-93	18653	1865300	9476c613-c7a3-4660-a705-425ea25242ed	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:59:38	585.482
-93	37306	1865300	7ae96bcc-e116-4a22-995c-df6d75d5d79c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:05:06	645.828
-94	18654	1865400	95f9cc72-730b-4355-bcdd-2faad3231f73	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:37:48	405.175
-94	37308	1865400	23e0ee91-f4e7-4cad-8edf-a1c69d46fa50	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:56:21	-978.118
-95	18655	1865500	d35ca87c-4535-400c-af1c-0edd738e112e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:11:09	351.114
-95	37310	1865500	57f3eef9-12fb-4171-86a4-788870f8e7fc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:07:28	-258.531
-96	18656	1865600	ac0dcf34-0ddb-426a-bfcc-5cf23d6a46fc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:51:33	264.97
-96	37312	1865600	07773ada-3db6-465e-8943-abeb33c3aba5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:39:01	-716.334
-97	18657	1865700	1fbf3db7-1bd2-4134-9c69-ecceaa913e35	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:43:24	-6.297
-97	37314	1865700	8b4ba75c-97c4-41a7-ae90-ebb3babea5b4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:27:13	-564.461
-98	18658	1865800	615a8e71-74f7-40ac-bac1-f2e4fb8c05ba	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:30:48	500.38
-98	37316	1865800	3747ab4f-e4c7-4916-b4c9-4f46168bd04e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:49:10	-934.55
-99	18659	1865900	771cbc0a-fe92-46f7-ab76-9499be03bef5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:25:29	-360.53
-99	37318	1865900	818240f9-1172-454e-b77e-0e4c2357f450	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:52:50	-557.39
-100	18660	1866000	223994f5-8013-44dc-acdf-b1cd42420ee2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:03:53	-555.138
-100	37320	1866000	e9c755d5-02fb-447f-a054-2e766d8d2d92	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:58:19	-416.713
-101	18661	1866100	7b46bcf9-7770-4661-a2a8-cd95b06b40ff	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:27:47	514.79
-101	37322	1866100	50d82767-9a9b-48e1-84b4-51714924be2f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:14:12	-293.168
-102	18662	1866200	2fa4cd17-7c04-4f32-bffc-6914f7f21a5c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:03:53	-508.911
-102	37324	1866200	29b3b7d0-2be0-410d-a287-6e65d82abd45	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:55:32	-98.622
-103	18663	1866300	fb0845d1-e290-4103-9582-6b6b3b8e26a6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:35:34	589.202
-103	37326	1866300	20115197-6b87-4221-aab2-cc7a657ef215	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:42:41	-514.383
-104	18664	1866400	44cb3b14-1e93-4f46-9db3-54b9bd98b6bc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:46:51	93.200
-104	37328	1866400	fab63aa1-4cec-40cb-820c-63546e2352a6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:59:45	66.859
-105	18665	1866500	e1f68bde-2d4f-4317-874b-ca945fef6781	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:28:12	715.249
-105	37330	1866500	43c12547-76de-43f5-8df6-16fd7565ebb8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:19:20	-603.48
-106	18666	1866600	fb593e4b-97ba-4ab7-8068-fdf5e6148803	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:56:12	652.764
-106	37332	1866600	d5281d09-0086-4722-8d87-fd0dfec3ab0f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:26:04	523.14
-107	18667	1866700	f84fa887-cfea-4d38-8b00-c7171e422b1a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:53:49	-535.857
-107	37334	1866700	d1063c82-c432-4549-9441-cb87a8220011	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:37:11	-615.685
-108	18668	1866800	3b82b117-f984-4034-9e5b-7e27dec2b70f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:02:50	606.21
-108	37336	1866800	8db81b0c-4e67-4220-99da-2efbacc15a85	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:18:46	9.162
-109	18669	1866900	dda9fd67-2571-4dbc-9664-b4895f1d15c9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:37:22	-767.27
-109	37338	1866900	95728f50-4dff-4ccb-b87b-b2c526f93c6e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:08:17	414.886
-110	18670	1867000	b9fc1183-6ebc-44ca-955b-727e1c0818a1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:26:15	-141.472
-110	37340	1867000	c0779a42-4b54-458c-bdf8-4f80e0dcb647	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:45:23	577.110
-111	18671	1867100	cb477c91-03d5-41b1-9cac-62221b048d80	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:00:06	-532.252
-111	37342	1867100	04d18618-bef7-4945-bcb5-3ad63cf07ef9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:02:12	-334.362
-112	18672	1867200	2ddef900-41bc-4a15-a5dc-f368b3ee6240	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:57:59	595.976
-112	37344	1867200	35acc7bd-3c20-43b4-a378-c19117fe7c1f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:56:17	-89.530
-113	18673	1867300	0996da3e-ed95-4788-8020-d056426908d3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:55:02	744.853
-113	37346	1867300	e531ceb6-9cfa-46cd-b64e-bec908dd8775	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:19:34	-90.993
-114	18674	1867400	48d7aadf-2e55-44f1-82d7-4b36129349a6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:28:29	144.797
-114	37348	1867400	1fcfbf41-8812-40a0-84e4-29bb26d4bbd5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:42:24	-498.287
-115	18675	1867500	786c841f-2f12-4e8b-a7db-7038b77fc58c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:14:03	-725.335
-115	37350	1867500	be132a67-a447-4c84-b343-2c67c776d79c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:31:19	69.619
-116	18676	1867600	6914d50b-f042-46c2-9512-af228ae089f3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:08:08	-290.555
-116	37352	1867600	98d19a57-6914-41a8-a832-0f5d9821aa87	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:06:35	-683.632
-117	18677	1867700	af2eaf35-beea-4bb6-8b4f-4fe9f78ff455	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:24:51	-19.666
-117	37354	1867700	27501b9b-3eea-4b1c-9bf2-ded8d37cacc3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:36:08	809.240
-118	18678	1867800	bff9c72b-0d12-498e-9575-4eba2fc3f53b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:15:30	419.427
-118	37356	1867800	3c460ada-5894-451a-bbfa-8b2d22fcad05	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:52:57	-292.961
-119	18679	1867900	73e08679-fddf-4ff6-a9a6-5d91253d9499	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:12:23	-952.758
-119	37358	1867900	b9b3159a-0a7e-4e56-985c-a45f99713b09	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:21:31	-665.468
-120	18680	1868000	901c6ac7-ae99-4fff-8afc-b8eeccd793a3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:15:58	709.150
-120	37360	1868000	ca27acd1-a8e0-4e2b-96a0-73eea1e46367	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:12:19	235.366
-121	18681	1868100	b50bf13f-7af7-4b69-beec-4a2bf25fa175	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:34:20	-790.475
-121	37362	1868100	fa706d9c-d27f-4175-9fb4-d426dfd6fd73	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:21:22	749.930
-122	18682	1868200	f7c9b017-35ad-4e60-99d1-2d79b9872cdc	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:59:11	805.594
-122	37364	1868200	37d1901c-524d-4e11-9c75-db296940e532	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:58:16	-446.607
-123	18683	1868300	9980e50c-7169-4403-9887-3e7d1660ffeb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:58:22	-931.867
-123	37366	1868300	44980595-3660-4ee7-b61c-b45bd30fc5ef	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:29:36	-569.333
-124	18684	1868400	cb823d0d-4064-4ee8-8bc4-46eed7e258c5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:48:32	-614.356
-124	37368	1868400	93adc4c8-a0a4-49d0-9ed6-edbd41e75aa2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:58:45	-721.717
-125	18685	1868500	00747224-2dcc-42b8-b488-32217444af5a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:15:49	-706.343
-125	37370	1868500	632bcc7a-7c63-4b53-a325-152963ddccea	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:42:22	73.192
-126	18686	1868600	9d9d7640-c196-4429-b3ed-86c311e91308	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:27:06	-762.255
-126	37372	1868600	7291ea6c-6c92-41b5-bf7e-dc9d490fd5d7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:20:15	682.3
-127	18687	1868700	6c56cac7-d291-4625-90a5-781c631d542a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:02:59	510.574
-127	37374	1868700	5771458c-ef06-413a-876e-dfbc82a490ea	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:09:28	-552.922
-0	18688	1868800	8e004263-785d-4f85-a2b5-198e1997d4ed	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:57:39	993.495
-0	37376	1868800	b74ac7d6-24bf-4137-a71a-7f283b19bebe	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:08:33	-141.302
-1	18689	1868900	d633a0fd-47de-428e-85c0-b5cac061a86e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:52:37	-209.350
-1	37378	1868900	1f140edd-c327-4a0b-98bb-e7ced712f6e4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:17:29	-271.852
-2	18690	1869000	b354a7e7-b23d-45c7-b91b-78b88eb1fd16	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:59:03	-553.900
-2	37380	1869000	8f8d7ba1-310d-4354-963d-1eb1f03f9475	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:56:50	-159.835
-3	18691	1869100	2a5d74b0-13d3-4c84-9336-17fe6dd1f5ee	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:13:16	586.428
-3	37382	1869100	e8a6a894-a8c0-426a-9a51-e50bcf499fcb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:06:13	470.486
-4	18692	1869200	91a9a060-d1d1-4980-8298-3ee13e7a744d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:34:18	572.504
-4	37384	1869200	ff7e9966-ad65-4ceb-91a8-1f89a20bd626	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:15:17	-831.130
-5	18693	1869300	34a7aeaf-d533-4610-b8a2-7941548b0894	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:09:26	492.133
-5	37386	1869300	6d449e4f-1ea7-485f-adf2-b2d2e362988e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:36:38	445.72
-6	18694	1869400	fd5c27f0-049f-4ced-86ad-d8c39dd6e5e7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:48:18	-916.160
-6	37388	1869400	1d84a3e3-1249-4ea8-a2ff-f547b5cb3603	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:19:43	596.190
-7	18695	1869500	84c45eee-b62e-48ec-b91f-4ae607aa1039	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:41:18	353.296
-7	37390	1869500	927eed9f-027f-4114-8115-9230bbde515d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:51:05	-653.940
-8	18696	1869600	04bce056-9a4a-441d-a913-719cd731d7b1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:39:09	-553.729
-8	37392	1869600	c4dc8f4e-111d-4cc9-ab8e-c6fa723691f8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:16:16	48.190
-9	18697	1869700	e2c169ff-ba42-4a94-8c20-2838a1f69e23	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:06:35	-101.284
-9	37394	1869700	aa9802e9-f071-4842-838e-5867ac6b9d5d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:23:18	-433.746
-10	18698	1869800	ded0341c-696f-421c-ac2c-d1f05293292b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:50:43	112.487
-10	37396	1869800	d46d81b3-e613-4534-a252-5a88a8446eeb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:40:11	-141.885
-11	18699	1869900	a263c3e1-4c22-4e9f-ac04-224e2b545884	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:20:45	-96.269
-11	37398	1869900	6f0c50f8-c7b4-4cf3-916d-c6a51c961ece	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:27:00	-585.262
-12	18700	1870000	0da2e5e2-4b24-442f-8f8b-4274ccd1e9be	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:17:24	825.716
-12	37400	1870000	f693e985-dea6-4328-a607-44d1e54deaec	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:48:14	-876.353
-13	18701	1870100	1040cebb-b26d-4823-9586-822b94244ff5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:29:42	-932.499
-13	37402	1870100	aac0b5b4-d3da-403f-801e-065fdea2fb69	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:50:53	504.784
-14	18702	1870200	9ded5066-138d-4bf9-907f-b36fb2755a27	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:20:45	604.176
-14	37404	1870200	23f2d4ab-df2a-41ae-87a0-e541b6d0fb59	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:03:41	452.116
-15	18703	1870300	e6a8badc-2cc9-477e-9ff1-1ef92337acfd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:43:13	-680.544
-15	37406	1870300	ad0cef0a-188b-48ca-b6a1-103ca87cabe8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:16:31	450.82
-16	18704	1870400	2668fff6-e2e9-4a1e-b487-eeb56dd7fe5d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:49:19	-8.71
-16	37408	1870400	dbc0673b-1658-4947-adc4-986167cff2aa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:38:45	367.778
-17	18705	1870500	e4e90759-68a2-495a-824b-aba923a66fcd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:55:17	452.171
-17	37410	1870500	3ae78076-c225-443c-96c1-e48c60fb6f31	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:10:08	-36.793
-18	18706	1870600	29ef2ec9-b386-4486-8cce-6e81cb9f9af0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:34:51	603.670
-18	37412	1870600	b7f2ca11-6367-4a2f-9f68-acd3d0732b24	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:47:52	-891.798
-19	18707	1870700	60778882-7625-4ef4-8211-bec20200c0ba	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:35:11	410.924
-19	37414	1870700	6d4ca285-98ee-4720-9c97-db4b186c54b8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:40:23	-157.895
-20	18708	1870800	358ea54e-da0e-4e1e-a1db-6a4d46ae251f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:13:04	-846.362
-20	37416	1870800	6f306dca-b0d3-4e63-a495-71d4f9464eb6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:55:36	-851.855
-21	18709	1870900	a7a669e5-8b6c-4021-a2eb-2b8dce1cd61a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:18:57	788.714
-21	37418	1870900	e38cc396-9d7a-4bea-8a36-3b57a066fece	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:38:55	-820.632
-22	18710	1871000	cff3d19f-5a15-4c86-937a-5bffe91ee4ab	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:15:15	-260.963
-22	37420	1871000	81432a35-8975-4792-8b6c-27f3f49a371a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:41:59	241.951
-23	18711	1871100	eed71780-d55c-4899-9d4b-fabcefb2c061	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:42:11	-724.658
-23	37422	1871100	9db8fd71-715c-4f3d-9e77-57e95c1eeff9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:37:38	845.996
-24	18712	1871200	c74c7154-ed52-4893-bb19-70db0088f336	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:39:07	-580.153
-24	37424	1871200	f37b33f3-1d49-424a-b6cc-a9382caf3840	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:11:17	-632.212
-25	18713	1871300	6b6d153f-28ec-4ae3-a30a-56a27a9b5683	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:27:46	-825.514
-25	37426	1871300	3ea56e9d-2b23-4bae-8abe-5923042be644	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:39:04	506.660
-26	18714	1871400	913156ae-9fec-4b52-9e65-cb989a097787	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:56:42	-252.967
-26	37428	1871400	7915c77e-5834-4569-a3ed-088ab231fffb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:32:19	-697.639
-27	18715	1871500	c7fb04a1-7e49-428b-8ee0-92174a8ba127	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:18:05	-250.892
-27	37430	1871500	a6ca951c-7deb-431a-ac44-22d0e6ba1ce2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:10:57	-144.520
-28	18716	1871600	5e409fad-2f1e-40c6-9037-e6334c9f155a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:02:56	915.3
-28	37432	1871600	003e7961-21d0-4953-8421-4c63e7b15b07	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:22:19	-259.942
-29	18717	1871700	57568e44-9591-4c67-96ed-b9260848d146	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:52:08	948.435
-29	37434	1871700	f259368d-0400-4cde-8644-1e6f77876d50	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:17:55	110.389
-30	18718	1871800	6c87822a-fd08-483a-a93f-62fcbabc3c46	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:06:37	-75.62
-30	37436	1871800	f825c920-8e9a-425a-aadf-7b2d6aa04c39	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:56:15	-140.724
-31	18719	1871900	4c21c393-3d43-4aa9-bb79-d12374d8a81a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:50:45	18.702
-31	37438	1871900	e6bec206-cd41-409e-8b0a-79dd6b35d460	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:26:42	290.766
-32	18720	1872000	d816fd1a-8af4-43da-ab52-7be0ec35f748	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:11:31	405.549
-32	37440	1872000	40a3d3d2-2194-440b-a408-f4ff73ca6344	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:44:46	-473.83
-33	18721	1872100	408ce7e0-e327-4d05-b20a-6a41a3bb75b7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:46:44	-229.44
-33	37442	1872100	8565256c-6292-4188-a365-40cd78052365	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:08:55	433.491
-34	18722	1872200	0723ce13-d746-404b-a8db-c550ba2440ae	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:35:57	979.207
-34	37444	1872200	ee9d5b16-73a7-4862-8532-6c4a542dfacb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:53:41	954.681
-35	18723	1872300	bc7819e7-a520-452c-ac27-13f391dffbea	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:50:37	414.369
-35	37446	1872300	1e1e9703-e282-4381-acd8-6ff9ac406517	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:21:57	903.772
-36	18724	1872400	33e559c1-a1ab-4e7a-b4be-7a97333a114e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:03:56	298.689
-36	37448	1872400	5d27436e-f4cc-46c8-8e65-74a897c7cc22	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:15:29	208.974
-37	18725	1872500	4ef64ff9-d623-4cdc-8386-78632bf415fa	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:56:40	37.227
-37	37450	1872500	9bc7cd90-4f28-4780-b733-8048c38cb041	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:53:54	-405.962
-38	18726	1872600	16544b65-b71b-4d61-9d80-4a2671187c58	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:23:30	-585.915
-38	37452	1872600	4f772c18-5fbd-4f84-b5b4-831c28bf3451	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:59:08	-308.565
-39	18727	1872700	f1f1946c-147d-40b2-8827-ffe9eedbd57c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:15:32	302.467
-39	37454	1872700	0956c7cd-8a29-4d77-ac36-d172aa0484ea	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:59:46	445.975
-40	18728	1872800	4d210e6b-18bd-437b-bea8-6983303b4100	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:32:14	527.932
-40	37456	1872800	8b58a77e-7f50-41cf-92bf-1230dd9e1adc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:11:36	779.745
-41	18729	1872900	2bd5cfd9-f0a7-4e42-a95c-df6333cc1d11	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:01:38	701.368
-41	37458	1872900	a0093bc3-7392-4fec-92a2-c9f4067d0ed9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:22:01	2.430
-42	18730	1873000	baa29d8d-be24-47d7-b786-f2399c2b20ea	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:55:18	386.988
-42	37460	1873000	73581835-3ed3-4fc9-979c-b7955f2a5232	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:19:19	369.417
-43	18731	1873100	21c1853f-8e99-4e6b-82ea-e42b70c7919e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:35:14	784.893
-43	37462	1873100	e67620f6-55e0-46a6-a4e2-5eda1f672898	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:35:22	620.131
-44	18732	1873200	6083912b-63bf-40f7-af1a-d3b81fb45bf9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:15:23	-825.909
-44	37464	1873200	4bfff96f-74af-4b4b-bf89-6b8bde09502c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:57:00	-793.728
-45	18733	1873300	aab64499-16ef-4d73-bcd3-9952e7a8e000	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:17:19	-678.387
-45	37466	1873300	07b1c163-5828-47f4-8fdd-a31749d340b5	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:32:59	717.597
-46	18734	1873400	c0290c44-ec96-4e2f-bf82-01cb90c04e90	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:02:05	-258.414
-46	37468	1873400	24b7d18d-da47-4476-892e-1efffe6b44e7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:45:02	353.134
-47	18735	1873500	f05d03cf-b95b-4b48-b88e-4b3cf12f3962	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:29:08	53.562
-47	37470	1873500	7ec18450-a809-4ae2-a803-0c444c6a70c6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:10:43	-932.228
-48	18736	1873600	ece3db18-f3b6-41c9-ba3f-de95835ed70b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:31:05	-284.872
-48	37472	1873600	b7786bbe-b813-4aa7-91ba-526a59ae1688	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:34:09	593.577
-49	18737	1873700	0343719d-2c14-428e-8b99-9963bf13e3c8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:34:02	-510.816
-49	37474	1873700	326ca95f-223f-4fa6-90f3-fe17ae25e4ba	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:52:19	-288.954
-50	18738	1873800	46a28c2e-2e29-4474-8350-35029b1b03f2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:57:55	-116.162
-50	37476	1873800	ee6420bf-9be3-495a-ab23-fc6a3af81ea3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:46:58	-880.186
-51	18739	1873900	901c770e-b2ae-4df4-b8c1-7eb96ae79cea	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:41:09	192.935
-51	37478	1873900	20d01f0e-4b35-425b-b323-49715824fa8b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:51:04	-982.651
-52	18740	1874000	e2d6d14b-6001-43e1-a59f-84be078fc0af	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:20:54	67.382
-52	37480	1874000	dbd8b0d3-5d1b-49df-a6a8-c98dcc0e5e2b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:37:09	-75.579
-53	18741	1874100	d3093cc6-712a-4db4-a1a1-e8f6200d1f8b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:53:02	223.504
-53	37482	1874100	2a633895-18cb-4269-b570-eb6c8c76c275	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:48:42	-62.610
-54	18742	1874200	adfc2eeb-41c1-4092-a486-63da9b5986af	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:37:45	652.631
-54	37484	1874200	3a221fdb-0326-4cb9-935a-fabd41874741	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:00:29	-434.123
-55	18743	1874300	377300cf-0578-4c8b-8844-2e3fed7d6cdc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:24:31	651.806
-55	37486	1874300	01d7fe5c-74b7-4525-95f7-ab3d541564fd	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:46:24	-591.863
-56	18744	1874400	de719988-af02-4fae-be9a-f426b6bd7bf4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:35:24	756.742
-56	37488	1874400	9c35ba2c-07ac-48db-826e-237a7a30bb85	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:56:02	660.165
-57	18745	1874500	44266c72-d78e-4f8c-96c2-b2fee5314ef8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:19:11	309.388
-57	37490	1874500	3ed90951-5d11-472f-8384-8ad45c6fcfab	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:23:39	-555.915
-58	18746	1874600	5082f443-58c7-4279-9206-ef120be055ba	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:29:36	169.93
-58	37492	1874600	dabf3763-3f48-4c75-adbc-66d1ee98eef7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:23:29	-808.144
-59	18747	1874700	729fe1d2-76e5-4354-ac64-f402e14f9be9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:17:54	913.130
-59	37494	1874700	0d9878d3-120a-4f06-9216-792f9372209d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:51:48	-827.828
-60	18748	1874800	652efc72-c048-45e8-896c-62c1ef7047be	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:41:41	792.373
-60	37496	1874800	c894b2d5-8e9a-4d2d-ab8e-828989e50d08	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:27:11	-750.288
-61	18749	1874900	8b5bcb02-ef0b-45ab-bf78-a84f3f06a057	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:03:17	-140.920
-61	37498	1874900	387388dc-b420-4b3e-9a8a-cc3ef564bc26	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:48:10	13.408
-62	18750	1875000	7cd3ca01-cc03-4cf2-bd9e-80653d58cff3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:35:26	934.798
-62	37500	1875000	1aa97906-6832-4e26-9fcb-8e6cf148bc1b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:18:14	699.785
-63	18751	1875100	f4f02a2d-2d60-4de7-a323-ade7b9b43035	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:49:25	375.307
-63	37502	1875100	7b2d68b8-b3b7-44e6-9943-4bf4b126cb5d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:41:50	-641.234
-64	18752	1875200	7a741b71-d452-4f2e-8e16-7eed4da8487a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:29:14	-239.614
-64	37504	1875200	db27f494-5353-475c-88ff-25ba512afa71	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:43:02	-191.535
-65	18753	1875300	c9d33ced-d55d-4eba-bd2f-db2385463109	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:57:42	-692.164
-65	37506	1875300	0cdd9c37-91e2-46e6-a291-34f0c125188c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:57:47	392.159
-66	18754	1875400	f3b5ee32-557f-4193-9e68-b717e09ad8b8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:15:27	113.939
-66	37508	1875400	317da812-e237-492b-98f6-3a942aee3e94	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:29:19	-83.949
-67	18755	1875500	b38f4362-893d-4d8e-bd36-5ff8bb50840a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:55:57	-170.132
-67	37510	1875500	563f3b6b-e993-42f4-b3a0-b91434a12656	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:43:39	-598.14
-68	18756	1875600	55dd8a99-b0ec-4e24-8918-a0cefa02ddbf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:15:44	244.84
-68	37512	1875600	cdbef6d8-99ed-4da0-b1f5-38f8a835c7d5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:55:46	862.840
-69	18757	1875700	0fda132b-b99f-4fde-8121-2aeb16530ebf	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:33:23	394.637
-69	37514	1875700	4de90545-472c-4057-922b-b2526fb78e68	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:33:17	256.365
-70	18758	1875800	d788c5ce-097a-443c-acf2-74e721b521bf	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:30:29	626.369
-70	37516	1875800	7c490742-45f3-4e70-9368-61d7e5a7edcb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:45:24	-42.985
-71	18759	1875900	69ab0698-ba3b-4231-9625-5b4cf62569bb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:29:28	-37.669
-71	37518	1875900	10e7002d-b0cd-4e0e-a737-c66741c9f2f1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:45:03	-107.89
-72	18760	1876000	602b6045-471e-45cc-8083-232fc772f49d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:30:03	-349.697
-72	37520	1876000	2efc2b74-3d22-4e80-874f-27d9a58781ea	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:28:30	-482.146
-73	18761	1876100	9bc0bb8e-0bcb-4f5a-8a4b-7f112b4cc944	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:41:29	-643.142
-73	37522	1876100	a78b7131-c6e1-41a6-948d-c3756c21d11f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:49:52	-320.356
-74	18762	1876200	a6970aa4-591a-40d1-bc0b-26dc37361571	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:50:04	-249.808
-74	37524	1876200	6e580e47-c3c8-426a-962a-e79074f341cf	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:23:40	-750.489
-75	18763	1876300	c837b301-4fd6-4bc1-9261-11dce7e631c8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:06:28	215.218
-75	37526	1876300	0f8d6318-9aaa-46da-abff-4cc020b9f905	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:54:46	-148.529
-76	18764	1876400	fb9758f5-81d0-48c3-9f25-ee3cb01ac750	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:27:58	-380.168
-76	37528	1876400	684b977c-338a-4da9-9e21-2f684fa7764e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:09:43	970.189
-77	18765	1876500	b7c22903-3f88-4fae-a7f8-1185c2db49ec	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:50:13	483.996
-77	37530	1876500	6d056616-75d2-4ab1-aefa-5389cb8ef915	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:10:02	-701.177
-78	18766	1876600	f795dd5b-c41e-4221-86af-d28768844517	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:05:56	135.488
-78	37532	1876600	3dfb1cfc-f3ba-41d6-953e-b59696e673e0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:41:42	-897.300
-79	18767	1876700	46962dfe-54af-4f2b-813a-5d5d2aae6b13	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:06:24	-110.59
-79	37534	1876700	6bf5e71b-4426-4e6b-b3df-c274862d0c0d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:15:17	-592.557
-80	18768	1876800	3d375143-7c07-4c59-95c8-e8d0f5194421	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:27:08	799.645
-80	37536	1876800	3361e71f-23b3-4334-b176-504c3cef078f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:35:00	-445.273
-81	18769	1876900	cc69a23b-9182-4e7c-b0ca-c79d58aa6c82	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:05:05	507.429
-81	37538	1876900	61e2dcf4-1096-4b8c-86fb-8be00af59173	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:44:15	884.462
-82	18770	1877000	446f77ad-aeee-4cf9-a47d-9ec1a4100818	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:45:33	-103.373
-82	37540	1877000	4802e6bd-f709-4a56-805f-88783503f6e8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:54:23	933.710
-83	18771	1877100	ea0fc19a-95b0-4e21-91fd-61737f86720b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:11:03	498.691
-83	37542	1877100	f1bfd0a6-37ac-4a90-a6c2-f775f6fe75bb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:38:15	348.393
-84	18772	1877200	074aea7c-0157-490c-9581-3c0bce15da47	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:10:07	-991.825
-84	37544	1877200	ba243830-340e-450b-bbed-8a9ca4828c62	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:31:30	437.775
-85	18773	1877300	d34211fd-3f06-40dc-9f40-3507b6f753f2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:44:43	239.918
-85	37546	1877300	7c898fcf-e86a-4f3e-9ebf-d20a664ebdd5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:52:01	-906.556
-86	18774	1877400	1cc61931-0f9a-4718-9f3b-d0631fc970bb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:28:28	-270.976
-86	37548	1877400	97c728c2-c319-4ad3-b548-d4ae8cad6652	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:50:30	-117.921
-87	18775	1877500	9572cca1-5189-4903-a00c-938ee5a17385	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:45:13	964.427
-87	37550	1877500	cc3224a7-eb59-4217-8bfb-6c0bbbf5cda1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:17:18	-709.86
-88	18776	1877600	f866cf08-18fe-4fa6-8ea9-7d0e0b2f3882	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:14:44	-668.383
-88	37552	1877600	632a2dd3-885a-494a-969b-20ad43e02e82	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:44:10	-92.152
-89	18777	1877700	33007855-4396-487b-8bcb-b79e2a2f2673	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:04:58	-375.362
-89	37554	1877700	39e21637-8ef2-41e3-8d55-c9ce17b94559	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:42:59	996.915
-90	18778	1877800	0d3a97a0-4aa5-4414-973c-396767e2fd65	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:31:22	501.54
-90	37556	1877800	721a9afc-8dfa-4838-ba7b-248833c9d847	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:13:17	-420.506
-91	18779	1877900	de99fa4b-0dd5-4ddf-a553-772dd8631e08	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:56:22	-478.502
-91	37558	1877900	81fc22d4-5a39-49dc-b277-3bac41c18515	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:41:20	-242.934
-92	18780	1878000	c41b1ddc-6d33-49fd-82c1-568d69d0f364	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:48:50	-851.79
-92	37560	1878000	a949b7a2-faab-49d7-9a51-deb5b97c5831	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:55:04	-812.938
-93	18781	1878100	4e1162a7-5fa5-445d-8885-504e01918e6b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:47:06	747.796
-93	37562	1878100	e3b6d559-b733-4dc4-bb79-fdac30cfa496	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:26:56	-542.820
-94	18782	1878200	80e172ac-bdb0-4023-8105-10e0c5d2f5de	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:19:38	-158.496
-94	37564	1878200	94d29000-8185-4afc-a56c-f21e482d2557	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:56:30	-224.887
-95	18783	1878300	3a4604f6-8515-4e52-9282-1cf02fb98f1d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:01:18	912.379
-95	37566	1878300	7a0c8b9e-f6e8-40d4-9999-5ac40ec5e63f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:12:01	59.229
-96	18784	1878400	996075ff-9eb1-450f-9ee0-84c976f3be77	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:39:25	974.719
-96	37568	1878400	d6fd9955-e644-4907-a6a0-89f90fb0cd98	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:52:24	-819.461
-97	18785	1878500	8a28a3ec-38db-4b25-a2c9-bd277901df39	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:44:56	-904.192
-97	37570	1878500	70b01f7b-9709-4608-91c4-a56d322a4491	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:20:54	-944.351
-98	18786	1878600	d70fc11d-9ae2-4d50-8ac3-c1694c7116e2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:01:31	-23.811
-98	37572	1878600	07faa1a0-74c9-404b-a08b-0205bb607d55	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:15:34	995.315
-99	18787	1878700	6e50d455-323b-494a-a60e-9c65df64d4d0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:30:23	-186.910
-99	37574	1878700	d06b87d8-abac-478c-9ab4-e01e6ac47040	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:05:39	134.804
-100	18788	1878800	5fe0bee9-22ce-4ae7-aa16-a838a0e466dd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:41:35	-954.736
-100	37576	1878800	0096c70d-24af-4770-895b-0969b394b46b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:44:14	-484.687
-101	18789	1878900	177b5663-ac5e-4d65-99ec-c8e6c4986af5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:43:15	139.534
-101	37578	1878900	d5b20631-d89f-462d-be8b-ecefa210553f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:21:34	-82.445
-102	18790	1879000	e66b1caa-239d-4bcf-b150-41d1df400141	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:47:35	-199.34
-102	37580	1879000	2ea26e04-5d36-429d-906c-b580811c32b5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:16:07	685.972
-103	18791	1879100	33656a17-7855-49e1-b8aa-1fca6b4a0fde	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:45:21	2.500
-103	37582	1879100	2b44520a-b2a7-4256-8021-5745aefbb81c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:25:31	870.33
-104	18792	1879200	657a8f5a-2d93-4429-9c4c-2f493a861f21	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:10:44	-883.629
-104	37584	1879200	ac706f7d-aa1c-4c5c-8e31-d76f737b2447	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:01:37	-474.955
-105	18793	1879300	3db46d18-f2f2-4497-a4ba-249a1124ab05	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:22:07	-997.828
-105	37586	1879300	07837de7-fa91-4e3e-9c06-1bfbd1b68615	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:33:28	793.81
-106	18794	1879400	5d4303cc-2596-4021-90c1-a2295c800b19	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:59:24	-284.153
-106	37588	1879400	ab604e79-7770-4348-99ae-d4d2fcd0a6a5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:02:44	555.854
-107	18795	1879500	875a6d09-50ea-461b-9326-614ffaadd00b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:11:01	-950.982
-107	37590	1879500	e1edbe54-b79b-4f22-8fb6-ee3c468b8627	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:05:58	-152.388
-108	18796	1879600	a153bf58-c06d-44aa-9c2a-3f1dfed9e343	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:06:12	808.91
-108	37592	1879600	1959be0b-0272-4d88-8cc3-3a884b326ec2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:51:30	705.387
-109	18797	1879700	e062579a-7a96-4e9e-8db5-413856a7f1d2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:01:41	-557.673
-109	37594	1879700	6cc37436-4560-40e5-9fbc-ae3b1d8d1c5a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:15:42	377.562
-110	18798	1879800	0c0676c1-e069-4b58-aea7-a6360c99ddc5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:18:39	-710.564
-110	37596	1879800	29cb7308-8a36-4c16-b50e-104f9c1ce6a8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:07:18	-768.592
-111	18799	1879900	aa305888-1306-4d9f-a818-7ae218b6b48b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:07:29	466.374
-111	37598	1879900	5e9f0dd3-a6e1-4bae-8db8-8d11da6a17c6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:43:46	274.496
-112	18800	1880000	a531fc79-7587-4ec4-a55f-2e5dbb6fcf76	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:36:25	-742.557
-112	37600	1880000	43d35953-a4b1-49cf-a1d0-b42eb081200f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:54:38	-219.350
-113	18801	1880100	d2cda92f-e3b2-425e-8288-b6890e0df364	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:52:51	-424.163
-113	37602	1880100	55b5fc74-d547-430b-8671-2d5d5a3ad6c3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:46:58	502.98
-114	18802	1880200	a82825bc-954a-457b-91a3-908fd0f4a736	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:18:29	884.768
-114	37604	1880200	6f7214c5-73d1-4515-b2b4-8bbb171f693f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:52:09	-866.584
-115	18803	1880300	7544dbe2-561f-460b-ba37-ebf809ffa039	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:20:04	197.879
-115	37606	1880300	f811e36e-57af-42f9-bfe8-62528f0882f9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:39:10	105.873
-116	18804	1880400	9dfc220f-5d65-4f03-8bbd-6a48141ed4c8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:38:50	316.631
-116	37608	1880400	27810a8d-ab58-4f66-9be2-3234c62da67a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:50:19	108.702
-117	18805	1880500	362fb714-8c0a-4a7d-a9f0-a2a84ba7e65a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:21:05	764.626
-117	37610	1880500	318aeb2d-eddd-4c71-b31a-618d82cfb8ee	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:37:43	965.380
-118	18806	1880600	53de2748-93d5-45b6-ab1f-cf86be22ec72	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:45:07	78.350
-118	37612	1880600	da48db92-73c4-403f-ae0e-bfd08248ecd1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:18:25	802.492
-119	18807	1880700	5ccb9863-5bb4-468a-943c-dfdeb34129ad	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:36:41	586.894
-119	37614	1880700	e0567ff9-f9a2-436e-b77f-8b7187f0e5db	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:35:20	668.889
-120	18808	1880800	712c8f1f-d4e0-4ccb-b6d9-b2f368b63299	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:45:47	896.962
-120	37616	1880800	35f4d661-a95d-4e62-81cf-c3c8ae2cd478	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:48:19	-528.35
-121	18809	1880900	9c8e747e-bdf8-404e-8531-a946f2e3a830	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:42:34	316.644
-121	37618	1880900	b6bd6f9d-26eb-4569-b84c-c2bf295e0dbe	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:10:45	845.504
-122	18810	1881000	6c80999e-7254-4973-9d8b-3fceecb91aad	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:07:09	-453.970
-122	37620	1881000	790e51ea-627e-429b-98ec-11f7ff74a2f5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:37:16	-336.444
-123	18811	1881100	f83fdfd3-0624-420d-a857-42697ab32876	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:15:38	-742.364
-123	37622	1881100	f4299edf-701d-45d4-8334-b49d0c1d0e55	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:56:56	-946.948
-124	18812	1881200	a1ced809-0fd7-4bdd-ba25-b516e7e1c493	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:37:09	-54.656
-124	37624	1881200	912a88ca-ef5c-4ec8-a184-010fb91a8d87	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:14:41	-743.160
-125	18813	1881300	ff525b0b-a2aa-4a2a-b057-9e0c82c98cf3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:13:00	330.663
-125	37626	1881300	31b47d4e-984a-44a5-9018-d8a6a433989c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:46:07	516.575
-126	18814	1881400	177f07c7-9ee5-4682-8450-d69e116930e9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:42:26	-488.133
-126	37628	1881400	80de3bef-90f1-4cc7-991c-9d3cf67fc051	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:08:11	87.424
-127	18815	1881500	e1f1b12b-5dbb-41a0-b96c-3a96d9dc6d3e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:14:25	26.161
-127	37630	1881500	1f4fadbe-25cc-4e22-bcc2-dfbe6c6c434b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:26:49	663.336
-0	18816	1881600	049afcc4-6383-4433-8ce1-8709c053c527	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:02:55	-956.838
-0	37632	1881600	9d3a2a3f-1e5d-4a29-aa6e-f01611977cf9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:50:12	-366.401
-1	18817	1881700	249c1852-3326-490b-a414-89d701756892	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:42:23	916.464
-1	37634	1881700	2f6e7be6-7e3c-46fe-8c8b-cebd7d63214a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:12:33	362.970
-2	18818	1881800	c08777f8-8fb4-4660-8840-0bd923aef65b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:26:37	-643.853
-2	37636	1881800	ab303b0a-7298-4ac7-8aa8-8890981b1389	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:07:42	324.46
-3	18819	1881900	4a79f6dc-ae64-434c-93cf-3548c7ddddc2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:02:09	755.660
-3	37638	1881900	fd7cd070-0f5d-4da6-95fe-fb29288b24af	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:42:28	856.336
-4	18820	1882000	0a101215-76fa-4c58-8e18-1ae922ca1b22	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:45:35	659.854
-4	37640	1882000	83a3863a-0bba-45bf-98bb-4fe2ea118745	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:57:57	-301.845
-5	18821	1882100	f0d0961b-d2cf-4ed3-bbd7-c88f61f31c4f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:31:45	-339.431
-5	37642	1882100	efa8b5ba-87ab-4ef7-bead-100f96b51624	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:42:13	-126.810
-6	18822	1882200	074f2fbc-a6a3-4e08-ad06-f48841a29d24	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:11:42	-943.685
-6	37644	1882200	b6b2a55d-b80c-4c35-bc49-7a82aabbdd00	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:43:32	-776.36
-7	18823	1882300	df98a6df-3ef0-4ce7-ba72-ebd8067c1eb9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:37:13	-444.440
-7	37646	1882300	d08d93f9-c0f9-41a1-b758-bb679e99faa8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:35:13	850.979
-8	18824	1882400	1826d729-7bf8-4726-a324-78f1d4ff3712	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:29:48	479.635
-8	37648	1882400	c620279d-3f1f-432b-bb59-53c62b6ba1d4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:33:25	-861.484
-9	18825	1882500	da742c22-3c7d-4c56-b2b1-7eb4baf14e33	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:54:41	560.79
-9	37650	1882500	eccfc804-c9c1-4044-9ec6-f05f332a40fc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:15:27	-968.450
-10	18826	1882600	306ff35c-9b51-4b2a-ac30-3d0cc038a1ed	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:35:01	-868.794
-10	37652	1882600	ad7bb061-1e1d-4156-91a9-cbfc7947391b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:16:58	-358.960
-11	18827	1882700	68e38356-6796-4680-b8b7-32191aa6522d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:38:50	-773.358
-11	37654	1882700	98dbe184-6ee7-4bdf-bc22-62c978236a88	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:34:49	-969.561
-12	18828	1882800	91de75c4-0545-43d0-b64c-238d308655b7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:57:20	689.192
-12	37656	1882800	1b73082d-481c-48bd-80b5-ca4feab4ff07	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:51:10	-868.971
-13	18829	1882900	f5d534ae-f665-4ee8-8577-dd25195cec88	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:12:00	-437.307
-13	37658	1882900	1bf27f7a-0b6c-4c0a-bf56-bf31f4a0559e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:48:34	-923.853
-14	18830	1883000	e3e16e07-3c48-4a15-bcd3-4d06e6580d59	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:13:51	-971.878
-14	37660	1883000	093fe5d9-fa03-4dff-ac0e-f85300551992	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:45:03	-613.837
-15	18831	1883100	bd2a48bb-8f1a-481a-8fe5-c4a562e9fc03	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:58:04	332.681
-15	37662	1883100	d8eb0bb7-393c-4a58-803d-1352de4aff4a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:51:50	34.86
-16	18832	1883200	0121c260-4b37-416e-b4f9-8c576ca17dee	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:43:58	-552.804
-16	37664	1883200	8b2cc979-e907-44a0-8b35-92b24431051e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:49:05	-265.486
-17	18833	1883300	e885daae-bbd4-4ee2-b30c-ac69df0c032b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:13:45	-807.532
-17	37666	1883300	04a52830-a7e2-401b-a533-c2f8d5b0ed23	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:03:30	228.931
-18	18834	1883400	6eb82fe3-eb69-410f-867b-3c5637d842a1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:48:31	-581.160
-18	37668	1883400	2ec98167-87fa-4c4d-b7a9-fcf3668d0281	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:11:06	-519.79
-19	18835	1883500	b1855707-5bfd-4f23-bdd2-1bd2081debc0	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:49:43	-689.383
-19	37670	1883500	3e86c142-686a-4406-815e-be5273e158ea	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:00:44	-933.508
-20	18836	1883600	c5c05a8a-cac5-4a25-be39-b3d72573e46b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:16:23	262.404
-20	37672	1883600	9bb7d85e-4bc5-4629-b89c-26354994b566	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:04:46	-179.443
-21	18837	1883700	176dd10b-9401-4e9d-bc12-07a0e4266b47	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:53:20	181.660
-21	37674	1883700	9989926f-c4b7-4e8c-b7a5-e85a8080b5f6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:38:13	845.595
-22	18838	1883800	6e32ff03-c532-445c-86da-0b6db9383c74	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:13:49	458.503
-22	37676	1883800	a69cb634-0319-4f72-a106-d29ab1ef6898	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:07:39	53.890
-23	18839	1883900	4e54ba7e-4c98-4385-a855-e913e20b10af	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:54:14	-55.651
-23	37678	1883900	4870d750-b11d-4059-a58c-341bc9eca590	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:43:46	-477.764
-24	18840	1884000	ed497051-538f-4f48-a9a5-bd630a9c0563	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:36:00	-609.778
-24	37680	1884000	3d6fb6a5-4018-435b-b764-9add3b5d9fa7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:01:09	-207.566
-25	18841	1884100	49dba42b-2012-4a21-befd-c08ca029e1f0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:58:07	-650.841
-25	37682	1884100	99fc0712-f921-4b52-ba97-4efeb4483cc5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:26:03	615.409
-26	18842	1884200	401a01af-8e02-46b9-bbfa-138a3baab083	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:03:25	-379.479
-26	37684	1884200	9ac42859-d975-40dc-8a9c-cb266fad0b1f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:48:13	-682.925
-27	18843	1884300	dcbb624a-55f3-4c18-8383-b0d522683b8e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:27:26	73.408
-27	37686	1884300	f6784a71-308c-4764-80cc-311f2b28a414	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:04:58	536.674
-28	18844	1884400	295af30b-486d-46d4-83e6-0d9e926eaba5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:40:20	-609.591
-28	37688	1884400	3b151696-2e6a-4b40-8d06-5798025c02dc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:43:54	-902.63
-29	18845	1884500	8c4754b6-af32-437e-81e1-815bdd63f5e1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:55:50	340.23
-29	37690	1884500	cde8cb63-5887-458a-88c0-a5613fae97c4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:20:11	470.91
-30	18846	1884600	8df0697e-cb90-4ecf-a13c-a9ac68c6686b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:05:04	-399.619
-30	37692	1884600	f0adb347-3ef2-4233-b070-58c4d84d6ef8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:13:31	-390.185
-31	18847	1884700	69057d5c-9e1b-4e59-9cf4-527757ac861c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:28:07	-771.476
-31	37694	1884700	cd70e26e-12ab-4cfb-9cf8-f4145c6337c0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:30:11	-423.965
-32	18848	1884800	30d129c5-2e7b-461b-a3e1-a2c9daf1d8ca	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:44:42	840.72
-32	37696	1884800	e460b7ad-22df-4e51-a0be-afae508087b8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:46:34	-108.35
-33	18849	1884900	c034e24f-289a-42d9-bebd-0f0ef2812c88	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:18:29	13.411
-33	37698	1884900	0eccdea8-a8b0-4cab-86e8-d79e385074ac	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:08:10	-932.531
-34	18850	1885000	e9029d64-f9a2-44b3-b1ea-f62e9fd159ca	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:05:28	-329.520
-34	37700	1885000	6ff721b2-9cf8-4edd-9d48-385a2a1d4f6b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:48:44	379.495
-35	18851	1885100	31ae9510-b0f6-4895-9712-87dc743f3dfb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:58:00	417.261
-35	37702	1885100	e59ffe4e-8e3e-4df3-9927-7d22f5dfc9c8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:03:38	628.507
-36	18852	1885200	e789a804-409a-425a-a705-b7af46c2b965	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:14:50	-911.825
-36	37704	1885200	2fecb9d1-93c6-4bf1-b2ac-4860048faeb6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:48:43	677.55
-37	18853	1885300	485401cb-fc86-408b-96b0-3b9d131eba5a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:21:51	-62.292
-37	37706	1885300	5cdd676e-d2da-40b4-a4ea-291eb11ffda5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:36:00	783.364
-38	18854	1885400	b0caab8b-789e-4a0f-8367-a56b60a73390	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:56:49	49.906
-38	37708	1885400	03130b76-2076-4c3d-af2f-fa22aca57137	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:48:02	497.42
-39	18855	1885500	b0230aa9-405a-4578-9e52-347521db7736	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:50:33	617.778
-39	37710	1885500	b8b65c44-6b4d-4ff6-b13e-29dcf2d26248	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:00:41	280.62
-40	18856	1885600	a6a0895e-3161-41bb-9586-658fc7b01b13	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:24:20	824.12
-40	37712	1885600	d26e23ff-a611-489a-bbd6-39cd4d8e1fd5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:48:40	568.593
-41	18857	1885700	3c9db141-ed76-412f-b7c4-faf7c9b22b24	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:11:59	-724.133
-41	37714	1885700	9b7cf5ab-eb42-4a36-a304-e529be79464b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:06:04	-711.394
-42	18858	1885800	f63e416d-34b4-442a-b707-3aff8be6ae41	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:13:32	518.384
-42	37716	1885800	73dedeaf-5ef1-477c-a443-c180f5ca9351	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:32:58	-307.971
-43	18859	1885900	77034d03-39ce-4313-a224-59e58c3da40f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:10:42	-242.977
-43	37718	1885900	411658be-137a-47af-a967-ede4113151dd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:31:22	102.82
-44	18860	1886000	2c6f4f8d-2aa5-429b-99fe-f265ed69ff7e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:46:47	-447.505
-44	37720	1886000	0413ba18-3a5e-4ee0-b74b-bda1a53df72d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:04:26	-85.521
-45	18861	1886100	f6dfdad5-8682-4431-92f5-2a4be7916d8c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:57:05	-641.812
-45	37722	1886100	f039572e-4e12-42d1-af8a-8c0211469cd1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:53:32	194.351
-46	18862	1886200	9438f779-22ac-49cd-82b5-d86b59e314c7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:10:03	-752.780
-46	37724	1886200	a9889b5b-befc-4493-b2ff-74ebb77e23fc	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:57:05	173.331
-47	18863	1886300	25e65edf-fca5-4834-b671-716ca7d8943b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:55:09	969.408
-47	37726	1886300	589344ee-54d6-4b26-b502-1dc9f92c9a93	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:39:39	353.234
-48	18864	1886400	89186ee2-995f-46d4-9af5-7b6feab9b30e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:39:45	-819.404
-48	37728	1886400	50f73887-b12c-49c6-ae46-bce3c46278ac	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:56:38	-953.647
-49	18865	1886500	9306a4f5-0915-4e8d-adf6-3f4efcb8fb4a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:15:35	186.196
-49	37730	1886500	ac609baf-28fb-4b5c-b1b1-e2c6f7e602fc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:04:32	-353.891
-50	18866	1886600	4aa1f461-c5dc-409e-a602-8c58d40be711	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:10:45	40.168
-50	37732	1886600	c1bc9c8c-0db9-4749-a2bc-3c1c37f62a7e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:25:38	497.603
-51	18867	1886700	f18efc03-5428-4162-9ee0-9926bc308572	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:26:06	-110.326
-51	37734	1886700	d5fc3e2e-7fe1-4e9c-afac-26556b2659bb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:54:03	510.665
-52	18868	1886800	2ba3958b-44f1-44c4-9220-f698fb135535	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:55:37	940.189
-52	37736	1886800	162ff1f6-d1f1-4361-933f-395f2559d369	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:46:41	-805.270
-53	18869	1886900	0482c8b0-382e-444a-ba55-5c0f35775a5e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:52:27	215.156
-53	37738	1886900	40bf1094-a254-4a5c-8c39-da67b221b15d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:37:26	-278.543
-54	18870	1887000	3219852b-8769-458d-8038-522680e1b6ce	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:33:13	141.514
-54	37740	1887000	9aa1d81f-db97-47d7-9fe5-3db8712b6e50	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:38:17	-721.396
-55	18871	1887100	a0f58e3f-55ee-41c3-bb54-e5a8c64f564f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:39:01	100.928
-55	37742	1887100	c667cfb2-4da5-44a7-8705-6bf819c265c3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:23:39	502.194
-56	18872	1887200	2ede1bea-1d23-4c4d-bcbe-bd28af76aa61	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:36:32	-921.456
-56	37744	1887200	e84a1df6-0c91-4633-9746-85097446998e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:52:09	191.187
-57	18873	1887300	c4e7903f-a1f7-411b-b6a0-bf57dcf11467	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:02:04	-932.207
-57	37746	1887300	7592f4aa-b332-45b4-beb3-a127b38dd178	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:47:10	-172.340
-58	18874	1887400	49973979-8050-416e-ac43-f31efa028148	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:15:14	-99.201
-58	37748	1887400	9b19f4d0-9169-4dd1-b174-e5d9115e644b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:35:57	-731.990
-59	18875	1887500	0a904d2f-46a7-4010-a3b0-647c66573fde	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:03:27	-44.906
-59	37750	1887500	144928c5-9960-4657-9b56-bbb3f0843867	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:07:03	-705.7
-60	18876	1887600	adf1dc57-be45-4253-9973-15cf5c14e555	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:46:14	-950.860
-60	37752	1887600	84923d0d-5f3f-4b58-aeda-a5cd20f55e88	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:26:08	821.384
-61	18877	1887700	7b00550f-d133-4f44-826e-a27e2ca941bf	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:05:48	-632.250
-61	37754	1887700	e9558325-1f23-4cf4-b5b7-9540f25a3dc7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:30:07	910.106
-62	18878	1887800	cacc2d46-46a2-46dd-9752-5f79a604a027	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:21:07	-286.11
-62	37756	1887800	55c7b8f3-2403-4e89-8325-ad5037267d2f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:34:32	121.77
-63	18879	1887900	c265ca33-cd7f-46c4-9708-ecc7cb678fce	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:11:14	297.485
-63	37758	1887900	107c649f-9b36-41e0-9c82-fd1cae9e2303	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:56:17	-232.217
-64	18880	1888000	6dee429a-dfbb-44cb-a7f4-298320aedc62	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:51:23	-726.617
-64	37760	1888000	62888a46-2cc1-420a-80e7-7d53bc67f149	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:11:09	201.435
-65	18881	1888100	07397fd3-454a-4e64-ba26-5199c6955955	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:16:02	-424.189
-65	37762	1888100	2ef686c8-ec03-4842-8d47-7655b51d54f6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:38:42	7.846
-66	18882	1888200	5eec7c56-4663-4dcd-943c-822450c501c5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:35:29	858.132
-66	37764	1888200	375f3cde-9408-4aa3-bd7e-bd476f6e10f6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:08:07	-271.270
-67	18883	1888300	e3bb1433-47e2-4fea-945b-c8fc0941f59c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:08:44	-683.110
-67	37766	1888300	06752f36-43b1-4fdd-ae22-e81c94cb6154	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:54:08	-86.597
-68	18884	1888400	7fbf53d4-02cb-4735-8a23-134f03ded0b4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:32:48	-455.969
-68	37768	1888400	d8a7fd8e-3d79-4ce2-97b6-4df3d286c3e1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:11:06	-495.548
-69	18885	1888500	840907bf-f87f-440c-9da1-95116b1f743f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:12:47	-936.430
-69	37770	1888500	bc32ed19-66a0-4e32-a14d-f98dadf5ad4e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:17:35	547.625
-70	18886	1888600	f0b7347b-7b0c-400c-bb96-17e0fedb7ddd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:51:14	892.114
-70	37772	1888600	c0c5c56e-3a56-4070-8dec-88a1ca0d499a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:47:22	-41.402
-71	18887	1888700	0cd7aa38-f4b9-46ca-aea8-91df1994200e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:11:57	-657.199
-71	37774	1888700	6510db0f-4773-4003-8776-3283a33f2355	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:02:12	-525.402
-72	18888	1888800	0c17e504-0a9c-4e6d-aa10-e999a6333b02	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:30:26	-498.178
-72	37776	1888800	f3affc16-921e-4ad2-ad16-2ac0fd809330	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:07:03	675.713
-73	18889	1888900	0576f3b6-965b-47f6-b223-cf06cedf2b70	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:13:26	-777.615
-73	37778	1888900	c93fcf2b-9223-48d9-b5b5-d340a5f4becb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:06:08	88.671
-74	18890	1889000	6a949820-5c43-4e07-9d41-e6fad6e6cf05	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:50:39	-729.178
-74	37780	1889000	71c6e117-ad3e-4f8b-804b-08e06eab08c9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:01:31	76.422
-75	18891	1889100	c3d54605-4142-4c20-bf8e-028d9cfaccf0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:55:19	947.172
-75	37782	1889100	816501be-207d-4a28-a563-5f75bedef877	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:50:02	339.305
-76	18892	1889200	c0c74b27-2a2f-4bcb-bcfb-328075d8c854	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:07:29	-458.960
-76	37784	1889200	c6bc166a-a051-42ea-a599-ed7c8ce6999f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:22:04	69.788
-77	18893	1889300	34b85770-4ccd-476a-b384-9a4e1937d93c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:58:14	-907.140
-77	37786	1889300	be98f66a-27cd-47c8-b66f-7799954c894e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:47:15	-301.162
-78	18894	1889400	6d9a9154-dbb6-42f1-a9a0-571da185bc21	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:47:44	-844.339
-78	37788	1889400	c14aa244-463a-4a06-a10b-e3bfe9e5767f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:38:12	366.360
-79	18895	1889500	dd7bca18-dbbd-4363-850b-79538bd44edd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:05:38	226.526
-79	37790	1889500	1edb729e-a04f-4a96-8305-c27dace6c123	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:55:59	-590.15
-80	18896	1889600	c6620eb2-2b20-493b-8ecb-da3eb022e3e9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:15:58	-171.832
-80	37792	1889600	9f0ab2ba-8733-4a8e-8b04-7fcb98eef4d2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:29:47	-957.888
-81	18897	1889700	27ae022d-9162-4fce-89db-e4c08996b461	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:11:47	-621.83
-81	37794	1889700	f6288fa3-2473-4b86-8a7e-5c7a4f60344e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:43:08	-994.619
-82	18898	1889800	f3933e87-4912-4fcc-9846-150ed9872ef6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:54:19	-468.685
-82	37796	1889800	805d8a10-2679-420d-a238-833968c52165	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:12:23	-383.215
-83	18899	1889900	4f2a6280-7b38-4d75-9b6f-eb2e3c641cce	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:44:43	-79.376
-83	37798	1889900	c1faf688-404c-4b4a-a25c-9fc08b6311df	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:45:55	-414.248
-84	18900	1890000	f6f2fe6e-929b-4339-9da0-76544ab0e9d7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:54:30	-852.140
-84	37800	1890000	a46e2da4-a30e-4164-9de2-1925dd26d505	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:30:08	-347.918
-85	18901	1890100	728cd16d-a783-4156-bfb3-5faaa3c43b39	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:41:45	150.937
-85	37802	1890100	489a7c11-e4df-4da0-8749-0038a490b0a6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:35:53	845.976
-86	18902	1890200	cec9d7ec-af45-420d-a9fd-f95abc7c1561	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:39:57	915.563
-86	37804	1890200	7cfff67f-835d-4e79-8006-b9610b273fc4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:08:31	867.649
-87	18903	1890300	fb485879-b0cd-4677-9c89-7393c1d81b59	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:05:01	125.532
-87	37806	1890300	c57f5bc0-4b87-4b03-b5cb-e0366adae88b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:41:01	793.163
-88	18904	1890400	cf06a5ee-40ce-4e09-9888-cd6550f5842b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:01:48	234.551
-88	37808	1890400	f1f2bb00-a484-42c9-a4a3-a4fc63621766	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:40:49	-528.396
-89	18905	1890500	9859c3d6-48a2-4804-9d60-5c33d9e57010	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:46:26	172.764
-89	37810	1890500	bf58ac6a-9fa9-4287-8277-4afa53e410cc	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:19:34	479.308
-90	18906	1890600	b9bb8e8d-1950-4029-8165-dac534d4353e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:40:19	515.272
-90	37812	1890600	41217edd-444a-4627-ada1-952343125ab5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:30:12	-312.931
-91	18907	1890700	e4512ff4-4df0-499d-b5a1-ae694f46a953	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:38:16	-643.609
-91	37814	1890700	aa61dc09-01c4-466c-8533-f2ccef669a05	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:48:40	284.192
-92	18908	1890800	16abe783-9cc1-46cd-8465-40552d6f15e0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:40:20	981.422
-92	37816	1890800	ca129cae-a86d-4354-b3d8-6e96444bc6ed	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:18:10	469.179
-93	18909	1890900	c83e7e0e-7fc5-40b0-9928-c93f143086c3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:43:46	712.690
-93	37818	1890900	d6b749f7-6a0a-43ba-81f3-1101ba3612be	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:37:38	-195.684
-94	18910	1891000	c0d14270-2070-4a5a-ae45-b0347b05cb21	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:04:07	-527.608
-94	37820	1891000	c71be4af-e54a-48c8-8718-1188323dcc15	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:35:28	472.991
-95	18911	1891100	ecb0b4c6-9743-416e-b571-48a354d91bd9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:11:27	434.625
-95	37822	1891100	f7a09cb1-1a27-4b9c-9cb6-a05d58062eba	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:42:32	-17.967
-96	18912	1891200	c387777b-2a3b-43f3-b779-eb6039ca9caa	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:47:17	-145.443
-96	37824	1891200	1412bb39-f6bf-436f-be2a-13b43657a0da	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:41:51	363.312
-97	18913	1891300	edbab170-116a-4896-a813-1d582ff053d8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:45:33	-561.862
-97	37826	1891300	80654e1b-9e5b-428c-987a-be038d55b5e9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:01:54	887.730
-98	18914	1891400	4ac18b86-1f10-40b6-928c-7e4825c6cd5f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:01:16	-529.995
-98	37828	1891400	ec00a4ab-e456-4c83-ad79-b2fe51976b1c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:24:23	-203.824
-99	18915	1891500	d50c22b7-ef24-4e54-b830-407577202be0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:37:03	-918.207
-99	37830	1891500	d8c19940-4488-450d-bc25-7e6eb085f24f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:47:06	-351.226
-100	18916	1891600	24f0ec0a-0149-433f-8ab8-7df444ae6f9e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:44:29	-338.720
-100	37832	1891600	4db020bc-55c3-4e52-ab4d-51f0d3a1de27	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:54:23	577.93
-101	18917	1891700	eb7ef5fc-efe0-4711-96af-b0d80534e80f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:23:51	-110.767
-101	37834	1891700	a6fb2918-4bd2-4f98-8e00-7f83654b1971	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:47:54	-220.454
-102	18918	1891800	4a530046-b4d7-4ae0-acf7-8230b86ae70c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:23:43	775.927
-102	37836	1891800	e04ff600-0e3c-40bb-8d0b-37bceadf2eae	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:03:43	555.165
-103	18919	1891900	8424f018-769f-4f82-8f61-15ad77467ad1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:39:26	-974.370
-103	37838	1891900	82e7980d-b147-4bda-aeea-5e09a0eefc62	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:06:00	-907.391
-104	18920	1892000	ae014d99-dcda-4dc3-b278-3f884585a032	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:28:51	-719.209
-104	37840	1892000	88e458ec-050e-405c-a3a8-f37eb58dc37c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:07:02	509.707
-105	18921	1892100	6d1fc2dc-852b-44bc-8d2b-16c6607ba3a5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:30:55	85.609
-105	37842	1892100	71a168f4-9d1d-4625-b153-c858974048e7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:36:12	-972.711
-106	18922	1892200	809e1851-5cf3-452e-a315-cfa93073ce5f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:50:59	527.915
-106	37844	1892200	6c5c18ca-af72-4a81-88c3-4ffa8ae3feb9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:23:12	-25.755
-107	18923	1892300	3b930a7c-aad3-4434-9818-195cf1a3a8aa	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:00:07	696.567
-107	37846	1892300	2bf5836d-0de5-483f-a571-2e547ad41cea	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:42:02	591.507
-108	18924	1892400	3fbce904-504f-4039-9804-e96c59ad6abd	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:14:21	-852.146
-108	37848	1892400	fd4be213-518b-4e10-a321-a55fd28dde90	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:50:49	340.883
-109	18925	1892500	67bbf20e-fa24-4f09-b8b9-f7d492f89d45	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:41:54	131.587
-109	37850	1892500	6ba18528-fd1f-4d2c-a749-d66cd6be2a75	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:35:14	-167.533
-110	18926	1892600	323f2d44-25f8-490a-a498-38227940c01c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:46:12	-632.860
-110	37852	1892600	4d21d34a-96f2-4ef0-9307-92a4a09397db	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:06:06	-486.492
-111	18927	1892700	a7da6d3c-b922-4ea8-85cb-6e196c584fca	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:36:12	143.338
-111	37854	1892700	f3f71a74-f165-48f6-8f58-2f0ba922ce72	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:41:19	732.511
-112	18928	1892800	8ae7a8e3-3141-4df3-8cb2-cb327a47a991	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:17:46	142.325
-112	37856	1892800	e29c5c89-9ba9-4b1e-90ed-01a80f668440	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:38:04	164.510
-113	18929	1892900	eafd2cff-9371-4967-ac06-591358370717	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:00:40	757.628
-113	37858	1892900	5c2a7418-7362-4d09-9739-0b0c2a359395	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:02:38	186.373
-114	18930	1893000	a0d0e6d3-ace1-4103-a05e-a63bda4e8e73	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:55:50	-621.196
-114	37860	1893000	94b796ba-b628-4440-bb6a-bc2a011af19e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:18:51	-492.514
-115	18931	1893100	f85f1076-e649-434b-bd10-37136237788d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:23:38	-476.709
-115	37862	1893100	0e263af9-cd06-4448-9226-43c08c905383	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:20:05	-742.475
-116	18932	1893200	dcf3dbe9-200a-492f-8b4b-991c0fb8d206	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:13:00	574.373
-116	37864	1893200	234f9505-8092-49e6-ae06-a7bc8a5332b6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:38:37	-761.477
-117	18933	1893300	9c15a33c-81a3-4bdf-913e-25a3a5e17727	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:47:28	-411.657
-117	37866	1893300	6bd1e70d-7b65-4673-b9c1-a9f5098b5570	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:40:57	-447.777
-118	18934	1893400	b98b35c0-b41a-46cf-a37f-97db816ebced	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:44:44	173.386
-118	37868	1893400	3e62915f-55dc-4383-b04b-d6dfeb1bd00d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:01:40	-342.475
-119	18935	1893500	00d5229b-e917-4b74-a57c-41863066e719	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:18:37	425.797
-119	37870	1893500	ded615dc-dfa0-46c6-925d-4b0eca77da05	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:23:52	-33.743
-120	18936	1893600	c2c6f6c3-389e-4f6f-9415-e6dbbcba2970	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:05:51	-61.279
-120	37872	1893600	4f93c248-2466-4069-abc3-b6bfa5fdcf71	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:02:38	593.338
-121	18937	1893700	1cfce409-492a-401d-aad4-98484202e949	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:53:43	-421.830
-121	37874	1893700	91db8931-9fa2-4f8a-8a3e-2650059b2e7e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:28:55	990.289
-122	18938	1893800	6eb177d0-ef1e-43c3-a0c6-2411cf090af7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:19:35	911.601
-122	37876	1893800	8ffdf952-44be-47a4-b7b3-cbf32913e11c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:18:44	-133.19
-123	18939	1893900	a41d558b-7645-4844-91e2-e8f96779c412	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:38:45	467.524
-123	37878	1893900	cae58c14-f1d7-45ba-add6-a384b58bb9cb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:26:20	-488.746
-124	18940	1894000	f77233a1-7cc6-4593-961e-5a7974ac90ff	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:03:13	-534.963
-124	37880	1894000	4c190e45-1004-4308-abf8-c1afa61fc0b6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:09:38	-894.540
-125	18941	1894100	728d2359-fe06-413f-bc7f-bd692db73091	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:48:40	-281.331
-125	37882	1894100	61075850-0ebe-4ed2-9b98-26f402a5667f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:47:23	486.829
-126	18942	1894200	c7a5760b-5f45-4122-8ad3-c806732f6fb7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:57:57	-267.611
-126	37884	1894200	3186067b-8cf1-4114-8eea-f38f95997a3e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:38:05	247.676
-127	18943	1894300	6383bb8c-dc76-4f01-b1cb-73f5161a9828	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:04:47	-401.631
-127	37886	1894300	e2ab0d48-9eab-4c21-bd60-623b8f243fc7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:43:15	911.590
-0	18944	1894400	4842a53d-a4ca-43fc-b79f-4a5f33aec161	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:55:26	19.726
-0	37888	1894400	819ac866-ec0e-4929-9c45-b7c6bd07d65a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:22:02	-940.294
-1	18945	1894500	30d9bbd2-601b-43d5-8404-e16dde5aa98c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:37:10	869.672
-1	37890	1894500	458ad468-487a-4af7-8b40-4918af8a89a8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:49:58	-487.163
-2	18946	1894600	292926f6-87b8-4ed2-bde5-40043259377c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:07:29	479.400
-2	37892	1894600	871cd47d-594e-4d40-b083-45af70520882	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:01:28	149.843
-3	18947	1894700	942d4c51-2462-481f-9019-2f76516d1a17	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:41:57	-47.386
-3	37894	1894700	d53feffc-4854-4f12-bb65-6f02dec72f16	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:37:10	-49.650
-4	18948	1894800	c60890ba-3085-46c0-bf6f-f6a5e3c069e3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:05:58	-917.345
-4	37896	1894800	4e1205e1-7dc7-4252-a053-a6a1d1768fef	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:53:37	460.517
-5	18949	1894900	62ea936b-c344-47a0-8a46-8a22f2440311	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:02:47	-659.956
-5	37898	1894900	d6817092-4094-4e5d-8f24-353083061e3f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:11:55	529.531
-6	18950	1895000	3c5b218c-a4c4-4c23-8790-cbce5feb2dd0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:14:25	-379.402
-6	37900	1895000	13771210-c233-4097-b8d6-0610fded4aa6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:23:29	-962.222
-7	18951	1895100	781c8a9f-af17-4dc2-ad37-d4f89122f83f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:26:12	-585.183
-7	37902	1895100	99a0ae1b-3da3-4d7f-90f2-85064eaeaf94	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:35:53	-269.616
-8	18952	1895200	980d0a9d-aa24-4ccb-83a2-551efbd13627	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:42:29	-502.567
-8	37904	1895200	43a6676b-e8a0-40f1-a2bd-114247f74be8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:44:55	19.672
-9	18953	1895300	1410ec90-8292-41d3-90d7-b7d32b8aeaab	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:13:03	701.664
-9	37906	1895300	77654944-aac0-4f4e-9d66-f6140865dcb5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:35:17	-915.746
-10	18954	1895400	9d54c7de-7aa9-45c2-9bb8-9e4c76e8e629	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:18:04	-722.562
-10	37908	1895400	83c13050-69a4-4e87-b7c5-77129abae2a2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:26:24	588.86
-11	18955	1895500	dfab65e1-d63f-4b47-b143-1ddb611f70a1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:44:43	-891.816
-11	37910	1895500	a27c3f55-467b-4972-a5cf-e35ccf2433ed	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:13:47	-332.826
-12	18956	1895600	d6c65f49-7fc1-4ae4-9df7-036fde14b93e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:35:41	747.465
-12	37912	1895600	75e3c1a2-c18d-4533-bc22-f2fbbfc3e507	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:45:21	-538.874
-13	18957	1895700	aa235eb9-d0c5-40c4-9128-3acde4b5c97d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:33:24	-328.873
-13	37914	1895700	cccefe60-59af-4c4e-aaa6-d522bdea841f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:23:10	4.740
-14	18958	1895800	a0c6d551-f4b8-47dd-b958-9087442ea636	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:56:58	-862.576
-14	37916	1895800	334e2200-7ce8-4ee5-b16d-7fb0e08ac303	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:01:06	421.128
-15	18959	1895900	310a7838-ee50-4584-a445-bcdff6b338e9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:51:15	-438.470
-15	37918	1895900	98ea43ba-8f9e-4e31-8d39-67cf0d384aa0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:29:09	209.628
-16	18960	1896000	785bb0fd-a059-421f-ac06-94de7db6c238	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:22:55	622.333
-16	37920	1896000	1ca43477-5925-44a1-bfe3-8e7c1c37dd0f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:06:15	-489.502
-17	18961	1896100	ced0c2c0-185a-4737-a67f-28c275083d6b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:19:30	-320.653
-17	37922	1896100	b653065a-7f7d-41b5-b0a9-b7aceee43a8c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:56:42	-901.403
-18	18962	1896200	76ad65d3-e308-4601-bdd8-400f7ad29093	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:57:01	-510.269
-18	37924	1896200	04dcc87a-cde7-4e83-821a-ce4f366a70c5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:09:42	865.135
-19	18963	1896300	6aa4c1fd-bd57-4cc9-9cce-64031fb96393	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:05:34	660.18
-19	37926	1896300	92079cc2-97c1-4b73-8c72-42134fbf747c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:07:10	598.595
-20	18964	1896400	99cb761c-1333-49b9-90e1-acd0ed760c91	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:08:34	-583.817
-20	37928	1896400	2c84bcee-17a4-43d2-8cca-1d790461d185	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:04:21	-900.313
-21	18965	1896500	6ee7786b-97ad-407f-b52f-f6014d31cf29	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:09:43	-756.990
-21	37930	1896500	15a61c54-b2f3-4733-ba51-b627280834d6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:21:29	-853.355
-22	18966	1896600	3dd244d3-09e4-4a90-bf21-a7ebaa634a3d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:42:07	-287.872
-22	37932	1896600	0fbcd102-6102-4884-83cb-026568afe5a8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:33:59	274.761
-23	18967	1896700	9ec2da2a-d7ea-433f-981f-86cbd5c53cea	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:21:58	-745.479
-23	37934	1896700	9109d71f-3fb1-4177-aa5b-93b566d98e95	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:02:11	815.569
-24	18968	1896800	82598add-1580-4a60-ad05-d63c25b7dd10	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:24:04	-73.833
-24	37936	1896800	4fc61d52-5ee5-449f-ae5d-7e3c8be9ca3c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:59:11	926.743
-25	18969	1896900	b5ed404b-8b8a-4232-8451-d293e689d4c3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:47:58	-505.205
-25	37938	1896900	1cc871e3-11a9-4863-a9ea-e467dc31b03f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:29:21	717.45
-26	18970	1897000	342b3e2a-9bf2-439b-aa83-be87c58e60bd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:32:44	-447.581
-26	37940	1897000	cbbe3481-171e-4fb4-92a0-c5c04b651d05	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:36:25	955.81
-27	18971	1897100	6e884766-2991-4bcb-8a26-18cba29904db	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:54:23	-128.580
-27	37942	1897100	d653e2e2-bdbd-4ee9-87e7-814c55132aa6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:08:01	-30.221
-28	18972	1897200	a95b320e-93a3-4f04-aac8-cd404b767eb6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:26:51	153.568
-28	37944	1897200	248fe7a8-e8d7-4799-a6e5-42542147ae12	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:39:27	552.516
-29	18973	1897300	a7af53f4-33d5-405b-81fc-45cc7e1e94e9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:17:55	564.823
-29	37946	1897300	c923be53-6b36-4e1c-9d79-6c0ecf5c309a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:57:23	-599.286
-30	18974	1897400	e6203fc1-f90d-4200-8665-3d84094ddd87	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:25:43	-688.366
-30	37948	1897400	6ca39dbe-a089-48ec-96da-afc05d0447f8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:24:24	119.840
-31	18975	1897500	109fa54b-6633-4d87-83ae-9f194cd49f1f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:38:43	-16.542
-31	37950	1897500	4caa19b0-2c6c-4e2b-861f-34920f56a83c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:08:59	654.185
-32	18976	1897600	688411ab-397b-4382-a4dd-0964f880a293	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:40:12	-395.378
-32	37952	1897600	83e01568-7ec6-4cb9-b852-5213c7541b7d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:12:54	272.48
-33	18977	1897700	176a538c-fc85-4708-af24-5f52df78b7a9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:15:07	-526.453
-33	37954	1897700	c3a19913-58f7-4488-9427-816e00440867	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:36:07	911.445
-34	18978	1897800	8b8d512f-d219-498d-87b2-417774905aff	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:00:11	-38.461
-34	37956	1897800	abd2f6c7-61d3-46b7-81c3-76f3e747a236	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:25:22	-360.117
-35	18979	1897900	922ddecd-2eb6-4326-b73c-f182a4d60140	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:35:58	-689.765
-35	37958	1897900	ff0f9b23-fc65-46b5-b42d-e7212cc2f6b8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:59:05	-783.211
-36	18980	1898000	187193e5-c11a-4373-b9cd-38e0cd6089c2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:59:49	495.193
-36	37960	1898000	48d89e35-ffc0-445c-ad1a-5214935cfb3f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:21:33	-821.473
-37	18981	1898100	e2bc8005-5d94-4038-a05b-15b999db3ec2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:23:40	-389.65
-37	37962	1898100	022ed37b-794d-47f8-97f1-56ad48c867e0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:30:03	837.80
-38	18982	1898200	78c4cfdf-9050-4bac-9417-c8b56c76fdad	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:44:05	-97.999
-38	37964	1898200	16b81f4c-bd82-4d56-aa61-c1dca24e9e30	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:20:15	-920.734
-39	18983	1898300	d1ed8d1b-7958-4737-8c0f-703468d7a29e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:12:23	970.868
-39	37966	1898300	c7b3bec7-78d0-4f76-8d8d-a143b05b6a9c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:28:19	-918.55
-40	18984	1898400	0dc5eee3-7940-4217-b751-24350a054d61	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:45:25	152.855
-40	37968	1898400	8b4a103f-c6db-4a9b-aaee-f9222a603225	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:53:52	-509.296
-41	18985	1898500	98e281bd-1abb-4735-b6b2-387973c805ea	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:56:49	809.550
-41	37970	1898500	4104cfd4-93a1-408f-84f1-e1752be9819a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:01:42	167.37
-42	18986	1898600	939ed1fb-5f7f-4298-9d50-c11901bf3655	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:19:24	940.897
-42	37972	1898600	690e6026-fe99-47c6-9633-2cf30549472d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:36:25	36.827
-43	18987	1898700	a44c2a3d-2f12-45cc-a83a-334dbaaa8245	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:02:12	-629.274
-43	37974	1898700	74921c4b-ac18-4cfa-8729-067c6ef134ee	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:57:46	618.65
-44	18988	1898800	52e90c99-ab81-4d8c-b458-427db62b932f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:29:12	266.254
-44	37976	1898800	cd512395-00b7-4af3-93f2-5a00b4e4163b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:20:13	844.452
-45	18989	1898900	1c751fe3-db5e-43e3-983d-db627712a046	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:05:36	401.93
-45	37978	1898900	e2f8139b-6e38-4680-a440-6248bc1f9ad2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:09:10	45.953
-46	18990	1899000	fa3cdf04-95ca-4a71-b8e0-2b7056d07a5b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:06:23	-187.428
-46	37980	1899000	e9cec9d7-58e0-43d5-a685-6669e4d2e496	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:45:24	439.830
-47	18991	1899100	bae3cb5b-8c63-4080-9a58-020b81c25a14	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:56:39	43.999
-47	37982	1899100	a8023ea0-a80f-4f65-aeef-b4411a2c9c43	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:43:41	-126.309
-48	18992	1899200	d9176451-0b4f-4dfd-8ca9-1f216266bc0c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:12:31	-345.587
-48	37984	1899200	e36edf72-6b27-4ae2-8fdb-bf82253c9302	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:36:16	-689.426
-49	18993	1899300	407b520b-4bb8-46e5-a534-909c807e247d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:14:35	-171.660
-49	37986	1899300	7afdba3d-e395-4ee0-abf2-058be8a0d4a6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:25:06	-760.189
-50	18994	1899400	92615af7-8773-47e2-a66b-8891925c764f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:56:44	-865.424
-50	37988	1899400	c4d1fd89-8b28-4bea-9f60-3d8cd900235b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:40:35	703.637
-51	18995	1899500	cb040692-923a-4e34-af26-9fa17d3af0b2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:20:32	594.537
-51	37990	1899500	d5a44ede-92db-4b97-b5ce-a1ac2f0a3667	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:39:51	-548.628
-52	18996	1899600	bf12e530-cfce-40b0-9aa5-f956ed44e4ff	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:04:20	-338.596
-52	37992	1899600	817eb715-bf3f-44d4-8188-f2c51a9b13c7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:28:01	-34.770
-53	18997	1899700	49ef05de-620e-4396-990a-cf656626318b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:08:36	679.124
-53	37994	1899700	3bf6e911-e85b-489a-8eda-a982c6578b37	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:08:26	-384.132
-54	18998	1899800	7fb01ff1-9b91-4959-8550-670382b6609d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:29:56	924.809
-54	37996	1899800	ed5b4cdc-8de8-404e-a257-182b41327c3f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:17:38	-303.616
-55	18999	1899900	9d8b6e44-45a2-445a-80b3-07722135ffc1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:05:46	-504.951
-55	37998	1899900	8c8113c8-b223-4f19-bc3b-83ec99fd9b41	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:40:55	-22.37
-56	19000	1900000	b3cecdd5-99dc-4dec-a2f2-391a4e727c73	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:22:17	621.394
-56	38000	1900000	0126e208-98cc-459d-b59a-03d2f7e861dc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:04:50	859.39
-57	19001	1900100	270d977d-f363-464d-8256-874f7d28b847	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:19:37	-244.738
-57	38002	1900100	7b9934e6-57d8-4041-8b52-ec0e6cf171bd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:07:42	-444.152
-58	19002	1900200	d1b3884f-5de6-449f-af52-7f3c8f790123	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:05:47	-586.941
-58	38004	1900200	65abc5fd-ffa2-4558-82d8-a0b2b47567d8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:59:12	-269.355
-59	19003	1900300	3837ef4e-0762-4f0c-817b-2e7ad6b274be	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:17:52	20.420
-59	38006	1900300	e490b516-c331-4b76-8de7-8d144430be0e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:53:17	-332.574
-60	19004	1900400	93c3299e-b741-409b-b587-799fd61b6c5f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:19:35	-380.550
-60	38008	1900400	fd57d94d-afaf-4b2c-bed2-cf5f8286d7ca	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:07:40	-233.61
-61	19005	1900500	13ab76d4-03c5-4117-9b76-c83df63155cc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:05:11	831.156
-61	38010	1900500	7ebdce69-736e-4497-be35-68a9cdef6978	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:07:53	526.678
-62	19006	1900600	10d68951-be13-465b-bfb1-d83cadf4b4d5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:05:05	142.734
-62	38012	1900600	33fd355e-e943-4528-85c2-d67161fb198b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:59:37	-570.150
-63	19007	1900700	b7c7c245-6e4b-46e2-9dfc-e3d42ab7e75e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:43:28	546.753
-63	38014	1900700	b2fff77d-ebce-4455-8d16-4f01c2fcdb25	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:46:20	-457.470
-64	19008	1900800	e9c1bc15-67f5-408b-8b8a-d760afe76288	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:36:14	540.449
-64	38016	1900800	7a5e89bb-822b-4f64-8043-3e5a100ed1a8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:27:27	713.932
-65	19009	1900900	a88b132b-2b2b-4591-b167-1522878bcaf9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:01:08	-475.16
-65	38018	1900900	84e7049a-933e-47cb-9e42-6ebb9b172701	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:09:06	408.211
-66	19010	1901000	c3bc2e31-b0f4-4536-bd2f-419a84ea2a60	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:43:37	-284.95
-66	38020	1901000	3bdd9386-5ba1-433c-83ab-51774eee4dc2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:45:49	174.524
-67	19011	1901100	3ce9069e-8899-449a-8785-eb1aa6df66a4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:36:01	726.386
-67	38022	1901100	5a91a9ef-b88d-4ec7-9da3-056c6e6a4e6e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:26:54	910.462
-68	19012	1901200	ec05b703-1697-49da-861d-ae6e66a468df	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:29:00	-538.964
-68	38024	1901200	5a153a53-21e1-4728-b6e7-7cbfe865be59	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:54:37	-65.724
-69	19013	1901300	07fc53fa-e932-454c-913d-2b4c9784254e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:38:40	837.457
-69	38026	1901300	e30f7182-8f66-4924-98a8-1fd1f61d77cf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:08:00	-207.533
-70	19014	1901400	16d0b631-5f28-49ba-9967-8a4a33c84595	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:53:55	-671.730
-70	38028	1901400	360d6d72-3daf-4e25-8306-78755e83bf23	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:21:41	257.31
-71	19015	1901500	652f8f75-d4ca-4113-80ea-6411fef2ae52	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:58:05	349.655
-71	38030	1901500	ad8eeea4-ca13-4ae1-b83d-c61d42a888ac	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:10:26	-219.480
-72	19016	1901600	27f3088b-8cbe-4a3c-9fca-3a96cc79b4d1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:53:46	-21.618
-72	38032	1901600	a670440b-0fed-4323-8b3f-46295da68dcd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:58:32	194.443
-73	19017	1901700	ab403b1e-96b7-430d-a739-0220ea1ef55a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:54:15	916.253
-73	38034	1901700	e4a6a19c-d839-4eef-abae-526cb4f2a930	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:16:44	-453.118
-74	19018	1901800	5d2bf069-8060-47fb-aaee-bf9e27194d36	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:56:44	-61.255
-74	38036	1901800	f2b29d55-5362-47fb-b18a-59402f445d68	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:31:30	-241.509
-75	19019	1901900	56c87d7d-f763-46be-bf00-4094c99d9886	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:30:59	593.53
-75	38038	1901900	59e16fda-20a1-4c52-bb20-691568261701	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:07:56	981.655
-76	19020	1902000	d2453b76-8995-402d-aa49-0e3a98904028	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:20:05	516.795
-76	38040	1902000	6be15907-0904-4453-ba12-fcd8b812bd12	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:22:17	-258.458
-77	19021	1902100	4e98b93f-3ea3-444a-8d00-c4237cda7fb9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:53:55	-271.779
-77	38042	1902100	cbb2f1ad-594e-4dc4-a8ca-40beb429c916	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:58:12	419.440
-78	19022	1902200	a4f9a81c-c1d2-4b95-8019-ec6b7ab6b152	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:37:15	-39.578
-78	38044	1902200	af4a6b38-fdf7-4757-9ea1-2aad24f17ecb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:18:10	-10.710
-79	19023	1902300	4492ab4b-b422-486d-9772-e625f7ccb664	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:21:39	213.824
-79	38046	1902300	f787b7f4-c3b2-4afa-9b00-9f7e41898a0f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:04:23	448.112
-80	19024	1902400	8c9764ce-4e61-4939-ba2f-3dd3c8e2107c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:52:25	-733.167
-80	38048	1902400	6d99c6dc-478d-43fc-b459-203791b53b13	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:54:39	-408.456
-81	19025	1902500	5e3d9599-f0f6-4ea1-ae39-94c032a7d7fe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:47:26	-436.935
-81	38050	1902500	4cde47ff-97a1-41ce-8e9f-54d8b1141b77	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:44:40	203.362
-82	19026	1902600	2f515aeb-1312-43d1-aa3a-cfea5971aada	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:02:49	-712.465
-82	38052	1902600	d80c7f7a-37a3-4044-b1f5-9e37c08ef621	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:16:34	407.511
-83	19027	1902700	1d773df8-f9b9-4255-a6fd-9b31e8fcf8a1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:53:51	-369.698
-83	38054	1902700	c238564d-9f56-4254-b878-911cbf1006cd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:35:47	-721.829
-84	19028	1902800	69636f0a-f55f-43f2-9df0-a0aed891bc24	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:20:37	248.961
-84	38056	1902800	e5c91dd8-65de-43a6-afad-ae69640a65dc	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:34:22	477.364
-85	19029	1902900	59f4867b-636d-4c31-bff5-cd75f2938db5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:38:53	-354.802
-85	38058	1902900	718180e4-c34a-4ee2-8a0d-3a02f7d80afa	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:14:15	-235.601
-86	19030	1903000	ad803724-f9d0-4bb9-981d-decbddb8e00b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:23:09	865.857
-86	38060	1903000	23430e82-4143-4b60-995c-e5957b9d8403	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:28:52	-914.183
-87	19031	1903100	7bd6c4c6-d2f3-4a89-9999-0abb88faf057	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:17:12	-87.210
-87	38062	1903100	4656f784-fa79-4d7b-baee-70c4fcb25491	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:24:15	304.221
-88	19032	1903200	949ca71b-2b7e-4b8c-8fa9-82c984fb47d9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:28:24	240.34
-88	38064	1903200	c6d5a3fd-90ec-43ea-95f3-5d2a27dbc26a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:33:21	413.216
-89	19033	1903300	65de4747-46dc-4678-ba72-17a895d53573	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:09:15	-869.601
-89	38066	1903300	51b24486-e879-4624-92fb-99cffbe720da	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:32:23	564.868
-90	19034	1903400	d5342a34-8082-42a8-8f83-e46e141ef41a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:55:11	210.562
-90	38068	1903400	cd1e666e-1960-4b1f-81c8-4199a24d88aa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:14:40	936.632
-91	19035	1903500	1196a2fe-e3b5-483d-a5fa-e4f3092f5e5e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:52:53	-38.437
-91	38070	1903500	88b5cc64-785e-440c-bff5-4f4e12764496	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:16:58	665.536
-92	19036	1903600	9828df70-a6b4-4275-a65e-5552a4f5e414	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:38:20	899.431
-92	38072	1903600	5eed0ac7-0514-44ec-9d3d-a28653041d43	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:11:54	-961.59
-93	19037	1903700	308d3add-5a7d-4f8d-b7b5-eab669fa025a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:32:01	-809.211
-93	38074	1903700	29971bd6-97f2-4afd-9701-18794647881f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:15:23	-685.930
-94	19038	1903800	a9efc380-8702-45b9-8036-a39f580ebd75	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:19:23	805.682
-94	38076	1903800	28ce1354-1892-49bf-8312-731b51f609c9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:01:50	-909.852
-95	19039	1903900	4cc75de7-8b79-43f0-bfbc-55d2a597715d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:24:13	-599.226
-95	38078	1903900	f7837b9f-41e2-4774-82bf-669dfe38d0ae	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:42:33	-504.906
-96	19040	1904000	6a61df13-8818-4e9c-aae4-0643e1a36528	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:47:18	889.412
-96	38080	1904000	64947027-21d9-4ecc-8603-21d9bf9d61e8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:55:43	-120.367
-97	19041	1904100	84c3d172-a891-4599-b5c2-83fd312adc5a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:13:03	-727.543
-97	38082	1904100	ab54e6b8-d051-4a4d-80b5-8a94acd387a6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:22:35	-258.944
-98	19042	1904200	ac12cce1-56ff-4996-b8e9-de1847c6ed14	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:47:34	701.654
-98	38084	1904200	5f3de682-0e1f-4712-b52d-aa5e9cc69818	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:35:10	86.360
-99	19043	1904300	3dce6fa3-0321-4b6e-8f93-1461bb5caf6e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:54:01	781.611
-99	38086	1904300	c6cfbfeb-3276-4147-8b32-94cc5f3a7b94	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:09:52	-324.333
-100	19044	1904400	3efc6b27-c837-46e0-a0d7-9b1647522008	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:39:19	-506.941
-100	38088	1904400	0cff9366-b7bd-486b-b9d4-fd88d1e06a0d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:54:23	-631.274
-101	19045	1904500	4a3cc2b3-1c52-4a32-9bc1-6404a2e7e57b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:25:48	-623.617
-101	38090	1904500	ba484c82-f936-46a5-94d9-8fb6347fd02d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:09:25	-172.353
-102	19046	1904600	adbe3cc8-d1df-4e39-b243-4843b26fe7b5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:47:46	-581.94
-102	38092	1904600	ddb890d4-49ff-472a-894e-e8a1a28a6cd5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:35:02	379.773
-103	19047	1904700	bcb47167-0104-4466-9d96-84c1c2172bdd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:04:07	465.667
-103	38094	1904700	69c877c6-d6be-47ac-b68c-a448033c08dc	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:09:42	965.747
-104	19048	1904800	1ea18e11-0da7-4d93-a6fa-c7118da89977	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:37:37	-336.122
-104	38096	1904800	9c0583b7-ebdc-4075-8670-5042bf6f27ab	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:57:42	-470.337
-105	19049	1904900	96b2bc11-105b-4792-b402-b37be58fb659	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:23:27	850.122
-105	38098	1904900	fbf3ff30-1d55-4a2b-9aae-4ef8efc668d4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:21:45	-197.425
-106	19050	1905000	8d0b4a2a-3936-48f0-bd46-fb0c449ef928	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:07:42	37.658
-106	38100	1905000	c646f565-6525-41ed-9926-7891813b8942	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:08:33	543.387
-107	19051	1905100	a724ddc3-e387-4c8c-bd91-498b1cd5f6af	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:46:01	-497.840
-107	38102	1905100	5cb78d6d-9028-4e8a-96d9-052a760db127	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:36:44	-852.967
-108	19052	1905200	bd770f16-6112-42dc-8ce4-cbb1691fc068	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:13:57	-8.276
-108	38104	1905200	ad6abbfe-8179-4604-9a88-47e7fb7c67ad	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:38:05	234.461
-109	19053	1905300	35d5a458-5d63-4c88-a1e3-7081a96299ff	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:58:17	193.872
-109	38106	1905300	63edfaa4-bd20-4d57-85af-8692f2084a8b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:05:25	887.717
-110	19054	1905400	3a7622d0-3e64-4705-baa7-9443bc6439e3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:03:35	157.557
-110	38108	1905400	99a35fd9-04a7-4d80-9dcb-05c569924e60	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:19:12	974.769
-111	19055	1905500	fc348f53-b3b5-4c8f-be1f-9cc81f0fa1fc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:52:13	811.92
-111	38110	1905500	7c8268ce-8a63-4d5d-b089-169ef2b102ef	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:07:40	347.965
-112	19056	1905600	7dae2972-fc39-44fe-a114-64521c04c4c0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:24:21	523.933
-112	38112	1905600	dbbcea9b-c244-468c-b3fc-7025ad4f2702	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:13:02	869.557
-113	19057	1905700	c1acb25d-5e82-4cad-b706-3ae946910eb0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:07:39	-326.500
-113	38114	1905700	2a52fdce-0c65-4fae-8005-7d60ac277c56	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:41:33	982.387
-114	19058	1905800	3aaa1469-16da-44e0-80e7-4c1153317328	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:54:22	-323.771
-114	38116	1905800	14e5eddd-524f-403c-b0d4-f197199daf17	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:12:42	-77.346
-115	19059	1905900	3e66f181-c68b-44aa-8acf-2db93e350e87	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:52:12	-33.755
-115	38118	1905900	646fa9ec-b8a6-4c64-86fb-b2014124b20c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:26:41	587.349
-116	19060	1906000	a8218032-f435-4ae6-b010-463da28bd79f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:48:02	699.660
-116	38120	1906000	41d2d5a5-1f2b-4bc4-848f-19066558e140	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:06:09	-562.943
-117	19061	1906100	b218c385-29a5-4094-8f86-08130232dc9e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:28:33	-278.798
-117	38122	1906100	e3d45802-9587-46e4-9fcd-91946f2bee79	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:39:11	174.100
-118	19062	1906200	766fecc4-0304-4b14-bf2d-2098bafdf6bc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:10:59	-824.730
-118	38124	1906200	76885776-42c3-4236-982e-5765b3ad8717	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:49:53	-712.606
-119	19063	1906300	d6913bbe-33cc-4619-868d-01e593d26e8f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:43:41	-848.126
-119	38126	1906300	601ddf08-99e0-4521-b42c-e192bb1d9369	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:25:51	33.82
-120	19064	1906400	546a96d3-1fe3-4138-b261-e1c5c3fc2a5d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:26:53	339.152
-120	38128	1906400	7c1c8093-887c-49df-951f-a4f9e543ef05	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:51:37	-74.552
-121	19065	1906500	6ba407b9-65d0-41d8-89a4-1903b3c12db0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:42:31	-389.57
-121	38130	1906500	4abf8ccf-d0fc-4de2-ac79-e80813da4789	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:41:42	-431.990
-122	19066	1906600	8b04525c-8656-456f-aa13-f197b8e87cd3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:02:01	366.870
-122	38132	1906600	f666d247-dd83-4772-affe-be1bc7b4e553	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:19:06	-972.487
-123	19067	1906700	9d8736d4-9417-4b2d-8a4c-706f666a0575	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:29:48	-526.593
-123	38134	1906700	da35d454-a571-4ab9-9979-3f14b63a775a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:42:55	-847.416
-124	19068	1906800	a56f0b50-f565-425e-92cd-ec5bf824ad63	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:00:41	418.784
-124	38136	1906800	838e13ce-0d84-4e47-bc54-c5a3e7c743df	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:22:23	922.914
-125	19069	1906900	77380bb1-5940-4ae8-9d56-ea283e2fba00	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:15:36	185.897
-125	38138	1906900	5547192d-5cb1-43c4-95f4-9fa0e5dd99f5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:36:26	983.254
-126	19070	1907000	bdd59645-db9a-441a-8387-3b6b87785e78	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:45:46	-247.968
-126	38140	1907000	e510e3f7-e464-4c60-8ae1-d4ed47b24e59	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:59:56	-952.217
-127	19071	1907100	f22f3408-30d8-4bd4-8a11-fed0637ce7f9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:09:03	807.428
-127	38142	1907100	b2883391-9827-4b8c-983a-bfebcca8e8e7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:30:32	802.984
-0	19072	1907200	553f2441-2d9a-4e49-ae41-ef4ae3584435	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:01:43	-842.395
-0	38144	1907200	94005729-9bc1-4848-9762-a28026735061	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:31:31	815.565
-1	19073	1907300	229bec2b-da16-40e8-a646-7218726ba8da	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:17:04	906.300
-1	38146	1907300	781d04b0-1032-4d5a-8ad7-3fc775f9e5ea	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:19:57	637.483
-2	19074	1907400	dc39878c-f73e-40f3-9074-e0e7ad1c9a54	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:07:10	-834.572
-2	38148	1907400	a88b3433-dac7-4fc5-8cda-2797c75da1ad	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:56:39	412.869
-3	19075	1907500	2fef9813-67a6-4ee3-941c-2a1b14755b5c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:31:19	-721.141
-3	38150	1907500	ac8a0d6e-7883-4a16-a805-52a7f66dd7ad	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:59:44	21.877
-4	19076	1907600	ea947805-cf73-4adc-88a8-8044cdecfa53	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:51:11	489.100
-4	38152	1907600	6283f639-7c6c-46bf-8774-d4831c5f0271	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:38:48	185.487
-5	19077	1907700	a435f01e-1ce1-411f-a871-934ce51e3f9b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:56:55	291.907
-5	38154	1907700	854bc87b-f769-4f6f-a64d-1f083833d770	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:18:03	-600.475
-6	19078	1907800	06086dcf-d553-47b6-843b-2842ed104b1a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:51:07	136.127
-6	38156	1907800	3ff0b5f8-3145-4239-8d9f-85c394594796	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:06:39	-363.367
-7	19079	1907900	1802c23f-8c15-47fb-8c7f-24788b764a95	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:13:52	-415.358
-7	38158	1907900	cce421b2-f961-48dc-88f7-7f71c647326a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:29:37	-730.389
-8	19080	1908000	6bdb5138-6435-4653-a02a-083026b88d0f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:32:55	-248.527
-8	38160	1908000	a3766a84-a108-4618-a312-797d5990b0cd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:00:13	-516.704
-9	19081	1908100	fb22aa87-63ed-4e20-8bce-32aae5fb03fe	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:42:40	-118.554
-9	38162	1908100	98a3ec09-64e2-4f2e-ae15-5fa626ba4d0a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:43:04	-537.974
-10	19082	1908200	81b9065e-2880-4a00-9266-5b43af8e3340	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:01:43	-660.705
-10	38164	1908200	2d3d1e30-2c35-4843-971c-b9d0261905fe	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:48:02	89.740
-11	19083	1908300	51a4b279-d4ae-40d6-8997-269d905d61d0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:00:38	-205.590
-11	38166	1908300	10d656ff-adbe-417e-a883-bdf378f4d500	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:37:02	105.629
-12	19084	1908400	ca0c4914-e84d-415b-8009-1b80d717c236	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:34:36	-567.809
-12	38168	1908400	576e4dba-6214-4c6d-9ce2-ecfd45a5c598	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:23:32	-43.553
-13	19085	1908500	84e48ffd-a4ea-4d79-903a-3345ff62eb9d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:14:01	194.995
-13	38170	1908500	5d77f25c-08b1-4f9d-a635-5c1fd85b870e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:56:23	412.407
-14	19086	1908600	a4abc597-fc7b-419d-acc2-49493cec731a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:47:54	740.211
-14	38172	1908600	d116e7d8-8d60-4a41-bd58-1ad65c03ed0e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:25:53	967.527
-15	19087	1908700	b5ed1f4b-2322-44e3-af6c-a4678b08dbbc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:46:18	383.813
-15	38174	1908700	c6145070-aada-46fd-96bc-9c746536f021	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:17:04	886.929
-16	19088	1908800	a7bdfec4-913a-4aa5-b118-84538b47d0cb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:17:32	-263.349
-16	38176	1908800	17534722-eec7-41e6-a2a3-a9367efd18e3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:22:23	-379.280
-17	19089	1908900	908bc46b-de90-4d03-8d49-093c840bddfb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:40:34	-871.436
-17	38178	1908900	8bc97de1-92df-4e18-b4ce-9f17b9619194	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:17:33	513.146
-18	19090	1909000	ee0fd66f-50e9-4e82-9f1a-dc6d75b9b111	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:41:20	-818.668
-18	38180	1909000	884c065f-e5bb-4deb-8316-e4605464813a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:50:55	-287.31
-19	19091	1909100	d520c14f-1ede-499f-8738-5e9cc14d6f2b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:56:18	220.266
-19	38182	1909100	7a8a5e61-0729-4f6f-851b-303c5c1b2248	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:18:56	645.188
-20	19092	1909200	e7dc6d8a-b84b-48b1-bf95-ecdda8a1baa1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:23:00	-381.347
-20	38184	1909200	b06751a5-5d95-4fa0-936f-302b3674f397	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:43:13	-708.569
-21	19093	1909300	406411cc-f805-4757-9c38-155cf7a7f825	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:48:05	642.220
-21	38186	1909300	37d65dca-f158-45d7-a706-f89b1da7266c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:50:27	690.349
-22	19094	1909400	84e657bd-77e3-4840-9eb3-86e06b124ece	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:48:26	-46.58
-22	38188	1909400	7221ccd8-abe6-47d2-9639-d061592d837d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:34:03	785.755
-23	19095	1909500	1b2f5d42-b256-47ac-8649-d017ea25ac76	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:51:14	628.488
-23	38190	1909500	1fbed612-75df-4b6e-bc09-d1458859eb02	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:33:42	-473.552
-24	19096	1909600	2b985c39-c311-480c-98ea-648aec496fd5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:01:35	559.13
-24	38192	1909600	6c8d5284-ae78-4aea-972c-eea4bae80f1c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:14:51	219.703
-25	19097	1909700	642694a8-4066-41ef-8bc1-09e74cda368f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:19:01	-910.890
-25	38194	1909700	f3eabffa-ff68-4013-b789-599756894380	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:11:16	912.77
-26	19098	1909800	a921c03f-c228-4eb1-92f8-1cba683bbd7d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:09:36	-268.597
-26	38196	1909800	e0c6e2b3-d87d-421f-9f90-7e2f496a531e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:46:37	469.47
-27	19099	1909900	c9ff35fa-b0cf-4b50-9c55-4ad6e266e879	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:44:10	-785.308
-27	38198	1909900	01dc5a44-eddd-46d9-8893-5fe98585923c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:13:38	550.951
-28	19100	1910000	d84b827b-01b4-4d08-ae8b-824a1e404b67	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:47:46	365.801
-28	38200	1910000	5f95853b-16d6-40c0-a7aa-c1c78504da7e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:08:51	789.227
-29	19101	1910100	8fbe2c40-96a5-4dd6-89fe-3b8188ebc53e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:24:08	327.956
-29	38202	1910100	08438391-30a1-4909-bc2c-39cd6d31b344	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:07:41	-973.570
-30	19102	1910200	42fc04e9-5a01-41a0-9708-9416ff9610ee	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:23:45	261.651
-30	38204	1910200	0e18d71a-65c5-40f7-b9fc-8a0b7cb0fa6e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:17:11	162.652
-31	19103	1910300	183e333d-0bd8-4be2-8a20-eb586cf220a1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:11:01	-355.923
-31	38206	1910300	b2152c85-d736-4268-bb69-0f99481712f6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:04:41	687.901
-32	19104	1910400	c2c36f78-fb9e-4af2-bc1c-0956ea8a60c3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:25:39	-556.901
-32	38208	1910400	845cc901-c5ec-4c4a-aab8-a990d137f4e5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:29:04	638.937
-33	19105	1910500	9af5d5f1-0d11-4c1a-9de5-ca77a67300fe	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:12:33	-997.665
-33	38210	1910500	3e2c0db9-6c96-45e0-9336-c594abd5e211	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:51:00	-217.692
-34	19106	1910600	dd209c27-a93c-4557-8991-f3420ea429ea	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:45:42	-254.615
-34	38212	1910600	fb0baae4-c5bd-4ca5-b449-7d19cf3074d9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:17:06	-356.778
-35	19107	1910700	c83c6766-6941-4e30-b24a-c0d37d2e0fec	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:07:32	-974.925
-35	38214	1910700	24680f65-789d-4493-9bfe-7d3cbb123c91	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:36:55	214.917
-36	19108	1910800	84021831-6d44-441a-8831-6de5eb10c7a5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:49:06	-919.227
-36	38216	1910800	422a6566-64d2-4aa4-8ae1-dd192d1aeb1d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:54:18	714.726
-37	19109	1910900	586b68ab-b479-4012-8062-1343679233c0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:41:17	152.581
-37	38218	1910900	efe0d611-f83b-4dde-9e46-7008d2cebe4c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:54:26	504.884
-38	19110	1911000	44cad0d0-0546-44ce-a480-1c849ba8b284	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:32:11	-703.249
-38	38220	1911000	1a25ead8-10a9-4bf8-bf9b-197cd847c210	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:56:07	227.697
-39	19111	1911100	461ef116-e916-4305-b625-1c808645dde0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:39:57	285.663
-39	38222	1911100	6b69a351-f4b2-43a1-aa53-b888f09f2853	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:53:35	138.596
-40	19112	1911200	e88981f3-b42f-4335-ab74-ff6d8711ce33	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:17:18	-636.994
-40	38224	1911200	6baa0635-36e6-4d9a-b101-97126a66827c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:48:06	738.537
-41	19113	1911300	63102911-5773-4793-8713-911c2632d3d0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:04:49	938.785
-41	38226	1911300	0ef8c710-6c79-4f8d-ae19-81cc6e6e8628	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:43:49	406.597
-42	19114	1911400	262e347c-cee2-4a85-b6b0-63e5d44a1618	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:39:01	267.964
-42	38228	1911400	583c3f62-29c1-40d7-b5b4-ba5e641f6072	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:12:31	900.534
-43	19115	1911500	36e25925-3249-4b8f-bf7d-f050e1a1fb81	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:48:19	-811.638
-43	38230	1911500	9594f2a5-1f34-41d2-8536-93a2af1c7757	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:41:43	412.474
-44	19116	1911600	d07fc39b-e358-4e0e-817a-d734ad66d198	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:08:18	684.463
-44	38232	1911600	8bc4f9e3-1e79-41fd-9f9a-d39cb2df8c52	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:37:29	-103.104
-45	19117	1911700	a62d557e-7011-41ea-9e1c-14b8b8dd9511	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:52:58	135.43
-45	38234	1911700	aa360855-7fe2-4774-8d45-a2d59746c832	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:08:18	364.110
-46	19118	1911800	d7d16fa5-1fd6-488b-a353-a7d90675e2bd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:26:22	167.378
-46	38236	1911800	765f5bc9-5f4a-44b2-898a-1defc80b560d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:10:36	990.395
-47	19119	1911900	4e0f692c-4451-4f0a-82ed-623ec8997aa3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:05:01	777.115
-47	38238	1911900	2b9b25f9-4b24-4539-b908-093d19d135fd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:32:15	-159.198
-48	19120	1912000	176d043e-c33d-4931-8a35-6682f2bc9a26	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:10:04	-209.129
-48	38240	1912000	70f09257-a32d-4b69-ab7e-9c547942582c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:22:06	-425.995
-49	19121	1912100	f07b84ac-a2e3-45e0-a69c-f06c46d89903	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:34:52	517.30
-49	38242	1912100	37e04eaa-3a5c-4243-9976-3ae361961901	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:36:57	-17.736
-50	19122	1912200	74b7805e-88e3-49aa-ab19-82d15bc083a4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:33:26	-277.942
-50	38244	1912200	85ab0ddf-a3d2-41a4-a2e9-9b0bd3f481bb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:17:52	744.521
-51	19123	1912300	155e8a1e-58cc-4471-89de-dc4ed49459b5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:27:07	-394.510
-51	38246	1912300	571a25ee-2267-483f-98d0-d391f2372c4a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:50:27	-88.271
-52	19124	1912400	cc4d07e3-a179-495a-9d9d-790e4276d457	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:12:10	179.691
-52	38248	1912400	7dd37f09-31e9-4a10-9ee9-973f0fdda37f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:42:34	304.599
-53	19125	1912500	97776bab-0465-4aa3-9a07-4e1d73094ee5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:10:54	-728.123
-53	38250	1912500	3fd1b34a-dd05-4218-a804-a61ed748b200	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:23:51	66.609
-54	19126	1912600	cf90d27f-6087-4d4c-b8e7-f6d3aa621346	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:06:12	817.753
-54	38252	1912600	ccb69ca7-7740-450c-a39e-0837cb764879	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:19:01	507.23
-55	19127	1912700	e7f47515-084b-46be-b50e-bd5ef27e7763	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:31:20	-295.901
-55	38254	1912700	9423fce3-c12f-49f5-a148-abbab2cd3a1d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:54:31	-588.134
-56	19128	1912800	58edde2b-57c6-4fa9-9068-d68251cc5da5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:13:25	793.75
-56	38256	1912800	0a3ee1bc-4ac8-43e9-a7a1-02af8e80e028	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:19:22	68.766
-57	19129	1912900	5fe3f68e-f0ae-4439-be72-bf6d89d2d22f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:15:52	442.484
-57	38258	1912900	11129c77-8439-4798-9c1e-3a2290e4123e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:22:46	-885.31
-58	19130	1913000	994b2bf4-b9f5-4ff8-baf0-a426c484a8b6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:05:41	26.841
-58	38260	1913000	a6b26b0f-5a26-4b81-a63c-afba63ca4f8c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:45:08	-34.816
-59	19131	1913100	7ca11eb6-ba6c-420f-b2ef-d2db100eae11	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:28:37	-30.461
-59	38262	1913100	6b7f9e05-5fd5-4184-ba0e-c585c96887f8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:22:17	637.259
-60	19132	1913200	dd32713a-3159-4c01-b383-ac846cad6f1b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:14:50	496.305
-60	38264	1913200	6572a9af-9633-40b3-af60-838c453f73c6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:08:27	-60.577
-61	19133	1913300	8c4e8fb8-5288-447b-bfa7-742a14aa95af	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:25:22	-540.933
-61	38266	1913300	824ba1db-77b2-4e87-a49b-e7961b3fd4fd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:06:23	244.611
-62	19134	1913400	3646e3ad-e2e1-42ca-8cfa-468cc8312f94	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:29:10	-433.225
-62	38268	1913400	ad5b4971-ddfa-444a-9373-a183da1c1bf7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:00:12	61.403
-63	19135	1913500	6859487e-7589-49d6-bb4c-405d77219138	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:45:15	-953.128
-63	38270	1913500	013ca490-f4cd-4b24-b56c-d4636ec987fb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:16:03	387.35
-64	19136	1913600	3f79acbb-b752-4078-a705-15249b529d4d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:42:51	-827.743
-64	38272	1913600	c4b81048-a805-46c8-86b5-cc6b1f2b0b92	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:09:01	-723.324
-65	19137	1913700	960ef2a9-bbc2-4c41-86d4-79733de1ecc8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:26:01	-156.700
-65	38274	1913700	2d085261-27a3-40b6-b987-e804161d894b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:33:36	54.589
-66	19138	1913800	c7bade5c-7804-4332-bd3a-55b397b3d189	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:29:31	-358.678
-66	38276	1913800	543c9012-1331-482e-bccf-7ab4c1566255	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:07:49	656.682
-67	19139	1913900	b4f09cbd-64b7-4ff9-a62e-f7a1af5310c2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:43:34	847.906
-67	38278	1913900	b48731cc-1985-4ac6-9b1e-a39c02fd4887	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:48:27	661.12
-68	19140	1914000	8739119c-8fd6-41b0-93dc-0c379091109f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:01:58	-132.995
-68	38280	1914000	9fc4072c-2a3b-40ea-a9b3-d98c529cd5a6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:31:28	73.995
-69	19141	1914100	675f8f56-1878-4c46-8b67-83fc6d11dd3a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:59:29	827.829
-69	38282	1914100	a3e1ad83-c0c3-489f-a418-3448e90673b2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:51:07	696.606
-70	19142	1914200	325d9629-cfe6-40c3-9463-b1fee3bcbccb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:55:29	-859.157
-70	38284	1914200	f519cdf6-fb25-4e08-8673-c62ac30a5701	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:42:20	429.606
-71	19143	1914300	d4503527-1944-4865-a90f-3f4a2cd31959	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:03:54	735.223
-71	38286	1914300	fdeae4a6-14b8-476e-aebc-29dac11de550	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:03:09	336.790
-72	19144	1914400	96d19845-2bf7-427b-8896-b47cb0b3b033	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:57:46	-747.839
-72	38288	1914400	0c0dcd2f-c091-4c49-8051-67d4708eb0d1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:42:27	418.453
-73	19145	1914500	ed47d43d-0c9b-4373-b65b-bf5d7b043e9c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:40:42	892.788
-73	38290	1914500	87712369-8b10-4ef9-86d9-1582dd878ee4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:45:09	-674.921
-74	19146	1914600	ad82f997-87ef-4511-830a-dc6ecd01fe8d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:36:04	232.812
-74	38292	1914600	8c7a8dd4-1c91-49fe-9b2c-ed7690af098d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:42:58	936.40
-75	19147	1914700	bd5f3ee1-4797-4fb6-a943-8fd1ecf20385	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:23:25	-249.261
-75	38294	1914700	343bd5cc-e279-4a99-b48f-c2ef4d7bb9bf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:15:46	-485.809
-76	19148	1914800	709a2238-3356-4c86-85cc-504104f3be31	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:47:17	-368.560
-76	38296	1914800	48dd8b61-5dde-462d-825b-d94972d5eafd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:22:52	315.163
-77	19149	1914900	9dc8ffbf-f840-4054-ba60-d979a54fe702	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:37:12	-436.239
-77	38298	1914900	fc228fb1-476f-49c0-a267-d7199d255b1c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:23:01	-643.415
-78	19150	1915000	021b725b-0072-4857-b612-4033f93ae7f0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:07:40	-859.767
-78	38300	1915000	802557ab-e87a-4031-91e5-2751f75be09f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:49:06	769.551
-79	19151	1915100	4ccace35-0708-4aea-84e8-d985c0d4b0e2	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:03:36	-306.168
-79	38302	1915100	db78fb3e-e63c-49ee-bcb3-dfe074096892	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:11:17	-573.9
-80	19152	1915200	5edf18e9-15b3-45c6-bb8a-a445f2312fa9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:28:20	-339.813
-80	38304	1915200	35d837b8-3bf9-4bd7-bf7a-eba9884e4554	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:24:38	-220.978
-81	19153	1915300	0d54af2a-3c26-4436-b8c0-ca35f6b1a89a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:32:50	-449.83
-81	38306	1915300	6fc27efa-6feb-4f25-83d9-4153f9473d4f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:46:35	-652.948
-82	19154	1915400	33a7775d-6cf0-4a03-ab1f-58259d9cb0fe	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:12:02	645.878
-82	38308	1915400	9a52d426-193c-440f-9fa1-4707c05a00ad	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:35:39	-504.668
-83	19155	1915500	bbcc8fb0-8f4c-452e-afcb-090efe957a2e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:12:21	-467.797
-83	38310	1915500	b42079e1-2655-4fe5-a18a-03156ab462ae	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:45:37	718.733
-84	19156	1915600	ea5d01d8-3404-471e-9e82-3ab92e60f070	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:44:53	606.282
-84	38312	1915600	d310ccf5-4401-4749-915f-b3dc02b55c8a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:54:06	-502.26
-85	19157	1915700	eb39d860-f88f-4aea-86b0-3c94e4b6ace6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:49:53	-166.546
-85	38314	1915700	c618766c-ccf6-4b15-8857-299c8b7c91cd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:43:09	239.289
-86	19158	1915800	f3425bb1-f571-4ff3-b685-826ed1bdd40c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:05:59	-432.416
-86	38316	1915800	e73626c1-8f9f-4fd7-a49f-95017909e511	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:48:18	-979.394
-87	19159	1915900	9848b2cf-dbc0-4873-90c0-a1e1b62ff52f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:18:07	875.841
-87	38318	1915900	831d1fe4-f744-4203-9e8a-2a206b504460	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:05:11	990.491
-88	19160	1916000	f2187515-747b-48c7-bcb9-ae2618fd62fe	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:21:28	-248.819
-88	38320	1916000	aed6fbbb-d4a4-43cc-b942-cdb493d4ab86	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:42:33	-377.722
-89	19161	1916100	31eddb65-1e40-4f11-8f85-7f133ee8a0d4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:18:00	-125.345
-89	38322	1916100	8cce8504-94e0-4cd3-9231-8d4070d9a7cb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:32:19	-777.501
-90	19162	1916200	5c76a02c-254e-4604-b7c8-47a23a225f74	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:17:26	373.69
-90	38324	1916200	c9dc0ef1-ed89-4b2d-a722-7c32f3be200b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:11:06	-698.782
-91	19163	1916300	eb4ec832-40b7-4c0e-9e1c-906d083225f2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:33:58	447.881
-91	38326	1916300	1586ef38-69a6-4c9c-893e-ef36000ce86c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:09:26	-690.877
-92	19164	1916400	b000dad7-7f9a-42fd-b1ed-f26c9de61112	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:57:33	513.530
-92	38328	1916400	1adaa330-19cf-4f49-b62e-1cb727798723	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:08:18	331.197
-93	19165	1916500	4182ca51-a5df-468a-a706-81454ac03b27	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:06:37	770.957
-93	38330	1916500	2316871f-007b-474b-abf9-44db28609f79	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:49:19	-851.322
-94	19166	1916600	fe0fb603-7b49-4e37-b772-472e131d9e09	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:11:48	503.86
-94	38332	1916600	7469d09a-6d87-4552-9c79-16a12ff97038	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:14:22	-715.923
-95	19167	1916700	32a68f2d-f10e-46dd-bff7-bc039545b490	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:10:05	-651.343
-95	38334	1916700	9912be3e-6e44-4832-8cb6-e69f2595e355	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:01:22	626.221
-96	19168	1916800	6130d853-738a-4a3a-9e7f-45cca98dc226	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:42:29	24.329
-96	38336	1916800	da405b83-c10a-47f4-bda9-08bd3d1cff55	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:55:29	948.9
-97	19169	1916900	fd73f0c2-35bc-45a1-ae92-e1420691af74	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:26:10	-894.582
-97	38338	1916900	c345adfb-e9bd-461a-8358-d5b4f08dde6c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:06:51	-511.565
-98	19170	1917000	42e2c5b2-708c-4806-ab41-4405630de40d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:01:12	480.457
-98	38340	1917000	30871513-85f6-4e54-a94c-a94699e5fe94	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:48:33	-635.481
-99	19171	1917100	9c4d99f0-e93e-4241-8ee6-1544eabd18f2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:10:18	563.345
-99	38342	1917100	793d03f6-6e65-411e-af3a-b98745619fa0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:09:53	135.266
-100	19172	1917200	daf7bd30-5c30-4430-a250-985dd7c3f6d2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:22:31	-205.913
-100	38344	1917200	8e30e829-dd58-44b9-aa53-36c2ac6fcbe7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:23:25	577.664
-101	19173	1917300	51f9f1b7-f145-4823-b09b-9106f7886538	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:43:38	648.621
-101	38346	1917300	941fc21f-9e47-4e16-8a8b-db0684c1c09a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:52:51	999.352
-102	19174	1917400	153c3867-cf13-4f3f-bce3-bdb6a0037c88	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:06:34	-598.909
-102	38348	1917400	da709924-23fc-4e41-805c-551a524af58a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:45:08	-953.624
-103	19175	1917500	417b9f69-bbab-4d32-89d6-99162867ac36	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:39:27	983.205
-103	38350	1917500	7fcb8792-f14f-4733-9e77-4f99690f8437	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:02:19	137.31
-104	19176	1917600	51f157ac-ed2a-41f1-bde7-09d821662209	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:27:30	-453.438
-104	38352	1917600	c6e51039-313d-46e4-b854-34e9e8141ebc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:22:00	-895.795
-105	19177	1917700	820ce63b-3ba7-4a5d-b048-1f31617733af	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:58:49	284.0
-105	38354	1917700	5134919a-b8dd-4343-a3ed-3b99beef1dc6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:20:29	752.922
-106	19178	1917800	a170b21b-1d37-4021-ada5-ef40c8621538	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:39:13	961.853
-106	38356	1917800	ade9a806-d3a0-4037-913a-5048de976a61	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:01:22	-799.93
-107	19179	1917900	3cc8e15b-1052-4ed8-b846-c49a289d85e3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:54:25	61.773
-107	38358	1917900	97752051-7cd2-4662-88b8-94d8a192e9b5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:46:58	-865.139
-108	19180	1918000	4c6704e6-f8f2-4954-bdbf-342d0ae0b823	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:39:26	-691.959
-108	38360	1918000	35a6ef49-82f0-475b-bdd6-33c70bd8dc92	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:08:28	986.475
-109	19181	1918100	e4117a5c-a152-44d6-91ab-13c5d845dd76	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:00:43	-868.95
-109	38362	1918100	45dfe14c-9ee0-420f-a455-71ea82f82e87	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:25:22	153.366
-110	19182	1918200	d5848a95-b104-4a8e-be84-e39621139c59	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:56:22	717.439
-110	38364	1918200	191fa4aa-b88e-4a15-b213-7ff345f433b3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:27:29	182.431
-111	19183	1918300	6956ef60-7377-46a7-bf4e-4398cf5170de	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:23:25	859.889
-111	38366	1918300	80cf02c1-ab45-47aa-a644-110ae356f27b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:41:06	802.404
-112	19184	1918400	fc39752c-3345-47ef-abb0-0a853c6a19d1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:58:34	202.856
-112	38368	1918400	156407cc-8ea0-456d-9513-e25d735d8eb1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:47:22	481.985
-113	19185	1918500	db15a6fa-4c5b-42c2-a0db-1c4592a545e5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:54:06	-872.727
-113	38370	1918500	836dfd7d-8ee4-4b74-9a3a-6730c0239fc7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:21:09	-143.383
-114	19186	1918600	7e610352-6cc7-403b-bf03-4e5106c10c6f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:24:04	-126.678
-114	38372	1918600	124a48a9-8f65-415a-a7d1-f2a56a6f609f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:55:22	752.455
-115	19187	1918700	7b440960-c424-4583-a504-5e0163afad1c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:14:45	-327.359
-115	38374	1918700	e0019172-9e05-4a50-ae4a-8ea72eab02e9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:36:49	-408.121
-116	19188	1918800	00304728-3b53-40f3-b5b8-865fa96b2119	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:30:15	399.962
-116	38376	1918800	9b64bc92-ca30-4b32-8cda-85ec995d50b7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:37:06	-800.224
-117	19189	1918900	7c90d799-2a7b-4254-87ce-1215d6d926a8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:22:19	669.937
-117	38378	1918900	55cefc0c-d0cd-4fbf-9437-e7fbd130e154	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:31:40	294.750
-118	19190	1919000	a01c0262-7070-4c79-8147-2be2fdaf1c6c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:34:23	-598.433
-118	38380	1919000	9abf46d2-5e63-4174-9a5c-7e4437a12892	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:01:25	400.891
-119	19191	1919100	41329641-e299-49d5-8f22-0fccb85ca494	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:47:31	551.642
-119	38382	1919100	e5466de5-bff3-43b6-928d-7facb06bdc4a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:32:13	-167.102
-120	19192	1919200	ebf6a2d8-7571-4afc-a6cb-bf5b7ea4aae8	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:43:05	55.623
-120	38384	1919200	f147374f-be03-4b60-9b50-e26120d4ec54	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:49:08	-770.354
-121	19193	1919300	bf26b62f-2e69-4c4b-8ed5-a1b68cb0693a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:08:58	423.377
-121	38386	1919300	ec024a41-87e3-4e9f-a126-5ac8e815bde5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:35:34	279.724
-122	19194	1919400	71f3abbe-6830-42f9-8732-23d138e014d1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:56:02	273.919
-122	38388	1919400	2738e25f-d47a-479a-bb8e-21ecd09a9e91	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:45:44	455.201
-123	19195	1919500	b5acb257-7bfd-4d9f-ac00-e7d946e27c52	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:42:25	127.748
-123	38390	1919500	9f6875b4-ab1c-4426-a41c-5a3823148437	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:34:37	98.551
-124	19196	1919600	14628b5e-c719-4a22-b55a-5427ddf03aed	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:44:04	473.204
-124	38392	1919600	a7caf48a-abad-418e-898d-ba300c225e33	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:13:18	-383.176
-125	19197	1919700	026cd701-32ed-4be1-ae63-0783379098b8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:30:16	542.845
-125	38394	1919700	3060999a-531c-420a-995e-b085151b21b6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:12:43	-828.570
-126	19198	1919800	4f5ea937-7c6b-4cd2-8a77-674889e68269	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:51:59	886.244
-126	38396	1919800	e31e7f4b-eccd-4456-97c6-e62186bf41ba	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:33:36	-879.31
-127	19199	1919900	61744499-b247-491f-a1af-fd9737e6326a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:18:07	-856.280
-127	38398	1919900	77a7623a-2749-4fd4-b316-539b3ea833f4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:19:16	271.765
-0	19200	1920000	49bd644d-db8a-444e-b3dd-47efc3097eae	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:10:36	801.750
-0	38400	1920000	463d80a8-bc18-49a5-8c05-bad5f18c00be	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:46:08	-567.809
-1	19201	1920100	b4213f7a-e121-4f43-95a6-d5ac6dcb9ad4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:17:05	429.997
-1	38402	1920100	be7cc34d-552f-4b18-994e-61a3c43c7c4c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:13:30	869.650
-2	19202	1920200	5be0b8b1-0092-4207-b03c-f645fdebb471	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:07:36	-451.277
-2	38404	1920200	6251dbe2-69eb-48c8-a7fa-8583fa5dcfa8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:57:57	238.182
-3	19203	1920300	15e9e91c-f740-497f-9882-70b6072db466	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:00:33	-425.363
-3	38406	1920300	5f868e7f-24f3-4de3-8b40-6b8f8e95d4e2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:42:11	-304.564
-4	19204	1920400	25812b7f-3509-4dec-8ea1-77253eb173ca	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:52:03	-380.200
-4	38408	1920400	d536c452-e8e7-4e52-b5a7-83cc0d8bffdb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:41:51	226.247
-5	19205	1920500	91be1c62-e392-4659-98d3-6a6c33a166b4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:47:21	-313.686
-5	38410	1920500	81845bee-20b7-440a-8a4b-fca674fcde57	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:16:05	-569.955
-6	19206	1920600	5d6f7842-94f2-428c-9b64-27096d4573f0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:42:07	-331.617
-6	38412	1920600	166cbbd2-57b0-46dc-bd15-0e4d61744054	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:39:30	-421.438
-7	19207	1920700	8cf9a990-25c2-41c9-b654-d98555f6264a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:50:37	298.12
-7	38414	1920700	9119a11e-9646-4542-94b8-db34ae6bde86	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:46:33	-10.487
-8	19208	1920800	852980d3-efd4-47f5-95d2-cc497e2042de	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:00:34	526.103
-8	38416	1920800	b5bbdad2-7e69-4bee-b241-c8b6868263fa	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:20:15	-484.829
-9	19209	1920900	9b5ace4b-bbd7-4b29-ad47-cab6301ae3f3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:53:37	651.306
-9	38418	1920900	3934e7a7-8a42-43c7-9b84-b5caa9655174	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:56:14	747.957
-10	19210	1921000	a4bb3980-f6c8-4f0e-91a1-7e3255c288d7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:07:24	-488.397
-10	38420	1921000	b09c5046-9ccc-4fbe-aba8-bf5f07299711	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:17:57	555.317
-11	19211	1921100	a96e8fcb-5bc6-4bed-8411-0de1fd7e4049	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:13:57	161.302
-11	38422	1921100	b828fe94-5713-498c-b395-ee86ccbc7e3e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:00:14	-859.692
-12	19212	1921200	fecbec1c-1173-477f-ba02-1000e31811e6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:53:45	-979.584
-12	38424	1921200	f0183867-d254-404e-a31b-ef14f6e047ba	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:03:55	-113.461
-13	19213	1921300	77dc8017-fdf6-49d0-b724-802b276ffa44	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:14:16	-114.700
-13	38426	1921300	4949f291-ab7e-4b8a-9f0f-5d1e9888424c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:13:21	156.199
-14	19214	1921400	e83a06cf-23d2-442a-95bb-13232082b0a1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:38:12	843.694
-14	38428	1921400	0f2ff113-1481-4715-bfcd-33952ae84fae	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:00:00	-985.843
-15	19215	1921500	6bf855c3-59b1-4b21-bc78-22b15e7655cd	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:45:05	-104.780
-15	38430	1921500	0d5dbe31-ba75-4f58-9ce2-8791c34da701	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:52:57	-444.279
-16	19216	1921600	657d31b7-b805-4aa7-8c35-d012877b6c4b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:12:34	263.347
-16	38432	1921600	251d14f3-c5ba-4925-8ed6-c8d3e7e2c4a5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:30:24	-519.32
-17	19217	1921700	dc6ec794-ee7c-45fe-89b7-b89fc5c3625a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:34:38	972.61
-17	38434	1921700	59c13171-cf5a-4cb0-b922-4dde74a56612	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:11:28	562.306
-18	19218	1921800	45607e6a-33c7-43b1-bd8b-4c7b5d28c51b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:20:45	-193.810
-18	38436	1921800	446881dd-8cca-47bc-8f52-eb876d875fc7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:24:31	-980.187
-19	19219	1921900	d71b9ec6-0753-4356-9483-81d1a7084fe1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:44:07	-638.325
-19	38438	1921900	df383ce9-9d8f-4c4b-a0bc-35a46dfdcdde	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:54:18	370.548
-20	19220	1922000	95fd75c8-23bb-4a01-a63b-5fea07dd0523	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:47:34	-534.933
-20	38440	1922000	0abd7adc-d4b4-4fc5-83e2-5850f3c0ff11	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:38:38	-117.422
-21	19221	1922100	d7fbd92c-64e5-4fec-a714-ae01dac61338	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:30:57	-90.621
-21	38442	1922100	bb1c9ed3-4451-41bf-b997-b639a84f5251	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:40:22	-721.235
-22	19222	1922200	3b2733f3-5771-47f1-8b40-a8606d3100ad	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:35:33	-367.45
-22	38444	1922200	e3d5fff5-5452-4ca5-b093-8f5507cca2c9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:16:05	-159.40
-23	19223	1922300	522f14d4-aa49-40b6-be1f-b1879b3bd8ae	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:19:13	-483.89
-23	38446	1922300	bc950175-5a75-49c5-aa11-b89f4bea30c8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:03:19	-127.355
-24	19224	1922400	8e283f8f-e17b-434b-a344-dc72c24106d9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:11:31	980.929
-24	38448	1922400	34575405-e096-4cf3-be8f-3ec71c407fd8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:30:39	822.597
-25	19225	1922500	4c8f8aed-2ff4-4f81-8f37-80779e79d122	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:48:49	488.405
-25	38450	1922500	4794eacc-386e-45ff-909d-6340ef9d3eac	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:23:36	-429.900
-26	19226	1922600	d9c844c3-9ed3-4902-b332-80e79ceec532	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:24:04	300.795
-26	38452	1922600	91718961-9d4f-4971-9d92-1aa941c3a97e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:25:30	769.707
-27	19227	1922700	84f5e7e5-9079-42dc-b999-367b5d71780d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:07:29	-80.153
-27	38454	1922700	b2352f75-3645-4533-8e9e-61317b6128ce	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:57:00	-525.910
-28	19228	1922800	c1c880e4-36ca-4704-ba0e-a30e7efba850	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:07:32	589.466
-28	38456	1922800	8239c5f2-bb87-47cd-91b3-1ca036abe470	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:45:53	-897.286
-29	19229	1922900	b8a3b982-a834-484d-bbbb-d785fe767b74	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:31:14	-199.957
-29	38458	1922900	8a85e3ea-2057-43ae-86b7-ee63815ba72d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:22:44	-357.457
-30	19230	1923000	f9db34b4-0312-4b86-9068-73159d9bc25b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:39:32	877.596
-30	38460	1923000	51a2ad78-47da-43cb-acc9-14df36b03f6f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:32:23	505.261
-31	19231	1923100	a44ec2d0-bc8b-45f4-934d-69f41e04cb97	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:03:32	237.554
-31	38462	1923100	7925731f-a8e1-4094-b8ab-0d44c6776acd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:18:13	-45.757
-32	19232	1923200	ce8493e3-3878-41e9-aabd-174c203496ba	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:58:48	-470.615
-32	38464	1923200	3e58203a-1eba-4c2e-ab8e-62bbe7b9fd3f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:57:32	509.195
-33	19233	1923300	23b333c0-f992-4811-a0d1-c560f48bb4e5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:04:24	-762.898
-33	38466	1923300	22c523a3-0965-41ce-9c78-a3b207afb31c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:36:04	31.135
-34	19234	1923400	7ac76d7b-a524-48f7-a207-9acc85a5349b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:30:05	931.314
-34	38468	1923400	c2a713ba-b026-4573-88fc-814a8cb47862	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:12:10	-725.69
-35	19235	1923500	04153539-7870-4d7b-8017-ec848640b988	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:54:45	-947.942
-35	38470	1923500	4cdbdc0c-955e-4d52-a56c-9774c5b6de01	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:25:33	-345.831
-36	19236	1923600	fae91083-19bc-4ddd-bb7b-2c048ad37240	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:27:58	906.506
-36	38472	1923600	cffa1025-e0a2-4f32-a51e-1a768f69fa96	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:40:14	999.350
-37	19237	1923700	d48b689f-3302-44d9-93b7-18e7b9848119	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:10:04	-806.530
-37	38474	1923700	d2442cab-963f-4fee-9870-8b75b39e3a5f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:10:17	745.838
-38	19238	1923800	a5e8b475-a9e6-4941-8076-5e0ee59fae9e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:17:04	-703.735
-38	38476	1923800	73858c15-9bb8-47b6-8909-620d8cdcca4a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:27:28	231.926
-39	19239	1923900	c5a884aa-8a6c-4d2a-9936-2350927b9d8e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:08:05	-687.856
-39	38478	1923900	80fbf5f0-5875-4519-b202-7278bfdefd21	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:40:13	695.815
-40	19240	1924000	e9dae7ae-dfb8-4414-b7d6-b3781da36dfa	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:32:30	489.977
-40	38480	1924000	de9386e5-958a-4af3-b492-cb3814a31ff6	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:34:51	354.527
-41	19241	1924100	aa20131b-01bb-4da6-97ec-35e0b92bba48	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:56:29	708.61
-41	38482	1924100	b969caf5-23f5-498f-9346-3696478927a8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:06:26	-2.251
-42	19242	1924200	18779524-981e-4fa7-a2f2-2b503caaae91	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:26:06	518.632
-42	38484	1924200	bc22e597-9b26-402e-bf98-cb511dcd0e4c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:13:57	-702.233
-43	19243	1924300	d40e1387-ed4c-451e-bb19-804275848ad5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:51:16	-58.969
-43	38486	1924300	745d7474-2a11-4ead-b892-b82ce7a5206b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:12:53	-910.979
-44	19244	1924400	6bcc5e03-6de8-4d95-996f-d276fd6ce8a8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:07:36	-797.197
-44	38488	1924400	73b8880c-f0df-402a-a328-4ac93a2cecff	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:16:43	687.959
-45	19245	1924500	882fe852-f6b0-430d-939b-faf59c2ed1a5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:27:46	-865.442
-45	38490	1924500	63162ac5-9e02-45c5-981f-7cefdf0f426a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:24:45	135.465
-46	19246	1924600	df77a1f9-f637-4be8-aa9b-1db962c06ae4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:09:13	-939.571
-46	38492	1924600	24f27cdd-8dcf-4b43-800b-453860e6ea01	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:58:01	286.222
-47	19247	1924700	ac1dd41c-2015-48ef-adb1-32615310245d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:27:53	-397.7
-47	38494	1924700	9ce169f4-4f3c-4581-9909-4c4b7ea2ee0a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:07:16	-166.316
-48	19248	1924800	e90e8fbe-032f-43b0-9fdd-0b58dee87bba	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:38:51	257.369
-48	38496	1924800	62409537-0099-45c4-81d4-f211a6732ce0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:57:43	996.262
-49	19249	1924900	558015eb-9732-4af0-8018-2479c2740f6a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:33:36	-856.751
-49	38498	1924900	d1fb79df-2067-4886-bc72-31b448e9b87c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:30:14	858.144
-50	19250	1925000	83170d4c-84da-4a9b-9ffb-b493db1bd6dd	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:14:33	-868.775
-50	38500	1925000	69120956-393a-44e3-ac8b-ae4a0c40dc26	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:27:39	-605.145
-51	19251	1925100	6e153da5-398b-4f42-b794-464477b9e53e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:49:26	-268.317
-51	38502	1925100	486ce1ef-17d5-46b8-a63c-344781e11255	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:26:54	-317.691
-52	19252	1925200	94856928-f07c-4e37-bd31-53a23efc2a83	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:26:37	904.850
-52	38504	1925200	d1e9adc2-9965-4dca-900d-c1e9ebd2e827	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:41:19	-356.9
-53	19253	1925300	d57da4bc-9f94-49bf-9630-8b7ed186b14b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:52:39	-192.664
-53	38506	1925300	ab9ba4a8-0998-4a34-b407-594f1e3ac180	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:32:32	170.503
-54	19254	1925400	dd020246-cae1-424d-b0a4-a19be03f50c9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:52:15	79.460
-54	38508	1925400	0f06fada-5caf-4672-acfe-9ef44922b8d6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:03:02	10.102
-55	19255	1925500	99f55e63-4665-407c-ab2e-1d404741173c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:07:52	-366.46
-55	38510	1925500	6856f03a-2075-46ec-83cf-458326df199a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:27:02	-501.61
-56	19256	1925600	6ffa82bf-5f08-4f4b-9c0c-0dde514cbf28	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:20:18	-600.236
-56	38512	1925600	78bd846d-f4aa-474c-9dd6-81167058f548	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:03:31	-188.692
-57	19257	1925700	a3f2122a-01b4-42a9-bc9a-84a1e411b436	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:49:46	-990.743
-57	38514	1925700	2d265922-9e57-47bd-a108-46161f7824e0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:24:59	-583.209
-58	19258	1925800	b589d719-7226-4a57-b066-ca17bde0e743	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:34:51	407.135
-58	38516	1925800	e4d43d1b-5c78-4f99-810c-21f7584bfec0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:37:49	-421.255
-59	19259	1925900	8a720eba-7439-454f-b0aa-3e7ddc34a27a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:40:30	530.675
-59	38518	1925900	b15076ae-3e61-44d7-ae13-d0c4818c8c3a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:01:11	-304.881
-60	19260	1926000	f700d14f-b906-47ec-a0db-f91ed2ac94be	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:22:20	662.819
-60	38520	1926000	2c9ca844-4c79-4015-84dc-68c4ab72d7ab	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:19:49	-597.68
-61	19261	1926100	923f1228-5bb6-44c8-ab78-ae492bbd4348	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:31:19	-763.533
-61	38522	1926100	34bcb490-477a-48a9-bc67-6838e2f28c8f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:21:18	437.759
-62	19262	1926200	85ddf47c-4a85-4d51-8777-5e7a0824f45c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:38:38	589.38
-62	38524	1926200	15a99d52-a132-47f6-b179-dd6e939f14f9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:02:54	-505.549
-63	19263	1926300	c9d5ad10-9a3f-4052-81ad-f06c24f8ceaf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:17:14	-938.271
-63	38526	1926300	727a7a00-50aa-4c45-a481-54308692ace3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:20:59	-576.106
-64	19264	1926400	317a92ae-f8cd-44af-bdb4-25ffa858b4b2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:41:23	-75.375
-64	38528	1926400	3edddbc9-f537-40f2-af24-3ea9b6b32da5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:06:25	-444.520
-65	19265	1926500	ec35ac4a-d4ed-4957-bb1f-6ec1ef1fad51	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:41:39	941.694
-65	38530	1926500	a6931a68-ef5a-4be3-b3ca-7120c3b05a24	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:32:56	155.326
-66	19266	1926600	b2eebeba-eae5-4545-b742-dd86f4dbf633	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:08:51	297.674
-66	38532	1926600	c2d95f47-17a5-4f83-a525-09fd2ed3f002	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:57:28	-312.153
-67	19267	1926700	3e11f9eb-ddec-4ca3-a66b-6dfd455d91af	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:31:23	-708.73
-67	38534	1926700	a1217f5f-0fa2-4646-855d-9c3fe2e40007	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:48:09	964.237
-68	19268	1926800	36e309bd-026f-4a67-83c2-ee31db2fd707	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:54:47	917.822
-68	38536	1926800	2495c353-0c32-4f05-a250-b1f11b7b463c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:28:10	-985.404
-69	19269	1926900	a942614a-cc61-4eef-a098-827e14b07f70	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:11:16	-395.252
-69	38538	1926900	3a6a79b0-a882-465f-bb33-4a276fc4fba0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:58:17	-478.315
-70	19270	1927000	f05f5fc4-b46e-4f3c-9e6c-183f815a4f07	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:13:17	930.751
-70	38540	1927000	813afe21-9b81-413a-b941-fa68858fb35b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:08:29	382.429
-71	19271	1927100	2ccec682-05b4-462e-af43-72e47ef42384	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:14:51	565.931
-71	38542	1927100	ea13f74b-1724-498b-ae6b-322309af1eb9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:42:08	-861.52
-72	19272	1927200	56805e5e-684e-420d-8468-4837107dff45	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:56:05	104.375
-72	38544	1927200	7115667d-cbc0-4c2f-8d12-5dfa1f76c478	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:59:51	807.802
-73	19273	1927300	8a692baf-7fa0-4d83-98a6-20446496236c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:03:51	-702.420
-73	38546	1927300	7f8f028d-5640-41df-a9f6-c0d420343a0e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:20:19	239.943
-74	19274	1927400	96a3842f-7e1d-4a0b-8497-9a3ba8867cb9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:09:30	116.253
-74	38548	1927400	06000b57-e0f4-4c9a-b7be-86497dfc4c74	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:16:54	625.644
-75	19275	1927500	b8b3e460-5674-4c67-af08-38d6b4eab89e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:58:33	350.569
-75	38550	1927500	07f551ca-a3a3-4715-bf12-37dc75b46220	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:27:51	286.519
-76	19276	1927600	8f7a3400-6342-4d37-9db7-8d193ab3ea62	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:01:11	13.898
-76	38552	1927600	1b57f69a-9621-4a42-9c5e-bed2c3aacb5d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:54:10	268.879
-77	19277	1927700	4344ac48-ebcf-45ab-a034-2c67ca88668e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:15:56	-392.760
-77	38554	1927700	427344a8-06d4-45f0-8d34-804e623c240e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:16:48	-241.313
-78	19278	1927800	258770d1-4ad8-4178-8236-d9e17e6a0426	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:19:16	-221.193
-78	38556	1927800	4724f7b4-6476-4d6f-a3c2-1129ddcfe0c2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:32:23	584.582
-79	19279	1927900	97f0b2de-492d-44a0-9d48-0e378c8ec79c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:45:46	144.411
-79	38558	1927900	22b6055b-540a-4aeb-a26e-c10abbd27cd7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:14:19	-957.107
-80	19280	1928000	a9f25a8e-9e6e-4a85-acb7-cbe43ee848f6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:30:14	379.19
-80	38560	1928000	c7a24e7d-befe-4154-b852-0e2bd0238417	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:18:31	-373.861
-81	19281	1928100	3517ba10-98e8-4745-8eb5-bd8e23e07f57	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:37:23	-338.995
-81	38562	1928100	f715923c-b945-4e72-886d-142962ec7382	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:49:05	-976.939
-82	19282	1928200	e7c51d59-84a2-4c48-b395-0f4c5ffce7e1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:12:27	-566.28
-82	38564	1928200	347176cd-ead5-403e-96e1-f313f34a87a5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:36:42	-713.544
-83	19283	1928300	d27b2ead-a1d1-4357-9fff-467d5fb8a771	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:25:39	-677.721
-83	38566	1928300	26eb7561-fd4d-48bd-977b-3ec4aeeca6d8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:16:34	-375.831
-84	19284	1928400	0687461c-c27d-48d4-b3e5-3c1babf26ddf	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:39:53	835.533
-84	38568	1928400	bc698ad2-2bf7-4b4a-817f-66fdba2c986b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:46:57	-255.565
-85	19285	1928500	5cc42043-0334-487f-baa7-eedb30059318	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:41:05	-580.106
-85	38570	1928500	78f1da5d-5971-4394-aec9-26f31d3b4ff6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:47:47	-415.382
-86	19286	1928600	f12791e0-abac-446b-9a63-46de775c98fc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:37:10	-708.663
-86	38572	1928600	d75e6084-6153-4856-91b7-4dc14c3a6e1e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:22:13	33.109
-87	19287	1928700	5fccf81b-3d92-45bc-bcb5-1e3a0ccf6c20	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:29:04	489.717
-87	38574	1928700	979d5bb7-9403-43aa-b170-2a622189090e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:39:39	-55.646
-88	19288	1928800	b25d3ccb-c822-47a5-9686-1a07bdc7b22c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:38:55	-316.201
-88	38576	1928800	1bd88502-bcaa-4592-85aa-cd2c3dea6111	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:26:35	-502.644
-89	19289	1928900	22a2daaf-c0cf-4055-b505-3200d0a0072f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:47:30	686.783
-89	38578	1928900	aa5ceab9-343f-4070-b6a1-2cec6f647182	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:15:49	-147.988
-90	19290	1929000	eedd9ab9-624c-49de-a5a8-36ad5f66d5cc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:59:39	96.757
-90	38580	1929000	f5553cc1-afe3-4921-bebc-620f2ee30847	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:59:59	864.762
-91	19291	1929100	68e4e86a-12e8-40b1-81c5-05ff21b150c7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:24:57	-898.177
-91	38582	1929100	34b9d79d-5396-4a93-bb5e-23c16cec4a15	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:33:11	615.758
-92	19292	1929200	2ba4f78f-52d2-4fca-9a89-6d4af26aff5f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:12:35	600.821
-92	38584	1929200	a1e6f07e-b28d-494e-9c1b-32380b164fd5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:05:32	149.488
-93	19293	1929300	4103bba5-1df0-4729-8725-b5d8b9d8758c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:41:13	291.523
-93	38586	1929300	24afa841-097a-4dea-b56f-810407ff2546	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:30:37	-771.908
-94	19294	1929400	45138a84-0567-4d68-9ae8-329e1fe96e41	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:00:44	-467.90
-94	38588	1929400	2fef8711-fcf0-4d93-9bfa-1ffa573ea8ae	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:34:37	932.884
-95	19295	1929500	1523681e-1cee-46ab-9099-a115c9701e3a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:33:29	-892.519
-95	38590	1929500	292cc1c6-cfa9-44cb-ae17-3eb89f7aeff2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:02:20	911.944
-96	19296	1929600	ab64caf6-831d-46b2-acb2-d56c66ec2042	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:27:25	417.124
-96	38592	1929600	baf62087-dce0-4b34-9bf4-971dc8bb83a9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:22:36	-887.919
-97	19297	1929700	c8b58239-1508-4556-a208-e2baf1b84152	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:04:44	-778.582
-97	38594	1929700	dd165a2a-c1ba-4890-baed-1b91508b8049	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:50:27	726.810
-98	19298	1929800	37a5f38c-3c70-4d72-bb2a-4f7322d88ed7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:25:53	494.678
-98	38596	1929800	992e09f7-8583-4039-843b-8161c87a4200	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:37:18	394.271
-99	19299	1929900	704fe5eb-efef-4996-9d90-0a3feb4b6f05	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:52:50	160.190
-99	38598	1929900	0510de96-7293-4c07-b787-57647d24bcc1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:21:38	401.443
-100	19300	1930000	b1868b18-fb72-4065-ba73-513790e2d4b8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:39:57	-849.662
-100	38600	1930000	c7a4dc6f-b53d-4ab4-8f1d-9d74ecd75508	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:01:37	506.365
-101	19301	1930100	68e9e67c-39b6-4e90-839c-c8e755bfe7ea	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:01:50	-10.892
-101	38602	1930100	a55737df-08a6-4bee-a2e0-963ec934e6f0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:50:18	193.394
-102	19302	1930200	d5af27f7-dc17-429b-a15c-ade0fb06854c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:06:45	-650.748
-102	38604	1930200	d9268389-869c-4b6f-8f9d-69d448f2a715	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:10:03	-450.888
-103	19303	1930300	84d30585-ab3a-4aeb-acbf-890d0320760a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:37:57	257.883
-103	38606	1930300	8d715093-c21b-4d04-a2e5-634655971136	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:31:11	-852.25
-104	19304	1930400	a3357629-6081-4ea7-9093-5384bd5546d4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:40:01	818.807
-104	38608	1930400	d64af7ca-d1d0-40fd-805e-4db41976d728	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:03:58	-253.371
-105	19305	1930500	5abf8ee9-ce00-4f2d-a983-6e88cc8b51dc	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:39:31	-1.670
-105	38610	1930500	7a4140d1-530b-4285-a891-55453dc23293	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:28:41	-488.324
-106	19306	1930600	9b682d1f-6ffd-4bd1-8ff4-f94ae00d7e77	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:43:21	-202.644
-106	38612	1930600	abf0ac72-2598-46cf-8a36-c100966d84b5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:35:35	574.764
-107	19307	1930700	94bae3fc-ebf9-4a96-942e-749267e4c455	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:05:17	-209.654
-107	38614	1930700	1896bfc1-73f7-469d-bed6-f72645a98387	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:37:23	873.450
-108	19308	1930800	97929834-8f1c-4b5f-9d63-bb2dc74d5d56	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:55:04	-555.941
-108	38616	1930800	fea237d1-573f-4e1e-b30e-be8732a5b9ed	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:09:26	705.440
-109	19309	1930900	34a42955-ae5e-4c5b-8fe9-819ff35eb726	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:33:29	708.534
-109	38618	1930900	129450ea-bd9c-471c-a3c1-c7b42f865cfb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:57:44	-502.918
-110	19310	1931000	687cd609-dcd2-4e16-a22d-b51b579043eb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:43:22	-158.193
-110	38620	1931000	4fe1ceec-5977-444c-824b-b9e21f3858cb	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:35:19	-934.643
-111	19311	1931100	0680c32a-3001-411c-815f-976c7a6dd304	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:54:53	-153.392
-111	38622	1931100	a0559ead-af4d-4b8b-947a-c6640b664581	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:12:29	385.970
-112	19312	1931200	aa00aa0b-6ff1-436c-a556-930af6dd6e56	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:05:10	-778.948
-112	38624	1931200	d81a5ebb-d2fe-49b7-8b56-fd41c07926a2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:47:16	492.305
-113	19313	1931300	d4bba773-0e7c-41d0-b698-4202500f3e4b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:27:23	-90.935
-113	38626	1931300	2781e47f-309c-4706-9a50-0723e5ba7a93	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:29:04	144.984
-114	19314	1931400	cbd25617-bd0c-440b-bc89-52e4db7955cd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:27:57	541.974
-114	38628	1931400	1a2806bd-f7ce-42bd-94bd-7dc838de03b2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:23:26	-902.922
-115	19315	1931500	57111c21-5bb2-4479-b76a-6d9272852e41	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:40:51	529.770
-115	38630	1931500	392a826d-d2e3-4c5b-a70a-d9e2ec6737fd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:06:31	-207.264
-116	19316	1931600	80cab919-848f-40cd-960e-f2848ef3090d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:51:38	-98.174
-116	38632	1931600	b6c75929-0412-4cb6-b098-c4873a7eba97	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:29:46	-922.76
-117	19317	1931700	afb0c21e-6baa-4fea-8ca1-04ebf80b35a8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:11:34	-122.965
-117	38634	1931700	7c64d286-dd19-463e-8e55-fcada24c92df	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:02:12	682.838
-118	19318	1931800	88113bde-0da8-418f-be00-de2ec9c8b44c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:55:49	-804.802
-118	38636	1931800	c586afc9-78ef-4bd3-8a36-594b3a248e5e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:15:57	-877.184
-119	19319	1931900	128ebb5a-e943-4569-bf57-1fb55b5f1b43	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:31:16	929.650
-119	38638	1931900	2190cc93-dea5-4c62-ae4c-902d921eb709	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:17:49	-884.546
-120	19320	1932000	20bdf24b-8a0b-453c-979c-ca720890f44f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:03:46	918.569
-120	38640	1932000	f15206b3-6052-483f-8683-1794ef02c113	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:41:42	654.271
-121	19321	1932100	e0d52719-ef84-42db-87b5-d10c6e70d03c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:47:45	204.285
-121	38642	1932100	8035b43c-97d9-47b5-a428-712de3226c7b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:58:10	-146.542
-122	19322	1932200	0634faf0-c488-4fb1-822f-227e503173fb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:24:16	-736.321
-122	38644	1932200	27682c8a-c86d-42c3-ace1-23b04893996e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:11:39	-271.763
-123	19323	1932300	d9f118cd-c6c3-4fec-8aea-7e9c7a9b9aa2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:48:21	556.669
-123	38646	1932300	e09521c8-160b-49ef-b9dd-7b4851f21104	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:26:50	-143.191
-124	19324	1932400	fed83114-b5ab-4fa4-8838-cf18b7f2aab0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:20:56	-433.614
-124	38648	1932400	e5ade85a-4e6a-4deb-9fd1-60f88bce193d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:36:59	-970.185
-125	19325	1932500	eb688dcb-e44d-4212-b7ee-65ef9e8898b8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:18:22	444.36
-125	38650	1932500	82d5173f-16f2-43af-8125-068207bf678e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:12:38	299.67
-126	19326	1932600	802d8f10-56a4-4d8f-92a5-70befffff418	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:49:41	288.371
-126	38652	1932600	63bdaefb-47f2-4542-a8f6-4ad5084f5071	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:12:44	71.508
-127	19327	1932700	c8d4ac13-8d6c-48a0-b58f-c6e7c25a7fb7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:08:22	247.943
-127	38654	1932700	9306cae6-ebf9-4331-ac87-ac5646644ac8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:03:39	57.477
-0	19328	1932800	8dba408f-8616-4140-865d-a91c08ca09a6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:34:22	-446.654
-0	38656	1932800	64768ef6-282c-4bc2-87c8-3d8e03cf64f9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:52:34	366.734
-1	19329	1932900	6831faa2-3481-467b-bfa5-0d2be2e5a37b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:24:55	612.676
-1	38658	1932900	8618d244-c2dc-429c-9bb6-3f6dc1c4ba4a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:30:31	221.581
-2	19330	1933000	6130aa3b-c96e-4a4a-ad90-59b4296f3eac	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:02:09	-16.485
-2	38660	1933000	08fa4dae-aa28-4419-bedd-4818671b2a76	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:45:12	597.717
-3	19331	1933100	872b7b4f-8668-41b2-bea0-90159ac763dd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:19:38	622.394
-3	38662	1933100	2bf292aa-ff08-47dc-b7cb-10c9b376eef2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:55:17	473.309
-4	19332	1933200	a023c9a1-ff44-4dd3-a175-9d23b1a4630c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:20:08	-212.797
-4	38664	1933200	42185c51-2cce-4f45-aa0a-e66218d76105	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:50:50	845.863
-5	19333	1933300	8f060507-611f-41db-af6b-d86149fc797b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:08:31	146.693
-5	38666	1933300	cd3681c4-03df-4ed7-89e1-6ff9cd693de7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:25:38	-236.20
-6	19334	1933400	d20f8296-afe5-4a4d-ac1a-e892a172d304	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:09:00	-625.709
-6	38668	1933400	84f36b5c-0c66-4981-a9af-6f8b76fda8be	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:01:05	175.167
-7	19335	1933500	bdf3698f-5152-43b9-a54c-58949dcada8a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:43:10	-171.148
-7	38670	1933500	ce32f7c3-cabd-4f96-bef1-5719f1e39cc3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:06:57	-900.464
-8	19336	1933600	cb9a81cf-a5fb-4a3b-b610-27081aef0b28	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:37:41	177.148
-8	38672	1933600	cc209047-793b-4a98-b436-14e96d1a5cdd	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:25:27	579.400
-9	19337	1933700	e9520f85-0cf3-4b2d-9060-685c7f58b5ac	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:15:58	-198.23
-9	38674	1933700	90146b9c-969b-4217-a4f1-9977126468c8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:07:39	961.537
-10	19338	1933800	dfa3ff2e-56b0-4914-b0a4-8a3d2a09775f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:15:28	929.928
-10	38676	1933800	a5aa2052-ea04-4b0e-a010-4debbb564e02	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:18:54	-371.155
-11	19339	1933900	75af39ed-79d3-4e08-9d8e-7a4b5f4ca264	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:57:53	709.313
-11	38678	1933900	b872914d-2d01-41a4-b4c6-14997f03a16b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:51:08	-81.101
-12	19340	1934000	e5f2f614-d5e6-459d-bbd9-825901ef61d3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:43:19	809.935
-12	38680	1934000	fb1a60d8-9649-4b6d-b46b-ccd68b329b97	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:47:22	-880.749
-13	19341	1934100	782e8d30-99e7-49e1-a8a8-8f7ae817183e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:59:59	-75.949
-13	38682	1934100	5a6e2ac9-fa0d-45ce-9e4b-0b6898ba0037	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:57:41	-510.627
-14	19342	1934200	41e1cfe8-71c3-45d1-89b6-9280a5352ea9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:32:39	-54.441
-14	38684	1934200	5b283eac-1e97-43ea-9090-76b5999df09e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:56:40	744.637
-15	19343	1934300	99b3c004-a445-424e-a294-1860998d4922	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:07:38	-353.364
-15	38686	1934300	edd52e62-da52-4aa1-bb25-03cf3018be81	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:44:18	-979.774
-16	19344	1934400	dcd5dcf7-8b3f-4fb1-ac94-a1437cfd7a16	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:44:03	965.522
-16	38688	1934400	cbcaf875-209c-472f-baee-c7a2c1596287	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:55:31	-84.234
-17	19345	1934500	69c19f30-19a4-49ae-8783-a4be6a1fd3e1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:13:06	480.617
-17	38690	1934500	298e6962-4836-4361-9a41-df0882de2949	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:35:13	168.743
-18	19346	1934600	60446746-468c-47db-b746-f1cb859f0929	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:50:42	36.473
-18	38692	1934600	9fe97334-4239-4afd-8dfb-8079f6dfcbe7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:45:40	-474.21
-19	19347	1934700	8e9df328-dbee-427d-8f50-42128f3ab78c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:44:32	763.740
-19	38694	1934700	d653fbee-37df-414f-a89d-3087da07a889	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:19:55	-72.215
-20	19348	1934800	4d76b696-1c72-44fb-9f21-01dbae21b57b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:37:01	-223.488
-20	38696	1934800	a849a839-55ea-4dfb-b81c-b6c0e935b338	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:52:27	456.649
-21	19349	1934900	9425b84b-bc88-460b-9da4-8feefd0ac6d5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:37:54	-870.109
-21	38698	1934900	62d5db81-c321-4495-abd4-225aa6b775cf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:54:09	495.841
-22	19350	1935000	9943d584-8c50-4b5d-8930-8e41e6590719	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:06:34	-222.134
-22	38700	1935000	c6aca244-f20c-4165-98f9-39a16da0b94f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:13:15	-223.631
-23	19351	1935100	4ae0c8ed-0bfa-49dc-b198-fe324254ec5f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:42:01	-568.396
-23	38702	1935100	520f4ad3-8c00-4a71-9a78-f3fd35f258da	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:24:20	-178.366
-24	19352	1935200	85914719-4d33-4f16-a709-443de3840cce	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:47:10	77.527
-24	38704	1935200	6b717111-474d-458e-8da1-954a3636f760	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:39:55	-152.127
-25	19353	1935300	709e1b6f-cf8d-4543-85ef-4710f375df8c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:50:24	739.0
-25	38706	1935300	c85ca686-b136-413b-b43a-09ac9adfb8da	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:10:08	-580.867
-26	19354	1935400	de2fb91e-b3a5-4e4e-b59a-dd8d8b7753c9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:52:26	750.955
-26	38708	1935400	37f76a33-06f9-4dde-a7a4-e3188338b8d3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:21:27	208.172
-27	19355	1935500	809db65f-d6bf-4afc-a6e1-33ba41fe2b44	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:31:40	-150.907
-27	38710	1935500	b4bd35ae-4df5-4a31-85f2-05b733a49dc7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:40:20	549.358
-28	19356	1935600	d3ec4dbf-227c-4ef1-bed5-f9885d42462f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:39:02	416.64
-28	38712	1935600	87b8ea5b-ac1a-4392-88f4-0d85137dd08e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:59:00	207.459
-29	19357	1935700	7417cee6-2f1a-4647-9e07-2980bb25ad9f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:07:52	359.298
-29	38714	1935700	bf203090-030a-461e-b8e5-d92ca054ef11	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:03:00	-359.731
-30	19358	1935800	4004043b-5a7c-442a-af0e-720dbacc2402	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:13:04	-337.396
-30	38716	1935800	0e2a9840-4b93-430a-86aa-528c65b9269f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:29:30	-505.658
-31	19359	1935900	cdca5df5-6381-40bf-96b3-0739c9d4b94d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:31:40	-8.912
-31	38718	1935900	9c231305-232c-4408-90f7-a5fd7dc8ced5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:12:23	-926.18
-32	19360	1936000	a66d620c-e63f-48e8-a767-9940f4a843e5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:54:26	47.732
-32	38720	1936000	c750fd52-48c7-48cc-8019-1ba9fdc49bca	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:41:43	-913.789
-33	19361	1936100	23e0d018-9b29-4313-ae08-fe6cb7f9991a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:52:40	-789.637
-33	38722	1936100	cb7f14b8-3167-45f7-a5de-566af5dda208	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:26:58	504.858
-34	19362	1936200	868cf663-a1ee-49aa-b187-adeeb8a95963	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:49:53	607.911
-34	38724	1936200	cf0f3a99-402c-4468-8354-38a431e276b5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:44:34	-210.503
-35	19363	1936300	e3fba326-0022-4e13-ab1a-dc96ba8b519e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:14:08	402.772
-35	38726	1936300	a05df927-1ab6-4415-8f46-58b2ba686afd	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:18:19	-391.219
-36	19364	1936400	0c6fd0b0-1f84-42a0-a931-aca86152975c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:49:07	31.183
-36	38728	1936400	5a6eee42-205a-447a-a3b8-0e96ad893102	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:52:06	-821.394
-37	19365	1936500	da69fd53-1cf8-4ff0-899a-946769ba9829	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:28:02	-543.990
-37	38730	1936500	d08166bc-cbc7-48c6-98bf-f492da24bd3a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:01:17	-886.963
-38	19366	1936600	c3cff238-6c5b-4969-802e-f8a9a3f044f0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:26:42	-471.932
-38	38732	1936600	b4cb06d5-8e67-4048-a8dd-cfcf81efa532	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:25:17	662.671
-39	19367	1936700	f3483e61-6f77-4380-ae39-9cd66d81c71e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:43:44	-116.15
-39	38734	1936700	719306df-200d-4f15-b405-a7ab27eb31a4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:25:28	-338.835
-40	19368	1936800	2c43c186-e6cf-480e-af95-d521ef0c9cd5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:59:52	-602.184
-40	38736	1936800	117e47dc-37d1-44d0-a0ce-b0a30347c416	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:25:34	-578.624
-41	19369	1936900	ecc35797-ced3-45a4-816b-0df3abe1224e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:08:03	-697.480
-41	38738	1936900	eb5c177a-2767-46ef-a2ae-a289f6600754	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:09:12	88.498
-42	19370	1937000	d8e8df0b-478b-4671-815e-13e222f089a3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:08:53	-417.695
-42	38740	1937000	b49a4096-aee9-4eb0-a262-9e0bb3f0f342	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:11:06	720.622
-43	19371	1937100	1050a599-1222-40a0-88b1-fc5ac2a45946	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:27:29	-137.189
-43	38742	1937100	9c55f16a-2504-4bee-9f22-06b113182dfe	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:14:25	-821.476
-44	19372	1937200	0b34c2a7-7b8b-45ab-8453-e5c2978e7104	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:20:14	-584.799
-44	38744	1937200	2e297869-3b30-4b09-b481-2ccbf0894f58	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:21:58	-44.923
-45	19373	1937300	21d8f74d-14fe-434b-a40c-0f7f8fde3daa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:57:02	63.179
-45	38746	1937300	9f16df2e-2ee0-4feb-93f2-22278122cbc4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:09:31	-768.560
-46	19374	1937400	b1f2e7c9-ddce-4852-8ff4-02d16751518d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:26:05	26.797
-46	38748	1937400	c1442e52-850c-44f9-84bd-2bee4487b555	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:45:31	-283.393
-47	19375	1937500	766d2b44-3b28-4515-bc3f-c8925919a6fe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:22:58	-810.517
-47	38750	1937500	50db3944-2c81-4e01-8bf1-b10ddcac1231	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:39:54	-452.788
-48	19376	1937600	45d131c0-198c-4612-9b30-95af6228b182	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:22:01	630.598
-48	38752	1937600	b3fd1cdb-b80c-4106-91b7-50b9a7b42b0d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:18:40	-29.334
-49	19377	1937700	52a26f9d-1b85-4812-bde2-3c9394686add	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:02:25	-14.732
-49	38754	1937700	0000c116-977c-4bd1-9e36-a929a1338804	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:38:33	509.134
-50	19378	1937800	2de4e5e5-386d-4829-962a-e80698b56b56	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:42:02	475.934
-50	38756	1937800	5f29b2b5-4c5d-4b0f-8cb1-93e00a6b17b4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:07:13	-300.267
-51	19379	1937900	fdfc55d2-cd71-4e0c-9545-1466dc1e6417	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:14:09	302.927
-51	38758	1937900	a0858906-63b9-44c2-ac60-cbb4bbfb79bc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:35:27	-57.67
-52	19380	1938000	abafc603-54ed-4181-8248-59413a69f3ae	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:06:48	382.64
-52	38760	1938000	6a23496c-c3b0-48d3-904a-bcf5dfb5cd6d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:01:56	-926.935
-53	19381	1938100	05701777-30a5-4312-8192-2d40f0756d14	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:06:05	-44.817
-53	38762	1938100	7c3433d7-ec11-4f0f-8176-8800378a975f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:18:17	708.843
-54	19382	1938200	e5e687bb-26c0-4421-80cd-a22f72fb27ca	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:29:18	-289.313
-54	38764	1938200	acbb3d8a-058c-450c-a8a2-a542ac39b99e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:54:30	571.996
-55	19383	1938300	f39aa69e-c53a-4f5d-bc0d-a712dc7aefb4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:11:51	-751.338
-55	38766	1938300	408b5a8e-ca75-44bd-a355-e5e75419c260	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:50:31	639.64
-56	19384	1938400	1f341b64-a2d9-44c1-98a7-b4a321bfa8d1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:16:14	377.418
-56	38768	1938400	4afb2c48-f093-4089-9a7a-ba4877c8064a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:10:24	139.513
-57	19385	1938500	af6b493b-a507-44a0-92a9-a2ec394f69ba	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:20:21	272.573
-57	38770	1938500	cc9e7b78-e0ac-4ce5-a50e-e1bc80f99cff	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:51:10	-185.191
-58	19386	1938600	fadae0e2-c342-4041-accf-b4fb2985cf9c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:26:16	747.149
-58	38772	1938600	075490a2-8c91-4b3e-9580-936614c328de	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:19:52	-688.176
-59	19387	1938700	757fdd30-cc2d-4e31-bf9b-68b511f5417a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:50:32	265.402
-59	38774	1938700	e7c3d283-58b6-463f-a678-c71b61d394f4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:14:38	-177.331
-60	19388	1938800	5a21d081-adcb-4461-9db2-01567b0c6d55	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:35:36	-360.823
-60	38776	1938800	ea5608f7-282d-4226-a929-569fe2f050c0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:39:31	-370.766
-61	19389	1938900	2b48c6e9-673f-411f-a101-61e9539af3f1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:02:13	-751.720
-61	38778	1938900	97f29ab9-67fb-425e-af83-245444a67ca1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:51:40	-896.203
-62	19390	1939000	178dadd2-99f3-4ecf-94b0-1247de4c0163	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:48:15	19.795
-62	38780	1939000	19a3d998-968b-471c-8fbb-fda0582febb4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:40:24	421.953
-63	19391	1939100	19345d30-be6e-461e-ac9e-23b81c92ed01	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:06:18	194.379
-63	38782	1939100	982f7b11-9609-4e19-b264-62fbf3fa940e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:51:32	896.267
-64	19392	1939200	bae4cbad-35e1-4a13-8213-876e46ba89dc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:29:15	-227.688
-64	38784	1939200	2ee7370c-4ff0-4e8a-b264-6cb7ef90b204	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:36:30	-744.225
-65	19393	1939300	22f1ccdb-e931-43df-96e1-70d7ae1d912e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:54:00	-501.484
-65	38786	1939300	5c1a87f1-ac1f-4417-904d-d6dab5e5cb66	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:25:26	232.757
-66	19394	1939400	4e8fe9ba-7b07-4337-a530-41556c736715	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:40:10	-704.155
-66	38788	1939400	54533be2-35c6-4538-a190-71220b968557	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:10:38	-758.333
-67	19395	1939500	200be7c6-4953-4fad-a260-e0266c99bdab	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:29:11	588.153
-67	38790	1939500	94fae01b-09c3-4410-b26a-68cb955d2429	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:38:52	-799.674
-68	19396	1939600	7f3f8ae4-b27c-467c-a169-486996f3680e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:55:11	821.699
-68	38792	1939600	54dcacd1-e8e1-4a05-b303-773dcfb4c945	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:03:18	-657.37
-69	19397	1939700	4290524d-22e1-4439-8af4-4fceb94e8967	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:18:26	688.36
-69	38794	1939700	7300c4ef-2cdd-4e5c-8884-903ac5bd98fc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:20:53	241.876
-70	19398	1939800	2f887786-d0ff-4d09-a889-639504985309	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:29:01	-860.916
-70	38796	1939800	ff666dec-aeea-482b-abff-972727ce1454	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:23:54	-792.828
-71	19399	1939900	be0e4f64-35a3-4e3b-bfc9-ec22205e8366	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:01:13	-539.642
-71	38798	1939900	96537fce-3289-416e-b2bd-db4d4276b1c7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:39:08	16.913
-72	19400	1940000	398f0926-cef6-4c6d-8f0b-f6e22820a5a4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:02:53	-913.526
-72	38800	1940000	2123989d-b598-4a3d-9312-0a0ae3e9d166	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:45:57	-659.22
-73	19401	1940100	d7bf7a86-2f25-4992-9656-4ceab69d3e86	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:42:41	-557.949
-73	38802	1940100	27cc1847-fdf6-4b82-bfa2-69648a7f2b56	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:58:08	-351.829
-74	19402	1940200	6503aed6-f263-498e-8e97-2cdebf37774e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:32:52	-838.256
-74	38804	1940200	3b41602c-cd58-4b22-a722-bd040c681e4e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:13:27	479.169
-75	19403	1940300	51c4e0bc-ccb3-4622-a123-c225fc54f188	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:58:48	-238.408
-75	38806	1940300	f55eb1ca-eb9f-4aa5-8325-55fd2cf6a45d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:08:16	-250.787
-76	19404	1940400	53c9dacf-6d8c-4693-a5ec-6c7bfef27236	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:54:39	-791.67
-76	38808	1940400	191c9534-b4d5-4838-ad6c-a0cf004c13bc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:28:04	-529.624
-77	19405	1940500	de487762-3909-4369-af02-adf8fe9571e2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:11:16	-813.289
-77	38810	1940500	9f044673-880f-42cf-aadb-c5837c07c186	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:11:30	-151.201
-78	19406	1940600	e73927bc-ab21-4f06-bf5f-d148e2ad2729	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:12:05	163.274
-78	38812	1940600	ccc9640b-eaa8-404f-b4df-04673ce9759e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:24:38	-449.349
-79	19407	1940700	74122820-96c3-4744-b28d-735cfa688570	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:04:06	205.481
-79	38814	1940700	f3005cda-5730-42e1-9605-bd68a848dd25	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:16:48	681.708
-80	19408	1940800	96cd95ca-1f0f-49de-b938-5afec349cb30	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:45:30	473.610
-80	38816	1940800	6a721ce6-a890-4592-8a99-55972b89dfeb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:27:45	248.70
-81	19409	1940900	6ca39343-b836-4202-85c8-552f73bf66a7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:42:50	-138.798
-81	38818	1940900	d14ea217-e33e-4cfc-ac84-465535244f8c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:54:17	-793.321
-82	19410	1941000	6ed19245-8713-4bb2-8ffb-a508375167d2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:22:27	55.216
-82	38820	1941000	141fbd4a-c8c4-4686-90ec-e2a5afde6379	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:30:07	-684.927
-83	19411	1941100	97b11a3f-2f1e-47bb-bb1b-7a486fc16347	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:08:48	-221.683
-83	38822	1941100	a714722f-d677-42d8-9cc0-e11b46acddb0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:32:46	-272.172
-84	19412	1941200	e938d2b4-218a-4d5b-8a70-e99239c01ef3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:48:11	676.56
-84	38824	1941200	bc886c1a-6159-452c-92e9-a88e2e76015d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:47:00	177.186
-85	19413	1941300	6084b918-1d2e-4b42-8958-ea1b21a67481	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:05:25	727.307
-85	38826	1941300	61ab93fb-2b25-40b4-bad5-45346e9f42f9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:00:22	866.903
-86	19414	1941400	bac7bae8-8d4d-4730-a1c7-c9ef6e4b713b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:45:36	344.212
-86	38828	1941400	feed66fa-7d7b-4bd4-93a6-ecaa60a5fc8a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:38:14	-892.70
-87	19415	1941500	17123c20-59f8-430f-b3ef-c0f639222c67	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:15:38	430.452
-87	38830	1941500	666e989a-15eb-420a-a2a9-8faed77ee215	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:08:31	180.876
-88	19416	1941600	cd4960ef-1892-4bc6-bec7-c49941004006	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:35:34	772.376
-88	38832	1941600	ad281b6a-b1f8-4ecd-be60-22702951f53c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:27:16	117.656
-89	19417	1941700	e8944945-d22a-44c9-9d82-4b1e0fc5a2b6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:15:37	409.937
-89	38834	1941700	60dba4a4-1702-4840-ade9-03f77f1692c5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:20:39	958.463
-90	19418	1941800	85ac50f6-2ccd-4a23-8374-fc80e46d8e4d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:22:40	-766.244
-90	38836	1941800	113c1d8a-3b3a-4f7e-ab65-4c4aebb87bf6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:00:16	-612.68
-91	19419	1941900	5a09af39-fe7c-45bd-8cd6-85966f02f8bf	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:13:53	-91.139
-91	38838	1941900	d2187da0-9613-4104-97ee-89c9f9a4fb6c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:42:03	266.674
-92	19420	1942000	fea8a160-5ba6-4112-bbff-55ea52097f5b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:18:58	812.973
-92	38840	1942000	5f3a2ca9-9e54-4687-8a14-a07f01c16b96	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:57:21	368.933
-93	19421	1942100	4a4e734d-70bf-49d9-813d-c6cac71059b5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:42:17	114.968
-93	38842	1942100	6d38c03a-2537-43d3-9025-592042cb1364	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:02:02	818.688
-94	19422	1942200	a32c3d69-353c-4329-be07-b298ce4a6e13	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:24:00	-601.212
-94	38844	1942200	ed5be100-e1e4-425c-8684-b47236002542	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:10:25	-990.939
-95	19423	1942300	7b786ecc-5e0d-4547-860c-69d6168c4d26	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:41:18	-448.356
-95	38846	1942300	a28c3e50-92ed-4b1d-87f6-247a5bb51b4a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:38:40	-377.211
-96	19424	1942400	ddd40260-2ed0-4317-9ee2-7ea433f825c4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:57:19	-629.451
-96	38848	1942400	ae06414d-dddd-451e-8c2d-38daeffa8fe3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:55:11	-876.503
-97	19425	1942500	bdbf5284-dbce-4367-94c2-193774166e35	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:42:22	24.660
-97	38850	1942500	0d9ee2da-5229-4fda-a9a4-82fb4b27a8c2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:40:41	-345.576
-98	19426	1942600	64506de8-5d6e-47e6-a991-90c3e0606c3c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:24:53	338.298
-98	38852	1942600	124f156d-e7f2-47b6-a2a9-d838c1674b4a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:07:36	-702.492
-99	19427	1942700	9f30e56c-b86b-466a-9aad-a479c60b763f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:09:13	-452.466
-99	38854	1942700	014fe353-6344-495c-ab32-f12fe16936d6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:58:36	-723.939
-100	19428	1942800	72b5fd1e-2ec4-4f94-92e5-3dcb88a4c17e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:29:16	156.969
-100	38856	1942800	5a0c2c4a-f735-4d59-94be-a5b164c8e8dd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:07:53	-524.353
-101	19429	1942900	dd595b1a-2096-48d5-8b2c-c25280389801	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:02:17	303.786
-101	38858	1942900	28771239-743a-40ec-9f79-55623cb4b82c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:46:31	183.522
-102	19430	1943000	e9fe8433-0433-4d76-81f4-9aba87a3de69	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:59:18	937.151
-102	38860	1943000	afc8fac1-968a-4a03-b45a-6fe685fb2bae	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:10:29	-742.135
-103	19431	1943100	cec765c4-e1cc-4e13-bac6-d9aa416a5d2b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:45:16	484.727
-103	38862	1943100	468dc3f2-750b-4550-ba0d-b4b83f71b6b7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:02:40	708.248
-104	19432	1943200	65c36dd1-ab27-43f8-a8b0-2196c1a1f43f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:20:33	718.542
-104	38864	1943200	66f1e437-514b-464d-b405-5dd5e1a4aa25	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:50:26	-744.944
-105	19433	1943300	8679467d-48c2-4a71-9edf-84aacac97880	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:35:40	-653.202
-105	38866	1943300	4b73c161-6e6a-46a9-b137-89b3a391ff63	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:37:08	984.613
-106	19434	1943400	16306917-b59a-42a0-977d-b287666e7097	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:36:17	-771.30
-106	38868	1943400	a00b339f-4c87-452c-9b6b-8464f0e76762	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:12:34	725.828
-107	19435	1943500	f1c064b6-3c6f-4e97-93b1-c04c4b8c5373	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:04:09	-446.728
-107	38870	1943500	3120b029-069a-42fb-ab74-7cc1381716fb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:02:43	-36.122
-108	19436	1943600	4d17f7e6-c5c8-40cb-9702-be589b2656fd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:33:16	317.569
-108	38872	1943600	77b4a030-e1d8-495c-95b8-017b7f0a7f18	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:56:26	-890.852
-109	19437	1943700	a7f87ccc-0437-45e1-82c2-48ec05590fd1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:08:39	-720.611
-109	38874	1943700	d46ee67e-5c4d-4d06-bc03-c3be0075d278	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:37:35	368.150
-110	19438	1943800	72988118-d25f-4ed8-8c40-fe305c806003	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:52:28	-587.35
-110	38876	1943800	dcd76ad3-7104-4411-b51f-6e0a2f54e380	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:17:04	932.486
-111	19439	1943900	69692e00-1d59-442b-b76e-68adc8e677db	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:14:11	311.144
-111	38878	1943900	678ce63d-95c7-4f17-8a39-41d1361707d5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:07:22	15.476
-112	19440	1944000	55363f99-64ca-44a9-8d81-57a5308ed497	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:42:08	-390.517
-112	38880	1944000	d60ca894-5fe2-4b66-a2c8-0b16d7482d2a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:34:01	-164.155
-113	19441	1944100	5df00afb-7524-4bdd-8768-e6efd298bc5d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:26:25	-103.572
-113	38882	1944100	898281bf-458b-4465-a91d-071d24f2a52b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:28:06	-113.764
-114	19442	1944200	cc04fe4e-0df7-4711-b9f7-0474d482cf67	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:34:39	-145.644
-114	38884	1944200	f42127b0-34d8-4501-b14a-ed9e0833d1e9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:15:40	920.932
-115	19443	1944300	e2b68be7-8427-414b-ba43-220573a65d21	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:46:47	52.710
-115	38886	1944300	1795a9af-4a05-4c94-a2b7-18492ed31219	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:05:13	-469.629
-116	19444	1944400	6912e17a-223e-4555-9b0e-6bc89f3b43e2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:07:24	-504.978
-116	38888	1944400	8a2efa03-4911-4369-9e7b-b0350965ad8e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:37:08	-314.479
-117	19445	1944500	be07e804-72ae-4e21-b2a5-b65f052aeb5d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:22:17	-817.745
-117	38890	1944500	4ad910ce-4397-4d16-8ebd-923895000d80	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:33:10	-225.98
-118	19446	1944600	104c142e-3f25-4f8a-8ea9-f9596f8ea509	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:43:07	845.922
-118	38892	1944600	8d7ed39b-e9d3-4cf1-b638-c9e3aae72916	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:25:42	176.687
-119	19447	1944700	d32d1def-23f8-4da8-a3f4-83cd11a78903	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:58:02	39.308
-119	38894	1944700	b5341f1f-bc2d-41ba-83ca-5adf01aa744f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:39:39	951.888
-120	19448	1944800	2c6b1b56-16cb-4a5e-9a96-723109349a0a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:11:30	-504.512
-120	38896	1944800	273cdd64-99c5-40bb-87b5-d46e83fe0e06	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:44:59	-343.192
-121	19449	1944900	8a876cab-2bbc-40eb-82cb-cc36835d2689	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:10:07	699.599
-121	38898	1944900	887a60f4-750f-4dd9-bb77-eb236c8dc584	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:50:10	-161.95
-122	19450	1945000	1907c24f-6744-48bf-b370-23277a2bc47b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:39:29	-637.366
-122	38900	1945000	d133394e-f9c9-462d-8f3b-4f567de408dc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:33:24	-633.342
-123	19451	1945100	36020a88-3067-4e5b-adfa-35ce23c31d89	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:27:13	-496.557
-123	38902	1945100	cd8e6fe4-6c43-4541-9590-1983ac67a08a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:32:25	-95.929
-124	19452	1945200	58b62d37-b685-413f-84d8-dc7a588b9824	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:02:53	-605.169
-124	38904	1945200	b27dc207-0d13-4c3d-9abd-98b3ba8dbb53	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:07:43	849.216
-125	19453	1945300	6d26d11d-c1e4-4f69-a3fe-f1894b1ab561	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:02:45	-738.376
-125	38906	1945300	4b3aecac-6ef6-42fe-bd7c-85889b17efed	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:03:43	-371.447
-126	19454	1945400	85de0010-eed5-43a7-bc14-ed20c30e60e2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:06:53	758.797
-126	38908	1945400	70272fc6-1c2c-4c91-ba29-0e9b87db82d2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:43:55	499.153
-127	19455	1945500	d93b64c3-75e5-403f-82f3-2162eb54ac1b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:00:45	60.968
-127	38910	1945500	ccdd42a1-2041-4f9b-b04a-720ed89e4266	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:54:55	-986.532
-0	19456	1945600	445b2e43-f922-40a9-b937-43cec208a025	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:27:19	-722.987
-0	38912	1945600	228ac53e-97ce-4487-9b32-2af136aedf5c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:53:50	-870.598
-1	19457	1945700	420e4d4b-0fbe-4f13-b9aa-20d2cd4d882c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:34:28	979.266
-1	38914	1945700	63e41c8d-86e2-438c-9f8d-7a7e0c7e279e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:56:19	-693.886
-2	19458	1945800	635c49bc-a520-4eb4-8041-0ec5a0df3e83	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:53:41	744.580
-2	38916	1945800	62dcc1d1-3de2-4557-b678-e8a4c5e42212	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:38:41	719.263
-3	19459	1945900	43c43f38-3665-4945-aa8c-00c9026f1072	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:08:27	861.816
-3	38918	1945900	52a3b263-132c-4156-9c60-0f446d6ec8bd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:42:34	64.327
-4	19460	1946000	13e7d230-fb1f-499c-bacd-5e3dd38be4d0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:12:24	-929.742
-4	38920	1946000	3f3452c3-ac62-4324-b2ad-32bf020b3ede	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:17:58	898.867
-5	19461	1946100	c80eaf14-43c9-4c3c-9d94-2d29ad8fd961	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:55:34	-375.295
-5	38922	1946100	56227c37-e1de-4925-883e-bca6d2741b6c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:25:39	-86.688
-6	19462	1946200	9fc4153b-bcd7-482b-a807-cee885820f9b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:36:17	-591.765
-6	38924	1946200	aeb5138a-4171-45dd-8380-cc162faf9abf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:00:54	-917.657
-7	19463	1946300	e9042274-b773-45a8-af29-63051b6e0e84	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:20:58	-699.174
-7	38926	1946300	c085e627-e71d-459b-ab9a-7272a7a8218c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:51:00	153.275
-8	19464	1946400	83e9b9c0-9094-43a4-a263-b8103572a5f9	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:17:25	-741.95
-8	38928	1946400	3f213bcd-ba2a-460e-9d92-509eddc44362	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:13:44	-678.712
-9	19465	1946500	ca06b8d4-619c-4b65-a2ec-62cc76595a63	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:49:14	-930.717
-9	38930	1946500	7f48ad24-aba3-4c83-bddb-63d3d4ad179b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:18:34	-462.101
-10	19466	1946600	310228e1-e997-4524-bece-5206657c7dd8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:13:30	606.701
-10	38932	1946600	f1b07493-3f2a-4b50-83c3-3ca87b8051a5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:47:08	-535.279
-11	19467	1946700	3f5bf204-b0e1-49f1-b6a0-7afb810e060c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:09:02	-549.290
-11	38934	1946700	2147166e-285e-410c-9aef-047d2386927f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:22:20	860.524
-12	19468	1946800	84a100a6-fea7-40c0-a0bb-832585881622	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:21:31	30.423
-12	38936	1946800	fc222481-36e3-4b3e-8300-5b5e8a8eed21	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:09:55	677.40
-13	19469	1946900	3e70c726-4c00-48e1-bc82-cff9af5c4c58	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:52:02	-837.672
-13	38938	1946900	5e8c8854-33e8-464e-827e-a16c2e27215d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:49:31	-364.56
-14	19470	1947000	57326a16-c227-4954-b58b-75bc27d3fc72	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:37:08	923.642
-14	38940	1947000	88824c98-5be9-41ba-b3a1-7901b1d28792	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:06:10	-546.87
-15	19471	1947100	e6c31fcd-aeb8-42fb-8e91-b58cb7927f3a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:16:31	841.662
-15	38942	1947100	e6358e81-f680-4c2b-bf79-134a3a7d922f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:30:55	-559.950
-16	19472	1947200	f03bf6ea-f654-4054-b22d-4ba0e111d4be	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:10:29	-185.849
-16	38944	1947200	1aa3728e-7235-4d38-82cc-f0988cad5ed5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:34:03	-832.365
-17	19473	1947300	0c9bee8f-adfa-4e5d-9222-82e59220a640	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:36:22	-665.94
-17	38946	1947300	2b27d6dd-c14e-4a72-ba7b-59cac4436b73	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:31:08	703.380
-18	19474	1947400	665baafc-ebb1-4ac6-a0de-1d458e58495d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:33:10	-602.355
-18	38948	1947400	91238913-ee07-4490-8c30-9415cc268373	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:18:14	232.931
-19	19475	1947500	398e2f01-9a92-4c41-a99f-97f9d209afc8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:55:49	115.106
-19	38950	1947500	717c011c-174a-46ab-a24f-753696438551	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:35:22	-441.665
-20	19476	1947600	a73ae52a-8a82-4f6d-8f10-4465f5a5882f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:10:25	921.793
-20	38952	1947600	aba74854-f714-4a3e-a012-103a90568873	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:34:52	-796.305
-21	19477	1947700	d9a9a422-3277-4ee3-8e1e-e24c2acdbe2e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:32:15	-31.160
-21	38954	1947700	ccd38a61-6d1e-475d-a303-6d92188b67dd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:31:56	-76.291
-22	19478	1947800	2ccc9a40-a609-4e7d-b8d1-3ec192e461bf	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:18:28	388.239
-22	38956	1947800	37db675e-870c-447f-83f8-458e922cc119	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:07:48	780.130
-23	19479	1947900	0ebc988c-33b2-4379-be33-295e420772db	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:44:29	109.389
-23	38958	1947900	3456e9ef-86f1-4610-a7ec-0e827e0acf1c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:40:57	362.883
-24	19480	1948000	85cbc153-739b-4f91-bc52-dead87f4059b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:40:54	-152.552
-24	38960	1948000	a9220be3-aac5-44ec-921e-519f7deea35b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:16:35	-930.3
-25	19481	1948100	35c69d6c-60e7-4248-860b-b169818f734f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:59:39	913.412
-25	38962	1948100	48b229a0-1201-4859-99c6-c67f846389a6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:19:55	-443.786
-26	19482	1948200	82571b6e-4262-40bd-922e-61faa71d3d90	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:36:47	298.943
-26	38964	1948200	0c402fd6-650c-4445-bc83-4e5b312dddcc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:59:16	367.214
-27	19483	1948300	26c68394-b3aa-4276-bf57-e77c3f360ca8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:24:47	827.920
-27	38966	1948300	d9566915-cad2-4e4a-8b1c-6ae4a1111436	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:44:59	423.636
-28	19484	1948400	24892da0-6925-46f8-aa45-5cdacfbe84c9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:46:04	-278.424
-28	38968	1948400	7e3a1a88-d944-4cfe-af2f-29991a959669	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:27:16	283.958
-29	19485	1948500	7c3d95f8-d281-4bba-8b58-4ffb9f11b961	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:23:18	-497.244
-29	38970	1948500	301b2940-896e-4540-9082-213d8f9226ee	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:45:40	59.342
-30	19486	1948600	d92c9998-4eb4-40e9-b03f-29d2403e5ade	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:09:50	186.540
-30	38972	1948600	c7b2417b-8d1c-4574-95bf-33a31a4b05d6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:59:39	-393.664
-31	19487	1948700	4632ff8c-88f4-49d5-a714-874201e965b1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:20:37	382.591
-31	38974	1948700	0b39c9de-2dc9-4c0b-b423-7cb6686674d3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:47:10	-520.707
-32	19488	1948800	53a0ccea-e063-41ba-8b46-08600e309dbd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:36:20	-851.257
-32	38976	1948800	3269726e-8f64-4827-823e-166948955c18	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:06:39	-778.124
-33	19489	1948900	c8244360-dd06-44a8-bbd1-4e32cd9a1c75	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:57:47	840.336
-33	38978	1948900	5d795d5c-28a4-43ef-b09a-0d4acf73afd6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:32:35	-6.805
-34	19490	1949000	9c9a967d-50e2-4c58-bba5-ebcc427ade91	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:07:02	-365.868
-34	38980	1949000	8844c1f5-cb7d-442e-94b4-9ff0dfc022f4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:20:14	-701.256
-35	19491	1949100	2f528c92-11c2-488f-8010-77d8350afe3c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:39:15	510.961
-35	38982	1949100	7955c574-ffce-4d64-afde-a96fd6fb5507	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:07:48	798.618
-36	19492	1949200	123ee0d1-2dae-4f63-8711-4f8d7a6b416b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:13:11	91.625
-36	38984	1949200	0f36efe9-6882-4f51-97f3-a179766ef2e0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:30:58	742.12
-37	19493	1949300	c0b2d2c0-d609-4cd8-91f8-2bb568d60f4b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:07:11	-710.121
-37	38986	1949300	d2ef3c66-d6e6-4873-a27c-60c9a6cbdc84	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:59:14	-237.106
-38	19494	1949400	acd5fb56-7b57-4e2f-b225-ac77bfa51606	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:27:05	895.337
-38	38988	1949400	9e8ede6f-8cf8-4229-b8eb-2aa9b4e2ca93	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:51:37	205.218
-39	19495	1949500	50c8d80d-53ec-4b49-96ba-54b9aaef9fa2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:26:58	692.540
-39	38990	1949500	b7847644-bba2-481b-a9ea-44d7fa49dda4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:55:53	-700.913
-40	19496	1949600	d38d0f6c-b600-4d46-b6c2-e1cdaefe531a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:49:21	-838.827
-40	38992	1949600	dcc17652-27a1-4f88-bbf0-d3116c226e7b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:59:09	-466.688
-41	19497	1949700	3c53452d-5dad-4a55-8ae9-d7b0cbcb1c40	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:25:55	-921.169
-41	38994	1949700	0e17db52-ffb3-4712-a32a-ba156cfea946	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:57:15	54.508
-42	19498	1949800	318a5b9d-f926-41de-bb60-837580b3579c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:08:28	-563.1
-42	38996	1949800	8833e361-cdb4-41e8-9a15-56e2cbf71f67	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:47:45	-993.440
-43	19499	1949900	edd5a234-e3b9-41aa-abbd-153fd1f88df8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:18:11	511.101
-43	38998	1949900	a4e028ab-5ed3-4952-9a52-a96946d2b71e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:18:40	-907.434
-44	19500	1950000	420ea9de-8b14-414e-a25d-6149ce6cfbaf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:56:46	467.501
-44	39000	1950000	16188764-5fad-448d-8c7b-37dd93ca4cd4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:22:10	452.619
-45	19501	1950100	15eeeb1d-ab22-4e12-a8c8-d9c401899ad2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:40:18	411.556
-45	39002	1950100	fe1503f1-d9fc-45e2-b242-1b3ec14dff98	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:10:37	689.588
-46	19502	1950200	525a9469-a4d0-4f6b-9252-157fe3fbdff3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:22:01	-757.981
-46	39004	1950200	6e3cdf5f-0229-48b6-bd88-b651ab8f58ec	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:40:15	-507.886
-47	19503	1950300	47ee7315-ec43-41d3-a7eb-b54b61338990	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:38:46	291.932
-47	39006	1950300	73613f28-22c0-4115-95eb-73630906240c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:36:07	395.943
-48	19504	1950400	d8805d5d-5c27-4069-a5c2-63d68bbea592	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:14:56	-928.478
-48	39008	1950400	b4319273-bbd4-4061-b056-77915321307a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:28:35	-812.493
-49	19505	1950500	792516e8-de75-436a-b1fd-100d2b373de9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:22:48	-387.332
-49	39010	1950500	c33d59d1-49e3-4b9d-8183-e8bd2ddc1de0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:10:35	-896.578
-50	19506	1950600	409e5b64-6867-4f5b-a523-f29f223055fe	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:10:12	170.895
-50	39012	1950600	c7cd8e1d-033a-4f95-80f6-7ac6c61dcd2f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:39:48	-756.518
-51	19507	1950700	a2b209a3-063b-4100-b24d-923f4faab543	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:09:52	315.362
-51	39014	1950700	e754858d-e3bf-4cdc-911d-f78220867398	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:53:52	189.257
-52	19508	1950800	d0a3ec0a-1f8c-4feb-add2-2001c64b489f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:38:50	312.201
-52	39016	1950800	3a2c918c-b0c5-44ae-95a3-f40e2e863bfe	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:15:56	-644.211
-53	19509	1950900	adc1ed60-11a0-49a2-aa2b-247aaa95ca1a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:58:38	-229.183
-53	39018	1950900	7b8c9c01-6df8-4bbd-9c06-1adb70da6178	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:51:14	791.21
-54	19510	1951000	f52b0428-025b-4d07-a1ea-da29c0241944	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:58:05	-673.549
-54	39020	1951000	4cdaeb15-42b6-4da5-b40c-2ff88fe40e65	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:58:44	-843.585
-55	19511	1951100	a9af4cd0-cfd0-45ab-8c34-40ce8b1e50c6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:44:01	912.942
-55	39022	1951100	a391d5bc-331a-46a4-9a13-dcfb84cfa353	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:51:49	718.83
-56	19512	1951200	39b14da0-baa3-4fa9-be57-1fa068432230	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:27:00	923.553
-56	39024	1951200	940f7c57-a9c9-480e-bdf3-c86ae34ea743	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:46:59	920.801
-57	19513	1951300	74133e34-d3f1-4aeb-8299-85b06831b7c6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:55:42	882.434
-57	39026	1951300	fea7bde0-2807-4d7d-9e3d-b7425b90c9c0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:25:10	-411.903
-58	19514	1951400	fbe454dc-3759-442f-89af-bfad2a2f108b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:33:41	413.676
-58	39028	1951400	8fdd8dab-4aef-4a78-a870-2c8173b169ef	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:26:31	-690.704
-59	19515	1951500	f7665de3-0bbf-4992-a0eb-44179ad5a4fa	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:48:00	-1.117
-59	39030	1951500	537cd493-a4bc-4ec1-85b7-4eaf0c1cdfd6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:37:28	-529.760
-60	19516	1951600	e49f9201-6a0b-4524-80c2-379e9e53c80c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:57:09	388.476
-60	39032	1951600	f4f2af86-6ecd-49fa-a7e7-3d773d993fed	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:29:11	-80.755
-61	19517	1951700	1805f592-3440-418d-bd86-82de087d7ad7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:42:32	182.637
-61	39034	1951700	840b7087-ab32-4dce-a039-448e500121fb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:07:15	-236.835
-62	19518	1951800	0f620e2a-19d6-4185-b82e-51c5ca74d028	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:27:20	675.485
-62	39036	1951800	2070a0f8-da61-4137-8f45-55568cc90b3c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:48:52	-31.930
-63	19519	1951900	12abed56-ad8f-49f5-a429-58d92965de28	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:27:55	926.651
-63	39038	1951900	0107e2e9-1ded-4ab4-a273-1652fb4b7a57	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:45:39	175.859
-64	19520	1952000	ec2f8004-6457-43c9-befa-ef41a49a614c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:58:24	-887.709
-64	39040	1952000	900f428f-a5a0-461d-a5a6-66ddd1d692c6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:52:46	592.132
-65	19521	1952100	87d4e7f2-088c-4f69-a487-54881a901bbb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:37:24	668.951
-65	39042	1952100	f1f341e4-18ef-40b3-b508-3ba10a1c7f1f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:53:13	-401.64
-66	19522	1952200	37d3528a-7e51-44ab-907f-c2af6f3341ff	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:33:25	932.879
-66	39044	1952200	16f2ec96-93b5-48e8-a466-8368291d4a6f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:10:50	92.352
-67	19523	1952300	da3b6828-e2f0-4ad8-bc4b-bdce52812d52	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:21:27	-27.251
-67	39046	1952300	90e8fa71-a249-4f4c-aae9-758f8630337e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:00:06	800.771
-68	19524	1952400	c00837de-afbf-400d-b9ff-9b263f903612	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:48:10	31.332
-68	39048	1952400	970c4a0d-1c8d-45c9-92dd-d297c54372da	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:09:46	912.764
-69	19525	1952500	1f8dd31e-81fb-4a88-a01c-0416118f5024	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:13:13	-913.392
-69	39050	1952500	d84c0393-5a80-4169-94bb-dd60d505f626	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:29:48	-642.340
-70	19526	1952600	0ad1ccbc-af7d-4ded-979f-80b96ca82fbb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:52:04	852.860
-70	39052	1952600	650380b8-1b28-48eb-9870-2a0d10be3f1a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:57:31	519.45
-71	19527	1952700	8b4d3c8a-d9c2-4eff-8eda-5ac5aaeb0f93	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:55:30	398.795
-71	39054	1952700	d68d7bf5-7308-4f4a-bcef-5015a2ac9d08	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:10:10	205.513
-72	19528	1952800	f779a4b0-d0ba-41c7-a4b9-094041cc36de	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:14:53	-507.116
-72	39056	1952800	8ad11188-6cce-4de0-a6f8-2a8dd84d4d32	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:39:04	279.336
-73	19529	1952900	5b18fae3-6272-4ed6-aaa2-09120d7e9b4e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:07:00	678.109
-73	39058	1952900	5639376c-2b3c-4dc6-9b79-0d6369a5484b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:14:46	277.327
-74	19530	1953000	0abb95bb-5b3c-4a75-9f54-6c1b3640f6f0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:11:02	616.600
-74	39060	1953000	58384865-9fb0-4428-8a98-0c9d88ebbfcf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:58:16	477.658
-75	19531	1953100	29888636-d7d5-4e38-ab79-5fe9b82113bd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:18:46	-447.890
-75	39062	1953100	04489e79-ee61-4868-9b05-202817d15219	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:02:08	232.639
-76	19532	1953200	51006261-a904-4f96-b2a1-e7bbffe9a198	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:32:57	134.769
-76	39064	1953200	cb7e72b7-3a92-4153-a24a-d86a5ea03fce	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:19:31	-927.984
-77	19533	1953300	15f9cd14-4770-4784-9d6e-1ee568774ccd	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:38:59	-527.182
-77	39066	1953300	4f8e74d8-feb1-4e8a-9462-1ee544fbde17	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:39:24	566.94
-78	19534	1953400	d2b6162a-1496-44be-8b5a-689c84d06788	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:09:07	511.312
-78	39068	1953400	e05d3251-5a04-4147-9ff1-5d7b47e4efca	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:04:35	-666.451
-79	19535	1953500	068d79d1-7cbb-42c4-b45c-02763a1fe179	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:49:50	137.462
-79	39070	1953500	0e56fd74-5f03-4603-82f5-5da79a75fab8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:55:02	-339.994
-80	19536	1953600	e07f7b79-05e3-429e-821b-16d5be6de7b2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:24:49	-250.677
-80	39072	1953600	b6448f10-0cf6-451a-bfaa-429f4ade0e12	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:07:27	-853.208
-81	19537	1953700	8040a214-aea5-433e-8a7e-22517da1b945	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:41:39	874.141
-81	39074	1953700	2857baa2-f5e3-438b-a95f-c45a393d1a80	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:32:54	175.632
-82	19538	1953800	fe339426-6f82-42c4-80b7-d56affa54ea3	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:58:49	953.166
-82	39076	1953800	9cf17279-bd79-4110-99f1-dd74d361f82f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:00:54	458.913
-83	19539	1953900	47c31578-c684-436e-a516-c8d257b590b5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:46:02	599.423
-83	39078	1953900	f2db7930-19c3-4837-94a9-f2c4771d466e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:43:39	774.830
-84	19540	1954000	182042c1-3c0b-412d-b3c2-8f35f2e506ad	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:10:41	-431.272
-84	39080	1954000	8672052e-955a-40d8-a379-10a783e6cf3a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:57:08	-896.1
-85	19541	1954100	743f505b-b5c3-4b12-bc9d-29e33a2696bd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:29:12	-870.626
-85	39082	1954100	cf889777-584d-415b-aa57-5992ead300d9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:43:20	185.696
-86	19542	1954200	b7ce701b-31a0-4a01-a38c-5eb90533b2b7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:47:28	-936.835
-86	39084	1954200	4efe5824-2f35-4edb-ad74-6666816a764b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:09:37	-861.722
-87	19543	1954300	11bc68ac-9859-4fc7-a1ec-eaa91f7157de	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:40:48	-354.659
-87	39086	1954300	731fc962-d33c-405b-98d5-760d92d308fc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:17:45	-739.335
-88	19544	1954400	2e362314-2806-45d9-891f-c60c4a112583	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:25:00	167.624
-88	39088	1954400	159456a1-334e-437c-8b9b-86eb474c9bd6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:25:11	409.303
-89	19545	1954500	a331f940-f2fc-44dc-8f66-6808a44973ab	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:54:22	-736.9
-89	39090	1954500	a6ff3202-1c53-4dfd-9229-d35f6b4773e5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:40:49	-608.799
-90	19546	1954600	ea75e6a7-9844-4b78-8104-c00847958847	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:57:21	-883.256
-90	39092	1954600	54c191f8-3253-4e34-8093-b61287061ef1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:34:49	-131.405
-91	19547	1954700	d7c8313e-1851-428b-a80b-6f84dbbb1b9b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:38:05	-986.206
-91	39094	1954700	697f4873-1703-4575-9c77-4eb2521562c2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:49:36	544.643
-92	19548	1954800	53ed7a7e-fb37-4357-a7c6-32dae67ca280	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:07:56	453.971
-92	39096	1954800	28561133-9d34-4489-aa07-40f2ff3f3fff	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:59:47	492.511
-93	19549	1954900	79ec51a6-6ace-4cb9-bc15-44ac4c7e6a78	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:58:35	-516.508
-93	39098	1954900	d9525596-527e-4d23-bfed-73524836f2c6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:48:12	122.568
-94	19550	1955000	e99fa04b-86b2-4fc8-a4f2-2418b835178b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:19:02	954.18
-94	39100	1955000	7875961f-ad99-4c4c-a449-f7d14ec9b0c8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:49:38	95.150
-95	19551	1955100	b55ab017-5859-4442-8e2f-30906b485915	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:25:15	202.79
-95	39102	1955100	c5a2de8b-af1a-4ce2-9079-478efe7895e2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:47:43	-656.915
-96	19552	1955200	c9461bf5-bc05-4703-8451-a1aae451691a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:55:50	-215.679
-96	39104	1955200	6837e5e9-13b4-414e-95fe-f30d60944a0b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:08:03	-879.467
-97	19553	1955300	c8b7aae6-b6c4-41eb-9cdb-3e6721727209	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:58:44	-227.632
-97	39106	1955300	0dfc4d9e-22a1-452f-b40a-2a95185d69e4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:12:42	774.869
-98	19554	1955400	908f8f76-c129-4d39-a6f4-c9fd851b71a0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:40:00	719.319
-98	39108	1955400	02cf8a59-a8d9-4306-a8c3-e16c0120daa0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:54:01	398.910
-99	19555	1955500	9f1834cf-2cf6-4f88-84bb-f172e8bf2095	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:52:41	468.21
-99	39110	1955500	88fd1527-76ae-4308-8fa8-98569877811f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:36:15	675.342
-100	19556	1955600	6c0249ad-ddc4-419a-a782-f36961d27ef7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:38:50	136.626
-100	39112	1955600	85a64e95-70d1-498c-9bf8-16f0b60ce3ac	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:37:18	480.967
-101	19557	1955700	e4b8d8a2-b1e3-415b-be84-0045a1debd10	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:23:49	497.154
-101	39114	1955700	57b62a6a-c047-433b-b853-2239f0b5e634	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:21:16	-956.547
-102	19558	1955800	c20e245d-e05e-43ca-a2a2-9421e45a8dd1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:49:00	-901.692
-102	39116	1955800	ef948cd2-3096-4168-b1c2-7f9cb6f8804f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:27:45	784.93
-103	19559	1955900	f393d1a8-e716-466b-8fc6-6a4a9dc40cff	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:05:26	14.658
-103	39118	1955900	467694dc-0778-4cd3-8d2e-d3397d5a3443	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:41:21	715.588
-104	19560	1956000	2cd64a81-75ee-4cd1-ba0b-904430d29fc4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:05:35	-196.847
-104	39120	1956000	66a94f14-7d40-482c-93b1-05fb205c5a54	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:39:34	-504.74
-105	19561	1956100	fa52038a-6fc2-4ca7-a198-f061263caa91	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:06:52	-918.759
-105	39122	1956100	98cd6e0c-7694-4fd4-b608-d9a3fe3b0e4b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:13:08	107.491
-106	19562	1956200	3dc7bdb1-1e23-4dc4-92f4-6bcc9aeeaccb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:51:40	-900.283
-106	39124	1956200	a438042e-0776-48d6-9792-861030470c7e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:26:43	48.81
-107	19563	1956300	dd390196-ea46-457d-95b9-0e62c7bfdd49	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:32:42	-204.585
-107	39126	1956300	6d8e455b-2e8c-4704-95e9-911c8de6fd5e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:03:47	-607.986
-108	19564	1956400	49992762-84d4-4de6-bf86-26fb33e909ea	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:03:25	-494.334
-108	39128	1956400	c153012f-87bd-4a20-9c64-bb455ee2d8c2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:56:48	-982.160
-109	19565	1956500	bdc2f9a2-59c1-4eb9-9099-d3a15bf23a4c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:14:32	310.140
-109	39130	1956500	0b1154b4-f7fb-4d33-8f24-ac2cad023d97	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:03:23	589.365
-110	19566	1956600	97bdcb26-f54c-4a88-9d68-dbf000f5fd91	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:28:44	120.922
-110	39132	1956600	e19be292-6138-4577-900c-6c82ce57647e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:26:28	489.315
-111	19567	1956700	d0fb615b-9b31-4f68-aca1-63b745c866bc	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:01:09	-528.654
-111	39134	1956700	f48553ce-65e2-44fa-b817-ed5a43888bc0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:30:44	-303.551
-112	19568	1956800	aaa496ae-cd14-4977-9910-c5644abb20e8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:33:08	-363.481
-112	39136	1956800	eb5aab09-6d34-412b-888e-adcebb644234	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:37:07	582.708
-113	19569	1956900	bd9a7432-0cf0-4e69-aff3-08e006908e0f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:40:39	206.813
-113	39138	1956900	a3bbf880-7959-4956-a93d-3f162ea23ea5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:03:28	97.871
-114	19570	1957000	e2b407f6-de8d-49cd-8f2c-0f090f4e0b9d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:31:19	242.352
-114	39140	1957000	57939954-5d15-4a83-b37f-c29afa8b5cf7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:22:15	-108.756
-115	19571	1957100	476f3e47-62b1-479c-89c7-658f27c4a100	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:39:18	-943.368
-115	39142	1957100	03f4547c-df7c-4eeb-a321-60e358dd781d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:50:11	138.68
-116	19572	1957200	3b790eca-8ab5-4c36-b3e5-e1206d4331d3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:19:43	261.481
-116	39144	1957200	060dc711-6bf2-45f9-810d-d701f29cbf48	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:04:54	-831.871
-117	19573	1957300	2d17d452-d785-4566-a56c-dbef77eb9ed3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:27:04	-958.216
-117	39146	1957300	08f24fc5-89f6-4f75-8aa5-76546390e54b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:27:43	614.418
-118	19574	1957400	b4f3a1e8-0a82-4638-853e-334dc28387d7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:52:24	-761.738
-118	39148	1957400	1cdf1e04-095c-402e-8ec7-3c01966647f7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:52:16	-396.128
-119	19575	1957500	33856c3a-976b-4fe9-aae3-da198c1bcdb1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:55:13	959.814
-119	39150	1957500	91aae7fb-2b49-4b24-a8d6-87ed712b4df2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:41:56	-112.850
-120	19576	1957600	8e746f2d-3597-4701-8dcf-fdae8b5593f9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:04:50	-303.735
-120	39152	1957600	35bd6a43-2211-4e64-a958-d5cb93cd3669	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:53:59	-779.571
-121	19577	1957700	91070a2f-2b1b-414f-b05d-bf4733f386d6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:52:08	793.484
-121	39154	1957700	d825d095-37fa-443e-9419-a1fee512054c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:14:06	-745.399
-122	19578	1957800	f5bb42c1-95d8-4bcf-bcdb-cf293c69ddf2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:48:07	-470.2
-122	39156	1957800	f1f99ac8-e3c6-4d03-85f3-1341d32dda40	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:37:25	-342.217
-123	19579	1957900	4c22b2bc-e48b-4f60-b4c6-4c8d85ad163a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:45:18	-294.779
-123	39158	1957900	efaa7b1f-1fd6-4428-802a-e1840a364e3e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:17:56	-473.653
-124	19580	1958000	2cdfdb22-4672-4c8c-9657-30ea6709fe95	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:47:38	857.893
-124	39160	1958000	1e913764-c136-47de-af0b-beb39549dde1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:52:08	453.102
-125	19581	1958100	cba63eea-54f3-43ee-8564-8934b653031d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:21:35	-91.701
-125	39162	1958100	a75e2b43-f39d-4d49-85cb-eb6eb1ebc4b7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:37:52	580.303
-126	19582	1958200	a6943cec-7f7d-4841-89f9-9df720675b9c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:19:33	557.867
-126	39164	1958200	82fadf7f-b2c6-46f7-a0c2-1cf30fab530c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:03:00	-82.975
-127	19583	1958300	03402476-ccaf-45bc-939c-3af187732a4b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:05:52	0.198
-127	39166	1958300	a8f8ae9e-188b-4597-964d-858e577bffcf	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:10:12	387.750
-0	19584	1958400	86e443f0-f469-4324-8a1d-7110533853b2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:18:05	-526.257
-0	39168	1958400	f12d3ff1-2129-4d01-8104-10db5744e59f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:04:23	929.576
-1	19585	1958500	dd4f213c-241f-4ec3-8aaf-a1311befc97e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:09:57	910.329
-1	39170	1958500	d9c12413-b075-41a9-be1e-4b09790b8b20	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:30:55	-770.68
-2	19586	1958600	47ef2990-dee6-49e2-a80b-b324df416c59	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:56:38	-303.732
-2	39172	1958600	9767d4fc-9956-4f0d-bfd6-2c8c13c3f798	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:24:52	238.100
-3	19587	1958700	9d6264ca-d545-4c50-9ddf-b992b37da285	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:11:49	-796.90
-3	39174	1958700	8716a2ca-c378-449b-b158-48be0a7ade85	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:29:51	-478.987
-4	19588	1958800	4e92218c-c48f-47cb-916f-afb75a82b67f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:05:44	-776.699
-4	39176	1958800	1a91c984-1009-44fd-ad2e-6af5ad9e7af1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:21:36	727.819
-5	19589	1958900	dd79eb87-2bb5-458e-a82e-20ef6e53b33d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:05:00	675.641
-5	39178	1958900	dd0c0d9d-4a16-451d-9758-8fbaa7c74641	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:44:08	-62.403
-6	19590	1959000	c7abd25f-6f5d-48d0-bd78-9139090eed3c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:12:19	-104.479
-6	39180	1959000	abb48983-624d-4c05-b11e-5501b5b25cf8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:45:51	795.749
-7	19591	1959100	3d83ce93-9ea6-49f9-9adc-eb1b85329664	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:55:26	-702.428
-7	39182	1959100	98bf2c7c-81e3-4f71-a85d-d76f29048977	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:20:22	918.794
-8	19592	1959200	eea991bf-5e83-46d1-8973-e5ce0451e9b3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:45:33	231.648
-8	39184	1959200	76b6343e-5eef-49d4-80e4-07eed38b6f97	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:33:50	188.179
-9	19593	1959300	d03e87f9-3ad4-4daa-becd-9efb182af452	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:07:54	327.362
-9	39186	1959300	cbd4987e-0db9-432f-8929-2df565d81150	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:47:05	-962.310
-10	19594	1959400	e9ce999d-74da-4034-9d28-783e61f6d72e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:55:49	-907.37
-10	39188	1959400	fcf56678-da8f-47b5-a49c-c6da93bfbfad	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:53:05	-335.328
-11	19595	1959500	6b8bf5b1-56a3-483b-b773-22ac4e488293	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:03:59	775.836
-11	39190	1959500	d167348c-d610-41a3-a82e-704f584ce50a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:50:12	-615.207
-12	19596	1959600	d0edeb86-4268-4de5-9054-3cbed88ca517	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:47:38	-963.481
-12	39192	1959600	a4bd603f-2003-44e4-935d-3c6f148669da	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:04:41	-994.875
-13	19597	1959700	ef228554-c1e5-49f4-b47e-e7be78e8c3cc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:37:11	-994.657
-13	39194	1959700	92a6f16b-e3d4-4faf-a799-62bb142b586d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:07:54	457.75
-14	19598	1959800	491e0803-2627-4a45-86b8-75d00136daea	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:37:52	472.171
-14	39196	1959800	d1977e70-5eca-462c-8ed0-700a5568d6c6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:43:01	-159.7
-15	19599	1959900	2606c3f8-f536-49e8-a496-419b8a2f2896	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:31:17	-809.851
-15	39198	1959900	20e71fb6-72d8-42c4-b25b-cb0f53dc7cd5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:08:57	117.319
-16	19600	1960000	647a8c41-1899-4a0a-93de-ee4fe77f080d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:17:33	-775.240
-16	39200	1960000	3cfc3786-ea93-4080-80e2-5915c6a0359e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:20:47	989.251
-17	19601	1960100	a029c0ed-734d-4752-8ec0-601f671206df	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:11:15	-811.433
-17	39202	1960100	065a5681-6938-4255-8800-812684517889	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:43:46	-100.977
-18	19602	1960200	b903b0ee-e4ae-4d43-ac46-8d96997ee2b7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:41:27	55.689
-18	39204	1960200	d7328895-bcb1-48f6-9254-682c7dbd54c6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:38:06	374.904
-19	19603	1960300	98388a7e-d240-41a9-af89-658f0805ea65	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:28:23	-903.823
-19	39206	1960300	479bfbeb-8e6b-47f9-a1d7-6d321cf5aac5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:25:42	235.242
-20	19604	1960400	66409bae-a60a-4af0-9c62-2233f6bc8b2c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:25:30	611.247
-20	39208	1960400	5f23ef68-e617-42ba-b5f0-c7bf883dd3ac	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:15:23	955.576
-21	19605	1960500	e732d291-6094-45c6-b270-4e3b71c42ca9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:32:56	-492.212
-21	39210	1960500	96177773-c00c-42b7-8dd8-a810ccfb71e7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:48:56	-301.313
-22	19606	1960600	08689a5b-dbe0-45ab-88eb-756cfa51902b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:05:47	-594.669
-22	39212	1960600	c9fc930c-dc20-4801-a969-3be20358e2ed	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:37:57	-649.296
-23	19607	1960700	d1f277f4-23b6-4e17-b812-74a965e66761	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:55:56	-795.751
-23	39214	1960700	b036941b-7f6e-4e94-b7b1-54b81f861564	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:10:06	881.660
-24	19608	1960800	95a3dec3-5eb5-44fe-bdfa-fb77dc54a96d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:54:37	-766.671
-24	39216	1960800	0bfdfb45-2e7e-462f-977a-a9a25d8df760	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:47:08	606.83
-25	19609	1960900	05951959-5a02-4b13-9d51-44652aad0ca5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:51:29	-139.64
-25	39218	1960900	e665c415-daf8-4af0-a04c-0eddfbaa4b85	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:20:08	-652.747
-26	19610	1961000	518dbdb2-beaf-4a88-aed9-0cd013d2cec7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:26:39	-792.381
-26	39220	1961000	aaa3a997-2b7c-44f9-8976-0ff92b4eebb0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:10:18	842.600
-27	19611	1961100	a9b68bdd-7dbb-474e-a2a4-853870b04a0b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:21:27	-769.805
-27	39222	1961100	4de03be8-543a-4546-b2cf-48216789509b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:48:32	581.175
-28	19612	1961200	58106a23-7fd3-479d-afe5-6aea56a9450f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:32:07	-475.555
-28	39224	1961200	578d724e-1fdc-466d-985b-0b605f8d16bd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:54:29	369.428
-29	19613	1961300	5e82acf0-e6e5-4e94-a23d-100de47ce3f7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:40:02	801.933
-29	39226	1961300	93b3f0a3-dae5-4742-9b4c-17b97d7b7312	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:53:03	-204.18
-30	19614	1961400	ad41be82-e2b9-428e-a968-b2ad9059cd07	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:15:47	-16.154
-30	39228	1961400	ddd9f9c4-975c-4e6a-a334-0a463118e0f3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:57:20	960.877
-31	19615	1961500	b74eaa97-4300-4790-a9f4-1e795729e2f7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:04:08	203.542
-31	39230	1961500	34bf8ad2-b9ce-4fb7-bcb3-305f50cb5b59	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:09:18	-289.298
-32	19616	1961600	c7442fe6-158b-4e7d-ad9b-eb0f916b876a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:09:47	-601.844
-32	39232	1961600	1be4b8a5-0a06-4e6b-98e9-9dc511a48d6c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:43:45	460.942
-33	19617	1961700	5563f9ae-5fb9-4383-bf39-360ee5919392	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:07:36	149.429
-33	39234	1961700	c4c22fad-12a0-404b-9341-966ed1cd8b43	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:31:47	795.530
-34	19618	1961800	272a3cb7-b79f-41db-8a01-7a386d49f2b1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:53:15	-8.625
-34	39236	1961800	2ebd19c2-b7d5-42f4-bb4f-14e8a3a184e3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:51:07	-164.970
-35	19619	1961900	0a561948-8023-419d-a56e-f7757e87ed7c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:56:24	467.522
-35	39238	1961900	c2a22561-3a12-43eb-8343-601619937078	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:57:41	85.804
-36	19620	1962000	3ca9835a-f582-4842-a3b1-0efbb0f03d5f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:06:31	759.547
-36	39240	1962000	58541294-e4ab-4f80-9cb3-bbbb7b27c699	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:32:30	806.368
-37	19621	1962100	e5ac079b-a6cf-4b18-8743-cd7317e4fb18	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:12:29	-799.376
-37	39242	1962100	f0f00ac7-1d53-4ccf-9b65-5d217b33281e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:26:58	103.874
-38	19622	1962200	2c43fe57-8263-4b2c-96b5-532624dc442a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:58:14	-645.904
-38	39244	1962200	da4d08b7-92d4-4309-90a2-4b3de3cb3671	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:58:10	-516.135
-39	19623	1962300	618adb6f-dce4-4beb-b2c6-8914cdaa0f8e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:10:15	-759.760
-39	39246	1962300	38ddb238-5048-4362-b32c-54e0d945946f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:09:52	796.879
-40	19624	1962400	caf1e774-6e0a-4362-80c0-0cce945872ea	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:25:24	939.220
-40	39248	1962400	5c430df8-6df5-4d52-9a4c-332315d4b97b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:51:55	364.924
-41	19625	1962500	9cc9363a-c88b-4e70-b4e6-e516749d72e8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:01:01	567.12
-41	39250	1962500	3106fcf9-0526-4a27-a17e-292d25d86e3d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:16:38	-878.852
-42	19626	1962600	a030420b-a551-4a52-9e50-099873875523	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:19:32	-798.811
-42	39252	1962600	9ed9c30b-1371-4296-90f5-44aacd194e75	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:52:38	412.844
-43	19627	1962700	f3ef3d9e-6dba-46c1-b9f5-b941081c3fff	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:30:09	68.909
-43	39254	1962700	59a6f729-9edf-4630-9495-dc298019e1a1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:41:48	402.944
-44	19628	1962800	878efdba-7c04-4039-9cc5-8d7d351edfcf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:50:58	-683.4
-44	39256	1962800	883dc8b9-6840-45a7-bf83-b4bdc5e263cc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:23:31	-710.210
-45	19629	1962900	ceffa68c-122d-4c4e-b947-62ae56a2a3ec	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:08:05	586.585
-45	39258	1962900	a3db160c-cca0-4b43-892d-dfe450926bff	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:48:16	-214.361
-46	19630	1963000	1f5e068a-ef4f-4627-ab79-3240d0f74e8f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:32:14	57.427
-46	39260	1963000	0fd95907-66d0-4793-81da-b9930b02f642	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:14:41	272.108
-47	19631	1963100	f96528de-221a-402b-bf7d-29068f0189b2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:40:21	459.408
-47	39262	1963100	542e85e1-39bc-4540-a578-a4d34d85d7eb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:53:36	327.35
-48	19632	1963200	b6d8da16-48cf-4804-b4e4-f5652f10f888	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:21:19	-583.831
-48	39264	1963200	6ac5470d-0ada-4202-83bd-c1c1fd23cb10	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:27:46	420.853
-49	19633	1963300	f542378e-4d3e-4521-b919-2b43ea5aaec6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:41:05	907.936
-49	39266	1963300	eabdf532-01a0-4592-951e-43122a29068e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:56:12	-987.130
-50	19634	1963400	359ff185-8be0-4fce-a329-7c61fa1404f9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:39:24	757.795
-50	39268	1963400	12e51c88-b8f4-47fa-9f8c-6acc703bf8cf	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:31:37	711.279
-51	19635	1963500	7bc0927e-1be6-4f5a-bc5e-594fc6449e14	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:09:00	663.730
-51	39270	1963500	43ab2d53-7b86-4d90-b2e4-30133976c6bf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:51:31	947.56
-52	19636	1963600	e3a3d242-a73d-468b-9fab-92eecfef925f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:18:51	738.195
-52	39272	1963600	c7e39206-83c0-4ad7-ae78-a9825a8bf3bc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:16:39	817.805
-53	19637	1963700	b2011895-f90e-4dae-b47d-f87e99627031	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:47:47	-200.11
-53	39274	1963700	68da6521-c646-4414-aadc-29f2ab718406	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:42:27	-143.208
-54	19638	1963800	122f3f22-cc67-435e-bb1e-23a81aab970b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:54:42	262.697
-54	39276	1963800	b024c9ac-ef03-47ac-8582-f26c71edf328	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:54:58	-511.43
-55	19639	1963900	75a36302-294a-44d3-8b25-9ca2b7ce7827	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:18:34	-325.729
-55	39278	1963900	0c50a0e6-9943-49d7-bcb0-061f9045e041	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:47:13	-841.344
-56	19640	1964000	1d58e626-89b8-43b1-b10e-9eae00641de2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:51:26	316.669
-56	39280	1964000	99c994f4-2211-4123-aa60-90d0cf3b7fd6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:54:01	908.183
-57	19641	1964100	39d487c2-b05e-4445-ac4d-91a8c6cf068e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:43:14	-123.400
-57	39282	1964100	36e76da2-f82c-4a66-ba4a-0f220c0b8331	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:38:34	847.476
-58	19642	1964200	361672e0-e55c-4369-a824-1d66cd8ee48b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:51:13	-372.480
-58	39284	1964200	b9f295e8-ba05-42a5-895c-3ec510ad26bf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:10:53	-440.488
-59	19643	1964300	054f7baa-9627-4e28-a61d-a98890dcc506	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:35:23	-689.644
-59	39286	1964300	b3fb2e09-37ea-4b93-95e0-19fb4d3decb2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:02:28	-847.928
-60	19644	1964400	106831f4-700f-4774-80d2-9d9ccd7be180	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:49:47	749.134
-60	39288	1964400	48f047cf-609a-453c-86f2-139f729a4a9f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:30:38	837.823
-61	19645	1964500	758b141f-91e8-4b5e-83ba-9a2239557694	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:35:19	-998.857
-61	39290	1964500	30291953-c067-4e03-872b-019fad4171ab	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:35:03	113.542
-62	19646	1964600	c8a0fcd9-afcb-4f43-8b37-4cc4d8706364	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:06:26	-156.885
-62	39292	1964600	8b9d4e46-5688-4675-8f6f-60b953228965	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:16:48	-473.550
-63	19647	1964700	5300232e-ce98-452f-8a0d-a34ed013cc2d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:54:42	53.979
-63	39294	1964700	06fa12f0-cab4-4c73-ac4f-7ee0374e0121	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:09:15	434.499
-64	19648	1964800	98df93d3-0c36-4cba-b281-959bfa5beb68	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:21:25	-718.990
-64	39296	1964800	0eca79d3-284d-45fb-8477-17d94be77c80	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:19:20	48.581
-65	19649	1964900	1be57307-339a-4c67-8945-6ba6603b6f4f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:11:47	-472.412
-65	39298	1964900	b2632e86-b5b2-4f86-ba3f-e2d888e67130	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:43:57	427.449
-66	19650	1965000	d2f09262-795c-4d4b-bcbc-301a4bd36a09	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:28:09	-20.698
-66	39300	1965000	0c491360-5de2-40b7-b247-877029d10a77	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:50:39	781.791
-67	19651	1965100	5cea1ebb-efe5-4eb1-82cf-857f901a8e3c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:46:11	811.884
-67	39302	1965100	4b80f3c4-fa41-4d97-8608-9198543fa826	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:58:37	537.338
-68	19652	1965200	200426e6-ae92-4797-8bbe-d394697549ff	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:37:53	-86.650
-68	39304	1965200	e4cbce30-d796-417e-92c7-0e2830eb9cb9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:25:44	-462.540
-69	19653	1965300	964d1118-a987-4f96-aafd-7634415317a9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:54:51	219.143
-69	39306	1965300	2d8fcaec-33a5-4a2f-a082-30655822a99a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:40:09	-745.95
-70	19654	1965400	9fb14fff-43f1-4e85-a536-c69a64c8ec65	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:05:08	-483.557
-70	39308	1965400	7dca79fe-3f0c-43fa-b5b9-a3ff9c626f6f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:08:23	757.151
-71	19655	1965500	2c4a2eef-9ac3-4757-88d8-6667cabf0f7d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:18:08	-82.541
-71	39310	1965500	eb304b1c-2f3c-456e-997e-f4adaa6bba22	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:12:16	761.547
-72	19656	1965600	4f145e9d-5de5-4611-85b0-4cd3387ddf2d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:41:47	676.258
-72	39312	1965600	488814df-6eb3-4446-939c-d315525f9e56	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:11:44	466.421
-73	19657	1965700	9e27536b-a5d0-4476-899a-42c062436cf7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:15:33	796.386
-73	39314	1965700	5ddf36e7-7484-4efa-9811-d7db1a65b60c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:18:57	593.943
-74	19658	1965800	1cdb50a0-f209-42f4-8da4-bf3d45081e15	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:00:14	-772.997
-74	39316	1965800	aba633dc-6748-4749-bac9-118681b81b4f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:45:13	645.126
-75	19659	1965900	dd58f657-c94e-48be-ba5d-4a714ba23e87	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:59:45	695.499
-75	39318	1965900	d61efe8e-21ea-4514-bb84-d70b1246d14e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:42:27	-548.37
-76	19660	1966000	863a9716-bb1c-4041-b752-937fd33c4a1c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:35:59	523.406
-76	39320	1966000	b5d1940b-52d4-4eb8-b2da-511d5dbce8c6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:53:10	110.406
-77	19661	1966100	327a7732-2e3f-4651-9b33-98f57fe07e1e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:16:44	704.898
-77	39322	1966100	10b72df6-0629-4ba7-bf91-6e4298bf7d8b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:21:20	463.25
-78	19662	1966200	ef5c6ed5-01d9-4777-ab96-db767fbc9c1b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:37:49	-304.421
-78	39324	1966200	dc6e0a98-86dc-4916-9403-6c2e717c1f25	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:44:25	878.977
-79	19663	1966300	c76f9ebc-542f-4821-8814-ea8f6a83e149	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:45:20	623.186
-79	39326	1966300	0e5a170f-cfff-4aaf-a544-5cd1549b49cd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:04:40	657.214
-80	19664	1966400	a9c900d4-f1c9-4154-acca-f40db9e6fc8a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:50:54	-126.694
-80	39328	1966400	16d8b910-959d-439f-a835-5bd00470315e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:08:05	-836.918
-81	19665	1966500	bf77031b-6dfa-4e6e-8e0c-ebf853399d23	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:38:23	405.162
-81	39330	1966500	3bb4d604-453e-48b0-836b-f89bd4eb4e14	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:49:42	798.551
-82	19666	1966600	dad161d8-2a4c-4ac7-8502-bf3c15d5d666	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:55:04	205.675
-82	39332	1966600	552d96cb-9142-4177-b1b0-77164cad5965	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:02:55	-683.315
-83	19667	1966700	878f2b9b-4cb2-4251-a366-dbfb343b2a50	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:17:46	62.520
-83	39334	1966700	419a9aae-281c-4e7d-85f7-be013c739789	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:46:38	-291.881
-84	19668	1966800	788c6e9d-1642-4ed3-a144-302b3ae50ac4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:37:23	413.42
-84	39336	1966800	d9effa7e-4205-4545-8f9d-f47b0063e72d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:04:33	-552.468
-85	19669	1966900	51b327d6-09e3-4a0e-915c-97e8ed5445a7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:02:03	-467.152
-85	39338	1966900	a8d0734c-df2a-40bc-98ff-935f445c274c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:37:24	970.96
-86	19670	1967000	58c46e4c-d394-4031-8b2d-ad2da5b2fff8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:47:33	-868.137
-86	39340	1967000	9760ab85-b429-430f-886b-1e05b09fb70d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:16:32	-833.99
-87	19671	1967100	c185ef95-6539-46cf-a11b-db8ed58de0cb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:09:08	-383.39
-87	39342	1967100	9d925d90-a055-4413-8b77-6e951bde04f1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:32:38	941.626
-88	19672	1967200	1b52e929-46c5-46d2-a00f-c8d35cdd5fc1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:49:50	-203.857
-88	39344	1967200	7b335380-bef5-40f0-9906-6fa3bbfe3c18	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:19:15	-28.683
-89	19673	1967300	b68acfa4-ca5b-452a-8814-38117e20c1a5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:58:15	242.62
-89	39346	1967300	e47533d9-75d0-4503-bbd3-22af64377799	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:43:49	-952.903
-90	19674	1967400	66acefb9-060c-4403-afd4-35f804b29771	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:51:35	-47.830
-90	39348	1967400	3a0586cc-180f-4700-8126-378bbf43e3df	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:23:15	716.558
-91	19675	1967500	2765d962-1339-4059-8fa7-9f584c26b7c6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:37:22	-167.445
-91	39350	1967500	d3aa83ce-0706-4d34-a4ee-09181509ff44	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:10:15	820.217
-92	19676	1967600	dfe57f53-f56e-45ec-b379-4b433d1583ed	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:35:13	34.515
-92	39352	1967600	38fb0e00-890b-4bc9-bc12-4b19538545fa	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:10:32	384.738
-93	19677	1967700	bebd6e60-ec9e-4dc0-9a18-d66f945d4be1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:50:32	383.954
-93	39354	1967700	f05db3a8-20a7-4679-8942-f35e3296e236	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:09:38	-840.623
-94	19678	1967800	85f3b39f-b3e8-41d3-b4d8-b901d50a0b2c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:26:35	941.361
-94	39356	1967800	a98a4110-2b45-4b17-b150-29079805b069	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:09:02	27.274
-95	19679	1967900	9d46d063-e7a9-477c-aae4-c54bc088d99e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:06:24	-452.733
-95	39358	1967900	ba244bee-3b10-449d-a653-b8e628e25640	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:22:06	520.252
-96	19680	1968000	c0668c9d-8bef-43a6-9d01-b2b693246178	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:04:36	792.527
-96	39360	1968000	3a0a30f9-238a-4de8-acb5-8dc0d9defd81	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:16:30	-83.783
-97	19681	1968100	8905f30d-091a-4ad7-a2fa-0e3f29905f85	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:40:47	-169.471
-97	39362	1968100	6a1b5a1f-c75c-4b15-bc73-ba5f111acc22	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:27:18	-305.921
-98	19682	1968200	9917ef02-5329-42ec-9ac7-878d2d80ee31	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:30:29	-354.742
-98	39364	1968200	8e3ccfd8-1175-4c4c-8970-64efd344ca58	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:34:34	218.182
-99	19683	1968300	f503e435-929c-4098-9ed2-892f5e541977	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:37:44	559.329
-99	39366	1968300	3427bd36-5298-4e4a-b2e6-c7819cf95e99	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:43:32	54.764
-100	19684	1968400	aa4d79f4-d975-448e-a4bd-299fb9845464	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:38:05	605.714
-100	39368	1968400	1132de41-7ada-4960-a1ce-ebf96c96f3f9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:56:30	-48.302
-101	19685	1968500	b66c36ec-171b-451d-9307-76515f73b613	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:20:17	-215.602
-101	39370	1968500	9d1c69c8-3054-4bd0-8fc3-673777237397	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:07:09	-436.475
-102	19686	1968600	b795e6db-b3be-4c1d-aaeb-182bf2210818	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:18:48	11.287
-102	39372	1968600	cbb45813-6a41-49f2-ab8b-5e0945e31402	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:26:03	-986.451
-103	19687	1968700	309197b7-57e4-4cd8-920d-af02d80392e5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:58:01	929.160
-103	39374	1968700	3d604a66-704b-4990-ba06-fa1b88a39579	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:55:39	857.245
-104	19688	1968800	b003b8e5-8dc0-4f77-90c8-8f082d93dc96	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:39:04	-428.950
-104	39376	1968800	246d3ce1-65c1-4f9c-9192-daa5bcc739cd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:09:05	-755.757
-105	19689	1968900	73db6592-eedb-47df-967d-b28e5d9ecd71	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:13:12	-983.413
-105	39378	1968900	52b328b8-435b-4e0c-b41f-3e2727783179	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:29:25	-831.785
-106	19690	1969000	1bbdbf4a-9324-4957-93d5-661c805adf44	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:36:21	-877.194
-106	39380	1969000	ce9bec97-9830-4584-8379-323e99a5f2f9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:47:13	311.728
-107	19691	1969100	bc395cc9-c2d5-4a51-98d1-3d456733e166	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:58:56	-898.909
-107	39382	1969100	2a401d79-088c-4ddd-bd04-6b771940a8d7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:01:06	-761.830
-108	19692	1969200	5975b075-d015-4544-bb6e-e28e97b94f29	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:06:55	862.868
-108	39384	1969200	c2f3ef25-1711-48ab-8ffe-484ace72919c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:04:52	-23.36
-109	19693	1969300	61220736-9baa-404e-847b-89e6a95324cb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:26:13	-892.625
-109	39386	1969300	d890e838-e3bd-407d-b749-8388a5b55eab	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:55:20	468.378
-110	19694	1969400	361d1686-38e9-445a-9c5f-40d2f9e1f607	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:13:13	656.379
-110	39388	1969400	77a03318-8df5-456a-a98b-37b134df4e19	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:31:01	-814.926
-111	19695	1969500	0dff6d22-94e3-4ad6-9b3d-835eeb2181cd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:18:38	403.616
-111	39390	1969500	115ec920-374d-4ab5-b29d-45bb592333b1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:25:38	-710.497
-112	19696	1969600	637582e7-a74e-4acc-af32-7334924996d3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:45:53	-24.586
-112	39392	1969600	e73dcc7c-c4a1-4e41-a205-78da4327373d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:10:58	627.160
-113	19697	1969700	f8451e7c-3f95-42ed-ba16-d1a5c224aba9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:06:09	-395.517
-113	39394	1969700	768ef295-082c-498d-ac69-cb2b3c724faa	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:12:49	777.325
-114	19698	1969800	431fe142-e679-49c1-bc94-8354b0ac81d7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:42:35	443.611
-114	39396	1969800	f9232908-a182-4e79-8892-8593438b26ea	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:39:08	883.453
-115	19699	1969900	2575d337-d180-4da8-beb2-49467110561f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:05:53	-198.325
-115	39398	1969900	f38aa84c-f15c-4da3-bd9a-6621f491aa0a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:45:50	240.493
-116	19700	1970000	addda7c8-1508-4d2e-98e3-79b954cd0b00	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:47:44	-418.904
-116	39400	1970000	88216e39-734e-4c9d-a4af-f8b1bae86c2d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:45:06	254.419
-117	19701	1970100	78b5d628-5aaf-46da-8fba-2507b7f052fd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:57:44	72.335
-117	39402	1970100	b4837343-623a-4d45-b223-b4998c6f09d3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:13:59	37.872
-118	19702	1970200	e8d73bc2-af6f-47df-96e7-fe375e3eb71d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:07:26	-180.42
-118	39404	1970200	b99fd82f-ad03-4bbb-8966-bde1d9e58c66	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:17:57	-598.818
-119	19703	1970300	7ba5c5e5-3905-40c8-b46f-c77dba40e01f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:38:21	-252.642
-119	39406	1970300	b786c75e-ad0f-455e-998e-73841fd65b92	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:58:26	-114.27
-120	19704	1970400	9361adc7-828a-48fd-ae48-62f6bceb6dc7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:28:30	-772.194
-120	39408	1970400	d32a7fd1-7bba-47a9-8a6a-10db4e4966cc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:23:10	-543.1
-121	19705	1970500	bbb98d62-4b8d-47ee-bc67-db8708e7ad80	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:04:00	-169.254
-121	39410	1970500	43b83767-5927-46bf-94c9-e56cb8e5048d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:39:22	921.900
-122	19706	1970600	fd2f32ca-26a6-41c3-9431-0d0b6b40f4b1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:37:00	456.53
-122	39412	1970600	9e597063-07bf-4113-888f-179c63e727ff	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:15:25	-20.567
-123	19707	1970700	dc9c521a-ec5a-4af1-847c-0cb999a16ddf	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:15:10	999.854
-123	39414	1970700	e2ff4738-a752-4da5-b094-1323bd9810e8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:18:03	-693.632
-124	19708	1970800	955c9aa4-0619-4ba8-8440-a1064a4dbca7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:51:13	185.724
-124	39416	1970800	f61bf018-e8d3-4c94-b51d-41224f554d66	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:25:36	2.594
-125	19709	1970900	3c1b4228-4450-4ce7-a966-d4d243ba7bdb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:29:40	401.143
-125	39418	1970900	34691f32-6e39-4229-96ce-78ffb454af4d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:19:58	759.244
-126	19710	1971000	a4055ec8-2ee9-476f-bfd3-ebbe5f90ca50	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:40:33	-858.120
-126	39420	1971000	472d9446-394d-4e60-bf63-2b8e66c33a79	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:29:24	-76.576
-127	19711	1971100	826c1b88-801e-4a14-96b0-65345f833409	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:15:49	74.466
-127	39422	1971100	d38986ee-bd5c-45c7-804d-66264cf92f34	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:42:55	-590.522
-0	19712	1971200	6b8be89a-8ff9-4369-be7a-a34674668fd7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:38:47	655.141
-0	39424	1971200	c7163e41-448a-429a-8e70-7849db16fbbf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:37:31	835.266
-1	19713	1971300	7a805014-90b0-4f14-9112-c7d1f62a74f9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:37:29	79.912
-1	39426	1971300	2030c6fb-32b3-4c35-a725-19a5dce88699	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:48:13	-420.0
-2	19714	1971400	f7a708d2-fdbe-40f6-b868-947997f432f0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:03:16	835.149
-2	39428	1971400	1fde0e68-e45b-4d2e-99ad-a30b0eb39dbb	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:45:10	431.90
-3	19715	1971500	fb5a9591-30fc-4b9e-94a2-5be2f57a6685	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:35:33	695.580
-3	39430	1971500	c2c82735-eff3-4cde-b3a3-3289dd9c9eab	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:26:27	-226.361
-4	19716	1971600	e0598ff3-47d2-4f12-a994-4554866cf5a9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:19:39	285.864
-4	39432	1971600	4f234d38-3fd0-4de8-ae87-57f43bfb5472	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:24:25	868.91
-5	19717	1971700	a8053174-b431-4c8b-a788-3e5c05a3038c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:17:00	606.655
-5	39434	1971700	bc618d19-4989-4304-8df7-d6d43fe17fa5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:55:53	446.686
-6	19718	1971800	016d0d93-1e2a-4fa2-b8a9-cd001ab8b075	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:34:32	690.832
-6	39436	1971800	4c4961c0-8ee5-491e-9d2f-f858298d5773	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:29:34	-925.311
-7	19719	1971900	c975b993-aa56-472d-8d51-37d45ca37c6f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:31:47	587.464
-7	39438	1971900	1cf19002-e2d2-4a4d-8e36-cce1ce342c98	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:38:02	826.46
-8	19720	1972000	9786f8fe-1bbb-4ac5-a640-65edd08953c8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:33:34	-804.365
-8	39440	1972000	fad550d3-7712-4a83-bd0f-24dcc26dd3c5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:36:08	369.258
-9	19721	1972100	2b1e6a71-5d9b-46ee-a66a-a1434d7d37d5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:13:52	-733.827
-9	39442	1972100	d61d4d46-2d39-43cf-a240-e5e7d8b5600c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:40:17	-396.398
-10	19722	1972200	83b70f58-1a91-4ea1-9b1a-48247638e5f8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:48:20	801.803
-10	39444	1972200	79e709ea-b19e-40ed-b126-3c4422d753e4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:23:19	324.178
-11	19723	1972300	4e61ead3-a920-4c15-988d-366568e63962	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:19:59	-481.837
-11	39446	1972300	7ecc36bf-2848-4439-8160-e014b085cf17	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:56:12	-854.671
-12	19724	1972400	954c8c7c-9f4d-4032-b869-41f10938a3cb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:52:43	-438.303
-12	39448	1972400	d5157ae2-2392-496f-b110-e9c4c3855be5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:51:15	230.559
-13	19725	1972500	f4e88720-8c19-414b-bbca-8a8559d4b8ef	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:54:34	-565.162
-13	39450	1972500	d2819edf-5c76-4d1f-b5bd-7ccac710e2c9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:24:04	702.298
-14	19726	1972600	feb2763c-afcc-4807-bc88-bb68590e91e8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:43:57	189.247
-14	39452	1972600	32b8669d-89f6-4455-a3d4-bc681faec5fe	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:10:20	-642.321
-15	19727	1972700	7bd5d3bf-de46-41f6-acd6-f9abd07a1ea4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:02:26	-74.924
-15	39454	1972700	8bd0fd14-f3e3-41b8-8671-cfb3c788c2d7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:30:08	-58.495
-16	19728	1972800	59f36cb0-b5fd-4f3f-8988-15fb5ec0c1dd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:20:51	961.440
-16	39456	1972800	815109f5-64a5-4579-8fd2-01d6344eb8c9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:16:05	-480.359
-17	19729	1972900	e5d64599-8c49-4ac3-be0e-ffaf9cd69a5e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:36:42	-860.951
-17	39458	1972900	57f4df91-92f0-4007-8c94-c951acc13211	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:18:18	469.226
-18	19730	1973000	478d3fdc-35ea-4c88-9863-a098216c0864	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:51:48	270.470
-18	39460	1973000	4d51e796-2d77-4e99-a804-2db43c5dd986	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:14:46	-29.816
-19	19731	1973100	f3422426-600f-4829-9194-faa0be66a998	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:34:46	448.821
-19	39462	1973100	93c4835e-cefd-4bcb-a07b-70b014adfbcd	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:20:55	-22.756
-20	19732	1973200	a935c278-fb4f-4d43-9345-6cbe716797a7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:50:00	533.453
-20	39464	1973200	3e99ab53-550a-486b-b2be-cf02961c17fb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:17:48	-190.137
-21	19733	1973300	e9929045-0935-451e-924e-b29c392dbd1c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:33:00	315.689
-21	39466	1973300	408fe191-e62f-49e8-81d5-c0e64622252c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:38:22	599.660
-22	19734	1973400	7073632a-9d3e-4311-abb4-0f565b77f3ca	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:35:06	298.396
-22	39468	1973400	95157cd3-dd62-43db-a98f-f67576de147d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:03:29	644.977
-23	19735	1973500	15ac36b0-512b-45d3-8649-e44cc82ac5bf	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:16:46	-241.242
-23	39470	1973500	493b5937-30c1-4955-a525-243c208f64c6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:20:27	233.742
-24	19736	1973600	d78acacf-74c8-4869-82d1-67a370ba881e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:34:54	-607.320
-24	39472	1973600	8883c611-1d50-4963-9c25-ddd17fb8c15f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:40:31	831.699
-25	19737	1973700	4fe7eb78-0d19-41ba-afb6-a54b21a43841	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:14:07	228.888
-25	39474	1973700	c9eb8a7c-4cb7-45f5-a002-11efbfdbb0ea	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:39:12	107.830
-26	19738	1973800	6c249e2b-13b8-4467-8d0b-2914bcd021d6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:05:30	431.727
-26	39476	1973800	0699ac37-2a8f-41a3-b026-23d867146d17	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:39:07	698.488
-27	19739	1973900	9a494754-aa5a-49ee-9550-16b573a7e82d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:49:39	-622.624
-27	39478	1973900	56c7a95a-db75-49e6-b44c-0002b8927222	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:09:24	-555.820
-28	19740	1974000	fd2f9e1b-c7ce-4d2a-b53f-48691e8d4599	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:11:28	535.694
-28	39480	1974000	9ef99356-bdec-4963-a674-f46668fdf58a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:26:33	-890.348
-29	19741	1974100	b9a0a8de-ea03-41b5-883d-8a52ac51285c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:11:24	-86.668
-29	39482	1974100	95b544e4-d98b-460c-ac80-5e3e577414e2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:16:02	-429.852
-30	19742	1974200	c91c27d2-6550-46e9-b8b1-8fae4af26460	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:42:42	-371.721
-30	39484	1974200	e9a05971-a235-4c49-9e21-84d292c26f33	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:39:36	-702.509
-31	19743	1974300	9f0c5f86-42ef-4f79-a3b0-dd2fe7ee19c1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:14:41	208.65
-31	39486	1974300	970442f1-a057-4f25-9d46-caef1cdd13c8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:48:40	232.366
-32	19744	1974400	7191e38a-9ec3-4d0a-bf52-e4dafd5f3e12	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:13:59	970.539
-32	39488	1974400	56ef51a1-0f8f-4e69-abee-b7c8edb44ea5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:23:36	-332.347
-33	19745	1974500	b2b23863-dba3-4b82-83ba-b2c90cddedc1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:10:56	81.341
-33	39490	1974500	ad1c2fc1-87bc-46a9-a730-655004f35e17	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:47:05	-732.294
-34	19746	1974600	6482bf7a-9c98-4c03-a8bb-d24210e3cc25	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:36:42	-101.824
-34	39492	1974600	cdb67276-c81b-431f-bd8d-bbc83785d379	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:57:55	795.543
-35	19747	1974700	74244f52-3141-43ef-8a05-cdc80dff9675	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:20:55	-627.77
-35	39494	1974700	3fe93ab1-ceef-40d9-82ee-a4c1f092a4ff	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:18:25	262.136
-36	19748	1974800	877df006-8dc4-440c-8c69-8965b7c51afe	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:06:09	-235.563
-36	39496	1974800	44d4183d-cbe9-474d-93d0-bf0bcaea1dff	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:49:39	-530.430
-37	19749	1974900	d2c213a7-34ed-425d-8695-237216a0ada2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:26:57	724.175
-37	39498	1974900	93a89d19-b960-4e5e-9612-2624515b4120	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:10:17	622.408
-38	19750	1975000	649dea1a-1f3d-43e8-80ca-99a4de0f24e7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:59:13	-14.871
-38	39500	1975000	ebbc3f11-9ee3-4693-91ee-5f206c907620	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:56:53	-520.989
-39	19751	1975100	22ad467b-b14b-4609-8f61-b77a5db156c2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:00:08	-828.726
-39	39502	1975100	6f5b7488-f02b-48ba-915d-7c05ac700766	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:01:45	-491.79
-40	19752	1975200	fd3b0edc-e9fc-4167-9ced-2db982373f24	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:55:09	571.147
-40	39504	1975200	ca8e237c-bd6c-4cb1-9f71-635ca35a572d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:20:28	-297.655
-41	19753	1975300	44d7e36d-95cf-4223-bf6b-844362497e1b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:26:57	206.650
-41	39506	1975300	2354f306-4b5a-440f-a9c0-f9bd9ce2ae2a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:35:32	868.908
-42	19754	1975400	1d0fc213-fabe-4ccc-9d44-dad1a0e5c89a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:51:40	-413.877
-42	39508	1975400	0d340b72-b92a-4253-bb0d-36f3c2438876	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:24:42	-436.724
-43	19755	1975500	55ce9830-ee6a-4435-8e96-b805a800d59b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:39:15	-721.681
-43	39510	1975500	becf3fa0-d3d6-409c-83f7-74e3928832e9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:51:55	7.255
-44	19756	1975600	2faebfb4-d12c-49d7-bddc-15e5a9ce4c3d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:58:58	-10.895
-44	39512	1975600	4c1b4e7c-f0d8-4b46-b4a5-249e951034d0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:05:31	765.195
-45	19757	1975700	b5b4f0ad-673b-4f26-b4be-12e0aa9698e8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:09:51	841.118
-45	39514	1975700	f50dcede-6de6-490e-b5b1-ac4f30bc8520	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:25:05	994.303
-46	19758	1975800	3296e92f-d272-41e8-bedd-62047a4c3009	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:34:35	341.649
-46	39516	1975800	d26a4562-24ff-45d1-bea3-61d399ca95a4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:39:04	-96.112
-47	19759	1975900	0949b2af-56a2-44a2-8375-5412c995638a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:50:03	688.46
-47	39518	1975900	e22e6977-4e09-49d2-8092-15abbc1ed798	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:53:37	873.831
-48	19760	1976000	139eafb8-79eb-4f6d-8ec7-5c9b9c5fb430	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:00:31	522.725
-48	39520	1976000	dc32a781-4c80-4be9-acfb-5397219e7cbf	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:54:17	-594.691
-49	19761	1976100	81747d2c-00e7-4a58-95d0-f5b271b24767	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:58:59	-762.159
-49	39522	1976100	87ebbf5d-0cd0-41a0-a990-bea2a0ba32b7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:49:01	816.945
-50	19762	1976200	257152b2-7bd5-4df5-9bbf-a1803642fac8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:34:28	301.204
-50	39524	1976200	e11670d1-f7f8-4f75-a922-370bc1cfa49d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:04:53	-925.777
-51	19763	1976300	be3c04a0-a35c-4599-b0eb-a110499e2b6b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:28:47	792.544
-51	39526	1976300	15be6c48-e780-4ad9-ac89-0b433dd2c66c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:16:51	-105.790
-52	19764	1976400	376002bd-2379-4be7-9208-1c23a3af34eb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:34:25	-298.306
-52	39528	1976400	6c408f94-05b4-41ae-8a6c-1fe50f0791c0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:29:05	649.128
-53	19765	1976500	228f6d1a-70fc-4dce-9183-645d43dd5ac8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:52:52	-112.250
-53	39530	1976500	c8ff4382-2e81-4a43-8459-579cf9efedfc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:52:48	-651.502
-54	19766	1976600	2a6b8338-a301-4aa0-9225-1079d0bc6b5c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:58:40	-906.376
-54	39532	1976600	cb856b5e-1ff0-461c-badc-b843a4dbffaf	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:34:00	-595.715
-55	19767	1976700	ed5a55e7-ec01-4307-90cd-4feae09ec88f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:41:21	126.526
-55	39534	1976700	61c47bfd-8d98-4fcd-b2df-15b7d32b7480	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:10:49	179.372
-56	19768	1976800	bf89e89c-a5dc-49d8-b9be-435d47fe8342	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:43:28	966.566
-56	39536	1976800	ec24f4ef-e6da-44b1-b9ad-eb9c1b707820	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:54:33	956.527
-57	19769	1976900	f77aabe1-3460-4e1d-95e7-94c15766173e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:28:29	-477.136
-57	39538	1976900	a408e94e-0f90-4e50-adbc-bbc1837cc0b5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:53:47	225.627
-58	19770	1977000	cfa6344a-94ef-49b9-8c5c-da828a337fdf	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:15:31	-782.260
-58	39540	1977000	dcae8808-bf54-44de-bde9-bf4d175e90eb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:22:08	845.35
-59	19771	1977100	59a261a3-e711-4224-adcf-bb19093c03d7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:54:08	-416.926
-59	39542	1977100	2b4ae487-5225-499a-9ae7-75814c5539fa	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:14:52	591.214
-60	19772	1977200	9da9cdfb-d8f9-4464-a2ac-3e8e69112d34	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:54:22	781.300
-60	39544	1977200	0b3aedda-c637-4553-8917-7aef9de9f438	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:12:35	-946.953
-61	19773	1977300	6dbf0398-8857-4b2a-8bb3-f5b9d07f5985	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:37:05	758.816
-61	39546	1977300	f2a82320-e36a-4fa0-998e-00a77c2edf11	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:32:13	158.393
-62	19774	1977400	3bb2fa57-0236-4c77-942a-f169ae8ddfd7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:11:02	-298.791
-62	39548	1977400	ffa1c6d9-489f-4aee-8fb2-f1f6ad806ef6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:04:34	-458.299
-63	19775	1977500	adaa4ffb-757a-43d5-8d2c-c77acfa33d68	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:04:12	-860.240
-63	39550	1977500	28037707-e90b-47ea-818e-c8d90a5b9ab7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:56:07	-115.429
-64	19776	1977600	027cd421-6470-4445-87c9-973572508900	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:33:04	-534.484
-64	39552	1977600	8559523c-fc7a-4c39-9fdc-3cb6bd02d52a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:59:59	521.550
-65	19777	1977700	375ff259-fd94-4fa6-a019-a2aca0208c16	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:29:30	-843.179
-65	39554	1977700	c42bf738-6f07-4c7c-983a-588e380b2e78	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:01:42	329.772
-66	19778	1977800	4e9f17c9-3fbe-4311-9892-17d36ef5db8a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:55:43	894.629
-66	39556	1977800	ecb4968e-7e7d-463e-a7bf-7accf84d3bff	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:29:58	-291.98
-67	19779	1977900	e6e49bd5-ae56-4b32-8838-7696af4cbb38	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:44:22	-871.428
-67	39558	1977900	bd12e7cb-5de9-4a8c-b5ed-4da718614a68	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:54:28	257.489
-68	19780	1978000	07e52c9f-bff1-446b-a8b9-2fbaea19cbb8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:58:41	92.990
-68	39560	1978000	b0e7c157-a3cc-4bc1-b2c6-a77f4a28458e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:06:00	-976.618
-69	19781	1978100	665c19bb-38b5-4334-a631-434100957998	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:00:43	617.361
-69	39562	1978100	e0333d28-7909-4e31-8761-a14e98aefc2e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:16:19	-590.397
-70	19782	1978200	6d9c8cdd-7bca-47c4-8054-cc54026375da	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:30:26	108.668
-70	39564	1978200	5f296fca-6da7-4f96-aa48-6c7e28fba0e0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:13:32	843.810
-71	19783	1978300	9ef32204-83e0-435b-b2aa-d6f6d282e594	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:35:59	139.297
-71	39566	1978300	1fd8814a-f84f-4414-998a-93116527f402	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:10:18	-468.135
-72	19784	1978400	670960e5-48e5-4c87-8739-2ce9069fd81f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:43:02	396.931
-72	39568	1978400	0e2c444e-3294-4ec3-a5ab-e68d6a0d3f48	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:39:47	145.197
-73	19785	1978500	8efed3f7-6a96-4fc6-8df5-4ddb292cdc79	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:53:21	41.344
-73	39570	1978500	2a117e12-9232-4bb2-afbe-8893988d81a7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:14:05	-680.233
-74	19786	1978600	f6b3d8c4-7eb0-4c30-bcf3-5dc5cbb7160f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:42:25	734.767
-74	39572	1978600	f6e8f05b-9ace-4050-8794-4dd9d2e0b9b0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:35:56	184.844
-75	19787	1978700	b6350ae7-a964-4903-869a-b72e24b1f048	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:04:12	194.20
-75	39574	1978700	668d3051-4e23-43ff-91de-05051d517483	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:16:09	734.805
-76	19788	1978800	109e5383-9a8b-405c-b9d7-5cd4b96b3e7e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:09:37	-665.925
-76	39576	1978800	1e6570ad-3c09-46aa-9119-84c7344174cb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:28:41	798.590
-77	19789	1978900	b1cc3c08-d1ca-4b3f-b477-b15418061928	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:18:53	-922.403
-77	39578	1978900	b8d61dc5-c2e3-4c9b-b3c6-c88c9c1d7e20	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:36:50	-718.975
-78	19790	1979000	40f0baae-b23a-4cb2-b787-409b385f5847	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:19:39	-954.684
-78	39580	1979000	c65b5907-2bfb-47cd-85d8-c2ca6c0f1460	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:50:35	757.941
-79	19791	1979100	90579934-fc32-4b0d-8e80-2efec64be1c6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:24:49	917.726
-79	39582	1979100	4cf0e64b-d5c4-4843-a766-8a5764b47ea8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:56:31	-211.911
-80	19792	1979200	7c5c48de-97f1-432c-8ca6-f32de6360f35	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:37:27	223.896
-80	39584	1979200	bd0ceeea-6e0e-4a33-8ffd-61955eb53b78	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:47:45	180.577
-81	19793	1979300	63e43e7d-196b-4a59-9be4-614184c9275d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:33:56	-659.94
-81	39586	1979300	261fdfbb-46f9-4cff-bcc0-cec0439ecd81	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:10:06	-708.332
-82	19794	1979400	6ff9e59f-7341-48ad-b8fa-71cbc83911e4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:57:46	716.737
-82	39588	1979400	6ec866ed-19b8-450e-842e-64da0381efdb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:08:19	183.105
-83	19795	1979500	0b0b6970-1c82-406f-8879-549ef3227a94	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:42:30	220.395
-83	39590	1979500	6f99abfe-50a5-4932-ba3e-cc060e948e69	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:27:10	-75.668
-84	19796	1979600	4c6d4eb1-b04a-42cb-9556-78168e8f25ee	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:21:56	-403.809
-84	39592	1979600	c09b3796-0519-49d8-9844-25f55beeeebe	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:57:08	294.750
-85	19797	1979700	40dea6d6-9221-4c3e-9bf9-6d6fafb1e11d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:02:10	-73.344
-85	39594	1979700	8293b8dc-fcd4-4f6f-be2b-3a11534807c8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:33:23	578.891
-86	19798	1979800	3371a9b3-d1b8-47e4-87c5-8de28c6f6c4c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:29:55	-910.476
-86	39596	1979800	3c5cea81-8b73-47bb-9f65-a554670b701d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:53:28	-406.572
-87	19799	1979900	85a93cf8-4ccf-4777-aca2-4a98b6fc1fa8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:34:02	591.544
-87	39598	1979900	2bf0faf1-9783-4bd2-ad74-35ce64a21929	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:39:34	-770.877
-88	19800	1980000	245ace3f-033e-4558-987c-fcee1395c861	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:16:22	6.710
-88	39600	1980000	0928d87a-1e7d-43f4-a504-f3957711d905	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:59:04	-755.612
-89	19801	1980100	e8c8ad44-2193-408b-bac7-488a0ac946d4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:34:11	487.241
-89	39602	1980100	73f3b4f8-5a66-4b53-b9ef-26703b89bc36	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:11:57	241.263
-90	19802	1980200	2ed1d3bc-cd83-4acf-bc83-fb4a761282dc	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:37:51	-585.929
-90	39604	1980200	81772611-5d43-496c-9673-f240a25fb6d2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:57:20	954.66
-91	19803	1980300	42f74cca-1d78-4224-b90f-a33612bbeb20	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:33:26	384.666
-91	39606	1980300	0361406f-34a5-4c2a-bb2b-ed0fbb52ec80	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:49:20	-506.534
-92	19804	1980400	91972c35-9dd3-4064-b4ed-d290fd95bceb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:02:19	37.412
-92	39608	1980400	405ec49c-a383-4b3c-a4f0-d4182a53f63c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:00:22	205.291
-93	19805	1980500	ee115e99-aaac-4ad5-907a-1cc8274d4fb9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:49:33	691.98
-93	39610	1980500	7fc6e6af-c7b2-460e-8942-cfacf1d85cb3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:52:25	171.757
-94	19806	1980600	e9e3a61a-05d3-4aad-bc4c-0b3bffda347c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:52:21	-761.690
-94	39612	1980600	1776fd47-51a0-4312-9ff9-48024e58e331	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:22:02	-754.310
-95	19807	1980700	8ba1a53e-ac1a-41aa-9898-14b5847581a4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:54:08	-121.595
-95	39614	1980700	aab11d89-ac37-46fa-aa9c-a1c3207df169	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:46:34	-43.975
-96	19808	1980800	ee2d8f21-b057-41a2-a3d5-8c7feb682921	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:20:20	-532.673
-96	39616	1980800	2d5cdfff-6039-489a-a4dd-7cbb9ac08125	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:16:25	616.26
-97	19809	1980900	c75b4572-d533-4337-aa99-483f89dd1243	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:34:21	-994.388
-97	39618	1980900	498d411c-f5b4-4951-93e1-0f3adbfbe984	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:02:57	-586.859
-98	19810	1981000	58562ad7-1b8c-4e11-8346-926cfc045590	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:42:16	-17.243
-98	39620	1981000	df5cec01-3838-4430-ad0b-75506dddd6db	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:18:12	669.885
-99	19811	1981100	5a4d611c-01d3-4647-801b-9c8f4e78ddc4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:02:24	212.866
-99	39622	1981100	d223561a-ba10-4fdb-beff-3390ece148d4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:45:37	781.296
-100	19812	1981200	09b331ad-aefd-4fc8-aeec-5cd54c92e6ba	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:08:09	-163.718
-100	39624	1981200	5fa1794e-f758-413e-8071-8c8da622cd48	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:43:12	585.327
-101	19813	1981300	8497ca6b-c68d-4578-b48b-36098a04fdf9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:41:04	912.904
-101	39626	1981300	b65d46dd-2f41-47bb-b041-1a041868e6fb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:22:00	-497.216
-102	19814	1981400	7b0e8f36-7c49-4693-8f0f-a22c4d1b99d1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:48:33	610.839
-102	39628	1981400	a2647cc5-80e0-4b0d-842d-24edd76850a0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:06:04	-120.610
-103	19815	1981500	8482d35c-c73d-4fc7-8853-2769b5e246a7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:26:44	19.583
-103	39630	1981500	2eea3458-7274-4b91-bc7d-4089407cfed0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:51:35	-189.500
-104	19816	1981600	cbcdfe27-cd7b-4141-a31f-37633924d285	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:20:45	839.323
-104	39632	1981600	e367b438-7a97-43b0-bcb8-98c013487e56	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:39:56	-139.68
-105	19817	1981700	50159e08-fa90-4821-9339-cf48007e8e6c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:54:13	944.408
-105	39634	1981700	6d500ba1-6b21-4c43-96b5-3344a26a7c51	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:47:09	-797.519
-106	19818	1981800	37921b80-3403-4685-a845-2b2030c845a3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:09:30	22.642
-106	39636	1981800	eb6c6511-8a90-49e3-9bfe-ead3815ea17c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:56:27	-347.131
-107	19819	1981900	e0b83990-e482-4ee7-8da9-582f63f36080	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:17:38	-57.505
-107	39638	1981900	beaec338-f486-4d21-869c-9f2477582924	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:38:03	466.517
-108	19820	1982000	b6c777ec-63e6-4eab-a473-1b8fc9e9fc7f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:56:02	635.278
-108	39640	1982000	fc0568d4-a63b-4049-8111-6a9f1ddc91e7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:37:47	-876.910
-109	19821	1982100	97d9716f-a9ba-4dab-8857-3d627e966fa1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:57:04	-509.952
-109	39642	1982100	38ab6f7d-7c1f-446f-bc91-dda85fca68c6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:10:56	-552.399
-110	19822	1982200	52823071-a505-4988-8bea-388d34594464	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:07:50	-603.148
-110	39644	1982200	77dc2c10-5ea9-4948-ac5a-df5451e8f61e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:55:01	210.770
-111	19823	1982300	d8894747-91c8-4d45-8dbe-5d673d02205d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:16:36	267.230
-111	39646	1982300	d4ded28f-3141-4f59-9b4e-d29e91725494	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:53:40	-650.77
-112	19824	1982400	0c7da88c-1015-4520-9d2d-153e9172b5a1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:31:28	-874.153
-112	39648	1982400	8459a6d5-4a2a-480b-b5b5-87733419646c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:08:09	-843.56
-113	19825	1982500	b5a91983-c896-422d-95c5-71626b37acd4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:06:10	636.0
-113	39650	1982500	950ef639-b5f0-493c-9a46-6402bd999714	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:57:14	824.241
-114	19826	1982600	58efc548-b3b1-4f10-b641-79fa8d53a795	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:20:40	545.299
-114	39652	1982600	daef4a2e-b0d4-45ce-9fdc-d7b711e42515	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:55:30	-791.281
-115	19827	1982700	d7215800-2cfc-4aa0-bc53-5bc999e6bb79	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:35:35	390.13
-115	39654	1982700	2af731bd-b2f5-462d-87d0-a710093b2966	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:56:20	-164.432
-116	19828	1982800	a4e7bdaa-44de-4d21-a5c0-993ef83c9c2d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:05:52	-478.0
-116	39656	1982800	f04fd848-9144-4957-94ef-f9ea06cb8fe9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:43:48	-422.739
-117	19829	1982900	59c63427-b9ef-493f-bbfe-8e5b0e6ea051	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:38:20	319.208
-117	39658	1982900	ef0ab756-9380-49da-8cde-531038d9f2b4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:46:07	294.280
-118	19830	1983000	a4522d71-abc5-4f9c-931b-e9bf764eaf46	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:59:44	952.303
-118	39660	1983000	163efd96-b91b-4a0e-9bfa-9fbd59cec65f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:38:28	-114.195
-119	19831	1983100	aabab4c4-0558-4f77-a629-a49468727111	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:50:25	339.415
-119	39662	1983100	fcbb99d0-d687-468d-a74e-f7ade5f645d2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:40:06	-991.93
-120	19832	1983200	1d913a19-78c9-4ecd-a527-b9d2507ffd45	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:53:18	204.255
-120	39664	1983200	bb2fcb8c-8dc5-41db-a2bd-eec90102ca18	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:56:04	3.352
-121	19833	1983300	a4cc4d43-7068-4e04-9f48-f82f925bffe6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:09:47	-501.671
-121	39666	1983300	4a0e79ab-3efe-4605-b823-83f094c13408	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:36:15	-695.735
-122	19834	1983400	9fe3721e-9441-4d32-b500-349105588fdb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:00:37	-378.505
-122	39668	1983400	efdc1157-8a01-405e-9541-1aa37474dc5a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:23:28	-186.612
-123	19835	1983500	ae9b5c84-baf6-42c5-be04-ecf6d9e03135	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:52:17	307.331
-123	39670	1983500	ce04837d-7260-4749-8b44-c45eb8fffe3d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:04:20	-436.891
-124	19836	1983600	b2e3008f-be5e-4766-a9ae-f50357a355ea	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:43:20	750.909
-124	39672	1983600	c81058b4-ab0a-4232-ac8b-ccc57be4425f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:13:22	-741.352
-125	19837	1983700	109b5c87-0507-425c-98ea-79687047ff9f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:43:17	-616.929
-125	39674	1983700	9cbfe435-e965-4700-a86c-f7c2c8e84f18	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:27:59	-992.648
-126	19838	1983800	c6f8a751-c86d-46ed-a521-d948675a39ec	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:04:28	-602.953
-126	39676	1983800	5bcb98d9-1325-46a9-ab96-a18fd774cd82	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:50:17	-572.872
-127	19839	1983900	6a99295a-0cf4-4918-b259-cd9c5833e7e6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:19:59	-609.241
-127	39678	1983900	c7523c41-5c54-4eda-b831-832b2c49673d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:02:37	264.641
-0	19840	1984000	afca4f3f-1634-4b47-b601-dafa84faaff8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:29:07	-345.279
-0	39680	1984000	16a8be08-c0b5-4d1d-b724-f04d9bcb67f7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:04:58	-60.419
-1	19841	1984100	48904de6-328a-47d0-a3bc-66863f5c879f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:37:26	-321.668
-1	39682	1984100	f6dcd6be-3dab-47b2-913e-e34b6f0319f3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:45:44	-186.45
-2	19842	1984200	b770db05-6ce0-4177-aa35-2e7d16c93b57	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:40:44	-267.641
-2	39684	1984200	9e592282-276e-4af8-b9c6-3226fb6d0f9f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:56:53	-689.211
-3	19843	1984300	5973e24c-4b45-40bf-abd7-48706782fbec	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:13:54	-627.498
-3	39686	1984300	0b83d4cb-11a6-424e-9751-171194dcee3f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:55:13	207.666
-4	19844	1984400	4dd946db-796d-4454-8442-139cc38c1d47	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:29:31	971.816
-4	39688	1984400	7f8f9178-3c3b-429b-a75d-3071c52562c8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:53:53	-616.577
-5	19845	1984500	d13cc9a7-c1b1-4284-9ded-94676b68f82b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:56:27	-184.584
-5	39690	1984500	a3db96a5-3d90-4514-bf53-50ef87304e4d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:41:51	670.225
-6	19846	1984600	20e6aa72-f13f-401d-8619-7b89298f93f3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:56:07	626.544
-6	39692	1984600	65dc41b0-cf50-45fa-a802-187d5ac6c9ec	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:59:32	-857.276
-7	19847	1984700	1c35d9dd-9eda-4d8f-8530-4d81e2f60b2f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:25:54	-478.571
-7	39694	1984700	2afe9dd2-cd81-43aa-ba7c-18c4ddf7b6c5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:17:24	-401.363
-8	19848	1984800	5ce4f96f-f12c-43bc-bfa8-2c188bdfbf8c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:29:53	-10.229
-8	39696	1984800	766685e4-0aa7-434b-951a-fda86f4ff96f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:22:53	-479.853
-9	19849	1984900	d7fb71c2-a649-438a-aef9-e6bbcfb052aa	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:00:05	-601.634
-9	39698	1984900	b1004776-32d3-4246-aef9-a583454b7b0c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:04:24	991.964
-10	19850	1985000	2f887d0d-19f6-4368-bea8-683117a970d5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:52:30	446.467
-10	39700	1985000	0effa747-a9c7-47ea-a452-14c8592ad78f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:35:38	-680.19
-11	19851	1985100	fa40d54a-c4e4-4ccc-8b4f-c652936be449	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:57:39	938.166
-11	39702	1985100	d9b64251-e4a9-4da4-a896-395e9045fdc4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:16:40	110.330
-12	19852	1985200	d1a05f6c-adae-401b-914a-3192b9058318	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:38:49	71.449
-12	39704	1985200	c808a811-7a60-4ba3-9ae3-34c78504fc21	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:04:08	-51.685
-13	19853	1985300	2694ee60-540c-479d-be28-459c2eec2734	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:26:26	-811.398
-13	39706	1985300	82eab52a-624f-4efc-b279-fa911680d95a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:40:23	-395.587
-14	19854	1985400	39de5db2-7ed4-40ff-bf89-ccbebe3bbcb5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:40:03	-551.544
-14	39708	1985400	27c08f0b-35ea-4fa1-8807-f05d87a5bc81	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:14:23	-550.297
-15	19855	1985500	4e274497-d7c1-4875-9d57-ad5ec0553345	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:41:54	550.381
-15	39710	1985500	3e3eff7b-2f7f-44e6-9c1d-cbbebf49e538	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:34:10	866.217
-16	19856	1985600	e6bb3317-b237-44de-b9dc-d12f86981207	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:03:08	791.883
-16	39712	1985600	38278096-c6e4-4557-a420-2acaa6bad86a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:09:14	-646.37
-17	19857	1985700	73f45fcd-877f-482f-ab8e-ccd805a06c04	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:29:26	965.3
-17	39714	1985700	8be7eabf-4e99-461b-a163-b346d75be3f2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:51:24	718.199
-18	19858	1985800	a2fab056-5815-44e0-82dd-398f8038cdb6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:11:02	877.226
-18	39716	1985800	753f7512-f57b-4d4a-9d7e-b3c0ddd30106	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:59:36	931.60
-19	19859	1985900	3f73fec8-9dae-4715-a68e-7afe619072e8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:37:36	841.597
-19	39718	1985900	8cf3cb7f-4e42-4745-9835-a36067e5b4ca	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:32:35	268.278
-20	19860	1986000	65e81d8c-c177-4d30-9a3c-b28a4e514924	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:50:26	-324.802
-20	39720	1986000	a485fe5d-b604-4181-9b8a-8d7f517a2dfc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:31:27	684.601
-21	19861	1986100	eb06e454-436d-453f-bdf7-827e204dfc1c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:37:45	-485.106
-21	39722	1986100	2b5f1efb-789a-4a7c-af51-c8bab6788d65	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:45:48	-85.24
-22	19862	1986200	1d4e8c6e-44d5-4670-ae9f-6b16fef48eac	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:01:07	-558.673
-22	39724	1986200	fde35d1b-4d1d-4f63-92dc-442e1d4ecc9d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:12:41	-352.657
-23	19863	1986300	fc92543b-2300-41f4-9e3d-938d3cbb64ca	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:03:56	709.404
-23	39726	1986300	c356ebb1-2b0a-4b95-9931-dccce1f51796	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:54:58	-911.595
-24	19864	1986400	dbb00d77-c45e-4572-9366-bf4def9cdf73	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:14:45	539.572
-24	39728	1986400	e07dbf5f-e15a-41fc-87d2-85742ef0c173	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:35:42	964.980
-25	19865	1986500	13caf1e8-5e5d-4b3e-babf-fc90b969ce9a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:34:57	-815.373
-25	39730	1986500	2276fc53-bc5c-4bc5-bd1b-24c3a6aa2114	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:52:35	-45.594
-26	19866	1986600	048e97c9-d449-4270-a64f-967213eef223	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:37:11	-928.607
-26	39732	1986600	60849c78-7570-49cd-a411-441231a202ce	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:54:05	-71.760
-27	19867	1986700	15b5b429-9dd6-47d7-9a48-8a99729dc256	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:56:37	291.936
-27	39734	1986700	195c485c-a096-4ce9-a297-2391af93221c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:53:53	901.434
-28	19868	1986800	acd6bdde-2519-4557-bbaa-66ad17de6e36	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:07:41	-133.598
-28	39736	1986800	aa3e0eae-8260-41fe-bd3d-027a2ed67530	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:58:17	441.469
-29	19869	1986900	5639b63d-bfc6-4ae9-bc3d-b6b0322759f6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:47:01	-459.662
-29	39738	1986900	4f3cbb21-f914-438f-9222-eb6a6e439a0b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:30:26	607.436
-30	19870	1987000	eeeaf4fe-2fc2-4086-bd0e-0c4c857ffa6f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:15:49	-544.980
-30	39740	1987000	b4580ddc-dda9-4f26-bb39-d64e8409f5c0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:27:12	983.153
-31	19871	1987100	25ff22f9-9eea-4f86-89cc-5ac3685a3a7b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:03:45	-772.168
-31	39742	1987100	b7b3bd66-a799-44e8-b478-d99d67ce27e4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:50:30	294.7
-32	19872	1987200	960e2a0d-0661-4c60-a2ee-dd7703182023	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:09:19	72.354
-32	39744	1987200	d4b952e7-522f-4b59-b0da-3418cecb3b3b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:24:41	762.549
-33	19873	1987300	24f03bec-41bc-459c-8988-75fb520f9d52	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:10:53	531.212
-33	39746	1987300	3c03c7a4-e4a3-4205-adb9-50af5eafab24	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:44:49	-737.922
-34	19874	1987400	2c1a5e56-d50c-4c56-a4e2-c07f7e13b6dc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:10:33	-343.768
-34	39748	1987400	24c29448-b345-4ade-98ce-c1366e98ae63	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:47:41	-804.471
-35	19875	1987500	aee46c1b-9da4-4abd-ab9f-d387809e72ff	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:36:53	237.895
-35	39750	1987500	e67d298c-e6d8-4356-a50d-d6b68e853bec	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:29:29	-418.558
-36	19876	1987600	adb7575b-f029-43de-b877-e89894f832de	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:03:16	61.184
-36	39752	1987600	5e76c5e4-8384-4706-bf35-c39c731a2fe1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:02:53	-334.929
-37	19877	1987700	265190a2-7ac1-4866-85da-2f779d8bf4c5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:08:47	-519.428
-37	39754	1987700	995c1de9-20c0-4c31-b124-53afc0381233	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:45:46	911.867
-38	19878	1987800	208fc509-390d-4965-bf47-1aec308f4f43	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:56:44	-524.528
-38	39756	1987800	322cc525-32b6-4064-b22f-da6f4dbb62bc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:27:22	914.843
-39	19879	1987900	c56f45bd-b2f7-4e88-8a1b-d58d07cabf1e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:55:50	672.564
-39	39758	1987900	ce44099a-ff2f-4b15-a56f-922c277f8e73	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:12:02	-870.813
-40	19880	1988000	306dfe7a-721b-4724-b378-122340a31ff5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:21:13	-630.841
-40	39760	1988000	411919ae-0d52-4f0c-a2ec-ddcb4f65c6c6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:48:46	213.788
-41	19881	1988100	5ccf94a3-3539-43bd-b3e4-4bd1207ec666	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:06:14	-905.923
-41	39762	1988100	5a637a02-6c27-4ca3-89be-cfa96daa6bc5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:12:30	-5.155
-42	19882	1988200	acb44341-390a-4fe7-bf95-0decc27248f2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:09:12	-493.894
-42	39764	1988200	960fea07-2ca6-4334-a969-52ba4536a3a3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:50:53	-283.447
-43	19883	1988300	1eaa4e1f-4112-49a6-9d5c-8a932b934dd5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:11:12	-291.607
-43	39766	1988300	30947a3b-0606-44d6-a0ec-e05bfd0aab6e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:21:56	286.342
-44	19884	1988400	972e0dd2-7c7e-4cb5-98c3-2abd3a09c0ab	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:55:00	-815.778
-44	39768	1988400	9c54eb1b-27b3-4093-846a-cfb0e615a273	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:48:25	164.296
-45	19885	1988500	71833a3e-7eae-4271-b7f9-71cec5c287dc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:36:08	381.881
-45	39770	1988500	7068be29-a206-47b6-8407-8b050802cd6a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:13:44	-127.720
-46	19886	1988600	668983c6-8eaa-4f0b-bece-8a86cccae7c6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:31:17	-533.711
-46	39772	1988600	b031cb34-3b93-493f-9b63-4b8d10b235eb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:33:53	636.826
-47	19887	1988700	c67ec539-99f4-4833-a4f8-dcb8bb63f136	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:38:37	-438.234
-47	39774	1988700	d8cbbf8e-b02a-4b1e-a139-bf52c824f156	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:07:44	540.545
-48	19888	1988800	b948f39c-cfc9-4bda-870f-4370c3fbba0b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:05:09	276.901
-48	39776	1988800	e08a2e45-e05a-40a4-a8af-45615b8d426c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:10:19	-600.106
-49	19889	1988900	f4473a26-9038-4288-a5fd-bd2233e02332	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:15:29	302.693
-49	39778	1988900	5078374c-af4d-4236-b04c-a630ed40914a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:01:51	-928.456
-50	19890	1989000	d6a659b4-46a3-481a-93e7-5ab10b509ea8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:40:57	-959.467
-50	39780	1989000	7f363e55-c607-447a-853d-16cad4817a57	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:32:44	871.875
-51	19891	1989100	03d3167b-3277-4aa4-a6ef-d972a7614a59	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:46:30	130.19
-51	39782	1989100	ac76fdbe-f07d-4820-b75c-ba64bd5bf4fb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:13:41	-421.387
-52	19892	1989200	8b3ee1c5-4e65-479d-a14e-26f4c0b93dcf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:34:11	-397.686
-52	39784	1989200	8fafa04d-179e-4e42-a3b1-f4f874191259	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:22:21	767.634
-53	19893	1989300	b82298c0-d098-4c21-88da-ad1e1ad149f0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:52:23	868.937
-53	39786	1989300	9d1bb8a3-49ab-4eca-bc1f-fce73db1045c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:57:16	832.168
-54	19894	1989400	beafcb09-9fae-4c5a-a20d-ad5a0c9a549d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:58:47	-318.808
-54	39788	1989400	07080bf5-1cef-4068-854e-f6fee3789a4c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:04:10	292.892
-55	19895	1989500	fc948214-e949-4908-8cda-029f1b5a4088	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:55:29	957.40
-55	39790	1989500	18d8b39d-b37f-49ec-a27a-3773cf6f7398	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:15:18	256.379
-56	19896	1989600	c710da66-02e0-4cd5-ae62-c9a8839bbd39	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:41:13	662.81
-56	39792	1989600	2697e788-883f-4850-8e72-69e50d3facc1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:14:35	-261.535
-57	19897	1989700	031f8293-7ab8-4a41-bb2f-0a74ae1d0c86	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:57:38	648.243
-57	39794	1989700	4b11ed51-aecd-454f-a5fd-b5d3830d4e59	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:13:38	-269.547
-58	19898	1989800	1379636e-60e2-492e-b15b-7aad04c0586d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:28:21	180.608
-58	39796	1989800	50a411d3-63bf-4dbb-acf2-74f780656b9c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:01:04	572.991
-59	19899	1989900	7c054073-4f0b-4ef5-9b36-a89576e298be	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:41:39	420.968
-59	39798	1989900	be00ed4e-b1d6-4eb8-ac06-79ec7e6cbb32	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:52:13	-973.167
-60	19900	1990000	83574162-7284-46cf-936d-c2ccdfdab5ff	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:15:42	-817.899
-60	39800	1990000	eb8ada7f-4bb6-4cb3-958d-bf73113fec99	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:27:05	-166.532
-61	19901	1990100	9be595da-8069-433b-bc15-b1baf7c7e639	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:53:34	295.442
-61	39802	1990100	77bcab03-731e-401c-b187-6ff2392e6f40	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:51:11	-889.263
-62	19902	1990200	d356f06e-4fda-491f-aae6-5e5f6a669e2d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:00:10	118.595
-62	39804	1990200	8c070161-bf59-4cdc-bfd7-2129e6411816	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:11:33	424.798
-63	19903	1990300	02e8d88a-c721-4897-931c-9eb09e8ebfa1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:46:02	143.928
-63	39806	1990300	8e62b330-faa3-4583-ae47-696b148de2c7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:40:33	947.809
-64	19904	1990400	59a484f9-5946-4846-8361-de8f41b8fa12	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:43:12	-73.659
-64	39808	1990400	9c044e42-4e45-4c6a-9f19-7ca03edc4be1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:03:21	874.546
-65	19905	1990500	b9205335-0eff-40bf-9d38-953624263e53	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:27:17	857.423
-65	39810	1990500	1afd1af0-d460-4be1-8834-dc34b8519027	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:22:30	-360.399
-66	19906	1990600	0c7061e9-64e5-40fc-a27b-f69f22ee80ca	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:13:39	-911.395
-66	39812	1990600	1949797d-786c-42e5-969a-92d76a27ec4f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:04:46	-658.787
-67	19907	1990700	9d7f409f-37ab-429d-a48d-d31806b90ced	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:55:39	-171.244
-67	39814	1990700	066120ae-1564-4208-b655-e2c41dc24835	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:39:44	795.537
-68	19908	1990800	254869b0-9a7a-47e3-8a91-8d2338a06f93	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:07:39	301.904
-68	39816	1990800	514b6f8d-77fd-4056-9917-e7227663a45b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:35:42	-665.453
-69	19909	1990900	b05aac12-0f9f-4a76-8065-81c69d20d4ef	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:42:24	986.621
-69	39818	1990900	1b13cbd1-6c02-4941-97e5-9cd721b8a2fc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:27:48	-959.835
-70	19910	1991000	2d8ad847-558b-4cf0-b073-b364fee4b78a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:49:13	462.390
-70	39820	1991000	fd9f3d96-7faf-40c2-b554-cebe6fb3fa1d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:31:27	-168.343
-71	19911	1991100	4fc8e046-d95a-4394-9a4b-81f031aaac19	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:31:51	669.705
-71	39822	1991100	f6fcbfcc-3b47-43b7-a374-52ef80bba134	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:07:01	632.396
-72	19912	1991200	8f0308d1-2c04-45b9-b029-3011065d18a4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:35:49	738.663
-72	39824	1991200	d4d2ef7d-379d-432d-a2ca-1419dc14ab15	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:07:57	510.861
-73	19913	1991300	1903ad3a-f4c2-4d03-978d-c54e976a4e99	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:41:55	202.511
-73	39826	1991300	4938104f-0719-453c-b583-83e43fe8177e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:49:31	-567.659
-74	19914	1991400	baf8356f-96e7-406c-8134-5f4569bd50dc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:34:18	424.628
-74	39828	1991400	d60deead-6fd6-4189-aa6a-e69420f9624d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:41:57	-209.163
-75	19915	1991500	68de97a9-2263-4eb3-8bc0-f8bee9556f2f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:51:00	-849.516
-75	39830	1991500	82671b7f-562d-4893-bb91-715c66bf8490	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:54:33	-335.947
-76	19916	1991600	27ca69ae-ddbd-4130-8c5b-4155dc331053	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:18:10	-538.827
-76	39832	1991600	b556dd36-9a95-4833-ba96-9797c2231a35	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:51:17	-502.727
-77	19917	1991700	b8f5cbc5-a842-4f40-9a31-1446f7b5a422	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:35:27	103.930
-77	39834	1991700	96e076d3-3459-48eb-8f07-7d6f86714ad3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:48:39	125.519
-78	19918	1991800	2f56afb6-bf93-4a42-be3d-db3962fc3e02	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:54:35	684.54
-78	39836	1991800	406c0855-bdbc-4338-a16c-1b75908c824c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:16:18	-714.946
-79	19919	1991900	3fb22b1e-31f8-4dd9-ac3b-01e6c7ca0f6e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:02:33	483.152
-79	39838	1991900	1b30aca0-07b7-4899-884b-61415d9e788d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:44:28	-960.797
-80	19920	1992000	c64c2389-e59c-4ca8-b5ae-f394447bee41	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:24:17	98.745
-80	39840	1992000	d2b67311-6d79-4b13-9ff5-b1cbf4b9ba7b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:43:34	-302.904
-81	19921	1992100	ffed2b56-4972-4797-8d20-b72b9fa77573	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:21:44	-708.884
-81	39842	1992100	9621e005-20f7-4a5b-88f3-82f806f5cf51	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:12:40	869.948
-82	19922	1992200	542641a2-9791-4ca1-b47e-f65bf3eae4dc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:16:53	-592.592
-82	39844	1992200	e7188eef-5298-41ad-a237-4974e7e8deb9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:59:35	-472.342
-83	19923	1992300	89655078-35ac-4de2-a58b-8fe2722c7689	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:18:07	815.333
-83	39846	1992300	87d73ab1-9a06-4278-a4a2-5e351e6807a5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:25:22	-609.9
-84	19924	1992400	2aba4e52-3558-4f5e-b832-b68768ce7d47	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:20:32	-106.540
-84	39848	1992400	d460096f-96df-4330-9bb3-5f18bc9e3ccc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:00:11	-955.276
-85	19925	1992500	ace0eb61-dee0-407b-8f88-720038789d0a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:03:24	-594.479
-85	39850	1992500	02525f28-708b-4fea-a032-d9b66bd3a759	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:14:58	-483.481
-86	19926	1992600	869b66c6-655b-4418-8ebc-f54f2c338e4f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:26:50	994.595
-86	39852	1992600	53ee199b-6442-4dc1-904c-4169aa63faed	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:31:15	-489.167
-87	19927	1992700	2910dcc3-5a14-4f8b-884e-fc2e7b35de78	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:50:06	865.34
-87	39854	1992700	fc0ad15c-cf7a-428f-99af-7e6eb7a7021c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:52:04	-618.988
-88	19928	1992800	47f9b6aa-e177-4391-a2b6-ed752febf307	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:33:45	-580.482
-88	39856	1992800	ba32949e-4530-4201-9fc5-2d59c491036f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:44:35	310.352
-89	19929	1992900	f2c02def-b933-4921-ab20-e8b768e69823	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:14:18	535.510
-89	39858	1992900	d855cc1e-3c8e-4cdf-be0e-a5b371e8c7b8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:16:56	-776.177
-90	19930	1993000	99171670-5180-41b0-ab68-a7f422b5e7f2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:25:35	685.628
-90	39860	1993000	cf4353ad-db8b-4f65-88e9-22b00ead00e9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:47:29	-522.763
-91	19931	1993100	4711f8cc-5fa2-4595-897f-494768737c6d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:34:14	-382.452
-91	39862	1993100	33a463b4-f976-494d-baf5-55e6f566dad5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:57:58	49.976
-92	19932	1993200	3cc67a64-7622-422e-86a0-5e2a1754f694	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:16:59	-115.205
-92	39864	1993200	fcb38e55-1562-49bc-9f7f-8123658beb8b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:15:13	297.105
-93	19933	1993300	ce4cc227-0738-428d-a6a8-e39280c05d02	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:48:57	-796.956
-93	39866	1993300	fd3d72b4-345b-4568-a325-657ddfb123df	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:22:42	851.270
-94	19934	1993400	b181af31-2464-4069-bd72-9c2d7ebb3ecf	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:27:02	-414.59
-94	39868	1993400	58709e02-7c89-4e6f-823f-5504aefc159d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:52:51	80.27
-95	19935	1993500	cafb4b45-3e64-4d12-874b-d8a8faa75a99	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:42:11	485.823
-95	39870	1993500	453060f1-ec04-4741-86f0-47571e7e44d9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:34:36	165.285
-96	19936	1993600	1c4dd3e6-6b75-4b72-b183-96e4340d13a3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:00:13	-171.107
-96	39872	1993600	325cab76-b240-4f2c-b562-d5daa292ea7a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:06:15	-868.170
-97	19937	1993700	46e48cba-cc0d-4a40-bd22-34ebbf1f6b4c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:06:04	-28.409
-97	39874	1993700	cfb4ed98-2adb-4260-be1e-51b62b5d7171	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:23:50	402.897
-98	19938	1993800	442d5844-5e75-4c85-bf2b-2ff64f42453e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:47:36	241.299
-98	39876	1993800	07cc7381-82ca-4afc-ba15-03a2365ab0e9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:02:34	389.178
-99	19939	1993900	a37636dc-cd7b-44be-8465-7bdcdda96c2e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:45:50	-533.621
-99	39878	1993900	930b2ff4-d31f-4816-9869-9d8c2e69a224	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:35:59	-680.695
-100	19940	1994000	e5d26945-37c9-45bd-ac29-1d2fd95069c2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:40:29	-303.410
-100	39880	1994000	ccaa76cc-e0d1-4018-bf9e-b79d7cfcc7d2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:07:37	-987.775
-101	19941	1994100	4c85632c-8384-4fcb-8191-0b8129636fec	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:28:25	-275.553
-101	39882	1994100	93eeabfc-5d41-4fd3-8dc1-f99902dd188d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:19:59	-74.341
-102	19942	1994200	4ae6d09a-ff4f-4e2a-acfc-cc89f71dff9c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:30:09	-55.816
-102	39884	1994200	137ac576-bd64-48b8-8d5d-a0e8c8fc30ec	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:25:01	-407.580
-103	19943	1994300	c3548483-a565-42e8-95fc-423575f869a7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:05:18	-51.409
-103	39886	1994300	9fbf42aa-6044-4328-b664-9a0d6f07d9b9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:57:21	870.747
-104	19944	1994400	836cfe8d-1948-4c45-80ee-50b07fe22c47	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:15:38	-409.363
-104	39888	1994400	5a3f3841-2a19-4413-a63c-0043407cfd20	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:18:09	-260.793
-105	19945	1994500	82715358-33ac-4c08-a91a-053c3efcb714	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:52:02	-51.290
-105	39890	1994500	48157007-b1b2-468c-9411-bf17ed62f93b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:44:51	-417.247
-106	19946	1994600	cff23542-ab28-4048-8465-71cb0875c41d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:15:51	-340.495
-106	39892	1994600	28670bd2-2dab-4920-ad98-568ef2c55dc7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:11:48	184.608
-107	19947	1994700	c4d072de-2081-4899-808d-c13b174f6b24	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:08:55	702.577
-107	39894	1994700	8082971c-7366-4c5e-925b-55b1c29fbd31	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:03:18	463.338
-108	19948	1994800	82c965a8-7c7e-426e-a4f6-b59a8071ebdd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:29:33	469.204
-108	39896	1994800	75a5fe59-2950-4e7c-b6b8-345a22b6303e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:23:31	863.168
-109	19949	1994900	add96b13-e185-4daa-977b-5681db29ef72	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:03:43	497.253
-109	39898	1994900	19e41f75-e383-4ea6-a1ed-27f6fdc2919c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:52:09	791.92
-110	19950	1995000	a784b7fc-448a-43db-94e1-ba2614c59574	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:43:13	285.926
-110	39900	1995000	ce6c1919-67ba-4f3b-b79a-66c18080da90	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:51:06	333.72
-111	19951	1995100	6b81c260-d076-425c-87ad-1c90159160ce	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:47:06	-315.81
-111	39902	1995100	1fb8a1a7-9069-4808-9d20-6755761335b0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:51:23	-458.822
-112	19952	1995200	ee95c425-0ad2-4bfa-a207-5729e1ae54cd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:22:22	261.179
-112	39904	1995200	4ac9a6a7-130d-412a-a751-c1b843df06dc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:43:23	117.85
-113	19953	1995300	00f89850-696a-47f4-8691-cc8a497be836	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:34:20	-63.203
-113	39906	1995300	700eeb62-e077-4876-b972-19ade0465837	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:09:38	707.214
-114	19954	1995400	c2a25b9e-ab4c-4946-8265-60a3d29f4ffe	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:50:57	-755.523
-114	39908	1995400	bd96cbfc-5654-47c0-a9bb-23d3e4c85fdf	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:36:11	-626.98
-115	19955	1995500	7c7b3614-f16e-47f7-8abe-0ba3b6cdbd66	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:37:40	-241.77
-115	39910	1995500	0ae3d72a-817c-4acf-97a1-2204ef9ea5b6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:54:37	509.204
-116	19956	1995600	cc24d340-39c3-44e5-9607-60523e4175b2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:58:14	-166.944
-116	39912	1995600	a6a89646-80c9-4495-a2b2-6a3ea2afcc12	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:49:09	-759.270
-117	19957	1995700	608859d2-7b20-41fa-996c-b97a57a6eb8f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:09:53	-825.509
-117	39914	1995700	04b7a9d3-4281-4294-a720-187d0c5610ca	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:57:49	180.701
-118	19958	1995800	e891f11a-db21-4d2a-bdae-1a4dc0d9b177	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:30:58	494.342
-118	39916	1995800	f5b5a977-7cf3-45dd-8898-2efeb12d893c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:31:41	23.801
-119	19959	1995900	cc30958a-4d1e-4813-8d39-09e069f1fb47	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:57:18	-720.411
-119	39918	1995900	fcc3661a-54c4-4bef-bbe2-f7fa85cc6eca	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:21:55	-255.744
-120	19960	1996000	e8c8bab8-1adc-4d0b-bc07-8ba686b6a89c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:56:51	587.788
-120	39920	1996000	8e2b1aa1-f674-4a97-9689-ada6575d657d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:09:53	473.124
-121	19961	1996100	2f51ac68-1237-489c-bcd2-d05fcfad238e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:02:34	-747.147
-121	39922	1996100	42e38ef3-7c9d-4517-b515-66de8db3482d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:29:18	-903.779
-122	19962	1996200	3fc0b224-c509-4449-a931-ffde622f42de	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:34:57	413.744
-122	39924	1996200	2762764f-91ea-4971-b980-86340815120a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:18:53	939.920
-123	19963	1996300	7d6353fd-27d3-401c-9d18-c8fc7edb4c91	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:38:13	-27.884
-123	39926	1996300	802a4c98-ef05-4cae-b11a-bd01b43e5a96	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:22:00	-269.98
-124	19964	1996400	1915e2fe-f3c6-48e8-a456-4b2863afe3bb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:36:12	586.148
-124	39928	1996400	0ca11f82-6f21-43b8-bdb8-4a6bccdb5ce1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:15:12	-159.195
-125	19965	1996500	1c31c87d-7372-4e3c-b006-5eb51c072d0b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:41:24	681.992
-125	39930	1996500	6453ff96-e8e5-4795-8ffd-659f4408bc77	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:11:07	-947.890
-126	19966	1996600	634e54f6-adda-41a1-989e-755260a0d83b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:33:24	-533.278
-126	39932	1996600	b5c781d8-b443-40fd-b638-191722d20fcf	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:41:28	-676.443
-127	19967	1996700	fd289e03-1d34-4c81-9345-762db2b51db2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:14:55	733.113
-127	39934	1996700	91c4ce8d-d3d2-4802-ab57-5aa6af3d6a07	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:19:24	-431.757
-0	19968	1996800	084ea5c7-0aa2-43eb-9245-4638cc938387	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:46:03	-292.13
-0	39936	1996800	1075d676-b290-4672-9c81-68b886668c30	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:54:37	-731.376
-1	19969	1996900	1cf86ade-5b33-4685-a35d-2eea370d9731	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:55:08	720.657
-1	39938	1996900	4e4d0b26-1eb1-4eac-92eb-284f4a7880bd	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:02:25	-99.250
-2	19970	1997000	0ec8668a-197f-4cb7-b04f-aa64fe89909f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:56:04	-128.150
-2	39940	1997000	b3499303-1981-443f-b997-95d513effce4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:53:23	518.5
-3	19971	1997100	7a0df93b-fa99-4c79-a6e0-e052f5553e3f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:18:36	21.865
-3	39942	1997100	d19272ce-c103-459b-bc12-b5c11fb43a18	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:49:01	-172.768
-4	19972	1997200	39fff99c-c684-4cf8-bce9-5fd92e972b20	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:11:45	605.330
-4	39944	1997200	ac897f0c-d7f9-430a-8ab4-14ee7f9c0b74	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:23:31	919.959
-5	19973	1997300	627379ad-5023-498b-a24e-bcea8e54e8a0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:35:22	523.938
-5	39946	1997300	f0dbcf7d-c1f1-473f-87ca-fd56fd381831	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:01:15	407.605
-6	19974	1997400	81cb1b07-8105-435c-a061-6d2c4754d267	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:41:29	158.127
-6	39948	1997400	1458d800-dc81-4171-bdbb-c67655474e7e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:25:47	291.568
-7	19975	1997500	be0c852c-88f5-4aee-bc55-72dde63632c8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:35:08	-60.224
-7	39950	1997500	de53ef49-5d5c-49ec-86ff-177e06e8625b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:58:20	-295.178
-8	19976	1997600	75856a73-3799-4c53-9370-ad8b5e58d989	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:00:48	293.90
-8	39952	1997600	9a3fe521-9d8e-4043-8c66-8bce2985f223	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:31:35	-498.12
-9	19977	1997700	77dc6828-5805-4421-b368-4fe8a99b2879	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:17:14	-200.772
-9	39954	1997700	7c4bb265-4a12-44a1-95e7-233aaaf1564c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:12:33	-895.884
-10	19978	1997800	7f0220c7-119f-4486-af14-39674105e436	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:17:55	596.311
-10	39956	1997800	53c3d619-6b34-49a0-803c-e293f760d521	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:40:24	904.365
-11	19979	1997900	b475e0c6-8e39-4af7-aa6e-831dce68f3a2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:04:00	-478.883
-11	39958	1997900	bf6218bf-8f14-4899-ba81-f76e13cec3fd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:58:15	-530.992
-12	19980	1998000	f34a6d35-9a25-4a50-89b3-b73825843588	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:42:05	503.462
-12	39960	1998000	df29a4ff-2700-47a3-ad9a-e6893dd20204	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:47:05	778.844
-13	19981	1998100	ee920c8a-e121-447e-b0a1-dd6282f6accf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:57:11	-125.576
-13	39962	1998100	7c812b67-c5e9-48d3-b0aa-70e2c63f3d86	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:54:21	35.77
-14	19982	1998200	e09967a7-8d91-4601-950e-8bd5e7e4426b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:23:33	356.880
-14	39964	1998200	06c10eb0-eacf-48b8-84ed-d085ce48fe48	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:21:16	-823.636
-15	19983	1998300	b11db612-4c8b-453a-9953-cb7c7220b33a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:23:52	-645.221
-15	39966	1998300	c35e7ca4-7608-4139-a77f-5fa4eb04d21b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:05:22	314.436
-16	19984	1998400	59afb4d4-71a0-4a44-a166-adc92788b5af	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:41:00	-400.242
-16	39968	1998400	e1cb4866-509b-4c6d-b3f2-2ad7ef63f53b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:57:55	428.489
-17	19985	1998500	7616557e-aac2-43c4-a979-a74028728844	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:38:45	-245.459
-17	39970	1998500	9cd2aa33-cb47-4fd8-b0ed-901d2578dcc4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:48:07	266.153
-18	19986	1998600	46b890d3-ea02-417a-80a4-4a0389db1ab8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:21:27	326.319
-18	39972	1998600	6f29c003-2f9d-4431-843b-3ad9446240fe	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:29:40	-549.472
-19	19987	1998700	29e0be3e-122f-404c-982f-e8d80e072fdc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:06:33	807.995
-19	39974	1998700	4b709f60-d2b4-4dc2-adfb-0360ae723f15	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:18:51	604.98
-20	19988	1998800	cda8bad6-ce7a-4d93-a3dc-bf587ca4e48d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:38:22	-412.507
-20	39976	1998800	97f082c5-d26a-4cef-a88d-8ca7e76d1264	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:23:25	-570.48
-21	19989	1998900	d50d9fda-3436-415a-87fc-e2ea649611fd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:31:49	-631.267
-21	39978	1998900	301f1803-3ad6-4a43-aca8-a0bfdc4ff178	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:47:12	-208.885
-22	19990	1999000	f0c6b2a9-e859-4d11-9f3e-42b6f575fe5c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:24:34	12.3
-22	39980	1999000	4fb8ea06-6476-4991-bac5-167357f2c401	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:28:54	-187.946
-23	19991	1999100	ba012455-3d8b-46fa-a2e1-69de625c3996	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:02:29	-646.484
-23	39982	1999100	77a68bc5-5bd5-418b-9355-2b26d7530667	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:20:34	119.713
-24	19992	1999200	a3fde2c4-8a8d-4e78-a660-4e1da0edc5ee	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:07:59	-125.602
-24	39984	1999200	d39aa3f7-c676-49fd-9ca4-9516815452a5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:55:31	-902.934
-25	19993	1999300	69db7499-9dbc-453a-8516-456b3726bf48	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:49:03	-552.609
-25	39986	1999300	b3874dee-b112-4fd2-8645-4e2b30aff64b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:04:01	-507.169
-26	19994	1999400	f630591e-04c2-4c48-947b-b34e51cf4843	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:33:20	-267.861
-26	39988	1999400	97e2699e-d360-4c84-8e69-9fd380e4eb9f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:10:32	538.347
-27	19995	1999500	7fbc7390-d2fd-434c-a543-bb249dcd201b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:06:02	320.106
-27	39990	1999500	13c289b5-63f7-4253-aed9-c6bb1790619a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:20:00	-913.394
-28	19996	1999600	80a17757-2a87-4e86-9b39-979552ae35f7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:59:45	819.11
-28	39992	1999600	d34e7dd3-bd4d-4fa8-9435-353b5e429d9f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:23:05	-246.732
-29	19997	1999700	0ed614a1-0e15-4de7-90d9-41c833d4f145	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:41:02	820.789
-29	39994	1999700	2fcc4a36-52f7-4eba-86ea-cc33c373225c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:38:54	-841.399
-30	19998	1999800	9d917206-e2a7-4ff0-9feb-380ea41e853a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:21:27	685.726
-30	39996	1999800	89a382a1-ca5f-4ed9-8593-cb76a862c7bd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:44:05	-545.464
-31	19999	1999900	d6f27961-7ae4-4322-b202-cf2d6654bef8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:49:44	488.815
-31	39998	1999900	423bbfff-a645-4ab9-8506-8b79adb16c70	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:39:13	817.149
-32	20000	2000000	3aeffeee-562d-4bad-875b-6af579b4bbbe	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:01:36	804.969
-32	40000	2000000	53b65255-467c-4d01-9dc1-bb0880cd8740	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:20:06	-478.890
-33	20001	2000100	a92b2b53-0681-4300-80b7-c3a3ab0e7b9a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:03:53	405.332
-33	40002	2000100	d1cc51f7-3b32-4577-a4e0-ad19d216259c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:41:25	797.838
-34	20002	2000200	0d5c6323-85a7-4e09-90fd-7aedea43aa1e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:37:08	-223.369
-34	40004	2000200	3efae09e-af70-4347-a0f7-e2178afdadbe	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:12:47	31.1
-35	20003	2000300	154443b3-fb13-48ae-b485-cc02e23d49c4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:30:35	-772.169
-35	40006	2000300	13abfa3d-2153-4b77-9613-9eb0fec91cb8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:27:44	48.993
-36	20004	2000400	3d28b473-8310-44b1-8bcb-6ca18965764a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:16:54	209.13
-36	40008	2000400	ca2ee705-f2a3-442f-9fd4-ec729acf8ecd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:37:56	-863.155
-37	20005	2000500	6f43b40c-49cf-4c25-aafe-c48e2f993e6c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:11:53	-813.563
-37	40010	2000500	b5aa23f2-a897-4247-93ee-2c17bc08f058	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:42:14	668.748
-38	20006	2000600	508a33ce-e962-4d8c-b69e-bda47d1c831f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:55:54	-966.981
-38	40012	2000600	fd98b47b-164d-4878-adfa-8b487bfe8bfd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:47:43	-107.601
-39	20007	2000700	6c42f755-4819-40ef-ab94-fe778da77f77	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:28:18	-802.578
-39	40014	2000700	0807d4f8-9356-478e-adc7-d30834ec246c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:42:20	455.397
-40	20008	2000800	9c95faae-fe4d-4588-aef1-a032a7f6a4a1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:16:08	718.786
-40	40016	2000800	635cf343-3ad2-4bc2-b867-ab4dba127792	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:21:38	-324.491
-41	20009	2000900	23718398-d518-4ad4-a57c-a075aef0a3a5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:15:41	-520.502
-41	40018	2000900	b8f2ab3a-33ca-431d-9a05-6c234c63c77c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:18:11	-791.880
-42	20010	2001000	86645e08-ec76-4b28-b49c-0d0f18281715	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:40:39	-71.879
-42	40020	2001000	d1251aa4-6870-439e-94af-733de61a72b0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:59:16	106.234
-43	20011	2001100	17042ee4-d562-41ab-8ff8-188c8a50dcb3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:51:21	-58.977
-43	40022	2001100	157fb1a0-cc7c-47f8-9e04-b3d539f46c0e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:23:45	-203.669
-44	20012	2001200	1f301fbb-bba2-455a-985f-81a51b30f478	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:17:47	-314.758
-44	40024	2001200	67862382-7b44-49d5-b5b9-7b34f3806311	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:47:29	-696.658
-45	20013	2001300	36905023-1d07-40dd-a61a-e96bd169d87d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:17:45	17.901
-45	40026	2001300	0314043e-513b-4b19-913c-1edfb184730c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:31:09	-689.465
-46	20014	2001400	e5436248-03cf-4669-b46f-1b1fa2353bd2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:27:46	521.179
-46	40028	2001400	fc1e4a66-9b05-4515-a30d-9d224ebb7ba0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:55:31	78.598
-47	20015	2001500	f7b720be-2431-4f0b-ae1c-a3fec78a892b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:47:40	284.861
-47	40030	2001500	d89ee8ad-fa58-4966-bc37-d924eea4e507	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:55:21	-298.255
-48	20016	2001600	5695980c-2bf8-4579-a683-bab1dd4a369a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:20:27	529.851
-48	40032	2001600	de419ca3-3b10-4d73-a532-061f2b787f95	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:35:22	-259.471
-49	20017	2001700	86339b00-5b18-4fac-94ee-05ad906220e1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:32:00	787.402
-49	40034	2001700	89d48bc4-bdbc-467d-aeac-314f44495244	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:38:09	-450.275
-50	20018	2001800	61675bb6-b5a9-4fe9-9793-c355128f07f3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:16:15	773.489
-50	40036	2001800	cfdb5963-e404-433a-b6df-c673d84f59da	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:32:55	380.327
-51	20019	2001900	4eb2fb51-1878-46db-8b0f-a67feb97e39f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:22:54	416.275
-51	40038	2001900	42294e1a-ab53-4175-a01b-2e54736ca51f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:13:27	-357.58
-52	20020	2002000	013a0379-3907-4d11-bcf8-8677e81542c3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:51:30	613.501
-52	40040	2002000	6c3bf6f2-28f4-491f-a97a-3b1421746e7d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:29:17	-472.291
-53	20021	2002100	91da7119-7001-4cdc-aa50-3f1769e6b783	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:35:25	231.980
-53	40042	2002100	41b54f87-3e70-484c-aca6-4b3a2bbb46aa	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:59:40	-976.357
-54	20022	2002200	81fe58a1-b7b4-4aa3-85b8-b1504056b41c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:14:57	-658.614
-54	40044	2002200	cba606f5-d094-4265-b76e-65921c8c06be	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:48:01	160.239
-55	20023	2002300	0f054d6a-72df-4042-83d4-f7b54ce5493e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:13:48	371.978
-55	40046	2002300	0c904410-3a0a-4b51-b5c5-18e55a4128aa	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:09:10	-379.490
-56	20024	2002400	56c3d1ab-42c1-40e0-8ae5-49b98e916365	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:15:54	15.640
-56	40048	2002400	d7670e95-03ba-455a-80df-899a701948f0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:37:08	-975.951
-57	20025	2002500	f9c4101d-7572-46c2-af31-81ee3a321d41	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:04:08	2.563
-57	40050	2002500	48413a4b-3220-43c3-9bd8-7a27039d1135	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:33:00	-755.853
-58	20026	2002600	0c34483b-0c73-4191-9dd3-dbd7bcd9c5e5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:10:56	817.867
-58	40052	2002600	3f1335ee-37b8-4856-9340-b3c5082efb6a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:12:50	437.729
-59	20027	2002700	3220aa76-c21f-4ab8-911d-a659f1b8cfeb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:24:20	-894.374
-59	40054	2002700	a02e7775-4397-4008-9bfa-b8d27187bd5f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:37:14	941.718
-60	20028	2002800	0e8ce3df-e648-4b4e-9f31-53964c3919a2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:10:11	839.518
-60	40056	2002800	cf308466-cc00-4e39-bef6-bd0ddac35aeb	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:32:25	354.232
-61	20029	2002900	a4e67ef3-0e40-4322-a7c3-6a6408db0000	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:47:05	-28.88
-61	40058	2002900	98cdb234-bbbf-4b84-a372-258781cb8f6d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:20:11	120.328
-62	20030	2003000	fbe70d22-6a33-412b-908d-c8be464dae60	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:04:12	644.265
-62	40060	2003000	d4c6ad49-c543-4565-9faf-b05b808fb117	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:08:40	309.324
-63	20031	2003100	73bcadb8-1b98-4e06-87c7-71b93e839163	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:40:29	-640.314
-63	40062	2003100	6e12428a-f687-4c3a-a340-6040b3cbfa98	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:25:07	-243.110
-64	20032	2003200	17b42c44-d9a4-4f5a-a3ff-cf66b1fbf2d7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:51:20	603.861
-64	40064	2003200	f61d93c5-dc70-45b3-8bf1-b1b98db69e79	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:36:39	-484.989
-65	20033	2003300	63b02f3a-b71d-45ba-8428-c036903a43b8	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:29:50	-198.947
-65	40066	2003300	c4a8557d-8dca-4c64-ba9e-d712318561ba	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:31:55	-228.501
-66	20034	2003400	e2fbf123-cf02-422a-ad7b-ef60ceaa43f0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:15:48	128.85
-66	40068	2003400	8de8ed8e-b286-4255-9ee4-4bcad6606633	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:07:45	-502.838
-67	20035	2003500	397c9390-f7be-49dd-99ab-aa6be90c8d2c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:17:47	892.766
-67	40070	2003500	c1eec68c-bcf2-4019-bd20-ded3efa57f1a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:53:39	713.806
-68	20036	2003600	6cb4afcf-5976-4c34-abf5-17c76674898f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:41:17	-291.951
-68	40072	2003600	05213867-29ca-4595-b1d0-df196926a3ed	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:49:57	-425.959
-69	20037	2003700	32ad79b1-ca08-4e82-8fff-75aa7e28ca3c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:46:23	-769.143
-69	40074	2003700	b9f64816-dc78-47f2-9c8a-58e48170930c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:24:16	654.31
-70	20038	2003800	4107155a-71ed-4722-95d2-e318d3b6f931	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:38:28	446.704
-70	40076	2003800	a98759fa-8777-4554-a977-567f5d46481a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:51:24	-765.177
-71	20039	2003900	81a4be27-eb89-4dd0-a8bf-7e6fb02333fd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:41:56	823.514
-71	40078	2003900	950961f2-d19b-41ff-a540-2b178545b479	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:22:35	-776.276
-72	20040	2004000	529a7d7f-4f8d-4f82-864e-c8e098767990	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:20:35	700.669
-72	40080	2004000	906217e2-b6c9-4b26-b0b0-4162ad590441	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:56:51	652.362
-73	20041	2004100	c9a7da7e-706e-4c0e-b7d3-6cea425fdd6c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:52:54	478.30
-73	40082	2004100	ae6eb6c7-7856-46f5-bcbe-6d9e0b9e4176	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:32:16	-858.930
-74	20042	2004200	48741d20-9dd8-4064-8aae-32bf876fa6d1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:49:16	977.801
-74	40084	2004200	ded0d2d2-5ac5-4fc1-8b97-32e076fe15ba	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:11:43	290.750
-75	20043	2004300	b035a528-7d3a-4585-9240-a704c3c2484a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:38:06	110.423
-75	40086	2004300	27b23459-5519-4656-a6aa-9ad6b1699ae1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:57:05	-98.757
-76	20044	2004400	c4683c95-c50b-4c11-a708-84357d6018e1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:45:47	168.375
-76	40088	2004400	3041c16e-91a9-45ff-bcd1-2c2d0b393eb4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:23:15	-982.296
-77	20045	2004500	90c9b456-9894-4f75-9c6d-491a1b16b4d6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:54:55	-231.507
-77	40090	2004500	9b74cd99-f8b8-474c-9f8d-36eab47c0dd6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:39:20	-379.747
-78	20046	2004600	1c867645-393e-4f3b-b108-6f4dc38d2fa7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:13:42	-767.992
-78	40092	2004600	1eb620b0-f1bc-45f8-bb81-435af165f400	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:21:16	-924.26
-79	20047	2004700	b4f163c4-a6bb-48f8-a294-63571ee065b5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:19:28	467.602
-79	40094	2004700	b6d9e1e3-42bb-47fe-b1b4-cbf429415e7b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:11:40	715.489
-80	20048	2004800	df7f7ade-2104-4c55-9e16-c80bfce23548	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:22:55	-527.138
-80	40096	2004800	97e7dbfb-83c4-4507-8fa5-d1cbeac7d06b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:53:15	868.902
-81	20049	2004900	62502771-ceb2-454f-917d-39e2be519bb2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:55:30	-733.771
-81	40098	2004900	73998edc-d5e9-419f-a5a2-3e324d74a978	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:07:13	454.303
-82	20050	2005000	2987b768-3d2b-4490-8fea-56ca395ec5ae	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:50:20	-756.563
-82	40100	2005000	1207a812-fe48-46dc-a1ff-0a8d3170bafd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:10:30	751.547
-83	20051	2005100	7e8c3d9a-8004-4cb4-aac6-6f91e581d00b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:22:38	-252.594
-83	40102	2005100	658469b4-695e-4f75-be6c-976013860b8e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:57:25	-873.800
-84	20052	2005200	7c6b80f0-121a-404b-b3cd-aac7632d9065	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:25:05	901.916
-84	40104	2005200	e620bb0b-8ddb-41d7-9a40-ee1549f00768	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:25:46	-323.534
-85	20053	2005300	38b082c5-e0b5-491d-bccd-2f68329e39af	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:40:22	-605.361
-85	40106	2005300	a997664c-b808-46b2-bdc8-c4842f33a71b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:26:55	523.574
-86	20054	2005400	8f153c21-6531-4d3a-9c28-200b772dc33e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:57:35	-615.414
-86	40108	2005400	7c754562-7ef2-441a-8a3e-dcf3b693818f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:20:04	-102.979
-87	20055	2005500	4382ed02-0283-462b-8d2e-446a42220028	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:43:30	-211.342
-87	40110	2005500	299c080f-7914-48e5-aeb5-7ed07291c20c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:22:15	-323.309
-88	20056	2005600	964a52d8-36a7-4c04-9551-0cacd73c4f2d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:08:04	-920.28
-88	40112	2005600	5baffaeb-8079-4854-90af-0d9f4c369b09	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:48:01	430.657
-89	20057	2005700	82f04f8b-cc7f-47aa-b35e-64aac4ba9e7e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:16:24	57.46
-89	40114	2005700	42af583d-0e2d-4760-bfda-f89fd1041d4e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:19:18	-634.342
-90	20058	2005800	6dd7daf6-b8da-4c59-9ed3-3e9570918dbc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:31:55	387.616
-90	40116	2005800	52afd5d6-f09b-4201-bafc-d5549ea958ff	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:15:56	632.985
-91	20059	2005900	522afed7-cc74-4144-8599-f0131784cc6a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:56:39	-862.314
-91	40118	2005900	53f3705a-fb04-4e7d-b197-356ec568e77f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:24:33	960.813
-92	20060	2006000	42200a32-edf4-4d80-a502-af5e450325ee	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:55:27	922.465
-92	40120	2006000	faf85d5e-41e1-401f-a522-97bbdfa4ab57	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:45:14	-373.391
-93	20061	2006100	991a882c-bca3-4d15-b56b-46feba8a8147	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:02:49	-423.895
-93	40122	2006100	cb4e3ed6-21eb-48cc-b36b-7d2ade783032	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:14:31	-539.221
-94	20062	2006200	053e4b5a-9663-4fe8-b16d-8e96ceff170a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:36:40	516.11
-94	40124	2006200	b13d2979-92e6-4579-bd74-4f1e0a3cc0f6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:12:57	-682.836
-95	20063	2006300	c9094946-a981-4a38-9dd0-94f1461ee41b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:35:02	496.521
-95	40126	2006300	a9e9ea9a-17cf-434a-8d04-ef58d462a965	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:13:40	-905.510
-96	20064	2006400	ae5877b6-5181-4825-ac41-4f7b675661a1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:56:42	531.727
-96	40128	2006400	bef61a0b-891d-43a1-96e4-8a46f4116aa9	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:30:22	42.154
-97	20065	2006500	3691179c-0c34-4803-bf87-34b7783d5b06	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:32:57	0.733
-97	40130	2006500	5e254ad5-8ad0-4c3d-af68-1c26265481eb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:07:16	-522.865
-98	20066	2006600	b5155e64-ac1d-4676-ae32-da8d2fcbfb4b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:27:33	962.909
-98	40132	2006600	f15fc0f3-fcff-44b5-a44b-bca4be6a930d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:25:06	-666.76
-99	20067	2006700	20a42267-d4a6-4cff-ad91-93c55dd656cc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:34:07	75.56
-99	40134	2006700	b835a913-0aef-4d1f-980c-20bf499fa89f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:33:01	105.320
-100	20068	2006800	dfdd5109-c352-417f-90e2-c911a027ab9b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:47:10	-76.812
-100	40136	2006800	ee532fbc-860b-47c1-b1e1-7a0cb4559611	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:27:53	-862.225
-101	20069	2006900	60390df1-cb04-4f05-8638-85e5e08f2a11	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:29:58	-895.110
-101	40138	2006900	43a5c8fb-144b-4825-ab25-59562f44ac11	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:02:54	105.307
-102	20070	2007000	94b537a5-5ea3-49da-ba73-93f8e927c155	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:01:31	777.130
-102	40140	2007000	e3b833be-3c7e-40a0-b44f-1a21732b8968	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:12:41	324.168
-103	20071	2007100	fba9da86-8df3-4ef6-8e80-306dae262c32	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:42:24	458.915
-103	40142	2007100	b3d34f24-4d28-4f62-81c3-26dd9250dd03	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:19:16	745.129
-104	20072	2007200	1941e55f-c1f2-4932-9228-8985fa2853c5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:31:41	-568.113
-104	40144	2007200	a6dbac5a-389e-4a39-a16a-0ae12e133b3a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:19:25	-946.377
-105	20073	2007300	a756705b-9fa0-4331-923a-4769af5b8f46	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:15:56	0.877
-105	40146	2007300	cd5ae47f-290c-4a5f-bb75-c784677a058f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:48:25	8.48
-106	20074	2007400	c61ed3ac-8052-4727-bf59-64cdf4df9e00	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:39:17	-672.435
-106	40148	2007400	d78054c5-8180-4ce4-af70-ea7bb307d1d9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:15:23	812.318
-107	20075	2007500	63a42d3d-c3eb-468d-90b8-2605d5451697	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:50:56	526.32
-107	40150	2007500	9a036de0-265e-46ad-b358-e3846bd21654	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:17:42	29.891
-108	20076	2007600	03fc2ea1-508b-4006-ad0e-e2e82350262c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:58:21	-424.0
-108	40152	2007600	211025fe-2931-4e9f-abd4-8a553fd06709	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:43:19	-405.73
-109	20077	2007700	8069dd78-2e54-4f5b-8a28-f4784a92a4bc	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:51:19	640.98
-109	40154	2007700	9dd34112-f95e-4131-b799-4d4934f8ac90	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:31:36	-577.84
-110	20078	2007800	a20925e3-0d90-47ea-9483-4aee86c85f2d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:41:52	-38.747
-110	40156	2007800	77befc96-8e88-445e-9899-39766ba8f7c2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:49:26	-270.108
-111	20079	2007900	3503403e-969b-4938-983c-133125ee8142	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:19:03	-746.633
-111	40158	2007900	5fcd1e91-f5c5-4f6f-8a82-3298c89a1b82	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:25:43	-200.248
-112	20080	2008000	d4f59e97-cf01-405c-b125-81e3374883bc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:03:00	-713.441
-112	40160	2008000	06af9256-78a2-445f-b8cc-ae8a0e9830f3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:51:12	416.298
-113	20081	2008100	582a5f5e-122d-489b-a6fa-f44ecbc73678	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:25:51	-316.907
-113	40162	2008100	fca05e2b-1109-4d7b-9e74-89fd0b514b43	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:43:32	729.381
-114	20082	2008200	7b7e0d80-2d51-420a-b003-835ae3540fcd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:19:15	213.718
-114	40164	2008200	90c84c54-3cc4-48c3-816b-4a85ca0e8bfe	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:55:12	-313.39
-115	20083	2008300	09b0f05e-bf7d-4ecd-990d-9c924ec8dd4c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:14:44	762.414
-115	40166	2008300	3de05a40-4161-4d7a-814c-668a04d4de89	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:59:53	370.262
-116	20084	2008400	c382892c-7edb-46df-9fd9-853f10d7c84a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:38:07	-897.882
-116	40168	2008400	e746c165-a166-478d-adcd-fd275c1b03c4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:36:14	462.36
-117	20085	2008500	d0914f3a-27b1-4364-a356-4115cce194ff	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:26:03	-462.147
-117	40170	2008500	06cc0d07-702d-4b7d-976a-786b9f061715	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:19:24	667.42
-118	20086	2008600	c733878d-5713-407e-bfd9-4355030f542b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:17:33	-614.421
-118	40172	2008600	e5e1596c-02c3-434c-a3ad-35f2d79f50da	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:25:32	-900.626
-119	20087	2008700	0c327436-4e9d-40a8-bcac-811fd64c5996	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:36:13	-540.502
-119	40174	2008700	def7b936-d33e-4c72-8210-a75de4b3d93c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:38:08	932.528
-120	20088	2008800	3cc311bb-8ce2-45aa-9bab-c03d08f434ec	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:33:17	346.723
-120	40176	2008800	56e7b8d8-411f-4f90-8eb7-ef537aa6cb6e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:05:21	234.688
-121	20089	2008900	89d399f2-3671-4734-8bb8-2c181493bc10	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:09:21	5.975
-121	40178	2008900	149b0ce1-6fdb-468f-8fca-ba3b8c909816	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:40:31	367.698
-122	20090	2009000	911559d8-8bb8-4d60-a696-68cdaf75deee	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:53:04	-926.456
-122	40180	2009000	8e56dfbb-c141-49ef-96aa-c34328a13d0b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:08:08	-230.342
-123	20091	2009100	da3f1493-970a-460d-834b-9f6b9e161d14	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:22:13	18.30
-123	40182	2009100	ec1e0532-4b50-4335-af90-97ea8423161b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:44:33	353.611
-124	20092	2009200	7d10b5b2-1eda-42b0-b0b1-dbd57f710550	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:56:55	-510.407
-124	40184	2009200	a2bd9c08-c8ce-47f0-af00-ae9b3bbb3294	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:47:03	444.228
-125	20093	2009300	c1fb4e23-ed89-48fe-ba3e-b11f6ebe2a24	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:24:14	803.468
-125	40186	2009300	720f64e4-9fb0-4a6b-ae43-18a71997627d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:42:07	897.424
-126	20094	2009400	489a4037-04d1-43e7-9c26-a7151ba4824c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:13:20	698.25
-126	40188	2009400	513407ae-5179-4496-871f-94d6d9cb352a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:00:40	-46.983
-127	20095	2009500	8c01b862-59d0-4abc-9424-21c74fe35adc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:40:43	-939.603
-127	40190	2009500	01b6e823-18c6-427d-8686-60d52b35033b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:12:40	-586.947
-0	20096	2009600	5dfa1232-33e2-48b2-9f3f-1982a3dd40c9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:51:54	-533.242
-0	40192	2009600	eab9b2c4-0ace-49ce-bac3-33bfa757f4b9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:08:03	-492.988
-1	20097	2009700	d9e07b68-91de-4da3-9021-a0c3eb9efc6b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:56:37	-50.875
-1	40194	2009700	3309f956-24ee-40de-b8af-a0911620d82e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:26:15	-820.715
-2	20098	2009800	7d843cad-b5d4-4a22-b962-0fa3bae17180	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:04:29	-199.13
-2	40196	2009800	7204a55b-a4d8-4910-ad7f-54835ab682ef	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:30:11	-253.754
-3	20099	2009900	3ed8184b-da90-4d79-9e78-4b2e2e974dc5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:40:22	-379.554
-3	40198	2009900	121faae8-0f93-40f1-b3ac-4332de3ef19b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:50:05	256.242
-4	20100	2010000	da08ffa9-00f5-4e35-8af5-90455f63007b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:38:51	574.366
-4	40200	2010000	0ab93d93-ccfa-4071-be43-2d116a505e07	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:12:35	-348.148
-5	20101	2010100	59eb4b86-99d7-46f8-ad02-e7d93536c15e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:16:25	107.16
-5	40202	2010100	b6d506a2-1e23-4da7-9cad-a853678239de	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:28:43	555.927
-6	20102	2010200	ba2c7bcf-04a4-4a7e-8788-4a99e2a1b204	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:28:19	-268.476
-6	40204	2010200	c23dea9a-1097-4b05-b511-021901072e1f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:17:37	-36.278
-7	20103	2010300	774070ba-940e-4761-9adb-a58e9a793a40	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:38:49	939.380
-7	40206	2010300	8158dffc-f979-4091-b489-21c6e73d7506	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:34:58	-412.497
-8	20104	2010400	68469e4e-3c1c-4800-9158-96b2647d63dd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:48:38	-93.725
-8	40208	2010400	8ac87c9d-9c6e-432a-b0e6-23d4c4e1e5fa	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:48:01	-440.738
-9	20105	2010500	ac80a7bd-e112-4814-8f24-08ef22da6028	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:02:47	443.20
-9	40210	2010500	25f126ea-78b1-47b9-83b5-136de5b49fd5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:22:23	-571.61
-10	20106	2010600	37358afe-c02c-46c0-bab5-ba2945182f95	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:19:40	174.235
-10	40212	2010600	70418cc2-5fe8-40a0-a9a1-eade8c208585	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:24:51	89.213
-11	20107	2010700	21812eb4-f1f5-4fe5-8302-407c9a03265f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:11:11	-105.733
-11	40214	2010700	3b8be5bf-e259-40c1-ab9d-de5bc612e475	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:47:50	169.727
-12	20108	2010800	005765b9-4f04-412e-b117-9b01957adb71	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:12:17	-383.800
-12	40216	2010800	6b6c4f9f-aa4c-4dfe-a49b-e16e24a01624	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:14:15	-129.543
-13	20109	2010900	b5f38331-c87e-40ce-ae15-4d981081182b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:14:42	809.555
-13	40218	2010900	37dc1277-111e-49e8-ba3a-9528091c68ae	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:52:04	617.556
-14	20110	2011000	e2038f05-b1bc-4085-b87a-c228795e5696	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:29:00	331.824
-14	40220	2011000	fd9e6adc-61de-472a-b40b-0456322f40cd	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:00:11	-32.643
-15	20111	2011100	ee855f26-7905-4cec-ba25-90214b1a7c16	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:43:06	837.882
-15	40222	2011100	fbbe5b0c-7044-4658-b2e6-0f5869e2bd4e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:19:55	956.395
-16	20112	2011200	c453fcd3-e9b8-4c6f-bf17-7d399bd80d48	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:42:47	-440.175
-16	40224	2011200	7b285610-e0e0-4f58-b5d9-c056b3b010c8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:41:29	41.779
-17	20113	2011300	5735ad1d-e7cb-47a0-af60-70803dbf5eaa	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:15:00	244.635
-17	40226	2011300	e6c07186-8e69-4498-bcc0-1118510abd3c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:57:44	-441.528
-18	20114	2011400	a5cf70da-34b1-4c0e-943f-8e8c48e83bc9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:23:04	-923.607
-18	40228	2011400	f9d53241-ad02-4d02-810e-f7bd73af1e4f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:57:39	-648.835
-19	20115	2011500	3a6c5bb0-a49c-44b3-b45a-000bfc2394b5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:08:24	221.258
-19	40230	2011500	b3baec46-a8da-4369-b459-f430f00947b5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:39:30	650.215
-20	20116	2011600	2db75b1d-1637-4425-b715-1bd19443a4ea	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:50:46	-837.799
-20	40232	2011600	9c77c65c-05db-4a39-a916-3f97a2851ad9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:32:41	-77.645
-21	20117	2011700	71120a4d-9e15-4d3b-915e-ee77474a7f3d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:08:03	609.426
-21	40234	2011700	914e7dd5-2fe3-418a-8d00-6e842c9ea1ab	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:12:20	-385.155
-22	20118	2011800	dc2bbc6e-4c68-4139-a74c-bb33f99d5b38	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:36:35	308.620
-22	40236	2011800	8924a15f-4107-4518-96c4-31a6ca2bd051	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:08:55	-746.820
-23	20119	2011900	cf4a8484-aabd-49f8-9d3d-080e2a374795	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:44:19	526.642
-23	40238	2011900	2b78c5c0-6c8d-429b-aed0-152c4de1a0f1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:57:56	537.738
-24	20120	2012000	414846ee-c6d4-4aa4-840d-808c7d73a9fc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:24:21	135.780
-24	40240	2012000	00fd51e4-5f2f-4b20-a5f8-218889332d66	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:52:10	185.598
-25	20121	2012100	5b61c368-44e7-4aed-9008-771e3259ebfb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:52:09	-130.94
-25	40242	2012100	aa731662-50bf-4975-babc-abaac1c235d7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:55:28	-992.579
-26	20122	2012200	7f4222ba-1650-4e0a-aa41-44820be9a29a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:08:39	600.944
-26	40244	2012200	2ac458e3-3b7b-4da1-be23-658ffcfdf203	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:24:22	-201.736
-27	20123	2012300	eaab0222-5e44-49a7-84f9-dadb0d36e472	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:38:04	92.338
-27	40246	2012300	25c470f8-f9b5-473f-a69a-c0f93609fe1e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:41:30	862.784
-28	20124	2012400	4e4b9345-c1f8-4208-b7a6-de863c186524	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:55:44	-465.487
-28	40248	2012400	8885aca2-4ed4-45cb-b58c-97ad2d4b1289	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:14:35	-206.729
-29	20125	2012500	00c91062-6221-43a6-b105-8625fec7a20e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:45:39	-84.127
-29	40250	2012500	f1b289e5-c1ca-4263-ba4e-c562899601d7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:33:51	-825.934
-30	20126	2012600	f12af6a6-e3cf-480f-bf17-151b3c47f82a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:39:18	760.298
-30	40252	2012600	70237b8c-31ca-4166-bc2e-1f5e47e4d467	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:56:09	302.370
-31	20127	2012700	bb3ef57a-3e1b-4249-8f6e-d75e772d8a7f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:12:24	891.79
-31	40254	2012700	c29d3fdf-80a5-40e7-88ea-e42310b9db46	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:20:12	197.713
-32	20128	2012800	d5a72b62-1f43-48fe-bf9c-408f39b2da5e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:29:25	638.594
-32	40256	2012800	6bc07124-b4b8-47e0-9718-210fc8b29d15	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:26:49	-462.987
-33	20129	2012900	ca321a0d-19e4-44ad-b424-12ec838293a9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:54:23	57.830
-33	40258	2012900	a896e507-18cc-42a3-8107-ff6e3e094c3d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:24:55	-292.8
-34	20130	2013000	c109fe72-45a8-4b92-a0ef-ed3ff96e5905	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:56:36	-388.413
-34	40260	2013000	3f2e0abd-6350-4d4b-b564-28220933fab6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:24:06	-237.399
-35	20131	2013100	0588b7bb-8b3d-4489-84be-a2f5b3664b7e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:31:30	-343.732
-35	40262	2013100	41c57831-494d-467b-8925-981f32cd8b59	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:17:28	919.156
-36	20132	2013200	7553e3fa-f2c4-4d97-a146-011e23342448	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:51:58	854.392
-36	40264	2013200	e44fcd0c-58d8-4036-93be-e314d6e500a1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:28:22	37.31
-37	20133	2013300	e9982203-ae0c-4f8a-ade9-843afe6178ee	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:07:07	20.87
-37	40266	2013300	eb064669-6f6e-4911-8fe8-1fab7c41a961	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:08:27	-573.925
-38	20134	2013400	1347a11f-9310-4994-93de-b93a616e086a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:42:34	-297.876
-38	40268	2013400	c797be52-757d-4a97-8b6c-bb20b88027c3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:44:19	-587.62
-39	20135	2013500	a635f15b-54bd-45a6-9dca-cea0a00de0fd	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:39:11	679.92
-39	40270	2013500	aca4d082-2119-4543-b1fd-fb8719e61b1c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:53:25	-419.533
-40	20136	2013600	b438bb11-b58a-42ba-a730-fd37585066f3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:22:56	-491.261
-40	40272	2013600	de3541ba-562a-489b-aca2-fa55443c9576	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:41:01	79.33
-41	20137	2013700	212d918d-d73f-45b8-965a-fb6d952fcf53	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:58:05	-82.180
-41	40274	2013700	956aa3ae-109f-4e7f-958d-2d170cea68b5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:28:30	-985.787
-42	20138	2013800	79b04d41-219c-4654-b401-9558d6679466	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:05:20	-484.308
-42	40276	2013800	7fe8dfe1-7cea-4e85-aac5-cb3f18a01262	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:32:10	-266.847
-43	20139	2013900	9f64a9cd-45b7-4461-92b1-64c7a65a4c53	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:25:02	55.729
-43	40278	2013900	1358eaa6-b6ea-41de-8e02-ca17ae5e12ae	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:03:31	392.810
-44	20140	2014000	fbb6a513-5869-4771-871e-3996c212ec13	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:58:09	16.627
-44	40280	2014000	9b97715f-eb36-424e-ac43-e60d09a6350d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:13:37	651.656
-45	20141	2014100	bf8c8374-07e9-4282-ad95-0a4dcd6d0582	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:02:29	-355.27
-45	40282	2014100	32ce6508-c7cd-4cc6-9648-008e711f2058	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:18:12	-410.9
-46	20142	2014200	876d32a0-3cba-4175-808e-f47311ea118c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:22:46	703.719
-46	40284	2014200	57fb5bad-5e81-496d-9dd4-a82e4818e6eb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:00:50	320.673
-47	20143	2014300	f1be797b-5a45-4b8e-8c75-162f5b18995e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:12:43	-907.635
-47	40286	2014300	c2988d28-215a-4983-a6da-01edc765dd2a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:17:16	480.79
-48	20144	2014400	ef4ee66a-478c-4484-9925-8098eefb6683	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:47:34	-123.303
-48	40288	2014400	8741121d-5ff4-4d2f-b7d9-2ef5b1ba39b1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:14:04	45.178
-49	20145	2014500	7db1074a-38ce-464e-8d29-c37914c77f28	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:47:08	-595.175
-49	40290	2014500	4702360f-f5a6-4045-8706-b5e4ccdbfe99	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:37:03	-617.1
-50	20146	2014600	9932e034-8a73-4c73-bc9f-b52a5f971132	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:16:48	-686.847
-50	40292	2014600	6610a91d-f3bb-4138-a2ca-51f25569dc12	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:00:18	-826.78
-51	20147	2014700	e75fc38d-968e-4f67-a73a-a8b23049e4c5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:29:45	-631.312
-51	40294	2014700	d9fbdb54-ba57-4e2a-95b2-02d93036ca55	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:55:07	-388.861
-52	20148	2014800	75cc0943-5508-40a1-a555-4a2b3cfd7aee	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:50:37	-24.668
-52	40296	2014800	7f4f7355-b299-4867-90af-22bd17b5664f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:16:49	-139.351
-53	20149	2014900	a47b36da-67df-4dbd-8289-b80ba1000ffe	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:30:38	626.683
-53	40298	2014900	8991483b-93c5-4758-94a6-96f7b17e84c0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:54:54	-250.329
-54	20150	2015000	3a6f12d9-4e0b-44ea-a28f-6a8ee995ef83	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:07:41	-457.85
-54	40300	2015000	01219878-8fe5-45e2-b8ca-440e9bffa744	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:46:36	-284.847
-55	20151	2015100	6e074fcb-2886-4245-83c8-c4e3c39d8e9a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:03:15	-8.220
-55	40302	2015100	1c60db18-b372-4fc3-a06f-bcc3279b1fba	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:43:32	-988.777
-56	20152	2015200	9bbe9d71-513f-4c25-8245-4488900f1933	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:44:58	-675.571
-56	40304	2015200	90ca5897-64a5-431d-8b48-da35cb27c2d2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:26:26	-201.930
-57	20153	2015300	e3363e1d-c8db-4481-8557-20ea1053d64d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:31:02	914.18
-57	40306	2015300	1b47b927-5c22-415a-9434-1948ef77472c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:08:32	-992.168
-58	20154	2015400	d7b680f7-a927-4d83-94c0-e72758811f3e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:45:38	586.674
-58	40308	2015400	88fb652c-a3c5-4b89-9ddd-0fd14008221d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:39:00	-418.534
-59	20155	2015500	a75a293e-5b7b-4655-84a4-fc98f303ec4f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:02:54	-699.144
-59	40310	2015500	6bc9a91b-8214-4a3f-b08b-c53e543e7093	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:11:14	84.414
-60	20156	2015600	5c1a6a2d-f17b-4e1c-917a-09661ea78d73	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:01:51	319.47
-60	40312	2015600	fe9ea33b-fab5-48ab-8fe5-ac8f0ebe6ffb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:12:15	361.697
-61	20157	2015700	5047d042-5157-4871-94bd-4046027093fd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:45:48	-46.85
-61	40314	2015700	61e936d6-4907-450e-a15a-4d6a6c64a0fb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:45:10	-886.937
-62	20158	2015800	a7f18e8a-3b7f-4ca5-9c74-759bf2b6f7fc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:00:02	-648.439
-62	40316	2015800	f4a8ffc9-4622-48ed-877e-2116e14c5a84	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:56:28	-818.724
-63	20159	2015900	51c52315-6812-4c29-838b-6b0ae2b4cab4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:02:59	-879.519
-63	40318	2015900	4c34b902-f3f9-46a4-ac89-c34a327aeb9e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:17:19	364.953
-64	20160	2016000	01012b50-a385-4d91-bff4-4b79a5a0997b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:26:20	98.851
-64	40320	2016000	7d5c27c5-f929-4563-b0f2-41709c7a9e1c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:20:44	-159.585
-65	20161	2016100	400d6d96-5995-43af-a9c9-f752538e540b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:34:51	-274.743
-65	40322	2016100	66a0dac2-6540-42d1-a8b0-000793ff0dee	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:56:16	-130.966
-66	20162	2016200	45c36c23-508c-46d1-81ad-23c51b92016a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:33:51	-75.812
-66	40324	2016200	278722a3-ad7d-4373-8a71-2bd55a364fc2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:18:49	18.127
-67	20163	2016300	53edb140-1956-445f-a915-f1cfe0b2902a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:38:26	151.551
-67	40326	2016300	31e5e58f-14ce-4677-9e65-97cc9e497286	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:28:08	627.503
-68	20164	2016400	8328d088-69b1-4fce-a09f-b92e19f9cc6f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:29:06	-867.714
-68	40328	2016400	df26c916-427a-4558-912a-dd33b5bd360f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:31:33	-240.873
-69	20165	2016500	48d439ce-91a2-4bd0-9c8a-ad4467abc457	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:22:41	176.291
-69	40330	2016500	1f96bd5d-f832-487e-bad0-58b49998ba35	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:10:04	386.376
-70	20166	2016600	972e72f1-2737-4f23-9d90-987aefd97a2c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:24:21	-265.918
-70	40332	2016600	fdbdbfbf-19d9-4b23-bec7-117195c4c0ea	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:43:50	433.775
-71	20167	2016700	5a02a642-acab-4965-bf1f-6bb83b21ccee	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:10:02	911.185
-71	40334	2016700	8daaed7e-ba0c-451b-849e-6753a1cb6ff8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:43:09	-756.71
-72	20168	2016800	7644dcd7-7da2-4b37-bc81-1cb4080834ec	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:01:19	434.811
-72	40336	2016800	a4a49c04-7edf-431e-be2c-3831155c56bd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:53:16	-525.752
-73	20169	2016900	01b92eae-9194-4b1a-a2eb-351166808c54	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:04:34	894.603
-73	40338	2016900	c468f32c-79b8-4d26-89e8-6bb99d5d31bd	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:46:47	-244.808
-74	20170	2017000	7a5c55c5-87d4-48aa-8551-836558e769dd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:13:07	438.458
-74	40340	2017000	78d333b7-349f-4515-afca-ee795a58ffa0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:30:41	381.259
-75	20171	2017100	f8324d9a-c681-4a86-99d4-100e23bec21d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:33:22	777.776
-75	40342	2017100	2893dd98-8154-46bf-bbe8-0e74c86ff560	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:12:50	-92.571
-76	20172	2017200	1adc48e0-fc1c-4136-b39f-f67f3d8cf072	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:31:39	241.318
-76	40344	2017200	591d9c0b-99a1-4d9b-a0dc-5e850c36561c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:02:31	503.377
-77	20173	2017300	3f07772b-d84d-4f58-9963-d4f944e95ce7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:00:09	-917.268
-77	40346	2017300	da3e7028-8ac7-4607-aa52-e42fe8417a4f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:21:59	-723.411
-78	20174	2017400	6c6ddf5c-333e-4f2b-9b7f-be982f6ca4bd	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:01:20	77.803
-78	40348	2017400	5b71bab6-91bc-4836-baa0-b77acf4fa2bc	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:00:58	257.855
-79	20175	2017500	5059b782-72cf-4e07-b963-4fc6b9f9d4c3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:22:42	374.749
-79	40350	2017500	c9164fd9-6b9d-4d69-92b1-9b391fa206e2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:28:54	543.11
-80	20176	2017600	64b7029d-079f-4318-911d-286952b0aefc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:17:07	-553.978
-80	40352	2017600	851c6e2a-b013-4b69-b6b4-1d7f43cc7091	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:46:56	-669.699
-81	20177	2017700	df2f0de9-2e6e-4b05-95b3-93953f862e0a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:05:33	-153.643
-81	40354	2017700	f9568539-13b1-4cef-aac1-72d107a61b2a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:34:07	-525.358
-82	20178	2017800	4258f815-2d76-4e2f-819f-a3d14115eb81	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:17:46	-226.611
-82	40356	2017800	f1e5431a-5a8a-4bf0-aeee-50b3f2971ec4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:20:00	195.4
-83	20179	2017900	3f5c14da-84d2-446b-a991-e05cf304e1c3	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:06:22	-606.35
-83	40358	2017900	efcdf9c0-b48c-4b36-851c-2d55b55ccb34	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:08:45	-209.765
-84	20180	2018000	42692b7e-8023-4113-af01-1e3572b1316e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:16:22	-394.716
-84	40360	2018000	4f3afac3-0154-4a87-b978-61152d3da3b3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:36:25	980.652
-85	20181	2018100	7128eb74-148a-46a0-bbc2-9191df521873	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:23:25	116.302
-85	40362	2018100	c1bc3e46-8350-4896-a24d-3b25ceb10a2a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:23:06	-159.927
-86	20182	2018200	1cbddc74-10ff-4bb1-bd6d-cb430b03703b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:14:32	-646.988
-86	40364	2018200	754921da-96a5-4f0a-9aaf-a14f5f607352	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:10:10	-342.675
-87	20183	2018300	6cced49f-a80f-4412-b390-e2792a3f3b36	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:19:42	-157.191
-87	40366	2018300	aea149f5-0b3a-4304-9092-6629cbff30e6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:12:32	420.958
-88	20184	2018400	6aa740a6-b333-4cfd-aefe-c6332a2005ea	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:10:04	253.566
-88	40368	2018400	3a24ed0f-e78a-4ed8-8d03-2ad2eaa7e73f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:05:39	-437.385
-89	20185	2018500	11544401-8e2f-4f76-aef5-8225c43fbf8c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:42:13	199.643
-89	40370	2018500	c85fe9f6-beea-4c51-a2cb-4372b5d626f3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:28:23	-967.731
-90	20186	2018600	e3278a4a-2416-43ef-8af2-7350247e18e1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:48:28	-492.275
-90	40372	2018600	47d1f5a9-e7e0-4ec6-85e6-faaf8b10e4cd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:33:49	626.422
-91	20187	2018700	48d7fffd-085e-424d-895a-bf5888568b5b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:04:40	-833.970
-91	40374	2018700	1ffa5140-09e4-4309-a5a1-de86b2f10bbf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:11:31	-688.82
-92	20188	2018800	85d65207-e125-4ad3-ac3a-af9dae908b99	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:08:07	217.706
-92	40376	2018800	247a7edc-62d1-4653-b175-502e4433e44a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:56:30	433.940
-93	20189	2018900	ec0926e8-b8c3-4fb8-8699-382bb5efa75e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:08:57	473.612
-93	40378	2018900	7a266389-edbf-4a2c-9047-188e82e12df6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:02:49	262.689
-94	20190	2019000	7edb0a07-a07e-4b2f-bf23-8d94a8173657	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:23:13	-666.451
-94	40380	2019000	6b7fa858-7220-40f3-9802-805b439a8ba4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:36:03	-483.149
-95	20191	2019100	ba353cc6-bf68-4102-b6d7-6b3a70632c4d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:15:23	145.100
-95	40382	2019100	dd3514a6-c0cb-45e6-8fa9-70d9719b88e2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:25:47	254.946
-96	20192	2019200	e6767e6d-988b-49f1-981e-b35968566dc8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:11:03	-579.60
-96	40384	2019200	86594746-72e1-42b3-973c-7acded1081e4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:30:47	330.355
-97	20193	2019300	e3bb4f64-fff7-4e49-a2ee-7926f7da8bba	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:50:58	-666.850
-97	40386	2019300	d21d7b4e-86e9-4dcb-87da-21c0f0c22e22	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:52:29	36.512
-98	20194	2019400	dcdae457-d5f5-485e-9329-19cb8dfaf196	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:11:49	-457.385
-98	40388	2019400	379a0268-427e-431f-946e-734d02c37c64	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:04:38	-989.302
-99	20195	2019500	dfa13deb-3214-48bc-81da-8dbf9be31053	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:18:33	632.515
-99	40390	2019500	f8b1bb66-915d-4dbb-87ab-884119aaa776	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:39:18	-215.491
-100	20196	2019600	57bbe27a-c007-46ca-af9f-6ba2bc398491	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:59:47	276.709
-100	40392	2019600	92a8658c-4230-4c18-8fbe-930e81f1ec2f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:21:08	-840.345
-101	20197	2019700	c3bb375b-45ef-4029-bb58-30d09d537eaa	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:50:59	891.125
-101	40394	2019700	d9870806-b29f-4e16-b97a-1da098fc418d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:58:44	-48.439
-102	20198	2019800	672a8593-5ab7-427e-8008-906b8e9de2b7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:55:38	967.988
-102	40396	2019800	1b384a10-e6e2-4a39-9c02-9f897dee52b1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:17:02	-206.448
-103	20199	2019900	52267b10-a613-4683-91f7-ccd2e4117288	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:07:30	-557.303
-103	40398	2019900	2f3e2c72-0af4-45e4-bb8d-47e0443b0bdc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:20:04	698.786
-104	20200	2020000	1fa86651-a4bd-455d-b451-92c7eb46ae8f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:14:04	893.824
-104	40400	2020000	d8c847c3-2c48-4edc-8d59-8f20e39922b5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:42:44	-5.894
-105	20201	2020100	9fe1ec90-2c80-4f92-9a8c-efc6b9f56bc4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:13:24	-504.831
-105	40402	2020100	8f2d5229-c1ad-4498-bde6-841e55de2935	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:32:37	439.606
-106	20202	2020200	c5aef41a-2266-4e66-a666-ebdde881a836	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:19:43	-120.716
-106	40404	2020200	f4894aa0-16c0-4aea-bf40-d91166b65a94	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:06:36	894.516
-107	20203	2020300	9240808d-21b6-4924-836f-cef4af46e734	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:48:59	-357.132
-107	40406	2020300	ae2b415b-fab9-417b-935c-294487d92abe	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:22:09	-569.396
-108	20204	2020400	97625e89-8d14-4c35-8cba-7b8b93ed5260	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:27:42	863.120
-108	40408	2020400	ef08dc8e-f353-4089-b04c-1bf3d3a8c2b5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:43:43	86.863
-109	20205	2020500	04890731-4ae0-45d4-9e17-ff697ada4361	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:31:48	837.198
-109	40410	2020500	cfb298cc-e87a-4c9d-ad40-998a63f16ba8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:18:55	-496.120
-110	20206	2020600	a1b22d75-e6e7-4a28-ae92-5a3b07e11036	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:12:47	878.35
-110	40412	2020600	70a37e52-db25-417b-953a-778740d561e2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:06:28	-3.19
-111	20207	2020700	648ce7ac-9d91-49ac-b97e-281ae049565c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:41:30	396.210
-111	40414	2020700	645135af-64ca-4b3b-abac-cf6693bda5f8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:56:11	603.843
-112	20208	2020800	a851b123-c23a-4cef-9322-b80e5f5ebea5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:25:14	900.426
-112	40416	2020800	92f25536-8985-473d-992f-e4e43f9793b4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:45:18	48.537
-113	20209	2020900	d7a26480-22f6-447b-b26a-303578db817a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:14:45	159.945
-113	40418	2020900	08fa7c5e-5108-40a3-b64d-1e934976499f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:22:49	446.527
-114	20210	2021000	d12c1352-c0b2-4cea-b07a-94b02453f081	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:57:44	-613.271
-114	40420	2021000	e85d0349-d719-4391-ab42-fcc13c55214a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:21:48	-471.569
-115	20211	2021100	6c4f10c5-ed81-497b-8b1a-ff84b52b4ddd	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:03:16	-773.670
-115	40422	2021100	3a4263e9-cfaa-4b86-b90f-abc1e03bef76	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:04:47	161.566
-116	20212	2021200	5d34376c-8d48-4bae-a13a-fb2ef9c8f98c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:57:27	811.144
-116	40424	2021200	0583e88f-e957-4da7-97c4-1e92f756946d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:17:39	-304.359
-117	20213	2021300	b4fdb16e-510b-4ed9-a8a2-3a03ee0943d1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:06:01	-19.116
-117	40426	2021300	27c6ba7c-b83e-468e-b63e-fe2e36a682ec	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:29:19	-752.418
-118	20214	2021400	d885d33f-0f8e-43c7-a0fa-ad1318629abe	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:45:47	239.793
-118	40428	2021400	d32654ca-99fd-422a-8aa1-fd2f2cd3cc19	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:39:10	612.432
-119	20215	2021500	25641e61-536d-40a4-b21f-0b05dce4547d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:12:18	939.708
-119	40430	2021500	09f323d3-a9d6-43ff-bafe-1666d7052449	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:35:26	-297.582
-120	20216	2021600	e09d1012-285f-4200-a966-583fe8c27fa4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:25:11	-254.247
-120	40432	2021600	d3867918-41ed-4011-84a6-3264b2ed1b0c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:34:21	-272.608
-121	20217	2021700	2f2b8b6c-f2f6-424b-bd56-ea8537f1ed53	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:02:51	-419.889
-121	40434	2021700	92d3a961-c5d5-4384-9591-40a60468a17f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:49:03	-869.328
-122	20218	2021800	ff971c31-d854-41ca-8c4c-9b3b2dcbfda9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:59:08	854.592
-122	40436	2021800	71008fb8-b939-4663-a10a-bd32863f0d07	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:54:32	703.41
-123	20219	2021900	5be8a82b-b76e-455d-aabc-900c324e1deb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:56:33	-271.405
-123	40438	2021900	2ea7bfa0-4660-4dae-a992-1dc61a53bd39	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:26:26	21.742
-124	20220	2022000	23edfca1-81db-4767-bd01-76e1ddbd2abb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:04:26	-873.691
-124	40440	2022000	f823adcb-2161-4eca-b118-29e115425836	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:45:23	-591.536
-125	20221	2022100	f3a4a8b0-7b76-42b7-b595-4b28e2472423	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:04:33	-354.237
-125	40442	2022100	d182ad68-94d8-4783-8641-ab2b9ae27be3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:22:59	397.800
-126	20222	2022200	aeeecb23-6797-4feb-85fe-228670e16211	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:30:29	187.472
-126	40444	2022200	41c6e15e-0fcc-4fc2-addc-5ea6bb94d519	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:30:59	-452.317
-127	20223	2022300	a63e392d-fa98-4511-9512-7e18d4756b59	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:39:42	-657.167
-127	40446	2022300	b7101324-cdbc-4515-9770-89fb74492e80	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:03:44	922.135
-0	20224	2022400	834ff52d-63da-4a18-86f5-bbc0f66345a0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:41:58	-273.223
-0	40448	2022400	0c8a3579-ef87-4624-bbde-773a54f0baaa	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:17:12	143.448
-1	20225	2022500	69ad85fa-9af4-41d5-b926-b50e1dc19351	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:51:32	-234.824
-1	40450	2022500	76f8717e-7eb2-44f0-a7ec-5777ab3b710a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:24:37	-187.745
-2	20226	2022600	e27aeb9f-3378-44e6-8485-ff607ac2a4ae	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:17:45	519.10
-2	40452	2022600	3c1728d4-6c20-47f3-ba4a-5a9e40ecad91	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:56:23	900.23
-3	20227	2022700	2cfb0e90-a2f5-4fcd-abeb-6fe81c4a2f32	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:35:51	-792.987
-3	40454	2022700	66b9377f-8779-4ed9-a369-a281757ad4b8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:32:35	-654.51
-4	20228	2022800	cf4c3548-9414-40c8-aedb-f847a80d013c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:47:24	-863.741
-4	40456	2022800	c4ca811a-f772-4c69-b72e-b559132219ee	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:26:07	534.152
-5	20229	2022900	94725231-a07a-45af-8fc8-579eeb64f49d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:49:18	-575.346
-5	40458	2022900	0a8a3cf4-9d2f-4871-8cab-98b69588d75c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:18:54	-258.625
-6	20230	2023000	aba60e6b-4d2c-4987-9298-5dba1c1afa09	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:46:04	676.838
-6	40460	2023000	0c8b516f-5729-47a5-ae7b-c0280b8aac04	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:05:20	-175.947
-7	20231	2023100	136c014e-419c-4160-86b5-19b7121a1cb1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:09:09	-166.813
-7	40462	2023100	d297fec0-66f1-4026-8ebb-fd3b76a27de0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:33:25	-188.926
-8	20232	2023200	a9e490db-830e-4ef0-8c1e-06827f145e57	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:19:43	919.87
-8	40464	2023200	516c9831-6b5d-417c-9c62-4780f5bf89d6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:03:21	753.161
-9	20233	2023300	34cd09c1-6bb8-4113-b7e4-c7fc1b92de1a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:03:23	-938.856
-9	40466	2023300	904567b5-4d4e-48af-a28f-6a4a89380064	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:11:15	741.892
-10	20234	2023400	7f57f02c-d5b0-4e44-95ab-2136e0ecec67	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:30:04	322.552
-10	40468	2023400	864afb8e-40cc-418d-bfcf-af86608108b0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:05:16	-913.687
-11	20235	2023500	9840bfd2-36ad-43a4-b829-60a71746fd20	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:17:01	625.841
-11	40470	2023500	ece8817d-ddaf-4bba-9470-d79912ca845d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:22:51	-319.736
-12	20236	2023600	c86615df-4d16-4e6e-9a12-aa4b85da9a60	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:48:55	698.644
-12	40472	2023600	86575a28-2d76-4c79-85c7-face380d3382	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:25:46	953.679
-13	20237	2023700	56f4daa5-42cb-4d09-90d6-49014adb6e79	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:55:01	-399.654
-13	40474	2023700	3e3ff6ec-1e77-4ecc-b8f3-764868f60803	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:55:07	-858.567
-14	20238	2023800	4b5e513a-f775-43f6-866b-a68516e40c90	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:00:32	822.827
-14	40476	2023800	08c3ec08-46fe-4b65-80d8-47ff418f664e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:05:11	402.666
-15	20239	2023900	b9294705-660b-4fa8-b582-af54466a32cd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:37:14	312.672
-15	40478	2023900	c86bb157-749a-4353-8cf0-a15980c9c4eb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:16:02	251.144
-16	20240	2024000	88b761ac-32b4-41fd-aee9-a090d4d3e24a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:34:03	-384.642
-16	40480	2024000	2eeac598-0778-4229-a7a2-a0df0bb362ca	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:41:25	983.205
-17	20241	2024100	b2f9d70a-49a9-4c2d-aaf3-cef322a925d9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:03:09	182.293
-17	40482	2024100	8da0ad14-9e48-47af-b732-338bd0d13cbb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:10:25	80.657
-18	20242	2024200	eea3d82a-ffab-40e8-9073-f6258e3f82fe	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:47:19	485.133
-18	40484	2024200	0a686e69-9005-4df2-ac48-c7c358cd0fbb	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:43:56	-534.588
-19	20243	2024300	0b03f152-760c-4a99-955f-c4bea14677bb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:32:59	439.999
-19	40486	2024300	b7a82dca-f99c-418c-8de7-f99eff6c5ec6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:46:52	320.541
-20	20244	2024400	782c8f12-a40c-4dea-8b05-148034c22ed4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:41:57	704.820
-20	40488	2024400	c0b47262-59e4-4bf5-89bb-f9aff558224c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:26:53	-399.280
-21	20245	2024500	e03e47bb-346c-45dd-8acf-426a583370eb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:10:19	60.767
-21	40490	2024500	6f095cba-3543-4411-8207-f4752b53e335	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:09:08	347.258
-22	20246	2024600	60ae7bf0-5789-473a-bdf4-ddade628a589	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:16:08	-431.131
-22	40492	2024600	461730f4-9121-4c2c-8cce-767ff1493890	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:05:34	-549.231
-23	20247	2024700	a9276e80-d445-4e39-b76e-09092e4d83a0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:12:25	-685.298
-23	40494	2024700	ff5bb74b-b802-47a8-9a02-8882f3afcfb4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:20:31	979.670
-24	20248	2024800	5bee4e74-b40b-4215-80f3-34e63221ebf0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:58:49	-52.63
-24	40496	2024800	6bc98083-c969-48ee-ac67-148fa1d6bad3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:04:33	969.304
-25	20249	2024900	fff9559e-9f9c-40ae-ae88-1daa711f5d38	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:38:22	175.398
-25	40498	2024900	ba668415-5f2b-47bc-887b-237ab0d28d57	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:39:36	-8.818
-26	20250	2025000	aa598ce1-62e8-40b8-9fc5-23bde28cb8c5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:04:46	678.727
-26	40500	2025000	e2ada313-872f-41ef-b316-40cee5c585e0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:46:58	-571.668
-27	20251	2025100	6fad6d0e-fe91-49ba-ac4f-045e5fabe9ba	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:58:19	-723.91
-27	40502	2025100	87a05c14-ecdc-442f-9973-abda2a11e3f1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:44:37	-94.353
-28	20252	2025200	7baa3428-8dc9-4e10-9879-dbc0e966a924	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:11:20	123.843
-28	40504	2025200	083c7dc3-da36-4c62-a978-0aa2dd459c38	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:06:54	546.507
-29	20253	2025300	ec20882e-8f2e-41cb-9651-377d6091a095	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:57:26	393.910
-29	40506	2025300	e8f3b476-eae4-4428-b0a7-52af909f258f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:57:09	-757.445
-30	20254	2025400	697c0af2-703f-4708-b3ad-11dbecdeb5cb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:49:18	433.435
-30	40508	2025400	573b0ef0-5bfc-4bbd-bddd-ce63d6eedc20	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:23:16	-433.850
-31	20255	2025500	b481990f-befc-4892-a512-e46174c1efe4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:25:44	61.592
-31	40510	2025500	d92ced55-90f8-46c7-b260-7a401c0bc761	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:04:07	-317.379
-32	20256	2025600	2446f632-42d1-43ea-bec6-946c1603a4aa	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:21:12	143.952
-32	40512	2025600	7b6f526a-eb8f-4ba9-ac43-b66994c30dbb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:51:26	285.817
-33	20257	2025700	d993cfa2-efe1-4fb8-9129-5386c569b762	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:26:22	612.196
-33	40514	2025700	350d8c4f-bad6-43d7-916d-ac80650b03d0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:16:19	812.446
-34	20258	2025800	0ff54bcf-b77e-4ed0-9cc1-434ef64da7c3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:14:59	467.937
-34	40516	2025800	3c3bfdaa-561d-4021-b82e-7a54bbb64ad1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:28:22	-32.307
-35	20259	2025900	8a90464f-391d-4912-97d3-7edfef347928	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:50:03	337.892
-35	40518	2025900	fb108b74-5272-42b8-9a74-837636ed2f72	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:45:10	-100.716
-36	20260	2026000	bb942bdd-6ddb-46bd-8c4d-fcd6e18c0c54	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:27:07	665.468
-36	40520	2026000	44252613-bb4d-42d9-a9e5-cfbbb10fa08f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:28:10	-575.680
-37	20261	2026100	9f783423-c5e6-47b5-8bc2-433d32570888	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:09:33	-745.911
-37	40522	2026100	c0374c4f-b7f6-4cd1-9b05-be0bea437854	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:48:30	44.497
-38	20262	2026200	9113f520-5de1-4cfd-92a1-06d693d0f938	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:58:37	-685.443
-38	40524	2026200	a466efbf-539c-4f6b-80a4-131137dd4dcf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:39:56	236.438
-39	20263	2026300	624f2508-6033-4df1-a2ff-5dfa49482894	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:49:33	-698.95
-39	40526	2026300	455bd3cc-607b-48fe-83d7-21f4fbf2d693	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:27:52	-108.904
-40	20264	2026400	d482d303-a3e4-467b-9427-aea1f866f7dd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:13:13	-30.829
-40	40528	2026400	70ec8022-e77a-4618-ace1-209fd22c8ba3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:56:56	-738.292
-41	20265	2026500	a09904f3-4068-4e28-9996-a45b4c566922	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:56:08	-990.235
-41	40530	2026500	f9ebd5ef-5f10-45a8-87a5-351f4d2067d2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:22:08	63.96
-42	20266	2026600	fb2fb29f-38ce-4521-b4e0-90f0b5b8b7db	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:48:57	-736.963
-42	40532	2026600	add34c82-e0c5-4a12-a582-bcc5f07db42e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:39:10	-961.149
-43	20267	2026700	bc4c00e7-3f90-433e-a72d-7867c0fc5769	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:13:17	791.954
-43	40534	2026700	fa4f5b22-dd31-42da-adf6-7557375819ea	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:11:33	976.471
-44	20268	2026800	bb49660a-179b-4fd0-8379-ce4d1a04f9d3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:41:24	-393.456
-44	40536	2026800	b2131f7f-240b-45c4-bc60-6f11e98238d7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:25:08	-30.107
-45	20269	2026900	6a4f0e40-57a6-44ec-91c5-09ea336fbded	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:55:02	610.487
-45	40538	2026900	d4991b6f-35dc-4402-a766-2eae49511ca2	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:26:29	-22.798
-46	20270	2027000	fcc70eaf-3261-4cf3-bfb0-86d57620ab29	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:28:02	212.908
-46	40540	2027000	029365cc-07a9-4342-9831-3bbb4cd8d147	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:24:23	692.66
-47	20271	2027100	7a2bcf40-5808-4544-9a3a-69868143dd5c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:40:43	884.261
-47	40542	2027100	694e3498-8662-44f1-ac69-e68c68a98b67	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:49:42	-344.371
-48	20272	2027200	9d3b2b3f-2c2a-4c0d-8211-f2daafc72d67	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:51:56	-620.222
-48	40544	2027200	9028709a-201e-48eb-8652-82330c0237ce	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:34:59	302.637
-49	20273	2027300	94284f4f-2ce9-4d02-a8ee-d0cb882972e4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:21:10	942.787
-49	40546	2027300	de2a0d2b-d433-4deb-8e76-b31c44fd124a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:45:56	626.40
-50	20274	2027400	6ba0ae7e-1de0-450f-9bd1-298d9dc07709	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:35:39	-623.769
-50	40548	2027400	87aeb4a5-7c3e-4dc1-845f-a9e54ffce2f2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:56:39	850.335
-51	20275	2027500	81d488e3-f277-4323-92d6-6c62378708a9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:55:25	-474.651
-51	40550	2027500	ff83f24a-4834-470c-8b37-46560ef65bbf	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:30:10	-122.954
-52	20276	2027600	f7e62050-0f4a-4392-8867-6cd180d0b7cc	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:44:29	528.321
-52	40552	2027600	187e201d-ab67-4646-8129-de2c2ef081b3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:39:23	0.512
-53	20277	2027700	ff0c108b-1943-4a1e-81a2-2aec6d56cdc2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:22:28	492.362
-53	40554	2027700	7764604d-ff52-4a2d-a37f-7d965e9782f1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:31:21	-958.185
-54	20278	2027800	4f736d83-f236-4302-ab9c-a5159324b0b5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:40:20	47.901
-54	40556	2027800	15bc3695-f08b-4128-b7b0-f4489f76dba2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:09:49	-556.180
-55	20279	2027900	d406ec4b-8c48-42a2-8717-4e8aeed1aff4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:57:52	155.659
-55	40558	2027900	599bce94-924a-429f-a404-3588e4349a42	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:18:42	245.143
-56	20280	2028000	098de379-b9fa-4335-baf4-7914a90b2af9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:36:09	-332.623
-56	40560	2028000	edb6203a-afdc-497b-8ceb-1ba05b222a33	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:47:25	-671.874
-57	20281	2028100	63a89d2f-9979-4668-9e89-b6a33a4ed5e0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:41:03	105.922
-57	40562	2028100	7106067d-a66b-426b-b4e0-325f2a9061fe	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:19:58	918.299
-58	20282	2028200	19719966-481b-418d-8424-192ec8c1e7e0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:00:26	968.277
-58	40564	2028200	248aa23d-8834-45c2-9287-4833a3b5907d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:00:19	-644.839
-59	20283	2028300	51717639-685a-457a-958b-d864a5aad5c8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:55:54	224.214
-59	40566	2028300	c9dc16a0-0c94-4faf-8d9f-1e4c0f2b247b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:55:27	-728.459
-60	20284	2028400	b89858a8-faaf-48d2-b74c-4a438c07c94f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:14:59	-982.563
-60	40568	2028400	d5a79d29-a1cb-46ff-bcb9-9b8a9e1e4f0e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:37:31	-523.818
-61	20285	2028500	ce694a9b-5d32-49d8-9269-e2e07d114455	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:11:08	540.745
-61	40570	2028500	8d27cf7e-4897-4266-8f5c-bbda406b9168	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:31:35	603.324
-62	20286	2028600	c5bf0aa1-6727-4f11-985e-b31ef06184fe	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:16:23	-103.409
-62	40572	2028600	1641e58d-256b-4686-a897-8a5c31e4ea64	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:20:14	113.219
-63	20287	2028700	436ac05a-37f8-4cca-be77-075d5310ea3d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:01:35	459.229
-63	40574	2028700	20b736ab-c5f7-4a53-b1de-0536a3317d93	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:48:06	213.885
-64	20288	2028800	a33424ef-93f4-4355-a0a0-7f508649a140	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:23:54	156.227
-64	40576	2028800	27794210-11b7-4f0e-8892-f952ed02e74a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:47:50	434.888
-65	20289	2028900	b14a65a5-3d51-4836-8016-2363b8a595db	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:44:22	750.277
-65	40578	2028900	e7962167-0147-4e70-bea6-a431229c44ca	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:24:49	-271.417
-66	20290	2029000	50d75e7e-82f5-41c5-8b77-58456a6a6a00	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:55:48	-702.397
-66	40580	2029000	d2271b5b-5819-4dcf-a723-50056a0f9309	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:40:39	-27.24
-67	20291	2029100	482d5c53-49f1-4ba6-b3a1-4fc2912320de	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:57:07	866.270
-67	40582	2029100	b1d40903-de36-4a80-b81f-f34af4d87dc2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:37:48	-47.25
-68	20292	2029200	b187b307-d62b-43d3-ab48-7f430a7a7313	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:25:26	105.927
-68	40584	2029200	e4e0367f-83f8-4c64-9c39-47a3a5294991	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:37:05	-148.485
-69	20293	2029300	3a003c3a-767b-4c46-9eed-be5d29e5ddf1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:53:56	-150.349
-69	40586	2029300	df76daa2-e11c-4786-ae5d-4206d13a00dc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:10:29	-661.452
-70	20294	2029400	d47f8287-76f6-451a-b9ea-d04f83b8f0b1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:32:16	391.13
-70	40588	2029400	589b64cc-5529-4e60-84c6-96d3e5966223	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:40:10	-918.680
-71	20295	2029500	c9a86a19-9d64-40c4-ac35-f6e3ad5fffde	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:20:03	480.269
-71	40590	2029500	ca266ff4-8fb6-47f2-a185-c6010f1c6ff2	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:45:59	925.737
-72	20296	2029600	2174b22b-dab7-40e8-a80d-48a654ab5feb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:33:24	164.247
-72	40592	2029600	00710134-ce89-4334-ab97-2fa09b84514e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:39:56	899.238
-73	20297	2029700	bd2cdfd1-557a-409a-ba48-f9bdff6d9989	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:32:29	-731.482
-73	40594	2029700	e753da34-e822-48d0-9de3-638367899a0d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:58:14	506.874
-74	20298	2029800	dbf8b732-6899-416e-a26d-7e00ab94c714	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:21:41	318.709
-74	40596	2029800	d06d4fe2-e5eb-46ee-92e4-997f2c42b71f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:34:11	835.713
-75	20299	2029900	01fb4b4b-e17b-405f-b129-d73640df6b39	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:17:59	427.497
-75	40598	2029900	113d56a4-5126-4f06-a4c4-1bbce624f377	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:33:53	-194.586
-76	20300	2030000	714d0aad-68a5-46d3-b7d9-e29acedbf35b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:09:22	-658.406
-76	40600	2030000	ceda73e1-8b96-467a-9520-e0509f09af1f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:11:18	399.864
-77	20301	2030100	29d97670-dcd3-4790-be55-4c623ecaa260	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:25:46	926.670
-77	40602	2030100	c67024f7-5dfd-4a1e-ab84-d191d7413cbd	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:27:37	-773.481
-78	20302	2030200	d5f7de2d-707f-4286-b1ba-1ce76f6aef88	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:04:29	392.345
-78	40604	2030200	bf7b0d60-b449-4bfd-8341-d767f87648dd	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:01:10	409.631
-79	20303	2030300	2aa210d7-f486-429b-b0be-87faecc1f01b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:37:59	868.841
-79	40606	2030300	1d855819-a5e9-4035-86f1-7c716419757a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:36:52	475.813
-80	20304	2030400	b6890f58-7472-45e8-88be-37e4bdf32499	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:23:36	-622.14
-80	40608	2030400	6d6f0d2e-c051-41a5-9c8e-0825e25009fe	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:23:18	784.837
-81	20305	2030500	d4e91e85-eba2-4340-90f1-14b3849da9d5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:01:44	-332.467
-81	40610	2030500	e5d00ea1-f53b-48a1-91ed-9bcb1ce28f43	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:39:27	872.952
-82	20306	2030600	9fe068bd-8851-47b3-b0df-0ce77fe069d5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:31:12	374.860
-82	40612	2030600	44a5780c-79a7-47c9-beb6-973f04a94984	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:18:13	856.154
-83	20307	2030700	e892437e-6dad-47c7-b33b-57663a4f8b14	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:01:01	782.307
-83	40614	2030700	cae3830e-d695-4bb7-9ed2-1cb1ad9928e6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:53:37	289.301
-84	20308	2030800	3ff77911-b3c3-4b6f-b456-b44887e41113	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:19:29	-243.443
-84	40616	2030800	f9e596b7-618d-4be7-a1ef-0a70d0ecbc4d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:19:10	40.334
-85	20309	2030900	02f202d7-1c74-4271-bb64-015e68f4d7fa	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:14:44	-536.390
-85	40618	2030900	9c3dc51e-1f19-46c7-a3b5-a4a8746fd93b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:25:00	75.847
-86	20310	2031000	f846b211-f722-4be6-aa3e-da080f5887c7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:34:13	-487.626
-86	40620	2031000	21117dc3-b897-4df2-b1da-865e121eb469	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:27:09	-64.466
-87	20311	2031100	e3e1adc3-3ba8-4428-84f4-02abfd92280f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:00:08	923.598
-87	40622	2031100	ba268bee-f37f-4534-ab03-56f882deaa5e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:00:06	717.282
-88	20312	2031200	fcbf91f9-8a4d-4b6c-aa71-4eeff241143b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:14:54	-677.345
-88	40624	2031200	7b8ec873-18a7-4e96-8f5b-a4efeb4b5f38	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:07:05	421.106
-89	20313	2031300	ffd5ed13-f241-4ee5-9bae-7ad4ca603592	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:10:56	158.202
-89	40626	2031300	5bf91769-ab21-436b-8acf-b0cf08b98d0b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:23:17	281.175
-90	20314	2031400	26a701b7-1d5f-4f76-ab5d-61d0ac27e33b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:01:48	-29.235
-90	40628	2031400	94b39b40-9285-4d0f-a143-a51dc90fee2c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:30:52	-653.574
-91	20315	2031500	f2704990-d3e7-4ab2-a5ee-eba5f490ef1b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:13:27	-88.167
-91	40630	2031500	ef132e28-23e5-4590-af52-cfc0bec42196	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:31:40	431.720
-92	20316	2031600	7c5f3b64-062f-4104-9dac-b8367b379e61	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:53:27	318.211
-92	40632	2031600	94b87991-e871-466c-b40d-47a022126c70	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:01:33	367.647
-93	20317	2031700	9da16bb4-1bcf-4fb6-8992-04dc13c3c0b0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:01:51	-12.181
-93	40634	2031700	498b1f5c-1420-40dd-b1d4-876c10670b2b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:47:14	795.258
-94	20318	2031800	a5589e29-6742-41cc-a559-111a5c9470c3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:24:19	-462.203
-94	40636	2031800	723af7b6-a1cd-4d98-8af3-f56ef544530f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:32:51	-312.212
-95	20319	2031900	66f284b3-a833-408e-913c-339a03ece0c7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:23:24	-122.939
-95	40638	2031900	d85461a6-dc51-4dd6-989f-279fc83113b1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:42:15	-453.935
-96	20320	2032000	aee581e9-45c7-43a1-b524-be1826c3ebdc	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:35:58	475.592
-96	40640	2032000	bc0d623d-0ce7-485d-aba4-a9cbc52df2d5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:41:18	327.474
-97	20321	2032100	70ccbc8d-07b9-469f-95d2-6f565419808b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:42:59	822.858
-97	40642	2032100	832ccec1-8355-429c-823b-5ed16bcd3914	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:22:10	-621.437
-98	20322	2032200	8c8214c6-4bee-4f44-8421-574ea32fb5f0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:47:06	146.588
-98	40644	2032200	9773bc68-2de2-4fa5-82cb-d4ffb60804cc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:19:51	-661.684
-99	20323	2032300	95626cd1-a932-4cc7-a454-c8c511208625	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:20:25	173.408
-99	40646	2032300	d0a5e672-dc0a-4025-9a83-518554d4b240	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:37:08	872.374
-100	20324	2032400	5e06e336-1325-4804-a34d-4bbd59f8128f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:36:58	-295.725
-100	40648	2032400	734c701d-bc8c-49bb-8cb7-70fa77f88f4e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:50:03	512.268
-101	20325	2032500	1d5b6322-1ed1-4941-a09e-77c4844e81b5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:06:25	-640.493
-101	40650	2032500	392f33e9-c3f6-4b2e-a3fc-e3dc92b8c690	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:01:20	-453.756
-102	20326	2032600	0bdc03cd-192f-4b0b-83ca-08cadb70b5d3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:09:09	218.341
-102	40652	2032600	651cf6d7-d89d-4d61-bc2e-44dcdb33cb9f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:56:46	281.757
-103	20327	2032700	64f8c23f-140a-4fde-95a1-4d2f109244aa	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:46:26	-832.805
-103	40654	2032700	ed04ef31-04c7-4753-ba76-35d4326c0466	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:19:18	976.236
-104	20328	2032800	6c52cc70-7a46-44b3-ab04-d535f9f43dd0	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:54:20	-45.988
-104	40656	2032800	c36022e4-6982-47b8-bbe1-43bf955f5670	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:39:21	739.363
-105	20329	2032900	cf5ae6a2-2fcb-4b72-8e67-d19bf252fe62	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:43:14	385.178
-105	40658	2032900	f9db1c1b-3288-49c3-aedb-6a7fb4a8ea9a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:59:05	349.914
-106	20330	2033000	2e65e5f6-2587-42bf-8d40-dfdb953b68ae	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:54:36	369.905
-106	40660	2033000	fb41dd6e-f2dd-42f2-a823-c403412c8d51	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:02:19	-677.703
-107	20331	2033100	50db4353-8d64-4362-9121-3cb7fc3dcb6c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:39:42	-922.114
-107	40662	2033100	8256b7d4-c476-4959-bc9e-2c96747acad7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:17:52	227.724
-108	20332	2033200	2007b6ed-1fe3-4059-b63f-59a8d49e52e4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:55:38	319.443
-108	40664	2033200	bfdfac85-3326-4326-861c-3d8b74ff1dae	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:56:19	-528.379
-109	20333	2033300	0455a818-abdf-4f7b-b73d-e5b683ecd0cc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:50:17	14.986
-109	40666	2033300	3e4376cf-15a6-4430-becb-bd489a5707ff	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:40:30	792.96
-110	20334	2033400	b2953053-a9ca-4a6c-b3d4-a3fa072047bb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:03:54	749.481
-110	40668	2033400	77d0ef29-1744-43d5-a64d-8ae1b8154a1d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:53:43	-918.385
-111	20335	2033500	90dc85b6-8271-459f-96d9-6160325f791c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:41:15	901.224
-111	40670	2033500	6b722b1f-942a-4b56-a20d-29cbaf9c949b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:42:21	-431.533
-112	20336	2033600	50ac09cd-ca71-4cbd-a6f9-a216a9265c51	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:42:52	-785.703
-112	40672	2033600	29555c9a-4f34-4d89-82e6-06aedfc60bd3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:15:03	391.339
-113	20337	2033700	f2e16c6f-b10d-4470-addd-9311fc253af3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:24:57	-370.17
-113	40674	2033700	6c1511e1-31f3-4afd-a4dc-f1fed5afd020	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:19:53	-440.821
-114	20338	2033800	a4195e31-f98f-414b-9170-d418c2dcb692	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:26:55	621.791
-114	40676	2033800	cd997987-6ad0-4a8c-9c98-567fc5e7a4aa	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:11:17	-514.691
-115	20339	2033900	aa59e2bf-1adc-4ec4-a604-7d2973dc0c59	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:51:49	997.967
-115	40678	2033900	6b0ea044-9f58-4749-af84-e75ebdc40e43	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:16:48	-285.919
-116	20340	2034000	5415d6ef-ab3c-4830-bc08-b711928dcffc	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:10:14	-455.446
-116	40680	2034000	c62bb7fd-e37b-4eaa-9e39-45b2f9fba781	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:22:53	-300.15
-117	20341	2034100	50cb41b1-ecf2-4548-acd7-769988b160d7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:11:22	353.70
-117	40682	2034100	9ddb3792-d9e1-4314-8639-fc67df3e2da2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:31:50	346.899
-118	20342	2034200	29870439-0778-44ed-a9a7-33c1ccfb4e65	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:02:09	764.73
-118	40684	2034200	f0e01611-5ecb-4190-9ef7-1ccf674881aa	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:00:35	-301.501
-119	20343	2034300	eee00cba-4ea2-41a3-9a77-53beab39772a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:48:52	-636.124
-119	40686	2034300	6c5af651-4360-4cf0-a72a-0898b4b0d430	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:28:46	-269.670
-120	20344	2034400	d86f7c16-5234-467e-837d-540af8672ff5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:28:53	-957.258
-120	40688	2034400	4c1ef787-c182-4e24-a1ed-333067e31cea	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:56:05	645.339
-121	20345	2034500	eac52bcb-129b-4e80-95be-bb15d80f9d70	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:31:29	-585.732
-121	40690	2034500	378d3078-0557-4dfb-a75b-faf54f328b22	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:08:54	-619.453
-122	20346	2034600	da160473-1af9-4b20-ac40-e56300d54a3e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:19:37	-248.592
-122	40692	2034600	80110b13-57bb-4f16-be62-2843530bbb3e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:58:27	-148.617
-123	20347	2034700	258407cc-0ebf-4c5c-abd7-3f49cd2ce7de	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:19:07	418.916
-123	40694	2034700	2316bede-68d6-4e8c-b508-1d29d3f078a4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:13:32	49.22
-124	20348	2034800	1ad46aec-d3bd-4efd-81c3-c6a99d1b06b5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:00:07	841.265
-124	40696	2034800	6a246752-4b8e-4157-85dc-5143fbca2346	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:55:28	-295.984
-125	20349	2034900	0a32d0ea-243b-427b-8e68-20f2c14b3023	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:06:16	90.9
-125	40698	2034900	9a034054-f93a-4495-8cd8-08f9a88d3380	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:39:30	435.379
-126	20350	2035000	7150b4b4-fc0f-4559-a746-d7488429a9de	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:58:27	-436.344
-126	40700	2035000	145aea5b-25f0-4036-9a36-b9109ec2dca6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:05:00	654.321
-127	20351	2035100	148e4652-9ead-4313-8814-ba60801d5fa5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:05:51	-382.575
-127	40702	2035100	ad02a2ef-182e-42f9-a99c-c373ebc0399d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:49:30	-243.289
-0	20352	2035200	8e82d499-9e65-40be-b0b1-8249b01e50d5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:55:58	-510.845
-0	40704	2035200	afe7c016-a79e-4436-b027-0789c47a82a7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:26:56	-192.47
-1	20353	2035300	69e21209-9e8c-49d7-acc9-93b00631a3c5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:23:28	413.832
-1	40706	2035300	afc0ebaa-1a8e-4365-a101-4aa86f6da6db	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:57:56	414.799
-2	20354	2035400	67db93ab-a619-4e5f-b92c-66a4fb81d276	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:15:45	-664.501
-2	40708	2035400	746fe6cb-6f8d-4faf-97d5-6d85c0a66cc0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:21:54	-14.929
-3	20355	2035500	a0d851c7-6680-4958-8eaa-c87957ee901d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:18:17	-50.534
-3	40710	2035500	c2d360c7-82a6-436d-a4db-bc7ecc72d93a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:33:09	-303.933
-4	20356	2035600	b67a56be-7647-4afc-8290-62f52db4de79	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:52:11	599.162
-4	40712	2035600	5b533a36-09ee-4a82-ab0d-23e05eb3b48e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:52:39	-548.81
-5	20357	2035700	63bcb13a-6c1a-4787-b51d-1d96649af580	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:01:40	615.162
-5	40714	2035700	ff378e65-e1bd-45d0-9ab2-ad7e8dc75bd3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:44:18	127.652
-6	20358	2035800	1507de8d-2f72-4806-ab60-58e7d1250232	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:05:09	63.785
-6	40716	2035800	36db86dd-e20d-4c91-932d-fea0b43062ba	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:01:33	915.173
-7	20359	2035900	424e2209-9807-43d3-8d37-6cfc78445d2d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:51:11	-368.77
-7	40718	2035900	79924aa1-34b8-4043-b84b-3b88e8b70e73	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:40:58	-675.277
-8	20360	2036000	4b6382e7-58d6-4387-a4a4-740fd117bf57	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:02:48	-347.509
-8	40720	2036000	2ff3ef15-fb24-4902-91dd-090d10502296	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:11:32	-957.146
-9	20361	2036100	5b5190a5-0b9f-4242-8f71-c3dc6dab25a2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:05:38	33.25
-9	40722	2036100	4cf8853b-097a-4933-88a7-e1b9e4620698	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:10:20	-959.9
-10	20362	2036200	f8dfb105-4fc0-4a8c-98c6-f053c0ac75fa	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:26:51	-307.776
-10	40724	2036200	d4e91d82-2c15-450e-83b6-15353e4cf08a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:22:16	760.372
-11	20363	2036300	b0859d4d-a8b4-46b2-bb91-bf3023cd91b1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:49:33	-58.326
-11	40726	2036300	7f7194aa-4895-4adf-9802-56a6100e986a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:59:38	915.834
-12	20364	2036400	a8c5e423-94ff-4d17-995c-bde98f9ebd6c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:50:15	-410.278
-12	40728	2036400	0fc808a9-b523-4105-b6ce-603d1aab207a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:51:42	-877.908
-13	20365	2036500	565ed066-fcff-4101-91d4-3eb18147c9a4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:03:03	-273.252
-13	40730	2036500	ec07a478-5b99-40b3-80de-738d8ad23f0b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:46:23	-283.404
-14	20366	2036600	cde7be77-0e6c-46a0-b71b-caa7d1deccf4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:22:40	484.376
-14	40732	2036600	b3cef6c0-8ff4-40e0-8601-36b440db8c64	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:42:35	-435.15
-15	20367	2036700	d39eed49-5428-43fb-bd45-b3a5e5fb4ed7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:26:50	-48.273
-15	40734	2036700	fdb7df55-26c5-4eaf-b4e6-4af746078e2c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:18:15	-866.904
-16	20368	2036800	41ddbbe7-c2c5-4d6d-9f7a-5cb976800e52	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:29:49	822.816
-16	40736	2036800	c4a47fd4-816a-43b8-b812-434a7bda4276	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:35:16	942.366
-17	20369	2036900	558bda5a-9c7e-4ae3-b8fc-ab6befb00ea3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:28:17	757.172
-17	40738	2036900	a854a17f-7e9b-455f-b97b-1e513b9fa899	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:33:05	80.563
-18	20370	2037000	c51d717b-890a-45e3-a35f-c33e721082ab	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:30:05	-771.110
-18	40740	2037000	04dbd672-3eb2-4055-94cf-2353eb0a0a80	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:06:12	-698.533
-19	20371	2037100	1279278d-0ba7-4c8e-ae39-f245b0dc0f11	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:19:34	-540.311
-19	40742	2037100	50138001-a521-4824-9677-66f74c6210fe	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:57:30	-953.848
-20	20372	2037200	27358f8d-9fc4-4688-922d-917663d88cfe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:06:27	-516.28
-20	40744	2037200	fd82eed5-6b76-4ff7-afe8-2b98181d729c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:52:35	1.716
-21	20373	2037300	6dd89591-1913-4707-a45a-9fd4d4eee729	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:56:58	129.65
-21	40746	2037300	1c105a80-0322-4e7f-bdaf-cf5b2077083d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:44:27	104.18
-22	20374	2037400	72a5c882-a37f-41b6-92d7-417dba1bc0de	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:49:55	368.41
-22	40748	2037400	20fc38c5-118c-492a-b967-478d006df6cf	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:01:32	72.755
-23	20375	2037500	8872489f-7dc9-44ac-b1bb-9278331c168e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:27:20	-387.735
-23	40750	2037500	289fe8fc-940e-4cc8-8327-148f5697f142	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:32:59	-946.688
-24	20376	2037600	ceb86f2c-8abb-4d44-9482-bab52d66a7c5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:50:01	620.523
-24	40752	2037600	3ad83cd8-dc89-440d-94e8-9dccfc006d32	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:56:20	131.44
-25	20377	2037700	3a8b48d7-ae6a-4b4e-ba19-53f53e2d6f21	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:34:34	-859.145
-25	40754	2037700	a723def7-e248-48c3-8642-e57162f6b569	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:34:36	-601.257
-26	20378	2037800	3e5edae0-cab6-4a6a-8d76-a0338b49f128	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:02:11	935.258
-26	40756	2037800	33b5614e-6bf5-4c85-b008-05d8ff33aba5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:21:41	-661.552
-27	20379	2037900	6f14f91a-8bb4-4014-9734-cb68e4490eaf	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:38:00	716.59
-27	40758	2037900	3cd26417-159e-4a9e-b631-1c7cc57be3aa	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:58:15	87.341
-28	20380	2038000	5873ad64-ac3f-4cae-a0f3-22da336cc6d2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:25:27	185.512
-28	40760	2038000	ef58fc82-7d45-4e3a-abc1-bc49c98169f1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:52:47	354.80
-29	20381	2038100	9835406b-c99f-4a3e-aac4-f5e143b2dd45	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:15:56	400.883
-29	40762	2038100	a45de44d-e864-4155-bbfb-0028d2d59558	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:53:21	-25.729
-30	20382	2038200	3cc877a0-4923-41a0-ab62-d1abc82829db	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:16:56	-20.665
-30	40764	2038200	b5ba0ab0-c6e9-4503-adca-179f2e74f8f6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:26:46	785.471
-31	20383	2038300	3b6c17e2-97c7-45a7-b24e-f51e49604abf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:41:53	-904.337
-31	40766	2038300	43c98640-c9f6-47b4-9d47-f03fe99d2f20	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:39:48	741.15
-32	20384	2038400	5cdf6893-b618-45b4-826a-c2d535fe9376	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:09:37	-788.508
-32	40768	2038400	e9c086ab-35e6-4672-826e-35a8f0d40aef	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:54:51	-255.230
-33	20385	2038500	5e0f7f38-49fc-4fdb-a4fa-0c58e26635d9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:23:04	-411.521
-33	40770	2038500	ee632ac8-163f-4169-bfe8-cd545a667638	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:38:18	-361.752
-34	20386	2038600	c6816fa4-dcef-4fc5-a7f6-f6f49e329ffb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:51:20	916.792
-34	40772	2038600	f67d26ce-7f79-4dc8-a3f0-8fcbd84dd4d6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:40:50	-790.120
-35	20387	2038700	883962ea-a0be-44cf-809f-26d391ab65a3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:26:12	162.128
-35	40774	2038700	f89236c5-b131-476d-893f-a0bf2bf06f2d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:15:58	-775.701
-36	20388	2038800	571a6867-078f-4919-b099-da58602a33aa	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:26:10	-249.104
-36	40776	2038800	68bf155f-0df1-4cfe-872a-ffd8f1f442da	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:55:27	358.989
-37	20389	2038900	214e535e-c3db-408a-95dc-36845dba6240	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:20:07	860.23
-37	40778	2038900	71343518-0eee-4c65-8007-94f66f83eed3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:55:47	-45.637
-38	20390	2039000	ea2b9b9e-b662-4659-bbbb-083e7344b0ab	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:56:43	-118.230
-38	40780	2039000	5a568dfd-e5ff-433c-a28f-25e4ee9c2bd4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:30:59	-845.286
-39	20391	2039100	76881ca8-ab8d-4b1e-a912-669be766ab73	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:33:52	-315.304
-39	40782	2039100	8aaf7ddf-b2d1-4385-b0cd-8bf8db98b92c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:06:37	267.16
-40	20392	2039200	966a702d-12fa-48b6-97d5-54f5c55ac0fa	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:53:24	694.994
-40	40784	2039200	133d86e4-dd87-48e7-9591-3bbbe2cf5bba	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:29:40	753.384
-41	20393	2039300	86076f8f-0ffb-46cf-844c-6f50e4d317c8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:57:27	-416.768
-41	40786	2039300	8f1e2077-09d4-4584-89c5-b7d55a876f2c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:08:33	-120.16
-42	20394	2039400	6d3775a1-903f-4c06-a469-5ff834bc5398	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:38:31	-641.505
-42	40788	2039400	5f20de2a-58c1-4307-8ac3-f6e2a251a305	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:56:12	-298.834
-43	20395	2039500	4017c7de-505c-4e8c-821f-a3107338309b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:14:45	398.421
-43	40790	2039500	b422b888-372e-4cd0-8eec-aeb079dd6d42	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:36:26	-176.670
-44	20396	2039600	c98bb272-36b9-4b57-81d5-b49bd42bfa64	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:48:17	-52.728
-44	40792	2039600	a4174432-46a7-41ce-9373-9cb0436404b6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:30:31	174.601
-45	20397	2039700	657d82b5-5597-4efe-ab48-9224f4028ac4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:48:44	-86.34
-45	40794	2039700	f5969fe9-e4d4-4894-85fd-5496a760ac80	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:28:04	-910.851
-46	20398	2039800	86f4737d-94a8-4782-b594-28180d59ac8a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:28:19	-509.74
-46	40796	2039800	c298e412-a7e6-41e4-9e0c-fbbc6774125d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:25:44	-466.947
-47	20399	2039900	737cde00-8f81-4323-8193-fff56fc010dd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:30:10	-650.734
-47	40798	2039900	25b4a191-97df-4a46-8424-b9ebf536da9d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:58:30	-749.607
-48	20400	2040000	f1ebe489-be49-474f-abbd-5a287d424749	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:09:19	578.659
-48	40800	2040000	79aaa8f1-ab55-48db-adf8-f5ea43f39a95	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:11:56	-985.223
-49	20401	2040100	d4938e77-b010-437b-b59b-4eb6e27d92c4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:27:27	323.232
-49	40802	2040100	436e8362-9b0e-4e2a-aea6-6ac2c483c81f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:00:55	603.957
-50	20402	2040200	9bd2705c-b7cf-4879-ad7d-c9e8a0b55f0a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:18:36	-581.759
-50	40804	2040200	1311d034-438b-4f89-b6f0-f75f04d16b2d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:35:47	-133.474
-51	20403	2040300	dc38d58d-ca3d-42db-a7f3-8947cdf0e6bd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:11:45	-382.522
-51	40806	2040300	a72f4981-c696-4585-a9e8-de9761262d17	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:52:10	-744.520
-52	20404	2040400	61b94846-7205-4aa3-b5a3-e271eec2560b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:05:30	480.180
-52	40808	2040400	7c9a315d-2820-4366-9ac5-72811cbd3eee	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:07:06	601.80
-53	20405	2040500	122c80ab-620d-401d-8c4d-e9e6e67ce878	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:30:21	-780.600
-53	40810	2040500	cac7c0e0-c6d3-47d9-8512-cbd484da2c01	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:53:37	599.828
-54	20406	2040600	7b5e5dc4-610b-4401-950e-ecce0418696f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:55:46	-869.428
-54	40812	2040600	b0c7ccc2-360c-405d-9614-6a6bbba234a4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:45:24	207.22
-55	20407	2040700	91dcd4c1-9b79-4e9a-930b-d88adabc752e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:18:48	726.392
-55	40814	2040700	5a453273-0b33-40a9-81b1-b864cd495298	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:46:58	-423.182
-56	20408	2040800	2abfb527-c6a7-4f3e-889c-6af87f18c983	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:40:35	854.3
-56	40816	2040800	d274e233-3901-4569-9e83-594248fadc3b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:23:09	-551.688
-57	20409	2040900	e1640465-db12-4227-ae6b-52d0c80302c8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:56:05	575.802
-57	40818	2040900	995de549-f3ad-4c5b-88d9-99438ee85012	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:37:04	785.889
-58	20410	2041000	7bf3a0e2-cc2e-4d80-9c47-35c480863473	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:58:19	250.868
-58	40820	2041000	4729524f-f786-4581-bf7a-b66fe647b12b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:20:19	158.805
-59	20411	2041100	7fe00f75-aa12-4d4b-bcc8-e4c3b8cd2722	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:45:31	-982.715
-59	40822	2041100	50348fd8-7cef-4859-95bf-bc5df42fed09	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:29:14	34.51
-60	20412	2041200	d1207c45-2e68-486e-8d21-a764330cb603	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:08:12	854.174
-60	40824	2041200	c64eb2e0-1b87-4c80-bd49-d930a53e9e46	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:50:24	-80.386
-61	20413	2041300	008af591-d88d-4f4c-b966-9effa160693a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:54:49	234.42
-61	40826	2041300	5ecf1d71-dd45-4f03-9ea1-45e5d53f225c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:58:29	-551.598
-62	20414	2041400	7c8d3a58-a2d1-430c-9abc-fa586b3d56b9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:53:56	5.956
-62	40828	2041400	b331475a-5f03-468c-bc5a-46311835499c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:55:54	648.41
-63	20415	2041500	59d733ce-953a-484a-9c03-9b32518b578e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:55:02	-942.446
-63	40830	2041500	0e72eb71-eed7-4dba-a6bb-8d850ad8ed2f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:50:15	-583.1
-64	20416	2041600	80446df6-0e30-4d62-8abe-ba98aa0d4075	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:21:49	345.965
-64	40832	2041600	7acb4b2a-1844-428d-88ca-09e473bce26c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:33:36	-446.488
-65	20417	2041700	0f47ce95-3edb-41fc-bff6-4addf4ce0d10	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:46:09	-488.950
-65	40834	2041700	288373c9-37af-4534-82dd-134677747dc0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:10:45	-238.606
-66	20418	2041800	2c0dbc25-81a6-4bde-a6ac-bf9885d8e980	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:00:54	127.12
-66	40836	2041800	342fb4d6-8fad-4ecd-89c8-3fc18f17b276	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:45:22	-766.45
-67	20419	2041900	077e4cee-96f9-4ebb-80d5-ae561dd18811	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:34:10	-333.563
-67	40838	2041900	18cd42e7-e0c3-406f-87a5-9b8f680a103e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:39:16	-96.834
-68	20420	2042000	3cdf70b6-0aef-4b2f-a645-7768d519fa36	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:00:45	-744.72
-68	40840	2042000	61bb6066-59fa-4b65-a9c8-b11bd390e81e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:43:31	-182.646
-69	20421	2042100	455cae9e-aeab-4643-97ba-9f1b45d70a89	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:27:38	-321.453
-69	40842	2042100	8358c2dc-1394-405e-a7b3-c8b58f146c10	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:13:59	101.186
-70	20422	2042200	0d848e8d-5fc3-4e67-a476-eb795bae4652	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:45:39	919.117
-70	40844	2042200	f02ef564-cc03-469c-ae20-816d90a53ddf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:55:33	-971.700
-71	20423	2042300	e7a4b630-7d66-47da-b800-ede6a0acf183	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:50:30	-545.413
-71	40846	2042300	deac308f-e8d1-4fcd-a016-515adffa8b29	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:09:14	-851.407
-72	20424	2042400	45606401-7e4e-4bf0-b673-989e40963b0c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:20:58	-298.145
-72	40848	2042400	39030713-cb0e-4794-9ed3-4831f3df61e9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:47:01	289.980
-73	20425	2042500	77eff78a-b890-41c3-90f5-3c09633a666f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:01:55	862.395
-73	40850	2042500	0cd9b5fb-a98a-401e-a070-bed8b8856b3f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:05:30	582.251
-74	20426	2042600	109b4d0f-97df-4440-8e45-2d75d22f96a0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:10:28	609.907
-74	40852	2042600	3c177c18-4818-44c7-9590-b0645f28f244	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:04:42	-994.682
-75	20427	2042700	84968fde-dfe2-4f3b-b939-0c65c2805d58	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:22:31	-79.751
-75	40854	2042700	9fc9bbb4-4f4c-4898-8250-802e5d0d6781	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:26:43	-699.74
-76	20428	2042800	2ca5138e-d0a6-4b17-9d28-a058be1fe45c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:32:36	14.333
-76	40856	2042800	66501181-8fb9-4a78-a102-7af9b79b90c5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:05:26	-444.243
-77	20429	2042900	7d0b4ff9-8d57-4d38-a1c4-76fec0d635de	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:55:02	-818.215
-77	40858	2042900	f06800d2-cf59-41d3-a62d-2e8b9b8caded	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:16:21	-81.404
-78	20430	2043000	c2d9f1f0-0bb6-4835-a336-d69b93188bc4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:50:46	-212.538
-78	40860	2043000	021bdd02-38c1-4573-9138-bc2783f9e54d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:18:01	518.162
-79	20431	2043100	6d2c06d7-6590-43d8-8c72-c20f9427aded	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:57:11	107.525
-79	40862	2043100	2a2027e2-11d4-4e41-985d-8e13a1e6e5d8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:43:43	-254.273
-80	20432	2043200	60bad01e-abe0-4ac6-8898-296256b56db5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:09:39	-233.724
-80	40864	2043200	090d7b7a-87ab-4447-ac51-da77e10b4334	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:56:44	-203.906
-81	20433	2043300	ef8b0337-4cfc-4b19-a101-0e99d38f8f5f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:30:46	-432.640
-81	40866	2043300	e49378e0-d133-4852-8638-070cdd2a24f2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:55:34	785.135
-82	20434	2043400	3b41caec-0311-424f-8fec-0bd8d262e0d1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:04:03	70.240
-82	40868	2043400	236f1d34-8277-4da9-a7cb-61d4c151ef32	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:24:28	407.457
-83	20435	2043500	48150d93-03cf-4d52-820b-fc9646f29628	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:08:51	-34.288
-83	40870	2043500	1a1c37fc-96cf-446e-926a-4ef954fcd1e0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:13:44	-823.107
-84	20436	2043600	c41ba96a-6566-4e58-b701-cbdf5ac07f68	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:32:28	280.138
-84	40872	2043600	8e884a82-b4f8-49f3-8827-3a667128e234	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:57:22	486.913
-85	20437	2043700	24f552b5-5eca-42c6-a288-c05d54f45f86	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:37:58	573.867
-85	40874	2043700	b0d1289e-b1ff-4904-911b-195b8d8030cc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:30:53	-306.136
-86	20438	2043800	3ec5aa2e-dca0-4160-bc8a-229cf633b36c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:22:35	182.312
-86	40876	2043800	918636e0-c3c3-4299-812d-0d599bf5f77a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:22:27	-776.549
-87	20439	2043900	a9772d0c-93a7-48be-9c17-9c7fc40cedd1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:56:37	-37.479
-87	40878	2043900	ee438ecc-8fa0-4c26-a706-a53b612638f4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:59:03	766.804
-88	20440	2044000	79ff5a61-2215-4a7e-8194-1482252558e6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:54:42	392.965
-88	40880	2044000	99141f7a-1dbe-4370-ac83-b87d514e8e86	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:38:02	64.917
-89	20441	2044100	98b48107-9539-4553-bf16-0b84fccface4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:14:07	800.713
-89	40882	2044100	56ba904e-b8cd-494e-a6a3-07a06c8034aa	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:12:35	784.975
-90	20442	2044200	f99728a4-d1d0-4a92-bf7f-19d3d6c19609	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:11:09	725.597
-90	40884	2044200	4bf71de6-0f8a-4cfd-82aa-6160546aaa7a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:57:40	-403.89
-91	20443	2044300	1c5a881e-817a-4c69-9f80-08d8c60cc69c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:19:31	-698.230
-91	40886	2044300	0dc8165c-671c-4246-be20-46a58bf5ac28	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:21:01	-513.288
-92	20444	2044400	0beca6a6-7824-41e2-ae10-04ea8619ae4d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:35:23	636.339
-92	40888	2044400	9d812ab5-31bf-4504-a648-b0c1fccee73c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:19:15	357.307
-93	20445	2044500	78f40044-657f-4d20-bff7-fb4d0d70d6d5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:27:00	513.538
-93	40890	2044500	e0c4d3b6-5363-4d3c-aed3-a92aa35f0c3c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:25:48	803.806
-94	20446	2044600	0503fc0e-ddc4-47aa-8d63-4b686683e477	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:22:03	-721.1
-94	40892	2044600	6acd1e5b-722a-4e2e-b585-cc68f41d2cf0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:16:17	-859.775
-95	20447	2044700	b8b08c3f-5558-4912-8908-c37b5f177e65	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:45:30	216.54
-95	40894	2044700	1c407913-52ff-4627-9777-afcd4047521e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:04:23	266.121
-96	20448	2044800	a102191b-f0f7-438a-85a9-7d599eca001a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:14:16	-623.683
-96	40896	2044800	79085763-5d2c-4091-b8d1-f09587b001a7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:21:36	236.918
-97	20449	2044900	7ddb8600-6d68-4d4c-abe5-fecc579e356d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:40:42	670.235
-97	40898	2044900	18546478-05db-4993-a7e3-3b8cb677ff4e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:35:31	50.240
-98	20450	2045000	0075f9d2-d481-4665-b11b-b28ca38455a2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:13:13	588.881
-98	40900	2045000	f73719b3-79e4-450e-b34b-ad8918b7782d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:13:30	349.981
-99	20451	2045100	7e672ac0-1aa2-4725-83ca-71d1658e9b97	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:23:31	648.283
-99	40902	2045100	4a21b838-28dd-453f-a27a-477c72ad7473	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:38:28	-671.692
-100	20452	2045200	f56af698-7a2a-447c-8cc0-e0af22165b59	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:17:29	568.236
-100	40904	2045200	55a62202-341c-4c47-808e-c4698c99157f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:24:05	675.237
-101	20453	2045300	09e152f3-8a9e-45ad-9da7-87c6ca5ee948	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:50:51	755.516
-101	40906	2045300	f376a632-480b-4d03-b20a-2db347edcd12	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:55:18	-420.115
-102	20454	2045400	7011281b-0a5b-4b76-99bf-031ebf7b2040	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:06:22	-859.714
-102	40908	2045400	a7451d8d-429f-41ac-bf50-ab578f4f3bc3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:58:52	-39.779
-103	20455	2045500	ff46db02-18ed-4660-8bfb-eb40b315500f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:48:09	-223.920
-103	40910	2045500	451d4578-7d33-442e-8a0b-453c6932646a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:07:03	-957.580
-104	20456	2045600	91bcca52-0717-474f-a3fb-612702075453	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:59:04	302.275
-104	40912	2045600	cf59ae91-8e79-4f10-a72f-745b0748ff15	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:29:06	968.251
-105	20457	2045700	e32d0959-b35c-4364-a27c-30b73f19f6de	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:16:48	-543.803
-105	40914	2045700	34e096cf-e1b6-4dbf-bc2f-7b91f7515b1d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:37:53	-219.645
-106	20458	2045800	c425024a-b87f-47cc-8ae9-5794aa08ea7a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:57:45	407.873
-106	40916	2045800	dc7d0da1-d28c-44db-8829-6614aebb04a3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:54:27	-72.407
-107	20459	2045900	7fbce881-40e3-4b1a-9454-2bae5ddede63	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:34:03	875.439
-107	40918	2045900	4e0afbd2-d4a4-4fae-a0fc-542aee0321b1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:17:11	-447.934
-108	20460	2046000	811164fd-d05b-4976-9396-e5793b0eba6c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:53:01	506.556
-108	40920	2046000	aa211bfa-5fbb-4b2f-9ef5-06adea1868fe	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:32:21	932.973
-109	20461	2046100	6eefcd0a-ba95-425d-b49c-5ba6c2bb536a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:18:02	415.315
-109	40922	2046100	cf778813-680f-42b8-abf3-24ec09021802	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:28:26	-533.515
-110	20462	2046200	c32f04c5-82b2-49c6-84c6-9163f18eeb24	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:48:33	790.79
-110	40924	2046200	b2d5fd76-3d5f-49b8-b9e2-6aa6b99b91c7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:47:30	301.97
-111	20463	2046300	a6036b0a-e261-4a61-950f-27a2333f1f72	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:29:18	292.506
-111	40926	2046300	aae492fc-136b-4dae-a803-5bf3778a2adf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:14:55	149.34
-112	20464	2046400	a7b3bad7-3868-4785-b944-673c00f3c511	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:49:53	-360.323
-112	40928	2046400	63fc737f-ed26-443a-90b2-dde665e5459c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:21:33	-713.151
-113	20465	2046500	046e12cb-5d51-468e-98c5-d29073d05829	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:41:34	-171.962
-113	40930	2046500	83c73532-453c-4bc7-8d29-b045e47c5900	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:48:19	151.778
-114	20466	2046600	a956cc3d-149f-43f7-8d4e-6606120f579a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:12:12	61.226
-114	40932	2046600	15c9dba1-70ac-4900-b096-33aa9b1537c1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:41:21	838.610
-115	20467	2046700	d83a0a07-dcd0-495f-82a1-8b908c433865	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:09:44	-17.581
-115	40934	2046700	a617e3a3-9b2e-4066-a547-114cbc33d316	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:21:42	-924.61
-116	20468	2046800	274c724c-f238-41b7-a5d0-1ed2610f654c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:29:01	-373.312
-116	40936	2046800	8181960e-ad1e-4a42-8104-4d94935872d2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:23:18	456.64
-117	20469	2046900	6c3952ed-aada-4fde-9dff-708a9e3ac0b9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:23:10	549.611
-117	40938	2046900	fd8c026f-7944-4438-a95a-9ec582cf8153	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:10:48	-446.781
-118	20470	2047000	8203ba4c-36d1-48cc-ab92-bee4570f3be7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:34:28	962.662
-118	40940	2047000	018685b8-7604-4562-ab2d-08b16203132c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:26:09	-356.501
-119	20471	2047100	c3690f75-5fe3-4b14-8a19-a8168e8c1d52	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:55:10	119.855
-119	40942	2047100	339208ea-adfc-43b9-bbf4-10878bb5b3d8	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:27:15	-715.68
-120	20472	2047200	6f914ba6-99b4-402f-bb48-5adbf4ab4215	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:06:31	93.795
-120	40944	2047200	f61b4485-9307-44af-b144-1b50a2ff0057	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:11:01	-509.173
-121	20473	2047300	ae33e0e8-d1b1-46af-8399-9a307da92d6f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:19:42	713.257
-121	40946	2047300	31e66276-b969-43c8-9712-ad5f7c761650	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:20:53	-643.183
-122	20474	2047400	a16b240f-8dd9-45d5-b31d-905c9091aa76	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:32:36	-615.474
-122	40948	2047400	930b7856-ebdc-4743-8bef-ece2daa5f97d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:41:07	241.260
-123	20475	2047500	532c6ae1-5374-4e9c-9271-633169ed56c7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:54:23	-501.555
-123	40950	2047500	c7206d84-c5b5-413b-aa65-f971e4c46936	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:29:34	871.98
-124	20476	2047600	5ca03e9a-41eb-49e0-8404-f8cd9f2c1233	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:53:03	-213.939
-124	40952	2047600	4e6fa759-ded9-4f29-9e8e-63a61893fcef	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:24:04	540.841
-125	20477	2047700	0caa32df-7d2f-40c5-a975-7c277b61c2e0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:05:13	879.132
-125	40954	2047700	9ba31f75-0365-43fb-9ada-807e1dac9e4e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:46:12	-420.353
-126	20478	2047800	97d77224-40ac-4bda-9a50-0af359412075	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:05:27	-6.267
-126	40956	2047800	9df1ff1b-b08b-4351-8363-072b82e71f7d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:31:52	342.487
-127	20479	2047900	75db9df0-7dd2-4df3-b304-2c5d8875be2d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:13:49	827.61
-127	40958	2047900	114e4216-c843-4ae6-a1e1-1ae772e2509a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:04:52	-135.6
-0	20480	2048000	252de3e4-7f82-401d-b7d3-635d7fd174ce	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:16:45	-110.161
-0	40960	2048000	9f5ada42-c507-468d-9f6c-67d720e16091	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:03:47	-698.573
-1	20481	2048100	788118ff-10d9-4894-9594-70dbb8a75455	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:22:47	-285.489
-1	40962	2048100	83b9f481-0c3c-49d5-83c9-e30bbd9c6684	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:48:08	-758.585
-2	20482	2048200	12260def-8efb-444d-8e2e-e202ab25ff92	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:57:07	-385.244
-2	40964	2048200	9db3e04c-80c3-490b-b103-0753389cbb91	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:38:41	620.311
-3	20483	2048300	247377bc-7621-4881-a821-ed24909ef613	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:29:05	77.331
-3	40966	2048300	c365301c-e9c2-422b-82e2-678a916e7c8c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:13:19	837.990
-4	20484	2048400	e9aed3f3-aaef-4a01-a765-58cc889cf911	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:14:32	-586.738
-4	40968	2048400	6a6736d7-1ea3-4d6c-9f7d-7cdbd0fd9c11	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:41:51	-660.539
-5	20485	2048500	d2d54897-5fb3-4b1d-bc97-e4a5612bc691	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:39:57	-237.983
-5	40970	2048500	ac22e33e-b43e-499b-94fe-d382e1dec45a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:04:36	519.289
-6	20486	2048600	b2ad11bd-300f-4e49-ace7-fe2ab56b769c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:45:56	-550.588
-6	40972	2048600	0fbaddf3-34e7-4399-9bad-4ccf015c5e0b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:47:33	353.937
-7	20487	2048700	32b30ade-0d8d-4411-bc1c-8a5c96a0f2b0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:50:11	792.107
-7	40974	2048700	fa8d4bae-3a24-4e80-b513-f429df596b35	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:35:09	-184.244
-8	20488	2048800	1fe30dc5-723d-40b5-b4d4-468b74587532	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:12:11	526.649
-8	40976	2048800	5d4630f1-41cc-414a-9601-4faed2616eba	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:25:27	-805.257
-9	20489	2048900	b958809f-b70c-486e-92c7-2d35d37d16e5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:35:09	401.985
-9	40978	2048900	b2e9ee11-48aa-400d-ab8e-9641dc1e3ac0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:40:32	-603.995
-10	20490	2049000	af5073b8-b341-471d-a4ca-679cd3f025d3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:08:07	891.54
-10	40980	2049000	479f0ba9-35cb-4d09-832c-3a27d307a578	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:46:37	-339.39
-11	20491	2049100	8f9101f5-6b47-42ae-b173-32532008588e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:00:12	323.679
-11	40982	2049100	50f8d8e4-c3fd-4c16-bbea-1f7df2bad489	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:27:08	284.655
-12	20492	2049200	7a50b4ca-624d-4fdc-8c71-044d0d9fbcf4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:38:16	-407.574
-12	40984	2049200	0b2a1a66-896d-42e4-b6f9-123411c60cc0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:23:25	441.304
-13	20493	2049300	2ece3d85-1b0b-4e74-959e-f8e8445bdcbb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:52:33	168.604
-13	40986	2049300	9b1c8c5e-2ffd-44c0-8060-ec34c9272b78	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:50:54	-233.717
-14	20494	2049400	4b6e14be-66d2-446e-9393-436f6ea611d7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:59:12	-420.809
-14	40988	2049400	8f8f9018-e00b-4839-a249-6352da4d87cf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:46:54	954.506
-15	20495	2049500	afe356de-2caa-4f87-a500-fbb2429d52f3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:14:01	-761.238
-15	40990	2049500	811dc4a4-962c-4b77-bb1c-3b5d3da5ce70	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:17:02	696.115
-16	20496	2049600	d034ad0a-9b5d-4c7b-95db-3385591b76f2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:36:55	918.919
-16	40992	2049600	0f1f0717-bd4f-4c3d-9c8a-c4f05e913ef0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:32:59	62.834
-17	20497	2049700	08edf01d-7815-488d-bf0a-63a3d0857f18	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:39:31	708.918
-17	40994	2049700	82a81597-8a92-4d86-a56d-84037bbc9420	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:23:02	63.834
-18	20498	2049800	c49846b9-e1b2-483f-9cbe-f42d93862c6e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:31:14	607.930
-18	40996	2049800	b28f4362-2d67-4282-a492-27e709039d61	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:23:24	832.12
-19	20499	2049900	92775f3a-3f8b-4ed1-8776-e54fdeb4e0d1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:20:57	-203.515
-19	40998	2049900	a7fc55bb-4610-48a7-92f6-002b364604a5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:38:20	-698.863
-20	20500	2050000	f1f04345-1301-4b73-9184-fc364a539e52	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:32:16	843.573
-20	41000	2050000	d3294b2e-6bed-4435-ba52-5687a8129464	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:39:54	310.776
-21	20501	2050100	48161ba1-1fbd-4c18-b3d6-c61ad78d7dc3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:09:37	-27.865
-21	41002	2050100	bf218f03-9357-46f4-8cfe-334008c78320	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:10:00	-745.70
-22	20502	2050200	8dc5d32d-f63f-4181-a981-f7ab84798620	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:17:52	301.3
-22	41004	2050200	cadfd961-578b-4fb8-bdde-8cf15c07912b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:08:39	-397.623
-23	20503	2050300	7179cf77-36a7-448c-85e3-18c5576092a8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:45:59	-382.249
-23	41006	2050300	35da3373-4f55-4b46-9ea3-495c7e2413b1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:10:14	-52.661
-24	20504	2050400	a555a636-3a6a-49a8-91f4-66e14908d2e1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:10:42	558.140
-24	41008	2050400	e09f0e5c-92d3-48a4-8aae-e0f110a3696f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:20:22	-830.314
-25	20505	2050500	6b71bd8d-2ee5-421b-a50d-522d282dbc31	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:54:51	76.989
-25	41010	2050500	0b43fec8-48c4-485f-8c43-702de09e060b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:12:58	-321.724
-26	20506	2050600	52dcf8bf-f330-4eb3-847f-87e70755ee17	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:59:35	920.567
-26	41012	2050600	fbff0d88-a21b-4a56-9ad3-5066ae390e48	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:51:58	441.780
-27	20507	2050700	8c5e3502-a812-40b7-9986-982e7eb6a3c8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:53:13	377.283
-27	41014	2050700	62152de8-13de-4e8b-8d4a-068cf8c18a75	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:24:23	-174.549
-28	20508	2050800	b8e03f18-6e6e-4f83-ae52-57800a14b148	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:35:11	254.190
-28	41016	2050800	32627df1-49ef-45a4-b941-3746d9d7c972	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:46:45	954.864
-29	20509	2050900	10a9969f-12ce-48af-9231-4210f5884e21	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:06:12	-48.9
-29	41018	2050900	f996debb-c9a5-4d6d-9382-25de8a2b3428	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:10:25	219.202
-30	20510	2051000	05be58ec-831f-4983-ab6a-32487e4633ed	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:15:53	-268.4
-30	41020	2051000	ac7b9374-57d5-4004-952c-7b449072ac0d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:02:56	404.584
-31	20511	2051100	c3c8d373-41ae-4485-99b2-d04bd7364fc3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:19:51	-790.303
-31	41022	2051100	c8382248-7fac-48cb-b90d-b9175959156e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:11:43	360.901
-32	20512	2051200	84e4870d-f2cd-4fd3-8206-85e837e618f4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:37:44	-686.820
-32	41024	2051200	f5b93e37-9222-443d-9003-1b4f0d36aec2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:52:57	-598.888
-33	20513	2051300	737bd88a-db0e-4dee-927e-2d3a6f5cb195	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:27:08	-229.27
-33	41026	2051300	08d32e73-2f9b-4d03-bebc-bc952a3dc910	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:00:21	463.544
-34	20514	2051400	e28bc1e4-eb61-47bc-92e2-9d5de0e63da7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:37:41	-459.197
-34	41028	2051400	7c19cb11-cf30-4760-83d0-40c36cc5a425	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:22:01	494.960
-35	20515	2051500	98d98728-c52c-4f19-9092-72e99ef2785b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:18:59	-331.802
-35	41030	2051500	76dcec57-98f6-4fdc-bb75-421feb6bcd93	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:46:16	-71.751
-36	20516	2051600	72370c5d-5060-4809-b1fd-f5a501b581e8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:45:22	-269.18
-36	41032	2051600	722f89a5-2a27-456e-a9fa-8e7b8850fb26	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:28:20	-228.64
-37	20517	2051700	78dbc201-4177-40e3-8d2b-0671263683ad	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:09:03	822.52
-37	41034	2051700	4f213132-65f5-44dd-9146-b012bb099706	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:04:23	710.538
-38	20518	2051800	a54a4bc0-574a-4a82-82d1-96ac5e61fff3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:08:01	-417.447
-38	41036	2051800	502e1a33-a03d-4f07-9294-8cfb306564df	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:45:10	-234.398
-39	20519	2051900	88b15d88-6408-482d-b1a2-b49c1d8daaa2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:08:04	-571.646
-39	41038	2051900	e3812490-9bf3-47d1-a505-3c30382c79bf	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:58:29	280.473
-40	20520	2052000	5fbfb868-0cc5-40fc-ab8b-1754bca66eaa	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:58:54	-629.810
-40	41040	2052000	60c8fa54-d293-40d4-8b11-6179e6dbb86c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:43:19	-880.400
-41	20521	2052100	2bffed85-7fe2-462e-942e-1e59ab58094d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:54:05	343.916
-41	41042	2052100	7de20ec2-d7a4-4dc2-9c92-8a71f246633c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:23:42	788.812
-42	20522	2052200	91d2db2f-4c61-4d90-8f9d-106ec41f0256	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:05:01	-560.551
-42	41044	2052200	8ea5a12e-55ab-4384-83a6-118b18169b56	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:07:03	509.451
-43	20523	2052300	10ba734e-5134-41b1-8036-dd6339b54287	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:47:45	-827.64
-43	41046	2052300	663bf6ac-7cbb-4782-a5e2-4ec4830385b5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:46:03	79.990
-44	20524	2052400	c96a6d68-eacd-4e18-b439-53038348bd4f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:29:13	-896.377
-44	41048	2052400	603a33a7-39a2-4f7a-8ae9-c32726301d2e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:29:34	167.581
-45	20525	2052500	0a077891-d73f-47e6-83e5-11476f2e4349	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:18:43	-267.910
-45	41050	2052500	5315766c-7dd9-4277-aac6-9b30b4d71f65	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:35:14	670.193
-46	20526	2052600	54cd3df6-3c35-40f3-9d24-7d98fe8ce6b2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:02:40	-282.172
-46	41052	2052600	0d4c15e5-a2cf-4319-a95a-b5e4fdc2867b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:02:34	678.175
-47	20527	2052700	d5357923-7bd6-4eac-b40c-f852b291b668	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:40:20	-766.219
-47	41054	2052700	39e7a540-621c-46ef-b9b7-34b052c2a604	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:37:40	-398.52
-48	20528	2052800	21782d40-1018-4f64-bc00-c9d131b9a6ea	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:57:35	-792.355
-48	41056	2052800	35f766c1-5b99-4e7c-857f-7b9d4d1eb85e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:41:49	-85.504
-49	20529	2052900	83805a69-8397-4265-8c31-d48073a2f0d6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:29:42	-670.650
-49	41058	2052900	f09a90c9-4e26-41ef-af40-7eaaae413ebd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:53:16	-16.430
-50	20530	2053000	5234b06f-2f89-4231-bda2-bea4f3e8090c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:10:48	425.245
-50	41060	2053000	c4b94ac7-9d48-4f90-8272-d9d3003d0438	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:39:13	27.741
-51	20531	2053100	fc7200ee-d230-4b3e-9bd6-5b7829325955	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:45:13	-46.522
-51	41062	2053100	25237834-18ea-4a73-a6d6-59c63f0de585	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:05:33	158.874
-52	20532	2053200	17d53ea0-6ec3-4002-8c9b-b09627898086	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:16:14	664.925
-52	41064	2053200	ea5fc8f5-c3de-4d0b-8e8e-04fd7ad9184e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:58:33	-635.82
-53	20533	2053300	eb0c413a-d079-437e-9efb-25d8d2fa3c41	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:15:44	751.464
-53	41066	2053300	a08242d1-882f-47e6-ab43-e09b4041b6a8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:14:51	48.194
-54	20534	2053400	988ee2e3-40f9-4ed6-8ef9-e9aad3ae746a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:01:25	941.950
-54	41068	2053400	7149f023-f339-4db8-bb2c-7a2b36a8c227	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:13:35	-387.582
-55	20535	2053500	debd1a89-d5c4-46ae-b1e9-76528412c6bd	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:38:30	835.127
-55	41070	2053500	1b07b50f-9a4d-432f-88d5-af2f2610df5d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:41:06	822.276
-56	20536	2053600	edf8986f-a3d2-4985-a8b9-eb9a8c573355	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:22:17	193.534
-56	41072	2053600	5f2601ff-8c13-43dc-bae0-870b214b26d5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:00:04	-842.86
-57	20537	2053700	0010e5c5-5156-43bd-b610-cd99f72dae28	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:01:58	-399.859
-57	41074	2053700	28c32f7d-5c0d-4188-b27c-5510b85c51f8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:38:31	278.350
-58	20538	2053800	ae548851-1fb2-47aa-a835-66eff085d332	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:14:49	977.627
-58	41076	2053800	68059b81-7d71-42c4-817e-c6f136a82a37	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:06:18	-537.518
-59	20539	2053900	8ab8327d-2214-4684-8707-03bc007a345e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:18:25	-596.697
-59	41078	2053900	26c3ef51-0154-4e7e-9dd0-97950de03619	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:17:52	-303.627
-60	20540	2054000	aaefa824-6048-4aff-a662-20f2fb3eeca4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:03:57	257.429
-60	41080	2054000	62e4859b-7cbd-46e8-a496-b90e97bff03d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:36:57	-529.710
-61	20541	2054100	21479cc1-1cc9-4cd4-bd57-a5ba69b6f99b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:33:08	-767.399
-61	41082	2054100	71a47d49-f8df-4be4-816c-c93f0119e758	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:07:48	598.760
-62	20542	2054200	3dbf2ab6-4ebb-4d65-b637-28a59b1d929b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:59:54	-439.716
-62	41084	2054200	33423357-0e58-4aa9-92e1-cf7a17e16651	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:19:55	821.686
-63	20543	2054300	82665b82-2a2d-4fb0-922b-543fdc8af472	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:26:55	-676.36
-63	41086	2054300	7c9a72a1-7511-489f-9591-1595703575d1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:45:58	-925.768
-64	20544	2054400	b8dc4c66-cb30-46c3-9701-4f99949350ec	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:36:51	774.232
-64	41088	2054400	286a0e83-8aa6-411b-b5cb-4d85c43cf18d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:27:32	625.810
-65	20545	2054500	d20d1737-f8ff-4e7a-a599-bb72d6141e3e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:53:37	772.113
-65	41090	2054500	c5301223-da97-42e0-a0e7-06e98f7410be	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:22:41	789.233
-66	20546	2054600	b3445e37-1872-4760-861e-9dd62eb9152d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:17:25	300.721
-66	41092	2054600	446637ad-1a13-444c-b7b6-aaaba9265378	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:59:42	624.450
-67	20547	2054700	8ce60bb0-309e-42e6-8085-89f55556a527	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:11:08	785.157
-67	41094	2054700	dceb3a09-a497-475d-b85d-32aa70728086	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:03:07	-22.723
-68	20548	2054800	49bb0ce0-f11b-4a5f-b977-b0fc4730e7d4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:25:33	35.391
-68	41096	2054800	2dfb9287-010c-4e5d-ae64-c6c75d745f49	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:22:55	238.519
-69	20549	2054900	9041bc8b-a42d-4b18-a785-4b70f2f2d853	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:07:34	714.133
-69	41098	2054900	9d651473-4815-444c-82fd-7219d66db70f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:43:03	-560.459
-70	20550	2055000	6619bda6-281d-4f10-af2c-abc574409d61	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:56:39	-285.194
-70	41100	2055000	ae2a0f0f-d7d0-4130-b23b-b816793866e4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:37:22	657.767
-71	20551	2055100	168c90ee-124e-4f4f-b305-9cdf6a81c793	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:44:46	2.809
-71	41102	2055100	f9bdd077-670f-4396-a51b-bd687c12df10	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:16:30	-70.842
-72	20552	2055200	634b79e6-596d-444b-b40d-51df36711b8b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:42:10	771.848
-72	41104	2055200	c589533b-5198-4931-97b7-01c1b944e132	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:21:39	149.426
-73	20553	2055300	7e27fbe1-959c-4afe-8c7f-9d8e5da70a4e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:21:48	-205.952
-73	41106	2055300	4edc3692-88e1-4fcc-83cf-ec5fa874c43b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:19:23	-673.322
-74	20554	2055400	361db416-898c-42f0-aa39-d6f7b1b5bf38	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:52:08	-815.466
-74	41108	2055400	14a50636-915d-438b-9ed2-b6e1e9f1e9e2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:12:34	348.653
-75	20555	2055500	9b97b161-9155-47f2-a654-599c6dc037f9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:16:44	-633.621
-75	41110	2055500	fa6e73c1-474c-4f3c-ae0f-a03b6606156e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:26:48	701.352
-76	20556	2055600	bc1d67a5-1a63-48c8-8d2e-b3053ca1036f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:47:03	134.632
-76	41112	2055600	e1e9ae8f-b346-4baa-8c89-b841066336da	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:43:01	-480.153
-77	20557	2055700	10718c90-a45c-4574-b2fc-b83b21b6ad5b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:51:22	361.741
-77	41114	2055700	41855207-731f-4c95-8fa6-6bfecb27a639	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:52:45	-708.338
-78	20558	2055800	5897f89f-c4eb-454b-8de4-03b57a5425cb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:01:37	47.983
-78	41116	2055800	1af5dd9b-46e5-4196-bdd8-31b205de4520	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:00:40	-601.394
-79	20559	2055900	9c2f64db-d316-444f-9ed1-beaad1551652	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:59:44	889.117
-79	41118	2055900	8d7d56cd-9f90-4682-8453-4a7a3e695699	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:29:14	-625.990
-80	20560	2056000	73f0a293-d2a9-4606-bd71-4f0ae86c72cc	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:11:39	-649.189
-80	41120	2056000	56336c6b-332d-4bce-b2a0-bd4df22e4438	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:45:14	-448.676
-81	20561	2056100	ad6dfeed-2ea5-40cb-9ae6-99481b7140f2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:43:54	887.406
-81	41122	2056100	c4482911-6344-477a-b359-867da03ff410	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:07:46	-194.652
-82	20562	2056200	d0623363-87af-4169-9dff-ab4ae73d7f68	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:43:43	-603.300
-82	41124	2056200	97fc558b-cbce-4fb0-835e-44d9f259320b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:15:15	438.103
-83	20563	2056300	e5db551f-a80e-490c-9f69-2991ba56e8a5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:37:04	-239.138
-83	41126	2056300	dcf6f39c-8178-475b-a0a7-f0ad735aacc5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:54:08	156.932
-84	20564	2056400	af98494c-1732-4e6f-a409-ea14cf456ce7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:17:54	-748.416
-84	41128	2056400	7ee86211-3339-4316-83fc-cafae73736ce	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:15:14	-145.277
-85	20565	2056500	5018255c-7089-44b3-9142-2ecf05a8e4a3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:15:10	-573.947
-85	41130	2056500	a6ca0deb-53c7-4c08-94a8-b0ff9bdc9d71	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:23:00	-892.468
-86	20566	2056600	ff4b9b46-7ef8-4007-a6e7-fca8bc882046	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:45:57	621.606
-86	41132	2056600	29d181cd-fa2b-44ba-9638-7c55b44038e6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:09:34	593.978
-87	20567	2056700	75b6cac2-4e1c-43eb-99d0-334e2129adde	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:33:57	375.351
-87	41134	2056700	62206033-fedc-4647-8464-47a456e7fd02	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:23:50	198.334
-88	20568	2056800	9bfc96fd-2219-488e-ae3a-7199a948be93	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:57:40	-476.834
-88	41136	2056800	13b0e19a-1934-40ba-a79a-23db2e791563	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:15:30	-15.241
-89	20569	2056900	91141d43-94fe-431d-a57f-1ae0dd5762fc	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:28:00	826.668
-89	41138	2056900	27ac42b8-acd1-4b20-b267-78fa35b447d7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:46:14	-188.536
-90	20570	2057000	d7ddba01-be2a-4037-94d1-e3f1f390193d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:30:06	-62.828
-90	41140	2057000	cb063c7b-a4f8-4c24-9485-742cb3d88406	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:34:08	-311.201
-91	20571	2057100	72065c62-0a25-4da9-aa95-b8743c88fad7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:48:16	-162.229
-91	41142	2057100	873673f7-6cf6-493e-96f9-f73a2a1ce782	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:27:42	-944.634
-92	20572	2057200	ed5d4c91-dda8-4233-8e15-de1dc1cce75f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:09:20	-101.227
-92	41144	2057200	487be4bf-fcd5-4a8c-9b64-294a2aefdaaa	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:28:03	-107.728
-93	20573	2057300	25996e51-5919-4d9d-beed-f43cfe7325c7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:17:10	-823.367
-93	41146	2057300	8c95bef0-cd72-4e8f-959e-ca71249b297b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:30:19	-383.27
-94	20574	2057400	d46eb6b1-2072-423b-a87b-e107094a8f68	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:17:36	-320.624
-94	41148	2057400	9d87c950-bfca-42e5-aed1-04aea9c7b2b0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:41:51	-512.236
-95	20575	2057500	1d9b68d2-df63-46b4-a799-0b853e9dec27	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:46:30	-427.648
-95	41150	2057500	810621f3-493d-4271-9e1b-00564a6b60a2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:09:01	537.127
-96	20576	2057600	53f7ce66-0551-45f3-9f3f-a10598adf9a2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:45:46	-54.59
-96	41152	2057600	e8b7ab2b-857f-4765-8265-fece5f62ef36	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:51:41	783.150
-97	20577	2057700	4bd5bd86-76c1-4807-a1ec-32510833d671	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:10:32	-493.469
-97	41154	2057700	61be1366-ba73-443d-81f7-2d59be3cd79a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:58:13	-612.607
-98	20578	2057800	ed98cb00-a3b7-47ed-be72-baa06f2146f3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:13:05	-109.75
-98	41156	2057800	6b869250-7cf1-445d-bad5-1e560309ef2a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:54:20	160.129
-99	20579	2057900	a7b871ba-30ee-4ca7-a4aa-1c3321df74c3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:58:45	-879.87
-99	41158	2057900	74aa0994-381e-4f06-aec4-409c90baa49e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:06:12	-232.806
-100	20580	2058000	7c73f2f1-09be-46c9-8214-8963ec8e07ac	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:36:03	876.792
-100	41160	2058000	2ede080a-7089-466a-8ade-d434f427f625	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:25:57	-593.35
-101	20581	2058100	025596a7-5cd3-4934-ab41-6bd5bd5fe787	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:48:22	898.273
-101	41162	2058100	42edb2d9-6a47-4bac-a990-92f9b225df16	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:16:26	-362.753
-102	20582	2058200	08757fc2-d5f6-45a5-951a-45c95c62d8b2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:31:37	-780.559
-102	41164	2058200	e2a20bb2-9f33-47ca-8d90-53974fe0f1a8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:58:42	263.100
-103	20583	2058300	1a7bbb23-3972-4687-98b3-51e3a8ef8af9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:12:35	-162.931
-103	41166	2058300	0ac1475e-d28a-4557-8747-25e98e455c3d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:21:22	-947.405
-104	20584	2058400	6ac35892-555a-48d9-8f11-d8bde15aff4f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:46:20	-25.819
-104	41168	2058400	2492e495-e551-4504-9a60-9147d76af94e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:24:23	-715.991
-105	20585	2058500	4ba8fdda-0003-4542-a20f-4b2eaf1812dd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:16:14	492.770
-105	41170	2058500	4e6c4fed-b021-494d-98f9-9e8b812f14b3	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:59:04	637.418
-106	20586	2058600	4ac12114-91c8-452c-8233-6ea6d024fcdb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:51:16	732.19
-106	41172	2058600	b70fa9fe-3b77-4d63-89c8-d78f08dccd65	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:52:49	-581.375
-107	20587	2058700	e800da47-3e7f-4bb9-9aab-d73d04c0149e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:58:46	332.247
-107	41174	2058700	b233df84-1984-4642-b96e-6451aaa7f2d6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:25:08	914.385
-108	20588	2058800	5aa0b840-fff5-452f-9b4f-503f06911d58	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:33:01	14.681
-108	41176	2058800	f412f1b3-102f-46e4-9bf5-a9ab8b15f1eb	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:04:11	264.935
-109	20589	2058900	a5f353f2-c1f6-419c-bdb1-074ca5f8750d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:08:46	-474.75
-109	41178	2058900	891a0022-5497-4be5-a086-39f5ce971f9a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:14:44	132.982
-110	20590	2059000	0fd8352a-bfcf-4cfe-9ea4-918662730011	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:44:46	-457.252
-110	41180	2059000	b7061035-3ee2-49e7-b0aa-8643be0a2735	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:07:31	-929.163
-111	20591	2059100	7f8b85fb-f280-4baa-8e8a-e502dbff0173	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:26:17	-679.389
-111	41182	2059100	800c9f18-45b6-4f38-a982-25c7ca019f30	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:09:46	17.348
-112	20592	2059200	f33de962-53c4-41ae-ae06-67dfffcc0b0c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:13:25	-873.721
-112	41184	2059200	abbe368d-259b-4b77-bc79-65d045ed4a9c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:05:12	855.614
-113	20593	2059300	d2022eca-aebd-44dd-b7a2-a4e08abe5d82	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:46:52	421.862
-113	41186	2059300	6dfaf83e-d470-406f-8f60-7828767bb591	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:28:38	-829.510
-114	20594	2059400	5264cd77-3afd-46e7-81ad-23ca1ecaa1c5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:16:19	-917.339
-114	41188	2059400	1e84783d-62a7-44cd-b0a6-3fa7f9c63bd6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:21:17	728.382
-115	20595	2059500	127139cb-892c-47a9-9f3c-6f12064d05de	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:23:50	-441.749
-115	41190	2059500	bbb1f8de-a805-43ef-9016-42343d998791	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:51:51	337.401
-116	20596	2059600	9ce0eb5a-ad5c-46fb-b535-6e39f82d6d83	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:24:13	149.386
-116	41192	2059600	982bee67-658a-4f19-8aec-cbb91520a25a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:56:58	-886.814
-117	20597	2059700	cd51f715-bcd5-4199-a723-057f865e6993	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:33:47	-189.3
-117	41194	2059700	c39a1f70-e64c-4450-8def-3373e16fd89a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:51:51	325.542
-118	20598	2059800	7e754b05-cac6-4643-bebd-c71c33353e24	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:22:57	598.382
-118	41196	2059800	df92022f-23ba-47bc-8a9e-eb6cc7a39f2e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:11:59	640.194
-119	20599	2059900	52d10ba3-02a7-4c0a-aed2-7101c131504f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:57:20	-496.355
-119	41198	2059900	2b222092-36d8-44f3-a292-7125b9b96678	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:59:17	811.445
-120	20600	2060000	49e24707-3432-424a-af48-0686feb8b883	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:29:19	41.726
-120	41200	2060000	09c593e8-c716-4ec8-9465-ba32c825d65d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:46:27	-10.576
-121	20601	2060100	99a34ead-d89a-4c4e-9781-82a697d835fb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:35:40	-218.699
-121	41202	2060100	c3c1545f-286b-4a5a-83e3-088fa8a405f6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:52:13	875.757
-122	20602	2060200	076ded7a-05f4-4c3b-ab1d-2621692f1204	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:54:08	235.95
-122	41204	2060200	6c26581c-2804-4299-b5f0-820e5baf084c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:40:46	-918.446
-123	20603	2060300	852cc415-a6f6-4f9f-8d66-fec14b52b397	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:15:44	-152.181
-123	41206	2060300	6d04140c-b130-43fb-8cfd-f0e48edbc060	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:01:21	803.531
-124	20604	2060400	f903cdde-68a5-46c9-b2a4-c9c188177c2e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:27:41	-610.131
-124	41208	2060400	05077a3e-55be-4f2b-ad10-902820d57227	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:13:45	473.620
-125	20605	2060500	fb5210b9-fb98-4737-9a08-54af7822d118	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:52:51	643.490
-125	41210	2060500	e706b50c-941c-4ac7-9f9c-b572f914fbfc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:11:27	-421.695
-126	20606	2060600	bf5c38e3-37c1-43c5-81f4-a8703f0f6ffc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:52:38	-115.626
-126	41212	2060600	253a7363-ad2b-4351-a7c2-37071fa3052d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:38:39	-972.554
-127	20607	2060700	c3245b60-e812-4727-a1ad-5ea922484bdf	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:28:24	-514.982
-127	41214	2060700	7360efa3-7e02-4d49-a34c-636497c7abf8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:05:47	-465.826
-0	20608	2060800	53d11414-e993-4818-8bd9-5fa24bf3811e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:43:35	-654.358
-0	41216	2060800	92f33b97-9add-47e4-9326-d274e3a48afa	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:23:43	-119.263
-1	20609	2060900	4f436494-ed3c-40d2-a33f-3eb394282b8e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:23:47	597.998
-1	41218	2060900	43870977-5f04-4764-ae68-9c2beb493638	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:25:44	-74.948
-2	20610	2061000	2373ce34-cb8e-4553-881f-659a241108e4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:38:26	-257.532
-2	41220	2061000	38fe1eb4-7fb2-47c1-b475-7183a0bd0f5e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:43:46	47.718
-3	20611	2061100	ed549ffe-9d8d-4018-9403-c1cf8a56f2a8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:14:34	654.44
-3	41222	2061100	6d1dc008-d2cf-41fd-8948-34d78481e428	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:44:11	-552.50
-4	20612	2061200	17859dad-e649-4030-8b45-99bcd8ad6cf9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:00:28	205.213
-4	41224	2061200	3fdb9b17-c319-4625-9b4a-3a522623f8be	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:54:05	241.668
-5	20613	2061300	303ae70a-fdea-458c-a584-53b575d90756	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:23:48	-981.264
-5	41226	2061300	51df27fe-2cb0-4940-ac7c-acbab642d0d4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:03:30	-139.479
-6	20614	2061400	29291b7a-3d76-4558-a195-4e837040c7bd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:01:56	656.532
-6	41228	2061400	e695eb74-661b-4eaf-8282-8e9eff2140ea	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:11:21	444.145
-7	20615	2061500	fb84f685-4b3d-4eb1-b433-2862ee1c02d8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:48:17	806.19
-7	41230	2061500	9332bebd-b53f-4682-a6e6-00dd2b4f3820	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:58:49	445.225
-8	20616	2061600	d5bcf834-8165-4f8c-b269-1974cf8d3621	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:54:49	497.764
-8	41232	2061600	a1cbde08-247b-4582-8b18-977f2b982d0c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:16:24	-483.260
-9	20617	2061700	8956c24a-9520-4002-aa22-a3a564fa02b5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:40:58	276.593
-9	41234	2061700	aa82f7bb-200f-4ff2-a7af-d576385489ad	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:41:14	-156.782
-10	20618	2061800	e091e1cc-c141-4024-bbe0-5ba7637d68fc	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:10:10	432.744
-10	41236	2061800	cac62d1a-00d5-4bb1-a7d7-c3b598aeb802	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:18:48	232.828
-11	20619	2061900	ce44786f-09cd-4b59-a8ee-cedf7e88b848	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:33:28	-589.665
-11	41238	2061900	a6b7859c-c94a-4a5b-8639-02959315c864	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:43:30	646.999
-12	20620	2062000	795bbeb5-905e-4874-b4ac-aab498b91afd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:57:52	990.858
-12	41240	2062000	4cc8fdf5-90b0-4ea2-84bf-00a153260cb0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:05:46	747.452
-13	20621	2062100	3ed30416-05ad-43f2-a518-ab707e811707	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:29:00	-71.744
-13	41242	2062100	57dce87f-c1a0-4b7a-ba08-272047ec1059	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:37:39	-832.102
-14	20622	2062200	ccd07b84-7c1a-4727-aadc-fd0df876a276	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:44:29	533.253
-14	41244	2062200	afc787ea-51e0-43bc-aa4c-79c136b7b08b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:17:28	-14.140
-15	20623	2062300	17c19099-5e14-482a-94bc-0c343e30f90d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:03:09	577.285
-15	41246	2062300	4b9261f9-4688-4b92-aaeb-0780fa283c91	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:50:43	-477.770
-16	20624	2062400	e0970f90-05fc-4c46-b7f0-39f372aeada6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:06:14	269.980
-16	41248	2062400	59509dd7-74f5-456d-90cc-646e2410e142	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:58:22	-44.718
-17	20625	2062500	d6ae5d63-190a-468f-aeab-4cf0223902ca	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:35:34	558.540
-17	41250	2062500	268b2b81-632b-47bb-9d78-4d61057ca672	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:00:45	-781.842
-18	20626	2062600	52e9af8a-b6ce-457b-a476-038740583261	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:21:41	118.888
-18	41252	2062600	07a82988-7ed4-41b6-a7f5-0d9aa0a1ca8a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:49:31	-905.525
-19	20627	2062700	6b0d30bb-60fa-4973-8f07-3a42d3d4584c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:04:38	-93.919
-19	41254	2062700	ed0ad74a-06ca-40d7-99fb-f8d667240eb8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:18:19	638.774
-20	20628	2062800	4a1734dc-6a5b-46ab-8dea-2ec2c9774a71	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:31:55	-531.243
-20	41256	2062800	36c3fc64-f8ec-4e7b-9aeb-417489675b1a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:01:19	-612.633
-21	20629	2062900	ffcd1823-c5b7-4f3b-a25e-74e0b10ef314	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:49:41	624.656
-21	41258	2062900	490130ca-2c6c-459c-82b3-6f58f96e02e6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:47:00	766.320
-22	20630	2063000	7c49c7bd-0e6c-4cb3-8426-ea26df24af2c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:38:45	-234.384
-22	41260	2063000	43270da8-2976-4c10-bbcd-ef3174a6e791	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:31:53	17.936
-23	20631	2063100	66c9ea4a-b705-418a-ab94-3442e652edd6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:35:21	-27.849
-23	41262	2063100	6ce586c5-5f30-431c-a888-ee3f4fecd13e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:18:07	-775.362
-24	20632	2063200	b2b5c3d4-308f-4bea-a7c2-4a3ce66b8b3c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:48:05	-905.197
-24	41264	2063200	67a5ff44-a942-4dd1-9c9b-477db725d9a5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:46:01	-455.940
-25	20633	2063300	ab35a4cd-e97a-4bdf-b484-69a1060d2a48	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:24:50	454.150
-25	41266	2063300	53c305f0-086c-44a0-90cd-79945ea06e24	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:29:08	138.880
-26	20634	2063400	727e912c-75e9-406a-9d4d-07e748c184e8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:00:49	-967.713
-26	41268	2063400	81fc9c87-43ad-4cf9-b4a0-45e32438596b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:43:59	-12.304
-27	20635	2063500	a0201c48-b232-40e7-92ba-9c6091855b98	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:44:08	-614.314
-27	41270	2063500	d4f3641c-d3f4-446b-8db0-5a1bb1282635	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:27:03	-939.942
-28	20636	2063600	fa254872-26aa-4dee-8143-979c08ce413d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:05:23	720.848
-28	41272	2063600	a6246c44-c746-4f43-a4c1-d482c5834f30	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:42:10	86.437
-29	20637	2063700	0db93216-d222-4c57-be54-0fd4df979165	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:46:29	326.212
-29	41274	2063700	ab86b597-f213-4358-8627-403b9b914b98	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:35:09	879.851
-30	20638	2063800	f95c4858-e75b-4b8f-95f0-16664eeda606	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:39:51	-171.288
-30	41276	2063800	daeab7bd-5fc6-4c8b-a69b-3ec2d50d3340	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:13:14	-573.163
-31	20639	2063900	554bf9ec-c04e-4d1f-ac2d-88e489aa673b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:22:16	52.80
-31	41278	2063900	e7c6ecef-eb80-4498-b982-e1a32dd394a3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:41:23	95.532
-32	20640	2064000	c9ca5d68-a21b-4801-86c8-5ed0779fd889	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:01:20	-8.911
-32	41280	2064000	393cfefe-fe91-4601-8fba-a22349908134	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:39:11	405.418
-33	20641	2064100	4c12f9ad-3e6f-4a45-adda-16c55bd70f9d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:19:06	-562.921
-33	41282	2064100	d9164c61-e6f9-43c3-8240-4ea8da6d2a07	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:00:50	300.749
-34	20642	2064200	bccafa96-ce6c-4dcd-ac8c-b08c5e5e58e1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:14:24	-247.327
-34	41284	2064200	125b0a0e-cf5c-4c4d-a9e5-ff13ad6cfb5c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:22:41	-494.136
-35	20643	2064300	03f9369d-b63c-42b2-a17c-b48bab25640b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:17:30	-950.162
-35	41286	2064300	5bfdf2a3-933f-42bc-9dcf-b8bc5c2c0e4b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:18:10	276.729
-36	20644	2064400	2ea1743f-e230-4ed6-8505-13486c399c4d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:44:44	949.114
-36	41288	2064400	8dd94236-a157-4bb0-bcd8-f63f1da7862f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:15:38	922.393
-37	20645	2064500	c53476c9-438c-4808-bcb3-fe53bfe7f630	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:56:13	-257.904
-37	41290	2064500	1dcab5c7-eea6-46fa-8640-57e409473408	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:01:16	-224.307
-38	20646	2064600	dd205a64-641d-4378-b6a8-444ce358600b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:44:32	-461.40
-38	41292	2064600	060f17d4-7b5a-44dd-9fd4-6d5e93f85f51	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:05:46	-214.100
-39	20647	2064700	6800bab2-9f2f-44f3-91ff-952d0cabd4ef	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:01:39	848.661
-39	41294	2064700	360aff3b-0be5-4423-9757-2c5886246abf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:20:29	-572.591
-40	20648	2064800	00813046-9f2d-4d36-94cf-4c05d7bf21d3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:56:33	-988.822
-40	41296	2064800	de40c2ce-e9bb-4c84-9788-78c0564be5a4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:45:30	406.984
-41	20649	2064900	1f4e381b-1093-4af4-af53-ce25aab9b1cb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:53:32	-328.407
-41	41298	2064900	625a2ae7-5ff1-4c7f-aeca-2c9209487dd0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:24:58	263.385
-42	20650	2065000	4fa930e9-3cdf-48bc-86d6-eff187f39a06	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:45:28	-732.582
-42	41300	2065000	0c8c59ad-3641-4c4c-8b23-5c445b592c30	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:48:38	-151.933
-43	20651	2065100	5839ccb1-0ca6-4532-91bf-7d3c69e91f37	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:49:14	252.377
-43	41302	2065100	dae82ed7-7aea-4a39-b068-81248fc58f63	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:00:37	226.916
-44	20652	2065200	be454a20-381d-4c5d-b594-ddf84adde82d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:16:34	258.166
-44	41304	2065200	ee9130fe-2b25-4194-9bc6-50812d2b42f0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:58:44	420.276
-45	20653	2065300	da4ecd93-8702-4c47-b259-bf8186ae09bd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:51:24	-245.483
-45	41306	2065300	2af344fa-83f0-4c0f-8dd9-eb97e9a26692	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:58:42	864.48
-46	20654	2065400	08f766ad-b6b5-4287-8431-f0b7f2d4ecc5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:16:12	-228.809
-46	41308	2065400	60c685ca-9907-4657-bb8c-802b824c4285	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:52:48	933.712
-47	20655	2065500	dc808e2b-2184-4456-9217-77e433cb4c33	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:23:47	-623.877
-47	41310	2065500	b4691218-4b1b-4488-a820-989d088767af	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:33:54	803.570
-48	20656	2065600	a1e0ad45-79da-4349-84f7-f9e4ad946a09	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:13:28	-745.435
-48	41312	2065600	e5c856d6-eaa0-42dc-b35e-dbf8957df105	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:38:21	-445.847
-49	20657	2065700	42f393fd-5d0e-4c1d-8228-0cb230526555	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:01:35	-704.573
-49	41314	2065700	6cc8c445-4e70-40d2-8df6-b7cac6bd903d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:49:12	434.590
-50	20658	2065800	514863d1-043d-4d2f-be9a-a57d19954338	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:11:58	-75.472
-50	41316	2065800	57921879-2b6f-4448-83be-7e7781a22abd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:24:30	-722.102
-51	20659	2065900	2df42994-2e6e-4787-8b3b-2fd89c265843	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:51:48	-992.399
-51	41318	2065900	9ce2ce75-d3a8-4194-96cb-4f43bf48fbc1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:03:13	-480.418
-52	20660	2066000	e17ddbf9-b6b5-4345-b5a9-b6c847159b68	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:56:47	413.630
-52	41320	2066000	5aafc9d5-5655-4ddd-87f2-030cfffceb63	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:33:59	-227.63
-53	20661	2066100	810450b9-16d2-42c5-8a2a-171e848d9eb8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:45:22	984.689
-53	41322	2066100	cde6d097-d42e-43b4-b9b0-ad86d3654afe	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:44:01	-645.963
-54	20662	2066200	d60844c2-684e-47c9-83b6-081a8bb59ad9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:19:55	51.218
-54	41324	2066200	c50a4e42-4d5a-4da9-99a8-0c11c6f9006a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:03:16	-170.384
-55	20663	2066300	81135129-41bc-4d84-af84-0f396e57f512	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:42:13	758.353
-55	41326	2066300	c2d9c216-6b1e-4aa3-81d7-2a2cdd5f8c10	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:58:43	324.546
-56	20664	2066400	d133b3bd-f299-42f4-a604-23978c1ec927	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:19:36	-305.670
-56	41328	2066400	719d686d-e318-4521-b1fa-b702dcd0a33c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:56:42	73.969
-57	20665	2066500	2859ffd4-a9ce-4a0e-8b8e-77fcdba8498d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:10:03	775.536
-57	41330	2066500	fd225028-1ef1-408c-a3a3-642e53959f89	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:08:44	160.571
-58	20666	2066600	479ed08e-757a-4b6a-8007-91df57f058a8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:36:54	-109.683
-58	41332	2066600	c536df53-f995-4dac-a260-66f53e9846d1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:45:40	-328.158
-59	20667	2066700	8f0d70bd-6cb4-4b86-b347-96ee115d4397	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:26:17	19.547
-59	41334	2066700	e0735d48-b9ea-4340-b8f1-312993cc82c6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:54:18	26.208
-60	20668	2066800	49b212a9-eb84-4161-affc-45b2fc13d927	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:11:44	310.310
-60	41336	2066800	8c98688e-b09e-4790-853f-681053f7a052	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:56:04	365.339
-61	20669	2066900	b2701499-021e-4b92-b4fd-e7e7dca3742a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:30:21	-235.60
-61	41338	2066900	a6a3fcf2-d381-4725-a147-18c824017624	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:23:29	551.363
-62	20670	2067000	0a09b214-7028-45cd-9f5d-a0807b91f059	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:20:16	-820.793
-62	41340	2067000	c5492b3c-3862-43b8-8b2c-fee001ed7672	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:41:38	598.732
-63	20671	2067100	0a4a3335-6b58-4dc8-af5e-0ef4de6b648e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:19:07	-56.143
-63	41342	2067100	c19325a1-605b-4e28-9748-70059536e1ae	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:15:24	908.564
-64	20672	2067200	05f60948-cf21-4745-8bf1-9118dbc46c16	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:21:03	-819.991
-64	41344	2067200	78f781d3-6559-4344-a5b1-e7b1500f7dbe	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:40:49	131.887
-65	20673	2067300	6c545ae9-b257-4636-b78f-27483c0ea321	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:01:17	-358.451
-65	41346	2067300	378628ed-adc0-4a0c-959b-6e589bcfae55	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:02:59	352.768
-66	20674	2067400	4407451c-c35a-4ff8-bfdf-3524aa626ef0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:52:01	315.890
-66	41348	2067400	05d1a790-6e18-47d4-b020-1bdfc23fff24	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:00:16	824.99
-67	20675	2067500	d94d097f-e570-48d0-9d23-d838b003296e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:09:15	-883.585
-67	41350	2067500	1e5d0741-3e9e-425a-8735-e7f5dfc6a375	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:14:50	-272.621
-68	20676	2067600	474d963d-a38b-4f72-9f94-1f81cb442d7a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:21:49	75.328
-68	41352	2067600	10a0340d-446a-40ba-9015-12d158b7e4a5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:57:17	112.777
-69	20677	2067700	6452bce1-2cc1-4928-853e-76410eca33aa	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:23:04	-995.110
-69	41354	2067700	4b85ca48-3f3f-47ba-a14f-caf209fce5e8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:06:02	553.529
-70	20678	2067800	9a5c6f7f-1a8c-46c7-a4cd-cb24ef21f46d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:00:46	-248.327
-70	41356	2067800	91423a99-a865-41c9-9170-507cb58faf90	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:15:17	-816.408
-71	20679	2067900	aacd41ff-9519-493b-a629-f5995cdc303a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:04:03	342.299
-71	41358	2067900	bc4ad7a5-7045-44ed-a201-29e734114ad1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:52:38	460.772
-72	20680	2068000	689b461d-adb0-42a9-bba3-176eb502d599	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:16:33	79.949
-72	41360	2068000	b7742d42-4eac-491e-a621-f248bddfe934	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:45:16	60.9
-73	20681	2068100	87a44dd0-6f71-4ec1-97cb-115a67b4bed4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:39:14	66.873
-73	41362	2068100	194341fb-7598-4747-b002-2d04ca8b39ce	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:37:16	-965.199
-74	20682	2068200	76b2178b-14eb-439b-b551-7b6bff258671	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:49:12	391.638
-74	41364	2068200	42147cb4-7d1e-47e1-8eb1-6e786fb6035f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:06:35	955.594
-75	20683	2068300	98df6814-edd7-4eb6-bfba-d3ec7c35e756	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:47:49	807.115
-75	41366	2068300	e9134bd4-8106-46b0-a5a3-a99ab072a935	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:07:31	523.612
-76	20684	2068400	25e808e4-f4c9-4a63-a7a4-e1cd3036fe03	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:42:31	166.890
-76	41368	2068400	9ee6513f-86a2-4372-8166-cda180f2a95f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:48:25	-487.359
-77	20685	2068500	963ad75d-3092-49e0-b3ff-e55e9ee4873d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:48:56	-185.339
-77	41370	2068500	51476fa3-6345-437b-9f5b-f980e33ea762	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:33:53	254.291
-78	20686	2068600	b9695419-2e40-4c92-81b6-eec0cbed830d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:37:38	269.508
-78	41372	2068600	a36643e8-6c48-4a11-972b-489dfcd9ffbe	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:20:56	-235.832
-79	20687	2068700	a2dbb051-7d73-4d38-9e78-d6d41c3a1b0c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:15:04	-449.118
-79	41374	2068700	b41f92ec-2ab8-4b33-929b-b3596dafa4e7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:49:16	-997.299
-80	20688	2068800	f2d7f325-7c06-46c5-a660-b18ae5e5ec66	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:34:56	677.923
-80	41376	2068800	05eda76c-62e8-40f2-ba86-c0b2fdcf9de4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:25:34	-898.801
-81	20689	2068900	0eb967d7-59d4-4972-8279-ac706f38b77a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:52:01	-579.286
-81	41378	2068900	6e6a5da6-8140-4468-b819-373a0a9ea6bd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:29:07	258.764
-82	20690	2069000	755c4d60-484d-46d6-a693-f7ce71915d40	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:49:11	-901.666
-82	41380	2069000	dbdc8b60-6270-4221-a924-5c5bdfd6cbf4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:44:04	-966.564
-83	20691	2069100	f5ca8a35-4378-4bb2-a9ad-082900b2ab50	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:35:13	-821.21
-83	41382	2069100	f9750bb1-cc80-49b9-815c-0d141f9461f4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:10:29	-211.46
-84	20692	2069200	9feb05d8-4cd9-4fd8-b973-e83cec6b039d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:26:22	847.787
-84	41384	2069200	73431463-69c0-4ba9-b260-dcb44fb15c55	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:09:47	-97.370
-85	20693	2069300	22f5b5ab-90d1-4171-a913-deea60a6dbe9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:29:52	-858.938
-85	41386	2069300	3cfb6381-b94f-46b4-bf3d-6f54edddf0ee	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:24:21	-879.525
-86	20694	2069400	f05223f8-3cdd-4012-b3a1-53371418b0c6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:12:00	522.745
-86	41388	2069400	a26510b2-bcb6-4348-8a99-bca4d3f10bda	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:51:42	637.565
-87	20695	2069500	0b8225c1-527a-4030-844d-b337426f6298	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:51:13	460.611
-87	41390	2069500	0c0f8f39-1df6-490c-a1db-5da08ab82edd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:43:07	-806.707
-88	20696	2069600	d1db916d-2654-451b-85b2-530bf1ceb349	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:50:17	-566.677
-88	41392	2069600	91a128ca-3f58-48df-ad90-86e237715bf3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:20:43	676.327
-89	20697	2069700	4f1c1d05-7bd8-4868-b2af-825136286279	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:05:39	539.800
-89	41394	2069700	878d5fe1-fad7-4bca-b0a2-6a1dfa8cae7c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:58:25	707.534
-90	20698	2069800	3122a1bc-e59b-41cc-b555-e78d1379ba14	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:52:08	-500.510
-90	41396	2069800	776d0fee-2a09-4913-a866-23a2d16f6090	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:12:06	-473.1
-91	20699	2069900	7f694b88-f1eb-4fa1-b5c5-a42461256aff	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:19:10	-622.663
-91	41398	2069900	3da7e1f0-d8ae-45c5-87ef-363b40bb5455	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:12:34	-269.503
-92	20700	2070000	14a06de5-e0ad-4f52-a50c-6860a492c19a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:16:19	-142.398
-92	41400	2070000	3ff44b97-6a81-42a7-8919-4eae6720e622	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:43:50	-75.64
-93	20701	2070100	bd0116f7-0da7-4e1d-b0ba-2f05797d1b04	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:03:33	776.56
-93	41402	2070100	96832aeb-d09f-40f8-852c-cdbab340b614	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:23:37	-436.745
-94	20702	2070200	fea06d66-d77d-47e6-9575-de2711270b99	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:46:24	636.422
-94	41404	2070200	4aba5c79-134b-485e-97df-14467e393c55	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:35:02	152.630
-95	20703	2070300	32f3edda-0801-4d65-9565-3fb313d29065	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:59:15	-898.915
-95	41406	2070300	a8ac76eb-22c9-4ccc-96df-906c17524505	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:49:38	639.677
-96	20704	2070400	829e443b-3f03-4f1c-96b0-8a3787d29a90	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:00:23	97.648
-96	41408	2070400	744b393e-e60f-4f28-83f5-8e0216f7278e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:14:07	-244.221
-97	20705	2070500	fd2f0aa8-cba1-4141-8ed9-71b63ecc3fe6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:45:31	908.235
-97	41410	2070500	a1db087a-4506-4745-b878-240bbb7b7da6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:57:20	417.735
-98	20706	2070600	36fc7f64-bbc9-4415-bc33-ffe41cc04d06	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:18:32	-77.19
-98	41412	2070600	3b2ed022-1a96-4a9c-9ad9-49dd50ffcd96	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:10:27	949.718
-99	20707	2070700	eef1e39f-dafb-414d-bb9f-281bc16fc5d6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:27:52	-253.746
-99	41414	2070700	bb340dd3-01f2-446d-85e2-28327840e426	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:50:20	-222.144
-100	20708	2070800	083eb342-e276-46f1-b2f4-8c2558a37c77	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:11:20	62.132
-100	41416	2070800	826381b6-f522-45af-babc-ccece973abd5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:41:18	-597.841
-101	20709	2070900	744e0949-a631-417e-afcb-90b12f49bdd4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:34:47	509.234
-101	41418	2070900	b9f25272-2b30-45bf-ae1e-f6770d1b2f0d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:07:02	376.396
-102	20710	2071000	0c772d90-3172-445e-bd5c-1e86045a6d1e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:49:14	469.502
-102	41420	2071000	365c704e-58eb-4455-ac2d-b37ac59f023e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:06:35	-331.909
-103	20711	2071100	82c81287-58d9-431b-a414-f1ff31b18898	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:42:45	296.940
-103	41422	2071100	dbff646e-e682-47e3-ab3d-80495f1bdf74	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:39:25	988.712
-104	20712	2071200	b42f7c4b-2cac-4b7f-826a-92f2ef83d065	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:29:00	-150.42
-104	41424	2071200	b0d79d50-aa24-4705-a6f5-44e6285275ef	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:46:10	-996.277
-105	20713	2071300	eb84ff92-8091-410c-a5c2-b4b4ede0f542	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:41:14	-596.133
-105	41426	2071300	2b55d2d2-5e4a-4db7-964c-76bbbcf50b75	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:02:42	430.60
-106	20714	2071400	b5e4c7f8-3e1c-4929-89bb-09a2f69ea8da	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:18:19	-382.700
-106	41428	2071400	fdaf040e-3aaa-46bb-b0da-18e4f689ba31	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:03:29	540.837
-107	20715	2071500	a6c1b6b5-466f-42ea-a7ef-3187f5d9158e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:35:07	116.60
-107	41430	2071500	d89b5c7a-c85e-4e9f-8222-a11ccb5c62c2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:12:30	525.519
-108	20716	2071600	c99ef6be-e407-4a04-899d-ad5597f69cae	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:49:35	-56.401
-108	41432	2071600	98e4114c-19d3-46eb-9e32-b543cceb471d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:40:30	730.66
-109	20717	2071700	534ff695-fc95-4c13-b1de-82213110bae6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:29:50	976.253
-109	41434	2071700	2a345282-a36a-4121-b05d-372d1f8d09ab	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:29:09	470.308
-110	20718	2071800	2e5bef27-4d32-44a5-80f1-bc6808215579	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:11:03	440.697
-110	41436	2071800	8ce8c31a-34df-4b07-bcac-9bc6f8d6da69	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:55:29	-773.825
-111	20719	2071900	19ae9a78-5f3f-45cc-907a-a4ff023e15f7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:24:28	446.558
-111	41438	2071900	ae72832f-b4a2-4098-b080-35a749a53f43	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:57:39	-424.925
-112	20720	2072000	a5498155-84b8-43d4-99de-e121216c2c02	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:42:54	515.549
-112	41440	2072000	8e1f2328-256d-4c64-b400-d1c098e474d6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:01:00	992.637
-113	20721	2072100	126fa4d9-48b6-4e16-a402-dba44a6212df	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:21:51	579.217
-113	41442	2072100	2d477fcf-9bc1-42c2-9c2b-780c8d00cc60	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:15:47	387.42
-114	20722	2072200	339770cc-64f4-40c4-b85e-bb349f2417bc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:39:59	-470.943
-114	41444	2072200	a0030585-ac70-4567-8620-a2443b8a321b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:05:41	-787.473
-115	20723	2072300	ebfb854a-931d-4aef-82b1-bbfc217af302	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:06:39	-578.322
-115	41446	2072300	86440780-f832-4abf-b6d7-af48e5fb397c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:41:44	-699.247
-116	20724	2072400	a297431c-2f71-40ce-a4fe-5307aac70c75	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:47:40	-348.776
-116	41448	2072400	4873f175-8d7f-419a-b933-0ec38147e9a2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:24:57	-18.602
-117	20725	2072500	376dae9c-3d5d-40ed-a80e-b404a35f608c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:09:08	607.41
-117	41450	2072500	b96be571-f907-4a4c-9d0d-6f06afd3dc46	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:54:04	-974.451
-118	20726	2072600	04b8ece5-af47-42ed-b95e-6de73b2a2467	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:56:29	332.159
-118	41452	2072600	30ae792b-825d-462b-a617-c75cba758c8a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:52:33	-535.775
-119	20727	2072700	0ad34b19-2898-42dd-a441-d4b76d3bb7b3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:03:47	-723.711
-119	41454	2072700	f786679e-9394-4c08-97df-2b1cff24c3d1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:33:41	-609.172
-120	20728	2072800	ead9e922-341c-4370-b6fb-27520184da2d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:35:04	947.986
-120	41456	2072800	353a814a-cb34-41b5-912b-a1dfdb3b8a92	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:03:30	-600.496
-121	20729	2072900	b907edbe-1913-41cf-b14f-d6a641e36f22	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:49:07	-503.376
-121	41458	2072900	b5443f5a-ba4f-408d-8304-142df9b2c499	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:42:41	816.602
-122	20730	2073000	2c0a3e44-e8d6-4f42-b0d0-753b158e3f10	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:45:29	-877.253
-122	41460	2073000	5e38745b-f33b-4df4-b2d5-b48a54bfa8db	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:32:07	774.728
-123	20731	2073100	a1584fe9-ef07-42f0-9d88-4976e6b7eb7f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:43:07	654.532
-123	41462	2073100	b611cd4c-7b30-4833-9de6-1e20f5d5238b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:27:13	-491.737
-124	20732	2073200	301f9d54-f738-4d33-b53f-e0d6bc663262	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:01:48	245.123
-124	41464	2073200	2650ff76-3f1d-406d-93ef-19699c1dbfa0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:27:16	582.27
-125	20733	2073300	de2b376d-c097-4aa3-8617-f976e2bf8d03	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:07:39	138.159
-125	41466	2073300	4f6dd208-1556-42b0-a83b-ac5e8c0e1bd8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:55:29	-926.963
-126	20734	2073400	5776ca20-1318-4d82-a71e-4a2c02f8da7c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:30:38	6.426
-126	41468	2073400	d761609a-2d19-4abf-9c9b-7684d1433c09	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:11:18	630.786
-127	20735	2073500	6959f4da-5252-4467-b309-d6b4afdaf5ec	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:05:13	513.160
-127	41470	2073500	eff44421-0811-40b2-aa60-d0d53f389b27	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:15:20	643.722
-0	20736	2073600	2e6cda48-f059-4475-acf6-7f3a8caafcd6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:55:32	278.445
-0	41472	2073600	c0305e4f-60c3-4d7d-9b35-7c2e4026c143	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:27:04	-106.285
-1	20737	2073700	b10c09b5-0f7d-4ee0-acd7-9300cb85b582	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:06:14	-219.410
-1	41474	2073700	612a22f1-083c-4d26-9a00-6a40ab81589a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:33:50	668.785
-2	20738	2073800	10b174fa-b235-437b-80a0-f65032bd5173	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:02:07	-607.252
-2	41476	2073800	81b65031-a26d-483a-a644-7d107fc966c0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:25:49	912.137
-3	20739	2073900	a4825e3d-27c5-4ecb-957e-505be707ac16	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:38:27	-549.81
-3	41478	2073900	abea0f82-bc8d-42b1-8fe8-85f110f842f2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:21:00	899.918
-4	20740	2074000	343dfca8-755b-40fc-adc7-ae737f1baaa5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:36:49	-748.141
-4	41480	2074000	1237f24c-4261-439b-b083-95a6b8cced0e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:56:23	525.588
-5	20741	2074100	17c6460b-8de8-40c9-af80-77bba8238e64	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:55:40	27.586
-5	41482	2074100	9aabbab5-4181-4b3b-98ad-b468f6060e10	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:16:48	122.482
-6	20742	2074200	d8e7802b-4700-4aad-b387-b0c1c97167e4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:32:56	-248.686
-6	41484	2074200	75b207ed-023c-4548-bdb7-23bb469ff5f7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:51:42	148.602
-7	20743	2074300	6e397283-aa83-44dc-9b1e-a4483f7c2f34	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:36:11	824.810
-7	41486	2074300	1cfe513a-9069-4cc1-a3bf-f3f4aadb8838	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:33:09	947.13
-8	20744	2074400	9be0417e-6d43-49b7-a465-bf855289bd20	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:15:34	402.620
-8	41488	2074400	6a197798-1398-4192-a74e-96ddec861659	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:00:33	992.556
-9	20745	2074500	f7b81b82-006f-4b79-ae84-33bf56a0fc63	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:57:10	66.470
-9	41490	2074500	50279104-6fc8-4ac6-9f49-143194d789bd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:49:35	774.474
-10	20746	2074600	8f6eba14-953b-41a9-a58a-7d7a9ae47f5b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:37:37	535.928
-10	41492	2074600	7101dbc9-e993-44c0-80e1-27d02c380710	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:07:41	768.338
-11	20747	2074700	bd4ab36f-e8ec-4346-a784-848d76298ac3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:37:39	-832.975
-11	41494	2074700	d7526ed6-4f97-41ed-9ace-ae8b8fbeb0a3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:01:07	-545.374
-12	20748	2074800	6713aa31-ac0a-401c-ad47-ece390449693	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:01:26	-904.994
-12	41496	2074800	32b75ab9-6cb8-439a-924c-57d38349f698	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:38:12	379.274
-13	20749	2074900	776e2bbc-06a3-43ac-b1bc-4cb45f2985cf	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:16:49	-384.905
-13	41498	2074900	7942f6d3-5317-4767-91b8-104027ac2971	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:30:48	-407.505
-14	20750	2075000	0cae96cc-f71c-44de-b7ef-0b1a9e3741b9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:40:42	432.43
-14	41500	2075000	ebdaace3-762b-4be4-aba3-e6bb93aa2775	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:27:44	554.58
-15	20751	2075100	93fe4b82-0a03-43e1-afed-f8f82e55cbe1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:07:54	531.676
-15	41502	2075100	e38c7a98-4d40-46a0-a591-0e0920ae5f59	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:01:57	-447.309
-16	20752	2075200	69a29f94-43c6-4eb8-8f0f-b71766b03b74	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:01:56	-584.130
-16	41504	2075200	7c42f3ab-281f-439d-a25d-003cc00d0444	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:30:16	550.24
-17	20753	2075300	7b0fd4bd-fe77-4426-86d6-6d134a6cb98b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:23:27	905.712
-17	41506	2075300	4b9db7e9-4bdd-4768-ab9d-d86de3095101	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:37:40	183.594
-18	20754	2075400	a9d4092b-8405-4285-877e-676a95594c9e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:56:57	451.642
-18	41508	2075400	bc10eb0d-69d2-41d0-b9ec-4a801635b640	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:10:26	31.732
-19	20755	2075500	c4b0f5d8-efd1-4630-87b2-4cb6b0a3f022	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:35:04	-878.138
-19	41510	2075500	845d0f6b-318c-4f9e-9e13-9976023a8856	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:27:12	202.550
-20	20756	2075600	5fa0d740-d506-4bd5-b6f6-51f3739bc3df	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:38:57	134.996
-20	41512	2075600	c42f771a-c3ce-448f-b33f-53d9fa7d8ddc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:15:35	-36.45
-21	20757	2075700	769fadb1-7216-4738-9569-d86101193b7a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:58:40	-348.68
-21	41514	2075700	acce6199-5e3a-4db9-bad4-8221b153cdc6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:05:27	-122.287
-22	20758	2075800	84bd1e13-56a1-4508-9fc5-935709aa8919	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:18:36	967.532
-22	41516	2075800	d48dc211-3204-4895-90dd-5c651487a7e9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:16:58	438.666
-23	20759	2075900	91af7299-96f6-4f97-a2ff-cfc7d16d3b5f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:15:38	-644.260
-23	41518	2075900	e3ca7a09-570a-469a-aa49-c2f6e656595a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:48:17	-533.181
-24	20760	2076000	fbf8d637-d1a2-46e2-9f1c-02dae67c07cf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:26:37	991.125
-24	41520	2076000	eae629ac-be7d-4e4d-aae9-d744862ff965	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:34:09	-140.209
-25	20761	2076100	78ef8a0c-b1a5-42f3-a15e-527aec325e45	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:29:50	526.189
-25	41522	2076100	34e386fd-a081-41e0-b26b-1e8f0f9d4d43	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:54:40	511.395
-26	20762	2076200	42dbfd0e-f3c9-4f50-8b0b-d6c09b6f2a6a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:51:24	61.55
-26	41524	2076200	1e24926f-3af5-4407-b516-5b125903f32c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:13:03	-486.169
-27	20763	2076300	a582edb4-0fa1-4f4c-935c-a923aefc2501	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:37:59	353.705
-27	41526	2076300	e905f679-50ec-437d-bd56-b6e42f9a74ee	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:35:37	526.154
-28	20764	2076400	091de719-e58b-4373-9d4f-1b425bf0f7d0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:16:20	-220.971
-28	41528	2076400	f6b0ec5a-437d-4f20-b617-1074959f2033	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:17:33	62.411
-29	20765	2076500	994be62a-23ba-47c2-876b-3ef32bb2b3bd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:29:26	391.637
-29	41530	2076500	54a61099-ae07-4e72-a331-5296cd378c8a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:51:14	503.136
-30	20766	2076600	fc38d2cd-79c4-4e7a-a507-149116333ff8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:30:15	-81.198
-30	41532	2076600	301f6e9d-43e9-42e8-a068-03ceaed56081	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:25:49	-169.337
-31	20767	2076700	0dbd0e69-122f-4138-93af-d11e481654c6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:30:48	803.954
-31	41534	2076700	583df73c-2815-46b1-9a0c-a7315e54486e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:31:08	-164.670
-32	20768	2076800	3464570b-21ed-4289-b037-8300d84a5f68	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:02:11	968.107
-32	41536	2076800	0e7ad582-7269-49fe-a0eb-5d6ec4608545	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:56:04	18.993
-33	20769	2076900	c2475e1e-d53e-4388-bb74-e4ee32d94da8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:54:10	151.109
-33	41538	2076900	415a1b70-4dfb-4de4-9120-176d77521e4e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:50:09	-995.482
-34	20770	2077000	7be5c5b7-3d21-4342-a753-579b1d13abaa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:04:12	-164.37
-34	41540	2077000	4aefd279-69c3-4c80-af17-abd04b15c98c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:56:15	352.121
-35	20771	2077100	39211148-3588-4c4b-bb7e-8b7420eec038	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:19:42	-685.826
-35	41542	2077100	1c9f33ad-efae-4705-ad52-2f84915c3c7c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:52:57	795.769
-36	20772	2077200	a9171b26-174b-425f-a93e-54c0e1cfec66	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:49:28	2.150
-36	41544	2077200	b85cdf48-8af1-48d0-b33e-a2457bfe43fe	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:51:15	-466.601
-37	20773	2077300	5de0ce36-711c-43ef-a382-798112d3e4d9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:27:52	-140.449
-37	41546	2077300	708405aa-3ddf-4c1c-b414-55779601e012	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:13:52	-917.855
-38	20774	2077400	894ad491-4c62-4243-8b59-064d48e6b020	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:08:37	758.640
-38	41548	2077400	50771b73-9809-40f9-b460-7d43a28f1ff7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:01:33	-361.192
-39	20775	2077500	af25a820-0c9c-4659-848d-f5777616b87d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:13:19	605.972
-39	41550	2077500	d658b7b9-2298-443d-a0bf-f4f8d31e99ec	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:16:22	-503.799
-40	20776	2077600	aeb1907e-456b-49cd-a413-b756355e0934	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:54:45	418.305
-40	41552	2077600	e4ee1c7a-9dec-4140-b7ef-0132a2873d10	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:01:22	683.70
-41	20777	2077700	2edd8864-17fc-43fd-b4ee-7079f47c3699	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:04:08	703.871
-41	41554	2077700	1c686b25-2c11-48a1-967e-a09bd4d97bcc	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:32:24	58.917
-42	20778	2077800	1e649b8b-ba2e-47b7-8eaf-2f77e5eee3ed	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:03:22	-391.207
-42	41556	2077800	85ca617b-ca21-4a2c-950e-b2ab93a8a732	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:23:47	-582.270
-43	20779	2077900	e35a1800-9233-461e-a60f-45dbefa7bfa2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:53:21	-321.900
-43	41558	2077900	930cd7a5-5716-4e9d-b551-e517d19715b6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:59:52	967.536
-44	20780	2078000	c9259223-638a-4579-b995-d9054ff3d3ad	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:43:48	-674.356
-44	41560	2078000	81c1239e-0ac5-4652-9b7a-e7228eae3149	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:16:18	666.759
-45	20781	2078100	42b04e93-7727-4d40-868e-6ae97ef97791	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:58:17	38.124
-45	41562	2078100	f2b058cd-4437-4f34-9c72-b626cdfbf0ef	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:03:30	-697.815
-46	20782	2078200	7092cfa7-19c2-4725-8bb3-3baf1a87397c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:19:18	780.488
-46	41564	2078200	3b6a55f2-8899-4b87-a82a-d4e5021f342d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:42:22	-261.420
-47	20783	2078300	bc2b5024-e0ac-4227-b1e0-b39aef1198a4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:04:35	78.569
-47	41566	2078300	fbca1ae7-065d-4c6f-9df0-42fe62bf11f8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:24:10	-707.628
-48	20784	2078400	adda8a00-2775-4f82-97e1-9a10f3e9860c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:46:47	-253.727
-48	41568	2078400	89ea86a1-d3b8-4314-a366-8e3c93a9c0c2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:24:21	151.928
-49	20785	2078500	84943ea3-a01c-4aab-9377-18523a5839ec	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:55:37	23.397
-49	41570	2078500	8c92357b-3a2b-48f5-ba60-a989db31cf26	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:16:03	-813.659
-50	20786	2078600	b3d60330-2207-4437-a160-2e48af55cb43	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:07:10	367.633
-50	41572	2078600	83707916-37c1-43a2-89f8-dfb90c67b327	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:37:49	278.763
-51	20787	2078700	c2deafd8-f5da-4ca2-9cd4-b9642d7cf87f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:54:50	592.212
-51	41574	2078700	7c5e53a6-dea4-4eb2-a4bf-9a426eb6bb9f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:27:55	-617.570
-52	20788	2078800	7b649808-82a1-4566-ae93-0bfa7135b0b7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:56:24	148.724
-52	41576	2078800	15340090-801f-4273-a619-5bba78a0f9a2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:11:12	-282.944
-53	20789	2078900	2e96397f-9a83-4a5d-b5f1-2205be663010	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:23:28	-361.550
-53	41578	2078900	da3f5ba2-b854-4ab8-afff-684806795b8c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:23:54	670.191
-54	20790	2079000	53851971-23b7-44dc-b90a-f68e6ae756a4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:05:49	-161.113
-54	41580	2079000	6d74349b-dde4-4e19-b338-1a30fa990c82	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:11:02	223.219
-55	20791	2079100	af417a1c-bc42-4a10-a703-6dbeff7a0452	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:45:43	-816.576
-55	41582	2079100	d342fd14-abf9-4b45-8558-a3dbb995df89	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:42:46	-968.55
-56	20792	2079200	247d21e1-7c42-4316-99e1-d1e24da1d5f1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:49:01	272.166
-56	41584	2079200	f7609636-a26b-4802-8264-c3992bebefca	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:22:44	704.389
-57	20793	2079300	0054a431-18b8-4468-80ab-4e2bd2d7a34d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:18:17	-491.427
-57	41586	2079300	71d82dcd-87fb-420b-8d74-1ba794ea6beb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:43:29	230.494
-58	20794	2079400	b601f778-66e7-49c6-8935-b8639950348b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:17:03	-229.912
-58	41588	2079400	df7503d8-df83-4dbc-abfe-5912985dc50c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:18:27	-609.580
-59	20795	2079500	a5e7994e-7b9d-40a8-9f3e-79e2a9ac03ea	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:39:24	-265.44
-59	41590	2079500	48601ed6-6de2-4d57-8b88-ce3351122460	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:48:32	-302.590
-60	20796	2079600	782bbccf-adfe-4b9f-a4e8-e960bd7e252c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:59:34	950.894
-60	41592	2079600	ebf24bca-a571-4169-8b98-328c85d661ed	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:45:41	562.957
-61	20797	2079700	e8ee13b2-78c0-4762-bbe7-12871034e721	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:44:40	-662.354
-61	41594	2079700	d00e61d2-89c0-410a-bb20-a754fdd8f86f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:16:43	-171.490
-62	20798	2079800	be26f06b-16fa-4b9d-8724-b7779ea08d06	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:27:40	26.395
-62	41596	2079800	a1659acd-79d2-4cb2-8d61-aac8f2627bf8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:07:58	-704.676
-63	20799	2079900	500bd745-5a86-46da-95b3-81c747ff687c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:47:27	880.214
-63	41598	2079900	ceb365f4-0050-432d-81fb-12e02bea6f0e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:21:53	802.402
-64	20800	2080000	979a5918-4de6-469a-9d2d-390ab099c9f5	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:58:18	-297.88
-64	41600	2080000	8e8c850a-ea8a-4440-944f-4f864b08d296	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:32:26	-886.219
-65	20801	2080100	e35fe31d-7487-457d-be7e-cb7a0d241486	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:57:54	687.529
-65	41602	2080100	0378de2f-f534-4718-99c1-47fd8ddd1a19	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:15:35	688.483
-66	20802	2080200	5374b20f-7ab7-46b4-9e32-1355b6bcd386	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:01:52	983.92
-66	41604	2080200	28f5f407-5570-48fb-ac54-bad59dd82d5b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:42:58	-548.967
-67	20803	2080300	fa9420ee-d088-4bdb-be2b-445a006762fe	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:15:22	504.808
-67	41606	2080300	a6b7414c-b08e-40b7-a67e-7d6d01d12246	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:42:02	-455.45
-68	20804	2080400	1985447c-bbf5-47fc-a826-66f314f1a29b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:17:20	324.153
-68	41608	2080400	83d4df82-d220-4fed-9573-6576d4ab2f45	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:20:46	427.688
-69	20805	2080500	e09bd2c6-d298-48c2-adcf-3d12c97af509	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:04:33	-153.609
-69	41610	2080500	b984e444-3f41-4eba-ab2b-cc56048083c5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:15:28	195.541
-70	20806	2080600	1134e876-4971-4921-950b-1971ca20e9c6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:42:57	535.966
-70	41612	2080600	fb215cb3-8969-4ead-844f-044f363e78da	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:50:50	-693.76
-71	20807	2080700	09f65c08-7a2c-4bfd-a9cc-3a638967d7d3	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:19:05	211.65
-71	41614	2080700	58d4f976-0d5e-4451-9ac1-289fb27ca6c9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:12:06	825.526
-72	20808	2080800	54b528a6-b675-45d3-b9cf-e45c7ff852c8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:32:32	-96.240
-72	41616	2080800	1e732c2d-3202-4dad-939a-f1b68ae0b4fd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:31:26	148.582
-73	20809	2080900	98bef4ed-ae6a-4d15-bf62-34df9a43a8cf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:18:25	-314.765
-73	41618	2080900	9e861671-0e0c-48b8-b3a1-6f49ded3adf1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:48:15	-236.343
-74	20810	2081000	7a1755d3-e2ce-46c1-b247-e858e196e338	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:40:54	-613.171
-74	41620	2081000	294ab5a0-acd4-48c1-a90e-221d73fa1007	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:24:36	566.171
-75	20811	2081100	46407ff3-3c1b-435f-a023-8458492172aa	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:35:26	-389.83
-75	41622	2081100	c58411e2-be1d-4d0e-8bb0-0f34b9170964	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:40:10	-204.239
-76	20812	2081200	169036a6-d061-4701-b193-98ce359baf4c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:13:40	-104.317
-76	41624	2081200	aaa4db66-d292-4a67-a120-7be981c39bfb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:26:43	-970.747
-77	20813	2081300	2949868c-ad20-4d55-8d65-3db022323098	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:47:43	73.568
-77	41626	2081300	d3898963-7be4-4403-8b27-368576ecd2b2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:03:17	954.263
-78	20814	2081400	aab4eb38-1247-4d0f-a375-bd922dd696b1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:21:50	-463.872
-78	41628	2081400	ab4b187a-dfba-46d2-bce3-dc2088ae52e1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:08:38	-765.540
-79	20815	2081500	3ab3f857-0c0a-48a8-ac2a-7fbbd2dc4039	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:06:57	959.94
-79	41630	2081500	3a2de592-8065-4114-8f43-9353b5a4a97b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:46:57	-280.164
-80	20816	2081600	98ff48d9-975b-46d1-aa89-a1e08827c5ed	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:11:40	987.902
-80	41632	2081600	18e48a5d-6ed8-45c6-b63c-97999890cad7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:17:44	642.515
-81	20817	2081700	11a9dae3-c19d-45d8-bab0-3395616447d0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:11:32	513.353
-81	41634	2081700	bb445821-019c-4656-bec7-0fdc470ac703	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:46:25	-879.834
-82	20818	2081800	270e37fd-bb41-443b-bfce-4003d4004ad0	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:45:09	590.144
-82	41636	2081800	9f274c1f-e3b2-4376-9e95-94fb2d04c85b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:35:57	296.225
-83	20819	2081900	c38558f6-7745-4f8a-820d-8756712455fe	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:53:25	-444.531
-83	41638	2081900	4a6f6cdb-a8ed-4692-8e5e-d0e67c188910	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:13:11	312.952
-84	20820	2082000	233eb7eb-c8bf-48fd-8186-e897e78490bf	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:17:37	-104.555
-84	41640	2082000	757dcb8c-04cc-4991-bf4b-019548455784	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:44:18	-273.321
-85	20821	2082100	d7aa708c-ef94-4d4f-a2fc-06c8669d2fe5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:11:05	-283.685
-85	41642	2082100	2633edfa-6566-4ffe-a50c-d368436b1aa1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:49:42	955.347
-86	20822	2082200	4e3fb2c2-e050-40ac-80c6-dd412c87ee11	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:23:00	786.833
-86	41644	2082200	44b36e3f-8125-426d-b965-847a51df93ff	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:51:54	33.455
-87	20823	2082300	adcc404a-3eaf-463e-9a05-bec81d8fd235	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:33:42	459.743
-87	41646	2082300	b7316a44-20dd-4825-b36b-79c656e3fb8b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:41:54	-802.326
-88	20824	2082400	1737a9ba-0b7a-4e8b-ab67-a3b6214b9684	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:25:35	148.352
-88	41648	2082400	7421d64a-ecc2-4161-a4e6-735567dd3adc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:21:25	-849.626
-89	20825	2082500	cff5a4ec-527b-47ba-8b63-190ee954d595	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:12:35	-747.311
-89	41650	2082500	3f023fa8-b3c5-44f6-87a3-fec19b0d2599	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:38:09	-817.692
-90	20826	2082600	9a9a2198-9d91-460c-8683-35aef43c012d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:12:03	452.108
-90	41652	2082600	cedfe079-3898-4196-b1bf-ce9879678b2d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:22:14	537.193
-91	20827	2082700	d99206a1-133c-4cc7-b7f0-f24ab3dafb2c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:00:19	-872.762
-91	41654	2082700	e5d555c8-a919-4531-b6f6-b74ee382a4c8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:37:53	-335.991
-92	20828	2082800	e95027cd-c660-4672-8287-6f587662d208	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:14:23	-334.812
-92	41656	2082800	3e920f9b-1078-4b16-be81-0e8b6bfd147c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:29:18	-582.711
-93	20829	2082900	f79e5c00-564e-42a1-9bf9-1418daf76438	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:27:16	26.30
-93	41658	2082900	e9553891-127c-41cf-a7f7-03caefa6d887	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:07:15	-182.521
-94	20830	2083000	657e77e6-b9a6-4f0e-b638-0e151ac14325	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:26:40	-407.488
-94	41660	2083000	94c2d9d8-e3f3-46c3-8c16-6ffb169c9385	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:20:20	-46.949
-95	20831	2083100	ef883cd0-3a0a-4f2a-a7bd-ac8370087930	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:26:41	-722.475
-95	41662	2083100	9bff2528-ef1e-408c-862a-e27337ebd1ff	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:11:20	-890.797
-96	20832	2083200	a0585e5a-58c1-4ba7-bb01-370786f4bafa	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:30:29	-869.787
-96	41664	2083200	1c292369-ab0d-4496-ae9b-286445a41fbb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:19:44	12.813
-97	20833	2083300	2391d2f5-1e68-4643-a813-f3a942ff57cb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:14:43	901.436
-97	41666	2083300	978691cf-f64a-4975-a6d9-1e94141c334a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:05:48	838.44
-98	20834	2083400	6a4190a1-7b04-4be8-bb87-0848e2c40f5f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:50:13	772.336
-98	41668	2083400	154c3eb9-fecb-459a-910f-179766887561	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:54:39	-797.649
-99	20835	2083500	80235603-b997-47e7-99c6-95e93d8e4d15	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:12:36	323.966
-99	41670	2083500	40892d28-f20d-4986-bfa4-06507d1f53e2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:32:40	745.396
-100	20836	2083600	ad298507-4f18-4641-a14d-a9f4116de577	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:39:16	973.892
-100	41672	2083600	985eb063-150a-43ba-a358-f246b6cddfbd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:45:33	-328.875
-101	20837	2083700	17fe1f4d-e253-4aae-99ff-22206b9b607e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:05:58	533.249
-101	41674	2083700	2cd4e302-a474-493a-bf06-a14df2851649	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:54:57	919.901
-102	20838	2083800	85037a01-18dc-4e54-8c26-df510e109f08	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:42:07	-962.182
-102	41676	2083800	e6d0b421-b586-4ddd-b7d4-acf13bd11ea9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:04:01	-220.92
-103	20839	2083900	92e1a38a-9127-4504-a029-f24f41735ed1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:49:41	530.895
-103	41678	2083900	ea77e78b-b4e5-45c2-869a-9846c8f66e73	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:36:15	-861.287
-104	20840	2084000	17c59b98-3c51-4ce7-902c-a56bd8afa018	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:17:32	20.691
-104	41680	2084000	0106b2d9-e4d5-4ad2-b25c-6653a0745208	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:40:26	-747.817
-105	20841	2084100	99399371-0d6d-49d8-9d8e-dbcc5178c797	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:52:42	-981.28
-105	41682	2084100	25cadb0a-1a41-49ee-9907-b3fb26cdd614	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:31:42	-907.725
-106	20842	2084200	c98f54e6-642e-4f3d-8945-a6a9b267d885	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:29:05	696.217
-106	41684	2084200	f5415ca8-ea6b-4964-ad28-44053be9a560	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:59:37	672.160
-107	20843	2084300	8c2851ec-8c80-4602-9d06-76f8c8054e5d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:44:39	406.879
-107	41686	2084300	8fd1aa94-7564-4f60-939f-d577123a73cf	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:51:00	812.87
-108	20844	2084400	6e6259af-9d4b-451b-b88b-c380617c8595	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:55:09	-149.450
-108	41688	2084400	a972a515-46d0-4bc8-bb85-12256667ddd2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:26:53	-415.40
-109	20845	2084500	30216af4-151c-4e31-9095-cd516cad1edf	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:17:40	-805.374
-109	41690	2084500	355af6f7-a6ce-4108-8cde-419bd97aeeef	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:42:37	-615.112
-110	20846	2084600	b50c52be-68d9-4ec6-9b06-13a7f1399cb4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:13:58	-749.160
-110	41692	2084600	06dbc541-0bcd-4b62-991b-b0dd0c164dfc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:43:42	-721.718
-111	20847	2084700	1d4e5cb9-6884-4991-a575-bf6de12de19f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:03:44	-839.953
-111	41694	2084700	6163bedc-3666-4711-9f6a-6a314475ff12	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:27:53	742.415
-112	20848	2084800	c2cb54db-8602-4787-ba67-1dcf88ed9641	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:02:13	242.39
-112	41696	2084800	db2e147a-8514-4be7-8b70-a488bae89b79	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:48:26	-385.302
-113	20849	2084900	ee48233c-a843-489e-a623-09a699e16251	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:58:56	-802.946
-113	41698	2084900	e2124e1c-b1de-4ace-82a2-a958eefe4d71	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:55:00	406.986
-114	20850	2085000	295e3526-d684-42fa-8c04-4299eeb831be	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:51:27	546.230
-114	41700	2085000	738d0963-36eb-41fe-8e5a-b52d9590a50a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:25:15	634.615
-115	20851	2085100	3d55fe89-dc53-490e-9626-3077ff256e5f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:08:35	-247.122
-115	41702	2085100	d6bfeba3-cf77-4bb7-84e6-6783bce314f2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:23:02	-105.742
-116	20852	2085200	761f7836-d30a-4f79-892d-5845de5d1594	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:41:41	-743.282
-116	41704	2085200	41326a87-4c0c-43c5-ad44-00d19b010f1e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:55:41	613.866
-117	20853	2085300	0e164200-f2b5-4af9-8d31-5d8280d02f1b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:16:18	-868.396
-117	41706	2085300	4c1c3f7a-2390-4cb6-a7da-73a8ebe35f39	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:46:07	466.20
-118	20854	2085400	59e5fa7e-65c7-4532-b759-7ac76f81d86c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:49:23	-491.780
-118	41708	2085400	9a4c8289-c2b7-4f94-b333-76d573e619fc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:17:28	-230.924
-119	20855	2085500	4942089b-c77a-47e6-ba96-ceb967043024	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:44:26	873.713
-119	41710	2085500	72523242-517b-4a21-b008-82bff35506ab	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:27:22	-587.410
-120	20856	2085600	c1a14474-4b0a-4c44-aa8b-4ec98a9f29fe	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:20:02	-365.145
-120	41712	2085600	491b7bfd-f7a0-457e-be8c-4a45b54efe98	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:01:26	-611.840
-121	20857	2085700	3d2037de-fa61-4cda-bf7e-51a66c52a261	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:36:37	145.569
-121	41714	2085700	0d4b6ec7-f1d5-476b-b4c9-d3af5c24626d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:00:05	818.733
-122	20858	2085800	6e43c7ec-0c0c-4be3-8eb0-64c75dcaee7d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:42:36	380.170
-122	41716	2085800	049a7699-af8e-4a33-ad84-e7ee973112ba	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:52:23	562.168
-123	20859	2085900	5477561c-a440-4bfb-a0e1-b902d10ba6df	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:38:09	957.967
-123	41718	2085900	e99a3f19-5da6-4e87-bf39-64af2849c8cf	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:52:24	73.743
-124	20860	2086000	b7244d88-7133-4d7e-8eef-b8d3b8d594ba	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:09:07	-880.619
-124	41720	2086000	6d824937-4117-46f0-b36b-3c492596695e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:50:55	-923.97
-125	20861	2086100	c35a2795-5b9c-41bf-a986-b50c40bef54f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:05:31	-945.683
-125	41722	2086100	70e15c9f-d9db-4866-bd24-71753297039a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:02:08	234.827
-126	20862	2086200	f3a1bd1c-2112-4451-8200-3139e5b4099c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:10:23	296.11
-126	41724	2086200	5d5ccbe9-9460-461e-af32-7e57161ba31c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:58:26	545.997
-127	20863	2086300	6cbdca5a-52f5-4411-82a4-17b13eee7fd8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:51:38	78.248
-127	41726	2086300	5ba80e7e-0331-4525-87b7-a988c6a2c1c2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:29:26	-298.578
-0	20864	2086400	7714e0f9-f0e5-4605-81ae-c1cca5716b69	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:39:14	-885.910
-0	41728	2086400	6d288d7c-d1a6-4a6c-b591-9f5022c92e1e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:27:32	706.696
-1	20865	2086500	0921d59c-3279-4c2e-8e59-acf4d6f086c1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:15:19	-32.421
-1	41730	2086500	9d2f881d-eeaf-4758-bdad-cfc799e80e7c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:27:53	-102.272
-2	20866	2086600	c3a7f9e2-f201-4697-97f1-59a393dbbf47	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:52:06	-297.795
-2	41732	2086600	0314577e-7608-45ed-b2f3-f401114803fd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:59:06	-337.380
-3	20867	2086700	c56e2aa6-c68f-4d3b-aca7-4c2ad66e3890	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:26:40	-31.866
-3	41734	2086700	a3770e25-8451-4726-bce3-43a352f529d6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:30:38	68.325
-4	20868	2086800	a8b4688f-3b7a-4066-8c57-c64215394902	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:37:01	-906.112
-4	41736	2086800	0f26009b-1ffd-4e60-89f5-c087f3754a14	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:43:47	992.485
-5	20869	2086900	a7143914-82b0-4d03-b013-543ba1f54ccd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:30:49	539.315
-5	41738	2086900	02a30603-b791-4a2c-bb57-21574bcc66cf	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:49:33	311.919
-6	20870	2087000	30c38dbb-3356-4913-a9e5-0725f32b9859	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:25:47	-7.154
-6	41740	2087000	10d74b29-6a98-427f-83bc-d6729911d71c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:48:51	532.236
-7	20871	2087100	5957f0aa-d2c0-425a-add1-ee1c0c03811f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:23:36	986.450
-7	41742	2087100	b6b3931c-935b-4c11-9be8-d7eadefe0622	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:18:46	-399.278
-8	20872	2087200	bb7d2ac7-a8dd-4677-b2b2-671ed9f3b631	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:18:51	844.775
-8	41744	2087200	f638bc5e-461f-4a69-b5e8-7c18a33089b9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:03:42	-165.426
-9	20873	2087300	8b3f18c0-024e-4eb8-8ff0-6d4cf342d63d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:27:59	132.334
-9	41746	2087300	5b8f3d3f-ed47-4b15-baaa-01060d62300a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:29:01	87.140
-10	20874	2087400	fb17d3a2-7b99-42a2-a8bb-bec452790316	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:41:19	377.189
-10	41748	2087400	73595a7b-7a5e-48bd-b124-a6e92efe574e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:34:00	621.370
-11	20875	2087500	85a657d5-692e-47db-b258-a3e02b44ff21	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:13:31	-608.81
-11	41750	2087500	844c3148-84bf-471f-88d9-8f2de2021c3a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:01:00	-337.560
-12	20876	2087600	0820b0f8-0284-4e8a-9b4b-b54de5ad46ae	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:07:04	-403.640
-12	41752	2087600	a52fbb3e-c7e6-4348-b406-7f2171fddf2d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:42:38	943.103
-13	20877	2087700	569b3f4a-44d3-408f-99a9-bc75c772c790	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:57:01	-13.828
-13	41754	2087700	638d8bb2-7d5a-45f8-b6f4-214988fbc4e6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:04:34	49.692
-14	20878	2087800	9c128574-a4c3-4bca-b48c-5767a3582bd9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:18:58	75.276
-14	41756	2087800	f8ab90eb-2527-4bbd-95fc-482a9e3566c5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:07:23	14.351
-15	20879	2087900	afde8147-fd59-4efb-99c5-947da471539b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:41:49	744.827
-15	41758	2087900	e54869b1-4303-4ec4-8925-f72abb84268a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:24:52	551.91
-16	20880	2088000	7a67d7d7-460a-4ef5-8cad-58ad1fe66551	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:19:05	972.940
-16	41760	2088000	f3d07e3b-f7f8-432b-a8db-8d2b8fcd294e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:23:09	-847.132
-17	20881	2088100	c3960fff-adb2-4bc7-b69a-462ff0be54ba	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:13:11	196.577
-17	41762	2088100	70e24bb2-87e8-4487-aad9-aa25a480c280	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:46:52	-895.751
-18	20882	2088200	7cde7ef2-9d83-4a20-a04b-86d681ef6204	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:15:41	-769.911
-18	41764	2088200	0389d3f5-71c2-4c4d-8a5a-e4b7776eca5b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:24:10	-87.820
-19	20883	2088300	12770aa7-3308-4510-9ccb-b8c5434301cb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:01:27	309.589
-19	41766	2088300	ce228a81-e76c-4866-93af-64bd9331d44c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:52:17	-657.205
-20	20884	2088400	ba1056c8-86b0-4ba6-84c4-a4b9b01ce9be	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:15:50	-586.952
-20	41768	2088400	23b55f39-7117-41bb-94cd-9005e6aa28b6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:43:06	985.345
-21	20885	2088500	cbf40cc6-1329-462e-8ce7-7bf144a874dc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:42:50	752.327
-21	41770	2088500	1f96d472-a5a6-466b-a368-c405bfda1761	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:38:07	8.607
-22	20886	2088600	69797870-4857-4152-9f61-9613de134026	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:33:07	-9.498
-22	41772	2088600	44603e0b-bb77-4623-bc05-e8226a246fe7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:00:41	-49.880
-23	20887	2088700	996bc69f-3e6a-4504-96ed-847c2bcb8477	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:06:23	651.275
-23	41774	2088700	5a38b021-53e4-4dcf-9ed8-7c261299b299	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:05:42	517.91
-24	20888	2088800	1c66614e-cd37-4df8-8102-721b61db9ee7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:46:01	-450.558
-24	41776	2088800	d009a791-42da-4d38-afea-c4c06b28dfe0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:22:04	975.533
-25	20889	2088900	41eaf5ee-bee9-45de-be11-5a61138c3640	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:51:54	-983.107
-25	41778	2088900	0dbd1af6-0525-4711-82a0-ad3009d04276	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:13:00	137.830
-26	20890	2089000	d62e3c0e-1cd0-47c6-8ef5-c486cc450994	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:55:54	243.891
-26	41780	2089000	fda36f5c-d8f1-40ef-a584-b31f6e1f602a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:01:50	834.267
-27	20891	2089100	a420a6bc-7a1f-484b-8080-92324085b0d4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:12:41	363.355
-27	41782	2089100	5e93b3fc-219a-4fba-95a7-824abf070857	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:49:25	-751.291
-28	20892	2089200	bb41fc8d-dfa6-46eb-a0f7-507367088037	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:38:21	464.220
-28	41784	2089200	ea6a17d2-0587-422b-9305-1abf5f473ca1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:01:01	874.687
-29	20893	2089300	0e8c10d2-9e00-4d23-9152-c81bdd887dde	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:27:03	-749.808
-29	41786	2089300	3d4d04c9-2e70-4b3d-bd1d-35b3681fc133	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:48:01	-18.742
-30	20894	2089400	b3c9fec2-9b1b-45cc-9feb-4380b89b1a08	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:10:31	-826.424
-30	41788	2089400	a79c157e-9314-40da-bcd1-4b9e698f0cab	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:54:16	77.977
-31	20895	2089500	d459da1c-a0b9-4799-92a9-9cf71e689d22	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:22:20	-5.942
-31	41790	2089500	554eaf4d-a841-4230-9290-4018ab780b46	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:39:28	984.87
-32	20896	2089600	d162ae83-0f5e-4c77-a3c6-195adeef58af	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:23:19	-150.615
-32	41792	2089600	52df2d3c-b2b2-487d-bf2b-1d0fbc53d918	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:03:19	-964.359
-33	20897	2089700	496783d6-6480-49ca-9999-ba02cba8fed7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:50:53	558.87
-33	41794	2089700	c841ab53-d4ce-4e19-99bc-e3f8e5aa195c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:18:27	-154.913
-34	20898	2089800	6808e991-61c1-4f94-bf32-7151e0d4bba3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:50:39	23.448
-34	41796	2089800	a44b4d0a-8728-40c9-9a84-f238c3719f24	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:58:04	-143.571
-35	20899	2089900	11fbe5d0-0181-4825-8951-cf7a6d6949b9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:00:36	-727.521
-35	41798	2089900	ce7a5c95-1f47-4c5c-85f1-b40b103986da	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:58:20	824.340
-36	20900	2090000	38f6e243-c386-4a4f-9817-82cb84d37cf9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:59:29	-696.362
-36	41800	2090000	5955e671-c8db-451c-a2c2-f7532350cd14	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:56:23	826.253
-37	20901	2090100	91d53ac4-fb27-4efa-a185-3585e7c4b119	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:44:45	-72.474
-37	41802	2090100	eb1f11d9-fcdb-4acb-b2e2-1392a3158e7a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:22:02	853.733
-38	20902	2090200	394406ec-d40f-40ad-8dd2-498b2696d3c4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:19:27	-710.250
-38	41804	2090200	c3496ac8-76c7-4112-9bd4-90997360b743	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:45:51	-127.314
-39	20903	2090300	33a46a83-1b2e-41ae-9cab-ff9fa17d442c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:19:57	-462.664
-39	41806	2090300	bd593a2e-13a0-4b5e-b1cf-10bdcdfaf661	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:29:51	-963.933
-40	20904	2090400	bfb83271-5452-463a-a0f4-cc6048c0724c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:36:52	-160.672
-40	41808	2090400	30b8b61f-1a16-4894-9f7e-2c230ee9a7a2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:13:40	-772.858
-41	20905	2090500	b30d9797-1cec-4ef0-9c89-795098ce4c22	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:35:02	-317.32
-41	41810	2090500	c23442ad-6e6f-4cc5-8a44-95fe43c78c33	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:11:16	35.145
-42	20906	2090600	3b574c17-1cf7-4ddc-aa86-301c59a6e70b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:27:34	-636.84
-42	41812	2090600	90e0d0ae-e452-4552-ac05-52f531e9b4f3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:06:55	808.536
-43	20907	2090700	c387c39d-a24a-43c9-99ba-67f25ea7e81e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:00:55	297.348
-43	41814	2090700	ed189edf-7fca-4f14-88ef-062d99f9c646	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:17:09	411.884
-44	20908	2090800	3be0e8eb-012b-4c22-a313-56fb21452046	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:39:02	-344.959
-44	41816	2090800	f36aeeaf-9de4-47f6-8af4-421fc99e9c7f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:05:28	-991.627
-45	20909	2090900	1921864c-2671-4c05-8a91-50118f5ba0bb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:47:38	487.394
-45	41818	2090900	f972802c-f158-4cf7-84e8-384e746c6022	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:34:46	294.845
-46	20910	2091000	7e3f864c-e851-480a-8ca2-abea1c2b18bb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:12:13	431.151
-46	41820	2091000	3be94b0e-de9f-4dae-bc20-27f8aa9041f6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:50:19	185.244
-47	20911	2091100	38c49297-64ab-4649-8d9b-71b5e5bd6e12	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:08:38	35.796
-47	41822	2091100	3c7a5c68-ce12-43ce-ad4c-d78221007fd1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:53:38	764.760
-48	20912	2091200	b84eaaf3-e129-42ff-b8e5-cf694ad00076	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:09:23	30.982
-48	41824	2091200	d396894b-bbb8-461a-80ff-1db984efc713	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:05:43	667.369
-49	20913	2091300	86d325cb-bf80-426e-a47f-d5be356ba9ac	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:02:39	-584.746
-49	41826	2091300	be366d9c-3b80-419a-bcb2-bf672f872e9b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:19:27	-369.38
-50	20914	2091400	b709b469-f7fb-420a-9688-5ca0527ec809	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:28:26	371.333
-50	41828	2091400	681bb650-e1f5-49fb-81e6-b15b86ba02af	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:45:35	-531.418
-51	20915	2091500	dae3a4b1-5c29-4567-bb9f-90fa7935d38b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:36:41	77.345
-51	41830	2091500	b5d82cb5-0c94-45a5-a801-437975196d74	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:03:57	174.911
-52	20916	2091600	46780f78-5bfc-4583-81c4-219b670062b9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:22:07	950.861
-52	41832	2091600	52a1334f-d663-449d-9d99-9018d89a78c1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:48:11	730.108
-53	20917	2091700	dd5e68fa-9e2e-4098-885c-259eae74e527	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:17:33	204.160
-53	41834	2091700	be5ccd66-0328-40ba-8185-f0fee8f8e7c4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:27:47	466.278
-54	20918	2091800	43fc631e-7389-4df5-9999-02289d16728d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:00:41	-910.540
-54	41836	2091800	d8d4c047-d9de-4c5d-9b23-b2682a9e8151	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:25:21	878.880
-55	20919	2091900	c8c00146-483b-447a-a20c-db4666f3b526	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:03:18	649.974
-55	41838	2091900	bc4ce0ad-6c72-4e97-9906-9b87cbdbd875	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:44:31	-685.336
-56	20920	2092000	73558855-f4f0-44d8-9b3e-44a7c747cdda	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:17:02	-752.886
-56	41840	2092000	a1dafd9c-844f-4fe5-8c0f-d4141f005ec2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:19:41	97.353
-57	20921	2092100	604ca602-ff02-49ef-b42f-105abb56e473	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:52:27	923.582
-57	41842	2092100	17b46017-d79f-4691-a6b0-dc4a15b7f651	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:37:03	-574.888
-58	20922	2092200	09812748-0e85-438d-829c-970782a99c13	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:15:59	439.410
-58	41844	2092200	546b7ae7-7f50-4c9a-a46c-590fa91982e6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:31:22	-965.869
-59	20923	2092300	21257fd6-c772-43dc-ab6e-964d66d18950	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:30:47	514.112
-59	41846	2092300	18d08d7f-7905-4685-bec6-c98d46ada7c1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:34:53	747.101
-60	20924	2092400	e65a474b-6ff5-4080-bc16-f0fb463b801c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:47:52	587.519
-60	41848	2092400	7c7fdab2-b5db-4fb5-adb5-02824a6c57f0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:36:11	-651.171
-61	20925	2092500	7a71e5da-48d8-45d4-8bde-235513f665e8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:26:34	-745.817
-61	41850	2092500	f447da35-0dd0-4001-9c58-ceb0f454ee34	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:12:17	-672.235
-62	20926	2092600	d9b3c49a-0e66-4dde-9b1c-8a822c245b8c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:54:17	418.310
-62	41852	2092600	bbef793d-b6b0-4f3d-8573-dc0014b55fe5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:51:55	-115.197
-63	20927	2092700	ad8aeefe-acb1-42e9-89f7-b5cca0222f60	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:20:06	638.579
-63	41854	2092700	11dd72c0-5c77-4c35-a681-0695f096c729	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:02:12	291.878
-64	20928	2092800	cca602ec-6802-4951-ae01-a45e8feb765d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:44:33	900.164
-64	41856	2092800	2aab8aa2-09c9-41bc-91c4-dc50f04dec96	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:00:17	810.419
-65	20929	2092900	b1229410-b865-4076-a41e-841225ac3f65	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:02:23	-609.253
-65	41858	2092900	7a85df5d-5fd5-4a8d-a124-da687b62d3e2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:12:29	235.571
-66	20930	2093000	3809d428-a521-420f-9c83-c50959e4a1f6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:20:09	-707.276
-66	41860	2093000	a81b44eb-d038-4f18-8e20-f1e0907e1102	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:57:46	15.944
-67	20931	2093100	d6960f0c-5f83-49d7-893c-48dd1ea20826	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:01:20	871.908
-67	41862	2093100	a41c4e2a-7cec-4314-9638-59179fc93f3d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:34:39	-278.310
-68	20932	2093200	77ebf3d8-03e1-4df3-a31d-ead047bc5bd9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:43:35	-850.58
-68	41864	2093200	f53c0eda-23ab-4051-9553-a4d8dc355bdf	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:58:21	-505.174
-69	20933	2093300	ddbb1e20-fa5c-400f-b38a-b2ec132bd7d9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:54:36	-344.736
-69	41866	2093300	1ff8c085-813c-4454-84e4-2570722986da	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:55:33	233.409
-70	20934	2093400	6901dccc-0149-40ad-909a-20f78dd48999	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:42:01	358.700
-70	41868	2093400	01bf04c0-bda2-4feb-a410-dbbafb76cd13	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:44:31	-161.985
-71	20935	2093500	21f60f82-ce01-4a0c-a008-99019a1c879e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:12:52	809.805
-71	41870	2093500	3ab3a5d8-3cd1-4f66-b265-5b7b5ccac5c4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:36:50	12.518
-72	20936	2093600	6f3773c3-4745-4d7a-9dfa-a6b3a1542bd4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:57:38	-666.22
-72	41872	2093600	c7bae7c5-c8f3-48f1-8403-23773fef216b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:31:18	-112.527
-73	20937	2093700	17d3c58e-61b0-4ac1-b503-e40ebc0566d2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:03:38	860.315
-73	41874	2093700	48bad835-69f5-4e4c-9f54-75c070773011	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:56:10	-751.108
-74	20938	2093800	34a5ffb4-93a6-4242-9230-e7d3a030172f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:32:38	940.441
-74	41876	2093800	b48b0372-a713-436f-908c-52e246f1ca4f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:53:40	-171.204
-75	20939	2093900	ef6ee8db-36ba-4c17-80af-e591a652c70b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:23:35	-98.491
-75	41878	2093900	0ded71f3-adda-412f-adbe-5d53aa97f2cc	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:16:59	-801.539
-76	20940	2094000	4bec0818-f6be-4b50-b346-68edb55ec52e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:53:32	981.393
-76	41880	2094000	f01d8ff0-4c8c-461c-85f1-c4aef6fbd21d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:42:13	-739.163
-77	20941	2094100	143f1ad0-9f73-4bb9-ae37-1b22e49ec54d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:41:10	402.482
-77	41882	2094100	fbb6b240-dca7-4d66-8120-e4804f74bca1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:33:19	-16.890
-78	20942	2094200	b25623cb-846a-4fd7-a355-761c117c7ced	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:40:33	202.942
-78	41884	2094200	4677374e-6c55-4d1d-a016-69903e36f4ba	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:16:24	198.352
-79	20943	2094300	a28e842f-779f-455b-a0c9-b12b7e6ccd55	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:34:51	205.757
-79	41886	2094300	a51b0546-30fb-4673-88c5-db06642a6926	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:17:03	737.800
-80	20944	2094400	6ce7310b-45d7-41ae-94d4-6fa8135b64c4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:17:18	-472.840
-80	41888	2094400	3ecfe3b4-073d-48a4-8488-b4191d11e23c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:32:12	-338.797
-81	20945	2094500	0bb76f55-ab28-45ff-9b20-ce22f8e24676	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:50:17	281.637
-81	41890	2094500	0895a2be-38d6-44f6-81e4-60420a1a142c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:00:48	-863.969
-82	20946	2094600	7cf2dac4-de99-49d9-b9b3-b4612633184d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:57:49	148.866
-82	41892	2094600	e9ef0cdb-79e1-44ee-83b7-6c34027a4fe9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:37:13	263.447
-83	20947	2094700	fbd36a82-909c-4acf-bdbb-2909662f3057	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:20:37	561.670
-83	41894	2094700	018ec3b2-1512-499b-97e3-67c8c967a613	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:24:19	-477.954
-84	20948	2094800	4df2c078-5e98-446b-813d-5d8b7c23a333	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:27:33	-724.643
-84	41896	2094800	ea4fdff0-3ddc-4bdc-9e9a-ec0105d2689b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:20:06	231.741
-85	20949	2094900	63bce343-c147-44ce-991c-7201e92589da	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:29:22	870.817
-85	41898	2094900	a489d62e-623a-4b80-bcc2-c96677065e6e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:30:23	-852.736
-86	20950	2095000	a21b87d9-587b-493b-82d4-2521259d3a45	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:06:03	-364.632
-86	41900	2095000	70195f63-8d87-48fa-9745-4602e3c998ea	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:26:41	319.847
-87	20951	2095100	bf14fb05-72a7-42df-9088-a12e41188b6f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:38:12	995.555
-87	41902	2095100	dac116f9-0098-4c38-b90c-2f027a1f3f50	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:35:13	-978.342
-88	20952	2095200	547fae24-8431-42e8-a9db-0381126a12df	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:26:21	-929.974
-88	41904	2095200	f3d779fe-8f65-485c-8e1c-600cd1aaf340	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:39:36	696.794
-89	20953	2095300	094217d6-b3ad-404c-9a6c-d95b2496c35b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:08:08	-392.12
-89	41906	2095300	e48d2fad-2ac8-46b3-8b9d-d920bf5b2518	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:49:50	-634.281
-90	20954	2095400	ce89b98a-1e70-42b7-8403-3c83d734dfed	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:17:17	-622.537
-90	41908	2095400	4804556b-574f-490e-ab6e-944a458e371c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:45:04	456.665
-91	20955	2095500	511705e7-14e1-40bd-9411-d483d5856e25	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:57:35	-833.827
-91	41910	2095500	1ab96090-bfa7-415c-b06c-16b475f8b233	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:38:05	702.431
-92	20956	2095600	93a248e3-a71c-4c3f-859a-bef96ec33382	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:35:34	894.574
-92	41912	2095600	3be48b80-92e7-4f2c-af21-d15ca57ffd28	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:09:02	-920.670
-93	20957	2095700	3f22b3ca-4139-4c81-ac75-e360c4db8b43	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:03:07	442.580
-93	41914	2095700	0c1e5a62-6ff3-42c5-9309-134ad0057142	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:49:44	-952.593
-94	20958	2095800	b12f7e0d-6df8-4d14-acfd-ffb6e89717c2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:23:02	928.451
-94	41916	2095800	ce899bbd-6bd2-4fa8-aae8-1c1bbbb9e50b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:23:31	-604.869
-95	20959	2095900	fa11344d-4d34-4d4a-be1d-74bb60e8e948	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:52:02	-874.283
-95	41918	2095900	c0156887-2dcd-4251-92da-e753cdb6d84f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:19:52	-870.60
-96	20960	2096000	a455f331-ca98-45c6-a5f2-0f9e8b9399f6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:20:19	590.504
-96	41920	2096000	b3a2b3f4-9cc3-40b2-a1ee-b7007896a903	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:49:31	-952.304
-97	20961	2096100	feae2e30-7606-4a95-9b7b-b8959a6b7bb2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:24:11	-641.733
-97	41922	2096100	a2b07c60-73bd-448a-908c-6940a3c596b9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:18:45	255.787
-98	20962	2096200	b5bc127d-99a5-4617-b0f6-196ff7828db1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:12:01	710.390
-98	41924	2096200	41fd7690-047a-449d-bb58-8035b75bdfd9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:15:17	356.716
-99	20963	2096300	fd174a94-f5f0-4252-81bc-a97fafbe5739	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:55:47	921.405
-99	41926	2096300	4b5d1cd9-fd8d-42f0-8cb0-42b7a475a4a8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:21:04	214.366
-100	20964	2096400	6850f3fc-6419-4534-8944-d861a12fbd9f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:20:27	728.258
-100	41928	2096400	84f3f3bc-56e6-464a-8c7e-94f341b24570	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:58:00	208.976
-101	20965	2096500	03f2048d-509a-4aa8-bb78-f608199b7f6b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:19:19	-204.79
-101	41930	2096500	e0e536aa-6649-418e-b394-958ac7478583	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:12:38	-117.139
-102	20966	2096600	2e412516-4793-429a-b2f7-a9e849e85206	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:57:59	852.744
-102	41932	2096600	094a7f4f-e4f0-4185-972d-bb4dabd8002b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:37:57	-26.14
-103	20967	2096700	524fd7d0-334e-442a-962b-5b568279a319	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:39:26	-668.163
-103	41934	2096700	53c34d34-fdd8-469e-ac4d-86f0ef1ca6b9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:28:34	922.668
-104	20968	2096800	7004626f-d431-48d6-a99d-af4b3fd1660e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:12:15	-414.372
-104	41936	2096800	c75922bd-3d1b-44ae-a3d5-528bbd73e380	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:20:52	587.218
-105	20969	2096900	15663993-a3fe-4510-86d9-2b7224b3b50d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:47:40	116.60
-105	41938	2096900	9af1a157-dec3-425e-8a65-fb37e5b1bdf0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:19:22	-306.43
-106	20970	2097000	42807bab-2cdf-4bc2-9ca8-8b5292305f77	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:29:08	805.864
-106	41940	2097000	f5bd0195-0424-4c4e-9fd4-39a52170974d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:47:53	553.926
-107	20971	2097100	72a38eb0-e76e-45ec-b559-432fe05caa92	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:49:39	-200.599
-107	41942	2097100	f16267f1-de72-4459-be66-92e176643893	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:51:54	459.902
-108	20972	2097200	9fa26184-de8f-4c69-868d-a53845b014f8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:25:56	833.205
-108	41944	2097200	e79157cd-271a-464a-a7de-6b6e41c7a034	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:54:19	-197.825
-109	20973	2097300	6d90d248-a8fb-4cdf-bce8-8a5cca421b88	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:19:31	-613.358
-109	41946	2097300	e7b8226e-66d2-467a-8c59-ae6c3afab207	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:16:06	-441.989
-110	20974	2097400	af243c90-7f78-4e0c-a364-3ccedc4c03e0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:10:25	-371.894
-110	41948	2097400	6a514aed-1309-471b-98c1-af0af4a26698	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:19:10	-639.879
-111	20975	2097500	66f3cb8a-2b00-4cc0-bca6-b4be27550713	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:02:50	676.49
-111	41950	2097500	e684ad61-b76d-4451-a6f1-83e786771f88	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:53:48	458.362
-112	20976	2097600	f2b7e7b2-5e73-45fa-92e4-9bf87bb2bf19	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:14:23	29.694
-112	41952	2097600	bec969f9-2073-435f-8f4e-0506a3ac602f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:55:26	-394.758
-113	20977	2097700	fb5d7bc4-aa01-426b-bfc0-ca78ef70cc24	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:58:05	482.949
-113	41954	2097700	7fbbc006-b0c0-49da-a4c1-3c9ca02baf25	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:40:45	-80.532
-114	20978	2097800	ed047cd0-9027-46b4-88c4-dad4958f1ef4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:14:24	937.572
-114	41956	2097800	d102cb1f-8029-4bcf-b517-a3b82cb89300	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:51:41	-190.382
-115	20979	2097900	afd7aed2-fb4b-48ef-8925-111c6dc9d9f7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:19:39	-95.756
-115	41958	2097900	6b7cf8e2-88ed-4c1a-8314-0f8e0912c862	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:56:44	380.619
-116	20980	2098000	89f74c0c-33f2-49bf-b97a-22cae40a19b1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:53:53	58.935
-116	41960	2098000	39b83e88-844b-4a50-937d-d6ba9d8957c5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:47:14	-664.522
-117	20981	2098100	e210a40d-f9e2-4d2b-8f17-dac17166ba8d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:31:35	820.51
-117	41962	2098100	86aace16-4b03-4a56-ad21-cd779659a903	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:22:37	816.60
-118	20982	2098200	63c4424d-9cd1-47f2-a324-f32a41ecaace	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:18:04	-178.296
-118	41964	2098200	6de14876-08f5-4c80-8f65-0461119edf0f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:59:50	457.962
-119	20983	2098300	98b6df2a-2768-462e-838a-07c8cf228c72	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:22:46	-168.306
-119	41966	2098300	3408e740-ac52-4cd1-88d3-6066c80e7d31	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:13:44	-168.209
-120	20984	2098400	2d1f0814-8ab7-4b5c-89ea-5b708ec10d17	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:19:09	-902.834
-120	41968	2098400	44603c9d-e796-4247-9d13-afece4b93459	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:33:11	158.623
-121	20985	2098500	46bfbbb9-292e-41ae-b4d3-1435b4833234	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:36:02	-403.178
-121	41970	2098500	0d40dfba-52fd-4873-8fa3-3241ba2a22cb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:15:02	-33.112
-122	20986	2098600	2d784d6b-e355-46d4-922f-b8c3e2d35a9f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:47:36	-187.83
-122	41972	2098600	6b6f7d70-5980-4ba2-98d7-0897e07fb343	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:33:21	-834.610
-123	20987	2098700	81cdc9c2-d731-4bb3-9045-2ff3e68caaf0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:52:41	-88.638
-123	41974	2098700	f23bbea6-a21b-48cc-a4b6-f70beff2ebc6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:27:36	910.63
-124	20988	2098800	f9ac6f06-4f00-4869-918b-cf6fcdfac18f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:46:51	-674.906
-124	41976	2098800	655e1f41-5ac3-42b7-a116-ae5c44e1a3e0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:10:12	677.520
-125	20989	2098900	f844f246-4263-415a-ae01-6e2369c5bdeb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:18:46	44.138
-125	41978	2098900	32cf0b64-6076-426f-bd98-161c32e75042	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:28:30	-79.447
-126	20990	2099000	ee86d403-07f5-4260-acbc-1b5498c5911f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:13:12	-800.508
-126	41980	2099000	68ff5a66-4bf9-4de6-8569-27758f4caea3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:20:13	-417.273
-127	20991	2099100	a17519ca-1321-4879-9e49-1bcf5f645564	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:32:06	700.840
-127	41982	2099100	920bf033-82a3-4828-bb21-3abe40e9bb3d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:42:55	-667.863
-0	20992	2099200	fbe740af-89f6-4295-93aa-be8ffa7d14f9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:55:17	993.322
-0	41984	2099200	344f2a14-d636-4d0a-90c6-8b9adc6a05a5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:32:12	-798.213
-1	20993	2099300	c1a23965-5cc5-4fc3-88db-9a5bfefe9d5e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:03:24	-308.356
-1	41986	2099300	d96305be-60ce-4044-81ed-c8442cc09a5f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:23:31	904.6
-2	20994	2099400	d4787037-89a2-4e63-9b89-3ab2199ae0fd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:12:58	526.584
-2	41988	2099400	f951c661-23f0-4a5f-8724-6ee877bf47f1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:31:13	721.873
-3	20995	2099500	35452572-6ade-4b3d-ac4e-c06de480fb7a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:00:01	855.579
-3	41990	2099500	a6995091-6b71-4033-9e41-fd7e2db7d8b7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:59:41	-956.143
-4	20996	2099600	16cf88cc-a2f2-4b8b-8da0-3b3022a7c34d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:18:54	-587.635
-4	41992	2099600	c744ab37-a235-491c-8a12-cb182282e188	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:56:29	-941.783
-5	20997	2099700	3322a7f7-e597-471a-9708-7bbf688023fc	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:17:02	75.21
-5	41994	2099700	9369cd1a-b694-4432-8452-2def8229f3db	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:56:10	284.141
-6	20998	2099800	180612dd-b796-4a81-ad9c-ef0b9176bf1c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:58:07	698.147
-6	41996	2099800	2ede1584-b1b7-4ccf-8da8-2ed88b8a0765	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:14:32	-387.302
-7	20999	2099900	e91c4647-8bb6-497e-a510-3e90ceada4d1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:36:43	172.255
-7	41998	2099900	7f9a73db-e6fc-45ce-a8bf-7b6bc9782227	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:57:10	421.901
-8	21000	2100000	563445ff-6e11-4e31-bd31-69a3a020e8a5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:59:14	609.288
-8	42000	2100000	763af921-6310-4b46-9638-fc13b1d258d7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:21:30	-369.561
-9	21001	2100100	c59d9be8-51dc-4973-a86f-ca26b8d749b2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:34:53	355.38
-9	42002	2100100	d1327bb2-a719-40c3-8c97-4ad22259db64	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:36:13	590.755
-10	21002	2100200	ff3a0dcf-18f1-4ca9-baab-b79fc3062473	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:34:34	499.286
-10	42004	2100200	c2a25090-b759-4f3c-a371-f555b71bb6e6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:06:15	-285.943
-11	21003	2100300	0f7c768c-f4c9-4e58-b010-d4c7c617b0e0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:45:25	-599.946
-11	42006	2100300	f86ccdec-2f4f-490f-9c41-a5823a13498a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:18:15	-6.318
-12	21004	2100400	4c4bdda4-e95f-4ba8-b067-f7f4fce0d943	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:20:18	-1.199
-12	42008	2100400	876cf887-847c-4d82-99ac-549e67b71d01	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:59:40	-269.55
-13	21005	2100500	2a37f28b-3c49-4eb3-977b-f96426eb1ed0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:53:31	-983.470
-13	42010	2100500	14201875-16ca-401f-b0a2-3282886e2aae	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:10:19	-863.763
-14	21006	2100600	90d343a4-fc3d-43c4-a654-08435cc09d6b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:18:27	347.493
-14	42012	2100600	417bdff3-6e1d-4dc6-9c45-702786244c76	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:37:03	177.368
-15	21007	2100700	6b366b67-0615-4045-b2ec-b397d4d83172	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:18:38	702.935
-15	42014	2100700	c9de36c3-5bda-49cb-9587-3f10a5d3099a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:24:30	-580.7
-16	21008	2100800	33932afc-3fff-40cb-bc88-53f13c7cc1ef	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:16:20	-841.827
-16	42016	2100800	2f4844e6-3e5b-48d2-aaa9-690c372955ec	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:50:53	221.93
-17	21009	2100900	6add686e-2d3f-40ca-bf64-53e3c03de17d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:48:56	948.62
-17	42018	2100900	b6a1a778-ed95-465f-a078-567dfc666cdb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:33:35	875.119
-18	21010	2101000	d8ddd1e7-9e0a-4a7d-9867-0b6e953b4517	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:09:13	-276.781
-18	42020	2101000	7f3da11a-4d7a-4cfc-b172-0be1057732c0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:59:30	789.25
-19	21011	2101100	9606c763-eef1-4749-9438-508f465e38ed	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:09:36	482.349
-19	42022	2101100	cdfba561-8f26-4e24-9a5c-d9afdfe7082d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:43:33	142.237
-20	21012	2101200	d838ba79-a21a-4925-9e7f-f0610c80f30c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:35:36	-65.699
-20	42024	2101200	089de650-0a5e-4fd3-8dfc-b8a7c7fdde8a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:39:55	776.356
-21	21013	2101300	0066cfa2-c1d1-446e-a643-7dde234025dd	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:29:23	810.594
-21	42026	2101300	87149d69-10de-4807-a72c-f0118e4aee4e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:03:57	74.47
-22	21014	2101400	d3684c83-5bcc-4a79-9c7b-4a9688d24489	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:11:06	962.436
-22	42028	2101400	32660b6b-e074-4765-98fc-a2f9f03b24ba	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:40:32	-7.709
-23	21015	2101500	2488e57f-c0f6-4a3b-8ee9-af316fe399cb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:49:52	-688.265
-23	42030	2101500	50fe1e2c-de87-4e5f-81e0-1ab601e26809	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:50:59	-825.672
-24	21016	2101600	8bc5cc21-0405-4a9a-9d38-4933800062a9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:52:45	-121.67
-24	42032	2101600	41949eb9-03a2-4b53-bc63-8028a1c180dc	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:42:01	-147.257
-25	21017	2101700	71f47ede-66d1-4dfa-9c82-08072503812b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:55:57	-91.973
-25	42034	2101700	d5507d04-7c94-4af8-8789-dc2bea00c402	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:05:49	230.313
-26	21018	2101800	1de9d92b-2b29-4124-9a8d-12e33713122c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:54:30	465.912
-26	42036	2101800	e09fa92d-59ae-41c8-b6be-5e610c0a7c18	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:04:04	-344.380
-27	21019	2101900	4aaccf3c-adb4-4db7-bc67-31ddbc61e64c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:24:54	508.201
-27	42038	2101900	f58311bf-94c0-4424-aa1a-976eb070270e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:51:53	837.745
-28	21020	2102000	3eaddb73-7ddb-4625-ac86-5b2a7ea522b0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:58:50	140.377
-28	42040	2102000	02f104c1-e2de-4fa0-85f0-c0af4f902054	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:26:04	-618.196
-29	21021	2102100	5f569930-75b7-4a30-9457-f816d1a54ec8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:53:16	-995.39
-29	42042	2102100	3b263d34-f3e9-48f6-9c3e-61804c03e391	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:03:43	46.292
-30	21022	2102200	5c6d1514-590f-4246-a63c-bb25f32ea834	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:08:01	-109.540
-30	42044	2102200	98a74283-cb28-45ea-9539-c8e7346765c1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:25:29	683.394
-31	21023	2102300	9628ac73-b81e-4fe2-be99-17eee54c3571	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:20:00	-644.32
-31	42046	2102300	8553af9b-0c3d-4c14-aad5-5984e8136905	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:08:57	88.193
-32	21024	2102400	d1901dd4-cd2a-4bdf-b919-e732dd5dd6c9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:43:27	788.757
-32	42048	2102400	800c2d71-61da-4f02-9c77-9866de7a062c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:00:43	-435.506
-33	21025	2102500	db3cd8aa-0919-4db0-9b2e-45c7cad826d9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:31:11	-159.464
-33	42050	2102500	0e475ee9-5bc9-412d-9980-5b3e74615449	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:19:11	-234.326
-34	21026	2102600	36aa4a23-d10d-4007-a630-1acdb67d237f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:32:04	-46.49
-34	42052	2102600	0b3ad967-3b61-4dd1-afa1-2c43e3ce01ed	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:57:13	324.169
-35	21027	2102700	c348eec2-5314-4681-b3c2-d6a5f127a556	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:51:46	-299.439
-35	42054	2102700	d8719762-e427-4371-bbeb-62bdd35505e7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:17:29	-702.850
-36	21028	2102800	a25acdd8-b027-461a-86ca-6b8b05534e42	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:12:23	-861.3
-36	42056	2102800	905834fc-c959-4649-9eb9-32abba1f8494	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:58:28	173.66
-37	21029	2102900	970918d4-d7a9-41bc-8245-2d1a1453b6a3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:03:18	-464.827
-37	42058	2102900	2a036b59-464c-4027-8c62-622bc226ebc1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:50:57	-322.353
-38	21030	2103000	28ea6c63-ddc0-449d-892c-73246648f285	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:40:06	957.906
-38	42060	2103000	7c6de17e-a37e-4885-a992-61da2d40e66b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:15:11	-238.400
-39	21031	2103100	4ebe7673-9a3e-4681-9897-685e2a7512ab	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:34:56	-119.885
-39	42062	2103100	082b8fdd-6734-42e9-aacc-250c4ab1a409	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:31:21	536.890
-40	21032	2103200	3dfcf33b-aa87-4d70-8ab5-4bd0f556b436	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:21:28	-310.337
-40	42064	2103200	e436f5de-81f3-4bdf-b220-ab48eb2bec48	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:49:38	342.720
-41	21033	2103300	eccf6f0e-4a54-40f2-9adb-af59bcd52377	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:55:55	-569.751
-41	42066	2103300	c0a5de85-56bb-43f5-b670-c5d30d12e58c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:40:51	-191.221
-42	21034	2103400	a41211c0-9eab-466a-93ae-d302ba85d085	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:32:16	-663.485
-42	42068	2103400	49b7ea11-315d-4b7d-9d62-cd86babe7d9e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:03:08	874.368
-43	21035	2103500	f8bf0feb-daf2-4c50-97e8-ac193f2d351c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:25:13	637.940
-43	42070	2103500	b67c491b-8f53-4001-af42-0aab189a6478	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:38:44	465.359
-44	21036	2103600	f02e9e38-9901-472a-84ba-943c0970abd1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:36:36	194.448
-44	42072	2103600	f5730066-5856-4d06-9eec-b15978ebf1a0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:46:40	193.314
-45	21037	2103700	1b97aa58-91c9-4670-955f-e9816bd5c6a9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:58:33	258.587
-45	42074	2103700	12d60408-c56f-49fc-b82a-0bc113dc0248	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:44:05	-344.207
-46	21038	2103800	3610d6ee-d571-4319-bc0d-f01a9fec8e6d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:26:26	362.251
-46	42076	2103800	130dc315-f683-416b-8cc8-839dd2c695ed	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:21:26	-926.131
-47	21039	2103900	1b5e155c-c327-4ec0-ae03-c635053af1f1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:38:53	137.449
-47	42078	2103900	a5a9dfbd-1b51-4527-a77d-96aabe80fbbb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:52:31	-102.896
-48	21040	2104000	dca871b9-57f7-4dd8-bf31-88bbcb2f772b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:32:59	-673.573
-48	42080	2104000	f40205cb-f922-44ed-9c74-2a61c1ab30d6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:15:20	250.396
-49	21041	2104100	3f9b2d18-3e4d-48f3-abcd-96cf62099585	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:02:06	-95.40
-49	42082	2104100	5dd7072d-ef2d-464d-a3d8-7d595db34186	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:04:58	390.468
-50	21042	2104200	0cb878e2-37c9-4494-b7b8-f66d9ca0826e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:59:30	895.914
-50	42084	2104200	2f6e5b56-cfe3-4b86-a9f0-4319f69bbfcb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:41:55	197.86
-51	21043	2104300	9f1d772b-46e4-45db-ac14-14bd5bbc85e9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:10:29	830.328
-51	42086	2104300	a9a39049-d270-4555-8492-d3162b496a47	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:51:52	450.94
-52	21044	2104400	701c8e65-5ae3-468c-851f-066bac185b89	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:45:55	965.117
-52	42088	2104400	d9d298f7-3c40-413b-be7c-d3e5f0ee2b9e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:01:05	-102.531
-53	21045	2104500	f02c2e80-66dc-4349-8aac-1e6143480a4a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:27:38	91.464
-53	42090	2104500	34fbb5a5-413f-4366-aba1-89a07dbf6d83	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:44:03	113.289
-54	21046	2104600	713471f7-ed03-4460-8b28-383cd300ca2d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:24:10	282.569
-54	42092	2104600	d255ec94-7bce-43f1-957e-e6bb9fc2cfe1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:58:01	-225.974
-55	21047	2104700	5131cf84-0b87-497b-b617-19dde0de6901	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:38:26	462.415
-55	42094	2104700	770e7b03-ae1c-4375-b4f4-9e036835196d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:01:10	419.499
-56	21048	2104800	225975e1-8707-4fb6-ae70-9f1c36fab580	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:20:13	814.231
-56	42096	2104800	46334014-4900-4472-b35c-33a1dd206684	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:34:16	-904.70
-57	21049	2104900	10914a1d-758c-4f73-9eda-6432ed3e465e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:46:33	-413.127
-57	42098	2104900	828ddaa9-2645-46c8-8163-148f39f34dd5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:25:45	401.194
-58	21050	2105000	f1ad5df1-175c-441e-b514-21c0b730784e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:48:57	618.335
-58	42100	2105000	6ce9d03c-ecb0-487a-9bd7-989357f3d885	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:36:18	475.638
-59	21051	2105100	80bb901f-7117-4743-bf76-b492a9690029	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:18:26	-726.56
-59	42102	2105100	94b00795-90b9-42b8-854d-8b98c8530dfe	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:54:12	685.295
-60	21052	2105200	91314969-5b04-430b-bc3a-98dbcf87a41c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:55:55	-648.563
-60	42104	2105200	67372084-c7ac-4ce5-a1e7-4e3696f4d570	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:58:45	368.165
-61	21053	2105300	8a32bb87-60c4-4e85-9bde-fe4ad6f14796	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:39:27	200.71
-61	42106	2105300	89843f3e-5127-4a3e-9821-4b03f705ad7a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:55:30	891.418
-62	21054	2105400	35e25c4b-2acd-404b-934a-6f489c1845a7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:57:46	116.729
-62	42108	2105400	6090ed0d-d8c1-448d-86d4-0125d7959ad7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:38:31	-835.445
-63	21055	2105500	825fdd09-8c6e-4328-bba1-a076d181d15e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:52:48	119.171
-63	42110	2105500	14853c0f-68e8-4dcf-991a-5c3df398c11f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:01:25	-768.950
-64	21056	2105600	0be2a00b-ef2b-4dde-8ce9-06a06871b7f9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:23:02	-67.743
-64	42112	2105600	4ca8e159-e035-4713-ad3d-ad0f6bcdcf52	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:07:43	982.450
-65	21057	2105700	6b1d5012-1a4d-488c-9cc7-4f90e6375637	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:01:26	976.479
-65	42114	2105700	aabfc168-50eb-4da9-a6fb-2d91241ed94a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:43:45	-374.220
-66	21058	2105800	f0d9f587-ad52-4010-94a6-2b88155e69f5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:42:53	377.168
-66	42116	2105800	ed9ed93b-7770-4dcc-9e2e-bab5d10c70f1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:37:19	76.378
-67	21059	2105900	bb596ca8-1d7f-4543-8d56-9fe6900672a7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:06:23	-458.833
-67	42118	2105900	19f2789c-e2ee-489d-9486-91bd9229ebf0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:29:33	675.155
-68	21060	2106000	d0f7bccd-81ca-484d-95d7-046600ff34a2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:12:16	711.907
-68	42120	2106000	8665734d-029b-47d6-95f7-9afa2121c6b5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:14:54	233.854
-69	21061	2106100	3e530f2a-e5e6-42b2-a1df-3027dfb74252	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:39:08	828.317
-69	42122	2106100	923ac7ba-58af-4f5a-91df-5b4603e6a120	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:41:06	-776.389
-70	21062	2106200	298a1af2-c79e-4b5e-86ff-bd33e9e6ab79	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:03:03	-332.514
-70	42124	2106200	27451a96-e24e-408b-a5b5-1cb3bba71e68	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:38:28	174.950
-71	21063	2106300	34ed0317-2727-4fc5-981b-07c33bf37c4f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:27:51	-730.843
-71	42126	2106300	a4962e4e-cd5f-4b1c-b828-79d0a26b08a3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:13:34	-599.897
-72	21064	2106400	af6a96a5-5d7b-4c34-8fb9-eb61e0b3900f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:22:37	-15.523
-72	42128	2106400	452ff972-709f-41b0-bb94-67459bc10efe	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:05:57	-459.352
-73	21065	2106500	8a60b822-7bd1-457b-807e-ebcbfe73fe1a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:57:10	-788.287
-73	42130	2106500	fc2aa536-1956-47b2-8619-c1f17acc6ed4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:25:28	149.564
-74	21066	2106600	52f8934a-dcc1-48c0-a45a-b57aaef9c50e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:36:57	537.432
-74	42132	2106600	926eeec9-7719-414e-87ce-d75ea77fc13b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:22:29	290.332
-75	21067	2106700	b961540a-b1d7-417f-af2e-6a94ca32e412	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:33:35	-965.582
-75	42134	2106700	c9695430-c09d-40b1-a0cb-21b2cab301d0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:06:18	-328.476
-76	21068	2106800	22eb1c6e-89c3-4254-a5aa-1ef11dcbe36d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:55:13	-344.184
-76	42136	2106800	8a555754-abfc-431d-a6e2-f0aad6bdb33e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:36:50	509.522
-77	21069	2106900	b5245fba-feb3-4cde-bba4-c3ba3e050395	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:03:36	-335.33
-77	42138	2106900	00b50e32-7717-4c4e-a57f-60f10fa8d773	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:37:12	981.538
-78	21070	2107000	93992760-6df4-4580-9117-9f258e09252a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:51:43	-913.78
-78	42140	2107000	6b0ce1b1-ce39-4d98-a8f3-9427f12e4d4c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:36:18	39.527
-79	21071	2107100	c68fc353-5cce-42f9-b00c-01d2092c7978	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:15:23	856.894
-79	42142	2107100	6df6369d-9cf7-41fb-8231-39450decd4a5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:15:25	951.84
-80	21072	2107200	ba0b0db3-266a-4e99-845a-3a41bb5db206	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:40:34	946.325
-80	42144	2107200	05646086-4291-434d-a98a-4db8ffa056f4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:10:16	208.117
-81	21073	2107300	2343fbeb-1ed2-41a5-984f-06482585c740	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:57:39	547.181
-81	42146	2107300	d7322ac1-0597-4b4d-8bdc-b139216c5a1b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:35:16	-842.148
-82	21074	2107400	580707a5-2ab1-4a45-ae0f-f49a6f1a0c67	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:44:28	-83.98
-82	42148	2107400	3760bd3b-50ce-4f99-954a-f397db8a7019	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:54:02	-446.897
-83	21075	2107500	18a01696-c872-4e6b-831a-179b8477f7d4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:46:24	-928.372
-83	42150	2107500	f9b03dc6-e0be-44b0-8e62-fd034142eff3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:26:57	-985.24
-84	21076	2107600	a8110e8e-4211-4df4-b33a-2a70d06a1a41	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:07:32	457.208
-84	42152	2107600	5bf24f7c-ff5c-464d-b506-5275c24b8332	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:37:34	254.327
-85	21077	2107700	1f54dfb9-a7a3-4218-97f6-d9e05d83e5e2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:33:29	-667.113
-85	42154	2107700	54aaba63-15c8-41dc-a751-00a7d92da36e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:49:46	-928.680
-86	21078	2107800	7f2ca97f-1daf-4fb5-afd4-f60a16a45ffb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:05:16	-7.525
-86	42156	2107800	ceac7b5c-0318-4634-929e-af77f68d94a9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:51:47	-810.628
-87	21079	2107900	469e8761-0e6f-4f10-a57a-a820b76f8616	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:55:35	-426.932
-87	42158	2107900	f4653690-9fe6-4b98-b906-11f2866a8eec	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:32:34	-957.109
-88	21080	2108000	39cccd15-a9e6-4093-af4c-e1e73bcc5dc2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:15:39	996.985
-88	42160	2108000	4a3a848d-7a18-4de5-9495-56dea637526b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:24:23	791.27
-89	21081	2108100	4d343b60-32d1-4859-abf3-89f9a0a4fcd5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:16:11	833.13
-89	42162	2108100	6e2229fc-8a58-49d0-a77b-e7b7de12c5d1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:09:51	741.429
-90	21082	2108200	5b8bf20c-0e1d-4e2c-b31b-9a2538e8d93a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:47:30	168.343
-90	42164	2108200	0c05257c-98f4-4a84-af63-2c8e0651bbdb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:28:46	299.168
-91	21083	2108300	e2affe48-7672-42fc-8a7b-c788a9bdae29	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:57:56	-664.688
-91	42166	2108300	bfbc0eba-1dea-4966-9eb2-f45f20c88c27	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:15:10	-949.938
-92	21084	2108400	1edc1efa-cf28-4384-bb5d-4c8c6de409b2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:44:52	-564.123
-92	42168	2108400	f642fdc2-db21-46de-b78b-a374cd983bbe	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:14:07	-346.967
-93	21085	2108500	4c7b18ba-b5a2-4f60-983e-15a5388e16b2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:07:54	-814.120
-93	42170	2108500	9dcad0f0-51cc-43eb-9cb6-b2805da18181	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:25:01	-64.721
-94	21086	2108600	6a9627f5-fcc4-440e-8920-94015c7d2532	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:20:03	-330.424
-94	42172	2108600	89290f5e-ef27-4474-8084-9f1bd8396930	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:23:45	917.785
-95	21087	2108700	1d79def1-1d39-427c-a9bd-5aa49b4dbe79	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:39:44	884.397
-95	42174	2108700	4779100d-6a26-49a4-bf67-6779096925e9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:26:40	607.388
-96	21088	2108800	c815d34f-3781-41e5-aaaf-454903279765	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:44:21	-836.380
-96	42176	2108800	51de0f82-b1bc-47e3-b80c-4bf1fc93cd4b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:15:50	809.532
-97	21089	2108900	e1626af9-42bc-417a-a84d-d39278882557	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:51:01	-24.119
-97	42178	2108900	aa40180e-106a-4f6f-8a86-d3486a323321	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:40:19	145.990
-98	21090	2109000	840fbd2f-4d99-47fe-86ea-f930bb9453fb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:34:33	-261.688
-98	42180	2109000	8bd111ef-5eea-4382-8d02-65c0ef8cdd71	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:50:37	774.568
-99	21091	2109100	3b9fc0ec-0d03-4419-8963-46a2c8d23954	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:08:00	233.741
-99	42182	2109100	7fda5071-f464-47e2-9708-367e1e1c1172	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:39:28	-945.850
-100	21092	2109200	da502486-5a51-4555-b996-3b290f0e8f1b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:24:47	-115.98
-100	42184	2109200	d6d27e13-e3ea-43f2-9da4-4049534aa3a5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:55:22	-761.764
-101	21093	2109300	27e82aa9-0496-416c-9114-ca24b414bdde	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:14:02	304.594
-101	42186	2109300	c71c83a3-1da0-4764-ad1f-b4bfa7e5858d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:45:55	158.245
-102	21094	2109400	c46bb027-e965-4e3e-beda-f52d9972d1ec	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:26:07	96.96
-102	42188	2109400	a5554515-8b1a-4d56-b310-ec85043ed15c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:43:07	-209.314
-103	21095	2109500	5aaa8a38-e36b-4ac4-a910-1bf8ef048f2d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:04:58	839.529
-103	42190	2109500	2e18c039-c446-4659-83c0-a7e540ecf19c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:53:54	-165.641
-104	21096	2109600	94b393ae-2b26-49e4-a377-75c01bfc4de1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:22:49	49.236
-104	42192	2109600	334eab8e-4742-431d-849a-7447c0c73137	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:11:59	33.935
-105	21097	2109700	33bed1cb-b1bc-49fc-a5e2-3b17059f3681	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:44:56	-928.613
-105	42194	2109700	67a57dfa-07fb-4465-bb44-b24b4f0b6de0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:29:39	-903.223
-106	21098	2109800	b71d472c-1114-4b62-822e-d48275bddf6f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:50:37	240.721
-106	42196	2109800	679c2a1d-86a5-4c6e-9148-ceb3cda2aad0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:20:44	-193.631
-107	21099	2109900	e2b4c3c2-8344-4174-8d2c-7ab25f870051	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:21:56	423.205
-107	42198	2109900	e6a1c107-8f28-4a88-960d-a6731812a828	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:03:01	346.35
-108	21100	2110000	9a3238fd-8000-4fbc-8e46-c6a95e5d0a8b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:23:45	-413.825
-108	42200	2110000	f026c4b6-be0d-49ff-98e4-170006cf6922	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:59:34	-7.134
-109	21101	2110100	4f90afcd-f77a-494f-b40f-5b36ed4641c8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:17:57	206.245
-109	42202	2110100	233ae76c-265b-4db7-8aad-1c54c547bad0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:36:45	229.54
-110	21102	2110200	a2a04f0f-6469-4a1a-9d31-ae85525a343f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:14:24	283.939
-110	42204	2110200	e4f5f8d8-4b88-4fb9-adb9-efeb69b30ecd	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:22:57	175.590
-111	21103	2110300	004fba4e-f4be-48b1-9bfb-0a7bea802785	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:38:50	-454.496
-111	42206	2110300	44d20f12-52a7-4d15-8405-2a5f88b9e8e0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:57:10	-737.598
-112	21104	2110400	478a4a91-7b77-4c74-8776-4c97819692a6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:59:46	-61.981
-112	42208	2110400	a9e4c29a-fded-44b0-99c3-1394a9d478c5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:19:06	339.899
-113	21105	2110500	a0cd8371-eac7-4e27-b641-f2d633205709	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:07:15	207.624
-113	42210	2110500	f9768a06-b363-43ed-90a5-78c5855a46d8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:56:15	206.115
-114	21106	2110600	1e3c93ff-a99a-4932-b326-dfedabe623ac	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:16:38	230.586
-114	42212	2110600	10f0251b-8ccb-4576-b84c-00fbd9bf12e5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:41:43	-235.468
-115	21107	2110700	314a17e1-35a0-4f7c-93c0-d82316dbbd58	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:41:40	-940.71
-115	42214	2110700	a4285b8d-1718-41e2-9152-6f687fb5a1c9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:26:33	-554.608
-116	21108	2110800	2415955e-9f78-41e4-9c5d-fe84b99aa788	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:46:16	677.749
-116	42216	2110800	d8974195-6e3d-448c-b48c-7780d23edfe4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:10:43	-66.15
-117	21109	2110900	d69ace49-bbc3-45f5-8aae-f23519c43501	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:43:21	68.578
-117	42218	2110900	4356e4ba-5934-4001-9ead-fdb330c2d3a7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:46:27	-100.761
-118	21110	2111000	3139b948-c673-4fa2-aba7-4aa7e906bbdd	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:17:20	170.382
-118	42220	2111000	32432bf3-9dc3-4c60-be77-5075a9847b51	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:42:21	-475.318
-119	21111	2111100	73525791-e912-4105-bd89-0d3101a900a1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:59:03	409.626
-119	42222	2111100	14c66158-f291-4730-a63d-d95df502a2a3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:36:37	554.235
-120	21112	2111200	d0eef599-d84d-4756-aa70-20a314e87e50	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:15:00	-238.781
-120	42224	2111200	8351629a-9d13-4bc7-8345-e3aa36a465b3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:51:18	745.476
-121	21113	2111300	d1773f29-b0c3-4de8-9317-e3369bdbcc33	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:11:57	-418.6
-121	42226	2111300	2bea27b7-170d-422b-a1b1-d2c3c8b39548	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:59:44	568.998
-122	21114	2111400	9b338dd3-b73d-4a0e-809f-39c61f81065c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:59:29	306.451
-122	42228	2111400	29ca286c-848b-426b-bed1-c161a9b2dc3b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:07:06	10.120
-123	21115	2111500	8acf3a61-7329-4ef1-9645-d51ba275dd8e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:21:23	-901.23
-123	42230	2111500	6ec828a3-5f71-4937-a7fc-01a2cf8bb0c8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:42:51	-264.679
-124	21116	2111600	80ee878e-db75-4f1d-bbf7-a02775cc776b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:03:52	688.705
-124	42232	2111600	5c912962-c743-4844-997d-30df4cbbbb7d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:25:33	632.305
-125	21117	2111700	d14231f0-1bab-4ea8-a709-0ab9bb4b6756	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:49:11	-351.990
-125	42234	2111700	756d191e-789c-4e04-9f09-1a80dbbd4f15	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:08:18	680.298
-126	21118	2111800	deeb1719-f826-480b-bb74-1a09e1cb1825	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:36:19	901.726
-126	42236	2111800	9329942e-1701-45b0-988a-ab975d2549ce	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:34:10	-493.834
-127	21119	2111900	468d1801-2eac-4225-b6fc-d1a2ed87516c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:59:35	19.384
-127	42238	2111900	24720c3e-3e76-4aa2-af82-5e15b9832a67	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:29:05	379.258
-0	21120	2112000	96d6874a-5582-4638-96b7-4201fb157ca1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:10:28	-327.886
-0	42240	2112000	bfcaef3c-39e2-424e-9bc0-615182f28d7a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:18:37	-463.341
-1	21121	2112100	3f3982b9-8648-47ba-b6b8-0fc57adf6daa	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:02:43	309.537
-1	42242	2112100	c141c672-31eb-498c-89a1-9344f5cfabbe	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:10:46	821.443
-2	21122	2112200	2d16c8dc-a641-4837-a662-82310935c6ec	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:39:30	300.980
-2	42244	2112200	b5196a89-c757-48e9-aba1-19ff9e42b3a0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:17:02	741.282
-3	21123	2112300	5a72dedf-590e-424c-9ef4-2cbe00df3f0c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:56:28	534.432
-3	42246	2112300	3bc20c21-bafd-4e54-9132-ed2b11b8ec6c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:47:27	688.544
-4	21124	2112400	58e6d32d-0afb-4359-8915-1a74d8163619	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:26:30	449.928
-4	42248	2112400	4a2544f2-abbc-45e4-b3b3-dcf57c7e0a8f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:19:14	693.268
-5	21125	2112500	7af47361-7a29-4a68-ba4a-6a5aaa979249	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:36:44	35.828
-5	42250	2112500	407c2035-9223-4b08-b3bf-caeb4126a4f9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:36:59	203.371
-6	21126	2112600	c9e04c2e-35fb-49ed-bb6d-659387833fbc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:26:14	-695.456
-6	42252	2112600	1a07be77-c1ac-40e4-98ee-8332ffaf0d84	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:49:15	853.553
-7	21127	2112700	d9dc0920-2eec-4cda-a676-24a552de9749	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:13:58	-784.207
-7	42254	2112700	4a57ba57-9ef2-4da8-baa8-364dc7cd4e2f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:02:22	-425.362
-8	21128	2112800	17a74933-1b24-49eb-81e1-5a9ed4ce6129	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:28:51	-809.459
-8	42256	2112800	30fe9c71-22cc-400d-90ee-7993c687f8aa	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:15:14	-754.624
-9	21129	2112900	99cd1529-569b-4a1e-89ce-d6df73ee52ca	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:58:06	352.378
-9	42258	2112900	b31610c6-830a-4d56-8788-67c3a65fb4c3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:55:41	-967.57
-10	21130	2113000	b0597c2b-9abc-4516-a0fc-b72d7d6c8f2b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:26:28	-474.88
-10	42260	2113000	900f8b98-f784-4d00-9c7b-510546ee3116	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:45:39	-437.481
-11	21131	2113100	48a87cce-cd12-4f5c-9de1-217766a8c133	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:20:07	-408.444
-11	42262	2113100	a93e9cf8-00dd-4a4b-b2d5-9f9f4b260157	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:18:00	-795.269
-12	21132	2113200	12a45268-7711-4050-b2cd-a0013b9dcf4d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:33:56	738.212
-12	42264	2113200	06cec1b8-25d4-434e-b3ba-00b6f310b7fc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:50:58	-378.893
-13	21133	2113300	b5d01890-2bf4-40c1-a778-17d2554557c2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:49:19	67.763
-13	42266	2113300	3c25be81-511f-4905-951e-8fc9970c0f25	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:07:47	185.197
-14	21134	2113400	22447526-859e-45f9-baef-60b862ef4594	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:16:07	485.361
-14	42268	2113400	5452f722-5ca5-4dab-a1b8-16fbc1dcfc99	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:12:43	-496.79
-15	21135	2113500	0022a094-9d61-4ef1-b16f-65c3dab9d7ec	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:51:31	873.20
-15	42270	2113500	cb7387b5-f6dd-4288-babc-b5e2928d90c2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:48:11	280.686
-16	21136	2113600	963a3a0c-a1e7-4231-a4c5-87093cc842bb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:38:50	-999.824
-16	42272	2113600	298fc911-fc78-419b-bb06-6a1926e283f8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:25:51	-925.549
-17	21137	2113700	e6f073b1-08c3-4f18-9f4e-9f4a927738b2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:39:50	-387.331
-17	42274	2113700	04c2fb6d-4215-4ca5-99d1-a37baf1c2b54	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:18:44	-960.322
-18	21138	2113800	5aa8b3fd-6eb4-478c-a5db-690492efd6a5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:19:43	306.832
-18	42276	2113800	dcd3c806-0467-4c55-83b3-bbfc86b34430	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:07:23	-231.346
-19	21139	2113900	7fbd4a7d-c9dd-4126-b2c2-7561fd2e83ec	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:51:51	193.951
-19	42278	2113900	9dca9b73-fbd9-4246-b613-bd470b4ce43d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:08:49	-829.745
-20	21140	2114000	30c3e6c2-ed87-4318-bae5-0ec9af5ab08e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:42:13	952.531
-20	42280	2114000	9746b3e6-d0ab-4cc3-b4e1-b5572fc6d73e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:38:38	-232.182
-21	21141	2114100	6ee4a6b9-1998-421c-8f06-240f692fdbb4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:04:13	279.639
-21	42282	2114100	941f878a-726c-44ba-b07d-b867ee89abc0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:16:24	550.85
-22	21142	2114200	442091db-7459-46d4-962d-256f722a47e1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:40:38	-243.587
-22	42284	2114200	e55163e8-b103-4d94-81d6-4fbf3db00af0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:06:57	381.589
-23	21143	2114300	dad6ef2d-09e9-423c-b3b6-a47138baf59c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:26:44	142.227
-23	42286	2114300	ead745df-640f-499c-a14c-496bd5f02352	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:25:27	-660.946
-24	21144	2114400	4820a14d-2f6a-44b6-afed-5b25fac13122	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:09:59	415.268
-24	42288	2114400	651c2d0e-dc1f-4608-a71b-79702e5afedf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:10:46	289.367
-25	21145	2114500	2e7e1052-ab75-4471-b65f-d4260a3b4314	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:43:49	-105.324
-25	42290	2114500	67b91446-11c5-4601-bb86-bc6c9b7f1c83	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:21:41	-647.807
-26	21146	2114600	46e3a9f8-c098-4dd7-864c-ab8404d4c96b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:51:07	-808.464
-26	42292	2114600	6c43122c-470b-4f1b-afc0-904613099d29	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:47:17	-990.371
-27	21147	2114700	93113e4e-3bc6-4d6d-beec-f6c4b9797cd1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:01:48	295.488
-27	42294	2114700	944e0259-25ec-4dfa-a9e4-aef690940efd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:03:14	168.35
-28	21148	2114800	ec3d06a1-4fe2-40f3-950a-d7e3d38df7ed	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:15:53	-866.921
-28	42296	2114800	c4f87544-9922-4fc8-9aa0-d1c4b756fde1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:06:11	397.136
-29	21149	2114900	927e3d83-e35d-4159-bd5c-23b5dbd1971e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:47:49	-205.549
-29	42298	2114900	2a5737b8-c879-472d-b812-a5f7a8030998	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:13:31	992.573
-30	21150	2115000	78664a5a-0d3e-421d-b899-751bdd71ffdd	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:41:39	-500.365
-30	42300	2115000	de853e8e-4380-4dca-9106-74da7fc6c8aa	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:26:31	649.67
-31	21151	2115100	641d4050-cde9-4ef7-9277-c7598a428508	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:05:01	225.255
-31	42302	2115100	88ef7c5b-7c64-4791-acd5-cc9ae2ecf558	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:29:27	-710.342
-32	21152	2115200	c155b2ee-90c6-45f6-b70a-d37b28c35b73	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:15:24	-111.910
-32	42304	2115200	86869ccc-42df-4717-b55e-7e27a3af6712	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:09:58	-876.411
-33	21153	2115300	d173923a-d939-4236-9c46-267cfc1f00a7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:32:10	-615.371
-33	42306	2115300	a4a31d34-1428-4e1b-a987-5f025da64658	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:06:56	-57.101
-34	21154	2115400	fa1b08f5-3ff0-4595-b287-69fe077cc64d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:15:45	-216.248
-34	42308	2115400	2b5a3862-d852-42eb-8853-7b23004d6aa1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:15:07	160.511
-35	21155	2115500	d42719a0-70d8-4605-8268-9d66e78f1428	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:57:43	-163.717
-35	42310	2115500	4dd3ed0e-4140-4b51-a309-46d0617b68ee	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:30:56	-652.379
-36	21156	2115600	92157934-693e-40c6-94b2-1ad3f9f7ee7a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:25:19	283.984
-36	42312	2115600	4ba16d15-73a5-4c96-a2ea-bec05754d60e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:43:25	979.518
-37	21157	2115700	ccc8ef46-b62c-4297-bd64-7a75fd0f9d36	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:37:27	-878.129
-37	42314	2115700	e7ba4cf1-5643-43fa-8e93-3abed4446323	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:17:09	-62.398
-38	21158	2115800	44ed6d83-9b1e-4960-a088-3fd84216ef29	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:01:59	477.75
-38	42316	2115800	a3f00747-a47f-4bb4-93a5-4fe6fa303dab	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:15:01	573.926
-39	21159	2115900	ca7fd159-c4b6-45d3-8ffe-ff14e42cf9ee	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:16:54	923.22
-39	42318	2115900	5979699e-e4a4-43cb-aa89-ae5b81681ea0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:43:01	-47.766
-40	21160	2116000	85d31dbb-596a-4b54-8a05-443326c7886b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:29:17	190.438
-40	42320	2116000	e551d4c4-04b3-4de5-8b8d-05fa5a9f5563	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:20:37	-162.473
-41	21161	2116100	bfa4e21e-6d94-418f-bb08-b4a11e2786a0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:24:13	998.173
-41	42322	2116100	e89a9fa4-4b20-48b7-97f1-cc806b749ede	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:24:11	-753.244
-42	21162	2116200	aa799e98-4216-4f91-a438-f7a5e157dc2d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:41:58	11.729
-42	42324	2116200	f0567f2d-1d8d-4f1c-988a-72eff3064310	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:55:52	-15.190
-43	21163	2116300	ea25d5fc-49f4-4016-910e-29377c330a5c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:23:44	946.708
-43	42326	2116300	96bd53de-5ba3-4b3b-9be5-2e59a2a4a91d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:19:26	-366.88
-44	21164	2116400	17143f5e-47b0-4b54-ba4c-b7023b1de2da	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:51:52	430.828
-44	42328	2116400	b537be61-a39e-4879-8c45-43d9eb9fe2e5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:05:31	-13.296
-45	21165	2116500	c69b9fda-fed3-4b2f-804e-0a0e710e41ae	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:06:07	159.608
-45	42330	2116500	9e87eb12-d4e6-498f-a901-252b52c4289a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:17:07	466.491
-46	21166	2116600	4427f93d-dae7-4c55-ae79-b459ef04a96e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:39:50	-676.934
-46	42332	2116600	d54fc8e2-2646-45d9-9740-00b3c17733a0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:31:36	-104.277
-47	21167	2116700	5f56ec9e-f66a-4b5e-9dec-62dd919251c7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:59:35	-680.567
-47	42334	2116700	d3bd0ad9-6e46-4eac-a414-c478b17049b8	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:50:52	-897.306
-48	21168	2116800	3da6752b-144b-4f16-9136-8aff3d8333de	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:34:17	821.905
-48	42336	2116800	d66ea96b-76ec-4a5e-a3cf-b470018e74b9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:39:31	-122.329
-49	21169	2116900	0e31c065-fe55-415d-9a21-edce8bae0d0b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:35:06	31.509
-49	42338	2116900	53d2fe50-63c8-480f-9b2f-67b3c92dd2db	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:15:53	-143.580
-50	21170	2117000	d59278bf-104b-41d3-ae0b-de2c16bf6787	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:53:35	-601.338
-50	42340	2117000	80aafad8-b180-444c-b7bb-b1f8ecd903b3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:45:48	535.429
-51	21171	2117100	742ab728-a61c-498f-9869-ed8ee5fad77b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:09:06	613.414
-51	42342	2117100	85d6a6b3-b647-4356-9799-50f5a0283cb4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:36:20	-269.10
-52	21172	2117200	ae3acec9-70c7-4251-abd9-ff00fd62ecd1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:18:01	562.848
-52	42344	2117200	204987ea-bde9-4f8f-99f0-b6924bbd5160	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:58:24	564.70
-53	21173	2117300	603462ea-16d4-4462-92d9-3fc4e34acbe8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:08:31	542.275
-53	42346	2117300	7a225ea4-a41d-4cb2-97b2-1bd9742bc8e0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:01:58	194.685
-54	21174	2117400	005dfb53-adec-49c8-a123-136748eeb668	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:31:02	790.483
-54	42348	2117400	d4760f9d-abf7-4b84-a3ac-5bd115a6e874	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:00:38	173.781
-55	21175	2117500	0ff22066-e962-4e9b-a3e6-cd0d1b7aaaf7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:10:11	-605.558
-55	42350	2117500	f1e0c491-f9b7-49bf-aad4-90ad18f54993	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:23:27	31.119
-56	21176	2117600	18678bf4-f8dd-45f3-88e5-ae914f765694	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:40:07	621.338
-56	42352	2117600	ba3f218c-b64b-4304-ba1e-a0f09dc8b9df	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:03:36	-629.305
-57	21177	2117700	6300e703-acf9-4b7f-8f1b-7662971a5a33	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:02:23	-641.562
-57	42354	2117700	435447be-0154-488f-be04-d7d141434240	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:33:38	735.718
-58	21178	2117800	d3bc2e3a-1202-4251-99ea-08989e8bb8a6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:47:46	-136.926
-58	42356	2117800	ffe05fc0-a1c2-455f-950e-d0ec5cfceb07	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:15:49	30.948
-59	21179	2117900	5b82e310-ddfb-45f3-8ce2-2d21cb1113a9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:42:53	127.451
-59	42358	2117900	3e26758c-8490-487b-854e-a007e4f98f7e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:50:38	-13.48
-60	21180	2118000	bc7dabd5-bbbf-47a8-a725-0a2a5aec7124	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:09:16	472.826
-60	42360	2118000	ddcb9329-e5cc-4bc3-abbd-cd3e4d019225	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:53:27	-887.412
-61	21181	2118100	89e5551b-7ae6-4a32-b7cc-2e441ad33e92	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:53:31	439.498
-61	42362	2118100	5c503bd5-f450-4b75-a015-8e6474548d2a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:19:53	935.111
-62	21182	2118200	12ba992f-917c-4901-86f4-3a7d8777882f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:56:43	338.212
-62	42364	2118200	1b54a34f-1ee3-463d-990d-84e62944f001	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:19:02	-1.780
-63	21183	2118300	63516e18-4d1f-4f63-96db-2efadec249d9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:33:13	87.547
-63	42366	2118300	af774009-37ad-43b6-aa0f-6040d897b47f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:49:15	45.315
-64	21184	2118400	5cec4ad0-8cb0-486f-9c5e-5418034ec9b0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:11:23	-304.491
-64	42368	2118400	42e3a48d-0391-4445-8b43-311eca98b260	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:01:36	361.470
-65	21185	2118500	2ece8a97-a10f-403a-b708-5cd647420def	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:23:58	-235.583
-65	42370	2118500	bf3e6ba4-5c89-4a61-b5ed-e85901a78ef3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:21:37	346.788
-66	21186	2118600	d720f833-540b-45c7-8ff0-3ddb0074781c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:01:34	-941.420
-66	42372	2118600	b4c06fda-e3a6-4da3-b434-5a2bdaafb3b7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:17:52	-942.137
-67	21187	2118700	2461f1e7-db92-48e6-aab3-24358ad20aa6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:15:12	-864.890
-67	42374	2118700	26711dc3-5508-4d12-bbd7-430d60fc8ec0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:52:01	-542.252
-68	21188	2118800	625db526-14cb-44b4-abf0-9286118589d1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:00:59	-113.255
-68	42376	2118800	0fe8c2f1-1696-4aee-a217-7addba6dc2d3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:12:06	434.981
-69	21189	2118900	85d3b0ad-b238-4454-9463-8e14907a1491	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:19:40	531.200
-69	42378	2118900	24bce4ce-b986-4328-b2be-9dfdf3293c81	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:11:55	340.556
-70	21190	2119000	dda23320-e896-4305-a601-4f946b3b44ac	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:37:05	19.3
-70	42380	2119000	6af9dddf-5ba5-48f5-b929-7ae4dbcf8900	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:25:50	486.773
-71	21191	2119100	bf42052a-7061-4e7f-afc6-add46fc3d4fe	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:26:28	-656.453
-71	42382	2119100	b8bc1977-5dbc-4373-b949-4b2096e710bd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:39:38	-864.746
-72	21192	2119200	50678ac3-e585-420f-ad7e-b33b6b931b80	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:05:46	123.838
-72	42384	2119200	fe20eab9-0b09-426e-956e-d812ee2accbe	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:56:56	994.104
-73	21193	2119300	4b6d75db-f0e2-4875-9471-1459f84a7823	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:23:12	15.627
-73	42386	2119300	4e27217b-6857-452d-a152-26aa0508c073	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:56:53	-983.647
-74	21194	2119400	0fc5e893-35ec-485d-9c0c-075eaac5c170	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:53:26	-603.487
-74	42388	2119400	137d9331-e5a6-414c-a773-c384e35b32af	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:21:24	919.744
-75	21195	2119500	f0189103-cd07-4f51-9e42-b2182389c137	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:34:38	136.329
-75	42390	2119500	d77b3cb4-c521-4c2b-a98d-b8d901a31899	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:14:34	-771.873
-76	21196	2119600	2de93264-6ba7-44ef-bc9a-31d23e568a11	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:00:56	-12.821
-76	42392	2119600	7dcb2921-6359-432e-929d-0fa0823de01d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:40:12	-299.764
-77	21197	2119700	4d413a72-2617-47a2-b20f-b98ae04b1c5a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:27:38	-139.27
-77	42394	2119700	1dc3fc77-fda3-447a-9b05-c7414cac0218	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:38:38	194.740
-78	21198	2119800	822b945d-07e0-4739-bb7a-76ed292b70a1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:41:36	640.861
-78	42396	2119800	fa8ac00d-3aa2-413f-9c21-f38e30d11ed5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:08:03	857.79
-79	21199	2119900	724f5884-8dc4-47f4-a1a5-c2f8d508213b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:54:49	-831.196
-79	42398	2119900	b9483eb0-80af-4ece-98ed-e039fd219521	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:43:09	-672.405
-80	21200	2120000	d8b28847-ca5d-4d25-83d7-13eaf2c53b09	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:26:58	493.144
-80	42400	2120000	417c044e-e8a0-455a-9bd9-720907532221	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:26:51	-525.700
-81	21201	2120100	b30ff44b-d525-45bd-9135-14a90266e44c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:59:53	613.460
-81	42402	2120100	bb049319-7470-426b-b165-3a324da304f3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:03:55	-939.932
-82	21202	2120200	ca99887f-11f6-482d-a252-7c3a03ab96a7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:02:08	-615.730
-82	42404	2120200	bcc5fe09-0146-4412-b16a-a0cce4b73cff	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:06:01	22.724
-83	21203	2120300	53229c53-ba94-4f8f-984c-bd8e1f151468	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:35:18	413.739
-83	42406	2120300	b39e1faa-2cb1-4044-9816-eaed73b2eba3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:24:55	594.316
-84	21204	2120400	c811ceb3-376c-4f44-b891-508330270514	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:12:21	108.1
-84	42408	2120400	0140e217-5c7f-42c8-918d-49b442a63c31	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:55:24	58.192
-85	21205	2120500	02bf97d4-b2e8-4a8f-9bf7-96f9b005b866	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:49:22	-859.859
-85	42410	2120500	82218490-0acd-406a-84d7-ccfafa8473d4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:34:12	821.747
-86	21206	2120600	fb666c65-389f-4658-a2f7-5f5d2c6945c9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:15:20	-259.388
-86	42412	2120600	921f2e92-fe2b-4b6a-a9b5-dba75b179b22	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:42:58	114.310
-87	21207	2120700	cbb63a44-a42c-48ae-a2bc-fd76ccaf2624	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:24:19	-130.177
-87	42414	2120700	fab57635-cb12-4cfd-a434-d313bee5d82a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:53:47	785.364
-88	21208	2120800	bb166944-ce58-4138-b1e8-596a61f08afd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:12:16	331.428
-88	42416	2120800	56cda4c2-7390-4abe-86f0-e3903d695c63	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:53:04	-333.959
-89	21209	2120900	4d26e757-5a9f-4389-b800-d7d9790976f8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:59:49	-693.615
-89	42418	2120900	3f8a94fb-be80-400c-92f0-acb7b6c7b2a6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:57:18	-435.524
-90	21210	2121000	a96763dd-92c2-4e61-8c43-16219be6bce1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:27:54	840.742
-90	42420	2121000	a3b3f173-3c80-42fa-8835-0f159e11a818	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:57:17	784.35
-91	21211	2121100	ae701735-3a60-4e57-b24b-5806064b7953	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:24:30	138.915
-91	42422	2121100	b396ff5b-dacc-4c71-9af1-38e59ae5be30	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:00:34	-502.955
-92	21212	2121200	6d2720a8-87e2-4379-aabc-0766fd2a6bfb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:12:39	429.241
-92	42424	2121200	4b16b3ae-a88f-4438-b236-13189a47dd0d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:03:19	707.402
-93	21213	2121300	ed667fd5-bc7f-41e9-9c98-4d3f682eda60	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:32:52	-215.505
-93	42426	2121300	cac85c87-3129-47e6-8e61-c4e5366f4857	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:02:47	358.326
-94	21214	2121400	4fac6387-fb3a-4bf0-a4a6-51d6457c5e71	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:34:21	636.386
-94	42428	2121400	9d7cccf2-6b7f-4071-85a2-ac4e17c37c9d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:30:06	-45.313
-95	21215	2121500	d6a90599-876f-4b65-bfec-cfdf4f87fab3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:52:34	-457.552
-95	42430	2121500	ffb71554-ed49-4e10-8c0a-805bda10d34f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:30:00	839.918
-96	21216	2121600	d17f7cb1-2405-4eea-9e39-26c254ac86f8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:54:38	-307.17
-96	42432	2121600	8d7760c6-c35a-4ff3-896b-e665bb813955	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:06:57	-383.562
-97	21217	2121700	e15d220b-19a7-4ef1-9db3-c79d3e928b59	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:16:32	-80.881
-97	42434	2121700	76fd2ef1-12d2-41b5-8296-747463be26db	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:16:16	-687.697
-98	21218	2121800	ea02d862-77cb-4a92-b377-e9cabe96dafd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:25:13	823.122
-98	42436	2121800	cda18563-d72d-4076-8013-91b8905f87da	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:32:28	-681.160
-99	21219	2121900	984a64b0-4138-4fca-81f3-4155fe3d462f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:14:27	-686.838
-99	42438	2121900	b276d8a0-97c5-4f4e-8aac-d4e9a8b68bb0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:24:54	-619.41
-100	21220	2122000	db1604d4-1bea-45b8-a300-ce70e5b632f2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:07:46	558.567
-100	42440	2122000	aa794cd0-f5f3-4095-af56-9d790b0080c4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:50:34	-323.738
-101	21221	2122100	310e91fd-31c9-4f73-ac0c-2c8a2dcbf68d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:52:23	-282.756
-101	42442	2122100	58b670ff-383e-402c-a419-757e35bc07f3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:47:18	-864.236
-102	21222	2122200	f700af89-ec5d-4f46-9e82-dd14371a3777	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:26:17	-767.331
-102	42444	2122200	7c1ae578-812b-446f-8d62-935d511718d8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:00:14	-451.22
-103	21223	2122300	a3d8bf77-238e-4fa5-ad55-5f02c65b81bd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:05:04	406.495
-103	42446	2122300	197c79a6-fc00-45ff-b63c-c95ed0fca77e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:59:11	666.663
-104	21224	2122400	8c18ce68-6595-4788-9ba6-482b2ddd3710	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:06:55	410.894
-104	42448	2122400	e2431acf-874b-4351-8a16-4d45c7cb518e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:42:53	-565.939
-105	21225	2122500	0258acca-a16b-4239-b779-12e666a606da	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:48:12	506.574
-105	42450	2122500	51c3583d-dd1d-4b91-bc24-135afbc06981	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:05:29	-856.324
-106	21226	2122600	385200c2-e190-4dfa-a468-ed3b7fecc14b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:58:30	-629.393
-106	42452	2122600	1998baea-2c90-439e-ae23-e404ed1d837c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:49:50	-407.801
-107	21227	2122700	2864f1c6-09ef-4c14-8e2b-02f6042c17d6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:48:26	305.50
-107	42454	2122700	a55dcf83-e380-428d-8cf0-81953cde43c8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:24:14	950.267
-108	21228	2122800	ed0e7ad9-3cac-4749-a46c-d8ba8ab68dd1	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:43:07	313.750
-108	42456	2122800	370fdd73-169c-4666-9272-39bf5e6a235c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:02:37	153.432
-109	21229	2122900	3a0a0962-ba23-4950-9eff-31a548f46631	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:38:14	-72.152
-109	42458	2122900	ded36e09-6ded-4e8c-b2bb-18dfc50c2a89	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:12:09	895.913
-110	21230	2123000	7d08c549-c96f-47db-8818-544bc21f2b3d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:45:32	-167.31
-110	42460	2123000	0921726c-8e59-48f1-a346-fa2cacfc4953	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:44:46	-534.477
-111	21231	2123100	528d5b9e-2017-48a9-aaee-8f43d5df1108	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:59:30	-895.760
-111	42462	2123100	88fc7288-bc73-4b35-a997-da7b18d1a051	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:29:34	-473.139
-112	21232	2123200	64f36366-407b-48c2-b256-ad45750dbf10	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:50:02	-109.841
-112	42464	2123200	e09a4a98-3ccf-48e7-a033-5f739e361132	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:55:45	489.342
-113	21233	2123300	63a1cfca-2c65-4994-ace5-627b8b85a58a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:05:32	908.417
-113	42466	2123300	181054a1-25fe-4629-b02d-af7c17eed6c8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:47:10	-855.393
-114	21234	2123400	130fa7ba-10f8-45fb-a21f-6bde764f3c6b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:47:50	136.832
-114	42468	2123400	a4feb39c-b4d0-4553-98d7-cf9033851011	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:36:08	625.178
-115	21235	2123500	ff725030-6d15-41b8-89d0-ec57d049002a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:21:45	-185.305
-115	42470	2123500	a4084a47-569c-48e9-97ed-fef7e37c669a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:55:40	-894.36
-116	21236	2123600	fed4ff4c-cc20-4828-a3df-3a78123cb94d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:14:11	-207.743
-116	42472	2123600	49b1cff0-e959-42c5-a0ff-ab1db871e86a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:15:21	576.953
-117	21237	2123700	f01b589d-5cab-4fd6-a3d6-f1eef2363bc7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:24:12	138.646
-117	42474	2123700	083683a7-4c82-4337-b68c-8aaab74caba2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:30:23	-312.553
-118	21238	2123800	429f9421-cb40-465e-bbc3-4eba7d047b8b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:09:35	453.746
-118	42476	2123800	7dd28b5c-7fa3-453a-9e00-859c795e5efc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:58:10	532.462
-119	21239	2123900	c16e59d4-eb69-44d7-b364-4e2d752ba8a3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:16:52	-14.9
-119	42478	2123900	b05753e6-fb70-45ac-a216-c46354578571	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:24:48	106.886
-120	21240	2124000	a24f0c7d-05b7-4076-91fe-2de410dc3654	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:57:03	-606.298
-120	42480	2124000	0bf8b02e-fddc-4436-95b6-17ffdfdcecd5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:47:41	-934.216
-121	21241	2124100	eb90f887-0fcc-46fe-8ad2-46b129e28d47	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:02:12	75.175
-121	42482	2124100	050b9763-228f-4a3e-b7bd-24566df5878f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:09:30	19.14
-122	21242	2124200	efca78f7-f42e-42d7-a42a-a5776a0d2d0b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:07:15	-828.910
-122	42484	2124200	44ac03e1-d08a-4f84-8c4f-ff9bbd6c5b85	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:22:11	159.685
-123	21243	2124300	1baeb941-bce6-4b73-b582-f7569cf473b9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:30:28	-177.550
-123	42486	2124300	4c3b2e60-60e9-4873-bad5-7eab13d3e2d5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:48:44	295.21
-124	21244	2124400	7403f7ec-05a4-40ef-b59e-ea912e638737	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:01:01	757.694
-124	42488	2124400	b73fdf72-4da8-45a9-b7cf-da07fb65f914	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:28:33	815.940
-125	21245	2124500	431e8be4-a1b3-4cae-b1fd-f307d1c25268	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:22:53	526.720
-125	42490	2124500	f6688703-fab3-4471-8093-f72ac831d64c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:32:00	574.608
-126	21246	2124600	6bb66a06-5d56-4961-bc44-40471df2b36c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:21:12	-620.93
-126	42492	2124600	3430f55b-8256-49fa-9e78-d56038d1abbb	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:32:32	-105.155
-127	21247	2124700	efba6a3f-c3a3-48b8-aa9a-e917cf4f0a71	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:24:42	-661.424
-127	42494	2124700	85fdbc06-e633-4c77-adca-dac672b599c7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:14:30	-467.760
-0	21248	2124800	14a4bae4-5a66-4129-a78d-0fca50fbd95c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:53:51	-93.488
-0	42496	2124800	5febbcad-0f24-4e49-b704-aea5ae880ab2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:40:39	-169.868
-1	21249	2124900	dba8396c-b421-4d1d-8221-8d184d828a78	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:29:56	-811.419
-1	42498	2124900	2a6d8aed-6c47-4539-8feb-eedbe014dc9f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:43:31	835.628
-2	21250	2125000	081f2039-7492-4780-876f-1112a65b8ac4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:10:50	-634.9
-2	42500	2125000	dfbfcb74-2e77-4936-a444-16204fca0d0c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:18:07	-713.435
-3	21251	2125100	fc4738a9-f5da-426d-ac56-b4c5229a702c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:13:49	575.948
-3	42502	2125100	24b7bb64-365c-458e-8277-323414d11366	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:19:56	-285.9
-4	21252	2125200	6ebd27f4-8324-40b4-b8b9-fdb0b86a2fd1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:14:37	-280.612
-4	42504	2125200	fbb3a506-2ac0-4607-a386-63251f737063	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:47:46	418.898
-5	21253	2125300	f4e47733-470b-4c5e-96d7-3607566b1170	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:20:03	-250.628
-5	42506	2125300	c31e7928-86a0-4be6-b7c1-c5ef8cb85a89	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:25:56	-214.73
-6	21254	2125400	d230097c-b829-457e-b991-6e4483728717	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:33:29	-646.142
-6	42508	2125400	6766b739-1cce-4795-acad-261b0ba75daf	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:41:11	850.608
-7	21255	2125500	0f97b78b-65ff-42e4-81c8-d6d2fa17ce88	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:36:29	-101.144
-7	42510	2125500	2bb867cc-dde9-46a5-b77f-8c5fd401b940	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:09:22	-331.360
-8	21256	2125600	ad5fdd04-93f6-4f6e-a6f7-7a1f4e00bd98	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:06:49	-284.663
-8	42512	2125600	c7b87bb3-bd0b-445a-8bf5-71d50c707d4f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:44:12	-703.518
-9	21257	2125700	a3281992-e686-46f3-8a3d-c27a3b83b6a6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:20:14	-476.566
-9	42514	2125700	464f7327-5962-4239-8ca5-285552046bf1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:11:48	-455.579
-10	21258	2125800	093fb989-8132-47ac-915a-e18952cb7b48	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:36:30	-827.631
-10	42516	2125800	5fee0130-abd4-4c49-a7b0-12a8f377b2bc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:22:45	-910.363
-11	21259	2125900	417eda21-4412-4d8d-a315-25ceb05e9cce	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:23:20	-87.428
-11	42518	2125900	ee2877ff-029d-4141-a310-ec723c329c39	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:26:37	576.499
-12	21260	2126000	1d0948b5-b426-4ac1-9579-716964e48858	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:09:06	-972.718
-12	42520	2126000	4831a121-f8e4-4712-97fc-09545b519489	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:52:32	40.78
-13	21261	2126100	beaa9fd2-5332-4eec-b3ec-f831733a1e88	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:46:29	963.689
-13	42522	2126100	dd974678-7003-4004-ab3a-7ed7192766fd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:18:16	-266.672
-14	21262	2126200	2210bbb6-74b5-495b-974a-e8700602a367	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:32:53	-298.889
-14	42524	2126200	bd69e1e1-a21e-4da2-90b4-ce12c2011dc1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:24:39	-741.765
-15	21263	2126300	ad8d08f8-5678-4bf9-9df8-2f383b8d7c6c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:38:27	969.450
-15	42526	2126300	841c6333-87bd-4ebd-a638-96da571a4f5f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:56:36	523.423
-16	21264	2126400	6cb27209-37d0-4a8b-bc6f-1ff8803c8d2e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:54:54	53.987
-16	42528	2126400	ff27edfc-258d-41e6-a7e0-188c26ffe93f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:49:53	-664.743
-17	21265	2126500	b0df8e8b-4dee-4616-8a05-52ab67d38aea	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:42:14	-495.811
-17	42530	2126500	18524629-76be-4994-9091-2eb5eae48a51	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:34:49	553.361
-18	21266	2126600	3620e95b-41e1-4a1f-ad16-6e50c6d80334	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:16:44	-609.573
-18	42532	2126600	7ad0cb93-8c84-4ed3-af4e-f6bf50bf2639	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:12:03	-422.65
-19	21267	2126700	b104c051-5d65-4d42-b54b-6cc682075a8b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:44:31	-195.305
-19	42534	2126700	f821dc95-5d72-4afd-a6ab-e178693f047d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:50:21	-906.741
-20	21268	2126800	58018dea-922b-4c77-904e-ae60199d6ad8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:31:25	75.629
-20	42536	2126800	52204601-f35e-46d0-a858-22e0fc7a7d5f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:08:37	-38.547
-21	21269	2126900	c9e4b6cc-a6a3-4b82-83cc-eed6a47b1bb8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:13:36	-374.258
-21	42538	2126900	6899c72e-b0da-4097-b419-9ee48995ca2f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:07:38	-147.178
-22	21270	2127000	5a9314c2-ee2b-47c0-96d7-0bd96f025354	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:11:57	-311.587
-22	42540	2127000	9e34af0e-08bf-4c85-8bb5-04ccbcd99989	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:56:05	630.488
-23	21271	2127100	59d659d1-7b8f-436f-88d7-17006b723a6c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:52:06	396.442
-23	42542	2127100	ce68a111-c391-4013-a9da-41e03bb7757f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:26:48	703.140
-24	21272	2127200	8788ecd1-dd00-4539-9342-7efa886a70a3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:55:30	-378.61
-24	42544	2127200	05448d88-d2ce-4ac9-98ce-23eb1d9a9b92	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:52:37	-560.397
-25	21273	2127300	4e019610-93a3-4df9-ab09-625c20e6ed55	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:27:37	21.136
-25	42546	2127300	db719ae2-0675-4d27-9ae5-ebc3d5b8daa5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:39:13	56.124
-26	21274	2127400	cf2bf59c-c8e7-440e-81d3-b009d231bd62	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:11:03	287.328
-26	42548	2127400	0aea2ee1-acd8-4496-ac1a-b33a62feb15f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:40:18	-717.143
-27	21275	2127500	0f6139aa-0b4e-4376-9efb-adb34b39e47f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:59:09	503.850
-27	42550	2127500	c578adad-d809-4058-a525-4041037a1e2a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:07:41	-518.70
-28	21276	2127600	6cc68afd-eadd-4a0e-9ca0-c4620a306877	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:37:45	412.368
-28	42552	2127600	da4cdb2e-2141-4331-97a9-019aa5ccf241	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:02:01	-50.149
-29	21277	2127700	2dcf864c-c12c-4204-8c7e-f5a5784f2da9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:40:27	-19.704
-29	42554	2127700	ef8cb31e-b72a-416d-bb20-98f6a4a674df	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:53:37	459.601
-30	21278	2127800	ba06efef-0f16-44f6-b4b3-d270f8a1b031	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:32:29	596.34
-30	42556	2127800	40ea2413-b915-4cb2-81aa-3edf099aec5a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:31:41	892.570
-31	21279	2127900	65e8547f-eac5-4ed7-843d-464abda4e6cc	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:08:57	-753.510
-31	42558	2127900	64076df4-24b6-47db-8d29-6f78bb1005f7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:52:34	507.1
-32	21280	2128000	b528250a-2bb1-48a5-b17f-a8defd25f047	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:50:53	674.42
-32	42560	2128000	392c80e6-c68c-4997-8a20-c105d748d50d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:58:14	-426.910
-33	21281	2128100	d77ecc14-4efc-4e86-ae2f-fdef00e589cf	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:15:06	-142.172
-33	42562	2128100	021e0400-5a68-4aa6-b5a3-b9606909576c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:43:35	-620.946
-34	21282	2128200	89831260-fa5d-4643-a722-d07407dcab08	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:51:16	-424.446
-34	42564	2128200	40b9ed26-2252-49b6-ad09-43304bb7d409	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:46:55	-890.657
-35	21283	2128300	2db6ae26-decb-43c8-a050-92b812845dc3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:23:06	739.456
-35	42566	2128300	b6ed44bc-641f-4b1c-a6eb-9ac24bb4f582	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:11:03	94.632
-36	21284	2128400	0375317f-d371-485a-89ea-8fd610c5893f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:48:50	899.918
-36	42568	2128400	62a786a6-0213-4fe3-a2b4-2ebd98458763	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:43:10	650.791
-37	21285	2128500	043f9ca3-87c3-41fd-b6f4-d9f53a4dad1e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:00:53	716.287
-37	42570	2128500	7ab51063-cda2-442f-8b5e-a3446cbe8e77	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:36:40	641.562
-38	21286	2128600	a11f04f8-525f-4a49-8cf9-d9612458cf5a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:26:34	-568.565
-38	42572	2128600	2ec7bc85-a15a-48b7-803e-0d5bb7c0bbd9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:14:33	487.638
-39	21287	2128700	5f3540a4-0155-4868-9f2e-b6fbd76cfc22	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:15:06	-35.896
-39	42574	2128700	3178eeed-502b-48a3-8a96-7e6cd13188ff	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:44:12	-233.439
-40	21288	2128800	51c1738b-b838-4823-86af-f40a7dfab03b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:17:51	-428.79
-40	42576	2128800	3815b435-9ffc-4627-9199-82893452e329	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:58:29	942.722
-41	21289	2128900	a6eed87a-e5ba-464b-93b5-8371f5fbeb83	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:25:51	-757.412
-41	42578	2128900	04ab89f5-8693-48ba-b88c-337555f24840	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:05:52	-418.928
-42	21290	2129000	d3468b19-6cc4-47e8-96e9-962deacb4bee	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:59:27	832.118
-42	42580	2129000	fbd39647-795a-47ed-a70b-a2b372d1c936	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:55:07	851.712
-43	21291	2129100	e8f87d93-6a93-4c22-9c37-ef0ba5496f2a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:07:02	476.207
-43	42582	2129100	6e125503-28e7-41c4-a9f8-7e89cf6ac6d1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:29:35	-496.28
-44	21292	2129200	2f295860-8168-4c7e-a829-dc1ec1fb4439	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:25:54	-156.365
-44	42584	2129200	40151a5c-73fe-41db-870d-621b78abd430	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:52:12	49.590
-45	21293	2129300	9af532af-fa03-493b-8dce-7844257048d5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:33:42	942.693
-45	42586	2129300	8e9df36c-aca1-4931-8543-96952ee02351	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:01:21	-51.406
-46	21294	2129400	298d6eff-db2d-4dd0-a379-eb2b502c70da	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:34:45	-361.728
-46	42588	2129400	2df5835f-59e0-44a6-8679-da0de40c2cb4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:54:43	-276.308
-47	21295	2129500	c22518b0-b044-4daf-8ad7-4004ae3a270d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:17:27	-776.393
-47	42590	2129500	49031ddc-ddc5-4101-b030-e84f0b67e05c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:39:52	-503.993
-48	21296	2129600	897b713f-1f18-4ae7-8ce5-9b75129dd4ab	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:42:26	760.434
-48	42592	2129600	e6cdd756-b778-43cc-abd8-c70a1f0c646b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:04:22	-446.525
-49	21297	2129700	b5075690-c4cc-4ecd-afa4-01328420824b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:03:24	570.451
-49	42594	2129700	2d784384-f7f1-43df-b61d-68e429cb82c9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:59:18	252.249
-50	21298	2129800	f86c550f-2e6b-41b9-adae-4bc71f92e6ab	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:47:15	43.174
-50	42596	2129800	05127186-1b29-4aac-b82f-35dec1056e34	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:32:44	15.464
-51	21299	2129900	45a50e78-b285-460f-8aa5-2ca371f38e27	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:12:36	-596.726
-51	42598	2129900	b034e29a-5998-4e6f-80c1-54f5f28699af	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:12:45	-788.956
-52	21300	2130000	b0040c41-247a-42e5-b793-7f553ace1f15	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:30:01	-762.952
-52	42600	2130000	1766b29e-90ff-46c9-8112-000047247839	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:11:37	681.421
-53	21301	2130100	e88af868-920c-4953-b53f-8b7caf467640	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:26:15	200.351
-53	42602	2130100	50338bed-175b-45d3-9d8d-2d8811f7ef51	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:07:22	759.45
-54	21302	2130200	f09d690f-41c6-4bca-9471-576fdd6bb826	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:11:48	-820.675
-54	42604	2130200	0592817c-222f-4f89-b331-b8a2705ff015	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:26:07	211.985
-55	21303	2130300	e67a3af7-a607-4b3a-9eee-d217c2cda4fb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:43:14	-400.304
-55	42606	2130300	9351a469-f547-4eca-b4ef-1d0df1e659fc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:27:44	-270.47
-56	21304	2130400	06072aa3-40f5-4fe7-bf30-5ec05ae3958d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:18:44	-901.324
-56	42608	2130400	97003754-6010-4391-8231-1c767dd9883b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:43:42	263.190
-57	21305	2130500	0843cf07-d516-4994-be73-feaf37ba2418	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:09:06	-145.230
-57	42610	2130500	62f033cd-8e6f-400f-9f7e-06f7a0e76ab5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:50:56	229.454
-58	21306	2130600	864544c3-2b00-4cf4-a067-0524de9e39cd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:33:21	610.578
-58	42612	2130600	0938cefc-ff26-4bb3-ba17-da07dbc0a5f1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:58:00	-886.723
-59	21307	2130700	b9bf6230-1334-431d-bf50-ece14f5d7efc	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:34:57	875.901
-59	42614	2130700	f34e1421-08be-49e7-89da-3481a6c41a6d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:40:08	-544.495
-60	21308	2130800	e9eabb23-0804-44e5-892b-72bc37851e41	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:26:14	844.649
-60	42616	2130800	5d3331ef-f3b4-43e0-9ad2-b9fda450c9d6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:02:32	772.747
-61	21309	2130900	6d9c162b-a0e3-4523-beb7-aa8b53374680	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:32:09	-720.313
-61	42618	2130900	06cf5897-61fc-44f9-bdd7-d9a35c166218	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:13:35	610.528
-62	21310	2131000	41d45523-a2f6-4a0b-89c9-0cee0104524a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:28:57	604.458
-62	42620	2131000	5cda0447-0f02-4431-964e-14e5707e66fe	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:49:49	-381.907
-63	21311	2131100	9b591542-70ba-4171-845a-9d112d193c21	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:03:44	641.800
-63	42622	2131100	869cfab2-1c19-4ff4-ba98-831b11084b91	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:08:54	862.424
-64	21312	2131200	c19d5cb8-a91b-4bca-80d0-77e4b3b3bf00	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:36:43	520.713
-64	42624	2131200	b793b166-00ba-4f84-b75c-7a18363c8646	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:18:27	350.949
-65	21313	2131300	a3a6cdfc-6f89-4dc9-a7f8-c4bf568596a2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:10:23	187.536
-65	42626	2131300	8422119c-4924-4c7f-8dd3-93f1a4e6d45d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:26:47	685.841
-66	21314	2131400	189db927-47ff-4434-a469-35cc9a2faf8f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:45:29	-153.486
-66	42628	2131400	7a75fe00-33ec-4a24-82af-45d750ab7413	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:39:36	453.789
-67	21315	2131500	c1d79455-c0dc-43ea-ab2a-e6f31445b0b2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:07:46	-889.280
-67	42630	2131500	d04925e6-e8ee-4d34-8ab6-fcd37eac5ab9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:05:57	-529.27
-68	21316	2131600	073ab2ac-7cd1-4a48-92a7-896cc88ec04a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:38:46	-685.498
-68	42632	2131600	b1cc61d2-1bb1-46c7-99f2-dcbceb605a4d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:15:58	-67.629
-69	21317	2131700	cd725343-5b42-4f07-8789-1b63bf610ade	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:54:45	-561.3
-69	42634	2131700	71cd0f0f-2333-4881-b19f-17f753afbf73	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:41:08	569.402
-70	21318	2131800	e1432869-2618-4dcd-b964-99219a1bb4fb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:01:29	-244.744
-70	42636	2131800	99cabf4d-0a29-4bfa-b793-14e668b877cc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:47:03	199.138
-71	21319	2131900	f6bd8d9d-ff30-4b16-8057-0bd08cbbc2e6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:23:01	-979.561
-71	42638	2131900	a30b614b-e00d-4b7a-9ddd-330d12bf2f94	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:46:02	854.790
-72	21320	2132000	6e19e74c-516c-4ef4-9804-c7f601612c2d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:34:35	694.971
-72	42640	2132000	e6cc8012-8e13-49cf-8683-b93fd143f887	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:13:17	-535.462
-73	21321	2132100	27706c0d-ab5c-4a42-88e4-d0babc8ba99a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:26:03	-429.586
-73	42642	2132100	0ad80de1-a52d-4c04-9087-951c2735c7a7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:16:23	-87.662
-74	21322	2132200	12523ee8-ef57-429b-a282-9c06d26135b4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:44:06	318.437
-74	42644	2132200	a4555cfc-1c6b-42d7-8d3e-925ffc66beeb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:35:51	-203.252
-75	21323	2132300	d3e27248-c691-4132-9a80-81555d6d5e73	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:51:58	-431.119
-75	42646	2132300	f7c44251-549c-4f6e-93d2-d58aa5d4f452	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:55:52	-373.807
-76	21324	2132400	3f9bd69f-3e4f-4b64-8996-a02ee1896a3d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:23:09	35.296
-76	42648	2132400	26981770-b948-4032-85a1-93610a643a00	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:27:50	562.687
-77	21325	2132500	f357402d-aed1-4056-8216-373d7597cc4f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:46:02	-203.769
-77	42650	2132500	50e58709-78e1-4f9e-bab4-eea21ed62c5d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:19:56	632.210
-78	21326	2132600	a3849e93-a808-462a-9a15-c330adda456a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:35:11	-553.13
-78	42652	2132600	feafe669-4af1-42d0-a7a3-35734d384988	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:38:54	-595.927
-79	21327	2132700	0f5ba2f5-314d-4c5b-a709-b18716411bb0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:59:10	-609.609
-79	42654	2132700	74f63057-8c41-4fbc-9806-51fceda511b7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:11:53	-514.326
-80	21328	2132800	8481d06a-01f0-414b-a798-0b61d694c0d0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:41:47	790.865
-80	42656	2132800	9f5d629c-be11-4328-94b5-dad1d5e530cc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:28:22	-346.577
-81	21329	2132900	74df2632-b041-4082-bac3-305f6db90af1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:01:21	965.170
-81	42658	2132900	f43216b9-55b9-41ca-803b-54281971c553	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:14:14	47.902
-82	21330	2133000	456fb2c8-ba30-4405-adad-47a28aa923ab	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:35:18	2.803
-82	42660	2133000	c5b798a8-832f-41ff-af1e-475c3564e6c3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:10:37	377.748
-83	21331	2133100	6cd7887c-3eec-4047-800b-1b30d2ad7e56	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:24:57	346.975
-83	42662	2133100	c7be7f60-7d79-4f1d-8087-6c46cb31bd62	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:37:23	-614.844
-84	21332	2133200	f6b89a4e-70f0-4b43-8fa5-011aec84f66f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:53:39	961.391
-84	42664	2133200	86594c35-0d07-45f6-a813-8ac6a16b8ff7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:02:55	526.918
-85	21333	2133300	faba2e3a-b0d5-4637-a82b-7d5a8c6414b6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:28:48	681.220
-85	42666	2133300	2751e7ee-a78e-4fe5-9c04-4f1ec96eff52	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:15:29	-932.213
-86	21334	2133400	8047ed52-1f21-47ff-a29c-b2e9531a6841	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:37:47	597.272
-86	42668	2133400	7e751ec5-c4cd-4a9c-9319-18cfd7f6c138	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:35:15	388.521
-87	21335	2133500	e5ee007f-c0bf-47f1-a37f-3f0aabd83027	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:13:09	-393.884
-87	42670	2133500	f9c9f74a-bb25-4e40-bbe2-08607d68a4aa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:22:50	-604.453
-88	21336	2133600	14b78717-91c0-480c-bace-9e6a20637d1c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:44:07	625.735
-88	42672	2133600	25ee3793-b4ba-4f7f-83a8-4a2b0a6af288	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:13:55	-496.399
-89	21337	2133700	7f7f1416-8635-4394-9ab4-d24b51022276	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:21:53	639.858
-89	42674	2133700	7f5a6b82-1d13-48f1-82ad-9d22bf6d4ecb	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:50:29	-808.586
-90	21338	2133800	171e01ae-6865-4020-840c-8b715a1b3231	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:58:48	-657.911
-90	42676	2133800	8106b736-36b5-438f-ae52-5a7c70b6d2cc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:39:40	-866.898
-91	21339	2133900	cc8b443e-7f8e-41a2-9314-8e5d1cff5a14	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:53:21	-181.50
-91	42678	2133900	339b3420-79f8-4dd5-8b46-5d1fae907c80	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:56:08	-793.801
-92	21340	2134000	22e1f01f-938a-44ef-a1a7-b361cd95bc68	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:33:42	23.687
-92	42680	2134000	f8891d9a-aede-4dc0-a038-bf18f1952081	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:20:51	772.48
-93	21341	2134100	290e93d9-4776-489a-bd10-07aba0f7a13a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:45:11	-970.969
-93	42682	2134100	6dff401c-6637-4fd5-98a3-013541738c21	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:48:55	-689.718
-94	21342	2134200	0678aa3a-66d9-4bd7-9da4-adbb7a355de3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:14:45	-811.101
-94	42684	2134200	1f52ee82-ba93-444b-9e35-9268f783e1e6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:42:58	861.800
-95	21343	2134300	18e5be6d-980e-40d1-a288-81a42bcd5a42	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:13:40	986.940
-95	42686	2134300	46c1b89e-61f5-40c3-9a98-d399a3fe33e9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:14:04	-629.810
-96	21344	2134400	c164551e-ef5c-4de7-af7f-9a633783de20	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:38:17	427.88
-96	42688	2134400	e96abdbb-e43c-4a3c-895f-82e31405eba9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:06:49	139.99
-97	21345	2134500	516d6619-f9d6-4a1d-a3aa-283926d6b914	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:43:22	-486.978
-97	42690	2134500	213ea628-7e74-44fd-97d0-c24cf0e75f40	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:11:45	-134.157
-98	21346	2134600	91d326e7-60c9-4f2e-80af-4f344b541814	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:19:29	666.936
-98	42692	2134600	3f61bd7b-9a13-4fe1-a5b7-e72baf90a238	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:27:52	307.972
-99	21347	2134700	99f9b649-eebd-4a9b-8772-d0965b2bd130	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:35:55	686.288
-99	42694	2134700	f4189dd0-e91d-4f2d-aa76-1f334ab24169	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:28:08	28.846
-100	21348	2134800	9b7f3e70-0f18-48a1-95d2-1ff7e5501720	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:37:42	268.835
-100	42696	2134800	3cc26b29-5ae0-4fb5-abe9-85cab8a55daf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:30:59	58.810
-101	21349	2134900	560996ee-3c0d-42cd-87d0-5259111316c0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:14:22	-397.84
-101	42698	2134900	14d48914-6d9f-4978-bdc0-8fc0bb0009cb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:12:28	132.700
-102	21350	2135000	add76c64-5dd0-4e02-baf2-962499bf0223	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:42:53	502.727
-102	42700	2135000	33fbb297-63d8-4269-a382-6ca9261ecc76	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:52:29	-617.88
-103	21351	2135100	702f51a4-64ee-4756-bad8-45e17062dc52	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:35:06	286.787
-103	42702	2135100	b58c623b-88ee-4d61-997e-38cb0dd20562	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:14:47	649.728
-104	21352	2135200	08c4110e-14c1-4cec-8fb3-743203111b83	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:12:16	155.675
-104	42704	2135200	184e3049-7681-4f34-83e7-df3940b985a5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:55:40	835.266
-105	21353	2135300	9e97f94a-6d01-4fb4-aa1c-0f99cffda528	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:43:44	-773.224
-105	42706	2135300	a0968d93-9449-43dc-8682-b28b38a8d26d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:28:19	656.54
-106	21354	2135400	21b71f65-1601-47f6-b767-d74b4681fc50	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:31:45	-740.418
-106	42708	2135400	557742a0-3c2d-4ee8-9cca-b87dc97b22a8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:00:25	950.831
-107	21355	2135500	471eda90-f424-4757-8fdd-3d0e45a6d59d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:15:40	-64.516
-107	42710	2135500	5390b08e-90fd-4558-9011-fc78f8286723	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:18:12	-211.165
-108	21356	2135600	713e3c10-a825-4469-a413-80e21803e594	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:27:30	223.254
-108	42712	2135600	e6edcc8f-00ed-4c31-88b6-e3d4f23580d7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:51:32	959.831
-109	21357	2135700	ec2d2e5e-5a76-4514-b1b1-0dd349640ce4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:09:50	-676.768
-109	42714	2135700	44816753-36a1-4be4-9cce-eb4608702c17	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:15:47	-59.343
-110	21358	2135800	abaa31dc-753c-489e-b7a0-ed4d5a19a6fd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:00:54	384.77
-110	42716	2135800	16865f51-786d-4f3c-af12-3dafefc6d0e1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:57:30	540.78
-111	21359	2135900	429b6f36-b1ce-4807-9299-26f6d81933d6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:16:13	-530.663
-111	42718	2135900	bab6a036-9885-4b51-a5c8-c61c2e973c63	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:42:59	882.121
-112	21360	2136000	5483cdc9-2ff0-4d62-9994-431e56251b2e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:25:12	-351.945
-112	42720	2136000	7aa3959a-0a0a-4107-82f9-23f4286b2c73	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:34:46	-300.558
-113	21361	2136100	436eaf23-8192-4ecf-b6b7-a2492374e268	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:37:53	-300.972
-113	42722	2136100	ec58138e-40d1-4aac-812f-296ef2c13aad	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:24:54	-302.878
-114	21362	2136200	daabdd9b-2571-420e-98fe-0ee9ce639eac	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:47:06	534.184
-114	42724	2136200	5bb708d1-89c8-46ff-8d5b-3c5556b459c6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:40:42	741.364
-115	21363	2136300	32484e85-2e47-4a62-8bd3-f70203a0575e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:34:57	-193.429
-115	42726	2136300	6f82d199-bc0e-4720-9b07-7d3dcb32d779	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:47:04	765.655
-116	21364	2136400	cedd7b9b-bd70-4bd4-8e26-7aee0b2cc08d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:05:40	-657.434
-116	42728	2136400	decb6a2d-6dba-4418-a1c9-7e330da64892	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:49:48	-511.651
-117	21365	2136500	633745bc-60cf-4760-974d-6437a2322980	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:35:51	-660.434
-117	42730	2136500	c0ad9fee-3545-4c10-ae1d-4c42e40ace8d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:40:26	375.883
-118	21366	2136600	683b2a41-fa06-48ce-a929-75746576fee9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:42:30	-544.999
-118	42732	2136600	88ffce09-144b-489c-93c8-c5443314ff31	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:30:27	-401.219
-119	21367	2136700	f6c4f937-6292-4a72-8b0d-f879e2d6a473	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:24:40	533.613
-119	42734	2136700	3b52e4de-d0b6-403b-a85e-b29377c895a0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:28:18	-69.286
-120	21368	2136800	b577827f-1f53-4cd0-adf4-667c2702b52d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:16:35	628.591
-120	42736	2136800	74263782-315d-4029-8514-d305d73f5aac	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:14:41	355.399
-121	21369	2136900	846473db-510c-4297-a4a7-8cc98ed8f68e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:16:36	-568.681
-121	42738	2136900	b7e7ee7c-b51e-40ae-b00f-3184414f7edc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:33:47	650.272
-122	21370	2137000	4983979c-23c5-45c5-8021-5d14e98b0824	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:20:21	748.219
-122	42740	2137000	ad5e9b88-32f6-4a58-b7e4-d26e3d2886ca	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:52:25	-266.997
-123	21371	2137100	a3024cd3-b72d-4475-8c21-8c15a655fdf4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:30:40	-524.767
-123	42742	2137100	e88d3855-93ca-436e-9f46-b98e2f308acb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:52:32	-815.214
-124	21372	2137200	ab5d9d02-9d84-4881-8be1-a71fd69bcffe	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:02:36	384.255
-124	42744	2137200	d64ea766-94b6-4ea0-a118-9dc4055be517	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:27:51	894.413
-125	21373	2137300	a97d94bc-b3c1-4b6b-8d69-5afc48c045fc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:54:17	829.82
-125	42746	2137300	d60308b7-1322-433f-bd35-90758847141b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:11:16	242.30
-126	21374	2137400	aadfb103-568c-473a-8658-f9a443aa976a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:29:55	831.490
-126	42748	2137400	12372b3c-23aa-4819-81b5-74b0f77aa3a3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:14:25	773.260
-127	21375	2137500	92811655-ba2b-44b9-bbe4-dfeba38603e6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:50:48	-437.406
-127	42750	2137500	2358c913-b2ec-4738-a0e3-5d070b5137fe	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:12:09	-88.699
-0	21376	2137600	b2bb0f91-eaf7-4be8-84ff-41f77f057d8a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:09:57	-618.42
-0	42752	2137600	778a7338-c2db-4a13-9d7a-c7a4b96aedd6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:59:26	211.306
-1	21377	2137700	809e4826-7928-49dc-965c-0821b297e088	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:45:28	-914.715
-1	42754	2137700	815bd1d5-851c-4cb6-b88a-a430aaa6e6ec	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:40:09	493.983
-2	21378	2137800	8a13b263-530b-4228-9a66-9f7367e01f9f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:42:54	-601.22
-2	42756	2137800	daed6723-048b-4e56-9d19-6d2ce70da24e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:16:12	795.884
-3	21379	2137900	1d620d38-bcf8-42c9-98c4-ff424b640964	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:46:49	422.188
-3	42758	2137900	17f42fd4-f435-4bd6-be4e-f0dc32202a8b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:57:32	62.701
-4	21380	2138000	fb63d6f0-f0f8-41e5-834f-c2e87b935c10	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:29:56	-65.54
-4	42760	2138000	38ddc911-9838-446f-870c-02ea1af53715	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:27:02	703.829
-5	21381	2138100	8df203cc-5007-4b5e-9d4a-b2ada1cc0c32	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:59:03	-667.702
-5	42762	2138100	c7b6fbb4-a91b-4f81-aa8b-a2b3921995a3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:50:02	-422.348
-6	21382	2138200	404993b2-d977-4f8d-bd6d-199ed9305acc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:37:58	-857.412
-6	42764	2138200	abbe2f5b-5fb8-4f6b-a664-7ea91d9f6055	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:26:18	-168.525
-7	21383	2138300	e61aeac2-7080-4064-a3cc-dd05a70f5391	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:05:15	-419.788
-7	42766	2138300	c580e706-9dbd-4232-a24d-27bd8ab1bb3b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:54:17	486.808
-8	21384	2138400	8f499d06-1dc3-40f1-a1e7-ccfbc0104928	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:24:13	-589.972
-8	42768	2138400	00d65734-535b-4b02-af1f-aa8f344fb5f5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:45:43	532.902
-9	21385	2138500	b3140cdd-7caf-4d86-86d1-dc7de48cca31	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:31:12	8.730
-9	42770	2138500	99138cb5-7ff0-49e2-ba4c-fa4e2a741018	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:41:05	-579.451
-10	21386	2138600	997c4a28-364b-4fda-9c44-24aeddf73089	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:37:59	93.254
-10	42772	2138600	32090017-e28b-4cc5-865d-406aa44f0854	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:42:58	818.960
-11	21387	2138700	c85aee19-1db4-42b6-b0c7-2aca82c4559c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:28:36	-526.403
-11	42774	2138700	1f9fb974-2995-4b82-afef-53383398f43e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:38:00	802.921
-12	21388	2138800	19b4c427-1dc9-49f6-9c3a-47bdae8e00f8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:45:07	-373.407
-12	42776	2138800	2453584a-df63-4f7a-a550-0c9028a1ce84	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:51:29	576.373
-13	21389	2138900	a8a11d8d-57f1-4ddb-b006-c543f575138c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:00:54	146.556
-13	42778	2138900	b535dd35-66fd-4556-b09d-e43fec46bae7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:53:28	-653.183
-14	21390	2139000	2b8040b2-9459-4570-a383-9c97ae0365ce	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:03:25	-625.413
-14	42780	2139000	9778a497-dcde-4f12-abe3-3316134f0a24	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:13:26	451.829
-15	21391	2139100	6885883e-311f-42a5-8849-48ead8aca571	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:55:58	-746.738
-15	42782	2139100	7a9b59ae-0914-4044-828c-034840fb8d97	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:25:38	683.822
-16	21392	2139200	dfb9d51b-4885-4d09-84d0-bde505b28b98	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:18:13	-996.468
-16	42784	2139200	9a0f62b9-5716-4f44-b7d0-88d44467a332	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:39:52	916.885
-17	21393	2139300	871b4864-13c4-4919-af6e-66a324a932c9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:26:11	-179.937
-17	42786	2139300	628208e4-3ad4-4183-a154-90ea0eb9f252	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:08:19	-239.185
-18	21394	2139400	df3f425f-2ac8-40fa-93be-d55b83d014c5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:43:04	-236.517
-18	42788	2139400	c777c2cc-f2bc-4897-b94e-e5fe2341facc	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:52:06	561.584
-19	21395	2139500	8f16c7d2-34c5-495f-b5ca-c9335affd005	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:58:09	-291.354
-19	42790	2139500	38d86fc2-e759-4b10-bad5-b51a963967b0	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:48:14	80.925
-20	21396	2139600	317d9aa4-c8b9-443c-98cd-28649c08a38a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:12:48	50.980
-20	42792	2139600	ac752c09-d66b-486e-aa73-87f20078787c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:12:56	419.279
-21	21397	2139700	769b45cf-fa71-4456-a6a8-67b8374ac31b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:33:56	492.974
-21	42794	2139700	bd2c84c1-f51b-44df-a497-487008d11ac4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:55:19	558.872
-22	21398	2139800	f088bb30-1e20-45b9-9aca-92538edaf78b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:34:23	668.91
-22	42796	2139800	aeab7294-e4d3-4382-936f-f558b48bc259	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:36:30	-836.418
-23	21399	2139900	9a21ff97-8374-4dcc-b695-4eba09a439fc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:23:42	-368.503
-23	42798	2139900	3140f57c-098d-408a-a8a3-8baf69756140	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:06:36	-278.72
-24	21400	2140000	ed8931f8-8e7f-4dae-aae3-47cfa21f3e8a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:42:53	293.464
-24	42800	2140000	ab37b23b-ed1c-4948-8428-875a62251876	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:11:59	-228.820
-25	21401	2140100	e2e0aae9-cd36-4676-84fa-e7ae6f76c22c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:04:29	139.892
-25	42802	2140100	99b24b06-1e74-45f2-9a8a-db953d2b9621	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:51:13	875.584
-26	21402	2140200	64b04da8-b1a8-49e2-89af-c52d77f8adc2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:34:08	-605.182
-26	42804	2140200	bc5692a4-81cf-41eb-a9e4-ab91a2c0be0a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:29:44	963.87
-27	21403	2140300	1058487e-d902-4d69-96b4-35860c7b76be	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:21:57	-710.837
-27	42806	2140300	b630fe8e-989f-46f4-99bf-e61a6775e9f6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:46:05	-170.855
-28	21404	2140400	b8933442-7ebf-4f8a-afb5-23daa2f7c751	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:13:14	-854.568
-28	42808	2140400	e0c5590d-4bef-4afc-b49a-4447e0001972	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:42:00	-318.465
-29	21405	2140500	0f187687-bbc7-4a51-a6b4-eca3e6e6dea5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:41:36	-351.889
-29	42810	2140500	ac169de6-af48-4c36-9985-1923ed2fcd24	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:41:40	-377.808
-30	21406	2140600	31f5e7e6-dd22-473f-b814-e8856c550236	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:36:27	132.978
-30	42812	2140600	862e2e35-343d-4c5e-8738-c907d6e03fba	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:34:33	372.503
-31	21407	2140700	ef6e8348-ce8d-4e47-98da-5be66f04ad49	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:22:16	-679.180
-31	42814	2140700	e13be4d8-addd-4d00-95f4-637bd3c5612f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:38:16	-282.776
-32	21408	2140800	de8a0da5-ad25-4183-a31e-5d009802eea1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:06:54	-405.976
-32	42816	2140800	054d2f0e-cb31-4180-8c47-24387cf987be	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:11:45	-580.913
-33	21409	2140900	004a26ff-3af2-4181-a8ef-f975fbe9066c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:20:09	-963.655
-33	42818	2140900	0023a4f5-25bf-4669-8d24-09ff9981ff71	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:03:09	173.121
-34	21410	2141000	887ad001-b235-4d0c-9b16-110ec39223f4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:50:11	141.778
-34	42820	2141000	df7b6775-1a90-411a-80a8-f407cf0d0440	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:25:40	915.13
-35	21411	2141100	5db85a39-24b1-4907-93a6-bfbd4e05b7a9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:34:45	-506.96
-35	42822	2141100	3c0ca54d-4f54-4ef0-9dfd-535b0422c9b1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:48:47	-919.698
-36	21412	2141200	5b76bcda-f179-44ce-8354-70874424df24	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:35:04	568.959
-36	42824	2141200	40811dfc-b86f-4eab-8db7-6143e923ae20	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:11:01	-86.688
-37	21413	2141300	6edc7164-8db1-41ac-888e-3479e9f50897	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:27:39	319.773
-37	42826	2141300	44b13bdd-091e-46b5-adeb-fe8139b0685a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:23:58	-537.716
-38	21414	2141400	7704e8a8-c341-4926-a6c0-954755c3fbb2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:37:09	895.253
-38	42828	2141400	8a876ba4-7a7d-40a1-a20c-9c17e4ab9bb2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:12:20	400.119
-39	21415	2141500	91f93049-4826-410a-b463-2d58cbea39a2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:49:00	252.718
-39	42830	2141500	404acd88-2e75-470e-9073-360b7e9ade6b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:49:44	-371.247
-40	21416	2141600	289c2a0e-55cc-44b4-96c3-11b787ae91a6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:02:00	-544.959
-40	42832	2141600	29294dc4-fc37-4981-8052-3e487b12b1c7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:40:34	-336.266
-41	21417	2141700	d9fc00f6-0f98-4e84-9a2d-eefff7d1f859	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:26:45	267.463
-41	42834	2141700	1a2bbd09-6ef4-4f43-b3af-06eac18d584c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:23:05	-633.8
-42	21418	2141800	4e35c802-e4ed-4c80-b8bd-506a4b7bb791	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:04:36	618.421
-42	42836	2141800	a3a0e5a5-d474-4842-a8dc-db0bd16f91c0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:16:48	338.734
-43	21419	2141900	59e159b8-b4c0-4723-98cd-b2f9216366de	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:41:33	-465.332
-43	42838	2141900	c4da881d-cfef-4f76-9cb2-3bd46a65b097	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:51:35	920.528
-44	21420	2142000	1a746086-47f5-47ae-8632-7e96c22c95b7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:20:54	160.625
-44	42840	2142000	2db87b81-85c1-4d8c-8787-c0dedc1b1b14	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:37:48	696.905
-45	21421	2142100	226e1649-67bb-4b7e-9e82-50cd10bb69c3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:10:37	940.763
-45	42842	2142100	ceaa6ee3-ff03-4bd7-b7a8-e224261d4c2a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:49:43	-59.547
-46	21422	2142200	36365da9-ce3d-495a-82aa-8ab249fc9adf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:22:34	414.342
-46	42844	2142200	f1d28da7-184a-42ca-b089-4c6da8d30ce8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:43:37	-101.309
-47	21423	2142300	28978370-d1ee-4ad1-bf37-71301ef28eaa	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:00:39	442.343
-47	42846	2142300	f7e30e26-fe45-46c6-aff4-4f84f25b186e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:53:39	-196.704
-48	21424	2142400	ba02746f-b3dd-4f08-a169-de81a9696d38	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:38:10	712.268
-48	42848	2142400	89deb0b6-74ad-45b3-9bee-fc7403f3a16b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:39:49	-276.382
-49	21425	2142500	cc2e8e93-55ca-4b2a-8e14-958864345d47	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:50:34	691.239
-49	42850	2142500	48830cf9-f1af-40f6-b199-082b98e188d8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:06:32	749.68
-50	21426	2142600	08565eda-a390-4f63-84ae-7ee56983d5b5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:34:10	-859.771
-50	42852	2142600	e82fb32a-81f3-4b60-8215-e1bde8b7dc6d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:37:01	-577.130
-51	21427	2142700	73c0889a-3e10-4f69-a0ed-a5d0ddaa53aa	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:38:17	-81.564
-51	42854	2142700	b1f0a410-cdc7-49d2-a899-f98e292e11ac	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:49:21	78.357
-52	21428	2142800	f575efc8-def8-42a3-8060-ab9977f51c8a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:03:27	685.630
-52	42856	2142800	4fda7ff2-719a-4baf-af55-392ee88ec6f9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:15:34	212.412
-53	21429	2142900	7bf25eba-7eb2-405b-bbe1-02791db41eef	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:51:23	-355.20
-53	42858	2142900	d8ce8861-0bd1-4bbb-bc56-57ea325c0aee	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:16:50	-297.730
-54	21430	2143000	76c539fc-414f-4cae-bd45-00c2ae372283	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:53:27	120.798
-54	42860	2143000	9a10a83d-bb4e-46c5-8524-bc3c803893b3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:16:02	575.984
-55	21431	2143100	b6245236-db24-40b1-a3af-65cf26324e36	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:13:46	-804.795
-55	42862	2143100	97514050-02de-4c36-b0a3-4c390fc20d30	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:57:36	433.704
-56	21432	2143200	b3056654-7cc3-45b9-b758-53c11cb3b307	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:19:20	-781.345
-56	42864	2143200	62092706-df65-49a5-841e-418eb75f624b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:26:34	-635.363
-57	21433	2143300	c030542f-6287-4e5a-aa85-ac1e14d5c342	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:54:19	427.224
-57	42866	2143300	77ea1207-2224-4975-95d2-d79cec532f56	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:37:59	-905.770
-58	21434	2143400	e4856c5a-2441-4471-8f90-b539931be097	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:25:16	-142.441
-58	42868	2143400	ae340eb2-571e-4d43-9c58-96c263705e8f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:23:08	-72.770
-59	21435	2143500	e9098c4b-35d2-4e8f-aa28-071ee2d2d085	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:17:46	449.333
-59	42870	2143500	159d3a85-9bf1-449a-bf93-03ae5460ac79	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:18:16	-729.265
-60	21436	2143600	664ebc89-461e-438f-b447-326d53466caa	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:17:53	-539.713
-60	42872	2143600	be009f82-3d8f-4734-b776-24e9400504da	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:14:34	773.579
-61	21437	2143700	458ca689-5ceb-4803-a913-27610a37cc77	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:31:45	451.905
-61	42874	2143700	0363bac2-8685-454f-b2ad-bcdf57fc4a46	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:35:18	302.158
-62	21438	2143800	3f49a80e-be48-4512-89c3-10fd0c13b1c2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:55:01	-272.731
-62	42876	2143800	b4669070-13e2-4244-a614-421323381052	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:11:24	-388.734
-63	21439	2143900	a11eed28-073d-4b1d-ba0a-f45285a0a7d5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:33:39	17.97
-63	42878	2143900	5ed9b3b1-ed20-4676-9c1f-8552ec38b01b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:36:41	-110.808
-64	21440	2144000	2e242b52-9ff9-457f-a8ff-942fc4cf9f66	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:46:17	859.587
-64	42880	2144000	11b5f13a-ec07-48e6-869e-91544d810005	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:05:36	-462.575
-65	21441	2144100	a53becca-c717-40ec-b3f7-51baa2d051ef	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:48:34	505.988
-65	42882	2144100	37ac97c7-f8c0-4572-9471-fe58f2b7e1ab	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:28:11	588.34
-66	21442	2144200	86f1ed94-543d-41d3-91a3-4e8cd0ddbadd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:38:54	279.916
-66	42884	2144200	e8e68108-685d-4808-997d-0ffa9106950c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:54:26	-673.563
-67	21443	2144300	f8585393-c54a-4b6f-bcca-cf402fb3b6fb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:17:58	705.28
-67	42886	2144300	15eec63c-0733-47b5-b1c7-d74eaf6a1c39	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:57:51	-594.708
-68	21444	2144400	8d7cb9ec-5625-43ae-8e64-7cec938ccf30	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:27:01	-489.580
-68	42888	2144400	81a2601b-88f7-43ec-a0f9-d62503679776	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:43:43	866.907
-69	21445	2144500	c8ef1e72-7d5a-4a52-903c-0ce96db7f5e7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:04:14	-624.400
-69	42890	2144500	4f5b5a83-c2d1-4005-ae0b-830d54ed117a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:12:45	-540.336
-70	21446	2144600	f5de1aab-eda8-4138-a30f-40964e9231f0	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:39:05	-627.529
-70	42892	2144600	1d3f1b7f-a2ce-4f16-9a48-270986d18c51	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:15:51	-707.838
-71	21447	2144700	635ea5e3-07d7-4bb0-9aad-ffe1ae623b31	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:58:37	979.161
-71	42894	2144700	e4ecef32-08cd-4ff1-99c7-21ae690f13bb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:14:00	-377.435
-72	21448	2144800	259db682-eccd-4182-9131-acea2180edef	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:40:44	686.582
-72	42896	2144800	f4eb128b-68fc-4512-aa16-01d63428b9ba	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:49:10	196.567
-73	21449	2144900	49e3b14d-a1d5-485b-b825-12cb43d41d0f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:46:46	583.847
-73	42898	2144900	721676cb-8de0-4f4c-b097-a1ec7b017751	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:02:05	-965.855
-74	21450	2145000	c644f131-1e16-4aba-bcbe-2666848d6948	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:52:42	270.308
-74	42900	2145000	11dfe24f-64ee-480c-863e-8d0a38cc83bc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:26:33	23.167
-75	21451	2145100	31a9cf43-9ea3-4a50-a88d-06e843978215	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:23:18	801.634
-75	42902	2145100	a162697f-83a3-42be-acb6-ad5dc00face8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:38:36	-52.779
-76	21452	2145200	38cc225c-24a2-432a-b658-8f2bffd561b2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:48:49	-793.275
-76	42904	2145200	5d894307-3229-4a0c-aced-4bc370638c7e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:32:06	-852.640
-77	21453	2145300	318eca4d-2645-4447-b7db-0fce43a25025	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:44:07	832.372
-77	42906	2145300	12e0ac22-08f8-485a-bb51-a7eed23dd86a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:19:56	-369.998
-78	21454	2145400	2a3fd4b9-5fe7-4de0-8169-910d39f5da4d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:37:34	-13.860
-78	42908	2145400	2ef3c03b-1e43-4c15-9a0a-dd3615d4748f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:22:06	200.793
-79	21455	2145500	a15f6410-3d05-45d1-896f-ba5ca403b690	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:39:03	-336.447
-79	42910	2145500	e99b8432-1cec-4d26-b48b-15f5ca53cc11	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:51:31	63.830
-80	21456	2145600	e47a688d-1726-4dd3-8c26-bf513a790724	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:33:43	-154.984
-80	42912	2145600	a5e1d41e-0545-4ef1-98cb-674f4e1fcf55	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:04:42	520.485
-81	21457	2145700	b5093678-dfa6-41ec-8135-818db83374c0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:54:10	-918.317
-81	42914	2145700	d75fe9e6-b011-475c-b8a0-ba1e0c1ef6fe	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:47:41	-713.849
-82	21458	2145800	632953bf-915f-4f96-94af-621801bbca6d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:16:09	278.477
-82	42916	2145800	e8384bb2-33fe-4a85-a03b-38d350b39fc1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:55:22	-88.466
-83	21459	2145900	84bd1f9d-19d2-46ee-acd3-0e0862bb8306	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:39:45	862.782
-83	42918	2145900	d7628f1f-c7b4-4305-b115-bb123de00a3c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:25:04	344.752
-84	21460	2146000	c54d2f16-02a6-4fc5-a5bf-48647189f47e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:43:21	-310.351
-84	42920	2146000	a11b6a04-15c6-4416-b750-10277efc35c4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:12:09	337.640
-85	21461	2146100	753b7c8c-f0c7-4da3-af54-0a0ff351df25	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:15:41	136.918
-85	42922	2146100	932e8736-da84-45f4-958c-0e4f08584654	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:07:37	-114.870
-86	21462	2146200	c53a5032-b51e-4660-9208-089da2115ff5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:29:06	-747.690
-86	42924	2146200	88ab180f-2c74-4bf6-8612-d56891615421	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:11:31	229.97
-87	21463	2146300	a67e1457-45ee-42fe-ba3c-ae7c0fa36694	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:32:20	826.20
-87	42926	2146300	12f66c0e-441e-4807-b1c2-3dda2f2ea8b3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:39:11	-219.370
-88	21464	2146400	33620051-ace1-4e1e-ae12-ebdc393df717	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:49:59	-192.245
-88	42928	2146400	506a5542-5233-4774-8659-d65826057434	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:29:07	27.933
-89	21465	2146500	3fbbf354-72f8-42b3-8763-b28f25657d4b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:18:29	-928.820
-89	42930	2146500	5bc1425d-48c9-4ffe-af3e-97462da30b2e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:33:03	430.844
-90	21466	2146600	83345021-852f-4499-86bc-a00331bd445f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:03:46	763.797
-90	42932	2146600	bce83c75-906a-468d-b04e-46569256ea57	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:54:42	-707.576
-91	21467	2146700	ac088eaf-fcdb-4246-9971-7033cf7b1eb2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:45:20	698.797
-91	42934	2146700	3644a1d9-8579-4259-ad8e-4d91df5da2e6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:16:57	975.590
-92	21468	2146800	4f1f0830-515f-4410-98a4-d385baf8c7f0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:28:56	259.972
-92	42936	2146800	ffaf0219-00e7-4bf6-a142-80e9d634f5be	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:42:12	16.85
-93	21469	2146900	57d4bb60-91b4-4cf8-be4f-0089fa8cdf45	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:20:52	-409.602
-93	42938	2146900	6537583b-271b-4cf3-b990-5511f2027db8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:51:20	142.914
-94	21470	2147000	3f7f0f95-3d1e-44cb-b7de-f9d7d2961e05	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:04:51	23.98
-94	42940	2147000	28039734-d31f-4aec-8fc0-45ca9d8271ff	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:50:33	-973.794
-95	21471	2147100	85fa36b2-fb84-4867-9ce3-671cc17a799a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:12:34	259.869
-95	42942	2147100	51ea39ad-6564-4489-9036-6ed5685bbc03	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:10:27	979.806
-96	21472	2147200	f3fd903b-6369-454c-b0b2-175987e8c508	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:23:12	-578.235
-96	42944	2147200	2f888da6-a706-4b64-a662-8dfe55801d07	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:17:02	-100.317
-97	21473	2147300	09d6ed24-b774-4e01-aedd-1e08e0221dc5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:10:44	-577.499
-97	42946	2147300	c0a827b2-155b-4541-aedb-ae28debfa72e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:28:44	478.564
-98	21474	2147400	88a83c84-c8f8-4c4e-9d9e-3c8711dbeba9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:59:03	-874.615
-98	42948	2147400	04f32c14-6390-471e-8fa8-736d8580551c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:22:27	-143.593
-99	21475	2147500	f210cb97-0b36-451e-9ff3-1a4de06d07d1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:43:16	726.623
-99	42950	2147500	ed4f0779-be55-4b88-84dc-9f824660871e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:42:33	234.809
-100	21476	2147600	b90950d2-3151-42af-8449-877bcfba5e0a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:47:01	-800.57
-100	42952	2147600	2e889c03-0c7d-465a-b8fd-81c2b60318fe	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:01:54	-308.841
-101	21477	2147700	4b4ab8ea-f3e8-47e8-aada-7c6927573d23	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:12:24	-936.64
-101	42954	2147700	311bdb83-41c4-4268-b8ff-d7d9ae66a301	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:20:19	-861.589
-102	21478	2147800	d4522c4b-374a-44c9-ba73-207f86010076	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:11:03	586.610
-102	42956	2147800	623e1df8-3829-48d9-9d00-c0508950ccde	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:51:23	302.477
-103	21479	2147900	84ecb917-57e0-4855-aa93-34819a7514a8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:34:45	-623.798
-103	42958	2147900	24e0c5bc-4285-4712-98d4-02f38fbf6e78	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:51:25	-618.406
-104	21480	2148000	5ffb1b1b-b404-480c-8ee8-918c52484cce	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:19:22	616.918
-104	42960	2148000	6c93f23f-4ba4-4a18-89c1-de6e95748b15	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:45:20	-583.412
-105	21481	2148100	1b908f52-1675-4e88-9d8c-a94f10c9b349	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:46:26	-781.263
-105	42962	2148100	fe595d95-e68a-4f19-a58e-63b83cc7bdd0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:40:17	139.447
-106	21482	2148200	7c5ad415-0ae4-4e40-aecb-0122c5b5097e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:55:39	-299.970
-106	42964	2148200	af74e54f-1ff6-4890-9aae-88eda5e9c3a5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:54:03	778.804
-107	21483	2148300	8905e70c-78b8-4b71-ad73-35a84656c185	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:44:48	267.540
-107	42966	2148300	469f8dd4-5d2f-4aeb-8c5b-28e1422ca633	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:52:39	-635.886
-108	21484	2148400	d4093103-7dd9-492f-84ad-ea3da1f723e4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:27:21	373.528
-108	42968	2148400	080f91eb-bf4d-4146-b7b1-cf68d41ac6be	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:56:31	-373.970
-109	21485	2148500	b78ae9d8-378f-445f-8084-7d7ecf512ed3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:02:19	-189.408
-109	42970	2148500	158b1910-4596-4135-a281-90f83da1f2c5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:06:46	750.128
-110	21486	2148600	d980ea08-03a2-47a7-9791-22d252e5d537	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:55:21	336.849
-110	42972	2148600	4e86fdd6-e249-4523-8fef-621f598ef6e5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:20:42	949.377
-111	21487	2148700	96401297-7acb-4d3d-8497-b8f4d80595ee	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:42:34	-951.456
-111	42974	2148700	85205fcd-45b7-433b-aba4-6249add93c8c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:24:29	820.884
-112	21488	2148800	a555f9f5-6c61-4fdf-acff-e163619be66c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:38:27	328.102
-112	42976	2148800	f56b99ff-cd5a-4e06-b9a2-27fffa4e5eb2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:58:29	-164.98
-113	21489	2148900	c00b3987-9a12-411e-b81b-ee59e18635db	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:48:41	-191.853
-113	42978	2148900	bf98c490-27a2-4cef-96e6-2984f5d639ec	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:46:12	811.159
-114	21490	2149000	2f04bec7-b1ac-4e8d-80a7-0b766df8f64d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:31:47	-704.581
-114	42980	2149000	c149030e-4ebf-46f9-af9a-8bf3019f1a0a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:10:50	-632.592
-115	21491	2149100	d21a1322-fefe-4a6f-a3f8-5625d6bb0e36	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:15:46	-621.16
-115	42982	2149100	c1369b9d-930f-4cfd-9830-261cafef5644	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:06:04	984.641
-116	21492	2149200	b678f2c4-940a-4a6c-bd09-ad90819186c6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:22:25	675.969
-116	42984	2149200	ec0ffd21-1bb0-4d9a-bd55-05e4045fff30	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:53:40	971.197
-117	21493	2149300	a95fb3a9-ea9e-4240-a004-6426a47c77ad	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:34:00	-929.940
-117	42986	2149300	9e6ed762-ce86-44a1-9a6a-548a3d8c3cc9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:04:14	-688.975
-118	21494	2149400	e52bb900-d3e8-4cfe-aa94-dce85d68cb55	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:12:42	-204.826
-118	42988	2149400	af237216-6aab-4110-8f77-244998411fc9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:18:35	527.85
-119	21495	2149500	4beec017-9811-49ca-b049-96edc1313723	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:15:12	34.670
-119	42990	2149500	e1afe2bd-019e-4a20-a2f0-5bd8e6a3c035	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:42:04	540.562
-120	21496	2149600	1f629427-bf1f-46c1-8419-2a7b06eb877d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:20:31	-604.977
-120	42992	2149600	3d53967e-d2b4-4268-8566-a35f147ea7eb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:50:27	838.460
-121	21497	2149700	e388ad54-8b89-4a74-85de-689ef61e23f4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:06:19	691.671
-121	42994	2149700	f471d2ac-1a32-4b70-965b-a2dcff69f3bd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:25:39	-480.873
-122	21498	2149800	a77903ac-15e9-41a1-9fac-0737ae00f150	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:30:11	-512.367
-122	42996	2149800	cef0095d-653c-4d0d-a56c-4ddbcba6153d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:47:57	306.399
-123	21499	2149900	83194d3e-ef87-490d-9dd1-ab98f884de8b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:04:49	-235.338
-123	42998	2149900	f382a210-fff4-4ef4-bec5-8a53f6070df1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:14:29	510.51
-124	21500	2150000	168c00f0-62d4-4e57-a25e-37347aba9f12	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:38:16	819.294
-124	43000	2150000	bf4c342e-c82e-433d-8f5f-1a5bd98c3fa5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:00:35	-568.18
-125	21501	2150100	f6da9d4a-c31b-48fc-ab6f-5d2aeb37c002	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:35:57	886.203
-125	43002	2150100	aa4d5c60-2edd-4e7d-8bf2-90738fedf64a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:17:10	-690.757
-126	21502	2150200	d72fe5a2-e36e-4e31-bbe8-0b6627a2a6b9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:05:06	-261.913
-126	43004	2150200	b1733564-50b8-405c-81ba-9eca3789d6ee	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:44:27	-668.679
-127	21503	2150300	6b0817b2-4c1e-434b-b8c9-5449f17ba92b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:36:41	-825.534
-127	43006	2150300	566e2e0d-7269-4d5b-979a-3d31db4e8290	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:58:55	-195.600
-0	21504	2150400	e613b773-1404-44da-9d4b-ec8d49409f06	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:45:22	275.150
-0	43008	2150400	db6ac808-c99a-4f0c-a134-1d5024ec98ea	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:41:41	-952.408
-1	21505	2150500	714dea3b-64ca-48b2-9e09-2cd85695623f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:41:42	-994.604
-1	43010	2150500	85807291-85c0-4724-af2a-7866de86eddc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:44:57	-296.942
-2	21506	2150600	c43ae08d-2984-412c-bd63-2c5386927fad	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:57:07	-265.165
-2	43012	2150600	42fe2916-cef6-4edd-8abe-ee92e111c92a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:11:55	952.790
-3	21507	2150700	66aadea4-ba04-43d9-8fa7-22ac3ca3d572	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:35:45	-186.912
-3	43014	2150700	ad6aaffb-76e9-4008-8ece-a74695af2f29	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:30:29	479.565
-4	21508	2150800	64baa5ee-d872-4a4e-9659-a4b72160ce8a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:59:48	-653.338
-4	43016	2150800	dd2494cc-41d1-4d68-8905-c28512befcbd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:31:34	-864.397
-5	21509	2150900	df4b21f8-9e08-4b42-bb72-675ddc9bba4a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:22:19	326.714
-5	43018	2150900	e325b111-3986-4766-b70d-6c0522c0545b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:24:36	811.396
-6	21510	2151000	c8a47108-acc6-4270-bc5a-f1c6f356151f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:01:18	-715.595
-6	43020	2151000	1a932d9e-33ce-4172-851b-b95d9e1fac58	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:51:13	-576.126
-7	21511	2151100	35bd5020-71e4-46d2-8ecc-847f3ca43828	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:34:17	722.592
-7	43022	2151100	3b5aef12-e464-49ee-bd44-64634717860d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:36:43	-531.25
-8	21512	2151200	370265a8-69b5-4778-9f8b-2715d5a9c74d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:57:38	-719.304
-8	43024	2151200	1068305f-cbc1-4119-aa57-5b69f7507c69	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:07:45	-349.792
-9	21513	2151300	92c77f99-69c6-4a7d-adca-9f44c09026fc	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:45:37	729.579
-9	43026	2151300	f51fdefb-f6b2-496c-9008-e90dea9f59d7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:05:11	-122.960
-10	21514	2151400	bf4c3d5f-0668-4cf4-96b8-8515f50916a5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:21:43	154.494
-10	43028	2151400	8d0865a8-91c7-43dd-9c55-c74a1898c8f6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:07:56	920.612
-11	21515	2151500	f2a3b896-6b47-4c1f-9140-baccecbc6288	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:08:42	542.833
-11	43030	2151500	34a8593f-0a00-4c98-ac18-709dc7f5e45e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:15:50	201.563
-12	21516	2151600	f6b5dede-57ae-4f06-9ad2-8c10dced116f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:22:21	73.583
-12	43032	2151600	c958e5cd-1117-4c54-acfc-37c54bae9957	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:47:08	25.12
-13	21517	2151700	bd65af80-eded-472f-8e5c-2c208dea5460	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:51:36	-6.933
-13	43034	2151700	4386cb0a-71df-4f87-b05b-ceb5f6cd9663	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:59:11	473.717
-14	21518	2151800	77894e89-f405-46aa-a34c-18c19bcc5a76	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:16:57	-700.734
-14	43036	2151800	652ffb68-d444-4054-bf61-0f356d635a77	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:32:34	816.637
-15	21519	2151900	53a85b0f-50e0-48a3-b9bd-c8e79d50c2a2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:48:15	-992.588
-15	43038	2151900	a8b82242-79aa-4f8f-bbbf-6681bd2be932	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:34:22	-156.547
-16	21520	2152000	b0061a66-1a4d-4741-a5dc-4f7677d677aa	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:16:55	-141.470
-16	43040	2152000	652ce155-6235-4c48-a7fe-d01f0a9ae2e6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:35:21	666.806
-17	21521	2152100	a0d3a0cb-b240-4ac8-b29a-524795587824	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:28:18	-278.114
-17	43042	2152100	efebcfd0-ebca-4cf6-9bf4-6a87e4f15653	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:23:37	-565.238
-18	21522	2152200	8bd60409-a6f3-4438-9a1e-d2602a1bc6b4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:20:30	-697.202
-18	43044	2152200	2d44cb91-9dea-45d5-a72c-2fe630acdc2d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:44:24	-376.841
-19	21523	2152300	ea811d1f-2b04-4d89-803f-783c76b9942f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:54:59	-49.321
-19	43046	2152300	33673e97-6a9b-4089-861b-956ba06786df	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:24:52	-843.605
-20	21524	2152400	458e91a4-5117-4cf9-b92c-e34fdad24ff7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:29:54	-898.689
-20	43048	2152400	e07d8bee-9581-4aa5-a430-244c7f38ca70	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:28:36	539.624
-21	21525	2152500	01011ffe-0f5d-46c9-8260-9986d7c7d8db	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:22:29	398.312
-21	43050	2152500	4691545c-0a7a-4b04-a718-dec8ec62a465	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:40:22	-230.761
-22	21526	2152600	405f0df4-253e-4a8f-97ca-8adf3dc8905a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:12:18	-52.677
-22	43052	2152600	e80f18a4-3cd0-4cf4-9951-1e7d1fb204bb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:02:58	-296.9
-23	21527	2152700	48b9addb-3682-4257-9661-177a977b61be	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:21:48	986.550
-23	43054	2152700	7f698540-6b05-4264-8c0e-35e77cab6718	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:02:43	-548.577
-24	21528	2152800	13a1b303-dea7-4eff-86d1-1f639c50bf11	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:26:58	771.606
-24	43056	2152800	efb1a171-884d-4aef-b802-1731d1752a28	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:52:18	-382.107
-25	21529	2152900	351c4459-b7bd-4206-b127-5b21be767269	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:44:03	-723.340
-25	43058	2152900	d8618a91-b91e-4ef5-9ab0-52098711569f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:58:42	832.161
-26	21530	2153000	3694ae9c-c793-4393-8371-5af6e3b0ca04	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:30:37	-53.84
-26	43060	2153000	56409108-733f-4f50-9b92-d416df933fb7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:59:20	-964.430
-27	21531	2153100	97f5ce35-da8b-4ab4-be64-97df8a92f121	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:40:17	-293.217
-27	43062	2153100	7fc3bb7f-c0a6-4275-9824-7706a7245f20	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:49:24	713.966
-28	21532	2153200	b625cd3a-581f-4fb2-8b2e-2783e61a2075	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:15:51	-612.252
-28	43064	2153200	ed0f0d2a-194b-4d1c-abd1-47f2b307adc2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:10:17	-522.24
-29	21533	2153300	f554e360-5147-418a-a028-f3e7b3168fd3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:40:20	-303.422
-29	43066	2153300	98bfd985-3510-4b3c-81b1-20b3b33deda2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:33:53	-149.373
-30	21534	2153400	0c58d651-818e-440d-9783-3a2d7c5b6567	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:56:06	-811.338
-30	43068	2153400	188c0917-5ad0-4b4a-a3e4-d53d5a39f935	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:41:27	563.16
-31	21535	2153500	56537bcb-7166-4551-b3a6-3b7e78a1d601	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:00:27	392.864
-31	43070	2153500	3a48e367-76e4-4bf7-9b3c-f32a71ed00cf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:28:48	139.854
-32	21536	2153600	4131779f-2ac7-4583-9112-94c536ced85d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:54:02	692.77
-32	43072	2153600	2ad2bb90-dfe5-4946-b97f-c1bed980c783	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:14:48	-657.366
-33	21537	2153700	311d7bfd-3c0c-4a59-8b0a-78dcb0eb8494	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:09:41	-866.188
-33	43074	2153700	7032bde2-a4ea-4523-bfa3-bd9215bb032c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:39:19	518.685
-34	21538	2153800	14819ee0-8dcb-45b4-b26c-6eed2837f8b6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:12:43	53.550
-34	43076	2153800	8049a2e4-1062-488c-99dc-36fe220101a9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:37:41	-693.266
-35	21539	2153900	bbef1d2e-74d9-4cf1-a808-74414602ce15	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:17:08	-416.790
-35	43078	2153900	50a13cd2-d427-41ad-815b-f95d871054a1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:34:19	223.690
-36	21540	2154000	d55163b8-59d3-4d23-8d03-aabad12370b5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:23:37	-195.330
-36	43080	2154000	f082a189-9e51-475f-81aa-b5c5ffdfa616	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:14:30	-103.72
-37	21541	2154100	0447749e-0881-43a8-959f-b4d6f46151df	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:49:26	793.469
-37	43082	2154100	5ed9d11a-6018-488d-8692-473bfd332f36	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:41:44	724.58
-38	21542	2154200	59e9414f-c561-4588-81dc-c3745353532d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:06:29	20.584
-38	43084	2154200	c2d79f51-7ddf-4923-b93b-303d4f3ecf56	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:21:05	-828.906
-39	21543	2154300	863bdf9f-6bce-4445-80a8-d7ae4b8ee7ef	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:59:28	312.825
-39	43086	2154300	4baaedcd-f929-4a00-8f7d-f478ff0a280d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:39:18	-244.77
-40	21544	2154400	8c00910e-795b-45b0-923f-8c72af20bd6c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:43:50	-552.967
-40	43088	2154400	ccd580f4-a6e1-42af-8436-7a712277f039	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:48:06	-811.566
-41	21545	2154500	c8567ee0-547c-4a26-884b-413f6395386c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:04:13	820.457
-41	43090	2154500	98d20cba-91c3-46b6-b87a-0a957520b4d4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:25:22	308.787
-42	21546	2154600	05793eb0-e4e8-47cc-977b-6272538d5dde	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:05:06	470.71
-42	43092	2154600	8210d4ed-a895-4336-8260-d06de5adbd5f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:37:21	-378.270
-43	21547	2154700	2fb0248f-0717-44d8-85ee-313d2e776098	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:31:00	-893.274
-43	43094	2154700	81b32ed9-642c-45eb-ad04-b401cf9d7dd4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:34:52	-875.805
-44	21548	2154800	db85cab9-dd82-4863-be7b-eb8335118fc5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:34:23	937.441
-44	43096	2154800	f37c5644-32b3-463c-a593-c2a1a4a6183d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:51:42	-296.817
-45	21549	2154900	c637f8da-daab-4fa9-9db5-6e19b5567743	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:13:05	-363.877
-45	43098	2154900	fc3b21fe-6cc9-4a6e-bfca-e4a7f4279b36	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:01:16	-39.639
-46	21550	2155000	60c0e60b-93b8-4b67-92bb-0cc3ae6af424	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:43:59	775.891
-46	43100	2155000	891d7576-3706-4bd7-a715-59484ff881e4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:20:29	167.358
-47	21551	2155100	7654dfdd-009f-40d4-bb01-b0247689fb93	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:55:47	902.428
-47	43102	2155100	423c1a52-3d6b-4bbe-9b48-91b47c39b8bc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:17:58	-933.616
-48	21552	2155200	d2e2dce8-c79f-42fb-b0fc-f9b8bed1c921	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:08:29	746.331
-48	43104	2155200	101d8469-b768-4d4f-963f-1ebab676d55f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:43:12	-379.163
-49	21553	2155300	61cf77c7-3897-453e-8b7f-a72ffe80d429	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:16:31	663.168
-49	43106	2155300	0dbe71fc-33fb-488d-8f51-ae3b5cbd4900	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:38:40	-964.291
-50	21554	2155400	89e2baa1-8563-4ab1-8745-f09727b80447	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:30:55	249.538
-50	43108	2155400	9fa90802-90ef-4686-b965-fa006c24590a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:35:31	397.289
-51	21555	2155500	3592d470-b156-481a-b9eb-80db875f6ad7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:40:05	68.213
-51	43110	2155500	574f4d30-d9dc-4c2b-877b-24d585f54c4a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:22:38	873.898
-52	21556	2155600	5d4cf984-4c45-407d-adc5-555f3ef93264	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:49:12	622.66
-52	43112	2155600	c00bc6ad-62be-4a8c-af35-3c27aaa528fa	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:01:51	-362.857
-53	21557	2155700	d41841d8-a735-47de-8660-c760be3b8a0c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:45:34	450.597
-53	43114	2155700	ba6613e0-da65-4050-ac9a-be18d9f2cdea	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:08:55	-289.726
-54	21558	2155800	10a385af-7b6b-4f92-b7a8-e9c6376d7955	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:27:18	557.760
-54	43116	2155800	9642214a-1774-4cbf-b1ad-4796e9a3b19d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:16:22	473.907
-55	21559	2155900	9a58c608-5bd0-4a5a-badd-ec7919e8f0b8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:07:48	626.40
-55	43118	2155900	aa0e353a-1187-4766-b7a3-4f906758b846	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:37:14	43.392
-56	21560	2156000	c407dc4e-8f74-4f48-8e88-f7e4bc2d280e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:44:23	-381.486
-56	43120	2156000	dee7ba6d-0ecb-4c6b-bd86-f156b57063f2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:41:39	-344.351
-57	21561	2156100	194f854f-5e87-4aac-815f-f0ca2d354c41	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:36:33	-717.421
-57	43122	2156100	2b920100-5961-4396-89f4-e0c07469fe01	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:54:17	988.210
-58	21562	2156200	33cbf62c-817a-44fa-a9ff-9915d8028cea	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:43:45	60.186
-58	43124	2156200	c2a7555c-5ff9-49f4-927a-b72aadc84b60	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:49:23	834.945
-59	21563	2156300	b3ff33b0-bfb1-416c-bd6c-6c4b95a699fe	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:03:58	-983.43
-59	43126	2156300	7a3789f2-d7bc-4389-8f6c-b48d70b4a659	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:45:37	-67.716
-60	21564	2156400	aed86eca-b340-413a-bb3a-f2cee179e898	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:02:43	628.376
-60	43128	2156400	59b61023-82fa-4c41-b5f3-55b4daef266d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:10:58	361.343
-61	21565	2156500	b474bd88-f583-4ef3-ab27-e5c4943fc699	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:46:44	894.746
-61	43130	2156500	896cc6bf-db23-44f5-8885-cc540ea091dd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:34:21	-964.928
-62	21566	2156600	719108a8-5282-4f43-8fc0-39b548682b30	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:58:29	-395.582
-62	43132	2156600	b9dbce41-4d1a-4668-ab6a-84d4574900c5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:11:49	-118.891
-63	21567	2156700	e063575e-88e2-40c2-9d78-5eadba5828a1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:43:23	858.474
-63	43134	2156700	a9829ee3-66f0-46f9-9ad8-b947eed28125	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:41:50	-755.853
-64	21568	2156800	1193b26a-20a7-426b-a40f-bba9c7d1559a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:17:16	-860.876
-64	43136	2156800	ba1ef91d-9a02-4e03-856c-39e500e018a7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:09:06	-565.25
-65	21569	2156900	eb8bb4d3-7a5b-4a3f-a261-e8732e638390	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:34:35	-330.167
-65	43138	2156900	d8d9c49d-d26e-4c52-bdd0-dfe4cea57413	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:48:13	-536.676
-66	21570	2157000	3aa2cc91-8718-4914-9333-f03ccdc50ff5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:57:55	-601.86
-66	43140	2157000	ebda0052-bdea-47e3-af0b-bfb5960864e4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:42:57	500.243
-67	21571	2157100	f6e743c8-ad48-4f0f-8891-dce331bf5b5c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:46:06	272.33
-67	43142	2157100	5bf21ffc-863b-44db-b8bc-20f90bfd345a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:33:45	903.323
-68	21572	2157200	84b65355-8526-4b76-b169-1eec662724a7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:12:12	455.552
-68	43144	2157200	29145033-6d2e-4b32-bcad-ec2773ea4437	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:48:38	-559.91
-69	21573	2157300	c5989bb6-adc8-4ed6-9254-44b242e96333	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:00:11	-268.347
-69	43146	2157300	e49443a2-bfb4-4b01-aeda-0ca79ec60cbd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:05:54	-805.520
-70	21574	2157400	d56b53f7-03c4-482b-a67d-f975f559f9e9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:44:43	464.692
-70	43148	2157400	75bc092c-180b-4c88-92b8-6f9dd67d906d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:05:45	458.783
-71	21575	2157500	9179c38f-9399-4051-8dfd-7f355ec65d08	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:40:40	-662.114
-71	43150	2157500	14895523-ef06-41ab-a210-42f0928af401	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:00:36	285.51
-72	21576	2157600	5ae6ea8b-01f5-48a7-9c2c-8f404d480e53	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:17:12	-316.263
-72	43152	2157600	09d49938-41e9-486d-9528-2d075320472b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:33:09	-480.928
-73	21577	2157700	af5cc3a0-d11e-40a2-b025-14461915c675	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:58:17	-972.131
-73	43154	2157700	7ea62f20-038f-4a66-b973-de0b78d5bad7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:36:29	-418.706
-74	21578	2157800	31e676ad-acfb-4b00-bb27-4e7df49608af	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:15:11	-678.85
-74	43156	2157800	d19f9ba5-d6ba-4bbe-824f-9bc749859b5b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:59:46	582.983
-75	21579	2157900	0c517096-a637-4510-af1a-4c834129cded	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:28:04	429.920
-75	43158	2157900	d3d24dd2-5ac9-49e7-9964-4e604c1682e4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:28:26	-640.315
-76	21580	2158000	3d51c1b3-06d7-415e-a8a5-ac8d599575de	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:51:32	701.586
-76	43160	2158000	c47e5e25-a73f-421a-a867-1229e62f15a7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:33:02	-750.458
-77	21581	2158100	60e661d2-0590-4bbb-9ad9-3d12a76e4db5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:00:44	638.111
-77	43162	2158100	fe20d28c-23df-4a25-a2ee-23c44bd71174	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:21:49	-776.516
-78	21582	2158200	37f2dafc-5746-40e8-a34b-d5030314812a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:37:18	-705.55
-78	43164	2158200	9aa887af-716e-4c55-a83e-5b0889dd987b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:04:24	976.682
-79	21583	2158300	a84a0c30-3335-4fab-99ae-b9fb3b21a571	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:43:09	-682.48
-79	43166	2158300	3b9450f1-3030-4d8e-ae15-7e3cea45764b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:34:20	-595.394
-80	21584	2158400	718d2f72-5b5e-4b75-87d1-4cdc81726042	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:19:13	-826.917
-80	43168	2158400	73c88eda-eaab-4e3a-83db-bb99255d1db8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:43:02	482.457
-81	21585	2158500	21615990-e3d3-418d-9f5d-b5fa01da4297	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:00:18	-744.217
-81	43170	2158500	c4534f05-2888-49b2-8cb1-fc1c217a2d5b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:58:42	-521.689
-82	21586	2158600	c6242ee2-4b4d-4248-aaaa-4ab36bf0aa20	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:45:13	-626.213
-82	43172	2158600	f7cb0a7b-90f5-43f7-9736-1122305091bf	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:42:34	518.174
-83	21587	2158700	bdef15c9-a20f-47ad-9023-9fb0f68c26c0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:53:10	825.543
-83	43174	2158700	9c9c59b9-8615-4e28-8038-bd1b97183e1a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:55:51	-931.520
-84	21588	2158800	dace0ca5-a04d-4322-b9b0-65e22f6e2e18	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:05:42	-533.160
-84	43176	2158800	53642ab1-5131-4a2d-bcbd-e6f8aa192070	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:16:20	-946.375
-85	21589	2158900	9031843b-008f-44df-86fe-c36500639203	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:15:11	-851.813
-85	43178	2158900	9964f8d0-7b63-4b12-b4a8-567727ce205b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:56:17	-363.41
-86	21590	2159000	06efcf94-660a-4c62-8ac8-b48f69d6f47d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:06:21	883.325
-86	43180	2159000	80e6eb44-bf8d-4525-9c37-474b703bb10c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:00:13	-335.195
-87	21591	2159100	0ba6b6d1-b721-42b2-a6cc-2340967666ff	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:57:22	-712.585
-87	43182	2159100	0661fa69-a5b8-49b0-8e98-071e75cb7c80	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:21:17	-443.850
-88	21592	2159200	cc278e06-12fb-4fb2-9b71-05625ce5ddda	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:11:19	414.522
-88	43184	2159200	52dbeb88-ec58-479c-bf5b-611f15de7f03	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:53:20	734.132
-89	21593	2159300	9af5864e-a2b0-4a3e-817c-604d06aa2f92	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:07:08	-17.993
-89	43186	2159300	44070808-f0d2-4f51-aa9f-fc3ce73b3577	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:04:39	-670.348
-90	21594	2159400	9b6cf1ca-8ff1-4dba-974f-9013772382d2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:38:31	-361.762
-90	43188	2159400	063b2438-c24b-442b-aadd-f228efeae2ae	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:19:56	-295.862
-91	21595	2159500	064e6430-72f8-401d-b227-a08a50388ed4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:49:56	-851.417
-91	43190	2159500	479c1769-98e5-433e-8cae-aa38a1f6d66c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:32:22	-674.564
-92	21596	2159600	6a20d7eb-d2d9-416d-8edd-ea7b0e9ef8a9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:01:19	263.237
-92	43192	2159600	e55d3523-9bb7-47f3-9c95-2c734c99cd29	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:52:54	518.362
-93	21597	2159700	85f9a354-ce78-4d88-b890-acab89cf9ddf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:39:22	388.999
-93	43194	2159700	4d222a1f-91e4-4561-b8f4-075223386694	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:01:22	-800.779
-94	21598	2159800	ce2f1c0a-8967-4ad9-a723-438ae3430fa4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:42:26	-341.386
-94	43196	2159800	48ce62f4-ff24-42eb-aafe-182db3a62660	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:34:31	-436.61
-95	21599	2159900	bf968fee-4bb2-4cfa-919a-c1e75e5fa6fd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:22:03	275.491
-95	43198	2159900	bab22b76-944b-4b27-a9b1-2458f934e435	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:14:49	-258.745
-96	21600	2160000	ba324ea9-2cd1-483c-866e-000204950c69	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:19:09	33.445
-96	43200	2160000	b93057cd-2ac8-4ae4-adfc-37c3d76faf4b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:14:15	930.349
-97	21601	2160100	b9c3d207-2231-471d-b0f3-9ef2f3709bf7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:37:52	936.389
-97	43202	2160100	dda6e4ae-44dc-4773-97a2-1b37891b9658	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:17:59	-351.321
-98	21602	2160200	7272e347-b035-4fb1-a53d-2b6d884f17cc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:33:53	-222.346
-98	43204	2160200	fb3a42ea-618c-44ea-b2dc-f7ac00209c77	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:15:11	-242.644
-99	21603	2160300	39efb6d8-af92-4b8a-b75c-53d16e10d77c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:39:16	-915.525
-99	43206	2160300	a15c7176-2e5f-4857-9dc9-724d98d08d0c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:06:27	-177.252
-100	21604	2160400	dbee12bf-b3a0-487b-b772-0ac9b00cad9a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:31:09	-826.445
-100	43208	2160400	f85f5e6c-c158-45b5-9590-96c9e11dabeb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:41:31	-319.945
-101	21605	2160500	ecdebc99-6fb2-435b-b266-835f87571969	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:02:37	688.738
-101	43210	2160500	aeb8a962-548c-48cf-9804-f28e846a25a6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:04:21	83.760
-102	21606	2160600	d5c628db-382c-4260-a51d-e7c89c7e86d2	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:25:32	-692.1
-102	43212	2160600	fded94a5-896f-496f-a07d-b9c5800d9550	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:15:24	-417.25
-103	21607	2160700	2dfb133e-fb45-4c3d-bb22-1caf71968235	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:19:28	-3.922
-103	43214	2160700	e1252123-25d8-41d0-b2f2-ac3d36630c76	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:28:43	-634.936
-104	21608	2160800	219d1f5b-d6be-46e6-add6-56b98dd77a98	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:52:13	545.822
-104	43216	2160800	8b3e1cc3-5015-44f7-b382-17399e4e16b7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:23:48	847.543
-105	21609	2160900	0b90bf8b-2a20-495a-9710-00707780c4a0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:15:48	655.111
-105	43218	2160900	5e81550b-045a-4402-bfc1-fc9dc82c35fe	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:37:32	620.292
-106	21610	2161000	14322cb3-d54e-483a-9ff7-4946c76b81da	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:19:21	-402.946
-106	43220	2161000	2c7f1c7e-ca29-4ee8-b9db-c9e8626dce4b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:01:43	108.414
-107	21611	2161100	17396977-30ee-491d-8e20-ad78fa7ca8de	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:24:22	-703.110
-107	43222	2161100	f7d97b3d-62ae-4d39-9a18-7b1ed21d9914	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:52:32	619.73
-108	21612	2161200	adfebc02-c79a-413d-b911-ce75e781c21d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:46:07	857.817
-108	43224	2161200	6e9b172b-a949-4910-9868-42337082d550	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:35:02	600.52
-109	21613	2161300	7c1328c8-29f0-4404-b1b5-50dfc1e46d0c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:52:09	-503.269
-109	43226	2161300	0f6e71c8-8c8e-4ce3-b68e-8925eacf566b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:19:18	610.328
-110	21614	2161400	4d5f617f-274b-47e9-8469-694eefe8ff96	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:12:15	-871.17
-110	43228	2161400	8eb07281-b473-4e7a-bf5d-368120c2e11f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:25:52	-61.254
-111	21615	2161500	a505f115-efcd-472b-a85d-0674793f4d1e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:25:54	929.49
-111	43230	2161500	f3f47fd5-50b2-4969-bf31-a103ea1486a1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:56:48	621.728
-112	21616	2161600	ea0fccd5-a8f5-402f-9966-9b4dc2c2bfd6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:50:25	-629.848
-112	43232	2161600	14def171-04f5-4469-98b7-44100ab25762	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:36:42	558.352
-113	21617	2161700	744e66f9-0d13-4702-aac0-34cc9433e528	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:43:36	49.31
-113	43234	2161700	963bb5e2-c7c5-4036-b688-8de770aaa09a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:15:01	-362.414
-114	21618	2161800	f8417deb-f8cf-47c5-bc66-7dc88d8ae749	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:39:42	535.253
-114	43236	2161800	0773ad7e-d4ef-4017-aed5-ac1498616ed0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:18:04	-340.802
-115	21619	2161900	2a7d5533-c3ff-47c3-93cf-4fd9dedb995f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:54:55	534.479
-115	43238	2161900	9e870645-b432-4ae6-84f2-8cb8402b6068	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:28:40	408.646
-116	21620	2162000	43b3ac79-aad0-49ba-85db-db323a40878b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:09:47	34.30
-116	43240	2162000	c85815dd-92d6-42e8-b850-b6aaf575801a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:03:06	971.604
-117	21621	2162100	afe23da3-7f81-4225-8482-bd19e3c23dc3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:23:24	446.695
-117	43242	2162100	e0a83ac3-cee0-4346-a4d8-96ec52643e19	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:28:55	323.905
-118	21622	2162200	3a471114-af2a-4dde-862f-1064dbc834f0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:26:22	-625.745
-118	43244	2162200	f5d40b2a-9db4-4d10-a538-5bba12a8e007	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:48:26	928.58
-119	21623	2162300	e8307565-52c4-4ce2-8bf7-be1ab330f0df	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:23:52	-209.719
-119	43246	2162300	b9cb351f-e18e-4f2a-a2ca-9fcdeccca262	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:43:41	948.820
-120	21624	2162400	b1f92d19-beab-4c93-ae68-ecdab24ccfe2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:43:46	772.390
-120	43248	2162400	f418f86b-41d4-408c-aa59-b9f4a2cb47ff	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:42:20	-959.802
-121	21625	2162500	2874363c-f03d-465f-89db-638c841c1a7c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:09:49	209.554
-121	43250	2162500	c4bd4a4c-2b84-453b-a47a-c034f604938c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:10:38	-56.473
-122	21626	2162600	d606dc9f-ed35-4b27-b732-91beec446ca3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:01:30	-950.46
-122	43252	2162600	509f7906-360b-4356-a46d-e77e9093ba4d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:50:13	-986.49
-123	21627	2162700	98c555d9-445a-4fee-becb-be089f2a8e2c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:12:59	321.595
-123	43254	2162700	ad7fc213-593a-436f-8661-6937b9531ecb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:09:12	-252.207
-124	21628	2162800	e32d4bf3-b073-4dff-a711-381a9cb55607	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:19:45	-504.139
-124	43256	2162800	0d85b12d-9fa8-4da2-a87d-4dfd7619f8e9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:54:13	932.464
-125	21629	2162900	42bf7440-b6c7-417c-baf9-457657ae20ac	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:04:32	-680.268
-125	43258	2162900	02677fd3-1550-4f66-8352-8af42fb1e1ec	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:25:32	-147.92
-126	21630	2163000	6ce40332-a5ee-4bab-89b1-684c446ed121	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:59:14	-29.242
-126	43260	2163000	f28d0a58-cdac-4ad9-9fc3-18c22663c6b8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:44:18	-938.697
-127	21631	2163100	8741d85c-4cb6-47a4-a1cb-49a9cf3f7da4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:44:20	83.978
-127	43262	2163100	742d655e-87b7-4377-9744-c149b68a6639	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:18:11	-279.220
-0	21632	2163200	ce2ae665-11e6-4bb0-b02d-4cdeb347bcd5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:07:05	961.455
-0	43264	2163200	2f78ca70-1ba4-48d4-9fd8-4246f9c1a5ec	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:26:58	-585.178
-1	21633	2163300	cb3c3190-e981-4a80-aaaa-e55db08504ce	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:47:52	341.477
-1	43266	2163300	f6d7be96-d610-4cbf-9afc-a329d44d6c68	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:40:14	-475.437
-2	21634	2163400	cfce41cc-5e79-423f-8fe3-15d02e9db943	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:41:34	-585.488
-2	43268	2163400	2fbe2f89-2a53-42f0-b226-78b10ec592b5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:32:01	678.135
-3	21635	2163500	af4ba50a-e574-4809-945e-1a0b05bcdb03	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:54:41	-363.587
-3	43270	2163500	e1314f29-62f6-4160-bca6-dec41470044e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:31:53	-364.60
-4	21636	2163600	3ba1c969-457e-46c3-827a-4c4254e0cd3b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:55:18	-70.824
-4	43272	2163600	8588fb33-902f-49c5-9489-49f4d92326c5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:45:00	-312.76
-5	21637	2163700	f54fe0b9-f5ae-4db8-beb9-7e6146053d3c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:34:10	570.785
-5	43274	2163700	10609b07-501f-40aa-9470-14b39d781a91	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:43:54	-265.502
-6	21638	2163800	3fa760ee-e8f2-4df1-aad1-6364ce6b4645	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:25:40	-88.901
-6	43276	2163800	fe0963b2-29d1-4ae0-a53f-f3cb5355b2ba	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:56:59	-63.768
-7	21639	2163900	393595d8-8d83-47b5-89dc-f3cfcd42c981	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:13:08	557.559
-7	43278	2163900	fd329f16-4a3a-427f-83ad-6b2030cec7db	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:51:57	578.5
-8	21640	2164000	b95842cf-4483-43b2-8005-18bb3228ef46	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:52:29	-129.819
-8	43280	2164000	a2167852-76ea-4ac3-93ec-2f0b0fd96cb0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:45:41	588.706
-9	21641	2164100	2fcbdaf3-66a6-4215-b8bf-e40aa1750016	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:34:58	-859.46
-9	43282	2164100	5116f9da-0a91-4414-999b-269f346ac12d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:12:04	-591.931
-10	21642	2164200	ff6a8f7b-b452-4904-b0fc-887c513cfac2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:18:18	-383.832
-10	43284	2164200	ac6b5a78-1d34-421a-a78e-38f45b9cab3b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:56:42	-639.150
-11	21643	2164300	9d014709-3d98-49ab-b538-f612ba7d1094	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:54:51	220.784
-11	43286	2164300	6c2c453e-82b5-477e-88e4-8290a1cf2fe9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:55:21	-774.992
-12	21644	2164400	14e0cc81-f174-41ad-9a65-911122d2713f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:53:07	-849.791
-12	43288	2164400	16a8be37-84b5-4571-977e-013a9c584645	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:10:52	-623.76
-13	21645	2164500	42cd32c6-3750-4747-80e9-b36864532855	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:30:54	660.267
-13	43290	2164500	62547f8d-5239-43c3-98b6-a61e51776c85	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:19:13	231.31
-14	21646	2164600	2e459382-ebbe-4fa0-b880-a2a99d3733ae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:15:04	625.41
-14	43292	2164600	4282bb58-423d-4834-abec-c2359e26f382	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:30:35	693.894
-15	21647	2164700	e987d66b-750f-4da5-a0f2-70eac5dbe460	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:32:26	-576.493
-15	43294	2164700	e80386b4-b624-437b-b22c-19ed717059c9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:36:48	893.623
-16	21648	2164800	8d8ec52a-592b-4dff-9e24-c31e546a6cdf	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:11:42	602.925
-16	43296	2164800	a1d697a5-f2c5-4af9-9af6-0efd2d4c79db	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:20:42	-994.470
-17	21649	2164900	8ace057a-e377-42df-965b-6230511bd7fb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:12:20	712.836
-17	43298	2164900	68d5bbf0-afc3-4008-ad44-00af5d772f57	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:06:55	-393.282
-18	21650	2165000	8f1c33c1-a25c-4537-96af-645ee39a8281	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:18:11	-596.538
-18	43300	2165000	633678aa-213a-40f4-93ce-37cf6e59581f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:23:18	-568.763
-19	21651	2165100	5b74b97c-8ec1-411c-a287-7e87824f9b8c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:12:24	-240.408
-19	43302	2165100	8bc46d59-605e-4a83-ace6-ec9aab618ed2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:08:29	211.900
-20	21652	2165200	b2576e2d-7a39-4b6c-ba2c-ce1dd231dd55	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:25:10	-346.155
-20	43304	2165200	5e149d71-2d17-481d-b173-6c7c60b2f27d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:40:52	-634.985
-21	21653	2165300	0e45f33e-8006-47ae-84fa-2802c5d185d4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:20:58	244.905
-21	43306	2165300	b9a1feb3-b8db-43d2-81c8-cf5764e77d88	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:06:46	891.706
-22	21654	2165400	4d647ef6-01b0-415f-8cbe-d8a724d4a9a9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:00:39	840.921
-22	43308	2165400	c3e8c36d-9a17-4619-895d-ebfa53322cf0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:19:52	505.670
-23	21655	2165500	a8dbe304-45bf-431d-9ce5-651fcb002f3a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:12:17	274.135
-23	43310	2165500	1da39127-298f-405b-8edf-fe347cdfd7ec	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:00:52	-751.249
-24	21656	2165600	85eadda2-4c61-4190-8cd5-ee5d52508503	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:38:38	-308.50
-24	43312	2165600	a154783a-71bf-4386-8d99-147437003147	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:42:25	680.981
-25	21657	2165700	34932b09-b803-493b-b60c-22a2d2e29e4c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:08:59	130.814
-25	43314	2165700	fe7626d9-e15f-4abe-a500-70887f18d10d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:07:27	377.81
-26	21658	2165800	075ecfdb-5d1e-487b-8739-94f37f3877cd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:49:42	917.354
-26	43316	2165800	c2ffd723-a1fb-4ca9-b762-e6868e92d909	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:48:57	4.151
-27	21659	2165900	e9f52677-c465-466f-bb09-3b56e7fa4d30	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:19:54	-317.439
-27	43318	2165900	ff2f49f7-b029-4245-bc7a-198c270f1ee2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:09:36	531.565
-28	21660	2166000	6d572957-627b-4f23-8038-bacc797521b3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:42:47	-359.348
-28	43320	2166000	47a030cf-c347-4a8f-981f-b869636105c8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:46:57	-147.821
-29	21661	2166100	ae867737-193b-49b3-8a24-a03e6cae843c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:07:09	897.322
-29	43322	2166100	6db54c99-299c-4407-8373-e9a587320129	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:21:27	263.355
-30	21662	2166200	cf5bb3e1-3cbb-4d5c-9118-1c1c44cf631a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:18:26	-737.801
-30	43324	2166200	067d0e88-22cd-478c-a493-cf04031774c1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:46:42	41.82
-31	21663	2166300	26e93b92-4643-4aee-a6bc-76b7135ed474	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:42:07	-69.284
-31	43326	2166300	76d3a269-1754-4159-9bca-398e6d17bea8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:17:27	-789.403
-32	21664	2166400	7f420c2b-03cd-4580-98e6-c755b549b419	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:01:21	-168.921
-32	43328	2166400	0711c936-9ee7-4863-ac0b-0b614091749b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:27:16	-186.101
-33	21665	2166500	34d74575-ef9e-4733-bbb0-192703f6c336	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:20:05	386.82
-33	43330	2166500	dd438778-b251-4b2e-aa8c-9db71fea48cb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:43:31	800.444
-34	21666	2166600	9670bba6-fdbc-4d27-bdc9-5e3696819d70	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:37:37	-44.0
-34	43332	2166600	3034e5f6-6258-4481-822d-6aaa0ea861ef	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:50:38	419.814
-35	21667	2166700	e8b0829f-90a7-4fda-93cd-537ac15f2044	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:18:57	-403.209
-35	43334	2166700	521f2c8c-6e2e-42be-91a8-e8bc372732df	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:57:07	42.55
-36	21668	2166800	f97a2b4a-517a-4809-a508-37916af6a47b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:09:43	100.380
-36	43336	2166800	3802a3b6-3d36-46cf-9195-727f61368443	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:51:51	-892.106
-37	21669	2166900	01c109a3-022d-4568-bf9f-c90c1cacc632	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:26:31	384.209
-37	43338	2166900	0938eb6c-e3e5-43fa-b4c1-e3d1d252138c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:36:04	-901.500
-38	21670	2167000	a3e41784-e7d0-4077-a8f4-8657a7d4726c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:06:22	-812.276
-38	43340	2167000	0fd8538f-6be2-4e15-9f10-883954369905	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:32:59	335.290
-39	21671	2167100	34b31f9d-e6e9-4410-b8c6-f412afd15fbd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:48:04	636.930
-39	43342	2167100	81553e23-7807-45fc-9143-b373374b9900	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:07:57	972.697
-40	21672	2167200	01f7af2a-8a6a-48d6-b5c3-f0b7cff059f5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:40:07	-596.964
-40	43344	2167200	a5a38c45-4907-4870-8c00-d6870f8116c1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:44:47	-299.177
-41	21673	2167300	e8d3bbb8-5025-4158-941d-cecc849868ac	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:25:31	-24.319
-41	43346	2167300	c585e688-f72c-4e8b-9d86-d613ec0f5989	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:09:40	-538.184
-42	21674	2167400	10a2711b-b2f2-408a-bb6f-12b21ebb8923	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:12:04	-540.374
-42	43348	2167400	7bb684ef-2714-4a7e-bd3d-65970fb372cf	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:17:14	-709.717
-43	21675	2167500	08b0ab7f-45f2-4fd6-96f1-bc086e40c3ab	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:51:11	-916.568
-43	43350	2167500	8a79e35d-6a05-434b-bce6-ed11d3c76375	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:32:30	-116.117
-44	21676	2167600	b6e4e78d-2fda-48c5-aef6-6748db2903ad	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:53:47	354.214
-44	43352	2167600	f76e14ba-3d91-44d6-af9e-071ac7b6731d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:05:42	-679.125
-45	21677	2167700	6b10405f-79b7-4e53-88bc-c71cd91e5bc0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:11:42	-685.12
-45	43354	2167700	41b0b914-66a1-4b47-98b2-a275476a7a9c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:13:27	742.870
-46	21678	2167800	bee74a7e-810b-435a-8998-27c07a382b24	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:16:48	-514.549
-46	43356	2167800	786c0ead-ef6e-4f3b-9373-ae649766d9b3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:50:52	699.28
-47	21679	2167900	61a77902-64ac-49b0-986d-526af3da18af	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:45:20	-114.938
-47	43358	2167900	7ae2ac15-249f-44f0-9cf3-99bf79800bb2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:11:21	877.973
-48	21680	2168000	c27aeb87-c6d8-4da9-afe2-3f4f4be8e58c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:38:14	278.459
-48	43360	2168000	f19de01b-e04e-4d49-81b9-8fd85339ced2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:22:05	10.43
-49	21681	2168100	e35bb1a2-a7e1-44af-a401-3d0576187530	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:57:36	-136.556
-49	43362	2168100	ac33ce26-66d5-44da-9742-801a7042c981	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:12:04	812.339
-50	21682	2168200	408a6505-a6ae-43b3-8f5d-cc52ecd6d2e5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:03:24	903.688
-50	43364	2168200	aacdbb27-7003-4e57-9d96-bb7e99183129	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:46:58	428.103
-51	21683	2168300	0fc65bfa-8acd-4aac-b6ed-aa8155391043	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:19:24	-870.878
-51	43366	2168300	2f052d6c-f18e-4cb4-b101-51938c17f11d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:43:25	4.639
-52	21684	2168400	d6b794cb-20f3-497d-b839-a63de8cec119	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:08:03	344.21
-52	43368	2168400	4c07ea94-db0d-4ee9-94f7-452310f4af4c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:54:46	823.267
-53	21685	2168500	628f1596-f7b5-4d2d-bac4-f6151556ba77	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:40:06	969.727
-53	43370	2168500	0afe5d01-6e35-48d4-b1c8-d801c827088b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:46:45	-247.324
-54	21686	2168600	f7041146-6ce5-4252-b121-a507f3441703	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:54:44	695.330
-54	43372	2168600	e9afd083-3fbe-4c99-83a9-ee3a86a61550	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:11:06	-34.7
-55	21687	2168700	d942b263-6688-4d7a-aba1-649b7b8f965e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:10:55	-269.914
-55	43374	2168700	443eed4f-13c7-4831-9f52-47b7868eb47b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:57:09	934.331
-56	21688	2168800	30ee4038-ed8d-4d43-b5cc-a9f1a9ab1979	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:45:25	-274.20
-56	43376	2168800	cac4b689-f816-4153-a205-53161bf86bf8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:12:46	-670.728
-57	21689	2168900	4328e0dd-0849-46e9-bbd6-c7834e0a2b0c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:31:02	286.271
-57	43378	2168900	37a68955-5cf0-4b13-9e97-9c66f88429ef	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:52:05	983.302
-58	21690	2169000	3388d675-bb3f-4a13-a4ca-e29df812eea3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:06:17	-481.692
-58	43380	2169000	dedd2a16-2366-48b8-adee-c330d4a02b20	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:40:21	-300.871
-59	21691	2169100	516f0fa8-3d5c-44b0-8d24-690c77d69792	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:12:16	285.122
-59	43382	2169100	0e1f9d85-f7e3-40df-abcf-0d7d50de5a1f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:53:44	-435.838
-60	21692	2169200	6e845760-d0de-4d31-aefc-3ac0791c1162	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:15:09	915.250
-60	43384	2169200	9bd59b86-924e-404e-9312-45a02ee1f8a0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:53:11	859.605
-61	21693	2169300	f2bf43b5-bc8c-4db7-873b-957cd46d4720	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:08:10	346.220
-61	43386	2169300	80278bcf-a222-4d5d-892d-d9775cc19527	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:28:07	-47.8
-62	21694	2169400	861ce09f-a27b-4107-a52c-fbbe75fd9d4f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:22:34	209.219
-62	43388	2169400	71caba0f-e22a-47d7-b9b2-23794dd6a29b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:33:51	-339.6
-63	21695	2169500	91304cb8-4b25-43db-9f83-83b915ac356d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:40:52	-574.234
-63	43390	2169500	af86c534-9533-4c5d-ba26-9321b208f672	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:46:57	-977.717
-64	21696	2169600	3ed78680-6657-4553-a979-fb5c3b7bdca5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:48:59	-770.544
-64	43392	2169600	ee069f70-5087-4c22-8397-8b7b5f28a173	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:33:08	103.993
-65	21697	2169700	2bb95932-f861-4c1c-b687-8bafe376a579	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:29:52	734.128
-65	43394	2169700	c4a1611a-faa2-4e03-9124-97332c286498	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:41:19	703.970
-66	21698	2169800	d564c529-7b46-4e2e-beda-af986640a39f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:06:21	-456.460
-66	43396	2169800	aa9d7945-814c-4c57-b12a-626dbcb6d44a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:41:42	726.568
-67	21699	2169900	7c252770-1b33-4061-8b6d-ba056151ec9a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:58:44	200.652
-67	43398	2169900	3601860a-27b0-4247-b382-260cbd62736c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:18:19	406.543
-68	21700	2170000	e78b8f8a-fcca-463e-bc89-a27086994e87	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:21:17	509.451
-68	43400	2170000	2ddae422-abe5-4be9-93b8-15d4d31a021e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:35:33	-348.633
-69	21701	2170100	a5a9c569-562d-4351-840b-d77812a7fa09	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:02:54	-425.236
-69	43402	2170100	e96a1912-94b8-4eb2-b1dd-a73b42e62da1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:56:23	-581.207
-70	21702	2170200	4b22b49d-2394-4d2d-aff1-deb7d8d62a74	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:15:43	624.890
-70	43404	2170200	22a47d6c-f6d9-4cdf-b12e-c6c25378d2f8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:17:52	275.819
-71	21703	2170300	a605f9d3-dc95-4644-9835-fe577112f345	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:39:21	-660.37
-71	43406	2170300	1c3c13f7-09e9-4bc5-949a-4f2e129055fa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:44:06	-425.797
-72	21704	2170400	df0c4227-02c9-4467-99f1-85e0357796fd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:59:01	-970.228
-72	43408	2170400	c6baefb9-4e50-4aa1-9240-d7476642b468	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:23:31	348.537
-73	21705	2170500	b2c4898f-cb44-4031-abeb-fc915f76a627	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:07:33	821.298
-73	43410	2170500	08bd5e31-82b0-4eaf-b894-588cdc82dcef	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:15:14	-589.103
-74	21706	2170600	b017e02a-4a08-4a79-a044-e0ad86bdcce0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:02:04	243.282
-74	43412	2170600	fe6e283a-5c99-4a3c-8330-e97e77a970b7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:52:13	568.19
-75	21707	2170700	6743d75c-4d6e-4797-8c36-24f4f3eb380b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:39:18	876.636
-75	43414	2170700	fcede06a-7514-4917-a094-07c7f0b6afb0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:54:58	-187.520
-76	21708	2170800	0918c581-3fac-40d8-b4cb-c425051a0760	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:35:31	-902.433
-76	43416	2170800	92e8b4be-076b-43a6-bf57-2f21c2adb5b7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:31:31	-651.359
-77	21709	2170900	dc1144cc-f1d4-4d27-b04d-b5eaca90a349	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:21:51	-775.909
-77	43418	2170900	6258d20d-380a-4fcf-b01d-f835776c6afa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:09:51	254.678
-78	21710	2171000	13eb2e66-5ec4-41ea-aa2f-f986e49c7b46	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:22:14	569.883
-78	43420	2171000	458d2bc4-04e4-434a-a076-0969bb071873	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:47:09	405.101
-79	21711	2171100	82a71bcd-a2a9-4c65-95da-e37a641527f3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:03:07	991.835
-79	43422	2171100	3124cf64-629f-4b2d-abde-41be98cb604e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:01:49	139.719
-80	21712	2171200	c05df35f-4d9d-474a-89f9-4a83bb5585e1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:53:13	877.153
-80	43424	2171200	dc663669-1c23-4514-b418-649a30818e15	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:05:33	-732.866
-81	21713	2171300	30b41675-5fff-4a0d-a217-cc5c13773127	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:05:16	747.731
-81	43426	2171300	2d41fe40-6076-4cd6-8937-753468ca308d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:34:24	923.622
-82	21714	2171400	72760afa-2057-46d3-af7b-caeed9c8dc65	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:34:09	-851.738
-82	43428	2171400	8405619a-dc5b-4c5f-8c4f-160575fdf810	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:45:09	526.555
-83	21715	2171500	080de4fc-2c02-4b6b-94fb-b79697e42a21	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:43:50	194.204
-83	43430	2171500	3e3442f2-b5d4-4ef2-b5a5-70a69a721a7c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:34:02	491.385
-84	21716	2171600	a3806e2e-bd68-402e-a6cb-a59a17366fa8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:27:10	142.454
-84	43432	2171600	193e17de-2e44-4fe4-83d5-99bd1f3a7bdc	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:34:32	-913.886
-85	21717	2171700	d2d534b4-3aa6-4a3c-b267-931c38d96453	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:16:25	939.107
-85	43434	2171700	3b3b4a6e-76be-487d-a3d1-fc6745a08f20	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:32:37	449.835
-86	21718	2171800	4d6c15f1-bc41-4ce9-9688-93df56744140	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:24:10	78.36
-86	43436	2171800	75b7cdf4-9767-447c-9cf8-095fc4aa5043	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:01:35	-192.303
-87	21719	2171900	9d9c524d-23a4-4f68-8bb2-7319f976f02c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:12:07	-594.589
-87	43438	2171900	8cc1b1cd-8bc8-4410-9c3b-6db5877419dd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:18:41	-706.838
-88	21720	2172000	53f3d189-9312-4a70-9d6c-fced6e5f587e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:16:58	565.98
-88	43440	2172000	795f5489-be9a-49ce-b2b7-004355f3299e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:59:27	-849.325
-89	21721	2172100	401f7d61-97ab-4c77-967b-31a452a4ccd7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:42:20	287.58
-89	43442	2172100	20c5b294-1010-4849-a881-779d50d26142	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:10:44	-599.350
-90	21722	2172200	437e6579-bf27-4a31-a3da-954490479e94	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:58:31	363.354
-90	43444	2172200	382c8a4e-a9c7-4b5c-985c-3c08b168f543	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:37:56	628.903
-91	21723	2172300	aef005a6-b0d2-4eee-bc3b-bb96d32fad33	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:13:14	-396.533
-91	43446	2172300	a66b7a3d-6978-4c67-a056-1247a8aca24b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:02:34	-380.139
-92	21724	2172400	5bba2e55-2be3-4723-9480-d57af3b147e1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:15:30	573.417
-92	43448	2172400	0ecbe4fa-5f54-44ff-8e93-807dcbd114d0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:05:22	667.536
-93	21725	2172500	77411dc0-4d6b-456a-acb2-a82327621623	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:37:59	-693.616
-93	43450	2172500	b0063507-eb58-4a2f-9360-17b980d69fbc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:29:37	-528.772
-94	21726	2172600	5ff415ca-e15f-4e68-94c6-d5c2ad20b532	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:06:42	176.342
-94	43452	2172600	ae6f8e0f-819f-4a7a-a9c8-84e712bb01b8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:33:47	-177.842
-95	21727	2172700	e7d9918e-177b-419e-a456-850a4862e722	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:19:27	-723.477
-95	43454	2172700	38515327-a27a-493f-88f8-8194cb8801bf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:28:27	354.335
-96	21728	2172800	e8b6920a-c57a-4fb8-b134-b325f956097c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:57:10	27.682
-96	43456	2172800	28737f4f-55ae-4816-ae5e-3f308c1de0de	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:21:52	676.220
-97	21729	2172900	b2d9d06d-1564-4199-9853-49502933e1b9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:47:22	-812.733
-97	43458	2172900	57128ae3-f970-4f9b-aecb-1ffc6bb7c4f3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:41:51	-638.22
-98	21730	2173000	3852350a-d5f4-4807-9fcd-f6f993e4c34a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:36:48	-947.515
-98	43460	2173000	ab525d5f-756c-495c-8dd4-8024deac1eba	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:11:19	850.228
-99	21731	2173100	aaa6335d-bf65-4ed5-871c-8161176021e8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:48:31	272.992
-99	43462	2173100	983ee86b-f858-4484-86c5-3ab57f278b84	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:36:09	802.353
-100	21732	2173200	9aebc412-3100-4f5c-a06f-092ad6a1ccad	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:05:01	23.443
-100	43464	2173200	b17127e3-34cd-4b9b-a5b8-c5a12bee6559	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:14:03	-734.472
-101	21733	2173300	e909f256-4e34-4545-a21c-2adaa70cbe26	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:03:34	846.624
-101	43466	2173300	39d7ca21-d2a0-4cef-88de-8f1b1ee5961b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:45:43	338.953
-102	21734	2173400	07699350-342f-4915-be65-2d173f2f46bb	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:21:20	-991.903
-102	43468	2173400	a51eb8fb-ac16-43e4-97b9-b6e7555b7d53	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:09:02	-140.428
-103	21735	2173500	f195ff22-d388-4a8d-a177-3e80771ea7b7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:52:49	-891.350
-103	43470	2173500	b90d37d9-f549-48e2-af65-def7483e661a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:47:16	728.631
-104	21736	2173600	7ada061d-f469-4ade-9cdf-eb181c45e10f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:12:53	-438.736
-104	43472	2173600	895e7938-a539-4bf1-ab1e-0bd1c961fe1e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:44:24	-450.86
-105	21737	2173700	281e26a5-3d10-4c18-bb34-05d5aa36dbe5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:26:42	-590.51
-105	43474	2173700	c5527f6c-2274-494a-a1f9-7a1133c5ae1b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:04:47	-676.143
-106	21738	2173800	73c8a1fb-f981-4b81-a2c5-98461c5ee4a4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:31:58	84.112
-106	43476	2173800	6a7737d2-c8eb-4bdb-9880-292fb5e4bde9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:32:36	-931.47
-107	21739	2173900	020584f5-c03a-4e3c-95f7-5b8ddb6fcb9d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:53:16	-80.407
-107	43478	2173900	cec7f0f4-14e6-45d0-a0aa-31a65d6cd202	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:04:38	-718.197
-108	21740	2174000	42224598-a9dc-4b5a-a24d-b0df543e798f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:09:17	-356.742
-108	43480	2174000	f55fc031-1337-4a26-8fcf-23f01917166c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:30:05	-677.206
-109	21741	2174100	27281b1d-c67c-4634-bc89-434a394e2d1c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:42:28	756.740
-109	43482	2174100	cfb75762-b685-4afe-b421-5399c0afcda9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:50:22	499.803
-110	21742	2174200	e93b2501-79ee-459c-85b9-c79a2f13a7d5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:05:32	628.670
-110	43484	2174200	6e221cf3-158f-4fd1-827a-25088c5f8d0f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:50:05	548.902
-111	21743	2174300	939ef0fb-d65d-425a-8357-e095ccb7b1e5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:57:21	312.348
-111	43486	2174300	b8d3ea4a-83ae-4048-aea7-0cf53b6b7ce6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:50:51	507.255
-112	21744	2174400	7539272c-c9e4-4837-afc0-2faf7ccd0003	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:23:45	-356.835
-112	43488	2174400	99b6d000-5c7e-4415-b489-1f0982ae44ef	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:01:31	-942.225
-113	21745	2174500	e550f1ad-510b-4851-8bb8-5f48893c8b0a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:55:29	383.33
-113	43490	2174500	63b57a85-f3fc-4898-a437-4bfc0ca40a64	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:07:59	-35.221
-114	21746	2174600	96e7a115-18f7-4d4e-ad6c-f2bf5191e036	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:42:59	745.236
-114	43492	2174600	9c83c069-0c4b-4653-852e-fcf3e1e1d524	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:16:48	-993.619
-115	21747	2174700	2ecb271f-2f8c-461e-bd35-f2d4bd18b8ea	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:27:23	-95.227
-115	43494	2174700	b23b5ace-f0f5-456b-bc80-e4245c0fea58	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:47:20	-600.353
-116	21748	2174800	20f04dfd-e083-498d-b9d5-14ea963f1ff1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:22:25	-613.643
-116	43496	2174800	b31829ac-f6ef-4885-bf3b-e0699aab4548	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:25:16	-340.589
-117	21749	2174900	4a4b3e39-06b4-49e2-8b15-ecea4a7abbd8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:56:19	456.421
-117	43498	2174900	e5edca23-1c63-4472-a4ee-86b706e8d2a5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:00:27	180.714
-118	21750	2175000	b65de1ee-4295-4098-b011-f84fa8c2ec36	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:40:09	-555.681
-118	43500	2175000	93ca768a-7723-458f-91bb-23ce0b3c559e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:13:04	461.207
-119	21751	2175100	5cd01944-637c-4bf5-b6a0-100b0056d647	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:44:14	-889.635
-119	43502	2175100	1fe6efc3-8daa-40de-a44e-b09ff89b87d1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:10:38	-479.45
-120	21752	2175200	43d68b6f-5210-4320-89c3-d190bff412fb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:09:15	-97.636
-120	43504	2175200	f344b76d-2753-4064-b651-038e2f2de633	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:48:36	408.772
-121	21753	2175300	3bfee941-bd04-46fd-8781-000a94d872ce	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:53:22	551.893
-121	43506	2175300	c752a662-24ef-4838-8680-633f114f4ae3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:49:09	118.584
-122	21754	2175400	b1c9c24f-25b2-43fc-9d30-b9f5aff9e8c5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:52:12	494.134
-122	43508	2175400	8e19e25f-291a-4ae8-b95f-3c5a82e4842e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:33:41	-108.184
-123	21755	2175500	7d0bef8f-97a7-49a9-bf3d-dab32dc5d579	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:37:10	421.309
-123	43510	2175500	a059f2e1-618c-4f87-9aa9-473932a71111	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:15:17	590.14
-124	21756	2175600	36795ccc-5b34-45db-a641-8f1113e08966	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:00:14	-430.953
-124	43512	2175600	a34710e1-9208-42dc-85d6-fa1e6bb89ac6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:41:22	96.79
-125	21757	2175700	ca950bf2-3c0d-4805-93fd-460cca754b48	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:09:42	-797.462
-125	43514	2175700	25241f43-eb41-4d0c-8b4d-88ab18f700ca	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:51:15	586.609
-126	21758	2175800	f0bd217c-0e14-4e89-912d-61f6c654fb98	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:33:41	-762.489
-126	43516	2175800	c056f201-210a-461e-a247-0858f8a254fd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:25:00	-968.660
-127	21759	2175900	1236d1e4-64eb-4657-a3d8-89a4caf028b5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:51:58	-715.767
-127	43518	2175900	37441bac-302d-4962-98e1-96ab047a0b9f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:27:17	211.256
-0	21760	2176000	854af97a-2089-4dff-811a-ff0e08159c53	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:19:29	184.366
-0	43520	2176000	c1e2aca7-1bd0-4750-82ed-0e04f6bb6e85	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:37:43	-641.223
-1	21761	2176100	25f9ee63-13b2-4374-9acc-e95339be1ac5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:39:09	330.233
-1	43522	2176100	6de7e7ff-804c-4bc4-b5f8-9ad839edd7e3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:43:15	822.599
-2	21762	2176200	dc385be7-2fe7-4e94-a655-6127858ab9e4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:57:37	195.564
-2	43524	2176200	284e1dd9-fdc7-4568-ae80-b331b56ee52b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:41:40	-753.971
-3	21763	2176300	9565796b-87ca-436b-874b-024434b7d904	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:53:12	-679.946
-3	43526	2176300	f8b676a4-c050-4d06-9880-e090998010a2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:59:03	-535.882
-4	21764	2176400	642e9fff-b608-4428-8d67-c424abd9ed07	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:36:22	-591.55
-4	43528	2176400	7ab60c83-e1b5-43c1-ba8c-8b94716731dc	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:54:32	495.270
-5	21765	2176500	17824b28-fb34-48c6-88c9-4d361e3254f0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:39:46	140.605
-5	43530	2176500	c312e0a9-ed7d-43a6-9058-895b9f2ca338	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:10:37	247.605
-6	21766	2176600	83747da5-d567-4e08-a7c9-d0cfc3352e76	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:02:18	-294.815
-6	43532	2176600	5faaa23a-b8c6-4c29-ab7b-73f51f218d9f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:41:45	-707.955
-7	21767	2176700	e1ef2aa5-d389-4af4-a461-896ca4dd841a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:50:35	-12.564
-7	43534	2176700	607639a7-b596-4660-8b52-b4d1765abf52	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:21:21	808.387
-8	21768	2176800	ab273d0d-ddaa-464b-8a63-25f3a57e697b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:40:25	489.440
-8	43536	2176800	80c0aa4f-20b5-4926-b371-3527b7a1ffc4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:06:11	972.234
-9	21769	2176900	96782da0-d36c-4134-962a-aaa0f7aefdfe	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:15:48	-879.810
-9	43538	2176900	cad31e01-9c1f-4f05-8b21-8e74e40b81c0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:09:27	-397.500
-10	21770	2177000	b4d09b41-d77e-45a3-a330-ad1bcefdd2a3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:45:27	-165.616
-10	43540	2177000	51d90968-b528-4db0-ad5a-a2c3d178a7fc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:31:53	-512.169
-11	21771	2177100	dde5d9fc-7c92-4362-a4a5-749a4173959d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:26:11	929.78
-11	43542	2177100	5cb97e0d-7898-40a6-aea5-d540b8daaa87	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:58:42	503.261
-12	21772	2177200	cf4ec871-1a59-473e-bbd1-b2c80c523778	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:10:26	-362.72
-12	43544	2177200	8ce82c93-5690-4ff7-bb72-1ed34ebca1db	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:17:31	199.14
-13	21773	2177300	e6a996a3-1c09-43b2-80eb-afa719141d58	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:03:37	862.490
-13	43546	2177300	7310ede0-fe77-4da1-9cc0-36bfc4bace23	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:37:49	808.336
-14	21774	2177400	814e52f1-0ddf-4799-8c72-1211e1e33b2d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:53:29	-932.667
-14	43548	2177400	65aee8d2-0eac-47a1-92aa-f709b8b49d20	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:29:19	-352.138
-15	21775	2177500	eef92267-0f14-4f0b-a096-fd934f13b09a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:39:48	800.343
-15	43550	2177500	500e6bf8-a86b-43a2-9bb8-7c69260ad3e5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:16:18	33.882
-16	21776	2177600	fc093a1d-fe54-4b42-b950-af8729be6941	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:41:36	-288.141
-16	43552	2177600	c0883c54-a4de-4f83-8937-68f26a96de5a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:12:30	-795.394
-17	21777	2177700	a552f1ae-6c3c-42c9-8cc2-ba8ca7c23fe1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:04:12	914.144
-17	43554	2177700	fa6f5904-8f23-44c3-89fc-344cb6a2c543	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:50:56	933.450
-18	21778	2177800	4f55a595-eea4-4eca-83cc-5453f31b5689	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:14:26	547.445
-18	43556	2177800	45140a30-de99-4f84-94f1-a2271429f62d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:41:40	699.151
-19	21779	2177900	35209a3a-06df-4db7-9611-7c71516aecbe	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:47:53	334.942
-19	43558	2177900	6e4cb10f-0199-41c5-97bd-1a68ee1e0ac5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:48:08	290.497
-20	21780	2178000	10d2aa1e-b5de-4378-816f-2757b854b5e5	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:53:58	418.626
-20	43560	2178000	0b16e175-09cc-48fa-ad2c-8521027a35a0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:45:46	338.962
-21	21781	2178100	567b7a31-7f8d-48a7-ad31-e5edfeea128a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:07:38	266.572
-21	43562	2178100	d0e0ffcb-009e-48b7-b8eb-b77dbb693286	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:01:52	-44.511
-22	21782	2178200	2470a9bb-f768-4b47-8a76-9640605d03ad	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:17:12	-543.64
-22	43564	2178200	f8fc420b-8f13-480d-b948-c16544ad2e26	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:12:05	676.917
-23	21783	2178300	9b417f68-1719-4055-8f83-3f7878bef5a1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:07:02	412.231
-23	43566	2178300	f60bc969-25b0-4ffa-a4df-4a693aaa8688	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:02:40	524.883
-24	21784	2178400	c0e487ff-eed7-4bbb-afed-f38cbf3e6c88	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:53:50	982.236
-24	43568	2178400	d1b25344-8346-45e4-971f-2880c3869da9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:42:11	87.379
-25	21785	2178500	312bc5d2-80db-4f73-99aa-f9a492a032c9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:54:47	864.191
-25	43570	2178500	91172a58-d2c3-48a0-a579-9062dde91d75	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:37:47	-786.269
-26	21786	2178600	505d6c50-fcc6-49f1-b794-b6bbc92454df	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:03:23	-363.610
-26	43572	2178600	2db7b8ae-daa6-4160-ab7e-ba26f7537516	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:13:56	-754.99
-27	21787	2178700	5fd47b43-929b-4915-aaaf-740d12005748	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:59:04	-962.81
-27	43574	2178700	b7861a1c-e2bf-43bf-81c7-5bae44d7b207	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:09:00	146.460
-28	21788	2178800	b669ae16-9360-46f5-9fa0-94b4709ecbc2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:49:11	401.328
-28	43576	2178800	205a4c87-013b-44da-b2f6-faca1867f5d7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:28:53	-540.34
-29	21789	2178900	bc585285-d220-441e-bbd5-8fb0d35cef3b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:08:22	-796.224
-29	43578	2178900	61ae79de-bb48-4a24-b414-4784954e6e14	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:04:08	289.501
-30	21790	2179000	551a4102-8c4e-47e9-b383-2ac5688ac3d2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:14:06	-405.436
-30	43580	2179000	696b3dc7-aff7-4a04-bf57-3bd242e8528c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:22:48	-12.294
-31	21791	2179100	5f294eaa-fa22-4e28-aee3-5e601404094c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:18:43	-345.472
-31	43582	2179100	180457c5-0b9d-486a-a79d-ba5cca774b78	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:06:23	-987.966
-32	21792	2179200	74579abc-cef8-4aca-8076-e34b9051a000	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:52:12	-389.780
-32	43584	2179200	5a9432ff-efe8-44ff-808b-c1b2811f0355	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:11:02	421.697
-33	21793	2179300	6b9a3d20-5488-44b9-833c-b8a3d89afb92	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:35:13	999.750
-33	43586	2179300	938a4ce3-df8b-4c7e-9a2a-c9d17d635e5c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:55:43	269.892
-34	21794	2179400	1740ec62-fc8e-46b8-ab12-7a1d9be9531b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:08:26	698.651
-34	43588	2179400	aa31d261-5f19-4c13-ac37-b6514273604c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:56:54	-537.387
-35	21795	2179500	b09bf15f-db30-4579-be63-bdfef4bd0a1e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:10:20	322.72
-35	43590	2179500	8761d830-06a4-4464-8f77-55bd447a6c7a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:34:06	295.202
-36	21796	2179600	0eb7b6e5-ff75-4d3c-957f-82a68ea1bdea	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:11:24	-653.554
-36	43592	2179600	39d70ea4-32da-42b4-b4c8-587a88778f09	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:50:31	409.188
-37	21797	2179700	3787feac-d330-4a22-9f07-d917470a7635	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:24:11	-469.2
-37	43594	2179700	c61a71be-cfc8-4552-b22c-a1f90d64a000	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:23:03	520.965
-38	21798	2179800	bb631ccd-2ba6-45df-99ff-ea8446adf46f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:06:51	-787.615
-38	43596	2179800	4982d2b6-50cd-4438-bb5b-9881668e158a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:06:50	303.841
-39	21799	2179900	be32071f-760d-4cce-bb9a-1efb4957dc63	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:27:49	911.71
-39	43598	2179900	505ad9d7-f527-4452-8883-3dfb73736e38	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:37:40	-251.28
-40	21800	2180000	5d83ad24-d6c1-498d-a133-67ef1741c418	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:42:34	-70.493
-40	43600	2180000	8db9c9a1-2db7-4c5d-9736-b08efa718c55	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:43:48	602.894
-41	21801	2180100	a78d5ed5-5e5f-47ae-8e30-9fdbe86f420e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:15:58	-206.171
-41	43602	2180100	d7296f30-1e1a-4fbf-994f-8d5223c9d8ee	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:31:15	-963.666
-42	21802	2180200	9eaaf62c-5f7b-48ae-ba19-e10492e2bbc2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:18:01	196.778
-42	43604	2180200	ce022ace-0d41-42bd-bfa3-2d84f6846497	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:27:55	930.819
-43	21803	2180300	65427384-2a0c-4e24-ab2d-3127a815e9f5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:15:24	-987.625
-43	43606	2180300	d2d43443-385f-445d-996d-0df99b2ce284	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:31:10	844.407
-44	21804	2180400	115fb5ae-b4cf-4a75-a0b9-4342c9ed9a23	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:33:07	444.149
-44	43608	2180400	0b2b646c-2bd5-47c4-9990-9bd0a85d62fd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:06:15	400.87
-45	21805	2180500	81158387-71ad-4303-862f-ff7a074aa5a2	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:33:44	-25.855
-45	43610	2180500	a6c90239-1697-473e-9ac2-7f74785a1088	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:46:42	796.25
-46	21806	2180600	879a9135-f732-46a0-979b-bc26dd737184	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:34:46	317.270
-46	43612	2180600	52ba13ac-d6e9-4c14-8091-f88c25a7c138	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:33:36	181.673
-47	21807	2180700	d8441298-b3fe-4034-a208-a1d815a40f57	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:02:26	648.382
-47	43614	2180700	7f3c065f-f503-4c6c-b708-0262f91d6b67	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:40:23	-800.593
-48	21808	2180800	5e59fb7e-d05a-4950-bf21-4a71430d0518	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:08:43	-889.375
-48	43616	2180800	54672465-2300-490f-a347-9837a882f739	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:19:48	-844.113
-49	21809	2180900	b3888cb0-495a-49d8-8881-0cb03101743c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:16:16	-653.203
-49	43618	2180900	da70d5cb-9b99-434c-a457-993c3687e86a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:36:45	700.370
-50	21810	2181000	f4574147-e493-43d7-9cd6-2653c3dde530	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:35:16	-461.103
-50	43620	2181000	d892ab94-5d81-4a18-9f06-268dc0da7610	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:36:46	17.749
-51	21811	2181100	f70fe284-e997-4b26-b5d1-7bbe7dacde9a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:17:53	804.85
-51	43622	2181100	3aa720d3-8084-44d5-8adf-3fca5a6dbb1f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:26:26	916.770
-52	21812	2181200	5b26ff28-7cea-4fa2-aca7-f346c9c2c3ab	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:00:30	-983.751
-52	43624	2181200	8db890c9-cd88-4f25-b10d-d51e2c5c4a64	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:38:36	972.369
-53	21813	2181300	7a0419b2-fac8-435e-9df0-783304337ddc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:02:26	372.200
-53	43626	2181300	d8141cc6-fc8d-479c-a314-0120b5793705	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:27:34	-609.667
-54	21814	2181400	1a9b397c-21c9-4291-9a05-28f2ac80367e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:23:30	382.612
-54	43628	2181400	0c4391f2-1d4e-40b2-ab9d-4899e68686fd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:57:18	-577.607
-55	21815	2181500	13c80665-a5b6-43c3-87e3-02cd3d68bb29	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:35:22	-468.43
-55	43630	2181500	c8b5de21-fe7e-471b-90c2-688b026affd5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:08:43	921.68
-56	21816	2181600	2681d505-901c-4749-bfbc-405303e53f7b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:28:22	538.694
-56	43632	2181600	f1aac769-4f5f-4e73-9bf6-701f03f05d56	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:53:13	-658.536
-57	21817	2181700	aa6e25e1-b9f1-4ebe-83e8-139d80f51684	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:12:21	-409.385
-57	43634	2181700	94a91b0f-68fc-4f08-b580-e5b54748a802	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:29:41	806.56
-58	21818	2181800	76e6a3e2-0ac3-467b-bbae-3ce40932b078	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:30:13	938.670
-58	43636	2181800	a4cf1953-7fb4-4620-9716-e5f7677fbf55	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:01:24	-956.55
-59	21819	2181900	8a991aae-03e2-4e6c-b103-4a7e573e2178	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:31:56	-920.608
-59	43638	2181900	56e6cc5b-a3a9-49e8-b250-af610060d071	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:49:18	-480.572
-60	21820	2182000	0c70707a-a024-43c3-b2bd-22cdb0ee13fe	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:39:31	271.605
-60	43640	2182000	40d88dfc-9e43-4d61-9d38-b5b93c6b26d6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:02:00	889.747
-61	21821	2182100	2be2311b-b3c7-40c7-80bc-45c01c3a8ab2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:39:20	495.131
-61	43642	2182100	970192c1-0113-4b78-a577-cb508153fd53	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:24:34	-919.835
-62	21822	2182200	d6414f03-8c7b-4a70-baf5-c286b3e89966	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:34:11	-605.936
-62	43644	2182200	81b0e0a1-1521-403a-a25f-9a12fca07738	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:50:48	534.210
-63	21823	2182300	a2f39a98-b565-44f4-86ec-0b577b323a9e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:01:00	-489.658
-63	43646	2182300	80da59cd-ae0c-494a-aabd-9f9102b38e12	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:30:08	-576.521
-64	21824	2182400	39fbfdb1-8762-4c38-abf5-49ec0609c8db	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:24:54	-684.927
-64	43648	2182400	e41659ea-67ff-46a4-a6cb-1d12a9066a73	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:07:37	923.890
-65	21825	2182500	9a43e92d-d781-4dce-b9c0-bbe226088141	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:08:59	465.306
-65	43650	2182500	c31c4883-8035-42bd-9ea9-81d368afde93	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:29:37	-748.140
-66	21826	2182600	31094396-a3d6-4761-8d99-23bb8e142394	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:18:26	-610.987
-66	43652	2182600	b8e5f95d-e26e-4a6e-adb7-40e019efd2f8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:39:51	473.889
-67	21827	2182700	9e485ee1-22f2-4e6e-ab50-0b82c354aa94	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:15:12	-411.303
-67	43654	2182700	94a9cf22-1978-412b-aad9-75cfbfa132b5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:56:14	-720.575
-68	21828	2182800	843d22fd-2382-464f-ada8-04d651cd80db	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:52:06	-168.532
-68	43656	2182800	3eb8b971-f96a-4c63-80b2-e09dabc24ebc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:32:26	391.851
-69	21829	2182900	4576950f-8c6e-4139-b4b2-095094d92254	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:38:25	804.532
-69	43658	2182900	799a6b86-b3f5-4804-9355-4f1f533287f3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:36:54	243.789
-70	21830	2183000	e1812ff1-2410-458a-b4d0-4d11a5f2155f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:28:28	796.391
-70	43660	2183000	85cf4e12-c067-49b0-be40-24b045de07ac	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:48:46	-16.696
-71	21831	2183100	002cf89c-5313-4a76-b0c2-429cfed9591a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:01:19	235.195
-71	43662	2183100	03a1d301-6990-44ad-850f-25288e1830b9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:57:58	634.622
-72	21832	2183200	fffe67ea-bf50-4746-a9c6-07590a2a6667	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:13:57	-892.381
-72	43664	2183200	5c97f536-536a-4d97-ae65-0323ef3a7c22	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:28:56	-730.798
-73	21833	2183300	9f35cc44-65d2-430f-aa10-31da901c2f32	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:17:58	-127.576
-73	43666	2183300	f3aefe01-eff9-49b7-a207-fc98eeb767ef	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:29:04	498.547
-74	21834	2183400	936d66ab-e262-46df-b0fa-2083758fc0e2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:59:30	113.896
-74	43668	2183400	6f76dfe9-60f6-41b1-96e8-96694dd9ec4c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:16:06	246.975
-75	21835	2183500	c06c1e51-5f0e-4705-9b1f-a36047a5b51c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:35:56	-690.407
-75	43670	2183500	cc9653cd-a4dc-4997-a800-fa69f8ced82b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:09:26	-661.351
-76	21836	2183600	23593b8d-0752-429e-bfcc-216c448fe7ad	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:57:44	234.698
-76	43672	2183600	22519dad-e11d-4cc8-a3f8-6273279afc81	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:46:30	543.646
-77	21837	2183700	7d43fba1-4c8b-4107-9d2b-7e4e894cc4ea	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:36:06	186.500
-77	43674	2183700	ce96aa35-45e9-4b00-b83d-1b1fcc7f4e6f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:07:01	707.49
-78	21838	2183800	12beaacc-a9da-4d21-8c61-ddfd04905052	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:08:01	-61.515
-78	43676	2183800	ab6c5471-e351-44b6-a774-4db0535563c3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:28:17	-232.190
-79	21839	2183900	e7520ad9-9978-4132-94a2-e6ce8aa503f0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:47:45	-986.450
-79	43678	2183900	a1a11d83-e6ef-4313-9663-09fa029a4c76	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:04:33	-170.818
-80	21840	2184000	cbb8919e-068b-4401-a014-22813acd0170	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:33:03	818.929
-80	43680	2184000	aea92563-ebd5-47d1-b8cf-d15107bf6de2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:39:24	-972.903
-81	21841	2184100	5136a1db-fa21-44d1-9c09-b528cb9261c6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:06:32	372.545
-81	43682	2184100	bdf7efc3-33a4-4b00-9829-aec6e1555763	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:21:03	676.808
-82	21842	2184200	c98fe50a-5e45-4dff-a673-e3d00ee82232	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:17:09	221.234
-82	43684	2184200	72f1f688-2fea-4bb3-bd0d-f81d8d6645e4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:34:44	241.78
-83	21843	2184300	97e0953c-332b-4c9c-882c-5aca3a7b7d0b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:01:58	168.54
-83	43686	2184300	211b7ba3-702f-4d29-9a35-15420017b91f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:45:50	-715.78
-84	21844	2184400	5fc77757-1396-4686-b9aa-8eacff8501f5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:14:38	542.232
-84	43688	2184400	16209a19-f3c2-4f91-bc1c-0ecb15c4695e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:07:28	506.531
-85	21845	2184500	5476edba-3bfe-496c-ba03-89bd8c30ae1f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:09:07	296.525
-85	43690	2184500	3170464b-815b-4bd7-8c68-9b32c76d7d78	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:41:48	-667.523
-86	21846	2184600	15bb0e51-e80b-4aee-81e5-b0c995c92ab4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:38:42	957.129
-86	43692	2184600	cc5bd0b3-96e7-4fd6-b31b-a9cfc81afb18	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:45:24	-297.350
-87	21847	2184700	8e1dd9da-5488-4ee3-aeb0-64e42ed48775	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:45:12	-450.825
-87	43694	2184700	15b6c836-d78b-4503-9282-5f4cc42c3dd9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:23:38	-479.441
-88	21848	2184800	b7c20e2e-d949-4a65-a5e1-da8f6747ac5a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:03:46	-725.723
-88	43696	2184800	1342714e-56fd-4005-ac79-deae5a706f2d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:13:46	702.427
-89	21849	2184900	57a50c91-e1df-4d0d-820a-36a957655099	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:29:11	870.715
-89	43698	2184900	2145f5bc-3cb2-4fff-9bfe-fd0a8fdf74e8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:17:26	919.909
-90	21850	2185000	8f6ad2cd-78ed-4e55-bdd0-a7d3454c968d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:15:31	982.288
-90	43700	2185000	e69f08bc-ccad-4d3d-8d98-a82dfd9ad184	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:00:49	673.338
-91	21851	2185100	017379e6-2f07-44ed-bd31-15cd68e0fdd5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:47:22	-473.752
-91	43702	2185100	1ca43a60-0cec-4652-81e0-ee70c2785f2b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:06:32	-320.842
-92	21852	2185200	ad17bb1d-181c-4ffe-a5c0-e395143b61b6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:57:04	214.488
-92	43704	2185200	82c039b2-b7e0-4d6f-b109-9760904903cd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:51:57	321.972
-93	21853	2185300	2c1f218d-9947-43ff-9756-4c683b9ef92e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:00:29	-751.503
-93	43706	2185300	079fb86b-f9f0-4af2-899f-73ec6cf11395	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:01:49	554.479
-94	21854	2185400	ec5b4948-c15c-42fb-8ab8-7da915f90225	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:41:20	-999.865
-94	43708	2185400	daa75ca9-be9d-43d3-956a-7a1caaa8cf54	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:30:59	-615.530
-95	21855	2185500	d89e6785-c04b-4d2d-bdad-02822fec01ab	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:12:11	-429.248
-95	43710	2185500	1a9b4b41-f26a-4cad-bfd8-8c2ed3e3a29c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:21:37	488.398
-96	21856	2185600	119cce7f-61f5-4143-bcf0-b1f4dd5bb0d4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:22:49	-420.981
-96	43712	2185600	41eddfa3-0497-49fa-9389-6804400598e1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:16:00	971.883
-97	21857	2185700	b3c9e792-f36f-48b9-a9ec-ddaab49c441a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:33:53	211.767
-97	43714	2185700	db073caa-af5c-49f8-b90f-2563f1203444	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:49:16	837.654
-98	21858	2185800	c5403a8e-d33c-45c0-84f6-f8e7db430585	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:39:22	704.693
-98	43716	2185800	1c1aed76-2f84-47a7-9548-26af3ea25e9d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:54:30	952.983
-99	21859	2185900	0a96ae29-e238-4a74-a5c8-308584eb8293	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:51:13	-86.717
-99	43718	2185900	05ae3048-901e-4f74-8094-bd8123a153d4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:04:28	826.593
-100	21860	2186000	7609c0bb-c2c1-4ae1-82a9-22d1a89f4db8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:49:58	-183.632
-100	43720	2186000	ce711d80-bfe6-4cca-be10-5984f2288183	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:33:25	-746.619
-101	21861	2186100	ca234056-3aed-464c-9629-87c0c0dbf4e9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:37:10	-476.671
-101	43722	2186100	ca3bcc83-6f99-4d26-a473-fadc0f65b801	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:12:41	-395.877
-102	21862	2186200	0b1344d5-8653-4859-a228-15f569383646	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:12:58	-792.119
-102	43724	2186200	aad9a081-c536-48e5-b87f-d8364c1139a9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:54:13	229.142
-103	21863	2186300	75574382-c80f-4655-b590-4426e6e605bd	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:36:12	752.531
-103	43726	2186300	b6f3450c-8e06-41d5-b6f5-01c5168d9ee7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:42:09	899.692
-104	21864	2186400	b907f8f5-bd48-41c8-ad47-ba96ade363c0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:55:10	616.167
-104	43728	2186400	59af6c3c-79f8-43ca-9002-10726be4dc08	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:04:47	-235.727
-105	21865	2186500	53513e14-2932-42d7-8f12-c8427d2ae833	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:22:47	-411.547
-105	43730	2186500	4db79121-db5e-4613-b47a-8d6762fd3255	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:28:17	946.676
-106	21866	2186600	a99ab9f6-f0dd-4fe1-9493-80e97e7a858c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:25:11	74.907
-106	43732	2186600	978f075a-b3ee-417d-aeee-27d140311ca4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:38:08	162.904
-107	21867	2186700	a84d17f6-35f8-4c7d-9451-7b15e2d59b1c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:28:30	656.531
-107	43734	2186700	6f97f568-6925-4afc-9de1-764f07ad3c13	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:39:04	-430.18
-108	21868	2186800	fb067b63-dde5-4828-8b06-35bae6e172d0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:43:05	-842.749
-108	43736	2186800	9921eb9d-096d-4c2d-b132-3b88f7382dbb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:19:11	-477.750
-109	21869	2186900	916add77-f0d2-4807-8310-64773db0506d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:00:06	-463.567
-109	43738	2186900	f427eceb-8aa6-41c8-acf4-12843336554d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:24:35	-483.609
-110	21870	2187000	165d3687-104f-40e6-9b02-5309b8e87956	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:07:19	395.487
-110	43740	2187000	179a997f-4081-4422-8b47-de2417a9c0dc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:28:39	-541.525
-111	21871	2187100	21deafc0-3c7e-4cb7-b081-af2c70ce8cce	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:49:27	-493.487
-111	43742	2187100	6695b3ec-6d02-43ba-8821-3b1cd5cf6640	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:25:32	993.25
-112	21872	2187200	68ecd526-b224-4c74-b5c2-867bf6805113	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:37:08	276.484
-112	43744	2187200	11bd7650-2bc6-4aff-a9b4-5c93899f99a3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:42:17	409.931
-113	21873	2187300	efdf0aad-a671-4ed5-a470-411265ff7566	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:09:16	267.704
-113	43746	2187300	45834d8a-df5b-4895-90da-f4195723b2df	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:37:23	-830.654
-114	21874	2187400	08e2c9de-8c3a-4f12-b136-6c416a4f49ed	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:05:13	782.392
-114	43748	2187400	76f18c40-9549-4157-a970-2ad704a85b98	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:45:59	848.604
-115	21875	2187500	1375ea72-a0b2-4f0e-bf43-c040972704e7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:08:55	729.337
-115	43750	2187500	55548acb-1ca6-4780-8ddd-09859efdf6fe	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:23:09	6.832
-116	21876	2187600	94662bb0-0c8a-416c-a6bc-91650e121e5b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:25:35	95.350
-116	43752	2187600	474019d1-90fb-474c-ac62-96b05ffd7396	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:20:09	-796.374
-117	21877	2187700	2d6c6717-c046-44fa-8256-93eee486b010	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:06:08	720.790
-117	43754	2187700	5ee945b0-da10-4c79-a5ef-65bc260d15a7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:37:51	-748.332
-118	21878	2187800	e49a361e-a279-40ba-bb36-5ea400bc20cb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:12:02	687.104
-118	43756	2187800	070fd925-8c79-4573-ad5b-506fcc589ef9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:14:27	875.292
-119	21879	2187900	24fd008f-1152-4a61-8611-9f305418c463	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:19:17	-829.231
-119	43758	2187900	cf19c1c7-3dd9-4c1f-abb7-c8fb64949ecf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:36:17	615.378
-120	21880	2188000	72a84826-138a-4f7d-b658-d004bdae577e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:45:52	-633.571
-120	43760	2188000	990510ab-a8ef-4ba1-a466-625afc5a38d0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:14:20	340.946
-121	21881	2188100	753ed522-21da-4a3d-9932-dcf080d20f1d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:40:43	290.410
-121	43762	2188100	70c04897-f2b7-4df5-954a-ccf46808f3f1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:03:59	156.356
-122	21882	2188200	93537225-c457-4be6-afdb-961cce5613ce	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:54:04	-713.863
-122	43764	2188200	ab412125-90cc-446a-bd7f-98a0e251f26c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:05:37	698.97
-123	21883	2188300	d6017796-67ed-464f-8688-623555953754	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:10:22	696.713
-123	43766	2188300	96326040-120e-461d-82ec-13a8f39c199b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:50:02	469.738
-124	21884	2188400	633337e1-4f91-4245-ac77-4bf804d1327c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:40:27	441.302
-124	43768	2188400	84df071e-bb31-4e81-82bf-7effd1b19493	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:01:20	584.97
-125	21885	2188500	996627c9-7b50-4833-925a-29677a907728	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:13:58	668.781
-125	43770	2188500	2ab8c541-86c5-4596-b9cf-7970129c217e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:38:30	34.426
-126	21886	2188600	5d8970c3-d460-4ad6-937b-57685a65d8c3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:44:03	525.126
-126	43772	2188600	c4e4c4cc-3241-4498-96da-30f82a2ee81b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:55:17	-400.858
-127	21887	2188700	c5f7124e-0037-4038-90b0-0b99e1d25441	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:49:53	-695.450
-127	43774	2188700	89a85044-7ed6-4977-abb5-235a181faa5c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:10:22	-374.606
-0	21888	2188800	2e2dc2f7-a74f-487b-a742-1a83ff6dc072	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:10:11	-561.321
-0	43776	2188800	f97d1772-c56a-4d73-ae1c-e6adcb196fb9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:36:20	434.255
-1	21889	2188900	c214e10c-f266-430b-92c5-d050f796f202	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:34:26	983.671
-1	43778	2188900	085d99f2-0e01-44bc-a8d4-87161792db7e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:07:30	-154.999
-2	21890	2189000	1e6eccce-4768-4103-bdaa-202f604e55a8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:02:45	765.75
-2	43780	2189000	d3465fee-4735-48b0-b6c6-81ecdcfa1fbe	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:33:49	-458.14
-3	21891	2189100	5bae575f-3d7f-406e-8c42-32a4ca5ee440	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:37:23	508.833
-3	43782	2189100	65f18ba5-a8de-473b-a20d-5a0f4894e961	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:32:21	-675.546
-4	21892	2189200	e67dc455-c5ce-4906-9d74-2df318c45acd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:01:30	-569.505
-4	43784	2189200	905d2971-dc7b-46da-9f96-44ac793e031e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:35:21	-524.821
-5	21893	2189300	ef431510-9951-4405-9e6a-41293f1e095a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:43:12	940.562
-5	43786	2189300	c6771e99-8963-474b-ac7f-beaba36eaf3e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:15:45	38.329
-6	21894	2189400	5b84ce6b-2000-4bc1-a70d-d52aaec96a25	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:47:11	-54.419
-6	43788	2189400	c952e53f-c0c7-482d-82ed-4719ed6b2804	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:47:03	-448.527
-7	21895	2189500	75360530-2355-4319-8220-3437a63c86cc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:00:55	-967.377
-7	43790	2189500	6c07c1fb-f4b7-4aee-9ea3-eb5d9aad18db	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:12:55	985.511
-8	21896	2189600	5c943078-7b05-4a43-9690-9fe4ed223f51	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:44:49	332.2
-8	43792	2189600	d9729e86-c027-4509-864e-53c3e8118dcc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:55:30	-503.875
-9	21897	2189700	bd54c99e-be71-4ae4-b2dd-7986b747578f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:30:26	741.41
-9	43794	2189700	fca3da70-7ebf-40db-aa81-dd9142f7cdf1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:34:22	317.802
-10	21898	2189800	4602ebdb-94e9-4bc2-b908-ebd831b531c1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:10:55	101.95
-10	43796	2189800	8aa51c4f-4a19-4428-b0a8-96a4443ee6ba	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:05:59	-934.892
-11	21899	2189900	e5242ac0-f3a3-4307-a097-1731a928a8e6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:16:06	-19.868
-11	43798	2189900	751574bc-676a-4154-82c2-49f739f9f026	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:31:06	43.302
-12	21900	2190000	773754ca-4fd4-4ae0-8f1a-be2edc52f6e2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:20:56	-120.9
-12	43800	2190000	bdefb77c-dc48-4649-8dee-e41c03b466a1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:04:24	965.304
-13	21901	2190100	83d97fa7-e6b3-43d6-9661-27ea1f12fbf2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:07:34	-45.192
-13	43802	2190100	eab34200-53b1-44a1-85da-3d71d5378156	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:00:20	81.631
-14	21902	2190200	f59d67d1-8368-4de5-a39c-fa298d314978	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:08:05	-76.790
-14	43804	2190200	a7a0dfaa-2bf2-4858-9356-6255941cc9a3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:49:07	55.801
-15	21903	2190300	925aaae6-77b9-4840-92dd-f4903719ee29	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:49:18	7.757
-15	43806	2190300	6f9c96e6-37a1-4cf8-95fa-7b46391ff0af	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:08:47	-311.532
-16	21904	2190400	55390bd1-f401-4bd1-bd42-cfccb50f57b6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:26:17	209.434
-16	43808	2190400	346f5de7-0123-49b3-98a6-75f5fe1ec6a5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:12:04	636.479
-17	21905	2190500	5cf5b5fb-117c-40bf-8916-7fc8355e14f6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:13:41	269.589
-17	43810	2190500	9c395e7e-ca3b-461e-bdbf-157d4a4e5956	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:38:13	832.263
-18	21906	2190600	b0608238-8188-4e66-a3af-55897d283873	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:20:09	-115.695
-18	43812	2190600	f99ad91c-b8fd-460d-bf38-54a6b96ac00d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:47:15	-186.855
-19	21907	2190700	d390b95b-3ba3-4349-a22d-706ca1741ef1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:16:59	257.565
-19	43814	2190700	7191ec7c-3828-4bde-baae-65129771d63d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:30:33	-362.73
-20	21908	2190800	7de7ea47-103c-4550-94b5-cb569098437f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:51:35	137.280
-20	43816	2190800	18a91bab-e5ed-4496-b785-aa32f38c76be	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:23:52	-676.134
-21	21909	2190900	2e9cba16-f115-4b11-b69b-2cf8219c6dfb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:18:26	246.171
-21	43818	2190900	79101559-b483-4553-ba0c-060b660b8429	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:58:17	-62.327
-22	21910	2191000	1e6c1fdd-10a2-4e37-8612-ca6de993ce0d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:32:51	-561.887
-22	43820	2191000	76e976fa-cce9-4a6f-8476-db39c411ae09	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:39:09	785.403
-23	21911	2191100	5bb4bde5-da18-4cbe-b391-29cbdb3e2d76	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:23:32	137.315
-23	43822	2191100	5c6e3ca8-18cb-4ad9-bc86-a2150465f44f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:54:10	204.341
-24	21912	2191200	abd2eb6b-2c94-4fcc-9419-f3350ff86313	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:34:10	489.816
-24	43824	2191200	4c568739-9a07-48f5-920f-3cfa896c1742	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:32:00	813.149
-25	21913	2191300	378294de-c9b0-4807-8bfb-0b52b1f2a084	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:09:23	511.333
-25	43826	2191300	f5aacb00-44e9-4717-90c3-6c62b4aeb9da	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:19:15	-300.469
-26	21914	2191400	29e9a413-07c8-4a89-8c15-34b069aa9765	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:22:30	-462.893
-26	43828	2191400	f95974f7-a3e4-4134-80f7-bbbf669b6a07	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:48:40	-366.759
-27	21915	2191500	d0e1104d-2ec6-47e7-8123-0e5a73e1ecdd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:00:59	-831.782
-27	43830	2191500	950bb257-79e2-480a-b939-76039e6a8b90	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:39:53	-308.600
-28	21916	2191600	c769080b-c862-4a92-9152-ff4efd761024	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:24:41	-770.821
-28	43832	2191600	a6f57123-4733-4929-bfe0-415cd33206a7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:27:11	-996.74
-29	21917	2191700	5f2f8730-1fc6-4719-8467-b5a8bf251dc0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:21:23	-844.24
-29	43834	2191700	f00bb8b2-5a32-4fe4-aa22-56f2a0ea1c99	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:09:47	466.443
-30	21918	2191800	5b772aef-916c-4fa1-89cd-553545a18542	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:34:22	53.746
-30	43836	2191800	e9a90458-b30c-4c2c-b8e1-a19e642e6eb1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:10:42	-427.385
-31	21919	2191900	34d5d41b-bc11-4db9-959c-29ec4f2151f5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:43:26	-553.607
-31	43838	2191900	8e35c4d2-b008-46ae-9677-cb379f85bf35	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:20:07	-641.412
-32	21920	2192000	27976c9a-36d6-425e-b543-f736a06c1ba8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:30:12	-188.342
-32	43840	2192000	6fb17e09-8d37-4113-8efc-8d595004e62d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:39:28	-382.500
-33	21921	2192100	7190e48e-fcc8-4b50-ac03-f0a35f92b482	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:08:46	-271.662
-33	43842	2192100	5271086a-7f32-422e-8c57-70615169cc4a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:14:15	920.455
-34	21922	2192200	1f56c51c-4522-45d1-99ed-e1cb6b66ee8c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:40:33	276.760
-34	43844	2192200	d25be563-06a1-430c-941f-0e4c4604b1f5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:59:08	-913.706
-35	21923	2192300	99c6b240-8d63-407a-a6ee-7af308619782	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:56:29	-880.359
-35	43846	2192300	1f21cf77-8fcc-4588-9732-4d293ec46152	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:54:41	296.756
-36	21924	2192400	df24d003-6947-4bfc-a757-7f9ed1da5e9b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:03:07	202.577
-36	43848	2192400	aac0c6c0-99da-4746-85a1-fdcf60571f7b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:25:54	733.765
-37	21925	2192500	cd9aa85c-eff3-452f-a285-d0146080d3f3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:07:32	-737.790
-37	43850	2192500	857a2a58-5a74-4f88-a5c2-a116153d5bf4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:38:14	908.578
-38	21926	2192600	93820e18-8087-490d-a61d-3e5a927c4fae	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:23:44	981.746
-38	43852	2192600	ceccf607-b692-451d-b62f-366571f6ceae	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:04:11	-185.471
-39	21927	2192700	7d3b5369-af98-4633-874b-1ce1c8ba4073	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:52:45	-692.191
-39	43854	2192700	d86b582a-ba11-4b60-87bc-2e0fe2b5d0fd	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:41:45	239.336
-40	21928	2192800	44d29976-a499-4b9a-8ff9-6949cde6e9cd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:17:56	-564.169
-40	43856	2192800	2a905627-851a-4662-a12b-111da5d82705	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:27:17	780.464
-41	21929	2192900	2e3419eb-6931-4ca8-9f4b-7140656f2dc6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:43:37	-263.886
-41	43858	2192900	fe305cb0-a839-4531-8d61-9f2bcbd7e9a7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:04:01	-997.490
-42	21930	2193000	b85d5ee1-d225-4c61-a7cd-51737e2171d6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:49:20	735.694
-42	43860	2193000	60310003-c5c8-4934-b01f-fea54f84a5b4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:45:06	-324.345
-43	21931	2193100	4cd51097-21f0-4cd4-8bc6-40d7a747a508	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:07:52	578.37
-43	43862	2193100	74df5ba9-a570-4e93-8533-7dc32d15a238	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:44:41	-188.378
-44	21932	2193200	d745aa07-7f89-46ed-a0c4-d2fbe0b51397	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:03:03	482.85
-44	43864	2193200	919c2b5a-2517-4d50-84af-037016794b78	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:59:16	539.464
-45	21933	2193300	8567866e-a275-458e-a96c-52f64fbb75a6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:15:15	693.868
-45	43866	2193300	0634c14a-5388-41a7-b38b-459065d69c60	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:34:48	-857.779
-46	21934	2193400	a1d60063-2c40-4620-9a59-bfb0465a7a77	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:36:04	-514.503
-46	43868	2193400	ee20f53a-3123-40c4-9fd8-82cae4adad13	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:21:42	-82.318
-47	21935	2193500	4cc101b6-9e51-490d-90bc-9f4e2ed28787	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:15:09	-520.716
-47	43870	2193500	77226283-71aa-40f5-956c-4aa13df8336f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:57:06	507.741
-48	21936	2193600	a593516c-c03b-4bf7-82c4-3964f20e3fc5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:03:10	9.507
-48	43872	2193600	b871e9bc-1772-4880-94bf-5d16ff8955ba	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:53:12	151.842
-49	21937	2193700	222e118b-c64e-454e-9c57-d741828872e7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:30:54	-741.435
-49	43874	2193700	1632a915-308d-45e6-bb3a-7fc585ae034f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:37:16	810.372
-50	21938	2193800	b2985c28-9f8d-42c7-bb9f-d4b91ecdd08a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:22:21	136.71
-50	43876	2193800	bd75a526-3113-45e2-92d4-100e366c2c14	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:07:28	322.460
-51	21939	2193900	ca2907e9-a414-4fd2-a0bb-aed73a2fe42e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:10:57	468.202
-51	43878	2193900	8fdcf9bc-1220-46e5-9dc5-f90d84319f57	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:32:44	-425.26
-52	21940	2194000	99454c8d-8865-4fc6-8ae1-82ecaf4be06d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:16:54	-318.694
-52	43880	2194000	48063cc9-e6d2-4a38-a510-6bbaa9071cdd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:42:05	-248.192
-53	21941	2194100	e2f6ce4e-b2bd-43d3-8fbf-c5fe845fb710	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:43:54	-442.59
-53	43882	2194100	57be5f13-04da-490c-a638-1db971c8c47c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:53:09	-15.433
-54	21942	2194200	8bc9690a-fc7e-49f9-ace5-9b39d40d3e09	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:20:54	978.283
-54	43884	2194200	544128d0-3a20-4a9c-9afc-f11d0506d4c3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:42:16	-737.332
-55	21943	2194300	1b824892-94b9-4c6e-8873-faa99bb053a4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:10:04	294.321
-55	43886	2194300	85f5c625-d780-400a-ad1b-2af0649e75d7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:17:39	-460.42
-56	21944	2194400	3798836b-536c-4d4e-aff7-4338c34e6cb2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:08:15	-172.55
-56	43888	2194400	3610da6c-0a4d-487e-a220-f8cfe3aea668	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:46:08	3.707
-57	21945	2194500	4e6a3f10-f51e-4a98-94a7-2c423320cf4a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:01:36	-946.505
-57	43890	2194500	4eb675ae-4e62-46e7-8446-3f0f3863f87e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:41:10	6.242
-58	21946	2194600	768c5375-47e4-4354-a197-ac74dd990459	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:03:44	431.111
-58	43892	2194600	6d35617a-ddb8-4e77-b4d3-f6d2e8b0e69b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:01:04	-539.419
-59	21947	2194700	b1e1120f-7e71-4f05-915c-df9858a44743	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:03:56	170.962
-59	43894	2194700	175944b7-bba6-4327-8f33-619222641468	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:13:28	-436.603
-60	21948	2194800	9fd91245-0e9a-48b5-a3d5-1f2a4b675a11	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:17:31	-962.209
-60	43896	2194800	dd70fef6-97da-4928-a1a7-7f2caa599f0f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:57:45	-871.312
-61	21949	2194900	d556e1cc-345a-4803-879a-978078fa01d2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:45:09	639.137
-61	43898	2194900	0d3ef0c6-626a-4afc-adf6-a6d81a0b13d7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:00:40	370.175
-62	21950	2195000	78d26c4a-2f0b-4713-84a1-8faff273bd61	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:40:21	160.557
-62	43900	2195000	1527e683-90d8-4791-8f1d-7740a781fa73	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:02:08	478.234
-63	21951	2195100	88ff8753-489a-41ef-a6d0-297a8596ad79	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:26:39	305.109
-63	43902	2195100	2aeb6ac4-fed9-46d6-9b87-6d59ff7d874c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:55:31	39.70
-64	21952	2195200	cb3d379b-ce12-4df8-bc8b-b828ae254cab	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:08:48	999.217
-64	43904	2195200	3025f1e2-1901-43a6-bfd6-1b2083c7d479	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:53:47	585.958
-65	21953	2195300	db89c345-1dfd-4c24-b5e8-5f8ad1f27086	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:45:02	670.573
-65	43906	2195300	f7f109a7-9608-4b82-93ad-1bf59e18a60c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:43:38	-604.489
-66	21954	2195400	c87bef31-26a2-439f-abb7-2034737ecfdf	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:15:48	700.647
-66	43908	2195400	1f166fa9-59af-48fd-96c2-82a1f60856fc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:03:12	698.237
-67	21955	2195500	081be890-097d-4ba9-a7a3-d62dbb3b0be8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:52:04	842.943
-67	43910	2195500	89e362b9-558a-469f-be37-d1682b89eff1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:24:36	-415.831
-68	21956	2195600	d66f66cb-5b6e-45e3-b0ac-a854a77a6999	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:04:28	-46.535
-68	43912	2195600	270ca5ea-7bd8-436b-b746-c8446d3fee29	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:11:41	180.211
-69	21957	2195700	ac9893ea-8b82-4984-88bb-d47941e72e96	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:04:40	244.904
-69	43914	2195700	1a9b5ccc-04f3-46f6-8304-fddbd35ad7a8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:17:03	-873.756
-70	21958	2195800	bc7614e6-f65a-40e7-80df-a4b216e21b59	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:37:18	-638.352
-70	43916	2195800	a8bc327b-d5c1-4ba9-ae42-0d3491ea703d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:10:03	-459.335
-71	21959	2195900	682ca06c-50a7-4378-bada-c5d1d470ea5a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:19:49	858.428
-71	43918	2195900	d85eb5c4-5c87-41f7-81c0-84140d8edda4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:51:33	-367.82
-72	21960	2196000	52fe8e60-c636-4e43-b8bb-b229057d28bb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:42:13	787.670
-72	43920	2196000	9a79945a-4998-4fe7-8a3c-45a6d2b418a8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:27:18	-738.440
-73	21961	2196100	d746c43b-bc40-4fd6-9f77-9fbfd36ecbd4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:40:00	89.825
-73	43922	2196100	2ce0f2bf-2af8-479b-8793-15d14fbed06c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:54:56	350.975
-74	21962	2196200	fb4950ed-925e-4d33-a0f8-a5319358233e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:00:47	-60.602
-74	43924	2196200	b2bdea4c-c22a-4163-8726-3908299962ab	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:03:39	-466.938
-75	21963	2196300	7b6f34dc-99d7-4cc2-a4d2-70664d5246a4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:54:04	-841.748
-75	43926	2196300	b5bb11c3-05e2-4233-aa32-8ea9894c4e36	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:06:13	-967.494
-76	21964	2196400	bcbe2108-d98f-4de2-9758-e4f3aa0f6f70	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:07:56	-126.461
-76	43928	2196400	77864d72-d3bc-4733-9f0b-8c7ae309cec9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:11:56	326.538
-77	21965	2196500	c8dfaa42-22f4-4532-80a6-bb661c3c7ab1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:46:53	684.640
-77	43930	2196500	3f60020d-899f-4bf6-b68d-cfb2c88af5a6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:54:16	-533.844
-78	21966	2196600	dbc1ce42-5158-4809-9b4b-79ebdf2d22e1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:53:56	-658.388
-78	43932	2196600	63e0b391-ff65-4dbc-93b0-038435c45609	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:24:43	201.213
-79	21967	2196700	4b73677a-4eb9-4cdd-82f7-d5fb3feb8782	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:33:14	601.278
-79	43934	2196700	128feb2d-8e84-4ba3-b07b-e5d38af37f10	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:46:54	-449.626
-80	21968	2196800	0c60faad-58c5-44ac-8ba2-a6b496c1e751	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:55:26	-438.964
-80	43936	2196800	108a39d8-c5c4-415d-add6-cbcdaf6610b2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:01:38	-666.452
-81	21969	2196900	63d2b696-0b2f-4e1e-8918-adc842d69905	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:36:00	-537.360
-81	43938	2196900	53c09dbe-8643-4f59-9388-db11a742b830	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:00:29	589.406
-82	21970	2197000	b5d127e2-6fe0-4760-b6e0-3f39897bd677	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:17:46	-651.845
-82	43940	2197000	fe59f4d5-589a-4743-abd4-2370ad2bbfd9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:28:44	759.18
-83	21971	2197100	783e7d54-7dcb-47dc-b1ac-a4e58208fa7e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:00:20	-309.493
-83	43942	2197100	71cdf02b-0c93-450f-8147-18408a855440	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:03:53	-409.798
-84	21972	2197200	73be0d0a-6eee-4c5f-bc69-940003a46df7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:19:52	151.152
-84	43944	2197200	0607ad18-e1fc-4b84-91b9-332fce71b649	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:03:40	-448.743
-85	21973	2197300	13fb693f-a6f9-4c3d-904e-f8124ae5f7d3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:03:45	-22.990
-85	43946	2197300	3b4450bc-e445-41f5-877e-fae5e147dd75	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:31:08	324.264
-86	21974	2197400	7b001eee-67a0-483b-a929-92d8a4bf8487	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:40:37	-853.518
-86	43948	2197400	9e929064-4525-4291-a4aa-0b0dd71bccea	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:51:17	-594.805
-87	21975	2197500	b6881ccc-67f8-410c-852b-31e3a9a3db43	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:20:26	503.440
-87	43950	2197500	2084cd60-84f3-4a15-89de-40171810a2b6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:19:41	106.832
-88	21976	2197600	65217b5c-c10f-4fa2-9ce4-b18db04d3515	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:59:09	-109.938
-88	43952	2197600	ff83444b-3784-4a61-8e9d-85d629396e02	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:45:24	592.251
-89	21977	2197700	2c27d847-0015-423f-8478-268bf3b4f643	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:14:07	-610.648
-89	43954	2197700	016da3ac-fa3f-4b10-81c9-f710547bc95e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:47:38	825.344
-90	21978	2197800	0b368831-e9d5-46e7-8fb1-7d6d5b27eaf0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:42:25	408.712
-90	43956	2197800	6b82faa0-9a1c-4a6c-b765-d524b57d7e16	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:48:15	-533.743
-91	21979	2197900	cb4b7414-dd51-4df6-84d3-11deec070668	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:33:56	-681.430
-91	43958	2197900	1ce1654c-16dd-48ab-9bcd-2591269d9564	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:43:20	897.3
-92	21980	2198000	49b12e92-762a-453f-9604-232c57b9ad01	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:34:02	301.509
-92	43960	2198000	35fb7e96-e335-44ac-a462-50050df51461	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:00:18	695.966
-93	21981	2198100	e34150f8-ff9b-4f28-b656-2a132b661cc6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:12:31	-912.319
-93	43962	2198100	d1550074-f05d-4340-8496-6d87e7b87073	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:43:57	-265.642
-94	21982	2198200	d741d996-fbeb-4809-b336-134f12051a7a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:02:41	-513.479
-94	43964	2198200	ff1e10bf-443a-4a38-a318-08190359e370	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:57:47	968.532
-95	21983	2198300	12c4345f-4281-4fff-8d49-90989b0f3fab	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:46:54	427.625
-95	43966	2198300	2ea20b6a-553d-4fc8-a493-c2c6c7fb2b85	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:07:51	-373.479
-96	21984	2198400	5bcac5f4-f196-4c16-ae91-7856066bc4ef	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:08:00	-285.886
-96	43968	2198400	12c05eb8-ca82-4619-a84f-2720610eac60	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:07:00	-297.169
-97	21985	2198500	c5571e4c-c5f3-411e-a480-6f761c8c5eda	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:13:54	668.958
-97	43970	2198500	115ff288-36f0-4296-97b0-5cb2bfc2fe86	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:49:18	628.331
-98	21986	2198600	0ee838ec-9932-407d-a493-59d19b3e1605	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:37:21	-18.887
-98	43972	2198600	f03147f7-88e3-45b3-93b5-d85d3e00439a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:05:36	434.120
-99	21987	2198700	8706bd4a-6d02-4ce7-8456-61cbe463f01a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:30:33	-948.544
-99	43974	2198700	6c76d88f-4aea-4efd-9d4e-f43ba21ae717	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:48:25	710.206
-100	21988	2198800	a6eeb0e3-d080-4952-b819-3dec4a953bbb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:36:01	743.100
-100	43976	2198800	2dac28cd-c5e9-4019-8406-a84249272a8a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:48:53	-998.587
-101	21989	2198900	e9f5a128-7a08-47bc-bf2e-4f740e5823fd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:25:45	-679.384
-101	43978	2198900	3f30fd37-af00-40bf-ade4-f1c5ce62ab31	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:11:57	900.242
-102	21990	2199000	78dea042-c3dc-496b-ac26-a6e430ad848f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:14:40	-213.975
-102	43980	2199000	7d82074e-8738-41ce-b120-d9880c228959	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:17:49	-576.540
-103	21991	2199100	24227977-9b40-4d68-b8ff-978337af5f43	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:06:08	740.562
-103	43982	2199100	af803a9a-f252-43c3-a60f-b11564547394	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:10:55	-870.779
-104	21992	2199200	41f91f15-c5e5-4adf-8f77-4c816d730e5b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:38:41	-159.89
-104	43984	2199200	bedd9fd4-5b4d-45f6-bd9c-2ebceb94534d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:17:33	77.255
-105	21993	2199300	9156e09f-8aa3-4f47-b997-21a49329e486	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:02:40	795.323
-105	43986	2199300	03a54233-6d70-45ce-b8ca-4690cc923858	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:00:29	262.257
-106	21994	2199400	7a29e92b-40e7-480b-bd09-ef5b5b14fc5b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:39:53	604.698
-106	43988	2199400	4678c52c-5479-4835-8f18-7bdc6f4df782	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:14:43	721.637
-107	21995	2199500	64b6324e-681b-4d1e-b23a-1f30e38be662	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:46:56	-747.40
-107	43990	2199500	47f9242b-720e-419d-8957-c97dbef1ef5d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:42:02	274.98
-108	21996	2199600	910abf4c-7bf4-436d-a199-8d93d0ce9a9f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:45:09	363.665
-108	43992	2199600	60916211-ddd4-4e9e-b508-b714cb473780	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:37:38	-258.24
-109	21997	2199700	30f2e963-8923-4070-854e-f8e0cac1b3b0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:11:43	-181.965
-109	43994	2199700	443044e4-21cd-401d-a27c-452e0202c0ef	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:16:28	-845.656
-110	21998	2199800	65fb6d03-b48a-49d0-8920-6003cb0994db	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:57:01	518.710
-110	43996	2199800	e5b4aa01-1139-462b-8ca2-1fbfa589c22a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:36:06	645.509
-111	21999	2199900	5392c053-4b84-45c3-897b-97f7e4741457	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:57:26	-177.435
-111	43998	2199900	a383bc44-a9b5-4254-9839-61d0ee58a4a3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:29:06	344.599
-112	22000	2200000	d36a47aa-bb48-489c-8e23-524f9740b140	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:37:43	927.663
-112	44000	2200000	a20a0474-fa73-45a1-b42e-46b015e0d686	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:54:37	378.775
-113	22001	2200100	dba452d7-b075-4597-a97b-c2c568abce91	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:02:53	879.581
-113	44002	2200100	3a816ff9-b40a-4df1-b781-4ce992e88cc4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:50:17	-240.492
-114	22002	2200200	04a1645a-6596-44cb-b804-30405d227f3f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:34:02	816.196
-114	44004	2200200	2ad98892-17d3-4d28-bd11-fd87073f0a2d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:24:57	-75.873
-115	22003	2200300	73973642-e5ac-4fc7-8450-55cf917b54a8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:12:13	298.983
-115	44006	2200300	99f40e13-c9d4-4eca-8f58-d43e6fbf9760	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:57:23	891.395
-116	22004	2200400	c393f3ac-f9f3-42fa-b83b-9d2a8c5d97d3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:30:08	200.450
-116	44008	2200400	47f55c01-7571-43ed-9677-da0d152272e1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:50:48	407.759
-117	22005	2200500	1cd5af36-9cdb-44ee-99b3-fc5aeddbbf21	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:18:10	674.145
-117	44010	2200500	a89c101d-ebac-4f5f-a1d0-437dec03aff7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:18:35	452.117
-118	22006	2200600	9b149614-d6c6-4419-97ce-2e05173de6a2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:17:49	623.238
-118	44012	2200600	0cb48ab4-30bc-4e5b-bae3-64cb2eedbc89	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:35:35	-111.487
-119	22007	2200700	a400fcbf-a154-46b2-bad7-dfe2106da0c2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:52:24	892.534
-119	44014	2200700	33bb2a1c-8c33-41bd-9222-171e76940253	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:24:30	-521.449
-120	22008	2200800	7fbf29f4-c973-4520-8202-9f0be674445e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:49:39	372.129
-120	44016	2200800	eb90783b-6b4d-44ca-80fe-ad90805bc9fc	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:06:21	823.151
-121	22009	2200900	64dd15ed-73a2-4439-bd9a-6ef6bdad4ad3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:17:14	380.294
-121	44018	2200900	cfa1cfa0-63f1-4f6a-8ca2-f7057cbf0293	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:30:25	785.884
-122	22010	2201000	fb4faa0a-d521-48e0-abb3-39d9d0994a46	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:01:21	651.771
-122	44020	2201000	9ddf4fd4-52d5-4e0b-ad0a-78f975ade609	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:46:51	729.185
-123	22011	2201100	cbc022b0-f60b-4d12-a062-49bcedc36c8d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:00:26	53.386
-123	44022	2201100	4499ac74-90ec-41a8-be53-81aeaf4e0a25	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:52:45	-765.100
-124	22012	2201200	6343e98f-b77f-4299-8439-4e09e8e7c485	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:52:40	-590.628
-124	44024	2201200	27f125b3-cad3-4e04-9760-312ca3dc9b00	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:47:12	-760.464
-125	22013	2201300	0c2b6df1-2a43-4c55-826c-3f045c0704e7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:05:13	699.147
-125	44026	2201300	491a6131-bb69-4326-8228-d4843b83f417	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:55:02	482.177
-126	22014	2201400	fd1508ae-aa12-4a78-b65b-280e629ad4d7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:14:14	-543.87
-126	44028	2201400	a316794b-56a2-4187-81eb-64448f3c360f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:12:53	987.862
-127	22015	2201500	5243f04c-0abb-48ac-aabb-3686ded67fea	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:03:23	-909.676
-127	44030	2201500	de375d57-cfba-4920-8945-4107aa313507	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:40:57	-743.664
-0	22016	2201600	21d7732f-2a88-4097-b6c4-a333a901c66b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:09:15	-725.36
-0	44032	2201600	d5f91e27-43e6-464c-9cf1-e1f998d36d87	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:07:40	-201.492
-1	22017	2201700	deb2be1c-f7b0-4dd5-828f-1f59c0615593	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:46:23	289.574
-1	44034	2201700	640a8ae2-ea63-4feb-8055-0700bcc5cb68	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:51:57	-414.682
-2	22018	2201800	60bca38a-9ce4-42ed-b49f-0d17122313ef	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:52:00	-610.762
-2	44036	2201800	157e9ced-d189-4f9e-b3b0-ea95ad8931c1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:20:04	-510.53
-3	22019	2201900	dc0377ba-7f1c-4cf5-ad77-63015ec892f3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:36:09	-401.14
-3	44038	2201900	e8a28074-4f54-4535-8de8-03e0aeb6107d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:55:16	-406.520
-4	22020	2202000	c0d96210-2a6c-4bd3-a3a7-b4cf57fd5159	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:05:25	-842.268
-4	44040	2202000	05d3de11-0730-4844-b92f-fd08a9649838	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:37:51	548.452
-5	22021	2202100	af7fe8a5-eb1c-494e-80fa-15813d519b00	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:55:20	-517.407
-5	44042	2202100	5dd526c6-864d-4730-8bb4-6a065455bb5a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:05:51	-811.812
-6	22022	2202200	f5400c1d-0beb-4cc7-a681-2d2b02181774	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:04:16	404.561
-6	44044	2202200	d9423df9-5dc3-47d2-bfe0-7771c671fa1a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:15:59	112.404
-7	22023	2202300	da96d0a9-96df-4bbb-90bb-94ab25f760f5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:59:56	606.878
-7	44046	2202300	40451ab7-b2e8-41c3-9082-dedb5a22edce	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:18:03	-788.595
-8	22024	2202400	98675f53-f9c4-47a8-9490-938c0bce112d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:13:32	-784.23
-8	44048	2202400	fae958fb-0bab-4ba7-98fd-3cf5f6ddb6a0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:54:43	141.143
-9	22025	2202500	ef8460f3-379c-4af4-8031-e08acffffbfd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:20:39	4.231
-9	44050	2202500	4747cdd3-455a-4796-941e-ab52caa22f77	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:06:40	-276.872
-10	22026	2202600	b31f64cd-db1c-46ca-906a-86ca38d00b1c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:58:39	-399.94
-10	44052	2202600	6a8342cc-7e9c-48eb-a52a-16efdc366f80	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:39:20	-944.682
-11	22027	2202700	30299bd0-0344-457a-b986-32fa7a605fb4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:34:31	-160.387
-11	44054	2202700	fa4ac3c5-fb55-4c2f-9de8-8e3221de75a4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:05:26	80.732
-12	22028	2202800	dc16df73-df61-4eca-b201-8256eb8cfc9a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:05:33	-859.739
-12	44056	2202800	1e4ed50c-1f0b-417b-a27b-6cc1c236fa2d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:24:10	-461.554
-13	22029	2202900	f7e2b5e4-d3d8-499c-b50d-897988debf74	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:23:57	-688.350
-13	44058	2202900	5acd0450-7620-4d23-b042-a12a324890a8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:50:33	-659.461
-14	22030	2203000	112f2c8f-e91b-4a9e-be61-927e4a024722	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:58:29	127.998
-14	44060	2203000	58ebcd69-922b-4a65-bcd0-516c7812eb35	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:09:10	108.491
-15	22031	2203100	fa05521e-e550-40a6-bcb0-872812e6938d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:27:38	534.736
-15	44062	2203100	da723d40-f1c2-4750-86fc-3bbc062c56e1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:01:01	589.232
-16	22032	2203200	9ac99616-75ac-4ae6-a205-e269d7477c52	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:40:34	-169.448
-16	44064	2203200	857ae7fe-99bf-43cd-9b95-764e9cf47e58	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:10:14	-808.96
-17	22033	2203300	1608d1bb-aef3-4a17-9586-fa47dc3b2575	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:11:18	432.527
-17	44066	2203300	8b8722a4-6565-47b9-948e-65190da8dd66	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:55:54	378.408
-18	22034	2203400	bfc6478e-2166-4af1-9e3c-f933a080cc29	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:53:35	667.917
-18	44068	2203400	0bb027cc-99df-4c70-bc99-9f59a679bd6a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:21:26	-327.659
-19	22035	2203500	b4370d1b-9f6a-4f87-804f-f21c14bd4503	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:26:16	349.969
-19	44070	2203500	5507e725-ae2b-4159-b19a-4e90abce3b57	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:56:03	-680.135
-20	22036	2203600	13a9602b-00db-48e7-8555-9df09f2d4726	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:40:28	514.783
-20	44072	2203600	185e0f23-5ea6-4f65-9a40-65785de954a8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:23:08	-299.865
-21	22037	2203700	d489ea49-1658-4316-a149-e52cfdd13f06	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:06:02	161.977
-21	44074	2203700	1fe4080c-fdb0-49da-99ba-5498c14c9af1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:45:58	-62.548
-22	22038	2203800	a3f7dba5-7b21-4425-951a-ff8106ff656e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:04:55	-767.688
-22	44076	2203800	39d959a5-e7a1-494a-b3ba-c0fce732b945	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:16:15	784.136
-23	22039	2203900	0d18bb6b-7747-4ded-8c4c-5441143cb433	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:48:36	356.203
-23	44078	2203900	3c985d5f-64db-4b5c-a5d2-b502e5b7fe0b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:48:10	785.485
-24	22040	2204000	6bf0c5dd-cf77-4cc0-a008-00c58b87ca62	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:39:02	426.968
-24	44080	2204000	bc786546-72bd-4896-8f3e-b8a31c15a091	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:28:06	812.6
-25	22041	2204100	1f239bab-bb23-496b-9317-6bfefa105aa1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:59:55	410.470
-25	44082	2204100	3727632f-a772-4817-ac97-7e6c9cd990b3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:09:17	-314.380
-26	22042	2204200	9df94d98-bd2d-4b8d-9457-314522c8bd01	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:19:23	112.850
-26	44084	2204200	1d20be0a-abfc-489a-9d44-5c5285bb48ea	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:28:12	466.670
-27	22043	2204300	cceb671d-b46b-4afe-8407-4cc3d8b3c8b7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:34:21	145.337
-27	44086	2204300	5acfb827-fecb-436e-9994-8141fc9ec28d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:31:26	-425.630
-28	22044	2204400	2ef62e42-d75d-4ff1-85d6-507acdd5888a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:21:57	607.45
-28	44088	2204400	0248fbb1-d722-4bad-b402-1061c65819e7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:18:35	810.346
-29	22045	2204500	b268004f-c1c3-43af-8373-b2a9f5d81e19	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:22:12	41.291
-29	44090	2204500	aed70872-ba01-40fe-87c4-38c328786cc9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:22:10	-250.181
-30	22046	2204600	de9b60b9-0eaa-4921-bf7a-d77f244d45eb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:44:10	770.135
-30	44092	2204600	b10d2687-19c4-40e9-ad12-bd0c35cc9d3f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:44:23	176.37
-31	22047	2204700	f1d237fa-8e67-4142-8665-a538aef3c490	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:24:02	752.923
-31	44094	2204700	703c3a28-3cb4-4278-8524-fe6d39685bdb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:15:52	184.23
-32	22048	2204800	1fb67014-2ad0-4c4d-b3e9-fa8e8ae6aa56	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:15:03	280.438
-32	44096	2204800	20077e5c-a910-4881-8c07-ac30deb723e5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:40:46	266.552
-33	22049	2204900	0810eb5a-9736-494a-8e01-864367d8d59f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:36:31	41.652
-33	44098	2204900	d7426bc7-ef54-4fa9-b853-d1e4cd406dd8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:33:54	-738.986
-34	22050	2205000	7cd895ed-d387-4c4d-8e57-ddadcd786ac8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:12:35	547.590
-34	44100	2205000	b78c25e1-1e18-4c02-9f72-136cb7dc71dd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:05:27	414.848
-35	22051	2205100	74660a85-667b-49a4-b586-e19198b545db	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:24:40	-735.779
-35	44102	2205100	ffc0313c-c46b-431d-b5c4-a4e4c0da637f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:06:20	16.474
-36	22052	2205200	7a46e26f-311a-415c-8d49-77cd82ea8de2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:20:44	-111.322
-36	44104	2205200	c9fa91a5-934d-4003-bf19-ac05347fbe77	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:55:06	-3.647
-37	22053	2205300	e7c15cca-4785-49f6-b42d-3bd77aa10042	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:36:07	-597.834
-37	44106	2205300	ea60c5e6-9f85-4809-ba81-c6e70ccf31a5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:20:26	39.87
-38	22054	2205400	01048b76-b7f2-4463-a943-6fbea8cd7ccb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:44:05	-374.284
-38	44108	2205400	53918e20-b1f4-4607-b448-a71bbb597204	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:05:53	-688.782
-39	22055	2205500	1d46e3c1-8706-4ead-90a4-4e6b25ff392a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:10:09	200.616
-39	44110	2205500	6cfe5098-e502-44c8-ae84-3a935e348652	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:08:23	-716.313
-40	22056	2205600	2421aae6-1bb2-4028-b6d5-bc5f141f1fec	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:00:29	-671.285
-40	44112	2205600	e03d8a33-cd20-46c4-832d-d6b0e485db1b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:36:42	-914.523
-41	22057	2205700	8ee2be1b-7563-4848-891c-29112946cf96	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:13:22	303.434
-41	44114	2205700	37ece5b5-c07f-4627-9725-8e87d4b08002	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:43:32	895.980
-42	22058	2205800	07191bc2-ecc2-4588-ac00-fee67f8ab35d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:02:10	-841.871
-42	44116	2205800	3c6a6df2-23d3-491d-9e33-579a3d9d65d1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:24:59	-473.123
-43	22059	2205900	11c9816d-5f04-495e-b3c3-02304f9cd9e0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:00:06	255.428
-43	44118	2205900	5902db1c-5c32-4ca4-8e6c-403673a289c7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:18:05	559.494
-44	22060	2206000	7d013ba2-594f-44f5-8688-d56cb3bb876a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:09:49	-210.160
-44	44120	2206000	8c4b9ff4-77f0-4aa1-836a-0f748b8477db	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:01:19	924.531
-45	22061	2206100	847fd2ba-4afd-4fa3-bf00-bd928d80fcd3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:36:15	295.651
-45	44122	2206100	dae78c37-9b6a-48dc-8ee8-b9109af12f5f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:42:00	153.899
-46	22062	2206200	c9059898-9b19-453d-90ef-13e2cb640cf4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:58:26	551.412
-46	44124	2206200	6ef747e8-9658-44db-9d5d-192080b75c0c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:14:27	305.164
-47	22063	2206300	4308646a-585e-4300-a02e-3828cedadd97	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:51:38	997.407
-47	44126	2206300	81885337-d276-426c-ac44-c5069e2f9fb6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:46:07	-814.983
-48	22064	2206400	35eafd7a-db7c-4ad3-b254-7728a75272f6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:38:53	-211.655
-48	44128	2206400	e3fd549c-ed7d-4b73-a54b-e0bb5159b310	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:41:37	-427.200
-49	22065	2206500	fdfc4926-6b4b-4baa-9641-c288244e872b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:35:37	-990.210
-49	44130	2206500	2c7cbe2f-7cc1-4ba6-9898-01451142a9b7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:04:25	-713.630
-50	22066	2206600	83e02345-6277-439d-8c69-9525de356a78	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:06:23	-709.731
-50	44132	2206600	bd5e3750-4943-4e18-b86c-747f359c8c2e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:19:46	548.55
-51	22067	2206700	c3988d05-1394-4c7c-9d1c-3e5d175d0881	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:17:33	633.142
-51	44134	2206700	7316597d-317d-4546-b0e9-3262321f3f47	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:40:50	-521.509
-52	22068	2206800	0936310f-8b1a-45fe-aecd-5a3df21f1723	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:46:38	-633.722
-52	44136	2206800	be5e6ad0-8072-4f15-a406-da2c643746bc	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:53:33	-50.237
-53	22069	2206900	32b21268-0b9b-4bfb-abfa-fd50a7f2f0f5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:34:44	633.766
-53	44138	2206900	e8a10f7c-baba-4685-b866-1a765bfa2023	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:06:54	-612.188
-54	22070	2207000	71b23f24-25b3-402b-bf41-e2dcc5c938aa	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:32:43	-343.250
-54	44140	2207000	9bb9c9ed-a092-46f5-8dc0-b01c062f8715	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:44:48	-367.258
-55	22071	2207100	6ee585cd-275c-4b80-ba30-3b81a540bd8c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:49:12	364.545
-55	44142	2207100	964820a7-c1b5-4b6b-999f-a75d1c17c08d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:46:58	-254.816
-56	22072	2207200	529bdd1a-8173-4350-badd-3ffca74239ed	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:29:41	-10.250
-56	44144	2207200	881d0a9b-400e-4dc6-9ce3-1702c0495916	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:48:16	-523.735
-57	22073	2207300	f07a62ce-477e-4a2e-be37-934ee495c3e2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:28:26	-734.968
-57	44146	2207300	5b496e8a-86cd-4b24-af9f-c6826273763e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:13:22	715.889
-58	22074	2207400	c4e489cb-e274-4384-b6e8-3e68ea517474	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:48:58	919.44
-58	44148	2207400	1a29ac80-ae37-45d8-b1f9-114ff177d07b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:21:05	506.152
-59	22075	2207500	d5b0536f-32b2-4076-8c00-cb0e506e9991	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:19:57	-829.18
-59	44150	2207500	55801c25-e984-4153-9907-1de74787697a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:23:20	195.405
-60	22076	2207600	cecd7efb-2c4a-459c-8620-ec212d1f13a1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:08:18	444.227
-60	44152	2207600	06dfafd6-5529-4167-bb9f-944023fef33b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:47:43	268.958
-61	22077	2207700	f0d48339-4b2a-44f3-9376-17cea61d4709	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:07:31	-632.887
-61	44154	2207700	cd8af2c2-de35-489c-895c-bbcb0870a1e5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:29:04	-897.77
-62	22078	2207800	68284954-2602-42b0-9a3c-addbf142282d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:24:20	-392.56
-62	44156	2207800	395855c0-0bcf-4b58-afa3-9cd6b1c73d61	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:51:24	-596.965
-63	22079	2207900	cf491a74-5532-4751-9b45-cac1fba149f7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:45:15	-583.792
-63	44158	2207900	6f6bd70f-029e-4ab2-b5d5-0aee32ed4f1f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:25:06	251.590
-64	22080	2208000	3441adb0-00df-4a56-af98-5694b1a0f947	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:18:51	-301.294
-64	44160	2208000	e20f2d3b-b11c-49e9-955a-bf808b1ebf33	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:26:21	621.678
-65	22081	2208100	1d13d6fe-b019-403f-9e3a-e5ef20e93583	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:15:21	-872.702
-65	44162	2208100	30bd8788-551b-4233-b5a8-f25b1f76fd14	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:27:01	906.458
-66	22082	2208200	7f024113-7924-4761-a9ce-c78bd1242579	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:01:47	-895.918
-66	44164	2208200	952542e0-9484-4333-802d-644fbc9e6f10	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:05:46	-704.813
-67	22083	2208300	7f712be9-124f-465a-8b7d-20bd4db61bf4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:18:50	-321.863
-67	44166	2208300	5ec059ad-5990-4da2-a62c-8ca2553f2449	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:53:14	483.119
-68	22084	2208400	ea92fcb8-c802-43c9-aa80-2ab21811aa6b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:23:53	-754.593
-68	44168	2208400	fe501378-1ff1-4e76-88c0-0a4ad52eeb6a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:08:12	-296.150
-69	22085	2208500	361ba05b-d94a-4a6f-b20e-0391095c6439	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:19:45	589.876
-69	44170	2208500	818b51a3-158e-4e11-9982-c68851e7fe3d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:04:12	-235.539
-70	22086	2208600	ec3eb514-e589-455a-927d-5cda92a5fc31	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:10:14	117.157
-70	44172	2208600	26bc5ec8-7360-496c-a9ba-8604e0b0823d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:35:40	-686.127
-71	22087	2208700	89b4947a-7884-4503-a193-0250a3e8e091	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:06:09	675.134
-71	44174	2208700	8f7bdfab-5aee-4bed-9b21-39a6b67b1a49	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:05:56	-528.196
-72	22088	2208800	55c4bbf0-0a14-4899-bc4e-bc1ead254d43	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:15:12	-781.697
-72	44176	2208800	43ea4c9b-4574-424d-b57f-b025ed7e23ad	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:09:10	-732.782
-73	22089	2208900	8d085fd2-a482-44b6-bccb-3acc6d60f304	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:12:31	155.763
-73	44178	2208900	a1feaceb-e304-4778-90a3-bdc54b6231d9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:56:23	-743.917
-74	22090	2209000	ccef2992-eb5b-40c1-b288-b06ed8fa60e6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:28:30	343.671
-74	44180	2209000	ee52f78e-0083-4bb2-82bb-312a67ed32b4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:36:25	503.265
-75	22091	2209100	acb3a836-cabb-4c43-8caa-62e045cbbd48	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:08:25	-418.143
-75	44182	2209100	54abce51-639d-4983-8aa3-362f41ab8730	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:52:23	-859.68
-76	22092	2209200	0d8f7965-34a5-409c-9569-4648d1cf62bb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:07:44	740.86
-76	44184	2209200	b944b158-e49a-4346-b7a0-5ef83975946f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:11:43	384.852
-77	22093	2209300	d3468760-1745-45a3-b12b-482ac97eb688	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:24:14	-859.190
-77	44186	2209300	e48698e7-f848-45c3-acf9-9668b879ee7c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:46:24	74.769
-78	22094	2209400	35ebf03b-d510-4aa3-aa7a-e545d3b9d2c3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:11:00	852.734
-78	44188	2209400	be76df27-9d68-40db-ae4c-15e51d496439	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:02:39	728.822
-79	22095	2209500	084e2039-05b7-48a5-939a-484094185769	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:45:21	643.162
-79	44190	2209500	c9dd3f98-a906-47fb-857f-6f97d64b2d4c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:44:43	132.704
-80	22096	2209600	b6caabe2-0c01-4a7d-9fad-a200d209e6da	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:08:38	574.821
-80	44192	2209600	ad0b9ef6-32b7-4bf1-a4bd-efbb87b4974f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:47:38	-987.387
-81	22097	2209700	fc025cc2-ec2d-4ed0-88f6-8eae27853e83	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:05:33	-407.26
-81	44194	2209700	1a9838df-fd7c-4cdb-bf45-99fad7ffc41f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:24:53	448.315
-82	22098	2209800	2309309b-bffe-4dab-8687-2a662dfc5560	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:12:02	-265.57
-82	44196	2209800	96c8fa6a-b7f2-4481-9ada-540330e05c68	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:06:22	-528.30
-83	22099	2209900	79040675-7393-4829-aa27-41499e984edb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:56:18	321.210
-83	44198	2209900	febd93e2-ff3b-4c61-b44c-4d9e41d15461	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:16:49	781.129
-84	22100	2210000	143639f4-839d-4cde-8119-c1d98618e63f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:50:53	-103.260
-84	44200	2210000	b355353b-d33a-4e9b-9c5a-d7860caec3c7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:56:06	530.608
-85	22101	2210100	4ebc152f-0d48-42ac-82bc-e8b248c23903	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:32:53	-541.149
-85	44202	2210100	e4c38d90-9ff0-4c5c-88b9-13e719745ed4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:51:42	716.33
-86	22102	2210200	c8b76beb-6bac-4371-9f7a-c062cf05cfa9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:46:40	-8.417
-86	44204	2210200	3bf9b9e5-453d-49aa-b068-6ad6e9b3bc68	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:36:48	-366.119
-87	22103	2210300	5ae136db-a2e7-4eb6-8061-5d0a116b1d15	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:17:35	-716.46
-87	44206	2210300	ed42ee95-0923-4a96-89d5-92465c36a9c6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:18:43	-220.942
-88	22104	2210400	d0db4721-54f4-4adc-b353-a27a730d32b4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:33:43	533.295
-88	44208	2210400	0120a848-b008-48dd-944a-03915a0bb920	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:00:55	786.818
-89	22105	2210500	f066c94f-7260-4866-a216-4536e1ec040f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:40:08	-664.736
-89	44210	2210500	c6ebd0f3-d484-41ea-ae74-824088a1ebbc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:11:16	-650.853
-90	22106	2210600	5743794f-515c-419a-adf3-ff515d0f2d2f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:29:32	494.774
-90	44212	2210600	aca08b51-64fb-449d-9c6b-f511048840e1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:48:21	-696.173
-91	22107	2210700	2bce3198-8838-4f38-a823-439b9e65b8b9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:45:04	974.419
-91	44214	2210700	112182f8-d8e4-4926-97b8-7e19842bc072	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:12:20	695.946
-92	22108	2210800	23bb9c8d-eb91-44fd-9cfb-c4029b36a2a8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:12:47	332.626
-92	44216	2210800	311d7e5b-6887-4156-a542-bb5fc1439bdb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:04:48	744.486
-93	22109	2210900	0f407c17-6b7f-4208-9337-fb75635c3961	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:47:33	-136.774
-93	44218	2210900	581cea79-f11c-4546-b27c-e19de35f8c09	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:49:49	245.133
-94	22110	2211000	d9a50d65-59e2-4c09-8ca2-4ebe1a167849	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:31:50	-49.864
-94	44220	2211000	405dc845-2356-4def-a93d-2eb2a227fd13	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:07:04	-722.671
-95	22111	2211100	44b87dee-6918-4afd-9cc9-efd8257ffa9d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:18:13	-78.575
-95	44222	2211100	74a92b34-5c31-443f-9e7a-efc1fc329563	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:09:17	-472.521
-96	22112	2211200	0210c51e-9084-4fe8-9163-4489ac93bd60	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:10:59	480.369
-96	44224	2211200	ad7f7440-cc2f-4e9e-aede-136e9afdea44	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:13:45	758.263
-97	22113	2211300	314392ae-cd05-45ef-bda5-8dc927878336	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:54:13	143.299
-97	44226	2211300	9cd0244e-1b36-4034-aac8-2329dd4073ba	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:16:12	606.879
-98	22114	2211400	42d992dd-9624-415b-8a26-a8c41bc47e7f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:45:44	245.938
-98	44228	2211400	c312ad5a-74a7-40d3-8ee6-36169cfa5f76	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:41:04	466.635
-99	22115	2211500	1c545fcb-7a67-4150-9853-05e7ef7f786b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:45:35	-546.162
-99	44230	2211500	fa7c6fec-7309-4a33-af8b-0533a221d03f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:31:27	-253.816
-100	22116	2211600	92c74821-0c4a-4ea9-9dc0-230ffe75eb00	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:28:44	-733.746
-100	44232	2211600	4be12b02-c74b-4375-a39a-9feb1db3a717	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:47:55	-858.999
-101	22117	2211700	9bf5862f-e3b7-4753-a2c7-92db7a971481	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:45:07	965.120
-101	44234	2211700	d4f35555-0191-4736-b637-e8eb66963cf5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:33:11	-584.615
-102	22118	2211800	bfc16347-4e7b-4798-8476-1ebac0eae615	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:00:08	-439.501
-102	44236	2211800	95735247-e440-43c1-9606-8e88a9c89797	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:53:58	-174.77
-103	22119	2211900	86b64a8f-6af0-4653-91fc-bc1768bb5a24	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:40:42	57.436
-103	44238	2211900	1aad9c07-f6f9-435e-8b55-8826b0aaa213	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:34:00	-925.240
-104	22120	2212000	5e2179ac-3def-428a-909a-67730a6aef3d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:34:23	841.387
-104	44240	2212000	1e5e9b68-0985-449b-965e-9133ed6cccce	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:37:50	742.480
-105	22121	2212100	2b4d3ab5-11e4-4fe2-a896-57173e03536d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:06:06	-276.567
-105	44242	2212100	e6a68a0f-7fc5-4bb2-bf91-cddf78745d56	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:00:24	548.555
-106	22122	2212200	b8e5c206-7c55-4edb-8df0-a6985f131ecf	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:22:06	843.540
-106	44244	2212200	290ad15f-d379-4d0b-8a1c-6fbf2bf19720	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:03:11	-535.745
-107	22123	2212300	96ae13e4-3102-4a63-897e-43743cad7fd0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:58:12	616.560
-107	44246	2212300	dc3967e4-9833-4bde-8fb9-c807b2982d99	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:20:09	-782.986
-108	22124	2212400	f49a4294-4b0e-4383-a696-9661e2922da0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:12:41	536.258
-108	44248	2212400	88facb0a-47ce-4d71-84f7-32e8cfb5f5e4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:37:35	15.23
-109	22125	2212500	8125a716-e671-464d-bef7-54b5338b695a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:53:20	577.60
-109	44250	2212500	dea9610f-642d-47f0-aa5e-4f8f79897b19	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:36:43	-321.904
-110	22126	2212600	7b2e5c21-6341-4b1e-9183-2b0896542b59	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:24:57	519.478
-110	44252	2212600	04014dbd-491e-409d-992b-bda1d6060471	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:58:05	280.528
-111	22127	2212700	51aa9fe7-8484-4538-9cb9-eef350e8b977	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:16:11	-251.597
-111	44254	2212700	ad3d27f4-0213-492d-a427-00fbb784d8f3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:01:27	-803.743
-112	22128	2212800	0ef2dcb4-f78b-47d9-b0a7-3367024efa93	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:10:12	-430.956
-112	44256	2212800	e5a970dd-355b-4a28-85eb-6240834be5a4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:44:01	-626.922
-113	22129	2212900	e6c22b17-2509-4984-b397-b7e1ed465d82	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:47:49	521.289
-113	44258	2212900	b4ded403-b811-4c64-b548-7da9e9fb3cb9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:06:46	-45.897
-114	22130	2213000	851af66d-39a0-4da2-912c-fedc9fa8f1f2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:35:35	-534.882
-114	44260	2213000	e27981a9-8bd6-4f53-bae8-ad4592aff320	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:38:45	141.507
-115	22131	2213100	835aef46-b362-44cb-820e-11d7d4ae2ff6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:20:27	144.392
-115	44262	2213100	55166d0b-1830-4ef4-80aa-6fbab16d8eae	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:55:32	-932.423
-116	22132	2213200	524bc98b-e95d-4e20-b2bd-3fd672dd1204	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:09:48	342.952
-116	44264	2213200	9cee6977-4c61-41e6-bfa8-d8fdbea3d3a2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:50:45	487.342
-117	22133	2213300	9fa28c75-a6e3-4e28-be1e-129bfc448015	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:14:32	-988.82
-117	44266	2213300	98bd6267-92ac-44b3-8b39-da9d605c9507	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:34:26	-780.746
-118	22134	2213400	2352cfe6-6b58-4a00-a47e-6ee721f8009b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:19:40	911.38
-118	44268	2213400	91d86ea2-3c43-4c86-b434-12f121fee5e9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:10:49	-151.287
-119	22135	2213500	3f104b24-8d31-4506-a004-7baf200ea94b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:14:23	-774.877
-119	44270	2213500	0d58aed9-5923-4948-a554-37cdc1aae893	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:43:45	-651.843
-120	22136	2213600	6bf06fdc-7b87-4489-9e95-be5c446221e5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:12:40	-411.807
-120	44272	2213600	aa546a03-0b22-41fb-b1ce-56f65c1c0e14	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:29:20	773.239
-121	22137	2213700	0cdce311-d7b9-425d-9f64-d370ca499f6f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:11:35	300.121
-121	44274	2213700	d4e11938-df77-4901-ac44-1f5c07b01919	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:35:48	-464.387
-122	22138	2213800	ebcf50f7-c0f3-4157-a898-2438b003dfe3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:20:19	-131.367
-122	44276	2213800	c1b331df-8c4c-4242-9d61-5cc9dc285620	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:48:28	-224.440
-123	22139	2213900	f7266a96-4f4c-42fa-89b1-7fff7c99368f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:33:43	-255.408
-123	44278	2213900	c97f3b89-c388-41ae-a14f-4fc5bae14dc6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:14:15	828.364
-124	22140	2214000	1b460817-4a8b-4801-a82b-6a6b03558eda	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:25:19	116.513
-124	44280	2214000	50e97193-edfe-492f-8512-dbb9f55de529	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:26:11	-516.682
-125	22141	2214100	4226c5d6-8a49-4792-8b78-21dcf656b0c3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:45:23	894.715
-125	44282	2214100	95dcdc1c-5103-4f12-ab5e-bd5175871aa2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:52:54	136.933
-126	22142	2214200	8f4befb3-0a38-48ff-adda-7fba6e0e91f6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:28:08	-81.497
-126	44284	2214200	be5b58ee-3808-461b-8347-62f9c939289d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:27:42	-70.222
-127	22143	2214300	52bfad24-a899-485f-b7a4-34cd3e2a2a09	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:30:57	-609.745
-127	44286	2214300	5f8ed0f6-f629-41ed-a958-b3b7ed8eae4b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:29:47	-326.289
-0	22144	2214400	eaa3b9c3-40b5-4686-907c-83e8b163c6b3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:50:09	-418.535
-0	44288	2214400	a23c5bb3-c4fa-491e-8589-058d3ee15285	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:54:59	-471.423
-1	22145	2214500	793ccefe-f023-4fda-8abe-5fb8502607a1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:19:41	421.423
-1	44290	2214500	5d921e51-5064-4967-b1d1-0a128ed9f460	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:28:03	-458.360
-2	22146	2214600	a9ec8553-c790-43ed-bb80-358e9ffc7292	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:08:50	601.108
-2	44292	2214600	09b20e83-6dac-471b-8894-085d100e208e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:24:31	331.238
-3	22147	2214700	8e25dfb4-e4a3-4b5e-bd37-d92251468ba1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:26:19	220.411
-3	44294	2214700	adc9908d-1eb4-4cce-a0e8-1a2208fd3432	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:01:30	633.672
-4	22148	2214800	caea21b2-7a2d-474a-8bb7-f5b02cdacbae	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:22:05	58.131
-4	44296	2214800	97548018-86b8-4b7b-b5d8-3ce4961e2952	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:41:57	409.719
-5	22149	2214900	e4090132-c650-43b2-b4a3-29126c46728c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:41:48	-17.542
-5	44298	2214900	436f771a-e2af-4559-a15c-c5ebaa7a97d7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:34:10	-113.80
-6	22150	2215000	bdca7cf9-776c-4c3e-817a-ea0a408ab488	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:33:40	15.583
-6	44300	2215000	c57eafb4-0996-4b63-a9b9-430ba120180b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:36:05	937.807
-7	22151	2215100	87a6b9aa-f310-4ccc-82cc-0547c037550c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:48:38	365.727
-7	44302	2215100	c1a8a3ca-7003-470b-bedb-d4944c8555fc	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:44:59	-447.636
-8	22152	2215200	3b7da615-dd55-4139-9156-0ffd85ae60e3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:33:58	522.817
-8	44304	2215200	d3429043-7ce4-4c7a-9ad7-4ab590e0cdb5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:36:58	275.246
-9	22153	2215300	3d094e4f-db4d-40eb-9d1e-381fd0de81fb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:08:43	-661.547
-9	44306	2215300	3e3b84fa-b162-4c05-8600-575c49a5d8b6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:02:50	-663.332
-10	22154	2215400	c6531f9a-3374-4f0d-b90e-c3fc76736182	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:21:51	-333.877
-10	44308	2215400	ff4912e5-616d-4eec-8b12-6f301f3dc964	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:01:10	547.52
-11	22155	2215500	b0690126-148f-4dac-ba59-45c23d54f707	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:10:46	34.618
-11	44310	2215500	db008151-a9a6-45b3-bf81-be879875b979	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:07:52	-844.931
-12	22156	2215600	7a9195ac-3ad7-4cf5-bf3d-34e48cf7c7b8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:41:34	-889.747
-12	44312	2215600	19d61500-15ec-40ca-a00f-bc532b784eae	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:37:21	-379.468
-13	22157	2215700	091c8732-63aa-43e8-9bc9-d3d7ef56d47a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:58:06	-445.937
-13	44314	2215700	65770b46-741a-4903-9862-87a1c3f9d7f3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:11:48	691.368
-14	22158	2215800	704ba284-3fc0-482b-a01c-f75c742df4e6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:17:44	839.674
-14	44316	2215800	385ee162-c8a3-4952-879f-0dfa7efdd040	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:40:38	-911.951
-15	22159	2215900	55eeaaf4-4220-48a2-87eb-8bcf54f4f443	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:08:45	-548.443
-15	44318	2215900	fee3990e-85c0-4e06-a579-9736a4d05d52	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:32:24	-45.54
-16	22160	2216000	19036180-d312-41d4-8993-a2d06f63d56b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:34:19	461.479
-16	44320	2216000	c93d9c15-73c6-441c-8504-daaeecf0ee2f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:30:11	463.221
-17	22161	2216100	555f5b5a-d8ee-4e85-85a9-c5816c95fb10	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:41:35	-235.940
-17	44322	2216100	13b12925-de60-4897-8780-71f48549229d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:37:55	-916.499
-18	22162	2216200	afb3d138-8105-45f6-929e-f2fb7f187aeb	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:07:25	542.846
-18	44324	2216200	d97de65e-17b8-4938-85dd-416d54511ac3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:50:50	-477.892
-19	22163	2216300	cf82258d-8498-4416-adb8-962c5dbc5173	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:53:02	-665.273
-19	44326	2216300	c00881e5-e784-4bf4-b61b-53536ba48957	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:10:00	258.369
-20	22164	2216400	ee62613e-af5c-457d-8e99-e2618bfaea4c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:49:02	-144.241
-20	44328	2216400	70003a67-7464-47cb-ad85-2ce0be49e1c0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:10:34	476.203
-21	22165	2216500	62c7f901-1538-48b7-ba3b-f6f2414c5a55	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:25:45	677.161
-21	44330	2216500	38d05881-26e3-45f5-ba97-6443bbeae4c4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:55:32	-920.413
-22	22166	2216600	36b29583-6634-4da5-a7df-b3a5023622e6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:07:12	689.51
-22	44332	2216600	2cfa8d27-7b4d-432b-9894-58f1982bf65f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:17:57	-817.754
-23	22167	2216700	19bcdb4c-4fdb-4768-b5c1-df0e2014953e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:05:11	-325.822
-23	44334	2216700	58f270be-9f69-486b-b2a5-4de9579886c3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:44:20	233.415
-24	22168	2216800	090b9f7d-4acd-4a19-a5b5-327871844ecf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:40:19	-376.803
-24	44336	2216800	bcaa9202-3152-4b25-96ab-d082b3065ec8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:43:32	384.433
-25	22169	2216900	8fe63c63-4b6a-4dcd-8582-733be9226d54	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:13:17	-161.620
-25	44338	2216900	a3e98b40-43ad-4110-aa25-35c8c7b5f5ac	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:56:23	116.317
-26	22170	2217000	b1808a63-2298-41c7-ae20-1ac9e5d142d3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:10:34	890.968
-26	44340	2217000	5b040aea-d060-41cf-97c4-81cd22faab34	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:03:01	94.255
-27	22171	2217100	7e06b550-8156-4082-acbc-39488ae40b65	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:13:15	-102.534
-27	44342	2217100	5026b85a-cf50-4158-aa2d-bb1beb8fad7d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:11:09	-205.526
-28	22172	2217200	36c951c8-de29-4db9-a3ad-540eb6bc58de	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:41:36	-490.381
-28	44344	2217200	b121f41d-6ca0-484f-b920-287967815f53	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:56:43	431.658
-29	22173	2217300	a5e19107-98d1-439c-a782-4730642344eb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:10:25	982.85
-29	44346	2217300	a0dc57ac-b94f-42d6-b261-6bece9db1a2b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:39:28	-676.690
-30	22174	2217400	2a2e01d9-530b-4675-8683-b8182b656822	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:42:32	55.89
-30	44348	2217400	a1a46cc8-6c09-4f55-b4fc-3c6aa7bc0358	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:31:07	771.923
-31	22175	2217500	3894f2a0-24fb-4fdb-bad6-8d33081468aa	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:50:14	-585.967
-31	44350	2217500	1fbdfd27-8710-4bfa-b0a3-6b1e6f1fd374	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:43:54	-928.362
-32	22176	2217600	59bbe515-3c17-4341-bfa1-9897bee9e68b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:11:30	539.432
-32	44352	2217600	ab6f41c2-032f-4efb-b09b-3e2875c8ceae	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:24:20	969.291
-33	22177	2217700	545f1769-c7d4-4f74-b967-a58dae6a132b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:05:23	-366.473
-33	44354	2217700	6ed8df55-84ec-46d6-9122-f3af8c787b95	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:15:19	-640.944
-34	22178	2217800	955107b9-9dc6-4505-b61f-0b97ed6d4613	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:45:16	610.375
-34	44356	2217800	0fe3420d-cd32-492e-b646-25b4fc72f74b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:58:38	-237.692
-35	22179	2217900	cda36e47-4105-4686-b81f-a7bbc4b07cd9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:03:41	-158.418
-35	44358	2217900	b68f222f-2f90-4d25-8923-3815273602be	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:17:42	872.712
-36	22180	2218000	4596aa9d-961a-4b05-b059-5f524222293c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:10:52	-311.705
-36	44360	2218000	282726b2-5753-41c9-b31d-e225a52a7e72	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:51:06	965.289
-37	22181	2218100	ec792590-9f87-4031-a294-74ffb7c12f1f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:25:04	478.673
-37	44362	2218100	f93cab9e-7d94-4d6e-80ed-e551368a67af	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:28:14	717.382
-38	22182	2218200	c2e40460-8645-4b95-99b2-0373cfb255f7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:25:57	191.115
-38	44364	2218200	af7301df-b44b-4235-8a5d-9f078d3dad43	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:42:04	451.587
-39	22183	2218300	837166c7-4c63-42b1-9c07-db102cc307b1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:34:22	575.909
-39	44366	2218300	f988b86b-e34b-4bfd-bd8c-112edfa1cfff	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:18:40	-622.996
-40	22184	2218400	1bc55ba5-2255-4c36-a9a4-b39762bac0b8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:14:44	621.580
-40	44368	2218400	174fc6b2-22b4-4108-b357-d5338d137b46	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:59:59	183.626
-41	22185	2218500	6b5b9843-4bcf-4fae-b46f-30f69c755806	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:18:38	499.801
-41	44370	2218500	2e07ccfd-b6fc-46e5-aa4a-14ee216dfcd2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:23:32	268.518
-42	22186	2218600	daa0d94a-8b0c-430d-aff0-d060620548d1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:27:18	-42.93
-42	44372	2218600	0bfb811a-566d-4e7a-af5d-fc6c44d0255f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:07:34	454.358
-43	22187	2218700	a3cf38d9-8a2e-4013-9b2f-9e55ad16c1d9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:12:06	-975.56
-43	44374	2218700	7246cd61-11df-4a3d-a550-ce81041f278b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:59:32	-590.944
-44	22188	2218800	84d9bbf7-ce0b-43d8-9496-c9b169074a4b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:28:12	828.567
-44	44376	2218800	d0244339-2953-4c54-86fd-7b8a2729afb7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:19:30	-862.455
-45	22189	2218900	61709733-04eb-4b1e-9ed1-9c87e17304cd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:11:56	-565.469
-45	44378	2218900	5d366f5f-d2e6-471e-a827-7cefabf68207	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:59:47	-32.468
-46	22190	2219000	c3d1f7ef-5a46-4735-a5e0-64f41374ac24	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:39:23	-919.221
-46	44380	2219000	8f23645e-c613-441e-b651-b740e8f06981	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:14:50	-550.523
-47	22191	2219100	7382e1e6-706c-4e75-9bc5-87ad08cc2d9d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:39:54	-828.758
-47	44382	2219100	c42a223e-dccf-4eac-b2d6-86e5f7521a7d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:40:39	-135.148
-48	22192	2219200	3de6bb59-4011-4aa4-81e2-deae0f1bc6d5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:21:08	-132.761
-48	44384	2219200	74c2e6c2-dd14-449f-84b2-5926359689da	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:26:02	-142.907
-49	22193	2219300	2f299f83-f5f3-42e4-98fc-c5192838b559	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:14:25	-667.384
-49	44386	2219300	80712970-debe-4172-b582-d4d8254319f1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:35:07	522.757
-50	22194	2219400	5e85506d-3010-4715-8bcb-cbac0ee6b757	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:10:36	-683.755
-50	44388	2219400	0cb9c3f9-a85b-45d0-81bd-f0d7b28a807c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:58:21	-30.714
-51	22195	2219500	8fc6d842-11fe-4e3d-b55a-fcf8d235a6a4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:38:01	-664.537
-51	44390	2219500	80de0bc9-b13d-4df0-8af5-83fcebd4481e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:51:42	12.871
-52	22196	2219600	371a6b34-6d88-4a8f-b513-ff080cfa8697	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:48:28	186.838
-52	44392	2219600	88b5139a-3fb0-4a09-a1c2-b4fcad325f0a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:16:32	963.67
-53	22197	2219700	20d0d720-bcae-40d3-8e8d-d4793ba0fffc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:02:28	46.613
-53	44394	2219700	4d8239a8-aab6-471f-acbe-93375b5d328f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:33:36	46.665
-54	22198	2219800	6b99aed9-ddeb-4380-a681-6c8b8cf8b90c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:47:55	-415.972
-54	44396	2219800	5d531785-81b0-41ad-a051-441f01c6064d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:00:35	62.259
-55	22199	2219900	c5fb0ca4-af7d-4f63-b8bf-7811246bbae4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:22:45	588.742
-55	44398	2219900	7c025f76-ead6-4d80-a92e-f7d09e160de9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:14:09	400.265
-56	22200	2220000	2cd7db31-6177-4876-a505-ac153cd3e23d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:00:27	-597.538
-56	44400	2220000	c56b41d7-bf5a-489d-8220-a827aac92997	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:53:27	-507.524
-57	22201	2220100	593d595a-d598-43c4-8de1-9cb2549c650a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:33:49	659.123
-57	44402	2220100	f2249b22-9e13-48fd-b2d8-92a9f23d1efb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:19:59	688.703
-58	22202	2220200	88346a1e-a742-4e19-915c-e4e982fb1208	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:18:01	50.176
-58	44404	2220200	d289e4ff-ff7b-4c10-ba71-6b5db33768e4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:59:24	-557.276
-59	22203	2220300	730793df-9a6a-4252-9b1c-f4df31658b11	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:59:43	-112.179
-59	44406	2220300	8b06b41d-afad-4b6a-9858-e150307e1992	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:28:50	715.97
-60	22204	2220400	d67123ce-08a8-4229-bab9-5ad13bf02908	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:58:29	157.993
-60	44408	2220400	a8ce765a-6c14-4c21-9601-1891dd6232cf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:12:23	735.617
-61	22205	2220500	175c8914-981f-40cd-8212-7a7a12d33869	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:35:12	-960.130
-61	44410	2220500	0b663ca3-6540-4562-b5f7-43484ce13034	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:59:25	-578.492
-62	22206	2220600	8a8614ab-b5c9-485c-abfb-5fef7b33a078	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:27:50	-174.439
-62	44412	2220600	950a4811-4645-4205-86a9-4b089958a24c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:27:35	413.211
-63	22207	2220700	bb08d50a-1da6-444c-91f9-b5a33ab3be7a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:24:54	492.496
-63	44414	2220700	d9bbaa15-ec92-4fe3-8bcc-96a46d418355	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:57:16	-195.824
-64	22208	2220800	183a7e69-db91-4e8b-8a67-26f0d8ba85a9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:09:04	-842.303
-64	44416	2220800	b175891d-f0e0-469d-95a5-d53e1c61c240	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:45:20	907.291
-65	22209	2220900	daf25276-6846-4186-be2f-aa5772bf36c0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:01:21	351.214
-65	44418	2220900	e68c07e2-bd30-4bf7-9683-a603feb7d9a5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:14:21	-969.687
-66	22210	2221000	c0d1e4d7-7110-4b2a-9791-2aa42483321a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:28:41	265.89
-66	44420	2221000	73539f53-bca1-4304-9f43-7523bc1dfcdc	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:02:04	-312.385
-67	22211	2221100	a9eb82f6-465a-4b70-9dbd-116505e4cf0d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:44:07	551.499
-67	44422	2221100	2466c87e-a072-4899-aeb3-8793ce522ee5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:07:42	-534.65
-68	22212	2221200	1b381453-2148-4b63-9a78-e2fad31a0c10	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:19:11	-454.608
-68	44424	2221200	afb6dd35-5b21-4e0d-9a1f-f515da8279d9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:59:24	-581.116
-69	22213	2221300	ddcf9ac6-4b33-4716-8d65-72932c1c52f3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:33:54	-808.95
-69	44426	2221300	29999cec-ff28-4d95-9af0-4ce91e0242bf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:13:08	-373.807
-70	22214	2221400	a04b3e05-ef71-4c06-91d4-2f3898f6d84a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:52:58	206.688
-70	44428	2221400	09688a42-aff8-407d-8c5b-b48ca92cf415	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:34:39	-500.696
-71	22215	2221500	16d811a6-ab5c-4d1c-b362-3f64a7b6bd60	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:00:04	-945.320
-71	44430	2221500	8a7faf93-5f95-4ecb-8aef-4870501bc77f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:34:15	-794.260
-72	22216	2221600	5753a32f-007f-4803-ba99-19a92e0b79d4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:37:14	-946.111
-72	44432	2221600	69310688-918d-42cb-b838-089c5740204d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:25:20	275.515
-73	22217	2221700	9c07936f-6791-4e8b-879f-ffedb9b87b31	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:04:07	-816.466
-73	44434	2221700	448ae83d-548e-4562-a7e1-f6fe89799342	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:15:55	581.912
-74	22218	2221800	f5e1d3e0-6213-4a26-99f2-38bee8407599	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:53:36	339.409
-74	44436	2221800	f0d39410-4a87-4074-92cf-1a9798ed22d6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:28:12	-748.205
-75	22219	2221900	1038dacb-e5aa-4e3f-8ffa-c41bcc0819ac	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:56:46	-750.281
-75	44438	2221900	ea0b2bc0-166e-4b66-a3b4-970efa254d62	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:26:57	-714.871
-76	22220	2222000	b27d642f-7297-4d3a-9b63-400a5acf9832	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:37:49	-564.71
-76	44440	2222000	87258338-8c53-4dfd-a6cd-16b7f79acc3d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:03:34	629.694
-77	22221	2222100	f37995eb-3f20-4169-b4c8-41c82131df24	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:26:36	865.83
-77	44442	2222100	f4f1c275-a493-4d3f-9e64-fa651a8d2ada	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:09:49	-936.626
-78	22222	2222200	31092990-1c2d-49a3-ae73-ef253ea92489	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:15:08	-751.75
-78	44444	2222200	7d870496-b1d2-4a7e-8de9-b4357e712886	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:58:53	-856.458
-79	22223	2222300	ad4220a8-3134-453a-a998-fb881e0432a8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:36:56	-109.638
-79	44446	2222300	5a366f38-7447-4454-80e3-8c0b8486f0ef	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:45:19	223.526
-80	22224	2222400	6456c2b3-5886-4f55-af12-1ed4e761f35d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:54:18	993.601
-80	44448	2222400	e43b21e5-41c8-4d02-963c-91f4358579fd	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:17:22	2.639
-81	22225	2222500	868057cd-a1bd-4ff8-a06a-690cd4cf0bc6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:26:08	-733.334
-81	44450	2222500	f67301bc-09de-4e63-be06-bac46be48a87	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:34:46	444.519
-82	22226	2222600	39f00985-080e-4f90-bfb7-b11abcfac36b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:25:37	52.973
-82	44452	2222600	071ddcdb-15c3-40d6-be7d-d3092aedafd2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:11:00	786.279
-83	22227	2222700	b67933e2-3d1c-4189-9319-d2635c8810fe	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:55:16	-892.734
-83	44454	2222700	ba923631-4b8d-4549-9e91-e9fdf0eeb144	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:12:39	-109.36
-84	22228	2222800	cd66acbe-8a04-4eb0-b9c3-6b1dba9106f1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:51:22	293.903
-84	44456	2222800	431818e6-827e-481f-9085-9243e86a7509	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:35:43	3.701
-85	22229	2222900	c9eac368-ebc7-40b5-a717-1887b1fc3b89	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:14:42	144.256
-85	44458	2222900	6986977e-f1b6-408a-a809-0644254cc97d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:20:24	-562.902
-86	22230	2223000	40398ed7-5d7a-498f-9d5b-8ea15f89a206	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:38:25	-952.389
-86	44460	2223000	3766f193-fee7-4c1c-ae76-c6740867e17e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:12:58	-29.194
-87	22231	2223100	4e11acd9-5b74-4b79-96b6-3882ca0a68f1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:27:50	-640.33
-87	44462	2223100	0e3b554e-d482-4d2e-999e-94960bfc688f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:24:39	-975.595
-88	22232	2223200	5b8e5584-39a6-4a7e-8e35-6ec76b01133f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:52:48	-88.868
-88	44464	2223200	cbedde24-96c4-4df6-a1ec-d7793f6a8526	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:04:11	-917.757
-89	22233	2223300	c2a3d11a-270c-47d6-920b-f1148701ce93	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:32:37	249.351
-89	44466	2223300	ddef3594-8927-4bd0-bcf3-e5fbad07498f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:34:21	209.610
-90	22234	2223400	91785ba7-de19-43a1-b116-06ee16cd3081	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:36:35	426.489
-90	44468	2223400	d43ffaee-dcaa-4b8c-83e1-bc19ead36b06	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:45:37	-20.158
-91	22235	2223500	4118807b-f1c1-43c7-b094-fd4e0d461b4f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:30:17	-362.308
-91	44470	2223500	49845a2d-6cc5-495b-a72a-a0893b863999	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:17:29	-760.179
-92	22236	2223600	40dcd961-c7f8-480b-8317-7328b67b3e22	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:57:37	764.895
-92	44472	2223600	ac86064a-178b-404a-8e0c-0f9c4a8b9491	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:40:39	593.146
-93	22237	2223700	a507da3a-5cf1-4c73-b0b2-bd167d71e194	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:17:15	-789.374
-93	44474	2223700	84efb471-0551-40f2-8f81-ad56e024de94	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:09:06	-473.563
-94	22238	2223800	75e232d2-b2c7-4086-af29-1b910636d665	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:51:17	610.191
-94	44476	2223800	deba55be-3887-47bb-b21d-56a776e76015	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:32:31	-486.877
-95	22239	2223900	e715ad8d-3843-42dc-9be2-ca6bda62ba03	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:30:26	440.786
-95	44478	2223900	edb03fb1-fc21-4dc9-a092-a113b40b9d3a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:04:02	443.888
-96	22240	2224000	438646eb-fa04-4b34-9601-8680313fcfd5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:12:42	-1.562
-96	44480	2224000	0e6f2409-a565-49e0-9999-a34c24eef6f6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:07:15	128.414
-97	22241	2224100	18d76adb-b073-4416-93a5-c58f927d6fe6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:52:09	-625.459
-97	44482	2224100	a0f607c5-e063-47e0-bab7-d5262911cde8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:55:05	-346.587
-98	22242	2224200	9fb3599d-6b58-492c-a230-a5b8a601124c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:32:44	511.314
-98	44484	2224200	659b7160-684b-4546-9af9-b47618ff6d5f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:58:05	-739.136
-99	22243	2224300	77845e2e-e9d0-4c4e-a682-f406a826658d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:55:43	326.428
-99	44486	2224300	4cf3c860-b024-40e7-95ad-9441e58c6161	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:47:22	585.590
-100	22244	2224400	a9c0a79b-2f86-4e08-bc63-ab593c7f521e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:51:05	995.793
-100	44488	2224400	51328185-088e-4a6b-ae85-bc4aa896cc3e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:59:19	-958.906
-101	22245	2224500	e76fbcc0-7301-4582-9849-be0c41aa83ae	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:01:50	-231.97
-101	44490	2224500	ef0c4a6c-78ab-4fc3-9970-0e57c9813867	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:48:22	56.94
-102	22246	2224600	26710123-a2f2-4f8a-a18f-b45e2c8c705f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:54:19	-477.838
-102	44492	2224600	dfa97f5c-19fb-4470-b6eb-51dc6b5bb1cd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:57:29	-774.742
-103	22247	2224700	973dde53-9626-44ec-9583-1bc62619f194	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:25:15	-103.948
-103	44494	2224700	1d95b85a-5296-4764-a97a-5013024a9123	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:31:46	539.485
-104	22248	2224800	abce86a9-bbfe-485a-bf47-6c4c016bc54b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:12:12	-776.499
-104	44496	2224800	427c2a48-6fe2-4b41-bc08-53f12b14ce29	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:15:04	89.820
-105	22249	2224900	8e9cc604-fa5c-45b9-86fa-66ac8a9f6db6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:56:56	-762.439
-105	44498	2224900	3cc481b1-e7c0-4907-baf8-2b189f4ca484	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:09:11	710.430
-106	22250	2225000	676d8e3d-bfef-4e68-8415-318186eed27f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:08:57	-548.935
-106	44500	2225000	c09222de-5ae5-4ed8-ad61-1bd2cf15daeb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:14:31	-750.955
-107	22251	2225100	bb97a124-607d-402d-ab35-12b4a9f0793a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:20:37	105.969
-107	44502	2225100	71b9323d-3bee-4a93-8439-a87690bf63f5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:58:26	-673.788
-108	22252	2225200	a1825f7c-7577-4ed2-b62e-6e0f077b4641	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:30:46	71.354
-108	44504	2225200	5738f284-d5fb-4842-9ec5-78283dd69639	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:05:44	612.745
-109	22253	2225300	31381fd9-6b4c-4b79-a62b-6d1b3c15af7d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:44:35	714.869
-109	44506	2225300	c84261fb-6633-4a4b-80b1-f540215caa2a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:11:57	-347.535
-110	22254	2225400	41c374c0-c605-49e8-82c5-672350319998	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:22:39	712.41
-110	44508	2225400	a45bc3ca-38f9-4839-ac5b-390235c4e9dd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:28:56	514.636
-111	22255	2225500	835c1397-1080-4107-8b57-d0c20d76362d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:29:28	284.143
-111	44510	2225500	b260624b-29ce-47de-9304-fc2a882dd562	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:18:09	-726.302
-112	22256	2225600	b085303e-bf6f-4133-942f-8d2b1098e4e9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:26:27	-752.205
-112	44512	2225600	4427a0ec-18cb-41e5-8287-891db728e8e7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:04:54	-336.772
-113	22257	2225700	f41ead74-915d-4f59-bb70-1b69cf11c1f2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:28:17	-987.739
-113	44514	2225700	70af58ce-432a-4ce7-9bdb-563dd2a3e4b8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:07:43	567.980
-114	22258	2225800	7c61400a-ca0b-4e83-b570-e0cbea0f4c61	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:46:44	-544.753
-114	44516	2225800	718f9c62-ae66-4b60-b183-58333020a501	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:02:37	-926.192
-115	22259	2225900	37dc9e18-4c11-4b55-b974-b36a677db830	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:34:23	-35.408
-115	44518	2225900	aa7b54fb-9aed-4626-99de-8719d5f93860	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:32:55	516.672
-116	22260	2226000	41ee1691-e924-4301-b57a-bc3a47790c2c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:06:46	-310.929
-116	44520	2226000	0e1aacce-1ca5-4a05-b8ab-4b73f1a7afaf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:00:38	921.423
-117	22261	2226100	5206d947-be33-466f-9645-d23c8e45289b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:53:35	412.958
-117	44522	2226100	60f2afdb-eaa4-4487-a560-533044c2ecaf	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:37:29	403.726
-118	22262	2226200	272abeca-5c78-4353-a3de-cbd534c90558	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:06:10	416.483
-118	44524	2226200	1fbab62a-e520-4296-b61b-168579fa5f95	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:53:41	-947.835
-119	22263	2226300	505c223d-205d-4d20-9cb2-00c283ca5542	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:02:27	692.651
-119	44526	2226300	8b3e2fff-2f58-474c-86e0-888c7011563b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:18:22	-737.304
-120	22264	2226400	ea050286-c938-49be-a926-3f9d072ace51	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:16:17	141.38
-120	44528	2226400	ce9e7a84-3265-4d55-9e8e-d8cee1d41a95	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:59:26	402.290
-121	22265	2226500	eb70c777-665c-4694-89b2-5f5ea8448f92	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:05:22	-409.865
-121	44530	2226500	6194b4a0-a1a4-4c84-95d4-5c1678e709ac	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:26:15	-148.378
-122	22266	2226600	c7c227b8-f60f-4cf1-9cea-d8c3a040a08f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:37:52	786.864
-122	44532	2226600	652e297d-ec33-4e8e-afd5-6ce4ecf6be63	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:58:02	150.841
-123	22267	2226700	18074839-c01d-43b3-9017-d11341da3469	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:45:47	767.308
-123	44534	2226700	15a522d2-b604-4095-804d-8239d575b63b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:04:22	203.294
-124	22268	2226800	4b1827bf-928c-4d96-b755-6a33ba893240	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:49:48	26.168
-124	44536	2226800	b845056b-dd58-4e01-8e24-63dfb35746bf	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:13:41	907.811
-125	22269	2226900	8cafcae9-b086-4e82-ac90-073c9f492217	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:18:52	428.164
-125	44538	2226900	ee5ebed6-f8b0-446e-92ab-12ecd3325620	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:08:40	-430.803
-126	22270	2227000	52815354-b81a-4f12-bae8-21d31de9aa90	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:14:38	-175.393
-126	44540	2227000	d117edca-859d-4766-8a36-a4e8ba86bf08	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:27:42	255.421
-127	22271	2227100	bff45ecf-4517-41b9-923e-f7cc76abda66	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:59:27	166.823
-127	44542	2227100	85a3afbc-0127-4d6e-9fa3-5ec6e50ef87c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:29:32	513.93
-0	22272	2227200	7d01fdd5-03fc-4f95-aa78-028b610e61a9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:25:11	-392.529
-0	44544	2227200	cb4c0189-abad-4d5a-acca-c0a553c4a041	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:28:36	-944.710
-1	22273	2227300	d21579f5-8d11-470c-ac87-0acbd4a9aea3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:58:07	-398.935
-1	44546	2227300	a9f419d6-e69e-4b4c-9fc8-a87841914990	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:05:03	513.154
-2	22274	2227400	1910f04f-f88e-4203-9ea1-441db3176c96	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:54:14	-236.696
-2	44548	2227400	3efc2652-cfb1-4968-a4ab-908bdfb18b8e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:29:38	891.83
-3	22275	2227500	3dfe9b07-1112-4cc1-a885-b4561ab89a98	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:41:11	642.996
-3	44550	2227500	c25edf93-84ce-4950-b887-3d14d16a4f01	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:40:23	-409.919
-4	22276	2227600	19105a39-b5b5-49f4-9568-29f1b3836809	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:50:02	-989.598
-4	44552	2227600	850c498f-b72f-48fc-bf2a-be886960b679	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:14:50	-176.619
-5	22277	2227700	1cbeb57d-0dfe-486c-90c6-5addc9262f55	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:03:02	-910.132
-5	44554	2227700	8f6d2083-24f7-40b0-beac-4b3e7aa6c96f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:16:13	-614.706
-6	22278	2227800	488d88cf-4c67-47db-a897-ba0558bcd6bb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:59:36	626.309
-6	44556	2227800	f7f7ffca-6b7b-40db-8f75-7e2aaf279938	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:29:16	963.433
-7	22279	2227900	33263a20-d189-40a4-80fd-90a033b2ef11	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:09:27	603.198
-7	44558	2227900	dc17d1c2-4321-4f67-8e7b-ad4ee405f81d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:30:26	-804.372
-8	22280	2228000	5a431f7e-2f59-4850-9e72-ec5c7c57e443	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:57:24	691.416
-8	44560	2228000	74009e99-af61-44ce-9d57-e412c0679626	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:17:19	213.854
-9	22281	2228100	f93546a5-e927-408b-b3e8-ea05669bdf20	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:50:01	542.608
-9	44562	2228100	c5272f75-9ee6-43c8-aa95-bd5c58bb5bd8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:23:32	371.899
-10	22282	2228200	cc183725-57af-442f-8758-9b31fdd300af	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:41:00	689.316
-10	44564	2228200	1d8f2634-56b9-44c0-881e-e919bcd0079b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:34:56	-614.108
-11	22283	2228300	6a85428f-1ff2-4215-9526-2aa6eeafc040	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:07:08	354.382
-11	44566	2228300	39de37d3-d898-436d-8281-447a40e4be67	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:40:25	121.5
-12	22284	2228400	48dfa3dd-0c03-4022-937d-2bfffd5c50bb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:27:50	231.485
-12	44568	2228400	6022e003-54eb-4699-b786-c4bda0e0a856	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:04:16	823.592
-13	22285	2228500	6d4d35c3-0916-49a4-848f-93a2928c7e4a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:40:58	328.233
-13	44570	2228500	f48edabc-d798-4f6a-87c7-fd647649ca62	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:15:49	-273.43
-14	22286	2228600	f96abb55-88ab-4695-b503-605f34adf807	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:18:14	227.406
-14	44572	2228600	f2931989-b87f-4e86-8328-39d9c27087d7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:36:10	-294.771
-15	22287	2228700	6c8b8eca-2001-4a8c-9619-a8a516484b6d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:11:48	86.545
-15	44574	2228700	64f785ff-8963-4944-b764-9575dc66fa7c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:25:44	-157.564
-16	22288	2228800	90833274-ba3e-4515-bcc8-1d8a5aa0eba6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:00:58	-996.472
-16	44576	2228800	d49ebbf3-a44d-4175-8e7b-860f4e7c3d73	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:54:42	559.214
-17	22289	2228900	27af383c-9102-4367-ba73-a2af57fe2870	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:01:37	-995.802
-17	44578	2228900	9224d7d5-d4f5-4bfd-8f7f-c57d698b6c6e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:24:55	-598.438
-18	22290	2229000	3f69ee07-ae3a-4605-9bf0-ce5304f8c8fd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:04:12	-768.3
-18	44580	2229000	1dd2cbf8-b244-4994-a336-c03db4b87e2e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:38:51	653.986
-19	22291	2229100	1b5f2d9b-395c-40ce-9103-769f996c7be2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:38:43	920.619
-19	44582	2229100	84c7d940-852e-42f1-8893-9972a34f5b7e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:13:14	-547.912
-20	22292	2229200	bfa6429c-3416-406c-806e-3c4aff75e29a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:24:19	943.716
-20	44584	2229200	f0c7d391-1ac5-4c3a-9f79-205f0de278bd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:26:44	-47.325
-21	22293	2229300	cb1b70b4-fdc7-40ea-8af4-b51f92a3b298	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:25:55	229.773
-21	44586	2229300	e731c307-a852-4e01-ac1d-0fa05e285293	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:36:51	-120.135
-22	22294	2229400	046bf5fb-bc76-40c1-ad39-8f5776e5cf3a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:29:02	-155.390
-22	44588	2229400	dc64b6ac-c49b-4cac-a433-2d2be520f6eb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:38:40	-231.939
-23	22295	2229500	816b26f1-06da-4312-b19b-90f195e94be2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:37:44	107.170
-23	44590	2229500	9ac92848-8613-4400-943b-d8167265f07d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:23:45	339.542
-24	22296	2229600	65ac35d0-49a4-493d-888e-14bcecadf33b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:32:18	356.990
-24	44592	2229600	c44e4a77-0d6c-40c1-8a13-6e62bffdbbd3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:01:49	294.649
-25	22297	2229700	32510800-9d3a-47cf-8d7c-0bbaa3d67c6f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:12:00	-797.856
-25	44594	2229700	62ab3132-6268-49e2-9849-3418c09f3fe0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:07:25	-136.866
-26	22298	2229800	22e385f9-03bb-487f-a377-236c451fff54	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:17:16	-336.965
-26	44596	2229800	0bd8821d-b28e-4896-ab98-797a67c0e045	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:53:48	-528.14
-27	22299	2229900	1bfccadb-d3bb-41b9-939d-a928e4c3e821	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:20:23	-182.364
-27	44598	2229900	72bfc80e-c7f2-463c-a5e2-4900aa384fe6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:08:27	373.62
-28	22300	2230000	2aa4d61a-5d82-48fc-998d-2a4e1f7c5619	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:10:53	-29.463
-28	44600	2230000	a20d4253-1532-42ea-b68c-4c3ea923e064	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:02:46	229.641
-29	22301	2230100	cb68c2ce-3936-4d74-9bcf-6a163289fb90	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:41:45	-628.416
-29	44602	2230100	d6afd7da-d382-44fd-b2d4-66c33b551a60	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:48:56	673.204
-30	22302	2230200	3a8389a7-c4af-4dad-a60a-7b3d49a765bc	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:55:49	-137.533
-30	44604	2230200	9503ff9a-70bf-47f7-b7ec-26cdb240884e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:54:42	118.114
-31	22303	2230300	e824082f-ab9a-4da0-a34a-333bdec90ea1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:37:56	389.753
-31	44606	2230300	4cb47daa-d793-42c0-b433-1a1c28f1cade	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:19:01	977.149
-32	22304	2230400	f1adfb5d-7b51-44e2-ac89-5afe7e266628	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:57:41	292.305
-32	44608	2230400	4e30a30a-6e88-4c41-901d-0a5b5d29b392	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:26:02	-34.597
-33	22305	2230500	518a341f-e4a8-43f5-af4c-3b59582e970f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:38:33	-940.655
-33	44610	2230500	d05f0340-d5dc-4497-be6b-3fda2c0413fa	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:47:34	-591.688
-34	22306	2230600	bd828e32-26b5-49a8-be69-673e18e0ea2f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:04:38	339.355
-34	44612	2230600	890b694b-c058-4627-906a-83e58f71d71c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:12:47	-939.19
-35	22307	2230700	aed94759-4ef2-45f0-b96c-1d257d492c03	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:03:52	-638.508
-35	44614	2230700	63907cd0-6ed8-4d7a-bb4b-193ac4e75ed9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:33:48	63.716
-36	22308	2230800	b2e8a5a4-fb48-4c82-86c0-c69fa7f5321d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:35:19	-175.554
-36	44616	2230800	2c3e00d1-b5c5-44dc-a704-3da2f868bf92	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:12:58	-832.947
-37	22309	2230900	169c847c-6c61-48c9-9cd5-b9011894d501	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:14:47	-559.28
-37	44618	2230900	01bd001e-ee41-4f6d-b62e-6121aa8537be	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:26:21	-439.233
-38	22310	2231000	acac0535-44b4-423c-8c1b-babf9efa1c3e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:12:21	-457.889
-38	44620	2231000	07383c32-20d3-4618-9b93-50446145496b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:19:39	-920.785
-39	22311	2231100	46075430-634e-410d-9ad1-05ce75467dc7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:25:19	956.655
-39	44622	2231100	96df45c9-7701-4353-8123-6fab2edb535a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:12:44	477.416
-40	22312	2231200	a901eb9f-c6b7-4a35-8365-1a65dbcaf598	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:42:32	27.378
-40	44624	2231200	7ccb184a-3cb3-4c91-bbc4-a9e384f9276e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:28:38	-680.614
-41	22313	2231300	09a90af4-7211-4b33-bc1d-2bd16f694a82	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:35:04	-300.124
-41	44626	2231300	eb38c41e-2f1e-41eb-8987-12fd7aca0066	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:08:52	424.455
-42	22314	2231400	02f22009-7c86-4907-beb6-db40da063dcb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:12:43	16.651
-42	44628	2231400	aa42efeb-f4ac-4d5d-9b29-137421ef9a9f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:43:01	-362.527
-43	22315	2231500	4041cbfe-f55e-4026-ac1f-8c7c43a8206c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:10:48	683.233
-43	44630	2231500	91c6c13e-f59d-4d1b-97e0-7ed744dbaf97	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:38:45	901.805
-44	22316	2231600	6e0804b6-7a9c-4a44-a8a6-4bf26074e508	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:22:00	-639.403
-44	44632	2231600	23f08757-e994-4dd8-8846-80a89fc4f9f4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:33:28	71.649
-45	22317	2231700	4f3c2eab-4109-4b5e-9791-96e449374ede	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:25:07	165.249
-45	44634	2231700	55873695-733e-426e-86a6-b6205208a1aa	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:43:22	116.51
-46	22318	2231800	cc6edff0-ded0-4f31-bbb0-eb7d441858ac	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:25:34	-975.249
-46	44636	2231800	6c65d9d5-d71c-4bf9-9e53-fa709880a595	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:09:44	-206.92
-47	22319	2231900	05825376-5981-4a52-b176-8832c6327246	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:51:56	-569.200
-47	44638	2231900	b187732a-102f-42e5-abeb-43e478fa9ea1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:22:25	739.352
-48	22320	2232000	edd8f9ce-9e8b-42e1-8dbb-e763f215b81e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:41:25	-387.425
-48	44640	2232000	4af214ed-1cf4-4aba-bc67-d4a63c9050fd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:51:52	-332.578
-49	22321	2232100	c8569aac-96fd-49bf-bc8a-c8a0d589b05a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:33:02	-993.730
-49	44642	2232100	7bf1a901-f095-41b1-a738-3dc17f0e99f8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:07:43	-950.871
-50	22322	2232200	cc849da7-f568-4908-b00b-fa6d9b8a5575	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:06:15	598.389
-50	44644	2232200	7e09faae-a7d0-4563-9a5c-d7ca11daaa4e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:21:13	914.811
-51	22323	2232300	59cd65f4-7fda-43cd-8ed5-96ec51ce601d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:49:10	-267.402
-51	44646	2232300	db9a8e45-a421-40fe-8b59-12efa1692135	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:19:07	925.51
-52	22324	2232400	5049f663-e4fc-480d-9d36-033be1bfa5fa	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:40:37	596.166
-52	44648	2232400	63a7e6c8-7156-4d27-8e33-5a36cd3e7a0a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:06:10	14.859
-53	22325	2232500	537e999e-900a-4f62-84cb-decd2b67f337	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:15:40	612.666
-53	44650	2232500	556c5340-5e01-414a-9e25-ad426eb52c3c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:24:56	-182.592
-54	22326	2232600	84a22a5f-f481-431e-85ca-a91c780f59ac	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:44:56	590.658
-54	44652	2232600	79ca6091-fa42-41bc-b876-94f409b53230	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:39:59	493.218
-55	22327	2232700	9a36641c-5d1b-4e23-abf1-3ec7b8e5af7c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:59:53	555.892
-55	44654	2232700	f804aea5-0e73-4014-bd35-f0916579325e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:50:03	-544.69
-56	22328	2232800	d8d3aea3-5d07-4ca9-842f-7dd63bad34e8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:49:33	899.463
-56	44656	2232800	f85e7b00-9c2d-4fcd-8321-74aa6ce0fddc	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:51:39	387.119
-57	22329	2232900	5f94dca2-e1d0-49e1-b611-76f9b0180df4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:43:58	598.958
-57	44658	2232900	f5b054f2-e2c0-404f-986a-9ba1c92e789a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:14:49	-848.889
-58	22330	2233000	b5e4f669-fedf-452f-9d79-02ed8ba8b073	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:03:57	-446.62
-58	44660	2233000	c76cc8c1-d755-4fcb-8ed2-427fab3e8f98	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:21:26	566.761
-59	22331	2233100	6df8d596-1da6-48e7-9215-8feb0c37a5e5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:02:12	15.532
-59	44662	2233100	63aa09a9-63ff-48c7-bad5-a07bd0551b34	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:39:35	982.328
-60	22332	2233200	449cb130-e2b2-4407-bedd-39f6de95b278	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:59:18	-750.317
-60	44664	2233200	05f9bbfe-691b-4aa4-a5c6-37c0e624b9a0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:30:23	-690.314
-61	22333	2233300	ad6647ec-c6e3-46c4-bf58-740710449008	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:30:35	260.673
-61	44666	2233300	72e22cf1-d056-48db-b4f9-edea7d88a989	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:14:15	152.94
-62	22334	2233400	24d2ce6f-ab73-4e22-b929-5eef8d4fbfdc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:16:38	-445.306
-62	44668	2233400	ba981ae3-4426-48b3-a952-681232b79c53	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:37:10	553.495
-63	22335	2233500	f05dc49b-7c9a-48f5-a579-a83be210f68f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:54:06	126.660
-63	44670	2233500	b6a3bf56-cc85-46f1-ac3c-9a3e000729ac	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:59:34	-697.494
-64	22336	2233600	265f40ec-483b-41ae-ae18-1bc1885a98ec	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:32:34	-848.458
-64	44672	2233600	1a7e0165-327c-467c-ae7e-05fd7aca82f4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:57:08	-608.471
-65	22337	2233700	3f541589-7628-4b26-93ea-e401bee067d3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:15:57	552.102
-65	44674	2233700	fcdb9d7a-4039-4f86-a888-3836971c4c48	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:17:24	-587.746
-66	22338	2233800	a50f6ece-a6c7-4fda-9f84-a9b491f85220	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:23:29	-377.250
-66	44676	2233800	bbb9fe49-0170-4067-8ca9-a14db24ba83e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:04:26	-665.394
-67	22339	2233900	550750db-ee20-4a96-9ab1-b0e68aaa5ef7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:52:35	908.492
-67	44678	2233900	a0634b1c-50ba-47d1-8f99-8d8b818dc04b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:56:04	-843.725
-68	22340	2234000	caa3bae4-514f-4159-8811-377f90348fcb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:39:26	795.450
-68	44680	2234000	82c2b43e-042b-4646-b7b7-72ee54aab0d6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:39:44	604.707
-69	22341	2234100	bed012ae-0eb5-4f09-b14e-c4ab2581f0a8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:57:10	-669.443
-69	44682	2234100	238d15c1-3138-4ead-8ba8-890ddd0c1ecc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:48:05	-733.878
-70	22342	2234200	60b9cd29-c8e7-4e5d-8ab7-e9889a872ec0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:33:23	739.233
-70	44684	2234200	13e0a50b-8fc6-4e07-b878-6569cf72fc0c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:47:34	959.10
-71	22343	2234300	5ab18868-dffc-41b9-aac5-4ae0f948c6f1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:54:23	-466.539
-71	44686	2234300	b3bcb28e-d7e2-402f-a358-e52bc19c0a15	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:02:53	692.173
-72	22344	2234400	10be78f7-c441-4cf3-8433-57000a640bdc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:38:35	224.34
-72	44688	2234400	5e98b9b4-f7a5-4680-92e5-92600ea5daa6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:12:40	-674.993
-73	22345	2234500	530ada98-7a9f-4374-be69-fd080dbfb14f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:40:06	94.395
-73	44690	2234500	3a351d58-65c0-4f5d-aac9-9bf066a83d51	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:41:43	692.614
-74	22346	2234600	3e94d4ba-c3d2-4a12-a885-8e13906b0d51	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:34:33	-506.712
-74	44692	2234600	24861266-bbee-47fe-ad72-c70d4c6c205a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:01:56	434.870
-75	22347	2234700	5e1e038c-774e-466b-9af9-ededc7690be9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:04:24	990.691
-75	44694	2234700	8a09185e-071d-4af7-a950-48c964ae7cbe	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:47:57	-816.205
-76	22348	2234800	7d3ec2b4-b709-40b4-bc25-55d952a936e2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:20:45	544.368
-76	44696	2234800	8ec33f15-b9a6-45b2-aecc-8fff95be73b7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:53:29	-661.337
-77	22349	2234900	115fefcc-78b1-484c-b2d2-71c90159f133	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:58:59	-933.147
-77	44698	2234900	c88f33f6-9d7f-49d7-83c6-49e0bf8627cb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:44:37	472.497
-78	22350	2235000	425904ba-a07a-491d-aade-d6912d440108	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:50:03	-611.530
-78	44700	2235000	abbd6988-ae89-4148-ab62-b1bf78525978	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:21:40	-970.201
-79	22351	2235100	9eff9cd2-5114-4f01-a01f-6e467cc3b5c8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:52:42	262.93
-79	44702	2235100	780a35e0-aeb2-4226-a8f1-6178d89605e1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:10:54	-731.41
-80	22352	2235200	30925e5a-86b3-401c-8680-181e7f35c7dd	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:46:43	377.246
-80	44704	2235200	6a7b689d-5c65-416b-a121-4faa93fab175	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:53:35	554.389
-81	22353	2235300	f6b0db20-ba32-49be-9963-4e58de906883	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:30:49	-475.294
-81	44706	2235300	33f483c4-7f94-4e21-991d-76509fb852eb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:48:48	962.270
-82	22354	2235400	83d9e9f7-a76a-4095-afd1-96e3f7235be7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:49:01	-608.737
-82	44708	2235400	af3a4c08-12c2-43fd-9029-bc3965c3a5a3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:40:59	-655.984
-83	22355	2235500	b15e3df8-8cce-4bf5-a378-83065db11855	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:23:20	408.670
-83	44710	2235500	e33b0ab7-0e13-42c7-bc27-2e2092c0a1ec	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:05:45	38.463
-84	22356	2235600	b9f860a2-780c-44ad-8fd6-0ced9671ddb0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:48:18	970.198
-84	44712	2235600	80e51670-2c33-452a-a10a-d76be7681930	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:58:31	-188.711
-85	22357	2235700	ce91dd8a-013d-4c01-a367-0719acafa5e7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:12:47	255.10
-85	44714	2235700	32afd391-1a34-456a-87d0-141db0be0e39	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:36:21	-288.731
-86	22358	2235800	c06f527c-f8ab-47d2-aebc-4fc6f7440263	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:35:14	529.102
-86	44716	2235800	da4d78e2-ecd6-4cb2-970b-265fa64e73bc	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:09:28	-965.364
-87	22359	2235900	35da6fc4-9ff8-4ecb-afd0-58dfeaa2cb2b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:37:22	361.90
-87	44718	2235900	223c4789-c4ba-46fb-bc94-26bf893ac224	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:00:14	-207.770
-88	22360	2236000	8243ada1-ffb3-4621-ba50-ae9e63d0f7a0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:04:15	331.28
-88	44720	2236000	733ae97c-bd58-437c-ba03-ee5efd9fb862	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:31:56	-505.653
-89	22361	2236100	dd4694cf-63fe-43fd-8481-ff750ee1ddcc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:43:16	807.304
-89	44722	2236100	cb66b051-1c51-4ab0-9e5d-fe34f859c0c8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:01:57	528.102
-90	22362	2236200	e1d278b7-c9f0-4f45-b63b-54fec29aaeec	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:34:22	388.22
-90	44724	2236200	1a3f8a32-485f-4158-b2b3-351082efceed	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:09:08	-655.623
-91	22363	2236300	dc2b5e3b-22cf-4afb-a2bb-0b774d9de19c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:37:46	346.156
-91	44726	2236300	9fdbc232-0178-40a2-be25-c8d26a3e33b4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:29:10	-509.686
-92	22364	2236400	ef80b1a9-f0c1-475b-958f-1219d7233d60	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:33:29	-356.568
-92	44728	2236400	0516bc2e-14a2-45c7-a9ea-257233547c12	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:43:45	-194.977
-93	22365	2236500	6493c1ea-7653-41e2-914f-43d2013b1cb3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:53:47	887.904
-93	44730	2236500	029dee79-3844-4835-9d9c-a77403818fbe	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:39:39	-417.952
-94	22366	2236600	62181c60-887d-42a9-9d40-9bde2a418d1a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:17:27	260.921
-94	44732	2236600	0f7ec2cc-a70b-4c9e-a8bf-a7af10fec57b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:04:54	855.636
-95	22367	2236700	ca47407c-35b9-49ea-b99c-6c2129801925	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:47:38	505.279
-95	44734	2236700	59b0c130-1519-4356-acab-10534d74ca83	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:06:14	-598.725
-96	22368	2236800	62f060ec-0cac-4180-a0c0-b7a4131ec4f2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:15:44	955.390
-96	44736	2236800	79355fd9-607d-4a66-9d3d-b3bfaf27bfbd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:35:36	834.354
-97	22369	2236900	6b166a81-b817-4249-86a4-fe8032970313	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:27:41	114.887
-97	44738	2236900	d04e7a52-1445-4b56-bd33-fadfd9640e2d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:48:37	-291.917
-98	22370	2237000	f3381b3d-1775-45cd-8a54-47703e27477e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:46:28	942.772
-98	44740	2237000	0fa9bb74-7663-4134-8b31-b5d94c0a1219	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:25:48	724.48
-99	22371	2237100	2dca9b20-453d-4cc1-b48c-2d087e71c54f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:28:14	580.537
-99	44742	2237100	5c3409fc-df85-4102-addb-6251e8202484	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:04:02	-900.918
-100	22372	2237200	e3250a0e-d377-4cbd-a7d1-2d65b84ea95c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:28:48	278.873
-100	44744	2237200	ed5f4fb0-03f0-4d69-884e-a15f4bfa902f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:17:31	274.371
-101	22373	2237300	eae5ba11-c017-4329-996d-9887d2ccf1ff	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:38:33	863.881
-101	44746	2237300	4ae2a26c-b2e0-4192-8c17-cf5013ef5a78	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:40:33	-111.11
-102	22374	2237400	46d73e7d-512d-454d-91e8-087ae0743776	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:52:21	-278.819
-102	44748	2237400	b09a8711-ff1e-4385-9941-414f357dd2c0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:27:25	508.428
-103	22375	2237500	9476e074-d0bb-472b-adfb-70043bbc094d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:27:25	-376.514
-103	44750	2237500	4c732370-2a8b-4e8f-a99a-ade50d640a6b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:06:17	768.471
-104	22376	2237600	b7aefbd2-27a1-4119-87c4-03261c75723b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:31:22	742.34
-104	44752	2237600	305831d5-d925-4d7a-a103-0bd630001507	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:10:14	-302.999
-105	22377	2237700	4fb6db7d-3105-43ab-997e-513e4cd63e89	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:04:00	164.683
-105	44754	2237700	12a4e8ca-d620-464f-b3f4-f41900aa4e51	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:38:06	-771.25
-106	22378	2237800	c5427f5b-cef6-42a4-b386-f7281bb9b70f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:43:41	-995.433
-106	44756	2237800	e9ab3254-85f7-46b0-bfcf-abc99222cca4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:07:08	796.549
-107	22379	2237900	6e0d5106-96b9-4cf9-a008-9fca84d1da46	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:45:41	-6.427
-107	44758	2237900	8fc560b4-c8d9-4c41-9383-60d3016300d7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:06:36	162.255
-108	22380	2238000	80688c65-d9b3-4394-9c68-088ba40012e9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:18:53	709.786
-108	44760	2238000	6151e038-46d5-459a-97c3-acb7e8caf3e9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:43:46	-378.581
-109	22381	2238100	d4a50128-9580-4220-962a-f3b642512808	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:50:44	753.481
-109	44762	2238100	d92167d5-7cd0-4596-bbd0-af8dafaf0f76	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:35:34	190.266
-110	22382	2238200	1e1d01c1-84a6-4e65-a77d-d474f101e671	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:08:45	967.428
-110	44764	2238200	b3c40f64-c694-41ea-992c-d1eb2733f6e3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:49:33	-945.113
-111	22383	2238300	a4daa956-d52b-4986-9b4b-850d21f150c2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:58:18	952.947
-111	44766	2238300	3f687478-26ff-45cd-ad0e-865d783bfab5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:25:50	-238.600
-112	22384	2238400	a9d99aa0-386e-4451-a3f8-ffafa1b69cbd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:44:20	376.431
-112	44768	2238400	f07e5cdd-b1a6-4a74-8d2d-623094825709	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:45:58	-177.490
-113	22385	2238500	35e50610-faa3-4909-8302-7838e685d087	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:17:10	886.161
-113	44770	2238500	ff4920bc-bde5-4fba-b8f5-4128527ccfbc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:39:49	-6.850
-114	22386	2238600	6a6da1cf-ba02-41ff-a996-62a146eede35	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:05:28	900.652
-114	44772	2238600	2e1c1ee9-2881-4a67-bfbb-a33ba1e9544f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:54:01	5.962
-115	22387	2238700	9282311f-81a8-44be-a25e-27e8c0dc9aa3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:59:41	880.489
-115	44774	2238700	999b9775-14c3-4fd6-9044-ca9a6b645960	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:17:43	-298.900
-116	22388	2238800	6dde1420-246d-4678-904a-6cb04b129d05	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:46:59	-236.798
-116	44776	2238800	68dbd04d-0eed-48f7-be6b-947b796a04c8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:14:48	-748.851
-117	22389	2238900	4fd43ac9-6439-44ab-9bc0-5a26832b1c0c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:28:19	-943.739
-117	44778	2238900	2d37dbaf-cd5a-43a6-9bc7-ffa204d1fed0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:02:57	312.783
-118	22390	2239000	a19a9257-3915-4c0a-a49d-ef357474f1e7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:14:20	-458.335
-118	44780	2239000	68679e79-9649-4f80-a46c-231f06d4b478	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:51:01	-394.642
-119	22391	2239100	40f2cb34-63a8-4984-b044-781f9c3b181a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:04:06	-430.805
-119	44782	2239100	e4354b7e-ee5e-47b8-b56c-46454b3378f5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:40:50	-433.709
-120	22392	2239200	3451d1f1-ae11-45e8-8422-85692d06feb3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:38:20	-23.661
-120	44784	2239200	90fc39a1-f164-4ca0-b9b1-2fd490ed2a8e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:19:02	-213.10
-121	22393	2239300	252939d7-f1f3-4d9d-b866-b329468efe78	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:37:23	470.289
-121	44786	2239300	7f846414-15f8-40b8-a21d-8fea4e63fece	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:16:11	600.845
-122	22394	2239400	a637a772-26c3-4b19-b235-28ef0b3d25a5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:48:07	417.772
-122	44788	2239400	cd68dc19-ce84-44ae-be1b-a8672afa37ea	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:42:23	-298.804
-123	22395	2239500	48d721c5-fa6f-4272-a325-cc2bed5e1628	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:54:31	512.895
-123	44790	2239500	9f29f86c-524c-45a1-8682-ef95e660498b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:06:46	-5.222
-124	22396	2239600	e33c9bde-8ca1-406f-9042-291c5dd879c1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:46:29	-284.622
-124	44792	2239600	02e6d5e3-6a80-4dbb-94cd-8fc5fbe58ead	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:55:34	-81.749
-125	22397	2239700	70370019-22d3-48ed-9d67-9fecfd1d07c2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:19:43	21.139
-125	44794	2239700	7feadcfc-c990-41fe-97f1-d6706fe4dac7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:24:36	-56.742
-126	22398	2239800	a1ffa282-ca04-4afa-bb5e-00f5962557f5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:54:12	-867.290
-126	44796	2239800	cd47a931-f960-4209-b65e-20d3eb1d018d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:38:42	178.529
-127	22399	2239900	d2a6224c-fe55-4d0f-8437-17e8ce43e80e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:29:21	-459.330
-127	44798	2239900	c4f27bca-93a5-4aa9-aa25-284872b239b2	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:17:34	-780.407
-0	22400	2240000	28c50e1a-1ff5-4c06-aa39-dd084bdce5ee	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:11:07	-846.671
-0	44800	2240000	d9f42722-cb13-4fdb-b72a-5a014a2bf316	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:35:17	896.405
-1	22401	2240100	3c8cd15d-2450-4e20-98ad-bb3a8c8a4a45	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:07:05	-814.837
-1	44802	2240100	0369f2c2-929c-439f-91ae-7e5b0a270857	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:22:33	-831.187
-2	22402	2240200	5552fbdc-77ac-45dc-a6b7-9df02f26f3dd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:47:18	590.854
-2	44804	2240200	fc2c0388-d47c-4a7d-ae38-3805a52e8a43	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:08:23	-75.642
-3	22403	2240300	d105dee7-28a1-475d-a001-34077e85ce85	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:02:58	432.998
-3	44806	2240300	550a3bfd-03b6-44e8-b368-7b307e831def	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:37:38	-156.235
-4	22404	2240400	0a909dac-2610-4ae5-b9a5-7b6f310a0078	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:13:37	561.967
-4	44808	2240400	c68e72ef-404c-4db1-8cd9-f5b93d947919	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:44:19	-548.692
-5	22405	2240500	36b4c496-b67b-4f74-9ee4-ab1d088b5720	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:42:40	-607.302
-5	44810	2240500	28272468-069a-495d-b33d-35eba8a606d5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:49:38	-811.412
-6	22406	2240600	68845f91-5037-430c-83f9-5e74eb2af863	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:45:47	-313.817
-6	44812	2240600	fa90dcee-4212-4d6c-8391-f4816b078c94	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:57:42	-124.470
-7	22407	2240700	921d368a-fc88-40e5-b12e-2fd6ce4f1b04	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:32:13	747.827
-7	44814	2240700	e1d68e1f-643c-4155-8b75-8fde031e25ba	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:39:18	-38.797
-8	22408	2240800	aef86b5c-db85-4a00-919f-a51e5eebc62d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:12:13	459.963
-8	44816	2240800	acb23794-cc9e-4878-a493-f7eee59efe37	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:47:10	-877.745
-9	22409	2240900	70443657-e5a9-42f7-84f6-3befc5d23ab2	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:13:07	572.796
-9	44818	2240900	9732f149-78e2-4d76-88b9-b78a0f4d700d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:54:29	857.627
-10	22410	2241000	c950cb3f-13a2-4076-a626-c5ec14e8e031	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:29:17	721.132
-10	44820	2241000	c42412ca-8529-4499-9e7d-fca77fbd3d85	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:38:48	-895.224
-11	22411	2241100	ff3066b9-a514-42c3-aa0b-646a46566ba2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:15:41	740.739
-11	44822	2241100	d0038b5f-1fa6-4ca2-aa45-0402fdc0d8bc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:00:40	641.323
-12	22412	2241200	cde0ac48-12e3-41a9-8aed-3899b476eb6c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:09:47	806.628
-12	44824	2241200	3d348d48-ae43-42f3-82bb-9bcb581ec477	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:29:04	-252.943
-13	22413	2241300	d842dbc0-219f-42df-8d81-1b774cea8381	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:43:25	-192.985
-13	44826	2241300	497da8a3-7d7d-44e6-94a0-bb809f81bb47	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:27:27	-614.326
-14	22414	2241400	b74e1b33-80fa-410d-8f52-ace2ca52a66b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:28:12	473.395
-14	44828	2241400	440c08ec-6162-49d8-977d-d109975c97bf	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:10:32	514.517
-15	22415	2241500	23d12029-cc59-4c99-b2f3-6e34e835c1b1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:58:57	432.800
-15	44830	2241500	e8887bcb-9fb4-4ed4-8280-4c0a9f12609f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:26:32	835.117
-16	22416	2241600	b786b63f-db29-43ea-af9c-9cefe0a545e6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:08:06	957.88
-16	44832	2241600	2ec47af7-c830-407f-9c31-83269681fda7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:48:53	-487.960
-17	22417	2241700	d41403a5-ce2d-425e-93b8-61ece1586497	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:17:08	-145.748
-17	44834	2241700	24c9f418-4699-4d36-9581-74185134329b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:01:29	76.723
-18	22418	2241800	0395c4bf-3479-41e0-8b63-bfb319286f2a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:56:29	-892.247
-18	44836	2241800	b0f8d55a-d5f5-4c65-9701-3f7104abf2a5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:41:07	700.243
-19	22419	2241900	ce2117ef-ea40-4502-ada0-8c31093ad551	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:59:07	-892.590
-19	44838	2241900	61e21dd1-d76e-4fd9-9172-b9e78d37e1e6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:25:48	-355.68
-20	22420	2242000	aaa6d761-2637-45fe-81bc-9177a24e5b04	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:41:32	-341.142
-20	44840	2242000	f0c2e863-9ed4-4dfe-b4f0-2792fddb78a7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:14:12	143.552
-21	22421	2242100	1bdd023b-9a8c-44c7-abf1-16b20f0276a5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:26:32	37.343
-21	44842	2242100	6008c6c9-a932-4953-ba0c-0cf0b0f482e3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:22:20	258.211
-22	22422	2242200	9974b7db-72e2-4f75-832a-8f57fb4891d5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:01:27	-142.701
-22	44844	2242200	7564c0e9-b858-41ad-8e04-0b6a964ed6eb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:34:30	-908.283
-23	22423	2242300	938e4ee5-62d5-4a74-b06f-5f95cf93cd86	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:22:28	-508.751
-23	44846	2242300	f79374fa-d015-4c80-9966-027977f9161c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:42:21	501.84
-24	22424	2242400	deda5a3c-aec7-4855-b1aa-8453d6669021	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:59:50	-321.834
-24	44848	2242400	33175b62-dab0-4dd3-9dfc-4d0560c28abf	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:12:11	-518.875
-25	22425	2242500	55954307-e971-42ad-b45b-af6f2c8003a2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:08:47	178.973
-25	44850	2242500	37853494-2526-48a6-bd9e-eec02d63cc00	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:51:35	-172.734
-26	22426	2242600	0ce874db-f4b9-4f46-8634-ddc6a8f61f59	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:20:01	765.211
-26	44852	2242600	cfe0733d-c8ab-4bee-bca6-a3343a3e04c7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:41:23	598.54
-27	22427	2242700	53d5b3c1-b708-442a-82e7-433505518954	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:22:40	665.2
-27	44854	2242700	75554687-7354-48b7-8eca-a29cf8a9baff	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:29:22	887.291
-28	22428	2242800	e485d060-fcbc-4501-8bbd-bceddea8256e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:15:45	854.103
-28	44856	2242800	43b4f0f3-9925-48da-8d95-1ad2d5d3e24b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:31:25	-187.383
-29	22429	2242900	57e8595e-b2f7-405b-9554-1a7b41ceb69f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:00:27	171.118
-29	44858	2242900	29c83b17-20fe-4705-970b-8743830f7942	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:50:27	-305.940
-30	22430	2243000	ca63ea7e-2750-48ea-8320-cc332748e53e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:54:30	998.616
-30	44860	2243000	66bd1d4d-420f-45fb-bd22-cdce6458249d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:59:02	-794.489
-31	22431	2243100	6ec1f1c5-24ee-4552-a13b-309b4ad7988c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:04:22	-453.514
-31	44862	2243100	b8b77961-22c9-4bd6-8796-ae8125ae4867	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:15:40	986.450
-32	22432	2243200	b792c700-aaca-4c88-9aeb-e1402c2bf1f1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:17:25	-692.384
-32	44864	2243200	859a6a93-c46b-4e7c-b7b7-5e13d97ff897	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:43:16	-477.293
-33	22433	2243300	55b3011a-1f52-479b-9f95-6eade5311ee8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:58:18	426.70
-33	44866	2243300	a94bed27-8870-4ce1-9776-2fe69c4d846c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:46:32	919.280
-34	22434	2243400	207297e2-862f-42b5-9bfd-0fdf28f6fbee	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:08:40	359.861
-34	44868	2243400	d9a0092b-2922-4615-8e32-d369d5cb3c8b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:25:13	-820.312
-35	22435	2243500	9e0adecf-fe18-4614-af62-dc6b4815016d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:28:56	326.864
-35	44870	2243500	6040f6a6-13eb-4a1e-95a6-a043eda969a8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:21:44	-457.222
-36	22436	2243600	0270ee6c-3bf7-448c-a976-ea39b717ef62	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:54:55	-552.951
-36	44872	2243600	2d815fdd-2f18-4f6d-86f8-edd2266841c6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:14:09	-842.559
-37	22437	2243700	2ad41b90-b194-4647-8ca2-6c404e40c0b5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:58:04	153.920
-37	44874	2243700	f7dc3099-614b-4b44-828e-b9811376a428	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:25:01	-736.291
-38	22438	2243800	7f6ab92d-b1fd-42ad-9080-394d2f4ae410	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:40:46	-535.333
-38	44876	2243800	d49b7e1f-1101-4558-99d1-faeca42c0e38	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:04:59	610.70
-39	22439	2243900	d84ba814-79d5-4855-9ec7-72b6c9957f2b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:33:23	-286.636
-39	44878	2243900	f8a3a427-15a0-40e3-bb26-206980308f3e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:16:51	-875.398
-40	22440	2244000	67250ba2-aea6-449a-8268-57afcead991a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:40:58	-795.842
-40	44880	2244000	753ab60a-166e-4a7e-8a67-f44f6c272383	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:55:28	529.912
-41	22441	2244100	b68f730b-c78a-43db-b703-8ce903c20caf	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:27:15	125.488
-41	44882	2244100	ecd48df6-31fc-43d0-a47a-d044b12efd3c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:14:52	-37.853
-42	22442	2244200	ba17b4d2-6bce-4a7b-ba94-e3fc4e1dbcb5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:19:24	-519.569
-42	44884	2244200	640e3a2a-955a-4a03-b01f-60c3c532f25f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:23:09	-150.370
-43	22443	2244300	bc4e26c3-9f22-417c-ae74-312e1d67c7ba	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:20:26	346.176
-43	44886	2244300	b8af8709-af32-41d4-a634-77ea9b20c887	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:47:07	-98.419
-44	22444	2244400	840dacc8-6afc-400a-9428-630fa8a028ba	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:53:47	0.62
-44	44888	2244400	575d37cc-a834-423e-9e21-fc8b65ace998	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:48:23	911.943
-45	22445	2244500	751ebb82-9479-4d66-a41b-87e7676eb33b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:25:28	-755.950
-45	44890	2244500	066437a6-7146-4ffd-b6e8-96ba58e6af59	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:48:18	823.681
-46	22446	2244600	0ed1ca9d-7033-4496-acd7-8b03fcd264e7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:03:58	-899.7
-46	44892	2244600	accea204-48eb-456e-954b-4f4761586a2c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:55:04	284.608
-47	22447	2244700	352e00e0-5c7b-4c11-b294-523402a23267	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:13:52	-300.911
-47	44894	2244700	ca14aee7-8cce-4dcf-a0ca-a9fb5f455850	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:44:58	-955.70
-48	22448	2244800	81ba8793-18b4-486c-8b94-191da59eb909	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:59:36	-728.225
-48	44896	2244800	43aaee54-f480-4e5a-90cf-6f59c37338b9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:17:51	545.331
-49	22449	2244900	3ad455c4-3c3f-40ec-8231-0abb1ef2e70f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:32:50	-119.393
-49	44898	2244900	361b7bc8-3d4a-4f03-8a78-5f710aee6f93	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:08:03	-516.443
-50	22450	2245000	0a945021-adb3-4371-9317-4791832e04d4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:00:35	481.467
-50	44900	2245000	3a711ea1-3a42-44d1-a238-5d8f3174948f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:29:13	-922.921
-51	22451	2245100	1089f449-1b1f-4be3-bd91-a06203429665	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:36:33	-883.432
-51	44902	2245100	fdae56b2-ba27-4a47-aa1d-91b072fca9d9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:17:39	-120.183
-52	22452	2245200	5209620b-6c22-470c-b8b0-705991b6b9dd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:14:46	259.623
-52	44904	2245200	bbd021d4-b6e9-462c-b9f8-b402dcff9719	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:39:14	640.64
-53	22453	2245300	8e7c7bac-c529-44bf-8823-1f961c498c7a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:12:09	899.377
-53	44906	2245300	f1fcd82a-dc91-4161-95eb-5500f94cc79f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:39:07	-134.284
-54	22454	2245400	e980dee8-12b1-4248-be91-5ad73a793f0e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:32:31	-774.559
-54	44908	2245400	c7953140-ac74-4f83-9fae-40d959c6efb8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:43:15	138.292
-55	22455	2245500	9cfecc7d-e864-4697-8bd4-d8f59ef9ab04	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:56:37	-851.834
-55	44910	2245500	6e8af53b-4409-41c8-bae8-f702ad93b7e0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:40:27	-844.413
-56	22456	2245600	bd30e122-6670-47a2-ac5d-3dd6befac2fa	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:48:21	490.873
-56	44912	2245600	c6864c2c-081b-4b3d-b937-6d281831407e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:02:51	951.860
-57	22457	2245700	08240618-c006-4f28-b9c6-b91163925d72	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:01:22	-656.491
-57	44914	2245700	47f9dd61-74ef-44df-8bf2-1d3a86e2a186	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:37:57	-303.444
-58	22458	2245800	413cd3d2-ac16-4511-b7fa-c87bf6f9e580	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:38:48	-465.466
-58	44916	2245800	26a602c9-4193-4d11-a6b1-6d43ce38437c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:48:40	709.760
-59	22459	2245900	2e41960f-8388-4ad9-8b57-4b99198dff9d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:24:57	650.270
-59	44918	2245900	b63e92f0-2832-4ba6-bb3a-58c8b4376ffa	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:53:41	-18.614
-60	22460	2246000	52319824-1daf-41ff-9ad1-f3ed4330f127	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:45:03	763.401
-60	44920	2246000	e7af042b-bf8e-4475-9d2e-2cbb3c0835bb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:55:11	907.29
-61	22461	2246100	d569c896-3d3f-4f94-81d2-c3929a5d3b84	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:50:12	264.522
-61	44922	2246100	e7c666fd-9a4b-48c9-a68f-ca1e143c88cf	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:32:33	-420.895
-62	22462	2246200	34ceb78b-108f-492f-8da5-b7f3d4256d39	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:59:49	32.415
-62	44924	2246200	7bff0ae5-4d41-4669-bc91-5024de39d76d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:02:06	637.345
-63	22463	2246300	3465ec91-f97d-4296-8c8f-61b0ad5b478a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:41:45	780.456
-63	44926	2246300	7f3a428e-7157-476b-beaa-1f17ee1f84b9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:28:01	-114.579
-64	22464	2246400	5837ca87-43be-475b-8844-c6095a8ab402	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:02:39	143.345
-64	44928	2246400	7c7ba1bd-9451-41fd-bda6-a4a0837e1dfe	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:17:30	-416.796
-65	22465	2246500	23942d48-c7fe-4718-8403-f9f97aefc8a1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:52:17	-9.564
-65	44930	2246500	fbc72a1b-78d7-4b79-909d-148ce39e74c5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:45:59	619.455
-66	22466	2246600	fd786f1a-73c0-4c39-a134-e402dbd9cfca	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:39:31	-337.396
-66	44932	2246600	8b78f1ed-7d0e-4dfb-90e2-5026ac1e9c62	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:55:58	326.461
-67	22467	2246700	ead9e022-a2a8-451b-9d26-1bad11734b40	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:44:51	374.612
-67	44934	2246700	304104aa-4105-4fbe-bcf9-b13fef44931f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:56:55	-86.278
-68	22468	2246800	cb0ff864-ff86-4fc1-8ad9-8907285aee35	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:53:50	-383.480
-68	44936	2246800	785069db-5d8d-4245-a459-9190af6335bf	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:09:48	185.890
-69	22469	2246900	e5f3f90f-50ab-4e21-b54a-c960a7c00c43	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:01:52	-328.890
-69	44938	2246900	ae60c9a9-c45f-436e-9ac2-e03498bf1f4e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:41:40	-522.951
-70	22470	2247000	9ce636d8-f855-42f3-8998-362ccf2e98f1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:54:52	-318.787
-70	44940	2247000	262f99e3-b0c7-4ed0-a61f-97a3be7dfe8b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:47:46	-200.940
-71	22471	2247100	6bdb4e0f-e156-4999-ae58-75087d689d6d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:08:52	-924.754
-71	44942	2247100	40628477-bdfa-4833-b096-aa49062bd2cc	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:09:34	-409.616
-72	22472	2247200	b2ff5c9c-4c50-4df8-a69f-7da9142a2b89	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:33:38	-630.239
-72	44944	2247200	5e9568e3-d5a5-451f-a0fa-59d525016f91	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:25:00	-898.941
-73	22473	2247300	69fdde8a-1c58-401a-8ce7-a1f8dfee3354	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:05:30	383.100
-73	44946	2247300	4f402328-131b-4375-bd57-f8d15767ac36	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:41:11	678.5
-74	22474	2247400	66633dbc-63b4-4ca2-97cb-cd8461fbee8d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:50:30	992.594
-74	44948	2247400	fabf8ba3-108f-4de0-aa7e-98e8ceb28653	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:20:24	892.812
-75	22475	2247500	6499d8ed-c71f-456f-8937-d81a32b3656d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:10:19	541.453
-75	44950	2247500	efb10574-1569-470d-b01c-88fc617d35c2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:47:47	898.14
-76	22476	2247600	0195b317-c7d8-41c0-b756-e3a6bc810113	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:53:26	-356.379
-76	44952	2247600	df8722ca-e63e-4562-b7bb-f7ea21ce338e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:20:57	380.824
-77	22477	2247700	9669f34e-1caf-444b-87f0-169ddafe934a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:05:45	92.249
-77	44954	2247700	835cb950-cad0-4d1f-9bce-77b3b413ffc2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:47:45	-211.396
-78	22478	2247800	e9d95c8d-d533-4638-a37f-bb2db5fe5557	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:29:26	932.956
-78	44956	2247800	b5923cff-7476-4936-ba56-e84e7ebf93ac	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:24:04	-696.116
-79	22479	2247900	003552f5-ca0d-46f6-916e-ab83ab97e812	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:01:07	559.262
-79	44958	2247900	44cc2229-c2fa-481f-9179-d9cf36f96fff	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:03:48	357.988
-80	22480	2248000	41d6d213-12e2-425f-adac-fdef6ccfd6d6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:38:49	214.648
-80	44960	2248000	bd35adad-7e1b-4486-b15d-70020b9c438f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:23:27	15.729
-81	22481	2248100	bbf83b60-4697-444f-83c3-7c3767c96476	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:04:55	776.343
-81	44962	2248100	08b2f025-c215-4fb0-8510-301e09e44fd9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:39:19	104.988
-82	22482	2248200	78e39a8e-9527-4745-a2d6-7c113efd730d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:03:30	671.519
-82	44964	2248200	ab9c0c15-163b-4469-a953-cd16a33de1e8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:12:35	-170.309
-83	22483	2248300	f95bbf2a-fec2-4065-bf68-50c1e269d7a2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:41:45	456.473
-83	44966	2248300	e0579232-dab6-4408-ad1a-bc83b69bb38e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:48:34	-168.699
-84	22484	2248400	f8379597-8f4c-405f-a3c9-304284770ecb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:57:14	513.627
-84	44968	2248400	404ae842-9f42-48b0-9068-1c6ceb909093	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:05:12	-393.212
-85	22485	2248500	f343f565-ab7d-43f4-ba88-09765ba72d71	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:40:11	26.504
-85	44970	2248500	1e9ec6f9-f14e-4301-927c-7e967e4e4986	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:14:02	680.922
-86	22486	2248600	684e156b-805e-433a-985a-99c00ef21e07	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:32:53	-613.984
-86	44972	2248600	14e1f295-978f-4c90-8c18-4a1702ed915d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:16:14	-502.439
-87	22487	2248700	bef68093-a52b-455f-9cee-19558ab27b07	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:44:02	-453.881
-87	44974	2248700	1c19be9f-6b1f-4101-a819-c62c918920e8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:54:21	-277.129
-88	22488	2248800	ab9cb7ba-3e7c-47c7-a663-81b3a59faf76	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:41:07	-497.520
-88	44976	2248800	bee76999-249e-42e4-bc95-75b7b9e06363	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:19:26	-376.736
-89	22489	2248900	3d3c478f-a59c-44ff-834d-83102dbf4d5d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:57:12	-971.721
-89	44978	2248900	f7c2cda4-1107-4bc7-ac0a-d71f6c27749c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:34:16	-943.765
-90	22490	2249000	929bdeae-8136-4548-bdd7-4cb4db650db5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:15:57	-160.204
-90	44980	2249000	9bbd4f6d-29c8-4fc9-892a-b1c69a61c2c8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:36:28	296.314
-91	22491	2249100	c657e66c-5cf4-4163-98cc-ca4faf39bd02	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:46:24	-249.737
-91	44982	2249100	615885e0-a507-4a57-ba72-12184088507a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:33:31	-476.157
-92	22492	2249200	b5b14170-a5e7-4d4f-83cc-5113906ba3d2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:03:05	-123.696
-92	44984	2249200	6fbaa400-7b41-45de-acd0-c93b1deb89d2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:04:11	20.787
-93	22493	2249300	57596d20-ba29-4cc3-92a3-57c7e66a9d3c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:41:12	512.819
-93	44986	2249300	e1bd2fb1-04fa-4e85-9be8-48bf1cb04ffe	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:35:01	-868.513
-94	22494	2249400	f834e8b6-4db4-4d77-9bf0-b9458fe0d939	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:54:12	-493.323
-94	44988	2249400	cf54a4aa-8ab6-477c-9fc4-d2ee976878db	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:03:39	-283.823
-95	22495	2249500	0d84714b-353c-42a5-886c-9f5dcb39afdb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:45:04	258.168
-95	44990	2249500	ca34a11c-a54f-4023-bfff-d1d8e9433d7b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:26:33	-456.237
-96	22496	2249600	e6ad99d2-a60d-4291-9abc-e4472d3c923d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:45:15	545.60
-96	44992	2249600	dc37ec5f-adec-44e7-8ec4-961464dd1e09	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:49:12	906.922
-97	22497	2249700	7ac00f66-a0c4-4f7c-80e2-f6d8bc8e0fd4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:41:31	-880.20
-97	44994	2249700	e041fa56-af06-4016-aa01-147965ab86c7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:05:33	211.686
-98	22498	2249800	61b401fd-3992-461a-ab19-c8a9cbbe48c0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:54:12	336.291
-98	44996	2249800	74744532-7508-429c-94b4-ca2d809e0fbf	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:37:54	693.600
-99	22499	2249900	0b0cbfb2-7955-47c5-a3ad-955d36228f20	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:22:21	945.497
-99	44998	2249900	8e844a39-3e35-4312-b854-c4b6b0e72043	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:09:06	309.567
-100	22500	2250000	1ac3fea5-ac87-4026-97ad-380b50e7409c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:24:52	304.858
-100	45000	2250000	903b9674-d197-47e8-a65b-d604b4bcb945	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:43:11	486.589
-101	22501	2250100	654948f7-fd84-4ba0-9357-eff9d8ca0a8b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:52:13	-829.769
-101	45002	2250100	5e8e0c0a-42b3-4f44-85ad-d282c380e40d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:04:11	528.248
-102	22502	2250200	3df75cc9-fd54-4956-b0d6-359b7c18af1e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:26:08	838.274
-102	45004	2250200	db2d05af-ba44-4b00-90f6-e35b8e92a103	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:07:43	237.930
-103	22503	2250300	7951e821-847e-4654-8cfa-8cb21553b273	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:50:10	-838.673
-103	45006	2250300	b24f93d4-a5da-48ab-ad38-bdb92c434bf3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:52:39	-394.266
-104	22504	2250400	dab41182-602a-47cc-886a-2cf4bf181ba1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:25:53	-966.121
-104	45008	2250400	587f9459-3f89-42a6-ae16-61dd9c231ab3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:27:36	517.600
-105	22505	2250500	948cab06-b54f-422f-aa96-3ce76a97f75f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:12:36	239.215
-105	45010	2250500	0dbd7c25-73e7-4d0d-9f5b-878573dbd2b7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:03:04	-499.720
-106	22506	2250600	1c010dde-dc77-43e5-8393-f44ef6f618ae	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:56:05	759.37
-106	45012	2250600	95d2ab2a-148e-4f36-a7a6-2797849abeb3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:04:45	855.81
-107	22507	2250700	bc2a420d-a0e8-46e4-9ea4-a8124ca363cf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:36:55	516.509
-107	45014	2250700	365b4d82-1f19-467e-8f76-a3108f159b50	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:35:52	-873.146
-108	22508	2250800	63ba7c95-12b5-43de-a259-115a40694c63	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:43:45	-628.598
-108	45016	2250800	79209b40-852b-4bcd-b4b3-6f83fee4a4a1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:56:19	588.636
-109	22509	2250900	5f17b7de-402a-476d-a7d7-a25361372b4a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:41:46	-413.381
-109	45018	2250900	c8900cd6-c83c-4732-977e-d43d0d322357	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:07:11	202.838
-110	22510	2251000	3aa474f1-6fac-4f75-8d44-60a65be8c94a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:40:45	-799.865
-110	45020	2251000	be7c6210-8d3f-4eaf-ad96-389bcd0f5611	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:01:26	105.797
-111	22511	2251100	997c32b3-83fd-46ca-99de-b1d38c45ee29	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:34:13	137.24
-111	45022	2251100	b5174ecf-3b75-4c44-8b3c-57219dd404dd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:21:42	940.361
-112	22512	2251200	648ec073-a210-49ab-9ca7-3f57ab21f192	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:57:31	981.228
-112	45024	2251200	e2d63188-1502-4a48-830d-456dcdc031e1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:46:35	-29.192
-113	22513	2251300	04f9830a-c7b8-48d1-984a-b930fbcf212a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:50:33	-170.905
-113	45026	2251300	b38bbc8b-f48d-4b48-9f11-49820670796a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:51:27	-568.927
-114	22514	2251400	fb006051-359c-4cda-855f-7116d61274a1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:13:50	-423.779
-114	45028	2251400	50dfc047-bf15-4206-8f13-2ec2736d7739	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:40:52	-302.476
-115	22515	2251500	f8b09c20-a450-4638-a4b5-32c0e8443fdb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:30:37	-256.208
-115	45030	2251500	9e9a8782-4926-492d-99d5-9cdeac1ba837	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:34:07	501.715
-116	22516	2251600	ddd8f760-820f-4ded-92d0-ad6b95b1c7dd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:53:19	-684.974
-116	45032	2251600	126c5c8d-cd8f-4c8e-b33d-e888eb34d660	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:55:17	-236.271
-117	22517	2251700	45a0338c-da2a-4da5-ab75-8dc612193a4a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:32:43	-895.624
-117	45034	2251700	2dc86ccb-f41b-422b-8f33-cdd08cb761d1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:56:48	-433.171
-118	22518	2251800	475fdb1b-a855-4f69-966b-154b6c96add4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:37:44	662.129
-118	45036	2251800	e350c7f5-558b-457a-b5df-fa0a09c4a01d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:16:00	238.625
-119	22519	2251900	31bb8c0d-e251-41fb-a0c5-c98fc55cccd3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:54:48	-281.290
-119	45038	2251900	08ae166f-0b6a-4e85-9ac6-183eab34aa48	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:46:01	-221.928
-120	22520	2252000	d9156f37-d479-4b3f-96dc-71ebd2d14360	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:32:06	-22.787
-120	45040	2252000	e5c457a9-dae7-4bac-999d-f0f418ed536e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:38:57	-748.611
-121	22521	2252100	5720ad94-bc66-4a50-bd9c-670773b99e45	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:45:15	725.248
-121	45042	2252100	98f3be47-e3e2-4e4c-a04e-669ec5c8e77d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:41:28	435.815
-122	22522	2252200	da0777a7-a45b-4171-8fa0-5555659d2ce2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:51:53	-717.106
-122	45044	2252200	7960e352-e2d9-4fd8-b414-7194df36c328	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:50:50	385.789
-123	22523	2252300	97c079e2-2545-456f-a8d3-843e2b91aa95	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:46:25	597.243
-123	45046	2252300	9d741384-67f5-464a-94b0-327195708415	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:19:36	-619.43
-124	22524	2252400	c61076d8-8501-4b6d-897d-eec6d4c2d95e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:23:22	79.67
-124	45048	2252400	ffd34dcf-fed2-4ed0-811d-fd91b24a82ad	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:15:17	978.167
-125	22525	2252500	96f53085-3f41-40e0-9e2d-4ab190e12713	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:42:36	659.871
-125	45050	2252500	1dfe6660-dc78-43d5-b150-e405d1d4cd1b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:47:56	931.920
-126	22526	2252600	5c876554-0fd6-46ce-9a1e-9ae82f7e5d92	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:57:57	-573.372
-126	45052	2252600	9833a1d1-62fa-4e97-ac73-c03b3fb84d15	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:20:48	576.797
-127	22527	2252700	45742f83-1fe9-41fc-be29-38e2f58cea7e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:38:18	777.978
-127	45054	2252700	87fd7aa2-f75a-4cb0-87ee-8a81d1b6af15	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:06:45	144.781
-0	22528	2252800	29f8f667-03fc-4336-bfa1-561efaea98c2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:43:15	339.812
-0	45056	2252800	cca6df3c-6f86-45e7-b000-e5afbb603398	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:14:46	268.162
-1	22529	2252900	0ab55648-7133-4b97-b10b-46eee4b94aa3	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:37:35	689.847
-1	45058	2252900	df57bd4e-2c7d-4be9-9124-bc420b4117d4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:33:57	837.537
-2	22530	2253000	e006910e-8697-4500-82e7-e7de77cf9a92	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:04:36	39.932
-2	45060	2253000	5f5ead55-a001-4a77-8979-915db2b2c2bd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:34:28	823.128
-3	22531	2253100	96fc0fd5-ad14-4d15-b21f-8eea5f025331	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:29:53	-167.981
-3	45062	2253100	c98fa120-b948-469e-b15e-4aacae90ab29	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:26:41	559.816
-4	22532	2253200	02ace378-b885-4bc3-985a-600855a6841b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:04:31	-581.812
-4	45064	2253200	66993ef7-bbc5-478d-8d9e-4b7b28855842	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:47:22	-771.931
-5	22533	2253300	36d349fc-dbcc-4a3a-939b-133c492aec70	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:05:40	-360.82
-5	45066	2253300	1369e04a-ef86-45ef-ad8b-ad00817e8bc4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:59:18	-357.607
-6	22534	2253400	67fa0d10-8e39-4542-b732-2f5bf53cad49	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:13:57	-676.35
-6	45068	2253400	7cbe78bd-2490-4f03-b924-2d230714809a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:43:07	-855.599
-7	22535	2253500	205e054f-2027-4841-893a-acace531428f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:46:49	7.298
-7	45070	2253500	f242a9bf-fc42-4653-933f-bf0c4a4e78b8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:02:31	-352.798
-8	22536	2253600	68f9ad4a-88a4-4a01-9174-12ffca92d36b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:23:52	877.308
-8	45072	2253600	b4af5030-f8fe-4d8d-a1b0-746d8bdb53fc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:36:01	65.498
-9	22537	2253700	d726ad82-dfba-4cdb-bff2-34f4abbdf20b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:38:43	-690.405
-9	45074	2253700	6f4d631d-3304-490a-afd8-b8f038028c60	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:57:47	-662.42
-10	22538	2253800	ceaa1b39-88bf-45b8-8c3d-52792e88c0ed	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:34:40	855.491
-10	45076	2253800	ed5b3ab9-174e-4ba2-a5ce-757396bc330c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:49:23	751.977
-11	22539	2253900	2a31dcc4-64f4-487e-b5fa-6041cd5d5b1c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:50:40	-98.875
-11	45078	2253900	5c0ea3c0-d3a0-4ae4-a142-670264233571	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:55:14	827.821
-12	22540	2254000	2ed79d38-4e33-4dfb-bb2e-0501b90c87f5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:50:59	-434.838
-12	45080	2254000	3add6ec9-06b0-4a9e-8b9f-028154e4e979	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:53:57	730.628
-13	22541	2254100	a84f9303-4729-4583-904e-d919d413c0c5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:16:58	-474.122
-13	45082	2254100	628597e9-c6ca-4002-b68b-83ad2d5daf47	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:54:51	608.708
-14	22542	2254200	be3b73ee-92d7-48a1-b000-b95938924182	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:41:40	-891.425
-14	45084	2254200	d0666f7f-a3e8-4b08-aa8e-9a62fc8b0b1d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:42:42	-909.885
-15	22543	2254300	cb72c7a1-de82-4c59-b185-91fc26454f36	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:14:55	891.275
-15	45086	2254300	dbd3b38e-8ffb-4c05-b48e-d5976389a201	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:29:29	-331.955
-16	22544	2254400	c61ad633-808b-4341-81bb-ba7bb28983dc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:58:01	27.13
-16	45088	2254400	0ecd5df6-c021-464a-a027-4d9930c9fd23	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:45:06	848.253
-17	22545	2254500	7cc3a9bf-54a8-4197-9470-dcb2df955202	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:02:40	-69.523
-17	45090	2254500	4a914113-7df8-494e-8e7a-2da9e503b7f6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:56:21	-184.830
-18	22546	2254600	d5960862-18dd-4acb-8f5d-400ee482a15d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:00:28	-947.959
-18	45092	2254600	d9319260-5739-4a19-bbb3-f17358515908	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:38:31	943.610
-19	22547	2254700	e2b0dd5d-0e17-4195-b633-f88199712025	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:53:20	-698.50
-19	45094	2254700	b90b4eae-6799-402d-a0e3-ad342c28744e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:34:39	-367.830
-20	22548	2254800	39f28e35-5442-415e-a397-d2834f3110f0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:17:00	935.788
-20	45096	2254800	1bf16ba4-d659-4653-bd13-e5361a5786d0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:26:19	-996.83
-21	22549	2254900	a1dc86ea-071b-4a4d-84fe-7a3e5aa2ccd0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:29:43	291.797
-21	45098	2254900	f9ae6331-3af1-4a4f-b42e-e7dd65362071	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:57:51	584.42
-22	22550	2255000	3fab82c3-9b82-49b7-ac56-de6709cdcb15	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:06:36	-126.133
-22	45100	2255000	72f6030f-ede6-40c7-89d8-75ceeb832305	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:57:31	685.433
-23	22551	2255100	86cf61c9-0211-4dbd-a5b8-606d6069acd9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:22:51	-505.407
-23	45102	2255100	89a837ad-5354-4e20-982d-1021402ce5a8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:21:20	-104.113
-24	22552	2255200	efd48842-3dd4-4461-9f45-4fbb5d6fc05e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:33:07	-853.272
-24	45104	2255200	f8737e19-7afe-4b47-a06f-2691a94cc355	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:23:56	-461.712
-25	22553	2255300	ef6abbde-80d6-4685-8e0d-f39dc295e5ed	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:45:15	813.667
-25	45106	2255300	60a58f8c-e5a7-49a5-8b86-55cc448a7936	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:28:57	-465.490
-26	22554	2255400	9235f803-3c7c-4563-9bac-37f0f7240791	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:46:41	-596.214
-26	45108	2255400	72de79c2-8b8c-4630-8407-5aaec163128d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:42:38	996.208
-27	22555	2255500	5e39682a-40a3-404c-a93d-b65316927d04	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:18:54	555.605
-27	45110	2255500	c215bc5c-3857-4b63-ad52-dcaa3fe0a971	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:43:13	295.335
-28	22556	2255600	144a2cd7-8e7a-439b-a483-1bd59aa48e34	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:10:47	955.928
-28	45112	2255600	00389fb4-7a8e-4ff3-bf76-00de680ad4bd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:48:45	256.208
-29	22557	2255700	9d992046-5b7f-4cfd-bafc-93f1a1ec0f7b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:20:04	109.689
-29	45114	2255700	a497a7a5-ee63-4faf-9f59-5d3e4f186a03	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:39:15	747.82
-30	22558	2255800	661306e5-d7dc-45e2-b6ef-2c1f89fd87fc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:03:22	778.1
-30	45116	2255800	0a241449-e391-4d9e-8a72-3f7e32e9efe0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:24:50	-149.553
-31	22559	2255900	07f1d349-70e8-424a-9e70-3860a3d8f7a5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:53:43	-736.217
-31	45118	2255900	4ffcc7bd-d1df-4233-a3a3-7cd269c24d82	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:43:49	637.162
-32	22560	2256000	5703e611-8362-44ed-a208-fbf2af90ac36	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:30:09	469.217
-32	45120	2256000	4a867758-3c9a-44a8-8d96-8790a458a089	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:01:57	-251.239
-33	22561	2256100	2f026bba-1f6c-469e-8c18-b25d0c6251f8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:08:26	265.629
-33	45122	2256100	735bd259-1988-4a0a-a86a-96168e541fb6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:06:03	-578.878
-34	22562	2256200	4c9e7919-88f8-45e5-a27b-59dbbb31a437	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:22:11	708.386
-34	45124	2256200	ade0a0c4-0b05-4ead-95e2-c2319e2a6f7b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:47:43	101.681
-35	22563	2256300	0e57274c-8420-4193-80a7-90ebaed29edc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:21:41	-785.689
-35	45126	2256300	83228b12-aa96-4f70-b532-bb1e747890c2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:43:54	-743.891
-36	22564	2256400	893c8934-a90f-47a9-aff0-9ba8db4bd0c6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:19:04	332.481
-36	45128	2256400	9b5f9b41-cd0c-4dbc-a0d1-986819f32173	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:41:49	-131.555
-37	22565	2256500	9938028f-b937-4c0e-a414-3c569c7755db	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:11:29	434.154
-37	45130	2256500	798a94c3-1bb8-40af-af9d-a4323e3a9554	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:24:26	-509.574
-38	22566	2256600	ad9b1fc8-64d7-4b23-9690-937e7ce1e068	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:58:49	-344.306
-38	45132	2256600	26e12e76-1d07-45bc-a1e2-c994ee0f6566	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:45:30	798.195
-39	22567	2256700	c1908299-da9b-4725-9ceb-45fc4ffb7a15	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:35:28	183.497
-39	45134	2256700	71d01f92-5ba9-4441-93de-e6e0dccb92ec	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:58:27	827.187
-40	22568	2256800	880817d7-956d-4f0c-ae7a-20fdebb3a222	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:21:18	-674.464
-40	45136	2256800	93af9589-a639-40db-a2e7-0125c3435d47	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:09:33	22.459
-41	22569	2256900	d318ec9f-0dcb-4024-9ecf-0887cba0b0e0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:32:08	984.288
-41	45138	2256900	fd1dd9bd-8e8d-4697-97ea-34c13d51bcb8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:13:35	518.710
-42	22570	2257000	43d22e36-6606-4357-8567-ddbf76818b52	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:55:24	-4.231
-42	45140	2257000	223d1def-e28b-43fb-ae38-9a559a863028	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:35:56	22.355
-43	22571	2257100	cd577dca-312b-43e8-95d5-3f7e3fcce553	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:46:34	-782.250
-43	45142	2257100	01725bb6-7166-4268-ae87-823178ecf228	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:43:21	534.63
-44	22572	2257200	7c0f8d7f-ba5b-4f66-b2f5-e7360fb96869	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:19:35	989.142
-44	45144	2257200	18592fcf-89d2-4a3f-8685-574901b24835	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:39:12	-567.596
-45	22573	2257300	93ba915c-a82c-46ac-a2d8-a802fdba2316	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:45:05	948.526
-45	45146	2257300	1f345d29-8734-48ce-bf45-2a8564bf4f9a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:34:42	-308.80
-46	22574	2257400	249a040e-16d9-48c9-9083-ca07d969e53a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:00:20	-807.726
-46	45148	2257400	0b116983-960e-4403-893d-58de906d64cc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:54:37	87.476
-47	22575	2257500	5e1df4f8-f810-4136-af04-a063497e33ec	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:13:46	-172.536
-47	45150	2257500	70c75769-0f16-4a03-a989-a0157212dae7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:41:45	-699.843
-48	22576	2257600	5ef99d0b-af64-4427-b464-5aef5bbb1371	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:40:41	-899.994
-48	45152	2257600	536b77e9-5143-492f-9e82-8dd7e739b5fe	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:55:59	586.423
-49	22577	2257700	eb3b9387-11a2-4c15-a8c8-e52e01fa7fdd	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:57:29	961.529
-49	45154	2257700	a2207ce9-79ee-4ab6-81cf-b571e5f19d9b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:55:20	-598.537
-50	22578	2257800	0cda981e-d5b3-401e-91a3-aae903f9a430	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:14:19	86.276
-50	45156	2257800	2bd51761-d330-4648-b70c-4f424d0a9da5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:10:27	-522.491
-51	22579	2257900	6997aa24-17ac-4603-bab0-de3e93cc3d84	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:13:49	-133.89
-51	45158	2257900	63e45748-c159-4e77-b9c7-f31af9bd8b87	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:26:00	408.193
-52	22580	2258000	990453ce-f2f0-4e51-9366-a902bf64acb7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:42:39	-585.105
-52	45160	2258000	d5719c6f-a2d7-487c-b723-7d893c395018	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:56:07	461.245
-53	22581	2258100	a465f9ef-383d-4d19-a34c-3abbbecb64f4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:55:23	-34.241
-53	45162	2258100	7024ca4d-54d7-4885-8686-ae738883e07b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:51:02	821.364
-54	22582	2258200	8713a024-60d6-4dc1-a22e-19a5cfcc91af	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:14:09	908.812
-54	45164	2258200	aa121ba9-0cf1-4e73-8e58-3be9eca00495	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:17:02	-670.32
-55	22583	2258300	e0a540ae-68ea-44c5-aabc-c5218a1fc315	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:52:42	-51.11
-55	45166	2258300	1373b553-72e7-474b-9d50-caf12e9f30cc	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:46:11	-549.353
-56	22584	2258400	5a902c77-f7e5-4be0-af1e-23190f0185d4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:10:54	-78.475
-56	45168	2258400	6390a4f1-aee6-4ada-89ee-aa1b91200e06	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:02:34	294.15
-57	22585	2258500	f2e5e603-43b1-4411-abd3-547554e3cb57	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:59:45	641.812
-57	45170	2258500	89515e59-4174-4df1-b440-917a2368cd95	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:17:02	-202.741
-58	22586	2258600	e1a17c1d-800c-41cb-a391-4a377b34f9af	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:28:19	637.78
-58	45172	2258600	7e88b647-d0ec-47f1-b35b-e31c895408b7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:02:26	-854.668
-59	22587	2258700	2fbf86ec-256e-4dc1-9f78-6c6a80c74e40	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:59:17	-350.739
-59	45174	2258700	a3fd0842-7a95-4293-ab91-5eb8684fc70a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:49:56	-162.651
-60	22588	2258800	ab3786ed-de74-41af-ba6b-bde8f8c3bf5c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:16:29	-441.311
-60	45176	2258800	9f987ec4-67d0-4fcd-b2d4-7cef76f9e37f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:34:07	-762.146
-61	22589	2258900	c5343888-1831-4492-8e65-e0d904cd1b29	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:21:05	-360.945
-61	45178	2258900	eda7ffe0-8e48-4f32-bbe5-fc82e0faf5fd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:46:39	-108.789
-62	22590	2259000	6ed7fc51-1312-48af-952d-d8322800c4fd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:09:58	-649.755
-62	45180	2259000	fc2229c2-98f6-4327-95c0-de8430cbc64c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:28:38	769.496
-63	22591	2259100	dd9df53d-0683-473a-9f44-29ae0e1bc987	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:42:16	440.295
-63	45182	2259100	c7dab42a-d8cf-4ef5-aec2-424aa242a725	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:32:16	-869.932
-64	22592	2259200	088704bc-e46a-4c55-9afe-ef95084aba06	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:03:53	181.928
-64	45184	2259200	06b15049-25c8-44a1-a098-f445a8343b0c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:04:43	-198.576
-65	22593	2259300	a83d36d3-5407-4881-81c2-c7d67928dfa2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:38:00	37.476
-65	45186	2259300	78ad1ee1-f7a0-4c46-86e8-7750f1f1e9be	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:49:13	-847.834
-66	22594	2259400	cb707fdc-2583-4cfa-959d-3c75aca02a79	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:28:05	-599.283
-66	45188	2259400	7d4b2dbc-16e6-44a6-a351-04c6eb8e0175	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:26:53	-342.277
-67	22595	2259500	2c8803ca-9c3d-40f5-9c0c-aeb6d7cf0a81	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:04:59	20.735
-67	45190	2259500	0f6c4be7-382d-4138-bf3f-7887fdf5b094	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:07:49	287.87
-68	22596	2259600	8feeb44c-26ad-49d3-a783-f05fb707a7a7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:29:51	-932.740
-68	45192	2259600	fe1d2d61-5919-46f4-bd9c-b558bc1a46cc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:00:53	876.189
-69	22597	2259700	dad8a8e9-f25f-414a-9bce-7b36a10cddac	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:00:45	-562.429
-69	45194	2259700	98311c64-7a44-4f80-be1e-99026875b52f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:37:55	-138.505
-70	22598	2259800	d4ab5998-058d-456c-8491-46c163be83d2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:18:29	-796.297
-70	45196	2259800	4a166cd6-48a3-4846-9ad1-95699bdec892	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:09:01	-617.227
-71	22599	2259900	15623d18-87cf-4a20-b02a-d7d46bc86dfa	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:30:31	-918.577
-71	45198	2259900	9c450b74-9b3e-47c9-a003-cf821bf53cfa	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:54:54	-359.830
-72	22600	2260000	5108031a-08c1-4c3d-8f2e-92ba294b6c5c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:34:11	152.172
-72	45200	2260000	838777d1-5e06-4307-bae0-02f1eb58698e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:45:09	645.658
-73	22601	2260100	1c444b71-4dc7-4ff6-a0ca-921f93e52582	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:55:23	360.747
-73	45202	2260100	d0b25c69-9f1b-4e02-938c-0029dd30e874	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:09:10	-814.777
-74	22602	2260200	1eab9027-73cb-473a-b0bb-60ef6616031a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:41:08	905.776
-74	45204	2260200	8a8cf514-4e56-420a-ac63-ec50601d3652	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:05:15	796.174
-75	22603	2260300	9479e0ad-fa86-4e7e-a7de-5323689f7aaf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:35:56	-309.654
-75	45206	2260300	7f4aa388-ee4a-46c3-bf1c-9970e69c7242	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:40:16	-631.793
-76	22604	2260400	15350727-0147-42b0-8523-10399c4562dc	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:53:58	-496.270
-76	45208	2260400	b9254fc7-5685-484d-92fd-84caf5f1bd44	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:53:29	462.212
-77	22605	2260500	6da123ee-1f9d-45fe-8f78-5a26bdc43eb6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:17:05	-674.38
-77	45210	2260500	2383eeaa-c22c-4de0-b57c-791ff0a9302d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:13:35	1.24
-78	22606	2260600	72e5d918-1dad-481a-bee1-f0d7b111369b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:40:21	-513.851
-78	45212	2260600	d48acd94-1fd9-4c35-a652-d1a80278a9da	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:44:58	-316.85
-79	22607	2260700	5279d7f1-b372-4222-ab02-ff6528aae797	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:06:52	-506.968
-79	45214	2260700	1e62f675-03b5-4157-814f-43b86ac6303c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:49:15	-814.467
-80	22608	2260800	46f53c2a-148f-4941-abad-4757fce587ab	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:59:14	-12.562
-80	45216	2260800	d9d8175e-c11e-4a1c-819d-e959b2ccbc65	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:46:02	276.340
-81	22609	2260900	d9bf3914-6677-4a60-9e42-3914fb764d81	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:16:04	-351.495
-81	45218	2260900	3bfac1c5-e8db-4737-8f16-09a7dffd7e2a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:49:20	233.40
-82	22610	2261000	dd36d210-5207-4b65-9d11-83c75737a3d0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:27:52	-273.571
-82	45220	2261000	abfd659f-a9ba-43bc-833d-946df97f0799	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:52:57	-418.896
-83	22611	2261100	79223799-703d-4cc7-9891-bb5afca9b503	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:53:05	273.412
-83	45222	2261100	f57703dc-ad46-4f20-822f-8231a9c008ee	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:44:00	634.45
-84	22612	2261200	94233cc7-8ce2-4b72-a887-7d7b2b1dbf5d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:34:19	171.483
-84	45224	2261200	bc013e15-2bf0-4cf4-b793-fbaaf9c94573	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:57:31	133.263
-85	22613	2261300	3c1594ae-d642-4078-ad9b-3f60574492cb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:29:44	422.17
-85	45226	2261300	579473ec-8f03-4259-abbc-8ae141b52905	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:37:48	-669.225
-86	22614	2261400	b94a5843-61d2-4ce9-8c9f-86a39c2d046c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:05:58	-225.813
-86	45228	2261400	e3482aa9-1858-48c9-816d-d2ac313dea0e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:41:46	309.87
-87	22615	2261500	ae7228e0-6f65-4a41-9397-1be43ac6a28a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:05:25	-351.59
-87	45230	2261500	31bc2c57-432e-41e6-92a1-598cfac28a85	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:41:34	461.678
-88	22616	2261600	8f8c333a-f0c7-4ba1-a79c-c8a2ece8185b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:57:52	-59.710
-88	45232	2261600	e121eadb-2f95-48ea-9c60-39d9e0255eb3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:58:31	28.876
-89	22617	2261700	302943fe-392d-47d1-b766-cb613298f0df	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:00:33	69.920
-89	45234	2261700	360f2c52-eb2c-421e-b9b6-1975b12975a1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:38:53	199.723
-90	22618	2261800	35116b11-0dff-46bc-8fde-d93ca187626e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:16:47	-666.804
-90	45236	2261800	0e8648c7-e3dd-4cea-a2dd-52f014fd43c9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:47:49	-195.475
-91	22619	2261900	3d9c4915-e9de-41ae-a15d-d2e68bd33fc6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:24:09	-10.493
-91	45238	2261900	c6204932-9f62-4a28-ba32-972ff85a2c6e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:58:44	967.981
-92	22620	2262000	0a8bb343-f2a8-4123-bcf8-af590a6fc663	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:32:48	-258.296
-92	45240	2262000	699c56ad-9f79-4895-94d6-81d287be3372	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:50:55	813.894
-93	22621	2262100	91565d03-1b96-4304-abeb-cb4ce2fd02f3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:01:34	-172.633
-93	45242	2262100	e91eb2c2-53ba-464b-ba48-bcf9c73440ff	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:54:25	-34.188
-94	22622	2262200	ab780a38-0c89-47d4-a3e9-48aa5f99a463	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:24:30	863.166
-94	45244	2262200	34d6dc0b-abd7-4ae5-85ba-d2000a42a3a2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:37:41	883.47
-95	22623	2262300	a96b6efd-67f9-47df-8634-f91030817fd9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:23:36	-721.890
-95	45246	2262300	e0dd00bd-9669-49b2-954c-63feaae98098	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:30:45	374.946
-96	22624	2262400	0d9e7c3d-c262-4c6f-ba90-2f8726631feb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:27:22	831.947
-96	45248	2262400	6394168d-b073-4b44-bfab-1be50b75a58d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:11:59	252.733
-97	22625	2262500	499b14c0-984f-4c66-8064-9c1edf50c93e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:35:52	-191.642
-97	45250	2262500	39fa5260-b730-40c1-b5e6-5e289dc20321	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:48:28	-224.503
-98	22626	2262600	b9da98af-924f-446c-9d88-24012d455b4f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:47:27	55.571
-98	45252	2262600	be4cd688-8b43-44ad-9fd5-abe009d38435	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:12:53	865.382
-99	22627	2262700	8657895f-8a1a-47e4-94e6-8c1d531b2494	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:56:39	6.740
-99	45254	2262700	386541be-a7f3-4bdd-adc7-7d8271f4331e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:06:57	561.628
-100	22628	2262800	32552a83-aa66-473a-bd99-a6a0459a1f18	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:06:02	875.939
-100	45256	2262800	7ae8f7d8-bcf3-450e-a3a7-37eb2b69ae5c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:21:34	-672.715
-101	22629	2262900	429bb811-0d83-4c69-adfd-19377d513bed	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:25:48	312.434
-101	45258	2262900	55dff839-a962-4e92-a7da-3510321a1e32	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:59:34	-793.183
-102	22630	2263000	48b23966-6cae-425a-9aea-437a9e39b780	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:53:57	301.861
-102	45260	2263000	630e3d27-3543-42bb-bb12-92a2a7409cb0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:02:00	-97.718
-103	22631	2263100	57efd2a3-0f3e-4c5d-b9f7-9b02330d8ad9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:40:53	-717.702
-103	45262	2263100	eace2af0-ebff-4281-823e-0b8520970de6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:42:04	724.746
-104	22632	2263200	0a08f903-b870-4863-9bb1-194b68921ec3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:53:34	690.300
-104	45264	2263200	169364af-b1d5-40d6-b624-746ca27a7549	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:23:44	755.486
-105	22633	2263300	2ff3192f-db6c-40c9-9911-8c12fc6559e3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:41:10	-815.183
-105	45266	2263300	02389541-3286-4124-b669-c3ade2a5a667	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:21:30	-888.727
-106	22634	2263400	26967c58-ff51-46f1-8ee3-cb9be0c1869e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:41:55	251.302
-106	45268	2263400	f7318bf0-1806-4f02-8559-9b124b46b3ab	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:18:06	-826.713
-107	22635	2263500	f6794d51-0643-4f31-bca3-1f6b15303384	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:12:46	-863.821
-107	45270	2263500	60d8dae1-1c63-45f2-81d3-b4cea94096dd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:56:34	-568.191
-108	22636	2263600	cc903b60-a147-47ae-af74-9c65e8dfd5c3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:01:33	161.112
-108	45272	2263600	a03a7bc5-a661-4d82-902c-e4eafcde9b0f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:24:27	-939.718
-109	22637	2263700	f0f23dc2-7c54-4bda-b6a9-83660c945dc4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:55:09	584.746
-109	45274	2263700	1edf6f17-7629-4bf8-af73-cfaf3c41673b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:37:42	-6.408
-110	22638	2263800	2c291756-1a59-4f3d-96fe-95c94eecc567	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:28:20	69.626
-110	45276	2263800	b72c67ff-8c4f-41ac-8616-c7c20196752d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:29:01	960.921
-111	22639	2263900	13ab91c0-14d5-4674-8e5f-929deeb883ce	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:41:50	-392.821
-111	45278	2263900	dd616a7d-4795-49e9-8a63-efb3f767b4ee	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:04:05	552.417
-112	22640	2264000	378ae9e8-b275-4b46-b449-b64a75ab1835	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:58:25	-149.488
-112	45280	2264000	90583309-424e-410f-ad43-186200a43cd5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:27:45	-404.820
-113	22641	2264100	c45c727b-da02-4d6a-b58b-62cb6687cf57	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:12:59	862.74
-113	45282	2264100	8c396291-b413-4f79-b3b6-d6826477e652	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:11:37	775.266
-114	22642	2264200	4d387435-15e4-44e0-99b6-ced3e300dec0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:04:04	21.265
-114	45284	2264200	1af65597-113e-4223-9886-42de4148461e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:26:20	235.246
-115	22643	2264300	147b9dd4-b7f0-4b58-93cf-40ace27fc0a1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:22:24	-314.775
-115	45286	2264300	99bc393f-2974-4a66-96a8-355d8072dc80	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:41:34	-659.864
-116	22644	2264400	10621d5f-fbf2-4a8c-97db-c19798a7e4f9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:56:11	-805.339
-116	45288	2264400	6a9ae337-b5a9-4849-9f16-5d1eb6154cce	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:26:50	-971.816
-117	22645	2264500	45d56f62-699e-45c3-b77a-4c1653b3e50f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:23:30	-544.289
-117	45290	2264500	0d96ba8a-ec21-4c00-abbd-806db561c14f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:36:15	-57.241
-118	22646	2264600	2fa2114e-5010-4e60-b88d-37dbbbc23537	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:54:29	914.770
-118	45292	2264600	934b6ca9-125e-46ef-bdaf-cbe1908e0347	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:22:02	-936.838
-119	22647	2264700	8cbe3755-0d92-4818-978d-84673a8f193d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:05:00	-197.549
-119	45294	2264700	c9ff1de2-8301-4465-a357-e744080eef13	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:58:44	802.383
-120	22648	2264800	25797bbb-f324-4ca2-8ca5-99012cf3dae9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:31:05	178.543
-120	45296	2264800	198852e8-52c6-4a0a-818b-8c2bc2477a5e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:42:07	-156.560
-121	22649	2264900	9aade489-14b3-4445-a034-217dc2f97f03	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:43:49	647.516
-121	45298	2264900	eb4872ee-382d-47a1-b0cf-7878d7da2fc8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:41:32	-633.170
-122	22650	2265000	2c1c0e06-7001-4814-a932-81aee7687717	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:12:42	380.710
-122	45300	2265000	7b777cb4-e064-41fa-8354-7e80f15475a2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:54:24	915.249
-123	22651	2265100	6c5f040f-0cf9-494b-aba3-1b3d8f4b894a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:52:56	500.272
-123	45302	2265100	75529677-01a3-4813-85b0-d4c3cfcf92c8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:18:34	-493.882
-124	22652	2265200	947b66df-116f-48ce-829c-5dc9da110feb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:58:28	-383.165
-124	45304	2265200	abee36a1-6eaf-4434-b867-8a91c76fa0d8	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:59:16	134.227
-125	22653	2265300	d4531b05-b45c-484f-b06e-29a32f0f80c5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:09:34	-945.124
-125	45306	2265300	1409a631-2e81-4c2f-9c76-bcd441acde87	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:23:21	110.613
-126	22654	2265400	e2b4794e-1dcc-48ba-95f5-4b0d9c766f7f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:52:11	223.911
-126	45308	2265400	16939d74-633d-4486-b550-be2e005b7716	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:04:51	-66.556
-127	22655	2265500	10690ef6-9d77-41d1-bc1f-47c0926a3cd7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:37:52	586.16
-127	45310	2265500	0c0a11dd-580a-424b-a358-46e84abe5347	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:05:42	312.768
-0	22656	2265600	04351d70-0f54-44d5-9fe3-059117f92c6b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:06:15	-965.497
-0	45312	2265600	f258ff00-67b9-43c4-bfbd-a07cd239c568	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:54:42	592.213
-1	22657	2265700	522d178d-b58d-4ca9-8ab0-acb9a3b4757b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:48:24	26.718
-1	45314	2265700	60d71e21-5d91-4711-bf5a-0c5c013a0355	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:41:53	-408.238
-2	22658	2265800	d8e6f702-7634-45a1-955e-342996af6e3f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:01:28	915.442
-2	45316	2265800	779cb189-cc63-49b8-8063-49a257b0b0b4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:24:31	-119.129
-3	22659	2265900	485f58aa-d55e-42dc-b746-c9de0cc30e16	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:26:39	-260.363
-3	45318	2265900	5dfb2a85-228f-43c1-99b2-e8d1d2d319ab	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:24:32	-793.463
-4	22660	2266000	ae321c79-e85f-435a-99c5-9b77669779c3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:11:11	973.297
-4	45320	2266000	30e88d7b-236f-4baf-bd13-1c52705754e7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:35:08	608.160
-5	22661	2266100	c9890372-e783-4d86-b2d2-2e4aed996844	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:03:56	-286.434
-5	45322	2266100	acc9003d-bb1f-46b0-9f9e-fdde8c0bc98c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:51:19	577.233
-6	22662	2266200	4e47206e-d378-4cf1-98a8-c4dc77feb8c4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:31:34	219.191
-6	45324	2266200	570369e5-374b-45af-954b-501a3e17e436	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:01:24	513.644
-7	22663	2266300	47481a6c-e287-4e15-a3a1-5e26e4a6448e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:24:33	-119.820
-7	45326	2266300	6edf61d1-a516-41d7-bf46-ca1e1951e95e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:43:24	714.827
-8	22664	2266400	ecad08f8-51bc-4fb2-87de-adc5924e38ab	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:32:36	-422.458
-8	45328	2266400	65557f54-477e-4807-a945-1d8a845a81e5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:47:41	156.659
-9	22665	2266500	50be1ffc-30b7-4b12-9f62-7009afdedafc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:40:14	667.327
-9	45330	2266500	1fcfee35-82e1-42e9-a3b0-2550862d472c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:14:11	-282.581
-10	22666	2266600	1f005b94-daad-4063-ac03-ba5a1a0c9ff8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:43:24	-960.755
-10	45332	2266600	dd4b319e-5019-42ac-b48d-41fd96ef8813	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:48:37	65.529
-11	22667	2266700	3a658572-f640-48c9-b521-3ec1cc600745	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:50:06	969.145
-11	45334	2266700	4e677c33-e738-4eb5-88e1-b27135769b1e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:58:02	123.951
-12	22668	2266800	15343add-78ec-4689-8751-007c05fc636e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:17:47	-920.308
-12	45336	2266800	4d0688be-e316-4260-ace2-dbc9f5baaabf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:21:49	-789.484
-13	22669	2266900	0d88ebe9-5782-4882-99ad-3e1123ed3f7a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:52:23	-93.516
-13	45338	2266900	d87638c0-3f89-48e0-affe-f7c55ac213db	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:25:56	-345.613
-14	22670	2267000	7e341457-8b49-46b3-8808-2823de0d7929	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:37:23	375.363
-14	45340	2267000	fade4a01-1dd8-498a-aeea-dd7f4bee439e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:09:00	-622.725
-15	22671	2267100	bed9a6ee-c00b-48ef-9bac-a21220ca7c3f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:41:27	-50.259
-15	45342	2267100	79dc1690-5e7f-4e07-8d02-3187f07146bd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:55:16	579.276
-16	22672	2267200	3c2aedb5-ff20-4469-a092-8aedf5b0ae49	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:41:42	587.281
-16	45344	2267200	099c24d5-20a4-474e-b9f9-a023dc104a30	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:56:44	-785.345
-17	22673	2267300	36fc9dea-098f-4f6e-b435-89bc055a2287	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:09:54	-339.524
-17	45346	2267300	cebad99c-ed64-4ec0-8abf-4608728ebe4b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:37:02	-886.947
-18	22674	2267400	d0ac6d13-cf6a-45da-aaf2-6eeba449af21	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:45:09	689.85
-18	45348	2267400	0f132c09-ad1a-46ba-afe6-3ec1f50b4030	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:59:25	-565.543
-19	22675	2267500	5a423273-28c5-4908-b220-138650896dd8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:07:34	-734.176
-19	45350	2267500	0a62282e-0bb5-42c0-9075-8df1f5f233b2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:33:06	709.4
-20	22676	2267600	8cf825ca-e883-447f-a0db-a37506cab15b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:49:42	265.304
-20	45352	2267600	6f3e0a6f-a457-4e38-a1dc-00b0af01cae7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:48:31	-496.686
-21	22677	2267700	36195cd8-0e0b-40c9-bc01-ac8a575aeacb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:51:08	458.692
-21	45354	2267700	bc6b4c1d-c240-415b-bbe9-b0a33a031b0e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:53:18	-71.100
-22	22678	2267800	82313ca3-7d32-442a-8e83-3203fefa5097	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:52:12	-897.966
-22	45356	2267800	0532f695-7d15-41aa-a2a6-ae0646aef35b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:23:16	90.167
-23	22679	2267900	0f91339e-a672-4e6c-9b4e-1f5fd62f2a0e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:32:27	-581.562
-23	45358	2267900	05ae310c-317b-41dc-a8b5-4c003aa4eb1c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:18:53	169.134
-24	22680	2268000	5c1b3806-bbf2-4aef-bcee-232e5d96d595	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:06:18	501.772
-24	45360	2268000	ef565bff-f58e-4fbc-ac1c-b67c65ccc37f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:44:11	-662.193
-25	22681	2268100	9117ca09-817e-40a3-b0a1-eac08f14c553	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:54:53	550.91
-25	45362	2268100	a2c0f5e9-a893-494b-aa24-59fa70d5e308	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:18:25	704.121
-26	22682	2268200	5b6709c2-44b1-44e6-8738-57c548983705	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:50:31	434.237
-26	45364	2268200	2fd6eb78-3ec8-48e3-91c2-fbdc9f427747	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:44:58	-616.685
-27	22683	2268300	b6b7f7e5-1ac5-499f-9e00-7e0f97b69bba	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:54:53	508.216
-27	45366	2268300	d22ea022-4176-4240-9c14-23491e9f888c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:05:16	219.383
-28	22684	2268400	2cdd31b1-3a15-4181-8d46-51803dcc3833	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:19:03	357.330
-28	45368	2268400	6360c112-5a36-4a27-a1f3-35c068aee72b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:32:54	363.272
-29	22685	2268500	90efaf09-9758-479b-811c-f81ec583d8b3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:24:08	-480.231
-29	45370	2268500	a449a670-fa52-40f7-8f32-5bd3957a88a0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:59:32	-90.851
-30	22686	2268600	e4db299e-2a6e-456c-986a-5bc285769bc2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:29:38	-683.506
-30	45372	2268600	0bd6f0c1-993d-41a8-bacd-b3ded6f16d98	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:18:23	-145.12
-31	22687	2268700	7ea6e3c3-eeb5-48bb-ba48-e263a5845f6a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:35:48	111.575
-31	45374	2268700	dc94e5cc-2fe7-4024-a249-021a09c6cb41	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:59:05	-640.667
-32	22688	2268800	cb6cfc14-acf7-494e-b7a4-1f433acdb070	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:58:15	371.586
-32	45376	2268800	f2542f04-74b0-47ee-be31-e4e51bcb408c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:10:48	498.583
-33	22689	2268900	9ba7079e-fb76-44d0-b6fd-7b5aa1c98397	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:32:36	819.865
-33	45378	2268900	9800a112-c44e-480f-94e6-4b09fbe2f1dd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:14:37	-372.592
-34	22690	2269000	4f24d1a2-b7d3-402c-b5f9-ad2f16fe1e1f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:36:12	802.298
-34	45380	2269000	a8b5ecbe-f490-45b6-9af9-4632448873d0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:56:39	-226.70
-35	22691	2269100	dc721d66-9400-470c-a3fc-d49f2dff2c8b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:29:13	-972.997
-35	45382	2269100	40298bf3-3d95-4f01-8a12-850514e2506e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:36:10	396.812
-36	22692	2269200	c51be2a2-ce2c-40fc-9182-eb0ac7c048ab	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:42:14	485.579
-36	45384	2269200	fd401177-78de-43f2-b9b4-c4cae587b053	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:29:02	-489.240
-37	22693	2269300	67372698-f7f4-48a7-b160-37f50c0a7115	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:55:23	352.41
-37	45386	2269300	67250ec9-b720-429c-b677-e755b6d1a19e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:26:11	326.726
-38	22694	2269400	4e4641d0-fa98-4126-9ada-37faf2ff6a04	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:45:23	110.250
-38	45388	2269400	3bd9fb71-9d28-4a4e-b0e1-8619680a50da	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:42:13	-455.212
-39	22695	2269500	0b1b9c6f-80c2-4a7b-85db-a76b07309b99	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:16:45	632.972
-39	45390	2269500	58bedc4d-e08c-41f7-8514-e05337f01ec5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:06:47	729.594
-40	22696	2269600	579d8925-32fa-4896-a870-cdf6e7ec7f66	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:05:20	-423.267
-40	45392	2269600	ab0e32a2-ead2-46b7-8189-96c0069f1753	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:50:37	244.30
-41	22697	2269700	9ccdf8ac-4e99-44ab-a791-fb81a7ed8dd7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:22:01	707.19
-41	45394	2269700	7c1c5bfd-1fbe-41e4-ade9-f2dedde2970a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:10:22	-137.508
-42	22698	2269800	f5a87c3b-570f-4d29-8be5-cd1efbb5ff2a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:41:23	-386.783
-42	45396	2269800	43d0f09a-509d-4e90-8708-e1e8351e509c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:01:05	583.220
-43	22699	2269900	f94c4b17-9be4-4e43-aedc-d0319a8bb1cf	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:15:26	720.692
-43	45398	2269900	7756ff1b-44a5-4139-8e7c-18450be32ca2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:45:25	284.998
-44	22700	2270000	d32c59dc-b3a8-48b8-ab1b-a69f00797ddd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:35:59	707.685
-44	45400	2270000	4fe40686-972b-4819-97a6-18f42f859d7c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:12:38	-429.720
-45	22701	2270100	b3da0ecd-d0ce-434d-9c6d-2301dd7473ac	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:36:27	773.664
-45	45402	2270100	5aeffcf2-5509-4b00-bab8-a144fef694a8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:09:03	-50.495
-46	22702	2270200	5f1f0ee8-f498-42dd-b39b-7418841d2bef	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:52:31	-405.398
-46	45404	2270200	f853110b-6ae5-472d-9292-ddf674481d90	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:54:59	940.303
-47	22703	2270300	fb73a87b-9491-4a42-9fa5-58cb82d06a99	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:02:57	-30.654
-47	45406	2270300	fa8e8249-7322-45c8-bae8-66d1e5d958ad	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:02:26	-9.946
-48	22704	2270400	729ea679-d056-4556-9b22-deeeca41f854	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:36:47	-102.512
-48	45408	2270400	ca2b7d84-cd72-40d1-8efc-d900b9f0e8e4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:10:30	828.932
-49	22705	2270500	9a4b8830-43e9-482b-8cee-b2213428f960	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:02:17	-999.775
-49	45410	2270500	2bc1e5ef-1a10-4cf5-ada1-9fc80033254f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:25:01	-326.947
-50	22706	2270600	a5e56a4f-dcdd-4e34-97ef-877b5bf1ca9d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:00:42	-186.332
-50	45412	2270600	b6ff7644-d1c5-4909-9d96-da272bb02604	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:58:32	-394.324
-51	22707	2270700	6a4bc53a-bfc1-46ee-aef0-4af471b6751d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:29:42	56.699
-51	45414	2270700	ecdcb415-b6c8-40e3-9ede-e9dbdde89356	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:05:48	687.538
-52	22708	2270800	253cf9dc-26af-49bc-9737-7fdac503ba16	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:53:26	-297.0
-52	45416	2270800	296c599a-c61f-49e8-888c-68256226ba0b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:53:42	126.512
-53	22709	2270900	f9bdce0a-fdd9-401e-913d-44082f847af8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:56:34	-209.940
-53	45418	2270900	5fb3dd3a-2450-48ba-b2a5-2ca7edb2d4b2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:36:43	509.160
-54	22710	2271000	092207b2-d577-4a90-8297-bea7015689f7	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:01:20	67.92
-54	45420	2271000	bd278108-b293-4a8b-b6b9-cfa37c867dca	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:51:19	-396.131
-55	22711	2271100	f0961c33-e5a3-42a6-b10e-d138fab4d1af	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:59:13	-60.618
-55	45422	2271100	2b2ca012-b98a-48a6-a1ab-6dea98bd18de	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:40:21	48.315
-56	22712	2271200	c2b2fd57-879c-452a-b143-d6ee36bcf405	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:30:41	284.306
-56	45424	2271200	71fe488e-b39d-4097-8d6e-0761e2a7c24d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:03:38	405.926
-57	22713	2271300	3d735870-40d4-41e4-9f8b-9f54ee44df68	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:28:20	-524.467
-57	45426	2271300	59545c4a-d35b-4f62-aefe-60db4da9f02f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:59:22	708.601
-58	22714	2271400	28e92c3b-3efb-4016-b306-13bbac1248cb	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:17:13	610.152
-58	45428	2271400	06e11474-134c-4634-8fad-8cc511eb9460	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:15:53	245.671
-59	22715	2271500	70bfceb5-8486-4568-b859-ebbd972f0f9e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:47:23	769.416
-59	45430	2271500	375d293d-a29e-4f99-88fa-dc3b518df298	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:28:59	-990.630
-60	22716	2271600	6de4b5e1-d78f-494e-ad1a-612e64bc472d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:46:36	-505.453
-60	45432	2271600	0b34d18a-c085-4422-bde3-46aade91d89c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:47:14	483.682
-61	22717	2271700	5ac4ec8f-b3f2-45b7-844b-7fc65787798b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:13:45	552.723
-61	45434	2271700	d7a8451d-8c35-456d-9e8e-1d1c02a2ee96	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:17:47	999.569
-62	22718	2271800	2048d1c5-4213-4b0a-b8a3-3194990addcd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:52:07	-984.974
-62	45436	2271800	db5abaab-1608-4637-8b13-915114261006	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:49:19	421.64
-63	22719	2271900	e6030168-3e40-4c18-b425-c3b60b84efd0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:13:04	-767.966
-63	45438	2271900	52bfdde5-678b-456e-a038-43c49a82a6e5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:06:05	706.77
-64	22720	2272000	079a1165-5749-48f2-b68b-8ec31fc6eecb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:27:55	-109.479
-64	45440	2272000	37abaf21-645c-4cab-baef-40305d046ae3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:12:26	-115.944
-65	22721	2272100	3efdf225-186e-4dfc-855a-d3588954eedb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:59:28	242.135
-65	45442	2272100	0462a497-a18f-4b6a-bf30-d8c2bb36c540	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:39:38	-302.248
-66	22722	2272200	ab1da8ae-43d1-4f8e-acf5-292e2310acd1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:46:36	919.306
-66	45444	2272200	0d0e367f-0d94-4520-b53e-428c39e09483	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:45:36	-930.638
-67	22723	2272300	207da15f-c769-415f-9426-3d631b1c94aa	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:49:36	-207.234
-67	45446	2272300	1fdd720d-fdba-47b5-a309-659d85a2c13f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:27:50	693.572
-68	22724	2272400	15fc52c2-d677-4977-b35f-8a8f7ebe37fb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:21:50	-450.525
-68	45448	2272400	c2d776df-bd24-4c60-bf14-ba34a985820b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:29:35	-969.623
-69	22725	2272500	80617670-ea4d-4f12-8b6f-9b4ff0c572a9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:38:52	-739.91
-69	45450	2272500	de3ca22c-16ff-40f0-aa4f-238cf3c2c070	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:41:35	-761.215
-70	22726	2272600	e0fb5a16-091a-4988-aedb-b5429e447616	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:48:19	71.956
-70	45452	2272600	b24d070e-bb02-495f-b8be-195fb53a5646	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:52:35	-412.722
-71	22727	2272700	cac9c283-6d6a-4ce5-9f5e-d311a93c4744	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:38:50	954.688
-71	45454	2272700	6dc052fc-86fc-4b82-9968-7bb5d728c1fb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:01:14	881.263
-72	22728	2272800	1c8a5269-1f4b-478e-b456-02927eb0014b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:14:30	-557.953
-72	45456	2272800	dcadbd1b-3b28-4c96-a68b-999e856d8d25	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:52:16	-116.627
-73	22729	2272900	214e8f94-4644-400f-91a6-aa5a4744f5df	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:17:14	964.677
-73	45458	2272900	2d99b626-96bd-4fc8-bc78-4075ef304bf9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:30:45	740.186
-74	22730	2273000	75e49cca-db51-41f5-b540-397efa9304f4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:08:38	389.171
-74	45460	2273000	b3afc898-d4f2-4f69-9fb3-71cbdb5add9d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:33:37	-75.600
-75	22731	2273100	484a6e66-a7b5-4cb5-a870-c3aa0e26cc08	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:22:25	-702.997
-75	45462	2273100	137cebc0-1501-4f33-9d62-cbe75f7f4fab	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:50:07	402.581
-76	22732	2273200	21a5e6d3-e27c-4a54-96ac-05feafdb79f1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:35:36	609.688
-76	45464	2273200	59268f72-fca6-4beb-b011-5bbade9c1685	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:28:33	-264.47
-77	22733	2273300	4e44557d-379a-4f5c-8a71-978a92ed74a5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:12:39	-381.859
-77	45466	2273300	ce066151-7b39-43e1-8654-f3f9b1cffbd9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:28:51	-830.147
-78	22734	2273400	e231f89a-fc37-407a-a92f-d5d6e4631e06	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:59:48	-969.381
-78	45468	2273400	afbfcf72-56ff-420e-ab1c-a578efd25fa3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:01:40	-11.566
-79	22735	2273500	adac9860-cbe6-42e5-b497-56e8b67c121d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:27:35	227.502
-79	45470	2273500	e218518d-9f2a-45e9-97b7-8944f098a090	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:27:34	885.775
-80	22736	2273600	321a9dfc-4bd6-4045-9615-c3d23c5e875a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:08:44	-169.93
-80	45472	2273600	d1d21a59-e5d6-4f4e-9c7c-86f7a6df6292	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:59:19	979.854
-81	22737	2273700	7c8ba3c7-0c83-4d10-b18a-def001cf7de6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:37:57	987.987
-81	45474	2273700	1bf37b7d-9e36-43da-9ed9-145e9cb8368e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:24:25	521.616
-82	22738	2273800	062f8428-084e-4be4-accd-34317ef77460	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:33:18	545.975
-82	45476	2273800	c58f2824-9bff-4dad-ae7a-4e83a39d4871	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:10:23	716.617
-83	22739	2273900	b16813a7-57f4-4a40-86a2-1a5c830d74a6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:16:03	-865.953
-83	45478	2273900	65334483-35bf-401f-b4ce-72c41848a5c5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:34:01	980.62
-84	22740	2274000	b61640f9-704c-4a79-9031-e659407f843e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:57:31	484.929
-84	45480	2274000	6f5e71bd-2c83-44df-8ef5-7ba3085dab4a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:54:24	856.956
-85	22741	2274100	0abba2a4-4225-4dc6-8c21-86c713a8384e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:06:57	-874.214
-85	45482	2274100	c5a589e2-ae25-421b-8a74-fad863e90e2f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:31:25	168.932
-86	22742	2274200	cb3ffe44-b5da-4ddc-af0f-4045c5439df3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:07:55	-8.98
-86	45484	2274200	1acf7ad2-5db8-4dfe-a4e1-5656b828a63d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:03:41	310.252
-87	22743	2274300	edb9433b-f77e-4c59-b206-81baff84a06b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:42:16	-568.155
-87	45486	2274300	3c0e2494-c1da-4cad-a717-fee88f870d7c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:36:04	97.187
-88	22744	2274400	c062e79f-345e-44f8-b4f2-251bb8b32b07	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:54:48	306.673
-88	45488	2274400	2b1b06bc-b99b-47d5-aea4-8b70d9f2b173	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:07:23	-513.105
-89	22745	2274500	fb7bfbf1-466f-4e53-a6a4-aba836cf490b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:41:34	-391.628
-89	45490	2274500	295cbf7b-3f5c-4f59-9de0-fdd09fa181bf	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:31:33	330.593
-90	22746	2274600	870f25eb-eecb-419b-8607-c4ccb7d3a103	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:27:59	697.449
-90	45492	2274600	9f28d56f-29ea-492d-9493-d67c7e0b01a3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:02:30	-48.46
-91	22747	2274700	6422373c-8b28-4084-abc4-499b3a4a8051	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:50:18	-40.415
-91	45494	2274700	4e554b6a-62b4-43a2-99c4-e23c2e8659eb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:45:38	-577.209
-92	22748	2274800	d36cfaf4-49e2-42df-a7a2-65896b1bd5e7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:45:19	803.606
-92	45496	2274800	4d5846d9-0524-4002-97d3-057fa8535cfc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:26:35	-90.100
-93	22749	2274900	dbb9aace-dafb-42f6-83fa-91a0aaa92686	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:20:19	452.270
-93	45498	2274900	d7251251-730a-4898-a218-0d32504c7f47	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:33:21	777.546
-94	22750	2275000	61ece2db-5079-4461-93a3-a8244d53092e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:40:09	-503.278
-94	45500	2275000	e8a4f41c-a919-451f-b396-1388d828b728	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:19:18	5.998
-95	22751	2275100	c44a62eb-121b-4aac-9c7d-cecc3bf1e400	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:47:46	-164.472
-95	45502	2275100	139a884d-98be-40a4-ace4-f630f73b6620	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:29:17	-56.113
-96	22752	2275200	2326ccac-403f-474c-bed7-b10fa9710d92	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:24:05	387.441
-96	45504	2275200	19244a4a-8bc0-444e-83a3-eb8885ea13e4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:36:15	-198.96
-97	22753	2275300	b0bc0d11-100b-4c8c-bbc0-5ab7097ab33b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:50:36	693.430
-97	45506	2275300	965fb66f-9f75-48d6-97ef-a0cdca88a670	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:34:25	478.51
-98	22754	2275400	b601eb76-4366-4f55-bff9-d1140c71a2a3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:39:00	88.118
-98	45508	2275400	d1b3bcd9-9b32-431b-8cd8-fd5a9a38c457	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:56:28	-216.228
-99	22755	2275500	1d673e9d-b711-4009-9270-54fb6cd2770c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:58:58	-9.253
-99	45510	2275500	b50475f8-8b70-453e-9c35-362e34f25ef8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:59:41	-644.93
-100	22756	2275600	211d932f-e71c-486d-a248-b51b918066af	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:00:31	235.518
-100	45512	2275600	23ee0aa3-a288-49ae-97c7-905900da9743	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:53:21	-922.841
-101	22757	2275700	533e34e6-ad88-4aa7-b6ca-9eca2a50a86e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:50:31	-969.7
-101	45514	2275700	f8a85216-7749-4998-a746-db6ad67dca95	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:01:25	-438.141
-102	22758	2275800	1666afdc-e9d8-4ec7-a29d-b1550399fee9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:10:58	809.86
-102	45516	2275800	98b14260-8e7a-48a3-8150-c52983c58d77	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:56:43	633.301
-103	22759	2275900	abbe5781-d515-4240-8baa-9eb670bd32cc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:50:29	-395.284
-103	45518	2275900	e07adb77-965c-4309-b040-cc2ef060029f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:18:22	-784.633
-104	22760	2276000	1a2dadcd-7dfb-478e-8d43-43b8ddbdf902	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:03:40	-589.262
-104	45520	2276000	28620b8c-0932-4175-944a-5f674150c91d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:44:43	-803.857
-105	22761	2276100	a9b4fb6d-18db-47c2-b47a-3212c726bb51	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:31:57	-980.618
-105	45522	2276100	c6876ce2-9cd6-43da-8469-ea94b41cb6c4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:03:14	-601.705
-106	22762	2276200	8d166c4f-0936-401a-acb8-e0ddaa1738bc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:31:25	-579.518
-106	45524	2276200	c7b28c38-7a99-4cc1-91c7-4075f9bf3130	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:38:34	-858.755
-107	22763	2276300	2d17d186-24d7-4197-99d0-8ac804e127f2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:01:50	-232.485
-107	45526	2276300	4ec040f5-ad60-4948-b47d-93b625d5e367	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:43:26	-409.562
-108	22764	2276400	2660e3e2-5419-479b-834f-026f660de057	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:13:57	-897.70
-108	45528	2276400	06fb5dfc-3a66-4b9b-8e35-03f6feb34e6d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:55:13	-512.751
-109	22765	2276500	62d2cb95-2c42-473e-8a11-e100674e76c1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:28:56	963.25
-109	45530	2276500	9726918b-db72-4820-a87f-ce5e034c5f11	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:33:35	426.963
-110	22766	2276600	72fddfa4-a06a-4936-8a51-208f1ff6f094	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:38:53	-297.245
-110	45532	2276600	a5afa24b-3177-4aac-96e0-f4911c1c4a33	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:12:23	-650.367
-111	22767	2276700	8b0cd671-38c3-4133-95af-2a0fa483ab04	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:08:01	-852.208
-111	45534	2276700	f1f4ee45-eee8-4e82-b65d-55ff96d084df	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:57:42	405.236
-112	22768	2276800	681c37c4-a82b-42e9-989c-4d60883cce01	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:15:37	101.173
-112	45536	2276800	bbfdeee7-f393-4758-8b5b-f50c42a3e5b7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:44:50	-386.687
-113	22769	2276900	c399fb20-00d9-408a-b92d-bd94758cbd26	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:49:45	920.912
-113	45538	2276900	ce2b4c82-5e0b-42f4-b7cd-8466bcf5cee8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:42:46	484.665
-114	22770	2277000	6cd5ca84-13f5-4869-b2dd-2ec1cc754805	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:54:59	263.226
-114	45540	2277000	ef7b226a-935e-47e4-8bf7-37c5b6b05367	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:51:51	-68.271
-115	22771	2277100	01ae4b62-faa5-4eb1-9a68-4fcbff43594e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:50:14	-738.265
-115	45542	2277100	32973d89-78ef-417c-b70c-de0d4e5e248b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:42:58	-888.394
-116	22772	2277200	e4e64b9a-85e1-4443-879a-7805e1633300	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:50:15	363.503
-116	45544	2277200	4c9f6821-5037-436e-add7-905d7cf044b1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:42:39	567.577
-117	22773	2277300	9403dbd7-2dc8-49f0-b1f3-08a61da7ba9a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:53:32	-623.703
-117	45546	2277300	1eecc40c-4d37-4eae-86e6-b94a1f9760d1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:38:40	116.380
-118	22774	2277400	b355e6a7-d47c-4e62-80dd-eeda61b7cc2d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:24:44	-805.429
-118	45548	2277400	73ccbae3-56e3-497b-a643-e8a26dd4e217	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:54:42	-329.473
-119	22775	2277500	e0a84fc2-cdfd-4b86-b2f0-a7b396e98dd3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:09:22	774.231
-119	45550	2277500	982047b4-bc51-4795-82c5-4edd53d9d60b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:14:44	-601.131
-120	22776	2277600	bb012cb0-6be8-4960-93d2-aa20469b4746	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:32:08	-761.816
-120	45552	2277600	08acefcc-2ed8-4b85-b4b0-1424e02e0e16	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:57:57	-213.690
-121	22777	2277700	9fe6046f-f8f6-4a97-b922-6e37cb2a1dfe	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:42:00	162.158
-121	45554	2277700	47632ac4-07f2-4a7b-b798-93cadfcce8fe	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:15:56	503.987
-122	22778	2277800	203b399c-9537-44e4-a430-285f7c918061	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:00:48	-890.737
-122	45556	2277800	fad6611a-4e15-4831-bf6d-fb712e0aa40f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:22:58	-722.956
-123	22779	2277900	8cc5acb2-2d05-4874-b9b0-12a7423114ba	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:47:26	240.124
-123	45558	2277900	f80baf40-3f7c-41a6-b5fb-ab2c299826a9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:47:03	-774.524
-124	22780	2278000	3ef6fb16-51d8-4713-8b12-a01b2c94d323	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:53:05	897.376
-124	45560	2278000	01ef9338-3433-4cf4-8405-2d9a794de3b8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:09:46	-851.927
-125	22781	2278100	d9a7debc-7263-42b7-bad8-5bcf95780a3c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:55:38	406.569
-125	45562	2278100	69b02b9c-e780-4c2e-b67e-0b711b42578e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:46:10	385.489
-126	22782	2278200	c66ec0ed-a767-4caf-bc1b-731d67cfa3bc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:31:56	-571.384
-126	45564	2278200	64a7c585-83c6-499b-a79d-d5d4f7a3caa7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:21:11	-307.733
-127	22783	2278300	9469258e-5a0b-4ef1-82f1-076ca59e365b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:08:16	187.635
-127	45566	2278300	76880cfe-2bab-4069-841d-bd69f2c31201	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:01:37	-262.810
-0	22784	2278400	c550e97e-438d-4b64-b25f-70140ddf9a65	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:09:38	-698.9
-0	45568	2278400	6104648e-91b8-4453-913e-5a0b66861936	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:13:39	-829.796
-1	22785	2278500	55b1fb55-bf4a-4623-a823-3d7844eb1270	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:03:20	-595.938
-1	45570	2278500	ac5f78d3-757c-4662-a1f8-9f41889f4991	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:34:49	-110.717
-2	22786	2278600	4431dd1c-524b-41d7-899e-24d7e88e6a66	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:52:22	-538.27
-2	45572	2278600	2ee4d712-a805-4657-b09f-6671d06f46e5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:31:44	620.553
-3	22787	2278700	356a0846-c59c-4914-a359-83d600899110	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:59:28	-61.445
-3	45574	2278700	c4ea82ef-4919-49a2-b0f6-76a401011167	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:28:49	-567.143
-4	22788	2278800	45c5c5a1-a617-4f5a-8b2b-92db8e8c81a6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:50:38	57.351
-4	45576	2278800	21479159-d553-4d90-8e95-f9de98f9382a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:28:39	206.73
-5	22789	2278900	fd1df590-0e83-4bd8-95be-5281ee052bc8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:43:04	324.190
-5	45578	2278900	1ca5b5e8-2fab-4c87-8b16-38db4fd51981	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:42:52	622.985
-6	22790	2279000	d79e59c5-17a6-44f6-9481-4f1fce953e5d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:57:02	-779.978
-6	45580	2279000	8b810bb4-77da-422a-9c60-c6c5b6e291b1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:59:31	-990.270
-7	22791	2279100	6b12befe-1546-4a75-96cd-9a42bc40411e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:26:30	796.953
-7	45582	2279100	63d27451-9238-444a-9394-be7e0f72e393	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:11:49	366.208
-8	22792	2279200	15f1fbd7-42b0-4de9-bf64-c596e811f383	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:03:39	650.834
-8	45584	2279200	689b5f7b-3493-4e3f-a0a3-659baddfb695	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:49:50	-500.592
-9	22793	2279300	c9c6b00e-fba0-41c3-a020-f15f85041f31	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:07:36	431.476
-9	45586	2279300	a0b7ecab-82b2-4d75-b8b2-745debe5e2e4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:57:56	474.300
-10	22794	2279400	8c356950-7e7b-4afd-958d-349125c994a4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:44:56	-226.420
-10	45588	2279400	4f0a566c-8e51-4954-a7af-ad739fe0eb29	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:10:21	998.756
-11	22795	2279500	da3d0f0a-44ab-4fa5-ab78-70a0624c68b6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:53:32	349.465
-11	45590	2279500	eae8fc46-5564-47e7-8a16-55c7f26001a3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:10:09	-145.199
-12	22796	2279600	07b8be10-683f-471a-a878-7d0bcaa6bf3f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:15:15	-966.174
-12	45592	2279600	dab4e290-924c-492e-8ed5-6b81b6e47048	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:01:04	-16.90
-13	22797	2279700	32bf8d32-56c2-4b34-a9f2-97d440deb396	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:14:56	570.671
-13	45594	2279700	b171d547-c243-44ed-bd68-10997eade665	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:21:39	-562.27
-14	22798	2279800	b5e10323-443e-4653-9cf5-c63226c604b5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:38:21	-90.266
-14	45596	2279800	cde63b9c-ba95-4258-a0d8-88244a3d0ed2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:33:36	-673.220
-15	22799	2279900	d1190350-5967-4811-a3bf-ab56f9cdbbb8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:54:19	525.891
-15	45598	2279900	8ca785b0-9010-440b-9d73-476e71c022ef	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:12:14	-750.778
-16	22800	2280000	11b54a39-1ba1-4109-8916-5407b55c0d8e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:18:34	242.457
-16	45600	2280000	3062d642-5417-40bb-90df-f974eab0bdad	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:02:00	-107.26
-17	22801	2280100	a3423e67-b822-4c75-9b00-76d67e803848	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:05:38	669.818
-17	45602	2280100	28846f96-b922-43ec-8ed6-ddb6cf810d93	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:50:38	187.753
-18	22802	2280200	d31ea975-2b24-45b1-ae9c-a143b59571db	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:58:59	-950.823
-18	45604	2280200	97eee07b-7274-4e59-adc1-0f4b38585ff9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:45:46	687.15
-19	22803	2280300	dff9f5e2-1e18-452e-a7a8-0ecc7d6413df	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:20:59	-857.569
-19	45606	2280300	547b50b4-51e2-4d4d-a9fe-8343736e97d2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:31:53	961.705
-20	22804	2280400	a01168ce-7d28-44d0-b16c-de9c6b92ff5d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:54:27	501.649
-20	45608	2280400	bbdc2c28-836a-446c-a7f4-8a4d6c9327fd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:11:45	-228.112
-21	22805	2280500	2f2f7af9-eb30-459b-bdb1-9d438d55aeea	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:07:49	-540.684
-21	45610	2280500	e5a7304d-14d8-4384-b2e9-b68743e3a251	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:23:46	491.466
-22	22806	2280600	616c814f-fc06-4149-9f67-b1f55dfd6661	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:58:41	179.566
-22	45612	2280600	663c3b2c-819b-46ea-b02f-f441eb3ef8c9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:36:32	616.229
-23	22807	2280700	d6e53316-a79e-46fc-8c00-25ce72fd4e0c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:26:29	91.119
-23	45614	2280700	3a9c7ef6-6495-4dbf-8824-448effa26015	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:26:46	968.50
-24	22808	2280800	ccaade56-8b39-459d-942d-20f654b0c166	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:51:56	-788.843
-24	45616	2280800	1be68e0a-541d-45e4-b683-98f0160de7cc	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:55:00	-496.979
-25	22809	2280900	a44217f8-e35f-460c-bf04-8fffa2f0f5e0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:20:30	243.396
-25	45618	2280900	80b52f97-ce15-41b3-bf8b-ef73dfbe7583	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:10:08	-967.191
-26	22810	2281000	2f40e663-4ace-4526-ae70-c3d278fc93d9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:34:27	334.586
-26	45620	2281000	fd75825c-33f0-47f9-85ed-76e7d41efa82	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:14:07	-116.926
-27	22811	2281100	be3aebbc-8294-41df-9ad5-0cabe773a43c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:03:06	383.767
-27	45622	2281100	540ed84e-c045-4b4a-8bc5-4102d68a245f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:56:33	-137.825
-28	22812	2281200	06fb2ae2-ddbe-4725-bb64-428a48baf3a2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:09:38	-329.566
-28	45624	2281200	9ab92af6-7867-4033-9add-431835620e6e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:12:48	910.796
-29	22813	2281300	9cdfb598-0cbe-4461-afe9-153021655bb6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:56:32	653.874
-29	45626	2281300	f29d908b-8c68-4a12-bddf-33bc2a9d9543	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:01:09	697.285
-30	22814	2281400	189bb512-922a-4cd9-9065-f9c1247be475	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:03:10	531.704
-30	45628	2281400	a80bb58c-6404-4828-9118-01ec65024a43	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:11:31	-450.394
-31	22815	2281500	0f8c3f63-c96f-4ec0-8cab-6699e2090675	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:13:30	-416.21
-31	45630	2281500	25a60d7f-e71e-458f-a860-837aa79085dd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:38:07	207.604
-32	22816	2281600	84af56e2-10d6-4f3d-bb33-6df5a329a601	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:29:11	399.891
-32	45632	2281600	0001533e-c74f-4f64-8587-8294abf9f6a9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:46:50	-633.299
-33	22817	2281700	e4fcbde2-6cad-4d99-a208-67b10c8a9284	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:00:06	932.806
-33	45634	2281700	3a8830a7-ec87-4b34-9024-f55e6186af41	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:45:35	421.788
-34	22818	2281800	4a8bf152-8d03-430a-b6cd-9290a77dd86e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:51:54	345.486
-34	45636	2281800	76c2c412-4071-4abd-855d-bd4168493252	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:23:08	989.94
-35	22819	2281900	eaa47d2a-9302-46b4-91c0-4cdade8bb733	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:53:40	-11.343
-35	45638	2281900	1035a320-1485-4d0c-bba8-9540fca65858	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:53:04	384.762
-36	22820	2282000	79e3464f-6f9e-4eba-8d71-fad218882aeb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:50:35	-689.359
-36	45640	2282000	ecc5febf-9e90-443d-9e54-3321d1ab25b1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:45:21	-773.284
-37	22821	2282100	8e83dcb3-275d-4c5a-ab7d-0a434e519ada	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:38:11	658.970
-37	45642	2282100	0f41827a-eb3b-42fb-a98c-d40a249a71e7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:10:31	-566.204
-38	22822	2282200	90a80dff-0969-4366-a0ec-8ec324ae7a44	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:16:18	417.257
-38	45644	2282200	e937323b-d201-4e4a-9a3a-1b03e871bf51	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:44:43	861.270
-39	22823	2282300	a400bc81-0827-4c77-b046-858bf9c80e02	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:46:35	-152.973
-39	45646	2282300	0d7b5a94-7cf1-4b71-8233-2f4523fd5f0a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:19:52	527.234
-40	22824	2282400	67da041e-2ecd-47cb-9ffb-56fde3d93341	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:50:51	-247.705
-40	45648	2282400	d60b5394-6a74-4624-bc2f-c97e5051eda8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:06:21	515.377
-41	22825	2282500	f560889f-5bf4-4979-9165-21017b52d891	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:31:32	-323.208
-41	45650	2282500	fa3a6533-69c8-4c96-ac90-a8c340bed446	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:15:52	-344.906
-42	22826	2282600	6926c29a-59f8-4738-9e23-df8350d6b25d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:11:03	-497.923
-42	45652	2282600	fb45f94f-5d9b-4457-9a78-c6a58e69ff69	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:52:56	-546.676
-43	22827	2282700	47b64e37-2643-428d-91de-213ca06b12b9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:02:49	729.418
-43	45654	2282700	29c1118d-d5a6-4ec1-844d-2578ffd22029	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:29:56	-706.754
-44	22828	2282800	e3092865-eb1f-4084-b983-27cf65685b2f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:41:20	-581.207
-44	45656	2282800	e78db2bf-7675-445d-be55-8a7870c9bc5d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:18:10	256.651
-45	22829	2282900	f5352888-2385-4991-b225-509fed48d870	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:41:12	-962.665
-45	45658	2282900	f3bd9fda-8ec1-4529-bf58-774a6e9bbfb2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:49:11	-702.769
-46	22830	2283000	56bbd861-04a2-45a5-b9f1-593988ccfacf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:34:39	-854.84
-46	45660	2283000	1ec092cf-ffc4-4cf4-94e0-3f527c77222e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:46:31	587.722
-47	22831	2283100	0d263c7a-0f70-4371-9ada-df902f1b3376	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:05:15	-291.880
-47	45662	2283100	62a40899-d717-4d92-8bce-4ae6dc477018	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:16:34	-693.302
-48	22832	2283200	438dae40-79e1-49bc-b40b-86705890fbac	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:30:46	-880.812
-48	45664	2283200	936b8ccc-5245-417b-a471-7357d63532a9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:16:02	-606.433
-49	22833	2283300	ddfffba4-ba94-4512-b73e-bcba02ff33fc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:30:03	-710.383
-49	45666	2283300	21676369-6a38-4d2d-9b0c-8b6873e54c97	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:55:23	226.492
-50	22834	2283400	aa0ea8ed-9db5-45d6-bbcb-ab8dc7f66c36	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:37:01	887.927
-50	45668	2283400	48bd4b4d-bee2-4e6f-bdf0-992bd38a457f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:56:18	899.154
-51	22835	2283500	35cb5ddf-7668-4e6b-aef7-a09f4eaf92d6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:36:55	451.219
-51	45670	2283500	0aeff637-f0d5-495d-895e-dcca6614c51f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:26:34	-323.826
-52	22836	2283600	f6e36a67-5b0a-4127-95df-e78bc9191018	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:27:12	-191.813
-52	45672	2283600	aa143933-d686-4ba1-a263-f316b8c72ecc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:46:44	510.566
-53	22837	2283700	5d524046-5bc7-4e49-a34b-8af33a3f0c66	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:46:12	-224.952
-53	45674	2283700	29ffa678-9ee2-40d5-99ed-0b111b6440b2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:06:20	104.990
-54	22838	2283800	0ef002c6-85f3-48c5-acc1-233aabca4328	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:23:31	-718.808
-54	45676	2283800	d9102ade-8d51-4105-b684-7144963806c0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:03:04	918.405
-55	22839	2283900	1e5c3215-1da3-4726-93ad-c868685efff3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:40:21	417.971
-55	45678	2283900	bd746921-0b7e-4e2a-92c1-275c078b47c1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:08:13	88.162
-56	22840	2284000	b1e1db3b-66a6-45ba-ad6a-3fe5b0499cb7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:09:50	-731.682
-56	45680	2284000	f9078f94-f5de-4823-83cf-faa99e2d73c0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:26:35	-891.385
-57	22841	2284100	4df05f24-a9b5-4aa0-98eb-e21f00e322ed	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:42:55	-475.819
-57	45682	2284100	a9cbe665-f1ce-4240-92fd-69a27d095d24	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:50:08	434.165
-58	22842	2284200	c6ed33b5-1b26-4cc3-a477-39a9659886c7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:19:25	-947.235
-58	45684	2284200	a7d3eb53-5a81-43f9-81aa-58a8f6f68262	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:37:53	540.130
-59	22843	2284300	1b2368ec-8122-4afe-b8bc-4680d6967092	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:29:02	811.271
-59	45686	2284300	c18e26bc-d6b2-4320-af1a-bc63d255bb09	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:16:32	360.544
-60	22844	2284400	e0fdd662-a046-451f-af95-153e5ad1c712	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:55:47	-463.136
-60	45688	2284400	cecd5f1c-3df5-4e1e-9327-9e9fe6dfd6f4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:34:16	-24.777
-61	22845	2284500	1da44cd9-cb64-4070-8bb0-800e45a492a7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:59:28	88.522
-61	45690	2284500	d0a00599-68df-4240-8d58-90fa4075b14e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:28:13	-960.158
-62	22846	2284600	84c09ce0-b727-4067-a4bc-ae883978b5bb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:59:46	935.694
-62	45692	2284600	7b9e0934-6ba8-48c8-9a0f-0d036a829568	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:53:17	184.359
-63	22847	2284700	0540a1f9-7f01-4481-9c1a-d909b414f116	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:06:36	393.516
-63	45694	2284700	b97d3037-2d6c-452d-881f-a92c9ee473a7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:18:17	851.238
-64	22848	2284800	8e38e8b9-ae8c-495e-81fc-f1941433788c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:27:26	-990.74
-64	45696	2284800	e78395ca-b9e2-46ab-a04f-efb7c68d1f57	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:31:47	323.985
-65	22849	2284900	79b318bb-64ca-4bc2-80ca-921a62e2b355	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:10:18	34.660
-65	45698	2284900	c4c62d99-860a-4714-b444-3bd54dbcca52	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:04:52	-830.820
-66	22850	2285000	def2095b-1913-4788-9591-54b3a4f559c4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:36:11	-338.69
-66	45700	2285000	d33be67e-94bd-4cfc-bfe4-92b98bfd392f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:52:17	202.6
-67	22851	2285100	1d2b876f-7218-41a0-b6e9-66a9468db8c1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:47:11	-68.220
-67	45702	2285100	49b5359e-9343-4478-9ad4-38a30dea260b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:49:34	191.723
-68	22852	2285200	21458e41-25a9-40ab-bb2f-02dce5659e33	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:50:53	19.211
-68	45704	2285200	10bdf65b-cfa9-4b56-a510-a61e556cd2ee	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:57:18	-673.909
-69	22853	2285300	64b7cd25-6bdd-4831-9f9c-c0f1aa0c8cee	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:06:35	197.53
-69	45706	2285300	8e6cf8a5-eab8-4e13-8d9a-0ac1cb561664	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:07:13	-238.501
-70	22854	2285400	f735f63a-0311-4763-9c63-331f6103d230	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:49:23	68.125
-70	45708	2285400	cd830e5d-9b13-41d7-bdc8-896766763f17	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:29:59	-836.289
-71	22855	2285500	52561ed7-1450-435f-82fe-fbbf4bea512d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:36:40	471.327
-71	45710	2285500	572bc7c2-b416-4bc3-b542-64fd5e8e0198	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:31:58	272.491
-72	22856	2285600	e872716a-5b9c-4488-ba9a-942b5f574652	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:06:24	534.46
-72	45712	2285600	98da3f0c-84b4-4b3b-9593-b1788f2a0bce	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:54:41	-283.401
-73	22857	2285700	183eec10-f9df-4c54-b89b-7a437ef22031	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:15:37	-390.668
-73	45714	2285700	60aa9aa4-1829-4778-b31a-d89922b0c87a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:23:01	165.850
-74	22858	2285800	6bffe47c-c7e6-472c-9f6b-a183123aee63	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:25:19	962.790
-74	45716	2285800	45980ccc-44ff-4f46-90ba-4c572cf753df	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:57:50	364.999
-75	22859	2285900	dfc7a234-1c98-46da-9f86-6c969d6dd86e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:44:40	39.338
-75	45718	2285900	bb4fdf05-33ca-494a-a689-28abd2ba8273	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:23:05	601.327
-76	22860	2286000	4a82bbda-35b0-4875-b19f-d8f0419141d4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:22:58	34.44
-76	45720	2286000	467fed62-a1db-436a-aadd-87df96c3bff0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:57:38	-634.585
-77	22861	2286100	3c466370-e449-414e-9d77-14322490d29a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:49:29	332.326
-77	45722	2286100	44253d2a-92a9-4775-a144-19d184d3e4cc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:54:22	-803.574
-78	22862	2286200	05f92931-9a3b-4f3b-b5dc-4c69e85bb1d5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:42:23	-988.442
-78	45724	2286200	573954a2-0c80-4200-9a1f-380cca7f4879	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:17:23	-532.246
-79	22863	2286300	81750e7e-09cf-4140-8eea-ca8707e15530	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:34:16	442.117
-79	45726	2286300	ab305487-563b-432c-a78d-a8023091d316	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:33:21	-77.718
-80	22864	2286400	be4a4111-b1ed-4213-b461-ee29fb174394	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:48:45	443.156
-80	45728	2286400	73e1e65b-6e5f-462a-903d-3ad676954a52	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:17:42	-579.294
-81	22865	2286500	b6564cb3-f6b8-4c3d-9607-1b3db986efe2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:14:56	310.19
-81	45730	2286500	c4a68eed-0a2e-40ca-9937-62317f5f5536	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:36:53	-289.616
-82	22866	2286600	6e5d84f4-3014-43d4-9763-34cd81fcacc9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:37:06	-341.764
-82	45732	2286600	cb544c08-728c-484f-bf72-2cb04a541f94	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:42:15	589.830
-83	22867	2286700	5e1dbb1d-75ac-4361-9086-0c97dfc08b23	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:16:05	616.670
-83	45734	2286700	10f5f285-53fa-44a5-85bb-3af66ee9e65e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:18:05	630.433
-84	22868	2286800	0c0e1a1a-81f5-405f-b3d2-52326f7319f6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:32:43	-380.479
-84	45736	2286800	d9151f20-96ce-470b-9192-9f352c10ffb9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:35:25	350.495
-85	22869	2286900	f7d5c1a6-3ff4-450c-80af-55e516635719	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:48:30	273.289
-85	45738	2286900	f3c5a12a-3e0e-4209-ad06-95817eee6090	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:27:23	-485.208
-86	22870	2287000	67e420ae-db79-4ef2-905b-c338fdda5e71	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:27:22	-741.566
-86	45740	2287000	2e56b2b5-741d-4f23-bca2-ac6ea1892117	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:54:03	-2.853
-87	22871	2287100	ae365a35-17c6-4859-a200-5307d75cddd6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:53:36	-908.329
-87	45742	2287100	cb06de74-1247-4700-b2b5-91d9410de6a2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:03:45	837.484
-88	22872	2287200	77cea0e7-2010-4f56-9837-c673ddf5e1ae	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:53:42	776.357
-88	45744	2287200	a04a1ac0-578c-4c71-950f-5670d19df152	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:13:58	-842.877
-89	22873	2287300	cc043937-f786-4b7e-9315-d3bf701667a5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:57:09	808.889
-89	45746	2287300	84af818e-4bd8-4b75-91f2-1f7bbe433eb9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:03:45	-387.100
-90	22874	2287400	6a2c3cf8-b0d2-4e3a-a8af-16760be88a38	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:42:14	28.730
-90	45748	2287400	9f18d605-09c7-489d-906e-e875fd973870	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:10:34	-784.279
-91	22875	2287500	8d890548-8a63-4b9c-8616-ec09f8de7f5c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:32:09	32.180
-91	45750	2287500	63f7e6a5-64e7-473c-8f91-ace19e52d0b5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:16:43	253.386
-92	22876	2287600	17e3e7de-0b05-4728-9e9f-885dfdeaeb8e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:52:56	-506.903
-92	45752	2287600	23bcaae8-2740-4823-9c4e-923013641e20	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:12:14	660.52
-93	22877	2287700	71832875-948d-4553-bd23-085baa14360b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:03:43	-730.274
-93	45754	2287700	d0f9034f-1fcc-46d4-88f3-b6556eeb08b8	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:35:00	-689.84
-94	22878	2287800	f52f0af1-cd11-49c0-aeaf-7ba8e81418cb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:13:47	870.333
-94	45756	2287800	bd57b168-51d5-4893-8dad-f1cf81a7f0c4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:16:45	307.137
-95	22879	2287900	0afd8d4a-d610-44e7-b2e3-5b7d2aa07484	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:41:27	62.240
-95	45758	2287900	0d00982f-2441-4073-8ce3-8303dd081b1b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:23:18	749.934
-96	22880	2288000	245bacfc-9c10-4401-a02d-42e841ae177a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:16:23	129.103
-96	45760	2288000	c06121d1-4451-4330-ad6f-043beecaf8c9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:53:47	200.188
-97	22881	2288100	ba8f5d31-067a-4e33-b6b9-7d5b762b98ba	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:50:53	873.922
-97	45762	2288100	81f79ea1-8b77-4fe8-8b3f-d85f356b963a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:55:38	-300.959
-98	22882	2288200	4b485bae-07fc-47af-98c9-0b3dae9d8ef5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:06:52	-673.949
-98	45764	2288200	83a87ffc-e505-481f-95c4-59a9ae983865	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:33:46	922.852
-99	22883	2288300	62813d12-9034-4038-818b-9b71c61d7a76	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:15:03	-676.95
-99	45766	2288300	b95d131c-811b-4416-b928-bc9c8121dc77	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:33:50	-368.58
-100	22884	2288400	3b060f04-ceb0-41b5-8209-53727d104390	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:43:57	80.745
-100	45768	2288400	3f7b83f0-aa22-4c1e-8d9b-d6cda32b062a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:46:46	20.244
-101	22885	2288500	a2eccb5e-9c11-4b75-91f2-2eefcab22e13	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:18:18	506.271
-101	45770	2288500	a4564720-f857-4e7d-9c71-9062ece7115a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:14:56	831.939
-102	22886	2288600	94086e94-72b1-4159-9ec6-2d21b194916c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:59:24	-923.217
-102	45772	2288600	333c7869-c2a4-489c-93f0-aeaaaa2edbf3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:26:21	-519.603
-103	22887	2288700	e206812b-027f-4d50-8486-e6f298718a91	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:23:41	811.545
-103	45774	2288700	f84fef9d-e997-46bf-bc0a-9dc9eddb0969	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:37:07	-667.959
-104	22888	2288800	a54fb34e-63f2-4c41-88a2-39087ef7bfee	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:25:59	-640.812
-104	45776	2288800	a7f95c60-405e-4bb5-bccc-047ccfaa3be9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:00:28	-667.981
-105	22889	2288900	7d2dcc64-6c4e-40d8-8dd0-1b1193559add	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:21:06	290.505
-105	45778	2288900	d857f7a0-10ed-4346-b52a-df89e11eaad9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:58:53	303.908
-106	22890	2289000	397caeae-4851-4872-812c-d2c8a8bd2148	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:29:49	537.401
-106	45780	2289000	d97a2fa0-5e1b-4bc2-98c9-8223caff1623	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:07:45	526.197
-107	22891	2289100	385a8f5e-b226-422f-97dc-608feb84ef21	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:09:26	678.956
-107	45782	2289100	4e315290-7126-4a39-a13f-5faec2fc4f98	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:49:10	708.650
-108	22892	2289200	49236ecb-579b-403d-9881-fe35061be2a6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:39:42	-754.614
-108	45784	2289200	a26e6fee-3b07-485a-bf5b-cb45f23b8c55	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:27:55	906.911
-109	22893	2289300	3087dc47-b861-4e16-a29d-893207e84194	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:43:24	-785.732
-109	45786	2289300	3daed640-0e3e-44e6-94ec-a33cb3bf65ec	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:26:38	505.204
-110	22894	2289400	95aa6f9c-464e-4eec-9948-7bb1cd466580	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:57:14	514.626
-110	45788	2289400	1a4022e1-9e16-4d97-8ebf-6d271b062c61	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:20:24	-158.253
-111	22895	2289500	33597f85-aafe-4b02-bcad-dcc68c1ffca6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:47:49	-85.566
-111	45790	2289500	ec50f44a-2179-42b6-abe7-41a8e4b68a4c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:28:54	71.188
-112	22896	2289600	0fdb3ae7-5fc9-4dad-a8fc-b6a135a883b7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:47:35	213.693
-112	45792	2289600	830b3ef1-7e23-4fe9-83ba-2340da30528e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:25:02	886.585
-113	22897	2289700	e9345fda-2c61-4350-bfc4-8337c004ce24	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:52:45	-585.299
-113	45794	2289700	832b0e2d-35ac-445a-97a6-002f2e977913	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:22:13	731.124
-114	22898	2289800	3cd53d38-23e4-450e-93ab-c086d51126fc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:15:23	-777.52
-114	45796	2289800	a5b15734-84fc-4a8e-afbf-1924c8499ece	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:46:33	233.5
-115	22899	2289900	1320e890-0b9e-4739-b718-9e48018d4a6d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:00:05	766.168
-115	45798	2289900	e5b89adf-f5c6-4c69-8035-dfb19c363517	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:06:59	-695.418
-116	22900	2290000	5a7a65e0-f985-4ab4-9aa8-f61482295055	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:00:03	895.760
-116	45800	2290000	5ead7e94-64b0-455b-bf72-e902718987c2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:36:53	-146.130
-117	22901	2290100	4725f637-bdd8-48ae-8d1b-863d95bb760c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:22:53	223.594
-117	45802	2290100	63d0d19a-1108-453d-8ecb-a91225bc4f49	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:31:46	-324.824
-118	22902	2290200	85c1abe3-3004-4820-a215-564bfc0e00d6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:25:51	-178.465
-118	45804	2290200	5918ca8a-7388-4937-a16a-18180c8b00a7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:37:49	-233.440
-119	22903	2290300	7391a434-750a-4059-bd53-8cdca7e4ff75	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:54:58	887.389
-119	45806	2290300	cf984726-2955-4eaf-94aa-39eef99fb371	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:01:55	743.830
-120	22904	2290400	d6cb24f4-5197-45d4-a9dc-d45f87410065	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:43:20	-446.197
-120	45808	2290400	101479bd-76c6-4487-9d74-c3f424163363	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:13:09	-974.128
-121	22905	2290500	13e5e684-96f9-4507-8941-52c67fdca533	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:35:55	-447.935
-121	45810	2290500	508f5cd1-14cf-4801-b98a-fea9968b6c21	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:33:42	-63.954
-122	22906	2290600	f0a101e1-e4fe-40cb-93b1-4053b1aed49b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:02:01	273.844
-122	45812	2290600	1f6b08a2-29ea-4205-be04-62547c52296a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:31:19	976.952
-123	22907	2290700	6d9580f7-268a-451c-a357-6a32a39c2549	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:58:24	-990.869
-123	45814	2290700	fc0e1070-d238-4c49-97ed-45fddc1166e1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:37:14	77.828
-124	22908	2290800	631f80c7-a9d8-42ac-a414-8f230b380250	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:49:42	-436.91
-124	45816	2290800	c05cee97-2e54-4262-b4a7-20187c852c8f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:16:52	-243.912
-125	22909	2290900	6ef92785-c92d-44cb-a341-f92437d691d9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:02:04	39.792
-125	45818	2290900	1d61b95c-404e-4a3d-a2bf-94f62ab7b258	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:01:00	931.203
-126	22910	2291000	01b803cf-1cb0-4784-9dea-876c436f5eb0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:19:42	-383.463
-126	45820	2291000	de6095e6-4481-453e-bc2d-97c30cda5d35	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:14:48	-296.201
-127	22911	2291100	dca9fdbd-0078-4187-a1e3-f308c655c40e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:08:27	707.185
-127	45822	2291100	11f82387-2ec5-4a55-9ab0-45e9d8b9d360	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:31:38	263.235
-0	22912	2291200	ec36b3c2-f2f2-466e-8b2e-1e605ffc3b7f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:53:41	-38.824
-0	45824	2291200	04e1f790-d060-4eb3-8c2b-ee33c69956cd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:08:28	64.807
-1	22913	2291300	1879fea5-cdec-4f08-8f5e-631a34277936	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:29:17	-758.797
-1	45826	2291300	3ab6a601-7109-4d19-bf79-ed0273b7c50b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:31:06	829.710
-2	22914	2291400	86f233bd-bb99-458a-b540-b76198026433	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:46:43	-708.219
-2	45828	2291400	afc0eac7-a52e-4af3-8071-be85b4d8e0be	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:41:00	-546.871
-3	22915	2291500	f1fad71e-457f-4fa1-86bf-db2659e9de6e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:29:56	799.952
-3	45830	2291500	224ce974-acbb-442c-98c2-2499ed6f3908	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:01:36	949.734
-4	22916	2291600	e74a0ecc-1310-4138-ba5a-a0bb3795af1f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:51:04	-448.123
-4	45832	2291600	22ce612d-2375-40da-b634-0bb26406010c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:00:07	880.340
-5	22917	2291700	817eaffd-c49b-4f67-93c2-4457b2bce984	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:34:32	-387.34
-5	45834	2291700	6a6ab98a-4a75-47b0-9988-548e851fdb34	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:39:37	-853.980
-6	22918	2291800	d8e14c90-89ab-4a3b-b7c4-0a753062c196	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:09:19	649.248
-6	45836	2291800	70d4ef7c-4c4f-407b-ac97-1a377d28c073	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:09:21	443.207
-7	22919	2291900	1008a6a1-2126-4ab6-bbd2-1c142f42e6f4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:57:32	-4.630
-7	45838	2291900	7e6727f2-2af8-49a7-8612-d7276bbad8b6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:10:24	490.281
-8	22920	2292000	c6bca73a-75aa-41ca-bd58-27e9c7f360c6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:45:13	921.916
-8	45840	2292000	d28761ac-98df-4876-b066-c04802398dd5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:02:05	534.879
-9	22921	2292100	54abb6cc-7627-49c5-a38b-b2c3a09967aa	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:26:36	453.16
-9	45842	2292100	92b0db8a-8d1a-466f-b300-a88579f33d68	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:06:10	30.570
-10	22922	2292200	2d5be061-8114-4950-9f9d-69e6b4abb4d8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:49:51	546.732
-10	45844	2292200	9795c9a5-d190-4f3c-9ce2-ad21e1d75a51	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:03:05	-786.980
-11	22923	2292300	ab23353b-2b84-46cc-be3e-7f276ebc1d84	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:58:54	-766.472
-11	45846	2292300	cdbdeaa8-e6bc-45dc-85ae-92b7c13fa0f1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:47:38	-798.759
-12	22924	2292400	1fd9b168-494a-432f-bf0c-ad2253913f8d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:35:24	889.655
-12	45848	2292400	e5a9706e-82d1-4221-82b0-fddb50cbb622	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:26:42	976.539
-13	22925	2292500	b4241dc1-8e42-4e86-a1e4-e61d6c3c9a4a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:23:26	942.445
-13	45850	2292500	f58d6f6c-5086-458c-a628-ce327222117a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:54:41	-233.603
-14	22926	2292600	e20c4a79-fc5e-4576-b0e5-78eacef4556e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:34:08	823.792
-14	45852	2292600	b1ac191e-8a2e-4f8f-87b7-a170d86ff3a0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:30:39	832.217
-15	22927	2292700	a5c8ce88-f80c-4245-a401-d412b8ec68db	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:36:07	611.69
-15	45854	2292700	26a2eb7a-6d9b-44a3-aef7-bb71425ee6a4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:28:53	275.53
-16	22928	2292800	feb59364-b7ac-4c5f-996b-0b88d307bcb3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:02:44	-759.773
-16	45856	2292800	f540b7c6-d6a8-4409-8aee-8db5779d3e13	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:55:39	-172.606
-17	22929	2292900	177d353d-1fad-49ea-852e-47e37c85f511	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:21:53	557.427
-17	45858	2292900	93526484-a47f-43c1-b970-dd693bf4c58b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:48:35	83.717
-18	22930	2293000	0b76db28-76eb-4df7-9f55-35305ffadc9b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:55:51	-689.744
-18	45860	2293000	7a338e93-801f-4319-9707-ff01a901ee7b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:05:39	-455.698
-19	22931	2293100	38858105-ae60-45bd-a3f3-75289eb16a9c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:51:46	24.1
-19	45862	2293100	2e6e0d29-e3b9-4dc8-be59-d1ff7b40d3f2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:31:39	18.568
-20	22932	2293200	2df4a744-4119-481d-af9b-640f68b3b962	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:33:32	572.21
-20	45864	2293200	c8655efc-2f4d-4933-b504-3e46881af570	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:01:22	-145.992
-21	22933	2293300	23e56a84-cdf6-4ea8-bd84-967a5337ae6b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:56:21	-265.546
-21	45866	2293300	38d5c9a3-4ed1-4afb-b4a6-c20f68adf83e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:53:53	-251.972
-22	22934	2293400	9fc07bee-5356-4dd4-ae53-268df35fa4af	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:04:33	-725.132
-22	45868	2293400	367e662c-18b9-44d4-8bc2-4f130c54ed62	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:41:16	-213.244
-23	22935	2293500	30c589ed-48ee-46c2-89af-d84047926aad	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:42:00	-791.53
-23	45870	2293500	09a5b901-82d8-4c42-8f46-54d0e052ec21	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:57:22	-692.895
-24	22936	2293600	4fb56d6c-088f-48f9-a854-546d612e56cb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:24:46	601.469
-24	45872	2293600	91518352-0b82-4673-a149-428593f5cbc3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:11:57	-404.162
-25	22937	2293700	b233ac50-43c2-4b73-8aa6-03b06a97895f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:40:05	-995.467
-25	45874	2293700	df34e860-6c9d-4414-8530-c19d09857392	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:14:51	54.448
-26	22938	2293800	edb274c2-38a5-422c-a73c-fc9cb5fea4e6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:52:06	-585.320
-26	45876	2293800	86a83aae-2c66-4f80-b307-cca9c696f24e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:44:38	835.464
-27	22939	2293900	5afb85cc-4010-40e3-9668-b04bf2f13846	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:42:07	-448.80
-27	45878	2293900	f04aab8f-92b8-4fe8-9450-8d2c466b0a25	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:42:13	259.657
-28	22940	2294000	de6d6f8d-a37d-44a9-9055-6df72fab23cd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:18:10	265.305
-28	45880	2294000	58ce40bc-80d0-4d6d-a1fa-abf28bf75aca	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:15:22	-950.367
-29	22941	2294100	1c0267d5-3213-41f6-8eba-51b0bff26cae	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:30:16	-818.617
-29	45882	2294100	270d12bc-d10f-474b-b1b0-3a24fb27e6af	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:05:56	-718.278
-30	22942	2294200	d204a9dc-ad1d-435c-bfb4-e48312fa377a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:00:53	-70.673
-30	45884	2294200	41e74b3b-39eb-4d71-aeb2-5ad080972f03	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:21:16	-898.236
-31	22943	2294300	20ad549d-7e5e-400d-9675-afba31d3f12a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:05:51	973.652
-31	45886	2294300	a0381145-180a-4e20-a38f-c96077ada5a9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:29:38	843.777
-32	22944	2294400	69de8e4e-6aed-49d4-a51c-72ee79f9c083	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:36:32	719.816
-32	45888	2294400	4eed59cb-9cdb-4e3b-b05e-ebf75cb1cd3c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:04:05	-952.848
-33	22945	2294500	6fc19b3c-1a4c-42b9-89f3-b10dd986714d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:35:53	-287.878
-33	45890	2294500	e7f3417f-573e-4e81-94dd-3ebfc63fe025	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:32:14	-779.913
-34	22946	2294600	0f6d4d3d-1078-43bb-a167-5f3581c934f0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:58:44	-51.598
-34	45892	2294600	11d38535-9325-4ae9-aad6-94499bdfbf9a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:32:48	464.279
-35	22947	2294700	b939ddda-d8ca-486e-9630-b16abdb3542b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:09:14	-100.720
-35	45894	2294700	bdd380e8-0f02-4fd8-a89d-a85514c35fb6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:19:45	-812.783
-36	22948	2294800	a50be282-9b58-461f-be04-9718ab12a4f7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:36:15	990.243
-36	45896	2294800	8b7ef5bd-49b1-4db5-b50f-34be63a02487	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:26:16	-723.874
-37	22949	2294900	277118b6-4d9b-42cc-923a-d78a331c2b1c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:31:52	246.216
-37	45898	2294900	ca3053c8-b526-4125-bf0b-1b58b2c386cf	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:57:24	-8.861
-38	22950	2295000	973dad92-01b1-41f6-b8e6-46d1ad33dca7	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:38:53	-743.873
-38	45900	2295000	cfb8ffe7-0f7e-46f5-9e65-c05a99d8792b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:32:51	-5.868
-39	22951	2295100	7da6a609-522c-4a8b-bd42-2ae8f045d738	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:45:46	-314.666
-39	45902	2295100	8c90dfba-722a-48eb-8916-28e90fc9dc03	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:06:43	436.579
-40	22952	2295200	9485c323-f035-4754-9294-7195f67fc6b8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:52:54	800.486
-40	45904	2295200	b8b962e6-394d-4669-85c4-81b2afe386ca	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:03:23	338.928
-41	22953	2295300	72bf7880-ebed-43ac-a948-0d327d687d54	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:09:37	-214.555
-41	45906	2295300	d61d6a54-1d0a-4968-951e-8bec8ca6bd26	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:02:34	-436.554
-42	22954	2295400	71d9edb7-91ba-4cd7-be2b-b3a99d5b34a6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:02:24	-148.299
-42	45908	2295400	d3b4191d-c499-493e-b6d8-4d3594579be3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:39:47	-373.863
-43	22955	2295500	039ef347-05cf-4bae-91a6-22ca7a2f132a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:44:43	963.936
-43	45910	2295500	ed695cdc-c146-46fd-8a33-68a39879aba4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:48:24	207.593
-44	22956	2295600	9dd84009-6850-4c69-b3be-a8c4e292b6cb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:20:08	-331.804
-44	45912	2295600	ca32f6af-35fd-4f51-93d2-c78fe4f43862	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:11:39	268.666
-45	22957	2295700	a66272a4-1cc2-48e0-a3ca-13ff99ac0527	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:47:25	-246.898
-45	45914	2295700	756667bf-8205-4e66-9181-230cb3ab4d52	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:21:44	362.145
-46	22958	2295800	7e90c68c-6f9a-4c0b-a285-7bf84c708c51	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:53:46	-177.798
-46	45916	2295800	18b5e3b3-dba4-4372-ae0e-290fef158e4b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:43:04	-878.465
-47	22959	2295900	c038bbb1-3a9b-4316-a7ce-683f6398afa7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:07:28	-514.370
-47	45918	2295900	7b80031c-6746-4587-b876-9975127b5d82	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:13:11	680.449
-48	22960	2296000	774a4987-594e-47de-a02b-310d55bee195	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:48:11	800.105
-48	45920	2296000	a5357a49-d444-4864-861d-88189839cfc5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:59:44	565.391
-49	22961	2296100	e0ef9830-7cb7-4fdf-a20e-01a0e66456a6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:47:16	572.901
-49	45922	2296100	d58264c2-e6b8-4a63-8a0c-b552cc9ecdba	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:40:44	701.989
-50	22962	2296200	b54420e1-72fe-4595-84ba-72ca124a481b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:39:09	819.344
-50	45924	2296200	5cecf4a2-bcf7-4298-932f-556d2f3ffa69	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:47:35	162.208
-51	22963	2296300	0a7f2363-e819-4701-a27a-902fb4aeb4f2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:30:49	-758.212
-51	45926	2296300	fa535bf6-cf8e-4965-803a-64807d04967d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:16:03	293.329
-52	22964	2296400	f37b38ad-d8f7-4f58-91e1-b59ff7e9bba5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:45:47	184.999
-52	45928	2296400	6a7849d8-2792-412b-8e29-ab8ecfc756e2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:22:36	-128.955
-53	22965	2296500	055488fb-744f-4b4c-8e4e-10eb554d5ac4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:16:14	-569.296
-53	45930	2296500	fec4d9a7-8939-4a30-9d3a-b67506b09b8b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:35:25	-947.903
-54	22966	2296600	85758274-4ae9-419c-8a53-6db8572c0bcc	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:23:45	229.474
-54	45932	2296600	db93f2fc-7b83-40ee-814a-63e455b345f2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:04:39	376.893
-55	22967	2296700	d2f82d86-c44a-4c8b-8938-998c63139903	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:34:51	-473.597
-55	45934	2296700	3c9b467a-4324-47af-8303-df0b625f88ed	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:53:59	-850.194
-56	22968	2296800	4209c7d2-face-4494-bd2c-3a4059fbb631	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:41:10	-744.399
-56	45936	2296800	6821a758-82aa-463a-840a-616e7eeae3c8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:12:47	-921.592
-57	22969	2296900	de468f9b-39d0-459a-92cb-eba800e5dddf	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:17:32	154.224
-57	45938	2296900	5f31dfa5-dddf-4a97-aea2-66c2cf0e3dd1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:56:37	-47.455
-58	22970	2297000	68a8ac04-b3e2-4aff-ada8-bed783f29030	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:18:09	-125.404
-58	45940	2297000	1aba8d75-b403-4021-9658-f4220811e7b7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:15:14	694.919
-59	22971	2297100	c5129ddf-5a24-4df3-b459-6c5867190935	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:20:41	653.916
-59	45942	2297100	7ea94636-38aa-46d7-9989-664d99db64af	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:23:33	-287.198
-60	22972	2297200	fae4d9c9-d08b-4b00-9ce4-0cb72bb8cbfe	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:33:03	890.412
-60	45944	2297200	fabbd239-f678-4e96-86f8-5f6fe74de17d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:57:14	-786.32
-61	22973	2297300	d1919cb1-1038-4803-8b68-07382f55e4c8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:11:32	-801.179
-61	45946	2297300	fb89c4e2-f2ea-4d2f-b695-1891cec61343	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:25:53	-151.9
-62	22974	2297400	c97f19a5-aa53-4f89-9eab-f3eea19bb08b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:37:36	0.363
-62	45948	2297400	b7b55d32-fe29-4f88-b67b-f5e48b45b4c6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:16:16	-802.810
-63	22975	2297500	ceef1509-fe70-4929-9afb-e5c9f27eeea8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:01:11	-542.917
-63	45950	2297500	9c303196-022c-4d6c-85d3-90a5051c2b52	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:06:27	-178.362
-64	22976	2297600	40db8b37-e826-43d5-85f6-45093fc403c3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:48:53	130.339
-64	45952	2297600	e1dc7d13-daae-45ba-a221-ca8a6313f3a5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:11:17	134.905
-65	22977	2297700	3f674100-c730-45af-8f62-8f39ce6ab357	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:56:06	103.214
-65	45954	2297700	39295265-2616-4c5d-9ffc-401aefbfae01	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:16:55	-559.292
-66	22978	2297800	cd406dbf-7404-45ba-9ae2-ba9a10f10439	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:06:03	27.893
-66	45956	2297800	f7fb4d3d-b1a7-4ab5-9785-f00c06d2a608	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:19:19	468.466
-67	22979	2297900	3d719b66-a0c2-4eeb-b4c3-ce84cb122c9f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:47:48	-89.607
-67	45958	2297900	977aeda2-97c8-4c05-a238-354f12205f3d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:29:03	-667.173
-68	22980	2298000	f1f3bc6a-93a6-4bb4-9d87-f399d21dbcd3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:18:24	549.117
-68	45960	2298000	ab8307cc-e292-457d-923c-edc1e004386d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:56:00	730.923
-69	22981	2298100	fd8e1220-b0be-4c84-b6b9-e1494307e594	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:36:54	-92.957
-69	45962	2298100	32ab9fbe-cc66-401e-b6c1-d56db13f5edf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:22:10	-695.893
-70	22982	2298200	79a83c25-70b0-4b7f-9b21-25fe151e4334	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:34:43	364.538
-70	45964	2298200	56a4b1e2-5197-42f5-9832-8a3659e7152a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:59:29	68.598
-71	22983	2298300	66fb0959-69e8-4929-b917-4f0d0442cefd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:43:25	909.604
-71	45966	2298300	01051419-35c2-4731-aaad-5cb571f372e3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:47:41	-164.745
-72	22984	2298400	dc2efe77-bcd0-4733-b867-ef41fa22c948	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:45:45	0.393
-72	45968	2298400	638e0043-f1d1-4593-b68b-2f975818cb7a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:26:31	976.851
-73	22985	2298500	cec0efbf-5728-46bd-83a3-6e39174fd0ee	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:21:08	26.708
-73	45970	2298500	9a921a78-c33c-43da-afc3-c636a24c7965	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:51:57	301.401
-74	22986	2298600	ec9e657b-f6d2-4f4b-9a65-38e90bbef9e9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:19:42	-781.528
-74	45972	2298600	7bd67ad8-b88f-421e-8198-5af7a7131f92	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:27:23	687.322
-75	22987	2298700	254cebfc-ce4d-453e-8241-df97b544443b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:03:41	-53.262
-75	45974	2298700	92217bac-af88-4e6c-b45d-17d53ea8d876	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:13:08	-744.647
-76	22988	2298800	c0d3c51e-ad83-4874-9153-f12277733604	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:49:35	-233.173
-76	45976	2298800	bc818b28-7f7e-46c7-8300-a375735efa67	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:53:38	382.409
-77	22989	2298900	befb3f42-c5aa-4011-8b32-9114abec6809	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:26:02	899.594
-77	45978	2298900	ac12aa2d-c7af-44c8-b810-6c80bd531ba8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:13:54	-429.162
-78	22990	2299000	90b41ae5-3bb2-4fee-92ac-0acce8d7ec8c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:54:52	186.408
-78	45980	2299000	c545fe1c-7ab3-4140-92fb-054968030d99	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:31:45	-215.314
-79	22991	2299100	52e810db-d935-458d-9a32-07db26cbf4da	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:37:20	-73.122
-79	45982	2299100	04e4fd62-7ee9-406f-9264-2112a5a56505	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:56:11	182.26
-80	22992	2299200	437d87df-3aa1-45bf-ae59-3c3e51cbafd8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:39:35	58.997
-80	45984	2299200	f8629b74-d28d-461e-9a68-b82535d6d24f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:23:46	101.402
-81	22993	2299300	fd18ddcc-2dad-422d-9385-a90e69fad470	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:31:57	-538.929
-81	45986	2299300	ca397769-0091-40ff-8efb-e06681d77ba7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:17:53	688.856
-82	22994	2299400	85d802a6-2fc4-4b1c-aeb1-f0551e4165f8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:56:59	597.178
-82	45988	2299400	57be0f69-3f36-4c09-9150-50419c787029	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:54:16	-326.882
-83	22995	2299500	5de4ef21-ab04-45ec-9546-affc72862a16	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:36:49	534.785
-83	45990	2299500	adc09584-b739-4c97-9100-2fd8a49a8a5b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:56:26	-465.10
-84	22996	2299600	fadd556f-48b0-4fca-bb9d-d9e4b53f901a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:44:48	-180.96
-84	45992	2299600	5fda019b-e39f-4e98-87fd-07a1d20b49e7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:48:12	-491.530
-85	22997	2299700	dc6d059e-a8c0-4db8-8392-89129d2f77aa	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:09:03	-155.476
-85	45994	2299700	016809fe-15ae-451c-b5f0-ed1d607020e0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:15:45	990.753
-86	22998	2299800	766d3f5e-d546-4e11-b3f9-d60f8d2881fc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:27:06	-647.342
-86	45996	2299800	9bf7d5b1-49c4-4e9f-953c-0e9a522ed331	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:45:24	-427.439
-87	22999	2299900	e4394d54-6ba4-4976-bcfb-30ff97c3f766	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:46:40	69.18
-87	45998	2299900	daa458f0-2ad5-4415-be1f-59e8b85865c5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:56:22	-400.564
-88	23000	2300000	20c8f58b-3b8d-4366-a997-75eab8be5a17	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:55:34	379.522
-88	46000	2300000	53eedc99-8fe7-4903-8c7d-abacdc862d9a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:57:48	736.658
-89	23001	2300100	54cb0d68-cc43-4403-854b-1f9f3091e85f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:35:32	-175.42
-89	46002	2300100	b628acce-db12-4a04-bb78-088e8f8b68e2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:07:12	245.167
-90	23002	2300200	c7f3b79c-d31e-4f3e-be8a-9718edd0dbea	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:58:40	-484.869
-90	46004	2300200	87d0607b-9bf6-49d0-bfee-961f95fc6805	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:51:52	857.589
-91	23003	2300300	56aa4aec-f71e-46bf-9e9e-f6dadb185955	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:53:55	-61.306
-91	46006	2300300	afb2b491-29d0-449c-bbb7-e478fb7bf9ac	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:30:28	196.154
-92	23004	2300400	31597def-a9d8-4a34-9139-2f6ae991d42a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:21:31	540.78
-92	46008	2300400	75efac97-75fa-40fa-9d6d-fd274a80b2d1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:28:37	164.711
-93	23005	2300500	e7aeee5a-8aff-46c3-89fc-83a13701df98	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:22:08	641.948
-93	46010	2300500	a685feb8-58a4-4f3b-8ad2-9d5b034d5dc5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:49:14	517.840
-94	23006	2300600	56aebefe-79b0-43d2-8e49-6811f6f9924c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:36:22	-315.722
-94	46012	2300600	9cb74bda-e930-4cda-9577-f7c7d3025eb2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:33:55	-441.696
-95	23007	2300700	61ba1d1a-b58d-4b0d-af98-962883f223fc	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:24:05	-989.155
-95	46014	2300700	335cbd17-bfaa-4892-812c-ecdd0190d73f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:51:00	15.592
-96	23008	2300800	89170c3f-b0d1-4498-8ccf-f08c0daed892	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:11:27	636.529
-96	46016	2300800	61eac156-5700-4026-b9f5-538b90356e10	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:23:28	-1.335
-97	23009	2300900	4f60baf7-499c-4dc7-8d4f-c48d5a67f286	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:03:33	-191.999
-97	46018	2300900	0ec47d26-7093-41fd-8620-36a262030fb3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:55:20	415.844
-98	23010	2301000	004c16ac-9ff6-4c48-a1dd-e549dcdd9920	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:02:04	968.325
-98	46020	2301000	fdb3573c-fb71-4015-a0d4-47e6d8e80a69	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:21:10	889.401
-99	23011	2301100	efb6f8a4-2782-4e84-86b8-0ccbe18afd78	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:11:19	735.502
-99	46022	2301100	a6178df1-7235-437b-9b1c-90b2d2545954	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:11:56	-119.478
-100	23012	2301200	5a630419-da7f-4cae-b26e-594958ccf733	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:12:38	-799.34
-100	46024	2301200	585ebb47-8dd4-4c48-b19a-bf0c839a530e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:50:24	696.455
-101	23013	2301300	50949b34-8a9f-4149-a869-926ad9e13309	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:04:06	230.361
-101	46026	2301300	7c5a7d7d-a246-43db-8543-2861dfa74e6b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:13:05	-137.456
-102	23014	2301400	2e8476d1-a56c-40aa-aaf1-e60e9bedf519	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:42:02	369.815
-102	46028	2301400	c06bfa3e-1e67-4cfa-aebe-17de3ca7daaa	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:41:07	808.870
-103	23015	2301500	391f28af-d036-4e55-a124-8eb658d3b394	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:29:01	18.694
-103	46030	2301500	84e1d92f-17b0-45ed-a95e-8d35036aaa27	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:44:58	589.737
-104	23016	2301600	1b224b7e-8008-4deb-9ad3-8209e08f2513	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:44:48	827.477
-104	46032	2301600	92c3bdce-9c71-4111-8e9b-b27d599bf4c9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:34:20	-651.764
-105	23017	2301700	61a4cabf-8826-4e77-9465-00301da082bb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:25:12	-529.208
-105	46034	2301700	15fa2118-c215-4fa2-ba60-5a0a4f03e3fb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:03:20	-58.80
-106	23018	2301800	04b3d9f0-6788-45ad-a854-71e492f2cde3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:33:07	677.886
-106	46036	2301800	dd84107c-f9a0-4848-addd-97f024eb6ea2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:23:22	-666.413
-107	23019	2301900	bb854df7-5c2c-4483-a201-ddc3cbca1621	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:29:32	782.164
-107	46038	2301900	4c2b07a7-eda2-4f4f-9462-5a82a5b31c63	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:16:28	646.83
-108	23020	2302000	99080543-71e2-41d2-a6c1-567279f45dcd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:18:22	769.408
-108	46040	2302000	43020643-372e-4b02-9745-0ddc8c7d2f93	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:46:28	-59.887
-109	23021	2302100	b3c9e6a4-0014-4b5b-892a-c8126d17310c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:44:11	-698.243
-109	46042	2302100	cf2a0e7d-330e-4420-b324-db99054e9686	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:35:10	-664.821
-110	23022	2302200	095f0741-1b47-4197-ba7b-2ef708541b6c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:40:28	792.403
-110	46044	2302200	1ba76aa9-9273-4a72-9b29-a7bba25b9973	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:31:35	381.516
-111	23023	2302300	00ad367a-65a0-424a-8e59-9b112dcf2fcf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:34:29	-982.0
-111	46046	2302300	4af796fd-9471-489d-90ad-8619f3f7e8aa	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:53:27	-842.461
-112	23024	2302400	0fcfe5e7-0e16-4f3b-acde-ea64b6a3f949	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:14:55	-117.794
-112	46048	2302400	7f1fb3b8-0e10-4d41-8948-934066343b4d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:27:26	485.42
-113	23025	2302500	04c77da3-ec8e-4def-b264-52f3a1a7eef6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:10:22	292.774
-113	46050	2302500	a9fc6548-7495-4864-8ad6-725ca8dc9698	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:40:43	407.718
-114	23026	2302600	ec443a0b-5804-4117-a497-c658d7728793	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:27:55	-96.878
-114	46052	2302600	690e9088-b503-4c97-88fd-a2d91b22f274	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:54:43	644.421
-115	23027	2302700	89e3db1a-52b1-4ffd-8ba2-2972e66292b7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:26:13	-368.117
-115	46054	2302700	3d5ec65f-5f4c-461a-9a2a-3f3eb00490c9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:11:17	193.241
-116	23028	2302800	9fb3affa-ba85-48ef-ab14-190243ec1b20	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:37:40	-467.510
-116	46056	2302800	e5fb101e-d55c-4cb9-949b-17ace79b9219	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:03:31	678.858
-117	23029	2302900	6e83f6ce-3a75-496a-8566-377e5a45f12b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:04:12	-911.960
-117	46058	2302900	73f87026-b578-4c38-a02f-704a9c613c6c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:23:00	231.139
-118	23030	2303000	237367dc-7c11-4be2-8a79-cfa03d71653a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:35:10	-733.279
-118	46060	2303000	4a203401-d0d6-4a2b-94bd-67f087b0ed46	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:47:30	-114.125
-119	23031	2303100	72a28df5-e9cf-4b50-ae94-8f2f81fba100	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:48:21	-785.547
-119	46062	2303100	6d10b081-04c2-43ae-bf7c-5b548a5644ce	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:25:21	254.751
-120	23032	2303200	a0966523-7e71-45f6-a629-dce282e4e545	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:58:05	-666.108
-120	46064	2303200	f1256db4-7905-49fc-99aa-71c4358c933e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:24:39	-260.937
-121	23033	2303300	e5a09527-6075-44cb-97ec-e97540df02c8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:04:59	-280.220
-121	46066	2303300	c5e92c24-35dd-4ae9-baea-30c38aec6677	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:08:41	-713.868
-122	23034	2303400	21fbbb78-b15f-43fb-9294-7d0c441e6042	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:39:30	179.100
-122	46068	2303400	80dceff5-8f33-407b-958d-857a4df78655	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:20:00	-598.285
-123	23035	2303500	8b74f7d1-794c-4ed7-833e-16302b6c8283	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:33:17	-770.903
-123	46070	2303500	07dd1ffb-cd52-4aad-bbcb-10a784858404	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:35:55	31.281
-124	23036	2303600	a2239eee-f191-482e-8339-bfcebf8b55d1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:35:16	-541.50
-124	46072	2303600	ac9d8670-2857-47ce-81e1-260c22c0e7c6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:23:36	592.511
-125	23037	2303700	8fd3b3a7-9c5a-4a0d-beb3-7e183f1c3eee	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:07:48	403.851
-125	46074	2303700	fea92928-d9b1-4e23-b229-54d7803c7105	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:34:09	-475.786
-126	23038	2303800	aa175e7e-ace8-4aa5-9ea8-fc38d4e447c3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:55:28	-149.828
-126	46076	2303800	e018beab-1f97-4e2a-b44e-99998dec570d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:02:27	-815.281
-127	23039	2303900	158e0774-95cc-4d33-b22d-fa9f28327cc3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:22:03	-744.415
-127	46078	2303900	1e4e2828-726b-4f41-a59b-f92892e52c3f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:10:47	-764.290
-0	23040	2304000	b3226cf8-c1e6-46a7-85af-1932663b5ef5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:08:57	347.816
-0	46080	2304000	a984f6fd-c251-4aab-9143-42ec4069a86e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:01:43	87.279
-1	23041	2304100	67e6e3cf-e64f-4536-8c40-b9aac71717c7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:40:02	183.658
-1	46082	2304100	2a27b86d-0c51-4ca0-b251-cbfab7b113d9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:00:57	-910.858
-2	23042	2304200	e41f437d-7437-47d7-bb69-5326810ea74f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:23:03	30.647
-2	46084	2304200	ac45cda1-6b6a-47cf-bb34-fda13624e3e3	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:22:16	-86.584
-3	23043	2304300	15e7a3e9-db77-44f1-8e43-891234a1a2de	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:40:48	-360.495
-3	46086	2304300	5e4414dd-b36d-49bf-8ecb-7b1f3dd454eb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:51:06	-642.85
-4	23044	2304400	7e11406e-83a2-4071-9203-3475ac488470	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:25:06	477.299
-4	46088	2304400	72b82973-9fb2-42bb-856e-d8897198be92	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:47:01	-68.757
-5	23045	2304500	cb5f2a52-3955-45a9-a7b3-45b22b857cc4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:33:57	-107.119
-5	46090	2304500	69bd5df1-4718-4e02-9fc0-302915602bc4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:50:29	295.144
-6	23046	2304600	c66d20b2-fdbe-4fa7-bac4-4c7c9330ce73	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:07:36	-65.798
-6	46092	2304600	220c0cf6-5302-4bc0-b8b6-db6ef384cae6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:32:56	-680.490
-7	23047	2304700	f1c5944e-d54d-4de0-b838-936786696e1c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:36:30	-540.741
-7	46094	2304700	dd67444f-7417-4235-a69f-22e294dd0afb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:10:09	-432.530
-8	23048	2304800	14f1b5af-f255-4bc8-bdc0-284ae11e4ac2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:07:13	35.706
-8	46096	2304800	a3137314-ef9d-49bc-86ff-34e3fef2f106	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:06:30	-553.642
-9	23049	2304900	640fffb3-461a-4761-9329-4b5e43597d44	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:50:16	207.604
-9	46098	2304900	c7e41bcd-fca0-4e2e-8d1f-78f47c9524b3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:57:07	745.613
-10	23050	2305000	c04aebdf-5746-4ece-b5bb-1f7d792110f2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:24:10	-130.681
-10	46100	2305000	ae1fccc9-8d03-4da8-8feb-877c20ff81a2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:06:11	478.305
-11	23051	2305100	7d0a2a85-fd0d-4d3a-b24e-161ea8bf9579	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:59:01	-322.590
-11	46102	2305100	ddfef0da-224a-40be-a1f7-8d2363cf261a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:45:57	-517.318
-12	23052	2305200	6b781d3c-a866-4c96-8d1d-a491f9963fc0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:40:00	-967.965
-12	46104	2305200	0373ac91-4158-4317-b45c-4c105b71a5e1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:10:05	852.419
-13	23053	2305300	646ac45c-0f9a-43ef-b220-d2b818181470	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:21:54	221.247
-13	46106	2305300	f65743d2-d3e8-4acc-80ca-811315ff03bc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:39:41	58.131
-14	23054	2305400	bcc61152-eff6-4ae9-84e2-bfffe46af5af	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:48:13	-550.268
-14	46108	2305400	3946e488-1696-4626-abdf-2700a32e276d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:06:32	589.143
-15	23055	2305500	6520c76e-a256-431e-bfb0-12a99d319896	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:57:18	74.811
-15	46110	2305500	466e14cc-51b4-46f5-9fca-a8c541405985	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:06:48	-696.952
-16	23056	2305600	fa657fdc-247d-4b35-a5fb-5af4ba9abd06	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:43:51	799.130
-16	46112	2305600	9e5e239d-7009-4ded-a0cf-fdce96bedab2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:44:36	800.37
-17	23057	2305700	f027564f-7e53-45be-becb-fbf9958b6107	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:53:29	967.771
-17	46114	2305700	df22b14d-e59c-40f3-90cd-2a6543b75f36	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:16:39	56.989
-18	23058	2305800	af2524f7-d816-4db7-b0d0-bc04b8f3a62c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:23:49	-560.702
-18	46116	2305800	8b3f764a-6ae5-46b6-83e8-96fcc2b50f72	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:43:14	-791.994
-19	23059	2305900	6e03c043-1ac2-4d65-b5e8-2f0211a737b0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:23:49	874.402
-19	46118	2305900	4ad23966-4ac7-4792-839f-9c42e0a8c3c2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:09:40	-68.185
-20	23060	2306000	3a0f0412-2498-4886-a930-a7139e6386d2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:00:30	620.628
-20	46120	2306000	b6f57f58-4c97-4d40-9063-a3eb5ae2bd1b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:13:27	577.874
-21	23061	2306100	f1f17bbe-8259-472e-ba9e-0d15f2cb5d03	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:09:19	518.241
-21	46122	2306100	2d72e503-990e-43f8-9d2f-a1a754b8405f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:03:43	-153.257
-22	23062	2306200	3b42bed3-ef5e-4a9d-bf18-6ebd8a368a94	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:17:47	600.151
-22	46124	2306200	14282853-8b26-4120-b778-a3d41ac7412a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:13:25	-784.706
-23	23063	2306300	b78b9773-6371-4b67-8278-d218c64dcaea	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:38:52	-955.741
-23	46126	2306300	0917072e-4dd5-4cbc-b538-f779498fee0b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:22:49	-817.819
-24	23064	2306400	2a3325b5-6eba-4940-8577-147a903e7a5a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:58:33	134.129
-24	46128	2306400	b62bc4f2-532b-4898-a50f-3bbc761f7daa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:34:24	-452.63
-25	23065	2306500	fbc77dbf-7dc6-4566-a4b2-99f1b30b1cbc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:55:44	53.876
-25	46130	2306500	4ebe0dc0-9ffc-486a-b518-93080c01307a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:58:13	941.584
-26	23066	2306600	de3cfd50-82c5-4f61-ab58-27f0edbbba7a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:18:50	-974.730
-26	46132	2306600	f29207d7-35d8-4d42-a72a-31efb5c6f5c0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:39:44	740.299
-27	23067	2306700	9e89b8f8-bdfd-471d-80ea-5f9c53c41317	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:20:55	-936.363
-27	46134	2306700	1acd4cfe-5bfb-42b4-9fe0-adf9e61019d3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:08:17	943.909
-28	23068	2306800	48d90b89-1375-4385-a0d9-968a5389c3f4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:36:46	-342.84
-28	46136	2306800	4c4061ec-1aa1-4e00-a31d-a3cae2344f8d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:46:18	-248.245
-29	23069	2306900	faaca7dc-589b-47d8-a471-64dbdd03a0d4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:38:35	-555.737
-29	46138	2306900	7b43f194-6a91-4208-b620-43d96c6b6cf5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:42:49	-765.355
-30	23070	2307000	e60a1664-8dc0-4a6f-a01b-2e9bee8a794e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:13:50	769.996
-30	46140	2307000	befb2302-3568-4483-b26d-cdbaddde8083	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:04:54	350.64
-31	23071	2307100	e716406c-f5e0-4ac2-abcc-802be6141b48	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:13:24	-179.409
-31	46142	2307100	30a3364a-f2c9-4818-81ac-46db589a5024	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:53:40	496.343
-32	23072	2307200	144b00fa-ecc5-4046-b819-3e172e3f9710	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:39:48	-719.46
-32	46144	2307200	0e07261d-8ef9-4ae6-b1a3-08fe29e4f512	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:17:58	-303.494
-33	23073	2307300	85d43353-11a8-4e73-a931-f531c634eca2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:26:50	543.110
-33	46146	2307300	c3e18c47-3b3b-4607-8a1b-7bc74b901491	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:50:06	408.14
-34	23074	2307400	ccb4d338-7af6-4a64-b08f-525f05f935de	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:53:40	659.211
-34	46148	2307400	1e348e72-f5ba-4b28-ba2a-07fbd1998c24	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:31:37	741.985
-35	23075	2307500	73540160-738c-45da-ac0f-abb562eda4c6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:08:52	-725.191
-35	46150	2307500	ca1bd1bb-4544-4233-9d08-4044943fc0ce	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:22:25	521.905
-36	23076	2307600	5a7ee012-20a9-445c-bb9f-0d9bc99eff2c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:09:06	-898.31
-36	46152	2307600	e62475ff-ec6b-4115-9e7f-2bb1efcce7a2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:02:44	67.285
-37	23077	2307700	11c1c03b-f00f-4437-b9c4-7589743b531c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:40:44	-880.641
-37	46154	2307700	d92a1068-5c4d-4170-b63e-e92d4ce8db65	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:50:45	-738.877
-38	23078	2307800	340d8549-daa3-4c5b-a5dc-3606f97ecabc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:59:12	262.295
-38	46156	2307800	54331dd9-3996-4513-9a53-5a97c30e4aa9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:11:56	908.118
-39	23079	2307900	9c1d0870-e2f0-4ee9-93f5-996b746fd69e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:33:33	545.89
-39	46158	2307900	6fa3e1d8-ac9d-40ca-8e66-7e0c15c9fb22	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:11:26	733.968
-40	23080	2308000	3c81dcfb-ff7c-48e5-b5c7-6f56c4d388ae	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:34:21	-162.237
-40	46160	2308000	fda5df9c-5259-48ab-8558-113e68928ad3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:09:37	164.882
-41	23081	2308100	d8bcf3c8-e75e-45c9-874e-ebac0d1a9143	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:43:55	304.350
-41	46162	2308100	15fc9039-8a60-4573-95e2-54b149836489	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:25:31	145.969
-42	23082	2308200	0e4fe1dc-2e44-4aff-853d-c21e3f7e30ec	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:54:32	56.716
-42	46164	2308200	ae02f6bc-47b9-4a2d-9619-331cb1ca6f78	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:37:30	-787.783
-43	23083	2308300	fcacdab1-0f1d-4eee-a224-1a03e8cf593f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:38:20	311.697
-43	46166	2308300	4053da4b-9a77-4ff7-8b06-aac492836535	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:26:58	-264.483
-44	23084	2308400	8e1be16d-8a73-4bd8-979b-f5d120013cd5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:26:07	60.63
-44	46168	2308400	15b27530-ca70-45e4-af37-09d578c7ff32	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:39:00	278.490
-45	23085	2308500	9d645f6b-4939-494b-a4c9-685f19bf477b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:37:19	466.851
-45	46170	2308500	086db99d-b793-418b-86fd-38c751f430b6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:52:07	177.370
-46	23086	2308600	31cca455-da9a-48aa-b21c-3a1ade152424	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:08:44	-602.68
-46	46172	2308600	d613078b-87fc-4698-8832-612b51c5764d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:38:04	-438.173
-47	23087	2308700	26b6cde0-1847-4f3f-b0fe-3eeb89d6ffa5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:23:18	-537.745
-47	46174	2308700	775217cd-0904-46f5-8d4e-9751f07207ef	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:15:38	-50.533
-48	23088	2308800	f3221c51-ecda-4dff-b527-cafe06bca5e3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:38:42	334.166
-48	46176	2308800	c50888eb-cd96-4b1d-9af2-ffd39224037a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:37:25	322.852
-49	23089	2308900	ff21c84a-ff83-4d1c-ae86-294abe108e5e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:38:16	-546.15
-49	46178	2308900	995683e3-e23b-4955-a6df-381873cc4ac5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:07:00	-510.297
-50	23090	2309000	14475cc6-b775-4599-b912-3f50a99b9a4b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:45:21	954.328
-50	46180	2309000	2f787d54-9fcd-48d7-be92-01287cd69e25	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:00:36	-524.322
-51	23091	2309100	31df12f5-f0c1-4c76-bbb0-08e2260d0a25	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:52:51	-729.49
-51	46182	2309100	af2dea6f-be19-4cad-b8a0-c9b08a426e35	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:16:41	788.277
-52	23092	2309200	ecb93e03-d3c3-4869-86f9-2c1f75010869	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:57:29	-550.918
-52	46184	2309200	184889d5-a6a9-4f98-8db3-ab6e056a754e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:24:54	783.137
-53	23093	2309300	30126e5c-24eb-4889-8ba9-c6c2b4e1144a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:53:43	-882.269
-53	46186	2309300	264341df-0540-4346-9a81-70e0074c1695	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:26:08	422.242
-54	23094	2309400	bc9cbf09-ed14-410d-8bfb-4bb2c23db332	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:55:50	882.34
-54	46188	2309400	d3fb8e81-eea9-4e23-babd-627257302ba8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:12:27	134.111
-55	23095	2309500	20c429b7-ea3d-4a54-b318-fab43153cd03	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:31:09	564.300
-55	46190	2309500	9dad4596-31b0-409d-b182-a4b8f9281bed	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:48:48	-425.445
-56	23096	2309600	296e9194-e12e-4983-a7d8-09ae21176083	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:17:35	588.158
-56	46192	2309600	254a1c9a-c9d6-479c-83cf-849febee72fc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:54:45	625.350
-57	23097	2309700	3b80516e-ba16-438a-aea4-1e60abf9bc62	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:49:47	857.404
-57	46194	2309700	d1b2a13c-1bee-4c62-9c72-392abee4c4a5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:40:05	308.115
-58	23098	2309800	41ce1897-166b-42f2-8f86-2e8196849689	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:11:01	-901.467
-58	46196	2309800	7cd996ce-4b3b-4cda-94fe-dac77bf69474	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:39:22	-920.32
-59	23099	2309900	36e2ee81-0069-4552-be23-07e21fbbc1dc	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:47:00	306.55
-59	46198	2309900	38b3fe81-36d8-4f50-96be-23bedcceadda	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:10:41	708.556
-60	23100	2310000	f0e9600d-f952-41c0-b836-3aa0c4ece58e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:34:21	36.672
-60	46200	2310000	2a13f7db-feb7-4d2b-a234-f2e1a229179c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:54:26	921.641
-61	23101	2310100	646c6b41-e89e-48aa-bf9c-61c3424453bb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:50:20	-462.981
-61	46202	2310100	52ca91ce-9b64-42a7-8d0f-724e9fa94136	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:15:48	765.503
-62	23102	2310200	9ad2bf40-a5a2-4d74-997f-4d16866e14cc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:36:03	336.882
-62	46204	2310200	5bacf46d-ea72-41d2-ae19-dd6b6c84b09a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:16:41	294.507
-63	23103	2310300	24ef7c97-e841-4bcf-9c7f-05319b04f5c0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:31:50	545.771
-63	46206	2310300	e98445e2-0407-45b9-b2b7-004b2b193f49	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:13:46	-10.513
-64	23104	2310400	85b1e29e-7e32-4c8f-a002-53a9aa6bcfc0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:22:39	893.259
-64	46208	2310400	6f81886a-91c4-4c63-8f5a-d7fd17e4b7d2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:25:18	663.741
-65	23105	2310500	026eaa73-5c21-4d8d-b04c-8212851699d1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:14:35	443.398
-65	46210	2310500	a9bb1ba2-e732-477f-8976-5315d94aad42	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:03:35	185.270
-66	23106	2310600	c6ab5c08-5811-4016-9e8a-92863a66a642	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:24:42	-667.773
-66	46212	2310600	dd2379a9-e3a9-44af-966d-02cdc74b402e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:27:29	-47.166
-67	23107	2310700	1456bbbc-b408-4188-b334-c5397ef16af1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:00:24	661.620
-67	46214	2310700	2378279c-a14f-4a45-82ad-580e2337221b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:02:23	144.151
-68	23108	2310800	9625207c-adf0-4984-a796-6f12bce8867f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:28:32	72.948
-68	46216	2310800	a58e1a9c-9e9b-41e4-8add-4d5ee7d6f7f6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:25:18	-842.563
-69	23109	2310900	5f9b640f-3cd3-472f-ad58-aa27b75378c1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:24:45	-636.39
-69	46218	2310900	5e212b46-821c-4947-b08a-77506417aec1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:16:54	602.582
-70	23110	2311000	63d62103-d5d3-4147-b333-0216b6b30014	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:08:53	-698.410
-70	46220	2311000	6a8d68ea-654c-41b8-8847-2587be8bb0e9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:52:31	371.744
-71	23111	2311100	40ccf06c-7f63-426e-a3b0-c01dd0eb0423	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:28:51	342.512
-71	46222	2311100	d793c127-7c6f-435d-a713-7b7b465aa6d8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:15:23	-646.156
-72	23112	2311200	608d724b-aa81-483c-ab71-799c809c27db	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:51:19	-919.191
-72	46224	2311200	c0483958-5f8f-48be-8da4-7f4f713916f1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:18:49	-371.183
-73	23113	2311300	1f65e41a-a99a-412e-af31-7201776a0f07	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:49:59	161.170
-73	46226	2311300	0fb155c9-ba18-4384-bdfc-ed7d33200e64	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:58:47	-534.133
-74	23114	2311400	f7356c4c-9a08-4168-a485-2ba705db25a4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:03:31	57.247
-74	46228	2311400	de8b7a6d-f7b3-4838-b186-f28122a6977c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:20:02	765.15
-75	23115	2311500	a8b022f1-da94-4977-b0d6-a5420ee7a51f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:53:11	710.453
-75	46230	2311500	c6457b5a-8494-4e75-a4f9-d21e36f15174	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:42:04	-425.909
-76	23116	2311600	fb323d59-d12a-40e4-8d8c-5e0077acd642	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:17:28	634.753
-76	46232	2311600	5898c717-c717-4ff5-ae03-20876428bbb5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:48:16	481.99
-77	23117	2311700	e431e315-ee98-4308-83c5-248651958169	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:25:35	-521.374
-77	46234	2311700	c0b1a30d-e8f6-4dc6-b13e-1d704010cdc9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:47:56	-737.743
-78	23118	2311800	a2b2c7e8-c85c-47f2-9df0-05bd4599e35d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:35:01	-890.441
-78	46236	2311800	17e36618-bbb2-4bb8-82ac-60de68cb06fd	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:25:48	-975.110
-79	23119	2311900	18af71e3-339e-485c-af3c-7fa84bdcb32f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:25:29	-11.831
-79	46238	2311900	ed8e3034-7a83-4cee-9507-b046a7647293	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:15:19	-645.112
-80	23120	2312000	decd9f13-0a07-427b-bc3b-a97590023632	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:41:17	1.859
-80	46240	2312000	21ec6ae4-6835-45c6-b476-04b77ead68b4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:36:33	710.922
-81	23121	2312100	6681faf8-bdf6-4ee3-b772-b244c3fe7ec3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:55:04	-895.855
-81	46242	2312100	70727b51-cd3d-40e0-9d9b-ce317ddc3570	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:18:56	-461.573
-82	23122	2312200	3890a452-cfd2-4aa3-986c-7015c041154c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:47:12	-475.953
-82	46244	2312200	f46e7f48-fffd-4b93-8e50-ac40e7742f46	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:33:43	-65.79
-83	23123	2312300	bac291c9-a265-4ab2-bbdf-75914f8499e0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:44:31	-434.862
-83	46246	2312300	eabfd94e-46d4-4111-a083-1bbb4a156e70	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:49:29	-109.916
-84	23124	2312400	0f399ccd-ba0a-4696-8345-8f074d65396b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:14:31	-492.980
-84	46248	2312400	0940c448-8cfb-496f-8b53-230779f6c5b9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:38:06	471.923
-85	23125	2312500	f4e1edfc-9ea5-476f-bccb-dc005c86e8a1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:01:18	326.26
-85	46250	2312500	908b851f-5a12-47fc-8404-6b6cf7201849	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:36:13	-427.632
-86	23126	2312600	14304fda-1def-4126-b8d5-608f7c1c6b2e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:04:49	-791.436
-86	46252	2312600	ce1b0c75-acf2-447c-abe5-7f3abea02f9f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:59:58	275.950
-87	23127	2312700	ddee1ace-8d25-4a85-b86a-aad6bd1065c5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:33:34	-42.459
-87	46254	2312700	e57334b5-bd19-4dbc-918f-5118119ec9c9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:47:17	-388.604
-88	23128	2312800	055b0911-eb1e-45be-977c-10b2b2e466f9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:34:44	438.176
-88	46256	2312800	98c52950-8ca2-429f-a6da-6133c141a007	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:04:00	-648.850
-89	23129	2312900	56490587-4443-48dd-96a5-85f7323a942a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:46:24	20.112
-89	46258	2312900	1233d8e7-5caf-4596-8917-ba4869277375	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:05:23	-73.393
-90	23130	2313000	dfb4b946-718d-4f5e-ac5c-307a5ff79d4c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:34:37	-95.544
-90	46260	2313000	36da9e7a-e924-4ef3-ae08-8fb16baf5c61	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:58:13	-693.893
-91	23131	2313100	e8bd3259-bb4f-4408-8362-7120bed34d4a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:18:35	-558.594
-91	46262	2313100	50301ab2-6e0c-4008-9c50-264ffdc3f313	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:35:55	-279.933
-92	23132	2313200	ae655085-6369-47dc-9c2f-2d1c3a3b4153	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:49:34	906.478
-92	46264	2313200	40fffedb-bc16-4e5c-a156-5e2fd45379dc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:39:11	-418.295
-93	23133	2313300	06f74aa3-3026-4452-ac74-b73dd41a6729	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:58:54	-197.30
-93	46266	2313300	18f95f9c-93a4-4d7b-9daa-4d736031f3db	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:10:07	-923.12
-94	23134	2313400	aa0d3e8f-2a70-4934-b7a3-db5e63c8b774	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:34:32	-345.722
-94	46268	2313400	d390b05e-8906-49c9-9ef4-3edd52d38fc6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:57:16	786.128
-95	23135	2313500	f2f9af2b-dd14-4630-8670-8d8bafab7f41	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:31:58	-836.752
-95	46270	2313500	1949ed45-c510-41d9-848a-f641ed529240	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:44:49	-10.765
-96	23136	2313600	7c64111d-1e57-4249-9544-00804b21329a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:15:46	-27.9
-96	46272	2313600	9f6e6774-b0e9-4d98-a407-125873748a58	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:17:39	-636.991
-97	23137	2313700	d33c5d49-b4fd-4d9c-9134-202c3e710afe	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:51:09	-10.394
-97	46274	2313700	59b81f30-20b9-410c-913b-e4c5411a3581	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:46:59	-886.46
-98	23138	2313800	b587779f-267c-40fc-a843-07e70d2a81cd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:22:21	-93.6
-98	46276	2313800	a95ad11a-d499-488e-b0ce-40a461d58b37	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:31:34	-493.504
-99	23139	2313900	0744f3f5-2146-45fe-9281-c734ca767b14	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:47:50	706.65
-99	46278	2313900	b198d081-a462-42f9-aafa-6ebb501fcb3b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:39:25	590.79
-100	23140	2314000	94b10683-c8ac-4ccc-9cb8-1f77c65748f0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:46:16	339.745
-100	46280	2314000	5b104c1f-6d39-4f38-9d4f-c6fca68226fb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:45:12	-383.855
-101	23141	2314100	faede3d4-4696-4495-849c-65c49218c238	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:56:19	-146.412
-101	46282	2314100	8b955bac-d780-495e-9b1a-d396d277a369	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:05:09	406.400
-102	23142	2314200	9e9c39d9-f554-4a32-b47c-3c9718e5de01	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:51:42	547.374
-102	46284	2314200	a048942e-a595-46c4-98dc-8b51aee8a62b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:51:35	-36.591
-103	23143	2314300	f6340e26-9dab-4c96-acc7-0d0941e15fca	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:25:22	96.267
-103	46286	2314300	777dc55d-00b0-4238-acd4-4a00515d12f5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:59:24	720.19
-104	23144	2314400	02719472-da9a-483b-9bfc-0ae87a796f74	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:36:31	514.238
-104	46288	2314400	b5c60632-9c03-40c0-b589-be7cb70524af	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:03:51	-617.955
-105	23145	2314500	675226a4-5977-492b-9724-42471a3a9c87	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:57:15	833.675
-105	46290	2314500	020731a6-0ea1-4eb0-bd1c-ce59c4f13890	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:22:08	-942.600
-106	23146	2314600	8e439fbf-61d6-4bff-94de-f70612b0c313	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:56:05	-205.808
-106	46292	2314600	31c43c21-2b28-4bf4-8cb7-14e859bfbf0d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:08:19	-852.920
-107	23147	2314700	e18327b2-b062-4758-ba09-47de29f9a3cb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:03:45	-228.41
-107	46294	2314700	85edaa7e-eeb6-4d28-8a27-938482512da4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:55:33	131.289
-108	23148	2314800	17076810-5da1-4c7f-aa2f-6f402b6e973e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:39:50	-535.2
-108	46296	2314800	efcc45b3-2a3d-4634-86e3-aa285fb77124	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:47:19	654.75
-109	23149	2314900	5d52696b-ff83-46fd-9a91-4524a291b686	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:26:58	119.638
-109	46298	2314900	1d13d0c0-a8e9-4ad4-aed6-2095c3e991e7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:35:47	-698.396
-110	23150	2315000	b02ba19f-629c-466a-91a8-fda256d49571	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:26:58	170.739
-110	46300	2315000	82ad0502-7853-4513-8cd1-773e37ee953f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:25:37	-443.598
-111	23151	2315100	4a5c3eff-530e-4a5b-b577-4031eac7c327	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:07:22	-282.659
-111	46302	2315100	e8ce0dbb-3c6d-439b-ab72-ef3a6ce99b34	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:08:27	520.982
-112	23152	2315200	f25c3d27-f7e2-409e-b51b-82673828b3f9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:21:55	-765.653
-112	46304	2315200	dfa68236-9b8b-4d19-ab11-410769bbd566	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:20:26	-877.739
-113	23153	2315300	0c65434e-1daa-4142-92ae-541b05add984	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:40:15	-775.875
-113	46306	2315300	8739fe75-7223-48a4-9f13-efd2d00be78b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:14:52	-149.508
-114	23154	2315400	894183a0-624a-44f9-ae63-ff6963abfb23	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:53:16	841.281
-114	46308	2315400	c0f08444-52c2-4471-8ddf-3b56e0869cfc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:25:25	99.919
-115	23155	2315500	40ad7dc5-2aa1-4741-b38e-68cdcb926fd3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:03:45	-153.277
-115	46310	2315500	ac8d1048-0008-41e0-b900-06251d5358f0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:38:46	646.215
-116	23156	2315600	def78f95-5360-4c67-b96f-99c0eb2d0a6e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:22:46	-458.816
-116	46312	2315600	b5951396-9631-4129-b5e0-4df0b48cc6fc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:37:31	574.318
-117	23157	2315700	5567ba48-5925-4842-b901-efcb1783cc12	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:21:34	-242.108
-117	46314	2315700	581a794f-6cba-4127-867b-4990634b3411	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:19:25	-84.199
-118	23158	2315800	d20380e5-19a7-4fa7-8885-47b967e3b74b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:00:57	780.738
-118	46316	2315800	2bacf0a7-c710-468b-81a6-6a88813d7c5b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:21:27	294.541
-119	23159	2315900	8882df3c-07d0-4afc-8fb9-d992291228f3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:33:44	-5.812
-119	46318	2315900	645a799f-5cb3-42c1-b2a6-251d61ac2a70	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:30:27	-195.774
-120	23160	2316000	7bae5694-96d7-4837-a34d-56d6d0c4c824	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:36:45	-481.784
-120	46320	2316000	77f528a6-7abe-4c0c-951b-85dd6ed4dc5d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:10:04	488.289
-121	23161	2316100	b5ff8444-2ef1-4ac6-a87c-b2d26528bf26	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:46:33	-207.394
-121	46322	2316100	c2221ba9-a26f-45c2-8047-7dcd4f8a27fe	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:08:41	88.944
-122	23162	2316200	3b2979bb-98a6-4a3f-a2f0-340fb2da11ff	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:59:57	-158.456
-122	46324	2316200	389c792e-efc4-4125-b8e4-267348c52dcf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:14:01	98.209
-123	23163	2316300	4abce87c-42e5-4bcc-abf9-5c7d4f57ffab	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:32:09	-612.416
-123	46326	2316300	d3adba00-38c9-44c0-b4c5-9d473051530e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:34:15	158.392
-124	23164	2316400	ea12121c-8b7a-4153-8e16-b5045728b5cc	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:46:30	-524.854
-124	46328	2316400	1ea96514-5480-4c86-b8b1-4f611ee424c8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:38:17	-776.707
-125	23165	2316500	0998b32b-3d49-4f53-96c2-83e989c063c1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:41:18	59.645
-125	46330	2316500	da66e78d-bbc2-4171-8bd0-5f7a9ef7996c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:01:19	-633.992
-126	23166	2316600	4d68dd88-d0b2-4ead-8f0e-5b993213f93d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:44:10	-716.685
-126	46332	2316600	9b4b3875-0b9e-44bf-ac61-6f7942e70bec	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:59:20	657.813
-127	23167	2316700	af048921-30c4-414e-8988-bd3d21b01705	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:57:05	-767.908
-127	46334	2316700	ad9956b0-2da3-4fa4-b1f2-a275e1111beb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:21:40	682.553
-0	23168	2316800	73ad38ac-bae9-40e1-a2ed-6b5984821eb3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:04:20	-772.820
-0	46336	2316800	c7fa15f2-c68f-4d65-9beb-89806d26ca05	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:43:23	91.538
-1	23169	2316900	72127732-7d04-4d27-92c6-c5aa57aa8579	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:27:10	-654.313
-1	46338	2316900	d0317faf-800f-42c5-8a97-49d78b380b9c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:00:44	-106.33
-2	23170	2317000	c52eb974-0cb1-435f-bd95-23a0e628413b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:45:39	-712.557
-2	46340	2317000	29ac002d-8b8d-48ee-86d5-cb720c841853	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:15:42	-882.652
-3	23171	2317100	b6ce6e8c-c927-4c5e-bff0-c8cc86913f20	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:23:43	558.471
-3	46342	2317100	1bb00b97-baf6-469c-941c-765de14f3ef4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:34:47	973.687
-4	23172	2317200	46b52471-d909-49f1-997f-a7eb2f3bc3fa	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:09:39	-391.639
-4	46344	2317200	272c7447-081d-42a2-8a3b-afd49452a7a3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:57:35	-387.437
-5	23173	2317300	c057c27d-45d0-4e9e-82c6-acc1da0b2ab2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:29:33	5.589
-5	46346	2317300	c3854d80-cd1e-4733-ad63-b1f1bb356e1a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:40:09	416.98
-6	23174	2317400	757ca5c9-80f1-419c-b24f-0dc88216ed17	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:04:13	-790.784
-6	46348	2317400	34bb9ebf-2d5e-4f15-8364-e829199e3757	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:35:19	372.535
-7	23175	2317500	c09ffa02-8f72-4ae6-93b4-b401ec73c46e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:06:06	151.87
-7	46350	2317500	2270530f-aae5-4895-9c48-8dd42be48806	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:07:13	-705.585
-8	23176	2317600	0235f4b7-42ae-4a60-bd1c-75252c4069fd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:53:44	768.926
-8	46352	2317600	b9127635-2dc4-4529-92fd-e4d1b803a3f0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:57:20	806.972
-9	23177	2317700	30cbb9b1-ba6b-43e0-9916-cc32d2417135	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:24:26	852.506
-9	46354	2317700	cfd0bba5-3c6e-4966-b988-3dd188ad5960	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:16:07	-609.528
-10	23178	2317800	99fe7612-a1bf-4c38-97d0-929f5ccd5562	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:40:39	849.113
-10	46356	2317800	fb5f52c8-b656-4b64-8a1b-69deb6935cd4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:24:12	64.377
-11	23179	2317900	70c5fb48-2b8b-43dc-8286-18a248665236	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:01:46	-892.77
-11	46358	2317900	c42f3bf6-98c4-4f06-9bda-a9a3f80a3082	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:14:33	-704.831
-12	23180	2318000	e186b198-8aff-4983-8ec9-300787e450aa	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:52:45	969.282
-12	46360	2318000	14503e14-47e1-4a0f-aa37-6235684c0e3d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:52:32	-625.162
-13	23181	2318100	11741141-53d5-4726-bed7-02d48acd7fb4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:37:58	-741.192
-13	46362	2318100	16168e57-2971-46b5-8899-80874159fb2c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:58:44	-276.497
-14	23182	2318200	56e44088-e3a2-4285-8eb9-94e05cd66a20	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:33:24	538.748
-14	46364	2318200	c6de660b-0ab5-448d-9a8d-c99365ade31c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:07:28	-514.758
-15	23183	2318300	66577e48-3a63-49b4-bde7-eb187767008c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:18:31	-574.847
-15	46366	2318300	e29db54a-5167-4514-9d6d-ebcac29e5fcb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:04:11	-326.275
-16	23184	2318400	5b00b6ea-b577-4121-893f-3f0552845667	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:22:15	-604.768
-16	46368	2318400	6a4d1397-109c-491a-8f22-db68fa29daa9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:09:04	176.953
-17	23185	2318500	cdc00c08-f916-45f9-978d-18625e4e719f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:51:17	-40.745
-17	46370	2318500	5b6122ca-8ca7-4fc5-9dfa-c856c775f9e6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:25:48	-748.963
-18	23186	2318600	db27ac40-7dfc-4ba9-ac4e-2b62c218f536	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:55:19	907.256
-18	46372	2318600	3b9cf8eb-8366-4d33-b165-4973b422318f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:32:16	-820.826
-19	23187	2318700	a755a421-5020-4a2a-8c01-8aca5a741178	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:50:01	-222.897
-19	46374	2318700	9a88fdf6-dfdf-4cda-a1f5-b382598ba2a5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:50:30	961.545
-20	23188	2318800	476448cc-5ed9-4b84-86c4-4ec457aa5184	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:19:50	-812.802
-20	46376	2318800	fe8d58e4-c767-4146-bd37-709021531a9e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:38:32	600.358
-21	23189	2318900	2eca0f7d-d6c1-4b85-9357-480bc9487782	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:49:54	-51.430
-21	46378	2318900	c64892cd-7c83-44a0-b888-fe5df717e7d0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:18:50	-813.822
-22	23190	2319000	3e524f2b-e6e4-40c1-bab2-4cf0b09e7588	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:11:40	250.637
-22	46380	2319000	8b203f4a-4bb9-48b4-b87b-c107f91825f8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:58:51	-579.300
-23	23191	2319100	8060ce63-f4f0-4567-a1ea-62aae01bd004	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:01:46	-375.406
-23	46382	2319100	30abb141-7c5e-444c-8dac-0731bdcf535c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:20:06	8.115
-24	23192	2319200	0a1c148e-977f-4e0e-bc0d-66432812d7ec	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:42:33	104.848
-24	46384	2319200	1cca17e8-0fdb-4b61-b1a4-b4d3d08bf053	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:04:16	558.1
-25	23193	2319300	8d9d90f9-e7d8-449c-8423-92a0966c9ee9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:18:00	312.537
-25	46386	2319300	7b191fa3-bdf7-4209-a7d9-758b34e19832	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:36:57	814.231
-26	23194	2319400	4a1b6f0d-32b2-4aba-a797-30648e13c072	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:58:23	-287.560
-26	46388	2319400	e2f1da64-47b5-40ff-ae59-fa8187c811a5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:50:29	344.713
-27	23195	2319500	55b3e015-8139-41f8-b455-3a04c86ab5b5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:41:28	490.443
-27	46390	2319500	947c04aa-2148-4f32-9184-dd5e0ed2b82a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:00:25	295.400
-28	23196	2319600	893ed1c3-954c-40fe-995b-31e8d7ab268b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:46:08	-15.460
-28	46392	2319600	580c3d0c-e366-4e3c-9eef-e3e476fa641b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:22:37	-431.275
-29	23197	2319700	40d1a1ea-77cc-4dc5-857c-291a627fedee	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:45:30	253.994
-29	46394	2319700	9cd089a5-2e16-4dae-9eec-4aac25347290	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:18:57	785.42
-30	23198	2319800	d4fc97a1-2c75-4765-92e3-0e32813da22e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:47:34	-86.864
-30	46396	2319800	27162ffd-7426-444d-ae41-da7084375277	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:38:19	-855.653
-31	23199	2319900	28c1a019-5a8b-444d-891e-369c6b60c939	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:28:27	179.603
-31	46398	2319900	e8477701-fdd5-4706-ac80-e4778def318d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:31:30	-105.331
-32	23200	2320000	afe41420-e7ea-4578-a948-32ffe9669abf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:42:12	917.740
-32	46400	2320000	20f30963-c8fd-4fc2-a6aa-cc77f723ab24	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:08:04	-251.938
-33	23201	2320100	f6477b74-6e11-42f8-a746-054f546021da	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:53:06	513.869
-33	46402	2320100	d9fc49a9-594d-4d90-9e8b-117b078c6389	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:22:21	518.28
-34	23202	2320200	ec79d180-e8bd-43f6-8060-f5f026bfed2d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:27:22	-154.92
-34	46404	2320200	13f6bc92-6d92-483b-a0dd-319b9d4a2581	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:13:50	-611.822
-35	23203	2320300	9ec47ae1-b9d4-405f-92d1-3569893ff50f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:39:31	589.917
-35	46406	2320300	8dfa01d9-feb6-4fe3-aabc-3d40aa84b114	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:07:58	462.685
-36	23204	2320400	b9baff96-7009-45e2-9e47-37c6298b6692	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:40:30	-131.498
-36	46408	2320400	3e7b9da3-633a-4194-956e-2949fcc40875	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:57:09	889.467
-37	23205	2320500	82afd85b-6b81-4eb9-b0aa-a1588058e688	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:56:17	76.939
-37	46410	2320500	d72e578e-84e6-4a5d-a7b1-0f95e7aac178	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:45:13	-65.62
-38	23206	2320600	5f6d9d82-7fa8-401e-bc2f-b1e0cf52ec50	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:20:00	-64.105
-38	46412	2320600	e38e7234-9fef-49a2-954f-a95a07498a12	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:35:34	-633.952
-39	23207	2320700	37e2974b-5d9d-46d7-85de-55587e70d219	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:31:04	-939.410
-39	46414	2320700	8fbc0a47-ef00-4fe1-88c9-e53db8a955ce	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:36:14	-89.765
-40	23208	2320800	d849e50d-138a-49ce-81f9-ba2375d373a2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:45:47	930.531
-40	46416	2320800	82815d00-0c0a-4a7f-9dbd-16bbbf0e50a3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:41:43	457.761
-41	23209	2320900	44aad993-a092-4604-9f7f-c828ed336fe6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:25:11	170.742
-41	46418	2320900	6f8a6731-0aa9-4769-9d76-b9a03c3cd5fa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:47:11	-468.629
-42	23210	2321000	86aa057a-7848-4d34-a3d6-eea769ce2562	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:55:50	-433.721
-42	46420	2321000	f0489bcf-c683-4f18-be70-074d36e87417	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:20:12	-852.911
-43	23211	2321100	b80acd4a-242d-493b-a791-9749f96a6ebf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:44:04	855.87
-43	46422	2321100	b1d58f22-6e63-4699-8ffc-2bedbe26d79a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:02:19	-876.272
-44	23212	2321200	3dc01f38-820f-421f-b364-0b8fdd3315f6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:42:19	-238.590
-44	46424	2321200	ce552ece-8377-4d66-9e8b-9e43cbd00393	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:04:57	414.867
-45	23213	2321300	45804afc-78b6-4f65-8a78-33b0763a710f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:43:12	-792.471
-45	46426	2321300	ceb4351e-044d-4b43-9a19-cc6222ac72f9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:26:42	295.450
-46	23214	2321400	a930ee21-35d5-4453-b387-f069c4fd99bf	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:29:31	-689.283
-46	46428	2321400	3bf0070c-ebe0-4e5c-ac72-dbaedf96136d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:09:53	-897.675
-47	23215	2321500	5b322f9d-2d17-4ee7-84ac-b135a6816259	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:24:34	346.422
-47	46430	2321500	58bb158a-05eb-4506-a883-47c708ab0162	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:10:58	426.707
-48	23216	2321600	f0497ac3-650a-4a9e-82e5-b560b9919687	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:31:15	-834.660
-48	46432	2321600	5012e359-76a7-4224-a950-a98b47623edf	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:41:49	-322.370
-49	23217	2321700	b3fa218f-12c8-41da-8360-5453a34bd7f6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:38:55	-391.937
-49	46434	2321700	d3c36b2c-c1ac-4a52-9c2d-cbf928441326	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:36:06	572.871
-50	23218	2321800	e34cab33-91f0-493e-8df7-afbf5c9a4c3e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:12:33	957.273
-50	46436	2321800	b0dfffe4-5ce5-44fc-bc90-d46711948668	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:51:32	283.587
-51	23219	2321900	afae0f3d-4bf1-4b50-a8c5-b6f97be6854c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:12:22	-507.685
-51	46438	2321900	bc870ebd-c7ca-4c5a-af3a-36e718faee9b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:08:53	188.573
-52	23220	2322000	fd28e955-c7fa-4762-9960-a04a1274ff08	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:17:47	-348.765
-52	46440	2322000	93decc08-0950-478f-a264-55eb08c07c38	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:28:11	-181.592
-53	23221	2322100	af3a94f8-c149-4fee-82cd-8c26e234bb98	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:44:36	-130.628
-53	46442	2322100	50e27819-8e19-4fcc-a564-68b75e4e4dba	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:40:18	-928.822
-54	23222	2322200	e619c0e3-5852-43c5-8693-5110ffdcefad	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:11:58	-3.451
-54	46444	2322200	0e5d7de5-ac37-4ef7-998b-9772f1266617	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:38:11	708.143
-55	23223	2322300	3b19f6b8-1bce-4cf3-a9a1-2a0a7175ca8b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:15:14	-20.517
-55	46446	2322300	2f4a53fe-45c8-456e-9cae-3c61174c0798	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:40:25	-689.430
-56	23224	2322400	17bcaa97-2ee1-4bfd-8569-ef87face906f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:01:33	-570.552
-56	46448	2322400	4abb7861-ac2e-4aab-aa29-915738225e3b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:11:44	-838.456
-57	23225	2322500	18ea4eb9-9da6-467c-a1a7-0481887f095f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:40:14	541.142
-57	46450	2322500	30bf19c8-c8fc-4546-b774-ac3e65eb471f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:04:32	-61.301
-58	23226	2322600	ea667fb5-88b3-4550-868a-d518bd938d59	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:38:08	34.695
-58	46452	2322600	a180c143-2b00-4479-8aea-b2735253358a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:48:49	97.951
-59	23227	2322700	be9ad944-2c65-4c7d-8cca-9dda37be76cf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:49:52	-293.247
-59	46454	2322700	aa6feb21-0dd6-48d4-83b6-8d96c61c3ae9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:45:31	512.602
-60	23228	2322800	6a294af7-24b1-4a59-8a2d-eb21d27b84ff	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:15:54	291.676
-60	46456	2322800	c70c3a9c-43e9-40cb-9085-ff7b5cd7a185	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:43:14	-332.586
-61	23229	2322900	ee90530d-55f6-4e1e-a99c-bd415200bf18	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:31:53	-387.997
-61	46458	2322900	b4cdee46-6cef-46fc-a4ce-c9379667fc72	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:07:23	-377.437
-62	23230	2323000	3213a813-6e47-417d-8f7b-40d794a8d511	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:37:39	-969.796
-62	46460	2323000	dc5d2a36-4eb7-4c60-a8bb-9cf247a77c56	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:45:37	487.180
-63	23231	2323100	f8d3f0fe-f7b5-4fd1-9d25-1a52f8dcaab9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:38:15	711.402
-63	46462	2323100	3e190f99-8921-42ce-a43a-1ec821ab3dc3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:10:46	91.377
-64	23232	2323200	4bfb8daf-e7c1-4877-9dbf-749bb8d630d3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:59:24	159.807
-64	46464	2323200	beab4aa1-894e-40a2-830f-161642c371f0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:45:58	476.896
-65	23233	2323300	ab656c66-c68c-4db1-b130-7656ae4ce272	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:33:20	-366.513
-65	46466	2323300	043780f9-d2a0-4d59-a278-7c61be56d7fe	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:00:59	130.50
-66	23234	2323400	a755ade7-62d0-43e5-a2d6-55d361914e69	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:00:09	-836.794
-66	46468	2323400	d967ecfd-ad78-41dc-8706-feaae44e61c5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:44:51	-191.56
-67	23235	2323500	393812ab-c9c1-46c8-a6df-1a19be73b03c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:59:13	-819.486
-67	46470	2323500	45730e5e-c0c1-45e6-8bd9-4b77cb90d051	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:25:25	-808.721
-68	23236	2323600	e84b97d1-874d-4cff-8703-18418ae9401b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:53:11	-869.110
-68	46472	2323600	175ca7ef-0539-47aa-910e-cc8629fcf590	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:22:22	654.927
-69	23237	2323700	b45b6416-fa43-4894-9449-0020c2a12562	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:06:25	-965.122
-69	46474	2323700	0ec151b0-1d11-4da3-b1b3-a99751a4c738	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:17:14	-699.818
-70	23238	2323800	d71ce1cd-e5a3-4865-b476-dbd07a72eeb6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:58:35	-470.629
-70	46476	2323800	961960b7-ae9a-418b-aef2-013f1877973f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:54:42	-322.436
-71	23239	2323900	b6418aac-7c91-4116-a51b-72d70a35de2c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:23:21	-235.571
-71	46478	2323900	3e96104f-0066-455a-88a6-73511eefe165	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:10:51	-436.998
-72	23240	2324000	305902d5-678b-42dd-bcf7-eee8d8ca1597	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:42:45	-864.916
-72	46480	2324000	c8f5be99-0121-4a68-821d-9e95c41e8e6c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:07:48	289.110
-73	23241	2324100	15f50327-1c6a-4458-a4b5-b6a7fa854362	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:55:19	812.397
-73	46482	2324100	32d9bb92-04c2-4e01-9da1-2f99c8735c8e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:17:05	-563.850
-74	23242	2324200	2fa9e323-2a2d-423e-9184-bcc6119a0b8c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:59:34	536.415
-74	46484	2324200	51bdae09-c114-4bd7-84ba-f6fc8e54ed0f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:50:52	493.94
-75	23243	2324300	45d24a4e-22a1-42d3-9a89-0008baea9235	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:29:21	-751.388
-75	46486	2324300	edd7c32a-a861-4e84-95e6-3eb041958c3f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:47:29	-939.763
-76	23244	2324400	0a272116-6273-4e04-9825-7d10ab715d07	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:17:37	-720.871
-76	46488	2324400	791ff7cf-8a6e-44a4-a714-e8136df4697f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:46:52	223.538
-77	23245	2324500	65b5a65b-a484-470d-b55c-3550a3f35b3a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:05:45	-327.667
-77	46490	2324500	802631db-b34a-4e24-be42-1c421e6c3a36	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:15:41	565.456
-78	23246	2324600	79f96527-9a49-45d0-b198-afeb424b575f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:20:56	925.211
-78	46492	2324600	9e526b79-df8c-49b9-a2d1-77feb007af37	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:49:31	-341.326
-79	23247	2324700	89f82dcf-e254-4429-b40d-864d0f2e201a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:40:51	-529.975
-79	46494	2324700	a23605fd-6d5e-48ec-9f26-d7b6be334643	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:26:06	-218.927
-80	23248	2324800	eee2be83-60b7-416a-bf31-2961140985f8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:36:46	479.191
-80	46496	2324800	2981be86-d616-48c0-8c63-a0560e56acd3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:40:51	827.461
-81	23249	2324900	87257321-ca23-4887-a1ff-9b0bc268917b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:43:58	-855.416
-81	46498	2324900	b561f4e7-2fae-4814-8485-28ee1d39dd2c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:55:06	-535.242
-82	23250	2325000	b67cde2d-8b46-436a-9f50-1fc8aefcc9d2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:55:45	210.95
-82	46500	2325000	1d5e7e4c-58fd-4f05-aac3-f01580cfc08d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:27:08	-362.5
-83	23251	2325100	78ce7296-d87c-4239-a7a1-577439052350	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:45:34	-31.617
-83	46502	2325100	d01a0553-5cbd-4918-a775-0002f4463619	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:48:10	-858.889
-84	23252	2325200	337f04ed-4833-409e-a3e9-8f6453dd3539	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:47:47	817.321
-84	46504	2325200	d4d5c8a8-9d9e-47b5-83cc-bb75a2faf662	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:35:53	397.768
-85	23253	2325300	15ee3922-599b-46b0-ae50-db9fd562e0ce	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:42:20	458.904
-85	46506	2325300	09421258-1764-4623-91ca-e057c72b82c9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:48:13	-222.13
-86	23254	2325400	b913e995-e070-4bdc-8fdc-59fefc30e468	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:31:53	737.761
-86	46508	2325400	b79d8379-b967-4a77-828d-79736b4f3bda	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:57:05	-110.68
-87	23255	2325500	47fd0c2d-1670-4e5a-bc43-73116868163a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:42:17	-926.803
-87	46510	2325500	b75db0d8-d75d-45e2-905a-14e4e1191bf1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:19:31	-624.277
-88	23256	2325600	2fdb2460-515f-45e3-bea2-1ea7ccde6fbc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:43:27	-257.803
-88	46512	2325600	ff378f1e-10b9-4235-b0ba-d59f9f295d32	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:28:08	673.841
-89	23257	2325700	1e5dc02d-a479-4bd6-b1ae-f7312f4f9ee9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:17:22	252.675
-89	46514	2325700	dfa3d9e9-63ae-4e8d-8ba5-c1000493b662	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:03:33	-792.658
-90	23258	2325800	979fed92-0688-45fc-8c6d-59b9b560f0a9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:16:43	716.166
-90	46516	2325800	0dee1a05-f760-4a5f-9889-7cd2e3a64ac1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:52:42	-460.632
-91	23259	2325900	58cab408-cb3d-4fa1-a8bb-0406f27e2895	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:59:41	-543.244
-91	46518	2325900	a4c10247-a8e9-489a-9d9b-6d3bc14dbe7a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:34:46	-617.812
-92	23260	2326000	fb78281f-dd5e-44ee-8ce0-0af4a5646a77	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:05:19	729.512
-92	46520	2326000	59f64d04-7457-4103-a73c-bbe4898ad4d5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:52:26	-808.643
-93	23261	2326100	5b28fe77-4c1b-4220-90cf-3b174b5c2536	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:21:07	485.73
-93	46522	2326100	accd898e-268e-4277-8df8-235434d88865	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:07:28	807.917
-94	23262	2326200	23c076b7-e27a-49ad-aeb4-1509ce20277d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:07:22	740.999
-94	46524	2326200	dc923cb2-ae1b-4d4c-abf2-5c97e204635d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:30:06	510.970
-95	23263	2326300	2d1255f7-75ff-4b9b-9bec-71af6ee6a24c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:53:47	78.232
-95	46526	2326300	e4451dfa-c79d-498a-aba6-b1fc351b59d8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:14:41	-581.984
-96	23264	2326400	40f3dfcc-a017-4e55-967e-abe531dd2bfa	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:40:05	242.759
-96	46528	2326400	73ce8f73-7f20-4f54-a003-fcacde5de047	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:22:07	-217.190
-97	23265	2326500	205f3a9a-cb30-427a-b5b1-593660142dae	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:18:28	98.27
-97	46530	2326500	8a2f9e87-0f3c-493b-8341-c540826e80b5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:10:18	-428.471
-98	23266	2326600	e46eacff-8523-4056-b855-7b8b4a6ca0f3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:43:14	544.516
-98	46532	2326600	05ff255d-9da3-4bca-812c-4e60326d8ff5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:35:38	267.442
-99	23267	2326700	14a4ca28-ff30-4eb3-9ff3-c985d7b31941	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:28:15	977.344
-99	46534	2326700	a68e8a3e-1ef9-4868-a2fa-ce0feec3b7e8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:30:44	429.659
-100	23268	2326800	63fa187a-a600-4a78-bf9b-eacaf25175d4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:42:45	-518.160
-100	46536	2326800	6c064d04-1306-4dba-8326-3a88b7996d78	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:57:11	-172.641
-101	23269	2326900	6b2610e9-0897-4946-a3d3-e1f368c2fef5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:09:09	-482.527
-101	46538	2326900	6188496a-5167-4018-af78-09ecce66a8ba	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:20:53	494.244
-102	23270	2327000	faf79512-3c1f-4c13-9f75-89594298d9ed	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:39:17	-500.794
-102	46540	2327000	4aa38b8d-1e67-4fbf-bc51-f8f9d46c2170	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:14:41	118.144
-103	23271	2327100	dbc81573-503e-40f3-b475-e690648b19dd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:00:51	829.233
-103	46542	2327100	021d5fc4-2157-46a4-8538-e6fc84f43ec3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:03:16	204.564
-104	23272	2327200	7767764f-4e6d-43f4-ad96-b349b3bdefc1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:29:38	-189.926
-104	46544	2327200	037b57d5-f5ff-44bc-88ab-978b394d76de	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:31:20	-957.604
-105	23273	2327300	ea1b1827-5c04-4504-9b63-b4aef80c60ab	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:25:20	-704.175
-105	46546	2327300	b076802c-5567-4dc9-8e8c-962c3a6befc2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:03:43	922.542
-106	23274	2327400	ae4867f8-b0a2-4493-88aa-4eed039be5c9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:39:14	549.923
-106	46548	2327400	39637973-6dd0-4ca3-a311-d77f952f3e75	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:15:54	-830.393
-107	23275	2327500	b9ba23f7-4169-4edb-9df3-f9763794ca28	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:15:26	-930.234
-107	46550	2327500	cb115fc2-f2c5-4704-bfad-2ebb5178f331	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:00:07	609.352
-108	23276	2327600	30196f93-88c5-40d1-bee7-8557b6ae7051	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:34:11	34.954
-108	46552	2327600	4f6fd042-30c6-464a-b79f-b9408d66c53d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:32:40	-974.794
-109	23277	2327700	0a39bf25-a91b-40bd-9f03-56fa6b5cb079	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:48:35	451.309
-109	46554	2327700	b40b84c7-31bf-43e4-a70c-3f3d70583a8b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:58:28	818.817
-110	23278	2327800	97528b71-fd77-49dc-ac98-6b15e9c303e4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:32:22	-128.530
-110	46556	2327800	305c6faf-aec8-44eb-9215-9b752229c725	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:01:27	-975.171
-111	23279	2327900	0fcbc990-4607-48c2-bc43-c22abff20208	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:24:52	-626.527
-111	46558	2327900	0b6f2fba-01ed-4ff2-a8ef-e2a99f42564c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:20:53	854.411
-112	23280	2328000	1d04513f-7d8d-44f4-8715-5278d38480dd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:27:49	-744.255
-112	46560	2328000	cd83ae07-679e-4693-a13b-f884cd8fb413	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:03:29	-409.214
-113	23281	2328100	7512a7db-4aad-4e1e-92ed-a60baf831ba6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:18:04	639.494
-113	46562	2328100	28f138c8-d0ed-4d85-a6f3-b82d7b8bee4f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:07:56	-857.89
-114	23282	2328200	5172d63f-f5a7-4dfc-9332-3957d31ed630	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:15:35	-305.629
-114	46564	2328200	d7d87269-88b7-4d40-ad42-953391f6152a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:15:50	-405.892
-115	23283	2328300	1500747a-3dc1-4765-9bf4-3096424f84b2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:49:34	477.280
-115	46566	2328300	d5b5228d-9846-41cb-9a7b-975b0a265ce5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:02:23	903.339
-116	23284	2328400	ecf4b389-9b1c-4512-bf9e-32faee1ce61c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:04:38	83.329
-116	46568	2328400	29d72f12-e323-4864-9ac7-0519456e7990	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:39:10	-931.794
-117	23285	2328500	704d8351-3ed1-481b-9090-6c487db0a8ff	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:19:53	930.148
-117	46570	2328500	f1a1512f-8a08-4f7d-b3f9-4d75cab71523	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:31:44	472.766
-118	23286	2328600	8ce8b125-fddc-4d75-8388-fb8551800e57	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:21:37	-914.756
-118	46572	2328600	ac333d47-4683-4b4d-9adc-33c4f7fb425b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:42:44	341.959
-119	23287	2328700	a13faa6a-4bc6-4281-8de5-e430173fe680	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:06:38	-48.593
-119	46574	2328700	195238d3-fd4e-41eb-a335-1d77fd89c86f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:09:13	-475.280
-120	23288	2328800	d898a07a-654b-4361-86aa-ddd839ae0014	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:33:32	417.231
-120	46576	2328800	c5cd5b55-fc3d-425a-a6ab-065cb596d1a8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:02:03	462.364
-121	23289	2328900	b7bc226f-149a-4e6c-ad9a-4a41f0398c30	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:28:59	-497.869
-121	46578	2328900	1a32607b-5bcd-410a-a12e-7f54c4653f44	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:13:34	938.83
-122	23290	2329000	436ac7d6-21e6-4be8-89da-41c86d507a88	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:47:24	621.877
-122	46580	2329000	ad8609a5-ea74-4bf8-927d-b19c0131ea29	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:03:22	134.788
-123	23291	2329100	07a6a57e-26dc-4002-ab40-5c6d6488a5b2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:09:53	417.970
-123	46582	2329100	f6b29ad9-84d1-419a-b45e-05ef9f7d144a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:54:45	776.770
-124	23292	2329200	99d754ec-dd58-4084-ab03-cac78c7a7f38	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:05:12	-842.697
-124	46584	2329200	f52da4b3-2836-4b1a-a5aa-d023b9ccc765	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:35:00	-129.823
-125	23293	2329300	1f29fe19-5a27-4b79-a5d7-1200fcc4acf0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:24:16	-769.182
-125	46586	2329300	cb0f646d-d0ef-4ff7-906a-3acb62546bf5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:39:59	-182.395
-126	23294	2329400	9f9f6e3e-99d0-4f16-b484-9eb40327325a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:47:38	-600.354
-126	46588	2329400	08999763-0101-4a69-af49-9bb44780839e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:59:04	-350.417
-127	23295	2329500	e2d93bab-448a-477d-a69c-86a224f4762b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:25:33	801.509
-127	46590	2329500	24989172-0c4a-4dc3-a856-0276365f66cd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:27:12	-669.918
-0	23296	2329600	f5c21699-f4a3-428b-aa97-57b5ce9fd54c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:27:23	-164.69
-0	46592	2329600	bd4568a4-d1c5-40c4-8f27-cbfef577d341	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:05:22	-149.517
-1	23297	2329700	ee4324b0-6dff-426a-91c9-21c72fa14375	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:47:37	497.96
-1	46594	2329700	538ea3e9-43aa-423d-9e2a-23f1a810fc05	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:22:34	-787.1
-2	23298	2329800	a073fb2b-751e-4b84-81e9-1d693385f1c1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:33:56	-733.523
-2	46596	2329800	88e16e7f-59ff-4105-966d-bea61fee90f5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:39:59	-578.679
-3	23299	2329900	96852f74-f97e-4a9e-a1d6-a8067e7b6472	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:57:39	-357.454
-3	46598	2329900	4cfc25e4-bbe4-49f4-9214-fc43d139c973	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:07:19	522.373
-4	23300	2330000	86e544f2-ba21-464e-a63d-bff440b295f4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:27:18	-196.868
-4	46600	2330000	0c7af761-8c63-4f5f-a714-14de9cbc113d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:52:57	30.676
-5	23301	2330100	fec89f64-e7ad-4680-8d3e-95b7107358ca	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:29:52	704.81
-5	46602	2330100	e8018ac0-5efc-4eba-9faf-8a526d27f0f8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:51:09	-872.813
-6	23302	2330200	9d7b25f6-e86f-4bbf-bae8-65756f2a06c3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:39:16	438.889
-6	46604	2330200	51e71c4f-6ccd-455c-a9c6-e6b6e5d026fb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:25:31	-960.88
-7	23303	2330300	5bcfba17-1557-4cb2-90ab-8ef972997933	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:16:34	-164.496
-7	46606	2330300	99aef759-b25c-4951-8c0a-396a59a7c023	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:37:11	-659.535
-8	23304	2330400	66475b34-2841-4dbc-a024-32c9f157772e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:23:50	57.281
-8	46608	2330400	b85563f5-dbe9-4ba4-bdd1-12e2f04de807	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:39:22	-74.285
-9	23305	2330500	cb5e2612-cb78-4d2a-a056-0e4a72b92d29	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:45:40	-497.140
-9	46610	2330500	da75293a-12fd-4147-8a32-a6617e965dc1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:20:27	-658.13
-10	23306	2330600	fdab908d-568a-4a7f-a5ef-c385b24b3d88	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:04:40	-840.307
-10	46612	2330600	feeb10d6-9dd8-40e4-9aa0-e9dd0245acfa	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:31:31	706.967
-11	23307	2330700	7c07ce89-475e-45f2-95f5-0ec0a0f00824	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:26:11	-930.587
-11	46614	2330700	28f56d00-a535-45c7-9a66-48a7ef6b36a7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:26:49	755.17
-12	23308	2330800	28c49179-f655-40c5-b6a8-13812cce29be	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:40:02	237.898
-12	46616	2330800	ac2998c0-75b9-4903-80ff-0c3f63bfd1b8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:31:57	-845.281
-13	23309	2330900	672fae43-e7c2-477d-bf50-d11ae540bf05	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:07:48	-370.281
-13	46618	2330900	67c66392-322a-4ce3-bdf3-9930da8298cd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:13:58	995.15
-14	23310	2331000	5eb9cbbd-aa23-4fe9-ba77-ed12a6271977	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:28:36	512.922
-14	46620	2331000	90df0467-c024-4c0b-aafa-b33bc886e6f9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:44:09	-770.911
-15	23311	2331100	0a6a6b64-df2d-4b94-bb75-600a0d53d56d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:01:44	-408.399
-15	46622	2331100	eaacb2e2-76d1-4dde-9bea-7065aa31222c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:54:43	524.823
-16	23312	2331200	2b1786d0-7e42-41be-a59b-8d38caab7fca	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:11:47	882.533
-16	46624	2331200	fa9dfa7a-417e-4f63-ab33-d04c0d78d0ed	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:50:31	745.649
-17	23313	2331300	3f71caae-0921-4c90-a27e-c04a5bd97747	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:38:30	-895.341
-17	46626	2331300	ba2932ea-e767-42f3-a13a-de6a0211721a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:16:20	188.151
-18	23314	2331400	497c58b6-ff80-485a-9821-c529329c4c88	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:10:13	566.19
-18	46628	2331400	23c285f8-7963-4894-812d-a8131accb69b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:15:41	-859.9
-19	23315	2331500	1f74a906-5e60-40dc-8d0f-70f1e221642b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:33:46	848.315
-19	46630	2331500	13a88db4-184b-4d8b-b38d-78ef6aeef32f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:28:05	126.596
-20	23316	2331600	6ed16ee6-e8e5-4f91-abba-91a39737df78	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:29:52	-646.853
-20	46632	2331600	8cd3ae48-f168-436d-8266-c7ddf8cb7497	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:58:36	-887.530
-21	23317	2331700	ec054965-318c-4861-8bbb-32e6cb2ac186	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:11:36	653.814
-21	46634	2331700	02a07fd4-dfb7-4122-a348-bddf73bf4e1d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:35:29	-356.945
-22	23318	2331800	ef29761d-d73b-43c7-b48e-a323e279d0d5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:51:56	-197.739
-22	46636	2331800	965dbb9d-06c9-4ea7-aac3-ef419536e00b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:43:49	368.635
-23	23319	2331900	9e1c1c8a-54f5-41d2-96f6-cd3b3220c815	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:36:41	-781.717
-23	46638	2331900	17ec729c-464f-44e5-842c-99c121a13c7d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:35:13	514.821
-24	23320	2332000	ddcbe575-cac0-4f48-b5d6-642b81db3778	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:34:15	802.608
-24	46640	2332000	c6fbb7a7-8382-4e92-a604-3580acbb83f2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:00:55	-259.2
-25	23321	2332100	910c86b2-5351-4660-91da-4b93fccb71b8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:47:05	607.80
-25	46642	2332100	7bb49ec7-4647-485b-99bf-bc98a5178028	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:00:38	-215.367
-26	23322	2332200	e05837ba-a02c-43bb-b68c-6079062452c8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:28:21	124.800
-26	46644	2332200	5f5e4daf-c686-436a-ba67-1ca1ccf68990	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:26:30	287.197
-27	23323	2332300	b0232056-2b3e-4c77-ae7c-a2ead9c2a68d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:28:43	-230.445
-27	46646	2332300	3484351b-0c9c-495d-84fb-76524a688b2b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:49:55	-766.988
-28	23324	2332400	b5f0354a-f504-42c5-8a4d-365471fe449a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:49:30	162.273
-28	46648	2332400	c537305f-9e2d-4b18-8992-030a95ac02c9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:31:11	-71.886
-29	23325	2332500	688d1143-c705-4cb1-b096-eb1abb5d40f8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:11:14	-314.928
-29	46650	2332500	a240dbb1-1b9f-4101-8c99-365921168884	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:53:01	-624.339
-30	23326	2332600	31c8a6d2-def0-41ba-a811-79d7cb1368c2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:11:33	960.767
-30	46652	2332600	32ddeea0-4c9c-43e8-8f2e-942effb9a7ba	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:39:04	-631.826
-31	23327	2332700	bce2ac24-9fa5-452f-99c2-e397768478ed	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:42:45	523.443
-31	46654	2332700	2eebfa7e-90ae-4c53-99a5-530b6c61f3da	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:05:48	75.564
-32	23328	2332800	f5579b1f-cfa6-47a5-969f-e46f02d604cf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:45:05	-474.475
-32	46656	2332800	91ad934c-38fa-47d3-ad8f-d0d74bdeeddd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:24:45	307.779
-33	23329	2332900	6ca4d3aa-a21a-42a9-93fd-16a08b6377bf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:19:24	-274.900
-33	46658	2332900	3f38d917-6637-4885-a877-e1a3165c20df	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:39:08	87.926
-34	23330	2333000	1966d9e9-c6ff-4a97-a468-039bb5a7a9f4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:57:19	126.210
-34	46660	2333000	d715500d-9a10-47c2-9f19-db82d487ff17	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:50:04	710.583
-35	23331	2333100	b84432a6-ea64-4b01-9f6f-b0ef9602fcaa	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:55:54	-740.92
-35	46662	2333100	49886e02-73b5-48a8-94c6-eef07758bf3a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:23:42	498.826
-36	23332	2333200	056ec4a3-c28f-4a60-a1d5-c37470c6b96b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:08:41	-793.667
-36	46664	2333200	4b355178-810b-4800-920b-ef0a98e53d11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:33:59	-242.698
-37	23333	2333300	48efcb35-6f0a-4c7e-9563-a2a912e4fc3f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:43:58	942.475
-37	46666	2333300	ea0f0f1c-bda5-4b4f-b076-bfe5ed1dd777	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:13:01	-114.394
-38	23334	2333400	c6f6522f-0b3a-4b81-85a4-696d957e639f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:00:07	801.56
-38	46668	2333400	b36b7fc4-30af-483f-8ac8-c2a6e905c84f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:56:41	451.90
-39	23335	2333500	998dd9c4-d5b9-4f4f-a52e-2d8670a52424	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:49:12	-398.252
-39	46670	2333500	b3df1380-0517-4124-8a27-5cd8e5ee9ec0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:51:55	-561.145
-40	23336	2333600	8e8a3ebc-ee67-4285-ad2a-9abba295d5ab	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:36:48	-903.918
-40	46672	2333600	292c4927-e022-4f7c-99e7-444be2c2dc44	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:09:53	-48.31
-41	23337	2333700	8b349e37-a6a6-4cf5-845e-712432c30d4b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:17:23	-547.102
-41	46674	2333700	bcc8883a-8a65-476d-ba22-07f02af02271	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:41:06	-69.738
-42	23338	2333800	12e89fce-8d48-4e6b-803f-b031c59311c2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:15:45	-514.237
-42	46676	2333800	6fc03628-cf18-4b2f-b9f6-0555f979382c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:13:44	746.659
-43	23339	2333900	082a8c55-14d5-423b-ba25-e5d47ad3f851	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:11:21	-370.929
-43	46678	2333900	41fc2efc-cfe1-4e9a-b197-64acb2342c0d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:34:01	228.202
-44	23340	2334000	ae7b0ca2-3bca-4fb6-9ed6-220b3b0385ac	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:07:45	753.348
-44	46680	2334000	4d829108-278e-4804-a23b-c0372b9f8dae	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:54:51	-170.688
-45	23341	2334100	a9f21e66-5b53-40bc-b428-4cc192ef033f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:11:38	55.668
-45	46682	2334100	7f7ee0ca-1194-40b2-8811-b1e1ae11858d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:41:40	-686.316
-46	23342	2334200	aed36950-1d96-4fba-abd8-2fb3850c4be5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:13:24	951.538
-46	46684	2334200	a791d011-78f0-46f4-878b-67e4713d5122	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:17:00	-807.281
-47	23343	2334300	0fa36711-d8aa-4ca8-a0dc-62f356acead0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:10:34	369.708
-47	46686	2334300	2ba33461-abae-4c03-8203-71005e56da7b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:04:30	90.677
-48	23344	2334400	1b43af56-6714-4ae3-a5cf-a97338a6b602	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:00:02	446.86
-48	46688	2334400	58771266-fc82-4d5a-8aaf-3d586afeb100	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:57:39	678.170
-49	23345	2334500	07f69c0c-1625-4f25-ba7c-68adba8c2a78	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:51:59	-384.284
-49	46690	2334500	b5afe62e-d7bf-4559-bb00-7df9dd0d57ca	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:18:08	-323.87
-50	23346	2334600	0381f9dd-081d-4289-8227-e83c12b0a35a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:23:27	-277.77
-50	46692	2334600	f38cb880-6dca-4df8-ae67-a03a7c3d3b60	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:22:51	-358.587
-51	23347	2334700	6c4723fa-5223-410f-8375-197e78a61428	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:56:12	-913.9
-51	46694	2334700	7d325502-043a-4945-a600-71b6dbb27a6d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:27:26	140.54
-52	23348	2334800	97257ffb-ad8e-4d9d-b0f1-9e5b7a257126	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:48:39	380.989
-52	46696	2334800	81430045-635c-4299-85d2-f7d5e54adbc7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:24:08	722.999
-53	23349	2334900	c6c974ab-681d-49fa-9691-337b80848544	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:56:27	947.907
-53	46698	2334900	0a50c3b2-a9dc-4c7e-ace1-d0e9a59957c0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:45:54	859.541
-54	23350	2335000	33823dba-838c-410d-8808-00706cf2554f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:31:46	-965.726
-54	46700	2335000	ae62460e-f1a5-4bd4-886c-ed8d29ccebd1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:12:54	-964.957
-55	23351	2335100	3e332afe-fe3a-40ac-bdbf-0658d221e41c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:22:32	324.564
-55	46702	2335100	a2eb6aaa-1f46-4fa6-9e73-661b652c2631	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:27:43	767.159
-56	23352	2335200	1f9bfc86-e7fe-483e-844b-ff3a7ff8cb91	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:41:22	-431.152
-56	46704	2335200	4f3235aa-6aaf-4d30-87ca-a903d92ee9fc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:09:10	616.17
-57	23353	2335300	d182c2a3-d32f-47f1-b0ad-5a3a668cb70f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:32:10	711.874
-57	46706	2335300	0a44166d-d529-4c9b-9af9-a8d6dc4e0d5d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:32:01	-260.164
-58	23354	2335400	e5ce0dd4-6fad-463a-90f2-2c510203e35e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:22:08	639.228
-58	46708	2335400	8de84c7a-d464-4142-b17c-d5b01f36e8e5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:18:44	-464.868
-59	23355	2335500	d8ff9b71-e68b-4d70-bb06-1c2a0ef3c14c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:51:53	570.929
-59	46710	2335500	b7c98b0a-a0ac-4990-803c-893bbca55146	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:13:59	-844.284
-60	23356	2335600	2b91c081-178b-4db3-a070-482a81f63d26	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:06:00	395.765
-60	46712	2335600	429f7e45-eeb2-43ec-91b0-b57bc332da9b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:35:44	-523.677
-61	23357	2335700	2670d728-2055-4e7b-b870-611937932686	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:40:07	-756.907
-61	46714	2335700	26d0401d-7f89-4d10-af87-acf46188e4a6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:23:10	119.586
-62	23358	2335800	3425f75b-8632-4de1-bef5-4316a4ea6a37	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:40:12	-193.246
-62	46716	2335800	56f7f7c7-e58f-48b0-9ad3-9a9a7e7582fc	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:18:10	-524.323
-63	23359	2335900	0340ae83-654a-4bee-902f-4d09bc8e8256	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:13:02	120.494
-63	46718	2335900	e720a178-26e2-4462-b12d-3ef17d0c3c36	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:42:43	566.193
-64	23360	2336000	0a065c36-782a-4541-97ca-be198b64c1d8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:16:06	823.556
-64	46720	2336000	60d047c7-a00e-4254-a43f-c96725718472	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:33:53	615.6
-65	23361	2336100	be57b446-435a-48cd-a050-70b5dae51e34	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:28:32	-556.319
-65	46722	2336100	8ee84f8d-7a09-43ce-8731-f31f33937bdd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:09:15	969.756
-66	23362	2336200	c6e81cfe-9032-418a-a9df-2c6519729421	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:11:47	-373.132
-66	46724	2336200	c3c7e8d6-1b65-454e-8275-82a10383bca2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:56:25	-369.683
-67	23363	2336300	8251363f-7017-47ce-a95a-3bf587ac656b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:05:26	-930.42
-67	46726	2336300	562e7ba8-4855-4052-bf9b-9867cfa9b76b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:17:51	834.871
-68	23364	2336400	16c0ee13-f725-46d3-a4fb-879d92b59b2f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:44:50	-363.941
-68	46728	2336400	de7b8641-7546-405e-bfa1-f12aa5b2e129	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:44:46	-965.18
-69	23365	2336500	3b41fb88-faf0-43ad-a508-92e6609d31df	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:57:38	181.433
-69	46730	2336500	bde37d1f-606b-40dd-98cd-2108815cda7c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:39:05	696.905
-70	23366	2336600	eb481303-003a-434d-b1f9-6bc451acb4bb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:21:27	29.128
-70	46732	2336600	a50b0721-b5cd-43d4-8f7f-4707a895ae52	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:53:06	-267.690
-71	23367	2336700	3c36b1a4-3245-4ef0-82a2-b8ccb23d35e3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:34:50	629.493
-71	46734	2336700	04a2d59f-9d67-4714-b3b8-25f076c02da5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:01:49	-565.540
-72	23368	2336800	d6741db0-c03e-4747-a5a3-40ad85aa5d96	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:48:14	946.168
-72	46736	2336800	dcfb85bd-a75b-4f1d-afff-6ad12360f358	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:11:37	-822.236
-73	23369	2336900	ccf75d66-33cc-42f8-8f75-9a673fca02fa	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:39:12	857.271
-73	46738	2336900	23051223-7a82-4f2c-a6a1-88c07e9cb8ec	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:01:01	989.359
-74	23370	2337000	9e7b2548-5753-45b5-82f6-7e4209069293	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:40:33	854.9
-74	46740	2337000	ca6c92fd-0902-4625-9a5c-d76d263bd743	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:22:19	737.886
-75	23371	2337100	719e5b22-2a00-41e6-ac22-f297af6b4b52	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:41:49	-597.6
-75	46742	2337100	2fc97854-754e-49a2-a465-bf2ac1bbc55c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:42:47	235.482
-76	23372	2337200	d940c286-928f-493e-ac04-09221ec1914e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:33:20	-26.491
-76	46744	2337200	c64009f6-2020-4740-87e4-43a7030049bd	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:13:55	-340.306
-77	23373	2337300	f8f2fb00-caba-4b29-a21e-e240a31f8eb6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:20:18	443.759
-77	46746	2337300	6e57d221-1eca-45ab-b642-c6b28d9a720f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:22:24	256.624
-78	23374	2337400	34b5efda-bec5-458e-a124-140c1f72d960	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:47:12	-230.100
-78	46748	2337400	d94721f3-462d-4215-9cde-f40892e336a5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:10:44	237.539
-79	23375	2337500	b577cd95-5796-469e-a56e-8d066e838615	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:33:50	734.830
-79	46750	2337500	1da8267d-db5a-41da-b652-6f8e5b124001	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:29:34	328.865
-80	23376	2337600	bdcb43f9-a7cd-4c92-8f75-5032a5f06f39	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:33:17	60.511
-80	46752	2337600	45cdafa4-3f59-4f3d-a79c-68190dba206e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:14:47	-828.828
-81	23377	2337700	0aade575-d84d-423e-8428-eaa431db5619	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:35:19	-623.430
-81	46754	2337700	25cb3e82-c7b9-42a3-bf6f-73a77ccf985f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:55:43	-649.917
-82	23378	2337800	3a05fa7b-c79b-4c51-9cd1-6f911d185a63	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:26:19	-487.687
-82	46756	2337800	34b90c43-25f6-44e0-97a1-a4c11ff36657	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:32:42	-447.653
-83	23379	2337900	1cbbf2e8-6626-41f0-8bec-87987e24c05f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:09:27	-966.761
-83	46758	2337900	6afcae00-2234-40ff-b117-db81fc8ad3f1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:31:56	-274.511
-84	23380	2338000	020b6901-18d4-4057-8a58-f86be50c20f6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:31:11	-708.162
-84	46760	2338000	b9958b0e-5281-4da0-9cc6-904048686626	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:49:57	-993.956
-85	23381	2338100	44f4c042-4f0b-4d9d-9ca6-822f03dcc490	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:51:09	503.23
-85	46762	2338100	c64e7f93-98a5-4ff9-abbc-cd3f1dc3e1b5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:46:27	-454.464
-86	23382	2338200	ebb85c80-d869-45b9-99e9-83726a883f93	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:47:39	160.777
-86	46764	2338200	05b5483e-67bd-4af8-b3c2-9b8585b1ec7e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:38:28	523.833
-87	23383	2338300	9f163c8a-4e5b-4150-be3b-44d73eb4f6e0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:13:15	479.723
-87	46766	2338300	d8b98c60-3823-463c-908d-2e03f1fa071b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:12:13	988.131
-88	23384	2338400	e38d9691-789c-4181-be54-b1bbf5be29b0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:37:45	597.41
-88	46768	2338400	182322f1-6056-4e98-8a47-1cc4b1ed86e8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:14:45	-770.366
-89	23385	2338500	eae66ab5-0430-4ee7-95e2-1bef0a32aaba	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:02:17	664.174
-89	46770	2338500	0ef6487f-5824-46be-9b11-93cea263e408	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:43:50	-234.862
-90	23386	2338600	bcd4d43d-4569-4553-88fc-8ef7b5eb8a7a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:30:13	-532.422
-90	46772	2338600	6d1ca90e-477b-462e-95df-94de069e12ff	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:06:16	-539.969
-91	23387	2338700	9ef56c13-a95d-45d1-9359-d990ceea4648	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:18:51	85.683
-91	46774	2338700	bdf04e1e-c276-46a9-a996-8f6150510610	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:24:37	202.571
-92	23388	2338800	0fbe6751-84a2-4045-a3aa-536a927fa990	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:20:47	956.653
-92	46776	2338800	7f4fffef-4e49-4d98-af6c-b8c60bd11e87	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:15:08	124.31
-93	23389	2338900	2136f036-86db-43e1-bb9c-d514d7952bc3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:52:40	-777.426
-93	46778	2338900	a05624b3-2cce-4e72-9962-86dc35dfda4a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:07:32	-917.216
-94	23390	2339000	dd234e25-6223-4b55-b9ec-65c901881305	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:57:22	764.885
-94	46780	2339000	d4c9814e-2d35-486d-87b5-45f8553b4099	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:34:53	-900.166
-95	23391	2339100	45c25ace-aa5a-4509-bafa-4a71261726a2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:31:25	-17.566
-95	46782	2339100	e2a05e13-19b5-45c2-aa44-31562ce8b65d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:18:49	-790.467
-96	23392	2339200	0b596260-e847-4996-bed5-f30cc76c3be4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:41:50	991.44
-96	46784	2339200	ee62e554-696b-4c3a-a198-9325b2e09c02	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:36:03	203.656
-97	23393	2339300	901a7a76-f703-4955-8f9b-2066df49ccec	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:55:13	-912.399
-97	46786	2339300	a5d43853-a1a9-41a8-b02a-5d385c8f9ea7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:03:34	823.591
-98	23394	2339400	0576ef6b-b90f-4c6a-8716-c867d51f1cc7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:42:56	507.340
-98	46788	2339400	07a77283-000a-4ec7-8e28-1186736d3f37	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:57:07	-675.203
-99	23395	2339500	23c37b87-2029-4dbe-b08f-df65ca5b2b77	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:35:08	-299.145
-99	46790	2339500	dc6745da-579c-4d26-888e-bc20b9ec95d6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:58:01	-232.914
-100	23396	2339600	ec062866-0be2-433a-bf9b-b451b9159e85	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:43:47	-269.786
-100	46792	2339600	3393f0b7-0dc7-4851-a59a-10d9f9069c41	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:06:09	722.307
-101	23397	2339700	2589f767-6140-4aa2-8188-f1cba9885a25	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:32:46	467.398
-101	46794	2339700	fe2f157b-b11e-4d0f-b302-c3ad32136fa3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:18:05	188.382
-102	23398	2339800	6c3d6283-dace-4114-973b-44a3f0031b43	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:26:42	281.177
-102	46796	2339800	cb68bfcb-2c4a-46a6-89af-607e634845a4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:23:14	554.765
-103	23399	2339900	1248563b-0350-4849-bac8-b9a47a50de30	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:24:44	926.337
-103	46798	2339900	848b97db-1b17-4425-8dc4-deb7be15c259	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:36:09	832.443
-104	23400	2340000	4acda84e-a07c-4625-bcdf-d3351124aeb8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:25:16	-729.827
-104	46800	2340000	60961f89-6a35-492a-b8c8-2f91a85f735a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:59:42	355.432
-105	23401	2340100	1960a042-4d6b-4a6c-9fea-90052727f6cf	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:32:47	-826.126
-105	46802	2340100	2af3e5c5-b0e5-436f-88ec-59915a07b32c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:33:25	424.430
-106	23402	2340200	f335ab38-9204-4a94-8877-95717d6b14c6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:07:35	-58.249
-106	46804	2340200	bb31c6ba-cd3c-4a11-950d-05084e3da8e6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:55:18	225.518
-107	23403	2340300	535980b8-eae2-4af1-bedc-d2dcaffe897b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:16:55	360.166
-107	46806	2340300	44443590-4ecb-4e12-8fac-15562043a171	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:49:38	541.335
-108	23404	2340400	27fb92a1-a97b-4617-958a-86a8760da06b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:37:58	809.685
-108	46808	2340400	9d26fc39-d0e6-44f7-9065-70f9ff981c70	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:20:27	320.362
-109	23405	2340500	44ce762a-5ef7-4542-8bcd-5cf91a97c52c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:34:52	-546.232
-109	46810	2340500	a05963ac-80c5-49c3-b682-a899d0851778	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:24:07	-178.456
-110	23406	2340600	bf699968-e623-46ee-800f-2e703c7f3b7c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:03:27	946.488
-110	46812	2340600	cb4886b7-58a2-48d3-81ef-c04c07e8c4c3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:48:59	-301.510
-111	23407	2340700	d1a1b9b1-d748-4690-95a5-60867b54b531	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:01:03	-897.70
-111	46814	2340700	7170bc1f-dbbd-4468-84f8-674f7b681044	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:50:10	240.313
-112	23408	2340800	d4a35a9d-46b5-49f1-b318-015cb2a2335c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:07:59	-49.182
-112	46816	2340800	d3f4ab3b-8eff-4fce-8781-67cf34f08e32	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:13:18	-141.653
-113	23409	2340900	70b5bbee-277f-4bae-84ce-8851f205e838	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:24:06	-872.979
-113	46818	2340900	5706ac2a-173e-4fa3-8023-691a4fa344a7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:29:43	-752.97
-114	23410	2341000	9c08b98d-3cdc-44fe-87b6-df4a8cf6173e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:46:45	39.173
-114	46820	2341000	1022ae9d-c175-42a7-9748-70380839091f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:51:02	-658.340
-115	23411	2341100	68676622-824a-4579-b2c6-e4f1acbb0f6a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:01:08	334.135
-115	46822	2341100	2e0a905d-a92b-4c20-ae17-8562ad56130e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:44:21	-878.875
-116	23412	2341200	245d4777-0399-4f21-8ba7-f704a200a852	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:29:22	854.997
-116	46824	2341200	094701f1-45a1-44ec-a2f3-d121491faa9d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:38:45	468.567
-117	23413	2341300	61f6ad3b-3441-47df-a9a2-ebbaeb02ab57	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:14:13	906.269
-117	46826	2341300	c22fe56c-4cc3-4770-bea2-4106f9585091	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:44:39	496.917
-118	23414	2341400	181f47bc-5447-4517-a465-5bf393a24837	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:34:06	405.649
-118	46828	2341400	a74adc48-7846-4a51-97f5-e4fac43762ab	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:28:04	-396.876
-119	23415	2341500	c2cee285-ffc5-4e45-ac47-1f77cf2e9466	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:48:00	-102.472
-119	46830	2341500	5ce22935-5b1d-4f1d-b6c2-923ccea04481	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:06:06	304.452
-120	23416	2341600	36becfe5-7fd6-496e-93d4-27874c5fec01	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:43:03	-540.174
-120	46832	2341600	d234f778-8c54-4386-9078-8450c26e2242	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:12:32	-362.381
-121	23417	2341700	dfb65e3e-9912-4b06-b66a-1752bfa07214	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:14:17	777.360
-121	46834	2341700	e2d06d20-7af4-4c62-b8c6-0ee7b58da123	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:59:53	405.131
-122	23418	2341800	77225f82-cdb5-4220-9c80-35110a2d295d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:38:15	-753.0
-122	46836	2341800	c17490cb-4d62-4305-b2bd-7f92281a582a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:28:08	-576.262
-123	23419	2341900	6885f466-b79e-446a-a826-b284504e83a3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:33:53	-325.544
-123	46838	2341900	d3376c8c-53c5-40e4-b057-4e0eacbc3442	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:51:18	-856.403
-124	23420	2342000	ed019ea9-3e4d-4373-b7ec-22edd67e3b09	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:02:47	-754.100
-124	46840	2342000	0059c2ab-26ee-4960-b795-395ade2d8f3a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:04:25	868.855
-125	23421	2342100	c21ac792-1056-4057-a1db-c7c9d7f82357	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:57:27	-749.667
-125	46842	2342100	f2137756-5611-428c-93b8-32c0621b43f5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:34:44	-603.284
-126	23422	2342200	e6518d8c-0d9f-4d7b-b7f2-42d65c12f902	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:34:43	-735.19
-126	46844	2342200	0744ea22-b7fd-4153-856a-b11cfd0781e2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:45:56	-393.982
-127	23423	2342300	59dadc43-e8e1-4f27-9ee3-b8e9a288021a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:38:29	-353.387
-127	46846	2342300	7852d4e4-cab4-4c92-bb2a-a5a65a6e964d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:42:15	339.179
-0	23424	2342400	6dcf5649-3ff4-4fc0-9659-dc5d09fa6fc9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:44:46	896.419
-0	46848	2342400	780a83d1-a92a-4078-9e95-3ba50b3c08c3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:37:09	418.52
-1	23425	2342500	9c6032b1-f9a6-4b6d-a4cb-53dc1a132745	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:48:20	-695.182
-1	46850	2342500	ee4c8abb-0343-4b55-a705-2a56c580ef29	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:45:14	-434.439
-2	23426	2342600	243ca021-4af9-45e7-8334-834df762c3a7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:58:30	827.518
-2	46852	2342600	4cd6c0a5-3567-4718-b2b0-1085f27fd145	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:13:05	788.396
-3	23427	2342700	e0340cb5-3bde-4984-bf68-b7a59438c458	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:38:46	-70.126
-3	46854	2342700	3b777bd6-e3e6-4cee-b2a2-1ed07d1c8aeb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:48:41	302.233
-4	23428	2342800	2bc1530d-4694-4f02-896e-af294dd2b5da	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:26:47	-481.638
-4	46856	2342800	aa944af3-aff9-4c61-ac86-a2358bb4d3f6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:54:30	321.278
-5	23429	2342900	3e2eb11c-c641-4d34-9d33-0cb8a30d7883	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:15:03	-73.427
-5	46858	2342900	68d2933d-a606-44ab-8010-5e33302ad3c7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:07:50	138.920
-6	23430	2343000	a63722d7-75e5-4465-a84f-ffde2261fcf6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:44:57	809.180
-6	46860	2343000	a9dbf4c7-28c7-43c7-a4d8-429d4518f790	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:56:39	-873.14
-7	23431	2343100	0cd9e4ee-cc6c-4502-874c-fef8dd2a9977	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:07:51	-922.289
-7	46862	2343100	4d7148bc-b3c0-4d94-8ab4-ecae758c04e3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:11:58	160.820
-8	23432	2343200	dbb5b54d-7cb6-4ecf-a4b9-800ec24b0c63	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:09:08	-576.360
-8	46864	2343200	83d50a18-92e9-46bd-a553-c56d5e6c2132	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:02:07	-698.58
-9	23433	2343300	d1a8f3f4-824c-4144-982c-124242a923bb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:41:07	-741.444
-9	46866	2343300	8f99cce9-315f-4d3e-8c7c-5f5bcaef0752	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:10:50	61.978
-10	23434	2343400	296f6eaf-c2bd-42bb-a7dd-73e4be6133ba	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:42:21	326.972
-10	46868	2343400	01d26903-b68a-40a2-b916-42bf90ffb811	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:09:41	-343.18
-11	23435	2343500	89eef561-a55b-4802-8ed7-6191b1054fac	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:38:26	98.19
-11	46870	2343500	29dcbe0a-19c7-4fb4-ab3a-c1c339d3c104	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:59:29	-494.6
-12	23436	2343600	ca5ff95f-bbae-4172-ac05-9c3f5aff5ea2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:56:03	-477.819
-12	46872	2343600	131ae43d-d26e-4120-89f7-647f55fac094	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:59:15	-216.729
-13	23437	2343700	857ccb40-973e-4191-a547-be05dc8b0304	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:39:02	-715.869
-13	46874	2343700	6d4f8111-c2b7-4d5e-8d1e-984c2c1fb844	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:59:12	718.828
-14	23438	2343800	a696be60-01e0-4762-a71f-2e6e57a08a0b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:39:03	729.849
-14	46876	2343800	b15faa80-c419-46ec-b491-d438dfd903aa	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:57:17	715.94
-15	23439	2343900	f21dbd97-55b6-4675-b299-09b951a36aec	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:18:08	-972.987
-15	46878	2343900	99e1588e-b1ff-414d-b6a4-555da53993a1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:06:54	-278.932
-16	23440	2344000	b3f71ed7-bc65-47f1-a8d9-91a53f0b26ea	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:50:27	670.677
-16	46880	2344000	71e10cd5-3b21-4b08-a646-233fcf371349	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:53:49	821.827
-17	23441	2344100	b70f5e7c-c375-47ff-b2db-d4f6ece24b91	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:05:13	50.100
-17	46882	2344100	0c61b9f0-7320-4233-a10c-37bdb9578b55	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:50:32	752.545
-18	23442	2344200	4380a869-6b89-4dba-b28e-508027b96715	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:24:48	-943.44
-18	46884	2344200	923a8f44-8c3f-4a2c-9797-553512a02542	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:49:36	414.508
-19	23443	2344300	5dd18c62-e452-44ad-b9a4-fc56c855b2ab	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:39:10	-525.601
-19	46886	2344300	50089cae-7a10-4496-9a77-93523c013aa3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:47:29	23.885
-20	23444	2344400	66e11dec-d6c8-4531-9054-ef4a66541e29	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:29:46	740.228
-20	46888	2344400	aab43894-8568-4889-b529-47d25746f042	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:59:28	-689.781
-21	23445	2344500	3bb23580-e14f-4e7f-88ee-96c2d49a567c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:10:15	-712.521
-21	46890	2344500	4e460d51-0d8d-4c5b-9877-3f971d999982	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:47:11	523.456
-22	23446	2344600	fa9656bc-d420-4fa0-9ccc-c572f9547a77	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:26:38	-114.385
-22	46892	2344600	80952dde-5460-4bff-9f78-9385d1ff0100	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:30:10	720.654
-23	23447	2344700	e32842a6-4211-4b9a-8ef9-382807cf05db	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:52:23	-819.808
-23	46894	2344700	77949587-d367-437b-a2da-c30c052506f0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:54:53	-913.335
-24	23448	2344800	bad27d9d-ec39-4db6-b173-93f7882d9865	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:30:10	10.946
-24	46896	2344800	8f4e753a-9431-44af-8e0c-bbd95fbfd4d7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:21:09	-311.556
-25	23449	2344900	53fa8720-6ed5-42a4-9095-4307a9284296	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:07:49	-343.40
-25	46898	2344900	ce08f155-8118-4d0c-a857-52353d9b1013	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:41:25	-90.707
-26	23450	2345000	fd1b15d9-eaf2-4141-86f2-3026769cb588	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:30:47	641.423
-26	46900	2345000	1332da55-12f1-4bbf-b385-f8bb5a325449	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:55:13	297.941
-27	23451	2345100	668f6f90-9f68-4dbf-8d08-dc26ff4bfda7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:05:17	980.570
-27	46902	2345100	23394fba-64f9-4c5d-9973-42aceb9fb929	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:04:16	167.300
-28	23452	2345200	939f95d6-e918-417e-b04b-04754f7eb331	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:18:40	418.411
-28	46904	2345200	adc61133-6613-469c-921a-3a1910a636dd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:04:05	623.866
-29	23453	2345300	0d674289-b3dd-454f-8ab8-a3346f1f8ee7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:55:21	-136.253
-29	46906	2345300	2dd50bfa-dc30-4b7e-8a5b-53c287bf7a8d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:09:31	-501.46
-30	23454	2345400	93218f61-ab4e-4018-b911-92e2c9268dff	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:22:25	307.119
-30	46908	2345400	9e03bff3-9e64-4aca-9201-5934b7e83be7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:27:15	19.174
-31	23455	2345500	e1da7bef-a61b-4867-ac59-120c2b3af683	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:22:34	-657.540
-31	46910	2345500	540c8ca8-bc3d-4351-a1e0-9c01840b23d3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:43:42	-72.187
-32	23456	2345600	f31352dd-778f-4312-90ce-ef5e33c2527b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:18:57	-198.715
-32	46912	2345600	4779c876-22cd-42e8-acd5-c5ef0f3cb83c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:32:03	474.677
-33	23457	2345700	f6f5f0cb-1148-45e7-acec-0dd103f6a526	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:53:00	484.129
-33	46914	2345700	ec6d581f-6574-43d8-a2cb-9f09b46acb8c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:34:50	-377.176
-34	23458	2345800	1da2d291-6e19-4246-a006-abec11867506	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:49:21	645.433
-34	46916	2345800	2e31f55f-c0cd-41e2-a191-7822957f2fd2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:41:22	427.319
-35	23459	2345900	79c4fbdb-3918-452b-95f6-1414ed36af56	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:25:15	249.594
-35	46918	2345900	df56ed46-3fa7-4b02-834e-2e35fb3d433a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:40:09	954.474
-36	23460	2346000	c822dea6-f70b-45ca-b2b3-ce7b924956e7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:12:01	-590.537
-36	46920	2346000	9b8c6831-d81f-49bd-ba05-c42617dfa9fe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:18:07	-36.850
-37	23461	2346100	db628f18-e1ee-4b17-b981-8673a4cc6f2e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:03:52	259.853
-37	46922	2346100	fe1097fc-4490-4d3c-b3db-0aa8120c8241	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:43:22	-991.909
-38	23462	2346200	b5987213-ece3-4560-a8f0-73d34aa0871f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:06:42	-728.84
-38	46924	2346200	b4de6458-ca20-4593-8491-66c5ceb18aee	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:57:01	-625.874
-39	23463	2346300	8d582db6-e5fd-447d-949f-66a6a6af43e8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:23:13	123.707
-39	46926	2346300	87b8db32-8909-4974-85c5-c47f82f97c2b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:41:51	-767.652
-40	23464	2346400	64e3322b-9a41-4722-b447-498e3cbf80d6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:49:24	585.272
-40	46928	2346400	9713a4a6-241f-4e02-8d30-d1b42de18a10	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:42:15	-413.768
-41	23465	2346500	0c41fa84-7eb9-4df9-93d1-2837e102e3ca	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:21:25	-483.708
-41	46930	2346500	afb03486-7f5d-406d-b9a0-540fcbecb783	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:32:11	294.475
-42	23466	2346600	0f2dca30-6f28-4274-934c-7c81e519232a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:49:35	528.812
-42	46932	2346600	2f233c52-5d7d-41bd-a603-3076418c2850	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:37:13	-750.527
-43	23467	2346700	4f6a6cb7-35f4-4913-9191-f680853bf694	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:00:42	-963.223
-43	46934	2346700	f1d46974-55bb-4651-b930-68fbfcf671b5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:42:27	254.530
-44	23468	2346800	a8aee57b-5adf-44a8-bebf-e432443f40b4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:13:23	-161.845
-44	46936	2346800	9d2a187e-f974-4c27-81b6-b140d4f413b4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:56:18	-492.20
-45	23469	2346900	562fa0a5-4724-4d86-a2b6-4a1931ceb500	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:20:11	714.893
-45	46938	2346900	48166e54-8ac6-48f9-9dbb-eeb269dcf9c8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:20:40	-209.247
-46	23470	2347000	2a2e9f64-2ecc-4a9d-b570-af0002ba8683	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:59:02	-654.341
-46	46940	2347000	a254d2a6-6ced-41a2-89af-70cbcc18c374	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:17:59	-541.162
-47	23471	2347100	95b802b8-2b7b-449b-92cb-3653d647ad7b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:50:05	748.393
-47	46942	2347100	87ae5186-e495-4d61-bf9e-8c3a385b91ab	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:42:22	-191.79
-48	23472	2347200	a8c5fd6b-f43d-4c4a-9010-f47becd277da	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:44:18	247.342
-48	46944	2347200	f0aeea24-97e1-46ed-956e-0d8c0a6cdc8b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:17:37	190.396
-49	23473	2347300	9fe21403-efdf-4bfe-8581-49a6ed8f8a5e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:51:53	-487.109
-49	46946	2347300	cf599654-0bf0-4c06-a224-9044aa2280c0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:23:54	133.159
-50	23474	2347400	79a64eba-4e84-432c-b80a-2af6278359cc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:06:41	23.785
-50	46948	2347400	872b4322-008b-4179-ba98-79d17b25e12f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:12:15	-246.91
-51	23475	2347500	77d9b5c5-c485-4162-a5b1-e67e729fdc9b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:14:39	610.482
-51	46950	2347500	726114a5-96e0-47ab-b953-ad18630b97cf	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:31:33	-354.544
-52	23476	2347600	eb82554a-125e-4958-956a-94216b796925	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:41:01	-65.89
-52	46952	2347600	4394bad7-beaa-4478-977d-c0106a15a34c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:08:43	-285.36
-53	23477	2347700	9e5116a1-d336-47ab-97e9-d7a38e2d2713	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:00:46	-436.765
-53	46954	2347700	29bda145-36aa-492c-88ac-c827491cd669	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:15:28	612.998
-54	23478	2347800	3f9f8db7-93fb-4e0a-a713-056cda2d9c60	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:27:51	382.988
-54	46956	2347800	15f6d0f2-35c3-4ff9-96f5-5887797e9235	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:03:20	-414.288
-55	23479	2347900	15d189bd-b53e-4bbe-945d-bccd265ba168	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:26:59	-469.701
-55	46958	2347900	c0e6d2ad-e665-4bff-9ae3-f746d96b204d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:21:40	-757.419
-56	23480	2348000	08124a8b-9912-4778-a933-24f6691e169f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:08:18	757.824
-56	46960	2348000	e3263ac1-29f5-4d61-b141-78a498daf809	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:06:58	-289.270
-57	23481	2348100	466a3f75-3126-45a9-b3c0-ae8d0b679974	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:34:10	670.575
-57	46962	2348100	af202c55-372e-47f2-ada9-7fee6f426d7d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:59:42	-483.698
-58	23482	2348200	1f85f2f6-30a0-4401-9a18-e36d7c46feea	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:22:41	171.387
-58	46964	2348200	4ef49f3a-aed8-4867-8dfc-34ed39233957	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:44:44	72.883
-59	23483	2348300	64d2cbe4-0184-434c-a7e3-85c6c3dc9cdf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:59:39	-90.223
-59	46966	2348300	da617a29-9c7c-42db-aad9-20130b63d3fb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:15:16	-10.362
-60	23484	2348400	c01c7a47-0c18-454f-8819-2487272777ba	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:46:09	-31.387
-60	46968	2348400	5eff2d5e-20b3-4ec8-8900-8c56df491480	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:35:52	33.198
-61	23485	2348500	8549b085-4221-462e-8ae1-7283799ab247	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:10:58	-52.949
-61	46970	2348500	efd4eab1-6a72-4584-b9c4-b45bbe37bf87	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:07:43	-142.196
-62	23486	2348600	044a4723-f362-4af0-8f10-8e1ff003ed3e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:02:58	-16.519
-62	46972	2348600	d5e425a5-2c47-41eb-9c88-526de5600e51	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:21:10	-832.843
-63	23487	2348700	546c35ae-d823-40cc-96cf-e95c65554c06	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:39:51	-6.742
-63	46974	2348700	0bd955db-cdb6-46f7-83f6-7ac6fddaa68f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:48:20	621.181
-64	23488	2348800	dd956b65-8d16-42da-92e8-9db13bac98f5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:18:27	91.744
-64	46976	2348800	4f4fb9a2-d7fe-4ae2-9e49-0b1dd1e390d4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:27:26	82.962
-65	23489	2348900	e31783bc-a949-47c4-bdf9-4f7cd517cf57	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:22:27	-519.216
-65	46978	2348900	c885d4c9-69b3-47a3-88ab-a0d9d5d65541	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:45:25	556.85
-66	23490	2349000	05282571-71d8-419b-be60-8cd2f573d118	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:36:04	-501.170
-66	46980	2349000	543a9235-2a50-4cd4-84e4-bd56e79a7b4b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:35:27	417.725
-67	23491	2349100	9d21ee99-8e3f-43e5-826b-1e11e51f93d6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:41:44	876.674
-67	46982	2349100	4af720a7-dcf7-41d6-bd88-e5e3180181a3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:20:46	-707.311
-68	23492	2349200	ce3e27f0-e7a0-4b73-adc0-ad2dde339966	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:44:38	644.805
-68	46984	2349200	ba91f049-3324-46c9-8a05-ee9e4b2c37da	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:19:18	660.272
-69	23493	2349300	6776a272-a471-44d1-a5af-9be0c716fc9f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:45:13	-282.81
-69	46986	2349300	fbe167d6-f9ae-4883-94fe-c09b37a7e673	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:39:20	220.199
-70	23494	2349400	6705d23b-f070-4842-97f1-93a7f6dce38d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:08:04	-136.596
-70	46988	2349400	04b3550e-d7af-4768-8ec7-d8a70b3e75d5	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:35:06	940.569
-71	23495	2349500	992eee4c-8be2-4336-8aa2-cd2d2656e2e2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:17:54	351.453
-71	46990	2349500	0c801ca6-20f9-4d32-8664-f60389c7f97a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:50:08	711.976
-72	23496	2349600	f8621e4f-de55-4c04-9a53-83bb1bfacd3c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:02:09	633.537
-72	46992	2349600	64cd7876-f650-4b8e-af3b-a09380e4c955	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:47:57	424.114
-73	23497	2349700	8c8a8382-b776-4517-9a0a-9515b6491e71	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:43:42	536.524
-73	46994	2349700	fe044335-8f40-4382-90f2-d8fc83e2d346	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:16:14	140.855
-74	23498	2349800	3e3a58c5-84ec-4d1a-a570-d76401a5a49d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:13:04	-538.354
-74	46996	2349800	3dbcd576-8940-4a8b-b239-7203338ef4ae	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:40:49	-49.283
-75	23499	2349900	728749a2-b298-40bd-afc7-1f5e47a0c53d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:34:21	-812.566
-75	46998	2349900	0034a8b6-d865-4cbb-adae-e14952f25cc6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:12:15	-422.194
-76	23500	2350000	fcbe3298-c5d8-4bcb-8299-6d54efde5cd0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:54:29	-648.22
-76	47000	2350000	8d7a5444-0d2a-4488-8c4e-140482c5c1c0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:47:50	188.871
-77	23501	2350100	2e853b8a-96f2-4404-887b-5f2aa1a896ab	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:13:59	-475.447
-77	47002	2350100	02a89692-1f14-40a4-98df-7a205d97183d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:46:34	-692.180
-78	23502	2350200	5b827f02-b90e-4dfc-949c-e274d265376f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:28:18	-311.920
-78	47004	2350200	7822c70c-4535-422d-b9bf-5dbe8dd9bba4	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:25:36	301.210
-79	23503	2350300	5d8b2d80-e18c-4aaa-8d5a-a9cd204f9e6f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:08:34	903.828
-79	47006	2350300	7e0280d4-eef0-402f-b66b-7394416a0dea	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:12:33	-693.305
-80	23504	2350400	de19b9e2-d7ff-4092-aab8-39ecdf84bb7a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:14:10	-787.475
-80	47008	2350400	a1c898b7-7e21-46cc-a2f0-8b60a1a81972	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:37:12	-19.897
-81	23505	2350500	5ab19bb3-42ef-4e0e-ae98-ddee48042f1f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:00:51	428.127
-81	47010	2350500	594bf945-da27-4a71-af29-76960bd428c9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:08:40	-983.396
-82	23506	2350600	6a18586b-a325-4387-af46-d9a457d02f05	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:41:40	-484.265
-82	47012	2350600	26813f77-e320-4c78-b84a-3a5f1a360932	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:17:46	568.245
-83	23507	2350700	d8f556a2-dc10-45a9-9036-237d762cff3b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:15:58	-633.977
-83	47014	2350700	016257e3-a8bc-4f3d-be7b-3b3fa7bff1e4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:07:34	-8.215
-84	23508	2350800	2485febd-c0fc-4d9c-bd59-35944a825a11	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:37:42	626.578
-84	47016	2350800	c3365123-9ee0-4b5c-a393-78860b9f588c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:41:42	-952.763
-85	23509	2350900	4acea3ca-079f-4993-bbaf-c6201e45ccc9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:10:39	578.693
-85	47018	2350900	ffaf1a24-744c-4099-9bae-645018292165	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:41:36	-675.740
-86	23510	2351000	1bfd8f42-c54f-4fac-bb26-1257d82288ff	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:44:03	-220.185
-86	47020	2351000	5db56bb6-c95e-4ff2-a11b-027db8f278c4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:50:38	408.725
-87	23511	2351100	494cf9a8-d010-407a-9d91-ed91f06cddfc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:23:13	226.158
-87	47022	2351100	7eb26655-5f52-4a08-a753-6e15b3c35197	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:09:28	-623.355
-88	23512	2351200	0f70dcd3-c6f6-4c83-9ff5-10ad1b650103	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:22:45	919.55
-88	47024	2351200	051d5fdd-68c9-4e87-974b-6292698150f1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:35:09	194.97
-89	23513	2351300	7552b59e-4647-4368-bcb8-b438922784cf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:52:01	-259.992
-89	47026	2351300	41b28142-3ace-4d6d-b716-621a672aea76	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:10:04	5.898
-90	23514	2351400	bbe66279-ae0d-4c49-b9ab-e0a45e654d9f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:09:39	-787.666
-90	47028	2351400	280d256d-a2cb-40af-90fd-7800090bbfb1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:57:44	944.192
-91	23515	2351500	ff012b9b-be6d-4792-9958-0226b73cba9f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:58:57	-872.384
-91	47030	2351500	752fd61c-9288-44cf-98bf-1a743153f622	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:03:58	-130.470
-92	23516	2351600	2a48ed1e-5583-45d7-ad3c-30cbf38fac62	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:07:55	266.827
-92	47032	2351600	b4de88b6-7f73-489e-9d2b-2ef15c135153	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:30:39	-714.228
-93	23517	2351700	24b359ae-32e8-4fe5-bb6d-07fc6808eb64	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:35:17	-223.166
-93	47034	2351700	8cfb8719-4abb-46e0-b771-2e78789fcc00	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:44:52	839.991
-94	23518	2351800	5a90ff1c-9ca8-4625-8894-0c4174f825ff	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:55:42	434.897
-94	47036	2351800	88ef1bd2-6b23-4ac5-be62-fb8c47f1e25c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:58:50	766.228
-95	23519	2351900	ef8581f2-43a3-4d60-bc3c-65478868ae28	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:00:45	-561.846
-95	47038	2351900	a4d81bd9-85e1-40b9-a2a9-4367c745d0e1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:04:46	-422.252
-96	23520	2352000	ea8b47b1-6fa0-4cbd-b3f2-03163a2b8f0b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:13:56	476.368
-96	47040	2352000	f1dec9e3-e110-4d1a-98af-72a80a333157	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:29:02	-172.106
-97	23521	2352100	16c30604-d506-420d-99c0-a15b864e254f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:23:26	-645.130
-97	47042	2352100	57cc842c-0dc6-4bff-b50a-5e38fcbb52fd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:55:09	-478.32
-98	23522	2352200	1c129975-4639-4242-ad56-b6d1f6f625cb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:08:47	255.679
-98	47044	2352200	b2429667-77a1-44b2-84eb-25aa776ba4bd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:50:46	555.238
-99	23523	2352300	469550c4-22d9-4826-a007-e94f95c8054b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:40:35	375.711
-99	47046	2352300	decaa03d-1ce8-4a13-8fac-250543e836e4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:25:59	594.340
-100	23524	2352400	a96b2bb9-0f0b-402b-8a54-c7f83eca784f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:37:19	543.807
-100	47048	2352400	132a9acf-53da-4b4b-b1a3-7ededac0a876	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:32:09	314.459
-101	23525	2352500	6c31394d-e2b2-4a70-98d5-a332aebc5299	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:33:16	-947.688
-101	47050	2352500	764d1dd5-6a02-47d0-9e20-66b25ca01466	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:50:57	-98.466
-102	23526	2352600	b517c898-0fb7-4d85-8f62-b8eda9e9a35f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:54:29	-210.866
-102	47052	2352600	4e154cca-720d-4a8e-96cd-0c5b8f010d19	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:40:37	-707.70
-103	23527	2352700	03305052-55e5-45df-8a7f-76794f03a5e9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:37:34	683.409
-103	47054	2352700	4a00174d-a0d0-4a1a-b32d-b0b17571c3f0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:04:04	221.897
-104	23528	2352800	711f1dc4-9539-40fa-93e7-be44b77002ff	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:48:11	-111.199
-104	47056	2352800	531fdfed-fe7c-4b9b-98b7-7bb79d89ffc9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:19:03	-463.648
-105	23529	2352900	c1ccbb7a-38f4-4372-8783-4299483e440d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:29:53	698.66
-105	47058	2352900	d502b297-28e3-4e6a-b151-7059f014bbb6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:11:30	-537.339
-106	23530	2353000	244457c6-f66c-4dbd-a53f-7133bb7cd2f6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:43:17	-242.959
-106	47060	2353000	af7e6341-cc93-4c60-befe-768fcda301ea	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:24:34	-194.612
-107	23531	2353100	b7fa7efc-0458-4961-9a3c-1075b43ae1ba	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:17:10	241.998
-107	47062	2353100	5dff35df-a281-4775-b950-abca41873a61	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:43:57	-18.236
-108	23532	2353200	d032da36-4a39-4ee1-9cf1-1ef35d5ece36	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:58:26	384.790
-108	47064	2353200	d0a23049-e7a4-4042-9d76-1f3b9e383f8e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:39:22	908.629
-109	23533	2353300	c0d25107-936a-43a6-a488-bb7bebd2d3ed	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:29:36	-412.433
-109	47066	2353300	455fc35c-b7b9-4858-a65c-cb49ea0038c3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:16:34	-63.126
-110	23534	2353400	c734760b-2fbe-4a56-baf9-d138c50163a6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:13:08	840.983
-110	47068	2353400	502f86e7-e82c-4332-b3d8-0c06808bdfd9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:42:43	370.153
-111	23535	2353500	fa39e223-5c74-429b-9552-4de407454231	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:39:28	-813.568
-111	47070	2353500	4569afd3-49d8-4b0c-addf-8aa51b4d9f3f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:57:13	131.120
-112	23536	2353600	d67531ab-09a1-45c0-8f05-622e02e2b9d5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:44:24	-896.198
-112	47072	2353600	4aa16f1e-d7bd-4dfd-adea-69e184824f60	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:40:38	48.146
-113	23537	2353700	a2e7367f-70d3-4e60-abd7-697ccabebdd7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:35:07	222.134
-113	47074	2353700	3227cc7f-5c43-49df-826a-617d2f0e0877	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:05:59	585.399
-114	23538	2353800	45a55288-b55f-42ec-bc30-3b85de03a751	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:38:57	329.960
-114	47076	2353800	ad31ba52-d6f4-436e-bdf6-45de1f1c9c8b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:53:14	829.269
-115	23539	2353900	2dae2a47-8211-42d2-b1b2-90c4d137eea8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:13:58	949.146
-115	47078	2353900	c7cc9ef6-66d5-4a58-8b09-293461542323	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:38:46	273.374
-116	23540	2354000	5be583ed-3bcf-4f6a-970e-13a6e6bd6d4c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:01:35	-952.251
-116	47080	2354000	5f7dbcfa-98b7-42db-a0f8-02377856494b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:50:40	-575.218
-117	23541	2354100	42c331af-bfd5-4e26-9c86-e60fba2cf724	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:46:26	138.625
-117	47082	2354100	72ef8224-d7e9-49c2-8cdc-41044813282d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:34:17	-75.887
-118	23542	2354200	630eeb2e-11af-432a-a43d-50d6cc607a14	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:50:08	968.382
-118	47084	2354200	1d5f94d4-100c-4da8-9a35-38d6d5a638e1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:06:12	130.743
-119	23543	2354300	2567ec24-c62f-4ece-bcae-214b756a52cc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:53:36	-380.788
-119	47086	2354300	d33a1918-9dfe-4861-a4e4-733de2fcb8d6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:31:30	516.801
-120	23544	2354400	e6a882ac-538c-404b-abe0-a957f52d5083	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:59:30	512.975
-120	47088	2354400	9e7a453f-9ba4-4f6c-b92e-950aa0fb59ba	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:17:34	509.699
-121	23545	2354500	bb5a6ed3-4236-479f-8adb-871765bf285e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:28:16	54.989
-121	47090	2354500	31b76b4c-9d4f-40b3-8f83-341afc9d02b5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:12:03	-123.673
-122	23546	2354600	a8921a70-94a0-42e6-8b44-250ef8aec904	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:44:51	331.731
-122	47092	2354600	66117e91-9f70-4553-bafb-a2908f3002dd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:25:16	290.711
-123	23547	2354700	e83f2ca4-c525-4185-94ea-dd3d54b24fe7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:28:49	181.180
-123	47094	2354700	f94fee9e-eab3-454d-a405-6484a86ad49f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:20:35	-347.152
-124	23548	2354800	869cad00-7d8a-4f34-bb3d-f574437f25ed	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:22:08	-96.833
-124	47096	2354800	349f1f6b-88f7-4daf-9ab2-adbc772e439c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:37:24	-530.474
-125	23549	2354900	e84b5dd4-c69c-4b62-9446-f2216a8b2d84	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:47:23	-255.360
-125	47098	2354900	92eee46b-5ea6-4845-99d2-e0c29b232e1c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:57:41	-965.157
-126	23550	2355000	b43d08d4-233c-4230-bbe2-041170393a75	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:23:17	750.23
-126	47100	2355000	4f87fa3f-5394-4cdb-9f43-d518dc522c0b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:25:51	398.708
-127	23551	2355100	9016e083-10cb-4cc6-a54f-cfd0df9913fc	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:36:16	466.652
-127	47102	2355100	34efabf6-c43c-436c-8dbc-46186127ed41	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:08:01	879.366
-0	23552	2355200	1c9e8090-2bc2-4fcc-82fe-54b0703fa9dc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:56:49	681.176
-0	47104	2355200	173fce15-d424-4f79-a29d-461d313c6b82	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:49:26	-849.76
-1	23553	2355300	8d2d48eb-e2ef-4c5f-a943-9563a4593959	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:40:46	437.782
-1	47106	2355300	9901aba0-ba1d-4222-ad76-b138ced7d671	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:29:33	-896.219
-2	23554	2355400	02616164-2734-4c74-8892-c92ec4a12bb3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:49:17	167.460
-2	47108	2355400	5145afdd-d828-4c4f-b7cc-b584e2b807d6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:52:24	676.88
-3	23555	2355500	e8da666e-5c5b-483a-81f1-a41fe7bddb15	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:00:23	123.271
-3	47110	2355500	916c4ebc-098f-4e26-9839-ef4b6a3da622	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:16:47	148.21
-4	23556	2355600	85f8f82e-3119-4539-afbd-5e7c6282e01c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:42:18	-408.391
-4	47112	2355600	c56f5b9a-eca5-43dd-860a-fff72d794d26	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:16:44	504.483
-5	23557	2355700	edec0fd3-5d6b-4275-8c71-6e7397bd8b11	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:43:33	528.313
-5	47114	2355700	73be2984-b3fd-41d7-8b8e-80b3775e8e86	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:44:17	-626.733
-6	23558	2355800	ddddf33d-5ea9-40e3-acc4-5b5327f89707	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:33:27	-241.730
-6	47116	2355800	75ed4e28-3234-403b-b5c9-a18d6d1e4df7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:09:05	955.747
-7	23559	2355900	7c95cb5e-5881-4e76-9571-ec1130af9bb7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:03:24	954.956
-7	47118	2355900	c7884e7a-ccfb-4755-a967-79796dd1c86f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:46:26	412.757
-8	23560	2356000	c15b57d6-0caf-4366-bd98-4eb5e9f0067d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:36:50	793.265
-8	47120	2356000	cb6fb6e2-d94f-4639-9db9-06813063671c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:11:28	353.939
-9	23561	2356100	ec3222cd-e3bc-4cba-a62a-3b1e15be4bf2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:11:27	656.324
-9	47122	2356100	a020f247-cc5b-4eff-addd-366a72d9437c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:16:45	341.959
-10	23562	2356200	4ec85e6f-bada-4162-b24a-58943036914a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:50:34	131.728
-10	47124	2356200	e7082677-32ff-4c51-80f9-6160b1400076	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:24:01	-808.436
-11	23563	2356300	d4237d5d-ef27-4251-b310-746c75711148	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:49:39	366.618
-11	47126	2356300	95cafb04-f06d-4669-a6ce-425a4f7de152	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:13:01	-634.557
-12	23564	2356400	1fd45634-2cea-41ef-8b97-a5e8c188aabb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:49:34	-867.778
-12	47128	2356400	b7140f05-b8b2-4c9f-86f7-52e6d0e50171	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:16:27	471.511
-13	23565	2356500	ec520c14-e23b-49ea-aaf9-1fb71482d63b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:17:09	-346.907
-13	47130	2356500	ddcfa7ea-1592-4265-8e44-d5245dcb6610	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:52:06	-474.31
-14	23566	2356600	ef1215cb-7d6a-483c-bcc5-b89c34d95150	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:39:48	252.320
-14	47132	2356600	b696e22e-fc86-409b-ab5a-3ff4bf1d78be	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:15:07	-233.135
-15	23567	2356700	5b8a94a4-2ebe-40ec-9530-e94b16dd950a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:18:49	6.597
-15	47134	2356700	2dc1161f-c3c4-469a-bf35-14bf4d95d934	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:31:14	-548.522
-16	23568	2356800	797f22a1-513c-4a85-b688-f2823c976b37	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:48:14	968.229
-16	47136	2356800	24487845-bbe7-4300-9c08-dc9994d3e2cc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:24:04	-647.600
-17	23569	2356900	90f9ae28-abef-497f-82c8-8ed9f09ca730	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:20:15	-289.535
-17	47138	2356900	f5b3edfc-5aec-4e29-9b38-3138f12c2fd0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:02:58	-677.698
-18	23570	2357000	8ff765d6-da47-49b2-a16b-ef521144e1a3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:40:18	985.258
-18	47140	2357000	83d8a1b4-26a0-4c1a-8a29-d27e73c4eded	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:24:34	560.244
-19	23571	2357100	55b23b83-0c63-4057-9447-5e870b8d8990	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:33:48	671.399
-19	47142	2357100	4663deb1-20b3-4f20-aa71-69c1b5d6f726	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:37:58	-91.418
-20	23572	2357200	b28da995-c3c8-4677-b49e-596c2f01ef8a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:22:29	910.11
-20	47144	2357200	2712528b-4fe2-4f3b-a3ac-f221756a3021	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:02:09	418.859
-21	23573	2357300	ccb8acd3-2ad2-4eb2-ab99-73fbef02c05c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:02:33	-934.529
-21	47146	2357300	74f37cd7-a604-49d1-8b61-da14fb2b5bbf	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:16:37	877.631
-22	23574	2357400	24d70b6e-a87f-48f8-89c1-4ebfdf08f164	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:51:27	-843.35
-22	47148	2357400	c42855f8-5a7e-4350-b648-1cf6455174aa	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:34:27	-580.466
-23	23575	2357500	b7ce4e1a-4102-4d29-9578-1cc664f2ca94	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:29:13	-185.898
-23	47150	2357500	ea18ce3c-ee73-49c5-96a5-cee6355e54d3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:23:19	193.318
-24	23576	2357600	a2b0086c-bd49-4e31-8d3d-f4b247d5fb93	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:46:27	-472.670
-24	47152	2357600	188d99cf-f73d-4cfc-8a57-a3e16952b145	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:19:21	973.929
-25	23577	2357700	1402bea1-0ba6-45b3-b693-057cef973676	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:04:31	447.649
-25	47154	2357700	67338ebb-2211-4b75-bffc-c1cd8b942245	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:34:00	645.763
-26	23578	2357800	2617fbf8-71ee-491a-9b2c-d4a85a5ed51d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:22:54	-903.11
-26	47156	2357800	55c2c950-09d5-4f20-a102-a19c380a3e55	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:54:37	-752.310
-27	23579	2357900	775b9cb9-acda-43ea-bdd2-a37d13b2903a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:20:28	682.655
-27	47158	2357900	44f3754f-56eb-4502-913f-0133e83c6131	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:28:52	618.96
-28	23580	2358000	54d3fbf4-b6c2-4cfb-8988-0ea0eabf4bce	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:13:42	-954.934
-28	47160	2358000	358918b3-1ecd-490f-afac-efb08306cb17	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:53:48	612.311
-29	23581	2358100	f29b1307-3a3f-4641-a048-7411e2a022ea	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:13:30	-618.47
-29	47162	2358100	aae7e7ef-5f4e-4992-b584-61208998b4f4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:16:33	133.619
-30	23582	2358200	3592561c-8bd3-492f-9ba7-7069c7b893f8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:21:15	890.428
-30	47164	2358200	8ecb7f4d-f4e8-431c-91ef-6fc49ba1ef32	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:02:46	-600.73
-31	23583	2358300	32cb86ae-01e1-436b-9230-9fc8278d2216	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:17:29	-314.68
-31	47166	2358300	e3442f3f-6f1d-4722-a3e4-4d51fbfe0b40	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:14:34	-135.887
-32	23584	2358400	0c7616eb-cf56-4d2c-b42e-67f64dd2791a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:07:45	950.71
-32	47168	2358400	f884bc1c-eaea-4c80-ac85-00cc2c4e98f2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:53:05	825.260
-33	23585	2358500	13fc2759-e9e3-4d2f-baba-3867fbf4afed	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:25:38	-768.141
-33	47170	2358500	3048f8dc-06c0-459c-a2a4-6c9239d7d870	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:50:06	624.102
-34	23586	2358600	89c364f0-8e81-4eef-911b-6c355c9758e4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:25:03	-365.348
-34	47172	2358600	802df242-d398-415f-955f-d3650f9221b8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:37:06	-290.543
-35	23587	2358700	f6e4ad6d-c025-479f-a8de-6db3f6d756bc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:14:06	565.722
-35	47174	2358700	780b75d1-4f53-465f-9e1b-a5f46394efde	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:15:32	-577.896
-36	23588	2358800	b015edad-a1cb-4951-a6a8-03ae67129428	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:23:28	920.239
-36	47176	2358800	7bf57383-b303-4b51-9ac5-8982247c79e0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:24:03	-54.206
-37	23589	2358900	32dca256-a9e3-45e3-b0c6-7aa9cef60d07	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:04:45	99.321
-37	47178	2358900	51848823-8144-4638-8ce2-6a1e3471efbd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:26:30	886.780
-38	23590	2359000	008dbadd-3888-4084-b74f-b4ba68d7565b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:14:32	-218.715
-38	47180	2359000	3cec5dc5-3bbd-422a-a6b2-223780ed686e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:05:40	-562.15
-39	23591	2359100	f036fe65-af2a-456d-9ea5-180fc72f4f40	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:14:42	-422.906
-39	47182	2359100	5ae1c555-5425-4d2d-be10-0d5f1c360209	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:20:53	529.835
-40	23592	2359200	680dfb48-c135-4293-840b-c301cca86b50	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:53:16	150.33
-40	47184	2359200	7edd1cea-8969-4655-8a72-b956e421516f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:09:04	480.335
-41	23593	2359300	a4890c44-f371-4f5a-9892-18de676cc8c9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:05:30	-618.364
-41	47186	2359300	4b436362-48a4-49c4-8078-3ea22fad20b1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:40:31	-618.175
-42	23594	2359400	332bb56b-b169-4618-aeb4-69c10573c0a6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:04:18	-88.503
-42	47188	2359400	49f05225-bb5c-4f11-920d-b4d9cf5373ff	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:16:39	-736.949
-43	23595	2359500	7cfd175d-8c91-4f7f-97f6-fd42aa56a6df	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:06:22	-346.554
-43	47190	2359500	22504250-a039-4aff-a05f-59f9a7167418	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:24:38	-289.312
-44	23596	2359600	d893701a-5325-46e8-a9c9-e787063451ef	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:54:49	707.492
-44	47192	2359600	0aa013e8-853d-47c2-9498-d9efcae4c4cc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:12:43	-372.755
-45	23597	2359700	a84d4f52-b6ac-4d02-a4c2-fee2e5e0e6f1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:07:13	148.315
-45	47194	2359700	4aa0715d-ffc2-4239-bc49-4637f06532cf	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:19:31	-978.800
-46	23598	2359800	372597ca-4c96-4e9f-bbb7-32f3c3253b72	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:08:42	-440.795
-46	47196	2359800	7102e3e0-8e85-4957-bbdb-7afb82cfdd37	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:46:43	-181.560
-47	23599	2359900	71da2f99-3f9f-4f31-8072-cef6ba8ca81a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:31:52	653.656
-47	47198	2359900	6dde8e5b-29bc-46dc-8b88-83e662aa4193	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:58:22	426.234
-48	23600	2360000	77977270-bbf6-469f-a112-e5f6f72fd01b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:42:58	216.194
-48	47200	2360000	6527a64a-6631-4500-a2b6-b8480a56cbff	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:28:33	160.224
-49	23601	2360100	be97e892-1039-48b3-9c43-179274b5644d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:50:22	-5.267
-49	47202	2360100	7e6bc61c-b1d8-4a69-a12b-8cfb5f1d38f3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:31:52	-495.912
-50	23602	2360200	eeaf1ebd-05ae-4bd6-aba2-584e5631e8a0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:17:35	-187.176
-50	47204	2360200	5b4d2c16-8da8-43c5-b709-6ecb825b493c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:45:09	738.263
-51	23603	2360300	44f3af2c-8b99-43d7-b8d1-586388155eab	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:23:43	727.716
-51	47206	2360300	abf22282-a96c-43af-b103-831a0d769505	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:50:35	915.817
-52	23604	2360400	91e6abdc-6599-4ff1-9041-c3e1fd67ed6b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:27:18	-113.252
-52	47208	2360400	7456e148-cfba-4a5a-97f5-7861af85e38f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:47:31	115.727
-53	23605	2360500	2df24dc2-2560-4bf7-8d7a-03ffbe1f76ef	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:03:42	696.959
-53	47210	2360500	bfba6de3-9d38-4abe-812f-494515be6bbb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:56:16	386.741
-54	23606	2360600	0dd445ac-764a-4dfa-942f-20e45aa42dbc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:37:44	-986.405
-54	47212	2360600	da616330-59f4-4080-a9c2-a951be812137	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:02:07	993.140
-55	23607	2360700	fc058c56-cd79-4837-98bb-81e87b83c964	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:08:52	846.424
-55	47214	2360700	0609e963-ac62-407a-8dca-9497c598cba3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:11:19	-471.713
-56	23608	2360800	fa07734b-94fc-4aac-80b0-ec13f78dbf3c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:03:34	-215.34
-56	47216	2360800	b1127956-74ca-40a0-8d97-2d520ea5d781	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:37:04	807.464
-57	23609	2360900	a9643bf9-c7e7-4fbe-ba03-6dd361120445	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:11:27	-838.130
-57	47218	2360900	1a0f3d91-4858-469f-b214-2e218c06bd91	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:07:45	879.667
-58	23610	2361000	4ab78a24-24b8-4229-a989-0e3585d8e722	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:03:26	-524.128
-58	47220	2361000	34b78465-f89a-4448-9b16-49c882058caf	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:17:32	547.457
-59	23611	2361100	b225a909-3bc5-46be-86a2-5eb2bb11aec7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:14:12	-397.172
-59	47222	2361100	685e4dd9-558b-4b37-87ec-e22ee9d67689	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:36:27	647.236
-60	23612	2361200	965b4653-25c5-49bc-a96d-0d41028dcb16	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:30:07	-877.476
-60	47224	2361200	22b2bef5-d0c8-4620-bc18-48bf5c90cd8e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:08:04	-433.565
-61	23613	2361300	c8212131-c4e7-4331-9146-14ffc718e475	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:46:05	759.270
-61	47226	2361300	03aa3ab6-98ce-4de0-92b6-f9b4081212b9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:30:15	345.581
-62	23614	2361400	efa6d783-52c6-4256-a54a-709deb079c27	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:20:45	558.637
-62	47228	2361400	b922123f-8aaf-4865-85ab-f97c7588afe5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:08:26	516.150
-63	23615	2361500	b050d72e-626f-4d88-b2b1-8170058f25c7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:15:31	-906.161
-63	47230	2361500	44ded7f9-95dc-42b8-8eb6-13d652b49150	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:27:27	858.64
-64	23616	2361600	fa4faf80-7c2b-46dc-b94e-b04642496018	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:12:54	-387.648
-64	47232	2361600	3fa15c9c-d7d9-4a60-b6b9-cf8bc2ee920e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:41:33	640.978
-65	23617	2361700	a8f8cccd-c1e0-4c8c-8edc-562f594f51e7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:04:44	-159.291
-65	47234	2361700	bfa563d5-e5da-48c1-94e4-98c8f1c21bdd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:54:06	630.147
-66	23618	2361800	bb900b05-8862-4cd2-bf1c-0c98e2f85d1b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:12:27	388.518
-66	47236	2361800	95689563-f9c0-476b-afcb-4b70484bca04	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:37:38	627.240
-67	23619	2361900	99aab7a8-3bb0-408d-826a-0759675007db	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:22:24	-656.752
-67	47238	2361900	ea3a2710-2817-4bcd-b71a-74e11f287c4c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:27:02	-347.677
-68	23620	2362000	8544b1f5-8432-48f8-943b-698fcfbecae3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:13:56	-684.349
-68	47240	2362000	87f11600-3ecd-499e-b28e-f28efc16dbad	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:35:59	15.516
-69	23621	2362100	f186bf76-7703-461f-9fb1-ac5753c19a79	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:02:38	932.411
-69	47242	2362100	5c2415ec-0120-42fc-948d-bdb0e89e1e90	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:00:22	-629.499
-70	23622	2362200	cf15c5b8-9c58-4890-b975-ec3140c1239f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:35:16	-226.84
-70	47244	2362200	b3c4f496-3070-4495-a88c-0d781d11a76d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:58:25	22.646
-71	23623	2362300	95cc4d34-c8ff-4d10-9f12-af4db070377f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:47:32	-27.172
-71	47246	2362300	9b5898a9-b9ff-4a3f-b2e5-65c76b1e8f4d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:40:14	-161.915
-72	23624	2362400	55dafc19-fdbd-4271-8189-374e2380dd24	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:29:31	-478.139
-72	47248	2362400	ee3c9af1-dd4c-4827-a783-cd5a7d4a97e6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:37:09	635.964
-73	23625	2362500	e910528e-aa82-4081-ab78-6e2c1a3d3589	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:55:16	322.307
-73	47250	2362500	e384ce02-b59a-4e08-a8ec-8d08f6d07b83	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:46:02	834.915
-74	23626	2362600	d3bd9412-5f42-4aed-a1d0-d87d4ea0ff83	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:02:38	-910.818
-74	47252	2362600	dd7481a2-37d4-499c-97ac-830816c3a9ce	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:37:35	-24.606
-75	23627	2362700	c109935e-13e1-478b-a2ca-39467a733b7c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:12:44	253.28
-75	47254	2362700	9be741bf-f3be-453c-80c9-63b243bd0e69	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:26:02	-533.905
-76	23628	2362800	2c3bf0d4-4c9c-4a42-bb78-c01a3f22bd67	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:55:07	938.320
-76	47256	2362800	2348c446-d97b-48ef-9ad1-e5363acc3b69	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:44:35	-738.703
-77	23629	2362900	0ccdd0e0-2730-4d3f-a364-f8fd9c97cc7c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:59:43	812.732
-77	47258	2362900	1b83cf0e-9c9d-4074-8c34-0cbb6548126b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:07:17	-723.145
-78	23630	2363000	fe046d9f-ef53-42c6-9d18-5ac3fbc2e8b2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:42:07	247.583
-78	47260	2363000	4ff220eb-bf49-4d51-a125-b03edfc699e7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:40:17	-202.593
-79	23631	2363100	20f44415-ad66-407e-8342-5e29eb27a259	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:14:15	-828.989
-79	47262	2363100	d16dafe5-14e2-4200-bab3-0ee1193ce44d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:14:53	357.820
-80	23632	2363200	038b6a9a-8078-4870-bd7a-fb21338d3bd7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:32:40	923.649
-80	47264	2363200	0a807795-dfe4-40c5-9603-9eb09ee2ca68	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:16:28	-846.107
-81	23633	2363300	3d5e0456-745e-4504-b681-c063654432e8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:15:42	-341.827
-81	47266	2363300	d53b0226-50b0-41f5-81b1-2b381ec42b94	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:55:28	647.771
-82	23634	2363400	7cf73d32-0c95-4619-9f79-948a9f71d246	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:02:04	-352.396
-82	47268	2363400	e373fbf4-52e9-4311-bb0e-b117c1d2c72b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:38:16	-570.772
-83	23635	2363500	74df0d9e-8784-4a8d-9a30-dc8868c09757	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:07:03	792.917
-83	47270	2363500	e335ada0-e680-4229-967d-407b6c370bbd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:28:24	-849.752
-84	23636	2363600	84b51e24-9e9d-41a7-ba22-9a736e860500	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:06:44	-849.140
-84	47272	2363600	ee3b40e3-06dd-42c1-97e0-5fb1e61a4a90	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:57:09	35.982
-85	23637	2363700	84bb0499-903a-47e0-b0e2-3a1ba16921db	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:28:55	449.51
-85	47274	2363700	f5e4f4c3-07b4-4a75-8376-3fdadba8cbf4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:56:08	-367.760
-86	23638	2363800	2333fb50-e3a2-4edc-81aa-7509b954730b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:09:38	-111.284
-86	47276	2363800	3b86f9ab-c915-4da6-bd9c-fcb338403bdd	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:36:43	-42.820
-87	23639	2363900	04cb8fcc-08c2-4d7a-a2fb-30f9b98a6c2a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:40:25	583.137
-87	47278	2363900	51fa1160-7ffa-495f-8699-50dfb3f3b4db	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:49:21	317.122
-88	23640	2364000	79edcf07-d736-4892-804f-9e4fe3f89d55	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:52:42	124.20
-88	47280	2364000	48e6ecd5-b140-414f-b1da-585dc92df456	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:52:19	-453.40
-89	23641	2364100	29d9db96-2c08-4cb8-8b2e-b5055482a4ab	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:38:05	0.320
-89	47282	2364100	33bef315-f0c4-409c-9148-05dd322c545f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:06:21	-601.198
-90	23642	2364200	40b83294-f5db-4340-bcc7-175c08ee7f79	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:13:11	-281.722
-90	47284	2364200	9c2b3592-dc71-4214-82e7-2325f7e55d3a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:45:44	429.373
-91	23643	2364300	008db78f-a9fa-4183-b915-bcd869989f83	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:14:00	-224.581
-91	47286	2364300	8f74dfb4-d835-4165-aa2d-76fbb276eace	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:48:23	85.562
-92	23644	2364400	1fddf84a-fcbf-4a5f-b159-89161d463706	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:20:28	741.821
-92	47288	2364400	16bde6fb-1bed-444e-915a-3f8362ed590f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:14:15	-395.350
-93	23645	2364500	ee259410-f280-41ea-ade5-27c5dd5da564	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:17:32	694.98
-93	47290	2364500	f5abca06-f78c-4948-9c19-b7f0026ea4d7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:35:55	586.679
-94	23646	2364600	4ad0a690-82c3-476d-9752-d93145e75699	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:18:04	167.569
-94	47292	2364600	7b19e944-49ef-4bdf-9b5a-665d8df6f37e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:47:43	26.781
-95	23647	2364700	d124758e-f5ae-4fda-a545-3b0c7e142e3c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:29:49	141.328
-95	47294	2364700	528197cf-267a-49f5-9e32-2c7c4c37d730	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:38:02	-947.46
-96	23648	2364800	60a03bc8-134d-4076-8a8a-b6c8c6804dd8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:34:06	-112.820
-96	47296	2364800	a3c4ecf9-8c1e-4fbd-84b4-090837d98e30	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:38:28	-974.65
-97	23649	2364900	def3e088-0ea6-42cd-81cb-e5d72b384cb7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:44:34	-556.774
-97	47298	2364900	badc90b4-7a2d-41a4-8a9d-6e1ce22c6717	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:50:40	-575.430
-98	23650	2365000	b35df6dc-afcf-4401-8383-7496766356f4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:39:01	867.348
-98	47300	2365000	68406ef7-7de3-47dd-9ad1-67bfaeda5a3e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:38:41	935.965
-99	23651	2365100	80a69c36-3f1a-47e7-8dc1-1d37cf77e1d7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:57:59	815.154
-99	47302	2365100	6a552f25-45c6-4341-9908-e239726a9e2d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:05:10	-34.573
-100	23652	2365200	f2ade7b6-45f2-4c58-985d-7d62e5e36636	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:14:28	-605.650
-100	47304	2365200	cb9079e7-3c12-46f3-8db7-dbec9190932f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:33:00	-33.256
-101	23653	2365300	6dd9a6d0-6dc0-42e1-b68a-55e5ff0dd33f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:42:03	-380.586
-101	47306	2365300	93deabfc-441a-4a6a-817d-fa6637083cc9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:07:44	707.609
-102	23654	2365400	c479a676-4628-4af2-9f27-f8a6cf1428da	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:07:30	43.214
-102	47308	2365400	7bb98c8b-392c-4d9f-9d4a-011384e9be49	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:08:04	-474.115
-103	23655	2365500	9db0cadd-06f2-4831-91c5-65583a7240ec	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:53:39	654.205
-103	47310	2365500	843e15ea-b843-4d31-86fa-e5da6622ec2c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:58:40	533.836
-104	23656	2365600	9dc660a8-6656-4958-a05e-6e9b8d4c703a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:38:55	709.844
-104	47312	2365600	1c92c0d1-fa1a-4ad7-b0f0-65a96df5491d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:57:38	-242.856
-105	23657	2365700	46fb0ab6-45c4-4a4b-b210-a3821b793ce8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:23:04	999.202
-105	47314	2365700	f8fdbdec-81d7-48f7-b9f0-2b374e43475b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:42:41	878.673
-106	23658	2365800	2990e261-a395-4346-a247-27ad234d1c6d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:08:24	-866.112
-106	47316	2365800	19d43663-faf9-49a4-a1f5-1e378d044079	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:20:52	359.417
-107	23659	2365900	9bbd6f7b-cb0c-4f25-af9e-472188b6086d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:32:21	-113.707
-107	47318	2365900	82590e26-d1f8-4350-8f80-7880040d3521	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:05:49	557.981
-108	23660	2366000	ae8ebd43-2134-4429-bb43-29b0e73e4e8f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:58:36	-685.780
-108	47320	2366000	82d3c15f-87e5-474a-a485-118071745d14	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:42:45	-284.907
-109	23661	2366100	d706805f-c63a-4c55-8a0b-ca5b5d9b66f7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:36:35	-159.206
-109	47322	2366100	2eb8a164-a189-4c72-b41c-2927f32e9cf4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:42:54	564.547
-110	23662	2366200	38cf3c5a-5090-4e65-9782-35b54e0d57c2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:19:06	163.30
-110	47324	2366200	cab5b3eb-596c-42bb-85c7-d3e34ef639e9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:52:05	-729.895
-111	23663	2366300	9e25de8d-9a00-4abf-8629-11aa4b215017	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:31:51	-152.95
-111	47326	2366300	7b946ac2-e0b4-45a8-8259-4ac17221479d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:30:54	428.520
-112	23664	2366400	3b3ce120-7eee-421c-9c85-f3f6141b17c3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:02:41	542.242
-112	47328	2366400	5fc1b99d-ba0f-4e99-95e3-a8983781efdc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:09:25	810.38
-113	23665	2366500	f9eeccfa-7c84-4e9d-bd0a-2334959e3b81	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:06:25	-399.84
-113	47330	2366500	44c279aa-f9cf-4be7-9c77-c03391902da6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:06:18	717.708
-114	23666	2366600	8cc2d215-1459-4c33-afca-9ba30fdda1aa	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:25:55	-944.827
-114	47332	2366600	2f802018-da5b-473d-9330-4a1622ebd443	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:48:11	262.304
-115	23667	2366700	18f27c63-e2b5-40da-8352-1e54ec244ae3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:16:28	762.569
-115	47334	2366700	9e7f2726-5cf5-4e41-ade9-b729a019861e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:17:06	66.822
-116	23668	2366800	3de2aedc-9f11-49a5-a6f8-bfef9740e978	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:45:52	-33.357
-116	47336	2366800	faa3f516-51a7-486b-a667-1a1459f0f712	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:41:49	-827.358
-117	23669	2366900	83e12d00-5c51-4177-96ee-164c31953943	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:11:13	987.4
-117	47338	2366900	e1615739-b3c9-47e5-82aa-4bd754f1dafc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:41:08	800.143
-118	23670	2367000	26129bcd-80b7-4c6b-808b-e1d1604bf0dc	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:23:05	-756.921
-118	47340	2367000	3b96a2ae-c492-480b-bf95-15da28f7935b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:42:56	-683.899
-119	23671	2367100	05742929-9159-4cac-ba19-3cc2c90d7c19	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:18:39	710.503
-119	47342	2367100	292218ef-3a30-4bb4-bd2c-7ae51a267609	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:18:07	982.334
-120	23672	2367200	06a4ea55-9e73-4b5d-b963-993ad8602ddf	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:33:05	361.779
-120	47344	2367200	15cdd2cd-331b-468a-9b0e-2f255b742f2b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:55:56	-746.8
-121	23673	2367300	564815cf-6773-44f1-9a73-6d0a362a5034	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:26:05	-991.977
-121	47346	2367300	bdc95d53-6748-44d7-a7eb-4e32223b484e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:55:59	-268.796
-122	23674	2367400	8eb1c4d9-7fcb-412e-86d6-fa7ec38ef765	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:53:52	590.453
-122	47348	2367400	b365ac37-67cc-4fcc-a998-63c54a6bbd71	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:35:44	166.614
-123	23675	2367500	a0608014-0278-4875-9141-49901b209fb2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:24:19	-255.611
-123	47350	2367500	694dae4d-ce70-45f1-b526-fcdaa9412a2d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:10:41	-614.605
-124	23676	2367600	10b8835b-3490-49cb-9ebd-fa444e656f71	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:21:24	-963.520
-124	47352	2367600	f94b7a87-2aa0-4b04-96e2-99534e80d4e8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:07:51	336.105
-125	23677	2367700	34e7130b-b077-4574-8351-c8816b5187fa	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:36:01	227.673
-125	47354	2367700	263c810b-de94-4c58-b454-354cf7a1b4e7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:27:34	-518.306
-126	23678	2367800	a307a9c1-a740-4f7d-aee4-745455b6a75f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:59:35	866.577
-126	47356	2367800	27b33360-c948-41cb-bc10-a9c51c5d6380	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:05:35	335.437
-127	23679	2367900	69bd67d0-7ac5-4018-b19f-6c91faf87095	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:28:07	-57.367
-127	47358	2367900	691a7810-5c80-48c5-8061-7a5e293824ff	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:27:33	-50.886
-0	23680	2368000	b92cb4a6-6866-4a30-98ef-f4b665ce1256	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:25:01	726.877
-0	47360	2368000	1664b7ad-6b81-4bae-8dba-c6a038e0393c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:24:55	586.127
-1	23681	2368100	19a338bd-f24f-4c39-a910-6aa757d67d08	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:14:37	412.169
-1	47362	2368100	4d974834-1b97-472b-8f6c-c67ccc493051	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:17:24	324.75
-2	23682	2368200	9ce23195-7a07-4c94-931f-6c671a580ee7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:08:08	270.56
-2	47364	2368200	15de8a39-06f7-4c03-b4bb-be5f1c5f2477	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:15:57	39.97
-3	23683	2368300	6fcca8c2-c219-430e-8358-7518e551caa2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:32:55	-340.135
-3	47366	2368300	8e40f4a0-918b-4a90-bad4-d66650554676	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:57:15	282.690
-4	23684	2368400	4cc8f541-8ca6-4069-ac6e-b022f57eac50	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:35:43	-943.219
-4	47368	2368400	5c8298d8-5295-444d-91bd-9fcca87db500	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:02:47	-90.111
-5	23685	2368500	10d89a67-26b8-4827-9803-b666c183ac81	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:28:29	-322.374
-5	47370	2368500	9ff924f2-7aa2-42a4-acf4-f4a52e57bcc1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:19:10	-377.243
-6	23686	2368600	267b50ff-888e-4dc7-87f8-948a7a3fb7ee	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:08:51	-470.58
-6	47372	2368600	80db12f5-668e-44b1-a8b9-6b27b62d13fe	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:16:55	-812.529
-7	23687	2368700	7a242f50-c1ba-4ff8-a09b-d09ea41f8e42	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:20:36	673.790
-7	47374	2368700	7f14e7d3-7553-434c-9198-8e660e465ecf	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:40:20	-680.759
-8	23688	2368800	ec76d3f8-377f-43d8-96fb-850d3741d4a5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:11:51	353.835
-8	47376	2368800	c61c1653-35c0-49a2-8812-f6de991efc85	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:39:47	-990.965
-9	23689	2368900	95e399d1-ed62-4237-a579-d728b9756682	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:25:29	365.1
-9	47378	2368900	f0982ec5-3abc-48b8-93f5-3b2cc27b1fd9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:00:19	220.998
-10	23690	2369000	08207f39-d97b-4602-971c-019f232ddd0f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:02:08	-893.340
-10	47380	2369000	63ef7b29-c624-44a5-bb94-4b0d98497d9f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:45:36	-644.855
-11	23691	2369100	c657b577-8c24-4260-9295-9829e2ba5839	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:38:42	147.308
-11	47382	2369100	580449d6-d873-45bc-b798-25b1af40bca0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:06:48	-834.90
-12	23692	2369200	1ee70ead-7e11-4337-b06e-8ffa8454e0d7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:11:14	-705.489
-12	47384	2369200	c87803ca-4542-4e0c-8fdb-841a5508ff86	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:14:51	-537.401
-13	23693	2369300	45a01010-c07f-407f-86f2-ed78b1334be9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:53:11	-367.830
-13	47386	2369300	9284b325-6473-4d9e-9787-13662ba718f2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:45:00	-253.146
-14	23694	2369400	24dc6206-0a62-4ac1-bd5f-d37d0ea35409	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:27:13	509.171
-14	47388	2369400	5cccceeb-8771-4a57-a807-a7fb37775c1c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:59:21	-437.523
-15	23695	2369500	a39c56e7-f753-4ce6-b045-17381d54cf49	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:18:28	-792.689
-15	47390	2369500	8c282db2-6076-4189-9672-aa484464aa83	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:25:28	-229.269
-16	23696	2369600	ebc555ae-c1bc-4b72-a958-5db97d9213d8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:29:36	-962.282
-16	47392	2369600	f4ba6750-99e1-4639-afec-5c65cf109ef3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:48:05	886.362
-17	23697	2369700	34c85bbd-4af4-44cb-8bb2-42819e918a25	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:19:44	557.690
-17	47394	2369700	889a0bca-06fb-4705-b1ed-5f3f47dd58a2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:49:15	-392.948
-18	23698	2369800	f7800f68-2697-4fc4-9071-f2727e62bf18	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:11:14	227.331
-18	47396	2369800	9f68cad5-abb1-457c-9729-f3dd2ae3a281	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:57:37	333.388
-19	23699	2369900	7451f7f9-4c50-4c2d-afc5-9954c94b8625	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:31:14	68.836
-19	47398	2369900	892b81eb-5df6-49a7-98b9-1897f1fc66c7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:14:01	987.466
-20	23700	2370000	de217897-cb26-46ab-9af9-161af98bf14e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:57:30	399.697
-20	47400	2370000	08a6040d-441c-4dcf-84e9-7c8e2f781dc2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:33:17	-817.949
-21	23701	2370100	041cac7d-47d3-47a4-aff7-c258da0336b3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:04:17	-73.689
-21	47402	2370100	398e9113-4d7d-4cae-a976-741a1578773c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:30:05	138.8
-22	23702	2370200	009f083c-1cdf-48b6-ae2d-e2c0358b9fd0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:02:33	985.42
-22	47404	2370200	0d74ba39-47a0-4c0a-b766-5e93da9cde5e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:10:00	958.955
-23	23703	2370300	b2166532-f6a7-4d12-9842-5ab7fa592979	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:47:34	-341.87
-23	47406	2370300	7a39989f-f600-40ee-aeea-31d8ef625fe2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:52:01	721.97
-24	23704	2370400	e71ddadb-6230-4d4e-93dc-9646aa1d233a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:41:52	325.167
-24	47408	2370400	7eeebab6-d828-4f25-a020-38917fadb876	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:59:41	-522.458
-25	23705	2370500	e66583aa-b143-41d8-9a29-1e9eb4a3e0ba	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:52:36	-852.349
-25	47410	2370500	d727ebbe-79ad-45c1-b219-9f2f7d8ae7a2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:59:31	-208.757
-26	23706	2370600	23bd5cce-9029-457b-b565-171b47283bd9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:38:07	-103.823
-26	47412	2370600	a10e1090-0bc9-4b2d-bf6e-53bf70e10530	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:00:16	-125.118
-27	23707	2370700	ab1d0272-7882-4d46-a528-b7ffa0d3b6ef	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:07:47	-810.118
-27	47414	2370700	120587db-ab34-4868-b555-036526eef12e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:08:50	913.874
-28	23708	2370800	d4d5f7ad-1c5b-437f-baa5-82b25fcfb42f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:00:02	42.822
-28	47416	2370800	6b4e7df9-923b-4c1c-aeeb-d515720bf9ed	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:30:30	184.963
-29	23709	2370900	e7401cad-37e0-4600-a167-047e2f110b59	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:08:45	-784.515
-29	47418	2370900	dd8bb015-ff1c-41bd-b0c6-b7ceff12c33d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:21:59	199.472
-30	23710	2371000	d36b6eaf-a18d-49be-b8ff-8bde62a646f1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:12:40	177.523
-30	47420	2371000	83680cae-3420-4709-8105-c9a487cc42bb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:55:04	560.525
-31	23711	2371100	a11319e7-d4f3-4a06-a0a7-47a753e0acb7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:11:16	6.713
-31	47422	2371100	47b400ec-c8d1-4bce-ab25-3b7f689dac47	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:07:51	573.498
-32	23712	2371200	a86d6230-77b0-4a61-aaa5-d5f608ab01e7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:06:51	62.297
-32	47424	2371200	c3dd4148-c866-4fb4-a04c-937d0e36cf77	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:04:41	-196.558
-33	23713	2371300	723b3fc0-6b30-4bf2-90f5-9cb3074c4730	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:17:53	456.36
-33	47426	2371300	94840e36-0e98-4758-bf8b-6c628a90489e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:25:03	-956.814
-34	23714	2371400	399ab517-c82d-4089-9a21-44f8a15810f5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:34:20	703.571
-34	47428	2371400	91ad92e8-5b42-43ba-bdb3-11e77abbbd39	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:19:55	-487.514
-35	23715	2371500	aa5025cc-c05e-4a5a-8d16-31e8c69ab6eb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:31:20	-783.400
-35	47430	2371500	1ac0cd0d-8f58-4e03-9f9c-75971ac7377d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:30:38	-469.41
-36	23716	2371600	0f02771f-f709-4203-91ab-74cf37c46e2e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:57:06	719.716
-36	47432	2371600	a570ae55-8eea-4cb2-aac5-c2179d0c528e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:40:17	729.125
-37	23717	2371700	0eeed5ee-6b3c-4042-80b6-3c3095cb2cf6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:50:26	905.278
-37	47434	2371700	59cd7302-081b-4f79-8d50-b3e50e3f535b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:35:19	282.829
-38	23718	2371800	a32bc2d9-ae92-49de-90a0-056cbb198b74	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:35:56	-308.730
-38	47436	2371800	1d669fa9-d464-4c0a-b863-3f1d47bcfa8a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:52:12	943.701
-39	23719	2371900	14c71474-7682-4218-8e42-5ab7759aaa1f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:06:18	-946.650
-39	47438	2371900	2faca58f-6728-41f8-892a-1a9fa560f7d9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:41:14	199.846
-40	23720	2372000	8dc29cbd-b732-45cb-851b-98a2ed3ac96c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:26:39	655.767
-40	47440	2372000	0cb1ed9a-27f6-4534-8a33-5ec0b34c0374	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:54:51	-238.480
-41	23721	2372100	63e28989-4fef-4213-9a2f-34912f8d37f3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:21:58	-314.46
-41	47442	2372100	e85deaf5-23c1-4fbc-b6ae-cfb9c07d5548	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:38:57	-928.651
-42	23722	2372200	09ff9264-88e9-454a-a3d5-00c0d02637e5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:58:01	-567.385
-42	47444	2372200	577a7e04-98ba-455b-ad63-135654b4c4ac	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:38:34	760.689
-43	23723	2372300	451e8967-ed11-4bd3-ac82-f648dc0c3b00	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:47:15	-743.334
-43	47446	2372300	67d17b15-aec6-48e8-99b1-04226d5719ed	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:56:30	-626.799
-44	23724	2372400	3f8959ec-5ae0-4bb2-a9a4-a1c7f7685478	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:27:04	-813.568
-44	47448	2372400	360aba2d-2caf-42ce-98db-1ac71bdbf27b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:54:12	-876.766
-45	23725	2372500	ce1cd31e-2046-42f8-9f78-f56f5e24d1e5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:29:15	-435.18
-45	47450	2372500	216a826e-54a9-4f7a-8fb2-012363fe91d0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:01:43	-37.480
-46	23726	2372600	879d07d0-705e-4797-9263-bb79350f0d08	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:51:43	912.206
-46	47452	2372600	69a36db3-7698-42b5-b101-99240e45f7fd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:26:42	-741.579
-47	23727	2372700	d3af1be1-3721-47e5-881b-13f49d96d40a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:18:29	-859.970
-47	47454	2372700	89b03d08-c193-44c7-bcca-cdf30516cdaa	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:31:37	840.365
-48	23728	2372800	62702f60-4967-4f43-b5e0-003b2127c4ad	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:25:41	723.244
-48	47456	2372800	4fe3669f-fc75-442a-b42e-0c9328ce667d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:22:01	-194.920
-49	23729	2372900	d208a369-621b-450f-8504-2d9655ac7fd8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:35:39	-524.223
-49	47458	2372900	f2cafd02-6f7c-4e2a-ac2b-a79efc7cfcb4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:01:17	-630.466
-50	23730	2373000	795b951b-3136-4189-a845-defda38fb532	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:40:09	-472.448
-50	47460	2373000	3900c532-b930-4cd1-b615-c8d015f0b9e9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:54:22	-689.221
-51	23731	2373100	8a950661-2fa9-48aa-8215-f8fce69b3837	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:47:07	-558.31
-51	47462	2373100	540c1069-01cf-40e8-be82-ef0d527c004c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:07:17	549.524
-52	23732	2373200	104afd96-89a6-427d-b793-135bbb4e452f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:20:33	561.214
-52	47464	2373200	a72daf8f-c80e-4984-98a6-0232651cc4f2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:00:11	460.453
-53	23733	2373300	31d7357b-a2b0-4bf8-bd0b-fe5ed6f2ba9c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:09:35	373.214
-53	47466	2373300	cbb6ba4f-262e-43aa-88bb-2e6bcbfffcd8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:49:06	380.721
-54	23734	2373400	9aec3a93-1408-4bfe-85c3-f24d3ed80609	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:23:03	326.834
-54	47468	2373400	49dc05c8-0832-4010-8952-b715bf77e61e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:09:01	898.86
-55	23735	2373500	9b959bfa-b94b-4f07-a6c2-b721bc84f91f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:30:15	326.158
-55	47470	2373500	57de9286-ddd2-4507-8d20-218473ad6f68	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:33:25	358.563
-56	23736	2373600	71e8b307-f63b-4053-b2be-98a73308ed4a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:12:54	88.16
-56	47472	2373600	4534e091-8a4f-4070-801b-ce95efcc6bd8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:20:53	-62.664
-57	23737	2373700	7ff7a90a-30a2-438e-9f8f-1871c91ea55f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:49:24	-633.427
-57	47474	2373700	78870851-d3fb-4ff0-8d17-8f2eea7090e4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:35:15	676.629
-58	23738	2373800	345d6403-13cf-4ee2-a2a3-75540050b166	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:19:17	436.411
-58	47476	2373800	f251712a-c315-4ab0-9d9a-e9e4da623c4a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:53:59	217.38
-59	23739	2373900	0b376a30-c145-4e4b-ac75-20a5c9504dcb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:19:58	13.325
-59	47478	2373900	5ebda7ca-f443-41cc-94e0-eab87e5f5c57	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:38:45	431.929
-60	23740	2374000	643651d2-8d5c-4269-a435-9d5f5028cfa9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:11:16	802.379
-60	47480	2374000	e137d9c9-a790-4d1a-a55f-57e0960a0476	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:20:11	233.291
-61	23741	2374100	820fa877-62ed-49bd-90b8-82b8515bbd5f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:56:13	-969.726
-61	47482	2374100	a087d161-cdc8-4746-8248-9a98fd97ba8e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:23:06	-443.583
-62	23742	2374200	2315e996-beb8-401a-9659-cb80e1431bd8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:26:27	856.938
-62	47484	2374200	d001d312-b074-46fe-9c90-dd8f6b4e71ba	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:03:21	50.13
-63	23743	2374300	040c2bb8-8ddd-412d-8d0d-21bee7418385	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:35:53	-795.503
-63	47486	2374300	ee4c91c3-1c53-4f1b-adb3-72eca6556e16	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:14:21	767.119
-64	23744	2374400	191bc059-1b2e-4195-8c02-f5a4fd191cb2	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:38:29	-392.581
-64	47488	2374400	4d9118b6-3007-4b99-bc6b-b034487dddb4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:44:24	291.913
-65	23745	2374500	06bad41d-6410-46ab-9f9e-157884b7cfc6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:25:02	374.326
-65	47490	2374500	f221cb13-fcfa-4938-9922-1776c7dab374	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:11:03	985.702
-66	23746	2374600	6ce66b85-607c-428a-988d-0c7286feddd7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:24:52	591.543
-66	47492	2374600	716550e3-a255-4703-8b17-dd5edabf7bc2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:36:35	-253.711
-67	23747	2374700	1142f252-4d60-4c7c-88fc-946061471e54	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:47:04	-326.933
-67	47494	2374700	27ea2a29-68e2-4cb0-ac09-30bf88f3e0d0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:19:12	539.742
-68	23748	2374800	7aa60683-d61c-4a38-837c-d1931ab70e6f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:52:39	-121.650
-68	47496	2374800	20351a1e-baae-4972-a33e-6637ec25f007	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:36:28	-300.453
-69	23749	2374900	7881739f-2b0e-4529-87c1-b7daa2cd7526	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:06:24	640.837
-69	47498	2374900	7f2404c9-1f4f-4e8a-99f6-95fb3580ec37	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:31:12	60.668
-70	23750	2375000	5a242a5c-d622-4834-a0bc-3334eeaf30b8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:24:05	-482.5
-70	47500	2375000	3b8d24ec-813a-4f11-ae00-72fd93909413	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:53:07	-878.208
-71	23751	2375100	f508641b-5289-43e7-b3fe-486d8d18575f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:57:57	-2.300
-71	47502	2375100	d275678f-5f63-4f8c-baea-a52107c363f2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:11:50	-916.297
-72	23752	2375200	363dcaf6-81a5-4e05-a07c-8f5f087f95fa	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:44:22	-23.87
-72	47504	2375200	3e3a9ba0-cbf5-427e-a832-75bd0fbdbd93	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:00:19	765.437
-73	23753	2375300	d96a1b26-8781-4dd2-ab99-121b4bc5bba3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:05:51	297.439
-73	47506	2375300	0dcba005-5a55-4ec6-9b62-b0e4ac385d23	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:51:30	-781.258
-74	23754	2375400	2ab821d4-1906-4620-905c-7a3837aa5608	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:46:38	-247.458
-74	47508	2375400	95656a23-6469-4976-8691-a8e2908664aa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:05:02	988.918
-75	23755	2375500	d97bac99-7b66-4591-bfec-a9b1b4b8f433	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:43:56	-611.886
-75	47510	2375500	5d754cce-84f5-4cd1-a86d-d1be00857010	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:02:48	-799.160
-76	23756	2375600	7133222b-1cdd-46d1-92d7-26c95074c19c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:05:58	-491.100
-76	47512	2375600	bb5d7340-9218-47bd-9adc-1880b18bc607	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:51:12	774.985
-77	23757	2375700	0fa861cd-d3d1-45d4-89bc-488b99123630	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:42:26	106.479
-77	47514	2375700	291f2869-0bab-430a-bb3d-76001ed76c7f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:49:14	-119.513
-78	23758	2375800	4dc6e31f-2ed6-4db7-96c3-54f6674c8e83	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:23:15	644.654
-78	47516	2375800	68ec7820-0c9e-4e2f-8289-67db33fa5bb6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:10:08	716.176
-79	23759	2375900	61cc78dc-062b-4a08-8f8a-c480bf6dcd23	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:09:34	847.895
-79	47518	2375900	d2a8aca9-cf85-4303-b3a4-eaf51d4384c4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:20:22	496.943
-80	23760	2376000	353bbb06-a212-4769-acb7-52ab8e684e48	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:55:21	516.903
-80	47520	2376000	d47c0f1f-0590-48cd-a562-3a5c352375c8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:15:36	810.402
-81	23761	2376100	2d8861b3-a9a7-4312-a69d-834a42df810b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:14:00	-614.113
-81	47522	2376100	cb154848-7765-46ba-aa13-0b71b3ef9614	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:29:52	-872.273
-82	23762	2376200	c586fa78-3da4-40b7-8fa9-b0e33e8a893c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:31:17	-518.243
-82	47524	2376200	579d6341-44ea-44ae-8861-0b068db3474e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:34:09	960.337
-83	23763	2376300	4731185a-d115-42ff-840c-a0b273cbddff	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:55:32	203.462
-83	47526	2376300	ff934327-c2f8-40df-8604-cc39bf39695d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:30:32	-948.690
-84	23764	2376400	ca9465f0-24d8-4923-a104-fdeda04589df	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:24:08	608.42
-84	47528	2376400	ebfcc4f8-a9b5-47ea-99bb-601450bed333	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:25:11	753.107
-85	23765	2376500	4aab2862-538a-4141-9f67-a12e663b49be	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:44:16	410.295
-85	47530	2376500	ee06fc16-516b-4556-b1ec-faf917255aa8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:51:00	-711.292
-86	23766	2376600	88139834-3a52-4b42-bb27-b29e39e7a0da	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:55:44	377.490
-86	47532	2376600	c966ba51-27d1-46fe-8366-1450fa997763	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:10:11	-489.855
-87	23767	2376700	3692f58b-5699-4e5c-b377-cb480ff69823	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:33:32	-359.75
-87	47534	2376700	1dd727e7-ceab-48a4-ad47-a9522d7a63ca	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:12:07	-96.22
-88	23768	2376800	6883adbf-1e7d-484f-ab02-34e55afeb54d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:05:50	65.63
-88	47536	2376800	f4e0b4b3-0d7b-40e6-8936-4d1b389efa9f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:54:27	447.846
-89	23769	2376900	e1749a7d-cc1b-4c94-b805-4c18fa6be80d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:11:44	968.852
-89	47538	2376900	35ac7e21-4c94-48e2-b363-1f05cebb52e4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:29:01	-274.367
-90	23770	2377000	ecdd5367-8987-4a05-8f9c-073ecb1301da	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:21:15	-5.680
-90	47540	2377000	a5271c2c-9e8f-4c65-8a3a-83aa3208b1c6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:12:26	539.541
-91	23771	2377100	720be38b-2093-46c7-bd68-47828ac50ccd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:52:41	722.463
-91	47542	2377100	150eaef8-a4b5-4d11-a98a-e87b6819a76f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:04:19	208.287
-92	23772	2377200	fe5b6df4-d1a6-41aa-8069-9f6e89eb113a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:22:48	740.501
-92	47544	2377200	79043541-a270-4fc2-8e00-407f34acaa0f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:58:28	-142.344
-93	23773	2377300	612698b7-5d10-4fc2-97b5-7b298232e26a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:57:01	445.878
-93	47546	2377300	e37a57c9-f020-4559-812c-cdf838979687	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:25:41	593.970
-94	23774	2377400	a044b57d-0801-45b3-9517-b27cc02eac63	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:13:42	-934.319
-94	47548	2377400	c63f9062-f4a3-4730-b6de-6753367210cb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:06:51	-81.370
-95	23775	2377500	49cb3f3d-bc62-4582-9f2a-88cc574863a0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:30:49	-403.959
-95	47550	2377500	5fa564e8-0463-4dd9-ba09-f8c155d9f83c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:42:59	-519.503
-96	23776	2377600	cb0b5fae-c5aa-4265-bc64-a767dd04bf08	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:19:11	369.330
-96	47552	2377600	32c15558-994c-4c3a-b363-d6cb5939df98	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:41:14	-129.811
-97	23777	2377700	907308be-b587-4c77-8fc5-47678340f967	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:22:38	164.911
-97	47554	2377700	03b29c6e-9cdb-4ed0-81c4-d8a408d81635	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:16:18	-728.886
-98	23778	2377800	113caf01-1b40-4d12-bc97-5a0a4979ffa9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:03:07	-283.982
-98	47556	2377800	4ca72f79-8783-4948-8b1a-1c76aa615ee8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:55:37	198.607
-99	23779	2377900	f2294b99-0705-4420-a9be-2243cbba74f7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:59:10	927.991
-99	47558	2377900	3259e25a-31f0-4544-9b63-2cedbc32990f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:46:32	-373.660
-100	23780	2378000	495fe20f-1463-45f1-a710-1c0aebefa1e8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:17:57	705.715
-100	47560	2378000	bf23cd9c-300f-41da-b90b-9633243df1bc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:13:15	994.198
-101	23781	2378100	57f2dac2-edf8-4a3f-a2db-acea8c2d7f6b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:38:06	66.796
-101	47562	2378100	5a797946-c838-449c-879b-160bc31a8958	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:21:53	-299.310
-102	23782	2378200	00ad69f4-a9de-4f68-b58c-87c32fd7ffe5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:04:48	-250.810
-102	47564	2378200	e2bc48b0-abb6-4e06-ab80-032021386f9e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:16:45	-941.40
-103	23783	2378300	396803e7-d9a2-419c-993f-5a233b4d74d1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:10:23	-589.440
-103	47566	2378300	4d6ebe12-e12c-4272-995f-dbcf5a8a0ecf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:49:09	-957.431
-104	23784	2378400	a8b12241-273d-4590-8b98-7656da1cb2f7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:19:55	828.178
-104	47568	2378400	9d04265d-54d5-4716-a4b8-ad17870305c3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:57:41	-455.26
-105	23785	2378500	da93882b-c4f0-4b1c-b75b-168177a994d6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:23:40	-567.107
-105	47570	2378500	7e9bdbcf-e351-4080-adbf-498f0bd0fec3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:07:20	-703.968
-106	23786	2378600	4adbec57-d837-40b6-8f30-a28e0d102d2e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:20:06	292.539
-106	47572	2378600	3e83a740-f902-4639-ab0a-eee1b5348103	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:29:18	665.480
-107	23787	2378700	d06f412c-f248-4708-a085-77a36d9048dd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:42:52	22.724
-107	47574	2378700	56bc73b5-35d6-46dc-b325-aa3af91c963d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:54:16	-236.774
-108	23788	2378800	a54e1af8-73eb-409b-af7b-ba2f38365c66	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:37:15	584.207
-108	47576	2378800	9cc1934d-3992-40c8-ba1d-c17548fde1f5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:42:24	-229.846
-109	23789	2378900	2a6e61bc-3af3-4fe8-bfa7-f26b5e4ceeb0	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:20:24	-976.836
-109	47578	2378900	9247e2d4-d6ca-4b50-8bef-1dbf36f31fde	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:58:05	-200.93
-110	23790	2379000	1cabcc78-c925-4e9b-8603-744e2aa7593a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:52:11	-257.600
-110	47580	2379000	9e670a14-469c-4833-99ee-245cb25be4bd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:49:22	-521.483
-111	23791	2379100	24bb72e8-e085-49a8-b60a-ed859073348c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:08:26	143.277
-111	47582	2379100	319533e2-e940-4998-a68b-5bf2cbb29699	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:39:10	-465.174
-112	23792	2379200	14952aed-4312-426f-9cba-4a2430fb1c24	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:28:50	-600.671
-112	47584	2379200	68f3ac0b-e824-41e7-890c-e70a3c22672a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:31:06	695.283
-113	23793	2379300	be099951-1d05-46f4-bee8-fc5f9ab97a71	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:09:59	446.328
-113	47586	2379300	5b281ea6-05bc-4d2f-ac08-5521e76cbc0a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:19:49	542.55
-114	23794	2379400	e0b258b7-9419-4b78-b4b7-8ac929e37cd4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:49:33	111.69
-114	47588	2379400	e3479f50-86f6-47ae-b41e-7fca65a19f34	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:29:20	848.147
-115	23795	2379500	c7e4ec66-d0b8-410a-bcf5-f2332f8f953c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:22:26	-241.671
-115	47590	2379500	cd112576-2eb6-4fe5-9b33-912c6743f100	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:57:20	-280.210
-116	23796	2379600	070ab4d9-6388-43a8-a4dd-b7cd53cd1d9b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:05:12	-47.843
-116	47592	2379600	7b21122e-6463-443d-8981-16035b8920e0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:58:33	446.136
-117	23797	2379700	d1f5619b-d83f-4720-b508-fc2952e13dca	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:47:13	-70.51
-117	47594	2379700	2ace412d-c991-4bdb-bb2d-a042fedfb506	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:20:21	-833.522
-118	23798	2379800	94b11152-6cd9-41cc-aca8-463a74ddaa7a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:31:19	-215.929
-118	47596	2379800	dccf0f92-956a-4a91-b34c-8ad0a39251d4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:30:35	-751.458
-119	23799	2379900	eef73ac2-a40b-4d60-a204-2a74c696c762	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:20:46	578.386
-119	47598	2379900	61bc192d-ef3b-47ec-950b-11e9e7858e44	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:45:52	-551.365
-120	23800	2380000	c7f1c8ee-cf2a-49c5-8fb8-874263e3d93e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:40:19	-942.715
-120	47600	2380000	295b388f-22c5-42f9-9be8-b28346bf1419	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:40:59	-28.988
-121	23801	2380100	6e5d0abd-2179-4087-8b01-bde5150fb551	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:47:06	-832.613
-121	47602	2380100	90e0f83e-320e-4513-bc9b-698cb6ff5a25	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:26:42	-95.630
-122	23802	2380200	c94cdbc7-7f78-4e4a-a3c6-021a9d3baf7f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:57:33	-793.205
-122	47604	2380200	fbeb284f-8088-4898-8d91-bdd7c7746432	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:21:01	42.934
-123	23803	2380300	6bad8f9f-e32c-4445-bb22-d558b62a85ca	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:56:58	272.252
-123	47606	2380300	ae30da57-230c-471d-b77d-ede8ba6c490e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:43:57	-622.807
-124	23804	2380400	b359f19c-a87d-4e95-95ae-e383d0f9dc32	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:00:16	152.582
-124	47608	2380400	4135a140-2024-421d-a25a-e4fc083b83a9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:22:33	-107.862
-125	23805	2380500	5469058f-ad7f-49bb-931b-38ca33f3993c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:55:14	117.716
-125	47610	2380500	68f53bf7-068a-4b5f-bdfc-41101431e517	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:40:57	384.752
-126	23806	2380600	004aad66-d142-40eb-97e5-6839f334f409	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:14:07	11.143
-126	47612	2380600	a5ae6d53-81a1-4c1a-a38a-3b9dadd77a1e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:36:13	370.541
-127	23807	2380700	71e8cb7a-7dda-4f66-9e95-7dda17e7c0cb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:42:54	-596.788
-127	47614	2380700	1146b575-b16a-4bf1-a2dd-5fa9a66b883f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:26:19	919.731
-0	23808	2380800	84878616-204d-40e2-9cc7-1ec29614cf28	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:28:54	-949.710
-0	47616	2380800	93d6e79a-91df-4c75-bbed-6dfb1c16178e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:00:19	389.298
-1	23809	2380900	bc174d5e-f178-4bd4-86b1-a0d3ce9cc998	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:23:28	936.616
-1	47618	2380900	347dde5b-17aa-4b87-99e7-c62d118694a5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:28:25	-162.165
-2	23810	2381000	afaceeb6-0281-4810-b017-005398aeabb6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:22:42	-733.224
-2	47620	2381000	496697b3-ba2c-4a54-919d-503782b9d363	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:42:26	-886.138
-3	23811	2381100	1f5b34a6-da2f-4fdd-9097-8c97e705d4c7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:02:11	-357.647
-3	47622	2381100	228cdbe5-131b-4f50-96ca-591320f210eb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:56:22	-355.717
-4	23812	2381200	6b84bacf-9dfc-4975-8063-f09d088e6e1d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:50:37	-117.629
-4	47624	2381200	f282dca1-8948-44e7-9d84-e99ef4d44f4a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:24:30	-530.495
-5	23813	2381300	f9ccb185-d0b5-4c48-8957-6a3beb6fff4b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:09:51	-224.467
-5	47626	2381300	c52c555e-4d43-465d-babc-cd5969762e51	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:05:02	-252.824
-6	23814	2381400	848df104-0c9c-43dd-907f-38967f14ee24	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:25:56	422.489
-6	47628	2381400	ae26c79c-22af-4a2e-b8a6-92db422c79bc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:49:49	84.53
-7	23815	2381500	58000a3a-2774-45d9-9b1a-8fede0dff59d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:50:52	711.789
-7	47630	2381500	72b814a3-bd4a-4b4f-a890-2d05559b89bd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:42:10	610.175
-8	23816	2381600	91a9d526-d8f7-478c-b4e8-4dd7fee8f084	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:10:35	657.42
-8	47632	2381600	17fa63e9-9203-431b-b89f-3c1e2353c3e9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:11:46	-220.457
-9	23817	2381700	7042c879-82c9-4491-8e1b-18d2f28a131c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:33:52	591.217
-9	47634	2381700	202f7c46-623f-46f6-888d-6cb36cde14b9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:53:06	-72.245
-10	23818	2381800	c15ca8cf-e29d-423d-80b1-38a49ff38362	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:06:04	432.855
-10	47636	2381800	43573159-7d2b-40df-89dd-5a65302398fe	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:07:21	-385.923
-11	23819	2381900	c83b6ee4-2744-403c-b4f5-7d4e936459fd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:18:06	-935.169
-11	47638	2381900	a795b382-0fac-4df1-8548-2c9ec9cfef57	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:18:53	-825.893
-12	23820	2382000	354abce2-638b-490a-b691-ab8e4d92d3ee	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:39:17	-718.475
-12	47640	2382000	35c66bd9-4ce3-492d-8a75-1c51e8e5ac42	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:01:35	-469.744
-13	23821	2382100	dd117cc0-caaa-4138-ba5d-ff4aef249100	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:52:01	-985.814
-13	47642	2382100	b1cfa45c-b3ee-499a-929e-19070d5282d6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:30:55	732.152
-14	23822	2382200	d0631cb1-f279-47e1-afda-a0a29f66e952	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:44:38	656.596
-14	47644	2382200	03f0e9db-d6d5-4549-a94c-960ffefd0da8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:54:17	-875.15
-15	23823	2382300	ce4a80f7-2694-42c3-9064-1254e1c5523c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:14:12	632.307
-15	47646	2382300	0d6e98a5-0a41-4c05-b049-864b607a51a0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:20:33	-75.5
-16	23824	2382400	8a2fd3bf-2757-4a3e-a73f-c4822c88b58b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:04:25	242.363
-16	47648	2382400	e6836018-5511-4130-8b02-3392825522e1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:20:43	642.854
-17	23825	2382500	6cb4d4d0-c2f5-47e8-8f0d-d76dc9d91df8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:34:58	909.113
-17	47650	2382500	dab4d4c9-87f7-4c11-8f23-d36cb9f7c800	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:25:48	-743.96
-18	23826	2382600	ebf21d99-b810-4d31-a368-29e1313df28b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:38:22	72.362
-18	47652	2382600	b0d52970-1455-4eb0-a789-14b670eb3b80	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:08:19	-179.524
-19	23827	2382700	5c13cc30-6c46-4ebd-b24e-11a6cbf2a0be	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:19:07	796.39
-19	47654	2382700	8ec90c94-51a2-465b-b03e-4ba8a8d05d90	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:56:22	-958.147
-20	23828	2382800	a0410e08-4b76-4ad1-a755-4aceb73c71a1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:10:20	251.456
-20	47656	2382800	4f4bf7a5-69e7-4ac0-8b8a-75998dfe9b10	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:28:55	-761.616
-21	23829	2382900	269c58d5-0474-4783-ae45-db08de6f358c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:31:02	-822.301
-21	47658	2382900	6b8f9d9e-e5f7-4014-be53-64f45e3e4082	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:12:08	-384.210
-22	23830	2383000	34a65365-0e58-417e-b9e9-5b1c84b8723d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:50:26	-6.173
-22	47660	2383000	608f1e53-0090-4f76-803b-2850ac287abb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:48:10	310.107
-23	23831	2383100	6ce899a4-cd99-4e87-a753-bffb9e4e4669	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:40:41	-586.295
-23	47662	2383100	4c7574bf-02f1-489b-980b-35ffaa318c6d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:58:31	-582.748
-24	23832	2383200	f3b36f1d-f155-42b0-993d-7de82e69e663	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:08:27	34.540
-24	47664	2383200	44d627d0-1bd8-4b8f-9054-ef6a5bab4a29	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:23:59	-573.699
-25	23833	2383300	fab9d6df-c25b-43b6-8acf-ce9cda47ae43	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:59:36	372.458
-25	47666	2383300	bc26b877-74f1-48d6-a5dc-cbd71ca19ae0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:56:08	395.987
-26	23834	2383400	8b583df7-414a-4d3a-8b5d-1a3e51d5c892	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:29:15	928.429
-26	47668	2383400	15d2f923-c0ac-4e12-8612-db20785b0ed3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:04:03	514.373
-27	23835	2383500	a1da65ad-a83d-49e7-bed0-441e1c6f0168	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:38:09	-785.879
-27	47670	2383500	2192017d-6431-4804-9e9b-efb22dcf70e6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:38:39	-853.401
-28	23836	2383600	909ab18d-bdd9-45b2-a4be-d3c417ab1ea3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:13:14	-40.985
-28	47672	2383600	af4ac989-2a05-4434-bb2f-5494649fa964	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:12:22	574.10
-29	23837	2383700	05aedfd1-e0c6-48a7-b352-1e1f0524ad81	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:32:04	929.957
-29	47674	2383700	64a82624-cbce-4ad5-bf04-bb2311d462ab	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:12:58	402.170
-30	23838	2383800	940b598d-1000-4e67-9fd6-a8ef08efce97	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:49:22	-42.633
-30	47676	2383800	54654ebc-3cb1-42d8-85cd-0056bfea29dc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:49:01	908.349
-31	23839	2383900	b3b456e8-0ebf-4f74-8357-cf2708871088	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:56:52	264.173
-31	47678	2383900	88d4d533-f01a-41d3-9aae-bb1170acc041	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:23:59	584.272
-32	23840	2384000	47c30a55-4e6f-40db-822b-2c5997f76201	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:56:14	529.57
-32	47680	2384000	bbab33c7-928d-4db6-9cc2-610d8932d834	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:01:44	329.2
-33	23841	2384100	6c31dd62-d3de-4192-886d-623f383debbd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:52:51	420.506
-33	47682	2384100	54a5b508-c725-4517-a462-8c9a4ef71ef5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:16:42	572.591
-34	23842	2384200	07fedf66-9686-483e-9bba-ae72c952d380	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:55:22	-678.102
-34	47684	2384200	9bd69af4-a0b5-4bb4-ae68-fda6d3f004ee	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:57:45	705.88
-35	23843	2384300	bfd38af7-13c5-41e6-84fd-e320ec70b843	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:52:40	-475.556
-35	47686	2384300	a9cabff0-8928-4f18-be5f-264371fe6c7b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:37:15	609.382
-36	23844	2384400	61a4213f-8511-470c-981f-e0007d8faecd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:35:45	315.957
-36	47688	2384400	a20810fb-c4e3-443d-a10b-69408bd70ea0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:24:46	-396.766
-37	23845	2384500	e4685d05-1596-4b7e-917f-a024eb97d2d8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:49:48	862.105
-37	47690	2384500	24b2fe43-3244-4533-822c-c3694ff230d7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:34:41	-899.638
-38	23846	2384600	82ae237e-1d32-4ce1-8fa5-d36d4dfe05d6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:07:59	248.390
-38	47692	2384600	5625409f-f5e6-4bd4-8d0a-5f4a089126ac	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:47:40	-434.973
-39	23847	2384700	98468214-c453-4479-851d-682a55d37151	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:48:54	561.252
-39	47694	2384700	63da8f40-4e70-4122-963e-5eaf2b2910a9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:02:40	944.562
-40	23848	2384800	d20fd385-50b5-4634-9af5-1acb9b5afd5d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:26:42	536.142
-40	47696	2384800	96bd56a4-8ae1-47c0-8d01-74ac20a60e77	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:19:39	-85.481
-41	23849	2384900	0ae5fb04-5f1c-49e3-aa12-715ceb3d94ab	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:07:16	251.514
-41	47698	2384900	9524d7ae-30e9-4f70-a1cf-bef4e9bf24fa	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:48:03	-55.974
-42	23850	2385000	fbbfc8e2-b237-4de0-8612-11a6090b59b2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:51:50	720.704
-42	47700	2385000	8eb33e75-3b9a-415f-95cb-5ea17c5457c4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:53:48	-125.744
-43	23851	2385100	15f13174-e1f3-4d88-a795-ef48aaba0720	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:03:16	-955.909
-43	47702	2385100	61bc47b3-ab6e-4260-a884-1a578de2192a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:40:28	-779.736
-44	23852	2385200	dac0d4b7-4b04-4cc5-a464-d1aafbf799d9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:27:39	-217.217
-44	47704	2385200	21f325c5-0800-4da8-949e-ba1d3e4c7907	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:55:01	876.122
-45	23853	2385300	540a1c15-8252-43de-8122-447f97e5b07d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:44:35	129.473
-45	47706	2385300	82f67f66-d990-44e1-ad1d-0b65a5c9956b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:35:11	746.612
-46	23854	2385400	fbd551a4-48ce-4657-a4df-9ca8bc1cbca8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:38:12	77.407
-46	47708	2385400	f155205e-b57c-421e-8b04-ea7e69561d15	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:07:43	17.630
-47	23855	2385500	73d55fa9-a9f3-461a-a39c-5e27582e3e8c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:15:13	-524.601
-47	47710	2385500	81eb5d89-e2e5-4625-ba0a-099a713c950e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:22:59	-623.769
-48	23856	2385600	3b43309e-5d3e-47eb-8973-0597775ef12d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:32:06	-392.937
-48	47712	2385600	f7ce04f5-137d-4f46-b81c-d18a1ebb8482	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:07:01	-612.418
-49	23857	2385700	bf75903a-75a8-46ef-8aab-a050e39a19c7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:03:38	641.908
-49	47714	2385700	0b215b84-da96-4b32-9eb0-c83aaa0a9ec8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:45:15	-56.578
-50	23858	2385800	917bf1b3-211c-4d3b-92a0-f31b80d27dc5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:13:10	143.661
-50	47716	2385800	0636579f-ce8b-453d-b3e8-8a232d1afb6e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:48:13	136.59
-51	23859	2385900	5b95aaf4-3645-4a24-bd6a-0ba796867aea	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:51:09	386.894
-51	47718	2385900	7f97f73d-13e9-4d4c-9dd0-f56bc3cb3f0e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:25:36	-770.610
-52	23860	2386000	985b3f5c-301f-4c6f-946f-c41f11190644	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:51:59	-43.983
-52	47720	2386000	88313f36-158a-4bf5-838b-ce0907d1cce0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:31:40	65.269
-53	23861	2386100	91c8300a-ee8d-4053-b098-590453ea6701	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:23:32	-41.898
-53	47722	2386100	5ad50edd-a97d-4b23-a18c-e5dcfeb3dcef	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:54:58	-928.772
-54	23862	2386200	6ecf8cfa-5870-4c3e-844a-c9148c42f0a1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:32:17	-462.820
-54	47724	2386200	065a9715-f115-4413-8001-92f79581c5e2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:38:44	-698.998
-55	23863	2386300	9671c745-66c3-4ad4-8f80-d60a45382826	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:24:54	-937.428
-55	47726	2386300	091a6317-a314-450b-98df-e9418b8a6d89	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:46:02	-145.554
-56	23864	2386400	3a37f214-56bb-450f-837c-f01454053c0b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:22:06	866.207
-56	47728	2386400	5e510d80-eadf-4d14-bfce-d57846d3cdfe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:24:10	-848.273
-57	23865	2386500	d248d580-5dd0-49e4-ac4a-9ec0ed52afa8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:33:22	424.474
-57	47730	2386500	bfcb4a41-ffae-4b8d-b300-1f62e94fd78c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:26:22	222.308
-58	23866	2386600	98e5fc92-22e3-4c9b-8eaf-3b0c93029cf9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:48:52	-348.975
-58	47732	2386600	7279682e-dc56-46a5-a847-fe0eedcd114d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:11:28	164.909
-59	23867	2386700	17af7c00-e63d-49c5-9186-ab1f9f387ded	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:53:31	899.1
-59	47734	2386700	e0cad52e-7ca5-4d69-b2e3-019df77e3f8e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:18:36	-378.932
-60	23868	2386800	b0f76307-d829-4c3a-bb81-036b41e8da77	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:38:53	-304.551
-60	47736	2386800	79da2111-4f1d-4499-af17-ce91edb93a66	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:01:27	-947.229
-61	23869	2386900	92ab7a19-bc76-4d0f-b22b-c7adfa30361e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:02:47	623.260
-61	47738	2386900	c6d09370-9141-4c67-aa94-02243baad2b4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:19:06	256.759
-62	23870	2387000	2eb7d418-5451-43b3-abc3-64afb536844e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:21:38	-379.688
-62	47740	2387000	b8d3af90-bdf6-4418-8b3b-e9068e721e26	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:23:21	820.968
-63	23871	2387100	cb76a464-93a8-4be8-87e8-f17415ae41b0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:08:00	299.585
-63	47742	2387100	e39ad558-633e-4615-922d-e4dffaaefbf4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:46:54	-195.9
-64	23872	2387200	a3d67035-15eb-4288-a309-0cbd1930759b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:14:33	-182.563
-64	47744	2387200	4feee5cc-e324-4fc6-ac76-03e9603375c5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:41:49	557.688
-65	23873	2387300	b086df27-7ef3-4666-b504-72562eb79e31	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:05:20	-304.282
-65	47746	2387300	dfc94cea-ed46-486b-82e6-45fd0896d783	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:43:34	-94.814
-66	23874	2387400	fd01d92a-58f6-4e9e-b428-d65b0fdbddc6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:20:57	-471.245
-66	47748	2387400	d55e652c-2fca-4b5f-a20f-ac6daa3e4ac0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:15:43	602.50
-67	23875	2387500	f8ac8510-0617-4c66-9018-85d6f9d39e2c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:29:07	-736.258
-67	47750	2387500	98092346-ce1e-4648-94bd-bc95dcec315b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:03:16	47.820
-68	23876	2387600	29efc0b8-9763-4923-90f2-2f630f732fe8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:06:46	-615.467
-68	47752	2387600	83a4767f-4e58-47fd-a0b0-f8d6926af652	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:16:10	586.89
-69	23877	2387700	f693948b-bb26-417c-a1c8-e00201696623	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:38:23	439.61
-69	47754	2387700	c23503ec-12dc-4154-a13b-22b5719132cd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:54:44	-40.483
-70	23878	2387800	80766c03-a2da-4d13-8708-dce06ca35fa0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:02:07	-90.582
-70	47756	2387800	ca833f75-88b3-41b2-8c90-df8ba9e1de7c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:37:47	-696.973
-71	23879	2387900	c414ddf8-d57d-4999-9d72-0cf0ba6d0693	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:16:18	88.665
-71	47758	2387900	caa1c55b-f6c7-4b8d-b9cc-5aeaef7d1202	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:31:41	-937.742
-72	23880	2388000	4ab55a21-b9b8-4f10-88d4-a2293e863967	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:45:49	-269.190
-72	47760	2388000	e4eb1026-9df9-40a7-89d9-44c5aea4c372	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:22:20	932.732
-73	23881	2388100	8cb6686a-a026-483e-80b1-7c82c731206e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:09:57	-107.459
-73	47762	2388100	849c8d76-6a03-4040-85c0-4b61bf88d34a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:59:47	166.218
-74	23882	2388200	e4e7dda2-28c9-4e73-8b63-80962a9d0987	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:17:02	-88.812
-74	47764	2388200	aaa2bc9a-0418-451d-a68d-b1c151c66d0a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:54:14	-208.712
-75	23883	2388300	fec6e756-df3e-40a0-8e8e-092c35ef7f54	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:51:52	-688.66
-75	47766	2388300	dd7f39c0-22a3-4567-be6a-d2d91cd41eb9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:12:50	913.132
-76	23884	2388400	52c64fee-7fca-447e-9532-c6f04672dd2d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:48:58	195.16
-76	47768	2388400	e34d4cfd-9441-4523-9826-726ec95a91b1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:01:53	-861.575
-77	23885	2388500	5e445a35-131f-4072-b5fa-b7ffe1da5e61	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:10:39	-764.209
-77	47770	2388500	f2f9fc63-1283-41aa-8eed-ee7176d6f88a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:34:40	665.369
-78	23886	2388600	3508ce71-0f8a-4271-af54-72003d49dbe2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:52:30	-855.392
-78	47772	2388600	f92b318b-6b2a-4a6a-8a0a-c1f288d101ad	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:44:24	877.432
-79	23887	2388700	19ac359c-ad77-4bdc-8aad-5941e5468f3e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:08:35	-912.673
-79	47774	2388700	d79d9a67-0354-4cd9-b43b-3b07049353a8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:41:46	45.631
-80	23888	2388800	d8a184f3-5dc0-45eb-8f95-4e61bbddbe6c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:59:31	-210.437
-80	47776	2388800	4466dbf1-2d6e-4d64-992b-ee343f3ca527	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:45:05	219.779
-81	23889	2388900	960090e4-5548-4fc4-823d-223351edca73	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:56:22	872.952
-81	47778	2388900	ca2a7770-4eac-4707-bf9a-6b07d562633e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:46:09	-652.415
-82	23890	2389000	aa1db60c-00e8-4c78-869d-521b10e4ea82	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:57:58	-352.892
-82	47780	2389000	75b369aa-0e13-4acf-8d26-9072feeac6b3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:17:10	-266.665
-83	23891	2389100	77d456c0-68cb-470d-949d-ccbd37adfeaf	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:56:37	-673.101
-83	47782	2389100	be1bd086-ecea-4992-87ea-b63b239557df	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:18:03	735.161
-84	23892	2389200	e6734205-13b1-4dc3-8daa-c64ded681d70	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:37:18	-38.454
-84	47784	2389200	3da1446d-5a4c-495c-a697-84ff4032d660	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:30:33	-713.430
-85	23893	2389300	6333b693-3770-4a8a-b931-305c462e3024	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:56:05	-488.234
-85	47786	2389300	92fec000-31a9-4b43-9eba-4a5a029ef011	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:40:34	497.918
-86	23894	2389400	7bf093e9-9d05-458e-960a-498d4fa7abba	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:17:14	-729.14
-86	47788	2389400	1a2cdb56-7f9b-4664-9c77-1a1216928318	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:44:34	-25.163
-87	23895	2389500	9736f9bc-b673-4f1b-96ae-4ba126228112	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:19:55	707.208
-87	47790	2389500	c195f670-da01-41ee-94e9-9731af4be8a4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:18:09	-372.721
-88	23896	2389600	2d3fe991-6d45-442b-856c-dbfb77d203c1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:09:12	880.261
-88	47792	2389600	e28516e3-44ae-471e-b182-f24f9e2d72c7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:05:21	292.910
-89	23897	2389700	f73b5888-bcbd-4210-a34d-39621a30c922	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:08:30	-291.859
-89	47794	2389700	5bfa1fb4-2c24-4e87-a0d6-39f443b32a9a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:26:10	-753.752
-90	23898	2389800	11f39140-4f52-4de3-8e89-4b7f34a23fc5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:41:32	-903.189
-90	47796	2389800	7ff0af11-8a90-4fde-b3f2-73e8e624fe4e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:56:34	397.962
-91	23899	2389900	47a73371-e158-4b69-b25f-6960dfdfb4c3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:50:45	-40.168
-91	47798	2389900	dafa3459-2a70-49b1-be45-103a67b97bad	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:55:51	98.363
-92	23900	2390000	e60aeac4-b369-4b49-ac8e-56638b3f64ed	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:00:52	477.445
-92	47800	2390000	8d127bdf-4c2e-44f0-a48f-1351df8b7d73	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:33:44	945.494
-93	23901	2390100	cb28f567-f90f-47e8-8875-51b68f2edc1c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:32:03	-56.238
-93	47802	2390100	6ed3f811-0151-495f-b1e4-6202bc4fddea	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:18:14	-677.58
-94	23902	2390200	4b1fd3a9-b3f9-4a09-a09d-6f3fd84d9a1a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:56:19	910.293
-94	47804	2390200	98195958-206a-49e2-a843-4df901728d52	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:37:23	323.614
-95	23903	2390300	2a76494e-01af-49f1-bc80-f43939b12a94	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:01:39	-101.968
-95	47806	2390300	169007b6-7eb7-4441-832f-d6f610435ecf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:46:43	-886.167
-96	23904	2390400	eb8cf218-401f-4ce3-86ab-2325eec21def	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:02:40	-981.652
-96	47808	2390400	f24bbcfd-b179-46da-96f2-e71c8c6fd985	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:54:50	423.151
-97	23905	2390500	b30f7bee-f578-4c36-881f-90222333d27d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:49:43	678.642
-97	47810	2390500	861ea403-53f7-4ca7-b2f2-5be532c48c4a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:53:09	83.650
-98	23906	2390600	1ca4d203-2b5d-472a-bb06-fb51e9d34685	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:23:30	-537.598
-98	47812	2390600	7fb060ec-968f-48ee-b2bb-8b34d5c49638	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:34:44	361.302
-99	23907	2390700	c2760407-6bea-4671-bda4-6bfe10fc0c22	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:00:39	-574.841
-99	47814	2390700	07760787-cfbc-4121-90d2-28bc1a3d7abd	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:58:44	-759.427
-100	23908	2390800	fdbb0761-29cd-4088-92bb-363147ca0bb5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:15:22	-881.167
-100	47816	2390800	3ee8bc3c-5bc1-42c8-9154-1df73b9b3533	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:16:38	484.532
-101	23909	2390900	925e9393-106d-4538-9804-0cad238dec1f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:23:09	-86.171
-101	47818	2390900	d83d21a2-abe9-432d-b65f-cfef0a88e86e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:26:30	38.413
-102	23910	2391000	2511a184-30fe-4205-8104-8ebe667c87ba	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:34:07	-110.585
-102	47820	2391000	3e431369-15c6-4a4f-b364-2b2a3e4442f6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:31:03	-674.303
-103	23911	2391100	248dae7e-0fc9-49c1-bf33-e0f2fd52e562	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:46:06	-716.67
-103	47822	2391100	c6a7190b-a52e-48de-b3e6-89bbd44033dc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:16:40	-473.289
-104	23912	2391200	ef5f448b-25d5-4fe8-8557-0923825331b8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:55:30	783.415
-104	47824	2391200	71650b3c-d17e-4c7b-b7de-f73089b7870c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:30:33	-610.618
-105	23913	2391300	6d8ea07f-0133-4b46-9378-4d55cf219015	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:31:22	-723.28
-105	47826	2391300	4c593370-27c5-4513-85d8-da232f38d25f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:43:11	-502.318
-106	23914	2391400	73dd32ce-473a-4f46-a6f7-eafb902b442f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:40:00	409.40
-106	47828	2391400	7a804cbd-e544-42a7-80b9-5e811fe4cdd3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:51:36	154.621
-107	23915	2391500	6905841e-3b09-4ffa-8d18-4d1e7f9a4a65	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:45:00	-701.871
-107	47830	2391500	75cdab6d-32cb-4209-bd98-04e8d557a7aa	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:32:02	996.814
-108	23916	2391600	a0940b6e-a732-48b7-9f79-b8f657837516	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:56:46	220.161
-108	47832	2391600	6d4c8064-22be-4ad6-9bec-6ad5c49da94d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:02:59	-423.799
-109	23917	2391700	35ed3909-4c1c-4691-bb27-c122688fdadf	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:53:02	-813.652
-109	47834	2391700	e4485657-9ae0-45e2-8a29-cedbc16c484b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:08:38	-848.580
-110	23918	2391800	b775992f-abed-4efa-89c3-bdcdc1f828c2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:44:10	-919.897
-110	47836	2391800	d64ec6a4-e91e-4d0a-beb9-a14c5b8c715a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:56:13	-163.351
-111	23919	2391900	d4dc9694-097e-4459-a0bb-ff0afb776894	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:23:53	642.149
-111	47838	2391900	ca7ba53a-0039-40b1-a707-4803e8d771fe	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:47:41	770.621
-112	23920	2392000	13899098-ada3-43c8-905b-0d10001ef7b9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:48:35	188.474
-112	47840	2392000	43df2d13-2fc6-4b1b-8081-9553d3accd95	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:33:46	531.281
-113	23921	2392100	e971819a-1ee0-45fe-b62a-939b4060b7dd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:40:35	630.286
-113	47842	2392100	f9869a11-b6a2-47f8-800a-b91629b7c4d3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:29:14	547.711
-114	23922	2392200	61659bd5-0c80-4984-bf03-269c7937ab77	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:01:56	-193.880
-114	47844	2392200	51ceb4d9-437b-4581-9417-b8e9512a641c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:47:38	-266.189
-115	23923	2392300	bc62887d-2e08-4921-8ef6-ecbe99df993e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:32:45	273.808
-115	47846	2392300	4d75d9c6-f9e4-437b-964a-e1573601e7aa	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:00:27	867.321
-116	23924	2392400	773bd919-6e15-492c-8760-0c3fd5d6c8eb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:20:28	168.854
-116	47848	2392400	b0da6fb7-ddb9-40d3-8d09-6a386f322941	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:43:06	845.593
-117	23925	2392500	04a42a40-5ca4-430b-a0fa-89be0a9bf8d8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:52:42	-32.368
-117	47850	2392500	0c17d2fd-4d80-4e67-9287-482552493885	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:06:25	-627.342
-118	23926	2392600	4185cace-61ea-43b5-8288-a2ea2373fbee	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:53:04	-347.212
-118	47852	2392600	4ed083ac-1eef-4532-9b78-fac83ea265d8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:15:19	-65.250
-119	23927	2392700	8b34ae94-0016-424d-9a89-3dfab6e255ce	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:32:15	-850.292
-119	47854	2392700	59a98ce1-2060-472c-b10c-c375cb652793	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:42:54	774.573
-120	23928	2392800	c88e42bd-5f9b-4597-be65-8abd54997df9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:33:49	-320.974
-120	47856	2392800	25635fbd-fc9a-4326-b346-8e8ea01f3dbe	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:41:48	-540.739
-121	23929	2392900	cbab3b3e-4179-4d97-8d6d-ee68fb15d4d6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:05:59	-779.83
-121	47858	2392900	d08bcc21-dd75-4992-b5c8-257bc4f65612	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:08:09	504.540
-122	23930	2393000	fa534374-f297-487b-bfdc-f0018923c183	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:04:03	-829.571
-122	47860	2393000	91996550-74a2-4110-9f40-45b0c5f255f5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:00:19	417.37
-123	23931	2393100	815a00a5-a37a-4ab9-8466-51f50fd55618	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:15:38	472.878
-123	47862	2393100	b3e6819f-3f3c-43d8-936e-c3ee78101d38	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:46:29	561.954
-124	23932	2393200	c4d8f9c1-a8af-42a2-867c-f5fc6628ac0f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:55:44	-825.239
-124	47864	2393200	0d035388-b458-411e-bd4c-6688e0675356	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:59:52	708.22
-125	23933	2393300	5ffd475c-29c5-40d8-bf6c-4f4bba776bdb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:57:14	-816.59
-125	47866	2393300	60f1fe88-a51c-4b46-8e2b-957be3cabe4b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:35:03	140.875
-126	23934	2393400	44e1e2aa-4f0d-41ec-9280-e5aaf1a84fdd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:42:51	128.482
-126	47868	2393400	9aa73806-8433-48c2-be4a-9145785f44c6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:01:56	-814.384
-127	23935	2393500	62a491c2-7647-4134-9ef6-31c466d07c28	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:28:49	-236.499
-127	47870	2393500	1510cfe9-f8ce-4b18-b56c-a1cc61ea531a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:31:58	-202.99
-0	23936	2393600	e66f4700-c03f-4473-a4da-38fd4f911eaf	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:30:03	184.839
-0	47872	2393600	d90ad548-faac-4557-9fbd-ddfd530c8253	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:22:14	-13.471
-1	23937	2393700	67737a1c-5417-47e5-a2b4-05c33c1c0cbb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:28:06	-225.100
-1	47874	2393700	1bfcd7ab-5179-4499-9807-978d7a8fc766	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:39:29	471.205
-2	23938	2393800	a3c6fcce-0d66-44d5-9ab9-025ac0ea8a71	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:23:12	-721.829
-2	47876	2393800	a270062f-d924-40a0-81af-f90996636bb8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:03:10	922.129
-3	23939	2393900	f6e51acb-a600-4cf7-b74f-8eeb374d5b7c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:51:30	668.128
-3	47878	2393900	5780a354-e8c4-4bb8-a919-639278d6c8c2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:48:24	-975.652
-4	23940	2394000	762dfc91-3b60-4722-bc13-ac1ebfa29fdf	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:11:46	-927.33
-4	47880	2394000	f47f73d8-0585-4c64-9ed6-4180198ecec4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:18:29	744.671
-5	23941	2394100	25441565-8b16-41c6-811b-e31c8200e86d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:48:03	-783.437
-5	47882	2394100	ea317dca-708c-429c-b6d2-a7913c41adbb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:48:10	-793.598
-6	23942	2394200	e73121db-777b-44f9-af40-4edbd78b56da	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:22:10	-845.381
-6	47884	2394200	db9a9cfc-f561-4555-82ad-d23a86b9c8cd	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:13:01	154.550
-7	23943	2394300	0a96c592-7c06-4a9a-a027-80271278b375	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:11:37	-429.56
-7	47886	2394300	c577c034-3891-409f-adb7-1d50f1b01064	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:01:39	513.671
-8	23944	2394400	5d16f40a-68ff-439c-96da-a64fca3d1d79	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:54:55	584.137
-8	47888	2394400	23262d36-803c-4f60-b70a-6ede227244ec	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:38:02	-75.52
-9	23945	2394500	eadd4d48-5a3e-459e-bbba-ebd789b2b455	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:45:01	-250.380
-9	47890	2394500	0b4fbfb8-9048-4d8a-a952-27e446665fa7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:21:26	-26.785
-10	23946	2394600	f3a7598c-1f16-406e-b769-71b08ec036c2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:36:38	445.196
-10	47892	2394600	8d311144-45a7-4853-892f-02561df053df	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:57:55	-512.641
-11	23947	2394700	be938677-dbec-40b6-ba64-9957db3716f5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:33:59	-307.491
-11	47894	2394700	04d875ea-0971-4e30-b888-9a8d713ca82c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:02:52	-254.26
-12	23948	2394800	ef75b9c2-043d-4a51-8cd1-54c1448c2f8f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:06:11	-394.697
-12	47896	2394800	0dd5174b-cd50-4680-91cc-662b0e47970c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:16:34	-740.789
-13	23949	2394900	956662d8-2701-4066-99d7-320484fbffe3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:33:40	461.83
-13	47898	2394900	762e5150-c853-4b0d-a228-df0047c5666f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:23:39	-975.852
-14	23950	2395000	b20a5d88-808e-4fcf-a83b-16c4c58ee6bd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:13:25	898.325
-14	47900	2395000	b953f59a-5f89-4db4-95ea-407af37f09b0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:50:44	-60.890
-15	23951	2395100	5c3b228f-0fbc-430b-9a61-2185129d7962	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:06:05	-751.802
-15	47902	2395100	9758fd08-f811-439a-9578-aba597978bbd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:51:42	-743.262
-16	23952	2395200	1a290a0b-8b01-435b-8dba-60a9908337eb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:24:31	103.925
-16	47904	2395200	9aa74eac-54f1-4a7d-aa4d-8373cbad6a5d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:25:57	-624.841
-17	23953	2395300	c0cb9757-db06-4ebc-a728-90ff1e83332f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:05:52	-905.878
-17	47906	2395300	34816ae3-3c9a-41d4-8fd8-770ff52c23b8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:58:21	906.95
-18	23954	2395400	4152f083-599f-4001-90ec-ffa3caeeedfc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:22:14	914.943
-18	47908	2395400	c8c51fe0-4ffa-4ae5-b41d-ecd47a226129	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:34:54	-986.325
-19	23955	2395500	5eb5e24e-a2a2-46c6-ae71-ce6e5dcabaa7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:38:06	212.32
-19	47910	2395500	8d0b97ee-2473-4eb1-8a1b-94c39b04c6d7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:40:07	-73.405
-20	23956	2395600	3ced1d23-f1de-4378-803b-f117a03bc70b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:28:54	-400.530
-20	47912	2395600	2e423f06-9c1d-4a44-98f6-339320f6e8a9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:17:31	155.607
-21	23957	2395700	ce4a7f49-7900-4f89-8eaf-e9a65c80e6e3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:08:43	977.137
-21	47914	2395700	de44ecc7-5e8d-43fd-b705-084661eb5d47	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:15:27	597.850
-22	23958	2395800	8f660214-ed01-4e37-8411-b31a4531ba91	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:36:49	938.239
-22	47916	2395800	20cd9e8a-b185-49bd-8b72-b3cf469e6f95	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:57:46	646.456
-23	23959	2395900	e59147c2-b93a-4fef-9c99-af6f3cf1adc0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:04:58	768.917
-23	47918	2395900	2677fbc0-93af-442c-aac1-fd315c1c1061	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:06:13	819.196
-24	23960	2396000	ad687a63-8253-427d-bc2f-acdc7bb1e074	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:14:43	-785.762
-24	47920	2396000	43e4c9d0-df08-4822-aa54-11bdff1776f1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:00:37	-662.598
-25	23961	2396100	eb173704-f8a8-4263-ac0f-bf591a8dcd3a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:31:59	873.244
-25	47922	2396100	1320bcc9-3124-4be1-a338-69bc97087abf	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:14:11	-235.718
-26	23962	2396200	90776c52-d09b-4b8e-bc05-631aa10a60dd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:34:11	-426.843
-26	47924	2396200	6b3aafd5-1f86-4dcf-b4d2-9ffa91fac6ef	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:24:08	994.607
-27	23963	2396300	769e7554-346f-4047-85d1-bd0806856a18	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:57:05	-600.293
-27	47926	2396300	2dad3000-940a-466d-b8ff-39460e4159b8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:23:04	-374.164
-28	23964	2396400	6295775f-5fef-4ae8-bdae-253c54b40499	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:40:56	218.443
-28	47928	2396400	80f1aec3-7072-4a91-9cdb-057958194b0c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:32:27	-338.582
-29	23965	2396500	e1c0e644-35a9-4e30-abeb-a10e2320ab6c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:35:24	-304.929
-29	47930	2396500	0408b436-bdfc-4fc4-8264-96e1fe2f4361	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:53:39	-827.786
-30	23966	2396600	e9bccad3-6cf9-4704-951d-2ffc4980423d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:29:53	276.990
-30	47932	2396600	6be79c14-ec86-4ef8-a4b8-d7460907e209	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:03:47	558.146
-31	23967	2396700	4f904529-8882-429a-ba3c-65dcda284975	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:41:12	-599.157
-31	47934	2396700	c6640eac-c7ef-461d-9aeb-89f93a96135d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:17:02	-634.799
-32	23968	2396800	229b769b-532b-47d2-a713-fd6eb50ffb08	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:14:50	-207.421
-32	47936	2396800	1bb29d64-06e2-4700-874d-63babb91b645	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:50:53	416.516
-33	23969	2396900	873b9bc8-88ce-4ea6-9a80-faabf05655e2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:12:52	-414.408
-33	47938	2396900	1ce4ec92-ec97-4c84-becc-6579de675142	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:19:53	437.455
-34	23970	2397000	56b08d88-08a6-4bcb-87d9-ee8fdd7d23b0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:56:49	368.404
-34	47940	2397000	aa7a822f-f7b5-4374-9737-eb39c478cff7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:52:10	-892.618
-35	23971	2397100	074e167c-f7ed-4a9f-b45e-26579c0ef220	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:54:43	-683.790
-35	47942	2397100	1a65a23b-5f11-49de-9f65-cdbed0b5e61e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:08:29	-557.285
-36	23972	2397200	10a8b698-98d7-49f8-87b2-cf8cfc612783	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:28:44	364.80
-36	47944	2397200	3cad6750-3dbe-4c9b-9c31-fc450402aa21	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:36:23	703.69
-37	23973	2397300	ace01743-4f07-4572-a2fb-bb65d9fd6c6e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:51:14	-385.937
-37	47946	2397300	b647c261-b958-4593-a101-42dc1dd97268	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:16:42	990.102
-38	23974	2397400	bc47c1aa-dc3d-4177-80ef-4bc3a7f9f579	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:21:47	-550.745
-38	47948	2397400	c0840faa-befe-4d73-ade6-223bf05f9b5f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:36:43	-63.471
-39	23975	2397500	54c90620-ed76-43a7-bdbb-d8eef4758cbb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:53:17	-563.610
-39	47950	2397500	1725c481-4593-45e8-aef4-8526477aa081	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:37:08	463.341
-40	23976	2397600	6e619b99-6579-4cd8-bb61-0b919f9c6cd0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:51:57	665.621
-40	47952	2397600	0c6a053e-940e-4977-9c53-159a5c955994	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:49:10	-80.741
-41	23977	2397700	6e5b647d-8094-42dd-8b07-7a1cd384c41e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:10:23	867.210
-41	47954	2397700	40638d1d-f80b-41cb-b8ce-0ec9e098d876	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:56:25	120.702
-42	23978	2397800	226d5ede-6469-4962-8863-1129a245fafa	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:18:41	968.768
-42	47956	2397800	34912d2b-e90b-428d-af18-4ba7acd31a2a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:19:00	446.287
-43	23979	2397900	67b17839-4da2-4312-969d-ffea24c7243a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:47:37	502.25
-43	47958	2397900	6d5a0096-0237-4c52-9ff3-ff126347c117	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:05:42	512.764
-44	23980	2398000	1aacff8f-1968-49d1-bc10-704c6825fe51	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:42:11	806.361
-44	47960	2398000	72b9f525-b29c-430e-9746-11f4a5de99f4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:12:33	372.813
-45	23981	2398100	dc83b23b-2f65-419b-9b66-539f00abc0b9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:24:03	516.396
-45	47962	2398100	6af446b7-9989-4898-a65e-2ddf30de808d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:42:25	-939.111
-46	23982	2398200	da316b57-d15e-498f-a13d-ea109312ccc8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:17:39	842.50
-46	47964	2398200	4e273122-9052-4a53-8415-451b154b832e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:26:38	108.219
-47	23983	2398300	1b638dd7-5c84-4c34-b4e0-bb3bad83c297	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:05:15	747.182
-47	47966	2398300	cf196e93-3ec0-4006-abfe-c38bdbcfe2d3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:15:14	-550.531
-48	23984	2398400	ba68101e-3a70-432d-b991-25347172a40d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:35:33	330.560
-48	47968	2398400	69842370-1a94-4a26-9753-9336b9669398	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:54:09	425.83
-49	23985	2398500	edb86643-e10b-44b9-a7bc-4ad2bb9d3745	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:30:54	512.288
-49	47970	2398500	460253a8-300e-45ed-b028-98e3d82c80ac	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:31:54	-498.825
-50	23986	2398600	2817b81b-df59-4dd9-8205-2460f67937ca	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:32:35	-655.598
-50	47972	2398600	72d49104-aa4a-4dac-8cac-751b36bc09fc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:51:33	-264.508
-51	23987	2398700	10a7a7b9-7b50-406a-b127-edc2e243c53e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:48:48	-788.460
-51	47974	2398700	839a3500-6e98-48ae-b019-2e6d9edd5e93	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:51:13	-782.104
-52	23988	2398800	ae1da8ae-eb88-4f04-bf0d-af3705475d62	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:07:09	-991.561
-52	47976	2398800	bd9d8ae6-c107-48b9-b0cd-012223242f84	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:02:11	-670.662
-53	23989	2398900	16a72809-e9e5-4777-b8d6-b9ec0283a390	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:01:20	-357.41
-53	47978	2398900	c660dc90-f800-44b3-a6d3-d197c39aaec3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:26:26	-331.744
-54	23990	2399000	fc79e5e3-bc05-4bd7-a927-c194a929d155	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:06:32	-455.17
-54	47980	2399000	592f8f5c-3ad8-4259-8d3a-a26502f0a0fc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:39:14	-552.777
-55	23991	2399100	44c381df-aef5-4734-99ff-a7dfc0f79137	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:15:47	35.202
-55	47982	2399100	b6aa4a01-44a5-4216-b6f5-63407b44b58e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:28:51	901.834
-56	23992	2399200	61620580-0189-48dd-aa60-33634c93a458	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:15:22	315.749
-56	47984	2399200	e9b8d3d5-17a5-42c9-b967-411d9eb8e2f7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:00:19	62.125
-57	23993	2399300	535d291e-6adb-40b7-9e83-00a603caa91d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:27:44	477.408
-57	47986	2399300	c53fccfe-d747-4d66-80a5-38a31125daed	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:21:34	-42.227
-58	23994	2399400	f240c057-3e8e-4286-8970-767d06bffcb2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:04:23	605.237
-58	47988	2399400	a94c3ae9-d8a7-4203-9f96-623bcd5614d1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:06:40	-654.838
-59	23995	2399500	faca3174-9e4d-44d0-b9ee-8787b83ee727	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:44:01	617.529
-59	47990	2399500	df6c74b3-4e04-433f-a1c4-9b25160b7af5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:21:14	-218.560
-60	23996	2399600	0fda4359-d62d-4db7-ac7c-d1d22eb121c8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:46:56	-460.698
-60	47992	2399600	a33a979c-30ce-4885-ab49-148d91603a85	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:40:39	-621.255
-61	23997	2399700	7930f988-127b-4bb3-aa83-9fd9dbe32046	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:04:03	-798.503
-61	47994	2399700	9ff2a776-1b5f-4284-b604-f0613546c531	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:57:09	-226.66
-62	23998	2399800	1172c39a-ad93-41b2-a0e7-cf31cf8f590a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:24:30	415.286
-62	47996	2399800	2155327b-889d-4099-b9d7-1d73f0d1cbe4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:38:00	965.665
-63	23999	2399900	5fe37e4c-5ccb-40c9-8d9a-24929e51ccd3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:20:23	458.71
-63	47998	2399900	88d99336-9083-47d4-965a-2dbaebab6ea6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:55:23	773.699
-64	24000	2400000	b161d538-1ca7-4e82-8b09-72af7b47d1b2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:42:24	774.164
-64	48000	2400000	f78bcaa4-1968-4fd3-9587-26c347a50646	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:46:58	-579.955
-65	24001	2400100	96839380-d997-4f73-b263-1f3a533068d5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:31:02	714.620
-65	48002	2400100	e082c189-4ce6-4854-8046-219e9a21363d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:04:29	-209.848
-66	24002	2400200	4ae7262b-14ed-44e4-9bd7-00d2a21d8e78	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:25:08	-694.282
-66	48004	2400200	fde11eef-fd02-4606-b665-f4cbabe7e1da	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:25:57	806.203
-67	24003	2400300	eb8ec672-ea64-4f54-ab0e-5f3f8ca844b7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:25:56	-701.341
-67	48006	2400300	4c3292bb-0c9e-4bc0-b03b-f7c55d8f63f3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:25:27	-779.143
-68	24004	2400400	048f06f6-a930-4214-84ad-df23a6462916	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:17:42	212.76
-68	48008	2400400	be277ea7-5c0f-4fbb-a6bb-d8a21b307d74	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:01:54	475.584
-69	24005	2400500	2ff36dd1-604b-4787-aa7e-263d38c6fe04	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:08:17	593.793
-69	48010	2400500	af57f27b-2863-4cff-acc7-281c19b3e477	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:30:16	-924.34
-70	24006	2400600	ecd46d91-10d9-48b0-8322-36488963d311	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:48:55	-19.429
-70	48012	2400600	129245cc-6829-458c-b8f3-3752a3d7f106	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:11:53	344.232
-71	24007	2400700	d3c0f6b1-b44c-4116-b5ff-4c7b15dbe1d6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:08:03	290.679
-71	48014	2400700	464a855f-cf6c-4cc9-a75e-723cf3ad469e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:28:44	581.131
-72	24008	2400800	59bb2bef-9afd-47a9-ac18-a04e49285552	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:25:26	298.279
-72	48016	2400800	9f0ed484-e838-41f6-bb44-fba55df7571b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:25:55	-413.71
-73	24009	2400900	c2b9fea8-1242-4e08-ac58-468b55c56860	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:18:27	165.594
-73	48018	2400900	53378e24-ea60-4e24-827f-fc3aa7404e11	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:54:03	361.316
-74	24010	2401000	b143e65d-6f38-4516-b847-a7b18c0ac03e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:26:51	296.703
-74	48020	2401000	38d6e5f6-2928-44b2-9d2d-4174ff80f2bc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:15:45	361.588
-75	24011	2401100	35478b05-f236-4281-ab4f-b3f957cbadc9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:32:02	614.231
-75	48022	2401100	1679987d-c7b5-4f5b-894a-aaf896823d8c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:48:27	165.285
-76	24012	2401200	f8235adc-d0af-4c4a-9c6f-22c96989fbc5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:15:06	-961.228
-76	48024	2401200	4b022929-27de-4203-983a-a02dcdd5b297	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:13:36	-200.595
-77	24013	2401300	4e5dc05e-c2de-4839-9f2d-3aec37553c98	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:41:13	637.874
-77	48026	2401300	b13ba2a5-9df7-4acd-a851-948340b386d4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:05:00	56.75
-78	24014	2401400	1e9334f7-60a9-42bd-81b5-d61ba3345e44	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:15:54	-736.159
-78	48028	2401400	f5b690a5-7a28-4cdc-9414-5a82faf47b74	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:56:19	134.308
-79	24015	2401500	d5d31e2d-c4dc-4eeb-90f6-0b4f72ed4c3a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:11:04	-39.458
-79	48030	2401500	729b62ee-0df7-46d9-8039-9f3434c700f7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:42:05	796.732
-80	24016	2401600	b61e7d07-7c40-451a-98b7-d88a53de9311	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:33:06	-531.857
-80	48032	2401600	1ed86f5d-4724-4e24-9b83-8db5882c858b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:07:56	423.943
-81	24017	2401700	c9c983cf-f71a-4a97-a0e9-bfb3a40b055a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:36:32	-760.148
-81	48034	2401700	261d218c-d709-4344-91c9-f0867893dd01	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:49:48	-379.126
-82	24018	2401800	2b659dbd-beee-4c7d-b734-7085fd122ed6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:39:17	236.11
-82	48036	2401800	71b166a6-9bba-4ab9-8c1b-217fc968c656	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:49:12	85.517
-83	24019	2401900	2e4928fc-67a1-42df-997e-b72daff6c3ac	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:56:50	-384.462
-83	48038	2401900	09727d7c-c935-46d2-8e62-4a90f29c84ba	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:03:30	-505.50
-84	24020	2402000	1f172b01-cc5b-4c13-88ef-58c2d40f2eac	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:58:00	-836.95
-84	48040	2402000	95c8ff12-249a-492d-8076-3a9cf81d06c8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:00:31	806.660
-85	24021	2402100	5bee54cc-e431-469d-8133-2375d4614058	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:24:37	-105.590
-85	48042	2402100	df7e4be1-b396-4175-92f5-fd8acaa3e3af	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:42:11	-958.725
-86	24022	2402200	09862ea0-fea3-4d07-9188-b41fb469ad61	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:34:42	-572.869
-86	48044	2402200	1c19dc32-f983-4d91-a0a2-46f69112ba86	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:32:39	-967.170
-87	24023	2402300	50671040-b612-4607-8432-913e09242807	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:14:37	174.313
-87	48046	2402300	4ed80e16-baf7-4811-99ba-d2fbc8cd873e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:35:29	202.899
-88	24024	2402400	435bf3b6-3592-40e3-8578-804b04fbdfbe	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:37:42	911.732
-88	48048	2402400	94550fc9-47d5-436c-bc70-7f259dadafbe	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:26:53	593.917
-89	24025	2402500	22169d8e-c880-4455-8312-597a8e94d93f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:21:28	256.814
-89	48050	2402500	a535a415-c9ad-4877-b6d7-65a97f75bdc3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:51:39	-97.150
-90	24026	2402600	17d347ff-9acc-4944-9999-e52d5fbc6177	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:53:03	630.397
-90	48052	2402600	bdeebca5-35b6-4367-a9c0-eed9c1fd7189	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:45:16	-210.603
-91	24027	2402700	9f52c790-c1d6-4f03-b183-a05ff22d796a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:38:30	-238.768
-91	48054	2402700	c6942e49-9f98-446a-9e8d-a79c4c46e9b1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:21:38	843.457
-92	24028	2402800	8e9007a0-3e94-433d-94dc-e89ac2172b77	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:40:32	-683.808
-92	48056	2402800	e21a1402-6c04-44c0-b5ca-62e15e1bbeb4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:16:20	535.575
-93	24029	2402900	60e23211-f7f3-4bed-af2c-96201d2432f6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:03:01	161.721
-93	48058	2402900	6e41b253-5172-4ec2-a2c6-6d5889e191e5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:42:35	-920.447
-94	24030	2403000	e0b7068f-f1c6-4f29-abb0-4e47cde2db61	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:46:20	-914.129
-94	48060	2403000	60b9c4a5-4cbf-4ff7-8342-a5d1e5a6c1ef	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:46:09	-828.611
-95	24031	2403100	5787116d-d173-4ac9-bd0a-8e0c2470720f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:12:39	-715.832
-95	48062	2403100	f938b34b-6c49-45d6-987d-13b29bbf2b2b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:17:59	-861.293
-96	24032	2403200	6cd2e02e-e2df-401f-8a7a-2f41d637f0ea	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:19:44	771.277
-96	48064	2403200	fe430a37-1d4c-4d48-a02e-1e4b2d89070c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:07:39	127.998
-97	24033	2403300	42f68d14-d351-4bab-83c1-fe216088a1dd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:41:23	574.449
-97	48066	2403300	21085998-a1e5-4497-bb41-5f3cf5ecc57e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:37:14	-966.437
-98	24034	2403400	cfee1691-1e9e-4a42-aa8a-8af3b1b3b583	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:50:28	-60.771
-98	48068	2403400	5c814c1b-5161-48e0-95ed-e085ca55cdd1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:23:37	-195.242
-99	24035	2403500	e12d3169-c782-4d2f-8610-1643c1175cae	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:46:05	-669.191
-99	48070	2403500	ed025891-4356-4d71-a348-7fa818b46bce	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:59:37	-672.35
-100	24036	2403600	cd4fec33-a045-4abc-a6fe-f35b1ae7e661	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:14:44	-249.803
-100	48072	2403600	81efb3f0-f290-48ec-88da-b190ebc96b0a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:30:19	640.32
-101	24037	2403700	9371a469-379d-43c4-945e-20e7107d3ff0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:04:15	-18.752
-101	48074	2403700	ed0066d4-1e05-4f2e-8b2f-04d083d1060c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:44:44	-721.133
-102	24038	2403800	d26f30ae-86dc-4f59-817a-d4148979644d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:49:10	-4.997
-102	48076	2403800	f093d54b-1f33-4c07-b71c-524bbbfc68bb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:59:21	-455.767
-103	24039	2403900	f06e0f61-c11d-4136-81e8-9c98653cbab2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:42:57	648.544
-103	48078	2403900	e070a97e-0a75-431c-881d-6082b79bb55a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:04:12	749.238
-104	24040	2404000	df89cc64-2942-4f2f-b784-22a74aa926ac	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:39:33	525.1
-104	48080	2404000	ff72452e-f835-4835-bfe2-a121c914d9d2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:41:16	836.727
-105	24041	2404100	b8b90da8-c1cb-4d93-9944-29f87bba7ff1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:51:10	-443.858
-105	48082	2404100	c4628d29-d974-491d-9799-f8a0f381291b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:30:12	-754.339
-106	24042	2404200	072e6179-79c6-4cab-9429-fda19766377e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:58:57	-908.539
-106	48084	2404200	32c2df74-737c-46fd-8c30-8456371845b0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:17:59	-136.736
-107	24043	2404300	72003ff1-ad21-4799-9ad3-198e7b1b1329	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:14:27	511.209
-107	48086	2404300	c939c0dc-8c80-496c-a903-a3b207ae589c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:52:42	-962.839
-108	24044	2404400	424f4a3f-7a60-421e-90fe-3fb4bc2654e0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:20:58	543.247
-108	48088	2404400	5a96805d-ef18-4f0c-ab57-6bb804a6ab34	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:32:53	-340.264
-109	24045	2404500	4a44ee20-0467-4644-ba1e-2b5418b0ce10	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:48:25	-182.304
-109	48090	2404500	d2faf4d8-d3bc-436d-b5ef-9b8a74ddd1b6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:58:44	-625.799
-110	24046	2404600	6e721bcd-7dc2-4524-b6c4-ec49f0d24e38	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:37:38	-818.884
-110	48092	2404600	cba22bfe-7f9f-4fcf-9585-462f5ba9a9f6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:12:22	592.77
-111	24047	2404700	27bf7658-41dd-4287-94d8-aa24c0e384a9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:01:03	549.45
-111	48094	2404700	591e5baa-0762-4c3e-bf6c-6b4fdcb71083	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:47:31	466.794
-112	24048	2404800	d8bd0ef9-b73f-4c82-b000-97f232648b37	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:50:00	819.943
-112	48096	2404800	2455fc91-2b5b-40a0-8f10-3d2ac4426d5c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:11:30	702.49
-113	24049	2404900	84593f64-d24d-426c-83ac-c81f24f0d09d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:35:38	-5.754
-113	48098	2404900	09df090e-9ddc-41c7-ae7c-ba6e72bc7b9c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:30:06	241.246
-114	24050	2405000	a6cc3388-5c5e-492e-83fd-9df67740eea4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:59:20	-603.438
-114	48100	2405000	faaf074d-cfed-44d2-a589-f1d3597090e2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:14:26	-936.575
-115	24051	2405100	2a7cc9dc-b840-43cd-93c1-621ba59568bf	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:09:43	-19.109
-115	48102	2405100	4f6d0b1a-fc54-4209-a9cc-4b27ca982672	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:39:11	928.328
-116	24052	2405200	0987c278-0bed-4a54-a386-d7dafbd2944d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:19:53	-304.137
-116	48104	2405200	90574b01-abef-4dc0-9169-2111610db4ed	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:24:57	381.78
-117	24053	2405300	c1da83a2-d7b6-4d7b-baca-3a15ff2bd1e1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:45:19	-546.573
-117	48106	2405300	015597db-5299-4c35-a6b1-eede8a65d820	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:45:57	437.589
-118	24054	2405400	041c396e-f431-4e03-a668-cedc1fb290b2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:59:50	363.680
-118	48108	2405400	4202a7fd-3fcc-4b39-93b5-6a042dddaf41	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:14:24	341.143
-119	24055	2405500	e6815210-dd7f-4e21-9ebe-7679fc7563b4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:42:13	192.156
-119	48110	2405500	21cfab2c-603c-47b1-b1ac-c4ee02b18dd9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:48:32	-182.40
-120	24056	2405600	f64a07e0-9168-4761-b342-615bd9679fe3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:20:27	549.990
-120	48112	2405600	0f449ef5-9456-467f-9487-8f12da5fc7bb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:38:27	62.526
-121	24057	2405700	f114428f-d98c-4272-8d38-6073fbdb6323	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:42:31	530.384
-121	48114	2405700	3fa178f4-f5ca-45a7-82e4-20665b3dd343	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:11:36	796.397
-122	24058	2405800	c1e9572e-3742-4e83-b710-6e3fbaa0b370	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:23:58	634.578
-122	48116	2405800	2125a0ef-eaad-4264-971a-a9ebaa1541d5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:12:48	137.168
-123	24059	2405900	3ec60cb4-94f7-497e-b083-dfeab03f0d13	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:10:26	567.279
-123	48118	2405900	b269ff49-dc1d-4bc1-8337-ed45006a0b14	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:31:31	-580.474
-124	24060	2406000	16f724af-1ea6-482d-9a8b-86190d6a7a15	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:39:20	987.624
-124	48120	2406000	496d2bb7-04be-4f8d-b570-0080ac5809eb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:16:16	977.365
-125	24061	2406100	a9598f1b-749a-40c0-b8ea-2a761a27df71	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:48:06	-384.93
-125	48122	2406100	8cd5c56f-da8f-47cd-a799-50b27a7053fd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:59:02	299.779
-126	24062	2406200	14dd9039-66b9-4152-b2c6-bb4c0ce94ffb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:20:44	258.189
-126	48124	2406200	98605b5e-8576-40ab-aacf-e70af9d9a638	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:43:46	550.295
-127	24063	2406300	a4716e43-f041-49a2-9b8a-a9203906cd89	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:55:55	-453.305
-127	48126	2406300	68d6f5bb-a958-4a3d-994b-ad378352c9cf	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:26:43	869.804
-0	24064	2406400	27b7e546-7493-47bf-8bc6-27be147340c0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:14:28	-63.318
-0	48128	2406400	21f95cbe-df1e-4ffb-b39f-1f50d42a958f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:02:22	-754.428
-1	24065	2406500	0943bc40-63e5-4e95-a46e-0156349110d6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:40:32	-818.685
-1	48130	2406500	dc5f3704-d71b-427a-8dca-a7b963c39ec0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:54:00	131.339
-2	24066	2406600	207e1e50-4e52-41d0-b3ac-3a60229ae146	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:01:56	-677.992
-2	48132	2406600	9fcc08cf-252b-4a0b-bbcb-fb8b677bb400	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:33:12	296.940
-3	24067	2406700	94bc2496-dacf-48a9-b6e7-7420f25125dc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:16:24	-455.871
-3	48134	2406700	d45d6725-fc63-4aed-9f8b-a5ce511f00e0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:37:33	501.268
-4	24068	2406800	c55e453f-eb28-4ca0-9069-f12884858d2e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:25:38	-463.29
-4	48136	2406800	a2ae4f02-e67d-4890-8f3d-5fbd10645f1a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:56:23	20.420
-5	24069	2406900	91683de2-ca9f-4b5b-97c9-e5c046fe078f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:52:10	-778.454
-5	48138	2406900	c73e0b5c-6a1e-4655-8ab3-a6db9271591e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:47:13	119.424
-6	24070	2407000	7cdb59e8-ef84-4658-86fc-580d0105aec7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:54:55	622.39
-6	48140	2407000	80606b45-ac41-4b53-9023-c3acbb52935b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:55:37	894.126
-7	24071	2407100	d7e20677-4eb4-43e8-b63f-a66da9f42adb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:49:11	-502.537
-7	48142	2407100	674c3a4e-0411-43fe-bb07-a1f1ccd864ef	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:19:55	-128.541
-8	24072	2407200	ead606a0-eab2-494a-b83a-4790ef204ab6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:37:29	442.696
-8	48144	2407200	07be5b2b-c7af-46dd-855d-3ff79a292f1d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:25:18	-605.788
-9	24073	2407300	be1834e8-4cb6-4ede-93ab-06a9615e39f5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:29:51	313.811
-9	48146	2407300	2257f973-ab37-4885-8472-4eedad7a9884	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:31:15	-725.183
-10	24074	2407400	9acdc9b7-f12e-4c3f-9507-050e1b6d34ab	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:15:26	351.597
-10	48148	2407400	107ff764-c17f-4096-9730-358e342f6a50	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:26:38	276.50
-11	24075	2407500	eaf7c8fd-62a5-440c-b330-26644310310f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:11:45	-780.159
-11	48150	2407500	04dd8b6b-ba7d-4994-bc2e-0ad633fde2a4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:00:36	982.340
-12	24076	2407600	a9b5c048-8349-460a-af00-4e5d2e810e8d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:43:19	-955.801
-12	48152	2407600	75495fbe-3c8e-4039-8d25-57dcb17c96fa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:29:55	46.741
-13	24077	2407700	6eaae98c-9ef4-4c4b-a905-027498351fa1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:12:10	602.544
-13	48154	2407700	962df9f9-8ed8-4367-9e82-bfd5a9c64301	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:22:30	-160.655
-14	24078	2407800	12bdc497-cbf4-4ad9-b08e-79116b4da06a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:15:16	174.137
-14	48156	2407800	019e09e1-ae1a-4545-b2a0-69506e8e61b6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:42:21	-524.313
-15	24079	2407900	faa8a0b7-6e2b-4df6-b3bc-e2caee9258e0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:57:05	644.890
-15	48158	2407900	45aeff10-2cea-4e37-85e6-b6262aad6584	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:04:03	194.445
-16	24080	2408000	7203a8e9-51e4-420a-93ba-496e3d824223	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:56:00	937.379
-16	48160	2408000	282f7d4b-e28d-4c64-8335-0d918d9851f2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:05:04	624.807
-17	24081	2408100	dc58f08d-e5d6-4e9b-b4c8-1d3a1abb6dbb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:53:40	247.53
-17	48162	2408100	e5860aa8-1666-4ede-87a6-384ed125c41c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:03:30	316.311
-18	24082	2408200	b8c716e8-b013-44ba-a857-7e78d68d6c5f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:19:25	943.850
-18	48164	2408200	3e1e709c-0d8f-476e-869d-ff6e4165d782	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:19:31	-454.693
-19	24083	2408300	54913b26-25a5-496c-a1b4-69177111117d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:51:03	909.964
-19	48166	2408300	7ecbc7b1-d082-410b-924e-589bdcb46699	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:34:13	402.618
-20	24084	2408400	d530cebb-ff15-4528-a0e1-de7a8942b4d6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:17:48	316.158
-20	48168	2408400	543c3bff-3063-4b80-9a63-548b2be1862e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:24:41	-771.375
-21	24085	2408500	ffa1b893-6d05-439e-8854-f29225e71286	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:37:54	-71.646
-21	48170	2408500	9c9c67ce-e887-4b11-ace6-b4b0c7580fcd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:58:03	-959.242
-22	24086	2408600	b90969d5-be1b-4093-9f71-b640fad26a4e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:30:56	-483.697
-22	48172	2408600	8407effa-11bc-4a0c-9673-054cac582441	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:47:39	334.743
-23	24087	2408700	e936d79e-1b43-422e-8c87-43228f3a8cee	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:13:05	-971.739
-23	48174	2408700	bbd1eaa7-bbdf-4895-93a0-03d65329e339	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:36:38	480.525
-24	24088	2408800	f86402a4-c263-4e46-a18e-ad6246fd810b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:07:14	790.881
-24	48176	2408800	2f417b6b-324e-4914-90b2-cf8a199a759b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:52:12	-198.793
-25	24089	2408900	e9ef3f81-fb2f-47d9-9e4c-e7b7b1b372d0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:04:24	-978.391
-25	48178	2408900	147884bb-a500-4003-a205-ced706d93fce	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:54:22	400.45
-26	24090	2409000	6fd01c70-d9a9-45f9-b2e3-b1833f0f0939	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:53:22	258.402
-26	48180	2409000	da37a763-a2f8-442e-9a86-18c983dd1c93	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:27:06	-577.797
-27	24091	2409100	51b37214-3a1f-4dea-81c8-e09b908e0ed0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:53:46	758.926
-27	48182	2409100	8c3f8327-8480-44f8-896e-6c90a6c3681d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:09:28	-221.835
-28	24092	2409200	1ebb6f0d-a276-49c1-bb27-cbb355338d95	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:17:28	814.595
-28	48184	2409200	9b9ac9a2-db2e-4dcf-8df0-47e67a26d893	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:07:23	-283.286
-29	24093	2409300	758f2a2c-d39f-4601-9815-87b203e9efba	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:38:13	-757.206
-29	48186	2409300	098c3e8b-2cc0-4d89-b0fe-500b95b6e47e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:46:16	-37.484
-30	24094	2409400	54c34185-1c2c-46d7-9019-a2adb97e64c4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:02:37	203.523
-30	48188	2409400	431b6548-ccfe-46c9-ab3d-df9021b87775	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:22:48	-78.140
-31	24095	2409500	6183b7a8-3242-4f15-8731-f7c573344504	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:33:14	-836.544
-31	48190	2409500	4e8f32e3-901f-414a-bccd-24c98923dda5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:57:22	40.201
-32	24096	2409600	25abeae5-07df-499a-afd6-ff22fe62a27b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:25:02	-551.257
-32	48192	2409600	1e84abbc-c637-4de7-9690-3302b6ce6b3d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:51:45	-841.701
-33	24097	2409700	e5f6d322-1600-4c4c-90e6-94b85099e05c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:44:49	409.181
-33	48194	2409700	327e8f51-c49f-43c0-9d21-93c5b177e6b7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:34:31	-286.146
-34	24098	2409800	a798477f-09de-4bf7-a0f6-761c98f67783	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:15:31	931.796
-34	48196	2409800	7254ea06-9098-44a1-af9e-27972a218c31	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:13:19	172.905
-35	24099	2409900	e61bb07e-7f9e-41f1-a8f8-a8eb2eee42a2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:49:33	86.197
-35	48198	2409900	c0a20a42-a46a-4b70-9aec-a57acdf2cd53	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:28:27	-883.506
-36	24100	2410000	67fbb07f-c887-499a-9dad-6d630389c7cd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:09:25	745.635
-36	48200	2410000	11306cfc-4fee-4739-8a55-91cdba42fca2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:57:59	-250.707
-37	24101	2410100	7530320f-dfdd-445c-b85c-b2fa4227f490	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:21:54	-613.155
-37	48202	2410100	5204732f-e9e6-4ef6-9d05-314fc8b23254	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:54:35	195.289
-38	24102	2410200	f18304d3-4353-4b20-a707-9e220bf5a37f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:46:20	-618.144
-38	48204	2410200	bee3f30b-16af-4c94-9780-63ced6943f6e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:45:39	-53.230
-39	24103	2410300	81e9c132-63f3-4f64-99ad-91739486d96e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:43:15	-288.139
-39	48206	2410300	dd266a44-9fb4-41da-90e8-2d73740ad8e3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:53:27	845.794
-40	24104	2410400	5ddcbd31-b3b5-41c7-bae5-e72c6ec0aab0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:08:47	-464.452
-40	48208	2410400	387d931c-59f9-475b-bc6c-df00f8d865f4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:44:11	471.628
-41	24105	2410500	932a3b8e-bfda-456a-876f-d29ad8fc504a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:39:40	-541.598
-41	48210	2410500	0fdc3583-f5d7-4f9b-bd91-01b7cdc4436c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:34:05	759.866
-42	24106	2410600	4dac7dad-73f4-453e-86d6-62f3457c210c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:00:06	34.104
-42	48212	2410600	e7d9a897-76a2-4507-ada6-6fd7103db71f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:22:13	311.91
-43	24107	2410700	3ab98a5d-30ea-4bfe-a71d-91c551484aba	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:47:30	661.275
-43	48214	2410700	1acb0a72-5765-4779-af1a-40516fa21da6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:37:17	719.122
-44	24108	2410800	423024e3-9a29-4c23-b7aa-c05ea44b1ac3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:42:37	546.249
-44	48216	2410800	89501911-42f3-45b0-ba5c-c5fdc3dcaa15	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:22:47	-761.965
-45	24109	2410900	8edadc1d-d5c0-43be-b549-64a62a151fed	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:00:36	489.482
-45	48218	2410900	83099248-f048-4171-913b-843e83d64966	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:41:26	-394.827
-46	24110	2411000	93afee2f-86f8-443f-ba4a-764b4488694d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:47:42	-321.725
-46	48220	2411000	0f27d512-5cf4-4d36-940b-ec23ae2b69f8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:32:36	-468.608
-47	24111	2411100	3a12d7ef-a42f-4eec-8aac-a954ed945978	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:57:22	-941.917
-47	48222	2411100	99407ab7-be16-42e5-a1c0-47ec2f821759	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:45:13	-984.544
-48	24112	2411200	bfdec6db-10da-450f-890d-3c8f9e4a4230	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:53:19	-806.714
-48	48224	2411200	e470e8ae-ab71-4d9e-b6af-60c77444a5eb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:50:35	-676.617
-49	24113	2411300	8a235068-ed0b-4da5-a4d1-0a3ab4816e63	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:46:23	975.469
-49	48226	2411300	7428f374-44c5-45fd-b1da-931843b577a0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:29:33	801.252
-50	24114	2411400	1d20fb7e-ca64-4cb2-996b-e35f0feb669e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:13:13	430.874
-50	48228	2411400	bd916787-c13c-4a11-a5e6-2e4911173467	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:32:08	-144.121
-51	24115	2411500	241de5e0-4711-4f4f-9e19-e9e29c5023a1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:43:35	-614.789
-51	48230	2411500	95fceeba-19df-428d-80d0-4689f6c75700	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:15:27	-145.447
-52	24116	2411600	b9b18806-5dea-41c1-aa38-41da564ce1fd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:52:46	256.489
-52	48232	2411600	18615618-c0f3-4f45-b092-76288c489e67	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:33:46	-527.823
-53	24117	2411700	2b9756b2-af03-4ee7-8aed-a72d231f1d9d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:37:57	819.769
-53	48234	2411700	88ffe57b-3db1-43f0-a32e-13127c63a49e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:17:57	937.993
-54	24118	2411800	aa49f9d6-307a-4333-8af0-9cf381111b89	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:33:15	-887.771
-54	48236	2411800	c9c60f0d-1728-4b41-abbf-0d4a46ad08c3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:55:36	-327.57
-55	24119	2411900	71d71bff-b759-4ef4-b279-8690b59c5ecc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:11:07	-442.427
-55	48238	2411900	a7b324fc-0bfc-4363-904a-4b5b7b5ef654	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:59:53	-768.643
-56	24120	2412000	8d7221d9-9517-431a-8c60-d9d7ef79e8d1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:51:19	778.54
-56	48240	2412000	e9b8bf56-8fd0-47cb-911e-3a3079466ef0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:47:40	467.623
-57	24121	2412100	27244ee5-6b7f-4aca-8352-7b977a957613	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:56:19	-403.970
-57	48242	2412100	c2b31345-7811-41af-8b76-8a4af0fe4c90	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:23:49	-814.571
-58	24122	2412200	dd5789ab-bfff-47b3-98c3-b90ea7b3ba91	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:43:16	298.251
-58	48244	2412200	743ca9ed-abb5-4894-97da-693443d99c92	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:03:16	671.318
-59	24123	2412300	d7289eb0-d32f-479b-9f25-91616200dd07	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:10:17	-553.648
-59	48246	2412300	ca0322c3-e51b-44c4-aeb7-4bdbe187ec96	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:55:14	-855.233
-60	24124	2412400	0aa8c169-f399-4a79-b726-ed5d02040b8b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:48:41	160.828
-60	48248	2412400	ea305ea6-a1fb-4491-b084-0de34ebebc31	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:23:55	-526.527
-61	24125	2412500	fc8c284d-d6ce-471f-868e-2029bba35e2d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:58:07	332.173
-61	48250	2412500	fb945075-a5cc-4079-bac4-ba5eb197b00a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:13:17	-530.290
-62	24126	2412600	d9ed282b-cdbe-4c49-bf64-be42f5def3e9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:46:15	419.398
-62	48252	2412600	a25c7418-8975-4d22-9cce-e4f4378d7c73	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:50:17	596.523
-63	24127	2412700	92879549-f616-4659-a968-e5f752a16c35	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:42:11	-286.701
-63	48254	2412700	e87d469e-2aef-47ce-a584-52d63a8ed967	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:07:11	314.743
-64	24128	2412800	8427bf03-7488-48d4-bec3-3ca0d485e4c2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:39:59	-593.750
-64	48256	2412800	f2f96c3c-52ec-4e45-ad30-736eb50462fd	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:42:56	-783.218
-65	24129	2412900	68985b8d-85f2-42ff-b17c-72351453fc77	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:16:47	-938.665
-65	48258	2412900	ff01d0df-2669-4197-9b2c-dbb11c87da4f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:33:07	-557.320
-66	24130	2413000	94d5eefb-52a8-4757-8ad8-e252da752e19	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:38:33	135.581
-66	48260	2413000	122864df-f4d7-413b-8740-0e2f0a3f5542	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:39:40	450.462
-67	24131	2413100	21c8bf74-6e25-4ef8-a305-721d67e7e47a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:41:44	1.120
-67	48262	2413100	dd345b51-94fe-4227-917d-5c09910d579e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:23:14	12.523
-68	24132	2413200	0673ce55-59bb-4f81-8d56-431ec2f6a1aa	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:11:47	-637.144
-68	48264	2413200	ad536ca7-503e-498c-95bd-14c368ca9948	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:14:42	-79.575
-69	24133	2413300	027624de-e3ea-4ec2-9e53-8ce99b1e63c1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:33:39	537.710
-69	48266	2413300	2d7883cd-e103-4e00-bce6-9abf61b3e2fc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:35:46	955.875
-70	24134	2413400	b4b390c0-b854-4102-97ce-2616e795edc7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:53:27	-6.858
-70	48268	2413400	9c10ae87-1887-4996-ad84-32ca7bf764a0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:23:46	317.778
-71	24135	2413500	ca11ce42-abb4-47c6-8c2d-8df03b27edf0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:56:50	659.75
-71	48270	2413500	6a7fa4d2-cddf-416f-a0f8-ca0275f85cfa	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:38:49	803.328
-72	24136	2413600	1d6ac3d3-0cf9-4b11-8cff-86eaa0a63796	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:15:02	317.604
-72	48272	2413600	dd354c50-3619-45c6-9e10-be594c49ba1e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:47:05	-151.729
-73	24137	2413700	4a3026ce-3f13-4447-9993-5543044f0f0f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:52:19	674.964
-73	48274	2413700	1c4171de-c920-44cc-88d8-9f549d6721d7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:08:51	26.107
-74	24138	2413800	b3b119c0-8553-4f5b-9524-7bd4099a90b8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:25:07	-146.225
-74	48276	2413800	755db64e-1cd2-488f-8b0b-d6bd07418136	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:34:50	18.994
-75	24139	2413900	88ddfaf8-43ac-4b4d-a53e-a0dfe0b5568c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:58:20	-91.410
-75	48278	2413900	005ebb2e-25dd-4922-95aa-e727b5c6706e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:16:09	-322.381
-76	24140	2414000	eda4236f-6ed6-4fe8-bca5-07ab5e750523	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:54:43	601.111
-76	48280	2414000	0445ba04-59f7-4d35-83bb-8eaebc65de9d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:55:40	746.462
-77	24141	2414100	db6d0f33-772c-4704-ad02-ff46c5023fe0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:20:54	-784.577
-77	48282	2414100	e9d48ee4-8049-4567-abcb-2bf1ec52e206	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:48:11	163.176
-78	24142	2414200	c659b9b5-44ff-48c5-b100-c603b2c3ddee	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:11:41	-780.669
-78	48284	2414200	e53202c5-9128-488a-acbf-de09e5691b10	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:11:30	127.618
-79	24143	2414300	b948e269-feec-4928-a1fe-c83c4ce2328d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:19:12	37.428
-79	48286	2414300	36501c0c-0e0f-4305-8cfb-444e4ab5f1c9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:04:32	917.42
-80	24144	2414400	bfc527da-e3d1-4163-a067-2afb0fa486f4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:49:15	212.43
-80	48288	2414400	a79cb739-22f7-41f4-ad12-74b5eadaac68	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:56:00	-862.149
-81	24145	2414500	acbc5d2b-0688-4848-bf9a-816f5c4f74f6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:57:57	-170.573
-81	48290	2414500	c1fcb052-51a1-45bb-bd87-f9efd5c21339	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:56:05	32.888
-82	24146	2414600	50fbbb7a-24df-477b-9f65-6c9fd6098ad0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:11:16	-262.740
-82	48292	2414600	16c9a92e-b338-4d3b-9399-fc9449037a32	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:48:58	-535.775
-83	24147	2414700	bedf0580-1bda-42c9-b795-cd00ee577bf8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:46:50	-575.317
-83	48294	2414700	e0165bef-9d65-4862-819e-d3f54f5c5485	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:43:15	-481.773
-84	24148	2414800	ec5f37ca-0883-4f9e-bc42-2e65f75cae3c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:16:18	956.396
-84	48296	2414800	04d2ef26-9e1b-44eb-9f9b-edcf31acd143	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:32:06	972.239
-85	24149	2414900	69290d21-58b0-4cb3-877a-71f5e6ce267a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:49:19	-582.565
-85	48298	2414900	c072fd96-cf2d-4339-b657-98dca04971e2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:51:00	-615.52
-86	24150	2415000	0d198988-56be-4884-8e08-6725506fac68	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:40:44	427.477
-86	48300	2415000	0d08ee8c-fde5-4365-b3a3-e0eaad96ff47	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:40:36	-729.868
-87	24151	2415100	65aacd22-80dd-4929-b7cb-081f014263bd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:09:57	966.65
-87	48302	2415100	e8258c1e-0817-435f-b59e-e15b1251b705	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:50:27	347.0
-88	24152	2415200	5634fe2f-0303-4399-8aed-cbe706d17cb6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:48:26	48.523
-88	48304	2415200	4c1e0ecd-4be8-4373-aaaa-d7335dfa2e0b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:34:27	121.138
-89	24153	2415300	6bba93eb-6bd7-449e-8d3e-9bd5e08e9331	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:21:25	714.481
-89	48306	2415300	a40bc372-d6ed-4305-8db5-ccfb98ac3146	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:10:18	543.910
-90	24154	2415400	82f67e00-b740-487a-a79c-4bee7c1affa7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:24:45	119.893
-90	48308	2415400	9bacefaf-87db-4e2a-9c55-60730bfeb0da	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:28:46	858.43
-91	24155	2415500	140b3010-1fee-46bd-ae15-1ff533a2de10	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:55:28	-126.196
-91	48310	2415500	ddd2cf49-d1d6-4003-b4ff-4f435cf8bcb7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:42:50	-665.217
-92	24156	2415600	cd0160b7-636e-43e8-bdbb-bfb18039a273	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:59:22	382.628
-92	48312	2415600	1e8aabbd-bfdd-4033-8e1e-f9d7b2ca4495	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:30:54	-169.577
-93	24157	2415700	85661f3b-6a78-48a1-a71f-3262480c635a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:02:19	9.328
-93	48314	2415700	b0ae46a8-4e93-4ee0-9f69-de96933067b7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:56:33	-547.988
-94	24158	2415800	2a83ddf1-ecf3-4bdd-bf26-1b6703c0825a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:47:22	443.725
-94	48316	2415800	f957ab65-e48b-4423-b836-634a186ae97d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:01:07	459.706
-95	24159	2415900	5f6f2439-db01-46ee-8292-67e527c558bc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:14:02	401.190
-95	48318	2415900	f03a9163-5238-4a35-9bf1-eb0ba99d8a8a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:17:43	-787.806
-96	24160	2416000	b9523ac3-1562-4e22-bca7-d40eb98b66ff	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:51:21	105.451
-96	48320	2416000	193406b9-3d8f-4a8a-b15a-75634c7aacd2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:20:45	-224.177
-97	24161	2416100	e3a650dc-6cd4-4c59-99b2-58e0fb192215	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:22:58	287.281
-97	48322	2416100	ef651c1a-624d-4906-92f4-a95684c0d5ed	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:32:45	-587.42
-98	24162	2416200	6c92dd35-57bd-495e-98e1-081d1e7aea20	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:00:42	769.911
-98	48324	2416200	70adbc54-8be5-4eec-a970-11a4ea31c482	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:55:07	914.228
-99	24163	2416300	96e5a18e-f641-4103-b388-bbf25cbaf96a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:29:52	-180.797
-99	48326	2416300	b5a7a188-568d-4bb9-9fb4-389027078a75	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:55:15	310.688
-100	24164	2416400	b0ad9e41-a96e-4853-a020-b9b218519448	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:27:15	-284.242
-100	48328	2416400	a21ec7d4-8a7a-48ef-b0f2-102fe5bdac72	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:02:30	-763.91
-101	24165	2416500	ce2aa843-5aa5-428d-9bf7-aca9cd6e586d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:58:32	-229.140
-101	48330	2416500	69686de1-25c0-4875-9195-85d6eb831639	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:32:55	547.364
-102	24166	2416600	f39f9456-1190-47d4-9a30-c9ce8eef01d8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:30:11	-138.558
-102	48332	2416600	9c5179a7-20fe-486a-85b7-95fe03d4f70d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:12:51	-978.708
-103	24167	2416700	843d3e81-82c7-4f41-93f0-d3da92108271	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:37:20	-253.981
-103	48334	2416700	0d4826b2-030d-4611-8c28-a4cb259d7e07	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:11:34	768.904
-104	24168	2416800	ed3e69b6-50ff-4b51-953c-02aad804c034	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:27:24	860.714
-104	48336	2416800	51b8155d-0057-4607-8a97-ed46bb11e99b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:39:52	725.930
-105	24169	2416900	8bba3217-01b2-4d71-87cb-a6394dea3421	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:04:49	-133.332
-105	48338	2416900	f0de3e73-952f-490f-849f-b05128a22695	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:41:57	143.302
-106	24170	2417000	1a29c91a-2bf7-4587-8e3b-214ede0d37ae	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:52:07	709.583
-106	48340	2417000	f7ed6c43-1524-48d0-bbbc-76916479c225	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:16:15	17.280
-107	24171	2417100	2547a4d1-25f2-4dda-852f-d498fd0610d8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:32:45	-295.339
-107	48342	2417100	4f2cb6bf-fae0-48b0-a555-55d76cbe5ebc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:44:29	453.493
-108	24172	2417200	6acc38d3-746b-4fc2-aeac-e788109dc95f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:31:25	180.798
-108	48344	2417200	7401e77e-50b6-4a95-98ae-bbde74863f18	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:43:46	-36.329
-109	24173	2417300	6a54a070-b7d9-4a5c-8541-4606d0668f4a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:43:25	-638.263
-109	48346	2417300	22df375e-0f28-4798-9bfd-f8865274e846	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:52:03	-553.345
-110	24174	2417400	932fc857-259a-47fd-834d-b0a77d1ae5c4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:44:19	-415.605
-110	48348	2417400	6617aa96-c15a-4382-853e-c158ebf03179	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:03:01	661.359
-111	24175	2417500	a6341ecb-a13a-4055-9169-917e6f398bae	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:23:32	-131.819
-111	48350	2417500	dd3b3883-9509-4692-a681-ee65c54abbbf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:24:39	833.643
-112	24176	2417600	b9870110-4c73-47a9-b0db-30e464b1d163	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:58:10	-127.596
-112	48352	2417600	46e63b7b-cfd7-42f6-b3aa-a5c981af77d9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:19:20	-700.947
-113	24177	2417700	d30b856c-bae6-46cc-99b9-118eedadc999	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:10:01	481.453
-113	48354	2417700	5dff743e-5a8d-4090-9e2d-9234d69d2fda	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:05:46	-183.160
-114	24178	2417800	a001d4aa-5a27-4445-badd-0d595d6e7795	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:52:22	331.558
-114	48356	2417800	2d82ce7b-b201-4e54-9a76-cca648c61cbd	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:53:54	439.646
-115	24179	2417900	d98b2cc9-ed15-4962-b37f-a33d221c9588	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:34:12	-403.107
-115	48358	2417900	ce103862-1545-4e3d-8763-6ad7d86b634c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:34:07	-250.761
-116	24180	2418000	a8fc75c4-1861-4a49-9299-6020f6fe2a77	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:15:57	995.701
-116	48360	2418000	02d35914-1e66-4c8f-9799-b2d724b790de	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:08:43	733.312
-117	24181	2418100	4beb5b22-0adf-4b22-ad70-33d7f5e5ef5b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:23:43	79.649
-117	48362	2418100	ecdc3334-4c87-4b8a-841c-6dc13de70c09	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:48:29	-821.612
-118	24182	2418200	53980a3c-c0d0-4e81-8888-56750eb8b08c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:16:07	-766.676
-118	48364	2418200	ac301df0-3ce3-472b-8f5e-93c758492cba	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:56:04	-290.170
-119	24183	2418300	e9ca1546-5a73-4b46-8722-da91bc0d82e1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:34:21	-173.76
-119	48366	2418300	5b60e958-226a-446c-85ef-8c59b125e2d9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:52:32	566.970
-120	24184	2418400	0956ba78-da54-4a25-ba80-7fe20bb2f365	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:26:10	-97.782
-120	48368	2418400	58153b79-91a7-468d-ab60-c3f84fccae9c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:41:13	366.661
-121	24185	2418500	0021e0dd-6513-40e4-b81a-c7409794fbe3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:13:11	-801.479
-121	48370	2418500	74f19ad9-2fcb-4a9b-b9a6-a6e984e16b79	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:48:09	-540.906
-122	24186	2418600	fd686338-2fc6-4563-9061-d7095cccccf2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:42:27	-924.561
-122	48372	2418600	eeee441c-1d7d-49ba-9369-47e21a785049	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:10:43	553.12
-123	24187	2418700	8a4719cf-e2fb-45a6-acea-4f9e94b066fa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:23:58	-312.142
-123	48374	2418700	efd412c6-8c50-41e8-915f-e78551dde6fe	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:00:55	773.826
-124	24188	2418800	969a1de2-4e89-4e32-a91a-b99537be03c8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:24:12	112.198
-124	48376	2418800	88b942f3-a548-464d-9705-36b523b20009	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:26:09	-19.119
-125	24189	2418900	adeb1062-ac9e-4b11-8ba1-6e1335ef4380	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:40:20	579.956
-125	48378	2418900	fe8e750b-6285-4686-9990-86fb804a33fd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:14:11	317.949
-126	24190	2419000	f46aed1c-e98d-4883-9316-3e377026bec7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:11:55	61.449
-126	48380	2419000	2abd8b96-53e7-4e91-b101-8d5d96cd580b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:12:51	814.765
-127	24191	2419100	0599a1c0-cdb0-402e-befb-0bf00a9fff99	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:46:44	-500.998
-127	48382	2419100	b3655cda-23df-46f0-80eb-bb0cadfd5083	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:17:41	255.861
-0	24192	2419200	a5c08d3a-23c3-41b1-a09b-baa2215d1ac6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:51:23	-429.865
-0	48384	2419200	d4237537-332a-4655-bd79-46f9742d43d1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:49:47	-994.639
-1	24193	2419300	2f684544-875b-4b85-89fc-892aecd77a5e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:37:59	18.89
-1	48386	2419300	ccee8a53-a6a6-4e16-a773-2133474ee2d1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:48:51	-122.444
-2	24194	2419400	426b453c-b007-46a1-ace0-9de054b5922f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:59:16	-890.718
-2	48388	2419400	6af9659a-0c27-4fd4-a750-6efae8077c6c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:56:30	-699.899
-3	24195	2419500	bb08b352-84ac-4644-83d3-ad7f2cbb1ab8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:27:38	-364.431
-3	48390	2419500	1ee6786c-5117-4c0b-a007-40e0795e99eb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:48:13	-452.542
-4	24196	2419600	8c110a3c-55ca-42c3-aaa4-0279b72b48c6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:55:24	-543.990
-4	48392	2419600	af801f4a-e09a-41e4-9500-e8e2ecde941b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:22:30	812.769
-5	24197	2419700	d61b86a0-855b-4030-8299-b8d4f29bdf6a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:17:30	412.578
-5	48394	2419700	e3cece6e-bb4e-43b2-aee9-76b51a9a96a6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:34:14	425.117
-6	24198	2419800	0085fd89-72a4-4cd6-957a-aae35a308b1b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:23:04	-198.259
-6	48396	2419800	9584b771-563c-49c3-ab6b-a5f3f7e0b6a2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:50:20	262.225
-7	24199	2419900	e4061fac-9f01-4f2f-9c2a-c5f7bf350ad9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:41:16	662.685
-7	48398	2419900	11dc7428-4b6f-4528-8783-08b1e0c7989e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:17:24	467.223
-8	24200	2420000	8b294190-7758-4bd8-8a90-2361289a77a7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:27:54	845.484
-8	48400	2420000	84763230-cee8-4ac0-a037-994c27d4e100	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:50:39	533.910
-9	24201	2420100	f8fabc59-6f0e-4d0e-a056-69497e9a565c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:47:42	223.782
-9	48402	2420100	d45e409d-34f5-4dfc-b840-4b7e79436a54	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:18:23	869.581
-10	24202	2420200	420366c8-fb2e-417e-9582-d5abec7429a7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:33:31	819.979
-10	48404	2420200	f4b620de-a0ee-4b18-a543-bba2f52e0e57	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:35:45	-422.811
-11	24203	2420300	5fdeb6e3-00a3-4ab1-a007-ae02a116ffc1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:49:47	-554.86
-11	48406	2420300	56211e21-3ca9-4018-b7ab-dfe2584dc5b5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:52:52	985.476
-12	24204	2420400	312297ea-3c94-4a49-bfd0-b57830e94c01	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:10:00	112.803
-12	48408	2420400	b4135492-91e7-47ea-bcf3-9a96171d438d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:31:31	351.234
-13	24205	2420500	46c45fb9-7fdc-4c26-9ef6-11f5140c2bf1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:18:40	-699.294
-13	48410	2420500	a2c3d6f1-ecd9-4cf2-acfa-50567f2c19e2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:45:10	-304.295
-14	24206	2420600	ba0c2e1a-824d-442d-98d4-fa62be41b537	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:16:24	-576.947
-14	48412	2420600	809bdabb-4a39-4835-a859-903f8da7fa09	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:18:32	143.941
-15	24207	2420700	575cf1ff-1f27-483d-8b64-5d16b20b8e7e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:27:42	507.417
-15	48414	2420700	8e75a709-4d23-4485-90b8-6b9bebadd5f0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:00:43	470.226
-16	24208	2420800	29b40e32-878f-4931-bd43-66efe4bf7d33	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:25:37	-391.236
-16	48416	2420800	944624e6-1f9e-4398-940a-2230a4706ba1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:11:11	17.462
-17	24209	2420900	2ba358b1-a26e-42e6-b945-3d157f0b54b2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:58:13	-938.749
-17	48418	2420900	ab8207e1-d69c-40a1-993a-922e93c45c90	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:20:25	-351.891
-18	24210	2421000	228b58f6-8083-4749-8c8a-7af24d4d0efa	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:40:24	-31.980
-18	48420	2421000	4a2306b4-e2e9-438c-b1f5-563d49393b8f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:31:31	365.922
-19	24211	2421100	8e1800a3-1e67-4a80-bdca-6c7e19529d6c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:34:54	-207.635
-19	48422	2421100	c3cf06d7-f8b1-4fd5-b512-af045b52995a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:29:01	-826.433
-20	24212	2421200	97baead3-94ca-4157-b6c2-b68ee904515c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:17:46	475.691
-20	48424	2421200	ead8993d-4076-4100-887d-3455c2a64fda	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:41:02	-389.71
-21	24213	2421300	4d9f4e92-8152-4bd7-9d4a-4fd8460992c1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:23:45	-827.344
-21	48426	2421300	568352fc-85fe-472d-9e6d-f5a421541aba	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:56:40	-654.732
-22	24214	2421400	2769c5aa-c350-4961-aa41-82e42555a631	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:23:08	-545.729
-22	48428	2421400	cc99130b-9077-4faa-96ff-75465fc63fd2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:15:05	-260.444
-23	24215	2421500	7ff8981b-cec4-4a6c-8b02-b7508b9de3cc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:50:02	981.607
-23	48430	2421500	b414f9dd-b495-4828-8b5c-5881094daba8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:02:39	-457.896
-24	24216	2421600	29733a35-e123-4f56-ae1c-ac67d47af35a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:08:00	-977.51
-24	48432	2421600	659530d9-88f3-43d3-9d3b-a1aeb2b7f937	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:55:02	395.824
-25	24217	2421700	67100f18-5d34-44cd-a7be-fa3947113e3c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:49:41	161.196
-25	48434	2421700	fd2a013d-5048-4b8a-9188-eb44f3892120	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:52:58	-765.330
-26	24218	2421800	50fc67f7-ed07-4d5b-aaf3-2f9081f15ea4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:08:17	-56.914
-26	48436	2421800	c05cc61d-ea36-4907-bd1a-fa48cbe28dbe	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:41:13	-229.656
-27	24219	2421900	af46d0c6-3ee7-492c-b47a-f7b73dc59d73	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:38:40	12.136
-27	48438	2421900	82a24865-adbf-4ba5-957e-c3916b55b231	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:07:38	413.925
-28	24220	2422000	c3929696-d132-42ca-bf06-f8af4cf37c21	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:16:59	449.396
-28	48440	2422000	301e09a2-015f-4263-967b-5c7aaefd90ba	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:06:31	545.351
-29	24221	2422100	34a0a91b-2fa0-41f2-b112-b7734cbad1ec	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:17:14	318.345
-29	48442	2422100	a620ef6d-3140-438f-969d-ef75c10391ab	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:22:53	30.14
-30	24222	2422200	4362e89e-6e0b-4765-b52c-8d155585eff6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:25:26	-826.331
-30	48444	2422200	981dd8c9-a162-4795-a7a2-3696cf71d67f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:22:24	-470.322
-31	24223	2422300	2fbd421d-d8bf-4c77-94b9-73591e020904	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:41:49	-533.248
-31	48446	2422300	935a91ba-0eb5-4b0d-8c96-b0d3922388d9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:23:46	-734.735
-32	24224	2422400	d358b2f2-4aac-4c8a-b0a4-061e49ccfb3c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:56:09	-87.618
-32	48448	2422400	5703be63-8cb7-4e6e-ba18-534a01970726	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:21:03	32.389
-33	24225	2422500	b2d1c1e7-6891-45ab-878f-6244a4bc9aca	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:38:38	-361.724
-33	48450	2422500	09dbacfe-88a7-4263-be39-b5b11181d944	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:32:34	-281.182
-34	24226	2422600	fe36034b-01ab-4154-853e-c4d7614ff28b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:54:45	-727.556
-34	48452	2422600	e6edffe0-8c12-4a45-95c4-79d4b6a54d90	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:46:13	-122.736
-35	24227	2422700	05af2bc3-01fc-4ff7-9636-3e0453430fe3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:47:57	862.573
-35	48454	2422700	14d1131f-7c12-45ca-8efb-beec0c8d9870	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:34:26	772.915
-36	24228	2422800	bad59152-1693-4ad6-8818-ad5b512d0567	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:44:20	-167.975
-36	48456	2422800	874ffa78-57e6-4ad6-88f1-3f211ce5931a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:18:36	-159.954
-37	24229	2422900	9b72bec3-c710-453e-8c0e-0677d042c4c4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:26:38	698.538
-37	48458	2422900	a10b409f-0ac9-4521-b777-4efa538b544e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:05:55	-213.159
-38	24230	2423000	87b12dff-a8dd-4b4a-a5b0-c7ee02809d93	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:54:51	746.132
-38	48460	2423000	5e47c199-5d7e-4887-b53c-7f2e8621e8ef	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:40:06	-280.796
-39	24231	2423100	9f9e1e9e-f657-4472-9fe9-27dddb1d2591	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:17:33	-542.676
-39	48462	2423100	82a8acd7-81cc-4298-bae4-753f08451c0b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:07:08	921.228
-40	24232	2423200	6b355329-9be5-452b-8370-fb77b819e910	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:29:22	-602.207
-40	48464	2423200	6b840705-7ad2-4ea7-96a4-6dc9bd901a3b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:50:50	-971.918
-41	24233	2423300	25b53944-a4b8-4626-8185-b06d55a7e654	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:10:58	729.731
-41	48466	2423300	9fdbef10-e5cd-4452-8c7e-d98f1152deae	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:59:51	833.357
-42	24234	2423400	b503a976-11b5-411a-a613-e2d19979357e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:24:41	-513.545
-42	48468	2423400	0757be30-3c03-4919-ab29-458f593d2d06	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:16:12	439.903
-43	24235	2423500	1868f5a4-07dd-420e-97f8-24ba91ede7d2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:51:25	-326.541
-43	48470	2423500	ef6425aa-3ed6-4991-a244-523b0f854cab	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:32:49	840.990
-44	24236	2423600	986b8713-be7a-4ee9-8ff9-0636a2a1672e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:30:23	90.874
-44	48472	2423600	9ef24dc1-5964-48e3-abfa-d26f93ecf6d2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:47:08	181.157
-45	24237	2423700	2ffd07a0-148b-4fd3-b826-88e07a4efc29	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:35:20	980.309
-45	48474	2423700	45fbcd07-ce1a-4ac7-b79a-f121b607a5a2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:25:31	-146.990
-46	24238	2423800	b799285f-4087-48e4-8f10-48554964b1d8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:33:45	900.60
-46	48476	2423800	36cf81b6-9ba1-4ad3-9d66-b3e042cd983e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:48:31	909.292
-47	24239	2423900	af90f4ee-1eef-4cd9-abf8-6a6dc6409f08	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:08:22	867.685
-47	48478	2423900	013d6c2a-1ddb-40a2-90a6-7b0f123f1332	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:19:09	740.347
-48	24240	2424000	62e38fc3-7d35-4521-b71e-2e9bfd3f255f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:09:43	241.668
-48	48480	2424000	e9f71639-10b2-43ba-a02f-826c01847442	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:37:04	246.838
-49	24241	2424100	012c069f-f9c2-4059-bfb8-fef2e2fd8b8f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:44:49	718.443
-49	48482	2424100	65cf99bd-eb3e-4ed2-b757-54a3f5a6cfca	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:00:29	-548.94
-50	24242	2424200	02d67bbe-c97a-4632-986d-09f96a53b9f3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:52:43	-159.247
-50	48484	2424200	a4bec617-ade6-460f-9faf-c30d5077fc0c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:23:17	590.8
-51	24243	2424300	36cdd8c1-7204-4166-af13-f078ef708c6e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:41:36	171.908
-51	48486	2424300	6641b8ef-8044-48bb-bd94-db5a6cb006e4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:44:50	-662.218
-52	24244	2424400	2e281170-bfff-44dc-b180-2c3930f91bfd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:59:30	587.751
-52	48488	2424400	32e3d7d8-c9a5-4c3e-98ae-0ca2c3365452	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:58:55	25.770
-53	24245	2424500	7de25e35-5ee5-42bd-baee-99846753c60d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:40:24	-983.955
-53	48490	2424500	1b125673-b77d-4987-8781-a18446f75617	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:21:31	-401.509
-54	24246	2424600	96608665-a153-4904-b5f4-6a5991121aba	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:46:45	-456.738
-54	48492	2424600	43a38ef9-5e09-4c53-9d13-6b38e45732d0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:42:22	962.919
-55	24247	2424700	1fb92440-f15c-4bb4-8ca2-639f450a5f9e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:53:35	-504.151
-55	48494	2424700	8e51c1bc-f654-4c8b-9cc7-9f81d8e22be4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:40:03	172.188
-56	24248	2424800	1b1ce05f-b5c2-4c61-bbe9-c1ccadc7a4ee	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:43:22	480.341
-56	48496	2424800	67e57d64-2684-47ef-9f83-a62ad8b1fffc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:27:26	113.991
-57	24249	2424900	5f16fe69-e539-475e-a6ee-c3cf747f3d79	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:13:32	-480.438
-57	48498	2424900	d27973b2-2cf9-407b-b413-e89114c921f7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:03:59	200.444
-58	24250	2425000	1883a549-a9f6-4474-8dfe-2f88b3448d5e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:44:06	667.575
-58	48500	2425000	ef22738c-cb30-4cc2-b2af-ffd4117c2219	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:59:36	-986.52
-59	24251	2425100	d43e0ea8-024c-4931-9b6d-020ad1f2977a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:47:13	140.116
-59	48502	2425100	3869e56e-88ca-4694-bead-baf5b9645e68	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:23:23	-78.485
-60	24252	2425200	08220d8d-39b1-4f7b-b047-ac71c088c1e6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:59:19	759.611
-60	48504	2425200	ea823d76-12ed-4e3c-bfc1-6cb11e8c8348	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:29:20	-649.619
-61	24253	2425300	9296f9d9-d90f-4211-899b-35a44e03200a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:32:42	-392.600
-61	48506	2425300	75362ffa-37a4-4530-a4e1-c734b59a96a9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:14:55	-552.793
-62	24254	2425400	bd22081f-0e30-4d77-a993-cd13d0709d2f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:37:12	-704.254
-62	48508	2425400	5a20c2d4-7f2c-4594-bb73-f5e0797b20d4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:20:08	-145.368
-63	24255	2425500	42cca663-13ea-4f9c-bf1b-f9fe6400f5f2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:21:23	683.712
-63	48510	2425500	1d15e2f9-b91c-4e8b-8e9f-e8b4bc996dea	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:46:47	837.149
-64	24256	2425600	3641243f-4180-4735-a60e-a56d281c6fba	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:07:12	750.723
-64	48512	2425600	7197d4bb-42f4-44b7-aee8-76ae4669b5c1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:34:56	863.324
-65	24257	2425700	6c18e864-fd73-48fc-921f-3ace1a478c5c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:39:58	777.718
-65	48514	2425700	f7d1eba3-834a-48cc-9d30-c3ce165367d2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:55:15	950.85
-66	24258	2425800	cfc0205f-da7d-4870-970b-68887af5a4f0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:57:51	-804.119
-66	48516	2425800	1d9013f7-a065-43ea-a762-ff9b3b6fea9d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:04:49	-71.950
-67	24259	2425900	dd65c15a-97e4-4c17-9849-389eba497410	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:14:49	-700.266
-67	48518	2425900	d913eeae-0ff7-4bb4-ab12-db7836a72154	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:51:53	-416.223
-68	24260	2426000	199fee3d-ecda-4dd9-9d7a-7037dda38006	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:48:12	245.933
-68	48520	2426000	f78b0ba3-10d4-4840-a552-e94e1c9b4045	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:47:29	-70.214
-69	24261	2426100	6a6d37b5-4f95-4afe-9afa-45e3d2cdf112	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:18:17	-766.436
-69	48522	2426100	649e3a1e-cd92-429b-9885-d1770f9b471d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:56:12	692.601
-70	24262	2426200	2d626c80-7ce0-4d84-acf5-3186e6e15047	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:11:20	-122.82
-70	48524	2426200	721c4f7d-26ae-4e47-b692-2ca90ca5b90d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:49:51	688.48
-71	24263	2426300	73c81555-582c-49cc-b304-ed9b54dc359c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:21:52	-431.159
-71	48526	2426300	626ac817-c8fc-4388-a705-957f2546e65a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:50:31	983.428
-72	24264	2426400	37fc8657-f1d7-47f7-aedd-d0000dd78471	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:40:57	-80.783
-72	48528	2426400	232233e7-9a9d-4d73-94bb-101eee1a4a56	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:14:50	-410.24
-73	24265	2426500	f12d30b2-3df9-48ce-8bad-85b3bc628d8d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:46:56	-786.562
-73	48530	2426500	799865a9-09ff-402a-830d-e376463fff28	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:07:09	-769.674
-74	24266	2426600	273a427e-4a00-4507-980a-cc4bc6a4b5ec	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:24:12	228.706
-74	48532	2426600	ed2f8426-1b2b-48ab-adf6-743af52b96c5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:08:55	-722.43
-75	24267	2426700	123e6518-966a-4b77-bb4b-ea1593cbf039	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:18:11	-646.863
-75	48534	2426700	62ec9b53-aa5a-426b-bc8d-de94ce7087d4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:14:36	666.585
-76	24268	2426800	b7cb0592-62a4-4d47-87f6-788e57e2ad17	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:59:44	911.938
-76	48536	2426800	d54439f9-c57a-4128-b9c0-a2ce9e269e6e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:52:09	997.23
-77	24269	2426900	38c6bf67-7e6d-4e91-b198-dd428743e5e4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:58:07	-276.21
-77	48538	2426900	607e17f8-6df2-4acf-8bd7-522ae9929a87	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:53:32	771.345
-78	24270	2427000	e1660133-b5a7-4d9d-a52b-6ba5fed3d9e8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:40:56	667.33
-78	48540	2427000	83721882-eca7-4903-9351-a600d45a7665	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:11:50	-766.641
-79	24271	2427100	88d9ae26-9b7e-40c3-bde4-dae2a022e67c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:27:48	-224.509
-79	48542	2427100	01daa602-c3de-4199-8185-40ba80b36f54	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:53:38	-476.864
-80	24272	2427200	146cd520-9e22-4bb5-8b2c-5f185cd0a481	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:21:31	-369.446
-80	48544	2427200	a8611ea9-38bf-46eb-adf2-04d36ede8f30	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:59:10	674.879
-81	24273	2427300	674a0387-0727-48fc-b7f7-b9ad4d4bbed0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:35:34	969.998
-81	48546	2427300	bcc64923-a702-4f40-9031-c0fb93c0e241	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:48:40	-88.584
-82	24274	2427400	86442cf4-d5aa-4665-834d-fd1268cf6793	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:29:05	554.563
-82	48548	2427400	524c8ee6-4b97-41f0-9bfa-d2868f15588a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:43:12	-644.415
-83	24275	2427500	41a79133-0d27-476c-8592-aeff363de795	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:31:38	926.739
-83	48550	2427500	ad903964-fe26-445a-928d-23123fd250ea	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:34:49	956.616
-84	24276	2427600	13a2acad-6128-4d3d-98a4-0e493c64e12b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:38:10	325.361
-84	48552	2427600	12478b6d-718f-45a4-95d0-e6f280f095c3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:53:22	21.791
-85	24277	2427700	129b0669-b5d2-4f26-8562-e81db360a13a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:30:22	763.537
-85	48554	2427700	5e863f5b-1678-4340-8a2d-331ab096783a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:47:42	434.101
-86	24278	2427800	d68938a0-ce13-4933-8a40-80ce35b1e2fa	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:26:35	337.216
-86	48556	2427800	dddc5742-e7c2-4154-84bc-24cfcab7efb4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:18:41	130.867
-87	24279	2427900	9b55e5c7-08cc-4a3a-9355-ff6e8d294475	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:46:18	561.232
-87	48558	2427900	a45c4f1e-755a-4282-b33b-66e2f67e789b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:55:52	-587.89
-88	24280	2428000	d76c1398-e486-4119-8de9-a1f7dbcd34c1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:08:35	-241.591
-88	48560	2428000	ffcbe4aa-d56f-4070-a364-12a466b2787e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:49:01	-655.980
-89	24281	2428100	323c9a15-ab9d-4d07-beff-af5deaadb95e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:05:37	-752.116
-89	48562	2428100	3390ae9d-9aa3-44e4-84fc-f0d4ab1d5217	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:54:20	935.941
-90	24282	2428200	e5d74d2f-22e3-441b-bcef-0b76baf3aa5f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:33:11	-773.411
-90	48564	2428200	c7d50342-24a2-4e3a-87af-83756943831a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:25:42	-179.544
-91	24283	2428300	34fccc0a-7e9d-4f2b-b0ea-6429595001c9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:08:27	934.248
-91	48566	2428300	4300386e-d110-41cc-aa23-278800137a7e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:33:21	502.434
-92	24284	2428400	f8fd3800-6af9-4d5f-a943-5792c5e9db80	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:54:36	327.789
-92	48568	2428400	00d4a7e0-dc47-484e-92d5-f799cd95c1d1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:59:47	240.131
-93	24285	2428500	40739e98-b8f8-4d2d-8377-a7f0072b1e79	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:53:51	452.573
-93	48570	2428500	7ebae54c-dced-4e5e-8094-4472c5b6ce8c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:46:09	159.401
-94	24286	2428600	e0fb52e3-b2ad-4a64-bd4b-ee6a366fdb52	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:44:44	33.470
-94	48572	2428600	0061b76c-4645-4bd6-9efc-ec21bee0c1cd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:22:17	565.476
-95	24287	2428700	0253975d-fb2c-49fb-bccd-c2baf93f16aa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:43:02	-861.938
-95	48574	2428700	6be77897-7606-4ddd-87db-9c9b8e51eeeb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:52:27	36.119
-96	24288	2428800	7c0696b9-4bbe-4843-b191-eb165f0a6997	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:22:34	-979.854
-96	48576	2428800	4165c36a-355a-4524-9f0c-566f62e74ebd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:53:30	-190.511
-97	24289	2428900	8805005f-f073-4a04-bb25-5aafc3aa95e4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:14:18	715.646
-97	48578	2428900	5dcb9146-0f5e-439d-b0fd-e411c6707a23	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:34:20	152.472
-98	24290	2429000	aaa594cf-e49f-4d80-86a7-f8be95f85537	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:03:01	504.321
-98	48580	2429000	aeba52bd-c1c0-42f8-89d7-108e7df9b8a1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:58:08	980.466
-99	24291	2429100	20abcc90-070d-48b1-a10a-07c2960ac3f4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:59:57	632.550
-99	48582	2429100	430c2c68-af13-4e42-8c57-c5544a236f37	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:45:35	-529.683
-100	24292	2429200	1916146c-7813-4722-b1d1-5714799e519f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:29:44	-118.39
-100	48584	2429200	4a42d5d6-9caf-4483-a30b-62927431cfd5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:28:13	829.674
-101	24293	2429300	d918244b-89c9-4780-9ba3-121be5cc79ad	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:40:26	818.467
-101	48586	2429300	14daa163-6968-43e4-ba91-2d590870095c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:08:00	-353.347
-102	24294	2429400	fb3a68c1-91bf-43bd-86bb-3601aa8dd15e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:41:13	-631.963
-102	48588	2429400	d1bae68f-c64a-4e73-9c4c-da933d1fc8e0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:03:17	870.131
-103	24295	2429500	99d4ce8c-be20-4e7a-9cb4-caad6e77c2f5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:11:53	-719.833
-103	48590	2429500	96b7d234-f5d9-4087-9bc4-6053c24e38a4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:08:43	-314.568
-104	24296	2429600	0e85e055-0857-4ab4-88c7-a6ddc6c025b7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:14:35	-55.96
-104	48592	2429600	7227736e-6810-434d-9b70-f5a89d0ae648	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:19:45	129.983
-105	24297	2429700	f03155d1-7c3c-43a9-b5ac-305057d7f30c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:15:04	958.370
-105	48594	2429700	384488c6-d114-4460-b5b7-34e6103d5640	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:42:45	-517.624
-106	24298	2429800	28e936e5-7a59-4706-81f6-0f99f5d516d8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:24:11	629.342
-106	48596	2429800	1827c1a7-5b90-4c52-8d31-8e6cced88572	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:40:39	671.400
-107	24299	2429900	7b244c77-15f4-4667-9292-080caa466262	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:22:49	-67.652
-107	48598	2429900	b8e0ac7e-cb6f-4748-9a06-4e063e0f8d11	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:03:55	-249.535
-108	24300	2430000	fc3303f6-5449-4a10-8f40-9c3161ddbb26	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:14:25	316.464
-108	48600	2430000	fc6f1cde-5082-4ef8-88e1-cff3078838cd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:44:58	-728.928
-109	24301	2430100	f6cd15c7-ffc6-41fa-ab76-c51551ca81b8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:43:27	-748.608
-109	48602	2430100	896ea56a-1d6d-4656-8991-e5bdd796dba8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:41:17	-141.199
-110	24302	2430200	9aaaac33-6cda-4393-b230-4c5e21b7bc68	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:13:26	361.454
-110	48604	2430200	bd2973c8-ccb0-4af1-8fef-99490efe409b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:11:51	-831.251
-111	24303	2430300	1d73203b-f9d9-40eb-bc6f-adee9757fd5e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:23:20	-354.469
-111	48606	2430300	ab5c801b-ce5e-41c7-9514-7f0f48640105	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:16:01	-384.363
-112	24304	2430400	8f78e4e4-a33d-4a7e-a54b-f1f098c09d00	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:23:39	590.73
-112	48608	2430400	585d4b45-8e04-4ec1-8abd-62687e32bfc0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:22:20	-6.690
-113	24305	2430500	9011aba3-4fa1-4a69-a90d-2bc0252efcfd	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:04:46	100.971
-113	48610	2430500	25f309aa-38b9-4d5e-a130-16df34780992	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:26:38	456.14
-114	24306	2430600	efab9d54-5d71-4f5d-bf18-01ea21955b3c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:02:34	-706.17
-114	48612	2430600	c6734060-e1a5-49d9-a8e5-34d4ff2efb3f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:53:23	-936.541
-115	24307	2430700	9ff377eb-da09-46cd-9315-4c5a52a468f7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:55:37	-652.615
-115	48614	2430700	a6a494f3-ffd7-42a3-8e5b-47d56068b2b5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:48:03	-835.964
-116	24308	2430800	10024bb9-91d0-43b0-b2f2-67be179c8884	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:54:05	-605.797
-116	48616	2430800	009ab03d-b046-4ee4-9699-9a28cd86d425	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:45:51	-784.269
-117	24309	2430900	f280c323-8de2-4d5d-9925-55556fca6d64	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:27:55	790.751
-117	48618	2430900	3bce418a-803b-48a1-a47e-56bfc88791ac	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:24:41	596.511
-118	24310	2431000	ecf71dd2-a30d-4c65-8a90-2fa6072b0ee2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:15:54	-261.580
-118	48620	2431000	e29d76db-63ad-4fd2-ac3b-09b8b1a3d088	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:40:51	401.280
-119	24311	2431100	a66d1c37-5404-4e20-943e-601c9631ccc1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:03:15	777.600
-119	48622	2431100	176b0b2b-3b14-45cc-b287-b9d426517e3b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:52:36	-854.887
-120	24312	2431200	62020eae-4148-47c2-88d3-1ed024da906c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:39:17	-915.141
-120	48624	2431200	789f3620-2ac6-4ce8-8f6a-8f84dbd3d869	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:52:17	-101.656
-121	24313	2431300	01f1137a-c739-4928-8e97-568e9dfe6615	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:55:17	-756.910
-121	48626	2431300	8c92d865-124a-4aa1-a83d-97f6b0f1f915	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:31:51	-630.626
-122	24314	2431400	eebead07-d62a-4ad2-a428-916a84fc52f0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:28:48	253.627
-122	48628	2431400	e29aecf2-fbe8-40aa-8ff0-2c395839a92a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:18:23	-99.628
-123	24315	2431500	deebea60-02d6-43c5-9242-5b099c91d834	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:54:39	161.733
-123	48630	2431500	46ad7ee4-4684-4745-a59b-14deddf8a165	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:47:28	-32.456
-124	24316	2431600	89b8d73d-4950-4b82-a700-61b5bd051610	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:53:52	-895.766
-124	48632	2431600	06a3e392-3945-43bb-a5de-a45e63deefa0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:53:36	-659.140
-125	24317	2431700	023b621f-8a60-4202-93bf-47eaaadbeb01	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:37:24	-114.100
-125	48634	2431700	a8a47af8-4d38-42c4-a86a-fb5f1c0efd33	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:20:05	934.146
-126	24318	2431800	2e875dd8-df1f-46d0-a0f0-a4b216ac15d0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:34:19	436.285
-126	48636	2431800	ffb410db-dfd3-46e7-a545-e71b1380be04	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:08:35	-923.376
-127	24319	2431900	910f9135-b850-43f8-8613-d7488f07669f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:22:08	-359.724
-127	48638	2431900	59e5f5ac-1e9b-4dc9-9bb1-979ee0540fdb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:36:51	-540.430
-0	24320	2432000	05d1f992-633f-45f1-bce2-fc6dc16c2ef0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:56:10	-300.117
-0	48640	2432000	28134f40-2aca-4319-863b-28c62baa143d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:05:41	-864.298
-1	24321	2432100	868a87b1-802d-4a6e-8f01-2c4899c51a4e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:16:15	-415.516
-1	48642	2432100	309fa903-bb1e-45a8-a0bb-fcf95bb7c02c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:01:53	292.10
-2	24322	2432200	d5668786-a905-4171-9cab-5ed7cb3ccfd2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:08:16	-677.873
-2	48644	2432200	3bb497fd-cf57-4dd5-a18c-9ce03f767cb4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:47:33	793.491
-3	24323	2432300	e3099395-b1a3-441b-a2e5-8085ac7fb276	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:44:19	509.52
-3	48646	2432300	b018b5a5-129a-408f-92fb-4d576e0ce03a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:56:08	-570.544
-4	24324	2432400	7465e045-a9ef-4a3b-b47e-d4c672762824	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:55:31	-364.471
-4	48648	2432400	92b34b71-19be-43b3-9d19-88a718ca2fd4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:58:00	-359.522
-5	24325	2432500	d66ee913-01e1-4baf-8ba5-e806b2a3c890	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:58:44	-138.220
-5	48650	2432500	a5cae6c3-b396-4387-ae76-ed9e1ad2dcc2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:41:47	-61.608
-6	24326	2432600	3483e3b7-5556-41cf-aa7b-ddd2c87bc1da	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:06:49	-256.110
-6	48652	2432600	bf5d80d7-27a5-4f94-ab79-4af00e1e230d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:51:58	683.282
-7	24327	2432700	ef4bd1b0-3465-4b39-b5b8-f33cc30f9b39	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:23:35	382.376
-7	48654	2432700	f9f233ab-c95d-4487-b4cf-4beebb63b5b9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:16:00	-457.162
-8	24328	2432800	988139ef-cbb7-4899-b3a5-771ef1aeef36	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:39:40	56.95
-8	48656	2432800	a17dbe3c-fd16-45c6-be46-689ed976b307	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:58:02	-836.152
-9	24329	2432900	d17830c9-e55d-4199-8790-454312875116	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:06:55	324.716
-9	48658	2432900	65f7fd6a-8db3-481a-a381-a8b15c092fc8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:02:01	636.226
-10	24330	2433000	b6cb2cf3-bd55-4eb6-89c4-420228af16eb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:54:46	88.597
-10	48660	2433000	e263f5a3-51d9-48bf-9915-c42f3e55a05b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:42:20	-221.626
-11	24331	2433100	702bd226-9070-48b4-8205-c0cb8382eac8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:50:45	-612.810
-11	48662	2433100	75a44f05-0c9a-4743-b79d-0d60c7277caa	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:51:39	533.966
-12	24332	2433200	55c2f32b-93f5-4295-a6ad-94ab08415fc4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:01:17	604.871
-12	48664	2433200	78000d63-156e-451d-ada3-db9926e76641	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:29:00	888.974
-13	24333	2433300	c923b833-39a6-456b-8a56-e7b244634a7d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:28:47	-225.276
-13	48666	2433300	5afa6589-2105-411f-b22c-40c930dd64d2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:46:32	560.674
-14	24334	2433400	a8134ec7-8eb0-42f5-9ef5-667363d058ce	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:08:45	-703.284
-14	48668	2433400	db441c1e-0917-4eba-b9fe-a6f3e0adaf89	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:55:30	880.981
-15	24335	2433500	10bd25e7-7fe8-4b84-90b1-fb6c428e4642	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:12:32	997.898
-15	48670	2433500	08876d81-adc2-4849-8ccb-ddf8826f72db	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:02:22	398.245
-16	24336	2433600	a50f94f1-9e77-4fd2-949e-1f6fe0683cf6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:38:51	275.62
-16	48672	2433600	c2521ba3-3a57-41bd-bbf2-f59c917c28c0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:08:39	-833.943
-17	24337	2433700	37c1ae84-9df9-4df9-9be7-397d2d0ef2c1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:34:17	-950.435
-17	48674	2433700	9431eb13-c9ed-441d-b533-a9fb42514679	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:08:09	-10.208
-18	24338	2433800	eba41b1e-1279-4ffa-8429-11866a27f9a0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:41:11	806.494
-18	48676	2433800	f865c874-6514-43f3-949c-f40021f30ad8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:41:41	414.521
-19	24339	2433900	dc9a2819-44e9-4ee3-912c-66e37d7c3a34	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:55:27	195.139
-19	48678	2433900	efe22831-0b37-4a72-b01d-e1c95286501f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:58:14	621.257
-20	24340	2434000	8c735421-f3bb-4dd7-9f92-9d14636ccf94	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:48:13	-500.509
-20	48680	2434000	ee0ccaed-391c-472a-8f68-bcf923e9ab13	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:46:23	863.404
-21	24341	2434100	a2055d6f-416a-458a-bfb0-977ab66e8348	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:15:36	-522.43
-21	48682	2434100	018d9806-d0ce-4e02-be1d-af2eb1fcd724	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:12:05	879.461
-22	24342	2434200	7a4f11ef-1ab6-4910-8e18-de5917d669bd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:45:54	-231.603
-22	48684	2434200	4f575dde-073d-4282-a983-63015fc15573	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:18:47	-639.645
-23	24343	2434300	bbb72991-dc61-4d27-b069-df2f92ca48df	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:17:00	-273.622
-23	48686	2434300	138f55a7-33e1-4cc7-a1d3-0d553fbc0b92	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:25:42	-734.570
-24	24344	2434400	51c86281-98ac-4e6b-8bd7-3528d9840d72	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:25:00	699.69
-24	48688	2434400	9aee8d67-91a9-4a34-9a6b-8babc13d36db	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:46:08	-376.222
-25	24345	2434500	ceb7b7c1-62f0-4150-b6a9-0f0101aed5c9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:37:38	-606.901
-25	48690	2434500	1f18c580-0470-464a-b572-68228426a2ac	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:16:33	631.578
-26	24346	2434600	93bed68c-a3b0-42a6-9686-ae718a4734ca	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:19:21	900.610
-26	48692	2434600	b24e794f-a8c8-4b0f-8c7d-bfc86905f4cb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:47:20	-112.839
-27	24347	2434700	dc37559e-fe4b-4d33-a1a8-74e0d14f6b03	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:07:23	821.290
-27	48694	2434700	12c2c109-c28e-44f8-865d-7df26d4c0092	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:01:50	-618.989
-28	24348	2434800	4176c059-357c-4397-96b4-6c1d59c6a702	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:47:19	-772.333
-28	48696	2434800	b95f9922-42b8-4a3d-9d69-16c41ab9638d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:46:45	263.233
-29	24349	2434900	6dd02264-b4d7-48bc-8262-78a9780ce2d2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:53:59	-87.904
-29	48698	2434900	7ad12868-05a5-4bf7-af1b-5117025c5675	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:10:14	-514.227
-30	24350	2435000	629f7290-1c27-4c87-94da-1863323c8665	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:30:14	-319.522
-30	48700	2435000	20ad270f-1a3e-4ac2-b620-7720df7ae536	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:03:59	590.962
-31	24351	2435100	f530ac95-5c0d-46c7-bdc2-4e2108c14749	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:51:40	-318.773
-31	48702	2435100	57d7117b-88b6-4bb6-8130-202770a183fd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:29:10	-868.957
-32	24352	2435200	8b6ce483-5c3e-4563-8eb2-219cc1d25496	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:12:00	526.46
-32	48704	2435200	78bdc0e8-f65f-4d1d-8ec2-47312a7e7db4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:12:55	-22.941
-33	24353	2435300	f4a75dfa-13b8-4bbb-ab9f-7ace9f2cdb23	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:43:53	504.970
-33	48706	2435300	1e4b1fd8-0f90-4c57-9774-93cd3a838b00	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:21:34	17.443
-34	24354	2435400	227c04ba-f6ee-4468-8bf4-7347ff810f96	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:35:55	-749.305
-34	48708	2435400	582440e8-0f33-41be-b483-aed5fb3151f3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:36:14	-362.81
-35	24355	2435500	859f77ce-14ad-4a3a-bbd4-f87c91a127e7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:22:24	-210.30
-35	48710	2435500	4dba8520-e094-4a8e-9104-5d2bc7082b15	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:05:25	-212.972
-36	24356	2435600	45207cb5-513d-4621-b564-06d4aaa6dece	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:30:27	-931.468
-36	48712	2435600	6a5afece-2330-49a8-9280-1e4348230801	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:24:53	568.979
-37	24357	2435700	adbfcfa9-cd88-4f23-b77c-c96687de50d6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:51:39	600.608
-37	48714	2435700	dec3fcbe-6ccb-4ae0-90dc-592b999a302a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:07:54	603.829
-38	24358	2435800	d206b88e-b18c-4bfe-8bdc-1a3feb980cb9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:40:22	806.144
-38	48716	2435800	83da0b0d-3462-4701-9274-a80c7d85a268	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:11:03	870.787
-39	24359	2435900	11cf5bce-1b35-4aa7-bb6d-f997554baccf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:20:16	-183.533
-39	48718	2435900	5d576670-4acc-416f-9367-b1444cbf8890	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:40:34	854.71
-40	24360	2436000	453c1d26-2591-45f2-bd6b-dc0dd5c668b3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:25:10	-135.866
-40	48720	2436000	7046de63-fb8d-4f06-a4a8-2ee85bf01c1f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:18:08	587.146
-41	24361	2436100	00d57bb3-1e9f-4762-b343-ada6d47116f2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:32:24	-539.945
-41	48722	2436100	ea34f1e2-dbe4-4262-b57a-4ad9371c83cd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:48:32	-633.730
-42	24362	2436200	d20fdde3-b6cc-4950-9753-ca2d7db6a6b4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:38:02	-47.716
-42	48724	2436200	04f7a902-929f-487d-b896-bf94bf72f2b6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:03:18	460.158
-43	24363	2436300	10a56502-7574-4b57-af7b-fef8df83a18f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:58:20	706.216
-43	48726	2436300	5fd1e54f-a3f5-4d8e-8c0d-b47817f5784a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:47:20	551.881
-44	24364	2436400	f63e9c29-e3eb-4775-989d-80e874e127ed	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:12:19	-931.175
-44	48728	2436400	14aca71a-7183-49a5-8813-c62fc1d08ef8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:41:47	-319.817
-45	24365	2436500	9337499f-9f5a-4f43-8a85-e464bdaf8e74	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:54:33	695.167
-45	48730	2436500	587ed590-789d-444d-93aa-d31e06fac24c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:00:48	114.533
-46	24366	2436600	a51d077d-bc21-4aaa-84b5-922347bb0f44	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:05:15	700.280
-46	48732	2436600	ba870054-d8aa-4554-b8fc-1fa505036220	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:38:38	-977.174
-47	24367	2436700	18cb8c4f-edb2-4828-b092-9fbe2e52c292	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:31:24	571.64
-47	48734	2436700	97d4962c-1a29-432e-983c-0bd45fa1bebf	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:44:41	-776.217
-48	24368	2436800	2cf2b807-e70b-4252-8be2-6802733e08b9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:46:38	-689.521
-48	48736	2436800	b3990619-3a23-42af-b04f-cfd059fb86fe	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:23:24	-346.681
-49	24369	2436900	2b79b993-0ced-43c4-93dc-2de727339cd2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:45:55	-694.68
-49	48738	2436900	140c281a-6bd8-4d1d-bc80-0880802862ab	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:49:23	-644.515
-50	24370	2437000	bca993c0-8d60-4ee6-b5fa-a7fde61cf5ec	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:31:06	-24.286
-50	48740	2437000	c36ed8fa-4d29-4aff-a21b-1f11b43516e2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:30:03	-417.47
-51	24371	2437100	fd0f0410-c07b-404e-ba81-2627f1f35d01	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:44:24	-358.878
-51	48742	2437100	8cce1729-eba9-47c9-be7f-bf335d896d7a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:49:42	-207.871
-52	24372	2437200	4896ab62-f31c-428f-acf6-e92d96d8212a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:25:42	945.345
-52	48744	2437200	f229409c-a9a5-4b5c-b07a-c648058a0334	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:20:35	477.496
-53	24373	2437300	295e14a5-e44a-4069-80a0-53681cead3dc	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:16:15	219.993
-53	48746	2437300	f07db79b-0528-4021-a6c3-8b8498b51719	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:20:27	915.332
-54	24374	2437400	d55cc261-5cd1-4e82-b213-dcb651b3b49d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:00:25	-739.280
-54	48748	2437400	3eb1a45f-dd91-4465-84a9-303cc7d74f4e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:52:10	-229.169
-55	24375	2437500	4efc9178-8b79-4e42-aca4-119a83dde93b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:33:16	-13.842
-55	48750	2437500	fee25c4b-6f6c-4ebc-b503-f81d897aaa0e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:42:30	-141.502
-56	24376	2437600	027c0269-b0bb-49bf-940a-bbbc6eae4e03	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:03:11	-608.993
-56	48752	2437600	9bdb660d-921e-4497-92a1-99a006c6731c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:11:54	481.541
-57	24377	2437700	e730bdc1-e95e-4111-92eb-e499396e76d0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:36:01	-755.681
-57	48754	2437700	d5d9bb0b-de71-4e67-901f-ecc8953a73b4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:18:52	-968.577
-58	24378	2437800	588f82ec-22b0-4ae9-91fe-b4e64a4b45e4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:54:19	-144.984
-58	48756	2437800	34a122e2-aabf-4db8-8845-cc71c078c2b5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:49:57	833.782
-59	24379	2437900	97622a32-5e24-4106-b521-e6c3a2b0bf82	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:26:54	69.346
-59	48758	2437900	6d8be161-a7e8-49ef-9f27-6f11414d2bdd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:30:39	-118.745
-60	24380	2438000	fa7222cb-f3eb-434e-9980-64f8bdb4e140	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:31:02	232.599
-60	48760	2438000	c1c90845-a407-41da-a793-8d041b52a4eb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:13:14	-587.127
-61	24381	2438100	f86d367d-f12a-4d84-ad06-26a5c645f166	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:22:56	71.821
-61	48762	2438100	17f80df7-a4c8-4613-9709-8314d684fe00	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:28:35	508.39
-62	24382	2438200	3d896430-3d67-4bf0-a2a4-edd9c17e5b5f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:32:04	-601.933
-62	48764	2438200	9fc70b08-a02a-4412-91e0-14a0264e75b7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:31:49	-956.127
-63	24383	2438300	4c424bed-ae89-4580-890f-b50fc524f84e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:21:49	-647.748
-63	48766	2438300	0c03de6b-3f86-4fe7-a28b-6cc0a53165c5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:17:30	-365.15
-64	24384	2438400	072363e2-114c-499d-978e-4c4353af8d96	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:58:45	408.184
-64	48768	2438400	2df37d40-1d42-42dd-ab14-1c56c2bf7b22	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:10:36	-245.345
-65	24385	2438500	ae1a88e6-9dad-441b-9a3e-1fe2c7cc0271	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:38:53	-500.852
-65	48770	2438500	e724c228-29b5-4afd-b34a-4973955433c2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:20:05	22.512
-66	24386	2438600	fcab6334-bdc1-4f87-8e04-15972c5fd718	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:48:22	-701.26
-66	48772	2438600	7398a234-2f1f-4aea-99d4-d85ecfef364e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:34:20	608.311
-67	24387	2438700	95fca5df-a158-4ce4-9232-72b8d7b6ff99	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:43:46	689.380
-67	48774	2438700	1679af95-2880-401f-a66a-af6a64c9d00d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:28:05	17.788
-68	24388	2438800	79074d01-59a9-4bc0-a007-0add2d200468	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:07:49	-230.249
-68	48776	2438800	2fd16f35-9893-41c0-aa5d-b8598cb31919	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:44:20	345.776
-69	24389	2438900	124ae3eb-711d-4a1c-b373-ebce2f0e4c0f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:46:32	-581.347
-69	48778	2438900	acea3904-c20e-41a1-afd0-1820605d8b9f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:51:25	-91.676
-70	24390	2439000	b6cf05c0-e8f2-49e8-b165-97bab499b890	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:22:20	-615.373
-70	48780	2439000	f10ecf53-5c5f-490a-a0b4-e4f778d6af2a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:57:04	394.665
-71	24391	2439100	0b4c8445-80da-44d6-ae1e-bb194e63668f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:11:13	823.719
-71	48782	2439100	fc5c6a85-f40a-4eeb-9b10-753bf3ed9421	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:29:53	-710.928
-72	24392	2439200	ecf1b391-cdea-4e9e-b724-fd3e16815337	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:47:53	-348.774
-72	48784	2439200	f7da32cf-529f-492e-a24f-713af37e55bb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:43:28	-448.196
-73	24393	2439300	aeac4f95-4032-43ab-baac-bf114a573636	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:37:57	264.200
-73	48786	2439300	6901aeec-c214-4b6c-90b1-c685eccd392f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:43:18	53.532
-74	24394	2439400	ecf7fe15-adf0-43d4-934c-71b7cc0803e1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:00:41	-701.66
-74	48788	2439400	7ab001b3-f618-492e-b79a-dad2f65a36e2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:43:06	-571.721
-75	24395	2439500	4ccf7a5b-e5f9-4ef4-957a-3a711efa0a73	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:33:16	-238.16
-75	48790	2439500	a84d170b-3e46-4604-a6db-d093030ed9af	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:00:25	-224.326
-76	24396	2439600	5ff0fbbd-8e31-496b-8815-b6ffefa8010e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:17:15	-513.906
-76	48792	2439600	250cff92-7742-4f11-9dbd-3d8a65035f7d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:19:52	-546.310
-77	24397	2439700	284a3d28-6804-4d84-910e-ea0671fb05a9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:43:32	-849.984
-77	48794	2439700	86f757cd-5b31-425a-a090-152f46e22062	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:49:51	53.546
-78	24398	2439800	426fb06a-1176-417d-8d61-be73a514a838	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:08:27	482.857
-78	48796	2439800	791efdb1-4449-4d2f-978b-772faf6f1158	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:42:04	15.849
-79	24399	2439900	38d98be6-2b18-4809-a8f0-0a6bad5a9d8c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:50:57	-947.527
-79	48798	2439900	c792e474-1a52-48fd-becb-51abd4741e49	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:37:53	735.813
-80	24400	2440000	08db4251-6110-4061-808b-41190986c241	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:38:09	-853.828
-80	48800	2440000	02e64ac2-99cf-449d-9af4-38fa88c21ee4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:47:55	-865.894
-81	24401	2440100	47d6b169-8df5-4a29-9d61-c4a9a1fb1afc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:08:30	868.884
-81	48802	2440100	45bdfe0d-5ae3-4aa0-ba47-bb9969754c3e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:06:00	-700.224
-82	24402	2440200	455b37d7-7357-4b6f-af77-ee935b9d4a11	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:01:14	-209.669
-82	48804	2440200	6395463a-f7c2-411d-92f8-72f464e5c319	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:05:15	-792.605
-83	24403	2440300	88f7d161-5b58-4553-956e-beca81532602	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:14:27	-222.276
-83	48806	2440300	ba4ba5e6-f7bd-474e-9bc8-59ffc1f4bf9b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:04:30	-352.380
-84	24404	2440400	93b7afdd-5f62-489a-aa41-bc9743cc60e4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:36:36	-700.412
-84	48808	2440400	6877793e-8820-436e-b5b7-7dc9a4fd8a65	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:43:49	604.982
-85	24405	2440500	45fe6e90-e60c-4f0e-a73c-a90fc0b6b540	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:25:34	-868.950
-85	48810	2440500	8168b5e7-3eb9-4e26-b938-493c2f08dc9d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:52:57	780.75
-86	24406	2440600	57f1fac0-43cd-4b8e-adb5-9f85c755bb89	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:48:53	-101.651
-86	48812	2440600	5ee71f4e-e49d-4ca4-9812-69ff39a03507	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:45:20	-74.391
-87	24407	2440700	da254523-1082-4709-b1ca-961b77204e44	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:54:07	367.364
-87	48814	2440700	2731ebcd-dfad-46b5-b991-39484c192c7c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:49:43	480.106
-88	24408	2440800	5916fa03-1939-4d05-8f1c-b30649353c69	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:13:14	948.143
-88	48816	2440800	abd4c701-b3f4-461d-bca2-fb55a7dc40ef	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:36:39	-710.47
-89	24409	2440900	cd34013b-fcea-490c-a834-c9ace9800413	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:57:08	-960.758
-89	48818	2440900	b4126dc4-a81b-4251-b13a-a9888f297234	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:38:10	-218.193
-90	24410	2441000	af8acf2f-bf8e-42c6-98a5-76bfc6652498	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:21:06	286.420
-90	48820	2441000	476771cf-798f-48ae-afd9-64bf7008fca0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:55:44	-707.213
-91	24411	2441100	b9929d8f-8745-4c5a-9263-9d5da7e72f32	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:52:18	99.346
-91	48822	2441100	4f339e69-33b4-4579-88d1-6cf547e3a5a4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:53:03	-688.402
-92	24412	2441200	b07ac153-b32d-4fe6-96f5-a5557da3134d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:41:45	599.848
-92	48824	2441200	250eefb1-1c01-4cce-bd09-00eb65d34f11	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:34:53	-869.150
-93	24413	2441300	b9fc0c02-f20c-4378-93ed-374c06ecb290	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:17:54	-239.574
-93	48826	2441300	6c414df4-5bde-4eb3-9e12-e429d64faa03	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:29:57	-521.340
-94	24414	2441400	0c850ac3-4aaf-4b30-9599-e43e42858e6a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:36:01	334.79
-94	48828	2441400	e4655ada-d582-41d6-b107-eb92c44292b3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:27:34	-823.464
-95	24415	2441500	29d0f28d-9e95-4278-aea3-954c94e87e61	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:05:46	606.355
-95	48830	2441500	b28c53da-9a01-449a-9a44-148f9f826aa2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:06:58	-790.125
-96	24416	2441600	10d59bf5-507d-4caa-b8e1-779080a60906	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:57:56	688.72
-96	48832	2441600	5260c979-7721-48b3-89c7-ba29c0d1e697	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:12:39	-583.497
-97	24417	2441700	3ac58db6-2c84-42cb-9b3a-2cd3166408e0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:04:54	258.66
-97	48834	2441700	72b8575a-1e72-4e05-bf10-b1e25f419c56	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:47:14	-321.684
-98	24418	2441800	9205d6a4-2059-4d9a-ad31-de7c107db546	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:51:30	997.860
-98	48836	2441800	4a881fe4-78c4-45a1-af96-12195955c3c4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:22:30	-274.609
-99	24419	2441900	3e2224a9-569c-4b42-a727-3b98f0995676	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:53:14	-491.726
-99	48838	2441900	3dc31226-e7a8-411c-98ab-7e68171b3751	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:29:54	980.323
-100	24420	2442000	24bf1f90-2d14-4cd6-acc4-dfc3e34013e2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:58:31	29.338
-100	48840	2442000	c9c171d0-98bc-4412-88c6-d15602fe7992	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:33:18	-39.831
-101	24421	2442100	ab887d41-6f0b-4ce5-b59c-366a836b097f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:24:29	-229.153
-101	48842	2442100	89c5bd93-6343-45bc-b184-472a817a25c4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:44:21	488.874
-102	24422	2442200	aa3ee8ea-a023-476c-8261-2ee918cc4768	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:41:22	-614.598
-102	48844	2442200	4caf874e-446e-405e-8f9c-0f31d061a9ed	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:07:38	445.430
-103	24423	2442300	51d701c6-59da-4059-a541-b90861af0d63	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:44:00	914.134
-103	48846	2442300	89460db7-f02b-4d79-887b-0f9e0d6f1631	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:08:11	-164.767
-104	24424	2442400	e263fec5-62fc-4b73-96cc-33894e0c2ec6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:11:23	-466.423
-104	48848	2442400	a94e2d3f-2ea0-496d-bf9f-a0734fe05a2f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:39:34	-797.683
-105	24425	2442500	ec417b44-731f-472d-8eb2-a0d778edcc0a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:52:15	847.27
-105	48850	2442500	eef23a39-e2e1-45a4-b208-d413b7ce4dcb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:15:41	-173.141
-106	24426	2442600	fd6f0a86-f2f5-4f00-810f-82ca4f586cce	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:23:00	-395.729
-106	48852	2442600	da674506-3a21-4e5f-9adb-caf9acaeabd7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:49:05	968.306
-107	24427	2442700	bbfa362f-6c1b-469d-a7c0-c093a745615a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:34:56	603.23
-107	48854	2442700	45803401-c50f-43d1-aa46-812d7940b779	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:28:41	441.576
-108	24428	2442800	b5a91dc2-9f5d-4335-a6fc-5809e79b1fe9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:53:49	951.268
-108	48856	2442800	a497ed2d-e744-4b13-93c2-8592705a7f37	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:46:45	-13.268
-109	24429	2442900	03df2bcc-ac1a-481d-81f1-753852ba7192	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:00:03	277.330
-109	48858	2442900	795866fc-1457-4ad4-9b2a-9fd9207ff6a1	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:14:09	677.285
-110	24430	2443000	a76001fc-16da-409c-b697-eb64ff833142	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:44:07	946.272
-110	48860	2443000	67f5e89e-b77d-4d6e-bf3f-8a179b3edf2c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:07:34	657.383
-111	24431	2443100	24cb89c7-de1c-4ae2-8f97-adc47bf6da81	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:38:46	847.988
-111	48862	2443100	50c4983e-d9a7-4cfc-8e12-5c74f5f45c41	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:43:49	844.777
-112	24432	2443200	39bf06a5-86b1-440d-b5f7-0f1332215317	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:08:11	-241.231
-112	48864	2443200	a1b1793f-4f9c-4af1-955b-bfe4b489576c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:20:59	-774.617
-113	24433	2443300	f0ffcf20-df40-441e-9e78-68e25acee994	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:40:05	-903.508
-113	48866	2443300	6ef2ab09-79a7-4075-b189-9f3363906239	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:56:38	227.213
-114	24434	2443400	adb80fa9-28ce-43b0-8ecf-6a6fac63ae9e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:39:33	733.574
-114	48868	2443400	6cf1ebc1-60e3-470f-b6c4-8fb1c7954107	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:19:13	129.426
-115	24435	2443500	a161cc14-41ad-4b8e-ab72-3bfa238d1d5c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:35:32	139.247
-115	48870	2443500	21e853bc-d7a1-4751-a831-ef03f05c39c2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:05:49	-682.595
-116	24436	2443600	1d1601da-ca7c-40cd-ab89-fe0616d8c6dd	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:26:10	477.646
-116	48872	2443600	55652810-f6b8-44f2-aa0d-2ef43b954413	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:18:33	75.198
-117	24437	2443700	722a223a-26c4-4e39-912b-4de0d0989321	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:01:56	-128.656
-117	48874	2443700	7b3b002f-1a88-49c1-b7b9-6a1bdf47e32a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:57:36	-935.419
-118	24438	2443800	ad5cd821-1e53-4c38-bc5f-067a8b30d720	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:07:02	918.217
-118	48876	2443800	34adf10d-bcb3-4afa-9e32-2d5b8c32b604	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:41:21	163.234
-119	24439	2443900	0f38cb04-684d-4365-a55f-99551bc766c4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:49:10	570.647
-119	48878	2443900	c6e91513-2ddb-445d-9842-29f9b4574e03	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:44:17	-563.353
-120	24440	2444000	cc4aee09-00ea-4113-aca2-d9024d0e7346	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:19:09	16.359
-120	48880	2444000	355e76e0-f0a2-4502-8ef5-e27fc86b6534	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:53:10	-793.929
-121	24441	2444100	f0a65223-a174-4e1a-ba9d-e445de8cb90a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:44:47	346.319
-121	48882	2444100	7af4f44f-1eb0-4da1-a591-dd9f61b12681	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:11:57	554.745
-122	24442	2444200	4d8ed29c-e445-4b72-83fc-5765c804fd76	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:21:13	732.218
-122	48884	2444200	052cbd5c-0d15-4433-9e8f-d5b3d2a4e702	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:49:52	-423.349
-123	24443	2444300	95719fea-ad23-4c0d-b91b-71f997531e4d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:20:53	-74.516
-123	48886	2444300	cd812962-1e71-4022-829e-e7bb8372b3aa	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:00:43	246.407
-124	24444	2444400	a18c720c-16d1-4172-b0d0-2e64c918e89a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:36:32	61.309
-124	48888	2444400	90d5c71e-a160-4660-82be-c56b911798e9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:36:22	-87.125
-125	24445	2444500	84c23767-d6f5-47c2-9ca4-c00ad7439fe4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:02:13	731.905
-125	48890	2444500	e09086b0-8054-4ba2-86f3-f4e5e72b8c69	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:23:39	664.900
-126	24446	2444600	adddfdc5-87bb-46f6-bbf6-1cd434e7b87f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:08:14	-222.37
-126	48892	2444600	45e8a414-999d-4ec2-a019-3d45c7eca301	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:07:42	-612.56
-127	24447	2444700	9fc2d048-a27a-4037-ac69-424b6b12aa17	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:11:47	397.50
-127	48894	2444700	f886b1c1-6f85-4b42-8850-a78c1fd269da	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:02:05	-171.257
-0	24448	2444800	1d3f1829-33b7-465a-9a58-dfde44cecde9	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:38:08	20.310
-0	48896	2444800	67ab6f9c-c5f9-477f-9a75-88ae72f7b9c3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:48:57	132.87
-1	24449	2444900	e6e2b29f-bac4-43b4-a640-099eca984ae0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:25:43	865.635
-1	48898	2444900	867ea411-cc82-4432-a66b-1afb0647cd98	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:46:54	650.88
-2	24450	2445000	ac2feba6-2a6a-4540-b3cb-09c5a868d030	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:42:43	635.844
-2	48900	2445000	9d4e8755-192e-4737-9234-68e6bf36043e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:10:15	-937.452
-3	24451	2445100	9c26b912-9eb2-4055-aae9-3b86060322ff	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:18:25	-86.861
-3	48902	2445100	f6c73772-16bd-426b-b857-51cd8f503cac	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:26:45	803.374
-4	24452	2445200	9632b8c2-bab7-4093-a831-733e2e87a80a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:54:22	-573.768
-4	48904	2445200	3111045c-0fc8-4c86-8d62-229c5c858c8e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:32:51	-740.895
-5	24453	2445300	5858574f-6690-4fcb-8c2c-4f808a0ae529	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:14:25	-575.838
-5	48906	2445300	6a7b707d-9cfd-4ef9-b461-2dc1e69b11bd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:12:32	68.483
-6	24454	2445400	c478589b-b2ae-4acf-af07-8cf981e04478	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:27:07	-189.863
-6	48908	2445400	80dea859-e674-4f23-9066-81a6dd00c431	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:19:40	259.900
-7	24455	2445500	5259623a-a0ce-49df-9f55-ec930aa484d1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:43:07	796.28
-7	48910	2445500	edd41b30-bc07-4357-9936-8b50744f090e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:57:39	155.625
-8	24456	2445600	14ff8cbf-19f0-4362-a8bb-a23f63e0fbc3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:04:58	42.224
-8	48912	2445600	ee32ccda-7927-4dd9-a4c9-ae2b925167e2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:24:04	-833.941
-9	24457	2445700	4ac15751-339f-4340-83f5-3f53ac4aa966	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:24:31	551.844
-9	48914	2445700	71e871f0-26b0-478c-83d0-3b5c52887ad5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:50:25	759.742
-10	24458	2445800	e4fda715-4479-47cc-845e-505c205727bf	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:10:13	-892.337
-10	48916	2445800	dd5e35fa-daf3-4f60-ae02-48124ccd5357	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:29:21	51.654
-11	24459	2445900	28433443-ee1a-4d24-932d-c8b947fee28c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:42:49	-781.766
-11	48918	2445900	8f8aa0a1-107d-4814-a12a-d03c3e86d08f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:57:57	-654.119
-12	24460	2446000	b1ba1564-9247-4499-ad63-7d79bffbd97b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:00:08	-725.674
-12	48920	2446000	5c73b395-87ca-46f4-b04c-25f05edf2c9a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:15:10	873.604
-13	24461	2446100	404cd5b1-19e7-4f06-98aa-54f1a066f62d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:11:34	870.318
-13	48922	2446100	9884471e-f849-44d1-b1a8-356a5edd452b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:47:44	-798.953
-14	24462	2446200	9bf7dad1-60da-4554-9c65-d4a4d962b580	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:56:36	-106.992
-14	48924	2446200	593b0a6e-a712-4812-b32d-38e7d230d0e0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:04:56	-401.627
-15	24463	2446300	08814b98-eec7-473c-a8d5-dceea6709282	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:26:26	-894.251
-15	48926	2446300	cde6c875-a5c8-4c3a-aee1-00bdb9048aed	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:07:58	-524.463
-16	24464	2446400	5158e459-f070-42bc-b96c-ecf2a843e269	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:30:36	-636.752
-16	48928	2446400	2dcf3710-42ba-40b2-9d8f-ef1556f30336	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:13:54	-587.519
-17	24465	2446500	44903420-34f2-48fb-905e-e85d24bd83a8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:53:47	101.724
-17	48930	2446500	fe6afdf8-7941-4c25-8ea7-aa121b594955	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:49:11	-954.984
-18	24466	2446600	7f2302ed-588b-4a42-8296-62654b520179	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:38:16	784.446
-18	48932	2446600	26ddb642-c1b2-4e3c-901f-bfe473bfa420	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:28:56	-70.295
-19	24467	2446700	a2968dfe-e067-4c34-9be4-82e7295b7545	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:03:51	935.105
-19	48934	2446700	f9fa90f1-791f-4e11-ab32-f2767e1d6ef4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:23:58	-966.757
-20	24468	2446800	459dc059-66b5-4226-a94b-a53921892d64	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:03:24	748.404
-20	48936	2446800	c8a81f2c-de4f-4dbf-b4e0-d297bbacdfcc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:53:13	-727.290
-21	24469	2446900	3d29577d-3a69-4b0b-a47a-4ec35b568a66	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:05:42	-509.296
-21	48938	2446900	6c5b3a67-2535-497b-ad59-44ffcd57d166	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:45:28	163.395
-22	24470	2447000	871a5bc8-a344-4c48-b62d-b3291d60a861	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:30:47	238.707
-22	48940	2447000	0359e30a-6d08-45e1-9fee-158255cf461e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:11:37	-443.650
-23	24471	2447100	5025f2b8-9e8e-419a-96b3-9f884bfff83a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:36:54	757.385
-23	48942	2447100	9c61d277-80c7-4fa5-a2b1-22cf925ec9ff	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:30:13	142.873
-24	24472	2447200	f7a0d95f-ecd7-4f94-beae-54aa462a988b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:44:23	-25.199
-24	48944	2447200	164d8d8d-e813-4540-a2df-24c2ca89231f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:31:25	89.645
-25	24473	2447300	5e2ce3c9-0e2c-4357-b196-5b3fd3d58193	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:38:49	-761.927
-25	48946	2447300	19522dac-47a7-4dc9-9728-4205b73a87ce	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:42:50	976.502
-26	24474	2447400	4a573cb7-ee8c-4d9e-adf3-c1feb04301a1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:05:03	86.669
-26	48948	2447400	d72b3ef0-d3f2-4aa1-9239-fc9bc8d9d912	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:07:58	-725.138
-27	24475	2447500	6c08f47a-b525-4745-9680-14d90e5b03b2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:58:58	-216.359
-27	48950	2447500	99ff8397-0fe2-479b-b739-c21630e97e35	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:27:06	510.6
-28	24476	2447600	094cbd07-4e6a-4eac-9c60-e8901a7d103d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:11:57	378.216
-28	48952	2447600	461995e7-dc60-4ff5-90e0-0d53f8dda325	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:26:41	712.596
-29	24477	2447700	6db5a02b-1632-4981-98ea-88d4b198dc0e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:39:05	-835.160
-29	48954	2447700	1fa701f7-9795-470b-9e31-1e9108824cd7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:23:01	-341.218
-30	24478	2447800	a70f190a-cb29-4769-a5ca-4849f54a1856	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:48:39	-565.400
-30	48956	2447800	b3209f6a-c3a3-4d48-884f-00436f609aa2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:22:23	-697.749
-31	24479	2447900	3de0e51f-073b-49ac-8c15-e5a8b0c0c8bf	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:33:09	106.640
-31	48958	2447900	76746373-a5c7-4e1f-8e03-fa130dc71c49	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:14:25	417.485
-32	24480	2448000	f1996ba1-81d2-4ba9-84aa-505f0e5eab93	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:21:50	859.76
-32	48960	2448000	4957118a-f27c-4ecf-92ba-ce049022439a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:51:39	-326.508
-33	24481	2448100	47d1b2a3-c10e-451b-8e4f-d232528c6afa	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:31:47	988.642
-33	48962	2448100	ec6d0408-0507-4855-9d60-1afb10eefaed	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:08:42	610.453
-34	24482	2448200	57e81a35-24eb-4943-b521-345a28113844	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:58:01	-957.333
-34	48964	2448200	057e1817-b521-48bd-bc42-a705e632ab16	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:45:56	915.343
-35	24483	2448300	7d65d7f1-0889-4424-8852-680386e61906	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:33:47	826.3
-35	48966	2448300	59b7f974-cf20-4cd1-977a-94c52e2793b0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:23:30	-456.441
-36	24484	2448400	460acc06-be37-4ca1-a1eb-b3bc70eb08f6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:54:41	813.297
-36	48968	2448400	5f95e66b-c8bc-42d7-ae5a-72dc5121b3e0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:50:08	-303.877
-37	24485	2448500	ea56f760-02eb-4b73-b207-cfede573348b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:02:51	-94.856
-37	48970	2448500	4ee93642-63f2-40cc-b0fb-eba79b66bbdb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:02:55	692.41
-38	24486	2448600	efbaf396-7e87-4320-ace7-2e06dcd49841	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:53:39	588.616
-38	48972	2448600	cb4fe3da-485e-495f-bc62-ac862f796ca7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:41:18	-935.144
-39	24487	2448700	5d8a204f-2965-4da3-a792-c16ef8ff4583	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:27:14	-91.217
-39	48974	2448700	9ff4149b-0c7a-4aad-bae4-f96ee7ab3412	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:54:11	-78.618
-40	24488	2448800	4b93ddbc-5b79-4b4b-9547-b603b6872a76	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:07:45	18.295
-40	48976	2448800	0eb819d8-dc88-4b16-bb2b-527cdca1caa4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:43:29	-432.947
-41	24489	2448900	62ff51aa-91db-4e86-819d-5113e9cf0908	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:52:46	425.350
-41	48978	2448900	d5f48000-caf9-4060-aedd-30143b12a664	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:39:46	777.198
-42	24490	2449000	e3f66718-5ab1-4829-887a-04dcd144c8e3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:43:00	-325.244
-42	48980	2449000	8cf42ed6-a290-4ccc-a7c3-cd29a6543467	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:26:36	889.392
-43	24491	2449100	f474aacb-ca0d-4752-930a-0db79a604470	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:06:30	208.801
-43	48982	2449100	0ad58528-be22-4add-922b-22e2fcc5fd06	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:37:56	532.531
-44	24492	2449200	113276ea-0dbd-4aea-8aa8-fedaeef89945	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:11:23	-974.520
-44	48984	2449200	1e750125-20f4-455d-8aa1-96acd44010e9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:31:43	780.13
-45	24493	2449300	51ac0bda-04d1-4660-8857-47462037073c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:22:33	-407.436
-45	48986	2449300	49e8f84b-8526-4169-a39f-51bf4a0d51c1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:56:17	570.636
-46	24494	2449400	62414528-79d4-4b5b-b3ea-013e815b37bf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:10:55	-936.283
-46	48988	2449400	dd7ff7d7-db04-430e-9966-a992db1b5138	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:15:51	-665.173
-47	24495	2449500	8eb044d1-8f60-4288-975d-e12acce1d949	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:18:24	334.806
-47	48990	2449500	87ef3563-6938-43e1-9642-6ab54b24908e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:59:52	-943.769
-48	24496	2449600	914bed25-3812-4cd9-9068-bea2149750e0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:12:07	876.322
-48	48992	2449600	bd5663d7-5efd-4e3a-a1ff-9d4f18471fd6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:54:40	-648.277
-49	24497	2449700	c3bb5286-49d4-4cc2-87ac-666487333dd9	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:31:33	-538.928
-49	48994	2449700	61d6dd33-5c5f-4de2-87ff-d5d95e78b2b0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:30:16	-515.459
-50	24498	2449800	f63cdf2e-efdb-4f8a-9149-5ed78e09b1b9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:09:58	-740.761
-50	48996	2449800	bc5ef33c-a8ac-4ddd-9d2d-df2bb0be1e55	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:51:21	459.291
-51	24499	2449900	6e13285e-40ab-44ba-9e40-0e998485b88e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:53:26	-783.260
-51	48998	2449900	fd45ae94-7edc-4c16-8d59-7e22d85d9e0c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:49:28	-531.99
-52	24500	2450000	77c7d46b-0f35-4a6c-9a14-315d17b6e90b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:22:25	635.465
-52	49000	2450000	7a90226b-f6c1-4ee9-8a3d-525947bc34e1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:22:23	664.429
-53	24501	2450100	4a84f006-4e97-4a3e-bc05-c5feb9b6002e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:52:16	33.171
-53	49002	2450100	4983e34a-e3c3-412c-ae73-0f1d9d0dc256	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:48:19	-92.744
-54	24502	2450200	cc4cdc1d-74ef-488d-bc4c-6dfba6025163	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:50:30	987.524
-54	49004	2450200	1c92e657-8255-4d03-b52c-e5e35fb54261	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:33:56	204.181
-55	24503	2450300	0604cb19-cf2c-4d68-879c-aedbe1cda2c3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:35:04	-308.949
-55	49006	2450300	f673a78a-349b-40da-80eb-37cec06f0dd5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:41:28	-530.119
-56	24504	2450400	bb400bd5-0821-4bba-8f9a-6ef544e6c267	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:17:10	952.873
-56	49008	2450400	35ba0636-7780-470a-a0b5-22fbf17e82d4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:26:36	-607.515
-57	24505	2450500	8a41315a-296b-43c8-ba94-66f42894ee40	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:31:08	-31.788
-57	49010	2450500	e00d64ca-b335-4936-82ff-7981638972ab	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:54:47	138.841
-58	24506	2450600	2fa437e1-2f5d-4d44-b909-e64b557e047c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:38:27	820.693
-58	49012	2450600	69136f5d-a4ed-49dd-9566-39ff6f9a5ed1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:23:24	-207.91
-59	24507	2450700	ed8bce46-eb56-4b80-84ad-bd08f31b6b85	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:31:50	74.370
-59	49014	2450700	797d2319-d56f-4fd1-9143-6661d173ccee	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:40:52	867.824
-60	24508	2450800	87c0bb91-b395-4a74-beaf-fbf09963314b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:47:40	-543.4
-60	49016	2450800	6cbb5f4a-b24c-486c-bcd2-96676e940b62	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:01:17	-575.167
-61	24509	2450900	80fd70c2-0c6f-43ee-a5eb-6c99e6bfc27b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:40:43	148.563
-61	49018	2450900	3e71a348-203c-4162-b42a-5bf1b47cf780	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:03:45	274.693
-62	24510	2451000	ad1bc495-e6ab-4b8f-bf86-4f5a4cafe8f9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:29:58	-55.500
-62	49020	2451000	800d9b20-cc59-4c6c-8e45-1feef699f5ca	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:59:23	889.431
-63	24511	2451100	862508b5-c7b1-4f28-9f0e-702aeb0ee3eb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:38:15	644.290
-63	49022	2451100	574d0b1a-47b8-4914-9412-343526654424	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:44:53	341.18
-64	24512	2451200	3f886e1b-c327-46d8-933f-169db86f58a5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:34:04	-444.6
-64	49024	2451200	e6270aa4-7f83-4433-b12e-cfe9ba3f9938	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:01:25	-304.817
-65	24513	2451300	a8db839c-91b7-4816-abb1-ff8c4784937a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:01:14	143.821
-65	49026	2451300	b78e360e-5d09-49ed-9519-85463e5c25b0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:23:42	-630.463
-66	24514	2451400	919bb7a4-3a62-4fbd-be89-82d426f70b75	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:18:18	-987.348
-66	49028	2451400	9583837f-716f-4ed0-881d-8d2dd30865d7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:58:45	-309.696
-67	24515	2451500	d8944a21-ece6-4243-957c-0c006850ee3d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:09:12	130.463
-67	49030	2451500	f5d36f69-224a-4cc5-a621-ad6f3d16d8b3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:42:22	352.395
-68	24516	2451600	369077c8-5810-412a-ac74-358763493b50	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:54:18	-16.474
-68	49032	2451600	b71fce81-bd81-408a-909f-25d6fb912ba2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:47:28	-134.927
-69	24517	2451700	42508961-fb88-4717-8f37-f4defa0dfca2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:33:19	-984.903
-69	49034	2451700	55e8d842-9916-4abc-bbf1-8b51e82ca8a8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:33:23	-168.308
-70	24518	2451800	113525fe-30b8-4b21-8e0c-7f5f1c8936b2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:36:36	-248.32
-70	49036	2451800	607b3ec3-6724-42e7-9932-7c807b41edf2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:32:54	-330.729
-71	24519	2451900	572ea3e0-aba6-4289-b9f2-ac117cfd2f4e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:57:08	-244.933
-71	49038	2451900	7216af10-6aa7-4b09-b8da-6fda8f71c2c3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:32:08	-913.563
-72	24520	2452000	986b73bb-74af-4d36-b1d2-75730ac54380	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:56:22	-575.56
-72	49040	2452000	d562b420-d138-4c6a-aff0-f43339bc3070	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:58:40	473.295
-73	24521	2452100	d846fc22-3bcc-4c70-b2f7-87e3474a7595	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:54:00	102.546
-73	49042	2452100	0e391603-de3a-455c-9b95-20a59a3c774f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:38:15	482.146
-74	24522	2452200	ad47c71d-1424-4a5e-ae6c-6e1fc102383d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:56:10	619.211
-74	49044	2452200	c31f1c2f-920e-4160-a7e0-65c043a384bc	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:05:54	847.14
-75	24523	2452300	6fda90be-c689-40ca-a965-4e144f6f1198	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:30:07	-176.822
-75	49046	2452300	da8ac979-329a-4293-a9de-47d046ac21d4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:09:56	204.388
-76	24524	2452400	8ef16488-ef6a-457e-a09b-b6fb025df7fd	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:41:00	646.632
-76	49048	2452400	914c0779-25f4-4889-b4bc-9c7a75512860	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:09:19	752.179
-77	24525	2452500	e3212ab1-7f5a-4268-a860-8ea3448f683f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:55:59	-907.652
-77	49050	2452500	11911cdb-35fd-4b0a-98d2-a93e1d7aa508	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:21:20	-861.78
-78	24526	2452600	74c42713-152f-437d-88cb-6c3f190c28c3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:47:56	516.142
-78	49052	2452600	b6bb699f-f888-484f-8a72-5bf2d30cee2e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:03:28	626.245
-79	24527	2452700	4d007919-007e-4751-a67a-09bd2d9dff09	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:37:47	747.633
-79	49054	2452700	78d27bee-d423-4165-aa50-fdc02efb8f4a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:28:37	916.606
-80	24528	2452800	f0562cd4-00ac-40e2-87b4-3df0ce37d687	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:48:29	-522.669
-80	49056	2452800	2a803447-4237-4540-927a-40dbab786682	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:48:54	-112.678
-81	24529	2452900	bc1af5dc-6db5-4d79-8f36-5a8f7076c701	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:09:40	-412.517
-81	49058	2452900	47d857a2-51f4-4c45-8915-f2911d4900e3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:56:41	-494.842
-82	24530	2453000	d16bc845-0b5e-447e-9280-77dba2d334cf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:22:23	357.85
-82	49060	2453000	4d1f1d00-36f5-428f-a08e-638d30a38a19	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:54:08	-282.718
-83	24531	2453100	e7d8d0c5-bd81-48e8-af67-14a80766fe71	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:08:00	-781.866
-83	49062	2453100	c381fbf4-0606-48ba-b323-82b25871bde7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:44:18	592.9
-84	24532	2453200	c8bb98ad-207c-4280-a5bb-be7a86a62c2b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:23:50	-917.68
-84	49064	2453200	499828dc-0225-47c8-b05b-dc4948f8f415	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:12:13	-53.273
-85	24533	2453300	a8b361ca-ca60-4db1-a794-5b2190096986	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:29:50	997.251
-85	49066	2453300	8960d61e-3858-41b1-b14d-a955482fdabc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:09:42	513.588
-86	24534	2453400	b0d7a3cd-14a4-41b6-821f-3010063776dc	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:38:22	738.399
-86	49068	2453400	bcff84ea-1ada-468a-9151-91ca8b8a35a3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:25:05	962.315
-87	24535	2453500	bc62708e-5f35-479e-a1f1-e909b2857c62	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:37:01	710.666
-87	49070	2453500	0f4854fb-df41-40dd-8aaf-75a52a91443f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:37:58	987.360
-88	24536	2453600	398a4a12-fda0-4ee1-82b0-c564f73f19ae	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:30:02	-87.657
-88	49072	2453600	513b397d-ed69-492c-9411-75304d4e300e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:15:28	-477.602
-89	24537	2453700	1dfecaa4-3871-45f8-b3dd-feaaed5eb3b4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:09:08	303.222
-89	49074	2453700	c492b25c-de42-45af-973f-646b500e3514	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:27:57	375.731
-90	24538	2453800	acff1b50-3d39-450f-a0a0-5db196832513	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:50:38	-658.764
-90	49076	2453800	ce99a677-78bb-42a6-b6e8-4f81a9f194f9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:27:14	-954.971
-91	24539	2453900	95ad8a4a-26bd-4ee0-95fd-02d2f4ddbd46	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:43:59	960.183
-91	49078	2453900	a35dbcf0-dd0d-4ef1-ba82-d51fa88cbdda	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:02:12	643.115
-92	24540	2454000	dea3c8ce-73bd-4b71-a6b2-916713b62b08	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:42:48	-445.416
-92	49080	2454000	88be99ba-e93b-44a0-a928-b65ae664590f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:15:51	84.200
-93	24541	2454100	e62da68a-8f44-4abb-90b8-a50b1ae9fb6e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:36:29	-125.987
-93	49082	2454100	72c250f3-f76b-4e69-8f38-4355b97e3174	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:08:22	-637.906
-94	24542	2454200	aea48c70-8d4b-49ff-bcf5-8d4999d4cbf6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:23:02	580.674
-94	49084	2454200	b88a2bd3-e432-446b-8c26-9d8e2618d6a8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:23:34	706.70
-95	24543	2454300	eb66d8ff-4e1b-4f89-a33c-bc4b0af8703a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:32:46	208.483
-95	49086	2454300	395acff8-dc3c-47a7-a136-b14f4ab11f24	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:57:59	-507.754
-96	24544	2454400	4606ae1c-6dc2-4d1b-b00c-5a22897061fd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:42:25	460.751
-96	49088	2454400	bc739db3-524e-4034-bab7-d95187a85583	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:47:31	-828.848
-97	24545	2454500	ce00191f-3b43-4b99-a62a-a324cc908fa7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:11:37	398.923
-97	49090	2454500	64713a29-4189-4f0d-a51e-92a6ba7dc73b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:54:09	-728.470
-98	24546	2454600	de2ed770-0662-4fd0-b3c3-2ade5b109bad	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:43:55	-831.310
-98	49092	2454600	93f761c0-a9b0-4c83-8fe6-6b676378d2ed	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:12:16	243.34
-99	24547	2454700	f33c12ca-6c88-4474-9961-5b447ed1af42	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:48:16	987.519
-99	49094	2454700	dc636fe0-f384-47be-8142-9e50a2b8ea6a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:43:16	-231.911
-100	24548	2454800	6845324b-7202-4c56-902d-f9e7555c4e44	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:23:36	767.490
-100	49096	2454800	64ec4acc-a530-41a5-ac4f-c29b41b70709	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:56:11	53.913
-101	24549	2454900	c5d80b3a-55ff-4576-9abe-c0d4d9be5dc4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:53:44	406.864
-101	49098	2454900	b8484dee-41d9-4b4c-8b37-1603a35dc523	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:18:13	164.247
-102	24550	2455000	60b0408e-ad69-4a57-a12d-04838e108dfe	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:13:34	-114.953
-102	49100	2455000	0a8f241f-cdc1-4571-ab4f-07eae2d05442	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:38:47	355.371
-103	24551	2455100	355b8079-a182-41e8-bf8f-60d0edf7e967	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:03:02	-77.29
-103	49102	2455100	5fbbb6c9-c657-4ad0-b9eb-cb5ee552d735	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:16:38	-573.402
-104	24552	2455200	4aa25863-2261-4cbc-9a55-0bb9ae2603b1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:53:42	-825.504
-104	49104	2455200	d6e51c5b-de71-4bcf-8c58-469e810a7ea0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:46:04	-374.920
-105	24553	2455300	717f3ec5-cb6e-48ba-90e8-1d4e4ffc2899	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:09:17	-8.349
-105	49106	2455300	7b34fafb-4dda-4f75-8d1b-8aab51c3065f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:32:42	-767.207
-106	24554	2455400	1698dd44-64ec-4a96-8f9d-4e3848a8adaa	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:51:37	-37.209
-106	49108	2455400	520a198e-6f9b-4eef-ae5a-e443c3a866e4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:14:02	-596.859
-107	24555	2455500	d0e86017-9348-412d-b7b5-9a43a8094ba3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:48:59	-949.331
-107	49110	2455500	3e92a1b0-05fa-4b15-b94b-3b49fa1bf56c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:32:23	-236.327
-108	24556	2455600	452d57b6-43a7-4f45-9d40-15da97cf907d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:46:38	916.417
-108	49112	2455600	8beff745-8bde-431f-b9c5-b478c5e334c4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:33:40	-303.401
-109	24557	2455700	89888e7e-122d-495e-9947-302c8e965992	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:29:03	424.79
-109	49114	2455700	8525c92a-ccb5-4cde-a9ea-f8be4cccdf5d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:28:37	-439.148
-110	24558	2455800	2ced3f1c-b3fd-4abf-9a71-b6f01eb3cde8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:44:12	587.65
-110	49116	2455800	d0954387-edd7-4f80-b699-b270de4ba0ee	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:07:44	888.746
-111	24559	2455900	b2f925f2-7d2b-47e1-8818-76c2554846fc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:19:16	639.586
-111	49118	2455900	97a258ae-f55b-4426-a5cc-f17dd1a4f198	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:32:35	3.909
-112	24560	2456000	c71e48b9-ba2b-4f57-b9a3-69cd1f80639f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:31:58	-193.96
-112	49120	2456000	3a6e7012-1e25-4db1-b635-8e1c5eda093f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:52:12	-199.55
-113	24561	2456100	5819f2fd-f00a-470a-a07d-db619b578976	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:26:03	879.199
-113	49122	2456100	aa1b47b1-e7e7-4971-a75b-3a36094de261	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:24:27	-208.836
-114	24562	2456200	72adab4e-313a-4ff8-ae76-4360b2e57776	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:56:34	213.195
-114	49124	2456200	84033393-7d62-4dea-85e3-01ddc24ae15f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:34:20	-14.786
-115	24563	2456300	bbe5d23f-7cb1-4706-a24d-ab09b617caf4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:25:42	608.56
-115	49126	2456300	ca25c78b-6039-4ca0-b077-4c7f13f95051	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:41:34	112.743
-116	24564	2456400	38a26436-5cfd-4438-b632-c6207b8ee444	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:35:22	-776.291
-116	49128	2456400	a9ab9c14-3a46-41a7-a5ba-3cbcee2bd939	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:21:54	-538.392
-117	24565	2456500	4a2567a2-550b-4bba-8425-fc45bd61bc3d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:34:49	958.440
-117	49130	2456500	c715e652-9aa2-4f6a-a46f-c45c428376bc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:36:05	-881.8
-118	24566	2456600	5522fb4c-0a4a-445b-a871-21c1caf34b9a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:45:36	665.325
-118	49132	2456600	ac7a4545-98a9-4edd-b2f8-331b8d2eabe6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:25:02	687.765
-119	24567	2456700	878b026e-3556-4ad0-99d3-c717c576ddcd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:49:33	836.843
-119	49134	2456700	156a0cb6-882d-4161-8c14-980cbf9b67d6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:57:06	-455.48
-120	24568	2456800	23063979-96bb-4e21-9383-0c0be9bf728d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:47:06	177.156
-120	49136	2456800	82079678-2fdf-4428-bd21-991fb8bbb1da	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:55:34	329.931
-121	24569	2456900	ae65ccde-8648-47a7-9d22-82c7aa52caa9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:09:51	728.30
-121	49138	2456900	b2c85240-8994-465f-ac65-87737461ad47	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:06:36	871.658
-122	24570	2457000	01f6fcf4-a605-4b81-90f9-4a85e266e153	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:35:00	514.860
-122	49140	2457000	ea3f2e67-52bb-4444-81b5-56f08818d996	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:24:42	-229.619
-123	24571	2457100	6dc7caa2-3b2d-4a4d-8985-1633e017dc91	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:25:23	169.583
-123	49142	2457100	33f14614-d9f5-4f16-ada7-8e9435e78a7b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:46:24	593.102
-124	24572	2457200	eff16710-8282-4e07-82bc-ba2fb4ce345e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:03:06	-454.498
-124	49144	2457200	50a0e124-1849-463c-92b4-ef5527a4f916	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:09:04	912.800
-125	24573	2457300	223bbd48-8283-40ce-92d1-b38f491d0ed7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:06:41	1.401
-125	49146	2457300	b344406c-3865-4e85-b16e-af84d1177b9d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:18:34	867.404
-126	24574	2457400	740bf636-5ac2-4d8c-a7b2-5bfcc8b7edbd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:00:18	-693.178
-126	49148	2457400	91926d40-6847-4d61-b0a9-0c2acd43d786	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:08:45	412.318
-127	24575	2457500	d55f633c-0d0f-4d23-a98f-4e72a5b8ac5c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:16:59	826.532
-127	49150	2457500	b79d89f5-b413-48bc-baeb-5296faefad5b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:26:20	30.23
-0	24576	2457600	3d7d225a-1370-4a5c-9a59-6887d5370b8e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:21:42	-830.189
-0	49152	2457600	6b7ecb02-8585-4211-9b14-978d6b4d39f6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:56:39	-418.411
-1	24577	2457700	a31ed6aa-6219-442c-8a70-be18c0f79631	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:59:14	858.509
-1	49154	2457700	7378b89e-d51a-4f5d-b7f1-532af77ba1de	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:57:16	430.29
-2	24578	2457800	d56ce48b-8553-41a4-8c28-82b73d132dc3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:58:38	-397.970
-2	49156	2457800	a9e7870b-cdcc-4cbe-9005-87b4ea0565ca	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:02:30	-843.611
-3	24579	2457900	6bdf8d64-80a2-49b4-8784-cb3681cb6b7c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:00:55	-395.760
-3	49158	2457900	18924d81-d156-481a-bdbe-918dcd4d85ac	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:38:48	103.315
-4	24580	2458000	c97c3452-c950-48e3-9df9-3af26a612bf8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:05:38	972.624
-4	49160	2458000	ccceba78-a545-4309-9c05-8157ed8d743b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:52:11	370.42
-5	24581	2458100	cf897a5c-c390-40c1-ba12-9844c1f8c208	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:05:55	-517.352
-5	49162	2458100	9c45e571-4ceb-40b4-97cd-79c1e38f461b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:20:13	931.966
-6	24582	2458200	ed872804-d238-4ef6-8c8b-7de902e5bf57	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:12:12	-53.737
-6	49164	2458200	ffcec6a5-fa11-41b7-bc2a-eea8bcdef63e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:16:25	-310.25
-7	24583	2458300	8f516210-5e18-4f9c-8e10-447ec4f940fa	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:23:47	523.73
-7	49166	2458300	addd7482-33de-4e63-a2d1-4a89a1b32a71	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:46:55	6.989
-8	24584	2458400	9426e3e5-f569-4605-be2a-9f274cac2c71	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:52:46	386.872
-8	49168	2458400	a5c50451-ba59-4a9e-8a9e-7da105a33f5a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:37:21	999.198
-9	24585	2458500	753817ef-3cc5-4e35-b265-3cb7a4b278a9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:01:25	937.436
-9	49170	2458500	fa0d37da-cf72-4899-8bbe-c8d94e152914	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:09:59	42.343
-10	24586	2458600	df0ec823-b077-411f-a847-746c8b480878	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:12:56	234.458
-10	49172	2458600	7f6dcf69-90e9-4bf4-8ae5-d5d477f4f41c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:40:52	224.952
-11	24587	2458700	8a54e496-322d-4320-bb3e-2982205d3f57	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:23:35	-810.3
-11	49174	2458700	264aa3f8-bebb-41b2-a583-de6e798c8386	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:21:47	622.272
-12	24588	2458800	60ed39d8-4414-48ff-8e98-44e43ce31046	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:40:20	-50.67
-12	49176	2458800	a579cda3-6191-4ab5-bc51-af9b5d8d068b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:33:53	-897.880
-13	24589	2458900	591ac279-4ac0-477f-8328-533d67ac47c7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:00:50	-203.565
-13	49178	2458900	184e0bd4-2734-44e6-97be-805c41a8973d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:41:26	-339.330
-14	24590	2459000	6dff3e02-c159-4d46-8f74-b5c21815cc09	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:20:23	-531.868
-14	49180	2459000	e44c3458-8c86-46da-9102-f323c958352a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:32:33	-964.380
-15	24591	2459100	3af58458-4a00-431d-b4eb-620d31abb991	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:05:31	811.107
-15	49182	2459100	666875d1-ad05-4094-b8cc-34254f59ef32	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:58:57	-974.389
-16	24592	2459200	d1315a15-4970-4b50-908e-de3d50417382	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:19:46	-190.862
-16	49184	2459200	8861db5a-f1ac-44ea-ba4b-deb3fef57c1e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:25:33	518.530
-17	24593	2459300	adfbdc2a-883b-41ca-b509-3f69d3128814	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:19:47	-338.587
-17	49186	2459300	ca2f6e8b-64b1-4f71-84fb-575f0ae3a935	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:58:40	833.360
-18	24594	2459400	e4efb306-5043-4807-821b-ba922ff34cbb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:50:10	-858.948
-18	49188	2459400	b002e638-e941-4f1f-8fd2-246655e3a9e9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:36:02	851.497
-19	24595	2459500	1937a919-48ad-4fdd-9141-54c91d2cec9c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:23:35	-850.568
-19	49190	2459500	604c55d8-8681-4ad3-98d4-63d42df656e5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:34:59	343.141
-20	24596	2459600	d916218d-5b44-4869-8512-fbebe5da4330	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:50:45	-152.446
-20	49192	2459600	9a814d3d-c567-4943-9fee-30ada072bdef	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:06:15	-883.166
-21	24597	2459700	d227871e-0358-4a22-82e9-8a14b3bd95fd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:53:51	-702.625
-21	49194	2459700	315ab05d-fd08-4c4a-8a5e-015a971d8e4d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:48:34	423.306
-22	24598	2459800	3630fcce-b4ac-44c2-9d53-8ff6e0ff0dbf	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:50:47	-868.933
-22	49196	2459800	317552d6-64d4-43a4-9dc2-f01cd26cae1f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:46:42	-758.61
-23	24599	2459900	04c09d13-8528-4124-ae32-d28ed68a0e96	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:34:46	-869.663
-23	49198	2459900	98c75a25-7285-4fdd-871a-f6eb4628141a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:49:42	-169.228
-24	24600	2460000	4d8fb954-1f95-4a5f-a2f1-c23918a2a5f7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:17:16	-800.55
-24	49200	2460000	61a27ef0-1fc9-4d16-98ff-692793a78458	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:09:57	638.203
-25	24601	2460100	555209cc-37c2-4a85-a7ba-22e932a59d11	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:49:02	-403.412
-25	49202	2460100	5bd1dae1-c9ae-4cf1-bc3a-c0097f7116f9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:50:56	749.23
-26	24602	2460200	1f08e5c8-e620-418d-99b4-574b92e8e551	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:23:15	-366.562
-26	49204	2460200	1c15ba4b-d769-4932-93e0-d52cde1d9fbf	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:58:40	-570.146
-27	24603	2460300	c750f800-93af-481a-b29f-50cf8d3045a4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:43:16	245.508
-27	49206	2460300	7bc3682c-deac-4f10-91bf-450091460a5f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:49:18	-760.207
-28	24604	2460400	ef07fa97-37fe-43c3-8c46-3d4cf7d81a85	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:53:21	227.396
-28	49208	2460400	0b3fb87c-43b7-47b5-954b-75abda56fb85	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:07:58	281.100
-29	24605	2460500	1cf846e3-d4f3-4700-8d98-85efb31cf15e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:54:28	-500.364
-29	49210	2460500	f61f4eb9-3af0-4c3f-aa82-d5cd69b623a3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:28:58	-714.93
-30	24606	2460600	ec8a3be1-a047-47e7-b0ed-390732f912c7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:26:15	852.272
-30	49212	2460600	91e0285a-f574-4fd6-ae61-7de0ba036cb3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:17:37	-235.221
-31	24607	2460700	90bcd8d6-5c34-437e-87ae-72918ffd7340	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:08:48	-762.490
-31	49214	2460700	75f013e6-80be-4f7e-89a8-76a0e8f6fc95	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:28:44	922.800
-32	24608	2460800	9468d514-a70b-4425-9692-48248b6a4219	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:15:44	-20.292
-32	49216	2460800	390f6285-55b2-408b-961d-3598a58dff78	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:14:49	569.5
-33	24609	2460900	ae4ad381-d020-48e1-81ba-81e51afdede6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:42:44	-217.406
-33	49218	2460900	37463296-0f0b-4c24-8a70-3695928b7ea2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:09:04	636.910
-34	24610	2461000	fd335158-cad9-46e4-9b43-5aaca2f6070e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:46:08	-308.243
-34	49220	2461000	516937bf-fadd-47b4-b101-386cfada2c6f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:49:07	998.523
-35	24611	2461100	7a3b2d20-2cf0-4000-93ef-769ad9ba84ab	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:24:24	0.760
-35	49222	2461100	bbdd2c47-508d-4cae-aeb3-1fbc8aacaec8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:41:49	376.164
-36	24612	2461200	964b3396-2ad7-4598-8264-559c1aec86de	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:53:02	-98.838
-36	49224	2461200	31009cf1-5a00-4def-9b57-a0fca4b1e960	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:49:49	725.114
-37	24613	2461300	ca86c9bd-6aa6-45bd-8223-ff244f648935	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:08:20	344.491
-37	49226	2461300	1f7527f3-8bbd-4654-923e-c7c22a850d7f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:21:49	-504.51
-38	24614	2461400	a9898175-84ef-4f0a-8a43-c8a417bbb677	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:20:00	715.996
-38	49228	2461400	09c02bab-473a-4598-bd15-0657952eb20f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:04:32	377.785
-39	24615	2461500	cc394b1d-2010-4c4d-af6e-575f33cf7c92	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:25:17	-121.540
-39	49230	2461500	166f6825-1b24-488d-921c-e528528d48da	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:45:55	16.74
-40	24616	2461600	53a36e48-ed52-4a49-9819-aba192a73a6e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:30:45	-323.71
-40	49232	2461600	db536b0e-8d05-4155-bcb0-f0bec1a0a3d3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:58:41	779.946
-41	24617	2461700	3b2471b9-b92d-4d57-972c-df4fb3600321	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:35:44	-897.668
-41	49234	2461700	37273c0e-208c-4527-bc29-8d7065268dd4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:32:00	-454.379
-42	24618	2461800	10e3ee09-5990-428f-919a-27e6723ebfcf	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:08:31	442.736
-42	49236	2461800	8c7c163d-2539-40b3-b597-503d6ff2ad20	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:22:28	410.506
-43	24619	2461900	4328871e-2b38-4d94-92c7-c6bd7fbd2584	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:28:01	-655.304
-43	49238	2461900	67b4e6d6-f629-423f-b2e6-edf7d04e67b5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:18:56	-243.119
-44	24620	2462000	bdf8e451-005e-4a2d-816f-391a952650a1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:34:23	938.527
-44	49240	2462000	750f935f-0197-4a14-8cf8-42e6fb1315fa	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:16:57	-133.908
-45	24621	2462100	c6484a7c-afbe-4584-8b70-59eb9722fc8d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:05:13	664.679
-45	49242	2462100	868fcf75-a0cd-4e80-884f-69db58910758	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:10:09	42.346
-46	24622	2462200	97ae8e0c-5e08-41c8-a666-06c3d6610e18	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:17:59	-488.849
-46	49244	2462200	9e12e196-12bc-47fa-a455-41461dbe9019	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:27:59	-518.414
-47	24623	2462300	65f3c55c-2a82-475b-a74d-338d86717169	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:17:50	-562.165
-47	49246	2462300	5110fab1-d331-4784-bcfc-b7ec82b42404	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:05:57	-540.52
-48	24624	2462400	473eaca4-7499-4704-9e88-c0a701a9caa5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:10:02	844.52
-48	49248	2462400	d085ca77-9f8a-46f8-8a56-47d0eeadb640	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:40:57	-313.214
-49	24625	2462500	72738607-8c98-4758-8b50-c6233f456315	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:48:11	-310.43
-49	49250	2462500	34d0a5ec-85fe-4de1-b940-7a5e75468d9b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:42:18	100.995
-50	24626	2462600	d8ea9017-5bb4-402c-8391-6f4ca0b24212	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:11:57	-26.282
-50	49252	2462600	9468f3db-8f93-4adf-bdaf-a2407f6b7af7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:32:22	590.363
-51	24627	2462700	52ef0767-1b28-4cff-8424-b02c12e7f7c7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:26:55	-16.7
-51	49254	2462700	8c84fd7f-335e-4946-81ff-c5bdf249bf65	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:30:50	-315.483
-52	24628	2462800	93e891c2-c2bb-471f-abde-c76ddd977118	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:24:29	602.401
-52	49256	2462800	e57b1d02-1b60-4a83-a0ff-3f4b38692b67	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:25:32	211.285
-53	24629	2462900	5f0c62df-fef7-4649-9aad-4f145485f7c5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:12:45	-514.306
-53	49258	2462900	6873ec03-21cf-449a-a630-201e7d42d22e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:54:16	-935.998
-54	24630	2463000	1bf3a6fd-0957-4cee-b78a-038d43741971	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:57:17	145.709
-54	49260	2463000	05604f79-4742-4f85-bacf-bef3da41e6c4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:03:01	273.802
-55	24631	2463100	e2bb3812-03d2-4dd6-bec4-268112d732cf	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:27:38	-922.512
-55	49262	2463100	c6ab8279-c341-40b6-8362-7e6a04a05aa8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:36:17	-641.833
-56	24632	2463200	c4c8b191-9320-40a3-8135-2174aecc47b4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:51:23	-354.172
-56	49264	2463200	e8d595d7-bdbb-431d-86ad-7b140a1da70f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:01:46	-741.996
-57	24633	2463300	568ae30b-dec8-4f1a-8564-a2284e46e6c9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:12:22	-554.486
-57	49266	2463300	5277c26c-03cd-4be1-952a-9929b5f5bf54	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:25:59	-102.134
-58	24634	2463400	fc8dacfd-e621-414a-b754-02cff2781b6f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:27:11	-241.345
-58	49268	2463400	d90c62f3-ca27-4162-acb4-46c2ed8a0fb7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:19:01	190.488
-59	24635	2463500	7fca34e3-0c8e-4be1-b62f-1579602f7aa1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:55:11	758.495
-59	49270	2463500	5b01ad68-9886-49cd-86d4-1fe470d553b7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:35:24	-448.671
-60	24636	2463600	5edce6dd-f3ba-4a06-9950-c877f6f8314f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:53:12	217.203
-60	49272	2463600	8067a1e9-cbf2-4c95-aa4c-06a19325001e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:38:51	902.979
-61	24637	2463700	90de19bb-2643-4aea-81fd-0ff72a6aa73d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:49:04	-203.567
-61	49274	2463700	b94e83a7-916f-487e-9060-19371cfe2934	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:25:15	489.423
-62	24638	2463800	b3a64d32-9292-418e-868c-527b620d0d67	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:34:29	-448.108
-62	49276	2463800	e382d03f-e81c-4e92-8685-f195b01c6310	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:18:18	-291.415
-63	24639	2463900	3eb630ba-bf51-4b86-be38-4f527a87de5c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:06:03	885.255
-63	49278	2463900	f467e105-7b48-424f-8a5b-48c98cd8e623	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:25:52	797.362
-64	24640	2464000	fd7266f0-9628-48b3-b6b7-25f9f6e7c900	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:42:46	-84.158
-64	49280	2464000	6b318a13-858c-4064-88c4-f3a3b0514e7f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:13:50	-175.391
-65	24641	2464100	04305485-388e-41d2-8e56-c3af6c9af37f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:01:55	213.628
-65	49282	2464100	44b18655-9a22-45c8-8138-254725c0d30f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:52:19	317.570
-66	24642	2464200	76ffd944-85cc-4c00-9302-bc974cec6dcc	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:39:15	-922.551
-66	49284	2464200	fb1846f6-020a-4c4a-ba8a-0d76cf504143	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:01:09	-209.610
-67	24643	2464300	5ad304c9-4437-4642-8228-d63c49e92d1f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:48:43	-15.858
-67	49286	2464300	c08f1c8a-8a71-4335-bcfa-291ea7289dc3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:29:58	512.377
-68	24644	2464400	5205c150-8ba1-4e69-bf06-44339b9dd89e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:22:36	368.602
-68	49288	2464400	bd9f5afe-2be1-4524-8a54-3d3a42a75336	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:31:59	-297.756
-69	24645	2464500	255e70a6-b4cd-428a-9e5d-e5c1b9b67a1b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:33:52	493.967
-69	49290	2464500	f6004009-6ded-441c-a93d-444bf024569b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:44:40	143.262
-70	24646	2464600	828449ac-e9dc-4609-bb49-5dd8bc5bbf54	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:30:08	-227.370
-70	49292	2464600	9a2dd7cd-9a29-42ea-909a-1523d97215b2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:17:20	357.18
-71	24647	2464700	3e9e3477-d979-49b4-9543-05a2dd6f12b0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:10:31	-356.819
-71	49294	2464700	91aa21b8-5d48-4828-846c-35baf4b85cc2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:40:32	722.592
-72	24648	2464800	938dd6f1-e10d-49ac-afe0-3bcc2a600ebf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:04:42	195.549
-72	49296	2464800	126b5516-596d-4be2-a738-431cf61c7bf9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:19:23	-38.26
-73	24649	2464900	4664009e-8797-412c-8c62-77740c084fa9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:31:53	342.564
-73	49298	2464900	94d6f244-9b7a-4714-a68b-bb3957c62592	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:40:46	-321.837
-74	24650	2465000	65322d07-8748-478f-a258-595bc66da446	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:52:24	459.628
-74	49300	2465000	80915efa-585d-4e31-8836-fc9a5b122f4a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:23:40	-155.860
-75	24651	2465100	57dab79c-9e21-4ad1-9992-3e2732644fd6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:25:52	200.678
-75	49302	2465100	1a36dab3-3ea3-454f-81de-fad66f3eda95	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:57:21	-893.999
-76	24652	2465200	8dfe8856-a46f-48b3-ae24-5efe1104ac58	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:35:47	52.567
-76	49304	2465200	8ede160b-94e5-46eb-b642-a2d03231b591	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:50:28	278.187
-77	24653	2465300	76e453f4-e0fc-4eb1-a265-af24edd95a2f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:16:26	39.891
-77	49306	2465300	703b213d-689c-43ee-8d55-aa17474df382	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:08:23	13.159
-78	24654	2465400	788aad97-f074-4ab2-a66a-5dfda5cd6267	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:50:42	519.365
-78	49308	2465400	573523a4-0d78-40a1-8b32-dbe55ce761fb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:22:10	764.129
-79	24655	2465500	addb0a81-4ab2-419c-b882-789620f6f56e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:19:43	-653.118
-79	49310	2465500	891894ab-30e4-4ece-9211-8a35ba8ad1e6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:09:29	801.978
-80	24656	2465600	9ecb9fba-661e-4ef3-b409-899fa3c7ac43	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:26:34	-12.91
-80	49312	2465600	390457ae-39f1-46fb-9555-7fca9682757c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:30:27	334.266
-81	24657	2465700	12c98295-71b9-47eb-ba21-e9a6907c1229	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:32:16	100.25
-81	49314	2465700	651fb42f-b081-439a-8295-01eb8ec1b944	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:50:31	-563.521
-82	24658	2465800	ccd57a1f-9928-4a02-9783-20e324abcaf3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:18:21	171.59
-82	49316	2465800	f052cdb0-ed30-4403-a38c-5f4d0ce8daf5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:07:10	275.301
-83	24659	2465900	a87b84f9-f88d-45b5-b176-a92836c33f6e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:04:02	478.71
-83	49318	2465900	676f3c22-488f-4e38-a138-926e70c5f41b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:38:23	712.230
-84	24660	2466000	7ae239fd-ec11-400a-aab5-17b9c30de3d4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:44:20	352.795
-84	49320	2466000	c5f6d2ff-e3c0-4d6b-88e4-3ba58522ff7a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:49:49	-191.695
-85	24661	2466100	411a030f-63cd-42ad-bf53-4cf5e3ad2938	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:41:54	415.440
-85	49322	2466100	40eec961-8343-455d-86c6-c39a22f1aee1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:16:45	733.78
-86	24662	2466200	1513d944-b21c-4aa6-85b4-a3ba263e54f1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:11:24	-288.495
-86	49324	2466200	9a3fb956-d54c-4faa-97e7-0b6e2a07e4e4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:39:21	576.993
-87	24663	2466300	3111ffcc-5885-47c1-a40c-cf4a51f0314e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:29:04	-41.781
-87	49326	2466300	e9ec721f-3280-443c-a553-70c551c4caa1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:35:03	234.174
-88	24664	2466400	36dde70a-dd83-4380-890c-20dc51193e67	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:15:41	-195.729
-88	49328	2466400	a661140f-c438-4297-acf2-e50a6acdd11f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:11:22	-785.394
-89	24665	2466500	15d174ca-10e0-476c-90ac-4cea907405ae	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:52:49	536.342
-89	49330	2466500	20eef4bf-752d-4522-a6d4-981ba8f82e40	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:30:37	773.885
-90	24666	2466600	b16981d7-df56-4d97-b88a-24858b6f83b6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:38:36	-698.498
-90	49332	2466600	97f33395-6352-4be1-911e-37023b2f4fbc	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:06:58	279.284
-91	24667	2466700	28ee225b-190e-4756-b33b-1c1beb972cc4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:27:37	-908.242
-91	49334	2466700	3aaaebfc-089f-433f-b225-0baf462aff16	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:19:22	-211.295
-92	24668	2466800	33cff627-047b-4b05-b3f5-f7d525d7c448	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:13:24	739.352
-92	49336	2466800	a6b01d7e-54a5-4d82-8a56-184dc80a3154	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:27:00	840.150
-93	24669	2466900	a953bc7e-751f-4755-82be-02de69861782	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:37:21	-711.185
-93	49338	2466900	0bb22805-e4d0-4774-9f46-99d4c47225ff	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:35:37	611.103
-94	24670	2467000	711853ff-c8b1-4450-a1f6-03aba4100bc5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:56:42	324.503
-94	49340	2467000	7d2b652d-ab05-44b1-9fd4-6772170d1dc7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:51:46	-828.714
-95	24671	2467100	41d6483b-4090-4600-ae7e-8db99ac04abe	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:58:40	-784.971
-95	49342	2467100	c77d1e77-9f0c-4271-a639-eb28e7fa2ba5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:18:50	-84.851
-96	24672	2467200	f46a4ec5-d39b-462a-a717-7e26e13f277a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:47:59	-794.870
-96	49344	2467200	ffa77ccd-21ef-48f6-897d-e07d9dbe3896	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:55:07	478.585
-97	24673	2467300	2b8651a8-4a31-4534-a1dc-dfbde4565c63	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:43:27	824.175
-97	49346	2467300	3dcba5d5-b242-431d-a352-7bcbc6c37683	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:27:21	326.402
-98	24674	2467400	eac2e14a-0269-45d9-b6ed-8423972e4f02	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:43:22	534.852
-98	49348	2467400	92ca230f-e8c4-46e0-8d84-53f39533472f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:32:25	143.12
-99	24675	2467500	d2eba5fd-4712-4663-a83d-adddb9dda19b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:15:12	891.339
-99	49350	2467500	6a928e91-da8e-401d-bf19-396d0dc107f4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:48:23	979.979
-100	24676	2467600	090d83be-5c9a-45e8-b1b2-5375493d2ca9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:59:29	-913.895
-100	49352	2467600	f6c5597d-0653-4156-b2e0-122d30bdfc56	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:49:21	-845.30
-101	24677	2467700	ab5d025e-9f83-444f-97c5-81b9412e6f03	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:41:23	-923.431
-101	49354	2467700	8b87e68a-0328-4880-ae6e-8cec69192a77	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:30:50	-813.372
-102	24678	2467800	7ab66224-eb9f-4b78-bde9-074d842b45a4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:41:03	-243.221
-102	49356	2467800	18850496-593c-4675-93e3-219283d5399f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:27:41	-887.951
-103	24679	2467900	d40bca56-5056-457e-abc9-4b7f1310d554	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:52:46	-627.90
-103	49358	2467900	642ff56a-19f1-4527-a004-e4e94c84c7e5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:58:58	986.383
-104	24680	2468000	72b4d00f-a5d3-4758-8fc1-ce4bf30a6cbd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:31:49	391.545
-104	49360	2468000	5626a04a-d2f4-45de-a475-fa6c4dac5dd4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:44:33	-510.143
-105	24681	2468100	9cc0b384-fcbd-4f4a-b2d5-41a4c489f066	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:53:12	724.892
-105	49362	2468100	92af0aa9-2372-4f66-96f3-aa8272a2a680	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:00:50	26.67
-106	24682	2468200	5f664572-adbb-4439-8e3a-f32238dca974	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:04:24	-124.84
-106	49364	2468200	1a3807ab-127e-49ed-877d-267d5bad9a2b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:33:59	39.399
-107	24683	2468300	082c2ced-f2f8-406e-b748-1a588c702825	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:18:02	-751.58
-107	49366	2468300	ff42f28b-a7ce-4b60-a166-7a82457601de	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:52:02	-436.637
-108	24684	2468400	1a147c81-c8e8-45b3-b0e6-7cff96c249bb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:19:34	-87.590
-108	49368	2468400	6a78bf0b-df45-45d7-9b02-e22cec8305f4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:40:34	133.987
-109	24685	2468500	91bf5cdd-068d-4b13-a15d-5101615d7c96	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:58:16	775.945
-109	49370	2468500	9d81b10d-516c-4cd1-986b-cee54887c4bd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:01:48	-735.900
-110	24686	2468600	896eff4c-ae02-43ca-b6c0-55c2e2912bb6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:16:27	-731.521
-110	49372	2468600	a304c47b-2c13-4bd6-a2ee-d4a88fe5fdd4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:41:55	685.860
-111	24687	2468700	252b4760-ec44-4e7d-959e-d3cc167b02dd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:58:26	-625.787
-111	49374	2468700	b5c5a971-332d-4e99-8fbf-73ace1cc94fd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:43:00	-866.482
-112	24688	2468800	7e5925dd-9dd9-4837-a41b-274872090413	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:47:03	573.807
-112	49376	2468800	de6d77ed-59dc-4c16-8769-c2a1d29db132	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:29:42	239.97
-113	24689	2468900	954745a3-f093-44b9-8be4-e5a042745609	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:05:52	-451.431
-113	49378	2468900	99e17143-3da9-4862-9881-538c3add3a2c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:45:14	-781.662
-114	24690	2469000	0e4d0d1d-d430-46df-a4b4-b74e12fa3c9b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:53:54	611.958
-114	49380	2469000	b6560e1e-f278-4dab-b0ad-6e956d9f8e4d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:33:32	366.399
-115	24691	2469100	29d1a853-0fea-4e65-be03-ecb479f529d9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:13:46	-369.743
-115	49382	2469100	3aef1de2-8437-4e01-804e-747ccb7b9231	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:23:50	261.964
-116	24692	2469200	a9a45418-b134-4aee-aa06-387ee45f75ce	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:19:34	938.850
-116	49384	2469200	a6ab9ee3-a71e-432b-ad13-f455e894caf0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:03:34	-784.608
-117	24693	2469300	cfa53257-6d29-4e21-a5ff-0084912c7924	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:58:07	-193.528
-117	49386	2469300	8c318e01-b7b4-4bfd-87a6-6282604d179e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:10:18	-203.325
-118	24694	2469400	d1d944a6-6276-4c3f-9898-b72a73c4b2d7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:01:33	-285.258
-118	49388	2469400	5fbaabd4-510f-4ec5-aa1e-14ab4c29c917	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:35:29	314.498
-119	24695	2469500	501d9e76-9326-42f3-adbb-69d2df16b3aa	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:13:21	-843.211
-119	49390	2469500	60390113-8713-4fc5-b5a3-802451b56a64	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:32:52	-306.169
-120	24696	2469600	7fffa5b5-84f7-4667-8668-5fab45eb0856	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:01:29	268.877
-120	49392	2469600	59d2a34d-637c-4354-ab0e-9d637f17b1a1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:32:55	-201.27
-121	24697	2469700	683f234d-2b8c-4cd7-ae69-9dfe3a964b57	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:07:35	-50.454
-121	49394	2469700	3743607d-8f44-4e56-b594-f763137f8a06	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:39:53	915.166
-122	24698	2469800	16e5a636-1292-40e0-9828-e9e8743f405b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:46:10	510.35
-122	49396	2469800	15bc0e4a-f587-4194-b63c-22c6ec74d62b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:55:14	-325.70
-123	24699	2469900	7ce2f589-4660-4809-b664-af49000d4e59	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:05:36	9.569
-123	49398	2469900	81f4f527-cdfd-475d-a22a-bf4864430f09	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:49:30	-223.630
-124	24700	2470000	3b7dddbd-5394-49ef-9089-c137b15a8004	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:27:19	404.325
-124	49400	2470000	805f6fa2-b4ff-4748-8657-d9c87c5a3cf5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:01:05	977.972
-125	24701	2470100	a11d15fc-84ea-4ae8-9894-15cbce69fbef	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:00:58	186.364
-125	49402	2470100	6a3e296f-89f3-4fbf-8b8c-6e5be063885d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:11:14	-757.570
-126	24702	2470200	0fde6c43-377d-4dd0-b18a-6a58874ead15	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:50:23	874.101
-126	49404	2470200	b682aa1d-75f8-40b6-b741-0a7fcf787b4a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:45:25	973.630
-127	24703	2470300	c4b1fc0e-80d2-4968-9562-e5fa4552ae8a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:46:58	-404.12
-127	49406	2470300	6d7515d7-3eeb-4e88-8704-dd09cfceaad5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:20:46	739.936
-0	24704	2470400	9b9b8d8b-df51-4666-a27b-6db740a973f2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:54:03	720.71
-0	49408	2470400	9a748873-618b-4dcb-89b8-2018e906ef78	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:05:10	-993.239
-1	24705	2470500	924f94e0-fad5-4e0c-beef-07d31f967975	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:02:30	193.687
-1	49410	2470500	a3be50cd-eab2-4aed-91ce-6182b576ea9c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:05:33	-235.12
-2	24706	2470600	7cc51b96-4feb-4337-b429-d20dff03faa0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:18:07	851.381
-2	49412	2470600	73a71749-7632-405e-beb3-cb3a8a720fcc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:06:37	425.637
-3	24707	2470700	e11f58d2-1538-4eb9-9289-f29a54f5af8c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:18:05	-317.681
-3	49414	2470700	53327fab-83b1-4e07-8b7a-3b39559923bd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:03:42	661.923
-4	24708	2470800	24af6c4f-7637-4794-b489-9a68d2c09843	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:51:09	255.203
-4	49416	2470800	9f10a275-cc32-4cea-b220-e90b66b062e3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:15:14	-634.426
-5	24709	2470900	1053910d-7223-40be-b401-a8e3cd86b8b0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:03:39	10.731
-5	49418	2470900	ebaec689-a0b1-48d4-859f-d96f4246ab46	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:59:43	-442.469
-6	24710	2471000	9bbefff5-3588-4b86-8f1e-182c24392eea	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:33:43	-590.304
-6	49420	2471000	e5495bbb-c737-439c-bc76-2583728b8e97	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:30:01	-11.918
-7	24711	2471100	9435dea2-c48c-4606-a201-b9aa2bc874cc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:43:27	-657.122
-7	49422	2471100	52fc8120-afcb-49cb-a40b-a4e875b9ecf5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:00:20	-240.310
-8	24712	2471200	bd1a9d58-f2d0-451e-9167-e6acf3df876a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:15:37	-507.491
-8	49424	2471200	487f653c-c8d2-472d-84a4-dca4acf0c5df	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:37:21	-752.26
-9	24713	2471300	e337e21c-5deb-4186-8c25-37ee2223654a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:50:55	966.629
-9	49426	2471300	17a8f554-5fc3-48cd-bc4a-cb01b83f7627	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:22:11	184.194
-10	24714	2471400	e7af95a8-b861-4439-93c7-8b1ad8818951	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:46:49	996.870
-10	49428	2471400	7934c395-049b-4f9c-b3df-f923ee0ceeb0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:01:01	-508.189
-11	24715	2471500	622fb7a2-8cf6-4f21-b349-e23a91bb5722	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:43:38	-440.561
-11	49430	2471500	831f9c12-188b-4afe-be30-c0ac3d738686	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:05:25	678.497
-12	24716	2471600	0b0e0c95-48f7-47b3-a4a1-ea8cd53a6e82	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:01:59	710.307
-12	49432	2471600	1fb9ef6b-3e89-4254-bed4-c1e1d0dbb01c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:47:56	-838.590
-13	24717	2471700	a2890538-7e13-4a3d-922f-6393838f94ce	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:05:10	417.825
-13	49434	2471700	d994ee16-8dd6-4543-933e-3b73429efa3c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:19:57	-862.251
-14	24718	2471800	76c59e28-ba66-4cb3-a3f4-8d15f781dfaf	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:40:20	359.217
-14	49436	2471800	7f82bd9f-4e6a-48b2-9aca-1cda7716c962	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:03:09	168.486
-15	24719	2471900	4921538b-1bf8-45bd-b3fe-8c0fb755492b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:10:49	-629.125
-15	49438	2471900	e332d87d-8fc2-40af-b51b-d22b2b97509b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:27:59	935.666
-16	24720	2472000	5bf18d93-a6f1-47c0-be77-0f662c70b2d8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:54:51	902.507
-16	49440	2472000	c1037673-d512-40bc-aadd-e4980794af74	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:57:43	-29.373
-17	24721	2472100	d233d602-80ee-4cf9-b6e0-d9f4e613361c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:37:01	798.490
-17	49442	2472100	68bc3f27-f4e3-48ab-82d2-a73b68adc2f2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:45:34	-850.93
-18	24722	2472200	cb2e0b8e-a4cc-4ce9-a658-306e32e68d40	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:25:57	589.547
-18	49444	2472200	f2259854-9de6-42b5-a0b7-d77d4dffbd7b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:35:50	610.167
-19	24723	2472300	e5492d9a-3b92-4d82-ba01-4a7b76cfaeaf	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:52:12	844.755
-19	49446	2472300	2178a986-4269-4d37-9b2c-44881efe3a24	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:58:26	-886.877
-20	24724	2472400	a5ed7e2c-8495-47f6-aacf-02c972d5f19d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:47:11	744.791
-20	49448	2472400	307d756e-35e7-4457-a9c5-2add12feeaf0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:30:03	-68.865
-21	24725	2472500	49f74e88-135c-4ec8-a65c-704f1b98d4ce	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:19:33	-19.946
-21	49450	2472500	2403f7dc-7c69-4a8d-bc83-fe888858cea6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:06:02	-447.845
-22	24726	2472600	000366e1-09c7-424b-956a-2dbd97031364	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:58:19	622.274
-22	49452	2472600	157917f3-07a8-429e-9fbb-b5091dbcc534	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:50:40	38.419
-23	24727	2472700	bec87587-e078-43c6-ae33-8f04f5e33403	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:05:35	-396.14
-23	49454	2472700	a8214ed1-6e13-460b-a8a6-3d91d32a8e22	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:55:00	-518.707
-24	24728	2472800	f5a5d3db-5d9e-463e-a622-544961947294	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:25:16	566.519
-24	49456	2472800	2a6ac63a-2174-4610-91b8-5d827a4aa24b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:37:56	-108.658
-25	24729	2472900	d417ad38-90a4-422e-8112-eccbb80e0d66	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:56:08	-654.687
-25	49458	2472900	cba63b62-7f19-4d45-8f5e-8767f9f63920	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:24:46	215.918
-26	24730	2473000	3aad9b29-7a0f-4af2-963f-b4f3224d8b81	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:19:59	778.954
-26	49460	2473000	bc22af89-0a00-4a26-b847-a2c450528707	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:45:28	928.817
-27	24731	2473100	33e73754-a9b6-4f81-9033-f9f6d92bad68	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:31:44	155.240
-27	49462	2473100	e5c5fca7-de08-4954-b13f-1d8475913b0e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:45:18	-840.96
-28	24732	2473200	aab1843e-3dff-4446-888e-5fdf98b4c412	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:14:14	-872.757
-28	49464	2473200	280a2a86-2a1e-40df-a087-107962a74d9e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:33:51	-985.712
-29	24733	2473300	47d41d30-bec8-494a-89a7-6492a31cb484	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:12:57	341.574
-29	49466	2473300	e441ede7-a019-4253-bf96-0273e0276553	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:59:31	-864.137
-30	24734	2473400	13472e79-e8c7-4f88-b369-c680f665a530	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:32:20	-992.710
-30	49468	2473400	179ed079-ba2a-45ca-bcf6-0ddf73ff3f57	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:52:06	310.914
-31	24735	2473500	8a646f5d-278b-451d-871c-7896e1025f66	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:33:14	232.298
-31	49470	2473500	8a8972ba-2fb6-433c-a33b-ae13ef73e897	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:26:12	-289.688
-32	24736	2473600	63b77d4e-4fc0-4337-b6bb-584338774530	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:38:12	-633.34
-32	49472	2473600	c3b0ba82-5a9e-4c73-a989-a79597031107	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:46:52	770.306
-33	24737	2473700	6f149729-b322-4b61-8dbd-00daf335c5f4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:12:55	619.355
-33	49474	2473700	d9de297a-03c5-4e33-a7b3-ac9b8147d570	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:57:16	722.476
-34	24738	2473800	88ae730e-9596-4ebc-9a58-83ec1b65bcae	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:13:11	922.50
-34	49476	2473800	a19b42ad-e158-4dd4-9fb5-345f195b59ce	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:05:55	279.919
-35	24739	2473900	9b7039c7-661a-46a4-9df5-d9461e099784	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:41:19	614.805
-35	49478	2473900	62af7646-77b4-4d9f-959e-b2e8cf03dd83	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:15:55	-587.496
-36	24740	2474000	a048d67b-5f52-44a1-9c32-525de0678342	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:44:02	-29.547
-36	49480	2474000	d2b7df03-eed6-484d-bea2-56f20296ba20	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:12:09	-706.825
-37	24741	2474100	033d970f-333c-4296-925c-db3836e703ff	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:27:52	-387.568
-37	49482	2474100	434f2d0d-86db-4164-aa90-4039f2a5d20a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:31:25	-645.774
-38	24742	2474200	2131e676-b643-4666-abfd-eba01138fa38	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:54:02	655.713
-38	49484	2474200	fa75104d-1c7c-4159-8567-3d5e3d66d90b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:01:27	-829.686
-39	24743	2474300	b1b6f84c-bf70-47ac-a45c-655ba74ee803	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:12:54	-966.116
-39	49486	2474300	36fbdcc6-d7cb-41a5-82cb-01f2b3ebad1c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:51:48	-142.311
-40	24744	2474400	161618d9-3e0e-4298-a0ed-2230deded416	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:49:26	-432.757
-40	49488	2474400	ce4527c3-6185-4ab8-aa5c-a15b23aba2b3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:15:17	-967.947
-41	24745	2474500	e1410b39-ab4c-43a8-a7f5-34882a147bf1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:15:31	458.478
-41	49490	2474500	9053c8c8-5a64-4325-9225-f3e287f5c4c9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:13:11	-644.591
-42	24746	2474600	203030c9-23f0-4026-96cf-0eb23ca6fe6c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:17:21	-462.94
-42	49492	2474600	8eaad5aa-fa48-4fd2-ab27-4dd08d7acfe4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:23:53	745.430
-43	24747	2474700	57cdafb5-a873-403f-9d75-3c0a5a71eaeb	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:41:01	-724.730
-43	49494	2474700	3a02b51a-6ed7-432d-b3fc-95180f56304e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:27:59	54.581
-44	24748	2474800	d88220f5-d3b7-480b-a12f-6e6f231932fd	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:17:58	841.290
-44	49496	2474800	c082fb38-3e40-4a7f-a30b-646ab5472b32	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:30:44	357.754
-45	24749	2474900	ebd3fa09-9e09-4d9a-a956-9cfb12408b02	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:29:10	-184.740
-45	49498	2474900	fce31450-7ebe-4975-a305-158efd70f988	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:09:58	-862.339
-46	24750	2475000	3175dc0f-6839-440a-8bd2-9856a8003f4a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:43:12	-23.5
-46	49500	2475000	88f75780-bde6-46df-b1b1-b253d97b7101	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:21:58	890.520
-47	24751	2475100	2f7da60e-0859-4541-92a1-7d39ac1dce07	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:39:19	63.108
-47	49502	2475100	fa2fee38-67ea-4c54-9513-e623471692f9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:58:38	157.942
-48	24752	2475200	58b7d65b-cab1-43a2-a157-1c30b698c753	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:53:59	-837.137
-48	49504	2475200	98616283-9d2e-47be-aaf9-f56e4b379d74	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:03:14	492.276
-49	24753	2475300	746a6ee7-4adf-4c10-8f37-271921ef02b3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:27:02	840.142
-49	49506	2475300	9f6d86fe-2a46-49ec-bf39-befd5c488fc3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:23:09	11.330
-50	24754	2475400	d74d98bf-519d-403e-8752-c226820d6cb2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:16:22	176.17
-50	49508	2475400	c6db1bc2-f867-4485-945b-8f4d17377d67	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:42:53	-719.11
-51	24755	2475500	1533f3b4-bcc7-43b8-8dab-480a07a50c29	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:57:20	-165.391
-51	49510	2475500	9f45eef5-7701-4d56-aa78-211a6ec349ed	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:47:08	633.437
-52	24756	2475600	6a948a7e-968c-4f12-aa9c-fc403fc6fe59	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:15:40	-568.363
-52	49512	2475600	c6ba8406-72f9-4b48-9254-716395985d49	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:21:23	626.96
-53	24757	2475700	9b984e96-0ef9-4aef-a6a3-739d0e70576b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:45:18	873.276
-53	49514	2475700	483fb88c-cc94-4df2-8dad-083a99821257	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:37:51	-173.334
-54	24758	2475800	d1eac861-62eb-44ef-b041-b15a475073e8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:06:04	-968.5
-54	49516	2475800	05609cb4-24c8-4fce-b9d5-befbbb3e8e45	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:00:04	-668.818
-55	24759	2475900	542555e5-2c8a-4644-8142-da2a83aac554	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:45:10	761.894
-55	49518	2475900	c9602643-510b-4232-8e92-466aec24218c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:04:45	367.196
-56	24760	2476000	d29d0cb0-ac77-4800-baa8-6746d7d8dc35	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:32:45	745.497
-56	49520	2476000	664fe71b-a484-4c7f-80c5-048fb0a05256	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:16:48	-843.36
-57	24761	2476100	fa3a5be3-b1de-457c-b4a0-e0faf6c9312b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:58:29	567.49
-57	49522	2476100	1ed7e0df-d420-43c3-8274-88eafdd01ab0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:15:42	-545.344
-58	24762	2476200	d1ec321e-24c3-4680-9642-6f659a39188e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:49:47	44.863
-58	49524	2476200	4418a804-95ee-4084-b3a7-0953aa29719a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:38:39	-464.122
-59	24763	2476300	81bd59ec-667f-4506-aa81-84cc9a0f3613	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:11:32	-491.687
-59	49526	2476300	591358c5-f457-4f8e-8b54-39f1b59ec0af	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:56:03	-212.530
-60	24764	2476400	b9d6cfcd-a980-4f44-ae2a-b879ce060492	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:02:47	730.240
-60	49528	2476400	07da4264-8227-48ee-a175-fff41bdf21de	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:11:37	-144.623
-61	24765	2476500	500bf32f-4f28-46f2-9799-0f6968ee0560	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:29:58	-544.140
-61	49530	2476500	50cdfc3c-b963-4c53-b438-d02436d1161f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:37:09	-657.86
-62	24766	2476600	11edd318-9286-4ccd-a0b8-c98da93a8183	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:35:01	194.369
-62	49532	2476600	438ec234-a08c-4366-acd4-63d37309f60f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:50:58	-632.202
-63	24767	2476700	d07cbc7e-c385-4259-bed4-9fa23cf868d1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:47:40	469.134
-63	49534	2476700	fd2fbb68-c7ce-4344-ad69-1c3ffc476608	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:57:45	-293.488
-64	24768	2476800	71a83c5e-d91e-441c-b819-9d80d4a8716b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:17:04	-8.128
-64	49536	2476800	e563085f-9a4a-4695-adf2-13d0f52db9ea	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:51:32	65.445
-65	24769	2476900	aac8b66a-b1fa-490b-9985-780024973658	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:47:55	517.366
-65	49538	2476900	45147acb-c082-4da2-8c3d-e8b817f2006f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:18:07	-926.365
-66	24770	2477000	2bedb9f4-7d47-4dd9-8998-b85db8238406	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:01:42	555.881
-66	49540	2477000	ad7bf033-84d2-479e-bfd8-7f913b1a91e8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:23:52	-361.119
-67	24771	2477100	d37a42cd-657c-4a6d-bd67-a043d1f29a7c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:46:47	580.490
-67	49542	2477100	739a90e2-f257-44e8-8594-7418aad283c1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:37:44	-469.258
-68	24772	2477200	28f3372e-64e0-45eb-a84e-7ad6ff5a943f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:23:01	-941.786
-68	49544	2477200	585b9e36-b58a-4b88-9498-cc9305ba843f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:28:15	-944.653
-69	24773	2477300	d1669f2c-6da8-4a35-9e87-3edb13607aea	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:43:45	86.396
-69	49546	2477300	15bc9179-3b53-49c9-b2e2-152591a7394a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:36:51	-284.674
-70	24774	2477400	1844544b-39a4-4f14-9bf2-e6489a7b7ff7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:46:23	333.762
-70	49548	2477400	33b0fd59-caf8-42f3-8528-86f39e0e978e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:23:37	643.284
-71	24775	2477500	39a3f992-88d4-4aec-bd02-38bdf093319e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:35:36	641.484
-71	49550	2477500	06090295-cfcf-4b03-9956-547080f6463e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:34:47	-762.136
-72	24776	2477600	42c0e1ad-3f9d-4511-b4cf-896507fc456d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:44:40	732.767
-72	49552	2477600	477d4960-469f-41f9-a341-59e9be63bf3e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:43:31	597.342
-73	24777	2477700	835b2695-c02d-4328-aaec-84097dec4ba0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:03:18	-681.786
-73	49554	2477700	930c713f-624e-40e2-bc51-32173cac5ea3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:19:22	-468.626
-74	24778	2477800	0ff3c29e-1f8c-4096-bdfa-6b7c1ff0e57a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:34:37	-761.400
-74	49556	2477800	324b0026-f4df-484d-bfec-926ac32d27cd	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:15:08	877.428
-75	24779	2477900	ba196328-725f-4e9b-8e3d-3688df66239c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:35:05	148.966
-75	49558	2477900	9a3e4b38-ea16-4aa8-be97-4a8b3154e2fc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:28:07	-444.754
-76	24780	2478000	aab64ecb-2f93-4c98-8717-57e6d6b5c37b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:42:32	-887.993
-76	49560	2478000	a4bd19be-e54a-4758-b51c-44965a4e33ba	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:05:01	687.6
-77	24781	2478100	d3929c8b-5559-475b-a1a9-7b46999392b7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:13:48	-571.863
-77	49562	2478100	72f50a53-a154-437a-bf08-dbaa85487529	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:13:50	-449.584
-78	24782	2478200	622dc51f-bd03-454b-b3b7-56f4d65cd738	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:51:51	483.805
-78	49564	2478200	7b12c925-777d-47c9-9ef8-bb0521e62454	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:04:38	309.610
-79	24783	2478300	cef5c05a-f423-4a19-a499-4a9e421dbf60	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:49:28	-220.385
-79	49566	2478300	2ebe79ec-d1b8-44e5-ba82-34ef1cff4c68	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:33:14	735.244
-80	24784	2478400	cfd33f62-2f90-4200-9a98-c6d91d2c7f38	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:06:18	888.603
-80	49568	2478400	b4e4f425-355b-4ef0-9438-e9186a5bc9a6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:12:24	-432.123
-81	24785	2478500	38a6da85-b7e7-4b9d-ace0-32db81a812f1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:21:03	-662.557
-81	49570	2478500	86560e9a-b05f-4378-97de-8b771e59e213	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:04:52	-917.270
-82	24786	2478600	3ae4379c-3dcc-417a-b352-a0a8aed14fc2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:38:51	-70.229
-82	49572	2478600	17b30e04-b786-4be0-91ec-20865560798a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:51:47	992.777
-83	24787	2478700	8da4b22e-ae71-42b1-9cf1-b8e0e6504a14	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:20:43	112.514
-83	49574	2478700	97feb8b9-0afb-4ba9-9ad3-17a54c779e6f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:46:23	670.718
-84	24788	2478800	445b7f07-1b6c-4e5a-ae58-230a69b53b4a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:02:08	-256.943
-84	49576	2478800	0b4fff95-9a7c-41cf-ace2-7d9b5d7fca0e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:59:50	719.3
-85	24789	2478900	87af2da5-56f1-41aa-8f22-3ebf15dc9ac9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:11:41	-917.818
-85	49578	2478900	26a97b24-f016-42eb-b7e0-fdf90d242544	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:45:24	439.394
-86	24790	2479000	6448c1ff-a4ca-4b77-a3a2-514c68670e35	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:08:33	-414.661
-86	49580	2479000	04dea945-225d-41fe-9668-8a4b4148ec74	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:31:25	653.689
-87	24791	2479100	9e8b06d7-3b7e-4934-8d28-5147f1c82e43	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:50:08	582.349
-87	49582	2479100	35cdb028-4e86-48d8-96a7-01da1c9cd761	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:04:07	-608.642
-88	24792	2479200	350e4742-8a11-4b44-9726-5462f69473ce	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:18:38	-545.412
-88	49584	2479200	da0377a9-7c2a-42cb-ab23-33038e898874	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:48:07	-917.441
-89	24793	2479300	e7d94d40-6168-4e2d-be72-75a45689c40b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:57:53	451.703
-89	49586	2479300	ed76a07a-8f12-49a5-866c-a967359a6d75	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:36:24	-211.153
-90	24794	2479400	6a3706fb-7577-4b97-ba4c-9e5de4cb101b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:16:08	206.699
-90	49588	2479400	b2062651-e111-4f3a-b2ac-ad7e02b529f0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:27:16	164.788
-91	24795	2479500	aa029654-2876-4e6e-8e3d-41e1f1ac8bf5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:38:36	-72.63
-91	49590	2479500	2724d59f-d460-4bd0-8c51-8a87fe0c2167	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:14:33	15.303
-92	24796	2479600	b2e28f10-a027-4605-9b18-32e1b4b71497	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:45:07	742.629
-92	49592	2479600	1ea0e2e0-a50e-44c9-9b58-4088727ffcfa	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:36:27	-551.147
-93	24797	2479700	ca674993-826d-431e-ac2d-feb999871275	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:53:53	654.738
-93	49594	2479700	522c1d08-2957-4fd5-907f-03c83a198527	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:32:18	-23.409
-94	24798	2479800	10fc6207-4c49-4ddd-af31-dd7dbefe5bfb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:15:44	725.97
-94	49596	2479800	30f7501b-57a3-4d9b-a232-14d4848ceff7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:06:25	-678.443
-95	24799	2479900	b4b17347-daf2-49a5-bbb4-ba002e528501	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:31:57	280.14
-95	49598	2479900	04151bb6-02a9-43a2-b805-70d860d4d866	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:43:17	-374.481
-96	24800	2480000	ea1a7f55-1c53-481b-b415-3293e53a612b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:39:46	-285.486
-96	49600	2480000	416906f4-cf62-4d5a-9d62-4012525129a7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:14:33	669.28
-97	24801	2480100	252d9914-6018-4619-b679-fd7156834b81	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:07:35	-687.34
-97	49602	2480100	cee9ffdd-a5d0-4f48-806f-7352bf538dee	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:35:31	-323.575
-98	24802	2480200	3d855cf2-8e1d-4d00-a9a2-275e76b0fe33	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:06:36	-222.695
-98	49604	2480200	07a58dd0-5341-42d1-b009-0467f19f5b14	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:18:47	950.916
-99	24803	2480300	65c347e0-e195-4d04-bfbf-5594ee6eca4a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:55:01	-95.350
-99	49606	2480300	3df98c0f-6830-41f1-a766-7af8e1d575d0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:23:59	655.310
-100	24804	2480400	70f0d25a-1cc8-4970-869e-0d0235da5b0e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:42:00	-989.785
-100	49608	2480400	be4d8a2f-5130-4fc1-be1e-95f9640798a9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:08:46	-181.928
-101	24805	2480500	884120cc-a6ce-40be-ad85-5d11f61b56aa	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:51:57	444.356
-101	49610	2480500	1f713e75-58dc-4a21-a976-9176f944f223	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:31:06	560.956
-102	24806	2480600	531d513b-0350-4a8b-a96c-bac745ea7dbc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:05:10	648.614
-102	49612	2480600	4f32f8ce-0006-4577-bab1-8f5230ee7c86	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:40:03	130.437
-103	24807	2480700	37d0925c-adda-4f85-9ae8-3dba8556237f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:20:44	513.61
-103	49614	2480700	fdc82435-0e96-44a4-b77d-ff0c235a3886	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:48:24	253.638
-104	24808	2480800	7c3e2b0c-1104-4166-9859-eb4178abec5f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:25:33	290.367
-104	49616	2480800	965c1bde-ee5a-4bea-83fa-73448a7ac5c5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:39:50	693.38
-105	24809	2480900	b7ea6cec-55e9-4c8d-a4c0-85790c56d8ea	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:05:10	367.70
-105	49618	2480900	5620f590-aaf5-4e55-8ae5-66282d4e30e5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:48:29	458.749
-106	24810	2481000	5fbdd5a7-a365-4d91-9910-aaefc71d9874	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:42:01	212.260
-106	49620	2481000	6045f4c2-6649-48af-9cef-0868b37d69d7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:47:26	182.440
-107	24811	2481100	7253f616-d3a3-4d1a-8013-9e4e95eaa4d7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:20:05	960.835
-107	49622	2481100	dfc2844f-b0ee-406f-b44e-ecf0d654cbdd	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:26:06	31.167
-108	24812	2481200	c2c51642-9742-4680-b754-20dc403fad09	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:36:38	-676.327
-108	49624	2481200	f6e5b60d-6d28-45df-96d1-8d35c30ae736	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:35:47	265.166
-109	24813	2481300	37ba431f-cb42-44b8-a025-7b770a0143a9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:25:22	-852.757
-109	49626	2481300	57bf6446-d9d4-44e6-9899-8091ef68802d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:14:33	-434.945
-110	24814	2481400	076264fc-0d51-4fe5-af5e-4de7ebe2c95f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:14:28	270.353
-110	49628	2481400	2d2ac312-eee6-491f-8427-ab74912eff02	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:26:30	-270.473
-111	24815	2481500	46d6cb64-9e63-49b1-a704-dbcaa5ad2e6c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:27:22	-867.137
-111	49630	2481500	6f8f91e0-135b-4633-8b61-8deda6efeb7e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:24:35	276.555
-112	24816	2481600	ee1b8e48-b5cc-4d7c-92ed-67b7e7c2ae69	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:29:56	-355.384
-112	49632	2481600	4598fdbc-dc48-48bc-93bd-969595f43503	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:34:00	-370.368
-113	24817	2481700	bd89d82d-f3a6-422d-b982-4ea64fe8dab1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:01:41	-600.580
-113	49634	2481700	e2761434-2baf-4f82-b9c5-9c50a47f4278	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:17:14	-200.140
-114	24818	2481800	6d2cb1ce-e928-4e86-af2e-540b8d879cd0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:45:23	-877.246
-114	49636	2481800	ace61eeb-64b4-44f0-9af2-133961d3b27c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:15:22	794.685
-115	24819	2481900	c62b2370-48a4-4e69-819c-7bba986bbe01	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:20:35	-983.155
-115	49638	2481900	632141ab-4efb-4ee5-a459-bc3c022fec88	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:06:58	98.557
-116	24820	2482000	11567b68-1fc6-4e06-9b1d-de699cacbca2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:46:24	-837.654
-116	49640	2482000	054d1e2d-f9be-4155-93cb-02907fd04d51	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:15:07	692.772
-117	24821	2482100	26928681-cfc6-4784-96d4-ff67cdd06488	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:54:31	-994.5
-117	49642	2482100	f26da12c-4941-4a68-ad4e-7272878e33b2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:57:07	243.395
-118	24822	2482200	8cb49515-69db-4e6b-b26d-574febd0f021	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:44:58	522.259
-118	49644	2482200	de898956-44d0-47c4-94c2-c93de24fa34f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:29:45	70.872
-119	24823	2482300	23d295d8-5f1b-41e5-9fe5-de92532792d6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:33:43	780.164
-119	49646	2482300	98fc1916-804b-461b-a242-4d1513493c02	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:25:18	436.810
-120	24824	2482400	5034225f-b19d-4816-9b83-9b843d9778d0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:54:58	400.922
-120	49648	2482400	3fe2a5b1-df8e-4365-8819-9f4f57459901	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:23:14	571.452
-121	24825	2482500	bbf8419c-9a9e-44d7-9a3b-518e56ba6863	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:38:10	-665.179
-121	49650	2482500	42472ec7-2a94-4d30-8b1d-a4616d445780	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:34:58	176.256
-122	24826	2482600	18a26c30-8c95-4142-bd72-bc0f06b01aec	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:24:41	652.103
-122	49652	2482600	07c41fb4-5ead-46cb-8cb4-68063b6718e5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:02:45	-725.100
-123	24827	2482700	5c87fbd7-e8d2-483e-b682-b409d5e4cd42	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:22:06	-368.663
-123	49654	2482700	c0b7ccb8-0972-4545-ad6b-a5fa71357c69	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:47:05	-827.888
-124	24828	2482800	309e3068-b44e-46bb-b626-5bdfc1e4184a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:41:08	-157.198
-124	49656	2482800	822cc099-f156-4e5e-b03f-a57597dd84e1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:45:08	-766.892
-125	24829	2482900	4a7d1298-9cce-4257-9f1a-74fe6e78868f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:03:43	-193.784
-125	49658	2482900	a769b307-52b1-4362-a1d3-fe25be5f18a9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:22:45	-833.184
-126	24830	2483000	a79bdb78-0b35-402b-bc7e-6389b9026ffd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:42:43	572.273
-126	49660	2483000	4ceae910-ff19-4ad6-91cb-11b3c691a688	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:12:21	-729.784
-127	24831	2483100	81570d5c-92a3-4187-b3f8-c7aac302544e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:11:27	-735.716
-127	49662	2483100	972befba-1375-4b2a-b954-dca1d8f892ac	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:54:47	834.579
-0	24832	2483200	1df2faea-9278-4591-926c-7dc6441510d5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:36:51	763.102
-0	49664	2483200	eeb8c081-0720-4f1a-905a-e0eae5bc49f0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:06:32	28.795
-1	24833	2483300	cd7cf3eb-3a5b-4cca-b818-c2bbe2f68f7d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:06:10	-976.118
-1	49666	2483300	0f7553cf-2ea4-4e60-bfae-bd3889587440	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:05:15	-888.524
-2	24834	2483400	d55057e5-3ab4-4c5f-8fde-60ff2473d0e1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:05:15	-501.208
-2	49668	2483400	ffb14bbf-c538-4559-96c3-85823870e8e5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:12:36	728.609
-3	24835	2483500	659f3942-c304-44a6-b2f3-4ca451a1a562	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:15:12	-16.79
-3	49670	2483500	4649d880-189c-42ad-ba21-a924d6a2f0dc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:52:25	833.532
-4	24836	2483600	31fcd323-6766-4731-9879-3f65151c18b4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:27:30	-396.651
-4	49672	2483600	d3dd4406-010a-4b9c-bbb3-1348f3f94a61	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:28:04	-687.97
-5	24837	2483700	aa7acdd9-ae21-4294-8279-e4ac1a982c52	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:51:45	-488.280
-5	49674	2483700	2bbf6b89-d138-4f30-a907-9326ad175c35	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:16:27	-225.739
-6	24838	2483800	4f550794-798f-44a1-ba62-57f8a90028ed	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:04:29	-532.788
-6	49676	2483800	16d2df08-ea8e-48a4-a7b4-882ba5f23641	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:05:45	-13.271
-7	24839	2483900	4ca12a7a-221d-494a-8f63-78f7d6433fe4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:14:11	-578.633
-7	49678	2483900	a9a461d9-d46c-4eb3-b64b-85d48f673536	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:34:41	518.75
-8	24840	2484000	f3a5a3f5-2f01-4bb2-b862-69d3da521bbc	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:14:44	-13.626
-8	49680	2484000	c52c5230-dc48-4893-a493-94b68f1ae8a6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:01:39	476.771
-9	24841	2484100	c5cbdf23-e353-4ed9-ad11-2ab7501c82bb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:40:22	30.635
-9	49682	2484100	53084fff-1306-49a5-b913-1b9b94574b74	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:35:45	258.361
-10	24842	2484200	a18dcf04-408e-4b4a-9c5b-3e479352c4b5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:54:51	416.355
-10	49684	2484200	4e008592-711a-419e-ab3f-3ee0a90e85eb	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:25:09	820.367
-11	24843	2484300	ccc31764-6ab4-462b-92e7-7af8d8183f7a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:22:12	-996.970
-11	49686	2484300	3b9db28d-6f4a-47ef-99a3-913636dc2f83	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:59:44	31.98
-12	24844	2484400	d7333558-87d7-4ee6-870a-1628dd7853b5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:09:45	565.345
-12	49688	2484400	951105d1-1708-45e3-be5b-419ab5f7a191	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:16:35	-381.973
-13	24845	2484500	b31f01d0-080f-4d73-aa64-3b0604e983b6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:32:51	134.205
-13	49690	2484500	2bb1e94d-2722-451e-8327-3636c3b730f6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:10:56	912.545
-14	24846	2484600	29da89ab-b79b-4efb-bb26-cb8d4f0fe47b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:09:00	-355.631
-14	49692	2484600	1e7f3612-f022-4ec5-bc1a-cb15efd1a138	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:00:38	-83.3
-15	24847	2484700	1382ac16-7d61-49de-8ac8-e464bca44277	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:26:47	407.704
-15	49694	2484700	33876ce8-4e45-4256-9bb9-690b2c044169	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:32:06	425.45
-16	24848	2484800	f6cadcc7-3bce-4c2b-94d3-677e226e340e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:22:42	93.690
-16	49696	2484800	2ce1b3a0-c8dd-4160-a913-c67d1ca09599	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:06:09	146.650
-17	24849	2484900	d9f2e6f9-41bb-4251-ba29-e1d5a63aaf36	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:55:40	781.348
-17	49698	2484900	6b066672-a8e6-4550-a1fb-9174387cf0dd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:33:04	-85.144
-18	24850	2485000	343fa682-0b51-4282-877b-833fbb175efc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:25:26	-847.917
-18	49700	2485000	b3066d1a-f319-4b86-a2aa-2f3cd738adf2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:28:32	80.177
-19	24851	2485100	1902e64b-4bb0-4ac5-8e49-5e1ae182ffb1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:00:09	-567.30
-19	49702	2485100	b5a5186b-b799-46a1-b9e5-b67606b3ee17	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:14:50	598.985
-20	24852	2485200	58a5bdb6-dca8-412d-ade4-60f46dc87951	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:49:22	-922.858
-20	49704	2485200	8e51b0c8-8743-41d4-af9b-1dadad3661a5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:54:03	59.655
-21	24853	2485300	3032abc6-0df5-4458-8199-e68b759f1d21	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:36:50	917.281
-21	49706	2485300	0dc77a74-054e-468b-9ab1-73cc8ebec53e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:19:42	-98.296
-22	24854	2485400	b0b01e1f-9684-46fc-8328-a8f77fb0bd2e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:56:03	674.133
-22	49708	2485400	8c930447-6924-4623-9f62-3f0c51fe75c5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:39:09	-36.878
-23	24855	2485500	6de05917-5c06-4149-b14c-677de5aeec8b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:34:32	-215.829
-23	49710	2485500	991c8f94-4ca9-465d-b31b-7bdd5d02661d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:55:56	72.914
-24	24856	2485600	95469edb-a3fc-4f30-b6b9-6b74c6358ab8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:25:30	-78.853
-24	49712	2485600	d6fb2a1e-9ec0-475f-aa49-05bca2454c6e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:30:50	-661.333
-25	24857	2485700	58853fac-1f2d-45e5-8339-e8941e112038	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:49:07	236.41
-25	49714	2485700	8cc7bd43-e832-477e-8d9c-8a90cb1f534e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:24:17	929.31
-26	24858	2485800	6e4b6248-4793-4c72-9518-2a5f7211318c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:13:32	87.255
-26	49716	2485800	2d0018b4-a80a-4ab6-891f-de29e29bb55e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:02:19	-650.623
-27	24859	2485900	67870428-75fb-4b88-bb70-6a121bf0468f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:02:04	-257.142
-27	49718	2485900	42d9ce23-8d37-47ad-81e6-db3ad5dedf12	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:41:58	-596.904
-28	24860	2486000	cdfc7f7b-cd54-4a19-a29b-f8fdf0c1724c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:42:32	-509.318
-28	49720	2486000	bca1fdb7-2bcb-43c3-82bb-540131a13193	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:36:32	682.43
-29	24861	2486100	641fe3ae-ce93-418d-b916-ecd5bfc9df44	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:31:27	109.125
-29	49722	2486100	fec9a53f-76f8-4dd4-8e0c-53e742c9cf89	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:13:22	523.919
-30	24862	2486200	03a3ecc5-d82b-43be-8c68-2e1668a0f849	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:40:31	294.126
-30	49724	2486200	f353352f-d90f-48b9-a148-267254305bdb	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:46:37	-583.138
-31	24863	2486300	e4162121-cf59-41dc-bbf1-c0d22a3dfbe8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:04:21	20.7
-31	49726	2486300	f617ed07-d8cb-4bc0-817f-a36f2c6653d8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:24:06	-881.384
-32	24864	2486400	33392188-a928-4411-9401-042f158ce087	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:45:08	646.405
-32	49728	2486400	12245237-b070-45c2-8244-a4194acd0400	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:01:34	-385.165
-33	24865	2486500	8b769838-8ee9-4e02-a6bf-2fdf26849c8f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:35:06	-909.545
-33	49730	2486500	5e315b23-2597-4952-b527-e9cd15ee2db6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:37:03	358.219
-34	24866	2486600	e6b06b57-181b-4ddb-9367-cccf13c166e3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:31:40	-16.999
-34	49732	2486600	a482e64d-676f-4dcd-9f2c-00756045c5ef	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:17:11	-50.655
-35	24867	2486700	43bb1fb4-916e-4d75-890e-852d8b8dd081	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:43:30	-545.236
-35	49734	2486700	057c7cb2-37da-4df4-9c6d-320c6b1cdfcc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:34:22	-138.467
-36	24868	2486800	07d6d221-4bea-4fe7-8537-73d029e83b87	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:16:50	403.434
-36	49736	2486800	7f9cebeb-0a50-49ef-84b6-fa8157ec5cac	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:17:59	-452.123
-37	24869	2486900	2c604449-0603-4020-8ea4-e44c2c969d78	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:01:34	-766.872
-37	49738	2486900	e837aff9-1be4-4688-a13d-0786a455a60b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:20:04	-604.183
-38	24870	2487000	604993ac-9aeb-4053-8a11-4fde2550ad90	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:09:57	372.437
-38	49740	2487000	daf60886-bd3f-4af3-a2d1-528fb6d3ad2e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:31:30	481.518
-39	24871	2487100	a85750a7-8ccb-46ef-82b3-028f9e2935f2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:19:26	762.843
-39	49742	2487100	4082e20d-e6ab-4e04-9691-a5ef90813fa0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:29:20	499.719
-40	24872	2487200	6cffcbc7-5dcb-4b54-9bcd-f5ded3da3b91	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:25:41	839.156
-40	49744	2487200	9ee4d325-c0e3-4895-88fc-e6bbc87b4dd0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:02:23	706.105
-41	24873	2487300	54f9d0e1-b413-48e8-aa8c-99d68d62afa4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:48:38	-654.574
-41	49746	2487300	d54c0257-237f-4a1e-8330-53b05404feb5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:49:40	746.233
-42	24874	2487400	46a5f5bd-111f-4606-8afb-4861652f9f79	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:27:05	-492.936
-42	49748	2487400	563e6135-30f3-462f-893f-d023a3112918	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:50:58	-370.955
-43	24875	2487500	107492ba-e4dd-43c1-a592-102920a4dda0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:34:50	554.310
-43	49750	2487500	cdfaa241-4f43-4e13-9d12-abe4b67aac8b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:40:32	428.555
-44	24876	2487600	77ad7cbe-2298-4763-99d5-37611f29c4cc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:58:45	387.230
-44	49752	2487600	dff2d746-5d76-4444-a67b-8478b12069b6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:07:17	584.792
-45	24877	2487700	1006f308-613c-4f14-a172-9e2a91d3baf0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:43:15	839.312
-45	49754	2487700	e839e352-5bc1-4c24-8297-c52e9a537f63	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:10:49	488.1
-46	24878	2487800	debdd1f6-9ba7-46ef-af88-62fdc9624745	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:44:42	-978.768
-46	49756	2487800	7e712c99-6bf5-44a5-b3c1-76f43028e44f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:55:58	-460.484
-47	24879	2487900	0e247023-6284-47e5-9a17-fc7abf583eb6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:38:20	-629.236
-47	49758	2487900	2895f60a-2c13-4b6b-9a0f-9927328a56e0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:31:37	-657.941
-48	24880	2488000	88a800bd-8bd8-476c-af72-ab9fd16c917d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:11:44	113.297
-48	49760	2488000	dc9f88c4-7979-45aa-95c7-77836e81a00e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:27:18	606.694
-49	24881	2488100	85a85387-a16f-4aef-870a-c80f8cf91360	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:12:44	-336.464
-49	49762	2488100	c51d49c4-7728-4845-a477-55e45d871f7d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:35:34	993.490
-50	24882	2488200	d25aaaf6-8d15-4d3d-85f6-d4fbc40af53b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:28:28	-621.559
-50	49764	2488200	dd6d32bb-c685-4869-bfe9-1f81ba057d24	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:32:37	373.224
-51	24883	2488300	ad8ad142-2df6-4f3c-a4af-8510763c8b16	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:46:23	696.374
-51	49766	2488300	b4272380-75dd-420d-b9b2-c7cc96757b45	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:40:23	465.611
-52	24884	2488400	b668b911-1545-42a8-9bb5-2d2070f9457d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:54:05	-782.156
-52	49768	2488400	5975f0bc-fcc6-425d-8dc4-30e6c7d0c780	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:49:08	-651.694
-53	24885	2488500	129db2c5-e4e6-459e-a932-c79af3df62db	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:24:56	198.676
-53	49770	2488500	d1578be0-8c0f-4e97-b142-441335463e71	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:55:32	171.28
-54	24886	2488600	f4145278-74ed-4161-b666-41e873a050cf	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:25:53	577.255
-54	49772	2488600	b64591b3-d5dd-454b-bb22-e8b420e1b345	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:32:08	865.450
-55	24887	2488700	c928d33d-f362-46d3-b43d-4849032b26b5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:43:58	274.169
-55	49774	2488700	96123f04-b2f3-41f9-9077-d425bd0d2ed9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:20:06	-807.585
-56	24888	2488800	762906a2-498f-4d06-a909-4445eadcafa6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:59:29	-237.923
-56	49776	2488800	a1f6507a-cf52-4836-823d-738899fca746	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:46:45	-421.881
-57	24889	2488900	7ce0d1a1-adb6-4195-8cc5-a655f1711db4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:26:04	50.709
-57	49778	2488900	18dec45d-33ef-4659-aaef-6966f13f52ce	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:23:22	397.828
-58	24890	2489000	9404ae99-618f-4ae8-8fd5-fdb246f41a49	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:21:19	-976.980
-58	49780	2489000	601daaa3-9651-45d3-8c00-375e40ac8c66	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:55:53	405.849
-59	24891	2489100	4cded16b-25c1-4c02-8420-534bedc59811	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:53:49	-610.241
-59	49782	2489100	b0007c09-cf96-4f7c-8974-edb34da92d4e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:17:13	180.502
-60	24892	2489200	e0c6ee04-ac16-4cfc-b74e-2cebd27e38f7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:52:57	-828.348
-60	49784	2489200	b6820e40-bb51-44bf-9bba-a79b7d25eab6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:20:04	-653.542
-61	24893	2489300	ead91dba-5997-4f24-8f69-8b81f5112def	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:24:55	82.746
-61	49786	2489300	b60c490e-0833-467d-a2b3-d69c6a87f4a4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:58:15	773.744
-62	24894	2489400	a2d79cd6-6384-43fa-886f-60b5359624ca	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:14:34	-770.246
-62	49788	2489400	c6086522-e30b-48a4-aacb-c02a635613e0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:42:01	407.104
-63	24895	2489500	9436d754-6ce1-44d9-a0ba-69d3eb7f6317	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:09:42	-38.103
-63	49790	2489500	ee4b5531-dfc9-4e63-8cc9-c4427e385cf6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:27:34	814.300
-64	24896	2489600	7c93524f-16e6-4015-aa66-ee9b99949875	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:42:24	436.162
-64	49792	2489600	2c2be10a-efd1-447e-ac83-33a3d4c920e3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:11:53	-410.236
-65	24897	2489700	3c5fa249-cc79-4807-9a59-71a49d2b3455	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:52:37	-35.665
-65	49794	2489700	f402b1e3-298a-4ab0-989f-593765f1b068	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:25:16	-28.400
-66	24898	2489800	79751abb-b7cb-412f-9694-650964079cff	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:25:52	-72.608
-66	49796	2489800	8ebf389b-60b9-4436-9d66-5c25915096d8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:48:41	518.704
-67	24899	2489900	4cb0833b-d8c3-4d16-84ff-281670d9e8cc	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:01:56	850.465
-67	49798	2489900	7a7b63aa-f59c-45bb-a774-580b9cc82117	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:41:03	597.991
-68	24900	2490000	2287b8a1-28fa-4b7f-87c9-678d4c646f68	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:59:51	377.416
-68	49800	2490000	84f76bf8-e8ed-488a-87d1-349df625cd58	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:19:56	537.390
-69	24901	2490100	83006d92-3a73-493a-bd4d-733b553b9f9b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:14:17	-814.113
-69	49802	2490100	0d85ace3-6b3e-402f-b486-151b8625b559	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:56:15	-18.386
-70	24902	2490200	83358aab-52e0-403f-abda-50c9a6814c92	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:45:50	-118.630
-70	49804	2490200	dd8309a5-b094-460d-97e5-dae1d6d5810e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:17:53	182.710
-71	24903	2490300	cd9cc6be-bacd-4e80-8c11-1237125486b1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:59:26	790.558
-71	49806	2490300	fb43fad1-440d-4812-b55b-e34bb74035a3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:07:10	-554.814
-72	24904	2490400	742c3ba2-bb63-4822-a883-49916a8fdc30	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:57:44	407.754
-72	49808	2490400	313989ad-f08b-440a-be2c-e84f90e316fc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:10:34	170.29
-73	24905	2490500	84a538bc-549e-4d2b-8b5f-8b946bf3dff4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:45:14	-920.898
-73	49810	2490500	826a1710-c7f5-4924-aeb1-b8ab0dfb804b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:27:37	449.691
-74	24906	2490600	ce279e4d-e434-4be5-8af7-f718a8269de3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:01:22	-387.850
-74	49812	2490600	5a8bd81f-1322-4cca-bcf1-1bf07c7111e3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:06:22	-958.363
-75	24907	2490700	b4bc7a85-93b2-4732-b7d7-71f72fadc9bd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:02:22	640.591
-75	49814	2490700	ba1778a2-6509-4cde-b67e-a2abcbb0ec30	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:35:47	881.621
-76	24908	2490800	08f8f04a-899d-4981-af72-43e521756603	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:29:34	767.742
-76	49816	2490800	c7515b86-df66-4c7f-b24d-0c802e0163f3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:39:30	-716.567
-77	24909	2490900	a8bc29aa-74a9-4159-b707-0f6649b7053e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:47:38	991.961
-77	49818	2490900	26a52c58-3d65-43b2-8b00-12aadd6bf3d1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:37:41	198.390
-78	24910	2491000	9cc9a225-8997-4b4f-a708-89cdd4901c84	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:03:38	-457.886
-78	49820	2491000	c23570f8-bc42-4b5f-95aa-1121bc1bdc0e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:47:10	774.595
-79	24911	2491100	43f9cc48-8103-47fe-8a00-05c8f787be7f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:09:43	764.339
-79	49822	2491100	5a5af020-196e-41af-bca9-6a7199e3685d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:57:25	865.307
-80	24912	2491200	fd35802d-4e1e-4300-ad85-d75caaba214d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:25:41	831.413
-80	49824	2491200	1eba38f1-22e7-4250-9271-60dd499abdae	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:31:22	-831.881
-81	24913	2491300	405e5c94-32d3-4e8f-8883-3a331a07b174	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:44:30	-740.361
-81	49826	2491300	70127fc3-aa01-48ea-885e-a0410f3b7ce5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:56:53	-870.84
-82	24914	2491400	0daefeb2-f980-48be-b330-54abc3e85624	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:01:13	-190.40
-82	49828	2491400	2d8cbe38-332e-47ae-9e02-678042f7f324	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:59:14	-672.926
-83	24915	2491500	ae22cae2-f255-4620-b1c5-bb489fda09f5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:43:53	157.546
-83	49830	2491500	beff51eb-41d8-42f2-a020-b6754b6f906a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:36:31	724.40
-84	24916	2491600	94db867c-3bca-439a-8a3b-a7c641ce1fbb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:53:38	-71.303
-84	49832	2491600	2543140a-60b8-49a0-998c-6ae1cd7933c4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:30:41	-146.910
-85	24917	2491700	512e5493-c636-4ec4-90ed-a67302bd3d57	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:00:23	852.549
-85	49834	2491700	4bf1127c-4999-4e6c-8f22-56b75f7fdfa4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:48:44	-905.303
-86	24918	2491800	9b943b5a-eb1f-41a6-8de1-edf871d1bc4f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:20:43	403.909
-86	49836	2491800	34c5498f-a44b-4d0e-9e0e-8a3ab09fdb10	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:34:40	-984.743
-87	24919	2491900	2bde4525-be5e-4804-9894-e48e7053fc98	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:42:17	990.706
-87	49838	2491900	59651f81-703a-49f4-a875-7700c847ac4b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:08:05	-628.398
-88	24920	2492000	736b9e11-5a2a-4887-afbf-cf2deb21578c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:43:59	793.845
-88	49840	2492000	32924455-6b8a-41e0-bfa0-a5326507174d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:21:58	106.771
-89	24921	2492100	d3d9e55f-f2d4-45a4-b6e1-f7c35222d0d5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:17:03	596.449
-89	49842	2492100	9590e25d-1327-4a23-97f0-fbb5dc057512	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:24:36	-998.695
-90	24922	2492200	36c89e44-c052-40a5-a490-08796f86cfee	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:05:32	-438.16
-90	49844	2492200	170fdaf8-2cf9-49af-a452-4b4024eacb25	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:46:41	639.674
-91	24923	2492300	942d8bc5-eec9-41ab-9f73-cc49d86fc644	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:09:31	-400.352
-91	49846	2492300	5143c7c5-4584-4640-a579-1e6da468a7fa	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:56:17	-656.683
-92	24924	2492400	b6f0a15e-7022-4f86-b943-6d5db2060e15	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:45:42	458.639
-92	49848	2492400	f8c0239b-7f9e-40c2-8688-e1ce10121cd6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:55:36	84.634
-93	24925	2492500	0a28851f-bb71-4274-828e-00ee18e1f9e4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:14:15	0.755
-93	49850	2492500	3f7a518a-1fc0-4392-af63-9de2357581e4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:47:26	651.761
-94	24926	2492600	82815276-e90a-4f2b-8af3-1d66b0472d96	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:14:18	511.185
-94	49852	2492600	67c59951-9b2c-4b02-b383-1df0e84f75ce	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:11:50	-829.738
-95	24927	2492700	82f85dd6-ac67-4a2f-82b6-18295b015af5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:57:06	28.249
-95	49854	2492700	eb24d100-1739-4208-89e4-166eff0cd684	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:26:35	-991.708
-96	24928	2492800	e2270a91-558d-458e-a0f9-6fbbaf116f1b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:31:11	-476.724
-96	49856	2492800	08664257-989c-4077-91ec-a0722ad0dad8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:10:52	-890.240
-97	24929	2492900	6b8b4b4e-4690-48ff-9c15-68917abacd8a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:02:28	848.700
-97	49858	2492900	7bde493d-e73c-454f-8e7e-6bacd31c144c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:30:44	-414.424
-98	24930	2493000	45dd522b-58b5-4400-b7f9-0bb179bad080	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:17:18	879.889
-98	49860	2493000	3e49aa9d-b511-4d6e-bbbb-b8171f0f7caa	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:11:29	634.149
-99	24931	2493100	29945ddb-7784-47ab-a38c-d148b85510ec	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:59:45	-284.982
-99	49862	2493100	4e1a0721-f41a-4562-b09a-63e65e5d2a00	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:05:34	743.455
-100	24932	2493200	60bd4ece-2404-4830-8d91-3f5ff389538a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:48:22	622.88
-100	49864	2493200	dc982593-fabe-4157-8870-a7eebdf37d29	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:36:56	147.320
-101	24933	2493300	5db0bb50-b0fd-4694-ad17-dafd2f35c7ac	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:10:35	-829.320
-101	49866	2493300	b9c6a3d5-8c87-43b5-b727-fa1c02b0d421	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:40:22	-904.504
-102	24934	2493400	3206e0f6-da0b-4566-948f-f69381d07dc5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:19:23	-167.434
-102	49868	2493400	91b9005d-2dd8-423b-b8ff-997a395d02a4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:27:01	703.30
-103	24935	2493500	d651d2c7-ea8e-45ea-a3de-db7bf3988a86	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:55:28	-61.334
-103	49870	2493500	6a35143c-1a01-4862-800a-f77c185af185	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:23:05	-154.247
-104	24936	2493600	f9dbda8f-66a6-49ec-b39c-428154a3f7b3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:57:10	-9.481
-104	49872	2493600	99180930-cbf1-4974-8c50-c306fb112893	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:46:00	-204.651
-105	24937	2493700	6a3f66cf-6340-42cc-a84e-e9062548138b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:53:43	820.119
-105	49874	2493700	6ba835b7-1b5a-46e7-b97a-c1869464a865	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:42:13	73.631
-106	24938	2493800	c25304a2-2583-4c83-addf-03c37d18fbb7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:13:27	-8.5
-106	49876	2493800	46a47bd2-b85c-4c0f-a1ec-6419859bf1fc	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:20:37	-478.471
-107	24939	2493900	49dd99d7-5d89-43bf-a1de-0a8e80740e0b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:23:56	413.526
-107	49878	2493900	f773d340-18c2-4d99-95a2-62a0a717c672	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:17:32	-13.15
-108	24940	2494000	001ff547-73b5-4ff7-8437-8bd3c7509a6e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:43:33	491.772
-108	49880	2494000	e011bca4-bafe-499b-97f1-4cfe32f47415	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:29:52	893.852
-109	24941	2494100	0ba48b84-d00d-4eca-9f8c-e88ae1cdb902	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:55:13	-204.322
-109	49882	2494100	1759552c-0964-46fc-9e14-8a25b9857b4a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:53:17	97.559
-110	24942	2494200	20b020e8-a8a4-4e4f-8ae7-3508183eb51b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:00:48	835.698
-110	49884	2494200	667a6864-619c-477f-b513-d7e33484370d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:05:16	-770.519
-111	24943	2494300	0ab6aa6e-5a33-4ce6-a03d-451f4fbc9c21	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:32:16	270.141
-111	49886	2494300	5049a5fd-c781-492b-abad-161e21149a38	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:11:27	-60.344
-112	24944	2494400	58d8b2a9-4156-4032-afd4-332339a97b1c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:26:23	-485.774
-112	49888	2494400	c401e3ff-c86f-4bcc-a6a3-8ac765e7a244	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:53:45	510.904
-113	24945	2494500	a2901af1-e0ac-45bf-9e57-ac3f32bcc113	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:13:25	999.790
-113	49890	2494500	ffd5add9-34f8-40a7-9ae3-a47797e62522	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:38:00	-192.147
-114	24946	2494600	45ddeac2-0cdc-44e7-b780-f61f32b6f922	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:17:26	-565.337
-114	49892	2494600	45d20f55-624d-48f8-9405-f8f63e0df0cc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:34:39	-305.399
-115	24947	2494700	0900c6e4-0110-4c01-a4a2-01835b005b04	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:08:34	-238.480
-115	49894	2494700	07478b5a-09c5-4018-b8fd-9b9362086086	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:12:03	896.699
-116	24948	2494800	2e001895-9c81-41a7-bc23-de99dfb1795b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:18:58	-536.329
-116	49896	2494800	da3433cf-2154-4b2c-9e11-0593cdc46ad7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:36:55	-466.969
-117	24949	2494900	f7c95d5e-1f40-4f58-91c8-b3cc60010739	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:09:26	622.95
-117	49898	2494900	bdf49c23-bca7-4570-926f-8b8c96a5adb2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:25:29	591.716
-118	24950	2495000	be0fb48a-0fdc-4307-973a-405c34a9ed41	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:43:46	936.797
-118	49900	2495000	653b1c83-c9ce-4d8e-b29a-7904cb276be9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:03:20	-661.29
-119	24951	2495100	0e8117b3-5f60-4cc3-b869-a21ad839471b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:59:18	124.925
-119	49902	2495100	7bf4ab47-c519-4d13-a8f9-a5fc9a761267	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:51:42	-241.230
-120	24952	2495200	0048dc48-1b50-49df-8c86-f82388ea6461	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:07:02	-598.365
-120	49904	2495200	e68a5fbb-0f6b-4161-b26d-46046b503342	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:42:20	649.838
-121	24953	2495300	fd202569-c016-4ca3-91ce-31ca63c0fe89	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:21:11	-538.508
-121	49906	2495300	6474f4ad-536e-4dae-9003-f4c95d1d45ff	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:21:36	926.422
-122	24954	2495400	be75b03d-ddb9-4813-a816-e8c00cca41f9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:41:09	204.64
-122	49908	2495400	4e20da87-cc60-4f10-8cb4-86274b0bd849	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:52:23	-737.137
-123	24955	2495500	a450697c-c0c7-4511-8fe1-fe8b0492e771	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:41:02	871.356
-123	49910	2495500	04a15369-a1f2-4ee0-8319-09dd22062b22	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:19:35	-332.658
-124	24956	2495600	afe602e1-803d-4155-8d05-702307d79782	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:05:27	573.907
-124	49912	2495600	7c29736e-2698-4770-a3ee-04f9a376d783	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:08:08	389.810
-125	24957	2495700	cfbb20c4-421b-4f60-bdfc-334db6b6bd32	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:17:23	-886.68
-125	49914	2495700	3dedfea2-b154-4d76-9492-735e1bcc85a0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:22:37	-460.531
-126	24958	2495800	3643605a-6cf0-4fd7-bcae-42de3bbaa6ae	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:16:17	848.206
-126	49916	2495800	52fc41f1-9d1d-429c-830b-0e5a609ffd85	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:13:01	128.998
-127	24959	2495900	78d2f5cf-a213-41fc-8763-7ab351c094ea	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:11:44	961.554
-127	49918	2495900	8a22c565-d177-4b99-ad78-6ef396365b85	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:53:54	-665.436
-0	24960	2496000	8e636f5d-8ff7-4165-8580-8da714400493	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:35:04	-573.592
-0	49920	2496000	2602e6f4-a43c-420c-a9b7-dab30e7464b5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:33:48	-149.226
-1	24961	2496100	a776d792-8a97-46e2-a4d2-d8a541c4ab9d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:33:44	748.638
-1	49922	2496100	669c28f2-9cae-4d53-93b3-523e173d6356	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:00:12	-54.587
-2	24962	2496200	78aa58b6-5663-41f8-8e6d-7da06ca49743	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:16:34	-69.70
-2	49924	2496200	f9892c02-7934-4d40-9115-55248d63b830	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:27:40	-702.263
-3	24963	2496300	3cd7ec1e-95ca-4059-b208-0ebbf14c42f7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:47:39	260.933
-3	49926	2496300	65a03da6-5ffd-4a93-b6af-35e8dcaab31b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:41:04	533.170
-4	24964	2496400	9c6cf32c-24a9-40fe-ba80-2f990ebd733f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:21:24	528.257
-4	49928	2496400	d1d5b61a-60a5-4467-afe8-e3ba9dccf980	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:35:23	-75.300
-5	24965	2496500	d88d30ce-625c-42aa-b05c-7a15d5ca53ae	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:04:21	5.341
-5	49930	2496500	e269a31e-f97c-4b19-9d88-846fb46ca17b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:54:55	-611.756
-6	24966	2496600	9c1d02c1-8341-4dfc-a34f-504d468722c2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:22:02	82.109
-6	49932	2496600	4c2c4388-10b4-4197-9871-fde2ae094bb3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:33:58	-432.686
-7	24967	2496700	976356a0-368c-4e56-a45e-7127b4cfed3b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:06:37	725.18
-7	49934	2496700	89568c9f-2e09-4a59-91d1-405f0aeea5b0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:29:46	-628.815
-8	24968	2496800	c2bb2295-9882-4faf-a745-1c9da8609c94	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:32:10	-992.911
-8	49936	2496800	5a2b5fb8-dd4c-45f3-90d2-400187897792	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:50:14	360.809
-9	24969	2496900	7c6171d9-8376-46a9-a873-d023a7a8707f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:08:32	-226.269
-9	49938	2496900	864e1b6f-ecc1-468c-bac3-e3fd472c26c8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:04:12	142.744
-10	24970	2497000	d0f0815c-714c-4a27-80e7-cd0bce33c84d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:10:12	-775.561
-10	49940	2497000	d5b45551-f073-4a2a-ab58-1882649318e4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:23:22	-609.947
-11	24971	2497100	d2618299-474d-4c63-b056-98db614c05ed	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:17:41	-452.865
-11	49942	2497100	fab1bd56-e263-4f5c-9d72-55aa2712abf7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:41:29	177.501
-12	24972	2497200	34507714-1de4-4e0d-83cb-8528d5b98620	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:07:56	-680.129
-12	49944	2497200	cd39b4bc-6089-424c-9c55-969000217658	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:50:00	-321.399
-13	24973	2497300	ccad6cf2-4dfe-4328-a206-dcfc46f33d96	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:51:45	-836.642
-13	49946	2497300	d099180e-6b28-4f86-bdd4-cf3420cc9b9e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:05:38	-71.843
-14	24974	2497400	36ff2797-be99-4dae-b4a8-762cbe36b6a3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:00:38	-556.820
-14	49948	2497400	eed4f5b2-4708-4756-a378-40e77965ab79	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:44:35	642.703
-15	24975	2497500	946a623b-1810-4f0a-80c5-ef3564eab154	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:32:40	446.966
-15	49950	2497500	d5792e90-3bde-4499-ad1c-1a4a5ea65400	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:44:43	-576.96
-16	24976	2497600	20831409-d57b-4053-99bb-d7264a896988	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:01:26	200.223
-16	49952	2497600	2ebfcb49-5082-400a-9096-605f5aa7e789	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:46:12	487.824
-17	24977	2497700	64826b0b-89ec-4160-aed5-d72654eb40f5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:43:34	-461.142
-17	49954	2497700	f891d454-baee-47e3-ad03-b578095013fe	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:56:58	-383.391
-18	24978	2497800	5ac1cfaf-ecf4-4f0e-9478-1a2d95c67da7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:06:19	929.436
-18	49956	2497800	5a60c0f1-39fa-43c3-8aac-e0f7808ec843	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:26:31	-971.691
-19	24979	2497900	a5a23082-2639-40b0-8cb0-fe348348b4b4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:52:24	407.924
-19	49958	2497900	439782b5-a7fc-4f63-9f6f-e5021ad57c6d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:10:16	251.437
-20	24980	2498000	8841a158-967d-41b3-9e9b-d4d5ee6b1a01	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:44:59	358.868
-20	49960	2498000	dcbe49b8-63c9-4b4e-9593-f5ebbdbcd8c7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:37:17	-766.1
-21	24981	2498100	39a5f7f6-66ac-479f-a775-6fab093ef331	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:14:44	-865.89
-21	49962	2498100	bffde6b2-8db4-4f59-8d88-a912f11508f0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:58:11	-863.800
-22	24982	2498200	4cd91b24-0f62-40e3-98c4-30c24ca2858e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:18:44	-615.978
-22	49964	2498200	4f3c2330-429c-4d1b-9e57-0a925a4beae8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:20:36	-541.587
-23	24983	2498300	2a5e481d-90d8-492f-a586-c462b04bd582	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:54:43	897.652
-23	49966	2498300	5181c323-24f4-406f-a5b3-a88d09cbb24f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:56:39	882.616
-24	24984	2498400	33c2a7f3-e3c7-4503-877b-9469ca92ac2c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:16:21	-702.397
-24	49968	2498400	357d5968-009a-4035-a472-8d650dcf2b07	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:19:08	-20.67
-25	24985	2498500	122ebeed-d143-431a-97f3-0db77362ae34	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:13:19	-533.183
-25	49970	2498500	937910f7-a147-4c1c-9c07-083d0caf09cd	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:50:11	-709.290
-26	24986	2498600	938c9e1d-4e67-4724-86f1-a3b05b48ee63	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:48:30	325.571
-26	49972	2498600	784e5bde-18d0-445b-885e-7cff8a3c0629	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:42:42	-412.552
-27	24987	2498700	2b7df614-d66c-4549-937a-143a28d5540f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:55:00	-968.762
-27	49974	2498700	cae8af20-e578-43d2-a0bb-69b540ba38f6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:05:13	149.625
-28	24988	2498800	42c1ed3d-97b4-4a92-a62a-6ebae2aea8c9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:39:43	-684.191
-28	49976	2498800	67129583-a09e-4fc7-9c50-99b8136825b0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:37:46	-624.434
-29	24989	2498900	1a87ff44-af3f-4ae5-ba9d-7936a1bf8c92	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:11:08	16.834
-29	49978	2498900	c4be9a80-2f0b-4a54-b8f3-31c582ab2121	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:34:28	372.174
-30	24990	2499000	f556d04e-2889-4869-b5f9-88ddf9cc728b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:35:14	-256.166
-30	49980	2499000	4accccf9-37bd-4782-8b83-6d64e23e036c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:53:03	180.50
-31	24991	2499100	27f2bd12-7997-4d9d-bdbe-fb32798c318a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:58:04	-902.763
-31	49982	2499100	998d31fa-fdf2-442e-83e2-6c5f88384c0a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:38:00	588.941
-32	24992	2499200	0d433c28-3e17-4e75-bbd2-d727c2a373da	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:44:46	321.776
-32	49984	2499200	22366ff2-5fe0-48a7-a0e0-5cd222a978f6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:53:30	987.624
-33	24993	2499300	828c7ccd-48b3-45af-a63f-4741579b6628	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:19:31	954.127
-33	49986	2499300	26a1ea90-5fb3-464a-a79f-c773d546ca4d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:13:26	616.0
-34	24994	2499400	02a5b790-55c7-4c70-9935-7f4f5ad8d3b0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:39:38	39.852
-34	49988	2499400	3aee78cf-087f-4bc3-aa56-2c70a24504f2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:34:29	-567.676
-35	24995	2499500	d24b8679-33ab-4fd6-9c07-4d8480e4341c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:35:51	-149.705
-35	49990	2499500	5d566241-ea83-4adf-9540-e4f78526d5c2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:49:20	-998.605
-36	24996	2499600	008521d1-3c1a-48c5-b455-c925a866b312	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:56:10	-440.541
-36	49992	2499600	43d19a43-32c0-4e63-be9d-ef48870275b4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:55:35	-261.21
-37	24997	2499700	e2f2f804-e2f3-4588-ad6e-b970f068767e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:11:35	614.213
-37	49994	2499700	93ded20b-ae2b-4ab9-a4f4-474a6d77f3c9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:37:20	86.932
-38	24998	2499800	179c27ef-86a4-4ca2-9e4f-e16c4cd89db0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:01:43	-735.960
-38	49996	2499800	ec0931e8-9379-4232-a956-4f8d9c912d4f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:01:11	932.797
-39	24999	2499900	ddb104c3-862d-44e0-b27a-dfe081e6ec94	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:59:17	-564.557
-39	49998	2499900	7781603f-2804-4699-b36c-1b4d4619ea2d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:49:01	-905.597
-40	25000	2500000	78467a0b-214d-4884-8101-96d829ab6dc4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:43:33	-814.179
-40	50000	2500000	d3be0690-fb1d-440c-874a-82606de2d6c4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:19:21	275.703
-41	25001	2500100	4c503505-3b3e-4823-bbde-e7c16eabf62d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:32:54	751.598
-41	50002	2500100	49c30d05-cdae-47fe-852f-c6868987a6db	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:06:28	-197.335
-42	25002	2500200	d571a483-f1c0-4557-8a91-0876ddcbbb3a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:11:31	384.634
-42	50004	2500200	065d4c88-d032-4ca5-9028-5c31a239b456	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:42:21	993.276
-43	25003	2500300	c7d00d10-1dfe-4bb8-bd6f-9c972089fee0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:47:22	451.566
-43	50006	2500300	b8e486c0-b864-4543-bddf-da849c5ea784	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:16:38	549.631
-44	25004	2500400	7f997814-42eb-45b4-b010-50daa3872779	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:56:41	-557.450
-44	50008	2500400	89682219-4832-4010-9b27-47572552bb3d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:08:18	-203.876
-45	25005	2500500	9eeaab78-ea9a-44a2-b348-14d2b86fed7e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:11:55	-167.430
-45	50010	2500500	ac1fb6c4-d228-43e1-bfd6-5c8ce19b6bf2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:32:45	190.388
-46	25006	2500600	c9ed6f2a-0fa1-4222-baad-c6ecfade035c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:21:56	510.767
-46	50012	2500600	36e579b1-61bb-4c43-a65f-ac9c39f55a7b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:48:03	104.639
-47	25007	2500700	373d7238-4474-4f37-8d76-be9c09364f6a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:43:11	567.962
-47	50014	2500700	36de396e-a5ab-47d9-8c6d-bac3fbeaea9d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:36:03	-117.589
-48	25008	2500800	6af392ff-8ef3-474d-8775-20d2793853f4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:25:49	-175.779
-48	50016	2500800	488c0679-eb01-4d55-8c99-a7b959710a45	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:40:47	975.93
-49	25009	2500900	f68525b1-bd06-4728-b7d5-a67ade8ad7f8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:54:08	-325.496
-49	50018	2500900	986b8972-ceb9-47d4-8afe-4497eaf66754	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:03:30	549.598
-50	25010	2501000	633150c1-e85f-4075-8c32-af2002a76ed9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:15:58	455.426
-50	50020	2501000	4c42fb02-efac-4597-8720-3f8460dfabff	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:45:05	-493.582
-51	25011	2501100	c5be451b-8305-4ce0-b15a-5b198a37bb70	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:13:32	-75.736
-51	50022	2501100	d720a658-f6ac-4e96-9c47-c0dc5c75e39c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:55:23	-220.744
-52	25012	2501200	492ed15d-d3e6-48fd-8fe8-ea4f7ce74328	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:05:32	-694.103
-52	50024	2501200	085b9db5-fb7e-4976-b345-6fecdbf15e22	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:59:18	-279.34
-53	25013	2501300	91e598f0-30bb-44f0-a6bf-6c53d5a5f26e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:35:51	-387.540
-53	50026	2501300	ad738734-128a-4554-8906-e15d2a76a252	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:24:28	562.444
-54	25014	2501400	4d27ad4a-f1df-4f64-b4f1-4edb240aa9c0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:31:13	892.449
-54	50028	2501400	569ba158-8025-4385-80d7-d2c709e74626	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:20:48	-622.460
-55	25015	2501500	b0a139bc-5123-44df-83a9-a6843a429a16	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:30:01	-884.528
-55	50030	2501500	446bca25-8e99-48ee-8c68-e5799a0ead15	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:34:48	389.598
-56	25016	2501600	cbcd6525-b58f-45c9-878a-404fb3126d1b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:31:27	962.777
-56	50032	2501600	95c6ba90-89bc-457f-9cea-efc138bc5361	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:23:02	-911.516
-57	25017	2501700	c4e58b61-82f2-483c-b03f-10982e878b21	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:11:00	681.632
-57	50034	2501700	a408bd8b-8d18-4deb-bd54-8ef74efaae50	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:20:55	549.912
-58	25018	2501800	59ae96cd-5661-4e9d-9108-e5abb34828a4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:28:09	328.419
-58	50036	2501800	8949442e-cd4d-4577-a72a-832db3c3f8f3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:48:03	798.674
-59	25019	2501900	64f43691-b1e5-4538-9b96-5c9cbac20fc1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:16:38	-933.826
-59	50038	2501900	178d8a4a-5373-4a45-8b42-980868aaaf02	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:44:14	888.994
-60	25020	2502000	8d3d77cb-72b6-4acc-a1af-c83f7aa2d3f2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:15:55	700.153
-60	50040	2502000	80e2725a-c93a-4521-b223-c5d76c6f6a70	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:32:40	-932.410
-61	25021	2502100	2de43629-36f4-4bb6-a64f-1b252c1faa76	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:04:36	-79.741
-61	50042	2502100	421a305f-d943-4758-8449-449e4c6af46a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:59:53	213.490
-62	25022	2502200	ef6d224e-eb45-49b7-8ba5-ced3e3a6adcc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:15:16	-583.58
-62	50044	2502200	a2edfccf-73ed-458c-b25b-df6edc80e3bc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:22:36	-555.202
-63	25023	2502300	cb5865a7-5bf5-4be8-a2a4-550769a5a65b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:31:29	-630.209
-63	50046	2502300	01121eb0-1907-48ab-b6cb-a5cf6892bf99	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:16:03	-355.109
-64	25024	2502400	fd751ce1-5828-4e57-9b26-d2583565c43b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:54:17	713.798
-64	50048	2502400	cdf4b634-eac2-474b-9dfe-ab9645655183	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:38:03	-867.12
-65	25025	2502500	c522a4af-09a4-43fe-843a-51129c22dd3a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:56:11	680.885
-65	50050	2502500	44408af0-b799-4ff8-987a-021b4bc7366d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:51:23	557.440
-66	25026	2502600	7e3c31b4-b5d3-4f23-a250-f8b2248d3f0c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:03:02	805.216
-66	50052	2502600	d53c4d4f-4158-4534-9221-c6d5348d9db1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:21:02	445.394
-67	25027	2502700	c9bc5247-9388-4513-8a30-5286d561fe9a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:32:52	589.16
-67	50054	2502700	149f1065-b243-4216-8aa3-dc84a0284ff3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:48:44	-348.107
-68	25028	2502800	73914e24-dd0f-4441-b556-4ab7287454a0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:44:49	392.807
-68	50056	2502800	26e27ae2-e6e8-4907-a9f2-13aaf978f70a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:10:28	-20.219
-69	25029	2502900	3d7fd4c2-29f1-4ae1-a13b-b313f92db22b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:08:20	-737.509
-69	50058	2502900	97523399-33eb-41f6-95cc-bec9ab563426	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:19:40	-631.432
-70	25030	2503000	d0615a68-554f-4fd7-8e3a-e4d591980cc1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:08:22	677.280
-70	50060	2503000	cce2178d-a9f2-4a11-bf5b-973cdd515b82	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:52:47	622.612
-71	25031	2503100	01e2d930-e2c3-49b2-a66c-4cc96e999e8f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:21:54	-282.387
-71	50062	2503100	0fc9c48e-be78-42e9-90f0-7c960ec50480	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:16:24	270.373
-72	25032	2503200	9a75db1c-4854-43d2-8f1a-c9d4dad8fc09	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:47:19	-242.845
-72	50064	2503200	ace72b9b-029d-4bd8-b07a-f3630cc20ed8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:29:15	536.97
-73	25033	2503300	6729100f-e669-49ff-8c35-7d47185e8bb1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:50:07	-987.1
-73	50066	2503300	64e9520f-69bd-4545-b316-c01bb210e3ce	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:36:24	644.300
-74	25034	2503400	7ea38a33-3a18-4e91-958f-e054921a6370	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:37:34	-94.438
-74	50068	2503400	063bb171-9c39-4797-aecd-6b8451e39844	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:44:06	-365.423
-75	25035	2503500	ae42dea1-5c0f-43da-98ff-e18c86c6668c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:19:07	604.313
-75	50070	2503500	99633388-6b22-4d83-9e45-f393dcf36dab	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:04:48	725.902
-76	25036	2503600	2c1c4cb7-ea0e-4816-b28c-7c30c559d064	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:15:44	-498.178
-76	50072	2503600	b32ac617-82bd-493b-8309-5ffffbc25592	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:58:14	215.66
-77	25037	2503700	991009ab-3222-4c02-8a3e-2d21b2bdedbb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:25:53	-479.911
-77	50074	2503700	da6794ef-9606-48bd-afb8-05f93fe1605f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:50:33	-654.358
-78	25038	2503800	2dc620d8-6668-41bb-bdd9-e724eb703b1a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:32:05	285.268
-78	50076	2503800	5cc9071d-36fe-4966-b485-632a411b0f0d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:57:16	-823.808
-79	25039	2503900	81f50616-2b0c-4567-bbbf-e328cf4a37fe	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:53:18	214.905
-79	50078	2503900	13e3dfd8-3ad0-4338-a1a4-ee12032ad03e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:40:53	532.980
-80	25040	2504000	e4f0ec37-4e88-40f9-af65-b5a2a912d49f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:37:45	137.238
-80	50080	2504000	6a4aaf64-f147-46ab-9269-b57639f9ba82	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:51:49	470.17
-81	25041	2504100	a0101c08-bb36-4aa9-9777-fc15865ed981	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:38:33	180.596
-81	50082	2504100	6387e254-b9fc-434f-bbc8-d1febbbd4e59	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:24:31	-703.277
-82	25042	2504200	7690b73e-6c28-4f7b-a941-0af1cb1270cc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:30:39	261.473
-82	50084	2504200	2031681f-0c15-452a-a2af-d4de60d358ce	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:24:40	-927.14
-83	25043	2504300	cfadbaf3-e017-4cd9-ab84-f1ebaa22b814	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:14:40	-663.693
-83	50086	2504300	ca627e5c-251a-455e-b8b6-2717b2a5f5f1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:32:10	118.271
-84	25044	2504400	612dfa46-9711-450b-a988-253f93bec783	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:38:32	581.779
-84	50088	2504400	bae93e63-7e76-46e4-aabd-e5e67aec3539	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:41:37	-808.360
-85	25045	2504500	eb9f5f96-fdba-47aa-9f45-f98a4232e182	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:33:17	604.797
-85	50090	2504500	ba25e655-e8d6-4b1d-9fcf-1ce6cab59530	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:30:07	-425.918
-86	25046	2504600	adf27fd6-46ba-4207-a983-701b2909f7dc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:45:47	-903.273
-86	50092	2504600	2b18610d-5a6f-409c-b747-0d7b4859b94c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:22:26	-915.990
-87	25047	2504700	f3a5a7cf-c141-4252-bcfa-bfd6f0aac9e9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:39:41	992.878
-87	50094	2504700	bb4a6224-c099-45bb-89cf-a16c541a47e7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:11:28	923.697
-88	25048	2504800	4a23e323-a29e-4fd5-864d-3890169a655e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:36:56	917.306
-88	50096	2504800	df17cad9-d890-4cff-9dbd-2e3c2e38de20	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:44:57	151.341
-89	25049	2504900	09d0ee4c-4378-4d40-a546-8d8b1db62647	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:44:22	-316.876
-89	50098	2504900	5f3fe06b-94a1-49b0-bced-faa0cdb02e59	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:48:08	-245.327
-90	25050	2505000	4f7f423f-6877-4e2c-8ada-822a8894da90	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:32:30	-64.87
-90	50100	2505000	590567b7-b4b8-4a75-8207-744c85ac0344	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:34:34	218.757
-91	25051	2505100	3687c61a-abde-4520-9f7f-a730d1f52478	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:30:09	766.669
-91	50102	2505100	e8109cd0-159f-48e8-bd4e-03ec7584cbe7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:38:59	-120.59
-92	25052	2505200	0fcfec48-2ee0-4ff5-91c6-0e9c45957b3f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:16:11	695.111
-92	50104	2505200	79e7ee62-7ed7-4575-a0f4-1cf7921cd4cd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:14:46	710.936
-93	25053	2505300	9b244f88-d136-4986-b676-20bc56db2d30	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:36:33	319.827
-93	50106	2505300	0e66a83d-7cde-449a-b719-ae1dcb764fd1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:40:43	-524.756
-94	25054	2505400	d778dd24-a985-4548-a2a0-5c9cb6bacd7e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:55:04	-156.147
-94	50108	2505400	93b15b15-0768-4b56-8f36-668e0b26723a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:00:14	-688.308
-95	25055	2505500	f97c70fc-e7ed-4f20-9526-5b0a51d80ce9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:06:50	-331.813
-95	50110	2505500	62ce2937-0b39-4f74-bf08-215c71db17f9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:16:13	-480.226
-96	25056	2505600	696d6c81-9b17-4891-8d38-65d48614ca81	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:12:38	-285.92
-96	50112	2505600	3333d582-34e5-4ee1-b95f-5004b8eee9bb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:49:39	215.114
-97	25057	2505700	aa81e701-71ef-450a-afaf-bcf1636dbb88	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:55:35	529.902
-97	50114	2505700	dd33a840-2faa-4630-909b-fa3c01b613f1	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:01:48	699.241
-98	25058	2505800	74946934-aaa2-4918-90da-702941578caf	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:05:29	-213.820
-98	50116	2505800	8f11180d-d15b-4727-bf32-b2d98c16b96d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:44:36	-963.11
-99	25059	2505900	abd704c0-020e-405f-92f6-44631154e263	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:03:25	-806.363
-99	50118	2505900	5f16e475-8ce5-49de-bd12-a369478157bc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:02:13	-238.67
-100	25060	2506000	1d067029-e9c2-4f46-81d3-f31e054d3d2c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:26:14	-623.887
-100	50120	2506000	ce57291c-3cae-46e8-bbb2-42dc26e23977	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:41:44	142.789
-101	25061	2506100	85a57583-1025-4ce4-9c1b-20e85a69637b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:04:52	46.390
-101	50122	2506100	18bf0b98-e6a1-4cac-98fb-305aece2d824	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:55:27	-770.173
-102	25062	2506200	613123c3-2543-488d-a76d-97edc73cad18	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:19:54	239.437
-102	50124	2506200	5726c6ac-28fe-4930-b938-3676bb1bd70c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:33:20	800.641
-103	25063	2506300	b135cac2-8ff0-42fb-ad08-bcf89eecbfe7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:49:24	-817.345
-103	50126	2506300	994fbb3b-27d8-4aeb-ae9c-9cb160866789	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:01:08	-678.135
-104	25064	2506400	992f3d88-8e9a-4077-9263-b3317775aec7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:21:19	-671.433
-104	50128	2506400	920b751d-77bd-47bc-86b0-871fdcc00a2b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:18:32	-229.478
-105	25065	2506500	fc5119b8-614d-4840-9f14-996a3c86382c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:26:38	-156.504
-105	50130	2506500	c10f49be-7ec7-4f1f-9e46-8edffb318472	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:28:41	3.323
-106	25066	2506600	f52c2d61-f89f-41a5-bb68-cd899c1b43c6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:10:47	691.238
-106	50132	2506600	68f65cec-6f7a-47b6-8ea0-1e721d902196	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:31:12	37.643
-107	25067	2506700	7f3140e8-a22b-4e97-9702-8bbaa846e939	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:48:14	389.430
-107	50134	2506700	89765ae0-b201-4418-a2db-2e5efffb0017	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:02:42	840.311
-108	25068	2506800	f6f5ad9e-f99c-4283-af9e-5dd7485c35c2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:39:48	251.267
-108	50136	2506800	df4c1804-4a22-4b6b-b86a-2eefd2d0c8a4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:54:21	-53.206
-109	25069	2506900	99a22f11-e0b0-4c24-9b6d-cb3f4893ff33	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:04:41	-864.42
-109	50138	2506900	c4d1d578-d3f1-4621-a3d7-3738cc8b90bf	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:53:08	-558.515
-110	25070	2507000	d3fed9ca-0890-44ae-97f7-964c23c5eec6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:30:56	174.682
-110	50140	2507000	0e8ec347-7ef1-446b-8e8c-89f62b61de52	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:31:06	-732.484
-111	25071	2507100	cd18e58d-c3fc-4a24-a8b0-901bca12c355	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:12:57	232.740
-111	50142	2507100	784e8768-d3d3-47b2-aa61-6db543414e3d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:45:21	677.363
-112	25072	2507200	9cf54ba7-732b-4aa7-ad29-c59766b8c52b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:50:52	727.292
-112	50144	2507200	6e0d393a-675b-4454-ad0f-d4c45fe6f38e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:47:45	-32.141
-113	25073	2507300	04edfdb0-19fa-46e1-b850-faf410a7f13e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:05:18	370.208
-113	50146	2507300	00e99f7e-f56b-499b-94e1-eadae86b536e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:49:42	-418.286
-114	25074	2507400	be957fd5-b15c-4563-8bc4-18554c1535a2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:52:16	-137.323
-114	50148	2507400	8958a426-e572-4fcf-af5b-58cc54c98b0a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:11:55	277.856
-115	25075	2507500	9f6c981a-9d7b-4872-ad86-009db5340bad	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:43:03	459.926
-115	50150	2507500	18014e7d-a4dd-4e56-85e9-a0d898ec5a09	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:46:35	-378.184
-116	25076	2507600	06527d64-dfe3-4cd5-b7ed-a0845dc14601	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:37:55	955.81
-116	50152	2507600	7aa15c63-b218-46bf-a92a-d13bd408523a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:31:07	219.967
-117	25077	2507700	d1b60a45-7b5a-462e-937d-512cc729973d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:34:56	-979.817
-117	50154	2507700	52e1fa25-e336-4bf6-9219-65fdcb2e0675	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:35:49	556.714
-118	25078	2507800	08de69d9-5e15-4833-b008-5981827ba6ab	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:52:11	875.119
-118	50156	2507800	9c141ae9-2236-4911-aa6d-2b04a410775a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:34:01	-457.861
-119	25079	2507900	65f113af-90c9-4b13-bb5c-0b18faf22674	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:30:07	-387.611
-119	50158	2507900	a78bf033-2ff0-42ce-b4d9-c87a82e7701f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:24:16	-128.472
-120	25080	2508000	207361d5-061f-4e06-a86c-71466cbd44da	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:47:21	-773.726
-120	50160	2508000	8cfd6982-c682-45af-8d8c-798fa2b6ccbb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:15:43	424.601
-121	25081	2508100	0ac8a20c-88e3-4e5e-a7d2-1a8e2a79bb88	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:57:29	985.602
-121	50162	2508100	55b50eb3-ce30-4d4b-b006-68659b20376f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:54:53	42.36
-122	25082	2508200	fa93e36b-e81a-44e8-848c-a21f7db4a3d1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:00:14	840.147
-122	50164	2508200	5bffe064-8962-456c-8274-8329fb930d7d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:16:51	540.808
-123	25083	2508300	6dbacf1d-cb57-4a9d-9afb-bae2d49e9140	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:47:11	-642.14
-123	50166	2508300	6fa08c53-0434-46ae-a559-28088c19c301	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:15:39	98.861
-124	25084	2508400	1c75da6d-ddb4-4ce0-9e63-294c3aef888b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:51:45	-584.54
-124	50168	2508400	69103df6-bc5f-4cb7-b089-1c1b7172395c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:54:37	17.859
-125	25085	2508500	942b3463-9d4a-4ffe-90f5-a0bc04755dd5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:42:59	596.675
-125	50170	2508500	56506e9b-eed7-4588-9923-800f6c6ffa05	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:12:51	747.237
-126	25086	2508600	578a4f99-c946-422c-a544-91f3312d012c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:02:54	584.340
-126	50172	2508600	c3c763ff-f764-4ca0-b206-b73623bf36d6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:54:48	-21.123
-127	25087	2508700	0812d197-ff4b-4ee7-94bc-8b7355d5f140	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:50:30	449.331
-127	50174	2508700	b79a5653-506c-43a8-93a1-d74e85efc869	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:46:19	530.870
-0	25088	2508800	d521e2bd-ac77-4538-9d67-f5837bfbdb34	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:32:34	-586.849
-0	50176	2508800	97baacb2-14bf-42dc-aeca-d09f3f464e91	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:06:55	-617.131
-1	25089	2508900	ae331df5-27d2-40b6-a38c-463a91c677c7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:25:01	-675.966
-1	50178	2508900	5c7c7d64-c8ad-4f3b-824c-baa6f0067a54	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:30:13	-698.12
-2	25090	2509000	05338166-bdd2-4f4f-b90c-a5e136863854	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:38:09	-208.416
-2	50180	2509000	83b4c433-da99-41dc-9cb5-e13f2fb59481	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:17:37	-841.780
-3	25091	2509100	5bb12579-c048-4597-b910-b4324558c23c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:41:54	79.50
-3	50182	2509100	9f6cdb52-dd11-4188-90b6-969accaa9dc4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:51:52	-92.440
-4	25092	2509200	615ab55b-c14d-4931-b427-558d5a099456	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:09:05	-526.230
-4	50184	2509200	fb38330c-7889-45a1-a115-166e6482388c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:03:20	-791.125
-5	25093	2509300	12f692c2-6860-4dec-8cfc-cb0371e8d1f4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:42:55	-395.223
-5	50186	2509300	9c4e260a-2727-4ab6-9f9b-edbb338985a1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:36:34	526.574
-6	25094	2509400	0a46dbfa-5744-46a2-abc7-7787856aaa60	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:57:02	588.70
-6	50188	2509400	601baf6b-fb84-4a37-ac23-1f67b6376f69	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:12:24	617.153
-7	25095	2509500	5b2b87e5-df51-4ea8-8a61-f33cfcbafadf	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:49:56	-82.241
-7	50190	2509500	eaf171a6-c11a-49c4-a2d9-b4943ebb1f11	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:46:18	315.582
-8	25096	2509600	e72d4e9d-5453-4ca6-80f2-02bf811d76c4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:44:31	490.371
-8	50192	2509600	b71a31bf-3dc8-458e-aa5c-dd49e05e67f2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:47:45	-355.0
-9	25097	2509700	7759d2b6-7d4a-4ccc-8cb2-ae01a16a237a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:53:24	-8.279
-9	50194	2509700	51e03672-67c6-4af3-b1e9-8c7a461229ba	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:33:59	-126.523
-10	25098	2509800	0b7cad33-61fa-4c50-894e-2cff0b459278	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:10:43	-512.590
-10	50196	2509800	b109e883-6f8d-4420-a7b0-de2b74202f7d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:32:03	165.691
-11	25099	2509900	b21d7917-1d2f-4058-a6c8-abd18ab168f0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:01:14	-533.837
-11	50198	2509900	9088c902-c70d-4b9c-a35e-ce530fe53d27	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:45:22	-320.878
-12	25100	2510000	5ef7e0a3-496b-4de9-932b-c1381aea898d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:39:04	151.719
-12	50200	2510000	adf4e4b7-cac6-4270-a4a2-253aade4d5f9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:37:31	-898.4
-13	25101	2510100	f52f662a-d2aa-4bb9-adb0-423a55cd77a3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:10:34	-678.123
-13	50202	2510100	f8bade89-fb37-4ef0-bce5-0e2d0d60cf78	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:29:54	-958.136
-14	25102	2510200	63d6371a-b39a-422c-975a-2372bf483fd6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:41:03	732.512
-14	50204	2510200	909791d5-81a9-478d-94bb-3d54099796ce	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:43:33	52.173
-15	25103	2510300	de36b819-d610-4360-97b9-2f2f581c85a3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:55:06	428.546
-15	50206	2510300	9c2d76e3-336b-4802-9d8b-58fc7e8ad774	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:03:16	320.546
-16	25104	2510400	c30b4068-8c1b-46e0-98b8-e063f3a33fc9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:32:56	-798.314
-16	50208	2510400	d7e1a57d-ee18-4230-8e65-cb463ee6b059	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:37:57	703.621
-17	25105	2510500	8a08d705-cecf-4b46-9dd0-638bfe31c1fc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:48:02	381.692
-17	50210	2510500	51033402-fdc2-4e5c-8853-345e4a3c6182	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:00:07	842.591
-18	25106	2510600	3eb70920-ec8e-4571-9ce9-d5a8d97541be	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:12:52	57.542
-18	50212	2510600	c64d160e-e748-467e-b9ee-e5f17d4a7536	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:23:02	-925.519
-19	25107	2510700	a4b989f7-3e84-4152-80a1-2573df3ede9e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:21:11	-971.176
-19	50214	2510700	f1958f8b-625f-4f2f-8e9c-48569aab7aa5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:34:42	-380.398
-20	25108	2510800	df1ff691-d82b-4c28-98d7-5200194492d2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:38:03	299.997
-20	50216	2510800	93033c29-2794-4b4e-9289-c8b9ad78fd6a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:18:08	11.6
-21	25109	2510900	385acc21-c9bb-4952-a3f8-1b6933ea3949	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:16:03	-6.768
-21	50218	2510900	95cbedf2-ae37-477e-b0fe-ce9119b15962	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:30:48	-609.471
-22	25110	2511000	5f5057af-a3a0-4555-9944-bed63bc73d4b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:31:59	615.604
-22	50220	2511000	a62ab1b6-41ba-40c8-a82d-662639476d91	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:07:07	157.490
-23	25111	2511100	4cde0764-c0be-4a40-a29a-d44f64973573	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:42:38	-733.853
-23	50222	2511100	f2743e61-075e-4c87-ad90-7420384150f2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:44:17	215.789
-24	25112	2511200	c52a52b5-58bf-43ab-8b35-2314079bd3c6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:13:32	173.320
-24	50224	2511200	071ed9fa-0ff7-4e3d-9db1-33ecc52c1b64	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:14:51	-379.123
-25	25113	2511300	8ec1d7c9-fe1f-432e-95f4-23f75c9e4f7a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:13:34	-951.694
-25	50226	2511300	e96f37ca-7d4a-4181-82d0-dff731698748	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:35:10	413.171
-26	25114	2511400	36c2cb00-3c49-457e-9d40-c94c932861da	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:31:43	-298.733
-26	50228	2511400	7d7462e1-cbd0-4dd2-9609-0aef3ae4e876	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:44:07	471.761
-27	25115	2511500	2eae7fdf-2d54-4e27-b1f8-d0c6b2154de9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:10:41	-249.229
-27	50230	2511500	32ad3bcc-1156-4c5e-ab20-cfaecfd43ec6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:47:43	-856.261
-28	25116	2511600	2b129f34-060b-49d6-bb2f-07c0e1a6150d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:33:21	367.999
-28	50232	2511600	d0852efb-1def-4fb6-9d36-84ad26a742d4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:59:55	-765.244
-29	25117	2511700	5f0b308e-bfb4-4238-9b74-22847c375341	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:40:16	116.665
-29	50234	2511700	4e40cc13-73e4-47d8-83f4-14bb8a8bb7d1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:41:40	402.544
-30	25118	2511800	cc752a7d-4a90-4ebc-b38b-8d310a6a62ed	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:42:54	627.490
-30	50236	2511800	36f9d262-b560-42d5-9dce-fc8e75ac8a79	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:58:25	497.925
-31	25119	2511900	eb4a3401-d338-46b1-8f1b-17c90a63a604	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:15:57	798.716
-31	50238	2511900	811c1f76-5828-4651-a79f-860954a683b7	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:38:03	735.767
-32	25120	2512000	4152f50c-44d3-4242-a16a-e036b38d3464	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:05:06	-787.335
-32	50240	2512000	0c506035-dafe-4fab-bf07-ce14f472f80d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:54:42	-345.115
-33	25121	2512100	e4da95ea-7d75-401f-a6b6-bd613cd836e3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:51:39	-869.35
-33	50242	2512100	977b0e81-2243-4224-a78f-548121de3965	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:37:26	365.888
-34	25122	2512200	e6fe7f5e-a412-4a7d-9c7e-ebb884c4872f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:43:14	-989.52
-34	50244	2512200	ab0d2e0f-9fc4-4fce-88ea-8c5a0df6649f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:15:36	-936.688
-35	25123	2512300	a91157d7-af80-4c18-be91-9faaa463e406	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:07:06	-941.455
-35	50246	2512300	4386d8be-0568-4e7f-a2e8-89c2f36e081f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:41:48	-483.731
-36	25124	2512400	f672ae00-3785-41ac-8298-59f30f819422	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:40:52	468.493
-36	50248	2512400	a789ea5c-2326-486a-8f38-e22f6f770eae	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:24:52	667.420
-37	25125	2512500	bd985c02-10c7-4d03-ab17-28375136e4ff	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:40:53	542.902
-37	50250	2512500	1d2c16eb-0c9e-470a-9fbb-682a08f787d7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:14:59	-419.235
-38	25126	2512600	dcccb876-af90-44b7-b153-4cc85e86071e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:51:38	-811.814
-38	50252	2512600	9a7ad7b8-67b9-4449-b64c-cc9f1bdd01e8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:49:15	9.85
-39	25127	2512700	51b85869-d09e-4308-86c7-425616d204c7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:08:39	-628.153
-39	50254	2512700	9c0e9691-3c65-4047-8e74-17668d69a12c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:45:50	263.861
-40	25128	2512800	ed41ed28-a737-46b3-b9fa-684f540eaa20	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:57:18	875.129
-40	50256	2512800	5009186e-fbf9-4b26-80cc-439ac97aa7d5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:21:29	958.17
-41	25129	2512900	6b34dbbf-2b2d-479a-806b-e3a78c160705	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:57:13	-325.458
-41	50258	2512900	205d1a3b-10e1-498e-a6b7-aa11ee71c94b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:53:12	-139.836
-42	25130	2513000	8e160614-7353-44ad-8104-ba8f875614b0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:05:33	-651.771
-42	50260	2513000	ea30788c-438c-4d92-88fa-f45773753dca	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:03:19	-843.333
-43	25131	2513100	2346b263-ee57-42a5-ad14-d1e086e7c572	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:55:14	-100.217
-43	50262	2513100	67f24a39-6d79-4c96-b33d-2281b7c52ab6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:18:42	291.522
-44	25132	2513200	9eb4b284-d89b-4c7e-95f8-8e0d659a1f9c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:05:15	-293.316
-44	50264	2513200	1f9fdbdd-1b08-4bc0-80d4-c3357dca898f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:50:02	771.486
-45	25133	2513300	914b526c-df46-456d-b4fa-8cb270c979a4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:54:22	209.260
-45	50266	2513300	f8606233-a70f-436e-976a-12152ccb4649	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:57:43	580.702
-46	25134	2513400	179f8b63-92bf-4d0d-a159-81638f288114	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:03:35	-412.975
-46	50268	2513400	4528049f-7a6a-4a91-8e6c-48c2fcb2ba8c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:12:36	-710.440
-47	25135	2513500	0f87083a-b750-45e1-bee4-7654a2746813	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:21:53	862.503
-47	50270	2513500	464ac565-ea74-4c9e-8570-ca25abd53986	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:34:49	898.673
-48	25136	2513600	b490ed48-c37c-4a95-ace6-04bf43e2991e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:27:08	-312.362
-48	50272	2513600	043d1b6e-170c-4248-b7ee-27e31527db69	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:13:37	-451.730
-49	25137	2513700	2dec16cd-64a4-47c1-a183-7811fca2b303	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:49:03	-73.568
-49	50274	2513700	05de87c1-fe42-4c06-964e-707a8b72b602	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:27:20	-23.667
-50	25138	2513800	b2fe4992-0e19-4601-b242-f4f315e3aa05	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:39:06	-891.711
-50	50276	2513800	68a6af94-d473-43aa-8461-e5f8f904e720	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:20:38	-221.83
-51	25139	2513900	f1da7598-7c66-4591-bbc2-b95466391979	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:02:11	964.45
-51	50278	2513900	1fa67118-204b-4c96-9d0c-3b7db05e9736	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:46:52	50.58
-52	25140	2514000	b9051095-b4e3-4cc4-80ad-ced16d281b1b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:29:00	740.991
-52	50280	2514000	7f840026-0535-4ab1-9d6f-e0b59968f42a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:45:31	-95.180
-53	25141	2514100	76794d32-234f-4057-9c73-5950917dc4b5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:40:56	825.934
-53	50282	2514100	38462a1b-fa1c-47e3-b5bc-32218d2f2bc2	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:50:31	-826.110
-54	25142	2514200	1303945f-0d80-4f21-a578-1c0ce4364ff7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:47:24	663.683
-54	50284	2514200	094e8a3a-e08f-4e2c-838d-17422abeb7f8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:31:49	-461.416
-55	25143	2514300	2233402d-8281-4c87-b680-345911f23e97	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:45:37	-909.915
-55	50286	2514300	32c356c4-e9a3-4ed8-8b54-2c5b066db3ca	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:49:05	582.6
-56	25144	2514400	97a6f8c6-7416-4ff2-95ab-6fc6dad19535	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:19:51	621.731
-56	50288	2514400	2c3bb112-513c-4b3b-8a01-4a197314e23a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:05:55	-762.73
-57	25145	2514500	e2c438ff-00e4-495e-bc66-476b27a93a73	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:24:05	469.564
-57	50290	2514500	c2ab3e6c-3e21-41ba-88bb-eb7695db2188	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:27:51	29.57
-58	25146	2514600	907e5e84-85b5-4dc6-9ad9-aa32ffc8d6dc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:54:54	186.85
-58	50292	2514600	55f98b4e-5edd-4619-bc0c-2c988eb1b969	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:53:02	255.592
-59	25147	2514700	f55b801a-7b49-4a23-b3e9-718cc2ff7f87	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:17:40	-377.79
-59	50294	2514700	4ca97ba0-abeb-42ab-ace7-566e69c2d0b7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:02:45	-207.79
-60	25148	2514800	5689d98e-b69e-4e19-b9e8-5ec032e40cc6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:41:43	654.229
-60	50296	2514800	144e36a2-76a0-406f-a226-bc6c0533574f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:52:29	427.894
-61	25149	2514900	9bd4841e-376f-45b2-9c68-f2516595ceaa	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:18:28	541.809
-61	50298	2514900	cc769394-f70a-4256-9d46-ff1834bf4d41	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:34:59	-207.170
-62	25150	2515000	04b64ff2-efd5-4e9e-84fb-48bb7b1e218c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:39:38	-955.436
-62	50300	2515000	fd8a74bc-4f78-435a-a83f-5b5eacc7fc3b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:35:27	445.974
-63	25151	2515100	8093df66-2d06-40cd-b0eb-437352f37b66	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:33:58	756.692
-63	50302	2515100	dd677357-9c7a-46cd-910c-1846916a7943	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:31:52	-190.835
-64	25152	2515200	b646b477-e113-4518-8f0d-64a5dd48a4f0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:27:55	-669.81
-64	50304	2515200	e11d47b4-b03f-4703-97f9-aa7cfa04df59	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:52:54	932.131
-65	25153	2515300	2ace8bf0-19d9-4398-8c38-637312088fa5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:24:55	983.205
-65	50306	2515300	4f21b1eb-bfa8-4a32-be8b-f49f64ce6698	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:08:24	50.324
-66	25154	2515400	897ff502-e9da-4c6e-80ff-5ba9c5f3511f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:30:29	40.18
-66	50308	2515400	9a62bd63-b43e-426f-a04d-5504a0a8ae2b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:59:45	67.923
-67	25155	2515500	a4217095-56bc-466e-9adb-9f31ba8dcc8d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:39:12	-604.387
-67	50310	2515500	c0b618e6-e45d-4703-9ed7-1d3ad01b4cc1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:46:46	366.138
-68	25156	2515600	98b48985-3d86-4445-ae67-c90b64d7f559	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:01:06	-453.484
-68	50312	2515600	7540736c-a218-4802-bcbc-0b46d525552a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:40:21	-994.855
-69	25157	2515700	6e590433-d27f-49e6-8b0f-99dc2a98523c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:55:16	106.334
-69	50314	2515700	5e9d83ff-061b-4dfc-823e-66058b081897	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:08:55	-511.292
-70	25158	2515800	b5ae386a-2b83-459d-86d5-027e71d4df34	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:08:04	-682.132
-70	50316	2515800	2c7ffc8a-9438-40f5-8bcb-6f82ef87bf52	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:16:20	-434.131
-71	25159	2515900	1ae3b5ca-67cb-4a47-864e-72b664f27110	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:45:10	528.364
-71	50318	2515900	5fe6a24b-8250-4128-bc6f-944e265ce03d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:05:07	334.906
-72	25160	2516000	264f6667-bda4-4a00-b2d7-e700a4f1c7f4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:23:07	-295.499
-72	50320	2516000	92b7ea40-f99a-4157-bdae-b76bb49921a4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:26:47	993.152
-73	25161	2516100	b0c32111-65db-4a7a-8cc8-3ac7971bc46b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:57:27	-793.744
-73	50322	2516100	01efc283-4148-4df5-83ad-f2bf4775d7c5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:28:15	102.25
-74	25162	2516200	c4cbf483-af6e-4b62-a509-7e4946ddcca0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:58:36	836.760
-74	50324	2516200	734ba00d-6755-41d4-b449-d563787c8d3b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:33:22	-111.497
-75	25163	2516300	8bc82ff9-c358-4ba8-924a-587113703222	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:07:42	827.577
-75	50326	2516300	f60f75e9-afe0-407a-bd13-48f1b1a2384b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:02:40	848.986
-76	25164	2516400	74cae62e-9bf7-47c2-be8a-ea3489886502	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:12:21	934.28
-76	50328	2516400	a1a5762b-7ef2-4f3f-b020-829a1ddcfeff	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:52:49	-683.822
-77	25165	2516500	6bb010ec-5b06-43fa-85fb-f6751e616d91	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:23:26	966.24
-77	50330	2516500	32f9425b-a80a-4191-9be1-e448c25e8550	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:34:19	-575.494
-78	25166	2516600	22d0dedd-fe5b-4e83-8749-76cd797fb85e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:19:07	-960.305
-78	50332	2516600	ba97bbde-439c-41f8-b802-e28c494760a6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:48:45	331.767
-79	25167	2516700	03de6450-6dcb-4a16-9dcc-0a2b57486c01	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:23:27	-924.53
-79	50334	2516700	3c9ba6b4-a220-453a-b9cf-6b0f0e76d17f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:15:26	-276.392
-80	25168	2516800	24491bb5-8dc8-4817-b4d2-5f35634ae6bc	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:19:19	-274.155
-80	50336	2516800	9ceb28bc-642b-4a48-8255-4ee1a87e6b28	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:13:22	84.26
-81	25169	2516900	fc40c70a-3f31-40b9-bb3a-a95f36beba42	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:25:47	-841.778
-81	50338	2516900	69170f94-57f7-46ae-a079-b12540216956	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:25:48	-102.78
-82	25170	2517000	130ab279-02ea-416e-840f-abf839d1dc64	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:35:07	-138.124
-82	50340	2517000	bdfb0f30-28f4-45bf-ba68-8aa57c68e264	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:27:02	131.865
-83	25171	2517100	f42232ec-e5ff-4d86-b6b1-7403a296d27b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:47:54	762.744
-83	50342	2517100	f733166b-46c5-434c-a1bd-c0e1c0f02131	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:23:52	-116.35
-84	25172	2517200	47cfa919-f6c1-4b43-8802-d99ac55f4213	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:19:23	-722.772
-84	50344	2517200	7e848799-4b1b-48d4-bbf5-1405d069149d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:01:50	257.279
-85	25173	2517300	9b7ff94c-0f6c-48ba-97d5-4f608bcde6fe	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:19:44	620.848
-85	50346	2517300	c54911e1-c993-4b59-a236-42fc7617f83f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:47:00	-903.376
-86	25174	2517400	e4fe4161-0cb3-4164-8de7-39dbfaabc0dd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:09:28	-271.664
-86	50348	2517400	8b4767cb-d195-4a92-adee-4bcadcaf33ca	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:36:40	959.599
-87	25175	2517500	b73befdf-9c8c-4ceb-8e9d-6dc97b39a9c3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:12:22	-816.64
-87	50350	2517500	d0378067-795a-4129-8f3a-63408f904de9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:17:04	816.275
-88	25176	2517600	b2393e0b-35ee-4de9-a660-cd6ab741a8e2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:22:50	-787.342
-88	50352	2517600	d0a3f6d5-cf33-451a-8817-e683801f8415	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:30:53	-356.252
-89	25177	2517700	a0ebaa81-dc0d-4469-a883-e9e18e8b059c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:48:10	405.587
-89	50354	2517700	4a3f9914-93b9-469a-a22d-81dc35570faf	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:43:26	-907.573
-90	25178	2517800	be38343e-4d5f-460d-8fc5-094530af610f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:19:22	-944.351
-90	50356	2517800	214f9c8f-2821-4852-b1a9-8148594cc1f4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:59:49	441.197
-91	25179	2517900	73cf3288-e202-4e78-b700-1d227f5506f2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:05:39	865.568
-91	50358	2517900	efd7181b-23c6-4224-b249-c8efc40bc89d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:29:56	-345.887
-92	25180	2518000	b5a63f09-ff07-4baa-bbe9-f5758e597e25	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:46:06	-596.232
-92	50360	2518000	8fc07698-c67a-4e00-ba6d-63b5a84f0363	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:08:10	455.636
-93	25181	2518100	11347a95-5759-4293-82e5-06d9164ba588	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:16:26	-312.542
-93	50362	2518100	41002a78-a1e2-49e1-be16-8fd07adbddfa	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:35:41	533.563
-94	25182	2518200	84981baf-6666-4539-9fb6-e2c8b1e3b6c2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:45:30	-623.419
-94	50364	2518200	a661be28-09c1-418d-b46b-6daf5d1ac32e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:10:47	933.92
-95	25183	2518300	2565571f-a296-4e72-b2ed-4fa947df4187	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:56:18	-432.228
-95	50366	2518300	8f51f904-4d10-4162-85a3-f7dd2e0281c9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:35:12	-798.699
-96	25184	2518400	96c1b134-a561-46a2-bf89-3e9431d92295	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:14:17	255.781
-96	50368	2518400	b15a998e-c88e-4d2c-a10c-1f529051267c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:40:45	-770.843
-97	25185	2518500	16d11273-91c2-4638-aed2-d1e56dc7f2a2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:22:19	-884.887
-97	50370	2518500	366873ae-92ef-48b6-99a9-81bfe3067bf5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:17:27	-406.74
-98	25186	2518600	66b47ae7-6b3d-49d2-a2f7-f824dc298abe	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:00:08	780.376
-98	50372	2518600	52f14fd6-8f8b-4ce3-996f-23c46eec5d36	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:53:51	981.451
-99	25187	2518700	28e5feff-b88f-4c32-8462-cdadf9164712	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:37:45	-231.91
-99	50374	2518700	0c9143de-fa88-4ca4-9568-e70da23bf576	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:55:07	212.1
-100	25188	2518800	dadf41ee-98ed-4e95-8c13-e33988b34695	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:03:35	-12.769
-100	50376	2518800	884a3867-1274-4446-9e74-cd67c4c8caf9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:05:18	193.890
-101	25189	2518900	9da340b4-daf3-4df6-9f57-56949686ba7c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:03:42	-314.856
-101	50378	2518900	23726b61-cd14-4ffc-93d1-d6c62d7b482f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:15:49	-995.144
-102	25190	2519000	c08a453c-36c9-4836-99d2-ecfcb2667647	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:51:50	62.575
-102	50380	2519000	90d6bd10-3e92-4ee2-8b93-793a4e530929	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:02:31	-976.960
-103	25191	2519100	2104fc35-00c0-4ca6-aa02-4b2cf36225e6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:34:52	647.189
-103	50382	2519100	f188438b-0ec5-4671-875e-9a361a565da6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:03:46	990.16
-104	25192	2519200	51981a21-a96a-44fc-b7ce-0261b1abf19e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:11:54	929.189
-104	50384	2519200	333f488d-a1e5-42c4-a91d-5a99bf4e4cd5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:29:24	542.978
-105	25193	2519300	b3a66ef3-9f0d-46e7-8865-f18176cb9df3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:25:53	-320.325
-105	50386	2519300	0716ad64-cb37-4af8-bbb6-1baed64f99c3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:18:54	597.962
-106	25194	2519400	3338e636-ca30-44bc-99d2-09365cebb9c3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:17:33	583.80
-106	50388	2519400	ad729103-62be-49ed-b250-898586216f09	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:41:22	-391.590
-107	25195	2519500	c3f849d5-7c35-4e27-8ba7-50ae0b658a24	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:28:07	-906.680
-107	50390	2519500	0ca60a4e-62af-48c8-bfde-3a64fd0383ab	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:48:18	-613.774
-108	25196	2519600	ee5684cd-d725-48d1-8446-95d5bf2561e4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:13:29	-521.8
-108	50392	2519600	38f0bacf-c7aa-4c4e-8b4d-deafa6f6d84f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:52:06	883.878
-109	25197	2519700	0f662056-db2c-4ca2-98d8-6026ae4b906e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:20:34	930.618
-109	50394	2519700	d37fcdfd-518b-4a26-a986-944ea930ff82	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:42:36	400.90
-110	25198	2519800	f183bd67-02de-4040-8871-f694383705ed	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:55:45	134.320
-110	50396	2519800	d4374345-424f-4255-a824-b1a0ff8665fe	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:36:15	699.711
-111	25199	2519900	a2ad32a2-ee49-4776-9726-0a8537174f5f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:41:41	921.822
-111	50398	2519900	dd2ef5f5-1ffa-4495-97c2-294b4031773d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:22:13	852.535
-112	25200	2520000	c487d77f-9d67-4099-a1db-aa4cd128c3c4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:34:57	-562.828
-112	50400	2520000	d7607e46-b97a-4751-80e7-1eb43d7b4016	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:08:55	791.690
-113	25201	2520100	78cf70da-6faf-4f69-9b17-302753a085c9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:09:39	903.978
-113	50402	2520100	794c1b0a-fc34-41f3-93a5-bee05a5edfc8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:04:33	-92.825
-114	25202	2520200	6e676559-a36c-48fd-8597-b94e74a0da8a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:04:33	728.746
-114	50404	2520200	ae107afb-06d1-4eac-9325-affa6bb047e1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:47:52	514.940
-115	25203	2520300	8cfe6555-c3b0-4690-9290-5104dd96873e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:37:40	-940.126
-115	50406	2520300	5b8b59b5-1bf8-4c61-9926-97e7c82d70bd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:20:41	-455.738
-116	25204	2520400	be28ef82-8c57-42fa-aa44-6642fa63421c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:40:07	-184.777
-116	50408	2520400	9c5f7435-3f64-400b-b59f-1fb2b8ad9b69	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:29:20	-595.336
-117	25205	2520500	3499de2a-7490-43a8-b8c8-2ef60914dea6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:10:40	-344.378
-117	50410	2520500	81393675-a5e8-4313-81c3-d04fbb2fc2cc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:31:41	738.734
-118	25206	2520600	bbb0b3fa-cf2a-4fc5-abf2-52adc9bf822d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:50:37	568.37
-118	50412	2520600	653dbf7d-27ba-4bb3-a6cb-884c24a22e5b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:54:11	279.890
-119	25207	2520700	295adf25-7271-4ed3-b094-91787ff6f486	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:02:13	92.787
-119	50414	2520700	1a3ac282-e924-4435-855c-15389907059b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:30:59	-771.849
-120	25208	2520800	476853e8-5e9f-4b83-a222-cf7e3c754556	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:39:24	-553.537
-120	50416	2520800	8779fb74-9099-44fd-b8a3-4fe5999e0c78	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:25:46	280.36
-121	25209	2520900	2a8c5784-141d-40d8-b4c0-b9f5414e9718	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:47:48	-173.396
-121	50418	2520900	b31af014-5b56-43f9-9fe5-e7c5e9922538	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:35:53	416.477
-122	25210	2521000	d5900a22-6a97-434f-a5f7-bf51bc89401a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:52:31	840.438
-122	50420	2521000	ccfe78c4-6999-45b3-8e87-842fd134b803	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:06:35	709.356
-123	25211	2521100	c04275f6-a243-4732-b12e-01eecb2fdbbd	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:51:54	893.213
-123	50422	2521100	8adc7f5d-2c2f-4b3a-84ae-754c624a6e02	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:30:33	282.811
-124	25212	2521200	e1a085d8-86e2-4a8d-a1ca-45c6f33ef6e4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:46:28	438.159
-124	50424	2521200	ae1d48fa-c57e-4f62-a868-3c376a289b76	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:01:16	-834.21
-125	25213	2521300	db15720f-baab-4865-be20-5023c1096f90	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:51:10	622.103
-125	50426	2521300	d3adaccd-2f5b-4ae8-bfc6-ed51f35d3a3e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:12:11	-437.901
-126	25214	2521400	4fed8c4c-85ae-403d-bc83-8eda7f861470	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:26:57	750.187
-126	50428	2521400	ba99a86a-d529-4e8a-bc53-65e9f19f4359	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:37:05	657.655
-127	25215	2521500	41ff57ed-3577-408c-a387-213ec60aaa9d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:47:30	996.846
-127	50430	2521500	0fb0c412-e0dd-4765-950a-ee4bcf9bd9e7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:19:59	-633.328
-0	25216	2521600	c71627b2-d23c-4ba9-ac9f-85771a7cc4bc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:00:17	125.942
-0	50432	2521600	e4b473d7-9456-4733-8c60-75f8fb7d4d87	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:16:26	923.471
-1	25217	2521700	ae4337a4-9c3c-423b-b013-67c917d2d4e0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:27:49	79.169
-1	50434	2521700	109fa064-4f2e-41f5-bb93-4ef57dbd2f5a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:09:57	-12.758
-2	25218	2521800	aa3cb085-3f38-4bc1-bb73-46e19da3d8e2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:42:35	803.834
-2	50436	2521800	45d438ca-7802-4beb-83ac-7a3f6dd12ab6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:35:13	223.588
-3	25219	2521900	6c688368-1d42-4d9d-8ee3-da08017d75a9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:35:43	-474.29
-3	50438	2521900	eb9ea1a4-5edd-4c77-a720-08773ae93160	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:08:28	-375.525
-4	25220	2522000	59905fe6-bbb3-49bf-b5ec-2977f17e0e9b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:38:20	-934.443
-4	50440	2522000	8f5a6910-b839-49a6-85f7-ba9f7068632f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:06:17	440.106
-5	25221	2522100	25215f8b-8fcd-49e4-90b9-95076adec972	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:10:51	981.607
-5	50442	2522100	5bc3afcd-745d-4026-bf15-980456bc1aaf	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:19:36	532.920
-6	25222	2522200	62390343-88cb-4594-a0ee-a3a8ef2fac07	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:17:18	-506.562
-6	50444	2522200	f0e875e4-c598-4295-b93c-4b8850bfabb9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:22:24	403.94
-7	25223	2522300	11218d07-3afc-4bd0-8798-f0de236f3457	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:39:20	-723.978
-7	50446	2522300	cd3a0829-ec70-4dc0-951f-530b9e164c4d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:05:48	893.959
-8	25224	2522400	fc9e1516-d50e-4aad-93bf-411de7eb0ed7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:08:13	847.971
-8	50448	2522400	66ef0602-2e3b-44ec-8008-3f2f6788bdce	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:34:24	-398.467
-9	25225	2522500	792bc6ec-2c9e-4612-aa6a-4f774cea7a5a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:24:13	552.341
-9	50450	2522500	b18abc08-9e52-4351-b611-0af0e92b56ca	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:39:15	-392.760
-10	25226	2522600	4a011455-abbd-49a9-b383-74c244ef154d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:40:49	941.283
-10	50452	2522600	06853435-b525-4220-b898-bd51c76b2615	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:27:12	-901.532
-11	25227	2522700	dccc98df-4915-4c74-a7ed-ebf6651095ef	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:31:01	148.994
-11	50454	2522700	e9cf492a-f1f5-49ad-b434-752c78c38203	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:27:45	886.655
-12	25228	2522800	df295eb7-c56a-4917-8914-b2737fd691c8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:38:47	224.255
-12	50456	2522800	01ae4089-737b-4df3-8cde-93156bdb974e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:24:30	-12.226
-13	25229	2522900	78debf3e-bb73-4b0f-9de9-21dfe6af26cf	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:19:49	-898.3
-13	50458	2522900	7c7a2221-39a0-47d2-92bc-53e083bc1bf8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:22:17	802.885
-14	25230	2523000	ee3d9595-e6d2-4eed-a13b-68ec67b88992	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:58:15	-878.798
-14	50460	2523000	1dfaccf3-4213-4661-8489-14bac0237977	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:56:24	-779.613
-15	25231	2523100	e8e1a995-4889-461b-832f-3723915fe7bb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:19:24	-755.914
-15	50462	2523100	136fb00e-e9f9-499a-becf-94579888ceb2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:50:29	152.190
-16	25232	2523200	08152739-9521-401b-8753-39f8edb51de3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:54:46	724.371
-16	50464	2523200	384b2d81-431d-440f-938c-b0d5f450ecae	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:33:50	-53.942
-17	25233	2523300	dfc48935-a98a-4108-9b50-6e840aa411a0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:34:28	610.956
-17	50466	2523300	8f43a420-09f6-42ad-a2ef-12d62a13b406	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:56:56	-422.744
-18	25234	2523400	ac1620c0-710c-466a-8d57-e8c364ccd54b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:19:04	954.874
-18	50468	2523400	7ef58f29-8cb8-4e10-a62f-15d93d0af199	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:39:05	268.620
-19	25235	2523500	551d4762-e6fe-4d2d-98e8-e44cffe8e5bc	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:56:19	-739.505
-19	50470	2523500	1ff5f795-a9a3-4962-ba4e-0fc19f33e8db	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:03:31	736.399
-20	25236	2523600	bd05fda6-4e21-4587-a029-2bc66d707402	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:51:29	190.201
-20	50472	2523600	df7f3a42-2c15-4ced-a50c-ac7a36dfd3c9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:23:04	-771.287
-21	25237	2523700	de921a3e-5577-4413-b464-8fef4c7e2ff1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:54:45	886.5
-21	50474	2523700	541cdca2-ccb8-4a16-bcb7-47d4a98b58be	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:49:17	-179.558
-22	25238	2523800	76701682-330b-4293-bf05-79448c397da3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:22:34	-453.598
-22	50476	2523800	be9bf7db-8dfd-41e8-aa30-4e1b08814fbd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:43:45	-770.820
-23	25239	2523900	a7a74631-3e8d-491c-9fbb-7248563c85eb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:42:32	-648.445
-23	50478	2523900	d09b9695-d6fb-44bb-a14e-ed8c69b41715	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:00:02	-416.245
-24	25240	2524000	23fcee81-5265-4365-803b-235b099b9706	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:00:02	-676.980
-24	50480	2524000	a4225fbc-3225-4ea4-8ee0-2d6ac4381c20	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:38:58	-921.326
-25	25241	2524100	323c4d5b-66fa-40c2-b10f-4155a91c23ed	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:54:45	211.570
-25	50482	2524100	4dac9910-3b97-49bf-af63-158e1def7b82	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:21:36	992.784
-26	25242	2524200	2626dfe3-51b9-48c2-9ccb-f821709b9845	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:18:41	-844.739
-26	50484	2524200	7ffe3848-e33c-4793-9737-5db75f7176e9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:35:06	602.898
-27	25243	2524300	fc03b7bf-6e5e-400c-a1fc-51d03cb57ac2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:09:03	-702.222
-27	50486	2524300	4f60cea0-83fd-4158-9e49-5d6877d1282c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:06:31	165.893
-28	25244	2524400	ee9b675d-a1e8-48ea-a626-a5dca64b703f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:25:01	625.763
-28	50488	2524400	dd20cf70-0982-4767-b715-5e615969fb8f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:34:58	-293.179
-29	25245	2524500	63d7a756-2ba4-4e29-8c59-d4740db8feff	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:38:36	571.33
-29	50490	2524500	b374861b-972e-4890-8cbc-a7fa5493f67c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:18:25	879.373
-30	25246	2524600	d7df948f-804a-4a70-a5b2-1a909bdf4d57	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:52:55	-320.399
-30	50492	2524600	d8a0148e-166b-491c-a4f8-168b503cf030	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:29:09	87.193
-31	25247	2524700	32a0b2c0-4b84-43f5-b8cb-7be432f55efa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:56:45	-322.969
-31	50494	2524700	c3cf15b5-a3b1-49b8-9655-2c7e87f71859	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:36:14	622.128
-32	25248	2524800	ceb17bdf-6d96-47d2-b2b0-6ab9cd10d694	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:17:16	434.342
-32	50496	2524800	702d95e1-fc7d-48d7-8f27-bce2b99d3b56	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:37:05	742.435
-33	25249	2524900	044c508b-624a-4c20-b465-1029b270c30f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:13:02	0.175
-33	50498	2524900	d95da323-ab89-4d5d-a51f-5c8fb2b150d7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:57:33	-362.618
-34	25250	2525000	0f7bb807-7f17-40d1-a873-701b60e0790b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:18:32	-949.881
-34	50500	2525000	e6bf1cbd-650d-409e-8252-d7ae70f8e11e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:47:14	-95.167
-35	25251	2525100	ca296ac3-d9b9-49b2-a786-b80486eb91be	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:10:29	-593.418
-35	50502	2525100	d7d7e369-a9df-4cfc-b0dd-d13511808976	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:40:42	-950.384
-36	25252	2525200	f3d6e2a8-45df-408c-b439-7e62b22321ae	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:50:30	559.438
-36	50504	2525200	23c40fcf-fc5b-4953-b5cc-9d2867ad1f16	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:29:21	-220.934
-37	25253	2525300	64edc123-491b-48f7-9a9d-125165232950	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:05:26	-279.565
-37	50506	2525300	f8c3b42b-a580-4ede-9886-ee7bc1893136	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:49:28	-293.488
-38	25254	2525400	37da11f6-f0fc-4233-896b-1666dad7a617	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:33:41	-976.269
-38	50508	2525400	0b94d894-a7e8-4291-819a-aabc90c4e2cc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:01:58	-616.669
-39	25255	2525500	1f977564-6037-49b3-9a5c-05ce6c816384	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:36:45	418.824
-39	50510	2525500	37fc8f59-b287-4ee1-a7e3-06ae7a6ddbee	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:20:25	-690.553
-40	25256	2525600	b51bbb13-cc4a-4e47-8a62-edd88fd62045	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:52:56	-320.508
-40	50512	2525600	dab5f326-ded0-45ce-b5dc-3a9e4a839a2b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:58:51	343.358
-41	25257	2525700	a8c619ee-a272-4b74-8dc9-ec2ecc8d32cf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:10:14	533.662
-41	50514	2525700	93f9c934-9553-4c99-b083-7592df4907b8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:42:52	7.156
-42	25258	2525800	008084f6-3120-415d-9bae-d27327f94496	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:43:37	655.147
-42	50516	2525800	b14bb991-993c-45d9-a59a-15d8cb333923	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:19:59	531.7
-43	25259	2525900	d5ad3a48-e740-4dc4-8e5c-08ba48d30b06	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:50:54	533.237
-43	50518	2525900	ee8984fb-6b91-4abe-9960-c2c0f9416644	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:45:45	305.46
-44	25260	2526000	9b208898-c8ba-4ab9-8f4e-956a37ea2bd9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:26:01	-744.761
-44	50520	2526000	f3e6ea80-f5b5-475d-ab5d-11a5188af349	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:39:55	250.686
-45	25261	2526100	e1a4a34a-4df1-4b5b-b4a5-5d6b79ccef11	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:49:07	-355.66
-45	50522	2526100	46c70676-8aec-4ed4-a78b-a8644986c544	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:36:44	-138.385
-46	25262	2526200	bffcc0a7-ac9e-4541-acb5-79dd3e437d37	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:13:09	701.558
-46	50524	2526200	663a0e53-a00d-4896-8920-36e0faefbba1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:23:10	382.42
-47	25263	2526300	967e9158-0f12-4803-ab86-1c3107750d6d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:33:03	925.279
-47	50526	2526300	4fa8847b-36c4-4304-8d9b-d958b5d1d282	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:54:59	-512.387
-48	25264	2526400	21583b99-9530-4154-b7c7-ef26d6316d00	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:24:53	-54.49
-48	50528	2526400	08c2451d-83a0-4e8c-b60e-fdb003900ae1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:43:04	648.788
-49	25265	2526500	dff2a97d-e67d-49ef-ba14-2e085b431412	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:41:30	256.104
-49	50530	2526500	dfe2d75c-6cee-477e-b22c-d8f5bd29837f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:07:23	401.944
-50	25266	2526600	fd5839fe-08db-4d59-9ad1-ac04ec28d3d4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:15:00	820.585
-50	50532	2526600	8e19b179-763d-4e50-8ece-b0037af8a1a3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:31:12	939.459
-51	25267	2526700	bcdf4b7f-d090-4e0d-814d-1532c2879875	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:09:52	635.778
-51	50534	2526700	c5ff6d4a-ea3b-4c05-9ac1-efc00d412cf1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:30:51	-677.379
-52	25268	2526800	608140a8-ec01-4691-86c3-58adf909cbd6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:31:49	678.139
-52	50536	2526800	6ce7bd71-d590-4665-ae76-b1c2062beeb4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:04:59	75.128
-53	25269	2526900	82e4cab2-6468-4d0d-ac90-e7ba0d9a7b0a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:51:30	-884.389
-53	50538	2526900	44326f24-b245-4f06-96f8-079a1ae0c8a2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:50:43	-102.495
-54	25270	2527000	f1949826-45bb-4524-954c-aa92ea0c7beb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:52:51	554.846
-54	50540	2527000	b5193d1d-fc22-43ab-85bf-0bc52e3980f3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:20:38	-732.972
-55	25271	2527100	73c6a143-22ac-4cd7-b596-d1c6a095cca0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:57:18	-776.608
-55	50542	2527100	6850b345-2384-499d-9899-2d9fbe481ac0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:38:41	217.777
-56	25272	2527200	ec541e38-77a7-4106-ad36-d66d571178f1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:55:21	794.184
-56	50544	2527200	95209001-04be-4e2b-b76c-659aaf3d5b8d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:55:07	-60.52
-57	25273	2527300	4b1fc5e7-e616-4f29-a41a-88e79f2b7101	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:58:30	935.682
-57	50546	2527300	ac77d380-aa17-4a60-9b6b-e0c20506561e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:09:57	679.238
-58	25274	2527400	3e7704ee-f110-4747-a877-20d865328e58	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:06:50	-3.821
-58	50548	2527400	268d298a-4958-43ec-8498-6dad93c7df21	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:18:35	115.612
-59	25275	2527500	88c8c86f-fe99-4a04-870a-4d99ab63ba11	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:30:38	-784.239
-59	50550	2527500	a3522426-e62d-487e-8345-bec93e923048	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:37:20	-346.248
-60	25276	2527600	b7d07c49-6ab3-44cc-8bf8-0e46776e4b94	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:29:37	750.175
-60	50552	2527600	c29dd428-b3c5-4333-a854-2aa0be0858f4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:49:07	408.439
-61	25277	2527700	e8740fd6-2818-456c-99fb-6bcb0521a852	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:41:11	997.283
-61	50554	2527700	d1917ca1-0b42-4c6c-a2cc-8d892b26ec46	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:36:10	-809.5
-62	25278	2527800	1395598d-a8f0-4444-bf25-bdcfc860b4bc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:20:13	-268.591
-62	50556	2527800	1c7b1721-bd80-4aa1-8432-c8b8b32ffc59	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:54:40	291.4
-63	25279	2527900	ffa190e0-8113-4cd4-8a1a-8bbb74b2f0d1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:14:52	-735.279
-63	50558	2527900	b230c770-7445-4778-a6de-2c460652649d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:40:53	242.73
-64	25280	2528000	cd375a71-1d7b-4803-97b5-1d49638654f3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:31:55	667.502
-64	50560	2528000	a1a774e5-b0c2-404a-a640-f72fd408cf0b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:30:49	-339.834
-65	25281	2528100	74ab121a-f200-4f47-bc2c-83ed5fa18d2e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:43:54	-285.217
-65	50562	2528100	0c7d37f9-9374-4f7d-a26a-5f262ecf3a5e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:50:51	-421.251
-66	25282	2528200	6ecb6db8-3f23-4aca-80da-1f67cbef6a7c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:47:32	-461.750
-66	50564	2528200	36ecc3d9-e79d-462d-ac27-52609753d7f3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:54:08	140.351
-67	25283	2528300	bfba9e56-2ff8-48b6-8fab-08e1db151b27	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:14:06	770.232
-67	50566	2528300	40187b7f-1d0b-4300-b6fc-8c971ded24a3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:06:41	-299.659
-68	25284	2528400	f0dae73a-5d82-4826-ba00-8987da9da6b7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:01:00	893.582
-68	50568	2528400	c714ea41-dbb1-4e16-820c-35266c15898f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:49:02	117.473
-69	25285	2528500	026dd2f1-1f97-4598-9af2-92c183bd762a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:34:25	-117.360
-69	50570	2528500	14812e24-0534-4bd1-a53c-823e262e5ff7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:45:09	-2.480
-70	25286	2528600	0898d956-d8f0-49b3-8db8-841627dbea94	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:00:59	-946.492
-70	50572	2528600	ba6bbe58-d0e4-421c-b119-260091b75ab8	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:40:57	958.305
-71	25287	2528700	578c995e-c3bf-4e24-890c-ed2f051f0b7b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:19:56	-571.251
-71	50574	2528700	612078c0-83f3-43cb-a5e3-f32a896a3ecb	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:58:49	239.346
-72	25288	2528800	2de68220-5069-43b4-a569-b5961bf15a52	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:37:11	-835.629
-72	50576	2528800	36c58ba9-eee6-4065-b47f-97b097d9113c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:01:53	6.685
-73	25289	2528900	78512172-9e96-474d-8325-0a37f7215ae4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:17:30	-970.923
-73	50578	2528900	458094a1-985e-4104-9764-2442da356c12	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:02:26	219.370
-74	25290	2529000	4db8cd47-7715-48bb-94bd-e9358a2452c1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:22:37	708.573
-74	50580	2529000	1ba7eb33-c4c4-43c2-83c6-eccd93c49da6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:09:10	-690.705
-75	25291	2529100	530c9fd4-2688-4d0e-ad76-878c596305d1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:03:29	621.298
-75	50582	2529100	c8b03a41-1b98-47dd-98be-38ccd50b3fda	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:08:10	-148.172
-76	25292	2529200	4eeae6ce-06e0-4579-8dd4-b505d53521a4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:01:20	667.744
-76	50584	2529200	4c39809d-6d06-421d-9c3b-c41f27b0154b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:06:25	862.718
-77	25293	2529300	4316a0e6-f5bd-4450-9e43-ba059345d5aa	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:25:14	228.486
-77	50586	2529300	88cef96f-3de1-422c-891f-e6d93c8a198d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:09:37	419.214
-78	25294	2529400	6adffb83-015a-48eb-9aeb-aa6565a8288a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:03:26	-756.556
-78	50588	2529400	f95562cf-e859-4b73-9d48-cd6fb80d48f9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:15:29	-232.815
-79	25295	2529500	c0e4c5ee-91af-47d2-9495-df017ac4e45f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:06:55	-798.541
-79	50590	2529500	502ffefb-ee1c-4a90-99ce-b35bc459b507	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:03:55	753.957
-80	25296	2529600	0029f2f9-fcda-4eab-b70a-7615bb3fffef	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:46:02	-783.983
-80	50592	2529600	8eeab7bc-9193-4859-bcc1-a0b40f3bb62d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:03:07	-478.514
-81	25297	2529700	443b67c1-161c-4b2f-a21b-593babb934d5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:45:25	747.25
-81	50594	2529700	c0831662-b4d9-405a-9ce7-fbb18c1c7d28	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:10:49	592.304
-82	25298	2529800	f69b5903-d7b2-4dcb-9859-593e7d0f00bd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:50:55	70.634
-82	50596	2529800	e27a6cd7-4a08-44f7-950c-fd6d2bde45b4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:13:11	386.544
-83	25299	2529900	c2d34264-4d8b-4050-ae42-118ffaa0bb81	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:12:15	-104.503
-83	50598	2529900	cb6614b3-f342-4462-af34-7074c7a66139	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:37:55	-978.492
-84	25300	2530000	69ec9a6f-dd41-4672-887a-cd99063b96d1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:20:52	-345.505
-84	50600	2530000	df747b18-f661-4cee-a045-66908de37635	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:27:19	56.631
-85	25301	2530100	94bb29cb-6923-40cc-b3a3-b72fb74f0a69	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:46:38	879.301
-85	50602	2530100	06a53700-c5a6-4f76-af5a-56177441d2b6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:49:59	-292.358
-86	25302	2530200	d58d9c9f-4d3f-4f4a-9544-67c0477515b3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:22:13	415.368
-86	50604	2530200	c85c6477-313f-4d11-9df9-1529fe5db5d7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:46:40	-993.56
-87	25303	2530300	cef434b2-5e05-492c-b4d8-b133fb43bbee	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:56:48	-400.67
-87	50606	2530300	9b3f5cbd-92e5-4f5e-b23f-b5ab14baa672	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:57:20	-677.461
-88	25304	2530400	b3982413-3555-4798-8051-caa928fd3d3d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:20:27	89.167
-88	50608	2530400	f00159e3-569c-4c12-9a6f-79b09216bc18	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:05:26	373.276
-89	25305	2530500	3a841037-1250-4a37-8d35-e433c4713795	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:01:27	-461.896
-89	50610	2530500	ad77227c-705c-48ba-8e82-f8ddd8b32015	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:40:49	809.74
-90	25306	2530600	45a18a0c-7d7b-4f50-8b1d-ae6c1dd797d3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:20:35	401.44
-90	50612	2530600	fbac936a-4da8-427c-b4f8-e648f524177e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:13:14	581.371
-91	25307	2530700	df173d39-faa9-44c0-bdcd-f1543a5d16d0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:34:40	-325.649
-91	50614	2530700	7adc3cb8-842c-44ea-aaf7-7c9ddcc4ad12	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:11:21	934.305
-92	25308	2530800	2fb1e5c9-f001-446b-aa69-251ce09c12f1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:03:14	261.43
-92	50616	2530800	fbfdc17e-e41e-48b2-8ed8-4064cfa06477	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:55:20	455.347
-93	25309	2530900	adb7361e-9934-4e78-813f-86f47c4d9b76	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:28:00	400.740
-93	50618	2530900	8892ec1d-d842-40eb-9b1b-0f9aca704b8b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:01:28	466.128
-94	25310	2531000	c9529b52-9bbb-4c21-aae8-c467a1ec1f4b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:53:03	-465.499
-94	50620	2531000	d5c7b2bd-0d88-4176-a146-40e506ca74cd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:23:16	-932.662
-95	25311	2531100	555dfd43-8a91-4783-b6c7-ffd451ee15e5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:51:07	558.956
-95	50622	2531100	0e8af6f0-a92d-4f51-88e3-7c3e1f49b7c7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:15:00	556.472
-96	25312	2531200	2e2ccb19-4f74-45cd-9c84-be0405af770c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:49:19	39.948
-96	50624	2531200	5c41da85-144f-4daa-ba82-1365a3394f5f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:58:12	-860.509
-97	25313	2531300	1bd51bff-9671-44f5-8bd3-fec55bff4767	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:38:15	-934.191
-97	50626	2531300	e88facc4-ddaa-49a3-9c1e-01a0ed7b17fb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:55:20	205.569
-98	25314	2531400	d1018778-a65b-4bce-b790-9abae2b22999	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:03:47	331.311
-98	50628	2531400	a5e3f5ca-097f-464d-ac01-2fa220a0ff74	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:28:21	168.589
-99	25315	2531500	5647dae5-d0ce-41a3-ac86-db1f0d9d0b34	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:10:43	-928.460
-99	50630	2531500	dbc5464c-a372-4ff4-815c-11254ba3329a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:45:13	111.473
-100	25316	2531600	cea5d3eb-8891-4617-914e-481e9c94a3ac	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:53:29	-938.480
-100	50632	2531600	54f43c72-2c1d-4722-a7b1-96cefb65b6fb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:01:11	-992.29
-101	25317	2531700	4edbde4e-7f3d-4aaf-b0a7-6642c718dc1a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:23:44	996.130
-101	50634	2531700	2e119312-ac97-433e-88f1-b49d0be59303	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:26:46	695.439
-102	25318	2531800	4a37f756-2fb5-41e4-9214-b66e9f95d891	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:45:02	66.671
-102	50636	2531800	a7b755f8-3b8c-4f0e-bc0a-5b6b349e77d9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:47:22	-37.24
-103	25319	2531900	ff3867a6-b5a3-4502-a963-409bbe875c5e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:23:19	-370.130
-103	50638	2531900	a32867da-9b06-45fa-99e9-f1f2f7fa02a6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:44:09	-926.535
-104	25320	2532000	a92535f2-ecf4-41b0-9d25-239ce505a50c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:44:02	32.207
-104	50640	2532000	e0f6a199-06c0-4677-b8ef-617a9057f9f0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:37:35	808.345
-105	25321	2532100	bfe460e2-e9bd-43c4-9dcb-6c1ed5ca9271	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:11:39	-109.531
-105	50642	2532100	41956e10-6acc-4547-9d75-26034942d85c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:17:42	635.56
-106	25322	2532200	ac598ad7-9498-4342-ab60-cc323c038e28	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:34:40	429.614
-106	50644	2532200	962ac103-7ba0-467d-81d6-b3b66e5df118	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:31:35	499.826
-107	25323	2532300	c8b9d486-2423-4936-83a7-ad0858345447	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:44:15	549.841
-107	50646	2532300	54b23090-5546-4950-adb5-9907e456af1d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:00:34	-54.807
-108	25324	2532400	faef8e0d-78d5-4641-9712-ae9f7be43687	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:57:58	-994.683
-108	50648	2532400	beb9eb81-fd5c-401d-91ba-24e58669379d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:36:33	314.235
-109	25325	2532500	5795a5c3-683a-4ca0-b584-90803d87ed37	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:11:36	499.683
-109	50650	2532500	29d09818-6b63-45f2-947d-5fbffe584c36	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:55:49	960.378
-110	25326	2532600	f1117757-6a78-497f-89e1-bf9cb704c707	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:52:49	-308.850
-110	50652	2532600	d024b7db-154e-4904-8b52-f45f18394618	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:35:40	804.484
-111	25327	2532700	e581b3f9-9156-44b2-99ef-ba82e1c43ee1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:25:31	-287.294
-111	50654	2532700	dd037c9b-2ad2-47bc-8be3-577597203622	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:03:56	607.980
-112	25328	2532800	8c49faa8-fc3a-4baa-b5d3-d2bb0fd5dddc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:25:31	147.654
-112	50656	2532800	dea96f86-866a-4a37-9765-cfd438c2b228	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:44:26	-25.287
-113	25329	2532900	e5b804ad-ebc9-41ad-8559-598848a33ca7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:52:32	239.977
-113	50658	2532900	61d36b9b-2891-46ab-a473-efb24a7225a7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:10:07	-650.792
-114	25330	2533000	c8e86cd7-f2c4-4e16-a61e-3f712a6b8c47	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:18:39	101.111
-114	50660	2533000	1280ecbc-2e9b-43b9-9209-cf6db4794afa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:18:34	-414.554
-115	25331	2533100	dc9cac59-d409-4741-9c7e-e965ecc962d4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:30:30	-140.842
-115	50662	2533100	d69649af-16b6-47ff-b132-6f893d2761d8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:41:54	160.675
-116	25332	2533200	59be4e12-face-42cc-8f20-af2fb92f0bdc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:52:10	-117.627
-116	50664	2533200	099661ed-f05f-46d5-9fd0-2835008b0e1c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:30:05	450.475
-117	25333	2533300	bee9ab34-789b-4bf9-9486-0f481ec152ae	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:12:40	-151.504
-117	50666	2533300	b9a0bf62-3743-4e1f-8c48-d48f1c4913b4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:16:23	-461.306
-118	25334	2533400	840f7672-27be-4654-b6d6-f0b50770d20f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:17:17	-399.547
-118	50668	2533400	376648bf-b993-4cf0-88a8-a1abe6c37205	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:08:55	-120.949
-119	25335	2533500	e1e62da2-35c7-431e-93d6-ed7d352d34dc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:17:48	-862.523
-119	50670	2533500	0ae41806-3b9e-4b6a-85c7-7337cce89060	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:51:31	-307.905
-120	25336	2533600	f621e961-580b-46e9-8020-54848edc9abc	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:41:24	-225.349
-120	50672	2533600	294e82f8-cfbf-4f57-9121-97afefb94bed	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:58:37	600.91
-121	25337	2533700	b86a2f54-8bee-42ca-af4d-874b3cb8cb0f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:09:25	125.483
-121	50674	2533700	2b9e9820-c7ca-47da-8142-5c672f21ed1c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:27:23	-478.80
-122	25338	2533800	b6679bf0-e757-4930-9a5a-4bd921899be7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:05:14	239.164
-122	50676	2533800	a8d64cee-c9c0-479f-80d9-4dc5475f7a3f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:00:04	-744.301
-123	25339	2533900	173b76a7-11c7-4c53-b9de-3e432e957ed6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:00:23	818.110
-123	50678	2533900	4dc8ec4c-0619-4361-8291-34dd85ee45f5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:34:46	74.815
-124	25340	2534000	b8f52f36-f269-44a1-9ed1-80c111adc781	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:09:15	-49.409
-124	50680	2534000	217ef862-3801-4e47-8305-0736a2ab1d7c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:44:01	353.548
-125	25341	2534100	132a4105-777c-4452-b7bc-b5613241a16d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:10:13	319.129
-125	50682	2534100	08afe7a5-bc48-4344-8192-44fb4dbd1344	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:31:54	858.249
-126	25342	2534200	b1956a82-3600-4c68-b571-518f067d592c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:48:01	-494.974
-126	50684	2534200	31c72afc-35c0-4961-a558-c42098ee4eb8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:18:17	-639.878
-127	25343	2534300	1c02d0a1-8c30-4645-9673-571563c4c967	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:05:38	908.402
-127	50686	2534300	b9768091-6201-41f6-98e2-526d7e6a653f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:47:51	663.858
-0	25344	2534400	34548e3a-624f-4a5b-ac83-60ad2a2f74c5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:47:23	5.772
-0	50688	2534400	38b5dafc-2054-42a7-9802-02376c5efd5b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:11:16	155.469
-1	25345	2534500	e27c35eb-4606-48fd-9ed6-30b72e0c57a5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:07:48	363.158
-1	50690	2534500	da5e580e-d9af-41fa-a392-1e0a506928eb	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:02:47	42.391
-2	25346	2534600	9389ae03-9679-42d8-a4b9-1bdc095a83b2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:54:50	-674.978
-2	50692	2534600	0ec67b28-2f6f-4c34-854a-91e36e5c1082	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:10:24	-353.274
-3	25347	2534700	daa820dc-b5e4-470a-b710-fae94520f30a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:35:41	945.521
-3	50694	2534700	c52fe591-0216-4c27-827d-d66433832842	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:16:59	225.814
-4	25348	2534800	ea4d68d6-93a3-4b81-93cc-db89c330b5d4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:27:32	426.943
-4	50696	2534800	83e9232a-ae20-4072-bf2f-6bd36c4b10d4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:15:14	-530.62
-5	25349	2534900	577171f1-320a-4d2b-807d-907568904e0b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:07:32	-295.404
-5	50698	2534900	b9532075-91ec-40ad-a6ef-2bbbcfd6a5e4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:52:06	-760.563
-6	25350	2535000	8d526b03-8a4d-40c4-b4d6-4936fe3e387a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:58:47	186.778
-6	50700	2535000	42558be3-d2f4-4432-b84d-0533ff6937b1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:47:57	532.211
-7	25351	2535100	c8aaaceb-0538-4c34-b8ce-ac6373f3ed93	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:37:52	-718.532
-7	50702	2535100	b1c13a9a-1444-4be2-8ec9-2aefbe7452f0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:14:32	318.501
-8	25352	2535200	a2d5833d-bd2c-4698-95dd-68bbfb1896b7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:58:31	-155.283
-8	50704	2535200	dfcda196-c493-401a-9b1d-77f8c7b83b3d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:27:06	-622.308
-9	25353	2535300	7c8c677f-9142-4dec-9250-7c06f9c9e9ea	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:26:31	-37.942
-9	50706	2535300	81bf0e7b-1ac0-4ff9-8e3e-b151f39b3764	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:14:31	221.646
-10	25354	2535400	6549a7df-a495-4aa3-9e52-4b614d3de800	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:42:02	-953.432
-10	50708	2535400	4ba56424-e1d7-451d-9466-839307a0a538	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:33:08	-107.271
-11	25355	2535500	ce960ff2-7a20-40eb-a086-f16d2a7e0b18	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:22:22	83.336
-11	50710	2535500	234a9433-da37-4c38-8a22-c3fc3445e3e2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:31:13	-519.311
-12	25356	2535600	d000108e-5cb9-4752-b951-5a5041e8e520	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:09:02	433.179
-12	50712	2535600	cd9b2907-75ab-4e0a-82c0-7cf420f549a1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:34:34	891.714
-13	25357	2535700	7a846d71-4152-4333-bb19-2cc5c3a96204	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:41:52	139.307
-13	50714	2535700	d79ecf48-e4e7-4794-a66a-ea2923c2cc6b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:40:46	-414.486
-14	25358	2535800	64ab3d8c-77f6-47d9-8517-cfd1c3a96e75	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:13:55	665.86
-14	50716	2535800	611c68aa-3b50-4d8e-a00c-470d387fa1b4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:12:20	-913.877
-15	25359	2535900	2ab5f316-ab59-4879-8b20-e776c916b283	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:54:20	-473.311
-15	50718	2535900	a639eede-803e-41d7-9c07-225957df929c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:54:30	-754.873
-16	25360	2536000	b9862fef-8f55-4553-bd84-9bae688fee95	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:19:28	262.598
-16	50720	2536000	e7575ed9-3ee1-4b61-8f24-38e389057bec	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:04:42	319.729
-17	25361	2536100	d65fdb9f-b728-41a0-b59e-f7cb554fe57b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:49:25	-179.790
-17	50722	2536100	811ebd2a-3aa3-4e5c-89ec-8f61f3ef973d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:10:48	-386.59
-18	25362	2536200	471ad5c2-63e0-42ad-a082-bfe1cbaa28c3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:57:43	676.92
-18	50724	2536200	99a6ed78-f5b7-4974-89f5-b8fafb8020a0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:56:30	403.134
-19	25363	2536300	548f84ae-11da-41d2-8fd5-538e9e3aa57f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:24:41	-311.413
-19	50726	2536300	101acde8-c247-4599-b58e-6e8b4ae631c7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:50:10	498.447
-20	25364	2536400	a184180b-f1ea-4088-9113-c1ab3fb92240	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:19:37	-228.952
-20	50728	2536400	4300db11-0293-421c-ac44-1b3c40511079	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:15:49	986.834
-21	25365	2536500	de63a70c-f862-42bd-a4a3-ece028bae7c5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:05:11	-68.383
-21	50730	2536500	1ca65056-c27b-47e7-aee5-7e3ab2946891	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:24:46	-515.197
-22	25366	2536600	075d2443-7d27-4825-b6e9-4e3ab994ca6e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:24:45	290.255
-22	50732	2536600	9999b9e6-1547-45b4-b693-b59b67fa8020	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:37:43	289.6
-23	25367	2536700	ce98731d-be76-4345-ac0a-ab1b820a5592	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:04:14	-560.304
-23	50734	2536700	df4bce31-c38f-48cb-a236-54c1bee8f2cf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:46:22	-641.285
-24	25368	2536800	57f434f3-d6c8-4cb7-9512-f05ee3ce058f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:17:23	160.902
-24	50736	2536800	d674f399-2682-4c61-ac6b-b6072b2db785	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:41:01	237.642
-25	25369	2536900	b551a730-df43-4853-bd2a-249c48dbc47d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:14:18	-614.210
-25	50738	2536900	d2885e4e-d2eb-4c6d-b2b0-2f1f23b6dc2d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:43:48	-800.656
-26	25370	2537000	231da62f-51db-44f3-8920-38ef52c1a966	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:20:10	685.371
-26	50740	2537000	07737cd0-dd21-4f8b-94e4-9c5a2487eaad	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:58:24	676.895
-27	25371	2537100	9ad249b8-3f14-4f73-8207-805a443121bb	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:43:03	-560.242
-27	50742	2537100	02254e95-d35c-47f1-a327-7d88ee15adf3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:47:36	-432.176
-28	25372	2537200	a5ed7aad-2b2a-4d87-b2cd-d6a1132f0fb8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:09:50	798.777
-28	50744	2537200	73c1ac84-9337-4c35-9a3a-fa8377a3d448	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:53:21	997.640
-29	25373	2537300	7b24c367-05ea-4a45-af84-32407ff74cb4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:46:42	19.927
-29	50746	2537300	c68d402d-5b2f-47b6-85f8-931704078b7a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:00:55	62.380
-30	25374	2537400	7cdb0144-4198-4346-b670-a5653382b0ca	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:32:20	-304.637
-30	50748	2537400	345f3be4-f2ae-4141-bb07-6c9d78ec3e21	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:59:46	-824.334
-31	25375	2537500	79b0b6e4-0b59-4a7c-92bd-6c2d5257448b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:45:02	913.219
-31	50750	2537500	08654b1c-c3e9-4690-b0ec-2b07f18aa5b9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:20:47	716.438
-32	25376	2537600	9ec38fd1-b215-4e04-a720-9a767282c41f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:10:08	-97.999
-32	50752	2537600	b1ca0970-a520-4148-b2ff-e9d37f6b34f9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:27:39	417.316
-33	25377	2537700	410ab549-088b-41f8-9f52-0357f694a181	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:33:04	-811.217
-33	50754	2537700	cc66d8c0-55e5-4c7e-a37f-cd298db18bfe	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:57:15	823.737
-34	25378	2537800	0a5b5b9f-6283-4eba-909d-56e023e987f5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:26:16	-224.170
-34	50756	2537800	16ed04f4-5981-4f42-8501-9a74e3a5e428	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:51:23	-600.515
-35	25379	2537900	9f9dbdca-73bb-49c6-815c-de3364888f60	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:07:56	178.520
-35	50758	2537900	6d9c8c27-ef90-4366-89bb-9abef29d1607	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:55:57	934.123
-36	25380	2538000	c2b9fbf0-e65d-41c5-9748-c34cc152b75b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:42:39	454.180
-36	50760	2538000	20a1ec41-6c2f-4cdb-8b4a-59e524e583a4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:36:13	536.553
-37	25381	2538100	1ed4ed97-3c98-45b5-b9c4-25f1427fc727	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:48:51	-872.773
-37	50762	2538100	ef5fc916-6910-41f6-a9e1-2b6c2d1d3872	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:51:00	913.675
-38	25382	2538200	b56cc0c3-9aa0-4701-bb48-98d31654ee0b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:01:56	277.55
-38	50764	2538200	55615a31-5f78-453d-bb75-67e98f15c2c7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:36:58	269.921
-39	25383	2538300	2fa05179-fd12-497f-a3fe-2fb235b27661	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:46:38	991.136
-39	50766	2538300	832f73ac-7a4c-4b0d-8fe4-f193a56e7bd3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:10:06	914.288
-40	25384	2538400	705bc7db-633a-47e5-942d-720573253c64	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:59:11	-114.779
-40	50768	2538400	68b49892-e705-47d7-a4b6-283298098adf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:53:56	-170.479
-41	25385	2538500	4a101003-30a2-4b08-9614-a6482c5cc5c3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:17:23	628.27
-41	50770	2538500	389ea71e-97e9-4032-96ab-7c20a91aaf05	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:04:34	141.680
-42	25386	2538600	6cf8c974-0e50-4d0f-901e-8fa85da92a9e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:38:33	-666.743
-42	50772	2538600	f239afdd-1a26-4c15-94ef-a06814143a80	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:02:27	849.139
-43	25387	2538700	dc2eb862-4deb-4c12-bedc-0f664cfb45ce	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:55:03	-311.42
-43	50774	2538700	35b22317-e9e8-4854-95b2-eb6f4a3e45c3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:14:17	802.195
-44	25388	2538800	dbd9ff3f-6b82-4592-b096-7608a3e6fa79	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:30:36	-6.858
-44	50776	2538800	eb76e8ba-1aff-439b-a8f6-441b0cb8adde	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:15:04	-22.376
-45	25389	2538900	1c312306-a59c-45fc-83ba-ecd5c6d19a42	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:13:25	127.207
-45	50778	2538900	7024af7e-048f-499e-9b67-e20eb7927bea	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:48:26	-196.538
-46	25390	2539000	f8f88054-adf2-4fc9-8fb5-38af792704a3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:32:07	-654.231
-46	50780	2539000	e31d4f84-e6db-43bb-90f4-92b3da5949cd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:07:02	-878.74
-47	25391	2539100	e64ac682-b9cb-40ec-ba1c-9ba0b230e641	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:12:58	882.116
-47	50782	2539100	90ffe699-7d56-4760-b640-c6db8d619629	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:57:41	395.453
-48	25392	2539200	1ef993c2-f60c-4016-8226-3437948e9633	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:48:04	-663.653
-48	50784	2539200	901c2f5f-35cf-4967-bbfa-1cbd97bfaa21	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:23:40	-246.926
-49	25393	2539300	44a3aa64-97b0-4d45-a577-b434828f4625	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:06:07	-886.550
-49	50786	2539300	1ff8e12d-edf9-49d5-8c78-0c2505205bce	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:53:09	231.372
-50	25394	2539400	7e49fa02-a183-4abe-b83e-99291f457958	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:26:06	-630.86
-50	50788	2539400	9c4a7ad8-ceb1-44c4-9c78-bf8aef860343	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:26:36	-563.193
-51	25395	2539500	979c60c9-807f-46b6-b22d-065e45668ec4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:10:07	-768.344
-51	50790	2539500	2d378bc9-1bc1-4cf8-b778-d4b2103e4034	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:42:08	-181.335
-52	25396	2539600	17048d31-faf3-46ed-b917-56a4fb5bc58a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:59:35	-373.60
-52	50792	2539600	68185529-4040-47f0-9f1c-8f26be6bf6fe	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:28:15	-347.865
-53	25397	2539700	a8bb32bd-e265-4155-b5d6-5d62805db050	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:10:55	631.564
-53	50794	2539700	bc8a9291-b50f-4137-b3fb-4fe6c3132cda	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:55:12	-331.692
-54	25398	2539800	66c2879c-14a1-4b14-af25-07f1d68ebeef	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:12:24	374.196
-54	50796	2539800	3359797d-d034-40f6-8e3d-957dca583927	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:28:01	954.571
-55	25399	2539900	065c351b-b8b3-499b-ac3e-18c35793c562	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:38:09	189.751
-55	50798	2539900	b5c78bbb-5927-4e2d-8a30-d548990857fe	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:10:21	105.491
-56	25400	2540000	11309d38-027f-41fb-9d1b-cb63184965d7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:57:02	-964.378
-56	50800	2540000	629422f9-579a-490f-b632-da0989f85c82	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:42:30	194.456
-57	25401	2540100	6cf275a6-9d96-4ec7-9fdb-dcaa0858727f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:26:40	713.933
-57	50802	2540100	71a97806-6233-461a-8fff-a57db4fad72c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:08:15	859.929
-58	25402	2540200	0e75af19-dc43-4fc9-9537-f0e23fabd88c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:09:54	-128.643
-58	50804	2540200	4dec3f01-6799-4331-8f4a-8a6271eef917	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:48:28	89.11
-59	25403	2540300	22da7812-b97d-435f-9bfa-4ba8268e05c8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:59:38	814.114
-59	50806	2540300	b361f4e4-aef0-41cc-8e20-9d9af7313621	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:32:55	-804.930
-60	25404	2540400	cb9b00e3-cb28-458a-a7cf-876e56fe24b1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:26:39	-660.661
-60	50808	2540400	f9b9ca1b-b455-48ad-bf64-8a7a2b5780ca	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:53:13	405.489
-61	25405	2540500	71ab4bcb-f184-43ea-b876-e69cac4346b2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:08:06	-106.334
-61	50810	2540500	5cf4a956-65fe-4933-b57e-f8acfa43968d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:44:36	507.717
-62	25406	2540600	fdc48ee9-645f-465b-bdb0-7a8023f977df	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:34:58	-183.749
-62	50812	2540600	45e69b2a-d684-41eb-b611-6952f6754756	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:23:52	-680.102
-63	25407	2540700	d13b6748-6f93-44e6-b79c-68d732b8c5f3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:22:41	-211.223
-63	50814	2540700	65cba526-acde-420d-8f0b-da47bf6f0382	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:29:49	776.835
-64	25408	2540800	ade6076a-99cf-4229-90e0-c8fc12834263	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:56:43	-336.874
-64	50816	2540800	95cf6066-7f50-41d0-84d9-48914176743e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:39:10	-402.349
-65	25409	2540900	cf6969de-b69b-4186-abaf-7366e3660d5d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:08:06	-370.684
-65	50818	2540900	32cc3a71-fd7e-4cd6-88fe-ba2083e7789a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:35:35	-104.387
-66	25410	2541000	351dfffa-f8fd-44ea-954f-28ea28152e0a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:45:43	-935.579
-66	50820	2541000	c1f58102-fb84-4308-9c2d-b3ef9a91f94d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:02:54	766.952
-67	25411	2541100	c457c8a1-b50a-4e0f-adee-607dad104e5a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:48:35	947.663
-67	50822	2541100	6179c899-a831-4242-aa72-94e9dd594409	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:39:27	-927.649
-68	25412	2541200	d26efc83-d792-4bf0-9488-1cd1162e5a5b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:33:04	-418.140
-68	50824	2541200	e093c2b6-58be-499a-94d2-ed4b57a3a559	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:46:50	776.964
-69	25413	2541300	5f6cddb3-e80c-4858-a5c9-bf1941df4315	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:11:08	312.852
-69	50826	2541300	d455f085-3d10-4833-8be0-647579ab64c9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:06:58	-44.160
-70	25414	2541400	a93a753c-1c12-44ab-9e77-b8a67aa5fc2b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:10:25	-328.918
-70	50828	2541400	89fff85c-dee2-4254-bf2e-e3aaaaa4e109	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:39:35	861.895
-71	25415	2541500	963ce326-b107-45d4-bd85-6532d88227db	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:04:33	-151.449
-71	50830	2541500	4e9a2d2f-1243-49d4-ad66-23df4df9acd6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:23:18	-260.15
-72	25416	2541600	3d2f83b0-d1db-4b51-a604-f0f602b4db81	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:51:58	354.774
-72	50832	2541600	61b4fb91-53ec-4bc5-b717-bac0b0e46e55	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:56:28	17.115
-73	25417	2541700	0c3deb24-c38d-4453-bd73-c5d2b9ace4d9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:14:51	-374.484
-73	50834	2541700	52fa06bf-e0c5-4a3c-a4cc-29b6a5dee6c2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:09:57	21.929
-74	25418	2541800	d1657724-eac8-48af-8568-8bc2ecd1fa4d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:16:14	123.407
-74	50836	2541800	af0d8972-b222-4b5d-91b6-8bf8a190d254	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:56:40	714.255
-75	25419	2541900	8c4523d6-bb0d-4669-9971-1a03602201a0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:03:21	-435.598
-75	50838	2541900	3635a049-0055-4492-a9fa-314ac4892c76	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:00:20	664.373
-76	25420	2542000	c8f67f14-d9d9-4e89-9f17-ac5d56ead508	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:55:22	-922.262
-76	50840	2542000	74893fe2-cbe9-4516-b981-9d07e824371e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:10:22	26.809
-77	25421	2542100	ca9fa616-2499-46b2-8e8f-8b7fbc69423b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:18:59	-646.91
-77	50842	2542100	46de2210-94d2-43f2-84a7-3bec579da0bc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:41:07	-82.930
-78	25422	2542200	5bcbaced-1415-4906-8680-9fc5b429aedd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:53:16	-735.238
-78	50844	2542200	f06de509-eff5-4df4-8178-e6befba5ea4f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:43:05	-777.88
-79	25423	2542300	9bede7ba-6b5b-4f4d-8749-8b3d7e0d7411	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:56:37	-638.143
-79	50846	2542300	ebc1bd8c-b3f1-4e87-8a5d-bfcde508c411	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:38:00	-841.892
-80	25424	2542400	6c8373b0-9062-4853-9a23-1ee9e49e8ddf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:06:07	-932.835
-80	50848	2542400	d5594c34-439b-408c-94ca-952183699061	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:22:38	-757.263
-81	25425	2542500	381c145a-026d-43f9-b341-744743569b75	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:02:49	-459.12
-81	50850	2542500	487c8891-6f38-4250-9740-307b6d97d0da	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:43:12	15.833
-82	25426	2542600	bdc0e9c4-fcba-4ae5-8c90-86e504e58d80	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:29:34	501.776
-82	50852	2542600	ca143e4f-a3ee-4812-879a-1666129e987e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:51:19	-6.62
-83	25427	2542700	01869883-8403-4b1f-a73a-3f2e907cbd9f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:24:37	865.672
-83	50854	2542700	1b16a5df-b0f1-4e3a-b032-c20896006e71	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:37:15	177.904
-84	25428	2542800	99768e24-4367-4425-9a1a-916a85967c88	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:33:06	-596.594
-84	50856	2542800	7aeee38c-fd42-444e-aae0-30507048c61f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:57:52	-985.345
-85	25429	2542900	caeaf947-227c-4afd-9356-1653cd67a9e2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:43:45	-542.951
-85	50858	2542900	8a43cf39-881e-442f-850c-4f4813809c5d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:06:15	325.9
-86	25430	2543000	c8611636-2c71-46c3-8728-45c708c69487	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:16:52	911.431
-86	50860	2543000	1b92aecf-c0a3-47b6-8cb6-f7c2391e06a6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:16:40	-76.214
-87	25431	2543100	da4affb6-736e-43d7-b465-bdf75f7d6427	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:48:25	-753.693
-87	50862	2543100	60110b85-0057-4c70-a323-50027576ac5a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:15:48	414.126
-88	25432	2543200	b0543daa-769d-484e-8692-215948d327ef	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:53:02	-415.50
-88	50864	2543200	5762d780-4281-4feb-9c4c-5d8c98015fa6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:33:28	-715.396
-89	25433	2543300	8cb9b990-5aac-4948-bb03-eb8dcd80567c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:29:24	810.473
-89	50866	2543300	2f7996aa-9338-47f8-8491-419533bd3fff	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:14:27	26.784
-90	25434	2543400	1ec57790-2692-4cb7-8372-f659d9cd7711	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:33:05	620.948
-90	50868	2543400	0069bfe0-61dc-4110-b75e-177a40e32ca5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:52:16	-109.373
-91	25435	2543500	4579e2e4-a0cb-446d-8aad-4ade704626e5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:27:10	291.357
-91	50870	2543500	289f1e93-f7e6-4f7b-b2cf-834bb6f534b1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:06:57	587.281
-92	25436	2543600	862535dc-8e95-4dfe-a03b-b953f88201df	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:20:25	-230.821
-92	50872	2543600	2a82bd90-6ccf-4b66-9f51-7716fcdeecf7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:03:17	-227.952
-93	25437	2543700	18a06a42-01af-4aa1-893c-f03a18c59a4f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:01:22	89.564
-93	50874	2543700	5248f149-6b71-4398-a500-22b0e645705a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:57:03	835.935
-94	25438	2543800	41d61141-a6d7-47fa-a501-b47ddfb1f95c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:51:51	301.478
-94	50876	2543800	03916690-8d1b-4acc-8eed-b51e93bd1832	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:40:42	-691.749
-95	25439	2543900	d5f0e6f6-25c1-4230-8d84-006ff7d1394b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:16:28	413.652
-95	50878	2543900	c318b6b4-4177-4317-b5a1-5b3615403efd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:00:23	-543.736
-96	25440	2544000	3bc51e1b-e9e7-4557-8eb4-3ebaf8fb9c1c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:43:20	-66.294
-96	50880	2544000	91e3801e-6d7d-4a53-9ba7-ed1afabf4428	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:42:30	856.770
-97	25441	2544100	321ab822-2044-4b0f-bb49-30b647c93b35	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:04:21	285.958
-97	50882	2544100	b0a71a61-7bc4-46f4-8a0d-40a9fdd012c7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:19:59	-524.106
-98	25442	2544200	2276883f-1e6c-49a3-8eb5-ea95af67182b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:59:29	-355.957
-98	50884	2544200	f6cd8a1b-cd79-44a4-a389-77ddc31cadbd	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:15:08	918.834
-99	25443	2544300	f8ebcc5f-fd40-420b-b947-8c2b76bb02be	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:29:51	-827.291
-99	50886	2544300	53c330d0-83f5-4918-947e-7885f144fe1a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:01:46	985.900
-100	25444	2544400	040b2afe-41f3-4e72-8a15-ff695303d748	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:04:35	661.887
-100	50888	2544400	7752d547-6c21-4eeb-b481-b8abb05a833f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:37:32	-990.619
-101	25445	2544500	ac855191-b812-4a89-8a4d-549ba69f5f34	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:08:13	-266.719
-101	50890	2544500	bd6691f7-9141-4e83-b44b-c1b6499c33cc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:29:03	778.664
-102	25446	2544600	2c68033f-7719-4762-a22e-047b45f1751c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:28:56	-856.136
-102	50892	2544600	38fccc25-02bb-42d0-afb9-f5d87eb954a5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:35:22	18.469
-103	25447	2544700	dbf87f0a-abde-4589-b372-76300acbe0fa	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:47:39	-115.695
-103	50894	2544700	f8333086-3447-4e52-a3e5-61f9297bc0f1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:17:25	418.861
-104	25448	2544800	1ca9e37e-c8cf-4952-b8cd-ddf9bba72253	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:00:23	-453.781
-104	50896	2544800	2b89efac-e7b1-445b-8472-4b8f718103f7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:59:29	-641.352
-105	25449	2544900	5cabc8bd-a879-4c27-b7cb-cf4ca3f2603f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:16:06	-833.178
-105	50898	2544900	67c9ef95-08a2-4e73-8097-70d7f9dab8ff	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:02:40	-218.686
-106	25450	2545000	5f71c216-6747-4589-b43e-2f8663354907	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:03:30	107.127
-106	50900	2545000	52c8d706-c3e4-42a0-bb46-94c22396d6dd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:24:43	-443.847
-107	25451	2545100	3aa8878c-2e6b-4fb7-8556-863aa1439b1e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:47:52	-24.929
-107	50902	2545100	be6b1f22-ab8f-4ef2-baf3-f49e348af71c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:40:26	-783.561
-108	25452	2545200	5c1eb194-2372-49e5-be3f-cfac9d0e89c7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:18:48	52.299
-108	50904	2545200	4dd2cee2-29c3-4cb7-b05f-3c80c15120c3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:21:47	827.228
-109	25453	2545300	37527ba3-ed26-419c-a0df-264ff54b1909	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:26:02	541.396
-109	50906	2545300	389c71a9-6ff3-4575-aa53-5e7a299ac786	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:26:09	791.693
-110	25454	2545400	c8b2b1d5-35d6-4996-9b5c-260524794adc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:06:44	-783.494
-110	50908	2545400	08d6656c-5772-4f57-be94-eec82bfcfc88	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:03:18	-97.944
-111	25455	2545500	3d479a4e-b842-4c52-ac5b-e3fb86c96cea	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:25:50	29.468
-111	50910	2545500	5d315e49-1b79-4471-a5df-a07ef3f8e8d4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:09:14	-336.384
-112	25456	2545600	034bfe51-32f5-4d10-95db-0838f0123c01	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:04:42	408.900
-112	50912	2545600	fe446ff3-eddb-4ff0-b7da-c0ec30054600	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:51:46	-593.56
-113	25457	2545700	c79b8f3d-eae8-46c4-a9d4-03018796129d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:45:32	59.942
-113	50914	2545700	a65d9b72-ffe2-4285-be80-eb957aa28ba9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:13:28	-143.292
-114	25458	2545800	276db261-5b6a-4d52-819c-d2f2c7f0cb8f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:55:28	641.498
-114	50916	2545800	eb324be9-e953-477f-a0b2-15f1f42689bb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:28:22	-770.738
-115	25459	2545900	d5f017d7-3abf-4f46-a477-dd14aa12508d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:55:28	-584.145
-115	50918	2545900	be0a19bd-8188-4f58-9c10-5708c10c8957	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:49:23	-451.573
-116	25460	2546000	240ce921-259e-4a21-9c7f-4f2d3aedf652	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:04:38	-606.815
-116	50920	2546000	1b28a899-1558-4292-ac67-8b99c2f54d33	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:19:30	-547.950
-117	25461	2546100	deffb497-205e-4f33-8be6-8cc972c5fec6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:53:12	-654.674
-117	50922	2546100	2fec1e56-21b7-4281-a78a-5e34823701b2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:55:53	688.797
-118	25462	2546200	f8d977ab-93bc-437e-b8a1-478b9c8394e3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:33:56	626.530
-118	50924	2546200	57be7f7e-c6e7-45ac-b224-e3242b5b2d36	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:01:20	-593.766
-119	25463	2546300	e802eca0-470d-4fbe-985a-d141807a4cc2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:21:16	-7.757
-119	50926	2546300	5d4c1314-abb3-489b-b2d3-139a90b22c33	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:37:50	608.127
-120	25464	2546400	18d08930-011a-4fd5-8c0b-77cf045d3368	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:10:03	227.759
-120	50928	2546400	2ff66653-a92c-4325-bd81-8b1537ba22d0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:56:56	-822.868
-121	25465	2546500	779bd53e-05ec-4d28-8c7b-fe13f4c844aa	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:22:19	-542.717
-121	50930	2546500	960c5a83-143b-41cb-9be5-6ae409cb5ba3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:24:32	398.401
-122	25466	2546600	a6c570d7-64f9-47af-b6ff-ee6db075a48d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:15:57	-811.769
-122	50932	2546600	cd33f8bd-7b97-4626-b2b9-ccd55536d13b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:46:58	520.384
-123	25467	2546700	7b2dd27e-12dd-4749-a3c6-565a791fbc2f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:03:40	-532.285
-123	50934	2546700	3477ac08-13f4-4687-b490-6181988f32b4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:15:35	-29.243
-124	25468	2546800	7f7da158-941e-409f-b388-e790b17cae27	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:18:51	-659.804
-124	50936	2546800	2d950bd3-d4c6-469e-b930-d35806fe43ef	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:55:46	-758.769
-125	25469	2546900	fa16751b-1ad0-43db-baec-9b9e262a453f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:47:29	-929.595
-125	50938	2546900	e781e18b-4838-471c-91f0-96e8da0a16a7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:03:12	12.453
-126	25470	2547000	4c02a9fa-ad73-4e5e-a184-c4aba2c7f4d4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:25:50	682.731
-126	50940	2547000	1fe49d58-4fb7-424d-89f2-98fac1453410	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:53:06	-560.766
-127	25471	2547100	27045aa6-c056-4709-b071-dceffe9b8241	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:01:36	865.937
-127	50942	2547100	54e32803-fd72-4414-a386-2b1c0270ba7f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:37:45	601.377
-0	25472	2547200	879d09ed-0583-4327-9dac-4616f96ea293	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:53:56	-323.445
-0	50944	2547200	58574968-38b6-43b1-8139-ecb1962433af	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:16:03	651.798
-1	25473	2547300	c416fcd5-386e-4724-b125-caf1ee7bf1c2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:29:19	406.430
-1	50946	2547300	958bfb7e-8111-4992-b651-abbb9bbafa61	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:31:32	-778.539
-2	25474	2547400	6c49f65b-e6f6-4411-9243-e3f4990333ff	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:19:23	412.826
-2	50948	2547400	76280e9c-9135-4590-abc8-bd2520e3f77c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:22:43	-766.791
-3	25475	2547500	6013e4a0-b7da-4736-9d49-e95028c526fe	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:25:42	382.352
-3	50950	2547500	6ffb2671-3163-48b4-b06d-58bab9eeab7d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:22:47	529.815
-4	25476	2547600	e55ab5d3-8626-49fd-bfe3-58c0ebe09d82	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:42:02	577.679
-4	50952	2547600	71309179-9968-471f-bb54-fca4666e3454	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:29:08	-731.94
-5	25477	2547700	92fb6d2b-1ceb-4b6b-82ed-b37e5fccc10b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:12:19	-133.492
-5	50954	2547700	edf066ed-e44c-40dc-a484-564096c38521	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:03:55	289.921
-6	25478	2547800	d606febb-8ab5-4364-8ba7-932e7a895604	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:52:53	897.333
-6	50956	2547800	969f7a9e-f707-45fc-95c3-655f65c7da14	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:27:35	-368.969
-7	25479	2547900	da71d7f8-45da-494b-be54-b2d8849d25f7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:37:23	767.75
-7	50958	2547900	b486ea8f-3f31-4fee-9cab-2c2b105da01c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:39:00	196.105
-8	25480	2548000	405836bd-ba60-433c-9e1c-85cbabb220e0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:39:25	-759.904
-8	50960	2548000	f3dbfb2f-4bdc-42ee-a3c4-3051c715ed3a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:46:17	903.209
-9	25481	2548100	c03d702a-269d-43fe-9f0f-96a2f4591394	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:38:41	211.634
-9	50962	2548100	055bb001-4d94-485f-b760-df8ab6b69c69	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:07:24	224.447
-10	25482	2548200	11adf543-41c0-400d-b061-1188704fb1b2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:02:51	-920.13
-10	50964	2548200	809f13a3-9ea5-450e-b2ea-13b92ddfd855	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:31:03	-136.553
-11	25483	2548300	e2ef057a-4462-44ea-92b6-a8ecf8635eec	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:12:28	504.44
-11	50966	2548300	81f7b444-a4e8-4f29-bf61-0567def0395c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:45:52	370.940
-12	25484	2548400	5197cb11-ed60-4b68-b288-9c5cc16db4b1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:28:46	68.642
-12	50968	2548400	10a18aee-f899-4af5-9f35-ef06a1564488	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:15:45	585.468
-13	25485	2548500	03649000-1f0a-4437-ad61-82fe9dd7ed4f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:15:00	-371.234
-13	50970	2548500	4dc312a9-268b-4b91-a09e-94acdde6d1b0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:10:56	612.722
-14	25486	2548600	a2f75313-ff66-4052-87d3-d554e84d435e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:20:41	172.542
-14	50972	2548600	d5fee8cc-4440-441f-91ac-15200700a8d0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:50:35	771.882
-15	25487	2548700	200ea373-2e90-468e-a1a3-6b3fdcec9cd3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:02:47	-751.13
-15	50974	2548700	5f384364-2b80-426f-a9fa-cc9d1e083663	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:33:23	616.156
-16	25488	2548800	ec973ce1-f6f3-4273-96e5-6e85153c7b46	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:02:45	-587.205
-16	50976	2548800	9ddb046a-82a8-4c2c-bde7-610d00e3f66c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:37:34	162.39
-17	25489	2548900	4ef71704-8540-45f5-a05c-7cbfebb93e52	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:58:19	245.43
-17	50978	2548900	dc07ce2e-8ac7-476b-a605-21c41ae7338a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:56:53	919.850
-18	25490	2549000	4a2fe663-b7e0-4bc4-9ec6-1deed3d23d2e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:24:34	-968.885
-18	50980	2549000	f85ea645-efcc-4fe2-a60e-a494042c9060	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:51:14	-380.162
-19	25491	2549100	59ac27a7-bfb8-453a-92a2-8f93e5773fd7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:15:20	-419.247
-19	50982	2549100	9d4e5982-c215-4c14-bdd1-4091013fb004	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:34:29	113.308
-20	25492	2549200	a0583536-f744-40a2-80ce-b067561c07c4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:39:49	24.359
-20	50984	2549200	4fc9cefa-128b-4e7a-8471-0a896099c07f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:23:42	973.732
-21	25493	2549300	beb21cc6-5880-4d50-b207-6109fccaab29	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:33:59	895.835
-21	50986	2549300	b65f9431-3698-46ac-a963-abab08b3eb70	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:48:22	301.606
-22	25494	2549400	36681740-a08f-4e57-b87e-a028cd0e8a8f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:57:11	-63.574
-22	50988	2549400	acbebe9c-eefc-47cd-9d05-6f0bd499057b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:33:08	818.736
-23	25495	2549500	d9de6d93-fac3-4089-8ab4-3e52dcef0245	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:41:42	-150.541
-23	50990	2549500	ead55352-c7fc-474e-a5eb-7de42074b691	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:15:12	125.860
-24	25496	2549600	bed7c266-6d90-4f12-b60a-d86bf267566f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:32:02	283.556
-24	50992	2549600	bae59cd3-5152-40d8-8c65-8b6998350cb8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:06:37	933.999
-25	25497	2549700	840f2cc1-068b-4e5e-90fe-b93daed80cfb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:53:33	738.517
-25	50994	2549700	c0ead307-4d15-411e-8761-e29102435ef6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:06:43	432.512
-26	25498	2549800	0c1d7f88-1563-42f9-a4f4-7069b67c56a6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:54:41	890.961
-26	50996	2549800	d49fcd98-77cd-4cfa-8f8e-b6413ca65ca3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:38:39	760.92
-27	25499	2549900	710a5f2a-00e1-4514-9801-0dba00efd519	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:21:19	730.911
-27	50998	2549900	32b5ddb1-7de5-4c6e-acad-152657a4c2b4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:44:15	917.274
-28	25500	2550000	32750d4c-1823-47b5-8e68-0ca5a837540e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:27:05	-923.938
-28	51000	2550000	e1f36d07-2e2c-4b30-a7a0-fc9b101e7775	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:21:33	697.373
-29	25501	2550100	5918f7ea-2ab4-4bd6-8627-a605da2cf8d0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:30:07	-488.78
-29	51002	2550100	ccb07043-28b9-4cef-b919-5da9fa6e0441	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:32:49	-896.288
-30	25502	2550200	522c8c33-d710-48ae-99c0-fd551c645b9a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:23:43	-740.848
-30	51004	2550200	78931cdd-44d3-48b2-8ab6-7b0453fb6088	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:06:50	848.49
-31	25503	2550300	bafc7325-07d7-43f4-9d3c-03a5e06a9d77	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:50:30	-950.669
-31	51006	2550300	f40618f4-dec7-4af7-b341-21195fcf9009	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:02:48	881.128
-32	25504	2550400	4756a7ac-d9ef-44a3-8db3-d03db707b9b0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:02:25	146.237
-32	51008	2550400	96a27ec1-1ca5-4f7b-a27b-1befd88d50f4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:39:00	-723.87
-33	25505	2550500	b00755d9-dbc7-4a44-8528-eef82408c977	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:00:19	680.85
-33	51010	2550500	c0a38176-2931-4486-9044-2852849e9cf0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:54:49	320.403
-34	25506	2550600	dbe228b8-183c-49fd-be77-b96bdbc77915	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:54:10	-837.709
-34	51012	2550600	d9955465-e458-4cae-9937-d28fccee72d7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:12:25	538.596
-35	25507	2550700	e0ad99a7-eb62-46cb-83cf-3cb60670e217	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:51:46	-350.456
-35	51014	2550700	1b4509fa-4d45-409e-a669-fe6a80384672	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:29:44	619.649
-36	25508	2550800	9ca5430d-e171-446b-8e6b-a769a61efca8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:14:40	498.594
-36	51016	2550800	89cf0f77-e826-4c07-b902-f7c3f6cce2ae	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:56:35	552.272
-37	25509	2550900	08f2e946-3854-4bb8-b291-01bdf6b1941c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:55:41	442.103
-37	51018	2550900	ce29a619-75a8-4fc2-80cd-b7d878e11222	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:57:05	-441.733
-38	25510	2551000	f148c1d3-3e32-451b-8370-cbf3684e5249	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:54:11	-873.868
-38	51020	2551000	4ea8149b-cb10-41d2-a146-f9197fd05f3f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:09:10	468.704
-39	25511	2551100	f0aea61d-54ad-4730-8a66-9b0b097dd89e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:43:29	947.768
-39	51022	2551100	c07bc8bd-608a-4ea3-b847-f6a6f96ed577	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:43:06	-43.660
-40	25512	2551200	d6a2759d-c166-4c9c-bfcc-348e23442cf5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:31:31	509.895
-40	51024	2551200	fc2886c9-e3d8-4ebf-8a68-277c4e6cf4cb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:00:43	-667.25
-41	25513	2551300	025dbf62-420d-44a9-9f14-6beefe08c606	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:11:07	177.469
-41	51026	2551300	a5e8a181-75d9-47ed-b405-b86d9d023023	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:18:54	-133.414
-42	25514	2551400	fc2569b8-db5f-4ad0-8f8c-6ec1dbe819b6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:33:02	20.259
-42	51028	2551400	b6032832-565a-4443-b669-fa601875773b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:28:59	295.576
-43	25515	2551500	50755cdb-1120-4cb8-9bed-16bfcccf96d5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:35:43	-404.946
-43	51030	2551500	eacf194b-9eb3-4a15-8dd1-b44c35e7d614	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:51:59	966.900
-44	25516	2551600	7cd37de5-a22d-4bbc-a050-617cec324306	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:26:02	12.97
-44	51032	2551600	72fd33e1-5e1a-45db-8567-e688aa4f164a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:59:28	-172.601
-45	25517	2551700	0442a70c-f1e6-417e-b504-abd2ff972259	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:16:43	-939.88
-45	51034	2551700	6a854755-1976-4bdf-b794-d484ed467d44	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:03:14	-835.16
-46	25518	2551800	236cb196-ff62-4f1a-a46c-8df80b53406e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:43:01	-940.938
-46	51036	2551800	78522b87-4608-41e1-98ca-a222836ede85	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:04:54	425.3
-47	25519	2551900	600adb62-a3cd-41ac-9489-9e89e00ae46c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:20:25	-784.488
-47	51038	2551900	f671db32-3746-427b-89fc-af4f0904b49f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:11:58	-708.111
-48	25520	2552000	5858182a-8951-4f94-a4f4-53a3f5a36fb6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:25:16	692.125
-48	51040	2552000	1b47c0ed-aec7-452c-8c77-ac7befe6bb04	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:28:10	425.123
-49	25521	2552100	b36993ca-f5f0-4dd8-8acd-6fb20fa935af	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:52:27	-600.806
-49	51042	2552100	4a6f2fe9-478a-445d-8756-91cb53915ba9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:02:28	425.993
-50	25522	2552200	3dab5636-a6e1-4505-b6d9-2c6f80237ed1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:18:10	588.320
-50	51044	2552200	5b269e20-0a78-4132-800c-a97abcaf3195	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:18:02	-170.373
-51	25523	2552300	5064d262-6ffc-4f69-9106-8e01a3cd0acc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:21:11	-970.303
-51	51046	2552300	7836577c-07bf-43e7-9906-664dcab89be1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:49:21	689.988
-52	25524	2552400	62dd8c08-cd56-4969-b768-f4a34d7a1d38	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:06:00	-249.913
-52	51048	2552400	195008be-73bd-4872-af63-a93af5e00a6a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:47:57	-874.304
-53	25525	2552500	b25fcb74-1f6a-485a-a64b-52e9c8bf1cad	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:44:43	-141.677
-53	51050	2552500	68ce22c7-e30c-4e2c-9619-f31e211eb7f1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:19:28	874.382
-54	25526	2552600	e33d184f-ca2f-4b3c-9f1e-f199b487acf5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:23:53	118.213
-54	51052	2552600	9c525276-53b9-4b3a-90ee-cfd88b3ea1e9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:07:04	-125.972
-55	25527	2552700	d731eee3-ed0e-4828-9fb8-d2608fc3a987	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:52:45	-559.994
-55	51054	2552700	6d52fabe-201e-4c3f-a9cf-26eeec59075a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:29:38	720.909
-56	25528	2552800	f50a64fa-e969-4dbe-badc-9bcbe503149c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:50:05	-456.184
-56	51056	2552800	24f7bd35-2ac9-4326-8d8b-5bad312f7ec2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:50:18	310.550
-57	25529	2552900	c9ce5a4c-247a-44c8-ac71-3986120959fa	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:21:36	934.650
-57	51058	2552900	8edef214-6e9b-4dc5-928e-0c3b2e251c19	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:21:16	-803.794
-58	25530	2553000	f76d134d-f4bf-462d-b1ac-62707e02a9d1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:58:05	630.179
-58	51060	2553000	bbf33d20-a24c-4d17-b550-b7bc23f506ca	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:06:51	-589.986
-59	25531	2553100	20d72e2f-6c1b-4c19-9439-68076259ee7c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:13:12	-434.511
-59	51062	2553100	cb9470a0-aa54-4e79-a5b4-5eb2c64f01a5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:03:39	-432.714
-60	25532	2553200	a41d2227-b7cb-4e92-9474-4ff09628e364	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:38:34	-391.16
-60	51064	2553200	23e14bae-b993-4116-af68-5908880ce334	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:55:02	-598.773
-61	25533	2553300	14a2f94b-f8a4-46b4-b26e-1facf661e72e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:16:12	679.921
-61	51066	2553300	46b39059-df68-4e1f-ad89-5d81e17dd6b3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:08:50	298.496
-62	25534	2553400	8c9b2f18-ee61-4269-8b3d-6f9921766daf	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:37:45	468.547
-62	51068	2553400	588e34b4-bb35-4e6c-86c3-1e6a9dd7cc61	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:20:22	-187.169
-63	25535	2553500	6e4d9a6b-281d-43b3-b234-048cac92e78b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:59:56	13.143
-63	51070	2553500	6a8409a9-817a-463b-8c0e-ae8f684b489b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:46:52	957.177
-64	25536	2553600	2f60d89d-697e-479f-bf89-d8ed5bb0d838	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:52:33	-410.68
-64	51072	2553600	51b10466-79bc-494c-94d7-8941d021be51	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:05:17	-890.820
-65	25537	2553700	feaa3de1-ead7-48e3-ba49-04aad246af63	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:54:56	181.397
-65	51074	2553700	0618225e-101e-4e87-aa36-d9294674b66e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:18:44	895.667
-66	25538	2553800	23af1acf-cba8-4135-a4df-30567ca8bcc9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:54:00	843.792
-66	51076	2553800	4137c653-53de-4bbc-9cf7-454bd1835cc9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:19:34	282.360
-67	25539	2553900	00315ef4-a4ba-4871-bb41-5dec994c341d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:21:29	672.753
-67	51078	2553900	ac83f2fe-8ced-4472-818d-dac17ea877ab	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:38:36	324.159
-68	25540	2554000	209994b7-7104-4a3d-9d02-1f8e169d5bbb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:51:50	-949.865
-68	51080	2554000	9a8e6726-a141-40ce-a4fc-1ee268226887	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:19:43	-49.353
-69	25541	2554100	9d95f250-bb2d-4959-80d2-94c41dfd3098	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:58:05	-497.712
-69	51082	2554100	3e76c6c3-4680-45df-a221-2a9f0a8994e9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:57:17	-645.507
-70	25542	2554200	c1616293-ac1e-4115-bacf-3aa9ed930066	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:41:58	-796.72
-70	51084	2554200	d549c5d6-c4ea-43d5-996d-ee24bf2b52c9	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:55:20	-171.455
-71	25543	2554300	29d69b55-e86e-4d2b-a721-a094da0118a0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:50:26	-365.135
-71	51086	2554300	997ef791-a7a2-4c50-aca2-aee75543c7d6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:28:01	682.971
-72	25544	2554400	159db7ef-e033-4872-b0ce-8f9bc67285ee	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:43:40	-551.374
-72	51088	2554400	1aadaed9-9f74-4510-994f-d488b74dfed8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:16:27	145.454
-73	25545	2554500	ad100b9d-d1f2-4f04-ae88-738b237c899f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:37:39	261.393
-73	51090	2554500	9afdf0d1-d63a-4097-a004-ccc926051fbf	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:40:27	35.832
-74	25546	2554600	ca18489f-9f0f-4ae2-9631-9855270c2a9b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:18:51	-173.472
-74	51092	2554600	b63a7885-25e5-4ec1-b571-1e4b3f0e69b3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:33:30	-320.957
-75	25547	2554700	461f3995-f699-49bd-a5dd-cfa3324e304e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:27:26	-377.226
-75	51094	2554700	1695f642-e1a1-4d80-87e5-b3cff3359fe2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:55:53	-370.321
-76	25548	2554800	c59d7da0-39c3-4d8b-bba2-71ade0514c3b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:03:18	78.773
-76	51096	2554800	60d91e71-658a-4096-9e3b-2f297c840f6e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:25:44	-327.123
-77	25549	2554900	4b253922-f6da-43ad-b41c-fb745a4ca289	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:41:21	602.543
-77	51098	2554900	50a88a98-673c-4165-af1e-c07c190a473e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:11:48	-247.180
-78	25550	2555000	68dde855-1c5b-492e-8b0c-9a7426c1625b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:01:12	500.727
-78	51100	2555000	843e929f-679e-4b93-8724-f5fc67656381	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:14:10	691.133
-79	25551	2555100	c5e548ab-f43d-4471-b885-f2c22a229c2a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:18:24	907.902
-79	51102	2555100	e909a389-8e33-4d36-bc5e-8faa2d36d092	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:25:13	-158.92
-80	25552	2555200	8ceabcdb-2b8f-4319-a15c-e406a760795f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:18:45	-97.77
-80	51104	2555200	69e4ee8e-cb92-4538-b1cd-fd99699933dc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:33:58	572.542
-81	25553	2555300	ba29c921-2b4c-458b-a84b-4aedbb995b38	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:00:08	292.750
-81	51106	2555300	f425bf03-0b76-477b-8611-a04cf433c57b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:33:46	-838.715
-82	25554	2555400	7d14d9ae-f0ea-4872-a95b-eeaac9fe9494	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:17:50	351.575
-82	51108	2555400	0459919f-f545-468e-9c89-15929ced75f3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:00:12	394.957
-83	25555	2555500	0a094552-e424-4a70-beb5-79d71d135e59	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:34:16	-849.232
-83	51110	2555500	11b215bd-c5ba-4634-82f5-7c198aabf81e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:46:36	807.823
-84	25556	2555600	d23698ad-f0e1-4537-95f4-6dee5b302fb6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:00:43	521.176
-84	51112	2555600	058f5b50-b048-405e-9093-fee6751a8e9a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:58:57	505.358
-85	25557	2555700	73c4be4a-b1a8-4b6d-882f-7817114e3260	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:53:59	520.628
-85	51114	2555700	347502bb-d862-4cc8-b6c2-7b8649da3e3f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:52:12	127.509
-86	25558	2555800	52816774-090c-4892-9721-931b99d35200	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:13:11	-834.416
-86	51116	2555800	fcf7a97a-967d-4c04-ab05-4c7d14ee975b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:39:06	-414.111
-87	25559	2555900	e7558eb5-75a6-416f-902a-55909aeb7ddb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:31:39	680.611
-87	51118	2555900	a53fa503-afe2-4658-a7fd-0d453b14dfff	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:53:26	-862.317
-88	25560	2556000	d5434573-700d-460a-b706-ceed87f84741	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:23:16	464.203
-88	51120	2556000	49c633d1-23d7-4c1c-ad34-f5abc8afaca3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:57:10	739.404
-89	25561	2556100	235d6d81-0f76-4d04-9af9-eb02036a5a0e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:50:01	24.424
-89	51122	2556100	b7561438-55c4-4ac2-8b09-588baf4d331b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:50:37	-163.27
-90	25562	2556200	cf2a6d53-6013-4c35-937c-8d0b6949edd5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:23:01	697.608
-90	51124	2556200	a321f32c-e57a-41bc-9665-9eca1e375959	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:36:57	797.651
-91	25563	2556300	47cc0a74-81a9-4c86-af6e-3368a84c71e3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:46:27	-395.484
-91	51126	2556300	723f073f-a378-4ad4-b9ab-81ab99e71417	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:08:02	-219.298
-92	25564	2556400	a8d29ccb-cf72-40d3-a876-6054adb8f16a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:13:18	456.226
-92	51128	2556400	ff3fcead-e435-486f-8022-e432050106c0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:18:23	754.177
-93	25565	2556500	2e5e5cd4-5408-46a0-ad03-031fdabfab6c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:37:24	-838.777
-93	51130	2556500	218096f5-1fc6-4f42-af74-010eb3110ea1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:08:53	778.770
-94	25566	2556600	d46d9ffc-7da5-4599-a127-df7e81e462fb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:46:38	-924.351
-94	51132	2556600	36548187-eb99-4a10-87ff-b8b999bc4a47	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:49:24	-816.545
-95	25567	2556700	878514ec-fa6e-4d7e-a59e-b0d0f0aee8ba	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:05:16	-807.102
-95	51134	2556700	4d3656c2-710e-4e1a-961d-50d71537e310	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:58:13	446.139
-96	25568	2556800	f6c68402-58ca-404f-8368-ef61cc71e306	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:18:45	795.42
-96	51136	2556800	17202ff6-47ae-4010-817b-7ff97bf72bcb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:22:53	712.621
-97	25569	2556900	888c788c-8923-4902-b636-d4d2b11da225	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:13:12	-92.417
-97	51138	2556900	abfcd74b-a9c7-4471-a75f-793f03ca971f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:49:10	785.581
-98	25570	2557000	f4456820-4855-411c-bd96-c4f2db8c1486	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:54:48	-197.914
-98	51140	2557000	69d6da6c-117e-4520-b92a-1013243d5935	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:07:40	355.758
-99	25571	2557100	d6410d95-af54-4ac8-b327-e150899ba047	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:34:00	-774.826
-99	51142	2557100	335d6e11-7443-473a-a760-5c69f550c836	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:46:02	-555.210
-100	25572	2557200	2b6216ca-cfe3-4c01-8ef7-c2b4a4db33b0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:47:08	-986.848
-100	51144	2557200	2ebc7538-e555-483a-a657-b84cfaceb54f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:19:39	-451.715
-101	25573	2557300	966e2df7-ed27-4555-8489-c78c9bbae0bf	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:11:11	-410.59
-101	51146	2557300	d66940ee-5b88-4101-adeb-0613225c4626	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:38:09	-121.200
-102	25574	2557400	7c870650-57b9-4b87-9966-ca20d106e17c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:47:45	93.366
-102	51148	2557400	dd98f341-3728-4802-bfe5-8f57bd4e015e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:23:38	-822.825
-103	25575	2557500	19e76e52-a6b0-460e-9d7a-15cad26c3103	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:04:40	-682.175
-103	51150	2557500	0d317037-1eb7-4fd1-8ee2-9408b17efbf3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:29:20	-28.452
-104	25576	2557600	1b277a9d-6c14-4ee0-8dd2-4ebf60d2f24b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:12:52	-588.27
-104	51152	2557600	f1a46fe9-a8de-4d04-8b2f-d2b11f8be89c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:56:56	95.776
-105	25577	2557700	cb34d62d-4660-463e-931b-6a84dfa909c0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:22:34	386.591
-105	51154	2557700	0e50d952-38e6-4c7c-9fa6-8c968bee79d1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:15:20	-480.471
-106	25578	2557800	0aa3527a-618b-422d-9eb9-a8ce9953f506	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:24:33	-927.381
-106	51156	2557800	cd1fa20e-1793-4561-afbc-91d0bfe8334b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:42:44	491.565
-107	25579	2557900	2d7eb181-3dc7-42f6-842c-c5c7e59b3669	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:57:08	-750.496
-107	51158	2557900	d2ad5c76-3e55-496a-ae38-5d88b660e310	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:17:14	-524.18
-108	25580	2558000	5363357e-2e28-4f7e-add1-feafea668a1b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:43:03	963.348
-108	51160	2558000	4099dd8f-2cc3-488c-8b28-284811ca00ab	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:19:20	680.698
-109	25581	2558100	c5c853d4-e15b-4930-b624-7b054394471b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:12:02	-717.249
-109	51162	2558100	8517f46d-cd18-4b40-8232-5347167d9ecc	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:44:42	-560.877
-110	25582	2558200	d2cd355b-5c8d-49f7-96d3-f18fd8216d09	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:42:33	982.423
-110	51164	2558200	5344011f-3562-4c0e-b4c9-599451ea13a4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:38:44	-14.802
-111	25583	2558300	1a2f17ca-5d31-404f-938d-271cef29305a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:39:44	-867.303
-111	51166	2558300	16cdee62-96d2-4d91-82ab-e2999c30d2b8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:16:54	45.499
-112	25584	2558400	2c633552-1c54-4860-86de-c1dac62f9c39	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:29:16	-244.897
-112	51168	2558400	d3000512-fbc3-45ff-9468-ab9630b0a61c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:43:57	637.940
-113	25585	2558500	3bc5bb91-ef7e-4fdc-8088-8febdbabf1fb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:02:25	-326.832
-113	51170	2558500	4da16b81-a248-4c62-9afc-92455a412e28	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:33:36	495.779
-114	25586	2558600	e2feecbd-18d9-4fc3-94e3-936fb5a33f67	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:27:38	533.282
-114	51172	2558600	3f95373f-1579-4270-aca0-b0b2425820fc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:20:11	59.359
-115	25587	2558700	fc113e1e-ab3e-41cf-a6c2-281c2c02ee10	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:16:42	100.555
-115	51174	2558700	626eeab4-750d-4579-a376-82e0764a0d92	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:49:48	-743.461
-116	25588	2558800	5be9b21c-6c66-43a3-a0c3-44477cd94815	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:20:20	405.808
-116	51176	2558800	4595270e-4eb9-4c68-8ec3-3a28b57712bb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:33:21	78.302
-117	25589	2558900	25f56ecf-8c5d-45f9-972a-36293acd6a0b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:57:11	38.838
-117	51178	2558900	7067b4fe-72f5-4573-bbf3-581b9eafa606	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:54:03	699.587
-118	25590	2559000	45f7fe1c-1779-42c1-bde9-12b69ff86d2b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:25:22	-996.116
-118	51180	2559000	bae1c355-76d9-4fd5-9d10-d7037cba1d94	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:35:45	174.802
-119	25591	2559100	198da1c9-95e2-4f44-8cf9-e33224a9c688	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:00:59	-885.952
-119	51182	2559100	4927b127-b5c1-4e6d-8729-ff963d66b738	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:59:59	685.201
-120	25592	2559200	051f66a0-189f-4e46-a0ee-2bf10e3ce1c2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:05:02	-300.661
-120	51184	2559200	4027993f-fd4b-4a0a-89fd-1cb5d4e42e25	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:10:50	-953.519
-121	25593	2559300	517e9ed2-e9bf-41d3-957f-a1f79d28dfc2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:38:48	-675.225
-121	51186	2559300	d238ffbd-1bba-4e91-9ba9-0abff8f8dc38	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:38:34	-59.729
-122	25594	2559400	c1a5386a-9394-4694-be62-f347e3bb2673	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:47:04	-297.802
-122	51188	2559400	ec547eec-1d29-46d7-8b4d-ac4d8b160ca5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:29:52	-986.326
-123	25595	2559500	47ca04bb-1451-4e72-8cae-262153e39a21	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:31:18	-864.733
-123	51190	2559500	59967082-511a-4c7c-ba35-1840bc8339a9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:57:06	861.197
-124	25596	2559600	1bdcfe95-6320-4f29-9cb6-21080e93d04e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:54:18	841.548
-124	51192	2559600	3db5643e-d66a-47c1-a1f9-9d942fac241c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:35:51	22.503
-125	25597	2559700	f6f46d08-5030-493c-8bd9-ae65e39a0a03	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:18:06	210.353
-125	51194	2559700	1f29f809-69c3-47d7-a7ba-df74d8457d8c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:47:27	-786.193
-126	25598	2559800	fc089f05-48c4-471c-9881-ce833ba13280	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:59:13	642.819
-126	51196	2559800	c4889d72-2e87-45c8-a6e9-255942fa879b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:55:16	940.831
-127	25599	2559900	cb8394a6-75c3-42d5-8aea-3a3e513ffd58	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:25:07	-372.226
-127	51198	2559900	92afa1f4-5e5e-4edd-bc99-580dd93abb7d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:15:56	879.898
-0	25600	2560000	4563b5f8-ccd3-4396-9797-5523ab79109c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:42:20	359.412
-0	51200	2560000	2ca3f226-ddde-4e19-a18f-c63515c50222	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:10:14	714.809
-1	25601	2560100	fec2b1a7-0495-447d-804a-1f8b3b4f0560	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:50:00	-208.251
-1	51202	2560100	45fa8b75-ff59-409f-9dff-2d1530981afc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:07:37	-846.530
-2	25602	2560200	58334d2f-7eac-447c-9481-b5fd7754537d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:47:24	-509.284
-2	51204	2560200	d749984f-c01c-4e10-a1f3-f0e34bc9386d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:15:52	433.269
-3	25603	2560300	ac4b8eb5-1d6f-470d-8670-cd03af5f2b42	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:45:28	-283.832
-3	51206	2560300	a3908447-3cef-4b50-b0ea-928e6439184a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:07:28	321.633
-4	25604	2560400	e0ba51ec-6f2a-4ef5-9939-6d1c6ea0dffb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:22:01	-903.136
-4	51208	2560400	580e20c2-2b86-4612-b8c7-9653c2b49afa	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:22:11	-432.620
-5	25605	2560500	2eccfc21-e9b1-4802-bc35-33f47f23e67a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:36:45	-429.125
-5	51210	2560500	5b510b29-183c-4725-a562-3bcd79f20ab2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:28:36	338.972
-6	25606	2560600	db530676-a749-46ae-a4d7-2e4e3e49493a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:46:21	940.586
-6	51212	2560600	55e1ad6f-8bb6-463f-8d8d-7e05b2cc6087	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:42:21	144.908
-7	25607	2560700	1ad986bc-8b9a-4339-9f62-733b84f15fe4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:24:53	-826.689
-7	51214	2560700	ed10feb3-d79a-40a5-ab63-2d2431753308	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:19:05	-17.92
-8	25608	2560800	024d778e-f635-4da1-a0de-99cb22f0793f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:39:50	374.391
-8	51216	2560800	ff6c7831-da5e-48c3-89bd-d9c9d2822f13	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:50:42	58.154
-9	25609	2560900	38162e81-f055-4225-91ef-3c286492d220	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:25:23	258.938
-9	51218	2560900	528c2aad-312c-4ba4-9556-02c270b14bab	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:17:15	380.847
-10	25610	2561000	1eb230b6-98fb-4c8c-9c7e-5da76b7e5084	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:36:04	272.241
-10	51220	2561000	a05f3b66-61aa-4978-94b1-e9de07cf749b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:50:40	460.833
-11	25611	2561100	10692bf8-29af-4329-b83a-a16ecc3313fc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:20:49	-179.24
-11	51222	2561100	860b3041-e537-4c46-a665-7693350ba9a5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:28:38	622.64
-12	25612	2561200	feddb799-6dd3-4c68-98d6-ce821e253a90	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:02:35	842.91
-12	51224	2561200	a674d678-b675-44f7-98d5-8ce3bba0cf62	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:53:56	184.546
-13	25613	2561300	8338f35d-0d2d-49be-a273-4f048ce0c1fa	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:43:26	-239.954
-13	51226	2561300	7ad99de1-4991-4b74-b730-4241e6f44035	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:07:16	681.174
-14	25614	2561400	c3b579ed-3848-4589-8e9c-96155c32352f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:27:18	-432.96
-14	51228	2561400	a898ffa1-8724-4fa6-98ec-546302062d24	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:14:48	-482.669
-15	25615	2561500	8b7d674d-a423-48c3-a412-4bdb99093de7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:08:38	448.320
-15	51230	2561500	1a02cc1f-a665-4da0-af16-f5b041051240	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:07:41	473.654
-16	25616	2561600	1dbfa16d-0e37-4272-a6bd-cdfc0fdd6896	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:53:30	-674.439
-16	51232	2561600	1e7a510b-da4b-41d7-9f09-46f6d89d19f0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:00:58	831.510
-17	25617	2561700	0ceb5679-693e-4ace-b262-3ff1c65b7b58	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:05:55	-75.851
-17	51234	2561700	82630726-3a4f-4b43-8ec2-42c621e1909f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:51:47	661.746
-18	25618	2561800	b3162e2c-e048-4a6a-b931-befc39080f70	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:53:04	-423.64
-18	51236	2561800	93dcb829-bdce-4be2-8796-4d2b76f28998	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:42:50	-437.348
-19	25619	2561900	51b46628-af07-4592-88a4-f39034858e44	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:25:35	990.753
-19	51238	2561900	358461f4-f870-4017-be70-25893c1efbd4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:15:54	-532.502
-20	25620	2562000	67a6c70d-b78a-4e81-8409-70d014d22afb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:12:40	509.826
-20	51240	2562000	817013a7-7665-471d-9822-518ae1c89e3b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:21:54	826.899
-21	25621	2562100	fead9861-3c69-4c90-89f2-491fe69409f2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:56:03	11.200
-21	51242	2562100	1269fc4b-2623-475a-93b9-ce0ca054620b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:18:25	-141.956
-22	25622	2562200	b3229099-7345-4067-bece-1ba5c45190ea	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:31:44	-316.304
-22	51244	2562200	f68cd6bb-edca-4e3c-bb38-ed9281adf28c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:07:51	682.853
-23	25623	2562300	12050006-129e-4d3e-95fd-cf8982d01143	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:17:14	973.719
-23	51246	2562300	ca1729e9-6fd8-4f86-a926-11276c24f63b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:17:20	-222.258
-24	25624	2562400	d136ff10-5177-44ed-ac82-222a46f3822d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:15:11	751.683
-24	51248	2562400	23be93fc-1fc8-45fd-9ce3-1d82a280ce74	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:23:52	817.135
-25	25625	2562500	3db00242-b7ca-4397-a807-f45ba8e97563	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:18:58	-763.546
-25	51250	2562500	7c3fdab3-2808-4c79-998a-a410b38692f8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:10:01	-249.328
-26	25626	2562600	1556c108-57eb-4372-a93b-cf9105337247	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:12:33	-947.820
-26	51252	2562600	a094b523-a895-406d-892d-7d2d0cf15eb2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:58:30	700.631
-27	25627	2562700	ac4b60af-04c9-4de5-8ae6-f0b96d84ed63	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:56:21	-207.845
-27	51254	2562700	c9b6e804-51c2-437d-bbe3-8e2d71e52ab4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:50:19	-43.364
-28	25628	2562800	2932113c-1852-4f33-add7-ff78c6075c84	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:17:07	-27.206
-28	51256	2562800	1a7d54f4-80fc-461c-9f17-45b95ea81d32	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:36:13	-889.269
-29	25629	2562900	73211051-9493-4d70-bfe4-03b0f9d8896a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:55:31	-175.374
-29	51258	2562900	29727bcf-fd63-4322-870b-e989ead8607a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:52:56	-681.391
-30	25630	2563000	f82f02ad-709a-40cb-96fc-ff8e141a2b62	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:40:52	-223.170
-30	51260	2563000	07af0491-5363-4751-a23b-b6fc2f0cbaad	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:33:19	453.861
-31	25631	2563100	a1bbbc1c-52e7-46e5-bb9b-44aeb40a4236	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:22:39	222.138
-31	51262	2563100	a667d751-3a89-4414-a9be-4e0de95cfbdc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:08:51	757.432
-32	25632	2563200	4a32acdc-0797-40c1-a110-3e13adf41e25	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:51:10	-513.665
-32	51264	2563200	b3ff8907-2cce-4f59-bd77-478bd79cfcf8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:10:49	31.453
-33	25633	2563300	66b78ce8-e8a6-453f-bd73-c3445956e1cf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:27:28	-432.615
-33	51266	2563300	d534202f-550c-4e96-8c27-91b051ae0ef8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:29:01	-770.222
-34	25634	2563400	7f75e84d-3896-4d0e-80c3-c82e995f67e2	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:45:14	319.575
-34	51268	2563400	d657f3eb-a9a2-462d-8a43-70b11f51e219	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:30:09	-698.815
-35	25635	2563500	cc5aad22-5e1f-4bc7-bd07-98375982de50	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:20:05	-749.100
-35	51270	2563500	e83d617d-be84-42fe-8d2f-143b7496fdfa	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:21:04	-893.569
-36	25636	2563600	6e6dbb19-efd7-41ec-a8e6-1dfbb5bc605a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:41:51	-524.281
-36	51272	2563600	cfc12dcc-1136-46df-a83c-9039c6bd1f02	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:00:59	455.644
-37	25637	2563700	6415552d-c7e1-4793-b3df-f9ba70ef9dad	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:18:31	800.100
-37	51274	2563700	8ec23788-4d57-4728-b892-15acddf4ffeb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:21:43	-855.56
-38	25638	2563800	c7b0eeda-1a4c-47d1-a8c5-ed2e39f5e913	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:19:54	712.61
-38	51276	2563800	427e189f-1678-4a0c-8101-c880cf6a10a4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:57:44	83.703
-39	25639	2563900	9c4ba4f3-ffe7-4ce3-98de-c955c051b2b8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:44:10	-360.4
-39	51278	2563900	f8dade2b-b12f-4e62-8069-140cf45b1e13	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:30:06	233.337
-40	25640	2564000	ae8763f5-dfc7-4588-89a3-1d9854acaae6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:00:58	439.744
-40	51280	2564000	01ac34fc-af88-4d62-99d2-e10a153895ef	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:12:22	918.695
-41	25641	2564100	8d1d899a-5c32-4fc7-8a84-0f4a0317f2e7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:29:10	385.770
-41	51282	2564100	82f41b4c-d1f2-4ff1-b06c-b514f2e6d879	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:13:37	60.702
-42	25642	2564200	168f72d9-282a-409b-bd72-d54909ef5db4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:37:02	734.185
-42	51284	2564200	99a6a95d-606a-409b-9329-0b752410405f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:51:40	76.140
-43	25643	2564300	b89f729f-0e1e-487a-bbbc-04c5d97da8f1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:09:33	9.355
-43	51286	2564300	16b92169-7c62-4b16-9839-39873c706e2c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:19:51	372.976
-44	25644	2564400	cae5f0da-c764-4acc-9beb-98a662ba5091	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:45:50	-476.998
-44	51288	2564400	e3f0c085-1dbc-41ef-8e19-4e967c37fc22	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:01:03	-214.876
-45	25645	2564500	167c8ead-f41f-48ef-9a00-68e8281676fc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:57:14	-301.483
-45	51290	2564500	0a453dd5-be7c-40be-9f92-00dbc81c91c9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:16:09	-747.210
-46	25646	2564600	61b7519a-05d6-49f0-941a-ea987673d1b2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:21:58	-882.886
-46	51292	2564600	96ceb01e-72c2-4b3d-8715-5669bab1b033	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:19:41	-282.773
-47	25647	2564700	cdf002da-d8d8-41e0-aa66-adf789989f28	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:57:10	-904.0
-47	51294	2564700	cf2996f4-47ea-465c-8879-da5542577564	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:34:50	-691.711
-48	25648	2564800	36c00339-6ee1-4bfb-aa38-9249b2445c3e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:44:56	423.113
-48	51296	2564800	913fdda7-c487-4a85-a600-5ad0f18ff0dd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:55:08	-588.300
-49	25649	2564900	8494946e-f16e-4ad3-a4b4-2baf0e97c120	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:08:01	-209.715
-49	51298	2564900	00958bba-7dbc-472d-a08f-c4be4c019187	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:34:50	-805.485
-50	25650	2565000	89c58dfe-00cd-4e73-baee-508de4fe8286	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:13:15	818.188
-50	51300	2565000	07672f52-4364-42c6-a65b-11c71e8eca9a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:27:15	629.427
-51	25651	2565100	84c13d4c-12d5-4b29-8259-9c961751c4af	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:49:15	663.139
-51	51302	2565100	b08ea35f-0cc2-4bee-ada8-7590377c8f95	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:24:05	-540.820
-52	25652	2565200	730b069b-9aac-4020-971c-e7ece6d6c3b9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:31:45	-522.658
-52	51304	2565200	b83b3241-67aa-4e4e-b0b5-de356af267c0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:11:46	-15.848
-53	25653	2565300	86ec7357-1184-4921-a0f6-fbff00bbcae1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:25:16	-488.460
-53	51306	2565300	0a1ba315-d9ec-4812-be8d-8b95b40c8efe	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:10:28	682.34
-54	25654	2565400	1558642a-d2ef-4448-85f2-8bb128d71d10	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:14:44	-751.258
-54	51308	2565400	0e55e21b-8981-4a5d-8103-7b94f91f904b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:57:44	-514.936
-55	25655	2565500	5a5a53a9-146f-441b-af39-8fedebd32918	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:13:11	688.911
-55	51310	2565500	1c63ae50-1877-4d57-8ea7-867a5503242b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:21:49	-857.690
-56	25656	2565600	12681ddc-6c88-4687-b522-23e5490e159c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:20:27	-74.647
-56	51312	2565600	77c76254-a1e4-46cd-bb44-770737373078	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:21:32	-678.192
-57	25657	2565700	5afc5919-2951-4140-bde3-2fc96c69f395	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:28:40	644.633
-57	51314	2565700	f1a60c99-c384-4535-8147-f31318889698	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:04:39	911.306
-58	25658	2565800	c51db74a-028c-4c38-a8cc-11547c7919e1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:09:40	-864.99
-58	51316	2565800	be2e869f-f52e-4296-b708-9fb3057bf8d8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:38:44	330.710
-59	25659	2565900	37c3f50f-1176-4c3c-b0a0-236585caf6b6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:31:17	-323.558
-59	51318	2565900	3c729332-ccbf-470c-b5c2-8a9d469d048d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:28:15	-446.379
-60	25660	2566000	e90cb17a-6234-4039-86ff-403521354cb8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:57:12	-118.787
-60	51320	2566000	650b5544-480f-4101-a74f-ddeca427cb96	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:11:44	-263.900
-61	25661	2566100	bb710d56-2f7f-4224-a773-d86d6c1348d4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:11:36	91.342
-61	51322	2566100	1bd0f6b5-e35f-410c-a7f5-b9215f25ff94	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:44:42	27.991
-62	25662	2566200	2cc069c9-e49f-47a4-9f56-67d06d03dd17	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:08:18	-974.97
-62	51324	2566200	9765c447-4036-41c8-90b9-2a4dfcd7f8b0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:42:25	-5.153
-63	25663	2566300	fd5181dd-577d-41ed-b81b-a59d250c5767	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:01:04	831.424
-63	51326	2566300	1e38e794-72a8-4b12-99df-c90ea4e2d2a6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:26:34	-420.762
-64	25664	2566400	abcc9562-d26e-42a2-ba36-e371cfc548da	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:14:12	865.680
-64	51328	2566400	25c671df-707f-4e8b-ad4f-bb9fc7d5423f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:15:45	671.359
-65	25665	2566500	41609fa7-0e3c-4aef-8360-df321c216a13	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:17:22	376.914
-65	51330	2566500	cabf0abc-3481-4b20-b4e5-a6b878a27ea7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:31:42	-185.972
-66	25666	2566600	57a46fc6-d717-42fa-8a79-c5133f0a092b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:30:42	434.690
-66	51332	2566600	24463d22-a63a-4252-9c97-39fe1c41a0d0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:18:30	-601.253
-67	25667	2566700	ca2b5f7d-df32-4195-98bf-06a98a8589b2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:04:41	988.359
-67	51334	2566700	7f301c91-56cc-466a-b49a-6d82b3fb415a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:00:52	823.855
-68	25668	2566800	5b545a1f-7d2e-4a32-a82b-c3b99623a0f6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:32:46	-96.770
-68	51336	2566800	90e6deb6-b0e0-4485-87c7-881cb446aeb5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:16:03	982.228
-69	25669	2566900	16cfc474-eba8-4384-b3ae-83acce3e4fea	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:49:54	-431.183
-69	51338	2566900	46eed2f0-a13a-46a6-9a1b-259894c818bd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:22:33	59.734
-70	25670	2567000	db91bdac-ba5c-406c-bea5-24824b142622	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:14:11	-280.840
-70	51340	2567000	46cc0ec8-65ff-48fb-8d1e-020842d7dc4d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:43:49	-958.810
-71	25671	2567100	1b7e7580-66c2-4948-85c5-80f190b4157d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:44:34	-469.273
-71	51342	2567100	5ed1ccf3-a0c5-4374-90ea-162c2e18e1d9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:54:00	94.116
-72	25672	2567200	9ce4dac4-06bd-4263-95a1-5120911f3181	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:20:26	-319.416
-72	51344	2567200	b1b18601-6302-4c01-a50f-789a3af30912	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:37:24	386.658
-73	25673	2567300	34478d3e-8420-448b-96fc-f863ceef0c7d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:29:08	-96.305
-73	51346	2567300	1c62b5da-a725-4639-b31e-a1b8bc90c136	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:19:07	395.103
-74	25674	2567400	0fb29741-1808-4558-a9a9-451fd04441ae	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:46:24	948.83
-74	51348	2567400	51fff120-5086-42d8-b2dd-e6faf3118541	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:13:36	-672.515
-75	25675	2567500	9dc9e885-a6cd-45d4-9a0c-3bba4cc90106	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:20:55	-405.301
-75	51350	2567500	dec25b48-a374-4014-91ac-7d0dba1eee8a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:29:45	-872.715
-76	25676	2567600	85faa5e5-a287-4f94-a5b7-d8f0292c405a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:07:11	680.797
-76	51352	2567600	76494b57-ebf1-4db9-8636-24d8d4ce6e48	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:38:45	-75.877
-77	25677	2567700	13de2e0a-20f5-4302-ad3d-2ab35288a714	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:56:44	36.297
-77	51354	2567700	b31e1c76-5882-40be-aa2e-8c46aea8fa41	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:45:30	224.96
-78	25678	2567800	bc57b501-e197-4bce-ac44-3fcdc2c0b07a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:02:31	-164.386
-78	51356	2567800	ace6f014-3885-4407-a8f0-2f978680e7df	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:36:08	-612.397
-79	25679	2567900	e9f93bf1-9f3d-41e5-9e8e-936cad1cc3da	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:41:16	935.213
-79	51358	2567900	af17d451-b17d-498e-9beb-45ffd6052988	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:20:00	238.336
-80	25680	2568000	7814cf3b-be1a-43c7-a0ae-18e761f8e0a9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:32:19	46.899
-80	51360	2568000	da567bf7-fb1e-419a-9018-494267b6f5d5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:53:05	733.170
-81	25681	2568100	bc70de9c-cc90-484a-89f7-6f958e250f29	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:42:53	176.319
-81	51362	2568100	a40e1873-06bb-46d7-a4e9-13a037a25018	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:55:47	-681.606
-82	25682	2568200	21ff745b-ff68-4429-8a39-a51d7346276a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:38:44	845.222
-82	51364	2568200	c8566137-a81d-41fd-b905-fbad367b6908	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:35:07	953.293
-83	25683	2568300	4335d45f-262c-4c6d-adb9-2c43571a851c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:53:29	201.231
-83	51366	2568300	2780d52d-d830-4b79-9417-38a878b82dda	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:12:35	347.345
-84	25684	2568400	51fa9ba1-2b7a-48ac-baa7-e5a1c3b52b6d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:41:14	362.509
-84	51368	2568400	534f13b9-46d3-48d9-b136-9fe6a963d29a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:25:41	252.57
-85	25685	2568500	e9f3fe63-cbf1-4395-80f2-8fc4880a5499	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:44:00	751.871
-85	51370	2568500	864c4072-ca8a-4150-8790-de77058eca2a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:10:13	801.483
-86	25686	2568600	6d05cf2d-e6bc-47e0-92ca-88af037b6532	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:12:25	210.579
-86	51372	2568600	8ab3fff1-301e-47d0-9e25-640d308ba79d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:20:21	826.950
-87	25687	2568700	2a1cc170-e797-4c2f-ba57-eb5cf327911c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:03:59	133.413
-87	51374	2568700	94c34f82-bb11-48c6-966f-cfc41597107d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:14:35	-419.899
-88	25688	2568800	fdc32407-a335-49a0-8aaa-65363de33d8e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:44:56	-758.277
-88	51376	2568800	a1cd9e36-b09a-4907-bae0-3221912eba5d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:09:01	124.364
-89	25689	2568900	225b6e1e-6534-405b-8bdd-a07976b0b3e4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:13:26	913.606
-89	51378	2568900	0ffa21f2-833e-49df-b52f-729f2aa089c5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:23:15	580.376
-90	25690	2569000	fcda983a-7e3e-4550-8ed5-c5b9c097aacc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:33:13	297.121
-90	51380	2569000	3e61b575-7f8d-4f5e-a5af-87719dffb459	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:52:32	-130.696
-91	25691	2569100	eeb0b5d6-76b5-4a2e-96a2-1731e2373e38	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:06:38	988.509
-91	51382	2569100	ca20ae91-0581-4839-a820-d9f92c60a47c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:22:06	16.894
-92	25692	2569200	b6b0b40b-5bfc-475b-9129-925495d26877	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:44:10	373.279
-92	51384	2569200	30deca46-4675-4d93-8b94-d1e86f038d8e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:22:03	594.295
-93	25693	2569300	eaceec28-13ad-4d39-94f0-66a0c94f4ebb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:23:19	729.323
-93	51386	2569300	b7b718c4-9497-4fc7-a5af-cf948560b8dc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:13:10	-751.416
-94	25694	2569400	d57749a2-5c6f-4520-ade6-8957f8da41b0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:33:28	-119.668
-94	51388	2569400	fef0bdae-8dc5-4436-a424-f8579bbf8227	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:02:56	-716.913
-95	25695	2569500	c0f7f35c-5da1-4820-9f47-e74a68fe7aad	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:21:19	826.143
-95	51390	2569500	6de1db46-9f42-4125-99ec-60b6ae1747d0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:59:09	794.450
-96	25696	2569600	ca4e98c2-df07-4257-b9e5-df7cecd0d90e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:07:19	852.677
-96	51392	2569600	0b323adc-a2df-419d-b93c-1821c4cc9fb8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:18:58	273.247
-97	25697	2569700	2ed7cfea-b112-4344-8821-e7f34ca94e75	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:42:01	-470.689
-97	51394	2569700	5b8f9002-3da0-4a06-826b-27607697c630	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:31:07	-663.981
-98	25698	2569800	1f32ecbf-8776-4455-8b10-96374e566fd2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:59:45	919.937
-98	51396	2569800	3978e128-0c94-4193-9315-2f30d3cb57b8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:30:50	113.241
-99	25699	2569900	2ff1ba12-cf9d-4697-8b65-95c093b772a2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:44:00	-178.594
-99	51398	2569900	6d974923-0792-432a-aa8a-4997ad1075bc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:15:08	-477.647
-100	25700	2570000	37c93eb5-79b2-4219-b00f-997f2199f634	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:58:18	38.977
-100	51400	2570000	a463c72b-8a77-41bb-81cc-2bed8094c6be	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:13:38	-580.598
-101	25701	2570100	59057201-3757-4e8d-be0f-0343c5d9d51f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:43:52	303.969
-101	51402	2570100	e4a81dfb-4de0-4482-b83a-90b7ba104191	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:10:45	266.763
-102	25702	2570200	b6490b7b-08cf-4fd3-82f1-aed416399848	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:21:07	576.555
-102	51404	2570200	b3db4a58-552c-4d1d-b0a1-89674ea34815	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:15:53	608.715
-103	25703	2570300	2f5db722-a120-4a21-ba6a-7761317b8ff2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:10:00	-564.653
-103	51406	2570300	aab34514-e757-45b7-9286-4f5b188443cb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:38:31	-686.988
-104	25704	2570400	f156ecdf-ed76-4a28-a742-f4bce051054d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:50:18	-395.584
-104	51408	2570400	c0de67e4-c421-48fe-bc9a-144dc3d8208c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:00:55	626.204
-105	25705	2570500	e67b5e8a-1b22-4d12-923e-708a358cd7ea	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:36:31	742.277
-105	51410	2570500	1f800e8b-5dbf-4eb5-932d-2ddc93117cb4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:50:29	-843.535
-106	25706	2570600	b6be2b32-6273-4bcb-9b78-2539d157f049	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:04:49	598.642
-106	51412	2570600	5740bfb2-5911-427b-b485-5d251a5fdc5a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:10:03	-168.203
-107	25707	2570700	9f75b96f-f566-48c2-8e72-f9606b4152f8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:55:42	-472.581
-107	51414	2570700	cbf7e420-02e1-4abf-adcc-45c7b03c3fbe	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:43:02	-77.612
-108	25708	2570800	017a8a44-7836-4e49-9086-34fb2f11bb9f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:03:10	-330.578
-108	51416	2570800	ba05fd55-3b48-4558-908b-81d0ad8cb7c7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:55:01	-828.372
-109	25709	2570900	824077cd-18a0-4793-8067-f3745877d151	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:06:00	-647.114
-109	51418	2570900	5ffbf41d-4278-43ad-ba22-78a9051098d9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:22:00	-106.888
-110	25710	2571000	e6212d18-9b48-4ed4-8a29-8fc730d27237	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:34:44	90.977
-110	51420	2571000	a8a4d405-c589-4129-bb2d-e278921a9328	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:10:28	191.142
-111	25711	2571100	f8221db8-5879-4fee-9d7d-fadc43418946	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:21:35	-305.533
-111	51422	2571100	0c6b5e5f-07f3-47ae-b67d-2eca2d45862b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:02:56	-568.158
-112	25712	2571200	ae5fed16-b984-48c8-bb97-eb0df372504f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:19:19	941.466
-112	51424	2571200	5ce7d14b-d9f4-4484-ad50-dc988418db4c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:10:27	-955.490
-113	25713	2571300	9dadd5eb-d7fd-42b3-afea-bdf266262563	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:00:08	-254.129
-113	51426	2571300	aca7a850-67ec-4b86-a827-cdad8fb0522a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:00:36	823.723
-114	25714	2571400	a01e1b6a-f5d3-4d1e-817e-847437a33923	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:17:33	726.67
-114	51428	2571400	9c062a2c-34fd-4143-8dd8-00be023754a0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:50:34	247.940
-115	25715	2571500	1d82d37a-a986-4f4b-85c3-45819bc66ef0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:12:54	904.332
-115	51430	2571500	7bf7f2d0-8f65-47b2-82fd-b8e16d0e7825	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:30:50	-423.962
-116	25716	2571600	5747d8a1-1b6e-48fd-9939-2daa2f307758	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:39:40	654.60
-116	51432	2571600	25f7c2bf-71f7-4934-bd32-3f5701a816d3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:37:49	-328.67
-117	25717	2571700	308ead7a-c590-439f-be50-b4bc7d803b49	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:08:28	351.15
-117	51434	2571700	18ded745-9acf-4242-8d5f-f69200a4d0bd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:27:32	513.769
-118	25718	2571800	4d3e453f-a6e2-407c-9f77-21d24288632c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:12:08	-361.115
-118	51436	2571800	c6b7a90b-24a7-4103-9f5e-6f5a1ba174f3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:10:33	661.269
-119	25719	2571900	a5df196d-d4ad-4e61-be65-55b701de7f8b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:40:13	420.416
-119	51438	2571900	627fbbdb-57cd-4e6f-8f61-6a52099d3f52	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:24:39	-582.306
-120	25720	2572000	3a19136b-173e-483b-99bd-d9005f6cd21c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:58:10	449.714
-120	51440	2572000	2f566b0a-c253-4896-b492-233a23bb1d3f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:40:49	-829.113
-121	25721	2572100	d3df4c4a-e57a-44df-9776-ffea3a32139c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:40:47	198.334
-121	51442	2572100	1be6760d-5f4a-49cc-8cde-2194292dcfec	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:59:09	858.846
-122	25722	2572200	c5e92883-3231-4f5c-ae97-cd2d9c1d1009	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:05:43	488.328
-122	51444	2572200	0ad9e20d-357c-430a-a07e-9f00a278d877	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:15:27	509.279
-123	25723	2572300	7007f6f0-0b8c-47c0-ade5-88a6f89ec92d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:10:52	570.942
-123	51446	2572300	fb0e0561-43bf-4237-9d10-7991842da639	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:13:02	-940.239
-124	25724	2572400	4fcafa31-e7e4-4806-86a4-a38ebf16b4fb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:47:24	162.765
-124	51448	2572400	9127a778-a47a-4c22-99ea-b33cd79048f9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:33:08	382.382
-125	25725	2572500	6e5abe19-7df7-4027-aa16-f45c81c11b3a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:01:54	686.982
-125	51450	2572500	9b142a81-f550-4ea9-8af4-68aa5ffb5d00	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:04:14	-102.425
-126	25726	2572600	02b046c8-717a-4944-a5e3-003f4dbfd5cb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:55:43	640.669
-126	51452	2572600	5a7b1f45-fdcc-4ad1-932d-a0a8e5167dba	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:08:02	-45.372
-127	25727	2572700	a873d084-e2bd-49e2-ae8a-f7fa0765ad9d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:53:04	-310.20
-127	51454	2572700	b5ae3dd7-3c61-4cfc-b21b-76b7877dcf81	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:46:34	327.209
-0	25728	2572800	9dd44ad8-fbd3-49f1-9fa0-0a243b130cf0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:24:38	-988.478
-0	51456	2572800	e4425b32-4e81-4b1d-83a2-109299d41f1e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:50:38	526.774
-1	25729	2572900	e451ff6a-9f11-4049-9d0b-ef5c655b7b86	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:05:10	-294.985
-1	51458	2572900	911cb6ba-cc11-403a-b974-a195f9fc20d1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:43:16	404.480
-2	25730	2573000	7161f447-4a8c-4128-916a-578cb2b49af0	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:49:53	-466.266
-2	51460	2573000	477f3623-be72-4495-ae42-651d9473ed70	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:41:01	-133.263
-3	25731	2573100	a80bbebf-f91b-4d44-8d17-6436e3714657	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:41:44	-602.423
-3	51462	2573100	99e963ec-6e1b-44ba-98fe-3c0b7f1e8a7b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:17:29	-684.555
-4	25732	2573200	5d4bd126-6acd-4e27-8621-0af6b717bd9f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:10:23	639.242
-4	51464	2573200	b9d2d1e6-10eb-46b3-911d-5980322ebd32	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:15:27	-335.431
-5	25733	2573300	0dfa1d1d-9979-42dd-aa3c-24fe77ecf6e5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:14:51	934.310
-5	51466	2573300	05d44eb3-75fa-4f7b-86fe-2c8d27d931d9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:05:25	-529.80
-6	25734	2573400	2a1df819-2e75-40a7-88ba-5f2836746ccf	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:39:08	-258.481
-6	51468	2573400	06a481d4-4e55-413e-978c-6d2072828cfb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:00:30	-437.818
-7	25735	2573500	690eb6fb-5aa6-4730-99fe-0d56baff21f3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:47:25	-862.925
-7	51470	2573500	65d356da-2b28-4ed9-9b05-e5f54e253cc9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:20:50	-508.240
-8	25736	2573600	ded906ad-b685-41d5-8013-c151ee239667	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:46:36	-132.478
-8	51472	2573600	e6248737-cef0-457b-870b-3653f26b6cc1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:09:32	64.13
-9	25737	2573700	fa885eec-bbae-4c32-85da-aa3035d0fc49	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:19:26	-301.211
-9	51474	2573700	4d720bc4-ddbf-438b-bb93-5e7777b8bf0d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:21:08	999.585
-10	25738	2573800	2acff915-73ab-420b-acc5-d1a7a28efed6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:51:31	-137.242
-10	51476	2573800	537c6265-9df1-42ba-9eb9-e1baf5901a8c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:50:33	219.464
-11	25739	2573900	ed608c58-2ab6-454f-8dbc-850f2f419926	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:54:26	603.759
-11	51478	2573900	be699e9b-7d8d-4e5c-915a-a1fa64bdeae5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:10:18	742.6
-12	25740	2574000	66ebf91e-f7e2-4f8a-a9c8-7296eef80bc2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:33:08	-625.90
-12	51480	2574000	088d16d1-5e8f-4c08-9f06-3682ab9a71ab	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:39:15	-807.628
-13	25741	2574100	39abe4e2-1c77-4bd5-bfc4-64620193fe9d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:36:44	751.318
-13	51482	2574100	8f6e9208-c5e0-474e-bf3f-82d1e86c5309	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:44:44	54.786
-14	25742	2574200	3fc11471-7fc5-4f85-9649-1c1e419fcdb1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:21:49	-61.337
-14	51484	2574200	e86b2329-3cec-441a-a98a-4adfb529187d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:27:01	78.987
-15	25743	2574300	f7e1327b-1021-4bd7-b61a-7d7c14006278	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:47:01	897.251
-15	51486	2574300	793e01d2-baf0-48fc-a687-89f140125010	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:47:35	-726.588
-16	25744	2574400	155fc278-5782-4d72-8080-a8b2f9d33710	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:22:22	679.144
-16	51488	2574400	37c41ed8-1eea-4071-b1b1-0ef71ba0ce65	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:21:51	-705.376
-17	25745	2574500	c5815c14-19e0-4a37-aa68-53d10aae3a2e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:52:01	362.18
-17	51490	2574500	42736e1b-746f-45a6-8190-c4af33940341	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:37:23	-862.130
-18	25746	2574600	7fb9402a-9055-4698-b8d1-90f9961c1462	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:43:54	906.243
-18	51492	2574600	2e9183f0-83e0-438b-b289-c10e014108f7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:10:07	-154.348
-19	25747	2574700	9f2db178-bb2f-40f2-ad60-68284756393a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:15:16	-716.327
-19	51494	2574700	d6926751-271f-405a-a50f-847668403cc1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:13:32	-883.887
-20	25748	2574800	86750b2d-e902-47f3-8d29-b9aed3946c85	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:48:06	-818.473
-20	51496	2574800	c58f7af6-5d52-4550-a16a-4df3a5e9633e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:31:32	-366.273
-21	25749	2574900	bd2f6d09-ae0b-42c9-ba7f-a9394b564f8b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:37:27	-963.303
-21	51498	2574900	ee28b8c8-8dd9-467e-b129-857d0cc45ec4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:27:53	-373.176
-22	25750	2575000	a46f8883-2821-4644-9298-ca5a63fc57cc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:49:07	468.966
-22	51500	2575000	7b272e39-0416-41eb-8f7f-4441d9d08a43	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:55:33	534.217
-23	25751	2575100	9a40ef24-5860-4ecd-8dc7-42163f4f1e0d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:34:29	614.616
-23	51502	2575100	3141f633-8061-471b-b19b-6c57d13e24db	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:26:44	-615.876
-24	25752	2575200	f44ac12b-cde9-40c6-88ee-ab8040813d5b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:39:27	91.776
-24	51504	2575200	a73ba53a-b41f-4af4-bdca-7b19e30667a1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:32:54	-799.399
-25	25753	2575300	53498042-274a-47b2-b60d-e25a4135b3da	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:46:49	-982.796
-25	51506	2575300	63e19401-7638-463a-8527-9934d46bf036	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:56:10	-880.399
-26	25754	2575400	77021e2f-462d-4310-9d25-ae17e5b73c15	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:40:27	518.963
-26	51508	2575400	d4d2260e-aaab-4d65-a2dd-015c7117c825	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:31:00	-662.555
-27	25755	2575500	95ec3cdd-cdf6-48b6-8210-10c89e3f0395	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:38:19	318.962
-27	51510	2575500	b18ef07b-0dc3-4162-90ee-40cf0a6adbe8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:18:11	457.552
-28	25756	2575600	877cc37e-cd1c-4ed1-8149-d8caeaa336f6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:41:50	-653.895
-28	51512	2575600	19ee18d0-90b0-4606-81c4-e3d11e937575	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:16:55	868.864
-29	25757	2575700	16fa450c-d813-452c-90a0-56378b40dbff	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:02:47	783.594
-29	51514	2575700	6fe42d56-6c2c-4de8-b55e-fe1028c3e8f6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:37:40	-386.700
-30	25758	2575800	82c48116-33e3-40b7-8c6c-fc6fbe51c68d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:43:50	-730.916
-30	51516	2575800	7faf7c37-7e2e-455d-be9c-6084ef0ec965	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:51:13	-6.598
-31	25759	2575900	456051a3-e539-4fa3-8424-8dd7dbbc60d5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:56:24	-567.72
-31	51518	2575900	7cb8a85b-32f4-4109-8270-e62d575eea28	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:41:22	-627.336
-32	25760	2576000	ed559b6b-d2b1-49c1-96a8-bf9fa105dee6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:37:20	-64.8
-32	51520	2576000	934d8562-7267-41f0-9bac-62d7720e89ff	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:39:06	34.140
-33	25761	2576100	96b95ae3-5d3c-4d93-a9b7-547b54208719	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:31:16	730.48
-33	51522	2576100	764007ba-3dcf-40ff-ada0-4b762b823d06	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:21:16	-266.504
-34	25762	2576200	ee9c6cd2-6f8a-4a0a-8aec-7d7c591ee8cc	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:07:10	969.47
-34	51524	2576200	6a237d02-22d5-4422-bb25-7e6f6f01b0af	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:23:38	-590.62
-35	25763	2576300	fa2928b3-e200-44a0-9b13-1efaa788e111	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:51:22	863.986
-35	51526	2576300	824c1cbb-c23b-4501-ba3c-19301f51b56f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:59:30	773.559
-36	25764	2576400	c989a30f-0c49-41e4-8315-3d998a824393	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:24:53	-867.355
-36	51528	2576400	2f818ee3-12e9-4105-a65f-db0ea707275e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:22:44	6.120
-37	25765	2576500	f143546f-2326-4f77-80af-d20312fb1633	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:46:53	-541.50
-37	51530	2576500	a1ac1036-860f-4b34-a959-93f26725bf2b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:17:06	270.558
-38	25766	2576600	6f43fc2c-1c3a-4dbc-accd-e65ed2941e25	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:22:49	-251.536
-38	51532	2576600	24e4a966-397f-456b-89aa-47ff6b117ed5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:46:54	-208.391
-39	25767	2576700	8701619b-bce2-4a98-a2c4-eadf9d0562ac	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:43:10	314.150
-39	51534	2576700	060d6c64-26cc-4e34-8120-fa915501983a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:48:58	570.35
-40	25768	2576800	74beaa19-f84c-480c-a899-6a7fe9e771ed	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:49:12	-244.921
-40	51536	2576800	705a6a20-5369-47db-a0a0-679d88e98dae	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:33:17	-183.471
-41	25769	2576900	67d36dc2-b001-4280-89b7-1b059c6064d9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:30:19	698.79
-41	51538	2576900	a54d2743-7702-4810-bcf5-7de1929b2f7b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:51:03	-435.961
-42	25770	2577000	e50f3951-c8c6-47ab-9780-7ef06185e03b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:03:29	7.128
-42	51540	2577000	19b6d1dd-d4f6-4437-834a-27d0dae95a35	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:59:45	444.817
-43	25771	2577100	66efaa1c-84f6-4659-83fb-521cb05cacbb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:12:30	331.418
-43	51542	2577100	ec2fec49-ac3b-479b-a650-4a35e8b46549	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:52:27	508.983
-44	25772	2577200	3b6241c6-ca52-46d3-8b87-4fe8b6b39761	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:08:32	968.413
-44	51544	2577200	86779df4-64b5-4643-9608-bd2b46677a8b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:57:02	-253.185
-45	25773	2577300	1b3c82d6-8082-4c0d-a35b-a02e820163a3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:08:15	493.158
-45	51546	2577300	8c0ded87-f119-4568-ab3d-ce637344322b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:40:58	-101.984
-46	25774	2577400	f34f1ead-6581-46ae-b62f-b234c951a199	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:02:41	748.461
-46	51548	2577400	7ffb9e83-5dd9-4edc-ace9-0faedd21a5fc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:02:57	-425.103
-47	25775	2577500	2f4b7384-e46e-465a-a2c8-0b4b7001496b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:21:33	822.528
-47	51550	2577500	45e400e7-e440-4950-a63b-7ad1c10703e5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:12:02	-39.397
-48	25776	2577600	5d4666ea-921b-4031-b3fb-874d7a5ce846	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:31:47	-575.666
-48	51552	2577600	9b32df6e-9773-4450-b062-9571a07dcf36	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:03:46	-170.80
-49	25777	2577700	16ad2e77-9c4d-4fad-8212-b958e531670e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:56:11	-718.818
-49	51554	2577700	5bb8ef6e-ff20-436a-8ec0-83c9005b87db	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:05:39	767.431
-50	25778	2577800	769e0449-a892-4180-a57b-a2397a5bef16	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:23:45	247.646
-50	51556	2577800	12471176-95a8-4f53-9e52-12204ac60a44	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:15:15	-516.119
-51	25779	2577900	9f355b65-ca50-4fd1-8221-06278475dba0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:30:27	29.720
-51	51558	2577900	0b19ea4e-cf6e-40e7-949c-a5e804cfa636	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:06:35	-776.86
-52	25780	2578000	fb3dac54-cc80-49f9-9da5-db0c51fd1a9e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:23:53	-247.864
-52	51560	2578000	0e353efa-8d99-4f3f-97b1-4451c387e7ac	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:04:52	-710.992
-53	25781	2578100	814c1e38-cbda-40d9-a7a5-236d9ef05637	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:04:15	-74.728
-53	51562	2578100	d7188556-cefb-4564-9cca-7f4d2c86bd97	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:17:04	-111.140
-54	25782	2578200	6d94c31b-933a-41cf-a566-89f406e2829a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:49:26	738.829
-54	51564	2578200	8309986c-8677-449b-b1d9-1d135b583535	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:21:25	474.275
-55	25783	2578300	04ca0d75-bae5-4702-96df-c2722a10380a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:45:05	65.480
-55	51566	2578300	67e8b488-a373-4b66-8cec-bb51c0444a49	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:44:27	557.237
-56	25784	2578400	7482efe9-67a8-4519-ac91-bb012a3dd79b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:49:27	-832.304
-56	51568	2578400	1f135d26-fc73-43fd-b20e-ab0f8d5c1b58	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:45:01	589.494
-57	25785	2578500	abed582b-3425-470f-a5db-afe60ae5b7a9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:54:06	-291.305
-57	51570	2578500	45b8600b-c602-4bab-9df5-14b6c999e40c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:57:10	-427.196
-58	25786	2578600	66a6fb5d-1b76-416a-8b74-500ab4fee6ce	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:38:52	271.223
-58	51572	2578600	d304fd65-f966-41f4-8bfe-bd124c3720ed	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:53:10	-322.727
-59	25787	2578700	5e1bc2f3-b66e-42e3-a251-e1942373e58e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:06:12	-288.42
-59	51574	2578700	d8b38348-1b71-4ba6-9185-b882247b7be1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:55:28	-39.986
-60	25788	2578800	4d802715-37f9-4b94-978f-791f1b54fd62	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:04:03	241.194
-60	51576	2578800	e566b6ae-fec4-44d2-8f28-893f33ef3266	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:22:08	581.641
-61	25789	2578900	318154b2-284a-4820-8976-d87f9955364d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:25:16	753.825
-61	51578	2578900	13c62f10-ba2b-4273-bef9-d69b08727d6a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:16:47	381.12
-62	25790	2579000	8330a940-b8ed-45e3-a84e-5c5ae202e869	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:53:34	-511.549
-62	51580	2579000	b645ba27-ad2e-4f80-a5ef-9ea8287a0414	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:28:39	-157.264
-63	25791	2579100	24c65139-b748-47b1-b7ed-5c5940742279	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:58:41	-260.871
-63	51582	2579100	90230a9c-7ede-4e14-be85-c87afaea2c3b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:50:42	560.125
-64	25792	2579200	abc7aea1-64b5-4ffd-88a2-7a495e87d782	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:27:53	-820.450
-64	51584	2579200	e4ba3da5-00bb-439d-851c-10c466b735ab	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:03:47	-585.820
-65	25793	2579300	5d7ec680-8a36-4727-b1d4-472c48a328b3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:59:19	897.570
-65	51586	2579300	edc82dd8-fc28-40c1-a841-8a1c0924ebf0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:50:02	621.454
-66	25794	2579400	18082e49-c15e-4c1e-a4c6-23d37666ce1b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:30:26	811.3
-66	51588	2579400	738232b4-0cb9-4a1e-b391-dcd588bba880	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:25:08	-334.898
-67	25795	2579500	d581e0c0-9820-480c-9945-ae5a77ebc36f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:18:41	952.720
-67	51590	2579500	7012bd16-708d-45a7-b4b8-3ea6deca3558	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:15:21	-971.569
-68	25796	2579600	9f44c178-2724-4f17-90f8-ec47d33d8599	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:14:39	532.876
-68	51592	2579600	5ff8c4d8-fd54-4a75-b785-0096075bd0cd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:01:18	547.462
-69	25797	2579700	a7d776fe-3cc5-41b0-a3cc-03f41c541b35	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:57:59	-472.604
-69	51594	2579700	93149eab-3455-4817-bb0f-7ee8c15c0916	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:37:21	-449.591
-70	25798	2579800	1a4846c3-c0f0-4dcc-926a-703526a84d86	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:27:40	95.430
-70	51596	2579800	96caf3d5-bd67-4331-9c6c-6df8787417e3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:05:07	-889.783
-71	25799	2579900	899473ee-bdd8-41ac-8476-2653afd1382a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:44:39	-644.165
-71	51598	2579900	8dff0305-2ad2-4a61-ae4c-3cd0342ea5b2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:01:52	-487.172
-72	25800	2580000	905d1d61-0020-4d04-8c96-07bbbde615c2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:11:37	407.568
-72	51600	2580000	e4e1ca2e-06a9-4ef7-987d-e29be464e9e4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:39:40	-376.92
-73	25801	2580100	af254436-553c-4f8c-b20c-9fe7e3638fa4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:21:38	99.30
-73	51602	2580100	a7c83c58-d545-4ce2-a955-5cea4a5e88bc	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:01:32	-217.946
-74	25802	2580200	2c21b6da-6a41-4f25-bf96-c481945bcde7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:37:45	-35.165
-74	51604	2580200	83809d22-e79b-42ac-a85e-dbadd4450880	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:28:44	-543.831
-75	25803	2580300	f2c0c2b2-7611-429c-8df8-55e1cba11470	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:00:07	288.657
-75	51606	2580300	8f755ca5-646e-4b8f-8d9f-6af6a7c70a35	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:29:29	374.729
-76	25804	2580400	32d458fe-57fb-47a5-ada2-d7ad4b9c7014	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:12:05	-866.600
-76	51608	2580400	a60db51e-41e1-483a-8c5c-3328a072ee9d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:24:06	454.220
-77	25805	2580500	450efb4f-a7e2-4414-9ac6-3b0e4396c279	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:42:37	-30.302
-77	51610	2580500	3a1b8d96-2b9e-475f-9e06-69513701892e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:57:10	-26.76
-78	25806	2580600	2ac0e0d4-4d34-496b-a800-b4d9dd867bb2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:08:02	-703.12
-78	51612	2580600	2553fa1f-eaa0-41f7-b449-88b7b922434b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:38:07	306.214
-79	25807	2580700	06f933f4-11f8-4a47-bd61-352f0b1133a2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:55:03	618.126
-79	51614	2580700	d5b3fa45-9bd7-4c20-8151-12b3c9d3d7c2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:12:09	944.76
-80	25808	2580800	9550b9ac-6f7e-4f32-82da-96f87abc3d6b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:21:47	532.135
-80	51616	2580800	0a01b73c-1fd8-464d-a3e0-e1681f56e3d3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:38:57	-354.390
-81	25809	2580900	387d6f1d-5d25-4d64-b521-edc305ecac00	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:03:33	-939.692
-81	51618	2580900	bdaaf51d-5995-4d5f-ac50-516e25d89cd9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:15:53	274.448
-82	25810	2581000	db122931-c80d-401d-8cb1-aea865442608	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:00:17	444.446
-82	51620	2581000	2d4abec8-b2e4-466f-8b9f-002a2e2a19a9	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:33:14	-466.549
-83	25811	2581100	14ff8a8c-fbc5-4e56-95cd-6e75b61c2b87	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:24:18	-832.759
-83	51622	2581100	59ea1732-af76-4a73-aac9-55cbf47e408c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:12:04	-639.664
-84	25812	2581200	a39293e7-a5fa-4548-b473-5d605362b9e1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:57:14	468.186
-84	51624	2581200	65e03c35-5197-4be0-b9db-b792bc4e1ed8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:42:11	-110.890
-85	25813	2581300	d4d50d18-4d65-444f-a5a3-ec1ada8cf20e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:33:24	-381.920
-85	51626	2581300	590f142f-46cd-451b-9a62-4c8417306f3f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:58:46	458.949
-86	25814	2581400	59a01790-fb3c-41f2-9074-cd677df0f4b6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:26:01	939.384
-86	51628	2581400	9d10c90a-018b-450b-9bbd-c01500acc0c5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:36:43	-615.273
-87	25815	2581500	29de8319-e0ac-44ca-9f18-f060a5317144	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:39:22	450.800
-87	51630	2581500	89e368fb-c870-4339-9091-fac721783aee	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:06:34	786.875
-88	25816	2581600	2a73c923-cd04-42b4-8d08-466cdb871485	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:23:32	438.526
-88	51632	2581600	cf9ba472-8769-4d59-bb6e-10678a6396b3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:04:50	376.138
-89	25817	2581700	ed941037-f60d-4352-96ea-ab1929c20fbc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:38:46	-879.404
-89	51634	2581700	4ce61794-3927-40cc-a6a2-e5de0109991b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:32:21	780.111
-90	25818	2581800	5573a0fb-dc81-469c-bd4e-c2776d65871f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:03:16	150.482
-90	51636	2581800	7205b664-d8bb-49ec-89ac-949e42e7ee93	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:49:23	333.501
-91	25819	2581900	9d67fa95-0b33-4f65-bc4c-970af1b3f19e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:45:21	532.281
-91	51638	2581900	36e2f7b0-425c-43df-a3a7-cf35e6e0181c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:23:28	163.77
-92	25820	2582000	b9ca151b-4e15-4dd7-be8c-73841c1c6000	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:05:06	-751.62
-92	51640	2582000	0cd4e16a-e655-40a3-a6c2-422f830de1b4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:20:34	-532.760
-93	25821	2582100	c109052a-5c30-49dc-aa9d-8d919f47ebb2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:34:07	-476.850
-93	51642	2582100	b3703303-0529-4ead-8357-8c23e6fb8aac	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:59:21	754.949
-94	25822	2582200	0c762aec-c447-4644-aba3-84dda1d46710	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:16:59	195.627
-94	51644	2582200	d9ef2533-4b8a-47e2-9128-39bee7430510	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:06:47	-172.789
-95	25823	2582300	215515f0-6ec0-47b1-b1cd-00e34f156f6f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:09:47	206.823
-95	51646	2582300	546883fe-dbfe-4082-8c49-e89613b45761	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:57:49	-97.139
-96	25824	2582400	f358199b-f3d0-484e-ae42-dc350c86353f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:02:39	-192.98
-96	51648	2582400	9af496b8-1bc7-46a4-870a-53bd76b86430	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:28:19	744.508
-97	25825	2582500	2337ba39-22d9-4057-a780-2ca3db652cdf	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:42:19	-385.657
-97	51650	2582500	774a6658-d32b-472c-ae9c-76bec08c33f8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:09:56	240.997
-98	25826	2582600	941e0171-6bfb-4741-95ab-038e1b3e013e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:10:05	92.14
-98	51652	2582600	738d7a0d-060a-47d8-a3ad-16a620eabd4f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:07:38	22.783
-99	25827	2582700	aaa5a3b2-a09d-47ed-960b-cdc8f987213c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:31:24	693.94
-99	51654	2582700	999d97d2-3b48-4413-8126-53c7874cd344	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:11:05	808.445
-100	25828	2582800	33f901d1-f7ab-4bc4-b01c-2cac4d0c16e9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:23:46	-659.130
-100	51656	2582800	61380e3f-6fba-4e74-a3b6-f9559d90979e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:47:55	67.618
-101	25829	2582900	effda4b7-ee55-466f-a436-ad0e9cb36624	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:12:11	-382.238
-101	51658	2582900	8db374f1-4f7d-4a84-9640-0cd1b44cf3c1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:33:32	-636.462
-102	25830	2583000	528f5ed2-56bc-4ec0-95cb-79fd7638dfd9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:09:00	11.960
-102	51660	2583000	b5f9f651-96bc-49b8-bd82-a29a113b47f0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:52:24	-997.442
-103	25831	2583100	4596d30c-6c45-4768-8a09-a3ba3f72b77d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:17:22	-861.762
-103	51662	2583100	22bcc118-28b5-4ccd-8eaa-c4368fd9f249	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:37:51	301.626
-104	25832	2583200	e15a9160-66bd-4372-870d-bd3cbf9386a1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:44:29	597.794
-104	51664	2583200	135d8fcc-c4be-4117-a671-2f58fe6972c8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:09:22	-485.334
-105	25833	2583300	a4d5c4a8-b878-4012-a4f7-ddc23f930a33	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:39:30	161.252
-105	51666	2583300	859e9904-74e1-4c09-9075-ea9a2630eab1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:27:34	-487.671
-106	25834	2583400	1ab7fd7c-6975-4dfc-9500-a15920c4cb6d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:50:59	-701.822
-106	51668	2583400	77736ee1-dca8-496a-a5dc-17b0e57c39fe	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:14:54	890.888
-107	25835	2583500	dee69a1c-d25c-4249-9b8a-c75e04ce98fc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:24:47	-266.265
-107	51670	2583500	fdc0d17a-06e6-4143-8b5a-45f66ee31cbb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:46:36	-627.119
-108	25836	2583600	bfb22f0b-df8f-4b8b-b4cd-29ebea240b59	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:13:55	-208.672
-108	51672	2583600	5e10c12e-725d-4b0b-bb84-0a21d6aa8a34	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:35:21	244.808
-109	25837	2583700	ed54a372-8d6b-476d-9177-a9986236f241	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:42:18	-389.732
-109	51674	2583700	dc3099f6-fc6c-4171-a5ee-caf412b69032	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:27:24	-874.159
-110	25838	2583800	46b0ae46-75e7-4c6e-accc-f508909db7ef	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:40:16	881.870
-110	51676	2583800	bd3c1ab4-7f49-4a35-9e14-a99765cbdd0a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:38:54	828.566
-111	25839	2583900	e3e49561-51ca-4f60-8a41-28854f514f43	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:46:14	-437.860
-111	51678	2583900	2b0844a8-8739-4ed6-b80f-2bbcc2518646	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:19:21	-921.686
-112	25840	2584000	e5e3ba04-8ce9-49eb-aaa8-c80db468d4a4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:02:20	270.128
-112	51680	2584000	9f2f89d0-1931-49af-b812-23fdf675ec5b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:12:41	522.177
-113	25841	2584100	b82cde54-3832-4f94-bba2-1b74a2a1b079	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:33:28	-688.397
-113	51682	2584100	0f5b08cf-8e8d-4402-836e-b6d6c6b1f0f5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:51:36	-901.264
-114	25842	2584200	0e11abc0-7f31-43b3-a7a3-6511ca762299	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:54:05	974.388
-114	51684	2584200	c84fcf22-6835-44c5-9598-ddb4cdc4e126	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:51:29	-281.308
-115	25843	2584300	1f7e1866-529c-46a5-aae6-13b2ef7c8762	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:49:19	551.159
-115	51686	2584300	a4ba97ee-13af-4e61-91fa-937a5b8eb443	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:47:18	-914.143
-116	25844	2584400	00a10449-2d60-4206-8bd1-f9dc9bce433b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:29:15	136.91
-116	51688	2584400	d4994e74-09da-45dd-a55b-8aaaf4ed3683	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:28:10	-190.65
-117	25845	2584500	554a1c21-0283-4a03-b4f3-567127ef5d7c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:35:58	130.324
-117	51690	2584500	8b9bb95f-5b95-4414-86e9-fd1695e076d9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:46:08	-34.841
-118	25846	2584600	9aaf0ac4-1f5d-4e95-9196-c17e0a9ad683	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:36:32	-500.462
-118	51692	2584600	434b5313-7cf6-484f-808f-9ceac4f4dd5c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:35:34	-707.485
-119	25847	2584700	33f140e9-7042-4a82-ae54-126cbedc57a2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:00:24	552.615
-119	51694	2584700	39c7087b-0251-48f0-bd9e-20d3daeff36d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:02:18	-851.204
-120	25848	2584800	9807c43d-bf4a-4e4e-94a6-90b0139bfcd5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:51:20	309.115
-120	51696	2584800	b83a169c-520a-40c6-8b3d-dc29da3ee9f6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:58:07	-551.126
-121	25849	2584900	cdc9601f-8322-431f-a1e5-3f41b9b4087c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:00:19	950.172
-121	51698	2584900	6b50dea4-1c69-417f-b37e-6e9627084291	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:50:05	-204.331
-122	25850	2585000	05398b23-d2cb-4897-b42c-2093b3cc95f1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:03:15	942.286
-122	51700	2585000	ad975688-a645-4a5c-a58d-619e2c25b8ff	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:18:52	971.121
-123	25851	2585100	5065a733-33cd-4d85-8317-5ed4d1b89d51	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:36:14	-989.514
-123	51702	2585100	993c3f3e-4305-4736-817d-c0ead148c83a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:19:46	223.722
-124	25852	2585200	c97cd2e3-54a8-46de-87d7-f9c04e595fdf	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:46:28	-362.823
-124	51704	2585200	eab42caa-706f-4301-8b5f-3a4301cabb60	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:38:26	273.465
-125	25853	2585300	3f91f9d6-d1a2-4705-81ba-32d355cabdd6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:13:06	454.65
-125	51706	2585300	d16bbf81-6cfe-4580-a76e-df50caf67ea3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:14:27	187.64
-126	25854	2585400	d552e528-cd89-4194-a8ea-dfbb481c916a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:38:21	-877.356
-126	51708	2585400	97f21849-eb71-44fd-8884-85b6c96dcc87	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:59:57	868.596
-127	25855	2585500	e6f15f86-aad0-4229-bb33-40bf9cf2cbaf	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:32:09	13.179
-127	51710	2585500	bf252156-fad1-4943-bcd0-b5a10432962e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:29:28	222.655
-0	25856	2585600	1939aa0e-4a6e-4851-ba4b-4c9adfa45290	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:00:33	-236.767
-0	51712	2585600	0b62ab7a-099a-4d93-928e-9db44eb66569	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:01:54	-34.431
-1	25857	2585700	e0f8b9bf-47be-4899-b34b-59a78bad9d74	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:45:44	-575.504
-1	51714	2585700	f7d1830a-ffa8-4bb2-a526-6c2e099d73a6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:35:24	350.238
-2	25858	2585800	62695884-78c1-4fd9-b679-4b631dc600f6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:16:35	-680.727
-2	51716	2585800	9ce4e565-ddea-405c-b54f-6c927535c3ba	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:35:14	973.336
-3	25859	2585900	0d1c2fb1-fa25-42b1-83be-d59b75d24a3a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:29:30	616.491
-3	51718	2585900	e4d3ab8b-ece6-48da-9e11-fbfb9ab0f0de	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:21:55	758.774
-4	25860	2586000	90efe087-ffc6-461e-8db0-e87d71ff08f3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:37:00	937.543
-4	51720	2586000	1288530d-3c53-4a19-b768-0169c7f827f1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:14:27	141.538
-5	25861	2586100	d7e2462c-35a6-43fe-adc1-13f32448fcde	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:45:00	-776.983
-5	51722	2586100	82dc34a1-9c6a-443b-a946-69e851e95d4d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:57:19	-882.875
-6	25862	2586200	43f8f778-d624-4fb6-9774-21abf53937dc	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:47:48	-141.313
-6	51724	2586200	3371149e-d883-4f4d-90ec-fe7ef24bc21c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:02:22	31.917
-7	25863	2586300	15c977d9-ac20-4c77-8aea-1262dcac5f87	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:17:31	-243.569
-7	51726	2586300	e82b7c9e-835f-4245-b2fa-397ede94ee74	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:08:40	-345.109
-8	25864	2586400	9e153e35-bf12-4626-bab5-a31fb05b3774	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:41:26	-136.89
-8	51728	2586400	77cd2002-2905-4f4b-aa25-872b79ba1c6f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:16:33	774.637
-9	25865	2586500	cbd57f03-547e-4efe-9501-6262c9a59ad6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:28:28	366.919
-9	51730	2586500	e9fab07e-9800-480e-84ef-f1227779a6c2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:28:47	-971.582
-10	25866	2586600	d93e661e-3fcb-49e0-9a03-f79288ad69cb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:46:13	-579.43
-10	51732	2586600	dd7d80cc-37fd-4ea7-a156-3f3ef79b7995	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:30:07	-543.244
-11	25867	2586700	3d851869-a4f8-48a7-9cf8-dcde1bfbb817	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:27:39	-585.246
-11	51734	2586700	5a4ebca1-736f-4c65-a090-96e54a261730	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:11:04	-821.971
-12	25868	2586800	155cae9b-015d-48f3-aad9-57629af867bb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:30:53	538.641
-12	51736	2586800	55d18db6-db1e-4ea5-9151-d1e10206f5ef	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:08:22	923.743
-13	25869	2586900	72119bed-4671-44a4-a1b9-a97068d1c92c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:27:01	687.793
-13	51738	2586900	d7756b28-b890-4c9d-969f-3a400c9e17c8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:59:12	268.775
-14	25870	2587000	ade1988e-cf08-4166-a394-c5a27033f8b2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:44:32	73.588
-14	51740	2587000	2c3588f8-2d54-45b7-9a2d-b59429a26892	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:38:26	669.446
-15	25871	2587100	f220d34a-c3dd-4555-b186-356d46f9745c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:03:34	996.87
-15	51742	2587100	bfe433be-c4a0-4e7a-83e6-77cee90bcc7e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:16:15	107.434
-16	25872	2587200	d09de83d-b26e-4fd9-a7ef-3ce57de0f7bb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:49:17	-411.661
-16	51744	2587200	13f7d5fd-2b23-446c-8d9c-5ac60b395ddb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:49:52	427.15
-17	25873	2587300	b12fd2b2-d0ba-43ee-b75f-f6bb1cde3460	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:49:19	-524.240
-17	51746	2587300	9dc5f284-d22a-4781-acd4-bd8596bda2f8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:24:36	-927.237
-18	25874	2587400	c0cd29fe-c66b-42f5-99cc-ee40d8a24e6c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:05:41	-136.917
-18	51748	2587400	4403efcb-7b0d-4fef-89a2-929d74a8ca8f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:25:16	-362.899
-19	25875	2587500	175a341a-c994-45a6-8d14-083a2746725d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:11:53	95.399
-19	51750	2587500	b6e54ada-9d66-44c9-9f00-64b55d4bc991	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:59:08	418.160
-20	25876	2587600	b5120636-aa1b-44f6-aae4-876217377fb2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:22:33	439.847
-20	51752	2587600	5ca913db-2996-4c94-8357-00e4193793bb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:27:46	-343.249
-21	25877	2587700	b9656fe0-0f3c-4b85-9723-9df6477c02ee	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:40:18	-842.849
-21	51754	2587700	60f5bdb5-552d-47d7-ae52-0624f68bc492	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:41:16	544.947
-22	25878	2587800	71bbd466-d709-425a-982f-709b7aad08aa	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:38:28	-141.416
-22	51756	2587800	c56e78eb-6169-4e35-827a-6e9416611e3b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:10:07	-338.688
-23	25879	2587900	144d19f9-a9ad-4e15-af6f-07f6acb536a6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:14:01	299.549
-23	51758	2587900	afed87c6-bd1f-466b-b0c0-30c7a30f284f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:05:32	896.33
-24	25880	2588000	12e30201-71c8-480f-9a64-6e3370e840df	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:10:27	917.330
-24	51760	2588000	50788fc9-8310-4c91-b6a3-fac315d1fbb4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:53:45	-99.914
-25	25881	2588100	2d42145a-2fc0-4183-8210-c1a929b66d68	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:48:04	-189.98
-25	51762	2588100	dc296434-bcd9-4637-8545-8ab64e6c0ef8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:00:19	-411.994
-26	25882	2588200	91d5f6a2-b0d6-41e7-9ad1-02fd07ad31a4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:58:07	159.70
-26	51764	2588200	a345784f-5f30-46ac-8542-c3d1be81f82b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:55:42	-33.88
-27	25883	2588300	ff96d011-8af9-4a23-a3ef-d5814514b6b0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:19:12	-772.441
-27	51766	2588300	45546f4b-9826-402c-9aaa-29339e9043af	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:51:53	-839.881
-28	25884	2588400	67d0e613-4f12-43cf-97d7-a0146a5bcc60	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:17:53	493.374
-28	51768	2588400	ed774bc7-ac85-4319-86c7-540b7062cfb1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:13:41	537.329
-29	25885	2588500	1a8ff665-e858-4e88-a3d9-bf470a65d365	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:58:15	394.507
-29	51770	2588500	b0011877-7018-45ef-80ab-90cc77a918ab	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:29:48	781.37
-30	25886	2588600	7c42d32f-940e-4a43-b35a-a275399f9c64	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:40:42	-928.10
-30	51772	2588600	f70127b2-ea02-4fe5-9601-c54edb5b5c23	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:16:43	-118.139
-31	25887	2588700	be241323-b9a5-4509-8f0a-75f738056161	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:11:44	-450.9
-31	51774	2588700	6ccb4862-99fc-41ff-98b7-e78e9fce8ed0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:30:01	665.872
-32	25888	2588800	8ddb2fbf-7045-4120-b8dc-e37407879602	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:34:18	881.88
-32	51776	2588800	625698aa-a57f-4c86-a076-bc110c1f57a0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:00:06	568.511
-33	25889	2588900	3918b9f9-3301-4324-85b4-b1d1ffc80b0e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:27:47	941.772
-33	51778	2588900	96e8ba3d-20a4-4cb1-9e6e-5d876eff3433	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:43:16	113.293
-34	25890	2589000	3d04e8dd-3a14-4e08-bed4-c8a1b7bad8cd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:30:31	-515.54
-34	51780	2589000	78bfd300-1579-473e-b088-1b232715f1aa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:28:30	-417.671
-35	25891	2589100	6641b738-ea28-4d79-a58d-02b73ab7d5e3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:01:16	-747.38
-35	51782	2589100	fd45e46d-5698-4793-a4c8-2fb5ba83430d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:29:53	-243.876
-36	25892	2589200	57c6bf1d-f9de-4041-b395-37b56a23cac1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:11:06	857.383
-36	51784	2589200	8bbd1e9c-55b5-4335-ad61-f31288901b29	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:30:24	-902.914
-37	25893	2589300	bc7036aa-628e-4891-b7cd-308760a004a1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:42:01	175.404
-37	51786	2589300	79bff90b-3593-49ff-bdf6-08b67c41ed10	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:35:09	425.692
-38	25894	2589400	25bdb969-048a-4fe6-bb14-9f37381157e5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:42:15	-432.640
-38	51788	2589400	44fbcfe1-cf1c-4956-82dc-11b363429f7a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:43:57	79.835
-39	25895	2589500	070d2935-c908-41c4-b00d-a043dcb5789c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:53:45	318.956
-39	51790	2589500	bd7e3c80-8632-4b50-bb65-bd4da0f5bb4c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:22:00	-314.662
-40	25896	2589600	4b9d9f7d-15a2-4374-87ce-126528a32692	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:59:59	41.927
-40	51792	2589600	3e475932-ca9c-4685-9d0f-5716af5f3689	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:36:23	788.323
-41	25897	2589700	b40e2ce2-cf8c-4c51-800d-5c9712c9129a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:54:23	868.81
-41	51794	2589700	4edf1d7c-0861-48e1-83ac-4558a1f0f828	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:22:48	699.397
-42	25898	2589800	9ed11a03-fc03-4ffb-9b2c-118ad3776af2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:50:33	234.818
-42	51796	2589800	393c924e-6b8a-4d37-aa72-1f0dabcf6722	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:30:39	846.769
-43	25899	2589900	94433df4-6445-4020-9167-0e7c4b56fd78	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:10:14	-529.33
-43	51798	2589900	635a9e53-4302-4802-8f3c-d5151ddaa6f4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:01:59	349.361
-44	25900	2590000	2b477ed2-77b0-47c3-afa7-f82db32e11fb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:41:16	-696.767
-44	51800	2590000	39fca859-9c83-4df1-8f06-b8c4165815c0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:11:24	-831.259
-45	25901	2590100	8b3434aa-9e75-4816-b8fb-bcd0dd09c363	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:26:49	123.874
-45	51802	2590100	91b79db1-f9ef-441a-b7e4-e30daf1b0cbb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:58:50	-88.22
-46	25902	2590200	6cc7119c-78f1-4d56-9fc5-e64e860407cb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:20:08	794.779
-46	51804	2590200	944d7e84-d515-4842-bd1a-1d6a99f73f9a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:01:19	218.433
-47	25903	2590300	33ea0252-6fdc-407c-a3ec-0e1786355b4f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:18:17	-371.395
-47	51806	2590300	7cbdbef1-d185-440d-8024-ee6cdd70e573	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:13:26	865.314
-48	25904	2590400	ccdaa31a-09d3-493d-a0e8-6dad40b4b722	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:14:59	626.546
-48	51808	2590400	ca29e93e-3d7f-43f2-92e8-85bda94044fb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:19:23	-583.816
-49	25905	2590500	d65e0616-01c2-4c59-bc06-45db421f3da7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:46:50	353.609
-49	51810	2590500	0e401905-8545-40eb-abff-4f2e1b03c404	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:05:13	-922.26
-50	25906	2590600	0eb48760-2eb1-49cf-b909-c094b02533c9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:38:13	-963.93
-50	51812	2590600	5ca1bdfb-7188-450d-a552-5fec2d5efe21	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:08:09	-905.664
-51	25907	2590700	252cfb30-2bce-4ae2-a92a-77d2eb69eb5a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:05:29	-382.330
-51	51814	2590700	604091d4-191d-4a29-b6f0-8a033448fc75	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:38:55	217.699
-52	25908	2590800	8570514d-d47b-403c-b652-b10b1789df4c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:34:21	593.138
-52	51816	2590800	f7bede45-8d1f-480f-8822-1bf7a3c8af70	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:26:15	-518.211
-53	25909	2590900	625e427c-f90e-4687-901e-d4d3c9690b86	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:09:42	-998.101
-53	51818	2590900	c3593777-e3ee-4a72-bd9c-2b823f03ba40	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:08:16	863.905
-54	25910	2591000	61bd0c0a-26db-4971-b48b-0d33cb4f81d2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:23:57	849.308
-54	51820	2591000	caec2730-89aa-404d-9bb6-a43fa7540d52	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:37:55	237.36
-55	25911	2591100	a7c4dd81-c18b-496e-8407-75b2c0353a15	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:58:46	625.907
-55	51822	2591100	8682c073-ba51-4c09-9fd2-6141a317ac46	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:46:24	416.977
-56	25912	2591200	75e8c08e-7da1-4c04-9d29-6026597d4326	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:06:21	-167.545
-56	51824	2591200	1d19b44a-96c6-4151-a0fd-5f9507edb9ce	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:05:15	292.241
-57	25913	2591300	5ac95611-01bb-4994-8325-8af197092dbe	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:24:30	-8.519
-57	51826	2591300	40e2bfd0-0508-4f66-9b81-3054300a697b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:22:03	255.509
-58	25914	2591400	e347c4d9-ae3e-4773-93a9-780c29029886	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:10:41	658.150
-58	51828	2591400	af653959-c314-4fdb-9179-4e40edcd8ee4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:22:06	-983.193
-59	25915	2591500	452685fd-63db-4cb0-bd79-64f5b64191df	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:55:10	-479.241
-59	51830	2591500	d7eecede-c9c5-438f-8056-99e453b89ada	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:57:01	-992.484
-60	25916	2591600	34af732b-7cc5-4a88-a2cf-45937799456b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:59:52	-118.529
-60	51832	2591600	15372c7d-c87f-4b5a-8ee3-9015bac0a3e2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:38:41	549.873
-61	25917	2591700	4a879bf6-98d5-439a-b060-f7383c4c5422	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:01:24	-787.757
-61	51834	2591700	8ff4ccd7-476b-45e5-97ae-5ee1849023f7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:16:59	-541.796
-62	25918	2591800	35f91075-32da-451e-8d01-b857b6d2dd6a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:06:22	23.527
-62	51836	2591800	a9ef1c5b-dbd8-4bbe-8247-cce11f788363	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:51:06	-584.609
-63	25919	2591900	df0fbca1-86e5-432e-8eb6-36a3fdaba7df	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:26:12	-794.917
-63	51838	2591900	2990e468-124c-4750-9413-89156b584451	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:59:47	-504.901
-64	25920	2592000	4b75efe8-eae4-4fff-a33c-4d4183b152d1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:20:37	172.166
-64	51840	2592000	4a19e470-9fa2-4236-b81e-f9b963c0bdf2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:49:26	-535.126
-65	25921	2592100	4be3b5fe-f2e9-4ec0-82c2-34e15ab5d4b8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:13:55	-883.218
-65	51842	2592100	f3f6fc4b-82d2-4263-a048-76c0492a4ac5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:08:04	-144.89
-66	25922	2592200	e3fe12de-4fc8-49c3-863b-795768f69df7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:05:39	631.928
-66	51844	2592200	242d0ea5-4f0a-4204-95c5-16cbb98cd40b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:07:51	-955.689
-67	25923	2592300	35da56ff-2627-4d2e-8b48-fa3fee4abd45	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:12:34	834.501
-67	51846	2592300	774849b0-f072-4ff8-8e5a-cab9248fbcf8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:10:43	764.192
-68	25924	2592400	0079ff1e-1bc6-4d95-8adf-f41966f97476	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:05:46	332.976
-68	51848	2592400	c32aeeaf-27e0-42bf-ba1a-3ed84650b387	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:01:31	-609.173
-69	25925	2592500	1525198f-ac77-4b9e-b0b6-1e7d6239e93f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:15:11	645.43
-69	51850	2592500	62d421ce-a7a9-4c2c-a3bb-484dff62a5dc	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:48:32	-787.805
-70	25926	2592600	4d210f48-0b31-445f-a694-a5d7da920643	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:11:19	99.552
-70	51852	2592600	f77c209a-25f8-476f-a7e8-5800d91d3ca4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:23:58	206.629
-71	25927	2592700	1cee1c22-5c55-4728-b1be-791476556c1c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:50:07	235.945
-71	51854	2592700	707529a6-610f-4c29-80ec-1d0d98d8500c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:13:41	-500.460
-72	25928	2592800	bd64d1f6-1c27-4a24-9be9-afac72f906c5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:34:58	176.977
-72	51856	2592800	9d498599-487a-4a13-af98-7c0570a790c0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:08:04	-664.431
-73	25929	2592900	9e7f6c71-fbcc-4ed5-b82f-7ee3d89c9dd8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:55:24	-799.238
-73	51858	2592900	a090f636-b0f2-4073-86e7-9c9798e29a47	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:00:35	-124.424
-74	25930	2593000	b8794653-4532-4d30-9794-e05c8c488442	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:35:50	-815.395
-74	51860	2593000	457cb65f-aef4-48a7-bde5-96cf43f1bf10	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:45:24	-548.249
-75	25931	2593100	1f18c674-1d1c-4d58-ac96-726a23c1bd7c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:32:31	-618.63
-75	51862	2593100	b39afd36-a413-40a2-a6c5-5e7e556901b7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:29:21	-90.152
-76	25932	2593200	40cc9d6a-b983-49d4-bd74-d8c2304f3b3b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:39:53	-875.7
-76	51864	2593200	5a3b9f6e-083b-4ca1-b4f6-fe1e7f4a3cc7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:29:46	-407.612
-77	25933	2593300	a4263f89-c3e5-4c49-915f-e8a22b5b728e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:04:35	-569.951
-77	51866	2593300	f70adfca-713c-4826-b3d9-aa1b7e7dd206	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:15:31	559.387
-78	25934	2593400	9a0ebd2f-aa27-4625-812b-147bf59fb948	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:14:45	618.518
-78	51868	2593400	97ce330e-dfd1-4d30-be47-3a479de61e65	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:47:02	-215.788
-79	25935	2593500	503de2ad-3e80-44eb-ae61-2e3445d9fad9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:59:32	-183.919
-79	51870	2593500	f11afa9c-6cb0-4eff-a3b8-10cb8bfd9af7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:13:09	-754.889
-80	25936	2593600	3862e996-0608-48bd-b5a4-7e20ceb928c4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:45:34	-557.258
-80	51872	2593600	b66a55e9-c99e-49e3-8136-6171f0eb5b58	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:00:41	-551.329
-81	25937	2593700	6144e108-e840-42f2-9662-d22042038ac7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:14:29	29.555
-81	51874	2593700	7401decf-4c79-4a9b-b4ed-ec802e979b5b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:23:27	-296.686
-82	25938	2593800	b76ab7eb-c68e-4f92-b260-4774b6dcf7c4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:53:32	-546.894
-82	51876	2593800	04983608-10db-45c3-a799-8401938f5688	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:45:25	-504.565
-83	25939	2593900	383dbeb6-f187-4f9c-95c1-1420087e7fa9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:03:24	-362.445
-83	51878	2593900	8ecb2696-35bb-44d9-96b9-7e0d4b6d1abf	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:25:10	861.509
-84	25940	2594000	a4f38360-bd45-4762-a761-d6b6320bbb63	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:44:06	619.845
-84	51880	2594000	85482653-4fc8-4632-b7f3-d408b0eb6c17	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:49:15	-48.668
-85	25941	2594100	6dd4dd10-d186-4a0c-a64e-c025e9a9d094	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:57:34	-816.808
-85	51882	2594100	e79bb471-d41c-4866-b29d-efde743d78b8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:29:10	-660.937
-86	25942	2594200	9e8c722c-fd04-4dfc-8603-8402a6a3384d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:03:15	-52.825
-86	51884	2594200	341cd6ec-15f4-432d-8145-e874c1f720d4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:55:40	-429.292
-87	25943	2594300	35731b4b-0378-4303-a8cd-e41215d674e0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:34:19	967.526
-87	51886	2594300	01494934-aee3-41f6-bd6b-a3e8f6f168f5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:37:01	676.864
-88	25944	2594400	30e43fcd-766c-4181-9b06-4e3d2a0ff53c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:55:10	-907.215
-88	51888	2594400	9611adac-e0f0-4bc0-a6f3-a2f71556d1bf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:41:41	92.707
-89	25945	2594500	96007713-5c48-4176-90cf-43eeb8e504a4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:28:32	245.29
-89	51890	2594500	7fa39f8f-e2c4-44de-8374-a12a391ad638	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:22:20	587.151
-90	25946	2594600	508e2d82-27d6-460b-a36a-c36f72515ee5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:11:05	-133.291
-90	51892	2594600	790abefa-7cf7-4ef7-bd83-2787723a7a10	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:08:15	530.458
-91	25947	2594700	1481d0e3-3f75-4480-b2f6-ebfdc0896734	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:27:58	-393.793
-91	51894	2594700	24c0fd1f-e56d-4fc0-af58-734ca8c8376d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:33:55	793.998
-92	25948	2594800	c9ed3893-74a9-43bb-9458-dbf277a6aa10	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:18:07	301.703
-92	51896	2594800	a1060e28-b6c8-4501-9ad5-de5b7e88b647	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:49:34	415.642
-93	25949	2594900	732f2fdb-7ac9-4711-96c6-1a58833fe743	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:00:28	-603.463
-93	51898	2594900	707b727d-ea6a-4e69-8950-2073d6d96de7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:43:15	-809.192
-94	25950	2595000	66458934-efc7-4c03-80d0-9d2b86c64a5d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:29:21	-316.361
-94	51900	2595000	a306b540-c1f7-4885-a12b-0b1315bffc03	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:31:12	-435.432
-95	25951	2595100	bb10f841-8a90-490c-aaf5-ac3c358315b3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:39:30	965.744
-95	51902	2595100	41ceb5da-048d-4436-9867-af2c16464154	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:32:49	-777.768
-96	25952	2595200	c125b151-dc30-4ab7-a3b6-18c14078607b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:03:22	-804.751
-96	51904	2595200	cc7364b2-9c86-44ad-94f6-a301eeaa8b13	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:26:22	183.802
-97	25953	2595300	e575613f-aee1-46af-ac3f-c87f74a70f11	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:30:07	352.808
-97	51906	2595300	ecb9a1aa-b261-4f23-b9fa-d0a919d143f7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:05:34	720.84
-98	25954	2595400	4d5cdcb9-61c8-4789-bf75-c52b368a3c79	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:18:25	-249.71
-98	51908	2595400	81af0256-94d2-42ec-9457-9b04f339c818	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:05:58	-629.347
-99	25955	2595500	42a251bd-884b-46a4-bd12-2b53cde081d1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:35:33	828.945
-99	51910	2595500	e77a8811-2f94-4a0d-9442-4088229325e6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:28:03	-607.841
-100	25956	2595600	db21297e-cc00-4ca4-84ec-0c05359c183e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:44:33	-92.175
-100	51912	2595600	63645213-eb5d-4692-a646-3c0284ac5b18	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:45:12	275.327
-101	25957	2595700	e4897e2b-658e-4794-be49-22beca15c39a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:11:24	6.721
-101	51914	2595700	5bfb5844-d936-4f24-a7fa-a9dad82c4a51	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:47:07	-805.808
-102	25958	2595800	0cc7cb14-30fc-4ab5-aafc-341efce61b04	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:06:58	188.124
-102	51916	2595800	e41666fc-4ef3-4640-9ca9-5778b277e2bc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:42:34	389.520
-103	25959	2595900	f284856c-2c0f-49f5-b249-e9afa02abb9c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:23:08	134.245
-103	51918	2595900	0d61451d-1835-4f3d-b315-dce629bb7f56	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:24:32	-487.31
-104	25960	2596000	05db8988-e8da-4297-a99a-a01f01f785a2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:18:13	-895.552
-104	51920	2596000	1b2944dd-7bc0-49b4-88d4-01230d839e15	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:13:27	-969.553
-105	25961	2596100	644c2531-7499-45a4-b12e-64dd0b1209bd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:28:49	-202.127
-105	51922	2596100	8978c6d6-76d0-47b1-803b-0b30cd60a75c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:31:19	933.278
-106	25962	2596200	bab25915-5e7e-497b-a2c0-6ff6d43ff162	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:43:40	745.949
-106	51924	2596200	78c99d62-ea75-4a53-8ae8-5bb7f44d6c85	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:19:43	854.864
-107	25963	2596300	7536d0fa-3d98-4438-89de-502d22501a81	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:42:41	312.722
-107	51926	2596300	45f3afb5-80ee-473e-a3d7-ddcd8aded8db	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:59:06	476.959
-108	25964	2596400	f31c9153-53af-435e-bccc-5efa6aaf6ce0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:55:03	-961.62
-108	51928	2596400	28cad616-092b-45fb-908c-e4afe9d98e68	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:12:08	-526.529
-109	25965	2596500	831ec820-8030-4956-8e50-03c418dcef0a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:31:02	957.71
-109	51930	2596500	471c1aeb-17e4-4f25-8dfe-0701bc40a59f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:38:07	519.972
-110	25966	2596600	a0e027eb-16b3-4ed0-a4b3-7377ffaaf535	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:16:00	-704.665
-110	51932	2596600	2689afc0-f986-4967-bf91-80c83a26e3a3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:39:24	-652.511
-111	25967	2596700	5cac093f-bc33-4648-a9a5-f7b0850e138d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:41:47	-380.556
-111	51934	2596700	0e81db11-4b07-4555-b4b0-aae5bc4fc8b7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:07:23	803.740
-112	25968	2596800	e5b950cb-5d31-4580-a563-ec6d1569293d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:21:49	-559.261
-112	51936	2596800	da97ce93-28f5-45b0-b7da-7f3dec82d7b8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:01:38	-222.679
-113	25969	2596900	e4dc12ef-5866-4e92-930d-e029db60c3a5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:24:30	354.386
-113	51938	2596900	ce89e36f-a39a-4611-92ba-1a8f9924af7a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:13:55	-90.437
-114	25970	2597000	c985cb9f-0e8a-40af-a5a9-ed6ab0a0efc2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:21:55	264.132
-114	51940	2597000	2bdc0a64-92b3-4a50-b422-efeff90adc89	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:32:10	-136.777
-115	25971	2597100	c801e3e6-9537-498c-8039-2aba6a45e06b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:44:06	975.541
-115	51942	2597100	b7e16a81-a4b5-4cc2-9534-35999b090ec1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:52:20	-505.706
-116	25972	2597200	5221371d-4a4f-4408-bfe4-2d7f966ede06	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:22:04	-344.284
-116	51944	2597200	087d2715-a0f9-49a6-a94b-74c86d12835c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:52:27	114.42
-117	25973	2597300	4fa5a930-f837-48fd-9d49-c8af00926ecb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:00:45	-286.581
-117	51946	2597300	b51289c4-89ba-449d-ad33-02bb7994d9b1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:22:17	-473.427
-118	25974	2597400	94813b9b-d874-4fe2-a2e2-976736920993	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:53:38	-999.125
-118	51948	2597400	7f6313c7-860c-4d75-ac5f-ed666ba32d07	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:38:44	491.766
-119	25975	2597500	51cbc1f0-ff31-4c3e-a7e7-3996c5e6a50b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:49:35	250.371
-119	51950	2597500	3c2702e4-37a3-4054-a69f-f3a5ab6229e5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:01:57	195.604
-120	25976	2597600	6f69c100-d228-469f-ac1c-d0755cdf1a11	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:00:20	-657.607
-120	51952	2597600	05c66052-4c68-41e2-90a4-318c8e90d6e1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:34:42	611.443
-121	25977	2597700	5cc67054-a433-4ea6-a70a-262725ac5f9d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:05:48	-360.360
-121	51954	2597700	cf1c966a-b799-42b1-9c2c-9d26daf5e58f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:31:40	776.43
-122	25978	2597800	386777d4-e21f-4c77-aae0-2c8e3d4dd751	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:17:50	-713.409
-122	51956	2597800	85a75ec5-6431-4949-9a2b-3cb665fe2b3c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:20:04	-986.879
-123	25979	2597900	6d483aa3-dc5e-4188-ac6b-de63a43051aa	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:49:25	-767.116
-123	51958	2597900	ff93d877-997d-490b-9ac8-51ec8e704042	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:59:27	208.471
-124	25980	2598000	a12da8be-49b2-4e23-9e3d-7c7119a5c0f6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:17:06	507.938
-124	51960	2598000	388ef15d-326f-4b64-9e0f-7557be6076f2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:30:08	65.54
-125	25981	2598100	377fa87d-68fa-434c-a836-a768dafc62f5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:52:57	583.488
-125	51962	2598100	756175ea-782e-4fb2-9a30-9bbfbe80db3f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:38:50	884.652
-126	25982	2598200	33633c4d-26cb-4c8a-9a13-f4a08f6094e5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:03:13	558.448
-126	51964	2598200	1549b74d-115f-4aad-8f37-5fb84c5a06b0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:13:05	-595.855
-127	25983	2598300	dbf6d4d8-fc38-4819-9c95-78cc83d91ab9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:22:40	800.237
-127	51966	2598300	6b740b5e-c8ac-4e05-8a3b-6548e7a689b4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:11:45	-547.266
-0	25984	2598400	c581cceb-3b7b-45d5-805e-177a7af61070	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:46:43	-67.603
-0	51968	2598400	1bfe2cb0-41e3-4082-81d2-578ba868054f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:49:30	-45.798
-1	25985	2598500	dedc3b14-bcd6-4edf-af98-d4b02c2abb29	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:45:27	-21.866
-1	51970	2598500	8fc2d51d-72e1-4ed6-91c9-8440953b461f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:48:47	903.925
-2	25986	2598600	2aedcb24-b055-4bdd-8906-cf6a36cb50bb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:00:23	-132.325
-2	51972	2598600	bb3a8116-8e58-41be-8c38-1ec9e9961eed	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:33:11	-967.450
-3	25987	2598700	59b2e6a3-75e0-4ce1-8153-2bbfbda10244	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:15:12	604.309
-3	51974	2598700	2584194a-ed69-4f79-9f48-f3a533fabd5c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:34:43	-844.173
-4	25988	2598800	86fceabd-813d-410b-bd3e-49c066ea63b0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:35:47	-619.433
-4	51976	2598800	dfe951df-f627-496d-adc4-1214e3c27b74	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:15:23	-657.39
-5	25989	2598900	4d970c93-c5a4-4aae-9337-52c008a12a8a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:46:55	11.655
-5	51978	2598900	d2f98f28-1567-460f-bba7-355b0fc94b59	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:40:26	485.747
-6	25990	2599000	29774724-b6f1-429a-8c79-1909746da5bf	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:57:22	-588.282
-6	51980	2599000	2b352fc2-75fb-4c1f-b031-fe6954199d21	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:21:25	502.510
-7	25991	2599100	a1f8c7f5-e506-4737-bb87-a8d258a27d32	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:05:18	705.262
-7	51982	2599100	ffa4e3f2-8253-40c3-a3fe-1a73555dd1e9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:21:02	30.888
-8	25992	2599200	3bedaf58-b03c-48b3-b99b-a34bf815ba70	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:53:12	969.844
-8	51984	2599200	29f299b0-449d-4ffd-a50c-c69bd3823a05	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:36:07	864.923
-9	25993	2599300	3fa14da1-d079-45fe-8bd7-366d45c68d99	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:42:21	656.436
-9	51986	2599300	3ef7cc5a-0229-4cf6-9217-548858a53704	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:01:28	724.502
-10	25994	2599400	8deb2b7a-155f-4f02-ae22-a6d1782b13ad	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:32:27	-947.919
-10	51988	2599400	fc30cb36-1cb4-47ae-bff1-b34f007ab507	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:42:56	-623.400
-11	25995	2599500	e6cd6798-8d1f-4c2b-8766-57e2444188f5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:23:45	-931.635
-11	51990	2599500	26ae0dbf-557b-4460-a0a7-1d77c3b2f618	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:22:41	725.182
-12	25996	2599600	cf79a552-c168-4369-866e-6ad5fc804e81	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:19:29	-503.804
-12	51992	2599600	6ec837f6-5ded-4ecb-9a66-e572dabf0431	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:20:40	-270.334
-13	25997	2599700	e57d714f-4b65-4c81-b9c0-4f56eb5b61fe	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:29:50	-471.394
-13	51994	2599700	94c0646b-4ff4-45e3-9292-05568276e1ed	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:46:36	197.523
-14	25998	2599800	8a9da081-a535-45e2-ad0b-304431100f95	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:48:09	-369.756
-14	51996	2599800	8806c84e-fe1a-4e96-b42e-2f4d0444d9a3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:35:16	140.623
-15	25999	2599900	47868b7c-48a8-4ade-a0c1-8e0933e8aad3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:55:32	-667.653
-15	51998	2599900	e086e6ce-95c9-451d-a2f7-11b25592a423	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:41:52	231.31
-16	26000	2600000	23e97902-b47d-4a69-8470-900b022d7c9f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:41:15	459.830
-16	52000	2600000	ec837dd4-75db-4d72-96b0-7d304a68188b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:48:42	-874.298
-17	26001	2600100	b076761f-7f64-4891-8580-b9be73f2862a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:45:08	-153.290
-17	52002	2600100	f2ad06c1-a529-421e-8e08-ba518b161294	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:50:17	-199.141
-18	26002	2600200	0f3c1fb9-1d8c-496b-a481-96cfeb905971	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:13:21	521.915
-18	52004	2600200	c34823bd-0d48-4c1a-a005-ffd4e894d418	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:18:17	-628.675
-19	26003	2600300	70564be8-26da-4e41-a29b-0de22be9078f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:10:35	491.406
-19	52006	2600300	7ca42d07-2357-4841-9704-a9356e394f30	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:46:11	230.615
-20	26004	2600400	faa58ff3-27c1-4f55-b681-22c89b3d91c0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:30:10	-775.524
-20	52008	2600400	b2915b37-09c5-45cd-9de0-344498ddedb1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:13:40	201.672
-21	26005	2600500	1ac6839a-3166-4330-8dae-9d239ff35694	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:28:31	-917.58
-21	52010	2600500	ef7c1597-4b76-4c12-8d6b-94b82dcbbec3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:48:17	-72.53
-22	26006	2600600	8f62f109-a658-4426-925d-2f2f9b1e4e7a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:12:49	65.325
-22	52012	2600600	b43f0a5b-bb54-4eb0-bc1a-35fc771317bf	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:41:29	-819.473
-23	26007	2600700	27e95798-1e22-4b97-a6d9-419ca38ad7e7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:27:01	304.14
-23	52014	2600700	54a69b56-5ff1-4cc1-b5e6-797763377d31	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:33:14	-264.516
-24	26008	2600800	87432c45-4fef-47ec-8f09-86bde1d01ce3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:43:48	-724.110
-24	52016	2600800	9c53e397-eea1-4e57-bb27-c27078f8271a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:24:01	-357.648
-25	26009	2600900	445f580c-9ab0-480f-8352-a91ef0da6749	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:55:35	-453.713
-25	52018	2600900	015dc48e-6eea-42c5-b092-36f2cc543cbe	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:26:04	-711.204
-26	26010	2601000	edf04b04-9729-4864-b979-397413600468	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:18:27	528.752
-26	52020	2601000	480f905c-b71b-4753-aaa5-2fd092df2268	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:33:06	-235.699
-27	26011	2601100	8e1dba44-656e-43f1-9f9c-b09d4389ce98	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:43:35	-309.887
-27	52022	2601100	18fd4c17-2d1d-40e4-abed-8fcd26f79b73	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:44:40	20.453
-28	26012	2601200	188253a5-3c05-464b-8c45-1975b6fb14b9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:11:18	667.294
-28	52024	2601200	0511829d-466a-4027-bb2f-2b5fd523bf33	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:46:21	-124.591
-29	26013	2601300	7dd7767c-ec3a-4d9b-abdd-440dad3ec850	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:07:44	88.900
-29	52026	2601300	f9300620-69f4-472e-85aa-e27a04b2980f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:23:18	79.464
-30	26014	2601400	6b48d031-38c6-4a11-a1e1-f9c87d3d4123	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:32:43	312.478
-30	52028	2601400	44c1ed25-4b50-4084-90d9-ad4354d3abf5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:09:00	-718.24
-31	26015	2601500	1b8b8fb5-599e-42bd-9b19-c054371afc5e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:00:45	-288.342
-31	52030	2601500	da18e436-5c6a-4adf-8c06-5d6b96fe114a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:49:11	-905.300
-32	26016	2601600	f905ac81-1728-4054-86f9-e12d5bbf73ff	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:28:19	83.695
-32	52032	2601600	ad5e8373-57c3-4242-989d-fdccdd927c22	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:22:37	-477.238
-33	26017	2601700	fcd4be98-7ab3-4988-b3d3-a28dbfc3af6e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:37:53	-784.934
-33	52034	2601700	a175b16f-1aba-4566-9a4f-6b314832db29	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:40:18	530.460
-34	26018	2601800	b158de57-5cc1-45a9-877f-1dabac96143a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:10:24	214.627
-34	52036	2601800	4e2644ee-5ce9-4687-b0d1-b6b61891772b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:50:46	-126.102
-35	26019	2601900	c4084d4f-6b92-4394-b05c-bc0eec765c4e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:09:51	-535.956
-35	52038	2601900	6876dc42-9a71-4191-bcd6-3f8c45fe14c0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:57:29	-124.350
-36	26020	2602000	2c70e5be-edd5-4051-8118-46f1c56e82d1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:50:04	420.721
-36	52040	2602000	df5a8d6f-e8ca-446b-bb8e-ccf67e4a4784	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:17:03	-912.337
-37	26021	2602100	bde601fc-d736-4449-a56a-0f8f7cc5341e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:17:11	-865.812
-37	52042	2602100	7c406f9b-f9e7-4d35-bc75-fc2e7daf459e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:55:00	75.891
-38	26022	2602200	b470a5d3-df2a-4011-bc4f-f7cae9bfe622	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:01:25	-191.177
-38	52044	2602200	39137f08-3359-43c2-9c6a-d1ca6e1d4965	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:44:47	61.580
-39	26023	2602300	6b4f59a6-4463-4057-a001-60f23c4743b7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:25:31	437.951
-39	52046	2602300	11e7af85-b1b9-4633-9707-5191ed30d23f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:21:22	-765.990
-40	26024	2602400	60b5c2dc-8001-4387-8fca-7844971e3259	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:01:50	-995.633
-40	52048	2602400	cc51406a-35c1-48b9-9510-993be293d588	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:05:22	740.882
-41	26025	2602500	ce8c5cbf-1d32-4daa-a409-24e8a83a7341	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:33:21	997.964
-41	52050	2602500	d7ba94bb-7261-467b-a471-8ceb4427f064	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:44:44	851.236
-42	26026	2602600	15c987bd-e220-4b41-8453-8f346408ff5b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:02:26	-110.43
-42	52052	2602600	f67376d9-1ba1-4829-a500-0705e5d72b29	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:48:15	972.770
-43	26027	2602700	a7854d3b-6611-433f-b5c2-bc37c251272f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:17:46	261.7
-43	52054	2602700	ebf970d8-9ff5-4361-ab4b-030e3736d87e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:53:22	506.282
-44	26028	2602800	7043badd-bb1f-40f2-9d29-8c26240a8b34	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:44:02	711.675
-44	52056	2602800	78a727f1-a1ff-4d84-b24d-b3bc338d1215	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:35:16	618.173
-45	26029	2602900	7dd9ea6c-f107-4ebc-9796-be03860d9b4e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:11:26	-840.977
-45	52058	2602900	3a46b6d0-e3a9-4dac-9384-7b748e1eba02	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:04:26	-816.647
-46	26030	2603000	8a3e9339-f2d6-4bd2-bfe9-ff4b40cb12b7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:03:31	615.876
-46	52060	2603000	71bc6165-c3e2-43c0-a8cd-bf0982f6c721	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:55:59	-339.71
-47	26031	2603100	6e24b45e-d3c3-492b-aad2-f90706a4b6ed	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:18:35	517.649
-47	52062	2603100	2341f1de-cd0d-4ee5-96d4-fd98f38b785e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:22:34	275.90
-48	26032	2603200	c489d378-d4bc-4349-abd8-567b11772372	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:41:46	-420.511
-48	52064	2603200	f5f4e3f8-1590-4f4e-a374-09d8187def21	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:37:25	786.390
-49	26033	2603300	c64cf6e4-bfbd-41b1-a944-3640face8ee9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:56:00	0.206
-49	52066	2603300	399bc95e-4e46-4c61-a4a7-504ac5f1b913	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:09:31	641.646
-50	26034	2603400	7926a255-8729-4683-94af-fc8ff16b3df2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:14:09	661.75
-50	52068	2603400	d8c96279-063b-413e-a11f-e99d004d2814	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:06:02	867.743
-51	26035	2603500	027f8647-8816-4252-874c-0842a4a67fd2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:20:37	-596.206
-51	52070	2603500	e5b5e583-ce5c-4a9e-a984-6dca8d5d1e4f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:37:55	-21.159
-52	26036	2603600	7243865c-129b-4af9-accd-bda913f82e28	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:35:21	433.100
-52	52072	2603600	20080041-552e-4d2b-a1a2-d1f1bd1d3058	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:29:44	-80.411
-53	26037	2603700	2fdd0576-919e-4b35-aa14-d186c7ea3db8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:15:37	-649.105
-53	52074	2603700	66b4c772-b0d4-4d09-ac49-0d6f7c76c10c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:31:18	689.565
-54	26038	2603800	bcf52995-92bb-4a27-ac9a-9176710e7a2a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:12:44	-385.460
-54	52076	2603800	7026fe71-83bb-4b49-8766-af70edc071af	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:14:08	-46.929
-55	26039	2603900	1b6815a1-0230-406e-b9a0-57883c619948	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:12:06	-594.558
-55	52078	2603900	c2a9779a-40a0-46e4-9669-93ddf4fa6e26	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:17:48	33.280
-56	26040	2604000	4e4a7a65-76a1-45c5-abea-b36062870d58	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:10:56	-719.658
-56	52080	2604000	f90db4e9-fb88-4a0d-b7fe-449c864aa423	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:44:20	-916.730
-57	26041	2604100	e5a03b78-8118-44b2-9a3c-cb0224f0df13	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:44:54	953.80
-57	52082	2604100	7ecab731-8376-4431-82c2-1d7ee031adbb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:22:59	202.91
-58	26042	2604200	b9f4f6a9-4937-4487-83c2-5f4df34630ed	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:08:50	943.854
-58	52084	2604200	3ec840da-6861-43c4-9368-f2408dd30716	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:24:54	-259.629
-59	26043	2604300	7a3bc410-53b3-42ce-ad12-22b5c6bf989c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:23:18	117.319
-59	52086	2604300	30bfe748-0f45-4565-a46f-736d9d10d70c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:34:15	-639.222
-60	26044	2604400	34badd22-2368-4795-b118-e7bf957407cb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:32:59	731.519
-60	52088	2604400	1342c2ce-40c4-4168-8c2b-8c03f5faa6be	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:39:35	-111.636
-61	26045	2604500	a4c3dfe2-82cb-4c43-a442-55589bfc4ef3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:39:43	716.742
-61	52090	2604500	816a1341-c945-4b0c-9419-7e4a4fc831a5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:43:02	851.377
-62	26046	2604600	6baa0ee3-9682-45ec-b2c6-8a504587ed56	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:54:58	282.243
-62	52092	2604600	a98fabfe-ff58-4684-9a6b-5b10fdfa766b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:47:20	7.652
-63	26047	2604700	bb4ee7e6-121d-481e-b7fb-d53f89d76500	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:30:26	803.934
-63	52094	2604700	10a2a46a-664f-4e5c-ab04-8ba417d64f01	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:59:22	661.264
-64	26048	2604800	2db50055-84c9-4f03-8545-7392481908c3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:31:19	-853.136
-64	52096	2604800	28657341-1fd2-4768-941f-0c841d5954ce	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:41:53	-545.651
-65	26049	2604900	a5f9b308-9e5b-491d-89c3-0b9f4203d8d1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:21:20	-212.959
-65	52098	2604900	211a180d-c24e-4a3e-8a37-6ef5743b0803	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:10:12	-437.61
-66	26050	2605000	f2886925-8038-428c-9024-078a6b871fc3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:24:32	-199.312
-66	52100	2605000	43c2cb0b-57f3-4289-b303-7cdf1d462587	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:03:31	735.464
-67	26051	2605100	b2d252af-a9a2-4b45-9232-9dcaf6aed20a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:44:52	730.964
-67	52102	2605100	fb72b24f-fe20-4460-a876-af8d2693c052	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:58:57	663.351
-68	26052	2605200	f9370d8f-de0f-492a-b70d-f767c4532aed	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:25:48	-799.895
-68	52104	2605200	5db8d939-c370-47e2-bcce-20bbde6107db	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:11:45	-763.405
-69	26053	2605300	22dd2adf-cbfd-49f7-83e7-976dd8706356	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:29:52	841.136
-69	52106	2605300	3ac0c282-20cd-4225-b281-9e90a51a2a57	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:18:19	-477.556
-70	26054	2605400	d4b5b830-8af9-42ec-9937-00e98ebbe59e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:11:45	762.83
-70	52108	2605400	f3ff1d8c-6568-44ab-b14a-c5d170325392	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:16:51	-857.606
-71	26055	2605500	e0d06005-9366-4be4-9f55-12ebbd7e9658	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:22:54	-744.64
-71	52110	2605500	fb137a18-0628-4056-829d-add52c80aaac	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:32:06	698.386
-72	26056	2605600	3ac0d21a-ff52-458b-b4a2-e00de607ffc6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:24:25	549.332
-72	52112	2605600	e97f6b57-bc0e-4a4f-8ff6-7ab32b0b8c0b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:05:11	-887.592
-73	26057	2605700	ffc557be-5639-41f7-bfbf-b648ae6ddd1c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:32:42	482.420
-73	52114	2605700	eacd65a8-8e57-491b-a79a-981fab00fb78	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:55:27	503.53
-74	26058	2605800	f3e6a1c2-d010-4dd3-804e-bd7ced97074e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:42:42	590.74
-74	52116	2605800	fd080b38-e3a4-4809-9162-45f8405d579d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:41:52	636.230
-75	26059	2605900	79d9f003-304f-4a66-9333-a0cfd1ccba5a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:04:59	28.1
-75	52118	2605900	a5ad74ac-0934-4778-9714-94bd883eaa34	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:37:41	-208.476
-76	26060	2606000	13581523-9041-4a2f-990b-b66cac8f5af6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:12:10	615.694
-76	52120	2606000	64ab9b90-96e3-4080-ad96-64888a605ff4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:26:37	-144.17
-77	26061	2606100	1fc017dc-7bd9-4b92-bcc6-3acb35ef1c7b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:37:47	564.264
-77	52122	2606100	e899728c-c39f-48a0-a0eb-2028f4abb4b7	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:56:05	-704.910
-78	26062	2606200	06eb4bad-3f59-44f3-9ceb-eccf07ace4f0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:40:47	469.975
-78	52124	2606200	a14c9d9e-f5aa-403c-a8eb-4df5bc0d5943	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:50:59	-404.613
-79	26063	2606300	9dd32114-bc1c-4a5a-8cb6-631f090875ad	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:28:59	-627.835
-79	52126	2606300	54393a14-0086-4c82-871c-32eb8cb2f9db	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:03:29	964.876
-80	26064	2606400	9c07ffa0-e221-4131-a875-03fc698b67dc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:57:47	368.229
-80	52128	2606400	fbe9ec0b-dd6f-4398-aafc-8e9412711347	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:15:02	535.516
-81	26065	2606500	3abe397e-c4cc-4aea-9630-e5142b748473	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:27:47	457.292
-81	52130	2606500	b875b8c7-a1b6-4983-8b98-c10a89420128	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:07:04	-481.371
-82	26066	2606600	277dffcb-4636-40ab-86e9-48b049209573	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:51:25	410.100
-82	52132	2606600	75d37faa-ff95-4768-a02d-105351c41dd8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:55:38	718.128
-83	26067	2606700	3f8db91e-f4e4-4162-baa1-5f49beade4e7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:48:53	772.621
-83	52134	2606700	080df298-9ce5-43b8-8d20-45fa426c501d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:15:38	-392.330
-84	26068	2606800	0fc80d11-1e38-42f2-958c-666f5fde87a5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:46:07	-331.735
-84	52136	2606800	23a2ec99-e994-4695-b6f9-df014403e05d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:24:16	891.10
-85	26069	2606900	0a163a03-d41c-41dd-983d-7c452ff3d30a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:32:39	-863.87
-85	52138	2606900	0bf5a43e-e259-4521-bef5-bd9d1197e941	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:27:25	481.111
-86	26070	2607000	80cc9292-420e-4857-b824-cc40f8975443	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:40:17	-301.814
-86	52140	2607000	f6f4fa95-f285-43c2-9f5d-69a34caf842c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:34:10	193.939
-87	26071	2607100	46b28a27-cb93-40cb-bdd5-f5a886790f08	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:29:01	-228.793
-87	52142	2607100	4e4f6112-f5f0-4008-b75c-01d6b41e7c22	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:50:30	599.23
-88	26072	2607200	c0f3b483-c0e0-4b57-8bc4-c2c33af9c06c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:07:34	-671.217
-88	52144	2607200	5cac8782-ab43-453f-8848-551c848242bf	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:54:57	290.607
-89	26073	2607300	49b6f619-d132-4a01-b65f-5492241a67e8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:02:09	465.596
-89	52146	2607300	cb68a037-c0ba-42d3-9ded-e95290e27ab1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:55:15	371.790
-90	26074	2607400	e9bdbde1-fbe9-470d-8131-7c1817b1eb71	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:43:00	-269.770
-90	52148	2607400	dfc49bf8-1074-4d85-ba2e-858f9130f167	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:08:10	-413.690
-91	26075	2607500	b3e8e7f9-b26b-4684-80a9-772a51b9df0e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:30:34	343.136
-91	52150	2607500	73956082-e767-4a06-af8a-1bee7f1d0d51	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:34:15	614.919
-92	26076	2607600	7df0f87f-3103-4f63-869b-5697501b450d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:05:10	539.692
-92	52152	2607600	3a28bb1c-c579-4a4b-86c7-154ba008e728	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:40:15	814.387
-93	26077	2607700	9e6663bd-5269-4a5d-983d-66f16637f95e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:22:58	-351.24
-93	52154	2607700	9037d3b6-d786-4bb3-916e-db5e489297ae	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:18:03	108.949
-94	26078	2607800	01e36eff-3c6d-464f-91ac-e4369ac8b6fb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:25:57	621.797
-94	52156	2607800	4a938eb3-744a-4624-b149-9562ffcad819	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:17:41	-25.551
-95	26079	2607900	e1ef6ebb-0da5-4206-906c-10cc8c3a41d0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:21:12	215.308
-95	52158	2607900	d9616987-9ef7-4a93-a035-b1a95484df49	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:41:54	21.371
-96	26080	2608000	5c849e4a-335e-4851-b659-095f8cbd0cf0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:01:43	-420.519
-96	52160	2608000	2c9f2a94-8c37-475f-8904-f0f975f55d3b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:25:15	957.84
-97	26081	2608100	26b2bae9-6852-4945-a529-cae1a128f6de	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:28:25	939.681
-97	52162	2608100	4c994050-a40c-4e71-9abe-3f3498432d75	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:43:42	-432.578
-98	26082	2608200	d0db7ae5-ba92-4dd6-b879-575cb6b47d0e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:57:42	811.409
-98	52164	2608200	ad806773-79e5-4ba0-9886-6862f9cf9ee9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:13:16	-178.435
-99	26083	2608300	c649cf46-a257-40ec-bc2c-18a696bef1af	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:52:45	642.499
-99	52166	2608300	05eb0a2b-904b-4dae-9fa4-15d3e377f380	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:58:28	-405.400
-100	26084	2608400	04670739-10c2-4908-86ca-19f3dc9847fd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:28:20	188.682
-100	52168	2608400	3ad2f631-8687-4502-ae46-594fd54e4365	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:28:51	-626.538
-101	26085	2608500	9920a99d-e8af-43ca-9ff8-a50876c4ad64	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:43:25	637.417
-101	52170	2608500	33bf12c3-cfb0-42e0-9e64-3f24d24ea678	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:42:41	-865.419
-102	26086	2608600	6bf5b222-8328-463b-b720-422a18a4deff	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:39:11	-738.874
-102	52172	2608600	880b4210-2a67-4323-a12b-23af3514d254	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:28:31	502.249
-103	26087	2608700	21b32eb0-48b0-430e-95c3-865b47f06243	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:38:52	533.753
-103	52174	2608700	a8ff2655-28e3-462d-87e0-d571b860f8aa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:56:01	5.664
-104	26088	2608800	3de58c59-25c9-4e2a-ab52-d8804bafc52a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:06:20	291.796
-104	52176	2608800	ad82f6ee-3e76-4c8d-a9a8-92cedf404680	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:40:50	-153.323
-105	26089	2608900	8cef50b0-2140-451c-b39e-3b537714e7a1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:58:41	-587.722
-105	52178	2608900	615d1acb-7381-4634-82e3-64cadb96b8f8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:12:32	589.33
-106	26090	2609000	c9f766c8-63da-47ce-97d9-3e58bc8eef56	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:17:28	458.352
-106	52180	2609000	c69f8edd-3fb2-4656-9a26-5430cac1cfdf	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:05:52	557.835
-107	26091	2609100	379c761b-54ae-4564-a1b0-9da74e42437e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:05:32	-598.811
-107	52182	2609100	26191f2c-bdfc-4d89-bffd-689d0de4aff9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:12:50	-189.35
-108	26092	2609200	07d0543f-8a24-463a-963a-9f9a38213fc1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:24:14	802.176
-108	52184	2609200	bf0ca0d2-b280-4741-a91f-4c040d0a48c1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:35:40	193.107
-109	26093	2609300	5c88e25e-e8a3-4ff4-8cfb-c907c20b6333	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:24:28	637.611
-109	52186	2609300	cdedcdb8-cdc5-41ea-87c7-5dadb517ff0c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:43:06	-175.816
-110	26094	2609400	1ba1f614-5fbe-4c0c-8b09-f5603d48c274	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:04:16	-504.116
-110	52188	2609400	56dfa7f5-323c-453c-8ca5-122a4c51f775	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:51:18	-72.261
-111	26095	2609500	36dc682b-1469-4f34-9b8d-c5fa6b60d008	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:58:52	-993.866
-111	52190	2609500	a02b2396-fb6b-490d-8206-6c24091639aa	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:18:38	-142.779
-112	26096	2609600	277183df-23ca-4f21-afaf-c9e1afb38630	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:37:35	560.277
-112	52192	2609600	a7e7e235-e09a-47ae-bcc5-03226dc58d3d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:45:31	-932.582
-113	26097	2609700	bad3c519-d02b-4fea-a38d-9a1fffd9a2e3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:42:38	914.804
-113	52194	2609700	8ef4fc2e-8e27-4101-97f1-348548231284	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:55:14	280.467
-114	26098	2609800	0528d282-d331-4689-b15d-7143232117aa	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:04:15	-320.354
-114	52196	2609800	8914c6be-326c-452d-b5a2-2807f3a5a5bf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:03:31	206.395
-115	26099	2609900	db2801af-96c9-40e5-9c27-712a070fd874	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:10:46	-598.873
-115	52198	2609900	6058cd33-2895-4630-ab07-8d538b3c3606	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:08:45	-7.246
-116	26100	2610000	f0571c36-d5bb-4fb7-baf4-89e49b9f38ed	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:12:17	215.966
-116	52200	2610000	c00ad16a-9c9c-4e71-93a4-6c7c14e9892b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:59:59	-282.672
-117	26101	2610100	186e65c3-26e9-410d-995a-18f2b71a8a9e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:20:29	-901.151
-117	52202	2610100	645119fb-eeb9-430a-850c-b86f06877dcb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:40:24	187.600
-118	26102	2610200	5509b82c-2b0f-4d40-8b05-ba2dd77a28d9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:44:19	685.679
-118	52204	2610200	41e5ff81-d0b1-4619-9a50-eb0cb3fd3116	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:28:34	-845.522
-119	26103	2610300	18695ef9-8ac6-4d94-a5ef-ae488a340b0b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:00:20	104.187
-119	52206	2610300	d6587cd9-3af7-47ad-8523-459a75e53244	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:38:05	-414.979
-120	26104	2610400	9537c29f-38e5-440c-8a1b-ab9bda54457d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:55:25	29.961
-120	52208	2610400	e1b18c1a-93c8-44f4-b54d-691c537de4b3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:46:15	-606.842
-121	26105	2610500	59a88278-1c04-4fcb-88c7-ab870c482284	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:44:11	862.296
-121	52210	2610500	9378769e-2a82-4bb6-be54-ffdeb8f36fd1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:51:44	-272.487
-122	26106	2610600	1c12e94c-48a8-40ed-ad28-f733b61e1ca1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:11:49	602.805
-122	52212	2610600	ac938b0d-2bf3-42e5-9bc0-c0594460815b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:39:03	542.902
-123	26107	2610700	cde481de-e859-43e9-8ffd-d0955ac1465d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:41:10	-418.161
-123	52214	2610700	a415d105-5fe1-4aaa-90cc-fe7930682305	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:36:15	543.411
-124	26108	2610800	0eed2427-733b-4dc9-872c-5f1faab4a5f8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:03:54	511.317
-124	52216	2610800	99d82e00-c4a0-4eee-91e7-0ab07dff4515	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:12:44	-329.240
-125	26109	2610900	63c704d4-ca38-4b1e-83c3-b627b94c1b9a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:34:14	200.370
-125	52218	2610900	477059cc-ca7a-449b-a931-62e9b68ea2d5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:01:41	310.519
-126	26110	2611000	5365d12c-8c3a-4f52-8c78-5bcfc888cdf7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:31:23	954.410
-126	52220	2611000	0c915c48-5e53-4b40-8556-7be5856d6f5c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:36:04	940.152
-127	26111	2611100	80e2fc62-3d1f-45a1-b95e-b004107633f9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:57:14	-632.136
-127	52222	2611100	9e451995-80df-4c36-8083-5d0d99754007	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:06:51	614.0
-0	26112	2611200	8ffa10e2-9aa4-4a7e-a1c7-46353de66ad1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:22:13	-658.495
-0	52224	2611200	59e30452-4ba3-45e4-acf7-cc91cef97860	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:36:57	-156.742
-1	26113	2611300	a53fdd21-574e-4b2f-80ee-11b437de02e0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:22:11	236.655
-1	52226	2611300	7ccab219-71a6-4296-a8ac-f5ef3a818dcd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:37:44	339.949
-2	26114	2611400	3dfc4445-9415-4e1b-80a2-0f192c957313	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:42:00	-605.864
-2	52228	2611400	cb2e4a24-fbf3-404a-a7c5-72de6329528e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:42:12	-903.168
-3	26115	2611500	64d1eb82-a77e-4e27-ae33-f60f9d15d10f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:30:37	-937.167
-3	52230	2611500	8c6495a6-c848-431f-bb21-6b1fbc2e732a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:54:52	-7.295
-4	26116	2611600	ca256542-ead0-4fa6-b798-0feb74fb5663	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:48:18	-928.793
-4	52232	2611600	be0e6a73-ab3c-47ed-afe8-26d1eba78423	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:00:02	-964.959
-5	26117	2611700	41c30112-fa17-4457-a44c-b11f34e25cef	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:13:38	734.640
-5	52234	2611700	77fa2083-1fa5-4e09-8ec6-76e2bd433487	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:40:52	-562.300
-6	26118	2611800	423b0e34-d923-49e5-8ca3-2b75a755f097	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:35:23	-844.513
-6	52236	2611800	ec3cc893-04ff-4040-8bf1-a5230e423398	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:45:17	424.347
-7	26119	2611900	06aa1fc6-0016-4921-a35a-d9b6af4bd2a3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:35:36	75.682
-7	52238	2611900	6039b92c-8745-40b9-8454-29196a079123	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:27:06	688.842
-8	26120	2612000	90e089e2-bc81-49ec-841a-29d7f558429b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:34:07	67.629
-8	52240	2612000	df4eb395-8a7e-4599-955c-38d1b2dc0e28	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:08:25	855.562
-9	26121	2612100	2f9ccbf0-774c-45a6-a18a-e216efa46d70	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:52:08	-772.368
-9	52242	2612100	15de42f7-92ff-407f-a618-fa7b00b2bb55	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:30:50	109.431
-10	26122	2612200	f30dc8a0-2613-4147-b3b6-cc5d8efa6d56	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:30:30	320.994
-10	52244	2612200	0758ff65-cb39-42a7-b136-a7e02d0f21fa	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:29:41	-31.335
-11	26123	2612300	ebbcad0f-db3e-4deb-8c6b-fa8a97035f06	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:27:21	-926.436
-11	52246	2612300	dcf7fa4b-6c17-44b8-8d1f-7baf48e3581b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:56:24	-66.942
-12	26124	2612400	a5d69b3c-6381-4f71-ba5a-f722d9ba0f9c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:29:12	863.99
-12	52248	2612400	93a38c6f-3da4-4e4c-b669-f577a2bb17eb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:19:30	407.285
-13	26125	2612500	dd227acc-9e97-4f61-a86b-8bd402b9cc7c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:46:18	-41.525
-13	52250	2612500	58c0c34b-48cc-4a51-835a-2220c7b37255	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:10:23	60.21
-14	26126	2612600	5f9d07bf-fe0a-4dc9-9b2b-998a75a3d936	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:51:46	-558.334
-14	52252	2612600	1cce7ea9-52da-4209-9b1e-a7a361b4a7b7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:46:33	-40.539
-15	26127	2612700	34f7d334-8e10-4982-b846-a87b8373e0d1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:38:23	465.245
-15	52254	2612700	e5f7e960-7580-4abf-97a5-6d884ff84b3b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:00:22	-648.836
-16	26128	2612800	a224ba6a-c7af-4bd1-8749-96224a4c94a9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:11:24	-169.146
-16	52256	2612800	458c4c04-fb01-47ea-8415-947a0e08df81	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:56:41	956.205
-17	26129	2612900	4104a20e-61ab-45f1-a086-53e7ed802f81	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:23:27	-34.772
-17	52258	2612900	4fc98764-51e4-4f5a-ad21-ca2e307f5222	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:36:57	-697.614
-18	26130	2613000	89d56503-7574-4481-8d97-7165b85d92c9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:17:14	683.668
-18	52260	2613000	e625a5e6-9712-41ad-a671-49c5f218b7a2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:14:44	283.653
-19	26131	2613100	8793d70b-e24b-4b30-ba9b-f619e2a97623	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:25:47	-8.132
-19	52262	2613100	fbaa9351-f7a4-44c2-a6ad-bf34bf515777	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:07:45	923.191
-20	26132	2613200	6661d244-05af-4113-b0d3-b319fcf9ec87	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:09:46	-83.117
-20	52264	2613200	01a364a2-3903-489b-8764-5374d4981f75	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:27:23	-855.286
-21	26133	2613300	acc47a31-c109-4c83-b293-49c3d9b56370	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:55:23	225.380
-21	52266	2613300	9d5da5b3-93c7-49c0-82e6-8da263ee114d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:37:09	98.114
-22	26134	2613400	b9d3e93b-6b51-4b6b-8d82-8e8f312c18f4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:53:20	518.981
-22	52268	2613400	ce3f873d-e397-4332-8092-53dc4e1b50d4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:53:28	-514.806
-23	26135	2613500	37922324-14d0-4cae-a1f3-e29bbb97d627	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:48:59	-71.834
-23	52270	2613500	5810a1ef-e56a-4e3e-a551-cad66f0793d7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:46:59	864.213
-24	26136	2613600	98969355-9857-4924-bdd8-03dcd57dd5c9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:40:14	-898.853
-24	52272	2613600	3d8ff20d-3d25-4557-b81c-d7de9abb4d4a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:38:56	-984.436
-25	26137	2613700	8ea54851-720b-494c-9c23-ba7fc4ac4afc	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:20:44	479.339
-25	52274	2613700	f7689c97-15e5-4954-8410-3b484cfe574d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:55:39	297.207
-26	26138	2613800	4e92751a-2aac-4363-a32c-e5c0f0f304f9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:24:43	-895.576
-26	52276	2613800	1388abac-179f-4967-8720-7300b1623a31	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:40:06	177.99
-27	26139	2613900	a910d757-6f68-443d-9381-280db4fd1c25	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:34:51	-300.252
-27	52278	2613900	0c67b552-6ab3-4a13-bbc3-5ea4fbb7f10d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:02:46	-343.729
-28	26140	2614000	51ca0ec3-f826-426a-a7f0-165cd7b5f426	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:56:37	618.920
-28	52280	2614000	6bce205e-da2c-4715-a461-8157d9ce3901	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:09:16	-473.504
-29	26141	2614100	c9edebf1-00e3-40c4-8f74-4a9ad6a0fa20	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:02:54	796.266
-29	52282	2614100	26b764ea-94e4-4734-8eee-2a77f73c54ff	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:27:54	-269.37
-30	26142	2614200	e693c1d4-22e3-4117-b3be-93fea940633d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:05:26	-912.892
-30	52284	2614200	f6fe5e20-2692-4cab-9c07-792cd1b8a714	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:31:02	501.269
-31	26143	2614300	c50e9c8a-8608-4e57-aa57-c09905a83105	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:43:20	-690.558
-31	52286	2614300	d8e5c9b4-ba08-4592-9eae-4b7262ac9f67	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:08:32	19.481
-32	26144	2614400	5e4fead2-96be-4eed-8dbe-46cf2f12254e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:49:01	793.988
-32	52288	2614400	115a17de-a3f3-43ac-987c-7c4545fc898a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:46:01	147.859
-33	26145	2614500	a05201c0-0c2b-43fa-9d47-ddc25ba54a2e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:52:12	69.165
-33	52290	2614500	d5ebe5f2-de3b-45cc-b754-41d017983a9d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:46:13	-465.524
-34	26146	2614600	c7c4f9a7-1de5-4812-a4e8-9b74f779a1be	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:05:00	-624.938
-34	52292	2614600	dfc81c80-a5eb-4fa1-b064-402aeba17b8f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:53:36	18.315
-35	26147	2614700	8a8e16f7-a7eb-43a5-bfa7-515efa1e55c6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:13:35	763.257
-35	52294	2614700	9d968591-7b75-4e6c-aa8c-dc27d1658a2c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:51:55	-132.969
-36	26148	2614800	e68d34c6-4b26-4787-9ac7-61e242045166	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:01:51	-985.511
-36	52296	2614800	06e360ea-2d35-42f4-bd9b-343a546592ee	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:48:43	320.641
-37	26149	2614900	651e1be1-38b3-4187-ab2c-9069052a648e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:13:53	-82.928
-37	52298	2614900	80307c54-8f7f-4053-80f6-570dafb187c8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:00:40	164.344
-38	26150	2615000	d7701077-e5d8-4837-a035-2a8bb68c89dc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:24:36	976.875
-38	52300	2615000	807351ae-87cc-4013-9516-82138ec1c1cc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:02:07	-457.221
-39	26151	2615100	cf463830-00fa-4fe1-8a09-77f5a2a3ae11	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:40:48	-223.455
-39	52302	2615100	b4bb0e91-26b3-4660-8805-8e1321b9ced7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:06:44	425.534
-40	26152	2615200	73f3ab16-3b24-4c87-8094-e1233525c05f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:38:44	13.976
-40	52304	2615200	3f513570-dbf6-437e-a4ef-f63d99aae13d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:11:27	-46.115
-41	26153	2615300	fe5ae0ad-63f8-43d2-944d-4ebc1fad182d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:56:44	984.829
-41	52306	2615300	6e975371-0dd3-410a-8fdb-b5676a9f5645	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:13:09	-606.344
-42	26154	2615400	820e5107-0cf1-44cf-8caf-0750beadc8dd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:00:51	413.721
-42	52308	2615400	5478db24-55a9-4f35-92c1-ea0796a8e6e5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:06:19	146.270
-43	26155	2615500	2bf4e8a6-19e5-48b9-b3fd-397a7da52a3e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:40:08	417.304
-43	52310	2615500	3a41c620-34bd-4bfc-8d53-f69a95596d69	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:23:32	815.988
-44	26156	2615600	1497b43d-4741-46cf-a5bb-fb1ae955fcf4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:11:51	-923.983
-44	52312	2615600	1a797736-6ac7-4022-b3c1-6802e5720643	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:52:51	619.991
-45	26157	2615700	35b41e24-81b5-4e16-a013-ba041d75f160	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:16:35	557.760
-45	52314	2615700	8d77a6e3-88eb-4269-a638-c7af2cf75d1d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:01:42	841.655
-46	26158	2615800	73f5b96d-4ee5-4a1a-8f11-1381a29a1d62	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:39:21	380.263
-46	52316	2615800	e93bafa7-a3ec-496a-8d86-48ff9571de0d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:31:01	48.816
-47	26159	2615900	89afaad5-8af6-45fe-9ea9-9a93f51993ca	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:24:07	-734.11
-47	52318	2615900	8503e54c-08cc-4f68-8a0a-6d5bbdd5aaf8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:36:01	484.149
-48	26160	2616000	382386bb-614e-4344-a0c0-72b8f26d62a9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:03:06	221.289
-48	52320	2616000	c00bd1c1-47d0-4bc8-9994-5832a72ce6b6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:55:51	903.311
-49	26161	2616100	3a939b76-4017-4ab9-8ead-3c4154ace092	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:21:11	-503.818
-49	52322	2616100	47906521-4ace-4eb8-9757-8530cbc6fccb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:02:47	596.252
-50	26162	2616200	0e1e13dd-f5d4-4431-8878-b3c6b557981c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:52:28	-12.992
-50	52324	2616200	baa1d932-dd72-4cf1-9bd9-409b6e61a7f4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:15:25	-225.388
-51	26163	2616300	fb85706b-2dc2-49a7-8431-bfba1e4f358d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:38:01	195.933
-51	52326	2616300	3d649bfa-2fc7-4578-9985-ff9ba50bbcf5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:31:52	972.849
-52	26164	2616400	783fea12-bbd3-4e07-810d-8b0102b2d2c8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:34:41	-312.953
-52	52328	2616400	a834fd87-d967-4e9b-839d-760da48209ca	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:48:28	638.244
-53	26165	2616500	68ecdcc2-217d-4a07-8709-702a7ba31a46	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:32:16	-272.533
-53	52330	2616500	444efe89-baee-4e8d-8bd3-cacb1c10d204	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:33:18	-395.154
-54	26166	2616600	a5d660b5-5946-4fcb-adff-bdf8476cff39	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:17:25	-480.837
-54	52332	2616600	cc2f54a4-c496-4965-8d97-41d6c46a3a4d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:26:50	588.541
-55	26167	2616700	3c97b5d2-5206-4365-99c8-02bb81fc7bc9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:49:02	-78.591
-55	52334	2616700	837efe8d-7e93-4a87-b1e5-4a62e2887cc5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:41:44	-782.701
-56	26168	2616800	22d3599f-778f-4e2a-ba0e-e1a8c41acae3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:57:01	27.117
-56	52336	2616800	90aba239-ddd8-4653-9b78-f5088253cf6d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:46:25	686.386
-57	26169	2616900	e5caffe3-41a4-41f1-b261-330b46394d32	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:37:10	45.988
-57	52338	2616900	99240a8b-94fc-4258-829a-e2229bd24a51	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:51:16	485.516
-58	26170	2617000	252d6062-5d88-478f-bf69-dcaf74c25df7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:45:26	-203.336
-58	52340	2617000	3ec4b9d0-3351-4560-b22d-71cbc04f3514	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:42:32	-8.900
-59	26171	2617100	b4fbdcec-a040-4f6e-b612-a6e37a340096	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:20:21	699.831
-59	52342	2617100	1a5f1a8f-e5d7-4645-b398-7ae097085b1e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:34:13	-456.34
-60	26172	2617200	b9bf0611-bba7-432f-8014-20f28b6b3d6b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:45:17	-887.313
-60	52344	2617200	c0f2a951-c617-4223-a4ef-9defb8536519	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:58:20	-760.347
-61	26173	2617300	43529708-40fa-418b-ad19-4ed51630b5cb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:51:29	-951.751
-61	52346	2617300	95e62e1d-01a7-4296-9139-ca2e3c9a1b84	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:29:48	871.957
-62	26174	2617400	bd599efa-41be-4929-bddc-1fea93ce1525	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:47:26	80.450
-62	52348	2617400	6fb5f29e-9f53-41a1-a0e6-59f14ddb93d3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:41:15	-840.234
-63	26175	2617500	11c122a0-a41e-481c-8790-7da3a3782b08	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:07:33	281.148
-63	52350	2617500	d1bd330e-ff2a-43a8-959f-9db752953242	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:43:41	674.819
-64	26176	2617600	1c5052c7-6f5d-413c-8c49-f256063930ea	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:07:02	643.645
-64	52352	2617600	496b8d94-18e1-477f-9907-d2040a31d260	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:08:13	617.519
-65	26177	2617700	dfe4c03f-8194-4ed2-89f6-e68bff015379	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:34:52	753.148
-65	52354	2617700	c08fcb0a-5955-48dd-8572-c5c2eb0c2955	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:26:02	88.878
-66	26178	2617800	e40c331c-da0d-43b1-99f8-81f3632c240c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:57:50	-819.529
-66	52356	2617800	fec7c9e5-5061-4a32-b742-7aeaa6dbd9af	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:38:07	-566.332
-67	26179	2617900	259dd3fe-d77f-4426-a5e9-6366b2f041d9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:56:07	28.736
-67	52358	2617900	9b75193d-1931-4394-be2a-781489bbe88e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:51:11	-958.19
-68	26180	2618000	247c9f66-3a16-4ef6-afac-685a5a2ea3c9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:30:37	-510.264
-68	52360	2618000	59be0d53-eb7b-4663-87bc-2b4954855162	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:58:59	-100.650
-69	26181	2618100	387ec450-378e-4653-9a56-e1b1cf749011	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:04:33	-566.663
-69	52362	2618100	8d8c8f06-d225-4080-bf0b-cfacbc54c9c7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:00:10	102.421
-70	26182	2618200	934f3c54-4685-45cb-be3e-66fb0a4d1c2c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:56:54	-862.140
-70	52364	2618200	aae1d105-fb9a-4b3b-a5a7-aa3eac71f5bc	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:47:53	90.544
-71	26183	2618300	0f7b729e-49de-4520-b9fc-d46960bd8bb2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:47:00	717.242
-71	52366	2618300	2576e079-14e0-41e7-9a9a-73737b6f4c04	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:47:30	-109.370
-72	26184	2618400	7d9f8613-a406-4ef9-b701-772b7fa51ffc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:24:48	-575.134
-72	52368	2618400	2ef290bc-a10a-44f8-b1f4-f461ecd67cfd	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:59:17	296.529
-73	26185	2618500	7c3dc7c3-baea-4d48-ada7-42beb0739491	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:03:56	-855.854
-73	52370	2618500	aa17e674-b669-469f-9945-ef083e3406fc	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:27:02	923.350
-74	26186	2618600	1002787a-701d-452d-b9ad-6d53a0e69f66	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:24:32	703.567
-74	52372	2618600	52a290be-1e2e-443c-b04b-bd2bbc49999f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:02:41	808.982
-75	26187	2618700	e38a9828-2372-4a00-9c6f-635912bc0878	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:11:54	-231.21
-75	52374	2618700	c060acc1-e26e-4aae-899d-ec5a56a55d38	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:37:29	735.715
-76	26188	2618800	c6ac4fc2-2c8e-4d6a-a3df-a4b2e8fba2d2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:14:53	-877.214
-76	52376	2618800	10d302ee-ef25-42b9-bb19-7356fd2e2c15	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:42:07	8.144
-77	26189	2618900	019dcb12-ba16-4ccb-9738-462bb5657de5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:27:17	921.315
-77	52378	2618900	095d4e58-f076-4196-84ac-dc5d4c5bc411	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:54:36	-704.225
-78	26190	2619000	bf23ec12-90e3-4ca7-bc6c-1052b42160e3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:12:04	157.948
-78	52380	2619000	25e6a225-a086-4614-a0b3-86d69e4836a4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:59:10	-330.691
-79	26191	2619100	1001996f-99c7-4407-8921-fd385cfe6ff0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:50:39	-113.655
-79	52382	2619100	f60e35e7-58ac-4b50-854f-3efa4167ba01	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:49:06	-223.888
-80	26192	2619200	4ae93a28-42d2-431e-b2f0-b3f902d3864c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:39:43	-239.858
-80	52384	2619200	340e366c-38ff-406f-a47e-73fb66bce071	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:36:38	466.878
-81	26193	2619300	d6471983-c591-4baa-ad93-b5cbfc2c44b4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:46:28	-545.731
-81	52386	2619300	3521b2f9-f26d-46f3-aabe-2d25a95a349f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:01:30	10.775
-82	26194	2619400	656b3ba8-1710-4313-b019-39e513d00b69	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:42:13	765.225
-82	52388	2619400	c4febf8e-4e81-43ab-8045-4c8729eb4c2d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:15:04	462.179
-83	26195	2619500	7ab2bbeb-71fa-423b-a84c-051bcb5343c3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:28:28	-241.59
-83	52390	2619500	00f78007-243d-495a-9553-b57861a76597	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:03:11	-280.103
-84	26196	2619600	34bbd99d-780c-4170-906d-026a4768fee2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:31:23	190.832
-84	52392	2619600	df7b23aa-65b9-42da-bf9c-bbfe20a0f924	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:44:51	-888.392
-85	26197	2619700	e06f570d-e0b2-481e-8d0a-153fd086d523	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:52:37	-145.350
-85	52394	2619700	e9f22a0d-815b-4dbf-ae14-33418b89135e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:56:07	-708.27
-86	26198	2619800	ef8f98f1-683b-491d-8a29-1e6f49997eba	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:26:10	168.263
-86	52396	2619800	7a070b73-7a6e-4932-8ec5-31bc6e26f6a5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:55:52	166.31
-87	26199	2619900	bf19835d-03f5-42a8-8e40-3e591f75a13c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:16:01	617.554
-87	52398	2619900	d36853bb-1234-4ff9-80bc-67100d0a92f7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:11:18	-209.288
-88	26200	2620000	8b210b59-c7b7-4d11-af71-3714e9dce8f9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:29:23	462.232
-88	52400	2620000	3cc7e880-b55f-4618-9fcd-46df9caf1346	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:03:44	-664.775
-89	26201	2620100	48721948-6855-4e15-b687-979265b7b488	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:43:39	205.34
-89	52402	2620100	fba19bd4-4335-4744-b75a-d4383d2fa831	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:33:16	598.870
-90	26202	2620200	f4bfd425-f080-4c30-95ea-4fae4ce505ba	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:11:06	-13.60
-90	52404	2620200	a2bca666-0efa-4aba-a562-bea3cd2146b3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:00:58	-208.961
-91	26203	2620300	eea866c5-5bd7-4cc6-ad71-d59b50efe261	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:46:55	-718.36
-91	52406	2620300	c9649707-540e-4949-86dc-7dad47b549cd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:32:15	519.589
-92	26204	2620400	41092220-ac0e-4e91-9720-e117f8652f3a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:54:23	498.316
-92	52408	2620400	e7ffe1e1-baf4-49e1-a079-d13308517092	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:28:57	386.549
-93	26205	2620500	e2d6178d-5cfb-4dd9-a170-56fa786280fe	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:26:27	-279.485
-93	52410	2620500	c1b81e04-51dd-4fd3-849c-5567aa56be8a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:51:09	-743.354
-94	26206	2620600	dea09cce-cb05-459c-a2cd-1db5cafff7fa	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:23:20	-690.730
-94	52412	2620600	7c6d819f-c763-453a-9e46-7eb28fc5e80e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:47:07	-384.112
-95	26207	2620700	bfee4803-30a6-4c85-8b78-f4e6494df7f5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:34:12	-728.932
-95	52414	2620700	dbdaab0c-a376-4710-b180-363dfe4a4815	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:52:01	717.272
-96	26208	2620800	faa5317d-77cb-4bb3-8275-aa3a36878928	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:20:11	347.811
-96	52416	2620800	379245a3-e583-4e48-8a94-870bb6ecc00a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:06:19	835.317
-97	26209	2620900	56a5a2c0-c9f6-4573-802f-4431769c1466	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:54:13	-169.0
-97	52418	2620900	d8801dfc-e5aa-43af-9229-a141d1e629e6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:29:00	769.971
-98	26210	2621000	44e144b0-9a90-443d-80d1-68a96675aa94	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:41:29	415.535
-98	52420	2621000	ab8d19e5-eed1-4685-8df0-45bedcb0b7ad	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:14:07	-6.72
-99	26211	2621100	3d696a41-9af7-4da9-891a-8d768f1998e4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:23:43	-154.347
-99	52422	2621100	658d3c23-24bf-46f1-a5d7-093d2ca28909	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:29:14	-576.446
-100	26212	2621200	5836b648-2584-426b-824f-4c721cfdf664	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:22:11	68.64
-100	52424	2621200	7ed7132f-03d9-413f-accf-1d66c5b9015f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:00:17	-883.443
-101	26213	2621300	2e5be465-7a82-4295-a0d8-6cefde2ab987	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:40:50	665.335
-101	52426	2621300	734e2ee5-55d0-43d6-a932-c5e260f12947	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:06:30	407.914
-102	26214	2621400	85a88def-03bd-4081-ab83-14a70e383184	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:04:19	-605.703
-102	52428	2621400	aa70050b-8a10-4d59-b922-8312a5abd212	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:27:25	568.45
-103	26215	2621500	76ce3239-ebd0-4147-8cbe-6738b1019259	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:19:03	402.503
-103	52430	2621500	fbcf7283-e32e-423c-a647-a05444b9f6c8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:29:25	-565.479
-104	26216	2621600	53e78103-7de2-4c68-88d1-1bbe9d786824	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:02:17	-77.59
-104	52432	2621600	feb87261-aec0-438c-8c23-86b1e51798b9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:24:32	664.511
-105	26217	2621700	d1e15e18-c214-4fd3-b7cf-fad40c0e657f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:50:18	-902.523
-105	52434	2621700	b7084a50-01bb-411c-abe8-d59681a34b28	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:55:40	824.719
-106	26218	2621800	eb9c7019-13fb-46ed-8fe1-73ee66acf684	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:04:29	-459.68
-106	52436	2621800	aa1e368d-a6c3-4582-8b15-b746e69f0ac1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:00:30	-673.34
-107	26219	2621900	6f96b475-db4b-4f60-b666-0a0a7b76dd9a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:44:10	201.899
-107	52438	2621900	05990603-99d8-4702-a1c4-8adf3b6c4249	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:30:31	-176.379
-108	26220	2622000	74baaaf9-01f0-42ad-a410-a0dac2442e1c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:51:49	375.96
-108	52440	2622000	7292fcd4-2978-473a-98d1-b2060c8b3943	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:13:56	580.940
-109	26221	2622100	fe18a60a-59ba-4c5b-ba4f-59f589edd74e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:45:56	-953.500
-109	52442	2622100	84bf9dbc-4bfe-4b85-a9a5-d55482021f5d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:45:32	928.361
-110	26222	2622200	9912fea7-5d93-4fcc-8cb6-ac9431594fda	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:32:46	-92.301
-110	52444	2622200	a4a82e02-106f-4471-8724-d2bc175cb56c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:15:57	-605.829
-111	26223	2622300	9d87b49a-0538-4bb7-86a0-fe57a68a105c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:14:58	-954.662
-111	52446	2622300	c6a50c9b-f7ec-4705-b90b-5113d0efcc01	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:23:26	156.443
-112	26224	2622400	1067aedc-a597-4927-9055-c8a5d83ae671	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:23:45	-523.962
-112	52448	2622400	977e022c-2983-4ab8-9e52-a6366392654e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:05:25	128.132
-113	26225	2622500	f1e8e209-5fe1-40ba-884a-29ba53d0d503	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:25:11	-980.103
-113	52450	2622500	69539271-6ee7-417f-8859-f0e433040d7d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:52:31	-600.498
-114	26226	2622600	4dfbb9d9-1475-4378-b9e2-c3e36b21d16b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:44:47	-94.609
-114	52452	2622600	2d5bd4f2-3776-4774-9737-58a96f1ce722	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:12:52	546.278
-115	26227	2622700	7c58407e-ecaf-40cd-be60-d92864dc658d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:01:11	944.695
-115	52454	2622700	aa934609-38d3-4aa3-94e2-c3dc1bd8a7f6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:54:52	106.938
-116	26228	2622800	6bd32e5d-22cc-4516-8e40-be41f98e564b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:13:09	-91.700
-116	52456	2622800	38c73318-45dc-40c5-aaf7-146fd87efdb8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:41:57	-329.810
-117	26229	2622900	ec9818cd-9c37-4bac-b006-9516915f7213	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:22:40	87.393
-117	52458	2622900	29817407-8492-4060-b636-05775009bb4d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:20:33	-409.357
-118	26230	2623000	6815a11e-c369-467e-beb4-25f64e4ec9a1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:32:34	416.937
-118	52460	2623000	44fbcfc2-fcbb-469e-a169-b3fa503dc2ef	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:23:57	295.598
-119	26231	2623100	0ad65ef2-61e9-4077-b830-d8228abc0640	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:42:49	-2.648
-119	52462	2623100	dcbc71d6-b167-4794-9d88-b14fe0618079	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:24:59	-887.554
-120	26232	2623200	0c5f8c93-5c5c-4083-909f-17b7bd5a1fab	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:50:32	-295.398
-120	52464	2623200	6422f54e-8962-40e7-853e-2bd4b80fedcb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:25:55	261.717
-121	26233	2623300	3d7149f4-7c5e-4d5c-868f-687392ab88e8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:04:25	940.206
-121	52466	2623300	bf8baa04-86e9-4868-8bd2-166af6fb7d59	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:57:25	521.854
-122	26234	2623400	818a33dc-1f8f-4ecc-8e40-4fb7903c3658	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:22:23	218.2
-122	52468	2623400	1a72d9b7-133d-43f5-9f5f-5e54e74ce4e4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:06:27	904.556
-123	26235	2623500	bc91b393-2783-4a2d-9251-0672a3098151	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:50:36	256.845
-123	52470	2623500	ba9ae45b-1091-418e-8526-6c8df64682d0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:42:48	-799.390
-124	26236	2623600	0e5f6b04-7bda-4695-89bd-17cb4462a5da	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:44:00	-397.141
-124	52472	2623600	65745b43-32bf-46ce-bb98-81a24aa8ce97	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:03:28	-583.580
-125	26237	2623700	60f2f3dc-96d5-43d4-8631-2555aa83604d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:50:23	-688.78
-125	52474	2623700	09951247-e266-4f98-8cac-cfda9336f35e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:57:10	-503.912
-126	26238	2623800	56a7b294-dd71-4e89-85b1-41583545b738	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:58:59	-937.490
-126	52476	2623800	bdde8840-91ac-42bf-a9f4-90ae40b883a2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:18:09	-57.713
-127	26239	2623900	2d461969-fc79-4517-b88b-ee9738841640	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:23:04	359.80
-127	52478	2623900	498d621c-5e0c-4964-8be6-131e216e9e0b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:06:44	-510.230
-0	26240	2624000	8db6346e-bed5-4b95-b654-3fbc14d91252	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:24:00	-948.859
-0	52480	2624000	6a28e2f5-0b74-42a7-b4e5-f49d79231109	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:09:09	941.263
-1	26241	2624100	ca1dd9e4-7598-44ef-ac0d-83d24f71be5e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:11:02	-749.870
-1	52482	2624100	da7218b5-9ee8-48cd-8e6f-4a89fadf9e15	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:37:12	-505.403
-2	26242	2624200	cd7bca6f-beb7-40eb-95f2-f132658d7cd3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:33:37	-206.513
-2	52484	2624200	63f4d4fe-b5aa-49a0-9c4f-5c3033eee862	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:11:31	464.854
-3	26243	2624300	6258bdd8-a6e8-4924-ab44-1ace5b7e43e6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:43:29	338.900
-3	52486	2624300	475d524c-a030-418e-b999-1ed1fca019f4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:50:48	850.619
-4	26244	2624400	d0020266-ad12-4f88-a610-c24c0c15c2cc	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:29:49	-640.486
-4	52488	2624400	84b69c94-5ab7-4950-a82e-8badad3a72a8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:38:14	-322.779
-5	26245	2624500	ded2caf0-5b1c-45ec-a076-495409b8c128	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:54:49	-325.794
-5	52490	2624500	cd0e0a59-04af-4f42-aae8-a2f3faf289c4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:24:01	-281.843
-6	26246	2624600	bff0890a-ddbf-48ca-b2d9-27824a02aa76	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:09:04	-44.701
-6	52492	2624600	cb1adde6-fd83-4cb8-bbca-a07f49f16bb1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:29:54	832.491
-7	26247	2624700	df5a8338-7230-4266-8187-1d7445026ba5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:49:33	210.9
-7	52494	2624700	cd9bc95d-9fd0-4602-9bc0-02446d857e2d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:04:27	-383.639
-8	26248	2624800	092a3571-ee51-4345-8f6f-4da3df0e8da9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:55:57	-546.994
-8	52496	2624800	11c2ecd5-263d-4fc5-935f-433723bb715b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:35:58	472.629
-9	26249	2624900	6673bbbb-9f36-4c6b-97c5-4a908ff63296	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:24:12	645.44
-9	52498	2624900	933dedcb-e17e-4e5f-b9b5-34190b37e685	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:33:20	560.964
-10	26250	2625000	e2dc9ebb-3355-4856-addc-b7e9d98945aa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:30:32	-68.491
-10	52500	2625000	9f491d03-f547-4cd2-a2b5-3e62ee3262a5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:47:29	-248.791
-11	26251	2625100	7521554a-8400-4e70-adc2-a885f2cfdbb7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:16:29	456.158
-11	52502	2625100	629459a9-ab8b-4885-8485-9ff1c4270c47	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:15:01	433.908
-12	26252	2625200	a6c3faba-bee7-4417-8957-b98deb47be6d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:20:50	-12.646
-12	52504	2625200	a294cbc0-cbbb-4be9-9bff-98324932db7c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:45:22	-190.803
-13	26253	2625300	4843d269-bb10-4827-afc4-29e057d858b1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:00:58	-736.283
-13	52506	2625300	da2fc4b3-efaf-4553-b015-7ff83feae984	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:27:53	-469.963
-14	26254	2625400	bf3850bf-99f2-446a-bb44-4d0b8106473a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:15:32	529.93
-14	52508	2625400	3e4b24de-cb3c-494c-a00b-284a80949201	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:28:25	115.516
-15	26255	2625500	3abfe24b-c9fa-495a-8a50-7238c3b843a8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:48:02	-149.122
-15	52510	2625500	b2d533fd-7a2c-4c0c-b7d2-5f57b96e53b0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:37:14	95.537
-16	26256	2625600	2accd86e-39f4-4893-9649-b78cbbb58200	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:48:59	17.270
-16	52512	2625600	5ebbcad1-bad1-476b-ab38-f06a93a2014e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:07:38	303.684
-17	26257	2625700	4c520c18-f4e5-45f8-b7a1-752f502da460	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:21:41	41.293
-17	52514	2625700	e24a7bb6-a8e4-40ad-9069-a9ec1eb53a47	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:17:01	384.243
-18	26258	2625800	e173110d-b1f5-4736-a93e-a112042046c4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:00:54	-203.433
-18	52516	2625800	40ac9f97-abe2-4bb9-9d05-964967775e0d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:34:51	-486.446
-19	26259	2625900	64360e09-574e-4e29-b69e-4cd1ea04fc87	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:29:06	145.847
-19	52518	2625900	9c6101f3-e829-41ae-aa19-fb863b25329b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:02:46	294.38
-20	26260	2626000	026b46ab-48ba-40f8-a1f4-22f2b25a0b08	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:16:25	154.796
-20	52520	2626000	9179a283-b528-4136-8756-0cc356b87adf	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:50:00	-205.326
-21	26261	2626100	ae277726-3038-4148-a9bb-156e15c8a589	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:31:10	-90.125
-21	52522	2626100	0b31dfc1-b0d0-473d-adf9-8f432880c8b1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:39:18	87.390
-22	26262	2626200	b2374f77-43b2-45f9-81f1-90c798947aba	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:59:37	-133.552
-22	52524	2626200	71a6b18b-7ee7-475d-a5e0-5e7f89d1e6cb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:56:48	-967.431
-23	26263	2626300	b34d40a2-96b8-4ef2-962e-d3c4f96ba10f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:00:56	-380.387
-23	52526	2626300	84be11ac-74da-40ea-a7cb-530ca856fbcc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:03:48	217.328
-24	26264	2626400	5e50a760-8a27-4ec7-830a-69be354b4a80	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:32:48	156.416
-24	52528	2626400	e3a552fe-0d4c-4b79-abbd-457afa0c1628	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:47:31	712.173
-25	26265	2626500	eb46df99-e539-49ba-855e-1370ed7dd915	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:00:10	668.122
-25	52530	2626500	1f2ce798-2a27-4125-afa0-fae394450864	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:10:42	-986.799
-26	26266	2626600	8e7930dd-a183-463c-8f66-a40300c0b55f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:42:52	-374.293
-26	52532	2626600	cba5f685-78c6-44ce-b7f1-9d467ee849ad	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:15:24	-225.992
-27	26267	2626700	493858e7-b54e-430c-b9c5-476411d92dc3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:23:48	269.674
-27	52534	2626700	0c840eed-ec5e-4397-8f5b-2720ce4a6cef	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:48:10	622.807
-28	26268	2626800	0673cfe5-b268-4981-860e-c727cec04c17	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:59:54	456.737
-28	52536	2626800	423f37c4-46e1-441a-89b9-f6f41ddaf83c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:23:47	603.404
-29	26269	2626900	059bac28-12b7-4808-a877-2a4ea0ed11ea	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:44:06	-670.859
-29	52538	2626900	e741c091-7068-4e1f-987e-d2ff5bc16360	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:13:17	403.746
-30	26270	2627000	404dca2d-2df6-4750-bd0a-f448b3b71d02	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:23:23	514.842
-30	52540	2627000	d4638d92-45ab-476d-9231-0f253529f64d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:13:09	422.509
-31	26271	2627100	d30fbf26-8224-488a-96d4-b2cd33992435	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:30:08	-121.315
-31	52542	2627100	c3cc17e2-5ad3-4dc3-b76b-4a77daf23350	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:04:50	474.733
-32	26272	2627200	9e88acbd-8cbe-46af-8cc0-688c7fc19c8f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:09:29	-144.848
-32	52544	2627200	40a1d088-fb1e-4b4c-92fd-25cb1f329c7a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:34:45	281.394
-33	26273	2627300	970f7531-9d7d-401e-8c24-3c68ee0bc109	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:57:23	-871.313
-33	52546	2627300	86136158-8c2a-476b-9bf7-8fdfe50ac968	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:37:46	-228.867
-34	26274	2627400	39f1e6a4-0f62-4f16-b517-c03712d59f9a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:30:59	-33.28
-34	52548	2627400	508a26c3-a82d-41d3-aa90-bf22c1e78c6f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:25:03	72.980
-35	26275	2627500	85cfe58d-5c43-408a-994d-188ca1ac85e6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:25:28	866.266
-35	52550	2627500	341f698d-5840-40ee-92a7-a09f390efa34	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:49:13	-920.213
-36	26276	2627600	2afb4d43-5767-44ae-b72c-e7b527a4f3c4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:08:51	665.365
-36	52552	2627600	f2b9517e-5831-4163-83f5-d17f48580e9e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:45:50	735.363
-37	26277	2627700	ac4b692e-b717-4608-816d-a0921ab7e1df	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:31:44	578.960
-37	52554	2627700	2a3ff382-dace-405e-b9ce-d66c22aaa024	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:10:59	355.500
-38	26278	2627800	edd19b41-e915-4bc8-abcd-47537a383e5c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:09:09	-762.381
-38	52556	2627800	0f68f2c4-8897-4386-85df-9d337e395846	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:18:34	-817.233
-39	26279	2627900	3afd73f1-2cff-40d5-9913-8c2da0dce42c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:44:19	-929.854
-39	52558	2627900	0c1abe5c-caf9-47c8-8582-bed37c3fafa1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:18:10	819.809
-40	26280	2628000	83040449-e364-42b4-a1e0-fa57206bf304	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:37:47	-587.628
-40	52560	2628000	7b884489-4f21-43e8-80c0-27474e3b2742	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:44:32	306.226
-41	26281	2628100	e0bb104e-5ca8-4398-9151-32720d47a5ab	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:27:51	-837.66
-41	52562	2628100	128c585e-de5d-4e63-a376-8e7951e47a11	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:31:52	-646.806
-42	26282	2628200	88229553-c90f-433e-b897-a7fc32d82960	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:37:29	168.177
-42	52564	2628200	12d6bf71-f07f-4a24-abe7-7bd0fed336a7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:46:22	65.191
-43	26283	2628300	25f124f7-8ea3-4117-b810-590bde0bd52e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:04:43	905.84
-43	52566	2628300	75c2d6ab-d884-49e0-bfdc-ab60c657c5d4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:12:39	664.673
-44	26284	2628400	08ded4cc-6c6e-4572-a768-a6f6ae00f852	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:34:17	97.300
-44	52568	2628400	c3e5a6ae-fa32-4725-ae5b-c72a0c8f2be9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:13:31	388.205
-45	26285	2628500	e2be1f82-9468-4e1e-a8c0-34e3ba4885f4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:03:45	84.291
-45	52570	2628500	59dd71ae-6d12-47b3-80c1-ff853de23308	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:08:15	168.650
-46	26286	2628600	516ddcc5-560a-4965-ac2d-5032c8f3e768	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:09:19	392.195
-46	52572	2628600	236da435-27fc-4c60-a453-6749a8c59731	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:19:27	438.207
-47	26287	2628700	74f60163-3af1-479a-b768-3df03d2bdd43	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:59:13	628.763
-47	52574	2628700	69134792-31e4-4883-bd18-843d2fb997c6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:16:12	529.940
-48	26288	2628800	9acf8cb2-3adc-42c2-af25-4087ff0e1c09	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:10:06	690.421
-48	52576	2628800	6562ef06-9014-4445-9041-8f030183aa51	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:31:02	-38.659
-49	26289	2628900	272a8e11-0d3d-4d1c-bc00-1c022a55f6bb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:42:08	492.810
-49	52578	2628900	20e78086-ccb1-4e9a-96a9-ae95a01dd0d0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:48:21	623.805
-50	26290	2629000	e6265341-56ef-4601-868c-fac2f1812594	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:10:38	448.953
-50	52580	2629000	e430a4ba-3ea5-4995-a6f1-f28a8cb686c6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:14:47	619.56
-51	26291	2629100	11ce190f-73d8-4c76-9670-fab67d9001ae	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:00:20	-379.663
-51	52582	2629100	0359b46a-331d-47fa-a517-648ffcf8ac21	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:21:41	-628.153
-52	26292	2629200	3c41f6da-5c45-4bb6-b703-23bd336e3948	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:43:17	214.819
-52	52584	2629200	99159a98-169e-4685-8523-da07db4f08a5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:51:33	657.610
-53	26293	2629300	d149ad1d-0cb9-4611-aad8-c5fae03e7a9a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:29:12	-116.100
-53	52586	2629300	cff81c18-5448-43e9-ac2c-4dd3bd0e29a1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:46:22	694.607
-54	26294	2629400	727c0388-7679-43f8-90f5-3e4ad965ebba	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:16:05	915.964
-54	52588	2629400	e7a2601a-6234-4a93-9294-360c2aade4d5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:58:44	224.784
-55	26295	2629500	c66b82fc-99cf-42bc-8bc9-3b3509ed5b7f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:35:15	168.181
-55	52590	2629500	c02a3973-7e4c-4db1-ae48-8ea400297d9b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:00:05	-701.598
-56	26296	2629600	1c081354-91f3-44cf-b42f-0591de60b611	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:00:39	70.556
-56	52592	2629600	c2310823-6e8b-42fe-8d43-3682e0628075	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:57:07	-965.292
-57	26297	2629700	5ba8bb67-6aae-466b-a133-282bbab7f7d9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:35:45	-646.69
-57	52594	2629700	8f08ed8f-571a-4011-aa14-b4642780dc59	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:45:31	-951.499
-58	26298	2629800	6cc60c05-f1df-47b6-a49b-8a843c66dbef	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:27:56	152.784
-58	52596	2629800	70464678-5bb1-4500-bc70-f9586ebdf447	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:18:55	903.504
-59	26299	2629900	b3e1edb3-d6ca-4e59-9cad-968205654924	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:03:40	-979.752
-59	52598	2629900	6be3601b-34f1-4274-bfda-17ad51ac7836	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:39:36	-606.46
-60	26300	2630000	9f09c4d5-6fec-4914-bf70-376b1c1905ce	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:13:51	903.542
-60	52600	2630000	712714db-d89c-4f2c-949b-29861c477dda	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:40:01	-63.862
-61	26301	2630100	09dcad2d-ba88-48c5-ae07-c9f1340b1faa	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:46:14	-678.911
-61	52602	2630100	e7431100-93fb-442b-a0c2-2c8afc21af1f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:32:16	-811.310
-62	26302	2630200	20393dd0-bb37-4f3c-b2b1-45aeb2291442	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:35:02	-103.23
-62	52604	2630200	51ed3e0c-347c-494b-bbd8-a9a88edd1d33	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:43:36	56.419
-63	26303	2630300	90d85a64-b182-41ee-8457-a5807f356fe5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:26:47	-729.379
-63	52606	2630300	0f27b576-3f80-4dd0-9942-df109d9bb34a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:34:29	108.900
-64	26304	2630400	ffbe0ba9-a31f-4d98-a056-878d2291e799	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:09:22	-994.859
-64	52608	2630400	77a45302-6be8-4a72-ad46-d4470e27cd8c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:00:25	-401.525
-65	26305	2630500	036d6af9-ca14-453e-a0f9-fb687603d4e6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:34:36	-574.388
-65	52610	2630500	f9c29a94-2829-43ee-ab2b-d73a9a5ecda3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:48:24	-596.794
-66	26306	2630600	2d434196-b27a-4afd-97c5-22f760274757	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:17:22	456.743
-66	52612	2630600	89eab724-e8f3-4feb-af9f-35cf4b274f6f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:35:11	31.826
-67	26307	2630700	e5cfce28-b3dd-4b4d-a14f-374a835e7dbd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:56:17	337.595
-67	52614	2630700	175cfca9-20eb-4839-8f60-ae94b6a46e7c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:00:25	186.579
-68	26308	2630800	0c7ba77a-c88d-4dc0-9a6c-4af56f5bedf0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:20:32	-916.103
-68	52616	2630800	6918648b-61e9-41a4-8fdc-0a484210051c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:16:19	-484.16
-69	26309	2630900	0c9c99cb-a6f5-4095-a38a-94c6762e425f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:12:51	-322.433
-69	52618	2630900	751340a8-7d43-4452-863a-4ea7468f40b4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:14:14	-192.884
-70	26310	2631000	bb984994-8f93-482f-b6c6-5d61ed0b2158	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:52:58	-668.378
-70	52620	2631000	86d58311-8a63-4ecf-96eb-0fe98effbf66	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:12:20	-119.431
-71	26311	2631100	fe668640-e930-46aa-9f55-8812404397db	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:27:31	-838.893
-71	52622	2631100	a6fd03ff-8a42-4402-8d7d-e029505626b8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:23:45	131.195
-72	26312	2631200	8e9850a3-1006-4c17-b9ad-bbf1fe778ddc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:11:18	-855.811
-72	52624	2631200	52b83919-287f-4044-b58e-56b972d80d43	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:36:01	740.868
-73	26313	2631300	36f78f46-8da8-49e1-b77a-c5e2e6f0f773	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:11:33	225.325
-73	52626	2631300	7a75abf6-76dd-448e-8337-1bfa465a088b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:43:58	-15.167
-74	26314	2631400	9e1d42ce-78f9-49ef-9341-39402807da25	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:58:36	-94.208
-74	52628	2631400	b5e9cdca-a2a1-44bf-9b09-8c083c1e6ec4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:38:00	299.963
-75	26315	2631500	4c332761-cd46-48be-b2e4-7d96c4ad9840	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:53:05	822.501
-75	52630	2631500	25238ec2-2185-4a86-8d89-26a9a39466ca	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:43:02	362.322
-76	26316	2631600	63e6d685-0c61-49d8-b34a-63f53ebf88ce	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:54:19	-216.616
-76	52632	2631600	ae546775-4e02-420e-9fee-5ca0b2ae0f59	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:11:49	100.594
-77	26317	2631700	70d68f3e-2458-47b3-a99a-5e5e6bf281f9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:24:31	99.683
-77	52634	2631700	5dbf303f-6ed8-43c6-9c58-e51ae599b691	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:46:21	-651.89
-78	26318	2631800	ecf8f178-b37d-42b2-b5e1-b3b9c6678cb4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:24:17	492.936
-78	52636	2631800	50fd3e89-4ce0-4ab8-86ee-e01be6c7529a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:08:33	698.511
-79	26319	2631900	bff76722-fc94-4055-b1e2-5b5b7284bfbd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:33:15	772.75
-79	52638	2631900	8def73ab-d34c-4e8f-813a-897a1adb3ef4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:16:48	-668.285
-80	26320	2632000	7ac94760-5d4a-4cd9-be48-39892376872f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:26:18	342.589
-80	52640	2632000	03dcae62-d605-483a-a3a6-4bf799d8a3df	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:37:31	975.980
-81	26321	2632100	8698784d-3f68-49b6-b22e-2761ebd8a7bf	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:32:53	752.556
-81	52642	2632100	648c3f42-09bf-4ed6-9699-d9ab3778e8f9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:41:21	795.106
-82	26322	2632200	01532c0c-305d-404a-9968-bd5be401a107	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:40:01	-549.10
-82	52644	2632200	7bbd884c-c2a0-42f8-b40d-083a7994e1bc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:08:31	516.987
-83	26323	2632300	54ff631d-35e0-4955-b1bf-b8b3dacb3eea	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:29:48	-658.271
-83	52646	2632300	5abad3db-1fab-4a4f-a560-9984679466d3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:46:31	226.239
-84	26324	2632400	06ad71e3-9247-465b-9b6f-00d1514796e8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:54:21	277.938
-84	52648	2632400	b2d1e513-e11a-49c4-9eae-be9b1d4476a5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:15:57	-83.390
-85	26325	2632500	25070793-0978-421c-b8c1-02068ed86e3c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:15:15	-804.415
-85	52650	2632500	7ecf620d-6d5b-41ed-b3ec-6b633586f662	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:52:07	-131.742
-86	26326	2632600	aa1f5bdb-b9ae-4231-8fde-25b4ee252765	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:13:06	67.693
-86	52652	2632600	db84d670-9b47-4d0b-966b-14e4900bb809	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:54:29	520.831
-87	26327	2632700	3edc78e1-abd9-4bed-a06e-bca72707e16c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:27:35	66.746
-87	52654	2632700	3c66effb-b5aa-4b62-835f-d79361258e87	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:18:25	851.118
-88	26328	2632800	b20463ca-b5d6-44bf-9e98-ea902f0f96be	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:18:17	-268.192
-88	52656	2632800	0b0c9e6c-0e50-417c-ac02-d134851a4f6c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:45:55	568.733
-89	26329	2632900	5836e8c6-e5f2-45be-8ea6-dc08ae6690fa	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:07:45	-227.608
-89	52658	2632900	0d3338c6-9ff7-4e01-8871-4e6276e30033	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:54:50	-486.602
-90	26330	2633000	ec5044e5-473d-40e1-8131-f4128b442285	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:56:30	-430.364
-90	52660	2633000	86925ff8-5713-4502-80c5-8ebf00a9a085	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:40:42	-659.683
-91	26331	2633100	037d4460-beb6-4e5f-ada7-d3c9b4228856	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:29:34	146.692
-91	52662	2633100	4820b2e5-662c-486a-80fc-bb038f48202b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:19:21	865.525
-92	26332	2633200	662fdd68-24cd-43ad-abf2-14cc0b23cdb1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:16:35	612.60
-92	52664	2633200	ea79593a-c14a-458a-8769-697a8cfcbbf9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:58:00	-84.728
-93	26333	2633300	f3b73aa4-9fda-417e-9d60-93a47f0c6955	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:02:07	-94.56
-93	52666	2633300	12d2bb03-0d66-40a5-a788-b5386b4c04e3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:20:07	-482.687
-94	26334	2633400	c861822b-5b7d-4b8a-90c9-734a67558f6c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:43:43	803.741
-94	52668	2633400	ea9e122c-9ba0-4af7-98ae-03b62cc0b6cc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:53:30	449.740
-95	26335	2633500	95d9822f-0dc7-4f7e-ab09-df001a54b7e3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:21:48	-756.981
-95	52670	2633500	59f58957-81b6-45f9-a83b-5f37e7e8811f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:14:50	-573.766
-96	26336	2633600	429f6f22-8dea-46b7-9059-e04b40e578e9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:19:36	-198.356
-96	52672	2633600	1588d5fb-60fb-43e7-9e88-12117a63888d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:37:55	-72.564
-97	26337	2633700	62f84540-30fc-4b61-928a-4ce9d0b1b04c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:28:57	90.989
-97	52674	2633700	3c7781b7-1a0b-4613-b065-3787d986388f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:14:46	-843.120
-98	26338	2633800	effe7c12-a02f-4972-b9f5-a7812b4e2855	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:45:24	-491.548
-98	52676	2633800	048d95bc-839f-4b60-9428-9c77fdb6da1c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:58:10	-941.618
-99	26339	2633900	7206240d-627a-43e6-83df-613d0ced6c38	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:12:56	838.409
-99	52678	2633900	72663067-6945-48f8-a859-cd32f2121de9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:01:25	354.555
-100	26340	2634000	8728751b-a60a-4a13-b3f3-0a5b5bf79694	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:41:04	-127.362
-100	52680	2634000	d0190262-ce95-451c-9748-055567997b55	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:50:56	-923.995
-101	26341	2634100	9d2dbc10-2664-4ea8-ac04-8053944004b8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:50:34	200.822
-101	52682	2634100	b8ac293c-a211-490a-a089-fb2ace0b3d3f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:13:57	-516.725
-102	26342	2634200	104fcc85-ac8d-4612-b4fa-9aa16d558b45	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:04:54	430.878
-102	52684	2634200	bf13b118-e3ba-4915-8c55-06d519afd3be	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:32:01	114.220
-103	26343	2634300	3e2ac0ea-91a3-4fbd-9599-59f61d06c624	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:18:52	127.636
-103	52686	2634300	12dd5a3c-52b0-4735-a9ce-b6835698f946	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:22:49	273.174
-104	26344	2634400	21f6b2a5-b478-43c9-a809-3c63e5a5a4ad	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:18:58	-281.191
-104	52688	2634400	2639a2d8-5303-4666-ac4e-125af25633c7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:49:45	574.987
-105	26345	2634500	a397e814-79a7-49fa-adc3-edf49a9befe7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:01:46	-66.273
-105	52690	2634500	3cdaa64b-ff21-4584-8f6a-7bfdb7c2cf66	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:36:11	-394.711
-106	26346	2634600	890808b2-6b7f-4929-8c49-e2d168e7b439	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:43:23	-805.728
-106	52692	2634600	09681696-afdd-4001-8734-6a5632cc7b44	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:30:40	490.884
-107	26347	2634700	e2db515f-c823-4438-a11f-7d17e9df2eaf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:05:49	-781.532
-107	52694	2634700	a9469d45-e7fe-4ee5-892b-846819e76500	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:54:21	836.329
-108	26348	2634800	15d41885-5710-471a-aaf0-a80b72fa645b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:01:31	325.566
-108	52696	2634800	8ca5f949-10ff-45be-b400-97f90543ec74	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:53:41	147.755
-109	26349	2634900	0b5cb806-264a-49c8-a053-a08ead0f5ed0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:21:36	908.752
-109	52698	2634900	bd3b9df5-9db1-4ba0-a6ab-bc3a72abb581	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:22:52	-473.916
-110	26350	2635000	4e53ee05-6def-4edc-a0d6-39be879e62a3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:46:54	-21.405
-110	52700	2635000	7f1e17c1-e340-4699-b225-adb1ec31deb1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:46:21	405.240
-111	26351	2635100	474f49a2-c610-42ab-92e9-d986f83d05ef	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:44:58	665.966
-111	52702	2635100	e2d7f920-5b6e-491e-b9b8-d9f8531ef957	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:36:10	740.317
-112	26352	2635200	5f4c4794-5d75-4496-8959-3eeae7634236	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:06:59	-660.43
-112	52704	2635200	e30c10c5-f6ed-472c-a03e-7c8107674d5b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:48:57	250.939
-113	26353	2635300	ae6e53c7-ca78-4747-ba53-b4760ae18c44	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:25:34	-992.285
-113	52706	2635300	c475fac1-c13f-4b73-862d-3bdbda637a12	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:29:03	-201.873
-114	26354	2635400	494b9941-32f1-475c-945c-8f8f2d74578d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:30:24	236.241
-114	52708	2635400	d24334fc-ea29-4868-8ae7-eb68c7db10be	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:38:49	-271.6
-115	26355	2635500	071059d0-fe6d-497d-b7d4-6a59d9687e37	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:08:28	374.526
-115	52710	2635500	8a96d315-a35d-4369-b1fd-701a5e161d7d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:44:36	-366.63
-116	26356	2635600	fabb3e52-9ff0-4411-8422-d05d88d7fdc6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:48:39	337.674
-116	52712	2635600	e391df4d-c06b-40c0-bd52-17f38b76052e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:44:18	927.65
-117	26357	2635700	9c88e7ec-c57e-432f-a23b-92073680510e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:15:04	-727.461
-117	52714	2635700	3626117a-7232-458a-9b98-b8c97a686583	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:44:34	635.117
-118	26358	2635800	5f1abc15-39d4-428e-b14c-3633535a55fa	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:49:01	-231.756
-118	52716	2635800	f77d5ac8-faeb-4d0d-80bd-3ab75fefe0e4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:29:00	420.98
-119	26359	2635900	99d5b331-5065-4a43-8ea5-0e6e10d105da	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:28:54	-974.477
-119	52718	2635900	731dd1c2-fdef-4dd6-8e60-553f0af6dee8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:52:51	706.113
-120	26360	2636000	8847d9dc-7a93-4826-8b03-2cd0c981064e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:34:31	670.434
-120	52720	2636000	6c910945-4549-461f-93e2-e2509a6a123d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:12:40	276.361
-121	26361	2636100	666d34c2-a797-4d54-863b-1368bd480933	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:46:20	579.32
-121	52722	2636100	b6f61f8e-7cf8-4685-a9de-bf48af7c59f4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:03:23	-124.42
-122	26362	2636200	76f024fd-63d4-4e3b-b1d5-b75f890a1164	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:01:04	142.960
-122	52724	2636200	8c87104b-9173-4100-bf99-06c4fbb27bff	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:37:37	868.122
-123	26363	2636300	4ddbbfe9-5cf6-44b3-b6ac-005f76432325	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:30:05	-70.278
-123	52726	2636300	867efda8-78c5-4e32-aabd-4ca5acbc2845	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:28:56	155.187
-124	26364	2636400	4a400250-9879-4f3a-9f5d-c69b7eae51bb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:11:05	536.382
-124	52728	2636400	9d5049bd-b8c8-4994-89ca-c4b72a5445eb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:15:02	761.185
-125	26365	2636500	4029a253-7db5-4798-800f-3a2d8f9dcb97	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:01:16	-741.132
-125	52730	2636500	191af19b-89ef-458a-a0ab-cf3f0ea51d6c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:12:23	-216.465
-126	26366	2636600	57867490-ea3e-4c1e-8462-33e4ab95da3a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:19:56	-606.75
-126	52732	2636600	fb4d01be-3faf-4962-8bbc-7a160049f46a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:57:43	433.693
-127	26367	2636700	c659cea7-7ed2-4a91-b4b7-c8e79f8bcbd1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:01:29	-927.894
-127	52734	2636700	a3c8ca97-3865-4af2-a698-a113fdfa5f36	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:07:51	-225.919
-0	26368	2636800	6c940532-9be3-40b7-97be-cc802324a449	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:56:54	-687.51
-0	52736	2636800	6529e7a4-eaf2-4ad0-9c09-cc3f5c2650c6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:22:32	-729.865
-1	26369	2636900	b15d0811-0a3f-43fc-9e95-987e0f104c86	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:24:30	-216.299
-1	52738	2636900	121f66ae-c06b-413f-9467-efe21c747b8d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:30:05	-200.699
-2	26370	2637000	18aebc8d-12d7-495c-938e-919b46376977	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:19:34	-768.661
-2	52740	2637000	cca8d40e-65fa-4061-96ff-52c802b60362	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:41:51	481.903
-3	26371	2637100	e6590682-7dfa-4181-8c82-5e04ee62d2e2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:04:56	-95.663
-3	52742	2637100	796b6c78-56d7-4b94-9652-606a747801d6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:38:05	722.940
-4	26372	2637200	a62b58ec-b718-427d-9d19-713ad4ed9cbe	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:46:35	-256.692
-4	52744	2637200	1acc831b-6a3b-48f5-84f5-a030b86b9b14	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:12:41	-735.277
-5	26373	2637300	c169e4c5-4ade-4b8a-bcbe-8abb06424273	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:35:51	-647.7
-5	52746	2637300	a9cb4150-ad23-47ab-8f83-6d2f9a75a388	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:10:46	171.945
-6	26374	2637400	26f9bae2-fdc8-4718-9607-63e9335a31cb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:04:51	780.386
-6	52748	2637400	6311b6a7-360a-45fc-8e62-f087ef9c2f59	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:49:42	-618.23
-7	26375	2637500	fa88abf8-900a-42c6-b33f-3630a64d371c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:18:13	-13.300
-7	52750	2637500	184760ef-4d1d-4ae5-b538-bce0286dd708	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:28:35	-400.962
-8	26376	2637600	145d6bed-422e-41c8-9ebe-bd69281707c5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:24:58	-693.468
-8	52752	2637600	ab580089-987f-4987-8933-6512f2504107	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:40:24	272.276
-9	26377	2637700	24d3be6c-6b49-4907-8b93-62e652ed0978	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:17:03	-226.165
-9	52754	2637700	8dbd2967-c5c8-4185-87db-0671d6c9b7e1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:27:55	92.88
-10	26378	2637800	88521330-809d-4e68-9624-3c01f5153852	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:29:38	161.847
-10	52756	2637800	5967dfd7-680e-428c-9d9e-8460fe8b5c69	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:04:09	383.313
-11	26379	2637900	db3fa0e7-bc95-44af-8502-1bf257269a6e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:53:38	962.187
-11	52758	2637900	9eb8fe3f-9e10-4b6c-8852-a1e810f6ce80	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:35:24	-191.678
-12	26380	2638000	6d694efa-e716-4a5c-b61e-c4e8d4558fb6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:33:14	-540.46
-12	52760	2638000	8a3e405f-26f5-4c7a-a49d-da6cbce15957	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:44:51	-967.244
-13	26381	2638100	edc2b806-1ff2-4e62-bcbd-beae01d6f4d1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:42:27	843.562
-13	52762	2638100	c0ee7e87-8274-408f-8b68-47d3ae4cf0eb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:14:30	385.5
-14	26382	2638200	f00bc474-8daa-4160-89b6-f4345897ac79	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:12:08	125.240
-14	52764	2638200	463fec60-9fe6-43ec-a491-ac57deedbcc4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:02:56	601.837
-15	26383	2638300	8defff74-c126-4e7d-95c4-83305690b1a6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:39:51	-610.845
-15	52766	2638300	fc91d18d-0d31-45da-adf2-1c3f1cbbf14e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:10:13	35.887
-16	26384	2638400	3509c2f7-12e0-49dc-b466-70645615bb89	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:20:29	842.898
-16	52768	2638400	8fb89662-76f9-41c0-92f3-86db76705209	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:25:44	782.492
-17	26385	2638500	ac5293bc-1473-4944-8b2c-a1ed087a82d8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:33:06	588.806
-17	52770	2638500	830954f8-068b-48b6-b9de-2434e0dc19c7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:55:01	-353.188
-18	26386	2638600	333a4ad7-9e80-4f86-93f8-7d0a7af4604b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:23:22	-573.492
-18	52772	2638600	8bfce062-dd05-4e1e-be49-e7ea02bec111	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:23:43	879.501
-19	26387	2638700	78b11463-b07f-4ca9-bab6-6c27e2b1b06d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:33:02	-476.146
-19	52774	2638700	a6cff9c7-1117-4c96-abbf-b328b5c13895	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:42:02	-388.440
-20	26388	2638800	bc1838fc-f719-4c54-a341-2be97a8c96a7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:44:03	220.639
-20	52776	2638800	0786631d-6847-4436-8c0d-016154273691	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:50:00	-12.435
-21	26389	2638900	b0f47ce4-2c5f-4a5e-9a05-f85f5e742abb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:39:13	767.200
-21	52778	2638900	12eb6df5-dd4c-4047-a996-e1b36fd41e4c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:32:17	758.631
-22	26390	2639000	fece4997-a12e-44a6-8885-988505cb1d28	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:42:46	89.748
-22	52780	2639000	7103e753-70ae-41b9-8082-9f1450a2b3c8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:01:30	670.840
-23	26391	2639100	9662a333-1b62-448e-96a2-ba0d5123e671	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:59:39	-572.873
-23	52782	2639100	46b40311-cc3e-4968-8ea3-8f1005ad000a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:50:51	786.927
-24	26392	2639200	810014a9-decc-45d0-bd6d-57edd71d5293	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:40:02	962.538
-24	52784	2639200	ccc55ad6-6be6-4b22-9960-0f4a9c8a9541	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:52:48	-468.159
-25	26393	2639300	4f7fbbe6-de2d-49c2-9fc0-b24bb4003d8c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:10:30	-980.632
-25	52786	2639300	d3e21fc6-2a99-4d5d-8f9e-88ef38289600	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:27:31	-850.396
-26	26394	2639400	989ce908-0c02-4d51-801f-a41e81c9be59	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:19:50	139.315
-26	52788	2639400	dc6c0414-f175-49bc-9e21-9dff8613f8be	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:18:17	-99.69
-27	26395	2639500	ba16894e-8e37-4220-8907-8849d6b55f29	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:42:32	930.386
-27	52790	2639500	2b2af73d-e152-485d-958e-68d6f8a7d56c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:40:01	684.561
-28	26396	2639600	091b5cc6-d9de-474f-819c-4f42ae6715ce	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:14:27	-848.72
-28	52792	2639600	df4dc584-15df-467c-b141-05561d768fdb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:56:14	388.60
-29	26397	2639700	f1491184-bf54-4819-8fcc-d6211572eb1e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:17:19	-334.394
-29	52794	2639700	46ac3282-0b4a-49d3-a554-eace4f79ebeb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:10:08	-674.785
-30	26398	2639800	72b4b56c-a507-4dce-8fba-abfd9b77de43	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:03:54	400.429
-30	52796	2639800	9bf9f6d9-8a52-4ef9-b7fa-b7d47f01c291	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:30:46	916.644
-31	26399	2639900	89fb84ff-05cc-4c8b-97e0-0cd157db7872	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:50:18	-158.996
-31	52798	2639900	df7d767c-8db1-4e37-83cf-ec7ed58f9e21	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:04:07	55.824
-32	26400	2640000	1a082444-5bb3-43e1-989c-4135a0340b4d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:49:21	871.650
-32	52800	2640000	296b0532-c6c5-4556-b4bd-ae7c34815a12	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:37:49	892.83
-33	26401	2640100	f5eaab6c-0c90-45e7-91a5-5345d27777b9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:24:45	-138.612
-33	52802	2640100	6c306cf2-2ee5-4e53-8566-74cccda18ee9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:25:00	511.82
-34	26402	2640200	d17a6cba-1348-4127-9492-adfbb25b78ff	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:08:38	-331.3
-34	52804	2640200	0967d13b-2c4f-4257-864a-a8e2948db260	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:50:03	-116.606
-35	26403	2640300	1065714f-489a-4d68-b2f1-1416c0dff43d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:23:06	958.514
-35	52806	2640300	919e4a80-0abd-41e5-a707-9d24bc6cd5b6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:46:24	149.648
-36	26404	2640400	8892a169-be11-4031-9aa2-56802f2250f6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:31:52	-360.123
-36	52808	2640400	5da8d8e3-d6ec-4f54-b1c4-2d176c059739	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:17:19	-506.31
-37	26405	2640500	22f9b322-d90f-468d-8720-e3df3cab6e7d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:16:48	-78.325
-37	52810	2640500	492b434d-d21e-4aec-a2e6-8a286f558af8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:47:24	-584.533
-38	26406	2640600	d424a51d-b283-40e0-85c1-7113f6181375	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:11:05	-642.796
-38	52812	2640600	fc2d61ea-425f-487f-91d2-2dd660136baa	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:07:31	599.862
-39	26407	2640700	6cb4f934-eb72-4ed3-a9c1-f5d6b256ec7f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:39:11	-79.469
-39	52814	2640700	ed399ced-b503-44bd-90ea-c121ae2b0b1f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:40:25	803.511
-40	26408	2640800	d2f6ba10-b3da-45b7-ad3b-2a49cc95c541	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:11:40	-651.465
-40	52816	2640800	8bc31d95-c9df-4133-b935-d269889ca562	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:05:27	873.159
-41	26409	2640900	1483c8a5-d1b6-4004-bed3-d2749e5aca57	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:22:58	49.247
-41	52818	2640900	8749656f-a284-4df5-9366-6fedb7c5b750	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:14:56	954.771
-42	26410	2641000	fd46a0dd-67ee-4197-9902-3d39b916ae9e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:31:52	754.774
-42	52820	2641000	4f1655d8-d1ee-42ae-a847-7f6cfeb779cd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:45:52	261.69
-43	26411	2641100	04567193-8785-46e4-9de5-364dfe43a764	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:45:18	-931.503
-43	52822	2641100	245dfab5-3dd7-4790-b258-96724a0b18c1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:14:00	-446.670
-44	26412	2641200	319fc201-1059-48e9-acc5-2849e2d128ad	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:11:11	986.465
-44	52824	2641200	0492f6be-29a9-4e93-8966-01170fb6ac99	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:22:00	895.797
-45	26413	2641300	c267558f-8a18-4ed1-b41a-281bcf0648a7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:13:21	-733.120
-45	52826	2641300	8fd49e30-71ac-4148-aef0-d1221e3cc35f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:04:27	288.116
-46	26414	2641400	9e589768-eed7-4127-a898-91e47765122c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:39:06	500.61
-46	52828	2641400	fc979515-1dbe-421b-b5d2-ade0e99597a7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:29:14	700.744
-47	26415	2641500	7f7997b5-5c06-49e6-bbdd-ad280d07b01a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:28:37	-14.928
-47	52830	2641500	a44b6317-fadd-4790-b3af-55f839fd7a7b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:08:36	-586.34
-48	26416	2641600	19af8042-33c7-41e9-b0d4-6b32c499e60e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:52:26	-674.23
-48	52832	2641600	6fb69385-8fc1-4d07-93e3-748733d5860e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:50:23	531.972
-49	26417	2641700	78c38281-4620-4992-9252-89f42c487f7b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:11:53	-119.860
-49	52834	2641700	98bdbd70-0fef-4813-ba0b-9f370e5933c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:57:10	-299.242
-50	26418	2641800	15ab266b-0755-4003-91e4-a9ad8f407c2c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:34:32	610.881
-50	52836	2641800	225f16dc-6cf8-4736-8a39-8a63c4cd147b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:42:00	-851.105
-51	26419	2641900	84a28108-7ce3-480c-b618-e9bc5612b482	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:01:38	73.188
-51	52838	2641900	9342751f-29ea-4f85-896c-7baf645921cf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:12:09	914.802
-52	26420	2642000	cd3cc44b-3045-4f82-8b29-2ab68149c346	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:12:35	37.273
-52	52840	2642000	d7b3f064-a6ce-4efa-9e6f-5a2128a7df43	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:20:21	-185.141
-53	26421	2642100	ee28329c-6dfd-4fc4-b73f-4dc1e515b400	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:44:11	-520.822
-53	52842	2642100	e06f805c-5040-4ba9-83fb-42f35723116f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:42:56	-308.686
-54	26422	2642200	e2c96198-20a0-4aab-bb38-1f704d1a7e56	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:52:41	993.119
-54	52844	2642200	039fffce-ddcc-4f87-a611-07f733b55b67	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:35:45	-762.219
-55	26423	2642300	58c21a62-0a52-4679-82c4-f36c0917396d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:22:06	-883.700
-55	52846	2642300	c60184d7-15b2-4ca2-8315-f8904210c06d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:28:30	-905.940
-56	26424	2642400	8562a0de-e7f0-4903-bf1f-1621ba15d915	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:26:56	-920.104
-56	52848	2642400	d650426e-df6b-49e9-8743-d809866223c2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:40:15	478.839
-57	26425	2642500	fae2fecf-bb42-413f-a0c8-3c04521eca8f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:23:11	-330.996
-57	52850	2642500	30791884-cddc-4a4c-b7dc-0d6610849a81	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:35:44	288.0
-58	26426	2642600	aa096894-4ed5-47d5-b663-1c15fe1c5984	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:20:49	-549.408
-58	52852	2642600	3ea970fa-56a3-40ce-ad50-32143e577e25	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:27:11	-153.572
-59	26427	2642700	c333d7fe-7fb0-4a23-8728-2722a7913ec5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:14:49	34.931
-59	52854	2642700	5553ab78-ee3e-4709-ad6b-0e0cbfc5770d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:14:05	-302.629
-60	26428	2642800	891c2606-22db-415f-a1fc-7151feae4dde	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:13:42	-160.559
-60	52856	2642800	7127b144-f657-473a-8cc7-429b612ad886	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:30:35	567.691
-61	26429	2642900	39476706-240a-4e36-b5d1-26bf234bfe18	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:17:57	814.752
-61	52858	2642900	deeb8168-5ea3-45b8-8e18-eaf7264d6f65	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:11:28	155.610
-62	26430	2643000	3f572aee-c6ae-4cc1-b7b9-2dd5f4882f82	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:47:26	-333.658
-62	52860	2643000	df9dbf48-f095-4a5d-bd19-a9ebb414fa45	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:57:56	935.126
-63	26431	2643100	1f5e3753-ecf1-472e-a53c-3faa6adb336c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:27:25	-458.364
-63	52862	2643100	f94e96b4-a2a0-45a4-8730-5789e464bdaa	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:32:50	-123.745
-64	26432	2643200	f4ac7adb-f060-4c00-8831-34a4abe1a5cd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:55:34	-122.73
-64	52864	2643200	ef0ec27e-47b4-43e1-96b6-fe6251763a29	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:46:05	-685.9
-65	26433	2643300	1755ea89-185d-47bb-91ff-061199c3482a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:09:15	-449.942
-65	52866	2643300	64ea3214-a1b0-42a2-9f26-f961f5aee775	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:16:31	-839.466
-66	26434	2643400	63b44ebd-192c-4579-95e6-29e8f2c74f96	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:35:01	722.302
-66	52868	2643400	7d416576-80c2-4966-aa1d-5004206ff2da	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:45:14	-984.157
-67	26435	2643500	3b419771-c266-459d-bbb8-3a33d390cda2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:43:08	609.660
-67	52870	2643500	ec368271-c6a4-454a-bbe2-e55705c61ce5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:03:32	-810.125
-68	26436	2643600	18f518b9-513a-4622-bdd0-6fe66977a82a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:42:28	-653.510
-68	52872	2643600	5f6db3d0-c19f-48f1-a650-97b6a56e6c35	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:47:34	-931.919
-69	26437	2643700	0ce2ce29-4753-4c95-8769-2997bfef9836	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:14:53	-549.900
-69	52874	2643700	d97f2ac6-2c8d-446e-9352-f67a57b2d9b3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:26:53	688.807
-70	26438	2643800	973be2ed-e76c-4fdb-8566-72bb06dda903	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:03:24	37.923
-70	52876	2643800	c0fcfc2c-9114-4a74-a9d4-5097bf2692dd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:30:24	229.599
-71	26439	2643900	2e8e9570-a60c-4654-91a7-8c06ea1ab82f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:19:29	-927.503
-71	52878	2643900	816b96d0-fc84-455c-a3aa-c98e5679eb46	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:10:40	994.107
-72	26440	2644000	8e25e141-5f38-411c-9f19-841945615b2d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:52:55	76.88
-72	52880	2644000	fa0ec0cc-fe96-4231-b4ae-59611e43201d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:03:33	999.889
-73	26441	2644100	6502fd38-8105-43e1-97e6-a0bb3a7acaf3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:40:35	328.949
-73	52882	2644100	c4b14b01-984a-4ae8-b4d4-7d088bf231e2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:51:37	810.926
-74	26442	2644200	16027061-8f6f-4aa7-8115-27e7ece3253c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:34:11	-595.146
-74	52884	2644200	84874aa4-c551-4a87-a1f0-f73c75cc23a0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:17:25	-653.596
-75	26443	2644300	8cd06152-cf78-4ab5-8109-18f1429a7e49	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:48:59	-234.927
-75	52886	2644300	31b62faf-ed2f-4ad1-ad9c-6df461038b57	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:12:52	-416.45
-76	26444	2644400	b339e5a4-1db4-451e-92e2-aa4d4538257b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:32:46	-994.722
-76	52888	2644400	7ddab808-1005-4dc9-8573-f9d70406557e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:41:27	209.221
-77	26445	2644500	479ed1e3-d0cf-4aab-8c91-a50688cc6eb1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:43:26	-945.808
-77	52890	2644500	22656cb0-50f4-4f71-bc0c-0ad83ce865e0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:44:57	-702.476
-78	26446	2644600	b5e0953f-a580-44ad-99ce-e0a7c2a494bb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:43:04	-837.378
-78	52892	2644600	94171c4b-8e2c-41df-b723-24a0ed57da9a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:12:05	-337.741
-79	26447	2644700	0d96a010-bb48-4a7c-be50-954899b5eca1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:50:38	-973.433
-79	52894	2644700	ca999399-dd4b-4268-abeb-549c0470ca59	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:42:57	-140.355
-80	26448	2644800	3cb39eaa-aabb-41d7-82ef-1d3d8deb2132	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:26:05	91.774
-80	52896	2644800	5d8ef7d8-875e-4643-b443-5227c579857c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:36:38	49.302
-81	26449	2644900	a6c91ac9-ce67-484f-a5a8-530b291cbaaf	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:05:14	-909.783
-81	52898	2644900	3e35e0f6-3256-4714-a914-6b29678f3576	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:00:10	-619.767
-82	26450	2645000	58159471-4c01-4b26-b77d-351cbddc6bc8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:26:49	-22.372
-82	52900	2645000	fd6b6b9e-1d4f-4267-8dc1-4519bdda94d9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:07:31	437.247
-83	26451	2645100	ddb824ae-1613-4ed5-8033-a5128472764e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:11:03	-451.614
-83	52902	2645100	723ce1f7-0553-4d57-a962-366473e052d0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:05:10	-222.476
-84	26452	2645200	963e8bec-dec0-40da-a243-0ded1ac37249	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:40:32	-157.89
-84	52904	2645200	34c67939-3357-45c2-9c58-0ca937f30e04	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:22:06	-880.445
-85	26453	2645300	1946fe4a-a9cf-4382-9849-47cdd5c7b6b0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:17:50	-601.708
-85	52906	2645300	c8ef93cd-ce01-4b5c-ba87-d0f29a768a8c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:34:04	739.51
-86	26454	2645400	e23a196c-1426-46ab-baad-d2d6d4c90f89	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:20:31	497.123
-86	52908	2645400	4e532bf5-1e16-4244-8791-3beaedf5581a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:18:49	-871.122
-87	26455	2645500	9927ab99-03c3-4036-9985-571a123999b2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:57:52	985.950
-87	52910	2645500	ba89d237-1642-4e69-95f1-67be9c1ba177	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:36:08	5.107
-88	26456	2645600	4b614174-3d21-424f-bb15-19998cdfc4ce	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:39:41	-469.842
-88	52912	2645600	34c35081-4196-4a77-a872-bf0dd777aa6f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:11:01	-636.134
-89	26457	2645700	ad19e620-af15-4c2b-af88-d4e75249acf6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:23:19	-577.14
-89	52914	2645700	375172f6-ae3b-4301-88de-99863b7be4f8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:58:11	-449.996
-90	26458	2645800	bc6f81ab-29de-42f9-befa-8761a1baa7f9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:10:04	738.558
-90	52916	2645800	aa5ba9d7-c9b6-4a6b-8841-fffeaf6b17ba	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:23:42	-546.182
-91	26459	2645900	385608ac-4f39-43d9-8f09-c6268605cd83	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:35:35	586.669
-91	52918	2645900	027563c0-e3c4-42f1-ae37-e3306717bd34	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:59:13	986.847
-92	26460	2646000	190bdf00-d130-45b0-8c84-ec5056928033	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:22:41	-466.464
-92	52920	2646000	43b3a382-470e-42b0-a0b9-d9ff49da82dc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:34:11	-237.360
-93	26461	2646100	abed13ff-8751-41cd-b6ec-bb3ef5d13d1d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:38:32	-426.276
-93	52922	2646100	f10f7361-02d3-42f7-bdef-777f3bcf937d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:01:48	-554.948
-94	26462	2646200	40bb4e83-27fc-4375-b1d0-0c053c20a32a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:16:06	-585.553
-94	52924	2646200	ccfcd778-d8e9-46a8-b23f-738e254c2b71	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:02:54	-354.105
-95	26463	2646300	1f09e9ac-bfd9-4869-af9a-38954468e9bc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:52:18	59.464
-95	52926	2646300	13a71301-d5d5-47b9-a8b6-83c92157c316	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:43:32	809.517
-96	26464	2646400	c510507f-5061-4b0d-a234-d86a1e7e2df5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:20:03	69.581
-96	52928	2646400	6e9906c9-152f-4704-8e66-14fd23b0007b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:24:10	213.382
-97	26465	2646500	0243a091-de1e-4c29-95b6-0749026f06c7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:54:46	410.531
-97	52930	2646500	5dbc0be3-d7e0-4f8f-ae01-f42ae8a8caf9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:51:36	502.82
-98	26466	2646600	c012b25b-773f-4dbf-851e-ef482dfb14b5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:07:27	565.212
-98	52932	2646600	1bdd71fd-024f-4392-a063-1d5c20498f8f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:10:41	163.629
-99	26467	2646700	d220fc9d-aded-4bab-8159-1bca80932b7e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:48:13	-778.230
-99	52934	2646700	463b8dc0-f350-441b-975d-f7c08df94b89	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:26:40	-369.269
-100	26468	2646800	ca7afa03-2f90-4ff2-b02d-37e31fce53bc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:31:28	815.86
-100	52936	2646800	4ebb36cb-5350-490e-8737-4d777a9293d3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:17:19	-443.674
-101	26469	2646900	06c5b19f-2487-4b32-9fdd-fc42cfed25de	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:03:53	-349.585
-101	52938	2646900	bd0b532c-e65e-47bd-89b3-d4026fac82ae	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:09:43	69.663
-102	26470	2647000	2ad0c192-0be3-4ba7-b779-0e2af31e6f3e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:27:28	-635.477
-102	52940	2647000	2670449d-50e7-4789-8695-3726f299dcea	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:36:43	439.264
-103	26471	2647100	d2b94326-d2e8-4bff-9f43-61c62020b059	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:26:23	-617.425
-103	52942	2647100	d0e1fdcf-9513-44e9-a022-ef272f9604b8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:15:21	-268.725
-104	26472	2647200	2846aa6e-6b27-4bdc-a0db-b897bc30a589	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:33:59	879.620
-104	52944	2647200	cf0192b6-65fa-4c7c-9bdb-6e8be91244e9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:13:00	798.191
-105	26473	2647300	9819a569-63d0-4eb1-a18d-c102c61838de	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:37:01	948.499
-105	52946	2647300	54ae4934-02b6-46b2-92ba-1e55f48e25ad	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:24:35	662.285
-106	26474	2647400	1a9d4048-70f1-48fb-88d6-f3eb2bcc10ac	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:09:32	68.505
-106	52948	2647400	2bd10640-884c-4d30-adb1-ed29278aef0e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:55:08	769.688
-107	26475	2647500	3fa97553-59c4-497f-997e-941699defcf3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:13:25	-330.721
-107	52950	2647500	70e9954d-c90b-4e2b-9d09-2abc97da4191	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:19:55	-11.570
-108	26476	2647600	cc99cd63-c7fd-49cc-805b-20b5abe27953	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:46:10	-977.546
-108	52952	2647600	5056b87a-3806-4889-aa05-f77cba9d8a89	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:24:21	434.434
-109	26477	2647700	bafff5b0-91fc-492c-82c4-d856ffcaa72d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:48:04	-455.105
-109	52954	2647700	e9aff2de-63ca-4786-a82a-d0055889cec6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:39:21	413.698
-110	26478	2647800	8cddc989-847a-4481-9258-8464b9abb271	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:14:15	-834.848
-110	52956	2647800	e5f02e6b-7802-4b75-85e9-6390f9999b69	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:45:42	-370.772
-111	26479	2647900	e65eee74-b84e-44ea-94be-8eec0d24b8c1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:47:40	-77.623
-111	52958	2647900	2900846f-b28b-4902-be77-32b715e0a0c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:46:00	183.921
-112	26480	2648000	09324f29-1af3-475b-96c1-3fe768225494	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:32:01	907.251
-112	52960	2648000	269ed26e-5c2b-47d3-861c-9e3247f87c38	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:11:18	676.180
-113	26481	2648100	18877521-f6ce-4729-83ff-928c3ae1ed5d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:18:27	821.994
-113	52962	2648100	3d63a399-f600-4d7d-9859-6e4550a4bbc8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:11:53	-446.512
-114	26482	2648200	1f33354e-51b0-45a8-9ba6-a70db843e33a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:23:24	932.298
-114	52964	2648200	30941471-a8a7-49b4-8174-daf75458b9f9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:28:39	154.133
-115	26483	2648300	783e062f-b9b2-4caa-a98d-cc6165852b92	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:28:21	-437.906
-115	52966	2648300	063abd2e-f496-4a8c-b63b-5e4067f7b457	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:07:24	-512.13
-116	26484	2648400	30d04765-474d-45ff-9160-8bb2f751b0a1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:21:54	-902.833
-116	52968	2648400	cae24bc8-6824-4035-8ddd-74416f53b111	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:13:53	-424.6
-117	26485	2648500	9f8660d8-3be5-44f9-a941-a9c559887880	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:07:40	331.298
-117	52970	2648500	22839d7b-ccdb-4833-8912-d37ad48286b4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:25:28	-289.817
-118	26486	2648600	91897b2f-b371-4ee4-9d8f-da18b16066e6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:42:37	-539.648
-118	52972	2648600	2b6f76f9-ffd5-49c8-b1ce-6de58a07c315	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:02:46	421.405
-119	26487	2648700	fc8c2c08-638c-48f8-914c-c0a7485f4bfa	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:07:23	901.174
-119	52974	2648700	b420a7b8-045a-4f09-824b-49a17cc8e0af	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:54:34	-116.524
-120	26488	2648800	6fdcd254-d1ab-48e9-b510-b2235979ca48	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:43:32	50.703
-120	52976	2648800	d3289cf1-260f-4669-885f-16d307651fe5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:37:07	602.208
-121	26489	2648900	a7f1465c-d756-4686-89c6-ac50a3495178	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:57:30	217.206
-121	52978	2648900	a226e9b0-7fb0-4a07-b5fb-eca3d9c3881d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:47:52	-695.377
-122	26490	2649000	32a95ac2-25da-4182-8a32-694d0323e003	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:47:45	-995.103
-122	52980	2649000	3d4ffa82-b0b7-4ddd-bf98-39d2da832b1c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:41:46	891.379
-123	26491	2649100	d9ef1631-734c-4edc-9431-225322d5d568	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:14:44	-31.678
-123	52982	2649100	6beca811-56d2-48ea-b2f1-b923ddcc4974	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:55:17	104.745
-124	26492	2649200	3598fc15-d923-45e8-8977-d0cb6c70f98e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:33:27	709.248
-124	52984	2649200	838e9e8f-74e4-4f7e-9f21-2ac12ee8d8a0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:24:01	437.158
-125	26493	2649300	9448b248-8457-4140-b21e-2eb0930542a1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:45:04	-504.125
-125	52986	2649300	18ab3f01-d2a5-4cd7-a28a-25cc575bef09	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:57:57	-65.393
-126	26494	2649400	942fe009-3d12-48cf-b58a-7a52c7bbef8f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:07:05	-186.663
-126	52988	2649400	10c9b414-7222-4ddc-aa57-6897e1e760b9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:50:54	-397.552
-127	26495	2649500	8c50638c-2b55-4c9f-84ce-e0fede5a6ce9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:39:43	269.358
-127	52990	2649500	67a1bf8a-dbcd-441c-a5fe-f8b524b9f775	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:21:51	947.13
-0	26496	2649600	7ef60b2c-c5ed-4e2a-8b2d-d5aec78c7f0d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:06:32	-982.262
-0	52992	2649600	5df6dc78-a099-485d-b7ff-15871afe7a63	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:37:43	877.777
-1	26497	2649700	dc3d96e2-a321-45a2-bbf0-7192e852d7bc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:26:09	757.326
-1	52994	2649700	e8c5cd82-1cb6-4a52-8938-4ef89b6e2833	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:55:35	-463.966
-2	26498	2649800	85dfb4d6-f4d3-4d37-b525-8f50eca01fe4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:26:03	-475.43
-2	52996	2649800	742a28e8-42e9-437c-a8bc-506e0e229031	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:39:35	151.167
-3	26499	2649900	12a5b0e4-88bd-4849-a7fd-d03b019bc51d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:07:01	-271.843
-3	52998	2649900	64805945-b45f-4597-9036-5244393925ea	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:26:47	180.463
-4	26500	2650000	3ba76a7c-d5db-4cca-a917-b8734659f53b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:20:20	697.782
-4	53000	2650000	5bae3d89-80a1-4427-8dd7-246e9bcbbb24	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:21:50	183.962
-5	26501	2650100	4757267d-7745-4bd6-ab18-19cb0b1fd2ad	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:39:38	158.861
-5	53002	2650100	5b2a6eaa-b7bb-4747-9370-92dfc8fb7bde	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:28:54	918.564
-6	26502	2650200	12313112-d547-41ee-a363-cf5a85ba6e59	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:12:48	-759.297
-6	53004	2650200	3f84e986-5c96-455d-aaa3-00f635734671	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:37:33	676.681
-7	26503	2650300	efe18d01-d3a0-4a6d-ac79-2dc5ed84e95c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:57:34	-160.115
-7	53006	2650300	d449bcdf-9f96-423e-912f-bdb43841ebe0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:20:19	-258.726
-8	26504	2650400	ba4dd28b-8c25-4e53-a19c-5a7729fa6104	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:10:01	-817.428
-8	53008	2650400	576d1a0b-207b-444e-972b-410a5a2535e5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:30:38	137.59
-9	26505	2650500	a4e57257-f844-4075-a3dc-ee2e82668750	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:08:44	-156.267
-9	53010	2650500	017b19fb-e49e-4b59-b854-5cbab0201fa0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:12:39	-689.15
-10	26506	2650600	042d5951-aae5-4a76-8f8a-14e6b7d628dd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:43:23	-870.716
-10	53012	2650600	07eb0b5a-a33d-484f-adad-6cfa0935620d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:46:37	812.598
-11	26507	2650700	8bccfc15-5e1e-4f6f-885e-4e555015fa9e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:29:51	-674.12
-11	53014	2650700	c9b98e32-abf1-47f0-bdd0-e8d3d52eeb2a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:00:00	966.318
-12	26508	2650800	86d00ddf-c6df-4d1e-8666-fe073d3b9f3f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:49:33	901.500
-12	53016	2650800	3f76a075-291d-4a51-b179-ef6f8fe553c5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:31:06	-890.205
-13	26509	2650900	891fdb26-47df-4adf-9f60-212c6ce8421e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:38:34	-927.472
-13	53018	2650900	452f7be2-d36c-45f9-adca-b7339dba02c6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:45:20	680.933
-14	26510	2651000	c4cb6c01-699e-41ea-890a-82921dcbc1fb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:35:56	482.937
-14	53020	2651000	d7801ba0-53dd-4015-bc5c-e6140e04aed1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:35:30	-532.38
-15	26511	2651100	d2e6f751-e8c3-4b84-8df3-8e3423b4e350	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:21:36	950.958
-15	53022	2651100	6abaa2ed-a723-4011-9ace-14a85512f426	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:32:44	609.581
-16	26512	2651200	cb8f066c-95d5-49ea-b0ab-fc739c0d1009	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:44:28	779.918
-16	53024	2651200	cc8c3768-a063-4f48-b536-2d1f4817bba1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:14:25	-729.612
-17	26513	2651300	9e0f9abc-a936-4cb6-812a-111f751dcc4a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:26:36	799.369
-17	53026	2651300	739c864b-3a13-45f4-9203-5ce3a2722340	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:50:04	-515.58
-18	26514	2651400	ee113c94-83d8-43f7-a10c-8bfdff8a3c06	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:28:19	166.138
-18	53028	2651400	7552905a-d9be-451e-b869-34e73f95f758	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:13:44	-674.330
-19	26515	2651500	2e65bd7c-4b63-462b-8358-1523a843d4af	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:26:41	479.447
-19	53030	2651500	7c14dbc7-e305-441a-9d84-5609c021a48b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:15:00	-50.463
-20	26516	2651600	f694d12a-bf59-4e87-b776-6d269033bdba	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:02:42	-910.752
-20	53032	2651600	0305e558-a858-49aa-a48f-1d5c18a9448a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:24:16	225.618
-21	26517	2651700	df072255-aaa4-4dac-be4c-aa8f86277587	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:14:58	879.201
-21	53034	2651700	af0a5f74-5563-4d97-a379-ea42ae29b3e9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:15:42	111.554
-22	26518	2651800	7a5e7e7b-a82e-427f-8b96-d8f63ccf71e5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:43:06	-539.253
-22	53036	2651800	db3aa119-d129-4916-b96c-3826079a6e9b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:06:26	-334.979
-23	26519	2651900	a6a78e39-3961-4fb4-a746-e2d374918aac	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:36:53	770.113
-23	53038	2651900	503f86b1-843d-44e4-8389-3694b0fef23a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:20:05	-849.203
-24	26520	2652000	a41b95ee-1516-4b5c-99c2-95d1a2e838ad	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:58:55	-509.409
-24	53040	2652000	124b0778-2fe8-4ec8-bc4a-fdb6eae48106	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:24:14	812.969
-25	26521	2652100	9a4b6fc9-1e45-433a-a02f-a7252b6c0e7f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:33:28	855.376
-25	53042	2652100	4eb5774b-b83c-47b0-b1fd-2191678a93b5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:59:46	406.530
-26	26522	2652200	a8e757b5-6a6b-4f28-a7fe-114ef7d95f0e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:01:00	283.432
-26	53044	2652200	814edea4-e014-4cf6-b23a-beefa5bb6f3e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:02:34	-112.439
-27	26523	2652300	52976f0d-04f6-4c6b-8903-54856f4e7962	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:24:03	0.557
-27	53046	2652300	42cf722a-c3eb-4901-a334-ebe59104ce24	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:59:16	155.414
-28	26524	2652400	102819ba-6678-4dd2-8998-43ad81373fea	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:01:36	-705.12
-28	53048	2652400	286fb1bb-f6fc-4745-b09d-f286bb630da3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:23:52	324.656
-29	26525	2652500	ec03b2e0-d531-4d42-8ad9-96fe4adc9c7e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:47:29	-39.499
-29	53050	2652500	37a732fc-86bc-4236-be08-005b1d642d5d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:02:51	-779.44
-30	26526	2652600	b66b35fe-bf7b-4e39-a43b-0eef907cada4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:53:34	118.935
-30	53052	2652600	55aa744e-5ace-4a0b-8429-4fb2f6a8979f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:32:37	-462.211
-31	26527	2652700	11feb9dd-a2ef-4cbc-98c9-b8e78a514af6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:51:06	430.322
-31	53054	2652700	cf0d0ebd-3102-4c9d-9602-f3d5440db113	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:16:47	-598.319
-32	26528	2652800	2d6951e0-4d33-4c10-a855-ef271c8f3ed3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:20:00	-53.417
-32	53056	2652800	ee418bde-f125-45b7-a668-3218e0658d90	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:29:17	87.94
-33	26529	2652900	e0a84b0f-f57e-44e8-bdf3-7fb58961bc74	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:52:30	975.34
-33	53058	2652900	c0e4d510-f922-4e74-8f62-9c70fd749a16	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:05:50	159.610
-34	26530	2653000	9977ee71-7112-44df-862d-6ca779692a0d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:02:21	233.102
-34	53060	2653000	ee88772a-f00a-4568-88a3-f4b21d57126d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:18:21	-38.239
-35	26531	2653100	44b32286-56de-442e-bb27-4977af771280	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:15:47	762.380
-35	53062	2653100	2f9d6cb2-c1ed-4969-b357-b42434c59233	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:06:05	941.244
-36	26532	2653200	fe85bf5c-25f5-428f-8471-49bdfb719d3a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:09:10	-677.260
-36	53064	2653200	378598a3-8680-4139-b161-fe42be7e20fe	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:49:52	-356.490
-37	26533	2653300	c4ad0167-f5d4-40b0-a4f6-021e7cae3c42	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:09:21	27.66
-37	53066	2653300	ec3935fa-af9e-44b4-a585-d3b8121f3f93	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:30:18	484.587
-38	26534	2653400	0f15893d-3f8d-4027-83ab-996b014d79a3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:22:53	-851.719
-38	53068	2653400	e797523a-bf7f-4ecc-bcc1-d985af34e72a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:18:01	-650.164
-39	26535	2653500	1f38c95c-f905-448e-b361-365c250ae9c1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:43:28	969.664
-39	53070	2653500	5e502ec9-932d-46f7-950a-a53e49fe5644	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:52:18	-141.472
-40	26536	2653600	7ead6d96-d949-43d6-8e15-12026e152513	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:55:57	-100.591
-40	53072	2653600	7197127f-53cf-44f5-8d1b-14947bb02f9c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:33:02	-591.547
-41	26537	2653700	24a06314-2b4f-4e21-9170-32e4f8f358ac	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:26:15	782.795
-41	53074	2653700	2f9813e9-ba82-40c6-a0d8-85b8f336a75f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:19:47	980.745
-42	26538	2653800	912946f0-944e-444e-88c6-21c531fff996	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:04:48	-899.588
-42	53076	2653800	fe386855-9ae4-42e5-bc5f-3e26d035e1a1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:41:56	-350.539
-43	26539	2653900	211b38d1-9570-4142-be68-4daa62626305	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:50:35	-383.385
-43	53078	2653900	c0cd81ea-cd41-41d4-a9cd-df700425dce0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:57:49	-67.568
-44	26540	2654000	ef54e090-c284-4a8e-afb6-d3d4e6e315ca	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:57:33	850.976
-44	53080	2654000	16f37696-e381-4367-8eca-a964b22a5c77	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:56:06	-968.649
-45	26541	2654100	6eb93a76-0b13-4076-8797-71275d0e113c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:23:35	994.181
-45	53082	2654100	bc9c9725-cd90-4316-b2c2-ba4e1aad4e49	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:22:24	-139.583
-46	26542	2654200	fd62fbf3-a037-45be-9492-9ad65ab70f63	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:50:34	145.411
-46	53084	2654200	768a2203-a385-4f90-b5b6-cec1e34114f6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:38:51	-97.984
-47	26543	2654300	49086f10-a9fb-43db-9f0e-825b248d9142	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:15:57	769.197
-47	53086	2654300	a0387362-7411-4d7c-acfe-13e662bb25c8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:25:48	187.545
-48	26544	2654400	728c96c9-9191-42f0-9843-b4ea3bad88c9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:17:36	-550.355
-48	53088	2654400	5fe20545-3509-42a7-b3c3-ffa3020924fc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:38:40	69.260
-49	26545	2654500	bdcfd333-87f4-4150-a362-4cf10913c20b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:22:14	-919.161
-49	53090	2654500	a4aa9aff-ee58-4b54-a089-7cc4001446cb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:31:08	461.592
-50	26546	2654600	1580b715-80d8-4540-9609-040a42ffad39	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:06:55	976.726
-50	53092	2654600	3049787c-6853-49a6-b176-3c3d6a8a7dbe	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:27:04	-92.420
-51	26547	2654700	b7d85e8c-ce91-4487-a1e2-3d0dbd43f31f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:59:28	-890.236
-51	53094	2654700	7588ba53-0a70-47ad-95c2-e1f6ed961fd5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:18:58	307.422
-52	26548	2654800	bd5cb2b4-a0cd-4930-b0ed-7ad76473f770	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:08:43	-872.828
-52	53096	2654800	131604f9-ccfd-44a6-aca5-2a418086915c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:44:14	634.990
-53	26549	2654900	5950c1c2-da62-4266-b6e2-02897ac2b7fb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:20:47	-455.567
-53	53098	2654900	4fb318a8-2d9b-4131-92f2-3d4f28dd8c8c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:32:01	298.804
-54	26550	2655000	443c50ac-b24b-4542-a0b5-5be390885aee	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:57:52	456.954
-54	53100	2655000	dc441f9f-8744-480a-8fae-8a85b256ff56	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:38:10	-142.855
-55	26551	2655100	70cf1a98-bc5b-4e31-8f0a-2de6f1a088a0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:36:38	-935.350
-55	53102	2655100	ae3b9233-1c64-4815-87fe-705446068f5d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:33:05	-804.837
-56	26552	2655200	077b5957-c1c4-4dc7-ae13-ce1f874f9e64	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:48:27	45.590
-56	53104	2655200	fd744158-3893-4673-8a9b-d5510a8ddbd9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:31:05	969.534
-57	26553	2655300	95b6a306-6dac-4d2b-bf83-20ec559259f3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:08:03	178.250
-57	53106	2655300	e1b5c278-72b2-475b-8472-a287e0ed5990	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:10:24	-67.457
-58	26554	2655400	3edaaad0-3ad0-4129-be13-df0e20d4d871	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:21:21	-439.471
-58	53108	2655400	3832a639-38d2-421a-95a6-14412a73bdfa	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:38:27	-57.993
-59	26555	2655500	f07b9d5a-9758-4518-a2e6-dd9088b5b16e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:26:22	-409.846
-59	53110	2655500	8604551c-9950-4a26-9162-0076ee960a19	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:05:02	285.952
-60	26556	2655600	14f492a6-1b9e-41eb-b508-e1f3bbd9e8fd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:00:33	956.751
-60	53112	2655600	b762e62d-ba57-4705-8416-437a824cd403	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:00:07	146.422
-61	26557	2655700	f28f334a-5fac-4baf-942f-7bbb0e2e2d48	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:02:09	253.186
-61	53114	2655700	6a96a9a5-b022-4df1-854a-c955fcfd817a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:57:38	-294.914
-62	26558	2655800	851182f6-e6a3-431b-8532-fd17c2650845	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:36:20	937.561
-62	53116	2655800	056cde12-fed5-46a7-bf1d-613c17ece32d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:30:48	-169.169
-63	26559	2655900	9ffe20ef-0c34-439e-be22-43a321cd0601	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:22:36	936.2
-63	53118	2655900	eca78a99-779a-444c-9d59-7689649d4530	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:12:55	-281.468
-64	26560	2656000	ab1b2fa7-a16d-46b1-9438-567ab509e021	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:09:06	-276.500
-64	53120	2656000	c896bdd3-7753-4f21-a699-257c324078d3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:32:50	558.749
-65	26561	2656100	add8169b-71a1-4927-8fd4-30babd7c2366	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:18:07	-648.674
-65	53122	2656100	5f805053-1884-4f7f-8dee-0edb92f750d6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:01:19	-456.616
-66	26562	2656200	6c0c3fe4-065e-4fd9-8d46-c86420cb278f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:38:25	705.303
-66	53124	2656200	4d31e742-6db7-4c4e-a28d-25143759f3f4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:12:11	384.936
-67	26563	2656300	84abfa08-ce4d-4387-900c-7503720a8cc4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:36:05	-392.953
-67	53126	2656300	8acfabd5-0030-4a16-b368-67eb16d63748	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:49:12	-681.303
-68	26564	2656400	05b3d98a-798f-4568-b60c-990f84422483	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:23:39	311.884
-68	53128	2656400	4d49bdca-02b0-40df-bf1d-25e201497ef3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:59:03	-468.40
-69	26565	2656500	8b74d156-822f-400d-943a-50e1c11337cf	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:52:31	-540.357
-69	53130	2656500	d7e34980-5caf-4172-8266-835f93cb3384	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:33:18	662.909
-70	26566	2656600	6414d8e1-4153-4361-ac3f-de59b67c43b6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:33:06	-994.258
-70	53132	2656600	aa4a3182-dd78-4ab7-8c4d-e8eeb1486d70	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:37:50	294.169
-71	26567	2656700	9cdf18d4-42af-4c8b-bfde-c879dcf60788	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:05:51	-372.849
-71	53134	2656700	77c8af63-efc0-490f-a4c7-5724cd833808	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:50:03	-856.929
-72	26568	2656800	9884902f-4771-4098-a328-25e9e1df510f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:06:34	-82.681
-72	53136	2656800	4c057618-eb03-4ae2-90e4-09fd224f21ef	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:18:49	722.452
-73	26569	2656900	a26bb1fe-1878-4500-a4f5-30957569f68d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:46:22	-686.972
-73	53138	2656900	119eb4ee-9787-407c-a21b-7486ed112a8c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:42:09	-716.784
-74	26570	2657000	06e93553-ef4d-4e37-ac8d-d6f33b67e8d4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:56:18	942.895
-74	53140	2657000	d6178644-f5dd-4592-9afa-2bbd8ba19b5f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:28:28	-762.414
-75	26571	2657100	2135c80b-daf7-4d84-a3ca-dc712993474a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:52:15	-644.6
-75	53142	2657100	237aee4d-7f1d-4f5c-aaa0-3fb669d42237	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:44:11	-586.638
-76	26572	2657200	d0dd5cb2-9e72-4a32-96db-aada9246fc09	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:45:29	-73.603
-76	53144	2657200	bc21886a-f50b-4c78-98e7-13d963624296	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:41:50	953.188
-77	26573	2657300	91461a4f-21d0-4bcf-8d7d-7bc33d9c12f3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:38:07	198.328
-77	53146	2657300	5994b912-2ead-4a89-8e1d-afe2edfd7e3b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:12:58	-894.143
-78	26574	2657400	d1e4a4ce-28ea-497a-90b2-5f0bdcae0331	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:28:55	207.410
-78	53148	2657400	552e01d4-878e-48d9-90a1-ed7aeb6385f6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:39:43	-48.831
-79	26575	2657500	091244b8-0382-455e-8241-87735cb8283a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:04:35	221.56
-79	53150	2657500	adad5d0e-f160-45bb-82b2-37a058d2de5f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:13:42	955.234
-80	26576	2657600	e22f3783-e9cb-44fc-8a8b-8271637c798f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:31:33	-192.886
-80	53152	2657600	99799fe3-05c5-4641-8946-2d6b1c724bd7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:15:42	182.408
-81	26577	2657700	bf69807d-4a1b-4524-b66c-c65f5cc255ea	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:40:58	-343.968
-81	53154	2657700	1a7493aa-7397-4113-9596-c322df20d1ef	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:26:13	373.334
-82	26578	2657800	bd15367c-e2cf-4e5f-a4cc-f4fa4bc63d89	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:13:05	-81.894
-82	53156	2657800	8279658c-0dc8-4d09-a222-f360c3cc1eb3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:20:11	-1.760
-83	26579	2657900	7ee73c14-739f-49ad-850d-46d252222490	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:54:18	-47.37
-83	53158	2657900	c7a4d13d-a75f-4432-8190-7837b6c5feda	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:24:28	-604.31
-84	26580	2658000	7677a9d5-4a83-4d49-a246-b3af2642609d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:40:54	445.944
-84	53160	2658000	f8b31e7e-3911-4a40-975a-509762caea2a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:22:27	373.398
-85	26581	2658100	baeb5bae-1932-4512-8ff2-1134d5a7378d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:30:44	-601.474
-85	53162	2658100	94265b46-9154-4c31-bf43-6fd539972faa	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:25:12	-282.318
-86	26582	2658200	66176e1f-c566-4041-9497-0ecd348cd558	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:59:03	-453.935
-86	53164	2658200	02b3732a-ef1b-4924-9ea7-da08c42324b7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:40:30	71.452
-87	26583	2658300	e0727370-88bf-48a9-b29a-649fe4f1df0b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:28:35	630.761
-87	53166	2658300	d3d8123e-de15-4a74-b2a6-5ae0bb7ed594	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:46:53	-748.342
-88	26584	2658400	3f78f9d5-b33c-46b8-b43f-9e6205d2c84d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:40:14	665.828
-88	53168	2658400	39c7e10c-fc6a-44b5-9b85-be3576e86b47	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:24:59	-422.233
-89	26585	2658500	8e87359a-fdba-4546-a8ab-183d72addfe7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:12:49	444.236
-89	53170	2658500	8eb32ad3-5e2e-4ccf-abc3-826f21a294ff	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:23:54	-79.303
-90	26586	2658600	8bf0af54-3747-47e8-b662-81ea051c12d8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:48:20	726.372
-90	53172	2658600	bd127a60-50cb-4c8a-a415-3c863f966078	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:34:36	644.98
-91	26587	2658700	d598b4b4-3c9e-4eab-b20f-d152ed858dba	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:51:24	-220.89
-91	53174	2658700	e2ee08ad-3eec-45a7-b433-e78da826df08	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:56:52	-744.530
-92	26588	2658800	91bc965b-a045-4837-863d-4bafe1e21e7f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:14:32	321.60
-92	53176	2658800	406991a6-3a01-4e07-a7ff-9ee47de962c5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:53:18	565.832
-93	26589	2658900	69427f1c-7c99-454f-a859-cd4fd59fa07d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:49:53	168.466
-93	53178	2658900	a367c913-2dd1-4666-b5bd-75a4c8e14b3b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:22:14	-717.934
-94	26590	2659000	c854c7c1-0a21-4d1e-9eb7-73464661db69	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:57:03	416.66
-94	53180	2659000	24188c0e-5335-4d4c-adac-9a344e990e52	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:11:28	275.718
-95	26591	2659100	c8080a78-7868-43ab-9280-0f0b64a3e579	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:16:40	492.511
-95	53182	2659100	b40080cf-f7fb-43a3-b4ee-4d30ea510f74	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:15:46	726.713
-96	26592	2659200	e0159182-4caa-460f-860d-0a4b4b4866b2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:24:23	748.459
-96	53184	2659200	fa7577b4-c42f-438e-b87a-ca96262d5881	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:46:11	-625.195
-97	26593	2659300	1462d0ce-074c-4b0e-a16a-df4da8dfd7e3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:37:42	-604.55
-97	53186	2659300	d9dd1fc6-9455-40f7-a95f-c952103e7d37	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:11:51	564.167
-98	26594	2659400	baeaae57-be88-49b8-ac74-0551dfc73dab	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:51:39	-785.156
-98	53188	2659400	d10281e1-4772-489c-9242-90d4fa38b388	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:34:04	-408.795
-99	26595	2659500	9476f753-7fb1-4c6d-acb1-b1100e554614	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:39:33	-157.789
-99	53190	2659500	77b004d7-ce48-4284-8675-7c3fcb093dd5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:37:38	298.450
-100	26596	2659600	b3f3fe37-4697-4c49-9636-7b9b4aa4cb53	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:38:40	-443.148
-100	53192	2659600	93e420d0-694d-40bc-9d3e-791b27e88937	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:55:31	-301.366
-101	26597	2659700	08e782ec-1b16-4e7a-aa4e-1512c20e3181	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:03:19	-315.247
-101	53194	2659700	dc6226c1-162b-41c0-84ae-57f6222404a1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:48:36	538.549
-102	26598	2659800	48e672cc-1fab-410c-99cc-a5bf0da0fc2d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:54:14	163.842
-102	53196	2659800	add966d7-ac8b-483a-b225-e7cd60341adc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:16:40	-441.359
-103	26599	2659900	dc6f0b47-0f32-454f-b61f-ff9edccd0861	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:59:22	-379.748
-103	53198	2659900	fc395d0c-2c76-4b13-978f-2d448b25b1e4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:36:48	831.227
-104	26600	2660000	aa1547b2-91d3-46ed-a45e-37454d711c8d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:56:04	453.35
-104	53200	2660000	35041542-869a-42fa-ae0e-eb274b9d1c65	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:33:49	26.809
-105	26601	2660100	9adabe3a-2082-47bc-a2bc-5d5554f0d7e7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:30:01	128.905
-105	53202	2660100	eb16cfe6-1e07-4c70-90e5-3d6825aef46e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:03:48	948.757
-106	26602	2660200	c3334c15-fbf7-4539-9a00-2cac7e7316c9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:36:13	-749.21
-106	53204	2660200	78b2d66f-10bb-4436-a03c-1ea1f98a129b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:36:57	618.293
-107	26603	2660300	fba1962a-50a0-47f8-b61e-663f9ab279fe	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:03:24	-837.458
-107	53206	2660300	3b7e9d73-a384-4407-b10f-82a5dabbe754	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:06:52	-667.774
-108	26604	2660400	d03aa3f4-e8f7-49c5-84bb-b7ec324c1b8b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:58:09	-181.385
-108	53208	2660400	af5a25a4-51d4-49e0-aa28-a3ce7db1cea1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:47:29	-754.279
-109	26605	2660500	f1a881de-244c-4849-9ea4-1db6551cb054	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:00:23	-402.363
-109	53210	2660500	98f63df2-3c49-4f9b-833d-8117d9fd70c6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:03:58	35.762
-110	26606	2660600	7b6161d5-db83-4810-982e-458485d720e9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:00:02	-810.468
-110	53212	2660600	52c1a6d1-3877-48bd-ab78-80e68cc8c067	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:35:45	-557.893
-111	26607	2660700	a6f16c23-7ba7-4092-bf2d-3f5950b10fcb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:50:15	-812.372
-111	53214	2660700	f23395b9-4666-4fc3-8077-c0c5aa0fcea8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:47:19	810.578
-112	26608	2660800	1a42e661-8d26-402c-a659-f56785503e22	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:28:46	-965.998
-112	53216	2660800	793b6587-f3b5-4603-821c-429926fc2827	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:13:29	-377.343
-113	26609	2660900	be37f668-3840-4201-870d-c919a2f42c11	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:35:56	959.693
-113	53218	2660900	7499f3a8-bc8e-45e7-bded-22571dbc7c39	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:29:55	-20.419
-114	26610	2661000	dac7ab68-b7a9-46ab-a7d7-5efff33f97f4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:08:36	803.561
-114	53220	2661000	98a2ce1c-0c1a-4cb4-841b-8895df5432f0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:22:18	-292.958
-115	26611	2661100	c130560a-4cff-4259-a51e-7601d4ec0213	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:39:31	534.226
-115	53222	2661100	3e606ada-37cf-423a-9d5d-ad85ec9f21c1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:36:27	507.839
-116	26612	2661200	824cb20d-92b2-4e87-995a-6cdce6d2f98f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:31:55	-965.12
-116	53224	2661200	18baad9d-7624-442e-8454-74783c4aad14	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:23:30	123.282
-117	26613	2661300	f35f3058-9a1f-4c4a-bcd6-aeb79adae8a8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:11:35	-174.207
-117	53226	2661300	7c0f4298-3284-43ac-a033-d7b61750012b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:12:20	-889.732
-118	26614	2661400	909ac745-d6cc-4604-86f1-2063814375e4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:40:44	-580.517
-118	53228	2661400	9ab37525-6b66-4f87-a9a1-a3c4a61a41e0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:58:39	-333.12
-119	26615	2661500	05397ef4-2a37-468c-b635-2b953660f090	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:43:32	466.126
-119	53230	2661500	517c9ec5-c76c-4eec-a3e4-7f0294e54fc2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:03:23	795.601
-120	26616	2661600	785e1aae-433d-48ff-97a1-5198eaa4bec5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:44:17	-340.981
-120	53232	2661600	ead3d40e-2749-4ab3-8a2c-3a649fb501be	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:32:27	-697.517
-121	26617	2661700	466a5b74-af26-46be-8d28-c2fd904571a0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:46:42	-87.829
-121	53234	2661700	fe7cb07a-ae5e-4bd6-a11b-1d97eb054a36	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:14:40	-937.712
-122	26618	2661800	558e0dba-8c6d-4253-b5be-4813f36057a5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:29:04	283.977
-122	53236	2661800	e9074e68-6a90-411a-a9e9-486289b0e6d4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:05:00	-193.670
-123	26619	2661900	4c72b2a7-02e3-4f6b-ad97-04ad91ae7bf4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:54:26	961.291
-123	53238	2661900	b010a4db-6686-4e57-a0ac-c48c6746da83	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:03:16	-342.642
-124	26620	2662000	b4742217-06ff-4061-958b-18fbac3a0db0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:55:39	-740.12
-124	53240	2662000	bf2368ac-5c88-4cc1-9ba5-6b65c9371f4d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:16:40	816.443
-125	26621	2662100	4ffd5d9f-1c67-49e4-93a5-ea2362e01199	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:58:04	730.490
-125	53242	2662100	50d51117-5b2c-4ec5-83a5-12bde91ca2b2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:14:58	80.379
-126	26622	2662200	244b18e8-e356-4dd3-b90e-e6e2b4fe60af	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:07:36	848.715
-126	53244	2662200	0a0c739d-7777-49af-a6f9-cabb502fbbe1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:06:32	-631.69
-127	26623	2662300	deb61fd5-52c0-4b8b-aa81-9bd088eec23c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:40:58	127.291
-127	53246	2662300	ab56592e-3150-4278-aabc-ed6b4b8361eb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:04:06	-652.482
-0	26624	2662400	62746022-3207-4f1b-8603-e38f322de9f6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:35:17	941.293
-0	53248	2662400	83cf8543-90b8-495b-b00e-f1a61fcc24d5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:30:50	-993.334
-1	26625	2662500	18c05a86-5d20-4579-bb06-993fb9c56ec8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:59:49	-464.190
-1	53250	2662500	e31be8ee-e267-44f9-a55d-190ed6d3a194	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:12:37	-741.307
-2	26626	2662600	0e00e736-d4be-42a5-8ba6-3092c47712eb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:23:59	-331.832
-2	53252	2662600	2440dea3-83c6-4a97-b3e6-42425a8497ff	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:37:39	-51.67
-3	26627	2662700	2fb3af12-1eaf-4ae8-ae35-cc539d5780f3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:50:01	759.109
-3	53254	2662700	0a0635de-e02f-4f0a-a536-cc5addbc8d1b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:33:28	652.330
-4	26628	2662800	319463d3-5642-4c51-8d27-45a7fa14575d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:43:47	270.632
-4	53256	2662800	e9380c61-2297-4734-a9ba-17282fe85105	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:33:21	-329.801
-5	26629	2662900	2a9a2a7d-f36a-4640-a5cf-ceaf1647c12b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:49:04	725.683
-5	53258	2662900	765693c7-ba49-4d2e-9015-91051ea05348	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:56:09	975.567
-6	26630	2663000	6c4ed32d-f002-4e2e-8883-fb6f168bc553	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:34:58	686.284
-6	53260	2663000	e5511671-5575-4079-9c4b-a248aaeb992f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:48:47	-806.675
-7	26631	2663100	13e37d60-f9de-490e-b961-4eae491093f6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:45:35	-205.851
-7	53262	2663100	e95381b3-c5d5-4dc9-9db8-230ed5a4dcd7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:09:07	82.176
-8	26632	2663200	baf93774-c173-4b44-8c7c-e1f5ed2fa706	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:28:10	149.114
-8	53264	2663200	9ccf57a8-2cf9-451b-80b3-041595db0df0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:58:21	149.340
-9	26633	2663300	a2dd7008-fd21-4d7d-836a-45fbca588aff	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:46:17	808.318
-9	53266	2663300	e8a3059b-df57-41ea-b243-b56ea63bb106	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:16:07	-754.550
-10	26634	2663400	7b945127-1bb6-4aac-8bc3-65d3abf3a422	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:51:56	995.906
-10	53268	2663400	3980ac88-2a68-4ffa-ae12-9569831903b9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:02:19	-636.865
-11	26635	2663500	41399b15-24b8-4c0b-a8ed-90d30296ee6c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:50:56	317.456
-11	53270	2663500	4944450f-d5c7-4b8a-b6ec-6e793e469718	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:40:54	-78.277
-12	26636	2663600	c7695eae-ff79-458d-9472-258794959f68	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:37:11	264.68
-12	53272	2663600	2e3511a7-82bc-4c77-8ed7-8d39bf4d04c2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:33:48	-640.775
-13	26637	2663700	b1883de8-37c8-4002-ad00-d9151725cc79	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:55:10	-560.538
-13	53274	2663700	7517b6fe-4c42-41ed-8b1b-340d376c7640	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:56:25	-655.333
-14	26638	2663800	cf85c1d4-fe41-423a-9059-32ac3957adc5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:54:41	778.675
-14	53276	2663800	7a437a1a-73c8-4c6b-b475-88fce13799f0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:38:13	-698.794
-15	26639	2663900	b40a1baa-1c0e-49f4-a386-ba4127d1a6a6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:24:30	-634.246
-15	53278	2663900	ad03b7b2-7b66-45b8-a493-693a63786173	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:12:53	372.746
-16	26640	2664000	99c82d95-c8e3-4bac-843b-77ecea50af37	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:45:34	-372.707
-16	53280	2664000	e18dbca9-50fd-41d0-904e-6b4a4f973f7b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:09:14	190.259
-17	26641	2664100	a0dacb33-ae37-466a-a64d-fbc92df31f10	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:54:33	501.825
-17	53282	2664100	a2727ec2-155f-4bed-bd26-63c087f326d4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:57:26	-373.161
-18	26642	2664200	524b3fc3-4d70-42fd-b641-70fdae4834ce	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:09:51	-210.61
-18	53284	2664200	119ca1c7-8d24-41be-bab2-a3aa3c5b07e5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:38:48	-945.240
-19	26643	2664300	632df282-368d-43b2-946a-c02ef774e8d3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:38:41	-659.241
-19	53286	2664300	d251f970-b1ae-4f6b-bab6-235545cf2a01	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:01:44	-129.614
-20	26644	2664400	39c6a3db-37dc-4eb8-98f8-0d7442abc693	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:48:13	-45.559
-20	53288	2664400	942f0647-11ed-4dca-8667-b442653fc195	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:04:34	-612.164
-21	26645	2664500	844563f9-056f-4bb0-8055-b8f125b3b1cf	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:30:53	-667.948
-21	53290	2664500	e99f83ca-6312-4488-871f-a010f8787285	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:54:13	300.647
-22	26646	2664600	50329db9-7776-4976-a475-c54347c97e9c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:10:44	239.759
-22	53292	2664600	1552656a-d380-4973-8db8-43cdbcdec89c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:05:22	70.104
-23	26647	2664700	ccafa170-7800-4698-9fdf-82a8cdc53af9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:32:53	-501.221
-23	53294	2664700	d05c8074-f6d5-4b2a-9484-bc9d5843c9be	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:27:25	-368.20
-24	26648	2664800	55729aa2-3f20-431e-a6bf-0dace949fb06	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:55:26	414.930
-24	53296	2664800	0d923338-0ac1-40b7-8f26-63120103c0ad	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:52:56	732.87
-25	26649	2664900	46e62023-2c45-424c-9cbc-7f47dcb70817	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:11:27	297.916
-25	53298	2664900	5f4c30e4-1f9a-4106-94dd-83414db200a0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:54:23	241.628
-26	26650	2665000	7ad6c850-1af2-4e26-9e3f-f4b33667a537	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:31:20	-351.706
-26	53300	2665000	146a4780-39f1-4644-8b9e-a662b877539a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:35:27	-875.18
-27	26651	2665100	19ca3b91-4beb-402c-a7aa-1379d4d3e48c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:47:12	273.206
-27	53302	2665100	79007c14-947d-48a3-962f-e9fde8875974	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:53:57	-66.481
-28	26652	2665200	5f50dc11-538b-4263-85b0-1c8a686957ae	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:07:39	470.194
-28	53304	2665200	8e3d1849-637d-4703-8316-ae0eb72c87c6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:28:53	-994.457
-29	26653	2665300	67708397-2ce9-4f18-b98b-f70905226848	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:19:50	263.796
-29	53306	2665300	b4759197-623b-4bed-bc22-9ef61e5f4cdc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:41:06	53.853
-30	26654	2665400	4a11cf08-27ca-4388-aec7-24146041ff6f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:42:16	-985.491
-30	53308	2665400	d1c8af6a-f03a-40cf-abe2-686ce44c4316	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:40:53	894.513
-31	26655	2665500	a5ee7be0-96ed-4ca2-ae85-f5aec053d142	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:06:57	-197.64
-31	53310	2665500	041ee545-306f-4de7-aaca-3ebf47cf78a2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:52:34	-413.477
-32	26656	2665600	d273e94a-62dd-49a1-8eba-dedc1b1a1e28	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:26:52	419.608
-32	53312	2665600	d4a5bdc9-b33f-4ee4-aec9-242b19208fe1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:39:23	-818.585
-33	26657	2665700	098c2a5e-0845-40f1-80d8-b59951b67e2f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:00:28	-547.885
-33	53314	2665700	adedc7a4-3c61-4567-8297-a80898072714	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:13:55	928.456
-34	26658	2665800	61de318c-7ff9-4a36-b100-8bd2f8658387	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:50:12	445.820
-34	53316	2665800	e8f3a88a-e94d-4ac6-b67c-a38e2b4a3928	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:05:09	-139.127
-35	26659	2665900	e8c2d81d-1e6d-455c-abd5-2c1ffce0703d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:15:40	-633.388
-35	53318	2665900	29599fb0-9a2d-493d-a76b-d7b3b9e6a43b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:59:19	-872.183
-36	26660	2666000	771bb6b3-f15f-4e86-8909-ec76b5c187f8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:17:25	495.939
-36	53320	2666000	3b89f754-f187-4f51-9bb2-768b79b295a0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:35:17	-393.133
-37	26661	2666100	2fcaf567-885c-41b4-85dd-7f69055518f0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:01:03	-650.9
-37	53322	2666100	e5ed4c02-0b00-4215-a5d9-777238cd6b8d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:55:04	-256.164
-38	26662	2666200	9e7c1fbc-2e5e-401d-8f81-81f1bc9a6805	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:25:04	-607.666
-38	53324	2666200	0914ce98-feaa-42ec-a6eb-94a73721891e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:16:41	359.271
-39	26663	2666300	0c67c20a-832a-4875-8e5c-4e8beb820164	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:32:21	978.998
-39	53326	2666300	b0cce51e-ab30-42b9-bd64-9d93aa82b396	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:02:31	-61.539
-40	26664	2666400	b14e6948-f69b-41ae-ae84-82e39f314332	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:30:47	487.701
-40	53328	2666400	372aaaa0-3e58-4102-ae03-a0c0c28cc7bb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:23:02	745.365
-41	26665	2666500	9ea22fb5-597a-4836-8fa7-e6bed5034d44	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:52:30	279.720
-41	53330	2666500	1a4142bb-0b2a-4c9d-9288-14f0e8bebbee	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:38:49	120.932
-42	26666	2666600	e97b95a0-9f07-4290-bee4-7d1c3e3b54ee	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:23:39	-32.155
-42	53332	2666600	bba06569-c5c3-4bb8-84a0-c5f22aec8b16	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:13:41	-980.124
-43	26667	2666700	3aa6fbb1-e2c1-416c-bd30-6fe56818e581	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:17:39	-572.969
-43	53334	2666700	e1acf986-f404-488a-9ea0-2f37a1589b95	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:41:19	394.681
-44	26668	2666800	a525ffd9-985c-4be6-aa2f-594327f9349d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:26:41	-570.5
-44	53336	2666800	28379609-762c-4eea-b0e4-fe5ec06267a7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:03:06	586.228
-45	26669	2666900	9d74801b-f967-411f-9ce1-7afa27e50413	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:46:35	617.572
-45	53338	2666900	2cd677ff-c854-4ac6-8b5a-0fa4c9a12667	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:25:50	292.740
-46	26670	2667000	27f3d687-56a8-463b-b8c7-069a9e9f8178	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:21:19	569.90
-46	53340	2667000	fbd510ec-23a2-48d4-bbca-5e7f0d566683	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:55:30	-459.998
-47	26671	2667100	052855bd-6a85-4585-9840-5c567e83b778	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:54:35	778.998
-47	53342	2667100	ee95e90c-437c-4f84-b7bc-02e7ae2e3d63	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:52:30	401.791
-48	26672	2667200	34e26f1e-8237-40f0-b48a-aa695ae01e7d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:18:44	708.905
-48	53344	2667200	8b01f263-853c-4d91-9151-58f2e847030c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:14:21	639.380
-49	26673	2667300	27345ea4-74d6-4e3f-ba4a-a2ca8f9e07a4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:29:24	-795.79
-49	53346	2667300	87fefb4b-8925-434c-aea5-b7c04f0a6fd6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:37:00	-674.194
-50	26674	2667400	75296238-f37a-43f4-8023-f814c8c7fa1b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:19:35	886.564
-50	53348	2667400	29b46959-44ba-46e2-ad2a-aea1a2dd8c95	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:58:18	-845.191
-51	26675	2667500	7bcf52fa-424b-423a-9a6f-286eb1f6c6a5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:35:34	-114.879
-51	53350	2667500	14bafed0-31f2-4803-bbde-45064a72b0ac	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:53:05	-36.725
-52	26676	2667600	f174eb27-ded6-4aab-9c07-9a7b02d1f56c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:32:21	-203.1
-52	53352	2667600	9741a36e-22c0-43d6-85c1-638bdde91472	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:27:01	-188.223
-53	26677	2667700	200985bd-a630-4401-acfb-cc51ee1d616a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:52:20	-670.264
-53	53354	2667700	19b9d279-aab0-4fbd-b8b8-90c8fbc15b49	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:03:28	623.532
-54	26678	2667800	8792f9bd-16ee-48e0-a179-7336d6304bcf	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:40:02	-422.480
-54	53356	2667800	fe718591-c1e0-4b91-9320-2450efd17f5d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:48:48	414.701
-55	26679	2667900	61d077dc-af68-457b-9b71-e18027434fc9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:33:25	392.55
-55	53358	2667900	79705dcf-2d11-427b-bed2-a83dbdff19a0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:05:17	567.449
-56	26680	2668000	6a4ec9a4-bdfe-4648-bda3-101334c8974c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:02:06	74.355
-56	53360	2668000	c4ef75fa-0dbd-4ad6-a342-bf6886ea861c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:10:22	-216.974
-57	26681	2668100	f97e8d60-f5d3-4b15-b4b9-2c4098726181	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:25:09	752.308
-57	53362	2668100	45e21a2c-8478-43d4-a58a-d4bc38269869	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:12:31	-49.574
-58	26682	2668200	2b09ab40-0921-4a5d-a363-7b62e744e4fa	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:31:42	-674.684
-58	53364	2668200	39eac841-5833-427b-8c02-9c5478d456ad	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:09:46	-366.889
-59	26683	2668300	329340cc-28f1-4528-ae40-3af2f493f388	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:50:36	182.4
-59	53366	2668300	b28f5fa8-a90b-4dc6-a9e0-236a1a4a810a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:53:59	197.688
-60	26684	2668400	ae632f70-7cf2-48fa-8d64-10376bc8078d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:35:38	167.603
-60	53368	2668400	bb0dbec0-335d-4e4a-a9a8-f5c70d3b5f9a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:15:40	111.995
-61	26685	2668500	74ce34c3-195a-4577-aeb9-6387a1c618bb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:55:08	504.915
-61	53370	2668500	915c1b10-a041-4056-bea8-b1285ce03eff	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:37:01	94.249
-62	26686	2668600	eeed7c9a-1495-44ae-abfa-a0b527536a82	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:23:11	-902.949
-62	53372	2668600	a66eca64-2eee-40dc-88f4-5b528fa34961	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:29:56	-613.880
-63	26687	2668700	3ada1c64-9566-4adb-98b4-1c073f336ced	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:16:34	-697.946
-63	53374	2668700	27c9d0f0-f5e5-47f8-b77f-18269c1bfb52	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:25:56	111.533
-64	26688	2668800	97dcdf7c-da34-463c-9f3f-6e6635e11c55	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:30:25	682.716
-64	53376	2668800	b74ac840-48ed-45ce-8419-d15d30fde671	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:15:23	-958.197
-65	26689	2668900	3d419b10-7218-433f-8d2c-012caebbe558	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:36:24	-694.217
-65	53378	2668900	946e7bcf-f3bd-424c-b8b0-30736cf2578b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:09:33	-725.847
-66	26690	2669000	79ac8fac-be41-4274-b0b0-ea540b8a6028	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:19:00	-913.932
-66	53380	2669000	b3ec6d9a-69cd-42b8-a71c-e73dbaaeae74	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:28:21	-784.186
-67	26691	2669100	b70e1792-bcc7-4467-af03-2f62dd09c78e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:23:59	-32.773
-67	53382	2669100	3a94d37d-6d6f-49c2-ba5a-ba1c9567951c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:05:05	125.420
-68	26692	2669200	149e0368-646d-4fdf-b901-29696e63e41b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:24:28	-358.258
-68	53384	2669200	b973c1a9-7af5-4511-ab7f-2d6995d70df2	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:27:39	-562.655
-69	26693	2669300	7030c931-e70e-4ab1-bfbf-9869af67f3fa	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:56:25	986.689
-69	53386	2669300	831cef0c-1f0b-4c2c-b127-bff0ceffe2d9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:03:25	102.598
-70	26694	2669400	1338e807-360f-4711-88b8-e31b8e5f650a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:46:40	-6.893
-70	53388	2669400	3b571004-df3e-4457-bc01-0ba03d75136a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:48:25	866.156
-71	26695	2669500	03da174d-4299-4551-90ed-93fbe60a154e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:57:52	102.297
-71	53390	2669500	b8abf0e6-2d28-48de-b0be-2ee00a8587f4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:44:42	25.539
-72	26696	2669600	0123e705-7b86-470e-a04b-cfa785e0ba9e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:48:34	-942.371
-72	53392	2669600	bd755444-3b34-427f-92d3-5b8f62bb71a7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:32:28	-273.720
-73	26697	2669700	8f407190-1412-4721-a4e0-dcd6db6422bc	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:36:29	-680.40
-73	53394	2669700	63e1b004-3249-4ea2-a19e-38f1e170dba8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:51:17	-734.846
-74	26698	2669800	aa8da994-e087-4539-98f6-0e344828451c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:12:13	103.619
-74	53396	2669800	a7cbeea3-5bb2-41b7-89c4-e151ee0355ac	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:15:54	673.615
-75	26699	2669900	ebe8cedf-6a7d-4ba2-8400-91c937ff3785	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:14:15	-317.786
-75	53398	2669900	5cf40669-468c-4d78-92c0-bde3227e6daa	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:15:14	-881.976
-76	26700	2670000	53a94a03-d04d-474e-939e-3da4e9f4329b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:03:45	370.980
-76	53400	2670000	6931b00f-b8c4-4152-ba1b-1dfb147a9f0d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:15:04	-105.232
-77	26701	2670100	95196f24-b90c-41c3-97ff-58f3aa8b1f8b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:59:16	807.934
-77	53402	2670100	d958bf58-903e-45f4-a5ae-786a50e8e62e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:48:36	-977.289
-78	26702	2670200	6a15c185-2dc9-458c-a6ee-a797277d38f1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:54:23	-135.220
-78	53404	2670200	332f1ab9-82be-4ba3-8ac2-0aa7f329dc07	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:15:10	-547.255
-79	26703	2670300	158eab94-ba26-4e00-ba84-c35b7ef0b1de	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:18:48	-877.582
-79	53406	2670300	8db03ef6-89d7-4ffc-903a-78b37366296f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:00:40	262.293
-80	26704	2670400	3c469574-2292-4063-8a37-3e9e83273653	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:29:49	61.281
-80	53408	2670400	37556d40-60a1-4822-9970-27aece7f783f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:35:47	-609.76
-81	26705	2670500	a6840255-096f-4db1-98e1-c4601098ebad	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:42:57	430.510
-81	53410	2670500	145cfe70-eef6-4770-ba87-c8647a135442	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:14:49	-225.523
-82	26706	2670600	1bd4ea46-6f41-4a7f-b1e8-bbab7eb857f3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:20:15	438.627
-82	53412	2670600	83a6323c-db6b-49bd-9c29-227179dcb0f1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:46:27	205.235
-83	26707	2670700	80583325-66d8-4884-a216-66bbce2621aa	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:01:01	-783.562
-83	53414	2670700	6ac4789e-1fcc-4b53-98a0-4ac5175bc7f2	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:43:17	53.544
-84	26708	2670800	84fcd10e-9c4b-465a-82a5-a80895d327bf	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:08:36	928.265
-84	53416	2670800	eb310516-d3cc-42d5-a226-a8204dae62c5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:15:24	-446.39
-85	26709	2670900	2cbbb7fd-cb12-4ee2-b221-b6a4bc456072	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:50:27	168.659
-85	53418	2670900	467a1066-7c11-426f-92f8-fd3cdf2aa514	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:09:40	-179.287
-86	26710	2671000	d7913519-cfcb-43a1-a293-6373d7a3dcd7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:41:53	440.675
-86	53420	2671000	bcdd4f56-8f25-4be5-85a6-b6b7c3071877	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:19:08	653.11
-87	26711	2671100	68c3af76-522a-4866-bba1-d8b71e8879aa	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:40:37	903.316
-87	53422	2671100	b610428c-6342-42de-ad17-19526b8911c4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:59:05	-546.646
-88	26712	2671200	94416f46-5898-4571-8a7b-7eec8f291b9a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:28:00	-75.401
-88	53424	2671200	2a68a5db-68ec-420e-a277-11e35e37bd52	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:05:58	737.306
-89	26713	2671300	82ccffb3-d0f4-4158-9df2-f2ca683f6d83	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:29:31	-677.616
-89	53426	2671300	1660a712-e88a-409e-b6d4-6af927338ec1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:15:02	73.643
-90	26714	2671400	c7298435-c1b4-40d8-8761-f1801f3193d9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:07:29	428.833
-90	53428	2671400	3a2ac223-5d7e-4fba-ba67-371e9b0764a9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:33:20	493.655
-91	26715	2671500	29830b9b-6492-43e7-851a-21fddfefcdf5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:06:48	-714.248
-91	53430	2671500	3fc22b55-d5a4-46dd-a766-df9a0f6a272c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:13:54	-152.162
-92	26716	2671600	c1504157-2588-49ce-95b0-ae0af3446064	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:33:52	-811.898
-92	53432	2671600	abcf781e-d587-4e0e-b478-4a343f55df04	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:28:38	-723.466
-93	26717	2671700	e45d22cd-f9ec-4205-baae-681a7343e6c9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:24:13	313.181
-93	53434	2671700	ec2d8003-173a-4b06-b92d-02c3860c00b6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:06:47	610.650
-94	26718	2671800	e365e5d4-3743-4e0b-afb9-df93ca5b19c0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:04:39	-366.56
-94	53436	2671800	9e92de5d-2aed-4e9d-bb56-a04c51b09a99	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:18:05	942.465
-95	26719	2671900	de7afddc-69a6-4b96-b62b-db4e6675d586	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:01:51	-6.845
-95	53438	2671900	670806d1-6464-453f-ba18-163cf532f021	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:08:47	43.73
-96	26720	2672000	90ad93f7-a8a3-4936-b253-c7cc72735741	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:40:24	-378.981
-96	53440	2672000	e6afc707-531e-465c-96a1-58e49ec00604	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:56:41	174.990
-97	26721	2672100	de1a27a8-d50e-419e-865c-80bcc35c6835	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:51:14	-298.586
-97	53442	2672100	b271245c-a92e-4b43-a8d5-8c7ab926097a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:12:59	662.699
-98	26722	2672200	6cb5bb5e-a209-41aa-835a-2d7c231786f8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:50:45	-656.135
-98	53444	2672200	59114410-b649-4306-8852-29dec0f046d5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:07:03	933.860
-99	26723	2672300	970a1723-23cf-442d-b2c9-be7019b88c75	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:06:18	167.791
-99	53446	2672300	e24704bd-c662-4fd0-851d-bffdb9d5b5a9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:19:49	-751.504
-100	26724	2672400	a1fac978-fd40-45f1-947d-278c7a77eafb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:06:25	140.390
-100	53448	2672400	87d5d11b-48a6-43b5-b942-0adacf619cc9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:55:29	92.132
-101	26725	2672500	949b4db3-f0e1-44cf-b64c-84924e71d63f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:15:32	339.350
-101	53450	2672500	9bf135b6-4563-49b8-8300-0fb59c31c9f8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:58:23	-472.412
-102	26726	2672600	104ffba9-1b70-465a-9a24-6f82e4a0583d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:35:31	-558.164
-102	53452	2672600	d5433cd2-abb6-41b7-970f-648573218595	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:11:50	-690.310
-103	26727	2672700	043fdbf4-8185-4df8-9e31-88901ef88c3e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:51:40	-612.545
-103	53454	2672700	71a0dfcb-6b47-4705-bd11-da43dcff6a0e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:17:15	903.918
-104	26728	2672800	06e29bfd-6bf1-4755-8dc4-3d7d7b30e27b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:34:03	-84.61
-104	53456	2672800	f5bf2d13-435b-4832-b963-106bb4bea183	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:15:31	-313.718
-105	26729	2672900	2c7ec98a-8531-4e81-90c0-47633355cff1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:30:02	340.586
-105	53458	2672900	9bbd837c-fdc4-4e1f-807f-73cee2697845	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:49:44	-313.369
-106	26730	2673000	ae84b574-d35a-4595-a75a-72601f8f5a5f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:04:23	226.873
-106	53460	2673000	b6eb0531-a322-45c9-8467-fed4b2029d37	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:12:40	424.818
-107	26731	2673100	920f4ef0-e46d-4063-9b45-3280f462f5c6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:06:44	480.405
-107	53462	2673100	9bd565e7-fff3-4fdf-83c8-daea017ea918	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:55:05	937.400
-108	26732	2673200	7827e180-10ad-48fa-802a-8116b71e1d67	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:02:15	-364.294
-108	53464	2673200	a5804372-f74d-4292-85ff-32ca63313172	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:24:30	-318.721
-109	26733	2673300	52f4ec56-0bce-4337-9157-b3719783e117	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:23:31	311.488
-109	53466	2673300	3d8a99df-6098-46b8-b16e-717af215b4cb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:50:04	-651.928
-110	26734	2673400	f5d08bd7-e6cf-4e25-b217-3ee11f9e6b44	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:06:50	-85.887
-110	53468	2673400	f95e4839-ff9c-433b-bef2-8766d4726017	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:21:23	-106.616
-111	26735	2673500	8b0f5027-f338-456f-a4ba-c2efc6169a37	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:48:06	-392.906
-111	53470	2673500	af55e521-15a2-492b-a5ee-ca099cbd096a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:50:38	957.956
-112	26736	2673600	3b642dfa-4073-4820-ac9f-6a8661583658	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:59:36	768.386
-112	53472	2673600	b13311fa-1ce9-49e5-bfdd-fb7080baa35c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:15:31	885.53
-113	26737	2673700	fee02a97-d73d-4414-8085-985f346cc5d2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:09:58	969.192
-113	53474	2673700	ca196024-6a57-4fea-bc81-42fd7ff6655f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:38:22	176.757
-114	26738	2673800	6fdc0de0-673f-4a1d-bc2e-ea0323f12cfe	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:24:41	247.729
-114	53476	2673800	809a4e81-2268-4fcd-9c2b-1edc6549c618	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:55:55	948.135
-115	26739	2673900	7a2d2bde-5bc8-41a4-95ad-840ddc71ba58	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:30:21	291.818
-115	53478	2673900	eac083cc-7658-45e9-b54d-dcb023e5a1b0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:35:57	-525.929
-116	26740	2674000	86e5406c-dd5e-47d4-8173-946258ca2cce	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:05:55	695.932
-116	53480	2674000	86c80cb5-18d2-47d4-b44a-7a1aec8b460e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:45:55	199.610
-117	26741	2674100	53cb5ac0-f9d0-4687-8cb5-d84124531648	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:56:03	859.422
-117	53482	2674100	1877f5e5-fe17-4590-9e81-e4191a1d83d9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:22:44	0.978
-118	26742	2674200	2dde9879-9dcd-4dc8-902f-c44b7df4dd78	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:13:43	-903.30
-118	53484	2674200	24be4b06-5c1d-449f-b078-8c0ef9334770	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:43:57	675.456
-119	26743	2674300	f5c623e2-76ff-4321-bd97-404eaf29cf8f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:38:48	904.819
-119	53486	2674300	086583f1-60b5-40a2-a671-4646d3699f89	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:26:14	-251.579
-120	26744	2674400	e073a86c-237a-47da-a142-2e9803d66b18	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:36:14	284.330
-120	53488	2674400	929eda23-bbc6-4ba0-96fc-b29b86fe872a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:54:40	670.177
-121	26745	2674500	d3bd6906-04c2-4f55-8c28-6b92add8eace	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:40:17	234.652
-121	53490	2674500	c959e3be-a2d0-44d7-b15c-60b4c9e3b1e7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:49:22	-172.625
-122	26746	2674600	5e6b434c-4274-4381-a834-3eb0755ca407	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:00:39	-100.290
-122	53492	2674600	7c7797c2-7689-4cae-ab63-a19bb34a4352	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:59:36	-717.308
-123	26747	2674700	93851996-2f5d-4188-b092-cc044bb0e0ef	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:38:06	175.2
-123	53494	2674700	3a0f2017-18ad-498c-89a0-7a46bba75351	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:16:58	-885.570
-124	26748	2674800	141a43dd-0aa7-45a6-ac87-d617edaf0e1d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:02:58	-693.120
-124	53496	2674800	40577033-8aab-4832-ad14-f260f6ad787a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:05:00	-945.292
-125	26749	2674900	b478fd4f-acfe-45f5-b9c6-f136412da8fd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:54:46	-774.235
-125	53498	2674900	f4d78c89-1af1-4d03-82cc-0fec6dfb7415	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:06:50	571.586
-126	26750	2675000	fc3f36e1-3244-42d3-a365-d2929b2205f0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:18:51	-107.384
-126	53500	2675000	abfe4795-046a-44bf-8d06-40ceea49e224	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:08:10	-787.735
-127	26751	2675100	fdbb32b4-4807-440b-913f-d16652eed3ea	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:18:28	-599.926
-127	53502	2675100	9af19a9a-117d-4073-9f2d-eeb1e6c2b66a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:03:36	740.505
-0	26752	2675200	0fd90a6e-c326-4bf8-9b28-39bb9a669141	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:32:34	950.470
-0	53504	2675200	06feace0-3c38-43e3-b581-7f0d37fb8396	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:50:45	800.91
-1	26753	2675300	789ffc7a-cc25-40a1-8336-009ce4b7995f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:37:27	675.203
-1	53506	2675300	5f222fdd-2fb1-421a-955d-7b7f6434fa56	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:30:35	-224.652
-2	26754	2675400	76e1a5a4-cde9-4861-948f-3dba8073c7f4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:33:02	-323.634
-2	53508	2675400	025a89a5-2436-4df1-a07b-8d449bf6050c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:09:03	-976.898
-3	26755	2675500	4ed32089-95d7-4062-83a3-f359aca0b8e6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:17:19	-679.643
-3	53510	2675500	1164fd28-e268-4303-88d8-5869d75071d6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:58:24	-148.105
-4	26756	2675600	8ef59861-11cb-4d1e-a2da-d6e8fca8722e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:37:01	-883.532
-4	53512	2675600	65b9cd95-25d2-49e2-a28c-8387299fed68	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:10:29	380.364
-5	26757	2675700	630da612-728b-4124-b6bf-9afe5c02fddf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:21:53	906.799
-5	53514	2675700	e10d582c-791e-4ec3-87c2-088eda337855	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:19:46	-583.390
-6	26758	2675800	026b22cc-e1f5-4adc-88f1-4eb772f70a9b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:01:00	690.781
-6	53516	2675800	823b5b26-cc03-4371-ae4e-e7c1b3c20e1e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:41:20	389.411
-7	26759	2675900	7e6fe326-2ede-442e-a098-8a12676b4bc0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:40:11	648.614
-7	53518	2675900	19dc5f86-e0a6-4b93-83f2-327a0b315e53	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:15:40	-152.260
-8	26760	2676000	09994716-ac55-4448-89f9-08154112906d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:49:52	-893.835
-8	53520	2676000	04381de9-0979-4cc0-aed2-09d012e41fab	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:30:41	701.69
-9	26761	2676100	14bc7995-608f-4987-87f1-8f1857b12c73	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:40:22	-913.330
-9	53522	2676100	d8440e61-6e51-46ab-96c0-fde76f20053d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:05:24	883.910
-10	26762	2676200	5e20eeb1-9d6c-4907-bc43-99e788b0d7c3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:27:08	272.361
-10	53524	2676200	3a2ee3bf-fd26-491f-a7ac-e1ce03e06aa4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:25:57	549.155
-11	26763	2676300	05627351-4b7d-4812-a044-0c90ba2411b7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:06:46	887.327
-11	53526	2676300	a7b6be1f-9219-46bd-b932-6ef77d5671b3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:53:22	-715.771
-12	26764	2676400	41aa64fb-fe1d-4827-bc60-90a6d6b9576f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:05:18	419.106
-12	53528	2676400	9566556c-c3e0-424f-910c-7df2d1778a99	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:49:55	569.220
-13	26765	2676500	edad609e-7d08-4b6b-91a1-ed5d246788e2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:51:40	450.535
-13	53530	2676500	22acd1f3-d036-4bb6-a6f9-3358014b80ef	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:28:12	883.430
-14	26766	2676600	03916e52-dcf7-471a-8947-66bfa000bbc6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:03:04	-786.922
-14	53532	2676600	eddb369c-fa60-401c-8dad-ddbf3dba9451	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:02:10	203.526
-15	26767	2676700	630b800c-d568-43fa-bd20-604974bc959f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:46:57	-555.413
-15	53534	2676700	7713f2d9-288e-416c-8123-8c453b1c75e1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:07:39	471.420
-16	26768	2676800	f7adcc97-ae7b-4273-b341-3ca865b6a501	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:49:09	725.901
-16	53536	2676800	95dff45a-01a3-4b40-ab2c-cf0f498550e2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:08:24	-520.578
-17	26769	2676900	dc6af672-8413-4327-be44-f2f3d7479db7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:43:06	-216.517
-17	53538	2676900	d181f07c-d10b-4328-aa24-1535ad667c56	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:54:10	-207.561
-18	26770	2677000	14e94324-8121-467a-bc61-43e6061c6fd5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:42:50	257.842
-18	53540	2677000	5e758a19-e41f-44db-ab44-d62dab9b605f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:16:49	152.354
-19	26771	2677100	f0f75ff6-e502-40dc-bb0c-2bac19075270	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:03:26	525.422
-19	53542	2677100	9e023e2e-0da7-47e3-a7f2-22561acffc72	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:24:43	-98.332
-20	26772	2677200	20fe365f-e6f8-4dbc-b253-830fa3fb5025	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:20:52	719.270
-20	53544	2677200	75d180a8-6125-4067-a066-7d2130dbc5a8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:58:10	561.517
-21	26773	2677300	4cb02fe0-8eae-44ff-8b50-3a24bdca41eb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:05:47	539.328
-21	53546	2677300	8c90bbb7-33c5-46d1-acd2-2aef89e7b3cd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:43:03	-438.461
-22	26774	2677400	cbbb3016-a733-4f49-b1ec-a55769cefdc8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:06:58	969.478
-22	53548	2677400	0050b2f3-5b55-4aeb-a3af-7c03453908b6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:36:17	-88.164
-23	26775	2677500	48ad3e38-a433-4f7a-972c-e0333abec33a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:11:01	690.918
-23	53550	2677500	f148f944-903b-473e-9276-8d898810e3dd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:11:42	672.16
-24	26776	2677600	8029c8b3-7380-4297-af90-1c5ba769f024	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:05:52	-900.491
-24	53552	2677600	60a60ff8-7204-43f4-8d25-fe6e5147c3b5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:32:44	656.956
-25	26777	2677700	d1c9673e-809a-4bf0-a4c0-a85fcdc3e4ea	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:57:02	-117.118
-25	53554	2677700	4af64974-23d1-46d5-901f-15cb93627a9f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:48:44	-622.791
-26	26778	2677800	ebb84131-89ef-46c1-825f-364ce632c8e3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:23:50	8.335
-26	53556	2677800	baf3ed45-2fbe-4a56-a267-b473b1543aa8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:21:04	442.888
-27	26779	2677900	1b704cf2-6c4e-4e6b-b3e7-0354add1e7fd	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:40:00	-744.696
-27	53558	2677900	b48bed7b-0bac-4afe-a494-6e5adca4d7a9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:27:23	-310.525
-28	26780	2678000	4bb4f0d2-90eb-4d1f-9ada-295a76540593	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:18:14	521.612
-28	53560	2678000	3a7ca303-5b19-4862-85a2-8b2b05b04790	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:03:39	-846.907
-29	26781	2678100	b74de494-dd1a-4835-912f-c10d48a7dd11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:38:18	824.758
-29	53562	2678100	131e4a41-97d9-4044-8bde-f7211ad297be	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:15:04	418.580
-30	26782	2678200	962b5d78-e66b-4857-9027-3d678599f84b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:22:24	949.912
-30	53564	2678200	7fc20289-47b0-4490-b8b5-78f43c468dfe	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:05:12	-601.233
-31	26783	2678300	bd33b40c-36dd-4305-ab76-798ba59e6900	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:25:08	-432.176
-31	53566	2678300	7e1df85f-6853-4e7f-a913-bd5b631a7ff0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:59:42	643.328
-32	26784	2678400	82478cc2-cad8-45d5-8bf4-314edc1adebe	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:02:00	-985.721
-32	53568	2678400	951a873c-b395-4c11-88b3-a4ddfd77595b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:09:58	99.119
-33	26785	2678500	bfec3ab6-d17d-40fa-9bb3-71c6daf8644b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:50:24	-810.19
-33	53570	2678500	338b8cdf-8bf5-493c-b28e-90e577da30d6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:30:52	373.914
-34	26786	2678600	42c94b45-723c-4d50-a5f0-592f8aff42a4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:04:17	747.242
-34	53572	2678600	7f35eb10-4cf0-40ad-a47f-fbe40a6f720b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:54:07	-402.77
-35	26787	2678700	2c135290-2fcb-434c-93d3-1ca0001069cd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:46:13	-659.813
-35	53574	2678700	8b5647f9-6f31-4264-b182-494061c2dd28	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:09:14	925.95
-36	26788	2678800	fb339036-c17b-4efc-90dd-f92117a0e0d1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:14:20	-39.623
-36	53576	2678800	23770c5a-fa61-472d-aa2b-185f80477279	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:08:38	-149.239
-37	26789	2678900	1c4c50df-8eef-44a8-a66e-7e8e162afbf8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:41:32	803.11
-37	53578	2678900	847f634e-7618-416f-99bc-eb79bc3cbd7b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:43:47	-228.655
-38	26790	2679000	96ec4fd3-eab6-4175-9f77-127a0431dfff	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:32:25	935.949
-38	53580	2679000	adbd9c93-1958-4bca-9f2a-386c28a269d9	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:30:06	-839.623
-39	26791	2679100	6c00610a-5c4c-4d7a-9500-2c6e6642ab9d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:51:16	74.812
-39	53582	2679100	ee6d9619-00fa-4c7e-8f22-1beac3502cd2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:18:44	846.500
-40	26792	2679200	7e5eb04e-7762-4fdc-9416-071d35db3aa0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:21:27	204.344
-40	53584	2679200	9543c9eb-1a57-40f8-a416-34a960bc44a0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:45:00	585.18
-41	26793	2679300	68adb727-20ba-4fc2-af1d-e71011b8f57c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:42:57	-281.190
-41	53586	2679300	5e21be17-260a-4951-9f90-06eee38e676d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:32:46	154.782
-42	26794	2679400	30e4f211-d96f-46f1-ad3a-c519e353722a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:13:47	133.496
-42	53588	2679400	7362eeba-3511-4eed-9e8c-9362342bda30	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:01:17	511.600
-43	26795	2679500	e00ee0bd-b645-44a6-9466-312b3c76025f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:43:16	621.666
-43	53590	2679500	a47e11cf-cd5e-4281-a283-ead82a3b0e16	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:21:23	-350.868
-44	26796	2679600	5bb7ca0b-44ee-43df-9543-9234c1d65fd6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:54:57	105.573
-44	53592	2679600	0a161428-84ba-4f04-96fb-dc4a818a9e08	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:04:06	608.637
-45	26797	2679700	5253ec01-cb8a-40f1-95e3-86d8b3c4f887	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:27:46	-897.664
-45	53594	2679700	4123cf27-9072-4d1f-84e6-9b639c03cd02	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:10:36	27.219
-46	26798	2679800	b5d0cc37-ebef-4a76-b984-bcf8ef004317	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:55:45	-648.57
-46	53596	2679800	a5bcf13c-e73f-4ce9-a20d-958f228af493	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:09:18	985.739
-47	26799	2679900	79e7c1cb-d573-4e4e-a273-dac675dc7d8d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:20:26	-862.52
-47	53598	2679900	a2a011f6-3de6-45ec-adc3-01192b426c24	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:06:39	422.863
-48	26800	2680000	1a9fb552-402a-4d1e-82bd-79dca3154a1e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:06:25	398.485
-48	53600	2680000	7d4cd489-3b23-4348-b1fc-375f1272d425	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:11:01	-969.694
-49	26801	2680100	49d935fc-df41-4777-9c4b-56e89a5acbe2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:37:47	275.566
-49	53602	2680100	de2bfc02-3962-4b51-a70f-9d22d74001ec	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:22:12	624.293
-50	26802	2680200	661115a6-077c-460a-8f4a-f7e0ed8ae139	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:53:50	-12.790
-50	53604	2680200	1cfb8b16-8dc4-469c-b90d-c7e5fc0bcf21	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:27:04	-388.798
-51	26803	2680300	b16fd4d1-852e-4523-8886-889674c2771c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:59:21	77.977
-51	53606	2680300	f27f397f-5add-4eda-be68-1c47528d4845	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:43:16	808.832
-52	26804	2680400	d9c7eaf4-9d56-4f36-90c0-2a5cd700433c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:55:22	80.12
-52	53608	2680400	7ea71ead-2cdd-4195-b2c0-6d3b41edcbcb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:22:06	-81.594
-53	26805	2680500	18a52b6e-bd67-4a97-80b5-4da31a06424e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:07:07	-297.227
-53	53610	2680500	31ad0a81-ca3e-4d7a-bcde-0f9ff2c15e05	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:42:57	460.58
-54	26806	2680600	06510cad-b45d-43ab-9bf9-6da677a6d526	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:51:35	546.735
-54	53612	2680600	cb5c32bc-7788-417b-b87e-c96c80c29d75	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:18:54	766.782
-55	26807	2680700	7757cafc-43a0-4b62-b1ad-4a5b36416ce5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:12:10	626.678
-55	53614	2680700	b1b93a2b-cada-44d6-ad92-5cc6fe3934e3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:19:14	829.331
-56	26808	2680800	6ce6d98e-e146-4145-8183-9b6d549e3f82	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:37:42	899.706
-56	53616	2680800	d83c77c4-af46-45c6-8bff-5d107053d2c9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:30:44	912.702
-57	26809	2680900	89da5dbe-7669-4b00-926c-473b0024addd	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:26:53	-201.383
-57	53618	2680900	0a42ea91-7e21-4666-8a48-20bcd6a55d85	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:52:44	-634.638
-58	26810	2681000	ccb03855-79a7-4c9c-b445-f41880b92f53	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:10:48	307.581
-58	53620	2681000	522c1d62-81b8-4c61-9873-244beb479315	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:56:25	863.144
-59	26811	2681100	bcd774ab-2618-4636-9c93-b73cf8d0a569	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:40:51	-628.142
-59	53622	2681100	8c363b24-03f5-4208-bd38-67518e248666	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:08:07	-505.586
-60	26812	2681200	038711c7-cc65-432b-95af-bf25483ce81d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:28:11	-28.475
-60	53624	2681200	5b37cf23-ed21-41ff-a0d9-20df96634d99	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:41:04	-679.526
-61	26813	2681300	47e19bb9-8d42-4623-b4f9-30ab077c8920	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:22:14	-2.198
-61	53626	2681300	0d2ea3f4-ad58-485d-bc13-9bfedcee8573	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:16:28	215.759
-62	26814	2681400	9c27ed07-1699-4288-9ed0-7ef4b30f91ff	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:55:33	-525.533
-62	53628	2681400	cc455422-5fc4-47c9-bb6c-57a5fd31f941	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:36:55	-33.8
-63	26815	2681500	6a8d5503-f4e8-4921-928d-4083891df1e2	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:21:33	916.750
-63	53630	2681500	c40a3104-7455-4082-aae9-2e4dbb809309	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:47:47	61.961
-64	26816	2681600	3d102b08-652f-435f-8e05-89dae5e0d287	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:55:02	571.594
-64	53632	2681600	33856d98-dd8a-4c01-be54-5efef9b65e7b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:23:45	-799.763
-65	26817	2681700	9540270d-b16f-427e-8c08-8326c9df4026	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:12:00	-520.173
-65	53634	2681700	7b917060-5a40-4d0a-833f-da9b3641d074	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:01:16	467.851
-66	26818	2681800	8f549a33-6e17-4a59-a091-10ae34b6b191	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:51:10	801.581
-66	53636	2681800	875bc9c8-759e-4d37-88be-dcc53dee7fc9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:46:17	-712.786
-67	26819	2681900	74ab7bc5-2a34-4b59-ba8a-c7e611b913f6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:22:25	-732.14
-67	53638	2681900	cb86bd00-e16d-4666-a4dc-537396a6961a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:08:57	599.123
-68	26820	2682000	40f8bb76-f26a-478f-b736-da58e6420461	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:44:38	351.347
-68	53640	2682000	716a4d49-669f-4750-8637-0482602f8383	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:51:58	135.787
-69	26821	2682100	ff3dae6c-1d5a-4617-8135-99839e2e055a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:51:40	-177.813
-69	53642	2682100	f7179d92-b0d4-4cb0-abd1-d2a4c33d6d89	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:15:03	958.526
-70	26822	2682200	acfe626e-6c73-463e-bda1-31f6fab6661b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:00:20	-49.944
-70	53644	2682200	56a7e2f1-9aaa-4af6-8929-ad88d4c0c5c2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:35:35	-937.308
-71	26823	2682300	b69d3965-72a4-46bd-9a27-970fed8e32b6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:04:51	-577.795
-71	53646	2682300	d09891b7-41f5-4a02-b382-76ecc09b4058	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:28:38	-283.978
-72	26824	2682400	bfe99120-1788-4ee5-8e65-31da2568439f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:11:50	-438.123
-72	53648	2682400	93d12e34-6eb9-4a04-9b28-a6a32fdbc419	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:29:22	-786.522
-73	26825	2682500	19feed74-4986-449e-b774-a5c6d6fb857c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:20:24	-392.160
-73	53650	2682500	1f96e711-3391-42dc-a571-91a56260489c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:46:34	78.22
-74	26826	2682600	1e7d6623-1548-4869-acc8-569430a3c955	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:19:12	-840.559
-74	53652	2682600	11b3acbe-bb57-4dd3-b9ec-34582109e264	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:22:09	188.871
-75	26827	2682700	7ef5a2db-f95b-445e-bb5f-dbaaf9f2c4a4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:43:41	-972.967
-75	53654	2682700	e9d68b1f-482f-40b3-bf7f-036e0d6a45a5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:54:59	-245.167
-76	26828	2682800	359fd59a-1ab6-416b-b1bb-787ca1ed51fd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:08:52	-772.884
-76	53656	2682800	0f6e7fd8-cc49-4d54-bfcb-11e78897fe1c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:29:31	188.871
-77	26829	2682900	4cda400a-0774-4548-a2dd-72e0bcdac8d2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:58:55	-922.142
-77	53658	2682900	53c53590-8384-4a6e-ae84-2b3fa92aa749	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:01:27	216.276
-78	26830	2683000	b380d633-e0d5-41c2-9ae0-3bef8e905e1b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:10:47	777.8
-78	53660	2683000	9794e6d6-0a41-42ec-bad3-b46838a0c068	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:25:56	751.703
-79	26831	2683100	3d468eb6-dac7-4059-b666-4dbd90245c73	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:16:08	-106.227
-79	53662	2683100	beef2426-f62c-4a70-ab12-9f1fe111f26d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:17:54	856.924
-80	26832	2683200	c14a025a-f916-487e-ac81-9511376a35fb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:27:45	507.61
-80	53664	2683200	b99a7b44-2429-4926-9ae1-8b68edda9462	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:00:10	-956.74
-81	26833	2683300	a35676c7-e2e6-4fee-95a7-cac479cdf8ab	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:38:16	894.640
-81	53666	2683300	90cdf5e6-a2ac-4a87-bc38-2032931f3113	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:16:28	-589.752
-82	26834	2683400	639bd1c0-b9c6-4181-8fd4-495512c881b2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:06:37	-346.287
-82	53668	2683400	34f75c21-cbe3-46d2-88ea-28b9ce01e269	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:28:32	-611.238
-83	26835	2683500	02330d8a-1fb2-4bc3-9abc-408a18ffd990	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:05:59	-731.113
-83	53670	2683500	01c0bfea-3a26-462b-b806-1727236c20c7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:48:19	-278.392
-84	26836	2683600	f5a95bdb-7453-4bce-92e8-4ec42fc186c5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:17:47	205.611
-84	53672	2683600	7eb4682e-490e-486a-996f-33c2faaa5e3d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:26:56	-91.466
-85	26837	2683700	0f7ba258-f632-43b9-9c4f-f097138078ff	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:46:03	325.824
-85	53674	2683700	994cb84a-5495-4aae-83df-f11d3e0c22d9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:22:03	782.424
-86	26838	2683800	298e7520-7d89-4c80-a911-9573ebfd5ae8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:44:21	460.804
-86	53676	2683800	581599e4-5c5e-4e1b-84d3-52df8533cd15	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:04:54	-317.140
-87	26839	2683900	813d1f26-eaf4-4ea0-a2e6-1056d336529d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:10:52	-248.928
-87	53678	2683900	47e931a0-0a26-483b-a136-87336a484811	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:44:27	-305.418
-88	26840	2684000	263a94a6-ed79-47ce-b28a-08295e740c9f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:22:37	-946.66
-88	53680	2684000	45730444-82c2-4e75-9c8e-5c356a1355ff	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:06:07	10.829
-89	26841	2684100	18f03011-ebcf-42f6-a4b2-2fd065f154c8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:11:57	194.141
-89	53682	2684100	0fc5e63b-30b7-4af3-a518-5faf430c193a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:53:11	-999.859
-90	26842	2684200	915dd27a-5372-4873-bfab-ce54afeee73f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:01:20	-873.825
-90	53684	2684200	52b0b5c2-04de-444a-96a7-5a3be1e386c7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:19:40	-242.981
-91	26843	2684300	39ecd410-f48c-41d7-9c49-16fbc13003ba	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:04:23	395.73
-91	53686	2684300	2cad2f41-bdaf-41d9-b9eb-1851fe19dca0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:16:48	-997.721
-92	26844	2684400	bb5c4ec4-86da-4831-a996-dacef8b7074d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:19:00	-259.554
-92	53688	2684400	358c54eb-4bd6-4e8e-bfdb-2920eda4f80a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:25:13	699.919
-93	26845	2684500	2f5a1a4b-92fc-4126-951b-42f19f950832	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:28:08	843.552
-93	53690	2684500	c367b285-86be-460d-84a8-e5c69c266ee5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:33:54	-657.5
-94	26846	2684600	69666e35-c437-43e6-8bf9-3629f7e19aeb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:43:30	-681.96
-94	53692	2684600	aab15795-a430-4fad-87d5-2277021dd92e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:45:21	-738.118
-95	26847	2684700	ff748792-98ef-42b7-babf-f61279cbae3f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:17:09	-50.234
-95	53694	2684700	be0090fe-0ffd-47b1-a853-15ad6259ebcb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:32:27	-541.339
-96	26848	2684800	8310422e-e15d-4bfc-a85a-ceb9bd6303e7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:58:18	274.56
-96	53696	2684800	abe3e532-98d8-4f14-a08e-d348c5d25cea	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:12:52	665.72
-97	26849	2684900	e439776c-c238-4e19-bc91-cd651afda9b3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:38:36	-58.379
-97	53698	2684900	b8a779fd-6dd9-4095-b645-e5e7883aa524	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:18:45	-800.243
-98	26850	2685000	62513785-67cd-437c-960f-af4eb18660ed	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:26:37	-219.606
-98	53700	2685000	9606a346-5659-4f4a-80f1-33f79ae09fe5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:01:29	-857.559
-99	26851	2685100	ca66ea56-e703-4810-a096-524b81ee5228	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:19:40	483.150
-99	53702	2685100	4dad46b7-d77e-484f-bb98-27b24dcae1e8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:14:25	303.105
-100	26852	2685200	9b580d07-dcb1-4bb5-9ca2-90934bf15e87	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:58:20	109.944
-100	53704	2685200	1849afe2-43d9-4adb-aac1-902c440b823f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:18:08	-564.359
-101	26853	2685300	e107e82d-de14-4b02-916a-28461f29d02c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:32:50	259.431
-101	53706	2685300	7f040cc1-a397-4873-8cb7-216cf3ce00c5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:17:14	679.788
-102	26854	2685400	da322ed9-73fc-40b5-88ab-0fbc18b2eca9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:48:39	518.292
-102	53708	2685400	70b49c6f-65a1-4b14-ae5a-cf22bce4ac68	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:43:23	603.15
-103	26855	2685500	6015ce8b-9820-4673-b1c5-c7bab9d6dc37	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:08:37	-322.730
-103	53710	2685500	45979ab0-e60e-477c-b00c-55b6b1405c75	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:42:25	-843.293
-104	26856	2685600	89e4fd7c-fc67-4ac4-b1d3-582149a482f3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:52:51	518.239
-104	53712	2685600	7e2d9080-dc78-47e7-b821-d46105fba264	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:34:21	437.918
-105	26857	2685700	e96c2212-be39-43a0-b2f2-7592ff8d0ea7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:10:46	574.197
-105	53714	2685700	888e5723-94a0-4d4a-b4ed-c4a339748ea7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:26:19	568.564
-106	26858	2685800	253acc2a-21c1-4e5e-ae0c-7ae56a6ac1b0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:54:02	-421.5
-106	53716	2685800	d5593f6e-1992-4719-9c1f-d314028ff13a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:25:19	-17.758
-107	26859	2685900	b7ada16c-d06f-4e57-bbed-bf3eb9c6dfb6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:56:49	409.164
-107	53718	2685900	ea393558-528a-43a4-bc3e-6ea8404a3495	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:52:08	-160.725
-108	26860	2686000	ce335be1-59bf-45d6-a59d-2b20370fb074	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:02:23	-402.623
-108	53720	2686000	42541fad-afd1-4cff-aad4-dd17751b264c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:25:58	-555.138
-109	26861	2686100	a52ccdcb-98d0-466d-8f39-1e0ffeeb0c2c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:57:54	-966.888
-109	53722	2686100	7eb71f4f-b1a2-4166-a469-e128fe5fc13d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:04:12	899.8
-110	26862	2686200	01ad9496-8cc3-4c7e-8b1d-dfcc48844649	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:12:10	-569.569
-110	53724	2686200	8f8aa3e0-0c9a-437b-92ee-50672562e94a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:15:18	580.992
-111	26863	2686300	cdccb6e7-1fb3-45ef-94bc-d323b355e018	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:16:46	-81.523
-111	53726	2686300	0527b9ed-ff65-4d29-8c76-b145145e613e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:54:25	-132.360
-112	26864	2686400	32bf2363-46cb-4b81-a311-fa8955f3cf57	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:23:56	311.694
-112	53728	2686400	b66406ae-8ac6-44d5-adad-eb6fe953b1d0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:13:30	-182.136
-113	26865	2686500	719abc63-f8a7-436b-836b-30b673309589	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:53:48	404.235
-113	53730	2686500	034f3bfd-3379-4b15-b661-7d0e9041741f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:06:35	-279.242
-114	26866	2686600	8597d58d-15aa-4e88-babe-c5378e1113a4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:27:00	-939.661
-114	53732	2686600	2f5bcf19-2707-4035-9243-e55c143069b3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:49:11	-250.150
-115	26867	2686700	f7c4486e-24b1-4934-80a0-6c09a2099972	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:18:01	-130.31
-115	53734	2686700	016d9cda-4eaa-46b2-98aa-68d1e8cf873c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:42:46	22.720
-116	26868	2686800	749e39e6-774d-4804-9067-3e24278dc3f8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:18:53	-380.861
-116	53736	2686800	078aad91-0d93-41b9-afb9-4be3ab667a83	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:46:10	818.572
-117	26869	2686900	3cd8a5e5-c38c-4387-b50a-358c35badedd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:40:36	-199.168
-117	53738	2686900	6f4d1aee-6454-43a5-b6d0-08c78943ac61	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:45:32	-951.27
-118	26870	2687000	4d455282-82ac-4963-b108-47473c0c61ef	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:08:15	78.710
-118	53740	2687000	d6dc26dd-4d3b-494f-8311-a12b169d698d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:07:43	-844.216
-119	26871	2687100	227c5b75-0e97-44ce-8875-206f1090fbb5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:50:00	-383.503
-119	53742	2687100	f199429e-df8a-48b6-b9d0-120edb54d007	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:29:31	-419.833
-120	26872	2687200	711368f7-6d60-4edd-9dcf-670afb13abfe	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:16:06	821.562
-120	53744	2687200	77c94d68-06dc-4294-9303-fbb4229dd5f9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:31:48	335.968
-121	26873	2687300	69245790-2ed0-4394-afe2-86b541d95084	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:45:44	-617.86
-121	53746	2687300	5b0b8a48-3d46-4466-acdd-dd1bb558c6d6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:35:05	187.982
-122	26874	2687400	69e1770d-1cfb-4a29-b6ee-8d6bce99d3ea	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:29:54	-469.696
-122	53748	2687400	8a3dc365-4c1a-4065-aa72-c995ef87a7da	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:23:52	-257.786
-123	26875	2687500	e1037b8c-5742-46a9-9ac0-b378765260ca	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:27:04	978.346
-123	53750	2687500	249737d3-9df9-4e0e-b560-8efa980e7e99	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:02:30	-150.529
-124	26876	2687600	b249e948-a7cc-48db-ac3f-5fb1fbc54dde	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:09:43	-629.965
-124	53752	2687600	90e5e2bb-9478-488c-b478-8fc6c2fb1802	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:11:46	544.783
-125	26877	2687700	50e44c60-35f0-49e1-b9f3-d5ba3f176b1e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:48:36	-627.683
-125	53754	2687700	d820b3c6-baba-4a97-9023-ba4f761d771f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:59:41	-108.410
-126	26878	2687800	35c497b1-c1fc-4221-87a0-f3c2f57b0852	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:46:36	-101.248
-126	53756	2687800	d73241fd-7ef6-46cd-8ce6-70ac1003542f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:52:15	-117.242
-127	26879	2687900	858fdb0a-ae39-411d-80de-f56d32e8d401	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:41:23	-161.974
-127	53758	2687900	c3107405-6e43-4cc5-973e-a058b6c4b607	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:34:09	284.927
-0	26880	2688000	f60229a2-8f2e-42ab-9930-03a2af8114d1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:56:20	909.141
-0	53760	2688000	5f05effa-7a48-4fdc-9cb9-126b641e67e9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:08:59	-495.337
-1	26881	2688100	53c38d7a-d3d6-4e78-9052-7518dee90e39	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:34:49	730.333
-1	53762	2688100	1f2c8b53-d275-4b76-8aa6-d3ca331cc95b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:42:46	-106.177
-2	26882	2688200	8979139d-0e2d-4a73-b4b7-8207f2c36d29	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:46:08	-309.467
-2	53764	2688200	da99149f-3b63-48b9-a5e6-a9c8a55348ce	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:14:03	-456.711
-3	26883	2688300	d8c90601-adda-44dc-a702-f9fb310e3e42	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:49:14	-25.289
-3	53766	2688300	2615cb30-07f5-4de0-80c8-609f5592401e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:23:39	521.215
-4	26884	2688400	1494e6dd-8bb9-4372-800f-fbe53ae76aa7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:49:21	-425.185
-4	53768	2688400	ca7c2abc-0af6-4e01-a635-4f2bbfe8e356	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:15:02	-862.966
-5	26885	2688500	0dc9851d-3641-48b9-bee2-29c1596fdaa3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:01:08	-581.273
-5	53770	2688500	9ec169bc-9ddb-499e-8fd3-4a2ab1d501cf	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:01:54	-859.299
-6	26886	2688600	301f86e9-c59d-4845-9171-dd180b14e931	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:59:07	-467.331
-6	53772	2688600	21819f99-864e-4eed-8c0e-40b923211339	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:10:23	130.683
-7	26887	2688700	37fb4d9c-29b7-497d-8e5a-660359fc7e78	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:14:27	32.300
-7	53774	2688700	e16206ec-d0f6-445d-8c61-e74225fff3bd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:06:13	938.865
-8	26888	2688800	b63a84ed-ca13-478a-a681-45d77d71c4fe	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:40:54	-133.452
-8	53776	2688800	d424019c-cf16-47aa-a543-f177e82a091a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:13:28	768.423
-9	26889	2688900	bcda73b9-f404-4725-98b8-b07d814ef57e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:51:36	318.438
-9	53778	2688900	82a38900-bc6f-48f8-a012-bfd9f942c458	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:06:55	468.223
-10	26890	2689000	dedccc26-0c7b-4047-9bc6-1880137869d7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:53:42	-675.215
-10	53780	2689000	0e26ee0c-bd6f-4746-aa48-6409abb02e0f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:52:02	751.24
-11	26891	2689100	17ec8bec-847c-4e91-8363-1a1cd59bd8fb	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:23:12	-795.130
-11	53782	2689100	9da7ca72-40b8-4872-b634-6ca47a0bc3fe	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:31:03	910.988
-12	26892	2689200	4ab133ce-bab4-4cbc-882f-eaeb49682485	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:38:38	198.444
-12	53784	2689200	c27d8887-db69-46ed-8d1a-91e1e3da063d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:59:16	756.90
-13	26893	2689300	3537d406-415d-421f-b116-30ab42875916	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:15:28	789.986
-13	53786	2689300	94032693-7ee6-405b-8e60-5bda37e35f83	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:41:20	-265.669
-14	26894	2689400	97629bdc-9664-4f7d-afed-4308a0e20525	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:02:51	521.118
-14	53788	2689400	4e4a8410-06e1-4591-95cd-752edc6daabb	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:19:24	245.756
-15	26895	2689500	cecf7e1f-253e-42fe-88ee-42d4bd5375f3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:09:16	738.574
-15	53790	2689500	771e6aa5-0299-4cf7-9138-e4fed565e96c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:17:54	-393.545
-16	26896	2689600	dfcca866-e600-40ca-ad54-4f0751c956ae	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:05:24	21.798
-16	53792	2689600	9dede203-a2cd-4ca2-872c-f35f25f5d990	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:13:35	-238.797
-17	26897	2689700	fb0d00a3-c87e-4f9e-97fb-73ad45d977b0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:39:32	-318.538
-17	53794	2689700	53c45617-a220-4d20-b0b3-8113c2fb7fe1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:48:29	696.914
-18	26898	2689800	ae2de523-0b31-41a5-ab3b-cac1bad4835b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:19:03	534.70
-18	53796	2689800	6b99daa5-afec-4c57-ac88-f1aae7c0f37c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:15:31	-439.363
-19	26899	2689900	55e4126a-2d76-42de-bf31-0e8240201817	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:03:18	-675.572
-19	53798	2689900	872cc9c5-4a54-46c3-a6bb-ed52960d0110	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:03:26	-250.606
-20	26900	2690000	ddc9ffec-17bf-487a-9dc8-6cea79f99d3d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:47:31	321.122
-20	53800	2690000	a97dbcda-e474-4150-ae6c-4e6d1d245f10	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:34:43	-936.923
-21	26901	2690100	218ebdee-c193-48cc-8cd5-d92f7e6e5b42	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:31:08	35.144
-21	53802	2690100	2f81f8f5-6b7a-4fb4-a843-5ec254f14898	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:54:26	443.316
-22	26902	2690200	596ec82e-b3e5-40df-8273-f4d0af534abb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:10:07	-307.720
-22	53804	2690200	dec3e3ec-9da9-4285-adae-a03a2897584c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:54:58	359.116
-23	26903	2690300	2ab828a0-8c9c-4fcb-a20c-0e35114a2e50	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:37:33	-124.612
-23	53806	2690300	0b8cd273-ed89-4626-860c-7dc34def39b0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:03:52	-431.283
-24	26904	2690400	feff7f5f-7b55-498d-acca-6dfb9814ffcb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:36:27	404.598
-24	53808	2690400	f94ed229-7923-4fda-a358-aaac99bfc884	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:46:00	79.782
-25	26905	2690500	b16bb77a-98bf-44e4-ba0b-7e8b109022b4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:30:52	381.768
-25	53810	2690500	48308039-da21-42d4-846d-b8515b98bfa8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:13:51	-828.901
-26	26906	2690600	4ad8aa54-8c3f-42cf-bfb5-e28f8235e1f2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:50:11	595.294
-26	53812	2690600	a88b5082-aa27-42e9-a239-468214f1e13b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:02:39	413.882
-27	26907	2690700	6da919ad-2e42-463f-bd6a-650e1d3ff035	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:58:30	-894.362
-27	53814	2690700	5e18c4b4-89af-480e-93ab-dfa360ab51c1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:11:35	959.601
-28	26908	2690800	d46057d4-7c18-4d3c-8d84-2a122477c9b7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:12:17	501.474
-28	53816	2690800	4aa429c5-c01f-468e-b687-571a69e6ebd5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:42:51	-43.616
-29	26909	2690900	fb2d0971-9865-40d0-8416-7e61c0f2713a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:54:45	-164.191
-29	53818	2690900	834399c3-414a-4d97-b625-e16569869112	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:58:33	399.151
-30	26910	2691000	f5dd5e3c-647a-4697-9cba-6471b02066a8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:19:38	469.150
-30	53820	2691000	67d3052f-d851-4da4-91be-959e8ca7a130	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:56:36	240.162
-31	26911	2691100	6174f383-36cd-47ea-8222-fa2c91888989	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:49:54	132.203
-31	53822	2691100	9880e34c-ffd1-4080-b4f0-059f71a3451e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:07:15	840.740
-32	26912	2691200	1bc29df4-e2e0-4183-89be-80caae130016	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:00:02	872.767
-32	53824	2691200	4b60fdc6-37c0-47da-978e-de8f50173968	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:57:32	598.210
-33	26913	2691300	ef74f33a-ea6e-4492-b1a6-d4d815e6e715	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:23:47	707.635
-33	53826	2691300	fdd2a194-9377-499f-be53-ac9abb1654a2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:31:01	611.701
-34	26914	2691400	bd03d718-af2f-41b4-b015-8878d964f723	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:07:19	-793.498
-34	53828	2691400	8451c39f-b4ff-4dd9-a2aa-79e02819e511	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:49:04	-536.189
-35	26915	2691500	11d82f62-0386-4590-a987-465f3d1d41dc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:39:52	774.20
-35	53830	2691500	06ee0066-0bc4-48d0-bf38-e74c092f07b7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:34:14	-70.954
-36	26916	2691600	bfaf15f9-3112-4d48-bb90-440b920e127f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:41:39	-41.555
-36	53832	2691600	dff06045-c441-45fa-9d64-364c688ceeba	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:32:28	35.11
-37	26917	2691700	13d6213e-8b0f-442f-9580-cb545703c3e7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:59:43	243.938
-37	53834	2691700	489fdff0-ed2a-4d40-aacd-f13e9ca5c437	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:44:47	16.698
-38	26918	2691800	3d287ef6-23fa-4aab-a6e9-66f71bd776c8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:01:59	-281.68
-38	53836	2691800	9ce97a0f-2884-4c57-81e4-15ef75eae5d3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:31:02	984.379
-39	26919	2691900	87763c3a-ad6f-4acf-8d1b-e08443365c8c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:23:02	737.834
-39	53838	2691900	f1cb6c38-3090-4c17-9913-72f02509c5d8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:31:00	228.809
-40	26920	2692000	d870bf5e-22ac-4672-ba8c-27d4ba876a1c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:07:57	101.764
-40	53840	2692000	ade5b1b4-d6d5-4810-a5c7-d605f78f038d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:46:59	546.958
-41	26921	2692100	4f12a39a-1b86-432d-b1b2-44f42b695ff6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:47:19	-484.430
-41	53842	2692100	b5f6ab5a-038a-4b43-86f7-3c94d3e430f9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:05:55	-88.539
-42	26922	2692200	148ad33e-25b6-4c33-ae81-0df00b40cbc0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:23:22	756.610
-42	53844	2692200	dc80f6ec-8b43-45fc-8bf2-9565dc14105c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:01:58	-989.650
-43	26923	2692300	66622eff-d967-406c-97f7-41e5047035e4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:23:33	656.821
-43	53846	2692300	eae3e263-d9ee-4b14-bb97-18d32fc5060f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:09:58	581.386
-44	26924	2692400	be0fcd09-f0de-4ffa-b43e-24fbf5ff3d61	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:00:52	480.684
-44	53848	2692400	776081fb-43c0-42bb-a445-5016c9978b17	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:35:40	61.854
-45	26925	2692500	5ce80df0-81ae-4f68-8902-314ca5be49f3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:51:09	93.430
-45	53850	2692500	5d290e70-662b-4876-96d7-5fd98af3c5cc	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:38:45	-939.114
-46	26926	2692600	3b2fcc1d-76d2-4711-9fa1-44320c9b4210	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:17:17	257.810
-46	53852	2692600	48a6a8ba-94e0-40e8-a258-1c5884b5201a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:00:32	-120.315
-47	26927	2692700	c5bd0164-b285-441a-b4fa-7326de9cadd1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:10:07	-850.922
-47	53854	2692700	ebd824b8-c441-473c-9cc0-016e72aa17cf	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:44:09	-907.882
-48	26928	2692800	18f7e2a2-e244-4459-88fe-67a7c23555f3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:01:58	-600.732
-48	53856	2692800	632183a7-193d-4b7f-8013-1e7131acb583	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:12:28	442.248
-49	26929	2692900	73c5f933-f7e9-4599-aff1-585b3faf8723	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:10:46	-33.42
-49	53858	2692900	bf46e902-cc38-4bb0-be87-6585f9d2ab94	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:18:24	-852.541
-50	26930	2693000	39f10c7c-1d24-465f-849e-3ea4a3cb51eb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:13:07	749.513
-50	53860	2693000	8fd1b109-edd6-490d-a8bb-dbcd4682d9ca	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:04:06	608.986
-51	26931	2693100	b1343fea-1d45-4edc-a223-4067cf354a79	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:42:46	578.880
-51	53862	2693100	cc059a50-3acd-4f95-a63c-33347afebff6	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:12:21	996.11
-52	26932	2693200	c74ec204-c666-440d-a634-53de7467e437	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:02:24	-380.497
-52	53864	2693200	f518a15a-7296-48e7-84c8-cc24c66a2227	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:38:42	315.393
-53	26933	2693300	dcd7145f-bc56-442a-81f4-200810772aca	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:56:08	-48.77
-53	53866	2693300	6f6ed21d-2981-43b8-94bb-ed02bf9e29ac	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:42:42	-51.466
-54	26934	2693400	e24188a1-7fb9-49c0-97e7-075e16ea72ba	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:39:49	-609.615
-54	53868	2693400	4d501195-eb71-402e-bce8-0454b831bca5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:11:25	855.707
-55	26935	2693500	6e23d7f3-a3a7-4cf5-aa3d-398eba0e8e1a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:41:59	-594.482
-55	53870	2693500	66ef78c6-25e3-4c7f-8388-826a5a39b123	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:20:51	-979.339
-56	26936	2693600	d86a4c70-3bd0-4bba-8dab-797f5a6a7607	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:14:14	14.108
-56	53872	2693600	b6df118f-3193-421a-8f83-84689e24c545	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:29:42	-532.286
-57	26937	2693700	5a61a7ec-7890-4865-97f7-5ecc52af8660	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:30:09	-914.906
-57	53874	2693700	f36f2e91-5a1c-48ff-81fc-e874d9eb9d05	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:07:45	534.437
-58	26938	2693800	c38203ca-1838-4a72-99ba-ee51a8384641	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:00:22	-250.932
-58	53876	2693800	9d2f1c9e-a34a-4423-ad82-a884447d96a5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:55:01	152.474
-59	26939	2693900	bfbc5ff4-a581-4ae3-b0ce-30c5dc08e953	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:13:03	946.81
-59	53878	2693900	af31ec99-12d5-4332-8875-79519c276443	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:17:38	533.735
-60	26940	2694000	8846df0b-a8b5-41b5-a9ad-d58b5af2e044	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:57:58	-864.854
-60	53880	2694000	ab55f5b8-97e6-43cf-974a-bf768a16d77e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:24:34	-39.478
-61	26941	2694100	436d2443-f529-4582-8a16-4c9e0bb67b06	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:16:26	227.982
-61	53882	2694100	0022544d-5805-4bfc-8aaf-3bc4aba121c2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:47:03	-857.243
-62	26942	2694200	21b84fe7-3256-47f7-b3fd-8e698e6d988a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:55:03	-683.700
-62	53884	2694200	a039050d-623f-4af3-808d-64aa23aea0e4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:29:00	224.565
-63	26943	2694300	47d1f8fe-2f93-4242-a22a-aaad362a144b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:57:09	242.286
-63	53886	2694300	cf8dc014-abb5-41ca-be2e-c7bee7286a34	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:30:49	-414.954
-64	26944	2694400	5c3c0059-4091-44b0-8fbf-b27bf83f2b0b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:24:16	780.113
-64	53888	2694400	788ffbf5-3e91-4d36-b38f-b60f15882a86	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:18:24	308.920
-65	26945	2694500	92a589cc-2b25-4c6c-9da7-f1c09ce206df	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:12:42	589.977
-65	53890	2694500	e776a5f6-1be9-4dad-8ce5-afcb6d8f5c44	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:57:43	-871.769
-66	26946	2694600	a407e504-536b-4a33-8c65-f77b50e5c2cb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:44:40	-850.632
-66	53892	2694600	ba047234-596d-4439-a7c7-d9306feb93f1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:41:53	-807.410
-67	26947	2694700	c76c1792-f007-43c5-8b9c-458052257f26	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:25:31	-20.635
-67	53894	2694700	05aec0e4-8222-4b91-8a39-605b03f6a698	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:32:54	775.887
-68	26948	2694800	ef3515d9-3b70-4919-99a5-cbf1c6888852	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:35:39	-288.649
-68	53896	2694800	c098ec80-c988-4ade-960f-bf1a46f2e172	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:08:07	596.377
-69	26949	2694900	ae80a62c-dd1b-4568-8093-843d75dbc4da	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:35:16	-38.695
-69	53898	2694900	2f600db2-3b4e-49ca-84fd-01ef072bcad9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:43:33	4.371
-70	26950	2695000	ca8571b5-dd42-49e3-91f7-a2b837e70520	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:59:44	-586.56
-70	53900	2695000	fc753063-f0e7-48ac-960c-7f9365a13201	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:37:59	-432.476
-71	26951	2695100	d7a30d89-058b-4eee-809a-fc7dd7c5621b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:15:09	-294.483
-71	53902	2695100	b9a74524-ac55-4f85-9732-aa8b3d887a25	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:28:07	-922.185
-72	26952	2695200	39b3552c-a969-42cc-8de5-82efee602a61	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:50:15	967.643
-72	53904	2695200	fe41a93b-f9c8-4a54-9f77-6c5edf3ec640	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:32:31	-315.35
-73	26953	2695300	1a875cd9-9ee0-4fb6-b6ce-638d7a00c2bf	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:51:39	792.679
-73	53906	2695300	c363dc09-6c51-46ab-9edb-5225afcd3981	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:37:32	-718.555
-74	26954	2695400	411a5585-1093-4fdb-bfdc-d6b853de9c43	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:14:24	149.310
-74	53908	2695400	cafb45ff-60dd-4955-99da-72286499cfa8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:50:44	-132.981
-75	26955	2695500	a8e45aa1-4e4c-4309-a881-b240e963603b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:44:42	-17.107
-75	53910	2695500	d977b0a1-b0da-4570-b5db-ef7bf3ca84df	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:21:58	266.289
-76	26956	2695600	816a93be-9ec0-4125-a141-4c0dba77e8ba	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:01:28	556.699
-76	53912	2695600	3c999392-5fee-4832-9c36-44a0f3dfd403	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:19:11	50.369
-77	26957	2695700	6b420f91-2562-4ff8-8c36-f56780f93c22	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:20:29	440.94
-77	53914	2695700	0c2c2018-1ca5-41e5-8de7-3eb681d6fc53	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:54:23	-812.51
-78	26958	2695800	f40184a0-8475-4495-bd1c-1ae4866658bb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:56:35	334.7
-78	53916	2695800	389bbb0c-d71a-4007-b813-095e609ea271	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:56:23	110.518
-79	26959	2695900	74c1ad4d-875c-4c9b-92a6-ba6814dacb67	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:38:51	-264.871
-79	53918	2695900	5f4aff5b-b264-4a47-ab05-106bd15e5f9e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:21:21	-757.692
-80	26960	2696000	12e07066-fffd-4a28-9d87-e81a805f3ed2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:14:48	-431.156
-80	53920	2696000	4bdc691f-666c-4abf-b62e-5fcf4df29ea9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:59:55	-358.954
-81	26961	2696100	c9e4d5f6-1f06-4744-b2bd-efe60539ed61	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:19:40	-90.274
-81	53922	2696100	33ec4416-96e7-4e03-bb15-ab58f2721c2a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:14:52	-426.920
-82	26962	2696200	69c7712a-7707-4eeb-986b-7583813cec92	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:18:15	-107.499
-82	53924	2696200	625983f2-a8b2-4618-a6a6-de0ca71d342e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:31:33	-178.383
-83	26963	2696300	1956f3b7-fa4b-4bbf-b6dd-8128e46123e1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:34:00	740.655
-83	53926	2696300	6e5e4e73-4afe-47a2-9449-f963fd3e634e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:34:53	-560.608
-84	26964	2696400	691989d5-2df2-4c84-90b3-8a458d61006e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:52:43	581.941
-84	53928	2696400	ccc2355b-fd3f-4f63-bc19-f04b29e48ce9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:51:04	-615.666
-85	26965	2696500	632c959e-6616-412a-b41d-9fcf72470125	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:27:48	-7.418
-85	53930	2696500	a222d249-f177-45ba-b9e0-583c0ee81ff9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:08:45	401.909
-86	26966	2696600	ad94dad2-0372-4946-abb4-0d286e1c4981	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:40:43	390.725
-86	53932	2696600	8c2f613a-bf90-45e1-aa38-faf6cac7c762	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:01:42	-167.114
-87	26967	2696700	477e769a-606d-4fa8-990a-115f3b21135b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:32:56	-180.621
-87	53934	2696700	cf9823f4-5110-4b44-abc9-d3c39c7107cf	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:23:36	-695.546
-88	26968	2696800	07b8f9c2-7c4f-41ea-8878-51a3f0629e45	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:37:18	608.989
-88	53936	2696800	f6c59828-d1f0-4a62-af84-fd800ab56665	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:28:24	-390.791
-89	26969	2696900	f9c0959a-8aa1-40ab-9396-ded239c3c2c4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:17:03	580.502
-89	53938	2696900	716b2e73-d941-4bb1-b4e3-20bb724d7d34	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:40:57	-797.817
-90	26970	2697000	64c10693-cdcd-4157-8edf-03e71911fe12	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:50:17	652.36
-90	53940	2697000	c8c74630-ed0d-4b5a-9f97-6cc56f787f8b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:31:38	322.816
-91	26971	2697100	f17abeb5-037d-4752-b670-27ff2c7fa1b0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:56:55	218.496
-91	53942	2697100	98cf9598-ae16-4cce-96f6-e24287078a9f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:36:25	675.615
-92	26972	2697200	400ee699-b022-4ceb-96af-1bbe3eae3af6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:48:39	973.586
-92	53944	2697200	764f5000-7e57-48b9-b4f1-468a01d9614c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:20:53	623.761
-93	26973	2697300	c6604e7b-2df8-45b5-b451-d8bbaa87cab1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:38:46	-461.554
-93	53946	2697300	71516696-137b-4938-bc20-b207dbe50435	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:32:16	775.650
-94	26974	2697400	a51982de-1549-42e3-a635-5a76348269cb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:34:19	835.537
-94	53948	2697400	d749d010-cf7e-48ec-af9b-52c2b31c12d0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:28:26	682.710
-95	26975	2697500	dd10f6e5-8f43-478f-8373-dabb8eb7b91c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:23:32	-176.350
-95	53950	2697500	286a7722-a7b4-4773-a521-28158355c776	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:56:05	243.690
-96	26976	2697600	5b26258a-2df8-41a5-ab29-a7f2936d9813	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:45:33	-432.239
-96	53952	2697600	85bea71f-5785-4cc7-b30b-aaaf512fae5a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:55:18	-653.894
-97	26977	2697700	e2497286-b234-4b4a-9348-ff92bf296e6a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:03:56	680.458
-97	53954	2697700	90361e52-cdad-4d0b-8f7e-b56d84fd7d5d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:16:13	159.180
-98	26978	2697800	c2235b75-bab5-425c-90dc-8f5fa0ccdf19	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:03:43	-42.583
-98	53956	2697800	eb49ae9d-a1d5-420a-bf41-a0c49588df80	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:36:41	664.675
-99	26979	2697900	2f303686-7844-4be7-be6f-86e7ee501225	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:15:27	-430.714
-99	53958	2697900	4a821ca9-c358-4f82-ba3f-8b0e2d92e8a7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:44:31	944.256
-100	26980	2698000	ebf6538d-aa75-4052-a124-4579d156d2ee	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:39:57	-827.915
-100	53960	2698000	a907e801-f140-4a09-a9e0-bb448293bd82	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:45:04	-620.140
-101	26981	2698100	9c628285-db26-4368-86f8-7bb980252a7f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:49:24	-78.870
-101	53962	2698100	5cdf7b8f-e06d-4c13-89ae-70a19f133a5a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:17:09	811.329
-102	26982	2698200	f24cbd47-b50b-4d80-8b74-60932572da82	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:35:08	580.740
-102	53964	2698200	cae0c353-4396-48d0-a9fd-4d9cb2a132c3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:20:03	-440.834
-103	26983	2698300	84bf1a1b-1271-4853-87f0-3247a69d706b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:12:40	368.934
-103	53966	2698300	90a9424c-b359-40b7-b1f5-e66e0c42a1cd	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:04:32	856.145
-104	26984	2698400	cc196932-da61-4a35-b43a-2ae2c321cde3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:48:38	50.282
-104	53968	2698400	7543befe-ed0e-4fc3-b2e5-eddece2278e6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:57:24	946.613
-105	26985	2698500	4e5919aa-2363-4770-a34b-b4a7ef3bbb78	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:20:05	311.839
-105	53970	2698500	9f774379-c2b5-4875-8106-3e7ce52c9112	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:03:52	-405.917
-106	26986	2698600	2a466798-119c-419e-b239-ca1d452e7d01	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:50:28	724.411
-106	53972	2698600	9233fffd-8e90-4c21-ad06-2ae2052d6191	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:52:22	357.657
-107	26987	2698700	050ce800-fc7c-48e9-8ac5-6578e60de9e7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:12:14	735.62
-107	53974	2698700	a9583fc7-16e6-4d0d-84b5-6a631208f366	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:04:10	580.329
-108	26988	2698800	3240a65d-3da5-4bc4-a372-a2ea410dee1d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:14:25	-735.175
-108	53976	2698800	ef3a61ff-de4a-4fcb-8786-55cb24b12d4f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:01:45	592.15
-109	26989	2698900	2814d23a-c28a-48d8-8acb-12ccc0a425f2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:03:34	-14.80
-109	53978	2698900	272da77a-c3f6-423e-837d-09dc7280b1fb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:19:20	468.869
-110	26990	2699000	06d4996f-2b4c-411a-b023-2c9e1e2f2a6f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:58:08	432.946
-110	53980	2699000	923437b1-86c2-4c1b-8c75-1b7520c530a3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:27:31	52.490
-111	26991	2699100	8d1aba50-e71c-4797-805f-302bfafc58a0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:27:35	902.54
-111	53982	2699100	e209c1c2-019b-4492-8339-22a14a84ce8f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:07:55	14.337
-112	26992	2699200	3c908aa3-7261-494a-a484-e821bafe515f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:44:20	-968.371
-112	53984	2699200	7041622c-9022-44c8-b15b-2cc45c4d3700	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:56:51	28.707
-113	26993	2699300	06a5f929-eaa3-421e-9d7c-b20f87cf73c4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:33:27	988.275
-113	53986	2699300	b27420e1-a490-44f1-ad6e-7aef80bcf025	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:53:38	11.212
-114	26994	2699400	7a1686e0-83fb-477c-a297-45ac90cee88a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:13:29	806.344
-114	53988	2699400	d4fa21cd-4f21-4b97-b69a-cbfbe53e3172	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:31:04	-664.450
-115	26995	2699500	b5f56bb9-53a3-47d9-b273-96c0ecec36e9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:07:50	-128.42
-115	53990	2699500	7cf1b561-799c-4f3b-a217-2f6982127c65	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:04:58	-990.830
-116	26996	2699600	0cb522ac-7997-42f9-a490-9394c2721bfb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:41:32	-324.425
-116	53992	2699600	4dff9509-8c7c-43af-9527-150b789e4db9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:42:56	-882.824
-117	26997	2699700	5e24c932-f8a6-4de7-a6d1-4f96d710c639	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:59:42	559.865
-117	53994	2699700	3a50f6c4-f2e8-494a-b11c-0c7041b6c29b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:51:17	-504.995
-118	26998	2699800	8cc432b8-52cd-4597-a7db-dea802a7679b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:50:38	-36.282
-118	53996	2699800	b5c28afc-ea75-4e05-8843-52e03406b717	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:08:03	526.86
-119	26999	2699900	071651c5-36eb-4dd5-9f07-6e1ad1c5492c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:32:46	-438.199
-119	53998	2699900	9a2ec746-fe20-4544-bd50-0c6ee0eb197d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:23:05	515.92
-120	27000	2700000	d3c7f581-12a9-4d8c-ba9b-275f09d69f78	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:17:01	-9.749
-120	54000	2700000	19e310e3-e4b2-458d-afb6-9d9f9947e771	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:10:42	525.388
-121	27001	2700100	6ad6ca46-bc9d-42e3-96b4-7d61f7ef92cc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:30:56	-656.234
-121	54002	2700100	22b7d5d7-5883-40af-8946-e12f6735e3cb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:27:00	582.100
-122	27002	2700200	565787a2-72a2-4ac9-8b9d-91eb8d60c7df	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:04:42	134.205
-122	54004	2700200	61d71836-6a2f-44ec-895f-8c9a6117a106	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:52:44	-942.794
-123	27003	2700300	8015cd33-7b0d-447b-ae4d-5f64e166fcb0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:12:00	-300.243
-123	54006	2700300	6f3abbb4-cd7d-49ca-ae31-c45b04eb7b4b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:15:17	-515.625
-124	27004	2700400	7a2027de-3a6c-4745-a0c2-613f0318a676	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:29:28	-712.542
-124	54008	2700400	7d0b9888-8551-4e73-83be-85a4aceced5e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:01:38	-796.623
-125	27005	2700500	5a04b819-dae6-4e35-968c-83fb21f08828	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:44:59	-633.175
-125	54010	2700500	71ddd66f-eb74-4757-8dbe-6c1a6afcff5f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:57:36	613.10
-126	27006	2700600	8e4d67e3-db2a-4213-9d5f-3722fbb68fd8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:11:54	-762.75
-126	54012	2700600	4681b240-494f-431b-94d9-035b3f734ca6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:34:43	-988.342
-127	27007	2700700	ce2a029e-08de-4cf4-8ce3-a54189a7ade8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:39:07	377.12
-127	54014	2700700	6af7a6eb-382c-476b-9e2e-5032b9fcac51	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:43:19	-257.810
-0	27008	2700800	86c28d47-31d7-428f-8d96-92e60fedbfdf	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:05:17	540.685
-0	54016	2700800	6b6c2582-aca2-429b-8682-67230a1c5460	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:58:52	737.617
-1	27009	2700900	dcc43476-5a17-4442-b2af-fc5196666cb9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:38:55	-998.903
-1	54018	2700900	448d5c2d-74ef-4c53-a8ae-bec72b8fd45e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:09:35	627.491
-2	27010	2701000	6a4850b7-54ac-4d10-a32f-66c4a80580cf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:45:05	941.840
-2	54020	2701000	40586f2d-0f3e-4317-9b30-9c00c246b89f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:29:38	283.424
-3	27011	2701100	3007f77b-13eb-4bdc-b8e3-12b15015f7b7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:07:51	920.808
-3	54022	2701100	2f4c4a55-dce6-440d-b850-cd3e43b6bbaa	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:33:14	-388.974
-4	27012	2701200	2defe7cc-db8b-4fa9-a98a-67844f6dcb7f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:22:05	217.514
-4	54024	2701200	578cf210-8173-4097-ae00-c292c1afd18f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:31:01	-595.269
-5	27013	2701300	cd5fc4cc-cd09-4add-97b4-a5289c252ad0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:57:40	-941.598
-5	54026	2701300	92bfd885-c2e6-4dee-9c46-991257c1a6e5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:53:42	923.6
-6	27014	2701400	ef23544d-9c51-4782-8abf-80170df0e7d3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:47:01	-955.107
-6	54028	2701400	223713a4-aaed-4cbf-89e8-115ee7de5f4b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:20:29	244.404
-7	27015	2701500	17f6780b-3867-462a-a9f3-bf87c17fd83a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:51:04	-466.945
-7	54030	2701500	5f112f4f-dcf9-47c0-90b9-07346e77ed05	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:24:06	343.643
-8	27016	2701600	c003aa02-916f-41ca-9c40-bb7b9e428d64	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:21:22	225.56
-8	54032	2701600	dd057006-8238-4268-9163-7a9dd0e6b7d5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:03:59	-886.849
-9	27017	2701700	00010556-f68e-4167-aaec-697a87b7ad57	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:39:23	-471.525
-9	54034	2701700	bfa6a749-19f1-4933-9a5a-299bf197d931	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:22:50	-403.60
-10	27018	2701800	a9ddca90-f7d6-4293-8193-c1486b9f6aef	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:06:40	260.314
-10	54036	2701800	dd2a1374-6a2c-4fa7-9262-9b27af8995d2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:01:57	-713.345
-11	27019	2701900	ddb8ab77-f040-4d11-8651-2ed1fde6e5a2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:53:42	-688.884
-11	54038	2701900	4d6aeba9-31af-427c-a8ab-c1f0ca837c31	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:11:56	-663.493
-12	27020	2702000	20a27637-e455-4b2b-b447-ea0712cd5676	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:27:08	174.977
-12	54040	2702000	ffd4dcb9-5f49-403f-b5e2-69a656af79f0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:27:55	-877.684
-13	27021	2702100	e762e2c7-150e-4834-8576-5c19bbe3d90c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:45:44	-795.726
-13	54042	2702100	1ec81550-dd49-46b1-b1d4-4a3ebcdff353	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:55:26	-542.105
-14	27022	2702200	b49219cf-2f61-4726-b587-5486148a77b7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:17:26	693.344
-14	54044	2702200	69a85ab8-1183-4fa0-b4b9-a8034dba7a72	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:36:54	490.397
-15	27023	2702300	41cfabd0-53d6-4927-8781-a7d32743a944	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:22:45	-638.106
-15	54046	2702300	1f660d02-b633-498d-bce9-6557e3385421	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:05:13	546.835
-16	27024	2702400	cd41f881-1576-4cb8-b3c5-b81d554e2215	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:45:41	229.830
-16	54048	2702400	130e62be-c91d-44b0-8d6a-c73a10c9a150	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:53:42	12.554
-17	27025	2702500	56a6e446-a561-44a7-a7d6-fcf2f600ff6f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:53:19	-363.901
-17	54050	2702500	36ec77a7-db97-4b74-956b-48f6b478a594	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:04:48	-646.511
-18	27026	2702600	7a49bf24-604b-4b33-854b-5308a842c873	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:13:07	-298.751
-18	54052	2702600	4a9808c0-2be9-44af-8eeb-22cea53aec38	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:09:24	-810.789
-19	27027	2702700	c88ebfa0-6e57-48e2-8df7-15920581c9c5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:40:00	293.115
-19	54054	2702700	ee2e47c4-5ed1-47c5-8dd0-cd76f2ee9e4e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:22:19	-628.603
-20	27028	2702800	08e362a8-0d13-46b9-952a-bb0c42468f06	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:04:01	-64.465
-20	54056	2702800	47ef9429-2c43-4e68-b7e5-834bf8eb5f1c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:09:37	286.835
-21	27029	2702900	60f17526-9e00-45b0-80f6-e16c2e7c2a4d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:15:24	339.738
-21	54058	2702900	a621b298-fea9-4c3b-9c5e-f9c50334258a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:04:29	431.603
-22	27030	2703000	3dda4d52-5868-4347-85f2-cd739155638f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:52:29	890.966
-22	54060	2703000	18893a7c-21f1-4381-a2be-66be5f56b6ba	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:44:40	-851.524
-23	27031	2703100	8cc1b9cd-16c4-43cb-a625-cd1d4638856b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:48:17	-968.712
-23	54062	2703100	d5cc3344-dac0-448f-977f-9781ae2d4370	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:24:56	979.793
-24	27032	2703200	10f5ee81-540f-4cc4-b852-1cb6e2966c21	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:17:31	807.217
-24	54064	2703200	8e27d381-17f6-4acd-89be-a2070f1f48af	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:00:50	-535.43
-25	27033	2703300	5d585b6f-5012-4877-bc25-631c381704b8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:41:03	-583.55
-25	54066	2703300	f4f4b340-8175-4bd2-95ff-46f568631033	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:11:00	681.814
-26	27034	2703400	69a32ad0-0a30-4d49-91ef-7662e4ad14d9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:35:15	586.264
-26	54068	2703400	1eb72076-f20d-49da-b36b-cf2b85bb4341	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:42:42	907.778
-27	27035	2703500	eca4463b-080d-4798-85ae-e2b64ea2fdca	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:17:40	-996.41
-27	54070	2703500	33974e7d-91a9-489f-aa52-03f22731da24	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:30:58	584.662
-28	27036	2703600	afb02736-f665-496c-a92d-74d608ca0cee	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:01:54	429.375
-28	54072	2703600	6a754573-ac24-4722-b18b-d0302c641828	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:46:32	493.27
-29	27037	2703700	cf972da8-f24b-472c-9844-b4f1e6095e93	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:38:22	577.386
-29	54074	2703700	8c36f050-213a-4da6-846a-2b6368ce0934	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:05:11	563.979
-30	27038	2703800	97708e6e-0d14-4c9e-a8d4-cad68cbb7830	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:33:28	839.388
-30	54076	2703800	40ebe47c-a301-47a0-a4b8-388131ab68de	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:09:16	-475.774
-31	27039	2703900	dde1f6b2-6283-465d-96c4-09e6792e2bd3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:59:28	48.697
-31	54078	2703900	e304aaf0-081e-42a1-8857-46e8ac51a41f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:12:32	-905.695
-32	27040	2704000	136bde3b-de88-4f11-94d6-6265d0bf6063	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:43:44	412.260
-32	54080	2704000	f557b79a-0352-475e-b0c0-fa03e7467b98	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:45:37	847.125
-33	27041	2704100	6788189e-59b8-4850-9911-96cd3da5c892	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:31:16	-214.222
-33	54082	2704100	056198ff-950d-4273-a0b7-210e41fbe057	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:18:54	306.682
-34	27042	2704200	5a85d667-27e7-4df6-85dc-8e1b60cfdb35	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:37:19	-536.781
-34	54084	2704200	ba9872ec-36f8-41ad-ba5e-00037cbadffb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:30:49	-359.673
-35	27043	2704300	38fa54c7-f839-4045-b23b-89423c72ec4e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:31:46	-158.299
-35	54086	2704300	85ee87a1-325d-40b7-b6ca-53eda9a9d231	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:43:51	-498.38
-36	27044	2704400	c3808038-60ad-40b2-a3e8-59871cf47c8c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:06:45	828.244
-36	54088	2704400	d03bd0e5-6af8-4572-9fe0-518cc9480b1c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:04:53	-515.91
-37	27045	2704500	e3ee0bc5-52a1-4694-9c62-2cd0b560b0cc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:12:56	743.905
-37	54090	2704500	03ac7e06-89cc-4e60-ab7e-3c27a798863d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:29:04	110.333
-38	27046	2704600	3fbeaa01-dfb6-4c52-bc66-207b7d786d15	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:03:03	-978.30
-38	54092	2704600	22fa8882-ce68-454a-bcde-707b2cf81f13	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:17:21	-215.871
-39	27047	2704700	e20f2c06-bb2f-4226-927a-5a36098ff2c8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:55:53	-402.172
-39	54094	2704700	e58740c6-c5e9-4548-989e-2e44a86bcbab	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:18:43	60.768
-40	27048	2704800	6477c069-e2c7-4589-8bfa-5cefa903ee9c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:03:27	-469.667
-40	54096	2704800	a286bb52-4b1c-4164-a5a8-52109e772958	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:30:03	-326.289
-41	27049	2704900	adb44f6c-df14-4550-9362-3401d432e3ad	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:21:32	966.937
-41	54098	2704900	4b5f3b79-aad8-4da6-b514-878f690bdc25	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:44:22	-167.297
-42	27050	2705000	b083190e-80b5-4ab1-bda6-b4a342827270	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:58:39	578.7
-42	54100	2705000	3e751aeb-5ca5-4c94-80d0-e2b2c42f6d51	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:01:32	-483.601
-43	27051	2705100	efa6e2d8-2930-408b-9d3f-675c91f5ea47	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:21:50	-20.472
-43	54102	2705100	2b458d91-3572-45f3-b753-a76cd734996d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:42:18	-394.16
-44	27052	2705200	5d2b7a4a-2deb-4a98-827c-bd51cb42f41e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:07:45	834.47
-44	54104	2705200	89943434-977a-4ca0-a16a-25fbdeb72f68	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:29:42	184.402
-45	27053	2705300	2cd7dad4-bf82-4c53-9951-8b1bf393d1fc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:53:45	-188.949
-45	54106	2705300	2da1d430-5a95-4e77-a2d6-4a3758e992e3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:11:34	-167.567
-46	27054	2705400	5e1250ec-81a1-42bf-82c2-3df8d2c16307	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:37:10	971.660
-46	54108	2705400	6bffa8e4-0602-4c67-91c6-c47d48b3d119	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:44:03	634.317
-47	27055	2705500	f49ba8b3-a974-4c66-b468-fbc3b4120ba8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:15:20	-338.287
-47	54110	2705500	d752c0eb-ba2e-4c94-b358-e3b1be167403	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:16:34	892.648
-48	27056	2705600	ba6f6ff1-23c2-466a-916d-bebc011524ff	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:39:43	-559.645
-48	54112	2705600	978ca37d-3f2f-4676-88b5-37f3ec6ac92e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:07:47	483.518
-49	27057	2705700	a5e228a2-5056-4f99-a460-d905b70b91c6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:37:29	76.380
-49	54114	2705700	04f1d066-37f3-4020-b1f1-52327df8c50e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:04:56	645.577
-50	27058	2705800	d32a6028-6c4f-4570-adb7-a063f99827cb	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:06:58	-546.889
-50	54116	2705800	5328f51e-c9d4-4d00-b495-617b7dbbede2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:12:35	-947.569
-51	27059	2705900	eaab781c-86da-4c16-b462-c66089b39d6e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:46:38	970.70
-51	54118	2705900	b5afd82b-f302-4496-a5ca-341f16178251	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:22:36	-587.212
-52	27060	2706000	f53b8022-1494-41e4-90d6-7e6e628d4171	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:12:39	-538.787
-52	54120	2706000	9da8f31e-819f-46fb-919f-de1772f45192	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:41:41	-705.666
-53	27061	2706100	5f16eb3a-1e55-463a-8e12-a51a49bcd8fa	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:50:29	42.504
-53	54122	2706100	95d9ebd9-b000-4bcc-86f9-b411143786fe	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:27:28	354.481
-54	27062	2706200	84b0deb1-694f-4d80-a6ed-f2f8faf09bc5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:10:24	-537.74
-54	54124	2706200	0605468c-5be1-472d-9aed-d17f1fa7fbe7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:08:33	-516.889
-55	27063	2706300	1b8b5956-9ab9-4b2d-8e7d-d418dba8ce8d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:58:29	-998.567
-55	54126	2706300	37d39539-d593-48ce-a31e-b8ba29da3f86	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:14:46	-102.227
-56	27064	2706400	c62df1a9-a370-4051-8a86-1a6719670b22	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:13:26	-637.827
-56	54128	2706400	ed284ac0-2c97-45fe-a145-5b06a7a45983	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:33:38	831.337
-57	27065	2706500	0768d659-f0f1-4f4b-a90a-5a0c174cb3cd	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:58:56	-244.372
-57	54130	2706500	7861cc3b-56f3-4054-9ef8-e8b06fe132b7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:01:44	-998.38
-58	27066	2706600	48c375d6-3cb3-436c-9e8e-15978bddd44f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:26:39	-141.131
-58	54132	2706600	2d725763-b77e-4de3-b0b7-dd68c0694437	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:49:55	319.106
-59	27067	2706700	1bd363fe-7daf-408f-9178-2527c8466534	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:44:05	558.774
-59	54134	2706700	37b737b4-dffb-4d7f-84c4-5839c5849b21	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:37:29	-860.568
-60	27068	2706800	0af01a1d-a7dd-4331-949e-129531e9dd01	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:29:52	308.321
-60	54136	2706800	70ba8f1e-0286-471f-a5ca-f8d5ffd91233	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:54:16	-889.911
-61	27069	2706900	6d9ec1b1-1cfd-4c37-8389-bae1d362da62	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:28:16	190.60
-61	54138	2706900	51a5e951-c4a5-447a-bcad-49a0c0dc397d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:59:54	-823.423
-62	27070	2707000	a2fa210b-ac01-4d0f-b520-1b81821ab19e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:24:43	-676.310
-62	54140	2707000	5d9dfcfc-99be-42db-9761-c1e0436f1460	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:04:33	-221.95
-63	27071	2707100	5907836c-3ec6-4aaf-bc3c-e06e646e9d0d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:20:04	-594.907
-63	54142	2707100	8d46025d-380d-4526-95e9-c206f880012b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:27:42	246.332
-64	27072	2707200	85b33313-dcb5-4780-8bc1-6807aaf9fd3e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:21:59	-708.952
-64	54144	2707200	0095b43c-250e-41ec-9232-770a7ad0e766	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:13:25	-870.82
-65	27073	2707300	a2eb12d7-eb53-44c7-ba17-520d701438a4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:56:10	860.456
-65	54146	2707300	eb7f2a12-1433-4e27-a4ad-4fd909775b9f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:15:33	-396.711
-66	27074	2707400	253fdcf1-142a-44f5-bb09-b817b6389df0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:43:01	-140.147
-66	54148	2707400	d9b4ffb0-85af-4821-b295-819fc43452c0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:54:35	766.569
-67	27075	2707500	c072680b-820f-4d96-bbdc-318a70caeeb8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:16:40	278.423
-67	54150	2707500	ddfa7f38-db55-4b1d-a28e-c2904f1a3137	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:35:16	605.25
-68	27076	2707600	bf35fbba-cb61-462c-9837-499af027e712	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:12:53	392.386
-68	54152	2707600	a3140e44-72b4-43a6-91f5-01d3ac13a239	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:11:23	-215.391
-69	27077	2707700	99322240-96b1-44b1-a886-db606c0f1538	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:38:46	-413.766
-69	54154	2707700	e3f1e43d-c001-49b4-8cb0-67a166a8c2a0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:29:35	624.781
-70	27078	2707800	0d8533a9-4586-4226-bf31-923db3fef917	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:07:40	-640.100
-70	54156	2707800	47e58f28-a60e-4671-bc74-0a638428885f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:29:51	-654.161
-71	27079	2707900	197b502a-5625-4571-b86f-6abaebac399d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:02:55	-307.940
-71	54158	2707900	d84f0e9c-0ab2-47f3-aa7e-a02cfea3a662	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:25:09	-733.667
-72	27080	2708000	0e3b0dc7-9d91-4f03-b52b-0894a8fa30f4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:50:55	-38.956
-72	54160	2708000	d20c7340-4bd4-4ae4-9dfd-df294ca7d46a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:34:26	313.799
-73	27081	2708100	10cebed0-b8b3-4a0c-a355-a41d343fdc1d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:15:20	-434.680
-73	54162	2708100	cf01fb92-e03f-492a-99a4-b830ba26b3de	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:04:55	-31.746
-74	27082	2708200	209cd8fd-acde-469d-917c-2bcea1384652	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:14:14	-934.379
-74	54164	2708200	a987690d-1c46-4139-a7f5-b1c3a7d97f24	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:37:53	670.545
-75	27083	2708300	850fd32c-3d9a-45e6-b865-10e7ef455efb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:23:10	518.828
-75	54166	2708300	d1abbf41-e7d1-4cd5-8297-f7f7b3fa8f28	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:41:23	995.539
-76	27084	2708400	51b3fe0c-0e90-4760-8132-f03309cad301	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:35:00	-350.186
-76	54168	2708400	3ff31e6d-239e-420d-b6ee-92de45f9d455	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:03:37	54.92
-77	27085	2708500	a6030679-2035-426b-bbba-90b1b787df2b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:08:31	-149.286
-77	54170	2708500	6a7f4930-d6b0-49fe-9f30-bbc4c2412415	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:22:44	702.679
-78	27086	2708600	77f53444-32b4-4126-be46-b34e55b0c32f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:05:37	28.53
-78	54172	2708600	3007e805-3afe-4ab5-8c6a-38e4932453a0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:50:53	696.313
-79	27087	2708700	8b327027-a45d-4c1d-bd83-ecb814815087	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:14:28	867.210
-79	54174	2708700	49438726-b825-4680-881c-69cb80a2fe8f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:44:13	-109.303
-80	27088	2708800	e7801e28-67d2-476b-8c39-45a8b8647a65	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:12:19	-623.726
-80	54176	2708800	0aad94d5-aeb6-4f12-9be3-7846cb0677ef	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:44:55	430.456
-81	27089	2708900	f04dc85e-d9ed-40bd-8c77-36af4ce7a8db	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:40:27	659.536
-81	54178	2708900	b9fc344c-2193-4877-979b-baee8528afec	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:16:21	874.374
-82	27090	2709000	4279e893-04f0-46eb-99be-2a418f05071d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:26:24	959.420
-82	54180	2709000	5f194d16-d344-45a5-947f-19792fbe9c6f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:32:53	-755.806
-83	27091	2709100	990cbcd4-0fdf-47bd-8776-0aac7cb5e19a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:51:10	-744.285
-83	54182	2709100	1b80d64f-9a21-443e-8f51-3bd412869bd1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:30:01	808.429
-84	27092	2709200	7bb0203c-ce8f-4197-9bdc-e840aaf240ef	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:23:55	-759.790
-84	54184	2709200	83fdd9aa-af45-47c1-982f-dfaf1345edf2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:56:21	505.5
-85	27093	2709300	e1f29403-9218-4ac7-ae16-7d26aa2626d8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:15:07	528.275
-85	54186	2709300	c18643b2-7508-4a6e-920f-414280338170	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:55:23	475.355
-86	27094	2709400	25244ffb-97fb-4aae-bacd-b0a1ed673cbe	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:19:38	-588.308
-86	54188	2709400	4279318d-4887-432f-933d-01517b96b3d5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:48:11	623.359
-87	27095	2709500	29103a32-92d8-453f-aa72-e9b97d646cec	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:19:58	-756.499
-87	54190	2709500	40f1ba63-3d53-4ee0-857a-5b874c3f1a69	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:25:07	-279.123
-88	27096	2709600	808eeddb-f0e3-48c2-9899-aa504788f11d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:02:55	253.266
-88	54192	2709600	6f18ac82-7c71-4cf7-b615-5c8d53981fd4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:59:25	956.153
-89	27097	2709700	92db8b11-05fb-4283-82ab-f0ad6855f3f2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:05:23	865.183
-89	54194	2709700	d5e47cb1-b0b3-4470-82fe-2d0926fdbd2b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:08:09	865.2
-90	27098	2709800	ad076062-8f91-465a-a7b0-bc5e32696ca6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:39:11	404.399
-90	54196	2709800	049570bc-e339-4287-a6c6-a054305acdb4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:15:35	181.962
-91	27099	2709900	22ad1e4f-a672-4900-a32f-d40f0bdf4362	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:08:14	190.942
-91	54198	2709900	5ec7796e-4952-46aa-b196-2c166827add7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:10:36	-447.948
-92	27100	2710000	6bc3c020-f058-4fdd-956d-6ed440ec637c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:12:51	-142.152
-92	54200	2710000	97e95349-f952-4d8a-af87-68edd5c1f0d3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:17:43	449.757
-93	27101	2710100	32c5e132-74a3-4add-a1c8-ab0892acd971	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:08:06	545.347
-93	54202	2710100	d406d008-fabb-4830-9a64-a2ed3ed9c6e4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:13:20	847.468
-94	27102	2710200	80263965-5424-45a3-ad20-dbc92d55b984	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:25:21	188.378
-94	54204	2710200	0b941ae5-c030-4d7d-b67a-5fb238e68be8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:42:53	416.132
-95	27103	2710300	1a4d0358-9dba-4375-98f8-f344c7b5d490	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:27:06	796.666
-95	54206	2710300	ee60a6e8-fd68-41fc-9b03-32eea791f99a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:48:47	-918.291
-96	27104	2710400	60f0beac-b98c-4a14-98f2-5612777c4aab	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:22:44	599.968
-96	54208	2710400	e29aa4b0-4b7c-4545-8db0-bb5161474e63	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:10:09	-472.340
-97	27105	2710500	ad4a2df2-4126-4757-aec1-e059f3101385	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:40:50	309.79
-97	54210	2710500	81f6ddd0-5a4f-4eed-8585-188980beeefc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:12:01	-203.272
-98	27106	2710600	6aaddaa9-04dc-4331-8423-96dad2ea8d08	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:14:00	-850.554
-98	54212	2710600	e36fad01-8524-4017-846e-87e9028c79ec	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:22:29	-569.786
-99	27107	2710700	c46679f2-a180-45aa-bee4-b9b7fa359c6d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:31:44	-473.624
-99	54214	2710700	e86b9a5e-c2a1-49a7-889d-0c5dfb9b9438	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:23:59	-512.761
-100	27108	2710800	f3b58ebe-d47c-4fb0-818c-54c2562e0e2a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:36:51	956.851
-100	54216	2710800	52be2a40-279b-46e7-9b9b-16ac2ea3b58c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:20:11	-332.173
-101	27109	2710900	b0360ab1-3ce0-4be5-889c-6bc9a616d35b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:57:48	329.467
-101	54218	2710900	7d75ab16-f237-4f74-a6cd-1495f9eea5ab	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:10:28	-513.451
-102	27110	2711000	401a000e-8650-4d53-b767-a9a329ba6b5d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:17:02	-389.329
-102	54220	2711000	9dfccdff-e960-4df7-849a-52c103440d41	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:10:52	-209.245
-103	27111	2711100	4e3a1582-cc1f-40cb-8b7d-703329b63671	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:52:02	747.537
-103	54222	2711100	8f46467f-79e8-4c16-82c2-4dcb80602ae4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:26:49	854.62
-104	27112	2711200	2c0d63e6-1431-4c47-98f0-3f2829fc14a3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:33:20	-404.387
-104	54224	2711200	d4afe57f-e3fa-4364-968d-2910ad2c8b68	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:23:43	-138.572
-105	27113	2711300	ae7d2602-a3d6-409b-8fa8-ad95740a89da	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:54:21	-625.882
-105	54226	2711300	48b87aff-ad6c-40fc-bb4a-6322bbc207eb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:50:40	-68.37
-106	27114	2711400	d650da6f-2def-4a40-bd47-30aafecde756	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:15:41	-620.350
-106	54228	2711400	833c47ec-1798-4521-bf15-1ba75d59980b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:10:38	584.495
-107	27115	2711500	ece9c1a5-4227-495d-a13d-d6f9b83e97e7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:06:41	-531.12
-107	54230	2711500	2884ffe8-aa6d-4cfb-8c7c-b110fefe035b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:22:18	-552.371
-108	27116	2711600	21d13a20-d2c9-4d1b-aee9-8b07a76d8c65	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:12:56	891.408
-108	54232	2711600	35ca1440-d0c0-4097-8ce6-f24a5cc69fbe	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:04:13	-11.901
-109	27117	2711700	e7d976ed-44b8-4579-9d97-f4102f126a16	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:59:54	-190.296
-109	54234	2711700	153aef0c-7ca7-466c-8a84-008c433fdf24	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:51:48	33.40
-110	27118	2711800	b410716c-1fc1-4bfd-95bb-c133e7c0eafa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:26:16	449.324
-110	54236	2711800	9aa97223-b25a-4a62-99ad-53e02885bdd0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:40:15	777.311
-111	27119	2711900	47ef789c-1a11-40c8-9d4d-acc152ff3f9d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:53:51	-898.877
-111	54238	2711900	d2d45af9-2877-40a7-bbba-6f60bd02ea7d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:31:35	627.343
-112	27120	2712000	516117e4-a3c8-4714-821b-085a4fea860b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:53:39	712.422
-112	54240	2712000	e15b766a-a611-4e92-a7fb-6d60c3d2863c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:32:09	822.376
-113	27121	2712100	45301cf0-4be3-4986-8c28-0bf7138c4dff	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:27:45	-594.593
-113	54242	2712100	19faf8b8-1092-4897-ad9c-343a1f5e0cf0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:32:42	684.151
-114	27122	2712200	4e95fbb3-8ef7-466b-a0c4-a518d00ad6e1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:47:06	890.382
-114	54244	2712200	0262c47c-5617-4e20-aa8f-9c6203e71cba	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:04:39	91.540
-115	27123	2712300	92b190a4-5bed-484d-8e1c-3ce5e8402101	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:55:39	39.132
-115	54246	2712300	8e70bdda-c3e8-485a-8030-e709820e3642	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:59:16	-715.862
-116	27124	2712400	8bc33a7b-f8e6-4ae7-926d-812e3d5f8584	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:31:41	-137.808
-116	54248	2712400	1c82d0b0-98e2-46bc-9658-21ef7d206ee2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:58:49	442.620
-117	27125	2712500	cc3d6fc3-e6e2-46db-86b6-e57f040cae53	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:42:42	62.720
-117	54250	2712500	41ad1bd5-295f-4489-a238-867def9eaed0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:29:20	-15.437
-118	27126	2712600	dfb3b2dc-8663-43d6-8e9c-b37d741c9ba8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:59:36	-707.597
-118	54252	2712600	3cb1a9fc-a83e-4db4-9dd7-f6e6d3121c79	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:53:37	708.935
-119	27127	2712700	470cdeb0-77c2-406e-bb4b-908d566dd063	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:36:04	-302.673
-119	54254	2712700	6134a281-b021-4363-ba71-83368ed14297	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:39:20	310.79
-120	27128	2712800	f35e6f8d-72bc-419f-84fe-9ac133b1148c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:54:00	695.557
-120	54256	2712800	0a3e34e2-9685-4189-ac7f-01cdf04056be	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:17:35	797.227
-121	27129	2712900	bf6a3688-f1ba-4f3d-a57b-04714da86b6f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:19:36	-573.425
-121	54258	2712900	0bbfa74a-25b8-4a65-9e93-550615050169	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:46:01	-654.270
-122	27130	2713000	af91882f-5567-4a0f-bbf8-8c5d5c09140f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:57:11	299.103
-122	54260	2713000	e9e7fbdb-2438-41ff-a5bd-be35ebcc9979	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:10:27	-543.469
-123	27131	2713100	84f2c018-1a7b-47f0-9061-cf5de7d07844	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:55:31	688.261
-123	54262	2713100	585cd736-1df6-4950-8401-e87b37ce724f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:05:33	291.873
-124	27132	2713200	94cf5c42-5fea-4ea4-a6ee-56358a4516d6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:44:42	-401.781
-124	54264	2713200	915ba7bb-2648-4c98-ac3d-54e4d9bd2e8a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:35:54	-178.747
-125	27133	2713300	36943925-6244-4526-871d-ac59f254c561	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:23:07	654.995
-125	54266	2713300	fe80c90a-8679-4020-8779-402ae9a578e0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:27:10	875.815
-126	27134	2713400	7f9886af-0bd7-4f46-8bec-2a589b02fbb3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:55:06	-507.94
-126	54268	2713400	c0e78efa-99cf-480d-a6f2-d94f29950c50	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:22:10	768.981
-127	27135	2713500	a4011247-e0ae-4258-aa31-e1566ed649b3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:34:50	558.492
-127	54270	2713500	f9d41118-f34d-4a5d-a6d4-c3fb3b6e89a4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:00:35	-152.553
-0	27136	2713600	59442c01-c3d4-4620-9bb7-31bee3f8a46e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:01:25	307.253
-0	54272	2713600	4030380e-c6ff-431c-afed-88f531266b2a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:52:31	-719.520
-1	27137	2713700	6e4e5ee0-8d90-40c3-b6c6-2a7b058dc725	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:08:43	-383.973
-1	54274	2713700	2ad807e4-c811-4478-b070-16b6cf474916	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:08:26	224.759
-2	27138	2713800	fc02558c-8ac5-490f-9849-4c68d402bbce	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:27:59	-793.617
-2	54276	2713800	ad24aae0-e4eb-468f-ac8a-102a92a40b82	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:53:53	90.14
-3	27139	2713900	c5f26c45-e231-42f2-b0b5-7b5e3f469272	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:46:31	-122.590
-3	54278	2713900	e1417776-17aa-4842-9b06-0c277edaffd9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:40:00	102.588
-4	27140	2714000	b28d1271-0426-4a44-9be6-7238a2ceee36	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:07:53	-371.665
-4	54280	2714000	4eb6e18d-1259-4cc6-82d9-493158719325	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:04:32	-825.188
-5	27141	2714100	92c1b019-ab26-4587-ba0d-65d4a07a7112	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:17:18	-635.384
-5	54282	2714100	68249d2d-5d3a-4612-b8b5-4913f87bf29b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:20:53	731.821
-6	27142	2714200	7a23b7e4-8ce3-41d9-8e16-18e965971a03	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:03:14	590.803
-6	54284	2714200	86723dde-ae8d-443a-8abc-ff6fd04f83d1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:59:11	-635.542
-7	27143	2714300	cf39d2d6-2db1-4a76-8ddf-178d0630b25f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:00:02	326.180
-7	54286	2714300	7280b81e-9238-454a-88bb-12a6a7b07c34	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:26:52	37.330
-8	27144	2714400	ecdac5de-adc6-415b-be15-2b9d07163207	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:54:33	-885.772
-8	54288	2714400	e6c68b2a-59cb-4299-b131-90b54fc46502	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:00:09	-463.868
-9	27145	2714500	0058bf7b-a2a3-4f2d-9527-2bd59cf924a5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:20:37	579.598
-9	54290	2714500	53f4a818-281d-4efb-8a70-50f097ec3863	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:33:48	98.804
-10	27146	2714600	aec2d0c9-c352-4da0-b926-6c9c037d3a04	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:10:59	153.289
-10	54292	2714600	a95d90d2-e492-4e7d-b8fe-98146150731b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:37:01	-148.772
-11	27147	2714700	29bd0815-f616-46f2-8dbb-2a4bf4040a53	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:14:12	738.989
-11	54294	2714700	863d976a-154f-428e-b06f-1c3be1974f5f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:29:16	-840.131
-12	27148	2714800	44ea4aae-4530-494b-a063-19c5a12ac3da	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:31:13	903.757
-12	54296	2714800	00328d6a-8990-4d96-8de9-71e62ea10ad1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:15:37	-146.352
-13	27149	2714900	a96e467c-3a2b-4caa-96d6-a7b440338295	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:07:30	-262.937
-13	54298	2714900	6467bbe6-04f2-405c-b50e-881843c65fd1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:40:22	43.91
-14	27150	2715000	a499c8e2-7ecb-490a-9059-2076e80dd315	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:17:11	-500.331
-14	54300	2715000	0a4f80bd-6eb4-4a56-ac30-12dec75594e9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:55:08	-804.99
-15	27151	2715100	8faf0088-cb2d-4161-ada1-bc18c991e2e8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:40:41	-246.937
-15	54302	2715100	8e6669d7-2ca1-4cca-af5e-6e0185acbf14	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:23:48	-254.55
-16	27152	2715200	c0eb6585-40eb-43cf-8a98-c5e4967047e7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:48:26	-381.538
-16	54304	2715200	3357f126-bc1c-4f10-bd0a-ae3576a59868	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:46:19	871.190
-17	27153	2715300	b5953deb-a388-4a37-a503-466cbc9d02a0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:44:21	235.250
-17	54306	2715300	0d22316d-019c-4578-8d25-0ddd893a85b0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:11:29	-580.22
-18	27154	2715400	cb0342de-2f16-4ffc-b2b7-7e973fe77147	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:18:54	-378.308
-18	54308	2715400	22064fcc-3015-44af-97bf-6fc670beb553	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:14:28	175.661
-19	27155	2715500	cdb17b9c-dc7f-4292-b9bd-7d03ee8eca74	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:27:37	-272.380
-19	54310	2715500	ab4b8359-6550-4ffb-a103-d090e0aa2c2b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:18:09	-640.268
-20	27156	2715600	41149b39-f987-49ee-b4d7-32e620ca1aab	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:35:27	-877.293
-20	54312	2715600	590a8f9f-e2a5-4b92-9945-b6177727822e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:05:51	342.313
-21	27157	2715700	23a404d0-7912-4cef-b189-3ae4350a585a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:53:57	-785.44
-21	54314	2715700	5a9f0b5d-798e-41a5-beae-78ed7242615e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:05:46	614.491
-22	27158	2715800	091d18f4-1c76-42b9-8a2c-44fbd9382f1b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:25:37	-836.951
-22	54316	2715800	94f6aab6-453f-4446-9b18-c9edb26b8b7f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:37:28	939.691
-23	27159	2715900	2689479f-9d08-43a5-8c35-940e18455f19	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:35:32	779.654
-23	54318	2715900	1fdcbc30-9342-4a70-85c1-f7d7cc01d251	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:40:04	258.870
-24	27160	2716000	5b32a58f-10ff-4090-a901-8b84167223e0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:23:41	157.700
-24	54320	2716000	e00fdbb7-26a9-4c6a-93cb-faa077f0d576	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:42:17	-442.132
-25	27161	2716100	aa1352f1-1447-4d72-859f-67b98188d8cf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:20:57	-22.191
-25	54322	2716100	28a0aa37-325c-4ea2-b254-94788ff54b41	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:07:04	-687.245
-26	27162	2716200	456979e4-115e-4ed2-96a4-e704080e6545	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:44:05	-441.311
-26	54324	2716200	44a9ec48-ee74-4c2a-8302-1ac8767d8c7d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:25:58	317.975
-27	27163	2716300	b68d9582-d049-43a3-a683-22e566ef560c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:57:49	-773.716
-27	54326	2716300	4ddccd8b-7847-4865-8dd1-f7c09ce0d5ad	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:59:21	663.226
-28	27164	2716400	2c15cd89-b1d8-47ea-9340-311993240c9c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:41:02	-19.365
-28	54328	2716400	e87a801c-3c75-4693-a041-bb1cbe9f92b2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:05:50	-3.378
-29	27165	2716500	6995de19-6580-4a78-89ef-290d0ba7527a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:58:28	331.695
-29	54330	2716500	4e8b2f66-e83b-48b6-9f6f-d4f0c17adb29	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:35:31	751.47
-30	27166	2716600	9f971697-df76-4c80-a15d-938c1299e09a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:44:58	-686.142
-30	54332	2716600	00b19a28-a04c-43d9-aade-c3efbaf63010	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:24:13	-32.564
-31	27167	2716700	f74216a2-c55e-4d51-9ca1-9a3e181f2867	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:09:48	19.534
-31	54334	2716700	50296c08-c4ce-4bcd-8be2-915a9cb45ceb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:23:41	-369.153
-32	27168	2716800	96c4591d-1811-439e-a481-9ca7f7eaf2d7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:59:51	637.721
-32	54336	2716800	23bd0d88-4e81-4468-b37a-1a6638c99d82	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:09:14	-951.429
-33	27169	2716900	2419e029-9557-4f2b-bf4c-68f055faa97b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:39:48	-540.672
-33	54338	2716900	efa626ce-60b2-446b-8840-2f58f0863ed6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:34:55	-251.260
-34	27170	2717000	44e760c1-7388-4ce1-a5b5-90fefbd39ba3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:30:39	-544.400
-34	54340	2717000	3425e6bd-4dd5-45af-a3b9-eb2b7cbd6baf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:47:09	-866.125
-35	27171	2717100	d804959a-5a21-4a5d-ae14-de390cbe0c46	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:58:59	329.142
-35	54342	2717100	0bb1ec1d-0622-4719-889a-18b52066b8cd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:27:44	-782.364
-36	27172	2717200	f84baa0b-7887-4ac8-8790-64bbe1d2177d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:42:00	773.149
-36	54344	2717200	6c9f6bce-48f3-4208-b3b8-3150ed19fce3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:35:54	91.616
-37	27173	2717300	2cac6ac8-dde8-44ec-9477-af9c936306e8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:37:55	-691.668
-37	54346	2717300	01b1c9cd-f7d2-40d8-b6c3-fb2aca928775	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:14:31	446.214
-38	27174	2717400	190cf3fd-a091-4156-956a-ff5ecb7ee88e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:33:16	-222.263
-38	54348	2717400	cdbb4729-4f71-4d65-b13a-ddc7b2450d61	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:28:07	-74.294
-39	27175	2717500	6dbf37ad-0372-48c3-a717-b52d06080c14	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:11:03	299.7
-39	54350	2717500	635bffff-75cc-4dfb-a7bf-45c9e2380ab2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:37:16	-889.738
-40	27176	2717600	137264ca-e70f-4ebf-b35d-5ff1d5a1f68f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:33:04	223.260
-40	54352	2717600	42fa0984-0ade-4af3-b64f-f5c63855581a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:20:23	-426.627
-41	27177	2717700	512e396e-4c31-4102-b027-032bedcb816a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:22:34	-72.174
-41	54354	2717700	74961091-a63b-4211-a08f-715803776b35	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:37:49	106.95
-42	27178	2717800	8dd26b93-1093-4520-b73b-62729317645d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:58:13	-116.799
-42	54356	2717800	6d78741f-f87f-4769-9831-c7d979cada47	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:51:27	331.54
-43	27179	2717900	4d96542c-64ab-40ad-9069-9408b3bbff2f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:08:54	471.300
-43	54358	2717900	6664cb0d-2d4d-4b34-ab45-2419d9120b73	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:31:21	579.427
-44	27180	2718000	d1e11658-dccd-420e-9ce7-c1b14bdc5d86	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:34:00	487.830
-44	54360	2718000	2ef072f3-bc5b-4fd2-93cf-8ddb0bb93142	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:23:20	-878.403
-45	27181	2718100	c46e8adb-e7c6-4f01-b21b-f2e9cb5a33c2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:28:33	876.246
-45	54362	2718100	43d1ebe8-19b2-485c-9624-3f8a765ae52b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:22:23	-472.203
-46	27182	2718200	3aa36beb-17a3-44d7-8fd7-990422187830	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:22:20	203.264
-46	54364	2718200	fd9818b1-c121-4c4f-a668-d43ab9b85dfa	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:35:30	304.274
-47	27183	2718300	8885e634-71c7-4da2-9783-5a55f6cdded2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:13:58	-925.921
-47	54366	2718300	1dc22999-f491-439b-880c-c966b7916e51	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:31:08	-301.628
-48	27184	2718400	7a777334-2b43-4c8f-9780-f1a432ed553b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:30:49	-87.512
-48	54368	2718400	d8720896-46a4-46a7-916f-3613c6498d42	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:44:17	-794.508
-49	27185	2718500	237f3bdd-aa8e-4ff8-83d4-1d93c80700ae	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:49:53	622.42
-49	54370	2718500	12c925d2-7ab2-45ac-8812-6c6784a54370	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:49:45	493.740
-50	27186	2718600	440a9597-419f-40b1-a609-e1d9117874fa	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:39:18	-878.590
-50	54372	2718600	cf75e41d-d3c6-4dcc-adac-8f6ed555f4b2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:48:45	-217.250
-51	27187	2718700	980266e3-5817-49a1-9beb-a5e1b4621210	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:00:20	-264.361
-51	54374	2718700	ae8a8b35-0af2-4b01-b0c5-f6355f3368ab	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:15:22	817.395
-52	27188	2718800	5f3bb63b-826f-4cd0-b584-a4631c42adb3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:50:05	164.335
-52	54376	2718800	e1ebc869-c290-4fd3-92ad-feb1d2971ca8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:13:11	-97.924
-53	27189	2718900	c8c9e57a-4778-477f-b5d8-8e21bcd7cc88	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:07:04	329.510
-53	54378	2718900	7a198c50-3985-42da-9895-36928182168c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:33:12	-786.877
-54	27190	2719000	7e6e9639-c7b8-4896-974a-0a26e63db8d5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:01:53	670.604
-54	54380	2719000	9ad1294e-cdb9-4c2c-b57e-9d8e282a6abf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:42:27	37.256
-55	27191	2719100	30dbd79f-246f-4a89-ad3f-91a5380d978c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:40:09	437.844
-55	54382	2719100	1d8679c9-95ee-4822-996c-94b936f4a3f0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:46:30	46.258
-56	27192	2719200	4d30aa19-f996-4239-a894-5f3b627632ea	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:13:02	651.213
-56	54384	2719200	9f53e256-80e9-4b44-9b1c-427fb3b7055c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:13:00	167.524
-57	27193	2719300	5392ca49-12a8-4acd-8fc5-3b43f70e4be1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:05:22	979.513
-57	54386	2719300	30c31a4e-6b59-4387-9efe-39e4badd1b23	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:36:45	-328.515
-58	27194	2719400	5c9e5b43-f0c4-4ad8-844c-73b5d470ca51	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:28:05	-154.366
-58	54388	2719400	8fa8dad6-aaa7-40d9-8054-a1bc0be9aa47	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:04:17	132.475
-59	27195	2719500	d1878a24-a656-490e-a465-a4c75eb01ff2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:51:54	80.20
-59	54390	2719500	e072d8a5-335e-49f5-8b62-908ea88f0101	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:34:59	-594.325
-60	27196	2719600	2f6218ab-2292-4e94-a28a-28d223b49af6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:15:47	373.467
-60	54392	2719600	71b200e8-0eca-4bbb-968e-34e5e7f4bdf7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:48:32	728.944
-61	27197	2719700	0f764df8-3152-405d-8e7c-8c179396ab87	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:19:18	-418.924
-61	54394	2719700	29bccdfe-8591-4e24-b075-fbd4176a5659	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:04:01	785.965
-62	27198	2719800	b6c53687-4c21-448b-beeb-1669d2aa667a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:09:03	-928.829
-62	54396	2719800	a7e016da-6887-413b-8120-06a9843219e9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:30:35	193.449
-63	27199	2719900	64663429-dd70-486d-8a2d-123bd647f627	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:22:08	-159.484
-63	54398	2719900	79be32a5-03e9-4590-bbbf-42c5acd2c741	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:16:51	225.330
-64	27200	2720000	e7012029-272f-4ce2-a512-94ed8fea36e2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:34:03	265.600
-64	54400	2720000	64beb597-0b15-47c2-b3e5-351f526fba21	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:13:56	700.322
-65	27201	2720100	8a4dbbcc-745c-4528-aa2c-75847f26ab08	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:22:50	808.567
-65	54402	2720100	5610941d-b90e-4370-982a-395aaacc8dc5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:58:45	605.766
-66	27202	2720200	19b9bd67-fac0-4d05-a042-a8ef3880b709	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:34:15	694.16
-66	54404	2720200	57f11bc4-f573-4605-a778-15e5616c2176	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:14:43	167.754
-67	27203	2720300	f077bdfc-1b1b-4437-ab3a-c425ffdfdd82	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:49:41	280.71
-67	54406	2720300	2ffd944e-6a48-4ca0-9169-d5f4aad469d1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:54:25	417.671
-68	27204	2720400	d4b404a2-45a5-4432-918d-bf3d13d78f00	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:48:10	-488.102
-68	54408	2720400	c5841752-60a6-40dc-95cd-3bc69d7773d4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:15:07	-628.78
-69	27205	2720500	f1663232-780a-4492-b8b5-a5b1d45d18e7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:39:48	-24.846
-69	54410	2720500	b4693449-37e6-4af3-b12e-00989027212a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:16:13	437.275
-70	27206	2720600	59a98c56-11af-4b20-97bd-9395a1e92ba6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:05:52	-991.415
-70	54412	2720600	00270c90-f05c-4729-a6f4-221cefd6837d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:13:25	399.988
-71	27207	2720700	dc711bf0-a9ca-46d2-98f8-1c5f2fcc3ec4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:55:48	499.115
-71	54414	2720700	997bebd8-dbdb-4816-a606-c91db8cac4fd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:52:08	-806.137
-72	27208	2720800	ce9e0738-c92d-4755-87bc-259b213e7348	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:32:33	778.608
-72	54416	2720800	760e9a7c-d4c5-4810-a199-8df036448f53	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:11:20	329.1
-73	27209	2720900	9efddab6-25e4-4229-b93d-352db0d16e01	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:34:50	-695.927
-73	54418	2720900	4b6d71f0-5c18-470e-b38c-5a86dfe50d99	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:15:34	-764.801
-74	27210	2721000	06bf515d-3515-42b9-bcd8-eab40e8c6489	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:05:33	698.394
-74	54420	2721000	c566353d-8925-49fd-a41f-121e91988658	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:50:39	570.824
-75	27211	2721100	741fbdf1-60ff-4ce0-aa5e-d3d0953e021a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:55:45	0.153
-75	54422	2721100	a576eec9-8c17-4f57-bcb9-2f6e18498f37	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:42:32	-271.686
-76	27212	2721200	455e51c0-f714-4b24-b37b-7b5c6e6106b1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:32:47	-590.783
-76	54424	2721200	05070df9-5716-4a78-adfc-fd40f8e31d42	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:52:37	437.393
-77	27213	2721300	6f81a6a6-cb3e-4a3b-8d62-83202b22c446	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:46:54	-677.412
-77	54426	2721300	1c45fd3f-7a6a-4751-b8c2-201789ff5ce3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:52:27	-629.525
-78	27214	2721400	9a6c5f68-34f7-4b3d-b17d-1251311235d8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:00:07	-16.442
-78	54428	2721400	0fa63012-bbe3-4b4e-a5bc-0ceae7dfa65c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:21:01	-934.84
-79	27215	2721500	be99ce36-81a8-48cd-b56b-95aedeba7a18	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:31:48	-128.681
-79	54430	2721500	25c3fa0d-7ded-49bf-808e-b16d136498ff	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:26:44	467.561
-80	27216	2721600	9a769221-4b51-40d1-8731-c80e8f974f60	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:13:16	1.719
-80	54432	2721600	e979b3d0-3aab-49df-91ce-efaab83ccfb4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:21:44	554.407
-81	27217	2721700	eaf84aac-ce82-4daa-8b2c-ffa29169d40f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:37:17	-382.869
-81	54434	2721700	e3c389ef-c534-4a74-8197-ddc5f9a2f0ef	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:40:10	-117.72
-82	27218	2721800	e5e9ad4d-b28b-4db7-941a-2c669739e654	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:53:45	-761.983
-82	54436	2721800	e07c7f8e-9c00-42dc-91d5-2601e1f00e47	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:10:07	191.565
-83	27219	2721900	a346b942-2eab-4c97-a630-3161704ac383	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:20:09	865.487
-83	54438	2721900	05cc0115-08b9-4f6b-8a61-62a5e6f9e0f0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:04:30	-992.509
-84	27220	2722000	1bfd00a3-25b8-47ad-a1b9-bf128182703b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:20:21	771.509
-84	54440	2722000	5e850358-6433-4684-a6d4-303ee0b5b3ed	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:16:00	994.993
-85	27221	2722100	f0f8fd8f-ad6a-43b8-8eca-6d88f9b753fc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:08:34	-945.11
-85	54442	2722100	e7b76a34-b23f-4c57-8790-d1a94cc35dfc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:32:20	-415.797
-86	27222	2722200	e06fec05-0f5f-486f-bd23-1fc22aaea474	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:13:22	472.199
-86	54444	2722200	319a6d3d-68c7-48e5-8b58-99171f647af7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:41:40	-612.620
-87	27223	2722300	04bfbe8d-bce6-40c2-b0f3-d85dcdd00223	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:31:12	-386.224
-87	54446	2722300	dfb3e793-7f7c-4692-ba47-57a024ac8035	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:45:34	-472.2
-88	27224	2722400	59b5819c-4bad-4b75-87a0-88e0960904bb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:24:13	-755.87
-88	54448	2722400	de641a93-de40-45bc-b0cd-6f69f77f4bf8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:46:45	881.14
-89	27225	2722500	a67d87bd-b4bf-4451-b1e9-0636dba348e4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:36:20	853.875
-89	54450	2722500	2363bbee-8fa6-4d16-8241-f1aa052cb57b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:45:09	994.231
-90	27226	2722600	be2dcc79-a246-455b-a870-68ab5dd9b9e8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:18:22	610.753
-90	54452	2722600	d753596f-dec5-47ad-b924-1f65c30d4606	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:26:05	546.895
-91	27227	2722700	4ea9752e-efcc-406f-a283-6f297efd8d62	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:53:12	-611.727
-91	54454	2722700	8c0301bb-c449-4da7-b3e8-bf0df30bbda8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:10:35	-62.926
-92	27228	2722800	c5fbba40-94f9-4f4c-8ab9-ed3ecaee696b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:31:13	990.135
-92	54456	2722800	cd14ac71-dfce-4f30-8d05-59b9ad3eee0c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:13:39	650.708
-93	27229	2722900	c33ba576-a2e7-4014-998a-9f468a5ea5b7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:30:21	88.912
-93	54458	2722900	9e2789f6-afbc-4bd0-93ef-448c50e1afed	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:58:38	-139.709
-94	27230	2723000	85318546-2e56-4d98-974d-504ea6b04008	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:33:35	922.709
-94	54460	2723000	b2df93f0-3182-4c08-b12d-529d853fb04c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:59:38	-749.638
-95	27231	2723100	12d97dfb-e505-4ff0-9d6c-678a40dfe63b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:06:30	350.160
-95	54462	2723100	38355d54-6865-43a6-ab9f-c3020d41db14	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:50:00	-586.297
-96	27232	2723200	ce857985-52f3-42a1-adea-2993db86b320	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:14:19	-75.976
-96	54464	2723200	ec172836-a9c9-4357-ac9c-e72846453d72	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:21:32	396.204
-97	27233	2723300	6a3f5c26-4be3-45fa-9a9f-7bb5f36e220e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:59:49	-494.830
-97	54466	2723300	8128ca67-64aa-4478-ba90-27fddb415ad0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:04:48	573.744
-98	27234	2723400	882a5ab8-bab8-491c-bb7a-3c3205ef5883	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:40:45	-581.338
-98	54468	2723400	e7b1230b-a770-432a-bfdc-23df3eeeb268	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:35:10	-280.428
-99	27235	2723500	3bea23f9-ac2e-4dbb-aafd-8e461c6ac520	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:53:47	-981.643
-99	54470	2723500	f30f8782-43eb-4aa0-8cf9-2524e5d6ac1c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:32:30	-942.220
-100	27236	2723600	f482d0be-edc7-403a-89c5-9c1f3c7371a9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:54:02	-608.92
-100	54472	2723600	d49ca0f7-b9a5-4b96-8a2a-ef41879ddf6c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:35:12	-742.719
-101	27237	2723700	acdc7d47-7f22-49d0-8327-f4ab49ede6b1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:10:24	489.130
-101	54474	2723700	cb4228f1-bca4-423f-a8e2-d3c5bd148a39	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:52:44	768.995
-102	27238	2723800	912fcbf8-2dc0-46fd-a396-582ee998acb5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:05:35	-87.441
-102	54476	2723800	e13a6e27-c899-4854-ab73-868dac5482a3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:47:40	-848.885
-103	27239	2723900	1cdc2dff-be31-4210-952a-fc38d07b5b6f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:53:47	-158.215
-103	54478	2723900	7b0e3146-17f9-41b7-ad5b-a7a6272836ac	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:08:43	-718.424
-104	27240	2724000	bb6200f1-0d16-4232-b7d8-e53fe32c6d19	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:53:51	-394.46
-104	54480	2724000	aa6173da-b0a5-4ecb-9151-3f09fc3a9a36	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:42:49	-8.789
-105	27241	2724100	1d1b8bb9-6893-4e95-842d-59d2aa12a1e2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:45:51	-855.61
-105	54482	2724100	835cdeed-db2e-436f-991d-15fe8408d32b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:15:23	-116.695
-106	27242	2724200	aabe7deb-bacb-4ffc-99da-a81f12113b59	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:23:56	-856.4
-106	54484	2724200	0f1088c7-0ced-4ece-af7d-4b1a1314cd2a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:42:59	-302.349
-107	27243	2724300	b3d07cc3-c32d-4fe9-8c6e-590f3d4c60a8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:13:59	-796.6
-107	54486	2724300	f438332f-8646-4e10-8d98-0c9c7c1d0edd	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:29:04	879.560
-108	27244	2724400	9447d89b-d407-4661-a755-d217b070ae49	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:14:15	625.717
-108	54488	2724400	908329ca-c0cf-4b8d-b018-d20cc41015ab	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:33:03	-273.487
-109	27245	2724500	f908aaf9-8315-4b30-97e4-cc987be13b20	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:50:58	281.368
-109	54490	2724500	a84bbe31-c6cc-4d4b-9080-81116e4e2796	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:39:58	-280.393
-110	27246	2724600	a19c6085-bb43-470c-b617-4c7e949d913c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:43:23	-853.948
-110	54492	2724600	5f0707f8-533f-4529-9a07-4afbb032df85	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:13:24	-663.189
-111	27247	2724700	0f938e9b-72f1-4dc1-9d15-10c59e8aace8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:40:13	508.592
-111	54494	2724700	dcd21a73-5672-40ea-bbc3-c9ba3ffc0783	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:01:54	39.268
-112	27248	2724800	c99af844-5336-4467-94bf-c49168af312d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:14:40	631.254
-112	54496	2724800	5c201b87-805a-4fb0-bcf2-badf4327d6dc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:07:37	701.44
-113	27249	2724900	85f6e3c5-fe8d-4a31-bb88-9de0ae930e90	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:46:49	-681.102
-113	54498	2724900	37188dcb-03da-40c4-878e-b7834038410e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:36:19	-255.877
-114	27250	2725000	03bb8d6e-ca4c-457a-a5e2-8bf1e57aeb07	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:28:17	562.505
-114	54500	2725000	617f8bc1-aafe-43c4-b912-0d5373145c82	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:31:18	951.869
-115	27251	2725100	5c744eca-9780-443e-aff4-4c5725b511bf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:29:20	802.565
-115	54502	2725100	32189eb0-e396-418d-9638-6a865eabcaf1	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:02:06	-714.822
-116	27252	2725200	6296197d-5f66-4d09-82f1-79e99d108180	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:42:31	-694.258
-116	54504	2725200	c0a5e9e3-62e0-48d7-8571-4ab77044390d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:17:54	652.428
-117	27253	2725300	25e630a7-ca91-46e0-b5c1-24c3c9768a94	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:10:22	219.442
-117	54506	2725300	cbf4d91e-37f1-4079-bd82-e59f2d4060bf	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:07:06	708.631
-118	27254	2725400	c85b7f59-550d-4365-aebc-e0a75f970c7f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:16:11	-344.925
-118	54508	2725400	876aa993-7b88-4910-87f5-ee72a358f4f4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:49:06	-528.814
-119	27255	2725500	9a5c4528-95b2-4deb-8643-67225743a190	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:10:18	-174.144
-119	54510	2725500	5ed2b8ac-8bf1-42c7-8859-2fe93f7bd550	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:00:39	-367.867
-120	27256	2725600	aba923bb-2e0d-46e0-bd6d-99c28d6967ef	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:05:14	477.295
-120	54512	2725600	88d63dee-15a3-4a76-bf4c-f23e5d57c65e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:08:52	-964.358
-121	27257	2725700	e705a95e-9448-430c-8b7f-61dbc4fc34fa	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:46:54	-656.500
-121	54514	2725700	44ad93d1-d592-4c46-ad8b-d6cbf1504fea	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:33:54	-105.632
-122	27258	2725800	302f3c87-02ef-4349-b243-78f0485e360b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:34:50	150.854
-122	54516	2725800	d0b81e16-cdee-4e74-865a-0952497dae07	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:49:56	-157.21
-123	27259	2725900	479a10e2-8fa1-4626-b39a-b150996aa755	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:40:29	-964.693
-123	54518	2725900	e1829bfc-a0ea-4425-b1b8-54f9e318b4cd	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:00:48	-574.503
-124	27260	2726000	6832e407-78a5-49eb-8842-e293d8e8b857	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:37:04	958.826
-124	54520	2726000	44ba12a9-89d1-4522-a3b0-12b1a9e08631	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:26:52	181.899
-125	27261	2726100	f48e077c-c100-41bd-b531-fb462a64047b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:02:31	-790.71
-125	54522	2726100	71dc7d26-c0f5-42ad-93ea-c376a8d1d4a9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:13:59	397.941
-126	27262	2726200	a46925db-0e1a-4e48-b7f8-37108ee75463	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:09:45	-151.580
-126	54524	2726200	967c1b29-2d31-4823-ae25-5b076e9e3a21	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:18:11	560.691
-127	27263	2726300	4494cee2-32a9-45b6-9706-14142515d098	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:23:33	-772.74
-127	54526	2726300	7b533e7f-b9cb-4284-88ea-89c4143c784c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:14:46	-416.437
-0	27264	2726400	5fad3c71-b9aa-4fa5-a732-cfdb6964ccba	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:24:13	-302.409
-0	54528	2726400	f060278a-4f1e-473b-8c64-ec8a8a777ca4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:02:04	-571.896
-1	27265	2726500	c805331f-1a3d-4eb3-8c9f-9f4f9c43802e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:34:15	990.973
-1	54530	2726500	f3ab699b-8d46-48ce-8565-a47935825a2e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:27:32	947.295
-2	27266	2726600	e14df8b7-67d4-462b-bc6b-431b43e998a3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:13:28	286.773
-2	54532	2726600	78a86fda-53db-4e06-98b2-a7ad25c77e59	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:57:09	-615.444
-3	27267	2726700	54eff833-6c0e-4e30-a3c7-6dd87f571c6e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:45:13	-143.482
-3	54534	2726700	2eaa3680-e951-430b-b505-eec25fefc634	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:44:30	921.794
-4	27268	2726800	f093581f-97a3-4f8f-8356-5b22c41ae337	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:50:16	532.657
-4	54536	2726800	aada7877-69e3-4a55-b4e0-3062c6643981	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:31:46	-342.810
-5	27269	2726900	d6fa4bf7-05cf-4713-b449-9cbcd4a58832	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:59:23	695.595
-5	54538	2726900	7f27571c-d5bb-4202-bd92-23da14305ee4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:09:50	873.198
-6	27270	2727000	3d071401-f74a-424c-bc6e-8643b3ad8b18	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:23:03	329.379
-6	54540	2727000	5a584313-7cd3-4092-9724-c1fbee4fe510	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:05:25	282.516
-7	27271	2727100	6d9e7193-97fc-41ad-9f12-e2cebfa40141	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:42:25	-821.55
-7	54542	2727100	cee312fd-d508-4bca-80cf-a3c86fe31f6d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:26:22	-189.373
-8	27272	2727200	fe529c70-7019-450e-84e5-ffbdf0e10800	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:11:33	-426.389
-8	54544	2727200	b3d45af0-e0cd-4d8b-b0f9-0374bdf2c78e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:50:20	-639.107
-9	27273	2727300	c4a2a7e7-7eef-46a6-8538-3497fe31366e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:10:35	-72.2
-9	54546	2727300	d37449ec-79bb-4fc0-98b4-68645b787073	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:27:32	186.275
-10	27274	2727400	4b800136-1066-4645-a6c8-e863252450e2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:40:40	993.196
-10	54548	2727400	79aa9fb4-e84f-4c77-91a0-129626a57629	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:18:32	-701.943
-11	27275	2727500	abde4373-a2e1-4f5f-aa09-881295e3a638	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:56:02	540.133
-11	54550	2727500	1bb0ae98-8bfb-45cc-ac56-3d6c875e579d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:34:27	-558.259
-12	27276	2727600	d5a6fd48-7ea4-4159-a606-8938c4286add	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:11:47	320.46
-12	54552	2727600	6d5117c0-96fb-438d-bd40-e1280276aed6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:09:06	-56.865
-13	27277	2727700	34f0ad88-09d3-42ba-91de-1979b91b1f98	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:02:17	-529.290
-13	54554	2727700	492945bc-a6c9-4530-8789-70b4be23d65e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:04:20	-652.273
-14	27278	2727800	088660fd-e8ab-43a6-8ae1-cbe527be9e15	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:10:35	950.789
-14	54556	2727800	8ff824bb-3de3-4c07-901e-277a5ad2086b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:21:54	-661.950
-15	27279	2727900	106ed3f6-2376-4bf9-acea-e1ece75dff7a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:45:38	78.429
-15	54558	2727900	7f3ca52d-3fd1-4d04-b47c-9ba7e464a99a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:54:09	-507.267
-16	27280	2728000	378a53cb-7cce-4362-aa71-7026a1096168	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:16:41	266.458
-16	54560	2728000	513967cd-0cfb-4554-8c08-c3c38262936d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:15:53	-157.404
-17	27281	2728100	68f7d558-8c41-4ed0-ae13-9d7f801db0fc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:30:09	-417.352
-17	54562	2728100	ca849e24-779c-4a37-a918-984e396b255d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:09:32	108.412
-18	27282	2728200	0723a41a-8c7d-4be5-bc9f-9986c874fd4d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:01:06	892.718
-18	54564	2728200	c657b60e-4c1f-4378-bd35-3405d1b98662	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:20:11	611.312
-19	27283	2728300	2d990571-e97f-42d2-b484-3787a646c2f9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:48:27	741.357
-19	54566	2728300	c038d96f-ee99-4260-930d-08439e711148	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:04:57	-419.285
-20	27284	2728400	e5b09059-522d-4342-943c-783fe77ea0e1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:02:16	529.805
-20	54568	2728400	99936c74-84a0-47b9-8b0e-6b3fb4ca31f3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:12:52	624.230
-21	27285	2728500	c97c8a4a-3462-4e7c-a4f5-94dcefa41a45	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:09:12	-704.283
-21	54570	2728500	4fdf42cb-63e2-44a4-85ef-222f47162b89	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:34:38	565.104
-22	27286	2728600	3a794152-5f53-47f5-9a56-5785a631a570	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:25:20	955.995
-22	54572	2728600	6ac173a6-3734-4de6-844f-c93c1c4f5fbe	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:40:15	367.669
-23	27287	2728700	75c546f2-7326-468b-95e3-d1784d921f14	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:07:54	-210.357
-23	54574	2728700	34b6f0ed-1482-4ec9-a9ec-a496eeb8d1ef	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:20:03	582.792
-24	27288	2728800	4a4cdc7f-73ca-43aa-a0dc-8a096dc2e056	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:52:01	-365.990
-24	54576	2728800	0dab05d4-9928-4de3-88af-f35add7cb0be	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:07:18	107.100
-25	27289	2728900	a2e603c5-730e-4c37-bd99-7b2d5a300f66	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:02:33	128.979
-25	54578	2728900	093e9c41-7054-46d7-8429-0d7832298034	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:02:04	-99.991
-26	27290	2729000	90867f17-9e36-401a-b101-806b1672c45f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:37:45	920.131
-26	54580	2729000	7440e8bb-01ae-4dc8-889f-be8753744307	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:37:41	100.403
-27	27291	2729100	54066546-a768-4b3e-bcc1-48ed29413e82	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:32:57	-535.816
-27	54582	2729100	525be001-0c90-4b1f-9b68-47fe115d8acb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:06:06	-634.746
-28	27292	2729200	5f11124e-48b0-4dfc-b944-812f0a0609e0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:41:08	-988.190
-28	54584	2729200	40795fa1-be64-4a0b-a18c-e13173bafeca	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:58:02	-299.633
-29	27293	2729300	b9b1c5e5-0767-4d31-85eb-106b5eda8de6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:41:29	813.630
-29	54586	2729300	681d3a39-ea41-4165-90cf-f601d61c214c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:29:23	-241.369
-30	27294	2729400	386af398-1a24-41fc-991f-401216110c29	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:51:08	-384.942
-30	54588	2729400	b685942d-9625-4461-9817-7f6a65c5651f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:29:34	542.976
-31	27295	2729500	a0913c31-8d74-4aa5-81bd-f7e5b660ed66	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:47:43	418.529
-31	54590	2729500	3b71a2f7-20f8-4db0-912a-2654ae438dae	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:22:19	747.580
-32	27296	2729600	6aae9392-df5a-4361-8fef-75f8ce3db77a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:22:24	519.572
-32	54592	2729600	ebf182d5-172d-4341-804d-55e5524cd7a3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:40:39	302.51
-33	27297	2729700	31b15095-4343-4157-921d-5f9c14622a55	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:00:25	562.473
-33	54594	2729700	47b803f1-464c-4994-b3c0-bed322eb1731	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:19:12	-906.824
-34	27298	2729800	fb183070-031a-4a45-82ad-ece4637e5063	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:42:49	394.934
-34	54596	2729800	980cd51d-7196-4075-bc7a-2585385ddd5c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:41:51	395.64
-35	27299	2729900	4363c72c-649e-4fd6-a1b1-73dcf5f1f16a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:57:54	123.893
-35	54598	2729900	97b7a7a6-6c4e-402b-a7c5-e327ab6b5cdc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:20:30	80.334
-36	27300	2730000	98dfb7a5-f046-4dda-9afc-be7d837f9862	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:08:00	251.56
-36	54600	2730000	a0700c64-48ab-4640-89dd-78ecfb21a53d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:34:58	-317.651
-37	27301	2730100	cb2b46d5-4e6a-4e4b-8922-e1ae81f5bfda	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:46:47	653.338
-37	54602	2730100	b7c838a9-d734-412e-abf9-ebf391ca615d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:19:58	-916.58
-38	27302	2730200	d385a6e1-7da9-404a-8917-1dec81e08442	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:03:18	-577.898
-38	54604	2730200	9626aafe-dceb-4879-a941-d6d4360ee79b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:36:05	405.882
-39	27303	2730300	dac2114b-24e9-4087-9aa8-9c6ce709ae5d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:17:01	134.264
-39	54606	2730300	afa563c8-8035-47ca-9b61-da41405541c6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:22:48	-887.224
-40	27304	2730400	c2cb3439-889b-4de6-a989-287d602f8e34	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:01:08	-688.644
-40	54608	2730400	22859a43-57a4-4681-82dc-10e005cb20f9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:04:08	-101.188
-41	27305	2730500	bd5ea01d-58b5-4dc9-9d80-dff4b4ac2fd9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:50:25	155.982
-41	54610	2730500	0c651f0b-c97b-4e5e-92ee-e6563372c2a4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:09:29	138.183
-42	27306	2730600	f8c4b651-b57d-4e1c-88e4-2baf86375a03	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:59:42	522.573
-42	54612	2730600	0d75bd56-726d-4658-865a-fe52e1069932	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:15:42	-753.181
-43	27307	2730700	9b45e64f-ffd3-41e6-9254-290e773f3e1c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:53:30	-537.864
-43	54614	2730700	03676b3d-4132-4bbb-90e8-4c3bf557ce04	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:43:50	-900.272
-44	27308	2730800	1205070b-1cc7-4a0b-bf90-be644dee3d01	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:01:59	-771.793
-44	54616	2730800	555b9eab-7de9-4b52-9122-7013a4c7e550	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:42:30	-51.160
-45	27309	2730900	a54585e6-37ff-49d7-8ae7-26c4c3635741	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:00:21	-442.170
-45	54618	2730900	a2e04342-a047-4a49-879a-394fa11e1a77	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:24:12	-178.657
-46	27310	2731000	89b8b00d-6a62-44e1-a969-4f9fec225570	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:35:36	-2.987
-46	54620	2731000	904ee1d4-d08d-48f2-80ab-7c53f0a8ff77	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:55:00	-212.350
-47	27311	2731100	42838d15-fa87-4f92-9285-1aa8c2b8d6ca	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:27:27	-249.90
-47	54622	2731100	72db7600-1de0-4a7d-921e-d93ea4f1a29b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:25:01	-557.470
-48	27312	2731200	bbbc99f7-7163-4af1-903e-2bdd53a69bfb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:24:01	631.506
-48	54624	2731200	760ef0ec-57ad-4dcc-9e98-38d4c348e720	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:46:29	-730.639
-49	27313	2731300	8ec434ec-6ede-48c9-a37e-66d5973bbe04	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:44:02	38.976
-49	54626	2731300	01e50dcf-dfef-4de3-b4e8-893f81262fd2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:25:59	-266.370
-50	27314	2731400	630ecca9-abb0-4010-99b9-3ddf72ff5fc7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:00:56	-516.124
-50	54628	2731400	17634b78-588e-4584-a25d-170640a90cd6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:30:42	351.450
-51	27315	2731500	d7fe0570-11a9-452c-bef8-2af5c7b0d0ab	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:42:56	-988.324
-51	54630	2731500	44c1b813-1581-4032-8ead-927bbee35df6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:34:24	-5.484
-52	27316	2731600	bf645d8a-4c6c-4f44-b33f-4e9940191ffb	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:07:17	904.272
-52	54632	2731600	86219767-b106-4943-9765-33f288ea22bb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:17:59	681.792
-53	27317	2731700	5617b018-3f34-4131-94d5-ec03cd2cd5e6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:00:28	-488.845
-53	54634	2731700	3332e70e-44ae-4f0d-bfa8-52298b10af32	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:12:38	147.381
-54	27318	2731800	20366a44-3e9f-48cd-a1e8-6965122b05e8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:10:04	757.814
-54	54636	2731800	1143b20c-cb81-4e22-9a27-8bc65c658d61	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:40:59	487.677
-55	27319	2731900	f16440c5-3139-4975-b869-710080fa0f0e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:09:25	376.229
-55	54638	2731900	498a0441-79a4-4efd-931d-756322575dc1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:04:15	-472.304
-56	27320	2732000	e8290adc-a46f-4369-ab5b-a1cee9bbbd5d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:00:59	319.721
-56	54640	2732000	44750414-1b75-4032-9ef6-c5eabd29fb97	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:51:10	628.986
-57	27321	2732100	abf334fc-b2bd-4670-9673-be632c21eb16	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:15:20	839.435
-57	54642	2732100	222a553a-f4b8-4d99-be5f-c82ab99b58ff	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:18:26	-182.84
-58	27322	2732200	8b6b7727-15e4-4c2e-b05d-4a493735aac8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:49:49	941.972
-58	54644	2732200	f344e970-ff7f-4445-84a6-4b48d0d1dd70	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:21:11	619.114
-59	27323	2732300	859af69c-3440-4333-8dac-735f1e4814e3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:41:58	-726.846
-59	54646	2732300	9efe338f-bf51-4b62-bd33-4e59a1e5742b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:53:54	-175.878
-60	27324	2732400	3be966d7-19aa-4e76-b2d3-20cb90b88d56	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:11:39	-57.136
-60	54648	2732400	a41166ab-610e-44f1-81ef-33e402e575a4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:11:37	-925.439
-61	27325	2732500	1a925667-d03c-44b5-9214-33128feb4925	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:44:47	830.375
-61	54650	2732500	e767b565-ed6d-41ca-8b17-3a8a3d95c040	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:53:11	741.18
-62	27326	2732600	f908f275-67a2-40de-96eb-56865163cacf	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:21:05	394.231
-62	54652	2732600	4e7bbf1c-ef65-4e45-b676-e8ae4ac0b3a9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:41:49	-784.273
-63	27327	2732700	5790408b-becd-4461-b793-02f161a0769c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:30:25	-599.637
-63	54654	2732700	48d5ec3e-88bd-43aa-983e-b410edbb13c1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:02:08	444.508
-64	27328	2732800	4336d66f-5aad-40c0-9eba-cf71597cf63d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:30:17	-546.146
-64	54656	2732800	153aa7e0-6b0d-4921-b4b6-5d6f9bb7bceb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:09:00	-750.708
-65	27329	2732900	ec03868b-9e8b-4ab5-b41d-fbfbcbb4afb6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:38:33	901.571
-65	54658	2732900	a3629ca9-1436-43dd-814a-b8f3f8aa6692	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:53:43	428.94
-66	27330	2733000	7bf75260-6529-4533-8d4a-6ea8037a001d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:30:22	155.427
-66	54660	2733000	3fc13695-ec34-478d-891a-de36a9b18a54	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:08:21	-922.344
-67	27331	2733100	da50a38d-3eef-41a5-b335-d978ef05d47e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:18:48	-502.126
-67	54662	2733100	eeba880d-0c1c-4ec4-9999-d971f881216f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:24:01	-634.429
-68	27332	2733200	561c05a7-83c7-494c-afd9-10c737684422	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:27:55	657.524
-68	54664	2733200	7c860723-7618-4de8-83d8-68f814c81d7f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:43:50	-783.292
-69	27333	2733300	915bc38e-c943-4e31-8d08-3bc79777fbf9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:00:04	369.54
-69	54666	2733300	55855fc5-9389-4591-9561-26e3838e99a3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:35:19	660.834
-70	27334	2733400	986501a3-5c48-4bbf-b828-4f67a0e84a9f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:01:46	382.785
-70	54668	2733400	45186032-db00-48a0-a637-c37728e6cd9e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:21:47	249.640
-71	27335	2733500	82b6d0ad-d5c7-4ec9-8782-1382f437c010	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:31:14	-722.645
-71	54670	2733500	f3f7a3ed-ca30-4bc1-b680-79aa19ecb6f2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:22:26	-990.854
-72	27336	2733600	81bc43f9-956e-4094-a039-6c4246860e69	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:50:38	-820.804
-72	54672	2733600	d42f4f64-df1c-49de-9e37-396c595759f6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:15:33	897.447
-73	27337	2733700	954567aa-dc3a-40be-ad61-f0177ee211d4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:17:29	-126.970
-73	54674	2733700	42d5d43c-d9de-48c9-8832-d2c87b29b2a2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:08:48	0.93
-74	27338	2733800	d91ce078-743a-4791-b50a-d309253686ba	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:52:04	290.875
-74	54676	2733800	3cc46a19-5561-414c-92cd-e6f1c1ce5606	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:42:39	626.679
-75	27339	2733900	9c8b9ad1-c840-4973-bcc5-3b6db62e1734	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:11:10	-126.739
-75	54678	2733900	ef54c8d5-47e2-4db8-9c8b-fbec507ab234	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:25:25	246.69
-76	27340	2734000	1c03984e-8e81-4195-9d06-9dc0a5910572	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:56:54	827.87
-76	54680	2734000	a919a9ce-235b-4472-979a-b4a8e3a1c3bf	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:26:41	-502.791
-77	27341	2734100	60ef7433-3fff-4e1b-b23e-8f3e974e61ce	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:52:59	166.983
-77	54682	2734100	96dc723f-6380-4fa8-a996-43826a794f7e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:01:27	299.120
-78	27342	2734200	ee4a9b2b-8188-41d1-b819-039878f0a64d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:52:44	-907.501
-78	54684	2734200	3a105f80-4c67-4025-9f35-5454a6c74a3b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:33:07	-76.552
-79	27343	2734300	45edf90d-95a1-483b-ac4f-b001c5a4eb60	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:06:10	-37.646
-79	54686	2734300	f82af8e2-5a9e-4216-a3c6-4f76b88f0ad9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:49:05	-252.418
-80	27344	2734400	f1f5a460-93af-4adc-a748-7d208332385f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:43:37	981.130
-80	54688	2734400	06ac18ec-eb12-4cca-993c-f06a42d9ae45	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:33:22	12.418
-81	27345	2734500	9af2bf1f-aeb8-464e-a06c-1b03705423b3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:27:14	-867.634
-81	54690	2734500	2b14c303-070a-4f2e-a125-c6096656fb1d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:12:44	-35.633
-82	27346	2734600	05347817-ad4f-4399-90a0-257c131f6adb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:36:56	-969.18
-82	54692	2734600	9954d531-3ac9-43db-98fd-ea1cbf96c38e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:57:14	656.430
-83	27347	2734700	b296e072-c9d8-44a9-98f4-69d922773484	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:05:28	-111.182
-83	54694	2734700	32fb070a-7cb4-4d73-8937-0d7dd6c884d6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:48:36	-38.413
-84	27348	2734800	358f2765-db3d-4406-ab77-575d6709a4fc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:44:36	-518.221
-84	54696	2734800	4a730a4f-8854-4fe7-93af-a275faf3654f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:16:17	390.149
-85	27349	2734900	ef1062ee-9e9d-4997-b79f-e7fa0b8271b9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:51:17	240.872
-85	54698	2734900	33f82173-2edf-4843-9f19-0309032ffacc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:59:19	636.943
-86	27350	2735000	43c0b581-f93d-4fef-bab9-f9f81de170a2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:24:45	-238.248
-86	54700	2735000	c08cc1fe-a2e4-4a87-839f-aacccb5f92df	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:16:49	620.469
-87	27351	2735100	4b7f4f5a-837d-498f-b283-d8baaa686d60	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:50:37	208.100
-87	54702	2735100	2d3689e9-584d-4345-a447-177f8bc7ee3b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:52:33	342.494
-88	27352	2735200	18c95b9f-fddd-480d-a6be-f59ea4417110	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:55:18	762.102
-88	54704	2735200	2d2e9621-0a4a-4bd1-bb61-867d86ad5ba8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:13:58	554.30
-89	27353	2735300	4ce8ff71-8256-4b10-91cf-e5eaa938810e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:17:00	983.50
-89	54706	2735300	4236396d-bc6b-49b2-8460-35c83dc244f4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:12:28	-38.873
-90	27354	2735400	cfd8e075-fca8-49f6-927c-8183d1ff6e94	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:06:05	467.646
-90	54708	2735400	61326354-2003-4b50-ac4d-3a54a1ffb2a9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:09:42	-86.410
-91	27355	2735500	3328beac-d4da-4b63-b243-43305a3e22fb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:12:25	-637.587
-91	54710	2735500	fcfb94fb-d640-4097-946f-a770c761e880	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:48:21	-550.664
-92	27356	2735600	edce23ac-79c4-441a-8f9c-f15693344e5b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:32:45	597.363
-92	54712	2735600	6baa8d20-e267-455b-b4ee-7ad5b280065b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:13:09	-568.383
-93	27357	2735700	b54c0c49-0b8a-450e-9b2f-b93ee955d26e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:28:31	-952.738
-93	54714	2735700	6d06724f-aba7-435d-a40b-984f6fba69a0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:09:24	-865.313
-94	27358	2735800	309cf3ee-98cb-47c7-b67b-944f592f7510	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:13:49	492.467
-94	54716	2735800	205e9add-35fd-4ae1-ac61-1dffeb7afe63	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:51:23	962.716
-95	27359	2735900	04a63b8e-b6cf-4f49-a555-c54f8aea0ea6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:37:15	-744.537
-95	54718	2735900	ce0490c5-a8d2-49b7-bfcb-4978d0af1c80	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:03:21	49.587
-96	27360	2736000	55ef1bb8-c970-44fb-9de9-8ca5141e0c3d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:58:57	-395.426
-96	54720	2736000	62712d13-37bc-4bea-aeef-4fa65917a286	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:47:31	-983.824
-97	27361	2736100	2cae77cc-5713-4d97-a93d-d2fe7cc4c194	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:41:27	-199.948
-97	54722	2736100	eecd3cd0-71b6-4086-ab48-d91a0d5e5fd1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:26:39	505.120
-98	27362	2736200	88af4aed-5cfe-41a9-aa2f-75276f7aaef0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:38:24	-107.988
-98	54724	2736200	2d67575f-27fc-4ff1-891e-bd2cdabdb0d7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:10:01	-782.547
-99	27363	2736300	fee895f3-7df6-4903-b550-892ba84d0e45	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:08:47	-565.267
-99	54726	2736300	061a61cf-7e8b-4606-9281-a6825e2b5638	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:08:34	-873.137
-100	27364	2736400	d5bf079d-c116-4a69-843b-936163ea40df	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:19:36	-882.331
-100	54728	2736400	be26fb6e-6c7e-4b1d-bdbf-fd67d06bedc4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:56:49	181.443
-101	27365	2736500	120d12b3-0ccd-442c-b8c6-69bd5706889f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:40:35	235.281
-101	54730	2736500	3ab72097-0cb9-48ec-90f5-9ed38223b91f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:55:29	387.42
-102	27366	2736600	f168bfc1-52ab-494a-a6a8-c55fc97a996b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:52:07	-249.223
-102	54732	2736600	3470a21b-77b2-44f5-8696-1b19fbdd20c3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:18:45	413.550
-103	27367	2736700	aeb3a67a-9452-4a63-9f5f-8a0ad2a5222b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:43:40	909.198
-103	54734	2736700	1d3f1838-0431-4c90-9125-a6c37b3be43d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:13:31	41.170
-104	27368	2736800	63866368-325d-4e55-a977-227997fd2295	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:11:16	-944.547
-104	54736	2736800	91a66aab-7490-4bf2-8e12-b774f420f20f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:05:04	-399.612
-105	27369	2736900	833be4b9-29b5-4b58-92a4-3abead92118e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:42:26	-429.253
-105	54738	2736900	625d90b7-8328-4df0-bd3c-d8af5f49624d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:49:42	891.748
-106	27370	2737000	8f8c633d-6877-4f57-8edb-325eabb472c5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:55:49	77.330
-106	54740	2737000	eb0d3026-5a72-4639-a9f3-05dfa204d5d8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:08:11	794.171
-107	27371	2737100	03f08cfd-64c0-42d3-99ee-bb5c860a1b03	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:53:36	-560.18
-107	54742	2737100	ccb7404c-b8c0-4794-b6f6-0c75b9aa228a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:16:49	-903.131
-108	27372	2737200	7050b84f-59b0-4b01-88b4-c836d594b24a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:25:14	-645.288
-108	54744	2737200	89c50fcd-2be9-4eb1-93f7-285de29759b0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:00:18	132.826
-109	27373	2737300	bd84fd96-bab2-493f-8c30-0bd9ecc3035c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:51:27	-13.679
-109	54746	2737300	8b1b5376-6a20-4c31-b771-7771fade6961	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:04:55	762.822
-110	27374	2737400	91b05cfa-dbcd-4e4d-bf36-c5cdc10ba976	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:18:50	841.725
-110	54748	2737400	9799da8b-1eb3-4c16-8191-b966150ebc5c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:52:29	-6.754
-111	27375	2737500	70218953-6d60-493d-9464-c53152c9e97f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:56:25	164.573
-111	54750	2737500	85e9240e-fd2c-4d7d-822f-9334527bc605	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:02:56	-4.901
-112	27376	2737600	31e168f3-2139-4553-80b2-413b90af7131	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:35:47	-759.632
-112	54752	2737600	4ab5f228-9fd4-4806-aecb-a652927e4d97	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:12:40	-880.251
-113	27377	2737700	0a87ea21-ec5a-4975-81de-ddff93748524	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:29:07	-176.713
-113	54754	2737700	d46e5f74-8348-4b09-bb52-21db67b6dc47	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:00:50	126.642
-114	27378	2737800	012b2ead-23d9-4f21-9b2a-1db1d54987d0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:49:14	953.518
-114	54756	2737800	787382f1-e32f-4146-aca4-fe870a31fbf4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:26:01	585.489
-115	27379	2737900	ece3e9d9-0419-470e-9398-171f511485bf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:32:34	595.530
-115	54758	2737900	dba3badd-d792-4f7c-a1b2-da1eec8b1897	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:23:57	68.844
-116	27380	2738000	474a1477-cc9b-4b0e-b947-764682521e5c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:14:11	167.894
-116	54760	2738000	f10646ea-f457-44ce-af23-8d8beb22b370	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:40:06	-829.983
-117	27381	2738100	62395555-930e-42d7-9fbb-59f0915f9cf5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:36:37	454.164
-117	54762	2738100	8c682e77-45ec-411e-8948-3edafd340272	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:31:43	-433.272
-118	27382	2738200	9476d586-ebad-46f4-8470-dafcbb995ecc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:44:14	557.36
-118	54764	2738200	80d0f104-4ccf-4f04-9c2a-d4974157fe4c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:03:30	287.607
-119	27383	2738300	4763a615-db8b-4d1f-8f7b-daed2386ecd3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:28:22	899.380
-119	54766	2738300	d93a936e-b277-4e2d-aa63-a21fe4b0035b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:30:34	-300.443
-120	27384	2738400	0dafa4a4-80c6-482c-b237-03b6a00a3535	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:52:23	426.54
-120	54768	2738400	e07fe97a-5f7f-4bfb-bc01-9fee56ac1cea	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:46:42	-393.641
-121	27385	2738500	699786d4-6aa0-4ca5-ad8d-c1d6396ee88b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:01:32	-924.983
-121	54770	2738500	a360aa2f-7a49-4f92-94a8-e665e13111c9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:41:26	-192.891
-122	27386	2738600	415a7fd1-fb90-4e00-9872-07879261ffdf	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:45:47	314.539
-122	54772	2738600	7c04b866-44e7-4007-8710-ad55cce34478	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:55:37	409.871
-123	27387	2738700	a501985c-ccc9-45f1-811a-6a2b29d1aee9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:11:36	-113.125
-123	54774	2738700	ff48e51d-11bf-4d24-86c7-e87faadf3fe4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:48:58	394.198
-124	27388	2738800	53718ef5-4818-4d9f-bd8b-163bfd8f741d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:29:12	-612.44
-124	54776	2738800	6fbefbf7-ae5a-4a7f-a3cb-62298fd674f7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:32:36	224.432
-125	27389	2738900	05f95ffb-47b5-4592-908a-96de487f3d72	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:47:35	842.202
-125	54778	2738900	4ae7cdef-148c-4ffa-9bdc-05e44f7165e7	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:28:20	864.982
-126	27390	2739000	3455c2f0-d5f4-4957-b930-06a3ea68f8e1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:59:10	313.778
-126	54780	2739000	fe068025-e352-4eef-9008-b99e452a3332	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:12:12	442.500
-127	27391	2739100	e8fd56d7-4295-4608-92a7-43de21c8e9fb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:38:02	-948.490
-127	54782	2739100	688cf9b5-706b-440f-a910-0a7e21666f7e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:35:42	-900.899
-0	27392	2739200	08e97d20-e3b4-4e14-9ac9-529b925e306b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:41:43	-198.685
-0	54784	2739200	218356ea-40ec-4566-9056-d2b4ed641b58	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:26:51	-333.82
-1	27393	2739300	9d126aa9-ab83-4494-8469-9b4b7d6969c1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:42:47	710.561
-1	54786	2739300	01533de6-16f8-491f-a0b2-7f06afa2dee7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:11:25	967.723
-2	27394	2739400	9f4e464d-43f5-442f-ae65-74342d7bbc2c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:53:51	951.261
-2	54788	2739400	8e4c3b9d-f46a-48b2-88f4-f6c422713b32	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:26:26	-796.251
-3	27395	2739500	05207723-1d0e-46b2-9573-44061037585a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:18:07	-235.416
-3	54790	2739500	250a1068-3805-432f-8064-52dd664619ed	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:20:11	-652.607
-4	27396	2739600	1ff20db2-76d7-47c6-9983-b87d532f9e56	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:55:53	918.92
-4	54792	2739600	bd3e0102-8d65-401a-8b15-17ffe9acd49e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:45:51	-312.429
-5	27397	2739700	72bb0052-74d9-414b-a90f-37e9d48bc002	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:24:11	235.505
-5	54794	2739700	392b0fdc-50db-4420-99e3-98db6ab84582	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:01:44	217.652
-6	27398	2739800	8c62e01b-1116-45e8-ae62-90b5b59221b6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:56:43	-678.946
-6	54796	2739800	45d1a500-3491-4093-ae16-adb7869bb451	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:21:46	-386.499
-7	27399	2739900	0004424e-0f0e-473d-a677-725285ac25c0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:06:45	-70.241
-7	54798	2739900	a6762a32-d9ae-4200-abba-76479dd42398	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:03:56	-727.197
-8	27400	2740000	c561d5cf-b306-430b-83d1-d950e97f363a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:55:32	-742.531
-8	54800	2740000	8223a8f9-3937-42d5-a11b-a588145f2390	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:59:03	758.927
-9	27401	2740100	132199d9-741c-4be0-801a-f84706d3f025	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:40:45	72.933
-9	54802	2740100	c0b6c2da-9794-48f6-9c5d-6738b019da38	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:05:08	-5.220
-10	27402	2740200	eb9a48df-3360-4c74-926f-a3cae66dab72	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:01:41	561.889
-10	54804	2740200	db8fd76a-da22-4dc1-a05d-521aa80c5bc5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:21:20	-504.368
-11	27403	2740300	93be0ae4-e352-44cf-9409-f1ae8d1843b7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:45:38	566.923
-11	54806	2740300	1975a720-774d-410a-9e81-44b15f8af6fa	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:24:42	979.541
-12	27404	2740400	5c48bac4-a358-4bf1-8fc5-e0e8c19c0f14	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:39:02	470.495
-12	54808	2740400	cdcbefb1-5ecc-4f3e-88c8-d62520d12c5d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:42:18	114.584
-13	27405	2740500	46097faf-dac3-4982-b266-f98200a40a7b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:04:15	937.692
-13	54810	2740500	d3b6ad71-309a-44af-bbea-308450996b4c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:40:36	654.83
-14	27406	2740600	ba0517d6-8727-4172-858d-368b6ae8fe76	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:25:06	-931.794
-14	54812	2740600	805037a5-11ea-4c7c-b8d5-80ce223197a2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:12:11	-541.807
-15	27407	2740700	a34b1790-2368-4bd2-a88e-d56ca41a6707	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:24:29	716.556
-15	54814	2740700	64201aef-ac19-4511-a57a-e0e8dd0ac8e6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:41:51	198.231
-16	27408	2740800	5505bb4d-3040-4668-b370-5dc520362737	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:09:56	421.768
-16	54816	2740800	c2901c28-41a9-47f8-8328-418591fb9822	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:31:15	-833.975
-17	27409	2740900	1bb218a7-4d2f-41ab-b60e-eb8189cef8c3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:10:26	79.592
-17	54818	2740900	6258c0ba-5a18-441b-b921-1a71152e7ec5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:17:53	182.845
-18	27410	2741000	4b85f588-8269-42da-8d3a-dd2801faaaad	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:43:19	364.454
-18	54820	2741000	8a5f54dd-961c-4bd6-9aa3-c354a3aa8f34	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:24:52	-264.824
-19	27411	2741100	a1faed3a-5316-4545-91dc-3c0a6bcc1608	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:27:32	333.492
-19	54822	2741100	73997315-2c1d-4378-8f9e-bf46104cd210	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:35:46	973.675
-20	27412	2741200	a9e2c487-a10a-4cfa-b231-22b7e65d7ff5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:31:43	-667.211
-20	54824	2741200	664479bb-8bcb-4e15-91bd-c38474542a65	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:54:41	504.174
-21	27413	2741300	9f3be834-e2d2-4b2f-a13e-3b3a9fdcc712	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:24:48	-97.650
-21	54826	2741300	ba134ee1-eda3-422d-823b-00b3059eeff5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:30:55	513.888
-22	27414	2741400	f02b3e1f-8d85-4570-94a3-bb1ba75d4433	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:15:45	-263.636
-22	54828	2741400	56364984-89b2-4ab6-b16a-7e08b6a9dff7	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:34:15	972.216
-23	27415	2741500	74ce61d2-1238-481e-be47-cfb84595c41b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:14:53	-260.55
-23	54830	2741500	31c1d2ac-054d-4f08-930f-721a36a9377a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:26:32	-216.767
-24	27416	2741600	e90458c6-8b61-432c-a5b1-6168e8a81fe0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:18:43	-104.590
-24	54832	2741600	9274e1be-afbc-4016-ba2c-7ed5a4fd5bb9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:45:00	-466.713
-25	27417	2741700	716459bd-55b4-40ab-bfa5-221808527845	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:37:59	-706.591
-25	54834	2741700	428ee827-f10c-4a10-9de1-c8086599978b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:10:51	238.455
-26	27418	2741800	c7f9602e-5472-4023-9a94-ee114f35ef18	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:58:56	-298.112
-26	54836	2741800	a8ff70e5-1017-4c0a-92f0-478da15dcc41	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:56:47	781.229
-27	27419	2741900	ea8a3f22-f649-4541-b110-70f5e307cadf	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:08:30	-485.169
-27	54838	2741900	92b394e9-fd1f-4849-9cfd-d024e75e362e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:39:45	-427.548
-28	27420	2742000	0773e8d4-a0dc-4cfe-a693-f30f440df0bd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:15:53	887.332
-28	54840	2742000	90dfddd5-abe4-469a-a0ab-5bebed57bc2e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:46:03	831.628
-29	27421	2742100	57890462-188b-4da7-8735-3aa45247d32a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:24:43	649.38
-29	54842	2742100	6e3adbf2-21d1-444d-8142-3b0f86f1dc12	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:09:41	844.213
-30	27422	2742200	95baf015-9377-4462-9f21-a77a3fe351c6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:04:24	536.893
-30	54844	2742200	d734ac21-15e5-4b75-8c54-68d37b083454	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:43:19	-33.61
-31	27423	2742300	deb84184-3b5a-41d8-953f-bc7417940f7d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:07:58	-562.679
-31	54846	2742300	1f1fcff7-fdc1-4d77-92cf-268dbe6b0f0a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:35:54	-797.29
-32	27424	2742400	58515237-dabe-48e4-bc0e-4ec5b0d19d08	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:53:22	767.788
-32	54848	2742400	3d6ca0af-123d-43b2-bb4b-a36f14518a6d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:48:51	559.799
-33	27425	2742500	b3633083-e7c9-48cd-af2f-6bcce7e82aa2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:26:50	-99.232
-33	54850	2742500	ecfdb766-42e3-4919-918e-0a295e5c2590	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:40:22	478.540
-34	27426	2742600	2c302490-c51b-41d1-a719-6709ed005667	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:40:06	884.387
-34	54852	2742600	a625f9df-f7fa-4bca-9e4a-30aeb0c7e050	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:31:21	530.337
-35	27427	2742700	b9129ef7-10f1-459c-9264-044b3799f262	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:43:17	-532.670
-35	54854	2742700	b1a60a1b-0ebf-4522-a71d-6b2bb4f5c809	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:54:03	-573.970
-36	27428	2742800	a8fd98a2-0a80-4f6b-99f5-a8928c583589	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:25:42	-456.109
-36	54856	2742800	e19260af-6323-4804-b997-97c4f80aee1b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:17:41	362.634
-37	27429	2742900	7bca5fec-a574-4096-b982-4792cd2de73d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:10:09	-194.597
-37	54858	2742900	56a4b355-1681-45bc-b4ac-9710b56110ac	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:43:14	-92.124
-38	27430	2743000	c015e256-d8b7-4b9d-8c02-f1d0d506e837	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:32:32	-887.880
-38	54860	2743000	93be4e40-0eda-4797-877e-f617948a4a47	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:13:35	-69.812
-39	27431	2743100	7c70ec2f-4b66-44f9-9211-f312fcbfc3c7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:43:22	-583.369
-39	54862	2743100	6277d4cf-3255-4658-bcdc-8b90531b9313	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:24:49	381.40
-40	27432	2743200	f91993f6-d930-4905-95ad-f7f2c23f81ef	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:40:09	500.383
-40	54864	2743200	dca1c777-39a7-4c38-a800-1f9fd2d96e83	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:20:15	-198.682
-41	27433	2743300	8f94df5a-05d3-4e62-b9eb-ec2aa05939ea	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:33:39	-385.307
-41	54866	2743300	a3f181be-1adf-4050-8f62-eae2541335e8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:11:32	-355.807
-42	27434	2743400	5edde87a-862e-400b-9ed5-32b87a93e142	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:39:55	830.930
-42	54868	2743400	c33aae2d-4282-439f-ab24-e48e53a1930a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:17:04	-314.527
-43	27435	2743500	8425502e-48cf-4a2c-a35c-29afe2bba908	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:56:36	249.644
-43	54870	2743500	e4828383-9a39-4116-b63f-4d5abba2e6c0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:19:17	-559.726
-44	27436	2743600	f23bb134-ebad-41d6-b76a-835eeae3277e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:23:24	-243.493
-44	54872	2743600	ebc509c9-328c-42e0-a19c-814edb554acc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:28:53	-410.310
-45	27437	2743700	e3e3fcf8-0c36-406c-9a2c-09d4fc71e216	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:28:54	-783.518
-45	54874	2743700	53f7e6ac-a79d-4eac-a695-1ff9792e2e10	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:12:30	309.349
-46	27438	2743800	d4617c2e-fbce-491c-9ab5-fecbbf890870	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:02:45	-530.280
-46	54876	2743800	8d2ad183-eb3e-4f68-807e-d1ce4b6894ba	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:33:40	180.265
-47	27439	2743900	a0f5ad75-e7ce-4d5d-9d1b-9884c689a461	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:35:13	453.181
-47	54878	2743900	2ebc8956-9ace-48b6-a497-47f214fc77c6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:10:30	29.535
-48	27440	2744000	06c87497-ace0-4a66-886d-369f42a6a7b1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:18:42	-502.492
-48	54880	2744000	e20a1d68-ffd8-434d-8a6f-8afcd36ff200	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:45:43	-462.878
-49	27441	2744100	d97830b5-bd59-4c5d-b145-92d74c14dab8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:42:12	322.240
-49	54882	2744100	92a84702-8f6d-49c5-bb9e-5d77af9b0213	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:45:55	3.429
-50	27442	2744200	5fdb8c8f-ee9c-4375-aaed-1e97ec6a9315	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:41:23	104.408
-50	54884	2744200	79a274be-83bd-4208-976a-10a2007f2153	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:18:28	126.398
-51	27443	2744300	3ef1673c-f38a-419b-9a2b-8fe183087267	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:38:04	42.865
-51	54886	2744300	12770674-e627-4a1c-a68b-617e289860d2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:21:47	-311.167
-52	27444	2744400	1e8eba0b-4984-4067-a158-e8fb4102efd0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:02:07	350.270
-52	54888	2744400	33bedc3a-65bb-449d-8f2c-0ca4749a8a76	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:27:00	661.145
-53	27445	2744500	3fde9842-c2a9-4e03-b971-39ab97275d0d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:11:06	367.942
-53	54890	2744500	385a6538-7551-4594-82bb-6a496fde9908	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:48:01	423.447
-54	27446	2744600	7d5cb2f7-d058-4e20-ab37-69cf9911305a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:32:51	366.950
-54	54892	2744600	97c8fe4c-df96-4235-b3fd-d38a31db0dd7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:44:09	-551.158
-55	27447	2744700	99389e8a-ca15-464c-bc86-c36d23e3ff1a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:07:35	180.837
-55	54894	2744700	ad69c1bd-1d6b-4bed-b6cb-897792a8cd4d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:29:01	386.848
-56	27448	2744800	01ae4614-0b1b-496d-b923-cf2d4b371a54	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:14:13	274.641
-56	54896	2744800	f41eeaea-feec-4ff3-8147-f73655eea471	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:56:06	582.662
-57	27449	2744900	fedc6b7f-e05e-413e-aa8b-a4cc453f8c83	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:08:13	-813.618
-57	54898	2744900	4186f796-291b-417d-9aa2-2e99693fb97e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:40:25	528.979
-58	27450	2745000	1d92bc8e-f0b7-45f6-8f34-f22f31c59bab	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:57:10	625.12
-58	54900	2745000	50d95168-5c40-48f4-9782-f3063e504091	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:44:53	-64.848
-59	27451	2745100	c7372252-68cc-448e-baa2-d8599a5f3091	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:12:21	-623.840
-59	54902	2745100	78a63336-22f4-4d29-970e-604f2530e285	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:33:20	321.336
-60	27452	2745200	cd54254d-e478-49db-a8da-1d00bb952802	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:05:20	-653.227
-60	54904	2745200	7d15c3ce-21f1-4fc0-af12-760cdbcfbb18	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:36:52	-784.598
-61	27453	2745300	e2b44c2b-3bae-471e-a808-2284865d0cfa	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:00:07	-546.299
-61	54906	2745300	9a21a1e7-354d-42ce-b46c-670628ff9ccc	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:07:33	-30.685
-62	27454	2745400	7a4051f2-39f9-4c4a-aa20-d8b5d3108a43	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:16:03	732.474
-62	54908	2745400	ce97cd28-126b-4220-b1f3-74bb4a48f44a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:31:41	131.393
-63	27455	2745500	ae690436-2023-45f0-b7f4-383f2009c52d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:24:47	691.119
-63	54910	2745500	52ef59db-7b9e-46fd-929a-69153b85b927	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:45:31	-214.460
-64	27456	2745600	bc08690f-1b6f-40e2-8bbe-a02499d6a7a2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:32:21	106.461
-64	54912	2745600	5ab951e7-3b39-4176-bfbd-3b6711b0c2a6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:48:50	-987.402
-65	27457	2745700	f1e21ff5-6c3b-41ea-a705-13ddc29313cc	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:22:45	-143.488
-65	54914	2745700	0b0b448e-5138-4bd4-804c-00c59fbde369	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:19:43	432.725
-66	27458	2745800	ec1e40ac-1d61-40fb-88b2-7155230192db	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:50:39	-717.611
-66	54916	2745800	f8f9f60b-9919-4704-80ca-c3f41418dfd7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:21:47	-4.605
-67	27459	2745900	aa60a9e6-3f40-47e8-8104-30870e408407	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:44:00	-557.150
-67	54918	2745900	8ebe5bfc-1daf-40eb-ae2e-ac223bf9dea4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:02:24	317.540
-68	27460	2746000	1612a1e7-e290-4164-ae15-5f8fac5bde8a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:20:47	991.588
-68	54920	2746000	8dcdab3c-ad34-4cd5-ada7-568b3aed02a5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:32:34	-581.632
-69	27461	2746100	0a6e480a-e3c1-4bde-9e0f-e2b10faf1086	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:32:00	817.311
-69	54922	2746100	f144a288-2c79-44ed-a276-ae3e49ae9201	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:50:09	804.710
-70	27462	2746200	da887ddc-1996-4509-90f6-78338ebad957	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:44:36	-744.885
-70	54924	2746200	606ab74d-2bf9-4404-8bbb-330410719db9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:38:47	-880.950
-71	27463	2746300	104a2078-0b88-4d26-8170-ca225ca2837e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:55:35	480.337
-71	54926	2746300	21b397b7-036b-409f-b74e-3a240f928473	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:16:46	928.641
-72	27464	2746400	f9c3eff2-393c-4d19-8481-19598cf26d28	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:33:27	374.887
-72	54928	2746400	c11140cb-7162-422c-ad3a-bb5e78612c65	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:17:24	-729.858
-73	27465	2746500	de92ceed-372d-4db8-859e-58cc986cffc5	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:12:38	-688.718
-73	54930	2746500	cab789d5-2cd0-4c45-836d-a39eb6f1a347	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:23:36	14.875
-74	27466	2746600	c1f06f15-4518-4666-9f13-bd086be90c99	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:05:36	81.338
-74	54932	2746600	3ab00d3f-5ccb-40b7-beef-e8547eb160b2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:28:01	26.856
-75	27467	2746700	943c945e-0d8d-41aa-a7f3-987d6b87c22b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:15:50	-847.468
-75	54934	2746700	7197ce05-ad2c-463d-a43b-f77d1ce45d64	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:02:16	611.317
-76	27468	2746800	8b4ce1a8-bba4-4165-b792-b0dd48f6c2af	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:28:08	983.215
-76	54936	2746800	3a7c8bbb-8cbf-48cb-9264-afe56b740b67	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:45:39	116.470
-77	27469	2746900	fa322dfe-7f79-4316-a04d-b1144e4f9755	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:02:07	426.327
-77	54938	2746900	61f3eaa6-cd66-4b6d-a671-e316ef892055	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:56:47	-607.716
-78	27470	2747000	8cc81f3d-d74b-47b8-b998-ec6bd14af5c6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:14:45	321.43
-78	54940	2747000	0ced8b76-ae34-4187-9446-5aab88b95a15	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:09:57	764.779
-79	27471	2747100	c25d0f69-c3db-4f12-9592-c4164b01926c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:12:56	-787.613
-79	54942	2747100	90e9a112-7a16-433d-8a4b-54a9c0979502	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:36:24	39.735
-80	27472	2747200	73c22e3c-aa2d-45b4-8f3b-c3c2eed981db	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:45:45	-828.739
-80	54944	2747200	f8f02939-0b88-49ec-b2f4-33986a7b6046	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:11:41	775.367
-81	27473	2747300	2497bac2-e2ad-42dc-993b-2f4669a4757f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:29:30	-827.487
-81	54946	2747300	f2e2001a-d0a7-4425-bca0-bd6ffa1cac82	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:03:30	-39.580
-82	27474	2747400	f9858fd9-b2ce-4261-be54-2bb50c2b4397	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:00:07	-78.306
-82	54948	2747400	540a9cbb-f114-41e3-aea7-ca1c99f8e59b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:40:15	445.305
-83	27475	2747500	f3e70214-497d-406b-857c-6d120ff3fd5f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:35:12	-881.237
-83	54950	2747500	9459c378-6208-4ae5-b47b-de095b715145	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:15:15	-380.498
-84	27476	2747600	1552518e-63c5-438a-a867-6ef395848cdf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:21:57	816.624
-84	54952	2747600	4f979897-044a-40fd-bd5b-92f6b5d132c6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:36:37	-549.825
-85	27477	2747700	1d002b92-c75d-4522-9e7d-9ce05e87bb5a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:42:51	68.802
-85	54954	2747700	0f7a7425-e8bb-4d42-820e-73a588a0740d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:20:42	-500.432
-86	27478	2747800	70e79935-5815-41a2-a0b1-7c0dd06a1c25	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:13:53	258.641
-86	54956	2747800	66418f8c-b039-43be-8afe-b7f11c8ec533	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:32:24	918.181
-87	27479	2747900	83563398-23c7-435a-aa0f-06155f835c3c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:47:58	-259.852
-87	54958	2747900	7ff918a0-557c-433f-9508-1a0451ec850e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:26:24	917.84
-88	27480	2748000	733b2c40-3f9c-4075-b4dd-fd3e3c2d47c1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:51:36	656.562
-88	54960	2748000	b5c4c618-14fa-4164-a9f6-813461fa6970	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:15:35	246.124
-89	27481	2748100	47bd66d2-7a86-4c09-b56d-8d049bfab8d0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:36:25	-415.223
-89	54962	2748100	f7f839a4-915f-45f4-8c79-7d57214d565d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:57:12	583.786
-90	27482	2748200	59655986-c5f0-4492-a95b-b1b697d5ae72	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:41:09	-262.354
-90	54964	2748200	cbe2eea0-7e17-46cb-b33b-eb1dee0a6f45	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:45:21	-144.607
-91	27483	2748300	8a18dcf3-b03a-4344-bc4e-14b44ee9dfcf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:58:14	471.802
-91	54966	2748300	fe31da41-8663-47fb-838c-1423a78cd2c7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:49:59	742.290
-92	27484	2748400	189591a5-1ea6-45e7-bdc2-6fcdc856078b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:44:12	-977.568
-92	54968	2748400	b0eff836-fa4d-4811-a1c6-1b9c5a213e51	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:30:47	-216.677
-93	27485	2748500	c49294f5-e77b-440b-a85f-12f9222c52c5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:04:50	-47.296
-93	54970	2748500	d79f98e4-7801-4e65-85c3-75775f2d87ef	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:22:29	917.941
-94	27486	2748600	54369d34-3e25-434d-9a4d-9a2a91d5a511	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:05:04	-535.990
-94	54972	2748600	0384d575-e2c0-4db8-92b1-62a7f7abcec8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:58:00	374.13
-95	27487	2748700	e6b8e919-7af8-43fc-80dc-db3e9e39912e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:22:30	580.69
-95	54974	2748700	72afb998-0e68-44ab-a728-de893b1aad7f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:38:18	-739.300
-96	27488	2748800	f6f0ef05-03f2-4f74-baba-07526025b008	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:05:31	-879.359
-96	54976	2748800	bd6c40ff-df9e-4416-8bc8-755577578026	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:46:56	436.857
-97	27489	2748900	1f4a98e5-b5cd-4340-b23b-05b552ede45b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:58:25	928.391
-97	54978	2748900	20df3284-32eb-402d-b2ae-59912a050b5d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:38:27	867.996
-98	27490	2749000	e6150583-0ed0-4ed5-bc65-1fb7ba20adb3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:02:29	-554.549
-98	54980	2749000	94aa09ed-8263-42fa-9be6-2569de8c6615	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:23:07	528.358
-99	27491	2749100	9560c8e6-ad51-42dc-8f59-0226b3f8cc4d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:32:05	-988.275
-99	54982	2749100	e04147ff-4a58-4249-bd8e-f62d76655feb	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:33:25	819.441
-100	27492	2749200	ae18854b-ad2a-40e4-84c2-d043001e26fa	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:34:25	-959.847
-100	54984	2749200	9cd379e8-a37f-4bb0-81d4-49c8f4f31680	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:15:30	-161.710
-101	27493	2749300	fe6ec842-53e9-4e62-845f-4e7fd9371ee0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:14:24	-965.205
-101	54986	2749300	2687b24a-daa9-43cc-a1ec-50a0d6d988e0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:40:15	94.11
-102	27494	2749400	94de57a0-11fa-429d-887f-5795d1e9d713	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:12:36	-945.278
-102	54988	2749400	21cd2548-13e0-465e-a72f-11f994da76ca	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:52:05	397.452
-103	27495	2749500	e849b985-0935-4562-b90a-294a3eb5519c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:10:41	-596.800
-103	54990	2749500	818df465-fc8a-4358-9e97-508e024fac2e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:04:03	201.657
-104	27496	2749600	91849b6e-855e-4003-973f-a91479f0f050	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:50:29	-170.248
-104	54992	2749600	000ab1fe-5524-4c2b-b2db-f59e58933b1f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:18:51	398.740
-105	27497	2749700	682e88c0-82ae-496f-af96-a067eb5d2783	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:03:50	494.106
-105	54994	2749700	2a4f8f42-24fb-445e-b173-8de02dde048d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:59:30	713.319
-106	27498	2749800	2652d604-d055-49c4-83aa-cfa6e581a81a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:08:58	-544.132
-106	54996	2749800	bb44944d-49e0-4f2b-b207-3b2ccb118f6c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:07:39	0.444
-107	27499	2749900	9c0d1f0e-b830-4f78-9c03-336f930f235f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:21:49	894.410
-107	54998	2749900	f4ea33d0-5f4b-48d4-81a8-dfecd6d7a2f4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:58:57	-448.588
-108	27500	2750000	2ca87f70-6689-4482-b135-fcda6adca190	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:54:30	-700.74
-108	55000	2750000	fd3e0334-d1f8-4254-a952-6684824c403b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:00:54	911.107
-109	27501	2750100	a46248a2-1240-42c8-9206-fbbb667faaff	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:41:54	59.180
-109	55002	2750100	f0f1f385-af31-4812-b4c5-48d7219820ef	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:49:21	-210.86
-110	27502	2750200	5e1099a0-08b3-4b3d-946a-d78f66d9a254	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:51:11	473.321
-110	55004	2750200	9ebccd6b-99e6-4de5-846d-83d98b0ffbc2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:46:49	338.816
-111	27503	2750300	501af0f6-5b55-4093-8d61-0446615fb857	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:44:32	-440.736
-111	55006	2750300	989c3eb2-8d60-41bf-94b5-87b848619556	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:26:15	-768.976
-112	27504	2750400	15a74fd6-52af-4e81-9400-2e090c39acdd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:27:47	409.336
-112	55008	2750400	a83a33c9-0a9a-467d-a2ab-40ec217b1573	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:18:27	724.412
-113	27505	2750500	189e5dbd-91f2-44fa-97aa-fb959d6381bd	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:45:02	-69.874
-113	55010	2750500	5e3c0dd2-df94-4b58-9872-ff339aa0b18d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:58:15	-265.46
-114	27506	2750600	7149103c-d731-424e-af9f-555c2401db43	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:06:17	-655.748
-114	55012	2750600	1a2e3f17-12ba-47ac-b3a5-959e4267665c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:14:19	479.674
-115	27507	2750700	ef268b20-305d-4f04-9496-4ba637e74b65	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:48:53	-545.690
-115	55014	2750700	c112ce26-689e-4b32-b1a0-e4d20deb89c1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:08:06	107.952
-116	27508	2750800	e7b254b3-a1fa-4fad-bec7-d220f094a518	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:52:13	752.142
-116	55016	2750800	20740dfb-1981-476a-bfb4-c568bac0dc0e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:52:35	-696.974
-117	27509	2750900	78c17281-e4be-485d-8a06-6d209457c566	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:09:06	-470.995
-117	55018	2750900	b73438be-4ef8-4dcd-b51f-ec1ef74a507d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:59:41	923.421
-118	27510	2751000	4dbb1361-66ed-4c95-912c-56bc65b68abb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:37:22	253.4
-118	55020	2751000	39831ff4-defc-4a93-97eb-50e50754e099	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:28:02	-446.603
-119	27511	2751100	f1e42a32-cde3-4679-8e6b-3365a771fe1a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:48:42	-424.348
-119	55022	2751100	ce460349-ac62-40fb-93c0-8607c1da3466	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:26:06	707.163
-120	27512	2751200	af4b5f03-0b15-400d-aadb-f8d00d4eeb05	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:44:51	-478.246
-120	55024	2751200	9484a858-46ba-43c9-b1ae-2c04fc430e2d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:12:31	-27.911
-121	27513	2751300	bc0e9357-42cc-485d-88ef-258d320fc262	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:05:36	-776.572
-121	55026	2751300	2dc07860-d266-4b72-869e-17d89330cd34	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:36:20	-206.393
-122	27514	2751400	c85b5eda-ea22-4529-ab55-6a1de7273050	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:14:38	2.135
-122	55028	2751400	b4704d7f-59f3-4caf-a437-14fb4c9b6843	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:39:38	-604.975
-123	27515	2751500	af806006-6fbe-4ce4-92e5-f3d5d4b18597	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:08:59	872.985
-123	55030	2751500	5c245959-db1d-4fd2-9803-f1e9515f0d99	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:43:17	432.459
-124	27516	2751600	c3d8df8d-5d5e-4469-8dcc-c33fcf72dae0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:11:05	158.1
-124	55032	2751600	e215ac60-c89b-430e-b425-f6d4f36f768e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:26:06	-166.455
-125	27517	2751700	b9d99cce-8f50-49c6-a5a1-e307dc721450	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:04:30	-291.114
-125	55034	2751700	278f0baf-89c9-476f-b575-87d03a21c92e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:06:34	190.499
-126	27518	2751800	db0a9873-ef06-46c3-885b-1aa4bc85f32d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:59:30	326.664
-126	55036	2751800	23b363bb-6302-4aab-a7f7-b58da3fd5dbc	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:25:28	992.597
-127	27519	2751900	d76fd83a-fc22-4bea-ac20-8352c9ba7a1b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:10:06	966.817
-127	55038	2751900	2031f672-fe32-4a01-b68f-baf32227d225	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:33:01	-479.170
-0	27520	2752000	d799e428-be85-4720-ac8d-100b846e6096	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:16:48	201.457
-0	55040	2752000	0eb4fa87-794a-4e8e-98e4-ca4e9e897591	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:43:13	-554.824
-1	27521	2752100	03f4398c-3809-4213-beac-f6647fc55f6d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:34:16	453.843
-1	55042	2752100	cb226d8a-8a4f-43a3-a27a-72bc5afdc313	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:09:24	396.317
-2	27522	2752200	100f3638-d734-46bb-bc1b-2d45a21b2ab6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:20:15	686.73
-2	55044	2752200	c2deb989-fd0e-4563-a961-a490748301d8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:57:04	-1.441
-3	27523	2752300	8f9908ad-a98c-4925-bfb8-fe7ce080ff8e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:21:29	-60.548
-3	55046	2752300	5385788d-ba35-48c1-be70-3a19945c6969	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:06:13	179.720
-4	27524	2752400	0849c934-553b-475b-bb6d-3ee327d17f42	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:51:06	-346.869
-4	55048	2752400	8c94655b-f9f7-408d-a3e8-005224bad591	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:03:17	733.607
-5	27525	2752500	e42a6ee3-6e7d-49ea-8f7c-0de3000624bb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:30:42	-464.785
-5	55050	2752500	4edea27d-2164-4e29-8219-4b93d4d5df8d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:16:05	497.506
-6	27526	2752600	5349ba1c-573f-42c7-a812-2425bbaf822d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:02:59	-105.203
-6	55052	2752600	53622c31-602c-4cb9-93fc-7087ba1a41a1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:26:44	-882.733
-7	27527	2752700	3ff80561-6cce-4569-8ad8-b65c840b44bc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:43:01	-350.474
-7	55054	2752700	f81159b8-7b3b-43d7-aab7-427181635cc6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:26:36	-348.280
-8	27528	2752800	f4f98ab9-706f-48d4-9424-d3ebebe9dab9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:10:41	507.209
-8	55056	2752800	880e836a-be98-42c9-8868-1bf643a3942a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:22:37	2.847
-9	27529	2752900	ad9fe65c-be2b-4876-8610-b076c5bc9b6d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:50:18	-477.766
-9	55058	2752900	d53b0399-5027-4211-9ada-6ef19d1e5285	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:45:48	-58.243
-10	27530	2753000	b609e38c-9103-4193-aa9c-1b3e57e8c912	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:22:38	-199.971
-10	55060	2753000	243b4be2-2c3e-4eaf-a40d-95b78b6aa493	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:34:09	783.235
-11	27531	2753100	6e0ddb50-4545-440b-b399-a43980a6d4a5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:54:00	-817.567
-11	55062	2753100	e53a373c-bbbc-4bd4-9bcb-392c107d7c31	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:30:04	-203.574
-12	27532	2753200	b422da58-7bed-439e-b320-dcd3dd2d87b5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:16:46	-887.946
-12	55064	2753200	e3ac19b1-4f91-4b0c-8383-f45a9694e6d9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:23:32	610.372
-13	27533	2753300	5c61c216-2a9a-4277-a9ae-280f18e290e9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:31:02	120.88
-13	55066	2753300	96a747fd-d3cb-410c-a323-6d1c28a176a4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:34:47	-751.678
-14	27534	2753400	38f1b41d-2c99-4354-8842-9d93153bfd07	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:36:51	-94.333
-14	55068	2753400	4ed13605-eb6a-41f6-8f75-0e75223a7242	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:03:33	859.149
-15	27535	2753500	19efa30b-62f1-47c1-a8e6-3a7af5a7e4b6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:25:34	580.273
-15	55070	2753500	8ce1c115-6289-4f44-a34c-82a555d6cf95	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:50:51	832.375
-16	27536	2753600	e1fe042d-d524-44f4-9421-feef53528d49	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:27:41	-736.274
-16	55072	2753600	97a05f5d-4fb7-46dc-804e-e634b857c4c1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:37:02	-148.553
-17	27537	2753700	7f1df47f-bb76-4e49-acc6-ab82ae50b1c2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:28:35	-933.267
-17	55074	2753700	de666849-bda2-4a97-9315-a20a1a746eee	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:54:27	473.109
-18	27538	2753800	ea3dbbf7-bf47-4964-a0cc-e454d713993e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:49:04	-376.258
-18	55076	2753800	4f70b5b9-7884-4942-9e70-aaf5b768f203	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:11:43	-714.783
-19	27539	2753900	693e537d-b7b4-416f-993e-b06189a67124	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:55:06	-669.507
-19	55078	2753900	2def6490-ce6a-4e74-8431-691a4fc722b1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:43:09	762.812
-20	27540	2754000	b8f9315e-44be-422c-9c2c-99aff6123b25	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:43:09	823.429
-20	55080	2754000	73364a76-388b-4568-879b-5d09d01bb640	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:07:40	947.437
-21	27541	2754100	73b53065-df3a-4c38-a62f-c7bcb2150b26	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:13:33	-87.144
-21	55082	2754100	f514ae76-799e-4d4f-9dbc-05c179650554	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:44:59	35.800
-22	27542	2754200	0927a26f-2aaf-43d3-a277-b2acdbce7031	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:39:41	-641.702
-22	55084	2754200	02efcf07-6cf5-4648-a204-a61583f0f08a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:00:38	792.427
-23	27543	2754300	86a26f29-3ba3-41a2-9e1d-a90c825ae876	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:46:51	869.827
-23	55086	2754300	31ac5de3-b77d-4175-950a-98101ce97917	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:14:20	505.668
-24	27544	2754400	b171d0d0-2c3e-44d9-8f55-22eceaa8b494	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:01:16	499.624
-24	55088	2754400	d27e7cef-3fce-40a9-b0af-770e32c0cbbf	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:05:38	813.419
-25	27545	2754500	d25b6058-34c5-4e04-ab69-e46b46fd714c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:44:05	-775.648
-25	55090	2754500	1cf80c37-1e5f-4b1b-aaae-8ae8f4632d56	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:39:07	865.384
-26	27546	2754600	0257ec2f-5630-4b6f-b7f3-5eeb0d3f98dc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:35:22	-240.576
-26	55092	2754600	e05c28b4-d43c-44f9-aafa-c8633c20b974	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:19:02	461.465
-27	27547	2754700	c6921f0e-43e3-4ed9-8d00-6e585923d6a0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:23:03	955.579
-27	55094	2754700	b9a384e3-f233-4547-832d-960a29c5ff75	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:33:16	50.225
-28	27548	2754800	990a8e3c-9d89-4f98-a734-582e903f9dd1	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:15:29	-667.398
-28	55096	2754800	ca5a3993-9ba0-4eff-8824-f412b2ab962d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:18:00	-930.337
-29	27549	2754900	016761c3-3ced-4147-b2df-3afc769fbcb9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:34:46	738.896
-29	55098	2754900	96f3a4f5-6986-4161-9490-e434830c42f1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:57:02	425.314
-30	27550	2755000	598be7b7-0769-426a-9ad3-674d46fa98dd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:21:17	901.928
-30	55100	2755000	19c8cc79-9c25-472b-a1f3-8034ac25fd1e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:47:21	-112.634
-31	27551	2755100	12647b7c-5d5d-4f77-a568-56dbc1c3204e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:11:15	-844.658
-31	55102	2755100	b672b513-6308-4a48-ba17-2245abcb240b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:56:00	-762.422
-32	27552	2755200	d11dc1db-39e9-4fb9-aaa1-c4508c99e97b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:09:43	923.365
-32	55104	2755200	8f754620-8b27-449c-8f0c-ae9c7185971d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:46:10	-769.379
-33	27553	2755300	ee686ee8-3e81-49a2-ae41-d1da8f791f4f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:48:37	492.78
-33	55106	2755300	a946965e-b793-4242-ae98-2beff34ef051	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:09:58	428.352
-34	27554	2755400	7c03d28d-be21-48d0-9538-051c7fa1b9dc	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:07:24	-468.15
-34	55108	2755400	6eed8adc-3a00-44c7-afee-0441d5146f7f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:38:46	72.69
-35	27555	2755500	04ce0ce9-beb7-4d45-8a4c-6066ef1a900b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:25:59	792.630
-35	55110	2755500	c827803e-5766-4033-9999-3c6a3de2f466	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:54:49	271.586
-36	27556	2755600	112f508a-7d0b-47b6-8bbd-1a09be5cb93a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:06:15	317.39
-36	55112	2755600	1a7ee1f9-5840-44fc-9248-647105958359	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:23:08	-823.984
-37	27557	2755700	8716e811-aad2-429f-9fb1-fa49d4ea4956	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:32:52	853.712
-37	55114	2755700	f4ac5467-8834-4a52-ad53-eacc160d7063	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:00:00	796.300
-38	27558	2755800	f6380703-1c63-42ad-85ad-7f1f66ffcaa7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:52:30	737.318
-38	55116	2755800	756b8bb9-a639-4701-9ba5-8834d511aea2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:03:25	-624.655
-39	27559	2755900	85690862-2ac1-44a9-b3e3-2d3423889683	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:40:15	-216.501
-39	55118	2755900	4243f446-5ce2-408b-90cb-48a36d333a2e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:03:54	435.761
-40	27560	2756000	b14733dc-25d0-4c2d-b160-3f41f65a6761	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:50:26	-318.461
-40	55120	2756000	c6d30e5e-e643-4d37-a234-e4ad3d4e1950	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:54:10	188.946
-41	27561	2756100	fa53bbee-e3df-47e7-beb2-3fb171c8625d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:21:49	-689.724
-41	55122	2756100	cc390705-1c58-4156-87ed-4f4b285d2eff	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:58:50	245.810
-42	27562	2756200	01621cab-6e52-4266-b085-c06b59df2c19	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:18:04	-128.76
-42	55124	2756200	9aaeff40-7151-4964-8743-65f258be1e2e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:37:11	-165.38
-43	27563	2756300	6b1fc9fc-9b0a-4a8f-b518-6ae086abf8f6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:22:06	605.350
-43	55126	2756300	3b90a711-b54a-45c4-bb8a-1726342607a8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:58:54	-304.487
-44	27564	2756400	a1adf018-2974-453c-8cfc-3a8efe8c451f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:13:02	-408.969
-44	55128	2756400	62e6f500-070a-416d-83da-97a16656598b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:40:55	412.809
-45	27565	2756500	738c2ccc-157f-40ab-a9ee-e6e86c9ec0c0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:08:14	274.181
-45	55130	2756500	dff9bdb8-e878-4ccf-b5fd-770918ef293d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:18:13	-564.55
-46	27566	2756600	a870f1b5-6e4c-484a-876a-00d190e480f1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:22:00	-691.285
-46	55132	2756600	9a83fafc-8dad-4046-a366-a3cedf85bcdd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:40:34	855.591
-47	27567	2756700	4d3bcfa8-1205-4503-bb78-919d37cce8da	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:58:54	135.472
-47	55134	2756700	ae5f9840-dbb0-4636-ba4f-ead1788234fe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:45:04	471.890
-48	27568	2756800	4aefb74b-66c0-47f4-820f-367e91cb9f81	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:25:40	-895.798
-48	55136	2756800	d8a2f5c0-c764-45df-9325-34a38e2d03ab	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:06:37	489.572
-49	27569	2756900	1b473961-9c13-44b2-abf5-bac68c3cff6a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:16:29	900.389
-49	55138	2756900	019dbdf8-6e0b-47f2-a16f-d9cfcb5ea1b9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:03:47	-822.621
-50	27570	2757000	4f51e24d-8c6d-41ca-8923-31c2851d7158	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:36:45	-974.817
-50	55140	2757000	ffbd080b-d42c-4a78-af11-20cd524536eb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:07:02	-967.955
-51	27571	2757100	5155d3d4-0945-431c-91f2-0903a4e7e296	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:03:46	610.663
-51	55142	2757100	ea435fb1-c8ca-4c57-9c96-7adec716486a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:27:19	-745.702
-52	27572	2757200	92ad8cc0-5944-439d-96ba-1f49ada2c6d4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:31:40	-288.865
-52	55144	2757200	2ed26544-d38d-4c2d-a069-c7576387c6d1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:38:08	546.587
-53	27573	2757300	2c5808fb-70f7-45fd-b746-41725165e917	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:09:09	625.700
-53	55146	2757300	9c88acf5-c92e-4d93-b92a-89a0b9ba928e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:35:39	-417.286
-54	27574	2757400	a779f0ae-e858-4df2-b90d-3b4f59c5520b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:48:23	-781.394
-54	55148	2757400	ca028a90-4ab7-4e72-9864-39f3af4a15d8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:43:42	419.508
-55	27575	2757500	fb10737f-a65e-4b5a-a26d-d4a73833d3a0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:59:09	-766.167
-55	55150	2757500	03561b76-410d-4bb6-bb5b-847c80c049e0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:48:09	-163.169
-56	27576	2757600	1618a13e-830f-497a-a8f2-e9e6e0aca17f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:12:08	-323.601
-56	55152	2757600	5abadbf3-46c7-4873-845d-8a26bc807b49	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:37:26	943.371
-57	27577	2757700	5919b268-3d15-45db-b6e9-986d27a9fedc	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:27:29	756.90
-57	55154	2757700	3eb2abae-14db-437e-b511-45996ba6f135	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:03:49	380.876
-58	27578	2757800	50b7c362-914e-4a17-b940-fca8661d6446	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:48:12	206.548
-58	55156	2757800	891e9aed-c5c6-4632-b764-804ce4885650	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:01:45	647.719
-59	27579	2757900	467626a4-0d58-49d7-a97a-44d4a8a2e564	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:29:00	356.474
-59	55158	2757900	dc343150-7bf3-41f5-b225-7f7993fbcc5b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:34:18	-917.594
-60	27580	2758000	ec23a4ab-b2b7-4b84-9339-bf7391e79eab	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:38:45	-162.188
-60	55160	2758000	4ca27e01-7763-4570-a51b-7e0259eb5a2e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:50:43	-577.816
-61	27581	2758100	9ac4e59b-32d0-47fd-97be-b912a7fd9fc9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:58:30	-232.696
-61	55162	2758100	739ebfb4-d78f-4a99-bd80-74e661829489	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:26:18	637.633
-62	27582	2758200	9e01c661-cf41-458d-8d8d-18741fa98f3c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:06:34	887.592
-62	55164	2758200	5c4d015e-c766-4e76-8c97-1905f62451e3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:47:45	-291.533
-63	27583	2758300	334a2139-06d7-45b1-b6d1-b7ac3b05c6ca	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:03:27	-938.117
-63	55166	2758300	0ba99a0f-b88c-451f-b75b-8a0dc950d372	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:14:59	-268.722
-64	27584	2758400	b808d8a7-c2bc-4f65-88aa-2c80ac3db95a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:05:32	260.121
-64	55168	2758400	db923e20-2b98-4376-92c4-0113edb5b05a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:47:43	-632.893
-65	27585	2758500	fc8ade56-c627-4782-ad04-2bcde7e3286f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:13:48	-534.345
-65	55170	2758500	e856ed3d-313d-4dc5-8d28-9efc54a75942	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:23:21	572.396
-66	27586	2758600	5faf75f5-e544-4c07-a170-a18456cf1bad	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:54:47	965.768
-66	55172	2758600	1a3d23cc-3a59-4ee9-bb7b-6fb79c2d57ba	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:04:24	642.877
-67	27587	2758700	17b959d9-bf6e-484f-a1f2-97c4eba031dd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:38:26	-486.858
-67	55174	2758700	1bdd1680-5bf1-47d6-b722-91211823e312	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:16:05	277.157
-68	27588	2758800	772f75e5-f7f7-42c3-b6c1-3a006f56894d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:59:01	-471.629
-68	55176	2758800	237f5f0b-5159-4e64-ada4-a14a0976233f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:51:21	786.427
-69	27589	2758900	0dba9879-a2af-4460-aad3-1f33434ec44b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:56:36	-455.737
-69	55178	2758900	c1596ff1-c1e9-4943-b084-b9a5bd6b1186	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:24:55	-316.358
-70	27590	2759000	46e9705a-fb7e-4be6-b71d-fc5f4eb3dc08	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:47:37	890.908
-70	55180	2759000	fc21c431-436f-4b06-8ee4-a9d464b800e0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:45:00	651.656
-71	27591	2759100	baec0be9-0f8d-46c1-899b-8b85f07d8bbe	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:42:22	587.136
-71	55182	2759100	5481e8a9-7309-4725-a00b-1fd3365fafe7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:16:06	-575.652
-72	27592	2759200	147493ed-1d18-471c-aca2-fb494d539752	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:45:43	-147.707
-72	55184	2759200	a19f0eec-bbfb-4c40-b5c3-1ab51be29faf	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:55:42	139.486
-73	27593	2759300	6e3db4c1-c922-4e77-bdca-95af5752d5d7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:53:50	443.754
-73	55186	2759300	046697e7-cc4e-4d3b-8dae-cbc9a57c7835	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:44:23	840.105
-74	27594	2759400	54845508-64b5-49ae-be14-629473ba0f98	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:58:57	-108.795
-74	55188	2759400	5c1f102f-edf7-4aa6-a5d9-46f8b9200007	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:55:40	-300.655
-75	27595	2759500	52eabaf8-3469-42ec-8f80-a920c11fe25d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:22:55	768.623
-75	55190	2759500	0661eeca-fd8b-4ed2-aee1-75e36dc35198	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:37:29	910.437
-76	27596	2759600	0c11e848-cd5d-4c2d-87af-9b55e67924a0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:48:34	923.272
-76	55192	2759600	178f2636-050f-4b10-8f1f-217173fe4f94	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:17:58	-121.208
-77	27597	2759700	f83cd616-9bd1-48fe-be59-2cd01580e293	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:27:25	89.387
-77	55194	2759700	8be3aa04-ca81-46c6-bad5-2cb4f054fee1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:14:13	206.241
-78	27598	2759800	d56c1def-0bb9-43c6-b2fa-bffca4358157	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:21:58	-223.204
-78	55196	2759800	081d3afd-62b4-4ded-92a0-206ac4ba0a56	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:53:38	871.946
-79	27599	2759900	8cf07221-c73f-483e-9cb6-9ae44cacf7ac	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:09:38	-813.411
-79	55198	2759900	b5e291f5-5555-4be4-ac7a-03326fde1014	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:00:48	-117.0
-80	27600	2760000	e9eb11f6-af56-4ea4-bea3-19f24413e059	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:04:11	-370.1
-80	55200	2760000	8e2f5ab2-9658-466d-be98-9c8ab481c0bd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:33:56	243.917
-81	27601	2760100	e6a70495-8b92-4e46-9ed0-75ffbe6c6c78	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:53:49	-187.201
-81	55202	2760100	82963ec1-def7-4d55-a610-f63b0439df2d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:43:16	-936.417
-82	27602	2760200	8f48434c-9836-4458-9bdd-390996403a96	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:49:39	663.5
-82	55204	2760200	315fdf70-b671-4586-abee-0b30ed62fef7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:01:32	-547.627
-83	27603	2760300	84fd5fa0-47c0-411a-98a5-568f60bb6c27	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:20:56	-764.940
-83	55206	2760300	a68387da-9642-4199-b5cc-5c85a868b6bc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:14:09	-339.378
-84	27604	2760400	669ccd5d-7742-4c63-9873-4ea7f2ac8864	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:31:29	-72.914
-84	55208	2760400	e66b4eb8-9c5f-4c8e-8452-48415e548071	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:24:33	-641.934
-85	27605	2760500	a9326ef6-a5f6-44f1-abc2-9f2e04e314f5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:27:55	797.21
-85	55210	2760500	8fb60caa-5486-4b48-8ee4-785c3dbc8f78	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:49:03	-254.258
-86	27606	2760600	5e82c734-034e-48bb-8b4d-7898fe69915b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:08:27	360.348
-86	55212	2760600	55e6eed8-1e4c-41ec-9b86-64ef0161daa7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:19:28	802.624
-87	27607	2760700	132005d2-2b63-4d8e-bb8e-9f0b8c788e84	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:06:29	478.677
-87	55214	2760700	ed506590-9bb0-4d43-879f-4106c678d6a0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:54:19	173.324
-88	27608	2760800	95b72323-e204-454b-94c6-47a42ad8e3eb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:35:50	30.87
-88	55216	2760800	9bc68d22-ba61-47a6-a97b-68793e739751	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:06:58	-573.965
-89	27609	2760900	58966a8e-a0da-4569-8484-e0a98d02766d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:13:03	-766.256
-89	55218	2760900	a8a8e0e6-ceeb-4baa-94ca-9d894dfd5b67	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:04:18	693.197
-90	27610	2761000	e802346c-7e45-48d7-a301-4ef2a24b4ba1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:46:07	-406.430
-90	55220	2761000	ce7a0ddd-22ba-43b9-ab5f-e7943c410bdf	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:09:06	84.513
-91	27611	2761100	e321e408-f91e-4657-934c-e32b9b0fe8a9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:06:25	-128.508
-91	55222	2761100	c1f08e7e-e0a3-4c09-97d7-62f8691da687	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:24:30	-651.567
-92	27612	2761200	3fd152d9-51ff-42c6-a443-89d1897660fb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:35:07	177.791
-92	55224	2761200	53febf86-1d8e-4389-b842-65c51288ecf6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:58:33	208.579
-93	27613	2761300	29ad3f6e-8c0c-4f65-8773-045fda252373	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:26:38	-76.606
-93	55226	2761300	85ee748f-6ba6-4df1-b050-9b9442a9fd1f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:55:09	418.438
-94	27614	2761400	20cd1eda-f17b-44e7-af76-f8129777f7b4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:50:04	-977.342
-94	55228	2761400	afb9469b-cdea-48d8-825c-65d1256c31d0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:24:23	-986.531
-95	27615	2761500	622bb7df-78ce-4fe7-a23f-859d9ee841db	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:48:53	532.835
-95	55230	2761500	578c6ace-6717-4d49-9d5d-dcdefd4dc32b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:01:47	-933.416
-96	27616	2761600	ea3a72a9-30b6-41c4-b7d8-7ac3f9c184a7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:01:43	-934.168
-96	55232	2761600	9ff6f116-8147-4789-8b81-b3fc72f558e7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:59:26	734.236
-97	27617	2761700	38dba42d-45c9-4a6f-ba00-bf1acfa375dd	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:01:02	-320.385
-97	55234	2761700	9b078c8c-8188-449d-926f-2d0b525e36e1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:29:44	-316.424
-98	27618	2761800	a606f6d8-3e22-4856-a348-0db1f6e71cd6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:01:57	505.704
-98	55236	2761800	3f07a155-387b-4291-b555-b2a87cfccf8f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:24:02	-294.337
-99	27619	2761900	515f327f-ab9d-4971-a80f-952e63e42cdd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:41:01	-467.48
-99	55238	2761900	5f2356b3-718d-4c08-9e59-4582d5454b91	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:10:40	566.270
-100	27620	2762000	28ab7751-63b9-4487-b178-7481549b7b1a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:10:37	360.931
-100	55240	2762000	5a811cd0-dd0d-4b90-9118-a07665859db6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:35:08	993.530
-101	27621	2762100	79f1294c-ccfa-43f0-a963-f76456322687	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:27:08	768.280
-101	55242	2762100	160a5c70-a5e8-41de-b8ad-33fc19b9d630	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:39:43	357.744
-102	27622	2762200	c79d9691-607f-43f1-926f-800034a26dcd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:46:44	-324.508
-102	55244	2762200	33b38c89-c84d-4f15-84dd-09e27b5d52ed	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:59:17	-908.629
-103	27623	2762300	d9e58347-04bc-4ba1-8b25-764b751f6e31	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:24:03	-386.580
-103	55246	2762300	7f61b07b-d7a0-4790-9ccc-798f056c703a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:11:48	202.721
-104	27624	2762400	c46c43b1-24bb-4f17-8a51-43505d7f5378	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:19:44	-784.13
-104	55248	2762400	cf61b1a2-aee1-4e48-8fcd-69f3c9fc7e54	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:33:42	593.944
-105	27625	2762500	13ea0af9-92d0-41ad-81e0-f86be0272411	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:19:26	-798.393
-105	55250	2762500	7f94032d-509e-471c-a841-f9141c7eadf5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:29:43	-249.712
-106	27626	2762600	0d977d6c-9c78-4e61-aa6b-2bd2a1432f34	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:41:03	650.3
-106	55252	2762600	ae432ebe-c66e-4ca0-9d48-cba4d27630c0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:45:03	-29.905
-107	27627	2762700	1846b0c5-9b20-4070-bf97-64bec3899566	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:52:04	815.414
-107	55254	2762700	746f6d5f-0933-4868-b3ef-7598fc9ffa11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:55:39	-166.731
-108	27628	2762800	41381148-1d59-4060-a422-84b92ff09602	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:36:33	-618.103
-108	55256	2762800	6deb5698-afeb-45c7-91e4-ca4494476cc7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:38:15	-272.721
-109	27629	2762900	ae04f7b1-bad7-4ec8-8005-e45f9abdc610	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:20:08	-116.715
-109	55258	2762900	06146e2c-f5b4-4186-929a-efe5b0ee10ed	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:41:32	-544.354
-110	27630	2763000	b3c62129-f8ca-48c7-9efa-8db85f2831e8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:26:18	-708.162
-110	55260	2763000	d3339274-787f-4529-bae7-ee19b26e53be	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:45:04	-548.624
-111	27631	2763100	853ceb4d-9435-4175-a953-fc43aec3010d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:25:46	998.864
-111	55262	2763100	adb2309f-aa39-440a-9ec4-7769ec516f02	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:23:09	887.208
-112	27632	2763200	167a7903-97ea-4abb-93ed-0e7046e01e92	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:32:56	-562.146
-112	55264	2763200	0d78dcc5-a003-476d-b668-66a1cf1d5990	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:12:59	-208.34
-113	27633	2763300	7795cdad-4682-44c3-bd14-3d8a6f1ddc08	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:05:05	-929.396
-113	55266	2763300	8e055138-2dd9-4241-92f9-f07771c2ba03	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:47:49	948.673
-114	27634	2763400	ae6248e2-45e2-4fc8-be03-7a290b1261e9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:18:51	511.949
-114	55268	2763400	88137c20-9062-4b17-b667-e3a3d2a31824	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:30:03	318.326
-115	27635	2763500	f163693f-2f3c-4f5f-baeb-e57d0ce0e1cb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:23:57	91.876
-115	55270	2763500	e9d9dcd9-c7dd-4792-8953-922f67e7d642	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:34:55	338.345
-116	27636	2763600	ae2e4e9d-283c-4889-8701-d1fa80907008	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:58:27	-964.134
-116	55272	2763600	cd3c4c05-cedb-407f-8eba-563cf145edcf	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:49:07	386.182
-117	27637	2763700	910896a0-5cfc-4722-af17-4fac6c4b020f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:04:48	53.22
-117	55274	2763700	d0757187-0319-4c45-ae3f-79bc53ec2f53	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:07:06	187.193
-118	27638	2763800	4e291bb0-b1cf-4584-8d77-6c408989b2f1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:14:09	341.20
-118	55276	2763800	004a1e82-07b4-40fa-990d-eb0cc6d2befd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:49:51	805.21
-119	27639	2763900	12cad807-d2d9-4270-acc1-be508e991c3e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:31:10	187.108
-119	55278	2763900	145521ec-62ca-4437-9ecf-9ffb82d9dd6a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:55:51	-378.898
-120	27640	2764000	e6dcca9a-7d63-40f1-82d7-6de910fbb2cd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:46:27	381.107
-120	55280	2764000	eddc1709-b0a4-4011-b417-d7439fb7f109	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:25:18	-578.644
-121	27641	2764100	52bf68a9-1f7b-4103-9fee-c07272a765d0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:17:05	-366.253
-121	55282	2764100	201f489e-bf74-424f-b4a6-da7263954ac0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:18:11	363.699
-122	27642	2764200	3c493c13-8f65-4c51-94ca-a83010e3f3d3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:35:27	150.337
-122	55284	2764200	9a0ab04c-e67a-4247-86ef-7d1cbeae3bd5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:44:11	-534.240
-123	27643	2764300	88072486-5277-43f6-b08f-431dba78466f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:33:00	-189.597
-123	55286	2764300	a4356079-04a2-45c5-b7d1-190268622824	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:22:51	10.934
-124	27644	2764400	39f18482-7811-428d-9f8f-7c2207326750	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:19:22	691.964
-124	55288	2764400	6aa178cb-6276-4669-96d7-9334bb10f34e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:27:40	-212.321
-125	27645	2764500	75240645-b46b-4c3b-a1de-29276c7c9fae	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:58:22	-912.256
-125	55290	2764500	5e62700e-5778-443b-868f-bcd0e96e9272	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:39:23	-663.34
-126	27646	2764600	46e6316f-51ea-4941-bb87-c27494a8a3d7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:27:27	-573.400
-126	55292	2764600	b6615297-6d0b-4848-90ed-6762b98574aa	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:01:16	564.375
-127	27647	2764700	23ce6269-e8b9-458e-8151-6b6e784be255	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:49:01	69.253
-127	55294	2764700	a1ffe659-ec47-46dc-a722-ec0f16930992	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:31:19	831.543
-0	27648	2764800	46dc64be-91c5-4c32-9708-da7061918af4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:59:51	156.766
-0	55296	2764800	91b0bc32-b349-48a6-8f7d-cf440127adb9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:05:48	7.362
-1	27649	2764900	1b0e2118-be6f-4ad2-a1d8-974f537131fd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:27:31	-50.453
-1	55298	2764900	a318314c-5a82-43a1-a709-cf5c57e562af	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:11:14	564.836
-2	27650	2765000	5e52419a-5f5f-45b2-99b6-09873c27c8b9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:19:21	861.403
-2	55300	2765000	458fe986-da51-4f67-b367-4bc01f8b3401	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:45:58	672.336
-3	27651	2765100	796cb37f-9b17-466e-a7a2-9a23ddf95333	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:00:41	-119.127
-3	55302	2765100	0e03c03e-a8c9-4a0b-b5c1-3ff17dff1af7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:35:27	-516.390
-4	27652	2765200	42aa5fd3-8fe0-4994-8d92-6fc2304ea62e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:25:46	-502.67
-4	55304	2765200	ee415cf5-7b23-4481-8756-9da48e5c6a7c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:11:43	-65.385
-5	27653	2765300	fede8dc7-cd09-4e91-a3d9-aa269223e90f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:54:05	54.290
-5	55306	2765300	e16ce98f-8eb8-4c0e-bc48-387e61a2b8a4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:45:45	-927.655
-6	27654	2765400	fec9379d-fbc7-42f3-9215-2b0b2a2c3f14	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:30:19	-520.122
-6	55308	2765400	7266ec03-556e-45f0-9ec9-56928f238a79	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:15:36	-729.760
-7	27655	2765500	8966d866-6e29-47a3-ae64-864ed91dc44f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:01:39	-243.408
-7	55310	2765500	d868492c-0dc3-4609-a84e-fc6b036567af	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:02:07	-959.840
-8	27656	2765600	09cc63e1-25c1-412d-abd4-dc494bcbe3ba	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:32:49	320.531
-8	55312	2765600	22b02fbb-57f6-4459-928e-d75234d4a977	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:39:17	-27.526
-9	27657	2765700	9f808ac9-757b-49ed-a587-33c35e2b198a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:30:26	-578.500
-9	55314	2765700	308b52fd-2dd5-4462-bd37-0cf0b0332333	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:13:47	270.823
-10	27658	2765800	bd61fd0c-c8ee-4510-a861-978de22db9ac	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:04:46	991.632
-10	55316	2765800	fe665e62-742e-4393-b981-51cee6278590	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:01:45	857.493
-11	27659	2765900	80f5e322-1a93-4fab-b3ba-c680f2ed7190	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:54:08	-752.902
-11	55318	2765900	969d83be-6639-4789-8b2e-9567c02e06fc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:06:22	-501.739
-12	27660	2766000	128af932-17b5-46b5-b689-2200dd3c1522	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:36:14	738.646
-12	55320	2766000	6df04f8a-28ba-42fe-abfc-8280cd7fc417	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:07:33	-701.668
-13	27661	2766100	b3e8dc40-404e-47e2-9148-8501c2e385c7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:58:20	50.944
-13	55322	2766100	031bd510-c10c-4653-977a-9831593da071	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:42:32	912.402
-14	27662	2766200	3fcb8df6-bec8-484d-b059-c863bf6b0dc2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:47:08	496.311
-14	55324	2766200	1da2be35-551c-4a04-89c6-b785733d4ac5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:59:13	-738.62
-15	27663	2766300	d96fb929-766c-4916-8213-3ba6fcdcb2b8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:14:07	-127.868
-15	55326	2766300	4e4459bb-9972-4816-af74-9f5ba0510c1c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:56:27	-417.660
-16	27664	2766400	b360d018-39d0-4a61-b51d-e5c7d7aa4225	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:40:28	-927.556
-16	55328	2766400	6f933524-8948-4dda-8c20-e8bdea20d566	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:49:19	-185.474
-17	27665	2766500	ba809f56-1d78-41e7-8f84-015835a4e110	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:40:50	435.482
-17	55330	2766500	c27bfb66-0f9e-4387-88a1-b9c58bf9f8cc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:57:14	-445.465
-18	27666	2766600	7ca6319f-1727-477b-aa25-1eb0285a4be4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:07:07	-720.905
-18	55332	2766600	f29f1dde-d228-42d4-b0b7-b0fd2695ebba	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:57:04	-224.469
-19	27667	2766700	64ac5e78-0a17-4ea5-86ed-03088667156a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:14:38	834.531
-19	55334	2766700	af476a49-caa7-4a7e-9a96-121194799f52	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:30:09	733.86
-20	27668	2766800	4de7459f-2eca-4488-b1f0-092f18badb95	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:49:14	9.987
-20	55336	2766800	c0d0fd35-8d12-4491-b1a8-2dea9b181ef1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:04:14	71.314
-21	27669	2766900	21d9f6f2-6a73-45c7-8d78-48069676d57f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:41:35	-650.302
-21	55338	2766900	2a9a4930-fc80-467b-a5a4-d61d5093b617	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:26:39	-802.861
-22	27670	2767000	025c9a88-5cf5-4ead-bb67-c8cfd4f419c9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:16:47	-358.149
-22	55340	2767000	24b45f54-3953-42b5-bd69-ab85f65847b5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:07:15	-317.371
-23	27671	2767100	8c03db34-cc69-494c-ab15-a3248f7f309a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:32:55	-583.796
-23	55342	2767100	3b91fac2-aad5-48c3-97d8-5b009b3a6fd1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:15:45	286.228
-24	27672	2767200	f0d47a58-87bc-4370-9ae7-737016068387	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:30:49	-715.459
-24	55344	2767200	7eb65fd5-38e7-4577-8122-98905e2cb38f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:25:45	249.244
-25	27673	2767300	f519503b-2474-4e77-aa25-e7ed528988de	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:52:02	-601.388
-25	55346	2767300	6ad9696b-b6b5-4574-9de9-46e56c8a71ab	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:39:09	-454.5
-26	27674	2767400	9e51e348-5373-43af-bbb1-dea5061afbc1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:27:22	-740.455
-26	55348	2767400	8266ad4d-632c-4f0b-8d2a-4ef2922f5bb4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:19:45	325.298
-27	27675	2767500	4e32f5d4-42be-41da-b4c7-0a5f79431316	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:50:41	-549.847
-27	55350	2767500	a1abffc5-729a-4c97-9643-c233f0102c9a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:52:39	370.667
-28	27676	2767600	c67ab5a5-a359-4238-b74b-cf8e91f1f440	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:32:02	905.428
-28	55352	2767600	b6c06cd5-cc65-401b-a3c7-a92819ef06ac	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:00:49	831.423
-29	27677	2767700	042e6bf5-1e54-452d-992f-166711ca8548	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:39:33	470.351
-29	55354	2767700	d3509f3b-e9f6-4b03-9f1f-89e12be8aaa2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:23:54	-969.194
-30	27678	2767800	fd4cc80b-b73c-423b-8128-21f026389fd9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:36:45	-170.30
-30	55356	2767800	8ab8e56f-ce54-4a2c-808a-306a213cadcc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:03:53	894.840
-31	27679	2767900	d70d321f-9501-4f52-8f55-cd3d0a3473f0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:50:21	229.911
-31	55358	2767900	0a2a1dad-eea2-4d80-8ab9-869143d10967	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:27:10	-597.481
-32	27680	2768000	26d54d90-37e7-4332-a787-aaad3c1ff567	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:35:57	674.12
-32	55360	2768000	856620bd-61e3-49c6-96f9-58a752d4f1de	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:37:37	139.753
-33	27681	2768100	6cabb445-65c2-46c9-84cf-c909607b2294	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:54:41	-313.769
-33	55362	2768100	78221c80-d62b-42f4-9cec-74bfd394da05	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:00:01	183.303
-34	27682	2768200	599a352e-84fb-43f3-b3d3-876c6f520808	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:49:46	-528.858
-34	55364	2768200	59dcadcf-f27a-44e0-a133-a81b151165d5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:32:11	680.466
-35	27683	2768300	57ac5921-d730-4967-87f8-ce6b4150acd6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:07:40	664.460
-35	55366	2768300	24060af3-224b-4f00-be30-168c38c13d93	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:09:45	-875.9
-36	27684	2768400	56ca9ce6-26eb-4e8f-9110-0364a3b93ac9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:11:01	-310.104
-36	55368	2768400	79587614-809b-48fd-8233-5a2bcf4f949f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:48:54	-795.519
-37	27685	2768500	36cca165-2676-4d84-9778-3a9fe5df3050	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:05:19	-326.711
-37	55370	2768500	2f60530d-66b5-42a2-b409-d4f9829db0ff	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:12:20	-764.429
-38	27686	2768600	021d619a-77cf-4d7e-a55f-4f246bedb79c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:26:11	397.799
-38	55372	2768600	b65adf78-3ef6-4859-b13d-7281389df326	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:56:06	758.840
-39	27687	2768700	9286142b-6b09-4599-b104-7231cde7a542	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:11:25	-388.161
-39	55374	2768700	a63757ab-7d9c-490e-801a-2d3b75301d75	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:38:28	893.122
-40	27688	2768800	2c467df2-9d80-4e77-a26a-9d5e5c069129	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:31:10	594.358
-40	55376	2768800	05d3ddde-227a-4e50-b9ab-e6b998c97f71	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:50:20	900.333
-41	27689	2768900	856eb789-5ec5-4f99-b03c-0cbf08cf701a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:35:51	825.357
-41	55378	2768900	c4825018-97cd-4686-b339-3772831fe8b6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:56:54	2.783
-42	27690	2769000	a09c38cd-5188-4c79-8513-f9e0fd38830e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:55:04	477.888
-42	55380	2769000	66fdd290-5574-456c-83cb-3addb0c91b56	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:18:44	78.442
-43	27691	2769100	7d4dba73-eb9c-4c8f-84d9-f2ff0c3c2d93	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:28:49	792.824
-43	55382	2769100	af495ce9-e159-4f4e-86cf-7acb3cf74e86	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:53:35	716.127
-44	27692	2769200	84304aa0-eea1-4746-bc65-3a66f31414bd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:43:00	-940.891
-44	55384	2769200	5885a139-3f17-4f9a-9f0f-f72afc7ada17	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:14:25	459.3
-45	27693	2769300	64982810-406b-4479-be55-b07d3b820601	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:54:00	651.272
-45	55386	2769300	b9a5dce4-cbdd-4050-877c-7353e1d9684f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:48:48	452.941
-46	27694	2769400	730ddf42-4414-47bf-9a75-9411bd214467	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:36:23	-500.50
-46	55388	2769400	cf962d30-2bca-4cde-a22d-5822af889eb6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:55:16	-907.252
-47	27695	2769500	7766036c-cd96-48e9-98f5-6206174043e9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:56:06	-552.596
-47	55390	2769500	9a8e662f-0c14-443e-80f8-e8f447e59fbc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:17:04	-514.911
-48	27696	2769600	45f32d24-838e-4b42-b0a6-56b53fdd20fe	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:25:41	-159.413
-48	55392	2769600	bd4b39ce-24b7-4afa-be24-e07a61bdb9ed	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:20:20	-889.627
-49	27697	2769700	601b014d-ed50-4bc4-a47b-a4f5c4095d8c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:49:17	-847.692
-49	55394	2769700	3094546d-807a-4873-ad25-bf8280442896	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:59:29	45.146
-50	27698	2769800	7c8e4e22-c542-4377-af2d-470c57df4d8a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:21:01	162.912
-50	55396	2769800	396a3051-2e23-4f46-893b-4e564615f1e2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:03:41	272.759
-51	27699	2769900	92fbe1de-a722-40c4-a12a-a71acfdfe1f6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:58:07	-58.994
-51	55398	2769900	e9a16f80-825a-474e-8643-98bea5a4b25b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:02:33	-344.640
-52	27700	2770000	8dbe404a-4be9-401b-97ea-86945ce6ada3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:11:29	837.361
-52	55400	2770000	ed739321-229d-4ae0-83bb-de681cdda0a1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:45:46	244.282
-53	27701	2770100	65ba2e02-b6bf-4d93-bca9-9fc5eaa572ff	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:57:10	-185.464
-53	55402	2770100	63217804-aac5-463c-8d15-c92c2ce8c698	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:00:58	861.466
-54	27702	2770200	60d65059-7482-4eb0-a1a3-a172d8888b21	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:04:08	-740.675
-54	55404	2770200	11c83aff-94bd-4550-8462-91e550e509d0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:49:38	-171.425
-55	27703	2770300	3182c3de-bfcd-4dc7-895b-3d82e20d61d8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:33:28	-96.545
-55	55406	2770300	cd79232f-ab2d-4814-a315-61eb21d3e6b0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:08:51	-101.484
-56	27704	2770400	a96092d0-0eb9-455f-966e-10465d6b49a8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:11:51	581.245
-56	55408	2770400	299396ed-f686-4eec-a982-a5c9d4427faf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:37:13	-486.356
-57	27705	2770500	82f05083-e570-4626-8205-32947c7a1c8a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:52:43	226.619
-57	55410	2770500	133b8a37-ed03-4c9e-b9ba-5fff98443ea0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:38:32	-375.378
-58	27706	2770600	e5f829ad-9de5-43ed-8f00-0a8597bc74a0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:46:11	-673.713
-58	55412	2770600	e893d51a-04c8-4dd4-b1bc-e6aef7bff5f4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:22:55	845.536
-59	27707	2770700	97a0240a-185d-4aa8-9136-194cdccbd699	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:29:16	-353.341
-59	55414	2770700	c128cfe6-ee18-4b6e-9e35-55ed7e030333	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:32:07	960.66
-60	27708	2770800	0ee5b592-2fe4-46ae-825c-a506144643bc	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:29:55	-719.219
-60	55416	2770800	c295e4ff-6495-4434-983a-8c98a187b24b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:40:37	-166.641
-61	27709	2770900	fa2a9763-3568-406a-9f69-df2b8cfae108	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:10:33	700.350
-61	55418	2770900	a403353e-e468-4d4c-af5b-eda8a82807a9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:01:52	322.151
-62	27710	2771000	2ee6c3c0-1ea9-4fd3-91b9-4708bdc3daed	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:19:20	0.852
-62	55420	2771000	510f7c28-c61a-42d3-a3f4-c0f6962acef1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:07:47	-175.84
-63	27711	2771100	b5bf5f2c-529c-4015-96a8-c4e712a14058	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:32:01	-109.147
-63	55422	2771100	d85636ea-f2cc-4ba1-a7c5-9a758b1b6c79	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:45:49	-634.426
-64	27712	2771200	96c3d10b-10f9-47ba-918c-b2c99462232c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:12:01	152.673
-64	55424	2771200	9e9c8533-ac07-47c4-899d-2af8c5d37499	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:32:31	-724.421
-65	27713	2771300	ce823765-5471-48d2-b795-52d4ed55f96a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:19:13	62.842
-65	55426	2771300	1a399f8f-5867-44f9-879c-2879b44c0e04	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:52:08	463.804
-66	27714	2771400	f0bc5f3b-d8e4-48c3-8aeb-cc939f9eab29	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:07:03	410.874
-66	55428	2771400	03ef7c43-303e-470d-a844-afffb065aef4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:30:43	-464.780
-67	27715	2771500	6ec75953-3544-4dd2-9a1e-e4def7c772f5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:09:07	194.75
-67	55430	2771500	20ab4b9d-da72-4c13-90fd-1817bf1a4499	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:22:09	-977.799
-68	27716	2771600	0b5dfad3-6bc9-421b-938b-4f71d4f17e2f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:06:17	-598.582
-68	55432	2771600	abccfcc0-5791-43ae-a40b-8aa13bf32274	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:28:48	-630.93
-69	27717	2771700	aac264c3-153d-4b7d-af0a-36548615bf73	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:34:08	-25.227
-69	55434	2771700	3ea6247b-d2fd-4a05-ac60-59e88d20edea	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:22:59	-720.159
-70	27718	2771800	731c363e-1687-4097-82da-13aadc314ec6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:09:52	977.573
-70	55436	2771800	f82d8ab6-75ff-4131-b04d-d60b5b7c9dea	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:54:24	779.529
-71	27719	2771900	4701a3fa-2b88-454d-b90f-18b8839e0188	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:46:46	-20.851
-71	55438	2771900	14d49a83-d692-48a5-bbde-70b9f41fc3b4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:09:35	277.241
-72	27720	2772000	ccf461de-3ddb-47f7-bf1f-15b87c25b075	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:37:04	-440.640
-72	55440	2772000	34dde0b4-9869-406b-a890-063d0be78d69	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:40:46	621.216
-73	27721	2772100	f11ea39c-9946-4b86-a04d-9c9a0355f75b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:09:59	401.618
-73	55442	2772100	3c6d11e3-3d84-4cb5-a249-698737cc0d13	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:18:01	-560.167
-74	27722	2772200	faa59dff-4550-489b-8607-5a42da90067a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:12:39	-111.189
-74	55444	2772200	ba02c158-8f57-4776-ab4e-57ad4eaff82f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:52:21	-984.272
-75	27723	2772300	810ba840-dddf-4c9c-980f-4462e4a4b803	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:49:28	-637.614
-75	55446	2772300	4ea037b7-8c78-4366-b8a7-9e44bc88a22b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:19:33	527.126
-76	27724	2772400	674d71e3-dc9a-4ead-988b-27f5d8c836f0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:49:22	124.225
-76	55448	2772400	a7b22fe0-cc6d-491b-9c74-6e1c6dfa726a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:07:47	450.794
-77	27725	2772500	ca3c9171-dfa0-4b25-98b4-578bec2c0b9d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:43:34	-736.15
-77	55450	2772500	c2e81dfe-0c8a-4ba5-9ed1-521b9fad2018	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:27:08	216.40
-78	27726	2772600	73e0b091-48a1-4711-adf4-f9733293c810	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:36:02	-724.658
-78	55452	2772600	dd5f7091-61bb-4a18-a4a4-da924ddf4a2c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:32:40	-587.186
-79	27727	2772700	efc7031d-86ad-4685-8cf8-478fc3445833	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:30:24	906.439
-79	55454	2772700	a53fb95f-8d69-4f2b-8e99-644cde7d2ace	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:11:12	892.52
-80	27728	2772800	531dee23-294f-4c00-ba1a-fb65dfa1702e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:33:11	47.386
-80	55456	2772800	0d240fc9-8a06-444f-8a44-dba6358b10df	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:16:13	-464.127
-81	27729	2772900	baef0209-04eb-48be-875b-68041f364943	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:54:35	-89.638
-81	55458	2772900	71a77656-9624-40b0-afab-239df81b7bfb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:02:48	-46.111
-82	27730	2773000	66fbfdc9-ed12-4d21-b35e-a518967054e2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:36:09	529.165
-82	55460	2773000	66cd5eba-75b8-4da9-9852-06d185fb67ba	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:57:00	-96.646
-83	27731	2773100	b5bddc52-93a7-48bb-a152-c4148a35924e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:14:59	103.638
-83	55462	2773100	2ed72e6e-72ce-4b98-a3be-aea1ce30d7b7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:47:05	150.471
-84	27732	2773200	d90e222c-044b-4799-9883-89c66a955f87	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:42:59	-842.866
-84	55464	2773200	053c9d34-6a7c-40c6-ad91-da1bd7778573	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:30:47	440.309
-85	27733	2773300	49853a85-f38b-4374-9b29-06d64391c8c8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:50:37	-103.769
-85	55466	2773300	69863b12-b91a-4c1a-9b3a-adeab1f787cc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:00:01	-927.955
-86	27734	2773400	1148e5c2-63af-4883-b0ad-d1d1cf612b3d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:09:57	121.141
-86	55468	2773400	e9600f27-9bc1-46f2-a0ef-39e9cf5c48d5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:19:56	715.649
-87	27735	2773500	a76ef5f1-f8cd-4050-a3c2-7520b3c2a4be	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:40:32	-775.374
-87	55470	2773500	5d125f79-af5e-49a3-8544-e6d72a2157d0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:35:44	-693.854
-88	27736	2773600	30100df3-4e0e-4ebd-9314-416b2ddfd3d3	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:21:35	-985.138
-88	55472	2773600	c757f04b-df4b-4b59-8134-e568495c59fd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:00:22	-332.909
-89	27737	2773700	e0f27fdb-4b11-4082-a2f3-65d8c4e8a0fe	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:42:13	668.893
-89	55474	2773700	ae2ea979-0171-412a-a1fb-2e4c442ff6aa	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:26:50	129.176
-90	27738	2773800	434a9177-0e6c-45b7-a02c-74d57abfc359	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:33:33	-783.618
-90	55476	2773800	7fe05a82-4225-4cbf-ad52-6c5816bb63fb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:59:16	-592.99
-91	27739	2773900	b74247c7-14e0-42fb-8599-6c5077972670	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:58:26	-98.819
-91	55478	2773900	e0f7e600-47a5-4dec-a607-07cbbaaaacc5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:48:56	-530.200
-92	27740	2774000	767b670b-9169-43d2-a523-158ffe003638	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:35:54	-236.306
-92	55480	2774000	6555e44c-ab65-4fcb-a982-523a0c6b23d6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:56:16	589.719
-93	27741	2774100	7ba49d4c-b032-4a0a-a687-11dade8d6b36	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:27:14	366.895
-93	55482	2774100	e36b2a2d-c076-45ff-9a7b-8547ba0f727d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:23:09	202.335
-94	27742	2774200	53eb8d1f-395d-4cf3-8fe0-59127cfb959d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:10:26	701.957
-94	55484	2774200	2692d349-a40c-40a8-8354-59fe56d121fe	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:32:26	879.259
-95	27743	2774300	1bdddb76-719a-4986-8507-45b575cdc092	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:07:42	-498.595
-95	55486	2774300	a2cd14ef-06f0-40ec-946e-74e044f0b51e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:33:01	-624.582
-96	27744	2774400	66ddd7b6-d6d2-4e2d-8c64-954d396800ad	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:53:57	618.199
-96	55488	2774400	2aa68d66-fc15-44c1-a5a8-797118541768	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:13:17	-830.353
-97	27745	2774500	330685b6-c2fc-4a04-9a73-5e48806f7ca1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:40:39	391.953
-97	55490	2774500	96ad2a1b-b170-401c-a61f-590b9b7aa201	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:14:36	917.125
-98	27746	2774600	b49a97ec-5f5d-4c3e-b176-01d9fc494c78	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:38:39	-99.668
-98	55492	2774600	f2711c21-8eff-451f-a2db-673c7382ffec	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:57:32	-594.345
-99	27747	2774700	2d4bfd81-d2eb-4962-8293-bd2d54bff26e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:57:45	-433.370
-99	55494	2774700	97886ad4-a7de-49d6-82cb-a0258b84a44a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:57:13	253.378
-100	27748	2774800	1e3a48c2-1d39-478c-be9f-92b5b0ba6e54	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:38:49	-55.669
-100	55496	2774800	798d1eb1-7a87-40bb-87b1-5f146385b08f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:08:14	819.488
-101	27749	2774900	ee6803ff-c311-4de6-ba69-3dd26bf67d38	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:23:18	151.594
-101	55498	2774900	ec15965f-a7a9-40bc-94fe-5d3883266da8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:10:10	775.933
-102	27750	2775000	313947b7-3f78-4c23-a2d1-48cab34d95b7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:24:17	493.153
-102	55500	2775000	06fa7caa-1bfd-4f7e-bf35-7ec8a4689754	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:10:09	82.271
-103	27751	2775100	da6f0283-6bec-4e10-b8a3-653fb5338a71	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:55:25	110.294
-103	55502	2775100	bd0fe51d-a1d9-4416-ae51-bccf74ab2b53	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:59:03	243.381
-104	27752	2775200	55a89a27-2d7a-49f1-ab78-89fad56afb32	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:27:42	-899.413
-104	55504	2775200	527c74a5-4774-4451-8d69-634c4affb006	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:58:09	-279.151
-105	27753	2775300	e6c47887-8e54-405f-aaff-da7ece6d47a2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:04:27	-354.955
-105	55506	2775300	2b00b4e3-ecad-4402-91a9-be6fbe6717bd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:42:17	416.403
-106	27754	2775400	df4be228-eccd-48b7-988d-caa5ceb19264	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:10:51	-897.922
-106	55508	2775400	e5c455c2-4b50-46ba-89bc-c88417aa84db	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:44:52	915.56
-107	27755	2775500	8841fd6f-e122-4ae5-a7bf-0573b398ec0d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:51:55	-152.218
-107	55510	2775500	af5d0031-d84e-411c-abc0-8b4fb20cf913	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:27:13	-703.409
-108	27756	2775600	5cdfcac2-5dae-4c82-be54-91aad26d2a11	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:26:37	973.663
-108	55512	2775600	488a19c3-7370-4fc1-8182-664362070f33	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:37:16	-367.600
-109	27757	2775700	b0e1c13c-5ea6-4461-b860-54ce5bfa8a39	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:16:09	-770.564
-109	55514	2775700	a6ef6f11-1fb0-4ec1-8b2d-e68c10063b37	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:35:10	-515.452
-110	27758	2775800	98819cbe-c1f4-4e29-8cb1-b5a8a1fd37d2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:02:18	-340.911
-110	55516	2775800	83c1ffa0-c1a9-47f2-8fb4-5f3c0731b136	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:00:00	-96.34
-111	27759	2775900	d39bde28-b9a9-433a-8a52-5032283f9219	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:49:46	-23.222
-111	55518	2775900	e1817069-b9aa-415e-ae4a-cfedac5d0a2b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:57:46	626.456
-112	27760	2776000	5adc12d9-2d2c-4c77-9e68-ad17c4b15da7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:37:29	477.110
-112	55520	2776000	8635da5a-056b-46e7-9386-1eddeb3a27ef	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:31:33	-799.844
-113	27761	2776100	1c64d719-24d6-4357-b7ca-e383fe3880af	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:47:29	-383.837
-113	55522	2776100	8439ab94-a579-4be0-ab11-ae552445937e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:46:54	704.815
-114	27762	2776200	74bed832-6a7e-41f8-be78-6e1ded80d7f3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:58:37	-952.479
-114	55524	2776200	bbb630b3-b324-4452-8ad8-553f23336b57	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:55:57	-247.916
-115	27763	2776300	1830998c-c4fe-45ad-8405-540e8f177832	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:44:04	412.339
-115	55526	2776300	a451e36b-ea04-4106-9d43-c2d82989e03b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:03:53	208.169
-116	27764	2776400	44d5ee6e-b571-4b88-91c6-18a18d744de2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:10:53	-931.303
-116	55528	2776400	9ebb117d-8232-490b-ae81-79d503e44480	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:20:44	-687.268
-117	27765	2776500	d9742920-f388-4126-87c3-8b90a50ae167	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:08:02	965.892
-117	55530	2776500	90fd436d-1e17-431d-a29d-089217d9924e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:14:00	887.986
-118	27766	2776600	9d836d76-e4d9-49b2-b8a8-ec92c4330b8d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:27:39	-463.886
-118	55532	2776600	ee4f2176-051a-4f78-b49b-8020a4585d82	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:49:51	803.509
-119	27767	2776700	709e0ba5-5511-440e-8155-4f5c5dee518d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:01:38	551.969
-119	55534	2776700	cd6ea81b-68cf-4458-9965-3940e01c747d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:52:49	-436.430
-120	27768	2776800	13286bfc-78d1-4d99-a6d1-e192b1dcb64e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:15:19	-165.597
-120	55536	2776800	bee0ccdf-37fb-4635-955e-d0f0fc4d263d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:36:01	-390.547
-121	27769	2776900	9290d0bb-521a-46fc-a214-9d5c279831a3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:56:36	891.423
-121	55538	2776900	8344d454-eea6-4f70-804f-6e60fffa12af	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:14:27	-717.438
-122	27770	2777000	8b20125e-42e5-4caf-a451-092b60d9b2fa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:19:45	929.745
-122	55540	2777000	56232154-bf46-4b8b-bae5-1230ec51fbfa	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:02:10	-405.834
-123	27771	2777100	119e5846-691b-4ffd-8a55-51e329e006ef	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:37:53	71.826
-123	55542	2777100	621f0931-ef7c-44f3-ae26-d053de49ea44	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:12:26	241.849
-124	27772	2777200	ec6c74ad-6244-406f-8fbb-2472841f6033	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:40:28	-65.347
-124	55544	2777200	3f2d3690-6ad6-4fa7-a420-73c61c7ff209	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:39:00	-452.312
-125	27773	2777300	b23aa0e8-4ee5-4a13-8fec-4e575f996de2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:33:01	174.190
-125	55546	2777300	f37ffdac-f63e-4eb4-99bf-25d3de2554f1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:16:23	-790.542
-126	27774	2777400	15f22d9d-cc6f-45cd-9c7e-21efa66044e0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:13:03	48.338
-126	55548	2777400	03a30698-c268-4d76-bd11-4b65bc6118f3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:53:01	-95.814
-127	27775	2777500	626a7a07-ff0f-4c47-89ed-c0662c52f463	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:06:26	427.171
-127	55550	2777500	e4bfba72-d33e-4cef-b35f-126be737bcdc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:03:08	144.692
-0	27776	2777600	e4ff9e16-947e-4428-812e-e56aebb2469d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:33:31	102.610
-0	55552	2777600	85bc226d-8c95-4cee-9cb6-a3a4a4f9e0ae	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:46:37	-345.820
-1	27777	2777700	7d469f99-1d78-451c-a9c3-92571ef308d5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:00:49	526.688
-1	55554	2777700	958b4307-3a22-476a-ad73-01e594b3fc0e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:56:32	875.481
-2	27778	2777800	d0ce83fa-1424-41f5-a624-c1d234c920e6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:32:39	546.13
-2	55556	2777800	9b4bcd15-9ef1-4b5e-87a7-39d4d4205ce3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:37:05	-53.642
-3	27779	2777900	4fa889c4-11c2-46b0-9964-f0cfeb69f110	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:01:28	552.334
-3	55558	2777900	aeb7c379-28d8-4028-a466-351d744c2b11	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:09:52	-359.47
-4	27780	2778000	c3da1941-245f-4711-b5ec-13f73565b169	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:44:44	-814.907
-4	55560	2778000	0ff3c768-35ac-4351-8832-5529c7979008	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:09:40	83.495
-5	27781	2778100	3c5a19ca-ff2b-4a73-891f-976d407ec793	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:23:27	0.22
-5	55562	2778100	824566cc-6bf6-44a9-986d-a88a1428582d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:35:20	-577.854
-6	27782	2778200	865b8d29-4c46-42db-a44d-79e3ca49fb69	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:28:33	671.421
-6	55564	2778200	d11e9056-c834-41f7-98af-d2c9a2b3b4b2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:07:46	-783.785
-7	27783	2778300	abb2be58-b6d8-40a1-bdac-a02ca9dc2f23	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:26:36	628.283
-7	55566	2778300	98a6356b-80ce-4f76-872e-963069b01d51	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:03:06	-103.553
-8	27784	2778400	b62b8627-d961-41fe-9574-0b3d422854a2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:33:52	-799.665
-8	55568	2778400	eac7e0f3-0395-4676-bc11-e53af29c118d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:17:57	964.529
-9	27785	2778500	1188baf3-4c01-4c75-9a42-e83fc0bcd0f4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:00:40	234.104
-9	55570	2778500	5482efd3-9700-47a9-b34a-2c04396a9f6a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:20:58	-800.183
-10	27786	2778600	a78971b6-73bb-4e05-adb1-c43ceb0f57fc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:07:25	735.332
-10	55572	2778600	6a35bbd9-7108-4c10-b10d-94051050dad6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:46:25	-342.409
-11	27787	2778700	b108c1f3-a328-4a2e-9431-972e35cfca1a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:54:48	570.87
-11	55574	2778700	41d6452c-ab57-4956-b94a-5b2123a6a3d3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:06:11	-25.79
-12	27788	2778800	c098cb14-2e23-427d-8ca5-a895bfccbec3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:02:31	38.831
-12	55576	2778800	5e7bc1f7-3925-443c-967c-d0a68530cdc9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:27:23	-739.507
-13	27789	2778900	77b17915-c9a3-4938-9500-6ddd5ef9271c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:05:13	706.117
-13	55578	2778900	7d1a5c72-16e0-40d4-bccf-11a1813325f6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:24:45	-70.558
-14	27790	2779000	112f2a86-0c38-4f69-8dae-8413981cd881	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:12:44	-832.971
-14	55580	2779000	8589f3ed-e279-4dc5-921e-7dbfc790852d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:54:00	80.830
-15	27791	2779100	03110ab4-59bf-453b-9389-3f38f31a3064	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:36:01	-710.751
-15	55582	2779100	0e32a297-aaff-458f-9099-b5fded9cab1d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:58:08	131.855
-16	27792	2779200	0f489356-7341-4a00-98a3-7fcb13396966	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:38:28	291.80
-16	55584	2779200	ffe47687-1dc0-4b75-97d3-ae7f083f0969	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:10:47	740.868
-17	27793	2779300	d8fb7584-f2b7-468e-8569-c1c63efe8be6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:27:43	-107.687
-17	55586	2779300	16bc4468-b42f-4a40-a98a-b9accf723a83	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:03:56	356.239
-18	27794	2779400	b689197f-5040-40b0-86e1-6c672d9b6099	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:47:47	-566.512
-18	55588	2779400	f2c61577-0489-4ec5-a3a1-de3a299e1347	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:54:12	860.881
-19	27795	2779500	c2fd30b1-870b-469c-91df-b85e34f38240	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:07:06	-49.672
-19	55590	2779500	fa9076f3-0043-4f18-be61-e3b3dd2a7d9c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:09:38	302.576
-20	27796	2779600	5a7dd831-da04-4fc7-87d2-d17547d7216c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:36:59	-223.639
-20	55592	2779600	4c7307a8-6116-4817-9ae5-1b402f78ee9b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:07:32	712.375
-21	27797	2779700	346893e6-e6a9-4dff-b209-60125c71af2e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:39:34	173.581
-21	55594	2779700	055cb3a7-76b2-433b-9e1d-f8eae890b309	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:13:32	-933.651
-22	27798	2779800	886b9bc2-f0b0-48fa-ae30-be233cbf6d79	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:09:26	707.792
-22	55596	2779800	1559d55e-37d3-4098-be89-3736a0ac29db	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:30:43	-284.370
-23	27799	2779900	1ba41d9a-762c-4994-8515-f7c8ae15a0af	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:36:40	-746.165
-23	55598	2779900	87eec7bc-1265-4293-962d-8c102d9159d2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:58:58	889.727
-24	27800	2780000	2716f692-0857-4bdb-8caf-3eeaa425248b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:21:45	-845.280
-24	55600	2780000	c4684995-1c0e-4a38-a910-6b3822565853	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:58:14	982.41
-25	27801	2780100	5fb93f3b-d8c4-4a73-a580-b21d5a5bc42b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:32:49	-49.613
-25	55602	2780100	7dbef526-c3b3-4884-9266-688a903ab753	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:16:09	-984.666
-26	27802	2780200	af0c9d30-f418-4971-b3ca-a6754a884479	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:49:18	935.206
-26	55604	2780200	aa6ee6b4-827d-41ca-a7db-27603d4fedf8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:31:29	-416.337
-27	27803	2780300	8045b327-406b-4420-a296-f7f8c6a1383b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:25:54	701.98
-27	55606	2780300	909b9bcd-d187-4258-9ce5-1da638503d37	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:37:06	-885.200
-28	27804	2780400	f913cb35-f191-4df9-b13c-c85aae7a5771	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:30:07	603.827
-28	55608	2780400	73ccc56d-af42-4510-99aa-d25525aeb403	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:14:38	-805.900
-29	27805	2780500	dbb0f39a-eacb-49d9-bad9-c25b6003c886	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:25:55	783.516
-29	55610	2780500	bcbb220f-4658-416c-bfee-625e8826745b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:29:48	499.368
-30	27806	2780600	2908debe-25f1-423a-b76c-b97f1e42693f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:45:57	785.873
-30	55612	2780600	9b84f892-250c-4d9e-be4b-c7bdeb136868	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:07:25	754.600
-31	27807	2780700	f821e259-38ae-480c-91e0-b9582168121d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:06:40	-426.635
-31	55614	2780700	59ba6621-f13f-4497-813e-40f377caf127	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:39:50	694.115
-32	27808	2780800	8d497595-93f2-4e3d-996f-7f703c3b1c8f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:14:39	-539.715
-32	55616	2780800	86edcf6b-2506-4d06-b8b9-cdc5ad5b5538	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:16:56	-959.883
-33	27809	2780900	5498084a-7c96-42fd-93b4-93731c79a3f2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:26:49	-101.255
-33	55618	2780900	18f2214b-4d88-4632-a148-88105bfd0611	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:48:41	229.924
-34	27810	2781000	d53c32c5-ec9f-4fb5-b49e-f5e22dbf2833	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:20:09	9.568
-34	55620	2781000	66175e50-28f2-4a5a-af86-2a45d0cc68a2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:02:12	696.456
-35	27811	2781100	2cb0b50d-cb37-4d7f-aacb-0bbb85446971	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:44:46	733.23
-35	55622	2781100	6d006355-259f-4f5a-9cc5-09503de93e05	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:28:44	-216.829
-36	27812	2781200	bebbcc90-da10-467a-8012-24d499cb6b93	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:31:52	-227.959
-36	55624	2781200	f6fcdae4-82ef-48e1-bc0c-7997f4d3db7c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:25:29	317.802
-37	27813	2781300	1231fbab-6fef-4238-9994-566597fbfc84	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:12:44	827.928
-37	55626	2781300	5c1563dc-7f51-4d72-8907-a22df73aa242	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:47:43	-520.703
-38	27814	2781400	2385edad-7b09-4b63-bdcb-a308f71e0790	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:49:38	-645.693
-38	55628	2781400	fe45cc37-2911-4dcd-966a-eb6f132072ed	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:25:23	601.331
-39	27815	2781500	cde743ad-5eff-4b97-99d5-4779f0b0fae9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:26:42	465.198
-39	55630	2781500	2ebf7e35-b0a3-4567-8e0c-8a9ac86f3f90	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:58:49	314.192
-40	27816	2781600	70c82660-7ea8-4c88-bc62-43577de2a93b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:46:57	-921.745
-40	55632	2781600	e536a668-0cc4-4687-81c5-cad737d05d83	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:17:03	-513.712
-41	27817	2781700	5f749de7-274c-4734-af14-63f0887ed997	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:27:04	33.585
-41	55634	2781700	42e6fa3e-b044-4737-817b-5f2870326f72	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:15:06	-243.459
-42	27818	2781800	7345af27-9bb3-4bf5-804e-7df6b902768d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:06:55	-999.546
-42	55636	2781800	d4c2046b-cf68-4868-b137-820c3e525d80	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:29:38	-824.900
-43	27819	2781900	17468f01-cdad-4153-b5e2-6b003e37364f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:27:10	-40.916
-43	55638	2781900	4a2e4ab5-e529-44ed-b48b-538f9b653e5f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:04:12	-412.22
-44	27820	2782000	b93bb5f9-e054-4f80-8f56-08c0eb6eb2b2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:07:36	-941.69
-44	55640	2782000	6f5012d7-20c2-45b8-a98e-a2db3887b872	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:26:47	149.373
-45	27821	2782100	d35c6031-789b-41e2-b89b-e6e3f6341f9a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:47:29	96.994
-45	55642	2782100	92a83458-9499-4778-909c-f62b45ebb07d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:55:51	-895.172
-46	27822	2782200	ca33d505-98e0-4544-9420-4e6aa9f097e2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:36:48	-415.145
-46	55644	2782200	5eaf6cf7-4edf-4ebe-8600-e490fa841306	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:18:45	-594.323
-47	27823	2782300	25b3f2a1-5c4c-4546-9eaa-efcea500bb7d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:55:28	-858.481
-47	55646	2782300	cc5f8b2e-451e-401b-b9f5-41db45157e09	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:09:58	-720.158
-48	27824	2782400	991014e6-2605-4600-9f8c-ef390a65afea	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:42:35	-98.317
-48	55648	2782400	142d206e-dce9-440e-8310-53ffeaf7dbe8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:58:33	472.974
-49	27825	2782500	50135e9c-9daf-4f44-8f7b-9d88eaa123e4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:54:56	-241.678
-49	55650	2782500	5f68348e-de84-4495-a2a9-3a4f8f92f57d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:07:20	-670.839
-50	27826	2782600	7af6c06b-dbdd-4c7e-bb7f-8a5000fa6f16	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:09:08	664.310
-50	55652	2782600	2608a7c4-8411-4bd8-b4a0-474e78f8868f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:49:40	-418.62
-51	27827	2782700	d9ca0721-856c-44c6-bf88-8e067fc20539	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:08:42	665.109
-51	55654	2782700	3f3975cf-352e-4346-953b-5eebb404a433	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:07:36	711.146
-52	27828	2782800	6ce17eb3-16b4-4f5e-9796-c3c2203ae41b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:14:55	172.49
-52	55656	2782800	b2468017-e852-4486-b898-73560a79a8c4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:48:09	562.438
-53	27829	2782900	8d9b8a7a-a7b5-4e56-b61a-575a0dfd74ee	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:07:58	318.611
-53	55658	2782900	4ba00128-20d1-4cad-81df-6d40b339301d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:05:09	-398.468
-54	27830	2783000	722abdaf-eafa-4efd-8c8f-44b9a1bb218b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:03:44	694.744
-54	55660	2783000	25fa928c-2f6c-4685-a5e0-88d813233a90	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:03:52	997.300
-55	27831	2783100	0871e26e-9815-4a90-bf1e-762a7afe10a6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:09:19	-493.0
-55	55662	2783100	94a64410-0a75-463d-8fe2-8130a7f2e538	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:28:55	264.627
-56	27832	2783200	e7c6e5f5-7877-4b95-93d4-a35e6b7e739a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:17:19	-758.723
-56	55664	2783200	082d3aba-f5fc-4cf2-b39a-31a02abf2345	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:20:14	-231.676
-57	27833	2783300	81dd03be-f8a7-4b12-b30d-107136fba0b1	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:23:08	-380.712
-57	55666	2783300	5948cbc1-e436-4667-a0ec-cc4841dcd96b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:21:23	-121.856
-58	27834	2783400	0b729764-e874-4f35-8e86-5530a187dec8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:15:28	282.706
-58	55668	2783400	8f121d45-ba20-4c57-ad54-5c0127209ef8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:46:18	-845.511
-59	27835	2783500	e7f77a05-136e-46cd-bc5f-c881b98447c7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:07:15	-802.17
-59	55670	2783500	cf44e396-1901-4e4f-ac3f-b8c1e9f414b9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:34:59	-139.924
-60	27836	2783600	f4b3fc48-50bd-4b5e-b38d-94eeeb621e59	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:17:38	-906.588
-60	55672	2783600	d0a97119-2712-4aca-9ac5-30ecda7d0c2a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:08:58	48.468
-61	27837	2783700	34e0226a-78c9-46de-9a51-69c7e48a7605	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:46:37	671.522
-61	55674	2783700	f95354a1-d79a-43b0-9407-377c7844557d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:22:11	-369.699
-62	27838	2783800	103ce593-4193-4b67-9760-ae2cb55fba50	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:59:48	-107.357
-62	55676	2783800	97199b62-9e4c-4beb-99f5-2a531d73d7be	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:14:51	945.240
-63	27839	2783900	570a4911-a912-4cd6-9d0a-1f4aa9915eb4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:38:42	107.478
-63	55678	2783900	71befe67-271d-4036-ae88-32111e17060c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:34:05	619.500
-64	27840	2784000	0a7a4ddc-58ab-4158-a432-a8ee07b8bf66	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:03:51	81.364
-64	55680	2784000	9c6fdb3b-4577-4dee-8f4d-8a8aaa8cebbb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:46:35	307.997
-65	27841	2784100	8a92a40d-e6d3-420d-bcdf-e9a5e6c3a288	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:44:36	-877.604
-65	55682	2784100	12c12957-edde-4f92-a468-81b5d45a49c5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:42:02	817.675
-66	27842	2784200	1fc38517-223a-4ba2-9bdc-1f30efa2c896	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:13:33	650.661
-66	55684	2784200	af332661-fd66-4a67-870b-0508ded238bb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:54:00	795.331
-67	27843	2784300	ae048720-a405-4c7c-a0d5-36411f7b3aaa	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:26:29	551.812
-67	55686	2784300	43805a66-a97f-4545-bb6e-73f29933abbf	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:55:32	155.921
-68	27844	2784400	9ef00058-dd77-4124-94a3-3c5605596792	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:21:26	427.791
-68	55688	2784400	5ad9a0f0-a717-425c-add1-254a33fb45b2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:18:02	-450.70
-69	27845	2784500	8f6f4a15-2fdf-4f96-bec5-6ab72f338123	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:48:48	589.519
-69	55690	2784500	533b8116-5218-4b42-9c6f-7b1173f18caf	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:32:22	359.28
-70	27846	2784600	5fe2187d-df2b-41cb-b715-1861c6cbf65e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:03:30	-711.902
-70	55692	2784600	eb03ab6c-bceb-4a50-b28e-4b2ef1442538	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:04:31	515.196
-71	27847	2784700	81237478-beb1-4d7f-9b03-3a42d4a6e904	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:28:01	599.949
-71	55694	2784700	d5f2b011-e530-4c3c-87f9-c789bba60b33	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:50:51	-782.663
-72	27848	2784800	6c12dff1-bfe0-4644-b762-d9315f5f0ab3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:26:21	-433.16
-72	55696	2784800	1e979047-ad6d-46ea-91cd-bc81a485dd64	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:07:28	-77.270
-73	27849	2784900	5a4dca5c-9d9b-4c09-9ca6-39abbc25d952	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:19:29	-237.0
-73	55698	2784900	a2a34209-220e-4bfd-9e92-aacf7a8c4052	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:42:34	722.642
-74	27850	2785000	6cf55bcd-e32f-422a-a577-9f9836c06310	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:25:20	-885.722
-74	55700	2785000	879b7e37-bb2a-41bd-9206-ac19701823c3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:29:54	620.629
-75	27851	2785100	224e2b81-2600-4e60-b600-b8833e1bb8ba	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:46:55	387.899
-75	55702	2785100	501a2ff2-ba87-4e9f-9d60-cff779bbdcdc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:10:56	332.588
-76	27852	2785200	8a49f552-bbae-4fe5-b6b1-2c003e4bd35c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:39:27	-980.987
-76	55704	2785200	3c29d7fa-f580-4ac7-b7b9-3f18bdd88f3a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:03:54	-606.983
-77	27853	2785300	4116f918-96d5-43d7-8752-9d2325225cd4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:57:04	-432.885
-77	55706	2785300	94be1602-7c1b-43cd-a06a-20c35a6d8b7e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:32:31	-414.44
-78	27854	2785400	9e24f16d-7936-4ab8-a617-301fe33f5afb	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:09:32	876.813
-78	55708	2785400	861ca348-3103-4aa7-9538-3d3423aa35cd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:33:48	-969.219
-79	27855	2785500	bea5bffd-0065-41f3-8391-fe58e7c20932	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:25:57	-692.194
-79	55710	2785500	d78954ab-e14e-4ead-b6de-65ec7dfa7e4f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:34:05	113.725
-80	27856	2785600	49a8db2b-764f-48d3-8b45-803527d1556f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:40:12	-392.143
-80	55712	2785600	12c62b0b-83e2-40d5-a3dc-88f2c84e3fe4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:41:26	13.692
-81	27857	2785700	aa9bd3b3-332f-4204-b651-f3eca6d1d95a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:16:02	-836.586
-81	55714	2785700	8c79909d-8964-4183-9dc0-ad3e16503a9e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:16:56	-948.403
-82	27858	2785800	9bf4d18b-336c-4760-8d05-96e0c4a4446d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:30:51	470.320
-82	55716	2785800	eb640982-68fb-4694-b317-a61455058549	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:14:45	675.185
-83	27859	2785900	11be7f99-469d-4986-bda0-90133253eab2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:44:27	86.527
-83	55718	2785900	21866376-597f-44f1-af03-9a72bdf6b2d4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:23:07	-40.198
-84	27860	2786000	308d8516-ed96-403a-989e-6dbf3c6e7d40	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:57:17	428.508
-84	55720	2786000	fa276bbe-c2ad-445d-a2d7-461febc2f75a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:09:04	189.30
-85	27861	2786100	9e47ffc8-e957-448c-9480-e0070083efa5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:46:01	648.134
-85	55722	2786100	a942a3cc-2c07-442c-b5bf-a97c00a489eb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:18:56	-836.41
-86	27862	2786200	aa160a16-f546-4cfa-842a-2977cba28535	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:52:10	42.671
-86	55724	2786200	9b8db7e5-0c05-4642-b8ac-d964a82aa184	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:57:46	-360.146
-87	27863	2786300	042029b4-4715-48bc-bd0c-aee96e76e0e3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:01:33	22.437
-87	55726	2786300	2486fb44-27fb-466e-86ef-fc05b29f1af3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:40:08	-368.31
-88	27864	2786400	0f617fce-9ad0-406c-b814-0dab030ad964	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:56:14	291.440
-88	55728	2786400	80fbf465-058f-4f17-aeb9-49ab081e811c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:41:16	404.678
-89	27865	2786500	fa24e7cc-f8cf-4285-9e25-4cfa049c68fc	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:00:49	692.372
-89	55730	2786500	c985d35c-a62e-45f5-b305-02919c32685d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:36:29	-255.752
-90	27866	2786600	09e32648-7419-4571-bdc1-c9953e865fa0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:36:49	755.461
-90	55732	2786600	7702f94f-d43d-4f83-af0a-8ef21ca0e3fa	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:37:19	982.867
-91	27867	2786700	068a4198-6cdd-4f02-9381-10b0e0683670	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:03:17	-962.237
-91	55734	2786700	9e2b10bd-d1a5-428c-a94c-11510f325c37	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:26:35	933.433
-92	27868	2786800	11a41a84-50bb-460a-86dd-45bb772fb32e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:41:48	884.757
-92	55736	2786800	c79ab133-552d-40f7-998d-48925ecbe721	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:01:38	558.22
-93	27869	2786900	456e6654-2acf-4493-a3f9-1931284676de	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:01:08	-476.287
-93	55738	2786900	a331c54d-7a4e-4a66-b2a2-cc2d37afef20	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:09:14	120.538
-94	27870	2787000	0a52e558-b5d0-400b-922f-812b5e14dab7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:08:27	-199.71
-94	55740	2787000	bf03ac61-b46d-4a3b-8429-aef1cb2f4ab4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:59:35	-539.313
-95	27871	2787100	2382aca9-e5c7-4abd-883f-337d1de12aa6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:53:03	-274.37
-95	55742	2787100	05ad6b4b-cc49-4da9-9f58-fe764b9ead3b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:51:59	767.13
-96	27872	2787200	de13e64c-7be7-4b55-8658-d8e995e7195a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:05:11	546.893
-96	55744	2787200	5d15c5a4-88f8-42e1-bd19-548b82a6283c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:39:31	-360.914
-97	27873	2787300	f75491d6-38c7-4fb2-8c01-b76c61c24198	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:18:50	900.326
-97	55746	2787300	8d15ad21-deed-4f06-88d1-144e40f4b767	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:28:08	-884.454
-98	27874	2787400	8ca69058-56fb-45c7-991b-0676f822098d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:03:40	587.179
-98	55748	2787400	e6551500-fa42-405e-9aee-9c05c4861c76	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:35:13	-877.151
-99	27875	2787500	a6963b1d-ec1c-4667-9723-9d2ae91bf2c2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:18:12	-252.69
-99	55750	2787500	3883f203-4afe-4e66-9874-2d5c84f4261c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:27:14	816.460
-100	27876	2787600	22c24b6a-dad9-4abd-a234-01cf7a0c1f37	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:02:47	-157.63
-100	55752	2787600	4d9f633c-c2c2-427e-8cfa-34ecb65ba083	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:52:49	688.993
-101	27877	2787700	4edfe786-ac0e-49cd-9b37-2943538a9a93	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:58:20	411.36
-101	55754	2787700	c1cd9747-c0cf-4807-812d-747d27f5f4d1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:46:16	-984.222
-102	27878	2787800	e7290361-76d5-4631-9aa4-3699360c5723	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:25:15	217.71
-102	55756	2787800	8f314163-ff78-4cf6-9da8-3324a3cd8cf9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:10:11	-878.884
-103	27879	2787900	880add81-f73c-4a49-8980-b92cd5b717ea	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:30:36	119.729
-103	55758	2787900	afa99e4b-33f4-4428-8213-578a91ed421f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:38:52	72.73
-104	27880	2788000	5b0a2196-bc3d-435d-9565-89f51d98416e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:15:32	-639.974
-104	55760	2788000	4561a247-416e-4dd2-8da7-81f949f9b5d5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:07:35	412.411
-105	27881	2788100	8b689579-369a-455e-919e-6ead10ad017b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:13:20	-955.806
-105	55762	2788100	2cebd9d1-fff9-42b9-98f7-5cdda482ee04	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:16:28	298.991
-106	27882	2788200	023076d2-92d9-48df-b488-73523537f271	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:38:02	970.223
-106	55764	2788200	91c2a1c3-3eae-4228-84b8-a229cdce2818	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:14:39	428.319
-107	27883	2788300	4559674f-bef4-4863-ad71-97611306ab1f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:32:05	183.425
-107	55766	2788300	67c103ee-9fb2-4da8-a599-d1b7815d68c1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:03:44	-388.643
-108	27884	2788400	0d0f26e7-0239-4533-86a6-8186b145d1e2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:27:56	-627.939
-108	55768	2788400	fd014d53-2916-4391-809a-1016cf82c8ee	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:26:27	388.793
-109	27885	2788500	9af648bb-4245-473b-9f10-09e97357604c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:09:51	977.696
-109	55770	2788500	4d57e804-d442-4906-8db1-325c72de7967	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:13:26	-167.919
-110	27886	2788600	5f9de595-96f1-42e2-85f6-0edd7dd7e12a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:03:41	-933.993
-110	55772	2788600	607d207f-f70a-453b-94a5-c6a9c58c4292	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:37:16	-718.201
-111	27887	2788700	37b21156-6cd8-4932-9209-326ed6fb911d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:33:04	-225.336
-111	55774	2788700	cc85446f-2260-49da-b310-8c80d52b69f4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:20:19	-329.661
-112	27888	2788800	843acdc3-ca07-4453-a46a-048f8fc74d14	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:24:55	-450.372
-112	55776	2788800	f4819810-bc2f-4948-b599-3ff5229a4e53	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:02:24	178.365
-113	27889	2788900	b4b696c5-401d-4713-bf9e-311a2202a614	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:35:47	996.32
-113	55778	2788900	b5d246f3-6239-4d2d-80d8-1bd47f5c5ba8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:43:45	-833.886
-114	27890	2789000	9e6169cc-fb1b-4c47-9216-235b985c121c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:25:42	-503.207
-114	55780	2789000	70a6bb4d-0ff7-4a27-9200-cc1fc43454fb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:46:39	627.6
-115	27891	2789100	cba503cc-0542-4453-b02f-c7dca7cd04b9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:21:01	-372.657
-115	55782	2789100	504e4c77-94a5-42a2-8ced-7a8c23b69488	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:50:34	-929.191
-116	27892	2789200	e9a57e90-2306-4bb6-83ff-aa6faf602510	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:22:08	253.434
-116	55784	2789200	0942e0d5-f2e2-4009-bd45-8ca3944ee35a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:35:27	-6.225
-117	27893	2789300	79c27217-9108-4c20-a517-27b6f766db23	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:33:46	-268.411
-117	55786	2789300	467abdcf-127f-4a8e-9750-e7410588040d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:45:10	161.867
-118	27894	2789400	6acc26f1-3429-49c9-b8f5-9959101ddc89	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:10:35	-574.268
-118	55788	2789400	098975d2-1b0e-4efa-b0df-22dd118bde75	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:24:57	18.811
-119	27895	2789500	805017b9-487f-46db-b83f-218282466623	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:07:34	-257.653
-119	55790	2789500	c3495bb9-89ce-4b10-bc92-ed67581c2c8a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:47:44	737.269
-120	27896	2789600	6832bb0f-f630-4c8d-8d8e-f8179d1fdd03	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:59:22	-156.992
-120	55792	2789600	5f528797-5b68-41e6-8db1-821ee99a39e6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:11:56	633.782
-121	27897	2789700	4be92938-4722-4a16-84d2-5dbf224f8b4c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:30:04	9.478
-121	55794	2789700	28642793-7109-4a54-a839-9995d41eadeb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:21:33	-620.321
-122	27898	2789800	2dbddbdd-aa74-460a-b6ea-680c2915187b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:10:24	-613.17
-122	55796	2789800	75e14422-49d2-426b-ae5b-eb17dcc60d8a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:13:18	-933.492
-123	27899	2789900	a2cb61ec-a3c7-49b5-9724-01764e672ca2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:02:04	-148.902
-123	55798	2789900	cfacab8b-6565-48bd-8d5e-482bbfc4e57d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:30:35	-361.514
-124	27900	2790000	c2a60073-047d-45ab-b322-05c0d7e83284	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:01:39	-440.60
-124	55800	2790000	25b82317-baa8-4a96-bf20-3161346de476	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:06:26	-128.306
-125	27901	2790100	0d839a6c-2c0f-4f57-8bec-8806e77d9cab	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:31:34	609.123
-125	55802	2790100	23793a19-c5c9-4459-952f-2ca27c54b7dc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:38:05	-487.165
-126	27902	2790200	ea825fa0-c6ff-4e5d-902b-bee60b8f3f78	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:08:46	343.107
-126	55804	2790200	e7259215-815a-4412-aa70-439763818b7f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:42:08	846.8
-127	27903	2790300	38ffacda-d66f-4f49-8991-40a25a6ed29d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:33:04	-685.788
-127	55806	2790300	eff29179-9449-42bb-a21b-07c60f4360aa	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:45:48	-178.741
-0	27904	2790400	58e8c4ac-8255-412c-b484-a4eec0095d21	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:02:05	80.498
-0	55808	2790400	ae05015e-965a-4229-a3b0-143627171086	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:44:40	205.391
-1	27905	2790500	a9d3ddc8-2379-4b72-aefb-f1b135bdc28d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:03:45	-764.152
-1	55810	2790500	fe13da47-e78f-46af-8d35-1912eb21b18a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:43:36	-41.179
-2	27906	2790600	5d0035f6-29e5-46e8-9702-b3a6a81fa76b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:45:43	732.664
-2	55812	2790600	5fee5847-454f-4eb1-b863-f0c541d479ca	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:22:55	-779.451
-3	27907	2790700	adf67b55-0580-4557-95a4-c7cb8d0fc758	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:16:12	-895.573
-3	55814	2790700	834987c8-be9e-4071-b122-fc76c095c042	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:39:20	545.815
-4	27908	2790800	e449a28d-8f79-4167-a360-8053a0bb7b5b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:53:59	-141.538
-4	55816	2790800	809917c8-9ff8-4069-ac52-219a39efc5ce	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:14:07	867.581
-5	27909	2790900	7798bac5-cde2-44e1-9bd3-276a3ce8b044	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:06:56	-519.741
-5	55818	2790900	7f8e7df9-da98-4859-926b-30e733ceb050	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:07:35	547.204
-6	27910	2791000	084fad7d-da07-4fe9-9731-96ab4343baa2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:19:11	-663.437
-6	55820	2791000	dcea311b-abe3-427b-b3aa-96c5971a09ac	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:38:44	216.57
-7	27911	2791100	de3330ae-a74f-4851-aaf9-bc610bb29b8c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:02:01	-161.601
-7	55822	2791100	15c8f3ed-fed7-4fbe-954f-19c8382a045b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:48:32	-991.671
-8	27912	2791200	c815d493-d511-46ac-a15a-905692bb2958	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:41:18	526.57
-8	55824	2791200	dc22d582-9ded-4a41-a704-ed552d2e6ad7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:40:08	-769.856
-9	27913	2791300	a5111482-296d-421c-aaf1-bda60d0781c2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:15:33	-52.752
-9	55826	2791300	c4f2f9ac-a330-4805-b8bd-f6aef7b99323	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:40:52	-699.97
-10	27914	2791400	b7fb270b-b6f1-4ffd-8eaa-76c989576f07	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:39:22	-194.158
-10	55828	2791400	2bbae000-40bc-424c-84f6-6ea5a9c0af3a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:32:21	-614.669
-11	27915	2791500	a335700b-6c1d-41a3-abe8-f9e2669d273b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:12:46	215.87
-11	55830	2791500	c2df5e48-eb06-4a9c-87b3-2268baae7224	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:24:40	315.784
-12	27916	2791600	2718acd3-0894-4e5a-92f9-16706dea9b59	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:14:56	657.994
-12	55832	2791600	588bc8a1-8923-4cdd-93cb-fd2ba507a296	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:57:08	-913.441
-13	27917	2791700	ba93c6c0-4444-47bb-9882-e859dc80741e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:55:56	515.363
-13	55834	2791700	6e375422-b06d-4465-9fc9-4b8803e25b19	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:00:19	-38.389
-14	27918	2791800	44e16a1f-7050-4d90-9cb6-89afa4515755	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:34:52	-985.324
-14	55836	2791800	8b65d75d-6956-4769-9167-e810e4e18856	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:13:16	911.833
-15	27919	2791900	9e5fd563-543e-46d1-836f-0f0c50acad66	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:51:59	-12.929
-15	55838	2791900	5e6ee3cf-d74a-4994-a93c-e001dfdc58e2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:09:23	733.197
-16	27920	2792000	4fd441d6-3107-4aea-85dd-325276664b75	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:56:38	507.816
-16	55840	2792000	4c3cbc68-a5d3-4891-8a5e-e3b4a4994d8c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:41:54	195.266
-17	27921	2792100	3eb86bfe-4a0c-4ca1-8059-279894a52d42	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:18:43	807.93
-17	55842	2792100	336d8552-4acd-4f01-a733-3499447ec138	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:49:35	920.520
-18	27922	2792200	3178ed2c-6a90-49f9-aee6-f1bbc7f6a41d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:45:12	-324.378
-18	55844	2792200	13a3fb94-486c-4e97-adc0-be1a7798d3ff	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:00:57	295.192
-19	27923	2792300	45583cba-c7f5-4b2f-a340-64423bee3510	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:27:27	246.280
-19	55846	2792300	3c9cf4ea-0b06-4d24-8764-7bb5bbeb5f66	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:23:16	-543.412
-20	27924	2792400	283c9007-9258-435a-a9a2-6127e75aca06	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:44:10	615.225
-20	55848	2792400	c1afc247-da00-4028-8c81-43560c8bf9a6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:13:09	303.833
-21	27925	2792500	8a94bf5a-ed42-43e8-987d-28ab522622bf	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:34:11	-703.989
-21	55850	2792500	79d46fcc-2f88-4db1-97c5-2435100b28d2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:08:32	-77.429
-22	27926	2792600	f684d26d-12ef-45d3-a655-39d692b8c408	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:54:48	760.870
-22	55852	2792600	f1b47c3c-7540-4e96-a221-feb02f8dcfc2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:19:12	-896.324
-23	27927	2792700	c9928411-dc8d-434b-90b6-c11008f2cb7f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:06:47	169.962
-23	55854	2792700	80909865-df47-4213-a5f8-011e38f7e251	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:09:28	113.644
-24	27928	2792800	a4f962f7-1fe4-404d-bca5-f444f70258a0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:22:33	-871.773
-24	55856	2792800	0b10972b-3b21-4487-bae3-911bc48e9f31	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:27:27	-909.878
-25	27929	2792900	9cde831a-14c9-4bc9-aa88-30f5eccb2607	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:32:27	842.669
-25	55858	2792900	46ca9268-423f-4876-9219-c0a5936c9227	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:10:07	844.157
-26	27930	2793000	1e59e6ee-bcd2-493f-a0a5-70cc8daf1177	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:03:00	-249.756
-26	55860	2793000	933a8bb0-b307-4b8a-b1ef-a5c09137c7ba	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:52:26	-897.782
-27	27931	2793100	698917d0-b190-44c8-b13c-784fa32e94ce	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:57:33	699.847
-27	55862	2793100	848702bd-f708-4463-8cec-fcef213e5eec	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:10:16	-842.636
-28	27932	2793200	b30f6b64-b2af-49e0-b971-8c104744a1c4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:12:52	-328.807
-28	55864	2793200	9b80128b-1956-4128-b5fc-567958534ded	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:27:07	-332.616
-29	27933	2793300	0abbaafb-6b87-4348-8d58-9b27bf24f776	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:36:37	666.509
-29	55866	2793300	66b9b558-3ef8-4355-be63-c2a92b2868da	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:15:49	-517.659
-30	27934	2793400	2c2fe0a7-a452-4744-a80f-e29f9f3120e0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:01:58	-292.56
-30	55868	2793400	11336f61-4511-4911-870d-8a799a7cc9ed	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:58:16	51.62
-31	27935	2793500	cab9f581-91b8-406f-acde-b08cbbd17362	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:08:44	68.660
-31	55870	2793500	d2bc5bd0-8350-4bc2-99a3-91b0b727789a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:06:43	866.954
-32	27936	2793600	1536a40a-b919-4f6b-859d-6329ab1bb6d7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:10:13	-697.287
-32	55872	2793600	001e5554-109c-40b4-8a4a-21968e5fe4ec	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:31:31	-314.249
-33	27937	2793700	9a2e8193-18e5-4046-aa18-a95f7c56e8c6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:28:19	-264.140
-33	55874	2793700	4a927491-e36c-4757-9a5f-4166d73e007d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:56:29	5.196
-34	27938	2793800	c76f0a89-fc6e-41d8-9cd3-43af114519ec	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:19:50	964.671
-34	55876	2793800	7f6a36f6-2ba2-48cf-8ada-d49d030df626	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:14:44	581.927
-35	27939	2793900	214f0e1d-2e4d-445b-a3bc-8b2cd76fb998	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:43:59	-478.301
-35	55878	2793900	90b406c4-b3b9-4dfa-a54a-1f54ccb9b38a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:09:16	672.501
-36	27940	2794000	69c3bfc9-7eb5-44a5-b04b-036f6c855529	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:10:48	-520.181
-36	55880	2794000	f758bd62-0cf7-4324-8f39-5e8e3c751cd5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:39:58	814.122
-37	27941	2794100	bbc7a06f-01e1-4224-ae86-2e347d7c8583	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:54:16	298.173
-37	55882	2794100	2f9b6d92-0fa6-4974-8b43-8632c160398e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:10:15	267.890
-38	27942	2794200	d776495a-d9c0-4aff-9b72-275d6015cf79	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:10:48	-670.157
-38	55884	2794200	bff1ea79-fdcb-48fe-bde0-b39d97dd9d26	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:37:23	-428.142
-39	27943	2794300	e9295316-b078-43e9-9772-bde00378df31	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:39:23	-157.268
-39	55886	2794300	96153236-c091-4bf9-9585-54970c295989	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:38:12	-860.77
-40	27944	2794400	d6b2c062-b038-4ca9-be3c-99fecbd94bdc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:28:47	610.491
-40	55888	2794400	7c412c6a-1c86-48a3-b101-0d54ca35f091	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:20:28	-232.861
-41	27945	2794500	60f250c5-6c6d-407c-b08a-2d5607b2d5b8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:55:05	158.430
-41	55890	2794500	31cc5379-c0a7-44a5-bf79-d131663cfcd5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:29:56	723.648
-42	27946	2794600	b7540a9c-5a24-41b6-a94d-fd627f182d3a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:24:38	-854.834
-42	55892	2794600	a53d814d-5c37-4c0c-9377-3dddd1636b20	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:37:52	526.664
-43	27947	2794700	a89f6c1f-919f-4269-a00e-bc6edc135279	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:46:40	-396.412
-43	55894	2794700	349d5d4b-1ce4-42c1-a40a-fb3d1805426f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:45:10	734.21
-44	27948	2794800	a98ebc07-ae7c-4760-a768-17fcf57dbefe	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:10:32	673.130
-44	55896	2794800	23a7e839-8f9f-4414-a1f4-0db5572dbae0	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:59:35	67.189
-45	27949	2794900	a1e649b9-f858-4b81-95a2-24fb9b6a14f7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:04:07	778.424
-45	55898	2794900	7fbb24d7-2632-4856-b0f5-76adca5799aa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:36:43	425.202
-46	27950	2795000	64c08200-3d30-4b4b-9f67-fed48551c0ac	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:44:39	317.450
-46	55900	2795000	1693a2b6-622a-46c3-a130-739b13d703dc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:35:51	-665.547
-47	27951	2795100	aaf88ff4-da75-42f5-a670-fcf8f4fbe2fe	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:33:15	-225.752
-47	55902	2795100	cc6be431-6b6a-4e4d-9225-304180ed2ebe	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:05:38	615.147
-48	27952	2795200	c2699983-88fb-4638-a18f-211dbee120a1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:22:29	-547.171
-48	55904	2795200	8b38ff5b-34b2-45df-9dfc-fb623ecc24a7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:08:26	-104.496
-49	27953	2795300	94c0d165-1aff-4052-9343-6cf7ae75b5ab	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:52:55	-940.998
-49	55906	2795300	074b2d70-afb3-44f0-8130-42a28ca538ed	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:04:50	-327.458
-50	27954	2795400	5a7976be-ebba-4b91-b4ef-7f4bab48e2d5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:48:02	-550.824
-50	55908	2795400	ab240c89-1ffd-4f6a-999a-0496ce6194b2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:36:22	-327.600
-51	27955	2795500	8c2d2881-2023-4edc-9d7b-3861bc36d809	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:00:44	-34.753
-51	55910	2795500	397a7789-8560-4f51-b863-02f5054592c9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:13:52	-998.690
-52	27956	2795600	a505950b-967f-49d4-ab74-709ecc446093	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:10:17	-767.730
-52	55912	2795600	e0050a3a-ad44-41ab-afe0-bdf787ed7022	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:07:34	-337.543
-53	27957	2795700	248c6092-7c4e-44aa-8cb7-d8500ad5a0b0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:00:25	-905.28
-53	55914	2795700	84055c5e-b2fd-483d-a003-af0c80dc1caf	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:16:44	-759.228
-54	27958	2795800	964e9d56-dfe8-419d-b969-ae1df1f279f1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:48:11	-255.233
-54	55916	2795800	857a974c-7e65-4756-84d7-efc94597bf91	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:14:37	424.268
-55	27959	2795900	7550113f-ea14-4fa7-bd7e-ed86b73b6c01	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:12:56	46.564
-55	55918	2795900	4ec2b97c-f8e4-41ec-a3af-ba7c5a158ff7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:49:14	-313.840
-56	27960	2796000	d91e9ea5-7f5c-454e-b8a5-bf8b47cbd673	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:11:16	-565.350
-56	55920	2796000	f8a02393-a89b-4aba-b2aa-af266071339f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:18:07	928.574
-57	27961	2796100	aa540e05-3e19-4c73-acd1-c1faedbf1530	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:05:55	-842.531
-57	55922	2796100	b5d26a38-8b5a-43ae-915b-1838ede90348	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:45:42	151.65
-58	27962	2796200	de92660e-503d-47b2-86d6-b952c7ec9c2c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:01:33	-930.863
-58	55924	2796200	c78e9815-345b-473d-a591-f076cfe2e482	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:55:21	-442.813
-59	27963	2796300	174c686e-09a9-42db-ba6c-a782dfe723c7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:12:09	702.132
-59	55926	2796300	f1c1cc27-3184-4aad-8c08-4de30b0e0ce3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:24:36	-575.620
-60	27964	2796400	f5a8000b-534b-481e-aca8-34c08d6c9d1f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:10:21	171.405
-60	55928	2796400	353c7149-ca0b-4743-9cff-f90b39767b2e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:58:39	-948.731
-61	27965	2796500	72aa3fb5-22bc-47f2-ac09-865c4a49498b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:08:14	-330.514
-61	55930	2796500	2a2c346c-f0f5-4d68-8c48-07fc593ed9b5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:11:04	-206.765
-62	27966	2796600	6d5d6f4f-ef41-47a7-8aab-6a431441802a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:02:57	-502.639
-62	55932	2796600	89b865f4-ac6c-4064-8a16-f3af49e2a257	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:31:04	928.313
-63	27967	2796700	d424f043-e13a-48c9-a02a-d00149545468	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:23:37	-773.829
-63	55934	2796700	34887554-1921-4731-b6f0-deaf5cb6ac13	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:59:52	-473.336
-64	27968	2796800	753e061e-e9d6-4759-96cc-a41b3ae28d4c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:48:32	985.994
-64	55936	2796800	01563b7c-f903-4214-a66c-c86b731b5e8b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:53:32	-644.932
-65	27969	2796900	f2032649-7e17-49f2-8344-0a03af2d7ca8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:26:28	-983.441
-65	55938	2796900	e5dde8c9-35eb-420f-b3a5-83587aad646b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:33:57	-478.684
-66	27970	2797000	bea9d080-2d66-4c72-8bc3-8ba9a11c40f5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:04:22	-47.207
-66	55940	2797000	9e93e37c-03aa-4e29-b57c-c5106b244ce4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:20:59	-657.499
-67	27971	2797100	67957278-af9b-40c7-9e6c-79e5684d909c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:05:42	716.423
-67	55942	2797100	74341f97-a0bc-4bcd-a94d-a368b588e829	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:13:00	-645.461
-68	27972	2797200	e95cb0eb-5c46-4588-ab8c-a9db9735b357	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:42:54	-314.445
-68	55944	2797200	8999d628-99df-4cb1-8472-e1394a05baec	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:15:20	583.321
-69	27973	2797300	7fa7dae5-eb41-4e93-b0ca-c683de6ddebd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:57:21	-995.58
-69	55946	2797300	e57d916f-066b-4ca3-a579-f5f5d74ed24e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:28:35	-306.897
-70	27974	2797400	1521d7aa-3b91-4837-932f-cc401b9d4375	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:41:58	687.662
-70	55948	2797400	82319d2d-12a8-4547-b7d7-57ca17b7c251	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:29:13	18.697
-71	27975	2797500	a202d21b-9dc1-4bb6-9ed3-6827ce7a92cd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:35:49	-781.357
-71	55950	2797500	8375429c-3a4b-474a-9c2d-4f20b5dc0e48	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:24:00	227.743
-72	27976	2797600	4f1da2f3-99e1-4bfa-80f6-f006f17a188b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:38:54	296.646
-72	55952	2797600	9aa9b91b-8fad-4d63-ac86-e0f0c2a8bbde	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:39:55	872.292
-73	27977	2797700	80dbac0f-5b80-4ff3-9193-ba14a1253763	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:37:25	109.35
-73	55954	2797700	bc725bf3-3974-4e9c-bd1b-8475800bb23a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:30:15	422.370
-74	27978	2797800	08184289-372b-4164-8364-2938959aa0d9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:25:58	652.515
-74	55956	2797800	45101b83-717f-47db-8d43-adf442473fce	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:16:20	-693.434
-75	27979	2797900	80cdc020-0829-4858-bd05-0439d21098ef	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:16:10	-326.875
-75	55958	2797900	6fe923cc-04da-4e31-bd4e-46959391cc4c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:01:49	189.817
-76	27980	2798000	b2c892e8-c610-4338-aa78-35df3e155ed6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:02:36	-522.497
-76	55960	2798000	43f7e1e2-1f1d-4b82-9cf7-c46af865df43	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:41:24	-345.381
-77	27981	2798100	fa808024-0605-42d8-b1db-63501b6edfec	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:37:08	-397.208
-77	55962	2798100	3d52815e-8a9f-40fa-b33d-93111f2fdb6c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:30:21	236.151
-78	27982	2798200	136dcb28-c369-42df-ad1f-67774519cedf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:18:04	-916.494
-78	55964	2798200	be1d6172-f6a6-435d-86b6-a4fe9a896a64	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:10:09	-499.823
-79	27983	2798300	ece1e9a9-883b-4993-afc2-61afae733423	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:59:44	924.606
-79	55966	2798300	7672593a-1699-4c6c-bc31-5d909c73ce1c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:14:36	-309.828
-80	27984	2798400	5db8c270-660e-4dbc-acc3-34acf9729edc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:58:09	-924.320
-80	55968	2798400	ad60105d-8e30-4a34-8c05-4964fc4d3113	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:22:50	476.13
-81	27985	2798500	6bca2efe-35cb-40c7-998d-c8aff8f361f3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:21:39	-34.760
-81	55970	2798500	503b39c1-e471-418e-b2ec-8fdc3baa6baa	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:38:19	-783.46
-82	27986	2798600	7e844350-82d0-4245-ad08-47cba49bde92	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:26:05	188.637
-82	55972	2798600	a6098475-6ab4-40a1-a75f-900e18930412	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:17:37	624.609
-83	27987	2798700	150a3121-5cff-471d-99ef-792917c85c6d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:10:53	892.73
-83	55974	2798700	cd6fc09a-9414-451c-bd75-3a9c7ec99a29	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:26:20	-813.375
-84	27988	2798800	8eef4024-7c41-4d43-a87c-2bac431386be	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:05:08	-263.104
-84	55976	2798800	ee4d4f16-1c11-49a9-9b3d-dd9f0b745a83	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:44:42	-135.747
-85	27989	2798900	14a669f2-7609-4d37-840a-918003f22cd0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:13:52	-970.544
-85	55978	2798900	711566f3-0bd9-404d-bd08-30a486810b1f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:32:59	-47.311
-86	27990	2799000	869753af-604d-4ac7-90c9-8c2319a7e7c0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:13:42	-588.315
-86	55980	2799000	7d7b0d5a-2d31-4e47-b5f1-ff6ea05816fc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:57:17	-676.766
-87	27991	2799100	b6922b01-d576-40ff-abcc-92ee02520d8d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:18:07	-669.697
-87	55982	2799100	f1ab10d7-d23c-4e50-a2b6-e9e83a6e0886	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:02:00	-465.66
-88	27992	2799200	436aa1dc-9fdc-4750-9281-f10785056185	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:04:59	676.489
-88	55984	2799200	13843026-f3f6-4457-9207-b55e97cfc8da	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:52:03	-172.341
-89	27993	2799300	d796fc1b-834f-4070-9d34-66bbb2999132	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:10:13	464.429
-89	55986	2799300	690b1ec9-4fea-4179-a08c-9cd5bafee297	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:56:33	520.938
-90	27994	2799400	f8fbdb69-973d-4832-8bea-71637ac4f9ed	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:25:08	133.950
-90	55988	2799400	42c9cb88-14da-4a7b-a60a-02ffc7b0f6d6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:45:22	588.244
-91	27995	2799500	8d058eb2-7a39-45b9-9a1c-5daa6a8d216b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:21:33	57.35
-91	55990	2799500	36a71a43-7d8d-44d3-acdd-f79f4a53815d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:01:26	-942.223
-92	27996	2799600	ee85f9e7-7940-4e03-8c76-426d29d3d58d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:27:57	985.714
-92	55992	2799600	d6e35f18-7103-4d8b-87f1-614eeb2c3a67	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:44:34	-659.264
-93	27997	2799700	249503e0-d355-4783-932f-01fbdf6c4be5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:10:33	690.465
-93	55994	2799700	0b9d508f-84ea-4de2-98d8-14a7b79e21f8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:59:24	-859.844
-94	27998	2799800	c2eec20d-1391-4257-9030-582864038afc	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:03:12	-371.481
-94	55996	2799800	4734b09a-6a1c-483b-8e7a-11a1aa66daeb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:52:23	851.560
-95	27999	2799900	51bbf436-b5a3-4ba6-800a-f2e8c408a733	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:01:16	-893.456
-95	55998	2799900	f3bc2702-5986-4356-adde-49cffdd3dc66	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:01:54	635.849
-96	28000	2800000	afa79819-94c9-4fc7-8ddf-463c867bf336	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:10:35	333.637
-96	56000	2800000	bdcd93dd-bc33-469f-8d12-675869ccdee2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:30:13	-981.387
-97	28001	2800100	516e2052-c9cc-4faf-82f2-58258ef3e14d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:30:37	160.832
-97	56002	2800100	966cc084-e5fc-4338-b43b-46aeee101256	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:13:10	628.796
-98	28002	2800200	3e5ae370-0564-486c-bca6-d04b105967b9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:15:15	-195.984
-98	56004	2800200	d45536eb-cad6-4013-ab05-b1f6d6893d06	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:42:41	-4.491
-99	28003	2800300	b3ac85a5-2d80-47b2-9935-8fd03b232abf	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:56:01	718.961
-99	56006	2800300	610de332-aacf-459c-b46d-17e65a21d270	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:07:17	-806.24
-100	28004	2800400	b46d7c1c-0ecd-4909-b0a5-cff224668556	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:58:39	589.517
-100	56008	2800400	0abc7a22-3784-4ed1-88a7-11ae9183249a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:30:05	-822.408
-101	28005	2800500	b2bb373f-673b-408f-a7fb-acbe0574fd0f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:28:54	-206.875
-101	56010	2800500	197c351a-972c-460d-af5b-65c586a10180	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:50:39	682.485
-102	28006	2800600	4fbfce84-3109-45bd-b639-7e3b3ca5d9a7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:23:54	-32.604
-102	56012	2800600	9dec661b-e3b5-446c-af65-d60ffd0dc4e5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:12:44	-236.821
-103	28007	2800700	05215876-f74c-46de-8c69-4f330cc8f2f5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:46:58	940.210
-103	56014	2800700	78449627-d26c-4212-9b7e-349e1ad4c198	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:09:31	336.159
-104	28008	2800800	6e25aebf-497d-494c-9ab7-32d46d0ffc27	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:01:44	375.587
-104	56016	2800800	e969a84c-ceae-42c9-afaf-14ec530668a2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:06:48	694.95
-105	28009	2800900	8a3c70ca-7fd6-447d-8d82-061e325946dc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:31:03	-994.276
-105	56018	2800900	714d4b03-ef46-4b2e-8d03-adff2c1429c4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:52:39	236.50
-106	28010	2801000	2d62ed3d-cafe-4def-a58e-1c3417ef68be	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:40:59	-707.999
-106	56020	2801000	213775f4-54cd-4c76-b26d-f2fbb79eeb45	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:31:19	729.546
-107	28011	2801100	6aaec6de-a9e9-4605-b788-4ee474aaa306	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:33:29	49.210
-107	56022	2801100	dacf5418-e4f6-4369-9139-6037f28a4ff4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:57:27	187.641
-108	28012	2801200	75898fca-5563-4ae7-9251-fceb027ca13d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:08:36	331.502
-108	56024	2801200	1a4b37d6-759f-4b66-98da-4db65f05b4f5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:04:28	-410.353
-109	28013	2801300	014efa87-d118-4a2f-a72b-066b39d2e21d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:05:10	734.391
-109	56026	2801300	7832ad4f-dd1d-4464-b10f-03d5104fc0cf	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:11:45	787.415
-110	28014	2801400	80ffe048-cfa0-4b31-8867-373abf1c9a8a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:43:08	-272.790
-110	56028	2801400	79408e6f-91f0-4456-9e14-8d2a457a698b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:00:40	591.937
-111	28015	2801500	12a52f72-62e9-430f-ae4e-b25cae36ab6e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:55:53	-351.637
-111	56030	2801500	1f22650c-6e36-4ef6-bb84-fc6d3a6e5f54	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:32:14	651.307
-112	28016	2801600	ea22f5ae-c2bc-4467-82e1-38b95caf6ecf	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:13:04	342.536
-112	56032	2801600	4da5da1c-2a50-429e-8b18-facfb8c97de5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:33:42	886.552
-113	28017	2801700	afd4d2ae-2d29-4795-9321-28c8932f20a4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:49:05	230.822
-113	56034	2801700	eba06f98-0059-48be-be75-45af68d54f2f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:11:40	-278.210
-114	28018	2801800	dcfbe43a-1117-49ac-a8da-f57935b702ca	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:30:09	-453.986
-114	56036	2801800	1dc565ed-9c2e-4f8e-ace1-190463777188	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:25:20	967.331
-115	28019	2801900	201ca88f-fcfa-466b-baa9-c86163503936	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:33:28	927.609
-115	56038	2801900	7f78705f-42f5-4362-ac82-3cdf29fb4fab	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:54:57	440.420
-116	28020	2802000	d8c3bb0e-3858-4406-bc30-a83e4d007560	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:16:29	-797.353
-116	56040	2802000	5cf17127-100e-48a6-83b5-87cab7d9474b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:24:43	611.388
-117	28021	2802100	6062dc96-f53c-4d71-b04a-6783e488f1b1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:20:45	-845.888
-117	56042	2802100	5b466c9a-bbb6-4203-9b59-40d29f7b05f4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:09:14	-305.280
-118	28022	2802200	52a3954a-45bc-4769-a300-23dc9cfc5e3b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:40:57	-345.117
-118	56044	2802200	711da38f-b636-4364-b926-deec810622f3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:59:09	-820.522
-119	28023	2802300	f42b6f78-73ad-476f-87d0-08e21265db6d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:52:55	-705.422
-119	56046	2802300	575f7932-31ce-436c-b523-685b304ec978	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:39:32	932.24
-120	28024	2802400	d02ff752-1849-4c5e-ba43-1be72f50ae08	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:50:56	369.594
-120	56048	2802400	2fdfebb2-a9f8-488c-b7cc-839f60cf6b6c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:38:32	656.7
-121	28025	2802500	f2d3854e-61bf-43df-8a17-436b9ab5ab14	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:30:23	545.179
-121	56050	2802500	6ce3ac22-9602-4698-a0dc-60922259576d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:34:05	-156.938
-122	28026	2802600	add2d1c1-49f0-4380-afe4-ed24b0720ab7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:32:22	570.410
-122	56052	2802600	a0f57a50-a4fd-48c7-8441-b79c3e616ce2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:53:12	-951.84
-123	28027	2802700	04ee465f-c9ef-4c29-b427-21ad5522dc36	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:41:46	-257.854
-123	56054	2802700	ed9336e4-475a-4c62-9d45-e991b284611a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:44:00	-86.135
-124	28028	2802800	4796ae78-3f56-435e-aa84-3457247baadc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:00:02	-779.676
-124	56056	2802800	623f7bea-328f-45a7-8143-a7396fc4168f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:44:27	-634.628
-125	28029	2802900	c94056f6-21b5-4727-a857-d3c29498bd37	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:34:13	-91.265
-125	56058	2802900	7927e632-b67d-4b0a-b28c-5bdef1a44405	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:33:02	-161.464
-126	28030	2803000	52af9b04-43a1-42bd-bb12-d1690ada1690	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:19:27	177.183
-126	56060	2803000	d8ffaf6e-3477-458d-83f7-f3a0e7f9d476	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:11:58	610.767
-127	28031	2803100	aa4ed23a-9d78-4a24-8031-d52e7ed49b4f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:07:53	408.56
-127	56062	2803100	17f12b32-c38f-4a08-9cdb-970be082286f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:34:24	621.99
-0	28032	2803200	073b2a8c-6a85-428d-93d1-238b36605cef	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:24:19	596.728
-0	56064	2803200	72ce9b11-64c0-49b4-b763-977ea5d68041	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:55:40	116.676
-1	28033	2803300	ff3bc846-dae0-4e59-8e4e-a213e2aa883b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:36:20	-321.949
-1	56066	2803300	24bc30d6-c4d5-46ce-a2e6-769cfe72d3fe	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:38:08	-942.321
-2	28034	2803400	00f21bf9-e4cb-4b73-889f-23545161b844	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:13:51	652.168
-2	56068	2803400	9894b1dd-fd95-4fe4-b881-da481e4c6dd2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:40:51	-324.837
-3	28035	2803500	31893959-7fab-4595-b3df-3c71f1c131f9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:51:23	-795.592
-3	56070	2803500	2d768e11-facd-442a-8f63-9238695ad407	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:24:55	425.346
-4	28036	2803600	cfe2b619-125e-4774-b019-2f308d962f77	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:29:24	772.583
-4	56072	2803600	5ae0c187-e690-4527-8414-5ef7e550eb12	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:50:10	-941.399
-5	28037	2803700	b5d1713c-f7d7-4f2d-95f2-a9d4848bd712	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:19:00	888.971
-5	56074	2803700	0b2d6bfd-a36d-45b8-95df-b6b86948d790	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:30:03	600.235
-6	28038	2803800	59b7330f-67d7-47ec-bb39-2f5548b5a3b7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:47:32	559.958
-6	56076	2803800	505260fa-6a44-4700-b1a8-94ff429b536c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:25:33	875.823
-7	28039	2803900	18a8ab20-7439-49e0-8582-b845bda464f0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:44:42	-582.792
-7	56078	2803900	8a5ce4b9-d66b-4758-a1e7-8a22aa980386	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:09:32	-375.459
-8	28040	2804000	9285ca1c-a5f2-4ca9-9731-80110034a68b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:28:26	977.185
-8	56080	2804000	58b22cf4-c88c-461a-9eac-0ee82b9ac16e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:28:22	621.834
-9	28041	2804100	9317860c-8ab6-4831-95a4-5311867e7033	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:03:24	-202.111
-9	56082	2804100	b8acae3b-b896-45ed-9f42-b1446b968691	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:53:38	947.492
-10	28042	2804200	5631ac44-fac3-4171-838d-8036bed52203	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:05:03	939.136
-10	56084	2804200	06bd7502-98fa-4c8c-9207-2403d0e61adc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:36:35	337.183
-11	28043	2804300	a6d37ef3-c8cb-46aa-9fc1-962ba02cb59a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:04:56	225.641
-11	56086	2804300	be51a3fb-c228-4957-93b6-ef0d98cea555	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:43:35	-761.411
-12	28044	2804400	6d037aca-0e91-4fe4-a6b5-678f7224e298	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:25:00	-459.675
-12	56088	2804400	1bcd3b90-04d9-46f8-995e-ce9129ea3840	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:11:34	580.152
-13	28045	2804500	36e045df-cc40-46b2-bf57-c73d9c2a6f7c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:04:02	884.641
-13	56090	2804500	9b862744-147e-4190-9557-a3f2368d2fb5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:06:36	504.619
-14	28046	2804600	512401bf-0baa-415b-951f-26f0b478d216	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:39:59	-839.903
-14	56092	2804600	00426c5c-2d45-41d0-88ff-9db963584ee6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:29:14	568.520
-15	28047	2804700	d06f912b-de37-4a4e-b2f4-94884555d1de	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:59:12	378.634
-15	56094	2804700	1621cb9b-92a5-4568-94fd-8112a3a4801c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:13:58	-714.259
-16	28048	2804800	ec6607eb-b29e-4aef-965f-a609e18bcead	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:53:06	-663.109
-16	56096	2804800	5c4c7b70-62fa-4af4-98f2-e3fca832ad40	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:44:20	-871.325
-17	28049	2804900	33452338-01e7-41c1-97ca-3ed1c506d59a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:38:16	-932.78
-17	56098	2804900	4537981e-8602-4df6-8906-a4a657594676	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:26:31	-754.12
-18	28050	2805000	ba29eb10-3216-414e-9c3e-9caffa832177	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:31:43	282.177
-18	56100	2805000	17bcde66-3430-4123-b316-b797d6790355	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:21:15	914.205
-19	28051	2805100	48eed7be-8dbc-4524-a1da-b5804e593136	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:39:46	-566.697
-19	56102	2805100	d78a120f-7dbb-4794-be9e-d8fbc2c3e757	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:39:51	871.106
-20	28052	2805200	7d1071a2-6939-4b90-a901-c2c4bb5532a0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:41:52	-499.285
-20	56104	2805200	947bee92-29a5-43e2-bf92-fade640e8a59	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:35:36	121.402
-21	28053	2805300	fa257667-a7fb-42d6-bfa1-5b2def6eebaa	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:14:00	947.512
-21	56106	2805300	26903c83-1aad-4cd0-a661-73d0498028cf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:51:28	-491.887
-22	28054	2805400	2dd678db-b153-4d64-9769-087d446a1d94	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:58:06	385.590
-22	56108	2805400	ed576389-e7f6-4bcf-8455-015789798821	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:40:46	-314.662
-23	28055	2805500	1f1a2752-7dc6-43cd-8499-4b91a42cccc8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:01:45	-254.66
-23	56110	2805500	b4f50db7-0c69-41b3-b21c-cc7898b4b568	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:08:34	-179.37
-24	28056	2805600	8cb66173-9772-4a7f-9836-04bc8c43ea9b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:04:13	818.596
-24	56112	2805600	3cbaa89d-9fd6-4975-92bc-395d74266343	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:04:42	-142.358
-25	28057	2805700	6a9cbc7b-0ead-43d6-852a-227488423929	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:57:12	-600.672
-25	56114	2805700	da107f84-8609-41a6-923e-79c7492952ac	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:10:29	-157.331
-26	28058	2805800	e85527c1-5530-4269-9cb2-b9d49906a5d9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:45:03	-31.940
-26	56116	2805800	d51b372c-3509-4ed0-b23f-98f79c16419e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:28:29	-841.346
-27	28059	2805900	a6e70ae2-f506-47af-ac30-a62e56b9ef20	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:32:55	37.226
-27	56118	2805900	262cdce0-1a33-4937-b3ce-ed1a92403ca6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:22:47	-927.511
-28	28060	2806000	96a2aa22-ece0-442c-86f3-9920e6d3d45e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:57:18	-144.314
-28	56120	2806000	fa59ac64-fed0-4174-954a-56b612f5384f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:11:13	859.845
-29	28061	2806100	88b4415e-683b-44ec-a2e8-c152e88c8101	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:40:39	515.900
-29	56122	2806100	d981e051-f204-4b54-9a18-50e987293ecf	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:00:58	-758.793
-30	28062	2806200	e9aa86ad-6ef8-46ed-a76f-c5e47d4a86d9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:38:03	618.183
-30	56124	2806200	687ad624-a336-4674-bc63-d33985540449	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:54:16	-866.347
-31	28063	2806300	fa561da4-fa24-440a-8770-02f55d32158d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:44:39	273.485
-31	56126	2806300	b411e4f1-001e-4b02-8ff5-4d58c7a2ce3c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:24:48	396.911
-32	28064	2806400	373c4c3c-4d50-4f87-af7e-6e69e84c147e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:24:30	521.705
-32	56128	2806400	85f5e0eb-537e-4796-a87e-11f9761979ef	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:16:56	263.529
-33	28065	2806500	eea5920f-7b2a-414c-b10f-571f261e7b37	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:27:06	175.401
-33	56130	2806500	a6002b0e-a36e-4493-9a67-fcae8a938b97	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:22:44	857.854
-34	28066	2806600	93bc193a-2045-45de-90e0-aae6756f53b2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:01:24	505.420
-34	56132	2806600	62673d4f-9875-4931-8126-b3bf952cf79b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:45:27	-38.894
-35	28067	2806700	8b3e9906-7e50-4795-832c-b44039a3f465	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:48:05	310.366
-35	56134	2806700	3b56c019-3db7-48c1-adac-79f1b0622b1a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:06:12	78.777
-36	28068	2806800	e7c329ce-bf4a-4ab1-9a19-a34c10195017	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:43:43	862.136
-36	56136	2806800	687c3601-bc82-4333-898f-04cd45564c4f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:36:18	826.120
-37	28069	2806900	9f856c75-d0bd-44b8-b349-b9ae08497222	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:10:02	-590.432
-37	56138	2806900	751335f3-3af1-48a4-b206-1b176e17bb94	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:40:58	730.77
-38	28070	2807000	0cf55a90-36f2-48b6-8991-f1177f394032	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:36:32	301.260
-38	56140	2807000	fcc78b11-f962-432f-bf14-7d546e2a476a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:44:04	-360.839
-39	28071	2807100	3c67ac47-8c5c-4fc1-8c0b-ac8a60e70293	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:14:56	-843.36
-39	56142	2807100	e443b10f-978a-4d90-889e-06b31b018f9f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:39:40	630.898
-40	28072	2807200	93a7e09c-560b-4e00-86cc-52b2ac1ecbe3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:00:52	694.617
-40	56144	2807200	43666df2-363e-45fc-ab77-4312f3e3c9f0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:49:35	686.332
-41	28073	2807300	a110d731-206d-4f8d-95ac-e59bb20c9317	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:51:57	931.952
-41	56146	2807300	92071c29-9055-441c-aca9-edc4645cdc26	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:47:24	967.159
-42	28074	2807400	15f3dd9f-a6f2-4163-9e93-af21d4229d91	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:56:26	-783.979
-42	56148	2807400	4996f76a-6096-434a-942f-e0b1528ab01f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:28:31	-459.458
-43	28075	2807500	9563e556-a52c-459f-b17b-fcb2e32c5976	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:18:55	-173.733
-43	56150	2807500	9393e22b-a932-420f-80c3-c1baa7ff5108	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:34:04	246.189
-44	28076	2807600	c5816919-c125-436f-b7c6-311b61ae903f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:12:24	-953.618
-44	56152	2807600	5aa14b3f-0ab2-44b0-b5ad-2e99bed5cc0b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:20:54	-980.20
-45	28077	2807700	3c10aba2-4d7a-452d-ab1f-c081f6bcfb1a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:21:59	-575.602
-45	56154	2807700	15356f0f-3db1-4e87-b753-ffb7fda2ce05	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:58:17	85.252
-46	28078	2807800	6e3bc623-3700-4e66-a2fe-e717ca23a47d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:56:53	-207.605
-46	56156	2807800	9d4d0a34-6394-4827-b033-6c0425dc662c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:32:57	420.25
-47	28079	2807900	8d6ea0e6-de79-4e92-8426-f6fd6913e3d1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:09:36	967.854
-47	56158	2807900	99cf8084-a690-433c-a05c-93b96c019b0a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:15:27	324.829
-48	28080	2808000	be9ee416-56cf-44e5-8158-214da613bbe4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:10:22	-511.131
-48	56160	2808000	feec9ace-1940-47b0-a80e-c259e43e214c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:22:39	759.593
-49	28081	2808100	8a10b097-4719-4a81-abda-f8b5e20a571a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:18:31	-275.891
-49	56162	2808100	5ab182ec-deac-475f-8cd8-395fce8404b8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:32:59	662.926
-50	28082	2808200	24b78f45-dd6c-447f-83e0-86a8c7c9b663	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:23:03	964.5
-50	56164	2808200	321b91f4-fced-4477-b9a7-17ff374cff55	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:58:47	-267.219
-51	28083	2808300	e012ef9f-8a9f-44cd-a3f6-e47c88308607	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:33:08	81.192
-51	56166	2808300	93142956-9100-4513-9e0f-705adf2011af	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:19:16	869.733
-52	28084	2808400	c80831ba-212d-4521-9875-20a7889f7571	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:37:05	-752.513
-52	56168	2808400	e3231b88-6463-4bed-bbb8-cc226a51d85f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:14:26	563.467
-53	28085	2808500	cb8cfcdd-9f0a-4738-b798-a459b20af2ba	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:45:11	481.650
-53	56170	2808500	d9f8c159-6515-4e60-acef-60f352853a1e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:27:25	-4.143
-54	28086	2808600	8623456f-15ba-4579-b470-a2c64517bb89	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:50:32	-87.556
-54	56172	2808600	34389f2f-7c64-4dde-8e75-c77c3f2f433f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:05:06	-311.848
-55	28087	2808700	d5a1c63c-deea-49ad-a9b9-a7ec155b9fdb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:40:22	62.64
-55	56174	2808700	6a941947-202e-4e21-93d9-865a7e1b06e7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:11:51	530.6
-56	28088	2808800	e5374754-6a13-4fc9-84ff-f6092891cd72	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:44:38	-374.109
-56	56176	2808800	78d48dd8-0ba1-4588-9cfb-720bd7046e8f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:10:22	-2.164
-57	28089	2808900	94f226fd-f69e-43f0-9702-2fc8874f247c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:38:33	815.674
-57	56178	2808900	d7504804-5f03-4bb4-bdb8-9a050f75bf6e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:14:53	-791.659
-58	28090	2809000	0212db2a-8c56-49d7-8fc9-d95d93a54e11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:27:45	385.113
-58	56180	2809000	28aebcf3-8ac9-4b77-9f38-85df7a8e97c9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:20:11	673.756
-59	28091	2809100	2e6d4208-45c4-48ba-af8e-132e51c40276	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:05:15	-929.50
-59	56182	2809100	b3ba2259-04c1-4f78-895e-e9157b7c8a53	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:50:52	-563.945
-60	28092	2809200	6847bd2f-9818-40f9-b954-48c3c38bc3a7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:56:48	416.696
-60	56184	2809200	96541d3b-5114-498a-8933-5d79ec648282	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:55:54	637.339
-61	28093	2809300	390a032d-da91-4fee-83ee-65fc6fec8760	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:54:03	684.253
-61	56186	2809300	0756d02b-25a0-43c8-86a9-3038006a33fc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:47:34	769.674
-62	28094	2809400	911cbab9-2e95-4a39-86b8-6776a81a0fd0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:14:37	252.81
-62	56188	2809400	c6c25555-a6ad-4b67-b318-40305f08a6f3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:42:46	603.328
-63	28095	2809500	e002c108-7738-4259-a06d-74fabf08ddfc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:48:33	-118.42
-63	56190	2809500	07dda6ab-ca6c-4470-bfc6-56f23796048b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:31:36	699.175
-64	28096	2809600	2a564948-6669-43e7-902b-29535a949e79	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:09:12	40.944
-64	56192	2809600	74ce87bb-0bd0-4b5f-ab4d-4da9523927d3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:29:20	529.84
-65	28097	2809700	47a383b2-b540-4654-96ba-692fbc2bb54e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:07:33	819.159
-65	56194	2809700	a75fff03-6ec8-4254-91b9-aa01cdc57945	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:48:11	-792.457
-66	28098	2809800	5b6c8fe0-2eca-4486-ba7c-a39cece543ee	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:51:32	333.517
-66	56196	2809800	5027a18e-f428-49e0-a3d3-738cf824d624	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:55:57	-136.139
-67	28099	2809900	29f6b17b-7704-4408-a305-1f944640204e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:25:31	915.765
-67	56198	2809900	54f8cb42-38b8-40c2-966b-fa85a39446c0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:38:40	73.964
-68	28100	2810000	bc7931ed-dbd6-41c1-91f4-63fd9890f9a0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:03:07	-490.870
-68	56200	2810000	6f4b0c68-a6bc-4f15-813c-642bb4762dc1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:09:43	-366.368
-69	28101	2810100	93c84d15-22bc-4def-8b0d-e1222537b3a6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:31:42	-338.397
-69	56202	2810100	4a811c19-d7e8-4f3f-9be2-1e7fbf403de4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:00:02	-795.884
-70	28102	2810200	9c077046-ea14-4b1e-97a2-d1e6c3063f64	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:30:25	-107.34
-70	56204	2810200	05f657f4-5a6f-4556-8332-cdb56901fdc7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:22:29	893.922
-71	28103	2810300	e535b5dd-fbb1-4183-bd90-2360c34c0c07	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:09:28	-233.445
-71	56206	2810300	800b2f5f-6963-470e-a4a2-f6712c8531c2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:07:11	-518.251
-72	28104	2810400	43483bb1-6380-42a7-9f85-bce5de4402e9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:58:36	-683.546
-72	56208	2810400	68c54f8a-8ec7-4eda-9e4d-61a0975d5d48	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:29:47	112.892
-73	28105	2810500	44beaff1-b650-4adf-b104-48625bd83ffd	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:59:38	-522.386
-73	56210	2810500	5745a942-9498-4aa3-8824-cb097cd4a03c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:29:35	-61.830
-74	28106	2810600	82d3a675-eee8-4d1b-a169-1cba19f1b11b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:21:57	-476.784
-74	56212	2810600	2e29404a-17f7-408a-9913-7a862d472ef1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:10:02	-900.471
-75	28107	2810700	1d39592f-1672-4987-903a-f326c100bf8a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:44:38	-57.589
-75	56214	2810700	38de439c-4f05-4e0f-a6a0-60d148bdb7bb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:22:51	209.298
-76	28108	2810800	21b53587-f5d8-4c77-8d77-4c8a3cbaff11	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:08:29	-293.414
-76	56216	2810800	c4572937-5a3e-4fb2-8ade-b7d73865194f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:18:01	386.301
-77	28109	2810900	0d7f8f5a-7341-4d6f-a4d7-448ad80283c0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:46:14	-774.83
-77	56218	2810900	30f56f9a-a481-47c1-87a1-79ca79959032	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:05:43	-847.798
-78	28110	2811000	2d2b5386-c5a4-4729-9c01-59be14625f13	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:20:49	525.885
-78	56220	2811000	b304aebc-5d79-4a73-9ce4-4830d5c44a98	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:57:13	-318.11
-79	28111	2811100	17f9947d-aace-4525-81c0-d5088c487a7c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:07:16	-748.320
-79	56222	2811100	d8593b74-8122-4d28-a97f-ee55dc35bd51	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:19:58	-986.14
-80	28112	2811200	d18aecf4-66f6-4c4f-b7f2-1de55745747d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:32:39	685.534
-80	56224	2811200	aad6b14f-61f9-440f-a0e5-4826a8d8f023	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:09:34	-709.131
-81	28113	2811300	97483927-7111-4f10-8a6a-1765074f4d61	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:59:34	-135.120
-81	56226	2811300	fd2afafa-1a3c-4b76-8188-cbb27c5b04ed	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:37:31	775.448
-82	28114	2811400	176eac61-767f-474f-ab18-e557a2266851	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:08:40	174.339
-82	56228	2811400	be381efe-013c-4860-a6f2-f9e341693393	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:49:26	-631.897
-83	28115	2811500	2c8771c7-3ba2-463e-b90d-aa36dcb944a8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:57:39	-916.477
-83	56230	2811500	919c5745-8b79-4b0c-8ab7-23b57dfb4907	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:09:56	-989.10
-84	28116	2811600	cc3f37fd-607b-4013-9a1e-7215676a365a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:42:52	69.75
-84	56232	2811600	d1e96577-a9f3-4b56-8fb8-c77168ebf832	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:03:13	692.922
-85	28117	2811700	d7a4f0f8-0dc3-47cd-b949-180073cbd0c2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:24:13	-486.440
-85	56234	2811700	c921840b-293c-4b85-9c26-a95d0fb01d3b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:09:24	663.8
-86	28118	2811800	b77cd6ac-6749-4604-bced-1330808f9553	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:45:19	-398.1
-86	56236	2811800	eeb30aef-174f-41e6-958d-70e53b58168b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:16:38	-500.212
-87	28119	2811900	e6c69d92-6509-41dc-9f4e-7b128eba6a7d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:04:55	516.528
-87	56238	2811900	01bd795b-dabd-4a58-841e-1762f5cc6021	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:27:57	-580.761
-88	28120	2812000	8923d06e-28f9-4441-bc95-52f42b94bbf6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:46:33	-866.364
-88	56240	2812000	db342694-923d-41db-9e3b-9e44fec3827f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:02:36	943.138
-89	28121	2812100	b6c79714-10f3-435b-a967-d8236b38044b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:37:07	881.401
-89	56242	2812100	23ff58c5-96df-45b3-9ac2-f4e31a7f0f20	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:22:52	686.282
-90	28122	2812200	daf9381f-33ce-43c5-b2a9-79ba8503cefe	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:18:52	-79.304
-90	56244	2812200	53fbb88d-6afb-4cde-a942-55453d8e47b5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:06:26	933.289
-91	28123	2812300	b664cc2a-eb4b-41ef-9f96-be26818dd79c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:14:28	-318.629
-91	56246	2812300	f08bbff4-4497-4c91-b535-6975f9a87fbb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:37:35	223.702
-92	28124	2812400	c9b4b4de-9f21-4ceb-bc9a-8e95c996b092	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:18:33	709.977
-92	56248	2812400	6ccbdfa3-36d6-4d18-96c1-379bfb313b0a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:03:15	-240.676
-93	28125	2812500	2a2ed649-4379-4e1e-9db5-d284b259ff32	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:02:09	263.235
-93	56250	2812500	971dd402-2924-4831-b0c4-b92096203850	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:28:01	-240.656
-94	28126	2812600	e030d5ac-2da9-4cf1-b45e-4cd5233d6e55	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:53:00	-500.888
-94	56252	2812600	3028482f-e707-4df8-aaed-c8632526659c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:18:48	-659.690
-95	28127	2812700	f104446e-fd0c-410f-825f-5c796bbc9aa6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:09:48	753.823
-95	56254	2812700	4fc7d2ff-3839-4c13-8c93-eb20289ebfc1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:57:40	431.182
-96	28128	2812800	4790851b-7d6e-491e-a5f5-10233b8078da	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:17:22	-198.447
-96	56256	2812800	1bb4496d-9637-4361-9346-4b5a52fdf7bc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:12:32	632.267
-97	28129	2812900	64dcab8a-1d1d-47c9-bd2a-27b9494fe797	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:53:44	-262.434
-97	56258	2812900	d002e601-b6ce-44ce-b23c-d0292ba964d3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:05:14	-941.428
-98	28130	2813000	b4781048-22ae-4989-96f3-9e076bd3ee9f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:26:14	-629.821
-98	56260	2813000	64a8d2d5-05e7-4f79-a886-07c2a68d8b3b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:09:24	703.90
-99	28131	2813100	d36d36c0-c728-4b79-ae09-3639210ca0a6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:01:31	-924.371
-99	56262	2813100	f7075780-18ce-4625-86d0-c6760c5fb1a8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:11:46	-678.389
-100	28132	2813200	e5184ebd-564f-410c-a157-ac0363374b61	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:25:32	36.844
-100	56264	2813200	67502299-502b-4195-becf-c89c7de216a7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:22:20	755.192
-101	28133	2813300	0d1fb71c-b4a7-4e9c-8d44-ab564583a7c5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:50:58	-329.388
-101	56266	2813300	5176658b-20d7-476b-bb83-3ea990378c74	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:55:25	893.29
-102	28134	2813400	14685abe-7960-4873-88be-5a9000b655e7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:18:45	-730.227
-102	56268	2813400	865edbb2-92f0-4377-9b5e-53d4fdb0c449	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:07:10	671.782
-103	28135	2813500	30359e03-780b-4be4-9001-99d7098817ae	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:45:41	-254.919
-103	56270	2813500	9389edf3-0e79-4030-93c2-997ec60cfeec	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:54:53	-711.370
-104	28136	2813600	c14b269a-fad9-454c-bc1b-489fc026c2cf	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:57:07	951.257
-104	56272	2813600	0817d7c2-2e36-45d8-b6d3-64149e78927c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:49:35	-161.351
-105	28137	2813700	8bec80f8-950c-4399-a1fd-89eff3a86d14	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:30:02	890.314
-105	56274	2813700	571cbd2f-c6dd-4a44-8ab7-71c92fbc3f87	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:00:31	-889.684
-106	28138	2813800	2fa4ce6f-6944-4dea-a60e-082bed929ffb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:51:15	149.296
-106	56276	2813800	86510ee4-4896-4ec4-ac8f-417f54fe3062	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:55:38	166.977
-107	28139	2813900	9f78aa37-5d28-4bbd-a51a-bc862304736a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:11:33	-578.970
-107	56278	2813900	ba347fa0-62e6-4ec6-b122-58daffc8fda9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:43:47	286.212
-108	28140	2814000	85710e78-a782-4848-809f-1efa5277ac5d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:39:30	-837.945
-108	56280	2814000	44a3000a-68a5-4d26-a8e3-b46f3e18134d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:41:21	270.829
-109	28141	2814100	ef7437d7-5213-4c89-8f9d-59478f36bf2d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:45:17	843.521
-109	56282	2814100	c373f5de-19eb-4134-aa0a-3a07328e7afe	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:57:58	-296.876
-110	28142	2814200	5e16d519-64dc-4cf3-8a24-8270839a45d5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:30:14	-594.354
-110	56284	2814200	f1b94eb5-6e13-4138-99d9-196781282085	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:56:12	-781.963
-111	28143	2814300	1575b5dc-e9b4-4d4b-81db-54f17b787215	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:24:27	639.67
-111	56286	2814300	e317d241-e477-45c6-97f5-de8bce29f91e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:09:45	465.478
-112	28144	2814400	cf7edb9d-637d-4e53-bc59-d765e77eb922	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:34:06	-973.180
-112	56288	2814400	caa6fd30-3561-40c2-9ba2-26b858875db5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:51:01	828.169
-113	28145	2814500	077f8d89-6564-4486-a9be-d47ea4e993cd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:28:13	821.421
-113	56290	2814500	a34f57a0-8d70-458b-a6b6-77f9f4ebead2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:14:20	265.703
-114	28146	2814600	0b8ae2e4-6bdb-4f06-9ebb-be8ca92d2ce2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:21:44	-974.233
-114	56292	2814600	8eeb0555-9a9e-4711-a04f-8139539d2219	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:35:10	-715.907
-115	28147	2814700	202eab00-c005-48ed-b9c9-d6717d8125ab	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:35:27	965.871
-115	56294	2814700	ef8f679d-1c10-4c9e-a355-5840a175f752	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:14:31	-59.774
-116	28148	2814800	b8f2e6ff-6d27-4917-9a50-8b8f95a871f1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:43:24	-710.919
-116	56296	2814800	69ca6c6b-93a4-4d20-b408-8907ab0fe995	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:21:50	727.472
-117	28149	2814900	5299c39b-2998-4c06-8292-9c8799724e3d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:43:56	956.814
-117	56298	2814900	41161b32-1143-415d-8f50-5e474fcc22c3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:54:05	-166.885
-118	28150	2815000	fcce6476-560a-4fdb-ba0c-169e1984f79c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:14:34	-938.154
-118	56300	2815000	8252d5b1-d604-4788-a4e6-198fc8975c01	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:54:41	-456.992
-119	28151	2815100	edae5809-5984-4fac-a461-b23bb9676b8b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:41:07	152.487
-119	56302	2815100	ded6b671-4d19-4bd3-95b2-9e04554016a2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:48:50	-946.423
-120	28152	2815200	08b0ee1c-dafa-49c1-a0d0-c632f6b0cc3b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:23:37	562.778
-120	56304	2815200	0afee86f-c1f7-4018-ba13-1eb1265e5fb7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:42:25	-764.380
-121	28153	2815300	efe3a828-cac1-4ed0-9d34-786397c707e4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:47:24	-220.804
-121	56306	2815300	4bbc59f9-6d65-4a5b-8447-9b967d65e6dd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:52:20	-535.441
-122	28154	2815400	48c7f583-445e-451e-b11f-bdfffbe634b1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:30:31	-590.615
-122	56308	2815400	bf7038e0-3d1a-4d59-af0e-c4a3f9ea7c79	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:03:39	739.507
-123	28155	2815500	0db5371a-cd53-464f-ae52-2536d2e8ae33	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:27:46	-125.704
-123	56310	2815500	9db74c03-8ebf-4728-a87e-a0a8bff2d28f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:50:51	372.674
-124	28156	2815600	b242160f-7e84-407e-ab55-48dcef2dda2d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:19:50	-224.524
-124	56312	2815600	d015f7b0-ebe9-4792-ae5a-acb457117ed5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:24:28	520.180
-125	28157	2815700	132d4447-cc2e-4d08-bb3a-f26a0d89e995	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:16:08	597.825
-125	56314	2815700	28c87469-37cf-4bc2-8ecf-133cc4570bed	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:25:40	-743.927
-126	28158	2815800	d62e1359-095e-4a39-87b9-04b352f6c0e4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:46:38	451.404
-126	56316	2815800	1d7f97b1-28c5-4c38-8c3a-48c41a8ee854	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:07:26	548.529
-127	28159	2815900	b0ad2db2-4e32-4f6d-8524-2e54db0d4d27	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:16:52	-881.52
-127	56318	2815900	7c0c9e18-dbf7-4039-818c-2ebe34c384e3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:26:43	637.575
-0	28160	2816000	dd59f647-e6ff-4376-af02-bded4d755787	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:00:50	-132.779
-0	56320	2816000	058658b2-3019-4f48-b5a0-8a36857404e9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:29:38	602.953
-1	28161	2816100	d4db7c01-ff4e-4623-a0c7-15ae2100a5d0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:41:38	446.314
-1	56322	2816100	12218343-cd49-443f-956a-10ab56a31d1e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:08:50	-100.965
-2	28162	2816200	463d7fff-12d9-4bba-8612-81653d1a064a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:45:29	-577.34
-2	56324	2816200	61af44b9-2337-40c2-88b1-fc16d565821a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:56:29	38.560
-3	28163	2816300	4842958f-bc15-4811-b327-2e94ee2c3a90	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:03:37	968.928
-3	56326	2816300	21da7afb-9302-42e3-8f22-ccecee98fde1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:46:25	451.265
-4	28164	2816400	51ac8bc5-c633-44ce-817b-c50d4f3c0a69	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:55:55	-794.868
-4	56328	2816400	e930c7db-400a-4efa-b10c-ab15aafa9cbb	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:13:00	-491.76
-5	28165	2816500	25a9629c-322b-4266-a2ee-fa3322a56d87	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:36:40	147.246
-5	56330	2816500	334d1b02-d05b-44f6-bf80-853d52a7802c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:39:35	-121.113
-6	28166	2816600	cc9a5c60-4abc-4247-b60e-1abc5d56f474	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:53:45	-955.702
-6	56332	2816600	96d81f0a-ecb8-4322-b6d5-1fa4b0ced9ce	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:34:26	-278.621
-7	28167	2816700	3a488e78-abf0-4e9b-a3af-f3f77f2cd591	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:38:14	-311.21
-7	56334	2816700	8da35b52-dacf-4b47-9c57-9b106a709a6f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:41:37	-776.785
-8	28168	2816800	55caea49-f06b-4d31-9d44-45265d85b551	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:13:59	974.304
-8	56336	2816800	0213719d-9938-4bce-ad12-f910f5068b52	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:25:39	-546.245
-9	28169	2816900	3753b692-7d74-4aac-83c1-6793d36614b9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:46:23	882.60
-9	56338	2816900	733f63b8-7551-42dc-9c13-140ce1657614	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:33:57	-582.458
-10	28170	2817000	9503a241-585b-4f71-8eff-7d63179f74a8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:07:07	175.971
-10	56340	2817000	fe89e831-7b2d-4230-a5e5-cacbc065bd1a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:30:01	-92.955
-11	28171	2817100	e6c47989-7d9b-4fe7-b53f-2004fc58890d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:32:49	-471.376
-11	56342	2817100	4daa9585-a0b7-425d-982b-be4c4f12d817	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:09:00	-22.723
-12	28172	2817200	176e8f50-6e80-49ed-9d15-88dec7151e00	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:41:05	-44.199
-12	56344	2817200	406fc602-cd68-48e6-b86b-1959e5139014	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:37:00	217.895
-13	28173	2817300	11736221-dba9-4112-a25c-0a853e9c3d0f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:49:12	762.238
-13	56346	2817300	fc8bad37-a08d-413c-88ef-bcdc2c30caa5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:04:54	501.203
-14	28174	2817400	eab27ff2-6e62-4504-8b51-2b8fe1095408	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:32:03	-647.177
-14	56348	2817400	21c5f8f1-6398-4058-b2da-81be00fefc2f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:51:42	-425.593
-15	28175	2817500	c891f48f-1f5d-4a49-bafc-fe4ca6949762	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:28:09	-753.374
-15	56350	2817500	e3c20bfb-a0b5-43ec-85d4-f1097e9f27ea	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:47:22	151.242
-16	28176	2817600	708a636d-364c-4676-b03f-0b78514d5b20	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:02:19	-645.699
-16	56352	2817600	e44687ff-d1e4-4124-8e8f-12d0925e22f2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:04:33	166.638
-17	28177	2817700	6300037d-6721-4080-8775-df960ffb5871	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:21:21	-592.105
-17	56354	2817700	a2f80525-d322-4eea-82f1-2c201ae467c7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:20:20	-866.481
-18	28178	2817800	ef276f6a-dfac-45e8-90fe-cf2926035922	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:36:23	-444.389
-18	56356	2817800	206c1650-6944-4b29-8281-3ca990b5810d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:51:07	869.54
-19	28179	2817900	236913ff-0a08-4d67-a962-e3f26e1778a4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:59:17	789.109
-19	56358	2817900	955a017a-561b-4480-8205-5aef9c1a7e2f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:01:32	922.870
-20	28180	2818000	f71d5b01-3dbd-489a-b9e6-d6fed71b5881	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:52:48	-53.447
-20	56360	2818000	5748a64a-e0f9-4a50-8445-b3361f51a71f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:07:57	117.368
-21	28181	2818100	4e8aa6da-531a-4a4b-abc1-1ff2d827c2a6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:25:13	268.724
-21	56362	2818100	35b75aba-347f-444a-a7fe-6b06cb81b157	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:45:06	246.621
-22	28182	2818200	85b6c1b1-2002-4d12-8d7a-1db120ddca84	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:48:35	-534.413
-22	56364	2818200	3b8e202b-11f5-49fc-b7fe-c78a83c65b30	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:28:11	-496.710
-23	28183	2818300	f7a43f3b-ad64-48b6-b2a4-6adee8c40fff	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:50:06	-920.65
-23	56366	2818300	5ad981e0-268e-470b-b271-705265477e07	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:59:35	935.615
-24	28184	2818400	0dbe3712-d078-4f57-b266-c96baedcf050	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:51:19	172.691
-24	56368	2818400	766d2e88-58fc-474c-a126-281467f7c98d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:51:37	-306.618
-25	28185	2818500	b8c086f9-d479-4240-b3bf-8a170d23142a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:58:04	-588.387
-25	56370	2818500	8e333d7f-fa11-4689-b372-f8387e7c20c6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:54:13	157.578
-26	28186	2818600	d97b54d9-610d-4328-a6bb-d4e0a2b2b417	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:25:19	-446.653
-26	56372	2818600	b74cb714-0e9b-4fbb-95ab-ccbfe3ffdd8c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:15:42	-816.185
-27	28187	2818700	d82080e7-1d07-4495-b05a-7c02bd7656ce	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:37:39	-71.588
-27	56374	2818700	af952854-ea80-4be5-9dec-f5fea5a2854c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:31:11	476.253
-28	28188	2818800	b38d1ad4-17e0-459e-b47b-3e09955a291a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:13:26	474.138
-28	56376	2818800	b16ae1ce-313b-4bd9-9910-f444c2dc615d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:39:47	15.499
-29	28189	2818900	e439999e-67b1-4381-ae91-78ca32b2f1d0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:42:27	-994.512
-29	56378	2818900	563e4947-0a4b-4b45-b25a-46e098123a57	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:21:07	985.767
-30	28190	2819000	ac58a823-e6b0-4c74-b833-a9df5fdf4c25	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:27:21	-493.935
-30	56380	2819000	65aaac08-a5c2-4790-912d-c7df7c4e9a21	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:18:49	-401.566
-31	28191	2819100	548054b0-fbb1-45c8-8e8e-fc6fd9f09ae3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:02:52	389.90
-31	56382	2819100	70b98427-fbcc-4230-b6d8-555d2b708ec5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:44:26	-270.419
-32	28192	2819200	a3af0944-8008-473d-9365-dd02a72f3a2e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:17:29	206.779
-32	56384	2819200	de58f3c6-1290-4023-a882-bb51013bc6b6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:37:50	627.631
-33	28193	2819300	ff4027dd-f6be-492f-a06f-ae8bef8b537b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:26:58	-572.349
-33	56386	2819300	637c6c3d-0006-4883-8923-10b04ceb9839	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:45:08	-139.281
-34	28194	2819400	372121df-35d4-4107-8242-593dd3af9cf9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:30:00	-163.829
-34	56388	2819400	e987d687-6a8c-405f-9c93-ca7a958c1acd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:37:42	566.567
-35	28195	2819500	39e4087f-be39-4542-8820-8fe2c97fdd88	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:19:06	816.91
-35	56390	2819500	863bfbf1-ba1e-4a82-9da7-615a8015d2d0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:22:00	656.6
-36	28196	2819600	38f3c279-03a7-4bb1-885a-6deefe2037e2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:09:32	742.525
-36	56392	2819600	048c6a15-ca0c-4463-911f-346b9480fd38	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:54:32	-628.409
-37	28197	2819700	7fdc86be-b531-4a6d-997d-871cf6bc0ca8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:58:29	294.887
-37	56394	2819700	8c3cac4c-640e-4223-a89c-fe4c8f2c73c1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:44:08	802.323
-38	28198	2819800	96bbb7c0-664d-4b28-8886-ee134d4eab33	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:44:53	-406.780
-38	56396	2819800	40ddc156-ca36-4166-9314-632cfd50493b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:24:46	-115.219
-39	28199	2819900	02196d4c-328e-4dbe-a576-26679150dfaa	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:12:55	48.224
-39	56398	2819900	0570516a-f9d9-48bb-9a38-6228fb70d279	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:09:13	7.887
-40	28200	2820000	31f87a80-6c5f-410d-a114-7e912f7751a6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:59:53	330.818
-40	56400	2820000	353f7729-ffe7-4c7e-b981-1a98b86401bc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:58:08	-872.365
-41	28201	2820100	f6eec7f7-cebf-4c52-850d-92b114c8890c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:42:31	387.521
-41	56402	2820100	ed73e306-37d1-4729-ae28-d16b3c2a98c9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:50:15	699.911
-42	28202	2820200	91f112cd-f55b-4e9c-b22e-53a908d6e5af	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:43:31	633.917
-42	56404	2820200	d25e8211-71f1-48bb-a228-6137d9829556	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:49:46	19.465
-43	28203	2820300	ed72c4b9-fab0-42ea-a123-e8b7c275174c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:43:29	-918.674
-43	56406	2820300	493375bf-ef2c-4b7b-b3af-1651b1d9da18	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:27:10	537.5
-44	28204	2820400	dbdf2b66-e7ee-40b2-95e6-c3ba3a1794b8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:51:34	888.480
-44	56408	2820400	87d6602a-783e-460d-b8ec-53f45dc166e5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:49:33	-599.133
-45	28205	2820500	741e0b32-6267-430a-bddd-044c3dbb0324	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:20:57	760.463
-45	56410	2820500	d8ddf243-44bd-486a-85d1-d0070e82a1e5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:25:01	303.997
-46	28206	2820600	8e464f41-8280-4170-8628-5281dfcf5fba	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:12:45	185.857
-46	56412	2820600	6c0c53ad-ec8e-4bd8-a297-334994b6e6cc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:33:48	-342.641
-47	28207	2820700	0e77fbcc-c3b0-4055-8370-4fae1192d4bd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:38:35	418.877
-47	56414	2820700	de377ceb-ca6c-4df0-9db9-d9268e471eb5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:32:45	-768.957
-48	28208	2820800	fd079f6d-90db-482e-be06-f054a0ab99a2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:20:18	341.754
-48	56416	2820800	6ece809c-0959-4178-8cbb-deb3399390fe	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:12:01	399.161
-49	28209	2820900	4bcd47c0-9782-47e6-9c69-d184ba8c942b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:24:49	838.900
-49	56418	2820900	3f7083a2-f9d5-40f9-8990-8303781542dc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:56:47	-808.789
-50	28210	2821000	0fd91040-ea05-4c2a-af4d-579cb645249e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:22:30	-779.757
-50	56420	2821000	5f827f49-68ec-46fa-a657-dde05c243e44	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:26:34	-50.779
-51	28211	2821100	3ca585b6-8933-49af-b3b1-ef2b1ae2435f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:56:08	-621.327
-51	56422	2821100	bfa507c9-e983-41d1-836a-48532bdd65b4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:43:01	-398.332
-52	28212	2821200	28ace720-deb2-450d-b217-969eb1a1ffff	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:59:18	838.603
-52	56424	2821200	0fb06084-cd42-4fe1-8923-fde6834111c3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:20:35	821.465
-53	28213	2821300	6c7e4737-b829-4c47-b90d-755c83ef03b8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:50:15	389.40
-53	56426	2821300	26534d18-0806-49d8-b10f-592824f7bf52	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:47:17	887.567
-54	28214	2821400	781796d7-912b-4f2c-a9ca-2be31019285b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:59:21	-361.394
-54	56428	2821400	15b6f331-55da-4faa-b8b4-d69a6ef5fa4c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:17:19	574.81
-55	28215	2821500	6a832403-aefb-4c2e-9176-81d0b3ad8bab	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:44:21	-493.496
-55	56430	2821500	bae2e4c0-e3bd-451a-8e19-08efed1bb8a8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:44:43	368.27
-56	28216	2821600	11ab234d-4b14-4e84-8bb8-08e6c26c7b80	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:03:11	-315.651
-56	56432	2821600	c3985319-c9b0-4bf1-8640-4aeaa66ac52b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:26:04	184.300
-57	28217	2821700	fe87ddcc-8e07-4b13-a2e2-4ddd8660a3ca	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:10:56	732.57
-57	56434	2821700	4fb874d8-72f8-4b5e-b2d2-508c2a1695fd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:08:56	255.395
-58	28218	2821800	40fddddb-62fa-4228-9462-009ff171dce6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:37:42	-390.395
-58	56436	2821800	a6477384-7fae-4459-8508-1bfcd60d669e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:03:21	458.759
-59	28219	2821900	8f599b72-7f81-48bf-be2c-f77e16509872	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:45:14	441.389
-59	56438	2821900	bb2f0edc-f651-4303-8236-b0be8594146e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:22:15	-454.619
-60	28220	2822000	cd673a9e-d377-45ea-9927-5475cd873dfd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:50:58	-222.81
-60	56440	2822000	b290ad32-9d47-425f-ae37-03c497ae87a6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:28:31	89.759
-61	28221	2822100	4bcd0d6c-6f88-49d4-8212-97b0277c1a99	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:52:40	496.977
-61	56442	2822100	714fcc30-c459-47ae-ba22-fd59e0981c7e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:31:41	-878.289
-62	28222	2822200	8936b5db-b690-4285-be69-a36e2b751da6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:53:02	-149.552
-62	56444	2822200	cb5719c0-fd19-46de-8b4a-4931db43b2d8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:52:56	-101.462
-63	28223	2822300	9e24cf23-5ed9-4bbe-950c-b81072c39499	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:34:28	-344.454
-63	56446	2822300	353960d8-a71c-448a-916c-c3e31067e004	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:54:43	417.151
-64	28224	2822400	0631684c-3561-4936-9e40-fae1cec3287a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:44:17	-101.285
-64	56448	2822400	406c0dde-427d-47ac-8150-6783fd2ad69d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:17:59	548.618
-65	28225	2822500	08ed60a7-0fa8-46b7-80c2-852f78617ccb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:19:51	-42.563
-65	56450	2822500	56ed05ce-8f79-4816-9792-5b2d2b17b23e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:37:50	-721.411
-66	28226	2822600	ae702135-e13f-48cd-b771-97c3034e73a1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:14:15	252.727
-66	56452	2822600	dc6c68ca-220d-4695-b5e3-fe918c168beb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:27:33	-934.460
-67	28227	2822700	84eb71a9-01a6-45c8-9051-b3dd42caa6df	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:16:07	98.368
-67	56454	2822700	288c1a4e-c4d4-4b14-9d72-ad09d5fd0d2d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:24:18	-162.544
-68	28228	2822800	0b3f94c8-5ab8-47d3-8b81-d308ebd9f6d0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:01:56	463.703
-68	56456	2822800	253e1014-4c19-4300-a7f5-37d620bf2157	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:46:54	947.216
-69	28229	2822900	13c889f2-5570-4110-884b-ddc8b01f67de	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:04:04	477.978
-69	56458	2822900	7fc4471f-1049-4ed8-94e5-5e6b04c79e59	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:12:56	-782.344
-70	28230	2823000	999b305c-204a-45ba-b6ab-eb197f380c3c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:12:59	-514.664
-70	56460	2823000	4f7606da-641e-4bc5-90fa-0c7c0f11589d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:09:55	-406.72
-71	28231	2823100	116b6c0f-0127-470c-88e9-510d2fecb7f1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:24:50	642.501
-71	56462	2823100	57cbd129-250e-4052-86fe-84199329b4fa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:11:43	-113.902
-72	28232	2823200	102d90a3-aadd-4223-9f77-cada19bbbcda	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:06:10	-249.989
-72	56464	2823200	73e677d7-3f82-402a-864e-5b1290e4bc50	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:01:57	-750.457
-73	28233	2823300	511af528-e8d9-4cce-92f0-c8d711147e53	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:45:13	-58.47
-73	56466	2823300	b041b0f1-e271-46e9-a430-bc8e671fa453	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:40:06	257.253
-74	28234	2823400	5b8b6124-d884-4bbf-ad44-5130a7d4d401	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:25:00	978.747
-74	56468	2823400	ae2ceea2-7729-40e1-931b-ccb3869e7fff	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:08:03	171.731
-75	28235	2823500	844f8189-4dc8-4169-bc58-097cff40c56b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:30:01	757.694
-75	56470	2823500	b758ccb0-6ad9-4a4f-a3d0-614923c95a22	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:17:18	802.643
-76	28236	2823600	fcf33f83-f2bf-41f1-9a1a-f6db0c8ec0ec	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:43:46	-4.987
-76	56472	2823600	f4240b61-adc4-4d2c-86b1-d61d1e8205a7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:41:02	292.245
-77	28237	2823700	7d769b18-2214-4690-9a5e-7357ee91d1ff	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:19:28	-598.157
-77	56474	2823700	53bccda1-7d82-41ed-9d5b-3306ca21441f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:33:26	-848.632
-78	28238	2823800	51663048-6f5e-40bf-8ce2-7406b7350037	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:21:11	-122.90
-78	56476	2823800	5410e2db-8589-4480-8dfc-55444546d474	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:34:38	-53.867
-79	28239	2823900	4e9e083f-ee16-4923-b971-3454d35964b8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:26:10	-916.982
-79	56478	2823900	71533827-82b1-4452-a47a-9f34ffe541be	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:04:36	509.525
-80	28240	2824000	b3aac484-7b0b-4e66-9375-b09d5095a5dc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:11:23	-364.220
-80	56480	2824000	2c324a89-7837-40fe-a055-844f7ab9671c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:43:08	173.730
-81	28241	2824100	7dbd623c-2ea2-4e11-8c45-31a74381e23e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:22:06	-959.221
-81	56482	2824100	c5c74852-e01f-4374-8f27-eeae4a751453	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:41:45	-813.220
-82	28242	2824200	02965597-ee95-43a1-a47b-f7e853e671e8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:19:48	-478.564
-82	56484	2824200	8d18f614-83e6-4508-9a74-c220c696df14	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:09:43	-664.512
-83	28243	2824300	c2a2630a-4adc-48eb-bada-620752bc82f4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:06:17	143.364
-83	56486	2824300	044aa869-3d49-4ba6-a83f-aa5e6d2bb9b2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:04:03	-893.753
-84	28244	2824400	4334e887-905a-458b-8f6c-8af1d2c7651a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:21:39	-571.476
-84	56488	2824400	8b1edeb7-1c15-43af-9521-f83f64a6b5f7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:57:27	657.460
-85	28245	2824500	2f4c6c8e-7ec5-4a91-8aa7-74190e0bf18c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:17:53	-884.827
-85	56490	2824500	4cc154c3-e53e-44e5-a7ff-f4105299dfca	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:32:55	-194.652
-86	28246	2824600	55eafefe-84d6-4569-84e1-a503ebb622df	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:53:37	-858.105
-86	56492	2824600	df49d00e-7d70-4555-a709-190b2b6e8304	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:41:15	-533.866
-87	28247	2824700	7a8d0c24-00c0-483e-8b66-54ffe6c9f760	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:49:25	-125.89
-87	56494	2824700	0789b204-13e3-4772-adfd-62df5a6663e2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:22:11	-397.902
-88	28248	2824800	9642f50e-b084-46f0-a991-8f589987e15c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:28:10	657.988
-88	56496	2824800	32ad21b3-5aed-4b56-bfb7-3f67caf00af8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:11:36	-440.667
-89	28249	2824900	7f15942d-aa40-4d4e-ba2f-d6cb2e973a5f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:54:38	858.841
-89	56498	2824900	0a97994b-a36e-4058-a35a-5d2f7f6e4528	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:01:14	-324.16
-90	28250	2825000	e4fd74a3-d4db-44b6-b525-486fe2fba9c7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:12:56	-666.694
-90	56500	2825000	a182a4d6-0af3-4aa2-ac96-36b1ae80cc16	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:56:24	-644.69
-91	28251	2825100	d18cf268-031d-4a7d-b060-25a544dc4271	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:15:15	926.75
-91	56502	2825100	56f8dec1-be88-4757-abb2-303c35026ecf	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:54:31	-675.655
-92	28252	2825200	12e0eed0-bacf-47e5-ae0d-44fab3667924	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:19:30	286.742
-92	56504	2825200	e0780ac8-3d0f-444a-a4f2-1e10e057a51a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:31:01	-827.675
-93	28253	2825300	4d21372e-fbe9-4d4a-97d5-89fbf6b9a4bb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:38:03	916.724
-93	56506	2825300	ccb7639f-2c86-473b-98f0-ece0acc574b5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:50:23	453.908
-94	28254	2825400	079a3d34-ebc4-453e-94bf-b5298c2a200d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:49:00	764.535
-94	56508	2825400	4194875b-6420-4ca3-b215-5344aea9492d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:22:58	-245.602
-95	28255	2825500	9c5f5768-0726-4a44-b624-b965bd8213b4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:13:40	796.355
-95	56510	2825500	fd02583a-a033-4966-ad61-c85ee5bf4e92	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:41:46	967.948
-96	28256	2825600	1965559f-0cfc-477d-8bbc-9787a022e35b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:09:47	26.147
-96	56512	2825600	5c1632f8-f045-407b-a468-c7e27d4efad5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:55:07	-702.581
-97	28257	2825700	751d4bf2-ad17-49be-9995-6945f41d0c53	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:33:34	-837.884
-97	56514	2825700	02059775-aa25-472a-a0d0-35a97ffa879f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:03:50	-361.344
-98	28258	2825800	e3a02fcf-4b57-4cb5-9c7d-9fb703774573	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:09:04	-440.592
-98	56516	2825800	453667cd-fac7-4e7a-96c7-8da8e4ddb07b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:34:22	-966.445
-99	28259	2825900	f2968f7e-327b-4a7d-b2fa-0b20f3175d17	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:35:48	-6.618
-99	56518	2825900	685e2477-a9d3-4a59-adb9-05d1faa486c2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:23:56	-662.382
-100	28260	2826000	781b70ef-1be4-4004-ab68-bc80b7b0b7d7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:00:17	-501.750
-100	56520	2826000	4f25a58b-0790-4c22-951a-f0ded3757ce8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:00:47	866.32
-101	28261	2826100	edaf937d-ea49-4885-a0a7-37a44ba5fd6c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:48:09	-203.557
-101	56522	2826100	b1eccc48-d1ca-4f28-a4a6-586d5518fb17	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:39:14	-737.939
-102	28262	2826200	d561a1c2-af57-46d6-a0bc-c6b56ed9fa59	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:50:38	287.616
-102	56524	2826200	9968b1ee-8cdd-43f3-b47c-e5d44716fb0e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:46:41	747.225
-103	28263	2826300	28a8eed4-c163-4c4f-88b4-9c4eb9db98d1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:01:30	433.418
-103	56526	2826300	d8887815-6194-466a-aca3-785f24a9387c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:57:01	252.301
-104	28264	2826400	1d362e18-44a9-4ab8-a031-7a2e326f798b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:55:03	449.124
-104	56528	2826400	25d91e9a-b877-4354-be7d-50a81263198c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:03:49	-864.444
-105	28265	2826500	6b08de4a-5100-4ca1-97ee-006fba995616	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:19:03	933.476
-105	56530	2826500	7bbc92d9-671e-4ebe-864f-8f84a3d9f76e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:22:04	916.606
-106	28266	2826600	2621575d-bddd-49f5-be22-bb94353042b9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:19:23	-189.87
-106	56532	2826600	b90a0b33-271f-456e-91ad-ef29c7b91fb9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:16:45	-265.633
-107	28267	2826700	ec2e5fcd-6ed3-421e-a31e-48587f81949e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:07:02	290.329
-107	56534	2826700	c70459b8-f63d-4461-b2d7-ec832728460a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:44:19	164.387
-108	28268	2826800	1fdb09d5-0f25-4b06-b89e-39f0442c8d6a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:28:10	610.544
-108	56536	2826800	116ad29e-33bf-4784-8e1d-551388d8aa09	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:50:10	167.930
-109	28269	2826900	9540e680-3b8f-4dd6-a81d-1470dd1e9b66	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:54:31	57.855
-109	56538	2826900	9d6a3334-6008-4864-9193-99ef89d57037	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:07:40	-774.651
-110	28270	2827000	76b2ea72-38cb-4d58-9b1b-06784a6eaefb	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:24:45	889.162
-110	56540	2827000	fdd2458e-fa51-425d-9896-1cf7a1aed785	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:36:48	-727.156
-111	28271	2827100	cc7eeb7c-65ce-4c9f-9786-65d9c472cea4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:50:52	-633.49
-111	56542	2827100	acea18c8-b87f-4b6a-be72-e02f7339d9b1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:38:05	254.922
-112	28272	2827200	74c25fa0-e768-48be-adee-9b340a544b21	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:15:43	974.314
-112	56544	2827200	0c928d0f-d647-42c8-856e-3f1fe86745de	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:37:45	813.393
-113	28273	2827300	df34407d-e112-495a-a5dd-b41de58d1f49	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:01:39	420.908
-113	56546	2827300	67f771f3-4ac6-4aca-bd3e-f960c4c45797	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:15:02	67.470
-114	28274	2827400	f4526679-8bfa-4c6f-9956-568bf6177a7e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:16:59	-902.923
-114	56548	2827400	a8534e3d-dcfa-4b82-91df-58d6b1ce455f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:42:38	214.500
-115	28275	2827500	678e160e-709d-4b87-9477-d360b05ab277	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:46:05	-565.861
-115	56550	2827500	d3714cf2-c3ba-43e5-9f3a-c035b3f7dff6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:47:19	383.860
-116	28276	2827600	2a1ba2f5-0e1d-4559-a449-9015b9592d68	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:13:30	745.666
-116	56552	2827600	f3092249-7dc4-48fd-b75e-b835cb0c4734	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:25:03	-434.849
-117	28277	2827700	8e59348b-92f9-440c-b007-8b93c0edb475	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:41:31	-520.551
-117	56554	2827700	f71bbf99-f7ac-4e28-8508-9d7cbda2e192	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:43:42	-686.637
-118	28278	2827800	74ccac87-178f-42db-950b-adf81f9ee87a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:53:14	-457.527
-118	56556	2827800	57540dd2-2198-40f4-9467-7582851a8f92	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:41:56	-493.42
-119	28279	2827900	64fbd60a-b251-4941-8a2f-8b8dd39257e7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:43:41	560.94
-119	56558	2827900	23727eb9-1d7e-4acd-97df-0e14c5fd1a6e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:54:13	608.887
-120	28280	2828000	86a1fd56-da25-4a28-8a4a-07fa4ebd9c05	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:44:33	738.602
-120	56560	2828000	a3661979-5b6f-4fa5-8fec-1765651e4023	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:33:32	334.427
-121	28281	2828100	4efd42ee-c107-41d0-ba17-e2d8a4c6bbc1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:33:04	-562.180
-121	56562	2828100	b04a84b4-f92c-47f2-834e-bbcf498b67e9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:20:07	136.585
-122	28282	2828200	22e8da4a-ecb1-4c33-96c3-f23e0ba9c45c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:16:43	223.148
-122	56564	2828200	8cee94f0-19ea-4d2d-b56f-398fdb6421d8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:48:51	39.84
-123	28283	2828300	61b66558-a874-452a-bfea-c42070bc096b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:14:47	-975.254
-123	56566	2828300	27ef95ce-11fa-47b7-a453-f2b0d8c4c9e6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:19:08	-351.923
-124	28284	2828400	28b2eff1-4312-46b5-b60b-32b83277b0a0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:20:39	424.549
-124	56568	2828400	1ab70753-97b9-4179-91c0-4055fc72a97b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:14:48	-321.284
-125	28285	2828500	3ab83aff-b4e9-4f96-904b-d47a787e58a8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:39:56	605.472
-125	56570	2828500	c0fc7010-3cbd-45b4-9c01-5ed8bd87a91d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:09:50	-255.183
-126	28286	2828600	e672f150-63b7-49af-9a82-28bff68d8706	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:16:51	-183.402
-126	56572	2828600	c74363ab-5251-4bf3-a339-0b6e4b91d01f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:08:31	756.45
-127	28287	2828700	d90de3a8-a78b-45a5-9a5f-b35ee121e397	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:56:26	-623.295
-127	56574	2828700	5df73f4c-e992-41cf-bef8-069ee1f07a07	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:50:05	894.879
-0	28288	2828800	c4d5679b-5d35-4829-8228-ef18a3b478a2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:37:01	-625.724
-0	56576	2828800	ce273a1f-c3e5-4dfb-b6f6-0d929008120a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:51:55	-839.294
-1	28289	2828900	873a0304-f71b-4502-b20f-a7dfb1063479	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:46:33	488.157
-1	56578	2828900	5b6a0773-809f-4529-983e-d1d5a8d88c12	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:33:44	447.563
-2	28290	2829000	51182fe4-1140-4afe-9d5c-81347e6dbbf1	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:13:32	-680.64
-2	56580	2829000	058a1654-f39d-4a67-9e3e-c3e4e5295c0d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:16:52	400.141
-3	28291	2829100	4ebd948c-28f3-4630-973c-f52dee677d4c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:09:34	434.10
-3	56582	2829100	c9caf6e0-571d-420c-99eb-99491be420d5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:42:26	-117.476
-4	28292	2829200	ec4ef5ca-a43f-4920-8d5d-6388cf0ec4f9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:17:31	819.760
-4	56584	2829200	d785555d-bfc6-4f86-9f59-c955e41533c6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:16:30	-455.272
-5	28293	2829300	c4e6e354-76cd-4fa1-b24a-816c2baeb3f8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:47:43	-460.90
-5	56586	2829300	c9d7e892-ecce-4eb5-8047-c363ed5de909	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:53:53	744.172
-6	28294	2829400	d38fa3f2-555d-4a73-a524-f7e07b2f7bc2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:35:15	-634.830
-6	56588	2829400	65afe902-4683-4bcf-8d69-ce7f8a9f18d1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:03:24	514.672
-7	28295	2829500	ee4e3f4f-369e-4481-97cd-a97a5be76a14	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:27:08	-933.309
-7	56590	2829500	c9c23ede-4646-46f9-b75a-4edc7edc1a45	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:29:00	834.519
-8	28296	2829600	19eaf898-f6db-4b5a-873e-eeaf48e45fc4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:38:18	677.611
-8	56592	2829600	3aa5c0fb-374d-4fd4-ab57-cd80cabc01a6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:55:01	-970.341
-9	28297	2829700	6eaa251a-1f84-4bfb-81e8-5dfb419968e0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:28:27	-598.332
-9	56594	2829700	b330553d-f75b-4805-a7e6-445333da830a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:26:54	-529.655
-10	28298	2829800	33ba72a0-74e3-46f5-bf26-8a6bbf8906f8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:40:32	-754.867
-10	56596	2829800	7d31c04c-4641-4dc6-a8b4-fbd14ea1a930	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:43:38	565.438
-11	28299	2829900	4bffac5f-ef0b-4694-8fa2-772b2df4fe40	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:42:18	-401.151
-11	56598	2829900	a6b841d9-d237-4daa-9126-1a30868ba971	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:58:23	-307.847
-12	28300	2830000	6ee74636-ff33-429b-ae13-2b458f53ee6b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:43:19	-626.627
-12	56600	2830000	e0848d52-4c02-4253-a465-57c014c4cde2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:14:45	-539.434
-13	28301	2830100	2575b020-0846-49bb-ae1e-64f88912b1b7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:32:57	878.783
-13	56602	2830100	b73fea49-a4b5-449d-b346-935f8e8491df	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:25:33	-643.984
-14	28302	2830200	52377fe3-c1a7-4c65-b7af-3f73ccc0a7a2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:35:46	-50.231
-14	56604	2830200	64371142-e98c-4ec4-a02b-eabcd5c8b528	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:24:29	-196.62
-15	28303	2830300	4e6b64f7-f176-4b82-8939-6978581035f4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:31:15	-809.537
-15	56606	2830300	6fa4bafc-dc13-4806-b6cf-b5e4fd5f8731	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:40:04	-70.719
-16	28304	2830400	35606871-ba32-4071-bbec-0da99324075b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:36:46	-352.977
-16	56608	2830400	d13a1c3f-224c-4214-ba5d-be38178ba32d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:56:29	-708.926
-17	28305	2830500	6d65150a-2762-42dd-a37d-e34334ebd077	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:26:45	271.774
-17	56610	2830500	b4b6b39c-6650-44e6-9fb3-71279111b6f8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:59:53	-60.483
-18	28306	2830600	fd1a8377-93cd-4424-9f7f-9fbc0cd805f8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:39:54	-852.797
-18	56612	2830600	d68210f4-e15f-49ab-85a7-ae59234bd428	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:02:26	37.399
-19	28307	2830700	d8c02367-1181-4f48-a0b2-7d05521f43d2	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:45:42	130.403
-19	56614	2830700	3ee6a2a8-bd2e-4ff3-b373-5ebae4cce7df	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:12:35	745.155
-20	28308	2830800	8d71c7f8-8093-4522-aa5c-9cc2f32fcd8e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:02:18	355.46
-20	56616	2830800	2364476c-d38c-4b9d-8131-b7900edf2458	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:08:21	-498.128
-21	28309	2830900	4fc3c9ad-3816-40b7-aa1f-725a651489fd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:55:45	779.143
-21	56618	2830900	dcab8496-edc6-407f-bea1-f9ef6f26621a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:33:41	-684.647
-22	28310	2831000	cae5c454-0a2d-41a1-9483-9878c97a100c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:43:22	659.152
-22	56620	2831000	6cfd8fc1-ca23-47e6-963f-f2ece8e8705c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:09:07	955.367
-23	28311	2831100	aff850e7-84f9-4e1e-af01-83f5290adfcb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:35:43	-148.3
-23	56622	2831100	35a8cba3-3620-4bfc-aaec-fde3f40d350c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:21:07	288.128
-24	28312	2831200	13bda2a2-146f-45f1-9143-82f9bff069e8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:40:26	78.399
-24	56624	2831200	ac0f5ed8-866e-4b23-8157-5acbdf8a6dc6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:19:48	-899.619
-25	28313	2831300	9267d658-155c-4e63-b965-7c4eac03bdf3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:43:07	-882.43
-25	56626	2831300	a5b6c43c-35e4-4c25-809f-03629ab65155	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:43:16	-695.444
-26	28314	2831400	46cbd70e-8809-4cf2-8e3d-862d41ca4bc5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:27:43	551.665
-26	56628	2831400	f3a1935d-2f45-4073-bc4c-121662628feb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:06:40	0.954
-27	28315	2831500	4d0f2ec1-3b69-42f9-8325-fd0606392f3e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:55:00	-806.585
-27	56630	2831500	a154f29f-4fbe-414b-b687-4818ad7e9d0a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:27:01	660.842
-28	28316	2831600	b22de48b-4212-4ca0-9e73-ff9feada762f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:49:43	931.806
-28	56632	2831600	191d0c02-d3df-490d-94f1-f14cabc56b31	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:22:59	550.979
-29	28317	2831700	e5e71fd1-c46e-41b9-b4a2-dbca0ac1d43b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:47:23	215.429
-29	56634	2831700	71b0bc57-3118-4018-9f70-4ee59558cb2c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:01:13	-307.840
-30	28318	2831800	7a1edaf3-8a1c-46ea-94d9-e5c9c09b1637	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:57:50	451.457
-30	56636	2831800	c153b001-9c9b-4ceb-93b8-20394cc3e58d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:39:14	172.992
-31	28319	2831900	f83f6838-cda5-44f0-8daf-ce17f7414904	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:07:50	419.968
-31	56638	2831900	bdfe2107-d1a5-4538-9a42-5b1140cba116	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:11:46	-987.556
-32	28320	2832000	995fec78-1a36-4c1e-b68e-373b8a1ed201	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:50:05	-608.330
-32	56640	2832000	937abf4b-478e-492f-866c-9e71018e4e2d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:13:08	-455.220
-33	28321	2832100	02898244-1557-4815-8a91-eec284ceca02	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:03:19	-290.901
-33	56642	2832100	85279d41-ba2c-4cd4-8f4a-136fce4a5487	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:13:55	416.228
-34	28322	2832200	953ef79d-33c8-4a8c-887d-f71a6fdf624b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:53:23	-362.282
-34	56644	2832200	2c77c8ff-4956-4a82-9ae9-5537e791999a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:35:06	-824.378
-35	28323	2832300	baade0ab-4e0b-440e-8797-f7c3bfebbff8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:42:16	-351.421
-35	56646	2832300	c43e6ac3-a1a7-4597-98ef-4f5289a3aadf	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:59:34	861.855
-36	28324	2832400	c4cd67ac-4e17-42a4-bc00-8b154f7e7737	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:29:43	-429.734
-36	56648	2832400	e5ef1b4d-aaa0-4479-b92a-e655ec1ee521	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:20:01	847.443
-37	28325	2832500	d53de151-6d11-4045-a73d-e5d760736554	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:27:08	-752.991
-37	56650	2832500	ce9dced7-6925-4d2b-97af-7ca9b5b3bff4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:18:16	605.208
-38	28326	2832600	5cbd64c1-f089-4f31-8194-f6429384b003	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:49:20	912.431
-38	56652	2832600	cb743b55-b9ee-4bca-b5ea-e77140692d49	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:26:18	-768.915
-39	28327	2832700	9a196cb7-68a9-44cb-a5d0-5edfac890c41	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:26:34	291.737
-39	56654	2832700	c7e32e6e-08a2-4d4d-b018-2bf5d20ae314	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:34:50	832.679
-40	28328	2832800	0f773c39-b60e-4771-a5cc-4bda3e34d6cd	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:01:00	651.274
-40	56656	2832800	8509308c-756a-40ac-9bf1-adda1d240180	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:39:52	-519.80
-41	28329	2832900	f9f5948b-1e39-459d-ade6-0df042f448fa	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:27:37	44.300
-41	56658	2832900	ddfc85f7-3ece-4b4e-b88e-20deace66a74	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:10:06	-602.808
-42	28330	2833000	43b2a464-5502-41ca-a376-8e9f80779d64	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:56:23	852.393
-42	56660	2833000	929eee19-ff79-4afb-8f2a-2d34ebc84a14	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:37:25	625.809
-43	28331	2833100	bf737094-26d2-4b2f-b738-e9de22ebc09b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:22:39	-431.191
-43	56662	2833100	6d7d4098-9ad1-4749-a1cf-7be0316a2f71	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:55:14	261.96
-44	28332	2833200	9ab70f8f-8d80-478a-86c6-1577dc9fa485	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:44:41	292.941
-44	56664	2833200	f7ebf53c-8ca9-4af7-82a6-c170b10420d6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:38:02	-128.257
-45	28333	2833300	c889b34e-e198-4516-8b0a-7353701fe517	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:55:06	401.245
-45	56666	2833300	a533da11-0e00-41e1-a673-b817211b4526	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:24:52	-769.982
-46	28334	2833400	efa5e7c5-3c98-4520-b3bd-c60735ad2ea6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:32:59	-713.130
-46	56668	2833400	eceb41cd-2538-4d8c-b43c-fa78301c6f14	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:35:22	164.765
-47	28335	2833500	9464f17b-c367-4b26-8266-93638f2f12c3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:38:28	-922.877
-47	56670	2833500	d2f69796-1214-4e87-b9e5-ad9094885249	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:06:07	94.311
-48	28336	2833600	bbd93fde-c721-4bc0-bda7-83a917e87c37	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:19:25	586.158
-48	56672	2833600	a2e41990-218d-425a-b65d-e145513e8801	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:10:48	-593.103
-49	28337	2833700	1299d6df-00a4-4f8a-8622-0316f6bd6ba1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:51:36	-876.951
-49	56674	2833700	d42a5ff4-db8d-49ce-86e7-dbe2dcead673	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:16:55	659.152
-50	28338	2833800	0e11904a-921a-4bd6-b2a5-2b302892ff57	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:38:19	-952.295
-50	56676	2833800	d615fd3f-48ee-4caa-be55-be2f506295d3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:09:48	-286.57
-51	28339	2833900	fcb0d3c5-9ddf-4593-ab5c-328e92890cfe	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:34:06	518.51
-51	56678	2833900	f1dc6f4a-81c7-49c4-9c1b-4ca55f89d029	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:02:56	997.29
-52	28340	2834000	5f046404-be3d-44df-ab8f-e478a6dad6c4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:31:13	-959.377
-52	56680	2834000	dc3592cd-b041-4a21-a706-4a3f1af902da	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:56:29	-579.582
-53	28341	2834100	6edba46f-d717-46bd-9e53-5f1002724940	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:57:52	183.313
-53	56682	2834100	43bf6c9c-a296-4f1a-ac85-a64723148da7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:14:25	244.351
-54	28342	2834200	22d21857-2807-482f-a85c-80ac07b46f93	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:31:48	389.215
-54	56684	2834200	a39ffe5d-3fca-4c2c-86ff-50aebea22207	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:03:47	-729.168
-55	28343	2834300	86c0cdc8-843d-4485-a558-8e07594b05af	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:53:57	302.315
-55	56686	2834300	365d1fee-64d7-43e0-8aee-28ac14ed08ec	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:01:27	844.293
-56	28344	2834400	7abf2592-9c7a-48b6-8491-7355271edf03	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:54:07	212.485
-56	56688	2834400	d8631cfd-3591-4388-b26a-24b04ad82034	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:32:28	231.155
-57	28345	2834500	79219fa4-6b0a-4a27-969b-e0da4ee824ee	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:20:23	-149.156
-57	56690	2834500	47c19b39-f033-4dfd-8d9d-01c90666829c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:40:45	6.624
-58	28346	2834600	2fab5504-3d8f-4c59-a5e6-49317e1e47fa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:09:22	-306.900
-58	56692	2834600	55b47861-c9ec-47e1-90eb-3cdc39df31e9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:56:56	-166.264
-59	28347	2834700	b0114e6a-ccd7-403d-964a-51c02e9d0df0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:19:51	-868.196
-59	56694	2834700	c8dbd3c9-d5f6-4098-aec5-73e93194df40	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:29:54	-181.763
-60	28348	2834800	1e46c8a6-2ccc-4bce-bdbf-a0c90f09b854	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:34:45	-890.815
-60	56696	2834800	a137b93f-4f14-43c5-9f3b-29e7921849f3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:22:56	-864.715
-61	28349	2834900	8b92bc22-9511-4d6a-9784-7f976b7c9fbd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:32:11	-177.93
-61	56698	2834900	8d964f70-60eb-479c-9642-d0c4b157b771	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:39:44	-540.46
-62	28350	2835000	76f26a1e-73bd-4d26-93c5-2494a67f67ae	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:22:19	-658.19
-62	56700	2835000	b3415a81-630e-43c7-9835-2620456b3bda	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:01:34	39.119
-63	28351	2835100	7e3abb6b-ef71-449c-adcd-b48f608ae62f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:16:02	-880.886
-63	56702	2835100	be678e8c-7043-4d96-8c0a-63ab8cb8c561	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:41:59	-355.428
-64	28352	2835200	d85f3aee-c19c-4539-ae28-d5ea38b56549	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:07:13	917.528
-64	56704	2835200	eb45c04b-8573-471b-9fa3-f0d3d97df8b1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:53:45	-250.441
-65	28353	2835300	c52a36c6-c17e-42f2-a6cb-880dd9817c8a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:32:26	-98.343
-65	56706	2835300	c2d43f92-d2c1-426a-8575-750c209b56dc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:26:54	189.825
-66	28354	2835400	9c9cb98a-836e-41d4-894c-7d353b661e62	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:18:27	59.16
-66	56708	2835400	ab9e84cf-c534-4fb8-a60e-5862ca8fcad1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:36:13	-714.109
-67	28355	2835500	747026bb-e8ca-4526-869c-7d540b0cb2c7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:54:21	301.756
-67	56710	2835500	b3425a43-d138-4f4c-b0e0-376fd9d06995	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:31:42	-583.355
-68	28356	2835600	b4f64a7d-c64a-4160-afcd-b5aa7e4871b5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:29:20	-59.543
-68	56712	2835600	0bd4bf7f-947a-46d2-9875-3515a50b0a3c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:37:25	438.524
-69	28357	2835700	0e7604ca-e53f-450c-88ae-0bfd1471fd61	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:02:32	934.624
-69	56714	2835700	d8963ba2-8300-4607-81a7-1ba0cc2c8436	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:53:44	958.662
-70	28358	2835800	d8c2f60a-6a0c-4cef-90ec-69f2711d181d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:52:17	-718.820
-70	56716	2835800	f3b133f8-a76b-4555-8a95-42b1536a7ff6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:04:46	964.423
-71	28359	2835900	02f0f952-a624-4e52-9b82-4cad8827742b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:19:08	595.531
-71	56718	2835900	e6d828ba-0f0a-494e-a78a-d357d0b851e4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:38:37	601.705
-72	28360	2836000	bba325af-2415-434b-bf1a-6c23bb0c6235	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:51:21	518.735
-72	56720	2836000	c308d27f-bcbe-42f9-a7c1-41337d7450d0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:09:38	364.481
-73	28361	2836100	149143b2-b5e7-4535-bad7-e002437a520b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:17:41	666.888
-73	56722	2836100	3929e660-eb74-40b2-9a80-03e94b8bd488	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:43:41	-919.225
-74	28362	2836200	085634dd-35dc-4105-b416-38c742db69d7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:48:01	122.706
-74	56724	2836200	73863558-cd67-422b-9c91-bee2ccb3f508	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:33:52	282.885
-75	28363	2836300	28057dd8-79b6-4aa4-b158-4fc4c8ccb8d4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:04:37	918.219
-75	56726	2836300	9c5f6917-2f34-452b-bfdf-37435272ade4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:26:41	-555.87
-76	28364	2836400	668a8027-7c5e-4c06-8056-5a9fb1862555	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:06:26	-84.143
-76	56728	2836400	f53c7751-d649-4174-b89a-402dee5a4937	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:36:52	622.906
-77	28365	2836500	9a764911-0db1-40d2-8626-69556da05a12	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:57:54	-900.568
-77	56730	2836500	916f79ee-18e2-4f5a-bc3d-1eacd8d3013e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:48:29	-710.323
-78	28366	2836600	297dfe0a-7113-439f-aa78-63c831b392ac	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:15:25	986.91
-78	56732	2836600	6d53169a-c233-4bb7-be89-11b36e846091	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:02:28	622.250
-79	28367	2836700	8766f7b0-c802-41c9-9b3a-a7a87ae93c83	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:03:47	456.360
-79	56734	2836700	b8241f6c-c778-4ee7-96a5-ded13b191fc0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:13:02	-408.548
-80	28368	2836800	fe2896bd-f2f4-4e75-8653-b514c29f2d5a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:40:39	-810.800
-80	56736	2836800	d39230e5-44a8-486d-9501-44a2cefaab82	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:25:20	606.803
-81	28369	2836900	2f71f97e-20ee-4cca-9e84-777ad8ed4ced	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:30:30	927.907
-81	56738	2836900	b226c403-35e9-4dec-88f5-540e65d4d80b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:23:29	119.583
-82	28370	2837000	95a18d17-2bda-4599-9069-0a74e3460317	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:17:09	433.727
-82	56740	2837000	ffb2285d-8f7f-43cf-8947-2188ebc6a03d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:25:15	-108.699
-83	28371	2837100	d676d05d-d5ac-41e9-8204-e634a31aa1b6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:29:37	-824.880
-83	56742	2837100	80bdf1d7-e889-4683-913e-2620f7dfc06b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:26:45	821.799
-84	28372	2837200	a13ba7fb-a5ab-4387-9427-73e23db47219	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:46:38	866.712
-84	56744	2837200	51266d6b-867c-4d5b-8747-560b23ed6d9c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:28:34	555.825
-85	28373	2837300	dae3e0c7-5ea5-4ca9-bf68-59af15c3068e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:55:58	-422.942
-85	56746	2837300	f1fd44ff-0a87-43b0-b631-d23460d71ae0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:34:40	-204.426
-86	28374	2837400	74d25afe-fdaa-4579-b06f-3c5f283c2c81	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:58:33	871.633
-86	56748	2837400	b538d2af-29a6-45af-b097-d2d28ac41984	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:11:45	-2.284
-87	28375	2837500	6b72567b-3eca-4826-9900-761ed1ed2a88	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:29:53	-314.919
-87	56750	2837500	2d522e24-8a19-4745-b2d3-22a690a9dd9c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:58:19	-551.722
-88	28376	2837600	c5b2a5a4-7658-45f0-bd4e-80f7e7868e22	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:07:42	992.923
-88	56752	2837600	8d330aa3-70a2-4f88-bf3e-2b7fcb9b4f6c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:05:11	-812.903
-89	28377	2837700	7038ac6f-e515-4ffa-bd94-3a5c70573277	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:23:56	235.828
-89	56754	2837700	aa934eca-5d56-4cb0-9f48-c0c478e36e00	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:23:00	990.426
-90	28378	2837800	9ff30276-2d33-45ad-8b2c-9da679bcd00a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:02:00	-338.556
-90	56756	2837800	9998afe2-2752-4803-90b7-b0c3182595c3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:26:45	167.152
-91	28379	2837900	3eeb9e17-c9b8-4144-853f-9ea65704285c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:07:50	913.962
-91	56758	2837900	e61921eb-b25f-4504-acdf-0a248d0adc94	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:08:53	-214.830
-92	28380	2838000	5a0a3e0b-8c30-4aab-a209-f702fd142de6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:50:33	724.95
-92	56760	2838000	8e507805-d2fc-4037-862e-75286143ded4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:13:00	-763.865
-93	28381	2838100	8fb85a48-dbe2-4b6e-b781-b7a739ee98da	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:46:12	-63.446
-93	56762	2838100	e62ba350-7c76-4af2-adbf-d8c7c9543a7d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:45:17	-46.554
-94	28382	2838200	ea4ef854-6d06-46a9-b340-86eccbec2aec	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:29:23	60.371
-94	56764	2838200	a4bca907-d8de-4a54-bf76-aca2aa757c16	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:47:13	767.210
-95	28383	2838300	aa9ede68-557f-4672-b9d7-7b921260679f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:43:08	-582.491
-95	56766	2838300	5846c06f-55ff-4def-a088-6570add6ba90	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:18:46	-445.304
-96	28384	2838400	7ba7b686-e00f-447c-8c76-d1764832d854	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:37:29	526.655
-96	56768	2838400	a5cff248-4f2e-4f70-8ffc-5579b8b33216	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:29:50	-688.422
-97	28385	2838500	5944841b-3451-46d7-8d9b-7af8cc0935b5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:37:01	-671.683
-97	56770	2838500	ebf26f9c-43f6-4eef-a995-9d2715bc8ab9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:03:17	991.168
-98	28386	2838600	149a4a25-1581-462f-a202-5aef6d361fdc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:07:17	-257.904
-98	56772	2838600	5a006331-e0f7-4b90-b6e1-407403d82bf5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:49:56	-477.986
-99	28387	2838700	1a28f92c-0fe9-4935-b0e9-6a211fe0ff76	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:00:45	245.69
-99	56774	2838700	aae508f9-345f-45e3-b390-acc3184b10cc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:38:31	-840.95
-100	28388	2838800	604bc726-928d-4504-a26e-413cd02a5308	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:39:14	919.225
-100	56776	2838800	05a42f2d-d4c6-4f42-b639-81a1cdf724e9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:48:17	768.787
-101	28389	2838900	90a113e2-b5f1-4d13-aded-1aeed49345fd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:44:19	-925.861
-101	56778	2838900	42a3f908-ddf7-46b3-b606-d4743f5abfb5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:51:12	50.489
-102	28390	2839000	fb204b42-521f-4f4b-a16d-b47eadfbdc8b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:46:15	-581.399
-102	56780	2839000	e1e4a328-7177-4a39-a24d-510a866953df	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:27:13	-998.74
-103	28391	2839100	272307bf-b210-48dd-be67-1bdd17d039a3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:10:28	118.574
-103	56782	2839100	48f3e11b-4ce2-4335-a36f-4442c48c646f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:39:46	-757.538
-104	28392	2839200	57b8c6a8-c3b2-4e23-bec5-62d11d121064	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:23:18	384.470
-104	56784	2839200	df8b7f79-6db4-448c-be38-364ae894e006	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:50:02	693.422
-105	28393	2839300	f10fbf66-07c3-4279-a630-bf880cd4e760	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:59:28	-116.391
-105	56786	2839300	eda18883-2f38-4a40-9b7a-050581ba3338	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:30:29	-373.937
-106	28394	2839400	56a14734-1bd6-42ae-8639-f5ba9062ba07	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:25:36	544.760
-106	56788	2839400	3ea9b869-8a47-43eb-9cd7-d66ae8307d38	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:23:16	-801.972
-107	28395	2839500	4829ac86-465e-4955-9846-93aadd1f73ed	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:25:41	418.188
-107	56790	2839500	9aaa0c51-3dc8-4b54-9a66-af0ecd0a92a3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:59:16	361.994
-108	28396	2839600	4e866154-13bd-498a-af90-dce5ac0c331f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:30:30	-147.842
-108	56792	2839600	4cd979cb-c318-4e5c-9b73-eaf0f18bbbfa	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:39:59	-127.108
-109	28397	2839700	1aa41f25-eb56-4422-a1fa-2ff5d556b2d3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:05:53	273.784
-109	56794	2839700	28883888-4184-475a-b4a9-aa1cc77fbdbb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:32:46	418.302
-110	28398	2839800	643fbf46-e9e0-40c9-8dc4-df97df3156b4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:29:17	-193.27
-110	56796	2839800	dfcdd088-4781-4149-bfb8-16737555baa8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:07:58	-256.385
-111	28399	2839900	72efc409-6478-448b-87a8-906e99db59e3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:35:00	-909.161
-111	56798	2839900	3f0a7a08-5637-4a64-8314-69e1c29a2a0c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:26:05	372.523
-112	28400	2840000	b3ae4480-39a4-4869-b7dc-b8fca07e4bb2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:55:08	972.330
-112	56800	2840000	aa8bac62-9a7d-4694-8924-2dbdf83b8065	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:19:55	88.430
-113	28401	2840100	f5c96b13-4cae-4ee5-826a-cdf89421895e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:25:03	63.798
-113	56802	2840100	7a2b925a-78dd-4b2b-a20c-19cc629cd292	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:12:01	-128.855
-114	28402	2840200	42a84a1f-c22a-4601-b609-cc2bc1530d29	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:16:51	-770.591
-114	56804	2840200	4f7c2f3e-cf43-4353-a9a3-76891af4e4c4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:57:30	317.254
-115	28403	2840300	d3620b99-330a-44a0-9da2-c2d79161ed7b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:57:47	-434.697
-115	56806	2840300	1410c77f-5622-4f36-b1e8-950989fc1980	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:31:13	169.86
-116	28404	2840400	ab39aeeb-ee56-481f-9b4d-d7633d16d6fb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:43:14	-387.863
-116	56808	2840400	3063ea84-d1a1-478b-99f2-a9c241f81d1f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:52:30	-872.878
-117	28405	2840500	f9f55a96-61a5-473b-b321-a32704271aa5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:42:15	1.687
-117	56810	2840500	2a595826-956b-47f2-9988-fe64b97a224c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:54:53	-86.54
-118	28406	2840600	3caad199-af87-4d10-904a-bea564731f47	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:53:05	609.485
-118	56812	2840600	cd21f918-37f3-4f7e-a315-1cdd735f6bb9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:22:45	-989.617
-119	28407	2840700	376f98e7-c564-4656-b8b0-a3458dfbd1d4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:40:37	306.81
-119	56814	2840700	44ca0af8-e126-4e69-97c3-51a8cc6508d0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:44:41	-217.542
-120	28408	2840800	1d056b67-1506-429b-8dbc-ab723b2b6b87	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:52:17	398.528
-120	56816	2840800	e78a04e7-6fd0-4ffa-a0e7-04f8bd1d17c4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:07:17	-29.689
-121	28409	2840900	e9dfab19-cf49-45ae-bb86-5f2fccc96de0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:40:26	-978.294
-121	56818	2840900	599908a6-0ffa-40a7-bf2c-bf86526f03f5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:34:25	-997.329
-122	28410	2841000	63f598bd-b4c6-4efa-9fe7-d5b3530b26be	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:01:19	7.530
-122	56820	2841000	a124fe6a-e36f-49bb-b6a2-ea8c2f24dc9d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:02:47	-416.463
-123	28411	2841100	e11354d2-c3c4-4e3b-af0b-f372bf8a3b9b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:01:31	-624.185
-123	56822	2841100	0b58a2e6-b752-48a6-92c8-f313787379e2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:13:48	-709.235
-124	28412	2841200	5f5627ca-5a45-444c-a067-1081632cb138	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:13:12	196.355
-124	56824	2841200	0804d66f-3318-400f-882b-abc901e6fe06	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:42:09	158.647
-125	28413	2841300	c9454cd1-82d1-47f2-8f35-be108fb88e59	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:47:13	-821.275
-125	56826	2841300	2b1ac799-b12e-4d40-9f5d-0e430003c58c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:33:27	-279.823
-126	28414	2841400	154e72f9-448e-483d-bc46-8991ba74fa29	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:17:24	-251.117
-126	56828	2841400	0134984c-7919-42f3-a6ef-b96b1b5e8c52	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:46:51	-225.778
-127	28415	2841500	d14543ee-5db1-4f34-b275-b51bac5b7605	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:46:10	215.877
-127	56830	2841500	05e949e5-6f37-45fe-b426-0f94279ca79c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:14:19	-421.225
-0	28416	2841600	e1f2edda-b5aa-45e5-95fa-54f19f33bacc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:02:19	88.6
-0	56832	2841600	6cc92586-9dc3-49be-b947-977d131ae741	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:45:23	512.715
-1	28417	2841700	2de26c7d-6e43-4702-a6a3-7b806c079997	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:15:59	-195.626
-1	56834	2841700	d31570b4-c3f5-4a3b-94d3-96bae80995ec	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:58:18	-158.13
-2	28418	2841800	d7549cc7-75f6-444d-9e62-8663e389cd1d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:08:46	255.617
-2	56836	2841800	389dee2f-85d2-47cb-94b6-2aa83b0443f3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:04:47	-348.295
-3	28419	2841900	2b00b34e-4acb-4a92-9b0b-5ad98b8663ef	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:07:45	955.674
-3	56838	2841900	a1e176f1-7504-443b-9c68-39fc5cf264c2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:50:29	-122.293
-4	28420	2842000	7797128b-42a2-4cb1-a8cd-c4f24aa96ac9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:00:44	463.819
-4	56840	2842000	3090baf3-5dd5-489f-9827-32d28c6c1e7b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:17:47	974.499
-5	28421	2842100	fb1cb834-32d2-4bea-8830-6b2254ed55b0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:18:29	-200.32
-5	56842	2842100	0c8f8656-9466-4554-aaa5-f950d15391e3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:14:35	723.849
-6	28422	2842200	1723654e-edc3-4621-9760-31f370f9fe10	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:58:22	-15.321
-6	56844	2842200	d3b71880-5ede-4795-beaa-acfecd0be4b3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:38:19	-139.113
-7	28423	2842300	5fe85118-63fb-4e46-a737-7ee716649e86	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:29:58	178.251
-7	56846	2842300	289047d6-3175-407b-bdd7-6630e8fb08f2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:55:02	-640.657
-8	28424	2842400	7b39ec18-40aa-42bb-8043-82449ee8573e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:08:16	-945.716
-8	56848	2842400	5aa4e6a2-97d6-4cd5-b086-67b3a94cffd3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:28:51	-851.555
-9	28425	2842500	ea9e1dbd-509f-4f6f-8f25-fd0ccf726b86	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:15:47	36.268
-9	56850	2842500	6ea134da-07d8-4210-af08-1b9bc85d96f7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:19:20	566.748
-10	28426	2842600	7d3fbaf0-c605-423b-9d08-ccfcf2922445	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:11:11	931.213
-10	56852	2842600	b86cfd24-baed-447e-89db-0dca79e7c9cb	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:35:17	-542.269
-11	28427	2842700	1ed557f9-ee50-44ca-8824-a1881a75c645	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:00:10	501.578
-11	56854	2842700	08523d44-07f4-4034-b127-9e57c5a82d7a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:36:45	796.801
-12	28428	2842800	8403ca77-27dd-4688-b8e7-6094b5fb1386	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:18:09	892.202
-12	56856	2842800	a88236a5-2d1a-4f64-a105-8ebc40958c48	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:23:59	373.91
-13	28429	2842900	e74a91dc-3762-48e2-a0fa-4d1baa5d2632	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:02:18	-311.55
-13	56858	2842900	08688b91-1f9b-40bb-b25b-fbd3ab155739	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:30:54	-634.693
-14	28430	2843000	ae0c82e0-697c-4fab-b7a0-74255ccc06c2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:39:14	-287.24
-14	56860	2843000	20b7267c-05a1-49d5-ad03-3fb189362c3e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:24:13	-453.742
-15	28431	2843100	608a7e08-b537-4a00-9f2b-3caf63072e23	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:45:48	283.436
-15	56862	2843100	2515c32d-d8d4-4265-a660-2d26086c4d1e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:23:46	-745.363
-16	28432	2843200	ce8e1b4f-05b5-4439-a2df-374dbc58c3d8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:51:56	95.70
-16	56864	2843200	0265b750-c104-4ff9-918e-cdc42a9d02e3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:45:35	935.19
-17	28433	2843300	45b967a2-4314-4534-af5a-d8465dba1c10	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:45:00	-229.283
-17	56866	2843300	0ae15d32-b82c-47b1-b000-03495315fbf0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:50:20	-901.525
-18	28434	2843400	12b057c4-3585-466c-8912-f3dcc8484d65	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:53:29	270.132
-18	56868	2843400	750fd6ee-d51e-4598-8843-3b8cccfa5273	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:07:42	-697.582
-19	28435	2843500	a500bbc9-6580-4968-93aa-a3a950feead0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:22:06	38.64
-19	56870	2843500	608e62a9-b5ed-4272-bb93-d1045880ee4a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:56:05	435.811
-20	28436	2843600	6a6cb232-01ba-4c72-b4ca-716c10409aea	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:10:34	506.935
-20	56872	2843600	5a1f6e53-08aa-4b48-8249-4df2a2d3eb19	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:26:31	310.151
-21	28437	2843700	2a6804c3-6cfd-4bac-a1d1-083857a37df8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:08:45	843.539
-21	56874	2843700	26b2f1b6-fdf3-4cae-af7a-b4726a29f99b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:46:56	-206.800
-22	28438	2843800	d07c8cf8-66c3-4369-9446-9b41eec36dba	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:27:57	754.288
-22	56876	2843800	887a4e44-6c5f-43eb-b053-9660026eece0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:33:12	-694.645
-23	28439	2843900	c3a59a67-7c45-4775-9469-470f38540431	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:26:49	-962.107
-23	56878	2843900	c26a26f1-2d73-48cf-ae05-9bd55a40342e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:02:06	371.423
-24	28440	2844000	a88a9203-9506-40e5-a6e0-9073ac5cc0f0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:51:44	120.685
-24	56880	2844000	0b80a640-1b20-4aea-8f7d-e54476fc240f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:08:50	970.347
-25	28441	2844100	5ffc554a-e2c6-4d41-9b37-d0f45c9e813c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:18:49	965.422
-25	56882	2844100	83894df8-5dfc-49ce-a4cc-be254a273ee2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:17:10	664.866
-26	28442	2844200	47bfe68e-bb4e-4fc2-8b1f-7add71fdd699	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:21:40	331.712
-26	56884	2844200	d371d2f5-8f9b-4b34-87c7-68bedaf36333	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:45:51	877.202
-27	28443	2844300	4da94af2-62e9-40ae-b220-634d47f10bdc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:46:47	932.438
-27	56886	2844300	6cd01648-a01f-4fe7-9fde-7ff3d0cd2b91	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:37:26	-947.569
-28	28444	2844400	378f1d54-fe6c-4455-89a7-f880d3086335	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:57:03	-113.485
-28	56888	2844400	1916a878-c44b-4925-913d-8ea3f73f2234	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:08:38	-384.85
-29	28445	2844500	9df1cecf-f8cc-4ffe-b0c0-ffd93f0c2e1b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:50:24	435.650
-29	56890	2844500	788ab86a-17ed-41fd-a343-b06f63e2379c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:57:07	714.639
-30	28446	2844600	f0a3dc3f-1bcf-4c88-a2f8-758455c3054a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:29:21	-580.266
-30	56892	2844600	e152d8b8-aa7b-4aa3-b2fc-73b674f18f94	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:49:45	-155.331
-31	28447	2844700	d120de87-0fae-460d-879b-4e8e194e5046	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:55:50	288.962
-31	56894	2844700	fb271ffc-efad-4696-92e3-e94c96b0cf48	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:24:11	-865.798
-32	28448	2844800	5c9d20e0-887c-4932-8466-fb5ddcd49362	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:43:37	235.735
-32	56896	2844800	aeee9e48-0c06-4ca1-a0ff-929c0bb1556e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:16:36	110.800
-33	28449	2844900	c60b637a-f496-4e76-a0c2-b0788896aa36	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:43:52	571.152
-33	56898	2844900	cd3bf31d-3690-49f5-9094-682e292f236d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:24:04	91.880
-34	28450	2845000	8e153741-6d6e-4260-b810-af734399d053	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:47:36	487.91
-34	56900	2845000	3393c154-661f-4972-94d4-70dc425f5200	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:14:59	-764.243
-35	28451	2845100	9beb9458-8072-4737-95ae-9052f14832f0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:36:50	920.560
-35	56902	2845100	3d9227ee-ba22-47b3-a062-6a5640e2cfbd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:22:19	-640.913
-36	28452	2845200	0fc3da7c-de25-45c1-8bae-91a0faef3431	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:16:38	822.785
-36	56904	2845200	da4ef55a-f5f3-4bac-8d1f-4bf1521d9dc9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:08:23	592.743
-37	28453	2845300	4e5393b1-d0c4-4ce6-a251-d5add1add819	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:43:13	-374.756
-37	56906	2845300	786af609-76c6-4d84-b544-b21e4eb73c03	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:33:17	-353.897
-38	28454	2845400	08fe9206-b95d-44b1-aefe-59002081d775	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:49:31	-494.676
-38	56908	2845400	02235559-015b-456c-acd1-bc0c31facc2f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:09:46	-979.91
-39	28455	2845500	84f2d52c-274c-4bd4-a317-7c328f09b871	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:27:17	-87.692
-39	56910	2845500	560c6584-ed0a-4fff-91cc-a880c50b8369	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:01:37	239.353
-40	28456	2845600	6ec6dc40-933a-4d8b-bfa3-4796579b2c47	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:54:42	-78.62
-40	56912	2845600	1795e9e2-3cda-4fd4-8a48-521e97547dc9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:16:05	-683.41
-41	28457	2845700	2cc75a02-6799-4f98-98fb-16bb89795add	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:58:23	526.157
-41	56914	2845700	86aeef82-2f72-468e-ae07-943044328d56	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:12:17	-250.899
-42	28458	2845800	b85e8d13-204a-4040-99b2-576424ce5f72	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:16:17	-451.222
-42	56916	2845800	630cf97e-339e-4150-9698-7f4fd335609a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:29:13	-389.364
-43	28459	2845900	ad4dadd0-4390-49fe-80dd-62061f795bcb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:19:25	779.487
-43	56918	2845900	d7d97102-a907-4f79-8f91-f4856840bfa7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:01:01	827.654
-44	28460	2846000	d4eef911-e282-4383-b9cf-7c17698b280d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:28:02	30.686
-44	56920	2846000	9130b07d-289d-4e2e-8ca2-9e7dd8f88047	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:59:17	227.293
-45	28461	2846100	08b2b4ec-4195-43eb-aac8-824f5c403254	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:26:31	26.87
-45	56922	2846100	61491f6c-45fe-466a-b47c-47910b2839e3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:25:59	704.153
-46	28462	2846200	56a6ab24-ef1a-46a0-be09-5ea691c5a1da	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:32:11	-464.498
-46	56924	2846200	dbcb8199-f4a4-4ca8-8be5-ff8e92f1512d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:10:47	-306.87
-47	28463	2846300	6f56b5f9-bbc4-4a57-9145-3642263714a9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:37:43	316.670
-47	56926	2846300	4d085545-05e6-4c7c-bc1b-4169dd62a0c3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:55:19	-45.962
-48	28464	2846400	613369d0-de32-4dba-b007-16c8a5da2e50	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:24:42	547.96
-48	56928	2846400	5294c503-3bef-4f15-8b16-dd52c5c2319f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:01:51	809.261
-49	28465	2846500	46e76cf1-492e-4607-b010-a655e5965629	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:17:16	209.310
-49	56930	2846500	4640d8f9-bb58-4809-989a-6adf6532200b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:40:41	414.842
-50	28466	2846600	2d3785f8-a8f0-43f6-b08d-f1c73c06613c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:13:19	-875.369
-50	56932	2846600	fa70c822-6270-46bd-99d0-ca69676c39a6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:49:01	661.758
-51	28467	2846700	31481ca8-eed9-4353-a1b7-3106cf0f6280	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:33:19	332.56
-51	56934	2846700	7cbffbf6-de83-4c5d-b6d6-95cf79debe8d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:01:44	-385.513
-52	28468	2846800	14afbbb7-6bca-4d9a-b73f-ff9017b4f870	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:41:09	82.944
-52	56936	2846800	150c2237-ea7c-45e3-8a4d-69ef4f989a1f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:57:22	-830.64
-53	28469	2846900	ccc702a2-c2ca-48eb-8f0c-8b7fd7d47702	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:24:51	295.160
-53	56938	2846900	37bdc9d5-25b7-4999-bff7-1c74a122a604	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:56:04	908.448
-54	28470	2847000	871da8f7-5367-4de1-b3b9-b85e720eae7d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:54:32	222.733
-54	56940	2847000	39fcbdb6-0c3d-42c6-801a-174ba45e77e3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:15:39	732.747
-55	28471	2847100	51b91e86-6a75-41f6-9f2c-6907d364730c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:30:42	528.338
-55	56942	2847100	779ad7b4-163f-4cd2-83fb-666fae525e77	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:04:17	-496.415
-56	28472	2847200	e6a519c6-a8fe-4cec-84bc-c4aaf5432a57	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:18:13	-664.865
-56	56944	2847200	519f7c38-91fe-4dd3-9be2-cd619617a94f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:23:15	242.571
-57	28473	2847300	7c3ea220-99b9-4300-af43-ce4623ddc5dc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:50:25	406.118
-57	56946	2847300	4da47a68-19be-4cbd-b66d-a70f3186fb5d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:15:05	-189.233
-58	28474	2847400	7aa4871c-fdfe-4cdc-9560-537842ccdf84	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:00:02	-199.440
-58	56948	2847400	dc0318a0-447b-4abe-891b-c2b14d32b130	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:54:19	290.549
-59	28475	2847500	27d7adc3-92b6-4315-ab67-ceecd57826f4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:57:51	-622.514
-59	56950	2847500	74d2305b-f4a0-4af9-9b51-f303396e125b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:46:40	-979.34
-60	28476	2847600	75310fe1-8eff-415d-942b-2e28d4c0f0e5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:33:38	-578.442
-60	56952	2847600	ff734382-88e7-42fd-abbd-3832caa5d695	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:21:28	408.490
-61	28477	2847700	526d7ff6-fb55-4d5d-b393-220f4aae0296	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:15:24	-774.930
-61	56954	2847700	2077ac84-b100-4133-b152-0be4ae5084ef	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:18:06	362.226
-62	28478	2847800	c4f1952b-0d14-41be-9dd6-53ce6e7d8656	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:51:04	238.137
-62	56956	2847800	8bedd381-91e7-4de7-bb86-909da1f8a8ef	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:04:58	886.807
-63	28479	2847900	f23bd342-91d2-46cb-ad50-3f89f0a31301	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:30:16	456.883
-63	56958	2847900	952ca3d9-41b3-4165-adbd-7050bf4e921b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:09:38	-348.763
-64	28480	2848000	dfbb6a20-eb51-4e8e-94a0-698d42981403	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:16:11	861.720
-64	56960	2848000	307783bc-15fb-4f6d-a343-c4bab1d1d22b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:33:12	55.761
-65	28481	2848100	82101cf1-b56d-4ec0-9d93-ac9f1055f2c5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:10:33	499.191
-65	56962	2848100	147dc7f1-4810-45e2-b2e2-fb2286045315	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:07:06	39.900
-66	28482	2848200	543e5725-c2ae-461b-97d4-1b4e2dbfa825	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:22:50	283.617
-66	56964	2848200	7e301327-6102-4559-9ccb-24c5173573c7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:10:28	462.809
-67	28483	2848300	d859ecc7-beed-4e32-9e2f-e267c912224d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:32:04	-756.577
-67	56966	2848300	1f16c774-4e84-4c40-b556-e52d744b769e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:50:12	371.440
-68	28484	2848400	4be9e804-50d4-4d40-96ff-e129e377771f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:28:43	381.785
-68	56968	2848400	851ea6f7-851a-45ea-853b-473a11423691	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:02:17	27.362
-69	28485	2848500	2ad3b9b3-765f-4f22-81c2-14bcb9b9c7bf	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:28:11	883.178
-69	56970	2848500	14b17ff7-4618-4465-a31f-a22d70c23def	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:02:11	937.567
-70	28486	2848600	23485a8c-fb7c-45e7-be35-2000684f36b9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:41:48	-24.411
-70	56972	2848600	d8f0ea2e-1548-49d4-b26f-8db9c3efb11b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:45:21	942.346
-71	28487	2848700	e40f370d-ce01-4f8a-b0f8-1d1f706f70e6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:16:48	-443.858
-71	56974	2848700	0b54945c-2490-49c8-b1e1-64ef82b60a5f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:46:31	616.638
-72	28488	2848800	99d9374e-a9e0-4b3e-81d2-0393da7114f7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:28:35	375.636
-72	56976	2848800	6b6a4c92-92bc-47bb-8436-9d6e7bdd7946	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:17:51	149.50
-73	28489	2848900	34ab1dbc-61f0-427e-a56a-fe681bfd3302	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:35:07	-891.494
-73	56978	2848900	c51dc055-39ac-4650-8fd8-4ab87978cd04	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:07:36	434.593
-74	28490	2849000	41ae7717-2b28-413b-9ce8-656ef5fd2b13	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:27:35	192.337
-74	56980	2849000	8f9f8a42-0db7-4c32-adca-c5c66b61686a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:00:51	-19.526
-75	28491	2849100	335f5f8a-0c6f-458e-8964-84e6fd48cb2b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:23:24	-591.210
-75	56982	2849100	b2fb4c5f-a767-4f56-904b-ef85594d2365	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:49:04	751.419
-76	28492	2849200	5857db70-a501-4b38-bd0b-1927e2a384f1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:20:07	569.950
-76	56984	2849200	10b3da91-31f6-4a78-9210-0f310204bc36	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:46:44	-240.900
-77	28493	2849300	f9f4e771-3659-4889-b074-abe6ecabd18d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:44:39	464.308
-77	56986	2849300	f6801059-f836-4b84-8b01-44db3a0b012b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:32:31	-796.773
-78	28494	2849400	7e07acbe-e344-4f5d-94ff-230027be0bcf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:40:50	798.699
-78	56988	2849400	22a54470-1c88-4cc2-98d1-7afc6004d788	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:08:06	860.65
-79	28495	2849500	1e0a7063-0cba-4fad-b251-bf29db86553e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:26:48	720.918
-79	56990	2849500	87e78994-1c05-4485-871c-033b222bd828	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:25:25	-913.981
-80	28496	2849600	f1912455-a64f-4036-b388-9baa018a7a81	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:34:00	158.406
-80	56992	2849600	14e18b27-d58d-4cfe-a2c1-06769e59ed14	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:13:38	-360.527
-81	28497	2849700	18e0e1ac-348a-46fb-8abb-d3e3b574d07b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:27:02	-755.760
-81	56994	2849700	e3632a07-67b1-4a14-a014-213a962c0564	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:03:19	108.157
-82	28498	2849800	7fed5a7d-a830-4945-bfbf-e0ba7c7ca908	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:04:37	-943.149
-82	56996	2849800	5aeb5fd1-4129-423b-8788-06dff393223a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:07:12	-157.477
-83	28499	2849900	e0fa18a3-692f-4614-b148-45890dbdccc1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:42:51	-94.962
-83	56998	2849900	a7ed7138-ca09-436b-a606-7dc211561e7b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:46:54	-263.721
-84	28500	2850000	88774dd1-3fdd-4b94-8b44-43cbf646f61f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:30:10	437.731
-84	57000	2850000	3d2f9ac8-6f7e-43c1-9f2d-a3f9ab62c4c7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:59:28	503.943
-85	28501	2850100	5c63c9fc-bb5c-4192-9c2c-b665d7190317	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:52:26	-655.23
-85	57002	2850100	163f9d9a-19dc-4f1c-aa64-5a5d8680f2e3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:15:47	-409.608
-86	28502	2850200	f93623bc-4768-4f99-a006-85c861d52753	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:29:27	649.28
-86	57004	2850200	7b6ca0b8-d20b-4dc7-a16e-920e380991e1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:16:30	968.825
-87	28503	2850300	abd65dba-07ce-4ecb-9303-73beb22c6d9d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:43:32	-709.914
-87	57006	2850300	78888350-f007-403d-92f2-c2c8f98b558b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:31:35	898.418
-88	28504	2850400	26cef850-5343-4118-a670-3638b16b0edd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:54:40	908.822
-88	57008	2850400	5810afb5-dc5d-4a07-9d93-8a1a3056404b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:08:20	-973.304
-89	28505	2850500	dbe23a5d-c2ae-480d-9eee-e4d47f67b114	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:51:14	80.908
-89	57010	2850500	5abad0c5-ad07-43a3-9fba-04e899a0f12a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:45:10	-595.622
-90	28506	2850600	f71ab5e5-a0b3-47a6-b957-bef7aaabbf26	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:27:23	-120.452
-90	57012	2850600	aef5fd76-411b-440a-a03d-d9743a8348a4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:06:31	-460.18
-91	28507	2850700	02b18762-a194-4a3a-8b6f-9b0c7461fcda	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:26:41	376.164
-91	57014	2850700	e5f96a3c-7526-4e6a-902e-bb9438c18fb3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:43:07	-862.454
-92	28508	2850800	4cd45ff0-6c5a-4eb0-94ea-0f9dac2f3255	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:25:34	-901.940
-92	57016	2850800	003deb0e-3b3b-4aee-9f5c-3eb3db8ec4fd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:56:30	637.6
-93	28509	2850900	bc13df17-aa32-4ec5-bb82-2502439d7ebe	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:33:01	479.948
-93	57018	2850900	82363ae0-22a1-44a8-921c-2f531ee0c9b7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:46:04	-406.806
-94	28510	2851000	16e63bce-9d8a-4f08-81b5-aff7649048c3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:52:04	-648.427
-94	57020	2851000	ee247ce1-1844-430a-a5a7-5a4b59a13300	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:30:05	443.133
-95	28511	2851100	5bd5a036-cf43-489b-a68b-83747e6d11a8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:14:35	-812.789
-95	57022	2851100	766dc22c-d4e4-41d5-b4e8-67394b16b6f1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:15:46	-931.111
-96	28512	2851200	f536d443-cdaf-49cb-b82f-96a6fec25cb9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:50:44	-979.551
-96	57024	2851200	526020f7-944b-4313-b31c-8bff556c2ae8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:16:22	996.141
-97	28513	2851300	dda0cde9-5841-430e-a981-abe98e82d08d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:41:45	843.55
-97	57026	2851300	76caf59d-385f-4479-bcf0-888e101b04be	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:42:58	-408.870
-98	28514	2851400	5dfee92a-9986-4ace-b5e1-93f33aac0de0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:29:50	938.208
-98	57028	2851400	d94703ca-7741-4916-8eb8-abe92531a28c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:09:33	-276.627
-99	28515	2851500	93acc3e6-4474-4ae3-84eb-46f751685d05	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:27:48	939.758
-99	57030	2851500	dc05cfe8-bf6c-43c0-8995-8e1b04f2df2d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:47:27	839.450
-100	28516	2851600	66fcaf3d-5220-4b31-aa2a-ae29d878f7ea	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:55:48	-339.665
-100	57032	2851600	6b80f931-23f7-4210-ac99-d1f3a3c54041	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:16:57	-431.311
-101	28517	2851700	970addaf-f74d-472a-a823-18f9cf4704b4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:58:49	-160.15
-101	57034	2851700	9cf9df6d-add7-4309-b690-9b3a872531ea	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:34:39	-896.616
-102	28518	2851800	5ee31b3c-4c27-4a02-8932-efc86f784db0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:40:52	-907.562
-102	57036	2851800	81d7aa0f-1ab6-4c0a-9d41-c863df34cf3c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:09:33	-589.464
-103	28519	2851900	81c4f5a6-c4eb-4d83-b05c-c7d848aa2204	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:16:55	372.59
-103	57038	2851900	65aa8b90-9fca-4eaa-8ba4-0bea57735239	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:03:16	-713.513
-104	28520	2852000	489646b8-6bb5-44ed-8c58-d9ba79bec06b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:12:20	73.383
-104	57040	2852000	30510f6a-4bed-47ba-a789-949907ead4fa	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:44:32	-208.847
-105	28521	2852100	4fede74f-512a-4a61-a490-f6d2da77b98e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:27:53	968.817
-105	57042	2852100	0b63ab9a-5725-4be5-bb97-df63f08f79e8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:43:40	932.266
-106	28522	2852200	06e6ac34-614d-4f6d-9750-e1b34dd6cc0f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:59:44	-983.493
-106	57044	2852200	2c8c64df-c6af-4311-a53e-6da24ad394d5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:20:11	278.222
-107	28523	2852300	1163c227-7a6b-4371-937b-dc0a15849e76	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:56:43	941.751
-107	57046	2852300	97b606e2-7a40-443b-b3b7-400e6b0e69b4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:09:07	-554.147
-108	28524	2852400	c4658610-7880-4daa-b7ce-32d22e851343	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:45:13	428.525
-108	57048	2852400	479df171-d2f1-4c1e-908f-883e375220f1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:56:09	506.888
-109	28525	2852500	f3ad981e-612a-4ee5-8a69-051838b43f10	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:20:56	-343.562
-109	57050	2852500	6a868458-8350-4708-bd84-3c757587c5fb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:06:09	-592.857
-110	28526	2852600	9ff9ffcd-0ece-49b1-bd35-29794381377c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:51:10	435.29
-110	57052	2852600	04503183-4b02-4ba6-8a79-0571dc78c0c0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:11:26	951.139
-111	28527	2852700	7e9eeb4e-83d0-4e0e-a86c-464f0e659304	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:10:41	845.587
-111	57054	2852700	6038e90f-46ae-4041-a194-776f3d4f6281	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:38:25	-278.551
-112	28528	2852800	99a3993e-96d2-437c-ae3d-66e630539300	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:09:24	-280.788
-112	57056	2852800	3077b3cb-de79-499d-8e16-1b4b623279b4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:02:38	762.235
-113	28529	2852900	d4ea9eeb-6bdc-4a88-aba4-7a4f102af7c9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:19:34	-647.531
-113	57058	2852900	69674fb6-cbfb-4b78-84f9-0308dcb30d6a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:42:47	-962.315
-114	28530	2853000	38d91ae5-546b-4fce-be1b-609b958d5943	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:26:54	810.833
-114	57060	2853000	47ec75c7-bba5-4acc-b463-a5ed9f69beaf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:43:04	244.111
-115	28531	2853100	77444382-a346-48dc-bce3-0bad765810d4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:22:00	69.72
-115	57062	2853100	4a07fc7a-ed3a-45e4-a1a3-ecd038f1be6b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:54:20	-582.810
-116	28532	2853200	f2c5b73b-a4fa-4234-b4a8-f929624795b4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:34:32	-679.309
-116	57064	2853200	98245dc9-db39-4cd3-b971-6ad4c56809be	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:09:22	565.445
-117	28533	2853300	017f1174-b1fc-4e8f-8b61-38c25a880ecc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:42:30	-863.328
-117	57066	2853300	33356412-1330-4514-abd9-ab8c64fbef74	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:13:11	-209.483
-118	28534	2853400	d1fe95a1-4c5f-456f-bcad-c138afea6c8a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:56:02	966.793
-118	57068	2853400	bf6ba03f-2a1f-4f6d-8e08-17e2d1499bc5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:35:18	350.651
-119	28535	2853500	03a3993a-80f3-43f5-8f78-5c5cfd00398d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:31:18	-761.252
-119	57070	2853500	1a3159d9-d59c-48ac-8204-01cc839c4a30	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:22:40	-873.441
-120	28536	2853600	0203de8f-fcbb-4e92-ab93-03bfe4df5e04	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:06:28	-33.757
-120	57072	2853600	98df97e9-76a4-43ed-9687-fc16a16dd7ae	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:06:55	886.616
-121	28537	2853700	0e8436b3-d2ec-405b-89e7-89cc1268cacc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:39:57	-380.452
-121	57074	2853700	de5d1989-af4b-4a71-bd51-8b81a6edcb44	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:12:06	-128.592
-122	28538	2853800	79f82d25-20a3-4c30-a1da-12a6872fc9df	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:12:26	-212.932
-122	57076	2853800	6dfe7c1a-a4b4-4b61-9e54-ffb3c8a009bc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:29:48	-931.952
-123	28539	2853900	1f8f0582-c517-42fe-b096-18ad2e1e6757	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:26:54	-204.666
-123	57078	2853900	c30d3f85-d2b2-43e4-9b99-c41f9a3c816d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:12:24	-723.653
-124	28540	2854000	7d3b6b0d-06d7-41f9-9c10-a74f47312b72	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:04:53	-893.208
-124	57080	2854000	e8e2d77f-15c6-4ba8-b4ec-87902bcfbe19	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:10:04	799.735
-125	28541	2854100	7bef9845-612a-4bb2-a01e-de3abd7e3ff9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:10:43	-632.760
-125	57082	2854100	dd3603f4-732f-4ff6-83b6-3218187d189a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:02:03	-747.661
-126	28542	2854200	13cc63ae-9aab-4228-a653-753e65adee44	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:33:39	723.137
-126	57084	2854200	e89956a1-fe48-4a0c-ae75-46ad0d3cbd77	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:16:39	-438.122
-127	28543	2854300	44593c45-4f39-4237-a83b-c1fc5af34f3b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:47:23	768.368
-127	57086	2854300	c6419eb0-a154-4af2-8897-baf62b95a4e5	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:50:47	-138.307
-0	28544	2854400	0268d36b-7a97-49f8-9774-0b836bd5dfd2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:52:18	129.506
-0	57088	2854400	cf1596f2-cdde-4a84-9f10-eafffa3d7a68	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:37:56	874.562
-1	28545	2854500	0fa9f5f5-a40a-4795-b28b-903d9dd2a809	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:09:34	739.677
-1	57090	2854500	fbfe6b82-649c-4c7d-b856-1bcb390c6a07	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:57:49	983.702
-2	28546	2854600	db85dcc8-db44-4211-a00d-223c029b9a5a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:45:15	443.801
-2	57092	2854600	b16e94ff-4392-4b64-9517-0d4ecada6498	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:03:30	100.49
-3	28547	2854700	6355a62e-7058-4559-8c4c-a7a564be6b22	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:30:37	505.897
-3	57094	2854700	79978fbe-87d2-43c0-b182-eda95ed07c32	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:36:37	943.158
-4	28548	2854800	cbc35cc4-4bc8-4e5d-95dd-3be1bedb6016	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:35:25	509.307
-4	57096	2854800	af50d389-dd23-4f47-a0e0-5ed1fcd2085d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:20:22	-366.528
-5	28549	2854900	6261eb85-faa9-4b3f-9b0c-9f8df0bddd9c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:46:16	-489.484
-5	57098	2854900	7d1f3006-6808-4d45-a013-276c3812eb9f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:49:21	-68.229
-6	28550	2855000	4de1dbe9-5b09-4393-bfb9-b2e02a6166f3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:08:43	-849.966
-6	57100	2855000	e8e4e980-960f-4d58-8cd5-e8ac27a91d06	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:21:53	-763.642
-7	28551	2855100	9f0807c4-2c5a-4142-a33f-0f98efad3ea0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:14:25	189.811
-7	57102	2855100	c010afa2-721a-43d0-90ba-ce0741302362	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:38:37	-114.220
-8	28552	2855200	04e02548-4096-49b9-956a-a91a7a8e6fd6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:22:09	43.983
-8	57104	2855200	9ad057de-f512-40fa-ae34-4f68a707facb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:01:02	410.712
-9	28553	2855300	9a65bbe4-bddc-4103-be7b-f2c68cad7aab	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:24:53	-623.797
-9	57106	2855300	1688a4cf-5ec2-46b8-8a17-9934a14c24e2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:52:04	-806.396
-10	28554	2855400	850b65b6-9f68-4565-afcd-4bfa586dabd5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:55:01	807.237
-10	57108	2855400	fbb7f8ca-fe80-4901-83c8-0e4edf1c1b98	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:07:47	-58.581
-11	28555	2855500	753850ed-ad03-4107-bed5-e4d05df861ae	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:14:13	-1.612
-11	57110	2855500	ae6b412f-b992-406a-9565-db21461691d1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:04:06	-39.268
-12	28556	2855600	480de134-c64d-45d1-bcad-8a9223160126	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:23:36	987.774
-12	57112	2855600	bfecb67f-f53a-44a3-a341-ada8dd85c718	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:55:39	-470.117
-13	28557	2855700	cc68a895-3013-4cf1-9cfc-4d0f47b328a8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:13:41	-422.977
-13	57114	2855700	ed505db3-8a4d-490c-8d5a-e9e7eaf61733	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:03:56	955.372
-14	28558	2855800	63f9eb06-5817-4511-81f0-4b6608129879	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:25:38	-585.832
-14	57116	2855800	e49401c7-ce00-4a22-9a23-11ae94f65274	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:33:55	-965.188
-15	28559	2855900	a14bac9e-5f4c-4305-92ee-793c1b493eef	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:34:25	76.221
-15	57118	2855900	cf7d53d2-aaa7-4118-a49e-14c8958ceb8b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:16:14	200.913
-16	28560	2856000	d2761794-6699-4713-8278-4574e1cc78c0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:04:29	95.620
-16	57120	2856000	f4e2bd22-eee9-464e-adaa-abaf132cb524	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:47:08	-571.502
-17	28561	2856100	8937d87f-afd1-489d-b4a0-11205d83d72f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:33:08	515.664
-17	57122	2856100	09531999-3d4a-4a6a-aee0-36714033fc6c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:27:18	954.959
-18	28562	2856200	887b65c7-797e-4b51-b6f8-e8865bdb72a3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:45:20	215.705
-18	57124	2856200	014dd18b-0601-487a-9ab2-1dd437ec4590	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:20:01	582.676
-19	28563	2856300	bbd1f951-d21c-412d-a78e-46753788064a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:24:21	-113.242
-19	57126	2856300	0985b47f-c406-4da6-9a8a-a4e2c11731de	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:57:32	-953.734
-20	28564	2856400	1137e77f-150a-46c4-9030-22c1091a355f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:48:10	-381.720
-20	57128	2856400	b871d83a-93bb-43d1-b6ea-7d1e5e3cec23	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:09:39	271.374
-21	28565	2856500	9b53247b-f22e-435c-962c-feaa8ae324de	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:14:12	649.128
-21	57130	2856500	3dcb3b0b-31a4-4b93-b8fa-b27b626c7f54	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:51:47	-992.716
-22	28566	2856600	7d86845d-de67-4049-9b66-bca4d27228a5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:13:16	-226.287
-22	57132	2856600	03247e85-d960-433a-89a8-579b4fd41623	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:45:57	-327.611
-23	28567	2856700	ab5a27e1-e9d8-45e8-a963-fbcdc929083b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:21:40	854.213
-23	57134	2856700	4715d260-a774-473d-b239-e7fce12fe64e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:53:38	-394.736
-24	28568	2856800	12d6af8d-8952-4fd9-9727-cc5ede4af042	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:15:20	-241.934
-24	57136	2856800	c16ac2bd-38cf-46f8-99c6-bb7864ae0150	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:02:19	-582.109
-25	28569	2856900	ba29e784-647d-4bf5-8910-2ffbb5912450	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:48:28	822.684
-25	57138	2856900	4b5da317-ebbc-4b2a-b79d-5bbea4dacbb3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:29:11	-758.81
-26	28570	2857000	33b7c2c5-7632-4c22-b0c4-ee007101aec4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:39:50	423.751
-26	57140	2857000	f7831212-541b-4af3-839f-a28bb410ed26	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:41:20	778.433
-27	28571	2857100	5b174bcb-0d0d-4907-89d0-52a292c82e13	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:08:56	-509.391
-27	57142	2857100	790f99b1-4612-421a-98e6-32f95e80e14c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:31:52	66.345
-28	28572	2857200	5d608525-b732-4ece-8c08-f8bf67cb856c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:18:04	-188.592
-28	57144	2857200	ab74e381-2bb2-44b6-8a88-b49764784b5c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:55:42	-798.655
-29	28573	2857300	ac161f8d-8380-4cb2-855b-1a7c236be8d3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:00:58	-367.68
-29	57146	2857300	60f67a3c-a243-4f4b-964a-fc95d3c8bcf5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:10:51	-111.220
-30	28574	2857400	a983b773-948f-4572-8ddc-1daef0b35b21	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:05:18	143.211
-30	57148	2857400	4570a423-37c9-4c90-9fe1-b9fd8198f2ce	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:46:32	476.63
-31	28575	2857500	bfe50b65-74e0-4353-b9e4-27390a6d9752	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:08:58	582.337
-31	57150	2857500	8a1711f8-5402-4fe1-a954-8c380c362bf5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:21:29	63.810
-32	28576	2857600	f0d64032-aa09-4dfd-8208-0d7b03119b5e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:04:18	-20.585
-32	57152	2857600	47f091fb-c28e-40a4-9e55-888afe431e42	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:29:14	-917.221
-33	28577	2857700	870b5906-f7ec-4cc2-9cdb-0e99c9dbc40a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:24:27	562.359
-33	57154	2857700	31326791-f634-4ddc-b480-25e3ad2b6f78	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:52:24	-175.990
-34	28578	2857800	4616b146-7f91-4b5f-b375-997f9b6e8a34	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:34:27	369.218
-34	57156	2857800	741a84fd-0167-44d7-9a99-b03c5a2f3cf1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:25:01	424.479
-35	28579	2857900	3ef3b852-ddcc-4454-b3bc-6b78b597fda9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:12:36	213.120
-35	57158	2857900	abe199ba-e01d-4d7e-8c11-f46596c9ac11	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:33:30	-976.136
-36	28580	2858000	24ed3478-c6ce-4dbc-aa9d-ae832f9d8ca7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:47:16	692.363
-36	57160	2858000	99e4491c-d073-4a5c-aaf9-2417a5d6a77f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:06:20	319.668
-37	28581	2858100	3e2a1079-c9de-4fd8-9e6d-bbe75164a2d4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:39:30	453.800
-37	57162	2858100	9f37eafa-a2c1-47d5-b86f-6b445f2af4ec	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:55:28	-186.571
-38	28582	2858200	6938d2ec-975c-4aad-b165-57dd0cb180ed	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:12:47	-50.92
-38	57164	2858200	98e5aea7-62a5-4a10-99a6-32f31a28890b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:34:47	120.317
-39	28583	2858300	53775e48-d597-4b36-88d0-39347a6e9af2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:05:54	908.21
-39	57166	2858300	5b25f755-4076-4c65-b299-f97697568e98	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:14:30	-790.444
-40	28584	2858400	e13b0d65-5767-4653-a2ea-168ec3038eac	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:11:11	-691.174
-40	57168	2858400	945330bb-582c-4cb0-849e-068ced33af79	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:17:13	172.914
-41	28585	2858500	01eaeea3-827e-44f7-b898-fdae797ad409	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:18:16	704.356
-41	57170	2858500	d9429b30-4dca-4be9-83dc-7ca63e615eae	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:13:42	0.458
-42	28586	2858600	3c6a9631-0b3f-49d9-8476-5c78895b1e21	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:13:45	102.406
-42	57172	2858600	b6647cba-0691-4a1a-a7b2-6bc01fb2586f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:06:08	-409.956
-43	28587	2858700	a6b3718a-3a4a-4f6f-adcb-172bde35a6ef	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:26:35	618.90
-43	57174	2858700	297e93b8-ff3e-4aea-9208-5f9a6152d064	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:55:34	-856.808
-44	28588	2858800	61d1554e-0253-479e-bebb-684a66fbf34e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:39:55	-852.186
-44	57176	2858800	34427e8d-ce8d-47f4-b88d-b6a9535ad156	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:24:48	-767.889
-45	28589	2858900	cefa14e8-6fbc-4bdb-aaaa-33daa8484984	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:38:29	-270.716
-45	57178	2858900	aa760aca-9f49-479a-82e5-aa084da34664	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:23:49	381.871
-46	28590	2859000	419e2350-ae37-4160-bd12-8f2bdcc33a06	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:20:56	-482.152
-46	57180	2859000	aee3f425-4589-4f34-b6d2-aee023b892df	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:12:57	-555.772
-47	28591	2859100	b38282a0-5f34-418b-b6e9-c090c771994c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:30:22	441.518
-47	57182	2859100	32b4340a-cfc0-4a2c-aa40-9eaa374f1606	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:06:36	545.740
-48	28592	2859200	7225748e-7b6c-4069-92f4-c9e9a3593ddf	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:12:46	916.173
-48	57184	2859200	4ed23f71-db84-482f-969d-3908ad527e7f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:51:58	-403.121
-49	28593	2859300	9bdc5ba8-dbf0-4159-94d0-d321da83e1c4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:33:17	-509.812
-49	57186	2859300	41a75e10-e814-4370-b27c-b0877cc02f51	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:36:38	256.860
-50	28594	2859400	4de8c67c-61bd-4e5a-ac6c-2afbc0ef19a2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:23:11	511.466
-50	57188	2859400	19290d59-f532-4200-ac53-b57d6c2ac908	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:56:45	-452.822
-51	28595	2859500	d7c66507-38b1-4393-a02c-b5374fb0461a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:17:25	-230.840
-51	57190	2859500	ccac8434-a436-41e8-bec6-b1f68c86b5f9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:21:37	-116.383
-52	28596	2859600	8889dddb-1e05-4237-b5a0-b896909fbd9c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:01:24	-236.425
-52	57192	2859600	ef06a478-943e-43ba-9c2f-15880fe32320	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:34:23	605.516
-53	28597	2859700	57a463cd-1084-42d6-af1d-6466e53245a5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:14:26	-568.509
-53	57194	2859700	8b3311c4-3eba-4cfa-b1d1-fda4bdd8c6a5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:38:50	299.530
-54	28598	2859800	486d523e-6d8a-4da2-afd0-e1ac79d76e3e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:08:37	429.146
-54	57196	2859800	5d159896-57a3-42ab-8b87-a38b93391c83	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:02:07	859.806
-55	28599	2859900	a932faa3-f318-48a3-a78a-a2ae679cd691	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:13:47	-289.107
-55	57198	2859900	27086b7b-2f5e-440b-8712-f57da201ffa1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:06:49	867.248
-56	28600	2860000	5a467841-6c7a-4bff-9e3d-68dcc0ae873d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:47:25	-504.274
-56	57200	2860000	235aef2a-a2d3-4f6e-a07b-9fc80b576763	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:30:00	-805.505
-57	28601	2860100	3f023c5b-ba0a-46ba-91fc-d2de26693f44	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:53:43	241.716
-57	57202	2860100	88d38ac3-a1b5-4106-b432-fe1f5d73175b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:11:19	172.372
-58	28602	2860200	2abd4312-752e-4021-8e86-adc627ee301a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:23:26	-621.366
-58	57204	2860200	681043ad-0896-4611-940a-2baee3e5c0c7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:14:52	-109.724
-59	28603	2860300	67ced022-55c6-4731-b264-9aeecf6fd875	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:13:06	751.950
-59	57206	2860300	e3a13888-5a0c-4ef6-b554-b5fc45f7fa9e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:05:40	253.101
-60	28604	2860400	dfce9127-358d-43bd-88ba-0bf860ce08f8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:14:54	748.548
-60	57208	2860400	abd7d7d2-d576-40e3-a180-7b03104dc4a2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:23:55	207.117
-61	28605	2860500	0664832a-5771-4a61-b488-8070006ed4e3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:46:09	-157.48
-61	57210	2860500	0d60963c-2747-4751-a53f-29c1077a78ca	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:50:05	977.320
-62	28606	2860600	9413c8e4-d5ba-446b-b3a3-24098f394fb5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:57:12	-828.906
-62	57212	2860600	99fb4d1f-3762-46a6-8d21-5fdd81514f99	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:38:58	-552.10
-63	28607	2860700	ba3f2e83-7d01-4490-a3b4-2bdb30cb0a5e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:39:24	-274.619
-63	57214	2860700	5ea1e8ce-4390-4759-8dd4-b59e0cc9c64f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:08:26	-402.565
-64	28608	2860800	883a74a9-b329-4ec0-ad3a-d6a60009e943	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:08:22	-997.761
-64	57216	2860800	fee808d3-392b-4919-9360-16ea2eb53270	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:49:48	-440.611
-65	28609	2860900	78cd8549-3445-495c-8612-3d53ddd19f77	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:54:05	-946.934
-65	57218	2860900	1746453d-e43f-46ca-9d0e-2b049fa317a1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:31:18	-190.920
-66	28610	2861000	9c188138-3db1-4f23-a68c-eefff6f7d7cf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:56:30	-773.947
-66	57220	2861000	2412e532-4740-4a36-b4c3-7bd51ce480e2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:54:20	317.883
-67	28611	2861100	c6a6c868-b414-47c7-8f8f-ca5137eec7b6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:39:00	297.276
-67	57222	2861100	6c42537c-0298-45e2-bb1b-85830edb66d3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:04:33	-519.353
-68	28612	2861200	84325df6-8941-4318-8ee7-ee054dca5976	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:22:27	-304.626
-68	57224	2861200	54558837-c0d1-46db-9975-a1a408a1f941	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:46:23	333.743
-69	28613	2861300	f2560c44-2f11-420c-b656-e733e9cf149c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:09:42	-520.919
-69	57226	2861300	c008b36e-b9c7-49ba-ba95-b3e86b3716d3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:55:35	-511.517
-70	28614	2861400	4553cc99-dc48-44ac-b0f3-68de331d00fb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:47:04	-229.360
-70	57228	2861400	98fd27e2-6352-43b3-bf43-38a05b674c74	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:47:48	-415.779
-71	28615	2861500	953223dd-0d7d-45cf-8af6-1321a7f0c598	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:20:41	-571.946
-71	57230	2861500	bad187f7-8e37-4c2d-aaa5-addc29eef931	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:59:30	786.933
-72	28616	2861600	0895bb67-547f-4144-9936-3417349fb679	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:17:35	527.596
-72	57232	2861600	951a9377-fef7-421f-9579-a2012a731ae8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:10:21	-347.214
-73	28617	2861700	aec68902-41d3-4ae9-abe6-351d4c660cd4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:35:05	-798.370
-73	57234	2861700	019c033b-a419-4cfb-a4d1-dcb0454650af	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:56:15	564.629
-74	28618	2861800	a1365cb5-d3ca-4ff1-9c0f-c54214ac824d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:26:51	-280.606
-74	57236	2861800	c107e89c-9e1d-4825-8d02-5d52a9f56792	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:08:05	-241.452
-75	28619	2861900	f9e26bf9-27a7-42ff-83ee-211867840193	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:15:02	972.486
-75	57238	2861900	74f8a383-54e3-4a56-a557-433ce3918a7b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:43:56	-132.136
-76	28620	2862000	e64c04e3-b880-4bde-ae61-1f159caeb542	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:31:51	324.167
-76	57240	2862000	d36de4ce-3267-4804-9ed4-f88dd1f9e30f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:54:22	139.569
-77	28621	2862100	b17fef81-8b4b-4105-a94e-17adc4626fc6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:40:55	-398.569
-77	57242	2862100	3a5c5fb6-fc62-4476-9b2b-ed1abb9a411c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:23:43	579.998
-78	28622	2862200	386b945f-dbe3-4fff-a10d-7a7f1b44727c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:26:40	-372.338
-78	57244	2862200	16d9f822-46f5-42c9-ab9f-34435e03a6c3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:16:27	748.512
-79	28623	2862300	9a2f2f20-cdb1-43c4-aa84-a9f0c777106f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:39:19	24.393
-79	57246	2862300	f0031aa4-75fb-47a7-965f-a429c0dc1288	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:50:07	-597.837
-80	28624	2862400	8aef1a52-ad45-470c-8499-935b77b1f70d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:48:48	3.624
-80	57248	2862400	52909a3f-aee2-4d67-92a3-964919c5c853	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:23:08	-980.681
-81	28625	2862500	59560faf-b10b-43b2-ad97-37e27c28064d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:27:26	935.48
-81	57250	2862500	619cf0dc-68e0-4b28-91cc-e873e41f76bb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:33:42	185.9
-82	28626	2862600	31878016-f3c3-4c57-8334-8cccba985bfb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:15:45	950.20
-82	57252	2862600	a28a2b53-6b0c-4ee7-ab53-2e9a5ac72a45	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:12:01	730.19
-83	28627	2862700	5ad9f398-df6c-4a2e-9f8e-e914fb43733f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:14:28	752.779
-83	57254	2862700	fee76539-7f50-40b9-92c0-91e978139f2f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:11:47	-114.390
-84	28628	2862800	2af7188b-f05b-47c4-9b2b-eef7890eb823	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:36:17	266.177
-84	57256	2862800	9536f024-1851-422e-863d-1e11b3717132	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:08:16	55.601
-85	28629	2862900	8bf606ca-8a31-4d16-98ea-eb9b11202386	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:58:50	374.428
-85	57258	2862900	b7fa9416-b40d-44af-8213-cc965c9a4c0f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:18:37	-335.888
-86	28630	2863000	796619aa-3f80-49aa-8a57-5c5ed058a1be	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:23:02	-185.75
-86	57260	2863000	ecf67af5-4201-4eeb-9bcc-32599e2844fd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:14:12	917.680
-87	28631	2863100	25b15619-a1c0-403d-b4bb-82c5035847ac	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:54:13	418.425
-87	57262	2863100	7bbb6812-7ae6-4d80-92a5-8c07fa656474	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:31:38	-930.693
-88	28632	2863200	f529a158-b67b-494e-b60b-4624e86244de	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:36:31	-218.392
-88	57264	2863200	36dfbe4c-f764-4033-9a18-5348b48f6aa1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:29:30	-612.134
-89	28633	2863300	612408f4-4375-4b19-aec5-66605b5c102a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:32:36	-957.62
-89	57266	2863300	27a3f879-3113-43ed-b4a4-3fb19fd757a1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:56:13	368.639
-90	28634	2863400	af22c76a-f776-4ee1-9e9b-031c037c871f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:13:16	213.794
-90	57268	2863400	a66e0b49-9ef2-49de-a5eb-fcec4340c895	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:55:46	-847.234
-91	28635	2863500	1e839666-c4dd-468a-adef-748746082b5a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:08:17	-585.306
-91	57270	2863500	d208ece9-be66-4caa-9967-56268f6109f6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:00:44	-130.781
-92	28636	2863600	2d8f3f17-81a4-4f51-9e9f-82bd6092fe18	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:49:21	-553.873
-92	57272	2863600	6efe95d2-638a-4e44-9116-1e76178fd616	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:51:13	978.148
-93	28637	2863700	10989c2a-13ec-4828-a872-f83b4489b4c5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:48:32	76.851
-93	57274	2863700	a7089480-9458-4a22-8bee-040518c0d9a8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:32:40	604.228
-94	28638	2863800	c1bf8b0a-be6c-48f6-9c89-a2dc75d0e6a8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:19:59	-798.994
-94	57276	2863800	59f609d3-75b9-4ab3-9a9e-46c1b158ab0e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:26:42	925.757
-95	28639	2863900	91f09876-9eba-4d9e-816f-771c8baa880b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:52:09	-243.903
-95	57278	2863900	8f76edff-9adc-4987-bf0d-5d3f19af157e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:43:00	372.40
-96	28640	2864000	e31aa7d7-c1ba-4450-a26b-b9b77102cfee	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:29:16	-588.218
-96	57280	2864000	9297dca2-9d96-47e0-a93a-48df971c6653	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:57:48	388.396
-97	28641	2864100	a708d575-0abd-437c-b9df-b5dd0fabde5d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:52:37	211.141
-97	57282	2864100	4f3fde0e-a437-44ba-8d24-d8311d6744df	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:00:26	921.178
-98	28642	2864200	9ea2d733-1250-4fd4-867d-6f9a4630d98d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:18:14	277.881
-98	57284	2864200	8e68cb25-7a3f-4828-a080-128791e884e0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:58:26	-300.910
-99	28643	2864300	23197d7e-a468-432b-abcf-2647e7c9fb9f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:57:18	-817.64
-99	57286	2864300	0e214c63-8e8c-48d3-a86d-f960fa982a0b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:01:50	240.45
-100	28644	2864400	64d6c0de-c130-472a-916d-a484a3704f90	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:16:36	217.753
-100	57288	2864400	79ec6557-32b5-407f-9557-76aa3e8d5dae	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:33:10	633.647
-101	28645	2864500	5ea81caa-f1fd-4bf7-98db-f33dcfd7e5a5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:50:47	-626.764
-101	57290	2864500	01c432c3-4c3f-4f09-8e30-472bdd98da24	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:19:25	339.429
-102	28646	2864600	7021149c-66b6-43d9-8705-5297c6891b13	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:15:13	167.718
-102	57292	2864600	5624c278-8dad-4ca6-bfec-0a7fcead1e5b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:49:31	-333.982
-103	28647	2864700	b57973a5-ef8b-485a-ac43-4a07ed161161	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:09:30	919.471
-103	57294	2864700	d4d627a7-d8a7-4c34-ad67-9c765fd02b63	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:10:26	-492.9
-104	28648	2864800	1ff17354-71a0-4af4-ac28-d274471857a2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:06:50	375.995
-104	57296	2864800	e0bd08ca-dffe-41e5-8de4-3e3ed6a4d572	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:06:24	-692.477
-105	28649	2864900	f7bc7bad-43ca-48ae-baf3-561e24338ee7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:25:25	470.970
-105	57298	2864900	873aa6c3-1eff-4bc8-8e2f-c2642eeaf586	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:58:15	-155.938
-106	28650	2865000	ee60d515-b478-4879-9d61-164c3f8d96ad	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:52:58	-166.80
-106	57300	2865000	be5535d7-1377-4192-9dc3-852c60978e04	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:41:53	708.790
-107	28651	2865100	1cee5292-fd1a-42b4-8bc3-7a2a2ce40486	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:33:07	49.505
-107	57302	2865100	27b0f9e6-6083-42c3-8f5d-e37f793a2498	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:23:03	88.886
-108	28652	2865200	6599cf6b-0eb3-41d1-adf4-579f6cc075e9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:25:08	251.609
-108	57304	2865200	5c3575f6-c466-433f-97bd-2706b0785683	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:35:46	-643.405
-109	28653	2865300	523f0712-db48-41ec-bdf5-3c109f51ec40	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:35:42	-65.174
-109	57306	2865300	0370ec2d-9eb9-4d1c-999b-13d95127c078	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:52:31	974.964
-110	28654	2865400	4184c5fd-52d0-4e51-868d-98905f52b714	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:49:18	-442.876
-110	57308	2865400	f30e0717-ec3c-4929-942a-431affff5b3c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:59:00	-1.810
-111	28655	2865500	0976be47-fe5a-4076-9d53-10827a97268b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:27:16	-991.855
-111	57310	2865500	1a140974-d1b2-4b29-b0fb-8362bac6f4d4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:07:14	890.311
-112	28656	2865600	7d086774-55d9-47b2-8e33-d88673ae30c2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:36:12	347.293
-112	57312	2865600	b4cfc7e8-386b-4cf0-880d-ef370d64a0b0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:33:22	974.205
-113	28657	2865700	0e960666-df87-4820-a8d1-99d43c6bdb71	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:46:36	-19.574
-113	57314	2865700	c11803b0-90b9-4585-a2fc-022aadc22d1b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:04:34	635.798
-114	28658	2865800	cb13617c-abf8-408a-8101-0f543c0258c1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:16:55	-330.493
-114	57316	2865800	f85a884d-c1d9-4588-8ae3-9a21e000ebbf	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:41:48	-487.714
-115	28659	2865900	5827985a-8cdf-4c39-bdd3-1792c81e0c5e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:17:14	-549.368
-115	57318	2865900	cb8f073b-b30f-4779-a3b1-e33161daf51a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:16:53	-906.910
-116	28660	2866000	0aad7dc7-6365-4624-a30a-4504c3a6cbbd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:42:03	-285.512
-116	57320	2866000	fea41921-fbd7-466e-b0c2-3e09d2eddf03	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:26:56	-558.867
-117	28661	2866100	9bdbe3bd-409f-4464-8789-2de4e5bd90fd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:35:27	-206.254
-117	57322	2866100	fa1a05c4-ed48-4da2-80e4-4cbd8aaffb8f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:16:15	-768.11
-118	28662	2866200	7205559c-6b73-4724-97d2-bbefd7b0b9b7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:48:12	835.546
-118	57324	2866200	d06f770a-b42e-4a88-9f76-e31c71024847	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:26:06	-158.638
-119	28663	2866300	3e9646e6-56d7-4134-b8aa-e9395a7a683c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:13:12	308.711
-119	57326	2866300	26482ae2-04ac-4a68-94af-d394d9ed60c7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:36:55	583.940
-120	28664	2866400	c534f500-ff36-4c55-869a-2abda797644f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:30:20	-8.649
-120	57328	2866400	3d30dc82-0813-4d56-9f78-8d332a448532	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:34:08	-940.10
-121	28665	2866500	d61f5638-45e8-42d9-8b6d-408cf4fe22b9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:18:09	717.354
-121	57330	2866500	efe3a7cb-40d1-45b6-8404-605fae927807	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:45:48	822.966
-122	28666	2866600	42fed8a1-daf0-4b89-82c4-f880c8d0d404	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:34:51	976.538
-122	57332	2866600	37e39827-140e-44b0-9c3f-19e14340b50b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:21:04	65.837
-123	28667	2866700	26884417-9030-4c46-9be6-6414f08c4d43	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:50:59	-74.136
-123	57334	2866700	9bf00c1e-8ffa-41e8-896b-1afdd53c5342	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:41:49	357.128
-124	28668	2866800	e45c6966-6448-4206-92d1-658c0e153bb2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:06:15	-518.796
-124	57336	2866800	83f6806a-5ad5-432e-bb3d-9c0609ea9470	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:33:14	-681.460
-125	28669	2866900	7bd680e4-149b-4fc0-8039-d4698d35f868	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:52:21	264.254
-125	57338	2866900	20b80713-08a0-45ae-ab85-74ea3adcfdf0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:43:15	395.230
-126	28670	2867000	751d20f3-2324-4eaf-a9a9-d55720ed7468	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:12:20	726.519
-126	57340	2867000	0dc68436-c287-4813-87bd-8a79fedf221a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:46:17	-983.912
-127	28671	2867100	bc6e1dc4-ade4-43f1-b0a8-7f22fd55f7a5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:24:00	288.391
-127	57342	2867100	b5aeef74-ed01-4c08-9b8f-32816815746d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:40:15	-132.504
-0	28672	2867200	2df3304f-9bc7-4892-b231-1532dd1cb519	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:49:30	655.94
-0	57344	2867200	d1140225-2761-4443-8ec5-c1f8b6d02462	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:10:55	779.273
-1	28673	2867300	a612f1b6-d917-42a5-ae03-e0042a7dc28a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:14:08	131.828
-1	57346	2867300	c0a1ff6a-d0ca-4e1e-b547-0169203b8ff1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:02:08	841.600
-2	28674	2867400	89258c1b-5b35-4cdf-9691-c659fc3436a3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:56:47	555.259
-2	57348	2867400	49b8a816-ec0b-4cfe-8b8a-9afe4cd36faf	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:39:54	120.847
-3	28675	2867500	0127e9a4-2fc3-4351-961c-9625ac329163	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:48:06	-742.922
-3	57350	2867500	31117fbd-0f71-48c5-bcc1-cbbd9663ae7e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:35:57	-706.517
-4	28676	2867600	b7b4e724-332d-49dd-a7ad-1c0cc73bf353	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:10:42	766.551
-4	57352	2867600	491b0d27-4fa0-41a9-b7d5-2d9e649ae812	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:37:18	-595.163
-5	28677	2867700	08fdd0ca-e934-487a-91ce-8b822ec2bdd2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:55:14	-24.874
-5	57354	2867700	6546d80d-2b99-4856-8dce-975d33e2c44e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:07:30	60.786
-6	28678	2867800	b9a2af2a-f7c7-41b5-9ff6-615c00b8e13c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:36:35	230.971
-6	57356	2867800	977e1b50-a61d-4000-93d3-83f01b7ae57d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:45:27	-94.89
-7	28679	2867900	d80036ed-9342-47b1-af39-1469ed0e160c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:12:24	894.118
-7	57358	2867900	c2d9e9ab-ffa3-4dca-b44f-3151640b3b6b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:39:12	-725.517
-8	28680	2868000	5ab18601-129b-46d9-be99-caf6f2b0bce9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:43:15	-298.809
-8	57360	2868000	0aa87f04-543f-46bc-b837-4c1fdbaf19e7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:06:16	-479.796
-9	28681	2868100	8e79e276-9319-4e62-9407-b38c49375977	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:40:24	980.775
-9	57362	2868100	2256189b-164d-4d5f-ad7d-d73224db4b36	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:46:29	-609.473
-10	28682	2868200	8fc9bde2-1c7f-4f14-9952-de512cc97dee	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:20:10	-84.502
-10	57364	2868200	542c1a26-2c21-4a4d-b8b4-d7c7f08999d1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:02:58	-767.920
-11	28683	2868300	94f7ec62-395e-4801-af5d-b14a6c5e0de8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:46:47	-981.252
-11	57366	2868300	4b55831f-4250-455e-b0c6-3609ad25defd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:34:25	-779.96
-12	28684	2868400	2b82ed1a-5255-4c17-90f5-eaa1d38dd138	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:22:03	-962.993
-12	57368	2868400	36307f42-742e-46e0-a5a7-ad19a2807ebf	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:49:56	456.497
-13	28685	2868500	6ddc01bf-fe44-426d-91e3-5d9c67484ace	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:36:00	-859.509
-13	57370	2868500	03895b08-8557-4389-aa7e-f7e7dac8fbe8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:20:45	824.890
-14	28686	2868600	b5afad46-1b7a-43d2-84b7-eeeba02e7af9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:02:56	-380.333
-14	57372	2868600	f7b7ab50-500f-4774-8ec0-d18f6959913e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:49:27	-465.636
-15	28687	2868700	dcce33ae-d4a0-433d-a1aa-2abef86ec4e5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:15:03	-489.988
-15	57374	2868700	0d5c84d0-5a2f-4aba-9b40-12bd1135de8f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:43:38	-612.728
-16	28688	2868800	65e9aa2f-5c75-4f4b-9e33-aa0daca5370f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:29:31	-160.368
-16	57376	2868800	f1c18e33-9782-4a77-a8c4-7a83f84326b8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:37:03	233.682
-17	28689	2868900	b2c5f267-29f6-4593-a09e-a2df02455632	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:36:03	312.89
-17	57378	2868900	97478f9b-bd93-4a4e-969c-8529a4bd2230	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:30:24	649.813
-18	28690	2869000	def55471-2d19-44db-9255-89b29790d912	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:35:02	954.905
-18	57380	2869000	e72fae2b-d494-4f3a-aeb4-7fde63ad2257	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:59:32	-662.468
-19	28691	2869100	a555f755-bae1-4f91-b2dc-135ce87aad02	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:57:06	-755.117
-19	57382	2869100	d22312cf-8625-40a3-89e0-22f8878e9b4a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:07:48	955.488
-20	28692	2869200	be4e62f4-a6ea-4ed7-875a-7d56d73531ca	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:41:47	-139.77
-20	57384	2869200	ca06bc0f-d8fc-4e39-ab46-054735898531	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:17:00	-709.585
-21	28693	2869300	6714009c-78a6-4116-bc45-35421a9974a5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:44:17	-797.215
-21	57386	2869300	1ed39cfd-e302-4fb6-b379-16de9b4e634f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:17:46	477.52
-22	28694	2869400	eed2a67b-763f-43ea-a0c2-329e0f9199f1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:54:10	-208.643
-22	57388	2869400	fa3650a4-1987-4bda-9a57-347625b9cafe	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:10:53	371.676
-23	28695	2869500	4a4afc85-03d0-4bb0-b742-928cecc6bc37	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:25:44	-170.963
-23	57390	2869500	ab4943bd-f9f1-4c71-b56b-d449c92cbc2d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:12:59	-576.952
-24	28696	2869600	56a9cd4c-bd4a-4b6d-9521-886932f99e9b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:33:54	12.199
-24	57392	2869600	e3c50a33-f0cb-4f57-9c0a-330be0224fd3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:36:31	-392.76
-25	28697	2869700	768c4a8a-732d-4af1-818e-9c1b2f1e7034	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:01:05	-576.286
-25	57394	2869700	a759cf44-ddae-4602-86f1-e96d37073897	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:31:36	-34.726
-26	28698	2869800	b156e731-9697-45e9-93b3-0a35c33d6953	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:05:15	654.448
-26	57396	2869800	e3e635c6-7991-4ce0-aef4-453c8f3c461e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:37:36	127.959
-27	28699	2869900	756e4cc3-5a4e-4315-ba8d-e8f475c4a243	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:17:47	197.588
-27	57398	2869900	12fa9892-eb37-4207-b0b5-93394547b1b1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:01:21	-836.837
-28	28700	2870000	81b979b0-661c-439c-8b5f-a78cb765f476	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:16:09	-489.553
-28	57400	2870000	59c69f1d-f8e7-4620-9bc4-c9c197191e43	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:40:47	438.124
-29	28701	2870100	95b33ee9-2b40-4ff9-8d5f-487d9f222328	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:39:07	719.582
-29	57402	2870100	f209dbfd-3da2-46f4-ab05-b72b6ec1d083	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:02:05	-609.771
-30	28702	2870200	7e51ac39-e997-4400-8fb9-643730fe2077	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:25:30	-464.501
-30	57404	2870200	bcb7c0eb-3c7a-4289-a240-9fbc488a0d61	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:50:55	-130.304
-31	28703	2870300	c0b2ce0d-2246-42f5-abb9-9d05808d97e8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:33:53	626.301
-31	57406	2870300	f673c728-f476-4a95-bc4a-92e5cca3bf5b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:56:05	899.270
-32	28704	2870400	751887a2-ebe9-415b-a4f5-c590cb2bed81	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:09:18	-868.691
-32	57408	2870400	e3630079-a451-4e86-a05f-2adb676d561b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:14:56	51.370
-33	28705	2870500	7d8ef926-1788-48fe-abc2-24fb34d50f41	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:49:03	-327.229
-33	57410	2870500	694730ef-7dba-4670-b5b9-1f5e7f5f51b8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:14:32	699.262
-34	28706	2870600	ae7145d4-121f-48ce-b403-8ba0ddf7c4c1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:18:19	488.857
-34	57412	2870600	b38666da-0ea7-4484-b14b-fd877cc69315	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:32:00	-13.84
-35	28707	2870700	8635d69e-00bf-40e3-b53a-e1351c7c7f92	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:03:40	993.211
-35	57414	2870700	71ff207e-227c-4688-b014-0f60b6ac6414	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:36:53	270.576
-36	28708	2870800	a07e8a8c-7609-4cbc-b5dd-b707db8f4d1a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:16:10	46.748
-36	57416	2870800	cfadb185-8318-4ca7-91e2-43b9e5fe5bc4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:09:07	-445.860
-37	28709	2870900	8c8574c0-c11d-4db3-b0ae-2bf41b46897e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:00:28	871.332
-37	57418	2870900	2ca2db3f-8c16-43e7-9521-8b9dc709c9c0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:13:37	925.490
-38	28710	2871000	c1fb83c1-fd35-4e38-8c18-1a370480a8f4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:29:10	118.138
-38	57420	2871000	de0887c6-cfb8-4934-81c8-137bc25351ab	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:45:07	-129.734
-39	28711	2871100	8f68d78d-e1a1-4b11-9645-e62762ece8f8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:58:16	-256.219
-39	57422	2871100	e03abc8e-3cdc-4f2e-9e0d-ee98396bfdaa	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:39:59	114.9
-40	28712	2871200	30b003dd-9511-4489-8d91-fc5d0e75a92a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:28:23	498.835
-40	57424	2871200	17588c57-24ba-44af-bef0-96f44b431d28	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:15:46	419.142
-41	28713	2871300	b0546872-86a3-4008-b990-d73554c026a9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:45:05	-913.821
-41	57426	2871300	083ade61-09b6-4162-aa3e-3783c40cea04	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:47:52	-772.141
-42	28714	2871400	63e09442-b534-4808-931b-d0fa93073e72	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:45:59	428.842
-42	57428	2871400	fce48676-68dd-419e-9e76-6f2bd57bbb6b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:17:29	216.870
-43	28715	2871500	d25ebfe7-74a7-4538-8285-f6f728d7907c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:30:30	-454.62
-43	57430	2871500	6d5779ba-baea-4537-9e7a-53440cfea7a6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:37:55	168.784
-44	28716	2871600	607fe219-06fb-4543-b187-84eef8372f19	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:01:56	55.922
-44	57432	2871600	75e34fa8-e617-49aa-b123-cc0437fbcb7c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:19:30	-878.95
-45	28717	2871700	767fcb5d-5b20-4abd-8e07-8537c44d896d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:42:30	-648.880
-45	57434	2871700	215aa0a1-0924-4e22-b6ff-603d02d9b7c0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:20:36	-376.72
-46	28718	2871800	bdb3e031-2421-4722-bbb0-e6f553df18d8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:19:17	-603.737
-46	57436	2871800	71394b90-adaa-49c3-bef2-200f90a28409	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:45:52	665.195
-47	28719	2871900	d408368d-68fe-4189-b318-359ee4e378e5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:53:04	-433.579
-47	57438	2871900	19b75ae5-f43e-46f4-9d10-8cb3c247ac6b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:34:24	263.827
-48	28720	2872000	c9b61897-ca4c-4e7d-bf09-d1d955f27847	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:46:02	407.898
-48	57440	2872000	d39ecec9-1730-436b-a96c-73e7307606a6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:08:12	-80.179
-49	28721	2872100	df0fa53b-f572-469f-a17f-4a773e471541	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:26:59	32.142
-49	57442	2872100	6698b979-dc16-4cb9-8a50-bf01cce48d44	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:04:35	66.530
-50	28722	2872200	83c3e012-514a-48ed-9276-e47ef4367c5d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:22:13	-339.503
-50	57444	2872200	2a383453-ab97-40bc-a468-019b05208ac6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:34:54	-817.581
-51	28723	2872300	aa44fcf7-3753-491f-b466-ab828d6885ba	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:58:43	-466.622
-51	57446	2872300	6b8275cc-5416-443b-bbae-d30a898ca7da	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:29:48	-611.247
-52	28724	2872400	53a494be-0c1e-4767-998d-6e48ead260af	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:19:51	-499.829
-52	57448	2872400	12a37b91-4344-4e9a-b574-eb2cfe5830fd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:18:59	-98.714
-53	28725	2872500	247f1bc8-42bf-4cfb-bb7c-51fa58ce73e7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:50:11	-253.58
-53	57450	2872500	cca2441c-1ae5-4c65-9a9d-87b88437c30c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:25:15	333.419
-54	28726	2872600	5f6f87f4-71fa-4294-8284-27f25253b82e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:58:51	814.736
-54	57452	2872600	eba8b675-d4f2-4fd2-a7b0-7dceb30e7448	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:44:35	590.689
-55	28727	2872700	978ca096-e646-4ce5-9251-943e5b20967a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:47:22	287.268
-55	57454	2872700	c54c6c77-8504-458f-96df-b9c10afdfb09	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:47:38	777.656
-56	28728	2872800	ba3b9b9e-90c7-4d67-8627-3825a578842e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:19:34	-82.85
-56	57456	2872800	771161fb-8484-4c85-919f-7f66a55e8ba0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:38:52	916.35
-57	28729	2872900	aabb86e0-94e7-49f7-b414-2485e3110713	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:15:54	144.743
-57	57458	2872900	566afd2e-9829-4a52-8a17-4a827463b2e4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:23:47	-651.422
-58	28730	2873000	7cf867ff-c323-4df0-a3e4-bf0c65530d47	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:15:05	85.856
-58	57460	2873000	3abeca22-03be-49b6-b556-5d8db5e878d4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:14:51	-785.209
-59	28731	2873100	2fbbb6fa-a088-4f25-92b9-f293c5d5a898	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:56:20	-601.531
-59	57462	2873100	6a4c1485-a2c9-4f1b-a82b-70c82945d814	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:43:34	-767.458
-60	28732	2873200	66b9b70e-aff3-4892-8b7a-b3b72484c351	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:40:08	-695.552
-60	57464	2873200	e08248d4-b0b3-457b-8e4b-2441002db7da	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:34:40	-953.300
-61	28733	2873300	c0e21c68-b73b-403f-bac4-1438654283f4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:27:40	905.303
-61	57466	2873300	54d12454-5504-403c-bcae-f5764cc9949c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:19:48	-855.753
-62	28734	2873400	fb172622-8a64-4b7a-b31c-19a26292f059	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:13:10	843.640
-62	57468	2873400	ad5d2f92-60b2-4645-9880-3448a799bcd2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:48:24	143.162
-63	28735	2873500	5c722140-d5fc-4959-a8e2-21475d98fa7d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:17:30	-68.952
-63	57470	2873500	63a6c485-e816-4355-84de-85d5b6663d4d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:19:31	8.243
-64	28736	2873600	4e2d8ae0-52a3-44e1-9a97-48ca9f6804fa	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:20:51	-539.252
-64	57472	2873600	71011881-c1a7-4ff7-b992-e5e60caf7025	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:49:27	-420.580
-65	28737	2873700	f36d225c-e526-427f-becf-81408852edec	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:13:07	509.798
-65	57474	2873700	45d6a033-e786-4c90-be0e-08d8842aba5e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:19:18	973.264
-66	28738	2873800	cd28f080-40b2-46a7-b597-f6503bd0042a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:31:47	566.900
-66	57476	2873800	9e8b7139-d013-4aff-85d5-2fdb74e55cef	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:52:53	-98.139
-67	28739	2873900	ca19fa45-b18c-4eb8-ac2f-54e470521bcb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:44:14	-202.794
-67	57478	2873900	79749b9f-467e-4497-ae0d-c6505aeebe40	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:52:31	-376.660
-68	28740	2874000	1259e079-6b9c-4203-82ed-a2096409032f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:40:26	704.825
-68	57480	2874000	32f4ed7d-8078-47c3-9df1-45cff437e3d6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:56:47	-785.554
-69	28741	2874100	468ec55d-9048-4c68-9312-0a49afe318c1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:10:48	-916.978
-69	57482	2874100	fe6903d1-e5b1-4301-b943-04cbff364fff	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:12:03	-462.183
-70	28742	2874200	9ec7bac1-88aa-4d3e-be28-d5020a9cc63f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:51:57	-960.364
-70	57484	2874200	86cde4c2-0598-4079-a4d7-be2e7626fcb1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:32:44	-43.498
-71	28743	2874300	d57a20ea-49d1-427d-8b0c-66e05ac88fbd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:25:47	762.916
-71	57486	2874300	7059a53a-6723-42e5-aa37-373cdb9f0d3a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:17:13	-578.194
-72	28744	2874400	52375dc9-5779-4d1f-9e47-86dee35b4b75	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:23:49	753.872
-72	57488	2874400	7ac586c5-1f8a-4d2d-b834-d3ba857d942a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:16:12	755.674
-73	28745	2874500	c9849f2b-a0ce-4ecf-8a9a-61847a6de5ed	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:07:03	786.898
-73	57490	2874500	78cf83ba-5e90-4fea-83c8-21d3486c20e3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:34:59	-144.395
-74	28746	2874600	289ba628-5e9a-49b5-946d-547575d68273	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:10:39	791.623
-74	57492	2874600	23b61589-48ee-4581-96c5-5ac88ee2d2bd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:43:58	-725.251
-75	28747	2874700	bfdeb4d0-9799-45a0-aac0-e93bfbe52e11	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:56:16	26.899
-75	57494	2874700	30ec7cca-0d2b-4b9c-9a79-9adfcbce97e6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:33:42	-804.284
-76	28748	2874800	cdd3c829-46a7-4339-9faa-901da80d8727	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:48:05	-379.873
-76	57496	2874800	b6a00db4-0889-4489-9b93-1d4a3342b91f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:21:38	501.744
-77	28749	2874900	becc21f0-c52d-4215-9384-5d36b5452662	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:35:29	941.607
-77	57498	2874900	464b5165-b9c5-4b77-bb70-a8d6445fd4a6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:08:30	841.755
-78	28750	2875000	1ccf48f4-9489-4a39-955a-9c6fe230f67a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:48:05	-783.848
-78	57500	2875000	d27e3d8d-ede8-44fe-8d2c-d78a767762b2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:03:00	-151.460
-79	28751	2875100	20a82033-2409-43a2-9764-11fafdac20ce	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:20:32	-545.431
-79	57502	2875100	32824290-3170-423e-a08d-7416ffa0c84e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:29:58	28.179
-80	28752	2875200	3b41d56c-61ec-4f9e-99c3-b0ee98cb3555	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:13:27	955.49
-80	57504	2875200	147ecec3-f215-4053-ad80-19f25132c045	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:18:54	-809.402
-81	28753	2875300	bfd0a8e7-5d00-4233-af1c-1a3ade8f6b28	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:18:48	781.149
-81	57506	2875300	77932c5e-34ed-4ca1-be70-ccc1bc466730	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:53:11	421.381
-82	28754	2875400	c9eb6e90-d5e0-4b1d-b8c4-5605dd702acf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:48:31	85.613
-82	57508	2875400	6e91ca8b-8329-45be-872f-3f84e6f9113a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:33:52	611.732
-83	28755	2875500	28ea3de7-68de-4ed6-961e-689221dad3f1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:39:24	910.739
-83	57510	2875500	d491a791-a66f-469b-8134-0b4dbb84b89b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:15:55	-309.428
-84	28756	2875600	274c4acc-df7b-4b04-8277-1098f0284c53	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:57:16	884.649
-84	57512	2875600	2c1c0ca4-5044-4290-8e48-5283b3990b92	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:29:12	-922.748
-85	28757	2875700	168e9497-87e9-4152-b82e-70d98ccaad71	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:39:20	900.117
-85	57514	2875700	029420ff-c6ac-4403-bcf2-e37eaac5b811	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:15:24	330.814
-86	28758	2875800	a8046fdc-e776-45b6-ae0d-a2290b80e6ad	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:21:04	769.904
-86	57516	2875800	bc21bb37-01c9-4557-89d0-20be2cebc8fb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:42:12	-423.703
-87	28759	2875900	6ae560b6-aa7a-4256-ae12-9c6d778cb08e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:24:31	-374.733
-87	57518	2875900	f8268712-e2b1-4b13-b881-4449750e0b0b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:33:26	197.898
-88	28760	2876000	03fc04ad-5310-469b-bed9-b99c79f42a1a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:05:57	-51.497
-88	57520	2876000	43248808-97b9-4d73-85c5-90e5a85790d3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:36:23	884.133
-89	28761	2876100	4811eafc-a2b3-461d-89b4-3e220b55d716	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:06:26	400.553
-89	57522	2876100	3428cea5-a9e3-4152-a360-e9b76a9e0929	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:00:51	93.184
-90	28762	2876200	06c23035-642a-498e-9b61-f06dee41dce2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:35:10	897.581
-90	57524	2876200	d266c200-c9f6-4481-a29d-7908cc6bc8da	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:37:12	734.472
-91	28763	2876300	2cc4a17b-d376-4c36-96f2-38ec12b5c1a3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:28:27	-38.986
-91	57526	2876300	ced9cad8-927b-4c42-85b5-813b3c931ad0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:40:04	337.217
-92	28764	2876400	9834c5af-5e39-4e2b-8ed7-ab4db2e90c5c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:04:30	-231.899
-92	57528	2876400	834a1bdb-3ed0-4233-9886-ddf54b559ef4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:27:14	-312.520
-93	28765	2876500	56463fa4-753b-432a-a025-5c8924df8d25	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:11:13	804.108
-93	57530	2876500	702d0f11-8836-4117-8ebf-7359706048d2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:16:20	530.658
-94	28766	2876600	0399fa69-a972-48bb-8f10-e41351383b6e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:47:07	-504.198
-94	57532	2876600	f1a7ff3b-bd7f-4771-9fb5-d13686c86fa3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:58:26	522.592
-95	28767	2876700	a2e39bee-f503-44bd-ba83-71cd59fcdbde	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:30:28	663.851
-95	57534	2876700	4a906bc2-8545-4636-8912-78cbca998916	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:25:21	523.419
-96	28768	2876800	df88cf84-e096-44f8-9c80-e504d9822b0e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:15:48	343.906
-96	57536	2876800	5735db87-6d4e-4097-9114-fc22a7107944	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:26:03	-333.17
-97	28769	2876900	c29c7d93-0e29-4a60-83d9-6025ed63e8f2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:53:29	-643.862
-97	57538	2876900	ccdc6252-7b2e-40e6-bdfb-c4b3c5230731	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:36:24	-999.430
-98	28770	2877000	35b4d77c-94ec-425f-8b69-5776e2889851	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:42:07	-472.174
-98	57540	2877000	42ed35ed-7da6-4c7c-ad4d-ba06f2e7df2f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:33:42	-568.581
-99	28771	2877100	59eaf9d7-b98c-496b-9b69-1c67588d2e12	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:48:21	776.964
-99	57542	2877100	7e722dac-b055-4938-800b-1929aa3283f0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:40:04	371.339
-100	28772	2877200	09f8d644-cf16-4166-963e-dec3e11cd49a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:18:35	-965.837
-100	57544	2877200	8b24d622-6148-40b9-92be-79e70e8eb950	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:43:42	-905.114
-101	28773	2877300	48fe0051-2852-4445-9cd6-7b8575d81441	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:25:42	178.209
-101	57546	2877300	148ceb37-7f8d-4549-a6c5-d89794f6bfcb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:26:12	-999.852
-102	28774	2877400	5162bfec-2a5a-49ce-a050-4693e0ebb742	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:11:24	560.700
-102	57548	2877400	3f209f73-1f13-4b5e-95e1-6e386f91e031	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:58:54	379.319
-103	28775	2877500	99bd4a93-8c07-4211-ad0e-d2b87374de83	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:29:41	266.665
-103	57550	2877500	cb3a85ea-960f-4795-9d6a-84d710ed0996	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:05:42	-144.27
-104	28776	2877600	82e1ebfe-e0e7-4bc6-9684-1f0c91afb803	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:08:43	333.497
-104	57552	2877600	aebde84f-f40b-4302-bb81-cb95dc655107	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:06:45	-727.900
-105	28777	2877700	6174560b-251a-4713-9c46-9a2e99ef9ba0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:14:24	-929.97
-105	57554	2877700	60bef6d7-6891-46d8-a8c3-636ea06bc3b2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:05:55	592.345
-106	28778	2877800	7d92680f-c6a1-44ca-be52-c76dd5234855	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:32:38	697.937
-106	57556	2877800	3b3f8c06-d890-48a8-8d08-d09bb10d27ff	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:57:31	-681.397
-107	28779	2877900	c710f190-0a3e-449c-a81d-c9bf346e71cb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:28:28	654.520
-107	57558	2877900	bbe7a4f7-d0d1-4c2b-a34e-474c62f24d58	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:23:26	-373.0
-108	28780	2878000	6a58adf5-4154-44ec-a257-e25e6f4ae5c7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:10:38	-647.941
-108	57560	2878000	b4574829-1002-4063-be49-c6bc65d60ec4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:09:11	-658.290
-109	28781	2878100	19f080d7-dbf9-4627-a5b8-7ec6c7d2a2fe	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:16:55	-113.984
-109	57562	2878100	1297cb71-17ed-452b-a37f-4f88a35bb1c5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:59:42	-118.631
-110	28782	2878200	8731cc7e-b7ce-4d85-af7b-0b4707eea46b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:48:36	301.119
-110	57564	2878200	c72c2c9f-0cbe-472e-ade9-69129ede905c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:26:49	-255.969
-111	28783	2878300	819a9e7c-b5df-4b3e-93c9-e9581522e2b8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:17:00	917.402
-111	57566	2878300	04277e6c-09e9-4d78-b5b3-29f350be9572	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:10:32	859.605
-112	28784	2878400	052373fa-4d34-4052-a9f8-fe6434b85c3d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:15:00	-582.751
-112	57568	2878400	76f9216e-8eeb-42d2-ad0a-cef005e7f19e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:38:05	-992.630
-113	28785	2878500	39d28790-6989-463a-a89e-e2ffa6a8b8a1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:56:50	657.510
-113	57570	2878500	d1bf5fee-273d-466d-8346-b9bb41575258	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:11:05	327.246
-114	28786	2878600	c9d59567-854f-47c1-a9a9-ed1747b3b556	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:06:41	-480.498
-114	57572	2878600	1e7c70ac-69a5-42e0-aecd-3e267cce22ca	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:05:15	-390.745
-115	28787	2878700	90c0ce51-b9c5-486e-87a6-99a73536773d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:55:48	-211.821
-115	57574	2878700	d0c868c1-b37e-439d-9422-e88560f384d5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:30:32	246.868
-116	28788	2878800	34fc6f4c-ed31-448b-b1db-254ecef2a13b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:28:35	928.248
-116	57576	2878800	787e1552-9f8f-471f-8846-62c2d4ee1f70	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:00:59	713.609
-117	28789	2878900	31642695-6a30-4cf7-85bd-0451ebbbd729	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:57:46	438.533
-117	57578	2878900	35688901-a0d9-469f-90a9-d3ba90bd0027	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:49:36	-457.3
-118	28790	2879000	40af47bc-999a-481d-99aa-f3568300aa39	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:43:52	-743.525
-118	57580	2879000	2c65119f-2151-477c-816f-7b7f82b60819	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:35:05	858.790
-119	28791	2879100	d55429aa-15f0-48ef-bbfb-d149b7023b9f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:39:54	-416.831
-119	57582	2879100	1de66169-0c6c-49ef-8aac-868d7ed141ae	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:35:11	16.709
-120	28792	2879200	d87280ff-f486-45ff-a60e-68ecec20b7cb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:47:11	116.451
-120	57584	2879200	041af0e9-aa15-4599-b2ab-1006b9767e01	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:11:15	-44.48
-121	28793	2879300	191d5ba6-f01a-449a-88fd-b37e3b1beffe	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:29:11	544.266
-121	57586	2879300	17f4f591-bd66-40aa-8656-e8ce314f5f08	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:24:24	-965.769
-122	28794	2879400	ed495bf5-ef4d-4e8e-bf3a-ef55f6c32e6d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:26:56	455.838
-122	57588	2879400	f0d2f311-1421-4edd-984e-3df9f017042c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:46:09	-851.407
-123	28795	2879500	35372f9c-cca6-4a3f-99c9-82b05d70e6bc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:10:54	553.611
-123	57590	2879500	53392832-92a0-4e76-91bb-bce7854fd02d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:57:34	-459.605
-124	28796	2879600	df2ddc51-4f7a-4ce5-a376-296d5778342a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:50:06	742.334
-124	57592	2879600	9a2b7bb4-88d5-455a-b0e5-5a1754cc3587	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:19:10	-712.971
-125	28797	2879700	b48af06d-27c7-4846-9ad0-2ab6e9078929	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:15:02	339.536
-125	57594	2879700	9b51afac-be0a-4ff7-b5ef-5c829e486e3b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:20:10	522.601
-126	28798	2879800	1f8e3d5b-2e52-400d-9385-2eb94400f5e7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:36:46	126.731
-126	57596	2879800	8907d7f5-6a72-4233-b5d0-7d70ddf4dc84	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:58:26	-446.143
-127	28799	2879900	fea69aef-b6aa-4a36-806c-8fa2ef9c6de7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:50:48	-399.443
-127	57598	2879900	af5514af-8a2b-4057-abc5-5551f57fb670	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:55:21	751.749
-0	28800	2880000	0866539f-91cb-46bd-a2b0-c193b9a1b0bd	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:54:03	384.2
-0	57600	2880000	9d92da1c-ca59-49ea-892d-2d9429db6583	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:57:00	910.408
-1	28801	2880100	b8369663-9271-43f8-ad73-6c58fee2bead	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:14:58	-577.298
-1	57602	2880100	68e109db-5c85-4c89-ab73-dd43432f5aa6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:49:32	-999.434
-2	28802	2880200	82eb015f-c727-4ed1-a4af-b857308a9510	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:21:35	-305.671
-2	57604	2880200	7378f5f7-cb68-475a-8040-f7428f2207d9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:02:33	174.280
-3	28803	2880300	d6c8b4ec-7438-46c4-aeee-cace5de990de	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:05:47	-318.794
-3	57606	2880300	a8ff1680-5e56-429f-acb3-96cd3f41196a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:49:05	499.292
-4	28804	2880400	d6c89e39-9596-442f-a7db-99a9d04f4e07	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:27:49	490.381
-4	57608	2880400	381636b0-8165-424f-9092-4e49100ff073	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:39:19	-41.375
-5	28805	2880500	5c0a0950-d7e3-4cbb-a4eb-486b8a639d30	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:40:21	476.811
-5	57610	2880500	2db8939b-e9f8-4042-9fc2-dbcedfe77518	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:18:26	-989.542
-6	28806	2880600	b2944d38-2c22-48c0-8d13-1939a559183e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:50:13	81.120
-6	57612	2880600	2f280757-5b05-4499-811b-d3d4e7ebbbdd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:35:08	693.174
-7	28807	2880700	6157a2a2-c429-4927-b074-98de816ef2dd	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:06:24	64.674
-7	57614	2880700	b4c6811f-f735-426d-ba22-339624165b7c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:51:57	-245.153
-8	28808	2880800	84aace87-daec-4a97-95b9-2f2c600bb15d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:23:25	-567.16
-8	57616	2880800	4a9fcc63-e0c9-49ef-a916-e11ca4ff5064	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:38:55	-768.235
-9	28809	2880900	bcca76b8-4422-4c01-84ef-1f352e7eeb10	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:06:39	-204.494
-9	57618	2880900	058bbc91-2f39-46e5-9abe-2c3309b4d1f8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:05:39	766.666
-10	28810	2881000	dcb944f8-70ef-4e9b-9722-5fab8c530d0f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:37:39	733.139
-10	57620	2881000	1ccdcd36-6541-4ec6-a9ff-5e7620785cf6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:48:51	657.88
-11	28811	2881100	1f63ab56-eecd-49e1-a004-d8523e53a39a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:35:01	-874.963
-11	57622	2881100	3c2546b7-5eb2-4bec-b9f7-e8b3e0c4853c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:39:23	22.784
-12	28812	2881200	6b7cab01-9def-489f-a820-0af197521dac	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:00:45	369.186
-12	57624	2881200	39ed5d27-e7ad-43c4-a92c-2733419c3935	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:45:32	575.376
-13	28813	2881300	ab357eb5-a69d-4732-88d3-5c2c7af73f35	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:03:26	638.557
-13	57626	2881300	7789d11e-1a6e-479e-b679-54ad5706fa82	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:28:32	692.421
-14	28814	2881400	4948876f-a26d-4c07-8c6c-4810f2073f7f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:50:56	-420.688
-14	57628	2881400	322bce1b-8faa-4245-bb18-b7e0eddbdf86	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:38:05	109.214
-15	28815	2881500	cb072f02-21c7-4908-9493-a6fce70f7d99	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:29:06	-141.186
-15	57630	2881500	37eea6f0-3ad0-4a5a-a915-55d7ba3f6c30	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:33:28	-848.227
-16	28816	2881600	b90b6c58-51ba-4914-b37d-ff118e518083	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:49:16	-145.964
-16	57632	2881600	dbcce27a-3db5-4143-8c0e-62d82917e088	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:57:01	-816.635
-17	28817	2881700	3882c8b8-f871-499e-ab81-8094f43f334b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:11:54	30.443
-17	57634	2881700	cd20156c-2410-4820-adb9-26da23b74052	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:09:18	548.65
-18	28818	2881800	529407eb-1df1-45c3-8c2a-1c9669d1ecc4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:11:11	809.340
-18	57636	2881800	d34e1a1d-08ea-4043-9895-6500804ad158	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:57:37	-19.626
-19	28819	2881900	9beb6463-44b6-4834-9d58-d4fa183e46a8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:38:44	930.736
-19	57638	2881900	c45fd5d7-d361-43ac-8c47-dc76a08e1390	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:32:07	12.667
-20	28820	2882000	a0d9de65-395e-4064-95d8-ad655ee30816	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:28:19	423.749
-20	57640	2882000	cf0c032c-5112-4045-b8db-09a2bc380229	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:21:26	-776.801
-21	28821	2882100	500fcb2a-ace7-4d4e-9e3a-bfad6a219d63	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:29:35	469.52
-21	57642	2882100	eb97a3fe-6819-4213-b35d-95cb443dd9e2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:25:21	755.437
-22	28822	2882200	06c6a223-e72c-407d-bc2d-d28d4702e29f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:23:52	672.872
-22	57644	2882200	d260a518-d605-4f3d-b879-a54b9514d2ae	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:12:57	815.328
-23	28823	2882300	b443c1cc-07aa-43c7-8217-9fed423a39ce	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:00:23	121.909
-23	57646	2882300	df5cf5b7-ae2b-46bf-9aca-93f840c35616	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:32:08	667.178
-24	28824	2882400	1f2ec943-65e3-4949-a2d6-3f023fe2a287	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:43:46	8.393
-24	57648	2882400	6284f17c-5e85-449f-a0af-5fafbcb12ba8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:12:56	836.106
-25	28825	2882500	3154c407-85f0-4a04-9bfa-c6c34ca2031b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:24:38	351.369
-25	57650	2882500	f6fa3cfc-f02f-469b-99ec-105e1d72d9c3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:17:10	-600.52
-26	28826	2882600	c516eb9f-05df-4702-84db-b5b14d4ec36e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:44:22	352.368
-26	57652	2882600	a84db3f3-ffa9-4ed2-9579-92ca707c5bae	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:02:39	812.37
-27	28827	2882700	7dfa0d17-321f-45a6-b010-7e02f6c6534e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:36:47	-153.1
-27	57654	2882700	9ae2811c-dd76-46c9-8ba0-18153f8943c9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:36:29	551.557
-28	28828	2882800	c8d3aa99-6383-4125-af1d-7a47b12d84d2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:26:37	-212.676
-28	57656	2882800	94d7d1c5-03a9-48a7-8ae4-108d997c9e78	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:35:59	-382.13
-29	28829	2882900	4b3ea2dc-9d52-4ba6-bb54-c965f31433ea	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:31:40	-397.620
-29	57658	2882900	47328ccd-b6f7-4027-ab24-bd1c03504aec	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:41:41	126.134
-30	28830	2883000	cc4530a8-5092-46ee-b297-c2c2f77c4513	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:23:44	992.134
-30	57660	2883000	9d05b05f-7b0e-4dc8-bf6e-457419fac4af	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:46:59	-929.37
-31	28831	2883100	af7f5f3f-58fd-435c-9e49-981378323f0b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:16:25	180.169
-31	57662	2883100	1ff7e2db-e1c1-425e-83ec-fce6eb0f45f0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:00:07	-685.992
-32	28832	2883200	ec9eb0ee-c49a-42dd-a4a9-0e5af0001a3b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:40:15	479.726
-32	57664	2883200	efef75de-b491-4092-8552-a58fb62f1573	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:14:30	-117.284
-33	28833	2883300	c308f439-0a59-40b3-ba4c-0f9372aff1d4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:37:24	-676.366
-33	57666	2883300	eef1cb31-3e6c-4c84-b3df-497f224355b4	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:45:06	892.732
-34	28834	2883400	3ea5f914-fc69-4da8-b26d-e2ab3c786627	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:30:26	-688.999
-34	57668	2883400	01f63905-7c98-455e-9b6d-348a40b80314	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:10:30	-520.67
-35	28835	2883500	fa86df01-a56e-4d33-9606-6f376e3ffdea	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:57:57	639.119
-35	57670	2883500	30db7371-3013-4d07-8530-666ccd700cba	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:56:07	-425.565
-36	28836	2883600	150aaf49-d575-4d7d-a4b8-436ba6e76b13	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:23:36	967.787
-36	57672	2883600	5b30edfd-04d6-4a9f-9fa6-df93706ebdb7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:42:20	952.311
-37	28837	2883700	d043aea6-08ff-48c4-80e4-cf17752de7c5	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:51:56	-831.282
-37	57674	2883700	02e561d3-37cb-4d95-8d18-07a3dd791e2e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:06:20	-517.619
-38	28838	2883800	02f64bf8-d6c1-455d-b0ff-f027289b29a7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:44:14	-61.183
-38	57676	2883800	aa5476f9-4d3a-4b18-97c3-fa0cd1677580	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:12:29	-648.391
-39	28839	2883900	0f74af3c-f1d0-4506-b610-c6af19e177d1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:11:53	-210.352
-39	57678	2883900	826033b5-1803-4903-b87e-1603bba0ba91	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:22:34	-111.348
-40	28840	2884000	62d7635c-9923-4d63-82f9-7af43a9b69f1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:34:27	901.596
-40	57680	2884000	7dc481a0-3510-49be-827e-40061f96e3dc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:19:00	527.475
-41	28841	2884100	b3ddee61-7d11-4972-9cf8-58725e6fe052	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:00:20	-349.983
-41	57682	2884100	3d3e7b22-f549-4ef1-ae1e-527569f68c68	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:26:36	994.481
-42	28842	2884200	2ac6a804-75ae-4c2c-9407-34e808e810fc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:30:27	441.725
-42	57684	2884200	fb029af3-f0bd-4605-88bb-8439802ef62a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:58:05	488.572
-43	28843	2884300	7c241392-b188-49e4-8e49-1a6077492856	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:27:46	-557.979
-43	57686	2884300	7b320bcd-026f-4ee0-933f-4e15d3a78da4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:24:33	748.681
-44	28844	2884400	78ae1391-b84b-47f6-8e8f-232e532628c3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:04:58	753.528
-44	57688	2884400	442e01cf-e021-4b3a-a428-f240bc26068c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:58:15	190.435
-45	28845	2884500	5e6f60ab-0e54-4942-80ed-6cd66cbaf302	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:25:42	63.992
-45	57690	2884500	f525e7de-428c-46bb-ab55-3d656540a320	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:54:41	227.872
-46	28846	2884600	62b140c7-fcef-4c44-89a1-2f683f53b5b6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:31:13	-702.885
-46	57692	2884600	40ecbe1c-c728-4244-a532-7c5e17263209	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:38:57	-885.939
-47	28847	2884700	69607c37-42c0-4a8f-9577-267bf0588333	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:12:08	-857.988
-47	57694	2884700	57d3b38f-3a48-483d-a69d-854add337fc2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:54:51	804.500
-48	28848	2884800	b01fccc1-3a60-416d-b142-a4d3efcb03a8	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:12:08	-246.244
-48	57696	2884800	96cbce57-d318-4237-8afc-b588749d079e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:07:42	-251.57
-49	28849	2884900	2e9d8257-a656-470b-b684-9d1f2bf803a3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:48:23	-60.181
-49	57698	2884900	f5b7f2c9-1b71-4810-a699-6e4a7aae8bcb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:08:21	649.725
-50	28850	2885000	14ebe274-f970-49f2-af04-335501974cbb	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:09:35	327.820
-50	57700	2885000	ca598c9c-c275-495b-a033-ff7eb8a30a80	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:10:13	883.847
-51	28851	2885100	381eb827-b2c9-4cbc-a14d-3f3a459aed33	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:04:27	-825.26
-51	57702	2885100	12852171-88ae-4fce-84a0-7edd581c0c63	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:09:57	133.239
-52	28852	2885200	7539d3de-6420-4985-8b10-f6e05f8e9224	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:48:06	971.123
-52	57704	2885200	2dc38a86-5e44-4e52-b4c0-4e265c63d783	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:35:31	58.73
-53	28853	2885300	4b8ee230-ceae-4190-9ab6-5398a202fa9b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:08:45	-420.696
-53	57706	2885300	593553fa-2ed3-40bb-96dc-29dd88b271bb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:08:44	-783.335
-54	28854	2885400	0c18b67a-0dfa-489e-a693-a9d879304c12	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:23:29	268.999
-54	57708	2885400	5bcd887a-b850-466c-a596-2ca114909bad	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:06:44	-441.319
-55	28855	2885500	109d8e76-a1dd-476e-86cd-5edaa178df90	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:21:03	-928.519
-55	57710	2885500	bfb81df8-e4d1-4311-9330-817a86b5e073	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:15:54	-138.348
-56	28856	2885600	4013349a-ad7e-4b79-886d-473c8dcb7365	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:29:45	-217.192
-56	57712	2885600	b73bfd3c-80c2-42ad-926a-10aa677f1659	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:58:49	278.893
-57	28857	2885700	05856912-a270-4856-baf6-1b90353d65ab	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:12:45	-619.131
-57	57714	2885700	50daf9e3-9fcf-432f-b6d9-225203dccdd0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:25:26	39.384
-58	28858	2885800	fa94ba0e-05ab-4e49-a6ad-11696ead79d5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:27:01	215.155
-58	57716	2885800	6f34a8bc-0373-413b-9239-0dcd1bf33c02	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:25:21	691.713
-59	28859	2885900	1a8a4e6e-a509-4157-9758-d1e3a4eeaab7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:34:53	361.977
-59	57718	2885900	af881063-6491-4bde-8e19-58697a823ca4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:01:36	186.662
-60	28860	2886000	16bfd42d-df71-4e45-a024-3d0852e01f5a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:59:37	-825.495
-60	57720	2886000	80dcead2-3818-4534-9793-332a9b334ea8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:10:48	-25.344
-61	28861	2886100	5b8a320b-2811-4f68-a89c-8d9b36fab4f3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:57:59	-802.206
-61	57722	2886100	571d30c0-1a57-45d4-b113-c07a84c7a772	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:47:01	-82.435
-62	28862	2886200	4ccafdc8-222c-4f1b-a0bf-069d51b4e8ef	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:41:09	-824.735
-62	57724	2886200	167aa9a9-fb03-4c3d-bc8c-5a2b0b8aa11a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:00:30	-115.888
-63	28863	2886300	186ff74d-82d3-4e6f-ba9d-b6e9da9b6f31	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:58:15	229.703
-63	57726	2886300	d0cc9553-c45f-4a5e-af5a-34e81de697bb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:22:43	793.329
-64	28864	2886400	4498c86a-9943-4694-b1b0-4ef10477659c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:30:04	829.227
-64	57728	2886400	2f91a88b-9d83-4169-a8d4-d6e32c33e943	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:15:11	653.753
-65	28865	2886500	68e73082-46d5-4d09-8384-6d1fd7ed1dc4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:04:30	144.294
-65	57730	2886500	5d115eaf-51eb-4218-ad4c-21ea87bd99aa	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:16:56	845.570
-66	28866	2886600	1c4d6e5d-88c2-4284-860b-0a23bd37e012	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:56:50	649.19
-66	57732	2886600	094b7858-cf6d-4deb-8012-3e768d2fc089	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:42:58	139.34
-67	28867	2886700	949ea070-2fc1-43d7-a6ed-df7bc0630f3f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:47:27	811.598
-67	57734	2886700	69a6a534-a998-4ec7-af81-11b9eb66252d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:21:08	-475.757
-68	28868	2886800	abddd427-10ce-4c0e-9802-06ec8a0c35b7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:46:14	381.962
-68	57736	2886800	9e54984d-f611-4144-b788-efa8301d479c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:20:33	-775.473
-69	28869	2886900	36844d09-552a-4a10-98dd-f9f2f3c7b6c1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:01:38	684.784
-69	57738	2886900	657b017c-6e26-45b2-8a30-2d07c0ce8a99	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:41:16	37.121
-70	28870	2887000	24481d88-e2f1-4ce0-afd5-7709c36789c6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:51:23	-921.193
-70	57740	2887000	c7508f07-1423-49dd-8d0a-1ae0e12880a2	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:49:08	746.200
-71	28871	2887100	043cf198-086c-4b15-bf1c-4b3dd45bc3ad	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:52:44	-901.610
-71	57742	2887100	1ec162cc-07c6-4d76-b3bd-33ebc062d067	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:06:11	-543.685
-72	28872	2887200	2f83dd9c-c11e-434c-bde3-6706821a17b6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:50:08	-69.468
-72	57744	2887200	4903a929-bf45-4303-9d67-fcd76c471eae	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:29:50	-928.633
-73	28873	2887300	1be29595-015e-42a0-83bd-c031821aafdc	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:00:53	153.240
-73	57746	2887300	354e8b8c-a366-458a-b03e-ab0b68f6867e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:15:47	859.643
-74	28874	2887400	d7e993bc-c674-4156-89df-34b022492e07	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:48:12	-553.43
-74	57748	2887400	97da9217-8e8f-4707-a3a4-51ce1a8fe624	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:22:18	-984.971
-75	28875	2887500	fdf15cee-6c3a-4b09-b69f-91ebde3016d4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:09:11	-36.945
-75	57750	2887500	5e162372-842c-495e-aefd-748831b2ff75	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:54:32	473.980
-76	28876	2887600	77d94146-54d5-478c-be87-91d441e5ae7c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:02:39	-867.373
-76	57752	2887600	979b7f04-1fc1-4e2c-80b4-76eb7ec16f95	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:15:47	-532.416
-77	28877	2887700	c08ef0aa-a009-4c46-b601-f11315f606e0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:35:34	25.892
-77	57754	2887700	e1f95a40-5aa9-4e7e-b909-1d9f1206e52f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:42:08	-160.461
-78	28878	2887800	b2c9e757-52ed-4945-ada9-ad57c98cedbf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:22:36	479.542
-78	57756	2887800	d72f6549-02e4-4681-a895-cf59410c7e6b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:47:08	-412.637
-79	28879	2887900	3f24ee2f-d3e8-4bc4-b098-3d5201a3d0f3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:02:17	766.201
-79	57758	2887900	532980e8-9ba9-4bee-83c0-d306654a6e5f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:22:56	-75.607
-80	28880	2888000	4a474c03-3f07-47ea-a7dc-215eefd56562	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:17:24	-160.990
-80	57760	2888000	37040f43-140f-4c97-bf13-70a0c70f55fc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:44:13	-468.663
-81	28881	2888100	db20030e-5ba5-4ac3-8d7e-ae39e0a36503	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:06:35	38.676
-81	57762	2888100	51724f6e-cfc5-4d6e-be5a-8eec69b65c64	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:13:55	-250.905
-82	28882	2888200	8be2d1cc-bcd5-4dbe-86d9-0782372ca085	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:11:49	319.338
-82	57764	2888200	72edf19f-f5da-434a-8889-a179ff3f86f6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:59:59	541.450
-83	28883	2888300	f9a909a2-fce2-497f-aa3a-dc4e716f26ca	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:42:40	713.394
-83	57766	2888300	1a996c19-f85b-4432-80b8-151505e24c1f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:00:47	-659.317
-84	28884	2888400	08597c1c-2624-40d3-a86c-9ddd778fd6f7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:31:36	795.519
-84	57768	2888400	70f898b5-c413-46e6-bac1-2d7d24b41bf8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:51:25	-709.802
-85	28885	2888500	f5793efd-21b4-45f9-96e6-e568f6243983	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:22:07	-492.68
-85	57770	2888500	a32c9305-20b7-4f0e-9a9c-3f63e56012bc	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:32:27	349.479
-86	28886	2888600	6eb51666-dabb-4e36-8cfe-8156a54cb204	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:27:06	208.547
-86	57772	2888600	401d7b06-efc8-4ff6-93fb-8b62e422ec41	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:49:38	-859.497
-87	28887	2888700	c0737c59-02b1-4737-8190-45ad73cdac61	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:16:54	528.495
-87	57774	2888700	789dd177-8222-4a2e-b300-fcd53a1821d7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:29:12	611.512
-88	28888	2888800	70d5bce2-69f3-4e61-a38c-5a03c21e59d6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:59:10	191.772
-88	57776	2888800	acbb7535-7553-41a6-956c-90b08de25e5f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:38:32	4.677
-89	28889	2888900	f6985f06-26e3-4c16-8b20-61ebce4823e9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:51:22	516.505
-89	57778	2888900	16dbfcf3-1fc3-4b77-931b-d5596ba625ec	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:37:07	-632.1
-90	28890	2889000	9d79348c-e63b-4f9e-8f38-20cb3cf45eab	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:07:13	526.855
-90	57780	2889000	4e645e4e-f23e-4f98-9e6d-2bd692bfe1e9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:08:30	-691.353
-91	28891	2889100	c11fb8f2-9bd4-4823-ab4a-e92ac62ce64b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:06:28	64.742
-91	57782	2889100	ba43ec63-e9be-49cd-ba5a-c8e83de6a8e5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:51:58	266.58
-92	28892	2889200	bfcb70ec-568a-4134-ab85-fe276603e01f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:31:21	759.302
-92	57784	2889200	b8fd9b1d-7ae6-4046-a1d3-a9e14123b98d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:58:50	462.572
-93	28893	2889300	c34ed8fb-a3bb-48b6-988f-1a4be27a900b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:18:28	-144.14
-93	57786	2889300	6ac07b99-20ce-4c56-8566-1f5775c6cf77	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:55:28	62.171
-94	28894	2889400	5042cee3-2657-45f0-94a1-ccb62a2cdcaf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:46:37	-45.917
-94	57788	2889400	4a8a4a12-c9e6-423e-8efe-94f2e76d07d9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:50:16	833.545
-95	28895	2889500	aecd70e3-8038-4ea9-8c46-deedd602e065	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:12:58	12.248
-95	57790	2889500	5997707d-0b00-4f65-a28b-8c6905435640	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:44:28	-666.669
-96	28896	2889600	d3bb72fa-5b93-4f44-86fe-65fe66ec2130	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:05:47	718.334
-96	57792	2889600	416bd04d-fdd7-41c1-951d-68c1cc2ef1e1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:56:02	-666.266
-97	28897	2889700	e9593b4d-5f3e-4a2e-9ac7-329c997ea406	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:41:28	-440.604
-97	57794	2889700	b0cb8ffc-751d-4395-b991-8d892ea4b630	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:46:40	-413.826
-98	28898	2889800	e4ac8adf-bb57-4c15-84a1-b37dc53f5cd9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:28:40	-485.904
-98	57796	2889800	a6e98ed6-6ef9-4553-9343-6aad8e9c2a4c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:17:32	-480.928
-99	28899	2889900	d711a805-1532-44cd-a4d0-73164d3bd5ad	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:42:54	179.919
-99	57798	2889900	315db870-a51b-42cd-abb4-eaf135e3d727	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:30:04	753.985
-100	28900	2890000	a2d212c9-1d46-4dd9-8403-94ed9def777b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:44:19	789.985
-100	57800	2890000	3b1f5ad5-4053-4c90-9673-8315284ad865	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:10:29	-861.969
-101	28901	2890100	c6d3ef9e-de65-4f0f-876b-4d14e04a9123	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:15:51	336.982
-101	57802	2890100	ed6e1d7a-a473-4812-9638-98c0c449f692	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:11:51	720.490
-102	28902	2890200	cef5215e-b1fa-42b5-949c-964f6f07701b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:38:52	590.913
-102	57804	2890200	9ce44fec-67cf-46d4-b178-0fe28eb8980e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:40:41	493.77
-103	28903	2890300	689f6810-00e0-4252-a44f-542b6a098f03	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:42:37	317.729
-103	57806	2890300	e8840e6e-d05e-422d-aca5-7b2e36d9efd3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:56:41	-539.454
-104	28904	2890400	c425e884-48b4-4521-af75-9af7de117f70	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:15:25	226.924
-104	57808	2890400	f7239fb8-91f4-4ae5-86af-8c0f4070afb3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:19:19	356.6
-105	28905	2890500	8a2aedb8-cfdf-4c60-ae11-ed99dda8dbb8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:57:21	-799.972
-105	57810	2890500	59b514a7-ca47-403a-8a72-bdb426c97a35	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:58:33	118.633
-106	28906	2890600	3ec3f2eb-9b13-4746-adc1-01f1c43bb991	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:42:43	428.905
-106	57812	2890600	bf7b38bb-6735-47fa-a921-ee9b3a756f9b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:13:07	-453.305
-107	28907	2890700	6992c570-6da1-4a9c-9dad-cc92d92f2b72	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:07:23	312.808
-107	57814	2890700	cae140f8-3d27-4e9a-9726-fab34005782c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:07:59	-822.671
-108	28908	2890800	e58226cb-92bd-491c-ae5e-25018a3b335a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:41:58	530.617
-108	57816	2890800	667c097e-3d82-4b1e-a986-1f161d5d98c0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:42:58	-514.923
-109	28909	2890900	824ee54d-8e35-4dfc-a928-e746b99e54b9	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:53:32	-232.421
-109	57818	2890900	a27f388a-dfbf-44a5-96a5-e29fd445e08d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:23:47	-721.269
-110	28910	2891000	5203ecab-b8e0-4e67-a0a0-230f27c15fdb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:11:46	-628.907
-110	57820	2891000	c91557c3-84c5-4a92-8fcb-f82892443035	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:59:52	181.789
-111	28911	2891100	bed62f2e-4d9e-4f9b-a5ca-1d0a67479481	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:42:25	-687.629
-111	57822	2891100	4048195e-9377-4a06-859e-8737f911078b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:35:41	-335.783
-112	28912	2891200	d3190397-146e-46a1-bea2-109b6d01f8cf	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:16:17	267.908
-112	57824	2891200	d738f67f-d627-477f-8695-8349ba63440d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:24:06	323.672
-113	28913	2891300	8e10fbe3-5f37-4666-82a3-00f0c4c09d62	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:29:55	-638.632
-113	57826	2891300	861bda6a-4357-4160-819e-b9950148c9c7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:00:15	-470.679
-114	28914	2891400	0d9dc872-68d2-442f-873b-efe4b66e9355	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:41:57	-388.890
-114	57828	2891400	eeb5ec2c-a8fb-45eb-ae58-89fd095c99fa	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:56:54	35.303
-115	28915	2891500	7adb98c8-8044-46ad-b746-6f331c6e2266	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:40:00	-247.900
-115	57830	2891500	b9b97262-d44e-4bd5-8144-d77fb534fce9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:18:23	-556.45
-116	28916	2891600	b2f34ed7-ba32-4671-af3d-6979b6f2ab82	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:05:37	-499.676
-116	57832	2891600	b2469388-d165-4997-8f27-18e82cd47cfd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:29:19	745.985
-117	28917	2891700	dfc47f8f-0e61-4ed8-8d55-1402bac1928b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:17:53	255.688
-117	57834	2891700	42767d3e-741e-420e-96d2-ba62d7b4d6f7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:54:14	98.505
-118	28918	2891800	f6c5a9a7-6f98-460e-8aba-4bc8e71433c3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:22:54	686.495
-118	57836	2891800	a2a63cbe-9d6c-4a73-a6ef-42a5c4e45919	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:36:20	639.741
-119	28919	2891900	dc58e16a-3b7a-4e25-aea7-37d39c64b1c0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:59:18	-583.644
-119	57838	2891900	251943a2-4956-4953-8146-96d19a675911	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:58:50	-782.309
-120	28920	2892000	4cb1e244-5b1b-49d7-8188-7d0fe723cfc9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:05:59	-822.77
-120	57840	2892000	09ae46d2-8f20-4700-a035-a7f88b66c3ee	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:32:37	-50.745
-121	28921	2892100	533d5fda-7541-4c40-a479-11edd72545da	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:58:37	-817.232
-121	57842	2892100	93ca3d94-6cbd-4c23-9360-44fd6baea09f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:13:43	714.24
-122	28922	2892200	2531a0cc-dde3-4834-9a89-a285238c01c2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:32:56	-94.355
-122	57844	2892200	542c550e-121c-4538-84fb-2ae17249dbea	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:16:10	451.141
-123	28923	2892300	0e8edd1b-b89c-4356-8b28-b454652f41bb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:23:51	-786.826
-123	57846	2892300	62d3a182-5d2a-41e5-b756-f3fcd39e82a1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:19:00	-124.451
-124	28924	2892400	a58a6bdf-977c-45e0-8a69-c76bc120f82e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:57:40	-797.964
-124	57848	2892400	1921bc9b-0ede-4bdb-9018-c7fcd8e4c9b5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:31:09	-775.291
-125	28925	2892500	1d0df90b-eb47-473d-965e-22037eab51c7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:51:30	876.32
-125	57850	2892500	a073cf7f-3959-48e7-88ed-fd5d3949e53d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:24:09	522.953
-126	28926	2892600	5810fdcc-3938-4435-86cf-6edbecedd3ef	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:32:26	809.422
-126	57852	2892600	866eb125-8b89-451b-8a66-5d7a1e16706a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:34:26	-779.542
-127	28927	2892700	0f6948a3-0e08-4c88-b7cc-eb62474416a2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:55:02	-617.869
-127	57854	2892700	6635d52b-cdbb-4b9c-978a-4c3d87c0b597	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:38:07	-689.59
-0	28928	2892800	cb0e2b0c-4eae-4687-9b5d-78990ab2d6eb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:28:20	-688.564
-0	57856	2892800	6bc273d8-3419-4013-9859-1bfe0e2d5a8c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:49:06	-45.847
-1	28929	2892900	7e04df7c-2066-462b-9432-3247919ed7e7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:48:47	-798.756
-1	57858	2892900	50eed3fe-7b77-4e85-89a3-cd32255a7b2a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:05:24	-491.520
-2	28930	2893000	7b4a01b3-16c4-4c82-9391-8129ac313e3f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:25:34	370.333
-2	57860	2893000	1800143b-bf92-4401-8c76-0120c82c38c5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:17:03	975.113
-3	28931	2893100	efe3b216-0b08-42d7-88cb-c5a1f9405456	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:52:01	388.587
-3	57862	2893100	243f2b25-6b60-4d6f-bb3d-40f1450686d4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:01:34	-888.669
-4	28932	2893200	35bff560-9537-43de-9452-7549a120681d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:39:06	881.903
-4	57864	2893200	6523b9df-b442-4ad0-a1fd-5fb66cbc68da	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:47:40	-397.874
-5	28933	2893300	839c6e5e-ed70-4159-b253-f03bc2e71cbd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:08:41	-546.533
-5	57866	2893300	3d17bee1-4ed3-4b09-91dd-5ee7bb686667	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:56:44	-15.912
-6	28934	2893400	d02b2f68-ab41-4111-b345-53746868b805	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:47:49	-630.766
-6	57868	2893400	b6bb9483-629c-4963-8647-b071181b6705	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:37:23	831.27
-7	28935	2893500	00d4db2e-79c0-455c-9962-2c50f569b237	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:23:54	-46.534
-7	57870	2893500	547f48de-5345-4a45-a12a-1d2ea7fb50b5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:55:29	-665.906
-8	28936	2893600	ca86f212-155b-4e31-aba1-3f4a156bea45	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:50:45	887.935
-8	57872	2893600	d1ee841d-fa6d-41ba-b601-bd4956ed5cff	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:20:02	972.692
-9	28937	2893700	51e56e32-49a1-4b0b-9a32-884a0082bee2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:49:02	241.252
-9	57874	2893700	22c45f93-019a-44dc-b556-e10274533bdf	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:28:50	596.109
-10	28938	2893800	c756ae69-e72b-4e5f-9274-c21134f28b5b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:10:02	-815.71
-10	57876	2893800	51bf9f18-d738-4c5b-a89d-e9012e81f2eb	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:48:02	743.271
-11	28939	2893900	b10cc716-5168-4247-81d3-3b03e8401122	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:45:48	44.182
-11	57878	2893900	2016ebb2-04a3-4781-b36c-77fb0e69c5e7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:33:44	940.803
-12	28940	2894000	2896727c-8cc4-4d11-bba5-6a0027d88c52	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:09:19	27.727
-12	57880	2894000	192170fa-9345-4f26-a6fc-450f466134f1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:32:59	917.46
-13	28941	2894100	45a53de8-76ae-407b-a8b2-7f7ee340c654	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:55:34	406.89
-13	57882	2894100	ab8dcf2f-d5e2-45f3-954e-1d8ba4581e7a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:10:04	532.154
-14	28942	2894200	559445d7-28d9-4882-a423-5bead7ea61d5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:54:55	589.8
-14	57884	2894200	4b2c44c4-af5f-460d-996c-f89a28760925	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:43:47	633.837
-15	28943	2894300	68316e40-d132-434b-a0db-1445202d8e7c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:06:35	-291.854
-15	57886	2894300	016f6016-1af4-4e33-9e1a-59edfb315b17	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:20:21	447.357
-16	28944	2894400	5506f879-8337-4c28-a747-46828ae0366e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:06:01	-100.127
-16	57888	2894400	46aa51b9-09e3-4784-b719-8ec96579a6a8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:52:43	-828.40
-17	28945	2894500	71bdc04e-7077-4198-bd3b-7ff014af5355	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:37:25	-865.241
-17	57890	2894500	4f6f3a78-3a76-46bc-a3a9-60473c196635	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:36:25	-887.348
-18	28946	2894600	1c454557-7744-40db-aebe-0fd282b6062e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:34:38	862.628
-18	57892	2894600	2fcfb26d-062d-4ab1-88a0-aa3352e470af	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:02:27	-288.728
-19	28947	2894700	03924642-0edd-41ae-a6bf-91431631aec4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:23:53	35.565
-19	57894	2894700	fa07e76f-3929-47ea-b2c8-40f49f64f1e7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:51:19	817.164
-20	28948	2894800	605712cb-fc7f-4101-9bfe-4339c5d5d099	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:54:29	852.834
-20	57896	2894800	1be3d3ac-849d-4ef0-b6e5-27e87da25ebf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:16:42	-913.439
-21	28949	2894900	fd67b006-fb64-4890-921e-7623e5ca412a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:38:33	-661.57
-21	57898	2894900	c2805b30-a178-4bef-81d3-5dae29e96824	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:03:15	-197.380
-22	28950	2895000	7089e974-4ae0-4124-8997-af8c2a183ab5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:16:16	-891.407
-22	57900	2895000	7bba02ed-4715-4bf2-b568-5fba1df06e69	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:28:11	-903.995
-23	28951	2895100	9dfe9522-c3a8-4790-b0ac-26bef0494b36	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:03:36	309.483
-23	57902	2895100	43c96ca1-44f0-45b1-bfb9-7d1c3ca67f47	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:35:36	-575.484
-24	28952	2895200	235227a4-33c0-423b-9557-c4e600fd8368	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:01:18	-469.996
-24	57904	2895200	373682a8-a6ec-4849-aa33-ed2cf575707b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:00:03	781.28
-25	28953	2895300	900dabd7-0a5e-438c-bfa0-fa0026bdf3c0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:06:52	-478.616
-25	57906	2895300	ec49c2e3-9808-4bbb-a52e-5f1ac5857ae0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:12:17	291.129
-26	28954	2895400	abae4bb5-35b7-4dcc-a9b1-8f2bf77611a5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:15:22	-856.563
-26	57908	2895400	3a1cde81-49a9-4b13-bd2f-44329ae6ddb5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:01:40	-191.76
-27	28955	2895500	3c67d643-262f-47a7-9cf5-b8958c05b788	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:23:44	892.351
-27	57910	2895500	2da8b962-cb96-4e11-9473-4e5d438b5df8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:22:00	-881.252
-28	28956	2895600	26508305-14ed-4154-8c12-b9be5f6cc2fa	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:08:50	-206.3
-28	57912	2895600	ce9bbfa6-e12d-4c83-b8d2-7f4da9806509	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:56:24	816.415
-29	28957	2895700	cad9fd0f-8ff2-4079-89a6-218c376e4b32	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:49:56	-2.296
-29	57914	2895700	60b5422a-d40b-4857-b665-17d3d08e558b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:20:32	-842.833
-30	28958	2895800	49986fcc-c496-4075-bd38-cf366b17e7e3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:12:28	-636.781
-30	57916	2895800	25411b58-7e33-4562-afa3-84bce57fda4a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:55:16	-825.786
-31	28959	2895900	a464b7b7-4b6e-48d6-95cb-56fe9c11795f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:46:21	-829.141
-31	57918	2895900	3c5b9c7c-33f7-4da1-9237-f4766ed946b4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:36:47	-257.685
-32	28960	2896000	3b5bf5e1-82ba-4832-8a20-b5d917aa0f50	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:58:21	910.18
-32	57920	2896000	30c393f0-393d-4c74-8985-339965eed5d7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:59:42	-876.322
-33	28961	2896100	b116f826-9cd2-46f1-b200-93c6f062c8cd	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:44:08	999.132
-33	57922	2896100	25f6920f-fb0c-43c4-b254-a8d7b4bfeffa	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:06:01	-13.372
-34	28962	2896200	b3616394-bb84-4ba1-95c3-75c175f5eb52	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:17:32	533.549
-34	57924	2896200	72ba33bc-7aa5-47cf-a256-c9ad47ef953c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:35:08	396.743
-35	28963	2896300	5e883993-5d60-4d3c-ba84-2c081b61d370	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:47:59	-614.16
-35	57926	2896300	8e8986dc-ac45-4307-a03d-456cf1e22653	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:56:23	-891.778
-36	28964	2896400	59c51d9d-ab01-44bd-93fc-1504cc94612c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:59:29	607.586
-36	57928	2896400	41fbfa82-47c7-4ee0-82e6-36e95ee76899	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:08:58	622.200
-37	28965	2896500	181ef595-3e30-4f33-af03-71d37b574efd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:00:06	-949.302
-37	57930	2896500	c48b7503-2ce9-4780-ba84-afadd7ac7de5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:16:30	65.340
-38	28966	2896600	a334eede-45dd-4c01-88f8-2d484018e6ad	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:14:40	-304.791
-38	57932	2896600	461b9850-c386-4f7e-947d-9c111ac5bba7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:56:15	-560.845
-39	28967	2896700	a1c8db5b-8293-42ae-bd5f-309c4ef35cdb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:52:24	618.63
-39	57934	2896700	504ac18d-3bb7-473b-b87a-1ab7da86f3fd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:22:01	656.240
-40	28968	2896800	7946b755-5d94-45a2-b98c-8b8cb5ccb7e1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:05:42	932.925
-40	57936	2896800	af0cc064-0ef4-4f53-ad79-66485e7e98ae	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:43:40	919.699
-41	28969	2896900	cbbc7d1e-3619-46ab-a160-90e8ae9c487b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:56:10	-44.27
-41	57938	2896900	4b843437-6e96-4837-ac67-33ba3a9a24ae	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:01:06	-743.128
-42	28970	2897000	8d94d6c6-80fa-4916-bd73-c4b9ef12b289	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:10:39	90.942
-42	57940	2897000	4ad1825c-17d5-4884-975d-7c9e98610e80	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:20:59	138.755
-43	28971	2897100	9915db91-bd4f-4621-9cc4-079567f65656	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:29:24	411.591
-43	57942	2897100	d32a3e75-b224-4d11-a8ce-fc685466c7c2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:27:39	-687.902
-44	28972	2897200	82a4bf73-e614-40cb-b4f1-fd5c829143b1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:05:45	431.866
-44	57944	2897200	1c346aeb-ac5c-413d-9502-6a8c6d40ef0f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:02:19	-674.704
-45	28973	2897300	6f18f537-4afa-4428-96c6-d8c292e99862	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:06:08	-499.744
-45	57946	2897300	e3dd164d-0b97-4f18-8e86-d61ee3c16ab3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:12:17	-837.891
-46	28974	2897400	28432096-558d-4716-b29d-f2d0e4984dfd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:36:10	772.860
-46	57948	2897400	acb4b3d7-6dbb-425e-af18-fd766f945458	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:25:09	840.468
-47	28975	2897500	123b390a-8715-44f4-9dc4-8a2e3186af6a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:16:19	730.7
-47	57950	2897500	ac149749-7503-4a3e-a9de-b3b715e257d6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:47:20	-774.348
-48	28976	2897600	542b8400-32cf-4ae2-b734-f1e271756d73	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:59:20	-383.499
-48	57952	2897600	65ade61f-ff1b-4ed5-9da8-69e7097f6de4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:21:07	748.429
-49	28977	2897700	846e0f69-e914-4450-89d2-812d6d971b85	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:10:57	-860.964
-49	57954	2897700	5e2844e7-7946-4784-9eb9-8c99c1c091f4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:42:22	781.203
-50	28978	2897800	a67e18c3-67fc-4ea1-a5d4-193a3cfef0fa	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:57:39	-48.135
-50	57956	2897800	e5c77c2d-4b2d-4b66-ae25-fb722f636be5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:43:27	287.111
-51	28979	2897900	b5f9bf1c-cbf8-455e-a68f-94e949f7659c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:43:29	279.968
-51	57958	2897900	3381904d-2565-4713-8e8f-2ed745838160	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:14:00	241.599
-52	28980	2898000	fab363c6-68cc-4199-b873-a7b0347455a5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:56:29	891.480
-52	57960	2898000	49e1591a-7617-4cbe-ab9f-a70f4c1eedac	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:36:38	715.789
-53	28981	2898100	d19a9ed8-48ab-4682-b628-bc9ae945d469	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:39:42	-439.425
-53	57962	2898100	9a66ad2a-8a7e-4a47-9c78-04dfe9073eae	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:32:01	794.925
-54	28982	2898200	806f0435-b566-479a-9aa8-b5aa298b8ef2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:52:16	114.700
-54	57964	2898200	be8ffaf6-7805-4664-9a2d-29588fbeeecc	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:46:46	-606.818
-55	28983	2898300	6ebac359-c760-411f-a915-d05e1b5ea234	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:43:54	-107.16
-55	57966	2898300	5c45dca5-54a8-4c2b-aa22-3c9efba03447	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:39:28	-511.568
-56	28984	2898400	8f4a6f04-870f-45f2-b006-678f6221c3b6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:19:06	367.954
-56	57968	2898400	da6d4406-8297-43ed-ab46-168a59059718	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:41:53	706.826
-57	28985	2898500	f6e033c5-abfe-441f-a27b-419d0dc800f5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:29:32	947.330
-57	57970	2898500	81bb5999-b840-43bf-a911-18717c7a03c7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:19:14	-219.800
-58	28986	2898600	4bbe43a5-c952-4854-82d9-bfe24437f35b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:12:19	463.831
-58	57972	2898600	63a19d51-be21-47bc-b37a-ed46f23ca7ec	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:46:12	23.487
-59	28987	2898700	2c0af7c6-aac6-4b49-bed1-47b57e990069	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:10:38	-436.530
-59	57974	2898700	55882596-c9b8-4a41-aed4-9b4f514ae09d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:54:27	281.158
-60	28988	2898800	55a4f829-3028-4f15-81b5-8b170c55b4c8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:31:03	910.287
-60	57976	2898800	b80f4768-f8a1-431c-b465-43a9df60b225	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:30:38	-606.381
-61	28989	2898900	1b1c6eec-5f63-4a57-ab17-b9f230df793f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:33:43	-494.902
-61	57978	2898900	be85a874-e783-45a9-9d41-40909bf86637	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:11:35	-537.794
-62	28990	2899000	7d21a394-c945-4d4e-b579-7176e995c778	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:15:05	716.817
-62	57980	2899000	93f9dd43-e5ed-4f5b-b26b-815d0afacb1b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:06:35	990.43
-63	28991	2899100	94480b5b-fe1e-4d8d-8af1-67e31b8096ba	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:39:12	531.603
-63	57982	2899100	d01d7ce5-980a-47cb-813f-9d64de83a746	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:07:00	-980.810
-64	28992	2899200	517df9bb-61bf-46a9-a2ea-99d93612ddbc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:54:56	-28.19
-64	57984	2899200	63532cb9-4b9f-457b-829f-c54af4374adb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:51:14	96.546
-65	28993	2899300	1c80aa88-ab58-49f5-a9cd-bf2a13ce7def	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:20:44	868.245
-65	57986	2899300	baf49a15-87bb-4458-bd82-046412baff10	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:06:51	526.95
-66	28994	2899400	927f143a-50d0-4a81-b634-ce3e3df43a51	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:38:10	191.598
-66	57988	2899400	7f421580-5be0-4e65-9fb4-33c0c6bb902b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:46:04	-670.547
-67	28995	2899500	d040ad7f-1c33-492a-842d-b0ea30fbd6b0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:36:30	-795.624
-67	57990	2899500	55a84043-f2a7-46f8-ab5a-300f056feb3b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:57:26	-632.603
-68	28996	2899600	df9077d4-f328-4f7b-940e-907c0fbc8b4f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:10:00	-787.453
-68	57992	2899600	b7bb5fdb-8b6a-4bfa-98dc-b91bbb5c88a3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:06:49	-429.996
-69	28997	2899700	92cca71d-281d-4754-a836-f5a03f2f1e48	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:32:17	720.554
-69	57994	2899700	c77709fc-e096-4b06-92a2-c88b891b1aa3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:32:32	-900.977
-70	28998	2899800	37ff5871-f5e7-499f-9d49-0a4bc0f7dc1e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:58:17	817.544
-70	57996	2899800	2b95aeba-0b10-4114-b101-9ebfab52121e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:15:56	231.762
-71	28999	2899900	3e1b6bb1-e4c1-435c-a330-715fec4ef5ba	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:57:15	-497.755
-71	57998	2899900	ceb66200-3597-4373-8d7f-10349e71275b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:57:09	-292.621
-72	29000	2900000	68259ede-9593-46b2-b369-a88346741267	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:11:18	351.303
-72	58000	2900000	4f538134-f550-4e73-a963-58a4cbe9a38f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:52:54	-208.531
-73	29001	2900100	ea9dc4d2-638a-4a7c-a78b-4caae782c69f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:38:52	176.824
-73	58002	2900100	2653f352-1a61-4de5-bbce-c464675b1ff9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:15:38	-353.706
-74	29002	2900200	ec617617-db13-454a-a3bb-1afd8c430276	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:50:18	27.171
-74	58004	2900200	62c8bfe9-3a79-40e6-8145-b75c84fdc0d5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:16:32	989.431
-75	29003	2900300	054b77ca-46df-4155-b58a-cb98113ec05f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:55:11	-731.262
-75	58006	2900300	f8009576-1832-4f4f-b5e8-d5501b1c9256	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:19:35	-471.138
-76	29004	2900400	80e7f903-3dd0-40a8-91e1-e2bc68ad488e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:38:54	-127.176
-76	58008	2900400	52bfd1cb-f366-4777-a563-f860ccd5bf0d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:17:22	546.243
-77	29005	2900500	a141a434-21e4-4e0f-ad5e-e8ec53e78592	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:47:35	-579.604
-77	58010	2900500	d0716164-8bfd-4f02-a773-4a17349e2e90	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:31:25	-311.916
-78	29006	2900600	4e285207-0ac9-4789-b532-0690dbe22140	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:30:35	291.77
-78	58012	2900600	9761e36c-e2cd-48cf-aa05-0543b1e157cc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:41:45	617.447
-79	29007	2900700	cf11dcf5-4189-4977-a30b-715b616503d5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:08:08	-639.14
-79	58014	2900700	54d693c6-3ef1-4cc5-854a-0bd9295898bb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:13:17	-715.160
-80	29008	2900800	f8a62aaa-27d4-4d7f-bd7b-9e5704aa078a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:01:05	989.31
-80	58016	2900800	9555f688-7565-485f-bf7a-17a8451a7aaa	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:53:07	-41.910
-81	29009	2900900	31c53c24-a8cb-41d4-889b-1e5941b15c51	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:01:29	543.484
-81	58018	2900900	ef5dba48-12fc-43a0-a20d-a89b5868e527	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:01:41	540.953
-82	29010	2901000	2d81fc5c-13bd-41d3-92e7-6d8b69f694e9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:08:19	695.517
-82	58020	2901000	5385282e-f3d9-46d7-9527-bd72ffb9bb91	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:02:29	-957.904
-83	29011	2901100	596e9b30-5be9-4d16-87b1-6dce2d1e094b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:54:09	-302.116
-83	58022	2901100	2f374cb4-4095-4d0c-ba87-44027c0bbaeb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:42:19	-835.512
-84	29012	2901200	b58b1e54-cadc-4666-8962-d5110fbd3e50	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:51:13	677.135
-84	58024	2901200	5bb2a1a1-ac12-4ce2-b7de-29f9e7c8a503	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:45:06	270.541
-85	29013	2901300	fdde7788-7d7b-43dd-92db-4f7feca1f73b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:07:48	963.964
-85	58026	2901300	48ef868c-b3b8-440f-8425-848cdf1ea05f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:06:23	-947.288
-86	29014	2901400	4589b8b1-09e2-4979-a9c7-8f693b4ed7ea	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:02:23	822.671
-86	58028	2901400	1f97b30a-85a8-47a0-973d-850612c667c0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:11:53	448.617
-87	29015	2901500	f869e4c9-2f88-4417-93a8-505752dd6429	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:34:42	-122.338
-87	58030	2901500	6c86c9f4-056c-4824-ab10-34988822a711	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:13:23	-810.4
-88	29016	2901600	af0f7046-d023-44a5-a19a-b24adb305c44	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:51:11	429.110
-88	58032	2901600	1706a5fb-d78c-44eb-8d6a-d76424358061	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:37:52	-751.581
-89	29017	2901700	2f609a85-b245-400d-9f5a-75545728cd72	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:14:34	-377.962
-89	58034	2901700	59deddfe-fe03-4319-8514-bd4664c04f4a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:08:44	-679.623
-90	29018	2901800	05b0ce2e-d1d4-4965-a011-ec6976266cb1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:33:19	-397.350
-90	58036	2901800	484ec9cf-6aa6-4869-9a90-f493af7e9d58	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:38:21	-313.457
-91	29019	2901900	fd7745e0-0480-4390-b975-2cdfb07d5c7d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:37:13	-953.632
-91	58038	2901900	726f43d1-5b40-4c75-9da1-e5c6c7c82828	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:36:55	84.541
-92	29020	2902000	c34ca28f-9e50-47e2-922f-90ec9ab15045	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:06:22	-472.587
-92	58040	2902000	052d3ec8-aa56-4f92-86b8-7c97bd7dce8b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:03:13	44.629
-93	29021	2902100	5f4c7145-f1fa-4bdd-a44f-3c2d74aab3a5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:12:23	942.820
-93	58042	2902100	7c7aed54-f650-43cb-a057-ab4acefa89c3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:29:15	-340.59
-94	29022	2902200	562a02ed-36b5-463b-bef1-0fe6e8eaf372	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:24:43	556.620
-94	58044	2902200	ee4af2ea-e302-4853-b3c9-875c7f3d0c44	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:58:36	-611.672
-95	29023	2902300	53479e0c-7f37-4d23-8229-fc02074b600f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:50:51	-515.501
-95	58046	2902300	9c05a09f-1f5e-40c2-9e1c-da232c28fcab	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:45:24	-496.30
-96	29024	2902400	ce870341-b96e-444e-b09a-36a25b1b3f4c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:09:39	229.45
-96	58048	2902400	4c37d073-2132-4f4d-935c-aa0e96c7e6b1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:41:48	679.806
-97	29025	2902500	7330f7c8-117b-48e7-8f0b-e680a0b3c54b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:33:57	649.803
-97	58050	2902500	7bdbefbb-0bf4-46d7-a5e4-f0d96546fdaf	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:11:06	971.979
-98	29026	2902600	3515b57f-f45a-496a-89bc-e5dbf4120d6f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:33:28	270.359
-98	58052	2902600	6136ac74-fa08-4495-9551-0e1db7cdc298	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:36:46	109.277
-99	29027	2902700	6eb10619-df6f-4461-89df-dbac68f499be	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:48:17	12.903
-99	58054	2902700	3343efe4-4af9-486e-93be-11eab842622f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:10:32	21.795
-100	29028	2902800	0f239998-735a-4b56-a81b-4d3cab46e15d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:42:47	913.115
-100	58056	2902800	1e4ad1f5-7de2-4cb2-979e-748e951ad970	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:55:55	13.544
-101	29029	2902900	d67df04f-0b80-48d8-b7c3-62b454e75385	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:40:11	149.815
-101	58058	2902900	826da518-7f0a-4f23-8a0b-2a9f5262ae25	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:15:04	-170.427
-102	29030	2903000	bbe2d6a6-6f72-46ec-9523-1d4f5f03216d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:25:34	779.854
-102	58060	2903000	def3c840-61f5-4b80-afc4-6adb749be15c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:21:45	-725.440
-103	29031	2903100	1f3d85ce-d4b3-4001-9a47-8bfe55907020	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:58:35	71.114
-103	58062	2903100	e8d380d0-d657-4e70-a828-7f12850c693f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:05:16	-823.140
-104	29032	2903200	a353dbac-bea2-4ed6-bef8-c46428a73cb1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:54:15	189.449
-104	58064	2903200	ba7a2abc-465c-4f45-88e8-4ed749200cc4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:39:50	949.429
-105	29033	2903300	7138a85f-0e30-4d49-91f1-d4441499f358	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:26:19	844.367
-105	58066	2903300	2a415714-81d2-4004-9fd6-8d14f64191cb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:55:33	-636.620
-106	29034	2903400	f4e080d8-6fa1-4ebf-bad1-f6aff76a850b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:57:02	570.213
-106	58068	2903400	8d5c0327-76cc-4dc1-b4cb-ba7cf482ee29	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:46:35	-242.274
-107	29035	2903500	e2094a4c-51f2-412f-81c1-5b5674c25627	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:21:44	-713.813
-107	58070	2903500	7134e272-144e-4dc2-9860-09869d14ee08	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:06:32	-900.911
-108	29036	2903600	9d33cf20-cf68-46a4-a45f-d5961223e010	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:39:17	73.544
-108	58072	2903600	ae0d17f8-b6ed-4fd8-a858-b04729cba566	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:43:32	570.37
-109	29037	2903700	d411012e-b337-4749-898d-bac919f6d9fc	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:25:43	-52.695
-109	58074	2903700	53c0e682-68a3-4b98-8aee-f9d46a15ee5d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:59:44	913.784
-110	29038	2903800	c7caec75-81c6-419a-a45f-9c7722a8fd97	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:11:24	-727.287
-110	58076	2903800	df832a26-59d3-4447-84a7-09a6ff49c911	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:58:10	-496.723
-111	29039	2903900	31cafdc5-6a88-47c8-93ab-da20202c408b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:16:49	868.791
-111	58078	2903900	74323cd7-700c-4d64-b4a9-bcb7c554deef	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:50:32	849.492
-112	29040	2904000	584d407a-721b-4b65-82ea-da9ffdfb80ff	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:05:04	-988.535
-112	58080	2904000	9b4584b8-f691-4210-8b21-5cd9fae903f9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:26:50	-308.705
-113	29041	2904100	6197bcc1-6166-409a-8bb8-0852dddaea07	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:35:43	839.415
-113	58082	2904100	a3d33d03-9ea4-4e89-b9c1-260afce2a0b8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:38:40	-658.716
-114	29042	2904200	9d0772ab-d564-4132-acd1-b9b8d947d640	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:25:10	643.534
-114	58084	2904200	77aba043-614d-4031-b908-d827ee021dcd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:43:45	-796.670
-115	29043	2904300	c7d49dd6-d09a-4fd6-b4fd-37bd23649774	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:34:35	577.328
-115	58086	2904300	be36321b-704c-4ac7-91a8-c65cff79cb68	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:37:14	-958.194
-116	29044	2904400	30612dc3-cad8-463c-84dc-21fdc102dcf4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:56:55	6.365
-116	58088	2904400	7520c3ed-bf41-44b9-9b2b-f1a22461ca30	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:36:40	430.113
-117	29045	2904500	e3ef4cc0-0c76-4f99-a568-2a81974587be	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:36:32	213.28
-117	58090	2904500	bf69431d-1168-4ac6-a6f4-0b7ef5ef5c13	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:41:24	-713.171
-118	29046	2904600	ed529227-8eac-4f33-ac81-fc172aa8c0a3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:58:39	-599.208
-118	58092	2904600	92e58826-13bd-4eae-a7a4-a0b28913dba9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:14:15	-522.452
-119	29047	2904700	ac7cf186-448b-44b7-a92c-dd091b055e5c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:57:12	-174.428
-119	58094	2904700	abd87528-b5c0-4201-86e0-1340b8cf2bfa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:49:14	872.70
-120	29048	2904800	1b4eb2c7-877b-4e12-a664-3001a2161b7a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:13:43	991.898
-120	58096	2904800	0bbb7b2d-c5e0-40c1-a239-301ebbf20d58	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:21:14	401.961
-121	29049	2904900	5b1874dc-af17-46ef-9575-f2759aff8f77	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:12:32	-241.194
-121	58098	2904900	20fae72c-180b-434e-b214-854cb8aa7e28	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:36:52	31.555
-122	29050	2905000	a9f4f5b0-1878-4d67-8bba-0b1feb97d20a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:01:52	-48.947
-122	58100	2905000	6f46c825-4a1f-4787-b663-4a71ef815a85	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:42:07	-491.257
-123	29051	2905100	00056484-746a-4617-9b62-ba6a3e391ae0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:13:50	517.300
-123	58102	2905100	22360167-1eb8-4ce1-a67d-e498e4c100c5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:31:05	-655.326
-124	29052	2905200	d6d02491-039f-4cf0-bdb3-8a864614633e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:40:30	-677.83
-124	58104	2905200	68e76bf1-7823-471b-a39d-f990e6629e7e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:11:07	739.859
-125	29053	2905300	639b09a8-5b95-4754-af8d-98e254054c1f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:09:22	-918.607
-125	58106	2905300	dd2641a1-b14e-4f4d-b2a3-eed2580481d1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:09:01	555.290
-126	29054	2905400	eafbe455-bedb-4139-918d-ec20862cadd3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:26:43	820.536
-126	58108	2905400	5231c9e2-4a45-4d49-8f7f-d970a085771b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:11:58	-150.265
-127	29055	2905500	57df7ce9-0c28-43fb-a3b6-8b45404b37c3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:34:24	958.483
-127	58110	2905500	b8f194be-7b86-4f25-9b6e-0719763ff460	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:49:28	-119.208
-0	29056	2905600	7735345d-41be-446c-a78b-67f07f489960	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:56:16	-287.486
-0	58112	2905600	43a79b38-c505-46d7-b55d-8acaadf43ce2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:11:48	271.600
-1	29057	2905700	f5633dbc-157f-45c8-b568-e8ac98426c50	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:09:50	172.428
-1	58114	2905700	b774db4a-9556-4805-8b94-f25fc931a93a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:15:18	465.918
-2	29058	2905800	5717e567-ac4b-49ca-9c2d-185ce251da66	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:40:57	-26.202
-2	58116	2905800	444fdae5-3a3b-46da-ac5d-5f356c860bd4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:41:03	-85.817
-3	29059	2905900	d6b4c6c6-cf6d-4c13-a0ef-ab53a0fdaaac	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:09:55	606.185
-3	58118	2905900	db1edf10-2afe-4bfd-b62e-2333027d1665	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:49:22	441.452
-4	29060	2906000	99e5ed0d-5281-43a8-88f2-ba9690f9259c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:00:46	-384.136
-4	58120	2906000	3d2a45a3-f677-4a4d-b651-d0fa10ff7133	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:27:29	-215.195
-5	29061	2906100	77fc527f-cb7b-4cb5-a4be-ab3a25220b23	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:56:48	-474.120
-5	58122	2906100	1e16c4df-290e-4173-8c9a-537b598edbc3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:25:30	298.466
-6	29062	2906200	51d62a0d-e836-4780-b36f-47f7d6aa6c8f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:53:06	677.394
-6	58124	2906200	81e8b127-d323-4c14-8e40-29816efa1a66	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:22:33	-551.140
-7	29063	2906300	ff6d636e-d1bc-44ca-bda6-70cc412fb9d3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:16:52	962.648
-7	58126	2906300	f4586f19-42d3-4405-bbc4-4aec8e623327	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:43:10	-77.121
-8	29064	2906400	915ed877-ee50-44ac-b7f1-4c4199291271	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:07:18	441.111
-8	58128	2906400	a92c904a-f48f-4605-85e3-df3a02f33220	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:17:16	629.280
-9	29065	2906500	1190ae3b-1f13-4a31-ad74-1d47a69b6f04	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:39:09	-200.494
-9	58130	2906500	8ab63bb0-d8ba-44a9-a6a9-ec6482ecf8ff	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:49:11	-613.852
-10	29066	2906600	fd87f571-e13e-4af4-a251-6e130c010483	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:36:58	-616.264
-10	58132	2906600	9b2fedb0-2b23-44b9-8629-b63ff3b6a6a7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:31:01	762.813
-11	29067	2906700	6aacd091-9e6f-4e98-b100-6dddae9283b9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:47:59	687.790
-11	58134	2906700	52e3a15a-0844-460c-97d0-2001d42db8ac	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:06:20	380.925
-12	29068	2906800	fbb58528-bf27-4ca4-805d-5349c4d94adc	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:53:47	733.447
-12	58136	2906800	8dfad157-6f3d-453a-9b81-ca637fff0a2d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:17:12	818.462
-13	29069	2906900	e44a91ee-d358-4260-b3b6-088e2527b691	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:57:11	-282.316
-13	58138	2906900	1e9d4fba-6c46-47a7-9685-c64bd0c020a0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:28:17	-458.346
-14	29070	2907000	89f10734-a7bf-41cf-9482-48cbb988f68e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:49:10	731.344
-14	58140	2907000	0534640d-9308-460b-a4fd-3d0edfeb7fac	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:32:32	-857.709
-15	29071	2907100	8ac91c76-fa46-4f2d-af04-a2aab88cb932	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:52:27	71.876
-15	58142	2907100	4fd0672a-13e6-4b8e-8f25-4355b3a68466	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:37:39	-514.310
-16	29072	2907200	4d03ec8c-eeb9-4336-86fe-eced1b8919ac	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:17:59	602.907
-16	58144	2907200	041e0e54-a4a0-4ad7-b491-248d0ee10223	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:06:25	-387.547
-17	29073	2907300	7b1b4230-e1cb-458c-b21a-a713d9d4f943	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:56:38	-738.982
-17	58146	2907300	3dfde181-d090-4143-aa00-f9c763288518	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:01:21	544.724
-18	29074	2907400	bdcaf948-51e1-4219-885d-1b5b3871973e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:45:23	799.510
-18	58148	2907400	00f9672a-ed9d-4f8d-9032-01f7a8918a29	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:59:52	44.505
-19	29075	2907500	973bcdd4-cdde-4b39-9b5f-650c74ce81b5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:36:41	-342.666
-19	58150	2907500	a8dceade-3e3f-4aa8-9772-9dadb9b1169e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:18:07	469.531
-20	29076	2907600	9e48a26b-c866-481b-8cbf-39ccc97e0cfd	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:29:33	-198.699
-20	58152	2907600	4bd891e4-cca2-43d0-970c-7c19df09aba0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:44:06	-482.601
-21	29077	2907700	29ca42a8-29de-4f52-b6a1-db2dcd79e25c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:05:54	-52.126
-21	58154	2907700	1c8fc4a0-588b-49a7-9041-c21ae0b1514b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:04:04	-142.952
-22	29078	2907800	5515b9e2-0ba4-417b-84f6-6e6efbd50c90	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:25:06	-362.793
-22	58156	2907800	d921d3b5-d50a-415a-bae0-a624825a3405	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:16:19	299.547
-23	29079	2907900	2258782f-246c-49e1-953a-b96d028ab66c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:27:45	-23.431
-23	58158	2907900	cde45921-e9dd-4803-b94c-1bfbbc071d2c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:58:41	374.558
-24	29080	2908000	63dbe9cf-31fa-48f1-a81b-fea8bd5b5001	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:14:33	221.737
-24	58160	2908000	a668fe80-7426-4c19-865e-9071a8e833f0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:59:57	-815.604
-25	29081	2908100	b5c6c07b-430a-46bf-b792-55b558a4abd1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:41:21	-995.101
-25	58162	2908100	dd41ee10-56e5-4ef6-8246-3c5e7c815374	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:11:26	853.364
-26	29082	2908200	ed226371-5b05-4c44-8931-bbf3874bc807	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:34:19	-678.944
-26	58164	2908200	e3645f55-c016-4801-8645-8c3d7320922d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:56:19	40.198
-27	29083	2908300	1767617a-03d9-459a-bf70-56de524d1f5a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:37:16	250.150
-27	58166	2908300	0d1b40f8-951d-4bcf-bd0c-55f6dfe1de41	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:01:59	467.502
-28	29084	2908400	8102d905-cd0b-4699-bc3f-fba8e863e577	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:07:06	451.501
-28	58168	2908400	d1600b5b-514c-4324-9e78-c8a0c24f4951	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:45:12	-546.633
-29	29085	2908500	ee6f00d4-0ad3-47e9-b284-72c52d451ec5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:24:38	-693.931
-29	58170	2908500	95b27bb1-34bd-4ad3-bc90-f1123b233975	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:03:56	-581.153
-30	29086	2908600	b6db1e34-d8e8-46c2-aa19-a140f98cd15e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:12:47	20.481
-30	58172	2908600	47dd921b-4ad8-4b84-a0e6-e53e4a335cae	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:41:11	-13.883
-31	29087	2908700	25fab00f-9928-427e-95fa-64655ceae142	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:59:18	236.406
-31	58174	2908700	45b21e71-1852-4448-a0dd-beb8cde3d5bf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:42:50	-63.219
-32	29088	2908800	3eb4b1ca-80ad-4350-bee9-fcd9619575d5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:55:53	-345.423
-32	58176	2908800	cf65b067-d4a4-4ac0-b3e9-e91569863dee	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:22:29	-369.459
-33	29089	2908900	035a1b84-66ce-4dd0-9d12-4bc1f017d1d5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:51:16	218.927
-33	58178	2908900	8c6b2e10-4788-488e-85ec-37c6d1618535	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:17:50	-108.972
-34	29090	2909000	b0f50a85-69f0-47b2-a59d-92500f91b995	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:40:43	79.50
-34	58180	2909000	324cbe5e-e1f0-4abe-9e50-91d656c273cb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:41:16	492.817
-35	29091	2909100	9162d83f-b34b-43c0-8ace-b3c6f3a94e8a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:52:51	548.863
-35	58182	2909100	8f164c18-0a8d-49ef-993b-36fdf1aa9fa1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:32:51	454.354
-36	29092	2909200	c36bbbc3-09cc-4835-a52a-eeb970412fb3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:00:36	-344.748
-36	58184	2909200	41075136-953a-421f-8a73-3b936c63a1ed	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:54:51	-75.424
-37	29093	2909300	0930742c-587b-4694-a3c2-02caff4a2ba1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:35:41	-36.548
-37	58186	2909300	40ec01a2-34d5-4205-af1d-58b0762e810c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:45:55	-374.60
-38	29094	2909400	c3d929b2-5cd0-40d6-9d34-2f7f0be9b9a0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:12:40	-665.95
-38	58188	2909400	8401a7fe-5423-49d6-a8c6-d9d91d40e7ee	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:32:38	-524.725
-39	29095	2909500	7583c82f-d97d-4e3e-9d19-6d425220f076	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:12:47	-546.54
-39	58190	2909500	fa823c1d-5c25-4d2b-86be-b16a6e48be95	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:14:25	584.952
-40	29096	2909600	45a6b576-8614-4811-aa04-83245968bae2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:01:02	-909.634
-40	58192	2909600	aa874fb7-a799-47f8-ad64-a121d61d075c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:44:19	789.421
-41	29097	2909700	b359acee-dc6a-4417-aa8a-27d68b753467	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:17:53	395.127
-41	58194	2909700	2dfe326c-18f9-44a6-9bba-15596848abe6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:32:47	-35.761
-42	29098	2909800	47811e63-4bbb-4f7a-8419-79f909d6a205	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:55:15	583.397
-42	58196	2909800	0736ae1a-5d9c-4436-a923-ad52bbe24e3e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:27:19	-799.306
-43	29099	2909900	a79e9bb5-ef50-434e-8de4-e698664776a2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:13:30	-285.254
-43	58198	2909900	222087c1-7c60-4df7-97d0-6354f2c93d46	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:37:20	-226.994
-44	29100	2910000	1ffcd452-5814-4e3b-889a-b5e3198c2cd5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:48:51	-516.924
-44	58200	2910000	c06e0cf3-42b5-42e8-9d00-9800404afcbd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:46:09	609.713
-45	29101	2910100	f8b48ecd-c673-43d0-99a0-33c3cf60bab6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:49:49	-989.421
-45	58202	2910100	7b019ae7-06e4-46f2-a41d-9965667b3cbe	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:35:25	144.37
-46	29102	2910200	b76679bf-64a2-4e57-9cba-f4812d9b8fb0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:02:43	-314.788
-46	58204	2910200	c0fe0687-adbc-4631-85a9-6dfee4d9e213	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:09:06	35.332
-47	29103	2910300	69016628-f63f-4299-a632-0cc29e657e18	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:43:01	-847.499
-47	58206	2910300	3a973259-9f39-4a6e-8d83-d2a4c3316328	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:20:23	81.532
-48	29104	2910400	7bf5e558-14bf-4b94-9dac-8825ac31fd53	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:52:06	885.159
-48	58208	2910400	4731fd38-1e8c-4a5b-a8de-de98ffeb69aa	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:09:33	910.231
-49	29105	2910500	f3df6c04-78ea-44c4-b30a-bc833fd49346	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:24:18	472.138
-49	58210	2910500	ebdbe187-2fcb-487b-91de-24c47e48d848	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:08:54	-935.446
-50	29106	2910600	a5c63029-e389-4512-accb-226912ffaaf8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:20:11	-981.677
-50	58212	2910600	81f16403-e35b-4cb9-a0a5-da09e4e9f733	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:27:01	911.502
-51	29107	2910700	f8bf2b4a-a7ec-4fea-85ac-625b23944a3d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:57:35	402.110
-51	58214	2910700	c62950d7-3738-4bfd-aab7-ae10b13bfe46	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:34:45	664.718
-52	29108	2910800	c50d6494-3672-4660-b978-d37176fe69d9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:54:13	-865.534
-52	58216	2910800	454cf75a-cd15-440d-8e50-e63026a66098	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:46:23	-539.280
-53	29109	2910900	f4e196ea-1fff-46f4-a1dd-b2c39cd3f88f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:11:44	924.889
-53	58218	2910900	20b3a3aa-5327-4a1a-b09f-e076e4479eb6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:12:28	-497.471
-54	29110	2911000	928a857b-25aa-4283-bdf6-ca3859d92f11	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:43:31	390.713
-54	58220	2911000	6502f155-5bc3-4c70-8e8b-1aec1a70657e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:50:29	-345.49
-55	29111	2911100	1c1b149e-a557-4e6b-b876-c3a664c4e770	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:20:39	575.894
-55	58222	2911100	7f6967cb-3857-4319-b202-4bec75048765	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:16:39	65.246
-56	29112	2911200	ce93cb91-ceb0-4a27-8366-0499e750354d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:48:27	-595.467
-56	58224	2911200	1fa0f70f-5276-4776-962d-23e8891b03c0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:13:50	110.362
-57	29113	2911300	1b18876e-dc99-4966-9b69-277deb160bc3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:49:07	-104.153
-57	58226	2911300	d660f436-2cd2-4fdd-b389-253ce8ab726a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:59:44	831.424
-58	29114	2911400	2c0fbf0a-ef9a-4b28-bb49-624fa78e3840	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:32:20	-967.224
-58	58228	2911400	da57bf8a-8763-4afc-8001-1001cc1d99f7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:23:45	-582.178
-59	29115	2911500	f8ad7503-7658-4409-830f-8c3c525621e4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:24:46	-446.823
-59	58230	2911500	fdd8492b-a4e7-4e0a-bf50-cc22a730a9f8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:13:39	-250.383
-60	29116	2911600	1ee20264-5477-45c9-9e4f-bce395d586ec	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:13:33	150.877
-60	58232	2911600	0021c959-1cdd-4ffa-a3d9-cefa8a68a05b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:11:24	-640.148
-61	29117	2911700	de09d97c-2bd5-42a0-a583-8e2f00bdfdd8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:23:48	354.542
-61	58234	2911700	64e56855-8c62-4204-8d7c-aed70464d7bb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:46:14	98.459
-62	29118	2911800	fb9fa2d3-c58a-4950-9f7b-7bebe46b93e3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:14:24	487.573
-62	58236	2911800	e0b5a8c6-4485-4293-914e-74cf0fa68c88	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:03:13	-782.809
-63	29119	2911900	fa15e4f0-f4de-493a-bf0f-6e3775cbd787	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:27:11	-46.935
-63	58238	2911900	d2f086d6-6868-4ba4-add1-2ab032e6214a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:08:44	-324.82
-64	29120	2912000	81620993-68b8-4028-960f-e9221394482c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:05:36	729.285
-64	58240	2912000	b42b2a47-cc2e-4765-b55b-983f405c8f15	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:48:00	67.724
-65	29121	2912100	4db8d1cd-90d6-4412-8c80-a14389d817de	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:30:59	-327.841
-65	58242	2912100	19935e6a-ab5d-465a-98ab-ee8155d246d6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:37:00	157.409
-66	29122	2912200	8a4e0b07-73c9-4eb1-8f4e-bc9d7b27b8b6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:03:51	-626.762
-66	58244	2912200	f804594d-1728-423a-9835-2099502d2b9b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:38:11	-995.542
-67	29123	2912300	db089c2b-f4c7-448b-b68d-4c0bf16e4940	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:09:48	-609.690
-67	58246	2912300	5236c151-60c9-41a9-ba51-6752720becce	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:09:00	103.61
-68	29124	2912400	dd67aff4-7af0-4562-8e04-106aa9b97dbd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:00:15	-815.321
-68	58248	2912400	a076e3cd-611c-4e65-864a-07a987562d8b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:23:14	-589.334
-69	29125	2912500	f9b5ced5-c7e3-4969-8f73-65a539da5424	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:41:39	-80.274
-69	58250	2912500	bad43541-40e0-4bed-9032-a46b00df1c5c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:51:09	985.320
-70	29126	2912600	5c4b59ed-a5b3-4c1a-aebe-381e1990fc0a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:25:30	-581.623
-70	58252	2912600	94c1d561-c03f-4943-9d7d-712f4006d05f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:34:40	256.522
-71	29127	2912700	682bea06-7776-4eed-a748-8ce10bdb5d6a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:42:29	-379.757
-71	58254	2912700	2a5c65a9-3e7c-4cf5-aa97-7091bea695a4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:15:23	645.497
-72	29128	2912800	13298b98-60d1-45f3-ac0a-4e58a4cc612f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:00:23	-271.288
-72	58256	2912800	e323eb96-a1b0-41ce-ab4b-31871a8949cb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:26:40	48.853
-73	29129	2912900	54d647ce-ef8a-4740-9586-7a8a547218b9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:47:45	-928.442
-73	58258	2912900	a5ce7879-8212-4069-8719-da018056a22b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:48:57	-125.18
-74	29130	2913000	c5e3109b-525b-475b-9186-6950126921a1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:06:16	-103.243
-74	58260	2913000	777ace17-f15b-40b6-adb3-0019d7880039	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:53:44	-943.776
-75	29131	2913100	d1f4e13d-e4bc-46e9-b55e-5c2a9fa9b26e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:51:14	-998.471
-75	58262	2913100	1d8e69d3-0d66-4490-a3d9-e4a92a2cb5c0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:26:01	-954.418
-76	29132	2913200	ba5caebb-024e-4d51-a3ee-6743aa2d2dae	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:44:44	-107.52
-76	58264	2913200	03742aee-d5e5-4c06-aaff-a22dc7ba6bea	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:52:06	-907.447
-77	29133	2913300	fa849902-20e2-4670-8a06-3360b89c4fff	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:33:02	-605.940
-77	58266	2913300	b3c90b39-022c-45f8-a853-b06628a75031	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:03:27	298.533
-78	29134	2913400	c35b16c3-e6d8-4e07-9cce-48a92b68b6b3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:48:16	-432.993
-78	58268	2913400	1c2a6559-5013-4198-9981-894bda0b07a1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:30:40	299.527
-79	29135	2913500	bcf95bff-ec71-4a2a-a05f-55f7e2c4d7d1	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:30:33	955.427
-79	58270	2913500	0a318141-d277-43e4-93f4-d70a44405a95	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:01:11	-159.359
-80	29136	2913600	0d5305a8-07af-40e8-a32b-779c08633d7b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:04:19	-619.575
-80	58272	2913600	3d974e9f-3694-45fb-b779-f22e6efc7f20	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:43:42	-967.451
-81	29137	2913700	c7200d41-8211-4cd4-a756-b7da7caeef14	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:06:07	-710.625
-81	58274	2913700	549a0123-6457-47a7-a075-6c9db2aecda5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:39:04	-468.832
-82	29138	2913800	d4625282-0666-4455-91a2-7afcc8ad568a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:04:15	300.879
-82	58276	2913800	6fcea28b-f6b7-413f-956e-94f11cab7db7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:49:55	-575.33
-83	29139	2913900	e76dd317-4e48-4dc9-b8ef-673f5e119b9d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:08:57	901.790
-83	58278	2913900	2d3f1591-0378-4665-9d4a-dd2ee1f8593e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:36:34	688.422
-84	29140	2914000	bba89ad0-5942-4adc-82ad-d7d0c16ba203	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:12:24	312.268
-84	58280	2914000	bced75c3-b640-418e-b5c0-74c00dbd4508	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:54:17	344.719
-85	29141	2914100	fc4c8888-91c7-4cfd-a68d-63ea0627ef89	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:14:28	-102.940
-85	58282	2914100	6bf23bac-ceb1-4ab3-83e2-6bd8d4463976	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:54:30	-53.795
-86	29142	2914200	514cde0d-a113-4f53-9a20-8657e22f13f2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:16:15	327.978
-86	58284	2914200	e207bd2e-87e9-4f0b-b19f-b79adfed378d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:03:36	393.889
-87	29143	2914300	503a4ce4-4dc9-44b6-acb9-435b723f5a86	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:17:49	954.828
-87	58286	2914300	25251219-08dc-4fa7-ab57-1c00ed6d4079	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:38:01	842.567
-88	29144	2914400	1e687cee-a23d-4f74-98a2-b46ecfbb4140	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:01:24	726.587
-88	58288	2914400	97719469-1c94-4de7-bd6d-4e491bc6a04b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:03:16	370.349
-89	29145	2914500	dc1438ce-9b0c-4c4f-80dd-1786875ca3fe	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:07:16	11.463
-89	58290	2914500	e1d63fc5-000a-4076-bb71-5a111c61e8d9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:33:09	211.193
-90	29146	2914600	5f7f86ba-e874-4270-be23-aa9d0414f6eb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:40:23	356.214
-90	58292	2914600	25994923-1570-42b1-9308-87d98708e843	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:15:08	529.390
-91	29147	2914700	4d1e029e-d438-4fef-9fde-15d22900b9ac	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:22:19	-64.45
-91	58294	2914700	e15ca94d-a17b-4832-8d36-41ffe8e41aef	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:37:56	-536.195
-92	29148	2914800	1758a636-7ef6-4eae-bd76-4c574086a073	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:45:30	-399.300
-92	58296	2914800	76ca79a0-37a9-4abf-a075-f2c573be153a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:11:56	-562.286
-93	29149	2914900	cb2fe213-ec8b-4fb4-a22f-0e5a79835d01	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:54:25	-40.479
-93	58298	2914900	11ce43b5-f135-4541-8c27-3c9c08c768d2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:23:34	509.244
-94	29150	2915000	eaaeb1e3-bae7-4717-9d01-737a19ba27b0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:29:59	-687.56
-94	58300	2915000	6ed532b9-f8c0-4de7-8845-6f410cdb1b21	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:04:30	49.826
-95	29151	2915100	b661c0f6-1dd8-4c7f-9b88-d96dee708eaa	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:36:16	-247.339
-95	58302	2915100	ac0d4ab1-0e1e-46bd-8b21-b437fcbc498a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:37:42	-212.999
-96	29152	2915200	49d257b0-6e0f-4bf6-9131-bb753ab7f8f5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:00:19	-94.615
-96	58304	2915200	9c9a8ffc-c9d9-404f-8b03-97609e831ae3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:57:36	239.154
-97	29153	2915300	fa48d335-966c-40c1-b07a-c9591217bb6d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:35:40	39.74
-97	58306	2915300	9a49d8d1-ffe3-4888-bf9f-18428fcca9fe	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:44:28	-789.882
-98	29154	2915400	c2a14154-0833-48e2-b230-c8f354c3bc56	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:27:24	915.63
-98	58308	2915400	afb10b78-312c-4318-b7c1-75ad70da3eae	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:19:28	324.316
-99	29155	2915500	063b1ee3-19a6-411c-b5da-6fff29a93ebc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:21:40	-85.531
-99	58310	2915500	82f79f85-00f7-41ee-b9af-718b3c230325	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:18:02	985.792
-100	29156	2915600	9646c69b-d0f7-4829-9375-dbfad6b81d1a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:08:49	-880.922
-100	58312	2915600	287791a9-6021-4500-bcb2-418779ad97d0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:49:49	634.347
-101	29157	2915700	d6a0d00a-889d-47ac-83d2-2861d52a5f45	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:54:37	231.195
-101	58314	2915700	bcc38e29-e642-4bc1-b353-9f0086f36aca	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:08:25	102.5
-102	29158	2915800	6d05eedf-f61e-476d-ac49-0d23b2aed5bf	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:24:25	306.916
-102	58316	2915800	36d1b90b-98c0-4d12-8917-42589f71a7da	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:04:39	-789.921
-103	29159	2915900	0301a55d-cef2-4eae-ac6f-c55885cc3e55	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:14:58	209.29
-103	58318	2915900	9fca5d34-da0e-42e7-9e0c-e0a1213266f8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:04:51	534.786
-104	29160	2916000	a6d452b6-0024-4146-a9a4-3a696d2cc221	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:47:09	-107.697
-104	58320	2916000	648a48b9-c9d1-4de7-9b6f-9b1326fa8e74	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:10:06	335.651
-105	29161	2916100	63230985-89e3-4fb1-ab97-799bd95e9cd5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:45:53	-589.541
-105	58322	2916100	7843f02b-5487-4a78-91eb-3c1f6612cf3d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:54:02	-120.947
-106	29162	2916200	6773098d-d441-4ded-9847-6ca4c33385e4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:25:13	753.690
-106	58324	2916200	205dd83f-2e80-49fc-8141-f7e700349920	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:55:00	-23.275
-107	29163	2916300	ed6892b3-020f-4484-b937-77a617db76db	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:28:16	-83.832
-107	58326	2916300	1a0317fe-6ca7-4e89-bcc5-caa5e4904684	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:45:40	513.664
-108	29164	2916400	b6a7ad5f-4854-4ccb-a2c1-f8d07a2f1f50	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:45:53	-663.248
-108	58328	2916400	117259cf-15ca-40b6-b1d9-674d70298cb6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:08:12	60.418
-109	29165	2916500	a46d4648-b101-4258-a802-53d371f3009a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:08:06	-835.560
-109	58330	2916500	b8eaefd8-29f4-4c56-b9d9-f71153b5ee24	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:34:30	-396.578
-110	29166	2916600	cfa0df16-5169-4636-b802-90691605f2f2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:39:54	194.373
-110	58332	2916600	96cf60dc-d1ff-434e-b45d-c7e4ab714774	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:51:50	-694.45
-111	29167	2916700	0ee06f7b-ff16-4d9e-9224-e0a8a4770471	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:33:00	-702.703
-111	58334	2916700	53dc81c3-4f1a-4a68-b8f0-5ae5fa58f716	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:54:55	633.344
-112	29168	2916800	01b3a5bb-a0e9-48a7-a5e4-12c9d265e492	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:59:36	772.208
-112	58336	2916800	7754e9ef-108e-406c-9862-b483b4be4ada	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:36:22	-736.52
-113	29169	2916900	d7db3128-ea40-4589-ac57-195017ad8437	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:34:36	231.460
-113	58338	2916900	5b9e6ca3-a350-4db7-ad7b-bb41cd1ec1fa	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:12:27	398.677
-114	29170	2917000	c7214282-f504-4cdd-b45e-ff643d0ba61b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:09:35	112.451
-114	58340	2917000	4fddd4e5-fe74-4736-9296-df6f46d7311f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:07:15	-936.57
-115	29171	2917100	647c398c-d5c7-4d20-812f-3804271c5008	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:11:27	221.142
-115	58342	2917100	251dfff5-b314-4e11-a71a-7ede94a50f80	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:09:47	-272.456
-116	29172	2917200	0c818716-8586-49bb-aaff-96bce2b93e35	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:46:30	186.682
-116	58344	2917200	a26beec5-afa6-4482-8b1f-e5c2b503c198	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:04:35	-33.556
-117	29173	2917300	3dd45a9f-535e-41b0-a7d6-c56fd5c11526	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:04:20	-64.4
-117	58346	2917300	59e8e21d-272b-4c32-bdcb-41f07154f2f8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:34:32	-11.718
-118	29174	2917400	ebba33c5-ccc8-47af-b711-192145190498	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:21:04	780.68
-118	58348	2917400	b65edca0-5b5a-4574-8adf-3c3aa0100beb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:22:22	-224.566
-119	29175	2917500	91d8ed91-5f83-4399-acf7-e205e9e2ad8b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:58:23	-992.628
-119	58350	2917500	80f9428e-fd55-4ee7-9033-79f078da57d7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:16:49	609.485
-120	29176	2917600	0f6a1ac1-a73d-4733-9067-2b54329c3c91	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:09:39	-83.191
-120	58352	2917600	53bd9236-3821-47d1-8b36-7a6adfaacab8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:12:21	-592.510
-121	29177	2917700	33ef98eb-ba38-43ba-8e33-9b0a632ac2bc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:32:34	676.889
-121	58354	2917700	1e874767-4b2f-4c74-a453-3615bcb826bc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:21:40	445.411
-122	29178	2917800	ee3aecb4-8366-4732-8952-95f315b8196a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:51:49	-293.772
-122	58356	2917800	6e66f589-e929-408f-8951-c9644f1190ec	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:40:28	-153.354
-123	29179	2917900	e5b9767f-1b4a-41d2-9e01-4f4e0dbe2e51	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:06:58	-335.29
-123	58358	2917900	369ab300-9957-405e-9e84-80de92671e32	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:04:23	-727.969
-124	29180	2918000	8fce3975-a62d-4392-aaca-d3a7cc05f734	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:39:57	493.126
-124	58360	2918000	9826dfc5-b38b-4b8a-8723-d4a24a5b6d31	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:59:43	929.647
-125	29181	2918100	9b3d63be-6445-4686-80b0-2aaace720029	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:00:15	703.966
-125	58362	2918100	423ec232-353b-45ff-8ede-29e62052d3ea	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:30:03	463.679
-126	29182	2918200	94f57774-2b80-4bf9-b6d3-32677ed50498	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:29:40	348.113
-126	58364	2918200	fe39ae69-5854-4779-88a6-d865bf633547	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:18:04	-103.918
-127	29183	2918300	28010926-fc80-4257-9766-d19f897f60c5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:20:47	910.800
-127	58366	2918300	e6a6abfe-71c0-4f85-bedb-6fc4ed91ac17	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:46:14	706.639
-0	29184	2918400	4233a920-8619-4dc8-8e90-bf7e0bf5e450	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:23:21	983.437
-0	58368	2918400	4d75eb0b-8fc0-4e7b-a39e-112cfb4105fb	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:42:44	-940.802
-1	29185	2918500	1641fe6b-3ab4-4765-a3eb-8a0a0518cb30	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:19:41	639.110
-1	58370	2918500	408cca0e-da17-4b6e-914b-b28ec93d0738	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:28:10	896.910
-2	29186	2918600	37d3c9f8-f7f2-4e1a-9fc8-368cec9b3db2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:44:16	-238.254
-2	58372	2918600	19891039-4a0e-42ec-b1e2-83dbbba3c9c7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:39:30	-95.894
-3	29187	2918700	5865cacc-7519-4308-ab50-d5fb6a420d4e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:40:52	849.194
-3	58374	2918700	9474d604-8933-4074-b1a1-088197ba7a6a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:58:18	-79.307
-4	29188	2918800	4cbac66a-a6ba-4ec2-8fb8-0bddae98e2d6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:22:49	-799.842
-4	58376	2918800	a5307b9a-d03d-457e-a132-58c2b0eaa1dc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:05:32	692.350
-5	29189	2918900	b885a690-9c7f-4716-9537-f9e72cce62d8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:46:49	465.293
-5	58378	2918900	c5a7f1a3-6402-48cf-9730-0abd8aa8a4ff	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:39:44	-44.778
-6	29190	2919000	4e296ff4-d56a-4091-99b8-0ed9c98031d5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:39:09	635.515
-6	58380	2919000	2e8384a0-0e1c-4dbb-99d6-4c2fa4f168a0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:43:44	-742.936
-7	29191	2919100	ed196d82-f8a3-4d41-a6e5-fbf7a05b814b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:16:28	735.273
-7	58382	2919100	2b815022-eee6-4448-9929-509602dd45fe	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:51:17	929.570
-8	29192	2919200	64d2d253-bbd1-4acc-a4e1-fe1df74d7018	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:40:15	-908.154
-8	58384	2919200	49788ea4-3c53-4925-9d1f-54f7913fb7ec	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:53:11	-591.348
-9	29193	2919300	7822608c-f1b2-4b97-ab50-05f0d12a371b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:08:11	-474.120
-9	58386	2919300	d93989ef-12a4-4c0b-b5e6-1280c74eab81	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:59:14	-996.911
-10	29194	2919400	23d32c88-a2ea-47e8-ad23-35a115c5a746	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:51:11	214.704
-10	58388	2919400	43e0cd6a-226f-4154-b106-cc7893fd2b40	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:29:53	45.665
-11	29195	2919500	34357511-683b-47e3-b12d-41f1a1210ac3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:50:44	492.870
-11	58390	2919500	c10e7891-51d9-4298-9161-b9e930c06938	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:50:46	-46.398
-12	29196	2919600	acd6dd78-a7f9-4c27-980b-b8d513f35a5b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:21:21	481.131
-12	58392	2919600	065efea3-4be6-45c4-b0a5-5229b603884c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:36:47	269.437
-13	29197	2919700	6b415121-fd8a-47ec-acaf-39687ee56382	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:14:10	55.482
-13	58394	2919700	49195dee-3899-4130-8a6a-2f0e6919bdbb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:05:37	-949.373
-14	29198	2919800	2065b0a9-82b8-4bb4-aed7-68c4963f0da1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:01:08	-505.595
-14	58396	2919800	913c1a83-d0b8-4141-8496-e3f2a704d48d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:52:16	778.424
-15	29199	2919900	5a0f4f76-3493-4b56-9be6-4470c6540173	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:00:57	991.509
-15	58398	2919900	06efea4d-7bb0-4a90-9560-753efdbfc9d4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:21:46	211.127
-16	29200	2920000	13ff51d3-1e8c-4515-a9ef-8bc3f102688d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:22:07	-868.911
-16	58400	2920000	b4982a9f-dec9-439d-abaa-4a3438a9b390	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:48:20	-283.337
-17	29201	2920100	b85220fb-add8-409e-bf31-63a596ff0991	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:12:09	703.95
-17	58402	2920100	6578264a-dea4-4128-b9a6-5ccaf8409f6c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:51:16	-981.848
-18	29202	2920200	8aa4a71b-9ad1-4748-998a-a4db14889c08	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:10:20	-894.612
-18	58404	2920200	abcc8946-e112-4064-940c-a27600864ba8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:51:31	-118.507
-19	29203	2920300	fcfee303-ebb5-4847-acc5-c3657a0a7589	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:14:13	-773.565
-19	58406	2920300	3c6d253b-4e0a-40c8-bc3c-db059426cf43	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:29:21	219.786
-20	29204	2920400	df8ce0b1-8c95-4f07-a5dd-5d2da70886a6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:06:07	76.574
-20	58408	2920400	603f7377-4b08-47a0-9ac5-745d1f343aff	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:56:56	-757.211
-21	29205	2920500	f6e06f85-fe55-426b-87ab-da6351557be0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:45:30	-214.535
-21	58410	2920500	6b2866b6-ca31-4564-a98b-4d898e0c4dc9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:41:16	294.715
-22	29206	2920600	2dd94d6f-f273-474b-a6a1-c775fcd5575b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:53:55	-883.984
-22	58412	2920600	a28655b8-0a02-4323-98a4-d509cb43b5e3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:49:11	-444.740
-23	29207	2920700	a10a4777-7983-48a6-b7cc-eb50a8ce76c2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:05:36	547.560
-23	58414	2920700	e99e53a4-60a4-44f7-b494-4738414a2190	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:03:30	-678.223
-24	29208	2920800	791ff2eb-48a5-40e2-938d-e2553f9076f9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:09:37	-796.196
-24	58416	2920800	14e2ab2f-2736-44d8-b158-98adb5d0065e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:54:46	-577.169
-25	29209	2920900	31ba7ad7-f741-402f-abcb-43ad79db34b9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:57:50	150.463
-25	58418	2920900	42649c75-94af-408d-acb0-876b8b350e66	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:35:06	-327.611
-26	29210	2921000	aecc9616-e3a8-4d62-9d88-e94adaaadb34	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:55:55	-829.188
-26	58420	2921000	d6ed0ed5-7aa5-4c82-94a4-78cdd31b92e4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:35:02	220.87
-27	29211	2921100	9ec55215-9aa1-45d7-97f4-9853b7e79dcf	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:34:11	-417.138
-27	58422	2921100	7aa3977f-78f1-4882-a5dd-fbae7dd4dc95	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:50:40	-391.224
-28	29212	2921200	e903f928-2083-41c0-8b9a-84d758fa78da	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:31:12	948.16
-28	58424	2921200	730878f4-c7c1-4110-bc86-627fdc82e674	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:05:50	-969.434
-29	29213	2921300	57cfe4a7-7024-479b-b01d-3fe4dd1e6571	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:57:01	-724.70
-29	58426	2921300	7f85dfb0-4a03-4625-b764-b8c7d98e405f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:57:18	-301.430
-30	29214	2921400	69830521-6671-4b03-87c6-4767dafab5ff	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:28:03	926.898
-30	58428	2921400	5663de34-c8bc-4597-a007-d75a195ae2de	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:47:35	-246.105
-31	29215	2921500	715c1459-225b-4a22-ba7d-84ccdce33137	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:41:03	-929.779
-31	58430	2921500	9addce25-80cf-41a3-a7ef-0a170f2abf5a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:01:17	-287.335
-32	29216	2921600	e565f11b-9e3a-424c-ab87-2cf5fe6ef8c7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:28:52	870.82
-32	58432	2921600	56d7d7ac-c21a-4138-af6a-ecec76f32e84	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:43:45	-74.889
-33	29217	2921700	2e4fa4f9-78bf-4591-bead-7ab8c3799f2f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:51:23	652.430
-33	58434	2921700	d2612081-c660-4727-8b92-3b18fdf6b24c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:41:05	750.427
-34	29218	2921800	a470c88b-3cea-4e29-b27a-ec5c7fa28763	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:46:20	637.376
-34	58436	2921800	151c306b-3814-4c0a-9ca4-8236ee00da55	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:36:46	822.94
-35	29219	2921900	9e20a074-e22c-4747-8d91-780fa09fa275	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:51:53	-250.579
-35	58438	2921900	e6fffcd7-9481-4ed6-8ceb-2c9ec84eb1bd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:16:15	-552.689
-36	29220	2922000	d2525c2a-87e2-4d7a-81e4-eea489872d69	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:58:14	-999.170
-36	58440	2922000	f4b52fc7-1464-4111-8610-ee85b4f9380b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:03:54	714.42
-37	29221	2922100	eabef90b-d811-4138-9af0-09f21aeced42	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:05:38	-31.898
-37	58442	2922100	2904d650-56ca-43c8-9349-119fbd313e46	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:27:42	-440.122
-38	29222	2922200	df3539c0-5072-4ef6-9453-182499b9839f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:26:18	449.221
-38	58444	2922200	a48725a8-c533-4120-8db3-d99849002ec2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:02:16	778.949
-39	29223	2922300	f78f16bf-3214-46d7-8537-56579f6bec1a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:37:33	702.931
-39	58446	2922300	7a2de42b-039d-4281-b6bd-1e64294f8060	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:56:10	-203.375
-40	29224	2922400	8815e0a4-17b6-4090-9510-4ae453325130	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:53:51	434.600
-40	58448	2922400	110685b9-f2eb-4a18-9490-dadb1d7cac48	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:36:11	832.502
-41	29225	2922500	fd0ae6d8-9e69-4bd2-b767-68bf919ac55a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:42:23	-855.339
-41	58450	2922500	97a2a988-e4bb-4c2d-b3dd-ad6122c635dd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:09:54	146.769
-42	29226	2922600	9880fe69-779a-4e61-bb0b-f472f8f44cbf	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:37:11	-500.325
-42	58452	2922600	0def3c4d-d56c-4f8f-87fc-f26695a3813a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:14:59	-253.421
-43	29227	2922700	8804b51d-ef72-48d2-8ee9-ea7105706dc0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:01:10	-164.495
-43	58454	2922700	d9bb8ea6-cd60-4fba-9c60-7a9e43cd3aa8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:26:10	704.754
-44	29228	2922800	a39d50e3-2ad9-4eb2-ab75-460b080e6a6d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:57:19	365.907
-44	58456	2922800	007bbd28-6eae-416d-9bfc-2849978215a2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:02:19	-942.232
-45	29229	2922900	f2f6af79-bacc-4ef6-bd20-52f4a81706b9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:13:00	-313.75
-45	58458	2922900	6d67cd93-a0cd-4017-a904-098e1a90b58a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:48:34	203.845
-46	29230	2923000	6f1503c4-eeb8-4d15-bfff-8dcda00893c0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:59:32	-174.373
-46	58460	2923000	ed82ba5e-f203-45e6-961b-dd638dbeb54e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:17:28	-474.319
-47	29231	2923100	cf26ea99-dd6a-468f-95ba-254e0c8dd3e6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:30:12	-513.397
-47	58462	2923100	29729801-33c6-4bdc-ab0e-b59d398f51bd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:02:01	633.151
-48	29232	2923200	84e08692-fe5d-4941-9f93-f9ddad6ed471	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:08:54	291.929
-48	58464	2923200	1fd7e31a-7384-483d-905b-922dc7465636	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:48:50	142.621
-49	29233	2923300	2498f8ea-5671-41e9-b849-2cb0541c3704	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:10:51	67.808
-49	58466	2923300	382415ae-4e61-4def-b3cd-3555b56ed64f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:53:12	745.609
-50	29234	2923400	250db958-8c1a-4b3a-9f74-cb33051bc598	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:53:03	-547.61
-50	58468	2923400	51d1daef-5817-40dd-85e7-df0588f7b5b3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:51:46	-16.643
-51	29235	2923500	4f548233-60ac-4723-a8ce-164053f2d052	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:25:24	336.642
-51	58470	2923500	4ee6ecac-6e96-410d-8216-332d2aff34f7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:48:51	856.597
-52	29236	2923600	d223fcf3-fe5f-4f89-a2e5-8bfcd450e11a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:59:54	-121.309
-52	58472	2923600	357a3ee8-25e6-4ad5-ae0f-bd60e46ef7b8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:28:41	-681.39
-53	29237	2923700	c8132408-a584-4b3d-9a0a-34ec649b0436	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:28:32	946.243
-53	58474	2923700	c47a31da-f4e3-4832-9e05-4c9837722f79	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:58:13	150.619
-54	29238	2923800	ba38d43c-1814-41ab-8b5b-aa7f7c05f9cf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:14:30	-814.599
-54	58476	2923800	ddaa04f8-b67b-47ce-ae01-75285abc4358	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:45:43	626.250
-55	29239	2923900	653aac16-1cb5-47ad-8aa7-a13757bb7499	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:50:27	102.696
-55	58478	2923900	af5da916-12ce-4937-aefe-5dc5a3031390	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:10:48	938.88
-56	29240	2924000	9d49b0a4-a7e5-4d4d-8e43-01260a5801dd	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:07:00	320.917
-56	58480	2924000	309d63ee-7e92-4c28-8157-423fd2b13dfc	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:24:02	-169.569
-57	29241	2924100	fa9a06ea-503d-4145-a358-3d973287852a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:54:01	-291.911
-57	58482	2924100	4292e254-97a6-44a6-92cd-5430bfb69103	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:44:19	-27.503
-58	29242	2924200	8cf483ba-b950-4e62-b712-d1a66e099d41	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:21:05	-500.704
-58	58484	2924200	f791bb04-8dca-4055-82fe-a33c63e33a76	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:00:53	947.918
-59	29243	2924300	759a8883-1ca0-42de-9f4b-3e41b4f11c92	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:50:16	849.724
-59	58486	2924300	6c83c13f-83d0-4cfe-8c1a-0f1a9c4d22a5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:12:47	-874.18
-60	29244	2924400	6a55cd13-7cf3-4db6-8cba-64aa2a10a9ce	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:49:33	-70.423
-60	58488	2924400	2f97a791-4b3b-4492-8b53-13ddf532ac8b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:53:23	-431.635
-61	29245	2924500	30efd0c8-2498-4a34-a349-cc7be552d243	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:30:11	824.842
-61	58490	2924500	812ab6a4-64ca-4112-aacb-0a3892bdc4ca	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:28:48	275.628
-62	29246	2924600	c7c4d420-2f7c-43d2-bf16-1d3787eaa53e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:17:10	624.716
-62	58492	2924600	a68f1ad7-ae7f-4b5a-8aeb-bccd7d4061cb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:36:33	320.305
-63	29247	2924700	93af5f27-7e59-4660-8ada-5e9749a48761	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:02:51	-808.263
-63	58494	2924700	1aaf71b9-a0cf-460a-9666-9a78315acf1b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:48:15	446.972
-64	29248	2924800	660e6b02-fb4b-423f-8e00-092189d0bc08	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:32:07	-198.255
-64	58496	2924800	73a3dda4-3222-41cb-9876-3efec11ffbf9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:16:33	-122.948
-65	29249	2924900	bc3ea7e3-cba8-480c-af27-4da360f4ae06	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:21:32	571.6
-65	58498	2924900	22b237d8-074c-4bb0-a615-5ef6e8addb4f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:59:04	-807.187
-66	29250	2925000	4fe3813c-6fdc-4b7a-8287-8aef65f67604	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:25:43	-451.877
-66	58500	2925000	cf6b2fbe-2b9c-4d71-828d-3e4106541ac7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:48:48	345.40
-67	29251	2925100	b9329937-dde6-406b-a3ff-aa61a2060ded	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:55:38	-620.805
-67	58502	2925100	9e7ce315-d6fe-4ea1-a45d-10d5315586cc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:35:39	14.773
-68	29252	2925200	8f60ffc8-d42e-405f-8aed-ffa16075c292	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:30:03	932.601
-68	58504	2925200	81ef98e9-2be1-4573-bc55-0373e7b659d7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:49:29	-936.420
-69	29253	2925300	7113b3b0-185f-4198-a2d3-a0cc65678053	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:37:20	739.641
-69	58506	2925300	99abc4fb-e2e8-4aa2-bd75-01b5bd0e6e2b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:11:17	295.561
-70	29254	2925400	1a617c27-4c81-48b4-9c9c-406b0ea6088c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:35:51	947.422
-70	58508	2925400	7505e8c3-ece6-4a8f-8c12-ad111b34dc85	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:47:20	162.492
-71	29255	2925500	d330aa8e-50e5-498f-84a4-86277b795f0f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:10:01	633.677
-71	58510	2925500	6a47602d-972b-4722-8b26-10334883e3b6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:36:54	-826.682
-72	29256	2925600	fc381b9d-38d9-474b-8fa7-b79dc8221366	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:19:30	242.896
-72	58512	2925600	cdac7bf9-f3f2-4342-8121-3c9e4f6ca805	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:25:22	95.730
-73	29257	2925700	dab4d4fe-0909-4c40-9469-430a4a2572e9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:34:32	-294.169
-73	58514	2925700	72925a5e-98c8-437a-a2be-70c19e0f006f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:56:09	-464.581
-74	29258	2925800	76b551a2-2c66-410d-b8e3-df2e51765239	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:20:08	-243.878
-74	58516	2925800	235cbe42-d40a-431f-8c82-421018b5c519	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:26:28	-654.821
-75	29259	2925900	74697c1a-0b95-4ce5-8c3c-b1a9c010b5fc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:36:28	462.530
-75	58518	2925900	30ca1ecc-18e7-4d5f-8ce6-79e3b89e7d54	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:41:22	500.352
-76	29260	2926000	c2712958-78e1-4f87-ba93-0f3bb30554a2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:50:06	-697.612
-76	58520	2926000	3a4880a2-0e06-4520-83d8-23d2bc1a7663	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:00:22	422.754
-77	29261	2926100	a53217e7-72da-4078-b8bc-04538e0bf1be	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:54:54	343.932
-77	58522	2926100	bea2bb5f-4eb2-48fa-9a57-b19716e1d4d6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:35:09	71.182
-78	29262	2926200	7123b73f-808a-474d-9e8a-af766b8de03b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:23:21	-841.452
-78	58524	2926200	e3d1b3f8-c735-4b0b-b3d6-5c8659e3ab28	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:48:22	-411.326
-79	29263	2926300	4e4f7375-0ed9-4c44-a39c-f4ac1817c6bb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:32:07	379.536
-79	58526	2926300	43380334-f2dc-41e6-823d-bc79b66e4032	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:21:20	163.134
-80	29264	2926400	baee275b-36e6-408d-9b1f-590a56d81f52	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:23:20	153.637
-80	58528	2926400	e45e6c7b-67bd-4bab-9075-1718b904f147	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:26:25	15.439
-81	29265	2926500	4626e3b3-3034-4a17-afc5-ab22735100d2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:48:28	-284.916
-81	58530	2926500	be79105e-9efb-4cd8-908e-2b59b999ec0d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:20:41	-534.626
-82	29266	2926600	23e00bdf-baca-4f5c-b7db-4e9129a878fd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:00:17	379.67
-82	58532	2926600	ebd01698-1286-4b4c-994f-82a7aa4893ef	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:19:37	309.796
-83	29267	2926700	44deb8d2-56de-42f6-935b-84226694595b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:31:47	-892.570
-83	58534	2926700	572af7a9-224a-499a-8a58-9ed051f9bb7e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:49:35	133.712
-84	29268	2926800	a13043b9-c631-4223-9fe9-8a8f4b0647b5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:16:13	-507.897
-84	58536	2926800	d7d04664-dc28-4c7d-975c-640b0305e0e2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:18:31	929.330
-85	29269	2926900	e717def7-bdda-4f12-bcca-bb330f7e7b17	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:33:35	575.422
-85	58538	2926900	ef61c25b-8903-4ab9-a208-e7d455c1f926	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:07:08	-909.642
-86	29270	2927000	e96baae8-9c6e-4d8c-82ab-6ae423efc2b6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:04:48	218.640
-86	58540	2927000	e1f6e585-b6fd-4dfa-8e98-1787a2617b1e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:08:09	363.124
-87	29271	2927100	2991a0db-3d11-4013-8d8f-dc406d1bdeda	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:29:23	60.72
-87	58542	2927100	6bb747de-deb1-45dc-84e4-8a37fecca177	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:51:29	-612.235
-88	29272	2927200	396c0d5d-b957-4bdf-b21e-8fffd34e5cf5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:03:22	-621.170
-88	58544	2927200	a205d12a-e09c-46bd-9fbe-51339589b7fd	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:42:43	542.236
-89	29273	2927300	faeeb28d-85b0-4614-9601-145a9f362de4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:07:11	854.498
-89	58546	2927300	0abd13f6-cc08-4525-8d06-72d814aa558d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:22:27	-822.303
-90	29274	2927400	7bf46c1f-bc3d-4c60-8ced-08950cd8f934	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:11:42	-938.870
-90	58548	2927400	c4ee0785-91ad-448a-b3ae-b98f03b217d0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:25:33	-487.177
-91	29275	2927500	574f2269-b3af-4aab-86db-49686de12bc2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:30:38	541.952
-91	58550	2927500	2929736f-1a66-428e-ba4f-6f6f19f5e139	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:04:12	-412.649
-92	29276	2927600	ff3a9fce-11e4-4954-a3c4-35b4c0fdaabd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:57:55	21.335
-92	58552	2927600	2d9f7683-8bea-45c9-b633-b4dfb8307c04	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:29:19	850.888
-93	29277	2927700	76cd1fe3-4dd6-45cf-85ca-9a38ef7f3f3d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:33:16	857.462
-93	58554	2927700	a0c8b72f-3bd6-4cd4-914a-9b55ae1ffefe	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:24:51	175.222
-94	29278	2927800	6a313608-8e2c-4f75-b42a-5c9aabc68826	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:58:11	949.725
-94	58556	2927800	d95de81c-fb6a-454d-95e0-a34c26f5ba91	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:07:16	395.503
-95	29279	2927900	9410d550-785c-4557-843a-db34a963a70c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:37:18	871.834
-95	58558	2927900	5eddab4f-2115-4347-95d5-90c6353f7dce	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:01:01	-494.198
-96	29280	2928000	5803fea3-1ff2-4d4d-88ae-907fac9aba1e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:25:23	14.993
-96	58560	2928000	2f09a13e-36f7-4342-ae5a-b97cb55d520f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:46:11	619.368
-97	29281	2928100	351e2510-01ec-4bfd-bd43-cf9452e07fe2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:42:07	45.180
-97	58562	2928100	dd76c45e-a49c-4230-829b-eae4aaa8b3a8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:05:04	-916.513
-98	29282	2928200	3e610384-1b19-43ed-9f1f-6d89afd89e1a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:26:53	-18.862
-98	58564	2928200	92de12e5-beb0-4864-8cf9-b5d1f5bf1a8d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:59:27	285.323
-99	29283	2928300	4b8251d1-61de-4ff7-a603-44f454d5fff0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:36:58	952.194
-99	58566	2928300	3ff079df-6192-41fe-8067-aab77e42b6b9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:02:50	-78.551
-100	29284	2928400	bfbbe996-7a14-4d52-a84d-5ca983a90305	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:08:12	836.60
-100	58568	2928400	f4756c46-c54c-499a-854d-235dc0b13af1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:49:07	-265.354
-101	29285	2928500	b017497a-8371-4c81-b1d8-e6a17f69ed07	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:20:43	-80.339
-101	58570	2928500	0ff9283c-ef4f-41b6-9939-059bf61ac14a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:29:04	-743.484
-102	29286	2928600	4faaf7c4-2311-41ff-89cc-650d8d491462	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:09:38	578.586
-102	58572	2928600	f2c767d6-2def-462c-a6bf-a74f02ea2912	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:14:02	275.11
-103	29287	2928700	136b4459-4c29-47da-a801-65c6c2c854de	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:52:28	280.346
-103	58574	2928700	b8d4067f-3570-4891-bfb5-2e80b8455eab	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:15:16	418.433
-104	29288	2928800	71bf6835-3bc5-4d04-bc96-ae6952cb5107	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:33:28	-152.468
-104	58576	2928800	a59a3a1c-93b9-4f79-aae9-bf86877a72ff	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:31:48	-503.845
-105	29289	2928900	1b07bc31-7474-47d8-aaa9-eb58ac859036	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:48:34	503.451
-105	58578	2928900	a64d671b-5b57-4aa8-9adc-c4e775d2633d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:35:56	-360.413
-106	29290	2929000	34907c46-9a6d-4c1e-90c4-64dc7033de6d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:51:43	520.224
-106	58580	2929000	b77163ae-ce75-4270-be4f-62a51cb9bfc1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:48:21	85.398
-107	29291	2929100	48ae587b-5c38-492f-a66a-6a33258fcade	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:49:23	703.712
-107	58582	2929100	78baf48c-3cc4-49c6-bc18-e505c8cd232e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:03:35	776.867
-108	29292	2929200	3d3e1e34-5da1-4142-be9f-6094c08fb145	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:11:33	-933.575
-108	58584	2929200	5bd22a01-694a-40f6-85f7-25ba3102583a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:01:09	915.445
-109	29293	2929300	2b9ec4bb-2717-48d0-9764-86f1c5236efb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:30:38	-167.75
-109	58586	2929300	f7c0ca5b-df75-43f7-85f1-c46a27c9eeef	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:30:11	-421.436
-110	29294	2929400	f0fc64c9-53af-43ab-a07b-bd550e38ac98	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:53:39	387.45
-110	58588	2929400	54fe7ef0-5f05-4620-829c-5ed547e748aa	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:21:00	-804.112
-111	29295	2929500	5f20169d-6f4d-4c8d-8d1c-82a59374ba49	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:25:07	-839.484
-111	58590	2929500	b6258f79-95cc-4692-87e8-76230bd6f119	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:59:30	-237.473
-112	29296	2929600	20c76f2e-c89a-4673-8f2b-af29cbd367e7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:30:52	-527.366
-112	58592	2929600	8e3eaab0-4bb1-4570-bde5-58d5c7f30a2e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:42:11	-144.540
-113	29297	2929700	d1becb6d-15f3-4f7d-aa02-cbdf19472e1a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:02:03	-156.967
-113	58594	2929700	8f8e82cd-3feb-499c-9097-599e9beeac02	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:20:58	200.426
-114	29298	2929800	143d58da-b621-40f6-b937-ecb3463fd569	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:28:02	279.992
-114	58596	2929800	956114bc-b8c0-4b38-b93f-c5dd948d45df	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:47:50	134.369
-115	29299	2929900	b0e2b3c8-b624-4961-a9e0-5226d08a21f8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:02:40	-28.683
-115	58598	2929900	f729ef94-8883-4fe2-8937-348b82b88c84	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:42:57	-714.431
-116	29300	2930000	d4537e9a-9ad0-49b0-bb43-8636257c69f2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:40:53	50.321
-116	58600	2930000	d126cf2f-8856-440d-a466-90ce438297b7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:09:20	614.750
-117	29301	2930100	3abc1d29-45f8-4982-a741-872f365b22ac	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:34:36	-456.657
-117	58602	2930100	b91fcd44-7f7b-439e-8eb7-7f1a1a9943a9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:12:49	773.468
-118	29302	2930200	f6571fd4-25f4-4112-aca3-939cb8c2fcf2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:38:37	960.3
-118	58604	2930200	e136dd80-5d3b-40eb-a47a-f94c1661e9cc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:37:53	283.160
-119	29303	2930300	348b8357-9783-4ca3-a0eb-284e181aced6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:42:48	-897.374
-119	58606	2930300	99795214-fab3-4777-af22-d0aec6a4d2c9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:42:01	-345.892
-120	29304	2930400	ea3dcd80-0bd8-411a-8a31-a663b4abde81	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:14:17	556.411
-120	58608	2930400	c960a163-a9dd-45f2-87d9-ec34f7db5715	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:18:20	-453.968
-121	29305	2930500	ae640d64-832c-4891-a66b-8e2418a04bea	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:30:16	64.317
-121	58610	2930500	c182e8a0-c241-45e4-9690-2e6d56730d98	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:48:51	435.561
-122	29306	2930600	47997e29-6749-4dd9-89d8-e47f622fb936	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:51:40	780.521
-122	58612	2930600	06515370-499c-426b-8c88-37b29cb7151d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:44:49	181.734
-123	29307	2930700	5321680a-acf0-4866-b9dc-44e4ad913a25	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:10:49	-879.116
-123	58614	2930700	e4ebb82d-0210-4054-ace9-c2caeea2252a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:27:24	203.456
-124	29308	2930800	94f25faf-961c-4a46-939b-c19b0d4627df	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:27:58	-645.119
-124	58616	2930800	19757143-b1a6-45fe-9d02-eb27a2d61c2a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:58:27	237.619
-125	29309	2930900	8d09bb0b-8969-48ef-8396-35dd1da969f1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:53:02	-153.620
-125	58618	2930900	30cc2d34-c7ba-4941-b0d2-98bafdcf187a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:56:42	463.101
-126	29310	2931000	dc3a5031-6983-4238-8e8f-1822bd099931	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:07:53	24.165
-126	58620	2931000	fd3ec860-1f46-4f9b-b973-f8f4727bfa10	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:14:42	8.756
-127	29311	2931100	7cca5337-39f8-4105-9ac1-50534b4fc206	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:47:03	-118.706
-127	58622	2931100	4842f490-9917-4a1a-b578-4d6dd154b25f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:38:57	584.188
-0	29312	2931200	f3afba11-19bf-4566-8a84-0ec2d4705455	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:00:49	734.343
-0	58624	2931200	d5ef86ff-4106-47fd-a829-395871484dcf	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:23:43	-248.703
-1	29313	2931300	08ae8827-5954-41ab-aa5f-78be82005ee3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:14:45	-907.288
-1	58626	2931300	dee80259-6575-4692-823c-6d1289f07e4b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:05:52	52.525
-2	29314	2931400	b3928aec-152b-437b-911e-03abb9338f7a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:43:47	-329.583
-2	58628	2931400	ea350585-d90b-4409-a314-9d56c88e5ffc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:40:06	183.129
-3	29315	2931500	bff4a19c-5163-4a95-b265-8e1541dbe65d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:42:39	-639.478
-3	58630	2931500	df641133-e0ab-4144-9459-ef3066deae79	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:19:02	-951.275
-4	29316	2931600	f52c5042-6613-4c11-917c-f7aecb971366	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:04:45	-224.165
-4	58632	2931600	0aa2df78-1083-47eb-9864-6ee4cecd9a53	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:00:34	246.442
-5	29317	2931700	83cb16e8-2ab4-4c89-a0ee-bc85c5b0a82a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:23:41	-807.805
-5	58634	2931700	0d16631b-0cc6-4c0d-8a56-914957111c45	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:19:14	-348.450
-6	29318	2931800	dd598736-e372-43a7-812f-3daa5039a45f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:40:51	-142.122
-6	58636	2931800	93c92afc-52e1-44df-9e77-39053bcf24f0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:43:43	833.191
-7	29319	2931900	c5977346-587e-4cbb-94ac-36f7972ea62f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:39:50	-528.784
-7	58638	2931900	36be3461-3bba-4a58-a48b-ee9955a6a25b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:35:01	-934.174
-8	29320	2932000	faf390a9-9eaa-4b8e-a709-d7d73c4409e3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:36:20	581.423
-8	58640	2932000	b949666b-7ced-460c-9dfd-b731926faf74	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:07:27	234.846
-9	29321	2932100	f4a80b27-701a-4e5c-b220-63abdcf7494a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:11:16	56.245
-9	58642	2932100	857ad268-7feb-4754-8440-31265baafde4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:22:44	-899.907
-10	29322	2932200	b4d21e2f-63f7-4682-b9bc-834891effd7c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:57:27	173.200
-10	58644	2932200	307cfbff-37f5-46a6-bd67-c387dfb0d9e6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:46:55	-116.668
-11	29323	2932300	a939b4ee-9208-4538-8514-e622fedc8604	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:39:54	-552.912
-11	58646	2932300	8124df3d-2455-4bf3-af98-9c4105abd04a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:27:00	670.712
-12	29324	2932400	22afaff3-f13f-4f4a-9460-7c091b4c7c42	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:58:29	-849.596
-12	58648	2932400	d89d78a9-a185-46a7-a117-d0aa8abd5eec	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:46:56	-746.280
-13	29325	2932500	66f74847-2006-412f-a0f2-29a731f9a05f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:46:42	-301.648
-13	58650	2932500	f586a2cf-cd7e-46fa-a28f-a4a3cc133b12	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:52:34	-96.919
-14	29326	2932600	69ea9aaf-bb13-41e0-8e56-35b8d7639c9c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:35:54	271.538
-14	58652	2932600	e53c15ff-9c1d-471f-9478-7f223edee4c9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:11:24	69.0
-15	29327	2932700	ead24c1d-45c5-4c2e-af45-b2b2a118822f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:36:49	-757.835
-15	58654	2932700	f3816bcb-2750-4ff1-b34d-fcf6ee078ca5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:26:41	744.318
-16	29328	2932800	a89485f2-e430-49b6-933f-71afecb09414	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:00:26	908.22
-16	58656	2932800	ab648a5f-08bd-453b-8d87-06a2d2c0ee92	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:41:30	624.18
-17	29329	2932900	197625ec-6b71-4fe6-a6a7-1bad0f855d15	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:50:17	548.994
-17	58658	2932900	f4ae457e-46d1-4b25-8061-dd497bb37afd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:19:06	313.898
-18	29330	2933000	c943fc76-22f2-4194-b4c2-3a724f1ad508	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:51:28	-29.183
-18	58660	2933000	0d92b19a-b248-4f1c-8ce0-b088cd8c61de	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:12:30	273.619
-19	29331	2933100	b859c958-4172-4f9c-8eb6-2a496bdff508	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:38:30	319.378
-19	58662	2933100	c15e89ed-e942-4434-86ee-187c9bc5f349	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:16:59	-469.992
-20	29332	2933200	f5c51543-b722-4831-bd20-df69f1ac5a6d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:46:28	775.945
-20	58664	2933200	8994af45-3144-4208-89ce-5157c9095717	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:59:29	248.882
-21	29333	2933300	308f32e4-194a-4f4e-8c88-71c9762cfc67	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:23:51	-186.760
-21	58666	2933300	492caed8-2e40-4e54-ae83-04ee0ddbe9b7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:31:14	86.991
-22	29334	2933400	d8e88354-c785-4d6e-8cae-918dbfb4405d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:58:30	-839.559
-22	58668	2933400	b2340275-bc84-46da-9d3a-fda490d80081	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:50:52	402.296
-23	29335	2933500	0829597d-0b75-43ec-a0e4-c2e0086bb2a5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:02:46	-865.848
-23	58670	2933500	ae8b893a-742f-48e5-bce3-1565411dcf62	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:39:21	862.438
-24	29336	2933600	b2c7cb41-39c0-40a9-a202-e9c2794a12c7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:47:08	-637.271
-24	58672	2933600	e90e19cf-46b2-4498-9264-1bfd5bf37353	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:32:52	-729.685
-25	29337	2933700	77e3e8a1-f81b-4e42-90bb-1d53a88b895f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:41:18	54.410
-25	58674	2933700	b3828d40-f74a-4446-8ea3-9dde85188e68	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:08:35	477.234
-26	29338	2933800	d763d952-32fb-4f9b-a324-020e8b81ecec	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:20:42	-446.980
-26	58676	2933800	96946f0d-c9d6-4b3c-9cf8-f6dbcf384835	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:18:52	-115.680
-27	29339	2933900	552055be-4f2e-4578-93f2-3f423d47d3d9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:54:37	431.747
-27	58678	2933900	b35739c8-47fc-41ea-80d0-1ba62dac4b55	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:31:49	-564.946
-28	29340	2934000	e5a58b67-7f67-4c0e-a278-146e7547b136	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:24:19	-237.337
-28	58680	2934000	6bb60ee6-985b-46f2-9367-470f4b357df4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:45:56	990.210
-29	29341	2934100	e7ce66d0-174e-4f97-afbd-2870dfd5350a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:18:07	-255.681
-29	58682	2934100	40f8cf69-cd84-4ee0-91c2-236fa9e2d026	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:19:47	-973.641
-30	29342	2934200	9406cbf4-d487-4f06-9909-e5750712ff46	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:53:16	606.553
-30	58684	2934200	cbbaf0a7-9733-4dd0-9ebb-202ca457cc26	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:48:52	676.989
-31	29343	2934300	a7c79441-0ae7-4771-bd20-5bdf9caa9fc7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:24:33	773.669
-31	58686	2934300	4ff3f131-0a6d-4591-8dc7-8a9504b4dfc3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:04:12	921.583
-32	29344	2934400	70caa9bf-4c12-4d02-a9a5-8c08e9340dc5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:47:06	-572.31
-32	58688	2934400	f290ba57-f2a9-4237-9f2d-d9f061bfad04	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:25:40	479.441
-33	29345	2934500	f379bb53-08ba-4ac7-9db9-a911dec7d6c8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:37:09	422.734
-33	58690	2934500	56d2122b-e600-4246-8819-39f93273d55a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:00:54	-137.987
-34	29346	2934600	e9625331-1392-4bb5-9aba-349598aa411a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:18:34	302.528
-34	58692	2934600	e2b0bd3b-8a45-431f-a034-6b53b9abc850	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:26:23	798.59
-35	29347	2934700	73e1cb26-7d31-40f2-891c-f1371b983e33	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:52:43	-650.573
-35	58694	2934700	97196fa7-2fc7-4ebe-a4b9-45717c122fe0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:45:33	561.138
-36	29348	2934800	63d3f613-31f5-44f0-ae78-a54fa72698a7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:07:07	524.799
-36	58696	2934800	9cac79c7-bc51-4911-bd3c-a2a584f99248	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:20:06	-48.905
-37	29349	2934900	62d5af3a-90fc-4c82-82e9-47aef5b7fb53	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:22:51	471.339
-37	58698	2934900	46c61c7e-9c0b-4457-b02e-e67a07c81ea5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:17:33	731.84
-38	29350	2935000	e604ccf8-6156-4786-bdaa-8b3b5703503e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:13:19	798.205
-38	58700	2935000	373c0096-325d-43b6-9549-da9b56620d6c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:21:38	-318.372
-39	29351	2935100	78228277-2c61-4c33-a0c7-4dfef8067c9d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:49:59	-704.815
-39	58702	2935100	53a0a3e2-530c-4145-873b-15638e076be4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:39:02	-322.195
-40	29352	2935200	606422f3-0f2d-4de2-b2b1-1e07fad407fb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:07:44	646.57
-40	58704	2935200	475afdc4-9307-44cc-92f1-6fed6bd63100	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:24:58	222.451
-41	29353	2935300	6442e54e-f004-4b9a-bbc6-22d83783369c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:04:08	876.509
-41	58706	2935300	87f74fee-fbd5-4685-80f8-6936fdb02b7c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:14:23	974.787
-42	29354	2935400	e5fb1412-3231-4428-82ab-2a3e8ff43a98	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:00:02	544.968
-42	58708	2935400	a75e1f01-522c-49ae-8cc3-7cfd29afaaa6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:16:43	816.849
-43	29355	2935500	4863d7fb-6cac-4879-9494-e19e4762d9c4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:32:08	69.917
-43	58710	2935500	704aa300-56d5-4975-b9da-90866a275e3d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:49:54	-379.923
-44	29356	2935600	b9c441a3-22fb-4036-8627-a6f9f3e2e434	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:51:43	451.267
-44	58712	2935600	22cee8e2-c4c4-4311-9542-43bb41f20ef3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:11:33	172.403
-45	29357	2935700	c4d215ca-bc2f-4dbc-be83-5584acd7ff27	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:02:11	-682.11
-45	58714	2935700	b6fbf353-9d39-45ad-a8bd-d57655fd2ebd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:20:13	666.769
-46	29358	2935800	9f692a21-1426-409d-8d3a-5d4af81712d9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:15:02	-919.937
-46	58716	2935800	4f85f8f6-2ece-4f1d-92ff-b951015afa02	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:34:48	8.109
-47	29359	2935900	47b6d9b4-c701-4273-b22c-8de483b314b0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:52:16	344.263
-47	58718	2935900	1e7cc411-c37c-4c8d-b4f4-944125900af0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:05:09	260.244
-48	29360	2936000	1419f764-a6a4-4d21-a6ff-f0041caa3351	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:09:49	-187.262
-48	58720	2936000	ce965a76-07ea-4863-b253-5ffd4b7890ce	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:10:41	-342.547
-49	29361	2936100	2155d4c4-6ea5-4b7a-a8ea-bd728ae8c677	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:26:42	933.609
-49	58722	2936100	3ddc1c51-7320-4df5-be34-12238d9f0a0a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:18:44	417.860
-50	29362	2936200	a1c37327-95e1-4461-9961-d6a9a4d30149	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:31:47	-506.567
-50	58724	2936200	ccc223f2-0198-49a7-a68b-7d1abee0ffcc	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:10:40	72.482
-51	29363	2936300	12577234-51ca-4770-93c8-501f9c1ad3a6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:27:56	495.830
-51	58726	2936300	a19666fe-de23-4de9-bad5-2e316b465940	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:48:32	122.876
-52	29364	2936400	38da8dfd-a64b-46da-bf3b-b09430774c5d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:55:29	529.571
-52	58728	2936400	49d642aa-1cf2-414e-9582-539f6288c991	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:04:39	66.825
-53	29365	2936500	1ce45778-b3e3-4b47-bf04-9026fa86ea2c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:04:55	266.894
-53	58730	2936500	7de90013-125e-4acb-a0ec-f78b5611f07b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:00:49	37.251
-54	29366	2936600	393d56f6-ac43-4f8a-bd53-fb269fb0d72c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:03:05	-811.347
-54	58732	2936600	b16d2a69-6a3b-4791-919d-06b008633dda	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:35:39	-267.979
-55	29367	2936700	9b7085e3-500e-4d23-b25e-704d9c0155b4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:28:32	-969.67
-55	58734	2936700	c47cdc4f-856a-4ac0-8623-dc542320ecf9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:46:24	676.679
-56	29368	2936800	62d75914-628d-47cf-98b1-5ea5072157a4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:19:40	-288.369
-56	58736	2936800	4768b7c1-fd4e-49d6-afea-2d2e1aac9dc6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:00:15	525.32
-57	29369	2936900	e184f140-3bd0-40f9-9d38-3902aec72e7c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:54:11	-771.238
-57	58738	2936900	cf0b7d3e-5d45-4c32-bed4-47b570510245	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:21:37	-223.466
-58	29370	2937000	92f211f1-7b87-424b-8e8d-9f0aac22bf5b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:47:23	-220.208
-58	58740	2937000	7177f8cb-b8e7-4f6e-85ef-316a59e7c2f3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:32:39	-493.75
-59	29371	2937100	80a57606-9d7d-4a5a-b7c8-fc2555d7b636	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:32:55	-673.954
-59	58742	2937100	90fb4666-7564-4005-8c7b-fbb7d7268a35	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:29:58	306.196
-60	29372	2937200	53ebacfd-eeec-47bb-bbb3-55a4568c580a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:28:39	-771.755
-60	58744	2937200	3d2eb25c-4028-4eb0-b495-da3f3308a922	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:10:23	-937.860
-61	29373	2937300	50a75bf6-33b9-4412-847c-68537b96d245	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:07:15	992.742
-61	58746	2937300	fdcb7b87-497d-4b3a-8f93-4ed3fb5565d9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:54:52	268.266
-62	29374	2937400	01eba286-2998-4253-b62e-982d913364f5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:28:43	749.522
-62	58748	2937400	aea730c2-8b71-4be7-916d-f664bbb47056	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:27:58	-762.211
-63	29375	2937500	3397d70c-9aa7-4f07-ba5b-3f0877b53ecc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:01:03	908.411
-63	58750	2937500	35f39f01-5c06-4429-b578-e2396cb83436	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:41:42	-656.597
-64	29376	2937600	ff7328c3-d7e1-40bd-b00c-7b2f8bb0db97	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:24:06	586.978
-64	58752	2937600	44a13b93-3ce8-4b88-a490-2355d4c18bec	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:31:25	-837.483
-65	29377	2937700	ba142d65-150e-43a4-a9ae-90a4a5d839c9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:12:25	-197.180
-65	58754	2937700	f78a4ebc-9ee4-4104-9cf8-390d9dbd6d5f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:40:41	-862.331
-66	29378	2937800	05fceae4-4bee-478f-b6f0-fd9e66f3bf26	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:25:32	795.970
-66	58756	2937800	11482d91-feb5-4a40-b694-94d571110d05	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:17:53	-206.558
-67	29379	2937900	dbe1f084-0c59-47e3-86dc-eb403d15123b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:42:55	-918.513
-67	58758	2937900	f1f6f1bb-65e4-4155-ae49-06b26558b2f4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:43:35	374.378
-68	29380	2938000	6d51c2f9-ec76-4c66-b6d4-7290f7f2acf8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:38:08	108.770
-68	58760	2938000	1a5b6e9c-51d9-4aab-b3da-fb75b7fc8883	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:34:56	723.951
-69	29381	2938100	c5a23368-69d5-4b87-98dd-367b472eb210	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:08:48	859.863
-69	58762	2938100	6809a850-b878-49c2-a665-9bb4621e2d33	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:22:56	129.101
-70	29382	2938200	5c50dbb6-2034-4884-bb4b-6c1df4e13fd6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:30:40	-599.537
-70	58764	2938200	fa6068d4-b425-404b-82c3-d69d6cba245f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:49:50	244.289
-71	29383	2938300	ff5f75fc-f29b-4303-8586-2b9db517536e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:46:00	994.478
-71	58766	2938300	45ed100b-5879-48fb-a718-8f2ba726065c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:58:18	-66.612
-72	29384	2938400	78675ffe-d194-4c34-9968-e024bd179127	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:36:45	764.921
-72	58768	2938400	10ca3b9b-a2a3-4313-95af-bc3469b82d2f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:32:14	-5.989
-73	29385	2938500	37190263-37e0-4f9e-a094-e372d47a6fcd	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:32:44	-182.801
-73	58770	2938500	01cafce6-b721-420b-a551-7ccd0107fa89	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:36:56	349.341
-74	29386	2938600	1b896153-6ff1-43c1-b397-882764911601	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:44:43	673.82
-74	58772	2938600	fc72e79e-68b1-44dd-9115-613d98f060d9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:54:39	-44.782
-75	29387	2938700	bf7f3e11-4bd2-4d21-a6ca-2d384d301a47	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:10:30	-412.376
-75	58774	2938700	7ac047be-1c30-47e5-9119-c91db3db3cad	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:50:01	12.718
-76	29388	2938800	46d10614-9f78-4943-9f50-56ec52588385	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:05:19	861.456
-76	58776	2938800	54c5745b-2a9e-4368-81e2-51841d17a2a5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:23:55	-146.59
-77	29389	2938900	9d79f321-5314-4d72-82b4-e73a8d5e8fe2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:51:50	-408.86
-77	58778	2938900	285602c2-19b2-41a2-9a11-125e5839c736	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:01:51	-812.964
-78	29390	2939000	2bb1266f-1507-499b-99ab-a1ed7a37c2bb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:29:43	532.264
-78	58780	2939000	ee716603-4abf-4eac-8618-733f0ffe08dd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:46:58	-967.70
-79	29391	2939100	41f77d8f-dec9-460a-b09e-4108877df7e2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:06:01	-364.410
-79	58782	2939100	695ed3b8-b8f0-4a26-920b-c648203705aa	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:06:53	288.772
-80	29392	2939200	801b252e-dc5e-419c-88e1-29f3b5247534	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:41:15	590.678
-80	58784	2939200	a365909e-aff5-47eb-83d0-7a491963dfc8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:11:03	-958.983
-81	29393	2939300	504c4ca5-4c31-4f36-aaf2-069cc07bafb0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:05:37	-869.849
-81	58786	2939300	643574b6-373e-4929-a174-db516c0ac826	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:18:34	-746.730
-82	29394	2939400	f97dba86-c693-4bc2-a263-fe55b8e9d001	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:03:00	840.297
-82	58788	2939400	4196da35-613d-4276-86b0-341334d06033	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:08:27	-412.36
-83	29395	2939500	edb814e6-6a90-410d-af94-449012e278ec	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:32:39	-537.846
-83	58790	2939500	30e387e9-0faa-4e9a-8f5f-b598b651466e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:40:46	438.257
-84	29396	2939600	d50c38f7-ed1d-430c-8200-6e7fa965c838	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:31:02	253.52
-84	58792	2939600	8bd74a24-9de9-48e9-8eae-a867a7012174	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:03:52	-236.444
-85	29397	2939700	33e60e19-ba48-4a2f-9479-65cd7a53ef41	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:14:29	413.387
-85	58794	2939700	03f5c516-7858-4659-aabb-478c9588ad1f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:12:00	-840.203
-86	29398	2939800	5df1dc76-93f1-46de-a92f-579e1c931fdd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:42:14	-215.689
-86	58796	2939800	7f594d95-14e7-419d-b859-41368b51bd24	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:59:15	-248.551
-87	29399	2939900	45178c86-7c2f-4280-b6bb-42fc1f7ddf64	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:34:49	-167.765
-87	58798	2939900	5af98848-563f-4589-9afd-6cc03a0bf8a8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:59:26	-99.957
-88	29400	2940000	30850748-bd5d-430a-8c78-188463bf4170	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:10:19	872.935
-88	58800	2940000	80ba7ccd-cc10-4ee0-a66d-f8e457bc3d24	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:06:16	-576.415
-89	29401	2940100	e25fe433-0c69-4845-aa41-3ae984e3457e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:03:10	-195.648
-89	58802	2940100	86b40de5-a7bc-4a5d-8224-bdb7581dd24e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:12:43	757.165
-90	29402	2940200	72985f5e-ae4f-48dd-b409-76ececd172f0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:32:21	-797.84
-90	58804	2940200	92e10d7a-251a-4f1f-85b7-258b5013fb84	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:53:28	446.342
-91	29403	2940300	f39e5ea1-daba-475e-bed5-90e4bbe45568	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:51:48	-814.132
-91	58806	2940300	f5d7453b-1ff1-4a90-b05d-05454b8bcf45	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:17:46	-923.566
-92	29404	2940400	8d7b2045-1e6b-42ec-aef7-05297ebdbd89	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:39:40	159.794
-92	58808	2940400	0416ac21-4c9b-4ba3-b193-6324fe948405	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:03:49	614.480
-93	29405	2940500	26b093a1-9ffe-4b51-b82f-9dd9240f40d0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:41:23	-827.451
-93	58810	2940500	0027c99a-c2b2-4d1f-a585-66fadf30612b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:12:39	545.536
-94	29406	2940600	a122327b-fae6-4cfe-bc11-f3332d836009	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:08:18	-328.627
-94	58812	2940600	a2264c0d-b24d-4a6a-8016-d963df0eeeac	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:10:54	61.396
-95	29407	2940700	4ef26b3d-679a-4abe-9587-893e835dd0e0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:08:34	271.809
-95	58814	2940700	d749b415-aeb5-403d-9631-5984b3ba6863	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:11:45	924.292
-96	29408	2940800	23f0f932-a728-45a0-b536-d2f9149b9d7f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:35:30	-785.69
-96	58816	2940800	90786d98-ed2b-454f-9a8a-cffeef97e57e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:03:29	108.452
-97	29409	2940900	27cf2fe9-796b-44b9-abf6-6bc0aadee39d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:50:00	271.941
-97	58818	2940900	eb6e6088-8486-49f8-b3c7-d3450b785880	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:41:05	-477.509
-98	29410	2941000	77b2fd3b-a4a0-4edf-81e3-949898d8b17d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:53:40	858.558
-98	58820	2941000	51e7763e-39f4-4f5f-bf03-f18f334fc322	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:24:49	-456.561
-99	29411	2941100	7beb5a52-c928-4c2e-bc29-ff9462f728ab	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:19:46	-823.752
-99	58822	2941100	27167584-8aa6-4043-b0f4-eee935121393	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:07:35	235.76
-100	29412	2941200	28efc3c0-562e-47ba-815f-f502296e998c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:29:35	-864.744
-100	58824	2941200	2e0f9cbb-8a7f-4f38-a3be-9872b466c053	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:43:52	32.92
-101	29413	2941300	12a62c23-2cf9-4004-814d-0cb294902200	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:56:20	706.718
-101	58826	2941300	c015aeb8-1090-4927-9bbe-27b92b3b5076	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:28:50	-262.692
-102	29414	2941400	2e0837a2-36a8-477c-b9dd-ea31ce9e7e46	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:14:43	-913.898
-102	58828	2941400	7db2e14f-b346-481a-8cad-5be7891fa858	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:50:48	-771.901
-103	29415	2941500	c986ca5e-0a36-4a92-bb89-8fc8122cb831	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:56:33	-154.964
-103	58830	2941500	c038a702-fa81-478a-bcd2-ad338725099f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:13:08	996.456
-104	29416	2941600	576a9a6a-ab95-4673-88bb-221f058f47bb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:38:13	-904.542
-104	58832	2941600	9aae0dc8-a334-484b-9b03-bfec6fa35428	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:24:03	110.129
-105	29417	2941700	2eefe9f0-3881-45c0-8437-6b6675f2e2be	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:46:59	446.548
-105	58834	2941700	4962d3c1-da69-4060-80fe-436bed79a511	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:07:51	-676.309
-106	29418	2941800	2e17ac0c-0378-45ee-8910-40369ef3ff04	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:10:46	993.237
-106	58836	2941800	b3bba74b-a65c-4223-9314-e2e1ed7cffa3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:01:19	-918.633
-107	29419	2941900	4252af88-cf84-4091-b55d-85db47a47062	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:47:27	-613.873
-107	58838	2941900	da88c3c1-26bf-4db7-a20d-48f554a0b57a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:21:04	878.465
-108	29420	2942000	655f1f48-f3d0-4e22-b77e-06f844ac709d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:48:53	631.531
-108	58840	2942000	7a2f4b30-c278-4435-abad-9916c47bea49	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:33:11	438.706
-109	29421	2942100	7c0c4e56-fe3f-4746-8559-a8f96b049bc3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:05:04	-696.799
-109	58842	2942100	535a1a8b-aa8f-4f8c-8d3e-46065cc5240b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:01:37	498.197
-110	29422	2942200	081fcc61-ea75-42fd-b9a4-33d2535f5783	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:23:48	-835.580
-110	58844	2942200	00cc7a60-6152-4a30-92fe-0238e6fc35ef	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:09:49	55.970
-111	29423	2942300	69e746ad-23d3-4eba-8d29-f03e02756e15	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:09:52	43.708
-111	58846	2942300	ee7aa1d4-9cf4-4c8f-a63b-e09be63d816d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:25:50	-32.364
-112	29424	2942400	bd978398-cd45-450a-a5b8-2076b1fb48f6	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:49:08	-130.734
-112	58848	2942400	3de70018-ca80-4d0f-932a-1547f528b9a7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:01:39	433.938
-113	29425	2942500	f27a9a44-6d0b-4172-98cd-9ff70e68a438	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:58:19	743.352
-113	58850	2942500	de9ccfd0-ae76-47ac-b131-f820036a49e8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:26:58	877.224
-114	29426	2942600	39e977ca-33a7-40c7-8cf1-e8c7e511b3a0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:27:43	853.376
-114	58852	2942600	ef686b47-e31c-4c94-8541-96299660a8a4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:39:45	-916.132
-115	29427	2942700	a9e4fd96-da8a-479e-af7d-001b3fe814e3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:48:03	179.769
-115	58854	2942700	32d84147-7e39-4932-b103-c5d9a5cf30e8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:25:22	-614.311
-116	29428	2942800	e7971f15-ace1-43ac-9951-08a328a9a853	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:44:01	659.151
-116	58856	2942800	fdefcb77-de68-415f-913c-e0313ad35d5f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:05:52	-589.761
-117	29429	2942900	b4cf5034-3ad7-4bff-b029-27572ba33491	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:34:23	-345.956
-117	58858	2942900	85be9dd4-088d-4186-80a6-c905c210c597	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:42:06	-154.359
-118	29430	2943000	2955f7ac-c9d6-4485-a4dc-fe4344ac8f9e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:02:25	932.863
-118	58860	2943000	1e958c92-d8d0-41b1-b214-9e38f47ecc04	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:46:22	-90.892
-119	29431	2943100	a824a1d3-0a20-480e-9cf5-90d1403696e4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:45:35	900.701
-119	58862	2943100	232d5ddd-63f3-4a79-9656-5b9525135d8a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:04:26	-409.665
-120	29432	2943200	bafbf2dc-9171-41ef-9505-fc3819f50713	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:57:13	-736.395
-120	58864	2943200	2ea1c1f9-e54d-49fd-9417-41bb0319f57c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:27:01	-393.723
-121	29433	2943300	1839c9a8-5641-4f90-96ec-93a8efd8c16a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:04:51	-647.989
-121	58866	2943300	4d165581-142d-4db2-b590-2e0cc6fa1c2e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:35:15	911.342
-122	29434	2943400	70ab6f97-0616-4967-8f05-85bc07d85b64	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:20:51	658.531
-122	58868	2943400	394e3775-855c-44e2-a822-96f271dd25f4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:37:57	807.450
-123	29435	2943500	e7e37f1a-50c8-4604-a605-dd5e7afdaf25	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:16:23	-443.381
-123	58870	2943500	b7dbd731-8c49-48ed-8ee2-14095fd0e29d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:43:53	-341.127
-124	29436	2943600	6ac72ff7-f8a6-4020-8379-d564c132206f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:28:22	-616.768
-124	58872	2943600	b440b90f-1fc2-4bae-91df-3e0b868f8537	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:34:38	30.840
-125	29437	2943700	42322fe9-9889-4f5b-a0ce-263f788b544c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:59:29	243.86
-125	58874	2943700	42963095-c55b-4597-9a62-c5a2aca299f7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:14:49	184.439
-126	29438	2943800	e12d2f39-c6cc-4fac-a801-be68b1fc6214	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:14:53	-108.314
-126	58876	2943800	edb8bbae-0caa-4bd7-940f-f2e99a93d1dd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:44:42	-301.979
-127	29439	2943900	ba649098-8b78-47bb-86ed-3fd9275383ce	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:50:12	602.394
-127	58878	2943900	577138fd-47be-4ded-9e2a-7eb0a033b249	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:56:42	-500.870
-0	29440	2944000	205255f2-8952-4027-a41d-f0dfc5011360	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:21:10	468.95
-0	58880	2944000	71bc956d-792f-48be-bca7-cec5318b1443	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:15:13	-168.886
-1	29441	2944100	a3215d5d-8ce4-45af-8df7-ab64ddc132d2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:55:46	-710.35
-1	58882	2944100	95eafdfc-62e0-4407-aa32-9fe2d43fc3b6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:54:29	-978.84
-2	29442	2944200	f60694b7-7834-448d-b4ad-6e0875ce7a8a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:31:01	-723.720
-2	58884	2944200	e1ca9ba9-b8ff-4208-8444-dd7a159ccb81	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:46:50	-3.303
-3	29443	2944300	8678649e-5ec1-488c-b538-a511fac3c528	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:56:14	-749.468
-3	58886	2944300	e8e72476-f35e-4398-8551-e5940d18039f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:50:07	-743.622
-4	29444	2944400	635e58bf-57db-47bf-89b5-f77d55ae30e4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:33:35	750.185
-4	58888	2944400	ec5f9b17-a022-48eb-abb0-36f9381a9cb9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:22:53	-179.831
-5	29445	2944500	d85408a2-3c1b-4fb3-a742-f08e81e6c66d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:20:58	755.804
-5	58890	2944500	c6a00a35-95c0-4a72-b54f-776278bfab12	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:20:04	-593.801
-6	29446	2944600	1bab742d-0ab0-4383-9475-c656f19e98db	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:50:40	824.918
-6	58892	2944600	b38892b9-c630-4f84-8766-e2260937cc32	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:29:26	-820.253
-7	29447	2944700	7dfe4685-ad51-489d-8745-f0f2f2bfae27	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:47:50	92.302
-7	58894	2944700	e4ef808e-e3c3-440f-99f2-1833ee1540e8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:11:48	-66.534
-8	29448	2944800	2bc642ad-c48b-48a2-84d9-7dec40ece3f7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:27:53	-339.306
-8	58896	2944800	22b4d447-e262-4fad-b0e6-c34bca9df31d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:14:55	941.259
-9	29449	2944900	35da5a19-a16e-4559-b63e-63ac7f4e013c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:05:23	914.110
-9	58898	2944900	b7945f3b-b5fc-45d0-918e-4616c9030bb7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:29:46	500.284
-10	29450	2945000	c7ef6e49-6a96-4d04-886a-3bcda5cd6319	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:32:45	969.170
-10	58900	2945000	89ffc8f4-8520-4866-b84d-2ab1b32f6389	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:21:50	-610.903
-11	29451	2945100	07bdea13-693a-4e42-ae1e-22a80c5bdae6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:49:45	-900.263
-11	58902	2945100	a0028957-c03d-4b28-a75d-8056e98f90a1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:20:12	-338.504
-12	29452	2945200	607276ae-fc3d-4061-926a-ae8b4154ee85	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:27:11	120.900
-12	58904	2945200	3d9becb8-46d3-4578-9aea-978549f0b977	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:00:38	731.898
-13	29453	2945300	e246d3bf-abca-40ba-8844-89fe86f31d19	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:02:09	433.228
-13	58906	2945300	71f74269-ac11-42ad-9b1e-2f5a0bd260a4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:57:56	-161.183
-14	29454	2945400	e4bf5109-0e37-4b2e-970c-068ec447e1e5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:53:20	-397.214
-14	58908	2945400	7e2f765d-4d61-43b1-bc74-cb963f239258	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:48:15	-241.707
-15	29455	2945500	f2139bae-382d-4606-8514-3583c1f97106	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:45:32	629.221
-15	58910	2945500	51582d06-da86-423f-9fc5-9a5a3efa08fc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:59:55	-665.101
-16	29456	2945600	d2c5aa87-b26c-4980-aa6c-ff9fbc514844	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:58:09	-535.790
-16	58912	2945600	05f812cf-df5a-4c0d-8468-7c9c20a91770	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:57:57	-515.848
-17	29457	2945700	c515537f-6e9e-49b1-a825-4565fce862d8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:50:57	-925.299
-17	58914	2945700	82399cea-165b-4a01-89fe-35b2fce116f4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:59:06	-163.771
-18	29458	2945800	485178ad-7159-45e4-baed-f65dd1b1125b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:39:19	139.538
-18	58916	2945800	3029991d-69e9-4384-a724-87038dfaf26a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:13:13	-935.386
-19	29459	2945900	5990d506-437f-4235-9de6-3fadd4cf14fa	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:08:00	-517.585
-19	58918	2945900	c9db7650-0cbd-445e-adc0-f344b4c6d58c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:50:17	-48.802
-20	29460	2946000	21d323fd-41d3-4ce3-b2c6-cf26e9547923	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:54:36	572.267
-20	58920	2946000	79a1c453-6fd5-4da6-a966-86953c321f2f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:43:14	859.755
-21	29461	2946100	a61b883b-dce9-4ac4-a494-638bec51390f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:45:33	-195.895
-21	58922	2946100	52e4cbe4-5b3a-418d-8466-90dfab15f234	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:36:40	-248.681
-22	29462	2946200	62c84655-3c55-4f51-8967-c2b92dc5599f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:27:49	-740.447
-22	58924	2946200	a27887cd-4bb1-4c96-8983-60820836be7a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:39:38	196.810
-23	29463	2946300	814ff510-6085-43bf-be34-0480ab61f696	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:27:16	-733.540
-23	58926	2946300	cbdf36fb-9352-4850-baf4-8a4fc424b6a1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:45:06	-238.803
-24	29464	2946400	84d4874f-ce8b-43f7-a822-2bccba9b9bb3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:47:36	-149.823
-24	58928	2946400	dd14ed1d-539c-4030-902e-1d2531b18517	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:50:55	616.31
-25	29465	2946500	8ff6ecd4-9381-4409-a178-a348b4cdba6c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:18:21	-163.146
-25	58930	2946500	f89f3e99-99c4-4df2-ad3c-8bd37d320063	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:24:36	642.868
-26	29466	2946600	5fbd3601-9489-44c3-8ec3-a1ea8c79dfbe	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:33:54	-438.513
-26	58932	2946600	7ebe3bec-8c53-4a2f-a2f0-635d91436544	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:15:08	43.328
-27	29467	2946700	0a62d042-92f9-401b-aabb-1272bbf58f80	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:26:28	-624.194
-27	58934	2946700	d3742e01-636c-4942-a6f9-d8ab1c7085c6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:41:13	821.812
-28	29468	2946800	ce0d7459-8beb-4751-8717-5c61d707eb4c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:01:56	-881.167
-28	58936	2946800	7d0ebf39-0c89-4a67-824d-e2405c65efaf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:02:38	-924.346
-29	29469	2946900	061d2a81-7951-4509-a3bb-16e0f05c95a5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:49:34	-882.651
-29	58938	2946900	506702a9-9314-401d-9d03-e8dacefcd0c7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:25:50	-206.340
-30	29470	2947000	e9ffeca4-2cb1-41b4-9507-7dc8a8be3e82	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:49:09	-440.438
-30	58940	2947000	39af4988-aa90-4af9-813d-33f6f6532a71	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:53:13	-642.499
-31	29471	2947100	228b4cc3-1322-46cd-be7e-09ad7e90ad7e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:02:30	597.239
-31	58942	2947100	4600e60c-0fe6-4ad1-bdf6-b2858489f09a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:23:51	-305.87
-32	29472	2947200	cb72f9cd-8c42-4e6b-9294-d2b8f4d7abfb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:17:34	510.361
-32	58944	2947200	c6cc13b3-c771-48c2-9970-1f190c3517a2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:29:55	991.743
-33	29473	2947300	eb53d801-77eb-4aa5-8f72-47167fb0abe2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:37:43	-169.980
-33	58946	2947300	09086af2-1eba-4a1c-9215-68fa1247b19e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:01:19	-465.809
-34	29474	2947400	adbd898a-e5c8-42c6-9813-bdc8fa5ec83a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:18:28	601.730
-34	58948	2947400	0c050c22-2f0f-45f9-aba7-e7979079057c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:28:32	593.338
-35	29475	2947500	3161d03a-be15-47b6-b804-157efe4b65a7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:00:48	-31.519
-35	58950	2947500	25192e0f-72e5-412c-8ee2-8dba9e9856a7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:35:23	902.836
-36	29476	2947600	c3283cb3-cc13-4286-b8e2-1c4d033c0f56	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:25:18	-859.427
-36	58952	2947600	48cc7a41-472f-4380-8f66-ca9a28756ff7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:42:15	351.363
-37	29477	2947700	75a99455-bc9a-489e-8211-89c69f597bc2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:06:55	819.801
-37	58954	2947700	0ec1cf02-d831-43fb-b59b-739ccb19cc2f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:42:06	-953.389
-38	29478	2947800	68825634-246c-485c-a33b-2c2ae371359b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:39:16	691.314
-38	58956	2947800	6a298700-6bee-4e0d-9850-f84a4dd2b7af	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:28:14	571.366
-39	29479	2947900	0b5741f7-8a7a-4461-aa0d-c7942ac27ead	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:45:03	625.787
-39	58958	2947900	89f5531f-d581-4faa-9bb4-ba509fc1efa4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:12:14	558.79
-40	29480	2948000	da112007-3aba-4071-9a0c-4f68ebacc7e4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:00:06	-802.128
-40	58960	2948000	8d61b81e-764c-40ac-84b6-7bed69db15ef	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:34:07	73.557
-41	29481	2948100	2701be64-526d-44ac-a88f-f84dc9386019	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:51:49	981.284
-41	58962	2948100	c551ad8b-506f-4ec8-b9d7-10ebf5977a68	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:27:29	-343.206
-42	29482	2948200	ed590d69-ffe3-479e-bc32-c359ffe60b6c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:31:41	873.937
-42	58964	2948200	d8a88caa-c5f6-4be5-bc1f-0d3aa5978138	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:13:29	-239.358
-43	29483	2948300	27134ca1-2c51-442f-bcbf-ef1c75d800fe	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:49:43	909.279
-43	58966	2948300	b67c300f-effd-4946-b503-e6d4a1f3d3bf	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:20:28	393.774
-44	29484	2948400	6158a8a0-47f0-4a11-a248-9581a921b176	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:27:16	828.203
-44	58968	2948400	49d1650b-f728-4ca8-8743-605c77618bd6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:04:43	-353.850
-45	29485	2948500	12800aa4-e3ef-4f99-b361-e1758c284046	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:26:16	-298.342
-45	58970	2948500	ba1321b6-fe20-4684-bc35-cda2d75616be	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:04:33	-23.722
-46	29486	2948600	9e4a1476-79d2-4f57-be52-a8f6983202d6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:48:25	912.497
-46	58972	2948600	aa7c29ef-395b-4f77-954f-99a64086ebc6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:43:27	102.531
-47	29487	2948700	6ff5d64b-8ef0-4a54-80df-9d484e801d00	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:18:24	-391.214
-47	58974	2948700	357261ab-dd2e-4341-a26e-4a380c72668b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:18:23	-683.941
-48	29488	2948800	55c6f367-7d5e-4516-9bf8-494455d3fe97	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:30:02	946.388
-48	58976	2948800	8cb24ba8-9ccd-483e-aecd-0feaedb98936	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:43:38	478.158
-49	29489	2948900	377e3a87-f26f-4c4a-844c-e324d31b206b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:20:04	-568.703
-49	58978	2948900	37d0ee95-7ae4-4619-9732-12ecc35eb4d2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:44:16	-200.708
-50	29490	2949000	b119bd16-d31f-4fcf-adb3-db6b7acd9326	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:12:50	-202.882
-50	58980	2949000	6eacf7d4-706b-48aa-b8e9-2dd5dbac2c94	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:37:09	-153.247
-51	29491	2949100	bb94318c-dbd2-471e-8fe8-57faf87f31bb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:31:08	-703.751
-51	58982	2949100	825530b7-b89c-4c67-be8e-a92258582fc9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:39:11	848.615
-52	29492	2949200	27eef856-90d1-4ef6-b145-96a0b6de1c42	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:32:36	-396.618
-52	58984	2949200	80565ec9-53ae-4c9c-a6bd-0bebdf284bf8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:28:46	304.236
-53	29493	2949300	e689a0c7-6952-427f-bdc2-5d8ff5d21c42	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:12:02	-500.553
-53	58986	2949300	9bdcd235-5a1e-47fd-9d0c-cec0e8a49fa2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:22:28	692.283
-54	29494	2949400	2179a102-b181-45b8-b4fe-1d780cb5ba70	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:59:18	545.970
-54	58988	2949400	86f3904b-1fa3-4580-9a63-c61d9b16f2c8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:22:26	668.454
-55	29495	2949500	16b2ac13-c9c9-48c2-bb13-e6ad5b9c9429	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:49:50	104.739
-55	58990	2949500	5d6d7cd7-d16c-4276-aa9f-9ea3033382de	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:44:31	-397.344
-56	29496	2949600	c7939a73-c902-42f1-b808-76427b45c2fb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:56:20	-28.768
-56	58992	2949600	47d47bf9-c447-4738-bb31-93de17c8dd4b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:15:22	-495.507
-57	29497	2949700	8c400e7a-2f71-4b61-ae7b-b02baf0a23b6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:59:03	-117.441
-57	58994	2949700	2d2eadd4-a260-4e2d-ad73-0f0315b276c2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:38:53	-818.179
-58	29498	2949800	275ef565-0e0c-480f-914f-19222ced2ffd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:40:07	653.624
-58	58996	2949800	f1387e4f-d51b-4f3d-b34f-c0a16161654f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:03:17	-265.267
-59	29499	2949900	888792af-dff8-4f51-81ff-34ff649f5703	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:03:51	-93.974
-59	58998	2949900	74c12ec8-30d9-431e-88cc-dba70e6fd965	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:39:59	300.913
-60	29500	2950000	de936927-2462-4f88-94c8-ba5bec7b73d0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:30:58	-487.605
-60	59000	2950000	524cb015-8997-4a94-af4f-dc39a56a9820	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:36:32	-465.993
-61	29501	2950100	cb3c419c-bd2e-4cf1-b7a7-0104f6f6b8f7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:54:58	-307.925
-61	59002	2950100	d078a080-5946-4576-bb71-89d949160f32	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:11:53	642.775
-62	29502	2950200	3fb9701f-3d6a-4fbe-b86a-4301cda04cc5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:10:06	72.306
-62	59004	2950200	05a3b904-f999-44f8-aca4-6a73aeefd1db	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:06:18	-922.886
-63	29503	2950300	24a19bc8-7746-4196-9fc8-5a86e8327f02	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:11:18	28.587
-63	59006	2950300	2b6083c2-5237-4bf4-89e7-37e0c1d7013c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:28:15	811.413
-64	29504	2950400	4dbe6e00-dbfe-4900-9b8e-f16aa5657922	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:51:30	814.788
-64	59008	2950400	af46b996-8dc5-40c6-946a-df44d08ecd7e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:25:17	201.718
-65	29505	2950500	bed314ee-09a2-4ba3-ada6-c2a461a2ba9b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:16:25	-551.855
-65	59010	2950500	fd1fc47f-7525-455e-a7f8-243923f1d1ab	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:02:01	-178.923
-66	29506	2950600	2d078029-619b-410e-aa11-a8d1c43aa727	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:52:19	-77.791
-66	59012	2950600	49e8c514-b4ad-448e-9ad2-e149f69af6fd	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:15:41	-22.646
-67	29507	2950700	36333f9c-4c4f-4a90-9feb-2ddd454d6f23	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:05:11	412.920
-67	59014	2950700	d5695434-aee6-45f5-813b-4a9236001054	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:06:01	-647.811
-68	29508	2950800	ddc65bd4-019b-440f-b90f-f8fd5b868616	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:24:32	44.178
-68	59016	2950800	7ce1e6ec-3b51-4a17-b9bb-88b8dd259706	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:18:36	905.910
-69	29509	2950900	9e1ae71c-43eb-4d4c-94a1-fa3e751a30ea	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:25:52	820.832
-69	59018	2950900	e9f94f10-066f-467a-be6b-734901077877	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:29:18	-992.470
-70	29510	2951000	9be48253-6f68-4b4f-952e-4eef57b37996	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:54:49	-383.556
-70	59020	2951000	8d78bde0-0d8b-4b34-9723-41e3e3c08bee	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:08:54	-327.450
-71	29511	2951100	16c55ec1-9ed9-4e14-b16f-8f3022c086cb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:51:51	996.403
-71	59022	2951100	eb79621a-5ad7-4671-9233-784fe0e99c7f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:05:10	371.53
-72	29512	2951200	7faada24-0f28-4d15-ad50-97d9d1ec9690	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:00:20	-266.65
-72	59024	2951200	1ce37293-c4ed-49b1-9fdf-01272c3c030f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:29:54	-971.27
-73	29513	2951300	3eb22c7a-b0c8-4869-9882-53a82c5241e6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:59:57	-669.797
-73	59026	2951300	5b64ce66-0079-454c-82f0-d4e68e3af737	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:54:01	-234.295
-74	29514	2951400	2507acf2-19b9-47d9-876c-b67964ee1918	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:07:14	-9.636
-74	59028	2951400	33447254-5453-4f53-b3d7-686b5996104e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:10:11	-305.45
-75	29515	2951500	20dafe27-2013-468f-811b-b29e5c784573	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:26:07	816.23
-75	59030	2951500	99b35627-b177-4be8-a9e7-5c049a1566a4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:58:05	-762.649
-76	29516	2951600	f7889dfe-a3ce-4eda-8549-5df1c2571552	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:40:09	404.436
-76	59032	2951600	6fdee9d4-88ea-414e-adf2-d0ae0caeb20d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:37:54	46.758
-77	29517	2951700	5fb7dbd4-7c09-4db3-b072-f3d26bf408e0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:40:12	-643.541
-77	59034	2951700	ff156036-e57f-435d-8eef-240a74f69d8b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:54:05	-14.963
-78	29518	2951800	4938f81c-f193-48f6-808f-cbcd5ca25157	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:46:31	-946.937
-78	59036	2951800	1193c272-4db4-4c61-993b-42a0479e282c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:39:54	243.757
-79	29519	2951900	8da1c34e-c0fe-4b0b-8c6c-1ec1cc719a6c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:31:29	458.899
-79	59038	2951900	c1cfdb93-41a8-42fd-9c43-a1c9ccc0857c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:27:49	-347.498
-80	29520	2952000	212244cb-be34-4951-90af-1d66f16e7c61	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:10:56	-590.434
-80	59040	2952000	057fc034-dcd5-4993-a46e-b4c0f544f5ab	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:32:47	532.790
-81	29521	2952100	8e86e111-3115-4463-970e-f4e98a11fe48	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:38:09	96.193
-81	59042	2952100	fe08fd51-7d4a-4cf1-94e1-36e203e0d087	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:25:00	-318.708
-82	29522	2952200	8c851f8a-6700-4b17-b28c-6ca144a63831	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:11:29	890.142
-82	59044	2952200	5d5563e5-976b-4d25-9d45-c15fed3d64c5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:07:51	354.700
-83	29523	2952300	03809bbc-ae06-4ce6-90b6-c65474c51224	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:53:44	640.58
-83	59046	2952300	3cac5a62-6288-4160-99c8-ed807e3aff1b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:35:56	319.616
-84	29524	2952400	ed3f1830-de08-40da-aab2-45723e0691e4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:15:23	374.688
-84	59048	2952400	48bfa0dd-4e80-4484-b589-ac62246959cb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:33:01	817.610
-85	29525	2952500	a0ca4d20-785c-4908-80f8-ac24665fcbe1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:23:13	-291.753
-85	59050	2952500	2af4742c-b9cc-4cd0-9393-6c7b4630b98e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:35:44	-492.776
-86	29526	2952600	f0645af0-d85a-4442-afc2-67256bcd8ac4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:36:57	69.811
-86	59052	2952600	6f56af0a-0a2f-4ee6-b2a7-d8620fb5ca80	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:23:14	166.469
-87	29527	2952700	2ec4f4ba-8624-4748-9af6-ecdb7e12e1d2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:49:34	-160.832
-87	59054	2952700	05fb1783-27f1-40a6-9697-e0cba8a0f424	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:08:54	-209.730
-88	29528	2952800	00c324f2-f1a6-4360-aa18-a5493af2e7d7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:39:03	-855.622
-88	59056	2952800	0919ff13-129f-4843-a9e2-33a724b28de9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:17:10	-411.903
-89	29529	2952900	e64b4995-04f5-4823-be6c-a51c6484233d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:25:59	-395.439
-89	59058	2952900	f966c4c5-50af-4e52-8dcf-c18457526f81	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:06:24	-400.783
-90	29530	2953000	5d4e3721-df22-4374-9f1e-45bc25bb31cc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:05:33	436.910
-90	59060	2953000	458c5034-4f39-4e65-b9d8-6369840d14bc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:07:42	-581.355
-91	29531	2953100	fb504964-7fde-480f-97c0-cef9b7efd119	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:06:54	632.527
-91	59062	2953100	e8027607-fcd0-49a6-bcfe-65f1028fd49f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:21:33	-203.367
-92	29532	2953200	d97293e2-af56-4675-bdba-6e8c46d3ce2e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:49:18	-833.893
-92	59064	2953200	68c13cb7-eeea-4dd9-9112-e8c60437e24f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:24:57	579.465
-93	29533	2953300	76a008a4-dfcd-421f-a4d1-f11e270789a5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:11:26	-464.990
-93	59066	2953300	0fcf78a0-4903-4a8f-9179-0f5052ab64c3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:23:23	-21.931
-94	29534	2953400	8890e054-5e8f-4d24-8df4-93f675b68204	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:17:39	-612.953
-94	59068	2953400	9012c3f2-1220-4eca-95cb-39293287a640	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:15:49	-286.558
-95	29535	2953500	b1c7f1de-813c-4a73-ad55-af0a798bb6f1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:31:04	864.269
-95	59070	2953500	a3960afc-dc05-48f2-a5bb-9e4fbe8c9772	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:10:15	451.547
-96	29536	2953600	faa8a8eb-4045-419b-bee5-794559fcc206	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:32:37	310.702
-96	59072	2953600	640a994d-5ebd-4632-b01d-91ebf38d7f6d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:21:31	-541.63
-97	29537	2953700	65e47e5e-392a-458b-b003-93deadd32e18	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:11:46	-278.677
-97	59074	2953700	bb83f1fd-ad39-4d5c-8cd2-2ee2c74923fa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:06:50	148.788
-98	29538	2953800	7f8fc3a2-2811-4837-a687-3ed62983baa5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:54:11	-544.562
-98	59076	2953800	ac718bb1-f5f0-4289-a394-4561e04faa3b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:22:55	-563.590
-99	29539	2953900	3d5bbc3c-6462-415c-b04c-0e2208d12537	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:21:41	-937.994
-99	59078	2953900	f766f84d-8da0-4f03-8bfb-52ee7cfeb7e8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:45:25	252.20
-100	29540	2954000	0a4d069d-37e0-405b-bd12-6d784aced5ed	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:58:20	-732.89
-100	59080	2954000	47508b11-a8c3-4b74-985f-866ba3c4f5da	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:21:31	496.254
-101	29541	2954100	9e29f082-356a-429e-93cd-9f05bce6dc41	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:54:31	-638.678
-101	59082	2954100	f66969de-08e9-4ae5-9a54-588765749b50	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:20:32	78.823
-102	29542	2954200	170db607-eb19-4d57-bb33-49548a26b56a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:37:53	965.468
-102	59084	2954200	35bc46e6-09e2-4bd5-ae1e-7bbeaa4d1ebf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:20:54	-605.547
-103	29543	2954300	8d2fc514-f3d8-41a1-9497-91e257cf0938	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:38:56	385.408
-103	59086	2954300	a2861214-443b-479c-82ae-cf3cc4bb229b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:11:27	-62.843
-104	29544	2954400	3eaed97c-8bbb-4158-b2df-70b6f4818f0f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:17:04	565.754
-104	59088	2954400	73a8bf42-1cb4-46ba-bc6e-baa8a30b2785	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:57:23	92.233
-105	29545	2954500	14c1ad7d-db0f-4bfd-aabb-a556f8b05d4d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:54:31	-498.960
-105	59090	2954500	c80dcd7b-d732-4d17-92a1-3bb2ffc17b2b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:47:42	396.530
-106	29546	2954600	6b6fb511-b22a-44c4-8a78-e6593603cf52	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:15:53	45.380
-106	59092	2954600	55f593b2-5c20-4e61-85e1-abc788cc07c6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:34:55	486.498
-107	29547	2954700	ef3352b4-4f33-4851-a6c3-8fb6106ec2b7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:55:49	-974.540
-107	59094	2954700	7c48d870-e709-4bd3-9647-e5809d0ea579	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:39:38	600.975
-108	29548	2954800	7a0fff24-0f17-4fa3-a37b-b9629dd7c777	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:51:59	674.552
-108	59096	2954800	f9d6d491-448d-48fb-abbb-7761470ff558	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:00:30	-540.216
-109	29549	2954900	a2aaf523-a74d-4d2b-b12e-638a03920429	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:48:22	641.589
-109	59098	2954900	a57d7ffc-2681-4f28-b71a-58ff3b2f9b27	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:44:14	-164.370
-110	29550	2955000	fea205fa-9ec0-4356-906b-70b623eb85dd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:47:36	-498.597
-110	59100	2955000	b53730ba-e740-44e3-b81b-7c8127ed1c04	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:36:47	-476.609
-111	29551	2955100	93521cdc-fc14-49e9-97d1-f4909625ae91	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:33:35	-709.272
-111	59102	2955100	50fa682b-8ad3-483e-b946-92b46d47a925	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:53:27	184.419
-112	29552	2955200	4913b46d-fa48-4bfa-8d2d-485dca6cc9fd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:46:52	327.327
-112	59104	2955200	4c3ec4be-25ef-4642-9938-86d02839baee	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:03:43	756.595
-113	29553	2955300	c60e87df-83c4-47e5-8c0d-d193ac02166d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:41:39	-89.441
-113	59106	2955300	f904ec9c-3848-4e1a-bf4d-ee1dd45c9fb4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:33:39	459.238
-114	29554	2955400	51ae9cbd-49a4-4349-96fc-c4c836150b41	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:59:56	669.30
-114	59108	2955400	4e4968c2-c193-47c8-b293-e584974134d3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:34:04	-355.478
-115	29555	2955500	3615df93-a32f-49ef-85c0-e25dfb5b79d6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:50:51	138.791
-115	59110	2955500	ab3f66d3-7c0b-47d6-9e55-540f4f344a47	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:20:24	-849.724
-116	29556	2955600	9fa275a2-37d9-40bf-b097-e1bdb88d3dcb	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:18:44	396.182
-116	59112	2955600	3eae03d1-e47f-41a4-be5a-fc43c878a1f5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:01:20	-305.59
-117	29557	2955700	1a17067b-4c22-48d6-9456-9e24daeb741e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:55:57	441.997
-117	59114	2955700	21066280-683f-438b-8f65-d568c6cab971	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:23:31	-361.294
-118	29558	2955800	adfb7661-a123-4b77-adb6-45a4eaea0a02	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:16:38	476.51
-118	59116	2955800	41928811-2b31-4def-8b78-d5c312fc0887	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:08:49	702.458
-119	29559	2955900	0b98f66f-ead6-437d-9caf-6bab9f72b34d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:24:03	-941.216
-119	59118	2955900	c94ac8cc-baa0-441b-9c9d-2136df24fbeb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:52:53	225.591
-120	29560	2956000	b5b0cf8b-047b-4eb3-985e-f7860c6ccbec	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:00:57	-934.610
-120	59120	2956000	f0859974-99b5-4957-ada4-b929ef598c89	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:44:58	817.1
-121	29561	2956100	6ea0870f-25e2-4d62-9706-0fc83023a402	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:01:42	674.959
-121	59122	2956100	7efcf042-73b1-49eb-adc6-9f0d252ec437	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:45:22	-684.434
-122	29562	2956200	213f4ba3-bcb1-4fc7-a4cd-1e34381d971b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:37:53	503.288
-122	59124	2956200	a2afe1b1-f4ad-4e53-9b1c-c4793c86853d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:13:13	167.665
-123	29563	2956300	e8ad5ed0-b8cf-43fd-b896-00ae2b431920	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:57:48	-232.213
-123	59126	2956300	225bf62e-9164-4332-9950-2589891f4b24	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:32:35	202.259
-124	29564	2956400	3396bc2b-a719-43b5-a82e-c904d66d5ed2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:35:54	591.761
-124	59128	2956400	286a3950-1ef5-4e3a-8b71-dffe73b1bf37	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:20:14	-711.986
-125	29565	2956500	4e8565cf-09da-4772-93d9-884e39ebedf4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:52:32	-641.916
-125	59130	2956500	5ef8cfb9-6dec-44b9-875a-578468717de1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:33:41	-716.289
-126	29566	2956600	7c28eb77-a259-482e-ba10-735020d9c486	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:07:30	194.711
-126	59132	2956600	679b732d-d750-4c7a-9b55-da6cc61dd19c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:49:51	-364.529
-127	29567	2956700	72991bcb-6b1a-41aa-9a88-07bf014a3a79	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:55:08	370.831
-127	59134	2956700	d3d675fe-0494-4f61-ba52-73915bd3db75	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:16:18	776.783
-0	29568	2956800	359a9eb1-07f6-4acf-9563-13336d891b18	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:32:44	-2.221
-0	59136	2956800	c99033ec-632c-46a8-81a0-b1c6115285ab	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:06:56	652.706
-1	29569	2956900	1aa9afee-06e7-4264-be1a-286e14328923	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:54:39	387.559
-1	59138	2956900	0d80f80d-c63b-4e27-9566-41e5e9e44ce7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:07:14	-922.364
-2	29570	2957000	c7021019-030d-4337-9504-fc0777289cf4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:04:09	716.225
-2	59140	2957000	7fd86c19-1dea-4716-a189-2d5f13f82d73	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:44:16	-111.373
-3	29571	2957100	8dbe63da-54ba-47a4-aa88-0f2fa035e600	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:28:57	517.678
-3	59142	2957100	2068fa49-f910-4ba7-8316-f60e13033023	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:42:29	502.278
-4	29572	2957200	eeb7a56e-75ba-4bfc-b3a6-1014cd001016	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:56:21	648.272
-4	59144	2957200	d1730a52-4bf0-4270-8f4e-3dbe06a2cbaa	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:27:30	119.724
-5	29573	2957300	acb43832-03a9-476c-bb5e-226ae7fc95b4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:29:51	417.643
-5	59146	2957300	e0b936ca-029f-438e-b3bb-8333817ecd83	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:28:29	56.725
-6	29574	2957400	488c714b-ed9f-4601-a34d-e9c628ad586a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:12:57	620.746
-6	59148	2957400	ab18c099-06c5-4722-98b7-3d61371d843a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:59:12	268.211
-7	29575	2957500	c8ae8739-2ead-419d-bce6-648bba8f42dc	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:10:06	-443.557
-7	59150	2957500	123edb87-a085-45e6-b318-41976dbd294f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:11:33	-848.877
-8	29576	2957600	d260fac6-fee5-4424-81d3-f8f5863a187a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:08:18	-422.480
-8	59152	2957600	60906917-89bb-4383-be7c-fc4a8fc5380c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:32:20	635.596
-9	29577	2957700	d86ae228-9a1b-45fd-ae58-0b911b8bdd4f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:49:13	819.435
-9	59154	2957700	8e388be1-05d4-4c17-805a-5abb0cfc9809	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:58:09	456.119
-10	29578	2957800	ca01261c-fa74-45fc-bbe9-31b2614428e8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:51:01	-968.470
-10	59156	2957800	48187df0-0b75-46f5-8aee-348c095c1422	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:34:28	776.574
-11	29579	2957900	dd15d64c-283b-4ee4-b89d-e0dc2937723e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:59:12	997.963
-11	59158	2957900	15d02abb-c010-48a6-9fb1-272e30d506a8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:57:33	213.619
-12	29580	2958000	d32427ae-85d4-45a1-9772-9ce90d54f67f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:08:00	480.508
-12	59160	2958000	4de9af52-f8bc-407a-b5b1-83a435333ff9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:10:26	-459.407
-13	29581	2958100	f41e5444-00a3-4638-946a-6a82340b223f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:23:16	-786.751
-13	59162	2958100	2ca10a30-d808-4568-88d3-3f765e566055	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:03:16	855.515
-14	29582	2958200	87e1b3c8-79d9-4cf6-b962-8b7780aeebbe	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:44:22	-980.818
-14	59164	2958200	9a92f8a6-5401-4618-849e-e873cb937175	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:31:46	-399.210
-15	29583	2958300	7c862a16-1411-41c5-afda-f2d778391047	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:31:11	81.531
-15	59166	2958300	ae1e6a88-cbd6-4fd3-80fe-ec4018173ea4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:59:12	-797.7
-16	29584	2958400	80818a78-6108-496e-8c1e-0b04c44c601b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:26:04	-818.347
-16	59168	2958400	9fa9353c-b574-475a-bf29-2c3f2163879a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:14:09	-896.113
-17	29585	2958500	3f9ffb9b-ea02-4bfa-98c5-bc5e3c309ae4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:19:59	850.674
-17	59170	2958500	25e2e457-cb9d-4764-82af-98b95e882a03	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:56:33	-952.446
-18	29586	2958600	ec0d3333-2286-4bf5-814f-c8ad6a9577ba	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:06:58	-539.552
-18	59172	2958600	e420f062-926c-42ac-9610-2a1eaa033acb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:34:22	673.743
-19	29587	2958700	530bdf16-33ad-441b-9ca8-714b73d4caab	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:41:29	68.127
-19	59174	2958700	69900816-5447-4338-a52b-3d3d61a9dcca	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:07:03	288.601
-20	29588	2958800	4de24f15-d506-4e32-a478-5c9fc6712760	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:37:08	231.599
-20	59176	2958800	c4c5163e-b244-4818-b6c2-91a979cb1703	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:32:22	-980.894
-21	29589	2958900	579a6134-82fe-48d8-9750-765226a50d94	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:04:08	625.495
-21	59178	2958900	84ee0afa-b9ff-44d2-9d95-3d464eea5160	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:25:29	-70.703
-22	29590	2959000	936d98c2-e594-466a-9a06-7a887603805b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:13:25	326.510
-22	59180	2959000	dc653904-0b85-428d-b4eb-0b81976b8af3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:22:09	-217.739
-23	29591	2959100	3baae2b5-851e-430b-a418-e0aa67b2cc1b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:29:52	615.453
-23	59182	2959100	103076e1-a107-4fdf-95ff-b6d160e98124	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:04:13	-747.194
-24	29592	2959200	04f91b4a-7f65-49a1-bbfe-c378f97ae15c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:11:45	-431.368
-24	59184	2959200	ceff2cfb-e2a7-483e-9ddb-06cf1c8dfc8f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:55:31	424.697
-25	29593	2959300	5ad0b8bb-f425-4d95-b95e-03288ec53705	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:35:10	70.581
-25	59186	2959300	45bcc1ef-6b93-4873-9477-817f2d704d76	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:59:00	-641.356
-26	29594	2959400	c1af3e7c-9277-4d05-b661-ff25dc1e67fb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:50:01	-457.906
-26	59188	2959400	54f3979c-143c-46ce-b91d-a133f4aa9858	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:59:38	-944.698
-27	29595	2959500	24da306d-f3eb-4e85-a43d-951126e75b55	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:07:30	-855.254
-27	59190	2959500	89196775-46c1-4cb4-b5b8-5475b6b569b8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:06:01	-154.570
-28	29596	2959600	8b9da506-1cfc-4324-a577-5acc3a7c60b5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:26:06	-506.297
-28	59192	2959600	67e587bb-ec75-49fe-b242-df5390004d15	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:42:20	-196.562
-29	29597	2959700	6d2a3618-4a0f-4a7d-b65c-bf4f716fc704	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:55:19	59.724
-29	59194	2959700	19bcff21-3183-4f72-afe5-99fdde69597f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:14:15	125.324
-30	29598	2959800	d0de6181-c143-44a3-9665-b9489f1c3b80	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:55:24	-206.862
-30	59196	2959800	e7934e78-c719-41e7-a940-239430c3237c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:54:35	831.802
-31	29599	2959900	5c9105bf-b83b-42f5-b97c-85a04fd72c09	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:08:23	870.928
-31	59198	2959900	25fa262b-4b44-4a6c-a493-03c077b3fce5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:14:57	-781.656
-32	29600	2960000	58268bfa-521f-4940-a745-f8d487d3e27f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:15:21	917.386
-32	59200	2960000	a1df3f98-d300-494d-95a2-93783d71fa44	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:32:41	-668.271
-33	29601	2960100	fbde431c-ed79-4381-9b5e-231ebe9a035a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:22:30	179.249
-33	59202	2960100	63fae683-481f-4a90-a84a-2cd49e361650	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:54:46	202.280
-34	29602	2960200	f18b9a10-805c-401e-908d-440f80997d6e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:19:15	-324.999
-34	59204	2960200	1a2fb289-30f5-4134-8911-49e8273b4905	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:11:24	-304.321
-35	29603	2960300	65dabd22-2ed1-4d8f-88a1-a3c2ceb5f673	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:34:01	618.347
-35	59206	2960300	3d622c48-8af8-42b0-99a0-738a7e70f4be	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:25:11	429.82
-36	29604	2960400	6259378d-4abd-4542-9635-5726c85a19f2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:28:05	399.745
-36	59208	2960400	d9bb70ad-2fe1-4c62-ae23-d9384f6973b4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:04:48	841.523
-37	29605	2960500	91406d5b-bc38-4bce-920b-cea4825f8cd0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:23:25	-663.733
-37	59210	2960500	b024b8b6-91bd-431e-820e-4e02f7d3ce6c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:22:26	-141.26
-38	29606	2960600	5d715edc-4750-4793-bdc5-059713de9762	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:18:59	817.383
-38	59212	2960600	4fcd0d3e-4391-475a-8a32-6899ec74805e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:44:30	-777.169
-39	29607	2960700	588eae2f-6266-4c94-a32d-5d2ff3b88eb3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:02:56	-739.486
-39	59214	2960700	30c37341-f8bd-4ede-9ee6-3a80d2e3443f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:18:49	-774.325
-40	29608	2960800	873fae66-7e12-4e8b-b619-47f0d97333cc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:20:26	-279.293
-40	59216	2960800	3f9d149f-f2ba-4130-884e-ef9d35ca9188	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:39:54	-484.72
-41	29609	2960900	e453077a-8e2c-43b4-8968-93173ecd501a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:52:56	-221.938
-41	59218	2960900	82bba876-5946-4b30-b7ce-3de5319fe6de	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:12:27	-707.582
-42	29610	2961000	8cfa129c-0907-4834-b92b-4363451d5c5a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:40:00	-207.177
-42	59220	2961000	583b35ad-ffe7-4ea1-8db6-2093bb6beae7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:23:45	598.223
-43	29611	2961100	8aa9b2be-bfec-4e53-b158-5e13e02bee19	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:52:49	998.188
-43	59222	2961100	f695c200-66d5-4b63-9b9d-f4f8bfa4b5d6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:44:49	-231.356
-44	29612	2961200	c224326d-ef51-4df8-86e4-b65960df9fca	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:21:49	103.911
-44	59224	2961200	fca886a6-d5a8-42f4-ae25-ba61314f0758	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:32:47	76.277
-45	29613	2961300	2de18489-630c-4eb3-b348-5bc8e0784b8a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:00:32	172.863
-45	59226	2961300	0f015a98-9ba8-437f-9ef4-7051ac99a1f1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:32:23	-370.736
-46	29614	2961400	cfcc37cb-ff2d-4262-a46f-2c3bda80ff28	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:44:59	-304.655
-46	59228	2961400	7605cc39-fa3a-4f2e-8fd9-d0eb5797135c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:26:57	-566.384
-47	29615	2961500	832d9398-1323-436e-aee8-eb892e9e6a73	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:39:21	427.128
-47	59230	2961500	37790780-7644-43ee-b3d9-bf431d61e532	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:01:46	-103.660
-48	29616	2961600	9869a727-4ada-4798-aa7a-4173654d8bf6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:49:30	882.642
-48	59232	2961600	27f4b550-a20c-4321-99a2-9f97421407bf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:14:15	349.820
-49	29617	2961700	1990c12e-246a-4c1e-97fb-96e199643278	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:26:39	18.980
-49	59234	2961700	dd3c2568-6489-4a69-80d5-b267ca601a7c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:22:49	-434.516
-50	29618	2961800	79b64c73-0a26-4ef4-b9ab-265e4abc94a5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:25:31	349.802
-50	59236	2961800	8ef1d869-e6d5-4256-9763-63d9537054df	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:22:48	-119.634
-51	29619	2961900	bb891fdb-f237-4f9f-983c-8cb948eae41f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:53:25	857.161
-51	59238	2961900	81913585-bb97-48b9-8527-bd3234284d26	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:11:36	-486.393
-52	29620	2962000	e57de5d4-586b-44b9-8f3e-b17e94e434d8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:15:45	933.307
-52	59240	2962000	6f9b51ef-5af2-4351-ba0f-8edd1f0ffdcd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:38:57	-224.128
-53	29621	2962100	8f509928-e90e-47e2-bf7e-76b74d3a1cd6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:42:35	995.217
-53	59242	2962100	81261b7a-b7c2-4776-8bcc-dd86b81eab6d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:17:45	64.893
-54	29622	2962200	290ad5bd-f95a-4f9e-b721-6a953e3c2ffc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:52:02	487.372
-54	59244	2962200	b8805126-3de5-422c-8c82-d5a02edc3456	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:57:57	-372.944
-55	29623	2962300	da96962f-1a0d-4076-b903-7c3b4b251a7b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:28:50	-996.229
-55	59246	2962300	7e7e4360-a755-4291-8f4b-7db3180c2680	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:43:52	810.392
-56	29624	2962400	fec7fa4c-841b-4226-9a2d-3afae16850f9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:25:36	-921.810
-56	59248	2962400	febc4ec1-5e99-4015-8a0d-51a639db3713	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:07:55	275.879
-57	29625	2962500	140de876-2694-48c8-89b0-a4801f8b78c3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:59:39	-661.803
-57	59250	2962500	8b0759a3-a8a1-4393-9cbf-ef0657b24554	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:17:00	51.924
-58	29626	2962600	66d3f412-7aca-4dde-a29c-68d872bf92fb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:41:26	-906.721
-58	59252	2962600	05cab6bc-5b87-4168-82b7-d1a81d79b72e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:08:37	388.223
-59	29627	2962700	d8e8e2d1-6a9e-4673-81d4-a6ccdae35a02	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:14:42	997.408
-59	59254	2962700	d6944b91-0501-4a27-81e0-91e06d5ee33c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:48:12	539.61
-60	29628	2962800	4f595ece-db34-4f44-9c20-66abd3a2d50e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:11:32	353.998
-60	59256	2962800	c15486de-7e81-473c-8763-ec078b436e11	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:11:18	186.916
-61	29629	2962900	c0237486-9a23-48da-bbb0-e56e399dc810	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:18:27	-550.601
-61	59258	2962900	6e198697-7b57-47c3-9b4d-a39da1bf9d9d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:12:26	183.853
-62	29630	2963000	844e1a8b-547c-4dff-b4d6-be51e5025e76	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:17:37	-269.325
-62	59260	2963000	f6b24171-f720-47b2-8b64-f5eadedfb196	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:12:48	323.566
-63	29631	2963100	835d0203-5627-4f8d-a9dd-ad8ed290b778	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:18:23	-256.308
-63	59262	2963100	2bc0dcda-411a-4552-bf4b-261c32eca0c0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:55:57	-114.220
-64	29632	2963200	5ea150c1-ce84-4dc8-8398-9d1b58d955d6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:13:04	-430.439
-64	59264	2963200	a0c86d8e-139c-4f59-a0e3-a5eaeb75fea0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:22:42	959.242
-65	29633	2963300	01f74455-f098-42fd-9920-7897e42f5079	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:05:58	-384.638
-65	59266	2963300	bdb59e2e-7a25-4d9c-94c6-f54972aeba49	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:22:16	482.409
-66	29634	2963400	bf1334ae-410d-4fb6-b00f-5448d4aec6b4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:01:34	793.183
-66	59268	2963400	96d5094a-5642-4512-8e51-b42e8f2f1263	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:38:33	-271.907
-67	29635	2963500	f90733ae-60f9-44e6-8b7f-5a93589006e9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:04:49	84.983
-67	59270	2963500	accf59fe-eaed-4416-a0aa-dfee29ef1a49	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:21:02	510.928
-68	29636	2963600	58020924-acd7-4a12-9f7f-772c7848a0d9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:59:37	389.163
-68	59272	2963600	93eb8faa-8787-440b-bf88-20cf7b39005e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:19:35	707.57
-69	29637	2963700	fcf5505f-a5e1-4dd9-9ac8-66439be153ec	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:23:25	221.275
-69	59274	2963700	43c31a74-bf1b-44b4-93bf-fa5a9a5060cf	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:51:57	-226.466
-70	29638	2963800	58bb86e4-779c-4141-9bc8-580290b0b476	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:53:17	940.612
-70	59276	2963800	4fe10732-42ed-4a8b-9e9b-e7ccc1106a10	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:07:34	-704.364
-71	29639	2963900	1326c2e5-d802-44a0-9e0a-c5404a9a050e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:39:01	106.583
-71	59278	2963900	092068ea-53f4-4211-a654-c03726369a52	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:47:55	297.110
-72	29640	2964000	83403d3f-13c1-4875-af9d-d407e223f8d7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:54:40	-39.149
-72	59280	2964000	57304be0-77f0-46d4-b50e-7753799d34b8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:02:39	530.516
-73	29641	2964100	2ea1728b-f895-4dd4-add6-e3539348e2da	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:38:50	416.85
-73	59282	2964100	2cd9d3c3-96d1-481e-8afa-3e70bc76e431	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:33:20	-487.17
-74	29642	2964200	fd33cf16-c842-481f-b621-0359092fb358	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:28:08	-305.677
-74	59284	2964200	4c983c6d-045c-4b68-9ee5-f1002c4103f0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:35:32	636.905
-75	29643	2964300	fef71884-f9ff-49fc-8d32-327ed42265f6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:39:47	-106.52
-75	59286	2964300	f7bd5a34-2a2d-4560-adea-4e74790290d5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:01:30	0.331
-76	29644	2964400	ccb3be74-297f-44d0-8d20-d8f995139154	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:46:48	803.794
-76	59288	2964400	766d541b-0a31-445d-bbd4-6355e8cacf04	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:20:32	-15.358
-77	29645	2964500	331ce2d8-2708-42fb-bf61-f81bf5380dcb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:41:23	-449.918
-77	59290	2964500	c993b0ce-6467-44f0-9531-5825259daee3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:59:11	400.583
-78	29646	2964600	393ba692-ed4c-4217-9296-fedaeb1188a8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:21:20	-140.227
-78	59292	2964600	c53b5440-4091-433a-b029-927e2c68e1b5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:51:42	-252.15
-79	29647	2964700	b539b813-e54e-456f-bfcf-5139191e4bdb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:53:45	612.833
-79	59294	2964700	376f1545-bdf9-4d19-8378-99c0798ff29c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:42:31	68.711
-80	29648	2964800	1618358f-ab27-4d77-9ce8-b7a8d9feb402	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:48:39	135.29
-80	59296	2964800	a16b0039-de0c-489c-b817-29cb8476356f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:17:26	952.299
-81	29649	2964900	d4ace347-9e9d-4aa2-b54b-06cec308161b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:20:53	-772.391
-81	59298	2964900	46e950ec-c827-4d02-8e6c-80c1f5bc3d57	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:17:07	-801.175
-82	29650	2965000	7e91ae93-0022-4f7e-998c-96c667e7a1c6	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:39:00	332.345
-82	59300	2965000	f9f222b7-2033-4fde-b08f-cd8b232d6147	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:41:48	329.274
-83	29651	2965100	9dde81a0-90c2-4f2a-9d1c-740f702e5a9d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:16:42	-623.139
-83	59302	2965100	1aee6a4c-8cf4-4aae-b9ea-31bc219a389d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:38:53	479.407
-84	29652	2965200	1e22d031-944b-4899-b66f-355c1ef268c8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:15:44	262.610
-84	59304	2965200	aac3018f-d9f2-449a-b661-a0efb882237d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:51:33	619.33
-85	29653	2965300	9f4fbd58-f4f3-4b43-9204-dd4118a30875	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:02:33	-153.578
-85	59306	2965300	69e84bfb-7d5f-419f-a20d-67ebe339e28a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:58:56	-228.133
-86	29654	2965400	ea184a0b-0f02-47c7-b385-c11d4ec0a430	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:49:09	-932.340
-86	59308	2965400	531744c6-126d-4836-b5c9-ba3b2e5dbd5a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:39:57	451.772
-87	29655	2965500	655cda1e-25ae-4ba7-ab1a-b0491b4644fb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:14:17	963.469
-87	59310	2965500	0a1dbc0c-21f1-4433-bbc5-3c00f9fbdf4d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:10:59	698.136
-88	29656	2965600	09005d0b-4afc-439b-aec9-6f4f95a94a0c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:23:02	-883.732
-88	59312	2965600	02a60fda-2360-47ab-bebe-c31505dc8ed5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:47:23	-70.95
-89	29657	2965700	60f3dd3c-9077-41e7-8013-19d1c04c3df1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:57:12	-607.534
-89	59314	2965700	4334d9dc-b41b-470b-84f6-37a6a1aff3e8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:56:26	-461.699
-90	29658	2965800	9ea577e3-dba6-4945-97bd-eeae5575d191	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:49:58	449.890
-90	59316	2965800	42f0d1ac-7a50-4667-869b-cc88e5c57381	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:18:00	417.769
-91	29659	2965900	6806f5df-bb5b-4e56-a57d-b921fa3ae6dd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:28:34	178.561
-91	59318	2965900	ea213fea-10c5-439e-929e-5eb6b14e14dc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:43:17	-75.372
-92	29660	2966000	05f083a7-5892-471c-8797-8f25cf664fe1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:39:47	154.786
-92	59320	2966000	5b98f64b-ffbc-4ba9-be11-2989bb3973b6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:38:51	136.681
-93	29661	2966100	1d618407-59c4-4588-8b2b-8eb75e6348d6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:02:34	200.314
-93	59322	2966100	47b7f9f3-a727-4741-a7cd-0dc5a5b91060	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:03:49	121.639
-94	29662	2966200	7bc7f2b0-3e58-40eb-a14e-c69b60bcfd11	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:35:42	-959.546
-94	59324	2966200	a6d6543a-979e-4e32-bbbf-1ebd855ef925	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:07:33	-50.935
-95	29663	2966300	e6c98fa9-3bce-48e4-bf01-f69155e53738	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:13:57	-25.785
-95	59326	2966300	762dd1d3-ec43-4d76-91c7-3d536246359d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:52:40	506.182
-96	29664	2966400	556cbffe-49e3-4585-b79b-0f1f8df55682	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:50:44	126.412
-96	59328	2966400	5f0fd61a-ee95-4c49-9e9e-fd381d62f4ce	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:42:15	594.319
-97	29665	2966500	6dd441ca-2963-48c0-b2ff-c80aa4c1da4c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:01:47	-67.612
-97	59330	2966500	a322bd80-ec0b-41c9-b038-c9bc453ad91e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:03:37	-719.628
-98	29666	2966600	9f12af7b-1f92-496f-8ab1-6d59efc252d0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:21:42	814.137
-98	59332	2966600	9c4c3fcd-5109-4c79-b8f0-f21974aa65c6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:48:57	-669.769
-99	29667	2966700	1214fb96-ac9f-493a-9b34-28705091722f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:21:46	132.430
-99	59334	2966700	99a30feb-5262-4b32-a9e4-20e543b26ae6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:00:42	-403.799
-100	29668	2966800	ef1ec271-7d88-41ef-b015-7d771d104cdf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:46:51	268.483
-100	59336	2966800	0fc4e8ae-e35a-47e7-84b2-d56bfcc54fec	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:04:12	-719.518
-101	29669	2966900	04a27d3b-4a38-476e-a8a4-985727ec4484	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:54:23	500.954
-101	59338	2966900	ea351829-f8a5-49d8-8d7c-c1fe9eebabe0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:58:04	614.220
-102	29670	2967000	0de11a96-a0c2-460e-8ec5-efcc2c7de18c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:04:14	-76.946
-102	59340	2967000	91bf4a48-d865-422e-98f0-8c03e857587c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:32:24	-143.641
-103	29671	2967100	65a830bc-072e-45d3-9824-515d092ebcc3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:57:00	388.63
-103	59342	2967100	3a85a6fd-93ed-49f9-972b-11754b4e3a1c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:16:17	-771.166
-104	29672	2967200	2164588c-1256-4211-bb26-6ad9be963deb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:23:13	-711.553
-104	59344	2967200	265e2d4d-5c9b-483e-9fb1-b1ed347f417e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:49:59	8.571
-105	29673	2967300	2a60e11f-786d-46db-8fbd-c1aa06b668d5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:57:04	-318.623
-105	59346	2967300	96b16aa3-2afe-4c0a-9e5c-3c9d2ddf5b6d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:17:38	812.671
-106	29674	2967400	828f3b2f-3939-478b-a6b8-9bbec5dd53ea	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:48:15	388.294
-106	59348	2967400	71a1617c-3480-4801-b008-8bbbd51a80a3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:15:57	912.331
-107	29675	2967500	0a484d50-56c5-45b8-8d9d-fd36d7154df8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:09:28	-773.631
-107	59350	2967500	19d9ec47-0678-44e1-a76b-76ec6b99e872	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:46:10	233.919
-108	29676	2967600	5deb8947-a958-45b7-a02e-53d0cafdbe81	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:51:29	-432.952
-108	59352	2967600	5470196d-cf0c-4538-a1c1-a0f8195ff1fc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:07:06	-27.966
-109	29677	2967700	ca64a961-7339-4c4b-9604-8cd9632c6aa9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:51:01	-145.927
-109	59354	2967700	1af61eea-b5fa-4ebb-96ca-28e5544ddd26	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:58:01	238.509
-110	29678	2967800	c324d2b3-a150-42f6-a00b-64d391eac083	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:39:49	572.408
-110	59356	2967800	90e91d35-7cf0-4a6f-ab3f-5fa7346ac713	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:43:51	428.735
-111	29679	2967900	beae698b-1108-4fd1-90cf-2aa675920eb8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:34:49	-99.382
-111	59358	2967900	7faa1c1b-39d3-4488-8565-6c440407da7b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:44:09	-704.221
-112	29680	2968000	daade860-db5d-4f71-8911-656be45a40c8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:35:55	875.34
-112	59360	2968000	32fb2e85-fb8a-496c-8117-b9591ce9442d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:16:56	796.659
-113	29681	2968100	441adbeb-dbf0-4997-9cac-a7cc12bc0af0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:13:23	-179.639
-113	59362	2968100	c52498db-44ce-448a-879f-66c879e12b98	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:41:16	-964.385
-114	29682	2968200	0b933a24-6cbe-41b4-9cf8-5e264042b6e3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:33:30	-37.262
-114	59364	2968200	8c9a4eb3-abe1-4e75-8181-1deeaec40a95	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:52:17	-296.721
-115	29683	2968300	9464b5e2-bbaa-4ba8-b8a2-27b03daae20d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:24:49	523.138
-115	59366	2968300	8ee8b890-69b2-4824-a6c0-4cdb1890b368	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:24:23	279.47
-116	29684	2968400	291420eb-11a6-49d1-8005-5d7cd02e326e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:28:02	-947.932
-116	59368	2968400	caa3338e-5d0d-4eff-8751-a59f2613ffc6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:34:17	0.272
-117	29685	2968500	e9687ae7-43b2-4c29-ad1a-80fb3d318060	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:46:25	-55.353
-117	59370	2968500	c752a604-6db2-466b-8d29-dbd1e64c8793	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:27:16	-166.656
-118	29686	2968600	3e51ed46-52ab-43fd-85ec-9b6b80372b03	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:52:17	572.984
-118	59372	2968600	83d92d8b-730c-4a3c-a862-66642c8ffd94	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:14:44	818.54
-119	29687	2968700	526d02be-cad3-42a2-859f-10717d19b183	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:00:46	-268.970
-119	59374	2968700	2d1d70b1-2a4b-4036-8878-e1dbc6186216	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:59:40	857.968
-120	29688	2968800	8b4dcd4a-dc40-423c-9a2f-f25ba1269fcb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:43:23	292.477
-120	59376	2968800	f37b0fdd-36d6-4a0b-9d01-d2ce350b0c4e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:28:03	-308.676
-121	29689	2968900	3a205018-7572-435c-a473-63f2c1da9065	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:30:07	-518.698
-121	59378	2968900	4079ed28-c826-4b2a-b65b-6c7d56440d3f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:39:49	-298.92
-122	29690	2969000	d658cf7c-41a7-4204-b2db-efc3fa5bf093	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:06:48	237.131
-122	59380	2969000	bff1ecab-3d8d-4dd5-8e4c-f04f71a7cda7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:05:44	313.263
-123	29691	2969100	5f632c03-e8f9-425a-ad3b-2369ef0f204f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:46:52	472.143
-123	59382	2969100	d70cbe99-ccfb-42a9-8c2a-9596f19e8384	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:06:24	145.595
-124	29692	2969200	8c8356da-b5d8-4078-9ad8-f260bc3bde0a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:52:40	398.772
-124	59384	2969200	e0aa4b8c-65fe-4935-9442-ee28edbc1438	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:06:01	779.508
-125	29693	2969300	d74255b6-3727-4d38-9824-263ba3b36627	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:30:01	275.893
-125	59386	2969300	971a683a-bfdb-437c-a60b-80ddde4a7b3c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:22:30	359.2
-126	29694	2969400	5dd0a0b7-6a81-48be-aabf-aa0f0aaea399	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:23:31	-804.440
-126	59388	2969400	6d9c2288-ed6c-4ecc-a622-332f9e0e41da	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:43:58	-677.730
-127	29695	2969500	0db7be2e-2594-4cc8-be5a-fb2e384afba1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:45:17	6.991
-127	59390	2969500	bb3eafd4-445f-4448-8899-ca2ce97004ea	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:37:27	546.511
-0	29696	2969600	f2c5e898-fcc5-43a1-b15c-e759e9cd45d4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:13:27	219.891
-0	59392	2969600	0fc9a96c-e569-47fd-957e-27cfb5ee1f0c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:20:52	706.230
-1	29697	2969700	d2a9927b-5827-4a3d-b68a-f6d222022ffb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:30:02	-916.929
-1	59394	2969700	cc2abd3b-58cc-4ff2-9bcb-3aa676146ae7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:29:48	470.97
-2	29698	2969800	568b8588-cc20-444a-a089-f798d88ea1c0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:05:21	198.979
-2	59396	2969800	8c52592a-dfea-4f6d-9cb9-22245fb92e9d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:23:54	433.802
-3	29699	2969900	216d774f-3f81-451a-9581-752b4661b64b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:12:36	-965.684
-3	59398	2969900	c6da24c8-6ed1-4137-b83c-639ba3a69b3c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:05:17	274.481
-4	29700	2970000	840df2b4-de51-4fe2-9eba-e20cf6b1dd52	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:51:14	-377.528
-4	59400	2970000	b2cc7f73-1e46-4851-90da-de2d8252a56e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:10:00	-492.392
-5	29701	2970100	1a4eac98-7711-4051-8ca3-e7eaf15faf2c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:32:40	-365.379
-5	59402	2970100	8954855f-5c34-478f-aaca-a9695df280a0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:00:54	754.103
-6	29702	2970200	781a5219-8f9f-423b-81b4-ea911fe75195	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:07:17	456.581
-6	59404	2970200	21d98244-7c81-4e25-97cb-63a94556401a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:55:29	557.398
-7	29703	2970300	9ccc56e2-19c9-4918-b117-f03fb25fe6b4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:14:39	37.538
-7	59406	2970300	6e7d5840-9129-4aac-8de2-3d827c58c689	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:15:14	441.847
-8	29704	2970400	1dc1a056-873f-4fea-a41a-6185ff6fbfd2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:56:21	93.845
-8	59408	2970400	c69d8645-7b88-4c1c-bc2d-09a7fbef86ec	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:14:49	-156.134
-9	29705	2970500	4a689211-b10b-4964-b933-34ee51e085a2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:27:46	-167.352
-9	59410	2970500	88f0e4cf-58c8-42f7-9192-118c6402272d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:43:01	618.179
-10	29706	2970600	9f7e5192-5abe-4721-91cc-721a4be8b268	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:54:42	709.399
-10	59412	2970600	74ba6394-5aa4-463c-9736-48dd6bbf35f1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:30:43	-400.169
-11	29707	2970700	a8096f58-1d1a-4a6d-a610-de5c626ea3b2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:05:17	977.509
-11	59414	2970700	70f98ff2-d947-417b-96da-8e0975776a74	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:31:07	-159.669
-12	29708	2970800	14b627d3-71bd-4bfb-bfc8-4d94f3cfb7e5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:09:57	-322.739
-12	59416	2970800	e600b6cf-1b6b-4c30-927f-51d25fb23f8f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:22:57	73.598
-13	29709	2970900	aaf23215-ab1e-4acd-9ff3-b093672f7003	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:02:05	-107.106
-13	59418	2970900	acf2a908-9b4a-4565-b410-f8007aa38177	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:45:05	-324.466
-14	29710	2971000	c8c44e64-9a27-466f-8c81-9e031c0cc930	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:43:27	328.195
-14	59420	2971000	51fb19a2-2d6c-44c9-b0d5-2a24283ce1e9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:48:15	-563.958
-15	29711	2971100	4e939c0b-d563-4424-a9dc-b64521b832ea	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:30:40	157.872
-15	59422	2971100	95cdaeb7-7f74-49bf-8d0e-9c7b8b3bc246	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:20:00	726.949
-16	29712	2971200	37bc36c4-d0e5-4d51-9f3b-8600ae69f9e7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:46:23	-842.429
-16	59424	2971200	553e004f-fb94-4dd1-b539-c67c1cdad18d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:23:23	-764.610
-17	29713	2971300	08704f38-a3b4-42f2-b356-eba3792cb040	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:25:29	973.543
-17	59426	2971300	955695e5-972b-4b78-adf4-f7e214e0124d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:07:40	-534.353
-18	29714	2971400	6b49b6ba-8b9d-4595-b19a-3d0a06fb141a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:04:53	-787.344
-18	59428	2971400	c90c41df-b4a1-4377-b0cd-2fe439918e4c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:32:51	458.539
-19	29715	2971500	6ae3eec2-55f4-4a13-b21f-2103d5946d2b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:11:47	127.416
-19	59430	2971500	84130172-81d1-4e3d-9df8-0104d19a0eaf	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:57:55	814.700
-20	29716	2971600	7795da8b-306b-4fc0-a490-bc5812f09ae9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:57:20	949.843
-20	59432	2971600	208b2643-e571-4e61-a886-f612abf31437	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:00:07	186.933
-21	29717	2971700	f7582bcb-7ed8-415b-bb6b-394f7d8ab905	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:06:44	-870.375
-21	59434	2971700	98dc6d89-cd84-4b78-b6e0-ccd2f1ff2581	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:27:36	-265.750
-22	29718	2971800	53cd2f54-67b7-42ac-a96e-ab2d8ae8ab19	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:40:02	252.367
-22	59436	2971800	c9188778-ea23-44e0-94e2-8a7df00a8d9e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:38:06	-868.20
-23	29719	2971900	bf6b42ed-93f9-423d-b366-9875855e54d0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:54:24	-786.807
-23	59438	2971900	54aebb52-d11e-4137-b789-c9efcce3f33c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:49:06	621.570
-24	29720	2972000	6bd8b898-3ba2-4215-88e4-aa9fe440922a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:38:18	-671.807
-24	59440	2972000	280f9b94-2388-42b6-827f-1c04f0d65354	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:36:46	820.19
-25	29721	2972100	4dde2e7a-6ab9-442b-9af6-7f9faeea1ea8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:12:16	-680.960
-25	59442	2972100	e4a69160-4b2c-449a-b013-e8e5d7accf08	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:51:05	-653.993
-26	29722	2972200	42024ce6-7e85-42ff-8005-73a49e9985e7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:03:57	317.390
-26	59444	2972200	a62cc881-1463-4327-8c45-a1c1ae05b5ef	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:59:26	-768.412
-27	29723	2972300	462bd2cd-20dc-48e3-b0b5-5ea3aedee367	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:05:18	246.120
-27	59446	2972300	493b0e6b-abdd-4d10-94f7-d6c63e2ff86b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:16:36	-142.336
-28	29724	2972400	708b501a-02d2-452f-850e-b0ba01883d3c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:10:09	-585.277
-28	59448	2972400	84eb89f5-fb34-4e4f-9fcf-110a876db25c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:33:06	-559.612
-29	29725	2972500	00715f69-b5ae-476b-8656-889bf10a0de1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:01:24	-508.540
-29	59450	2972500	752342b0-f48b-48d2-acbb-cfe72da703c6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:27:16	-495.183
-30	29726	2972600	42f24aea-3b28-419e-8ead-81cb5d19c705	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:00:26	-831.396
-30	59452	2972600	e3dd5e2e-ad50-4c73-ad11-9bb346111a13	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:04:56	-49.965
-31	29727	2972700	e68c6a1d-3460-42ea-b15a-b594de29de7b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:33:37	406.684
-31	59454	2972700	702211ce-8fd9-4807-87e1-4b91a7b51d79	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:56:33	742.564
-32	29728	2972800	6d6efba8-c657-4a23-a373-4c8dbbefacb3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:40:43	-554.313
-32	59456	2972800	d0487665-a2ab-43c0-aa68-caf5b648e8c2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:20:40	242.159
-33	29729	2972900	9049100c-4714-4cdf-ada3-1757ce893309	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:01:52	645.919
-33	59458	2972900	1493e6a3-88f3-4ee8-8d84-32cfca1b7831	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:25:55	620.184
-34	29730	2973000	bb616148-f19d-40a2-a035-916be2d5ab90	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:20:58	-340.447
-34	59460	2973000	6f3c5b91-ed11-43f8-8b22-f63087e44167	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:19:14	425.903
-35	29731	2973100	7a0bd936-e3fb-477b-82db-9923198cf4ec	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:21:50	31.579
-35	59462	2973100	1331dc22-2a29-454b-8f3a-26bc01327cd7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:48:41	-158.325
-36	29732	2973200	49b1877b-37c8-4542-bd6d-d395dcd981c6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:28:47	403.661
-36	59464	2973200	7d4ae23d-528b-40c4-949e-868a0a565150	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:38:57	-728.113
-37	29733	2973300	43f38e53-eede-4392-897a-663bac2effa0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:14:04	-610.930
-37	59466	2973300	79b78e84-df69-45ba-ac2e-7ac4ddfe4764	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:34:26	703.797
-38	29734	2973400	2dee8c98-61df-4aad-9a49-7d17003a9ab8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:04:52	747.758
-38	59468	2973400	67d078dd-65df-4169-bdb5-23b9e7150a22	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:43:21	-127.146
-39	29735	2973500	a88e3e15-8269-458b-94ac-89dffeec740b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:05:31	-51.389
-39	59470	2973500	ed345ee6-5d7e-49c2-8f6d-392bc10751fe	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:15:10	-190.857
-40	29736	2973600	b63aac9e-16f2-470d-98d9-d2428026a8fa	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:23:45	-327.216
-40	59472	2973600	74b1023e-e182-4ae5-a033-c51b8917c29a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:34:18	261.227
-41	29737	2973700	466dbc22-57a7-4c62-9267-359535f4d0b3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:45:19	670.932
-41	59474	2973700	6648da54-a486-468d-b557-a27db6e7bce2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:40:56	-880.743
-42	29738	2973800	cc9f760d-8a2d-4b81-9fe4-4f4efad2c610	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:25:25	-579.507
-42	59476	2973800	2c9fd7c4-9474-42b8-9a9c-31831987352d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:14:29	-602.333
-43	29739	2973900	ddc5fc58-ce36-4919-bdaf-4152b920d838	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:03:47	839.657
-43	59478	2973900	a840b8db-a70f-4268-bc74-025a27bd56c5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:40:18	-987.417
-44	29740	2974000	ad0e8f96-055a-4217-890e-529a116bfee0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:06:00	423.831
-44	59480	2974000	042e364d-857c-4a16-9113-87b35272f957	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:08:52	-824.303
-45	29741	2974100	ec24bb65-27d0-432d-b8bc-6ac52bf7e717	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:45:36	-974.907
-45	59482	2974100	dbf785d6-524e-44a9-a5c5-366c39876b05	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:27:18	277.597
-46	29742	2974200	e3cb45dd-d4ca-421b-a0ba-58bd188645af	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:26:38	-550.579
-46	59484	2974200	d91c3193-aa2d-4ae1-a5cc-0ac0f09ba249	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:37:23	-101.566
-47	29743	2974300	71e6f597-7079-4501-8a73-cea2b24ddf70	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:16:34	356.655
-47	59486	2974300	20f38795-55bf-4ba7-8de0-8b10f768d7fd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:04:02	189.496
-48	29744	2974400	0f0049f7-0f0f-48a2-b7fa-402c216bbff1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:25:08	7.140
-48	59488	2974400	d7f5e335-2460-4ac2-aa20-ca20043073e3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:59:41	61.746
-49	29745	2974500	217a0ced-4ce7-47cf-a0ae-e3bb41bb8ee6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:09:19	18.539
-49	59490	2974500	07ad1015-c91b-4f55-aaa8-2c6530aaa028	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:48:19	461.939
-50	29746	2974600	49477239-e80f-4008-84de-77695aa2f4e7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:19:09	-17.413
-50	59492	2974600	2339aca5-e99e-4187-a769-fc404b3bbfb0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:48:45	-378.856
-51	29747	2974700	24ca5870-61cd-4525-a084-c32f7378b834	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:34:35	90.746
-51	59494	2974700	03ad4c11-d620-414a-976c-0734c40f17f0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:36:53	-569.116
-52	29748	2974800	c8044611-5606-4323-aa0d-47f1dfeff5b0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:58:35	445.173
-52	59496	2974800	252c2b72-ff91-4747-bc4f-96b3e8fdab55	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:10:19	-596.868
-53	29749	2974900	3a5edd2c-4162-4470-98bc-7f05eabe75be	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:20:37	337.283
-53	59498	2974900	31411d41-4e03-4361-af64-efb3dd9b466f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:12:46	-325.621
-54	29750	2975000	ac6fb7ff-57d7-457e-b171-bc0525362cfc	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:54:28	-885.533
-54	59500	2975000	e04b6b58-b6ed-4df4-ae57-78889c6a6dbc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:30:10	791.702
-55	29751	2975100	00b11dea-35b7-4b96-a433-dd82e5ec5cea	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:57:50	-840.289
-55	59502	2975100	68711519-411e-4d7a-8a88-2743213a0f93	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:31:25	-372.866
-56	29752	2975200	70d395e2-0371-4aa1-a62c-9a1917a728d3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:24:17	-233.406
-56	59504	2975200	e5e61e35-5e4c-4a6f-b164-84ce89fcbbdf	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:04:51	-484.582
-57	29753	2975300	8ee1c199-1cdb-47cd-8c91-8bc5561a8ac6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:48:23	609.231
-57	59506	2975300	cb2e444a-452f-4192-a0ad-8c55dabcb5dc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:21:51	-492.221
-58	29754	2975400	48b9603f-4155-42c6-b732-88144bbd7caa	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:31:52	590.964
-58	59508	2975400	1cfb05f6-161c-4c38-89b8-7a584f55fc1b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:13:33	65.853
-59	29755	2975500	74036a2f-a6d5-42ce-80b6-1ee1f32f8fc4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:46:16	749.276
-59	59510	2975500	237b3369-4796-413d-9822-bec6128b7e91	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:03:05	39.938
-60	29756	2975600	8fcd5375-7307-4fa2-9d1d-878021610cc7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:40:53	-853.503
-60	59512	2975600	560d0a96-37bc-47dc-9272-4b34631f84b4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:09:35	-155.621
-61	29757	2975700	c9a89b30-e058-4324-b3e8-ceb782ac863c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:01:14	-974.349
-61	59514	2975700	540378b5-9028-472c-a210-f5a7e57974a6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:46:55	-316.696
-62	29758	2975800	04741363-01a6-4c3a-a21a-f1718513ec19	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:40:18	-752.943
-62	59516	2975800	f0e73658-d02b-4366-8ed5-42e75d3ca622	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:03:51	858.569
-63	29759	2975900	945702f4-f295-4e81-88fa-9c7afac38b28	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:26:54	313.177
-63	59518	2975900	2bdb51e0-975e-47bd-9038-56e3ee446a22	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:45:09	-47.611
-64	29760	2976000	5dd2c017-82d0-4d6f-b123-c70ed0ea7de0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:23:12	911.925
-64	59520	2976000	5bdc3ad3-c1d7-4c94-ba75-07a27345fb93	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:58:53	-980.36
-65	29761	2976100	c0726a98-c560-4cbb-b205-32a32823e6c8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:32:22	-937.55
-65	59522	2976100	f888d776-d38d-4b63-abaa-2d7d611526db	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:28:35	-460.454
-66	29762	2976200	af9147c3-0824-4fcb-af8d-cc9d870a2491	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:08:28	614.265
-66	59524	2976200	c5e8b0f5-623f-43f7-82dc-0102fd5da330	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:54:26	-643.11
-67	29763	2976300	5160ed96-7ead-4e3d-8fde-290b93f02330	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:03:39	406.528
-67	59526	2976300	6375c831-26c4-426e-a4cf-e2dce22f97ad	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:30:06	794.749
-68	29764	2976400	7c03676c-0be7-422f-9069-53b1618a68a5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:20:47	664.366
-68	59528	2976400	2cd62fb7-94af-4fa2-8458-926eb93a2a42	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:50:27	-4.738
-69	29765	2976500	b37ae83f-06b4-41b3-b716-63aa9f98907b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:56:55	-6.619
-69	59530	2976500	8eeef42b-5d68-4bbf-997f-3fc7a17b3c1d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:06:33	683.533
-70	29766	2976600	4e606c09-08d0-4b4e-aec2-a6cd2983a57e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:24:37	-923.549
-70	59532	2976600	05cb5efb-e23e-4af0-823d-7e48440dc5aa	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:35:38	-584.908
-71	29767	2976700	8ae6883e-332b-468b-be52-63d09afc7eb8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:52:59	-305.748
-71	59534	2976700	0bda7942-2cc7-457d-b2b8-902fca16f238	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:49:15	-647.909
-72	29768	2976800	5897298e-af06-4a06-a949-4266ddc0860e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:14:47	-188.670
-72	59536	2976800	5ae6a3d9-7ae8-4c19-bcf0-5c9843db3c0d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:31:46	-974.683
-73	29769	2976900	dcaf8c08-c150-4472-83b9-31281c41c9c8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:56:17	-26.490
-73	59538	2976900	ee9b1515-8e51-48d0-8489-1a46362cbf6c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:58:04	466.211
-74	29770	2977000	b5636e84-2786-4431-a5d6-4593b4b2f75d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:43:19	-444.796
-74	59540	2977000	5e64c427-43c8-46f5-93c6-93c0107dee23	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:46:13	-27.399
-75	29771	2977100	2f11bde6-8b9f-4b7b-b417-7de6ff0f1e17	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:42:31	-129.174
-75	59542	2977100	74c1fac6-21b5-401a-b371-bc73a4ae43d1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:41:11	-144.927
-76	29772	2977200	1ecc553e-7e2f-484b-9836-aee98ee07dd1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:30:13	-224.689
-76	59544	2977200	1f87bb91-9141-4f01-9a2e-3bbfbbb155e7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:43:06	-74.653
-77	29773	2977300	4cc88aa5-3b43-4a6a-b575-4a2291c6ce40	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:47:39	475.942
-77	59546	2977300	d8c78ef9-1062-458e-943b-50cc82cda229	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:20:47	-325.344
-78	29774	2977400	fd588382-6de1-4e6a-af0e-e09f62bda864	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:41:54	134.591
-78	59548	2977400	b1c45e9c-4c98-4839-bd2b-dbae12bd0911	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:46:42	660.34
-79	29775	2977500	db40c275-bb5e-4c41-8d50-c43dd7226b87	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:11:36	769.502
-79	59550	2977500	a45b99ae-5a38-498d-972c-12f0fa2369f1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:25:41	318.319
-80	29776	2977600	3aeb36cf-7022-4312-9fb3-22c830123870	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:40:30	-95.313
-80	59552	2977600	91fa70d2-6b10-4709-92e8-d94e794c5876	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:47:34	-52.484
-81	29777	2977700	ea14ebc8-d408-4e7f-bdb2-549111c25fa7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:49:41	58.957
-81	59554	2977700	f969a3de-0a0b-4e1e-979b-7d91433a6705	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:17:01	-940.520
-82	29778	2977800	b4bac675-9cf5-455c-8a51-089b08f3aaad	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:59:03	851.922
-82	59556	2977800	86197c06-5df7-4f99-8b24-9f3f38feeb12	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:19:48	-544.32
-83	29779	2977900	fdec2f03-7817-47e5-aeca-47f11f87e630	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:38:23	754.710
-83	59558	2977900	1427abb2-29dc-4cfa-82c9-7ed0faba828d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:58:56	465.467
-84	29780	2978000	0493d208-ded2-44dc-b3fd-67735ad57cda	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:58:20	-153.131
-84	59560	2978000	8846afe9-d2ad-4224-b18e-bc6f30c438c0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:17:40	-348.730
-85	29781	2978100	4b1efb73-c991-461f-b524-97db01f5f2f6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:27:22	-339.842
-85	59562	2978100	49de199d-af5d-4706-b7c9-f425d7d8582d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:53:35	-979.999
-86	29782	2978200	e82a4ce3-17a1-424c-8bbf-e8929cc8151f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:16:46	209.421
-86	59564	2978200	030feb1d-d559-43d2-aca4-9428263a59b1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:20:31	-332.432
-87	29783	2978300	28eebf3e-2cf3-484d-8777-5506df31fbe1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:38:18	81.111
-87	59566	2978300	d493364a-b57f-4685-98ca-a9d40db83cbb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:51:27	-634.907
-88	29784	2978400	5258e342-ae51-4b6a-b6b1-52068ad24620	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:56:26	273.186
-88	59568	2978400	e14ae4f7-cf92-4196-8378-10aaaea941cb	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:27:23	928.40
-89	29785	2978500	82345b5b-070a-4bda-99e9-4525b8c20fae	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:35:20	-734.780
-89	59570	2978500	7b1a56a6-a882-480b-87a9-9502366e14fd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:20:42	-866.343
-90	29786	2978600	8671ef37-40f8-4c45-a0b7-c22055aeaec2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:11:18	-577.122
-90	59572	2978600	1bee0b9b-8333-4270-a97b-72ba7d14c2e3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:42:08	-170.127
-91	29787	2978700	5bf013e6-ef0a-461e-9a9c-36331e939097	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:09:29	900.311
-91	59574	2978700	a536a0ff-2e5c-43e5-bba4-3c2f524b3567	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:40:38	939.646
-92	29788	2978800	6357ffd3-7197-41bf-b35e-4ecc8bd2c6fa	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:16:26	483.355
-92	59576	2978800	590923b7-cecc-4a13-adbb-7ac202959701	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:30:47	-816.347
-93	29789	2978900	0525dd05-a0ef-4aab-a652-cd23d866cb48	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:50:47	458.48
-93	59578	2978900	90e4a775-e59b-4a54-a8db-a6d77b48a287	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:42:30	-571.425
-94	29790	2979000	7456a8d4-17f2-4d30-a2ca-50b9963f111d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:42:22	651.748
-94	59580	2979000	a7b7c06e-591a-4d08-b7cb-d3016b823187	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:28:01	-801.824
-95	29791	2979100	8b8eca2d-e181-49a0-9c73-f9eb23e3643f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:53:54	-506.87
-95	59582	2979100	728cf39f-fdb7-49bb-9bc9-2b477ae18e5a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:07:48	651.105
-96	29792	2979200	9b5af1f5-bd54-4c5c-b076-9cb2737d2490	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:52:56	356.473
-96	59584	2979200	56c7de7c-fa8e-4e9e-b24a-3cfd6442bc9e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:03:53	-661.86
-97	29793	2979300	dee236b0-44c1-4f34-b6da-a078f4948ef1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:38:26	330.199
-97	59586	2979300	5ac6066b-cc40-4d71-b710-6d473acf8a72	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:27:20	866.144
-98	29794	2979400	61709c62-6d94-45c5-8526-0d2d954a41ee	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:25:40	0.153
-98	59588	2979400	054594e2-99c3-498f-ac5a-ff2413e06d93	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:24:21	995.523
-99	29795	2979500	8c8e738e-e90e-413e-a7f5-4631be5c9367	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:09:02	81.88
-99	59590	2979500	4b9acc0d-31b3-4770-ac31-3c90298241f1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:40:08	-127.514
-100	29796	2979600	c6bea4ba-35c0-48e5-a881-541227de0df4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:09:24	24.99
-100	59592	2979600	2c4fe6dc-61db-4726-8cba-f727a4b56152	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:43:28	411.301
-101	29797	2979700	10449523-09c2-402e-a71f-3596c3a5811b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:46:49	396.305
-101	59594	2979700	ec34f403-304e-4535-b3c9-1b19e4c2c342	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:13:48	175.798
-102	29798	2979800	1666c5f8-1419-4964-90bb-4c100f1d81b2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:38:08	97.970
-102	59596	2979800	58e25c86-28ee-434d-b9be-ba3ddf56d44a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:27:58	439.239
-103	29799	2979900	e62728b8-b3bf-497b-b744-3df5147b9b3f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:11:10	-920.302
-103	59598	2979900	cb643be0-104e-4529-bdf4-93a26c85a8a9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:43:40	-788.648
-104	29800	2980000	83cc26a2-032c-4763-a6d5-39d919bc83dd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:39:27	-156.798
-104	59600	2980000	9891754e-8c42-44eb-a606-1a151380b72d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:54:15	168.397
-105	29801	2980100	c41bc5a3-e959-4025-9d6a-8eb979c96b35	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:25:46	-670.170
-105	59602	2980100	cb124324-382f-4d4c-9e3c-b735b56e884a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:09:24	805.635
-106	29802	2980200	d5958cd3-1c5c-40bb-b5d6-72a13d5a8d8f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:23:15	-774.110
-106	59604	2980200	9f736509-9240-4ec4-89cc-aeece2f72742	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:55:07	-642.89
-107	29803	2980300	53450778-bd63-47ee-8335-83407f8806a1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:06:49	855.34
-107	59606	2980300	cb81eac3-2a14-4088-b220-98fbc69a5dab	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:05:23	-220.258
-108	29804	2980400	a9688bfa-6bd9-4c18-851c-b74497e68c00	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:42:01	940.780
-108	59608	2980400	f4a2d35a-6389-431f-a776-2e00792f3736	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:27:46	252.388
-109	29805	2980500	543009f0-b8e5-4094-84e7-0cf4224df51d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:46:03	953.838
-109	59610	2980500	fc71bd45-abf5-480f-a7ad-a10297f87623	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:32:12	945.559
-110	29806	2980600	5605e382-da20-423d-952e-630d1dbb58d5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:12:33	493.706
-110	59612	2980600	a3ed7e32-29df-4978-bf6f-b29368164931	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:49:38	697.126
-111	29807	2980700	d4148731-c3f3-4efb-8d1f-fccade98851a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:34:51	832.377
-111	59614	2980700	dd02b537-b8f5-45b4-8084-d36d6114235f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:25:30	83.219
-112	29808	2980800	37eb59ce-5b7a-4029-aef3-3268dc6a0c67	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:04:42	782.850
-112	59616	2980800	ee0f8b64-c51d-438d-830a-f45ac7945d7f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:33:31	-553.807
-113	29809	2980900	8ecec45c-665d-4dc7-8369-f61b0081351b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:17:17	-901.840
-113	59618	2980900	76ad7957-3e7c-4ed8-ad0d-0a38915e5056	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:40:41	-294.651
-114	29810	2981000	b356e145-3ebe-4cf8-8a73-2a3e05e199dd	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:09:03	127.896
-114	59620	2981000	079ef5ac-e479-4b6b-a678-7da7de721abc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:54:00	-423.674
-115	29811	2981100	94755562-b46c-44ca-8b68-4a33895055e7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:36:57	-605.529
-115	59622	2981100	c453e6ad-875b-4c30-bbd5-f5977703f289	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:01:51	516.389
-116	29812	2981200	59106c27-02fb-45b9-9009-42efc13bf7fc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:36:11	-877.440
-116	59624	2981200	13496090-2e04-4fa4-af2b-e636da9849c6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:28:32	-192.23
-117	29813	2981300	e3cbdf97-9f6a-4126-8953-9865bd1a6107	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:07:10	-535.671
-117	59626	2981300	d6ea67b3-ba23-49cf-81b1-be5966c404e5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:18:38	180.432
-118	29814	2981400	e2e1dae3-a4b9-4aaa-a1f3-81520d9beb6f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:32:06	491.86
-118	59628	2981400	a252073a-de39-4986-be2d-cc9ae17026cb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:34:29	220.878
-119	29815	2981500	1a92f36d-6fdd-4775-ab9f-713dd0a288db	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:43:29	-85.564
-119	59630	2981500	41edf0c5-5633-4bf7-9365-6e16030fb348	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:31:55	-803.43
-120	29816	2981600	564f6267-f737-4691-9229-3a29f16e66d4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:16:25	-364.938
-120	59632	2981600	32cc698f-9210-4d90-84a6-a84f6ee38ed9	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:42:53	-237.529
-121	29817	2981700	07ca3574-4505-4f1e-a2f7-761559d93971	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:03:54	738.290
-121	59634	2981700	9b1c9aef-029f-42ad-a5ce-7613c772b404	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:26:35	149.51
-122	29818	2981800	0a941077-b1b6-4787-b063-7ff961cbd44b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:50:35	93.372
-122	59636	2981800	729f595a-230b-42b6-89ad-ff8f151461de	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:48:22	671.768
-123	29819	2981900	0ab61874-6c84-4b18-9e68-053554633af1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:11:33	-861.875
-123	59638	2981900	5babac68-857b-4516-9a2f-56ebd573acb6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:11:17	958.871
-124	29820	2982000	dd303089-7bff-4f46-abd0-5653d4230ecb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:43:54	107.940
-124	59640	2982000	f5b0c75f-a4dc-45d1-bd51-dd934f69393b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:17:37	460.432
-125	29821	2982100	34c42e44-6539-4bf0-82bc-02478fe35b4e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:18:03	-541.612
-125	59642	2982100	229c4878-a80b-4cfb-b0d1-74c7f43c0229	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:19:54	83.418
-126	29822	2982200	0618e87f-d3db-4136-8383-d45132f79d30	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:22:47	560.70
-126	59644	2982200	83728d10-d068-472a-b58f-1f4e60410adf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:35:05	292.587
-127	29823	2982300	6301a2b1-130f-4a82-8aa7-d73df7c0738f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:17:58	296.297
-127	59646	2982300	0a987c87-f637-47be-9857-17f01b2956cd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:40:49	-362.279
-0	29824	2982400	30e9218a-5e60-46c1-8d9f-1f525bb0c8c8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:52:54	105.253
-0	59648	2982400	4265ec6e-9916-4e5a-9eff-39349ce50c75	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:09:44	-789.7
-1	29825	2982500	f092cc54-0bed-4542-85e3-39f3f8cb44e6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:04:52	460.912
-1	59650	2982500	07ec2a2f-eac7-44c7-9b7b-db9d62d02938	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:29:02	-312.260
-2	29826	2982600	a8af48fb-9671-4242-afb8-99332374427f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:19:56	800.741
-2	59652	2982600	bdbba9ed-5ac6-4208-b4f1-3090652d54d3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:08:37	-884.676
-3	29827	2982700	3d82f897-1814-4440-bd37-8497d4ab0c5d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:54:08	-161.557
-3	59654	2982700	6bf27b16-a89c-4585-8fe9-7d9821158783	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:22:32	-733.16
-4	29828	2982800	3844969f-85b9-480f-8c9f-837360a55584	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:12:04	-30.248
-4	59656	2982800	362cbf73-6cea-4634-b0ed-bd2be64b7b3c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:26:09	633.610
-5	29829	2982900	a2c49bab-6142-46b5-8126-dbaea96669b3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:58:46	711.443
-5	59658	2982900	af2f8b1d-734f-4cd3-bb09-27471d492984	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:37:31	-927.329
-6	29830	2983000	b7cd2f85-c1ae-4e1a-bd85-4ddbac427b9e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:45:10	-687.249
-6	59660	2983000	6fda0322-b48d-4549-8b01-724e93e04098	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:14:58	464.386
-7	29831	2983100	87f1feae-112e-40f4-9c5a-07e0338739d6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:53:36	225.627
-7	59662	2983100	9ed019c2-8894-4333-a835-3295debc15e4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:18:21	712.872
-8	29832	2983200	6510ca8a-3f51-4919-8ed6-384b2709e3f3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:23:52	-742.914
-8	59664	2983200	139b0c04-76ce-4e58-931b-7898a521e3ab	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:51:17	201.747
-9	29833	2983300	8c467de5-ab41-41c6-a2d5-87bf374a0ad6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:43:32	-212.583
-9	59666	2983300	7ddccda8-0f97-4ae8-aa2a-af139150d36c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:28:06	-543.912
-10	29834	2983400	f4649826-6c85-4a43-a25b-c2378bb404d3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:21:56	-756.638
-10	59668	2983400	40befff7-a9a4-48a0-aaef-7aaf4c95bdad	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:32:57	886.202
-11	29835	2983500	747b8817-8197-4b7f-aaa4-030d04146786	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:34:16	957.684
-11	59670	2983500	e1b13d44-d193-4dcb-8a8b-7e369dcb348f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:05:17	-429.171
-12	29836	2983600	921a4e2b-eaa9-4a8d-aae3-fef2bcaa8d00	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:44:13	101.364
-12	59672	2983600	70822c76-d1e3-472f-9028-101bc91d872e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:45:53	-245.393
-13	29837	2983700	fc26661b-245c-4ee6-8715-95309f40c6e4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:52:48	-19.781
-13	59674	2983700	1d72e0cc-4356-444a-80fb-29930da30163	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:54:13	-673.902
-14	29838	2983800	5c1d3a31-f44c-47ae-be8d-4d09c7820745	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:19:35	-543.904
-14	59676	2983800	7381fd90-23f9-4eaa-9d8b-6b0027a3fa42	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:04:34	-214.387
-15	29839	2983900	72c09e6c-7280-481f-9cde-1ac8a5984149	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:12:51	-578.417
-15	59678	2983900	504da34e-7dd1-4b46-8f7a-9238d29ea2b6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:45:30	597.208
-16	29840	2984000	8e73527e-f766-407e-88f2-94fbafd21283	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:13:56	-64.246
-16	59680	2984000	c95046e6-1b4c-4861-b5ec-2c1b0557153f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:43:01	-700.382
-17	29841	2984100	73c9a310-d670-4586-8cc6-39abee223c69	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:33:44	643.623
-17	59682	2984100	9d27244a-2021-4736-ac15-e34561bef957	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:44:52	-476.865
-18	29842	2984200	4ffc6c19-8d85-4eba-9a02-ae3f318ba3cf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:45:18	62.442
-18	59684	2984200	9770ddb8-f90d-4e91-9094-bc6f7ec20b33	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:47:14	468.181
-19	29843	2984300	4d7bb709-76de-472e-984d-c14fa3db9e01	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:37:26	579.74
-19	59686	2984300	5033b73b-6df6-46ca-9e84-bf62df23b13a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:13:18	-931.150
-20	29844	2984400	c647c836-6861-4246-952d-55d53b458cf8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:40:16	-657.63
-20	59688	2984400	1c40c2b6-679f-4117-97a8-8c3a7736be77	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:45:36	-631.54
-21	29845	2984500	950d93cc-73b8-43a1-9beb-a91ba4f6898b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:45:15	-61.858
-21	59690	2984500	880df601-7f6b-41fb-8eab-b11e90817a89	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:54:00	801.271
-22	29846	2984600	8daab813-9c8b-47fa-97bb-d8d89c3e4355	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:22:11	-305.547
-22	59692	2984600	bd665804-8c2a-428c-9e73-f88fec33c2ab	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:26:16	-887.975
-23	29847	2984700	b6f387bf-bc82-456e-bb85-281f433de495	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:07:33	111.237
-23	59694	2984700	5f7b2da6-d930-4374-ba85-058fcfe16aa0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:25:48	-262.345
-24	29848	2984800	81dbdd48-acbe-42d0-83cd-b6afdb96919c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:55:41	-173.929
-24	59696	2984800	d634cd07-ef5a-490b-8ead-c596b8b3ea42	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:01:34	292.346
-25	29849	2984900	9fe1c67a-88e6-43c8-94c7-2ba9433c529d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:39:15	-992.526
-25	59698	2984900	956e284a-9cf9-496a-8b25-aba9607a87eb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:09:53	-602.780
-26	29850	2985000	0fa42652-0118-40d5-8ef2-b2a0071b9318	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:56:47	-194.764
-26	59700	2985000	59df00c9-140e-4c14-977f-4f4262dd66ec	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:25:58	747.555
-27	29851	2985100	1a125ed6-5a8c-45c1-8743-ff9ea187b4ec	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:18:02	596.332
-27	59702	2985100	7c037cc1-277a-4c3c-906b-b1d39060ebdf	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:18:04	-915.531
-28	29852	2985200	a9dd2942-3c52-4950-b238-0e929fc583d5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:53:39	784.746
-28	59704	2985200	a9d25fe4-372c-4256-8a0d-74cefa0cc243	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:33:20	-454.32
-29	29853	2985300	0413d148-2df8-4391-adc9-78cf6f3dae96	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:10:39	-515.496
-29	59706	2985300	7d905080-04bf-4b12-a6db-ff07d449fc66	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:30:40	638.530
-30	29854	2985400	4d3ac49f-436c-47b9-a9ac-9c57bc18825b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:34:42	854.609
-30	59708	2985400	e4c9a594-3f2a-47b1-a16b-c47b73636028	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:43:35	224.421
-31	29855	2985500	22c9a7c5-ec58-493e-977f-a7db3f8daca0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:06:25	-10.426
-31	59710	2985500	2e8afc44-35cc-4f87-a77e-b707cf2023cb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:57:20	-530.731
-32	29856	2985600	cc7897e4-4b72-4c3b-88b8-5915c83a61be	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:00:01	633.470
-32	59712	2985600	d357dbef-00bb-492d-abd6-182eef90e890	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:08:57	-176.623
-33	29857	2985700	f3f83b16-cd2f-40c0-a8b7-d1e61fd2ee97	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:01:55	-657.282
-33	59714	2985700	b7e0ce0c-42ca-41b9-8006-2f59d19e6835	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:53:28	350.866
-34	29858	2985800	f802c3a0-0793-4e94-9a4b-edcaf4890ac7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:12:10	364.492
-34	59716	2985800	58c7b683-618a-442d-b228-f422fe62d7bb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:07:08	-828.452
-35	29859	2985900	696c7e66-deae-47ea-915f-5c1ebf0c944c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:25:59	-118.823
-35	59718	2985900	47ebebc3-1dd9-4a96-80d6-4f2db5f70f04	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:29:17	882.629
-36	29860	2986000	81dabe39-8827-411f-9f04-94d3c794a126	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:51:59	437.757
-36	59720	2986000	b14a29b9-fa17-4c0e-9527-6f7c6a95c3a8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:25:50	-35.925
-37	29861	2986100	0e25eb7a-1e73-41ee-9dbf-3c04ecbc9996	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:05:55	-522.781
-37	59722	2986100	2cc15f3f-d996-4121-87bb-0532239be4a0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:00:25	383.531
-38	29862	2986200	9395284c-8a6c-48fd-8787-5ba9b328a8cc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:45:06	-123.707
-38	59724	2986200	d7d6b156-c310-4af5-b320-c924e12e4e39	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:54:01	707.727
-39	29863	2986300	8245b0ba-473a-4b62-a7e2-c2d4d2f35d17	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:53:28	38.687
-39	59726	2986300	e373dae3-7546-4e55-bd9c-6b04c85d0d38	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:34:25	-918.561
-40	29864	2986400	2afbad15-3f87-4e7d-860c-6d552e3d1c10	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:26:10	-523.492
-40	59728	2986400	5c5dff8e-7e92-44ea-97b0-a766d659590f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:16:16	-615.525
-41	29865	2986500	594abfa2-1c8e-4ce9-8e98-81b3d7f9a876	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:37:59	351.519
-41	59730	2986500	7130dcf4-71e2-4b3b-b66f-c8d26839910b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:17:12	894.222
-42	29866	2986600	f181e1ba-473f-49b4-a91b-ea2ce90403b9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:19:36	-614.554
-42	59732	2986600	f6c21169-d978-4df3-baf9-9a56b52301f4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:56:07	-125.59
-43	29867	2986700	fbdc95d0-1bcc-4318-85f5-83fcb2735df6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:27:43	882.447
-43	59734	2986700	356eb730-83e5-4b7a-b2c9-fb6b421ff8bf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:56:07	206.914
-44	29868	2986800	2198c013-fd10-4d18-bfc4-177ddd677c9d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:07:05	-543.692
-44	59736	2986800	c7b9f422-6ecb-426e-8b80-ae1c98ba9556	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:03:55	687.515
-45	29869	2986900	c1787eb0-b9be-4adc-9654-b652093e520b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:30:47	-270.134
-45	59738	2986900	b34bbbfb-2458-4c20-867e-b50372ba637f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:56:49	766.46
-46	29870	2987000	43221458-85f7-4de2-8e23-0d9a0c281eb8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:18:19	751.719
-46	59740	2987000	eda4b50e-e7fd-464b-8f9c-204bf2fcda67	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:46:12	-526.534
-47	29871	2987100	0dc22cbe-4cd8-4602-a688-e4f21371f20c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:23:12	-525.857
-47	59742	2987100	75f72411-e4f4-4633-b0a8-ac796a5b83ca	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:00:27	-697.309
-48	29872	2987200	8085dd48-8c5c-4f2b-8720-dc215a46d1e8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:06:39	243.782
-48	59744	2987200	c768ad1f-361e-4b6e-bf0e-959f48b79567	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:04:25	-85.262
-49	29873	2987300	0fa04fda-55df-4a8d-900c-9dbe721bb17e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:28:11	-139.208
-49	59746	2987300	033070d1-02c2-4213-9bc3-c8bf3d532473	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:56:10	912.304
-50	29874	2987400	69039996-4bdc-48df-b6fa-ae1b02725102	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:03:33	93.765
-50	59748	2987400	906d615e-baa4-48e8-913b-a903852e3a2e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:00:19	797.231
-51	29875	2987500	99f918a2-f3cc-465d-b9ed-0be248904f25	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:21:36	301.331
-51	59750	2987500	ecac934c-e9f3-4c75-92bc-a9806feef29a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:17:59	891.761
-52	29876	2987600	4ce1990b-7b85-4c21-bb70-0941ea4d9765	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:06:14	-232.434
-52	59752	2987600	a17fbc5a-e080-4667-a674-8119e5054d03	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:14:42	-485.248
-53	29877	2987700	bb88f032-70e5-4bd6-a71f-65abe74ab3d8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:41:41	-62.140
-53	59754	2987700	2f57e1ef-b8b6-47fd-b331-073e80cbb647	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:26:05	521.507
-54	29878	2987800	48426e10-752a-474a-b96d-15f0fa0ad60a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:54:54	-665.447
-54	59756	2987800	8c4c85cb-5856-4cee-977f-881a866d95e9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:28:33	161.87
-55	29879	2987900	b9208e94-a962-42d3-abae-40e877719565	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:09:22	365.280
-55	59758	2987900	23eb18cc-a058-4658-9555-e3722b361ad0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:24:46	317.111
-56	29880	2988000	17c2519a-ce32-469f-978d-531877894875	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:12:53	-856.273
-56	59760	2988000	f6fc445f-2c2d-42eb-bbf3-a115e76e5a9b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:21:43	242.959
-57	29881	2988100	193404ac-66da-4940-8108-98b990dd1c0a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:45:44	225.27
-57	59762	2988100	7cd581b4-8bf4-48b3-99c3-61704003f9e7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:46:52	984.168
-58	29882	2988200	df3f51de-0bb5-435a-9489-915add4beec2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:59:57	-666.442
-58	59764	2988200	398e88ac-651c-47c2-b205-e845e03d603a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:23:51	-271.163
-59	29883	2988300	a449d2de-a0a1-404c-843d-5da96b8fedcb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:51:24	274.816
-59	59766	2988300	3147c0d9-5945-4fdd-a80c-2a71ec04c0e9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:41:41	-345.319
-60	29884	2988400	27b97e2d-52a5-4960-9e89-4d42e9b25d3a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:35:31	-598.574
-60	59768	2988400	21db8c2b-4170-4324-a832-17094ed6a8d8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:42:15	906.414
-61	29885	2988500	0ae77312-8499-4335-8012-70a0f9bd11de	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:37:51	-5.726
-61	59770	2988500	5930d51d-0d42-4e35-a6c3-ac4de320d0ed	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:08:47	532.264
-62	29886	2988600	482ddfbc-ab7e-47b0-9800-46f3a65885c5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:28:38	990.558
-62	59772	2988600	234bbd8d-d68d-4ccd-8ad5-fc5e23320255	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:39:35	-957.322
-63	29887	2988700	132e92a9-ad24-4158-a3c6-d70531b3a706	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:01:15	673.492
-63	59774	2988700	f5aad4a3-1404-4202-9774-684b23d30a93	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:11:48	-962.541
-64	29888	2988800	4c0385cf-bd15-461a-b0ba-f0c9cf44dc02	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:05:59	986.693
-64	59776	2988800	4524d4c7-c032-44b2-bb05-2929ee418fed	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:51:29	-492.979
-65	29889	2988900	2a664e70-8abe-4de2-9381-ebc5d6f444f3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:08:57	-19.323
-65	59778	2988900	b6ad17e9-971f-48c8-beb6-a03d85c570d9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:09:11	-120.609
-66	29890	2989000	f8fca9b6-07e0-4482-859b-1965025ee5e7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:58:57	848.942
-66	59780	2989000	590125d7-3990-4db4-8913-b7e586025aef	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:11:27	103.670
-67	29891	2989100	413755d5-a73d-49b9-aecb-d5650f423e6d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:32:39	-145.973
-67	59782	2989100	32ad0bba-f590-4840-9346-2150df556892	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:18:11	694.181
-68	29892	2989200	43823289-8100-42ee-9836-66213c2c0c1f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:13:58	-392.538
-68	59784	2989200	03768b99-7cc5-451a-936a-0bc0eb7cff7d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:50:57	-618.156
-69	29893	2989300	3c75415e-8659-4daa-b7b7-245c089ab5e1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:48:14	-823.231
-69	59786	2989300	b27c1a92-8baa-4a78-b83d-8c8e9cc868f0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:43:38	-477.493
-70	29894	2989400	516d002b-debd-4025-a61d-32e13d05ab9d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:23:55	33.319
-70	59788	2989400	cd4fd07d-c234-4b64-b325-95e3988c3ca4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:19:22	481.866
-71	29895	2989500	56e8b72b-35cd-499f-868b-6f489e53a42e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:38:54	401.79
-71	59790	2989500	7142ae6b-c3b0-4c1e-99be-1e72c03fbc4b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:59:08	-183.505
-72	29896	2989600	45dedede-d597-472c-92e1-ef53e7a32ed1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:11:36	-190.265
-72	59792	2989600	acffbfba-67b3-4d4f-a393-63281af14710	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:09:09	-602.119
-73	29897	2989700	16d03c63-e7c7-40ab-8e59-953a5dc12475	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:30:10	-568.877
-73	59794	2989700	d8ddc118-a8b2-4b82-bef4-76fd0310f656	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:56:29	647.545
-74	29898	2989800	e7c75c28-cd6e-4b62-9b23-9b933ee62450	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:12:08	-293.348
-74	59796	2989800	4ddba421-03b1-46e8-9c1c-d456665953fa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:34:33	-467.696
-75	29899	2989900	94bbf327-1ef4-4ba9-8ff9-f890e3c07390	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:40:45	761.581
-75	59798	2989900	1265ade6-6d48-4319-9604-f5c1c84584c9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:39:40	-894.281
-76	29900	2990000	32f2a991-b0aa-4e64-a607-8c9558981e3e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:29:24	-846.24
-76	59800	2990000	e2e3ba40-34c6-4677-9d9b-d250c7a14f6a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:59:39	241.320
-77	29901	2990100	9c9a35df-1f4a-4f34-afd2-034a7fb98403	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:02:07	-567.764
-77	59802	2990100	451f6b4a-bd98-4c24-ae26-8fa68c150dc7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:44:18	-291.853
-78	29902	2990200	b011be8d-0046-40cd-9f92-182f9c0a8e56	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:26:50	315.553
-78	59804	2990200	5255f991-5395-4eaa-bda1-8fda0a67f4e9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:22:10	-121.948
-79	29903	2990300	92095c68-e864-4d54-9840-b9eddaaa30b2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:44:22	-478.215
-79	59806	2990300	504fdb89-c422-44ed-bc72-15f0af2fba47	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:35:09	-610.134
-80	29904	2990400	dbf2d695-e1a9-4573-8cfd-452ffb542d08	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:23:48	-398.484
-80	59808	2990400	cd6e5a9e-0254-4380-9f7e-a36dc1c5c85b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:17:29	-699.889
-81	29905	2990500	5148f8af-21ce-4be4-ad9c-d7319f60d671	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:45:12	-775.784
-81	59810	2990500	caae7200-9e07-44e7-8b4a-f7e27596f540	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:26:11	126.64
-82	29906	2990600	b4c2d276-b51a-409c-adea-cc7c2049f508	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:54:37	417.63
-82	59812	2990600	297f90e5-c8d0-49da-a663-7550e6a7436f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:29:27	-532.851
-83	29907	2990700	139a4600-ccb5-471b-93f6-2974d410c864	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:39:42	299.892
-83	59814	2990700	8450cdba-4109-4035-8b85-42745b060c0e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:35:51	-128.44
-84	29908	2990800	404a583c-b974-4cf4-88bb-70ca533068f7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:02:37	-772.818
-84	59816	2990800	d230c398-c554-4fcf-9462-a325e56dcba9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:21:25	736.882
-85	29909	2990900	b19b7e18-c1b7-4682-bfbd-276f85e1419e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:28:57	309.522
-85	59818	2990900	4f87e954-3661-4685-85b2-27542b63f901	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:15:46	112.182
-86	29910	2991000	b6b3530b-d258-4e4f-b29a-231b22205f4d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:29:26	-388.958
-86	59820	2991000	9fc8059d-9a0e-471b-b604-cc1554bd4c36	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:41:28	688.574
-87	29911	2991100	d23ca958-2f36-46e6-8b58-b6cf67ba177b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:12:16	520.153
-87	59822	2991100	1f253500-6523-4090-b084-6c38f8845b1d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:58:47	705.171
-88	29912	2991200	c3d67644-f30f-4e40-a7c8-64feebd75803	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:44:00	-217.390
-88	59824	2991200	e7183d51-b867-4da3-a69c-b3bbd9d6fe66	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:52:12	366.340
-89	29913	2991300	af3f1aa3-32df-4ad3-8c56-2714336432a2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:50:33	827.767
-89	59826	2991300	aa4b5006-e2ef-4f4c-b3d5-3798aad1b56a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:11:46	-603.485
-90	29914	2991400	5343f57b-3055-45e7-8403-35f09f5c3d77	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:58:12	-873.730
-90	59828	2991400	14b3bbfc-50f5-4244-8184-aa16ce5e8f2f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:31:48	-838.357
-91	29915	2991500	2cae34a5-c7f3-45d2-8563-ce9c37b61c1b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:50:16	681.41
-91	59830	2991500	3b23f413-a502-4800-8ab5-6a82d8887058	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:52:25	-958.988
-92	29916	2991600	2865771c-4f7f-414d-9da1-8790b8c8373a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:23:40	468.728
-92	59832	2991600	ab6f9718-b90d-4599-98b8-5aea8cd2e570	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:08:30	400.215
-93	29917	2991700	b4defb7a-4fa6-40db-ae01-5079e980d6b0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:19:22	-690.560
-93	59834	2991700	24258df8-9dc5-4cb8-9d04-ffd0f76ac09b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:46:34	-70.555
-94	29918	2991800	a04af8f8-bfa3-4215-b107-f7d26d7be02c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:38:42	568.889
-94	59836	2991800	e2e7eec8-872b-4b65-8b50-f5567f7d75eb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:22:33	-686.207
-95	29919	2991900	3e65e9ac-b9f2-40bb-85cd-262cd398e89c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:13:56	895.755
-95	59838	2991900	bc88db19-da32-4d14-a4ec-e8826155e36f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:45:51	58.848
-96	29920	2992000	248016fd-137e-48b8-a8db-26284b5f234e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:22:05	-397.487
-96	59840	2992000	0f2487b0-100e-47fd-b859-e0e14182d368	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:54:13	197.671
-97	29921	2992100	6f3c533f-4b1e-47ce-8aa8-1082bc8c639d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:34:15	958.787
-97	59842	2992100	d93dfc79-e91a-47c1-9e04-db2bd42de4c3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:06:42	-922.747
-98	29922	2992200	490fb64b-6fc0-4808-8c92-2964740dff1b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:02:55	47.211
-98	59844	2992200	1ac8fe3b-1169-415d-8729-0d7a1b9b4b30	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:51:56	550.15
-99	29923	2992300	e19a8d42-592f-4f4f-93ae-e608e1f8b7c4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:23:47	-320.265
-99	59846	2992300	717bbd94-a5f4-4446-917d-ca54f640c1b3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:51:36	547.42
-100	29924	2992400	82e6b1ad-56a7-46b8-a16d-f74670355269	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:02:32	-237.258
-100	59848	2992400	7e84b98e-a189-4a65-81c1-1b1050fbbaf9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:54:42	-637.865
-101	29925	2992500	d69d8f71-0dac-41cf-89a1-e3ddd13c283a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:47:36	306.899
-101	59850	2992500	dc2c88d1-d933-459a-bf12-cb71ad8fc0c7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:52:28	-810.189
-102	29926	2992600	19852b06-5a7b-4805-8f72-1e620e63578d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:57:37	-548.118
-102	59852	2992600	17a454f7-8d37-4be7-b855-58238bc34b80	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:58:17	-130.719
-103	29927	2992700	42be61fa-917f-419a-bdb7-bca785b6a518	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:55:46	-750.565
-103	59854	2992700	61ff04b0-6ead-4120-80a0-29ea606a62ab	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:50:56	-741.821
-104	29928	2992800	d0c7014a-1c79-4623-8866-d225f8315ccb	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:47:44	372.603
-104	59856	2992800	71f056c2-48cc-4058-93d6-aa241bba1fc7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:03:06	-135.579
-105	29929	2992900	74409e36-1054-42d5-8482-f03e7bce5521	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:57:09	526.373
-105	59858	2992900	2124d89a-3a4c-4a66-8973-254c31596db9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:24:40	126.561
-106	29930	2993000	6e803e37-eb68-43f6-a918-e74806bebdbc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:54:41	458.491
-106	59860	2993000	08fea790-89db-4f79-8ba6-d8dfa37596c3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:13:35	-889.641
-107	29931	2993100	e9986921-7ebb-4e51-ba1b-49bc46a2f766	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:14:05	470.541
-107	59862	2993100	1d22d2f9-0cb0-4074-aabd-56bfc65a5b04	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:12:32	576.898
-108	29932	2993200	35f3e34b-3404-43bd-8bc9-abd3660e7070	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:25:09	713.741
-108	59864	2993200	00a16996-0e08-42ed-ad51-8755ffc5bc9a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:38:15	-388.278
-109	29933	2993300	79ca4689-8b39-4196-bd10-affeb938f5f7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:24:32	512.631
-109	59866	2993300	87b76437-d06c-405b-b8f5-9ebdf89ea21a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:36:53	-295.762
-110	29934	2993400	793efa43-b46f-4227-bb27-46b484834b15	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:57:26	-415.752
-110	59868	2993400	fec5eab4-d93f-4a16-a2a8-b8f680aa48fc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:22:01	-92.451
-111	29935	2993500	6bb52ff6-d2ae-4c28-94a3-0d1b4bfe6df3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:22:33	208.27
-111	59870	2993500	10c554f4-7641-4462-b643-a87921fe72b9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:54:26	-741.758
-112	29936	2993600	7574278b-b520-4e5a-aaf3-d4f565ef63a9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:14:21	859.48
-112	59872	2993600	c02fa0d4-9043-4f0a-a1ae-070801bd2ba1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:26:23	-800.711
-113	29937	2993700	efaafa6a-e8a5-4da7-9c8f-e949f23ab5e5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:33:02	-36.297
-113	59874	2993700	22a2b25b-fcb7-4fcb-9787-47e57f10e77e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:16:09	-105.423
-114	29938	2993800	658252fb-0771-42f0-b5b3-7b7d1d0b556e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:57:42	-444.393
-114	59876	2993800	63f5c3e5-cdef-4473-aab8-a98477084917	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:44:46	121.240
-115	29939	2993900	a218548a-0ee6-4285-ae5f-2a24b7f8337d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:09:45	530.145
-115	59878	2993900	73613986-2dd3-4e9f-af14-ca24280983f9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:51:31	-673.73
-116	29940	2994000	a475440b-94db-48d4-b106-2c3fb975809d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:23:00	-579.695
-116	59880	2994000	0d16a3c3-7eb8-498c-add4-2b4036129034	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:48:24	211.347
-117	29941	2994100	b74d35bf-a2bf-4519-afa0-51ae38f73a05	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:00:22	-537.599
-117	59882	2994100	dada7e4c-e4ef-4a2b-ba61-274968a8c4a2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:39:51	-789.401
-118	29942	2994200	fe1ee29f-2518-4ec8-a618-b68119e6d515	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:15:43	934.76
-118	59884	2994200	7df94a96-bf56-4832-9412-8e6a1f79e556	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:42:33	699.85
-119	29943	2994300	49bc8bcc-d29a-4896-af37-569361631e06	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:33:41	99.473
-119	59886	2994300	f38d8616-5464-4f1e-9857-b4f2f4553ddc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:34:00	83.2
-120	29944	2994400	07fbe02a-b273-4ac1-9b2d-149cbb30eea6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:29:16	641.233
-120	59888	2994400	9a68b98c-a4b9-4328-bd29-371a7f397f1b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:33:23	-870.336
-121	29945	2994500	f78e5baf-3504-4eec-8dcf-42a0540c8d76	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:09:05	-534.912
-121	59890	2994500	6203f772-5c41-40a0-9e95-4326310fdc10	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:20:23	114.780
-122	29946	2994600	38c2dc6d-f7fb-48bc-84c4-c129904305d2	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:02:48	-33.108
-122	59892	2994600	6c4e3593-d1e3-42f7-ab36-688567294792	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:18:14	-776.379
-123	29947	2994700	0eef89b0-a058-411c-b728-cd08b2fb8df9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:45:19	509.47
-123	59894	2994700	d5adc93d-5fee-46af-b793-cc8766a26442	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:15:21	407.776
-124	29948	2994800	7519b211-5ec5-4a20-a972-03873e1eda1b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:31:33	-553.792
-124	59896	2994800	ecaec63a-e4de-4b6f-ab6b-573ea5b0ea3b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:46:27	-49.417
-125	29949	2994900	10d3d526-0d9c-4045-b84a-e6753bb2f08d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:44:58	970.17
-125	59898	2994900	29fb2503-7ff5-4d32-ade1-a4fb5d4f6bcf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:49:16	738.439
-126	29950	2995000	fdf65fc2-ce20-4a4a-a789-768a399bb9ff	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:53:49	-476.269
-126	59900	2995000	06377017-00de-42d2-bbe7-ea45149d8b27	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:18:40	-607.792
-127	29951	2995100	d224c7b2-d13b-4abb-a3bf-4dfa41dd2d15	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:57:55	402.198
-127	59902	2995100	18840d38-ee0a-4cfc-be37-e411ae3de747	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:20:25	861.877
-0	29952	2995200	436a5a5b-d227-4e53-8b30-3eff9926d4b9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:59:36	234.109
-0	59904	2995200	892e7c1e-c271-481a-b424-74a089d3355f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:06:03	163.42
-1	29953	2995300	f3d59943-0aa2-4eba-869e-6fd2ea7ce497	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:33:02	-227.468
-1	59906	2995300	690985ba-cce0-44de-9f30-f1ad1303ccef	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:24:52	281.784
-2	29954	2995400	b4719e3d-bb7e-4537-a06b-9307eb98c29e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:12:29	735.624
-2	59908	2995400	4a216e15-0525-4f31-a76e-c5e967c953ac	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:52:01	652.491
-3	29955	2995500	48aaf5dd-9804-4f10-8549-c68691da6002	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:06:27	568.961
-3	59910	2995500	c2130de1-8b1f-45ec-951b-c2686699aec0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:38:59	998.379
-4	29956	2995600	e160c6b6-aa60-4456-9bcc-ae798c4ed568	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:25:59	95.796
-4	59912	2995600	7ef8581b-7f90-4104-886a-9e24ccb061af	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:00:49	-97.137
-5	29957	2995700	0696bb3c-9d2f-4de8-9e40-d8440216b78a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:18:52	125.800
-5	59914	2995700	34c74efc-a6a1-4bf2-89e4-663b4a669710	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:42:50	765.694
-6	29958	2995800	72a8a504-3ba8-4231-972a-2e3ab60ce64c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:44:58	-254.733
-6	59916	2995800	ffdbd2b7-6042-4d9f-8276-6e10193236d7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:14:12	-14.361
-7	29959	2995900	bca4471d-3624-406f-9d6f-9058403b2111	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:34:18	539.905
-7	59918	2995900	cb13080c-11f1-4b90-9cc9-14e0d47828f1	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:02:30	999.286
-8	29960	2996000	15e7ac84-64a0-4e73-bd9b-0fc5b6b24024	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:43:06	-539.557
-8	59920	2996000	924f2ba5-e8b8-4a20-97de-58e7e5f3dad3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:12:19	-370.82
-9	29961	2996100	ca8847a7-91ef-4340-88c6-889548fec355	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:13:27	-587.383
-9	59922	2996100	e5765091-4b3f-4966-92b5-57650640a634	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:54:06	-899.676
-10	29962	2996200	3e268958-6478-4abe-b56e-ee343012f9e1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:48:21	374.865
-10	59924	2996200	9a2664ad-03e6-4d89-8bc6-6a60b356f34d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:37:19	152.544
-11	29963	2996300	9d88827d-0f3f-4ed5-88a3-7f25427111b3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:00:53	-172.202
-11	59926	2996300	657c7155-0397-4d90-bc83-934928683c16	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:48:23	-443.479
-12	29964	2996400	8e3e59eb-4190-4a7e-8256-f4fc2d3df832	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:45:47	674.828
-12	59928	2996400	a801bb18-3732-4f3e-8bdc-346982a91486	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:15:58	-854.400
-13	29965	2996500	3d9fa9c3-a162-4114-9f1e-bd920925c001	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:21:47	908.344
-13	59930	2996500	4823f5a2-8e70-4747-92a9-32410796aa29	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:31:44	302.372
-14	29966	2996600	8f93ebf6-3f24-4006-95c3-c0fcf96fc39c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:00:06	-207.658
-14	59932	2996600	22109808-a49b-4f4c-8e37-e1e3245950b9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:08:20	-940.161
-15	29967	2996700	0374a83f-9a9d-4453-b604-35ada1c658a1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:18:12	124.354
-15	59934	2996700	9fbf8a47-058a-4554-aa7f-9938ca46ab16	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:58:09	-118.691
-16	29968	2996800	354d9172-9dbf-4546-a943-e9560cbccd9d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:51:50	285.689
-16	59936	2996800	60084e56-715c-4033-8e05-355b53e9a714	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:45:37	-310.739
-17	29969	2996900	0966a993-622f-4ce9-ab0d-d585bc357599	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:27:10	-536.224
-17	59938	2996900	d7021f3d-b2f6-47a6-b72b-04f9cb074efb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:46:47	400.981
-18	29970	2997000	12d70282-fe32-4201-8776-6228f71a3cc1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:45:50	-682.52
-18	59940	2997000	06fd94be-8c4b-45eb-be1a-1777d0699502	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:16:49	-603.474
-19	29971	2997100	3e5238d6-72ad-481f-a9c5-61df8f7497f0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:58:13	-65.111
-19	59942	2997100	702247c2-3c96-4d2a-ab93-c691d9e5ccdd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:01:44	-868.492
-20	29972	2997200	999c0419-c6e1-4a82-9175-1f813cf44c12	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:09:23	633.457
-20	59944	2997200	e2971447-2cb2-4197-b8a8-b0e87a0561d1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:02:32	962.437
-21	29973	2997300	e78f1618-d1c3-4822-8c9b-a9555da9a5c0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:44:57	-692.590
-21	59946	2997300	dced4ef5-b8a4-41fa-8b12-84fc70519fd5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:46:31	258.703
-22	29974	2997400	a03fb6a0-fb59-4796-b795-49409eb9403e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:07:57	-694.21
-22	59948	2997400	5e924096-b8b3-43ed-850d-84ccfa458ff9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:20:24	500.204
-23	29975	2997500	c06b60dd-7265-4e48-af52-f251b8e51c2d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:04:00	-100.361
-23	59950	2997500	3ad6ffb4-1c15-4604-8939-783560af0c0a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:00:52	-77.20
-24	29976	2997600	ab7ec723-5a4d-4935-88ba-c14adc4a6379	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:57:45	-571.765
-24	59952	2997600	f611c288-3bf6-4f90-b3f9-582d09e8d608	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:29:35	247.945
-25	29977	2997700	7bdad62e-256a-4636-92aa-d2b6f0ce9d54	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:48:43	156.887
-25	59954	2997700	4bf8c098-195f-4026-be47-c0d29cf0cd0b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:49:17	752.188
-26	29978	2997800	55cb5136-27ed-40c8-bddd-f8e0693fdeb4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:21:48	573.71
-26	59956	2997800	c516b2c3-a84f-4ee9-9d13-1dea40ce2969	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:27:16	268.959
-27	29979	2997900	b905245d-ed06-476e-b8cf-4f657717f461	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:07:57	601.802
-27	59958	2997900	acfaede8-337d-431d-9522-6e83e87349c2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:05:51	537.715
-28	29980	2998000	20ec0977-ede4-4fdc-ae8c-8a2e520d4800	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:11:41	727.687
-28	59960	2998000	a4e3f92e-b466-4d42-b3a2-8503e3e421e9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:14:16	-95.178
-29	29981	2998100	ac9bc832-0399-44ea-8e71-807d392e1231	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:00:14	308.870
-29	59962	2998100	f9c540da-ffe9-4e9b-80db-eb46ae96df01	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:29:05	-345.521
-30	29982	2998200	6d89ff51-2d93-45a8-9e4e-1083dd9abf03	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:52:49	-449.975
-30	59964	2998200	61d6f62a-6bd5-47ea-b905-e4f436ed46ab	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:15:23	526.274
-31	29983	2998300	4e4ffd12-6c80-46af-886c-a39e881b08fa	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:10:15	-132.64
-31	59966	2998300	536ff456-c76b-4b05-8d13-cce22cbb7881	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:01:02	942.161
-32	29984	2998400	50c7121e-0fb0-4781-a723-efa0b7585763	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:57:52	73.167
-32	59968	2998400	be2be075-968c-4f17-811e-6193d1bc6825	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:07:24	55.707
-33	29985	2998500	6c4978aa-17d2-48b5-8f29-bf7765d094d3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:09:28	490.327
-33	59970	2998500	be9d7c8c-7ab4-4f72-af6a-b13fff7d7ad4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:40:22	755.999
-34	29986	2998600	d4a9e4b3-4b88-4f9e-8548-12cc85f1e038	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:09:33	-281.928
-34	59972	2998600	22401cb6-6e69-4129-a6ea-d8ce665ce7ff	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:44:22	990.44
-35	29987	2998700	1993f8ad-8dc3-4e96-97c2-1bf43e740316	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:48:26	-83.126
-35	59974	2998700	c8d43c9b-6f7e-492b-af70-1ecf92b0d60f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:47:16	487.620
-36	29988	2998800	c2de9f3d-83b8-40b4-9407-63c97e34643e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:07:53	-922.746
-36	59976	2998800	f1839098-1470-444d-a91d-1251fc20437e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:36:03	111.186
-37	29989	2998900	377f5d30-a5dc-4afa-b900-aceb77dad082	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:53:14	664.917
-37	59978	2998900	68041fa1-b671-416d-965b-5b54228ac0ba	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:26:35	592.213
-38	29990	2999000	656fdecb-2dc1-4c72-972c-73de93e7ffeb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:13:06	-131.589
-38	59980	2999000	9873ce95-13bf-4cd7-8fb7-de84eb5ba5bf	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:22:12	310.679
-39	29991	2999100	4fecf8ce-b9ca-40f0-9a0b-b2cccfbf3c90	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:39:21	-491.410
-39	59982	2999100	395dcb77-58c9-4444-834c-78b40d5bc840	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:01:38	-772.924
-40	29992	2999200	4b91d983-e8d9-4235-9d29-aa10d8a748e4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:37:43	257.136
-40	59984	2999200	63fcc657-3429-4aac-86b2-8a224346fa4d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:45:40	266.505
-41	29993	2999300	3841bc1d-d097-4b53-a651-ae2806e41b67	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:12:26	430.830
-41	59986	2999300	57f4d2ed-c374-4e1b-aaf0-eb2474d85e47	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:44:02	201.667
-42	29994	2999400	1140bdf7-9507-4efa-a1b0-0471ecaa7a40	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:12:38	688.430
-42	59988	2999400	2a3dfedc-896a-4fb2-b0fe-97a3eeb54ff8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:13:47	-303.489
-43	29995	2999500	336b901e-ee51-42c5-a5f7-4dfe1283d171	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:44:25	923.981
-43	59990	2999500	27f3f919-fa38-451e-abaa-7d659cb0e019	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:20:51	188.427
-44	29996	2999600	c001057c-5147-478b-bb02-504c98eaa746	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:39:57	-758.898
-44	59992	2999600	16d94c3d-4627-4435-a1e3-9288cd5b2d91	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:18:20	982.723
-45	29997	2999700	dc838bce-134b-4c56-89b7-357ee686651a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:39:27	51.187
-45	59994	2999700	c85f281f-3963-4f4d-9ecd-1927bcbeefea	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:54:18	48.809
-46	29998	2999800	4e70b62c-9b52-4090-9454-475b33b9cb4d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:17:38	351.879
-46	59996	2999800	d99274d3-3aa0-4f77-881d-5df7e221575d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:14:22	164.623
-47	29999	2999900	7618ee76-206b-4f8d-827f-83115cfffce4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:46:47	266.802
-47	59998	2999900	f6281300-7483-4c88-a920-39380fdda26c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:51:20	-668.609
-48	30000	3000000	e8232f62-40c2-45d1-acc9-e51e266e64f0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:52:49	-252.972
-48	60000	3000000	34c093b2-add3-49d0-93a3-7c6c9751010b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:21:42	445.95
-49	30001	3000100	269f72c3-16af-443a-84e6-b0489d360c5d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:27:54	640.230
-49	60002	3000100	1fffb137-2c58-4607-b9a9-f5519674c8eb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:39:22	-542.339
-50	30002	3000200	fd563223-3248-4cbb-9eff-c13f91c37058	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:25:02	915.178
-50	60004	3000200	acb18191-6ff1-4787-95d0-6097e0c0b1ef	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:49:55	97.490
-51	30003	3000300	9de7b8c9-f242-4c44-a1a3-fee92873d8ac	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:00:20	392.838
-51	60006	3000300	cb231a14-6527-4cff-b96f-9cd891b87407	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:58:30	-277.337
-52	30004	3000400	e267f5d5-6774-4ac8-b67f-f9264dcce876	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:45:30	-434.167
-52	60008	3000400	51af0e92-d50c-4dab-a53f-50179d491028	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:35:13	0.328
-53	30005	3000500	4fac474b-3b38-4a19-bd6f-64180e01b578	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:03:01	-273.397
-53	60010	3000500	2f91651a-e314-4f65-8e5e-90147a7556ac	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:04:37	-736.89
-54	30006	3000600	130525ad-2d92-4702-b205-40bbc579cfb6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:18:58	-376.113
-54	60012	3000600	7573c786-2654-43a0-b74c-56ab61c715ec	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:45:32	875.389
-55	30007	3000700	8dd903d1-4e91-43e0-931f-35e314d5e917	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:16:17	-790.28
-55	60014	3000700	195efcb9-0e0c-440b-9503-ca894d96ac82	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:23:59	-453.965
-56	30008	3000800	9818acdf-a966-4785-ba63-0738f78345a7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:17:08	726.40
-56	60016	3000800	29aa02ae-91e7-48f3-bb2d-0c0a7cc3cdc9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:06:00	759.872
-57	30009	3000900	615ed76d-2657-4aba-b93c-fa77b90433ea	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:34:26	-696.538
-57	60018	3000900	fcfec632-a50e-4ec2-84f9-be8b52a1708c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:22:42	-891.539
-58	30010	3001000	221a7895-1151-4fc6-a1e7-52a65d01d086	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:19:49	380.457
-58	60020	3001000	b3a93d7a-264b-410b-b58f-6d9b1f83b3ae	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:53:56	-627.863
-59	30011	3001100	0fd11e9e-2d29-420d-85dc-bfeccd577121	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:45:56	988.362
-59	60022	3001100	8723ebc7-a659-438d-989e-590362e1887b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:24:47	-488.858
-60	30012	3001200	b32a4d27-fe24-4254-824e-8aa95468c5de	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:06:55	678.620
-60	60024	3001200	5a20dbcb-14ad-4631-82de-7d9861ba2e0a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:57:48	-788.959
-61	30013	3001300	86ce8b65-35f4-4137-8b48-62299b29e43e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:14:34	0.315
-61	60026	3001300	8edab487-3c6f-49d4-b37c-518698573382	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:02:03	513.523
-62	30014	3001400	6206be04-e9fe-4841-a381-57392ba6d761	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:29:27	-152.971
-62	60028	3001400	f217b650-e124-4ff1-af60-24ba893aa3ae	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:11:56	-392.126
-63	30015	3001500	2e3143e7-ae8c-4006-8742-84095ebaf30e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:58:19	-651.914
-63	60030	3001500	1d90d2e6-0fce-48cf-8a6f-15366523e5cb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:28:02	487.167
-64	30016	3001600	aec26c97-a491-494c-9b39-26c9125c46e1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:24:20	920.637
-64	60032	3001600	88879781-b8b9-4f65-9a66-a651b8d584ee	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:03:08	-135.311
-65	30017	3001700	49da2fd5-0f65-4376-b8b7-621f65c0157f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:18:55	526.278
-65	60034	3001700	f9649a23-06b3-42e4-ac3b-6dcce2615b89	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:57:32	925.447
-66	30018	3001800	d375f361-560b-443f-a320-50fa439eb06a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:52:33	-977.182
-66	60036	3001800	954b27f5-76ca-4c4a-93d3-6fa8cd1a0d47	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:36:53	207.885
-67	30019	3001900	1b62996c-4578-4c2d-9833-fe8da83aad6d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:44:00	167.790
-67	60038	3001900	ef04fd57-a077-49c0-b97b-1e6e85623d29	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:50:17	750.290
-68	30020	3002000	6aa2eb00-c484-4fd1-8a73-cb5a95335222	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:23:08	488.442
-68	60040	3002000	a7d41643-4f01-426d-8839-313954f16266	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:42:11	-594.934
-69	30021	3002100	f328638f-7606-4b07-b3c7-f1475827439d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:02:38	-460.747
-69	60042	3002100	894afe32-c6fc-434e-802f-0767a9e6fd71	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:36:28	-862.108
-70	30022	3002200	031b50f5-9912-47d2-b92f-3ef312a6a2c6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:41:13	-977.550
-70	60044	3002200	a62aa641-20fc-4ae8-922c-fc1370edb183	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:52:26	-238.946
-71	30023	3002300	e0e83870-eb0a-4b24-a381-aa97f7b4df43	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:41:11	942.168
-71	60046	3002300	a584a487-903b-485e-bda8-b3fc80b45f07	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:27:05	845.34
-72	30024	3002400	314e2d23-c44f-4d0b-871e-85dc5b6700bb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:37:42	646.803
-72	60048	3002400	42a07628-24ef-481e-8771-4121778683a5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:50:33	53.777
-73	30025	3002500	4ab011c8-8bf1-4984-9187-3ddf79ab17d4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:38:31	125.127
-73	60050	3002500	5500cdc3-c91b-4caf-85a9-f22ff3f1e865	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:30:22	974.158
-74	30026	3002600	5546a1d8-8d9f-48d8-b281-e54754b1ea1a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:52:29	-286.111
-74	60052	3002600	4ca27b8e-5d2d-4c4d-8cb9-013b17524e29	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:49:29	396.477
-75	30027	3002700	ef473bd9-60d1-41b6-b0d0-75d5c8b3b4b5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:08:33	904.106
-75	60054	3002700	b6c9874b-3557-4877-b18e-b663be4ad0b3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:34:22	673.738
-76	30028	3002800	36b4bf20-7c42-4b23-84b3-75b959d5f491	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:52:08	803.718
-76	60056	3002800	8fd2c5a8-dce0-4c06-bf15-4d7d15440c52	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:53:00	-243.233
-77	30029	3002900	4e4f7cdb-44e2-468e-a477-44ead47f2dc6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:20:04	-127.676
-77	60058	3002900	49f9af30-e22e-44c5-b1f1-bd5a7176bf2f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:29:54	-674.66
-78	30030	3003000	e415468e-25aa-4bf9-8ef7-fdbd84956ee4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:13:01	-512.413
-78	60060	3003000	66f9cd63-7bdb-468a-af58-32da0e7d0b8e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:51:49	-906.775
-79	30031	3003100	91e466cf-7126-4ade-9f31-6ed0c9bd1e3f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:38:57	-822.613
-79	60062	3003100	aaad00eb-dace-4ef1-ade7-af308de73025	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:12:12	-726.194
-80	30032	3003200	c4996b4a-d51c-424b-928a-83f0ac077bdb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:31:26	-560.758
-80	60064	3003200	6c319c97-7f72-416c-861f-4da75a731f82	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:40:15	122.112
-81	30033	3003300	acfcd16a-4831-4229-bbec-396343845c98	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:31:53	92.699
-81	60066	3003300	b4c0b3f0-82ca-445f-a67f-9e087abdde8a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:17:35	-887.254
-82	30034	3003400	80fa2e11-0639-46dd-9cb1-481f02e8675b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:46:25	542.817
-82	60068	3003400	d3bf4e88-4e9d-4ebb-8bee-9bdfd8ba26f8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:39:05	-756.275
-83	30035	3003500	63236d4b-2010-4d8b-b211-a2e22a35c526	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:24:42	-144.872
-83	60070	3003500	5ea9783f-7733-4851-9e45-13789b28b04c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:17:47	-910.228
-84	30036	3003600	83b8153d-1cd8-4c07-97e3-fe59ac60c87a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:47:40	-931.768
-84	60072	3003600	ee7f5db2-3ef1-4db9-9a8d-fc47e92c3897	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:07:06	698.584
-85	30037	3003700	dcff32de-589f-4f19-a0e8-a7a0d65319c6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:10:24	619.386
-85	60074	3003700	a5a1f5b9-17f4-416b-ae7d-97117fee24cf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:08:17	-896.822
-86	30038	3003800	3ec9eb9d-7a79-4c40-9f58-d3d154eaa66a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:29:22	-449.8
-86	60076	3003800	99e1c28e-4bf7-495b-8fb1-085e5e1f5487	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:24:14	983.383
-87	30039	3003900	9f417441-8eba-4f40-af34-71b12b6b734a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:56:06	-26.625
-87	60078	3003900	8e5cb547-b2b9-46af-87d0-ede2873f8ca0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:20:25	-838.622
-88	30040	3004000	1976d6b8-cfdb-408b-a488-c79a183c1da6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:02:19	-408.993
-88	60080	3004000	c7919dc7-8286-4cd5-8d66-65b3ddee8c4e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:18:24	635.721
-89	30041	3004100	b12d3fab-4787-4232-9e82-1bd4d02d01eb	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:36:59	706.576
-89	60082	3004100	c2751f46-85e5-49d2-982e-99904a414dad	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:52:16	-422.72
-90	30042	3004200	27ae71f0-5faf-4295-ba0b-686d63100186	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:01:59	-315.416
-90	60084	3004200	e8c7a731-766a-409e-a2a2-2e843f0e3f5f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:12:30	155.878
-91	30043	3004300	aff2aca7-3780-4f87-96a6-60c3cf0fb3f2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:10:21	885.78
-91	60086	3004300	b9c9bc01-6dd8-403a-991a-ce87b7a35776	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:27:27	-381.682
-92	30044	3004400	17d21f75-8f3b-4c22-8991-d34348cd2cda	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:05:36	998.807
-92	60088	3004400	bcfc8c5e-022a-4abd-885c-f7a3551ecb33	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:48:08	670.485
-93	30045	3004500	fcc57741-4123-46fa-8ec6-5756caa15e32	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:52:40	-330.998
-93	60090	3004500	92fcaaf4-e1a8-4e87-a824-363bb805a616	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:01:55	-34.540
-94	30046	3004600	fd2c19d3-81c3-4469-b07c-5ab6506136ed	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:29:58	-203.113
-94	60092	3004600	e783dcc3-eda1-4439-a844-885a37fea7a9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:05:55	-200.105
-95	30047	3004700	76ccfac5-e13a-47c0-98ad-84edf02a9282	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:11:17	507.124
-95	60094	3004700	eac204b1-27f9-447c-8ac8-e7955e0fa302	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:44:43	-260.75
-96	30048	3004800	02223eed-bfd5-441b-b201-a962b9d764eb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:57:46	834.175
-96	60096	3004800	45da0bd1-e7a1-443a-92dd-84c2d6267307	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:03:13	-721.923
-97	30049	3004900	2a99379a-4d3a-41cd-8217-853fb746278f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:39:04	230.929
-97	60098	3004900	4609b661-253a-4c16-a9ad-c8240519e9b5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:01:52	508.452
-98	30050	3005000	4cb92818-0c0f-48d5-ab98-d380229e779f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:50:45	70.340
-98	60100	3005000	76a4c4f6-4f58-4d35-bd29-fc2e63238687	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:19:01	-283.941
-99	30051	3005100	227f2107-f856-4e86-b3f5-0f03d5e320d7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:51:06	-801.514
-99	60102	3005100	740a5bd2-f36c-46b0-a28f-e6241de4e795	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:14:43	-957.239
-100	30052	3005200	c232138a-135f-42c9-bc51-4b6a9793863a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:08:56	-396.310
-100	60104	3005200	7a4e21bf-9fc0-4ff8-8724-7744400aa1c1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:48:56	-534.607
-101	30053	3005300	f7bbe43b-a90f-4dd9-8dea-30d57c0bca27	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:24:14	615.754
-101	60106	3005300	66933e7d-279f-42ba-88fb-ecf94e6550de	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:39:44	215.491
-102	30054	3005400	8c46c062-ec2d-4e81-9ef9-9af7be348b58	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:00:18	36.498
-102	60108	3005400	83895848-ea29-49a1-be43-211b9eb46f1b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:48:11	37.265
-103	30055	3005500	25fddb6d-fac9-40cd-b922-401015e823e1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:45:10	-122.139
-103	60110	3005500	cb68bd94-2c71-4657-b468-c9632503bbbe	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:22:15	81.644
-104	30056	3005600	a5623bec-b2bf-4adc-93f1-ac7c8a69b94e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:21:05	-331.357
-104	60112	3005600	117eee45-7738-4152-b2ce-5d57d80e3ffc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:11:56	436.855
-105	30057	3005700	7451ecf4-bee2-4038-9463-3e61e610d02f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:55:52	291.70
-105	60114	3005700	ccf0eda3-24a6-433a-b2bc-b727e3143410	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:49:24	981.337
-106	30058	3005800	93769e0d-86c5-4b7d-93da-984237cf3b37	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:51:29	-699.191
-106	60116	3005800	0a35a292-5e6e-4dd3-bfa5-741a6005de64	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:18:01	-717.603
-107	30059	3005900	6833f54f-91b0-4af2-b357-d3bbabc40846	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:51:50	-37.909
-107	60118	3005900	ea722604-fc53-4fa2-9b5a-035aec255e03	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:21:35	811.339
-108	30060	3006000	68e8e38e-d085-4678-a834-8c8b83187901	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:49:23	562.595
-108	60120	3006000	ed4a6229-8685-4cd6-a8f6-2abc0d4c302e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:48:28	-254.146
-109	30061	3006100	e570a37d-5047-4a21-b6cb-8fd2382ce64d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:28:33	593.481
-109	60122	3006100	834cdfe3-284f-4bef-a290-1263c92fc31b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:10:20	393.403
-110	30062	3006200	149d81c3-c1d1-4fb1-8f91-68bf73874ba0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:08:23	656.781
-110	60124	3006200	a6b9e832-3f20-41c4-9e35-ea00d582c37b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:55:00	-878.295
-111	30063	3006300	862b716a-a050-4411-9deb-368ddae7ebca	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:22:57	26.656
-111	60126	3006300	d5ebc860-f7b3-4d67-9698-981e0fc939d8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:06:09	-575.270
-112	30064	3006400	e5a69e35-d421-4ee7-be5b-0c291d7f8681	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:00:32	-266.367
-112	60128	3006400	5399db5a-c506-46d5-83a5-6f62ab1dc3bd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:12:38	331.581
-113	30065	3006500	4cdd6c10-f8c8-4a0a-827f-e48a62ef589a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:11:35	-888.188
-113	60130	3006500	a7cf7f8d-be14-4647-b556-2d43dbc34b19	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:22:07	-731.604
-114	30066	3006600	c7d30e44-5a9a-4bb2-85e8-de3f29eae511	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:03:01	789.26
-114	60132	3006600	8017729a-a4a4-4a64-af0c-0ecae52a46a8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:55:48	-312.780
-115	30067	3006700	ee68f9e8-ea19-4fc1-ab65-7df0a9ec73f9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:40:34	406.220
-115	60134	3006700	b1141462-4da2-46ba-a0d8-ada2d7541277	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:33:23	24.718
-116	30068	3006800	78e53fa2-64cc-4337-b64f-18aa3d4eea04	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:01:16	280.770
-116	60136	3006800	d758f967-07d7-45c5-b287-28b47e236879	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:51:07	-374.826
-117	30069	3006900	8bbe4151-b054-4975-96ef-aec5d729cf23	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:12:59	-191.865
-117	60138	3006900	226f4eb0-4127-47cc-b3db-252e111b2ea1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:13:45	728.590
-118	30070	3007000	68a41f63-4517-4e99-a35e-620a3324fa6f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:52:49	-340.269
-118	60140	3007000	de8b911e-3e36-48ee-9ccc-55988e27682e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:25:29	494.2
-119	30071	3007100	81eaf30d-d9e7-4f1e-9604-671bbe792de5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:54:47	21.661
-119	60142	3007100	44726d87-e941-4e26-a7aa-8cf0a1fd6742	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:36:43	-478.733
-120	30072	3007200	0cefb59b-49bb-47a7-9d14-6bc7c1cae31f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:23:10	-969.676
-120	60144	3007200	13a95e51-2d7b-42d2-afbb-e27cc284cd80	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:26:53	168.699
-121	30073	3007300	10fd8c49-ab7a-422f-ada1-469168b3db74	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:13:41	-97.0
-121	60146	3007300	50218748-b45f-49fe-aa11-ee4db1ea8541	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:53:45	310.699
-122	30074	3007400	e866d1ad-ffa1-47c6-b791-6ccc6669e4b5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:07:56	213.356
-122	60148	3007400	0e431213-25aa-4d1e-b7d4-71cbc4ca94df	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:51:27	319.692
-123	30075	3007500	052a0d20-ed7e-4df9-a0be-3d5c28ee10a1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:15:52	-750.54
-123	60150	3007500	ec186079-048a-45ec-98e3-c27911f3e880	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:37:15	-498.944
-124	30076	3007600	a981514a-6731-4455-b703-4d3565266faa	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:13:40	-158.717
-124	60152	3007600	1882ca75-3234-4ad1-bc62-1ef17626758d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:13:25	-255.136
-125	30077	3007700	50ae2dcd-9559-45e5-9286-2de2024caef3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:39:14	36.457
-125	60154	3007700	d633cb8e-016b-4012-b4e6-10de4b14baac	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:05:23	738.959
-126	30078	3007800	6ea8cd73-0251-4167-850f-dd2612f0e092	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:20:06	-307.80
-126	60156	3007800	072cb189-7204-44ba-bcf3-06da95831685	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:31:04	-653.299
-127	30079	3007900	5249dc4a-c904-409b-86b7-e71ec239ba45	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:11:00	974.489
-127	60158	3007900	9ec75c90-a90e-45c0-be46-6040d0d7a1b5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:52:22	-942.379
-0	30080	3008000	b1a9c5d2-3e66-4831-a491-4f83513306e8	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:53:36	585.42
-0	60160	3008000	ffb8fb5a-ae5d-45bf-9ee8-05b3a84a79b3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:46:30	-271.180
-1	30081	3008100	71f56fdc-8386-4fb7-96a5-3719ed000237	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:19:44	-495.419
-1	60162	3008100	981eb746-2dd2-426c-9242-a117176fd4ed	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:54:41	-374.108
-2	30082	3008200	b5e0433b-cda8-46b4-9634-84ff32a63a01	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:36:23	-47.785
-2	60164	3008200	912ccb9f-65c9-4343-bb67-6128f0855397	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:43:54	187.261
-3	30083	3008300	5cbb06de-bd32-4b60-9ff8-270b42decf14	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:15:27	-794.173
-3	60166	3008300	76625a26-5740-4556-9406-5036cafe9387	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:40:12	-551.88
-4	30084	3008400	1345b42f-5110-42af-b405-5eca66ffe830	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:52:44	412.141
-4	60168	3008400	a82b865a-cf92-41dd-965d-aecaf0026865	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:56:13	720.32
-5	30085	3008500	3e03bdb3-15a6-4b6d-b149-a9052b862abd	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:35:51	-595.969
-5	60170	3008500	4c930077-e4b8-41da-8da4-e904dfe00bdc	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:38:31	-3.27
-6	30086	3008600	88743601-4e85-4112-a8ec-eb93f792a8a3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:45:06	698.997
-6	60172	3008600	1be23047-28b7-4b00-a421-0a239e8e0913	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:16:09	562.308
-7	30087	3008700	0825d3fd-bf2d-49e9-b94d-ca8d943fdc22	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:21:32	280.711
-7	60174	3008700	6f31c26a-5467-4457-8ec9-342356ed0f59	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:04:51	928.187
-8	30088	3008800	134cafb7-df24-462f-a997-7c95843e7ca2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:17:23	-899.569
-8	60176	3008800	8445c7e8-e45e-4d35-ae22-bedb50c01374	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:10:56	683.541
-9	30089	3008900	09094ef9-8ace-42e2-92d8-a92642b2e6d9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:49:20	-41.753
-9	60178	3008900	c137dfef-78e1-4629-9e09-5a9180c07e3a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:20:12	5.959
-10	30090	3009000	9d961f02-5ba5-4c1e-a4d2-d9e824af463b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:10:06	-127.162
-10	60180	3009000	512545d8-7b37-47be-8784-ac2c24105601	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:32:49	588.653
-11	30091	3009100	b6454377-1a3f-4ad9-8914-22212e925f32	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:58:31	-719.12
-11	60182	3009100	d7fa1adc-f4fc-4187-b3dd-ad86789a3cf2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:41:33	107.915
-12	30092	3009200	1d0eabf9-9279-4b80-87a6-1e8ba3b829b0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:49:51	-417.377
-12	60184	3009200	d9074e2e-2161-40bc-b226-0bdd2d68664c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:53:36	88.668
-13	30093	3009300	475d63bc-2b5b-4d19-86bc-78b447277c5c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:14:28	868.92
-13	60186	3009300	b381632c-e98c-480a-ba1a-da492995b30d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:54:36	-750.76
-14	30094	3009400	aeb7b46d-69ff-4411-b300-14d3317904e4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:56:51	-792.457
-14	60188	3009400	a29025fa-e4fa-426b-93e7-fc8bcc9e6436	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:05:52	349.142
-15	30095	3009500	65cedf1e-1842-4a7a-b675-116da2d5d500	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:39:15	-227.903
-15	60190	3009500	2b013594-e221-4c5d-ac66-d144fed3391e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:09:38	465.210
-16	30096	3009600	76ae9445-b956-46a1-a0a1-b604788a14ec	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:09:34	659.191
-16	60192	3009600	614a74a0-d0eb-461e-a932-f2170bcea40f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:41:23	-374.591
-17	30097	3009700	5b32b078-69b0-41b7-b1b7-af0b76c4a6a6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:47:38	159.133
-17	60194	3009700	a8ecd15a-2628-4c20-bda5-7ddc9a6e58fc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:16:49	691.286
-18	30098	3009800	5de03091-7755-41b2-832a-dbcda8a90266	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:48:11	-958.58
-18	60196	3009800	e16f783d-0f2b-4009-b615-5002327943aa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:02:21	98.395
-19	30099	3009900	517836bd-8778-4d31-80e1-ce4ff9b9b3ef	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:05:55	-726.260
-19	60198	3009900	d048541d-89dd-495e-8eb5-a83ea1dc42bf	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:25:23	-400.686
-20	30100	3010000	26391371-7827-4cf4-9d96-4d73c3c7873c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:25:11	373.241
-20	60200	3010000	09864398-7a9e-4959-ad09-e84df24d0501	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:40:12	289.877
-21	30101	3010100	21692d17-e9df-498a-a73a-504582c6a460	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:28:12	302.933
-21	60202	3010100	73bef4e8-5f2f-4a35-be49-57d290b36d3f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:35:54	-828.1
-22	30102	3010200	63e4b749-010e-4d4e-8c97-dbd5ff8f6e7e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:42:05	833.754
-22	60204	3010200	d696b4cc-e6af-4379-b880-5e2bb2281915	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:33:14	521.411
-23	30103	3010300	62890c65-dbad-4e40-bb07-f21cb553d3ed	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:07:47	-782.426
-23	60206	3010300	18ffdb12-e835-49f8-ab3b-2c45a757a82d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:00:06	94.267
-24	30104	3010400	afa3d309-5978-4a9d-8276-4fb2a4f80f68	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:00:27	825.185
-24	60208	3010400	4a06ee2e-4ddf-4970-a5fb-f19937eb145d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:48:18	-122.845
-25	30105	3010500	00653835-8f04-4bc7-a6e8-f245dd6bdbd2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:42:55	-909.406
-25	60210	3010500	e0d7520a-fbeb-441e-899c-9b90d863e1e0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:06:20	-849.517
-26	30106	3010600	e1d505a4-6757-4246-8d86-20d87f6c886d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:54:04	-940.939
-26	60212	3010600	902efe95-3df2-45bd-b728-fdd005294b84	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:56:45	377.675
-27	30107	3010700	65e26fc4-e2a7-4c71-a9a0-8b9a7b5668f0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:35:20	138.32
-27	60214	3010700	377651e9-28cc-4180-a03e-04f6dbe55290	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:32:08	778.970
-28	30108	3010800	02ec3aa9-49f4-42f2-a125-299cb0de5bb7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:34:02	66.759
-28	60216	3010800	54b6fc1d-39ec-4718-afe9-5ae83b0616a7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:28:55	-142.213
-29	30109	3010900	1dc3012d-a0a7-4ca0-8469-a4756b3de4cb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:29:54	6.447
-29	60218	3010900	2cf1c1d9-7c7c-426b-90e8-2a14c85e5d91	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:43:17	-580.605
-30	30110	3011000	4b199a3f-74e2-4d1c-92ac-d9b4bfb420b2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:28:16	-274.624
-30	60220	3011000	d1c5831b-692a-48f8-8bd2-89e3064cd8ed	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:26:49	167.979
-31	30111	3011100	6c309ced-14c1-4766-ae58-4f172db50480	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:39:45	-75.242
-31	60222	3011100	51dcf26a-c3a7-4aaa-b24a-483b0443c600	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:29:13	595.199
-32	30112	3011200	9354d8e3-6131-4a02-b34e-9292144d547c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:16:40	552.660
-32	60224	3011200	cbf8c5fe-fbd4-4d4e-974d-b6ab159f45b0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:31:14	842.92
-33	30113	3011300	b7b4a2b0-a5e8-4935-8c08-bc1311c9f6d4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:38:08	798.440
-33	60226	3011300	4cfd2fbb-471e-4586-8000-20c6f38d0c07	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:10:51	75.544
-34	30114	3011400	b2c2e4e7-3db5-44cf-aaf8-5a40bcfb3678	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:35:09	473.592
-34	60228	3011400	cb225a6d-af69-49fd-a667-d9aa8773d140	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:54:34	42.542
-35	30115	3011500	70496c58-1cdc-46b8-979d-ace861093ba7	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:59:12	-346.551
-35	60230	3011500	3fea0fef-af4a-410f-a595-1654a74b14bc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:29:24	-219.670
-36	30116	3011600	3897dce0-c1b7-4dc1-8d01-0f02a08d5bf4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:48:01	-539.545
-36	60232	3011600	17873e6b-97a3-44f3-9407-3ce4f99a8f15	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:35:24	127.654
-37	30117	3011700	e4f1b0db-f27c-439e-8cdf-5e766a0205b3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:27:20	637.726
-37	60234	3011700	b1939dea-8bf7-4cc5-b6e7-8a8e0498ab44	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:31:41	-481.322
-38	30118	3011800	0b99d610-383a-47eb-a95e-86082491b39a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:32:46	660.825
-38	60236	3011800	12af51cb-8ce3-4656-9ccf-b6d333d4fc22	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:14:06	-347.392
-39	30119	3011900	944697fb-76cf-42f9-abdd-87384df97f0b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:14:55	-157.514
-39	60238	3011900	71c58fe1-450b-4e33-9e56-4724f8cbe3b5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:43:12	-751.786
-40	30120	3012000	820c70b3-5ec3-4fa4-a668-c1135844635e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:16:37	516.602
-40	60240	3012000	853351b8-b8d1-43e9-8431-fd0bb55088d6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:26:35	149.585
-41	30121	3012100	ae23111d-5ea8-4cd6-afa1-e884c5293b0e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:18:56	75.18
-41	60242	3012100	7ae9e920-53f8-4e55-8bc1-bfe9272e30ae	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:57:36	-1.447
-42	30122	3012200	2e104314-99df-4ee0-815e-07474db6bd16	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:06:14	-231.477
-42	60244	3012200	4d486101-1337-4f97-bfc1-4f912db0cf4c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:12:00	62.415
-43	30123	3012300	afa71cda-badd-439d-91f8-dcee103aa379	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:54:04	347.563
-43	60246	3012300	64130b2b-ada0-44b5-a441-d95913dba2b7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:46:09	296.212
-44	30124	3012400	a8d1d87b-73d6-40f0-8694-89360ecfa63b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:22:00	-530.708
-44	60248	3012400	4e59a3d8-1a26-4916-9de1-02fd9ca105fe	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:18:11	68.393
-45	30125	3012500	c1adb185-eb79-4c47-90fe-f59b764b4e0f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:56:19	330.663
-45	60250	3012500	14996ced-afb1-423c-a8c6-6209d5f575fb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:35:25	-839.210
-46	30126	3012600	7ff3fa3b-96d6-4d36-8f0e-b175f3d5d3b2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:19:46	766.596
-46	60252	3012600	fdd92b1a-9888-445c-bbda-3e051b874c41	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:47:35	-650.555
-47	30127	3012700	f7f86695-7719-4449-b394-1d98d179c6bb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:49:55	-408.327
-47	60254	3012700	e942816a-0cf2-4769-8c1d-a693458b5c4a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:43:26	256.246
-48	30128	3012800	9b0dc841-bd76-458e-a77e-2e7ec6963700	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:16:33	-659.708
-48	60256	3012800	d7aad244-c05d-42be-bacb-a318151bc433	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:23:02	-363.283
-49	30129	3012900	6fe5caa8-95b2-470e-a13b-f5378c5b4593	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:24:36	85.77
-49	60258	3012900	4d7645a4-8968-43ca-a306-231962bc2434	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:18:28	74.478
-50	30130	3013000	400db951-82fc-4c8a-b9a7-0e51fccf0409	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:46:15	668.819
-50	60260	3013000	009849bc-4c07-409e-874b-75f55dbd1c0d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:56:03	391.32
-51	30131	3013100	e531991c-b541-4d3d-b99f-4463b5ab4479	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:49:56	365.71
-51	60262	3013100	7bcb8585-6919-4df5-a766-6dd6a33359ba	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:36:32	783.903
-52	30132	3013200	acdace53-7fd9-46f3-a2f2-4a4d678a6de3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:24:03	772.908
-52	60264	3013200	134f3f1c-a21e-457d-b8ad-6124b0f8733f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:28:03	-465.353
-53	30133	3013300	f213f8f1-ece6-4237-9b43-ee56ea492109	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:04:29	90.348
-53	60266	3013300	4f14bd24-79f7-4300-a726-cf42433f0b5d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:11:59	245.663
-54	30134	3013400	368154f1-07c7-4984-8275-eff0c42ad497	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:37:53	26.466
-54	60268	3013400	02f482b6-751e-46de-83ec-614b7b0c413b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:44:16	526.981
-55	30135	3013500	11a56504-f9fd-49b3-8e66-4c2a228085da	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:47:20	-907.839
-55	60270	3013500	a47c790e-71e0-493a-bf80-763805c8467a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:23:19	-956.718
-56	30136	3013600	1ca8406b-3a66-49f9-ae4a-45eb5fb6d519	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:46:30	989.56
-56	60272	3013600	c8d0540a-ac2c-4c3e-800b-7af3cdc79918	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:20:16	719.471
-57	30137	3013700	5ab9d654-1db0-48aa-b69b-c846aeea86a4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:50:23	107.395
-57	60274	3013700	dcb6fe7a-baa6-4bdd-81a4-8aa47e8df675	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:15:07	-197.488
-58	30138	3013800	dc1b47c2-9119-424d-9d09-ed7e925069ad	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:14:18	95.48
-58	60276	3013800	32a0c439-6f51-4fa0-912b-3b70e423c501	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:34:44	-731.409
-59	30139	3013900	99825a4c-7e6c-4aee-b063-9a76a02e139f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:56:29	207.870
-59	60278	3013900	2efe9afc-2466-4e03-8f3a-8461b6e32287	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:12:22	-522.923
-60	30140	3014000	b2f4c81c-38bf-4fd2-aed8-557dd430960b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:49:39	-626.674
-60	60280	3014000	27a60cc3-f3b2-4795-b110-5968dc5680bb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:06:53	-877.591
-61	30141	3014100	a8fdfef6-f1c9-49b6-91e2-50b56d53b246	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:42:53	-80.170
-61	60282	3014100	312b462d-7286-4a6a-a3f3-261cc20043f5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:31:26	-534.224
-62	30142	3014200	8234bd0f-c254-4fb9-ac1f-6b278e71a654	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:03:03	-559.293
-62	60284	3014200	2322d7c6-b836-4994-94f3-a7c7aa65228c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:04:13	-405.536
-63	30143	3014300	2c672c66-4733-407c-9017-59a8059bb16c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:31:19	246.180
-63	60286	3014300	2ae7bec0-8d05-4f0b-89a3-3645a0f8b9b6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:09:48	749.853
-64	30144	3014400	b25168f4-8d54-4771-aef4-44a7deb00c21	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:54:36	-564.105
-64	60288	3014400	9d14c229-2396-4295-803e-dea897928577	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:59:55	531.967
-65	30145	3014500	210ea28d-e52e-4b96-8b5d-266d1c79e27b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:17:00	985.562
-65	60290	3014500	1b6eb15f-f216-4420-8656-c22f26d326f5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:06:43	110.506
-66	30146	3014600	e6030f11-ffc0-4ae4-b4ae-e8576414c549	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:22:22	-492.354
-66	60292	3014600	02e5a700-f111-40c5-ad87-56fb83431dba	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:02:35	241.486
-67	30147	3014700	c79153fc-99fe-4690-87a9-1d8e9238db2c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:45:56	245.744
-67	60294	3014700	1d2447d2-de82-4bf2-8117-8d4d4185be80	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:56:38	-200.33
-68	30148	3014800	b1cea67b-bacb-40fa-b557-7da557e6a76d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:36:33	920.516
-68	60296	3014800	d9558608-4de7-4488-a6c5-0c38f0c5d9cf	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:59:23	-484.895
-69	30149	3014900	eae74554-2362-4b63-bb34-9b35e1bcf760	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:16:26	307.934
-69	60298	3014900	f74f1a1b-079c-4296-8a56-746e77c571b9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:31:07	414.897
-70	30150	3015000	b6bf4f17-9d95-4083-b6a2-def900fe164d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:38:15	-317.79
-70	60300	3015000	8a1edd7d-8073-48e7-aec8-749dc22c022a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:05:40	46.326
-71	30151	3015100	be47d60a-3c4f-40c9-8a2e-60649a70e9e2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:29:42	-958.676
-71	60302	3015100	dcbe523f-7729-499f-be2a-319b9f1ad67b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:38:13	225.622
-72	30152	3015200	37085cdf-5bbc-452f-9ddb-aadde23bf92b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:57:09	-715.324
-72	60304	3015200	b9a88153-c05a-4aa3-8ea1-ece60772b259	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:19:12	-272.220
-73	30153	3015300	4c43bfeb-862b-4f74-a1e3-6f8812cd68e1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:31:14	-835.932
-73	60306	3015300	b767853e-38e3-41d2-a52d-d5cc2b2a19ff	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:55:55	670.101
-74	30154	3015400	4bd8c039-8513-4f60-8a4b-c7bccebcaf3c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:57:22	-372.14
-74	60308	3015400	2e875753-f37e-4422-992b-0a1f8f5e52a6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:37:23	-131.449
-75	30155	3015500	0a69ffa1-c0d7-43be-9dad-8fae8e5cce9d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:52:06	959.494
-75	60310	3015500	855e0221-feec-4803-a61b-4d50647cf05f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:29:00	-868.323
-76	30156	3015600	c102a604-6119-44e0-b03b-e1510cd2511d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:36:12	-56.728
-76	60312	3015600	93a5b5d9-6631-4f8a-8fd3-349122d6d3ef	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:39:30	-457.130
-77	30157	3015700	77cb4932-965e-47d7-94f1-62a480ef907a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:47:41	918.606
-77	60314	3015700	ea329386-61f4-445b-96ab-f430875695c0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:56:41	-698.142
-78	30158	3015800	8a7e3a42-f348-4072-98be-ec4866ce65b2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:48:29	734.726
-78	60316	3015800	23743064-c511-4a9f-a39d-b7ede962994f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:19:40	-507.991
-79	30159	3015900	461e07d6-867b-4d47-8bd7-6ea006667d27	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:21:22	-728.290
-79	60318	3015900	e6032ae4-9e7e-4635-a2e0-7223fd361c0f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:07:14	-775.962
-80	30160	3016000	f7368aef-2c95-4931-b4dd-862a4a9998a6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:55:07	10.132
-80	60320	3016000	292e910d-2476-4539-8eda-052fce170d54	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:02:30	-636.234
-81	30161	3016100	17d1a922-54b7-410d-8a19-92b14a652532	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:48:05	-17.654
-81	60322	3016100	5fef2d7f-013a-4df2-9605-3025b7b19484	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:15:11	-436.982
-82	30162	3016200	161bf7cd-6400-468d-a9f6-54982f30593a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:22:24	124.669
-82	60324	3016200	dde02ad8-f4d6-4964-93dd-bbf6ce314a49	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:30:27	-153.549
-83	30163	3016300	6a8dc05c-87c6-4a8e-9bf7-f3b405c3c79f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:46:12	-560.300
-83	60326	3016300	9061d830-cc7e-46de-a748-109ef13cfd29	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:42:57	-505.522
-84	30164	3016400	ba27ce67-86ab-4965-9be1-d1b2b84fe9fb	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:47:46	743.42
-84	60328	3016400	d496b789-d934-464b-993f-854b77a7f1b5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:40:59	-814.412
-85	30165	3016500	40b87c80-30f7-4b3c-a505-6f884cee42f8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:12:46	-920.92
-85	60330	3016500	a4f1a1bc-22e1-426d-91f7-c946856b4d8e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:42:41	500.667
-86	30166	3016600	ecc053d5-ecf7-4814-8d16-085b274fded7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:19:53	-844.855
-86	60332	3016600	0c176157-39c8-4959-bdaa-7966fbf8c68d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:02:45	770.739
-87	30167	3016700	b5321382-dcb3-4615-aafe-28f056a9eb02	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:53:52	153.48
-87	60334	3016700	af95924f-bcf3-40cb-93e2-0f19cba45b6e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:47:10	273.496
-88	30168	3016800	092d92ef-94ff-45eb-b148-8408248d5edd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:24:08	-254.839
-88	60336	3016800	14e45492-a5fe-442b-baa2-be38a9ca03c3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:16:05	789.136
-89	30169	3016900	3d3f6e3d-1b8e-4502-9841-191754d82e14	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:14:31	883.563
-89	60338	3016900	1d6b3691-d1df-4264-bb05-95b200ee7830	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:16:09	814.468
-90	30170	3017000	5bb23f25-60ed-436a-bfe4-b6503d68cc02	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:51:31	518.337
-90	60340	3017000	5bef04e2-f68e-41e6-9694-174ac7c031bc	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:33:20	-897.7
-91	30171	3017100	0ecff87a-5e4e-474d-b4e6-39525316d81d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:56:55	-127.420
-91	60342	3017100	ca7129d1-622a-4a5a-9d1a-447679008b27	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:06:07	-887.1
-92	30172	3017200	37f6fe75-877f-4889-af3d-87e9ed49210e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:47:59	784.665
-92	60344	3017200	2eac634e-b901-4f02-bca5-c9a051484191	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:52:54	465.991
-93	30173	3017300	19638bc9-d427-4cf1-94e8-2d571f8a87f5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:50:36	4.626
-93	60346	3017300	80f70a5a-480f-4f5f-9f40-23a08be45508	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:24:22	-258.853
-94	30174	3017400	52779337-1516-4783-9ba2-37e7a721b61a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:15:15	-935.741
-94	60348	3017400	6567f05b-7593-417e-aeb6-e4a92c952bc7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:51:21	-102.513
-95	30175	3017500	01a515f0-2341-4e35-a178-7f1c365cd801	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:48:06	183.56
-95	60350	3017500	f3a44dfa-c6e8-4c6c-9446-4b14eb1d71de	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:43:12	473.840
-96	30176	3017600	da4f9d66-5ef5-49fe-a9e2-8591329d68bf	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:46:45	-152.996
-96	60352	3017600	d1fa60fb-1e52-4576-a19c-ef12bb8c5b84	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:53:25	731.437
-97	30177	3017700	c0e7e472-e1ab-498b-926a-6f781f24f241	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:39:44	163.87
-97	60354	3017700	5ec71dab-dfc7-4a6d-af27-7945c1f8f285	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:56:28	-44.157
-98	30178	3017800	f247ab87-62ac-4e20-a315-c3298a4b0dcb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:06:51	71.565
-98	60356	3017800	8f965f86-dfeb-4f05-8237-e035b5c727b3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:42:37	669.738
-99	30179	3017900	e03bba0c-c9ef-4974-ac0b-f45c2a21220a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:33:56	-385.255
-99	60358	3017900	4fead7d4-7922-4e08-a1cd-2ea05342e63e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:50:39	167.869
-100	30180	3018000	1bb2f3e4-f20b-4a3a-ae62-46967195f54f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:10:09	546.523
-100	60360	3018000	1243c5c8-2b8a-488f-918f-3c8a5633eb30	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:18:14	12.176
-101	30181	3018100	dace83aa-ef7d-4eb5-ad94-577c956d0068	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:14:53	436.202
-101	60362	3018100	934171d0-f90a-4f77-a4a4-4bb639f60add	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:07:06	973.352
-102	30182	3018200	68fb839f-61c5-4d1d-8b1e-9e6841ed26aa	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:29:14	891.885
-102	60364	3018200	cb30108f-07d0-4d35-a018-a3aa2a12bc62	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:14:23	506.491
-103	30183	3018300	a20d0819-1ed0-46a2-bfc2-c43c7ea6daca	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:45:07	565.196
-103	60366	3018300	f6c2759e-91cb-4865-997f-2ac22d86ada3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:04:30	396.569
-104	30184	3018400	38c7158e-3030-4893-9a01-cb1122812bbf	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:33:54	-831.959
-104	60368	3018400	9290ffb5-b9b7-47c8-bfb6-f2840cea30e7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:35:10	-550.471
-105	30185	3018500	e653e485-6e76-459b-bc4f-59bf26eab7b3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:40:31	657.111
-105	60370	3018500	cdb86595-0870-48e7-a744-bed511375e77	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:23:14	-446.124
-106	30186	3018600	809b53e3-83d7-4fa9-96cc-fc0b8fce01cc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:12:10	-859.667
-106	60372	3018600	1115c126-2c03-48d7-9522-4e7cef2c4938	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:27:02	342.955
-107	30187	3018700	6fc21050-dcd7-4456-a83b-cc7993612c17	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:22:58	-433.737
-107	60374	3018700	09ee6902-a225-4116-95e4-41c3365d9ae6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:24:55	322.385
-108	30188	3018800	c6910d65-7cd2-499a-a58f-216a7f95b426	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:38:46	-346.949
-108	60376	3018800	4ce90647-513a-4c29-bd3e-eb22b6f5cca0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:44:55	-548.941
-109	30189	3018900	8d3762ad-5f7a-4f73-87a3-bddbc50dec51	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:46:26	-241.166
-109	60378	3018900	2c977136-345f-45c6-b8b0-7ed29e2075d6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:46:25	-320.187
-110	30190	3019000	f15e4d77-0606-4caa-aeab-2597a433991e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:31:15	387.640
-110	60380	3019000	7d18b956-a465-4b35-898a-c47de3640c2e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:27:10	-371.417
-111	30191	3019100	e945381a-ff84-460f-ba1d-9c29739dc181	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:13:55	-575.196
-111	60382	3019100	a80e5af4-7e47-43e9-9c5b-6c197d94b8de	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:54:17	89.313
-112	30192	3019200	04f392e6-6998-4293-ba6f-a49ad9433e59	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:14:28	251.321
-112	60384	3019200	f971f2e0-9913-4035-8c83-fde40a81b8d7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:06:26	-15.663
-113	30193	3019300	e328efdd-960e-4b24-9dce-bb6c62465a22	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:54:07	222.271
-113	60386	3019300	d0151b4e-b8b6-4e6c-8539-022b551b9ece	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:31:17	771.617
-114	30194	3019400	16b0b9ad-bfbe-49ab-9142-450d5201e567	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:06:42	617.760
-114	60388	3019400	137748b9-bfa0-42c7-b7e3-a44ed480b0b4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:57:47	-867.61
-115	30195	3019500	f5d34cba-347e-4520-b013-685fa773e37f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:17:33	120.629
-115	60390	3019500	157a16cd-a870-4bcd-93ce-a31cb896974c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:05:20	489.913
-116	30196	3019600	fd39ec9f-fbec-43e8-8550-a36b3972a919	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:14:54	-980.614
-116	60392	3019600	b54bc232-e42f-4c97-80e7-ac9c50802837	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:57:16	-75.65
-117	30197	3019700	a1ddc98c-92bd-4da6-8ed1-083180fcc627	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:14:31	-765.151
-117	60394	3019700	86acff5e-f94e-4c46-b9a3-1b86b6c76d9a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:27:10	-531.446
-118	30198	3019800	b6ff0a8d-a18a-4e1e-adad-e74e643580af	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:10:01	-878.283
-118	60396	3019800	8b39a1b0-1678-4e52-a919-29d36c332e6d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:06:21	-48.888
-119	30199	3019900	ae6ade95-2420-48a5-b1b0-395f380e9818	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:58:20	-982.656
-119	60398	3019900	00b68935-6e16-46f1-ae6d-2a7c539f8d0e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:08:16	-229.857
-120	30200	3020000	d3550d59-abbb-4de3-9b60-26583c62aff4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:58:33	-200.972
-120	60400	3020000	f0716919-45cf-44ec-9fca-26088a6d5630	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:56:46	885.63
-121	30201	3020100	bdcc8da9-4d7a-41f3-96ff-40a8467ae7cf	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:05:14	964.584
-121	60402	3020100	992a30f8-da56-4809-a4d1-aeff99b84107	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:38:22	-639.170
-122	30202	3020200	5b855a79-578a-4f42-bf4d-cdace0173668	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:40:56	910.857
-122	60404	3020200	c6f071b2-8709-4ece-9a96-55eaf3b7cb6e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:37:27	-913.328
-123	30203	3020300	45992f3a-63b8-4ce8-94b6-8ead37f8b01e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:28:05	-498.792
-123	60406	3020300	691cd840-578f-4fea-bb4e-4a8a1e56a9b8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:22:57	292.638
-124	30204	3020400	a4df6dfb-d192-4c4e-a5a8-62edef710b73	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:24:18	-352.751
-124	60408	3020400	4a90b09d-9bf8-454d-ab86-94d6013fffb3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:19:35	-188.847
-125	30205	3020500	a332a4b0-9b18-4ee1-801f-b17b2f2eabe9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:57:22	-575.983
-125	60410	3020500	ca707b5b-6bab-42f7-bdfe-4b615ff7ebac	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:32:56	832.706
-126	30206	3020600	925d0fd7-b1fd-4185-9d06-1da7c8072143	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:55:18	249.346
-126	60412	3020600	fdd0ef33-02fe-4993-a3b0-0b1c30141e11	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:49:17	-867.372
-127	30207	3020700	3ccbeb8d-bb60-45bc-a710-64f4dcbb5bc6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:43:27	-900.839
-127	60414	3020700	748d29a7-ee4a-4d40-8600-5ed806c5f3d1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:40:21	240.563
-0	30208	3020800	9919e5f3-938e-467d-9585-ed8d35977409	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:15:42	655.753
-0	60416	3020800	2dc87640-4767-4ace-b167-27c4b98f62d1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:24:30	238.698
-1	30209	3020900	4ff21088-fa6a-4407-a725-f3d2aac9e52d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:54:43	-263.240
-1	60418	3020900	768e7899-0b5b-417f-9ff7-5ecf4c8226c1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:01:56	-806.689
-2	30210	3021000	56036c47-cc4a-47de-9276-f8e1c366571d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:35:29	-934.459
-2	60420	3021000	9a774c3e-d119-4090-be4c-1e7ccefa90dc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:18:39	-560.345
-3	30211	3021100	03b5e30c-0726-4b3e-a6a0-016a591aec50	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:24:35	881.172
-3	60422	3021100	afce6362-c86b-4e9b-b393-08713e789c4b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:12:09	744.812
-4	30212	3021200	7f85861f-2973-4fcb-b753-0991bdac48bd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:33:19	247.495
-4	60424	3021200	f4f131e6-bd51-4b1f-8f2e-996ee0743847	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:24:27	-937.536
-5	30213	3021300	f92ec80c-4165-48df-aebf-f7127bebabd1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:36:35	-532.749
-5	60426	3021300	11a91df1-5963-4f4d-bd7c-ed6f8b4cd617	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:27:31	340.258
-6	30214	3021400	a58bb8e9-4be5-445d-ba0d-b645eb0ac471	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:33:01	138.555
-6	60428	3021400	446f6c3f-0ebe-4d62-a252-dc12ff1a505f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:07:23	741.318
-7	30215	3021500	35888fa4-0182-4519-8563-b1d1bb10ca7e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:51:35	360.536
-7	60430	3021500	6583d10c-7420-42d8-a266-cd737bc317be	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:23:10	-886.617
-8	30216	3021600	3ffee56d-f257-4d52-99de-87cb29bc4a2f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:20:27	629.234
-8	60432	3021600	80372ac3-1299-4350-bd88-b2c68baa6855	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:25:03	-351.148
-9	30217	3021700	6401fb55-2a87-4828-a6dc-1062aeeb2436	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:06:18	-547.376
-9	60434	3021700	0a041fb2-c601-48b6-aa2a-37f24ab3d863	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:12:01	78.520
-10	30218	3021800	47f632d1-1fc8-415f-b312-c6f04995a718	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:36:59	396.219
-10	60436	3021800	31f33b28-e663-4a06-8f6c-0f5a105dd176	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:34:47	140.453
-11	30219	3021900	2dbae1ce-f514-4012-bfa4-4df78315d179	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:44:19	-709.188
-11	60438	3021900	c6c3f223-c1d9-4a99-a383-cc87c0bf93e5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:35:50	170.807
-12	30220	3022000	646b7282-86b8-4a61-8d19-38cd33cbf72e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:34:55	-166.634
-12	60440	3022000	41c415f5-b682-4048-b57b-7a8528c46f1b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:25:07	424.567
-13	30221	3022100	d101848b-c62d-4c95-9f12-4914fd941cf7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:33:50	-766.791
-13	60442	3022100	116ded4d-8095-4dce-b1cd-7b3390eaa634	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:23:04	-99.982
-14	30222	3022200	f36b0f37-aafb-4b28-aaa3-9c31b34af49f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:34:14	-611.832
-14	60444	3022200	b6a18d07-8de3-4835-b562-34599f44b777	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:24:37	16.201
-15	30223	3022300	ac0f884f-6336-4a98-a9e9-3573d123b813	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:37:00	-924.351
-15	60446	3022300	2cf0e84b-39e2-4b11-874f-3f844a592335	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:17:49	-796.71
-16	30224	3022400	9e5748b7-684c-4079-9d0a-2be9cecd9fdd	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:07:01	-517.321
-16	60448	3022400	dfca5087-749b-4be1-a169-dc95918b011b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:22:33	132.232
-17	30225	3022500	7ed1248e-c48f-4a81-ae39-1323f4ab3fa8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:41:15	110.976
-17	60450	3022500	20461959-e143-4c31-8f6a-e546bd9bd9a1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:44:13	-591.670
-18	30226	3022600	46bbbd12-3925-4d9f-92e3-f8b392021863	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:55:20	183.999
-18	60452	3022600	6d70eea7-db28-44aa-8fae-5ad7cb232792	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:14:54	-345.106
-19	30227	3022700	aeb5fb22-7815-44cc-a883-1e78eb5e6add	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:20:31	-560.894
-19	60454	3022700	867f2a2b-e36f-4d31-9647-fe28b8d08781	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:18:06	808.576
-20	30228	3022800	c875c17f-bb55-4ba8-92fc-52f556b225e5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:36:33	-790.964
-20	60456	3022800	93b88777-6fb6-497f-b77a-922170deb8e7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:04:34	955.834
-21	30229	3022900	1cf1d890-4713-4ed1-b645-dd6230c699db	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:52:05	-430.466
-21	60458	3022900	67981437-e259-44a3-a9c0-e0256239757c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:20:32	-919.675
-22	30230	3023000	2005362e-7cb5-48eb-a4fc-203f88497214	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:44:07	-254.201
-22	60460	3023000	c60fe643-ec5f-4c8a-a89a-ab15e5ef1fa9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:39:12	-500.153
-23	30231	3023100	a678927a-a26c-4efe-8bfc-960a2e0243f7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:52:38	529.798
-23	60462	3023100	09390ec9-a298-4d86-952d-a4417b2168f9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:40:55	-104.997
-24	30232	3023200	198dad19-836c-4918-85cd-e729e6d911e9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:24:56	-50.830
-24	60464	3023200	4c9fa8b1-c4f0-41cf-a33c-9baab6e550fa	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:25:54	-29.760
-25	30233	3023300	aded7f91-914f-4a33-87e2-97e382fe680e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:50:28	-234.861
-25	60466	3023300	d4a5109d-ec20-4d20-aa25-c238b1698832	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:56:25	-322.285
-26	30234	3023400	78386658-a380-4ee8-893f-98194bf996b6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:44:00	-378.751
-26	60468	3023400	de437b9f-dd71-405b-a965-f0cb7ec13124	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:04:25	638.129
-27	30235	3023500	3cbb7a71-39d5-43ab-ad84-27d7f02b5c66	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:22:04	983.736
-27	60470	3023500	37c29bfd-224f-4d48-8379-a3192e26fd6c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:27:01	-154.52
-28	30236	3023600	6060fede-c22c-4b2d-8a93-a1fcd38da0a2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:36:56	165.727
-28	60472	3023600	3537ad2f-82ea-4ac7-b450-0e2b295ecde4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:06:25	-485.232
-29	30237	3023700	28c9a53b-ec9c-4449-b76e-bf6ea8e2daac	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:39:24	403.963
-29	60474	3023700	e5cf6fde-1fff-4cce-b58c-7a23e879d746	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:51:48	586.672
-30	30238	3023800	5d165cbb-073b-4375-a2b2-e7be6298e9e3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:08:29	12.518
-30	60476	3023800	4fce7b66-74ce-4101-91f7-6008a04552d4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:16:05	-846.425
-31	30239	3023900	68223e2d-5c89-457e-ba96-a3ed717503a8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:19:00	-230.234
-31	60478	3023900	928b9b40-3b1f-48d9-b64c-09418f3fab58	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:03:52	-623.537
-32	30240	3024000	5b1deb85-b5cb-4243-a19a-4eb345f22e79	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:20:19	859.281
-32	60480	3024000	b4592f59-0657-46bd-9ad0-acd4aa7763df	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:29:11	765.73
-33	30241	3024100	9c06cc17-ebbf-4888-8978-9623e7024243	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:30:48	906.776
-33	60482	3024100	a6b64d95-ecfd-46d7-887a-83fca39037d0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:24:09	984.223
-34	30242	3024200	59bac243-b618-469e-90af-90580720e80e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:56:26	-387.855
-34	60484	3024200	2a7ab872-758c-4cbe-8a5f-05be82569384	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:50:37	54.555
-35	30243	3024300	f6d158bc-cf20-4597-8cec-44ecb9a966b9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:14:28	250.339
-35	60486	3024300	e1c19be1-c48a-47f6-b4eb-c4b61fe78d34	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:08:12	584.218
-36	30244	3024400	85467a31-04c7-4c19-9238-cf47593b5b4d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:43:19	237.963
-36	60488	3024400	d1f5cff6-61dc-4c9b-9bbd-20b7135d0d51	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:10:39	939.275
-37	30245	3024500	07dcc9fb-4ff0-4a47-88d1-9ba87a7d4753	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:53:30	-927.606
-37	60490	3024500	97da55b7-6eec-4b5b-8a06-cce1955bbc6c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:12:00	795.594
-38	30246	3024600	e2cd9228-16dc-477c-b004-9cdc4f0b722e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:22:01	685.774
-38	60492	3024600	bda3247c-e41d-4423-8a0e-f28c80aa9f48	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:48:50	-945.808
-39	30247	3024700	7bdf5a5d-e34b-42ed-98b0-81d115a024b5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:38:35	-629.506
-39	60494	3024700	a77b177a-4f99-467e-a5e4-fa40ccc22408	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:11:14	-120.899
-40	30248	3024800	62547e7c-fbef-4732-9b00-28ecd0c1ed5a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:43:31	-153.203
-40	60496	3024800	367d18f3-ee51-4d38-95d4-fbe55aa72194	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:04:57	307.316
-41	30249	3024900	987bd8e9-1158-4665-b0ea-7a0130ecb387	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:09:44	-970.690
-41	60498	3024900	e444b7e8-f5f3-4617-962e-6b0882b250a9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:12:52	-14.183
-42	30250	3025000	dbafb77b-8a08-4177-9620-94fb76097d83	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:16:59	544.642
-42	60500	3025000	16fbfde5-c7e6-40de-a6ff-25bf466fddb6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:37:39	-842.10
-43	30251	3025100	180e69a5-4601-4864-b082-7aa384f41345	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:44:23	401.314
-43	60502	3025100	6cda68c6-e698-4eb0-a3a6-ad2ba8d8d800	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:31:53	-766.206
-44	30252	3025200	3e9e9def-cb04-473a-8c65-8f2d2fcf4097	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:55:55	-220.110
-44	60504	3025200	91e060b5-10a4-4588-9953-7bc373758c12	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:47:54	503.360
-45	30253	3025300	a32f29d2-350c-4630-bc05-666cd5eca80d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:32:34	-582.108
-45	60506	3025300	6b7a569d-b453-4a75-b3c9-25bada17c088	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:27:37	-465.553
-46	30254	3025400	8797de1e-4967-4ee6-b002-ee3d03b39b77	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:29:50	425.881
-46	60508	3025400	e1dc835c-32f3-4867-82f7-08af4f9fb580	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:43:34	290.27
-47	30255	3025500	05716744-969c-45b0-a540-3c5eff6e414c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:30:24	228.936
-47	60510	3025500	118e5d64-d578-4424-892a-380b89bcaab6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:30:08	-93.848
-48	30256	3025600	d3dcc169-41fe-4ea7-9c5f-6114c88b8b81	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:33:33	392.538
-48	60512	3025600	6988565e-51a4-4f6f-9a04-eea03eadfd44	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:52:15	-554.736
-49	30257	3025700	991d51b3-7f86-4bf5-8ce1-2d877a732256	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:04:40	-94.100
-49	60514	3025700	17439490-16b7-4dd9-ac42-ddd3e78f63b7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:24:23	922.897
-50	30258	3025800	42d920de-a731-4838-87e6-3987e89b77b5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:10:54	-874.458
-50	60516	3025800	ddc075bf-314c-495b-a0da-01f8aeab7490	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:01:03	559.408
-51	30259	3025900	ef5c1a57-a66b-40fa-b6e1-02c8dc8089db	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:23:49	-348.570
-51	60518	3025900	cdd125bc-8363-4417-a1bf-21942c5872b9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:36:48	155.284
-52	30260	3026000	f06786f7-374a-4b0a-bd83-ff34e3265a27	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:15:32	-535.372
-52	60520	3026000	d18cbd64-9988-42dc-b582-6b12267782ec	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:52:24	-450.161
-53	30261	3026100	f2300c6e-6167-4ca2-af77-75803970f09c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:58:38	978.576
-53	60522	3026100	69ca9ae4-58de-479b-8e0a-0783044985e5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:52:28	10.974
-54	30262	3026200	59c37985-dd47-4aee-9b9b-073d77d8b96b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:18:19	-430.625
-54	60524	3026200	4ec536e8-d03d-44d4-88d6-cf84073ce288	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:16:29	474.940
-55	30263	3026300	ece72f13-5a49-4a8c-b099-f20608334430	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:28:11	-164.249
-55	60526	3026300	1d79f7f1-a86c-46f6-aa89-0fe9f9c9afd3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:10:39	-534.239
-56	30264	3026400	1a4d0114-e285-492f-9820-b3aac7bc9bef	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:07:55	655.808
-56	60528	3026400	e2b72c07-f1ea-4ce3-abbe-73a1e4392ca9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:15:08	958.932
-57	30265	3026500	6f046332-aaa6-4455-ae9c-13b374fcfbb8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:51:06	760.565
-57	60530	3026500	bceb8e3e-5671-4059-8805-6a737b4f8f6f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:45:58	502.989
-58	30266	3026600	448eafe5-3e32-4a22-85d6-bfe80bb67400	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:52:32	790.86
-58	60532	3026600	4098b65b-4d7d-4bc9-bc33-c46328a51a41	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:29:41	-691.138
-59	30267	3026700	eb446525-d7c7-4ed2-9f78-4fd27273a7cc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:59:40	-799.825
-59	60534	3026700	a65b6d35-1765-4e5d-9171-b4e5d313ad61	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:26:27	242.845
-60	30268	3026800	0ebd4c38-0f72-4350-8443-cd3acb0c7550	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:18:07	256.324
-60	60536	3026800	a72ad7f1-259f-4164-a3c4-8135791eec0b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:14:03	850.968
-61	30269	3026900	fe6a5f1e-a42b-43ac-9e8c-4ab9cabfc181	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:43:34	438.224
-61	60538	3026900	85d2467c-dc1a-492d-8e98-9c34d1a9e45f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:14:20	-831.49
-62	30270	3027000	dc4d3f13-2f10-4ca1-8c8d-afe2ab697246	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:53:00	-440.954
-62	60540	3027000	f8dc2c8e-c21f-4512-9b25-4dbfb66cb525	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:16:00	172.742
-63	30271	3027100	b98f3fda-a74b-4939-91ec-3a6a127ab9fb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:47:28	939.404
-63	60542	3027100	639c032c-9cde-4884-8ac0-5365d3b2b928	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:25:29	300.538
-64	30272	3027200	21684a87-4c75-4c23-bce1-bd327a3dae15	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:12:24	-799.341
-64	60544	3027200	08933643-9dea-47c2-b103-70f49bbf0fda	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:28:52	-386.438
-65	30273	3027300	c40ee7ec-658f-4d61-b768-ba4d8c7e4c19	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:26:42	-514.868
-65	60546	3027300	346dfa0d-d3d1-42c4-b6bc-9d29a6db34f9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:45:24	688.638
-66	30274	3027400	3fece40e-5aea-4b03-a5a8-fa8c343ffd94	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:43:14	513.373
-66	60548	3027400	19fc0453-4eb2-4039-a85d-b40b76a5bd9a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:01:15	-60.818
-67	30275	3027500	c22fb5a8-b75f-4697-b89b-f9e6a50b4926	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:36:26	-750.464
-67	60550	3027500	9adc0aaa-6bc6-49e4-a6ce-d5a279c5cd73	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:56:31	694.694
-68	30276	3027600	9c31ec66-07cd-4ece-861e-eda3e9978ef0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:02:45	117.92
-68	60552	3027600	0a9686e0-1055-45eb-82ac-9dbbed324862	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:40:32	-545.409
-69	30277	3027700	d91bb367-d3b3-4a99-b8ff-f2480955c244	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:25:32	-436.877
-69	60554	3027700	3251c8c5-34ee-4336-98d3-7db969f9e9fe	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:46:58	821.284
-70	30278	3027800	29a2fc07-fa91-4133-baef-dea2462af59e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:28:39	-664.242
-70	60556	3027800	59cf7cf5-136d-4dd6-95fc-3c661847be5a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:30:31	-647.643
-71	30279	3027900	e5c9139b-a89a-4429-9f41-827bf090a717	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:48:53	-767.135
-71	60558	3027900	395fb218-118d-433a-959d-6514c813f2f7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:25:12	-333.51
-72	30280	3028000	0c68f44f-1441-4ef0-a30b-9c4d7bb1c483	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:41:51	168.688
-72	60560	3028000	b0b2442c-861f-45a5-ab91-f46f789ad9d1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:54:40	572.143
-73	30281	3028100	51b20fd3-6400-400a-bf08-ef531899332f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:14:10	-319.453
-73	60562	3028100	77553fed-665c-4ae4-9f9e-1167c4df9cc2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:25:47	147.870
-74	30282	3028200	c043b91a-cdaf-4fe1-809c-c844adf05de2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:47:04	-506.998
-74	60564	3028200	bee91677-6135-40dc-8869-d1831f16cc3b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:09:13	-482.460
-75	30283	3028300	2740202c-8d59-4537-ac25-baa6b5d721eb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:07:12	-131.903
-75	60566	3028300	2248298f-22d3-4842-8aff-b9e9d4d3c4e5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:24:44	941.548
-76	30284	3028400	df612288-2ece-4269-828e-b6550ecde115	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:59:14	724.153
-76	60568	3028400	aa8416d2-5769-483a-ac38-51bccc2f8314	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:19:18	586.775
-77	30285	3028500	cde365b8-5324-4ae6-985d-5f5b26627698	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:43:15	72.992
-77	60570	3028500	47ed079c-a798-4462-858b-7ec02436d90e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:08:39	-574.873
-78	30286	3028600	9497d827-ace9-4760-8d23-b2e0fd575bd5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:20:26	-880.953
-78	60572	3028600	6fedfe07-439f-4e53-9223-f868a28d1de8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:13:01	118.889
-79	30287	3028700	25a4732c-f2f9-4e9a-b601-807697580815	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:37:11	-351.442
-79	60574	3028700	9d1feba3-5976-46d0-88d9-774d229be7de	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:33:44	18.8
-80	30288	3028800	5d0c5e92-fa9c-407f-8022-22df7708339b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:49:47	831.104
-80	60576	3028800	04cdca68-e8cf-4596-930f-9a73abc12b4b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:38:18	-955.796
-81	30289	3028900	5167cf44-640a-43f3-9944-458d0118390e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:18:16	889.616
-81	60578	3028900	78c3b836-b2f7-43fe-9579-c677c4c84b6c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:37:45	218.344
-82	30290	3029000	f9a8c46d-c83b-438c-a09d-24f420c15e3c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:42:25	-309.77
-82	60580	3029000	8d3e6ae7-ff1e-482c-a214-6d2408b5cfeb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:01:54	776.783
-83	30291	3029100	7569f66c-1b4f-48db-930b-9b776909568b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:58:57	511.999
-83	60582	3029100	86fe8d6f-bfee-4e08-94ab-44a22e0cf722	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:59:20	919.437
-84	30292	3029200	5ef6a5cb-a4c5-408e-8641-8ac25707e1da	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:05:56	-535.532
-84	60584	3029200	d00022c8-ccc2-4ea4-9364-c30c604cc5ce	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:08:20	480.674
-85	30293	3029300	ceb55104-fcd3-4a25-be74-5d15dfe9db4c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:31:17	-927.232
-85	60586	3029300	88a9d143-8654-4129-a47e-8fb978d0c479	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:03:10	371.403
-86	30294	3029400	1c2a334f-2185-44ca-a73c-8a5ae9bb54fa	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:08:29	-584.268
-86	60588	3029400	7039f367-90d6-49bd-8d5f-e7a14ef65ed6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:37:48	855.316
-87	30295	3029500	805b5ad1-daea-4ad9-acc7-72dedbce8853	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:28:10	322.858
-87	60590	3029500	e8ac7de7-dc4c-464f-9d45-9706ee90ef33	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:21:50	-669.608
-88	30296	3029600	03c986f0-301a-436c-8dda-62d5ec6f25cd	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:40:11	249.637
-88	60592	3029600	d75c7136-d06b-4fb1-be61-1f900cb3dd7f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:58:06	835.107
-89	30297	3029700	ffaf95db-531e-433e-9ee6-03394b313384	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:30:46	-578.419
-89	60594	3029700	f1b53bf1-0a5c-4fc7-838a-9ac4d908645b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:51:19	537.363
-90	30298	3029800	aedd8e84-bd29-421a-9e76-e345f354aacc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:17:22	782.808
-90	60596	3029800	79906a62-a39a-4059-9a4a-29786a2bca3a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:41:19	97.127
-91	30299	3029900	96d4b3ae-88f6-4d3c-875f-683b56b52067	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:12:07	143.329
-91	60598	3029900	4d571f97-f134-4510-b8f8-c5f0120202a6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:37:22	-906.219
-92	30300	3030000	d9851eb7-36d2-450d-b578-434aed4031b5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:18:26	370.811
-92	60600	3030000	4f37347e-5d4b-4a75-a47a-b45a6e355f33	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:01:36	-269.675
-93	30301	3030100	e2656d92-5da2-4023-a6eb-45ec98d91f55	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:45:25	979.817
-93	60602	3030100	a69c61a1-5fda-4774-b851-a117e257e58b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:33:20	-278.515
-94	30302	3030200	c16b504b-9f67-4e65-9c57-c75d09ac2e55	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:06:51	327.816
-94	60604	3030200	9734025d-2726-4396-bdf7-84dc23187b72	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:39:34	-630.31
-95	30303	3030300	7c04e65a-ed3e-41a0-b9a5-34779dd45384	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:05:44	125.639
-95	60606	3030300	be169c54-e1b3-4d49-8ccf-73d9c3445a00	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:56:22	916.431
-96	30304	3030400	5a1acd5f-b800-4dba-a286-01ea24b2c60e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:38:43	176.662
-96	60608	3030400	b3632fe4-8473-439f-9998-9093cf6b821b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:18:45	-369.939
-97	30305	3030500	fa59950a-dc82-49ce-8dde-7fc231913f01	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:40:19	-693.884
-97	60610	3030500	30141ed1-324f-4e12-821e-dc94d4a6cb7e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:02:10	-887.972
-98	30306	3030600	47cba72e-4d1f-4b0d-ba28-abb0ab4b4e59	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:54:06	275.337
-98	60612	3030600	3c503311-6262-4db6-9037-9c724c03b164	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:18:44	750.148
-99	30307	3030700	5a3ac541-ddbf-4a9e-ba50-e02feb905d06	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:15:00	504.403
-99	60614	3030700	56db1324-70de-4c6c-b4dc-677bd9fb77ae	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:10:17	350.752
-100	30308	3030800	22a5e8a8-60fe-488d-8f6c-3e2ec8b0ba77	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:01:52	-991.253
-100	60616	3030800	72ab470d-f3f2-4abc-a758-d4d8464b48eb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:57:04	141.104
-101	30309	3030900	0e05dc37-c3b7-4b91-ad41-0f7ccfbec31c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:44:32	-814.95
-101	60618	3030900	3fafd2a2-fc54-40ca-88a4-e15b9d8dffba	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:08:42	418.309
-102	30310	3031000	3e5beacb-66b9-4d77-8cf8-864abcc09c36	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:13:13	-764.355
-102	60620	3031000	46ef2480-b408-4367-b2f4-f5abf6e35d64	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:27:58	-531.308
-103	30311	3031100	dc58d7ed-fc47-49ca-8047-4b4df2cbd79a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:41:55	914.191
-103	60622	3031100	aa52a072-d6f6-421c-ae0e-0317e7782489	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:47:29	337.197
-104	30312	3031200	48e50874-4515-4c74-8aac-05814315d0db	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:08:36	-364.234
-104	60624	3031200	ef3bc5e7-9be7-4423-9fa0-91d0e78f6707	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:24:27	286.706
-105	30313	3031300	c9186017-8225-403d-b85a-858964268497	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:08:09	-404.705
-105	60626	3031300	d1f0949b-f480-45e6-b1f7-e01c23932478	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:07:48	-481.67
-106	30314	3031400	3931d94d-b757-402c-b4a2-9df6fa20ba29	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:57:56	-654.895
-106	60628	3031400	b3b924f8-7dd7-427f-bda0-32e55363315f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:42:57	189.660
-107	30315	3031500	8a599608-3402-4c18-9e19-a7a2112cf9d7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:22:02	433.560
-107	60630	3031500	e8002d42-5746-454f-b545-d2af7f320424	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:00:12	-582.214
-108	30316	3031600	daf8b275-d70a-4d2d-b5c3-974800c07f52	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:58:13	240.175
-108	60632	3031600	b5cf8fc0-d442-413c-849b-620dc42a9caa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:42:58	231.876
-109	30317	3031700	466e863c-d8ed-4541-aab7-e48ebc830f22	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:57:00	-270.126
-109	60634	3031700	02ff877a-3ea0-43e5-aef3-6fc454ef28c2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:55:22	90.495
-110	30318	3031800	c9edb4ad-7ff7-4623-ab60-fa2287c226ef	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:40:37	-137.809
-110	60636	3031800	ac3b1177-befc-410a-ab42-070163c488e0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:55:40	400.603
-111	30319	3031900	69b2560b-65be-4f52-870a-c3448a1c9790	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:36:28	663.935
-111	60638	3031900	59c8a939-4898-4d65-85b4-8321a059d6a6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:01:26	795.272
-112	30320	3032000	7ef28b60-ae01-4bcd-be11-5537a9f76c37	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:14:37	-418.821
-112	60640	3032000	8321aa8a-5a7b-44ef-ab1c-25bd5180dc76	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:16:09	-773.786
-113	30321	3032100	3aa2cb08-cbaa-4954-8f63-5e4edbb9cb3e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:35:55	733.983
-113	60642	3032100	cd6bb11b-4698-4e42-aa37-71fb9b2dc2e3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:43:46	993.906
-114	30322	3032200	468e8f0c-c671-45ba-94c0-69f557055eb1	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:11:44	-673.812
-114	60644	3032200	5d49e2e2-127b-4623-993a-6932ecc4e3d0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:46:05	793.77
-115	30323	3032300	652598b9-345c-46f3-923d-f8365bc8af9e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:54:23	204.873
-115	60646	3032300	dd273898-0529-4ca8-b259-54599fce6b16	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:42:43	522.143
-116	30324	3032400	c856dc83-b80c-4f69-98f1-cfecf5da51e6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:54:35	-823.768
-116	60648	3032400	a3441e86-f85c-4811-9919-c647923a2647	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:07:07	988.531
-117	30325	3032500	3947de72-ed26-4640-b065-74d51d6779bb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:14:55	185.979
-117	60650	3032500	79a4a5fe-ab44-47e6-a3c5-029783ac93ca	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:17:46	199.759
-118	30326	3032600	920790a3-a11b-485a-99de-21e806cfea65	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:52:06	749.558
-118	60652	3032600	3f08ded7-3870-4e1e-b5e7-4ade8487f826	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:24:42	466.692
-119	30327	3032700	ae81f75c-3253-4b1a-b560-0a3446079440	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:48:32	254.749
-119	60654	3032700	947a405b-e571-441f-a94d-71044c68c7a5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:42:12	983.81
-120	30328	3032800	841eacd1-fc32-40c0-8210-37a1507f81ed	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:22:42	-302.603
-120	60656	3032800	8bfa5921-a6e7-4c6d-81ae-7ced81279a20	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:01:29	221.743
-121	30329	3032900	21845d6b-2e7b-4f7c-8988-f28e8ae07ac8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:25:38	-123.860
-121	60658	3032900	b91403d8-987a-4b5e-b340-38d9825d37bc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:13:50	964.214
-122	30330	3033000	731091ba-6978-479d-8b18-06b8a439c30a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:11:44	373.278
-122	60660	3033000	7d5f4738-9ead-4302-9ffb-2e16d674a57b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:10:01	316.330
-123	30331	3033100	8925bf5f-d863-420d-bbf8-8a070bcd2b53	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:54:50	-619.679
-123	60662	3033100	bc5f2641-1a97-4570-b936-189a541fb56c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:33:17	60.215
-124	30332	3033200	26eba736-9045-45b4-959f-a5f383d5800b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:52:31	594.406
-124	60664	3033200	7a9acd09-42ad-47a7-a66b-5752e6929b7b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:28:23	143.98
-125	30333	3033300	bb67fa02-052f-4f6f-b815-64fa54fe27c6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:19:52	-36.723
-125	60666	3033300	2d6574e2-a03b-44d1-b261-98c4e4c8385b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:43:07	-312.668
-126	30334	3033400	283a0d54-c7af-41ae-a790-ded42e11fec8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:49:46	-630.438
-126	60668	3033400	bc37ceda-5ef5-44d1-9f80-5e8cebf5f9e6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:56:46	-640.638
-127	30335	3033500	7b501bac-c0b2-43ec-bda9-f9b7bfb873ab	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:00:12	727.512
-127	60670	3033500	0bcac88f-166a-486d-8175-0583d75ae707	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:57:54	-802.222
-0	30336	3033600	1f9adf5d-2851-4b26-8474-715f65499a99	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:05:18	-439.882
-0	60672	3033600	81b854ec-f63c-40ee-a870-6fdbc0ae5bca	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:08:09	-988.898
-1	30337	3033700	32775816-eaa6-4ccc-9b62-f51680a6cb59	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:49:57	-725.263
-1	60674	3033700	b81d83c7-2888-4f21-ac80-ccc69d4c49bf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:35:02	-224.370
-2	30338	3033800	75dfacb2-2c75-4d3b-8cf1-5693e0a170ab	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:31:34	-232.168
-2	60676	3033800	ca774ffe-6502-4620-84db-b4b58aa7e1d2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:33:47	138.765
-3	30339	3033900	adce325f-1fe3-4b34-866b-ee4b4393c00a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:06:33	609.65
-3	60678	3033900	5e8fd679-0941-407f-b644-d0b9221db007	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:02:30	-944.924
-4	30340	3034000	6a3ad868-dd81-4ba7-884a-533b90e12e2c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:48:06	-476.418
-4	60680	3034000	1e199913-f332-4bd4-84dd-30802b3e9031	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:42:49	82.278
-5	30341	3034100	feb1fc71-303e-4e41-bca0-47c45ac5161f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:25:44	610.337
-5	60682	3034100	858c4ac0-0707-44cc-a51f-dcede4db1d05	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:41:35	-914.805
-6	30342	3034200	55f0089d-624c-4f5f-9a71-5c6ddd5ba8d5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:50:50	-716.621
-6	60684	3034200	c7718f3f-2337-4f20-85d4-c2d005a36c5b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:10:54	-282.765
-7	30343	3034300	bd39d212-da88-4742-b5f0-92ad51ceb676	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:08:33	568.518
-7	60686	3034300	3994da23-4b8b-4404-bfd7-5f1131a714cc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:18:52	630.57
-8	30344	3034400	bc24a6b7-3888-41e0-9182-72d5ed259519	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:39:24	232.594
-8	60688	3034400	73fa6116-d6c1-4042-a50c-dcf32e453235	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:44:18	427.360
-9	30345	3034500	3746b1b6-4433-48c8-84af-f6b21d99e684	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:04:09	485.259
-9	60690	3034500	76794f96-0055-49de-87e3-9cc95a1a7c3b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:40:53	-748.914
-10	30346	3034600	d9d9fbe2-76e2-4921-9512-beb1b11de0bd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:17:51	857.123
-10	60692	3034600	8212a6f9-b9fa-4488-8c9e-0e3790b3307c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:16:23	-933.463
-11	30347	3034700	ff4d2f43-c883-4adb-aac4-af7f6aa48d01	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:49:45	-280.681
-11	60694	3034700	cb4a1f50-d54f-4d8d-9bdb-29f7f1aa2f8f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:38:21	-873.526
-12	30348	3034800	d8b21873-c8f4-4c02-974c-93804bdb35a7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:28:23	-403.715
-12	60696	3034800	113c8232-4d2e-4ab2-a70e-f26bba13f234	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:31:28	485.136
-13	30349	3034900	6f7d6323-639f-45c4-b3ea-6b6f49a13f2d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:59:46	642.104
-13	60698	3034900	9446a09b-f2ab-4018-b608-c3d7e99e1678	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:36:07	975.454
-14	30350	3035000	7fd71b13-d8c9-4da5-b83d-d6725753a3f7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:54:35	-774.652
-14	60700	3035000	cdd51a25-1699-4175-9e94-baa225cb583f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:12:08	870.893
-15	30351	3035100	106596dd-8215-40ef-89c7-1754e4eba8ed	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:23:20	-870.206
-15	60702	3035100	1f7a9b9f-9018-4ae6-af61-e0447e1dff9a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:35:57	727.657
-16	30352	3035200	3cd04e01-9913-4f86-bebf-794e47e0f5c3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:02:27	494.667
-16	60704	3035200	9d5bcb31-ceae-4889-8f45-e0790daffbc5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:02:46	945.187
-17	30353	3035300	dbd77205-447b-4a69-b02a-76034a016526	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:43:50	-775.642
-17	60706	3035300	1d3bb8e3-bc47-44c8-9d41-369dc0ba78a0	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:20:53	983.469
-18	30354	3035400	b0b39699-61bb-48e4-bc93-3fb17663b006	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:00:14	-944.561
-18	60708	3035400	295371d6-3688-434c-a914-57aa7d024bb2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:10:04	-916.30
-19	30355	3035500	ec4f089b-83ad-4ed3-8b04-83f563e6241c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:21:02	-361.29
-19	60710	3035500	9d4898f1-d5cd-4de8-8275-0b2f1704e7df	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:00:01	-879.906
-20	30356	3035600	db98f5bd-00b5-42c6-a315-a4104da5d97d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:24:02	-281.691
-20	60712	3035600	13dd6445-7faa-4fad-91b8-f7a92ef496af	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:40:09	-942.811
-21	30357	3035700	e7e1ef3e-9354-48d2-8300-d953dfc73256	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:52:11	636.671
-21	60714	3035700	b1135eef-c7e6-46e5-86a1-9fb4daf6bc8e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:57:11	-146.148
-22	30358	3035800	6c00d6cb-f522-4e6b-8137-4403b7e9491c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:12:29	-781.814
-22	60716	3035800	d7c36c09-8922-44ba-af46-b27ce985cfbd	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:31:54	-892.62
-23	30359	3035900	0de9dcdd-8757-4bda-b65d-7db7592f5c8b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:54:22	48.236
-23	60718	3035900	827dc3f5-e178-4ba2-a133-063d0f363b45	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:36:16	908.947
-24	30360	3036000	369e86b4-d7c8-446f-be9f-0582447b3335	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:51:47	-624.269
-24	60720	3036000	c25622ff-a733-445b-b8ad-a000dfa082aa	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:56:24	500.659
-25	30361	3036100	6aa86c72-cd99-4b45-bd2f-109b9db83224	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:32:47	-413.413
-25	60722	3036100	b5f6e4b7-8557-4d03-8567-031fdc12ed03	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:52:29	822.777
-26	30362	3036200	1df95dec-4af2-4251-97fd-e39d27893e7e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:34:35	-202.602
-26	60724	3036200	147c7222-1cf8-4c01-945f-b1ea2de7a5aa	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:20:45	-624.161
-27	30363	3036300	6ecd57be-046c-4a38-97a1-8c5041c89077	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:47:36	-321.81
-27	60726	3036300	10a6c9c5-534b-40d7-9c6d-fcb22e32d923	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:48:15	354.116
-28	30364	3036400	4c3844ad-296b-488b-ba86-37fb0b9bc108	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:32:35	-254.275
-28	60728	3036400	747c53d4-43e9-4bc8-9461-e310cfd30fb5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:15:11	404.784
-29	30365	3036500	9e0decab-9bcb-469c-9dca-2a7c1587382a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:56:38	-225.132
-29	60730	3036500	01242eb2-1035-44f3-a81f-ba610223f46f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:16:28	663.375
-30	30366	3036600	808a20a2-1f64-429e-b0e1-ffbf322aea78	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:51:35	662.216
-30	60732	3036600	0e369636-2b60-4afd-bd0e-770347476dbf	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:35:26	557.406
-31	30367	3036700	8dda32eb-d8ce-4f23-a5b1-e54025f56fad	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:05:37	110.567
-31	60734	3036700	c4e25cae-3fcf-4bb4-ae09-be9846cbc367	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:07:57	254.493
-32	30368	3036800	b29ae454-74c0-4f83-b5ee-195f571369c0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:37:10	-144.327
-32	60736	3036800	ee4b664b-fefc-4825-8eee-c94b4c9d645c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:23:29	-882.571
-33	30369	3036900	e34bc5f4-5da6-466d-8a3b-acc348eef4ba	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:22:37	-894.341
-33	60738	3036900	552cc35f-033b-45ba-8a16-665f45a7db43	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:54:37	-106.136
-34	30370	3037000	aab2062a-09a0-4392-b4f8-3906c0012bdf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:05:52	-483.919
-34	60740	3037000	aed54a7e-c099-4b25-b078-22c3d8dcdbe2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:10:42	318.446
-35	30371	3037100	61b7642e-e4af-4d05-8742-fb353577cbe4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:52:02	-805.467
-35	60742	3037100	656989f0-f011-4059-9ff8-acce60ea80a4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:58:44	516.960
-36	30372	3037200	1fb663e3-7428-46a4-9f12-ec3234b0468a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:22:25	-978.734
-36	60744	3037200	bf63cf2d-ad92-462d-882b-21925d253599	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:12:30	-812.748
-37	30373	3037300	924e3b3e-bbc9-495c-ad45-43c94dfd9a43	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:54:21	183.166
-37	60746	3037300	6413cf18-c207-4695-bc9d-f8f0d5bd1101	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:17:02	-323.374
-38	30374	3037400	8954bab7-c967-4b98-adc3-b7bb57c159ec	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:36:50	-393.525
-38	60748	3037400	9a4f6848-6388-421f-9531-8174d5478629	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:09:46	-648.467
-39	30375	3037500	0bfea334-a323-4a84-a9f5-154caf8c0f3e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:22:35	949.333
-39	60750	3037500	2e84c6e8-582a-43ed-b06b-5959990ca3c0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:09:54	982.305
-40	30376	3037600	44e9a8c5-dc25-415b-9cef-112820daad27	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:50:48	736.127
-40	60752	3037600	2c1de66f-f57d-4845-bfb9-eb7f467be015	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:33:58	-769.166
-41	30377	3037700	430d8421-ee01-443b-8e77-264d15784eaa	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:06:00	-249.528
-41	60754	3037700	c39e51d2-776b-427f-a56e-2400499d3336	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:38:42	784.668
-42	30378	3037800	7d65c913-7a9c-4620-a27e-1459e4f2f288	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:11:59	-457.709
-42	60756	3037800	37d9d6fb-e150-43e9-844c-1c1df7b3e4fd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:50:35	320.723
-43	30379	3037900	a2e694f1-fd3b-4a0a-95e9-f2308e33f3cc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:12:41	-227.759
-43	60758	3037900	2aa54874-455f-4df7-af21-600cba99e9b0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:35:11	841.715
-44	30380	3038000	018c8eb1-848f-4eae-942b-0154eeb979f1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:58:28	-399.732
-44	60760	3038000	d4293538-b0c2-47df-b329-2fd3ea0b1fe9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:39:46	287.85
-45	30381	3038100	86cd0959-e659-4f10-afed-f31dc262559f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:15:12	691.765
-45	60762	3038100	ce92573e-349e-4a57-a023-ccca05498516	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:16:47	-209.77
-46	30382	3038200	70aaed05-8ab8-4c57-8c40-ea92ed804692	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:42:55	-565.56
-46	60764	3038200	5cf40f3c-ff9c-45b2-9086-acd27f636d94	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:58:50	994.91
-47	30383	3038300	54333399-aa2f-421f-bb48-57d53c624dc0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:11:08	-961.197
-47	60766	3038300	c5a4e79d-0c32-440c-8fc7-03edda0b63a1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:03:47	72.818
-48	30384	3038400	eeb6e0af-2ab5-4aff-a9ac-bd03589befa4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:19:29	603.381
-48	60768	3038400	a9b449de-0222-48e4-9ae7-afe291261674	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:54:55	-206.820
-49	30385	3038500	c0665305-5fc0-4a35-ace5-9134285e6d47	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:07:12	617.31
-49	60770	3038500	1d569d51-8270-472d-90f3-bab099bcc9d3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:43:11	490.947
-50	30386	3038600	700877cf-cdff-4ab2-a20e-a691c9c07eed	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:50:13	134.528
-50	60772	3038600	a6bc92e2-e0cc-4f79-acca-d5a911ca0cd2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:34:36	-677.847
-51	30387	3038700	96db84e0-8d93-4319-9eb2-384a435c90cf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:43:47	816.901
-51	60774	3038700	5f20e189-c678-47e3-9b4b-5b5c48397346	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:37:36	-129.206
-52	30388	3038800	983214df-682d-43cf-bee5-c298ff23debf	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:32:27	965.720
-52	60776	3038800	81cedd16-f66f-4542-b117-e0e2c2d2a1b0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:59:20	356.345
-53	30389	3038900	910d4eb6-19de-4c3c-990c-7a97ee51b8ab	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:45:07	-439.480
-53	60778	3038900	794ce4c2-c8cc-44df-806e-dad7a04c1d00	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:48:44	-428.211
-54	30390	3039000	79aab1c8-f86b-41b6-bf99-a2a618e20d5a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:55:37	-123.701
-54	60780	3039000	cbc3e952-83d5-4881-a01b-ba82d605477d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:43:53	162.529
-55	30391	3039100	e98861f5-278a-42de-8037-e45816ce9fbe	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:22:28	437.804
-55	60782	3039100	760a5b4c-e1be-4ac9-88af-47944a4a45da	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:32:41	-404.668
-56	30392	3039200	61880e5d-e09b-4ea3-a268-d4a7654e117b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:49:20	-760.806
-56	60784	3039200	126f2086-2f2d-474f-9c99-bf347eb6a198	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:31:28	-566.791
-57	30393	3039300	5e4774ea-52c1-403f-825f-b3d93782aa0b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:21:30	749.365
-57	60786	3039300	5c4f8387-7376-4b67-904e-598716a7447a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:29:06	988.447
-58	30394	3039400	c931590e-dc77-4360-a5bb-c6362d39f5db	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:50:59	801.564
-58	60788	3039400	f65cc23b-6d3c-476c-a83b-49117d04ecb3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:33:50	864.561
-59	30395	3039500	cac5ccbc-21d4-4a68-88e0-ad1586eaa892	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:28:28	-52.759
-59	60790	3039500	0bd5e83e-487c-4aa5-8604-21f3ce0eff10	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:29:18	-216.776
-60	30396	3039600	8c19549a-b285-403e-b4cf-5310eae589fe	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:59:07	-803.243
-60	60792	3039600	a7f6944a-0693-4c20-b195-4642d79b713c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:09:37	350.412
-61	30397	3039700	6ff0f196-77c3-4f90-97f2-838e7a9295b7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:03:26	-725.78
-61	60794	3039700	86d86dea-f82c-4dd5-b842-199d197810b0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:52:12	959.651
-62	30398	3039800	5ce70cd8-6a63-4c97-8c9e-32a93ee9cfa2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:35:27	660.99
-62	60796	3039800	17cab0c5-7591-42fc-ae52-8316dab820c7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:35:29	947.691
-63	30399	3039900	bd685689-9830-4a91-827e-6b791ad2a41f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:36:06	-568.595
-63	60798	3039900	765b916d-65e7-4474-8f49-ea501932b026	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:27:24	-144.916
-64	30400	3040000	41efee94-5a6d-47c3-ab16-70916bfda1af	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:45:30	-44.57
-64	60800	3040000	6d6a28fa-d603-4800-8761-0ba0cd83f408	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:08:08	-439.621
-65	30401	3040100	71a5b4c0-44d5-4915-844a-2e23a49d37ed	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:28:12	198.219
-65	60802	3040100	422ba8c3-2e2e-4466-8b5d-71210b27220c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:19:28	-674.40
-66	30402	3040200	00fda915-cf70-4154-b124-118566634f8a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:31:51	-611.815
-66	60804	3040200	23450c65-da8e-4972-aecf-afcf87ccb9d4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:51:09	-501.223
-67	30403	3040300	1ff0415b-008e-43ef-874f-c8a4a9dfc078	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:00:27	-660.146
-67	60806	3040300	8cf75385-93b8-4a08-9588-7d1c1ff4d263	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:56:30	654.432
-68	30404	3040400	cdc3bc6f-20b2-49fa-b1bb-9383cf46bae1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:25:03	855.53
-68	60808	3040400	c2fe8ad0-af07-40d8-8a74-3c24761a6dce	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:19:13	41.639
-69	30405	3040500	54738350-d7b5-4ceb-ae60-9afa06320278	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:59:07	291.561
-69	60810	3040500	e7705539-149d-4d0a-af8f-01e386feba07	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:09:04	129.600
-70	30406	3040600	bd7ad2c3-1de8-42a6-9735-8d9da965ca1e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:23:09	-123.106
-70	60812	3040600	5972df84-a853-4d62-ab65-e2c0a79bade8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:17:16	677.988
-71	30407	3040700	0d74c48c-2cc4-4eb2-a12f-85ff9b19cd1a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:35:00	74.48
-71	60814	3040700	5f7690e9-7989-42dd-b3a5-e1c66f41b173	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:05:14	-936.862
-72	30408	3040800	a744521c-dded-44e9-8ece-e26f8310f8ba	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:34:55	-170.985
-72	60816	3040800	3f3633ee-7e40-4acc-96c7-5b10e87656e3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:09:03	-259.442
-73	30409	3040900	10609f51-67ac-45e6-b243-5060dada1a03	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:54:02	-202.351
-73	60818	3040900	cdbec46c-dfb2-4cdd-9ae2-de0319478074	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:18:48	990.51
-74	30410	3041000	7bdb4754-d315-4e25-8eb3-77d0270fd969	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:04:45	-899.990
-74	60820	3041000	baf962d8-6edc-4313-801b-c34bd1a3903e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:53:13	568.150
-75	30411	3041100	72312231-8564-46f9-92ac-9474fc29633f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:17:52	-629.233
-75	60822	3041100	912275d3-8120-4a21-ac35-aa20f39c3ef0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:50:02	814.274
-76	30412	3041200	37bbf6e5-9def-44a5-a716-366a4fc28d71	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:47:48	-356.966
-76	60824	3041200	71e301db-22f8-4a88-911a-ece418dcb0a0	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:00:16	903.178
-77	30413	3041300	70b627fc-249f-4920-b692-9af5fe7a7c42	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:41:56	-99.695
-77	60826	3041300	e48e90e3-e5a6-462e-87c1-ee2571d13b60	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:47:04	-235.894
-78	30414	3041400	9de6dd33-f821-442d-82d6-595e3bf7c27c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:49:23	802.363
-78	60828	3041400	e70f8c0c-b98f-4f38-a219-ee148763eaa2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:41:19	-461.948
-79	30415	3041500	94c1c48a-ae67-4a3a-bed0-a19cf1905604	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:15:44	-236.37
-79	60830	3041500	9a48894e-24e7-4cad-a1b6-6262bc143a5d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:03:32	560.610
-80	30416	3041600	8162f41c-2c00-4f3c-ba6f-1565b8a82eee	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:05:30	626.708
-80	60832	3041600	39e44ed0-a37e-4fe8-866a-604b95c08436	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:25:13	876.408
-81	30417	3041700	9bb867a2-904e-4fd6-9b4a-82147852a3ac	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:20:09	434.292
-81	60834	3041700	31143be8-56af-495d-a8e3-5028600b106f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:57:18	-427.698
-82	30418	3041800	73957a99-4123-4ea7-b11c-45a71af17cc6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:32:20	-483.899
-82	60836	3041800	e5f87cee-2d43-4780-ad91-771a091e1bb0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:17:35	-493.884
-83	30419	3041900	0cd4ff33-d822-4247-820b-728d4182b6e0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:09:34	-502.45
-83	60838	3041900	782defd8-edef-40c0-9158-a761af5a13c3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:00:29	551.787
-84	30420	3042000	560802da-203c-41fe-8cda-eca9204f733d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:12:38	-394.278
-84	60840	3042000	c1a4c010-9a4c-4184-bc85-f0b899876471	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:50:11	171.416
-85	30421	3042100	d971e1b1-7fa7-4b97-a56b-de97a0cabfe5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:04:27	-588.756
-85	60842	3042100	10ad3e36-a64f-403e-9d97-c5e86fa96cbb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:56:10	-530.241
-86	30422	3042200	c2c1b793-134b-4f59-abdf-fd050b436d76	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:34:21	-825.618
-86	60844	3042200	0ea6a81e-dac8-4ca5-b32c-cdf44616bbef	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:01:30	-141.504
-87	30423	3042300	3252b421-1eaf-41c4-aa69-5be377e98a2b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:27:50	-988.428
-87	60846	3042300	2da78da2-395b-4711-9293-14c6eac10780	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:08:54	921.56
-88	30424	3042400	e64c2759-b328-4743-9f10-9601fa6fb2f3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:45:50	-486.466
-88	60848	3042400	27898c79-8443-465a-902f-47eb61ccf13f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:26:17	491.666
-89	30425	3042500	07247d1d-fcdd-490a-9562-a633fe304ebe	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:27:11	356.79
-89	60850	3042500	3e7182f8-dc21-4895-9455-d2664045019a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:42:15	-823.554
-90	30426	3042600	47dd4e5a-238a-4d5f-960a-e13af4574a11	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:31:42	869.19
-90	60852	3042600	060363b1-caa9-4537-a493-60418dcf29f4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:31:04	-731.997
-91	30427	3042700	4dc6015c-05d9-4825-89d7-6195b7b24bd0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:28:11	263.973
-91	60854	3042700	176547e6-e802-40e9-83d7-2f25a63637fd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:36:59	496.168
-92	30428	3042800	e061a4a5-8bbc-4c0b-a9c9-91b05038f006	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:57:47	139.351
-92	60856	3042800	4b29fb2e-f697-4654-bd4e-3ff4f8387f21	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:58:52	702.151
-93	30429	3042900	c33edd73-5707-4045-aae0-e230f3322793	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:28:38	936.448
-93	60858	3042900	751f7811-dc43-4376-b5df-74e8bae21585	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:05:50	-595.508
-94	30430	3043000	b54d627c-0806-46a8-acc1-66c5fe040a85	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:01:59	137.260
-94	60860	3043000	20742a76-358e-4fbc-8fa1-b14afcecead5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:05:03	744.577
-95	30431	3043100	37f13e55-1165-446e-b0ea-275eb67a7238	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:28:19	4.683
-95	60862	3043100	c3bc2c68-d19d-4cf9-a228-1b59d1c1c958	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:15:11	-504.97
-96	30432	3043200	19cc9e24-8261-4fa6-980c-5c98fe4ff78f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:22:58	65.287
-96	60864	3043200	25082802-de84-4511-82be-7f16b32598e0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:22:59	9.250
-97	30433	3043300	9d6d41d9-0520-43be-9c31-da63ff878795	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:02:44	522.409
-97	60866	3043300	70904963-b1fd-4de2-9b14-f3f965186ca1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:40:14	874.754
-98	30434	3043400	160b33a7-7d64-41ab-95e2-7bfef5d215be	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:52:49	17.734
-98	60868	3043400	bc2ff9fa-b408-43c2-83a8-b13f85ec5ee2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:35:36	110.672
-99	30435	3043500	686aa035-346a-4ecb-8c68-17e074ba142f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:39:31	204.65
-99	60870	3043500	6f71fe78-e887-4f5f-9951-a666dd423231	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:16:29	351.465
-100	30436	3043600	68cae7f2-7ad3-4ad7-a886-d902d25194a6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:22:55	-238.318
-100	60872	3043600	6ab4ef19-e4bb-4396-83a4-6c28e0bc0748	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:42:15	-576.947
-101	30437	3043700	b0b000a6-ba33-463f-956a-7cfb927077b6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:13:55	777.67
-101	60874	3043700	40d3974a-59ba-4519-8235-b237be2a1411	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:28:14	741.994
-102	30438	3043800	65777523-739b-40c2-960c-5d149a93ce78	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:47:13	142.306
-102	60876	3043800	f2527775-f36c-4c43-90b0-6c63824064e5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:00:56	-770.484
-103	30439	3043900	b384b61f-364f-48f7-9201-8e8066b64ced	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:40:05	-606.706
-103	60878	3043900	3f0d3ee1-9776-4b27-b5ca-5f506adb17f2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:41:29	704.479
-104	30440	3044000	a7df51ec-b223-447e-bb32-f09247cb6f5b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:11:54	-386.8
-104	60880	3044000	eb83794a-4c19-435f-9d2a-9b0b87c8e8c1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:31:21	-931.25
-105	30441	3044100	b32d857a-2e45-415f-99a0-688f2ab2a4a5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:31:16	-474.578
-105	60882	3044100	81d08450-54cc-4c85-a495-aa94d82f67b3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:21:42	154.495
-106	30442	3044200	ebd32fa1-d44d-4551-9160-3307d9960712	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:24:39	166.910
-106	60884	3044200	d1954c6d-3fb9-47e9-a602-a9f957ef9ad6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:53:35	-711.106
-107	30443	3044300	4b96cc0b-2d88-4b71-ae60-55e714f88129	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:42:36	-861.172
-107	60886	3044300	147f046a-05c6-4a60-9301-5d83fed4f93b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:02:38	-905.406
-108	30444	3044400	1b3a41cc-cd05-46ed-81af-f6e6ff19ce9b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:56:07	-879.691
-108	60888	3044400	8f08aa7b-6939-47b6-852b-8b1fc7c8171c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:11:13	793.50
-109	30445	3044500	7f7ed642-7089-49ac-9b9a-f2838b082892	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:04:29	-881.876
-109	60890	3044500	49346c45-6582-45cb-8cd0-f9441e062768	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:47:45	-38.232
-110	30446	3044600	ae01ca93-192f-4c85-b382-3a853eafdf40	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:49:38	-232.947
-110	60892	3044600	760ef3bc-3819-4606-8dd7-ee039d75a7da	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:20:23	359.857
-111	30447	3044700	1dbef510-d41e-4faf-a767-bedfed9b7342	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:18:38	127.254
-111	60894	3044700	42cb2571-4604-4dc0-921b-9c3cacd9e86b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:29:11	405.675
-112	30448	3044800	9d4d7c3f-b60d-4c6a-b4db-7c2e7d87abd8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:17:23	-522.466
-112	60896	3044800	101e4045-3aab-49f9-a492-38da3e28eb4a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:03:02	414.467
-113	30449	3044900	a664dd9c-0ed8-4293-a9b6-e2f65251810d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:29:41	-319.488
-113	60898	3044900	43639a40-fbfe-45ae-b87c-64e6d82e78cc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:08:11	-688.202
-114	30450	3045000	a58b2d78-e61c-4104-8273-b6ca9792ba32	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:06:09	301.914
-114	60900	3045000	1a9579a4-0afc-41a6-ab83-fff387b75381	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:27:34	899.856
-115	30451	3045100	1921285f-f222-4628-b82c-c2ebc126d856	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:15:02	-553.499
-115	60902	3045100	abe485e3-d472-40b9-88d7-7bcff588967e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:57:02	-211.474
-116	30452	3045200	02434b91-0bb1-42de-996c-d1a5356f60ef	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:51:39	358.89
-116	60904	3045200	ae5e80af-5cae-43a3-924b-d41f9931ed53	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:20:14	76.228
-117	30453	3045300	a505add2-07d7-4833-b8b7-bf006eb3f1ae	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:12:58	43.827
-117	60906	3045300	c9c172f9-2f26-4d18-9747-9d699fe25018	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:09:05	-848.518
-118	30454	3045400	c6ee0fe2-8e38-472f-a43b-210788862aac	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:30:19	-112.735
-118	60908	3045400	607b815d-f296-4f81-a6cf-016fbcebf16c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:54:40	904.157
-119	30455	3045500	76bde3e9-f3cd-43f7-9043-5058065ea063	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:06:48	-869.713
-119	60910	3045500	94b30035-5704-4517-9801-ca513982008d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:51:25	-641.779
-120	30456	3045600	a57f9fc9-578a-4040-b352-6b12433aba4a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:56:14	-552.163
-120	60912	3045600	31d1593d-7890-43e1-83c8-0be8f33b241f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:27:22	-276.584
-121	30457	3045700	aed7e5ea-334a-445b-b7f1-90d1223392d5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:17:22	436.495
-121	60914	3045700	c0bee435-8ebd-42e6-a7b3-3191d884ac5c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:06:24	-377.782
-122	30458	3045800	d439656d-c022-45fc-96ab-38818fcbe848	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:00:31	-311.849
-122	60916	3045800	5df79baa-cb5b-4570-8822-39ce3f6b766d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:56:36	692.733
-123	30459	3045900	96ec5cec-1bf9-47de-88c5-718783cd7f03	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:48:00	-974.7
-123	60918	3045900	e963c688-b3f1-4e27-af00-1f28191cd355	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:57:02	-366.859
-124	30460	3046000	9ed5049c-683b-4a2f-bd5f-c3bd15c1c247	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:31:41	-214.25
-124	60920	3046000	1a1dd521-738a-4c76-a621-51302de96a15	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:44:54	-677.362
-125	30461	3046100	b73c78e7-a774-406f-9dd7-1a887e8aaa0c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:33:39	431.637
-125	60922	3046100	9f683ea2-0963-4b6d-90ef-677a4397e426	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:46:21	-348.441
-126	30462	3046200	b039850a-bc30-4217-bd7b-0d71f4e7f5d5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:51:02	-462.849
-126	60924	3046200	c52c04d1-63c3-430e-a777-b9cc99243c76	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:51:17	252.486
-127	30463	3046300	6c1ce874-fd21-4d17-8d87-e64fe9394b04	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:58:53	708.187
-127	60926	3046300	ffc8b9bb-5eee-4cb1-8f7d-fddf2cd17de8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:07:35	858.853
-0	30464	3046400	9d2997e4-1db2-4848-a5e2-34121c358f0a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:26:26	821.825
-0	60928	3046400	c62eb9c3-7ccb-4fae-930b-68111481f7ad	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:59:32	-589.716
-1	30465	3046500	8998bb1a-9c85-4229-b6c3-545a7b8f470a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:34:03	412.200
-1	60930	3046500	d5f09cd8-0cb8-4352-a0f9-565b0f7e0f99	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:17:47	332.248
-2	30466	3046600	ea3f2c69-ca66-4b74-b7a4-905bf76604e1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:24:32	-758.77
-2	60932	3046600	18c6ff28-4f40-4a3d-81ac-299c6e349ccb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:28:15	-239.315
-3	30467	3046700	d529c158-562d-421c-a5d4-0b6bf560c4cf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:52:15	-15.266
-3	60934	3046700	72750563-0899-4f58-bb79-9ccab486fe06	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:39:40	752.612
-4	30468	3046800	833c9629-ac95-4123-bab4-e1a47d9520e7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:11:40	839.686
-4	60936	3046800	5bf38b0f-a485-48c8-ac94-58535f8e1019	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:05:44	275.131
-5	30469	3046900	08851db4-dc0a-401a-84d6-b6476e6e4708	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:19:30	731.84
-5	60938	3046900	9ef0cd04-653d-472a-ade6-02fca0f40ef5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:48:44	-626.816
-6	30470	3047000	315238f4-dd26-4c60-9dc8-aaf22b0a324a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:58:57	369.65
-6	60940	3047000	6ce6a8be-4b91-4374-97c8-bb11268cd29b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:37:25	881.7
-7	30471	3047100	d10372cf-f124-467d-a7ab-75ca01232e05	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:44:24	-740.381
-7	60942	3047100	f58044e1-d83d-4cc6-834b-cc6031d479f8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:43:34	-815.388
-8	30472	3047200	212c2b47-ebdf-4d96-b0cd-9024d6a986ff	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:24:09	808.81
-8	60944	3047200	3649c44b-92bb-41d9-be9b-b8e402301a61	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:30:29	-63.41
-9	30473	3047300	bce35bac-30e3-4173-8ef5-a77d303e0d71	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:47:23	-85.874
-9	60946	3047300	e7c876d1-1fe6-4a2b-a3f6-fb55315029d1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:26:40	-62.728
-10	30474	3047400	5ec5d827-0e14-40a7-9590-1eb3c1f031e8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:53:24	-836.630
-10	60948	3047400	d6680164-84fd-4c0f-b3b5-0f7aa315338f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:04:01	-469.480
-11	30475	3047500	046807b9-c36d-4f97-b619-698ebf532a9a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:22:07	617.57
-11	60950	3047500	ba14bb0b-17d4-4012-95b6-ad87e4478748	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:04:29	599.777
-12	30476	3047600	9ca87a09-d922-4c6a-a771-baee786c7026	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:20:55	159.93
-12	60952	3047600	a9a73b32-aaeb-40c9-936f-6c84012c2950	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:42:02	-803.141
-13	30477	3047700	3771a2c9-36fe-49f2-98f6-c2a86f1bb0dd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:36:22	-558.682
-13	60954	3047700	624aba54-79bb-458d-9c72-2bccb7940d8f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:28:45	789.346
-14	30478	3047800	71bc2dd6-eba1-4842-bb60-a998a8db5e25	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:57:54	469.48
-14	60956	3047800	4a6aa768-5d7c-430e-9da6-2a3cbb232d6c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:13:17	302.412
-15	30479	3047900	56a278d5-5ed0-455d-8b30-1dd044a458e6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:56:36	865.359
-15	60958	3047900	12c941bc-e467-4037-9b88-6fba0d8ac9a7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:14:34	-279.522
-16	30480	3048000	161ea0d8-e5db-49f8-b10f-c2c903c865d4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:42:44	358.822
-16	60960	3048000	76ee0b2b-9e07-4452-a60f-5e732beece9b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:27:38	-398.31
-17	30481	3048100	b6be1a25-9036-4ffb-9063-f55d5acbaeb7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:29:18	-936.604
-17	60962	3048100	782fff53-e378-4ed6-bc81-bbd8b22b97bf	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:26:03	289.167
-18	30482	3048200	d70314ff-a436-4ebc-8851-402b4a303129	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:51:36	444.907
-18	60964	3048200	f15fe14d-031b-4a0a-8279-55babe5444d8	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:51:06	324.105
-19	30483	3048300	3e651a23-3cb7-4185-847b-c59aa9753d92	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:18:12	89.338
-19	60966	3048300	580fb91a-1f8c-47a6-8044-9b03edb94de4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:39:22	621.940
-20	30484	3048400	6a52f9ed-a9cd-46d4-a66f-50c78f204075	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:23:10	-541.718
-20	60968	3048400	b011e5c2-a4be-4b22-8031-15075abf8bdf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:26:49	-624.536
-21	30485	3048500	d78c9b2e-321d-4a36-adf3-70c6f6543db0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:54:43	245.148
-21	60970	3048500	5000267b-8221-4467-8849-dc2bd9b702c0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:05:59	299.116
-22	30486	3048600	46b40739-e3ca-4a2b-b457-555997514784	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:11:28	-820.333
-22	60972	3048600	2e968ac5-543a-465e-8f52-84ff917cdaf3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:43:54	387.772
-23	30487	3048700	61e4f765-dca5-4143-a2cb-7efc2764c808	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:25:14	490.85
-23	60974	3048700	d3b588e8-7fc0-4f18-bd9a-9fe3d38951f1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:12:04	115.511
-24	30488	3048800	51929e63-5b55-4519-b4ad-a0eb1b7bc44e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:30:29	-867.619
-24	60976	3048800	a418bb82-661f-4c11-a56b-b22de57e4e12	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:57:14	366.410
-25	30489	3048900	f08e0445-3712-46f7-a16c-aec7775c929d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:16:52	563.819
-25	60978	3048900	114abd30-2cb2-4348-8d85-845f7029cf31	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:41:13	-445.449
-26	30490	3049000	48401c2c-8f8c-4a59-a869-4efbd9102ccf	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:07:51	773.275
-26	60980	3049000	3975a3fc-71b8-43af-9385-1f639fd9f522	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:14:20	193.444
-27	30491	3049100	d2c61032-713a-4ccb-aee8-0a0dc439650e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:36:47	-156.701
-27	60982	3049100	5453d5c0-ad43-4200-901d-203b74eb6b47	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:06:37	242.886
-28	30492	3049200	0a2a62e6-8694-4031-bcf1-30e852b991cb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:09:53	-608.442
-28	60984	3049200	25c43ca0-0d6e-44b4-b715-ffd6b0c8c2b8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:31:46	-505.248
-29	30493	3049300	26d49ce3-7e2e-4a89-88f8-6b185a1858d1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:32:01	357.131
-29	60986	3049300	b520b933-42ab-4545-85a4-23de780f3c72	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:12:42	-967.924
-30	30494	3049400	3425c32c-a4a6-4f1f-8e78-7239290e13ed	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:09:40	471.995
-30	60988	3049400	f57f0a31-4ad2-45d3-add6-1bfae2bf1eb3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:00:47	-305.231
-31	30495	3049500	265b7f3f-1402-4c9b-bb26-4a4a2ef20bb8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:40:09	-25.886
-31	60990	3049500	85c3a6ff-e210-4c3a-8d85-bbe2bcea21ff	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:30:53	357.971
-32	30496	3049600	e57203d6-a7f1-4178-94fc-acc06f0f80c5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:30:17	-522.991
-32	60992	3049600	64602612-bb1b-424c-83b0-60c313f2782b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:45:05	783.702
-33	30497	3049700	27d02e4d-33a8-4ace-8ed2-31db1cf6c902	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:26:29	938.955
-33	60994	3049700	4cd29609-71dd-4bb4-84dd-79046b59b20c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:16:20	438.35
-34	30498	3049800	792a9d15-e79c-4be9-b9cd-7aceaa71c52f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:00:28	-8.404
-34	60996	3049800	c6ae296d-493d-4db1-b93c-c8c986327690	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:39:30	-653.648
-35	30499	3049900	36e69fde-9016-4728-b2b0-0c8f35be8764	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:45:44	-529.424
-35	60998	3049900	96fd8eee-8735-426b-9d70-ebe52e688df8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:57:14	-349.157
-36	30500	3050000	770498f8-617e-4c0c-9c19-b4c7e7cd6255	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:58:41	819.935
-36	61000	3050000	5cf5c171-7248-419d-9213-6c1ce8be2f91	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:02:41	964.727
-37	30501	3050100	f5688801-f293-47f8-a044-3290af7fed35	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:09:52	-479.514
-37	61002	3050100	46e9ba88-d573-4bb7-b3a7-286e349b1519	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:29:38	972.119
-38	30502	3050200	c5a506c8-a272-407a-8aca-4a11b96e4bb9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:29:19	62.718
-38	61004	3050200	8175748d-3530-4f75-8dfa-d4c2d414453a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:39:12	-425.368
-39	30503	3050300	4d1870a8-da0e-4da1-b931-aad822f261e3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:59:39	678.799
-39	61006	3050300	0649b61e-ccc9-4d0e-b15c-b44358f7499d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:57:42	-685.35
-40	30504	3050400	3571a32c-4c7a-4631-8e6c-93c67371f9e5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:43:05	46.458
-40	61008	3050400	b3bda271-273a-4276-a6ef-e8749560bdec	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:26:48	-998.963
-41	30505	3050500	947bacb2-13e5-4e88-b332-73ff3528f64d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:56:35	-747.646
-41	61010	3050500	658ac8b0-fe65-4f01-be23-691afe745414	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:08:27	897.345
-42	30506	3050600	47e7cde3-f2f3-4afd-a273-bbe779fb3bc2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:38:35	668.543
-42	61012	3050600	b759ae0a-fd58-42db-9448-f41be679e09f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:37:36	-916.770
-43	30507	3050700	20368da6-df3a-4d9d-8948-7d4a6bfbe5c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:22:48	-987.279
-43	61014	3050700	1109cb48-e9cd-435f-8bc3-223edfe4ab71	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:22:41	-590.23
-44	30508	3050800	4bb62a0b-f34e-4f97-8a1e-feba17a4622b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:15:57	-432.677
-44	61016	3050800	f0240791-24eb-457d-b720-c94a46b0ba01	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:43:49	-806.98
-45	30509	3050900	134ddaef-6e89-43d3-9e13-4f8f4e70252e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:30:04	-381.511
-45	61018	3050900	d8081fa6-cb14-4481-9ec4-c6c6742a3a56	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:47:29	-369.213
-46	30510	3051000	1a8e505b-4d19-426b-92bc-a57434384ed7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:33:44	147.700
-46	61020	3051000	09bfa051-1efd-4d68-bd32-9fa1b1f95fbe	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:29:19	668.444
-47	30511	3051100	3191cd22-033e-4992-a0ee-d462eed68fa1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:35:49	963.971
-47	61022	3051100	416950b6-96e1-49ef-a51a-b465c69da954	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:35:09	-758.547
-48	30512	3051200	8a4408aa-0f54-4605-87d5-49759100a0cb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:48:13	-50.949
-48	61024	3051200	00a540dc-a461-4bc9-811d-c056b822a299	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:49:10	624.5
-49	30513	3051300	f66aa263-ce92-44a2-b6b1-54867fc9f008	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:49:16	786.551
-49	61026	3051300	0295a20c-ab4e-4cad-8b12-d5fb8c2ce362	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:44:54	-984.47
-50	30514	3051400	466135a1-e151-4d56-a8b8-bf1726730257	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:06:35	32.82
-50	61028	3051400	d7403b96-7486-43ba-bdf7-eb09169c7962	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:26:08	-414.898
-51	30515	3051500	34846ffc-bdcc-4c3f-b64a-82f94985b1e9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:22:44	-519.244
-51	61030	3051500	f353d53c-d7c1-4c7b-a5fe-54418367b098	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:52:24	-766.670
-52	30516	3051600	402d9937-bba4-4181-b005-fdcb067b0527	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:47:48	-892.822
-52	61032	3051600	894bfcbf-adde-46df-8105-1a2247d66081	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:44:13	-756.709
-53	30517	3051700	d9755f16-6806-4c48-8bbe-50c9597cb623	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:24:41	-504.318
-53	61034	3051700	5cf27ab8-713a-4d5e-b1ba-552dfae5c8ae	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:27:12	311.460
-54	30518	3051800	76d6415b-5ea8-4185-8394-663698e652c9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:22:27	-81.869
-54	61036	3051800	54f80938-65f6-4952-bbf5-3bf0b302c3d8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:52:31	-519.589
-55	30519	3051900	f0b66677-466a-457a-ac3c-f83f2ff23ea1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:54:02	-972.417
-55	61038	3051900	85dcb290-1f0b-49e5-b28c-9e993609d4e7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:30:26	749.67
-56	30520	3052000	a8181adf-99f5-4e61-a331-f9c57b6cc0a6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:58:37	502.973
-56	61040	3052000	b1b5b8a3-f65a-4633-9537-6b45aca5d8f5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:26:38	-548.951
-57	30521	3052100	434cc18f-6ed8-4593-95ca-d2082ede17e2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:29:09	-978.433
-57	61042	3052100	c6cceb80-d748-462b-9ad7-916c4df8992f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:08:59	969.36
-58	30522	3052200	423c2a9d-8fec-4237-912a-cfe70af8e6d2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:07:33	-751.52
-58	61044	3052200	bcca3367-9a2c-4122-a602-acd02485e334	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:33:20	856.844
-59	30523	3052300	ad9eca9a-7975-4a8b-be56-6c33c70292e5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:09:03	675.19
-59	61046	3052300	8dd3833f-d6eb-4523-90fa-4d1e29ed9935	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:29:50	-94.901
-60	30524	3052400	413e0e5c-fd16-4de9-af8e-f593bb2b431b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:11:55	452.178
-60	61048	3052400	69253bc6-ef94-4168-bbf7-406c4df4b126	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:41:09	-407.835
-61	30525	3052500	d6f393d8-3c33-436f-96df-cb543ab75426	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:10:47	620.25
-61	61050	3052500	31d40117-7b0c-4774-b72b-0c1e5b646bf9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:44:36	781.912
-62	30526	3052600	85200605-4495-428f-8d30-2747f49f6b2b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:11:37	-216.454
-62	61052	3052600	a63a3ed0-0008-4734-bd54-de700df17b3b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:49:14	833.458
-63	30527	3052700	09002414-0cef-472c-afad-da98d46cfcc4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:17:08	-492.454
-63	61054	3052700	49f727a5-3832-4ec8-a505-87ba7ab819d2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:18:18	-991.910
-64	30528	3052800	2fefcd1c-e328-4370-9fb7-a85a5a74cc9b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:44:47	-713.172
-64	61056	3052800	61e11ab6-f2f1-4672-943d-f9c9fd1e5bbd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:19:25	-985.744
-65	30529	3052900	e22712b2-ed3b-43d6-8eb8-cc2ad4f85089	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:39:58	-802.902
-65	61058	3052900	27ae81aa-ade0-47a6-ae0e-81c6a4cd467f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:23:54	263.826
-66	30530	3053000	355987b2-d092-412d-a9e7-40377be0d0cb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:55:59	-759.467
-66	61060	3053000	fad0e6ea-32a9-44dd-811c-ae038dec1144	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:51:27	-768.29
-67	30531	3053100	d2d7ebc0-005e-4a64-9bdf-242bd0e0ccb2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:41:14	234.577
-67	61062	3053100	8dffc7c2-f9c5-425a-bcc6-e920056aea09	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:37:11	791.154
-68	30532	3053200	67e11cd3-fa57-471e-8376-022259f450be	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:40:56	334.295
-68	61064	3053200	02be4d5c-449b-4640-a0f6-eb761abd782e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:54:57	-853.888
-69	30533	3053300	268c4e7c-b58a-4a18-84ca-848e6ab56e06	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:54:57	892.464
-69	61066	3053300	21758371-88d2-43f2-81df-c76782c4cdbb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:40:44	527.815
-70	30534	3053400	01c74961-52ca-4d4a-8b46-465a80baa938	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:04:19	242.444
-70	61068	3053400	b9f99170-3920-418e-a69b-3621f7faab65	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:44:43	-476.133
-71	30535	3053500	0eee0f9e-cbe1-485f-ae67-746902cfe55b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:01:51	-285.16
-71	61070	3053500	5be5ab01-c571-427c-b355-d16512f08d84	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:26:07	-586.798
-72	30536	3053600	ea94925f-2ff4-44b7-80b8-bcd6e441f845	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:01:07	624.984
-72	61072	3053600	2d32c84e-9ebe-4230-bba1-e5aecbab960b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:46:00	-542.375
-73	30537	3053700	aa9e8053-a8ce-4657-ae92-60aa71ee65b7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:47:37	688.897
-73	61074	3053700	3223bfda-9f96-42ed-934e-cddbf54f56bc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:02:17	406.176
-74	30538	3053800	0fba1441-4102-4f20-8c2f-de8bceaa59c2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:21:44	-216.10
-74	61076	3053800	e7d09dec-db66-4000-8071-4befd552e4cd	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:18:49	103.401
-75	30539	3053900	3d5afb07-e1be-4db1-b9f2-97c7ec4daa83	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:31:46	-208.697
-75	61078	3053900	6203d541-06e6-4199-a4d7-ac4db31aeef4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:04:55	904.185
-76	30540	3054000	2b26c899-412d-4643-90db-3918ac3ef79c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:35:01	971.953
-76	61080	3054000	b2a12668-175f-413c-9c68-5a7e300b8b8e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:42:39	135.725
-77	30541	3054100	b40f16ad-b3c1-44a1-b84d-bb1a4371a121	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:20:06	-143.197
-77	61082	3054100	e67a1664-d6c7-4899-b595-7fbd2363675b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:44:49	-32.974
-78	30542	3054200	4a531c97-baad-4dfd-ab12-7a7828696462	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:56:47	-513.210
-78	61084	3054200	89a070e1-f5ab-4874-8f43-3534fe2a50a5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:15:53	572.479
-79	30543	3054300	baacb22a-5e15-4bbc-b923-c9379fcf0083	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:45:54	294.42
-79	61086	3054300	cb39c25b-a8a2-41d6-9c89-f74cb6666751	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:39:25	-189.109
-80	30544	3054400	efd98f6b-6a85-4b00-b63b-7d2f9b6eedf9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:36:46	-246.664
-80	61088	3054400	3df2805a-e4fb-4a7a-80db-f7b765c45791	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:55:09	855.484
-81	30545	3054500	96940698-1a99-4fff-8c12-a65c3875e602	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:58:20	-614.561
-81	61090	3054500	52baa0b3-44a0-4889-ba4d-c35167be1307	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:56:54	-537.492
-82	30546	3054600	14722e24-18a4-4857-9190-3821d2e12abb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:48:07	-312.901
-82	61092	3054600	ea1650ae-b3b4-4ab5-8708-311f609f087f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:54:09	848.155
-83	30547	3054700	2faa519e-02e8-44f6-8d97-e4da098d227d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:45:37	963.956
-83	61094	3054700	6807a1d1-3639-4a11-bd70-dbc9ede2f8d1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:53:45	108.390
-84	30548	3054800	859f7942-2bad-4143-8fce-6ece04f97a52	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:30:31	549.45
-84	61096	3054800	b37f646f-16da-4162-ab87-2d15c8a48dd5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:31:44	39.155
-85	30549	3054900	9cf3fb51-3e58-467d-adf3-ce4dae937022	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:19:48	606.809
-85	61098	3054900	70a7cbfb-4467-4a5e-9647-9efc68d52fbe	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:59:00	-359.639
-86	30550	3055000	7b408c0f-8317-4f41-887d-cf1a9faec620	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:40:11	378.17
-86	61100	3055000	cacf4470-d955-4295-a6d7-8be586fc0ee2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:53:59	-135.524
-87	30551	3055100	74a39042-4e40-4c24-999c-a3734d339100	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:50:03	-598.181
-87	61102	3055100	fec0c490-f7e3-4c64-803e-5357b3219529	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:31:43	-476.655
-88	30552	3055200	148b9fa2-8911-41f4-96ca-6164598bf0fe	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:26:19	509.280
-88	61104	3055200	cbd95585-64c7-4c0f-adf2-150bf93463c7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:20:08	437.570
-89	30553	3055300	dacedb21-bba5-4c97-bd89-281a803394d6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:01:51	19.680
-89	61106	3055300	7a604abc-550f-489e-ab2d-bd544b88e36f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:56:51	-729.75
-90	30554	3055400	dc6f5e25-f9c9-424d-a626-db6570384104	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:52:29	-670.11
-90	61108	3055400	bafb19e2-2ff9-4969-bfd1-f5bd164afbae	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:07:00	-691.997
-91	30555	3055500	3897ee3b-1c74-4ec3-8fb7-ac7d3d2e3ce1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:59:33	193.790
-91	61110	3055500	353ee3ad-0066-4572-afbc-c92236b85b3a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:07:32	-262.105
-92	30556	3055600	d116d22f-14b9-47b3-8b94-dee02f5b8b54	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:31:18	36.220
-92	61112	3055600	fb2dfb9f-3f8d-4f64-ad78-bc15b1117879	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:05:20	-878.571
-93	30557	3055700	4731984c-4821-415b-a956-56028ae9becb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:51:30	553.833
-93	61114	3055700	065bfe08-1cb4-43f6-8a0c-9fa53b71aa8f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:28:47	732.253
-94	30558	3055800	ea2aecc8-f483-4670-8b05-e125652c5ef1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:57:10	240.865
-94	61116	3055800	257b324d-bc2f-4357-bbc6-c2f90a830a76	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:03:59	-354.419
-95	30559	3055900	11546880-ef7d-415e-83bf-e7b70d94243b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:55:02	-301.596
-95	61118	3055900	e4d98c97-1a24-40e9-ba67-4a4abd379517	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:08:56	602.308
-96	30560	3056000	ef752dda-1a03-454e-bf86-78dca8f49feb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:28:42	-622.470
-96	61120	3056000	b9b9dd5e-5390-42f3-93e6-7dcc804b6b03	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:38:22	-767.285
-97	30561	3056100	a664bdb8-b0ac-4082-a2b1-77bf3c8170b5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:17:07	-143.428
-97	61122	3056100	4d02bcf5-26cc-4bf4-9c0f-735966849f69	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:02:28	158.729
-98	30562	3056200	e43ca416-21a9-4da1-bf66-97fd8abe9a9a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:09:18	-862.800
-98	61124	3056200	4afcf941-9a9f-420e-b1f3-330592f2aed8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:47:18	-219.596
-99	30563	3056300	a25d6ad2-0008-455b-9b9a-6a6dd2b1cc3a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:12:42	-73.570
-99	61126	3056300	92f8dc98-c83c-4531-8e18-89a2e75b0847	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:02:17	387.175
-100	30564	3056400	02eec6cd-cdb3-4d11-aaf0-0f7084936b89	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:04:20	369.315
-100	61128	3056400	a1f50c0a-3950-4725-8037-6374673731ab	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:57:29	199.558
-101	30565	3056500	ccda238d-b6e7-4b82-be09-47969f6bd131	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:11:54	513.512
-101	61130	3056500	a71d659b-6da3-4ae8-9ba0-7a2b07c11ea6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:25:37	-416.63
-102	30566	3056600	4b5c93ad-b259-47e9-b743-2d9f317ea23f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:34:30	602.964
-102	61132	3056600	ce40c8b9-d1ec-482d-9ba7-9ea9afcd2ccd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:40:13	-882.677
-103	30567	3056700	583a8ef1-a51c-4381-b1ef-6997bd73b50f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:22:20	-529.246
-103	61134	3056700	bdadaf33-d34b-4610-8977-d4280028c32c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:13:58	-464.698
-104	30568	3056800	cfb3ea22-8e70-4b26-9275-7fc544306e28	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:04:03	-97.36
-104	61136	3056800	60a14c10-9563-43bd-8303-9b9c410cb5b7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:32:53	642.331
-105	30569	3056900	fe97fa3a-3f8f-4adf-87c3-611b5e448c66	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:42:54	-492.213
-105	61138	3056900	0b64c148-e66f-4fb3-b211-c5ad6f538f57	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:38:37	727.634
-106	30570	3057000	5d38448e-22fa-4d10-840f-5b4736f6845c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:27:41	389.871
-106	61140	3057000	03a4b7f2-020e-4693-b426-00a768052182	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:57:23	-11.668
-107	30571	3057100	f58eabd2-dedb-488a-a702-00adfc4293a3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:52:56	498.760
-107	61142	3057100	ccb5113e-5844-4777-9125-9af4928fe47b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:40:17	-415.939
-108	30572	3057200	f9c1c262-239c-4776-b590-49172979e760	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:49:14	91.110
-108	61144	3057200	32826c21-f43a-487b-a61f-1c1298ca6372	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:25:36	-841.627
-109	30573	3057300	b508d098-1033-487b-b67a-e2cb0d4de652	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:16:40	-211.944
-109	61146	3057300	cfdf8c00-1c80-4ecf-9d93-37af2fc44a2d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:30:46	888.388
-110	30574	3057400	66f493f8-5977-4adf-940b-547045fd801c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:08:41	-273.434
-110	61148	3057400	c8419295-6249-423a-a7f5-b986f76a0c37	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:44:29	-935.25
-111	30575	3057500	60d7fcaa-2be3-41b7-924c-6da910781754	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:54:50	96.318
-111	61150	3057500	7939729d-8436-4dd5-af89-082fef63dc29	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:12:17	864.823
-112	30576	3057600	d8736d52-ca31-4f4f-b507-cf7acff0d7bd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:45:01	889.684
-112	61152	3057600	3b5fd215-28a7-40f6-89fe-e118dd202634	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:45:01	-649.27
-113	30577	3057700	0ab37145-0d42-496a-8764-d35c8046e3eb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:24:53	-371.200
-113	61154	3057700	5bb9dc62-d30f-4220-adb0-a1d30493e5c5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:01:56	796.450
-114	30578	3057800	fed74d19-f8df-4379-a0ad-0e5bbce8c0cf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:01:12	-694.134
-114	61156	3057800	947a6dd7-1ec3-4cf4-9b41-f394647d51d1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:38:35	-972.673
-115	30579	3057900	c0e309bd-4847-4e80-9e2a-94546b8705cd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:20:35	-270.993
-115	61158	3057900	0e7f4374-a9e6-45ba-bf97-b4635126a87f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:29:08	283.5
-116	30580	3058000	ccc8f9a7-fffa-4cbb-ab43-cb8dd01d8ba3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:58:41	-642.790
-116	61160	3058000	8b63da68-8322-4b35-add1-84b5e657d289	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:54:36	90.164
-117	30581	3058100	4beae72c-c09c-4307-833c-e5a5095fc66f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:01:31	-150.717
-117	61162	3058100	b4f9c2a3-5dbe-427e-a12c-f04a4a4e33a3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:12:19	-780.408
-118	30582	3058200	e1639a32-1f97-4012-b7ee-a5a746e54a03	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:57:09	334.859
-118	61164	3058200	23fca501-16be-4b99-8fb4-5c04b7140a04	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:01:54	-410.780
-119	30583	3058300	21ca5188-c896-4bc0-9416-70204faa1187	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:03:26	-662.329
-119	61166	3058300	818059b9-7259-4987-bd5e-028011662972	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:55:31	-599.577
-120	30584	3058400	bd7d0137-cc0c-4c19-b4e9-ab7ff523ec46	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:12:51	-936.674
-120	61168	3058400	78fd9b05-7ad6-435d-8e52-0fb866ec6449	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:43:15	-61.818
-121	30585	3058500	f0e581f1-4a54-46e4-bc69-c43076a0e024	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:15:11	-817.810
-121	61170	3058500	30affafa-b837-4954-ba69-cb33c72a8378	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:36:15	-679.898
-122	30586	3058600	33777e25-160f-4970-8127-28e01aea75ce	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:43:36	593.476
-122	61172	3058600	c21cee75-7bca-4d12-8189-eddd0d4e3bed	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:49:33	170.865
-123	30587	3058700	69b348d4-d8de-4bb9-8e80-55d4f19af344	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:20:19	793.662
-123	61174	3058700	c9f31685-5ffc-4b50-8f2e-e5af8169cb8e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:58:53	800.258
-124	30588	3058800	dd1c2426-c2c1-4acc-810b-a9f373bc50ce	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:18:58	476.401
-124	61176	3058800	cec4c173-4a4a-47b7-9973-94f930962d74	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:40:38	-385.346
-125	30589	3058900	c114a8bd-382d-42fd-9921-8465c6b59733	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:16:30	-31.884
-125	61178	3058900	32e260ea-9c58-4146-8482-c60d29f5ff1d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:02:18	730.873
-126	30590	3059000	ca7590a0-2c6f-43c0-8538-dd20158d38c3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:18:53	-472.521
-126	61180	3059000	0e383b6f-d0a9-4bdb-aafb-4d4d51cbab57	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:28:03	382.592
-127	30591	3059100	7d00306e-86a4-4d9d-929c-942d8ee637b8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:34:30	-178.288
-127	61182	3059100	cfcb3600-0c6e-4977-8942-40b1b36d251f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:21:49	-246.209
-0	30592	3059200	0dd88319-6348-4a66-ae9e-57b6c1ac2e32	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:59:51	842.192
-0	61184	3059200	adda1633-4433-4a03-9e83-5571ab76b34b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:21:51	307.969
-1	30593	3059300	7a51cb93-242a-4ef2-98b7-670dc09f2192	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:40:43	259.740
-1	61186	3059300	21758581-a81e-4c17-8947-b9c349fc1ab8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:56:24	-719.323
-2	30594	3059400	cd2b6977-ab4e-4d10-b6d1-38291a35671c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:26:05	-507.989
-2	61188	3059400	6d24df85-c226-4fc3-be2d-aef80d0f9189	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:07:31	819.265
-3	30595	3059500	7141e88d-461c-4b57-9044-9780bbf65e08	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:45:17	201.725
-3	61190	3059500	883ad50a-b016-4894-8a3b-38d3e8d8f388	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:06:26	81.567
-4	30596	3059600	821db043-df16-4249-9f43-6328cc3f6791	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:06:17	-653.312
-4	61192	3059600	36885e87-9a61-4405-b798-9fc72484c3cb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:36:22	469.49
-5	30597	3059700	1aa0ab6b-85d7-4dcf-9799-210662069bc4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:52:10	-402.516
-5	61194	3059700	38010d73-a43b-4523-b48d-adce83e369ae	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:27:39	-726.107
-6	30598	3059800	a5ce872c-9f74-4d5f-8f9b-0eb911246d26	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:40:02	475.53
-6	61196	3059800	ee0b0071-30e4-487a-9db6-01c2f44e5fe0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:18:35	961.412
-7	30599	3059900	513fd703-5447-4728-94f7-a4fd1d56df60	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:52:53	-673.992
-7	61198	3059900	f7c07f0f-5434-4b5d-860c-520cece234e5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:03:44	394.561
-8	30600	3060000	b2605b23-c0b6-405b-ad90-4c2838379ecd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:21:01	419.456
-8	61200	3060000	836e8514-8cc8-4a6e-8a6d-da1000a320bc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:26:08	-629.722
-9	30601	3060100	f9411368-b262-4dce-8b8f-69863f8985de	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:03:58	-583.497
-9	61202	3060100	4a753669-e946-40dd-9bce-b005f8c7634c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:05:29	686.899
-10	30602	3060200	87f3be53-f68a-45a5-b28c-acf57ffc86f0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:28:53	-250.970
-10	61204	3060200	cf5a1076-4fb1-415c-aed8-0bd6b0a76dc6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:08:04	879.412
-11	30603	3060300	ca0972ff-a867-4ce1-ba29-ed01d16a03c0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:23:48	-859.482
-11	61206	3060300	51794a57-7f61-4513-b924-1933a109c9ab	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:34:51	789.322
-12	30604	3060400	c7b1ad61-8a78-4b11-8021-b8ee5deecc7a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:35:38	-239.882
-12	61208	3060400	a0a4307e-ca6c-4d3b-9e2d-2f2ea78b914f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:48:38	-166.3
-13	30605	3060500	b65f9fbc-5686-4029-a30f-1fe3efc97d4a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:07:14	48.337
-13	61210	3060500	8abeaa4c-816b-44b5-8aac-e2eda09ad229	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:30:03	918.610
-14	30606	3060600	b4a5021f-9d3b-4984-833b-b11a2555287b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:52:04	-548.868
-14	61212	3060600	2a81899a-685c-4330-ba99-f9c18284c6cb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:56:38	433.7
-15	30607	3060700	061b7a15-8826-44b7-918b-278786684332	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:25:10	-88.286
-15	61214	3060700	34aca291-964f-46f0-b4ad-41a3df53815a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:17:03	832.904
-16	30608	3060800	b13af7d2-566a-468a-8a67-62de6d23db85	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:45:59	-173.657
-16	61216	3060800	98681f2a-aa5a-47a1-81c6-d344b99aef74	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:04:36	-898.831
-17	30609	3060900	2ec3fb7d-00eb-4ddd-a128-8aeff22774ba	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:08:38	-175.378
-17	61218	3060900	03d34de1-bce6-4703-8a50-3d723e82570b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:07:26	-999.49
-18	30610	3061000	e29e7564-9360-4955-9c13-c16e56177a28	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:21:14	277.588
-18	61220	3061000	9455a859-6820-43ea-abd6-f694fcd4b1d6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:56:08	-280.145
-19	30611	3061100	6f7dc318-b7be-4cc1-b523-7758be5dc420	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:33:06	-958.982
-19	61222	3061100	adc9749b-0f50-43c1-a75a-8025c1c33757	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:22:34	331.287
-20	30612	3061200	cc951fe7-89ab-47c6-b338-c9f935b0b616	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:11:09	-288.998
-20	61224	3061200	6176cdbf-8018-49d1-aea0-5f411dc445d2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:34:20	-367.632
-21	30613	3061300	de3bcd54-f313-4831-a6e7-1d0cbbff0bf5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:31:28	706.727
-21	61226	3061300	6731134d-fc86-4050-aec5-eff448b80620	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:39:35	813.79
-22	30614	3061400	c6306f96-7d35-45b5-868e-0a5000c948fd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:51:54	-730.804
-22	61228	3061400	36b2b8fb-92b2-4cf5-875f-6f88fbfa382b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:00:35	123.831
-23	30615	3061500	a3435187-b9b1-4155-a008-340f009a7e88	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:34:03	356.49
-23	61230	3061500	00034b46-0bff-4414-9683-8296e352ad26	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:38:10	484.4
-24	30616	3061600	f80bf992-e16b-43f0-9e60-1bd16b0a2b73	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:44:00	-264.213
-24	61232	3061600	1144b4f7-20f4-4e51-8ed2-6717bd3b3bf4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:31:31	704.763
-25	30617	3061700	a370d44c-0b3c-45c4-93f5-73bab8ba61e9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:22:16	-682.176
-25	61234	3061700	9b47f672-d971-4ce1-9eb2-cf78ca1d2e10	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:02:02	678.81
-26	30618	3061800	34b679fb-664f-4534-a625-16bac0d59ef7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:20:04	-679.414
-26	61236	3061800	2732dda7-2df6-4511-bf6f-170efcebec88	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:19:32	-313.649
-27	30619	3061900	11dff316-4284-475b-bf15-eadabef12a4f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:08:41	-183.333
-27	61238	3061900	d13a314c-f5cc-4c0c-80cb-905bc34310eb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:46:30	3.484
-28	30620	3062000	9e6de959-2d4c-44f8-9839-ab43212db799	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:50:59	763.50
-28	61240	3062000	476c949b-4553-44db-9fea-332ec9f69a64	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:21:43	-352.606
-29	30621	3062100	8506ca1a-4700-4b3b-a650-0f51e8cbc682	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:35:54	-107.816
-29	61242	3062100	11b99568-2787-4834-8e47-fa834f22f908	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:18:02	-183.111
-30	30622	3062200	d540fef6-1f20-4363-bb5c-c2e18d530438	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:48:21	290.3
-30	61244	3062200	b74afd8d-c3c5-4764-a675-ad44813dd1e2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:12:56	-910.338
-31	30623	3062300	6fda6efa-90d1-481b-a25f-c1278daca4d2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:58:52	756.41
-31	61246	3062300	06056b44-b161-4922-8902-8a4be3d212f8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:51:26	68.219
-32	30624	3062400	9f5c3209-a457-4d6d-91cc-bf55cf993088	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:12:56	366.97
-32	61248	3062400	aba3b31c-ab72-441f-8fa0-a300df5e12df	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:43:26	210.178
-33	30625	3062500	4287442f-f5bd-4f81-a1c1-1197e0412bb1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:04:34	-93.367
-33	61250	3062500	5415f854-f083-434a-81b1-b91650402f7b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:21:22	751.871
-34	30626	3062600	046b90e9-4640-4725-8d97-e583933505ee	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:20:07	-55.747
-34	61252	3062600	28a2390d-977a-4947-9041-ec42bfb73eb9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:17:24	112.46
-35	30627	3062700	3bc3431a-24b5-4c30-82eb-279b75a1ca1e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:42:05	-784.138
-35	61254	3062700	22578b7a-7cf8-4ce7-bc63-6f5db1837cf5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:45:15	-428.140
-36	30628	3062800	eca93214-f0d2-4d7b-891a-75191f23bfcf	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:44:54	546.671
-36	61256	3062800	4bfb7cc1-2da2-4c2a-9dde-1f9bb406f6c9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:20:00	811.374
-37	30629	3062900	06243fba-f5b8-4dba-b676-3600729f2bfe	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:39:46	11.845
-37	61258	3062900	9374342f-6ca0-4a87-aff3-efc33614eb44	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:41:13	698.82
-38	30630	3063000	afafd5b9-d58b-4218-bb8c-9910ae0c0ad4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:15:55	740.921
-38	61260	3063000	a7f3197c-d73b-45cb-8adc-f1d641d22666	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:39:32	-45.992
-39	30631	3063100	33eb8b9b-5590-432e-ba7f-acebae9e6648	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:07:35	64.357
-39	61262	3063100	93d4fea4-338c-47a6-9e4e-4526d84824bc	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:46:41	-752.44
-40	30632	3063200	98948608-4ffc-4b5d-8cfc-e2d01d3abddd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:08:10	620.657
-40	61264	3063200	a282c9f9-51bf-4cf4-be18-155d1ef9d591	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:44:13	-241.848
-41	30633	3063300	54eeb297-2d5f-4b8d-8da5-3ba326a614ab	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:22:28	-264.662
-41	61266	3063300	734a2c3a-20e0-4828-a4f0-8bb2b0ef96f4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:38:24	-847.62
-42	30634	3063400	96bdb827-16fb-437f-8922-79bc0d6f1c54	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:14:15	-202.677
-42	61268	3063400	cdd87648-4ec8-400d-8908-124166c3345f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:19:54	807.468
-43	30635	3063500	bc3f8350-6f46-4e36-afe4-f9ca6fecd946	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:02:56	109.255
-43	61270	3063500	ad5e6692-80eb-4191-a963-da4e926fc4e9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:06:20	-525.369
-44	30636	3063600	5e42b460-2b91-402e-a78f-180412a06bf9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:55:40	28.711
-44	61272	3063600	da68d9e0-dc47-42de-8830-a26ad9927bca	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:33:50	539.333
-45	30637	3063700	efa08e83-2354-4181-95f2-60effd7748dd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:39:23	137.90
-45	61274	3063700	d844b0cf-4fe2-43de-8f15-c8e3c92c58ad	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:20:57	-714.475
-46	30638	3063800	7f1a46e9-aa60-4337-ad73-932468fe76d5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:31:33	-875.232
-46	61276	3063800	0afff1af-da54-4447-aeb5-038096e92235	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:50:30	-548.519
-47	30639	3063900	28ef0900-7010-492f-bb5b-4dee08940904	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:57:39	994.498
-47	61278	3063900	e32e9f72-ca46-4cb7-97ef-d4a0249f364c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:30:17	979.327
-48	30640	3064000	2562b88e-fb8e-4d38-83d9-8d3f34d97600	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:28:34	-508.551
-48	61280	3064000	bb94cf9d-fac2-4db3-9091-d603730008e0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:27:43	816.638
-49	30641	3064100	837d454a-c073-4c10-b35f-fe7b43324b7a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:13:53	481.917
-49	61282	3064100	a7825175-29fb-45fa-8fcd-09a4b189fc67	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:43:49	908.55
-50	30642	3064200	31bfcfd4-0c8e-4a31-969b-d9146e466ed3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:28:14	-834.118
-50	61284	3064200	521d442b-7bde-4c3b-9b01-86578da56c89	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:16:08	580.884
-51	30643	3064300	64abf454-b6aa-4a2d-b57d-8abda60cae62	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:09:38	-546.672
-51	61286	3064300	9cf58c96-b43d-49cc-bdea-b633ed7e9f8c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:34:15	-919.257
-52	30644	3064400	40567154-c8f5-4939-8c1e-af73b5bd9cd1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:52:53	-287.762
-52	61288	3064400	1f9c61bc-fa57-43cc-8471-cff9a9e1e401	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:08:24	705.584
-53	30645	3064500	ab3da945-b412-4384-9d3d-b692f8f75a39	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:25:50	857.593
-53	61290	3064500	d96d67ed-0efc-4fba-9e3c-ba9d80a3da18	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:37:55	-352.305
-54	30646	3064600	066fde48-baae-42f1-865b-70f02bc85d0a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:37:49	177.725
-54	61292	3064600	d90c8b3e-850c-4179-8287-f1746c5db3ff	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:46:48	888.482
-55	30647	3064700	35e5a40a-3328-4216-a321-0df750ed99aa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:45:03	-355.341
-55	61294	3064700	f78ee2b9-f36e-4261-9a8b-2ca220f722b6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:55:26	92.65
-56	30648	3064800	c4aa7859-0ae1-48d9-b641-e0b02d8d08c9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:48:36	565.765
-56	61296	3064800	6c1e2b76-4357-44ae-8963-68e6390be570	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:55:48	-31.403
-57	30649	3064900	55f9453f-96ad-4f27-8f72-d7c94b28a8f4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:24:46	41.533
-57	61298	3064900	957e9074-af98-47b4-ac15-1c099fadd1e2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:27:44	-356.152
-58	30650	3065000	b8911ec8-6a74-4421-b119-f166b8e2f9bd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:38:34	88.480
-58	61300	3065000	30394b28-1e0a-431b-beae-a624148748b8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:32:47	44.444
-59	30651	3065100	a7c083cc-4827-4166-bef6-5feaae1161f5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:38:40	-444.242
-59	61302	3065100	e5246d40-62a8-46af-8473-f0f9eb004b5e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:59:41	119.132
-60	30652	3065200	eabd09ee-fbb9-4c25-add2-ec4940f65ec6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:12:28	-325.721
-60	61304	3065200	01685ee0-276e-4254-8a94-774b3841401e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:41:00	441.812
-61	30653	3065300	5c0198f4-917d-4f6b-9ec2-808c9da8b286	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:23:48	674.97
-61	61306	3065300	89e19950-ba4d-4eee-adf3-dc6bcab11906	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:30:25	-180.23
-62	30654	3065400	bab1b6e4-3e21-4a17-9f23-c66979d66bbe	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:16:23	-215.155
-62	61308	3065400	600e56dc-15b9-4fc4-a066-9c0d73f7723f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:00:29	-573.720
-63	30655	3065500	648d4c9a-9cd9-45b1-8ee0-431299db0d64	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:04:44	59.257
-63	61310	3065500	4107f2d7-6afc-4f04-bfbb-fefc84e5658f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:21:19	-44.217
-64	30656	3065600	c2f0a4ac-2afa-4d76-8c02-79b8e5af31a0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:22:44	758.906
-64	61312	3065600	ecafc26f-630d-49ff-ab57-9c734eac69b4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:24:25	-240.112
-65	30657	3065700	0d4399a3-79e5-4c97-9ef7-4ab9b0934172	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:45:19	-804.832
-65	61314	3065700	e7bde4dc-ef76-4e4e-905c-93ad959fcc2e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:23:49	125.769
-66	30658	3065800	df07dbb3-ec74-48dc-ba10-73241a287ebc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:36:00	-972.268
-66	61316	3065800	47d17712-9212-4e6c-8b47-c0375cc76f3f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:34:11	-273.33
-67	30659	3065900	a76260f2-73d4-40da-97c3-ccad1069fd98	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:46:07	690.326
-67	61318	3065900	2c8d3f7a-f65e-4fd1-8fa7-5b996984a8f0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:37:11	884.724
-68	30660	3066000	448c45df-1eed-434f-9d64-9cebb0edddb3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:37:52	-447.795
-68	61320	3066000	b4089fa4-1331-4b2f-b6ce-11cdbd85b78c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:04:09	-467.826
-69	30661	3066100	c4d1c0b7-0d5f-4092-add7-7cd42511201c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:18:19	771.399
-69	61322	3066100	3d5273dd-2a34-4f4e-a568-024e5cf2fe45	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:51:54	387.752
-70	30662	3066200	f7bdbaf8-0972-478c-b0d3-03c5957e3a6d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:32:26	513.950
-70	61324	3066200	cce594a6-bff0-4072-a5fe-035c8858c48a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:20:50	-565.835
-71	30663	3066300	6f857f5b-e1b9-48c8-a477-0c13a64465b2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:38:42	327.205
-71	61326	3066300	dd469148-f934-4494-b018-c2f1e7cb78b7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:19:15	151.436
-72	30664	3066400	6b4b54b4-0936-4c85-a408-fc86517b2711	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:39:34	-153.332
-72	61328	3066400	765b31e3-43b5-478f-917d-84649a49b896	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:28:47	-346.993
-73	30665	3066500	47c1d540-46bf-4db8-af5b-7f19abfac318	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:00:34	702.417
-73	61330	3066500	4bd6a86d-28b9-4150-8ae0-c394fe369571	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:56:19	425.359
-74	30666	3066600	6aaaa24b-bce7-4835-848c-4e9c2c7ad920	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:33:42	403.538
-74	61332	3066600	f3b2fa79-68fe-46f4-a99e-84abdfbe1739	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:35:34	-534.625
-75	30667	3066700	ab0c8da3-2950-4f80-825d-48c3b3834c52	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:34:53	790.132
-75	61334	3066700	3cd2925d-d8f9-499a-9e22-e0c582a32104	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:03:14	-491.999
-76	30668	3066800	ce33d70b-98d7-4ef0-8e0c-d23493270e2e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:31:39	181.547
-76	61336	3066800	473eb7af-4fed-474a-8b01-3497e168e4af	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:57:35	67.161
-77	30669	3066900	44883fb3-78b3-4a8f-ae7a-58b50b8b65e4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:03:04	-503.224
-77	61338	3066900	f1a175f0-eab9-4818-81dd-321bdcc61786	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:36:46	-672.958
-78	30670	3067000	60796242-3056-4596-a14a-0020466319d7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:27:18	709.898
-78	61340	3067000	89b4e444-ff1a-449f-b76c-d5c7536aa067	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:22:08	406.28
-79	30671	3067100	7517fd5e-77f9-4c8c-89d7-b8c4b0b5016d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:41:28	-597.200
-79	61342	3067100	2cfb9b41-7ee4-4882-a987-47b62cf4c2c2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:02:05	769.447
-80	30672	3067200	33fa1204-62ce-4838-a8c6-860a544c910b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:17:01	-467.746
-80	61344	3067200	c654eac1-7e0c-44ed-af4f-ed593cc26491	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:00:21	359.228
-81	30673	3067300	7807afb9-314e-4eda-ab38-582f1de56ea5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:32:46	818.969
-81	61346	3067300	0d4facc7-f946-42b9-9ffa-59557c0d16f0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:24:27	101.690
-82	30674	3067400	8eff47b2-de9e-43ea-98bf-5b2e815cabed	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:32:43	59.86
-82	61348	3067400	bf2ccb0c-6735-4cd6-a0e5-f974f46d686c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:52:44	-804.659
-83	30675	3067500	72364dae-88c7-4ea7-9c3f-4c097287b285	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:48:49	-231.47
-83	61350	3067500	b6c980a8-df21-4d76-b83a-199964e7b602	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:53:12	787.423
-84	30676	3067600	12675fa0-11a9-4493-b879-164ac16a6a29	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:01:12	717.146
-84	61352	3067600	3bc1f8b2-8041-4013-a839-ad92681b4b18	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:37:42	-43.269
-85	30677	3067700	4d7e87f0-0259-484a-a8ed-56ea60838b0c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:23:40	424.61
-85	61354	3067700	7243e22a-b970-47ea-83ac-72e438458ad9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:55:44	-269.33
-86	30678	3067800	c5315e29-26c3-44d5-9a7a-b0aa605f98d6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:36:54	-392.886
-86	61356	3067800	64841196-8e6c-4828-a579-3cec81b434b5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:30:56	210.743
-87	30679	3067900	d4d9dee7-6f47-4b50-8e1d-dd62af6ff8c5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:19:57	608.668
-87	61358	3067900	7117a2b5-3cc2-41d9-ab1b-98c94c87aa0a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:32:49	-887.990
-88	30680	3068000	0131e9d0-adc3-4591-9b14-a01bc12cf1e5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:01:12	-401.399
-88	61360	3068000	a8f5173c-fdca-40c8-b366-91268b5ee394	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:03:08	-138.461
-89	30681	3068100	2cb41d3b-1b03-4692-a819-0a72a991aee5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:50:30	-619.515
-89	61362	3068100	8f47d282-0128-4d1f-ac84-e2725c59c3e8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:27:02	764.884
-90	30682	3068200	c34a80e4-da8d-46f1-b467-87f10d55b58e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:35:28	-882.923
-90	61364	3068200	c7d901b3-3dfe-4f75-afd6-13b97f10e5b9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:12:39	433.890
-91	30683	3068300	71571885-e6cf-4972-b04f-697598a03aff	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:56:25	-548.32
-91	61366	3068300	b0cee7fa-aa46-4676-90f7-581dd36c6a4e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:41:39	583.784
-92	30684	3068400	e9d7f180-735e-4809-9707-18b91ab741be	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:39:39	778.22
-92	61368	3068400	d2f7271e-de01-473c-9519-6d27d0ff2d48	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:47:56	-742.216
-93	30685	3068500	6b93268d-c113-41fc-95e9-7f8b783756d5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:59:53	-441.466
-93	61370	3068500	883adab6-22dd-4de5-9351-558cc8c8d4b9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:55:54	-365.12
-94	30686	3068600	96f73595-e484-4beb-9411-b5ecf8ba04c4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:37:25	-374.143
-94	61372	3068600	cad5fca7-a072-4b80-a889-ad5887c02ab0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:04:55	976.267
-95	30687	3068700	44beb431-ed9f-4ab2-808e-c6554b7388dc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:24:04	813.792
-95	61374	3068700	7d82bb64-338e-4546-8dcf-b0f093fc4272	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:46:05	-151.17
-96	30688	3068800	1f1bb2db-81fe-4b30-8dd6-b035ec5b6de1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:05:29	-99.43
-96	61376	3068800	c687329f-dfcc-4190-bf3d-b6750e185799	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:42:18	-780.975
-97	30689	3068900	d8a0d93b-d331-4afa-b5f6-33776df04375	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:33:44	-897.408
-97	61378	3068900	13113818-96a0-4b28-918e-bae5b62e1ca8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:41:13	-709.184
-98	30690	3069000	ec6a1d98-9a3f-49bc-b67a-e392a7896544	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:29:24	-701.924
-98	61380	3069000	1a464c11-3f31-4821-a3d2-356f18271063	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:00:42	-561.659
-99	30691	3069100	15c1d8e5-7f59-48cc-aec4-094c30d7aa8d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:16:01	-69.916
-99	61382	3069100	0f4b2645-325b-4e17-a409-8fa1db985680	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:02:01	-245.239
-100	30692	3069200	7b3b0f44-f50a-4339-9ebf-5277c741069b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:14:48	-583.539
-100	61384	3069200	1fa3fdeb-3f65-4e7d-a031-138fefab05f3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:49:42	543.359
-101	30693	3069300	e435feda-718f-4df9-86cf-13842b875578	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:35:52	288.612
-101	61386	3069300	bff6a6f8-05d9-4fea-a1e1-286cee3e8396	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:24:37	-221.469
-102	30694	3069400	c521a08e-54a4-4548-b3d9-3647a897f75c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:59:19	-330.812
-102	61388	3069400	12def3b7-f2c8-4712-a13a-2844256bb783	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:16:12	-987.795
-103	30695	3069500	5ae9ea60-6306-4612-bf2f-566beba7550a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:29:48	563.645
-103	61390	3069500	06130535-44f3-4438-b4ab-26b1997c5f97	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:58:16	483.570
-104	30696	3069600	144ff3c7-554f-4805-a7b5-b61c6528df8c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:51:51	-751.705
-104	61392	3069600	33b1e898-8168-4645-a31c-3c260eb21243	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:51:20	-500.594
-105	30697	3069700	dea160a6-8724-4438-b8ec-02685616c3f5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:55:50	372.673
-105	61394	3069700	bf11c08e-38c1-4a3b-be72-183bcc75f7b2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:59:29	872.398
-106	30698	3069800	7f894373-f708-42d0-b948-cbed25924954	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:37:52	888.307
-106	61396	3069800	9a12f327-e9f7-4125-8a3a-47c0d29891a3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:36:53	215.843
-107	30699	3069900	b1132706-a633-43ac-9fbb-2d371f56a661	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:05:10	775.131
-107	61398	3069900	4d902660-a170-4d30-94db-c713d9d13ad1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:55:33	831.360
-108	30700	3070000	f0b56cfa-3880-4db1-8bb3-94cdacfcde4b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:29:30	666.577
-108	61400	3070000	d63aa550-f6ce-4dbc-9388-ee50690704cb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:33:04	472.343
-109	30701	3070100	7d2effdd-2b38-48da-a665-2d4a67ae755a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:47:45	423.817
-109	61402	3070100	5c0ef5fd-cd35-4050-86d5-451a66145109	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:44:00	335.905
-110	30702	3070200	847d6254-475a-423a-bc50-df39e3d8db83	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:12:37	-154.249
-110	61404	3070200	f8f28080-245f-462a-81f9-a9ed5f918014	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:13:06	-278.446
-111	30703	3070300	25569d91-07bc-46fb-8846-8112ab5d055a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:55:05	709.519
-111	61406	3070300	11af3eed-5c55-4ab5-8bbc-6cce7cfa6767	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:37:55	481.362
-112	30704	3070400	95b7c7ee-a053-48f3-9fe0-584dd4ad0185	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:44:19	299.850
-112	61408	3070400	6a125d99-e04b-456d-8ddf-a7c1f62ca1c6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:39:39	441.248
-113	30705	3070500	eba4b4c8-af58-42bd-8d9b-b80440df877a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:54:34	54.907
-113	61410	3070500	4bccec89-3941-4cdf-aad5-d9247799de03	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:59:11	-3.375
-114	30706	3070600	646a0a95-4926-4fe3-9c66-154b096410f9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:31:54	-556.582
-114	61412	3070600	75176ee1-087f-4f70-9595-899cb9ec6d2b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:04:22	-291.145
-115	30707	3070700	5b3d69b6-2b66-4623-a199-2752903e1af9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:01:36	-155.527
-115	61414	3070700	5c3e4789-baf8-4ba2-9160-c3ce96f0bc9c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:52:18	-4.13
-116	30708	3070800	55310dea-f47f-4192-a37a-676f699e336b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:04:03	-652.914
-116	61416	3070800	17d47395-0030-4e80-a4ef-ef53629c9f20	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:26:06	-144.903
-117	30709	3070900	411e5d88-f940-4b5e-9ece-3faf5f1ab3c6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:17:35	240.703
-117	61418	3070900	38691280-48f5-49f2-8031-7bebf1a59d7c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:03:53	-793.154
-118	30710	3071000	5911aec0-4c30-4c5c-a1e8-7f824b4d27aa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:07:34	-885.370
-118	61420	3071000	c2f94d23-0144-4965-b489-ba486b8f9a46	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:16:08	501.771
-119	30711	3071100	d93d540c-6fe5-4bed-92e6-343a305eade8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:18:03	250.257
-119	61422	3071100	a9c4a058-e16c-4fc4-81cb-8373facbfbaa	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:23:35	-382.988
-120	30712	3071200	3f13f6a2-5341-4c2e-8e49-d77b39618d0e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:16:16	969.192
-120	61424	3071200	a587fddd-0421-405e-a0ee-4a0a45642c31	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:50:23	-494.926
-121	30713	3071300	74f89ff6-e733-45ef-9dd9-34c05201a29a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:08:15	-501.655
-121	61426	3071300	3c6d63a3-ddfa-4aa8-b7d0-fb44d553f417	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:23:45	-739.303
-122	30714	3071400	75facff5-0413-409d-a339-5ede82c7a737	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:01:08	-763.779
-122	61428	3071400	235c9d80-e177-410e-adb4-99b13d5d8b21	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:30:11	539.579
-123	30715	3071500	3c3257e7-c60b-4716-aa00-5d32b63e4d08	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:18:15	-422.258
-123	61430	3071500	e9c15735-5b8d-4d02-ae29-456a77e41f5a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:56:13	593.645
-124	30716	3071600	02ebda0e-1ff2-419d-a8ba-9db03289bb4e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:28:35	980.642
-124	61432	3071600	74d7167e-38d9-4194-9739-b3274a01d91a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:24:41	-101.321
-125	30717	3071700	93cb57dd-cc5b-4395-9367-bcbd9fe7369b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:46:18	69.923
-125	61434	3071700	fbcee909-0379-4a93-a6ae-218c88e3fea9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:36:27	-708.649
-126	30718	3071800	b268add7-1706-41bc-a2c8-36a3ce3628ae	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:38:25	811.173
-126	61436	3071800	413540b2-b420-4d2f-96eb-9904eed33b7b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:57:13	-763.589
-127	30719	3071900	da9a9195-6ae6-4376-8d01-676d6461ae73	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:39:24	619.238
-127	61438	3071900	2c6c16bd-21aa-4995-8dcd-429e87507f80	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:05:13	286.100
-0	30720	3072000	b5c00ff6-e38f-451e-9a9a-109adc49342d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:43:44	207.750
-0	61440	3072000	aaa29078-afe1-45aa-a64c-9b402ec87e44	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:12:22	-603.618
-1	30721	3072100	5877fc01-07f2-401d-99eb-dff3895bec9a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:42:05	154.490
-1	61442	3072100	4cb5b3a9-8a5e-468a-a3da-e07e9b93a841	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:53:06	738.374
-2	30722	3072200	5b1f9c5f-357a-44a7-8ffb-c354b5a5f577	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:51:34	82.849
-2	61444	3072200	69228582-a833-46da-92fa-c7b7a8fb46bc	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:56:51	803.219
-3	30723	3072300	9d597e95-9f6e-486d-b255-502d36129def	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:42:02	694.422
-3	61446	3072300	2fdcb829-5267-43d4-86fb-c76d06c124d3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:50:43	-883.105
-4	30724	3072400	e6ba2533-8a11-4cae-8576-5a6b6dcedfa5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:32:49	-715.426
-4	61448	3072400	9d551a35-dce4-4025-9aef-2ffb628e7c73	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:39:36	175.744
-5	30725	3072500	96f5b089-735a-4f73-926b-b0f611effa2e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:36:24	-246.902
-5	61450	3072500	704f5f8d-281e-42af-bebc-db9dc5d894df	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:00:33	384.324
-6	30726	3072600	409425a9-b3df-4d39-be09-5fd9301a3ace	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:53:50	216.628
-6	61452	3072600	b5d0507b-d125-4b7d-939d-f6f1c439c00b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:44:15	-623.177
-7	30727	3072700	861b30df-57ad-4a1b-96c8-5c509be16b56	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:03:08	728.89
-7	61454	3072700	4d89adfc-3319-474a-adfc-607599eb612b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:45:26	-848.549
-8	30728	3072800	d02377ff-3ac8-41c0-8c10-87bee8fe90c0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:51:58	940.618
-8	61456	3072800	bd2dd670-3f35-4b6d-ab04-e2f5513b0949	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:44:00	-5.26
-9	30729	3072900	aa8af4b1-428b-44e2-a316-184fa585b0e3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:47:30	972.273
-9	61458	3072900	fbc9905f-1020-4c50-8458-da1b0c7b577a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:41:42	-602.172
-10	30730	3073000	972f81c7-d067-473d-9aa5-92b2b3ac8daf	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:00:32	-236.552
-10	61460	3073000	b557d221-6b07-4d9d-b5c2-6df1d8954685	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:20:16	-571.619
-11	30731	3073100	cb503aff-834a-444f-98e7-89fc88b8b517	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:37:05	-517.398
-11	61462	3073100	2ab58045-c00d-4ab2-8598-486d3ab8af12	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:23:30	-439.737
-12	30732	3073200	781f9949-12d3-40c8-b0f7-e3f57a4fcd15	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:55:25	12.715
-12	61464	3073200	38d7754c-f560-4d35-ba5f-6ee56d26ffa8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:40:59	138.621
-13	30733	3073300	15f9d994-e26a-4ee0-a309-7d93bb8ca3bb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:44:59	-692.481
-13	61466	3073300	19c911b8-0084-4dd0-b179-de0b0ee4c38a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:49:38	-937.587
-14	30734	3073400	eec3eab6-ad71-468e-a594-6cf9873caa51	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:19:33	580.290
-14	61468	3073400	799d4782-d78d-4483-9736-b12f3d0f5364	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:57:16	533.864
-15	30735	3073500	89dea09b-dfce-4041-8709-5df7e5c1a720	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:50:17	78.916
-15	61470	3073500	8e0fe007-7431-4133-bb56-dcf10ee6f5bb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:11:02	-839.603
-16	30736	3073600	11f62a2b-9200-4b86-b901-a8d367f9b4c4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:39:52	496.92
-16	61472	3073600	0c700a2c-1261-4bfa-b6a2-bda9d579087f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:38:21	734.905
-17	30737	3073700	1885dc7b-4297-47b4-89d0-e88648e0faf7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:26:54	329.718
-17	61474	3073700	966b9e64-a1e6-4ffc-8f18-50875d37be51	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:46:59	-353.62
-18	30738	3073800	c64e6726-eb1d-4b21-9955-eb7c0cc0f844	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:12:08	-512.962
-18	61476	3073800	87628302-7999-43bf-a877-f6651830ecad	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:50:09	556.70
-19	30739	3073900	3819db35-1879-44a3-b850-23ad90daf0cc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:59:15	-455.993
-19	61478	3073900	64fd402c-985a-4a1f-af2e-5281d90fdd23	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:38:13	-879.923
-20	30740	3074000	dbf91cbf-97e2-4ed8-9520-ab713121b20e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:26:41	414.455
-20	61480	3074000	a011c81d-6f6a-4e74-b891-d756fb9a0ae1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:15:01	907.139
-21	30741	3074100	97ab100e-487f-4035-818e-7ac62abd9596	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:23:21	-767.438
-21	61482	3074100	456c8df9-356d-4a9f-8360-de661144cc2e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:24:50	870.390
-22	30742	3074200	5a7c09e6-77ea-4fc1-a12c-450ee574be01	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:23:45	646.321
-22	61484	3074200	3d795ebf-bf24-44e7-9f78-9ab26e1ab9dd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:39:54	752.236
-23	30743	3074300	10449d95-1fb8-4d19-b0cb-0848cec21394	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:24:36	-899.615
-23	61486	3074300	acebccf2-f25b-4016-86a8-a3d23577edf8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:16:52	-64.16
-24	30744	3074400	991d6347-13aa-4f3c-aece-bd6674d9d8ef	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:56:46	317.64
-24	61488	3074400	41602f92-1331-4305-8c08-0f8768152eca	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:54:44	-751.422
-25	30745	3074500	fd094cca-e755-463d-bed8-b7070c665371	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:42:31	819.939
-25	61490	3074500	b7f4cc8e-76d6-42e0-a776-73f154316661	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:24:43	142.849
-26	30746	3074600	bd6bf227-9b67-41cd-b469-42c5d29e0d36	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:33:28	-677.228
-26	61492	3074600	0928410f-e89c-428f-88e2-b060ad5785bd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:31:17	-734.898
-27	30747	3074700	29caf6b7-4b5b-4ac2-8330-e8c95ae4c91f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:22:29	270.900
-27	61494	3074700	cb9f6d63-6321-44d0-a3fa-53914d707df2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:53:56	128.626
-28	30748	3074800	48c58448-a95f-4da6-ad96-481998324f4c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:21:23	949.16
-28	61496	3074800	97d9de0a-9a1a-4778-b7ba-05774b5b98d0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:32:07	-6.639
-29	30749	3074900	b8dcbb0d-a145-4871-bd85-263fc0c6fde8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:15:48	920.176
-29	61498	3074900	9aade2ea-dd4f-44bb-95a8-1c433277859e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:05:34	361.412
-30	30750	3075000	53785a2c-5a67-4e56-a99a-89038c8d63cb	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:17:03	-229.172
-30	61500	3075000	b4cf1645-2086-4418-b243-868628146b20	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:58:51	-235.17
-31	30751	3075100	62924acb-a4c9-41bd-ae75-07d8c2aed3ec	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:23:05	-596.395
-31	61502	3075100	dc42a1dd-7b35-44fa-b902-de7300b385f4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:13:24	630.426
-32	30752	3075200	fa70c09c-fd6e-4165-8e1a-bce1273905f9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:09:04	450.243
-32	61504	3075200	9d58b35a-5f18-45ed-b5a9-43c9d79f8cb6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:24:13	-381.217
-33	30753	3075300	e10de131-4645-4853-b570-632497936061	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:44:36	-551.928
-33	61506	3075300	3ad1a552-0af9-4aa3-b423-7c81951c857d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:53:12	534.288
-34	30754	3075400	5ba44d98-1fc2-465e-96ba-ff7dcd692c56	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:46:25	17.858
-34	61508	3075400	937c1fac-3e66-4b3e-93c0-4ded7344685e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:51:41	817.551
-35	30755	3075500	1b1ec363-a4a3-47a2-be28-136d427fc664	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:02:35	619.998
-35	61510	3075500	27e8422c-a516-4ed4-8902-feeb7e5995ba	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:59:10	-236.916
-36	30756	3075600	f18d1e58-3575-4080-bd2b-c504c82d3d76	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:28:45	44.556
-36	61512	3075600	c7d30f0d-35c8-4b35-8721-37b046e6f1bf	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:17:16	-197.580
-37	30757	3075700	c1d33cee-a4ee-4770-bcdb-160a00ef6663	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:58:07	-296.672
-37	61514	3075700	d3e8daa1-4cb5-4368-830e-d86bc80e6838	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:19:51	842.62
-38	30758	3075800	aa82ddc5-51ee-40f4-b7b7-33d6516eb7ff	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:32:29	-941.35
-38	61516	3075800	9defde3c-71be-485c-8457-2afaa510f08e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:53:49	-347.536
-39	30759	3075900	c55c6008-304e-4b3c-ab18-68999fee9872	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:46:03	-313.171
-39	61518	3075900	63b14355-a7e6-4498-b08c-90405016c8a1	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:46:51	-285.326
-40	30760	3076000	cfc9f892-f4a4-4add-9525-0afc554391af	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:36:45	819.142
-40	61520	3076000	4879dd07-7973-45ff-bb59-c9369cfbdff8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:50:25	739.630
-41	30761	3076100	02166c2b-c3d3-40bd-baa4-e920c70038af	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:49:08	716.308
-41	61522	3076100	64bf6b95-dff7-4058-9953-9d9a6b5d7a53	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:38:00	632.984
-42	30762	3076200	364bf475-14c9-4456-996c-9e9ea8e68a6b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:27:16	-929.98
-42	61524	3076200	530231bb-c494-49ec-880e-786c7dea6ad8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:47:11	480.347
-43	30763	3076300	62a0fc7a-fed4-4097-87c0-b6fe488169da	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:39:52	-584.770
-43	61526	3076300	592246b4-a465-45c5-b6ed-3ffc36069208	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:52:53	-254.4
-44	30764	3076400	6ae9ccb9-3e2c-48e1-a069-fd8ee168de15	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:36:31	-353.968
-44	61528	3076400	b6dfe8f8-2f5f-44cb-a704-9aa85c28688a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:29:58	643.851
-45	30765	3076500	1947a3e6-7f18-4ee0-adf0-f3c0e650c274	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:26:25	608.679
-45	61530	3076500	b6929329-f5b8-4a69-a150-873f4ad9c1d5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:30:02	731.684
-46	30766	3076600	14a18b08-b8ef-46d4-a2be-95c101acf03a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:00:45	957.261
-46	61532	3076600	8f9b3806-5e58-4fd9-88de-6182bae345a0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:01:29	-185.879
-47	30767	3076700	8b8f2bbd-9306-4379-ab2b-ea89c705389e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:53:33	-234.713
-47	61534	3076700	bebe8880-d0c0-492b-bda0-c810c653081f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:40:16	-304.356
-48	30768	3076800	0f9feb4e-7fa6-4f1d-9373-6d9753ac7d99	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:13:11	-158.503
-48	61536	3076800	21fce576-d138-4559-8bfe-fae4cdc2e025	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:57:26	769.9
-49	30769	3076900	2dc000a5-5ef0-42e0-a45b-3483c345bfcb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:18:00	-725.64
-49	61538	3076900	09d7d506-25c1-4166-9b1d-245305dab6ed	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:56:54	72.616
-50	30770	3077000	3cf6b235-dec8-4540-9af0-d47821a4b8e4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:38:06	-628.563
-50	61540	3077000	8154e854-87f7-40a7-be52-0e9c447a3963	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:48:38	-80.67
-51	30771	3077100	7de06c81-0fe8-426f-b9d0-bd193c71118e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:43:34	798.720
-51	61542	3077100	f4214f03-b2f2-4703-8979-50b947e6baef	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:07:56	-923.294
-52	30772	3077200	bca2313c-4904-4e6e-8111-39b57390be69	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:01:34	-362.174
-52	61544	3077200	bf1b1887-0fe5-48a9-911a-cab0746772d0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:35:34	-663.538
-53	30773	3077300	1ad93c79-1edb-4ec0-9a54-3d6feb7b2398	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:42:16	649.668
-53	61546	3077300	9b7d1817-ad31-41d4-b3d3-7e9372eacd11	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:32:18	-258.39
-54	30774	3077400	18a7e5f4-2ac9-4066-b11a-559c0a805e3d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:26:16	-938.672
-54	61548	3077400	517022b6-8176-4820-a074-ce43a149d884	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:44:45	885.652
-55	30775	3077500	5134fcd5-2158-4fb3-aaac-8d4bd42c8f75	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:26:08	559.559
-55	61550	3077500	b0a2c7a7-f668-46e8-b288-44107c0bd59b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:37:02	251.676
-56	30776	3077600	3354935a-8c2e-422d-b1c6-527e18a89da2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:57:22	-189.264
-56	61552	3077600	f8347888-19fb-46cc-863f-694a5ccbae48	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:02:38	-888.788
-57	30777	3077700	ad95a1b7-22ae-47f6-a3c9-3cce2b80e921	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:55:01	-727.283
-57	61554	3077700	52300503-fe5e-44ba-9405-dca9ef999c13	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:41:59	-87.131
-58	30778	3077800	3f27868d-edf8-4394-a7d1-e6a3925c9fb5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:43:19	772.57
-58	61556	3077800	7cf9a106-3bbc-454a-90f5-076f81db95bd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:31:12	730.346
-59	30779	3077900	29242e26-1f03-490a-8f77-8c25a1aa60c9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:33:27	-870.688
-59	61558	3077900	00b499bf-9a96-4d09-b9b6-179c31169ab8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:16:37	560.856
-60	30780	3078000	750a1071-2b05-4aed-88bf-e92c2818ec67	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:30:39	992.914
-60	61560	3078000	a6c27de2-2940-4b66-b32e-e5502f96faaf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:01:59	655.268
-61	30781	3078100	a7ae9c78-7694-4cea-ab46-75a6ede3da31	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:56:26	104.555
-61	61562	3078100	8a95dfcc-c606-476d-be08-1e736ec62225	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:11:18	-610.966
-62	30782	3078200	679a1f6c-9b92-4a3e-b1d5-b530bbc5ef07	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:19:55	904.703
-62	61564	3078200	ff2a7f90-4f0c-40e5-b279-e4e3981e7a8d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:18:27	237.388
-63	30783	3078300	47816186-81d3-434a-bd9a-a9e31b78529a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:55:21	360.733
-63	61566	3078300	d84b5dd5-56f6-489f-ae80-eb302fa1c30e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:35:20	257.162
-64	30784	3078400	0eb5a2d1-f45f-4c19-a949-e190c3c89c89	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:35:40	941.440
-64	61568	3078400	92d3e90a-a602-488e-9679-858de65731a2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:35:01	75.200
-65	30785	3078500	2a41b817-6738-4b70-92e1-b874db2f9a98	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:58:13	-411.373
-65	61570	3078500	43453c50-65cc-46ca-bf05-674f6e134106	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:56:39	-877.49
-66	30786	3078600	7c7eae1e-3345-487f-be2c-90729afc77a0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:56:21	780.322
-66	61572	3078600	05a22f4c-8301-45e6-930a-02c5074bda54	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:24:50	-813.83
-67	30787	3078700	f49e6d46-8c0a-41ab-9d85-ed3ce67cf853	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:47:30	-235.308
-67	61574	3078700	436bd759-4245-4124-b73d-356e153d0584	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:24:27	-739.609
-68	30788	3078800	92ddaae7-9468-44b2-a3ec-888f8a8d0470	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:19:52	-984.222
-68	61576	3078800	a16fe047-00b4-4d74-9430-35591859c2c1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:19:31	-620.82
-69	30789	3078900	9dd56065-f06a-4075-8884-f1c485fead7a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:43:58	-865.729
-69	61578	3078900	13c96028-0d8c-4bfb-9aea-11c7365e206d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:22:11	-537.98
-70	30790	3079000	3627f1dd-4e9d-4deb-ae96-91d6305a9f4b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:09:34	838.692
-70	61580	3079000	72c8838f-4e56-4afd-99c6-b0d1aba09eaa	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:22:32	-125.356
-71	30791	3079100	d643b5a1-9eae-453d-974f-81e87efd0b05	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:48:18	156.448
-71	61582	3079100	ad563e87-c99b-49cf-8d19-eccabd3a7c73	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:02:59	-348.93
-72	30792	3079200	f07e5fc7-9d77-4929-a1cc-49ae772b059b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:48:58	-787.564
-72	61584	3079200	1c056d29-855e-4aa5-af43-f06ee09cb0ce	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:37:20	219.583
-73	30793	3079300	ad4a999a-b5fe-4ded-9f86-08093dc4eb1e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:40:43	-453.322
-73	61586	3079300	102329fe-9d47-4f59-83e7-73bda0cb1667	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:01:04	886.624
-74	30794	3079400	28f8fe25-8e1b-466e-b172-fc3f02fa2d93	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:16:01	-471.205
-74	61588	3079400	65a81035-5866-4f11-953e-72a2baf75e20	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:07:23	605.923
-75	30795	3079500	2e5ef0f6-dbe9-4ea0-a676-03fa8aa094de	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:36:45	-955.337
-75	61590	3079500	0d594296-5b0b-47f7-8439-7ae53f065228	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:27:41	-713.718
-76	30796	3079600	2b1a010e-0c36-4daa-addd-f7a24956759a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:14:13	359.929
-76	61592	3079600	f9de10f7-08c3-4543-b9bf-8d4f5fd05a62	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:34:09	841.289
-77	30797	3079700	54803dfb-873a-4e29-9f2c-08fa884845a8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:41:31	868.562
-77	61594	3079700	15a85346-21cc-42ee-8d4e-8bcd2412effc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:05:51	-344.588
-78	30798	3079800	c4092661-9032-4264-85fc-ac0a240ffe70	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:15:39	-108.356
-78	61596	3079800	410f49f8-195e-48ef-b2c1-3f42c5c3a87c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:56:05	979.278
-79	30799	3079900	d860edc0-00d5-428d-b98e-b0b52621e917	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:58:37	-618.301
-79	61598	3079900	2e819a66-a0ab-4319-84c1-bdab9014ba7f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:24:14	393.545
-80	30800	3080000	f286d3cf-7537-48bf-875f-93149575ad11	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:30:44	636.594
-80	61600	3080000	a3b1f60d-34e8-4523-bc4f-ca67d6352384	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:39:36	645.139
-81	30801	3080100	22f52414-1890-410f-8810-9fa690435bdd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:29:26	911.418
-81	61602	3080100	69479135-bf00-423c-9681-45e1a63685cd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:29:55	279.18
-82	30802	3080200	856f80e4-3a27-415b-9fc5-4610eea7921e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:09:39	-932.828
-82	61604	3080200	a6076187-647c-45bc-b107-932f2040e2ab	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:04:30	-300.671
-83	30803	3080300	0a00faa9-236b-49bb-942e-d3b38e8c8015	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:13:16	-631.99
-83	61606	3080300	03e9bb2e-b2a6-436c-986f-92fa3cbd9e52	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:37:32	-94.367
-84	30804	3080400	28aeb676-e689-4794-91cb-a150a789adb1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:35:41	233.101
-84	61608	3080400	8f0017b3-656e-4534-8bce-adf98cd4ad43	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:47:54	424.192
-85	30805	3080500	522db340-0319-41e0-a820-e4d7e3ed430f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:43:53	-742.138
-85	61610	3080500	9124bbfb-7a31-4b2b-9a14-4078065ecb63	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:14:12	374.679
-86	30806	3080600	4e2fd99a-3ef3-464c-9db0-4a510d106b42	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:19:08	663.615
-86	61612	3080600	e1a46eae-9fe0-4fe2-88c3-76775928e6fb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:29:46	281.235
-87	30807	3080700	28bd466e-3438-4570-ae18-36bc648ea05a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:58:41	-46.688
-87	61614	3080700	0e531623-1bb3-4bb0-8928-5738ecba946a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:20:53	-303.303
-88	30808	3080800	64a0783d-031c-407d-adb2-938cc961c6a6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:35:08	857.639
-88	61616	3080800	0601804d-b5fe-4709-a7c2-5ee254079bfd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:58:58	940.859
-89	30809	3080900	8115e537-e13e-4f04-b80b-b78ba870698b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:15:43	-823.886
-89	61618	3080900	563b5783-e802-42ca-881b-3ddbff0c5a14	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:30:25	68.363
-90	30810	3081000	a91b95e8-0a90-4d3a-91bd-c0a03e88eb58	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:17:14	74.619
-90	61620	3081000	ae12db7f-c06e-4a8c-b63c-5ef16048be0a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:32:28	-363.977
-91	30811	3081100	924e5a61-f1a6-4b16-ab9c-77575afb195c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:48:27	-776.246
-91	61622	3081100	73d5c888-1c97-4824-8237-dbabb57d5164	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:20:15	725.525
-92	30812	3081200	fa60bb91-1c07-4d51-a172-442da0914fd9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:20:21	-208.861
-92	61624	3081200	6cd6d2a6-860b-4d7f-b8ce-f14cf42eac9a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:21:05	190.592
-93	30813	3081300	059a1c8d-9800-4c24-9f72-a6a50c0119ba	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:17:16	-429.85
-93	61626	3081300	c6ff332d-cba0-4884-9330-08457025ae8e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:33:41	351.238
-94	30814	3081400	11cd5fad-a875-44b4-af5b-22494d429251	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:15:55	654.226
-94	61628	3081400	11843741-c549-425d-99af-0ed15ea09ba9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:38:37	845.932
-95	30815	3081500	c8944a84-d47e-4cff-a363-12a1b60c957b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:32:20	478.661
-95	61630	3081500	bab53b0f-2b9a-4acb-ba2e-abf7bf3712b0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:06:52	424.348
-96	30816	3081600	fe244a50-be95-43f2-b788-4fbb236ab19f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:22:58	977.255
-96	61632	3081600	b8bb0ac9-17f9-42a8-ade8-59d8d0fc5e5b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:54:28	365.451
-97	30817	3081700	ff71eb50-b264-4189-a570-2ecad60ecfb2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:46:47	40.698
-97	61634	3081700	2938159b-e85e-42eb-afb7-97ee66e5e04b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:43:40	800.339
-98	30818	3081800	7b9803e3-cd31-43ba-9935-6a50562ac40c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:52:10	-962.515
-98	61636	3081800	8aeb087e-718b-44e2-b7c6-bdb37a933578	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:18:21	352.79
-99	30819	3081900	68200826-0940-4fc0-9704-388429cb51b9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:38:51	-239.846
-99	61638	3081900	d890b277-92c1-4e7e-9fe9-829a383f754b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:58:05	-404.541
-100	30820	3082000	741cbcf1-15d6-4650-9015-607aed274bd7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:57:54	-825.242
-100	61640	3082000	21026046-1111-4d98-8dbd-16b0ee5695d9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:38:15	-375.202
-101	30821	3082100	e90f8f96-fc5f-4e55-8168-fe7166661a23	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:33:53	910.587
-101	61642	3082100	51019099-4e8b-4e82-aa54-0149955eab13	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:42:12	-237.384
-102	30822	3082200	ef5740e0-c18b-4a31-89b5-63c7b8b19f4c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:16:46	-640.693
-102	61644	3082200	10d4f96e-5eee-4b13-8dd3-04212a0168fe	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:33:37	-160.547
-103	30823	3082300	c3da5f02-b57d-48df-a969-e752f7e8dfd6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:01:47	816.481
-103	61646	3082300	0eb5155c-7f39-493f-a4fb-7f43d570aae4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:08:12	445.643
-104	30824	3082400	51d0798b-700f-4d83-8f38-87471a82335b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:09:59	-312.165
-104	61648	3082400	6c94417f-acae-4e34-a763-2f56ffa0b8f9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:01:15	-150.167
-105	30825	3082500	b16c2f41-8052-4ddd-9b0c-ad5539b7767e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:58:12	282.939
-105	61650	3082500	15cd8d12-026a-4422-a57a-18c00a6426b4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:16:35	605.120
-106	30826	3082600	3f7b3d7c-f5df-4883-8fd9-5feb84f680f8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:12:27	416.421
-106	61652	3082600	529527f2-62c2-4817-af1c-4aad5c0f7294	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:54:43	-595.6
-107	30827	3082700	af852b9c-2e03-4c91-af3a-8f7833ecbb7d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:20:25	-80.370
-107	61654	3082700	6af4eab2-8d67-44a7-b7c7-560f252a3f32	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:56:28	-277.501
-108	30828	3082800	cc7f04c6-f463-48e2-9d40-95c824c98b3d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:21:08	241.467
-108	61656	3082800	da344e0e-b123-4ba9-ade7-a25fa3f3a419	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:05:07	-848.180
-109	30829	3082900	e7a61124-05e1-4e90-8be0-1d90ec202a90	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:29:07	-532.666
-109	61658	3082900	25409710-80f9-4140-82ec-31d868d4185e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:44:32	802.579
-110	30830	3083000	d5ef7d9a-bff9-4c7e-b931-2950eaa0cafd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:07:33	-153.86
-110	61660	3083000	7fc4b2d6-c8e9-4135-99e7-08aca82cb815	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:54:35	-269.866
-111	30831	3083100	c55930fd-db29-4da3-9df5-f3a6bed3967e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:35:48	200.964
-111	61662	3083100	84a7a7f7-f293-45f8-af0c-3e7fbde1be55	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:51:06	-366.377
-112	30832	3083200	4d813452-5a81-4c1a-b7e0-b973a9bceea1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:14:59	435.639
-112	61664	3083200	c384fe9e-b113-4b1c-8bff-96e0100d6194	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:17:20	-582.317
-113	30833	3083300	99144795-0038-4f28-8f28-d01f846cb11a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:26:05	323.445
-113	61666	3083300	67165835-5112-43f2-b295-a7fe8738fce3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:29:36	620.949
-114	30834	3083400	94a65e34-37e8-4b94-83e5-ec1dc7b6a6ed	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:00:45	556.488
-114	61668	3083400	67e6b007-24df-43f9-ad4d-3b78ebd9152b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:41:41	89.913
-115	30835	3083500	5bc9cc5c-dbb9-48bb-92b1-eb63c4b6fa99	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:35:31	233.943
-115	61670	3083500	69546d1d-2574-4abb-ab8c-8f74231553cb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:00:01	18.639
-116	30836	3083600	dce7655d-14d8-425b-9320-279fa019a7f9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:38:14	-656.134
-116	61672	3083600	07398923-91a7-4f52-b071-2466efcc312b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:06:19	-750.752
-117	30837	3083700	89de08f5-b2e9-4c5d-9903-184435c83a96	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:13:15	180.874
-117	61674	3083700	576a7f22-1ff0-4395-9d5d-49e14b0ef7da	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:05:40	337.13
-118	30838	3083800	e4604da3-01e6-4408-a20e-a484467a0605	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:46:01	946.676
-118	61676	3083800	5463a5e3-7f2c-45ad-8f60-d79cc749bbb0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:33:16	602.635
-119	30839	3083900	0354c120-48d0-44db-8e3e-0eaf78d0f4f2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:10:32	879.143
-119	61678	3083900	c659ad98-f903-477a-9981-3c8dc71f1c3f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:28:46	511.880
-120	30840	3084000	050fc8f4-44fb-4778-bd05-3812adb6b927	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:34:42	-165.410
-120	61680	3084000	3cce5522-a0a1-469a-9cbb-78d0dfcb5fc6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:08:37	-46.991
-121	30841	3084100	592a60f0-d6a9-42a9-afeb-916f3f95830c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:28:44	352.964
-121	61682	3084100	04ec3989-353f-40a2-af18-672e6a0d00b2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:56:09	-534.696
-122	30842	3084200	e41495f8-f4d4-4612-a17f-a7447e2a01bd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:12:48	-560.35
-122	61684	3084200	f744ea12-26e2-46ca-bec5-b324215da54b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:36:17	-964.123
-123	30843	3084300	5d60b0e5-db44-4e0b-b35a-af48ea04e5cb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:24:21	871.572
-123	61686	3084300	ba13256f-5eac-4948-8431-89c680584f44	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:35:21	652.677
-124	30844	3084400	6ee0e67e-d19d-4715-9f81-51562afcfdbd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:07:13	-500.399
-124	61688	3084400	5961e825-3bf8-4847-b9a5-bdcb82338b95	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:16:39	-761.233
-125	30845	3084500	c1d30e79-4b0a-4f84-b37e-25785209e936	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:27:10	54.646
-125	61690	3084500	2a9aa1ba-b4ca-411f-b2ce-10811dfb02df	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:06:40	709.783
-126	30846	3084600	d6edbe33-5e07-44c4-9e1c-e96652d1b163	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:17:45	-161.19
-126	61692	3084600	9fc52129-f6e1-4b4e-8afa-cda3c9d17b1d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:47:06	-144.581
-127	30847	3084700	75f6a35b-3d18-437a-8aca-250c8aff4fec	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:37:08	64.733
-127	61694	3084700	67609481-a996-4f1d-b767-136274d925f1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:35:27	736.146
-0	30848	3084800	41c86895-ca8a-4d45-b212-17c00b74de12	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:34:40	-321.660
-0	61696	3084800	73eed687-bfcf-4d72-9caa-00583871508b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:04:36	692.677
-1	30849	3084900	6a655876-e0bf-44a1-aa42-7ed8b3e24d2d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:26:46	522.118
-1	61698	3084900	1062ce34-3935-4e2e-ae9c-28e24a47a476	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:20:09	-698.888
-2	30850	3085000	0a57dced-5ea1-4d57-b76c-c87354caab34	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:39:48	475.917
-2	61700	3085000	94761a1c-1aef-4e7e-b027-235b5340564c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:55:25	593.350
-3	30851	3085100	f7076c74-222c-4f56-8cb3-bfd675d29174	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:48:05	798.746
-3	61702	3085100	e20f53ae-1cc5-4fdc-93fe-7550282e760d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:58:37	-830.16
-4	30852	3085200	1ff78b95-0510-4885-94ea-fc1cad5411ce	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:24:51	-564.785
-4	61704	3085200	b4216d69-7d2d-4742-9ec1-7e730c5ce32a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:19:51	598.895
-5	30853	3085300	b9f634b1-d69f-4b7f-8a41-55d4f10ee0bc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:21:17	-769.719
-5	61706	3085300	a78aaee3-1d70-4e59-9377-b8497d667e5e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:46:56	97.499
-6	30854	3085400	fb0603b0-3209-4b70-9370-9d0449bba4f2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:44:15	-315.833
-6	61708	3085400	db651146-e3f6-4389-97cb-85091c25362d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:23:31	-786.79
-7	30855	3085500	d0994bde-3671-4207-9f5d-f83d85dd6d5e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:20:56	-883.72
-7	61710	3085500	d6746fbb-acad-4d1e-8adf-02bb0932d68a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:00:37	924.372
-8	30856	3085600	03b9d392-e5f4-4f62-949f-4eb655a55a3e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:48:00	-357.83
-8	61712	3085600	f1eab182-8f77-42ee-9d21-4ac0139c91f2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:00:59	569.897
-9	30857	3085700	0a7eb652-b658-4b7c-89e8-404b25eb1196	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:54:56	-56.854
-9	61714	3085700	df98c940-3332-4cbb-9704-e7823512c211	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:25:11	-118.90
-10	30858	3085800	0643b889-a5c6-434a-8c9e-841cc79ed397	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:55:05	-982.974
-10	61716	3085800	5340f5b5-2173-4554-854c-5da6c9f9b099	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:03:11	-165.975
-11	30859	3085900	1451d0fb-097e-4ff0-8ab1-8bcad1926621	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:44:27	776.182
-11	61718	3085900	ededd051-03c2-49b6-8173-8e488ebf1a27	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:17:49	-84.11
-12	30860	3086000	cdf5ea5c-9d73-47dc-aaac-588e2f343a0b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:54:57	531.362
-12	61720	3086000	617c3055-22a5-4f9f-b199-a868cd97d80a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:23:49	-986.293
-13	30861	3086100	03177f99-81d3-4c1f-88c8-5b5793c7a012	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:35:38	223.636
-13	61722	3086100	8be05b66-e9b8-4c2e-bad0-e5921c0b7f96	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:34:43	-54.12
-14	30862	3086200	79175ac3-7737-42a9-9dd3-98cbbfa1ff8f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:00:40	335.617
-14	61724	3086200	ca26d903-1f4c-4bd0-9e07-f859ef86b0fe	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:26:05	695.513
-15	30863	3086300	f32bcea9-53ac-4762-848e-0ef3801c5756	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:33:27	-993.972
-15	61726	3086300	6dc0fbd5-f7f7-4f2a-a51a-9b202088b4dd	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:56:07	888.785
-16	30864	3086400	a40c36f9-dad6-4fd6-80cb-4d45628fe21c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:14:39	-553.113
-16	61728	3086400	707dfde5-f9b4-4fb7-b6e7-0e1ad9ef30c4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:23:40	877.695
-17	30865	3086500	a6bd8fd0-93fc-4972-a8ad-78746acefb10	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:13:45	216.208
-17	61730	3086500	88bcf5ad-7036-4bf7-8dbc-3453a73e2398	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:10:56	594.563
-18	30866	3086600	54bc167a-2cea-4e68-8a1b-c47d4bf8a861	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:55:44	-482.122
-18	61732	3086600	7d8ae3df-8c88-4933-912f-e058cecefab1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:31:02	908.765
-19	30867	3086700	fa11fffd-1f6a-42bd-a3a5-6d014687ad28	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:59:16	-891.457
-19	61734	3086700	4a6ab91f-521b-43f9-91fa-1a7378a3fefd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:27:49	881.857
-20	30868	3086800	e8a0e71f-ad2d-42a3-b980-9e87f3b5fd4c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:58:55	802.76
-20	61736	3086800	3397a28b-cb7d-4ee1-96cb-a24515774130	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:34:30	929.306
-21	30869	3086900	3bbb974f-58f9-4c2d-9090-5e742a0cf6be	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:27:22	-616.154
-21	61738	3086900	73ede220-c862-41a0-890c-c676416ff6f5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:30:58	-450.495
-22	30870	3087000	30b710dc-0732-453b-b641-66d84d4fcf4d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:31:14	668.507
-22	61740	3087000	68e10a10-bb1c-4000-a876-c71d2ae581bb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:13:01	975.938
-23	30871	3087100	f31518b7-8908-4594-bed2-f5e4c355f3fe	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:58:14	-743.256
-23	61742	3087100	86df25b9-9dd6-4395-8c09-9e90c3d3f003	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:53:17	-641.281
-24	30872	3087200	e90d15b7-b5e6-49ca-a04d-ae709769a848	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:33:46	-720.838
-24	61744	3087200	8354b1b2-d2b2-4259-979a-4e8e1003e36f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:10:45	-779.819
-25	30873	3087300	ea64f0db-edc5-4f01-9de1-f2a58e4c4d9e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:09:38	420.461
-25	61746	3087300	b5b2a2b6-40f3-48e0-b267-fbcdad1c06d3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:34:57	995.623
-26	30874	3087400	e667e9c9-3497-43de-8815-c745587e935f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:07:22	703.46
-26	61748	3087400	a07ec45b-f2cd-41fc-8e32-2554ef9b9c35	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:01:23	261.120
-27	30875	3087500	ab3c340f-b33c-4810-a7a7-d060306a4dc1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:33:29	169.812
-27	61750	3087500	6ab16c3c-ad47-461f-bd7c-9a5bd66ff953	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:53:39	-352.483
-28	30876	3087600	66577fe7-3fbc-4518-86a5-859d8bbb9d89	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:20:26	616.732
-28	61752	3087600	2ff30f2d-a468-4509-acc8-87cff6eec0d4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:31:16	421.786
-29	30877	3087700	269fb5f8-d7ab-436e-b7be-533b4ae8c1c5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:24:04	-317.182
-29	61754	3087700	d639e845-178e-4380-aa31-a4b9c8f4ce75	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:19:51	-556.409
-30	30878	3087800	54d36aa4-bbe7-4bae-89a4-1bd848a4a5c3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:45:42	724.124
-30	61756	3087800	e6292ca0-f2b4-4e43-af81-54b25bb60e12	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:45:22	318.45
-31	30879	3087900	b5c0d61f-abc4-4fea-b2b2-45c4edfbe592	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:31:44	551.80
-31	61758	3087900	f2624b8f-500c-4f4c-a644-ba1b7053d0cd	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:33:00	617.448
-32	30880	3088000	9db0883e-a167-47ed-b9d2-7948e76a7be7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:32:35	-196.966
-32	61760	3088000	9e4375e6-e2e4-40c2-8dfc-40b6715509ea	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:54:35	949.132
-33	30881	3088100	7a5d969b-ac09-4f6d-9956-8d506aba6cd8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:39:02	-49.976
-33	61762	3088100	f0db5c26-c85e-4afe-920e-3b8c26611266	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:22:34	926.12
-34	30882	3088200	23e5f41d-d844-4d9d-b71a-0b144c6f6cde	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:48:12	-484.835
-34	61764	3088200	6dddc01c-348d-4104-91f0-137e0c4b2160	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:43:47	200.340
-35	30883	3088300	bbf8df33-ca9f-400c-836b-0526eded6618	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:38:49	-988.685
-35	61766	3088300	ec2fc0a3-8a99-44bf-9237-002eb5705656	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:03:30	-803.598
-36	30884	3088400	1d996bbd-77fa-45b4-ae13-0e00dacb7333	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:42:34	-933.56
-36	61768	3088400	d4f7a940-bc86-40ea-848c-1846bddeb434	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:06:00	-782.514
-37	30885	3088500	440d7123-dbb1-4a9d-92ed-734127220b1f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:28:33	436.802
-37	61770	3088500	bfc2538a-1993-4cc1-b6b9-7f9c63695229	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:25:13	-355.496
-38	30886	3088600	b61196d2-02f5-4cfe-867c-fd8d711ec39a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:22:36	257.372
-38	61772	3088600	12f83f78-874f-4b58-bb24-fcf8e4722761	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:19:16	253.480
-39	30887	3088700	9a681ac3-69af-4add-9a78-e49296e54b16	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:17:41	-711.61
-39	61774	3088700	66ad2e8a-138e-491a-ae78-f36c1bde3efb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:07:31	53.676
-40	30888	3088800	a1b759ac-ae59-42d1-bc74-8fbf454eb0b2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:34:11	-325.530
-40	61776	3088800	a541d3ff-c919-43e2-a4a3-d0ad0764581e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:54:35	118.342
-41	30889	3088900	4b14af70-e889-45b0-8a18-4e8c9e9da9fd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:40:20	147.976
-41	61778	3088900	3c4362e7-c897-4a6f-8268-d642051ac587	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:17:36	103.656
-42	30890	3089000	d8359ae2-3e02-4159-be43-01abf7f9f022	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:46:11	527.776
-42	61780	3089000	f23a4258-1fa8-4029-bc4e-b15349644d48	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:33:55	514.595
-43	30891	3089100	2dc0cb88-3369-4796-8b41-48c10cc6ab0b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:19:47	-575.674
-43	61782	3089100	2c52d20a-36f2-402d-8f33-33c5c0de5441	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:07:34	194.689
-44	30892	3089200	b4593664-3293-4641-9a0f-ade5aef6659f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:56:43	-148.350
-44	61784	3089200	93efa5ba-15c3-4f48-abe4-453317971527	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:18:52	-117.580
-45	30893	3089300	04911ca1-bdad-4516-b13b-0224232b45e3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:42:15	18.73
-45	61786	3089300	b7273cc5-f449-4aa8-9df1-8a3e8a7d0e42	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:42:47	133.71
-46	30894	3089400	96fd867e-b6a5-473c-a99b-ee1a77415e2d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:12:04	-668.555
-46	61788	3089400	ae891c40-9337-4c2c-9b28-8248c65d355e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:26:27	-280.515
-47	30895	3089500	a34cd9ac-6224-47ae-a643-0a1e8e801810	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:25:16	911.272
-47	61790	3089500	d360e996-666e-4f8e-8a1e-af896fd82401	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:46:46	-493.632
-48	30896	3089600	83aac550-bd6a-46fe-8f7e-ae55358bc468	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:43:20	730.755
-48	61792	3089600	54e8ca9d-023e-408e-98eb-55772a9622bc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:15:45	885.387
-49	30897	3089700	5b77c23c-8750-4908-b5e3-c00c77bb7387	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:44:15	406.661
-49	61794	3089700	4bf5ff3e-f21b-4048-9640-06a3fd929919	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:08:24	427.692
-50	30898	3089800	2a7c247d-d1ca-4ac3-bb70-b7db2312e5ec	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:24:01	-414.912
-50	61796	3089800	17aab5e5-e59f-4aa2-aa51-de3e19919a7d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:14:46	-300.586
-51	30899	3089900	a2cf5614-5ceb-4417-a9ed-d1914b13bda5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:24:57	-528.443
-51	61798	3089900	c3bbf15d-ac25-476f-8164-9b9da7732e94	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:13:28	-697.847
-52	30900	3090000	9f8425a9-a5f8-45d0-8a80-eefd33c6db73	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:39:38	-246.954
-52	61800	3090000	8fdb403f-ec9a-4d47-83e8-721a85c53467	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:24:30	-893.670
-53	30901	3090100	5fc5efcd-3b3d-4447-b83d-a4a8bf397bce	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:20:15	-665.781
-53	61802	3090100	4a266872-d678-40eb-81bf-3178bf7fa2e1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:35:07	554.104
-54	30902	3090200	154ec461-bf09-4e8a-bcf1-563a1b059b27	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:14:19	991.905
-54	61804	3090200	570b2140-4524-4148-8a02-26321e3142f7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:54:51	718.773
-55	30903	3090300	1269bdcd-134c-47d9-8a93-a7647130f36e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:39:58	-364.230
-55	61806	3090300	6182a225-4b35-47e6-b64f-b16fa9a67dd6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:54:04	-121.897
-56	30904	3090400	9f78a179-652d-42ea-8096-239440d71c19	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:58:21	-112.30
-56	61808	3090400	2ea040c3-03dc-4d99-98ac-ffa0f1994e82	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:31:24	-906.672
-57	30905	3090500	32f7acd7-e85f-4b98-81d7-61de982a4532	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:19:04	-446.516
-57	61810	3090500	abe80fff-b245-4f23-945e-eeeafe029501	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:36:36	789.361
-58	30906	3090600	ed0f979c-b3d0-47cb-848c-dda732d4a429	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:56:45	-398.260
-58	61812	3090600	8db7810d-1679-475c-8750-a502856f1f24	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:59:47	-413.757
-59	30907	3090700	dc7dc808-f883-474f-aad4-c4dbfc3b2845	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:19:04	559.505
-59	61814	3090700	e82f673e-8663-40c7-b2a8-f06ddf0b1ad0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:12:39	943.787
-60	30908	3090800	c3b17436-cab3-4d8a-9d46-2c96196773bc	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:15:46	754.521
-60	61816	3090800	a13acd2c-2581-4b46-a6d1-c071a26061e6	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:27:05	-673.967
-61	30909	3090900	5553a997-720c-4fe8-b06c-18d9a0c068bd	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:23:19	-684.875
-61	61818	3090900	3a4e4bce-0fe4-4fbf-b7a8-d44e0887e02d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:48:23	-488.825
-62	30910	3091000	b7864d54-d742-4f6d-aaa2-2beacc90570a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:09:30	996.665
-62	61820	3091000	5a3984ca-b4a2-4c74-bd5e-e73d6a5bcc01	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:23:00	319.838
-63	30911	3091100	150e597a-b05e-4595-ab03-907e62c6eeb2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:31:25	870.447
-63	61822	3091100	7b64f451-8c50-49e6-ad49-28f2af9df359	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:34:54	-256.363
-64	30912	3091200	1cdf1734-8849-4369-be23-61bf94444e14	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:18:06	545.445
-64	61824	3091200	057eadaf-e8b7-4467-a112-e3305f1462d7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:46:35	-316.317
-65	30913	3091300	cfcfc949-6e62-4f27-9001-b5df4348ee03	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:21:53	390.348
-65	61826	3091300	e0029388-dfc7-4ed2-9910-38dc0d14889e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:40:49	-954.182
-66	30914	3091400	730855f2-48b2-4c84-91f8-c6d29b620fa9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:03:27	-896.868
-66	61828	3091400	5827223a-78b6-4010-85ba-5e075a61bfce	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:40:15	-108.879
-67	30915	3091500	d29ccb07-13b4-443a-ac18-52d1fc229dbe	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:47:09	-781.691
-67	61830	3091500	1bc69b6e-718d-4b0c-a150-cb607e156116	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:25:46	-294.881
-68	30916	3091600	74aeb3e6-bdfc-49df-b7d9-1aacaaefdbaf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:32:00	885.407
-68	61832	3091600	06a24ba6-969b-43e3-bf7a-6eb50f42a779	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:54:38	606.573
-69	30917	3091700	ea2592cc-6ddc-4434-9bbd-0b3fc6707305	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:45:22	-577.188
-69	61834	3091700	16fcd738-2aba-42ad-8678-e59a238d8671	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:53:05	888.900
-70	30918	3091800	6fb8b35f-424c-4ecc-acca-9781bd51d00b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:04:37	57.60
-70	61836	3091800	b1b559e4-2570-488a-aca7-07ee8f70f0a2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:32:25	78.114
-71	30919	3091900	fc2a8f70-03c5-4da6-97e4-3e36bd0ed5b3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:05:11	521.9
-71	61838	3091900	6e7860a8-cf9a-4ea3-85a0-15bed085f982	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:19:54	20.424
-72	30920	3092000	88fe20a7-4ae7-4ab1-a60d-31b136741ebc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:19:31	916.387
-72	61840	3092000	235cca06-c1e0-40c3-85cd-841cf4cdb912	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:19:57	-771.303
-73	30921	3092100	211723b2-0809-41ef-8d63-3310deddc4f6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:45:39	485.792
-73	61842	3092100	8294ca83-5e57-4ceb-bd6b-892a4e1347a5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:29:51	-100.799
-74	30922	3092200	068a845c-0ca5-4037-92ce-b7a459d23ccf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:13:53	430.219
-74	61844	3092200	2fd445e8-6254-43ba-9631-5637b266e78b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:20:14	88.503
-75	30923	3092300	41682188-b66e-426d-910c-ab74db3f8a41	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:59:15	5.255
-75	61846	3092300	82ee4d55-cad1-46bd-a75e-a6ce82350a3f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:49:08	-889.501
-76	30924	3092400	f9f2a57b-b14c-4128-8fc9-f0abe203c70b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:45:09	426.665
-76	61848	3092400	ac237433-d777-46ec-a72a-970b2284cbf8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:46:04	-170.807
-77	30925	3092500	9cd48a00-9c2f-45aa-8b1e-060c759734ce	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:38:23	707.257
-77	61850	3092500	31b41476-2db1-4e98-ac63-26f61810543e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:04:06	-123.50
-78	30926	3092600	a2e0eb7c-3a19-48bb-a06b-80e9ef99192a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:20:41	290.519
-78	61852	3092600	ed20b9eb-d4ed-4103-8853-385f91712ac8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:42:34	620.694
-79	30927	3092700	2334ccbe-9090-4ffa-8ee5-8aa8e514e76a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:03:57	-792.595
-79	61854	3092700	e995ffd9-37a4-400c-9f54-51581a597626	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:25:08	184.243
-80	30928	3092800	e7524974-7d98-48c3-989e-460e69d230b5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:00:27	774.114
-80	61856	3092800	8918999c-ac04-4cb0-9180-c120ba502841	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:41:03	-492.460
-81	30929	3092900	2b5043e9-176c-4de1-8cab-44d478673b88	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:50:06	314.416
-81	61858	3092900	f3c1e219-6524-4702-b4f1-66b7e895adcb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:55:19	-898.16
-82	30930	3093000	397b4e06-b36d-4c2d-bc02-efe06c1f5985	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:49:34	-888.622
-82	61860	3093000	aa2be032-fc88-44ee-be03-511a08517a81	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:30:45	-404.802
-83	30931	3093100	43b64de9-9c42-4db7-819e-101efdf8e9f2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:12:54	-615.114
-83	61862	3093100	fb300547-86db-4d81-be1f-09d70b71e745	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:24:53	406.277
-84	30932	3093200	52794791-baec-4706-84b7-e310b9d595aa	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:06:51	905.214
-84	61864	3093200	7063cfb2-6400-4406-b857-72c7dd102d89	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:40:14	-660.266
-85	30933	3093300	d556f2ba-2218-4527-86b5-d94432a578ea	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:41:42	-275.288
-85	61866	3093300	1f6fa280-fc67-4396-8fc1-a23c088588d3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:43:58	-465.304
-86	30934	3093400	5fe8ae37-494a-4e4c-a465-c03a92c296d1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:07:14	-679.71
-86	61868	3093400	0e82893f-4715-41a5-be5c-76ad8f9e7e14	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:26:04	-851.566
-87	30935	3093500	329ec3b2-edb5-44c2-9637-f197f688c588	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:58:15	73.796
-87	61870	3093500	6f701159-d12d-47d6-b011-cb117f4190f5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:15:29	-397.290
-88	30936	3093600	ba39ab75-7adb-40d6-bde9-2a93cb3fc43b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:44:47	754.708
-88	61872	3093600	bad8098d-4b77-4e56-b6fb-4e545fa156b3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:02:45	-894.62
-89	30937	3093700	5d918eb3-6c83-4e50-b64d-364f0d8b7524	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:20:29	88.879
-89	61874	3093700	71771807-64d7-40c0-834b-9cde3ae67717	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:48:59	859.846
-90	30938	3093800	e1cbaaa5-bcbe-4c70-afb0-4a50c35fb20f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:29:28	-434.941
-90	61876	3093800	bfac7243-a311-48fc-841c-46c5e6555512	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:23:37	-193.491
-91	30939	3093900	03595cd7-91d9-47a1-86f5-7f3d40278a2b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:46:58	-115.504
-91	61878	3093900	ae89ea53-408b-4e99-b564-c84f45de1831	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:04:45	342.862
-92	30940	3094000	9779dfd8-8460-4f3f-adcc-95dda52856eb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:48:19	-964.826
-92	61880	3094000	a330c3fb-5f54-4a88-87ed-39ce17626ef6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:01:10	763.365
-93	30941	3094100	a5af7a92-4e27-4754-8ed9-b9a222f23b06	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:15:17	678.668
-93	61882	3094100	70563bc0-15c5-47c3-a384-7b284d44389f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:12:30	861.505
-94	30942	3094200	a5cd838d-d2ab-4968-82cd-a2e84a998c60	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:39:19	43.284
-94	61884	3094200	2ef118f0-6dd2-4952-adaf-fba4baa578c7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:37:35	-144.209
-95	30943	3094300	7e2674f1-6911-465a-b959-c1cefab531d3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:13:22	390.858
-95	61886	3094300	8190be1c-f54e-4e64-af52-027fe3589c29	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:38:44	143.465
-96	30944	3094400	82856005-1d4d-4db1-91d0-2bf5f602355f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:10:33	635.943
-96	61888	3094400	57aca9c9-7604-4388-8f0e-0f1de4335bf8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:22:11	847.349
-97	30945	3094500	d2231ca8-5f41-4b9c-bc5e-d462fb3fd3a7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:53:14	158.963
-97	61890	3094500	777eabfe-004f-4d65-a16a-788f35f09397	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:24:55	352.450
-98	30946	3094600	56ef42c6-7cdc-4a8f-bff3-1ce08e1247d4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:58:34	-510.470
-98	61892	3094600	bf6d51e4-5003-41f6-9a87-decc31b68b97	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:06:25	-320.563
-99	30947	3094700	d417381d-b5e9-4a86-b998-6740f6e3e37e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:38:57	-641.669
-99	61894	3094700	f547e9f8-610c-4fe7-80e9-f37418e5f869	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:11:12	-485.936
-100	30948	3094800	622d2581-88fa-451a-84f6-cbffbdab104d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:40:08	-2.61
-100	61896	3094800	2bf90512-0751-4b9f-97c8-93c2feee9ba1	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:59:16	-601.664
-101	30949	3094900	7f03865b-d3e8-46a3-b5f8-37820cd50727	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:39:11	316.429
-101	61898	3094900	f0887013-cf78-4407-ba48-4edf5e403b09	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:36:42	-867.767
-102	30950	3095000	75d58c2f-e5e6-49ff-b80f-c7da4a46fdb6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:21:03	325.571
-102	61900	3095000	4d395a15-8264-4dff-8ac8-9749eedf8e08	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:01:34	649.601
-103	30951	3095100	9e2fda1f-a1ec-4f55-b4b6-5059a1a45673	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:15:14	432.823
-103	61902	3095100	0523bc13-c4ae-4391-81e6-cc1d83cb7223	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:06:54	-729.245
-104	30952	3095200	38ccc090-4ad7-4133-aee9-23186c7ef0c9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:48:24	-392.60
-104	61904	3095200	2758ad9b-d030-42b7-9f57-602e208408b2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:40:54	-562.335
-105	30953	3095300	ea7f20db-831a-422b-81bb-0f4e6eae91bb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:08:10	335.844
-105	61906	3095300	44214dfb-54ab-42a2-990b-3fbc7cc1871e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:21:50	641.224
-106	30954	3095400	2530b9ce-62d5-45bd-a5b2-dba03f7d1fd8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:37:16	-614.998
-106	61908	3095400	54dcaf0a-7de9-4b16-9604-0efcba3a0b8e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:06:36	-572.211
-107	30955	3095500	09ebce65-3955-4415-88e8-b69f956e842b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:23:31	731.151
-107	61910	3095500	7a4ae6a2-04e2-4069-a095-09312ca24a41	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:47:27	-69.416
-108	30956	3095600	b284d475-32d1-4fac-8746-2f7179c577f1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:49:54	211.888
-108	61912	3095600	7a4e5852-6e9c-488d-ab13-3426bc98ac3f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:06:41	543.387
-109	30957	3095700	54730804-a121-41ad-97b5-fc379c28319c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:41:14	-892.566
-109	61914	3095700	286d2a7d-834b-48f4-add9-a68bc6543305	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:24:25	-832.445
-110	30958	3095800	01a53290-01d1-4829-be5a-14b89a88654a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:02:10	-968.114
-110	61916	3095800	a0e4400a-ab34-4d1e-b8ad-c83323a44cbe	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:33:48	-58.917
-111	30959	3095900	f9b7e218-3f66-4148-9870-e665f580c408	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:00:06	664.847
-111	61918	3095900	940b3d85-a835-4459-96a5-47f1bf2a6fc4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:59:22	-922.760
-112	30960	3096000	e2cf3c47-b26d-420b-b2f7-6c71c24d4bdd	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:18:35	-373.647
-112	61920	3096000	78116356-20f9-48e5-94a0-df0be1ed2679	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:19:15	-281.98
-113	30961	3096100	33dde609-98cc-42a7-bea8-a9e84d390b7b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:25:28	168.240
-113	61922	3096100	c8d6a259-d29d-4f25-9289-85e59507e71b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:34:53	-676.62
-114	30962	3096200	0e12d045-ff3f-4589-b572-804e3cb4cded	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:46:00	982.125
-114	61924	3096200	cb41d1b6-b2e8-4910-ae25-576e59d7867b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:24:16	433.78
-115	30963	3096300	26bd1d1c-9af5-4cee-ae54-9ac8c2bb2c56	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:37:38	576.813
-115	61926	3096300	351e3953-f308-4b24-9cf0-2c72a04991ce	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:48:07	155.522
-116	30964	3096400	0c20cc69-72f4-4c56-8a33-563d409f0cec	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:06:59	-489.551
-116	61928	3096400	2c76a625-f7e3-4676-a41e-cc4e2b564250	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:08:55	344.725
-117	30965	3096500	e0ea7e16-5932-4c9e-840c-8bcf0101de09	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:57:58	420.810
-117	61930	3096500	ffefd00b-d1e5-4657-ab15-1ba9853f7b19	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:30:29	-236.778
-118	30966	3096600	f986fd13-63a6-4ddc-95d7-89f8854bb00d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:58:54	847.942
-118	61932	3096600	1806ae80-92c6-40ef-bd76-0693770461ec	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:24:35	633.479
-119	30967	3096700	1c37970d-2c12-475a-bf4b-4fb0e28616b9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:56:49	875.468
-119	61934	3096700	86e40573-7813-4e3d-8116-510eb7db511a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:04:35	938.268
-120	30968	3096800	300b7cfe-c82f-4e27-b76c-227298fae987	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:17:03	892.595
-120	61936	3096800	bb918b7a-71e2-4544-adde-6fc4ce8b5908	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:13:32	-354.844
-121	30969	3096900	9d5b8bd2-8e4f-44bb-a19f-f36bd102c333	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:12:46	249.922
-121	61938	3096900	437816a5-7e29-439a-bde9-4c20c6618909	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:22:05	-574.558
-122	30970	3097000	a0898ad7-6040-4e1b-a5b9-f095f45acb5e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:52:58	552.106
-122	61940	3097000	b5e1eafc-74a3-4c54-bd15-8f1a1c69b12f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:07:18	-401.957
-123	30971	3097100	4674bdd1-a9c3-4e47-a6e6-416b7cf304f6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:58:45	-546.985
-123	61942	3097100	db89cee0-420d-43f6-83a5-a1b3f6378258	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:35:20	-549.909
-124	30972	3097200	00df4848-eea9-4bde-a69a-6ba14e28710d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:29:59	549.955
-124	61944	3097200	97bcdc8e-8a3a-4e2a-9ea0-bae7d6f296d8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:10:31	-5.265
-125	30973	3097300	772e8e51-6d9e-4e8d-9220-1cdb5055f508	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:56:00	-520.857
-125	61946	3097300	857e5506-4895-4dfb-bd8e-f4a1271fdda1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:41:40	-916.435
-126	30974	3097400	2617eb44-4e4e-48fb-98b8-ce80a11234f1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:14:34	360.779
-126	61948	3097400	6bca93c7-b830-41db-bbc5-d29af0f3f830	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:14:48	-283.161
-127	30975	3097500	79c1ad39-8d0b-4300-989b-b2f0433931d2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:02:57	720.379
-127	61950	3097500	93aafce3-4b7b-4eff-8783-867e723b7ca6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:18:05	764.951
-0	30976	3097600	1f2c4c9f-0ecd-4ee4-8b3d-834ba4fe481b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:16:46	10.509
-0	61952	3097600	dee00774-cbb2-4630-b11e-67de700b3606	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:48:47	604.969
-1	30977	3097700	5fd8a01d-2b31-4ff7-83ec-77611f2936e4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:32:13	-154.881
-1	61954	3097700	c8f04d04-f4df-467e-8d58-ccf9ace184ab	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:36:57	-257.557
-2	30978	3097800	f4e9bd2f-f80d-4465-9cce-b2c575a9ce26	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:21:43	-727.163
-2	61956	3097800	ed819add-cec5-4bdb-a59e-8ac1ffd48f39	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:28:54	-611.965
-3	30979	3097900	6fa9c6d9-f6d0-4813-b9df-d4d298d0f703	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:18:31	-121.670
-3	61958	3097900	23d77c54-b4c9-470c-9d43-5ddd360b8dd9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:21:16	339.329
-4	30980	3098000	411e55e6-1ea2-4003-afaa-c16605e6ff60	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:44:11	-684.398
-4	61960	3098000	1816bb28-8d32-4b5c-9ccb-e3e0de972b9f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:21:57	-984.301
-5	30981	3098100	6e2abe1c-ce4e-44e0-905d-b5ee7e45e05b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:38:13	-140.276
-5	61962	3098100	d359f6c6-3aaf-4c72-aa76-c6cdfd024dd5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:20:02	927.432
-6	30982	3098200	50c2964d-6f39-4118-8dd7-234d1f86940a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:18:13	280.223
-6	61964	3098200	e2f6e1ab-d145-48ce-8582-79e3bfd05069	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:19:27	399.511
-7	30983	3098300	cfc0ad75-deb0-453e-8964-2aae282cf193	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:58:34	353.902
-7	61966	3098300	29cedd73-0b87-40f4-a754-55823b6bdeb2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:37:48	-43.101
-8	30984	3098400	8bd12393-37ed-48c1-953e-473bac00222a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:03:05	868.173
-8	61968	3098400	545a92b4-c656-4428-b57e-75282e9e1729	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:25:27	-262.257
-9	30985	3098500	2347f99b-031f-443c-a8f4-8d143b2dda31	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:06:59	-137.316
-9	61970	3098500	d3e48aa0-164c-4fa9-8439-49ab550d320d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:39:54	-88.931
-10	30986	3098600	8f3a9da9-3bb3-4125-90dd-81c3a22b10e1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:07:47	373.705
-10	61972	3098600	1e1b4f12-316f-4637-b5a0-8770e58d9c96	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:27:45	-10.823
-11	30987	3098700	4cca27ca-35f2-4f14-afc3-56a9513662f4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:13:25	413.490
-11	61974	3098700	a4ba676b-2b8c-499a-9f57-7bcfc17e3987	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:21:15	224.275
-12	30988	3098800	fc624330-2741-446b-b973-51139a95d3e4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:55:30	388.777
-12	61976	3098800	5c6a57e2-9bc8-4256-9192-e38e7192b853	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:42:26	868.210
-13	30989	3098900	e2d1bed3-2dcb-46ab-8e4a-ae548f7430ae	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:00:01	-313.214
-13	61978	3098900	78bbe469-c5c7-417a-a458-27ceb0c3ade3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:09:10	973.767
-14	30990	3099000	072f0c0e-37c1-4be7-ada7-7eaa47e33560	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:35:39	507.514
-14	61980	3099000	d7c1a638-b765-40ab-b353-2b3b89bf9e85	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:06:55	-449.50
-15	30991	3099100	d05902d2-7297-4f4e-ae19-1e0312ffce62	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:27:27	-551.1
-15	61982	3099100	27fd7055-cb00-4664-918a-75b986ce115b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:32:48	-40.971
-16	30992	3099200	192ee01b-45da-4df7-977a-7de5bb8a50ac	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:03:21	-443.847
-16	61984	3099200	d71d88ba-be4a-480c-90a2-c1d71b77aa36	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:57:28	209.72
-17	30993	3099300	df966351-7f3c-4001-8420-10a965d7189d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:04:13	825.123
-17	61986	3099300	2d39212d-0de6-421b-a339-fd8607aa0778	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:28:47	695.42
-18	30994	3099400	3ed333ea-723f-430b-a133-f87cb3b89d11	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:06:51	-636.138
-18	61988	3099400	a9262b37-f75e-4908-97e8-823fe3508e92	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:46:04	-704.68
-19	30995	3099500	d241b9b5-58da-4a14-9a00-d1fa89eadcc9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:41:39	823.783
-19	61990	3099500	531652e7-9277-4e67-88eb-b477c9ffc7c5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:02:53	42.132
-20	30996	3099600	3e144ee3-09bc-4fd5-a732-49f2d284b5b9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:17:17	-472.192
-20	61992	3099600	7766ef90-7163-4746-8edd-9c1b939a36b6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:22:29	-860.196
-21	30997	3099700	12fc635f-a1b9-4e13-aaa5-0092c95bdcbe	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:53:56	991.553
-21	61994	3099700	87107150-9c90-4af2-bbdd-eddf6bd9beb3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:53:24	-64.10
-22	30998	3099800	d52595e9-031e-49a8-923b-cebab399d55a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:08:36	267.920
-22	61996	3099800	5450cd61-65fe-4fb9-aebc-bc5b6a963dfe	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:28:04	655.365
-23	30999	3099900	48564bb9-39f2-4a52-b138-d2ea3917f344	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:11:04	778.660
-23	61998	3099900	dbb46bbf-a458-41a1-84cc-8d1e9ceadfbd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:48:50	-127.823
-24	31000	3100000	4fe9fc95-5df1-4327-8e55-c165196e9985	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:20:53	362.349
-24	62000	3100000	66f27593-7e9e-4932-8f46-24786cf2df89	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:49:44	710.896
-25	31001	3100100	b8d93c88-d317-43f3-b277-a438c379dd67	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:19:57	-60.80
-25	62002	3100100	cfee69e2-0549-4f72-8027-70da9d9cf80b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:04:18	-755.488
-26	31002	3100200	aa46cfa6-02f5-479f-8f1f-3358902045cf	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:58:01	-390.940
-26	62004	3100200	5149c764-9538-4ffe-8ca0-4da0421225d1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:26:20	-97.48
-27	31003	3100300	3a1a9ecb-f1b6-4bac-96d7-fcd75a43cf8c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:49:25	759.508
-27	62006	3100300	88041971-36c8-47af-a430-4fb7eb7f38b6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:01:41	244.253
-28	31004	3100400	8ceb49a5-7403-4601-95fe-bd4657a1441c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:35:13	283.179
-28	62008	3100400	9ba99179-1c97-48b2-bc05-fb4c0f61ff98	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:42:50	518.306
-29	31005	3100500	96952aa7-04a8-43cc-98aa-eb9157927075	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:43:43	-954.505
-29	62010	3100500	a9d98554-e821-4214-8dbb-ef71276b0317	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:51:24	607.25
-30	31006	3100600	a8f7f1bd-449e-4748-9dea-7d6189a2bf7e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:58:14	879.788
-30	62012	3100600	2be0a25f-d0b6-4709-b424-a745663ef939	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:48:28	474.634
-31	31007	3100700	c22a06da-ec27-47eb-b6ba-0692cfc02167	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:13:18	3.102
-31	62014	3100700	54c3f0b9-cca9-4f23-b559-64b1ea0d8d0f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:15:15	-679.30
-32	31008	3100800	419b484f-67a3-444a-9234-a5be0ff7b2d6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:42:29	-506.168
-32	62016	3100800	ef58f220-5a9d-45e8-8b17-3df5ad3c1da4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:12:50	-507.767
-33	31009	3100900	67390f72-f97c-40f8-be08-945e452b2f87	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:03:55	-577.522
-33	62018	3100900	a2b8fb75-676e-4844-8629-7050ed0668ab	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:20:59	786.636
-34	31010	3101000	bca5aecf-68f2-44ee-96f8-41667f8c74c3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:50:52	-724.756
-34	62020	3101000	481dd426-b0a2-4947-8e4d-ba9445bedfb5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:32:29	22.864
-35	31011	3101100	e3764de4-c152-43c9-b88b-49b6262a3bf4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:12:32	729.129
-35	62022	3101100	aa191cd0-c45e-4682-abd1-706ce1c1ef6a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:45:19	-648.103
-36	31012	3101200	4af8c46e-c7c7-4945-9ad0-c1f39b32e9bf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:20:11	-618.617
-36	62024	3101200	69e49c7b-c140-4611-9dcf-4035a5c6f199	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:49:12	-755.253
-37	31013	3101300	3244f2ee-6a60-4ac6-9a58-6422cb807ad7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:18:01	252.423
-37	62026	3101300	613d7409-d4d2-41d4-8b16-7280550c4059	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:33:04	280.696
-38	31014	3101400	9cb8b10c-4377-4936-876e-1f0137a22ac3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:33:18	-723.438
-38	62028	3101400	f48286bb-0969-42c5-b294-244014655374	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:43:07	564.886
-39	31015	3101500	51a09195-fb86-4952-b5f3-c1a65fd1e8e9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:02:18	-855.309
-39	62030	3101500	1bbb25b3-5c9f-470a-90de-ac1470df7964	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:02:53	449.410
-40	31016	3101600	057da1c3-34a0-4344-81c9-1609df3847f8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:02:01	-934.350
-40	62032	3101600	7fc0d22a-89f7-4a6f-a2ea-f19f00cee11b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:56:38	916.849
-41	31017	3101700	89e68395-15c8-45a4-ba8e-906325f5f93e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:53:59	14.735
-41	62034	3101700	9849dc52-fac9-4ed0-b1b9-8b4f4c6fea0b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:50:05	975.150
-42	31018	3101800	563f87f9-b71e-4b73-9c38-b0e8cae9fef4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:42:43	56.70
-42	62036	3101800	aa556767-92e9-40c4-9578-42101f5dc486	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:14:17	160.850
-43	31019	3101900	e65a34f3-8664-40f6-b159-7080e62d38e7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:44:25	-322.945
-43	62038	3101900	9d4fda29-9960-4ee5-b49a-c7f12d299462	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:17:40	-91.985
-44	31020	3102000	26856f85-ab81-4841-8eeb-856a88e212b6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:16:23	110.115
-44	62040	3102000	ca32d3ca-67c6-4101-aed9-b72e972242a5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:24:54	10.278
-45	31021	3102100	6d111781-0e79-454a-a864-32c33b98ccce	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:53:33	-146.497
-45	62042	3102100	70d58ba8-72e9-4cbf-b8c8-5eec7504f43e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:17:19	225.753
-46	31022	3102200	87fc3c82-4a9d-459f-b8a4-23d8dcec89bc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:34:56	-857.941
-46	62044	3102200	7a4d05bb-46a8-4669-a838-452962f407d5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:29:16	-74.910
-47	31023	3102300	712bd25b-3b61-498f-87c0-33b6c52c4870	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:58:30	413.568
-47	62046	3102300	ffc38d1a-a951-4906-b2ac-d3ed5e4d1245	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:19:08	-421.511
-48	31024	3102400	04773fb8-8b8f-4148-bf41-5aeb4f7a2f66	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:16:00	954.788
-48	62048	3102400	f6abdf07-15b6-442b-b08c-912f83e6b6c4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:06:07	485.138
-49	31025	3102500	f6029455-02ee-4ab6-927a-0cd2f83c7593	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:01:05	170.762
-49	62050	3102500	914e191c-4c46-47ab-97de-b4b9c0377780	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:57:35	-470.460
-50	31026	3102600	0899d49c-50c0-4838-a404-41e191f5363f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:53:59	161.560
-50	62052	3102600	39b9fca2-2822-4b45-a1e7-edd8bf190f13	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:35:37	-787.27
-51	31027	3102700	65a95eea-c86e-4cd8-b5eb-663b31e7a994	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:32:43	-989.987
-51	62054	3102700	5d80efc5-be12-498c-a256-7eb980ddd427	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:28:16	713.311
-52	31028	3102800	b269e124-a6dc-405c-915c-3ad21d179982	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:23:31	902.58
-52	62056	3102800	8aeb252f-cc98-4e65-a254-c8ac54795e9b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:02:56	-781.512
-53	31029	3102900	ac514f25-b7c0-41ec-8d99-1a3840687aa6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:21:38	474.446
-53	62058	3102900	de3ff531-c349-429d-851a-e053f55f779b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:43:48	-717.655
-54	31030	3103000	5f6761a2-c6ec-4bd4-905e-9a3ba09fd780	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:59:33	-790.484
-54	62060	3103000	f2d3f2f6-e45a-485d-ac6d-885b973ed745	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:56:45	-840.888
-55	31031	3103100	eb632021-fc1e-4461-a8fe-7df8545f4f08	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:25:22	-343.247
-55	62062	3103100	f6c1b750-c4cf-4606-ac07-0d318832f44e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:39:18	-279.165
-56	31032	3103200	7907b872-6bc3-48d6-8bcc-0faf9fe52cf2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:42:20	13.40
-56	62064	3103200	c06a6d28-c158-4548-9348-344b3eaa379c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:50:00	-146.102
-57	31033	3103300	1fb3547d-ebbe-432d-9139-1c0eb8c836ac	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:48:33	925.248
-57	62066	3103300	edc63843-e832-4999-a9ae-c18bad24b8f1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:39:34	-208.318
-58	31034	3103400	2fcdebf2-18dd-43d8-883f-fb6ee1d6b7b4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:41:07	380.171
-58	62068	3103400	39c56cb2-c5c5-40bd-8f94-9be639c3af9c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:24:11	343.737
-59	31035	3103500	644f6a52-99c2-4898-a26a-bdb68d34b0c4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:45:42	-568.590
-59	62070	3103500	e96f0461-0bdf-45d4-8bac-765abc975298	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:45:27	911.545
-60	31036	3103600	f47b4c2a-b066-4bb0-8393-b8a0611799f7	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:37:21	-722.975
-60	62072	3103600	4547bf73-1552-4da0-abac-90bbb6019f8e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:06:36	447.289
-61	31037	3103700	07f1da61-0ae9-4d92-8335-d406d7712d77	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:54:14	-312.441
-61	62074	3103700	8f0f96b1-49f8-4b9c-9520-87b8da888832	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:30:02	-741.856
-62	31038	3103800	c72a52a7-cd36-4e79-8c5b-e051410d40ad	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:24:18	-458.231
-62	62076	3103800	c08dccf6-0df6-4236-b75b-44fe1b9651fc	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:43:34	-531.978
-63	31039	3103900	3be7589e-efca-4bb1-a760-e28fc59c0e53	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:01:06	908.439
-63	62078	3103900	79531fa2-8130-40be-a373-7654d51514c1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:45:35	-615.887
-64	31040	3104000	e19f9dde-1a85-4568-a24f-90bc061cd5b6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:35:03	-656.839
-64	62080	3104000	be91f360-1181-4fb3-9a07-489824028d74	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:18:20	-338.211
-65	31041	3104100	88a128cb-fc77-44db-821a-23dc9aeeee3a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:03:48	-97.705
-65	62082	3104100	fd81b17c-932a-4b61-ba76-5e6d8e267aad	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:19:11	220.166
-66	31042	3104200	7232cb56-9004-49e1-a6a3-5c3173d80082	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:10:57	558.414
-66	62084	3104200	06d28034-9d77-48fe-a025-8711837722c0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:44:36	795.279
-67	31043	3104300	3fc592fb-bd41-4ed8-a804-bfb2a604b18f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:37:38	899.484
-67	62086	3104300	87bfbce9-42fe-449c-b9e9-fae4b9ba2167	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:06:24	776.316
-68	31044	3104400	0bf9f315-580b-48cc-bef6-97d57e8fe248	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:02:39	-74.792
-68	62088	3104400	0ce3545e-bf79-4b33-b0aa-8e73bf0b2f1f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:19:23	710.388
-69	31045	3104500	2a86638c-f211-44be-89a7-286a66a3a9b7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:06:13	748.357
-69	62090	3104500	9a2da4d0-a1da-469b-a3d9-e2f31d8d3e9a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:30:14	275.317
-70	31046	3104600	e2bcad0a-d2a1-48ee-9c76-f1780b4126ce	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:42:33	758.19
-70	62092	3104600	3194c175-2f0a-4d24-900c-b0ea52f77e8c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:28:31	-201.48
-71	31047	3104700	f14f30a7-e2f4-4716-8f16-2fdd8a05af63	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:58:55	-403.557
-71	62094	3104700	baea17ac-eb8e-4df3-96cf-31010daf54ef	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:37:52	33.503
-72	31048	3104800	e6af41b3-7016-4b2e-9424-9fcd18e1b1bc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:49:42	-956.407
-72	62096	3104800	ffab5b5f-1927-41c5-93af-6b6378cd2efb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:48:17	-284.2
-73	31049	3104900	290f57f8-2e99-43d9-aa9d-28c33c78a22f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:12:44	917.120
-73	62098	3104900	524cff84-e3c9-4570-9375-8ad25788d576	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:12:52	535.660
-74	31050	3105000	186ffb27-ece1-41f0-875b-f6e9fe66156b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:16:12	-702.933
-74	62100	3105000	01898366-a500-46a3-89a6-4d7f5aee4826	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:02:52	529.304
-75	31051	3105100	385b481e-f091-45d9-aea8-2df32d0c43e5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:23:26	-247.53
-75	62102	3105100	73a27ad8-65f5-4327-b2c9-d8367ef70751	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:42:48	-615.127
-76	31052	3105200	7a47f081-5052-4df3-bace-16cf66543a46	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:42:35	-323.342
-76	62104	3105200	5aa6333c-8416-4094-b0f6-ba02cb459750	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:45:48	198.125
-77	31053	3105300	4307b91a-c8cd-49a6-8339-548a08542ca1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:08:58	284.242
-77	62106	3105300	88ac64b6-f35c-46c5-bc4c-be3b01554af7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:06:57	910.195
-78	31054	3105400	b8d94776-3520-491f-9d22-5001a8459879	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:48:23	309.81
-78	62108	3105400	830aeeb3-6e61-4eb7-be8e-4f345afd7902	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:09:39	36.928
-79	31055	3105500	4f0e47ee-9f68-4b96-84ed-6d3dc9641a8d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:24:13	-119.289
-79	62110	3105500	16d53038-618e-4eac-b317-99ce99d596a8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:52:38	-265.651
-80	31056	3105600	5a2b3951-ac6f-441a-a145-9674eab9ceb2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:02:06	553.10
-80	62112	3105600	cc121015-be46-4b1d-b075-c2e519184bc8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:57:38	641.604
-81	31057	3105700	f33aa27d-74e6-4396-85fb-e7221561e0f6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:53:02	848.636
-81	62114	3105700	a0bcdab4-70a5-404b-902f-7e950c57d9cd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:06:49	-239.868
-82	31058	3105800	2336ed0d-193a-4dbd-b98d-f6c9a66149eb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:34:31	-616.291
-82	62116	3105800	8eb960af-ac0f-4513-85a3-f2a22fbfd80d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:05:58	-881.656
-83	31059	3105900	2446969d-4967-426c-94a6-a3ef8a4ddedc	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:04:18	200.644
-83	62118	3105900	f7c7a986-1516-4a8a-8ae9-3d44c498c2b4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:23:00	856.744
-84	31060	3106000	50a3185d-f999-485e-8fe3-58e49a221771	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:05:50	-278.558
-84	62120	3106000	2c6585a7-bb34-4aaa-a93c-737522427e3f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:09:13	515.505
-85	31061	3106100	9412f306-9b5e-430f-a540-8834f6c24fa6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:23:33	46.276
-85	62122	3106100	d49f4b0f-fb10-4c8a-b737-21789ecd2708	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:25:37	-754.634
-86	31062	3106200	e8299335-ad6f-4ab6-ab20-002fe954b954	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:48:14	-752.224
-86	62124	3106200	a596d4bd-82b4-438a-9964-f8e5b38fa2c1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:07:38	-449.977
-87	31063	3106300	064fc4b5-9437-4efe-8cf9-ef881f635816	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:25:17	-605.216
-87	62126	3106300	5ea37d8f-863e-48f4-8e3e-68dbc7a3c3d2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:25:16	-646.389
-88	31064	3106400	e0c4ff82-6f5b-4ec1-b168-ac75989dca30	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:55:39	967.91
-88	62128	3106400	ebab12aa-df90-47b4-93b4-bd07420fbbf4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:44:16	194.273
-89	31065	3106500	8f56fd94-a06b-4e87-9404-cb1e13ec7c98	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:24:12	-456.833
-89	62130	3106500	50b1de64-8681-496e-a8ed-533650cd4619	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:14:37	870.651
-90	31066	3106600	1a0a8fa3-3833-4d5a-86c3-80e7c290afb3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:40:04	-485.287
-90	62132	3106600	e857e3a5-3873-4da6-bf90-529d52361cc9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:46:36	-762.56
-91	31067	3106700	ff34227e-57bb-48d1-94d5-492fbea1dc53	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:34:45	432.833
-91	62134	3106700	bc1781ac-1dc7-4500-b545-e16b2ead6fd9	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:28:27	-617.334
-92	31068	3106800	e8a1e518-705d-4387-af40-3d3edf7e5896	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:36:16	241.407
-92	62136	3106800	8e4f3d52-2a71-4e8d-b873-6c81dee3264e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:08:23	-528.470
-93	31069	3106900	a94b4ae6-bd72-456b-bdc4-14a1e3f1f567	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:16:32	-911.668
-93	62138	3106900	932b90f5-b63c-427a-a783-8c1630c94fca	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:06:02	582.732
-94	31070	3107000	e4f34b2a-0bc0-4932-8e94-6224e30117a5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:33:56	144.859
-94	62140	3107000	00d4302d-98f5-4d36-a3be-13e3bbe62ebb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:54:05	-386.443
-95	31071	3107100	c819aeea-0a72-4ec4-831c-dca0ac74a3cc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:46:38	-172.557
-95	62142	3107100	be037783-3e4e-4800-93ee-c1cda06260a8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:17:24	271.44
-96	31072	3107200	43415202-e218-47dd-8894-ec9ed1f7bb4f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:44:23	-431.272
-96	62144	3107200	db1fe493-411e-4e3d-b059-bb874d8aac57	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:42:44	410.533
-97	31073	3107300	246d3917-08a7-4e14-ad7b-3b9ebd04d98b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:53:36	768.243
-97	62146	3107300	a17d232a-b837-4d5f-be5c-1ffe84287db5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:58:53	-202.281
-98	31074	3107400	f13ce472-7f40-4830-86d0-5f25423f7b20	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:57:22	29.118
-98	62148	3107400	ecdc10f5-931a-4043-8ebf-89c2e2f93698	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:09:41	727.955
-99	31075	3107500	f6a64b16-5c53-4054-8c21-eceebb226ddf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:47:22	-369.368
-99	62150	3107500	ecf6d138-7a43-45ca-a03e-d3fffeaa806d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:04:59	-168.989
-100	31076	3107600	f68183a9-bc1f-47ce-bfe7-c5aca9ec2721	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:06:17	-966.459
-100	62152	3107600	04f1d204-f374-43a6-848c-711e9119cba8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:06:54	-25.490
-101	31077	3107700	323abbe7-74fb-498e-bb96-7bead51973f1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:57:52	568.713
-101	62154	3107700	c19a6b86-e99a-4cdd-9fa9-6e369b54dc85	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:56:09	968.737
-102	31078	3107800	89b7274d-c5a2-4b92-b10a-688e7aeafff2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:04:42	-238.728
-102	62156	3107800	736f4a73-eee4-4bb0-82b0-8218f197744f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:01:04	-902.626
-103	31079	3107900	faf5cfef-174c-45c2-a0e1-3ed9a8d39b9f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:24:21	-97.497
-103	62158	3107900	3bc1d55f-510e-45a1-a9d4-0e9160672f4c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:13:15	-104.532
-104	31080	3108000	bc1302b2-f3f4-4717-988d-b00473fe447d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:20:04	-981.545
-104	62160	3108000	79840dea-434a-44c3-8c7b-b64fd56c382b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:43:28	-878.73
-105	31081	3108100	d26aedd2-2fce-47ad-9ccf-1018d0553d3a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:34:16	-934.34
-105	62162	3108100	1989122e-58d6-480d-b89c-991825025fcc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:21:45	497.834
-106	31082	3108200	a605505d-a133-41b2-b06e-baf4422e5c88	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:37:27	963.938
-106	62164	3108200	62e0a9c4-8c8a-4647-8430-26d7e7d1923f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:21:47	863.298
-107	31083	3108300	03fa424d-1a02-4449-a89a-b35f46ea2d2e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:44:01	409.399
-107	62166	3108300	32a10a3b-41aa-4543-93de-03a6c38bc63e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:51:37	-108.477
-108	31084	3108400	e149720c-8f03-403a-8862-953a8f4565e1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:40:30	441.914
-108	62168	3108400	a34415c1-aa6a-4bdc-840b-9bfa2e6c2228	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:02:24	-768.63
-109	31085	3108500	c1adc192-a4d5-4d45-8797-113be7f7ceba	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:34:32	670.610
-109	62170	3108500	663c0375-7a02-403a-8eca-fd867947d31f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:57:05	791.324
-110	31086	3108600	29d9ed45-a3d9-4dc8-b43a-832de9df68ae	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:10:36	892.678
-110	62172	3108600	893cc8ca-74ef-4579-8900-cf5da2631c64	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:32:44	-94.811
-111	31087	3108700	48ea6a1d-52cd-4ea5-9a3a-94e0cc6ec857	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:44:44	37.62
-111	62174	3108700	5f5209d6-fb20-4386-b6e2-4df1eca2d012	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:01:01	821.964
-112	31088	3108800	8e53f2ce-48d6-4b1e-bd49-250ec0a5d6bb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:50:38	-257.671
-112	62176	3108800	0d650958-df69-4cea-879e-de35cb9da214	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:19:35	-795.707
-113	31089	3108900	5a0c07c7-25c1-40ee-b5aa-f407531946e2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:15:43	275.36
-113	62178	3108900	855f0ea2-7357-4e72-a7fc-2c8e32dc288d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:37:41	941.292
-114	31090	3109000	9e0c914f-a7c8-4be2-a18b-2e05c2d37b09	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:10:41	617.87
-114	62180	3109000	ead5bbb8-eb04-4df0-98fd-28a12867df9c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:34:05	901.632
-115	31091	3109100	1aefec2e-cdb6-4a50-8b38-7094c3d74fa5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:14:18	-580.49
-115	62182	3109100	c08d8d56-0d9a-487b-b768-01a560143df5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:23:12	338.776
-116	31092	3109200	eeb9cf05-23e8-40d2-8bc3-6b4576e92c7f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:24:34	-747.327
-116	62184	3109200	ddb84c9b-2d52-4168-b458-1500765890a5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:42:46	-2.807
-117	31093	3109300	14fcee1d-401f-479b-bc28-c67f17892aaf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:49:29	958.337
-117	62186	3109300	f0865c79-06e7-48be-a709-9b0cda87dc67	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:01:32	-353.636
-118	31094	3109400	e65d3b55-f623-4809-863c-73e7de68b4d4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:10:32	-778.850
-118	62188	3109400	c8838d12-6b98-4b71-8524-adce9a7498a8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:47:56	91.802
-119	31095	3109500	4074fca4-5275-4ff7-9b92-9c75f19942de	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:25:55	-396.370
-119	62190	3109500	6195463e-b98b-4abb-a150-f97b768b27da	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:00:38	-716.898
-120	31096	3109600	39f50d85-49c9-4a05-bacd-d97374336b5c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:04:51	614.278
-120	62192	3109600	3cd8bf70-f452-486d-b260-1d57897e623f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:25:58	407.195
-121	31097	3109700	8fac2443-0348-488d-b1aa-b6a39965aa26	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:30:34	602.865
-121	62194	3109700	23e71620-73e2-417a-90d6-99420a60a64c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:57:16	596.721
-122	31098	3109800	c480a710-ca93-49b6-8046-53d6173fb24c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:20:15	-214.858
-122	62196	3109800	340b3ecf-bb18-4ab2-9a4c-4dc351e71951	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:22:43	-731.76
-123	31099	3109900	fa6026af-ab65-47dc-b9e1-f11f2d4fa119	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:29:12	-348.587
-123	62198	3109900	1213dcb8-d841-4e6d-a8c2-393715d9fd10	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:38:29	433.550
-124	31100	3110000	c598cce7-a9fb-480f-89d4-0365e79a7d8f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:30:40	150.581
-124	62200	3110000	4cfdccca-e649-4abe-9355-9a2785da5a92	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:36:57	927.945
-125	31101	3110100	ea50d57b-3e46-4dea-b6ca-195547724c6c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:18:41	-691.65
-125	62202	3110100	90da7f96-ed66-4966-967d-d4bc3a86bd90	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:53:44	876.543
-126	31102	3110200	0da89e53-3066-401e-a163-1ea09534a4c5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:30:21	-768.924
-126	62204	3110200	41803990-e180-40a9-bac2-3bc031568ca5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:00:02	678.435
-127	31103	3110300	5e2c27cd-e190-4997-bde0-e1aff79dfb41	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:20:12	-537.488
-127	62206	3110300	55411b69-067a-4e78-8092-d3ab5e1131d7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:07:55	-75.902
-0	31104	3110400	0ae40433-7d6e-49e8-b6a4-1162b537669c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:17:25	220.31
-0	62208	3110400	3fd98fb9-7b62-49e5-9bb5-6281d2eee0a3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:35:18	90.581
-1	31105	3110500	1a6688d5-4e1a-4f7e-a3b0-fe3bacd83e4c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:52:56	823.16
-1	62210	3110500	739c5d4b-0634-4d03-b16d-49184cac9894	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:14:38	-772.335
-2	31106	3110600	d779dbd4-d3b0-4cea-b7f9-2960bad429da	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:32:27	426.859
-2	62212	3110600	5764fcbc-0c76-4048-8e61-c6c2ad103b55	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:31:46	-727.605
-3	31107	3110700	27a1192b-7fb4-48b8-9401-cbdcb315c8c8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:52:12	-31.262
-3	62214	3110700	998697f4-1e17-409e-99b8-bc2713288d3c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:03:29	812.523
-4	31108	3110800	abb1a724-e15c-42d5-b1d7-c2fd36e8350f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:20:04	954.840
-4	62216	3110800	5df3eae9-faa8-4aa4-a107-3438629df9c0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:16:50	-834.633
-5	31109	3110900	e815bb74-0d61-4eda-bb40-e38462888a62	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:37:11	635.35
-5	62218	3110900	9937285a-a0b0-4d09-aa4c-35234beb5841	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:12:50	21.952
-6	31110	3111000	33964731-4920-4109-90dd-247d82a41a5d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:17:09	416.489
-6	62220	3111000	acf81a15-bf09-444c-acc7-c9a08b4d5ce2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:01:10	925.803
-7	31111	3111100	d68685d7-f4f1-4755-9003-14529d8897e7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:12:33	-260.429
-7	62222	3111100	532fa442-c9ee-49ff-8872-8f1a24ff1dc4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:01:59	-704.980
-8	31112	3111200	f158eaa8-225a-4352-97cf-d3a504b2991f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:10:56	-857.293
-8	62224	3111200	45b7e18e-c6a5-4ee5-8e71-b1556ef1c7c9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:48:05	496.927
-9	31113	3111300	4a99e982-8a6a-419f-b5e5-268d27ef51df	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:24:34	257.718
-9	62226	3111300	f1a9f37d-779e-47f1-99ea-df0b7fb1724e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:32:47	111.472
-10	31114	3111400	2a48d26c-58a5-4cbb-af5e-dae32ae1e672	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:30:45	45.120
-10	62228	3111400	a888de0e-204e-43e2-befb-deb9c24840dd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:22:18	-850.927
-11	31115	3111500	4d3c3cfa-d9c8-4809-843a-6c318a86e072	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:54:25	-287.143
-11	62230	3111500	766a3b81-ebdb-4ee4-bf79-e44efc8922e1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:24:23	-721.791
-12	31116	3111600	272f1902-e450-4d69-907b-17134d07fb43	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:30:24	665.149
-12	62232	3111600	95265ea3-346b-48be-b5fb-295a46f100f3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:41:03	-833.707
-13	31117	3111700	0935e04b-a372-41a3-bb7c-b42645d6d602	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:39:47	318.365
-13	62234	3111700	fb6405fa-a631-492a-be4f-b264f0d0739b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:24:20	828.526
-14	31118	3111800	8ef91384-153b-40bb-94c5-0e3af57f5b54	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:41:00	327.816
-14	62236	3111800	9576cbaf-f365-43c8-927e-106e56c5a8ac	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:50:56	-398.765
-15	31119	3111900	5d54f877-0da9-4256-aae2-9a493266ba01	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:50:03	342.38
-15	62238	3111900	35642d2e-3a96-4488-b8f3-1bf44349c556	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:27:57	648.232
-16	31120	3112000	3b79da9f-40fc-41a0-b042-b2e89241324a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:55:24	613.936
-16	62240	3112000	8b2c8fcf-42b7-473e-8fa8-e94640bc3ac8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:09:22	-187.279
-17	31121	3112100	5ecc7afe-b05f-47ef-a156-98fb934c80eb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:00:12	-622.694
-17	62242	3112100	1859b63c-10a2-42ab-96a2-264cbacfd3ec	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:31:09	-19.593
-18	31122	3112200	2176dde1-5835-4070-aa84-e7d901ed4cfd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:12:10	477.260
-18	62244	3112200	bf4ffab0-d20a-44e3-9cf5-7f28c21969c5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:46:29	593.974
-19	31123	3112300	33767484-7a4b-4579-8b56-9e43f711ff2f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:29:34	-483.272
-19	62246	3112300	1ac4024c-12f0-42e3-b785-2409de318a53	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:10:47	18.15
-20	31124	3112400	7f657f5b-940f-4397-a307-8a89fad08698	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:12:06	-108.806
-20	62248	3112400	a82a8a95-7e3b-4c40-9700-8194e1206660	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:16:03	441.467
-21	31125	3112500	e578217d-3d65-4107-99db-6827fa709a2a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:12:25	978.911
-21	62250	3112500	3a03f558-9b4b-4284-907e-4ae7c2fd5078	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:05:28	-84.256
-22	31126	3112600	f571a3e6-db0d-41c9-b970-ee371e6117d2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:48:42	-204.549
-22	62252	3112600	f29a8682-72e6-4b09-91b1-411698a6bfec	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:37:27	755.675
-23	31127	3112700	91e2d236-5beb-477a-a1eb-7fca476cc5d9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:23:40	-652.111
-23	62254	3112700	65d7528e-0814-4f2a-ab78-a85b6c79d3ce	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:06:51	561.468
-24	31128	3112800	33462d75-fa55-4660-932b-ed8b6c8957e3	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:59:57	607.720
-24	62256	3112800	e7612aa2-8b1c-4415-9cf5-f6f406fe0401	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:27:15	814.50
-25	31129	3112900	b0b6f902-ef14-45a5-a42e-112382b76064	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:03:42	-458.586
-25	62258	3112900	2051ca4e-ec5a-4851-8de7-55fa4cf45f81	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:14:10	453.698
-26	31130	3113000	a18c6f80-5934-489f-8717-b1a0c7358e52	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:05:21	677.526
-26	62260	3113000	2352c947-b961-4070-8658-9757982f7a15	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:08:41	-944.396
-27	31131	3113100	53b454b5-6ca6-468d-817d-6473d4957d61	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:14:26	-270.757
-27	62262	3113100	cad626f5-1e51-49c9-be1e-6b4291be3c79	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:52:21	729.370
-28	31132	3113200	e5d8a080-966b-46f8-9158-b27214314609	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:03:00	105.677
-28	62264	3113200	9bbcb627-6324-4c9e-9c5b-dd70b5446a99	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:34:00	-464.539
-29	31133	3113300	6f22eeee-b5b3-401a-baac-7715f72d9995	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:46:36	-262.288
-29	62266	3113300	0895cedd-4569-40d8-8d67-27d8094ec0be	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:47:47	791.331
-30	31134	3113400	1729dee9-1430-4c3f-8598-c1bcfa883c97	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:39:50	-947.469
-30	62268	3113400	0b111c0f-ae7a-46c7-91a0-ca5bad112f29	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:15:34	-452.885
-31	31135	3113500	efa35f6f-75ee-4731-aad9-a680783c43e8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:03:11	-183.215
-31	62270	3113500	d979bc3a-a443-445b-affa-ba8060649149	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:40:54	-295.852
-32	31136	3113600	8440714a-64ed-4b5b-803f-2a376939dd05	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:06:16	-161.254
-32	62272	3113600	acae6d50-f576-443f-ab6f-065bfaf24281	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:44:40	229.449
-33	31137	3113700	823f2f37-ecf5-4b9d-aea5-e965022a0b24	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:04:27	407.894
-33	62274	3113700	52a1ce2f-595c-4072-bcc5-4fe15b499b7d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:25:54	-702.108
-34	31138	3113800	e2035713-7192-4047-9638-5530049015a7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:06:47	469.175
-34	62276	3113800	8b5d5a57-12f3-4da3-a8f8-930f76ddcff5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:40:09	-436.321
-35	31139	3113900	95f5affd-f860-40e1-acc1-246c53c87c58	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:52:53	-639.536
-35	62278	3113900	e6b947ca-8d24-4016-aebd-c0cf14c32fd2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:19:56	226.571
-36	31140	3114000	31b9baa6-8f1c-409a-80b3-13241ae5d9ae	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:17:12	587.361
-36	62280	3114000	3dccb213-bce0-4e88-9a31-f0c487b7a30d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:57:04	321.501
-37	31141	3114100	104255e7-2b52-4338-86dd-d1c80d83d8f6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:09:59	-393.392
-37	62282	3114100	7734f882-35c3-46a0-83da-0028ba4855b0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:43:13	776.682
-38	31142	3114200	cfe3458c-8ef5-447c-bf01-830011fb4302	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:01:11	-856.863
-38	62284	3114200	f18ca987-d3de-4b8f-b308-ffa617655d90	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:26:11	504.780
-39	31143	3114300	8feeb970-800a-4954-bfa3-cd06e0b051ae	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:14:44	-3.851
-39	62286	3114300	022b4763-8503-45d9-ab5e-418de2a06de4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:37:05	-433.927
-40	31144	3114400	ffbd4a9b-3092-41bf-9786-144099016fce	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:41:51	112.364
-40	62288	3114400	41ce7591-86d4-411e-b239-45a48c9df6fe	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:12:22	940.496
-41	31145	3114500	14546094-6ae9-4381-b5c0-1c646ca7458e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:41:30	801.993
-41	62290	3114500	1dbd08ab-ef88-48f5-bc3b-35ad83c953bf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:43:35	281.538
-42	31146	3114600	97c0c81c-addd-4a7c-9a38-b6e5c73cfbc9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:27:25	290.675
-42	62292	3114600	41d61394-48eb-4400-801e-5d2f1a2d65ce	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:53:44	-749.888
-43	31147	3114700	96cfc727-5419-4089-90eb-9c0865c1a679	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:06:41	-919.510
-43	62294	3114700	83200ac3-923a-430a-9988-948343693b32	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:35:19	-918.434
-44	31148	3114800	b3cac45d-d535-4dde-8e42-94a041288670	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:56:56	351.308
-44	62296	3114800	8f414db2-1ea7-4947-a4c6-f2315a070c44	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:52:38	997.136
-45	31149	3114900	f7461509-74e7-4aec-9905-ede47ed8d533	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:33:10	-754.336
-45	62298	3114900	4f99065d-fda4-48d1-bf58-30af5e90d3f0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:20:51	-562.239
-46	31150	3115000	66efbc29-eafd-4ac4-9bf0-bd91f488d787	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:57:25	-910.953
-46	62300	3115000	81bd498c-357f-462f-aa0e-5830b93fbbeb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:13:57	807.307
-47	31151	3115100	02f73337-8d1a-45cd-888c-a49beb11c32f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:35:17	587.914
-47	62302	3115100	6e3ed3c5-29a5-4436-9705-6e0d0cfee4b4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:48:53	-551.673
-48	31152	3115200	91537175-4c60-4a1d-9490-3b629fd89f65	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:47:49	652.314
-48	62304	3115200	59096baf-76d4-4dc7-ab3f-c3ac935a84c0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:48:58	-290.429
-49	31153	3115300	2b0485bf-53f8-4737-8654-38dae7c0af8a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:12:47	-432.785
-49	62306	3115300	2f6157dd-c1bd-4f73-9274-22b4c826e3ee	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:34:28	-55.442
-50	31154	3115400	e733990c-ba13-4cf2-8641-94db8c3d0a02	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:52:01	-710.861
-50	62308	3115400	fa02c95b-d932-4c82-9e0c-8e3de6b3b0ff	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:44:49	826.413
-51	31155	3115500	9d376478-5804-43eb-82c9-3a79cdaff283	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:31:58	-580.247
-51	62310	3115500	45b0518a-b574-4987-aa65-e2eb04f98364	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:46:08	-928.767
-52	31156	3115600	6420a9ba-f133-4165-9ace-6c2cdf850eb5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:59:47	980.59
-52	62312	3115600	6d8deba6-7e13-4b07-ac55-878af7aea793	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:55:48	-350.782
-53	31157	3115700	cd21ae67-1a8c-4301-a0d6-11bc01cd2216	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:58:23	-387.884
-53	62314	3115700	3d9c3835-e954-4d4f-815c-dbbb983758cb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:02:12	892.940
-54	31158	3115800	43f74302-89df-4f63-a204-2d9cf243752b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:37:43	825.641
-54	62316	3115800	672983bf-cbf4-4f44-94cf-726502ddd722	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:45:53	-182.584
-55	31159	3115900	d212ca83-6d55-4e33-b18c-9d4c0b3de97c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:43:36	574.619
-55	62318	3115900	3e15c9d2-4a50-4a76-a12b-b26335603ebc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:33:39	269.626
-56	31160	3116000	ba05cbe1-f6fe-46ac-926b-16a604fce2f0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:24:38	987.710
-56	62320	3116000	615bd549-b576-4461-be09-18abbc864516	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:46:33	534.993
-57	31161	3116100	2f2da368-30d7-470a-bcc1-aa51c062d459	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:42:18	557.182
-57	62322	3116100	faef0f40-6cf0-4f56-9bb4-8b87873bccf5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:04:48	-949.140
-58	31162	3116200	7a5fa1eb-8fd2-4398-8071-7a273d6b6e74	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:34:17	-799.978
-58	62324	3116200	f1317d11-6cb3-40d4-91ee-d84d37be12cf	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:12:58	328.386
-59	31163	3116300	76b91013-04f5-4ab2-9702-146ce3aac7fd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:44:25	-268.689
-59	62326	3116300	44ba0084-d08c-47ed-8a4d-2af10c0c42c2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:06:12	-190.696
-60	31164	3116400	a0c663e7-d6e4-416f-aff0-39615d291284	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:34:06	329.888
-60	62328	3116400	2b7e1743-1f1b-40fa-97bf-c9f499cc9b4d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:39:41	-355.602
-61	31165	3116500	1795aeca-ea72-475c-bc64-d020f3aa91f9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:48:14	914.917
-61	62330	3116500	98010162-3f59-4740-9fbe-39723a29cf8c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:05:16	146.160
-62	31166	3116600	44d0a18f-ec97-4de4-a503-5433e257d7c1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:11:45	-888.417
-62	62332	3116600	ea285784-7adc-4290-b553-1935908f8893	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:34:56	-686.26
-63	31167	3116700	a33791de-173e-48d6-9187-30727fa056a6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:27:53	-527.899
-63	62334	3116700	1ca8b07f-92a4-4c91-8e33-18fb264c7214	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:59:33	-879.496
-64	31168	3116800	0e41468d-5e44-472e-94aa-fde89119885c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:22:30	883.86
-64	62336	3116800	34fe7776-93e2-4d24-82f7-644468ccef76	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:40:59	-817.801
-65	31169	3116900	0088fd41-b3f8-40fd-8fda-58fddb6609cf	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:33:38	-438.365
-65	62338	3116900	987ef63a-d2be-4a41-9b9f-3346b4791d32	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:54:35	61.624
-66	31170	3117000	dabf0086-4ab4-4654-80d9-5858f5b3d663	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:30:31	-284.324
-66	62340	3117000	4adeb70a-6fdf-4fda-bc15-d17750fd0b8b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:21:12	185.177
-67	31171	3117100	625e0224-2992-4aef-9b4a-44525b6be90a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:14:27	-619.321
-67	62342	3117100	9968eed7-ced9-4946-9cb1-208875b4efb1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:03:55	806.311
-68	31172	3117200	b8127e4b-ec16-45ef-9e85-0f81dcc818dd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:57:07	159.724
-68	62344	3117200	1858254e-044a-4508-bcbe-e55a49e38f62	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:25:56	-296.449
-69	31173	3117300	2a348438-c6e2-43a8-8986-ca58ce70b153	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:07:02	-876.144
-69	62346	3117300	66db6bf4-53e1-4e1e-9141-38d82f57ad15	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:53:45	369.547
-70	31174	3117400	40f0b441-ac03-4d6f-a8c5-f80789c7c6b3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:08:38	-730.144
-70	62348	3117400	2193d338-2062-420f-aa2f-e421412c5b4e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:23:01	-406.842
-71	31175	3117500	4dc6bb3c-fd6e-491e-ab1c-be88d9db930b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:50:28	799.983
-71	62350	3117500	008ca059-8cd9-4487-9798-4fd90df16db3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:17:08	465.306
-72	31176	3117600	61a02567-5d07-4d82-9613-c5b98732df67	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:39:19	-961.834
-72	62352	3117600	38a4b47a-a922-4fae-8c38-0540d76694d4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:13:40	717.943
-73	31177	3117700	22e8e096-7ebd-47a1-a55e-7d12c51711ec	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:58:17	-287.412
-73	62354	3117700	dc3a0950-e564-4108-9def-3baf44aca087	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:50:45	193.738
-74	31178	3117800	2acee3a1-8eaa-4255-a761-c5be19617dc9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:42:46	-109.771
-74	62356	3117800	d6855b26-065b-4d2f-a920-451bfe403375	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:08:54	-511.259
-75	31179	3117900	0076463b-2a64-4770-b8af-268622100b7b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:49:33	-507.304
-75	62358	3117900	ddaaa15d-f7f5-458a-9251-03a9546ddff6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:50:15	388.882
-76	31180	3118000	5aebf608-ce1d-465a-ac51-b436be5b54f1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:06:23	-989.155
-76	62360	3118000	2b9902b5-66ac-4619-97a7-9c0d90a405c4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:42:46	-611.536
-77	31181	3118100	2071837a-e449-403b-b8d3-a4ac304648df	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:51:31	-764.284
-77	62362	3118100	940b7730-b64f-40f6-9bf9-6c51f4009859	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:12:14	326.447
-78	31182	3118200	c458208e-162b-45ee-9a96-1a0f1b4c0122	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:31:45	-283.987
-78	62364	3118200	ec28102b-926a-45ea-9c31-36a6027aca6b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:05:51	-885.238
-79	31183	3118300	2a2c1781-9001-4e47-a906-cac80b54f227	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:30:47	688.65
-79	62366	3118300	88a34ee3-9c89-4457-bbe2-85c720ed9ca2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:05:26	551.893
-80	31184	3118400	f1607e87-8239-4a8f-bb78-a7c37e56723f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:57:43	-622.54
-80	62368	3118400	fa27f23a-d6e7-4192-b611-c2fe0195fce1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:37:39	950.510
-81	31185	3118500	00e7cc9d-8599-41f7-b6a8-dc729cb877b0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:32:47	-920.459
-81	62370	3118500	f6123996-f092-4577-89fc-926022ddf4a0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:56:47	-170.829
-82	31186	3118600	aa63b9f2-deea-4903-bdf9-e2dd80b31e53	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:00:01	722.618
-82	62372	3118600	64f8d936-8623-436e-96be-4e9bbc357356	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:55:52	-203.910
-83	31187	3118700	d1b2eaaf-82bb-4ae5-afb1-905b336b6654	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:02:21	9.246
-83	62374	3118700	87eded74-eceb-4f31-9d9b-9cbe76078053	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:33:10	-734.597
-84	31188	3118800	fd68e66c-0c44-4058-b07e-fff84f541ee7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:56:09	533.754
-84	62376	3118800	4efd056a-7c6a-41d2-90a2-ac3457ee21a7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:58:35	510.750
-85	31189	3118900	1d23b239-951b-4485-b6e6-70a358a13526	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:33:35	-418.333
-85	62378	3118900	81a61131-2467-4664-a7b3-1131544f8ea3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:27:14	453.877
-86	31190	3119000	49c93c45-caa8-4ad2-ada5-5c21ce119b31	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:30:02	975.380
-86	62380	3119000	1f6ae15d-ef74-4865-b2cf-c8178004c975	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:44:47	486.996
-87	31191	3119100	fffb30d7-439d-4fd2-ba65-7cf1e53d7151	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:56:30	281.20
-87	62382	3119100	eda17c1e-4202-4a66-9ad0-ea28e7597df6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:51:03	-409.143
-88	31192	3119200	3b4d8a79-4b67-446d-adb9-9baaec4b5493	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:59:45	-441.760
-88	62384	3119200	5590e76b-fc30-45d6-b49b-7c3c4a468bb7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:27:26	878.403
-89	31193	3119300	7ab39888-9659-4b61-82da-8c026a10e946	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:52:40	-963.322
-89	62386	3119300	e1706b6c-f3db-49b4-81e3-1a10688f6b29	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:10:27	570.73
-90	31194	3119400	f26aca00-9912-4a2f-be1e-4e2717bec54f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:44:01	531.453
-90	62388	3119400	047ff0eb-214b-40c1-bcf1-1a8da6d44828	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:45:15	683.787
-91	31195	3119500	421f982d-bac7-49a5-b6e9-6faa39ee2cf5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:46:41	47.238
-91	62390	3119500	59c360ff-ff36-4e2f-b088-d569088b7212	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:18:50	698.204
-92	31196	3119600	da7aaa85-486e-435d-86d0-013832cf3f2e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:21:00	700.615
-92	62392	3119600	9569d284-fd90-42db-b8f0-fd547767cc03	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:26:28	-574.584
-93	31197	3119700	c79bd914-300f-45e4-8ac6-07b74643bc25	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:55:01	-61.31
-93	62394	3119700	f86186fc-01ef-41a8-a649-002743fd90b2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:53:46	-995.232
-94	31198	3119800	fe89fa17-f6c0-4c6f-913b-76087b6c3c69	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:47:33	-69.68
-94	62396	3119800	7c34f858-6957-4345-b775-c8ae45570348	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:51:57	-451.487
-95	31199	3119900	418aaddb-4a97-497c-bc44-022c5ed7901e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:59:41	383.570
-95	62398	3119900	0ddb5ee0-2d80-43ad-ae8d-a5b8d870cd40	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:03:11	-966.71
-96	31200	3120000	f02f3bd8-c072-4e28-8da3-4e71f080b3d5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:22:33	770.209
-96	62400	3120000	0e3028bd-8fa7-4bcd-a78e-0af055ea5f16	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:44:32	190.202
-97	31201	3120100	1723e369-128e-4baa-9504-bfcc810f8447	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:25:48	-527.109
-97	62402	3120100	c3f196ab-3bdb-42fc-9a31-d398ef1f8ce9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:04:25	-481.402
-98	31202	3120200	d3c0fb38-077f-4c54-9105-de3f8f314931	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:09:13	298.301
-98	62404	3120200	685539ea-15b3-4fc8-8ce4-d5b615e07748	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:31:13	-800.644
-99	31203	3120300	ba4ce393-475a-41b7-bde6-7f3d327bffd6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:36:30	6.731
-99	62406	3120300	000b3a29-2fcd-4c27-a69c-489d57c12f5f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:15:05	-252.107
-100	31204	3120400	bacfe6ba-4330-436b-8410-6b575b268c2b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:21:09	508.95
-100	62408	3120400	8f837013-1ef9-4186-bcba-00faf1e32d27	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:16:59	-107.802
-101	31205	3120500	a7d1af05-8df6-41c3-8e71-8247f5e9c3a2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:17:42	-483.398
-101	62410	3120500	c5f2e82e-14de-4164-a376-4c8510c71155	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:19:36	501.220
-102	31206	3120600	54792053-6371-40cb-b687-9d6bc28eaae8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:42:02	712.345
-102	62412	3120600	f2a470c4-926d-49a1-94ec-7e0aa3a5c42b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:24:35	975.278
-103	31207	3120700	b622a7cc-d115-4696-9c27-35c0cc3a77ac	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:33:25	930.183
-103	62414	3120700	1c1acfba-1a4b-4a06-a734-c4c0c28dc990	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:50:28	-936.283
-104	31208	3120800	21954a2f-eeb2-4b2c-a43a-f444c4e3103d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:34:53	-453.137
-104	62416	3120800	8619dbe3-e379-4682-829f-3aad035cc96d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:10:28	-8.627
-105	31209	3120900	1168585e-fedb-4a3f-949f-d8b9aa4d5080	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:22:43	-26.20
-105	62418	3120900	75ba372d-f9c9-439d-8022-ac7f894a6f25	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:36:37	278.184
-106	31210	3121000	bf52cb72-86b7-4cd5-8e22-e8b65fc2ab8a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:40:48	387.263
-106	62420	3121000	ccf5601d-3837-4331-a692-0cf12460e1d1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:47:29	168.184
-107	31211	3121100	2ffdc755-c7af-4260-8d87-668e4800e727	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:33:08	185.452
-107	62422	3121100	62352a47-3983-446b-a3a4-085d7665735d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:40:49	-548.798
-108	31212	3121200	d750d5ce-cb61-4f80-b3d2-32d47cb05888	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:52:08	68.897
-108	62424	3121200	6822d61c-036c-4152-a9bd-93fdf6c7f2b9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:46:37	898.305
-109	31213	3121300	1cf7cd3d-e7d5-42fa-bc27-642f29eb7528	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:32:15	516.975
-109	62426	3121300	33a1f645-fc79-427e-b7e9-49874a594e53	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:16:21	74.684
-110	31214	3121400	f6208ffd-cbe0-4b53-814c-264a5a431c85	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:12:29	-449.375
-110	62428	3121400	3b2ec752-950d-4589-9909-4156f5244af0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:41:21	670.604
-111	31215	3121500	a4834f77-e594-4bb9-9860-04561ce12311	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:28:18	736.842
-111	62430	3121500	b0b44057-1f1c-4a8f-b720-e562d5ad0549	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:26:50	-962.376
-112	31216	3121600	436ef863-88e9-4669-87f4-2db3664e49e2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:31:03	457.426
-112	62432	3121600	4725adac-9eb2-4b87-b8a4-997e0480875f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:55:49	100.618
-113	31217	3121700	c2b9e0ba-8c69-4aa4-ab89-dee50e573841	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:04:01	996.285
-113	62434	3121700	8fea19c1-4d05-4a5d-a968-492370bb90f9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:48:34	-201.711
-114	31218	3121800	e62381c1-176c-4851-b084-10ac71748a4a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:51:56	-973.153
-114	62436	3121800	fd329975-0310-4eb7-896d-a7669e59d707	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:38:48	-324.604
-115	31219	3121900	e5d10adb-d9cd-4b0b-9def-1dcabe472d88	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:52:12	247.593
-115	62438	3121900	b81940ff-3e9e-4b9b-a5bb-1df0d33c8e21	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:23:37	-697.975
-116	31220	3122000	f27ee68d-aab5-40d9-9c47-23f0a3c833f1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:44:14	899.848
-116	62440	3122000	ccf8cc87-a857-45d8-b731-eb2cba4fad81	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:53:31	996.711
-117	31221	3122100	50c8af7e-3211-4cd9-9c10-071cb0d428d2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:49:31	952.963
-117	62442	3122100	d952adc8-4e87-4ca5-87ed-2b7000ba0c62	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:44:44	-517.636
-118	31222	3122200	5c7ee81e-f31a-4ee4-86c2-8fbe734dc8ee	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:33:08	668.867
-118	62444	3122200	e4462dc1-576f-4aea-a112-a87c90b14747	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:56:39	-351.777
-119	31223	3122300	366c2f59-54e5-4094-abc3-011817e59aa8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:46:12	623.842
-119	62446	3122300	384fe6ea-0dea-4bb4-9fb4-a5fe14d585f8	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:43:49	576.250
-120	31224	3122400	12655b9e-99ef-4352-b809-d076fb4264bd	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:27:26	577.58
-120	62448	3122400	402b0771-4c7a-493f-935d-c78c6596ff90	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:35:34	743.181
-121	31225	3122500	a826084c-e663-40d1-9e90-185818c6e3c6	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:29:47	-787.989
-121	62450	3122500	8c6f9284-5f78-440d-9d61-34354301195d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:12:24	228.866
-122	31226	3122600	2988c5fd-3e3b-40ea-9d19-230f8eff671a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:55:14	-241.825
-122	62452	3122600	e26b9b48-50f0-46d6-80ad-0fb29ebc4081	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:40:04	-104.641
-123	31227	3122700	08f1e3ed-5423-42c9-b046-c0a1eb2cbbdb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:57:09	60.634
-123	62454	3122700	f8d43edd-f4d5-4ff4-9333-af072eb10fad	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:10:39	244.756
-124	31228	3122800	b854542b-9c77-4bd6-86f3-f896ff6228bb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:50:27	-451.90
-124	62456	3122800	b696ccde-8e27-478e-8b16-11947bdd6db7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:04:30	-693.869
-125	31229	3122900	33da267f-a0c3-4263-8b1a-3fdff76a2b5f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:18:36	386.348
-125	62458	3122900	9d078681-9754-4fdf-a4e4-ea0a320227c3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:22:30	-720.161
-126	31230	3123000	76e9da28-ea6c-41b3-a457-3244e9a28aaf	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:06:52	773.528
-126	62460	3123000	33f7b981-0998-4632-a249-a6cd8dbce19e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:28:39	-698.657
-127	31231	3123100	e7f9199b-27bf-4720-a448-a6cf3bd48fc6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:40:35	-792.251
-127	62462	3123100	fd7b5586-422c-4e2c-af01-4300adb5f199	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:56:15	-920.252
-0	31232	3123200	3be2264a-97e8-4d46-9f34-0e6089b2175a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:24:24	-344.24
-0	62464	3123200	4efbe988-8edd-4c0e-97a8-faf6f3d7b898	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:18:49	273.225
-1	31233	3123300	26ea0103-93e3-42aa-90e2-6738e894e359	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:03:56	947.948
-1	62466	3123300	1887926e-8c2f-4941-8c65-1be66fc7d537	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:59:06	749.67
-2	31234	3123400	f8fc07f5-dc3b-4818-91e1-9091c52f34c2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:26:03	368.58
-2	62468	3123400	c20b3163-dc97-4bde-b85b-c830c00608f8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:17:04	860.120
-3	31235	3123500	96a203b4-ed54-473b-8929-c0a9225ba48e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:06:01	343.776
-3	62470	3123500	926661b5-93c9-404f-ab97-e7b76a3f7192	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:10:29	-739.268
-4	31236	3123600	618d5312-132b-4984-85d4-b4152e2b41f6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:04:07	-401.101
-4	62472	3123600	2286ddf7-495a-4a71-a910-3f4a4258d198	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:24:02	584.385
-5	31237	3123700	af4aa570-b581-48d3-abe8-da6b836c275d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:46:34	856.636
-5	62474	3123700	a0a9f1d7-a420-4633-aadf-e37084f4882a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:03:28	-174.69
-6	31238	3123800	e3cbeb78-dbdb-42c4-9082-ac408dc91eba	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:44:52	405.776
-6	62476	3123800	14a501d1-8b22-4c18-a77f-cc3e9f2a313a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:18:44	143.686
-7	31239	3123900	a23432c4-fa0b-47e5-b428-ef496b191627	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:54:40	-687.857
-7	62478	3123900	e7983fea-b385-4c79-a767-b6ec57dabb52	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:11:08	-647.454
-8	31240	3124000	1f5631b0-364f-4208-a8ef-a14ed2127184	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:45:36	161.541
-8	62480	3124000	8dfe26e5-23a9-4c7a-a845-ce793b690552	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:03:22	-670.55
-9	31241	3124100	2cee2aff-dd4e-45bb-b52c-e22d64c29c5c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:10:55	-716.393
-9	62482	3124100	265020fa-f350-4f1e-aeaf-cca78559fa0b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:22:59	-522.621
-10	31242	3124200	e6fa964e-e727-4e3b-8c64-2c081c8be28d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:58:03	-885.941
-10	62484	3124200	04eb1631-ebc0-450d-88f8-5cfb5cb42e3a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:05:09	134.462
-11	31243	3124300	796c62e8-69e5-48bc-ac6c-41b954cfc2a9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:19:34	-564.954
-11	62486	3124300	3cda9e60-0d73-4106-9644-9be8dbf54424	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:06:05	-892.464
-12	31244	3124400	bbdc8308-409f-4e00-894d-1d641737790f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:12:34	-338.712
-12	62488	3124400	48cdfdd0-379d-4125-9222-086395143854	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:19:16	496.242
-13	31245	3124500	8bb5efd1-be6f-4793-8e5f-dffc10e9af07	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:28:22	-799.334
-13	62490	3124500	9defa8ce-e721-4ee0-a2d4-ef96ca7ed0b7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:21:03	-882.729
-14	31246	3124600	701bc30d-d6a7-4de1-bf2b-dd843819f273	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:42:48	913.227
-14	62492	3124600	ac11a2cf-4a88-44b4-b768-04a300675981	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:45:40	975.575
-15	31247	3124700	105dd87a-a0e4-4746-a24b-402b26b1fac6	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:21:19	-355.907
-15	62494	3124700	2947d968-511b-416e-9936-5c0d8fb66f80	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:57:58	-649.250
-16	31248	3124800	63c3e604-64a4-4640-a4b4-31886187b33d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:32:27	772.128
-16	62496	3124800	ec4192e5-bdf7-40a5-8b9a-7cb94b8e446e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:30:15	212.796
-17	31249	3124900	aa151fd8-1b64-4855-8294-ab432155ba89	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:39:54	-705.507
-17	62498	3124900	24f5ec86-8d37-4ffd-984f-859516212967	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:12:15	220.507
-18	31250	3125000	7068dae7-e2df-4da6-b501-d9d104d9f4af	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:32:30	579.63
-18	62500	3125000	669b5a3c-f0a7-42e9-83b2-58c3da3c7fc6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:53:26	-56.462
-19	31251	3125100	0c2a7195-f9f4-4d8f-9a1a-32f14d021296	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:34:51	-309.972
-19	62502	3125100	30773fed-882e-4342-832e-95c16b4ea1cc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:39:25	-429.926
-20	31252	3125200	a0d32a55-e0ab-4fe6-8a65-f34257854633	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:57:42	-863.946
-20	62504	3125200	698e12c4-9d5f-4475-8537-d05c8822f848	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:04:22	663.421
-21	31253	3125300	595211fc-8613-48e0-9434-b8c673bde434	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:21:10	556.311
-21	62506	3125300	cd906738-a43e-4c05-a1a7-28a48ca4cf6a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:54:43	-775.881
-22	31254	3125400	2ec54748-ef61-4539-aca7-539ce1d99a52	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:20:33	68.738
-22	62508	3125400	d1e540cf-1fe5-414d-9d95-dba5d547ee8e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:43:42	346.782
-23	31255	3125500	0306af77-6c10-4944-b4c8-fa69dafb37e1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:26:45	-605.560
-23	62510	3125500	2219d6ae-379c-4850-9e3d-5ded602d2471	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:15:41	-700.299
-24	31256	3125600	002a1cfc-5944-4299-9540-8dce2ee42422	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:42:16	-38.946
-24	62512	3125600	cd3545ae-8a2d-4902-89ee-ab7daa44e7b2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:20:01	-390.421
-25	31257	3125700	bf8ffc91-dd4f-4b77-9507-d28ae62b6b28	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:05:06	-675.628
-25	62514	3125700	47814dba-ecaa-49ec-83bd-7f289ed0d624	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:08:21	-283.34
-26	31258	3125800	392d7191-b39c-45b7-a0d8-eeef4099e221	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:39:17	-827.674
-26	62516	3125800	4669c486-bb93-4ae6-a80e-a890199680d3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:36:51	542.95
-27	31259	3125900	e69660a0-31e7-4276-9f23-840f7a7417ea	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:20:15	-472.400
-27	62518	3125900	a45682aa-78d7-4d69-9767-3ce7380f658d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:12:46	711.710
-28	31260	3126000	d01027eb-3653-46eb-ad23-1d137ebe4c20	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:21:54	384.934
-28	62520	3126000	909b26d9-7a8e-4465-98a7-398352495bcf	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:58:24	-455.698
-29	31261	3126100	dd94001d-48e4-48dd-bf7f-d665e6150e2b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:11:26	-951.846
-29	62522	3126100	d54e8561-68fe-426f-a112-59d3bce09769	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:59:44	664.380
-30	31262	3126200	fd26adcd-7632-4620-86cc-3b9201ac77d0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:19:41	-720.649
-30	62524	3126200	e20febfd-e82e-40bc-b342-db93a1528005	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:23:52	938.66
-31	31263	3126300	734d41f8-b5c1-4550-b590-a1e4300675c5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:08:56	-739.836
-31	62526	3126300	a03ee945-3134-4c6b-892f-a5e74eb09bd2	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:19:20	948.898
-32	31264	3126400	d8ba9a1f-5ba9-4454-87d9-170573425b83	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:02:55	935.759
-32	62528	3126400	22be1183-b42f-4e41-ad82-67ac8d69364f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:38:44	-130.824
-33	31265	3126500	702eb145-260b-4250-9ddd-7642aaca8b27	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:02:32	-167.77
-33	62530	3126500	cbc9562a-f5d7-44cc-a73b-c26aa0b2576a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:57:35	-309.246
-34	31266	3126600	4a27171f-ed00-4215-a713-db46a83e1ad0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:50:22	-62.80
-34	62532	3126600	4143f791-0f0a-4c76-bfe7-a5314dbf2458	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:53:17	-566.355
-35	31267	3126700	2f10ab20-c462-437b-9aeb-918918a517e1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:05:17	-572.563
-35	62534	3126700	a52210ae-0890-48ce-8308-8a92b0c1afe5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:12:11	-72.771
-36	31268	3126800	e0c770de-d1df-4727-8148-8dcd038ecac3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:03:44	-342.14
-36	62536	3126800	2fbf0c5d-ec60-4aee-a162-6b3ad07217dd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:02:08	706.540
-37	31269	3126900	932eb140-3621-4080-9ceb-1f5ba2883f06	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:43:16	359.456
-37	62538	3126900	a1c6ef48-64e9-4b8a-85f8-95602972b1f5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:57:04	766.181
-38	31270	3127000	8050c452-3f04-448c-a499-9cc9afe63608	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:35:41	-115.504
-38	62540	3127000	a74cb243-4463-4688-8be6-497829578717	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:14:27	126.111
-39	31271	3127100	760cc62a-fd49-41ff-be9f-551ee09bf6bb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:15:55	-685.885
-39	62542	3127100	9fc07925-ee44-4a5b-923a-98af5edfb85b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:34:31	-225.226
-40	31272	3127200	6dc4185f-8e57-4219-8df4-de3a68fbea59	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:00:29	688.374
-40	62544	3127200	1747d2f3-7c26-439d-8b24-34beb63af5dc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:00:49	-685.475
-41	31273	3127300	abdd27ec-58e0-4c45-8144-20ab4322901c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:18:38	-715.725
-41	62546	3127300	fd783220-61ee-4e4a-8d26-da6d9efc8064	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:04:01	438.647
-42	31274	3127400	889a4eef-952f-4b91-a524-5f93f0480088	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:12:50	311.358
-42	62548	3127400	7197a158-df34-4b48-86ce-7e5cb1018007	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:53:26	759.82
-43	31275	3127500	dc5b8fed-d676-4797-9570-544dc3d0979a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:41:40	-432.944
-43	62550	3127500	faab42ee-c454-48e3-876d-ba4a7e5b0fc9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:54:15	-795.73
-44	31276	3127600	85c254d1-1270-4bec-9b5f-a2cc065f7eb8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:59:38	793.342
-44	62552	3127600	543bd02b-1b3b-4778-b881-3c95540833c3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:37:19	-555.813
-45	31277	3127700	68a3d9c2-54cb-4395-8179-b45408c17f5b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:41:03	-419.74
-45	62554	3127700	c162eae7-6260-4163-84ee-81af368e57ec	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:01:20	175.532
-46	31278	3127800	c2ba5916-09d7-490d-9f27-c86fc93e024e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:37:17	325.535
-46	62556	3127800	cc7a6026-7538-4181-b0c7-15af64ac37b7	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:00:45	708.20
-47	31279	3127900	ba86df97-f003-4da2-839e-76a8e2e269ae	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:46:49	544.523
-47	62558	3127900	34de0fb0-8d59-486a-bf74-72ae973b934b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:01:14	-123.235
-48	31280	3128000	0a5f0db9-074f-4379-b1e0-350e6be465f6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:20:10	922.784
-48	62560	3128000	a679e2ab-be2e-40a8-8a79-5ae7c16a03bd	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:46:47	812.639
-49	31281	3128100	15b0fc62-627d-452b-a18e-1485b04f2b7a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:44:28	-649.58
-49	62562	3128100	f4ce8f95-2356-4db4-ba6b-767ed08b5d22	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:34:31	952.540
-50	31282	3128200	6e7e282f-49ff-43e7-ad39-53837e686622	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:05:00	815.819
-50	62564	3128200	3727a83f-aae9-450d-a277-2262d3d72f70	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:01:57	299.500
-51	31283	3128300	f3eafd37-2f84-4f8d-9f7d-c2126715dab7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:41:57	551.202
-51	62566	3128300	ce3c8a71-d69a-4ff9-a531-f8433d4d0ec0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:51:54	-277.305
-52	31284	3128400	40476947-fc57-4bb2-ab64-822d30d61024	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:37:58	331.155
-52	62568	3128400	01e8484d-1510-47d1-ad2d-a502538da475	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:47:48	472.384
-53	31285	3128500	a938ac17-693e-4b58-9f6c-15698bb2c3d6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:34:15	298.543
-53	62570	3128500	52309b6a-c890-4596-97c9-804c7cd25977	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:20:57	534.102
-54	31286	3128600	848de35f-8cb3-4937-a4c6-941b53ca183d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:48:40	-937.42
-54	62572	3128600	f6e0a36f-9f76-4629-a7c7-ec2cff8efee2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:34:14	-411.398
-55	31287	3128700	6a92f5d9-7e05-4f28-acfc-a13e47823685	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:50:35	676.430
-55	62574	3128700	45b16409-1e4e-496c-89b6-78389bbaaae5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:13:04	-943.107
-56	31288	3128800	81fa852c-5847-4040-a904-c2f7056bffb4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:24:46	631.497
-56	62576	3128800	b12d1966-e644-4679-b962-e1da1b3e6005	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:42:37	961.452
-57	31289	3128900	6c8cd8ce-d8bc-48e4-bc75-d78efb938cd6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:01:54	297.747
-57	62578	3128900	38e74043-19b0-4e3d-b8a3-03ceffa3f81a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:28:44	213.839
-58	31290	3129000	3a93b631-51ff-405d-a37e-9e42832a7252	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:54:18	33.731
-58	62580	3129000	47a1ad55-f579-4f9b-b85a-373afd918623	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:58:46	149.151
-59	31291	3129100	4a61ab27-6ded-477b-9689-3c1d2804e58f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:31:20	-402.889
-59	62582	3129100	5d3f2dbb-4c95-4391-ad9c-a7df6e9fd14c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:46:11	722.641
-60	31292	3129200	b4e0003b-1b52-46d2-a5e1-85104402bfaf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:48:57	-83.286
-60	62584	3129200	c9c03825-f08d-46db-9873-fcf86f763d9d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:00:03	-366.777
-61	31293	3129300	ca5e4ead-10b4-45aa-b095-ae436467c654	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:19:44	-542.347
-61	62586	3129300	7e29de93-7fa5-46ca-8d0d-eb66e834c79e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:43:15	-993.485
-62	31294	3129400	43d3bf39-b2d9-4c52-a0b5-a746d331bef6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:55:11	-785.703
-62	62588	3129400	4a9abaab-798a-4004-aeef-a57fda81d4a4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:56:52	-638.783
-63	31295	3129500	35e6b6fa-0037-4884-9a05-eeaa11bf68c5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:31:55	-42.295
-63	62590	3129500	a299aadc-5752-4e48-be96-26e6ddf279c8	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:20:07	376.777
-64	31296	3129600	141dae78-c3b1-46ac-8bb9-dbe10bdb97c8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:09:49	239.845
-64	62592	3129600	5fe11ae0-8d47-4d65-bb48-0a70e2f5933c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:08:20	-546.241
-65	31297	3129700	6671b8d4-a585-4604-a7f1-5b5f8789091f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:02:39	-437.963
-65	62594	3129700	1747318e-b715-4945-a1cc-e952c25073e8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:24:32	-877.730
-66	31298	3129800	07f3423f-9e8c-4e4f-ac8f-62d9ea358ed1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:55:57	669.911
-66	62596	3129800	ef3b902b-f768-4be6-a246-53dd336cfd0b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:47:22	-216.175
-67	31299	3129900	ae68a3b5-4faf-4ad7-b2fd-08683fcf6bfb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:45:13	-298.155
-67	62598	3129900	b6a3c452-6997-4716-a5e5-1ff5f8d3ad80	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:00:54	-895.380
-68	31300	3130000	0477f4dc-132f-4b6d-87ce-5de54ae4f2f4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:19:11	-11.251
-68	62600	3130000	27e316dc-c7bf-4b6b-9b0b-c1d3e4ee1f32	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:14:32	979.808
-69	31301	3130100	cd829ffc-4ee7-46f3-b5f5-160cbcd91ed4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:46:03	-422.579
-69	62602	3130100	1b426c4f-aebf-4855-af18-ed562d232970	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:34:29	895.705
-70	31302	3130200	a1944129-30ff-4e05-9d12-62a37e7f6d51	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:11:51	669.659
-70	62604	3130200	ba883c9b-8f57-4798-a697-c1cbfbb07fb1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:17:31	-687.528
-71	31303	3130300	7d33ea18-a3e8-419c-957d-73c0d7345ff9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:48:08	-151.405
-71	62606	3130300	a84e45a3-1380-4487-843a-47ec65dc12e1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:40:42	-631.977
-72	31304	3130400	f6927d04-4da8-4a6f-b79e-0da59ba93ae2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:35:23	-415.674
-72	62608	3130400	c3a5419a-6de0-46a7-9fbe-f59b7a954e44	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:13:45	627.648
-73	31305	3130500	2c89f753-6946-46e7-91f2-010c7dbac0c4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:48:07	-31.130
-73	62610	3130500	9dd18aa7-b90b-4fda-a5a1-13828287effc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:40:50	210.275
-74	31306	3130600	ff642496-8427-45bd-9c93-180f0c37bda6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:09:00	-56.163
-74	62612	3130600	4dc47530-628b-4314-a4a0-dfba9a71b382	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:44:47	-628.418
-75	31307	3130700	77721ba3-ba7c-4a23-af85-842f4101cc8c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:06:56	161.681
-75	62614	3130700	a230cc38-2678-4fa6-b372-8430fc4a4148	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:53:19	672.342
-76	31308	3130800	8bda282d-8b1f-4edf-a10b-2ba7bb0ed298	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:02:11	929.247
-76	62616	3130800	c47c64b9-2a83-47fd-95b4-3caa799054f9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:43:33	-8.742
-77	31309	3130900	29a07b74-23d0-4ad5-a2a8-324c8006aa6f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:31:58	-611.218
-77	62618	3130900	7f3f5576-4db9-4270-b549-a23514877cdd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:41:58	-645.840
-78	31310	3131000	9669927a-cdec-4788-9f29-8c4bd38a212f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:54:26	145.275
-78	62620	3131000	350ee8cf-f0e6-47ff-8c18-da08b5325393	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:15:48	188.83
-79	31311	3131100	c6de12ca-3762-4acc-9113-a7845cc01c3a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:10:16	-920.999
-79	62622	3131100	00672a67-194d-4356-a4a4-5e0ad077e383	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:44:18	-285.951
-80	31312	3131200	f9a65161-f5b8-4239-a05f-20dfc61f0ebd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:43:27	748.652
-80	62624	3131200	ab7b404c-31d3-49e8-9ee8-77984067afee	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:11:25	-374.675
-81	31313	3131300	2a23dea7-db57-4d09-bc2a-610b8260b374	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:41:57	597.196
-81	62626	3131300	cdd78be4-d21a-4009-af42-28364dc39b6c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:20:57	245.378
-82	31314	3131400	5f1551cc-cd4d-49a0-ae2a-26ad31a19cb8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:55:23	-510.754
-82	62628	3131400	1074d79c-70a2-4bb4-b772-41403483fc30	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:03:32	-141.301
-83	31315	3131500	785c4de3-0dfc-420f-9e45-36befecd100c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:52:42	991.317
-83	62630	3131500	c7f71548-9f37-49cf-980d-e61d04011ea3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:52:25	-832.786
-84	31316	3131600	4dfb75c8-fcff-4fa1-aadf-82a50367cc66	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:22:44	884.953
-84	62632	3131600	51898a96-c4df-437c-b5f3-4b2d9ec73ff1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:11:07	606.211
-85	31317	3131700	7f4c3383-0304-4c2d-aff6-801cb66e1e33	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:27:13	243.290
-85	62634	3131700	93889108-0872-4888-a398-8a112772f705	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:33:03	149.222
-86	31318	3131800	d6c7ee54-541c-404f-a6bc-6f75d39cc8df	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:54:42	-715.152
-86	62636	3131800	c3dc9d7f-c1c6-4084-a1ed-07e7c86652a7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:23:41	345.249
-87	31319	3131900	ce237589-b039-4032-be01-f5c820ec48c7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:56:35	750.366
-87	62638	3131900	9dd1b583-3524-4c8c-9afe-6b1c13287d55	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:40:26	-260.623
-88	31320	3132000	2c2b84b0-8927-4946-8309-7fa72b47f416	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:11:48	-383.618
-88	62640	3132000	9eae2ccd-19ce-427b-898b-02991f321dfc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:47:09	864.503
-89	31321	3132100	4310bb09-931f-425e-9d84-74aedb396824	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:37:45	-372.313
-89	62642	3132100	d6061d92-dd9e-4a70-a829-f55bb91f65d8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:34:01	955.324
-90	31322	3132200	1d7da11e-0d9b-429f-a821-360357abdc2e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:16:01	-291.730
-90	62644	3132200	03e44502-fe30-48ba-8aba-e92ffabff27b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:52:08	882.483
-91	31323	3132300	bbddd713-3438-4511-a1ee-b98ad6db72ed	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:56:17	-249.756
-91	62646	3132300	c9ad25a2-bf72-4b73-aedf-4043ab16b835	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:32:49	-845.584
-92	31324	3132400	cb7ddb03-5b16-4212-9855-b50bd2477462	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:01:41	770.390
-92	62648	3132400	9c2b6e28-0854-4cb2-b0ce-ce2457c9ee7a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:29:10	-656.684
-93	31325	3132500	5bfa61c1-e20d-4c07-b626-606df2fa3534	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:44:40	647.664
-93	62650	3132500	bb51a579-1707-47ff-b544-a918a660beaa	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:08:53	-855.478
-94	31326	3132600	b666224b-94b4-4dc3-8024-e23f82eb6be0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:07:28	130.414
-94	62652	3132600	1cc6c58e-d2b9-4817-839c-84998c049dd5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:56:41	-181.897
-95	31327	3132700	b9ce0fcf-4124-475e-b7a4-b152900c647f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:46:52	183.732
-95	62654	3132700	6c04e560-3040-4f31-b3ed-b64b89913da3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:55:13	-669.161
-96	31328	3132800	f7ab6337-74d6-4b59-8b46-308a962f262d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:42:32	363.575
-96	62656	3132800	b18ea94a-c087-4621-821d-7b07496e7c44	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:09:33	646.593
-97	31329	3132900	bc29bc43-1d4a-4d06-a017-3d84027d5425	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:53:35	-927.551
-97	62658	3132900	b3533178-af9f-4db7-b770-0fa64371f82a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:51:36	-627.87
-98	31330	3133000	ed3143c6-bafd-4eaf-a596-cd58eeef7a0c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:06:14	468.506
-98	62660	3133000	970da799-22a2-478a-b458-e6352a97235f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:46:46	-849.547
-99	31331	3133100	a419522c-c730-4c84-b1b7-228dacb5381c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:52:56	980.218
-99	62662	3133100	82c072c5-9dc8-4934-b793-d8b943e7e9d3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:22:45	922.754
-100	31332	3133200	981e46a5-f9db-46ba-a82f-c761b07a6833	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:50:32	39.719
-100	62664	3133200	9eeb29f7-f128-452a-81a4-2889a970b4b5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:47:37	-245.707
-101	31333	3133300	13226f21-ddde-4e25-becd-c2369f79ae5a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:46:09	-164.907
-101	62666	3133300	44379955-dd98-4fc8-83e2-139473ba0324	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:48:13	713.48
-102	31334	3133400	502b8ae2-19b3-494c-92b6-55e8cebd1d66	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:25:14	-849.596
-102	62668	3133400	40a3f43e-ea96-4c94-8192-2716ef052f1f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:43:12	-802.608
-103	31335	3133500	4d3d6824-a18b-426d-9dd7-11f81144e949	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:28:35	-50.103
-103	62670	3133500	e926b310-9ea1-45f1-a3a0-3bf096e8513b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:48:16	-590.682
-104	31336	3133600	998fa868-5daf-40a4-9833-560225b778c7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:25:59	-885.777
-104	62672	3133600	2177e6a4-737e-4b8f-8c8c-77d68ed0e2de	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:17:37	-45.676
-105	31337	3133700	6b7f50aa-d811-4635-a5eb-49a72961f1ff	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:54:19	461.945
-105	62674	3133700	779d0275-1bc1-460f-b4f2-c1bf975e34ec	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:01:40	8.685
-106	31338	3133800	1e1a5a1f-d419-4603-b1da-f85b402e8bfa	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:16:22	-827.550
-106	62676	3133800	aeea7529-f81e-4a8e-8784-a1d923576a00	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:46:22	982.534
-107	31339	3133900	a4718a00-03cc-46b3-a845-0c81be418cae	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:17:55	616.119
-107	62678	3133900	d2918aaf-fef7-4d09-8529-37595260872a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:29:36	881.251
-108	31340	3134000	c411e1ee-bb94-4847-97e4-d70bd124abaa	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:16:16	-427.189
-108	62680	3134000	04ae59d8-c401-4e65-a5d9-702155dd513b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:02:21	-17.870
-109	31341	3134100	758946aa-d1b9-4326-a257-d11960f1624a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:39:09	-76.182
-109	62682	3134100	c9d16f9a-8e53-4904-98fc-1982ce7fdb50	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:00:42	-47.754
-110	31342	3134200	4c7b8d76-6d57-4ff1-b2a5-d92390655719	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:40:59	-853.38
-110	62684	3134200	fcf2afd4-5c77-4196-a0ac-089cd20824ba	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:53:56	379.941
-111	31343	3134300	79ce8246-33bd-4631-bf22-5f7e9420fe7f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:35:22	-940.856
-111	62686	3134300	0dcc175e-7809-474f-94ac-3ca82d52ee1b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:20:55	-633.199
-112	31344	3134400	9c4e747d-1c2a-4391-80a0-81674c641775	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:10:03	19.239
-112	62688	3134400	eb9e0dba-051b-4107-9445-006b173a6856	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:51:14	980.4
-113	31345	3134500	4f02fc23-230b-4119-9e2d-29f2dab2e18a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:29:18	81.384
-113	62690	3134500	a50c4f17-ecfd-4acd-8b37-47e5ae40d543	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:14:59	896.244
-114	31346	3134600	61bdca8e-af62-4d88-99fb-efeda81c3ba8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:05:13	-215.108
-114	62692	3134600	5d2a7030-e26f-4f9f-bfb1-b9e2a5920367	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:08:01	-75.819
-115	31347	3134700	28b3a45c-5c13-4d96-a2cc-3a11cba01cfd	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:10:59	-618.268
-115	62694	3134700	09e4ccbb-2648-45b6-8017-935b00ff5cec	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:49:38	-137.279
-116	31348	3134800	24bf5e8b-a658-47ef-97a3-de93e1a01bdf	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:55:31	180.708
-116	62696	3134800	51dc102d-3211-4533-9bd1-498aa7514c5d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:15:09	-435.577
-117	31349	3134900	a08e3f76-e67f-47d3-8716-1b7fceeb802c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:49:50	848.788
-117	62698	3134900	2bf5bf51-b797-4588-b3ef-d8994f7ac5a5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:16:07	78.316
-118	31350	3135000	ab1c2231-346c-47ed-b280-75c2a0c72c8a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:47:37	871.678
-118	62700	3135000	f96e3bb8-665d-4217-93db-43edeee63f12	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:10:21	-435.331
-119	31351	3135100	f120c873-d1c2-403c-b13e-17e2f22ab34f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:31:13	-171.354
-119	62702	3135100	7b5bb359-b8f5-4b77-b072-ab5426a48434	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:38:10	881.912
-120	31352	3135200	df7caaf7-55a5-41ca-98fb-5401253f4e4b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:24:35	906.941
-120	62704	3135200	5e2fecd3-0ea3-449c-8fb8-38adee2e5b96	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:58:42	-180.694
-121	31353	3135300	6144064c-baa1-4f55-b4e3-771ab5c64c2b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:30:04	469.784
-121	62706	3135300	54c07dcd-503b-4bab-9b83-567f75b038cd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:42:17	159.832
-122	31354	3135400	477cd88b-9129-48eb-aeb9-ba1e20273927	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:13:30	617.803
-122	62708	3135400	5e771d19-e561-49b1-bca0-ca513db425db	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:53:15	-174.693
-123	31355	3135500	c0447c11-47d2-4a9e-90eb-8efd53475958	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:02:32	-613.734
-123	62710	3135500	ad1bfd81-9961-40b8-bfce-d35d78372c78	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:40:03	999.714
-124	31356	3135600	2eac6c63-04cb-46a1-9719-71c2aab28df4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:00:55	-599.718
-124	62712	3135600	7a79924a-a7ab-42f5-aa8c-69c3cd3744d0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:43:18	228.784
-125	31357	3135700	e9cac245-6c46-410a-883f-4d06de1354a5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:41:26	769.464
-125	62714	3135700	8eca9095-02ca-4973-9854-8d4254d1ccee	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:36:10	-15.363
-126	31358	3135800	51b15490-ef83-4d92-bca3-1da786a324bd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:24:37	957.351
-126	62716	3135800	880e5640-def3-4c92-8f72-020467968eae	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:42:01	-998.980
-127	31359	3135900	d420e768-d543-4f8f-b785-01558cdd26c7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:22:11	-401.395
-127	62718	3135900	7973e703-146a-4daa-b58b-cfd84944be40	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:35:44	-838.245
-0	31360	3136000	b7abafc4-f060-40ab-b737-d442947bc869	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:21:51	-865.171
-0	62720	3136000	5061525d-2b62-44e3-b8ac-d739737e3c07	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:48:48	-759.826
-1	31361	3136100	4561f2f3-8b85-4c6b-bfee-daf542c53f24	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:59:38	-821.87
-1	62722	3136100	77731725-625d-47a8-8af5-c52fcf89b140	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:44:52	80.267
-2	31362	3136200	736d9079-0f2d-4f32-a784-95f97a9a94ac	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:58:00	-817.900
-2	62724	3136200	cbf9cf8a-7314-4184-807c-1f95ce37848e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:20:50	363.794
-3	31363	3136300	4e4ba81b-3768-4589-812c-122397ece72b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:59:48	-101.56
-3	62726	3136300	4c4264ea-502b-47e5-bbbb-6c9e16e80791	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:51:25	517.798
-4	31364	3136400	0bd6dde7-3ae8-4f4f-9a87-b5fa74cbb868	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:39:06	-40.124
-4	62728	3136400	b0c91c05-1b72-4fcd-8142-d944d416a331	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:14:40	563.734
-5	31365	3136500	ed676765-1373-4650-9513-671040e6c381	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:48:48	-542.580
-5	62730	3136500	e60f783b-1499-4efd-969c-92e8660bd335	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:29:28	211.186
-6	31366	3136600	3c0d40f1-2872-433b-808a-9eac33e236df	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:29:01	-291.232
-6	62732	3136600	b3c274cb-4324-4602-b9bc-57c3769013cb	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:15:09	-896.227
-7	31367	3136700	7469e490-b2dd-4d99-b74f-f21307d8d4a5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:04:39	903.433
-7	62734	3136700	d0e88cd9-29d2-4ac3-aee8-d0c2af2b39e6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:17:35	-284.17
-8	31368	3136800	e04c2aa7-3f61-41ac-a4e1-0cefa43106c2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:41:57	-908.881
-8	62736	3136800	023b9ecc-9ee9-4fd3-b2f9-a7e6b8cf2e71	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:15:08	-263.381
-9	31369	3136900	93ed976e-5b23-4269-a8ee-12f352e8153f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:22:32	458.133
-9	62738	3136900	7606cdda-5b24-4349-bacd-b612780946cc	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:50:51	29.602
-10	31370	3137000	8e61f781-7448-4a7e-84a0-cefb09416fe2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:44:34	-566.177
-10	62740	3137000	174e2df7-a863-4368-bdf7-b99d06a12168	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:58:29	817.294
-11	31371	3137100	206f3678-2420-4f49-9225-68851fb74050	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:25:29	625.226
-11	62742	3137100	4cccbe3b-0167-47e5-a3fc-ca5b3fdd84c7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:03:54	597.93
-12	31372	3137200	b1f4a893-4820-401f-9ac9-1222c24d94d3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:34:19	278.33
-12	62744	3137200	5747a92c-0862-4532-9838-71137f11df7a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:43:34	-594.851
-13	31373	3137300	9bd838a0-bb26-456a-b87a-263f3749f4af	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:49:31	576.624
-13	62746	3137300	3d372a53-363b-44d1-98e4-0bbee9706175	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:47:23	479.40
-14	31374	3137400	dd143511-8a52-41a4-ac3c-3939cdb3fbc1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:45:17	-227.369
-14	62748	3137400	20c26d51-c839-49c5-8878-ea6dba799baf	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:14:47	297.189
-15	31375	3137500	3f17414d-e2a0-4f7d-9403-bf59278f45cc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:19:37	-189.260
-15	62750	3137500	1bb8e698-e11c-48ed-b8b8-3e51be42be5c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:53:04	744.367
-16	31376	3137600	f19968fb-aaf0-4b25-a82a-85f359dc1cc1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:22:27	870.438
-16	62752	3137600	4b07014d-cc2b-4e0e-b026-e6b04d3e76fc	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:19:50	546.138
-17	31377	3137700	98d7afaf-5d74-4b3f-a7c5-065c3732c2c1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:33:34	-975.150
-17	62754	3137700	b47b5592-e93a-45c7-8b35-dfff238c5b8d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:58:41	-494.588
-18	31378	3137800	69b3ffb5-bbf5-45b1-8fc9-833012a74803	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:17:07	-20.116
-18	62756	3137800	edefb843-eaa8-4bf8-a997-3f0a58b03e3f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:31:21	841.102
-19	31379	3137900	ead7174f-1fbd-4d7c-9e92-35f663d3fbb9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:52:59	-34.827
-19	62758	3137900	15631465-ab0a-47d6-bc0e-cd43eacfeec6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:39:57	465.120
-20	31380	3138000	d25b3165-7c12-45de-8eb7-d057e89f74e1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:05:13	330.285
-20	62760	3138000	e0e2159f-7feb-4fa2-9cb3-1302e350c556	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:32:29	-531.270
-21	31381	3138100	cce83b54-cf87-477d-896b-546c1df94332	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:32:53	833.955
-21	62762	3138100	367d53f5-125a-47f1-8268-10e4edcd8220	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:50:31	615.252
-22	31382	3138200	ec25c561-20de-42f8-b37e-989c81e9cf5e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:11:08	-760.635
-22	62764	3138200	298e667c-fb45-4475-9e78-61416f63c0bf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:20:10	-828.457
-23	31383	3138300	26ba4b65-580a-4cb6-9ba4-8c308581e913	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:36:28	546.232
-23	62766	3138300	8e872038-c3eb-4a3c-9ad9-0536a96d2d36	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:14:49	759.79
-24	31384	3138400	883db534-c381-4234-8a89-5f1a55556d3c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:17:34	-496.989
-24	62768	3138400	ac4436a7-4ddb-4d77-92c7-519bc6f40120	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:47:06	-476.730
-25	31385	3138500	73002e7b-d2d6-4fef-b445-6707d033f9fb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:06:13	-56.616
-25	62770	3138500	9de79dad-c489-4d6c-b52b-67fcaaef2f3d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:58:40	722.584
-26	31386	3138600	f330cea4-9e94-4b8c-98b3-9131cbc8b1a2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:50:37	921.605
-26	62772	3138600	ecf5a457-e8a1-4864-b817-e322660d5e29	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:59:19	-279.778
-27	31387	3138700	08f9a98a-4db5-472a-bb14-2b97d1dace2d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:28:05	384.79
-27	62774	3138700	d8d81ab9-8632-4705-8026-1a72a817d90e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:35:55	263.271
-28	31388	3138800	3708ce29-eb9c-43bd-b534-0559b1a8537d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:14:45	-982.678
-28	62776	3138800	3e7bdc02-3694-4978-8397-7d2591fab5c2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:29:34	453.760
-29	31389	3138900	0ec4cbea-b710-4f49-b05a-35f519e0cc38	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:58:20	-494.159
-29	62778	3138900	c7fd118c-b722-43bb-8135-f5f95c77c607	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:59:11	94.573
-30	31390	3139000	a718da15-2bb4-48d3-bc13-06fc6c255610	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:49:44	-139.195
-30	62780	3139000	682372c1-643c-41e0-9818-4a8051915bbe	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:46:21	970.354
-31	31391	3139100	68f01594-abc7-4b4d-97b8-9aa2b5c71edf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:30:34	490.271
-31	62782	3139100	b98eeb84-34f6-4f7e-831c-c996f1926f2e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:46:45	383.895
-32	31392	3139200	189452a6-8cd3-4fa9-9f4a-18db542ebda5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:46:56	989.736
-32	62784	3139200	33191f58-3490-40ed-ba96-907fbc9d5651	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:33:20	489.983
-33	31393	3139300	082eda9f-4860-4862-8010-13bc7d377cae	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:09:13	-336.439
-33	62786	3139300	ecd92422-da6d-4973-ae12-d4c47d4598d2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:18:43	977.966
-34	31394	3139400	5448064e-97ca-45c9-80e0-3158a56633de	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:02:21	-236.533
-34	62788	3139400	ada7317e-cf67-449d-b236-d51bb1ec9c17	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:57:42	-431.915
-35	31395	3139500	f8cfa2b2-879c-4d55-8aa6-847d58a72ab7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:47:21	-31.344
-35	62790	3139500	0402f2a1-c310-4444-a4d3-7c793baa1684	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:31:49	-914.810
-36	31396	3139600	fbc86550-4482-4647-826a-546391382858	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:44:38	799.545
-36	62792	3139600	50be8bce-9bd4-4957-bb70-1f952d5766ef	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:53:49	-75.299
-37	31397	3139700	6d1e6be7-509b-4351-8da4-82e87c3c5d3b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:00:15	732.681
-37	62794	3139700	1320dd68-4caa-4cd4-aeed-d500cf864314	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:42:53	543.119
-38	31398	3139800	cd46b071-608e-441f-bd0e-b33d7c94ba5e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:57:26	-672.683
-38	62796	3139800	cacc3ab9-f3f4-42f6-b97a-e7f85209fb35	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:22:31	942.987
-39	31399	3139900	d8d0b2f5-718c-41ea-bc75-51cd7bbd6f51	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:49:29	-617.163
-39	62798	3139900	16cf3b3d-1dbe-4600-a332-5e167a770a3b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:34:01	-82.23
-40	31400	3140000	7e11e398-fa46-4d94-9d07-2841f94d6c6a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:18:48	-555.737
-40	62800	3140000	48e3616b-172d-4090-9486-d9765c605ccf	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:21:53	198.847
-41	31401	3140100	356574fa-703c-4d61-bbce-1cf6a4d23493	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:02:56	-877.709
-41	62802	3140100	d3d31b70-53d8-4174-9e2d-5f057695c448	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:28:37	906.295
-42	31402	3140200	6879b09e-9fed-4478-808e-579884128ae4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:52:44	348.823
-42	62804	3140200	d27f4d3a-9e8e-4778-967c-37ee7bb134d5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:32:05	534.43
-43	31403	3140300	9da56e87-27f1-4379-aa5e-4e012d4e5351	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:04:11	291.267
-43	62806	3140300	b177d6cb-eba4-44fd-994d-e36a5cd09037	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:36:09	206.838
-44	31404	3140400	23fc1618-09fc-4a89-8157-fbe3f98d7823	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:53:53	-246.372
-44	62808	3140400	4c9c757e-3537-42eb-b014-31e3a7745db3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:17:00	-711.724
-45	31405	3140500	5fdd889b-2ce1-414e-bf40-eccf41e6f390	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:47:49	-192.84
-45	62810	3140500	0dd443a3-ea23-4ac3-ae3d-220abd326209	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:52:50	955.571
-46	31406	3140600	84d3a351-1d01-4953-96ff-8463a65530ba	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:53:27	-391.292
-46	62812	3140600	f45a095e-a610-44d5-b612-131f7f35baf3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:00:02	-753.729
-47	31407	3140700	a5587963-9b01-444c-9565-f707a0b47347	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:11:23	-670.870
-47	62814	3140700	eac49731-cd8c-4b61-b1d5-605ff99925a9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:36:46	-790.465
-48	31408	3140800	76cd0bd6-4f75-4777-8c52-0fbab2ae6cd9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:15:46	922.909
-48	62816	3140800	9487a5c3-f3e8-4670-8424-e6e2d830119f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:48:18	619.73
-49	31409	3140900	c7cab0b9-5cf3-45d0-bb6c-9e8e23c321f3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:06:52	802.47
-49	62818	3140900	6972a315-e491-4351-a9ae-41dce8f0c26f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:56:13	151.482
-50	31410	3141000	f9c33bcc-6618-494b-b1ea-1adb3faba908	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:41:32	955.841
-50	62820	3141000	0f262dc2-74e2-444b-8841-259db39e978a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:58:42	450.882
-51	31411	3141100	7be80070-e54a-4a92-bdc0-769f30859a49	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:56:34	648.209
-51	62822	3141100	2191a817-5f6c-4c98-a3bd-15c38ba1dbb8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:10:59	984.178
-52	31412	3141200	3234c13f-81e4-4648-ae13-5ababfbaa498	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:42:44	915.796
-52	62824	3141200	153f8d68-a8a4-4c8b-a882-56a741953a6c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:54:18	-619.164
-53	31413	3141300	c95b056b-2fd9-4fe6-89f5-babe382d5344	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:15:52	165.803
-53	62826	3141300	d60ff949-9c9e-4cd1-a890-9640407f447d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:14:22	-643.211
-54	31414	3141400	ea826283-0054-4e75-b0fa-78a798f800fa	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:10:14	-781.452
-54	62828	3141400	b61e968c-4bc5-47a3-b04e-d18d76e1d277	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:30:00	-726.659
-55	31415	3141500	b2b5a2e4-4f7f-4d7a-825b-2853c9ba9662	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:30:16	-487.801
-55	62830	3141500	d4a45727-2200-4b00-9975-135f9e28e095	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:17:57	-368.649
-56	31416	3141600	9fedc3d2-75e9-4ce2-8c33-03309a1d8c9e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:47:02	545.693
-56	62832	3141600	99fd02e8-1239-4cbe-be28-d3ca8dc28b20	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:42:28	957.597
-57	31417	3141700	22d2a976-def4-427f-b895-99b923ed62c7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:46:05	-692.232
-57	62834	3141700	1333bbe4-c8d4-49fb-977b-e5058f96699d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:17:01	610.216
-58	31418	3141800	b8720215-9f4f-4bf7-94b2-e418d3d953b4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:48:45	-812.965
-58	62836	3141800	dad75c6b-25d3-434d-9aed-8a42ff561df1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:19:50	-729.525
-59	31419	3141900	aa7516b1-0e2e-4519-92a2-dfd3e8b747cd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:38:25	-577.451
-59	62838	3141900	17dae0f4-8239-4a5e-8e15-c01054294d98	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:29:39	-39.334
-60	31420	3142000	00fd9c47-e639-44ae-93df-c40ea68d0abb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:03:25	-85.577
-60	62840	3142000	5e7b92e9-bb62-4711-8357-08da617d5255	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:38:52	934.897
-61	31421	3142100	0c8b2356-7259-4533-ad13-36828073fac6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:30:06	-808.514
-61	62842	3142100	05649afb-88c7-4875-98d2-914d2a38c886	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:34:35	964.706
-62	31422	3142200	8c01ecfe-d5f4-4111-b147-22086c014587	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:53:03	-365.779
-62	62844	3142200	94512477-3cca-40c1-b3d0-c85a1002bf14	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:30:59	259.960
-63	31423	3142300	80170910-36ef-448c-8559-abb3f2bdf074	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:47:23	749.144
-63	62846	3142300	42ca216f-2945-47d3-9382-14f9d86e4a6c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:07:22	-527.292
-64	31424	3142400	b45f2139-044e-4590-8053-f8c2735f2859	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:10:17	887.58
-64	62848	3142400	3462098b-9907-4e3a-ab9e-762b448caccb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:31:15	945.456
-65	31425	3142500	5f8de1ab-0f51-40ff-88bc-1cbdc58043a4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:28:12	389.882
-65	62850	3142500	00e1e107-0ea6-4083-9934-565d63f63cc3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:43:09	-255.196
-66	31426	3142600	f5320292-cf5d-4e93-bb3c-0aff93bfd2d5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:46:00	-456.960
-66	62852	3142600	a6c1cfd3-385c-4f3c-8e5e-0a1a2fd03513	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:56:30	-560.926
-67	31427	3142700	f81097b5-bbfd-4544-8de1-d7bc3d837053	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:26:42	661.268
-67	62854	3142700	775fae84-0810-4504-bbe7-7d0aa36e232e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:46:07	-525.494
-68	31428	3142800	1c71e21e-eb94-4961-8910-485c6e201521	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:48:41	-454.359
-68	62856	3142800	440d2054-401f-4c25-9c21-4447de9a0376	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:02:00	414.401
-69	31429	3142900	9c822844-622c-4e64-970d-d2a87e01f7b4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:52:36	-899.478
-69	62858	3142900	0beb3416-2a36-41fa-a83f-e33677b515e8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:43:15	76.555
-70	31430	3143000	65a78a74-f7a1-4d33-bea5-bbbe34652cf8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:33:38	494.298
-70	62860	3143000	8bb7aa78-e4e7-4c36-b3f1-87b95d00c769	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:32:43	922.232
-71	31431	3143100	9d232133-231a-4916-af6f-d2a7150ec26f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:27:10	-55.343
-71	62862	3143100	4c388593-396a-4de2-9e9c-063b30b2778c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:08:00	323.643
-72	31432	3143200	17b99f10-2e34-4d7d-9b29-beb83b16ddfe	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:35:52	971.442
-72	62864	3143200	3b6a9cc6-e6bb-4a32-a8d9-25d2fe78e596	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:13:34	-415.595
-73	31433	3143300	cbd6f1b4-8654-4354-abe7-826425d02ff7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:11:40	766.824
-73	62866	3143300	fe08b672-7226-4367-93e7-beb30c98091d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:27:37	510.514
-74	31434	3143400	63c7f9fd-9694-498a-be7e-b9bebf615fee	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:47:36	-758.490
-74	62868	3143400	4c89ca1d-f161-4638-a22e-d9eecce88542	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:33:12	406.756
-75	31435	3143500	a4788970-021e-4d37-b25e-e8700ed4b082	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:03:16	590.874
-75	62870	3143500	6a51e1a4-ca4b-4280-beed-1e63c4e9d270	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:54:07	382.715
-76	31436	3143600	81f9bbe6-778f-4c99-bb16-89782b371e24	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:51:14	750.603
-76	62872	3143600	8b1455be-901e-43ae-83be-a7ff69872342	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:11:19	-946.223
-77	31437	3143700	d1788a6a-050d-423a-b811-5bce3b4fac1b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:30:25	5.751
-77	62874	3143700	23ec9d83-dd39-4e77-a706-4c4ce3ee39bd	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:09:56	437.616
-78	31438	3143800	a3506061-45a6-4145-b4d4-5c96a1583c50	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:23:00	858.709
-78	62876	3143800	0e38b46f-e79e-49e9-978c-2fa1a4e12c96	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:13:44	324.93
-79	31439	3143900	5c23b2a7-ca61-4091-ad44-3aa22547bf7b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:36:23	-477.305
-79	62878	3143900	a70ba593-77ac-4be3-beb6-ad1c4ea8f3ec	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:51:10	223.139
-80	31440	3144000	c0e36020-342e-4be2-8a60-dc66d746d0a7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:23:21	-803.288
-80	62880	3144000	1198bac2-a1e2-46b7-b983-4218533c7aba	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:55:42	70.494
-81	31441	3144100	0d081bdb-5694-4817-9ea5-506d63051fdc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:00:23	-828.582
-81	62882	3144100	66935861-6f7c-42ce-a6a4-79c7a656566f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:24:02	-14.182
-82	31442	3144200	b6de8a1c-7ea3-4ee4-a3da-d6376275c40a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:19:48	-525.516
-82	62884	3144200	3df3a327-c2e6-4324-8e45-7f15699c34fa	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:59:05	-380.330
-83	31443	3144300	23d82c99-7067-4c3f-a85f-cf641abb76c9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:11:28	-474.871
-83	62886	3144300	7502b7f8-159a-47ec-9931-1818afc39025	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:03:58	-655.638
-84	31444	3144400	859ca6dc-5376-4250-aa46-fdcecaee4a20	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:18:11	548.614
-84	62888	3144400	3bc4a17f-8c0c-497f-a4fe-791dafa94332	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:55:38	-597.853
-85	31445	3144500	afb9e240-81eb-4b90-9d4c-e2178ee6b970	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:25:53	946.25
-85	62890	3144500	c89f7d9e-5d17-41e7-9e5b-f04346e34501	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:52:29	-958.218
-86	31446	3144600	d0bf1b1e-b1fa-4339-bc26-4ca11629b928	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:50:09	240.708
-86	62892	3144600	36b6b27f-a929-4791-926a-f34505c34362	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:03:50	717.574
-87	31447	3144700	559c6cd3-7521-4aca-9524-1222b6a9ca16	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:19:12	-209.768
-87	62894	3144700	8371021b-3b90-4aba-b853-8f6620e38a7a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:07:15	420.906
-88	31448	3144800	ba933bff-8370-468e-8867-7d4e860ad1c2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:34:38	526.52
-88	62896	3144800	15fa6405-db3c-4335-88de-6fe3b4d1d27c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:41:47	-836.716
-89	31449	3144900	c1f9471d-428c-46c1-a931-fe6555c35de6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:44:58	238.921
-89	62898	3144900	2b2245b1-c864-4788-b530-2d732ffc42ed	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:35:19	485.624
-90	31450	3145000	9d69f8a2-acbd-4d1b-a42a-6acf85e3bc5e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:00:46	-170.12
-90	62900	3145000	cd8ef78e-c788-4a7e-96ff-ad86e7d69d74	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:16:46	865.223
-91	31451	3145100	b41a8d55-b0d7-456f-8d3b-0ed5d3e68061	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:29:52	188.123
-91	62902	3145100	7f54c040-94d5-49d8-aa6e-458cdb9eb8d5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:07:27	-676.29
-92	31452	3145200	ff278de3-c598-4118-854d-94b4e7730cc0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:38:13	744.882
-92	62904	3145200	70fc5c59-8115-4d45-89f0-d203f5dc477c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:46:01	652.467
-93	31453	3145300	71ea05b4-e168-426f-a401-cec8ec63fe8f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:21:39	957.45
-93	62906	3145300	91823c74-d779-490a-bb86-74652f148c22	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:12:22	768.766
-94	31454	3145400	db8e8453-d042-405c-9947-667eb1023ac6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:09:18	34.904
-94	62908	3145400	204e2e33-5295-48e6-8c6c-2139d9125750	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:11:09	-782.562
-95	31455	3145500	fa709444-ed06-4dd3-9c5a-27a1b483cb0c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:01:23	511.725
-95	62910	3145500	7e93e646-c53f-4b13-98e6-6947f81c59ff	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:36:33	251.183
-96	31456	3145600	ff97d6aa-a950-4b57-b0af-844215dc44b7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:10:26	-804.940
-96	62912	3145600	b759137b-e6b2-42f0-aea9-916939619579	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:58:37	-610.243
-97	31457	3145700	0ffafd63-ba00-4086-b49e-869979064d96	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:17:00	166.191
-97	62914	3145700	218c096c-e5aa-4967-b6fa-1b3a5b64d05d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:54:23	-1.857
-98	31458	3145800	00b28e7c-bed0-436f-aa94-1cdd6591cfd8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:45:30	-790.420
-98	62916	3145800	1675c5a4-0d1e-45b3-83cf-c7f2bb83ea19	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:23:20	-428.672
-99	31459	3145900	12289c9b-73df-42ae-9bab-9740e8210635	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:32:27	532.805
-99	62918	3145900	b26f6b75-ac4c-47af-aa4f-63a1350486a9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:30:44	124.637
-100	31460	3146000	f70d9237-61cd-44c4-9113-8b2d21df1b47	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:15:58	-864.425
-100	62920	3146000	8f6081d7-94da-4153-a332-64f89d7f5c8b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:49:41	879.818
-101	31461	3146100	dde0db30-bbe3-43e6-bbe7-11facff2df2c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:49:36	94.886
-101	62922	3146100	428a8484-a6f2-4d47-810d-f41400cf38a8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:46:36	396.240
-102	31462	3146200	8a3ce04f-2756-4ce2-990a-f8a60193c4b6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:00:32	-890.494
-102	62924	3146200	27816a75-2de3-40ee-b132-4616af8ed7f0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:44:55	853.793
-103	31463	3146300	01c4806e-06ea-403f-87a4-10091e981682	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:34:23	-552.916
-103	62926	3146300	29e67d53-103e-4564-864b-8318d5e617b5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:28:32	-95.115
-104	31464	3146400	731bcad2-7000-49ef-bc1a-8f38b772d471	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:42:42	-233.821
-104	62928	3146400	b265846d-337b-45b1-ad95-2ee8298b545e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:57:42	910.334
-105	31465	3146500	5259578e-c6bb-4911-822d-600357e36c1c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:36:52	357.568
-105	62930	3146500	7b2ce55c-ee4c-4941-ac3d-bd74326a87df	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:26:34	-364.278
-106	31466	3146600	165c6fb3-3773-4e94-9d6c-bcef5045f146	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:00:53	136.159
-106	62932	3146600	eef0e63c-a067-454e-a756-22e83cbd9d5e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:48:16	-416.830
-107	31467	3146700	6382b93e-3d82-4b49-916e-334fd6ec0682	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:38:07	-854.586
-107	62934	3146700	37eb9e7c-8cbc-4fb0-b93d-288fd3f960dc	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:49:01	108.780
-108	31468	3146800	11828fa7-e0cb-4c76-b21a-2c51fbe41e4f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:02:54	-670.870
-108	62936	3146800	170bb33e-bead-4c64-a403-731c46cc8ace	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:14:28	673.153
-109	31469	3146900	8341f046-02e3-404d-9040-e9b205473c5a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:32:34	500.853
-109	62938	3146900	34f36b88-96ba-4954-ad8a-bc8dfa33f4e0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:16:33	-705.615
-110	31470	3147000	85fb9a7a-6bf7-484e-818b-e80afe6e0b4e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:42:16	886.712
-110	62940	3147000	7e8f297c-b09f-430a-8faa-63912a7faba7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:02:02	292.20
-111	31471	3147100	4ef9633c-630f-4cb4-96a9-270556605a22	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:54:26	-355.665
-111	62942	3147100	72c3982c-193b-471b-abbf-542e239e7168	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:42:05	762.0
-112	31472	3147200	2a996881-f493-4f8f-9162-1267fdc48c58	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:30:53	-919.792
-112	62944	3147200	bffed485-1b32-42b1-b95c-ddc0a76c8019	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:28:08	-67.176
-113	31473	3147300	fa54c703-d151-44e2-b59f-6cb2f94dff95	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:05:43	661.717
-113	62946	3147300	811b1879-3262-497d-92a7-6b96634a27f0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:03:42	891.884
-114	31474	3147400	97c91610-24f9-4dfe-8785-e461670a1626	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:28:54	37.814
-114	62948	3147400	8765205b-f6d6-4a34-afc2-2e2f067a0399	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:52:48	-616.437
-115	31475	3147500	f4b20eb6-b5fd-4e60-bd05-99eb8d7a14f2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:05:45	646.997
-115	62950	3147500	202f0954-27dd-4c7d-b98c-76c8b3befa8d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:00:17	-555.61
-116	31476	3147600	328b28de-254d-4a62-9bf4-bffdbcbcc677	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:57:22	867.975
-116	62952	3147600	6f80c61c-3678-44b8-9564-2d59e8dce12b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:01:54	-561.241
-117	31477	3147700	a2401016-e610-4c74-927e-4bbd35061dd6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:01:09	-362.970
-117	62954	3147700	53a02009-dce9-4869-a140-7b459ecc2202	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:52:44	87.976
-118	31478	3147800	8f80f910-9ba1-443e-876a-c96490a70a0c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:20:28	838.667
-118	62956	3147800	560907e1-291a-4922-ae9b-fe6704fd1143	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:32:03	976.31
-119	31479	3147900	0f73d5bb-070a-4b14-a394-238d02a73d38	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:06:08	-413.190
-119	62958	3147900	b23f4c4b-21e2-454c-80eb-6c6eacdba516	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:00:42	-229.419
-120	31480	3148000	876777ff-79c6-4a97-9ad4-b542420215be	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:12:03	879.135
-120	62960	3148000	c60dcd27-7656-47bd-b0c3-b19ec4a42c3b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:23:48	-806.657
-121	31481	3148100	0156c11b-3bc0-40e2-b674-8e85ebf630b1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:26:11	483.344
-121	62962	3148100	c80596e5-d86d-47b6-9c5c-d3ed06722fb5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:24:32	458.946
-122	31482	3148200	c661cc0d-ecaa-4584-b7e5-452e7613e29c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:10:59	-102.189
-122	62964	3148200	951d1102-08d3-4e01-b6a4-55dc1425c837	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:13:30	-350.486
-123	31483	3148300	7619a955-6679-4345-8420-e49806c03b68	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:39:54	104.485
-123	62966	3148300	e595d1be-3299-4140-a6ea-f4b20c9ea620	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:48:32	-821.352
-124	31484	3148400	4cf5e7c8-c4ca-4a9d-a87c-951e8a6bf280	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:04:22	828.380
-124	62968	3148400	530c9331-7b27-4975-8c84-98a1151c854b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:54:00	702.626
-125	31485	3148500	ec35ce27-b275-4735-bb2f-9fc25536fb72	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:21:41	-531.958
-125	62970	3148500	bb56e7ad-2a5c-4f72-8c9c-a3633c46a3e8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:06:16	-978.657
-126	31486	3148600	8dc250c8-4ba8-4084-8e42-ba4edec6be65	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:14:32	134.826
-126	62972	3148600	51c6f97a-1e0b-4d50-afaf-2eb859af8070	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:41:48	-402.250
-127	31487	3148700	dea7c472-f0f5-4826-92be-b1e1bf2aab50	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:21:38	-554.487
-127	62974	3148700	69cd5eee-2bee-4f7d-af3e-27c41bbb5f29	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:04:05	373.108
-0	31488	3148800	08c4fd1f-3b50-4d93-8e92-7add0689447a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:59:21	-945.259
-0	62976	3148800	5688fef6-ef1f-4c9d-bda6-d2359010b28b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:55:39	228.739
-1	31489	3148900	93b83f94-26e0-435e-b260-4815b899d066	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:35:07	42.638
-1	62978	3148900	a1d624d7-63de-4e36-a2f7-6de049d56bd9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:55:21	61.225
-2	31490	3149000	27d0c1b3-cf79-46e5-81fa-4187418a36ce	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:35:19	-439.925
-2	62980	3149000	e6787085-70dc-4367-a095-df878b5182cb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:30:14	328.771
-3	31491	3149100	dcaa7dfd-2a04-40ad-85d7-84bb63f9d220	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:18:51	-776.546
-3	62982	3149100	1191eec2-460b-4405-94de-523c5e931bd0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:15:58	757.747
-4	31492	3149200	e4e16ec4-047b-4398-aebb-98c166c8008b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:12:57	-104.206
-4	62984	3149200	368d5454-3539-4b6e-bb11-15c9b2213da2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:05:58	-274.24
-5	31493	3149300	abda1be0-a08a-459a-926a-3b5badcd6a45	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:27:54	389.239
-5	62986	3149300	13b34c99-3820-44c4-b5cc-6a8f0cd2834b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:20:05	-720.461
-6	31494	3149400	bc7efe48-0730-4c1b-9897-27bb851577e5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:14:18	918.530
-6	62988	3149400	1953a76c-7ca1-42ed-b79a-a69bce26d04f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:15:24	-810.87
-7	31495	3149500	f5b045cc-133b-4bfa-860b-98934af3f9c3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:45:20	-430.91
-7	62990	3149500	e187f08a-3c59-47ee-82af-d441dd614899	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:25:03	555.146
-8	31496	3149600	56fe3aa8-9edb-4ed8-8540-e16bf8d9d631	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:00:43	141.538
-8	62992	3149600	5af41f61-69bf-4285-94c9-bb0d4b4cb3ad	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:16:28	-269.806
-9	31497	3149700	7a0f944c-a128-4ac5-8243-1e701825bbbe	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:28:00	768.862
-9	62994	3149700	79f785e4-a949-4265-af5d-e2d9f265180c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:11:57	-38.268
-10	31498	3149800	b3fd5859-93a6-44a7-8cc8-909316da55fb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:45:35	904.652
-10	62996	3149800	4dd51aad-36dc-493f-b4d8-ae1dd2343545	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:38:05	-343.97
-11	31499	3149900	4c80e5e5-29e1-4505-a67d-114250f66aa3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:00:59	-52.38
-11	62998	3149900	23f25e14-1f9a-46ec-92bd-daae21a4cfa6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:57:20	737.258
-12	31500	3150000	3bbb95bb-3ab4-4d91-ae96-192fd077bb1a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:37:41	-638.571
-12	63000	3150000	2a8ef8a8-b8d6-4386-9adb-6b2a88dd1a04	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:39:33	-668.316
-13	31501	3150100	1ad12269-ac63-4ada-b91d-3c6377bf4440	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:09:42	-149.291
-13	63002	3150100	cf2ab9d3-7da0-46ab-84fe-0cf6b92c2990	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:06:43	-881.271
-14	31502	3150200	19ab4f6e-5042-4f1e-8050-2fbc1aa5cdb3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:21:58	-878.737
-14	63004	3150200	6dac4ea8-885f-4548-ad72-ddfc650caa48	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:24:06	683.832
-15	31503	3150300	8c5a3c13-b568-438e-8ce6-f8ae2c02ac3c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:03:36	-56.924
-15	63006	3150300	4bc9114a-d133-4e38-9cd7-c82ec1d10281	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:23:27	201.893
-16	31504	3150400	90238d71-9987-44b4-8ca5-88b9fb07b00a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:13:10	-43.498
-16	63008	3150400	d523316c-f320-44a3-8f4b-15afea3e7939	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:30:36	-312.143
-17	31505	3150500	7fba8ca6-71dd-42dd-b398-5c33a067ab91	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:53:05	-652.589
-17	63010	3150500	1491a28f-6138-4a30-b9a5-4dbad8a25aa1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:11:22	1.44
-18	31506	3150600	5f2cb9fc-ea5f-4585-907f-65e1226fab7a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:06:37	13.168
-18	63012	3150600	be44a559-8110-4b02-ad64-e74a525fdc41	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:30:11	423.136
-19	31507	3150700	7c99686a-2a1d-4170-a269-9fee60296171	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:29:34	648.623
-19	63014	3150700	c75ab522-e1bc-40b0-ae51-3697aa1e3ff2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:56:00	-197.76
-20	31508	3150800	b8981f86-9519-4611-8b37-4bf66665c992	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:24:33	137.989
-20	63016	3150800	c92b4fb8-ffb9-4dcc-9f4c-bfed2db56591	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:49:35	80.494
-21	31509	3150900	4236da6e-ecc7-47a5-a81c-ffd294c7a496	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:28:30	362.345
-21	63018	3150900	aac27612-b151-43af-bc4b-f690714057fc	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:16:08	212.984
-22	31510	3151000	cfe402c1-90ca-4109-9941-ed8a2a531480	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:30:36	-342.130
-22	63020	3151000	a6e9adea-1cd2-4acd-9a4e-f3bebf308431	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:54:44	741.555
-23	31511	3151100	f5f5b943-e875-4626-a0bb-683be546e869	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:41:32	541.678
-23	63022	3151100	06b99bbf-bf8b-4380-b31d-62cc2fc62200	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:55:48	18.129
-24	31512	3151200	d720bb53-e386-431d-8145-35623dd1bbc0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:38:02	-137.798
-24	63024	3151200	4a82ec70-4ecf-4624-865a-9b94a5ca120b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:40:06	676.733
-25	31513	3151300	314c95be-c70c-45e5-99d6-23514e093553	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:52:41	235.650
-25	63026	3151300	75a68cb5-2762-4fa8-b01f-2be8e3786d6f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:04:38	-697.70
-26	31514	3151400	155596f4-d607-4f26-9145-b8f0dff6f4fa	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:59:02	-458.133
-26	63028	3151400	0e12541a-8cf2-4563-9f06-82dfb81672b4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:14:37	-163.662
-27	31515	3151500	aef420dd-5ab2-48fb-852e-2ec52e69b612	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:49:09	184.764
-27	63030	3151500	e8778c26-f81f-4870-bab5-ba5640b9c2ab	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:24:40	-305.291
-28	31516	3151600	4b3aa10c-4dde-4c7a-ac16-92dd27599563	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:13:33	920.581
-28	63032	3151600	9953eb3a-c6ea-483e-b521-a7f2693a2f9a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:10:29	21.630
-29	31517	3151700	46482da1-d0e2-4ee1-90ea-9ee3bc85dabd	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:12:32	716.406
-29	63034	3151700	14e6f1f7-fd02-42f4-b4e8-6e601e60f964	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:28:42	-543.910
-30	31518	3151800	a7cad971-b5d1-4d2f-b3b8-6532ee755a48	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:00:08	-348.781
-30	63036	3151800	fe436aa9-08bb-476c-a3c8-dc3cba0d9ac1	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:16:35	186.902
-31	31519	3151900	c579db5b-5b50-44d1-874d-0f851a165038	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:57:04	-438.256
-31	63038	3151900	5af3ab8c-1901-4c1e-8fd2-16751f2d73bb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:49:19	-855.352
-32	31520	3152000	7db684a9-561b-4a97-ac51-4e58ffa40549	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:57:31	-732.405
-32	63040	3152000	1848f808-905c-4d58-898f-672c061e891c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:46:12	-395.323
-33	31521	3152100	0b0186b0-938e-4b03-b290-acfcedf0a29a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:10:46	-950.743
-33	63042	3152100	080b0d58-fc08-4a42-89be-51eccc6ad30a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:44:20	-28.646
-34	31522	3152200	c28b8f96-fabe-4322-b3e6-c9fac2214bf0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:08:50	-960.666
-34	63044	3152200	fc64d68a-4368-4a08-a12b-f558f8dbb9a0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:06:51	-180.836
-35	31523	3152300	71bdf42e-d1e4-48a2-8147-f0e91d6538c7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:07:20	-862.433
-35	63046	3152300	9121d54d-53e5-4347-8ccd-48d1a3b04727	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:06:36	-987.203
-36	31524	3152400	b847c741-9270-49c5-ab56-76d37d3e3c2c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:05:16	903.36
-36	63048	3152400	5a74a8d4-734a-4b5f-beec-1128e318a7a4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:33:55	-597.56
-37	31525	3152500	1ac6ff56-5a34-4736-8e74-d03d38edd0f9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:59:36	345.906
-37	63050	3152500	2354e928-8890-41e3-8aca-ad40a8b31455	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:15:44	754.416
-38	31526	3152600	a30e9539-3f6c-4299-af74-369945e01a73	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:31:54	-266.334
-38	63052	3152600	61729ee5-c376-4df8-9f89-dbe35d745bed	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:55:10	315.915
-39	31527	3152700	cfab7399-dd08-4893-a8ef-1bd02d1986ac	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:27:39	-917.283
-39	63054	3152700	02b33a22-7deb-4d49-8c47-1fb4141f440a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:56:16	-918.317
-40	31528	3152800	70615ec7-9bc7-4829-9fff-cd6d68f4654d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:51:04	-376.380
-40	63056	3152800	475d762a-6b44-49bf-bc98-e0cdb9917324	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:28:12	740.837
-41	31529	3152900	92520841-983d-4bd8-9ed9-83d1d5a0e270	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:08:56	-441.282
-41	63058	3152900	e64d0258-6324-462a-9338-79397ac74642	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:12:22	-861.829
-42	31530	3153000	5913113b-6580-47e8-b778-dfcb778075b2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:53:55	366.840
-42	63060	3153000	509a12d5-df9e-46a4-9d48-e37223629f78	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:26:04	-286.948
-43	31531	3153100	677a53d5-8141-4774-90b8-f4545e324786	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:23:52	-135.165
-43	63062	3153100	054927f9-2735-421f-934c-910cf452a698	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:50:10	337.747
-44	31532	3153200	e31ee8b9-078f-4417-bdfd-34ffa288b5c1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:58:26	979.8
-44	63064	3153200	f3e9b486-eedf-4371-803e-7d8b3b29fabe	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:04:41	465.491
-45	31533	3153300	8af57968-8f74-42cd-b81f-405ad0adb876	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:30:08	-820.352
-45	63066	3153300	2b4522a0-d4d9-4580-b6af-89d65a3d002d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:04:59	-124.190
-46	31534	3153400	e2f84bf5-45ee-4202-bf2f-a59c154a5f84	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:10:11	822.557
-46	63068	3153400	379f0cfd-14db-479b-876b-f5833acd581d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:47:20	-975.702
-47	31535	3153500	b9f630b9-7d09-40b1-ac07-c6b5f8620ca6	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:41:37	24.380
-47	63070	3153500	d8399085-1101-459e-8ffb-2306cb93f3a1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:09:16	-594.95
-48	31536	3153600	1ce39a3f-884a-41d2-86d6-dbc365185bea	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:41:33	807.870
-48	63072	3153600	747787b0-1a67-412b-bfea-5d6a54ce3e6c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:46:37	228.286
-49	31537	3153700	6f59b4dd-648b-4b6b-b338-26d4ae54e257	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:32:23	-735.498
-49	63074	3153700	05da1fb8-74cd-4935-8f3c-df0084b97fd9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:23:29	-881.169
-50	31538	3153800	3001afd7-05d9-48ac-91e3-723ce41ae4d2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:30:46	963.558
-50	63076	3153800	dbcade3f-6ba8-4599-a931-24d3a5858ec4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:16:20	278.752
-51	31539	3153900	355c0bd2-a05e-4911-9322-47d088c35449	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:12:05	112.384
-51	63078	3153900	08a9d2b2-4df3-4e90-b63e-2ff8c0052b8f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:04:33	-512.513
-52	31540	3154000	795618ad-3446-45f1-8dcf-18dd76b6139f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:25:41	629.868
-52	63080	3154000	d21f57ec-f0c9-41c6-8c8d-c673f0bc5e2c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:05:28	822.405
-53	31541	3154100	0d5a92a0-9e10-4758-a3d1-3011c4a96850	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:30:27	245.770
-53	63082	3154100	13ec2aed-a7f3-48b6-85c6-b1c9907e1239	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:02:45	46.515
-54	31542	3154200	416e32bd-5779-4a35-918b-71b494fb6120	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:59:28	134.4
-54	63084	3154200	1ac71e3f-339c-4a41-a09c-18c9ed0226c7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:55:25	-602.356
-55	31543	3154300	5d9c0c2f-15d7-4585-959c-aa5faf7c1724	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:48:22	-428.230
-55	63086	3154300	b2c7e08d-d88a-43cf-b546-4dcf4b6115a9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:30:43	219.202
-56	31544	3154400	b58cdb4c-544b-404e-9776-eb7d70421ad0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:47:50	509.906
-56	63088	3154400	c2f35341-9e1f-4f42-b48e-19d07d42b836	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:21:14	-117.785
-57	31545	3154500	24da33c9-bf58-41bb-9f71-e7c9a0f940cb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:00:26	102.575
-57	63090	3154500	4a8b8dbd-1eb3-4f0a-bcb3-d9b9843e6481	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:04:40	-788.584
-58	31546	3154600	c04343f9-96b8-4e24-8a43-24768d11f16d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:42:41	673.81
-58	63092	3154600	0f8d35b2-268b-4f81-936d-f07ca966b439	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:47:52	437.680
-59	31547	3154700	7099edc6-ff0e-41d7-b5e9-5fc79b1bbc7e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:46:17	-809.547
-59	63094	3154700	0f6e4837-4829-46ac-aa1f-2f72512415fa	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:44:16	-668.279
-60	31548	3154800	81d1d4f8-bfba-4872-b6b8-ce9cc898c030	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:38:01	-128.239
-60	63096	3154800	d61ef5eb-faa6-48ce-9349-1dc79dfe1ad0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:43:15	-183.483
-61	31549	3154900	1c48aade-e695-4a40-8815-44090c1e5736	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:30:15	-130.924
-61	63098	3154900	88f6b955-14fb-4a91-984c-160065c488e3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:40:48	-642.399
-62	31550	3155000	e46cc3e0-9fd8-4c89-b5ca-a6267d864733	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:45:46	61.566
-62	63100	3155000	762ac81d-1314-49ad-9f26-fe4c69b6851d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:57:40	313.216
-63	31551	3155100	e53c3c0a-6549-4ce0-be0f-6f104d7926b4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:20:57	-378.808
-63	63102	3155100	ebe0f7e0-2fe9-4719-b6c0-0d0683c48939	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:20:43	802.489
-64	31552	3155200	69d6bdfc-11b0-4e4b-b300-3797784a16b4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:35:25	-59.970
-64	63104	3155200	4d0ac29b-88f2-46bf-a3cf-21bcd6f44386	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:21:37	205.791
-65	31553	3155300	978902fa-cbbe-4cce-b499-6970af1b0c3c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:35:02	-506.499
-65	63106	3155300	959e106b-f324-4f30-809b-0e818aec725a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:18:56	931.580
-66	31554	3155400	35c39e27-5672-4dd9-8618-d61986a72ecd	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:30:16	185.939
-66	63108	3155400	37316ad9-de01-4bea-906b-ed282db9619b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:27:58	-875.135
-67	31555	3155500	16137d38-fbe2-4fcf-af36-5c73ef00bb50	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:16:57	-637.919
-67	63110	3155500	477f9f44-f430-45f1-85f8-8a37240d82fa	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:01:54	-932.340
-68	31556	3155600	9b29a293-544c-4314-83a2-770afd6d0d1c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:47:19	-80.790
-68	63112	3155600	6e3496e1-a479-42f9-b394-4c1ce2e62200	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:30:05	-185.433
-69	31557	3155700	cac98743-0458-4c0b-9454-b09d92c90c68	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:47:29	722.270
-69	63114	3155700	fdaf0616-f675-4387-a9ab-06f9cf1463c2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:53:01	23.104
-70	31558	3155800	e5ef3136-f009-415e-bc3f-ca689b40811f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:49:27	-319.414
-70	63116	3155800	b3d1827b-d9d7-4281-9a4f-e22112504b75	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:54:16	656.176
-71	31559	3155900	b08d9482-6d64-4011-96be-55fc9beac921	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:10:20	-966.864
-71	63118	3155900	26e9ba7c-9d7f-4877-9c57-11b393336e85	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:05:22	-569.856
-72	31560	3156000	0ef82d10-e6d6-4a04-b431-f5d7eda03f51	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:10:37	978.750
-72	63120	3156000	f165fc0a-a0fa-45a8-be69-2a45aa3049ca	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:55:17	903.478
-73	31561	3156100	1a9b5270-bdc4-4cdf-81ea-769d54ebf712	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:02:10	-579.208
-73	63122	3156100	c16cc5d1-3cc4-46a3-b992-7a4bd513818f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:35:07	-393.832
-74	31562	3156200	1b028b42-9422-4861-8b3a-441ea8358b56	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:47:25	-560.884
-74	63124	3156200	7ce1eb61-db7b-46fe-9f83-dabacc8cece6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:31:20	-604.209
-75	31563	3156300	94fb97dc-958f-416f-b0b2-3fe618a53b0d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:21:43	672.777
-75	63126	3156300	1f13ad01-072d-460e-b349-ee93ab301d1f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:02:37	-346.672
-76	31564	3156400	70b3663a-65b2-4bda-b069-ee3e24beb8ff	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:59:33	-16.367
-76	63128	3156400	b2a6a254-651c-4eb2-b233-b2d9de316eb3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:30:19	817.462
-77	31565	3156500	d8e57cf8-d457-490c-8a5e-8b153be32f8d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:51:49	-845.878
-77	63130	3156500	94aa0efb-9a4d-4f38-a4ed-6951971b02b5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:14:08	-52.613
-78	31566	3156600	3fefc899-d565-4096-bf3e-bc9ddfce2365	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:24:00	90.755
-78	63132	3156600	2a722ddc-fc9b-4b4c-8069-818bac901761	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:02:32	516.415
-79	31567	3156700	97aaf07d-996b-42e5-aa59-bf09c515c4c1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:19:32	601.678
-79	63134	3156700	d9aa23e7-c59b-45f8-a4c1-a1725bcd6ff0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:49:49	950.667
-80	31568	3156800	90a98676-5de3-41f3-ab6a-4f3636d50e46	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:45:06	-883.681
-80	63136	3156800	e394ae95-de44-49f4-94e4-dee7937bddd5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:07:55	196.860
-81	31569	3156900	e2ed8606-0211-43c6-9ea4-543399a8d076	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:31:54	527.825
-81	63138	3156900	0a9c8c93-a39c-45b8-981b-0dbc59979c54	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:25:23	70.962
-82	31570	3157000	3428d6e9-9c45-488e-9f24-ab03b65154bd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:59:41	14.953
-82	63140	3157000	5575d493-384d-42f8-aa45-fb2906a554e7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:21:38	-84.6
-83	31571	3157100	204c8157-12d0-4636-bd30-cd0416d74eaa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:02:35	405.647
-83	63142	3157100	eee0ff4f-7a16-494b-8cde-604499221063	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:04:50	25.34
-84	31572	3157200	6120318e-17fb-44af-ba05-3f874aedcca2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:22:50	432.433
-84	63144	3157200	feb86c38-1090-4721-8db9-73edf3a1fec3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:02:43	728.633
-85	31573	3157300	54c34f86-2c68-4bb3-9b93-12ecfdbee204	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:00:50	243.283
-85	63146	3157300	3e18fcd3-e02d-4876-82d3-60350ed0cdc6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:18:54	-630.223
-86	31574	3157400	700464b5-b8a3-4138-9d63-35db2fabeac6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:12:06	27.296
-86	63148	3157400	70ef0875-5049-4de0-8db2-55fb54271acc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:47:13	-16.831
-87	31575	3157500	b9f12925-3c34-45b9-9e37-9eba8dd82f1b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:19:06	794.488
-87	63150	3157500	5ab96406-b28f-4046-800d-db521bf39a84	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:38:30	121.780
-88	31576	3157600	3e8eb437-1333-438e-acdd-50fd1e3b310e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:32:07	-286.403
-88	63152	3157600	1932e214-9db9-4441-9e9a-688dab016bc8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:26:22	-802.920
-89	31577	3157700	e4e805f1-a815-41d2-8b3d-6b1c3cef28c8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:40:06	-492.723
-89	63154	3157700	35dcfdf5-c62b-42a8-a304-babe68c58b6c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:57:55	845.219
-90	31578	3157800	9dd74b06-8c94-476a-8d19-5776647aab96	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:27:33	-612.489
-90	63156	3157800	e3d53ccc-b913-4913-8db0-8123d8dd2d3b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:46:31	178.857
-91	31579	3157900	ef99e01a-9a38-4958-80b4-c88ccdb0023d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:25:26	-367.42
-91	63158	3157900	a215bcf8-cb37-46e2-89dd-fe00c6e51df8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:59:17	-635.463
-92	31580	3158000	971a9c7f-b23a-45fd-b6c2-6941c6553a14	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:30:59	-523.62
-92	63160	3158000	5ec31e26-864c-4554-b7f5-4ffed3fe95fa	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:08:25	559.10
-93	31581	3158100	959c6fc2-c0f1-4b35-8fa5-7d6b08f9f2da	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:50:33	-219.425
-93	63162	3158100	f90c68a9-1f11-4824-9b88-337d3fcf5891	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:46:13	446.969
-94	31582	3158200	43ee21ee-8dd1-49e1-b48d-cce3ea724436	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:30:17	332.694
-94	63164	3158200	9bedc4e1-af36-4916-997b-1820ca486164	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:38:27	178.787
-95	31583	3158300	f2ae5036-dd0a-4eba-9636-98eb131bd3ce	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:48:49	497.273
-95	63166	3158300	7f2853bb-e0fd-487f-a1d0-88274bfc27e9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:58:10	292.928
-96	31584	3158400	15593acf-06d3-4948-8dd8-6cfaaa84abe9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:19:42	130.75
-96	63168	3158400	4314ce05-86fc-441c-9038-0ba129c2164b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:44:11	-121.567
-97	31585	3158500	d0f6049d-da14-4f61-ab86-5a82fd618ad2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:12:41	964.540
-97	63170	3158500	89bc6b40-37b0-4879-b408-963ab2e0029b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:00:46	625.953
-98	31586	3158600	46d82719-c176-400a-a407-1783641a6f35	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:47:23	-686.519
-98	63172	3158600	afffd472-a752-4e6a-848a-2ff2d91dbdd4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:50:24	-835.688
-99	31587	3158700	52d8012c-12b3-4aa0-b2ea-c27666532384	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:51:31	-508.47
-99	63174	3158700	118293cd-8e39-45b7-ab10-1206bf5a353e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:29:52	344.323
-100	31588	3158800	abfd89f9-48d7-403b-9151-a9ccb14c54a0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:02:48	-841.768
-100	63176	3158800	3d455ed5-576a-404f-bb18-dc57b31e8aea	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:48:49	403.546
-101	31589	3158900	ee55a1d7-16e5-41e5-a464-22a23769cbaf	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:51:28	-122.843
-101	63178	3158900	6c87cd19-1f3f-4669-8cab-a7d090a57651	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:22:35	-857.317
-102	31590	3159000	38d4db6d-8383-4ef1-afe3-bf9c08413044	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:57:39	754.301
-102	63180	3159000	9f1ee68d-e8aa-4ec7-8262-ed16c2c68b6e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:35:38	-228.407
-103	31591	3159100	91588f5d-1a57-4e4f-a0c5-82954d742340	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:45:58	-793.563
-103	63182	3159100	1e939301-2681-4887-9b56-56ab396efe11	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:32:36	932.222
-104	31592	3159200	4b1c0d20-0894-49d6-978f-ff5488f829d0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:36:09	-110.393
-104	63184	3159200	610bef85-55dd-4897-8041-d76975631a2b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:27:51	765.65
-105	31593	3159300	a01bdbe3-58b1-4dbb-95cc-569c3110d86d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:38:39	-491.379
-105	63186	3159300	c7afb7ee-af12-41d3-ac9a-36e7166a6999	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:01:32	579.693
-106	31594	3159400	5f0050ff-8260-48bf-93e0-2b1a9373dbca	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:43:30	464.980
-106	63188	3159400	97f1164f-e154-4d88-969c-1dfa1507ddce	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:21:48	524.492
-107	31595	3159500	b2b03ddd-702b-4a34-8853-750f672c69dc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:40:33	321.784
-107	63190	3159500	b149ce1e-50f3-43d1-ab01-bf179f09289e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:35:37	-954.422
-108	31596	3159600	972e8b6b-e51a-4f4d-8fa3-952a1f0f58c5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:08:58	751.313
-108	63192	3159600	355e07df-4b14-42c2-a6dd-b367c9ddeed2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:33:02	-327.523
-109	31597	3159700	ac11c20f-36be-4ca5-92f2-21923a2a4507	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:52:33	-704.548
-109	63194	3159700	8d62b3cb-65b6-4ba9-863f-035c1d56fa29	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:45:52	-864.991
-110	31598	3159800	e066748c-dc80-4985-b7ec-ec98474f6723	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:06:58	552.904
-110	63196	3159800	d0fbbe91-ddcf-4a94-91af-8581f19168ba	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:17:10	372.47
-111	31599	3159900	98be3c48-dc9f-462f-b58c-e1758402b43d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:15:28	-90.610
-111	63198	3159900	8052b49d-7948-48e7-ba38-5abf263e1579	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:40:03	-996.515
-112	31600	3160000	f6691f5b-b204-4c50-a8b5-b2ddcf51a493	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:41:46	997.441
-112	63200	3160000	6123c5b2-7f9a-41c4-bac9-9708658756b9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:09:34	-425.508
-113	31601	3160100	9d811b69-4092-400d-b443-f05b2385c379	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:28:06	474.867
-113	63202	3160100	5a9dd698-a654-4eb1-b8d2-7091dadee1f7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:29:17	639.270
-114	31602	3160200	61f7610d-d10f-488a-8f02-d6d635e9f1b5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:11:19	748.832
-114	63204	3160200	f6da4a6d-0c25-4f2f-80b5-db8a0949ee11	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:52:43	947.911
-115	31603	3160300	e4599801-1406-4e6d-a512-9ba257e37a75	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:51:47	875.721
-115	63206	3160300	fb322aad-97ad-456c-b718-3ae74063f6e8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:28:08	-831.835
-116	31604	3160400	07003a1a-7d44-4b36-ac2a-4ad6624d999a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:09:16	500.954
-116	63208	3160400	de47885b-b395-4747-9e83-36fa054e489e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:33:26	-646.839
-117	31605	3160500	05bf7bcd-ff96-4797-b2df-ff81c28ccc6a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:28:17	423.604
-117	63210	3160500	906d3219-c19b-4631-ab66-306ab121c026	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:46:23	-339.62
-118	31606	3160600	eedc0306-f562-4010-8725-b525506a0258	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:50:27	579.649
-118	63212	3160600	343cb4d1-21f1-449c-8b91-cc364d45e2e1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:14:43	76.854
-119	31607	3160700	8b4e785c-c890-4d87-859a-6ee10fd00a3f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:35:30	846.572
-119	63214	3160700	509f5e77-d912-4c93-904a-872c246136cf	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:11:47	-703.990
-120	31608	3160800	f018b533-6f5e-4292-9dcb-d0035f53516c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:37:26	-511.604
-120	63216	3160800	42101957-30da-4cb8-85d0-965fbd444c59	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:52:15	-676.314
-121	31609	3160900	b811af5f-0040-45af-9ae3-247110fe3f15	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:05:41	-487.602
-121	63218	3160900	8132253b-8759-472a-b3ad-4192e27f824a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:59:39	-926.201
-122	31610	3161000	9749ffdf-c00e-4b0b-8fff-312f513f4b51	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:43:52	-269.136
-122	63220	3161000	a79391bb-7f2b-4481-8ef8-8d62e52ece52	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:16:31	976.833
-123	31611	3161100	7584380a-109e-4db2-9005-e845dcff8c6e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:12:14	-377.612
-123	63222	3161100	dcf9356b-7557-448c-8fff-62aa5983168f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:57:00	896.381
-124	31612	3161200	e1a74a42-57ed-494d-8c2a-1f3275995a79	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:14:12	27.48
-124	63224	3161200	dbfb54c4-446f-45d9-80ab-9fbed1a12d4d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:32:42	541.831
-125	31613	3161300	004ce330-1a54-412c-a7b5-5deb26aa74be	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:28:02	718.175
-125	63226	3161300	6bb74f5f-6af6-48ba-ae78-dc1ec39a60a8	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:24:39	254.58
-126	31614	3161400	598d3360-5251-46d6-a7cf-bd37693d7a6c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:24:43	760.301
-126	63228	3161400	c414740d-09fb-405c-be65-616367301978	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:16:40	-643.974
-127	31615	3161500	f0541b9e-994e-435b-b994-07ffe523d612	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:24:18	612.101
-127	63230	3161500	924f0c10-1a15-40a3-a56a-10f745765faa	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:02:46	137.863
-0	31616	3161600	21294e9e-0ae2-4322-ae45-7c5b9d9e3216	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:51:31	179.898
-0	63232	3161600	8bff05e4-67f9-4ea8-9c20-1aa090c922c5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:38:42	532.231
-1	31617	3161700	f84e9708-7844-454a-ad8b-be14fa45448c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:56:16	-364.281
-1	63234	3161700	6dcd3d1f-3190-4e65-bf29-8f48c7094724	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:19:39	97.996
-2	31618	3161800	a4bb7793-6e0f-47bb-9221-61f82222c96b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:44:28	278.572
-2	63236	3161800	0cd2aede-2eac-42d8-a00e-186d586c2fba	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:21:37	-508.662
-3	31619	3161900	0312c2d5-54b6-4c08-91dd-1b6260e901aa	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:49:46	386.527
-3	63238	3161900	18d9deca-6e74-4193-bc29-6e6634dd8fe0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:28:56	324.510
-4	31620	3162000	cb5e0d01-c8c3-447d-b5d9-90a6397f7b5f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:29:58	262.660
-4	63240	3162000	180e4d05-d801-4952-8f0e-7edbef5ffe43	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:00:06	-335.869
-5	31621	3162100	c782b483-f87c-48dd-b879-82ec9173d673	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:07:12	-979.846
-5	63242	3162100	3a512523-33fd-4a64-8b52-0291a9fae9dd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:55:59	-416.886
-6	31622	3162200	157ccc89-cb1e-46c5-8351-5ea638735a87	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:32:11	-498.686
-6	63244	3162200	611e012e-4edb-4ebc-a320-3a3312c7cc9b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:23:43	445.804
-7	31623	3162300	02e6649d-5420-4d22-9d82-f6dfecd05a47	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:37:43	-84.400
-7	63246	3162300	889c98e8-cac7-4c9c-a713-8508ec270091	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:36:48	349.87
-8	31624	3162400	a9dfb627-b902-4bd9-a66a-9bec2590323c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:14:54	-774.691
-8	63248	3162400	2bddcd37-e995-4333-a245-6020d0c431e9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:48:20	-30.127
-9	31625	3162500	d844eae7-1028-41d0-a524-da85f2a0f1cf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:35:41	-2.764
-9	63250	3162500	10e8335a-80bb-4f56-a6e5-6854ba3a4d5e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:31:33	942.938
-10	31626	3162600	06c7492c-56ac-4691-a43d-f5efb9911321	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:07:57	70.434
-10	63252	3162600	aa06d465-1da3-4f7e-a7c2-f8188ed0069f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:49:15	276.46
-11	31627	3162700	182add46-491d-4cf2-b959-f33e706cec6f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:57:08	-934.984
-11	63254	3162700	63051c9d-60f7-40a1-b29b-0e59afba7a00	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:30:40	-916.528
-12	31628	3162800	d8b56546-fb47-447c-b334-65e5211241db	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:28:33	522.361
-12	63256	3162800	9cc13f01-9e19-4adb-b98d-df42a9497885	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:05:39	142.806
-13	31629	3162900	9f2e70f3-a270-462f-b2a5-1a9a985e86ab	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:47:10	427.815
-13	63258	3162900	308c807d-6a6c-4bf5-b811-85cf49e11cf1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:42:56	-57.207
-14	31630	3163000	14fce3a8-e150-4ea6-8fcb-d59a800c4d8a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:40:03	-978.773
-14	63260	3163000	794c5810-c8d5-47a7-a398-ff584bd2d258	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:29:01	-364.95
-15	31631	3163100	2079c181-fdc1-4026-a972-2bba3e27a5ca	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:45:32	-426.510
-15	63262	3163100	b17d27e6-f76d-41fb-83d5-f9cadd756091	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:07:23	-463.468
-16	31632	3163200	a9f13e21-83eb-4e26-b81f-e903fa67fcd2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:31:31	75.694
-16	63264	3163200	420caa8c-2617-4b00-9776-da9f8f9ac00f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:02:10	631.23
-17	31633	3163300	f0e065a5-77e2-4f2a-b4d6-4ab904312bbc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:38:17	274.585
-17	63266	3163300	a427ffab-c56b-48e8-a630-70d1209d2234	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:29:08	191.818
-18	31634	3163400	e04904e1-809d-41dd-bc53-fa9f382dc507	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:23:39	-709.332
-18	63268	3163400	05e70897-a3f8-42e2-a301-6878307a6450	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:05:47	-230.327
-19	31635	3163500	757c226f-b558-4f96-b121-7fa7b839d53e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:16:06	965.299
-19	63270	3163500	ddcd9109-55f4-4de8-b7be-b63cd12b803b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:51:55	-93.184
-20	31636	3163600	7ddaa65b-e418-4d70-b7e2-9461db2307c1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:20:56	231.766
-20	63272	3163600	b4747fe6-67ff-41c9-8424-d7dcbf577578	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:29:26	-705.677
-21	31637	3163700	2ca1c300-7118-4cfe-be98-ab9adf9dc094	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:22:22	-283.327
-21	63274	3163700	bac2547a-f796-415e-a311-36c4e3d92f81	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:28:28	371.662
-22	31638	3163800	1f72ff02-799e-4c21-a2a9-303a1a6333d3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:24:46	-423.623
-22	63276	3163800	a9f583b9-c863-411e-984a-4829ab49b9d1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:10:23	779.670
-23	31639	3163900	3c2b7cc1-5243-48c6-ba14-7dfd2922a4d4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:41:44	-695.456
-23	63278	3163900	d6ede16b-01f6-4e05-a8da-3e7dd39b8289	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:03:18	865.128
-24	31640	3164000	6f0e9cfb-9601-468a-b9d3-60cd6d07c5b2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:35:03	-465.743
-24	63280	3164000	577b1b6e-1640-4fbf-9575-a79930d959c5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:11:27	-79.309
-25	31641	3164100	505c9863-cce4-47d0-83ff-fc8f638ef582	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:18:18	56.19
-25	63282	3164100	6d7d82f3-cfec-4782-a85d-eb08fede1c62	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:52:05	-332.496
-26	31642	3164200	4913e7ed-757e-4de8-9f03-8d2d96c99c1d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:44:08	879.235
-26	63284	3164200	c910e176-fec6-403c-900a-a5e688263ee8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:23:15	-30.468
-27	31643	3164300	d09b3b8f-0264-4cb4-b515-94bb7341ff9a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:07:39	460.272
-27	63286	3164300	5cba1774-b31e-4e5c-aa4b-9426417c8b0b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:27:39	250.592
-28	31644	3164400	75f95b6a-6e1a-4728-bc2e-76ace87576ea	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:02:56	-758.878
-28	63288	3164400	3277395b-35f0-499e-9b88-43dfda03878f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:12:50	533.471
-29	31645	3164500	bd6121e7-1fbd-488c-9c81-fb4d473481c0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:50:22	-427.48
-29	63290	3164500	bb5cbabb-eb0c-474f-8df6-dbb4ced87109	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:02:08	806.48
-30	31646	3164600	14f636a0-51b1-4a8f-9696-71aa40ad75a0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:13:24	534.249
-30	63292	3164600	54c032b9-ecde-4826-ab5d-e31b8a13157e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:41:10	838.550
-31	31647	3164700	c3b96224-15e3-450a-8b77-3dc82625ab3d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:44:24	322.924
-31	63294	3164700	52d73254-f894-4149-a2e2-83cd1f309b8c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:12:43	641.168
-32	31648	3164800	7e012674-0374-415c-820f-ef038c197c3a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:18:50	-242.251
-32	63296	3164800	572e1779-b8b8-4bf4-90fc-3a42a7fdf07a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:06:29	-772.501
-33	31649	3164900	fad503b3-3502-4cd7-93a4-9bd85f6dd6c3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:20:54	-91.162
-33	63298	3164900	d571b603-80af-4430-b30d-a219253914a6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:12:45	872.754
-34	31650	3165000	6c40e0ad-179c-45dd-b108-0297ca61383c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:58:11	-832.174
-34	63300	3165000	f3fbb06d-7468-4903-9d71-5947f643af17	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:30:42	-771.339
-35	31651	3165100	39872ae7-b056-4e32-b2d5-4e8c5bfadfbe	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:03:31	-342.27
-35	63302	3165100	1f142cf3-2d5a-4190-9148-447bd0daf662	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:54:49	961.666
-36	31652	3165200	0eac1a8e-0b0e-402a-b9d8-2a58d06d5f15	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:04:22	-521.365
-36	63304	3165200	c091b821-f562-47d0-a149-eda5a1f6204a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:51:09	505.769
-37	31653	3165300	9bf9c64c-b314-4e0f-8fae-1429e22a0e41	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:01:52	-705.352
-37	63306	3165300	53bfe045-3fe5-4518-9a7c-ce34bf64ea10	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:29:08	229.49
-38	31654	3165400	5dcb2d64-a497-4353-a3f0-4f6d3ab04255	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:34:52	664.123
-38	63308	3165400	6604b5c7-7a6f-4e72-a889-757002fc104e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:56:14	752.492
-39	31655	3165500	860ab192-864b-440c-80fd-2e94cb44b913	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:29:13	-267.951
-39	63310	3165500	21dae395-816c-461c-9817-419398ff531d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:00:16	-82.177
-40	31656	3165600	40e7b217-fe26-4815-9dae-536173e93be6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:09:24	26.66
-40	63312	3165600	5fdb525a-d94c-4d2e-b6bf-ccbe4cdfc747	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:26:14	410.691
-41	31657	3165700	9497402f-c20e-47a3-ad0e-9602bee21513	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:59:49	-708.133
-41	63314	3165700	6bafd9be-6fc0-4e67-9d34-d55af52af8f3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:37:46	173.115
-42	31658	3165800	379ccc24-8d47-49d5-9f64-575e2c1360d8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:31:17	132.468
-42	63316	3165800	70fe3cb6-a0dc-4e1e-8550-619d08205b52	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:20:47	-912.73
-43	31659	3165900	64660baf-2639-4be0-bae8-51e23624f9c3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:57:51	613.631
-43	63318	3165900	3b7d179c-6f71-46ab-bf52-53290a102543	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:00:45	587.848
-44	31660	3166000	72ddba5c-3db0-4e66-a9fd-0f0d5fcbc546	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:20:21	753.760
-44	63320	3166000	eb92f314-19e1-40b4-b34e-92b8da7557e2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:36:36	429.250
-45	31661	3166100	c121b60d-4852-4080-9b68-dd3a76bb278f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:51:38	-240.26
-45	63322	3166100	ed29b398-39c3-4ce3-a15c-3398d18c5ed9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:48:33	838.625
-46	31662	3166200	44858b5d-4a84-40dc-84cf-ab11f7170999	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:51:27	139.132
-46	63324	3166200	cd4254a0-765e-4b56-a148-255e7c86d25a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:17:44	271.386
-47	31663	3166300	2d1a7533-4810-415c-84a1-ab3f50322eed	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:56:37	-925.536
-47	63326	3166300	a4dee2b2-f7a7-4aa8-9d2b-b1dc942f63c0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:38:01	697.546
-48	31664	3166400	4ece6572-d20f-46fe-a4e8-7f84eeacdaa8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:42:22	-938.207
-48	63328	3166400	97423831-8b65-47d6-9f66-be191059f1d5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:34:43	109.560
-49	31665	3166500	00fb409c-5fb6-4e7e-be51-72db92074c84	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:25:52	-220.387
-49	63330	3166500	d36960d9-7997-40e5-b7c2-99725164c51a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:36:19	-349.628
-50	31666	3166600	ee903da6-91f5-4aed-b783-91dad6d51591	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:45:56	745.941
-50	63332	3166600	44468460-0615-476b-95e2-8301a7781ed2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:31:21	159.981
-51	31667	3166700	405bfa28-8ff4-4e7d-ba1d-3ac819aa6d55	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:21:50	-508.323
-51	63334	3166700	66798eea-168b-452a-9b44-73def2bed199	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:16:36	-182.339
-52	31668	3166800	ecb4ea0c-7613-49f5-90b9-e3a00f83f427	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:38:58	907.559
-52	63336	3166800	2e65d29b-9d60-49c2-8df9-73e195e4ed1a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:08:37	-27.432
-53	31669	3166900	b3d68fe3-7747-4646-b21c-879ea72d7ba1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:20:24	-291.656
-53	63338	3166900	ab5f8f8c-bec5-4da2-a7da-1206804aa783	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:20:14	-164.424
-54	31670	3167000	0b901397-f29b-4b7d-8754-24ad32b6a678	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:37:11	266.567
-54	63340	3167000	f287c89f-d099-456f-99e8-944c89e75519	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:55:49	124.328
-55	31671	3167100	294f5179-c982-4112-8327-d5955af090e7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:11:45	392.565
-55	63342	3167100	d01ff81f-4531-4c74-b376-50343859ab0f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:21:52	393.225
-56	31672	3167200	8ff79da1-2163-4fcf-8458-bfbb050d3c40	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:03:09	804.675
-56	63344	3167200	894bd1e6-5302-4ed3-af2c-5d9003c1ccbf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:42:56	-88.984
-57	31673	3167300	735f4648-66b6-4f9a-a63b-d52fbec5ffea	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:02:21	543.430
-57	63346	3167300	f48e11e0-df26-43aa-8735-957076964b2a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:48:44	-951.242
-58	31674	3167400	1c64fc14-d813-483f-8d0f-e7887f9780a8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:32:26	-845.526
-58	63348	3167400	e3864a14-057c-44d4-ba6a-0712d9b540f0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:22:20	-838.562
-59	31675	3167500	84f7e2b6-ec96-4e26-aca5-298fe2daa310	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:57:34	628.434
-59	63350	3167500	1b7191a7-942c-425a-9e6b-0995dd6d421d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:10:05	-513.747
-60	31676	3167600	1584c7e0-d730-4fe2-9133-27427028ac80	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:25:49	-118.92
-60	63352	3167600	2dc08796-bb43-4a2e-a7f9-10d8b15187d1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:53:07	-853.679
-61	31677	3167700	fa7b5f3f-b326-4d18-87cd-2c08acf06c26	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:53:44	283.486
-61	63354	3167700	581cd16b-caef-454e-9e34-29541c236bf7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:01:06	807.330
-62	31678	3167800	9a5315eb-8d00-44e0-977d-9c795e6459a1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:44:44	156.173
-62	63356	3167800	d285411d-8c5d-4f69-8ce0-0d1247db5d62	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:34:19	-197.420
-63	31679	3167900	34e1b700-7317-4cdb-8c3c-2e6ee40c8cbc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:59:21	239.125
-63	63358	3167900	0b22cb58-a4a4-4cc7-a3f9-0533d26c7b78	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:05:42	-915.681
-64	31680	3168000	5dd791f7-a9af-4479-bf85-b31725509602	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:28:43	714.795
-64	63360	3168000	376edc04-8820-42e0-b798-0a8e3e2094bc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:10:01	361.449
-65	31681	3168100	27bd0caf-aae9-4d90-acf8-8141a3b47e83	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:13:03	-325.800
-65	63362	3168100	dc8c2c21-dbc4-42b7-aa55-902595dafed6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:44:34	-462.872
-66	31682	3168200	cf58e1b7-4ef3-4a39-beb5-ed2b20f359d8	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:04:53	477.952
-66	63364	3168200	6a406eee-3ddf-47ee-9a7e-d46506154bd5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:46:50	-781.549
-67	31683	3168300	a7c25c11-82b5-4183-be14-1657daa18f0b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:10:50	381.432
-67	63366	3168300	c9d282f9-57e3-4d98-bd1b-3b5ebf225d8f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:07:33	-801.920
-68	31684	3168400	36de6e7c-5094-429a-ae03-84d7a6efa71c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:49:35	-295.742
-68	63368	3168400	1b7ee19b-0070-4723-84df-46b57deccb0e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:11:17	-258.458
-69	31685	3168500	90ccfa1e-22ff-4f3d-84b6-30efae8d1b50	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:29:53	748.282
-69	63370	3168500	85cfb91b-6401-4039-90d4-210c1585aa99	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:26:22	188.438
-70	31686	3168600	dfa159a6-faac-445c-81b7-3dc4dec41907	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:07:48	293.52
-70	63372	3168600	4cfc7d07-0b27-4468-82a7-0374fcf3889f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:54:17	-217.730
-71	31687	3168700	df2a4c8d-971c-4c36-addc-3d23d5b5f322	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:12:24	-583.764
-71	63374	3168700	d6a7fdbd-6216-4cfd-acf2-42c55c6dc5e2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:35:16	312.842
-72	31688	3168800	a4a26716-2c6b-42c5-89e8-d6b64149763e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:36:53	-682.468
-72	63376	3168800	28b45867-6ad1-4dee-bb6f-5e33e86349a3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:39:54	247.336
-73	31689	3168900	9258fddb-7b06-476a-9aee-539edd4baf5b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:32:45	-472.682
-73	63378	3168900	08cfec45-467f-4341-a89c-998f5eed88bc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:31:12	-7.889
-74	31690	3169000	6b2d71ce-7f4b-43bb-a773-3a90e9cf2645	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:53:58	-195.370
-74	63380	3169000	67c7dc1b-4747-451a-817c-79dc55d40942	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:10:27	-569.449
-75	31691	3169100	6078c6db-8c31-4e6e-b2a1-687105418523	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:05:28	-279.448
-75	63382	3169100	10b1c265-8f61-4cfb-a989-163543e94392	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:26:42	-858.301
-76	31692	3169200	4f169a7a-954b-414e-bf3d-3953ee081282	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:03:41	990.950
-76	63384	3169200	db43faba-5e2d-46ce-855f-635593fb0fbb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:53:59	32.542
-77	31693	3169300	55c0c356-7d24-4886-a620-99081bb5c4ff	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:36:22	440.116
-77	63386	3169300	47b2d095-46b9-4a25-9b04-84726e950f0b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:20:15	-401.236
-78	31694	3169400	43e277b1-2105-4c31-899d-68e4d838fab3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:09:41	300.98
-78	63388	3169400	5eceda8f-32da-4692-8a02-8b3c045ec2a9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:53:43	794.434
-79	31695	3169500	4ace9c60-a50b-43af-b297-4048a5839d82	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:23:50	-73.677
-79	63390	3169500	08ad0094-490b-4c44-a0aa-894591d45323	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:56:10	-602.199
-80	31696	3169600	52bb075d-47a6-4f5a-be2b-b88dddf2cba4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:43:41	-448.235
-80	63392	3169600	bc3c4970-bc5f-4bca-9e1e-0c4d69a95c42	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:23:46	-94.628
-81	31697	3169700	23b59692-2d14-453d-9f30-dd3258498b2e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:21:08	-825.546
-81	63394	3169700	2b46e6df-c16f-4fe3-8fbe-bd31e7a694af	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:46:32	402.754
-82	31698	3169800	9c875874-aa8e-4fb4-9e70-1101495dd7f6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:22:01	485.161
-82	63396	3169800	51bb25d3-6fdb-44ec-8c0c-8d699f153263	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:02:53	-828.686
-83	31699	3169900	f97e2553-3787-4531-8c49-12125fb21f72	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:16:33	-960.79
-83	63398	3169900	e1370001-a352-46e3-b25f-44b06a372ffe	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:09:56	857.270
-84	31700	3170000	c56721e7-637d-4a18-9cc4-a4945f2be851	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:05:13	243.643
-84	63400	3170000	951e0b4c-4bcb-490c-bcfa-38c153ee1df4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:19:01	760.265
-85	31701	3170100	7631059e-fe58-4ec3-a490-960a6a3fb98f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:24:09	-756.45
-85	63402	3170100	2e9c8675-7b16-4298-ad97-1a743308db0f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:38:10	900.399
-86	31702	3170200	3c448a0d-8112-4ef1-ae5c-3674e6fbdfc3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:52:16	-468.433
-86	63404	3170200	22474ead-9fb0-4bc5-ace9-c7a122ba3fb6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:52:12	70.524
-87	31703	3170300	2cce125e-0be6-4674-82d8-d3a6aa471052	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:44:55	932.840
-87	63406	3170300	0eac76fb-9763-4ed4-8d5c-1116ad4a6bc3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:02:18	-543.149
-88	31704	3170400	a6860cb0-1d7f-4086-b771-34c4f08c6e44	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:11:58	170.281
-88	63408	3170400	38fc4d8d-3513-468f-8bdd-dba8af85a1f9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:29:46	-568.155
-89	31705	3170500	53a82924-a146-47d7-9f71-a665665cfcff	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:28:31	-709.569
-89	63410	3170500	9e13c85e-39bb-4f51-b829-ad96207ec652	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:19:22	-756.839
-90	31706	3170600	b885965b-4065-4d4f-8172-219c839d2d90	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:11:53	550.402
-90	63412	3170600	c24b2f22-1ed5-4c2e-a0d7-0023a61add0e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:32:38	-580.695
-91	31707	3170700	1712c97f-640d-4da3-910e-49fd0dc85ce4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:42:40	-47.962
-91	63414	3170700	9262b008-126f-4aad-b850-e231304e7317	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:01:59	-949.505
-92	31708	3170800	3d46c7aa-eae7-445e-a935-61971da07f98	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:58:24	127.329
-92	63416	3170800	813853ed-c64e-43c2-80d8-883cb33e56d9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:19:05	-128.144
-93	31709	3170900	71a1270f-88b1-46a7-9487-f2456c7343de	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:19:44	-865.221
-93	63418	3170900	57809354-cc3c-4e58-9f8e-032cc7e478f1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:52:52	-211.319
-94	31710	3171000	301ebfeb-24e6-44fc-b2f8-729c979e27b9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:45:04	981.588
-94	63420	3171000	a3169d2b-37ba-4e9c-a9c8-c405d0d21025	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:27:37	619.145
-95	31711	3171100	4f21a5de-c238-46ee-b66c-84435be525b8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:09:07	798.324
-95	63422	3171100	949ce4a0-bf4c-41d2-9120-46f969c4bb81	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:20:58	-672.653
-96	31712	3171200	802f58be-8f59-456c-9efc-f8b6e501f108	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:52:55	-444.947
-96	63424	3171200	ebbb3a39-df45-4c80-9922-5115afc8dd45	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:56:31	909.369
-97	31713	3171300	282e4fe9-9f89-4d28-b730-74a175b8b176	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:37:42	299.157
-97	63426	3171300	bfcff160-ee1f-4508-b632-eb1b4864a833	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:40:14	-33.825
-98	31714	3171400	4c8e376d-15b2-4061-b44c-3a5db27f3116	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:00:56	-838.668
-98	63428	3171400	6bda8476-3e68-4dc4-94a0-93e7d212453a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:11:12	-631.326
-99	31715	3171500	94d2efc9-866f-4d3b-8fab-1f5edabc307c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:20:30	36.248
-99	63430	3171500	7bb3ce62-a4a9-42f7-a27e-22bb62391ab2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:18:44	421.210
-100	31716	3171600	657d1a1a-329e-479d-9639-6fcb32d9ed9a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:16:24	871.588
-100	63432	3171600	df09074d-318b-4cc4-b406-d322d76c734b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:53:40	776.819
-101	31717	3171700	6c4ff47f-20cc-488d-8acb-6fc34e365181	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:14:27	602.857
-101	63434	3171700	82a9413a-c3fb-4eca-9930-f224eb2840c8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:24:15	-28.122
-102	31718	3171800	56f3b33d-e1c8-42f5-80c8-1b2efc790b0f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:11:37	-741.695
-102	63436	3171800	918c3a7e-485f-4438-95cc-a97e84f5dd7f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:42:06	-371.986
-103	31719	3171900	a8bc468f-1a74-4b66-8ab2-5f9e016021dd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:59:17	-861.8
-103	63438	3171900	7d771942-5f9a-43e4-b537-b399f8955034	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:07:00	810.779
-104	31720	3172000	719ff825-25a3-4b68-b5e3-d7e442c7acc0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:36:15	926.280
-104	63440	3172000	d4e073f8-75e8-4608-a154-7a27e5d6257f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:47:52	-220.17
-105	31721	3172100	cc6f5f01-f6fe-473d-9e16-1e8186058512	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:11:38	773.590
-105	63442	3172100	67735ed9-ea80-4f8b-8624-8eb4d8499735	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:16:15	-410.285
-106	31722	3172200	863ad595-28b9-44a2-9d2d-a0760ea1c991	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:00:08	887.265
-106	63444	3172200	3d6fc464-7156-44ab-a719-e8121cab3ada	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:43:46	709.954
-107	31723	3172300	71b1694b-4e39-4788-a4f4-0602255ec9f9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:03:37	71.546
-107	63446	3172300	79c6846b-5223-43ff-93f9-84bfe6d4ad7b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:42:22	556.485
-108	31724	3172400	c4a36c49-425f-44c9-8eb1-fb0c3483aee1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:18:19	238.833
-108	63448	3172400	503a0b6d-9ed7-4757-9bd2-edc16dac8374	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:11:23	43.38
-109	31725	3172500	0ef70030-53c5-42e3-a3e3-e27af637786e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:59:58	-101.69
-109	63450	3172500	19dba649-6543-46cf-9ea3-63bff7aaa0f3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:35:36	-754.724
-110	31726	3172600	7e3b51a4-1ab4-4e64-b5ba-aa98026bed26	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:18:43	590.702
-110	63452	3172600	a5fb4138-71c9-46a9-aa2b-27d59b714464	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:39:31	348.14
-111	31727	3172700	b174d6ed-2d0b-44e1-b65d-75a73e7a3719	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:17:48	-65.665
-111	63454	3172700	9ba96646-de06-4f07-916b-762a7b2ba182	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:09:17	431.454
-112	31728	3172800	b6255d93-121d-4161-b574-53551d786bc6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:36:39	180.734
-112	63456	3172800	8062cf2e-b0fd-4493-ab46-2fdda16f65f8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:12:42	-112.207
-113	31729	3172900	85f29f7b-cc3d-4a55-ac45-42b067b376c6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:52:33	646.337
-113	63458	3172900	4fbfa028-c2f9-4c6f-896e-ea1d2650da5d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:02:21	-571.269
-114	31730	3173000	2e6e0ff9-42ea-41ba-9b4d-7cc04550830c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:44:03	-581.994
-114	63460	3173000	306611bd-21a0-4923-928b-14a19974707e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:34:22	388.467
-115	31731	3173100	6eea4f26-3caa-4ed5-9992-1fa33555426f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:58:39	-172.427
-115	63462	3173100	d498f2ba-8c03-4551-845c-de9c19079e01	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:02:03	-932.964
-116	31732	3173200	3e841675-dd91-4ba6-b185-e46a594c4f7d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:08:00	351.923
-116	63464	3173200	b551720c-007a-4d0c-b651-0910f3d7e7ff	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:25:44	208.162
-117	31733	3173300	7fc37fc9-868c-4796-955f-8f9c826b46b1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:31:14	209.169
-117	63466	3173300	9be1a798-418c-42f8-a028-b4f5b161fa62	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:37:50	-686.149
-118	31734	3173400	d6823332-8df7-4d93-99c2-de4248896cb1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:34:50	-378.577
-118	63468	3173400	16904ea0-e56f-4a29-9b14-a74019f3a065	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:57:02	-279.870
-119	31735	3173500	721d4dd7-e741-4876-bfc8-e4cacead4bf7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:20:34	703.811
-119	63470	3173500	ad58ea70-b1e0-4da5-ac3c-2a15f101a213	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:06:59	-916.581
-120	31736	3173600	9a82055b-546e-433f-98a9-6759dc0d13e2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:14:17	769.806
-120	63472	3173600	7878816b-ee64-4c53-97c3-393846ab6368	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:28:51	512.963
-121	31737	3173700	2fe11915-fa83-4fd6-8437-a85e627c177b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:51:19	418.140
-121	63474	3173700	f686f920-b0ad-4c1b-9151-f90d0f691370	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:32:06	611.993
-122	31738	3173800	72af0706-df90-4ac1-924f-cf2361759cdb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:43:38	460.150
-122	63476	3173800	51550d8f-9870-4c56-a949-86dc2be224f6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:28:53	504.232
-123	31739	3173900	80004c1d-5feb-437c-a2d9-46223464000b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:22:25	614.809
-123	63478	3173900	a450e517-1079-4e33-aab6-d94d8f7d6c16	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:11:11	562.161
-124	31740	3174000	c42b4b08-50c7-42ed-b3d8-dc5eade04d3f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:06:50	-723.671
-124	63480	3174000	c82c12f9-1050-4605-8f9c-d5931dcdf58d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:29:24	-751.816
-125	31741	3174100	3a56515d-6bd5-4d18-b7d1-7142f372cd2b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:44:12	420.1
-125	63482	3174100	3bf5267d-c937-4a80-ab25-a631a9b9011a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:06:54	752.138
-126	31742	3174200	55106a7d-a88a-4367-9da8-ba23a5224f28	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:25:49	-566.985
-126	63484	3174200	e83b6ee1-ee0c-4a5e-81e6-417b2cccfb88	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:02:00	515.985
-127	31743	3174300	87411852-b3b5-45a3-9ea7-00f1d4b56848	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:44:14	151.915
-127	63486	3174300	8d9c2989-d5f7-4608-93d0-8ef49a29f727	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:07:06	673.454
-0	31744	3174400	28b5cb4f-061b-4dbf-a36e-ea364f9d2690	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:21:33	-166.178
-0	63488	3174400	d941d1f5-2a9f-4fde-a2c3-102bc3add14c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:04:27	-798.611
-1	31745	3174500	d9414bbc-157e-42b8-8c0a-0348baa8574f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:50:12	-547.842
-1	63490	3174500	0d28e8e0-5395-4a3b-9c9c-5aa4b030c87d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:50:19	-687.495
-2	31746	3174600	9293c6ad-efe4-4dc4-a276-ab5d89936393	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:07:40	-455.298
-2	63492	3174600	a0920f72-c165-474e-8e91-92a7a364a22e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:10:40	-892.78
-3	31747	3174700	9ba0f182-a066-483e-b54c-d4776339d760	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:32:00	-656.83
-3	63494	3174700	e195cb80-c734-4c4f-baaa-0a6aafd8e020	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:46:21	579.854
-4	31748	3174800	7e937480-9631-454d-a592-34d18c33b158	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:25:52	254.235
-4	63496	3174800	b67a0ea2-55de-4de8-9032-f6a4712ec18b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:19:37	-151.214
-5	31749	3174900	eff81d77-bb08-4d46-8e6d-0794246c6771	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:56:33	232.11
-5	63498	3174900	c0e9b3f3-4844-4f2a-942e-cfc0db7f1e89	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:02:07	968.869
-6	31750	3175000	74f9b40e-fe00-4970-a42b-c4d13699d61d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:36:48	-744.864
-6	63500	3175000	cdb4d6ff-f36b-4dcb-a57f-d7cdbbe880d0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:32:16	-252.947
-7	31751	3175100	51f1b925-fc65-4bf2-81a8-9207a775738c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:55:36	-905.299
-7	63502	3175100	6a1631c0-5bda-450c-9593-b8446ec7416a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:55:48	-455.848
-8	31752	3175200	af8c6beb-8b45-4916-9672-e65b65bbdfd0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:07:45	-518.729
-8	63504	3175200	783e09a7-0e96-4a6b-b73a-5f8530147527	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:00:37	-845.996
-9	31753	3175300	9d954295-eaf8-4821-96e9-5e6e81e8c854	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:12:06	-582.210
-9	63506	3175300	f1da8c24-a2be-4dd0-acc1-0821ba216f21	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:11:42	649.476
-10	31754	3175400	f3361306-a072-45b8-a64c-bf9c3d17aa46	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:02:08	-964.157
-10	63508	3175400	2db0c64a-1575-4167-8ee2-3274fe077d21	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:52:50	-979.609
-11	31755	3175500	a1c34e39-bfc4-4006-868d-0784d143f8bd	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:45:27	905.549
-11	63510	3175500	108fb2e1-414f-4513-9bc2-c873e053c56e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:12:47	-163.376
-12	31756	3175600	d51f9a4e-b39a-45c4-a91d-2d4cb38af58a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:45:20	-275.748
-12	63512	3175600	79a7f154-ac3f-4cc3-aec0-46684846787d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:52:00	61.813
-13	31757	3175700	d1fa906e-1c31-4662-a71a-130404410345	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:23:29	-990.422
-13	63514	3175700	b7f8921b-2e82-45a0-81d9-4ee15c6a4afd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:37:03	-104.70
-14	31758	3175800	1c9939d0-268f-4955-9f7b-38830c4e823b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:07:47	-118.260
-14	63516	3175800	83a51dbd-1d30-4306-8e7c-a3aac024ebad	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:23:07	-551.101
-15	31759	3175900	974d9bcc-048a-4386-8430-4b317ecdeeca	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:06:12	82.491
-15	63518	3175900	149e926e-669f-47ff-b031-1879e4d319a4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:07:40	513.602
-16	31760	3176000	5064c733-251a-4d8d-bccc-2e5a6e0ecd1f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:50:04	-247.359
-16	63520	3176000	ebaf680e-bbcf-4310-b51f-d54343935cd0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:22:24	118.799
-17	31761	3176100	227e8c79-c84d-4aeb-8910-bd43101cdae4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:24:30	409.137
-17	63522	3176100	ac855456-783b-4a01-bcc6-14dc270d5c1d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:26:30	436.318
-18	31762	3176200	766f5b6e-d84c-44ac-883d-d38f5d0b305c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:42:48	-324.107
-18	63524	3176200	26332eb0-32d7-4d8e-9a11-65f19833b5bd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:45:09	404.88
-19	31763	3176300	ef106727-6f59-43d4-a3e6-4561c7a3b44f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:14:40	252.348
-19	63526	3176300	90f3854c-6abd-430c-b365-eb1be14e5ef6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:11:32	980.482
-20	31764	3176400	4216ff6a-19fa-4605-961b-530c0795d24d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:17:41	46.996
-20	63528	3176400	6b228493-3294-4b70-9281-7dad30e1eafb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:33:36	73.584
-21	31765	3176500	752a4ce7-a144-4f54-8f5b-639bac2d78f2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:16:23	965.920
-21	63530	3176500	eb6c8a3b-a93f-426d-bcdd-3399785bcab3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:32:30	89.706
-22	31766	3176600	c5684880-dba7-4dfc-9246-f6286610c515	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:42:18	740.306
-22	63532	3176600	7bda70e7-39ca-4c72-b920-70bd690f491b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:55:20	718.520
-23	31767	3176700	366b18dc-3e28-424f-b8bb-19c6345196db	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:05:35	419.562
-23	63534	3176700	4080dc94-254e-4b83-b5f8-2a376819cb79	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:02:24	35.821
-24	31768	3176800	65722e3a-7014-418c-a7e1-07a35f1aa803	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:21:02	639.639
-24	63536	3176800	431215b8-d978-47a6-b197-0977d8f34199	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:00:00	990.215
-25	31769	3176900	2424da8a-ef4b-4231-b017-25b5a37801e5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:51:08	832.705
-25	63538	3176900	1e37d6f4-b876-49cc-bf49-fb73903bbf44	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:39:59	-316.429
-26	31770	3177000	85874bf1-a91a-41a6-b910-59a3a3f1051e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:42:21	-608.247
-26	63540	3177000	c58927b9-53d9-4127-ae9c-129a6f704bc1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:25:57	923.315
-27	31771	3177100	26a32333-fba0-43c0-ae23-cda946344ff2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:54:26	936.32
-27	63542	3177100	bd8b8a6c-4d97-4eb5-8eab-0c24706da2ec	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:55:40	-378.757
-28	31772	3177200	fea52fd0-e46f-42a7-a7dc-265577d6c0e2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:45:06	305.217
-28	63544	3177200	956d6e9a-5420-4a84-8945-88dcf21f81f3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:18:21	13.948
-29	31773	3177300	6b241169-7421-4e90-98e2-6a5f8964e21a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:06:07	19.946
-29	63546	3177300	1bffd6a2-ebac-42b0-ae5a-6f7e325f280b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:30:42	-43.658
-30	31774	3177400	f69efe18-c0e1-47cb-b27f-e1a8c289f4d3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:55:39	-107.394
-30	63548	3177400	c7c9a732-bdf6-4081-8250-0e099b9eea6b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:23:36	13.304
-31	31775	3177500	b071744b-107f-4dac-9ed2-2629617fe09c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:27:21	266.26
-31	63550	3177500	51127d82-1af1-4d50-9723-9ab431d54cb6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:21:30	100.343
-32	31776	3177600	21a89a9b-700d-4446-a510-526b8a851394	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:10:22	535.199
-32	63552	3177600	8fb27847-f04b-46c3-a7c1-2457151fa668	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:58:49	877.457
-33	31777	3177700	1d1972e0-940e-49e5-8098-75a4095f9761	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:48:39	-204.329
-33	63554	3177700	8f3bb5a5-f1fc-46a5-9824-8af968c6c37f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:38:13	-470.366
-34	31778	3177800	3fcb617f-01dc-4652-a259-bc24c30b2c77	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:01:40	892.297
-34	63556	3177800	d02b79df-7477-454a-8935-b84b51c35d39	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:10:01	933.730
-35	31779	3177900	14cab119-6e68-428e-9803-f1a9d9d368c6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:06:44	-833.757
-35	63558	3177900	a6ecb4f3-7a13-45ab-841c-fd6218cc29e8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:58:40	-148.429
-36	31780	3178000	918fd8f2-11d1-416d-a6bf-04f22e9532fb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:56:20	197.371
-36	63560	3178000	7d345dce-3511-4635-a437-1ce5347ed97a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:35:19	-910.332
-37	31781	3178100	36a67637-c536-4f6e-b173-0980b123da29	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:03:36	-166.437
-37	63562	3178100	c64e6de0-c3f9-4b7e-b56c-edf51f9de3a7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:11:46	320.819
-38	31782	3178200	62145736-05cc-4ab6-a364-9de59d853deb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:58:15	-595.553
-38	63564	3178200	bc75e9af-f25b-48eb-a0a0-79e1a83f7873	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:01:25	700.444
-39	31783	3178300	1d95bac2-34f5-42b0-8464-dae26eddc944	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:28:13	-697.5
-39	63566	3178300	c4cb1aef-a411-47d9-9e96-8e1fab0d116b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:50:45	153.852
-40	31784	3178400	38929eb8-a237-486b-a036-ca941b0c3ddf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:04:48	-918.826
-40	63568	3178400	9b4ec542-306b-4285-9c82-935f1b912691	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:22:09	82.460
-41	31785	3178500	a0b4a2d4-d5c6-478c-bad6-9269c474b5a6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:31:18	768.822
-41	63570	3178500	841a0c8e-307a-49cb-8029-c1ad008ed72b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:55:25	174.254
-42	31786	3178600	f4fe00ef-8ab8-483c-8663-495c6205c7bd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:40:12	-639.632
-42	63572	3178600	548d6a8b-67c5-478f-ae64-8d9be0db8a66	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:10:10	-880.672
-43	31787	3178700	a34132ef-e224-49f0-8d44-9ab40eb4818b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:19:34	183.172
-43	63574	3178700	5d35ab29-0887-4a8a-96d9-dec560ad0c7f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:12:40	361.263
-44	31788	3178800	df0ec75e-9521-4c31-a520-8f34e5317050	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:07:39	-205.448
-44	63576	3178800	a806c2f9-c4de-4001-8670-cb8d27255c96	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:57:55	-597.600
-45	31789	3178900	d81532b5-1f42-4711-9ae3-9bee29b3e94f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:22:27	11.628
-45	63578	3178900	cfb3205d-04f5-4053-a4f1-9028b29c36b6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:08:48	754.435
-46	31790	3179000	2259e0cf-6342-48b3-b9ea-eebf0c8ad813	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:47:03	237.326
-46	63580	3179000	06cb7e71-ed36-4bf5-ac70-fa0fb2c494ff	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:47:31	-498.404
-47	31791	3179100	6b142302-09ce-4696-a1f1-367f1a125065	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:21:11	285.639
-47	63582	3179100	5357804b-1a26-47fd-aaf9-f6b776020767	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:33:52	585.883
-48	31792	3179200	257e21e2-ac89-44ee-94e2-be91e4a009c6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:12:51	-177.783
-48	63584	3179200	78a839f5-4d6a-49f1-a334-f2a94452a2a7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:50:46	-885.662
-49	31793	3179300	7d9f1808-b1b0-42dc-a0c5-7533cf7b3b8b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:34:01	-561.174
-49	63586	3179300	5b8228b6-ed79-4716-b18c-8ab52cd1766d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:19:01	-994.858
-50	31794	3179400	387cdd76-20ee-400d-9cf9-3708db571bab	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:09:40	888.898
-50	63588	3179400	8a6f522f-8cab-4bc3-9633-1e048a2a7e81	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:27:19	608.371
-51	31795	3179500	a4082fef-48ed-400c-88c1-af5e20ffaf47	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:34:09	-357.509
-51	63590	3179500	875dd2c9-9cb7-49c7-9a88-943c83746a3e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:46:20	354.368
-52	31796	3179600	edcdb3b2-0616-42ed-a47b-9ab618362448	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:25:08	342.366
-52	63592	3179600	64ce972f-2fbb-449a-bbab-d60f0b7fbcf3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:39:31	643.910
-53	31797	3179700	b43df364-dbf4-42b8-a2e4-91b23e219581	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:01:24	731.439
-53	63594	3179700	1b000e36-9c87-47a6-b61f-def6fe74e572	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:48:51	-82.936
-54	31798	3179800	aa0a0dd5-040c-4ba7-b2f4-34a85646ce70	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:44:06	-224.894
-54	63596	3179800	ae0b8f86-ed25-4427-8ea3-215410cff28f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:59:07	131.514
-55	31799	3179900	253225fe-5341-4e8f-9aea-d149063b87a0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:28:22	-443.623
-55	63598	3179900	462fa480-1734-4a44-afbb-449148d1968b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:01:37	460.694
-56	31800	3180000	4c11bc5e-6335-45fc-bf10-0f09e680c1c2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:41:14	-436.549
-56	63600	3180000	d843526e-3ba9-413d-b2c6-cbc40aabcd93	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:46:49	-384.454
-57	31801	3180100	4b0d909b-564b-4f0c-8ba0-b76f527644c3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:14:17	-33.875
-57	63602	3180100	268a0b62-180f-40b2-afc6-f391aecb59eb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:38:08	-804.757
-58	31802	3180200	c587c732-0b85-4dbd-a743-261fe933b31f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:24:05	800.864
-58	63604	3180200	7ff176d0-286e-46a8-90ce-90bda1e20799	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:35:50	252.527
-59	31803	3180300	2b370e11-7d74-4998-9c14-5154633e8291	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:31:39	688.746
-59	63606	3180300	bfd91bdd-e63c-4755-b4a3-3e76b5d9d372	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:07:50	924.172
-60	31804	3180400	618041b4-3e47-477b-bf4f-9fdd15047f2e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:15:52	-220.822
-60	63608	3180400	59ea729c-486e-4f64-82c3-9764b7600dc5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:14:09	-663.329
-61	31805	3180500	1e4e474b-279b-48b4-8690-6c46a47dc943	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:06:01	154.571
-61	63610	3180500	a700dc52-b1da-4ef3-b084-f640891ae25a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:25:35	502.880
-62	31806	3180600	4c0a6380-f28f-45f7-adfd-300900b496a7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:02:05	265.286
-62	63612	3180600	d5fa873f-b6e5-4317-94e4-850c5d2955f3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:21:23	-130.18
-63	31807	3180700	da7a1772-3e54-41fe-baac-07abaaeb4486	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:48:40	-280.3
-63	63614	3180700	8de99737-f47c-4e76-8117-cba7f6f68693	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:31:59	350.793
-64	31808	3180800	44bbe727-92bd-4c1c-8436-2764b6e72f81	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:19:01	-986.898
-64	63616	3180800	811b2c2a-7320-4c9c-9bba-b8d536e45ac7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:31:03	-580.615
-65	31809	3180900	98234abb-5e08-486a-b0f1-646bee668df3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:41:43	929.645
-65	63618	3180900	57480f06-7bb8-4994-8a42-5a8d655cd938	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:47:18	-135.182
-66	31810	3181000	7bffbe5e-a059-4ee5-9bac-09d0596feb8a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:44:53	416.897
-66	63620	3181000	1346248a-a1e3-4561-a5d9-64f6fbee41e4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:18:26	56.923
-67	31811	3181100	6a02a54f-e98a-45cd-a675-60169cc66a1d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:02:47	237.225
-67	63622	3181100	9e04367c-6d6d-43e8-8d9a-ef1b3366d4a3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:39:05	787.887
-68	31812	3181200	218404c6-67e7-4338-bead-73c182484ec0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:51:58	730.597
-68	63624	3181200	8ca646f6-24ca-4941-bd9e-7d1d81828361	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:05:19	66.810
-69	31813	3181300	df7fd462-19e3-421b-a968-97b191565081	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:19:32	-585.242
-69	63626	3181300	4c0544cd-a65c-47cf-8e5d-ca05e16bc2d3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:20:58	298.294
-70	31814	3181400	d6de981a-ec1f-4bb4-b5b7-48a8ef0fe7dd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:50:13	336.378
-70	63628	3181400	652687dc-9b04-4bf7-aa13-7820294ec4ce	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:44:30	-54.373
-71	31815	3181500	447fe904-2900-40aa-a5bf-4bcf31f2f965	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:00:45	-199.277
-71	63630	3181500	46afcce5-0e5a-4ce9-8de6-3ce44bf67f73	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:39:27	735.735
-72	31816	3181600	597c1d0e-fdac-4f1a-8c7f-beffec2d887c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:22:48	219.20
-72	63632	3181600	8953c403-43b9-4280-80b2-76d47d35afee	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:21:04	22.888
-73	31817	3181700	9e3f6dfa-f4e4-4941-9710-666d9cd6e31e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:47:10	185.185
-73	63634	3181700	6a08d237-6981-46ed-83d4-6154fa361251	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:08:18	-923.175
-74	31818	3181800	85107a07-e1f2-46e2-9533-ca790d5a65ce	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:47:24	402.594
-74	63636	3181800	9a7558cd-d813-4e2e-a2d7-bccb811ee7ed	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:51:00	147.797
-75	31819	3181900	07b2af9c-3d3b-4c34-8a60-06fc239c1e15	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:37:03	310.962
-75	63638	3181900	14d01ef7-8be9-4dc5-8568-d3d777abc891	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:08:49	-988.494
-76	31820	3182000	d892f2a8-c285-40bd-b1e7-0c50482aedcb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:43:36	-129.603
-76	63640	3182000	273bc465-6416-4c41-a1f8-10eb59b8ee54	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:06:52	-69.532
-77	31821	3182100	04f95ef7-86c5-4e38-b66e-e62361d8890c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:04:36	345.547
-77	63642	3182100	53ecd9f1-a9f1-41b7-8a5b-e72bee274c64	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:25:06	192.681
-78	31822	3182200	e2e1c4d7-881b-4130-b16f-6eca27be6514	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:21:50	-790.457
-78	63644	3182200	832a5de6-7f9e-4748-97a4-720aab3de4e6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:59:29	-315.619
-79	31823	3182300	baef54de-b0a0-48c9-a18f-d704dde29a1d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:14:27	-898.258
-79	63646	3182300	c5a15bc8-1722-4410-b47d-8576a5f5c7d3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:55:33	-769.718
-80	31824	3182400	0a684582-083c-4092-a2a8-152a3e3abca1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:05:12	-606.429
-80	63648	3182400	f88b9355-6272-4b7b-939f-b5e2fb051c9b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:26:41	598.48
-81	31825	3182500	fb4cf135-9a5b-4c73-a99e-171b0b082bb1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:45:26	-950.20
-81	63650	3182500	5cba5219-a91c-46e7-b03b-b2dc30e641eb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:23:48	-978.260
-82	31826	3182600	8c5742bc-9f53-40cc-ba2e-f44ef15841c7	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:57:39	740.419
-82	63652	3182600	8cf51853-7416-4b50-a6c5-77fae25ec180	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:14:07	-892.526
-83	31827	3182700	d587b52d-ca5d-4f67-ae7e-56e27e2ffd3b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:31:34	-255.278
-83	63654	3182700	bc1a8b42-b03e-4da5-a92d-181bb7e4ff0f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:51:40	-817.39
-84	31828	3182800	32ebae86-ce5f-4e59-917d-2c83b4c9b699	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:24:33	265.181
-84	63656	3182800	7798b791-1062-416d-bbbe-3785cb93f849	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:33:23	478.362
-85	31829	3182900	af14ac42-9737-42bd-8cb5-62f833263bc2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:24:05	814.173
-85	63658	3182900	9f13a14d-5c56-44b7-84ac-31482a5588d6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:47:44	-938.274
-86	31830	3183000	e6c38d15-8f24-4ae6-8d15-fe552536d096	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:12:34	-960.377
-86	63660	3183000	a9e26342-9f6d-40f1-a572-ac0d1ee7a850	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:45:17	958.216
-87	31831	3183100	a86a0b92-91a4-4047-ad90-1a279d7a756d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:06:41	340.190
-87	63662	3183100	e59ede32-eea9-48cd-96d5-92b71b094a75	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:50:02	-497.733
-88	31832	3183200	2846e630-37a3-40d6-8e6d-d23452b2a48d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:05:19	-837.66
-88	63664	3183200	9389f159-3710-40f5-9754-bfcf92f993ee	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:26:15	754.534
-89	31833	3183300	4c117ef8-1cec-4957-a50d-9281ce9d9a29	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:14:56	646.156
-89	63666	3183300	2be7b24d-e179-4539-843b-20b6efe71c69	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:23:34	-954.182
-90	31834	3183400	cccc77f0-d257-428c-8ee6-c50cee7b02d4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:37:58	-321.7
-90	63668	3183400	8d630b20-3bfd-4917-9006-54371d608182	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:52:21	-897.842
-91	31835	3183500	a81fbe03-b945-4b12-8a61-aadbce56090c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:51:40	-619.961
-91	63670	3183500	2184f1eb-b77e-489a-8a78-a80338ba1862	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:25:22	560.488
-92	31836	3183600	76a9ae6b-4cb4-4334-9279-48a457b00e44	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:27:35	322.719
-92	63672	3183600	cab2ea55-8b20-40a9-9824-97f422341f53	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:40:51	721.304
-93	31837	3183700	7a494478-dc4d-406d-80ac-b458efa1ac11	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:52:59	-909.272
-93	63674	3183700	6a33f025-59e7-4ecf-8d07-d2ce98710270	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:13:19	112.706
-94	31838	3183800	775b7465-4731-43b9-a6d8-167de2f7781b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:07:41	524.701
-94	63676	3183800	8ef10381-36e1-46eb-a62a-f44e487dcab9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:37:20	637.254
-95	31839	3183900	ef774b84-77c1-4c6b-aabf-29b6edcfa5d3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:16:45	12.515
-95	63678	3183900	cb9fd12c-7cbd-405b-bd15-5b7c8063a41c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:12:27	-380.497
-96	31840	3184000	3dd7e626-75c9-43f0-ac47-458253a9d15f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:29:49	-817.238
-96	63680	3184000	706624f4-a532-48b0-9375-4fe1795dadd8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:19:21	-683.361
-97	31841	3184100	664f2078-9814-49f9-95ed-7280a1ea3528	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:53:33	506.779
-97	63682	3184100	e825898d-89ff-45db-a795-0dcdca4309f3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:17:00	33.810
-98	31842	3184200	688727e3-03b8-40ba-a761-c8bf42e763e2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:31:33	-588.495
-98	63684	3184200	3d0f4b5f-0356-44a0-9591-149f8f39d11c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:31:11	-849.461
-99	31843	3184300	85b80465-38cb-4780-99b1-8cb6b1b6d1cb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:57:04	-529.431
-99	63686	3184300	7a5f5d7a-3d55-4397-b117-fdab5e160a03	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:47:51	-821.882
-100	31844	3184400	bd1da791-4b08-4f94-b573-c71fc6222e50	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:34:51	784.234
-100	63688	3184400	f9467f35-f29d-4298-8fa6-dffe608d9f30	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:41:57	962.467
-101	31845	3184500	e3acfb58-d479-4ae2-ae41-43a4a7b2f54e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:01:55	-502.376
-101	63690	3184500	db6eb445-7a38-4cb3-960d-4e0ca5086526	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:09:05	-346.270
-102	31846	3184600	1063fe03-ad0c-4196-9f1e-76201acd0b00	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:27:22	-768.709
-102	63692	3184600	8c7f78ae-daf7-4528-aab6-d568686d28f3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:45:06	145.941
-103	31847	3184700	d5fa545d-d804-44f2-ac98-53426deec474	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:56:59	240.48
-103	63694	3184700	c0b3049b-76d9-4fa0-a44a-d66ff02a322b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:30:22	210.218
-104	31848	3184800	5434f5fc-5f54-40fa-b09a-cfe3f3e3590c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:27:50	120.431
-104	63696	3184800	855fa733-fa0f-4270-9319-5b4e65f88f4f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:09:52	961.372
-105	31849	3184900	7b9e6dab-7ff8-4aed-a32a-c35620041085	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:26:41	-652.957
-105	63698	3184900	c4c8c453-8384-43a8-a6fe-aaf76c75f271	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:06:38	-632.201
-106	31850	3185000	a7e4606d-092e-4d94-9d2e-e6bd29054450	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:34:34	-618.975
-106	63700	3185000	8b1e9c40-31fc-4561-9ced-02861eb981e5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:06:04	861.404
-107	31851	3185100	51c543ec-f289-4c6e-bf05-8a4bfe899f63	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:14:16	-308.957
-107	63702	3185100	12503497-fa23-466c-acc2-7636aa6206b4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:55:22	462.9
-108	31852	3185200	2f6f403e-722b-4f90-b0c1-229fec7bc8fd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:41:56	-149.912
-108	63704	3185200	c7f69639-43f0-4715-b49b-a01cb662536d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:07:44	-910.951
-109	31853	3185300	58a8f6f8-9cd8-4648-91c9-f23c3bb8e638	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:38:34	-654.424
-109	63706	3185300	ccadc5b7-7cc4-4d45-a6b6-4a70f20dfbf3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:58:17	243.877
-110	31854	3185400	199b6a82-1d7a-4d7f-b376-0b27c2f294ac	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:42:43	415.984
-110	63708	3185400	3d1ae943-93bb-4bec-a274-2a3f54ffa629	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:20:22	955.409
-111	31855	3185500	583a6641-b03f-43f1-9406-448db1b79a61	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:06:31	-327.913
-111	63710	3185500	cf74bf4e-b5ed-4217-98b6-b4fd7211d8ad	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:14:39	-398.444
-112	31856	3185600	ea04e4d2-96cd-45bf-9219-65032fdac550	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:59:01	-357.789
-112	63712	3185600	17af5c82-8c83-4882-b167-053311d79b05	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:02:17	-190.634
-113	31857	3185700	222a2b67-e72a-4b50-bf3b-9541159d5119	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:37:29	920.17
-113	63714	3185700	77f7601c-4685-420b-a73f-01223790602a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:18:11	-390.421
-114	31858	3185800	1bab8b1d-f5ca-408f-8399-1fc7c201d961	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:10:05	-832.474
-114	63716	3185800	a9a6fdfd-12a4-47c1-b5c7-bcdeef555f9f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:37:13	-718.424
-115	31859	3185900	41b8d3ad-79f0-4b6b-b9dc-2c57e0c2efc3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:40:37	-360.655
-115	63718	3185900	23ccdff1-f8a3-441d-b737-78de44c447a4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:43:18	764.862
-116	31860	3186000	e0169d3c-184c-4755-a283-8bf240ddd875	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:13:58	-73.349
-116	63720	3186000	e63224c1-d942-416d-ba88-77be10cf8399	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:59:31	482.161
-117	31861	3186100	67910304-5473-44f6-9894-afbfc8bb256e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:22:39	-407.211
-117	63722	3186100	b37bd62e-0934-49a6-b344-01131668be34	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:45:22	-398.265
-118	31862	3186200	a498a789-07bd-4aed-9498-1829a0f63591	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:06:37	-518.770
-118	63724	3186200	074f6501-2a84-484d-8de0-a71a7ea9f5e0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:35:16	584.350
-119	31863	3186300	e35081d7-ac42-4628-b987-4eb95284d792	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:19:32	644.699
-119	63726	3186300	14bb5bbc-3dc5-494a-b0af-e55ed368786c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:51:32	360.670
-120	31864	3186400	dc967aa8-d733-4a31-9953-4d95ef8fc4a5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:22:24	814.586
-120	63728	3186400	9e0eb6dd-f8c8-4e83-890f-be6057227e68	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:59:45	169.466
-121	31865	3186500	9f18ab82-fbc7-48f7-9042-c1ecbd684831	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:08:23	669.790
-121	63730	3186500	d113bf5b-74f0-4852-84f5-6a0e9b1e9aad	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:16:36	872.17
-122	31866	3186600	47a411bc-fd5b-4548-8b55-6bfb4e1b5d20	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:28:19	504.408
-122	63732	3186600	4da48ad2-e2ae-4dbf-9509-1be22058bca2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:14:59	-263.925
-123	31867	3186700	2e9a697f-4004-48c9-916d-65d8a28f7acb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:17:52	-596.975
-123	63734	3186700	120a4786-b42f-4e2d-8b13-56896e7f9630	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:46:45	-698.114
-124	31868	3186800	bc985110-0748-42c5-83e7-e29082a440ff	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:45:05	-74.325
-124	63736	3186800	9608c8fc-2775-4ee6-a957-e58d7b7f1720	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:54:53	944.764
-125	31869	3186900	caf37071-99c0-4ff0-9b7b-ef71629559b9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:47:24	-730.290
-125	63738	3186900	4ea669a2-f161-46fa-bcc0-5bf572349429	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:05:32	669.591
-126	31870	3187000	4aa3f069-c0f4-4142-bcd2-4d36b0d8c73e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:28:22	-614.284
-126	63740	3187000	0c790a30-70e6-4a65-96f6-f4d79d1196dc	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:50:14	532.897
-127	31871	3187100	cd50a0d6-4880-4853-baa0-126ad946f720	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:27:01	433.160
-127	63742	3187100	a47519b5-9bc7-4a13-a611-3bf91b310268	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:21:31	79.36
-0	31872	3187200	e7dbbfdc-6d8f-42ae-b176-35bb6d6522b4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:32:38	-490.443
-0	63744	3187200	52a9ebe0-9140-46b9-982a-3090ca8c99d5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:18:56	-879.223
-1	31873	3187300	87040c2e-e258-4143-bd72-a1e8f38beab7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:19:40	-524.614
-1	63746	3187300	dd63ef52-7041-425f-bbd1-cdf02842e82f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:17:18	-608.470
-2	31874	3187400	ecb85050-8c7b-44e2-978b-250c7ed69b91	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:08:16	-109.221
-2	63748	3187400	3e639a04-1f67-488a-9de1-20f7867fa539	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:02:30	848.110
-3	31875	3187500	08c2c660-e7df-4795-84f4-6e520b023a23	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:41:40	119.19
-3	63750	3187500	4ecc78d1-20b3-4800-82aa-be5adfa7003c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:49:05	-745.241
-4	31876	3187600	4ddc3581-45c3-47c7-ab35-5b3aa5f3cdde	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:44:07	-258.73
-4	63752	3187600	57086ae7-bb3a-4f5d-9c26-1309d7cf200c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:16:27	-573.173
-5	31877	3187700	bb857ba0-c6cb-4a9c-9f46-ebcec1ccc705	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:38:53	-655.564
-5	63754	3187700	4a9f50da-7118-4046-b921-e00d8146671c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:21:32	355.831
-6	31878	3187800	de3f3473-3074-4e28-a901-4692e6279b4f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:27:00	-862.415
-6	63756	3187800	0f68b60b-ee4a-443e-a9a9-17fbee464e84	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:51:52	321.165
-7	31879	3187900	15aa453d-cb7a-49ff-9f13-8707268198ba	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:22:39	2.185
-7	63758	3187900	16d30cb6-0e7a-436f-af0a-d50e5d4bbd3f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:48:52	-713.103
-8	31880	3188000	58d67bf7-73e7-4573-b1dd-c9a5ebb6ecce	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:42:08	590.86
-8	63760	3188000	c9975d22-13e9-440a-8c7b-230d4d98d74b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:38:46	-384.599
-9	31881	3188100	12797640-9a95-4362-91d1-108d95708d8b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:58:46	-713.123
-9	63762	3188100	289363b3-e324-4955-8cd3-6264050a80ea	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:23:32	-441.789
-10	31882	3188200	f8e98b34-d3ab-4047-9e5f-bb6fa875a5a1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:56:03	663.112
-10	63764	3188200	da1bb303-0485-43e7-83fd-91b94bbbe181	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:16:38	-535.916
-11	31883	3188300	c952d7a6-48cb-4d92-8db1-4acc69ada7cf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:08:52	-315.159
-11	63766	3188300	3e101a45-6762-45b2-8c5c-a7977ae64572	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:31:01	-536.286
-12	31884	3188400	572591e7-6657-49e6-899c-f2d6fa903912	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:01:12	-962.61
-12	63768	3188400	2d7dd30c-767e-4c2d-8d9d-d372185be1a4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:11:35	-60.436
-13	31885	3188500	6b826277-f18d-41c2-b486-abb7d01ebee5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:56:32	-834.898
-13	63770	3188500	4da677d7-0cb6-4b10-83a4-3e1622695585	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:00:27	94.923
-14	31886	3188600	f5c3c5b4-1d8a-46ce-a10c-153ec1c56990	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:11:50	125.587
-14	63772	3188600	24521ec5-8dc0-442f-aeb2-166302ec0169	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:52:02	105.554
-15	31887	3188700	f253fe5f-3ae4-4909-b04b-e3a7729fb8a0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:38:33	265.856
-15	63774	3188700	7bbaf55a-02cc-43de-87fb-a7381e412995	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:58:43	905.960
-16	31888	3188800	dce8f0dc-c55c-4a64-a486-121c89e61f15	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:11:15	-2.432
-16	63776	3188800	fc5fd705-fef4-42e3-82cc-45a83e9d2709	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:08:46	330.904
-17	31889	3188900	c074e49c-df9b-4728-a425-ff7d56f218ee	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:52:41	867.780
-17	63778	3188900	ada85f3f-38a9-48d4-9065-708ef5a3abb3	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:26:56	340.535
-18	31890	3189000	27831d36-08dd-4bb4-825b-ecded127ab0e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:49:24	-734.95
-18	63780	3189000	b278185c-23a1-4d29-8a82-f325af6e73e5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:52:31	-270.881
-19	31891	3189100	885e117c-79a4-4b23-8e70-d227fdd0c608	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:46:09	922.14
-19	63782	3189100	0bffb828-0f7e-4e38-ac7b-247cfdf210e4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:12:17	119.268
-20	31892	3189200	2dcd6d45-18c8-499b-80ca-d1ce63343749	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:16:45	-600.571
-20	63784	3189200	9eb82cc4-25fd-4410-8e5d-5befd7d1febc	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:32:02	928.955
-21	31893	3189300	3e6dd538-a83d-45ef-9e02-d998ec0f4990	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:35:05	-394.117
-21	63786	3189300	c1a8c1cc-2a83-4ec7-bfc5-f88a188bd06c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:14:57	-679.988
-22	31894	3189400	c40a5389-64b6-4bc2-941f-51eae011b422	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:07:05	513.726
-22	63788	3189400	20e63405-60f4-4691-9a04-2d0f6f8bbbaf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:40:59	-597.717
-23	31895	3189500	340bb158-a4f5-42ab-b31b-9d9f656dca00	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:37:52	-628.640
-23	63790	3189500	bb636bfa-73fa-44c5-a7c3-52cd4cf8957b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:38:19	-759.163
-24	31896	3189600	57a4374a-a3e1-4b2c-a61b-9f11f7638561	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:21:00	279.576
-24	63792	3189600	559aa562-152a-4d23-827f-4f969f01261d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:13:34	-264.543
-25	31897	3189700	d8243610-f30e-401d-a5f9-d666180e1c59	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:53:10	514.837
-25	63794	3189700	8682152d-15e9-45cc-a367-8094dc39a336	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:48:44	-351.786
-26	31898	3189800	120d2d46-37c6-41dd-8759-4f6725e6bc93	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:14:17	193.108
-26	63796	3189800	3a8be40b-c0dc-4ca2-b044-fb5840034464	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:02:17	-67.136
-27	31899	3189900	c2bad97b-616c-42e2-8811-ddb5bcf18fb3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:34:37	184.508
-27	63798	3189900	9f862a51-91fb-4e53-9e78-3b0f46b8c71a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:46:41	827.974
-28	31900	3190000	466d90e2-aac8-44bc-84d2-0261456df70b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:14:26	-221.761
-28	63800	3190000	4a094b46-f7fa-471a-916d-93e3f66ca297	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:30:49	773.594
-29	31901	3190100	8219a0bd-5a74-4a32-b012-039bc34c8b96	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:28:27	327.860
-29	63802	3190100	9c6e5a35-0cb0-4ed1-a9ad-ad2b4c1e4994	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:23:16	434.558
-30	31902	3190200	c5c27a91-4592-4f8c-b862-406d5664440c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:12:15	922.244
-30	63804	3190200	4e98b3b4-cce0-4598-9815-89ebb8e10f3d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:08:56	-876.21
-31	31903	3190300	e1366863-0137-475b-add2-8e49a02744d6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:08:58	-176.551
-31	63806	3190300	d2faa07f-85b2-401b-80ea-f8df8afb505b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:48:54	-746.955
-32	31904	3190400	38d22cfd-f498-4e80-90a6-8ce6ba03ab42	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:02:15	748.353
-32	63808	3190400	3b98e790-db83-4a0f-9bf5-fd3ad143b2fc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:03:43	51.675
-33	31905	3190500	11168ab4-739d-4559-9585-c8a265f6bf0d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:16:53	920.159
-33	63810	3190500	6e22454d-fbd8-49f8-85d2-894bd50e7458	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:33:43	660.173
-34	31906	3190600	19251b3f-5fdb-4c82-ac18-5730dfaf1931	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:25:25	-656.700
-34	63812	3190600	a7bec7ec-6aec-4d16-957d-6367344a567a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:47:52	-232.801
-35	31907	3190700	42b8ee0d-7681-4721-b992-f774ab440052	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:58:02	-894.850
-35	63814	3190700	5f43f383-c43a-466d-887e-0b64e631a74e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:56:39	496.855
-36	31908	3190800	91e41cd2-2fa0-4212-b4d1-969ef237a6f6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:24:16	-256.860
-36	63816	3190800	7c939682-f9c1-4251-80e4-07ec9a9c1633	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:15:41	-141.334
-37	31909	3190900	da5526eb-87df-40bf-afeb-d114b0d57724	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:14:46	251.467
-37	63818	3190900	5c0ac5b3-2ba5-45ad-bcf4-4456c7685db7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:41:49	846.12
-38	31910	3191000	31a22ab0-f5bb-4a5f-b827-9fc698d452c9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:24:11	630.545
-38	63820	3191000	33b0e4fe-309c-46bd-a4ca-d8ac45abea82	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:14:12	968.376
-39	31911	3191100	f5c02e50-1d69-49ca-a55b-2c65b30b1556	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:34:39	-882.835
-39	63822	3191100	06080149-dace-4bc6-8597-c292d3b574ab	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:10:28	-59.408
-40	31912	3191200	40dbe4e0-8264-4ad3-bddc-f840a8b7a311	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:28:25	-761.485
-40	63824	3191200	ac87d86d-cb17-4a5f-9cdc-054977b13080	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:16:39	643.684
-41	31913	3191300	7e5013b7-62a8-4b10-8472-21a6d522e013	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:35:06	140.327
-41	63826	3191300	40e2b1be-a0b8-496f-bb99-7b065fde669f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:43:21	470.213
-42	31914	3191400	2940a96f-0591-4e54-b575-3230c88d63ad	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:06:36	-864.827
-42	63828	3191400	158904f8-1bb8-4956-832d-42d29f237144	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:39:05	943.878
-43	31915	3191500	43b0b3a2-8916-4196-b869-16986795a0ca	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:53:56	-296.613
-43	63830	3191500	9aad9fd0-8e05-4128-89d3-5644d9704aa6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:45:50	-183.397
-44	31916	3191600	1843f8bf-e946-4872-917a-45b2c62d37ed	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:48:46	868.177
-44	63832	3191600	b02d0b48-803b-45bf-b2c4-33fb1588ce35	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:14:30	549.190
-45	31917	3191700	33225ad6-3baf-40b4-971a-0fb57914ae02	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:11:53	217.136
-45	63834	3191700	bdb2cf80-fb59-4c00-ba4e-c0e59502cc4f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:07:01	272.639
-46	31918	3191800	29046e4a-7f32-4285-9367-decfa598de98	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:04:31	225.133
-46	63836	3191800	37e33de9-123e-4806-916c-be0b27ec4e15	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:24:07	67.394
-47	31919	3191900	2d7dcded-9a4c-4a67-a872-cfc2a7248a0c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:31:12	-751.6
-47	63838	3191900	bcbbeef1-bc1c-4d0a-a416-9fa006c52306	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:28:01	456.343
-48	31920	3192000	bb00198d-5f66-4872-a0d7-c278006b80ca	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:18:58	-362.180
-48	63840	3192000	045e5f83-63d1-4068-a8cd-fe3d716d3df3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:07:09	-941.553
-49	31921	3192100	6156b2be-95aa-4c76-910c-e39e93207c90	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:56:07	411.284
-49	63842	3192100	445f42c8-e045-4d11-9ab1-c03af4f871a6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:29:56	-594.31
-50	31922	3192200	b7ae818a-9aff-4ddb-aa37-38accb990d09	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:53:50	907.988
-50	63844	3192200	ce5ff776-d08d-4a09-a31f-36d53f4507d0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:43:13	-403.688
-51	31923	3192300	e543f77c-7fb9-4205-9332-80a4465faab5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:33:35	-717.72
-51	63846	3192300	d9568ab7-f33b-4d53-aa17-209acc6b00c9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:00:44	912.782
-52	31924	3192400	231774b4-b8b9-4f38-8244-8d42cbf319e1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:43:36	-54.737
-52	63848	3192400	b384f8e6-bd69-42ef-b51e-26980469580e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:07:26	963.974
-53	31925	3192500	f169a09a-2ef2-4539-a482-1ce36771894e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:35:26	-249.602
-53	63850	3192500	3db3d48d-e656-4a8a-860f-0e38d1806b6f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:10:50	-959.917
-54	31926	3192600	0c7f8f98-4fc5-467f-a0fb-346e14be388d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:53:37	310.870
-54	63852	3192600	c81b0f4b-d018-42e8-b6e5-a32b1c521efc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:09:41	679.188
-55	31927	3192700	21ef43c6-fcda-4b6c-b266-acc463310321	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:48:27	95.660
-55	63854	3192700	d9301e3a-9b5e-4330-883e-6a857f7740ed	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:52:11	458.209
-56	31928	3192800	f88dedb4-0385-4553-8bbb-fe14eba23ff6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:26:41	569.576
-56	63856	3192800	133758e7-52bd-4432-bf4d-1faae3236786	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:08:11	-68.461
-57	31929	3192900	a78dc4af-4340-4ca3-8333-39cd7767184a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:38:21	985.841
-57	63858	3192900	122eae05-625c-4ceb-a28c-1591d5335fe5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:58:36	674.278
-58	31930	3193000	7b0dffba-716b-4024-8cc8-be78efbe5830	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:39:42	693.614
-58	63860	3193000	39207c42-cfb5-4c38-825c-90db4b44d6f7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:32:18	-116.87
-59	31931	3193100	f5d3c475-5996-4069-82b5-c23cb8aa44f5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:20:36	-644.126
-59	63862	3193100	81e2b7bd-4245-48b0-b51e-d34cad8d2006	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:19:14	979.845
-60	31932	3193200	dc4b9555-9c93-4e30-8610-c6210b9c237b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:35:26	-469.442
-60	63864	3193200	84902e9f-e51c-4fe8-92f9-bffc1b50392d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:14:41	-318.968
-61	31933	3193300	cc3e6c90-900e-41cc-b3a2-fb0d0bd05fc2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:07:24	323.5
-61	63866	3193300	ba709bf2-592b-4f64-b38d-6518a25a3cc9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:47:49	-223.874
-62	31934	3193400	e833f898-0110-4a3b-8528-a023ad1b7a9b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:15:35	686.855
-62	63868	3193400	0a082612-3644-4630-bd13-e81ac2ef9db5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:18:34	46.217
-63	31935	3193500	1675f24a-2c52-4816-9469-6ed29ac9bedc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:56:20	251.496
-63	63870	3193500	dca00748-4bda-4397-92ad-9c900228689d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:29:06	70.734
-64	31936	3193600	604e7f9b-d944-4cf9-adaa-25b8fd9b5728	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:57:05	711.335
-64	63872	3193600	111be953-0cca-4533-a860-77eac4193146	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:58:04	-934.180
-65	31937	3193700	75ab8114-4b67-4059-81ed-903d50e2d78b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:24:45	-854.648
-65	63874	3193700	a37de7ac-04c5-4ce2-b9eb-d1cdc96fe386	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:02:44	-292.292
-66	31938	3193800	2a2bf44d-e685-44cb-b0d3-b23d06f54c1a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:10:52	943.874
-66	63876	3193800	8da6ded3-3533-412b-8f0c-1774c49d3224	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:42:04	820.125
-67	31939	3193900	8e3bb5f9-a171-416b-90ca-16e53395eeda	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:53:23	-234.535
-67	63878	3193900	12513c70-81ef-4872-9b0b-8d8c75d17ae7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:49:36	711.11
-68	31940	3194000	5e8881d3-ccb0-4069-9d79-9853590b1e7b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:36:12	-262.295
-68	63880	3194000	41fe4dd5-4739-4b77-a543-5437d7339f12	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:53:17	356.343
-69	31941	3194100	a67b23a1-70ca-4238-98e7-ab3a8936f53f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:03:52	-968.362
-69	63882	3194100	18744278-9b05-42c8-9ece-2f08420575ae	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:05:41	745.258
-70	31942	3194200	0745e497-3637-45eb-86c9-d00d63aae927	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:24:02	-51.766
-70	63884	3194200	1f1bca3c-5545-431a-902b-86abc5d895d2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:37:39	776.995
-71	31943	3194300	ca531151-3fb6-4b7a-af39-85ef4f143d57	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:13:42	347.422
-71	63886	3194300	7b2a45f4-f4e0-4aff-8af3-692ab0acd84b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:46:31	469.731
-72	31944	3194400	f932cabe-39b5-4c23-a1cd-b547f87698da	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:27:04	-744.685
-72	63888	3194400	a4318f1d-52bf-493a-8114-5c7d8ab4d090	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:00:45	421.332
-73	31945	3194500	9120322c-f8f0-43ec-baf2-86ba8a12b4dd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:13:43	-164.368
-73	63890	3194500	a86472f9-56e0-4d0d-bf1f-ffd81acd8d6e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:31:04	-720.396
-74	31946	3194600	3a05683e-494a-488b-8cde-9e1ac2e4f5f9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:45:08	-112.537
-74	63892	3194600	1be4ea3e-d01f-4139-a3ab-aac51c41f1da	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:56:38	-666.348
-75	31947	3194700	5240d110-518a-4d7f-92ab-bd490d83c4ff	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:08:03	454.348
-75	63894	3194700	fc0b2690-6632-41da-8e68-7694f1eaf48a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:06:28	-283.398
-76	31948	3194800	6b1e0b9d-9258-4877-82ce-2dcbf626cb1c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:11:02	555.850
-76	63896	3194800	6e2f16c4-9884-4442-b398-021e95edf314	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:02:48	-750.94
-77	31949	3194900	b16f54cd-d3c9-43da-b1a4-2320b6ca408d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:22:15	-92.808
-77	63898	3194900	82186dc1-e36b-4868-8abc-f9aa1166ca88	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:03:58	71.616
-78	31950	3195000	d5ef6cb7-c626-45cd-b123-1add894be55b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:28:12	946.88
-78	63900	3195000	217a4d07-94ff-4e7b-a7aa-cfd10b13bb9e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:47:36	582.540
-79	31951	3195100	daa09704-0b9c-4136-8e2d-7bd2cb633e09	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:36:29	781.131
-79	63902	3195100	3180c0dc-7ed8-4365-b0b8-bc68a4df0b69	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:29:00	-194.830
-80	31952	3195200	cbafec25-2174-49a2-86bc-b9e38187ee45	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:50:12	-367.447
-80	63904	3195200	a05f60b9-5a16-4fa6-8055-64e4af4d3e21	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:49:52	-338.295
-81	31953	3195300	efea7e18-3a56-4f70-bb66-5aa3f66c80f3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:37:47	934.834
-81	63906	3195300	be68fa8a-24e7-4672-8e21-390556df1ca6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:35:58	643.652
-82	31954	3195400	9d090634-8fab-4b96-b710-f2f9ac312752	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:05:57	-978.365
-82	63908	3195400	6dadcda8-b8d6-4688-ac02-2ad91ab5a355	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:30:15	356.388
-83	31955	3195500	cbb8b2f8-0385-4b3c-8f9f-5a9f141b2529	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:01:16	566.441
-83	63910	3195500	ea680929-3aed-448c-823b-553100963d63	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:26:16	555.813
-84	31956	3195600	098bb46e-e6cb-47f7-8c78-bd70f0dd2e47	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:08:53	-703.516
-84	63912	3195600	fce3f090-9b36-4212-aeef-923d4fb01c77	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:53:20	-26.50
-85	31957	3195700	dd6f2861-aa66-43dd-a711-8ee0490a3d37	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:06:45	-837.865
-85	63914	3195700	f6f650f6-b84e-4bec-8564-2ae78f7a2a34	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:36:04	543.540
-86	31958	3195800	3703b901-6abd-4451-9861-5a7e9f1b3d6b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:57:46	-673.729
-86	63916	3195800	e5c6d3ad-97dd-4dbc-b635-cd7c9ed06efd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:35:02	451.777
-87	31959	3195900	fc013efb-0905-4064-b516-eef28765db73	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:22:36	-260.570
-87	63918	3195900	86832c2f-8336-4619-bb44-c7f5fa04466e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:05:46	696.721
-88	31960	3196000	11d3bd38-ad28-4726-ab9d-d2c5739845dd	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:31:53	-335.111
-88	63920	3196000	d00b7082-3ed2-4c6f-89ed-7c8f7d2a8270	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:30:21	236.275
-89	31961	3196100	ba0c480d-fe25-4bee-8160-7b8031491f9c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:43:40	-416.772
-89	63922	3196100	5a8cebcd-b5d4-4a79-9d81-64784e7a1d2d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:49:56	861.27
-90	31962	3196200	a3fcf4aa-6d37-440a-87a8-4d64ac42d169	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:04:25	594.22
-90	63924	3196200	a98f196a-04e9-413c-a6ee-531a172a00ec	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:07:12	-922.253
-91	31963	3196300	21ab2f1b-84cb-42e3-9b05-c58306cf614d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:07:35	-241.919
-91	63926	3196300	eabe2792-bb16-4fd9-873e-414fe91bc880	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:50:04	17.544
-92	31964	3196400	c6fcad69-c68e-4e8f-b3a8-952f91cbf6cc	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:38:10	-750.853
-92	63928	3196400	5ac2e0cb-486f-4755-a5ca-e1cca22edd81	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:42:25	909.264
-93	31965	3196500	2072fa2b-cbf3-45ac-97d6-d76a69cf57de	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:15:38	898.416
-93	63930	3196500	35147f57-6e67-4534-9cd7-44535f38818e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:41:37	-760.766
-94	31966	3196600	d6335d6f-b27b-444c-943c-114a45175d9f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:54:29	275.363
-94	63932	3196600	d2e04890-42b3-4379-8596-f224e5a043d0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:43:21	-965.555
-95	31967	3196700	94a276f0-8fe2-4f08-812f-48c77dec147c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:24:06	-182.256
-95	63934	3196700	151a3a32-a3a4-452c-a9e4-a0d1c3ef8786	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:12:00	-115.444
-96	31968	3196800	540dd509-2639-4c5d-8455-a4748391c675	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:28:15	-787.290
-96	63936	3196800	a92070e1-de85-49bd-b123-37270f49eb91	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:07:08	617.627
-97	31969	3196900	1faeb4d7-f570-4c31-b63d-70d7e7e785fa	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:12:57	-396.937
-97	63938	3196900	5797fdae-34f7-46a2-9027-0feaffcc9e1f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:28:13	718.488
-98	31970	3197000	f8828551-c218-4e6b-b5b9-b3b12dd5983a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:28:43	-58.25
-98	63940	3197000	9317c775-1506-4ff7-a0be-e7ec23af2cf3	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:53:49	-560.987
-99	31971	3197100	628cfc45-ddcc-4d43-b7e3-9ed9084288ec	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:23:09	-819.950
-99	63942	3197100	d20ac39d-7d11-4f26-9671-c59fddf376a5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:48:12	75.191
-100	31972	3197200	17ca30fc-c95d-4552-9423-03d5267e3e69	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:28:55	-581.432
-100	63944	3197200	6acb6e1c-a906-4898-85fb-510fe78811b1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:08:41	330.571
-101	31973	3197300	1e509f2b-8cc7-4b97-8fc6-47c1c56dfff7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:01:23	-539.998
-101	63946	3197300	713cd10c-9fe0-4bd7-a064-953b90c78aa8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:20:42	673.559
-102	31974	3197400	53a31c6d-5526-4671-93e9-cf30034c2761	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:08:05	2.974
-102	63948	3197400	e5c18045-a8a3-46c8-9faf-6f9745eb8889	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:13:36	690.158
-103	31975	3197500	caa1810e-4ddd-4874-9de9-67f2c678038e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:32:14	-621.539
-103	63950	3197500	f2941442-68ab-4160-b72f-f5df4514d83b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:19:45	983.724
-104	31976	3197600	94e513be-caef-4d2e-8e43-7d7577cd353f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:40:59	69.4
-104	63952	3197600	b3ba2af5-3bba-4719-b9b0-982ff7ea0cee	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:59:57	232.253
-105	31977	3197700	c3c54307-8467-4eda-9d4e-5c0671f03e20	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:51:47	-48.478
-105	63954	3197700	b09c23d2-e631-48d2-8e4d-36e7f54117ae	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:32:45	-611.607
-106	31978	3197800	15ce7a22-9630-40b6-8dcc-3050dd7d3221	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:01:24	247.542
-106	63956	3197800	5837ba8f-dc89-47e2-be64-3258da299524	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:58:14	811.555
-107	31979	3197900	7160faa1-af89-40b7-9723-3728e89d4299	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:56:01	990.951
-107	63958	3197900	0722f4f6-e656-4aa7-ae4a-3545a940224b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:24:54	-730.678
-108	31980	3198000	a9986d0a-252f-4a90-adeb-80a137b11243	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:08:25	286.546
-108	63960	3198000	31b64891-452e-4363-9e91-52604426a350	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:46:44	600.441
-109	31981	3198100	17538e53-a9c4-44f1-b625-200d787b5719	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:22:32	-8.982
-109	63962	3198100	03fda2ba-6d0c-4115-b852-344e110b88e0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:37:54	-241.956
-110	31982	3198200	6806c912-1cf8-4cb5-9ff9-d09357b35719	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:27:32	975.969
-110	63964	3198200	f934a043-2e61-4114-8a5b-335e1a20aec8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:28:57	354.984
-111	31983	3198300	f0978e11-77e9-45a8-9441-80ca46e1af2c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:40:20	-783.727
-111	63966	3198300	84ea1293-287f-4a2e-bcf7-235be766857d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:43:34	-489.842
-112	31984	3198400	bf26b445-c441-4a18-a1c1-ca8cbdfd3858	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:55:21	-466.45
-112	63968	3198400	730fde6f-d15f-40d9-9c86-90d3f5006b55	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:11:19	-682.628
-113	31985	3198500	ae23ae42-6a1c-4a29-9438-cbc79c5dabd4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:15:25	-918.671
-113	63970	3198500	087b59a4-5375-4eca-ab8c-2c1a10ef8f76	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:56:57	882.569
-114	31986	3198600	cf8c87bd-2056-4370-b0c1-cb289f05e01e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:37:01	-360.606
-114	63972	3198600	3e1ce84d-cbc3-4487-8339-f1d0e9f229d5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:23:02	-952.155
-115	31987	3198700	c6f810e4-c87a-4108-b997-3a01265340fd	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:00:50	133.299
-115	63974	3198700	bcd3c945-c52e-41c8-a64e-1184fe2ac8d4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:04:08	-427.599
-116	31988	3198800	29f9f10f-38ba-4f68-b58a-672487344e1f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:30:48	368.503
-116	63976	3198800	91e706b9-6d5c-41b2-87b9-2c0496aadc78	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:38:42	609.26
-117	31989	3198900	cca615cf-43b8-4011-9bab-07d2996a0686	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:58:51	466.868
-117	63978	3198900	4409cd80-bd68-47fb-a765-f2abec82db4a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:07:58	-382.205
-118	31990	3199000	f5e0f115-e360-4880-bbdd-9198f5926206	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:06:41	145.843
-118	63980	3199000	17b0ae3e-2fcc-4cc2-a708-008c977eef5b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:28:41	780.23
-119	31991	3199100	6bfc6b5b-4aae-4de3-a11c-cecce1273766	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:15:42	-15.724
-119	63982	3199100	03a88744-19fc-42e5-bfb0-7ec158581cd7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:03:23	-775.159
-120	31992	3199200	0101f37b-1c1f-40d8-a4f8-4aba56f72801	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:47:28	-538.892
-120	63984	3199200	3889d708-9eef-40b4-8acf-3816dc60f246	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:13:33	953.52
-121	31993	3199300	492f46fe-2d2e-4b61-bf05-a8f359ae2277	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:36:31	883.778
-121	63986	3199300	0e462eed-4a6b-409c-a9c3-ad2c03619b2f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:17:07	519.152
-122	31994	3199400	0631d3f0-aea9-4934-93ee-56d55d63b9dc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:36:51	458.941
-122	63988	3199400	1cd4334d-78ab-4793-905b-30b400a42fc8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:39:08	-87.943
-123	31995	3199500	8913086a-c016-4df5-8f62-b95013252f7b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:58:36	-994.867
-123	63990	3199500	01de1254-7a93-46b4-b6e5-138ea86543cc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:32:40	940.222
-124	31996	3199600	fd3da3ce-7f53-4fbb-b8bb-f0dd36cca16e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:43:51	-561.841
-124	63992	3199600	63a07864-9249-4d37-ae48-614edc059ce9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:35:32	-495.608
-125	31997	3199700	4d65e449-9e33-48f5-ab46-4e5f3b01f20f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:47:32	964.650
-125	63994	3199700	02abd7bf-2997-45f7-b120-a492f468ce03	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:26:22	-240.276
-126	31998	3199800	ad66bd6d-e853-4507-8496-ba8fe3e47ed9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:46:56	-129.132
-126	63996	3199800	8678ae72-fc4f-417a-991f-1a64f7ac5a48	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:57:06	-199.843
-127	31999	3199900	889a0a51-7a7e-47fa-b47d-88a7523e1349	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:02:53	-979.646
-127	63998	3199900	8d5aa453-a05d-4058-a5d3-44d3e5136778	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:44:49	-84.752
-0	32000	3200000	5016e939-5ba2-4343-9a3c-bf0ffa17f07f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:39:38	183.364
-0	64000	3200000	82f30006-3ede-415c-9667-c56cd6a77e1f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:08:35	366.974
-1	32001	3200100	efd56325-4b05-49c4-bd37-e862a1e8820b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:11:47	483.833
-1	64002	3200100	180b9dca-803b-4643-ac82-5186a5e35777	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:21:10	127.321
-2	32002	3200200	b36bebf8-2e9c-4e5a-9239-23ffdf181a55	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:17:57	-213.504
-2	64004	3200200	5cee7ad6-5ae6-4058-83c7-167f31eb499f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:09:54	-236.699
-3	32003	3200300	401d1069-eb83-424e-b1c5-5106b4439a8a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:48:43	-487.584
-3	64006	3200300	b8a8eedd-6e8d-4c62-b9bb-b242453d0a12	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:30:41	-353.576
-4	32004	3200400	570989b4-4739-41a7-b00c-61e4facdfda1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:45:27	338.858
-4	64008	3200400	96e961d9-d802-4bbd-92c2-97a2b665af00	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:01:59	917.773
-5	32005	3200500	1847db47-2354-4588-8f4d-202ff76c233b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:21:28	605.928
-5	64010	3200500	0107ceab-0ff6-4b1b-9721-a1c68331bfef	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:58:07	-104.646
-6	32006	3200600	6e677941-8f0d-497e-8fa5-b902cd902bfb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:00:12	89.730
-6	64012	3200600	ed83bc18-26e8-4035-9706-b407d50d5a36	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:34:45	163.240
-7	32007	3200700	24d9019b-1587-4c58-ba92-f6ce1fe90a29	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:55:17	-104.374
-7	64014	3200700	e2d85fd6-2d3c-4420-a05a-92f0085ebea3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:29:00	-995.856
-8	32008	3200800	de529e4e-4856-47c1-926e-3cee6d07457b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:14:31	689.504
-8	64016	3200800	24c7eadf-ae1d-4f90-8b57-9cdf504ca848	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:52:53	-834.479
-9	32009	3200900	d631dfe0-2459-42a1-9515-9390be828670	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:16:47	295.930
-9	64018	3200900	1108a32a-af03-48fd-936a-d815d57aad7c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:38:28	641.357
-10	32010	3201000	6faef42e-fc8b-4393-86cc-17b9a388957f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:35:00	521.227
-10	64020	3201000	556381d7-b40a-4686-b994-dc720b7265e3	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:26:41	756.487
-11	32011	3201100	ff77a7c1-0fc6-4db1-a314-835e2e7ae0ed	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:00:51	91.132
-11	64022	3201100	46f5340c-af26-4a5d-9ff2-76306d5a18f3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:22:27	538.659
-12	32012	3201200	87f419a6-2299-4e0f-8ed3-cccca932026a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:48:49	404.124
-12	64024	3201200	7e99f48a-285e-42f9-b980-9e774f71a20c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:04:24	989.400
-13	32013	3201300	4e5501d0-4fd4-4e6f-a1a4-ccf744b85b73	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:20:34	570.455
-13	64026	3201300	2c851221-c083-42a8-855d-99d5623a3c7a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:32:00	941.935
-14	32014	3201400	ec4b6983-0cb6-45a1-bbcb-330018d68326	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:31:45	261.232
-14	64028	3201400	8868f3b4-a20c-44f7-8cba-e200a84c8869	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:46:53	-403.140
-15	32015	3201500	16681120-f781-4818-b8d8-13c3504926d4	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:48:23	-745.907
-15	64030	3201500	b9bd340d-6d01-4671-a3d2-d3ceb73792b3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:52:01	-290.157
-16	32016	3201600	9b7dd224-cade-45a0-9e49-612d0406a607	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:31:11	29.228
-16	64032	3201600	1ebd5b91-de65-4d58-ab93-258522c014b8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:45:28	730.345
-17	32017	3201700	91075584-b3f4-4655-b085-ef32c294f9ed	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:21:32	-527.92
-17	64034	3201700	05987669-08ce-4a09-acd0-e6c4cdd2ce1d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:02:17	871.956
-18	32018	3201800	40c616ed-723b-4356-8235-7516fca9c0d1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:34:12	-281.392
-18	64036	3201800	f5d9afe0-a3eb-4d58-95d8-b5fe65f7a5b2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:35:55	-915.626
-19	32019	3201900	f889912c-3336-40b6-bddc-eea85b26cea4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:14:47	-490.771
-19	64038	3201900	54f4ffd2-96ab-4a21-934f-17899fdeb718	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:53:01	-674.600
-20	32020	3202000	151f700c-ce28-48ec-8343-724435311372	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:05:47	-822.155
-20	64040	3202000	5ec0683d-be73-4eb7-928a-6809373c6395	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:34:15	-593.978
-21	32021	3202100	8846e5d6-6eb3-47d9-89f5-1570663d61b1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:57:04	-283.376
-21	64042	3202100	2c6ebe96-b74e-4a6e-bd88-f2f08a112347	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:19:26	-874.389
-22	32022	3202200	c906a3b6-83c0-4517-8b4f-9f2ba6d76d13	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:36:09	-954.280
-22	64044	3202200	71b35679-d530-45a4-b568-c2399d0c66cb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:24:10	-475.907
-23	32023	3202300	15a8508a-afa2-4048-a03b-7ed6d11c6dc6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:36:26	29.253
-23	64046	3202300	de95e13e-2cfa-4c00-bd34-95389333cfc6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:15:37	-14.262
-24	32024	3202400	b3f95dab-0d3b-4f7b-a99e-de2813bac919	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:00:28	768.719
-24	64048	3202400	78fc0b9e-8bec-4a53-b59a-cbf1e3e8ecd3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:32:21	327.399
-25	32025	3202500	04edae64-1e72-4fa3-836a-9307d0f688a4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:22:19	-810.977
-25	64050	3202500	4edfc14a-3347-498f-8fcf-9f9fd99e053c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:08:45	-88.966
-26	32026	3202600	29b42e73-7a0c-48f7-99e4-36db63a77bb5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:17:36	85.882
-26	64052	3202600	6c3b4a8c-faf9-4bc5-acfa-c45eda5d6fe9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:37:08	-301.891
-27	32027	3202700	7a92bc08-30ea-4325-b164-bdea9dab935e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:18:26	355.430
-27	64054	3202700	08871269-b2a8-4cbd-b1b7-b9458dee1a31	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:59:33	674.567
-28	32028	3202800	dc393572-0d6d-44d5-99be-4be634692eb7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:00:54	-761.160
-28	64056	3202800	cae0241e-1443-410f-935d-853de71afcea	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:21:10	-33.776
-29	32029	3202900	d5b5b47c-7900-4856-946e-aadfd2295e4f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:34:18	296.965
-29	64058	3202900	30d94ba5-291b-4754-ba51-1a810dac46da	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:50:40	-7.136
-30	32030	3203000	af536b4f-a25b-4900-a879-d5a8cd1c536e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:25:49	460.926
-30	64060	3203000	1eea9564-645b-4475-af81-0f28e20334d5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:28:26	243.351
-31	32031	3203100	548c36ec-f7a9-4097-b7c9-20b7779f2ed6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:33:16	-67.19
-31	64062	3203100	5eb423d8-9ccd-4d29-8f43-b3ebed6b7f7d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:35:46	-575.232
-32	32032	3203200	c65a4071-d278-498f-a78f-0a5efd4ff976	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:56:20	-642.774
-32	64064	3203200	401adc43-b0a4-4b69-827b-46b8e62fa4f6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:54:28	-172.718
-33	32033	3203300	0207ac55-aa06-4ed5-8956-e6586e5f1b97	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:37:04	-119.124
-33	64066	3203300	76b1b482-8a9d-4288-81fa-aab414276dc3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:28:13	766.923
-34	32034	3203400	60f6080b-b75f-43a7-8671-5eb4efa16287	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:03:43	450.669
-34	64068	3203400	548a6f97-aa41-42c8-9b82-466582dff85c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:02:13	802.653
-35	32035	3203500	461452a8-3bf8-4274-b62d-5949c8121435	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:46:38	-139.460
-35	64070	3203500	f0c48d2c-c55e-4f97-9a6d-5b369425a356	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:37:03	-504.262
-36	32036	3203600	c4dbc1af-051e-4ed9-868c-4e88b079ef1a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:13:14	-60.586
-36	64072	3203600	02100f71-e624-487d-8681-4783b2fd288c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:23:48	501.262
-37	32037	3203700	c98889cf-293a-4218-b28c-057bc93ebecf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:45:44	-265.522
-37	64074	3203700	6a620645-abe3-4d0f-8ba6-e4e795bf5333	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:34:53	993.726
-38	32038	3203800	d69f5893-c583-4a5f-9e9b-3a0c4357c318	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:27:09	-433.973
-38	64076	3203800	48f166f2-57d0-416c-86be-05e61e1971af	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:58:10	482.594
-39	32039	3203900	4f7e04d2-11af-4e29-8a84-f4bb6a2b7ad8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:35:49	982.339
-39	64078	3203900	128371ae-23df-4ad5-80a0-aa514a84dcdc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:56:33	-834.804
-40	32040	3204000	22ccf2af-c038-48b9-a551-c96590ca8028	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:17:43	-689.343
-40	64080	3204000	8761f9ce-0ebb-44cf-85a5-596f15aa1733	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:50:59	674.543
-41	32041	3204100	ba731133-bb84-4ec1-a33c-fd94c1b631df	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:25:38	-143.445
-41	64082	3204100	17aced4b-1c31-4560-aed9-8a50230e0672	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:09:52	-376.235
-42	32042	3204200	48b60ff2-4744-4e92-93e2-88a69ab54d60	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:14:02	254.870
-42	64084	3204200	dee8da5a-19fa-4b46-97f7-9bf70295c515	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:35:51	658.334
-43	32043	3204300	f5de56ea-4afc-4459-ad82-a7d14a846f3f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:32:27	-318.950
-43	64086	3204300	35167506-6cd8-4fb7-95ad-7f35488e4f87	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:47:20	-908.783
-44	32044	3204400	334a4856-0665-40c9-8634-2fa01beebd17	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:58:15	594.338
-44	64088	3204400	a9a77897-76b8-4a62-95ff-1e9b48b92dd6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:02:20	651.67
-45	32045	3204500	62a4b0ee-8715-470e-bb08-f88dc4cbc14a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:52:32	-459.810
-45	64090	3204500	dd5c3df8-1f17-4c57-997b-07f9032900a8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:14:26	64.587
-46	32046	3204600	ee4fc08e-d1d2-4ab2-8e56-a6352a09ae46	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:17:06	92.736
-46	64092	3204600	86b5caa5-4c85-450d-b42a-586616a7ca64	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:56:40	559.482
-47	32047	3204700	f68fccbb-8a6c-4f49-a6c9-109cde1b79d9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:32:12	901.772
-47	64094	3204700	3dd24cd5-ce1f-4788-a6e0-62eecf3577d6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:11:35	-222.174
-48	32048	3204800	37bd7bfb-6e6e-4d65-9137-0464407c90e5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:28:07	444.692
-48	64096	3204800	e4fe36c2-cf1a-4e98-a081-f0ba6a7fbd7a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:36:42	-105.408
-49	32049	3204900	1e2d82fe-920d-4ef9-a1c7-d9d8258f84b6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:20:54	162.710
-49	64098	3204900	f0dc0d71-7d25-4509-bc21-4de4d4635b63	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:52:10	794.321
-50	32050	3205000	f87ca2eb-cc40-4172-8584-e3c875942483	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:35:11	155.390
-50	64100	3205000	1fd75548-7b30-4c81-908f-a7ca8407694d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:19:51	552.142
-51	32051	3205100	f82e785e-c627-4970-a29d-9163cd559c4b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:53:23	200.161
-51	64102	3205100	8be681e5-8c81-4410-9d6a-c4b71d1a06ef	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:56:36	-10.590
-52	32052	3205200	8f91dcd7-caa2-4c14-b094-cd41dd918a09	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:49:59	547.303
-52	64104	3205200	38ec76c8-c231-455d-9610-863a273b6972	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:17:21	334.677
-53	32053	3205300	2088faad-e460-461b-afac-13d464f8e77f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:12:19	265.44
-53	64106	3205300	7e2ce323-25e7-40f8-bdc9-23b2d4bd8072	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:46:02	433.581
-54	32054	3205400	a08ce6bb-dcf5-487b-aa43-d8ffca2a9249	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:23:21	-296.948
-54	64108	3205400	3f386c5f-bb81-45b9-89c0-bfb3775796a8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:37:40	641.451
-55	32055	3205500	f11322e1-90ee-47bc-b8e7-0213a3216c1f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:29:02	691.57
-55	64110	3205500	7bd80e63-ce84-47c6-96a0-70b3506d8ab8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:50:26	-828.778
-56	32056	3205600	e2087856-84d8-4430-902d-c2124297e230	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:26:57	631.704
-56	64112	3205600	63ed9ed7-fe95-4a59-a334-0d641b22be68	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:37:34	61.938
-57	32057	3205700	0c274f3f-6b5c-4c9e-87a7-ca1fa85b3e66	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:30:36	149.648
-57	64114	3205700	210a91f5-56cb-49ed-8cf6-89a62bb75d56	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:57:13	-74.691
-58	32058	3205800	d7797eab-4d23-4732-bd67-cefbbf7f192c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:28:33	-344.317
-58	64116	3205800	3fe8100b-b38d-49f8-9cba-d30d14817486	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:07:50	-912.767
-59	32059	3205900	abf8102a-3754-4e37-9226-9c0d2b5c374e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:08:08	-677.218
-59	64118	3205900	16747338-2477-49f3-91d3-e6504dace116	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:01:10	-963.219
-60	32060	3206000	142843b8-8944-452b-890e-c82fe518ec76	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:21:35	-880.141
-60	64120	3206000	56515835-7841-4c52-a87f-f05d3a032470	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:45:45	-444.69
-61	32061	3206100	53422802-6c3c-43f9-bf90-16796b86f691	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:23:07	-202.551
-61	64122	3206100	6a8220b0-ff22-454a-a043-1b4a987b30c7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:41:44	-569.45
-62	32062	3206200	926dfa6d-ae4b-4e22-83dd-8d4bfe177a8c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:08:35	-275.901
-62	64124	3206200	37ef6db0-73e4-45db-b378-92a61ed966ef	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:50:04	311.131
-63	32063	3206300	f5cf2310-2bc9-4aeb-b228-1fe6ddd9e10d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:03:09	-751.207
-63	64126	3206300	0291551e-ac63-4b4a-bec1-3f7b15b0426e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:50:08	-343.346
-64	32064	3206400	03a64662-e2db-493f-bd16-b65f8ec6013d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:49:38	233.610
-64	64128	3206400	67a10dff-f311-4f95-967c-e5e05741e362	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:27:15	-976.532
-65	32065	3206500	771ae32e-cc3d-415b-bbcb-5515edb6fe1c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:57:15	-612.484
-65	64130	3206500	098bc0a1-3916-4993-9107-b9b9c8ce3e4c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:00:11	431.973
-66	32066	3206600	fc180831-43b8-4390-a089-3fb1b1b5e785	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:31:55	-677.991
-66	64132	3206600	abc793ea-c232-4ef0-acb4-17e4e672d350	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:11:24	-98.265
-67	32067	3206700	77be635a-42b1-45d4-ac93-5f75cf680c0e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:45:35	993.661
-67	64134	3206700	c8c044fb-b443-4680-a0fd-dfe218144673	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:28:45	625.717
-68	32068	3206800	7ce29501-cf43-4352-929f-9a11b5e4e563	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:35:29	864.343
-68	64136	3206800	e6010cd7-3ce2-489e-8beb-69650586e4ac	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:38:29	130.834
-69	32069	3206900	0bdc4a7c-f63c-42b6-984d-e9636302e625	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:21:11	500.932
-69	64138	3206900	ee7a99db-79a0-433b-8a6a-4037e8034fe4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:06:08	363.297
-70	32070	3207000	84a08ebb-d011-4f6c-9faf-d69948738b4e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:32:45	571.840
-70	64140	3207000	fe6e1e66-f0bf-4b82-8e47-cee4d8ec990d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:11:44	-802.977
-71	32071	3207100	0bda3d97-8fb6-4751-aaaa-3e2eed608802	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:11:39	233.870
-71	64142	3207100	14b764a7-4875-4339-8fc4-ed152714ce92	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:55:31	179.184
-72	32072	3207200	6cc7b4e1-f650-4e73-85c0-1f216fadc0e7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:59:02	-836.358
-72	64144	3207200	7bd7eb4d-7d0c-42a1-9617-3e9dc8a68b74	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:09:31	926.186
-73	32073	3207300	710b7f4d-ea93-4f5a-87b0-1f66d1da919a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:12:31	-687.991
-73	64146	3207300	efe5ab44-5f69-4672-8599-546e0790dd3d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:41:00	578.289
-74	32074	3207400	8fd725e0-a7cf-4ede-8542-ac87e8a3c19b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:53:09	-435.31
-74	64148	3207400	9aac3982-486f-4d9c-9e11-6bc05232f23c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:16:23	-858.77
-75	32075	3207500	a5bd2e8f-29c2-429d-8dcc-76fb270ff654	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:40:25	-754.848
-75	64150	3207500	d1ce771c-0017-41f1-a214-b6571746a902	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:13:35	918.152
-76	32076	3207600	ea2597b2-e228-40b6-865b-ad7f4985fc4f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:18:59	-892.72
-76	64152	3207600	44defc3e-77e3-4879-ba5b-2214ef292cac	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:30:55	-848.909
-77	32077	3207700	9729d3ca-e1cf-4e3b-b098-923a8fff25c3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:32:58	866.812
-77	64154	3207700	5030e0f7-6dab-4aed-8bf6-36f3d64313c3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:43:31	-876.18
-78	32078	3207800	faa1423b-6369-459e-9953-6d4a49561fb5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:12:12	307.537
-78	64156	3207800	9d7f621a-c683-4c0f-8422-965e50b400b8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:04:59	149.548
-79	32079	3207900	6a86418f-3554-4421-a7b9-b44cd94feafd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:36:49	-538.365
-79	64158	3207900	566a50d6-1a6f-4357-8ca4-30598fedbdaa	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:40:13	-241.198
-80	32080	3208000	a4a2232f-4689-4170-bdad-a301c75d77a0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:37:17	-973.71
-80	64160	3208000	534f721e-0052-47c3-b92e-40be8abcbe52	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:48:16	624.463
-81	32081	3208100	bc0ca725-18f4-4e10-b8e1-97d3a8189b4a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:08:01	-170.284
-81	64162	3208100	28567893-8ed5-4ad6-865b-5498a71a1005	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:50:10	28.55
-82	32082	3208200	378848bb-366d-4ed6-9036-d5392f7bcfe5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:58:53	-625.360
-82	64164	3208200	0632838c-fc7c-4155-8ebe-af559535578b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:43:33	204.177
-83	32083	3208300	cef3b288-9167-4cb7-82c7-102cdf43ead7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:09:09	923.427
-83	64166	3208300	036721b9-61c8-4ae4-942c-736fecf7928d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:06:52	305.967
-84	32084	3208400	24783160-0195-400e-9753-df898cada70f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:49:34	895.677
-84	64168	3208400	f71e943a-4cfb-460c-b578-d0a288f050af	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:42:17	610.974
-85	32085	3208500	3e0e51b5-4573-4555-8a5b-d3aadd39e130	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:23:09	-238.898
-85	64170	3208500	486b1be0-9987-4588-8f4d-64fe7196cc92	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:54:33	-32.248
-86	32086	3208600	dd35c529-f98f-40d1-8e9a-f9c9b84a3722	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:34:00	-63.265
-86	64172	3208600	d15e801d-e6d3-4664-bb0b-2d5fd5355976	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:09:59	807.534
-87	32087	3208700	4c14c234-6ff2-4a2a-b9da-96106631efdc	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:17:00	905.638
-87	64174	3208700	5d21a0e4-f30a-4635-a3b8-dc854519d32e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:20:54	-837.394
-88	32088	3208800	09a4acd1-171d-4cbb-b691-727b124a772c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:56:19	-69.895
-88	64176	3208800	5fbaa5c5-5918-4213-879e-ba7aa67c0cc9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:48:00	403.770
-89	32089	3208900	06f54e02-e0a9-47ac-ab92-9be243fba4b4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:02:19	281.216
-89	64178	3208900	0122a942-e394-4e8d-bb65-41c6190491ec	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:46:11	973.661
-90	32090	3209000	20e0eee3-1932-4f9c-b76e-ff53f97f557a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:26:37	661.310
-90	64180	3209000	e121ef65-73f0-4bcf-8e9c-49531a0ab2fe	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:06:36	647.923
-91	32091	3209100	2abb7a28-463c-4368-ad45-7ed9b1477457	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:28:07	803.373
-91	64182	3209100	9e80cff6-039a-421e-ae05-6d34f6c2782c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:00:32	788.653
-92	32092	3209200	a25d00e2-c1f4-484f-88f8-c3c07c4e98f3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:53:51	117.686
-92	64184	3209200	cf053fc6-3813-419d-9722-fbb298455631	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:16:55	-618.346
-93	32093	3209300	fc2426a3-2c4e-4f0d-ba60-a9dac424089e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:14:01	584.859
-93	64186	3209300	10cffdd9-a033-4ed6-a204-93a33d6461b5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:00:14	-711.729
-94	32094	3209400	c76e0f7b-c1f2-4a7c-b3b9-3e469c5cacad	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:31:33	-283.535
-94	64188	3209400	24a1cff6-6e71-499b-8cb7-37bc95d95a90	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:03:02	485.119
-95	32095	3209500	d726c178-3ac9-4712-a8e4-bdf0a3a0671d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:58:12	767.619
-95	64190	3209500	a691c56c-8a06-4406-aa8e-c789ff0a992f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:23:13	-605.279
-96	32096	3209600	9957c95e-e0b7-49ea-9e9a-24933a29afce	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:05:29	-278.593
-96	64192	3209600	66b78a93-c9da-4e55-aa20-b5b7d0342215	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:45:38	-964.385
-97	32097	3209700	502d4ac3-4615-4c28-9f06-2ee8f225acfe	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:44:45	-76.325
-97	64194	3209700	148a8a8d-d874-435f-9c60-65e0943dae86	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:48:02	-749.785
-98	32098	3209800	e614c572-e23e-41fb-89a2-f6b8d00dddaa	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:02:09	639.932
-98	64196	3209800	dee6128d-ab1e-40e7-bc04-fc536640c7b7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:03:45	144.901
-99	32099	3209900	650a444b-07e2-4e20-83b0-b676d697d54d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:01:04	-708.138
-99	64198	3209900	683c42ad-2978-408e-a264-407b8d31a4c0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:38:04	944.765
-100	32100	3210000	4533a3c8-4d2f-4e97-bce1-befaaa828da9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:12:22	288.334
-100	64200	3210000	8e014b39-3d30-4974-aad3-45d93b935c76	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:42:33	219.667
-101	32101	3210100	f1878d4b-57db-4c67-87b4-d95e648900b7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:27:47	957.240
-101	64202	3210100	8fd999d0-3e6d-46d6-a012-f51efe2d4ff5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:45:20	-510.753
-102	32102	3210200	497eaefc-ab3a-4fff-a873-5ad7c2c30228	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:14:35	-612.108
-102	64204	3210200	3fdba7cc-b89a-4f58-b918-b318f9abffe3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:37:58	371.372
-103	32103	3210300	f3f63342-a673-43be-bc2a-97d065e1cb2e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:10:56	-221.811
-103	64206	3210300	aa0d0d2d-c812-4829-8502-82761bbc2285	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:30:43	768.79
-104	32104	3210400	2ce465b2-4335-42b7-826c-4db7cbab24a9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:18:08	-817.846
-104	64208	3210400	0e97552b-d0a5-413e-8dc4-1ba0e6501fac	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:06:42	391.343
-105	32105	3210500	e83ccd57-92c6-498a-bcfb-6025d9d2b530	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:22:01	192.554
-105	64210	3210500	3782c3b3-e5f7-402e-b745-57798eeb8e6d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:34:14	196.695
-106	32106	3210600	55b80326-9a90-4aa8-9fc0-f84461c97758	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:47:45	-212.740
-106	64212	3210600	d1d0d9a3-def9-4055-9535-f62858ca4c90	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:44:09	-216.931
-107	32107	3210700	f373b395-142e-4ff5-87ff-2506f04ebda5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:22:06	-610.520
-107	64214	3210700	00051c58-557f-4020-b2dc-9b7829a89a2f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:40:41	-88.777
-108	32108	3210800	ecb95f80-548b-4619-8041-22583e03d440	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:54:31	-749.402
-108	64216	3210800	cfaa6817-cf71-45a7-8c78-5b6d6735ef42	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:42:43	858.920
-109	32109	3210900	301d8076-96f6-42e6-9063-8f639d5e5eb1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:24:59	330.317
-109	64218	3210900	2b852706-173a-496d-8f17-c8198fa028ae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:22:02	-552.50
-110	32110	3211000	c7c1c8db-cb3f-4c53-b62d-71c2dc7227d7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:33:31	940.479
-110	64220	3211000	a0ff19a1-b58f-430e-ada8-18594896aa36	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:55:54	597.38
-111	32111	3211100	2bd77864-d8df-46f7-932d-1cc25e216670	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:34:15	29.106
-111	64222	3211100	16329855-b574-4bde-8ef3-054abfedbd4c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:03:35	462.499
-112	32112	3211200	b5d5cb4e-3025-4fa8-86b3-7848489daf74	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:50:03	-84.685
-112	64224	3211200	25b782cd-9f6b-4fb1-901f-010289e3696a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:35:41	-82.954
-113	32113	3211300	9ff803aa-48bc-48d2-901a-800325f058f6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:50:47	-330.155
-113	64226	3211300	71ff3e28-0ede-4282-9e0a-67e213cfecb8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:24:32	-138.98
-114	32114	3211400	78ef6674-3e5e-487e-bd47-96549c250bf9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:53:25	836.589
-114	64228	3211400	8f21ae42-9643-4078-be7b-827365c32b08	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:52:29	-212.342
-115	32115	3211500	cab05f01-4c75-4970-b845-4a0726c37cb6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:52:18	-871.714
-115	64230	3211500	fb35e7da-ef86-4ff1-9c5a-fb224283883b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:01:46	710.145
-116	32116	3211600	e548c3c1-16f0-4d5d-b723-100eaf2c368b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:52:11	876.553
-116	64232	3211600	a101749f-94d8-4911-bc42-dd1d68c650f5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:26:37	-158.857
-117	32117	3211700	477dd1c8-ecac-4eb0-aba5-e40b7586ca1f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:46:07	521.969
-117	64234	3211700	5f71dce7-c2cf-4a63-907f-c3daa26c2613	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:08:35	801.389
-118	32118	3211800	b804be26-3e9b-4e5b-b5a7-4d06dc47bc99	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:55:54	923.902
-118	64236	3211800	d9b76c12-1fee-494e-b2b6-aa93bd8c52c7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:11:28	-291.612
-119	32119	3211900	c1da1fef-1582-4f7d-8257-a60ac4391e13	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:46:11	-473.249
-119	64238	3211900	ac1c290b-1162-4ec1-90c7-a8fc2fb95d50	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:24:39	908.561
-120	32120	3212000	8801b803-b484-40c6-9691-9dee1816df01	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:57:22	-261.889
-120	64240	3212000	ff55c150-5808-4bc4-bd05-b5d6e513a93a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:58:34	-197.816
-121	32121	3212100	50fe1372-d1d6-44d1-93a2-4c39cc7e6aac	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:18:22	-650.606
-121	64242	3212100	1b69c273-0c7f-42e7-8fdb-bd71107c5872	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:53:30	-598.639
-122	32122	3212200	2b529d1a-0c79-4382-914c-22e18f5f206e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:04:52	-261.772
-122	64244	3212200	a4666a7f-1741-4eb8-b66b-4a1a0a68b4d1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:44:08	932.687
-123	32123	3212300	65604fd9-e877-48a7-a0f0-3f2e7fe9a0cb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:22:31	-358.617
-123	64246	3212300	26c5d73a-a517-411f-8fc2-79a9e322fafa	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:46:35	-252.582
-124	32124	3212400	8dd46064-9f7e-4873-8801-8438d7c178db	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:29:41	604.322
-124	64248	3212400	74ac7eaf-da86-455e-b60f-473e0563cace	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:57:22	-699.592
-125	32125	3212500	def85bcd-05e0-45f7-87e1-7d3637da29ea	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:48:47	-337.509
-125	64250	3212500	109c3890-3093-4f34-ad32-c2c846bc1e65	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:20:31	-465.747
-126	32126	3212600	a6d67dc8-08fb-4c90-9904-2acba1246c8f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:12:53	-41.552
-126	64252	3212600	3db86059-6a7f-40c9-a719-e05e018dd0d5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:44:37	-39.30
-127	32127	3212700	485d5828-7439-490f-bf26-1a244447b0b6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:22:51	239.390
-127	64254	3212700	f13b9b4c-9bfa-4256-9a13-de9bbb59e757	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:31:10	-71.627
-0	32128	3212800	06171554-5f27-4bc9-9358-4306d19b6a6a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:27:26	-83.34
-0	64256	3212800	d5a1f7bf-406b-425b-a8f3-acabd9012f58	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:30:22	227.173
-1	32129	3212900	4a2be48f-882b-4679-90f3-a338076ff634	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:53:38	-727.682
-1	64258	3212900	cc410a6b-3d4a-4c69-a328-291ce0e309c2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:22:34	932.558
-2	32130	3213000	feedf46b-606c-4636-8cc0-51181ccb5695	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:42:06	954.548
-2	64260	3213000	12f669a5-2adf-4e45-b911-96c986c6a4c8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:44:33	-202.575
-3	32131	3213100	de15dfd0-62d9-46ba-a840-798df9ced0a5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:39:38	-430.984
-3	64262	3213100	e8604d87-7f09-46be-ae8d-81e6d1bc7d5a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:02:51	248.901
-4	32132	3213200	4a771824-dca8-491d-a05d-66af31744cf0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:27:38	-336.224
-4	64264	3213200	a336b2e4-8244-429f-99f4-ab57733e0388	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:31:32	-218.412
-5	32133	3213300	2a2e5c82-0314-47a8-8172-8d51e712dda0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:05:15	827.764
-5	64266	3213300	aafc248f-7dc5-468b-8e54-b80bd7ab2c27	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:44:45	-262.24
-6	32134	3213400	4ee8bf7c-9489-4653-8345-855bfd22fef5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:45:01	-964.233
-6	64268	3213400	ba8f76d1-acc9-4f4e-8a8c-061f7989c0e4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:52:26	-601.213
-7	32135	3213500	4cbdee44-0c9e-417e-96a7-0b4de83e397f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:40:28	-832.355
-7	64270	3213500	8dbd1ad5-603a-454a-bd39-d3d0d5aae304	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:38:31	-892.323
-8	32136	3213600	d19d6079-7764-4ef4-a78d-3f83b0ab7568	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:08:25	-304.792
-8	64272	3213600	b00d2fd1-cf5c-419f-843e-57ba940bc3e6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:41:10	454.465
-9	32137	3213700	779a9abf-3601-429c-9c50-5d84f1eca296	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:25:59	640.855
-9	64274	3213700	a1b9b179-e29d-4e9e-8d22-8c23b369feae	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:43:12	510.221
-10	32138	3213800	cde0ff1d-9364-4286-bbbe-39399f07b81d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:03:24	946.852
-10	64276	3213800	69538914-5bc6-4509-9bee-d7b4a46cc6de	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:18:31	-28.244
-11	32139	3213900	fa51670e-0f3d-4b08-b60a-16c1d5a8b8c9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:24:25	-17.342
-11	64278	3213900	f165c995-359d-4682-8739-9289d50645d6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:17:24	316.40
-12	32140	3214000	fe200979-9431-409c-a0ae-4b17185626f1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:18:18	-221.377
-12	64280	3214000	24e65d02-5d3f-4e76-bd25-e7a7cea547e1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:26:45	860.12
-13	32141	3214100	d70ec1ec-23b0-45f0-8cc2-2468f33fd530	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:44:09	-275.369
-13	64282	3214100	9b223c75-7eb4-44bb-8882-37577706905b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:45:46	219.127
-14	32142	3214200	78a40f2d-76b3-4710-9bc3-a9d88bfd959a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:45:07	343.737
-14	64284	3214200	d78e0ede-d19a-4776-919e-752a8a87d50b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:26:58	-160.300
-15	32143	3214300	16bc5fda-c85d-4ab1-b63d-d178acc54765	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:58:35	-726.173
-15	64286	3214300	93fb9181-adf6-4a1e-a8d1-878fcae621bc	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:20:44	103.855
-16	32144	3214400	ce18b5bd-707c-444d-a9a2-9b3c9f04a008	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:47:45	713.447
-16	64288	3214400	c8d1f8b1-cbba-45b0-9562-6798d3f7ac41	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:11:49	564.433
-17	32145	3214500	167083c3-164f-4522-bec4-9151f8c368a1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:52:02	-726.555
-17	64290	3214500	9e8e7e19-3b58-4c42-b2c4-68eb405774eb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:14:31	-49.747
-18	32146	3214600	0f9cbf9e-4631-47ed-b88b-d09ad5df3117	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:01:00	-503.350
-18	64292	3214600	568b89ae-139f-406d-96f6-b08d95d5a88f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:40:01	651.370
-19	32147	3214700	becbfaf4-6b4b-4506-b74e-57a519200525	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:45:31	135.958
-19	64294	3214700	bc0d366c-7e8a-4600-9e4b-ff2cbacab924	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:34:14	-609.113
-20	32148	3214800	4c7d52b8-2e0b-4137-87bc-df6c076b710f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:48:35	-978.866
-20	64296	3214800	2c793194-220f-4001-9753-38c0f9c409ec	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:58:53	58.549
-21	32149	3214900	c6655113-f258-4d1f-9762-8c49fde1671b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:36:17	-177.251
-21	64298	3214900	9852e9c7-af4c-4435-93cc-a0cffb16b3ea	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:54:10	871.925
-22	32150	3215000	88adcb54-01f1-4ec2-b6cf-f3dbf22f285b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:49:37	751.237
-22	64300	3215000	63727bfc-1d38-4ceb-930c-fce03cbfa4b0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:12:25	-526.749
-23	32151	3215100	c7a1b6f4-e92b-4204-a328-c654a0164348	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:33:00	680.605
-23	64302	3215100	d9d649d4-ebed-438f-a733-4ed52e6073ce	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:46:59	-151.554
-24	32152	3215200	30a3f6bd-eaf7-4b4b-92e8-dc0d57f680bc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:51:22	277.115
-24	64304	3215200	64b662b7-1197-4ac3-8942-b1fafc81c384	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:27:41	-262.498
-25	32153	3215300	f652d610-1d2d-4d4f-9f41-84b6344bf222	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:59:31	172.541
-25	64306	3215300	4bd53958-5034-40a9-812d-474926d706ce	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:23:16	645.100
-26	32154	3215400	39116774-d059-4337-a734-305fe19743bf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:31:11	-887.266
-26	64308	3215400	7ae051fc-a2be-446b-963e-6c0b8498b121	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:30:01	713.904
-27	32155	3215500	454b14ef-75ea-4193-9b69-d03d36ad9e9f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:30:21	-673.12
-27	64310	3215500	7b3ea995-61bc-4630-bd85-9a280994a820	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:16:10	336.19
-28	32156	3215600	915fb8f8-1556-4a83-a58e-11f41fef4823	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:58:04	-511.981
-28	64312	3215600	68cc36db-b896-46b7-ad8a-a2e7e47dd79b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:15:35	869.148
-29	32157	3215700	03c62cab-d7b6-48ea-a747-c2fc06324c19	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:39:42	634.252
-29	64314	3215700	849d1b5e-e937-425d-8d85-4bcf25afc7cf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:51:07	789.43
-30	32158	3215800	cd146012-7274-4b47-856b-152ff3016209	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:46:14	179.103
-30	64316	3215800	8277f398-9e88-43c3-baac-5a2e2b877830	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:03:49	-455.703
-31	32159	3215900	4e71e204-0db5-4adf-a158-9f7c779d07e3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:49:05	-124.465
-31	64318	3215900	25188a12-b22d-4bf4-9281-0600b98b3b1d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:24:48	437.836
-32	32160	3216000	b52af527-0dd6-4d17-ac0e-012b11d6c6e0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:22:06	-153.959
-32	64320	3216000	6449d7dd-2568-4392-a41f-4cbcd396e467	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:50:06	411.922
-33	32161	3216100	c73c1cb1-2efa-4dfb-ab22-bad1f63c19c4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:19:01	36.566
-33	64322	3216100	02b6bf98-885f-4f06-9924-ff33f2011d07	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:11:40	431.230
-34	32162	3216200	0ff776cf-9fcf-4429-a8a7-dc3a1ae4bb57	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:14:35	990.568
-34	64324	3216200	aa0ecf65-b333-47ae-97a7-cff71b1b08bc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:52:15	516.763
-35	32163	3216300	b9d3fb33-abdf-4c00-9185-1229d0a130fb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:25:04	-887.876
-35	64326	3216300	6e76cfd3-1b6f-4e9a-899e-6b74a01e36c7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:11:22	591.802
-36	32164	3216400	c1955886-d710-48f6-a8a5-18a2b26dce1f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:56:38	898.758
-36	64328	3216400	ac5e6d08-efdc-43bc-8386-7e102e165fef	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:35:09	250.873
-37	32165	3216500	a6e68240-f8da-4cc1-91f5-b5ea8f67bf0d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:37:13	-560.452
-37	64330	3216500	58935ded-5a54-4d09-ba36-92f22cf9dc9b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:58:31	-635.679
-38	32166	3216600	67fbec25-39cc-41d5-a29e-739517a0c0f5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:22:29	177.718
-38	64332	3216600	33c9428d-8731-4bbe-995f-85ede901935a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:26:37	336.474
-39	32167	3216700	167ca08d-4a2d-467d-b032-0b89a49c9ae8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:38:13	178.145
-39	64334	3216700	6e4f50cc-99ec-436d-9e56-5d4356f9f2a7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:00:16	-595.708
-40	32168	3216800	4b1e1fe0-4b3a-4c6f-ac35-974f0353f531	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:44:10	584.173
-40	64336	3216800	d195fbff-4776-4567-9e28-e68f2c55634a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:32:14	892.304
-41	32169	3216900	db49f9e2-7851-4523-a9ac-9367174566d2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:20:46	-542.223
-41	64338	3216900	c61b448b-9be5-4350-8c94-fe9a8a4d2984	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:40:36	-803.233
-42	32170	3217000	93e18fec-ce9b-4f8f-b4f8-8ae05a181852	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:20:02	574.913
-42	64340	3217000	6110d7a0-6cfb-4fd5-bcb7-24c7be37185a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:24:34	-943.13
-43	32171	3217100	ea8222a6-cf00-4ff1-884b-a712cf612d1f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:14:52	-114.926
-43	64342	3217100	e509c21c-0188-4bcb-ba9e-d419e4e49c77	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:55:17	237.287
-44	32172	3217200	c9919af7-43da-4cd2-85b6-a290051f9785	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:59:45	711.86
-44	64344	3217200	02810da0-ed6c-4147-ab40-0c6678af1523	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:01:48	-734.761
-45	32173	3217300	1581c7b3-bfd3-4d65-a4d1-a9153f7b8689	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:29:00	-765.992
-45	64346	3217300	dd91a296-eca6-410b-865f-3032f5b0f02d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:46:21	-552.731
-46	32174	3217400	597e19e2-5ddc-45b6-8664-901d2a75abd7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:53:48	-969.734
-46	64348	3217400	9ec5688c-23c0-44cf-831f-50077519c68b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:12:26	-441.592
-47	32175	3217500	0b0558c0-e56a-4082-b5bc-6580b1981575	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:07:17	-966.71
-47	64350	3217500	c081774a-8007-4dd5-83df-c6e29f9e58d0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:12:39	422.356
-48	32176	3217600	37134088-ff8b-41d4-987b-07cc251a2c23	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:36:47	-289.505
-48	64352	3217600	7a7831ba-c574-4d36-9840-b10f656a705a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:51:01	582.426
-49	32177	3217700	c82ab4b6-1c19-4afb-87f1-d95c1da60393	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:46:23	11.17
-49	64354	3217700	220d52f4-21b5-4d36-a70d-56a9d4155691	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:48:33	-348.960
-50	32178	3217800	8eab702c-569d-4f70-9355-ef1f80d9834c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:49:53	-977.409
-50	64356	3217800	dbd63d48-4f50-49e1-8e43-d99d72e534c8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:57:20	-895.741
-51	32179	3217900	a11236a7-15bb-4663-b056-f210a397e172	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:01:39	104.24
-51	64358	3217900	9b0af933-622b-4731-bd78-321bf5cabedf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:21:45	-186.639
-52	32180	3218000	7dcb87ac-f4ee-463d-8829-90eaae7d8f93	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:41:25	-232.861
-52	64360	3218000	37c0b9d6-f278-457e-b22a-887e336fca3c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:15:35	999.688
-53	32181	3218100	54295e41-1a16-4e4f-8e89-2b73bafd5dd8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:01:10	250.907
-53	64362	3218100	06bee834-3f5f-4816-8f2a-701a2d823d51	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:38:25	37.723
-54	32182	3218200	17fb658f-2046-4f89-9600-bf29cb7dd545	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:58:47	-463.205
-54	64364	3218200	486175df-1cbc-4428-be2f-0237b5deb354	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:18:56	-20.777
-55	32183	3218300	6d4086f6-a5d6-4e18-bb53-4b8cb7452bf0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:43:23	-354.326
-55	64366	3218300	bfb5c992-fb23-4163-a4a1-5cbc128f178f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:31:06	-180.47
-56	32184	3218400	f5d9d48f-fb8d-4a63-aeaa-645de68078b9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:59:26	271.651
-56	64368	3218400	ad83998b-e9f2-4f32-b320-e47fd6b9dfbc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:11:40	-646.151
-57	32185	3218500	cf196faa-9f9d-463e-a8e1-ac935ea068dc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:39:08	600.580
-57	64370	3218500	375ffaa9-e25b-420c-b57d-45b6706217d9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:59:54	-573.39
-58	32186	3218600	878b84c6-d0d8-4eba-853a-9d0dcaede1be	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:12:44	772.821
-58	64372	3218600	668993f6-c66f-40e6-af96-bc15c329a5f4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:12:55	980.63
-59	32187	3218700	c2326a5d-f9dc-4dc5-a7d4-31ab7e33d4c7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:25:17	-986.865
-59	64374	3218700	20537114-e0ed-45a6-b099-3d7ba1e59782	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:24:47	123.49
-60	32188	3218800	4f52ab2a-0ee7-4b1e-8467-8c6ef050ac14	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:27:29	286.6
-60	64376	3218800	89d5ae59-8753-4ade-822f-a20684e11fc6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:38:20	663.896
-61	32189	3218900	387efda2-e39b-455a-9e85-56191088ff45	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:50:56	124.830
-61	64378	3218900	afb7f40e-608e-4781-97ac-4d9d23a8c287	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:33:35	59.367
-62	32190	3219000	61186541-f444-4d4e-ae90-f08a8b52cde9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:29:31	-973.97
-62	64380	3219000	14678b23-a549-454f-a9a4-f67c4deb2fc1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:07:46	103.179
-63	32191	3219100	9e822fc8-c251-4481-bf66-a689b3dceabd	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:36:04	-82.61
-63	64382	3219100	e4701b12-aed0-4568-a840-06ac8a86c511	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:01:13	-881.374
-64	32192	3219200	ddf7e671-c56c-42d3-a119-4e60570e682d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:23:16	237.27
-64	64384	3219200	85910a8c-9665-4d42-a572-9cb4f503cfa7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:44:21	-883.746
-65	32193	3219300	de4dd586-3aae-4181-93ef-fe6d92366cb6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:10:34	609.819
-65	64386	3219300	e0347597-9772-4f9f-b89b-120cfc6a404b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:54:18	696.53
-66	32194	3219400	9847a6fc-44c9-48f5-b50b-b9a4a2a81ec9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:01:54	-522.140
-66	64388	3219400	23b22ea9-cca2-42b9-9ba2-18897e092168	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:06:45	-387.721
-67	32195	3219500	dfbe9427-1f8b-42e6-9932-a0001d659ae3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:36:44	-138.528
-67	64390	3219500	54bdf119-7f10-4a96-bca6-76f24018e744	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:19:12	419.971
-68	32196	3219600	76b46c10-964b-4a42-b2ff-c71500762b77	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:59:05	-142.601
-68	64392	3219600	a3fbdc85-5db8-4b27-90da-d811ec6f5057	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:53:28	-941.290
-69	32197	3219700	f026b50f-fce3-4485-ad84-3800eae2bd7d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:45:47	-616.975
-69	64394	3219700	787e083c-a449-458d-b7c5-d3714ec08389	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:59:35	-565.508
-70	32198	3219800	1fab6aa5-c499-4385-ba2c-40712b6bd7c5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:52:42	444.643
-70	64396	3219800	3e9d113b-30c9-4b29-8522-a47a3f3c388f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:21:57	722.804
-71	32199	3219900	2ff8ff9b-4756-4332-b5a7-46da85c98435	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:46:24	636.111
-71	64398	3219900	58e700d8-8d9c-44d0-b8aa-c9383b261136	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:09:31	475.775
-72	32200	3220000	46620c63-a918-4c54-8bd6-cdfa5ab2a210	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:09:59	605.976
-72	64400	3220000	bea21f62-e02b-4e84-b126-2c8c4cdfbde0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:41:26	416.741
-73	32201	3220100	b2d6eadd-2ffd-47a4-95db-e2e8cfcef002	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:10:26	830.163
-73	64402	3220100	7232f7f8-e788-4c38-8c88-1772796e9b9a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:13:18	-596.122
-74	32202	3220200	eb5577f3-bda1-417f-814d-b45be116e84d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:56:08	122.66
-74	64404	3220200	800ef86c-da10-4cd6-8def-37ba97232202	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:14:07	403.848
-75	32203	3220300	ebd706dc-111f-4a40-b7a2-0afe4ce5f354	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:01:59	210.118
-75	64406	3220300	ccb0c7cf-04c5-4f76-aa1b-c228de2c2979	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:47:36	-399.394
-76	32204	3220400	5dee2795-3d86-4ab3-bd4b-2b7b29375658	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:07:34	-694.445
-76	64408	3220400	37aac2cc-c9e8-445a-9ee0-782fb0a47493	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:15:38	-933.667
-77	32205	3220500	ee36d417-3003-4eb1-a6ca-ab1b8c810b8c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:42:22	657.569
-77	64410	3220500	cc8d85c0-3e99-4c64-ba04-64cfbac21473	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:38:31	703.189
-78	32206	3220600	e1d4c866-8883-475d-92dd-22d6142b9192	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:51:35	-878.496
-78	64412	3220600	943fc1cd-9de6-4f06-abe1-7be53f07585d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:35:46	-540.636
-79	32207	3220700	cdf2cedc-b32d-48f3-aaaf-83d921e74727	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:35:48	-253.569
-79	64414	3220700	88d9d6a8-48df-43e5-a81a-8a18ad36215e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:54:00	-77.766
-80	32208	3220800	f183ddba-6bf4-4c11-be26-c4e2bbe8f27b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:43:55	532.259
-80	64416	3220800	6a7e7613-eb60-49b8-a32b-ea7746b36b53	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:38:13	-801.283
-81	32209	3220900	e95f05e7-efc0-405f-b66d-4035d11e5b72	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:23:26	-543.208
-81	64418	3220900	3bff7eac-f38a-4251-b5f6-93341d16c976	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:57:42	-168.219
-82	32210	3221000	47f21e3c-9cd5-4c0e-89b5-654c1598a8bf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:43:30	495.30
-82	64420	3221000	90331b25-6e0d-4ca6-a15e-dfbacbc1f16f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:11:06	-584.149
-83	32211	3221100	c9270c41-cf25-453c-ad36-0b061bb14d9a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:30:58	-804.931
-83	64422	3221100	1a816afd-9cd7-419b-a20f-32436c56114a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:52:29	-592.101
-84	32212	3221200	a5097b8a-5d18-492d-8e3f-26013f5329d0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:41:05	-137.134
-84	64424	3221200	a6d25fbf-cabe-447f-99be-d6627b645716	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:16:47	-282.210
-85	32213	3221300	4ac5f7b6-0885-4af4-af00-f274a7470702	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:50:15	243.298
-85	64426	3221300	bc45f7ba-93e8-4de2-a346-8fdf3d911ece	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:30:28	-95.873
-86	32214	3221400	70258300-d3df-4b8d-98b4-487f94bdc0bc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:30:42	898.442
-86	64428	3221400	5b22a340-408d-44ce-936c-1c2b1b6a1fb5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:07:24	-865.780
-87	32215	3221500	452d4cb8-b5d1-4437-8497-27b70fe731ff	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:21:27	-177.112
-87	64430	3221500	7ff6a888-e099-4815-905c-93e6f53e2c77	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:23:04	193.727
-88	32216	3221600	daf51770-7dd8-4f79-9833-d3eb008f088f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:17:56	555.995
-88	64432	3221600	ae05db25-c9a5-4950-9e39-82635a9c8285	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:19:35	65.807
-89	32217	3221700	4d462cfd-3090-4b65-a85e-8901a4dd47bc	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:49:46	890.767
-89	64434	3221700	4282494f-6452-403a-bf73-5ccb8caf5f11	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:01:03	-607.707
-90	32218	3221800	2d3847b2-9ec8-4c53-a3e4-4c77176fbd31	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:07:32	95.130
-90	64436	3221800	d02f91a1-1763-4446-b194-c2652be54704	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:29:26	509.381
-91	32219	3221900	611c69df-244f-4ef7-a1ed-62f9ae96a50c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:20:54	158.624
-91	64438	3221900	e323629b-a0b3-4f31-a254-86d61f8bbd9e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:33:17	-21.671
-92	32220	3222000	5e1f5aee-0acb-424a-a05d-d77bd2415932	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:25:33	-726.2
-92	64440	3222000	da07e1ad-044e-4927-b8a3-ab06969e7a9a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:08:36	-798.798
-93	32221	3222100	166da20c-5292-41e4-a647-eefde712629c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:52:11	762.701
-93	64442	3222100	90310c78-776e-4449-ba26-4d4f57edaf3c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:40:20	-164.740
-94	32222	3222200	be8c3676-38b0-46ab-93f1-6eca0c14faa4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:21:45	-970.13
-94	64444	3222200	9bff4c54-80dd-46ed-8f42-758a26a9b909	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:18:19	245.769
-95	32223	3222300	4fb894a8-1c52-461e-b747-6fece40284f9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:35:42	707.863
-95	64446	3222300	7f077030-23de-495c-ab8d-ee212b671eaf	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:51:40	-338.704
-96	32224	3222400	130e4075-5a69-49d9-865a-eb5cbfad3737	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:41:33	-15.74
-96	64448	3222400	e4955247-af09-48bb-b203-c3d15579b923	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:14:24	308.210
-97	32225	3222500	86c9c207-3bd3-47e3-9d31-a0eebccfe48a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:09:36	526.684
-97	64450	3222500	dfedfa73-58cb-4208-a8e9-dbcec0cae6cf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:44:26	-290.267
-98	32226	3222600	36aa1c78-7ef3-4263-8f70-dea8e430ae36	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:30:27	-600.876
-98	64452	3222600	42d8ba54-a312-4b3a-9751-58047a1ed49f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:01:40	393.589
-99	32227	3222700	add9d2d9-efac-4470-9511-3b4d566b563d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:48:25	320.617
-99	64454	3222700	a6d47635-11fb-45dc-bafd-7f3b1c3268fc	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:11:02	-481.222
-100	32228	3222800	89ac2c01-dc9e-43a5-acbb-c7ebe92718c8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:01:08	-87.317
-100	64456	3222800	403d1583-8b57-4dd9-9bcb-d9550084dab1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:12:03	130.513
-101	32229	3222900	974b98a1-e7cb-4d15-a16e-27cc139700f9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:02:02	-619.489
-101	64458	3222900	47c0120a-8130-4ded-8d06-c12a1e97dab1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:24:39	-340.865
-102	32230	3223000	f02da343-4653-4fcd-8561-528523abd2cf	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:30:52	350.775
-102	64460	3223000	85a641d7-64b0-4589-bb51-33bb866baf04	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:10:50	573.653
-103	32231	3223100	ab1b3651-45f6-40b5-a4a9-8f64289d34cf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:53:04	-833.170
-103	64462	3223100	b65161b6-cd92-4e8f-9923-56f6142590dd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:37:07	-964.938
-104	32232	3223200	31b1dce0-95c1-4b7d-be2c-c6d2bac153d5	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:46:34	-619.308
-104	64464	3223200	38c794ff-12c6-4fda-beb4-e356a674c58b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:16:43	270.582
-105	32233	3223300	4d5df131-f97d-4b07-9834-53a67c44c0a3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:00:37	-401.88
-105	64466	3223300	59e02bd6-f095-4a9e-bc32-dceecbb6140f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:02:46	-770.496
-106	32234	3223400	a3c45262-a64d-4371-9513-685ff408ef4a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:55:19	221.626
-106	64468	3223400	bd42c852-c5e3-42cb-8e24-64b25e990280	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:44:55	681.744
-107	32235	3223500	6aea6494-7d3d-4983-aa92-cbb39f3b93dd	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:52:02	654.229
-107	64470	3223500	25600d1c-4f41-4826-bcda-f889d1538fbc	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:27:23	203.222
-108	32236	3223600	7c8131db-c918-4f1a-a865-eb4370807902	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:39:19	-334.637
-108	64472	3223600	52b07e01-ac8b-4264-b24f-147df8c9ad8f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:07:23	751.718
-109	32237	3223700	6bb0bd28-c987-4f6f-afaa-e6ae92029a4f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:43:18	548.791
-109	64474	3223700	c742d9bc-4a08-469f-a17d-193add8e7ab0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:59:01	735.56
-110	32238	3223800	3e40f179-8510-4f77-bf58-90fc0b08191a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:14:30	853.856
-110	64476	3223800	afe718a3-85b7-4b45-b93d-d12b312cba89	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:14:19	-410.417
-111	32239	3223900	efde0dbf-b27c-4dab-8399-788a235a3479	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:55:37	356.958
-111	64478	3223900	54b8275a-244f-4d87-b0df-8e725844654a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:50:26	154.773
-112	32240	3224000	cf67d773-3338-4b15-9ac3-eaea301aac90	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:56:44	-679.838
-112	64480	3224000	3cf7fbd6-9310-4714-8ec5-6ad7396edcf9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:13:50	128.958
-113	32241	3224100	22355e81-3a21-445b-8656-948dd1500ccf	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:58:14	735.714
-113	64482	3224100	3dff117a-384c-4acd-bb73-beb6bf6217e3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:37:47	41.736
-114	32242	3224200	3da6db40-bf58-4309-836d-5a943b9b9317	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:46:48	-949.359
-114	64484	3224200	66b5f4de-83e1-434e-9647-d942d750b549	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:10:53	-140.769
-115	32243	3224300	05bcaf0f-3243-4057-87bd-9f667dc57ae2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:06:34	798.174
-115	64486	3224300	a7cfcbfc-a096-4c6c-9493-8a791e981742	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:15:41	-180.27
-116	32244	3224400	65c6a158-2adb-4da8-bad0-b5017c689076	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:31:26	667.901
-116	64488	3224400	c9672731-b5c3-4578-9c27-9a0dd37de7b4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:31:13	-140.673
-117	32245	3224500	197c351c-01d0-48b2-a274-4c91a5f0549c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:33:29	642.45
-117	64490	3224500	fba4a2c9-e238-45bd-ab33-538ef82a648f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:16:33	-737.126
-118	32246	3224600	55cec27f-dd40-4746-b63b-37ffae5fbca0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:19:33	407.984
-118	64492	3224600	cfeab40f-90ed-4956-9e5d-31a4d1ca7af7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:33:56	867.398
-119	32247	3224700	56148775-ad0b-4fa2-8137-1f15f2936d26	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:27:38	445.928
-119	64494	3224700	1a7a0599-f695-4a58-876a-cd50130a6401	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:54:40	-383.638
-120	32248	3224800	1c09c649-8104-4f5f-bd51-7d937569a4c6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:07:38	739.349
-120	64496	3224800	2ac5eeed-302e-4c36-9ca2-cee5ac89e6a4	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:47:14	-208.265
-121	32249	3224900	0cbcf5a4-7b37-4165-b0a4-2e332e81d168	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:22:38	770.631
-121	64498	3224900	8a10f397-a847-4aa0-9c20-e1c4aea3b0c9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:20:20	559.247
-122	32250	3225000	8902ca42-82c3-4c23-8aae-5f877cc1aacd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:20:05	939.710
-122	64500	3225000	f630f190-dd41-4acc-a8a3-c7b7f88606fe	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:17:59	895.280
-123	32251	3225100	c2a7c818-6a54-4e68-939d-80c0178cb8eb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:18:55	-259.275
-123	64502	3225100	e073607d-2197-41eb-aa0a-c29d9bc43d12	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:11:51	-206.986
-124	32252	3225200	d4e89b0b-b7e3-4023-a3cb-a7f4d5b41b5e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:55:45	-676.78
-124	64504	3225200	fd698818-e15f-44fd-8acc-d5a4fa46b2d1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:01:43	655.738
-125	32253	3225300	da4a713f-48a3-4323-8b99-67ab4d69dddb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:00:25	-508.226
-125	64506	3225300	bae711d8-8855-42ff-80c5-cc8b8c5ca338	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:22:39	377.665
-126	32254	3225400	0b61a9b2-4e90-45c9-af3f-e963c50e9229	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:11:16	-540.305
-126	64508	3225400	5332acb7-d02d-46d1-b3fc-1a25691564bf	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:35:56	591.902
-127	32255	3225500	17a68b7d-3cfb-49c4-94b6-0cb94e0af29f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:05:01	466.499
-127	64510	3225500	ba931c7e-19a4-41de-b54c-a446026e2888	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:30:08	597.550
-0	32256	3225600	90e7edaf-4f5b-4aef-81a2-686a12c8ffd6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:16:28	-724.541
-0	64512	3225600	164c00ad-b9a5-4682-a4d4-4d57497d8818	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:53:42	-598.184
-1	32257	3225700	f4097716-c9b9-4f6a-92d0-8ba3af6e51c7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:07:59	-385.927
-1	64514	3225700	04982b52-c3c9-4c1a-8634-0a41af00aa32	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:19:11	-211.247
-2	32258	3225800	d8c0427c-daa2-427e-8930-5d524936a2c6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:59:28	230.457
-2	64516	3225800	4e22b8bd-61df-4cf9-aeb3-917b5288c4d5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:49:00	120.455
-3	32259	3225900	1a43c0b0-65eb-4e6c-b6f8-9775b5380c9d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:34:43	-925.609
-3	64518	3225900	04f07147-f1ab-4d96-8458-947992efa0d7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:56:18	162.837
-4	32260	3226000	5d38d396-8d4c-4266-9818-b4055888344b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:28:32	-465.298
-4	64520	3226000	3f45208f-3987-4ec2-871f-72d2e2913f85	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:03:33	994.281
-5	32261	3226100	a9b2b532-d9fd-4d2c-ae5f-3f7ad2aedfde	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:18:57	-169.963
-5	64522	3226100	5ed26020-4313-465b-b8a5-8acff417ab47	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:10:05	-824.813
-6	32262	3226200	d86d6803-5861-438a-88d1-ccecd792668c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:45:31	-576.77
-6	64524	3226200	e7a89e13-745e-4afe-9fa9-18bf361a1ede	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:17:43	-475.232
-7	32263	3226300	17257e20-76a5-414b-9cb7-af4fdbc42e50	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:36:56	-3.871
-7	64526	3226300	9f452c09-0bd1-40f2-9d99-8f57dc31eafb	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:11:27	461.578
-8	32264	3226400	1f25ab3c-40df-41d5-8182-44d97767dfec	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:13:24	852.500
-8	64528	3226400	18f3fb1a-9843-4ccb-996b-b8b81b370062	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:32:52	-790.66
-9	32265	3226500	2448bbcb-5734-4529-9505-6790c8687a2f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:12:33	-515.84
-9	64530	3226500	a12eaa63-eda0-43c0-986a-628b1cc85a6c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:37:56	584.259
-10	32266	3226600	954d91c2-be05-4810-ab67-0d5cf2d7ea2c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:12:14	-48.800
-10	64532	3226600	6b0ce072-abd7-468a-b4a4-781344b7eae1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:53:11	-825.206
-11	32267	3226700	26aee5f8-718e-4080-b762-dddc900b5eca	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:10:38	-462.905
-11	64534	3226700	3fcd451e-3bb2-4b53-bfc3-3a1814b61596	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:05:10	-344.918
-12	32268	3226800	aae53ea8-18ac-4b45-bc1f-f7d3aba42fb2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:21:23	630.311
-12	64536	3226800	cd03b1d1-be8c-4fa8-878a-ecabb99cfbb1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:59:05	-334.91
-13	32269	3226900	4dbd04c7-534a-4ddd-bf64-63874cf4c025	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:00:41	364.299
-13	64538	3226900	e0a244a7-124c-4629-a472-f90c1341d853	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:16:28	854.396
-14	32270	3227000	a4278db5-c1f8-471d-a18d-175ad6c10ef7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:06:13	-183.788
-14	64540	3227000	db5685ab-cbab-4d20-958c-7a2e3b4c32ac	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:52:52	-37.519
-15	32271	3227100	ead4353c-c109-43a6-80d2-5a2a5a7c38e9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:21:50	-410.288
-15	64542	3227100	31a59c07-fb08-43cd-94c6-479d87090018	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:33:13	718.753
-16	32272	3227200	e7fdfa96-508d-4561-8d6b-e67655b43b73	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:44:58	810.509
-16	64544	3227200	0f2062fc-60ef-4508-9a4e-165a397abf21	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:33:03	-10.645
-17	32273	3227300	0e397c7c-7e5e-4cda-9c4a-001f0db8ed7b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:21:17	666.227
-17	64546	3227300	1fba829d-58c8-4454-8f69-d66e19c90474	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:39:18	-779.630
-18	32274	3227400	5a097ce6-24fe-4124-9727-530c12d79941	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:23:03	441.138
-18	64548	3227400	cbb9c5ac-b854-4426-ae88-b015a8275059	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:05:22	532.736
-19	32275	3227500	5bcedbd8-ac95-440e-b143-cf5251f76c2d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:18:23	-345.252
-19	64550	3227500	7063b3ef-662d-456e-86ae-3e95b29bf071	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:41:22	-512.894
-20	32276	3227600	aad18910-897b-41ed-8020-51fdbf60b78f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:14:11	124.549
-20	64552	3227600	367342cb-5eea-4ea4-8543-33cdffa06615	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:30:09	-123.944
-21	32277	3227700	683da2e2-5f66-48a5-8bdc-2533418b9c60	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:51:29	335.756
-21	64554	3227700	830b9897-b147-4a2b-895a-503bd14ab011	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:09:06	709.161
-22	32278	3227800	9dafc822-3fa4-44c3-aa2c-ca974ce125fd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:43:59	-878.910
-22	64556	3227800	08d25d62-937f-48d8-8153-ef42e7c2869a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:00:21	838.338
-23	32279	3227900	18ab42a2-0f9c-47fb-85bc-c25dbc2250d8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:51:24	675.541
-23	64558	3227900	f0a6d7d9-49a7-4741-be74-2ddee9d5a31e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:03:25	-856.227
-24	32280	3228000	5f89daba-d82b-430e-92e6-38a11d4fc835	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:23:31	23.315
-24	64560	3228000	f602f611-92de-4332-aa4e-448a1e874518	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:01:15	47.884
-25	32281	3228100	d859b3b9-48fd-4dd2-b260-c21deeee7d56	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:45:52	-932.197
-25	64562	3228100	d655e99f-b17e-4596-849f-477711ea753a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:48:06	-241.624
-26	32282	3228200	70256744-89ea-4ceb-9f18-7f6441597ca0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:10:28	421.312
-26	64564	3228200	328cee57-85d2-493e-8f23-59aa166db174	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:58:33	496.311
-27	32283	3228300	0114f038-71cc-4bec-94ec-cb040942b687	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:23:41	903.343
-27	64566	3228300	83993211-0fd5-42ac-8255-9b53ef5a1b5a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:29:57	-809.661
-28	32284	3228400	9b0e527b-c4cc-4e53-835b-de3757bad880	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:58:52	-589.249
-28	64568	3228400	a3656082-8af6-49c7-a3bb-56d823174438	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:23:54	-487.475
-29	32285	3228500	d50aeb1d-4b15-4ddd-af93-b314c942eb92	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:24:26	191.892
-29	64570	3228500	6e1a7134-ca2a-4dba-a863-008306021375	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:39:05	5.954
-30	32286	3228600	d5621796-38e4-4fce-b5d8-e759bc40b3bf	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:05:30	493.642
-30	64572	3228600	00471dc9-401e-438c-a801-a31ed7daf234	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:20:04	714.704
-31	32287	3228700	b2e645bb-141b-4d44-8b26-6acff9ab2cb6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:54:31	623.166
-31	64574	3228700	a7420be9-2c0c-4d9b-a1fa-ecbc2c2c7ae9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:25:38	436.215
-32	32288	3228800	e1cd49ac-dbce-4920-b96f-1dc2f2b0cf78	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:05:58	-419.744
-32	64576	3228800	290ef4bd-49ba-45f8-a313-afdac57fc221	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:33:12	932.181
-33	32289	3228900	3971dc3c-dc05-4aef-b0e5-7b229389dda5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:09:14	-665.821
-33	64578	3228900	fc19ac6e-29fb-4f8d-93fb-ec5d8d054f94	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:48:05	314.244
-34	32290	3229000	1adff2dc-756d-4121-a8eb-4637d6bb9233	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:36:57	712.669
-34	64580	3229000	823405af-2478-4be5-9a7c-4da373e1de4b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:55:12	954.740
-35	32291	3229100	e6b3015f-acdc-4e0f-a596-0a8c919ff4a7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:59:49	428.354
-35	64582	3229100	337106e9-d35d-41ef-aa3b-36394b05d036	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:43:05	262.492
-36	32292	3229200	5e206ae0-e13d-42fb-90e6-d0757859f9ef	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:40:29	-530.112
-36	64584	3229200	cb3ef3e1-864c-4a5c-8529-c6a8f477d4eb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:49:49	842.700
-37	32293	3229300	9ec7a462-4e43-4ec3-a202-e2992f9a9cce	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:12:50	-792.538
-37	64586	3229300	a90f689e-4c56-4dbf-b713-262f0757fd2f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:19:31	2.298
-38	32294	3229400	3d21cf24-bd94-4285-9eda-4724073e8770	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:33:01	-910.432
-38	64588	3229400	92d67a13-535b-4c41-b9ac-28eb6ac52f22	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:28:25	-460.744
-39	32295	3229500	e3d4147b-0213-41c4-935a-8308c250f895	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:18:01	971.642
-39	64590	3229500	19f8ed57-53c8-43f4-b27d-77895a2d2f0b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:01:37	-479.142
-40	32296	3229600	774f33c7-d38a-4ab7-9b28-773ac8f9eb52	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:00:09	-513.447
-40	64592	3229600	611b2445-cf35-49d4-982f-664407b88d94	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:28:31	145.154
-41	32297	3229700	c112d380-cbb8-4cc4-b8f9-b80ee0a87404	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:31:55	-170.753
-41	64594	3229700	d32492a5-bc48-4336-ad45-3318523c120d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:59:34	918.395
-42	32298	3229800	18c1aada-07a3-43f8-bf70-4e5f16aeb530	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:37:55	-560.563
-42	64596	3229800	27ba78fc-49b5-442a-ae61-133ff06a4492	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:24:33	470.92
-43	32299	3229900	12cc47f9-98a6-4c0a-a27f-c13431c8ead3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:21:10	-419.255
-43	64598	3229900	3b26851c-4d1d-4343-aefc-661e431d9ce5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:18:49	-740.776
-44	32300	3230000	0b8a1021-a639-4657-8c43-c9b28864de92	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:58:21	-794.210
-44	64600	3230000	b2da6808-7d32-4d3e-aaad-7a33a8b589da	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:54:40	68.866
-45	32301	3230100	e22cc445-498a-46b8-bd96-36c9f16f071e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:11:40	734.692
-45	64602	3230100	e644fa78-95be-4c29-95be-29f91b663224	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:18:29	221.740
-46	32302	3230200	4a8134b5-4865-4320-8d31-00df0b6cb0da	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:54:43	-636.985
-46	64604	3230200	ca988cec-0fb7-4e38-ade5-9171b7d1b926	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:04:08	-132.204
-47	32303	3230300	0e217460-fc87-4329-977e-e9564bc7d616	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:44:28	309.18
-47	64606	3230300	8764009b-bf35-417c-870d-56720e077022	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:19:17	850.802
-48	32304	3230400	20e6db02-0cf3-4c45-9918-8e8229809419	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:21:36	-824.827
-48	64608	3230400	60aa811a-1a9b-4739-a3fd-6d84d80baafb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:31:11	318.711
-49	32305	3230500	d201c35f-b03e-43df-a344-fb23b95c49a7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:58:03	-862.358
-49	64610	3230500	cc8342ce-f5e0-43ee-8584-35cb6f2c22a9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:33:13	392.278
-50	32306	3230600	ea6c2993-cf53-4faf-a811-766d906ead0b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:53:42	-138.471
-50	64612	3230600	43d57306-aeb6-4abf-9bec-2996b6c05bdd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:20:01	-641.758
-51	32307	3230700	00591889-b96d-4ba4-adc8-c0d37d270eb4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:58:01	857.868
-51	64614	3230700	322186fa-ea8e-45f0-8626-cba2e61b93f1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:24:55	427.448
-52	32308	3230800	0778f253-e68f-4813-b1d3-5fec06ef42a2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:05:43	95.889
-52	64616	3230800	d4accade-3866-4a67-b77a-5a46c5d2a3fe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:24:31	-829.600
-53	32309	3230900	22d971d5-566b-4c4c-b56e-0c34a05ecde7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:52:33	-316.894
-53	64618	3230900	173ff683-32cb-4565-9e5e-f23a672e2a9e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:22:18	547.733
-54	32310	3231000	a18d2661-837f-49f5-bbce-578934b1bc0a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:45:54	77.748
-54	64620	3231000	3509b7e1-9c91-4f24-9c86-f65ab8aed2e6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:52:23	-837.164
-55	32311	3231100	77dbb02b-648c-4226-9ca9-918b76d2e3a8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:10:17	146.658
-55	64622	3231100	81403e50-645e-4f93-93a7-c2313f105cd7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:07:01	517.745
-56	32312	3231200	adacd949-7573-4cd4-91f0-08cf277ef9d2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:17:21	390.582
-56	64624	3231200	e4d1b3a0-407c-4283-9aef-95d8e2645704	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:12:58	354.204
-57	32313	3231300	28b0fff5-7828-4f0a-9587-564b5ca3ef25	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:23:03	707.545
-57	64626	3231300	02acbede-a9e4-434e-8d31-89b4e2c3ecfc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:59:42	305.248
-58	32314	3231400	58fc3578-2b85-4aa0-8573-8ea52c70d593	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:18:55	425.542
-58	64628	3231400	e95f84f0-a983-47cf-bc6a-4592c27a4d70	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:36:32	954.68
-59	32315	3231500	3f6f10a5-9e58-4bc9-9b2c-49bb07e6fbc0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:20:23	534.208
-59	64630	3231500	f07880fb-2d88-49cc-a82f-639c3fd57317	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:43:08	-814.408
-60	32316	3231600	90f6c248-5e3d-4b7b-b111-f3978b1af50f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:30:18	94.752
-60	64632	3231600	3d5fa4ab-1832-472f-bb46-1325da81a465	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:37:38	-371.358
-61	32317	3231700	7f5831f0-22e3-4c11-9f46-78e79a466321	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:38:56	183.522
-61	64634	3231700	abdaf9ca-c7e3-49af-b881-b3b6fec5144d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:36:32	167.706
-62	32318	3231800	8ae97900-4b47-4cc3-9c98-efd26b76468d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:56:30	811.974
-62	64636	3231800	d08b4371-7392-42fc-bc80-e43a93229276	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:32:13	860.4
-63	32319	3231900	b30098af-8666-437a-bf8f-609aed044edc	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:38:02	347.965
-63	64638	3231900	ba76765d-2ce9-41f4-9dff-4053e29f7265	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:02:14	-736.475
-64	32320	3232000	437fc675-2505-43fe-a18e-edbc5a13db8d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:29:07	709.927
-64	64640	3232000	f4ae2b13-e3e9-4b55-8c84-43f174a67c44	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:48:08	-151.700
-65	32321	3232100	db59efbf-e35d-46fe-b7dc-29b1266dbe5e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:38:20	-133.454
-65	64642	3232100	8575e296-1fc3-4c79-ae46-65a5f292853d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:54:42	736.267
-66	32322	3232200	5f719fb7-423f-4bb7-bd51-66d6a4bceb51	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:16:01	377.690
-66	64644	3232200	b24bd25e-e3a7-4a22-bb44-7ecf3dc723f4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:07:51	-894.884
-67	32323	3232300	904bed25-2631-4114-a5b2-3b0e4e4bab34	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:04:36	389.556
-67	64646	3232300	ec5e7d69-da02-42de-a173-5084e8bf04f6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:32:35	390.95
-68	32324	3232400	99ab5f54-54a3-47ec-be00-65936c118066	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:25:48	-572.1
-68	64648	3232400	2e3369b5-a38f-4e33-abe2-588b806f88aa	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:42:14	-479.479
-69	32325	3232500	3d305cf1-7ae8-4abe-8c6c-1d4c02fd1fe1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:28:03	-127.391
-69	64650	3232500	09fb4c7c-00b0-4511-a2ee-bc22932891fb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:47:39	436.365
-70	32326	3232600	b5353e2a-c767-4494-9bb5-c0cf19b5563c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:41:40	908.225
-70	64652	3232600	e53ee3b6-6557-49ba-93e5-5e587afbcbf9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:42:53	890.352
-71	32327	3232700	1b1c3c2f-c6ed-47ca-99fa-84f4620d9c18	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:39:30	-538.73
-71	64654	3232700	46f16d84-f9bb-4b6f-8779-24ee14494436	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:13:33	634.513
-72	32328	3232800	9996fa6b-4500-45b6-88b2-aeee4eac840d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:36:40	-836.892
-72	64656	3232800	dd11dad1-9460-407f-b7bc-1c68a035c8b8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:16:49	709.824
-73	32329	3232900	340e8c79-79bd-4059-8f90-340c42fd2e88	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:13:58	647.237
-73	64658	3232900	a98a72b0-97ea-4c1d-a6f6-7fcbaa4ffd56	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:23:58	-131.77
-74	32330	3233000	28821bd1-6966-40c2-838d-1955561ea134	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:49:03	726.256
-74	64660	3233000	bb882e15-f360-49bf-82f6-03f02f2096d5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:20:55	-317.900
-75	32331	3233100	7d013589-4b91-4a2b-9125-b2548762cde0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:41:49	135.387
-75	64662	3233100	6e1899b4-8335-46be-a5d0-db66ae881a20	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:33:34	-448.353
-76	32332	3233200	8cb34756-0237-439d-b79e-c430bbb3b2a8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:05:24	328.985
-76	64664	3233200	196b9d53-b8f2-4446-9db9-fc3e04cc2a1e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:11:30	246.177
-77	32333	3233300	7b6cfc16-5d80-4e58-8042-89c4d4dda09a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:58:14	4.555
-77	64666	3233300	1fff481f-d756-4fc8-b1e6-901185db7a0c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:07:16	272.875
-78	32334	3233400	fe241fc2-5efe-4d7e-a486-56efe11ed71f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:09:25	-524.122
-78	64668	3233400	d7136cb6-3437-44a1-8068-c52f47594e47	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:11:06	11.865
-79	32335	3233500	c93cc49c-e123-4fc1-ad16-5f078386a904	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:24:01	-605.114
-79	64670	3233500	a9c90265-badf-4d42-be46-7f00e8fcd2e4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:07:31	589.550
-80	32336	3233600	9b864257-41b6-48a8-9934-c347310ea89e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:48:13	-611.815
-80	64672	3233600	f25a110f-9e3f-4db7-8eea-8cc86d5dafa7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:55:05	900.295
-81	32337	3233700	15552e01-3d15-496f-afbb-469f6164d12d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:51:37	746.22
-81	64674	3233700	5a40a457-c43f-4eee-a2c1-5323a55b313b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:18:22	336.563
-82	32338	3233800	9777ecef-fd4a-4f64-a767-c8cbc80d83c7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:21:13	379.833
-82	64676	3233800	868f8a8a-fd60-4c01-9d82-c9789a67e692	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:52:11	769.655
-83	32339	3233900	475092c0-71e9-408b-aa10-7db79a762178	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:59:33	344.46
-83	64678	3233900	14f62547-005b-4d95-a6a1-0890928e125e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:11:09	-529.372
-84	32340	3234000	1554938f-ae21-4673-8793-4eb65690acc8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:52:17	-724.548
-84	64680	3234000	3ca944a8-6df4-4ac1-bae1-0ff2f60d8523	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:20:46	-817.855
-85	32341	3234100	ef2491b9-a7c3-46fe-88ed-7bc5251cfe75	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:04:01	-690.970
-85	64682	3234100	47d64049-c4a8-46e7-a324-8f387a76ace9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:06:05	844.898
-86	32342	3234200	b4836848-2076-4b2e-9c4e-23e7424f7abe	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:16:04	397.726
-86	64684	3234200	8dd10e4a-bc08-4660-8eb8-d3f141ff7a13	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:15:52	109.143
-87	32343	3234300	42120cd0-206f-43ff-8373-a494e932bbe1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:29:30	-260.842
-87	64686	3234300	3fe7190f-fdd5-4c7f-9190-4206aa4f46bb	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:08:46	-52.719
-88	32344	3234400	d2413c8b-72a7-4fd1-9ec7-4be9031dc8a5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:30:38	-371.45
-88	64688	3234400	7259b297-78dc-4327-b032-e85ebf38a9e2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:43:01	-302.187
-89	32345	3234500	2508693c-7c6d-4dbf-8ceb-08c0cc4880f0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:04:33	898.113
-89	64690	3234500	7564067d-8413-473c-be75-b2b69c3f4b82	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:02:59	546.788
-90	32346	3234600	a31f8c5a-8352-4b33-8703-125e28825586	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:15:25	-537.609
-90	64692	3234600	ed54b7d6-fdc5-44b0-b90e-3cb2c22e7a71	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:42:50	-527.585
-91	32347	3234700	eea63ba7-4fe1-4e0a-8ee9-a2d28f44445b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:16:56	-690.697
-91	64694	3234700	b293e429-4a45-4743-934a-0702c85763cc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:04:04	121.101
-92	32348	3234800	caa112d5-90d6-4c4a-bcc8-71be25cdf2aa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:54:01	210.63
-92	64696	3234800	54ff3dc8-5e10-4360-9efd-25b8c84c4895	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:53:46	36.84
-93	32349	3234900	64757158-3cfb-40fc-8883-0f94820a003c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:59:07	-903.712
-93	64698	3234900	f5cabc38-fd11-4921-bb5d-99b79fe85687	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:22:25	-496.400
-94	32350	3235000	f2106748-fecc-4630-95bc-7fb9269a9157	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:07:02	-331.75
-94	64700	3235000	ac5f1e9a-b9f9-490a-a3e6-54afc74c0474	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:55:14	-868.990
-95	32351	3235100	91c36876-4611-410f-b9b3-50940678708d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:45:25	-790.648
-95	64702	3235100	66af8cd7-e699-4ed1-95fd-95d9022cbc0e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:41:05	-923.226
-96	32352	3235200	5846bfb7-a7fb-4e27-a485-3d42d32fd52b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:21:29	-25.277
-96	64704	3235200	8372a5f5-b5ca-4148-b106-f4b13994f5c2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:13:09	-48.868
-97	32353	3235300	12f33089-a4d5-4c28-bede-28e9694f0c57	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:51:08	61.293
-97	64706	3235300	29c9802f-6f4e-4ca8-a26c-6d05772b7f8c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:57:06	910.776
-98	32354	3235400	307c333b-5901-4d06-bdd0-98c9073bb975	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:25:07	643.954
-98	64708	3235400	d24d982c-df07-465a-9d67-f9bac99b751e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:03:43	370.508
-99	32355	3235500	70bdb615-d6b3-4d8e-a234-36cb8338602c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:19:58	-817.751
-99	64710	3235500	b7f49a8d-fdb7-4353-a7c7-57d15df5a9c0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:14:03	-265.169
-100	32356	3235600	ad7017b7-3c0a-49be-a456-c775e0c55772	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:56:32	865.215
-100	64712	3235600	c7e6704e-1a35-4812-88b5-f16005b8f8ab	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:33:51	373.973
-101	32357	3235700	e03d54ee-3a8e-4b0a-a6e5-2be5d4f6425f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:28:44	-471.486
-101	64714	3235700	383989e7-16b2-4796-9414-adb36a480890	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:08:46	920.502
-102	32358	3235800	4be9b04b-7c8f-4cf9-8710-719d4d0a1c16	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:45:17	-643.178
-102	64716	3235800	8650e3cc-d5b9-42cf-a340-cf48aeb3f111	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:07:38	-291.171
-103	32359	3235900	3e904606-6245-47e2-a642-494c985c777f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:38:34	390.796
-103	64718	3235900	9fca9826-8594-486c-876c-4a5a5d1d9863	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:42:01	845.839
-104	32360	3236000	39f6a2d9-9878-44a5-a6d8-5cd5a8fabed7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:09:57	118.760
-104	64720	3236000	ab50aa45-f809-4710-861d-5d395fb660df	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:34:32	-349.405
-105	32361	3236100	9782f012-88ba-46eb-a902-d698afef14b5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:28:02	28.584
-105	64722	3236100	7851a59d-1fb3-4afe-addf-f81b0c3e1257	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:04:20	-607.810
-106	32362	3236200	22e215ee-8cd5-4c82-ae49-0871bab78673	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:37:52	-74.773
-106	64724	3236200	b66df572-0c1a-46f7-bf42-e69b6ca48eb2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:12:49	134.921
-107	32363	3236300	2c748406-5fb5-40ac-a9fc-d983239fa1cc	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:59:08	-355.348
-107	64726	3236300	41846ee2-64ca-46ab-b774-725ba09027a0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:38:18	-872.257
-108	32364	3236400	6dfcee2f-af8e-464c-861b-4365af90ee46	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:56:41	-684.39
-108	64728	3236400	988d0e07-ad9e-4a4f-8398-a85569eb6698	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:08:08	612.144
-109	32365	3236500	84555d74-3e84-41ea-bda7-2c578e7c24c9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:15:03	660.364
-109	64730	3236500	d9026645-53cc-4dd2-b3ac-400dbb7ffd0f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:19:33	-130.859
-110	32366	3236600	59b00908-a8ae-4012-9d3a-e47afcbd1ff0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:33:58	543.880
-110	64732	3236600	fc7dbce6-0434-436a-9f2a-24698e2727fa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:46:27	-835.385
-111	32367	3236700	38e538e9-3620-4e43-ad68-6cb841a74752	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:17:33	724.3
-111	64734	3236700	f5d6f1ec-936b-4244-9e4d-9bc6bf236b8c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:47:44	-537.325
-112	32368	3236800	ba9a59f4-93d5-48c2-9b97-ba7ebebef287	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:57:06	-377.424
-112	64736	3236800	e5d4cc4d-3d9d-4b1f-a133-4795879e1575	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:07:00	943.936
-113	32369	3236900	53339ae1-59b7-4daf-9ed9-f658af1843da	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:00:27	-668.982
-113	64738	3236900	c7967a68-abb2-4cbe-a9f4-6ca0cec27c5e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:06:31	167.578
-114	32370	3237000	163a7db7-bafe-46db-8d19-4e871850ef4f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:39:36	21.352
-114	64740	3237000	ba64003a-47c3-4087-bd34-ba77631c09da	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:34:23	296.972
-115	32371	3237100	c0284665-0110-45ef-89aa-12564df856e2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:25:42	503.403
-115	64742	3237100	9d46ca76-3bdd-4c4a-b756-2a4453bc0cad	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:02:31	30.293
-116	32372	3237200	5dbf837a-3cdb-4b6d-bbc5-561271125947	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:35:04	651.387
-116	64744	3237200	b278208f-b80d-434e-b584-a3e99aa5b0b3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:09:23	-360.219
-117	32373	3237300	8595b6bf-4d1d-487a-87d8-cb1a735aaca2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:07:55	817.172
-117	64746	3237300	26e4a328-41d4-4207-b981-540c969ce640	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:00:04	699.958
-118	32374	3237400	ba6bca59-43c1-49a6-b404-3efaf427e38a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:21:13	183.29
-118	64748	3237400	9f81ca95-f954-437e-9fd4-eb2a3e9cd234	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:44:27	868.333
-119	32375	3237500	c9e4b48c-49af-43e6-a85e-2ff4a085dbc3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:26:38	-632.994
-119	64750	3237500	8abca48a-c43e-4109-89fc-655e7117ea8b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:23:58	-615.792
-120	32376	3237600	d538e177-d51a-4da3-8208-e177c8ba1f86	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:47:58	429.818
-120	64752	3237600	f350adb8-9695-408b-b23f-a6f58f8a2527	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:57:29	-796.605
-121	32377	3237700	e4354f4e-6c3d-4809-a6ee-857a505db8b2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:31:20	77.144
-121	64754	3237700	9dd1edde-ed27-4552-8d10-c6f5a1ae7ead	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:45:44	400.860
-122	32378	3237800	0da22ce3-7c2f-4c77-bfa4-c98a42af903e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:25:05	-443.518
-122	64756	3237800	516c5863-c757-4801-84b4-9cab3c1a53e4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:40:13	-559.780
-123	32379	3237900	eda6aba6-aa74-4f5d-8943-32bada2381aa	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:59:30	272.514
-123	64758	3237900	66e9c793-fe03-4337-af16-07848053578c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:12:40	-36.758
-124	32380	3238000	50731edf-50f9-44c6-8314-c53e242a11cf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:33:53	326.49
-124	64760	3238000	4b6d2274-c65a-4b3e-bbe1-8d25c3adb74a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:42:06	-798.274
-125	32381	3238100	9614cf5c-bfc6-461a-9800-84c71c580c62	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:30:12	694.717
-125	64762	3238100	818570d5-03ac-45ba-8bc2-b462227205d8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:04:06	379.656
-126	32382	3238200	cd8f23bd-13e8-4d5c-a3b6-6ff2b6e82ec7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:08:10	841.232
-126	64764	3238200	13b6814c-8480-456b-858d-25e149758d10	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:25:43	756.266
-127	32383	3238300	7283dcee-ef6c-46bc-841f-d4515566964b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:49:22	-133.837
-127	64766	3238300	036bbc40-70c8-4d3a-84e1-903b53475020	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:54:47	-96.123
-0	32384	3238400	f14703e9-cf0a-4f31-b995-1050cc0ee56a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:45:11	-541.428
-0	64768	3238400	69aac9ca-05b4-4c96-99fa-a3941ae81584	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:29:31	270.246
-1	32385	3238500	40059391-d324-44cc-a8cd-e67d7cb63329	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:38:31	-305.641
-1	64770	3238500	cc89b38f-1769-4954-a7b0-1e9ab19271ab	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:19:11	-259.76
-2	32386	3238600	8e1df890-a85d-453e-a0fe-894c1bb1d59d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:31:55	989.773
-2	64772	3238600	168c8dd4-008a-478c-93c1-df1b1fdcdb1f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:39:02	-741.547
-3	32387	3238700	dc37b5d4-43ad-45c8-b7b3-d53968a0015b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:58:34	-697.838
-3	64774	3238700	ce366fab-ffd9-4eca-ba67-ea72521d8524	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:53:37	-180.926
-4	32388	3238800	4b3aacfb-0d61-4495-a05c-34ca84aa7527	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:14:29	663.379
-4	64776	3238800	b2e76879-10d3-49e0-b7b6-45e182241d9a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:33:58	343.756
-5	32389	3238900	2fe5aa88-c5a2-4782-ae88-f9cec2ec8102	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:33:39	365.772
-5	64778	3238900	9890c287-1078-4b81-aa1e-67465fae38ae	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:15:18	-605.465
-6	32390	3239000	2d58e2df-8cd9-4291-bf53-b98f63352bc8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:00:43	-43.8
-6	64780	3239000	1c67b028-e8f5-4a3b-a66a-2f5f435a6755	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:53:38	-142.866
-7	32391	3239100	46f03ba9-2a70-4869-9577-3c66119078f9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:03:17	935.30
-7	64782	3239100	7b331eac-b784-41ec-be16-637030f99033	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:31:13	32.176
-8	32392	3239200	7ee4d0be-083d-4571-8a12-4ad888f52c7e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:53:01	-420.976
-8	64784	3239200	b8a7bdef-8173-4d64-8b84-425c1019d171	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:15:50	-494.400
-9	32393	3239300	3bcff6f8-cc76-49df-bffc-41510dd3c0b9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:02:44	200.686
-9	64786	3239300	3c4df291-71a8-4f6a-bfaa-5ad5bf32b09c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:04:03	-929.169
-10	32394	3239400	f845be24-4bf6-4ff5-849d-72786ee7e5d6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:10:31	-43.206
-10	64788	3239400	6dc85f60-df4b-41e8-8367-b5abb4d76849	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:45:50	-413.427
-11	32395	3239500	d954142a-b197-40a2-a8b7-669106aae684	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:04:25	181.561
-11	64790	3239500	3287599d-4dce-41d7-8cee-6a4c4383e787	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:17:00	672.996
-12	32396	3239600	70fe97a1-a598-45b1-93ea-ee9679230b16	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:53:43	802.454
-12	64792	3239600	8f4be843-bc50-44a6-a8ee-242d78208cd9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:53:45	103.94
-13	32397	3239700	248880f3-9c8f-4352-883a-6530384ec84c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:11:41	541.292
-13	64794	3239700	2afbc8f4-bde5-4b2e-8cc7-73d32ed2bbad	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:30:37	276.469
-14	32398	3239800	ee1556a5-fcb3-448f-bc5b-28be0ca985b7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:48:47	-15.41
-14	64796	3239800	f0d877c2-c942-475d-9e28-546ebb8fafc3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:01:25	932.25
-15	32399	3239900	7fc06c19-0ed7-4e84-a48a-6ead8a957322	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:49:46	-916.47
-15	64798	3239900	fb30873b-4a7a-41ec-b497-0d5e05f2994e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:02:41	-660.310
-16	32400	3240000	b8d0d14d-d10c-4899-8c6d-3d9f9a158ab0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:16:31	-913.831
-16	64800	3240000	239c0fc2-73be-4a98-a1a7-2b026cf257ca	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:29:40	101.274
-17	32401	3240100	f7ac083e-fd42-43fa-aedb-c779e2e4f2d1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:16:18	269.241
-17	64802	3240100	251dfa33-e0e1-427f-b852-0d297bfc3193	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:53:20	-887.824
-18	32402	3240200	94bd5bf8-ccbf-4c94-aa5f-cc5d0f025ac1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:08:06	333.753
-18	64804	3240200	92d1c7ed-db64-466a-af74-01939d2f2093	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:47:33	-849.193
-19	32403	3240300	5b42ec0e-c2d1-4ee0-bc6a-61bf001de4b9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:24:12	-480.168
-19	64806	3240300	52597918-584e-45cd-9847-29ce4de237d0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:00:01	-911.831
-20	32404	3240400	77fa42b4-b482-4f7c-aab8-7f95fbd5693f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:59:01	-603.863
-20	64808	3240400	91ed2a12-57af-4d39-a237-de4ae12e3f15	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:25:48	815.260
-21	32405	3240500	9f6d41ab-2eb7-457c-b35d-eeeabf85715f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:33:38	-12.391
-21	64810	3240500	9c4a8afb-932e-4634-9f2d-f5f72e889037	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:21:40	748.868
-22	32406	3240600	1385f365-dd49-4cd9-ab05-660b5746bb71	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:51:20	-482.321
-22	64812	3240600	4dc222e6-8455-4704-a150-c0915d7cd154	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:45:58	-831.869
-23	32407	3240700	185e639d-d64a-403f-b428-38d17d3f131f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:59:03	-379.762
-23	64814	3240700	4c8fb8b8-41c3-4a5d-a80b-5333e29725ea	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:37:07	-338.368
-24	32408	3240800	e34f14c5-e48d-4e60-8254-a1ab3f84f3ea	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:28:49	32.87
-24	64816	3240800	9e9cc0a7-13bc-493f-9cae-4925730d968c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:46:51	-963.547
-25	32409	3240900	ae9c0526-5343-40e6-9285-d838594c05ad	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:43:55	164.517
-25	64818	3240900	28e86ba2-ff39-49f5-9d09-9a5cb9457363	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:24:01	-833.592
-26	32410	3241000	b6fffe8a-bf85-4c55-8e7f-ede2710ca087	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:33:05	228.384
-26	64820	3241000	033f683f-235a-4a11-a872-b59271940067	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:55:16	153.151
-27	32411	3241100	3fa24c1c-2859-4098-8fb4-89ce6b70a312	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:50:40	358.685
-27	64822	3241100	1a47b3dc-0553-4ee5-81d8-657c6ca9995a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:00:58	-658.981
-28	32412	3241200	ea3b050d-f8b2-4c3a-866f-241bf8277c9e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:45:02	425.200
-28	64824	3241200	e9171f15-74dd-4859-b022-e0132e40de0f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:52:41	-105.534
-29	32413	3241300	addef0b7-d935-42de-923d-ddd574218cae	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:28:30	742.509
-29	64826	3241300	bdc89613-1f44-46b8-8ad4-deca97989050	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:21:15	-66.155
-30	32414	3241400	7925a8f6-15fa-4ce2-bbd3-ce82d43388ea	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:02:38	-777.518
-30	64828	3241400	d5a587ee-d4d5-47fa-8aa1-031d4c599afa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:56:31	-886.950
-31	32415	3241500	d40f3386-9909-458d-8446-d51c0a4b5720	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:33:15	488.444
-31	64830	3241500	ef5d57cd-4a0c-4e09-9e8b-d3c206c7e1fe	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:13:51	553.79
-32	32416	3241600	ba528079-7d80-416a-a445-f03b14b57ee7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:04:49	711.449
-32	64832	3241600	81d6db86-efae-48e9-9100-26d5e07b3581	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:01:52	129.338
-33	32417	3241700	4986beae-41aa-49ba-84d7-2b54baf62256	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:57:35	828.2
-33	64834	3241700	9007dd65-b57a-47c1-a7a8-36a55c8b36de	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:02:02	266.759
-34	32418	3241800	b899b1a6-0bc4-4ae2-be0f-2452017ec1fb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:16:45	-853.560
-34	64836	3241800	9a6a1c85-06ec-463a-af72-8d349bc89f46	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:24:23	-194.336
-35	32419	3241900	3a2ee79b-2ef2-4366-ad44-2e0edaa21f13	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:50:11	995.808
-35	64838	3241900	caac567b-952f-495a-b7a6-28e1b7b3fb8b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:44:13	-299.327
-36	32420	3242000	f1ae5f4e-8068-436f-bf8f-ed29c8717a02	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:12:11	92.632
-36	64840	3242000	c90978ce-a221-4b2a-9f85-509eeff968d4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:35:03	-587.123
-37	32421	3242100	e5c4db0f-076d-4f95-a18f-6ace0f6eae18	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:21:57	354.740
-37	64842	3242100	f21eaea8-3e58-4c2d-890e-9d90ec5fca3c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:37:44	316.121
-38	32422	3242200	362f97be-d5a2-4170-a8c4-ce45a955e3ec	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:11:45	-603.142
-38	64844	3242200	95ce857f-e6f3-43a8-9284-5a175a5efd76	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:36:37	-140.94
-39	32423	3242300	c69c1970-c9e5-4f0b-9d30-4a6dd82a3cf1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:38:38	-143.315
-39	64846	3242300	7580d0b6-837c-4810-af9a-ee0f3d2b64d7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:13:29	-726.113
-40	32424	3242400	765b7f1a-9c7e-4a27-ac07-a47ebed5616a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:54:46	250.695
-40	64848	3242400	7eabd1cb-f476-48a7-9872-e99eb8ca8f9a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:08:18	-318.963
-41	32425	3242500	cee0931e-3c63-41d8-ac25-881b9b97202d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:09:55	297.594
-41	64850	3242500	c8119b2c-4525-47aa-8f0f-e6a98cb77b8d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:24:03	-638.128
-42	32426	3242600	a3159d96-a9a3-4909-ad1e-cb0017283f2a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:07:25	-757.387
-42	64852	3242600	c3c7008d-efd0-4f88-90f8-1d0c5e265b63	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:02:33	96.301
-43	32427	3242700	91d18806-71fc-41ae-8d67-bd76e42d23b6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:50:41	-78.520
-43	64854	3242700	5d43f2c2-6a0c-4dfb-8270-344c40aa812e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:02:48	-355.567
-44	32428	3242800	975c7edd-83ee-4401-9b75-b7d17e539a88	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:47:41	354.657
-44	64856	3242800	9c959160-44f1-45d2-bfe6-81204eadd540	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:00:09	-170.569
-45	32429	3242900	b3ba1d62-caaa-45b8-abf7-0de652ff08a9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:49:33	-587.91
-45	64858	3242900	50728317-1610-444d-9484-1bf95a689aba	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:31:58	-68.156
-46	32430	3243000	2044811c-bbf0-49d6-a940-3233a92d7c2d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:05:52	152.686
-46	64860	3243000	27cbd1ad-d5c1-4b63-99ab-658a4f357612	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:04:16	-441.690
-47	32431	3243100	af815122-3a18-4962-acb7-07786bf4c510	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:57:05	9.369
-47	64862	3243100	e42e65af-d1de-4141-9dc2-3b9e5d30d9ad	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:18:40	263.561
-48	32432	3243200	8d94fe4a-f643-442b-8034-d0f9463ad157	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:34:38	404.534
-48	64864	3243200	5ab03599-6acc-47a3-bfad-2ea9010c00dc	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:46:27	-890.954
-49	32433	3243300	157945d4-d9b0-4f60-91e3-79c0f84801b8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:10:33	915.649
-49	64866	3243300	24f70ed7-dbd2-428b-a737-400b96854baa	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:51:21	-505.381
-50	32434	3243400	55032ecc-3471-4edd-951e-d027332b228c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:18:43	919.152
-50	64868	3243400	d55dd2ff-18cf-44a4-afdc-a2a9555ced9d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:59:50	507.698
-51	32435	3243500	a8d6f2d0-9bae-448d-a144-5ab9f3d9942f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:55:20	709.6
-51	64870	3243500	d8b8ac91-0be0-4e3a-97f0-d271d844e28b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:43:22	940.487
-52	32436	3243600	c0d000eb-1d7b-4ab4-8d86-719fc8ed70d3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:30:35	457.703
-52	64872	3243600	74eb9492-5e87-43e7-b4e2-cc36f912b1e8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:10:19	-476.664
-53	32437	3243700	4e9aa495-7bb9-4810-bfb0-b7733c53e2ab	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:07:26	801.715
-53	64874	3243700	b47952c4-72a7-4d11-93ad-2023041af2fa	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:17:45	121.357
-54	32438	3243800	5b2291fe-c250-43f7-9302-78d007fc3810	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:45:05	163.652
-54	64876	3243800	d0984f32-419b-4415-829d-e166beb0b3a7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:40:39	-370.49
-55	32439	3243900	a622a43b-743b-4be9-87a7-205027bde39f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:10:33	743.688
-55	64878	3243900	e80874a7-6fb1-49f9-8af0-6114c05ade1a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:21:42	-859.543
-56	32440	3244000	8117275e-ac6d-4e3e-aa39-18e07c962220	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:38:51	-53.399
-56	64880	3244000	8fccd7cf-b57f-47f1-adef-267be303b94c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:29:28	37.226
-57	32441	3244100	6951831b-fa2b-48ca-813f-5ac37a2a1776	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:12:16	-291.144
-57	64882	3244100	6196d09b-f6c4-4474-8d5e-4b04241c1d15	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:28:34	-569.375
-58	32442	3244200	bb98faae-70f9-4ccc-87aa-a0217b29f0af	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:18:44	-247.274
-58	64884	3244200	b6916b3c-8297-4088-8c3d-340a8a5b9820	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:26:27	841.461
-59	32443	3244300	ddb5c8ce-7ce1-4f9c-92d9-2a0d6c3ffa24	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:06:45	-290.14
-59	64886	3244300	4d30af91-ff9d-41fd-9e4e-776ebdd413fe	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:38:15	779.274
-60	32444	3244400	ee198661-cc1f-4875-aec0-d0ea3432ccbd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:55:46	-77.601
-60	64888	3244400	dfa2062e-8573-41a6-b006-5227e62d35d9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:21:14	-478.377
-61	32445	3244500	a0a5215e-b959-459f-9d1b-4818896cd96a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:22:35	507.243
-61	64890	3244500	1cb6d096-0f7f-4baa-b4eb-3fdd59ea8be4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:36:42	54.584
-62	32446	3244600	171ba102-6f42-49c0-a1bd-a9e1c8eb6019	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:08:14	439.282
-62	64892	3244600	08bb2bac-d220-4281-bf53-3aa4d0b10eb5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:13:14	915.768
-63	32447	3244700	375df66c-776d-4ab2-ae9e-b7f4766b70c4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:16:02	467.790
-63	64894	3244700	a8f29464-acfc-4a50-b414-b972b8deda55	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:57:23	567.833
-64	32448	3244800	aa56c4cc-d89f-4274-be7c-ca6bf404de31	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:54:32	-520.692
-64	64896	3244800	ad56bd5e-5c03-45b9-840d-ccbdadf90899	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:20:04	-32.9
-65	32449	3244900	e3d5364f-403d-4ef8-877f-2ed7ea22428b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:27:39	807.928
-65	64898	3244900	123ddcb2-5cd3-45e2-9ed6-db762d5d1fbb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:54:37	-598.959
-66	32450	3245000	052b60de-5f5a-45f7-b1f3-c29ec158de0f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:37:51	-875.126
-66	64900	3245000	30c351df-7c95-45a3-ae31-99968416ac42	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:12:05	-439.942
-67	32451	3245100	8c8b8d77-50ba-4dc3-9ff9-8c91c2cb3015	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:35:20	165.550
-67	64902	3245100	6f22bb47-65fb-4b87-a4e1-843f41f61c57	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:19:43	-668.159
-68	32452	3245200	1c8d5693-c267-42b8-93bf-33a3ed020d32	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:54:04	831.422
-68	64904	3245200	d982cdb0-6fa1-4cbf-9c3b-a76fffbb6834	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:27:02	-152.653
-69	32453	3245300	2590607c-18aa-423b-b045-5efa816cd707	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:48:12	-383.351
-69	64906	3245300	c7816fe4-b4c2-44b9-97cc-50bf16f8da01	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:38:17	743.908
-70	32454	3245400	030a352b-344f-4cba-b592-2c5e6c667583	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:14:53	-604.719
-70	64908	3245400	7e0ea62a-e840-4f8c-83c2-7d127c95f6a4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:22:19	496.501
-71	32455	3245500	02fb25c4-5ab7-4bf0-9ccd-3144ed899720	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:24:14	-782.862
-71	64910	3245500	d507055e-bba8-44e6-837a-fcdaffe391ae	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:55:16	99.916
-72	32456	3245600	631f5134-132a-4ee5-8106-21b629062c7b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:51:39	-610.44
-72	64912	3245600	8dab542d-728c-4c1c-831d-822d3719e056	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:58:33	-850.490
-73	32457	3245700	a030d34b-ad92-47fd-aaf1-ac04da57600e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:36:09	-323.208
-73	64914	3245700	8a430d6a-7f25-49ba-859f-5a1f802b237b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:08:50	-49.399
-74	32458	3245800	f8f7054b-29b6-430c-98bf-3a4147699f91	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:09:19	-217.23
-74	64916	3245800	1b70fa5c-34f5-4fc1-a3e5-456315256f94	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:26:05	-490.379
-75	32459	3245900	97922a8b-e21e-4a23-b133-541f08d9963f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:23:03	-517.185
-75	64918	3245900	4138e607-bf4a-4b04-a3aa-ed9b5d622a9f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:07:56	-688.282
-76	32460	3246000	972f805b-db13-42a1-9869-c9039220ac6e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:28:40	418.643
-76	64920	3246000	4649c9bc-c47d-42a9-b9a0-b1857a2c2267	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:55:34	634.497
-77	32461	3246100	23a1680e-35ef-4f06-b1ab-10232b7476ad	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:06:27	534.984
-77	64922	3246100	63a26393-85f7-4c84-b75e-d0e417af357a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:38:52	-642.607
-78	32462	3246200	43477cf8-b0f3-4230-9bdc-19e3555d5ea8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:01:53	659.872
-78	64924	3246200	41f5906e-84b8-4803-8018-9d941ab0644f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:20:31	645.491
-79	32463	3246300	ab1cc437-0f53-4ff1-8a60-1eb1b1364221	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:58:24	279.106
-79	64926	3246300	58fffcaa-63a0-4a8e-bd5e-90c0b5757e53	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:07:25	-517.877
-80	32464	3246400	7f837402-b0de-4261-8abf-817143fa005b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:10:47	-754.311
-80	64928	3246400	2e723e93-d3fb-4fb5-8ecc-179122ecaa80	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:19:33	519.379
-81	32465	3246500	57c00c2c-c353-4068-928a-a26ed3263569	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:17:41	738.735
-81	64930	3246500	54f07ce6-883b-4fa9-915a-b2cf2fda0f58	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:02:10	377.287
-82	32466	3246600	e432368e-19d3-4e5b-a65c-2a86fc41d0eb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:01:25	-205.443
-82	64932	3246600	8450113a-1675-4962-9db4-78197e8e5fd6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:12:16	-453.578
-83	32467	3246700	b739a21b-364e-44a6-a603-e4c5bb2c1e11	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:10:40	108.610
-83	64934	3246700	58d26889-ce10-40c5-be7e-a56af6635cb2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:55:52	-915.951
-84	32468	3246800	4981b4a8-5ce1-4175-ace4-8f35642a033c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:09:34	-641.656
-84	64936	3246800	61512a09-63e0-4e71-bbec-4d3d2f2f2075	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:33:36	-436.889
-85	32469	3246900	2128b29b-07df-410d-ad5c-12acf7d3cc5e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:39:03	-612.753
-85	64938	3246900	da5631d9-81e0-4367-8670-220232cc99fe	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:45:18	171.964
-86	32470	3247000	e81a5718-83eb-4b12-b24f-0c614a2a91d8	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:43:30	-181.470
-86	64940	3247000	a55dc75f-4693-43ce-8fb9-33301f2dd63c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:09:41	-519.987
-87	32471	3247100	4c24f6f6-dc4e-40bc-ad82-a55bedca9aa9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:41:04	893.884
-87	64942	3247100	1c628d51-ab0b-4bd1-8734-a8494635c35f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:39:26	-760.141
-88	32472	3247200	800b2fe5-e173-4d5e-a5b2-e556fd01d216	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:04:39	-937.24
-88	64944	3247200	5232e7f4-cc4d-4e50-915c-e47533ce458c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:34:24	-793.787
-89	32473	3247300	27f17f59-8f0e-485f-9bc5-532c55932297	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:42:37	223.39
-89	64946	3247300	b0c8c3f6-e8de-4cea-8fc6-10ff5d876699	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:08:00	-421.0
-90	32474	3247400	acee3b95-7fb1-47ac-8df9-dd1126e1e672	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:42:03	852.734
-90	64948	3247400	63a9b040-c867-4e4f-941d-9cbf8f772c19	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:09:47	547.910
-91	32475	3247500	b10ba3b4-eb48-499f-9d04-a210b8ac1461	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:30:33	807.866
-91	64950	3247500	58399cbc-604e-40c3-957e-99939e212f9f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:47:08	538.908
-92	32476	3247600	d53d960f-1046-41e0-951e-e159b18b0f00	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:37:22	-554.513
-92	64952	3247600	0887cf55-5a5a-4448-a6f2-813ee41399ce	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:19:21	814.83
-93	32477	3247700	3b1e8aba-d6c7-4dd1-a921-0c5697406c4c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:36:51	246.335
-93	64954	3247700	302d3c37-7049-49c0-90b2-d6308de8bbba	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:51:55	-993.7
-94	32478	3247800	ce8544a0-6c9a-4d30-be15-77728f97e834	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:28:13	-897.302
-94	64956	3247800	6492bfcb-e4cb-4148-8aea-5aebffd38433	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:27:14	260.663
-95	32479	3247900	a6bc08d8-b59c-4de6-97e7-b4a7acb4ee9d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:57:58	-463.608
-95	64958	3247900	7ed9c854-0d78-497f-8810-9ac01dba7cba	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:12:39	-966.753
-96	32480	3248000	0d114220-5002-4d43-b04d-891c0910930d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:26:52	-506.267
-96	64960	3248000	3cb503f4-6637-4ef9-8eba-cdb9cab60a09	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:59:30	-286.597
-97	32481	3248100	ffed69bd-2a99-47b9-af98-192d16c9d12e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:30:39	-870.532
-97	64962	3248100	a5394ad5-4566-432d-af78-2aea85a8e2da	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:44:24	11.347
-98	32482	3248200	4f0d5429-8d23-4639-bf88-786751a9c0e9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:38:15	45.584
-98	64964	3248200	5cc6009d-971e-4b71-a4d4-a22a431c628a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:24:10	359.209
-99	32483	3248300	b1b07e51-8679-4ae1-8a2e-c95107345cb4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:10:05	-96.135
-99	64966	3248300	4022822e-34b3-4fe7-a042-c72f6a4150f4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:08:04	-742.246
-100	32484	3248400	de7eb37f-23dd-4d77-b257-c630345b2423	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:17:28	-523.989
-100	64968	3248400	be5435d0-2af6-475b-a596-9070e8d1b034	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:52:06	-41.445
-101	32485	3248500	3dcc7f64-98d1-4ef7-82ab-25d0b9d91c8a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:55:29	-134.340
-101	64970	3248500	01090f61-9aca-4faf-ad95-6f54f6e9ecdc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:48:28	-499.800
-102	32486	3248600	8eda17a0-f96f-49e4-bf72-2b09d6ba9387	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:22:26	286.205
-102	64972	3248600	0450ef19-5c9b-49d4-8bfc-02c03da519db	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:05:44	-880.218
-103	32487	3248700	bbc54fe7-bb47-4258-8dab-60786e045959	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:06:33	-101.58
-103	64974	3248700	e4926c69-fa7e-4535-ba77-f25b2460ebaa	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:53:07	7.311
-104	32488	3248800	9340dfe1-cb29-467b-9140-eb66e143ba3d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:20:09	-709.501
-104	64976	3248800	5086d2cd-f1e0-4b9f-9707-ea7f967c4315	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:41:07	364.201
-105	32489	3248900	f750009e-c34f-4847-98c3-ba7432cf3587	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:33:17	-991.171
-105	64978	3248900	5e39200e-ac3b-4a97-b124-a1ad618474e9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:19:10	-505.825
-106	32490	3249000	50e4ae9a-e4c7-40d8-b155-526c48c29c70	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:25:45	-332.948
-106	64980	3249000	f75ef23e-d9db-4a05-83b2-a7d339b05b70	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:09:05	116.723
-107	32491	3249100	23122050-88ed-4c13-b415-e8b0b35c3fca	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:52:33	308.338
-107	64982	3249100	011d0e25-7d80-45c0-8aaf-cc654fc12ccb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:06:04	-654.517
-108	32492	3249200	7d3a9fc8-68a8-4902-a24c-249131ecfefd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:31:34	-465.441
-108	64984	3249200	800941d6-e935-421a-81d8-c5875f919283	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:23:23	312.842
-109	32493	3249300	f68acdb3-b50b-4413-8c5e-214a55df6e57	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:06:00	987.984
-109	64986	3249300	1332ac12-4231-4bce-a5f6-6cafbc23159f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:49:09	184.703
-110	32494	3249400	ff5cbdda-9d3f-4c53-a1d8-c5f7aa760584	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:18:11	-145.805
-110	64988	3249400	0df8a294-5873-4493-bb49-31f6fd7bed41	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:41:13	-205.251
-111	32495	3249500	4e1d7987-e63c-4ed0-85c1-83e41e869b93	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:00:46	-411.732
-111	64990	3249500	78280db0-8a08-4910-81b5-5823af085b90	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:44:12	188.137
-112	32496	3249600	dc82f297-88d4-499d-a9ad-0bad8e666280	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:07:42	-198.623
-112	64992	3249600	fa75397a-1806-47fb-a577-5215f8ab6810	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:44:03	448.342
-113	32497	3249700	a864ba05-797c-4ed8-94d1-428f077f8c73	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:50:45	559.877
-113	64994	3249700	f53bcf8a-12d5-416b-93e0-826abf827d3f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:33:27	-202.331
-114	32498	3249800	521a04e7-3e8a-4dd9-b8e0-72f83604dfa7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:51:48	355.528
-114	64996	3249800	134e3083-4277-4eb2-8cf8-e1dbc3969828	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:01:22	-642.202
-115	32499	3249900	5f005da5-5198-4f26-93c6-4780b1df32c5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:36:28	136.679
-115	64998	3249900	df451e5c-d158-4121-979c-1ba3818a81e9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:24:35	-73.940
-116	32500	3250000	7ff55fe5-cb07-4d00-9260-2594ae856086	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:10:03	349.681
-116	65000	3250000	3bc29e87-8e6e-4714-b2ab-657982836536	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:27:27	134.104
-117	32501	3250100	fdbd1d6b-6dbe-4661-8d9b-4e519db62473	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:28:08	108.176
-117	65002	3250100	57b59942-0c6a-4ba3-9483-2c01a7957d10	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:24:34	986.977
-118	32502	3250200	ab6ff50a-792a-4a75-8063-172383e2dd76	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:43:08	-591.94
-118	65004	3250200	8f7ee376-b323-4b3b-ad86-355ddad92b79	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:53:12	-277.95
-119	32503	3250300	b282f2a5-ca92-42c7-a13a-5a8a5f9f6e49	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:32:24	-565.415
-119	65006	3250300	f2fa32b3-eb7f-4ea8-a8e2-a693679865b5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:18:59	-787.113
-120	32504	3250400	66bfae9b-0980-4c91-83af-caf618ab076c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:13:54	969.865
-120	65008	3250400	1c248518-9124-4f9a-a564-951fd235ec24	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:37:37	-797.349
-121	32505	3250500	87966ef5-2448-4bad-b23f-cf907eb0ba30	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:22:10	-133.971
-121	65010	3250500	0a0e289c-1d21-460d-9148-125b6e1e30aa	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:04:24	771.276
-122	32506	3250600	dc999c27-dcfa-400d-949f-057b06f024cc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:41:43	364.375
-122	65012	3250600	cee71e9d-802a-428f-a2a5-243b97fd69ba	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:13:36	-512.477
-123	32507	3250700	f7244f64-5bc6-4569-bbee-d77883cba4e8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:54:32	116.758
-123	65014	3250700	a5d8b415-d505-4de4-84ab-549952247e64	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:40:46	-653.528
-124	32508	3250800	8edce75e-09ba-40f4-b555-03134b715504	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:40:06	-326.532
-124	65016	3250800	ddacf245-5655-4bb0-9f49-9f0e0329ce94	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:43:07	-656.234
-125	32509	3250900	a4d9b04e-79fc-4e84-918c-b54fef96a7b6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:49:33	263.824
-125	65018	3250900	f791dafe-00d4-427d-84fa-c99f01b13d31	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:14:18	-939.537
-126	32510	3251000	9f3c5ace-194a-4816-9f57-f9b442482428	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:44:49	-895.642
-126	65020	3251000	6e44b471-2b9c-4d4d-b211-e93092028ebb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:38:35	708.932
-127	32511	3251100	0a652cac-59a9-41b7-a59b-3e751ab73aac	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:52:22	338.669
-127	65022	3251100	6e51e915-9485-46c6-835e-fc516d424bd9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:46:17	890.265
-0	32512	3251200	f92c8c43-4dbd-4e5f-bc94-d921e668e12c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:29:48	986.391
-0	65024	3251200	3354aba1-1113-4385-8617-77626df09b15	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:01:33	296.407
-1	32513	3251300	e8c20ce6-6b5b-45d2-93f7-9409e99ff359	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:31:05	621.610
-1	65026	3251300	c3e7c571-8e1c-4d70-822e-f5190c997039	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:42:02	-292.763
-2	32514	3251400	bd9a2547-4423-4dd4-ada2-4fa2eefced66	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:25:38	-26.774
-2	65028	3251400	13def277-07ff-4969-99c4-fe1c87dabe4e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:16:34	506.936
-3	32515	3251500	61650772-05f7-4ef3-8387-fe9a3462a805	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:20:12	648.837
-3	65030	3251500	1e037026-24ba-4e7c-aaf7-f2dfca1fa484	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:02:14	-8.59
-4	32516	3251600	7f435c8e-ca4e-471c-acf8-69ee689bb2f2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:19:50	-858.435
-4	65032	3251600	8cd484b4-bcfd-4807-8440-267f4857b2a9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:30:10	-799.888
-5	32517	3251700	6a14a73c-6b7c-4e45-964c-093fa297e17a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:26:00	653.70
-5	65034	3251700	32debf36-b573-4c1d-bb74-14915011fdbc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:46:18	215.361
-6	32518	3251800	181dbd1a-e8a1-410c-a1ac-bb541376f25f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:11:14	955.73
-6	65036	3251800	73d9a05c-f4ee-4e46-b660-73e38605c3ea	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:41:55	989.333
-7	32519	3251900	101c3011-6a88-465a-87ac-133d67b7428b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:55:51	-767.305
-7	65038	3251900	a9ff2014-2846-43be-b8f5-2e42f52c2f88	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:48:51	-699.674
-8	32520	3252000	87d6e510-0825-48df-90c1-ceffa37c46de	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:05:10	74.837
-8	65040	3252000	53921ccd-9ea9-445c-b505-8a340fc2dca4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:15:38	301.229
-9	32521	3252100	a83640af-9f04-484e-a60d-39b9e8bf9e35	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:09:49	-610.220
-9	65042	3252100	6dbf20e1-ee4b-4221-be03-3efcaae70fa9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:07:50	950.145
-10	32522	3252200	7ed94af8-b7f7-4b16-bb2f-a4cc20b2131a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:13:54	763.457
-10	65044	3252200	c9735d80-1e72-46d9-a7bb-2d9d070a7d86	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:39:26	630.675
-11	32523	3252300	3e8c0149-5f53-4363-b68a-97c95fed469d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:16:35	972.620
-11	65046	3252300	ac8d9482-fff1-4645-96dc-b2fac54eee73	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:19:48	467.282
-12	32524	3252400	a74dce9f-d5b0-416e-a94b-b8f7ea51f5dc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:56:32	-456.907
-12	65048	3252400	94f92da7-3eab-4352-99a8-03e46f7a3adc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:06:10	-875.87
-13	32525	3252500	99a3fc95-7ad0-42cb-9be7-c7b8745cb4ea	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:53:24	140.587
-13	65050	3252500	8eed6dbb-628f-42f5-8edf-c1ade370f0e0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:48:55	102.980
-14	32526	3252600	cc8516ce-cd33-4741-b432-401729102631	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:56:29	844.557
-14	65052	3252600	d4f213ad-7881-4863-a18f-5d29f5d4d90e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:16:04	-876.189
-15	32527	3252700	db49ab04-5af6-43cc-b2bb-416aa666e4e1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:11:21	871.601
-15	65054	3252700	204db825-57b0-4e2b-80bf-752feff125ee	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:46:41	230.832
-16	32528	3252800	c733be18-4342-4bed-b95c-57fd858ee02c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:29:27	689.855
-16	65056	3252800	15e5403d-1604-4a20-9d31-943c2fa0b531	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:44:48	260.96
-17	32529	3252900	209872e3-5053-468d-b2a0-fc9389f49c51	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:49:23	-102.377
-17	65058	3252900	73a15909-4535-49a0-b311-a34abb191ee8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:20:59	-947.716
-18	32530	3253000	7d71b8d8-0e1c-488e-a408-cae74b18ea06	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:41:46	-816.252
-18	65060	3253000	c8169d5f-ca80-4cdb-8560-b08504a68b6c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:40:32	776.753
-19	32531	3253100	4bb750fc-4c95-4b90-b4d0-2f17213263c6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:54:01	-871.176
-19	65062	3253100	1a98b43a-b392-4e39-804b-107bd2deff2c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:22:14	884.997
-20	32532	3253200	6e497313-bd7a-40c5-8b90-54bb76f6d90f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:45:31	-554.802
-20	65064	3253200	e895f7f4-d27e-41a4-948f-eaedf38d5b90	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:26:14	-393.935
-21	32533	3253300	32529c6f-6919-449d-9228-1886764dca59	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:58:58	756.236
-21	65066	3253300	67d9c2a5-793a-4ed8-a3e6-f1a0bba8c416	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:04:15	-930.411
-22	32534	3253400	2c6b1ac6-77ef-461b-8d0b-1ecdcb82573a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:16:28	194.983
-22	65068	3253400	9d67b2fe-396f-4ebf-abf9-63a50dfb702c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:00:13	380.584
-23	32535	3253500	b9f0ec03-3e86-41fa-b449-6caf93f6e7e8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:47:55	380.977
-23	65070	3253500	29e2e203-ada9-4ddd-b2db-77e45950ea62	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:54:42	934.312
-24	32536	3253600	dd5b814c-3b59-49a6-93ef-41a60f855bf3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:34:52	-468.605
-24	65072	3253600	97a9db5e-3a3e-469d-adba-9c2af7254ba8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:44:37	244.944
-25	32537	3253700	5e0cba24-6ecf-4618-bd42-511bc563408a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:31:45	-110.698
-25	65074	3253700	de766a31-79bf-4b57-91ab-3b2b6df812fe	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:01:35	-381.560
-26	32538	3253800	b5411c99-4c27-4794-8c32-eec95e4edb18	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:14:40	-342.0
-26	65076	3253800	bcc14bdc-edfe-492a-a7b6-e162c69066e3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:41:40	-55.410
-27	32539	3253900	5072d31d-3156-4e6d-935d-ddaa3246357d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:49:07	-905.938
-27	65078	3253900	24cd3805-8ba2-4f44-8e3a-d738c80477b9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:17:59	-911.586
-28	32540	3254000	b4522607-4a0f-4387-9c22-91064a6f5ae6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:12:48	-966.949
-28	65080	3254000	bee067b4-1afd-4701-833e-2c5440618adc	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:31:34	-916.900
-29	32541	3254100	60477404-6c83-4e1d-aaaa-fb141b8d154c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:59:48	150.731
-29	65082	3254100	155e68f5-8022-445d-99c9-83e0d1526d79	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:36:55	-617.553
-30	32542	3254200	eb7b2286-6ef8-421f-b0f9-fff95f1c74cd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:38:56	133.799
-30	65084	3254200	8aa85ddc-a47a-4c5d-a36a-55561a8c9c82	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:09:52	-599.782
-31	32543	3254300	203c00f2-874d-4d0e-ab38-587864f0cf39	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:05:03	982.325
-31	65086	3254300	8b0d1a2b-139a-449b-8b54-ffe7434688d0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:18:13	-894.561
-32	32544	3254400	4fa9ada3-e258-48fd-a0b8-d4a54bfff839	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:20:59	486.527
-32	65088	3254400	05c084c1-0c7b-4bc2-aca8-dcf94b247c34	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:53:12	-162.384
-33	32545	3254500	748cf925-7eec-4875-be54-1f3369650231	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:18:48	926.724
-33	65090	3254500	1cdb96a1-3d54-41da-a49d-87f754506858	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:39:45	172.854
-34	32546	3254600	69e1293e-c50c-493b-ac98-57c0cc606112	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:48:28	996.302
-34	65092	3254600	020cb729-9a29-49bd-b313-6db63c7984b7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:01:03	-839.160
-35	32547	3254700	def5b27a-66eb-479a-b591-aaaa8045d830	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:14:19	57.210
-35	65094	3254700	fae5e441-1072-4f8d-975b-b1c2b645f40d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:38:57	-30.33
-36	32548	3254800	c1ea832a-0568-40f2-abea-0db49a9eaaaf	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:10:00	133.772
-36	65096	3254800	126098fe-8e99-4501-b059-0a1d7ee0eba6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:05:03	415.386
-37	32549	3254900	47e8eeed-5d97-49a1-9c25-a6c052b249df	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:55:18	58.265
-37	65098	3254900	731dd27e-8f0b-4412-80a4-a8f0ef113e2f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:59:50	302.112
-38	32550	3255000	b50c1d2f-710f-42f8-9231-6481946f8e21	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:25:27	-599.189
-38	65100	3255000	a05d42ea-d8f0-4ad0-b7ae-c263bd9a16ed	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:37:10	-391.172
-39	32551	3255100	b886661e-b523-4aed-8007-d1a5372346c8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:22:42	466.468
-39	65102	3255100	7e1e7f5e-cb2d-4031-b87b-1e6648b9742c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:01:29	-469.589
-40	32552	3255200	8ac68dbc-6836-4792-ae0b-69f7b561bf42	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:13:48	399.983
-40	65104	3255200	5c6188fb-03dc-4b48-ab65-c9cb1ef49fe7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:15:37	808.223
-41	32553	3255300	1787cc06-4853-477d-b975-be521cd7d929	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:50:24	-406.155
-41	65106	3255300	3bf40469-198a-49c1-91e7-472fb912459c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:08:44	-716.836
-42	32554	3255400	fc4ac656-4f2a-4095-a1aa-d8258995fadf	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:38:48	751.509
-42	65108	3255400	b48c37a5-0be8-414e-a2dd-0fa6e4c12d36	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:52:04	-550.332
-43	32555	3255500	3a7582a6-04c8-42a6-97ba-65fd4cf1945a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:34:36	-851.927
-43	65110	3255500	c253b788-5ce1-4d33-a709-4fc05fa7a572	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:39:00	-238.647
-44	32556	3255600	ba2add1f-a213-4b2c-a1a6-2ab99bb46bfc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:26:03	-592.186
-44	65112	3255600	d566d3cd-d2fd-485e-b523-4d384ccfbdb4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:09:40	532.791
-45	32557	3255700	03901969-e4d4-4453-9973-95b4adcd9323	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:47:40	85.918
-45	65114	3255700	597f7186-68b5-4485-ba97-57ca87772917	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:02:37	-547.537
-46	32558	3255800	2e5e1bbc-418f-44d7-8145-d335cc88e30f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:44:24	-229.787
-46	65116	3255800	50b34b02-226e-4d85-b9e5-4aa31c78dd0e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:57:49	-366.140
-47	32559	3255900	31fbe8bf-7c31-4bf5-abb8-5665f9dd3940	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:01:15	-473.485
-47	65118	3255900	1b4fc087-bcf7-4864-9d99-cf5e79d7ee83	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:32:01	-833.499
-48	32560	3256000	03ee1a09-c5ef-48aa-9d8a-2ac5575358ef	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:32:12	-148.28
-48	65120	3256000	67316d09-b6be-4aa0-a800-760529075efc	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:47:24	228.616
-49	32561	3256100	da361d5c-f0fe-42ec-b856-0f524bfa0ddb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:04:58	859.29
-49	65122	3256100	7f7f83ef-f6dc-4bde-ae84-47a4a276aaa2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:31:55	-593.569
-50	32562	3256200	860271c9-af33-43fb-90ed-914ff44a3cc5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:07:30	98.894
-50	65124	3256200	b3dc0b9e-604e-4859-a7a1-a74c95ec7a26	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:35:07	402.668
-51	32563	3256300	b3b27ab3-8ba7-434a-b420-f70ad732e797	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:17:40	-935.394
-51	65126	3256300	aba67a6d-f9d4-4b1f-a4da-9cdacbe87485	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:25:49	560.196
-52	32564	3256400	2f3cc1fb-02b9-42af-9c4a-d151f062d3c1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:32:16	-454.407
-52	65128	3256400	b44008b6-899f-416e-8542-2c0f1db7f365	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:44:20	-385.734
-53	32565	3256500	16e6e98f-2938-433d-b567-3db2f7a880a3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:47:00	-808.484
-53	65130	3256500	1583586e-b69b-4c5e-96fa-749147dd8b6c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:25:34	-857.943
-54	32566	3256600	e4cdc283-5e47-4bcc-9a8b-e044b328879c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:29:54	-379.176
-54	65132	3256600	27e3789a-0b82-4e02-9089-848782af4707	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:10:52	344.776
-55	32567	3256700	bd8ce6b7-3e1e-4744-85b9-d3d0b42e482e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:15:23	192.746
-55	65134	3256700	f94d608a-7990-4235-986c-30b6930547bb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:28:44	-658.845
-56	32568	3256800	40325795-e1b9-41ed-bbdc-5a8d56a388ff	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:33:56	-381.555
-56	65136	3256800	ccb5d5e8-17ae-40ec-978b-11d436d51f15	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:08:04	670.949
-57	32569	3256900	dbf0f9db-5e43-49ae-976e-da980bcacb36	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:33:31	462.747
-57	65138	3256900	5ef983fd-fe48-4ace-9044-902098ad9367	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:29:57	402.474
-58	32570	3257000	7c874fdd-f524-44f0-b05c-6d0eaa1a1149	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:22:24	316.466
-58	65140	3257000	9b6ce888-7791-4778-b9a3-ed75817701f4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:21:57	-905.455
-59	32571	3257100	94e98742-f01a-47a7-b217-01129b0696e7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:24:30	-97.692
-59	65142	3257100	8be28d12-666b-4dda-bac4-a7914077c5c0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:06:38	-754.852
-60	32572	3257200	4795af2a-6bab-4805-88da-f7ae9e7bd17f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:31:36	-680.30
-60	65144	3257200	35a0d152-655b-4770-b6aa-50d01d021309	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:50:40	-145.890
-61	32573	3257300	048a6143-5ccc-4661-a79c-99f107f34711	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:51:58	693.945
-61	65146	3257300	88690b55-7374-4710-ae15-126740aeeb0e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:16:26	-507.422
-62	32574	3257400	700f0665-cb8c-45f0-a7e1-93e9d9364c15	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:40:16	584.253
-62	65148	3257400	6ce1a13f-bb0c-4cec-8006-0bba0b578956	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:46:32	704.673
-63	32575	3257500	d50f801e-eafe-4528-ab38-7fec7375fc2d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:01:40	562.890
-63	65150	3257500	b45c5f50-3bf2-4a1b-8bfd-a753a7ce37b6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:44:01	820.369
-64	32576	3257600	28d31577-57c4-4ee9-b0f7-d3f22df05ea1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:23:37	-21.826
-64	65152	3257600	25341d31-9030-4201-b68c-c9a1e91fcfb6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:43:25	671.369
-65	32577	3257700	7f076ecd-3eb1-44df-8e62-f604e6fd4e53	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:32:37	-837.772
-65	65154	3257700	cdbd9cb2-9985-44bc-b5d7-5100a9ade51a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:20:41	-114.769
-66	32578	3257800	e2f527d0-f8e3-4fb7-bfac-c341e2304e9e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:08:26	469.956
-66	65156	3257800	26dc4272-d56d-43f4-adb2-4e46d3dc165d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:51:01	-364.942
-67	32579	3257900	25d40bc5-5f03-4fc5-a0e9-be61be965357	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:01:49	503.343
-67	65158	3257900	678de12b-4c54-4b31-92a3-0e87d86e35e2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:17:48	-202.785
-68	32580	3258000	6b32ded3-2aa2-476c-a28d-1c7421a527f6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:04:24	611.955
-68	65160	3258000	1165800e-c39a-40ae-a762-20ad7d2b5efb	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:36:11	749.326
-69	32581	3258100	dc81cd52-4648-4d0a-a3ef-1902d84d80f2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:56:31	830.937
-69	65162	3258100	11175be0-3e78-441c-a396-ec664e338f70	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:26:51	577.442
-70	32582	3258200	227308bc-5991-4eac-84f3-5fb5a702eb43	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:59:46	406.634
-70	65164	3258200	55a1249a-4174-4c54-b7ef-8dddb30eca5e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:11:08	199.456
-71	32583	3258300	b0606990-f9c0-4f0b-95bd-71c2c9a625f7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:09:19	-99.114
-71	65166	3258300	37a36db8-0441-44b8-89e5-4d166f5f6bcc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:21:08	-137.88
-72	32584	3258400	711bc0ef-272c-477d-b01a-1297c082ca8c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:39:35	128.638
-72	65168	3258400	bcba5de3-e771-41c6-b26d-6486e6801adf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:02:04	-135.349
-73	32585	3258500	3851146e-7dec-4614-b4b8-aeef41638688	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:35:27	-862.601
-73	65170	3258500	79d5d499-22de-466a-a421-2c2d84f604c1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:19:06	-57.983
-74	32586	3258600	6960476d-ed0a-486e-8720-0341424eac13	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:43:11	-680.23
-74	65172	3258600	1f90045a-39fe-482a-8b42-9bec77a9c159	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:20:12	435.254
-75	32587	3258700	3b64dd0a-7143-4742-8110-2b879ca68a72	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:24:40	83.266
-75	65174	3258700	2ef8659a-772b-4a03-9ed1-2149d5a0420c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:25:43	-921.60
-76	32588	3258800	81b0377a-8b25-4000-a025-03fdf89ceb15	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:02:21	-934.288
-76	65176	3258800	43b37f3b-f274-4d4a-8cba-c8a641afeb5c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:50:28	-955.880
-77	32589	3258900	c329134a-ddc4-493e-919e-a1617730b227	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:12:23	634.306
-77	65178	3258900	db16889a-a081-4fe1-828f-ebbbdf7574fb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:01:30	-142.350
-78	32590	3259000	2688b064-0710-4dc5-893f-587d49a882ac	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:23:48	504.616
-78	65180	3259000	e7e337f1-0f16-4de2-9861-db137ea4e36e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:34:41	97.605
-79	32591	3259100	86691e4e-6d17-49f4-b599-588b27a934db	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:48:24	-987.532
-79	65182	3259100	c481491d-0ddb-4b44-9681-9908b879aa1d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:48:56	-281.45
-80	32592	3259200	3ca75834-a39b-4c0a-844e-5f00e9c3f720	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:09:56	271.968
-80	65184	3259200	33f7494a-6c65-492f-8055-f2fbc0dbc935	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:31:34	217.913
-81	32593	3259300	f33b5150-81d9-4662-a15f-751f2ff2b46a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:28:30	644.102
-81	65186	3259300	ea9466e6-5cba-472f-8a77-3ca57b12fe61	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:32:51	233.863
-82	32594	3259400	a55e6676-1b5f-4836-aeb1-7c1ff1c572f8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:55:30	-830.993
-82	65188	3259400	33f3fc23-19cf-49b0-bfb3-8202c68eee04	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:44:11	543.711
-83	32595	3259500	6e77fd35-d5dd-4832-9428-5810e8e78864	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:28:59	195.791
-83	65190	3259500	c9a21d55-9f0c-41cf-81f9-e7352e3b397b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:05:07	-837.84
-84	32596	3259600	9d44922c-6e14-4b00-80f6-b52394e4187c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:24:09	-497.501
-84	65192	3259600	02db6cc6-4d10-48a6-aa13-cc067fde3123	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:21:31	-584.677
-85	32597	3259700	6c700c57-f770-4932-b4ce-fbb13067970c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:44:58	-54.244
-85	65194	3259700	c25e5e37-1a77-4759-b161-2604d52b6128	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:41:11	535.944
-86	32598	3259800	6c836029-97ff-4577-849f-f76f8eebdc4a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:08:13	-595.330
-86	65196	3259800	80d3d26c-cb87-4b91-9eed-7bbbd5f9e238	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:33:27	-299.773
-87	32599	3259900	d96356e8-b032-42bd-9977-5865428f1259	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:01:29	307.966
-87	65198	3259900	d7287be6-ab61-4e14-9a3e-1b3af5f411cd	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:05:59	-769.808
-88	32600	3260000	2d95ce1c-b663-49a4-b9ca-a8499e99d0df	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:12:46	143.360
-88	65200	3260000	1ce32e37-e940-4d3f-8279-7ae0fcb3fa94	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:26:05	322.613
-89	32601	3260100	520e87a2-cac5-4f49-979e-02a31bfcfc09	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:58:08	-531.363
-89	65202	3260100	0e986df7-0443-4079-8128-c1a44ef34246	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:39:46	345.973
-90	32602	3260200	c4880b92-3ccb-43ae-a50f-cd741e0b896e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:26:26	-672.224
-90	65204	3260200	72a4b03e-c1a5-4288-99f9-7e8c1d5715ba	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:54:14	-273.412
-91	32603	3260300	b14fb6de-9207-4c36-b72c-610429d27abc	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:00:07	-691.83
-91	65206	3260300	1b6795bd-9bd8-4a7d-8928-dbbdcf992d54	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:03:04	-492.737
-92	32604	3260400	7c48dd98-dea9-43c7-b6da-7be798d4af12	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:42:07	-973.299
-92	65208	3260400	ebbe6552-e6d2-4060-838b-414f75038fee	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:18:00	790.554
-93	32605	3260500	5122b550-0497-4d1c-bb3b-695692de0d76	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:25:42	833.520
-93	65210	3260500	14b1e459-5c76-48e2-a2c3-acdaf42dddf9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:01:01	-23.112
-94	32606	3260600	e785981c-06f6-4c45-bd21-30777507a8be	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:46:28	402.957
-94	65212	3260600	ad3b12f6-4171-4c06-9311-8e0ca467dd9c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:29:59	213.265
-95	32607	3260700	4f07794f-ea4d-4400-8d52-95b0c8e0b425	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:55:13	646.545
-95	65214	3260700	fb4e19a2-7f2b-4aef-b997-b0d611f0446b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:20:28	765.149
-96	32608	3260800	ebc8af01-b666-41b8-b093-dafa01be327e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:28:39	365.321
-96	65216	3260800	6e9aed4e-9879-40d9-9281-9f795af4263f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:06:20	-445.327
-97	32609	3260900	3e09c0ce-60dd-49d6-927b-bb7f19deead6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:24:14	507.628
-97	65218	3260900	fc627861-a381-4cac-bc94-d74412188746	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:00:18	-644.924
-98	32610	3261000	cead932e-287d-4d7b-88ec-a46661d9f684	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:32:36	-365.992
-98	65220	3261000	e9e5dd69-bd7f-4868-9dd9-18619961f521	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:32:12	783.534
-99	32611	3261100	89885ec5-8f8d-4eaf-a643-ecdc682a1b94	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:31:25	-348.77
-99	65222	3261100	368f71ac-7d53-4e3f-b02c-736a6a33a963	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:42:30	-257.684
-100	32612	3261200	49cf4e54-effe-4d8c-babf-f175f5b30d88	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:01:14	476.363
-100	65224	3261200	0dc47a0e-004e-49bc-a206-b72bab89d5ee	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:32:53	-66.457
-101	32613	3261300	76a2a84d-3de7-4579-9bbb-f5979658b100	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:08:06	-712.827
-101	65226	3261300	14224435-f8bb-4df2-a0f3-9122cded44a4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:33:00	-439.324
-102	32614	3261400	514942c5-bece-4852-a3f9-180f2c597423	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:07:57	634.717
-102	65228	3261400	0ce0d511-78ea-4c26-9e26-6461b969d5e2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:50:54	-528.502
-103	32615	3261500	3734cefd-d62a-4da1-8518-7f7acb1c82bc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:55:29	786.594
-103	65230	3261500	7a815405-a670-4eb8-a5bd-c26ae91e3c86	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:56:35	-930.14
-104	32616	3261600	b3776724-466b-4da1-a5e5-f3d7effd9e08	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:39:08	-107.499
-104	65232	3261600	0fa627f8-1919-42b0-808c-99703358c071	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:36:29	186.655
-105	32617	3261700	c749be3c-74b9-43ff-8bc0-7388bdbfbceb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:04:22	914.339
-105	65234	3261700	695c72aa-e8fb-4bb6-85af-585f464d8fee	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:28:19	445.355
-106	32618	3261800	8609a36e-3e3a-49a2-8479-dc539fb9ad04	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:27:42	125.268
-106	65236	3261800	b2860add-9fa5-4aaa-92ec-2c7ab8f59911	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:09:13	695.478
-107	32619	3261900	d39260bb-7698-4ff2-9420-4b4fe1862b7c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:48:07	390.561
-107	65238	3261900	7c6de327-d9c1-4b06-a5b5-0bcf722ddb03	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:33:28	84.674
-108	32620	3262000	dd43ac84-653a-4c53-8c2d-7b8f7b26d3a8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:50:16	-58.790
-108	65240	3262000	bcb0eb1a-4315-4a0a-8eeb-e94c7123fc0f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:13:39	421.265
-109	32621	3262100	41f8c652-09c0-4e00-9b8a-18736fbccbe0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:03:28	-810.86
-109	65242	3262100	690b14e7-bcff-4e5b-a86e-9ee9bef3a23f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:09:48	-473.35
-110	32622	3262200	eaa00874-6c43-49e8-9355-f31caedb7c39	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:30:07	-522.653
-110	65244	3262200	4056defb-8807-47bd-81d0-cfd5ec95f402	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:17:00	80.176
-111	32623	3262300	7f6ea929-7a99-4197-aaa6-bc20987c2a1c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:16:05	-602.155
-111	65246	3262300	b7fb58d1-8796-4cf5-8304-fc25332a8565	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:56:26	228.775
-112	32624	3262400	315c2ff1-bcd7-452d-8d31-27edca769321	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:23:37	77.29
-112	65248	3262400	306cbda7-fe13-4ada-a820-5350d44af273	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:14:26	406.252
-113	32625	3262500	cfb7369f-a10a-4a3e-b5d5-db1579639a6e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:06:37	-64.108
-113	65250	3262500	deefd8fd-6fbb-41ce-bd3b-bbb98dab19c5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:55:42	591.702
-114	32626	3262600	e1431543-1b1f-4ad2-87fc-0761104aeea7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:52:51	839.597
-114	65252	3262600	c9de3890-61da-4016-8847-bcfbd2ea8f58	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:36:54	-486.801
-115	32627	3262700	fa214eb7-0525-4b2a-9dd6-172b9c655a24	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:38:40	315.955
-115	65254	3262700	319a63fc-9ffb-46dd-9226-9130b9a3650a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:11:38	-432.999
-116	32628	3262800	a95675cf-a97e-4911-ad7c-3cca14fdaf49	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:50:43	-508.218
-116	65256	3262800	b62fd86b-359e-4220-a0c8-c81417dbd236	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:16:22	-72.48
-117	32629	3262900	d6cb94f6-7173-496e-8b79-d02d986fc2e2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:13:04	938.41
-117	65258	3262900	c4b24315-3102-4710-9197-dabe6ae903d2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:50:43	-216.479
-118	32630	3263000	cd292755-0533-4ea5-abe9-ceba5dd95478	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:50:19	886.238
-118	65260	3263000	4bbf5a0b-1e6c-42f4-a2b9-1e679ca108d7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:24:49	405.767
-119	32631	3263100	2d695737-14d2-407d-9a6c-94fd1308bc07	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:34:15	-701.410
-119	65262	3263100	87fdc7c2-e750-44a3-8b32-672d9fe42631	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:44:07	-381.680
-120	32632	3263200	11751c67-ee38-4398-b0ab-68cbf716a9ac	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:40:22	89.471
-120	65264	3263200	c52167e1-ee3e-4a22-855f-eed222542e77	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:39:03	943.311
-121	32633	3263300	cc2fb164-e20c-4e4e-844f-26acdedcfbb3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:34:46	672.858
-121	65266	3263300	00e36984-d19d-40af-89b8-f4e42879c75e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:01:55	-146.986
-122	32634	3263400	3d5c7660-fbb0-45f7-8df7-da3c79b09427	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:43:16	-693.542
-122	65268	3263400	9399e942-ac26-4d30-998d-99a4b5d73946	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:37:58	788.16
-123	32635	3263500	eecfaa5a-1391-4b98-966f-1541422b8fc9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:08:09	832.971
-123	65270	3263500	5eaa418c-d02f-41e1-8e5d-980213669b69	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:59:35	-774.402
-124	32636	3263600	acbb1bf2-ba0f-4add-a3ba-3e0c947978fe	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:43:41	815.65
-124	65272	3263600	c3c202f8-ab47-49d6-844e-2c03e963b858	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:37:55	-623.610
-125	32637	3263700	bdefeefa-cfec-42d8-adde-75a27a2d55aa	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:39:57	248.228
-125	65274	3263700	bf3793cb-001a-4dd3-9391-409f666a7c9f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:57:47	112.110
-126	32638	3263800	8cc6f274-fcf5-46a4-bedc-d6f08eb6f348	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:51:40	942.11
-126	65276	3263800	8c1a32fb-7c59-4b89-a61a-9cfcac827fae	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:25:02	-811.650
-127	32639	3263900	9c390914-509a-42c0-9738-929a44385bab	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:01:54	568.175
-127	65278	3263900	e14b4fb1-747a-4bcd-b69e-c7a926debf3f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:08:00	956.180
-0	32640	3264000	4fa6e88a-696a-4972-9f95-df49ca41acd0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:55:02	559.319
-0	65280	3264000	721309f3-8716-4168-bc94-3433aae5ea25	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:34:54	-113.90
-1	32641	3264100	0154bcaf-2e8b-4b29-b4ba-4fbffbd49641	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:56:25	-460.970
-1	65282	3264100	6e2755eb-21f6-45d2-95a3-bd94b25e7cb8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:31:47	655.867
-2	32642	3264200	99a22462-dc47-498d-a407-1e89bd2856cc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:51:17	-424.6
-2	65284	3264200	3bd2b6f6-6dd1-41dd-9d2b-ca2ac6dd6413	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:47:19	-329.178
-3	32643	3264300	348df90b-088d-4df4-8f7e-fb68239fd83b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:58:58	954.375
-3	65286	3264300	e29b6060-129c-441e-826b-7eb302fcdd40	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:37:49	287.982
-4	32644	3264400	fc088d6c-0cc8-4698-b970-b66576a4f3a3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:33:53	175.118
-4	65288	3264400	2d27f79d-a72d-4dbc-aac3-f2414135fe55	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:25:57	-53.250
-5	32645	3264500	10d732e2-0181-4745-bccb-ea6150973286	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:24:42	-921.426
-5	65290	3264500	50050602-7d26-4029-9ef6-2f374f5b1a3d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:52:13	-724.54
-6	32646	3264600	ffd92c49-ebd7-43cb-9ed4-1cd19eaa77c6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:43:09	-619.810
-6	65292	3264600	9aee8cbc-27a4-4a27-96b2-39216fb592a2	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:18:07	-308.53
-7	32647	3264700	759ca058-e196-4635-8e67-9bf70f59e197	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:28:23	995.375
-7	65294	3264700	d288d8a7-5d2a-4e6e-ae56-8a7cff33c1a9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:03:38	128.531
-8	32648	3264800	a0d6fb7d-a745-4025-8820-792738ec0d1e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:27:19	184.796
-8	65296	3264800	da834af4-621e-448a-9381-6468fe782048	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:14:56	-895.405
-9	32649	3264900	ce85c554-520f-4b84-90d2-d72af9892ddd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:38:00	-360.553
-9	65298	3264900	13c84127-e26f-4786-8a1f-ed8a7bb35ffd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:27:06	276.626
-10	32650	3265000	86fca167-15c0-4a82-b876-90ed18d55af1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:59:35	336.211
-10	65300	3265000	860325ac-7e06-4f97-b8f6-69225af6f662	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:13:17	68.565
-11	32651	3265100	f00dfc83-d76d-4667-83a8-0fa6b069d4f7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:43:10	-102.16
-11	65302	3265100	a79662d9-cb61-4d2a-a36b-195145849bfd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:24:36	684.420
-12	32652	3265200	45abdd2c-8762-4ce3-84e7-5d8e6fc59c7b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:39:56	107.968
-12	65304	3265200	62f3df46-d2a1-42de-b005-a8e456f2b6bd	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:08:34	21.654
-13	32653	3265300	ad423fc6-bb88-4fc4-b574-aca72a6fe21b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:05:17	614.500
-13	65306	3265300	738e7af3-ec72-49ff-98df-a7c44cf542f1	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:49:50	-63.534
-14	32654	3265400	56fca807-d636-4de3-8c38-f8faffaa8b5d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:43:19	915.936
-14	65308	3265400	5c6b88ed-badb-4e41-9cf1-403de510329c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:23:44	-864.835
-15	32655	3265500	5fed7d84-8636-493b-b692-11942c610d44	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:22:20	-880.867
-15	65310	3265500	f4c6c954-1414-4bd4-be67-4ef51e21878e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:58:34	-807.691
-16	32656	3265600	463a9b8b-ff79-40d6-bae7-302a95a137d3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:59:33	-177.605
-16	65312	3265600	722b5829-b3d9-4854-a32e-90a0f11431c1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:20:34	852.616
-17	32657	3265700	39b4df78-7ef8-491f-8434-41e8b5e31390	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:13:21	668.79
-17	65314	3265700	cbbbd129-7905-4efd-b152-db5cf238870f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:23:17	469.981
-18	32658	3265800	9148012f-39f5-4b8d-a296-df57ae4bd051	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:04:03	-926.740
-18	65316	3265800	e5d462a5-3d39-4681-b155-6d63d7ee5657	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:56:44	64.970
-19	32659	3265900	51d9a9de-a4f5-4b54-a203-9e930bc778dd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:16:58	-295.76
-19	65318	3265900	efb17fd5-a3d7-4f9b-82f6-77c86cb722d2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:09:05	-452.398
-20	32660	3266000	c5888bdd-f887-42a0-976f-16d19d1f7cf4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:54:55	-811.802
-20	65320	3266000	b844ac6b-3fdb-4af7-a619-3357b1ac4465	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:25:28	991.675
-21	32661	3266100	583041f5-6e7b-4907-ba78-8dd6fb8ba2d8	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:14:13	-890.553
-21	65322	3266100	d5fac9a1-4ef3-4688-8e6b-2ab129b6bec9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:31:53	-491.745
-22	32662	3266200	7dcfb61d-4826-49a3-9b5c-f09f6fb0ac7a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:33:10	-120.253
-22	65324	3266200	c24cd7d9-66ac-4a62-8e3f-d2c6d75daf3b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:11:41	-940.375
-23	32663	3266300	2ba496af-af17-44fe-9112-e01ace5aa1a7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:43:22	-533.927
-23	65326	3266300	ec086a28-aa30-4836-9eb6-a886871680dd	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:19:30	695.728
-24	32664	3266400	5b69932d-0234-4344-a07e-7c7007fbc1c9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:58:08	984.388
-24	65328	3266400	6b5b094d-9de1-4af6-b5dd-a5787f890565	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:40:58	936.864
-25	32665	3266500	20f4c972-c07d-4ef7-b24f-8f497b2b04d2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:56:25	-591.169
-25	65330	3266500	cf7574b3-ab72-4843-96ca-54379db0f96a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:52:08	-907.483
-26	32666	3266600	660380d9-b087-4797-a6fa-a0c6769e9946	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:23:20	-25.983
-26	65332	3266600	91d84d8e-3061-4f21-b18e-adfddbd31f9c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:33:07	-445.551
-27	32667	3266700	358ab5ac-d435-4f53-9708-358cc0a80ffe	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:37:05	884.243
-27	65334	3266700	31abcd6a-62a2-4c6e-a99a-73f21ec5d3ec	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:43:37	853.573
-28	32668	3266800	908f4df2-9e09-4d11-bff0-68345aaeecfa	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:26:46	-732.87
-28	65336	3266800	dc57e692-4f5a-406d-ad9c-a46e6e317812	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:06:09	602.18
-29	32669	3266900	898c0b0a-c7d2-49b1-b36e-e7ac76a9e5a6	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:48:21	-701.705
-29	65338	3266900	adbae71d-8cb0-4cfc-9e8e-6a137431e6e4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:03:32	-294.246
-30	32670	3267000	ef0764d0-1db8-483e-824d-b8dddb7cfb81	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:30:14	282.456
-30	65340	3267000	1e5d05bd-6dca-4927-9ee0-3f57871946c8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:42:16	-915.682
-31	32671	3267100	64611d88-00af-4bfb-88ba-aac312a8e66c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:42:33	-198.767
-31	65342	3267100	1cbc80c1-c34e-4472-98ff-ab55c0c287b6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:50:14	714.523
-32	32672	3267200	c825c6b1-53d2-44fe-8398-3f36a45a53f2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:34:43	-708.161
-32	65344	3267200	f6ffaba5-bf60-4db6-b4d0-681f5e961af5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:59:24	289.971
-33	32673	3267300	a020ff92-d7b6-41e5-b6e5-6367000c0697	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:03:31	506.368
-33	65346	3267300	da3620c1-dfa4-41be-8b1e-cf37ae878244	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:19:19	504.886
-34	32674	3267400	10efcb8e-a860-4dc5-bcdf-f445939b9289	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:07:42	917.596
-34	65348	3267400	feffe488-c446-479f-89f5-1fcb4aea917b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:11:49	-115.662
-35	32675	3267500	0fb5e135-c78c-416c-8453-a160979da3cc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:16:05	-607.482
-35	65350	3267500	c6993f8b-ae23-48b6-aba0-7801ea227ca1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:49:29	102.225
-36	32676	3267600	e0ec0f8f-5f9f-4146-ae97-9b26e3298188	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:46:06	-886.822
-36	65352	3267600	6c89843b-77fa-486c-9abe-484ff46fb7f8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:20:03	105.721
-37	32677	3267700	d3b27c9e-acfd-464e-b7bb-a7392f437ef2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:14:35	417.350
-37	65354	3267700	357f33c9-2f06-4f7c-90aa-dc3d60d3cd3d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:07:43	-473.281
-38	32678	3267800	7b0a14e1-ba5c-4eb0-993f-4bce0a45ba69	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:55:32	-728.373
-38	65356	3267800	a6f3162f-f0a6-4179-ba6d-989ab418501d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:59:29	471.486
-39	32679	3267900	bed75e58-1601-421b-b9a3-b6d9abb1db7f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:02:37	193.652
-39	65358	3267900	f8efce04-0169-4b09-bf2e-71a8c4e5e7ed	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:54:01	725.544
-40	32680	3268000	a6ac1055-ff88-4782-bfb6-387c89148eda	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:37:42	-912.892
-40	65360	3268000	2454035b-b345-4e54-8522-e0996a2b26e8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:25:06	-945.546
-41	32681	3268100	9c1cd179-7ad0-44a9-bce5-6563c085dcca	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:30:19	627.103
-41	65362	3268100	20434f18-d9e5-4fb2-91f4-5f826f277302	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:36:44	-109.358
-42	32682	3268200	78955053-24c3-4a17-b398-50b005d203b7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:16:39	92.367
-42	65364	3268200	9128a201-6bc7-487f-8819-f7d7d471ace2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:42:37	774.651
-43	32683	3268300	f029ac31-0af6-43bb-804c-03cace3a943d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:21:21	208.37
-43	65366	3268300	0c755e50-6456-494b-bb77-d3a1df96e35e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:18:44	-494.296
-44	32684	3268400	80b17006-a9e6-470f-9599-a727aa9c0d0f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:50:46	225.985
-44	65368	3268400	147c04c6-135d-43bf-b19b-3aafdb8ef8eb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:50:27	407.56
-45	32685	3268500	de5a9252-5ac6-40ab-8d06-1449b67d1fcc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:03:11	300.499
-45	65370	3268500	3b238e46-ab4b-49b3-bad6-e801d176b5ac	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:30:12	-468.581
-46	32686	3268600	79e99d69-7aae-4d35-94fb-c19f1382b33d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:47:46	-19.226
-46	65372	3268600	cc020d99-9358-4237-acac-f8f2d22a0458	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:44:43	139.115
-47	32687	3268700	d3c43de0-969f-48c9-ba5d-ad27dd6d185a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:34:52	852.644
-47	65374	3268700	a4d6e2b1-5069-4a90-9d9a-3b2a50bb1aae	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:57:28	458.239
-48	32688	3268800	767e61ae-aeb0-4d87-a138-119c43cd260d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:47:24	-547.901
-48	65376	3268800	a903f04d-ee50-4b39-9c6f-3c87d388dded	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:13:05	-145.310
-49	32689	3268900	1e5dcc26-a999-47c6-b7fc-a5436d88b050	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:01:40	872.250
-49	65378	3268900	7ea18474-f978-4c49-84d2-fa807c0414c6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:38:03	-467.139
-50	32690	3269000	8dd5344c-e4da-4738-8053-12db2929b71f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:22:59	-165.19
-50	65380	3269000	f70185f0-071c-4567-a490-3fd65ae80d1e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:28:56	154.122
-51	32691	3269100	10946d22-df31-4ead-beeb-34f999fff28a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:32:35	-178.894
-51	65382	3269100	507dafac-e27f-4666-8614-e496cc1cba79	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:45:04	-417.622
-52	32692	3269200	13d0ab75-c2e1-4b3b-b469-3737a1f30e49	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:38:52	56.400
-52	65384	3269200	129a64ec-d3c8-4105-be07-4d6954b5b203	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:25:45	-372.491
-53	32693	3269300	98bdd9bf-3913-4379-9639-4d12330dbdc1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:04:15	-861.141
-53	65386	3269300	0f8e18bd-da0e-4d54-b0a6-2ff592810b9d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:37:44	-914.671
-54	32694	3269400	7cae62f2-3c2f-4c43-ae2c-4efb4ef37695	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:04:10	397.120
-54	65388	3269400	0638bb1a-a431-4f6a-ab24-67c1b8799e43	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:41:55	231.0
-55	32695	3269500	e8267733-b67b-4c10-bce2-ab6d7daa7bdf	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:13:19	-251.845
-55	65390	3269500	2a018b13-7022-4e01-8423-f19870cd55f6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:16:14	-457.886
-56	32696	3269600	8701b490-6fd0-454e-9373-db4c013999af	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:21:41	60.616
-56	65392	3269600	15e32fa9-524c-485f-b06f-55980122ba29	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:57:31	-372.402
-57	32697	3269700	46ba8efe-d86a-4263-817c-686fc567e048	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:41:06	146.917
-57	65394	3269700	1f92eade-9c5c-4d5d-aaba-575f05958c7c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:16:15	-871.424
-58	32698	3269800	b9abc3b8-01b1-4fc9-ae51-b3c194b0aa38	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:20:01	706.318
-58	65396	3269800	b573be38-2e95-41c4-8ebe-056186c283cc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:03:08	-956.506
-59	32699	3269900	df230973-3daf-43d3-ae4d-d78e0fa281f8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:55:17	-526.574
-59	65398	3269900	6a42e9fd-6444-49f0-b6eb-edb0ea4cf58b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:23:11	-630.845
-60	32700	3270000	3b04770a-3741-4e9b-b7e6-9387bf1677cc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:05:34	183.189
-60	65400	3270000	df6fe60a-cf53-4850-9dbf-78494aa42fce	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:44:03	201.121
-61	32701	3270100	980fd587-ffd6-48b7-b676-f7ddd939319a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:42:35	-715.945
-61	65402	3270100	9ca7ce0d-fd63-4605-9e40-e069b0c0b980	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:09:38	-228.708
-62	32702	3270200	3d0778d0-787b-4547-b449-9f816176a954	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:00:37	285.520
-62	65404	3270200	3d784ce0-ac3a-4224-b09d-d351404dcf57	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:50:13	-28.434
-63	32703	3270300	39a7339f-bccc-497d-a97d-f5848d4c5f62	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:18:17	-550.177
-63	65406	3270300	2c3d2927-684e-4a45-a4c3-597f4d68102f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:59:58	-398.874
-64	32704	3270400	d3ffe057-274a-456b-907b-be75a1c86368	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:07:10	278.469
-64	65408	3270400	8d8ca5a2-190d-41c4-b09c-ec91872a194e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:31:08	671.278
-65	32705	3270500	163fd209-d3b2-4082-b3b8-549043747db2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:00:32	-510.180
-65	65410	3270500	9ad60c3e-7ece-4d7c-953f-5e68c31c856a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:42:42	685.601
-66	32706	3270600	81810155-d02b-40ab-a3ea-ee905173afe8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:52:55	5.161
-66	65412	3270600	ad3d5ae8-fc8c-4f75-9a4c-3cf0eb6a2b87	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:16:03	-13.748
-67	32707	3270700	62a03e88-811d-48d0-98ca-bb7a716eee63	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:45:07	-744.654
-67	65414	3270700	032f8478-f6f2-4b45-9eee-8aa539fc1193	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:12:24	846.151
-68	32708	3270800	162b6a53-770f-4e66-8dfb-cf609bf64ca4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:23:13	-177.660
-68	65416	3270800	d297793c-3aec-43cc-a93c-855aba9bf87d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:44:53	346.532
-69	32709	3270900	4ecb6f9c-6f0c-4d44-91b1-a9aa288ccb5b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:28:53	408.554
-69	65418	3270900	5fc0bb59-6d06-4161-87b3-96afef53dbeb	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:02:30	349.728
-70	32710	3271000	f5df461f-8ade-4f3b-92b8-bcd080891f88	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:32:22	-631.840
-70	65420	3271000	858c2e28-e872-4c25-88b8-ceb492765136	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:23:19	194.804
-71	32711	3271100	ac1336be-5dbb-4837-92be-2435b11288e2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:27:28	-112.544
-71	65422	3271100	7536214c-d4c3-42a1-9519-4d8a283fe884	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:10:10	-92.8
-72	32712	3271200	b98b8c21-af13-4f1e-b0ae-d8f889014cd3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:52:08	506.487
-72	65424	3271200	bf33eadc-5fe1-4965-a6ed-45dfdb79bc84	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:18:39	-880.310
-73	32713	3271300	b41434c4-7890-48fa-a29c-1caf16f909ca	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:01:18	-171.30
-73	65426	3271300	40221f56-d0b3-4ce2-9972-8d73e2335091	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:31:07	513.28
-74	32714	3271400	08d1cc8c-7940-4b12-853e-b54524cf43e0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:51:25	-489.304
-74	65428	3271400	0d8df584-a23d-4411-a82c-9bd039323b4f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:16:35	972.774
-75	32715	3271500	bb5c28d1-8286-4cde-aa1c-03f08e73bd9c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:35:57	-18.364
-75	65430	3271500	bf755050-bfa1-45bd-822e-8e92af6ddf89	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:24:07	443.343
-76	32716	3271600	97ead6e2-5cd4-4556-a7d6-38605a57b1fa	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:48:13	-178.501
-76	65432	3271600	c722589c-bfa7-488e-bf8b-d2d0218b2386	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:54:54	-830.272
-77	32717	3271700	7a49feea-7a1a-4f10-b14e-989d035423e3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:10:25	415.482
-77	65434	3271700	b5e3326b-2ba3-40e1-9d4d-f481017637ca	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:48:57	399.168
-78	32718	3271800	e447b126-6a72-4bd3-882c-4478279b6622	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:45:55	589.63
-78	65436	3271800	4a1061c7-9f54-4418-a172-6855015fbce5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:50:08	728.342
-79	32719	3271900	b9295a9b-bdc7-48b8-9fe0-67ee30b6fa77	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:44:54	-237.595
-79	65438	3271900	6773df1e-2bfa-4c1d-b6ad-39e7d0ceb95a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:23:34	146.425
-80	32720	3272000	945fbee2-afa9-4e20-be7e-7a435a4577ef	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:53:39	-422.688
-80	65440	3272000	4150490c-d299-4816-9a6b-72dcc7ac85bc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:56:30	-372.571
-81	32721	3272100	74342588-3ef2-439d-85ce-eb4f99c64059	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:21:51	545.804
-81	65442	3272100	185cce86-ee1c-40b4-85e7-62f31793ed18	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:58:55	-655.802
-82	32722	3272200	61e961fa-6f58-49c7-bebc-497e974974c9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:45:04	-826.990
-82	65444	3272200	00cc9904-5a21-419f-919e-f508cbb6499c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:01:58	-442.16
-83	32723	3272300	93fb6511-c229-4f98-8219-d99705ac60d6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:00:36	-302.238
-83	65446	3272300	b1d1ed29-9d86-4917-845a-55c53fae97a4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:16:08	236.114
-84	32724	3272400	0e9c7ebc-98e0-4d8c-b669-59eae9c483e6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:16:25	-456.727
-84	65448	3272400	95e7dc7d-aef5-4003-9e4d-2097aaadeb64	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:20:24	413.136
-85	32725	3272500	7b3db1ca-5d65-4a02-a3f7-d9597c4674b3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:56:56	-827.940
-85	65450	3272500	f9b2a10b-4f8c-4de0-aa05-7281d67edd4a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:04:22	727.139
-86	32726	3272600	0a2ea8ab-8d2c-4046-b084-12df174f6539	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:57:38	441.965
-86	65452	3272600	53eeceb4-e16b-45ad-aa6a-f5586f13d2db	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:08:56	728.72
-87	32727	3272700	823428d0-12c3-4348-b393-c3e934171617	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:24:59	-837.590
-87	65454	3272700	e0b7f96c-713a-4e7b-8ef0-340f43e5a1b1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:37:26	125.720
-88	32728	3272800	8456c1c6-cea8-456b-9446-f10f062e00ba	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:10:09	-302.634
-88	65456	3272800	93eb4ed9-9fce-4baf-a04c-258ebe6a0cb2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:38:03	231.639
-89	32729	3272900	0fe900dd-2e4d-496f-a652-dcb4528adb21	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:56:20	-531.679
-89	65458	3272900	acd86c68-3ffe-417f-b097-a608452bd4a9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:38:12	-469.652
-90	32730	3273000	d3b090dd-2e02-43f1-8698-48668038b683	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:22:11	287.163
-90	65460	3273000	d067c713-5fda-424e-9b58-dd17e68ecaea	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:15:12	-970.649
-91	32731	3273100	5a31b82b-9009-4124-8c8a-eda139447d79	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:34:16	-82.238
-91	65462	3273100	0ff50af0-89d6-4c8e-8d5b-e8d365281549	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:09:56	44.836
-92	32732	3273200	232f4105-ac05-4080-ad77-0cf7c4004581	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:11:03	196.793
-92	65464	3273200	0e2ce6f2-cde4-4ec0-ba7d-5ed4b50b124d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:55:20	-375.474
-93	32733	3273300	bff93dad-d76d-4df5-9731-b559c811593f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:35:33	846.80
-93	65466	3273300	bcf91957-9d19-45e4-b188-7f298a58fdc3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:59:21	-699.908
-94	32734	3273400	8d3cffbb-3ae3-4f06-abb6-7350ab696770	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:57:11	-16.136
-94	65468	3273400	7b39aa52-78f4-4381-820e-62786b0def77	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:21:45	971.580
-95	32735	3273500	b567f210-1b03-4a22-a285-a1b79aac6782	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:56:44	994.862
-95	65470	3273500	1950a9a3-7454-4c34-8166-8156c29bd370	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:40:28	7.532
-96	32736	3273600	c0c8ab45-7364-4e43-a121-e423831be6db	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:44:33	-28.917
-96	65472	3273600	09d34bce-aec1-440b-bd2c-81c49087ca96	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:20:52	716.235
-97	32737	3273700	ccc1c594-2d3c-49ca-bb17-8403d6413255	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:27:37	960.459
-97	65474	3273700	2731c1c0-dcb6-4212-a46f-bd3c9b341b50	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:40:43	638.267
-98	32738	3273800	37faae7b-0075-479a-ada0-56e96fc67f62	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:08:29	181.596
-98	65476	3273800	020f5910-e21e-414c-b3f3-c202381d8762	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:33:46	-864.5
-99	32739	3273900	e637cc92-cbdd-4100-9104-98760a81de08	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:16:13	-113.56
-99	65478	3273900	f6efeff0-840c-417a-8283-d1c1bd0f065f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:21:05	392.621
-100	32740	3274000	135ed996-dbd2-462d-81b8-724c20dcf357	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:24:18	-667.803
-100	65480	3274000	31652d87-2ff2-43eb-9bfd-01b18aea1352	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:56:08	-279.319
-101	32741	3274100	73fdf379-5827-49ba-9a68-782473f0fdb7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:58:11	456.761
-101	65482	3274100	fb4a6ccd-80da-406e-a9b3-4941eeb61c0c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:51:25	-445.329
-102	32742	3274200	04fda159-4708-4fb6-a840-b6a3275c2a39	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:37:36	-340.977
-102	65484	3274200	758c5e2c-8440-4db3-ba00-ba12a30effce	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:16:09	425.570
-103	32743	3274300	2bab0da1-9c7f-4509-9358-c28d78cda772	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:02:22	795.591
-103	65486	3274300	f7be006f-593a-4fd1-8ada-7b23e27f99bd	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:51:17	937.698
-104	32744	3274400	24ffa041-aec9-463e-b5de-178d2f47487a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:08:40	385.22
-104	65488	3274400	2f0d71ef-aa83-428e-8855-71d044847daa	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:58:14	-136.783
-105	32745	3274500	36f05410-549a-465a-8a51-e1888c3c01de	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:49:45	-461.987
-105	65490	3274500	dbd0011c-ee2a-4366-be25-2f013263b35a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:53:46	-158.422
-106	32746	3274600	1ec337c2-62df-431d-b3b7-50be2b21e274	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:51:20	-640.144
-106	65492	3274600	6a88f273-8e42-4303-b6d4-c5bb9d1784bc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:25:35	-909.598
-107	32747	3274700	6cf0d253-b366-4e81-b9e3-4750d397bd9f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:02:58	-319.439
-107	65494	3274700	c26fc567-36fa-4ac0-b766-2c2d0864427d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:10:58	104.957
-108	32748	3274800	1460d2aa-3ae6-48e9-afa7-a26123e10584	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:21:42	-291.428
-108	65496	3274800	e47d2729-6ad5-47d2-a391-d0d7e2a281aa	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:40:45	470.654
-109	32749	3274900	4b8cdd71-acb5-46c5-ab19-2057bb4a19f0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:06:24	620.320
-109	65498	3274900	805b30ec-c08d-4858-afd5-fee704331504	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:27:06	891.820
-110	32750	3275000	8404c2a1-bb88-40e9-bfb9-15a4d6254a5d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:00:23	605.495
-110	65500	3275000	5486255d-4352-43a9-b1d8-f52ca03b3286	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:09:45	427.215
-111	32751	3275100	edeed1e4-121b-4ef6-89a5-f28c4ff4aa16	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:12:17	-530.141
-111	65502	3275100	c33eda19-1282-45e8-8193-b691bef524b9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:00:22	-369.548
-112	32752	3275200	b050f16b-1732-475a-98ed-fc4b4fcca7fc	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:33:16	739.710
-112	65504	3275200	599b17e5-f6d0-4d22-a2cd-657953b4d398	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:14:24	608.615
-113	32753	3275300	a84c1a81-a962-4171-9662-762f3e0e3a7b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:11:48	508.555
-113	65506	3275300	e9eafcdc-f190-4366-af46-461a0ab7742d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:57:18	254.376
-114	32754	3275400	302c4a7f-03be-4f50-9bc9-cb0d6b0dea1e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:32:31	279.609
-114	65508	3275400	ade9f87c-28d3-4e0a-b4db-c48152bed0b2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:37:49	-874.2
-115	32755	3275500	7c020585-d4fa-4d1c-89fe-5969b63a6635	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:16:56	-206.63
-115	65510	3275500	1b11d417-c81e-4194-bcf8-7204826facb1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:25:01	870.719
-116	32756	3275600	29b900f7-c9c7-4627-91cc-4af6607f4226	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:33:29	737.272
-116	65512	3275600	57f3dc76-2b18-4d71-bd1e-4681b48daa78	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:59:38	950.416
-117	32757	3275700	9fa65ca8-3310-42bd-8c52-e55788aaedcb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:22:42	-952.79
-117	65514	3275700	4f85ad4e-1054-48d3-acef-17ae5313a366	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:20:40	661.32
-118	32758	3275800	3b774308-2f0e-4245-8264-5fb3b6945753	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:45:39	878.280
-118	65516	3275800	bacfa35f-8585-4f2a-a409-eba328d30f2c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:15:50	-409.240
-119	32759	3275900	edf66198-d3b4-42d6-aa48-b04e76b4f741	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:24:36	775.607
-119	65518	3275900	2e7bb633-6899-4a26-88d0-2bc55881f698	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:57:53	-415.589
-120	32760	3276000	9edd0c05-6315-409b-9a7d-54b012cba740	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:53:36	-42.877
-120	65520	3276000	3e913bb7-bd16-48fd-9a82-a326fe808924	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:53:21	-280.2
-121	32761	3276100	56862545-0541-4ed8-bd80-bdbf6cf28825	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:24:37	346.557
-121	65522	3276100	e1fec3cd-3789-4a32-a2f8-5b6e3f59a227	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:31:12	-967.239
-122	32762	3276200	80a186b1-bcbd-49f1-a729-ae7ffbac72bf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:18:29	-169.465
-122	65524	3276200	901ff560-e533-4b52-b7cf-2b62d758f0df	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:23:38	-899.804
-123	32763	3276300	f045fdc3-cde7-4bec-8378-188b0134063a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:20:36	-523.698
-123	65526	3276300	432f7bc4-9fce-43aa-bb25-6aad67393371	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:32:47	630.258
-124	32764	3276400	b38f225e-e7e1-42f5-bddf-93b606271ded	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:37:50	-140.689
-124	65528	3276400	cdff181f-d86e-4269-951c-385bbaee107d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:11:55	891.506
-125	32765	3276500	1eb3b402-053f-47b0-a192-a74f924099fe	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:45:26	-896.902
-125	65530	3276500	7e6cb164-4dad-43dc-9a19-9da1ec29c413	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:44:03	-457.734
-126	32766	3276600	9fcc43b9-371f-4ca7-945f-b83dd43bb3c7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:44:56	283.304
-126	65532	3276600	6bcc0a5c-9fee-40b9-be69-f029cd087198	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:58:57	221.594
-127	32767	3276700	d7febd27-8632-4431-9a37-66d06a6b904a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:13:32	569.619
-127	65534	3276700	29fd915d-b785-40ce-be87-4dd58b21d242	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:49:48	328.43
-0	32768	3276800	43941fa4-a395-46de-b0e9-747fe8cce50d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:29:03	-117.410
-0	65536	3276800	227aa94e-559a-440d-9989-1885b05df872	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:28:02	142.539
-1	32769	3276900	190582ab-3ff7-4ca0-ac80-2f4ddba89eb5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:00:47	978.774
-1	65538	3276900	b11198fa-a36b-4756-9198-6e32d1a1a204	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:32:52	247.453
-2	32770	3277000	0cd0d7eb-e8eb-4132-b42e-3c0e47ebde8a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:52:15	-883.492
-2	65540	3277000	d5948a4d-d095-4417-b8c0-81ddc11ed5e5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:46:49	-864.14
-3	32771	3277100	d47ed595-efd7-4b2c-a51c-14f5ea6b4837	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:50:59	-747.861
-3	65542	3277100	bb5edd10-346e-4657-85ea-2da93d062715	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:42:50	881.744
-4	32772	3277200	bf9f477d-92ae-43ef-8bf1-614c33c39806	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:42:43	-730.598
-4	65544	3277200	949d07ba-339a-4cf7-b94f-407e5326b1a4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:39:35	464.608
-5	32773	3277300	ce589e02-bf3d-493c-a7e0-b05900225913	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:29:05	-87.923
-5	65546	3277300	26575830-d18f-4999-97c1-21b2424e8657	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:40:56	-212.361
-6	32774	3277400	7b1801ba-0103-4cf3-8f57-5ed40951af1a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:46:11	36.475
-6	65548	3277400	f4b2e0d6-36dd-4584-9ccb-d606a3dcb9ac	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:02:22	-276.784
-7	32775	3277500	7afa7c90-1bfd-4db6-bc4d-56e706df0dcf	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:53:12	12.668
-7	65550	3277500	76267432-b6dc-4887-b8ea-3187962b4e88	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:17:55	290.254
-8	32776	3277600	2416cc68-00a2-4f6f-bbf9-cfe96adb855b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:01:19	303.657
-8	65552	3277600	58d30d20-e297-4630-9441-2a5a46fefdd1	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:53:34	-899.443
-9	32777	3277700	27f79cec-d4b2-41f0-a06f-4a7ac8ed0636	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:43:31	226.78
-9	65554	3277700	aec4867f-a8b1-4775-8d9f-ddd82c11bf36	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:28:32	-302.118
-10	32778	3277800	9fac799d-ad28-413b-899b-bcc4a25b6ebc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:47:07	543.586
-10	65556	3277800	78d5a196-a77b-428b-b895-b39e1cf4cef0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:16:43	-677.889
-11	32779	3277900	35f2eda1-91b7-4fa6-b848-7ba71dcc956f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:45:14	736.3
-11	65558	3277900	346cbb92-1ee5-4099-96ab-52ba85f5a1c6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:24:32	636.17
-12	32780	3278000	8dafee41-5100-45c3-af2b-e6e9ceaa9539	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:22:51	-538.555
-12	65560	3278000	d9ebbd84-9077-480a-935f-e36ade42ade9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:28:30	-487.133
-13	32781	3278100	c866c746-7893-4e67-b8a3-f7b5c346e47a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:32:52	-160.136
-13	65562	3278100	9d5c1821-3649-4e82-9ad4-68a4bf71bb2e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:25:01	261.576
-14	32782	3278200	61a9cef8-e9b7-4e27-bdd7-ea2e300c3d6a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:58:31	-40.86
-14	65564	3278200	06327962-505f-49b8-a038-dac55e2f324b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:37:20	-190.1
-15	32783	3278300	0cd242d6-4563-451e-84a1-5c4ea8751c3b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:29:32	721.237
-15	65566	3278300	5954e46c-bd3a-4849-b967-2bdb6f2eae04	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:31:39	-235.767
-16	32784	3278400	b5b4d627-c527-4e2c-9200-d8aee87d28a9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:23:49	-576.321
-16	65568	3278400	03f1cb74-4db6-4d19-988a-366fb2da6e83	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:57:58	-681.401
-17	32785	3278500	4a37b512-fbb0-44e9-855e-0e75ab4e3c16	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:10:40	63.178
-17	65570	3278500	a8a1efde-2592-40cd-8416-dd0525fde125	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:51:05	-716.513
-18	32786	3278600	1d7b9816-a089-441d-8133-480e1ccea6ff	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:21:39	885.475
-18	65572	3278600	28ff4ab1-e9be-4b3f-87a7-91d96440d181	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:46:42	991.166
-19	32787	3278700	ae58d13d-deac-4736-9865-2fb8a1537f63	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:01:58	-107.529
-19	65574	3278700	7801e6de-99b9-494c-865b-c74194f95d48	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:00:50	351.31
-20	32788	3278800	e3d8ff2d-31dc-483b-a843-3d999ad54cbb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:10:26	611.926
-20	65576	3278800	a788b5f4-4d0c-48a8-a5c0-a4bfe394e727	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:52:23	-406.447
-21	32789	3278900	1f7cb222-ce48-425c-acde-110c17dba05f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:22:10	-415.19
-21	65578	3278900	1daae18a-c014-4cda-8245-493f5cdd0779	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:31:45	-652.913
-22	32790	3279000	8b637423-dc7e-4483-9bbf-0e4387060754	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:36:29	773.634
-22	65580	3279000	78c476da-2fff-4d84-b653-5ccaa7718431	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:17:02	-856.457
-23	32791	3279100	e5b611fc-4df1-4ccf-8be3-bd6bc80e0f34	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:14:11	759.567
-23	65582	3279100	23030cda-5163-45b7-80ba-7dfb24a7503a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:56:54	-178.545
-24	32792	3279200	a5debcba-5ac1-4092-b911-da00084da911	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:18:52	136.70
-24	65584	3279200	f38209cc-4b25-4ad1-9646-bd2f3b2902e0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:44:34	805.573
-25	32793	3279300	c6231b81-b6c5-44b0-a540-41f254a761c3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:54:40	988.417
-25	65586	3279300	14345fa7-69af-4dfe-ac07-7ff1c56f5504	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:55:42	615.702
-26	32794	3279400	4820b2f3-cc27-430c-9934-2c0df6150a72	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:18:12	-319.14
-26	65588	3279400	eb8182fa-e8c0-4ee9-bc72-9ec46435b536	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:00:41	304.471
-27	32795	3279500	56748ea4-8d3b-48f7-9f2d-90f11f5e97f9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:03:10	560.330
-27	65590	3279500	1e4dd957-1601-4868-ab1f-b5a503fb9255	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:35:26	981.230
-28	32796	3279600	9585f41a-f4be-4508-971a-0393fcd0f01a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:30:12	116.159
-28	65592	3279600	47407eff-2fa2-46e6-ae7a-b76b856d9a36	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:05:34	-189.266
-29	32797	3279700	8a478c90-3064-4d8b-8601-bff9dc54a174	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:03:50	-294.348
-29	65594	3279700	01bd41d6-cc47-416a-9fa9-f0901e5ce2e7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:18:00	719.170
-30	32798	3279800	4b278459-73e6-40a7-9402-8c4129524074	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:22:10	258.56
-30	65596	3279800	662d740b-a72b-4ec7-8b82-99e131a2ddb9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:01:14	-918.789
-31	32799	3279900	d6ae2b87-b95c-48d7-873c-5bc9ec2a5624	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:15:22	861.15
-31	65598	3279900	8dbbc4f9-3684-4679-bb50-9cbb866d481c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:32:31	427.223
-32	32800	3280000	220dd045-dfa3-412b-a6ff-5c541e2d3224	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:15:33	-75.168
-32	65600	3280000	9449f231-8393-49a4-9239-5052d5813cd0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:17:25	-412.64
-33	32801	3280100	187e5b6a-cde5-4b8c-8030-f2ab809a2319	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:05:55	780.398
-33	65602	3280100	598754e6-98fe-433e-a32b-07db17f7f49f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:48:29	493.188
-34	32802	3280200	534792c5-8740-4e8e-b971-9e20b01d3ed9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:44:15	370.877
-34	65604	3280200	b19afad7-9d30-4164-9855-cf0fb738d96e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:33:27	-76.203
-35	32803	3280300	a7f86e50-c5c1-40d9-86df-b6da5282cfa0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:53:24	-493.95
-35	65606	3280300	5c723b26-bded-4159-b6c0-8abc91590905	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:20:14	206.996
-36	32804	3280400	b811d917-2f39-4a25-bb08-d012ad908426	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:32:49	-480.160
-36	65608	3280400	708a056e-f0e4-42a3-8e01-15f8cd9803c7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:09:25	195.364
-37	32805	3280500	180d81f2-d985-4c12-8b71-cbc1d4deac31	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:01:35	983.871
-37	65610	3280500	8baa7471-8019-4a95-95d5-34699b17ed05	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:47:46	319.958
-38	32806	3280600	3b8096be-9f31-42dd-aab7-3ad3c71235a7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:23:50	-47.437
-38	65612	3280600	f4832496-57ae-4f29-b5ed-7e2c9c7e2e51	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:26:49	241.361
-39	32807	3280700	971df5c7-064e-46c1-9886-1d581a17cda7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:03:51	596.140
-39	65614	3280700	343465ef-cdb9-403b-878b-719622591a01	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:23:12	245.666
-40	32808	3280800	171a1de6-315e-4625-95e1-d41abaa0f75b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:51:00	-878.548
-40	65616	3280800	cc2d1553-a6f2-4442-9088-06d011d47d84	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:26:47	-997.69
-41	32809	3280900	a2dc5ff7-c4ce-4b2a-b25e-d8601c20613e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:31:10	115.102
-41	65618	3280900	3cec1079-1e19-4b1c-9f7f-5bfa9f2444bd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:02:38	573.501
-42	32810	3281000	ea81bcc8-cc5a-4fe0-9cb7-a2ffa2fd3284	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:45:04	638.495
-42	65620	3281000	ca575214-a2f3-4ac6-a9b3-3a6599c5c135	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:47:38	-39.77
-43	32811	3281100	3bfcdaff-4954-48ab-80ab-bc97d3bb8c8d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:23:21	-807.803
-43	65622	3281100	c9ecf621-ca8d-4cfe-be00-0bc68fd189a2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:19:57	-756.262
-44	32812	3281200	d2d48925-fe78-40b4-aa99-024be3d2e6ca	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:45:19	-55.237
-44	65624	3281200	e29c5e9b-4639-427d-9892-201b77521c62	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:16:30	-883.29
-45	32813	3281300	488982cc-708e-429d-ad6e-330f8dbc9334	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:27:01	-27.180
-45	65626	3281300	a731003a-0c11-44df-98a0-c7201c2dc6e3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:47:15	410.9
-46	32814	3281400	0550dfe8-b7ab-4f38-8ba4-07b74cb6e390	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:05:04	563.739
-46	65628	3281400	f0cf6faa-59ed-484f-9989-a17189706056	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:35:51	472.780
-47	32815	3281500	8b60594f-ee94-4ecb-9213-a41b4d1fdd08	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:18:45	915.242
-47	65630	3281500	c93595ab-2a3f-428c-8510-e6209d5a2974	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:27:27	-335.448
-48	32816	3281600	24cd7710-2372-4fd8-8e04-3d41893b3388	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:25:39	918.71
-48	65632	3281600	c4433db4-ac55-4cbe-afbb-94d2dff99c4a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:35:05	313.856
-49	32817	3281700	f8539f3a-e0da-4837-a025-1fff1829db47	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:54:15	738.832
-49	65634	3281700	1b385ea0-c8a6-49cd-8451-084dce0b0ada	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:22:07	788.166
-50	32818	3281800	616efd4f-f6a2-4348-a11a-a373494b099e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:29:01	898.493
-50	65636	3281800	11a4d6bd-ef76-43e1-8d68-81eb10f726b8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:44:32	201.805
-51	32819	3281900	a78a8471-5665-4a77-b95c-acd24573cdf9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:30:09	-612.42
-51	65638	3281900	1d4de1da-f0a2-45e0-b4d2-de37ae7b6050	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:46:16	62.95
-52	32820	3282000	04e1bbdb-546c-458f-bbc8-c22afec3b8cb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:23:17	694.927
-52	65640	3282000	cfbdcbf1-395e-4d5c-8287-934a86e9a7b0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:22:55	-314.96
-53	32821	3282100	f0e7eb97-2e9e-4062-9568-d3b8fd57eb70	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:11:00	223.590
-53	65642	3282100	6d34a68f-fcd1-459e-aaad-6fcf35f2f362	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:13:06	-943.914
-54	32822	3282200	dcc5e2cd-04b2-41d3-9a5d-35e2829d9ccd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:51:42	-182.662
-54	65644	3282200	17bc1b74-659c-4ce3-9dbb-0b8a8cf619ef	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:07:49	-214.447
-55	32823	3282300	84588a47-86f8-4f2f-acf9-c0bb37656366	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:37:02	644.23
-55	65646	3282300	2af9c8f4-6978-4f6c-b087-8c8256d0252f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:26:24	498.240
-56	32824	3282400	7461a198-90c5-4a31-9901-ef855471b331	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:44:55	715.809
-56	65648	3282400	effef63b-edca-4e4e-b52c-1b5aac7d2fff	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:52:09	944.980
-57	32825	3282500	a0b850b5-1067-403d-8ac3-70a3f3cabceb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:17:47	-540.345
-57	65650	3282500	1bf55d16-a5a7-4912-8436-1126192234dd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:14:04	-54.637
-58	32826	3282600	e125c9e6-9bf7-43aa-96d9-fa4b1183f088	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:45:09	29.77
-58	65652	3282600	c4fe7869-5874-4b5e-ab7e-425b52fe84c5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:55:31	582.455
-59	32827	3282700	4e1a5720-07d8-46a1-8d4f-92d667e1dd7e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:17:37	540.440
-59	65654	3282700	09f4b3a2-798f-4945-bb85-45714b23e472	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:34:30	471.740
-60	32828	3282800	f410d4ab-c8e1-4739-b157-46bd5ff1a55f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:36:16	350.328
-60	65656	3282800	321b9f4f-5c37-41d4-ac86-a2f946a650c8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:36:50	824.446
-61	32829	3282900	a4849ef5-0ff9-48cd-bffd-405f407518a2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:19:16	-541.453
-61	65658	3282900	121c4fc7-4c8f-4f68-be5e-393531104d73	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:28:06	-521.79
-62	32830	3283000	a2e32d86-1680-4c75-bc6a-afc1f1170344	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:26:28	770.415
-62	65660	3283000	4a487b5b-ab1e-4690-b722-e151546925ec	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:58:58	-186.611
-63	32831	3283100	1159963a-365d-4e09-bbe7-5601bfa3aa95	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:10:39	-257.227
-63	65662	3283100	13bc3891-4d99-4833-9ca0-31ae69df6d71	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:00:11	273.583
-64	32832	3283200	d2b15a62-c3af-4d15-aa0b-a4614e7fed8c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:12:57	54.940
-64	65664	3283200	a6d38c94-82f4-4b89-beca-0e863a598485	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:21:05	-564.151
-65	32833	3283300	61bafcb9-8bcd-4965-b9b3-d2ed9e018ee9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:19:32	125.359
-65	65666	3283300	24ca9b3c-1c07-4c68-a365-22d29d4db7fe	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:03:03	86.54
-66	32834	3283400	1aca047f-3caf-421a-b69b-caaa254fe349	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:02:21	-586.544
-66	65668	3283400	79c964ec-456c-4a04-9e04-69e15bedfd8b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:57:36	788.798
-67	32835	3283500	af1f7f00-39a2-4f77-b75f-2bd808311edf	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:49:11	-162.876
-67	65670	3283500	c2cd01c0-d06d-4c03-95f4-abd243293e52	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:53:06	398.780
-68	32836	3283600	ecb4cc59-d68e-4ed4-9744-7ecb6359b4cf	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:33:52	-760.995
-68	65672	3283600	d329f103-09fc-44e0-b9f2-9143b9738b94	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:27:05	454.261
-69	32837	3283700	0ed10945-2a90-447d-bc55-af1761437f2a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:24:19	-568.647
-69	65674	3283700	7fd27825-03d7-4c79-89c9-4f06aac8bdd0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:12:17	-442.316
-70	32838	3283800	0114d6b3-863a-425e-9780-f5a13981a042	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:35:12	-281.500
-70	65676	3283800	ef5942c9-9319-472b-845b-41ca6e64864d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:45:51	395.412
-71	32839	3283900	15624c93-23ea-417d-9d27-86896d55b858	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:17:28	448.599
-71	65678	3283900	228fe95c-b6c8-4772-a5c3-dcad2589804f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:21:19	-556.763
-72	32840	3284000	c58691c7-4b48-4c9a-a2cd-7e391537c27f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:06:35	748.740
-72	65680	3284000	d564a3c1-1c21-42a4-9579-091d5a915d29	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:02:51	-360.120
-73	32841	3284100	38b25abe-eb83-44a4-9e17-b9e993009696	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:12:30	-660.904
-73	65682	3284100	7a3e6ca6-b044-4405-b5f3-60b3dbf2507d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:12:31	805.401
-74	32842	3284200	f2c808b7-4389-4e49-8b22-ae77fe392ad6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:56:05	805.581
-74	65684	3284200	e4edffd5-f8a8-457b-87bf-8cbdf99be35d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:40:49	330.271
-75	32843	3284300	68b258f3-0554-4b35-822b-584746268261	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:33:52	-805.432
-75	65686	3284300	ca85f98f-b9ab-48b8-87fc-4e979e19fba7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:28:36	603.537
-76	32844	3284400	939903fe-cac5-4a57-acec-0bf67a391f92	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:16:28	343.151
-76	65688	3284400	474a82c7-cb2d-48cb-95ad-002bf590a658	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:53:03	-558.83
-77	32845	3284500	5e625356-d0f3-407b-b586-67fe533bed5e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:13:08	-77.980
-77	65690	3284500	4b7d0f04-79e6-47b1-88fb-e2f42dac3c72	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:26:30	757.195
-78	32846	3284600	562540f6-b1bf-44f7-a02f-512260f11790	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:42:08	-939.650
-78	65692	3284600	0a9da7ca-5bda-4cb4-8d74-06c4b9d77b43	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:11:27	-160.74
-79	32847	3284700	9663361c-4489-44c4-ac0a-85dcfa8d2b1a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:19:10	787.524
-79	65694	3284700	5fe37ef6-3227-4218-b88d-5e3d774f30de	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:51:12	999.11
-80	32848	3284800	bd89ce5a-9d3b-49da-9bca-15ac32737e19	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:44:54	-497.481
-80	65696	3284800	79745e2f-b21d-47db-9794-7ba87e6b013c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:42:30	937.219
-81	32849	3284900	6d21891a-8a56-4b4c-aa8e-63e07907a613	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:13:59	122.692
-81	65698	3284900	d7e9aa8e-67b5-4053-ad59-5a857d8e40bd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:11:41	-526.368
-82	32850	3285000	65bce699-bff9-4214-b027-c8b8aa0f5bbb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:05:29	-150.652
-82	65700	3285000	13befdee-58b7-42ce-937d-0a2c498894a0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:13:40	-544.829
-83	32851	3285100	804d6f0d-ea45-43b0-a8aa-bd35001d3b6e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:42:24	651.250
-83	65702	3285100	3cd5367e-fb30-4ee1-a341-3f40d9155d37	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:21:14	452.703
-84	32852	3285200	af7047fd-6771-4641-a340-fc7ad759a67d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:31:01	126.672
-84	65704	3285200	808eb59d-d05a-46c1-8040-301d55bf0086	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:42:47	260.894
-85	32853	3285300	45b13dfe-dac4-4f2a-8b0e-710d7edd8806	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:47:30	93.662
-85	65706	3285300	b2f7a272-bceb-4710-9820-6d8251d724ed	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:21:16	981.955
-86	32854	3285400	1cf28cbe-e70c-4bac-9744-fbf207a4d29e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:46:43	-984.749
-86	65708	3285400	7bf8da65-612b-4f81-a88c-deef8a14dda4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:15:36	-613.127
-87	32855	3285500	40568fa3-aa8c-4135-bf92-2795b10a23ac	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:14:53	792.844
-87	65710	3285500	8171fb6c-7673-425c-914b-4409fef945e0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:08:38	-500.445
-88	32856	3285600	2f509a87-acd1-4903-8b94-90f80b63e7e7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:45:12	689.389
-88	65712	3285600	6a5412aa-3966-4c10-ba59-224f4d95dbb2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:22:29	-993.964
-89	32857	3285700	22749b03-1b30-4c6b-ae6b-d96e7990cefe	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:56:32	-612.183
-89	65714	3285700	3399571e-6b43-415a-b9f5-ac602d481f61	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:07:50	-480.30
-90	32858	3285800	e4bcc5fb-a1d0-4cd1-a2ef-e10e8c52bb5b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:27:56	113.827
-90	65716	3285800	3df8ae71-49f4-4090-aeaf-799a5996082f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:14:30	-578.929
-91	32859	3285900	7e0a8eed-e3f5-4c13-b3ff-05ead4139b5d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:18:04	-615.616
-91	65718	3285900	df79daa8-656a-4445-93c6-293817c72276	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:28:49	701.426
-92	32860	3286000	50e75402-308f-420a-9183-18a22f25bd4d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:40:45	673.476
-92	65720	3286000	8574f43f-995a-4814-b256-6bd17fe4be3c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:10:55	190.101
-93	32861	3286100	5cd9eaa5-c137-443f-9555-dc459a8825d8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:45:52	272.852
-93	65722	3286100	796afa14-a8b3-4f4d-bd31-d3fa82b664f2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:16:46	-702.698
-94	32862	3286200	500e390a-7667-4531-bbfc-1d94d9c59530	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:03:55	631.560
-94	65724	3286200	23f5e964-63aa-4d83-8d81-0d7261afbef3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:46:40	233.94
-95	32863	3286300	c1147918-4e9f-4944-86d2-247926c3ada6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:02:56	332.468
-95	65726	3286300	e3f06df3-8509-48f4-b9c8-c6e8266deffb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:52:14	-926.92
-96	32864	3286400	1e07a423-c1be-4c97-9db2-99ff0f6a0d31	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:37:22	-591.782
-96	65728	3286400	ed67a1f3-5d03-4b54-94fc-d1e6d9a88ba1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:29:38	498.309
-97	32865	3286500	4e478820-5d55-4e10-92d3-f27f2500da66	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:52:54	-459.326
-97	65730	3286500	c4670817-c638-43f1-bbc8-d6ae42a313c7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:35:16	842.619
-98	32866	3286600	df167985-2b47-4a24-a7fb-91c605ef72a9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:26:01	-895.602
-98	65732	3286600	603f15a3-1851-41de-915c-756e5ef82759	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:44:23	882.136
-99	32867	3286700	10f9eac0-2fb9-4d1f-95c5-6b4573ff7cda	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:08:18	962.851
-99	65734	3286700	95e38bd3-24e3-41a6-ae61-942b9d1b0d8c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:10:33	-586.76
-100	32868	3286800	92fbed0e-dcdc-4332-9226-449e90088568	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:31:10	-812.819
-100	65736	3286800	a46817c0-27f7-4994-88d8-10a7a9653ac9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:49:26	-264.573
-101	32869	3286900	ee1cc9f5-a8d2-4680-b2e0-75ca63486a8d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:58:46	-414.350
-101	65738	3286900	f266b402-0dce-49eb-ba45-920915fc65aa	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:01:31	388.368
-102	32870	3287000	50573ec3-ff01-434a-b2fd-48e17d278c44	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:04:47	412.820
-102	65740	3287000	33b51888-a659-41f6-82db-dfb90bf25cb1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:13:14	803.7
-103	32871	3287100	4b0ee5af-881e-4871-a96a-82b06ad8aaa3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:34:21	-66.386
-103	65742	3287100	0df6bcb4-2c29-4918-9095-1c9f52272298	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:14:22	-943.446
-104	32872	3287200	d12ccef2-4fd8-418a-aec3-11b0f0a4eeb5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:15:06	959.462
-104	65744	3287200	af5948be-fab6-4b7b-9dbd-5e14bcca0bfe	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:40:08	-689.701
-105	32873	3287300	403759b8-2aa2-4601-a475-4f629f63f95c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:01:04	-554.933
-105	65746	3287300	cefd23bf-85ad-4488-b89d-2928df9b1c15	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:17:40	-718.746
-106	32874	3287400	b9ee6e99-68e7-430f-a221-d4c4539d716f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:26:51	-192.728
-106	65748	3287400	80e83b03-f086-486b-acec-7e3854049cdf	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:05:40	-207.692
-107	32875	3287500	9866f562-922b-4ce2-928b-1b35ec7ab3e3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:39:03	730.451
-107	65750	3287500	522a09d7-d04b-4c5f-a5cc-fca4c048f7b5	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:49:29	348.791
-108	32876	3287600	9b1f85db-81c2-46a3-8b98-6faf4755e46e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:49:34	869.443
-108	65752	3287600	f3e96006-f51a-44a3-b91a-892bc52cb013	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:09:23	-713.118
-109	32877	3287700	02109d90-facb-4be3-8f5a-4a5db329c5ea	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:55:05	815.744
-109	65754	3287700	194c1ed1-f493-4abb-baab-a19b81d37460	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:47:49	264.930
-110	32878	3287800	a7e70866-4860-4627-934d-5ad550f66836	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:12:18	-970.93
-110	65756	3287800	e399fcd1-82bd-4a4f-84d1-f8d2530cf943	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:08:08	728.153
-111	32879	3287900	079b01d6-a44c-4ff3-9d9a-7035f032b4a7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:21:39	-399.291
-111	65758	3287900	cbbc6200-30c8-41cc-b27b-a2d7f58c80dd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:28:40	295.207
-112	32880	3288000	e30aa446-155b-49cc-8f38-bcd0ccded2ae	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:40:27	-191.11
-112	65760	3288000	dc91cfac-240d-4dd6-ba07-7a4bb323dbfb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:58:02	-93.995
-113	32881	3288100	bc834110-c9f3-425b-ab81-716d2e0ba458	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:36:25	278.762
-113	65762	3288100	f4838254-b6ed-4ff1-83ce-851826cd7f1a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:23:59	-479.208
-114	32882	3288200	56fa7dc1-afe1-4b4b-983b-6f7eaf6528ea	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:26:20	147.578
-114	65764	3288200	f9b012ba-2f52-46ba-85ae-76ba39dc6d92	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:56:28	607.735
-115	32883	3288300	d3ad09fc-4a23-47a2-8468-ee41b65d61fd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:23:29	-741.586
-115	65766	3288300	c56dccdb-8113-4d15-8a3e-1e7cd13bc9b4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:51:55	586.69
-116	32884	3288400	0df547bc-6b20-40b6-8812-f6edbc22e4c2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:17:39	595.464
-116	65768	3288400	48b1c948-2e38-48b8-bf2e-a06ca1eacc6e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:07:28	887.16
-117	32885	3288500	e943f6f6-7679-4f50-b4ee-e5faae2420ba	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:27:14	-593.547
-117	65770	3288500	634da744-8a1d-42d2-9f7c-bc0ebd21c7b1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:53:34	151.707
-118	32886	3288600	df91d347-e2f5-45f8-88f4-7c8acc3a192e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:20:51	-168.901
-118	65772	3288600	0470a5a6-5663-4562-b4aa-7ae02f5ce1f7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:54:11	-352.228
-119	32887	3288700	c1ada495-df72-4d02-8500-409c22c607dc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:18:47	478.267
-119	65774	3288700	bf616452-5e9b-4103-b0b7-1ab5a99d3c14	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:24:32	474.932
-120	32888	3288800	3c574139-5702-411b-be7e-7341acaf604a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:43:36	-735.875
-120	65776	3288800	bc5aaf9b-c354-4c85-ab1a-63ee88785ba3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:45:03	-934.296
-121	32889	3288900	d6b2696e-c135-4b04-8f09-025bb56786c2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:27:37	126.850
-121	65778	3288900	17c6c249-09fa-467d-95a7-1b057bc9b253	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:55:53	-307.760
-122	32890	3289000	e447667c-3282-40f8-ac9d-5ed8cdc3721e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:25:36	379.934
-122	65780	3289000	d0028d80-4341-4e9f-b437-3b56cfa02864	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:33:10	584.796
-123	32891	3289100	6fbcdc31-139b-4415-bce6-a387d87e580a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:46:12	-346.154
-123	65782	3289100	9a755290-920f-4ac7-b046-8eb12da9fd08	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:09:17	573.470
-124	32892	3289200	c5a80ec4-b4a3-4168-a4d0-6984ffeb6773	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:08:56	-733.565
-124	65784	3289200	8048eb06-4d1b-45c2-831d-a156bb252f81	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:11:19	702.47
-125	32893	3289300	9e97f753-8e5d-4c91-8493-0d4e22017372	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:04:44	-525.712
-125	65786	3289300	244d83b2-1f6a-47f0-a01c-b356fb644fd6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:03:46	-701.949
-126	32894	3289400	48077224-475c-4a79-861b-df20b7d12ad8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:09:12	-481.652
-126	65788	3289400	861ea087-6d08-4244-860f-97a5318f0b1d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:45:44	-51.909
-127	32895	3289500	713fd9a5-95a7-49c6-8746-8e4cf9b55945	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:27:27	932.495
-127	65790	3289500	a72b4549-0fe6-4892-ab51-1031ea54cda8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:01:25	214.943
-0	32896	3289600	d6f6d4fb-de77-461d-a860-2c2fca12ca44	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:28:23	-411.541
-0	65792	3289600	b50cf1b7-f56a-4654-9858-f4b6a98a1bb2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:55:46	24.193
-1	32897	3289700	fc25a1c9-b15a-4e38-aed2-297f83318536	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:53:44	-126.148
-1	65794	3289700	5758d28b-f118-4252-a187-be9b45974ab3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:39:52	-83.780
-2	32898	3289800	bb46b6d8-2bf5-4ded-96a8-dcf06562eb3e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:08:49	79.684
-2	65796	3289800	785744ad-e90a-47d2-b26e-f2478b7c5c60	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:10:09	386.986
-3	32899	3289900	6b961c52-7fad-4a41-a31a-b157172ab8da	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:54:13	623.147
-3	65798	3289900	7bfba422-e99e-4284-a98a-81a86cadb7a0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:24:17	617.689
-4	32900	3290000	5eb12518-23d1-46ae-9195-8a6a4aafc9e3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:45:44	-491.380
-4	65800	3290000	5f7d380f-56ff-4cdf-91fd-5ac9011b8c3a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:11:16	-563.408
-5	32901	3290100	8143a77c-8fed-4b51-9b01-a31c328d91f3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:04:30	203.80
-5	65802	3290100	ede485e9-673d-4f59-b60f-e42623dd4107	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:36:18	377.6
-6	32902	3290200	0109192e-2377-4179-a7b3-9cbca590e9b7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:17:52	-697.486
-6	65804	3290200	63bfc208-aa2b-45dd-bc41-b60be6bbd3e2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:26:34	-341.52
-7	32903	3290300	8b39e2dc-321d-4970-a4bf-ba06f1af44f7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:30:31	753.380
-7	65806	3290300	852e86d4-0659-4e18-8714-34d593ffd0d8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:48:08	-580.944
-8	32904	3290400	e60923fc-d6a4-41a7-a64d-59062c4e4757	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:31:05	-88.296
-8	65808	3290400	0769ec7c-b5bf-4991-9a18-179911c3c7c0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:16:06	53.317
-9	32905	3290500	13b8819a-835f-4024-95a8-5e4aa0ed9b0b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:50:19	710.317
-9	65810	3290500	35fa04ec-8408-4563-805a-93a37dc68a46	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:34:30	878.388
-10	32906	3290600	24de3c2c-a44d-4e89-88f4-298dbd0a73c1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:01:30	454.440
-10	65812	3290600	34d41ea1-9a9a-460a-8bed-eadf342eee56	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:51:26	828.471
-11	32907	3290700	afedf82b-13f5-42b6-9037-c663d5afd965	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:00:19	710.376
-11	65814	3290700	2a024345-7a10-49f3-8975-7e84caddad4b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:08:41	-509.494
-12	32908	3290800	db8a6520-e6aa-41e7-8459-d19995cb8d64	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:56:58	-170.303
-12	65816	3290800	1bbe2bcf-7080-46f4-bbdf-9eaedcd30139	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:01:14	895.448
-13	32909	3290900	ce0e78fc-89d1-4fa2-8903-1be234adf767	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:36:08	-253.334
-13	65818	3290900	758f4df8-da1e-4f74-ba4a-bb779a986dfe	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:30:05	-573.18
-14	32910	3291000	ec34c7f6-e4d0-429a-aef6-f2dfc7922e8a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:12:10	802.412
-14	65820	3291000	cfa9bf89-b0af-43d2-8c57-9ec9ca8104fc	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:13:06	-775.712
-15	32911	3291100	dc37620d-e44c-4978-885c-4d62be54f84f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:38:01	-897.439
-15	65822	3291100	35346e3a-a49d-49c1-b6c5-0a19177ac182	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:34:12	-147.111
-16	32912	3291200	9c3413dd-f358-4997-8e93-762ac76989c0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:31:04	-141.120
-16	65824	3291200	aa58f01b-9dc1-41c0-b37f-b153a84274eb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:05:25	181.309
-17	32913	3291300	203828f4-fa3d-4488-b430-113295978f7b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:29:00	266.509
-17	65826	3291300	651e8bb2-0fea-4097-a610-9b21e8091fff	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:41:59	-422.487
-18	32914	3291400	1f67f86e-e76c-4311-8a1f-df6da66f3cfc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:03:46	-420.894
-18	65828	3291400	285ff783-cae0-4d8a-aade-fac808337b92	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:35:35	-560.365
-19	32915	3291500	dd28e669-84ac-475a-83fa-82d43e5c192a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:00:42	460.505
-19	65830	3291500	0b601690-b1cb-48f6-858d-3b9fcd1326dd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:35:49	-421.160
-20	32916	3291600	5dd45423-a761-486b-b723-fa752080aaec	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:37:01	-59.339
-20	65832	3291600	2f35b473-710c-4328-8df9-ac6745f7ffb4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:36:25	949.322
-21	32917	3291700	da447ed0-d258-4fff-a764-5932f0f635d6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:33:33	-659.762
-21	65834	3291700	906ea2b6-fd1b-4a2e-aa40-d8d6c2ed8d21	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:31:25	-646.459
-22	32918	3291800	93c2f09e-0028-48b5-a2e0-70b1f54bcf51	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:45:17	-945.989
-22	65836	3291800	be544bee-538e-4e74-9472-d4e59486f885	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:41:42	-501.333
-23	32919	3291900	1d7f1143-522c-4d2e-8fbe-a9f96ef53e28	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:37:03	-22.102
-23	65838	3291900	45d6cf47-b78d-448b-ae72-5a08fcdd4ab3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:06:44	-47.768
-24	32920	3292000	02ecf5c5-7ae0-49f3-b202-60aca62447b0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:04:44	-560.291
-24	65840	3292000	8a87062a-21f7-447a-8ac8-1d8b867e74b4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:22:10	189.452
-25	32921	3292100	df9d5718-8d21-436e-acc2-af3269bc0e7a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:31:40	-143.997
-25	65842	3292100	1123875a-e032-4f01-bcab-440b23c10cab	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:01:08	-781.379
-26	32922	3292200	c34eb7cb-2b85-4cb4-8482-46ece7d362d4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:09:22	53.570
-26	65844	3292200	544ad48c-7c2c-4a8e-9e35-1f303493eb99	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:19:19	597.313
-27	32923	3292300	da812cd1-e2e6-46ba-9163-d376533b7e99	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:10:22	40.634
-27	65846	3292300	6589f11f-1a29-4bcd-9fc6-a83bcaacc68c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:58:18	401.293
-28	32924	3292400	4ee966b9-3de9-4e62-b3e4-c0e83ddebf7e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:18:06	409.215
-28	65848	3292400	dc0cc1b0-edaf-414b-849e-81baf2aa998f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:19:45	646.463
-29	32925	3292500	4f2e48aa-e9e2-4ba9-ac00-69a28ff77050	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:58:33	250.719
-29	65850	3292500	81a1d1f2-b8a7-4517-846a-7393882bf21b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:34:24	-123.392
-30	32926	3292600	23a02192-317a-4f46-8688-67e14bf9e371	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:37:03	58.133
-30	65852	3292600	334d7801-4a92-442f-b7f5-46e5a25f989b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:13:51	-804.815
-31	32927	3292700	eda0ddf5-a4a9-4206-986b-a4d411d3e495	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:11:13	242.974
-31	65854	3292700	5203155e-1d4c-4bc2-83e2-b5a476a70832	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:09:27	252.197
-32	32928	3292800	204767e8-90c9-4fdf-a84b-173270f5846c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:18:23	-614.782
-32	65856	3292800	9587b8dd-2334-4b3d-913e-7e99c94262f7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:10:53	-599.980
-33	32929	3292900	8f409716-f4db-4f02-8fef-d6f1e29fc27b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:16:40	-817.994
-33	65858	3292900	2de8c543-d86e-45ed-b626-e9278da14be4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:06:29	-639.4
-34	32930	3293000	94451128-a66b-4907-aa91-17ec8a8a99de	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:55:49	-60.259
-34	65860	3293000	5e98f4ed-f023-48ff-a85c-93125bc6073f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:03:40	-13.990
-35	32931	3293100	7375f2fb-a670-4392-aa14-50a88e5da634	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:25:45	255.216
-35	65862	3293100	f8734a02-204b-4f1f-ba30-5ba528442332	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:23:02	-462.819
-36	32932	3293200	5ec4a350-14c8-434d-9137-197d9203b2b8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:41:39	79.296
-36	65864	3293200	c92d182f-7703-4af9-acb7-ed3f3d5c3aa5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:55:16	147.7
-37	32933	3293300	dc40177f-e153-402b-a258-a479e0c30493	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:01:18	768.361
-37	65866	3293300	8080d10a-dcba-4081-a930-8cfcd3e458ca	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:55:42	931.297
-38	32934	3293400	e184fca0-7be2-4efc-b343-ce200d204ae7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:02:24	416.485
-38	65868	3293400	ba6cc788-7c4a-49dd-a532-d3b939dce280	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:17:11	-283.229
-39	32935	3293500	fcca40bd-f35e-4e43-97e8-fa141bd7b318	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:42:27	808.465
-39	65870	3293500	bcaa6a8b-35f3-4a2a-9938-3e9227943f2d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:11:16	79.293
-40	32936	3293600	995079ce-5a4a-4a3b-befd-d67d8b028d8e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:34:21	-259.806
-40	65872	3293600	a7aa53ee-9b1d-4dd8-ba4a-5afcf905ba6d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:40:56	370.925
-41	32937	3293700	688a90e9-475c-417b-8bea-c6dc99ec638d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:09:11	696.979
-41	65874	3293700	08c16bd5-637a-44a3-850b-a2dd905f8358	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:05:15	341.75
-42	32938	3293800	9a333673-8f94-4db1-8c77-ecad8412680b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:26:02	-918.80
-42	65876	3293800	d59269a0-3a7b-4be1-87f2-570869dae949	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:21:18	848.677
-43	32939	3293900	3007248e-2297-43fa-a996-4a4f8174192e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:52:50	862.835
-43	65878	3293900	e79f3176-453c-45cb-8785-69612d2f8e2e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:06:09	881.35
-44	32940	3294000	b7010719-78d1-4cba-9637-c7500f02ca40	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:37:24	990.185
-44	65880	3294000	2f9a06c3-3f2f-47a0-888d-3fd3196de154	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:52:24	956.273
-45	32941	3294100	74da7f80-0b47-44f3-b90b-2c44aac4493a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:01:53	-924.709
-45	65882	3294100	603e8ef0-dd67-432e-b058-cadf915481e6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:21:03	400.443
-46	32942	3294200	b545e09f-9f5a-4401-86a1-c65a10784509	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:51:17	946.680
-46	65884	3294200	0159982a-43c2-48fa-8871-f90d6a8e288b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:28:32	-354.746
-47	32943	3294300	afad9f36-93d4-4d30-9509-23ba6c289365	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:03:32	61.826
-47	65886	3294300	23ada78b-77bb-4055-b2fd-47e3ac29ff0c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:07:13	646.413
-48	32944	3294400	57dfe880-92fd-4494-aecc-864c6309234a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:53:36	-453.677
-48	65888	3294400	4c9bdb58-27f5-474c-af70-eabc95c05ec2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:32:59	-82.287
-49	32945	3294500	6e1a0627-4969-4338-8749-c60e3ed0df64	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:34:28	-647.276
-49	65890	3294500	6db16f46-dd59-4082-b6f7-c92e145d9380	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:18:46	-109.617
-50	32946	3294600	bcf86c64-3fa6-4cf3-bc36-41559586319c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:37:16	32.333
-50	65892	3294600	441bf646-2c20-4a1f-949d-cf302ae9925a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:29:35	-365.486
-51	32947	3294700	9f98bf76-a40e-4be2-b71d-5acb43fbfbb1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:39:21	-342.928
-51	65894	3294700	039f950b-7141-447d-b6da-69a9f189fd35	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:43:40	681.770
-52	32948	3294800	6e5eadce-441d-4c1b-b15a-fee6612cc5c8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:38:56	801.134
-52	65896	3294800	44fe212e-e30a-452b-998d-9138cd88e990	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:06:58	-889.272
-53	32949	3294900	c9c1e391-6d3e-49f3-8d60-85a5bb2e2da0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:47:10	404.289
-53	65898	3294900	3b276e44-ba57-42f4-9713-033a0b5b68c9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:52:42	-795.524
-54	32950	3295000	da32d07a-9d9c-4877-875e-4803ea494244	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:16:06	-472.482
-54	65900	3295000	d56a97ea-eb34-4386-90a2-43dc5f18b6ca	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:14:30	-855.916
-55	32951	3295100	c4a9c416-3009-4459-a2ad-6a6db3f4bb6d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:45:42	682.381
-55	65902	3295100	07a2c2cb-fb56-42af-ac9d-d497a1958b4f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:09:37	225.769
-56	32952	3295200	1d96c098-afff-4843-b597-ac6908a8b6f2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:56:37	58.828
-56	65904	3295200	6634c0cb-fcf6-4955-a0f0-555cd6f1e12c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:59:16	511.438
-57	32953	3295300	0fd28dc8-d92f-4914-a842-8b4013d46d09	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:32:20	-839.153
-57	65906	3295300	bb7fd262-4107-4a46-b37d-7226406cb75f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:59:02	-396.369
-58	32954	3295400	140cabd1-41fa-4f99-afa2-e1107de350a2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:22:36	-115.521
-58	65908	3295400	159f6592-60b5-4ea0-b629-491f2908276d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:01:29	236.952
-59	32955	3295500	38900166-5ba2-47b5-b0c0-28785ac66c3e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:38:59	869.670
-59	65910	3295500	88d2be05-cd21-4e29-aca1-3d3275c41bf0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:03:35	-274.134
-60	32956	3295600	19bc3acb-2bfb-4e0a-8042-d19d81ca3c84	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:24:25	-838.441
-60	65912	3295600	dc23d70d-c0f7-4615-8e5d-a8e8da12064b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:07:15	-244.759
-61	32957	3295700	06e8ac69-4dbb-4fb7-ad4d-d73508e7de8a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:09:32	768.769
-61	65914	3295700	7d708d06-d1a2-4919-831e-150a86497c0d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:23:18	-211.751
-62	32958	3295800	d0708e54-9f72-4811-94f1-b8fd6e992194	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:55:35	-198.309
-62	65916	3295800	f5145ad5-f737-4768-b618-7d3701c61502	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:22:07	464.869
-63	32959	3295900	15d5bd5e-ef7b-4b1b-8891-7478eab10d6c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:21:44	-630.178
-63	65918	3295900	0a16f6fb-e958-44ad-84b8-092f81805cef	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:39:32	250.75
-64	32960	3296000	563da223-b30f-4eb3-99dc-3e9aa9a8d64c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:04:41	775.503
-64	65920	3296000	57dd92b3-c656-455a-af5a-b016c7d4f094	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:46:27	-492.767
-65	32961	3296100	8f9f623f-0c6c-43bb-9a00-225a9d59a1e5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:46:18	-994.209
-65	65922	3296100	27ce4462-b004-4530-b6b2-07f95ab8fc29	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:10:23	150.345
-66	32962	3296200	e7d76fb4-a43a-4c2a-b7d2-f004a8c57a34	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:03:29	924.431
-66	65924	3296200	f1f964ea-ae66-42dd-80b6-e1e068863787	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:23:32	777.535
-67	32963	3296300	ba6c8b63-0fae-43e5-8ade-ec6453e2e575	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:25:54	-179.917
-67	65926	3296300	c36cda0c-5404-4d25-9644-9cb5f5beb062	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:31:48	-876.25
-68	32964	3296400	af758ae5-babd-40b5-9559-f044352aedb9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:03:34	222.116
-68	65928	3296400	de21d0d7-f051-4c86-b1a3-fa6819e63333	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:59:11	439.312
-69	32965	3296500	d1344a8d-f187-4a1e-b057-d0774e366f1e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:19:53	782.45
-69	65930	3296500	c2685daf-813b-4225-8c07-df45941bfe16	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:32:48	-252.947
-70	32966	3296600	ccfe2664-a113-41ba-ad4c-ced6e6da04a8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:42:42	-783.121
-70	65932	3296600	d36dda1c-d184-4a10-b333-e126c507fd45	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:06:38	37.649
-71	32967	3296700	25eb0d2d-49e6-4b5c-ac11-46d5edc2f3f0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:57:31	16.113
-71	65934	3296700	c3a54ddd-f9ae-424d-aa8a-903878ea6625	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:15:12	596.148
-72	32968	3296800	58cd01a5-3dd6-4a24-a0ee-89e1b51ef74a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:50:56	-940.883
-72	65936	3296800	bf29bb1e-db71-4f17-a167-113b7b2f2997	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:59:28	496.997
-73	32969	3296900	34b29a33-b3e8-4a0f-9163-d5339e6297e6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:43:56	-128.765
-73	65938	3296900	0e87e8cf-987b-420a-9e71-714f2b1ca57a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:55:27	398.708
-74	32970	3297000	22b77032-a640-40be-82af-9c365e41da79	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:37:26	-456.626
-74	65940	3297000	9dd86a13-7306-4fcb-ad16-258f211bc213	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:35:57	938.872
-75	32971	3297100	9ca0dd50-8172-4b9f-b184-ba3012d0ab6b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:29:42	775.350
-75	65942	3297100	2a3f6449-0583-4088-8ccc-26de4c54ace9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:55:54	-176.179
-76	32972	3297200	6d74fcac-6707-4767-9038-87de973915fa	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:40:28	65.283
-76	65944	3297200	d3e3b1c4-cc3b-4137-9445-52bf5b6a0de6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:34:03	276.735
-77	32973	3297300	379ee5d1-f538-485e-b761-f993e014e0f0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:29:35	709.89
-77	65946	3297300	faeee27f-a388-4cbc-910b-966127e7b888	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:17:58	-198.751
-78	32974	3297400	78005db8-82d7-4446-b58c-4d1c6ab66bb2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:19:45	736.847
-78	65948	3297400	b1ae8e3f-1b19-4265-8695-438945acfac0	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:50:09	178.951
-79	32975	3297500	fd31f538-fbd6-4db8-9e0a-4e669173d7d8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:30:02	-640.935
-79	65950	3297500	102b11fb-7ac9-49c0-a847-207cb90dce06	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:18:20	928.625
-80	32976	3297600	9fb9a612-830b-4e78-8c9d-93f25e194187	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:20:38	-459.419
-80	65952	3297600	9b0ae411-4ff3-4fa9-b8d0-1274235fe8bc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:13:07	-629.511
-81	32977	3297700	251ae11e-2318-48a0-b658-158a88feb6ea	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:42:45	-211.469
-81	65954	3297700	4a25b867-8e98-42f0-8742-e5e099c11d34	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:35:06	831.901
-82	32978	3297800	d1257310-5d2c-4cf8-92e1-71cca9574be4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:30:42	998.358
-82	65956	3297800	b7947ce6-dad6-4b20-8103-034e971d9177	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:13:46	-484.142
-83	32979	3297900	ad65e21c-0f08-4849-9710-c24cf5ea3d45	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:46:20	844.773
-83	65958	3297900	60b698d8-d3f5-4a34-bf37-b5eb29c8b647	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:13:54	198.875
-84	32980	3298000	9e8d56bb-ce83-436a-8e03-c68c5fc061f1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:54:38	887.756
-84	65960	3298000	4a02fb46-83a6-4fed-b7be-9877ae3d0c09	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:42:58	56.690
-85	32981	3298100	62031a6b-f95c-49ef-924f-b9a20d1e12f1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:21:33	-140.200
-85	65962	3298100	44f071a4-17af-49a5-876f-d2842000f805	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:50:56	-790.822
-86	32982	3298200	85837b26-fd71-4ef2-99b6-e76c8d916f23	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:56:42	-168.534
-86	65964	3298200	5ea90cf5-70cb-4f4d-8e8e-15ebf3b80700	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:10:06	552.115
-87	32983	3298300	7be496ff-0957-4c09-9aac-310943c1d388	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:26:34	11.2
-87	65966	3298300	125943e0-e7f3-490b-ab28-f647267c16a4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:58:40	-608.135
-88	32984	3298400	a3b381d4-43ac-44ee-96e2-426f430ace1f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:06:20	50.297
-88	65968	3298400	0620965c-033c-482e-8635-8afddfdfcee1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:16:39	873.258
-89	32985	3298500	155c08f7-1224-44d6-806a-93abedabb52a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:54:00	855.215
-89	65970	3298500	e68706c6-db11-42f2-8c7b-dfcf91ae943c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:56:44	-848.277
-90	32986	3298600	b3542137-b1cd-4907-a976-3ea9b78a5587	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:33:56	381.809
-90	65972	3298600	29c0b2f1-6e28-42b3-a389-e28b099a0582	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:33:08	507.577
-91	32987	3298700	64dc347a-5f2c-4a51-97fb-c3296665994b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:40:34	-312.914
-91	65974	3298700	6fb57e8f-a6ac-4ed2-9d0e-0c6b11542d1b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:55:48	-204.34
-92	32988	3298800	4f7e7d1e-9f16-427e-babd-cd301734bb22	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:59:39	-365.800
-92	65976	3298800	be11fb0d-a4bd-4d0e-9df6-fa7953807464	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:09:41	-936.238
-93	32989	3298900	23b46677-6237-4075-9f2d-f9c387c5938b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:44:28	89.223
-93	65978	3298900	0db97a75-d500-4d04-9c23-cb9b30ee6697	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:13:23	161.631
-94	32990	3299000	daa2b296-4863-437e-b966-bd5ef77cf906	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:32:35	188.863
-94	65980	3299000	25c0f5b2-db0d-4776-9a50-f2d0b8d9f0e9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:12:28	-224.529
-95	32991	3299100	96b0a457-4842-4d80-be14-80c6e67fa972	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:13:20	255.308
-95	65982	3299100	b4272825-8cb2-4b4c-9886-d8ae2357d520	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:17:01	-69.607
-96	32992	3299200	0d5e1385-fc96-472e-9751-2206dc78ad0d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:01:31	-24.184
-96	65984	3299200	33c10464-2d03-47f3-8cd6-23bc16b44bf1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:12:54	-793.928
-97	32993	3299300	22d6cfdc-b3ea-463a-8980-9826938c5a1f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:54:19	286.106
-97	65986	3299300	fb397648-2412-4bdf-b7ac-e61208f83888	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:31:54	-39.295
-98	32994	3299400	4dcb102f-daa1-4539-a55e-94b7a0120685	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:21:34	172.889
-98	65988	3299400	97814308-b1b3-44b9-8770-c684d00d4138	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:07:11	993.669
-99	32995	3299500	574c867b-f246-42a6-8e95-f2e1f0c20044	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:20:08	986.710
-99	65990	3299500	d64166bd-4856-4dbc-b00d-5bb2049289a3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:33:29	801.817
-100	32996	3299600	219e9f1c-1dec-4973-a75a-523941b84526	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:32:11	401.797
-100	65992	3299600	3689c720-5b6b-4d7c-abed-d5e029226037	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:56:54	572.281
-101	32997	3299700	1934543a-86af-43a1-ba3c-44f454071e40	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:41:31	520.61
-101	65994	3299700	cc079a89-1bcb-4782-9225-ea7fc70f7e15	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:24:32	571.683
-102	32998	3299800	3b1e1cd1-99ee-44c2-9b8c-1a2edd03ac1b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:58:35	-821.449
-102	65996	3299800	23bc6492-3ecd-49be-b660-94f15ad0d73f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:48:49	883.234
-103	32999	3299900	9fbc4ba8-d2d3-42e3-bd8e-855dbb035658	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:50:38	354.101
-103	65998	3299900	4260060b-e9e2-4579-aaf1-6242d6c7068b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:38:59	-469.37
-104	33000	3300000	948e25ae-6644-4bcc-90f1-c03570d2200c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:20:48	532.77
-104	66000	3300000	8bc0424b-9878-44a5-8884-d35e8cb749f7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:34:53	180.944
-105	33001	3300100	86b52b1b-387b-4d33-9d84-f0fd585801f3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:46:09	-300.400
-105	66002	3300100	d96efa72-1e4f-4f1a-b55b-0367cdde1c1f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:20:51	-119.648
-106	33002	3300200	7949b2ff-40bf-4a89-a4ab-5b1bef9ad5f9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:28:14	-490.162
-106	66004	3300200	83abbabb-fb50-480c-9f44-54e8bebf046a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:02:09	-429.366
-107	33003	3300300	4b6b8e4d-afcb-44a7-83c2-78a71d0d7eda	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:41:20	-301.261
-107	66006	3300300	27476862-d0d2-4cc1-be2e-67c7d21dea63	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:20:21	-446.80
-108	33004	3300400	2dada42e-7c86-47b1-87e3-a0bc8ff1c348	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:27:16	960.371
-108	66008	3300400	6028bf5d-5ac5-47c5-ab50-38e1167fdb6a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:48:57	-390.255
-109	33005	3300500	7977039f-e5dc-4cad-b4e5-9f630999f24a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:17:04	545.138
-109	66010	3300500	92b60c42-336c-4325-8de9-98879ec89e00	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:13:33	-352.187
-110	33006	3300600	361166de-7728-4426-a713-8e77c8dca49b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:09:12	-848.284
-110	66012	3300600	2af04305-404d-4b52-8f16-040540b4aa8e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:50:11	733.601
-111	33007	3300700	501edb32-d163-45b5-bded-459c57fe7a1b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:23:23	895.320
-111	66014	3300700	5c14805b-d74d-43ad-871c-2ded36afebd8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:27:26	671.627
-112	33008	3300800	0112b1ba-9794-483c-a11d-e7a372b32b80	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:19:23	-600.103
-112	66016	3300800	3eb703c4-2faf-4b1b-b748-e8ed310588ba	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:51:59	323.72
-113	33009	3300900	4bcfd188-674f-4248-8964-8781ada59fb3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:50:45	608.68
-113	66018	3300900	52c6af18-af86-4ff9-ab0b-173e2ce8592e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:59:53	642.559
-114	33010	3301000	2d9a7d97-987b-4dfd-8943-1109843c9814	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:04:28	-758.250
-114	66020	3301000	f92905e2-43ff-4990-96c7-aaa5248f5781	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:53:02	254.21
-115	33011	3301100	d9690cbb-baeb-4e71-9999-b03b93ec5243	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:21:02	-651.558
-115	66022	3301100	19ba729e-1333-4826-8ede-dc23c4ca7a0f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:37:01	-719.104
-116	33012	3301200	0ac8a1d3-ae43-4802-8f2e-06b29b6254ae	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:19:51	-986.890
-116	66024	3301200	bde1c5e9-88a5-45bd-aada-23cf33a9dd2a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:37:31	734.539
-117	33013	3301300	dfebc633-c78b-436f-8a58-a43fca80781c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:16:29	-229.988
-117	66026	3301300	15960352-1755-4bcd-87dc-e5acbac059ef	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:43:12	-307.960
-118	33014	3301400	cf1f7db9-b059-4788-8d4a-2bab0abaae9c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:01:21	-479.959
-118	66028	3301400	f18f1ba8-67cc-424b-a7c1-dcd7c6ba4e2c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:32:02	729.267
-119	33015	3301500	246c6380-e950-463f-8d77-660f1e7b9328	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:35:09	748.475
-119	66030	3301500	163fa092-5862-43c3-92b7-a5f7c8811e91	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:02:12	-582.870
-120	33016	3301600	c9ef0e94-06ed-416d-9e81-dbbe60c1d7fa	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:02:34	996.517
-120	66032	3301600	f85fe75f-4d41-47e7-ab08-ebfba68526a2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:50:27	794.181
-121	33017	3301700	c20e2b7e-701f-4e33-a257-080acc1abf70	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:21:51	-583.390
-121	66034	3301700	81fb361f-1c42-45d8-96ba-16aac7b638ed	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:52:06	-295.46
-122	33018	3301800	c040491a-2cab-4c4c-8552-278ec4dac872	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:40:08	-290.976
-122	66036	3301800	7d4b57fb-9cd7-4962-aba8-d000221ea5f9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:42:10	3.868
-123	33019	3301900	89882892-7119-4529-ab33-7925f135a947	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:13:30	-542.706
-123	66038	3301900	279111b8-1af3-45c4-8fac-6c87bb7c2c7a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:37:27	-932.980
-124	33020	3302000	1369584a-cde8-4c25-84f5-6f2cf1ea16c5	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:50:29	560.211
-124	66040	3302000	8de99679-35ef-4fa0-aba6-7bda43d119ae	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:06:59	985.3
-125	33021	3302100	2ae80596-8c87-4db8-a803-16bb6a954f20	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:16:03	-999.264
-125	66042	3302100	ee6a64c3-176a-4a71-af16-d12fd643c28b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:00:43	491.781
-126	33022	3302200	d9a1805e-90f2-4df0-affc-325eed63c3a7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:48:06	-193.502
-126	66044	3302200	d4bd3a21-093d-4e4a-b67e-f771ee676840	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:48:01	909.844
-127	33023	3302300	700d9290-2e87-4999-825f-7baf74b2b695	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:57:28	-929.128
-127	66046	3302300	001e74c8-88d6-4bdc-9c9a-b0e8391e1a6a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:13:03	459.602
-0	33024	3302400	9f4628b0-4e85-4f17-ab8c-9d21b9b0fca0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:54:01	996.134
-0	66048	3302400	453b007b-6c13-483c-aa87-3174d05339be	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:41:38	34.752
-1	33025	3302500	88ee157e-158f-478a-91bd-a6cb80935d62	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:20:03	-176.992
-1	66050	3302500	442725c5-6f3e-4eec-a193-6f11a8c6e165	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:57:26	-987.202
-2	33026	3302600	03a2c191-7ac4-40d9-860e-75a9b92b65cd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:01:16	-324.582
-2	66052	3302600	77b328b6-bf86-4a35-972c-f6cb87a95631	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:28:22	78.273
-3	33027	3302700	6f0e74fb-7e9a-4e4f-82d6-a9f60fe68791	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:01:08	924.148
-3	66054	3302700	3357945f-9db5-4032-bde6-b62ac890ba0f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:25:17	522.805
-4	33028	3302800	5f6678bf-d898-4d45-8a31-b1f3d252b627	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:05:16	167.278
-4	66056	3302800	a7cbd0a9-f8be-45ad-addc-bd0bb0a4992f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:10:15	-574.858
-5	33029	3302900	42d827e7-37b5-43c9-ae92-3713c86c8eb3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:56:09	365.894
-5	66058	3302900	2a6fc098-e617-49d9-9198-64ff3f7e72eb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:36:27	509.843
-6	33030	3303000	8037e745-3b0b-4d8b-899d-ab78a7ccea34	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:32:34	685.365
-6	66060	3303000	e1210027-a16f-4e5d-95f0-9a56700e2ff3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:49:20	902.594
-7	33031	3303100	46131ea0-d344-41d3-bf6a-61a54599510c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:02:53	-687.401
-7	66062	3303100	3e36a714-e4d5-49f1-b7ad-25d55f5c11e2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:29:14	-918.849
-8	33032	3303200	dec39d4d-4896-404f-9493-bd4af3628e1f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:42:30	-938.759
-8	66064	3303200	db44eedf-d407-46e1-b0a4-67540252535f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:43:15	342.517
-9	33033	3303300	820e30b3-5aa8-4851-8888-9cbefd48fade	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:58:27	-638.304
-9	66066	3303300	19053019-3700-41aa-9ffc-3b6f4ed7b7b7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:32:30	492.971
-10	33034	3303400	aee7bcaa-5639-4062-bda3-e4348409cb0b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:31:13	167.43
-10	66068	3303400	90c1fbb6-6170-4bd6-81da-25c128dc944d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:39:08	-919.782
-11	33035	3303500	961e7077-630e-438d-86cc-458b69db7e27	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:42:27	-916.414
-11	66070	3303500	e239479d-8bea-48d3-8633-3ae50757b428	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:10:50	506.713
-12	33036	3303600	7055a05f-ecfd-4f01-aceb-5d3c54d8fa00	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:28:16	-216.562
-12	66072	3303600	841915ea-19e2-4e4c-8115-9afaa7b065dc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:32:40	-912.613
-13	33037	3303700	f7e96dc3-a8e6-4d10-b569-fb5cb3483074	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:14:53	-709.673
-13	66074	3303700	9ba2a730-f04b-4a12-bfc4-01785ec7a376	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:35:38	986.563
-14	33038	3303800	5224a69b-9919-4819-8b04-7a2a8935e8fe	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:10:41	-444.8
-14	66076	3303800	894f5828-efc4-4da6-b0f0-3645c353325f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:37:33	517.362
-15	33039	3303900	0db8045d-7d52-4436-949a-d9344b5ea1f6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:11:43	503.344
-15	66078	3303900	84c35b5c-8502-46db-8cad-64093ab97801	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:43:31	618.185
-16	33040	3304000	5454a1da-ac59-49ff-9f65-ffe01c4be45b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:08:22	72.686
-16	66080	3304000	d6f2ccce-f046-437e-bfc3-69a9bf13929e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:03:23	707.179
-17	33041	3304100	4a4a4a98-8ed1-4399-8acf-b2679eb27f1d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:10:55	-261.730
-17	66082	3304100	a04a9bdf-ab7f-4700-a5f4-7b90857d2d2d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:56:49	907.20
-18	33042	3304200	ec0b36aa-b652-492a-8e0d-a3a76e4ce0cc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:51:56	583.356
-18	66084	3304200	e4c1d0f5-bc12-45c7-bab4-e07b9a01be58	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:25:02	593.738
-19	33043	3304300	234d8d3c-92f6-4386-b8fa-799f6b3c47ba	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:06:42	-316.958
-19	66086	3304300	c62276a2-b689-4753-8849-7c6cfd16ac8e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:51:55	-532.492
-20	33044	3304400	55c0768b-be8f-4ebe-bffb-ce9eb8210d5f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:13:04	-369.500
-20	66088	3304400	d0e5bbbc-e28e-46d8-9157-9796bfc1c6be	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:39:03	-83.329
-21	33045	3304500	0b44f1c4-3720-4cd8-bc37-327ab9c9060e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:35:29	851.550
-21	66090	3304500	1ca9c53b-178b-4648-a3e1-a222b0424642	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:06:55	-159.463
-22	33046	3304600	83541f26-d01e-4b61-9e48-b80727ab3b4f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:30:34	-425.471
-22	66092	3304600	86065b29-1c9f-468c-a7a3-9fa8b0b2a865	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:57:43	284.533
-23	33047	3304700	7de3e9b8-e954-4a8d-9f14-b69d247e70f1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:42:25	16.41
-23	66094	3304700	8924772a-ac48-44e9-8053-e483d2644dba	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:25:33	-980.599
-24	33048	3304800	c74de5b7-f39d-4a21-b6c6-fafc7420711b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:19:35	-106.23
-24	66096	3304800	918a76cf-11e2-48a4-b0e1-22ec62c828e4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:18:08	712.893
-25	33049	3304900	4f2aa9fe-3a64-41f9-a37b-4fca4e3125f8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:15:35	-639.359
-25	66098	3304900	1872003a-a853-43e7-af67-2bf98670a8de	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:31:07	-225.415
-26	33050	3305000	ebe8ae15-e7be-4457-a781-54f40c5da7e2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:37:33	167.898
-26	66100	3305000	4da930b0-5549-4c34-9147-1e68ebade4e8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:33:36	-851.728
-27	33051	3305100	6bbfe2b1-d717-48ed-9bb3-7e865a9a5ea8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:21:31	-121.66
-27	66102	3305100	5b4278cc-9db1-434e-a3b9-c1d9b50c4090	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:16:58	967.812
-28	33052	3305200	4a7c1018-abce-409d-9c4a-8dde5f24bed1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:13:00	-797.744
-28	66104	3305200	cc3ae0ce-994d-41f7-a4ef-46da4ba894bd	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:50:29	-101.989
-29	33053	3305300	2f8e7123-6949-4a48-9c9a-6f3e8ab00f48	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:10:28	-322.315
-29	66106	3305300	83f2fd13-84e1-47be-863e-a44d68d52a97	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:47:15	-913.436
-30	33054	3305400	70d8d91d-6852-49cf-aaaf-c26a05e3a549	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:59:48	495.476
-30	66108	3305400	fc337f9e-9561-4f90-9b91-43a438d37b5e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:11:57	-412.979
-31	33055	3305500	64d3b4fa-ec76-4543-bf2c-d62e4f3bb5e4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:06:38	219.265
-31	66110	3305500	568969d0-aa9e-4b4b-89f5-33c5ee67d854	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:21:39	-569.987
-32	33056	3305600	1878dbf6-4d42-4a48-b05a-2d758afb5760	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:25:39	768.990
-32	66112	3305600	ca245bc2-0708-4737-b278-8969a5114f6b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:13:35	-286.406
-33	33057	3305700	f0cf1956-65b7-4195-b384-2105121fbca6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:02:56	-385.67
-33	66114	3305700	016d51c2-d404-4f64-912f-46e54aee04c0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:34:07	-564.822
-34	33058	3305800	ca7bab7c-38d6-43a4-9dd2-773234624cf8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:22:04	686.466
-34	66116	3305800	a37833cc-ed83-4973-8a6f-a05936602ba8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:23:12	-914.532
-35	33059	3305900	5a971f5b-09e1-4d62-be97-9042f4f83511	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:59:37	107.162
-35	66118	3305900	8b029622-02d6-485f-a6ef-251456dfd9ad	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:23:52	-250.237
-36	33060	3306000	249df4bc-b922-4159-9fb8-b39ff4db9c63	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:00:26	586.626
-36	66120	3306000	08694b78-85f9-4c3c-9868-89ac05d1971f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:47:06	-122.47
-37	33061	3306100	46547254-0cde-42e8-954a-41b83e1199c3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:34:49	-62.80
-37	66122	3306100	b0053f32-af5e-4dda-bb89-371bcb22dfc2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:11:20	546.4
-38	33062	3306200	4e64170b-68f8-488e-b3a4-5e148c0a55a1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:08:27	752.105
-38	66124	3306200	4a48691f-178d-4d08-bb8a-51c9125309df	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:34:43	186.619
-39	33063	3306300	54ddc6e1-27d1-47e0-ad51-c05f0def1db1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:12:40	456.943
-39	66126	3306300	8794bf9d-dd0d-4474-ab3a-51c15bef8b2f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:55:10	-534.576
-40	33064	3306400	721ebbba-c38c-4366-a965-a113c4645dad	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:21:34	-514.684
-40	66128	3306400	2658a6e9-5c78-43fe-b7e4-c94097d294af	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:45:22	566.462
-41	33065	3306500	5308f468-2bcf-4269-8de5-3e97654c841f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:10:24	-458.384
-41	66130	3306500	95e3b290-8404-463d-bc59-635dcce7e780	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:51:13	-53.539
-42	33066	3306600	3bba7816-68f6-47c9-a30c-4fd188cd95b9	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:12:13	-138.270
-42	66132	3306600	f14fdccb-922a-4306-b122-f01e4353e72d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:07:01	-582.267
-43	33067	3306700	1638ba40-7cfa-49b6-a9d8-745bc8e0aa15	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:40:35	-808.530
-43	66134	3306700	fc196aba-e11d-4435-9218-1ff03b8f4b82	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:39:25	-585.260
-44	33068	3306800	f354b602-6302-4b82-a6cb-591635247f59	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:15:17	-206.407
-44	66136	3306800	c952ce28-a9dc-40c2-bf43-ba1e9c5456f7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:58:08	690.290
-45	33069	3306900	7de2cb8f-cbc4-42ab-8877-8b8ddfc3ae1d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:59:46	522.59
-45	66138	3306900	0df0acea-c4dc-4041-a909-a9bc68806945	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:51:59	-181.445
-46	33070	3307000	95318986-b36d-4de7-9f88-c55c4fd3903c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:31:32	187.681
-46	66140	3307000	462558b6-4756-4f25-997d-5d42dedf8331	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:33:42	307.192
-47	33071	3307100	947c74f3-2e9d-4fce-90f9-e18dc43c7a21	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:51:46	494.657
-47	66142	3307100	3febe13e-d978-4032-9fb0-6afd142f1c96	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:51:13	-840.760
-48	33072	3307200	a11a97a1-615a-43e1-896b-9b8d65962ae1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:37:19	626.288
-48	66144	3307200	2f8cc832-3180-4a9a-b7b7-0d53417fb241	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:57:28	-693.185
-49	33073	3307300	e31e3a05-6f53-4ed4-ae04-a2889edb0d64	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:25:58	-69.591
-49	66146	3307300	e29a8377-d114-47f2-8a53-71a42a29b3d8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:19:43	416.201
-50	33074	3307400	5e03cab1-8952-4285-903e-73e2f85cfb04	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:59:10	809.550
-50	66148	3307400	1338ae25-5670-4216-af52-d098567bd315	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:20:29	-672.360
-51	33075	3307500	e66a20d1-fa0e-454c-be27-6016c4e4ee1e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:12:58	61.959
-51	66150	3307500	718d9c8e-3c5b-448e-a9b7-f135f841fae1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:05:04	-484.561
-52	33076	3307600	53577992-8f01-41e1-a6dc-06b42005d7df	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:48:16	986.173
-52	66152	3307600	a6f6fcfe-e792-43f2-b495-1e99133c6987	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:05:47	-614.469
-53	33077	3307700	7319c48d-0901-442a-a082-f6f076d0f0be	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:05:21	-521.62
-53	66154	3307700	7f78f6d5-bc34-42cd-b949-b1dd5134e16e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:25:20	390.770
-54	33078	3307800	1d2767a5-3ec2-4b70-8e17-6b1e5bf9afac	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:02:28	-840.347
-54	66156	3307800	f5c9c05c-524d-476d-80fe-b57361a3656d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:07:23	339.322
-55	33079	3307900	dccaa423-b92b-4737-9c01-cb6d547a9597	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:25:35	-630.977
-55	66158	3307900	0ed2a108-4819-46da-942a-342ddfe6f842	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:19:48	-742.113
-56	33080	3308000	fa8a5778-9b36-453c-8580-30425eabd307	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:04:55	-995.846
-56	66160	3308000	c0213fba-7946-4f24-b5e8-12d033588668	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:14:37	-972.290
-57	33081	3308100	2562085e-28bb-4a83-8827-bbbe396b433b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:36:46	577.645
-57	66162	3308100	117e9350-845f-4e7f-9420-85b8c7dca16d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:26:43	132.234
-58	33082	3308200	cef3064e-2edc-4083-862f-0da83506ca8b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:11:11	-957.128
-58	66164	3308200	03a83a5a-1e7f-4b99-ae40-04849582b3ae	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:46:45	-946.923
-59	33083	3308300	faa2114a-642d-4e7f-9427-84e0a74a2064	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:54:05	268.455
-59	66166	3308300	e208b47f-7c33-4764-b4dd-f858cb657e67	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:38:21	-701.735
-60	33084	3308400	3bd5549c-01f0-4f31-9aa8-d8a2a13135b6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:31:59	-702.497
-60	66168	3308400	2de16833-8828-4e13-8615-c4ecc7f2cda1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:01:17	736.256
-61	33085	3308500	237b2e80-c212-4852-80d7-43b5149669ac	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:07:17	-21.855
-61	66170	3308500	a9fbc746-7397-4e4b-91a0-fb3bd22baa1a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:23:08	-441.312
-62	33086	3308600	7d8d99df-442a-44d0-8ec7-96d232dba8de	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:13:15	-168.962
-62	66172	3308600	0e3b5e6c-8713-424f-9082-f07979c01afa	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:12:22	360.622
-63	33087	3308700	75416d23-6cf0-4b64-b335-877786a30b38	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:34:52	432.317
-63	66174	3308700	8f554cca-b175-48ad-ab63-0438fd3e80b1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:24:48	-279.988
-64	33088	3308800	f3203d85-a80c-473e-b4ee-f561bce55949	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:01:25	704.398
-64	66176	3308800	a38c2cd4-8e5e-4793-b93d-9df55427e51d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:49:56	282.69
-65	33089	3308900	887704e8-acd3-4364-b0a2-b23a8372fe63	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:21:56	728.955
-65	66178	3308900	b1c7da43-91ea-454a-adb2-212b6fba4659	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:52:06	232.326
-66	33090	3309000	8efb8492-5066-4ae8-b723-e6f5b43dbf08	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:24:46	-530.546
-66	66180	3309000	477744fa-9e73-42cc-beeb-ad5c495cff9b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:55:58	151.956
-67	33091	3309100	e5a77eec-be82-4f40-9ece-1ddc81e85be2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:15:45	-44.145
-67	66182	3309100	098238ce-c357-4481-af6e-6e77fb14460c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:11:45	-946.145
-68	33092	3309200	13a3ea3d-7364-47ca-867d-3b56f2d66fdb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:09:30	177.432
-68	66184	3309200	588af5e9-1835-421a-ae1a-bfa4ec90c7a8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:58:23	-729.83
-69	33093	3309300	2509fc7d-70fb-43b1-adef-dd44b0876965	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:06:32	-983.543
-69	66186	3309300	4c27d310-3ea6-456c-afd6-beb37da3e2b9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:31:01	414.838
-70	33094	3309400	a2c55b15-be7e-4a23-a908-e8ab6dd2b73b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:25:29	-603.945
-70	66188	3309400	a7a70d21-4791-4e6e-a4a7-cff37504c349	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:48:25	-290.189
-71	33095	3309500	1258225c-04d6-4b64-baf8-9fc5f020ae9c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:44:13	691.486
-71	66190	3309500	ecd9b85f-f4bf-449e-ba7c-a67a0056729d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:47:57	717.176
-72	33096	3309600	4801dc0a-de34-4e20-ba7f-56a97e8f8558	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:14:31	721.252
-72	66192	3309600	c59216ed-9376-463b-8f21-f8c6bb9d8e3f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:34:39	553.228
-73	33097	3309700	7035c1bf-d7a6-4ca4-8289-8c767ed911a2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:35:33	-181.528
-73	66194	3309700	bbd3b0c2-31c6-4718-b444-8048a287fe2a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:43:19	-523.641
-74	33098	3309800	e1e63bcc-47b5-4661-b30e-0f7156401288	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:15:36	282.919
-74	66196	3309800	403b91a2-4f03-4c58-986e-eaf496a9f8eb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:01:10	43.937
-75	33099	3309900	fecf4243-86ef-4c64-8ce3-2b1750079ffd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:14:29	-2.301
-75	66198	3309900	af064589-b008-4cca-a9a5-a63a27eacc67	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:54:45	355.917
-76	33100	3310000	e4d0e796-c547-4ad2-a7e0-4e828ac10b69	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:39:31	975.258
-76	66200	3310000	16995b67-fb56-4192-9af0-a7ee8759432c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:11:18	-287.380
-77	33101	3310100	45951b84-bbef-4baf-be59-cf5344ff5c05	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:05:18	-29.819
-77	66202	3310100	45b284a2-3376-4425-9f1d-15dec27d2515	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:43:44	-458.155
-78	33102	3310200	759639ff-c059-4797-894e-47cc3a1ceb9b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:09:00	-157.493
-78	66204	3310200	490c9715-026d-4736-b981-c736c6a7ddd1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:14:56	185.846
-79	33103	3310300	4c9616d7-c280-4965-8af3-c073de3e2b5c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:18:25	-477.735
-79	66206	3310300	86b33790-a7f6-456b-96b5-e7eec01c335d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:13:51	723.670
-80	33104	3310400	0e0a1e5d-d4dc-47ef-9f8d-16d132b0f0f2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:21:24	-214.388
-80	66208	3310400	2deffeea-91c8-42c2-bc8e-e9283b03c175	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:59:13	-476.496
-81	33105	3310500	f43ab20a-dfc5-453d-8de2-6d5c5f33f3ad	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:00:20	651.368
-81	66210	3310500	a5ef38e3-eb65-4b16-b929-47db330048cc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:34:46	-632.39
-82	33106	3310600	ef42429b-b556-4b45-80e8-6d2a021bcc0d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:55:03	126.996
-82	66212	3310600	6d0a9a5e-a437-4e91-969b-0ca6832c7186	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:46:27	-910.638
-83	33107	3310700	aacde0d5-967d-4281-80a2-2dd64735491b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:50:28	443.244
-83	66214	3310700	72e99b2b-caa2-4f2e-bb1f-bee6f2d1f85c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:07:45	988.461
-84	33108	3310800	8b4153ef-f0f1-4147-85f1-18ae7ad9544e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:34:35	910.193
-84	66216	3310800	4c6c3744-718c-40f0-9cb4-a0ec830c5ae1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:55:05	-44.248
-85	33109	3310900	38fdcd5e-9ecd-4768-83dd-d7da1f1a9f3d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:11:39	742.210
-85	66218	3310900	b6eb74e5-ce8d-4296-9b62-5d799bf2bef4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:00:24	222.587
-86	33110	3311000	a2d67ae1-e06d-4efe-ae34-d83499633a6b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:50:56	590.936
-86	66220	3311000	83a512c8-1f07-4d83-9f89-c77552778ea9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:32:12	178.914
-87	33111	3311100	de80aee6-0935-461d-8ea5-b252b512c994	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:11:45	-912.560
-87	66222	3311100	347d318d-caf5-4e6e-bf1a-cff1689ef635	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:52:09	980.355
-88	33112	3311200	a1484b49-1623-4ed0-8bef-7ac45bdfbae0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:58:53	2.600
-88	66224	3311200	21853c78-f22f-48d6-98c3-3bbdd864bb50	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:13:14	-730.902
-89	33113	3311300	f57125bf-690b-4175-80ec-ee93d595991e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:48:04	109.815
-89	66226	3311300	4cc4ee3b-bdd6-4452-90cb-646544c8b375	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:18:34	937.628
-90	33114	3311400	c0acec62-3f74-43bf-b881-b534d6f466a4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:22:54	-272.795
-90	66228	3311400	87e2c78a-ff9b-44b8-9c09-3038f7d89e1a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:31:37	-948.754
-91	33115	3311500	c1e97a94-829d-4ec1-938d-7ec2ea68484f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:23:51	562.755
-91	66230	3311500	b959c810-bb94-4e49-b7e0-6044745ef7bb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:04:47	860.595
-92	33116	3311600	231f0676-e01d-4c43-aa0b-aad3436d044f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:48:55	-238.604
-92	66232	3311600	3a416452-b153-467b-b6a7-a48120063efb	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:30:15	474.29
-93	33117	3311700	15c632f6-dbbe-444b-bdb2-3fad78b0c446	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:32:42	-1.5
-93	66234	3311700	80702deb-82a6-4357-8ffe-b376011f8b06	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:08:47	-853.482
-94	33118	3311800	45ada87c-9b16-4b27-b928-e15f092c378c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:09:44	-913.832
-94	66236	3311800	e345f806-1008-4336-83ed-31fd7813305b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:26:28	-284.162
-95	33119	3311900	2884b4a7-e044-4363-856f-e98b8015e41f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:20:40	-356.494
-95	66238	3311900	4ddf2b03-15bc-4b89-a3a5-334cef111adf	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:16:08	7.745
-96	33120	3312000	0df12205-dde4-454e-95e1-a709f99be111	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:45:44	-119.577
-96	66240	3312000	88d4bd88-f65a-4889-a97a-98c2eca26e33	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:34:33	-821.218
-97	33121	3312100	0fc418f2-b38f-4ab9-9074-210eb600dfa6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:46:25	-546.249
-97	66242	3312100	8fc65b48-c79a-44f7-9f5b-134fd54ed7b0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:38:25	-293.730
-98	33122	3312200	df1d421e-b987-4489-945c-02b785b06ef4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:41:41	-683.688
-98	66244	3312200	736ae833-129f-4f75-8b26-4ab255fa5712	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:23:08	964.857
-99	33123	3312300	1780f6c3-b809-4b07-8e2b-201826d7112f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:45:07	-349.530
-99	66246	3312300	270e7518-bdc4-486a-ae55-28dd5c1ee818	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:45:11	855.786
-100	33124	3312400	a16b927e-ccdf-4652-bd4c-81cef95c47f5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:03:14	218.454
-100	66248	3312400	8fb5d692-3176-40d6-801f-97330daea78e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:42:26	-841.917
-101	33125	3312500	42034a31-1710-43db-b257-8c8343f78a28	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:00:03	-812.326
-101	66250	3312500	53bb6b45-82d4-484b-9f0b-aeed4ea6fcd2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:28:55	-60.211
-102	33126	3312600	52959e57-5a49-493c-adc4-815ec0b22cf2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:04:14	-880.331
-102	66252	3312600	01ecb0bd-935e-4042-82ae-c5c9bbbf5dde	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:56:55	607.37
-103	33127	3312700	e33803ba-8917-4f0e-ad61-be6288554b40	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:09:10	-901.946
-103	66254	3312700	d15b8a3d-3d15-4c13-b625-388b3062b000	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:27:55	-876.852
-104	33128	3312800	fbe2eda7-5eba-43ba-9cef-89459f034701	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:05:51	1.995
-104	66256	3312800	049f456e-ebff-4ea5-a9aa-163125b7e693	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:27:31	-902.108
-105	33129	3312900	8c6ebc7f-ca20-4493-9f40-2f1c63a21021	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:26:35	645.790
-105	66258	3312900	c9bb5eb2-3e92-44ea-bc76-a0b9620cb6fd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:49:54	95.867
-106	33130	3313000	7bf66eab-779f-466e-b932-9bd28c8a41a4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:35:18	-989.52
-106	66260	3313000	b1c4a2e8-0464-45d1-8126-b33c4fbe08ae	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:37:16	-637.664
-107	33131	3313100	e5ce4e80-235b-46a4-b20e-7927774e80b9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:46:04	-657.96
-107	66262	3313100	adbad23e-6c5e-4587-b911-1a28db399fcc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:55:31	901.322
-108	33132	3313200	7998dbd3-ad84-44c8-a349-8e8d36bd96f7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:36:00	-328.284
-108	66264	3313200	2c5c6c24-1391-42a6-bd77-425e97fbaeed	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:10:49	-938.126
-109	33133	3313300	4a1661e7-8eeb-4de0-bf08-80ea01301137	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:39:00	-789.682
-109	66266	3313300	c143d315-72a1-47d8-b0ba-2aaac2c5345d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:38:54	611.116
-110	33134	3313400	b850cd58-945c-4d61-97f5-4661eca0497e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:20:22	-797.257
-110	66268	3313400	49884a7f-a9a3-406d-9b7b-8cd69a3e06cc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:13:33	400.67
-111	33135	3313500	426a64f7-1f22-405e-aa3a-da89bfae9bf7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:27:50	538.627
-111	66270	3313500	ecfab11a-3faa-4323-9c48-de759226a3f8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:01:53	-322.149
-112	33136	3313600	fe90c8f1-5418-4296-bf92-9b92df53fb65	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:56:48	-981.102
-112	66272	3313600	6bd9b870-32e8-4f63-becb-4123dda73622	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:49:30	65.634
-113	33137	3313700	7373481a-684a-43ed-b72c-8ba7e2787161	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:45:23	-285.456
-113	66274	3313700	9f4ed8d0-af51-4554-87a1-4a0053913012	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:12:20	87.843
-114	33138	3313800	f3a1457e-3950-4047-b974-409b659e429f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:07:41	923.132
-114	66276	3313800	1d4934e3-ac01-440a-9151-0770fc3a7649	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:38:08	229.208
-115	33139	3313900	438e9a20-3784-4593-ad5e-53130d07644e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:04:20	-844.494
-115	66278	3313900	46918693-dece-416c-b78a-40490a4c5003	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:27:12	963.173
-116	33140	3314000	f19710f4-bd1e-4a78-9f5b-0b7f03e711b7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:39:37	-559.640
-116	66280	3314000	954d095a-e545-467e-a710-48681de395d8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:50:29	-695.311
-117	33141	3314100	651c7acb-bc84-4038-8998-43e123246bd5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:26:19	-742.144
-117	66282	3314100	c29ffcac-fa38-4286-ba8d-9bf406d3c47c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:45:14	936.257
-118	33142	3314200	a14d3db5-ab35-4d48-b550-43299219e27f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:19:49	798.798
-118	66284	3314200	19de16ff-044b-41d3-8330-41af96a2ff2c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:37:21	537.808
-119	33143	3314300	67c075d9-4a73-45ee-9909-f51787dd03c4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:06:51	-145.190
-119	66286	3314300	8ad74376-209d-4701-a7f1-ee0604f6fa47	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:26:46	564.978
-120	33144	3314400	12961d4d-0ab7-41eb-a370-44ebd2fd1cd2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:17:36	530.431
-120	66288	3314400	5eba3d42-33f1-4cfa-8084-71a0487e6806	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:17:36	-721.84
-121	33145	3314500	5427b4b3-7224-4d43-842b-133221372d32	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:13:46	987.290
-121	66290	3314500	b618f983-4cf0-4e68-917a-5943bbc1b97b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:59:34	692.946
-122	33146	3314600	bcf11bbb-56a8-4ea9-be6a-930156fc3e2b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:32:51	-92.522
-122	66292	3314600	500c6ef7-583e-46aa-9216-7103f6567ccc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:23:20	-693.20
-123	33147	3314700	fbf86c37-752a-4d19-a072-d36343242ed7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:09:08	-401.473
-123	66294	3314700	0f75b782-001b-4b1b-90a3-af6022a864c7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:23:09	640.130
-124	33148	3314800	9f8f8976-7b29-41fc-b52d-d7dd8e19d389	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:43:53	-538.313
-124	66296	3314800	e47ef80a-c187-47a2-96a8-fda04a1de282	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:42:54	-537.722
-125	33149	3314900	8e2246c4-b6bf-4ec6-bec8-f4a8d0d18afb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:51:51	-442.464
-125	66298	3314900	529d8ff6-52ac-4b20-a1c8-0968f464c710	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:30:33	-433.408
-126	33150	3315000	4a37fa37-d290-4000-94e8-80961c50be06	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:54:51	-507.34
-126	66300	3315000	55927354-5d96-4dcd-b6e3-b407ea7f6728	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:02:59	8.603
-127	33151	3315100	d4f805ba-6454-4d9c-876e-904f8ccc4f4d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:12:31	-223.445
-127	66302	3315100	9dd44d41-f7ad-4cb8-b215-ae4c63f15354	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:45:00	-556.752
-0	33152	3315200	99218c6e-e5c9-481e-acee-c36493a621ff	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:25:09	57.925
-0	66304	3315200	d6ec850d-8a2a-49f6-b8c5-121447acc666	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:49:30	-793.198
-1	33153	3315300	69fa661d-3dd4-437b-a287-265d6d002b56	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:30:15	641.606
-1	66306	3315300	3e35c755-981f-41bb-808a-e63599d3bf11	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:05:40	916.395
-2	33154	3315400	6b789790-a4cf-4107-ae09-32b82df287fa	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:44:45	-181.303
-2	66308	3315400	54dfe944-8969-4972-b6d2-cc75af50b259	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:04:35	-652.443
-3	33155	3315500	8c368d25-e730-4627-ab09-c909f210d392	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:16:44	913.161
-3	66310	3315500	2a6185bd-b2d3-4e36-b68b-87266568cf48	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:02:27	535.276
-4	33156	3315600	4c64ef18-f6d9-4734-9973-2e03cc23020e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:56:47	-374.782
-4	66312	3315600	8da2b26c-b69f-4d35-8084-31662e3a4e46	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:07:12	-282.635
-5	33157	3315700	6e5fe251-8848-4670-ab2b-171b2fce5629	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:06:47	806.196
-5	66314	3315700	60e57887-ad6c-43fc-951e-391e53c73332	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:30:59	-456.188
-6	33158	3315800	2c168233-37c5-42f2-b874-c06d5de2f15f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:42:08	-802.579
-6	66316	3315800	e0d90d77-9219-4aff-8ce2-4fee3a0ea16d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:33:49	265.569
-7	33159	3315900	1ee7a423-a376-47fb-b4ba-936474870f8f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:22:54	184.968
-7	66318	3315900	2d25ec1c-9740-4c3e-ae33-56c8050054bd	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:06:09	760.322
-8	33160	3316000	18a9e283-e871-46f2-b234-dbd8f7c7195f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:53:06	-310.496
-8	66320	3316000	953d8635-534c-4d54-a46d-d28188b2e768	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:28:44	315.289
-9	33161	3316100	a0dfc1c6-2d16-41ac-8e14-1fc593f1e004	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:41:33	334.464
-9	66322	3316100	9b9f4551-ad68-4873-a569-d40020cdf136	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:57:33	-62.566
-10	33162	3316200	19dba74d-dcd7-4777-b5a0-91cdc7b4f32e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:16:46	523.907
-10	66324	3316200	9fa9b98e-f780-46bc-83f4-dfce852791f1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:47:07	131.159
-11	33163	3316300	d53d60c0-0430-4600-96e1-4544c3573a15	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:00:55	-466.816
-11	66326	3316300	06a55889-86ca-4a1a-a4e9-04c35a36ac5c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:19:26	-697.457
-12	33164	3316400	dc6a2b4c-2fcf-4028-b524-da34b7782514	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:12:02	-350.641
-12	66328	3316400	bc75759d-76f3-47a3-8dff-5a6ad4f5fdcc	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:32:47	787.393
-13	33165	3316500	116f4f3f-2222-42b3-9b3f-886977f3f210	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:52:18	183.366
-13	66330	3316500	6435e869-7be1-4962-a08b-9766d12ac7f0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:47:56	375.566
-14	33166	3316600	3cfd651b-1796-402e-84cc-66b1042b8fcf	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:47:47	-514.405
-14	66332	3316600	cf918526-fc9c-444c-a5f4-a4d92809cddb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:12:11	-215.486
-15	33167	3316700	9a3cb742-5389-4f85-81b7-7b2af5107318	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:11:27	409.595
-15	66334	3316700	cf8084ba-9b22-40b3-b823-ff9236d52213	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:07:02	-503.833
-16	33168	3316800	3e07e0b3-d864-48d2-b5b5-2de8345a464a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:34:12	-906.365
-16	66336	3316800	0bd0ad55-9cc0-476c-a4a1-73816285d399	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:06:39	365.100
-17	33169	3316900	8e9b34f5-4d45-439a-ab47-32349af34f2d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:16:39	892.887
-17	66338	3316900	8f7c5fce-dddd-46a9-8b52-ade94f28e6c1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:20:14	599.979
-18	33170	3317000	18ededa0-a401-4cdf-b61d-deb476f25850	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:33:07	959.32
-18	66340	3317000	39f39a22-9101-4cb0-a2b2-3f3288dd72f7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:07:15	939.397
-19	33171	3317100	09a83200-1402-425b-9e07-f5af95c975c3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:46:04	928.419
-19	66342	3317100	ab67b833-89f4-4cbc-89c3-7e86ed8f401c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:14:54	399.599
-20	33172	3317200	6af4e65b-ac60-4be0-8800-6f765cd970b0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:17:25	39.601
-20	66344	3317200	52ab3e25-0f24-40a3-9f81-0a73974fb217	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:41:42	527.333
-21	33173	3317300	fe37cae7-d404-4a36-a114-7f1d537940eb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:24:20	-617.854
-21	66346	3317300	7beafc32-1e89-4d0e-b58d-f656f10b095b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:03:37	-917.259
-22	33174	3317400	789c8fed-a747-42d5-906a-c1f98522d061	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:54:24	-455.214
-22	66348	3317400	38629acd-f162-4a1f-9477-6dcfe927a0d1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:52:41	-447.299
-23	33175	3317500	390f28a0-fb06-4964-b315-ee3a9c179d32	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:28:05	246.394
-23	66350	3317500	ba85d76a-be0e-438a-a4a5-6b4ef944531b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:57:51	-449.465
-24	33176	3317600	6c67453e-fe77-4a73-97b0-aed66eac65cb	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:51:12	556.856
-24	66352	3317600	32e9380b-2332-4e80-bd44-525bf6dc39e8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:07:38	267.830
-25	33177	3317700	ef43a323-f8ef-46bd-a8de-358a0bf68abd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:06:37	-512.935
-25	66354	3317700	5e250cba-01a5-4bf5-9209-034b59069962	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:10:02	980.958
-26	33178	3317800	e726cef9-c5bf-4d48-830b-c205e9038289	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:20:07	656.556
-26	66356	3317800	a126ba04-a737-4af8-acc8-e754e6fcf9a8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:56:43	-938.436
-27	33179	3317900	a797d5b0-faf8-4503-b90e-9ebf89d57486	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:58:50	-50.314
-27	66358	3317900	490a3408-63f8-49e4-9c0b-a9460a842a6b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:39:28	549.250
-28	33180	3318000	a1fe8a0b-c30d-4962-a2bb-ad602bf378b7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:52:27	587.446
-28	66360	3318000	baca0b51-132a-4c0f-8c26-08edca7411a5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:39:26	982.356
-29	33181	3318100	5600af72-5d38-48db-9729-dd847eda43b3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:17:45	-133.622
-29	66362	3318100	88f93b78-7a3c-46d6-8e52-5f8abe1384bf	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:35:19	925.390
-30	33182	3318200	cea3e13b-41b5-4130-9e2c-4d4e87a40c8f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:47:02	217.788
-30	66364	3318200	34793c77-76cd-4485-82b6-db1f536f3092	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:08:54	-311.428
-31	33183	3318300	9154728f-e6e1-405e-9210-dac50233562a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:40:19	-213.266
-31	66366	3318300	d553d1bb-f3a6-4ba0-a7e3-afa8b10592e2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:17:43	-794.980
-32	33184	3318400	a3641d6c-37bc-45e4-8620-8f87bb709239	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:21:18	-316.449
-32	66368	3318400	130e8cfa-b8bb-40a3-95cd-70a88bc97bd7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:01:08	-664.2
-33	33185	3318500	12acc870-9ba3-491f-9367-10080778fdbc	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:18:56	106.161
-33	66370	3318500	6878ac6f-25cf-4a35-bd72-1f202bb52ace	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:44:56	52.637
-34	33186	3318600	f992ce65-0f5a-4605-8af6-abaf294b10a3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:54:16	340.543
-34	66372	3318600	37670d79-dcf7-4ac1-8bbf-7d279e9f3bb3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:55:16	-493.572
-35	33187	3318700	79f200ef-aabd-4ea5-9978-e5715ba08eeb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:34:59	856.389
-35	66374	3318700	0520f81c-770d-409e-a2df-791a0e27c1d6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:27:52	-751.878
-36	33188	3318800	dcac2d09-d8e1-44ef-9abb-8c2bd2bd30d4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:14:20	872.145
-36	66376	3318800	56690b37-2e2a-4b54-be5f-acb9081f6804	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:15:58	-267.105
-37	33189	3318900	40843fa0-f2fc-4383-a7fc-03f580446dfd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:57:39	-921.288
-37	66378	3318900	842f6ac1-c573-4dc6-bcad-a8998947f200	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:20:03	442.872
-38	33190	3319000	fd4403a3-711f-4f0a-be18-1c16f347669c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:06:21	-351.268
-38	66380	3319000	2535f3d4-e744-48e6-80c3-309343b6c959	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:32:22	122.407
-39	33191	3319100	f5220f78-a717-4738-a314-45d95ba41c66	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:32:41	-304.672
-39	66382	3319100	8c713055-3534-4573-b8f1-7d526313bfb4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:27:37	488.208
-40	33192	3319200	3580d168-a08e-4f83-a75a-c2cad1687169	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:40:01	582.918
-40	66384	3319200	6bfc2a7e-b931-48f4-b351-4792535daeca	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:08:53	747.904
-41	33193	3319300	4592d270-9b99-492c-baa9-d27b47e9b62f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:25:54	451.777
-41	66386	3319300	c98ef5ba-d306-4665-8db8-04581f9edaa1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:09:05	-312.56
-42	33194	3319400	eb51bae7-3829-4b23-b8e1-6d780d0d9ccb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:32:22	-48.131
-42	66388	3319400	627896e8-9b9d-408d-8361-bac0545a8c91	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:56:57	-463.269
-43	33195	3319500	22e66000-85d6-4887-a136-ae2caedc63cc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:02:15	-223.362
-43	66390	3319500	f86228c0-6ab7-4de3-ba84-9c5e61ad914e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:19:34	-849.869
-44	33196	3319600	bc46b658-54ad-42f9-ab5b-f3ef7cdb5634	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:44:19	-34.850
-44	66392	3319600	4e9bdaa7-d564-40cd-a64b-b0cd2d3045b7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:02:31	748.866
-45	33197	3319700	484bcc24-add0-407a-986f-174c56efd43d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:52:48	-410.411
-45	66394	3319700	6c372757-6181-422f-9501-f3a34ca85b16	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:07:38	-352.400
-46	33198	3319800	5a3f97bd-1904-487f-8617-8687eb164993	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:43:27	-965.404
-46	66396	3319800	d8c64cd0-a63f-49d9-aca0-c0bedd576045	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:01:40	-560.940
-47	33199	3319900	4aee86ac-4f18-4ff1-99e6-2866b90d88fb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:27:52	-316.783
-47	66398	3319900	e27e209c-0c0a-4c53-a683-749a130fbcc1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:26:53	936.689
-48	33200	3320000	b1fbbb88-c605-44eb-87a5-de18909a5fe8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:47:58	981.625
-48	66400	3320000	f18fcd03-a8c4-42b8-b834-4c886cc29379	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:18:30	650.606
-49	33201	3320100	d0ecbb34-1aba-4a7b-9adf-1c24c0091969	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:49:07	207.231
-49	66402	3320100	0dbb4482-78c5-4936-b1b3-0af94a320212	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:21:07	826.801
-50	33202	3320200	a4305339-88e7-498b-836a-c2fe8972f912	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:50:54	-814.255
-50	66404	3320200	6e6ac3f5-5b60-43b0-9f02-caa231b95ec3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:14:21	277.546
-51	33203	3320300	efa136c2-773f-42b9-9037-b73019351376	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:11:32	-805.155
-51	66406	3320300	1c338fdd-407a-4986-8464-25b76633e8a4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:22:35	268.626
-52	33204	3320400	4f1926eb-4643-44e6-bebb-1869e5e62fd1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:53:11	850.265
-52	66408	3320400	61fb82d1-3014-4441-9f96-49ab8896628c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:46:22	-223.964
-53	33205	3320500	9887d7b2-0453-4428-b5dd-2845898a7afa	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:14:32	-29.186
-53	66410	3320500	8e969be8-573d-4c0b-b49b-37d16cb6097c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:13:52	-660.830
-54	33206	3320600	0dba2c3f-4b5b-471a-a744-a0556407336f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:09:28	445.971
-54	66412	3320600	579695dc-e7a1-4c00-b497-c7ce97dbe962	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:24:13	361.821
-55	33207	3320700	7c8ce5b3-031d-4160-bf2e-971f73df1537	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:09:16	697.526
-55	66414	3320700	a12e103f-4130-435c-958a-5648451b5141	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:15:14	599.981
-56	33208	3320800	885ad40b-345f-452e-98a7-669dd1d4756d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:14:49	129.631
-56	66416	3320800	bbc205f5-9d9d-4a4a-bca0-39f7356328dd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:57:17	249.73
-57	33209	3320900	fdeae459-b0da-4913-9346-065ed602cca7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:30:52	208.34
-57	66418	3320900	a789ee77-1e38-4f24-adfe-7309929fbd68	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:50:38	753.377
-58	33210	3321000	e1e81ca4-6495-410c-866e-09ec0234b2cf	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:51:27	190.380
-58	66420	3321000	2b18e409-b406-4894-875d-d6228d7bd53d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:43:45	-580.164
-59	33211	3321100	1adf28a4-22b6-47e1-9db8-d372eab20451	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:37:10	621.701
-59	66422	3321100	492b99f6-0d39-4c18-8891-24dffa6ea126	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:01:21	764.403
-60	33212	3321200	4670df16-1f0c-49a5-85cd-c6c9c200fcb8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:16:06	397.455
-60	66424	3321200	5685123c-7e00-4d31-9a7e-4d0ee1dcc1fb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:42:01	-457.573
-61	33213	3321300	075e5184-e844-4e79-baed-36c6b6932078	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:42:19	492.9
-61	66426	3321300	f574870a-afd3-48d0-b2b7-0ace72a9ef53	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:15:54	996.79
-62	33214	3321400	b6d093ec-8a8e-4d85-913b-54e829d00dbe	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:50:27	-657.80
-62	66428	3321400	66509012-29f1-42b7-9b0c-f5dd1f93510e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:01:41	566.631
-63	33215	3321500	813c8844-6154-4916-9ea3-e400e29b672c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:34:15	792.424
-63	66430	3321500	eaade308-1f43-42a2-89cc-31a4cdf3ded0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:47:54	-31.735
-64	33216	3321600	d10b949c-9e3c-4155-ba08-5dfb40764803	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:33:33	-411.158
-64	66432	3321600	8b1cf434-9ed4-45c9-860f-140b01c9864a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:27:53	-806.210
-65	33217	3321700	718e6139-fab7-4452-9e83-07e63a3af2f6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:25:22	-519.698
-65	66434	3321700	69d26cae-e68c-4522-aadd-25581ce9ed7a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:03:13	-384.407
-66	33218	3321800	34293c05-0bbc-40f7-b2f0-d1da17924aec	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:43:37	757.737
-66	66436	3321800	712d7f7c-8055-43fb-be28-7dbc797363e9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:55:31	693.38
-67	33219	3321900	438cb09a-d38a-4ce3-88d7-99872d676791	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:27:48	930.822
-67	66438	3321900	edb0d67c-315a-433a-bb41-752c5b76bf26	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:20:04	403.361
-68	33220	3322000	f905e09c-a9c0-4071-aa75-eb71af0061b2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:27:51	215.235
-68	66440	3322000	0e55141a-ccc2-4ea5-b5aa-e34b7ca3fa8a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:16:31	-143.464
-69	33221	3322100	a41ac20a-4c98-489e-bd96-5c0212777925	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:38:25	-726.460
-69	66442	3322100	cb716492-9637-4d5c-b320-9bc6f0d6b80c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:43:15	-226.140
-70	33222	3322200	06c54d86-50b6-4eaa-9057-18f5f18da3e3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:57:23	-717.308
-70	66444	3322200	13a1327c-1763-4df1-a395-a539ace69ff1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:14:19	17.864
-71	33223	3322300	9025c01c-5816-442a-86ec-351a56345168	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:22:17	993.583
-71	66446	3322300	e8ede336-3994-47b4-93bc-6f55a1f0fc2d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:57:06	455.163
-72	33224	3322400	3792c3f9-2977-40e5-b06b-5cd42c5215a0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:19:10	432.347
-72	66448	3322400	f0612783-1bbf-425c-8735-a9167d77e0ae	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:41:56	462.610
-73	33225	3322500	ecd034e9-852b-4bc1-8b05-788dce4aa1ca	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:30:58	747.515
-73	66450	3322500	7034d989-314b-4515-b4f4-5005babf2357	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:24:50	-860.803
-74	33226	3322600	aa427593-9ba8-41b1-b889-dc9f53aad844	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:04:10	44.844
-74	66452	3322600	ae448024-88ed-4c76-aee2-449d35dfcb71	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:56:45	-903.716
-75	33227	3322700	4fd013d4-12e2-45f4-88ab-2f93b67112e6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:27:20	8.320
-75	66454	3322700	45189e60-caa7-43ee-bc89-5ab96bcbccb2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:25:45	-359.477
-76	33228	3322800	042c84ab-e61c-44ed-8200-95ca2fc7c95b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:24:42	-450.215
-76	66456	3322800	5a06a8d8-f36c-4507-b3d6-1664f0e01edd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:41:06	148.266
-77	33229	3322900	53d547ce-7bd1-4dee-9389-928802b40c01	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:52:45	139.310
-77	66458	3322900	f4b01b69-5477-4882-bcad-9e1a46a2ee58	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:13:49	-502.111
-78	33230	3323000	e5ea7f2b-f895-4f0c-80ec-36bc91056bc9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:48:07	190.345
-78	66460	3323000	c49c6484-afac-4634-99ae-5e3948491abb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:50:30	-704.685
-79	33231	3323100	8126448a-9311-4c6f-9fcc-cb74205d9c65	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:19:23	274.93
-79	66462	3323100	ba11ed6a-2d32-4680-9927-9cce9b927c1e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:00:57	-506.204
-80	33232	3323200	82f5bf2f-1243-452a-a3d7-b031483acce7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:48:22	-271.978
-80	66464	3323200	28f6712e-2279-4924-a959-79542630a838	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:59:45	807.506
-81	33233	3323300	7ef09d95-ea85-4fa5-987b-80abca9ad349	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:02:12	-311.777
-81	66466	3323300	454ab0b5-e51c-4256-8db7-aae3b596ca8d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:39:33	-568.183
-82	33234	3323400	906bf23e-cb2c-4ca8-b657-9a965ca0b7c3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:26:29	114.3
-82	66468	3323400	dde87e91-153f-49fc-aff8-bfce0a1361ae	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:50:13	-858.408
-83	33235	3323500	dd1a26c7-6c53-42bc-beca-2d256c0125c4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:54:10	-562.734
-83	66470	3323500	5c5353ac-7f91-4912-aaab-68de85a7c9a6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:34:36	-525.619
-84	33236	3323600	25e9706b-f293-4b7f-8cab-49f4e6e9b5a1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:59:25	-249.70
-84	66472	3323600	8ae5559e-5c63-4806-ae32-d112584c439b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:04:35	-735.835
-85	33237	3323700	c6c906f0-129a-41ab-9064-1ce10eeb7e97	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:11:20	80.411
-85	66474	3323700	7c157bcb-dcfa-488b-9909-95fa64472b5f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:28:36	104.157
-86	33238	3323800	6b17fc91-313e-4831-ae8b-529b79dc0ef2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:00:27	-907.295
-86	66476	3323800	f7b88a2b-8945-4528-81ec-899e7e52449b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:48:33	-393.571
-87	33239	3323900	fd853237-e3f3-4f44-bffb-126cecb6c7bb	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:18:18	152.192
-87	66478	3323900	cc63d9c6-42f9-4b92-aa97-740e52efb7b7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:36:36	293.712
-88	33240	3324000	02921a24-3963-4d68-b64d-f749ca7b8566	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:33:58	94.602
-88	66480	3324000	4c6f9d06-53e9-4285-9d2e-6d7976550b49	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:56:43	-54.520
-89	33241	3324100	b5f2133b-e11f-40f9-b803-3ccf81afca13	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:33:27	-131.502
-89	66482	3324100	dcd8fa59-8d31-4419-9184-9ffb23334800	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:06:37	-749.900
-90	33242	3324200	b825ed52-9dd5-449a-8260-44b5278849a3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:02:30	54.26
-90	66484	3324200	9f166916-6444-4b15-a2b4-cdb6b9c21c36	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:41:06	-361.334
-91	33243	3324300	7b433992-79dc-4703-bb06-34b3dac6c565	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:37:25	383.473
-91	66486	3324300	116eb473-6166-4cf6-9921-ea81d38fda34	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:35:49	-885.304
-92	33244	3324400	f7fba355-0b27-4d3b-8770-56da5744c20a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:26:43	-180.756
-92	66488	3324400	3062ab7b-c7ee-4d65-a2dc-d83236856f16	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:46:29	87.372
-93	33245	3324500	1d67deb4-8dfe-4dcd-8ae5-d2b158fe9262	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:17:03	-733.68
-93	66490	3324500	eb012af4-7387-44b0-a272-586c05341bc1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:54:14	-821.878
-94	33246	3324600	eb85e5bf-57c5-46a4-b59e-d879a398eca9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:03:04	-135.869
-94	66492	3324600	d606e495-62f3-4d2d-ac6c-b9b95dda61a9	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:37:45	-658.662
-95	33247	3324700	8f32bf8d-7903-4a21-a1d9-774439f40971	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:32:05	-348.737
-95	66494	3324700	a1d8a6e0-e6b7-41f5-8e70-00ea8451a26a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:46:12	52.999
-96	33248	3324800	b9f9ab97-b85f-4657-b6d7-46a2bfabbb1a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:15:48	385.109
-96	66496	3324800	b46afbca-911f-4013-83ff-980e15fb2656	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:28:31	-506.623
-97	33249	3324900	8b4eb59b-0fc4-4e86-81bd-6091f58329f0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:45:46	-614.281
-97	66498	3324900	a9ac08fd-927b-4fbe-8e17-c9e6610edbf9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:26:45	-504.887
-98	33250	3325000	8f920162-ecde-47f5-bc12-623d8ef42875	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:24:33	-870.45
-98	66500	3325000	b4ac3f74-bda5-474d-bc93-3d8be1e2f7be	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:38:22	668.183
-99	33251	3325100	faeb5087-eb2b-40e1-9934-15c477ce56ec	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:34:47	693.592
-99	66502	3325100	9f13b47e-2dc0-4adc-8f23-ee9e8d5f3e14	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:31:35	784.830
-100	33252	3325200	19bf46e7-798b-4bb5-8c16-a1a4b0b1a4b5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:56:45	591.392
-100	66504	3325200	f3c581e2-2996-4e11-ab5b-1cd3e2596c81	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:23:26	542.346
-101	33253	3325300	5c7a7e9e-69df-4ba7-8a4e-573af93f6c9a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:19:10	-606.643
-101	66506	3325300	3ae35a02-bfb8-45f7-80dd-2a16959b9bd6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:11:08	-781.676
-102	33254	3325400	0d2f463e-772b-4441-959e-a3876b1ee818	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:46:09	-412.789
-102	66508	3325400	3f1f8e0d-1db3-4dcc-89ba-c6ecd523aade	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:20:12	-857.485
-103	33255	3325500	230fa238-c4b5-4caf-9352-7fe9616bab22	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:54:00	891.959
-103	66510	3325500	08a7386b-d0f6-41e9-97e9-74f8ea3141d6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:25:46	-584.949
-104	33256	3325600	49fb42b6-f211-4635-a7de-ff5cdff323fb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:35:51	-814.355
-104	66512	3325600	f1d0818d-ccc1-4d10-b8ba-78fa1e04489f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:21:25	-899.638
-105	33257	3325700	eacddaa6-3c0c-43be-b911-b8eeead04a2a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:26:15	-234.766
-105	66514	3325700	e3219169-b103-42cb-a02e-addddd87afd1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:18:14	-715.678
-106	33258	3325800	7a01e91b-1aba-43cc-aeba-a09cf14de70c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:04:29	-938.957
-106	66516	3325800	321cec12-ed17-4062-b760-79cd432da15b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:04:30	-502.749
-107	33259	3325900	0700f55c-3c32-4a9f-b3a5-1b2dd9fde04e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:02:50	-280.116
-107	66518	3325900	49817f18-bae0-420a-af6a-bd2ff8de82fb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:28:35	514.442
-108	33260	3326000	3c5e0ad9-e01a-4f26-8f79-ab619eb866c4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:16:26	690.375
-108	66520	3326000	a7f7a394-192d-45a3-b3d0-70297a2caee7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:47:11	-426.361
-109	33261	3326100	90c27a32-ba41-4c85-922b-b4bff9f70344	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:46:24	57.587
-109	66522	3326100	3b4a5a35-c0a6-4ea6-a4e9-0138a19b4e83	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:24:17	-276.69
-110	33262	3326200	72902fa9-23b3-40ed-b700-955c1a92a954	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:18:14	-563.57
-110	66524	3326200	3e17289d-d135-4637-b581-3baab6a1635a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:19:36	-47.744
-111	33263	3326300	2668d03d-bc31-4a95-a226-7f9119845bfc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:20:07	-763.507
-111	66526	3326300	5c7ad4da-50cb-4d5c-84db-b4060bad9010	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:26:23	383.321
-112	33264	3326400	56907bf5-02f6-4021-9824-5660416cc672	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:46:57	-763.23
-112	66528	3326400	efd43d6b-babf-449f-a81b-f4ce4c1ceaed	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:52:57	-307.129
-113	33265	3326500	9195387b-33cd-4a24-aafe-caeff0fbc997	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:53:01	997.774
-113	66530	3326500	a0dae612-ec9e-4360-930f-60d61fccdf91	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:47:38	432.288
-114	33266	3326600	96e5ff09-a587-4ff4-a524-22ec5de1b93f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:40:07	-118.578
-114	66532	3326600	325cded1-3c7f-4491-81f4-4eff0bd55712	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:02:40	-438.834
-115	33267	3326700	b0f82abf-5e0d-46e4-ad28-a175aec351c1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:56:04	-725.33
-115	66534	3326700	9475b3a9-7b42-4d88-ae3f-cb3152bb56e8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:08:39	418.563
-116	33268	3326800	4649b7c7-9226-449b-81e8-8c4aa9d8eff1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:22:58	619.589
-116	66536	3326800	73b0ebee-c06c-455d-ac6d-d191f9354c48	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:57:33	-555.602
-117	33269	3326900	adfcc5c2-a52d-40a1-8d78-ee13a513d428	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:18:18	273.851
-117	66538	3326900	1e82bd10-b029-4878-9337-85a0bc863183	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:53:00	338.541
-118	33270	3327000	abef3cdc-0dbf-4d77-bf86-5c46284026e1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:43:22	553.30
-118	66540	3327000	cab0bf47-1ed8-4834-94e3-dc3476ce002f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:34:23	83.463
-119	33271	3327100	b7c92110-30ac-4a86-a2be-bf7e35ce509a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:53:40	-667.526
-119	66542	3327100	2f3d9667-6c77-466a-a1ad-bc7fe621ee84	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:02:27	-416.164
-120	33272	3327200	e1389b99-44b5-4b37-98da-26999adba70b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:29:00	239.819
-120	66544	3327200	459ad6c1-ee6f-4f99-abeb-64eccdee93f7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:37:09	556.975
-121	33273	3327300	21f2a51f-9932-4b1f-98aa-6ff0dc794d08	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:06:01	631.365
-121	66546	3327300	57bb09ef-c8aa-4c0e-abc4-59f3914d24ac	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:07:32	671.819
-122	33274	3327400	30e37ec6-17b4-4f3d-92bb-941cb5c1ad73	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:30:50	-283.99
-122	66548	3327400	bc730f31-5ce8-4c88-94b2-57eda2b622b0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:23:56	-383.461
-123	33275	3327500	c906b4ab-1add-468a-b91b-5fe7e30b914a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:03:08	-40.664
-123	66550	3327500	64ce994b-8a85-417d-90f4-b509f7cd2498	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:30:12	-357.263
-124	33276	3327600	8fdcea1f-1073-4366-9089-82d57b4b4285	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:54:44	302.124
-124	66552	3327600	b26ac3cd-efc0-44b5-85e2-ca1cb33fe606	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:58:48	684.58
-125	33277	3327700	0cf43b48-72a5-40be-8224-89b5f12114dc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:28:52	-823.699
-125	66554	3327700	9c1ade84-dc0d-49e1-bf23-a3a04eef6eb4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:09:14	-327.297
-126	33278	3327800	9bf6bb34-8c4e-423b-a232-d387641ce1b6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:48:11	-35.875
-126	66556	3327800	cfe36c4a-a0b5-431e-bb5c-814c6d7e196f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:14:47	828.10
-127	33279	3327900	b2ed50b0-72c4-497a-862e-f0383227d837	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:04:29	833.530
-127	66558	3327900	cc43a558-b1b8-4fab-9521-55ce6aa92a61	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:53:05	428.122
-0	33280	3328000	79a1fea7-1802-4493-bd73-f60948cea330	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:59:16	512.258
-0	66560	3328000	f3887ba8-c859-4c74-9ac0-b250e4b86745	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:06:32	849.475
-1	33281	3328100	f91b78f4-c527-49ca-a220-ed97f74e5549	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:31:55	943.888
-1	66562	3328100	a20e47bc-b03b-49fd-b94d-c9b6ae051ebb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:05:02	-1.678
-2	33282	3328200	bd134406-cd82-4a81-97c8-775976c20dce	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:18:23	486.528
-2	66564	3328200	9e195a80-3d42-4b5b-b97e-261ac251d570	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:13:19	907.358
-3	33283	3328300	2163832a-d665-41f0-83fe-88ee10db0b9a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:28:18	-116.897
-3	66566	3328300	37695856-7b01-402f-b0ee-3ed0ab8f77b8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:26:43	659.269
-4	33284	3328400	f4c8b7df-a828-4a4f-870a-d684a114c0db	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:03:30	-381.293
-4	66568	3328400	b9395ed2-8406-4304-84a6-34db3095eaf3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:10:59	-197.456
-5	33285	3328500	37554001-3b5e-4f7f-b524-ed6400c9823e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:54:00	-992.559
-5	66570	3328500	f4bdf310-3a40-43b9-94f5-160b3bf22cd9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:43:12	-409.864
-6	33286	3328600	2d3d82c7-d12c-4fb3-8ac8-fc16125c7a32	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:19:49	188.951
-6	66572	3328600	1c3d9021-c924-4b7d-8f1d-13c3a9997e6e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:39:00	424.626
-7	33287	3328700	7915df94-5f39-42b5-b698-5c19ac6936af	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:56:50	-197.61
-7	66574	3328700	c278b559-99e7-4d24-9b80-f50fe446e954	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:25:10	-263.150
-8	33288	3328800	dd1a7ee9-1e9d-4a1f-bb3d-6867d01213f5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:50:34	-430.464
-8	66576	3328800	9cafa459-9a99-4fdb-98a6-fc9d0616898e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:56:00	785.652
-9	33289	3328900	4fcf75a5-f045-4813-91b6-893386f68cde	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:02:52	-392.985
-9	66578	3328900	7dad60cc-02df-48b9-8574-a739fb0ea96b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:42:57	284.831
-10	33290	3329000	9337dd92-4809-4ebc-8455-93bb3515c5d3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:05:21	-441.142
-10	66580	3329000	704b8879-1b47-493d-bbd8-a4656a0b2886	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:46:55	40.487
-11	33291	3329100	781bb284-26e0-4c55-8e65-7e822154f0e5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:13:20	671.233
-11	66582	3329100	c3e83d38-c4a4-4d6a-b386-4b2156d5b3bb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:41:08	496.913
-12	33292	3329200	a8d21c9b-9146-4ffe-bed5-54ce4e4824f7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:46:04	553.977
-12	66584	3329200	0e1c38ee-b5d8-4feb-859d-0362f0d9b5bf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:16:45	562.95
-13	33293	3329300	ad3894ae-82c8-4c2f-b0a7-7eedf39e47b1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:32:34	597.73
-13	66586	3329300	f088f661-e5d4-4c2d-9257-7fc687cd08f9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:08:08	-884.953
-14	33294	3329400	27a7ff95-cddb-4ae0-a5bf-d79859d11b08	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:04:39	-860.510
-14	66588	3329400	4091c52b-5eb1-4996-8382-981c18624153	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:01:38	-643.577
-15	33295	3329500	1bf5323a-b83b-4f4c-b38e-0b49c19d0ac8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:50:19	6.441
-15	66590	3329500	c2853e85-fd88-4de1-abe8-0e897b6232dd	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:08:49	-967.848
-16	33296	3329600	3418afcb-1834-4d17-b11d-ba8766e731b2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:00:45	874.113
-16	66592	3329600	a954c952-2e09-4556-ac24-3fdea65c1847	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:18:43	10.550
-17	33297	3329700	efe162d7-7d41-4147-a941-1acc954891c0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:45:26	620.721
-17	66594	3329700	106bc541-b6d4-4982-80d1-16c6da424396	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:03:17	-811.640
-18	33298	3329800	69fc7992-f760-4b27-a121-ce1f96e9714c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:47:58	-649.9
-18	66596	3329800	5ebffebb-a42d-45a1-85d7-ca420f6832ad	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:45:30	-22.711
-19	33299	3329900	44da1b73-11cd-4bb2-9f3e-397f0a00ef40	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:09:56	533.912
-19	66598	3329900	d778dc91-6ef0-476f-aa8c-92b82fce38e4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:18:04	-532.401
-20	33300	3330000	94f84e28-d30c-43f6-85d0-52afd91e1a86	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:35:40	-774.460
-20	66600	3330000	eb6c0624-76b6-4945-835f-dfe0950a8343	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:14:20	-243.438
-21	33301	3330100	0261a39f-177a-411a-8ae4-08920d3f72b0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:25:58	-499.884
-21	66602	3330100	13ebb8ec-3ab5-48ca-9052-96c3ff3284f7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:46:51	-139.540
-22	33302	3330200	04c63e42-ea36-44ef-94f3-9d44eab4c219	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:58:58	938.134
-22	66604	3330200	b40531e9-7126-4541-a17a-77b5563f6654	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:57:54	-996.763
-23	33303	3330300	4446ea81-8d51-4ea9-98a2-ea6539b25180	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:21:01	-510.486
-23	66606	3330300	c23469bc-0d3c-4568-a2d7-e9ccf2d100e6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:37:24	-225.556
-24	33304	3330400	75209f2a-e752-4800-9090-540d7b52aea1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:36:54	-124.879
-24	66608	3330400	a1384757-7394-4887-b409-bdf09400d184	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:51:12	921.992
-25	33305	3330500	54937d9c-fe66-4a19-8538-88ead2cc59a4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:23:22	-324.905
-25	66610	3330500	cf7ab455-71ec-4f2f-a188-8925b21ac860	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:46:49	-220.576
-26	33306	3330600	6095cc90-6288-4661-b518-f7aaf2f24301	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:21:12	348.261
-26	66612	3330600	48918b1d-3e4a-4452-a05c-90ed68f71c5b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:07:15	-467.250
-27	33307	3330700	132a23d3-80de-498f-aeb0-48fa7a3ce629	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:41:22	-455.63
-27	66614	3330700	da71e4cc-87f0-4102-a8c3-8a6e50465e5b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:24:14	-558.679
-28	33308	3330800	456a9ead-fcdb-4c20-a160-6e31fd079f18	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:51:34	-405.915
-28	66616	3330800	f4c733e0-8b17-4044-a618-d2bff7d281ed	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:27:39	784.776
-29	33309	3330900	07f77e7a-5b20-4848-861a-52469acefffc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:23:13	-857.868
-29	66618	3330900	83f79413-8d17-4136-a6d2-e21999787212	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:30:29	701.706
-30	33310	3331000	12216277-efed-4e64-9f89-da60515e733d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:56:45	799.21
-30	66620	3331000	2db5e926-4782-4fac-b013-e26d7d68dc53	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:20:55	-338.274
-31	33311	3331100	c62d55e4-6d7a-469f-9247-2c069fd9180b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:26:46	910.826
-31	66622	3331100	74a54e6d-1f8a-4d1b-a770-e27b4161afed	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:37:41	-794.772
-32	33312	3331200	f895fe8a-04b2-4f68-9b83-7482adb54676	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:25:49	98.274
-32	66624	3331200	7f011e36-576b-4df4-9e1b-9802e64fbbab	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:40:07	-283.666
-33	33313	3331300	f080b64e-d02d-4bf7-b973-7d5da78d547a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:00:02	-664.325
-33	66626	3331300	8ba81b57-cda2-46e2-a224-72abb90d67a6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:13:17	-403.200
-34	33314	3331400	9c26773f-abb4-43fb-abe7-03cfdd965b70	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:13:54	232.150
-34	66628	3331400	d3a20266-a56c-4654-813f-502f658f0a70	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:53:15	242.996
-35	33315	3331500	e2f4e7f1-cbb2-4e62-b2aa-b117c615f3d6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:37:54	-706.609
-35	66630	3331500	672b362c-0b95-457a-94b4-8e4f6726781e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:11:14	-273.145
-36	33316	3331600	6b699a83-e675-4a39-bd7a-f2989d15f825	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:09:42	983.70
-36	66632	3331600	7f40eba8-bd41-44c4-a97e-e0d6677ac733	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:53:54	-364.520
-37	33317	3331700	7ab9595d-c850-4293-a93b-f55bc8dbba9a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:10:22	-98.106
-37	66634	3331700	b95c242a-a321-4564-af31-c139e7ad0dfd	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:25:32	-356.787
-38	33318	3331800	53a8c398-f8d4-43f0-bc8f-af8520ee27d3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:59:39	-649.571
-38	66636	3331800	ddc5f01d-68a3-481b-9543-794d5717c0b8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:30:51	119.671
-39	33319	3331900	d7e13841-8b4a-41af-995e-0d5f5891489d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:44:31	-533.62
-39	66638	3331900	451aae4c-54a5-45f5-8e3a-72cce8b2a148	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:16:36	104.689
-40	33320	3332000	3c9aeff9-6585-4f4e-a1f5-a653112851bd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:29:07	-705.553
-40	66640	3332000	62019f10-2ff2-4e25-90dc-2a6422c76f32	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:02:30	355.484
-41	33321	3332100	a5f58233-ff8f-49c8-bf48-e9e09807bda1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:39:34	10.602
-41	66642	3332100	ea6ac0e4-c2af-4413-a9af-c09bd0450059	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:47:41	-299.846
-42	33322	3332200	e1531e3e-19d4-4650-bf59-4de7ab7db0cf	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:19:00	-352.62
-42	66644	3332200	356e2d1b-4f69-4162-adb3-36d9e1aad866	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:29:09	143.854
-43	33323	3332300	46dd200e-e0ac-4183-be7b-fac8ea0ac02a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:18:15	-301.383
-43	66646	3332300	c6b242ef-0368-406e-965d-502ed1746e4d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:53:52	-311.91
-44	33324	3332400	d8ddb75b-0387-49c2-b388-02b723f9339f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:21:15	449.548
-44	66648	3332400	c518c81c-449d-4e1b-823d-119dcd175777	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:35:08	558.349
-45	33325	3332500	a81f9d45-f02c-46d1-93fa-6e4d24e1e361	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:22:18	656.673
-45	66650	3332500	fe081c90-5c50-444e-b458-d539b3e3b656	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:22:45	575.272
-46	33326	3332600	c61581a6-ce66-45a6-a55b-336ba3ded34b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:09:05	828.521
-46	66652	3332600	c7d02abe-7e0e-4260-a60a-c9942102254d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:57:15	422.866
-47	33327	3332700	cdf8e21f-39b2-4d98-b128-1b303b89b04b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:28:37	338.13
-47	66654	3332700	da05d82c-d4e9-4807-ba27-b70ca363a178	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:33:14	47.564
-48	33328	3332800	2ca8eaa9-5ea3-4e4d-873e-7fc7c025aa2c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:21:50	111.270
-48	66656	3332800	182abc9e-98b4-4a92-adf6-24921620a675	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:51:00	750.6
-49	33329	3332900	a8671b0b-c4ec-46e6-88ff-6730bc693e6f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:05:02	-603.192
-49	66658	3332900	af8759f5-0d5d-4088-b58f-029b37c4bb49	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:57:56	818.583
-50	33330	3333000	9007d195-dfb1-455a-8f61-f0cc66971312	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:29:22	324.838
-50	66660	3333000	0b476208-f034-4733-b0b2-1a2edbd384d3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:00:56	-359.906
-51	33331	3333100	fa9ecb75-7338-41f7-83ce-72dbb6214ca1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:56:47	-517.533
-51	66662	3333100	1a9c4192-1b4e-4919-a50b-100e15e9fa0e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:35:36	-472.128
-52	33332	3333200	790c0de5-3be5-4843-b85b-b3a08a05893d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:30:19	334.27
-52	66664	3333200	f4b27c78-ab9d-4f3c-a261-63c41faf779d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:21:10	819.836
-53	33333	3333300	628745be-7700-4fae-821f-61dd8b334ce5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:54:02	-187.130
-53	66666	3333300	9dc04ee6-012c-43a8-81dc-53f56f3be0df	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:06:15	-303.982
-54	33334	3333400	a35363ba-3756-41b6-b886-b8abfd70b8e2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:12:33	265.316
-54	66668	3333400	d797a2df-8a0e-4c5a-b1c8-cba2b62f7e7c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:23:27	-367.972
-55	33335	3333500	a8fbe94c-071d-4d79-a966-f85b7ac0b540	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:31:53	-155.540
-55	66670	3333500	e4ad0a13-3f6d-4725-a62d-9a4626cf3c55	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:36:06	-902.652
-56	33336	3333600	7831b7a0-9fe4-489d-a0e3-ba7bd1f918d4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:29:32	-646.838
-56	66672	3333600	0e3cd0f9-424b-40b0-acee-514b37d2addf	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:46:21	61.304
-57	33337	3333700	5897bb22-7d5c-4246-8d1f-ca88b1a95703	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:49:02	881.789
-57	66674	3333700	30f205cf-9f79-4ea4-88ea-c2684e55c4e5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:03:53	-412.811
-58	33338	3333800	e1e76201-d4ea-4a7c-aad8-2e73e7412cb1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:38:37	-317.600
-58	66676	3333800	f81e1144-9f8e-4c86-b860-d1aaf8529b53	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:58:10	909.480
-59	33339	3333900	5f368d89-04f0-4d7b-a142-5a8b8cb9ff26	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:46:09	780.913
-59	66678	3333900	f1337ea0-26b1-45f1-b6b3-89b9289a3655	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:36:00	-111.560
-60	33340	3334000	da63fb28-d70a-4444-a343-bd70a42a4946	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:20:10	-204.464
-60	66680	3334000	fc04f2c7-2276-49fc-be3f-e0ab65fa7ddb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:53:34	-382.670
-61	33341	3334100	87bab940-456a-44d3-aaeb-508aa3a47c2c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:05:06	574.774
-61	66682	3334100	3d800e18-4d02-44c5-83d0-3eb721991844	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:41:53	124.465
-62	33342	3334200	95976294-1ea0-45a7-b201-f486eff63ecb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:27:25	-611.65
-62	66684	3334200	9fbc308e-8c76-417b-aab6-0e2bea0903c2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:24:02	-447.799
-63	33343	3334300	24392235-fdc1-43df-a4f6-065e0cbb2ff7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:49:54	-238.108
-63	66686	3334300	917acf7d-9dc8-46b8-8df9-165fd5fa1c88	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:35:57	-136.724
-64	33344	3334400	d55e2630-0854-45fc-90d4-619367443a26	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:37:09	172.363
-64	66688	3334400	8ed9820b-9697-46cf-baf3-82adc5bac06a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:25:08	106.177
-65	33345	3334500	74a6f67b-8ce4-4330-b07c-3225008d3119	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:48:32	558.423
-65	66690	3334500	806140cf-ccd8-48a2-ac8b-25f0242fecfe	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:23:47	-908.215
-66	33346	3334600	2d6af8a7-28e6-42b2-84ed-5a113899ca73	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:50:25	845.57
-66	66692	3334600	83724614-5257-4453-855c-34e55df28ac5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:47:46	726.812
-67	33347	3334700	491d502c-fd5e-4b75-9546-2a7f623738b9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:07:33	-454.867
-67	66694	3334700	589ad39e-e161-4bb8-a9b9-59a23a401334	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:40:59	-319.920
-68	33348	3334800	47b2c789-48e1-4988-8c73-054ce2140f72	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:01:24	-199.13
-68	66696	3334800	96ade71e-b849-482b-9545-cd0bd65325df	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:32:58	909.271
-69	33349	3334900	95c789fe-c41a-4c22-9a7d-de1ba6cbad72	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:57:54	-227.726
-69	66698	3334900	cac170c8-0d2f-413a-912f-b5b12e724cf7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:23:14	65.948
-70	33350	3335000	a49bccfd-6272-4ff6-ad06-6161d33d5f6e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:05:07	220.788
-70	66700	3335000	a66e0df6-3d8c-49a1-8eb9-ceacd8d727f9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:28:27	581.481
-71	33351	3335100	b0c11547-1764-46cc-9a17-bcccc29b699d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:35:19	782.973
-71	66702	3335100	015ecc5c-ff33-4ddb-ad46-77b962740d15	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:29:03	-689.169
-72	33352	3335200	b1473403-7cad-4d2f-ad9f-3cd44019bb0e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:33:10	-343.914
-72	66704	3335200	66d8c5dc-8142-46a6-83d7-c36aa544c5bc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:20:42	519.884
-73	33353	3335300	6dcfb1f1-22dd-4864-9af4-15771cdaf30f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:14:00	-597.123
-73	66706	3335300	30db0b53-806e-428e-b49c-287856ec1b69	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:53:36	-35.346
-74	33354	3335400	27ee1114-0491-4015-b2b9-44889b7c8277	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:51:03	-789.270
-74	66708	3335400	c31180dc-cfd8-41d7-a5e4-3e5602431326	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:35:04	-883.112
-75	33355	3335500	beadff08-9daa-4c4c-8afc-37525fe6247e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:23:08	97.144
-75	66710	3335500	88ac5724-b48d-4376-9991-b43b06f75216	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:15:03	640.60
-76	33356	3335600	88fc24a6-5617-44c1-a309-585b1a8dea20	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:49:26	-638.906
-76	66712	3335600	3dd42bde-fe62-49f7-be12-ff9f331bb612	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:23:22	772.471
-77	33357	3335700	0c549412-58c7-404b-a390-2b1f30bea749	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:33:48	-445.148
-77	66714	3335700	98a4e25a-4b0d-41b1-a710-bf53c51d58dc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:33:58	413.382
-78	33358	3335800	0238c3bc-2e16-43c8-8af3-f49b285a17a6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:10:50	311.511
-78	66716	3335800	536ed283-0a6e-4a21-9393-bb828b6857f7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:38:13	185.340
-79	33359	3335900	ee4213c9-f598-4ca4-9093-761e363ef03d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:40:04	511.316
-79	66718	3335900	e0d27eb4-628f-40c7-980c-33578761a121	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:32:19	-717.37
-80	33360	3336000	55e1865d-81e1-4166-9120-7c72f1a4f36b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:09:48	-639.908
-80	66720	3336000	74daff6b-367c-4bb9-ac06-1cb0f0fd3776	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:52:00	-870.550
-81	33361	3336100	4df3e98b-e84d-44a8-b209-dc390f5144c8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:27:33	407.350
-81	66722	3336100	3a0973eb-4fcb-421a-a0f8-c308e93408c0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:07:02	721.712
-82	33362	3336200	4def8e9d-6791-4819-8ea8-3bdf54ef8109	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:19:37	504.100
-82	66724	3336200	f298890c-37b0-4f4d-ae71-16e71185d09d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:22:36	-425.14
-83	33363	3336300	d15616bb-0096-4828-a9d6-755c73bb0fe2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:08:19	235.730
-83	66726	3336300	cb74077e-e8d2-4762-a06b-6abb897676ba	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:53:40	739.450
-84	33364	3336400	b6b4aa99-0a4b-454e-b019-aef4d4d8e1f7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:19:48	173.74
-84	66728	3336400	b9fcd74f-5b49-4a4a-98e6-bccf79414eac	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:47:08	5.926
-85	33365	3336500	bc2653ac-c9fc-4b8c-a5ae-38e2c2807ed3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:50:16	21.588
-85	66730	3336500	97d82d78-339c-4ce7-afba-668eef84b75d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:29:06	-925.602
-86	33366	3336600	4092436d-72f5-4e29-afca-acc6df5fc384	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:36:02	537.867
-86	66732	3336600	bc911c67-3c98-4455-85a2-eaf63c58ac15	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:09:31	-588.551
-87	33367	3336700	bc50df8f-ddbf-4891-950a-95e8f89766a6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:29:14	-254.392
-87	66734	3336700	89ccb477-a4d9-490b-bf26-2cae317b6ee7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:58:31	-433.85
-88	33368	3336800	99227281-e391-4e61-9ef2-5b3aecf73092	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:34:53	-752.191
-88	66736	3336800	ac1b297d-0c7a-4589-ab86-db0e5ca7919f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:49:29	-384.975
-89	33369	3336900	121b54d4-255f-486a-aa2c-547f28651da5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:09:03	-131.411
-89	66738	3336900	20a22d00-0f28-49ea-b8a7-687fc89e9e7a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:31:54	-420.258
-90	33370	3337000	cda08d53-f669-4861-a884-8dcb775fa3c3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:49:05	-379.213
-90	66740	3337000	b907758f-b120-4097-b323-4df4af0ab3b5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:58:55	-606.236
-91	33371	3337100	f1351c0b-e336-4b77-a8d3-c81aa8c60b8d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:16:33	784.763
-91	66742	3337100	bccf7817-052e-4ba7-98f3-1a6be7bc4122	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:12:38	859.913
-92	33372	3337200	a366ce51-9d17-4007-842c-591fd180bebe	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:37:11	-569.186
-92	66744	3337200	6e991020-6140-4b97-81c6-7ba024a44953	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:51:06	392.270
-93	33373	3337300	d6537883-65e5-4e14-8688-5899fea816e9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:25:42	-731.929
-93	66746	3337300	7de3beb1-2b83-4ec9-9440-b446183be051	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:52:28	993.486
-94	33374	3337400	41fcb02b-5370-42e7-bcc7-a8c5c2edb037	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:57:58	-508.369
-94	66748	3337400	df4e6f72-dba9-43c0-9e94-b397906b3f0f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:11:57	-997.480
-95	33375	3337500	9058d42a-06a0-495d-824e-de9f38986d9c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:40:36	-382.896
-95	66750	3337500	75b11f52-a343-47a3-b98e-934009470399	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:40:27	-803.500
-96	33376	3337600	582dabac-cc95-4436-9d63-9a8dc74e1e5c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:20:25	471.200
-96	66752	3337600	156f1075-a1ef-4a7a-96c3-1175a3e6320e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:43:13	259.828
-97	33377	3337700	1cafb0b2-e1b1-4710-9891-f73d904998c8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:50:14	-128.935
-97	66754	3337700	9cc3d7d7-a6db-43b7-acb4-7850d5cb1b7e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:51:41	-66.550
-98	33378	3337800	a722a4dc-39fe-4e75-813d-2cfaec79312f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:52:43	-834.839
-98	66756	3337800	d1b3ee20-7d02-4e29-983c-4e91c62e0bce	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:10:42	-413.720
-99	33379	3337900	52169c01-d982-45e2-a32c-b3ec1a065a9e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:15:06	-687.383
-99	66758	3337900	80b81711-a564-46e9-a0cf-e83352260120	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:58:26	88.85
-100	33380	3338000	6aca68a9-380d-4a2f-9e59-4fed7afaf259	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:06:06	-362.123
-100	66760	3338000	ac97798e-235e-439b-8a72-2215c6a3264b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:14:28	-532.773
-101	33381	3338100	4bc4821b-b5b4-4a3e-bda1-cf0ca3b37eec	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:16:51	-838.268
-101	66762	3338100	8d8e62fd-b893-463a-83d2-fe9fbdcf44f5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:07:50	-746.978
-102	33382	3338200	02f16f3e-5cfd-4b30-8004-97b8e193dc0c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:03:31	-869.211
-102	66764	3338200	816baad2-8393-4f13-b064-98cc13bf1bdd	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:50:45	195.263
-103	33383	3338300	4b46def3-ea27-42b8-a9be-3286bed94b97	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:34:12	-52.362
-103	66766	3338300	26e934d8-876e-4c1d-81a0-872906166de8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:04:25	915.232
-104	33384	3338400	0273c025-3947-4c0d-9a2e-2c6361613687	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:42:00	6.258
-104	66768	3338400	3ce37e48-d6c5-4cf3-9f38-1ff8348c7695	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:02:15	346.808
-105	33385	3338500	110eec0f-b0c2-4c9a-8a1d-61f5dafbd2a3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:20:04	378.622
-105	66770	3338500	98482fb3-3cb5-425f-9c14-a9e82bfd7bf9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:13:55	-91.312
-106	33386	3338600	c3dc306c-6fcb-4479-834b-3786938bd2b8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:18:33	-715.44
-106	66772	3338600	325582bc-57fc-47e2-a358-40493cd24bc1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:49:15	-310.405
-107	33387	3338700	358b49f2-1d67-4055-b0f5-0e29c9dd143d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:04:21	544.566
-107	66774	3338700	c4ce124c-9929-4eef-9f95-05cf9984fe62	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:13:51	987.179
-108	33388	3338800	51022b88-3995-470a-a5b6-b81f227c3bcc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:56:04	-173.177
-108	66776	3338800	5fd8cf86-c702-44be-b0e4-1a6ed6c350b4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:31:57	805.696
-109	33389	3338900	f689ac36-ac8f-4260-8130-5c844f38bc11	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:48:01	-180.418
-109	66778	3338900	fd0bbf35-2858-4b2b-8139-fa3246c68161	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:25:23	-83.617
-110	33390	3339000	3c874315-e524-4d90-810a-21ff8203d0c2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:33:41	-929.477
-110	66780	3339000	6934827e-3df7-493e-a860-0ede97033d30	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:59:49	-562.66
-111	33391	3339100	c58c25b7-9e0f-4b98-99f4-5aad7ef26600	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:16:38	-846.339
-111	66782	3339100	9f61de2c-16fb-4333-a270-5795c59ff25d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:05:40	888.455
-112	33392	3339200	1073adbe-417a-4836-a38e-6239fbc3c537	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:20:39	-281.97
-112	66784	3339200	a0faf6f4-82c3-4686-89a4-47fd74d28446	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:46:43	992.138
-113	33393	3339300	87fd1229-e86c-4821-8af0-924d94117b51	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:35:33	827.93
-113	66786	3339300	7c225178-ceae-4ad8-a030-bf4e6bb73b1a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:40:33	-463.805
-114	33394	3339400	0e817e69-7644-4f7d-bed0-70623f587fd4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:42:12	-478.709
-114	66788	3339400	af9b25b8-25c5-4b7b-a827-16b91bdcc4df	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:19:19	563.251
-115	33395	3339500	87f4e1e8-5417-486a-a19a-e4cc203c9f68	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:10:23	295.211
-115	66790	3339500	8ade3372-7376-4566-bdaa-1bfc13dba03b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:42:13	-153.369
-116	33396	3339600	5051962c-3d83-48d0-a599-e85e555af14c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:16:36	587.379
-116	66792	3339600	988de19c-200f-4cc9-a115-9147d0c22ed8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:23:56	923.935
-117	33397	3339700	7f7e0415-4b90-479a-84e5-e69b7208f39e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:36:19	-139.430
-117	66794	3339700	dcf114c8-8d50-44ba-b539-abef901476ad	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:27:44	-185.394
-118	33398	3339800	3c3ccac7-de71-4e7b-a7e5-47487865f051	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:15:20	-291.839
-118	66796	3339800	26157563-a24d-4f43-a0cb-42029f1680c0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:14:30	-469.198
-119	33399	3339900	502f30c6-0b8d-40c3-9034-752a564002a3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:46:51	733.348
-119	66798	3339900	e2c7b443-3570-4423-a071-1225e12d7550	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:18:40	-620.842
-120	33400	3340000	1a6ab496-90aa-4a7e-8c98-7b34c95ad373	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:50:12	-384.893
-120	66800	3340000	6db85416-a939-428a-b1d2-0553b2dc9b4b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:45:22	-954.401
-121	33401	3340100	d210aa37-4b3b-4418-964e-72077e1495dd	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:08:16	-101.804
-121	66802	3340100	9b6dfc61-e723-497d-bec7-2a4007735972	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:30:01	-169.377
-122	33402	3340200	8a5a28da-062b-4759-806f-4a2cd82797b2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:43:02	561.957
-122	66804	3340200	c35d4d57-2178-401b-8d7f-c7901fe7b07d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:28:00	-247.480
-123	33403	3340300	28e83bb6-d1c4-49c3-b698-d468c33c0de7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:44:12	-147.769
-123	66806	3340300	c92b1d38-014e-45a9-ad84-5c833525df93	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:00:34	-496.174
-124	33404	3340400	a9d48cc2-5f5d-4218-b733-cdb0511eea32	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:44:09	-913.239
-124	66808	3340400	6d61dc06-6667-4d04-8d72-98d5fe500778	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:19:10	752.565
-125	33405	3340500	adb02505-7de9-4bc4-97cb-029d173db409	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:45:12	-466.830
-125	66810	3340500	68df97f9-38b8-4d8c-ace6-6b33a37eeca6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:44:20	-592.628
-126	33406	3340600	933648a1-2f4d-404a-bb57-6c4468b7323c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:29:39	226.324
-126	66812	3340600	329c2008-a522-4412-a6fc-004532f0e4ec	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:25:12	140.440
-127	33407	3340700	5023d9a1-15dc-4304-9d12-7685cbd0c7f6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:22:43	-945.589
-127	66814	3340700	f665e51b-4139-4126-927c-e93c11274d12	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:13:00	179.692
-0	33408	3340800	e99804b6-e1b2-4a90-89c3-8121046b0d74	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:49:39	-79.613
-0	66816	3340800	d8f0e156-842b-434f-861b-93fd18a3b517	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:48:52	-993.843
-1	33409	3340900	9ed237b7-ba81-4e35-bb32-54c7acaaa0b1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:59:55	741.380
-1	66818	3340900	189d0b17-cf23-425c-a7dd-7c3408e054f9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:13:01	-453.685
-2	33410	3341000	a7a8216c-ac64-41ab-b7c3-09b17e691e4b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:50:15	-306.698
-2	66820	3341000	60739c9d-0ebc-4f49-9aee-4115a87515d3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:02:38	-109.226
-3	33411	3341100	ecb8e042-39b1-4c0a-a48f-3cc825a855b2	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:40:12	-753.375
-3	66822	3341100	a81ad711-cbe2-49d4-904f-330a36bb5616	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:50:26	814.695
-4	33412	3341200	c1263766-7733-4f29-bf0c-56eb32f92b42	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:14:02	95.36
-4	66824	3341200	bc34f078-626b-452d-b044-d107753e8c46	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:52:40	-603.451
-5	33413	3341300	fefc626b-267c-42cb-a31f-6f3cd2547bd7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:49:12	104.603
-5	66826	3341300	67a143db-4b15-4542-9e76-bccdd951d89b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:05:48	-387.436
-6	33414	3341400	587e158a-767f-4230-9849-c7a7248d8ac6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:17:29	202.340
-6	66828	3341400	a254efba-d92a-4028-9449-8bedffd0e0b5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:40:26	960.868
-7	33415	3341500	b2559b1d-00b6-4fc3-9fc2-7c6c4ab13d18	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:33:28	-321.435
-7	66830	3341500	b6ae2578-eef5-40e6-a9f4-4d1e16d8b255	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:46:29	-639.329
-8	33416	3341600	91f7875d-83ba-4d96-bbdc-9b87437dac45	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:35:12	-210.756
-8	66832	3341600	481deb14-743e-453f-8a09-c944dc287745	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:00:27	721.516
-9	33417	3341700	fc3b2767-ad5d-46e4-97f7-8ac393894b84	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:44:30	683.303
-9	66834	3341700	f3e3e237-d571-43f3-9cc3-ea6e67b13115	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:53:47	-446.597
-10	33418	3341800	27dcff3b-569a-4229-90a4-8cc7ff245497	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:30:38	977.280
-10	66836	3341800	0bdebadf-810b-40d6-84e2-491f9f5bff0e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:52:49	-626.219
-11	33419	3341900	79194f60-a3b3-40a3-b7e7-f6791a7420ea	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:07:02	-960.546
-11	66838	3341900	3b2a0cb6-5de4-4828-8124-900042690067	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:47:18	262.951
-12	33420	3342000	d0e28847-1288-4f69-ac7a-7b10f29fe5f7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:38:22	-184.674
-12	66840	3342000	6c358966-774a-4607-b81a-90d8f0d42e81	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:01:11	-366.652
-13	33421	3342100	bcde1693-9bab-4898-801c-4caab856c6e5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:09:41	433.101
-13	66842	3342100	ae71ec78-458c-4b2f-b108-6fefda82f4b9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:16:16	583.465
-14	33422	3342200	76096f35-1afd-479f-8926-8b201138d871	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:27:04	-56.591
-14	66844	3342200	66cb74ca-ac19-4c70-9682-1f5bef154fa9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:34:42	-214.796
-15	33423	3342300	930d60c1-4033-4caf-adf7-8e9cd9646fbe	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:06:46	-361.281
-15	66846	3342300	d48ce583-f0eb-41d7-9f75-cffb5b3546a9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:42:42	-975.763
-16	33424	3342400	7fc7f6b6-fb3f-4a48-b871-f1d8388d1c2b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:11:17	-191.443
-16	66848	3342400	0d6b5099-a3a0-41ae-aa6f-83216c7a825d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:25:22	-418.488
-17	33425	3342500	55e9b63f-a643-4461-ad62-ba7650979dc1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:38:17	650.477
-17	66850	3342500	a1f7e725-07c4-4166-8c6e-75321616afdb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:58:48	355.483
-18	33426	3342600	566b3223-af27-4e8c-b944-31510f9ff2d6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:05:49	477.943
-18	66852	3342600	26d66acc-36fb-48b4-8ef2-ddfa1dec4b8b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:20:32	-866.963
-19	33427	3342700	3f742078-4ed4-4a36-a1c7-9123f8a4f2b2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:10:11	434.667
-19	66854	3342700	bf42bbed-0b4a-4c73-a8c8-c71110e1923a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:22:55	-57.257
-20	33428	3342800	79b1d2d6-771b-4c48-8b31-c0006ad2036b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:07:07	497.931
-20	66856	3342800	198e4902-0af9-432d-9b55-8ec1dd15e79c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:16:52	544.71
-21	33429	3342900	b8177a33-1186-447d-9fae-d5700a3ab1d6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:18:23	331.585
-21	66858	3342900	96d105d5-d144-4a2e-b8b1-3b8eec62effa	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:27:33	-776.306
-22	33430	3343000	3be107d5-5434-4c4c-8dc7-c77c4a1960e9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:16:17	-65.265
-22	66860	3343000	45cfb334-20d6-46d6-8919-c674fbefb0d6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:33:55	-191.107
-23	33431	3343100	568c024d-bfae-476a-91e0-99f6e963965e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:51:32	475.586
-23	66862	3343100	e5570c26-2914-4972-9672-7791250f6c79	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:24:16	927.384
-24	33432	3343200	ac09f887-717b-4bb9-bd66-afccc98d9d01	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:28:27	-132.293
-24	66864	3343200	e1c9baf1-ce6d-4c96-bce4-5e7d47051422	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:37:43	754.907
-25	33433	3343300	11f7be60-9408-44fe-b9fe-a39191ad7435	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:49:51	-772.562
-25	66866	3343300	a63d2f32-d684-4928-b430-00cb5c510486	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:39:27	872.335
-26	33434	3343400	296d3d62-8c51-4391-8abb-a96d170c742b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:46:22	948.724
-26	66868	3343400	cb070182-c60a-48cb-b8d8-bc0b1940bc4b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:55:28	178.84
-27	33435	3343500	6589ef66-2680-4614-96a4-a5ae4cad34a0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:56:28	122.46
-27	66870	3343500	e4be8b20-f395-46e9-b9cc-7a415e373a52	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:05:27	34.949
-28	33436	3343600	c76c3d1a-027f-4131-af7a-c2ec57e9d2fa	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:17:43	794.173
-28	66872	3343600	1035ca15-a2e0-4529-b633-48dfa0409c48	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:24:00	946.463
-29	33437	3343700	2ec098f0-2559-4de6-9ca9-37ffe3a2d6a8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:17:03	-431.198
-29	66874	3343700	56476677-cc5a-4b48-b30e-05074da82151	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:41:14	-52.825
-30	33438	3343800	395e65cd-01ff-4372-8ee6-3b236aea57f6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:34:15	227.651
-30	66876	3343800	36d8899e-7f1f-47e8-bb12-eca3857ec9d5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:33:19	452.460
-31	33439	3343900	7e6c88c9-07e2-42c9-bc25-d9c49bda89de	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:11:45	-916.646
-31	66878	3343900	4b82fb5f-02e8-43ff-bd8d-20d1de9895c9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:31:15	-773.829
-32	33440	3344000	1aadf22e-b3f1-4e76-be13-ed33f737e6de	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:37:06	-142.968
-32	66880	3344000	ef70f1b8-7cb1-4c0d-939d-3d24224ab981	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:10:27	-660.307
-33	33441	3344100	ee5d7f7a-0adc-4cd8-a8d3-12d3b981f732	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:10:14	-694.536
-33	66882	3344100	93350dcb-cfaf-483f-8c2f-6b16491ffe6e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:43:04	-252.345
-34	33442	3344200	9725d430-f831-4cb8-b3ce-53114bd2c3ed	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:42:13	-576.258
-34	66884	3344200	396d3834-958d-42cb-93c1-fdd11757fe32	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:55:12	86.747
-35	33443	3344300	4e66174e-ea7c-40df-b751-badc26a217a5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:28:50	458.480
-35	66886	3344300	4504e336-a965-4964-86ae-35bda106e485	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:12:20	884.553
-36	33444	3344400	7c91ca80-8b44-4aab-82c0-0d2accf013e5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:33:02	366.452
-36	66888	3344400	10e199af-c271-4b0d-86f0-3585d3f355e9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:52:14	253.280
-37	33445	3344500	8cc6e66c-db59-4343-90de-9521764ba374	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:34:18	-373.91
-37	66890	3344500	4dc40181-dc23-44aa-977a-7715203e9e1c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:31:19	483.853
-38	33446	3344600	b2a69b62-ae15-4d53-824f-fbcfedce5fcf	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:01:08	732.719
-38	66892	3344600	2876f41c-67f2-4280-abd3-a08e693fe66e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:17:33	407.562
-39	33447	3344700	5ff30db2-e860-44c2-a65e-92e63578008d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:31:14	-87.320
-39	66894	3344700	fde082f2-c6ae-4ba7-98dd-b1bbaba87edf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:39:49	-427.996
-40	33448	3344800	4a52cdfc-cea6-487d-8a82-666d4e28af1c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:14:54	-512.949
-40	66896	3344800	9295d293-5468-4453-a264-f26600d9aa1e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:18:00	306.50
-41	33449	3344900	412bdef6-4a7d-4f95-a13a-fb50003783fc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:50:45	538.525
-41	66898	3344900	c65f4089-9381-48a2-ad24-8df1dc939a46	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:43:39	-334.20
-42	33450	3345000	5b2a5b78-e10a-486f-a6b5-807299c93ec9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:55:37	577.432
-42	66900	3345000	04af2e89-64a5-4c83-bcb7-caf692f8804f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:38:11	442.303
-43	33451	3345100	99fc13b8-7416-462f-a94c-730c2b5d9416	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:16:14	-909.704
-43	66902	3345100	8dbb6c73-12e8-4e9c-80da-1dc5c1015d7f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:22:53	-903.880
-44	33452	3345200	920d6f1a-a6c5-45d8-9b28-b451e2fd6f85	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:57:07	991.997
-44	66904	3345200	37e55921-26b5-449d-a8c2-68feaefac1ca	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:09:34	958.110
-45	33453	3345300	0f4f7c1b-647a-4ab4-90e2-a5c821f4be64	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:08:26	495.149
-45	66906	3345300	8b4e8e77-df7e-444a-9de9-1814e7718860	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:36:39	-158.218
-46	33454	3345400	55d1a9be-81b1-4b6a-a7dd-eb529e994e80	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:19:22	-507.73
-46	66908	3345400	c5d366bf-755e-495f-8124-c956da0cf1c6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:31:57	28.97
-47	33455	3345500	d1f99f69-4add-487e-a0e9-7b251f32db7b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:03:34	881.144
-47	66910	3345500	1e3405c5-d595-46b6-953e-708a1615cd8a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:22:49	-266.761
-48	33456	3345600	9f2faa53-48d2-4648-8ad8-379755b57b51	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:59:21	-189.767
-48	66912	3345600	e9648788-7e0a-44db-a690-ae33402f0f28	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:52:43	381.339
-49	33457	3345700	e4189297-62f2-4fa0-9b30-ffe4a7660219	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:29:47	742.524
-49	66914	3345700	a58041b7-0ed9-47c2-b1a7-c55c88ca0038	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:46:59	-314.690
-50	33458	3345800	a12a8f8f-44dd-47df-9973-4a6c47b573e6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:23:33	464.574
-50	66916	3345800	a9d104b8-cae2-4650-9278-f18bba77a8d5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:12:30	170.291
-51	33459	3345900	d85ba0c4-8eec-496d-844d-f815f3ae8657	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:25:44	859.463
-51	66918	3345900	48217af3-b6cb-470f-91f5-250f3488535d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:48:16	-352.982
-52	33460	3346000	b70bc4d4-5313-43a4-86ba-6c54e7bf17fd	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:44:41	315.995
-52	66920	3346000	bf10d646-3b10-4d87-9362-5994d2e0d3b1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:38:02	-128.300
-53	33461	3346100	81ef607d-00ea-481f-b54e-cbc3f3774162	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:05:48	220.691
-53	66922	3346100	de852c6a-bec8-4ccf-83eb-2e6449910fd9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:34:27	799.184
-54	33462	3346200	3f49f2a1-5c95-4c71-b3e7-1ed96b243e7d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:40:15	75.626
-54	66924	3346200	46d01ed9-06b3-4caf-9453-b5765b72d981	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:10:52	-89.236
-55	33463	3346300	9581870a-a1d5-4bfd-84bc-a4d2afd44d3f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:10:14	671.176
-55	66926	3346300	97ee0c61-8fb5-4b92-b3ea-796739ceb1e4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:16:22	831.174
-56	33464	3346400	128da58c-0929-4a7f-9927-d59188e3f7a7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:47:58	-155.922
-56	66928	3346400	05973f5b-bb4f-4c8e-8cf9-498bffc17e50	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:09:16	327.395
-57	33465	3346500	f7827c08-3a34-4bb5-8404-30eb849c01ce	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:23:35	104.588
-57	66930	3346500	a44cadf9-6d0d-4351-b79f-0d4bbaca1b8a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:55:34	321.510
-58	33466	3346600	b5bcad99-ecc9-485b-993e-e8532dfd7c41	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:23:30	897.990
-58	66932	3346600	472515c7-4cd8-433a-a017-b59beb9e49b2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:55:51	512.247
-59	33467	3346700	78752016-b9a5-46d0-89ff-06dbeda0aa31	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:34:07	153.126
-59	66934	3346700	6796e7d9-932a-4d9f-a4fa-d8c5f7fd0f7f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:21:17	208.690
-60	33468	3346800	3143be51-4e9e-4bd8-bf34-f4c27a596c1f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:25:45	79.500
-60	66936	3346800	66facd50-1c02-4bbc-b345-5fc3793e2441	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:39:25	816.906
-61	33469	3346900	8a7bd7c5-052e-4269-b597-81b344f606f3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:43:56	-449.774
-61	66938	3346900	2a261a96-0314-43f0-8833-b101b6ac5baf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:03:06	988.279
-62	33470	3347000	1cfcd3d8-64b1-4122-a490-dd5e7aa7a8aa	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:16:02	598.925
-62	66940	3347000	e15c7a58-7059-4b90-8cce-368c6693cb7c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:12:55	-312.759
-63	33471	3347100	3caa3c74-cda5-4ab3-8182-426136c67987	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:44:12	-893.848
-63	66942	3347100	b1675a64-d934-4136-baef-d1351ecebb0c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:46:22	-635.118
-64	33472	3347200	a180e195-068a-4490-9276-8ce418fdc3f9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:40:22	-225.515
-64	66944	3347200	eedfc93b-ee06-4709-8439-35cea34eed6b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:07:51	659.10
-65	33473	3347300	30be6afb-2aeb-4e4a-af9f-c1d97002cf1d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:34:10	-802.518
-65	66946	3347300	444e1664-670b-46d5-bbab-132bbaea3b50	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:03:22	747.87
-66	33474	3347400	20b43ebc-9dcc-45ae-b2f3-d8d546aec4b3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:32:13	-85.905
-66	66948	3347400	f5933125-45bc-4e1c-8152-d23d286b969d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:19:59	-971.849
-67	33475	3347500	7f77fc27-90f8-4936-80a4-a1d9479c4685	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:59:10	-307.720
-67	66950	3347500	09eba394-a708-4545-9f54-38454aa79745	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:23:48	223.106
-68	33476	3347600	9008289b-9dfa-46bb-8296-713f224a78aa	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:32:56	-169.277
-68	66952	3347600	df9ef484-08df-4612-9fe4-4bfb4e115e18	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:07:35	545.987
-69	33477	3347700	f49d9cd8-2dc6-40f2-a7d8-2e6b8ac91ecb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:38:20	162.280
-69	66954	3347700	82c132e0-4cec-4497-adc4-980db542c729	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:07:43	-305.783
-70	33478	3347800	75e48c2a-50e0-4d77-bcd8-40be703a9537	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:19:46	-174.735
-70	66956	3347800	d4b0426b-6404-4b41-8931-1e9d8bb8a0e3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:07:16	-905.550
-71	33479	3347900	b1751c7b-1050-4472-8db5-962950940a28	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:20:28	-527.31
-71	66958	3347900	105c0e44-e799-4ec9-8829-0beab7f8ec3b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:25:56	746.32
-72	33480	3348000	4b337d8d-1128-4e15-b070-4beff420d299	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:02:10	516.209
-72	66960	3348000	5f810537-6c5d-4c10-bcc1-a2ae21839531	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:10:08	-358.434
-73	33481	3348100	4bc01035-0ce2-475c-96bd-4490d42b05c9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:22:16	-592.435
-73	66962	3348100	60ced8a7-c001-4c70-9812-d023ced3e8f5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:15:16	844.740
-74	33482	3348200	0275883c-6908-4b60-8b3c-9b13e2225aea	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:07:19	230.60
-74	66964	3348200	82b90cd6-be54-4964-876a-9bacdcdd2114	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:24:16	442.790
-75	33483	3348300	352aca57-aafb-4a53-a624-8b72141f7cee	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:52:34	-537.867
-75	66966	3348300	4d28edcf-f765-4762-b161-36a2780184cb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:12:23	271.859
-76	33484	3348400	909e714d-88a5-436e-81cb-005c4122367f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:06:19	-943.325
-76	66968	3348400	60458edf-6c5c-49f1-8395-a51d8d5b5f13	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:09:25	-990.984
-77	33485	3348500	7236f310-8c7f-4bad-aaac-932abd038e29	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:54:09	200.4
-77	66970	3348500	4368be29-3110-4890-8d9a-c738ac73e013	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:05:17	-166.786
-78	33486	3348600	440afa59-935a-4266-b7fb-a8f0f4f3ddcb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:25:46	826.996
-78	66972	3348600	c42c0b7a-8f3e-4e19-b2db-c2871d35b0e3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:56:59	848.300
-79	33487	3348700	e729c5d0-631d-43e0-92a5-22ea2551a0b0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:09:15	598.920
-79	66974	3348700	3f81881b-5b90-4c8d-a215-5fc6a08cb232	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:02:10	-869.397
-80	33488	3348800	3eb397ea-9ad8-408b-9cba-d38d39dd6593	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:24:34	434.21
-80	66976	3348800	6c30aaa0-61cf-4ea3-864b-0c9c454b5c4e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:42:33	-249.721
-81	33489	3348900	25509f1d-6446-42f1-8706-1734878b5f4d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:35:12	-886.361
-81	66978	3348900	37e1c3bf-bdd6-4a17-933b-341f60f30a91	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:01:31	780.841
-82	33490	3349000	85fddfa7-6295-4a4c-b209-a1bedd124e67	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:25:10	-754.377
-82	66980	3349000	0a2111ae-3ad5-4c28-a7cb-43ae7bb966fc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:30:37	577.692
-83	33491	3349100	d5b5a34c-45bb-4cfd-a12a-0eb532eec138	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:41:51	690.580
-83	66982	3349100	b16834b8-c057-4fc5-8682-4fd03c9f8bd2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:58:40	991.444
-84	33492	3349200	a2ec3c15-a22b-45a0-9a9f-6b5c1d05aac1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:09:23	-569.733
-84	66984	3349200	fd3d302c-e55d-4f1f-a810-78bd07e48e36	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:14:46	297.92
-85	33493	3349300	24a832a7-9097-4abc-af81-1742c81fd1f1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:59:32	737.117
-85	66986	3349300	53c5aeb5-b579-4586-a122-c6d74f9d9a20	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:14:22	-202.897
-86	33494	3349400	3334f350-668d-463c-abd3-1798726f65fc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:06:24	-42.310
-86	66988	3349400	c8f138fd-0f0d-4614-8efa-a37ac54acd5b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:27:57	411.774
-87	33495	3349500	4dc8ae28-96ca-4431-ab00-d6ea7ff6b5ad	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:21:33	176.132
-87	66990	3349500	0aa612c0-f867-49d2-982c-4b282a886127	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:01:08	-126.751
-88	33496	3349600	b791a704-07a2-4a25-86e8-bc80430412c6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:41:21	879.705
-88	66992	3349600	24a26fee-158a-4d77-8d26-e7e819214b5b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:42:08	-449.417
-89	33497	3349700	48d4ce1b-96d2-446d-adce-6a1b851ab1e6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:18:32	-47.250
-89	66994	3349700	8c9ce0af-2428-4605-9d14-e2e99784bd33	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:10:53	710.221
-90	33498	3349800	5afe1fbf-5e70-4b88-bcfb-caf924789304	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:20:35	918.624
-90	66996	3349800	6f030b7e-eeef-4c65-beb8-22ecbca8b1d9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:48:54	-895.86
-91	33499	3349900	e1bd3286-b286-46c2-b481-0c998a5bc521	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:45:50	490.864
-91	66998	3349900	8f227063-c23b-4f2f-aa91-a4ad4195d739	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:29:31	928.627
-92	33500	3350000	a665666c-a168-49c5-985b-05b2c8cbbff4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:34:18	642.975
-92	67000	3350000	9d01b219-1c73-4d44-b341-7229c87d2366	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:50:34	234.333
-93	33501	3350100	b0665656-d99e-467f-be4e-ad2d34d4166c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:10:43	-628.192
-93	67002	3350100	80af9e27-0247-4d37-aa86-32bc4ce3de71	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:18:28	-896.568
-94	33502	3350200	cfbd3dec-7364-44d7-94de-66cd4a58a50a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:13:42	146.2
-94	67004	3350200	a16e1ba6-bfb1-47d4-98c9-09966dc30050	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:26:53	827.322
-95	33503	3350300	73469742-ee33-4612-9e1d-1674b54eea17	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:22:30	-470.824
-95	67006	3350300	70274162-10b5-4b8d-8b91-b1b1ea5c2b6f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:29:22	-446.334
-96	33504	3350400	2cc50c54-5321-46bc-8dc8-8bf56e49473b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:28:08	211.324
-96	67008	3350400	d8ba2809-41a3-4dfe-8a21-e944330ba7ea	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:31:20	17.182
-97	33505	3350500	4ef327d8-a710-44fa-8049-8db32eb52047	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:27:33	560.51
-97	67010	3350500	79e6a335-d340-4796-a490-a337420ade65	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:25:59	570.488
-98	33506	3350600	3056f8c5-2e8c-4f48-ba86-fab2d1034782	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:06:11	95.82
-98	67012	3350600	7214891f-6c3c-41ed-ab94-c43ff3062543	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:00:50	-235.749
-99	33507	3350700	767c2d6d-87e6-47f0-9542-d8d9161874d2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:58:16	-548.145
-99	67014	3350700	4613a726-7bd6-4bf8-a88a-5a317d956eef	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:17:08	885.888
-100	33508	3350800	c842928b-044a-44dc-81c6-f46e8824c587	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:22:23	183.308
-100	67016	3350800	0b20c650-3d7c-4809-8d9f-63a21b0c913e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:05:43	943.983
-101	33509	3350900	39a629f1-b66b-43af-b893-a535dcf5ae69	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:28:30	473.106
-101	67018	3350900	053d8bbb-070f-4496-993f-3febd4169151	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:29:42	-704.201
-102	33510	3351000	bac5cff4-d7d7-4d93-96ad-cac23e135e89	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:16:35	733.279
-102	67020	3351000	ec48903f-811a-4c1e-ae41-64ddfce2941f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:52:12	236.694
-103	33511	3351100	815d576f-6e4e-4351-a938-662e82b0e001	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:45:55	-442.848
-103	67022	3351100	2e766f57-fbd5-4d4d-a495-17ade8363349	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:55:51	-884.559
-104	33512	3351200	0b67cc19-cf71-4ddd-a67a-c32d8b955044	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:02:30	-156.200
-104	67024	3351200	a917453b-f116-4d80-8bce-9e1139135716	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:15:36	325.230
-105	33513	3351300	cf195f8e-2085-468c-95cf-1fab6a655e33	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:08:35	599.199
-105	67026	3351300	70ed880d-5e23-4d6f-a243-4fd271932fab	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:52:21	731.485
-106	33514	3351400	4a2964e5-48e2-45de-9100-41e128de78a3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:47:43	-415.465
-106	67028	3351400	d6a69b55-5583-4375-b946-4d26428ea2f0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:45:41	-165.578
-107	33515	3351500	9bbb5938-637b-4f3a-97e8-53fcdc9dd22d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:01:18	-125.603
-107	67030	3351500	b48e38f0-437a-4391-94e9-86e4b58ac405	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:59:05	-507.138
-108	33516	3351600	cf65612a-2cd9-46d2-8c9d-1d9c9140e8d9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:41:38	-504.490
-108	67032	3351600	573a069c-de29-4ac7-a28d-61206c4139e8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:48:52	683.296
-109	33517	3351700	00043d3a-a48b-42ec-b47e-cef84e51fabd	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:20:16	-285.542
-109	67034	3351700	1d7e7ce0-d330-47f2-8f14-bae28e2aea6c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:22:56	971.548
-110	33518	3351800	ba042a68-50f6-455a-9166-d0641fd3f003	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:16:05	-294.768
-110	67036	3351800	1b9b50f2-ce83-49b9-b941-dc75c3a48f39	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:55:37	911.772
-111	33519	3351900	60519983-458c-42a2-84cc-ddcd45266921	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:15:11	-659.227
-111	67038	3351900	1755d015-0ad6-4f9a-aed3-e49d3b737e8c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:13:15	940.889
-112	33520	3352000	65eb7d4a-0dbb-439f-9b98-062abe010b43	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:42:44	-818.248
-112	67040	3352000	d60534ef-4dba-45da-b68f-75af9de0aa9a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:23:32	-581.220
-113	33521	3352100	360a6c4f-3a35-41ad-bfe2-5f8857c917dd	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:17:57	-823.424
-113	67042	3352100	8f6d2b74-2f71-49ce-b53c-a04bcfa9a5d5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:33:39	279.774
-114	33522	3352200	7ee37f49-4024-41a3-8f53-331077a5e503	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:07:27	543.625
-114	67044	3352200	217b7292-72ee-439b-a6ad-d2e7aa619e59	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:28:05	-128.548
-115	33523	3352300	78c4637b-79c0-4388-8d96-5dec5329d878	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:47:58	474.312
-115	67046	3352300	51cb9904-a8b5-40f2-a22b-977151f384b6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:26:18	-455.792
-116	33524	3352400	faff4667-de1b-46d6-a359-b3da2adff7a2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:16:28	-547.433
-116	67048	3352400	88168847-ae4b-47c6-9cfd-dbc2f54ab266	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:28:18	-497.677
-117	33525	3352500	8a90fcfe-a144-4a38-9f73-cfd11fcf7d72	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:51:53	714.494
-117	67050	3352500	8fee7a98-ec2c-4b74-89a4-74d58c3891c6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:17:21	-200.164
-118	33526	3352600	bef69e19-0ea8-4094-9cf5-f3a44fa8cf64	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:08:27	119.428
-118	67052	3352600	1740c81e-e972-41e6-9a4f-3e71d8f5930a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:27:05	-670.794
-119	33527	3352700	3000d27d-4b8c-47c0-8391-61efa33ba6eb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:20:30	679.592
-119	67054	3352700	d9ef755a-8e5b-437e-9cd5-aeb65bcff174	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:32:27	-953.930
-120	33528	3352800	4e0d0cd4-67c0-4b33-a211-134cebfe07ab	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:00:43	-405.802
-120	67056	3352800	31f1c616-17af-4f6a-bb1b-bbb5593c5686	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:56:39	-198.646
-121	33529	3352900	1fd69740-5c61-476f-89c3-bd341371fa17	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:58:09	-844.251
-121	67058	3352900	02c19a92-ab3c-4042-b66b-2ac2f6822542	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:55:42	771.710
-122	33530	3353000	d999823a-87c9-4d48-8494-4ac2f3b0e60a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:25:34	333.906
-122	67060	3353000	e19cfbc8-b60d-41f2-b283-c134a7802d97	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:31:40	729.608
-123	33531	3353100	3cc11511-3608-4cd1-83a7-1e7fb74493a8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:39:46	428.7
-123	67062	3353100	4c88e510-d1a7-4415-ae7d-8b82ea45d928	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:34:30	-658.488
-124	33532	3353200	690a3aa8-5776-4b41-8d9d-420a32f2ec2a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:32:46	330.224
-124	67064	3353200	9b046c60-6f44-4d06-88c6-17bb85c56d42	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:45:21	-606.173
-125	33533	3353300	e1e7e6cc-f944-445a-b857-de2d90a307f3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:31:23	691.307
-125	67066	3353300	c668f755-f0d0-47fe-b37c-01998175dbf5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:29:16	744.877
-126	33534	3353400	d5a6ff9a-1b0b-419b-9094-8685f4b7653d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:34:50	-446.384
-126	67068	3353400	e3bc4458-3a8b-4f95-9dd7-4befe9a88080	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:10:40	956.336
-127	33535	3353500	81735b5f-dea3-4c04-9d06-09b88caef278	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:11:27	632.257
-127	67070	3353500	e356b9df-49fe-435c-a94c-9855ba940a9a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:48:18	-240.583
-0	33536	3353600	3e42030a-0e14-4911-beb8-60fdee7f8916	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:47:52	877.130
-0	67072	3353600	5824e676-080e-4db3-bad3-7bf3e9c043f9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:43:43	725.567
-1	33537	3353700	916936a1-e37a-4067-bbf9-a8860c677633	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:45:25	743.767
-1	67074	3353700	41c74323-1083-45aa-8899-ae8db97b0d66	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:15:17	-205.208
-2	33538	3353800	d9743fdd-3b84-4bb2-938e-dea632590203	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:40:46	464.154
-2	67076	3353800	05d699a8-1430-4c36-b169-f0d62c965846	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:22:21	-146.167
-3	33539	3353900	50c91755-ec0d-4c45-bc16-bf3b9cc3f87e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:12:52	612.954
-3	67078	3353900	eb36c513-8137-4c05-b054-ccf10393b6ee	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:18:04	645.49
-4	33540	3354000	b03f5b88-e0c3-40eb-aee2-3eafaec71402	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:42:23	496.457
-4	67080	3354000	0304a22c-e74e-4366-b823-40ae48a93161	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:15:44	-237.684
-5	33541	3354100	48546bed-1aed-47e6-8b8b-9a70d4a738b2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:46:58	570.871
-5	67082	3354100	e7245cd3-8883-49cc-8b39-52e869a3ad41	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:39:48	966.132
-6	33542	3354200	a96eba57-4efd-4964-a02d-1b423fed75d0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:35:38	-231.387
-6	67084	3354200	64618c28-8df1-49cb-9658-4a364a8f7b88	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:50:06	905.321
-7	33543	3354300	fecb7ee0-b79e-4dba-97b6-673a3f1429b5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:43:22	20.332
-7	67086	3354300	9bda6280-2676-4f08-8176-34a9247ab11f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:44:34	-447.271
-8	33544	3354400	ff4310b5-66f7-4fcf-8214-6f9e04738823	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:11:23	-340.675
-8	67088	3354400	52d762cc-cb92-4b67-a2f0-d3f3807f8af1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:58:03	561.3
-9	33545	3354500	311a70ff-fb1d-41ba-93cb-92ca1493513b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:12:04	691.110
-9	67090	3354500	56c956a3-68cf-44fc-b51a-1f90b4c048b9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:32:17	-630.738
-10	33546	3354600	888de9be-19cf-429f-9d8d-1302d70f4177	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:55:49	934.559
-10	67092	3354600	374883b8-d241-4d33-b35b-98c04c6d0b67	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:59:55	-693.24
-11	33547	3354700	9e3aeb13-3e06-4c60-bbb2-da73752af535	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:21:50	668.976
-11	67094	3354700	e829c5c9-4638-44b8-b432-d617e3e63548	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:54:13	592.556
-12	33548	3354800	06077d7a-b539-4a57-b5ea-cf4fd9b4ad50	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:11:48	-573.706
-12	67096	3354800	a2e13321-c5fa-498e-9c99-a36504f90594	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:55:46	189.219
-13	33549	3354900	2851866a-3461-48bb-8b0a-d71e60561700	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:53:19	-612.524
-13	67098	3354900	1ad9810a-22bb-4966-9507-55571a904fdd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:12:11	902.138
-14	33550	3355000	79ff13d0-6644-4c35-b1cf-9f1954a7a01e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:33:36	-690.905
-14	67100	3355000	13b04327-06fb-4440-92fc-3c9ee5e45743	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:56:47	497.103
-15	33551	3355100	4cfeba7a-0ad0-4834-b121-60c3a63ee8da	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:05:05	645.665
-15	67102	3355100	3dac359a-0dff-4bcd-81cb-74f909bde347	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:10:51	-947.515
-16	33552	3355200	886e730e-37db-4f69-b81d-fec7ccd23c45	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:35:24	-73.132
-16	67104	3355200	57520c2f-009d-4ba2-8ba4-77f0d50933e1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:00:36	227.769
-17	33553	3355300	6cb70a69-8f4c-40a6-9bca-3189f11b57d8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:03:37	-21.44
-17	67106	3355300	88ed897e-6916-43c3-9a7d-aed8fe6bc4a0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:34:16	698.782
-18	33554	3355400	1015390b-add5-464b-a73d-31338c1a12ee	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:48:16	247.483
-18	67108	3355400	da3df064-8ba1-4f5f-80c0-c0240219bf83	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:55:29	-876.946
-19	33555	3355500	ebb8d366-7c24-42c3-a413-c277c8697846	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:59:51	881.277
-19	67110	3355500	852ad4f6-46bc-4ac9-b75f-ccddfa005378	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:06:57	-341.522
-20	33556	3355600	27dcbaff-9830-483a-aaf2-b9db90a2b007	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:49:43	686.192
-20	67112	3355600	714ada90-2c67-4ada-a74c-2ae636a2e33c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:26:40	405.829
-21	33557	3355700	77e59af5-b0d5-4e85-b12f-a2394eac4b22	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:42:23	-151.830
-21	67114	3355700	28cb4c62-66d5-470d-86d4-bb0823bdfacd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:22:03	-555.563
-22	33558	3355800	3cd48fa1-98cb-444a-a198-65a2fdc13c38	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:34:10	-603.858
-22	67116	3355800	b86efdaa-3be8-4b5e-a8b5-35c49a6f5889	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:37:41	-337.865
-23	33559	3355900	dd869585-f230-40d4-8a39-782de398f4df	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:11:02	551.829
-23	67118	3355900	ef798148-72eb-4cb3-8dc2-1b804ad3daec	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:55:04	-612.589
-24	33560	3356000	6613f79b-e038-419a-a614-3fe46211e49a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:04:38	-710.693
-24	67120	3356000	89114d09-144a-491e-b133-94487ebb2bec	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:34:02	-196.988
-25	33561	3356100	1768a07c-00f2-4586-842d-c49d69b40429	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:14:22	-570.949
-25	67122	3356100	a09d34b2-ad90-471f-8295-442b06446fe5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:08:33	-765.379
-26	33562	3356200	5cc40814-0045-4f29-afb3-96b362d913df	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:34:06	-675.652
-26	67124	3356200	d8b7726b-ada8-45e7-8694-dafb9443c312	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:47:24	-68.405
-27	33563	3356300	0ea2a872-93a6-483c-8643-5dc0b5141e62	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:10:51	727.51
-27	67126	3356300	049ea176-b2b7-4e00-8ee0-f7e043c27260	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:32:37	957.945
-28	33564	3356400	7d1be0a2-a54f-4fcd-982e-045691fc50bc	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:28:46	312.602
-28	67128	3356400	cd91af58-afc0-4724-a17e-89de78ac26d4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:56:36	184.526
-29	33565	3356500	55d99f02-2e20-4a21-86ea-d031517c3818	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:11:40	457.100
-29	67130	3356500	2df94f30-b843-47d8-9b9b-0aba8ed99e7f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:46:55	420.510
-30	33566	3356600	6799bc6d-6ea9-483e-9450-3419954d7e92	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:00:02	-616.385
-30	67132	3356600	dc46e372-25cb-4aa3-8628-05204190b77e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:29:55	938.972
-31	33567	3356700	4790eacd-c830-45ae-ac33-48a32b468050	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:31:46	518.144
-31	67134	3356700	f513e45e-f208-4726-95d3-993aac92c56e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:12:49	-897.915
-32	33568	3356800	914eacfb-dcd0-4c9f-a2f2-196684172967	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:22:35	368.455
-32	67136	3356800	a673e1ef-7240-4252-a35c-26c6aaa6ab2b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:55:43	-933.610
-33	33569	3356900	dd52a329-dbf1-4ab8-ae8e-41de095447b7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:37:48	623.284
-33	67138	3356900	f4c82fa8-f37f-4a7b-84d8-d1d28b68170e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:36:35	-197.669
-34	33570	3357000	7e3706ae-c4c9-45ea-a984-e7ab8ec3b0b1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:07:40	-411.200
-34	67140	3357000	1ca15bf0-766d-464e-9156-d17439659172	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:50:46	-226.758
-35	33571	3357100	99f709a0-263f-400a-9be7-110e9103ecf0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:20:59	534.868
-35	67142	3357100	f37ee18c-482e-45fe-81ec-cf0c0419353e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:53:12	-546.543
-36	33572	3357200	a81ad59c-804e-4624-a35f-2cfa21e86503	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:31:38	-375.142
-36	67144	3357200	f7d77698-cfc8-4d8d-90fc-970a87f5cf83	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:52:33	749.411
-37	33573	3357300	2cf87499-2811-45c9-a207-3a541c63f3a5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:26:10	317.869
-37	67146	3357300	9b4290c6-6449-4eb2-9bff-c31296bd8a9a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:20:20	-819.16
-38	33574	3357400	c80d3810-5f06-4493-8a76-ed00fb4c78a4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:29:01	-74.549
-38	67148	3357400	ac69f1f0-a6bd-4187-808c-419e24aff17d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:21:26	341.847
-39	33575	3357500	7351b812-f29a-4d23-9de3-2fc70ed891a6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:04:38	174.217
-39	67150	3357500	51ceefbd-0a0a-49f9-b37e-a8ad1fcd8af6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:07:36	-874.405
-40	33576	3357600	a648be97-c19d-42fd-b1ab-9adcde36302e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:14:52	-789.256
-40	67152	3357600	79d7086c-d1b4-45bb-98bb-ca61d083db62	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:39:36	999.291
-41	33577	3357700	690251a2-f7d5-4f08-9833-dc40dd38f758	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:43:41	170.900
-41	67154	3357700	cf5a4445-5d41-4957-9be0-38ea4d028235	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:04:17	-651.934
-42	33578	3357800	de92d9ff-d20b-4e31-8daa-40428fa3f94a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:10:55	-41.648
-42	67156	3357800	36fb18df-3751-4d33-aac3-706ea3be4827	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:35:07	560.700
-43	33579	3357900	c982e342-9887-4683-ac76-fee372b523f1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:23:41	866.766
-43	67158	3357900	988e00e5-2365-41f8-a144-a4f2d3a27382	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:41:08	-875.67
-44	33580	3358000	31c19ed3-674a-408f-922f-32dd7c210de0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:10:16	-564.44
-44	67160	3358000	c4b490c2-ad77-43fe-83fa-6b8559cddcf9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:07:55	819.354
-45	33581	3358100	9629b157-e3ac-4587-8b49-30f047559f43	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:04:31	-138.960
-45	67162	3358100	0ff288d4-b0cb-49b3-a2d2-b325a01c2b69	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:12:28	-498.184
-46	33582	3358200	30faf978-efb2-4d5f-8d2f-a30dce9ef095	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:30:28	341.885
-46	67164	3358200	f83b492d-bb4a-4967-b412-5f0cd221b7cb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:29:52	-332.146
-47	33583	3358300	6816b9dc-25b0-44ef-8cad-b0468e00b6cf	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:47:53	-169.680
-47	67166	3358300	bffa5a16-199d-4071-a3d5-3919544d1cf9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:25:28	703.150
-48	33584	3358400	a320e7e0-f424-417f-b6d5-75327990efd7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:12:00	101.233
-48	67168	3358400	ef207bfa-938d-43cc-b0f1-2b5bf784ae9f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:58:05	-885.681
-49	33585	3358500	b08e36e0-0042-4411-aa01-b6031cfcb96c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:28:55	229.155
-49	67170	3358500	e8865f6c-2ef5-44f5-9b58-f1d7021373e5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:44:29	612.588
-50	33586	3358600	9eb9a110-9a9b-41a5-987f-32bef6cefc41	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:04:19	502.902
-50	67172	3358600	a8d9b8f3-7aa5-435e-bbe9-72db72155335	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:13:04	-637.358
-51	33587	3358700	689ba0ee-128d-48f6-8ab9-b9201d71ca88	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:42:44	80.463
-51	67174	3358700	9727a3b7-faaf-44b4-857b-119dea22ab10	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:50:29	-855.351
-52	33588	3358800	5ea73538-03cc-4850-81de-e6f0454d781c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:52:21	947.769
-52	67176	3358800	2d531857-c51c-425e-8d70-434edb5761d2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:05:09	-82.842
-53	33589	3358900	2a5a302b-c7a0-411b-883d-41049b9da539	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:31:07	-269.499
-53	67178	3358900	cd85ee9e-1b1d-4204-acc5-12fee4afa220	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:15:20	738.539
-54	33590	3359000	4f82196b-08cc-428b-a9d2-97cd3149bd33	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:51:48	423.453
-54	67180	3359000	6c899041-fe05-4f7a-aba0-037cf6bae8cc	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:23:33	-562.613
-55	33591	3359100	88891b30-7d93-412b-8535-fa6915cca4e6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:19:43	-190.670
-55	67182	3359100	5229d37f-0c09-47ec-aa63-c170cc5921c2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:50:18	-668.748
-56	33592	3359200	3d8702f4-0f2e-49df-9249-9a012f038c81	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:15:17	-469.994
-56	67184	3359200	3ec4f145-59ac-4f98-b0c1-fb21f14306f1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:02:23	888.106
-57	33593	3359300	21240c4e-709b-4c1e-b97b-41c728d1c84e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:17:23	587.119
-57	67186	3359300	936fab11-e34f-485d-a604-f3b55acbe311	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:13:10	891.684
-58	33594	3359400	0efe2b55-a835-487f-96c4-bc976528fbc6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:35:55	412.382
-58	67188	3359400	0a551251-9edd-45ff-bf0a-3c3fa592d4e1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:38:22	270.389
-59	33595	3359500	5d5b4a8b-19f4-4cc0-90cc-f8a839a41811	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:01:41	-999.732
-59	67190	3359500	069b4c83-8a1b-45fa-8bca-947fb6c6a8b0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:57:35	906.291
-60	33596	3359600	94cd98df-833d-4dc6-9a76-0096f7d7c603	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:58:46	95.540
-60	67192	3359600	4be7209e-3d43-4dec-9dc4-a25b2f595914	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:05:26	-832.950
-61	33597	3359700	8c75ec04-b625-4342-9f85-03f8f0764185	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:44:26	568.673
-61	67194	3359700	123e3dc1-6984-42a5-b339-2ab4acb41eca	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:01:52	-952.771
-62	33598	3359800	39e681a9-f71d-4de8-9652-926225d4ebf2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:07:17	993.483
-62	67196	3359800	b2df87be-f70e-40cf-babc-ec397d63aa86	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:25:43	-679.178
-63	33599	3359900	d54083c5-f731-4f67-baf1-13f578340219	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:31:25	191.906
-63	67198	3359900	72a7d66b-f318-4bc9-b35d-3376fad810c1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:44:27	-343.610
-64	33600	3360000	0aee5770-0ea3-4616-810b-122d53fdcadf	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:27:52	519.786
-64	67200	3360000	d0d8f815-05f3-4268-8719-93102143198f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:22:37	126.95
-65	33601	3360100	cd306307-faad-4c59-9ecc-3fbd77435b12	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:17:04	735.246
-65	67202	3360100	a791fa88-dbfd-4de8-8c0c-e2ce6d135e3b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:32:04	119.171
-66	33602	3360200	72f1f31e-ffb8-461f-8b28-9df62e6a3a05	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:24:27	385.908
-66	67204	3360200	3440d987-304d-4126-a8c7-33324cfda830	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:02:18	-523.821
-67	33603	3360300	b19425f6-bfae-4aea-bac3-947be493cb37	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:13:54	-149.687
-67	67206	3360300	21b66f62-cf66-4ea1-bbde-fa7a1991c2d2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:32:57	891.746
-68	33604	3360400	2cf253f9-6dcb-4e95-b635-0aafdd0549c1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:02:42	112.246
-68	67208	3360400	44bde2ed-1e03-499d-8e29-f0ba88863f6f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:20:00	-320.992
-69	33605	3360500	2124086b-514a-49d3-97ad-914a1058f7a6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:40:40	-706.880
-69	67210	3360500	34b9c84d-d613-4ee2-affd-0a0f2849078f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:36:31	-998.702
-70	33606	3360600	a3c01e6b-2b81-4db7-b2dc-3e3d16547f45	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:00:48	-710.859
-70	67212	3360600	49d18bf1-8e0c-4cf0-95d1-fa89b025bba5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:34:56	-765.123
-71	33607	3360700	b83645f4-b130-43b0-94a3-02fe51af0516	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:21:53	711.925
-71	67214	3360700	68ca8754-ca10-4cf2-b090-2ad2ccc7a473	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:11:36	851.436
-72	33608	3360800	b96ac796-e3a2-4146-9e7d-cd87c7f18e78	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:00:10	-377.249
-72	67216	3360800	3a86765d-8ab1-4e74-95ce-6bde93a91d2f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:21:43	-367.797
-73	33609	3360900	5fd4adff-8ba5-4923-9589-120b897a91c0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:18:56	905.628
-73	67218	3360900	5cd97613-835b-48c1-a00a-90cf1b438faa	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:56:23	988.880
-74	33610	3361000	01fb2a39-46ae-4115-a186-1fd02ad31e72	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:33:09	400.21
-74	67220	3361000	447a3729-1afe-44d3-9122-f6071c0f6efe	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:52:00	375.348
-75	33611	3361100	233ba34e-1e93-4558-982e-73809130fffa	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:03:52	44.8
-75	67222	3361100	1635f931-b11b-4769-a05d-a2762f7b0d4a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:51:54	767.710
-76	33612	3361200	2552215b-8995-45c9-8d8a-09213d1b61eb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:10:00	-812.131
-76	67224	3361200	2eb8317d-db02-4274-8860-5358282d06ca	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:00:53	-218.635
-77	33613	3361300	17e23fa8-16e5-4388-84cf-c425efd446bc	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:53:26	257.944
-77	67226	3361300	af6868dd-9d10-414a-b1d9-75657e9a8881	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:16:55	45.645
-78	33614	3361400	dd9281af-b99d-4cb5-a7de-711757db61a3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:45:13	884.456
-78	67228	3361400	b651d9e0-9536-4abf-870c-588a908a3fd2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:45:14	625.562
-79	33615	3361500	253a5ee1-0a59-4102-8aae-0f3ec80433f3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:02:31	-257.212
-79	67230	3361500	929fab07-b710-4ffc-a9bc-4048fec4c101	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:29:18	834.120
-80	33616	3361600	5e3469cf-8a4b-4554-8202-3697530de7c2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:35:04	-525.474
-80	67232	3361600	bed83cf0-2c74-47a8-a43f-7f9e545b2615	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:15:38	775.708
-81	33617	3361700	9541336f-19ec-44d0-8577-c12d8fb75fb1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:20:33	-645.686
-81	67234	3361700	a0db5b0d-834a-4022-ac1a-317949c440dd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:29:55	380.508
-82	33618	3361800	1136ca74-60a3-487d-81ed-dda3c54d09c5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:55:14	145.492
-82	67236	3361800	88090bd8-d356-4422-9e5f-ffc88ec95fd6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:31:11	76.191
-83	33619	3361900	1dd52847-b435-4c3f-a0bd-863e5873bf05	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:48:04	770.553
-83	67238	3361900	d2e3d98c-2dfa-41e2-8b2f-b7b8fe8c0f45	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:47:07	-654.95
-84	33620	3362000	6f2af298-ebc6-4f57-a484-d61fc829e931	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:59:59	988.922
-84	67240	3362000	02ee1e26-9d31-4da3-bff0-ad935f171841	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:49:33	89.158
-85	33621	3362100	952f482c-64e3-4b46-8cb7-d099ed693e2a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:19:27	-815.879
-85	67242	3362100	108054ab-05dd-4025-aff6-d1bdfceb370d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:52:55	-670.883
-86	33622	3362200	437e5ad9-b66e-44e6-88b0-7adedb7cf86f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:26:35	-941.301
-86	67244	3362200	b880227c-3467-48ad-9603-724066d68a71	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:07:26	-993.522
-87	33623	3362300	8e73db9f-ee73-4a7d-9957-de4e041e4976	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:05:30	-263.568
-87	67246	3362300	f8a3ff87-4fda-45db-a9b2-a8bf5cfbe622	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:03:31	-607.476
-88	33624	3362400	5fedf44f-8487-4d55-99c2-bbe57e9dfd82	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:11:59	64.390
-88	67248	3362400	874bbf31-1d0a-42d8-b984-09b2c7564ce4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:14:57	312.545
-89	33625	3362500	19475909-570b-42c1-b445-d4f46b0e76db	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:32:02	379.909
-89	67250	3362500	ee499b28-aee7-49aa-ad11-8b0865487949	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:59:33	66.25
-90	33626	3362600	4319f88f-cd62-4fea-97a4-9aab7e96c63f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:15:30	-165.880
-90	67252	3362600	8eba9204-4928-4f45-b045-28a1183e0494	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:33:27	255.819
-91	33627	3362700	2fb90403-3a2c-4d20-af95-aa203f9b8f5d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:07:26	-776.984
-91	67254	3362700	e3fc57cb-0e2c-4020-b501-a64af529fa5f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:21:38	-995.969
-92	33628	3362800	b9e6e843-5f03-48fc-ac23-82c1517c329d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:25:50	-539.890
-92	67256	3362800	4b50b372-2121-4d10-bb6a-f8669b5e2e2f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:23:04	-519.272
-93	33629	3362900	5a2af13f-e032-4d65-8dd7-68dcc897dfbd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:05:52	-624.765
-93	67258	3362900	7aab8435-0a4b-48f2-985d-f4191ba7cb2d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:50:08	454.168
-94	33630	3363000	3736e459-1a94-48ff-874d-c10c8fa0e6a9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:15:08	177.958
-94	67260	3363000	9276425a-b704-4158-9d24-5f32e9312bd1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:20:23	407.983
-95	33631	3363100	dc3c7d91-7ec3-435d-a63e-cbf27f4c8764	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:10:55	-524.251
-95	67262	3363100	4fc2bc49-b6ad-458c-93bc-bed06dffdde7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:09:32	-29.988
-96	33632	3363200	c6574080-5d42-43c7-ace7-131cbc61b8d4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:07:33	705.697
-96	67264	3363200	83e0cb21-cf0b-48d8-b484-98c3985c1a60	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:40:57	-28.539
-97	33633	3363300	790fc07c-83a8-44d6-a48d-b0fc3322707b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:54:48	-154.164
-97	67266	3363300	e922b2a0-d5cd-47bf-8658-e07d87c409c4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:13:17	-640.863
-98	33634	3363400	d41c41ba-7cee-4227-8792-7c22fd64c85d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:51:21	-896.858
-98	67268	3363400	b5ae1d7a-e567-4fc7-aa40-8d3c2b82188e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:07:28	-302.14
-99	33635	3363500	fc8ce5bb-0f6b-426d-b2b7-98b640223f1a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:01:22	-130.437
-99	67270	3363500	79f451a2-3400-46ce-adc9-229d4cfb97f9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:36:34	-478.319
-100	33636	3363600	e293251a-95cb-48fa-a3db-eae36218cd12	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:49:33	995.985
-100	67272	3363600	e27b019c-8d21-444b-904c-d33db54eb680	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:24:13	-23.44
-101	33637	3363700	703b1242-c4bc-437c-9b4c-0c3cd39367e3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:15:54	-48.393
-101	67274	3363700	255fffba-c68b-4120-b442-8b4cbcc6ae04	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:02:07	882.803
-102	33638	3363800	b19f30fb-8125-4db0-84f5-c476bbce666a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:23:35	-484.501
-102	67276	3363800	d2365763-c9b1-4c85-882a-091b00d11e09	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:47:08	113.712
-103	33639	3363900	bcc77ab7-a328-4af4-90c1-d0b9584aedd7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:31:29	-514.791
-103	67278	3363900	c10c05a0-5837-4170-aa28-a4920e2f859c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:17:27	-12.536
-104	33640	3364000	3f5d1a1a-9faf-4c0d-bf35-e813f0354563	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:13:05	-598.99
-104	67280	3364000	f7b92a96-c06a-42ce-a54f-a3acc471e9b5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:23:40	-702.13
-105	33641	3364100	917b6cb7-228f-41fb-b003-eaba0b586576	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:21:09	-806.388
-105	67282	3364100	5fe3f54e-5f18-4140-85dc-6bb88b6796c5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:03:28	446.490
-106	33642	3364200	a1d979bd-097d-4493-83ea-032249b4fa8f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:05:06	509.698
-106	67284	3364200	11d18e4b-2b9e-472f-8c5d-2b604767d7fc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:18:15	41.507
-107	33643	3364300	9a0fb24c-a977-45c1-b304-0cf4995c4417	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:50:02	-389.270
-107	67286	3364300	be9d0998-3998-4721-8b98-cb479ce2ec27	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:04:40	-745.685
-108	33644	3364400	928eb891-a72c-4529-983e-3ad90c17fb4b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:35:44	696.784
-108	67288	3364400	b1e2335b-2f08-47d8-aaed-de4e857bc9a9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:58:28	-373.466
-109	33645	3364500	cda71c2a-325b-494c-9227-bf59f7abfab3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:54:04	529.470
-109	67290	3364500	19951ebf-df27-4d73-b83f-3fb0dc245d37	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:58:33	723.335
-110	33646	3364600	06e2c443-4fac-48f8-b9ed-0d56f5e5dce5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:17:08	-506.51
-110	67292	3364600	331a545a-0efd-4c76-a421-30db99ff9a85	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:20:28	366.840
-111	33647	3364700	94a0a6ba-c675-4579-a7b3-b8f652aff0e9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:09:15	734.499
-111	67294	3364700	7458925f-4b5e-466c-afda-31a26d5dc5ad	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:09:24	12.390
-112	33648	3364800	82e70f8a-30e6-4c4b-9622-0f5fe82980d7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:59:35	-838.974
-112	67296	3364800	f6ff38f5-72c5-4e74-ab21-806860280f97	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:53:42	-562.168
-113	33649	3364900	24062e08-8ad1-41a6-bbbb-bb2f9866b0d0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:04:52	-649.139
-113	67298	3364900	ac4d76ee-c69e-4097-bcbb-2b1fec034b9a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:04:05	705.416
-114	33650	3365000	b0e71310-ec87-429b-9495-5325a71cd8c8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:18:22	789.600
-114	67300	3365000	b7637dd8-430a-4ca6-a7b0-71917d72496f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:45:16	-400.915
-115	33651	3365100	f07be9af-285e-418f-b709-80f4989eb81a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:36:49	771.840
-115	67302	3365100	db2a3bf1-04b3-4c2c-94bd-920912783773	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:07:54	771.758
-116	33652	3365200	66c4710c-8010-4e84-bfc2-9a8a4cff5bbd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:53:32	527.352
-116	67304	3365200	583e44f8-0ff0-4eab-af24-fa757345eb11	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:23:25	890.365
-117	33653	3365300	d368f73b-f139-42a4-86e9-0a11255cf890	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:42:34	634.629
-117	67306	3365300	17e004b5-5edc-442b-a9c0-b01b3859143d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:28:07	555.860
-118	33654	3365400	1ec36813-87a6-424c-9385-49ca7898ba29	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:44:23	331.704
-118	67308	3365400	8e128c11-2b5c-46de-9021-3fcac6f59c9c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:49:05	-381.916
-119	33655	3365500	d81d9ed7-cad8-4605-8de2-227c915a7e47	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:51:43	167.660
-119	67310	3365500	3cf3832f-d40c-4322-b6a7-dc02ab9d3a65	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:51:28	419.751
-120	33656	3365600	f10a19a5-5722-4834-b8d9-ab1c2fcedbf5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:37:27	287.981
-120	67312	3365600	5a3adf80-54f3-4214-901b-1cade9a40fd4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:20:57	-949.647
-121	33657	3365700	48e69b61-1a2b-4110-898c-fb6c28cca6a9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:46:48	764.368
-121	67314	3365700	6e7f8924-328f-44bc-a652-1e8a044a1694	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:23:03	-591.543
-122	33658	3365800	7a1aa884-fb4d-4643-ae41-c47e1070fe96	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:16:52	30.477
-122	67316	3365800	99aa8711-7188-4c87-9de5-037777791b3c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:37:38	554.744
-123	33659	3365900	8afecb98-5e52-4af4-affa-6186f6004e0a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:10:53	-756.874
-123	67318	3365900	7499e833-abc8-40e6-aa16-a01f5cd7860b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:31:46	798.877
-124	33660	3366000	f0e907e2-2ec8-4201-a00a-c2339862b3cb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:48:45	-770.849
-124	67320	3366000	b3707e93-fb3a-42f1-ad4b-a537870e1787	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:54:04	263.702
-125	33661	3366100	eb9c2897-ec74-48dd-ad7b-bef94d7e5808	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:25:20	-386.72
-125	67322	3366100	e15e19fe-bc7d-4d87-85ca-4c3f996ea7fd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:21:10	-547.438
-126	33662	3366200	8bab1ff0-4994-4867-ba1d-e0241b7c0552	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:37:08	-249.903
-126	67324	3366200	377fc66b-6533-47d2-87c6-6844dadb4534	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:22:15	-530.151
-127	33663	3366300	0b52ef93-49be-4b1c-ab1e-e96d82800008	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:33:58	-819.365
-127	67326	3366300	61d6aba2-2931-4094-9d71-2c11f21381f8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:03:41	104.859
-0	33664	3366400	5589e36f-891c-4e66-b173-68468851b79d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:10:14	413.86
-0	67328	3366400	36aed889-d7fc-4846-87a2-b67a648114ea	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:24:55	772.221
-1	33665	3366500	632ff8c9-e855-4ffe-98ad-45b00180d028	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:13:52	-230.708
-1	67330	3366500	b0cc4593-601b-462f-8f47-b402d2bfc2f9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:38:05	-645.876
-2	33666	3366600	a9133755-0808-4866-be7c-85084cf8f5f1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:55:17	-911.285
-2	67332	3366600	8609b960-d71e-4bed-846c-416f1fc95389	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:36:11	25.811
-3	33667	3366700	e80b8a41-01fb-40b4-ba98-dfaa8ae20291	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:29:11	-977.624
-3	67334	3366700	257c54ed-318a-45c6-8395-5d1f49c1fafb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:26:54	-172.916
-4	33668	3366800	4afb0711-14b0-4c8d-aee9-6d7aaf2d85d9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:23:55	-479.165
-4	67336	3366800	9ae391f4-e051-44c1-9242-b232aae119cc	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:37:29	-558.376
-5	33669	3366900	f5799d60-1484-4c2f-a928-a566ace75314	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:14:19	-283.446
-5	67338	3366900	6cf7530f-4948-44a3-aee2-2b3d82776835	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:02:48	436.616
-6	33670	3367000	3b2b9b1c-01fe-41d6-aa14-2eee55a8e937	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:00:29	872.529
-6	67340	3367000	ceb3f570-67d0-4b13-b57d-8b660fe56900	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:22:11	-955.944
-7	33671	3367100	657b415d-366c-434e-a04d-ce6ba462275e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:03:14	253.307
-7	67342	3367100	a236cde3-95c9-448b-a9e2-4e6ca99c302b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:19:55	924.246
-8	33672	3367200	ce559613-5038-4492-96c0-04a34264d0a1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:54:32	621.516
-8	67344	3367200	cdeb4dbc-a8af-4865-9122-e8f163024fdb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:08:15	902.656
-9	33673	3367300	1cbfbac8-ab76-4506-81f0-1cb2ace1781d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:57:46	-972.881
-9	67346	3367300	81a33e19-4f78-4aaa-9a5a-fa530c5cc0d6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:47:38	837.165
-10	33674	3367400	7558429c-bec7-47cb-8866-d3f8e6788808	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:40:33	-949.407
-10	67348	3367400	288153c6-f15a-463c-b183-3609905ecc88	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:10:59	-244.955
-11	33675	3367500	774a4cda-5d84-4ff2-a4a3-3baf144c4d50	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:26:04	-484.322
-11	67350	3367500	6fdfcc83-aa22-47b6-9a8d-3c340e915781	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:34:34	-725.26
-12	33676	3367600	8523e935-5225-4569-bdf3-3c817c44eba4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:46:32	-54.395
-12	67352	3367600	38f9b1e1-7b30-43aa-8957-37afc77760be	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:22:59	119.966
-13	33677	3367700	9b067f95-ae21-4fc5-b59b-648e67f589af	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:30:26	-658.725
-13	67354	3367700	62322a4a-59b5-45c8-86b9-9615cbcdb363	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:31:44	824.584
-14	33678	3367800	ed4371d8-a82e-4fde-a846-de75f56378a9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:29:49	-31.676
-14	67356	3367800	b1c202d0-a43f-48f5-9f25-906018ad840e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:07:31	-585.345
-15	33679	3367900	25a97492-3f1e-4c9a-a6e0-827d2b9f75d2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:31:53	861.275
-15	67358	3367900	0c56535e-3ffa-4637-95c4-9e10ee178388	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:47:40	-689.272
-16	33680	3368000	2a8e0d49-a344-4b91-b03b-ff1cae41280e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:58:36	-478.88
-16	67360	3368000	a66c12d3-dd89-4e95-8b5a-7515b8939a9a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:37:20	199.109
-17	33681	3368100	04a746a6-4c92-4efb-b585-88f1f2c4ba59	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:09:16	-375.224
-17	67362	3368100	99e9259c-19db-4946-a651-c279df5e346f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:37:47	476.833
-18	33682	3368200	59b2bc19-8e69-4e1e-9f36-5e823c867c5d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:39:35	-765.696
-18	67364	3368200	fbbadee0-af2d-4fee-aebe-0e59383642b1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:53:07	-800.502
-19	33683	3368300	c0a753a1-f673-4ddd-a569-c5415f17f1bb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:13:57	266.82
-19	67366	3368300	9556f202-9c2e-45db-8b3a-ada23c3f49e1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:30:11	159.10
-20	33684	3368400	f58ecbea-9a4a-4c15-b419-1a4126f74cf6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:53:24	-52.149
-20	67368	3368400	d9f8e50b-ba57-42fe-b215-4de01099b45d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:31:15	598.737
-21	33685	3368500	65999b7b-c616-4ad6-8c0e-c3da2a1fabf9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:27:04	116.761
-21	67370	3368500	91a22bbe-6e5f-4343-9514-7dcae1934800	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:48:15	678.191
-22	33686	3368600	748778fa-cb9b-4161-885c-682824386cb5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:09:21	166.158
-22	67372	3368600	9fd51652-672b-4a65-af51-3a3dbedf802c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:42:56	-751.9
-23	33687	3368700	1f380594-499c-4136-ac5f-c8ca67ed1c8e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:08:10	469.509
-23	67374	3368700	c96dee4a-1352-45bf-b42e-cb38334e196e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:15:21	565.603
-24	33688	3368800	eb99dd05-ac14-4934-82fb-4c658ae82cc7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:50:51	687.812
-24	67376	3368800	41f1662d-38ae-43fd-b220-33346b5414b7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:53:42	-567.516
-25	33689	3368900	8e65a961-8d30-42e8-ba1e-96c2051d113e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:44:00	494.988
-25	67378	3368900	41403198-dc42-4125-9c72-1ece4ef019ee	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:28:14	881.693
-26	33690	3369000	7e7e5266-ff70-46b4-ba70-dd4ce0ea7cc3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:00:47	101.65
-26	67380	3369000	1d6857b8-b678-46f1-bb4b-b87438a0e471	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:51:13	-739.466
-27	33691	3369100	8e62fb34-0284-4795-bdc9-d0bf569ce741	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:03:34	674.65
-27	67382	3369100	175a1098-0852-4936-9f83-41fd38f4399e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:27:26	-825.364
-28	33692	3369200	1eda56b8-ebd3-486e-bd29-299d4089a475	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:36:06	532.285
-28	67384	3369200	0e4a339e-6a56-47bf-993c-1c7f26198dec	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:32:04	-281.826
-29	33693	3369300	50f1ee4a-9a79-4b2a-b93c-3c70f0b4a198	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:11:31	931.381
-29	67386	3369300	78955920-ce2e-4868-b3df-7ba87bb11a75	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:08:39	517.394
-30	33694	3369400	de3c6e94-b8aa-4a4e-8844-c8db357fe0da	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:42:35	-918.819
-30	67388	3369400	2f8ed500-2510-491f-9692-6baaeb4d1272	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:33:41	-297.931
-31	33695	3369500	a6ae9e64-2763-4289-8f35-e337ae603da0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:38:53	-764.193
-31	67390	3369500	80e47883-1b2c-49bc-a412-019034352e07	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:07:25	557.263
-32	33696	3369600	8d95b4e7-60e2-4bab-b34d-d29ee25e3b55	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:17:04	-598.588
-32	67392	3369600	e24ce286-fdb8-4408-88bd-f15d380f339d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:50:07	-721.933
-33	33697	3369700	d1f99719-fec1-4d12-a081-8c4a1723a7d6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:47:00	-552.438
-33	67394	3369700	134eab3e-5304-4c9c-8915-1a29c61c5ad3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:20:07	722.883
-34	33698	3369800	4de7f304-b107-487e-a95e-1f1e0ef28632	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:16:33	92.372
-34	67396	3369800	06010a7b-0d73-4a59-8126-bca3ffaad71d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:40:51	-31.305
-35	33699	3369900	f2fad091-ba8d-4f5d-af07-9228c4f055e7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:36:59	970.38
-35	67398	3369900	e7ddf050-7947-424d-9034-1988739a2d6a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:03:02	-355.871
-36	33700	3370000	fcabe836-0c6a-47fb-99bf-1b59c6fd2ecf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:38:12	643.851
-36	67400	3370000	3849de83-d3ec-462d-a2d6-807d956592ed	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:56:38	795.771
-37	33701	3370100	8fd6e967-5734-4249-aca1-e480034bb60f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:17:50	-956.913
-37	67402	3370100	fef58a64-4670-4b0f-9565-f4f76e40763f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:51:56	-132.584
-38	33702	3370200	3653a33f-87c4-4b36-beb5-d3e2a1c48e68	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:07:29	556.606
-38	67404	3370200	db36eb61-439f-4994-b129-1622d18e5c27	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:39:59	398.799
-39	33703	3370300	36d09368-d21e-4ded-aacf-ac1f3eff72ae	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:56:21	849.258
-39	67406	3370300	6a29704a-1ac6-43a8-8872-15187bac73e6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:20:42	-578.385
-40	33704	3370400	baf0878e-52a6-44b1-a2ab-998283a3891e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:07:29	92.223
-40	67408	3370400	9fe53455-60fb-4d37-b7e9-6051704c506f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:49:28	-172.241
-41	33705	3370500	2205a22d-1cc0-4959-b61e-5a275f4ac95a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:48:52	-750.284
-41	67410	3370500	1d0b717f-e0bf-4d75-a7ab-40e6f55c1f8d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:54:50	-945.979
-42	33706	3370600	119a5ed6-8a53-40c8-89a1-0cd2fe441d3e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:14:43	9.390
-42	67412	3370600	4df1849f-67e5-4ef4-85ac-1da56c0f4c20	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:37:57	374.88
-43	33707	3370700	f5e36634-02af-42ee-b647-a7cd80782c30	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:47:17	746.810
-43	67414	3370700	a4b51ed3-3477-4f94-888f-6b4462162b18	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:49:34	686.751
-44	33708	3370800	52d77e88-c963-4adc-afc1-0e36f577db30	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:08:59	-931.410
-44	67416	3370800	3f7422ac-6cfc-4ec8-93fe-2120c03129c0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:16:28	236.176
-45	33709	3370900	a4a011d0-c042-45e8-bbd0-c6cd6c3a5d65	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:15:38	-606.178
-45	67418	3370900	9a5d3a60-1681-4eff-8ed3-ec7cf1fd47b8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:51:39	676.152
-46	33710	3371000	a534341f-7849-43ee-9edc-261b41898a49	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:24:53	-364.669
-46	67420	3371000	59ec9284-93d1-445c-916c-df6f9f294fcd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:27:32	687.998
-47	33711	3371100	52c84a38-00c3-4953-b487-1145a5da8abe	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:23:13	-221.400
-47	67422	3371100	a901953c-a957-4d21-83ab-5e987e133f13	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:28:29	512.469
-48	33712	3371200	83bd8961-244a-417b-b446-bb2e2ee15d5a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:51:47	-858.415
-48	67424	3371200	6352ec70-400b-4353-8e27-9a2d625eab89	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:52:59	361.634
-49	33713	3371300	d826b2d0-45cf-44d3-9d31-54d1199ed0c5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:54:52	-114.983
-49	67426	3371300	0ad04318-09f2-4965-9762-ed8952de6507	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:43:00	86.256
-50	33714	3371400	f08478ca-71ae-4a7b-898b-e4bdd390af86	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:20:56	11.124
-50	67428	3371400	3858ade6-925a-42d6-9a7a-2fc836acbfd2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:56:03	-770.691
-51	33715	3371500	6a977506-6948-4bff-acc1-dc1ecb48ff5b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:34:54	-102.257
-51	67430	3371500	71edb929-31d3-40b2-bcf6-3daf5a126c5d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:25:04	-822.772
-52	33716	3371600	4c342b67-d95a-4bf6-9875-708d1dd7a33c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:55:37	-514.377
-52	67432	3371600	7c27f100-92c8-4aa1-aa21-bbaba62ec57d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:22:29	164.359
-53	33717	3371700	38ecd4ae-57fd-462d-a586-c96556cd2b69	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:53:43	-859.192
-53	67434	3371700	a2738185-8d90-4be1-88e7-de95c74a2689	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:39:33	-358.353
-54	33718	3371800	7329f1dd-a28d-425f-8863-aa9745b00372	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:13:34	-499.548
-54	67436	3371800	116c4df8-f856-4991-95eb-6884c7099d90	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:03:24	466.948
-55	33719	3371900	64b4c895-b514-488d-ae71-90865b440be5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:19:31	-626.41
-55	67438	3371900	51d53227-4957-4ab5-94df-83005d52f8ba	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:21:12	-337.385
-56	33720	3372000	eb15a519-5433-42b5-9cf4-3e7b05b810e0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:39:45	-837.31
-56	67440	3372000	701a3866-f093-4c3d-9218-e98e378160b3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:19:13	378.945
-57	33721	3372100	9b7cbbe2-de64-4160-8432-8514e69a0e78	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:17:19	-281.323
-57	67442	3372100	869e77dc-e98a-459d-8c42-008b654abc31	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:38:22	61.118
-58	33722	3372200	7d5f0f7d-0a49-4470-b8b9-b70c6e419415	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:16:45	-34.895
-58	67444	3372200	a51c0826-09ff-4afd-8cf8-b73ffc1d2446	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:29:11	707.192
-59	33723	3372300	4d3853a3-87c1-4f4c-a00d-dfdf40d4390e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:30:38	274.19
-59	67446	3372300	b8be78ea-d8e0-4a90-b89d-d091760c69d2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:49:58	911.369
-60	33724	3372400	fa0d880f-818c-4727-8c9e-b2638b46e722	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:30:14	-265.904
-60	67448	3372400	da6cc4e6-975f-4300-9603-2ff9af4f2711	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:04:06	-862.293
-61	33725	3372500	65e835af-f329-44fb-a038-b0b85baaa7da	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:58:03	706.371
-61	67450	3372500	5371d0f3-70d7-46a0-901f-6c688b196834	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:26:46	4.237
-62	33726	3372600	f2463cab-7dac-46a5-b26b-49c2eb07bca1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:20:41	-247.832
-62	67452	3372600	e358abc8-b188-4003-b112-aa0e4da9b40b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:21:17	-144.833
-63	33727	3372700	c4494c10-3182-4082-8445-6b55f3d8dfc8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:25:20	885.235
-63	67454	3372700	2455766d-4a6e-4df2-acd7-8097ade3af46	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:57:48	-932.674
-64	33728	3372800	c6135536-b6b1-43e3-a6eb-57649a8289af	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:23:40	820.693
-64	67456	3372800	7323fd5b-04f4-403f-a3ed-4f84e1d700eb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:59:25	35.445
-65	33729	3372900	2bd07d6a-2df6-4b04-8b4e-0e1e24aee6cd	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:25:00	-663.172
-65	67458	3372900	0a9a4be1-27da-4012-bba1-248523dd1097	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:34:23	954.389
-66	33730	3373000	18d22563-e40b-42ae-954f-e4bcdfacb9de	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:30:02	720.270
-66	67460	3373000	35e02b1b-e7af-4504-8f30-d364f2279db0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:51:37	-520.861
-67	33731	3373100	0b30dfbf-56ab-4174-a874-c0d0b76126ac	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:57:36	239.80
-67	67462	3373100	c37a4286-8fa0-4e60-b72b-7583b2633883	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:39:44	717.721
-68	33732	3373200	90196445-e09b-47f7-aa99-75b6b2698ea6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:39:26	-77.754
-68	67464	3373200	1287c45f-1b02-4e31-8474-e8871ead0dda	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:21:55	-78.710
-69	33733	3373300	30b86612-e692-4768-b1ad-77724159313c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:59:15	-246.62
-69	67466	3373300	efeb033d-9748-4af2-bb67-8b416959dbf1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:30:33	-35.871
-70	33734	3373400	38c8c259-1f54-4b67-b05b-fe15b5b6171a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:09:25	-732.299
-70	67468	3373400	ca6eced1-0e6a-44a6-bad9-e6b2e4009a04	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:41:18	-261.554
-71	33735	3373500	007390ce-26cb-442b-9cb0-6b0db44e9ddd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:21:57	374.105
-71	67470	3373500	73eb1927-75c3-436f-a988-5453921d6849	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:08:35	384.305
-72	33736	3373600	7ef4ca40-270b-4375-8e71-7274767f9ca1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:59:12	-873.321
-72	67472	3373600	3b94b27b-3df0-45ef-af4e-ceb8c9691d30	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:37:53	101.80
-73	33737	3373700	72612f28-0e7f-4d09-95a7-2ed8e6feb51b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:10:15	7.897
-73	67474	3373700	cb490c27-78f6-4da5-a7a9-a218a9754393	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:15:22	238.544
-74	33738	3373800	7cc25ecd-b542-4b4b-802c-70a54fc7f8d4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:34:19	336.468
-74	67476	3373800	e55658e6-e1a0-43a0-a19f-334296f48580	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:52:13	273.575
-75	33739	3373900	5ac1a4fb-54ea-4f28-b70b-434635381852	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:39:21	726.598
-75	67478	3373900	6042a298-e2c6-4c07-9820-f9d5d31f7d6f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:33:13	-371.952
-76	33740	3374000	0422b3fc-c905-429b-b588-e1d568f4a0e9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:20:58	-722.223
-76	67480	3374000	53baa7fc-6009-4e66-a8ab-5fad3274e01b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:48:12	230.806
-77	33741	3374100	a4ba617e-6394-4e1c-8aa4-af1a290599cf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:11:41	-594.98
-77	67482	3374100	1caadf58-966c-4ef2-8734-0ba2593712f1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:21:30	559.228
-78	33742	3374200	9e193f47-13f9-4f87-9e86-d01b43858d78	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:02:53	508.231
-78	67484	3374200	4c1c7f35-1b9b-44ab-b361-158098e4d7c2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:41:34	-450.87
-79	33743	3374300	cd0c97f9-a38f-4272-acc9-838ad926b1ad	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:39:54	-930.649
-79	67486	3374300	cdd3db80-c658-4434-9cdd-9f2c5cea200c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:13:00	968.734
-80	33744	3374400	dd257aeb-8bbb-4d60-b795-b26da4c29c9c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:19:25	-195.313
-80	67488	3374400	b7fcf377-364f-4f01-9d91-dbf12d2c0075	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:30:47	889.709
-81	33745	3374500	b8ac6ad8-476d-4d4f-801e-aef81675a2eb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:20:05	-744.932
-81	67490	3374500	aeff9627-8d70-4e11-8e46-294d88417466	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:45:03	318.266
-82	33746	3374600	7cb22dd9-b57f-44aa-8db3-ca54b5dffb15	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:54:46	-251.803
-82	67492	3374600	458d479f-5f84-47a7-b442-1acb276ce1e7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:51:56	-568.916
-83	33747	3374700	2720bd22-9132-4475-bcbe-8e686cf3cf68	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:40:42	727.76
-83	67494	3374700	c48f931a-7cd1-4587-ada1-bd45b4d3aed8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:38:49	550.742
-84	33748	3374800	1653be24-0743-46fa-b6c2-13264c630897	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:34:07	856.205
-84	67496	3374800	569394b9-00ac-4d2a-a57d-2cc516fea50e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:04:15	151.690
-85	33749	3374900	1bc9d0dd-726f-4ac1-977d-dabfd67f6860	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:40:09	-409.462
-85	67498	3374900	62c61fbf-8dd5-4f34-a0e9-cd25ef199078	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:32:45	939.276
-86	33750	3375000	25c1ddec-43f9-4eb0-80d4-decef2d37c0a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:22:36	877.674
-86	67500	3375000	b7e57e3a-f4ef-4e32-928c-4d5bca5d9295	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:27:51	985.283
-87	33751	3375100	723535dc-4e58-4421-b223-16a1178a4535	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:19:39	438.760
-87	67502	3375100	3b969290-6d0e-47f2-b049-9ebc63c84ea2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:11:41	-809.390
-88	33752	3375200	97ddbbc8-5b96-4309-bcc8-1575f6834a5d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:05:46	138.995
-88	67504	3375200	f25993d2-defb-4810-96c2-8cb0fab9d8f0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:39:26	-894.636
-89	33753	3375300	dcb6885c-1810-49c0-ae4c-c7c5b5383b87	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:24:07	-523.4
-89	67506	3375300	ec43a458-4693-4c01-84e2-84af36f1aa56	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:35:12	-808.843
-90	33754	3375400	6bc5287a-191b-4495-a07a-7ffa7e03b13f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:12:56	424.768
-90	67508	3375400	a36bbdc3-730e-4520-b3c8-9e53a1eedb5d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:56:50	547.740
-91	33755	3375500	fea9339f-c8fd-4749-8766-106a60f17552	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:01:14	976.484
-91	67510	3375500	23233ff2-55f4-4d62-bb0e-d8f9d688a47f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:37:08	-699.429
-92	33756	3375600	ec4d7a64-e47b-4e37-acae-5543a1e217db	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:35:42	-329.912
-92	67512	3375600	814b7e43-7c01-4aa2-a7b3-47bb8345b96c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:21:22	-192.204
-93	33757	3375700	9177f38f-c013-469b-b699-e9c3a2368575	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:29:51	-869.353
-93	67514	3375700	110280e5-dc90-40f7-b3c9-fa0e7f863fca	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:03:21	965.838
-94	33758	3375800	9edd7ba9-571d-4364-823d-02dafa88f5a4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:03:16	15.907
-94	67516	3375800	0361b620-6c02-4351-8392-bd504fbcb5a7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:26:44	760.747
-95	33759	3375900	09194cbe-a101-41ae-87f4-af5693c1c38e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:21:51	591.445
-95	67518	3375900	678947ec-8fa0-4937-8843-0af7d3b5edc3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:11:47	-392.169
-96	33760	3376000	df7168a3-1fe0-4048-acae-e714dea82b97	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:02:15	763.715
-96	67520	3376000	40fb7015-9c88-4474-97b0-4eefa83f4896	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:39:57	-631.191
-97	33761	3376100	cb35e5b6-e853-40d5-9b9d-762e8e28cd9a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:43:06	92.2
-97	67522	3376100	62c62a44-dcd9-42d5-9e7b-2850e83b77c4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:41:52	-522.597
-98	33762	3376200	6c6efc32-1b8e-4fb5-9255-de82e0d09f2c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:10:24	830.864
-98	67524	3376200	ad69195a-89c7-44a1-8989-f26f5ca91370	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:55:51	740.227
-99	33763	3376300	6c437713-02df-48ce-bf1c-092f872263c4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:54:44	-644.256
-99	67526	3376300	f5874ad2-b920-43ab-b816-8a1e12a186ed	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:29:02	-829.145
-100	33764	3376400	9eb9746e-e3cb-4da1-8126-23be077273a1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:56:37	-163.212
-100	67528	3376400	e40eed5a-c8c9-45da-899a-bb6dec02862a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:52:55	-956.773
-101	33765	3376500	bfa76e5e-03b6-4ed3-8547-f90f0d82da38	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:21:27	-695.599
-101	67530	3376500	4d30df22-5ef7-4228-aee3-bda5b99748aa	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:46:20	227.604
-102	33766	3376600	2331d5b1-2ee3-4723-9725-d394f6b4e13f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:34:03	-627.965
-102	67532	3376600	dc208de2-76bd-43b4-8d8c-96d1c24d950f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:18:33	913.320
-103	33767	3376700	527161b4-e240-42df-aad4-763f71146391	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:00:13	582.740
-103	67534	3376700	7aa10d1f-f3da-4453-9d7f-1e69352eedb1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:49:31	-575.467
-104	33768	3376800	cc8f6c34-7b50-4528-9709-b159c088a216	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:56:24	-61.905
-104	67536	3376800	137db7df-e468-444c-9843-6a7212eace33	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:40:04	634.320
-105	33769	3376900	f6e47034-3877-42f2-8b9f-14b39cc16999	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:48:34	-96.607
-105	67538	3376900	e8faa796-ace5-4de7-aefb-8dba635bee9a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:41:26	109.295
-106	33770	3377000	56aa42ac-4121-4474-9d9d-7eb7cd6b3bd0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:14:12	36.348
-106	67540	3377000	127f66af-ddbe-4462-a8dc-bd72fcb9cda6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:15:34	691.812
-107	33771	3377100	d22835cb-5fa3-4996-96af-f00315f26a15	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:19:48	-660.287
-107	67542	3377100	6c167cfc-6fa3-4a23-97d6-5c816472ad08	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:26:18	708.870
-108	33772	3377200	9c738e4e-ade0-412c-a06a-6f05b49b9afd	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:36:27	240.214
-108	67544	3377200	02583e44-7eb3-488c-8160-4a95ee3177b0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:53:35	-170.350
-109	33773	3377300	610363a2-acca-4306-8b26-69c1cb88200f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:14:39	410.379
-109	67546	3377300	0ff83055-74bc-4618-b0cc-434cf581ac8e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:52:35	382.524
-110	33774	3377400	9ed6f580-6110-4453-956b-5917eee81590	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:27:51	-964.204
-110	67548	3377400	3234c268-c1ed-4792-9bba-be0350b532ca	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:08:18	786.824
-111	33775	3377500	12fe26fe-acc2-4d29-85e5-7ccabcfaa882	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:03:43	-232.258
-111	67550	3377500	991ea4ca-36b8-4b6b-acd5-04deca988958	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:24:11	161.302
-112	33776	3377600	ad975828-e251-4565-8ad5-8c3e8aa0c139	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:57:23	279.523
-112	67552	3377600	6be8d91e-3310-4824-b4f7-569471b91675	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:51:29	774.525
-113	33777	3377700	a37a992e-94ab-4281-9d95-04afc9a04ca2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:55:09	-672.82
-113	67554	3377700	e434e9de-7a5b-4e42-9a41-3f7a29cbaff3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:19:14	-516.192
-114	33778	3377800	a9dd5c4f-e025-4efc-8c43-6e771d9d1e5b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:19:15	401.923
-114	67556	3377800	608d742f-198d-41d2-92fc-8230b0e00c02	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:31:21	-972.37
-115	33779	3377900	54932852-3062-4430-9862-0e3ba032a956	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:32:51	-829.523
-115	67558	3377900	e1123229-209e-49a4-a4ff-0f49b4d84ca0	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:46:26	205.725
-116	33780	3378000	9117d5ff-88ce-4d0b-ac88-2e72b9481621	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:03:21	265.10
-116	67560	3378000	1fcbf0ea-5c01-4bee-b199-379cce9ce8c1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:33:12	216.143
-117	33781	3378100	eea561bc-edad-448a-990d-ed30fc76a6a7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:40:28	963.327
-117	67562	3378100	fb0432a5-96c5-4cb1-9b11-b7232e62d120	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:22:22	210.416
-118	33782	3378200	c2312c69-75dd-4cb3-b3b0-c56ac0c7e37e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:50:23	-36.240
-118	67564	3378200	6a64a0b4-4a1f-4192-8c6a-9ce6b746892d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:00:54	709.377
-119	33783	3378300	1a121dd9-ea65-40cb-8df8-0f9e769f5b59	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:48:21	-745.176
-119	67566	3378300	6b026f8f-58dd-4182-9fdf-3680e5e63fee	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:13:14	976.694
-120	33784	3378400	1bee1b79-8992-4674-8086-e2eeddfe8f83	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:21:09	-349.41
-120	67568	3378400	cb2d1c6d-27d1-4596-99d5-5007b3cdbfd0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:00:11	-92.210
-121	33785	3378500	6a19426d-d013-4bd7-9612-de03797f0b3a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:31:16	80.739
-121	67570	3378500	a0efbfcc-c1e7-48ed-a472-c9a921608bc9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:52:16	-178.293
-122	33786	3378600	923a1af2-0ac7-481e-afd4-cf6088a6e380	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:04:27	599.413
-122	67572	3378600	87804c7b-9f72-42f5-8dd7-594012148d04	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:31:15	-967.745
-123	33787	3378700	edbfcf0a-7319-401c-9535-8b1248194b81	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:59:35	380.136
-123	67574	3378700	ca418c8e-5d36-442d-839e-e2ce3ff31868	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:43:12	216.9
-124	33788	3378800	6cc995a7-0e6e-4de5-b83b-463c004baa69	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:42:07	-580.417
-124	67576	3378800	fdb0aad6-c590-41db-9d5f-44d95f7fff7c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:08:29	-735.882
-125	33789	3378900	7de76f4f-efa8-4758-873b-cee0753a494e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:57:48	907.84
-125	67578	3378900	288bba64-f303-4c93-affe-86292c0b4777	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:13:34	-951.843
-126	33790	3379000	20e740e5-45a6-43b1-935b-8ebf001c8d1f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:55:37	-688.789
-126	67580	3379000	9af69020-efcc-447c-b69b-41fd627543a4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:29:57	47.550
-127	33791	3379100	95311d9f-5b60-41ae-8d18-ae95da366349	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:36:24	-766.547
-127	67582	3379100	ac7ea72e-6e76-4f9b-8bee-0f6b06b49585	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:14:45	722.782
-0	33792	3379200	0d6b1372-e893-4880-887e-579940e5beaf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:00:05	-986.870
-0	67584	3379200	628343f8-2d04-4437-93b9-c2189df45065	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:12:12	7.776
-1	33793	3379300	0780f0f2-fc3c-4b13-b868-5a8cd971259f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:55:23	-287.88
-1	67586	3379300	bba755c3-03be-4692-a7a8-27a4ccc21b71	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:20:42	-205.805
-2	33794	3379400	b1716d74-16da-4e33-af8b-9bbd53f9a335	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:13:51	-569.705
-2	67588	3379400	ad3db05d-d51c-413a-be55-17dbc8eb6c21	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:48:09	776.341
-3	33795	3379500	60c76883-6db6-4b63-a0a1-f09299da8dff	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:35:23	654.361
-3	67590	3379500	217ebba8-5532-4a4b-8c4d-cf30323ddda7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:52:50	493.291
-4	33796	3379600	a753255d-0f97-4a47-ba9b-89cbe9372c39	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:38:51	-956.819
-4	67592	3379600	841cbf0c-d2f8-4cc8-9e69-7249d083accc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:51:32	716.127
-5	33797	3379700	0a8962e9-6d45-41fe-af99-2a202c58e462	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:16:09	771.133
-5	67594	3379700	886443ce-7ebe-42fc-a479-ef67e63ada09	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:13:41	-396.124
-6	33798	3379800	f63ee3d8-3640-45d5-bb2f-1ab6feaae99d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:39:51	927.270
-6	67596	3379800	4ac82239-9091-4a75-b8e7-440c7fafc157	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:16:23	-366.14
-7	33799	3379900	d56c8a91-ee6e-45d9-8a91-09eb8819dade	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:30:36	-710.550
-7	67598	3379900	b8c9b57a-b991-4acc-ad1e-0f9a9f1b07bd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:06:43	724.75
-8	33800	3380000	b7bc78ac-c064-474d-8f0c-85c925c17855	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:47:30	296.548
-8	67600	3380000	5b5a8fe1-8929-41ed-aee2-307e2650b3eb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:01:28	241.745
-9	33801	3380100	de35f0e7-4bca-4911-904f-08b32b4ee2bb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:39:38	495.54
-9	67602	3380100	a3410ead-236b-45e7-8ada-245b6c7d275c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:27:58	-696.286
-10	33802	3380200	2e99e328-e579-4c53-b7f3-f679b8f920f8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:44:38	-488.231
-10	67604	3380200	95e1af2b-af97-425f-8f1a-7ae48d504ef1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:51:01	-486.740
-11	33803	3380300	8109b5a6-d1d4-475a-a3bc-c1303645c0ba	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:03:41	-3.181
-11	67606	3380300	4e47a0bf-1902-4fdb-91b5-31753e1828c0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:48:26	475.652
-12	33804	3380400	3423b7e2-86fd-4366-a468-e7fa7d823f32	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:39:55	-461.899
-12	67608	3380400	0cc486e6-100c-4c0b-bbb6-9602d93bbcab	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:17:27	622.885
-13	33805	3380500	45ace649-ed32-4c75-bc4e-8d3ef67170a9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:25:46	-885.74
-13	67610	3380500	701db94f-2913-41a6-a9f8-0c72c82dbdbf	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:57:33	-180.715
-14	33806	3380600	7f3bcf9b-65fc-4708-8ccf-6ab3ece3159c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:15:59	446.41
-14	67612	3380600	037b1a62-3b03-4a9a-92f4-11913495a5f9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:22:05	-769.314
-15	33807	3380700	30050c84-16b4-462f-911c-00d0e9b94a42	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:35:11	29.89
-15	67614	3380700	54c76454-4bb8-4022-a285-3ef60bca4335	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:34:58	720.867
-16	33808	3380800	17bef4b2-2526-4739-baa3-ba2116a2b2c6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:46:33	-769.576
-16	67616	3380800	c80c6855-f4a2-4ab3-8879-3902d16dd6ed	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:17:00	58.243
-17	33809	3380900	bd735f18-ce1b-4e6e-a519-3af8a3102766	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:53:20	685.208
-17	67618	3380900	42de32aa-8ee5-4a53-a4fc-f3856ac49698	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:51:22	61.132
-18	33810	3381000	690a06c8-800e-4183-b146-7662fea7e696	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:11:08	214.879
-18	67620	3381000	e254d147-9241-41c4-be0e-921d0af28ea5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:48:18	-629.513
-19	33811	3381100	e5080122-40f3-4694-a538-e212e27b25ac	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:36:26	178.676
-19	67622	3381100	2eadf3ae-f1c8-4a16-8911-41dcd5203e8a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:20:26	327.749
-20	33812	3381200	3d926fe2-e4a5-4cfa-8fdb-bf0d00e19c0e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:11:59	-417.536
-20	67624	3381200	59bfaf55-f45f-4609-a7f1-70dd4f2f9f2b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:52:14	9.262
-21	33813	3381300	ee2ae3e3-0e9d-4a54-892c-72bdcb1c1398	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:40:41	210.346
-21	67626	3381300	3d1caffd-9127-4694-9974-90f8e4523b56	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:01:33	-854.265
-22	33814	3381400	d5098df6-ec16-4182-aafd-ef21cf5da78c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:55:26	806.774
-22	67628	3381400	d7b6a9ba-0af0-4d82-8c05-fcc61015474a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:44:00	185.750
-23	33815	3381500	c8c5e917-2d46-4dbb-b952-49eeb70b9a07	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:40:06	696.276
-23	67630	3381500	0459cd4a-42eb-4ac8-9ba3-fdae8e70adc1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:18:39	754.916
-24	33816	3381600	55e13f14-a304-4137-a231-a333103b63b3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:26:24	-665.784
-24	67632	3381600	ec553148-53cf-480d-bd22-c269fb6b5e1b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:07:03	278.812
-25	33817	3381700	85ce1f0a-78e6-4f7d-b518-2ce8d1f9ed99	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:18:29	-972.41
-25	67634	3381700	c4a94057-8364-4fe8-9c72-de132d45dd8a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:22:32	-756.526
-26	33818	3381800	7cf90c32-c60c-47ed-949a-3d75485afc17	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:51:12	-273.879
-26	67636	3381800	7a35aad6-2de4-4a95-a924-bd5512d3cefc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:07:43	-424.952
-27	33819	3381900	0a457a8d-a301-44e1-a31e-3527e13c52a7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:30:22	599.186
-27	67638	3381900	4eaf0bf4-a3f7-4024-bcba-ba10e948fa46	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:17:30	-219.277
-28	33820	3382000	c499228e-6e92-4d47-9e5f-312866d4cb01	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:48:30	91.165
-28	67640	3382000	39ceaaa7-34ae-4872-89c0-61157e042608	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:21:10	-115.811
-29	33821	3382100	ee428980-9015-406d-9705-6413e5493840	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:13:17	27.909
-29	67642	3382100	485f068c-2453-4e21-b997-e4d163ec8473	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:17:59	929.901
-30	33822	3382200	d7979b95-0540-449e-9285-d47d35b34b2f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:41:06	969.487
-30	67644	3382200	3f5b9e85-15f8-4c27-8f88-0479878add3c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:27:29	-839.139
-31	33823	3382300	9f1cbeb3-aa0a-4e86-ad5f-45c15c739e7b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:13:46	152.616
-31	67646	3382300	6738f4e0-ec24-403e-97d3-5865d5853162	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:53:42	416.343
-32	33824	3382400	c87ffffa-54b5-4ba7-a547-13e3326b138e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:43:43	-398.940
-32	67648	3382400	86761ee8-6743-4076-9b25-ff7b068aebe3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:53:04	812.194
-33	33825	3382500	86ca91ea-c6e5-43a8-9a1f-fc2c6060a953	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:56:52	365.326
-33	67650	3382500	485cb944-b42a-4e76-b04e-5c122b3b3b3a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:13:46	-899.448
-34	33826	3382600	01f4e489-05d0-473a-a29a-85b453e91e32	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:25:25	367.126
-34	67652	3382600	24037919-8960-485b-a4fb-269609c93bca	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:16:58	284.64
-35	33827	3382700	af010780-a50c-4c8a-8ddb-cdcb7ac54523	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:03:00	-752.87
-35	67654	3382700	1b4609fe-d71c-455a-96b2-60d4b13e994d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:33:15	218.571
-36	33828	3382800	fb562401-a105-4dc3-b043-9ea38c231b6d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:04:51	179.255
-36	67656	3382800	ebabb664-4df9-47a8-bc77-7a7477192e41	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:24:25	633.86
-37	33829	3382900	1de217b4-6843-4b4b-916c-bd43f9fdcacd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:24:07	80.786
-37	67658	3382900	3e3f77e2-e740-45fa-81a6-268cea0f1d25	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:58:35	798.805
-38	33830	3383000	1f192e86-1d2b-420d-ac8a-e39127c60cdb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:57:44	-967.95
-38	67660	3383000	0dbd000c-e81f-4e5f-ae84-62536e725ccb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:51:30	139.242
-39	33831	3383100	811c108c-d558-434f-8eee-9406b3d55082	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:49:58	902.648
-39	67662	3383100	19dda1a4-ce76-4f1d-a145-1d0ced9c5c98	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:12:47	405.647
-40	33832	3383200	d3926753-744e-4f61-989f-ab605dd1dbac	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:15:41	-536.418
-40	67664	3383200	cce178d3-d714-4899-9445-e1200cb45a21	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:25:02	-321.424
-41	33833	3383300	04165f20-f853-4453-9eaa-4fd7f2d43d4c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:38:35	-622.790
-41	67666	3383300	b5089d71-0cec-491b-a8bd-19f6810bf41c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:00:21	198.182
-42	33834	3383400	3f7fb8aa-94e5-4fbe-999b-0d386ddb1d31	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:46:40	-22.789
-42	67668	3383400	c9ce37c8-a628-4170-9309-8c16063d64fd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:11:22	-826.519
-43	33835	3383500	34e46da5-4972-4e84-8dde-e968b90a6b02	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:29:58	34.677
-43	67670	3383500	51db2e9b-d51a-41f9-acab-2fd414c32df3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:58:10	-596.95
-44	33836	3383600	2c1e2d17-bb7a-4a75-be1b-eed8ad918d12	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:55:13	497.412
-44	67672	3383600	84932785-9208-4703-b348-99976eed8edd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:25:31	-382.221
-45	33837	3383700	c047ce0d-4537-4283-a67b-ad940d5aaaa0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:54:53	142.526
-45	67674	3383700	6080c956-9448-4069-9fda-114671f2975f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:21:16	-349.539
-46	33838	3383800	16bf7f6f-f36e-4039-ae02-d6ef6f8f2779	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:33:47	-67.670
-46	67676	3383800	5eef271f-bbbe-45b5-9556-cdc83587d9a0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:04:49	700.540
-47	33839	3383900	9e7e062f-955e-42ae-bb72-645a02f99c26	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:39:13	548.428
-47	67678	3383900	20e9bc6a-6b06-40d2-b711-b0d8c90ac905	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:10:28	-363.491
-48	33840	3384000	b09c9f8a-253f-4d6b-b5dc-b056d4a70993	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:58:47	-968.530
-48	67680	3384000	63b9f3f8-95bb-44f9-aaca-cf61cd63f7ad	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:42:16	-347.396
-49	33841	3384100	afc4b3f8-0d04-4e3d-85e5-e6ab51e355e0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:29:14	-912.66
-49	67682	3384100	9ca33042-71e6-4d85-8606-7a81c9442068	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:01:58	926.950
-50	33842	3384200	b0a9971c-de1d-45d5-9679-28bee93316c7	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:24:29	582.351
-50	67684	3384200	48f02302-3d66-4c09-9d56-a4ec6f4e1821	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:42:32	-637.591
-51	33843	3384300	1f9e88c1-b566-4c8d-8ad1-59881f635e6c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:11:50	-863.247
-51	67686	3384300	4db86007-f0da-423a-9b32-31ecf69727f5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:43:59	-291.669
-52	33844	3384400	8d729364-1dcb-4236-817b-84f2c1af92fb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:18:49	791.647
-52	67688	3384400	f1c4f65f-9a0b-4eea-887d-bfbd0f3ab209	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:12:26	104.859
-53	33845	3384500	1b9e3a6f-f02a-4ccc-8fea-b6cd5147a1ec	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:21:51	637.248
-53	67690	3384500	4177f4c0-2e75-47aa-85ee-d69c53b9ce1e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:15:18	-636.957
-54	33846	3384600	c80ac6b6-99ce-4d8d-8424-a9108cebf0c4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:54:16	747.600
-54	67692	3384600	bbeff08d-e314-4de1-ab4d-d09f99151662	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:15:07	-325.868
-55	33847	3384700	586dc2be-d36b-4a72-aee9-08850bd92c90	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:24:11	-84.492
-55	67694	3384700	635f0325-09d2-427d-8580-b48a8342f2bf	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:01:36	-381.362
-56	33848	3384800	b306f86e-4492-4140-b5c6-8be0621290c4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:59:17	-559.274
-56	67696	3384800	93176ac5-c5e2-42e4-80f6-d7c25280a399	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:14:27	-346.716
-57	33849	3384900	b25c7c78-8348-47db-84c7-61ee7c7d53d9	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:54:16	759.969
-57	67698	3384900	85039bad-04b5-4f15-bc3e-74168b1ed5d6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:37:16	-362.69
-58	33850	3385000	e0a8f047-8fcd-4ba6-93fc-1e0de16410ba	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:08:19	-943.60
-58	67700	3385000	8ffc3ec7-ccb3-4e58-abd8-f0c99e95ba60	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:47:46	-223.739
-59	33851	3385100	99ffdfc6-cb9a-4933-bfdd-c98675618bf2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:59:20	-912.767
-59	67702	3385100	f66280d4-3269-4cdd-931d-e08d266ebd54	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:20:23	790.171
-60	33852	3385200	21df4f19-d1b5-4542-b1a5-5c1e8893ae10	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:28:50	-27.856
-60	67704	3385200	ab18c9f1-c1b7-4982-b0ac-8b5d6070ca81	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:01:03	226.235
-61	33853	3385300	1a2d2a73-a54a-4ca8-8d33-4b85951e9635	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:27:55	-270.596
-61	67706	3385300	98f57357-cf43-4d75-b965-04976b54101e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:16:56	-227.505
-62	33854	3385400	927408fc-0674-4893-8231-458a7efbb822	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:38:37	197.26
-62	67708	3385400	dbd418b9-e58a-4cd5-82e7-aa3e31124f4a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:20:19	-326.642
-63	33855	3385500	d01877bc-c3da-47ef-9665-47f32b708768	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:23:06	123.681
-63	67710	3385500	36ade6a7-f51f-4e9c-aa3e-be43b68fcc7e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:44:35	-825.686
-64	33856	3385600	bf81a227-9d70-4540-835c-f6eea402d36c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:04:50	613.945
-64	67712	3385600	41e2b3da-5353-4c4c-ad11-e8841c28fcfb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:42:26	-663.465
-65	33857	3385700	eeb0109a-969b-4465-abe4-81743936ea46	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:25:51	232.334
-65	67714	3385700	5380baff-06cd-4350-8a48-e05f24db8ddf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:41:05	236.716
-66	33858	3385800	38323421-488d-482c-a9ae-4a66d769d5ed	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:27:42	-351.864
-66	67716	3385800	e1e40402-4f7c-45da-b882-f37d0ef25963	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:06:16	908.222
-67	33859	3385900	2e581ea1-46bc-4ec5-a6bd-4188ab45737c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:12:03	56.596
-67	67718	3385900	d6b59826-c45a-4a8a-99cf-09479524cfaf	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:46:38	-503.880
-68	33860	3386000	cab1980e-400e-425f-bc85-10156718d9bc	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:13:15	873.515
-68	67720	3386000	34962931-50a1-432c-80b7-ea3092e098a7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:54:01	626.833
-69	33861	3386100	b3bf0b5c-189a-4d2e-986c-ec69cff73193	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:12:12	-503.362
-69	67722	3386100	01ca1775-1bca-4582-8987-93f65707bc28	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:01:59	501.288
-70	33862	3386200	c6ca8e7b-e1b5-4d5e-927a-82ec5b195803	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:29:42	-805.4
-70	67724	3386200	93490e43-20e8-4b02-9880-f8e77f45383f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:31:18	97.322
-71	33863	3386300	3db02d4d-79aa-4283-a420-b9a61a4e1d31	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:16:27	-839.937
-71	67726	3386300	594708d1-7d49-40ca-b476-ba202a2b3265	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:16:22	-115.967
-72	33864	3386400	9ba153a9-41f7-44bc-8bc0-13c5eb736621	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:21:00	-860.397
-72	67728	3386400	fda45f7c-3dc5-450e-a0c2-418560143450	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:17:30	-170.857
-73	33865	3386500	45d77ac6-2a86-4b70-813f-522507138233	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:09:08	-131.886
-73	67730	3386500	4bb1fcfb-3b5f-43cc-8b5d-1d4afbfda44a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:49:57	443.3
-74	33866	3386600	65bc6b4f-bc4e-4cf8-9473-5b40df882ade	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:38:14	-610.701
-74	67732	3386600	cc763ec2-9048-4010-8e7d-297da76578f8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:37:06	188.177
-75	33867	3386700	acd4cee0-2cf3-4a08-81da-54894f6d8ab8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:45:54	869.795
-75	67734	3386700	fe351adc-9726-4699-afde-9278bfab5635	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:18:45	183.901
-76	33868	3386800	1a598014-c118-4a54-a815-497788ec61c6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:43:30	58.529
-76	67736	3386800	ff0563d9-2a04-4ede-a77e-8a2f1c10b631	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:54:07	-950.254
-77	33869	3386900	26e8a310-a9b2-4bd8-8d32-93c4ac577511	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:26:55	450.451
-77	67738	3386900	5f1d2c90-82f5-4775-ad3a-546ca37f1bcc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:56:51	-188.606
-78	33870	3387000	1aa503e0-e8bc-4f91-bb36-1fcb0ef81138	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:10:55	675.241
-78	67740	3387000	f580a1f2-18e8-4f71-9109-0405adedf598	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:26:22	-450.984
-79	33871	3387100	98e91bd9-4aac-4b0c-98c8-1773709ffba9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:35:58	75.148
-79	67742	3387100	204c3bc3-b158-4f15-a30e-377a798d0a34	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:29:31	965.444
-80	33872	3387200	c710cbc8-65b1-4298-85d2-6b0ee9023fdb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:47:04	-606.35
-80	67744	3387200	2bc4e09c-6e9f-4d39-98ff-f5cf45b902cf	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:46:10	-647.509
-81	33873	3387300	d991e836-8377-4d09-bb25-5876888abf90	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:00:35	-978.365
-81	67746	3387300	5715cebc-44bd-425f-94f4-9afeb95bd4b1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:18:54	406.952
-82	33874	3387400	07fc74e4-44ea-4018-aa6d-08751e0ed6f3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:28:00	970.316
-82	67748	3387400	e7dd530a-f811-4cb5-91bb-3c084112898a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:54:33	681.560
-83	33875	3387500	800b1bc3-b6e5-4cb6-b696-e6a347552de5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:47:50	27.336
-83	67750	3387500	b38619fd-2c25-492a-aed2-94319ef021bf	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:06:03	204.518
-84	33876	3387600	3180aaec-47df-4190-9ef1-85447f51154c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:57:12	-285.892
-84	67752	3387600	00624499-4a27-47a9-9231-1b321cdc75a8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:33:13	76.226
-85	33877	3387700	59d980a2-b4e8-4e6d-91d0-7e1788779835	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:22:00	577.448
-85	67754	3387700	edd65b48-e964-40bf-bece-7f36fecefa8b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:14:19	-403.741
-86	33878	3387800	d12c5a27-5429-4119-8bde-c05b9ade1fee	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:34:16	-447.934
-86	67756	3387800	e4ed89df-1cd5-4e5f-b100-c4a1bae89106	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:33:37	-704.442
-87	33879	3387900	c1329ab2-474b-4cc5-b51d-58351ba2d96a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:29:18	-494.867
-87	67758	3387900	5ec19d22-f0ac-49b6-a405-c77395206306	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:53:10	-224.785
-88	33880	3388000	4e3b383a-2e3c-42fd-b300-404ed279dc47	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:51:40	45.83
-88	67760	3388000	46a2ae36-c6e4-4424-a6d8-cd455ebf414a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:03:55	-418.102
-89	33881	3388100	3215994a-39dc-4983-b4cc-122879b1126d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:28:25	-96.764
-89	67762	3388100	3a981f1f-9dd4-4170-bb6c-3689fe125b9d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:02:24	-934.730
-90	33882	3388200	4db469cd-b159-487c-9e4c-b932ccd0fa16	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:54:29	-483.724
-90	67764	3388200	da66bf95-c34b-40a8-9194-330162789eda	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:40:37	145.562
-91	33883	3388300	c312f53f-27a3-424f-bfa0-8a1a977c72e5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:51:58	273.287
-91	67766	3388300	7ff2850b-1b3d-4e4d-86a1-12d1b1d6138a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:32:20	550.279
-92	33884	3388400	b921f90f-b5ae-4cf0-a218-a3a71f447d29	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:32:33	69.472
-92	67768	3388400	f797f78c-b0be-4e21-a5bd-49a89f93dccb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:21:04	881.393
-93	33885	3388500	6a208b15-d0f7-47dc-8411-1f05fec7a2b2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:09:35	90.974
-93	67770	3388500	5cacf61d-5ef0-41f8-8206-678fae200e3f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:19:13	-859.553
-94	33886	3388600	9d3b2b33-e729-4185-9b70-2f114a31da7f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:19:46	-838.682
-94	67772	3388600	e7fbb515-563f-422e-8dc6-2f8ee36fdbce	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:48:56	290.391
-95	33887	3388700	fb5a9107-0eee-457b-b1eb-72e023ed9369	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:13:49	-268.229
-95	67774	3388700	457deec6-e2e7-4907-b673-6ed6ef563d34	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:57:42	-910.188
-96	33888	3388800	945194b2-c06b-4631-94ab-b0b83689be2d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:48:31	911.505
-96	67776	3388800	46ccf4a5-e22f-44bf-b373-5fa90ff3f625	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:06:14	500.507
-97	33889	3388900	fb5d1696-7e4e-44dd-8f08-878574501a66	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:10:30	287.830
-97	67778	3388900	96f14fb0-87e1-4e05-93a2-4d51ecc81bda	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:40:59	-898.755
-98	33890	3389000	5b85d966-d41d-4c0d-898e-b904e631bdca	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:45:06	446.309
-98	67780	3389000	8e1cd397-25d2-4916-af7c-588d1c1e6700	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:19:35	464.318
-99	33891	3389100	bab68485-f8e3-4948-92c7-3986201c4cbb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:56:51	322.922
-99	67782	3389100	9453b9c6-2de9-4912-8752-bc3540f7bea5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:44:44	781.909
-100	33892	3389200	ce0190d7-7bdb-47ac-b2c8-16c477784e75	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:41:28	609.333
-100	67784	3389200	555247c1-26e3-40c6-b124-277d5c9449af	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:13:29	897.98
-101	33893	3389300	cc8d5cf9-e6d6-429a-b92f-79cb21f71c13	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:51:29	736.976
-101	67786	3389300	de38af6b-03d3-4dde-b49e-30e0833f60fa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:17:14	-203.537
-102	33894	3389400	40f84c13-1e2c-4d74-ab4d-0f72fcd7cd34	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:56:26	619.796
-102	67788	3389400	accb8b19-8d86-4276-89fa-828016e97c9f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:49:11	768.179
-103	33895	3389500	e067dc48-c57f-4163-b108-111bcd1dd851	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:06:52	78.243
-103	67790	3389500	0d9b00aa-261b-410a-bba0-0dab729c502a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:29:22	998.289
-104	33896	3389600	2e1c5789-d45d-4b0f-85aa-e5a900058107	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:16:19	-486.904
-104	67792	3389600	697b3e0e-3ee9-4bb9-85d7-1661d9544de9	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:45:32	-142.794
-105	33897	3389700	8de891bc-afe2-4e47-8cae-266111e34815	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:31:52	-900.621
-105	67794	3389700	cac1be31-612e-4cab-8d95-77f5cb72c7d1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:53:23	827.689
-106	33898	3389800	cee53703-2efe-43f1-99ed-d34f1abde891	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:53:06	-278.392
-106	67796	3389800	350b38c7-6659-4118-8879-9119924f5d03	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:58:34	35.710
-107	33899	3389900	5024d641-46ad-4bfe-9ccd-c6ce6a440790	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:42:36	673.849
-107	67798	3389900	6fa965e1-f045-4f3d-aeb0-6165196e6291	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:41:44	-128.162
-108	33900	3390000	046ead75-d589-4379-903b-8081a8364279	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:52:11	-866.323
-108	67800	3390000	19a5e166-b278-4a9e-b53b-302eb1b8bce6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:37:09	914.363
-109	33901	3390100	6f7caa4a-9dd1-40cd-b56d-a65d5dd1ad6d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:17:47	-365.958
-109	67802	3390100	7c2f4e68-287b-4e3b-92af-17b80abcea1f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:34:41	-954.808
-110	33902	3390200	7b3c32f7-58a9-4f94-9a8e-f7fa4380ab3e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:06:23	-718.914
-110	67804	3390200	a51a6e1d-f0b5-4e23-9efe-f1d274ec2dcc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:23:16	-741.462
-111	33903	3390300	a8675c4e-7e7a-420d-9dab-8d514017c343	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:44:32	-217.832
-111	67806	3390300	058e824b-99a1-41a1-9a5e-ed16298aeab7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:49:23	-65.138
-112	33904	3390400	8fba57e3-2a48-4f4a-a2f4-e63c489e0664	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:29:41	-516.660
-112	67808	3390400	6d81ded5-7140-4772-8172-2609f9556324	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:03:00	-264.267
-113	33905	3390500	db570f68-def5-4678-b44b-8a86c87586d8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:21:02	-912.974
-113	67810	3390500	08d38d4e-5625-417c-abb8-64e919483c9b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:28:43	-797.74
-114	33906	3390600	64fdad3a-cab1-45e2-8c54-588609a75914	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:18:15	-215.634
-114	67812	3390600	bbcf3a5d-8474-422a-9cde-9feb1ec25942	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:15:14	36.596
-115	33907	3390700	7eb2ec6a-fcdd-4692-9c65-a1bc09d2c338	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:40:00	-707.423
-115	67814	3390700	c325e560-cebd-4d6f-b0fa-0e35a879fce8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:04:55	-891.196
-116	33908	3390800	e2eeed92-7aa2-4488-875f-c57379c39741	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:07:21	378.518
-116	67816	3390800	46399ed2-f1fe-4965-83a3-774f99ce58b7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:07:44	736.681
-117	33909	3390900	9d8ac957-0a5e-4842-89ab-8f49b9bc99e1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:10:52	-591.682
-117	67818	3390900	e93dfbfe-5a10-4e4a-8a2f-0e147786271e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:01:45	426.134
-118	33910	3391000	8afd24bb-5201-4c55-ae70-528aef28dfab	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:37:43	-684.984
-118	67820	3391000	deb4cca2-5b39-4255-8221-824cd00b7593	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:43:04	-915.830
-119	33911	3391100	ef0344d1-cea3-4226-a8a9-f15c6bb0c1e4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:41:19	-563.607
-119	67822	3391100	678b603a-34f3-4838-9a6b-0fca94180e39	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:34:57	-102.324
-120	33912	3391200	1e9c225d-c7fc-462d-b235-452d6dfd5ee8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:12:20	-407.430
-120	67824	3391200	b949390b-e1f8-4953-b016-9a8e87485030	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:33:42	276.473
-121	33913	3391300	7ff9051e-5a8d-4f27-805f-b671d80c45a1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:08:36	84.870
-121	67826	3391300	f4aa1873-b5b7-4ddc-b97f-27545f40ee85	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:47:18	-649.54
-122	33914	3391400	02668df8-bedd-4709-8f47-6b0882e32296	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:59:29	865.998
-122	67828	3391400	7539efe2-f0cb-4aa2-9e4f-93db21c324b6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:45:16	514.880
-123	33915	3391500	8f3e99d6-dabe-4ec5-a5b0-0b94fce8970f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:49:01	-79.824
-123	67830	3391500	aa73bffd-7b4b-4c7d-b356-2362b4164247	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:51:54	-392.169
-124	33916	3391600	6e028b69-c21c-438d-9175-c704f5a9e99b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:07:31	-645.486
-124	67832	3391600	6092831a-170c-498a-841b-29658a003e68	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:39:44	-940.973
-125	33917	3391700	072b7d48-4d40-405e-91b5-47833e591841	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:30:33	239.402
-125	67834	3391700	800885be-7a68-4df5-b388-7f06bc6ddb18	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:05:16	-193.478
-126	33918	3391800	c8578f6c-4369-4efa-8fdf-f0891f796d25	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:58:03	-737.950
-126	67836	3391800	38a2d6e3-72d4-4872-bd59-536093aed90a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:24:20	712.47
-127	33919	3391900	77de80e6-b15f-4947-b2f6-e521920ed13b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:36:42	-24.515
-127	67838	3391900	71058928-f92c-4b14-a7f2-2849ffe443f6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:43:05	-468.396
-0	33920	3392000	aa181ccb-1c9e-4809-a022-1dfb8e841936	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:47:49	283.250
-0	67840	3392000	27508d8a-2ed1-4ebf-9b72-ddaa581a90d2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:36:16	-934.314
-1	33921	3392100	8ee79657-404f-4651-9b6a-2a73544f4211	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:25:20	333.621
-1	67842	3392100	504520b9-253f-4351-b8ed-f8d961105fcb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:38:34	27.437
-2	33922	3392200	3b8423b3-6340-4bc6-abd2-9faba200059b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:29:24	-14.483
-2	67844	3392200	c8a66f84-33ef-41c8-b784-95426e6a1c59	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:20:27	-474.198
-3	33923	3392300	008c9258-e921-4fe2-85aa-4dd00769ab7a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:39:29	-67.591
-3	67846	3392300	6c815097-e1a8-47cd-b3d6-c8895cbdc8e7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:38:51	-322.354
-4	33924	3392400	72278e66-99f2-4c47-89f4-4f6685280e24	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:21:44	-570.274
-4	67848	3392400	578ed172-9497-40f9-a283-0e8d0edba2fa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:38:06	780.471
-5	33925	3392500	ff8b6e73-1d02-4bf3-8fb8-58fe64f30936	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:28:19	-135.860
-5	67850	3392500	71ad5a32-6c4b-4e8b-87f0-2066d57500f7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:32:46	-617.34
-6	33926	3392600	45c6cd8c-7734-4815-9d66-aa50718b49f6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:39:19	351.979
-6	67852	3392600	2d4f9805-7817-45bc-ba0f-04201d4f2925	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:45:30	962.279
-7	33927	3392700	3b26b99a-e684-4a05-a87c-97dbabb21e98	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:04:19	-360.304
-7	67854	3392700	34399007-6cb6-497f-bb78-2cc1cd8fb51a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:18:09	-858.789
-8	33928	3392800	2a246b94-81a7-4138-81e6-d1118c918181	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:34:59	-701.568
-8	67856	3392800	31ead305-b368-4788-9643-99b1bbd7aa14	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:46:06	-123.42
-9	33929	3392900	be7bef99-e182-4629-8658-37777e6e74d8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:22:36	-843.40
-9	67858	3392900	1b61c333-d3f8-4789-9675-d6a7c391b207	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:52:40	873.299
-10	33930	3393000	42416b4d-a31e-43f3-83ec-0a1551a6f35a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:48:36	-607.293
-10	67860	3393000	f96db9c9-48e0-45e3-9de4-8f1e6d70bd21	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:59:51	-853.913
-11	33931	3393100	a6a85265-f082-4f4e-870f-4fa25947efe8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:23:01	476.358
-11	67862	3393100	dd14641a-0bf2-462d-9a2c-2e598c21de4c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:10:57	558.79
-12	33932	3393200	03c0464e-5518-4870-8db1-e3e38ebd7742	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:42:05	634.873
-12	67864	3393200	665aefdc-423b-4b6c-8cae-8fbd233ff847	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:00:00	781.748
-13	33933	3393300	1a941487-31f9-4e7c-8d7e-3b1dbac28e32	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:58:01	191.411
-13	67866	3393300	b25d43ef-0fb4-4bc3-abb8-d5ee0ff546f7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:18:24	-164.579
-14	33934	3393400	79e0212b-4b18-4ad6-8b8a-163f9b1204c3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:47:13	261.941
-14	67868	3393400	c76b7e88-5deb-4fb2-9e8c-a51330dff325	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:43:38	254.701
-15	33935	3393500	8c0521fe-a9ad-4343-ab9a-fd8239618a95	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:32:46	161.474
-15	67870	3393500	deee6c00-268f-4b78-8360-f245d77ffae1	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:50:30	-421.527
-16	33936	3393600	0e0bf279-c353-4436-8a83-8dd45122c99b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:06:31	409.94
-16	67872	3393600	fa1ab7d6-8ae6-414c-98d6-c4eacbd9865c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:56:55	770.813
-17	33937	3393700	0e6ba5c0-ea69-4e8f-beba-6db755665db6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:27:54	460.442
-17	67874	3393700	59073739-4543-4957-a7d4-da8a37e94cfd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:21:28	638.452
-18	33938	3393800	b1c73362-0bf4-4aa4-9e1b-7a2acfb92d8c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:55:11	555.5
-18	67876	3393800	d7b45a88-c52b-4759-9079-17acc47325c8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:02:08	-643.307
-19	33939	3393900	1692c29e-0b9a-46a4-b33a-d414b4f4a469	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:23:16	235.840
-19	67878	3393900	af2416fc-0973-473d-ac0b-cdde5e4d6bf7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:09:27	125.960
-20	33940	3394000	094a921f-33a8-4c68-a2bb-56f90afe55d5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:41:33	-54.180
-20	67880	3394000	749e8d20-e5e1-471a-97b7-c7e18984f59f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:36:18	-890.582
-21	33941	3394100	b81fbd3e-dd61-4e23-b0d2-cc488cbed360	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:02:49	315.320
-21	67882	3394100	0b85e2b1-d156-41e7-80f5-b8395c760995	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:41:54	-885.983
-22	33942	3394200	0160c2d3-e9c3-4ad2-90b6-50bd08da43d0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:18:23	-648.310
-22	67884	3394200	1798ee91-29e8-43b8-8fee-ae4e8c530bcf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:14:25	704.140
-23	33943	3394300	9866146b-0c55-4c99-abc5-418e92d9a345	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:55:19	-688.509
-23	67886	3394300	03d60403-e8b9-4512-b6b8-7de590c78448	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:09:30	-810.826
-24	33944	3394400	bffdb626-9d77-4b3d-b8e8-50feac71407a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:34:10	-374.10
-24	67888	3394400	23eb6d8b-faf9-49c0-ac11-b8b50f6199fb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:53:14	657.559
-25	33945	3394500	e60aac69-f9d0-4a04-a420-1744511338a8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:36:37	-973.944
-25	67890	3394500	109d7f87-bdc8-44f5-8a10-809f95d162f4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:29:40	267.229
-26	33946	3394600	f2748d48-c776-4b36-a7e4-688d8d23c8a9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:03:05	-817.139
-26	67892	3394600	bd060307-17e6-4a4e-97a9-9a3540bd7829	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:53:58	203.806
-27	33947	3394700	e2f5bd10-33f3-441b-bcbb-21a02d40e63f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:43:19	-814.860
-27	67894	3394700	0b13beae-32ef-4feb-adc3-0b5d319eb804	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:16:03	617.638
-28	33948	3394800	3530cea3-7327-4073-b78f-8f70e7020e6e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:28:41	-604.466
-28	67896	3394800	bfcea992-61f2-45dd-ad35-5cb5031d1790	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:18:05	-150.920
-29	33949	3394900	b6657ce1-dba3-48e5-ba15-549f4f865017	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:45:01	329.771
-29	67898	3394900	f34dd4e1-823c-45a9-a09b-2a0d8ee63dca	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:23:54	680.642
-30	33950	3395000	3b52e008-8c5d-4723-81ae-02445b262326	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:35:25	-652.508
-30	67900	3395000	1e53c7db-2e93-40fc-8428-26aa800b2408	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:56:21	-616.931
-31	33951	3395100	d64b102e-e19b-4699-b957-226acd225db8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:42:09	-443.921
-31	67902	3395100	8076642f-7893-4515-88ee-8aa09131beb8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:37:48	384.947
-32	33952	3395200	4dde51de-abde-4256-8d60-0eb045dc0bc1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:07:25	-427.825
-32	67904	3395200	208dd321-89c5-4e9a-b197-ce0613f856aa	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:04:31	499.709
-33	33953	3395300	f0c3bbd1-3820-4214-a7c5-600fcd2cba7a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:41:24	-227.150
-33	67906	3395300	be78a9a1-db3f-47ca-ae28-845c5b5374c9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:42:15	-830.879
-34	33954	3395400	c1f07aa0-44a6-4723-a4d1-c2f04e803ff3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:51:45	569.31
-34	67908	3395400	44a9b82b-e9b6-4c47-a4fe-ed391c0bd134	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:20:40	112.594
-35	33955	3395500	c9ec5c3a-7d08-4569-acbe-79d1c5809d1a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:27:39	-386.285
-35	67910	3395500	464a2948-f97f-4566-8296-996530ea9e3f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:25:11	-606.121
-36	33956	3395600	5e1fcb30-7216-4467-b239-8fa5fffdbe8b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:21:24	-713.691
-36	67912	3395600	59b0eec0-c698-43de-a1b1-f9d07bd7a531	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:37:42	227.687
-37	33957	3395700	7ba7bc9c-5fa6-46ea-9c06-44b37480a2c3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:07:06	228.206
-37	67914	3395700	18bf7fb0-bcf6-41a3-b3e7-3ab7907d154a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:57:09	317.655
-38	33958	3395800	4a160c72-f645-446e-be8b-e65d73dae620	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:51:56	-312.310
-38	67916	3395800	64f3d389-4e85-4b21-98cb-e802febdea93	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:25:21	425.201
-39	33959	3395900	1fe9039f-c5ba-491a-92f2-23390ebda8db	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:06:48	-352.534
-39	67918	3395900	e1ecb769-dc8c-4d8c-b0a7-7278f87a42f2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:31:41	-876.122
-40	33960	3396000	51a620ea-ebcc-4d1d-a7cb-e7e1f7785431	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:24:41	131.557
-40	67920	3396000	b1650749-9f4e-47ba-acd6-82671aaa43f8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:29:16	436.531
-41	33961	3396100	cec20757-0a61-45ba-98eb-b62046ecef76	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:33:12	-209.582
-41	67922	3396100	1dfe1b95-c739-434f-a978-78bbc95acae0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:29:35	-568.181
-42	33962	3396200	cee86f63-b393-40da-82c3-3acb0c14625f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:04:46	-899.761
-42	67924	3396200	c1e18ba8-3ec4-43b0-9c2b-b044e5fff0b9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:28:06	535.15
-43	33963	3396300	788b0d84-7391-4db0-8778-df4e616dbb1b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:42:27	97.977
-43	67926	3396300	dd97f459-e971-449c-9b38-dcc194e2e1e7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:46:14	-844.166
-44	33964	3396400	887c1f9d-d01f-4460-849d-e185bb700b27	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:23:12	634.712
-44	67928	3396400	ce1bf060-a325-481f-b15d-d84e143c8a70	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:44:14	-151.937
-45	33965	3396500	a9cf5612-8463-430f-bb8b-78b16bb6b5b6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:25:57	-576.587
-45	67930	3396500	e211ab25-3286-40aa-9dab-1b8a1968da7a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:04:06	319.561
-46	33966	3396600	eea1d37a-6172-4f95-bd39-8bab92acde5a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:52:26	20.678
-46	67932	3396600	b9756d46-e024-4d76-85b5-39cd3bfebf39	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:59:31	357.292
-47	33967	3396700	6280daea-4f42-47fd-b880-2e4c540a4f05	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:05:11	-12.687
-47	67934	3396700	94f7d745-4e50-4a8d-891c-fd6f6f5112a1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:39:03	222.873
-48	33968	3396800	2849f965-5bba-416a-a695-101460357f68	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:43:35	924.288
-48	67936	3396800	9221be0c-e369-4985-a28c-36c6aba45f62	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:15:07	-512.131
-49	33969	3396900	4fa7b5a7-e1d0-49ac-b647-e4a7a6d7eef4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:06:25	-789.931
-49	67938	3396900	fbf1fe56-f02e-45e7-99c5-1118f64a68e0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:47:15	457.376
-50	33970	3397000	7ff9fbc1-f73b-46b5-82bd-7bf9c28356bc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:53:40	876.589
-50	67940	3397000	5b0fa5f8-6b6e-4b1c-a1fa-b8f9f44cc1a7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:36:42	-995.491
-51	33971	3397100	4db00902-8d65-4eae-ab8c-650beb364157	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:03:23	-887.177
-51	67942	3397100	7befe627-6be0-4b46-8345-3b1982ee4992	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:21:45	-965.776
-52	33972	3397200	d0934870-421d-4107-a649-8c4f39c32742	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:59:11	-670.133
-52	67944	3397200	780b6c97-bee6-4f67-bf78-1eb656c54e8b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:10:39	-161.108
-53	33973	3397300	8e653e24-ed96-4c29-92ba-6690241b2671	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:36:08	-83.629
-53	67946	3397300	00705277-4a42-4ca6-9a15-27c086ff88ed	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:27:28	79.872
-54	33974	3397400	144187f4-8345-4d8b-ab14-a06547c960a7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:26:00	-655.139
-54	67948	3397400	aa7fc7c4-acf7-487d-a854-cb3c92658df2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:47:02	60.982
-55	33975	3397500	72a8d1e1-f9de-49ce-9fd6-fa39146c33fe	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:31:39	-231.401
-55	67950	3397500	55098ab0-16e5-438f-8cb2-d58e81ad81f4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:03:57	926.851
-56	33976	3397600	818c3ca8-d6d2-4ede-a35d-32c6f8902f2e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:59:28	303.76
-56	67952	3397600	da92496a-6f01-4292-b031-91ddbc91d691	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:43:41	-982.379
-57	33977	3397700	8739ea68-a7ec-440c-bdfd-d6311d6c1b58	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:34:33	-589.431
-57	67954	3397700	7c11d75d-f3b7-4f51-983c-f1ca314e9c48	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:35:34	-45.456
-58	33978	3397800	19274316-f6a8-414f-aca0-1f484f31a1c7	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:03:49	189.153
-58	67956	3397800	47c296ab-ac87-467b-8959-b32b4bcfe24b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:07:40	537.236
-59	33979	3397900	62414697-77e4-4b7b-8c2f-afc7d8edea3b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:54:29	440.839
-59	67958	3397900	92306efb-d738-4146-ae40-0d5434100e7e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:05:28	-771.136
-60	33980	3398000	aa09e6c2-1853-4c56-8db1-f98ea691a86b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:06:22	126.159
-60	67960	3398000	56044df9-2034-4426-9137-e6989e52b7e6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:44:39	9.799
-61	33981	3398100	f34af21c-b80c-4894-b541-b8d576917df3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:23:06	-120.266
-61	67962	3398100	a7afcb0a-6247-47f3-8212-742e59a4078e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:04:25	324.125
-62	33982	3398200	3f62ff38-d8db-4f35-9a58-980890cf85ac	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:53:30	186.406
-62	67964	3398200	3ba66617-c0ab-476e-a53c-6ea302156b16	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:14:44	-349.226
-63	33983	3398300	47f1f0bc-2ce6-46e6-873f-dc79fe1e3e7f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:30:26	752.858
-63	67966	3398300	68c963d3-e514-4be2-b131-adcb95130263	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:04:54	117.784
-64	33984	3398400	c2d39a42-5b54-4c53-8de9-34ab2efc8fe1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:38:23	-883.670
-64	67968	3398400	aedc2fc6-50b0-4275-96e6-867dad616837	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:17:06	-35.730
-65	33985	3398500	64470426-1f4a-4f23-813b-f54980772604	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:54:10	935.47
-65	67970	3398500	a53e12fb-953b-4a00-bb41-492c29dc0380	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:45:12	359.511
-66	33986	3398600	83d909f0-b9f8-43bd-848c-d27029613e57	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:38:21	-382.961
-66	67972	3398600	85cd6bfb-676a-4cee-bd38-fc399ea222fc	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:05:40	448.628
-67	33987	3398700	3e9f129b-2ae4-45c2-831f-2814564bf571	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:59:07	633.759
-67	67974	3398700	8fe6938a-c8b8-4cf2-9775-64382c995add	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:34:58	-755.979
-68	33988	3398800	162649f4-f8de-4a22-9d07-eaf8c18d0845	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:56:48	993.514
-68	67976	3398800	b77d9d7e-1eb5-40b3-95c2-9a4f3250345b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:17:33	379.20
-69	33989	3398900	33cc6f37-a883-4018-88d9-a1977ccd197c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:31:51	531.604
-69	67978	3398900	b344156b-8e68-4120-9b97-a921341627db	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:18:21	-585.493
-70	33990	3399000	15aaad8e-3389-44c5-9b6b-5e3e17a711e9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:33:34	-293.346
-70	67980	3399000	8a9674bf-cabd-4fb5-9a3c-3fcda2b849e4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:57:20	753.317
-71	33991	3399100	e46cef00-5de3-4a70-af39-c4332d481bea	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:59:50	-356.734
-71	67982	3399100	063cd548-0b7d-491d-b389-2348151e9e0f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:49:52	507.124
-72	33992	3399200	c347c53b-8951-4ca5-890a-ede5dfde9cbf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:14:06	-576.604
-72	67984	3399200	73bd96d8-5bd2-4ce5-b26d-b25a97012d4c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:34:02	-850.675
-73	33993	3399300	dc0bbc98-8d6b-460f-a960-0674eb07f41c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:49:16	-396.497
-73	67986	3399300	cf8e0a8b-23a4-477a-a1f6-7ec9a3ae7294	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:01:26	238.74
-74	33994	3399400	d527722b-d5ee-4156-ad53-e1c8ec8406b1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:17:46	285.679
-74	67988	3399400	440ab157-8834-40d6-858b-0cd8596c8742	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:11:34	712.277
-75	33995	3399500	a4cebbbb-4882-4a7b-81a5-e3cf91a32940	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:41:40	-251.680
-75	67990	3399500	89dd88ce-dcd0-4e7d-a20f-0d82f2d0461b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:26:44	676.697
-76	33996	3399600	dd5a87dd-940a-4ba7-a1a0-4efcacf6ee2a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:06:25	540.406
-76	67992	3399600	4149e7b9-0ae4-4477-9080-dbee1a0dbfa1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:13:59	129.154
-77	33997	3399700	b715954f-586b-419e-bc97-ec3c409f399a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:21:43	-729.49
-77	67994	3399700	650fbc8f-6744-401a-96b8-b311599ed5e0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:19:07	83.614
-78	33998	3399800	47de6094-8dd6-4546-9257-046534fd1167	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:29:16	453.74
-78	67996	3399800	e14c8b8d-78a5-4101-b4ef-3cc4f7cf34f4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:49:43	-899.370
-79	33999	3399900	7c5c14db-ff7f-455d-bde8-78a2cccf2d69	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:15:37	-949.21
-79	67998	3399900	1923d28a-259d-4d07-94ca-090354b59611	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:24:34	548.148
-80	34000	3400000	1a985d49-5971-4a0e-b0c2-a68378525e51	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:41:44	-656.148
-80	68000	3400000	64417a4d-fb59-4d41-a594-bf4d575391dc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:49:12	54.992
-81	34001	3400100	5ed272e6-8c15-42e2-ac77-55e23a83c91f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:11:39	865.892
-81	68002	3400100	c5e3733f-82b9-46a5-8922-41e708b773b0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:00:34	-474.194
-82	34002	3400200	2fe72399-88c5-4e37-a145-65299d78b46c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:10:20	-965.200
-82	68004	3400200	68789610-247e-4d45-a7d4-5a1e12afac2e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:51:01	-42.836
-83	34003	3400300	41a4549f-cb60-4a6a-87af-94c1732da63b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:30:53	422.289
-83	68006	3400300	0950c379-031e-4694-b954-f97ddc814f5a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:22:40	844.986
-84	34004	3400400	2161b4c8-f900-4657-ab0e-f708651ed29e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:13:49	-656.431
-84	68008	3400400	5b663fdd-ffc2-42bd-bdbd-e9441f325f90	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:11:43	699.480
-85	34005	3400500	7f92460e-81a7-4e13-b4c0-b4cec4af5917	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:48:00	83.839
-85	68010	3400500	b98b7ea1-88de-4ca3-8070-839c99e8969d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:03:27	-852.504
-86	34006	3400600	3fb54eb4-5f0a-409f-bf37-159d115f8958	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:58:51	329.117
-86	68012	3400600	5fc74a04-0d13-493e-ba03-c473ab9a8511	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:46:30	-788.361
-87	34007	3400700	9229727d-b3f4-4880-9ab1-e8526e5fe2d6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:59:45	103.593
-87	68014	3400700	fc3858f9-dfa2-48f0-b618-ead11b7d1a12	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:58:20	847.281
-88	34008	3400800	eb179706-2917-409a-9c7b-cc78d32ef8e5	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:06:25	-898.702
-88	68016	3400800	f2a72a6c-abf1-4cfa-94d4-342e32a95b59	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:46:25	350.825
-89	34009	3400900	d54d7f33-73c7-4228-87dc-cc752ecb3495	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:42:26	-489.84
-89	68018	3400900	df6a3cfe-621a-488e-9c21-b21fdb1d7a1e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:30:27	455.493
-90	34010	3401000	00b92837-0c12-4623-a943-f9301c8148f3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:58:54	614.399
-90	68020	3401000	a9704de5-2274-400c-8fd7-07365af74472	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:01:54	-89.186
-91	34011	3401100	e3dabc1e-1fde-45de-8ba2-91d03fa4c909	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:48:56	-768.240
-91	68022	3401100	fbbca7a4-9bde-4746-8e61-8a792a30bdb8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:51:11	765.553
-92	34012	3401200	fa4b3c04-d89d-4ab0-b255-e41016aed5b9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:52:06	96.870
-92	68024	3401200	8ff49c90-f402-487b-8b12-adf812d60cbd	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:40:28	-47.158
-93	34013	3401300	15b29998-bb8f-451e-a931-5609a4e398a7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:58:20	2.319
-93	68026	3401300	8f4f1db3-b5f3-4e0c-86b4-11250a4b72ae	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:46:34	-663.488
-94	34014	3401400	8151596b-ec2a-490c-8903-7308ac31a381	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:59:56	944.548
-94	68028	3401400	49de0680-fd25-4771-9ea0-7b68c6c2d52f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:53:16	177.972
-95	34015	3401500	1bc209f9-0bb2-4821-b509-9380161e5635	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:10:00	-673.679
-95	68030	3401500	bd7d6f2e-61c7-4466-9c55-ffc704d1ceac	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:19:40	489.843
-96	34016	3401600	ad1498aa-6fe2-455d-bad8-99561f2b2bbe	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:06:09	629.496
-96	68032	3401600	345fd7e3-740c-4d71-93cb-e10510b22444	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:54:01	517.826
-97	34017	3401700	4400fdc9-e359-47eb-be84-e0c05fcc9fb8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:47:20	136.580
-97	68034	3401700	626a03de-4a0f-492b-bc32-b3c4eab25beb	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:22:12	796.892
-98	34018	3401800	e384602f-e0f5-4371-8960-0021b72fd91f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:55:29	-299.998
-98	68036	3401800	bd6d8156-0b4c-4966-b503-6d0945eea8df	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:59:35	651.795
-99	34019	3401900	35c7f9ec-59d5-45d3-ab58-c20cbf3a8b82	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:37:30	631.938
-99	68038	3401900	4107eb65-7855-4e4f-83ec-5b3c307bf5bc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:52:23	584.82
-100	34020	3402000	7801141b-57a6-454a-b8d2-8315aee46136	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:57:03	-882.664
-100	68040	3402000	85b82f32-7b6e-48b6-a996-971d69f1ac6b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:40:39	-488.406
-101	34021	3402100	007898b6-eeb4-44d5-b430-1f5b0db4a582	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:59:12	63.997
-101	68042	3402100	c781e522-abba-49ca-a04b-e96f0f6ee523	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:20:13	-408.741
-102	34022	3402200	45b2c3e5-2fc6-4f25-bc99-2dd470de3f88	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:40:21	911.526
-102	68044	3402200	eb110744-abe2-4252-8c60-16656923ffa8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:08:41	553.126
-103	34023	3402300	6cc530ac-fec6-4ab4-be2e-d96f2ca96256	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:00:49	-773.375
-103	68046	3402300	7af4c7ca-e913-433a-a5ec-16ec0e3a5d98	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:21:16	-491.314
-104	34024	3402400	cebe0c6c-8d5b-419d-9014-9242cdbe6db5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:12:59	-927.188
-104	68048	3402400	713a1b4a-f2be-4992-ab9f-de7d6c93492b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:35:53	-534.227
-105	34025	3402500	022e002c-025a-4587-805f-a43ce310ab3c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:19:58	960.929
-105	68050	3402500	bef73ff9-e4aa-43f7-8524-08a498a22f4a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:08:34	323.884
-106	34026	3402600	edefbe7f-956e-414f-a486-ad3578f33de2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:17:13	-844.286
-106	68052	3402600	6e2e29a9-fab4-4856-9736-0335f4944f8f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:34:57	822.140
-107	34027	3402700	1d53b5fe-795b-42bc-992e-93bb6d8b01a3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:36:14	-857.686
-107	68054	3402700	e52ea374-1103-4842-b228-a13dca544ba4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:05:34	58.853
-108	34028	3402800	6c5a90d5-3a8b-4fc5-822e-2fa223e1631a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:53:58	-172.703
-108	68056	3402800	3d50d9ed-4077-463d-b575-a6aff4313139	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:33:29	752.76
-109	34029	3402900	5e32664a-fb82-4942-b0d8-c5c2f586f5a7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:18:14	-705.800
-109	68058	3402900	bb35d7f0-b626-40f7-b12c-13cd8c79552b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:23:11	-360.961
-110	34030	3403000	715903e1-ffa5-4b13-8ca3-b60a424b03d0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:22:59	646.635
-110	68060	3403000	7cc975fb-5598-4d05-a089-25c35ffcfd52	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:16:20	-763.455
-111	34031	3403100	29e4622e-9cb9-4fb6-827d-0ef5cd7a805d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:13:15	-59.149
-111	68062	3403100	79e17889-c33f-451c-84c0-552ec13f6577	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:42:56	51.359
-112	34032	3403200	dcd3755a-f5b4-4e0f-978f-945ddcc4f57a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:20:08	-973.946
-112	68064	3403200	749195cd-da63-45ad-8e50-8e13ae37c8a9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:34:57	789.404
-113	34033	3403300	b85839c8-49a4-464b-9a96-fb1f74e9bbd7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:16:48	-506.669
-113	68066	3403300	fbe0d490-c28b-4401-92d6-80ec24fa2ee8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:06:28	854.712
-114	34034	3403400	a9df8ea0-2753-4f00-9027-2872d8ede479	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:54:00	344.151
-114	68068	3403400	8a6f1535-3142-4d4c-b8e6-9fe5be63a454	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:12:42	230.255
-115	34035	3403500	b8a44ea9-74ee-4eec-b45f-b7285efce868	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:26:47	9.806
-115	68070	3403500	83a5faad-86f0-41c9-8b2f-6130b74225a5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:37:04	220.210
-116	34036	3403600	af62188f-af5b-4cbe-8e5f-3ab27b9aa71b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:53:13	292.318
-116	68072	3403600	c384a9c3-2441-43ad-9157-ab329d5ef5a9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:42:27	-485.585
-117	34037	3403700	66af7955-405d-42e9-b25a-05921f58bb45	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:22:04	717.681
-117	68074	3403700	e1a8ebbf-fcaa-4eee-a857-cf07d873b1a4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:14:27	-841.505
-118	34038	3403800	06e67d64-67fb-455b-b178-856a5d5596aa	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:57:01	113.516
-118	68076	3403800	6cf274b1-b0fa-4b2f-b386-872f035beb91	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:17:57	127.127
-119	34039	3403900	32c2d706-aaa7-43c3-b301-c5bfd407da63	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:12:20	-875.1
-119	68078	3403900	4968b863-55cf-4eb5-b174-0daab898565f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:14:43	-954.72
-120	34040	3404000	9b33d816-4155-422c-b746-009acc31dc68	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:57:06	513.684
-120	68080	3404000	6956db5a-900d-4da9-ab76-e573e4ac9ea8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:39:51	330.845
-121	34041	3404100	8b400c72-5fe2-4bdf-9fbb-84d7e0348505	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:11:37	-194.183
-121	68082	3404100	7f525708-30ad-47ef-a962-2aad25fd5ae2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:24:37	-705.946
-122	34042	3404200	a7b8e102-0ae9-4f8d-a416-f9c806e1be60	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:26:49	743.7
-122	68084	3404200	a984d76c-4682-48c4-b87e-cfe809864c9a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:50:59	-724.131
-123	34043	3404300	4a066100-81c3-467a-ac28-cb306c320e1a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:19:07	-458.172
-123	68086	3404300	8a021d28-4988-43d9-8c95-329e2979c6a8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:39:47	1.155
-124	34044	3404400	ae26f192-aa40-4a66-a042-04a3547349bb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:49:23	556.480
-124	68088	3404400	51009fbc-d28a-48f8-9cd5-43fe7df81429	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:43:32	-487.215
-125	34045	3404500	9a9d40ef-d3de-4860-a366-fe219bde85a7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:38:34	376.598
-125	68090	3404500	fdb01b1a-eafd-4cae-800f-8678d6f7f520	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:45:39	199.272
-126	34046	3404600	4ec08612-7656-4580-8a3e-9867beeaba2a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:27:47	-122.405
-126	68092	3404600	f0e09d2c-61dc-4520-a90e-b35557f501d7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:59:06	601.745
-127	34047	3404700	8092c38b-85f3-4385-b77d-e7c847150b1e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:54:59	358.531
-127	68094	3404700	515b5061-3a13-4956-a23f-182e02795b06	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:48:40	821.185
-0	34048	3404800	cee3cb9f-cc97-4ed5-b023-eb1075ba26be	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:58:54	972.984
-0	68096	3404800	96f63b53-1b51-4192-8c1a-57316a4193a1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:16:37	0.859
-1	34049	3404900	cad9bd37-2459-43d5-ae6a-4c5c944b4402	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:29:27	671.900
-1	68098	3404900	af9bdf1e-a177-4a2e-a6bb-b58a830495ed	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:38:05	953.969
-2	34050	3405000	8446bdb7-1711-4eb7-a909-e96e00a69454	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:00:04	-470.530
-2	68100	3405000	419d7283-99b9-4e66-97d8-1d7527684cde	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:13:46	873.873
-3	34051	3405100	5ecd784f-dd49-41d9-8de1-aaa545cd6953	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:00:13	-393.32
-3	68102	3405100	34d2adbd-db31-4927-a751-9fe2f88a0a08	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:32:43	-540.302
-4	34052	3405200	454c2acd-5ff9-4f69-ac24-33169d7bfbc0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:24:37	34.715
-4	68104	3405200	bd72000a-d04d-46c7-a1eb-8a0670ffbce8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:20:41	613.639
-5	34053	3405300	350e5cc8-2a41-4886-bdcc-78e342eba464	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:21:56	-618.669
-5	68106	3405300	18c2cf33-b588-4d46-900f-223705f58bb5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:10:22	-686.47
-6	34054	3405400	6202d82a-1215-497c-b471-bbdf6457a0e5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:08:57	-721.96
-6	68108	3405400	052fcdb9-7bb5-4894-a080-3437fd694f0a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:10:26	-476.786
-7	34055	3405500	b51fea1a-3635-4af8-9c31-74b33daa9dc7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:50:29	-976.894
-7	68110	3405500	31eda6cb-5a47-4fff-98e4-6ed0d6bca763	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:06:18	-673.474
-8	34056	3405600	2228b444-4371-427a-baf8-ce403b97702f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:57:00	-772.549
-8	68112	3405600	a9bf0d2f-e37b-4414-9d99-7990b564575c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:20:36	566.376
-9	34057	3405700	cd17b1ad-f530-443f-a785-fd9eb39d14ed	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:52:35	-412.665
-9	68114	3405700	4a4b9aca-1c4b-4966-b8e2-6d28e5aa093e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:58:08	646.629
-10	34058	3405800	97436fb8-7cd9-4050-b7f8-03c8142887ba	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:05:48	399.401
-10	68116	3405800	420838f8-53fb-496d-8bf3-45d1387b7dff	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:57:18	-593.102
-11	34059	3405900	87b2e810-bc3f-4008-a1c0-ebdabe58220e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:08:24	235.570
-11	68118	3405900	4e88af15-99af-4ad2-8433-8f350e254b10	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:01:53	774.427
-12	34060	3406000	33ad505f-9987-4069-8f6d-6f962fdea320	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:52:59	125.811
-12	68120	3406000	76e62670-4de0-417a-b010-bb0370acd46d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:58:11	-10.727
-13	34061	3406100	b0d67133-77c4-4404-aca3-0e662131e474	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:32:22	206.301
-13	68122	3406100	e2ee0841-d4c3-4b29-bf92-de99e5df0798	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:35:47	-224.263
-14	34062	3406200	a777f0e4-8231-40d0-9476-4d2a083a6410	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:02:50	-797.369
-14	68124	3406200	6d824555-eb81-4624-9bc0-c5cc6a6e2cfa	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:15:35	900.296
-15	34063	3406300	0b670255-df3f-4517-bd45-28173e20eb2e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:56:00	992.283
-15	68126	3406300	4634ead3-9875-42bb-a7aa-d75bd155b1ea	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:25:58	-979.537
-16	34064	3406400	e0564d0a-84bc-4956-bde2-dd7ffe6347bb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:22:26	403.796
-16	68128	3406400	ec9b40e1-6005-4910-910f-835fc090a61e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:47:32	816.600
-17	34065	3406500	bebe7140-6d59-478f-a06b-f3663be24f7c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:50:37	-81.46
-17	68130	3406500	f38cd8ae-b9b9-4116-919d-1571938655b5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:39:43	840.584
-18	34066	3406600	31e6440a-7de6-446a-8511-bcd140b5d593	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:36:33	-477.234
-18	68132	3406600	46cd9e69-47fe-44a1-b7fd-4bcfeed5e747	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:11:17	296.956
-19	34067	3406700	f66523d2-abc8-4d59-ac05-be55868af4b2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:49:08	481.818
-19	68134	3406700	98cec107-63de-4128-99d1-26be21ce4113	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:15:05	558.999
-20	34068	3406800	d197c20e-eae7-4c1e-ac2e-80c080424b96	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:33:34	-139.942
-20	68136	3406800	ba7542ca-26f3-49f0-90cf-8ea00ed37642	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:26:19	937.530
-21	34069	3406900	02a2ae8b-4ca2-4d96-bdca-770841606de0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:11:22	-617.600
-21	68138	3406900	36f65f04-53b4-4a9a-bbd0-1a495329cc89	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:26:32	-40.489
-22	34070	3407000	8b73551c-c229-434f-bd75-a3c0451e515c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:46:03	376.817
-22	68140	3407000	618f6907-5c49-4a6d-9d54-42172533aeaf	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:43:52	24.523
-23	34071	3407100	8a864315-b067-4cab-ba71-5839e95a970d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:02:27	702.302
-23	68142	3407100	bf41d814-1192-4181-9f77-55bc51803044	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:15:46	-311.414
-24	34072	3407200	bbcbeee6-2286-48ed-8530-c0fcc01e8105	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:31:48	-985.821
-24	68144	3407200	4d634a18-9bb4-4024-9f49-ab08a4a2a374	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:26:21	631.504
-25	34073	3407300	c7c5cea9-362e-49d6-932b-257fd6dd96d1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:21:56	872.369
-25	68146	3407300	57e2a257-0f8c-4400-8c38-ebad4e5cc7a6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:21:46	-186.909
-26	34074	3407400	326500c4-a8c6-4b27-89bc-bec1f2521d37	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:36:16	-322.772
-26	68148	3407400	acccabdd-19fa-4fad-bbee-7d95e0d6544e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:24:53	175.865
-27	34075	3407500	dd00c06e-9b69-4b59-b2b3-ff8291de12ee	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:20:51	690.646
-27	68150	3407500	5073e371-6569-4e61-8186-397a20ed730a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:55:41	854.968
-28	34076	3407600	131c1380-609d-47fb-8686-7efa4b5eaf72	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:20:00	940.274
-28	68152	3407600	9a06ebbf-863b-4098-92b6-752cda89e18f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:44:58	336.681
-29	34077	3407700	61015d8a-0c32-4787-a1f4-ae00cfa95b17	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:11:10	344.182
-29	68154	3407700	444fe2e9-f30e-46af-9873-0c524bbe5000	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:54:30	987.432
-30	34078	3407800	ff478e3b-eb1a-49d5-8b72-7cb57b42e9e9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:25:17	-604.167
-30	68156	3407800	7907897b-b6d4-493d-8a22-42c73d58bb39	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:37:43	-589.101
-31	34079	3407900	bed065d6-1a56-45f7-855e-6ac533e7022c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:10:24	93.283
-31	68158	3407900	b5802aac-b86e-464b-bc73-3fddc7f15c4e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:39:35	-343.169
-32	34080	3408000	1e3c8f63-8412-4bee-b59a-df6ba7df9185	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:12:15	439.586
-32	68160	3408000	ede8228b-9179-4086-8f1c-36094d7a2cde	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:01:57	-909.432
-33	34081	3408100	5c2a9c80-26bb-4c42-b0a4-7e4959cbb515	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:01:12	379.798
-33	68162	3408100	2510b248-a5c0-4bc4-9dea-f618c32a9e22	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:50:11	-119.941
-34	34082	3408200	91049ede-c789-447d-8c14-38993ca73c60	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:45:42	941.827
-34	68164	3408200	4cf48b55-52c6-4515-91ba-c20c72e25ba9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:57:49	-559.741
-35	34083	3408300	460a7971-afc1-4b44-b63d-1a4765dae14a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:04:16	-433.383
-35	68166	3408300	4561f0e9-3477-420b-be0b-5af18da48389	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:54:46	-111.783
-36	34084	3408400	63663003-5bf1-4b07-8f1a-fc76741eaeb5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:32:21	-300.598
-36	68168	3408400	650b4a1d-0953-4260-a5aa-209b00c69f95	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:48:08	74.788
-37	34085	3408500	cc9b9acd-dd96-4b57-b326-4c45e17dfe8e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:57:01	772.753
-37	68170	3408500	731fecac-3653-49e7-9645-23aee48021e0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:43:07	894.948
-38	34086	3408600	98351672-36ca-4cfa-bff6-4a2b8a68ca07	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:51:57	843.139
-38	68172	3408600	28597453-489b-4099-b846-47c3f3cd8aa6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:19:24	-721.916
-39	34087	3408700	07a2f6ad-1686-4e71-9a95-1498efce4f45	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:19:33	-265.237
-39	68174	3408700	e5b01c68-9c70-400b-bf71-863f9f50d0d8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:34:23	-1.287
-40	34088	3408800	3d4aae49-d0dd-4f18-8cad-9f8c8bdfa226	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:14:41	701.683
-40	68176	3408800	9abc47b7-556b-4922-aaac-44937b586b71	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:41:30	-184.496
-41	34089	3408900	475b942f-df63-4e9b-bd2f-08c8d3b1fee8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:07:26	-830.527
-41	68178	3408900	84eb642d-2b6e-4c6c-9932-d2f50634c84d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:40:56	-885.536
-42	34090	3409000	71ad5dfb-71ee-4020-841e-9ce44deef403	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:42:35	320.62
-42	68180	3409000	34d34a30-f788-403d-9ecc-e450e9e7ecdf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:08:55	126.755
-43	34091	3409100	673b9f75-e8b2-4dec-949d-87ac6c4e8227	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:58:54	-465.919
-43	68182	3409100	c6965a1d-dc4e-455c-a9d3-edf69dbfd3f8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:21:41	-570.907
-44	34092	3409200	8b05603f-e04e-4d52-b835-af169c175df2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:41:51	-683.795
-44	68184	3409200	6cacf9d4-a7b4-4a65-877b-5b114c1c7957	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:44:34	-315.831
-45	34093	3409300	a9eceff9-3e42-42c4-84a0-e4c1ed68fd62	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:45:21	-363.800
-45	68186	3409300	145d3310-e71e-4440-8f74-cfa84d1e323c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:39:53	32.183
-46	34094	3409400	c37462fc-b1b8-4d17-ace8-d68a6fdf75c2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:28:50	-720.228
-46	68188	3409400	7ef4a81d-71e4-4888-888f-21fc0ea60df0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:05:02	646.877
-47	34095	3409500	7a5c44c6-4a37-4235-b002-ed4b42cacbe1	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:21:44	-506.725
-47	68190	3409500	b104c7e4-7806-4e08-afec-9f6aeb1b28dd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:35:50	-46.214
-48	34096	3409600	a495067a-2faa-4cc0-b9f3-101bfcff6145	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:44:46	364.593
-48	68192	3409600	80ea288a-7521-4aaa-8eaf-6bb66416a976	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:35:06	-428.366
-49	34097	3409700	50c9cbe2-4af9-4ef1-a244-38cf132bfcfa	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:57:20	-107.204
-49	68194	3409700	eec879b3-dc65-4675-9702-f7430c9eed72	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:04:44	-865.65
-50	34098	3409800	adb6c114-a362-485f-8a5b-330e979ce3b8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:07:23	-736.711
-50	68196	3409800	5fb1ce6e-87ae-496f-ac3f-851e38fe8e42	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:43:52	476.492
-51	34099	3409900	51c51540-537a-45f1-8477-3754dc4468fa	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:15:45	796.883
-51	68198	3409900	0cd9552c-51d7-4218-9bf6-5d334c422b38	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:51:13	265.760
-52	34100	3410000	27d2dfa3-5fb7-40c9-846b-27078033ad4d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:07:12	-292.801
-52	68200	3410000	de8858ba-1bf4-4b69-a621-4f6c1be06f6d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:51:16	-63.910
-53	34101	3410100	819d9664-4231-4ae4-a6af-3574bb9bca40	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:49:49	-962.624
-53	68202	3410100	282e48bd-25d3-4990-89d6-3e0856d796cc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:23:34	435.624
-54	34102	3410200	6b397613-ba26-4721-b0dd-46705cef9923	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:36:12	-610.463
-54	68204	3410200	d869f47d-a8fc-44ee-8688-7b0eaf2147f0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:51:16	-462.547
-55	34103	3410300	dd95f002-acf9-4947-8938-d8d74153adec	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:46:25	456.0
-55	68206	3410300	019c18a6-5512-4240-9c7f-fed0b921d357	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:35:45	-931.612
-56	34104	3410400	2f40958f-a000-4579-8305-b6ac1c459015	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:05:29	552.936
-56	68208	3410400	8a999e10-a241-4534-9d1f-316e2ab01418	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:50:41	118.944
-57	34105	3410500	534c4002-4c42-4100-ac77-770d65296be6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:23:53	824.500
-57	68210	3410500	440a83b9-fd89-4d68-b7f5-1f8ea534164f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:01:31	147.722
-58	34106	3410600	c27c8f25-313a-4371-8a1c-d5bf5f22c721	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:32:17	927.683
-58	68212	3410600	5bbcfd38-e5f7-4c80-9bdf-80edacd06597	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:33:02	-75.957
-59	34107	3410700	6520da23-23b8-4d3b-9b02-3c6bc7d8919f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:50:16	-660.653
-59	68214	3410700	067f4ae2-be4d-4b13-b474-f71970fbce88	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:04:40	-774.477
-60	34108	3410800	cb1c6488-645e-4ed9-88b5-7c5da9ca65ce	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:10:38	519.967
-60	68216	3410800	b3e4a096-800f-41d3-afca-d7e16cf2f644	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:00:49	-126.226
-61	34109	3410900	09af91cf-c301-42cf-a018-c601add5e4a6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:42:03	-290.363
-61	68218	3410900	e95a36ba-a7cc-4210-a6a9-6b3f53c6b71c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:07:11	361.418
-62	34110	3411000	a8c6418e-d733-48e6-ba2b-4878a8ec666c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:27:18	-532.369
-62	68220	3411000	3f14dce5-b4d3-4352-ad38-d65132f7b47d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:29:21	-209.966
-63	34111	3411100	f7d7754a-cbd5-4683-ac44-b4cb898520a9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:36:47	710.788
-63	68222	3411100	03dc5b23-bb5c-4c7a-b78d-fa37c78fd79c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:02:25	-234.616
-64	34112	3411200	422c2b18-d97d-40c0-adf6-277bd4374098	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:49:01	877.836
-64	68224	3411200	bd09cdd0-4370-4f2e-bd9e-2d8dceea8dc9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:22:46	496.240
-65	34113	3411300	e10183ec-a672-4c18-8a2a-170e27d5fb01	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:09:00	-536.557
-65	68226	3411300	7ece2b30-2cd6-4e12-8b92-8494dd6e0aa7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:50:01	853.195
-66	34114	3411400	379c861c-583f-47fb-b0c7-5c64c3eb9a6e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:26:58	-841.476
-66	68228	3411400	e87b32de-7321-4626-ab0d-727980b9e87e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:47:37	-591.816
-67	34115	3411500	9dbba74c-7d27-4ae6-8c6a-408d03c73d4b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:07:17	659.642
-67	68230	3411500	cba3000d-d67e-45a1-8ab6-908642b36883	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:59:26	440.637
-68	34116	3411600	d2f39acf-fddd-4ab4-b145-49e6fc49e814	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:23:56	-711.651
-68	68232	3411600	1a25f57a-6d84-422f-8b46-668643c204a3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:39:19	100.417
-69	34117	3411700	2a94bf7f-a1fc-4174-a014-3c34dcc65d1b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:52:38	-24.393
-69	68234	3411700	74bc7d8c-082c-4d00-aecd-da8db2176cfe	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:47:10	-961.182
-70	34118	3411800	a26beb67-ddae-4a4f-9a27-9173ca350952	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:36:14	-530.373
-70	68236	3411800	a8979fa4-e4fb-4ad2-9455-e766dc49b6ac	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:33:55	-674.541
-71	34119	3411900	8df275df-4576-4145-848e-d2ab126850d5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:17:11	783.404
-71	68238	3411900	09295c25-7d2c-4eaa-ad4a-c69bb0b0404a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:42:27	-109.818
-72	34120	3412000	7c6e6066-ba33-4063-af6e-cd5c2ec77427	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:36:45	-975.868
-72	68240	3412000	4239a841-a694-4b14-96a0-40dbbfe45511	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:00:52	-922.968
-73	34121	3412100	f3e4e44a-dd89-4242-ae3a-9452a592d47d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:24:47	366.701
-73	68242	3412100	8bd660be-9f4c-485f-a74a-1881fe053f8d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:10:20	75.740
-74	34122	3412200	b87b8c37-9f32-4138-98ef-bcdd68c19fa2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:11:58	957.798
-74	68244	3412200	d0a50f49-2afd-42e3-9ca4-083e903ff8e8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:13:42	329.460
-75	34123	3412300	467af2e7-c69a-472a-b0b8-31fe8b121837	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:20:08	-951.861
-75	68246	3412300	6cc126f5-e960-49ef-888b-759197c3bbb5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:09:57	-482.416
-76	34124	3412400	56c3aaed-610d-4e72-bfb5-144bc6f4f86e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:40:26	-739.615
-76	68248	3412400	b88f1610-98c4-4c7b-a452-0ae3339cac7f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:42:24	143.353
-77	34125	3412500	58d07439-99cd-41a3-9d2f-63cb4ffe3ab9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:50:18	-428.718
-77	68250	3412500	329a6d26-18d9-4ddc-bd98-85218cb575db	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:30:52	-835.622
-78	34126	3412600	bbb3f311-2cdf-43e7-acb3-75baadd8671e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 18:24:09	831.764
-78	68252	3412600	dadcf9b0-1745-47cf-8180-0c886770e6ba	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:44:14	-439.130
-79	34127	3412700	8fc68bfb-09c2-4af5-90c1-e96060680050	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:45:35	-302.408
-79	68254	3412700	ad01b37f-04fb-4607-b397-6df8b2691c2d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:20:44	-858.208
-80	34128	3412800	db300e4b-fbd5-412a-90e0-25edc96d01d5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:42:22	755.424
-80	68256	3412800	6f18bd07-111f-4d80-ad14-28dbf3068d96	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:16:46	-481.104
-81	34129	3412900	69c0ffb5-dd5b-49d0-a896-9d03d8eafcf8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:46:10	-915.932
-81	68258	3412900	512f91b5-d627-4009-b109-6c4cd0e64a30	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:41:37	-396.542
-82	34130	3413000	de3d02c0-1569-4a42-a7b7-7bd2964ef5a7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:41:47	-251.54
-82	68260	3413000	38eda661-1d80-484d-988d-a943637807ff	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:03:40	-592.893
-83	34131	3413100	72c3895e-589f-46fa-bbe1-052ba2e58c98	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:12:53	-668.347
-83	68262	3413100	5a4255c0-bc6b-45e9-9d72-b06bc2bd9004	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:24:18	229.308
-84	34132	3413200	2c0d9f17-289a-49eb-a2b6-b04d4c9eb89d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:09:16	-115.671
-84	68264	3413200	ee8d2cbf-3db1-4def-a041-d312394be6a3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:25:12	637.987
-85	34133	3413300	e5522cea-3890-4bce-995b-9c0895096829	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:38:45	-521.413
-85	68266	3413300	84432691-e362-4717-89e2-34970bd8bd88	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:33:24	-991.726
-86	34134	3413400	18f5d11c-0676-4f3d-a333-e8624f65f276	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:15:03	-343.836
-86	68268	3413400	2aff56fb-64a0-4b6b-af1e-c32ae70c202b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:16:23	-380.433
-87	34135	3413500	f26ccd48-453b-4377-a0f0-1065c4f0eeb9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:31:19	721.56
-87	68270	3413500	688472b3-a550-4ab8-8a52-2e8b4d2a7c6e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:17:05	141.202
-88	34136	3413600	83facea3-478d-4d9c-b655-435075dec013	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:14:10	954.927
-88	68272	3413600	d4506aba-3925-469d-9626-0f237374e02a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:14:08	429.385
-89	34137	3413700	99ecb1b1-b39f-453d-9250-3c6fe97184ff	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:47:44	491.348
-89	68274	3413700	8a34e45e-600b-4c41-b36f-821e6ba7a175	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:22:01	366.49
-90	34138	3413800	359d39ae-2990-414d-97ab-1204d1a2185b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:09:44	-940.252
-90	68276	3413800	466bcd4a-6baf-4a0b-bd57-8b6d8214b3ae	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:35:25	-303.484
-91	34139	3413900	7fcca74f-7124-4fea-9c62-8da04f90897e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:45:40	124.912
-91	68278	3413900	af65ca3f-a5b2-4dd0-9787-7223827ce221	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:17:04	-416.958
-92	34140	3414000	e62ed9b3-b45a-47da-afb7-60347c77abea	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:03:38	-460.68
-92	68280	3414000	a4d56ef1-9f4a-459f-8f95-c114d0befa7a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:55:57	127.333
-93	34141	3414100	570c9990-1f25-4127-8a87-9e60aa9e8ff8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:19:12	-827.741
-93	68282	3414100	61bf954b-b65c-41f2-8c0e-d4a5af3b3b4f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:12:54	-86.18
-94	34142	3414200	43db3f76-fb11-40bd-871b-61be4d2346b4	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:03:29	-221.645
-94	68284	3414200	1b5bea5b-b5d5-4ac8-a249-2852b4aede5e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:59:00	729.486
-95	34143	3414300	9abafe90-75e1-41ed-ac93-0efa6511ee79	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:21:09	-744.2
-95	68286	3414300	2c059717-4283-4a91-a291-f250cc113e65	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:36:04	-417.555
-96	34144	3414400	8cf61736-27c5-4c10-9011-d5373431d0ba	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:43:41	-370.869
-96	68288	3414400	c8012f9f-3eea-4210-b292-fbc9986d2f7c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:05:07	34.100
-97	34145	3414500	4f547c20-d81c-49d4-83a4-50eaafa2a30a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:06:04	-503.986
-97	68290	3414500	84fbd8b2-3495-4ecb-8167-54b66e33b753	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:20:33	604.127
-98	34146	3414600	a67a0051-b58e-48ba-a21a-72c02035a243	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:20:39	-348.928
-98	68292	3414600	7f12e5ae-c6c7-426a-95b6-f1f01d397b26	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:32:18	912.346
-99	34147	3414700	c499ee40-1c1d-4c8e-b18a-facf07c8bec2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:30:04	110.242
-99	68294	3414700	c8ee032f-22c2-4916-8f29-646cb9817770	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:14:42	583.444
-100	34148	3414800	84a4fa8a-de47-4401-a7f6-7ab4114d5b11	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:01:42	-461.270
-100	68296	3414800	a76b0607-269b-4360-9625-9a0d054bc724	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:48:10	-130.268
-101	34149	3414900	8124abda-5062-46d9-8d88-963be2e15061	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:08:37	287.344
-101	68298	3414900	6f4c7154-73b9-40af-ab07-2fbb4d290223	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:58:05	-842.901
-102	34150	3415000	adde45cb-1ebf-4f63-8fcc-5191c21a89e0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:24:56	100.913
-102	68300	3415000	4680dc33-0a29-4eb2-8516-c4c3db901c36	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:55:35	457.77
-103	34151	3415100	03842ed5-f9b1-4ef1-b6a2-c8e26c7af9de	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:07:30	-937.74
-103	68302	3415100	f693aa39-dfa4-4f76-82b2-224feded6c53	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:26:13	818.658
-104	34152	3415200	fabed755-3c33-4dbb-a3b6-02e4b63f9d42	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:27:13	592.767
-104	68304	3415200	95c9f8f3-293d-43ce-82f1-2f5454bfadcc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:00:29	-592.747
-105	34153	3415300	23466188-b53a-4eb2-8ef5-29bb55fa1d73	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:22:15	584.776
-105	68306	3415300	a641641a-7249-4eac-a232-de973b98faa5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:30:34	148.36
-106	34154	3415400	66e754c7-f8be-4422-8cbc-9e160996e7e7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:56:26	64.873
-106	68308	3415400	ea2668f2-8229-4e6c-b615-4e8b1a39135f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:26:21	289.374
-107	34155	3415500	7570d2e5-a8a8-44d2-845b-5e2ecbe8cf30	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:03:47	-544.803
-107	68310	3415500	6aecb378-1f69-4051-9974-f8bde65e002d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:49:27	-641.906
-108	34156	3415600	3f03277d-17e4-438b-8d86-0be2333c3e07	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:12:50	329.378
-108	68312	3415600	f17f0425-df16-4907-ad2c-bf7d5274400a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:57:29	355.437
-109	34157	3415700	d303616a-932a-4085-a986-1c739d89c513	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:09:52	321.851
-109	68314	3415700	13046a6f-1b10-41ca-8ef9-38496e9dc8c0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:36:06	156.152
-110	34158	3415800	22d4335d-18c3-4fbd-88ed-969911f7759b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:24:49	-325.445
-110	68316	3415800	4187173c-ff21-4980-a786-17993cf2f1d3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:44:55	706.427
-111	34159	3415900	7ee0a1b6-d3f9-46ca-be4a-10d88da72d28	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:46:01	270.632
-111	68318	3415900	6fb8ffba-e98e-4a7a-96f1-6b4ed4158873	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:40:35	969.440
-112	34160	3416000	5ac4ffa7-f82a-4c43-95fd-dfd0308fd6ae	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:17:10	685.174
-112	68320	3416000	b6d369c1-1489-43ea-a2d2-fa96b3f5e5de	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:32:04	731.734
-113	34161	3416100	5db9d10f-55c2-4520-a2b3-ca840da36620	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:01:58	-121.306
-113	68322	3416100	4c675264-4be7-4bf1-a2ea-eeaa55eafa22	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:31:38	-529.212
-114	34162	3416200	fce7c7c4-7a04-4ba8-ae37-fac2d5c98316	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:59:44	-996.247
-114	68324	3416200	5dad889f-5062-4b1f-8efc-65b21dfc914f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:42:01	421.464
-115	34163	3416300	399bb844-95b7-4abd-9792-e64e32958d7c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:08:06	109.845
-115	68326	3416300	38c5fd5c-7b15-4071-9f81-95375b7cf4e2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:18:49	855.443
-116	34164	3416400	9ec68a80-3c7f-4313-8c2a-74a82d661938	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:30:36	-211.493
-116	68328	3416400	0652da57-feab-4d2a-94e5-89de69f5411f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:26:42	-558.487
-117	34165	3416500	7fbc1594-b247-47f1-b83f-5ff4e7554e57	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:52:33	285.473
-117	68330	3416500	3f0f4c04-8a8d-456e-89e5-c03130dc15ee	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:05:50	430.528
-118	34166	3416600	1fdf6ba6-0535-41a0-9c0d-bce38363186a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:36:08	513.559
-118	68332	3416600	746ed226-b283-43c3-aa18-657a378cce6b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:35:35	-529.660
-119	34167	3416700	5fe12b47-87eb-466e-82bd-b7c884372188	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:02:54	-511.477
-119	68334	3416700	399846f1-acfe-4c5a-aa37-78b21f5ab159	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:45:47	863.806
-120	34168	3416800	8294cff9-ede5-4099-8d38-c0449e6a446e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:48:07	-364.666
-120	68336	3416800	f4ab8948-9ea3-4d05-b6a5-b0e870a312dc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:14:46	655.873
-121	34169	3416900	c54667f5-b3c8-45cc-bfdb-e5d2888f51df	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:22:03	356.567
-121	68338	3416900	29bb4e87-4146-4eff-8057-2802c3968679	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:39:38	366.984
-122	34170	3417000	634699ff-5c4c-4a5e-8c92-4be047c6dc3a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:45:07	244.983
-122	68340	3417000	3bef33c5-2692-4818-819c-fd0a8d17ae1d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:57:59	-549.925
-123	34171	3417100	71157549-bf6b-445a-ab2c-6f36cdd58df9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:38:02	826.942
-123	68342	3417100	2d74ebd8-ccc0-4806-91d7-f049e91e8a6d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:25:42	79.274
-124	34172	3417200	d57ee8e2-028c-435a-bc1c-0f1a6002fe30	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:19:48	582.469
-124	68344	3417200	24b04718-1f27-45d3-888a-ca9f561eb411	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:22:05	624.15
-125	34173	3417300	71f5ab75-8362-44d9-a7bc-a7858375a45f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:31:23	-827.338
-125	68346	3417300	d29c01b1-c8eb-4895-9975-858918bce779	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:36:00	-612.623
-126	34174	3417400	bf54491b-e254-4787-b2d5-92d9bff89419	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:39:01	-617.669
-126	68348	3417400	666cd599-e54c-437c-a4b6-b1bfca99c8c8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:26:34	-846.311
-127	34175	3417500	1e8e2cb0-547c-45d3-a948-44f0bea3987f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:39:36	-325.587
-127	68350	3417500	737e35a3-bb41-4f82-8873-154999f77f33	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:02:30	8.13
-0	34176	3417600	d190f6e6-2d8d-4415-964f-74f2fd4494c5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:08:07	-183.751
-0	68352	3417600	fc5fb7dd-ec6d-4b6f-9075-a6f221f3912d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:03:06	-91.349
-1	34177	3417700	63f74312-d71f-467d-9a37-1b59e5cee898	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:30:28	813.152
-1	68354	3417700	694cac35-ec08-4140-8705-99091d40d564	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:21:41	-760.605
-2	34178	3417800	a4314e7b-a5a0-4c4d-947a-7c8b57c34ef2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:52:15	263.4
-2	68356	3417800	e443ef15-1af1-4ec8-90de-f3888e7aeb4d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:46:17	147.145
-3	34179	3417900	71470b7b-4453-42ea-b769-3f715c1a340c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:05:29	-1.752
-3	68358	3417900	77470c7f-72b4-4555-8436-ee51e01769e0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:24:25	-223.59
-4	34180	3418000	65cf83eb-8c43-4021-bdd7-e16839e8d64e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:07:25	340.480
-4	68360	3418000	773c94fc-643f-4017-8e1e-f67ae9d0daa5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:21:11	-781.639
-5	34181	3418100	ae7e9190-f0d1-45d0-88a8-baf75964faa1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:35:04	-961.960
-5	68362	3418100	c9de77f6-6657-4459-ba3a-fc8c258a0443	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:40:16	906.692
-6	34182	3418200	4743fe34-34c2-4854-822c-6e5bed072e5a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:33:24	293.785
-6	68364	3418200	e224f91d-6bb5-4bd3-9990-60d84d90cec6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:17:47	190.854
-7	34183	3418300	566473ae-8de1-42a5-a7ca-fa48e7c5ddcc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:08:28	-64.240
-7	68366	3418300	4d334d93-e92d-424d-abdd-7bf2db8bd084	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:35:17	-641.44
-8	34184	3418400	5b284369-098c-422f-98f4-234bb820b72b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:48:58	318.264
-8	68368	3418400	761711a3-b811-480d-b7fc-1cc28053ab2c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:55:35	-877.684
-9	34185	3418500	c0b74e78-b7a9-47d1-821c-118dee9f0b85	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:24:59	-559.361
-9	68370	3418500	49246013-e5f9-48d0-869a-ee7734194d59	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:21:06	-696.100
-10	34186	3418600	4bd463b0-80aa-43ad-8180-8cb0efc24bc3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:09:32	507.533
-10	68372	3418600	f2eebdd5-a8c6-48b9-a92c-f693240117f0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:51:37	166.721
-11	34187	3418700	98c0781f-2796-4143-a56b-5e867127df14	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:45:44	-147.275
-11	68374	3418700	bc181dac-ba89-439e-8eee-1d2fb768ef5d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:42:59	-725.37
-12	34188	3418800	06314f1b-1fe5-4444-bf3b-94d1e29611e4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:56:03	430.560
-12	68376	3418800	cda14d2d-2fee-4094-9919-05998efcc680	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:43:38	205.199
-13	34189	3418900	5821353d-a523-4a43-b9df-3098be7eff6b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:02:00	-566.789
-13	68378	3418900	06621f8e-d3d0-4da9-8266-865302b54d8d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:32:17	-675.596
-14	34190	3419000	df60d0ce-1447-431f-af06-1af692450220	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:00:14	104.180
-14	68380	3419000	3ab93745-009d-4da6-94df-19c022c67d71	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:25:18	168.775
-15	34191	3419100	d80f4bf3-80ee-4bb5-9d2e-b437053e99a1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:07:15	167.732
-15	68382	3419100	83114f21-d4b3-423c-92d0-0bfaf8c871c6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:59:00	-291.237
-16	34192	3419200	086fecd7-ed64-4e28-884a-9b91b347e6c0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:33:04	-146.284
-16	68384	3419200	a86bc9d6-e113-481d-ae25-f9e9ba61d236	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:21:28	405.951
-17	34193	3419300	926ef712-897d-4357-ac32-8a35478839c3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:07:33	-606.996
-17	68386	3419300	9af776cf-b4ab-498a-aea2-20ccbfe26ff6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:45:04	-525.9
-18	34194	3419400	7c358df3-2379-4b49-b685-48dd1639cf74	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:40:32	-133.307
-18	68388	3419400	8cc126b9-50d2-47a2-abb4-164c0c43989c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:20:45	657.811
-19	34195	3419500	6b2a5d1f-fe8e-4708-b5f9-62a637636806	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:36:36	480.281
-19	68390	3419500	062ec915-d086-4fdd-99e3-f7c8615f59ee	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:34:28	934.772
-20	34196	3419600	2b9f0c76-33d4-4ae6-bfff-47e81e3febe5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:59:01	-720.67
-20	68392	3419600	f56d0d50-029d-4237-932f-4aea7781047f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:48:26	-686.822
-21	34197	3419700	b27dc841-213e-4881-8bbb-d4be3d24a352	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:59:22	-936.845
-21	68394	3419700	0e80d824-4983-4ebf-a01d-129eae9b06ce	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:59:51	334.500
-22	34198	3419800	3222af8e-423e-4870-98d3-18f054be9fd7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:02:00	-705.231
-22	68396	3419800	55095855-8da8-4289-b6b6-0e58b8f43b3f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:32:48	826.55
-23	34199	3419900	be6ca17e-2800-4b4f-bba9-0dece7be22e8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:45:50	-506.429
-23	68398	3419900	aa270d46-ed59-438e-93f1-232840c606f3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:52:21	-900.597
-24	34200	3420000	04374262-2cac-45f2-b66a-2e6ae2b002d9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:23:12	332.177
-24	68400	3420000	1a8aede1-ec2e-4cef-8ce3-c0298a0425f4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:17:46	-16.267
-25	34201	3420100	a75013a8-4325-4c9e-9622-f2b4fc32b19c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:24:41	-500.793
-25	68402	3420100	c7b4a4bb-4a5f-440f-bcc7-f8dc9dae613c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:59:11	496.505
-26	34202	3420200	67a24f91-02d8-466a-a23a-d7d76a3da5c9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:00:04	862.284
-26	68404	3420200	86ba7620-cb1d-4759-80ab-a507c1894138	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:48:04	759.880
-27	34203	3420300	1efd80d5-ad43-4fa0-80ae-4a74b5bfa8b8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:55:51	-858.211
-27	68406	3420300	b70fe568-e755-44aa-853c-8f3fad56f992	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:37:51	420.552
-28	34204	3420400	1276a857-33b5-404c-958c-6ab5bedc883e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:26:25	-668.464
-28	68408	3420400	d212b1d9-b648-439f-8f9e-8cc786a4c0d9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:01:43	-482.203
-29	34205	3420500	3c799de3-c034-4d00-b1d7-07061d26b2d1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:06:45	-266.440
-29	68410	3420500	f5737b8e-7701-4430-9680-b9a3b26b190b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:07:17	282.849
-30	34206	3420600	b43a44c2-28a8-4fd4-ad0d-cbf87ec2792d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:36:01	-564.178
-30	68412	3420600	ee605561-c7c9-4d11-8944-687ab2d7c050	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:26:42	574.964
-31	34207	3420700	9b04a7a8-abdb-41f5-b870-830006a7dc05	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:57:15	890.207
-31	68414	3420700	9ddb1133-eecd-4000-bdc9-115bef42463f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:45:26	-302.809
-32	34208	3420800	2b305dc7-439c-4a04-aa5e-bfcacf138f74	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:04:25	144.607
-32	68416	3420800	1895c675-7436-4524-bee2-75d6e9fab4fa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:37:16	-567.289
-33	34209	3420900	bda6db85-f739-4a45-801d-6bc9bf544247	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:08:04	428.150
-33	68418	3420900	9947eecb-5475-4f6b-8c7d-921e4402a95f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:09:41	-27.89
-34	34210	3421000	1c571ee2-5f22-46c7-9eed-c2cb899648c3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:14:03	571.433
-34	68420	3421000	fd33d644-63ff-4073-9bd8-a3e6cca828e9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:48:47	530.624
-35	34211	3421100	fd232b67-28d0-4579-b2e5-562cdc9c8cb2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:50:33	-731.784
-35	68422	3421100	466a18b8-5c09-4b8e-aeb3-33451630e2b4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:54:05	682.519
-36	34212	3421200	add34b57-3e98-443a-b8b3-45366da179e7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:09:03	-301.303
-36	68424	3421200	3f141fe7-c648-4fd9-98cb-5e8e4192bc50	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:19:41	88.259
-37	34213	3421300	b8e63d71-5f30-4dda-b8d1-3e2486f26659	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:23:43	859.787
-37	68426	3421300	a35a25e5-39e2-416e-b10c-e882d798c670	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:55:34	515.660
-38	34214	3421400	be134c68-96e2-4fff-9fc0-fcdf5029f5fb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:48:13	-542.813
-38	68428	3421400	107ba8f1-8fcc-40a4-81c6-d66cb0333f17	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:25:32	-528.706
-39	34215	3421500	ab8e800b-8ecc-4864-a277-bbc5d72a31dd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:22:02	-578.27
-39	68430	3421500	341239e1-b9eb-4ade-b515-00a1e8a45855	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:43:12	358.145
-40	34216	3421600	780c7597-3ce1-479e-b5d0-ad47dd2095b5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:39:05	-495.706
-40	68432	3421600	9655a6ea-2bd6-40fc-b810-afab5c4a2f29	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:46:19	170.361
-41	34217	3421700	501963ec-ad90-45ce-9f08-d7fd277bf469	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:40:15	-487.331
-41	68434	3421700	2c765518-e3b8-4d96-9887-358b2390f289	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:50:33	-634.233
-42	34218	3421800	ccef7135-ca46-4dcb-9405-9fb627e6419c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:58:39	-205.73
-42	68436	3421800	b4a3f97c-9f6a-4679-9a21-ee2db5c5a60b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:09:09	-278.413
-43	34219	3421900	90935828-8f1f-4d32-908b-0cdc7058db87	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:44:35	-526.598
-43	68438	3421900	3561f1ac-7cdc-4ca8-a545-bd0cf2ade5db	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:53:35	-367.58
-44	34220	3422000	646e03d0-2714-4d1e-9bc9-215a16e94cb7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:28:48	963.341
-44	68440	3422000	021c8793-be47-4db9-866d-f00ea5d1f276	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:55:04	-552.688
-45	34221	3422100	ba88738e-e17e-4b40-9fcd-a1b817b5c149	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:22:48	690.105
-45	68442	3422100	6a252d50-5f0c-4ac8-a91d-bb3714ed6ed9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:21:43	205.82
-46	34222	3422200	e62562ff-63fd-495f-8252-31159ca08718	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:41:48	620.192
-46	68444	3422200	e141d6b2-11b8-4742-b69c-96dce9a939f3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:04:06	-302.846
-47	34223	3422300	57af4d8a-4336-47e4-a887-bec57253bb18	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:17:06	434.165
-47	68446	3422300	5cfd6879-819f-4dcf-9b24-21a0d2462b6b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:55:39	749.677
-48	34224	3422400	2faa1d34-725e-41e4-82e5-f019fd60d157	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:59:56	502.440
-48	68448	3422400	2e416724-0bdb-434c-86e8-d2c28cc3ab59	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:54:16	-282.661
-49	34225	3422500	72da26ac-e580-4046-873c-534a6f1f8c72	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:12:15	-485.808
-49	68450	3422500	5855fefe-d6e2-4aa1-8214-bd176753876e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:43:20	136.175
-50	34226	3422600	73eefc33-c942-4ab9-8edb-079a82dcb716	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:08:07	169.633
-50	68452	3422600	a149099b-63cd-48af-94e5-c3a17fb7d6f9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:36:27	-705.377
-51	34227	3422700	bf1b5cc7-19b1-4855-96fa-1662dfbe62ff	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:13:41	143.778
-51	68454	3422700	696af81d-a9f5-483e-a9e9-4dece11f363d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:17:48	72.657
-52	34228	3422800	331010df-1057-4931-af28-d26ceb4640e9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:00:27	181.485
-52	68456	3422800	41ff9742-da17-41c7-bcb9-30b5a138bd26	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:17:09	235.186
-53	34229	3422900	822e5fea-adb2-4fba-94d6-2182ebffa305	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:26:35	-293.750
-53	68458	3422900	d8e5803b-7e1d-47ef-b2d9-81ecf974b3b1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:05:39	-613.141
-54	34230	3423000	0f6fa419-20c7-41bb-b5d6-024ac59b8684	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:41:32	767.48
-54	68460	3423000	aa46bdfd-0569-40aa-893f-eba72f0f6a80	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:15:23	207.98
-55	34231	3423100	e19c2522-c00d-4acb-82af-d9bc47560034	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:24:34	-462.320
-55	68462	3423100	2194466f-8a39-4150-9007-f7343202f091	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:16:00	100.875
-56	34232	3423200	23bb00cc-79ee-4bce-b7cb-6931210b01d8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:43:21	-203.914
-56	68464	3423200	37edd8aa-4eef-4d88-9482-704e2f6fb5d4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:10:09	286.775
-57	34233	3423300	36afa126-3efe-4683-905d-f0d60b2635a7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:50:07	-490.961
-57	68466	3423300	a06bc3ed-d383-4fb5-a427-9912f88ddca8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:54:53	32.523
-58	34234	3423400	0249ce66-7af7-4751-98ea-ff684068c8cc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:27:30	210.78
-58	68468	3423400	33e25ff9-f7a2-4905-9a79-3043bd8fcb94	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:09:41	-828.777
-59	34235	3423500	3f637ec4-7437-4c4e-876d-9fb92216a364	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:22:13	778.711
-59	68470	3423500	2ac5a35f-16ab-49a2-9601-90d2345358e3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:19:45	-842.661
-60	34236	3423600	ea3505e1-2fed-4f5d-bd6c-36f994fb2c2b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:52:20	119.564
-60	68472	3423600	5c71f175-a8ea-4bb1-ba05-0efe18a57b01	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:55:08	468.415
-61	34237	3423700	18e8a20c-1ab1-4c76-9c07-2264e6357712	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:12:42	49.101
-61	68474	3423700	2a8bcf54-b1d1-40fa-8784-5c4c8869706b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:59:49	769.228
-62	34238	3423800	29b130dc-4589-4760-8f4a-6c0b2a660694	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:41:50	167.76
-62	68476	3423800	bbbb5683-83bc-4443-ac64-92ca1efbb56a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:51:58	-409.259
-63	34239	3423900	2739a7c6-257e-4a13-8ad2-0697253599b1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:26:39	571.262
-63	68478	3423900	a32ccaac-9b90-4eb6-ba43-be98e22c6d55	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:57:41	66.993
-64	34240	3424000	065addc5-56b7-4c0f-b043-36e5865f6eff	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:02:16	-102.908
-64	68480	3424000	c583be83-de1a-4260-9231-55ee66fbdf12	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:28:59	188.483
-65	34241	3424100	080dc8ce-cfd7-49be-8708-4f829dd188f5	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:56:03	-111.782
-65	68482	3424100	76dd35d7-849c-4513-b495-6cde7d028b96	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:34:58	-115.279
-66	34242	3424200	baa30de6-654d-451a-b8f3-eb88e0d4fdcc	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:31:22	530.629
-66	68484	3424200	474fa48b-2b2e-4d3f-a2cd-4351e325466f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:05:43	-573.32
-67	34243	3424300	b7a57d53-b3a7-4b01-97ee-b7a963756416	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:21:54	461.852
-67	68486	3424300	d7f74aeb-6134-4075-8480-0aa2af11207d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:37:45	20.919
-68	34244	3424400	b1d850db-8de2-4510-8ed3-b072ad553058	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:56:39	723.605
-68	68488	3424400	edaf1581-0a86-4405-88a4-0c1fa5b0758e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:20:37	94.930
-69	34245	3424500	f25b7208-c97e-45b1-8c7e-bb760386960b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:10:55	334.263
-69	68490	3424500	81319273-06c2-4d19-aaea-34a53ffce365	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:37:55	-714.768
-70	34246	3424600	5e6bbf5c-5b7a-4bd4-a4dd-0fc07cb1ecee	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:04:26	846.18
-70	68492	3424600	92c31a78-91d6-4a89-9a2e-351cad48a6f0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:43:36	512.288
-71	34247	3424700	f4fc713e-57fd-4c95-b80d-d8f536abc3b2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:50:23	-253.752
-71	68494	3424700	988a6268-a542-41da-9d14-8b6413c8980c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:02:24	-191.851
-72	34248	3424800	c07a4caa-bcd1-43b6-a626-cae19e26f5b2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:50:06	-223.188
-72	68496	3424800	ca71d78c-40dc-4c56-9de5-12b7bc24a723	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:05:38	781.367
-73	34249	3424900	7a255fcf-f7a5-4388-94d6-1ba71a8d2f8e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:38:17	273.375
-73	68498	3424900	a6a23f7c-9f62-41ec-956f-679e4e3975f3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:11:25	915.45
-74	34250	3425000	f39a0e64-8634-48da-968a-3f2dee51159e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:34:19	977.951
-74	68500	3425000	59a74cf7-52ad-473e-9d38-5fc70df085c8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:36:19	753.348
-75	34251	3425100	b2621a67-389b-488c-9d47-7f18a48bce40	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:04:35	-803.430
-75	68502	3425100	a746b7f5-0231-4c7d-943b-e3a8c9f745f1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:34:37	-405.306
-76	34252	3425200	86f1afea-78b3-4e8c-9e83-5be4a61d86a1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:40:53	476.601
-76	68504	3425200	33f326d0-2ab5-42f1-bd64-e59b185b96e3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:54:09	590.336
-77	34253	3425300	91b1b9d7-1a6b-4922-8ef7-f583c6eef35d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:32:06	-9.802
-77	68506	3425300	dab09848-a322-4e12-a334-24849f24f69d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:03:52	-380.506
-78	34254	3425400	09306795-4e05-44b9-9324-7ff387071ca5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:29:56	412.439
-78	68508	3425400	b6025195-c695-4272-9ea8-026cb61f3218	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:01:28	-733.667
-79	34255	3425500	02b61a2e-e52f-422f-86d8-c8c3406b0e19	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:16:49	451.153
-79	68510	3425500	9bcd89b8-b530-431c-8163-2ee06c5eac05	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:13:32	-475.712
-80	34256	3425600	822c224e-4743-445c-8b46-5b70859de52c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:26:01	-952.706
-80	68512	3425600	7f261234-ffad-4392-abc4-76fc2ba4edb2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:08:39	-869.234
-81	34257	3425700	9ae03a1f-cfc7-4bc7-9bfe-c3eb5b220a8b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:52:50	-340.256
-81	68514	3425700	5ba42d20-2349-4a25-9837-2bf54f4c2428	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:06:21	65.489
-82	34258	3425800	c51a034e-4de6-40d3-90e0-6cf67273f78e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:42:46	45.547
-82	68516	3425800	08f74613-901c-41e1-adec-3f1ea6b4654f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:51:44	733.203
-83	34259	3425900	6089cae9-2628-466c-860a-f18bc7a7cc18	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:32:46	-323.305
-83	68518	3425900	a2b2ac76-b868-4d64-89b6-10914c567c69	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:22:25	617.148
-84	34260	3426000	f3715d84-278c-4e6d-a245-cf0b30df685d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:30:01	-726.417
-84	68520	3426000	12c4df56-898b-4f82-bb93-2e7a505c3ddd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:06:21	540.283
-85	34261	3426100	6db44371-a662-4077-9b59-88433b7e720a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:07:32	159.738
-85	68522	3426100	d021efb2-869c-4d92-9165-7f60406e0790	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:21:56	30.825
-86	34262	3426200	73bc2203-e12b-42f7-8070-7e55aaeb8abd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:21:01	27.681
-86	68524	3426200	a1733791-29d7-4e80-b149-67611ccd4809	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:50:37	749.203
-87	34263	3426300	3a03b1c5-33b2-41ad-ab87-047ae9dc7f24	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:09:52	-25.720
-87	68526	3426300	44b56c42-c5db-43e3-ba57-521fff88fb8a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:20:37	18.529
-88	34264	3426400	d25983a5-62c6-4384-919a-71dcfe4b04f5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:41:45	447.950
-88	68528	3426400	13430aee-6008-4493-92ea-bb65dd36621c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:27:19	-43.573
-89	34265	3426500	3962b368-c21c-498f-958c-348e5d27619e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:24:19	-892.439
-89	68530	3426500	7f23b530-912d-494b-8896-23e50054bab3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:02:30	-941.124
-90	34266	3426600	88323a01-a33c-49be-a91c-e22c98e78be1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:52:43	629.939
-90	68532	3426600	d1d15f8e-3e26-46a3-ba42-e1e33f1c06b2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:26:05	579.783
-91	34267	3426700	337508f9-9104-4f70-95cb-7d41b5d31fb5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:57:38	-945.921
-91	68534	3426700	a2f045b1-1a1d-434f-a0aa-abe9791ea67e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:40:17	559.122
-92	34268	3426800	c9bd88ff-f7f6-48ad-ae78-e999e45199fc	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:13:31	-429.129
-92	68536	3426800	190072af-07d8-4746-b141-e88e6dcf8265	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:33:50	-84.762
-93	34269	3426900	fff7bff4-2b6e-4e20-8f18-f227fd35a659	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:52:59	-440.920
-93	68538	3426900	9cddb411-eeff-4734-907b-c555cae46fba	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:46:00	517.707
-94	34270	3427000	0484ffc0-43eb-4d01-8103-2ba6caf23f2b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:01:48	546.865
-94	68540	3427000	2418798b-9aaa-4949-8748-84f116fa1364	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:03:11	-83.641
-95	34271	3427100	4baa1d84-0cb4-4148-8ce8-5f6a2e92d57b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:29:49	482.262
-95	68542	3427100	6fab61a7-0cbe-47df-a6a6-1a7681c930a3	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:02:34	-463.214
-96	34272	3427200	0a314b3d-f410-42e2-9b04-97cfc165d8c7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:28:01	615.886
-96	68544	3427200	c7a8797f-4c9b-487f-963f-b495893a1634	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:44:20	-616.2
-97	34273	3427300	6d37e5a0-791e-4052-b92b-62ef5fdf60c5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:33:23	-775.6
-97	68546	3427300	92adf897-ad82-48ba-b5d3-a7da3cb87315	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:07:57	-444.272
-98	34274	3427400	79c17446-2e65-4a33-bc2d-d65003d62df8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:51:52	-332.227
-98	68548	3427400	dc056ce7-6c46-4069-85e6-0b996a5803a6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:41:48	151.752
-99	34275	3427500	7cc51924-d94c-40cd-8ddd-cc4332e386cb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:01:04	-538.460
-99	68550	3427500	b1b0c95e-c710-4856-a672-153f3f726bdc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:25:06	-551.993
-100	34276	3427600	1d4b10b8-b702-4926-bf4c-fc83a853823e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:51:48	164.290
-100	68552	3427600	e201a627-32c6-45ff-8493-c9184adaf06a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:26:43	347.449
-101	34277	3427700	7f9b979c-4fc4-4267-8461-3ede6f5aac7d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:34:19	-916.780
-101	68554	3427700	d041b996-7315-446a-ba7b-0a0fd4430e8b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:34:23	-645.640
-102	34278	3427800	a239e09a-1ffd-4eae-ae9d-a76f591d8f4f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:02:10	766.483
-102	68556	3427800	a6e42e39-c495-41cc-b4e4-1e688a4253b4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:57:14	-909.557
-103	34279	3427900	c0f847b2-57a0-4da7-a080-0c36f4639336	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:25:00	660.178
-103	68558	3427900	74025c71-81a3-4451-97d4-611d469708bb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:38:03	56.350
-104	34280	3428000	89e938d2-fdc8-4b8f-9b84-246329516bc6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:16:43	763.922
-104	68560	3428000	272d9a8a-1a95-4179-a7a3-d59a69cd55cf	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:47:14	34.236
-105	34281	3428100	bc48c3cd-a7b6-4264-9a9e-81215f694979	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:23:55	473.756
-105	68562	3428100	4cfd58ee-53f9-404e-8c56-1582161aec58	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:35:00	-980.968
-106	34282	3428200	7b970da2-95eb-476a-86a4-26678b2ce37b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:03:46	-877.702
-106	68564	3428200	ccd5beb5-b4fd-4657-861c-10e4bc86e824	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:21:38	323.947
-107	34283	3428300	19a4f5d1-aa23-4532-aa91-83c8f5b5a4fd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:11:35	-947.240
-107	68566	3428300	c88891db-ddbb-4bcb-bac2-854bcf27c8a6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:38:18	-583.637
-108	34284	3428400	824cf5ae-cd0a-4c9a-a7b1-0509e473904f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:21:54	593.9
-108	68568	3428400	9045c913-86e9-43fb-a5b5-9fbe3dad1fac	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:27:06	900.91
-109	34285	3428500	7c997a7f-729c-4d4d-86c6-b66295406303	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:16:06	856.896
-109	68570	3428500	52321741-619c-4c47-8831-4580139796db	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:18:22	382.904
-110	34286	3428600	4a7950c0-f28e-4f5d-954e-5593351310fa	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:25:52	-460.870
-110	68572	3428600	f5d33df3-d603-4db1-8610-f355243af892	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:02:36	-296.128
-111	34287	3428700	dd030d6b-beb2-4c4c-88d1-8da35b081117	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:53:29	91.803
-111	68574	3428700	6e261717-d469-4cbc-8298-88e467cfcd3e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:09:21	-586.491
-112	34288	3428800	48245bf0-8e57-43c0-ac1b-b1026631ccb5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:27:23	-712.128
-112	68576	3428800	b7fa8546-6d50-427f-8c60-dc15fe3ef2d6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:21:33	-934.210
-113	34289	3428900	57676b00-0df7-48c3-8398-158e05530085	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:32:38	-48.449
-113	68578	3428900	231af7eb-757e-4842-b0eb-03066670415d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:48:03	234.3
-114	34290	3429000	14d32907-db4f-49f1-82d5-e924926de657	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:17:29	-39.65
-114	68580	3429000	2a2fcdc9-29b3-4899-866d-365052645cbc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:52:26	709.329
-115	34291	3429100	21ac85db-20b9-4fc2-98f1-d5474b48fa60	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:37:13	-63.614
-115	68582	3429100	3b3819cf-cf59-4857-911f-602c0fd58157	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:20:36	-906.171
-116	34292	3429200	5126b894-fa26-47d2-91ba-f2607f81482c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:43:09	561.583
-116	68584	3429200	b1d3e1cb-da5d-44f7-b852-f4f70a8b5619	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:32:09	867.716
-117	34293	3429300	12ca4324-e3fb-4650-9855-0f405b4d7821	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:45:03	-497.864
-117	68586	3429300	0b8eb15d-4fe1-4605-b5f2-a51e9cb69691	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:52:58	368.680
-118	34294	3429400	676e1251-11b3-4feb-a396-4ea1c646c7d4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:17:54	-6.602
-118	68588	3429400	e8413f99-84c6-4deb-a546-255a7c31b6a2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:15:10	691.543
-119	34295	3429500	ef1d7ac9-83e1-46e4-a4c1-9ee758e83f5f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:41:34	-601.562
-119	68590	3429500	a88202d6-ae68-4b2e-a02a-67eafc21263f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:41:58	-880.571
-120	34296	3429600	ab17278a-d8a4-46f6-b275-49fc7591f641	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:08:15	-641.896
-120	68592	3429600	823ab5a4-10be-4e61-bd62-b9730c059a0f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:59:39	-352.657
-121	34297	3429700	e84db1cd-a14b-46cf-9108-41cb2a010925	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:43:15	-779.900
-121	68594	3429700	4e540a60-7e73-4fd8-b734-29575a65c17c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:38:16	373.440
-122	34298	3429800	e9dd8823-d8d3-4dbc-96fe-af3aa1e33126	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:43:09	614.105
-122	68596	3429800	80d260e0-6e1d-4c8f-8e4d-bc0893dcf537	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:17:01	-767.111
-123	34299	3429900	36e99548-564d-428a-a6d6-c2617dae11c1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:28:19	895.228
-123	68598	3429900	ee31c406-1dcc-4ab3-bf29-a78ba32db8a7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:29:00	376.199
-124	34300	3430000	135a8b49-cfb1-47fd-a02c-af294c65980b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:33:25	708.385
-124	68600	3430000	22d67551-82ab-4968-b746-b5786b6b80f0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:55:55	-480.356
-125	34301	3430100	f3f501f2-c08b-47d4-9f8f-75221d1a0b18	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:33:23	727.219
-125	68602	3430100	6629e14c-4489-488d-aaa7-fa30a0b5a6db	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:49:57	-603.116
-126	34302	3430200	a3b576ec-e2e6-4995-8c2d-f3c49b103fda	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:02:46	808.921
-126	68604	3430200	90e2a666-45db-4356-aa84-da1e22f1c25e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:01:58	-952.662
-127	34303	3430300	ffcbd8ee-5ed7-46e1-86e9-7ed694114f4b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:49:46	-515.884
-127	68606	3430300	0e74e277-d96a-4c10-a9bc-6286669c9c10	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:25:54	-398.880
-0	34304	3430400	74b06c3f-3886-4df4-9bd1-e2611ce68226	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:36:56	-40.819
-0	68608	3430400	ee460e94-5f49-4827-b940-1c21b33b92e3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:29:34	-920.78
-1	34305	3430500	6149ed5b-5f44-4bd3-84b0-e743de1d45a9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:59:32	778.47
-1	68610	3430500	7da51e61-fc75-4eef-834b-0e6c021ee200	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:33:32	-436.942
-2	34306	3430600	6a0b5f8b-e22f-4763-a197-37d8a9ffa160	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:15:59	388.104
-2	68612	3430600	b0fb4325-1108-4c7c-8ea9-0b7d565aa56f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:37:51	-907.137
-3	34307	3430700	ebaa9606-e82a-4976-ba79-b224abcb4650	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:56:39	262.901
-3	68614	3430700	137e9591-6443-4de4-ab85-e697b68b7e17	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:08:44	-864.917
-4	34308	3430800	222d4081-c4a1-4458-9adf-3ca82b83e3c7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:14:43	500.354
-4	68616	3430800	53e4003d-4cbe-4d11-a4b0-4305b32118ff	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:28:33	-300.703
-5	34309	3430900	635f4afb-debe-4e54-9673-bb6ec1cd158c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:40:55	-933.872
-5	68618	3430900	60b73377-4580-4a29-85f9-a6155298ad92	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:13:31	-187.171
-6	34310	3431000	00206d48-5896-4c26-a5d7-bae085a1892e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:33:23	-837.225
-6	68620	3431000	36ed0999-5300-4244-8393-298207121a90	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:09:55	-269.259
-7	34311	3431100	adf01504-c0b3-4b44-b6e7-8e88b1903e41	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:49:16	-79.485
-7	68622	3431100	6f292246-e254-45e5-9fe4-4190806c318c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:00:44	351.658
-8	34312	3431200	207eb26f-cc21-4581-a96b-57b73f917443	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:11:34	-233.255
-8	68624	3431200	41b35f0c-28da-4767-b841-a7d50e1bc5b9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:28:20	274.573
-9	34313	3431300	231fe1ee-8516-411c-aa83-4e1b5d6c9a5a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:29:56	-153.744
-9	68626	3431300	db961e0c-a035-4b21-95d5-355b834a43f4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:47:54	644.127
-10	34314	3431400	a2b50c40-8d03-4861-8436-932c28012f99	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:52:42	101.483
-10	68628	3431400	c39b3763-37cb-4837-9aa2-44c1347acaf1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:01:12	696.818
-11	34315	3431500	7f29c7b8-e9cc-4628-a47e-4beec99f932c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:48:44	272.981
-11	68630	3431500	49a9303f-b733-453d-94ea-3bbe20d2dc4e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:27:37	-191.196
-12	34316	3431600	95bf4b9e-a15a-44be-ae7c-a58ca1802eeb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:20:12	831.264
-12	68632	3431600	b46f91c6-0eeb-422b-becd-b70fb203e30d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:16:29	-110.697
-13	34317	3431700	21750229-ef1f-47f4-b65b-4b9080e18396	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:39:41	109.501
-13	68634	3431700	38d6f541-5060-4013-b708-9507c92a74e3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:27:30	295.306
-14	34318	3431800	cb3b2e55-ba89-465e-86f2-ccc73290b077	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:16:43	589.213
-14	68636	3431800	49814c48-336e-4f29-92aa-e2311381624c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:32:03	-177.280
-15	34319	3431900	216e13e2-56e0-41d9-8b3f-6c70a1bde783	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:46:53	-101.608
-15	68638	3431900	9f3998b9-c58a-42fc-8dcc-4c58adb34c23	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:05:04	-76.547
-16	34320	3432000	31446e4d-75ea-4b80-b459-313946343a8e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:14:43	-186.645
-16	68640	3432000	624ba2eb-b740-4b3b-b387-29cd62b85a0e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:43:25	917.524
-17	34321	3432100	e3320666-eb7a-44fb-9ecd-0e9559f17c5a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:54:38	-884.633
-17	68642	3432100	f9932524-fdce-4b11-a911-87bdf6cb5af2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:51:59	-786.272
-18	34322	3432200	8f685522-e16a-4731-86ac-4ff13ecfa485	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:44:30	-262.380
-18	68644	3432200	2c45d0c5-c4a9-4888-aba6-15cd31ed44ba	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:37:27	-726.399
-19	34323	3432300	92baf929-9fff-4ac9-a6e7-947daa4fd8bf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:34:38	772.626
-19	68646	3432300	3cb526e1-b434-4f84-bee1-41e7b29da52a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:18:02	-993.333
-20	34324	3432400	ef446bb3-0502-4fce-9b50-94f866f31adb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:24:01	-604.890
-20	68648	3432400	67b24e8d-5168-4d6f-9aa0-14c08cf6d79b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:33:47	798.338
-21	34325	3432500	cfa6ac8d-1eab-4965-b582-ad6e436854b5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:27:28	-51.439
-21	68650	3432500	d76d7c0b-03b7-4879-84e2-efcad79dde24	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:46:58	-35.272
-22	34326	3432600	25ce799e-5f34-474e-b43d-fbac6967e2c7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:31:33	599.950
-22	68652	3432600	f4b39d02-4325-4a98-adbf-ca93f6dc224c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:19:54	885.776
-23	34327	3432700	061a0237-9a37-4d82-81f2-93f58d409394	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:13:17	586.283
-23	68654	3432700	5101c43e-7923-4ef2-9a21-6f82da5f7f24	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:04:59	678.493
-24	34328	3432800	4ba5f4ce-7727-4ab5-b520-963079d6db64	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:21:36	942.884
-24	68656	3432800	96127648-c03b-45c0-8df5-bdbc733d0b2e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:27:59	-473.741
-25	34329	3432900	9a89265f-e4b0-4700-9cd9-1b7a75b4beae	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:53:45	-377.394
-25	68658	3432900	4d1b6546-352c-43cd-99cd-12db30eccbe6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:58:18	404.475
-26	34330	3433000	5b2b79aa-8f81-4532-b756-1ceed5b95ef7	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:12:07	951.209
-26	68660	3433000	f708a306-4263-47af-b7ed-5ad4a9352b1b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:54:35	-582.958
-27	34331	3433100	0a91ba5b-9fb4-4e64-86a9-663fcc8c202d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:56:22	268.399
-27	68662	3433100	c2a65b32-b6ec-41c0-9aca-ca030011afea	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:34:36	-965.278
-28	34332	3433200	8a96243a-afa5-43d1-af94-2a66c44d3139	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:48:01	122.588
-28	68664	3433200	0bd59374-ac96-4d11-b9aa-fb69ff93bdf6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:11:10	165.495
-29	34333	3433300	e5763b12-8aec-462e-a555-254c9e33615b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:54:57	282.934
-29	68666	3433300	d0a98a84-d66f-47d3-a2bd-fc0293a8f1a2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:15:34	440.437
-30	34334	3433400	748b99b2-1a11-49ea-a800-56ad40a909a8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:42:07	-699.444
-30	68668	3433400	955d90d6-9f57-452a-bc3b-e098c66c5c04	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:43:39	-247.586
-31	34335	3433500	aef914a9-a918-4cf1-8277-2dfdee522d9d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:24:25	-737.889
-31	68670	3433500	d876ab1d-2c02-4771-996e-31206bbffa0f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:12:29	-572.808
-32	34336	3433600	03224f3c-880a-4616-9ff6-d0c82812f798	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:38:50	-69.125
-32	68672	3433600	5057e9f3-258e-423f-a627-08c10a3b0ea1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:10:41	-17.995
-33	34337	3433700	dfbbf809-142f-4bee-876d-10494e987d72	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:36:52	736.256
-33	68674	3433700	83491b39-2e3d-4e0c-a515-99fc450d98b6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:58:49	130.710
-34	34338	3433800	cbec9eb9-14b3-4fd6-859e-51c6e119c79d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:19:32	-975.647
-34	68676	3433800	46102223-26b2-44b9-9617-c2640432cd27	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:45:57	495.441
-35	34339	3433900	a8b59c9d-56e2-4e78-959a-af4eb9ffe02a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:06:26	-930.912
-35	68678	3433900	9b19564c-f955-4b2b-96ae-8d9b4aa9032c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:22:36	922.970
-36	34340	3434000	d417d8a9-f918-40b2-920f-0176a7b661d9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:09:06	-385.86
-36	68680	3434000	f23cd8d9-ba65-44f3-8ead-f2f3c016960a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:48:03	-164.516
-37	34341	3434100	d250f575-0576-4da7-b375-46cdda10700c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:29:55	429.972
-37	68682	3434100	05749495-9c7c-449b-96d4-1ebe22917e99	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:40:45	-108.860
-38	34342	3434200	921b26ff-391d-495d-a194-4a9c717f94cf	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:11:22	-7.53
-38	68684	3434200	775dc2e8-3399-4e31-9c9b-5e959b3751d4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:27:47	-980.927
-39	34343	3434300	0cf2002a-3130-49e0-a317-1d7508121d33	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:23:41	-177.993
-39	68686	3434300	0c662d60-c2aa-49fa-bf67-2450e50961a6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:35:04	838.164
-40	34344	3434400	b3dcac8f-c94b-4244-91d1-af87418b8b5f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:39:39	686.364
-40	68688	3434400	96e3500a-10a8-4758-8a61-b99011d8318e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:20:26	-92.999
-41	34345	3434500	5aee9e5b-fb23-4111-8ce2-1e827b7976d1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:17:59	120.968
-41	68690	3434500	6099d4ad-d040-40ef-876f-a921428cfb72	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:41:27	221.722
-42	34346	3434600	f96a865c-c7f1-41e2-8934-13f913b3e3ed	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:27:21	-362.510
-42	68692	3434600	57629142-af7f-49e8-afab-3cf87193dd4d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:26:13	44.920
-43	34347	3434700	14ba7593-299f-4c45-8298-fca36074b0c4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:16:33	933.809
-43	68694	3434700	4ad6269c-2481-4fcd-9e03-315aacf17b68	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:23:41	-288.778
-44	34348	3434800	3a296aba-e22b-4d67-a1f0-5d1b4688daa5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:06:59	546.214
-44	68696	3434800	5ab32a6b-e13e-41a2-870c-3e8aa1ca2146	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:27:41	839.20
-45	34349	3434900	8049ba28-8f03-4445-af8d-9e69ec91a8e6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:06:57	569.981
-45	68698	3434900	601943f5-8e73-48ad-9b75-3968ff50ab46	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:47:56	513.105
-46	34350	3435000	02e962ec-88b7-44ae-af2d-ee5e4bc16313	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:34:02	101.299
-46	68700	3435000	71d4fbaa-5bb6-4ba7-82e1-322f40e379b9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:50:46	-632.688
-47	34351	3435100	fa5f4776-490b-4cdf-bd75-2aca9bd66a3d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:56:52	755.255
-47	68702	3435100	98bc440c-a653-48fb-b6fa-8a8fc4fd3a7f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:45:17	-674.86
-48	34352	3435200	e57299a5-8a59-4406-bebe-aeb6b92a5ca1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:42:49	-111.865
-48	68704	3435200	87c6772c-d8c6-4917-ade9-594e26b06545	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:56:06	-817.980
-49	34353	3435300	fec85056-30c7-4a9e-9eaa-3e07ae637ad6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:52:43	-855.290
-49	68706	3435300	64266dc5-6260-4814-8c31-7a33bc98fe26	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:51:12	-214.692
-50	34354	3435400	5fca5371-0f9c-4ed5-8b86-99a70d5c895d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:07:13	-568.650
-50	68708	3435400	3c6755e9-9a88-483c-8f0a-e7a35ef20cda	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:24:35	-46.582
-51	34355	3435500	df87f2b4-e365-44d5-b7c8-66414a0d3446	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:12:45	858.710
-51	68710	3435500	83b47bab-18a0-4149-b5c2-8d9d54a5fbe1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:30:18	-153.576
-52	34356	3435600	7135970f-e9dc-4cff-a616-1c08dad7474a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:48:02	816.541
-52	68712	3435600	a02bff59-5762-4305-afd0-ca8ebb924abd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:13:46	398.536
-53	34357	3435700	f09ca05e-7ccd-4030-9394-17e1b98518b6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:06:23	-642.611
-53	68714	3435700	356e48e3-838a-47c9-8142-af754a00e9af	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:32:35	-249.909
-54	34358	3435800	599b66b7-60ff-446b-bfe1-bbbc5d9946bc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:03:13	423.267
-54	68716	3435800	e9038073-aa68-414d-b018-079613dc8aa9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:24:34	639.24
-55	34359	3435900	8bb92c9e-ecee-4777-a4e6-2b7c7ec40dd9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:21:06	-549.474
-55	68718	3435900	c27405c6-681d-4e3a-83ca-32350a321847	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:20:45	-10.270
-56	34360	3436000	74f10d87-bc7a-45e3-86da-165c7f89eb5f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:39:29	602.460
-56	68720	3436000	b8aa3192-5c1e-4be4-9018-dc60ea8834bb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:20:05	503.418
-57	34361	3436100	eac5f7dd-2572-4e80-b2bd-30f77c3129fd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:00:15	-665.542
-57	68722	3436100	6d3d9ebd-59e8-4f37-be6d-794c5a14e60f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:49:16	-888.851
-58	34362	3436200	43e0b950-70bf-4774-95cb-80f06e4b201e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:54:33	-703.187
-58	68724	3436200	ef823689-1c83-4099-b0d9-b5bebc5bd058	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:54:34	348.885
-59	34363	3436300	5089c56e-c97c-4dac-9061-6a2c159ced9d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:11:27	203.640
-59	68726	3436300	774ba9e3-3abf-4345-9c9e-7ce71f04d477	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:44:39	458.867
-60	34364	3436400	1234c7c2-b278-4805-997d-f63c5b2e6d49	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:00:56	-785.734
-60	68728	3436400	8acccead-1305-4a8a-b752-c74076a6b2c3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:06:10	-622.993
-61	34365	3436500	ebd4cbdf-3601-4de3-8939-c913db42808d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:26:50	327.381
-61	68730	3436500	10b1198d-6a65-4444-8a0e-9bcdba420fb6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:06:25	-842.375
-62	34366	3436600	8e1f3c87-97ce-446b-a2cb-9afa29ef303b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:18:57	234.88
-62	68732	3436600	7acd04ea-6170-4aac-ae67-144c414007d3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:31:12	-883.418
-63	34367	3436700	dd511b3d-d331-486e-91b0-5a7855126f07	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:48:48	-994.983
-63	68734	3436700	7f0a0314-f083-4bba-84a5-eb18e666f2a3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:37:18	-440.472
-64	34368	3436800	2f5cb4f5-8aa8-4a2e-9794-759b3b3a68b7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:53:43	-232.21
-64	68736	3436800	fcaaa2aa-d62f-4cd5-aa9d-354edea7e85f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:26:38	-467.567
-65	34369	3436900	14aeb49a-c8d7-4bd0-a463-dfc03bd308dc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:43:03	-440.80
-65	68738	3436900	5d640ca6-4989-4d1e-9ed4-9a6ea827e62e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:11:35	375.904
-66	34370	3437000	eadc20f7-ee1d-4624-9a78-aca114ae2137	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:25:52	-595.882
-66	68740	3437000	31723fd5-3c7c-4ef0-9769-9d5256636c22	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:37:07	-352.517
-67	34371	3437100	013527fd-85a2-425b-bb5c-2a038ce7dbe1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:17:44	788.220
-67	68742	3437100	c239b1cf-e8c9-4308-b3ae-3494819e0d71	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:49:23	264.424
-68	34372	3437200	8a96c0ad-a3e6-496b-a733-e9741527a168	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:22:45	141.258
-68	68744	3437200	bd7644b0-43b2-41da-87ba-2188257436c4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:55:40	685.620
-69	34373	3437300	d2bc35c8-5ebe-4d0a-8a4a-595a01810bb2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:45:35	-768.909
-69	68746	3437300	d21989b4-3973-406f-80d5-babd9d19bde4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:29:41	267.612
-70	34374	3437400	82fa133d-dd99-4f78-bb65-37b808eb73fa	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:11:16	93.926
-70	68748	3437400	a87da872-c3a9-4b0c-84e3-540abbcfefcf	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:59:50	108.489
-71	34375	3437500	d1b531ec-dff9-4e81-b45e-1b8f4d92ee83	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:35:44	-947.426
-71	68750	3437500	9a84f006-c358-4001-a1e0-56a498a863df	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:50:31	81.170
-72	34376	3437600	62c7c3e5-c086-44fa-af3b-128afafb8d86	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:50:47	-933.153
-72	68752	3437600	6581bbff-7f41-4b51-b7d2-7853b094f69a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:27:35	209.915
-73	34377	3437700	4a1405f8-e6e4-47e9-ad08-1aca662edcc7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:05:13	482.579
-73	68754	3437700	cda5616c-6bee-4f34-8bc0-1a51ae3428e9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:06:07	628.771
-74	34378	3437800	71b9833b-409c-41cd-84f8-5494d76399ae	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:11:27	-430.274
-74	68756	3437800	8f308086-9091-4022-ab96-0e358159f19d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:06:38	353.671
-75	34379	3437900	307028c8-6b50-44bc-a749-6623b45ddced	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:44:01	338.648
-75	68758	3437900	fd07fb39-cd48-4a9f-a99e-b8347b021311	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:00:05	718.752
-76	34380	3438000	d8bb8787-aeed-4eab-8fa8-143534197e9f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:28:16	-574.523
-76	68760	3438000	5db3507d-bb6e-404a-af2d-7ffd2d7985e5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:47:42	181.713
-77	34381	3438100	5ca7cf10-c8ba-469e-a7a9-24273a7a79af	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:53:54	606.599
-77	68762	3438100	980290e2-1264-48fc-9936-bcad47b89629	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:32:16	624.855
-78	34382	3438200	b7755fec-0180-45cf-8803-8d623b77c8fc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:38:23	634.178
-78	68764	3438200	a3d8c5cf-7058-4203-bd64-06b21bd7027b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:16:32	-308.928
-79	34383	3438300	e885b288-fa36-44bf-8bef-1e7f4cd01ac3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:39:45	-183.249
-79	68766	3438300	907dd8f7-dd19-4895-93c0-22b0df00e51b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:59:03	210.488
-80	34384	3438400	3dfe321d-f52e-4c01-9c6d-c6ee498980a5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:23:31	254.179
-80	68768	3438400	c892ae0b-a1f1-41c2-a789-09ac4dc0adc7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:30:13	-660.117
-81	34385	3438500	41a99c42-15f4-4330-bcd8-f7a311bdec9b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:46:42	-650.598
-81	68770	3438500	0300fbd7-018e-44ee-80e4-697f4ca63633	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:51:50	954.739
-82	34386	3438600	b9e44d53-db80-41d5-8a88-b98442b9e87d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:20:27	-129.227
-82	68772	3438600	6104aa03-36ca-4357-a323-3e63d6598e29	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:41:50	-977.44
-83	34387	3438700	24708459-950d-4fd6-9d4c-ba5aa3d1ad6e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:14:32	791.872
-83	68774	3438700	2d3c0091-f111-4888-b07b-c1d3f7c0e8ee	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:15:03	509.156
-84	34388	3438800	179f2406-5c40-4bb2-aab6-4a3ef7ca51d7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:03:22	-234.94
-84	68776	3438800	9c687127-2d01-4b65-9147-3e68fc6aa09a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:14:50	937.976
-85	34389	3438900	35ca1122-64b7-4c5f-b012-342fa19b78eb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:43:56	-707.357
-85	68778	3438900	cd644a4d-126d-4543-b8c0-4d187bbc1f5e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:17:07	603.636
-86	34390	3439000	64fbc62b-2336-44de-8923-ad111d007a0c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:41:15	564.864
-86	68780	3439000	298b8ea2-7e79-496e-9844-eeeb3604654e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:07:19	620.429
-87	34391	3439100	5c85cb5d-220c-4ac1-99db-a6d6bd780eba	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:23:42	587.526
-87	68782	3439100	a4b0d492-7faa-43c3-bfc7-69b4702975d4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:04:38	-518.871
-88	34392	3439200	ebf6eba0-e5e9-4468-909d-1556ec53485a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:21:38	-965.181
-88	68784	3439200	54097452-09c9-40bc-aff9-8b5611a5d31a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:51:23	993.780
-89	34393	3439300	90774e0b-d730-4e08-b470-fc8332075734	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:55:17	620.993
-89	68786	3439300	1327b635-2ee2-47c1-9faa-8d98e45172d8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:27:29	212.857
-90	34394	3439400	326cc300-1d27-469c-956a-92bbd42fe289	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:16:03	808.508
-90	68788	3439400	9667712a-eef1-42de-9b37-a55751f4bbf6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:40:36	-137.748
-91	34395	3439500	46d49173-db9c-4717-a8ea-d01a3449118d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:57:20	111.296
-91	68790	3439500	5201ec0b-43c7-475d-9b85-e3886955bba2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:20:31	369.264
-92	34396	3439600	fd564285-9c41-4ac7-bd4a-565f622535de	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:33:03	-239.528
-92	68792	3439600	b9b5a28e-6302-4f59-a91b-d6b7268eaab5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:29:21	-623.580
-93	34397	3439700	fe99b093-d2ab-4b35-b439-219eab5791ca	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:32:32	367.4
-93	68794	3439700	58780b17-92fd-4fc0-b099-3b22c4467037	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:36:55	-981.928
-94	34398	3439800	a354069b-6ae7-442e-a0c8-aed173071993	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:29:05	200.105
-94	68796	3439800	f85ea3ac-2c16-4aaa-87e8-e77c3b80ac81	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:01:09	-648.565
-95	34399	3439900	5229d948-720d-4471-a604-14c465598e0d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:52:23	-963.568
-95	68798	3439900	cdea6672-dc18-4773-9c1c-677579b3b7af	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:55:31	-686.496
-96	34400	3440000	1d6e048b-3a51-4fa6-9637-1d6ecc5cab09	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:02:43	-760.604
-96	68800	3440000	704befa2-5ac7-4094-a1d8-69aabc8911c3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:23:02	-653.856
-97	34401	3440100	ba4230e7-f63c-4eca-9ba0-add3873e78eb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:40:38	373.785
-97	68802	3440100	c24f0c7d-2247-4549-b260-2eb3b8f6e857	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:37:04	302.735
-98	34402	3440200	0199f385-a7f2-483c-a741-87e718bf8b50	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:32:33	484.445
-98	68804	3440200	7c6b902b-8809-4e25-90e2-556ab5c04ad7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:08:11	892.719
-99	34403	3440300	745fd476-7a53-4605-b41c-c05d07835e66	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:02:41	846.587
-99	68806	3440300	e7596dba-3868-4efe-acc9-f8ed574534fc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:34:28	571.604
-100	34404	3440400	8a1e018b-f20c-48fb-908b-6c27a4adf4dc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:55:39	-332.892
-100	68808	3440400	e8cd3e3d-f5bc-491c-b40b-eef9b7a6dbd3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:37:22	305.18
-101	34405	3440500	24ca7122-3525-4f68-a84c-1525478a4b8d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:42:55	123.338
-101	68810	3440500	7cd291cd-b4f1-40b9-a699-363061c0ce93	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:57:48	774.494
-102	34406	3440600	f18dda51-f336-4885-a0be-f4ecaedb4d27	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:18:19	459.49
-102	68812	3440600	c4fef087-2efd-4043-ac0f-bbe91e597504	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:09:32	-477.882
-103	34407	3440700	aff740c5-2b0d-4a07-b08b-0e1ef71eb55a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:27:41	831.226
-103	68814	3440700	03ea4fc7-443c-4211-8dec-13d7a8373bfa	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:08:42	-638.124
-104	34408	3440800	98b58126-bb4e-471b-8dec-5c0344cff0ef	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:59:20	-289.660
-104	68816	3440800	c6d58899-1b86-4e79-a685-9f23f95820c0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:40:32	402.583
-105	34409	3440900	27b3f37b-3827-47c7-912b-e41c2ddc27dc	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:26:38	607.916
-105	68818	3440900	ffce36c6-c8c4-4339-a248-5bc79a567123	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:01:54	-141.121
-106	34410	3441000	85d583d1-7ef6-46a2-93f0-181102f842c1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:25:43	-285.481
-106	68820	3441000	67f8e008-31be-4089-a294-f9d499a881ed	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:48:24	805.753
-107	34411	3441100	28991262-7550-40bf-9e4e-bcaf74f198ca	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:02:08	-540.651
-107	68822	3441100	391bf939-29ba-4884-a1bc-76a2eaa877a3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:46:29	850.761
-108	34412	3441200	b9399ce6-d8f6-4497-9d43-b3b3e1e07883	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:01:08	306.76
-108	68824	3441200	5f017f5f-649b-44ad-84d8-2a8347059a1a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:43:30	792.125
-109	34413	3441300	55fef119-74b0-41ae-9082-9fce729d0762	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:41:59	645.719
-109	68826	3441300	469c8a0d-c0d7-4907-b3f8-e32a501c4eb6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:19:21	670.347
-110	34414	3441400	bf0cfdf6-5e46-45e4-ad41-e5518d2dfba9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:43:24	682.788
-110	68828	3441400	e0a5955f-752b-4e16-a736-4fd2e1446f8e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:26:36	-661.297
-111	34415	3441500	30c60e3b-a801-4fcc-9e82-5ad5f9e65b63	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:54:34	463.730
-111	68830	3441500	3102507c-07d1-4ccc-a8f8-9cacf8b136f1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:05:54	35.646
-112	34416	3441600	ea749703-f2be-4a24-b52a-7f78e8d003be	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:42:40	610.629
-112	68832	3441600	df3670e3-02ff-4abb-a1ec-d2bdcd742b07	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:41:03	-99.322
-113	34417	3441700	9cc9b4d0-c062-4048-8424-0081d7e708a0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:33:49	522.49
-113	68834	3441700	625cc1cf-7850-4a76-9192-27c343f910fe	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:39:24	-224.895
-114	34418	3441800	15946880-a4f9-46a4-8135-187e2e98e4e8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:38:54	349.245
-114	68836	3441800	92c37f72-d04f-4972-8d53-11c8b366b652	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:57:18	651.885
-115	34419	3441900	66a10baf-56c8-44f3-b813-165129b17d30	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:08:58	439.88
-115	68838	3441900	b10d37b2-5f7a-40ad-a5ad-2848506143a2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:00:22	-17.567
-116	34420	3442000	b24ecb5a-8c98-4ab7-b94e-bbd987f86188	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:44:28	656.747
-116	68840	3442000	793df169-829b-43cc-8c52-2b31fef94614	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:05:22	253.731
-117	34421	3442100	7d6bd37f-fc2f-49af-b2b0-04e2acfcd8c2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:23:42	-45.159
-117	68842	3442100	97618188-2fc2-4c41-a5f4-dfd514c15d00	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:55:19	-89.388
-118	34422	3442200	62b1ca20-fa53-49cf-8c91-84f361bca2ae	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:43:55	42.458
-118	68844	3442200	d2ec7152-370c-4270-a32d-a9f155f0e93d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:29:25	384.609
-119	34423	3442300	4a83e230-238d-4482-a687-8ff3ebc22054	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:35:58	673.865
-119	68846	3442300	07d2e66f-1f79-4162-ba5c-26d193c090a5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:56:17	-495.429
-120	34424	3442400	ce6027b2-c1ec-4def-a87c-21ffff8b0d51	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:22:04	-680.839
-120	68848	3442400	f8f20ee3-3848-4c19-a897-f42f6e80c33d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:54:02	784.887
-121	34425	3442500	204d678a-b6dc-422e-8677-ae09f048bc20	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:19:09	386.153
-121	68850	3442500	82d7c213-e63f-4980-ab62-bc929678a355	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:02:32	160.631
-122	34426	3442600	c7a4ad3c-67fe-476d-8596-28c99f2a8822	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:35:41	618.28
-122	68852	3442600	5294a85b-b6e9-4752-8b2e-0c5e63711e9e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:40:57	-719.889
-123	34427	3442700	31f23128-aff3-47f1-9911-12448e6c2841	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:16:18	613.477
-123	68854	3442700	b02b0ba2-b1ca-4edd-a3b9-309c63907652	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:25:41	564.246
-124	34428	3442800	0a7af01e-d9b1-405d-90ea-c8960fc7c52b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:58:51	-706.503
-124	68856	3442800	ec19931e-a4fd-4b3e-b659-4b03accc699b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:17:52	-673.121
-125	34429	3442900	a2292b47-bca5-401d-8305-cf49c21eb9d8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:21:09	-756.41
-125	68858	3442900	2b7f5a50-8144-4715-bfa3-40e5d25d7e42	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:43:20	-419.280
-126	34430	3443000	0a6ab51b-7ade-4cc7-83b7-e048c069e7a5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:59:08	427.403
-126	68860	3443000	5bd56c1a-8b0a-4e20-968f-400aa0e0bb82	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:43:48	56.160
-127	34431	3443100	c25de2b6-4cd0-4fe5-816b-7ea32a941cef	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:27:03	-491.115
-127	68862	3443100	17f5bc07-9121-4fa4-9d68-602ffeb5ffb6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:57:45	164.57
-0	34432	3443200	a8ea2c24-ed3c-4f79-bf53-7b435bf3741d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:02:41	785.928
-0	68864	3443200	520f75dd-d0f8-493b-a7db-ae1f6434daae	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:01:14	44.830
-1	34433	3443300	99bed1e9-e9e1-4834-be0b-cc4104e81317	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:27:13	182.513
-1	68866	3443300	88e27c16-6ab2-4595-8193-c2051a30d1ea	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:14:37	-544.795
-2	34434	3443400	369b5987-0999-425d-b7e0-41c9295113b3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:30:29	992.178
-2	68868	3443400	53428e25-0ca4-47a1-a16a-e60ba37dffeb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:25:57	43.489
-3	34435	3443500	7ed96d28-a5d3-4e8b-867b-cd4d572b3df7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:40:55	-964.752
-3	68870	3443500	ee250f8e-669c-4bcb-84e2-be5cfff03e53	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:00:57	-285.980
-4	34436	3443600	3f2f1a59-3e75-431c-a06a-e76805dfecff	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:52:05	120.637
-4	68872	3443600	f2eb5418-db14-4595-9c78-846eb58628b5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:58:02	-341.764
-5	34437	3443700	e164348d-e426-49f6-813c-66991665285e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:04:18	-917.23
-5	68874	3443700	d7202cf7-5f92-49bd-b6f2-1245de1c9580	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:35:44	-655.649
-6	34438	3443800	cfc48ef3-e5b0-4c02-a321-e296af4898b8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:42:06	718.383
-6	68876	3443800	e90fd68a-cef1-4ccc-aba1-70d1474e14c1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:51:39	733.789
-7	34439	3443900	030eb6ba-a53d-42d2-9fb0-1c13bb34c0ef	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:00:11	-238.86
-7	68878	3443900	c94d699b-4cbe-4a41-9186-bf86b21a67b9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:26:20	320.860
-8	34440	3444000	b1eef22c-848d-4c3a-8f81-1538b391f342	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:43:32	548.923
-8	68880	3444000	bf2c2d00-e199-41d8-b79e-8f307fb7f765	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:19:37	-985.514
-9	34441	3444100	b6051bba-3879-423f-8206-1126b83a25c3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:22:31	559.60
-9	68882	3444100	bdf95d51-b0ae-4717-bfff-7e33137c7ea7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:59:14	-898.349
-10	34442	3444200	38aa4bbc-a6ff-4985-b9b4-2ac94cc66e69	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:03:36	35.467
-10	68884	3444200	d818d909-86f2-40b3-9512-1068b4b0c634	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:47:15	380.19
-11	34443	3444300	901b1f3a-2782-4942-a1f0-32acd7b77ec1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:47:14	-238.394
-11	68886	3444300	9dfc9913-8d3a-4840-bf9d-52585e027824	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:38:45	-958.650
-12	34444	3444400	9ac2688f-4488-40b2-8bf2-15513b69f7b3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:27:32	348.611
-12	68888	3444400	c118dc25-26e8-4b22-9ae7-f99a57743faa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:58:14	216.110
-13	34445	3444500	f1336e1b-7827-4632-a5e6-feebb081c5cd	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:12:44	-708.78
-13	68890	3444500	9d6bca23-8bbf-4185-aa14-e8127c313758	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:25:36	-76.409
-14	34446	3444600	fd94be3d-dfe2-4d3a-8583-e85d32ecd600	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:25:13	-853.853
-14	68892	3444600	748b5742-b2b2-4dfb-8b01-d4b5e49d1d5f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:10:56	860.241
-15	34447	3444700	4b7a6038-99f1-482b-b0ce-61c313f110b1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:04:23	-885.861
-15	68894	3444700	465b0c4d-e79c-4e7d-b886-8db979498a82	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:58:29	-593.831
-16	34448	3444800	8b184ee5-7cad-48b2-a57f-316f84e0908f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:07:01	-684.331
-16	68896	3444800	00327f75-c57f-4d3b-8610-b3c24873ee56	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:42:31	-274.388
-17	34449	3444900	9a8435bb-611c-46c7-a1cc-4329d355873e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:59:46	-506.59
-17	68898	3444900	798025af-77f7-4ffa-bc88-dd70a9c4ca79	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:43:43	930.637
-18	34450	3445000	9293ce4b-4379-487a-bf78-d9a375ed3bf4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:15:19	-140.794
-18	68900	3445000	6bf26d15-fce6-4707-a6e8-4f362ccc2d54	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:16:33	-604.536
-19	34451	3445100	b346b07e-ef24-40ce-a82a-e2c26931dd02	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:00:29	177.528
-19	68902	3445100	8a23ff28-5b3b-4377-83db-36015847a9f2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:35:35	707.226
-20	34452	3445200	5dad54c5-d5d0-4d35-a78b-202e434c5312	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:15:20	-14.245
-20	68904	3445200	430d45ad-2fe5-4e64-be4c-fbc5ace6b7be	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:25:44	72.45
-21	34453	3445300	6d9fba2e-31b7-41ee-b91c-3f6f70e7d5a5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:26:12	804.912
-21	68906	3445300	f1bbf315-20c2-4854-b5cb-c13dd00fe3d7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:49:12	-65.558
-22	34454	3445400	93baa97d-4490-4f51-858f-6dbbfed8626d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:33:28	-69.398
-22	68908	3445400	f8e8cb63-cef7-4ded-9367-13440030ccb5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:04:48	-977.744
-23	34455	3445500	5a3d0423-0ce1-415d-a38d-6ceeeebddec5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:10:16	645.275
-23	68910	3445500	e42e4774-3112-4bef-8ee0-d7f5ca91afa2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:42:24	-862.716
-24	34456	3445600	0eef235c-63c0-45e4-8644-cd977c2e3946	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:01:35	467.389
-24	68912	3445600	7cdda25e-7e29-4601-9f95-088a583b8492	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:30:34	-769.532
-25	34457	3445700	73a54331-709f-47d1-8388-ca6a9632149d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:31:19	85.135
-25	68914	3445700	51f554b8-2712-42f6-8e3c-470649ef30f5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:13:35	-864.831
-26	34458	3445800	83c76e89-8063-4c08-8c97-713509a146e0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:24:15	-705.515
-26	68916	3445800	be017f83-df06-47e3-91b6-698f1bb474e2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:55:26	930.837
-27	34459	3445900	d5663c0d-3041-4de8-936e-10897f9c33bd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:41:50	799.751
-27	68918	3445900	c05e0839-c371-4cd5-a243-4cc8b7a4d57f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:42:29	-467.476
-28	34460	3446000	5be971fd-4364-4cb3-9dda-ab60a7bd45a9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:07:01	-941.588
-28	68920	3446000	d1f5b02e-ebc6-4b83-8bdc-2f96206c4274	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:41:25	-714.81
-29	34461	3446100	68e20a39-e6f2-4a8a-8be4-499f39eb15b2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:11:57	-947.757
-29	68922	3446100	6411e5c0-9c4c-4162-a035-111002ad9713	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:39:26	-786.647
-30	34462	3446200	7290de72-70e9-4f3e-b7cc-6479bc2f908c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:17:56	-905.66
-30	68924	3446200	98ec5b73-bd10-4ba5-b733-fb969d941bb8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:51:42	-366.734
-31	34463	3446300	981ecdb9-9e34-4f69-a521-b2dc2a4d8aaf	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:21:37	392.179
-31	68926	3446300	b8cbd100-d4bc-4fd3-b462-7d37bcae6e06	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:09:30	634.692
-32	34464	3446400	84c72979-a007-4132-8078-3745eddd270f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:43:54	559.919
-32	68928	3446400	cac86cc2-0b31-4396-bfdb-9709978c1a35	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:40:19	-839.440
-33	34465	3446500	9e80f2f4-e04c-442e-9c70-52c4b2a8d374	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:56:26	672.322
-33	68930	3446500	3f65d6e3-c29f-4b62-a484-20739b4f1cc8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:10:22	-458.572
-34	34466	3446600	31ca37fc-7917-4fd1-b419-b10ea24c60e6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:10:54	452.854
-34	68932	3446600	77f3783e-0415-4b79-8e7d-b587710c862e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:00:30	200.11
-35	34467	3446700	2d3934ed-6e31-47b5-9df3-0087f7209034	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:12:54	-651.927
-35	68934	3446700	585b9607-31fd-4f46-acd5-574f59e8ba9f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:11:04	-788.157
-36	34468	3446800	e5e241c7-f361-4212-bfbd-406397a48d8d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:13:14	-492.745
-36	68936	3446800	c9db9d48-dd4d-4e15-b4ec-3b915605f50a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:52:36	-26.173
-37	34469	3446900	fc373dad-5b10-441d-b004-0ab454e0fcbb	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:18:54	363.735
-37	68938	3446900	cc9335ce-cbef-466f-8740-82e9578c94d9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:18:13	359.991
-38	34470	3447000	976acf43-8998-4de0-a678-8a2dab9999d4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:35:39	282.790
-38	68940	3447000	591cba31-cd04-431e-b688-5e3aacb537f3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:09:06	303.492
-39	34471	3447100	85cfd805-77dd-40cb-8bde-511cf7121af9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:01:41	366.359
-39	68942	3447100	c02e96e5-166c-4b8e-9fe1-39126395432c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:33:30	826.809
-40	34472	3447200	92ad8c27-55bb-4152-aee3-6e669f331c6a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:43:30	-878.109
-40	68944	3447200	8068dbd5-5872-4733-94d3-981257f23991	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:25:00	112.617
-41	34473	3447300	2d57e47e-9831-4d5d-b135-9ff66a5d1f32	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:17:34	490.107
-41	68946	3447300	c16b5ff3-427e-43da-8bc1-3ed4c303610b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:03:25	269.525
-42	34474	3447400	0fd68389-4a59-43b6-a9f2-1195c27c4136	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:03:00	564.363
-42	68948	3447400	5098c662-8f31-42bd-a5c0-b660d0482fe5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:53:55	-906.628
-43	34475	3447500	d0471f46-1fed-452f-9248-19a408ffc281	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:09:46	-874.322
-43	68950	3447500	81654989-d067-4f5b-8848-63f936bc7582	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:31:35	116.766
-44	34476	3447600	b3290565-2909-4416-a628-390de5555800	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:58:54	-265.367
-44	68952	3447600	9f099089-5d88-4827-b90c-8bbfb369d728	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:07:53	879.539
-45	34477	3447700	fa3ff191-b8fe-46a7-b240-5b5dbb3fe63c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:58:08	567.611
-45	68954	3447700	6664a536-a338-413f-8ba7-02a3ce3a2992	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:04:58	331.409
-46	34478	3447800	0962799a-bcc0-4768-9e59-3dc6809e5184	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:41:27	311.948
-46	68956	3447800	4cb17d4f-68c3-4bfd-a28f-db8e9a1d72dd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:48:41	102.550
-47	34479	3447900	1485d346-eb19-4973-9a55-f087d4a36d1f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:37:22	-202.267
-47	68958	3447900	25135586-ba96-4477-a19d-87988dc894ef	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:08:37	185.347
-48	34480	3448000	83332c33-15a0-4ab9-9ffc-bed8f5683d5a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:33:57	193.997
-48	68960	3448000	c78f0fbf-63fb-41bd-8e2c-0cfc3e2f1bf4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:17:57	65.145
-49	34481	3448100	15d6b21b-1c8a-45cc-a832-0e83ce19eb1b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:12:25	-522.152
-49	68962	3448100	0522658e-bcbe-43e4-9112-d0f8e016b04a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:35:26	531.20
-50	34482	3448200	7fde46f8-afea-4a62-a744-fe8aa695ee91	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:17:45	145.315
-50	68964	3448200	c2328329-5ac1-47f8-ab48-8cc9991f0028	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:08:27	-111.163
-51	34483	3448300	974e75a2-c793-47e8-8fc9-83990f0b5d45	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:50:58	102.329
-51	68966	3448300	2b688126-5957-4493-ab1a-db183c4e2a71	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:21:38	-630.789
-52	34484	3448400	b3c8b602-dcd1-4f62-9730-6f3d8f3527d5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:13:07	-24.31
-52	68968	3448400	0e7b6f39-f2e5-4a12-a2e7-98b8375b4bf7	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:00:14	662.365
-53	34485	3448500	9ed34c6b-4e2f-4a19-9b75-8c06e6dbec9a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:33:53	-402.334
-53	68970	3448500	de0b4fc2-76b9-4cd9-8fe2-ff4366f173a2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:47:10	470.401
-54	34486	3448600	930e639d-7f95-4e8e-a810-840d07a115d9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:49:32	179.163
-54	68972	3448600	afcfb7e1-ba50-43b4-b457-251ebfc63054	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:37:12	-301.115
-55	34487	3448700	062ef8f3-9c15-4d17-9f99-58aca8f85b02	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:31:02	-750.536
-55	68974	3448700	9886581f-826e-494a-959b-1e52fe9862cb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:52:16	-380.612
-56	34488	3448800	22f51bda-27e3-43a0-9844-b98ea945a75d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:44:52	-77.366
-56	68976	3448800	9468d1bd-ab5b-430a-8a82-857e64b60e4c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:30:33	-759.900
-57	34489	3448900	3dcbf515-5d0c-4bb5-908b-b650913f3733	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:16:45	-61.684
-57	68978	3448900	f3446ecb-6378-4c81-b950-6436c9bd7925	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:00:46	-546.529
-58	34490	3449000	91a17574-12cd-4c4a-88d2-2007cd69ca5c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:30:49	-762.925
-58	68980	3449000	58858e3e-8a99-4e56-8889-f7b57cbd1e4e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:57:12	789.758
-59	34491	3449100	1e38ee9a-0e54-4b03-bae5-22b71b8b9b96	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:34:07	-467.267
-59	68982	3449100	19a652aa-44da-4cd7-8b06-ae166cac2951	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:59:29	589.882
-60	34492	3449200	9b3533b5-d14e-469e-976d-9f461906e1ed	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:44:03	-83.446
-60	68984	3449200	dd883d74-593f-4aee-b660-85764c906ed5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:00:17	262.646
-61	34493	3449300	4f4176d8-b479-42e2-b771-6e10b0a5a9d1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:02:31	-237.684
-61	68986	3449300	e8cf70c1-3849-4efb-8eab-68d7dda7cc18	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:08:04	978.869
-62	34494	3449400	613a67a0-8086-439c-96e9-45c69118a4da	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:13:34	-484.396
-62	68988	3449400	676031f4-5c28-43ad-bce6-0ec31de99a26	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:07:16	515.876
-63	34495	3449500	42beb627-6969-40e4-837e-a816b85ec6cb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:44:19	-790.840
-63	68990	3449500	3ddd9f33-d1ce-4d71-ba00-b12b7cd1728a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:44:58	-823.400
-64	34496	3449600	ceb5de46-3695-4e20-97be-2a5e57b5e3a4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:58:32	386.477
-64	68992	3449600	2964347b-50aa-4110-8fb5-c36f5cf9e395	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:02:25	127.763
-65	34497	3449700	71d73f11-d6ab-4401-87dd-049331dd3d05	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:01:50	-754.370
-65	68994	3449700	8db92ef5-efc9-4122-9422-8947ad267e36	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:55:04	211.618
-66	34498	3449800	8d7921fa-2345-4b23-a36c-772aec9651dd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:35:24	-968.820
-66	68996	3449800	25ec779e-cbe3-42f6-bcfa-705297d5c131	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:19:08	-91.928
-67	34499	3449900	2a6e6f95-0a43-4045-96bd-c1828a1dbbd7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:45:17	-58.535
-67	68998	3449900	669ec30a-fcd5-45a5-a0fa-37b30b59f24c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:05:50	358.56
-68	34500	3450000	7e65eec3-b07c-48d4-b825-9bfcd6cb8405	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:06:33	-646.977
-68	69000	3450000	4b215698-08ab-43bf-8a9b-36318c2fc28d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:48:47	-575.815
-69	34501	3450100	f499d727-68f6-4424-adca-c82acdd6ac42	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:31:22	-197.711
-69	69002	3450100	f5a346a8-876c-456b-a385-a47e910b1bbf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:06:07	398.244
-70	34502	3450200	51e0fa56-c169-4bd0-a891-e8a2aa1694ab	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:01:07	189.39
-70	69004	3450200	f0beb1a4-1b09-4bfa-a220-89964c63dd4e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:26:13	957.483
-71	34503	3450300	805ef1d8-cb57-4f8f-a8c7-c2f980b0208a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:05:05	-10.106
-71	69006	3450300	c87ecb06-1c8c-4fa2-a651-501db06eefcd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:39:27	-477.618
-72	34504	3450400	751e9e21-3223-432d-b84d-1ee576f4c6c4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:48:52	-19.103
-72	69008	3450400	10bdb250-0a78-47bc-923b-14e2a20018f8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:43:52	-554.615
-73	34505	3450500	2dc66ac8-3d1f-4d04-ba6a-f2ca32e1b558	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:05:15	-220.494
-73	69010	3450500	0774ef2e-8993-4023-97c2-417911b41f0c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:25:28	-58.610
-74	34506	3450600	b498f52c-d725-476c-8902-09d51fcf6379	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:33:07	-642.461
-74	69012	3450600	15086a39-0543-4ef6-9a7a-0e27a40cf584	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:35:02	-880.875
-75	34507	3450700	8ed24464-2124-4e9b-8928-d3f6fb5cf5a2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:10:53	-596.630
-75	69014	3450700	b79d4fc7-adb2-4f6d-9b17-18b31bcf5241	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:28:38	344.634
-76	34508	3450800	732c548b-2342-43ed-85d0-63190776134f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:05:49	-527.124
-76	69016	3450800	10430315-d999-4541-ac39-b53f72037084	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:47:51	-838.942
-77	34509	3450900	6a7af906-8868-40f1-8c77-593d8a2bee93	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:45:37	-962.861
-77	69018	3450900	5570deb7-66b4-42ba-b150-b258ea7ade05	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:22:31	-98.340
-78	34510	3451000	ae8518c1-489f-47ae-8948-538dd903dc60	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:26:40	256.634
-78	69020	3451000	174171be-433a-438b-98e4-9b06b11b6ba7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:00:22	-727.154
-79	34511	3451100	e93ba9c4-ef1f-484f-b8f5-c2439829a67e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:44:05	-44.803
-79	69022	3451100	6f7417dd-9d11-4f60-90bb-b4fb58749718	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:00:19	601.407
-80	34512	3451200	b479180d-6465-4b2d-a4af-31d984b4305c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:10:53	-219.693
-80	69024	3451200	4bbb5d1f-90b0-4304-b818-8871cd638b51	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:26:04	994.585
-81	34513	3451300	564e5d9c-8099-4164-b53d-dd3b58451b28	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:41:54	-785.860
-81	69026	3451300	093c9c60-7086-49c4-bbe9-797dabdc832f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:55:41	-297.188
-82	34514	3451400	b207c3f9-b46e-404e-8a03-6b6ae2ba383b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:57:26	-90.802
-82	69028	3451400	e7916946-cbe0-4c93-a96a-365f7b88d04d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:17:09	3.709
-83	34515	3451500	a9e56181-f8c2-4e3c-bff8-bdcd076261d9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:31:22	-308.556
-83	69030	3451500	38f7a314-5e0d-46e6-b5bb-4a3cfe550fb1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:38:50	-319.683
-84	34516	3451600	04fbe794-9f85-4d0a-8de5-d789c3c042d0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:30:14	-283.763
-84	69032	3451600	553d64e6-3461-4ec7-ac16-80e532e5d8ae	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:28:08	826.670
-85	34517	3451700	50558b45-34b2-40a0-b548-2161ce267a93	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:07:38	-335.700
-85	69034	3451700	1a3c4393-bdfb-4d36-a6ed-a84e736c6029	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:13:25	-850.991
-86	34518	3451800	8fa213fa-397c-4767-92d1-983abbdb4e92	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:26:02	939.707
-86	69036	3451800	55a315f0-3de7-4329-be10-85281ecd678f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:55:16	-432.252
-87	34519	3451900	a39ce308-cbaa-45b8-a1de-23b10194aa38	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:34:58	-744.908
-87	69038	3451900	049bfe9c-9c08-4336-b491-8c589694b778	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:13:32	832.239
-88	34520	3452000	09ab48f5-56ad-44bf-8188-642622f8923a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:39:18	464.745
-88	69040	3452000	8d8f5f41-aa61-489e-aaa3-01592c1afaf4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:39:02	472.726
-89	34521	3452100	b79fc0f0-a48c-4dee-85e3-de2227e9922f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:16:18	-549.579
-89	69042	3452100	8a065cb3-e374-49fd-9864-b69db59a763c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:55:23	-651.715
-90	34522	3452200	44e99e2f-9819-4b39-8151-3980c88fec23	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:32:16	987.259
-90	69044	3452200	775d903a-0fbb-40d7-9dc7-3ed5fe157ae1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:13:59	611.885
-91	34523	3452300	0b7bca3c-183b-425c-bccf-736d8d6c9799	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:59:50	-559.126
-91	69046	3452300	f3552885-2392-4fc7-ae1d-7227c714d8fe	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:42:19	-993.243
-92	34524	3452400	062511b0-790d-4e75-9a82-63a8e51a2c7c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:51:11	-308.437
-92	69048	3452400	f5c828cb-fd51-4a7d-8362-4e5a3753f13b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:15:42	-257.344
-93	34525	3452500	3e00a7ef-1e66-47ab-b3a7-8bbe3c962632	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:26:27	271.913
-93	69050	3452500	a8f05d70-7b7a-45dc-9b84-c532ad584ebf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:49:44	-883.371
-94	34526	3452600	99724edc-3c78-44f1-a908-068af0914712	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:08:24	232.583
-94	69052	3452600	b26fd1f9-d6be-4639-887c-0be35061c1dd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:28:54	-708.10
-95	34527	3452700	c9820a62-931d-49c6-bde7-b96dc7759361	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:45:35	-494.384
-95	69054	3452700	25099bc7-50e2-4661-a62f-501ac5762270	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:53:47	-31.247
-96	34528	3452800	911d1609-244d-4e85-8bd3-f5cf67f405e0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:57:55	582.228
-96	69056	3452800	ede3c984-08c2-482f-b49a-1f1efb2c004e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:46:12	-120.301
-97	34529	3452900	76820c33-1ac8-447a-8bb4-b89ed4f9da4c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:58:42	-562.435
-97	69058	3452900	5529b902-915d-4815-980e-f84c381e567a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:15:07	-916.764
-98	34530	3453000	fdc86ca6-8f36-4cd8-8824-ff95f5a39f97	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:34:09	158.310
-98	69060	3453000	7e294501-a35f-4ab1-828b-4565bd24d8a8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:08:26	-914.646
-99	34531	3453100	33643ba3-e9bf-4c3d-97c6-aa77be9373db	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:30:08	343.85
-99	69062	3453100	eebbafe2-42a1-4c54-9f90-cd3ecc8c0934	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:37:04	-197.334
-100	34532	3453200	e6879223-3b66-45fb-88b6-c7487c28a89c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:15:38	693.565
-100	69064	3453200	ef1d5cb9-e5b1-43d6-ad65-1b5a08ce4e6c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:19:17	347.991
-101	34533	3453300	5ec4a69d-8694-4807-9a17-264068aebe2b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:53:43	-659.990
-101	69066	3453300	911dd9c1-7fbd-423d-bb68-40f622f03724	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:43:16	557.957
-102	34534	3453400	40255f8c-1cb1-40c1-ae17-30b9b760070d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:11:59	78.176
-102	69068	3453400	2a5ecf77-7a91-40cd-9209-b2fa33969ff7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:02:12	186.611
-103	34535	3453500	3266d832-7c8f-4924-99e4-9f41c7bdf899	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:09:33	142.763
-103	69070	3453500	10343459-1506-475e-8b41-bd958ba41d19	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:49:04	-888.378
-104	34536	3453600	15aa7521-a91d-46ca-942b-b948fb6b2ae3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:44:33	-444.646
-104	69072	3453600	dd805be4-7593-4473-8d73-3cfb00979088	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:53:54	-443.196
-105	34537	3453700	fe746d3d-709f-485b-a460-1cdbd2fce8f2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:53:58	659.53
-105	69074	3453700	ee87a98c-ba26-4155-8d02-81df2e654b44	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:40:03	-687.460
-106	34538	3453800	343025e7-522f-468e-a496-fa940227b413	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:16:45	-551.553
-106	69076	3453800	4bf8e0c7-6192-4381-b13f-f94fcffcdb9d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:01:32	-681.315
-107	34539	3453900	36d5e182-fac5-4981-b18b-0ecabf6ff1f7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:54:01	774.425
-107	69078	3453900	10ef8183-163c-44bb-b2da-a2399def0d3f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:31:48	494.159
-108	34540	3454000	610ce1c4-a178-4baa-9974-936f5d3502da	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:46:46	15.264
-108	69080	3454000	a374f33c-2d75-407b-96c8-6526534e509e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:15:12	-715.498
-109	34541	3454100	d54b550f-beca-44d3-b320-1954988dfee1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:25:18	-973.227
-109	69082	3454100	a7d71225-6e21-4b4f-b524-e9911c188710	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:11:53	-509.372
-110	34542	3454200	e1019274-0f90-4bff-9bd9-ca722211c379	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:45:23	-180.535
-110	69084	3454200	48f6e68a-c552-4e09-9069-caf83031bffb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:03:02	-52.386
-111	34543	3454300	22717fe7-247e-4be8-a2c0-c81ca41b12fa	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:26:39	-806.733
-111	69086	3454300	91df3243-ab0e-4c47-a5da-93429cc6be24	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:13:49	-471.615
-112	34544	3454400	d72ea2ea-a51b-4c17-8c8a-db6ea2d791b7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:19:12	-448.95
-112	69088	3454400	0ae10f8c-6aa6-4ded-bf16-9676046dc8db	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:25:21	443.932
-113	34545	3454500	b11a9213-161c-4ccf-be9d-e68739ba2251	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:51:43	673.199
-113	69090	3454500	6a21a792-bda9-4c84-adea-33477af987de	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:12:43	-862.458
-114	34546	3454600	d28e3483-654a-4d78-b52a-045dd67f8e91	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:51:19	-3.912
-114	69092	3454600	c1b8992a-306b-49c3-8be5-0f828117a9ea	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:21:44	-759.941
-115	34547	3454700	2421eee2-9b39-4e57-a4ed-32ef568513cc	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:10:50	-225.687
-115	69094	3454700	2ed74c8d-1bc9-4042-b2e3-d7b5c42482d8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:41:37	809.209
-116	34548	3454800	ca4eb8fd-428e-4bc1-bc74-f75d0f4e9fa8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:28:15	531.510
-116	69096	3454800	37fee25a-82d8-41ff-8bb3-727d0239aac6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:50:11	14.380
-117	34549	3454900	b7c39a7d-a55d-411b-9c21-79f459af69f9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:49:46	-957.305
-117	69098	3454900	6fc71ca2-5c07-4bad-9bd7-420c44c1d3a5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:08:28	492.343
-118	34550	3455000	02f78e90-8cbd-405e-912f-8677617a7e68	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:48:23	691.560
-118	69100	3455000	21d57984-ebc0-4ea0-97bc-353e1e40e3cd	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:54:27	-721.402
-119	34551	3455100	da7eb142-0644-41e4-8e68-9b55d161bb30	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:43:09	817.389
-119	69102	3455100	550c646f-48bd-4279-8204-fc7119e13cfe	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:14:11	-398.611
-120	34552	3455200	f93ffd8a-6f62-45cd-8ea8-9eb88dbd310b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:41:56	216.31
-120	69104	3455200	fa456024-bae9-4173-9830-369afe3dd280	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:59:19	-646.506
-121	34553	3455300	07812309-8209-442e-a256-eb852e2f6c4c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:30:37	-345.245
-121	69106	3455300	cfb17465-1b6e-4db2-9a46-fa9843211e8c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:37:38	342.310
-122	34554	3455400	51652884-9475-45d3-b6ce-b545d706d089	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:02:02	946.340
-122	69108	3455400	c194767e-182d-45b0-b717-a17ebab80ed0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:20:38	552.264
-123	34555	3455500	7dbc3f7b-ffa9-4572-9a4f-d36383d77be2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:47:14	658.70
-123	69110	3455500	c183cc73-5a04-4c56-9c9d-35f057bd1584	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:53:52	-749.713
-124	34556	3455600	ebbc42cf-ed0d-4cd9-be0e-25327e7209d3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:39:01	365.54
-124	69112	3455600	c88f6aee-5882-450c-9e82-8752cb7eac56	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:11:33	-501.734
-125	34557	3455700	5b82a5ff-ad02-4615-a191-5db93ac13f36	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:01:27	225.663
-125	69114	3455700	dc0b758d-fd09-41e9-84a2-5c023fb13170	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:18:49	-630.18
-126	34558	3455800	a93cc332-5fd0-40b1-9a95-3ade32ee5661	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:51:27	-43.769
-126	69116	3455800	44e8174d-2182-4eb5-97f8-e99ed51d25e3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:21:39	-67.68
-127	34559	3455900	f5fa7daf-440c-496e-945c-761b5e80da07	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:08:20	33.551
-127	69118	3455900	736d9fa9-7d73-4cf9-a9e5-63581d467d26	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:42:13	-347.900
-0	34560	3456000	0ca6947e-7ca0-4d22-9f11-4f98df1841a3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:48:37	717.194
-0	69120	3456000	c74f5a0b-4573-4f9c-b981-11fc51270e52	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:17:16	-696.76
-1	34561	3456100	2db332e6-3cd1-4467-a1d0-be12621c241f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:35:02	-534.605
-1	69122	3456100	8279c04f-7da1-44e9-b76b-36cba746812a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:37:45	-970.735
-2	34562	3456200	5023aafb-d6da-4717-b0f8-76eaf21b6b60	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:03:07	189.988
-2	69124	3456200	4329dae3-7e42-48c8-ba5b-266614dc5ee0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:18:59	-812.726
-3	34563	3456300	e3562c9e-33e7-430a-a18c-45491986e6db	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:35:05	-826.275
-3	69126	3456300	822fbac4-922b-499a-ab4c-1b27493c8bd7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:16:07	907.29
-4	34564	3456400	a22ccce6-4c14-4fc7-8090-d2c0e477e3cb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:34:40	-36.276
-4	69128	3456400	dff8cec3-dcda-4cca-b750-c4180595e11e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:41:54	-482.511
-5	34565	3456500	f09ed986-c351-491b-8f74-2c5348ba72fb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:22:34	744.252
-5	69130	3456500	7e4b1f40-78d2-40ea-a3c5-de0bb69ccb22	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:45:18	-672.479
-6	34566	3456600	c36ae0e0-8123-4211-8fe7-02e298104739	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:38:36	509.288
-6	69132	3456600	2094b5cf-7182-4ad9-b495-1ce532a2d040	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:28:08	136.89
-7	34567	3456700	bc672fd6-b059-494f-ae70-a27ae07b3c43	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:54:38	637.359
-7	69134	3456700	23c52fd9-b9d3-4784-804a-85c29e6258c8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:25:32	136.181
-8	34568	3456800	c1bf9784-21a1-4cf0-a1de-bf52e9d19519	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:17:56	-293.450
-8	69136	3456800	abb80997-72a1-407e-b4df-bc8378986b73	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:28:16	926.495
-9	34569	3456900	1955989e-acf9-4acb-a4df-aeb667663da5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:04:24	342.919
-9	69138	3456900	1531cafc-82fe-444e-9fdf-ef71ac5cfd88	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:23:04	269.350
-10	34570	3457000	e251cfa6-9b43-4412-a19d-ecc094b06385	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:05:17	-827.851
-10	69140	3457000	a195ad8f-5e8c-4a72-83bb-f4fbb31c1853	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:04:26	744.417
-11	34571	3457100	72837bc4-4ea4-46e4-9855-bf42167666f3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:35:45	-415.850
-11	69142	3457100	c3c30525-8d54-43c0-89ba-bf1d60b90afd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:55:40	482.795
-12	34572	3457200	c91436d8-201c-47fc-87fe-7655223848aa	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:02:52	49.550
-12	69144	3457200	0a5e1840-ff77-4346-b832-0a282d72e7d5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:46:36	891.800
-13	34573	3457300	840c36a2-cfb4-4990-b252-c060f871fd9e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:20:12	-444.132
-13	69146	3457300	2c4ecf9e-f105-4533-b22a-6735b7663cfc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:31:52	-897.180
-14	34574	3457400	68378083-5367-422e-bc86-f25b6bd23476	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:24:30	-297.678
-14	69148	3457400	0416bcad-814d-4b23-82a8-de5773f43165	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:42:51	692.133
-15	34575	3457500	a193f6e8-51bd-4f79-9312-311d825c668e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:57:54	-290.840
-15	69150	3457500	7b1a51a4-f196-4706-9a5d-430b6f57c4dd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:56:01	909.870
-16	34576	3457600	a02306c5-3e2c-4c41-9365-1a9e3b30710e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:09:19	-800.616
-16	69152	3457600	06054163-06fc-4a9e-acf0-6a16c500009e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:12:10	-85.449
-17	34577	3457700	4ca2677b-a614-4e8a-b178-118fdd949f98	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:25:41	-502.35
-17	69154	3457700	eb48a6ce-7b10-40e3-96c2-2f0726453f7f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:51:00	440.235
-18	34578	3457800	f1eb3a32-e2c8-4f86-a7bb-9c80d67cded7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:02:54	109.178
-18	69156	3457800	0d88a024-8330-481c-a984-2585326e2ad6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:04:16	508.181
-19	34579	3457900	3c456833-67ec-4779-9e54-e7f0ada562d5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:56:47	-217.11
-19	69158	3457900	b835b911-b3c0-4da7-b3fd-bad65b8756f2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:01:43	-855.617
-20	34580	3458000	d66c2d01-f902-4212-878e-f909dc413126	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:24:05	138.86
-20	69160	3458000	2d40b43c-082e-4b78-a2d4-228a3a1acd43	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:58:22	328.619
-21	34581	3458100	b581a860-8dc4-4884-ad8e-5ee8c6d39cb8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:51:58	-964.286
-21	69162	3458100	b8c7e6cd-d38f-4400-81f1-079a76e0bcb5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:05:36	429.954
-22	34582	3458200	5891f251-ff1b-4b8c-874f-0693ec3ef3dc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:30:12	-711.673
-22	69164	3458200	6e910794-89f6-465c-9e0d-808f17328cf2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:07:44	440.976
-23	34583	3458300	4db9d57f-bc1e-4015-90ea-d32f77b1648f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:39:50	-318.717
-23	69166	3458300	d08c124b-822d-4d0a-9650-8e0b8702e08a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:13:15	-725.469
-24	34584	3458400	7ed1fd72-ae1b-418f-bb1f-3f40f5b55bc9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:58:14	836.700
-24	69168	3458400	6df950e1-5e43-4957-af25-8eec340f9778	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:11:13	-819.498
-25	34585	3458500	09155113-47dd-40a7-9c57-76614cc1d6e9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:56:07	366.688
-25	69170	3458500	5af1fba5-65fa-47d6-ac73-44efe46c237f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:16:26	-863.110
-26	34586	3458600	15ea4ec0-24f9-432f-bf4f-2b976c49dbff	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:51:24	-120.407
-26	69172	3458600	9efc5bd6-6bff-48e6-bd0b-80802bfd74fe	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:09:02	8.411
-27	34587	3458700	e9fe7401-d8ba-4344-811a-64b145976a07	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:53:58	768.611
-27	69174	3458700	9f7e8300-800f-4e28-ad91-75f318dd260b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:07:42	-526.794
-28	34588	3458800	023a1ed8-131f-424b-800c-e9a01b339f48	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:05:22	1.183
-28	69176	3458800	9b80a77a-e32a-49c7-838c-1fe5ab2d2ff4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:16:56	-28.949
-29	34589	3458900	647ebda6-87af-43aa-9f95-38623c22cd55	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:57:56	527.940
-29	69178	3458900	a53fe2f3-2443-447a-bf0d-7522fd033a86	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:01:55	395.689
-30	34590	3459000	8ca1af9b-0d2e-4fdc-b7e7-9c2edded2e03	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:03:38	-712.45
-30	69180	3459000	94b3c612-1bfc-454a-bf6e-6dff9fffe55d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:11:40	335.95
-31	34591	3459100	0a451279-413c-440a-bd36-4a33f15f44d8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:17:20	-748.548
-31	69182	3459100	2de45483-8d28-47cb-bdc3-d156eb6d72c6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:53:45	-625.272
-32	34592	3459200	a36b594e-de43-41f0-8b41-9a64757bd70b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:36:28	-525.126
-32	69184	3459200	4ce6f4c6-be34-45fc-b23b-17128af24459	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:46:24	-328.976
-33	34593	3459300	02b9079e-f547-4add-8026-8296d091c419	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:24:08	-735.559
-33	69186	3459300	e13114ae-b8bf-4aa8-8e35-c35792df8370	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:03:40	445.684
-34	34594	3459400	04813e82-d464-45f3-86a6-0977deb7c271	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:56:49	971.632
-34	69188	3459400	ba9beefe-a1d0-47b5-bf3e-302de9ab28d8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:04:16	-649.259
-35	34595	3459500	48e939c6-2ea3-41d6-9062-6e99f6c4cc1f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:15:06	973.375
-35	69190	3459500	aa8f3805-ca70-4606-a5f4-b89cab05695e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:30:03	359.900
-36	34596	3459600	f4779266-8a46-4446-aafe-4049559255e1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:54:32	597.288
-36	69192	3459600	2542e86c-e674-4414-9db2-9e12f55c0899	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:24:22	-862.72
-37	34597	3459700	4f6e7fcf-f1af-48d1-8981-8a012ae8182e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:31:58	-438.242
-37	69194	3459700	915b6403-1004-4aa1-bb01-0cbb490e058e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:17:10	577.411
-38	34598	3459800	b187459f-5c7d-4149-b5a8-23c46074aa8a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:51:47	731.767
-38	69196	3459800	a1ffe3ba-88ed-4d6a-b34c-4c35695611b6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:23:30	184.301
-39	34599	3459900	a6419609-cd9c-4ad0-aae9-d14f4b009618	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:09:29	-104.236
-39	69198	3459900	7a2fc4e4-aeae-4652-8844-ef946f5085bb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:53:16	779.47
-40	34600	3460000	001dcd21-746b-433e-860f-c1898b12d96a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:54:50	724.743
-40	69200	3460000	ae9e06b0-9425-44fb-b246-89a1b500976d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:46:27	-592.662
-41	34601	3460100	01d755c9-53ba-4407-b0ee-641087e4d04d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:32:27	905.775
-41	69202	3460100	d828fc42-54dc-4769-9a8f-768d4baf6046	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:29:04	-453.324
-42	34602	3460200	1d3e7fd3-1aa3-4fd8-a93b-e3b18d283a61	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:20:13	994.292
-42	69204	3460200	94ea3140-1a6e-4909-acb0-d7b74b6ca08d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:01:00	158.730
-43	34603	3460300	f1f25979-3857-49ef-80e9-64d7128617a5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:02:49	-506.34
-43	69206	3460300	f3f77039-eede-47f2-b809-6635a062745e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:36:31	383.688
-44	34604	3460400	84135fb0-4cc0-4044-a8e5-ab8761883a90	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:03:08	434.710
-44	69208	3460400	2a848e68-68d4-4580-8f63-f10f766beb9d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:40:04	215.3
-45	34605	3460500	21f60f08-0c95-431b-87a1-310145d065d7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:07:01	-69.356
-45	69210	3460500	b9999cb5-fec0-4cbe-9ea5-8fef78ea662c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:48:53	-51.738
-46	34606	3460600	05f6cfab-8b25-4624-bb92-5183213d9320	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:17:42	338.826
-46	69212	3460600	4fe3a6b9-387d-4b9d-a0ad-942da498cc8c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:51:12	-678.568
-47	34607	3460700	e1260679-5467-408a-855c-a209642fe188	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:24:45	744.351
-47	69214	3460700	c8f4b8eb-cf9f-4f71-b527-d3790ca7f3c2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:30:37	243.237
-48	34608	3460800	f514fe4e-10dc-482c-8863-fa094511f835	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:57:36	-521.721
-48	69216	3460800	94d8eab5-6fce-42eb-9d76-f90a97218766	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:05:40	285.402
-49	34609	3460900	58fd582b-008d-4ca6-b00b-771727f12b41	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:40:23	495.961
-49	69218	3460900	ad828154-6f0c-4e3d-b96a-6dbb0b953a45	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:51:16	-525.253
-50	34610	3461000	07334b45-7ece-4cb7-8822-957d9e1a7f62	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:52:02	-99.758
-50	69220	3461000	990a7643-45a8-44e6-844f-5c892e80b29d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:07:36	32.135
-51	34611	3461100	6b0f1aa4-878d-4ba8-98af-ae194f416e0f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:15:42	816.412
-51	69222	3461100	9408dc77-0163-4f16-af4e-b1dafcfa1a9a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:51:09	-330.316
-52	34612	3461200	bc97fd0a-d9ff-4ba9-9c88-924fb52db9d1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:57:32	262.922
-52	69224	3461200	4bb6c49c-ed3f-4ffb-a8e1-3a1d0449886d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:06:34	-90.6
-53	34613	3461300	41b9ccc8-83d6-436e-9c97-1b32879f4c33	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:40:19	-153.609
-53	69226	3461300	1669ad7c-4071-46c5-8502-efe1e6d90e39	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:02:05	725.830
-54	34614	3461400	39124096-6905-45d1-804c-f99f8615991e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:38:29	-979.166
-54	69228	3461400	39e7cdde-d079-4fdc-b3d7-6e6a9b08082d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:15:16	-329.50
-55	34615	3461500	2befa9f1-a973-4661-941b-e267b717ceb4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:54:44	422.291
-55	69230	3461500	fc7aaa63-c261-4326-ae9d-8f60927022d8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:04:40	-789.464
-56	34616	3461600	feaa2425-12b0-4d8b-864e-6d644e05fe4b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:57:28	553.750
-56	69232	3461600	e7277e47-8138-4803-8504-391767889a6a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:03:11	-269.837
-57	34617	3461700	3bc25ba5-1428-470e-9a05-9960b538a4c7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:58:03	-234.622
-57	69234	3461700	ab5a541f-4275-4535-bb24-9b1ff5ba58eb	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:26:04	125.224
-58	34618	3461800	5ff737d9-ac6d-438f-ad55-b35bfc88745a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:58:37	-195.719
-58	69236	3461800	bc6c36c2-6e2d-4a55-8e92-c0ad2460e54a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:25:02	-231.305
-59	34619	3461900	22bf8817-9e7f-4372-be13-6c6e5568292f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:30:02	-970.112
-59	69238	3461900	df18ba94-63fe-4454-a5a3-38f978950c17	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:10:49	323.790
-60	34620	3462000	35b33a51-d4fd-4f62-9a53-8e4078596467	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:02:19	928.734
-60	69240	3462000	5e3313bd-1701-421d-b439-88b02cedee22	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:54:12	168.659
-61	34621	3462100	a368ad65-75e2-4bf4-af5d-b6b8484a6cce	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:28:49	-193.423
-61	69242	3462100	82cdbf23-a0f5-4598-997d-0e96ef3c8054	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:58:10	9.774
-62	34622	3462200	c2feb8ac-105b-4b9d-a638-a7170b332f90	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:04:34	-118.600
-62	69244	3462200	459a93f0-be93-453b-adac-925c187a4f7a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:32:09	-944.468
-63	34623	3462300	b91fc1f4-503c-4535-9b6b-e0f40d2c5138	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:34:47	116.961
-63	69246	3462300	f9639847-0572-4d84-9028-2632d0479969	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:41:28	-281.795
-64	34624	3462400	14f7d04d-b8b0-402a-a99e-d351e7fd40cf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:48:46	-253.578
-64	69248	3462400	ed93070b-fcd3-43e1-856a-1a2d89ad2099	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:38:38	393.744
-65	34625	3462500	1a008c99-4f7a-4229-b5bf-16b12c6b7c0e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:30:04	-689.269
-65	69250	3462500	3593bc23-d7e8-402d-a521-9ca0f68f15f3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:40:19	-992.162
-66	34626	3462600	4e1797e7-dfa8-4d5a-9331-fbc7d3ebb8d1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:37:19	25.460
-66	69252	3462600	ff4ebbd5-e92d-419b-9787-500c5df96f84	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:12:29	-939.104
-67	34627	3462700	aff01c70-a1ca-4ea4-a464-8a8cb2a46317	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:52:26	-9.27
-67	69254	3462700	14617bd0-ccf5-40eb-b7e5-8fb65ce28170	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:26:01	-170.807
-68	34628	3462800	00a41c16-5cfc-4b7e-974d-510af04b4ed2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:42:10	101.191
-68	69256	3462800	d7af2f0b-a57f-4df0-8aba-d8b461d36012	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:25:55	799.574
-69	34629	3462900	35e5abcd-52ad-4b0e-a6e0-82dae6a5d7fc	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:59:14	-869.412
-69	69258	3462900	fc798051-3d93-48bd-a271-7e6ac89a4280	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:20:41	661.775
-70	34630	3463000	ab0fdccf-d5fb-4e5d-972a-5a9ce3427ad1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:58:54	-56.918
-70	69260	3463000	9aa17b9f-58eb-4847-8bfb-982edc06fc8d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:36:50	-420.892
-71	34631	3463100	bd41f99e-0a42-462a-a8de-24f1a71e2deb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:27:03	939.585
-71	69262	3463100	6978c015-7b79-4834-80f1-e90c2c70f591	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:27:46	-538.456
-72	34632	3463200	f353846c-4093-4a06-85db-949707d5bbba	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:16:26	343.546
-72	69264	3463200	3a8ecd30-e252-4e1e-b7a2-f6fb8e704aff	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:13:05	963.692
-73	34633	3463300	1d44ec8d-6152-4f49-9da5-1b834eee08ba	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:56:46	41.719
-73	69266	3463300	be53d796-083e-4219-9245-eaf9e4963d85	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:26:36	295.438
-74	34634	3463400	7f682bc3-7545-4fbe-96a2-1efd969c427a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:09:20	12.993
-74	69268	3463400	5e8b0705-88c8-4e84-939a-a7f364c80a82	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:49:13	597.607
-75	34635	3463500	7e1c81fd-e082-4f76-b4e0-f42647240397	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:21:48	-419.725
-75	69270	3463500	5fda0726-b8a5-4d55-a9c1-ee6037c5bdce	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:49:49	830.102
-76	34636	3463600	2c1e9cf0-81cd-44ba-8d02-eb31e34a7120	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:39:00	-561.135
-76	69272	3463600	4fbb3e00-76dc-437c-b3d7-37a39aa172b6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:32:11	778.676
-77	34637	3463700	ce2c4157-7e89-4acd-ad4a-b17f2b72a1e9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:37:04	-883.726
-77	69274	3463700	2624b12f-99e6-4221-a747-53b5dd86d663	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:50:58	95.21
-78	34638	3463800	0fca4b7f-06a3-4947-92a3-77e400dcccb4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:35:45	-193.341
-78	69276	3463800	b0c821d9-0b94-4285-ba28-95577122345c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:48:03	968.562
-79	34639	3463900	35946f5c-48a4-489e-8639-dbaac3c8d0ca	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:18:07	-128.968
-79	69278	3463900	188f5022-166a-4e14-b773-9be1e3199b42	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:44:03	718.571
-80	34640	3464000	820237d8-5182-4be0-8316-129ca1071dd0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:56:54	-691.3
-80	69280	3464000	b54f8e8d-75d9-4880-9440-68cc640b648d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:03:49	782.342
-81	34641	3464100	3706c66b-0b26-42a0-81a4-a9f8a6b651ac	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:42:31	885.903
-81	69282	3464100	f909ea54-2907-4dc1-b43b-05cb7b365d20	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:05:50	-247.158
-82	34642	3464200	5f107c2b-3953-4d77-a4f2-7ded915edbf3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:15:38	756.45
-82	69284	3464200	09fdcef1-3250-437d-8e63-6f1212234b8c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:57:34	-474.216
-83	34643	3464300	15028a90-0fc5-4096-ac05-a79b0e4e193d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:24:04	103.737
-83	69286	3464300	e97092a4-8a33-4c53-ab4d-cec1ab23bb6e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:26:55	103.108
-84	34644	3464400	bdedf11a-39e0-43a9-897d-06f5200d2436	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:28:33	204.824
-84	69288	3464400	b3bef61f-c660-4a3b-ac79-8da5f762787c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:53:43	342.830
-85	34645	3464500	a5ef3542-bb7a-4fab-bc48-b127bdd95f0b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:34:50	347.139
-85	69290	3464500	7481ce70-82c6-49fd-a8df-936418055b57	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:42:02	-716.886
-86	34646	3464600	f69581c5-6eb6-44ad-9590-1d2d064d70c8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:04:09	-136.467
-86	69292	3464600	46485611-fa70-4cef-8020-07de4295a99c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:17:48	-590.141
-87	34647	3464700	5d5a126f-0b41-4d64-9e17-692b2dab8335	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:51:51	-984.488
-87	69294	3464700	be61800e-96ac-4433-bc0d-719015681b5d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:05:08	861.397
-88	34648	3464800	d0b227a8-bcca-4698-ac45-abfe8c9a1db3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:54:37	217.891
-88	69296	3464800	7bec8b8a-b6cc-4c37-8dee-c4b251375284	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:07:37	423.97
-89	34649	3464900	9e905c75-08e9-49d1-8063-656bf48e40a6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:16:13	-274.706
-89	69298	3464900	f4a9788e-6538-4faa-9553-9818fdaec530	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:28:03	-364.75
-90	34650	3465000	d5ff1d35-ac11-4a98-97c7-4193222bf6b7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:31:58	587.427
-90	69300	3465000	e1bf017b-08d1-49fe-b565-b470e2adecf7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:31:19	-524.882
-91	34651	3465100	81aa35c9-cc7a-4d4a-a7ea-34f645449e48	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:17:12	240.36
-91	69302	3465100	03e0c737-8b87-47b9-a1bf-91b154f0f9c7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:17:04	335.183
-92	34652	3465200	2e7ec618-1962-4158-ba7f-864989d76fce	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:25:43	-187.608
-92	69304	3465200	8a320150-cccf-4cf2-b0df-bfa86e4e3bf4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:32:08	-693.593
-93	34653	3465300	f611a1e2-b74f-451c-92c9-90ec23ef37b7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:24:21	-622.510
-93	69306	3465300	8ecb9904-dfe1-44b7-9b1d-c83fea714b77	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:01:46	288.741
-94	34654	3465400	2c2bd5d2-3b8e-4297-8bb9-6701ac2e8f14	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:50:24	176.270
-94	69308	3465400	ac2df88b-1908-4e40-9578-9d9552358985	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:00:32	925.417
-95	34655	3465500	079c720e-f5bc-4494-acb8-98614ec3d0b5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:20:06	-941.878
-95	69310	3465500	72522dc3-ef02-4443-8b30-1eca08af739b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:19:01	652.828
-96	34656	3465600	55d30e4e-6c2d-4457-90a1-df35308c6ebb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:08:31	-799.537
-96	69312	3465600	bc7e199c-77b8-4023-9e61-ed67ee88ddc2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:07:07	702.828
-97	34657	3465700	b61d3f5c-18e6-4e50-b9f5-7fa17b16464d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:58:32	-803.409
-97	69314	3465700	a82d57ca-8c86-40eb-ae39-08c6c2de92c7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:45:50	-778.95
-98	34658	3465800	2fd06b13-80da-4d8b-a5b8-02a40ec6a7d0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:18:47	657.512
-98	69316	3465800	a539db65-8d56-4653-ae47-0166ef01cad1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:18:11	-429.714
-99	34659	3465900	17450b0e-ce92-4e66-9391-f86f75ea2c29	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:23:11	-766.597
-99	69318	3465900	63c13dc8-fc66-4906-8e66-a746afd18a36	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:00:51	972.84
-100	34660	3466000	a214b8de-cc82-4d92-bc1b-504105c071c8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:22:56	-945.541
-100	69320	3466000	6076f337-66ce-4212-943b-c272bd35787c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:40:59	200.893
-101	34661	3466100	263606ef-335a-48b7-9ac8-c7adc0d0d9dd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:48:33	168.23
-101	69322	3466100	3289d1b2-b1cc-4721-b081-6392ca056281	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:17:39	458.344
-102	34662	3466200	9e50da76-4cfd-4b12-921c-5bc53243f17f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:32:37	-884.322
-102	69324	3466200	9cb03b68-2f26-4b9d-b70e-6be5c2840940	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:58:06	-500.871
-103	34663	3466300	fa834fe2-c8b6-4e4c-a8ec-7f18f098ce79	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:59:37	297.789
-103	69326	3466300	a4751239-b811-442e-9b6d-cde01f3c1067	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:55:53	169.255
-104	34664	3466400	115aae8d-e875-4aec-a636-d2a31e81faa6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:10:35	16.5
-104	69328	3466400	9f0a2930-1d95-42df-8e94-c19ed3751736	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:49:32	-953.264
-105	34665	3466500	bf4aed68-a22d-4449-9dee-5575a7a3faff	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:19:12	-887.268
-105	69330	3466500	4194e860-ee3a-499f-b493-64184507d363	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:20:15	-477.733
-106	34666	3466600	86326046-5b1f-40d5-a6f1-967e26b31c18	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:08:58	-9.340
-106	69332	3466600	9a173491-52ef-435f-b858-8752aa3520c8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:49:59	577.64
-107	34667	3466700	bad333c6-bc2d-4914-b6ab-1e61570625af	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:49:11	-691.892
-107	69334	3466700	4fee023f-ae7b-4603-bb47-e0919eacf9f3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:52:03	759.450
-108	34668	3466800	e06c884d-69a2-4449-88fd-b97e864e17d6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:02:02	-506.623
-108	69336	3466800	1252d6dc-8574-40c6-ba50-8a885168a4ed	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:30:15	-660.260
-109	34669	3466900	d83733e2-6b13-48ef-bfce-f2a75c815acf	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:43:26	916.190
-109	69338	3466900	c3fd3d0a-81a0-4e2f-89ef-a16270f2fdf7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:56:10	-12.603
-110	34670	3467000	25408a83-890d-4831-b372-20394f44c4d4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:43:34	83.822
-110	69340	3467000	b3e5abab-1d9a-4886-8010-905d776ff713	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:23:18	-978.205
-111	34671	3467100	06ac679c-7768-4f8b-b8f5-6f3fd457bfe6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:12:32	-104.179
-111	69342	3467100	86bd0d28-e63c-4f2f-942c-004e2dc7ccd9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:33:21	-77.408
-112	34672	3467200	f22e02ff-14d0-4193-9007-e6baf90778ec	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:41:53	-668.905
-112	69344	3467200	a4a19382-ace9-4169-82fd-dab160341d4f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:12:48	225.432
-113	34673	3467300	9e4ec40d-d065-4ead-a4c6-a239c531e1ca	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:53:11	533.192
-113	69346	3467300	75a1c604-ceed-48ac-86bf-4360138805b5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:43:23	-574.21
-114	34674	3467400	73838af2-d9ed-4185-a396-0eb890dccfc2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:25:16	-992.270
-114	69348	3467400	5395dd0a-b21a-4ff9-b091-c9b99a5b028e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:11:14	870.717
-115	34675	3467500	b5191a36-bc48-4789-a067-45fcdab06a9b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:03:34	838.948
-115	69350	3467500	66201b5e-a94e-4281-834c-fa5e0dc937fb	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:13:10	-235.24
-116	34676	3467600	b1e8aab5-9cd3-4926-adb8-67a01108c424	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:51:50	-417.179
-116	69352	3467600	497f47c2-28b6-4a43-881b-346cc5096a72	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:57:32	-461.0
-117	34677	3467700	e3263e72-e5fa-431f-9470-f3b496a4560b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:13:26	294.999
-117	69354	3467700	c78c8bf2-47b1-4066-8b84-1ea02ff5cd9c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:42:56	-460.662
-118	34678	3467800	0a0ad801-aa13-419e-b8b0-6ade586fabd7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:14:41	120.995
-118	69356	3467800	464a1886-e284-4bf7-b54c-fd72ec7c7982	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:53:37	507.336
-119	34679	3467900	9ea0e739-ce7b-407d-a208-b54856f9681c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:53:06	716.766
-119	69358	3467900	345b628c-8b1a-472c-91cc-0933af169fc1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:17:23	-540.789
-120	34680	3468000	eabe7fa1-c3df-454c-81f4-244918f7e230	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:21:01	843.361
-120	69360	3468000	74ee8af7-3423-4bc5-86b9-2c836f095707	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:38:02	-182.775
-121	34681	3468100	e9a246ad-7a30-4788-ac4a-8bfe3fb80659	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:06:22	-688.469
-121	69362	3468100	e01d42ff-f3d4-46ed-b16f-7ec49b02d8f7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:36:59	121.768
-122	34682	3468200	e82ef823-e567-480a-8206-3f790b8686e1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:14:27	418.13
-122	69364	3468200	6a807bc1-60dc-4acb-8ad9-9ab0e3605133	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:55:57	938.391
-123	34683	3468300	4197d2f0-21f6-4af0-8cd6-830ba3f2e4b9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:41:15	345.421
-123	69366	3468300	3d8e61c5-a2b4-4c45-8a53-a1076de8d2de	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:47:51	848.422
-124	34684	3468400	68aaa4f5-99d3-414a-bd41-1bd6fc3544ad	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:18:10	165.53
-124	69368	3468400	671cf276-d5cb-400a-ae7b-c01ace87082b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:36:33	-528.593
-125	34685	3468500	e39f31c5-7557-4eb1-a492-064261f7ea8d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:11:41	964.195
-125	69370	3468500	fe67bd9b-da98-44cb-8484-47a0ccf57e12	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:58:00	681.692
-126	34686	3468600	6d6fc6cb-ba1f-4922-9b42-1ee033cacc25	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:00:02	-343.629
-126	69372	3468600	60c9a349-9eb8-469c-8da8-ba2de103e4ea	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:01:20	669.707
-127	34687	3468700	bdd1ca5c-4a99-4565-bdd9-48cfcb49ba6b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:42:18	-877.593
-127	69374	3468700	bc84adee-a43c-406b-91a4-07fc3dfbc181	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:15:41	-952.279
-0	34688	3468800	d31801af-b856-4aeb-ad11-7b39b13aa109	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:09:59	454.831
-0	69376	3468800	a3231739-1335-4042-8a64-87545da4aff5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:52:38	-895.339
-1	34689	3468900	038acfad-98fd-40d1-bf98-be2763cf5d85	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:12:04	470.305
-1	69378	3468900	64282647-2bfe-46d9-a4bb-c87434a6b3ff	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:17:02	934.278
-2	34690	3469000	daad76d8-fd25-43a0-9461-91482ca072cd	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:51:27	-255.913
-2	69380	3469000	9a9108f9-1ffc-4f5d-8b8c-691e7690bf36	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:23:17	927.46
-3	34691	3469100	3fa1547e-488f-4bee-9e5b-7d22286bbdd6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:05:44	745.68
-3	69382	3469100	deedc2f1-30ff-4b9d-8e35-de2ad8dee0be	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:01:17	-350.536
-4	34692	3469200	e1bc51c2-7cf7-4722-86f0-4a0fbb858989	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:32:44	-413.667
-4	69384	3469200	13829152-5be1-468e-b868-c227e5528e17	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:54:27	-104.953
-5	34693	3469300	c384378b-8413-4c4c-89f6-222b14befb77	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:34:51	31.112
-5	69386	3469300	90572ba2-4a50-4ef0-8c77-4fde5f785d5d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:27:59	-989.405
-6	34694	3469400	b5c91f31-bd90-4a0c-b404-9490973a56fe	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:12:27	-62.841
-6	69388	3469400	69263cd4-0dc0-4735-8e0c-fdbce76528f2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:02:02	-334.336
-7	34695	3469500	daaa576a-6e7b-4407-98fa-fc6a141c137c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:24:18	-180.652
-7	69390	3469500	060329ca-75b3-43d5-a3f4-d3331e2ac41b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:40:17	937.756
-8	34696	3469600	0b431c1e-e733-4af1-bda8-19f8b9cf9c26	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:31:04	830.634
-8	69392	3469600	61a1d3e1-caa7-44cb-8bcf-ba68eda6048d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:54:47	-934.235
-9	34697	3469700	ddd55514-907e-44b0-afc6-4af1058a5d79	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:26:58	325.571
-9	69394	3469700	3b4c80c1-ec37-4732-86c6-a822fa7e67e3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:49:12	-61.225
-10	34698	3469800	a50461f7-5773-44f9-8a2c-74649a5bb5aa	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:49:13	-699.57
-10	69396	3469800	8c059046-a17d-491c-8358-e96a68bec04f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:30:18	78.655
-11	34699	3469900	e40eb0b1-3df0-47e4-836d-ddf97bc8dc88	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:02:37	-375.144
-11	69398	3469900	32582404-6d45-44a9-af67-b47dbc0c8769	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:39:01	782.668
-12	34700	3470000	21ba3c58-fe75-4426-ade8-5cbe31051555	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:14:32	-440.371
-12	69400	3470000	498ed0e7-6b3e-42ef-b43d-523198af01dc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:55:20	623.56
-13	34701	3470100	2430cccf-7c1d-4347-b89c-b5856a55b6cf	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:08:33	-558.784
-13	69402	3470100	71ce2c11-ba9b-42a7-9635-f10cc4d1ee48	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:35:05	-191.306
-14	34702	3470200	d81f7a12-2a6c-49bf-baaf-2fec1acb12a0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:14:31	89.164
-14	69404	3470200	2b908ed9-da67-47c1-8452-e8cfca593346	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:34:27	-948.559
-15	34703	3470300	57e82f44-99dd-42a6-af62-ab5f1f6336c2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:49:25	798.935
-15	69406	3470300	bf7639ef-1258-4c05-9e82-5b121dc6d803	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:06:04	16.798
-16	34704	3470400	79f7d41e-c153-449b-97ff-8ba8455ea6a3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:08:49	854.539
-16	69408	3470400	cbafb500-2737-44f5-be36-68edb226ff6e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:31:16	56.513
-17	34705	3470500	af7f1bdd-61bc-4fe0-8374-5d2951017066	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:47:08	317.242
-17	69410	3470500	b3db1aca-826a-4f56-ba4e-e9a672af099c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:27:24	-338.207
-18	34706	3470600	e88e27cd-a419-4587-b8c2-123ec7c83b3f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:51:53	-170.215
-18	69412	3470600	13b96d3e-419e-4ca3-a4d6-44fbc91798f4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:12:11	-985.679
-19	34707	3470700	1f06783a-27ff-4b7f-ad96-70cc3bb2a2f9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:43:40	940.99
-19	69414	3470700	2db6c012-4a90-41da-8ac8-36d7d4fff599	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:34:03	-655.791
-20	34708	3470800	2390cb5c-b6a3-4b06-a4d7-0db5a8bef0d9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:34:53	937.55
-20	69416	3470800	35f734dd-292f-4dc4-bcee-26de1139622a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:12:20	352.666
-21	34709	3470900	ff365978-a710-4f2f-aaeb-69f9620f535c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:44:42	-553.214
-21	69418	3470900	6f92a963-8cea-4db5-a1ec-e4ce3eb96f05	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:19:07	-100.15
-22	34710	3471000	a5df1043-d4b7-49a2-9afe-6e472bf721f6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:47:10	-655.416
-22	69420	3471000	5fd13f2d-4455-4ead-a112-e43d85cda7e3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:14:20	553.65
-23	34711	3471100	6eb8ff70-4009-4ef5-9cad-8d707c08df2b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:33:26	235.943
-23	69422	3471100	206d8705-24cb-4420-bf96-9b0af8a5fa8a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:51:45	230.696
-24	34712	3471200	e57b0aac-f260-474f-baba-2741042a3a7d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:56:31	187.654
-24	69424	3471200	8bd55483-fa36-4786-8a38-2311a3db0376	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:45:00	852.178
-25	34713	3471300	3ed33803-a7b1-457a-b36c-e27f0b5545ee	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:57:35	-555.580
-25	69426	3471300	833ce307-b14a-4e1a-9886-9d0e343c263c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:50:19	772.55
-26	34714	3471400	9375856d-feb1-49f2-8e5e-8e4db21ac4d4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:06:34	589.882
-26	69428	3471400	2d14c877-ea46-4bf9-9c03-2c2930fab099	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:49:55	236.431
-27	34715	3471500	fe381135-23b2-4613-8293-949ee1326cfa	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:49:04	-274.674
-27	69430	3471500	d506963a-0f09-4dcd-baaa-76cd3f4f0fc2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:38:09	141.94
-28	34716	3471600	f1fc1c66-00b1-47fd-9c7d-24f6ce61b2bd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:17:41	-412.703
-28	69432	3471600	8bacd518-2489-4d7d-86ff-ed03fde205b8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:30:31	477.764
-29	34717	3471700	a325bba4-57c1-495b-a721-da58c23cb4ae	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:36:36	-449.262
-29	69434	3471700	71b880cf-b4f1-403d-a866-70fba1a4536b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:03:58	-156.392
-30	34718	3471800	0440cea3-a30c-446f-a6f5-5602571f3615	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:15:36	643.735
-30	69436	3471800	14d204ca-c178-418d-9e42-3803fe7601e3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:40:15	656.564
-31	34719	3471900	26ec9ef4-e199-4c23-a9b2-b83a6be873c7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:02:03	-390.975
-31	69438	3471900	2e657d90-b8ca-4119-9885-6f0ba958a6be	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:40:25	229.790
-32	34720	3472000	5ac84f42-bde0-446f-b735-5c2c7d0b6488	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:36:09	91.792
-32	69440	3472000	611fde04-6631-493e-aa8e-581aa6a07a9e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:37:39	913.655
-33	34721	3472100	b170da96-b3b3-48ed-910c-703c896403ed	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:21:26	-152.279
-33	69442	3472100	4cda60a8-a405-465a-a5f6-e6d4613fba0f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:34:47	-62.653
-34	34722	3472200	50b55aca-15ac-4b98-8361-c084baa5b3d1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:20:51	-666.123
-34	69444	3472200	dbaddbec-7eb6-4c18-8df2-10c000b14e9d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:20:50	664.78
-35	34723	3472300	08e9cbca-6226-46ad-ab3c-dcf53b3cd7b3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:20:54	-678.367
-35	69446	3472300	3144b913-bbcc-470b-b116-bdc55558f927	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:39:28	763.97
-36	34724	3472400	2051a2f0-cfc6-4cf4-8a1a-6d797dbbb062	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:07:27	889.771
-36	69448	3472400	d4881395-4db6-4687-9120-e5ac378906ff	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:17:26	-218.597
-37	34725	3472500	095ae9c3-8001-4f8a-b656-883d663da3c1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:04:19	-608.162
-37	69450	3472500	9dd6debe-e56a-49f6-8f7b-06ac579d0b30	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:31:54	598.101
-38	34726	3472600	389bfb5f-d17a-4fa4-8aeb-36cb5af14dad	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:23:26	-454.541
-38	69452	3472600	48dde98c-4efe-4372-8a65-5ffcc18412ff	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:22:44	-740.221
-39	34727	3472700	8f5152de-1b7d-4529-85d6-19b5f97267f2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:17:46	644.538
-39	69454	3472700	25018b9c-bd5f-4a3b-ad62-ada83090547f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:32:13	-42.258
-40	34728	3472800	8ee6044f-e72e-4e23-a89c-33eafe196270	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:35:22	242.767
-40	69456	3472800	90502919-12f2-4f68-91dd-43edd61c19aa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:23:28	146.813
-41	34729	3472900	ad20981f-fafe-4807-925e-50fb51bca475	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:12:28	-447.110
-41	69458	3472900	ee4dda34-2b1c-4b1f-8288-58c58e87cbf9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:46:45	518.826
-42	34730	3473000	0037dbad-3e23-4dce-9481-5d88832732b8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:09:12	213.569
-42	69460	3473000	dd678205-521e-4567-9979-bbe2436c94b7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:30:19	-938.625
-43	34731	3473100	458e0817-b2e7-43b4-9270-237350d76e7b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:15:39	258.627
-43	69462	3473100	2dd3b385-8ac5-4e14-bf44-f9dedb319ed3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:28:31	-98.417
-44	34732	3473200	c3420ba1-4bb7-48b9-bcf3-ea7191c7bb30	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:50:15	-666.238
-44	69464	3473200	938f4888-e51a-4870-8b83-e9f518ec56b4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:18:33	724.844
-45	34733	3473300	871afb7d-db32-4f97-8416-e40730b634fd	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:20:22	-232.176
-45	69466	3473300	abf21168-9caa-49c7-b7c4-350c7c5d92cf	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:41:07	68.63
-46	34734	3473400	f6e8cc8d-b841-4742-87fc-43fd1247296a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:52:47	279.849
-46	69468	3473400	2d01117a-d400-4100-a37f-be7dbbda6b44	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:59:37	433.502
-47	34735	3473500	ae87a997-7bc0-4992-bc35-eb2516999af7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:45:38	-832.692
-47	69470	3473500	fd3cca10-583e-4d9b-ab36-ad5a75b99c79	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:15:28	200.119
-48	34736	3473600	9df3f2d3-e68d-4486-aa92-99b93958962e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:27:11	-107.962
-48	69472	3473600	32418a93-09d4-49bb-bdf9-1463a88782ff	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:49:54	-168.633
-49	34737	3473700	68dd285a-cd3f-4650-bc1b-420a8d26dc94	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:40:24	-167.631
-49	69474	3473700	acc268c0-4022-4268-a7c3-5898feed308e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:20:40	892.235
-50	34738	3473800	9b35692a-adbc-41c5-a8ea-6a663a0d87e3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:00:14	142.259
-50	69476	3473800	7fcf0051-2005-421a-8f83-59f50e7eddff	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:57:07	-342.554
-51	34739	3473900	f72038e1-c7f2-4740-a082-21ba83223426	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:10:07	-449.694
-51	69478	3473900	2fc977a8-e8fc-45c7-8701-f072637dd032	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:31:04	523.666
-52	34740	3474000	0fffa770-6a92-4a9d-a797-11f9184faf8a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:51:33	-462.6
-52	69480	3474000	8684a145-38f7-44db-95f6-3692b7555cd7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:54:59	976.367
-53	34741	3474100	954aa8ae-780f-447e-b40b-fc58a151f98a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:19:21	43.608
-53	69482	3474100	9653877b-f10d-48e8-b3d5-ec9ed464f006	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:00:31	376.39
-54	34742	3474200	214ac1b6-f17d-4a88-89fe-71f2b370e5fc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:18:29	204.605
-54	69484	3474200	ac450606-757b-4f18-9829-d8265f70a042	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:27:03	-475.142
-55	34743	3474300	8908e929-5b1f-47ca-9eec-8ff89dcb42ea	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:54:42	923.350
-55	69486	3474300	d5c953cc-9760-4e81-ba8f-d01ecc9aced5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:43:13	140.957
-56	34744	3474400	ea49858b-6ca3-48b4-813e-27ac4753ae66	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:02:46	714.396
-56	69488	3474400	d1f9d266-db31-4dcd-8736-6ebaccb830b1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:23:15	-363.67
-57	34745	3474500	af32b99f-5e49-4bc3-8b64-165ed5f6d5c1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:07:37	380.57
-57	69490	3474500	772e64a5-a29f-4630-bd60-b5e60c2ea495	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:45:24	-540.161
-58	34746	3474600	1a8f5771-a105-4e54-b346-7359383e4bf8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:54:38	-340.827
-58	69492	3474600	391f5a6b-0090-4408-9c54-efbdd0efcd20	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:10:25	-799.138
-59	34747	3474700	dac427d5-194f-462c-81dc-7f50cd0f77bf	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:34:15	557.994
-59	69494	3474700	f8c50752-dd73-4ba7-93af-bf8cf23c6445	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:41:09	268.128
-60	34748	3474800	a0b0f3fd-bdcf-40a1-a0c1-25efe302030f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:08:17	148.488
-60	69496	3474800	298eb924-fedb-4f7d-9fba-265fb0ef0108	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:37:59	-844.38
-61	34749	3474900	1528b1a2-7220-4578-bc94-ea4e521d04e5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:58:26	-36.207
-61	69498	3474900	79af7906-16ff-44f4-aca3-3fb233448192	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:12:16	956.741
-62	34750	3475000	6c20e6c8-d342-4465-9c76-a5d907f7ceec	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:05:31	481.685
-62	69500	3475000	c8a65b95-1a95-4a97-8578-2ec016643f95	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:43:32	-349.438
-63	34751	3475100	94723295-abf0-4c27-86ec-e4062d96e193	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:24:01	-869.697
-63	69502	3475100	c66db439-3621-4c60-a8ab-6507f894be3d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:57:01	-922.552
-64	34752	3475200	ba47e34a-fdd3-40c2-b64e-1982a9ec4ae3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:54:58	-837.509
-64	69504	3475200	b09a569d-2405-4968-bb06-d5cb9394f544	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:46:21	429.262
-65	34753	3475300	e88da297-3499-4790-a208-2f84f2b98660	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:38:20	-425.616
-65	69506	3475300	ec483799-46b7-4f40-8e76-36fe3b10e58f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:47:37	96.783
-66	34754	3475400	702b1ed2-352d-42b1-ba14-51695699754f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:18:30	-733.261
-66	69508	3475400	6bf84121-c321-466e-9645-7b9fb498b0bf	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:44:04	219.450
-67	34755	3475500	87bd0cf1-23e1-4b87-92ef-cd83001f526d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:04:50	-420.777
-67	69510	3475500	ba0735e7-9c97-473b-a347-ee8dbe620bd4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:12:13	390.377
-68	34756	3475600	cbde3180-1ae6-4faa-bfdd-a20b3ff1fb3d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:32:25	-266.392
-68	69512	3475600	f4bc7e93-661c-44f7-811f-5533d0bbefad	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:17:12	-483.80
-69	34757	3475700	a151b852-5170-4bab-b266-f24d5c9a7ce5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:37:58	-623.897
-69	69514	3475700	eb64f87a-80b0-489a-b8d1-64aeaaa48f56	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:28:08	873.483
-70	34758	3475800	ddd96cb7-6686-4d1d-b145-d76d88bb4fd3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:25:25	456.595
-70	69516	3475800	0c5ed4ee-f64a-45b9-bd3e-b0e967fa63f8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:47:00	-288.153
-71	34759	3475900	f15d1c27-09ed-405a-9d57-9a9247ae4584	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:17:16	-271.516
-71	69518	3475900	a04f3081-c36d-4c58-9cf6-a4c66c62c8f1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:22:33	-462.740
-72	34760	3476000	9faff5e6-5b50-40f5-ad40-40842098f619	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:07:54	-877.702
-72	69520	3476000	07e6ddcf-e499-4c19-9940-bb0a8743e5c0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:51:03	-502.779
-73	34761	3476100	7aefbefa-482a-45e5-9c2a-9b0ed40def21	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:58:09	882.271
-73	69522	3476100	5df736cb-b856-43e3-aa86-e8c3684a1442	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:34:04	-235.714
-74	34762	3476200	17a2aec9-2c08-439e-a2e5-8e64d5919c57	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:14:46	342.115
-74	69524	3476200	75648d1c-5936-49e9-8527-71f2a0a91a7f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:47:35	210.316
-75	34763	3476300	da33c6b8-d20a-4b2a-a57a-73f2e7bbb89a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:42:08	-475.228
-75	69526	3476300	545c582b-e0e2-40a1-9c5d-814dbade9cef	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:40:35	344.281
-76	34764	3476400	c478875c-0449-41a7-b55a-82d389c724b8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:32:51	100.967
-76	69528	3476400	07829d72-a383-4105-a181-5f222a1ff71b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:36:36	857.960
-77	34765	3476500	d0290cf1-af69-4002-8ff9-53092afd9d15	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:36:13	-732.53
-77	69530	3476500	1e2c9342-8252-45ff-b35f-abb7adacc5a8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:53:08	-265.426
-78	34766	3476600	26928db9-d583-4c46-9f46-194eaf0f983d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:19:43	734.304
-78	69532	3476600	935d03c0-98bb-4502-86aa-1decb8a9f163	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:19:00	-571.458
-79	34767	3476700	59d21848-c7f5-49f6-bff4-69587fc5f925	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:30:44	496.385
-79	69534	3476700	383f713a-1e95-4002-ac25-01216cdc0a7a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:03:59	-996.184
-80	34768	3476800	672c3389-6960-47d1-9613-830db88dd944	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:10:40	803.603
-80	69536	3476800	ff107a04-1a5f-491f-9c2c-3bbcb5d28d06	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:34:59	292.894
-81	34769	3476900	b8479b79-a06d-4ed4-b365-b7c19c9e190e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:19:24	815.245
-81	69538	3476900	379e6fb2-1dde-42d1-9061-1aca96224aee	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:20:03	523.316
-82	34770	3477000	a9c5cc45-1f44-4a91-8847-69499f3ff4a1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:09:26	313.876
-82	69540	3477000	32bd9077-b982-44d2-b478-cee78a20e9dd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:11:24	303.570
-83	34771	3477100	3f2b9603-27b6-4de6-8839-7b8a7b24774d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:40:09	99.843
-83	69542	3477100	72f071cd-c426-49b4-8e12-f3a62065422f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:48:47	338.921
-84	34772	3477200	e35e0e1d-04aa-4697-8acc-e68e73d1b0bc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:34:40	644.962
-84	69544	3477200	7e669208-e102-433f-a498-4c9634ec55cd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:10:32	404.191
-85	34773	3477300	47339daa-8136-4649-96a6-8b34e6742e52	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:42:36	-593.4
-85	69546	3477300	f3b67fa1-8699-4f06-9448-58eaa57894bf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:25:22	-683.646
-86	34774	3477400	fc024d78-65eb-4db9-b8e3-613c7a9a5855	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:13:33	-784.214
-86	69548	3477400	cf87da98-1921-43c6-9a6f-d41328269045	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:10:27	899.85
-87	34775	3477500	98761700-a938-4a47-8813-0ab0aa5454bf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:24:25	957.473
-87	69550	3477500	fc144093-27dd-4683-9dd8-7a49428a3366	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:41:35	65.812
-88	34776	3477600	12a3c37b-a192-4b89-9599-52ab965ea062	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:03:43	-648.547
-88	69552	3477600	06ec3060-53b5-4b17-8988-c12a0b6665ae	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:56:26	-196.216
-89	34777	3477700	c1b3071d-e4a2-45a1-8edd-06f3304a402d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:05:51	475.647
-89	69554	3477700	51ce8887-902d-4cf4-acf7-ead58176ee0a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:22:32	588.193
-90	34778	3477800	20fee5c1-fb99-4222-b121-decba780e221	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:19:58	-912.635
-90	69556	3477800	ea2524ae-256d-4e13-bc7f-624c5b7153e7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:58:21	719.329
-91	34779	3477900	882f9bb6-b0ac-4944-96ae-31ddc6550b64	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:35:12	-117.29
-91	69558	3477900	734a3f51-3ffa-41fd-86ae-65f350904f8e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:42:54	276.308
-92	34780	3478000	dfa764e1-874b-4ec8-bc56-162dc40175ef	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:15:49	-862.578
-92	69560	3478000	834d7a75-cd33-46e6-8d54-dd0a632fbf55	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:00:10	902.477
-93	34781	3478100	886c2d50-fd6a-4b53-a4c8-f46f02946cee	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:39:08	-337.359
-93	69562	3478100	2fe4f591-b4ac-47e4-b817-ae5d7231b8da	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:26:07	761.510
-94	34782	3478200	f262b7be-d679-451b-87ee-b6228213a366	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:05:15	718.597
-94	69564	3478200	466274ec-67f0-41fe-b8b3-08f27e271928	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:55:26	823.283
-95	34783	3478300	924f44f2-1658-4a88-a13e-dd34fa65a307	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:11:28	9.619
-95	69566	3478300	414fc94b-ac90-49a2-90a5-2fde71b05033	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:39:23	726.468
-96	34784	3478400	544e89e5-f150-413a-97b0-e12091d4adc5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:55:51	895.811
-96	69568	3478400	9976bece-e84a-4704-86c5-fadbea9028d3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:32:42	-540.986
-97	34785	3478500	c29f0b70-abc3-41e5-800e-073cfe47d596	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:58:48	239.620
-97	69570	3478500	7e9f667c-4c53-44e9-8ad8-7e31e4ae2fda	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:15:36	-342.37
-98	34786	3478600	8fbd8f7c-724a-44f6-86b1-6ea28737e5d1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:43:23	-39.690
-98	69572	3478600	c8277872-73e0-4d65-a746-68e898d27c24	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:47:22	-37.983
-99	34787	3478700	4a976307-f5ca-480e-a1d8-b485388cdae0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:29:53	464.891
-99	69574	3478700	ad3ded84-b245-4fbb-8972-7cba5edd12ce	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:40:08	-253.217
-100	34788	3478800	0746f04f-b4d3-4099-85de-06bad072236b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:06:45	90.552
-100	69576	3478800	bc4a4e8a-0124-47d3-8139-8406bcfbda20	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:54:45	343.866
-101	34789	3478900	b6d88fb3-65dc-4ab8-8620-3431b6ef6d0c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:21:46	-499.583
-101	69578	3478900	00c4e2ea-21a9-46a3-aaaf-b586351e4496	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:16:58	-610.106
-102	34790	3479000	a77849cf-9587-4349-a9fa-1336a162fb30	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:12:32	21.206
-102	69580	3479000	6ee5dfd2-0523-4ef0-b7a3-d75c08591964	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:02:08	-323.107
-103	34791	3479100	333606e9-cfb8-4e91-918e-fbbffde4bf74	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:59:40	843.376
-103	69582	3479100	dba2fc4d-4cd2-42b8-811c-69004928a14e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:34:09	-632.568
-104	34792	3479200	a8caea9c-f7f7-45b7-843a-497de3a130f7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:03:35	710.824
-104	69584	3479200	341a12d6-7852-4c50-afa7-54d1f1e24e84	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:59:46	288.296
-105	34793	3479300	bdd302b4-c4eb-4f86-a4fd-36b47adf673e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:31:39	-378.18
-105	69586	3479300	02839b1a-3e98-49c3-8ba9-936e8cdec3a2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:55:02	-120.609
-106	34794	3479400	40f7e0ff-4982-4f14-869a-b1e05a7b42d7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:11:00	-366.205
-106	69588	3479400	42b786c2-2d24-41cd-8727-b80f21e2fea7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:54:41	957.85
-107	34795	3479500	182503dc-a1d6-430e-b713-62b2b89738dc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:48:06	-248.913
-107	69590	3479500	1b1bf41a-7d5f-4622-900b-bd1268700345	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:40:10	293.669
-108	34796	3479600	4f517ec8-a579-4b7e-a914-657c39a2ea81	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:18:37	722.546
-108	69592	3479600	15cc5b30-c355-4604-bdef-484d9b9b69cb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:25:41	121.380
-109	34797	3479700	b536a876-c4ae-4324-87cc-86e4cb73d47f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:54:02	841.618
-109	69594	3479700	ff1aedc7-d36a-423d-947c-9f71e3773489	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:46:16	464.22
-110	34798	3479800	e7f28c76-ddb6-4ac7-bfcb-aa07eb671aba	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:09:11	-16.53
-110	69596	3479800	233a08f9-17c5-4ff8-a43a-4a04883a2cd4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:57:46	-76.671
-111	34799	3479900	97750e11-f391-4977-886f-d5ed6f2294be	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:47:25	633.254
-111	69598	3479900	0b52dc6c-3afd-4197-899f-7b50d2c2ef1f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:11:18	609.738
-112	34800	3480000	d7f674cc-cb96-4ba6-bdb7-8feb07423c31	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:45:28	-410.296
-112	69600	3480000	6462dc07-b4d4-45d4-ae11-a08e5ccc5923	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:50:08	-163.703
-113	34801	3480100	87dc8a35-4114-40b2-9d63-1cc312ab0366	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:48:30	-480.4
-113	69602	3480100	982d5789-9665-496b-a468-7c90316c5b43	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:08:15	751.766
-114	34802	3480200	b11150a9-3e25-4e09-9189-3dd6650f9c9d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:35:43	-828.581
-114	69604	3480200	a72ee9cb-ca49-4535-95ed-d6b4589457ef	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:02:03	-280.475
-115	34803	3480300	3ff66b54-6c55-40a3-b7c5-a675b7a6284b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:56:45	525.956
-115	69606	3480300	8d9d76a4-56cb-46f9-9fcc-3effdd0d5c24	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:15:19	506.913
-116	34804	3480400	16624b5d-4501-4f91-a4f0-b45786475c8e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:27:50	669.212
-116	69608	3480400	a6eb42f3-0855-4f2f-886e-6c72929b8509	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:31:22	986.458
-117	34805	3480500	99726cdd-cc77-45bc-a9aa-bd2460223d4c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:03:46	91.176
-117	69610	3480500	e54723e8-4da3-474b-abfd-563fa15b8959	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:51:58	-946.585
-118	34806	3480600	82eeb4e9-874c-4b97-bc5b-0776bbd8b614	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:22:43	866.558
-118	69612	3480600	664d5c0d-ca04-434a-973d-9f0583803c32	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:46:31	-141.188
-119	34807	3480700	eec4018c-ce7a-4d09-bf99-1fcf24012d54	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:40:53	-497.692
-119	69614	3480700	f7bce07e-4361-4354-87c8-91a4490a635d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:28:29	-422.909
-120	34808	3480800	9532797d-2824-41c7-9002-9576f26320fc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:48:03	-613.977
-120	69616	3480800	1185bc86-9338-4e86-87d0-3d2d85e37621	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:06:48	32.287
-121	34809	3480900	5c1b1a77-c029-465a-bb37-963f1b9c4061	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:33:31	54.670
-121	69618	3480900	82106015-28ac-4efa-8c20-b049c59e1b3f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:19:19	888.345
-122	34810	3481000	87c59762-39d9-4576-9f52-e2c0a13f6150	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:56:24	24.231
-122	69620	3481000	826a8b59-4f83-4905-9433-90b52085082f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:06:46	-87.100
-123	34811	3481100	e64cbedc-7362-48e0-88a0-17db6cdffc40	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:43:07	902.491
-123	69622	3481100	9317d0d6-724f-4bde-83ef-b0f0c55c6f88	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:19:05	-224.685
-124	34812	3481200	87ed796d-3dae-49b8-837d-6b71bf3ccdbf	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:07:18	-21.910
-124	69624	3481200	49795526-9bd1-426b-9302-5033e0dafd04	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:24:41	-787.340
-125	34813	3481300	073ec619-2623-4de9-9bf6-4c21707eab45	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:53:47	-373.618
-125	69626	3481300	26d343f8-2598-4685-9273-8c7f378ea296	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:18:07	-655.159
-126	34814	3481400	079048e4-1ac3-4e4a-a05f-1d95bec8060e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:54:11	-627.42
-126	69628	3481400	20d03e12-0a28-40e3-8aea-d59901e81a9e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:20:49	-733.636
-127	34815	3481500	699f313c-1547-4b72-ab3c-d021efd9338a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:28:36	905.955
-127	69630	3481500	ceb45e42-4aaf-4f4f-ab15-78a2cdc6e32e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:14:17	-403.179
-0	34816	3481600	8f298e2c-97d7-4bdf-8d52-2127760efd26	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:42:16	-730.985
-0	69632	3481600	581350ad-5e99-4685-9eed-41b752e0d366	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:39:52	-897.629
-1	34817	3481700	82ece089-66cc-415c-a9b5-0ad727375ddc	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:17:46	29.607
-1	69634	3481700	a30e182a-e966-4189-b57f-e2c6616f1094	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:40:48	-876.331
-2	34818	3481800	a351b543-dbc6-419a-993c-399313e352bb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:24:57	-560.183
-2	69636	3481800	b8f0f0c9-b4a9-4733-a57a-ad589a87dd33	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:47:03	-198.277
-3	34819	3481900	458e206d-c313-4208-b1dd-a9ceb28a46d9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:49:58	-747.324
-3	69638	3481900	fdb3e294-6a17-471e-8b37-a441855f7ec8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:51:48	-261.702
-4	34820	3482000	a90fdaf1-fbc2-4040-814a-6f6f7f6c7672	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:14:27	765.947
-4	69640	3482000	4bbd44aa-5757-44fc-90c3-e5e0468532fb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:18:03	920.447
-5	34821	3482100	1aae1f0c-baaa-4a2e-ab28-f5bad848a1aa	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:06:24	904.147
-5	69642	3482100	d88c7050-db97-4d56-978c-93d49ece26bf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:27:24	743.90
-6	34822	3482200	52ce1ace-5a70-49c0-9f65-18acae2e2b13	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:43:00	-435.511
-6	69644	3482200	857b54ce-befe-4081-b391-4013d547c6a4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:06:52	36.952
-7	34823	3482300	d75c42f3-7079-4f56-8523-8719be3b82d7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:38:09	-351.135
-7	69646	3482300	3799206e-7ae8-48d6-9774-e2dc75a19e10	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:39:49	921.25
-8	34824	3482400	1cc055b1-bee1-4cc2-a879-fce5cc4040bb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:25:05	-591.733
-8	69648	3482400	e37f3a25-ace4-4c80-86bf-5d757928b9b8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:01:50	208.26
-9	34825	3482500	f707cca0-c67c-40f6-9f2a-29c6306c0db2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:43:44	-715.131
-9	69650	3482500	973ae5ce-d45d-4ba6-8ec4-4c37403ae832	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:17:15	463.842
-10	34826	3482600	154323fb-cacd-41a4-948c-effda44c4a4b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:57:43	-149.429
-10	69652	3482600	91ce11ef-20fe-4ef9-b56e-c3d3f6a9210c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:23:00	499.935
-11	34827	3482700	694e80b0-db5e-45e0-ae79-015da4183eb8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:52:28	967.362
-11	69654	3482700	0f2985c0-33bb-4bc0-9815-e582dfc6c181	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:19:30	-36.877
-12	34828	3482800	a8c498d8-622d-4bcf-ad64-e2f1702792df	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:27:07	-802.723
-12	69656	3482800	0801ad49-a1a3-4022-a829-de4bbe859b85	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:18:34	-41.513
-13	34829	3482900	d0c46f05-7f62-422a-8574-b2bab6f98d82	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:59:52	-64.548
-13	69658	3482900	bbe85c01-e861-471c-9a5b-0143eba8c870	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:36:18	162.668
-14	34830	3483000	526e5357-b116-4ba1-a880-2a2d0eb81b37	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:23:15	157.76
-14	69660	3483000	470aed74-3b6a-414b-954a-e52d51eb7f03	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:58:23	-904.13
-15	34831	3483100	abe51f01-cd4a-42f7-8c83-b4ffa47044d2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:10:36	458.221
-15	69662	3483100	60aa5376-8e54-470e-8539-71a11cd8a292	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:51:59	326.452
-16	34832	3483200	a62dd5dd-88ef-405d-aa1a-0419d0e1354d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:55:37	790.143
-16	69664	3483200	7af270e7-fbc3-4e77-8b03-9b6665aaa01a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:06:42	-42.426
-17	34833	3483300	0a217cb1-a444-4825-bccb-5058a291c833	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:42:39	-573.505
-17	69666	3483300	dba13d3a-7653-46fc-a778-acd1e3288cf4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:20:39	332.875
-18	34834	3483400	07c37760-5e01-41d4-93ac-aed6fbf6e3b3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:49:41	663.573
-18	69668	3483400	2372683a-b8a6-4f77-9a6c-43f454e0a2d0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:02:42	-288.337
-19	34835	3483500	84ce3a4e-2efb-42d9-ad6c-f82dc20dc533	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:59:26	-469.551
-19	69670	3483500	ef574121-03e2-431a-aa3f-7ffc7c3532cc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:30:33	823.90
-20	34836	3483600	0d964349-4f7c-4ed8-a263-01fb781e5fb4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:52:44	390.603
-20	69672	3483600	d189969a-fce3-4ef4-943d-57728a1b922c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:38:20	568.842
-21	34837	3483700	88955272-e249-4072-9385-2472aac72eb7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:43:31	-827.415
-21	69674	3483700	ec07a6ab-f2de-487e-8147-12a3a3ef21ea	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:28:23	355.813
-22	34838	3483800	f0c5877a-7afd-4f34-b8a6-630b057f4f35	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:22:22	175.133
-22	69676	3483800	c51df650-743c-4c0c-aa9c-759827f9607c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:05:49	-544.472
-23	34839	3483900	12f7723a-48ae-45ff-ba52-c08a1efdb24a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:26:13	854.110
-23	69678	3483900	7f218bbb-2a96-4648-a7da-67bc722c7003	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:59:17	621.250
-24	34840	3484000	fffedf28-4284-449c-95ac-a461923f71a2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:39:54	440.304
-24	69680	3484000	86b3f513-f3af-42a8-8c1e-1ec6caf3a85e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:53:32	-268.282
-25	34841	3484100	cd3ccdff-892b-4a5f-afb5-537f927243e4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:52:49	632.876
-25	69682	3484100	18c6716f-bc88-4c10-bf1f-871d9554124b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:16:06	-120.791
-26	34842	3484200	320af187-396f-45a6-a8a7-2fb00fd6bc0c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:42:27	-440.508
-26	69684	3484200	7195b41b-f6ed-4941-8abc-570297b94e07	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:26:02	-358.570
-27	34843	3484300	b20f26dd-272d-4ddf-9441-9599ea75beb8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:35:48	320.178
-27	69686	3484300	825f0e9f-217e-4cc5-a052-dad94c722a48	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:33:42	847.885
-28	34844	3484400	cdd381a6-a719-4585-908d-d463bbc1b62a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:52:24	-186.379
-28	69688	3484400	6ae146db-9ac2-4d34-84b5-2ea95ebf06e3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:52:03	-64.74
-29	34845	3484500	fc7be3b8-fea4-4c3a-b237-22571c51cf17	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:37:46	-356.901
-29	69690	3484500	cd1f1c0b-b5a5-41b2-bf76-7a3181402254	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:59:30	494.615
-30	34846	3484600	357f74c5-a63e-4119-81f1-c3b97911422f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:02:39	173.884
-30	69692	3484600	390f67c9-930c-40bf-851c-45029ca8ae79	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:10:43	174.623
-31	34847	3484700	78a52a5c-e27b-442a-aea2-012c648f7930	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:47:01	335.852
-31	69694	3484700	38d66682-8978-4eed-a552-3d570d6e2636	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:00:23	939.286
-32	34848	3484800	aadbb138-2ff2-46e0-8be2-f896fe335ba8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:55:21	794.9
-32	69696	3484800	a4f6966b-ab8f-4e66-9284-505e37f72685	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:54:55	408.254
-33	34849	3484900	4b4e65f0-8bcd-4833-b90b-d3357bc6c094	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:48:58	686.597
-33	69698	3484900	cb99af27-62a8-4e13-97c6-5800eb50e314	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:04:53	771.472
-34	34850	3485000	f414114b-4a68-4699-9d8d-b82fcab56be4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:35:16	17.218
-34	69700	3485000	9dbc1b11-9448-45ee-9c64-d98a1ea636b6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:14:35	559.417
-35	34851	3485100	98203a1e-1428-411e-a794-036bbf95d90c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:02:31	-327.330
-35	69702	3485100	4a0fc22c-89a5-4e4b-88a6-9f6bfa379736	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:27:22	206.158
-36	34852	3485200	7dde686d-abe0-4e5f-aa95-0bd509b6ac8b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:45:20	100.959
-36	69704	3485200	f045ea52-0f46-4312-8e0a-9878c839efe8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:31:17	943.777
-37	34853	3485300	666c44c8-b2ca-4dce-b492-d4568b75a4d4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:45:21	440.949
-37	69706	3485300	3cd55ce4-2be6-439b-bd8c-0f0a875cfa27	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:52:49	845.280
-38	34854	3485400	0b305d01-5c30-487f-83ab-78f7cb24729d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:55:23	70.770
-38	69708	3485400	339c9e75-4521-4a60-bf98-3523d6d147fe	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:26:33	440.576
-39	34855	3485500	87a01765-b187-4f95-97a6-85958e81ec76	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:11:47	481.840
-39	69710	3485500	8781b129-b53d-4c1e-9d64-9d2c67e6f174	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:18:17	920.199
-40	34856	3485600	54ab1840-d62d-4b59-8cd7-16023a6f3851	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:51:14	770.970
-40	69712	3485600	4ee97484-2cd4-49c7-a70d-27c81481ecc0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:42:43	11.373
-41	34857	3485700	fd0815a1-355e-4d51-a8d3-679eca1ce67e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:19:03	-538.843
-41	69714	3485700	7af6550a-cd99-4c2d-8ef0-1c7cf9a6115a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:29:08	-83.94
-42	34858	3485800	884e173b-c250-4627-ba53-4aa7b9ab8903	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:44:27	-709.259
-42	69716	3485800	b1ea2031-5c10-4831-bc3e-551bd916d93f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:47:33	243.201
-43	34859	3485900	3a40cc41-f9bb-4e18-9316-862c788a7bb5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:43:23	-737.681
-43	69718	3485900	1f4e19ee-4f9f-4abb-a4d6-78da6c70a328	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:32:24	146.677
-44	34860	3486000	096b16e9-5764-4ce7-b3f2-7997945b9e5d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:37:51	-152.223
-44	69720	3486000	4dc0d1b9-1152-4e19-80a0-cd8220a17fa3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:08:41	940.268
-45	34861	3486100	e59864c5-8533-42ee-8fda-84b3a7e9dfc9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:31:01	-936.308
-45	69722	3486100	366f491e-c732-4587-a29f-5690c1fec5cf	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:06:52	306.973
-46	34862	3486200	fb1b4eb0-62d0-43ed-b791-35884479a3d3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:55:02	-218.39
-46	69724	3486200	502c3d8b-4d3d-4873-8ad7-75280c184ca1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:59:24	792.268
-47	34863	3486300	b4f74c69-1830-4f8a-9632-96a7f10dd216	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:20:50	-63.38
-47	69726	3486300	10719852-91b3-4a90-bfc0-a91abb6e2e77	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:28:41	-36.80
-48	34864	3486400	ce37e556-68ed-44fb-bf13-9b0a3bf9d8c3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:15:45	-940.85
-48	69728	3486400	ab45ed33-ce02-43d2-9063-21a3fb0016e9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:26:50	872.167
-49	34865	3486500	cba89621-68e5-47ab-935a-0bcb3ea80a2d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:02:39	684.915
-49	69730	3486500	006ec681-154d-4e7d-b704-6ea3b59c961b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:34:42	396.339
-50	34866	3486600	dda4db48-ae33-41e1-8d48-9ae030dde7c2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:29:01	-127.932
-50	69732	3486600	9a2f732b-f29c-46c3-8c2d-5574f8b190c6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:13:15	264.909
-51	34867	3486700	580e2389-ea2d-4fc7-a19a-b987a3d2970f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:51:41	17.847
-51	69734	3486700	8ff5a984-e1eb-4ea9-9b8f-65a280b0fd3f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:27:24	167.163
-52	34868	3486800	6d229f87-7f6a-4d85-93ed-53a913be86f2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:22:07	-954.611
-52	69736	3486800	d5a1d423-6162-4b98-a428-1ba33a0cf9ce	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:15:12	863.115
-53	34869	3486900	8cbab0a3-5622-403b-9261-f75be5642bad	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:09:15	-993.308
-53	69738	3486900	e1a30f8c-b638-4cde-868f-7f4446edb7db	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:15:18	-881.164
-54	34870	3487000	4a30779c-ff15-42b0-a22e-d4bfc4369e33	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:32:48	233.934
-54	69740	3487000	0bc86f1d-01ac-4b57-add9-2e7fa35f0492	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:10:43	693.802
-55	34871	3487100	16f2175c-05e4-4b2a-8f39-1e6478924e03	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:26:37	604.792
-55	69742	3487100	2e89a1df-2c50-4e6c-9dc9-a179aef4f019	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:09:27	10.471
-56	34872	3487200	dc3fe01e-4cce-46b4-8029-4d6cadcd4661	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:58:21	878.115
-56	69744	3487200	28fa8cd0-5a41-48bd-a8cb-ef6a7a44507f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:41:29	779.416
-57	34873	3487300	e6172d37-e41c-45ca-8a3a-7b691a742548	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:21:06	-806.934
-57	69746	3487300	3a6f9959-2567-42c2-b331-b44b919baed9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:12:28	-764.403
-58	34874	3487400	65202ed2-80fa-4baa-b3f5-03c4af4cb506	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:28:21	428.116
-58	69748	3487400	79f67744-2339-4a6d-aba4-37aa6e50edf2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:48:54	-360.619
-59	34875	3487500	61528f4a-4f98-457f-bac1-c6c12adf9c92	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:35:01	506.84
-59	69750	3487500	bba871b2-bae5-49b1-968c-a24138462eed	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:52:59	494.575
-60	34876	3487600	eeab9c25-66a0-40db-8c5a-fbce66b6ad56	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:59:34	983.858
-60	69752	3487600	5be3d7db-b4c7-4c41-8973-cfe0290e31e1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:25:10	760.180
-61	34877	3487700	e4c896bc-aa5b-4ba1-97f7-4bdbef23cf72	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:40:22	952.213
-61	69754	3487700	be5abd3e-109b-4ff4-b0f2-59596d8983c0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:52:37	273.52
-62	34878	3487800	ee354daa-87a1-4fb8-9d77-96f4a3915785	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:10:11	44.207
-62	69756	3487800	f4f56ff9-6c37-4781-9c0e-7f79d41f15bb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:11:41	704.48
-63	34879	3487900	cef5a725-1dbe-451f-af3e-e6fee8323203	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:30:02	297.397
-63	69758	3487900	6c4305e2-ee01-4731-af50-733180826640	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:34:50	483.274
-64	34880	3488000	f304a686-01b8-4699-be1c-9867dc41b87f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:47:28	645.440
-64	69760	3488000	8391a44c-39fc-4f41-bc33-66188e0fdf64	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:44:11	-953.757
-65	34881	3488100	10d6c046-5e28-4d0f-8872-c789e4d9a793	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:57:10	-438.321
-65	69762	3488100	562f97b4-12d6-4d24-9cd4-7de824e70b09	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:08:36	-143.586
-66	34882	3488200	bb69707c-53a8-4867-b814-115039107e79	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:43:10	584.940
-66	69764	3488200	cbfb224d-6380-4f01-90c5-173d402f77b8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:51:06	86.441
-67	34883	3488300	81f6b325-397f-4f3c-b694-09441ecb97c0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:36:58	-518.384
-67	69766	3488300	b91a6683-3067-4658-b009-abe625a93537	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:03:22	219.517
-68	34884	3488400	17be4855-7ece-486e-9a7e-c79f5793ac66	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:43:59	-499.262
-68	69768	3488400	613f6b24-6182-4644-b085-4cc4488bde07	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:43:27	122.96
-69	34885	3488500	06a1d7d4-87fb-4ed1-a09d-9b3396caffd5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:37:14	347.933
-69	69770	3488500	ac015ea9-bbad-4a4a-a47a-bcb144ba779a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:01:56	-163.669
-70	34886	3488600	15e16e50-1084-43d3-8ca3-d73420956fb0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:36:14	166.977
-70	69772	3488600	fcd57bd9-6258-42e0-9a7f-00c9fe10c5f7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:26:28	-51.146
-71	34887	3488700	9b594f26-e202-48aa-b6b9-eefdec42ef1d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:06:59	89.431
-71	69774	3488700	516bfe49-b088-41a0-bf09-163aabda1cb7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:25:04	-338.500
-72	34888	3488800	165421ac-2584-42a6-a1a9-708af30b6f21	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:53:50	-828.585
-72	69776	3488800	d6d347c3-b7c0-4526-bc5d-3feef43a6b0f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:11:35	639.185
-73	34889	3488900	6e07cf99-3a76-49c2-b954-6ad908ce9d47	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:29:56	164.457
-73	69778	3488900	877ab5f1-2ea9-42f1-a94f-ae08c8baf527	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:50:20	805.661
-74	34890	3489000	0231a035-012f-4d25-8434-de5160a92719	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:51:44	813.380
-74	69780	3489000	408db67f-bb8a-4e84-b846-fcc0baac3a7c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:10:14	-725.304
-75	34891	3489100	1260844b-4912-4130-85ef-5d8351a36354	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:28:52	811.939
-75	69782	3489100	c88d037c-1bd6-4baa-b7cb-bf9370c4d6d8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:31:54	134.634
-76	34892	3489200	0d34615e-a220-48d1-b7c8-a6fb4d0fac6b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:55:36	593.209
-76	69784	3489200	53b4eea7-8cb8-46f5-a968-a1563e5b1e5a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:34:05	954.847
-77	34893	3489300	ec7b58ee-f514-4d87-8378-fd7dbf0346c8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:44:35	-376.364
-77	69786	3489300	a4d105f0-d83f-469e-89e1-f134334bb15d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:54:34	889.481
-78	34894	3489400	086412f5-2d0a-4fac-9ee7-633aa8eb8d8b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:04:58	473.347
-78	69788	3489400	9d7d3377-a3e6-4879-aaae-caec7b240699	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:59:04	-242.415
-79	34895	3489500	6c62cbd2-60e4-4ad3-b436-75ab5d12adf1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:47:47	417.510
-79	69790	3489500	23576409-d0a2-446f-b484-5c4ee6b7cef0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:00:15	-872.424
-80	34896	3489600	9cabe9d1-1f54-4197-9d32-a810370446e0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:54:34	-972.579
-80	69792	3489600	f983c857-2c73-4df9-8a14-4eda243baf85	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:15:23	-631.911
-81	34897	3489700	04ede524-d72b-4b5b-9f45-8374f2ec2bcc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:47:03	380.212
-81	69794	3489700	ce04f2bf-f9e1-43f6-8ba7-17a43aca614e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:18:15	-866.454
-82	34898	3489800	0c2a128c-edcb-4bc1-b88e-087762c972f7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:50:14	-44.528
-82	69796	3489800	f6d3b380-2ce5-48af-826a-1b42439fc36c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:21:37	854.412
-83	34899	3489900	2823d2bb-7dbf-4f4c-8f28-3e5baeac171e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:39:44	745.723
-83	69798	3489900	e48acaef-b5a3-4d5f-a2f8-6acf69fdb0c5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:38:46	169.923
-84	34900	3490000	b4b195f7-a2fa-45b9-a099-d4c4ee7dbc29	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:42:51	409.403
-84	69800	3490000	9e408cd5-3a74-4f50-b08f-df28352f7ce4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:10:30	-740.536
-85	34901	3490100	d2ea69a4-5bd9-4b9e-ab9b-196783516b4d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:53:21	-53.479
-85	69802	3490100	1e6f1099-d96f-43b4-af0c-4e1457868249	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:13:30	548.656
-86	34902	3490200	4c3f17a6-37ba-476c-9db5-5b7f9fa2933e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:33:25	-89.255
-86	69804	3490200	816c1e64-bc5c-4888-a82f-4fa4f6292311	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:15:14	819.117
-87	34903	3490300	68517f41-b580-45b7-8518-e17b3977e3e2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:10:26	-84.982
-87	69806	3490300	22c37fd9-634d-4b14-ae72-05161dacd97e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:17:12	-415.893
-88	34904	3490400	d629d795-ded6-45b9-b1e4-c5ac22a60c08	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:28:41	544.840
-88	69808	3490400	b3ba2c32-096b-4e28-b509-3fbee1026d98	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:26:57	401.5
-89	34905	3490500	668e6ce7-9c49-4fc5-b41c-9c02df4f0de5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:11:09	-434.707
-89	69810	3490500	c32a38ef-ef8b-4c94-8e6c-c1ebce387d65	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:40:21	-188.340
-90	34906	3490600	1371b331-1ec9-40bf-9236-4253af0dedfb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:15:36	-460.2
-90	69812	3490600	3f68202c-68e0-4073-91c8-b3ba3834c2d0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:01:08	-393.496
-91	34907	3490700	25892ec3-a5ce-4e42-aa76-1ad063df524c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:56:08	-399.365
-91	69814	3490700	e73b2409-c75f-4bb7-af0f-a0b745b11a14	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:38:49	711.859
-92	34908	3490800	ae3036cf-2670-4429-a3f1-beb513810557	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:52:09	-884.928
-92	69816	3490800	90ceefcb-ec91-49e6-be98-7605bf51e99c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:15:18	287.420
-93	34909	3490900	38441432-a28f-48dc-9770-23ff500e9c93	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:23:47	499.987
-93	69818	3490900	a37d7bdd-dea9-4f50-8ddd-20ab9e831469	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:16:03	-766.900
-94	34910	3491000	d4e295e7-7f46-4160-81ae-97b185299052	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:58:14	135.647
-94	69820	3491000	594084c4-54b2-4520-8d47-617b659e8900	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:35:58	-623.139
-95	34911	3491100	565b34ff-223b-4802-b1ab-47a03dceabba	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:37:13	43.819
-95	69822	3491100	5e0c191e-ec6a-485c-a919-5e7483253f5a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:36:40	-130.435
-96	34912	3491200	6eee512c-41c0-4870-b33b-ab9d4b608353	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:14:11	705.146
-96	69824	3491200	7226f655-5c19-4598-962d-d209da422375	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:43:42	260.121
-97	34913	3491300	9c942d98-12a0-430e-b6b9-ff13fda92f95	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:57:45	-622.998
-97	69826	3491300	6a8d548d-5d6e-43d3-89c7-ec557cbfaf5b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:12:32	-905.948
-98	34914	3491400	5473fa54-77df-41ea-ad68-177519935556	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:52:58	-815.368
-98	69828	3491400	84b10b8e-bccc-410c-b7d2-456a250809e1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:05:11	-968.732
-99	34915	3491500	9d8fd835-d61e-4ceb-9594-637c9fe45ef1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:41:54	221.549
-99	69830	3491500	44915403-af46-405d-85e0-e7c3b602f852	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:01:39	-69.214
-100	34916	3491600	4b757832-35e7-477a-b467-192b18ecb78a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:11:21	686.490
-100	69832	3491600	3851555a-9398-466e-a821-cf2b071cb4bd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:47:15	-834.986
-101	34917	3491700	1d7bd0e2-6fe1-4d45-aa8a-4f8be4e4afd1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:23:03	-227.260
-101	69834	3491700	16b22d9f-d94f-4727-b632-8dbebd73ec01	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:47:55	-234.511
-102	34918	3491800	0dfc43cf-c044-48ad-9378-624e3a4d90c7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:02:29	286.66
-102	69836	3491800	e566deb5-7af5-4625-9899-a30db24fbf21	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:11:02	-698.977
-103	34919	3491900	0f144b25-c693-476c-822a-05a7b717c71a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:58:40	-73.558
-103	69838	3491900	e5ca7df3-f14b-41e8-bf04-bf45e20f60f1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:27:10	371.908
-104	34920	3492000	40d5e3f6-2160-4fa7-a5a0-32a5dfc7f5dd	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:11:26	-266.827
-104	69840	3492000	04f3a3b4-4ce0-4e9c-93e2-8dc0d4c8efd0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:28:51	-7.586
-105	34921	3492100	ffb0af41-240b-47bc-95a8-63cde7fa77a1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:02:02	-413.410
-105	69842	3492100	b07764e6-b895-422a-807a-9d5de1f6fe33	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:50:15	274.807
-106	34922	3492200	9e7f473d-f352-43ff-81ca-7113cbdcc6f0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:52:40	-764.227
-106	69844	3492200	029df120-ea73-4ec4-ac1b-076d2cbd073c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:18:41	-577.426
-107	34923	3492300	fba6daea-5d0f-4499-a3ba-ea05b2c754a2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:47:03	779.246
-107	69846	3492300	90ab3751-0a02-400f-80ee-845665703f28	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:57:33	-881.875
-108	34924	3492400	afc3b97c-0dfb-4767-a197-f91f85c632c4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:05:58	952.508
-108	69848	3492400	45686a13-b4aa-4adf-8ab4-6ca129616eaa	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:53:03	-797.990
-109	34925	3492500	906b9428-9bcf-4f82-bf98-245dfa0b42d3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:04:43	16.556
-109	69850	3492500	1a7ff5c2-da5a-48d2-b7f3-ae0ce44e9975	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:22:49	-899.416
-110	34926	3492600	c446c786-1459-4d80-9097-c2a517e7e867	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:40:18	576.769
-110	69852	3492600	b2cdaac2-f1ce-484d-b4b7-bae9938f1a98	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:39:57	35.45
-111	34927	3492700	30efe67b-2d85-40a7-b501-1854b837e569	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:38:20	-236.825
-111	69854	3492700	51ff862c-08a7-486f-9b25-1c5a8e8b8ceb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:40:58	-443.731
-112	34928	3492800	e173d385-01fe-4559-89cb-3c929c9e3dde	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:19:12	145.158
-112	69856	3492800	df08ff4f-a3a3-43c8-9e70-60ebc1b899cb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:01:45	-361.334
-113	34929	3492900	ad264136-9a9d-4e97-845a-296b0d25a435	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:22:14	45.653
-113	69858	3492900	f9fd503a-7e2a-479a-9cb9-41cc2bed1de7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:27:58	25.483
-114	34930	3493000	e94fcd2c-62f5-4f10-ac13-3949e365b1f4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:56:09	895.16
-114	69860	3493000	4c071457-994f-409f-a5c2-5007ec6fc973	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:55:14	-84.850
-115	34931	3493100	71b2cb96-e7dd-45a2-b54a-ae71d657ef72	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:48:22	-616.665
-115	69862	3493100	912c466f-3478-4648-af4f-e5e1ae979a68	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:11:50	22.295
-116	34932	3493200	893bda1c-f8d0-43c8-ba2e-6cf5584c778e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:21:52	64.827
-116	69864	3493200	e8c11f09-193f-4107-af74-46c3c7350af8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:37:35	888.837
-117	34933	3493300	5c4a7750-2a29-4200-b127-75ffa1608480	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:00:10	-438.188
-117	69866	3493300	6e5d1c6c-99a3-48e4-b9fd-4d6e0bc7aa4e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:34:26	-135.995
-118	34934	3493400	f27aa490-e214-4d57-9921-725ac721e028	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:07:23	-825.987
-118	69868	3493400	f92b3f92-8c79-4e45-8ddc-cbb82a152bd2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:54:43	983.11
-119	34935	3493500	62c15b08-02e4-450a-8074-c8cf40a7622f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:35:44	-182.786
-119	69870	3493500	9c0f760f-1533-4f92-ad74-b371937ae902	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:22:28	698.116
-120	34936	3493600	3bd9d6a3-aa71-46b8-8411-89f81d70d5c5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:55:50	-68.390
-120	69872	3493600	706613c9-bac5-42f3-bdb0-2faeabbe1f4f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:49:08	438.722
-121	34937	3493700	6b855520-1d07-4790-84b9-0aadff1dc736	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:08:42	218.271
-121	69874	3493700	cbf314d8-196e-469b-9a8c-016a7f3cf5f7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:19:42	751.197
-122	34938	3493800	c5b04904-fe35-4702-85e4-ef189af3aac2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:10:06	862.727
-122	69876	3493800	d69b7bbd-58ff-44cb-ba2d-5db0261ec6c3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:23:49	-399.1
-123	34939	3493900	fc7e31d8-7d2b-4c3c-bb0e-c5ae770a9c35	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:36:26	-928.329
-123	69878	3493900	cdb7b3b1-13af-4c94-b985-152850575597	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:32:03	189.667
-124	34940	3494000	e8a9c2e1-29ac-491a-9898-0092d0c8a014	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:30:20	567.203
-124	69880	3494000	9ab4ebed-4630-420f-b67b-0b48e0b57b4d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:36:56	589.874
-125	34941	3494100	65e5e7e7-fc54-432e-a42f-a9ed309e105f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:46:38	-383.962
-125	69882	3494100	79790eaf-dddd-400f-8767-3d2cfa7b61bb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:40:20	-200.640
-126	34942	3494200	27cc8d3d-3730-4033-bbfe-168395e98f63	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:53:46	338.540
-126	69884	3494200	ed6d2df6-d54f-408d-b951-bbf0d9774a41	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:06:35	-182.1
-127	34943	3494300	ae65f379-c8bc-45e0-8efb-9e919b2a7ab1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:44:35	967.628
-127	69886	3494300	49b01cea-7493-4d3e-9ff6-b2fa2c20b566	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:30:38	993.791
-0	34944	3494400	35d674c8-ba3d-462a-b9d5-459ab206ef7f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:30:17	-924.422
-0	69888	3494400	8205f341-c5a3-49a1-bddf-63930970cfba	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:02:06	-801.198
-1	34945	3494500	e1d4c4d0-c441-492e-aa2c-92d6b0fb7a4d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:29:13	499.728
-1	69890	3494500	368a3f85-7e6a-4adf-a121-ac3e0044b3a4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:54:28	-528.979
-2	34946	3494600	3f4b6a7b-4dc9-45e5-8b68-a2077567dce5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:25:03	-912.99
-2	69892	3494600	b4bd7a81-59e4-4b9d-b954-60050ee127d2	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:13:24	-984.312
-3	34947	3494700	21bc1241-3869-4889-8510-c780c2ba2ff1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:08:43	-729.244
-3	69894	3494700	53a5059d-f28b-44c0-ad58-ef796e09a750	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:49:13	253.944
-4	34948	3494800	2e0c1837-a395-4b09-8261-34c18319e5f3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 07:10:43	-862.959
-4	69896	3494800	5ab569b6-c38f-4dab-8881-d10d81802ffe	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:41:33	282.223
-5	34949	3494900	84a27e29-5ee6-4231-9c04-92d2a8146b9f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:08:52	73.851
-5	69898	3494900	c9214d80-8a45-458f-840e-06154351b122	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:20:12	-803.748
-6	34950	3495000	64d8aa3c-d3f7-4abc-ab7c-047222c51e50	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:07:48	-410.157
-6	69900	3495000	cef1e23b-74a2-44f8-b885-640c67869b0c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:19:53	298.31
-7	34951	3495100	0ea21bba-6006-4f5f-b595-039d5b48730a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:27:41	252.171
-7	69902	3495100	e8fdbdf7-1b73-406b-a655-2e4f8c9e7847	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:50:00	-224.36
-8	34952	3495200	d07550bc-7e77-4bc2-bdf9-97ede5e280ce	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:07:32	-19.35
-8	69904	3495200	367e33c3-827e-4aaf-ac33-1d09d4257e6a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:00:42	697.244
-9	34953	3495300	a742e3a5-3009-4a9a-986c-39726d386e82	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:16:03	456.60
-9	69906	3495300	91c60b70-9dec-4605-a0d1-0921a20a777f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:30:40	173.866
-10	34954	3495400	ccb690e1-b2ef-4cc8-a75e-7ecfe8932470	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:09:55	-46.427
-10	69908	3495400	55198712-d122-4a13-a14d-44d7209e9303	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:52:08	-615.741
-11	34955	3495500	627f234e-07cf-45db-939f-dd0765bacc43	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:08:15	-585.956
-11	69910	3495500	c8226143-0e95-48fa-9651-818f29624ac8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:30:57	-232.488
-12	34956	3495600	d93ed6ab-497a-4da7-b82b-cac6f59381a0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:39:29	-462.833
-12	69912	3495600	d183b9df-c699-4e61-bd77-0e4e33302f1d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:48:01	565.92
-13	34957	3495700	8a661dd9-2440-423b-9032-03bb78226797	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:06:09	519.351
-13	69914	3495700	be52ca63-61eb-4a1a-97cc-65ba1af234ce	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:01:34	672.728
-14	34958	3495800	d0a5a341-42f6-40d9-bc7e-eb8dfe18d7af	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:39:32	-376.651
-14	69916	3495800	eea3b4ef-064a-41c5-af07-db24de38acbe	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:16:32	411.602
-15	34959	3495900	bcb5d3c0-b134-4a3d-9359-93a400134dbc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:28:42	34.811
-15	69918	3495900	9b2f23f9-0cf6-4c09-998c-3a941ea129de	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:29:19	751.581
-16	34960	3496000	5e69f64e-e6df-401c-a0ad-2d3e1ed8297e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:34:11	608.451
-16	69920	3496000	2b3d0345-c5ac-465e-a57c-a372bce3bd44	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:04:05	901.870
-17	34961	3496100	ee9e8b48-2db8-4304-afcb-3d16c20f9f12	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:04:01	-758.510
-17	69922	3496100	c123d0d2-d35d-4522-947d-3255de63ac7a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:05:06	858.916
-18	34962	3496200	994c1a8d-faed-4332-bb34-fe0112119bc3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:57:44	-674.513
-18	69924	3496200	e5faaae5-234f-44d1-a499-6ae6e7ea6b53	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:58:52	-104.340
-19	34963	3496300	1448d98c-49be-4852-a2d5-3c8a1e180d63	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:03:03	-866.798
-19	69926	3496300	ce6344f3-b705-4e86-890a-077a1aeb7e78	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:26:31	-531.719
-20	34964	3496400	6a763671-52ae-498c-b71d-06f4a02065e8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:12:05	90.985
-20	69928	3496400	ef1d9776-d4b8-44c4-a85d-b3c70422b5d0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:43:03	-763.84
-21	34965	3496500	9fa4bf59-a306-4e2c-8cdf-603b6b4d7cc4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:00:39	238.603
-21	69930	3496500	4e02c49d-9ab1-4a96-b718-7f57331930d0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:26:27	-948.327
-22	34966	3496600	73cdc640-5cc6-4284-ad4c-ef3d384ef5f4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:00:05	-62.884
-22	69932	3496600	9257a6a7-fe34-4596-832f-88baf4a4559d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:28:42	703.810
-23	34967	3496700	70ef4835-fa6c-414e-9724-a09cb911b482	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:34:43	-255.212
-23	69934	3496700	59aba77a-722a-4bbd-bf37-f4edc4bda4c6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:40:24	925.157
-24	34968	3496800	79dc0988-0eab-444a-8fd2-ab0835c3a50c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:23:04	-154.199
-24	69936	3496800	2b1eeed6-12c5-4fb7-9ff4-0cc298f6bced	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:42:58	-971.432
-25	34969	3496900	b1a2c955-77a3-425b-a285-d9141f19cbe0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:36:59	101.857
-25	69938	3496900	5422cf8a-4a88-4c58-8396-5202a9852bb1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:05:02	-552.575
-26	34970	3497000	30c76abd-639d-4a8e-9f6b-a3db0fea1d90	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:31:42	-226.924
-26	69940	3497000	8b83f173-0e97-43ba-abc1-030e62ba84b5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:46:37	-261.924
-27	34971	3497100	c1621b33-3d38-416c-b0a9-9a0254d0b817	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:08:00	-226.286
-27	69942	3497100	3516ad5e-08e2-4ad0-b894-0e9c5353e201	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:16:43	-928.267
-28	34972	3497200	02b60985-e223-48ac-a4c8-1bd87764191a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:50:52	112.944
-28	69944	3497200	54ed79cd-e309-41c7-ab54-e12c147b1271	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:53:20	996.800
-29	34973	3497300	f7f2930d-6563-4a3e-abc0-93b8a26541e4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:55:49	-938.147
-29	69946	3497300	463e6567-4ee0-4107-a1c9-8460de8100f8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:14:26	338.11
-30	34974	3497400	5c83ce46-cc07-4aef-b0b5-ff403a7ee55c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:08:22	-539.82
-30	69948	3497400	2a765879-d844-466b-a868-5d87193c17ef	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:45:31	208.105
-31	34975	3497500	99d19a45-ef1d-4c79-bc2a-41950f130a82	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:16:33	-123.285
-31	69950	3497500	e6585693-5821-4cab-8047-f10ffb358a74	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:09:59	390.541
-32	34976	3497600	5c91f7f9-7c65-4ab9-9271-0056884974c2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:30:58	867.858
-32	69952	3497600	0cfb3293-935b-4449-87ca-55c0c1c30cb9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:16:15	748.672
-33	34977	3497700	ea7d5bfa-39b4-4be0-be34-bcb38c47f350	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:13:56	-759.959
-33	69954	3497700	7f5a2f25-5d79-4cb8-a05a-ec6a7f738995	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:22:19	-886.930
-34	34978	3497800	d4885070-4269-4b21-9c0d-285be61de181	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:21:40	-75.571
-34	69956	3497800	c0431d14-4259-4855-8971-d577662171f2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:08:09	-684.127
-35	34979	3497900	72e3349f-b8bc-456a-bf79-eb8909ee621a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:06:41	-858.743
-35	69958	3497900	4112561d-d5d2-4d58-8405-7730a08877c5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:07:19	372.3
-36	34980	3498000	89e672a0-8458-491e-90c4-f2ff1ec767de	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:27:59	935.878
-36	69960	3498000	8a63a4ab-8314-4d9f-81b1-6b8c7fdc98d3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:10:09	846.862
-37	34981	3498100	b701efa5-5f48-4b7f-8456-76d9e4d942aa	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:39:10	669.2
-37	69962	3498100	84f2cf01-4086-4679-8b5f-9c45bcafdfd0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:25:13	487.938
-38	34982	3498200	abff47b0-0c92-4b58-a142-10a0fce30403	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:43:09	47.885
-38	69964	3498200	4e40a36c-b107-42c8-b7ff-45d795afd908	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:55:51	-941.966
-39	34983	3498300	8658b478-f0fd-4a80-aac2-87168bb64c67	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:55:57	234.371
-39	69966	3498300	8f2d8112-f671-4bb2-a96f-8ed6aa6ea611	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:38:47	448.778
-40	34984	3498400	d23424f3-e068-4226-9623-1db203141580	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:27:25	860.345
-40	69968	3498400	b1647ae0-fab0-4a12-9b98-5d5b84ff4f91	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:18:21	366.234
-41	34985	3498500	cd78cb4a-4061-403c-aee9-9081857d602b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:06:40	670.289
-41	69970	3498500	07e1a839-1b76-4c31-bcb8-9b91a1d74383	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:32:37	-732.851
-42	34986	3498600	fc67ffd4-ebf1-4be1-852f-3000823adbd2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:52:39	-198.423
-42	69972	3498600	e332ae4a-d289-4059-aa60-4e02ff79cb4d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:44:24	620.321
-43	34987	3498700	9c7044ed-890c-4233-b02f-850711ef61d2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:02:35	-252.744
-43	69974	3498700	83f8e5d4-691e-48b1-8f03-8c1497c8fd86	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:52:23	-764.621
-44	34988	3498800	f7971b45-1801-4598-b9a4-d0412f2ef82f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:11:02	349.924
-44	69976	3498800	11a25143-35d4-4f6f-8bd2-b87cb0270c75	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:01:18	356.17
-45	34989	3498900	b8feef56-764d-4061-97b4-c931acc0281a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:44:56	548.5
-45	69978	3498900	74ee5ec5-74ef-4d5e-a1e3-082735d2bb07	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:42:35	951.741
-46	34990	3499000	3ced6e9e-7413-4d0e-b673-6b8034bf4aae	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:17:20	-374.444
-46	69980	3499000	0686c36f-5d6f-4b89-b440-d0fb5378edc5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:12:32	189.801
-47	34991	3499100	7f14d2e9-92f4-4d24-a729-f584468c16fe	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:27:45	-525.581
-47	69982	3499100	11ebba90-5056-42c7-b7c5-7d3d657caeaa	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:31:56	-377.67
-48	34992	3499200	e7a26f98-bf2c-4d24-ae32-a5b8143e1840	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:56:09	114.810
-48	69984	3499200	9dd84805-df71-403e-b4ac-9f81838a5622	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:06:04	618.696
-49	34993	3499300	22b76ec2-5677-460a-89e7-127109d9ea1b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:30:05	-523.469
-49	69986	3499300	ebd622ff-af73-4945-9a8a-f0ce808ee4ef	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:53:08	-262.647
-50	34994	3499400	2728f3f4-aa18-4ac6-b31d-daf01cb0a908	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:47:20	-955.533
-50	69988	3499400	6b9db6f1-3f8f-49bd-b55e-916155e33711	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:33:20	969.514
-51	34995	3499500	e037f82f-f03a-4f9f-9f4d-1e97a3bdf93f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:36:04	-251.280
-51	69990	3499500	5c2a06fe-4cd9-4ed3-8730-e5afd67f6e0b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:12:47	-723.789
-52	34996	3499600	80aea8ba-c488-45e5-9d65-5aab9b4e3894	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:01:36	857.653
-52	69992	3499600	aa6115aa-2471-47fb-b186-85e544293887	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:54:13	-524.947
-53	34997	3499700	428160b5-8b6b-403a-b276-a378bf0507eb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:19:52	150.391
-53	69994	3499700	dbaf42b9-dd00-4bdf-aa25-a298a71b4891	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:48:53	915.322
-54	34998	3499800	fb71ea40-8e8a-4d3d-a1d1-f9cba38ff337	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:35:50	-872.154
-54	69996	3499800	2cc9c610-451a-4327-a30d-3505c242319e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:03:09	-86.585
-55	34999	3499900	11ae39e2-b81d-4b75-a83c-f2802b77eeac	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:41:42	-159.245
-55	69998	3499900	6efc3025-6cdb-4b40-80f9-af283fa14751	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:07:49	978.142
-56	35000	3500000	f4892129-948f-46a6-9502-7af1887f99e7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:58:14	-418.519
-56	70000	3500000	a74e46a1-2e01-4437-a3a8-a1997026dfdb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:33:16	-861.911
-57	35001	3500100	fe185232-ba69-4877-a6a7-9f351c21fb7d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:18:14	667.228
-57	70002	3500100	c333027b-221f-4045-a098-81d6d202de69	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:08:21	-254.186
-58	35002	3500200	0e16467e-cd27-47c7-b992-fbf58c6e0fee	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:36:38	-206.61
-58	70004	3500200	fa44ab88-d8be-43ee-9c1a-e207c97d874a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:57:43	-542.903
-59	35003	3500300	02bc4cd2-5807-4967-963f-652814821d5c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:23:54	-758.715
-59	70006	3500300	66b3c206-54a3-4d71-b84c-e1d41c332bba	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:16:26	-423.869
-60	35004	3500400	a80a0677-284a-4efa-bc0d-bf77fb5fa64d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:50:33	-722.785
-60	70008	3500400	fca3a191-7385-4c18-be59-3d8e0c8efb07	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:12:35	-71.452
-61	35005	3500500	835bd017-06b0-4597-8a24-77ea9443ce8c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:59:49	685.466
-61	70010	3500500	7836c1bd-2aa9-4293-8bed-f712f11635f0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:44:07	302.806
-62	35006	3500600	7a846c8b-7a44-41a6-a906-66c01b7cf509	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:25:10	-258.923
-62	70012	3500600	13f32926-06ab-4b43-b906-a2f3ab3b6530	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:17:38	-140.18
-63	35007	3500700	f0262d20-f5ee-4342-a9d4-fd58b840c8e8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:48:46	668.196
-63	70014	3500700	aa9459e2-9544-4841-bcf4-f013f5364e58	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:23:38	687.332
-64	35008	3500800	c5b67899-85db-4151-9e01-9235c92294e0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:49:40	685.564
-64	70016	3500800	279f2612-e1d9-4016-890c-fedb6af64854	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:43:05	-57.520
-65	35009	3500900	901e4c69-72f3-4464-8cfa-7ed3b6ad0caf	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:37:20	-354.976
-65	70018	3500900	313d27d6-f044-40c7-a700-d5c411259bd4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:14:11	-794.434
-66	35010	3501000	744c0c68-6f2f-4c01-aca2-24c145c3dfc1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:14:56	771.936
-66	70020	3501000	5f114997-ebc7-422e-aac5-0856953004eb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:50:17	-980.743
-67	35011	3501100	9c6e6459-9bff-4094-98db-f5ba0b885ddd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:28:17	-631.790
-67	70022	3501100	31abd351-0341-42a8-becc-ab569d0ca6b1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:04:24	-559.820
-68	35012	3501200	006fe455-c575-40f7-84e5-0ea117497495	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:10:36	-458.546
-68	70024	3501200	e1d4dd46-6846-4382-bba6-153be00b1627	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:01:30	-604.979
-69	35013	3501300	9394168c-9b69-4f44-a269-12c08bb82b94	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:47:34	-805.948
-69	70026	3501300	cb34ed43-27bf-4ca2-adf8-0fecd159c577	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:54:57	965.28
-70	35014	3501400	8560005e-d917-4607-9bff-c8889ee1facb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:28:46	17.677
-70	70028	3501400	528bbdcd-23cb-49e2-a4ce-2fbb20faf839	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:07:50	332.242
-71	35015	3501500	a1fdcc1b-49ec-43e8-991c-ae5a63f50744	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:13:34	111.520
-71	70030	3501500	1894d4e3-ad29-49ce-b7aa-4219bde87c03	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:04:09	-841.760
-72	35016	3501600	14e7aeb4-fd84-4cb0-9099-4f8108ff10a5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:00:38	-275.919
-72	70032	3501600	33cebcf7-7f9e-40ad-ae31-e20d92869c0f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:41:06	-311.224
-73	35017	3501700	61324602-daa8-4c7d-94c3-9d03f3cf68ce	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:00:36	-190.909
-73	70034	3501700	094e6d74-578a-47db-817a-e86bca348083	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:58:19	-686.370
-74	35018	3501800	b0848a4f-b359-4002-8ff8-1adbcad03740	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:08:22	574.10
-74	70036	3501800	8ed4e026-133e-4c95-a8f9-2deb4bfa843d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:55:49	162.463
-75	35019	3501900	c055cb24-9b34-4e6a-83b7-7c5279e142e6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:16:11	641.231
-75	70038	3501900	c3f20e05-4c0f-48f7-8696-d154c680f757	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:46:54	584.426
-76	35020	3502000	73555957-d181-4883-b6c2-98659b50b715	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:37:17	-557.766
-76	70040	3502000	38f063ff-e398-4aef-903f-fc1619d9c2b4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:40:06	-8.560
-77	35021	3502100	c85192f7-5d74-4690-b5be-f20d23417724	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:01:22	748.318
-77	70042	3502100	8f53684a-fb9b-4f1e-9d53-03a884ceb868	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:19:03	-681.167
-78	35022	3502200	fa357cf7-f5cf-4b30-96a9-c0ceaa94265d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:08:18	-505.835
-78	70044	3502200	eeee09e8-defe-4ce3-919c-51d09c443980	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:54:16	-20.416
-79	35023	3502300	4a3c8909-5b62-441f-83a0-0de5a48bc358	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:51:59	-442.435
-79	70046	3502300	75b94b76-a269-481c-ac97-e06df5722231	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:49:27	-938.109
-80	35024	3502400	5f7ea314-11dc-491d-886a-147bcf4a2e90	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:17:45	994.972
-80	70048	3502400	5a0bdd95-5f0b-47d3-bc62-f588f5eeedd5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:30:41	687.229
-81	35025	3502500	48639ba8-cfb5-4667-bb6f-3bab00bb9cd7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:47:33	377.944
-81	70050	3502500	1246383d-554e-4903-8856-fcbf07c2a033	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:52:53	-856.230
-82	35026	3502600	9540e284-b031-48ef-820c-105703bda7c9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:09:06	-962.777
-82	70052	3502600	d2e55e83-67f2-40cf-a5e8-80bd03faba30	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:24:58	-786.937
-83	35027	3502700	7807679c-13bc-4d5f-b973-aea48c55251d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:54:19	835.93
-83	70054	3502700	e94b2b55-4ca5-47d6-874d-908d9f74753b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:18:25	-462.971
-84	35028	3502800	b3e1d9b9-a51d-4e01-a236-adb20829df06	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:20:57	-309.842
-84	70056	3502800	ebf9edc1-8348-454d-b54e-0d5ee2352daf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:59:15	365.362
-85	35029	3502900	2e1c95ca-e371-48aa-a8c3-fed689023956	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:45:24	984.775
-85	70058	3502900	b7d9b8a5-6015-48d7-ac88-742770a64845	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:51:51	886.809
-86	35030	3503000	0baa5449-6dc4-4766-b893-df6f41589ced	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:55:38	-349.588
-86	70060	3503000	aee6e55c-d497-417d-aea2-327f94a8acfc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:26:40	-85.188
-87	35031	3503100	24efd5d3-6d9c-445f-8534-48a098e7703f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:52:04	328.419
-87	70062	3503100	576046cd-1816-446d-a962-368dbb9a97e6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:06:56	679.113
-88	35032	3503200	ffe77b74-d9c0-44f8-9ab9-dec67edb1be0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:49:42	-174.795
-88	70064	3503200	42d1343c-303f-4c6a-baaf-f0aa41cecf43	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:38:33	-609.711
-89	35033	3503300	4b25bf69-2e33-42b9-a669-8d1b64bc4669	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:00:17	510.784
-89	70066	3503300	9e321899-8e9f-4f83-a7b8-451022189ed1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:08:59	910.697
-90	35034	3503400	fdb0e2db-909a-458a-9ddf-3a4bb13ca205	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:26:51	685.646
-90	70068	3503400	933b1f94-f6bc-4e38-b907-481b4a6ff72b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:51:19	-145.428
-91	35035	3503500	c24e83b7-8ea6-4e7e-85e5-ba1809086a10	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:52:15	570.801
-91	70070	3503500	a9549965-f1b2-48d5-8df5-6bb7c8b12497	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:52:42	673.45
-92	35036	3503600	fe567916-7483-4f52-9700-074737febc39	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:48:31	567.218
-92	70072	3503600	a5f07ddf-8e45-455f-a89f-8e0ab173e95e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:49:08	453.154
-93	35037	3503700	1ee3039e-b266-48d6-95fd-e83573f5c610	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:09:13	317.269
-93	70074	3503700	fcf97d6b-d4c6-4ae9-854e-92ed9350a45d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:15:49	963.55
-94	35038	3503800	8c089b1e-bbf3-4a0e-9eb3-e42ec6611c99	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:21:44	-351.310
-94	70076	3503800	6778bdb5-c618-4266-b13b-f1c89dd61bfa	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:03:48	133.857
-95	35039	3503900	74e06f7d-39d1-436c-a772-54e8b17cef33	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:18:16	961.1
-95	70078	3503900	5b36624f-03ea-4041-9e62-595b65f88d97	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:54:59	443.628
-96	35040	3504000	1b531cfa-1fba-4d78-b8c1-de1a3957753d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:19:16	-452.781
-96	70080	3504000	71d01e1e-8b9a-46f7-9cbf-bfb55dc7c548	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:52:04	-459.223
-97	35041	3504100	b6d7ab8f-da8c-43be-b059-81b6f9c67586	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:29:13	430.736
-97	70082	3504100	f737cb89-140a-48a5-8059-0bef86e59cf0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:32:17	77.535
-98	35042	3504200	57319bb5-1556-4e0d-a377-7725635ce742	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:32:02	-952.961
-98	70084	3504200	c2c50cd5-1251-49d0-b375-b4116325ccbd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:25:33	-717.708
-99	35043	3504300	81511add-2f49-4892-9f41-e23e36164597	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:52:06	650.384
-99	70086	3504300	cbebd3fe-3269-4d8e-8011-1c0b55e328aa	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:26:53	-968.259
-100	35044	3504400	c8a67eff-8fc6-4479-8a8a-a001cf1857e0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:58:49	-429.529
-100	70088	3504400	cde2fa3c-f1d3-4970-8f55-8746a7ecd048	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:22:21	-578.161
-101	35045	3504500	44fb9563-69ad-48e9-bf62-3cf03c171233	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:41:11	198.47
-101	70090	3504500	fd88228c-2abd-417e-9f40-e4eb9ecea020	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:53:17	330.82
-102	35046	3504600	9bc72276-528f-4a71-bf7b-38009f0957a7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:05:02	525.660
-102	70092	3504600	e1d2fcfe-3e49-4319-af63-88e683efd503	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:27:46	-57.425
-103	35047	3504700	88372d3e-afba-4d7d-aafd-1a48a5182169	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:37:36	-48.530
-103	70094	3504700	17adf455-641b-45d2-8f87-ff612dc1bd8e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:45:26	438.890
-104	35048	3504800	604214f4-6a0a-4138-be83-dd3b5c54f0c0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:59:13	-480.222
-104	70096	3504800	7022d03a-f4f3-455e-a5ba-610ba94e2c24	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:33:27	725.17
-105	35049	3504900	e692ba63-59dc-437b-b37c-3d0650cc11e6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:16:45	-201.987
-105	70098	3504900	d0dce1f3-5986-45e7-8d38-130b452e9b5e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:41:09	-224.805
-106	35050	3505000	382d1585-f264-430b-8d7c-4788c53e036d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:33:42	-927.396
-106	70100	3505000	1db216a3-0c9a-4665-86db-495b13cec2a3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:53:41	-661.357
-107	35051	3505100	039e3f70-e188-4ecc-b7ad-9ab842ec41ec	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:25:42	386.319
-107	70102	3505100	bd89934c-a243-482b-988e-fe4dec731583	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:27:14	-799.242
-108	35052	3505200	28498ce0-ab30-4e43-9d60-ad3616a22219	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:50:59	448.615
-108	70104	3505200	a5e8afd0-14b5-490b-ae31-f571f6acd038	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:37:59	-197.877
-109	35053	3505300	327eee1d-8856-460d-bf6d-c4488a87c417	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:47:44	196.237
-109	70106	3505300	997d6e14-1f1f-4817-87a4-f62d1105347e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:42:21	417.900
-110	35054	3505400	2558a9f4-cb8e-4f8a-9569-40f4092a0f48	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:56:00	165.989
-110	70108	3505400	2229efa5-23fc-47c1-a614-afa76b587f64	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:50:03	764.864
-111	35055	3505500	01c80052-e1c0-4171-98c7-31343167d2d9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:54:53	974.676
-111	70110	3505500	eb36aa7c-a1ca-4628-8eb7-0f653295f1c1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:00:42	695.150
-112	35056	3505600	04145d29-0841-4e3f-b748-34769e1c2c79	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:49:27	-410.223
-112	70112	3505600	662fdd28-02d3-465d-8fc8-6704eec714bb	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:39:30	-729.682
-113	35057	3505700	4895a689-78d9-4465-aa0e-6dc1b5a08870	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:56:01	914.901
-113	70114	3505700	35eb6976-6151-44d7-93c0-f2a8896aae2d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:52:32	824.478
-114	35058	3505800	837808c1-3e33-4c84-a0d4-b796f9e229ea	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:57:05	-318.379
-114	70116	3505800	f3246433-72a9-4c05-9774-1fb66b45ab48	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:07:03	125.135
-115	35059	3505900	f645c050-7da7-4eb4-8dbb-ea8b95f61751	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:37:07	996.75
-115	70118	3505900	ac027c6c-8493-49e8-b237-1e5890d85f7d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:57:24	-410.486
-116	35060	3506000	f0af2fdf-a4cc-42f0-a832-958a043e8a36	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:37:53	-220.433
-116	70120	3506000	07b4014b-3e2b-4224-814c-4ca7c40fee51	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:10:20	176.722
-117	35061	3506100	4f347f0d-f005-4134-84f1-7d8d65eb89a8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:54:27	-908.157
-117	70122	3506100	547265a6-3aa0-42a0-b1bd-17a29dfb68cf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:11:59	36.354
-118	35062	3506200	31f0b753-7fb3-42e0-b0e5-986e546e4f71	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:24:05	-948.394
-118	70124	3506200	e3260e7c-ee9b-408a-a332-e381ed086d4e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:41:27	696.440
-119	35063	3506300	4c3300f3-e748-49fb-8f81-0b890346940e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:17:57	-948.720
-119	70126	3506300	6dd402ae-d87e-445a-bf92-85d509b9ced1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:25:15	490.908
-120	35064	3506400	70b23c8e-bb35-4d97-ba8e-e18b8326ab1d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:25:14	788.764
-120	70128	3506400	58a98c1e-36e0-4873-b04b-bc8053b00d15	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:26:06	-301.60
-121	35065	3506500	8260c300-141c-4e78-9489-258f08b21d21	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:08:50	-724.490
-121	70130	3506500	8a5913d5-8935-4b2a-9380-d92b9fa99ba7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:18:43	265.251
-122	35066	3506600	af3ac170-8349-44c3-ab4a-c57176234633	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:37:51	-727.128
-122	70132	3506600	d2d302b5-0483-4d9f-b765-d733e6ac2e28	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:23:41	37.161
-123	35067	3506700	48399c9d-d377-4852-8e1b-115b0974abc3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:09:38	-189.567
-123	70134	3506700	3dc1341f-db18-4932-8ba1-224b25139faf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:04:16	937.475
-124	35068	3506800	316cd2f7-b76f-491f-9cd9-4b795879f106	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:45:24	817.473
-124	70136	3506800	d348cc52-c49b-47a2-bf66-02c4ed7f25ff	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:04:26	-551.918
-125	35069	3506900	3a313c8f-1073-4906-84a4-4544e0578e7c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:16:55	65.506
-125	70138	3506900	f9e444e7-bb0a-42f9-a3d5-53244585191e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:38:54	-689.511
-126	35070	3507000	adad3312-bd2b-4443-8c0d-abc383419fc9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:45:56	813.927
-126	70140	3507000	b174c80c-f5d3-49e4-945d-08096afa7f70	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:34:24	849.545
-127	35071	3507100	7545c6fd-ecde-4aa1-a5b3-44e7a989b202	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:56:44	-510.264
-127	70142	3507100	43e2cdc6-c5e0-46e8-86d3-c09a3886e2a8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:22:47	499.762
-0	35072	3507200	12dbadf6-ddfb-4cca-9912-58cd310ef40e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:04:29	976.500
-0	70144	3507200	352ab722-c82f-4cd4-b46d-51a144f59b08	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:52:22	975.86
-1	35073	3507300	50758ef4-f2cd-44cb-990f-71f45e19dc8d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:47:23	-792.638
-1	70146	3507300	b89c7ff9-2a3b-4ad8-b363-fba7ca650b4b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:05:08	416.488
-2	35074	3507400	1175b483-bcc6-4e71-9a0c-96807fe7fbba	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:54:22	-261.961
-2	70148	3507400	370818fe-8be7-4deb-a706-22e5d2b062f8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:45:20	-154.685
-3	35075	3507500	9839fbc7-98c5-4c1c-8132-15f77df2a25d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:42:13	100.34
-3	70150	3507500	9cdfd4ae-331d-45f0-9058-6391ebc583e8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:22:37	243.858
-4	35076	3507600	327da157-9d79-4c56-92f3-1490cb34ba84	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:03:37	906.866
-4	70152	3507600	92249b1a-4e54-41e4-bbad-927dd1ed716e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:00:13	299.343
-5	35077	3507700	1882ecf2-d74a-4611-855f-0fdc7a6acc76	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:09:17	325.188
-5	70154	3507700	3ccceb20-ca8c-482f-b390-64f5cf187a0d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:44:41	-700.719
-6	35078	3507800	4d04e763-2195-4760-945e-f047c8731ad5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:11:10	715.477
-6	70156	3507800	612d8c77-45c0-4d54-950e-5ba24699519c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:03:52	-111.509
-7	35079	3507900	943d091a-daae-4425-aa10-1150f5244afc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:34:16	-280.283
-7	70158	3507900	d79d1d5a-f95d-45d1-b0b8-8c6fce69b878	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:01:14	950.507
-8	35080	3508000	63cb9bed-5480-4d06-b171-62147175d89a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:56:57	-957.500
-8	70160	3508000	6a2c6d25-0d29-408d-b47b-f0d1b948dce4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:09:29	94.86
-9	35081	3508100	ae33f65a-30fc-4516-8aa1-ee6c2d8164a2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:56:43	-625.778
-9	70162	3508100	79576262-de82-40c9-a73b-e568ea7b598e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:41:36	627.278
-10	35082	3508200	72de4336-c60c-484f-9076-20b5c2411b86	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:44:01	-309.578
-10	70164	3508200	39991606-cf94-4c5a-9e2f-60035d020db6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:09:52	989.809
-11	35083	3508300	070a0089-ec69-41b6-a07d-cf5b8a4fbc44	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:26:00	693.690
-11	70166	3508300	6096439a-cbd7-4338-b4eb-ade16e17459f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:04:26	-467.726
-12	35084	3508400	5a89c02e-8d8e-43a3-b292-0249f7a1b7b0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:53:47	458.409
-12	70168	3508400	2ebbb103-1eea-4093-be0b-6020192cbe3e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:13:05	701.510
-13	35085	3508500	543d240e-acf6-4d1f-bec4-5b6af48f8a17	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:17:15	123.676
-13	70170	3508500	5854e2cd-d0bd-4c42-9099-5ef1546aee6c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:22:03	408.506
-14	35086	3508600	b75d64ec-b296-4b26-b8a2-2a9bacc20c09	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:45:15	622.501
-14	70172	3508600	4d70c2d4-ae9b-43e2-8e93-0c52ad428857	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:06:34	-595.948
-15	35087	3508700	0359c20c-9513-4a0e-a91c-af920f0d8344	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:40:22	879.89
-15	70174	3508700	34a76e4e-2f9c-4a0b-a756-77aca146ab3e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:27:35	712.665
-16	35088	3508800	69a2d7dd-e445-4570-8f75-82370c569f7a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:41:28	500.963
-16	70176	3508800	5ec60acc-7639-4fc3-9962-295eaff4041a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:17:42	498.952
-17	35089	3508900	dcf82b24-b246-4061-8e60-89b9f33e3286	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:44:40	-247.557
-17	70178	3508900	87a06657-6957-4c1b-8cfa-ad7087b6f463	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:07:32	528.30
-18	35090	3509000	c5bdfcb0-b8bc-4769-852b-21e4ead852f2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:47:35	-839.220
-18	70180	3509000	8da05bb5-3232-4eef-a09e-87e06a0754c2	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:30:17	-243.458
-19	35091	3509100	36320661-4523-456e-b4f5-26ecafb500c2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:47:08	473.522
-19	70182	3509100	d7f3c2c8-dd2a-488b-b3a3-6b57be651e5d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:19:15	312.348
-20	35092	3509200	25f1e0ae-4296-49fc-a710-e95e00487efd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:22:44	583.379
-20	70184	3509200	6471ab35-b55d-48c3-9908-130114c53617	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:27:22	-882.818
-21	35093	3509300	ee7464d6-f41e-4082-be75-a45d60a54b94	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:33:54	15.343
-21	70186	3509300	4adf58ca-0e23-4a22-bc87-3913557e823b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:05:03	336.433
-22	35094	3509400	db780f9d-de05-4c13-a50c-fdaaf63d7121	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:48:27	701.177
-22	70188	3509400	169f1632-0226-4602-9439-2b37d01747e6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:37:53	183.82
-23	35095	3509500	5b7f85ba-f878-496b-a718-71ec6b2c39b1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:24:13	-856.895
-23	70190	3509500	c7bbfc67-2a73-466c-956c-b3243310e5ef	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:45:30	-148.170
-24	35096	3509600	cefbe050-6a7b-41cd-ace9-f2bc40da65bc	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:01:41	195.732
-24	70192	3509600	e736e744-78e4-4c75-9c31-d3507b7f15d5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:57:14	826.787
-25	35097	3509700	ff7ae437-2f58-4b07-864f-52c9acfa2b03	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:14:53	-82.818
-25	70194	3509700	50d6f6e3-3de6-4747-9631-60cc39d20e45	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:50:40	-605.547
-26	35098	3509800	5fb178a1-04cb-42c5-bf71-7d7422ee1a22	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:20:06	858.685
-26	70196	3509800	2ed79ad3-7384-4c15-91a8-5445733249ad	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:02:24	484.325
-27	35099	3509900	68adab35-91b8-41e3-9c4c-e24b02958382	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:22:59	-283.693
-27	70198	3509900	9b4685f4-8a6c-488c-b3d6-743dd1c52988	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:21:09	571.608
-28	35100	3510000	be7ad64b-988d-4a38-8024-e806583b1f72	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:26:52	-319.50
-28	70200	3510000	6a283c8c-54ea-4b96-be55-e0307290a7d5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:27:04	-84.554
-29	35101	3510100	f813d887-0e8e-4175-b2a5-54b9a8af2354	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:11:04	707.762
-29	70202	3510100	663119b4-cfee-4400-908c-79975c6fa3f0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:59:03	197.516
-30	35102	3510200	02c84369-37a2-4cfb-92bf-de08a2da0b88	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:31:07	-635.261
-30	70204	3510200	eefd0aec-6718-4570-8987-1c88a5a27049	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:46:24	909.342
-31	35103	3510300	929f6780-49f3-4c2f-bb39-8399de5336e2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:00:03	-468.135
-31	70206	3510300	fc19d4f9-2e0e-491b-bcc0-0d95b103fa38	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:24:43	-66.570
-32	35104	3510400	a81c558b-fcd7-4e1e-8fc2-cdb97295e695	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:53:32	775.316
-32	70208	3510400	03059e4b-33f2-4d89-81d5-2f71f04fc933	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:05:04	-726.882
-33	35105	3510500	58bfbf1d-e8f2-4901-a0d4-02b17fd0b96e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:25:06	-341.735
-33	70210	3510500	b2e44596-b0b4-4b97-b721-79802171376c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:37:27	-299.358
-34	35106	3510600	1493c7b0-948d-4026-836c-5f782aa7fd7a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:08:09	219.656
-34	70212	3510600	a46b9894-d492-4f88-ba0b-ad756f74accc	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:20:30	-390.190
-35	35107	3510700	a23578a9-da60-43a7-8f5f-703e034eb330	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:27:00	-30.287
-35	70214	3510700	64f11657-f5fa-425e-b541-66c35f0c71aa	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:12:00	125.684
-36	35108	3510800	6ed66966-0ade-4202-9fcd-b706ece74923	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:07:47	-432.624
-36	70216	3510800	080cf13e-f584-48e1-b0d7-82ac1c4f80b8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:09:36	-184.369
-37	35109	3510900	1bd9e41c-9ef2-4a69-87d6-708ddb89987c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:48:38	221.483
-37	70218	3510900	5ef30f7a-4c0e-4c7c-a784-9e52bf2e7b21	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:24:45	-193.503
-38	35110	3511000	d7f16677-d361-4e13-8f89-e9d43608527e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:28:54	655.774
-38	70220	3511000	9e6a830b-2a59-4a0f-8326-ad2df16728fc	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:22:48	-348.305
-39	35111	3511100	2ef45b83-7c1b-46e9-90be-9a7d3ff8763b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:50:52	680.692
-39	70222	3511100	0fdbb00f-fb2b-4e00-a50c-dd16071f14e9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:44:54	-797.768
-40	35112	3511200	2f5428da-7490-47f5-b5b2-81c5f8281ca8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:09:56	-532.109
-40	70224	3511200	16a7943b-63aa-4ce8-93d3-cc47d838fd40	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:53:16	115.837
-41	35113	3511300	e6e2119a-519d-4660-9b60-20eb19c22528	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:43:45	-506.204
-41	70226	3511300	1af50134-2a3b-44a0-903e-60f69fb35a87	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:34:27	411.100
-42	35114	3511400	75ac006c-7462-4cf8-b337-16c317ce2eff	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:46:47	841.455
-42	70228	3511400	5eb3d0b5-9d0c-47d7-ba8e-b3c528d94991	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:36:13	914.446
-43	35115	3511500	59a0a302-3686-4295-b2ae-89740cfad772	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:20:46	-519.996
-43	70230	3511500	8f37876c-5910-426b-8718-14bb2615f52a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:52:43	-295.492
-44	35116	3511600	f43cf437-b778-498f-87b9-2c5c36413eb2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:57:02	816.358
-44	70232	3511600	127a4993-e992-4bdd-acae-a7d517d71aae	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:51:29	769.725
-45	35117	3511700	4d346824-b824-4226-b386-fede79f15162	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:28:54	-99.167
-45	70234	3511700	45e9034f-4f91-4eca-a328-aa24827b22dd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:11:40	-717.373
-46	35118	3511800	c587f8d2-33e3-485d-bf62-3208119937c3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:30:27	-857.499
-46	70236	3511800	9506f7c7-2f3e-4387-b55b-0988b684f083	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:56:19	86.859
-47	35119	3511900	1b5f3e56-b8f5-4404-81a6-c18fe857fdc7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:11:49	691.168
-47	70238	3511900	117038f6-13fd-42c7-8b3a-86a2d00d3643	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:24:40	106.725
-48	35120	3512000	5de8a8d3-4828-4c22-91a0-3009b1ac2b81	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:05:47	-876.897
-48	70240	3512000	a405a4c3-3402-4875-b5e3-553d42bf31cf	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:12:06	-406.704
-49	35121	3512100	85199a16-9cda-4866-a146-78f1f266f42c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:33:41	-69.376
-49	70242	3512100	d9ab75eb-b885-4bd1-8d2e-c35068d4c808	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:07:05	479.751
-50	35122	3512200	54d3871c-3f33-4248-8294-0a35e9db99c1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:06:12	949.441
-50	70244	3512200	b45cf999-8ba7-4db3-939f-da7e44d6b16f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:40:48	-543.891
-51	35123	3512300	32c81d9e-b8f1-4579-b48f-2d165d1b5eda	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:45:19	443.138
-51	70246	3512300	b641b7e9-9514-4628-9589-6b31351cd4b2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:50:44	-732.235
-52	35124	3512400	bd7646b1-174e-4a28-9a05-2f3e42f979d3	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:30:07	-884.741
-52	70248	3512400	21b5fea1-1d58-44be-9403-c8c6eb435162	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:16:15	680.343
-53	35125	3512500	761808b4-255f-4d26-825e-1d390ff1ec5b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:44:35	960.649
-53	70250	3512500	62fa0055-b30a-461d-8b3a-7ff9d789fed0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:14:11	805.763
-54	35126	3512600	9e66beaf-11b9-4fd7-a852-6daf0faa7cb3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:45:16	-19.37
-54	70252	3512600	e7bb7f2d-286c-4e9a-93e4-780eb3054a42	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:53:48	566.945
-55	35127	3512700	fadee2b2-793b-4c60-9172-07d6687dfbda	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:29:26	-154.642
-55	70254	3512700	91b3dd59-53f5-414a-92d1-54149860f792	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:39:58	-908.87
-56	35128	3512800	54211fb3-ab58-4588-95f6-d87d834f3b99	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:46:16	878.26
-56	70256	3512800	2e3a45c7-9479-43b8-9f70-8c906be48c1c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:29:05	836.979
-57	35129	3512900	14edd009-2a99-4ec9-9620-99929c1e02a9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:01:46	4.67
-57	70258	3512900	c2ab69b1-5a2e-4bfd-b17f-470cf01df1a0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:02:45	349.234
-58	35130	3513000	682ee986-0866-4a17-8cda-8c21453cb5ec	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:30:57	847.717
-58	70260	3513000	eca1365a-f395-4e39-a8a2-96fc2215e5a8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:52:59	876.532
-59	35131	3513100	33381fff-777e-4954-80b5-99675d0829c2	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:18:12	53.780
-59	70262	3513100	33069922-1b18-46b4-bf8e-b2825bc50138	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:50:04	-675.360
-60	35132	3513200	7fdf5a5e-cfe9-4b9a-8d47-d1375e9aa0d2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:44:52	-135.752
-60	70264	3513200	44f7eec0-319f-46fc-bcbb-4ebecf55ba5f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:01:14	-734.227
-61	35133	3513300	175c32fb-eb54-40ee-bce6-e78ce4043e39	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:22:17	-146.699
-61	70266	3513300	f3fe1edf-3e1c-4074-bf27-fa28dd0bd08f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:40:06	-615.339
-62	35134	3513400	daaa61e7-69ff-44e2-b6d7-f41a381c66a1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:42:12	210.225
-62	70268	3513400	9ab076c7-723b-4cbf-b7fe-623cea018788	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:30:24	928.243
-63	35135	3513500	9dd12251-3a83-4d94-98c7-538e51ec7c8a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:52:34	497.233
-63	70270	3513500	55975716-aafd-4bc0-9e63-9a7eb54b2ae7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:57:22	-162.599
-64	35136	3513600	9f83f476-f344-4ec7-af08-c0d8b931da26	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:50:42	460.736
-64	70272	3513600	d3483531-a701-42be-ab52-ea8154e6dacf	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:47:29	443.365
-65	35137	3513700	fbbd42d9-a57b-4ae6-b0a4-3d44ed819dfa	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:36:42	457.724
-65	70274	3513700	7bd9f08c-9e16-4218-b640-9ebc7c7d79db	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:38:40	982.249
-66	35138	3513800	0c916557-b064-45b3-8b33-884475ad4c28	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:34:11	-255.738
-66	70276	3513800	ec774e02-17a7-413d-b951-228702708aba	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:12:13	582.635
-67	35139	3513900	59dee4c0-c2ca-46f0-9574-1a57463df635	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:31:16	-709.754
-67	70278	3513900	120370b5-985f-4224-ab3d-caf581b84ed2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:55:52	207.281
-68	35140	3514000	e7538ad9-3411-4da5-93d1-2fa5520035dd	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:07:42	955.973
-68	70280	3514000	c298b8bf-4ad1-4a42-a66c-a7dcdbbec021	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:24:24	-345.371
-69	35141	3514100	40685cfb-262d-4480-a90b-0d94b16be709	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:23:46	44.227
-69	70282	3514100	26bd7838-26f8-48be-8a50-ae00206a414e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:14:37	-114.986
-70	35142	3514200	a64b32ee-e8c2-48a6-882d-3839a348a8ad	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:32:43	-598.634
-70	70284	3514200	56b29f03-d1f2-44d7-a890-513fc20f9890	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:25:44	913.806
-71	35143	3514300	591cd097-08df-4681-8c67-d5473adef249	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:03:36	506.364
-71	70286	3514300	e436a8cf-1810-4cda-a5f8-37d1bc427a8e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:49:53	661.254
-72	35144	3514400	ffc52046-d9aa-4517-882b-6771842bb2dd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:26:24	-591.575
-72	70288	3514400	bc623fb5-2816-4766-b2c7-156f18dace27	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:30:29	-725.546
-73	35145	3514500	8b00cf32-d8cc-45bc-9c52-4577f178997b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:25:40	-208.285
-73	70290	3514500	fdefe7b8-521f-4bd6-b51b-ea2c9d52a838	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:30:02	416.202
-74	35146	3514600	92739692-b9d4-4cf6-b204-03875e9358ef	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:21:05	120.3
-74	70292	3514600	169a4c92-09f4-4309-9c2b-a547006d891f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:24:34	-790.571
-75	35147	3514700	d47ef9af-e3ab-4950-b9ce-7473b749b92e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:04:11	-416.536
-75	70294	3514700	9d2daae6-28f0-45e3-806e-8fa5c1b14c60	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:43:33	540.424
-76	35148	3514800	ef8b4bfb-18b4-4f05-95ac-6214f3e8fd39	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:40:29	129.909
-76	70296	3514800	0a22720d-1962-4efa-8f5e-5274684741bb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:15:24	931.591
-77	35149	3514900	03de600c-7af4-4934-a4f8-92d997566594	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:32:35	-419.574
-77	70298	3514900	1d7ec017-f0c4-4f09-875c-977621403a73	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:37:42	-422.716
-78	35150	3515000	d7e59274-d5e3-419b-a2e2-456910d616c3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:41:09	367.13
-78	70300	3515000	4e90ace2-0a9a-4871-b06d-6980331f721a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:11:02	-536.390
-79	35151	3515100	70517f65-e7af-470b-989e-272f13682952	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:56:17	-558.488
-79	70302	3515100	efcbfad2-e6cf-49fd-9d41-64d23a4477e5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:17:31	-82.881
-80	35152	3515200	9197bfc2-54b0-4cef-b888-7121d3f3c14f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:21:14	973.81
-80	70304	3515200	5ec0cd51-55c8-457c-b007-062901324f81	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:05:04	205.795
-81	35153	3515300	02cbe6b4-d923-4e7d-881d-fbfb49d6a991	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:34:40	739.984
-81	70306	3515300	d9c367dc-ddf1-4d5c-863f-7abeb3f387c1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:04:59	698.374
-82	35154	3515400	94bd71e7-6ef4-42f7-928e-8a7e7d0d7957	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:40:13	-257.413
-82	70308	3515400	62792cb0-9b50-4438-8843-174545d6810f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:27:33	122.589
-83	35155	3515500	183e2f60-3e75-4a8a-8d12-95db3a35e20e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:41:25	-440.707
-83	70310	3515500	e2a83f44-12e7-4f86-a00d-2938c0585008	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:35:38	-128.284
-84	35156	3515600	d62b7156-4e91-41f7-90ec-d2ca4de70151	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:22:08	282.912
-84	70312	3515600	186e860c-ceff-4ec0-be28-3214a380551d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:23:06	344.543
-85	35157	3515700	9b4d4368-172a-48bd-a2bb-b4dafa215e7d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:24:57	214.873
-85	70314	3515700	3fd3bd98-d99c-4acc-bbde-64aa9f8ffb97	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:26:42	-751.553
-86	35158	3515800	5cd69415-7979-4439-96e6-e4e51d9dd582	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:50:58	158.849
-86	70316	3515800	15a311d3-ecb7-4673-a85b-42fce93864a7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:16:54	-632.809
-87	35159	3515900	d444d54b-b450-4370-9f8c-dc9b40e0e461	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:09:18	570.990
-87	70318	3515900	5e18e213-994c-4a83-8760-aa7bd360c2d3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:53:09	-36.645
-88	35160	3516000	bf9086f1-a617-40bf-b26a-72a9d6e1f40a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:24:15	631.234
-88	70320	3516000	5f83d370-b3e6-4daf-80fd-c8997a77c813	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:06:21	-188.980
-89	35161	3516100	d82b5b3b-f4ec-43dc-8211-1bcc30cd64f8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:26:15	-516.641
-89	70322	3516100	061897ad-97c3-42b3-b6c8-75de5c88daef	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:22:01	600.44
-90	35162	3516200	7d5721b7-08fb-4fc5-b1c6-209f2a337cb5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:17:10	-292.777
-90	70324	3516200	7d7cf41a-563b-464e-b341-103091d6c752	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:09:53	-700.989
-91	35163	3516300	0a95f6e1-72a6-4ce8-b747-0b5a7f42992a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:50:13	-310.509
-91	70326	3516300	d275b766-3960-4a2d-bc7a-3a17bbb5915b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:18:13	582.726
-92	35164	3516400	dad6309d-31cc-4c39-bfc4-eced6a02e1de	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:22:33	-918.110
-92	70328	3516400	660f74c4-f038-404f-9a8e-c259737751f5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:12:57	-782.722
-93	35165	3516500	1ce51313-0f00-4491-9059-ba262284dd8f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:46:44	812.112
-93	70330	3516500	a1179e47-9541-4bcd-a554-00f5d05c4f9b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:42:57	766.429
-94	35166	3516600	eac1b014-54eb-4ac5-b6d7-8072e8652c22	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:30:42	747.570
-94	70332	3516600	6d332267-95d3-40da-92d3-ce33d3aba76d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:27:54	-707.410
-95	35167	3516700	c78a4f60-dcd5-4ecf-8fa2-276cffcf3fa3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:38:24	357.354
-95	70334	3516700	c3a51399-1adc-4dad-a188-3be0e50c7048	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:05:01	-431.889
-96	35168	3516800	e11efeba-8509-452b-b998-4636575c24da	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:11:00	-984.834
-96	70336	3516800	9f500582-35e2-442e-96fa-d3b12bdc8b97	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:51:59	480.182
-97	35169	3516900	aebb9baf-f2be-49a5-b94d-684bb17d0acc	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:58:38	435.435
-97	70338	3516900	9461b148-fd40-49bf-8b98-1d57bbefbf29	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:36:48	-390.217
-98	35170	3517000	a471ea9f-bd75-4303-ba4b-58fc3bc524d0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:30:40	925.433
-98	70340	3517000	3693bbc6-d064-4249-84b8-5e80730d227b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:40:09	883.185
-99	35171	3517100	6f18c3c4-205c-47c9-942b-11671bc79e91	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:09:59	210.144
-99	70342	3517100	8b5a2932-65bc-4d36-935b-3661e71e1347	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:26:23	-187.708
-100	35172	3517200	14dd6178-f9aa-402a-8a35-6b49b1e981fc	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:25:51	837.606
-100	70344	3517200	1871f614-e6f1-4004-b51f-2b49a54e3241	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:00:46	-528.704
-101	35173	3517300	d329a22a-c358-4ade-8113-3080ebb29a9a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:48:47	618.379
-101	70346	3517300	479d3754-7fc4-4eec-bf8f-4f1b27d9b851	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:17:40	336.163
-102	35174	3517400	0aadb284-97c3-4953-9811-73d84ae32a64	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:31:49	-346.185
-102	70348	3517400	ed905262-28ed-4d09-89d9-f58dd14438ac	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:05:48	529.685
-103	35175	3517500	cea27bd0-e747-4e7c-b713-28d6da6b7c9f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:36:56	351.821
-103	70350	3517500	cdbc85be-a91b-4e12-a791-de7246eb0374	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:23:41	-795.260
-104	35176	3517600	43901e58-ab22-42c3-985e-7dd14cd8cb57	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:48:13	677.300
-104	70352	3517600	0ce816f1-5c9e-4eca-bd23-29295ab51465	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:33:01	50.913
-105	35177	3517700	56b9eef1-80a4-484b-8a95-1e3ed6ec0d5b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:01:03	972.248
-105	70354	3517700	4aefe17b-57ed-4b7d-90b4-fd4d921bd5df	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:16:43	-410.252
-106	35178	3517800	da9afd98-8490-4f89-8583-8170d3df1755	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:15:23	623.668
-106	70356	3517800	a98565b8-199d-418a-a84f-75017f11ed90	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:10:09	-626.103
-107	35179	3517900	c4645a0c-f8eb-460e-b680-ce26f7b4e445	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:22:46	275.150
-107	70358	3517900	57a9fabf-334d-47b6-8176-55eae39b10af	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:07:08	657.59
-108	35180	3518000	3765d4b0-33a9-4c4f-b9de-c109276d227a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:14:06	999.272
-108	70360	3518000	6d94d4f3-99cc-426d-bfc5-1f6254e1bcca	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:11:52	-485.330
-109	35181	3518100	c03249f7-b7ba-4546-91ef-9255712485e1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:05:58	-505.225
-109	70362	3518100	ca7eac19-5822-4f38-b977-1b07913c9850	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:09:56	497.4
-110	35182	3518200	a86d7568-35a8-4380-b8d6-fb01d325996f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:56:01	414.492
-110	70364	3518200	b21cb5e0-e778-4046-9e2b-67112d980719	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:20:15	-758.590
-111	35183	3518300	33726e6f-ff47-4df6-9c4a-6dc0e014db92	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:31:33	-718.431
-111	70366	3518300	ce075782-0e79-4ee0-b918-f6044b251b50	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:57:12	-805.546
-112	35184	3518400	f60c081d-96ab-4561-8164-43c6eacd6951	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:28:36	-605.975
-112	70368	3518400	a77dfd37-9eeb-4e8d-80f6-82f7d8017c4e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:59:31	682.660
-113	35185	3518500	c736e2d7-565b-4484-b77b-c85a5ae3e6d5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:47:32	-613.55
-113	70370	3518500	0c6019f7-54c7-4c36-bebe-242cfefe256b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:05:31	-657.285
-114	35186	3518600	68b0af29-2013-47ee-b5d8-5cd3bd16f393	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:42:51	850.425
-114	70372	3518600	caa7a4ba-6ba5-463e-9894-50f4a7731e0c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:15:12	636.479
-115	35187	3518700	c8bfd4a2-8cd9-480c-b658-c14c28f91395	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:54:46	-940.975
-115	70374	3518700	c497f601-ee26-40a1-8cd0-087d39a0dbe5	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:57:15	55.61
-116	35188	3518800	7d3ea16a-4225-45f1-9d0a-b64c1919e885	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:33:26	-521.296
-116	70376	3518800	c48fd9d3-2eb0-4b11-a727-47f4c12297fa	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:02:00	774.667
-117	35189	3518900	1e46ed3c-eebc-4882-a733-befe09a2131f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:08:11	599.437
-117	70378	3518900	719cde63-2139-455e-a72f-265da06a04e4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:59:47	-146.511
-118	35190	3519000	c63a9596-3ea8-44a6-a9ea-7da36778b3a5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:28:57	531.963
-118	70380	3519000	46c31865-fe22-4da7-92c2-e04319cac5b5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:10:24	-71.135
-119	35191	3519100	8ac4ce9b-fae6-4398-8224-c79cf5e8495a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:40:29	611.926
-119	70382	3519100	6cf79393-ab4d-49e9-bd23-1183c8bf408c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:28:10	-69.560
-120	35192	3519200	0d996a5a-f105-47c1-8834-c4d2e74ec440	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:10:12	764.664
-120	70384	3519200	7c537070-f4e7-42ae-9117-f283e648fc54	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:11:28	327.801
-121	35193	3519300	5e8b2c56-8271-48bf-8ee4-2795d15e0f99	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:21:30	662.291
-121	70386	3519300	c99446ca-07f7-4de4-8337-892af51962f3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:41:02	-469.464
-122	35194	3519400	133dc948-e0af-46c1-9e37-db67343e2912	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:04:59	-43.612
-122	70388	3519400	13462957-62ea-4c80-a2f4-62ae6f7ffda4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:10:48	150.657
-123	35195	3519500	539bf8b1-8c66-4fa9-9978-09b3066c670c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:29:25	652.753
-123	70390	3519500	076c188b-6f4d-41d6-94e7-78e0004d2534	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:41:49	-813.245
-124	35196	3519600	d71dc3fb-bc30-4098-962b-7fe6166b554e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:25:02	-766.698
-124	70392	3519600	0f873a9c-c113-4021-ba7f-3bb927499f2f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:07:51	754.399
-125	35197	3519700	d32b5faf-745c-4d3e-8f19-d175f74fc10f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:56:47	-859.450
-125	70394	3519700	d653e396-89e8-49f6-8165-0baaea6da477	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:13:36	100.805
-126	35198	3519800	e33d8051-a398-485d-8ea2-a6b817d20465	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:27:18	71.737
-126	70396	3519800	3c4a4bd1-a35a-49a5-96b8-fd15fe243ddf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:46:02	942.488
-127	35199	3519900	4c6e209c-771e-45af-8a81-d290b7bbea05	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:41:24	998.991
-127	70398	3519900	406f3af4-af5d-4185-bfd3-01702b91eaab	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:12:25	723.647
-0	35200	3520000	57b3ec6c-6bcc-42d8-bfeb-f093feb8ef68	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:12:39	59.924
-0	70400	3520000	38836eb2-4da3-4f5f-98eb-f0bc3588efe6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:47:36	-822.31
-1	35201	3520100	a4e1af78-0fce-45bb-a8b7-646a5e9aa378	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:01:15	-49.719
-1	70402	3520100	22a755f8-3e05-4b4a-a2e6-7c01591083cd	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:47:45	802.481
-2	35202	3520200	2b37b841-8faa-45b3-97d5-b72c049ffb2c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:01:01	858.366
-2	70404	3520200	0b4557d0-6c73-4d0a-b354-8e53a339de5d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:55:27	-990.925
-3	35203	3520300	0d8db570-11db-471f-8cd2-a216ee28a70c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:48:57	900.326
-3	70406	3520300	3c818e20-5a45-4f07-874a-2907da5ee0a9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:03:32	-229.700
-4	35204	3520400	013173ec-6ec1-4faa-aacc-f9bcec1dc242	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:04:45	249.495
-4	70408	3520400	655b3474-10c0-488c-83c4-7acfcf4b3847	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:21:13	450.459
-5	35205	3520500	4f990045-c960-4c00-960a-8faa3559dc1c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:45:13	893.900
-5	70410	3520500	a304f0b4-24d7-453d-8ace-dfe41d82fc64	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:49:32	-566.706
-6	35206	3520600	558ccb80-96a9-43ba-8fcb-a2eb93f44e03	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:22:56	522.718
-6	70412	3520600	4cce8251-269c-43e6-891d-5c9c797e34f7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:51:05	14.203
-7	35207	3520700	3ceab834-8635-422d-b492-181d39be97a4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:14:25	-352.385
-7	70414	3520700	839f5443-99a2-4428-bad7-80d6f3ae30f7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:05:30	-812.219
-8	35208	3520800	f3589e18-7d98-4f2d-aaf6-226a8fff5c0f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:25:28	690.475
-8	70416	3520800	9b78b0f6-d718-45a5-ab86-d70c9dc33e9b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:49:40	563.917
-9	35209	3520900	6e54ed03-3f72-4b32-a482-a036d7de6ae7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:26:22	-635.243
-9	70418	3520900	75ccd352-d469-4053-be5a-d3128c0e9fbf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:18:45	-645.36
-10	35210	3521000	8421d27d-e71b-4c78-b829-82b7d5847e3b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:04:10	876.392
-10	70420	3521000	96962c5a-2e50-48fa-9979-a108c2092f23	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:02:41	-719.197
-11	35211	3521100	07e1b048-965d-425f-9769-ffe2ed213ec3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:01:42	-239.957
-11	70422	3521100	2cd329b7-42d5-4139-ab9c-7593337b41b1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:09:34	325.754
-12	35212	3521200	1afa9c8e-b8b1-438b-9a73-d225cfeeb7fe	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:39:13	-104.296
-12	70424	3521200	5f63c435-70e5-4659-a586-e917b2e78a00	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:53:24	856.430
-13	35213	3521300	5fc691e9-670c-4311-ae74-2d3756706abd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:08:01	-40.375
-13	70426	3521300	137d6d2f-f2bb-4e1c-81c4-b814bfd0a5cb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:16:49	-332.680
-14	35214	3521400	9aeafb50-b6c7-41d7-b7fa-9c4c380eb1c1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:12:20	-548.499
-14	70428	3521400	4170ffad-0ea1-44f7-8414-bad9bd783677	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:39:50	873.643
-15	35215	3521500	dedf13f8-9a6a-4b06-9af9-0d267fbb5cd3	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:57:31	112.705
-15	70430	3521500	8932ac73-a685-429a-a048-f62cc095c90c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:10:10	-543.27
-16	35216	3521600	ba062d49-7f95-4860-a15e-1711475a8696	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:42:51	963.932
-16	70432	3521600	f87029aa-ab1a-455d-8984-101062061f7f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:21:19	-481.366
-17	35217	3521700	fa3cec1d-9b7f-4a83-81fb-3a57a63b7bb4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:45:58	559.829
-17	70434	3521700	014aa6b6-3189-4ffa-94ca-a5f74801831e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:18:18	-442.797
-18	35218	3521800	832cf544-8b2c-468d-852f-7a61c64dabe1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:09:53	-331.944
-18	70436	3521800	8a37dd53-6bce-478c-a7b3-8f4534e75399	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:25:24	-822.104
-19	35219	3521900	b8e39c52-2d97-4695-a0f1-b71348a64102	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:55:04	-701.852
-19	70438	3521900	ccc1bbd6-7ef4-4ed8-8944-93158bdecd92	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:09:55	-706.601
-20	35220	3522000	c66ef80a-ce4f-4e98-88dd-412b5d0a7672	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:47:04	343.316
-20	70440	3522000	79eb7116-6c8f-45df-80c9-d396a6bda173	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:49:06	30.934
-21	35221	3522100	e00db688-795b-40dd-8bbe-6e7266c6c66b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:02:25	-506.735
-21	70442	3522100	b6b50e27-700c-4cbc-a508-ea853a3fb2c1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:28:11	-698.458
-22	35222	3522200	8a3063b8-121d-408f-9dd4-80820228f79d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:49:22	-633.913
-22	70444	3522200	6a7a0bb4-23dc-45fa-a2df-e7ba1cc81f8d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:26:36	728.677
-23	35223	3522300	ecc02081-48a4-45d8-a257-7fbaa5e758e9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:31:05	272.696
-23	70446	3522300	161a3c59-b4a2-4f18-9d05-d9aec2ba7488	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:55:42	-137.264
-24	35224	3522400	4e5c2b65-fcec-42b1-a5ff-aaffa3ccf8dc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:51:49	815.243
-24	70448	3522400	a9b13114-2dc4-40a4-b376-4eaab3e7c35e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:59:55	-127.243
-25	35225	3522500	95faddb4-7631-4dc0-9258-6941d133f873	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:50:51	666.649
-25	70450	3522500	95718223-5a65-4517-bfce-a22e1c8bf7a8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:35:55	-672.39
-26	35226	3522600	f59fdcd1-582a-4a22-ae60-6f5ef8b52b7e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:47:48	197.59
-26	70452	3522600	b05535d6-5b05-4cc7-ae69-13e765250153	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:09:24	-592.161
-27	35227	3522700	5ada67b4-62af-4d94-95a8-73cbfe1c1bfc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:38:08	166.690
-27	70454	3522700	8719f63c-b168-4cc2-8db9-4e615703f7e8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:17:47	-685.126
-28	35228	3522800	81dc518d-5e5e-49f6-8610-6770ac7f01df	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:11:43	722.759
-28	70456	3522800	20fa80ae-4126-44bd-a7bc-e63f2de08456	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:47:14	-214.806
-29	35229	3522900	d05f1202-5a1e-4b0f-8543-c6682aa4b65d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:58:26	680.632
-29	70458	3522900	66c0445e-196f-4fa3-ba45-f8315d2a5ef2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:29:13	-601.912
-30	35230	3523000	7c74baf1-dc89-49bd-8843-625591b8a5b1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:01:57	716.524
-30	70460	3523000	63e6bea1-fdc5-445a-9994-328397621fe5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:28:41	-349.465
-31	35231	3523100	3f52e7d1-d760-424c-9169-77ef9dc77348	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:50:56	-112.666
-31	70462	3523100	2807eb64-f86d-42a2-a64a-cef0204cf498	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:53:44	-134.75
-32	35232	3523200	5529ca4b-ea76-45c1-93a0-6c2eeb49e31b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:02:24	277.131
-32	70464	3523200	3fc52f24-ddb4-4492-8279-cbe19f5250d0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:49:53	390.393
-33	35233	3523300	b052b3bb-a591-49db-8961-a5b2695c0f3b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:23:55	-655.875
-33	70466	3523300	6234ebdd-5e27-4729-8793-c49e1313a437	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:52:25	565.803
-34	35234	3523400	831b3037-0cde-4bd8-b2ec-5baaf9ce241c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:00:42	394.297
-34	70468	3523400	6ed3505f-6331-4122-a585-46e0c92c796e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:19:22	176.176
-35	35235	3523500	67a36499-d4d5-4887-80ab-e86c611a0238	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:04:54	-43.934
-35	70470	3523500	22ae9b44-c76d-4d09-9caf-2a9c2b07101a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:49:04	-296.402
-36	35236	3523600	020dbff5-64ba-4c0b-841c-2279b7f989d4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:57:29	335.545
-36	70472	3523600	075fd8a6-d36b-4bca-920c-4078e88f8ee5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:35:50	-432.584
-37	35237	3523700	3cbe64c9-c853-416c-8910-afc29e061612	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:57:28	271.716
-37	70474	3523700	ec845434-47a2-4237-a443-6ede60832705	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:35:58	-660.36
-38	35238	3523800	e3b74a6a-d3f4-43ed-971f-6e20dbaed14c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:33:19	804.978
-38	70476	3523800	4d9edeb9-02e8-453a-af38-a6c54c08a4da	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:30:30	947.153
-39	35239	3523900	8810cc74-2d2e-4c98-80cd-dfea11042b59	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:37:06	-3.995
-39	70478	3523900	1ba32830-8781-477a-b02e-e505d75b01a9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:22:20	-279.902
-40	35240	3524000	490ba9d2-ae68-4387-92b5-abd1727a2089	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:31:58	201.983
-40	70480	3524000	7f1d998c-266a-4666-996d-817353ee6cfb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:54:33	863.87
-41	35241	3524100	7229b80a-677e-44f1-a20f-be71b9e42dee	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:18:39	392.654
-41	70482	3524100	6fac8491-33ff-46e8-885a-64ee24ddb53d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:28:25	504.269
-42	35242	3524200	7cd8ff23-8c80-4d60-9d2a-c9cba95c10e3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:14:01	-730.970
-42	70484	3524200	2b20315e-2676-4dd9-abc9-a11bb8f7184e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:24:25	663.10
-43	35243	3524300	859a5031-d6cd-4133-b472-d97d06929e4c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:04:58	505.132
-43	70486	3524300	f5a7cd29-8979-41c6-a567-1bba1b1fceba	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:22:16	-617.695
-44	35244	3524400	467cedcc-664e-4e9f-8d09-849f9431b3df	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:55:56	713.675
-44	70488	3524400	f7dac4d5-fdf6-41b1-b409-e4f053f774e0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:49:12	-462.997
-45	35245	3524500	f6283df4-f6dc-464b-beb7-90534866b5d5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:19:40	-291.316
-45	70490	3524500	49030a6b-ee17-49dc-b958-5b6f88ff377f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:13:41	83.38
-46	35246	3524600	77ee63a2-db59-4916-9adc-88231e0650fe	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:39:54	-643.676
-46	70492	3524600	9f246bb5-cde1-4a93-92fb-41ae2d944b33	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:58:44	915.637
-47	35247	3524700	0532ff5b-fbeb-4d58-a553-3f3d1bcee1a5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:27:33	337.184
-47	70494	3524700	7b5d0117-2add-4984-9f26-36275f06564a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:05:48	177.98
-48	35248	3524800	f4ce13a9-98cf-4171-90cd-8628376603ac	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:38:40	-608.713
-48	70496	3524800	39a31b06-2b79-438f-a0ac-697b6867df07	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:40:17	897.635
-49	35249	3524900	afee6731-5877-4075-9186-2287d3d9df43	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:34:52	172.471
-49	70498	3524900	1544914e-587d-4f2a-85a4-336514174042	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:56:23	-293.957
-50	35250	3525000	2c0d7f59-c34f-4eb7-a170-3255fd6a9e87	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:33:26	-801.519
-50	70500	3525000	6eddadfc-128c-4080-89ac-f3f2479b1655	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:35:53	875.428
-51	35251	3525100	2903ae4a-54d3-4506-b8c8-88743bd7e6c9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:44:11	-808.635
-51	70502	3525100	ac8ba648-408b-4257-b5b3-8030e679decf	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:02:53	889.320
-52	35252	3525200	79499b5f-a986-4781-a942-3cbb0be0e1d1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:44:30	425.830
-52	70504	3525200	32c0c099-8e72-4157-91e3-b00c0d956a16	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:23:37	693.79
-53	35253	3525300	abf98126-8735-4d5a-bf2f-b19f8c21697c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:00:28	579.22
-53	70506	3525300	e24345fb-4fb3-4f1a-9d6a-5f5c98e54f78	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:55:43	97.198
-54	35254	3525400	18d8181b-3be2-4a68-93b5-6351437db70c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:11:03	-584.439
-54	70508	3525400	c781b487-05d9-4bec-81f7-fbe04203a8cf	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:20:06	-954.578
-55	35255	3525500	5b672687-366a-45ce-b06e-df99e7e74fd2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:17:05	-519.865
-55	70510	3525500	8ffc7aa8-9c5f-4f00-9c19-07011b7f7866	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:02:53	516.452
-56	35256	3525600	9658c189-9381-4422-845e-35e0069bb08b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:42:32	248.574
-56	70512	3525600	2918bfeb-be44-4dcf-8c0b-dfd1dab3f266	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:39:45	481.339
-57	35257	3525700	72495f08-42a4-438c-b4da-62f9264c563a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:31:14	323.793
-57	70514	3525700	ba694322-294b-490d-b65b-8262b38d4dd6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:56:14	-146.830
-58	35258	3525800	a1cc6542-1943-489c-9d66-3bfe0c625814	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:27:10	225.907
-58	70516	3525800	8bf87321-b360-4e7c-b1ca-473449d28b91	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:49:19	-198.902
-59	35259	3525900	abfc75cc-b459-47e0-8358-d79a3dfb6be7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:27:53	-290.705
-59	70518	3525900	b55e63ea-241b-4c02-8b81-7778645dbd89	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:14:12	609.683
-60	35260	3526000	35959fb4-60bb-44e8-94f3-fa96f68179e4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:19:30	-662.875
-60	70520	3526000	f57946b6-8abf-4142-b590-0fc2bf8ce39d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:43:14	58.592
-61	35261	3526100	4af2b6c0-6124-45e3-9358-12d2c519a808	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:45:49	87.643
-61	70522	3526100	d3c1f2ee-8e0f-4408-8316-e6864c2e9e12	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:57:18	346.355
-62	35262	3526200	22fbf07f-b75a-4295-8ce1-7db3a6ee8351	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:02:16	-726.125
-62	70524	3526200	292b1ff5-756b-41a9-87c5-1b1ef3c736a1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:43:08	-551.871
-63	35263	3526300	b7dc775b-bc1d-464b-b780-e42659fb4fb5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:01:16	868.924
-63	70526	3526300	24c8cc68-e9cc-4b04-88a6-e090893a2c2d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:13:12	307.154
-64	35264	3526400	b4c23897-215d-4d57-ac8e-bc509d53136d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:03:11	-762.21
-64	70528	3526400	e87e42fb-4e63-45ba-86a9-e55b10be02a4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:59:10	-889.516
-65	35265	3526500	57c38923-4bfc-49ec-87fa-3bbd8834aa79	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:24:57	864.593
-65	70530	3526500	5cc915fa-98fa-4f1d-9037-cd9dee83a922	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:31:40	-362.399
-66	35266	3526600	1e311445-1d1b-4f00-ad90-98babed01da1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:44:25	-825.830
-66	70532	3526600	4338cfe2-b7db-4851-996a-fa0fc175e61b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:17:47	515.557
-67	35267	3526700	546774e8-2d31-4961-957c-7b4e5395c149	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:07:43	584.204
-67	70534	3526700	53bd7042-ccb1-411e-852d-ce4ea9146046	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:26:16	-629.236
-68	35268	3526800	3494cd8b-fffb-4e43-a326-d2b0e4276dc6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:36:24	-379.725
-68	70536	3526800	abbb7faf-7ac8-45b9-af5e-dd8060f47e5c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:24:14	361.104
-69	35269	3526900	b0563eee-110a-4de4-a152-50fe4518084d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:18:51	776.225
-69	70538	3526900	0ba4d45f-5d5f-41fc-9490-0b3397c6b8ec	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:16:49	410.298
-70	35270	3527000	5263a866-0e7b-446a-8627-01869310b226	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:21:53	889.109
-70	70540	3527000	b77e896d-f1e4-4518-9f72-8d7ac5b1a13b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:31:11	38.905
-71	35271	3527100	bdfbf7e8-3243-496a-a8e0-0a11992176d7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:48:39	-613.882
-71	70542	3527100	5f455a4c-5794-4e88-adb3-39f0f9b09951	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:40:13	266.74
-72	35272	3527200	5b871980-7172-473e-8e7f-82a363edff40	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:10:49	-527.611
-72	70544	3527200	fbbf7980-fd7f-4ec9-afc3-6e86d4b777ee	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:33:31	-242.520
-73	35273	3527300	55426844-48da-4a73-90b0-386466044129	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:43:27	153.116
-73	70546	3527300	cbb1f9ef-96b0-4fea-89ac-0fc4aaa30179	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:03:06	-542.730
-74	35274	3527400	4c11c64a-21ab-460e-b1a1-76006dd3bef3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:53:57	618.362
-74	70548	3527400	9e1d4bbe-44aa-43cf-a0b9-cc6f33d1e816	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:30:41	907.33
-75	35275	3527500	b77819af-9e9e-453a-a5e4-b5c4751a3606	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:41:17	283.906
-75	70550	3527500	6958dbb8-dcb4-4551-88cb-6aaa30ad3a58	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:46:19	238.738
-76	35276	3527600	36b47a18-27b3-418a-87fa-33e2cdcbbf05	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:44:24	-735.380
-76	70552	3527600	e8e7c7ad-74bf-4461-aba9-103373fb9fff	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:25:51	-892.875
-77	35277	3527700	995c6f1b-8bfe-4dd8-b433-ccdea50a2985	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:48:05	-539.677
-77	70554	3527700	42d4cda4-b8e7-4cd8-86d2-0db2876f8cd7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:15:37	-142.517
-78	35278	3527800	57e1294f-3a2e-475e-9528-f90a10ce8462	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:47:10	142.281
-78	70556	3527800	f965223d-24d3-4624-a9af-34557e933945	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:02:31	485.169
-79	35279	3527900	7b5dea8a-ec21-49f8-a4df-f03c2aa2dc43	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:20:47	-654.561
-79	70558	3527900	5c72ca67-bc8e-49bc-ad24-1c6208692227	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:55:38	-781.195
-80	35280	3528000	0384cd77-a4a5-4dd4-9cd1-74e56ff23002	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:05:35	581.299
-80	70560	3528000	87b64312-f99c-483c-9e5f-f3ee98ad04cf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:15:34	851.950
-81	35281	3528100	0b41199f-a1b3-49d4-a630-67bd8db86c66	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:24:24	-156.306
-81	70562	3528100	5c2062dc-a538-42ff-ab14-89955b699954	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:51:25	15.268
-82	35282	3528200	a50beb30-f4ff-46fe-bdf4-56d12834d9cf	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:40:16	-554.520
-82	70564	3528200	6b341075-b951-4f0b-bd38-e1f8a0c6b851	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:59:54	957.736
-83	35283	3528300	de4326af-a882-4bb1-8748-0ebbf9d00f18	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:22:37	950.587
-83	70566	3528300	8a62b0e5-432d-4c55-b96a-d187f5af9994	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:42:18	-207.931
-84	35284	3528400	6aa7ef38-5751-4efe-9ddb-5d7f3b29ddf4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:37:35	562.325
-84	70568	3528400	6e44fdfb-8afc-473d-9190-ec8886e225c5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:34:48	917.105
-85	35285	3528500	8446374f-7744-42d6-8616-829fb9a29c1a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:30:22	-354.447
-85	70570	3528500	db693543-d4cd-49bb-9a87-402e1ef6da02	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:13:42	230.184
-86	35286	3528600	b086f6de-7938-44cc-8f55-8602c2f0cc66	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:28:58	607.898
-86	70572	3528600	c1c13db6-af8e-4b5a-b015-1f8cb150ae4b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:48:12	534.309
-87	35287	3528700	34fe02af-214c-4f0b-81d5-cb9f95ac2d5c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:49:56	997.954
-87	70574	3528700	ed237599-9c2b-4516-8a8e-493910e75f9a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:38:56	-404.632
-88	35288	3528800	fc8f8289-82da-4879-a77a-69a55757118b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:02:52	-677.632
-88	70576	3528800	4362b218-01d8-49d5-8b6b-ec38186274ea	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:13:04	-170.777
-89	35289	3528900	485bb057-6e76-4956-9d0e-809bc4e5031d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:56:01	122.832
-89	70578	3528900	7e398362-5134-4a69-806c-4d972e399455	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:00:17	-171.274
-90	35290	3529000	1bf7640d-1452-4d1d-a261-98768fa7ad02	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:50:19	363.277
-90	70580	3529000	3ff92ea1-2ad0-4db0-8f12-d593b97cef38	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:02:41	979.733
-91	35291	3529100	b8f8c6ae-1e4f-46f9-8de5-2f8a29a611b2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:47:46	-930.566
-91	70582	3529100	da77b81b-6189-45a4-a1e9-3a561cf6c1d2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:49:55	-471.661
-92	35292	3529200	cf0abf1a-c7c3-407f-be6c-b1d0b6d095fa	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:47:44	822.6
-92	70584	3529200	96c3144b-cae1-4b0d-a71b-c42e88f00228	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:14:17	777.703
-93	35293	3529300	ccc1f23d-47d3-4c14-9bf8-5ca8a625b19d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:09:33	-728.269
-93	70586	3529300	27cdfa26-de4b-4eda-8c76-47b426e71ebe	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:49:52	-247.630
-94	35294	3529400	9a4cc886-4eca-4d65-96fa-96936780ab64	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:36:39	238.474
-94	70588	3529400	816121d2-05b1-40ef-b94a-146f0e6ed246	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:04:15	233.520
-95	35295	3529500	78f37723-5901-4981-b605-5776a2ae8023	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:35:38	140.793
-95	70590	3529500	631b64a0-3d68-4eed-9acf-5f9d6c2e2d35	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:10:15	357.272
-96	35296	3529600	431d6e3d-4ff1-4629-a771-a9789f70ff22	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:46:23	346.774
-96	70592	3529600	69dcf969-27a1-4567-afc1-335a9b663075	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:46:13	-252.206
-97	35297	3529700	218c6ef6-8e73-4e44-99d4-012917b1862a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:10:00	416.492
-97	70594	3529700	59cb71ca-bac1-4fc6-a2d5-73c0a9966987	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:55:06	-173.753
-98	35298	3529800	79fedbdf-57b2-44e3-8ff4-159686af0ed9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:11:49	906.913
-98	70596	3529800	884d3467-1c79-4841-ac76-78d1c8a3b59a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:11:08	57.461
-99	35299	3529900	4c46acaa-f97f-4f85-b85e-c1cb308c7412	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:19:06	607.970
-99	70598	3529900	c311c1e1-cfbd-468a-a7f2-5d9b77e7fb5e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:10:45	753.398
-100	35300	3530000	be78f24c-67e9-4e26-a2ed-33aa3cbf9f8e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:31:59	-562.867
-100	70600	3530000	81eb79fb-dee4-4ec6-b479-43bfc8543576	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:55:10	791.44
-101	35301	3530100	e5c6944c-e8fc-447c-bd9e-de0dfc96f0e0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:31:05	664.99
-101	70602	3530100	21a17192-7e92-4d97-ad7a-24eda09ab2b4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:29:26	-266.323
-102	35302	3530200	7191e9a2-e2f5-47b7-a9a0-927d3cfa287e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:49:59	725.832
-102	70604	3530200	6a7b99c4-1210-469c-96bd-e097f96e4fb9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:27:45	-401.692
-103	35303	3530300	f5b7ed26-6d61-454f-abdd-6b015cbad5b6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:53:10	-85.254
-103	70606	3530300	b7fb9b84-85c0-40f5-a6f9-ed70f00fdc6f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:38:22	266.178
-104	35304	3530400	fb483e37-5317-44e1-b564-cc28284b1614	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:33:25	-851.373
-104	70608	3530400	e2f779eb-ba7a-4ffb-abb1-d0fbeaae608b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:41:16	-140.554
-105	35305	3530500	83a36c37-3883-4943-865f-0769e8f0d993	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:38:26	-356.691
-105	70610	3530500	b76d6511-c5c0-4269-9af4-c3c3810e8a24	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:46:09	-212.666
-106	35306	3530600	8fcaf036-c223-4260-bacf-eea31bc73197	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:14:19	395.671
-106	70612	3530600	4326070c-5500-41b9-84a8-6b5624b5fd5d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:41:25	81.849
-107	35307	3530700	b868bd23-f791-4de2-8b91-ff944ac9bef0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:48:13	977.590
-107	70614	3530700	18c483e1-069e-47f1-9637-4cb28f19be0e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:27:11	-753.580
-108	35308	3530800	524dcdd1-ce40-4597-8541-f7a338584f4a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:47:57	-867.269
-108	70616	3530800	9979b874-e59d-4f1a-8153-8f68da706750	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:05:26	134.593
-109	35309	3530900	533601ce-d5ed-4d25-a04c-01f64e3e7284	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:51:04	-314.639
-109	70618	3530900	e71b1282-6aa8-473a-b43b-705c0b24d210	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:52:23	-73.225
-110	35310	3531000	e719e570-feb6-483a-a3ac-8aea082589ea	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:46:17	-988.144
-110	70620	3531000	a71b93ae-3694-4d51-b01e-5572a6e57be9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:21:46	454.520
-111	35311	3531100	b3013bdd-842e-4141-b69f-bc99af6c430e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:51:19	-908.332
-111	70622	3531100	8e686165-3c12-489e-904b-e2569bfba61b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:08:35	688.515
-112	35312	3531200	7adfd0ed-aa7e-4d05-8114-4a8045a4dddb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:45:07	76.874
-112	70624	3531200	70bb627f-9a4c-4ae4-93ae-5aada9a25313	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:38:50	690.692
-113	35313	3531300	af1b3cb2-73e5-4951-8018-f9694db2fd2b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:55:01	-143.396
-113	70626	3531300	1ac37170-8e6c-4ca4-acd3-b5494433b22d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:57:01	118.106
-114	35314	3531400	af826e28-cabd-44fc-9507-ac370c6ada44	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:25:16	397.373
-114	70628	3531400	738a84d0-1c4e-4a98-8b45-197ccf1313dd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:21:03	473.238
-115	35315	3531500	b40af158-cd95-42e2-949b-56546b307f4d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:46:38	-421.228
-115	70630	3531500	5d487843-e36e-42f3-bd16-17079b744ba6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:15:30	-619.676
-116	35316	3531600	3222cdb4-e175-4e64-9779-931a7e90c706	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:23:58	-389.162
-116	70632	3531600	345c6fcc-a23d-4ef6-ad5e-4854f941f950	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:28:57	972.926
-117	35317	3531700	50f2aefd-2cbb-4a64-9e95-75f3dce81662	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:07:27	-774.845
-117	70634	3531700	71f993d2-9042-4649-937a-c8b6b2c267fd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:18:53	-101.449
-118	35318	3531800	03b849d5-47a7-4e15-989c-e041ca977aa3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:18:53	-143.908
-118	70636	3531800	156f0b08-f5ac-4f1f-97cb-b2f37a3d8793	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:05:39	320.351
-119	35319	3531900	6fded793-fbb2-40a7-a904-bd43d777a757	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:20:09	-640.327
-119	70638	3531900	c2995dda-b0a4-41fd-93e4-3cac335ca824	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:38:33	-917.78
-120	35320	3532000	9ce7b0b7-49a8-418f-a81e-821a33f5d6a1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:30:39	-62.889
-120	70640	3532000	a576193c-8f73-4386-807e-97ee5d189910	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:18:41	773.945
-121	35321	3532100	2588b0c3-d269-44d6-9351-16cb29661ef1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:46:04	-694.243
-121	70642	3532100	bb21c331-88ae-4564-830a-ede74272d8a6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:40:43	-760.702
-122	35322	3532200	41d21ba2-ba0b-4cd4-a36f-f222d3a981bc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:23:53	998.604
-122	70644	3532200	5b921add-e665-4951-b4a7-f5c30b1be189	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:22:03	441.956
-123	35323	3532300	778d7d22-c5c2-4cfd-bd5f-d3100bb3cd73	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:16:00	-980.874
-123	70646	3532300	01c08265-1f74-4a89-a3e0-793f9a3c0dd2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:20:43	61.654
-124	35324	3532400	085f792b-5fa2-4697-94ff-6511b04bb76f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:07:58	130.226
-124	70648	3532400	9f1a41e3-1a61-4e3a-b6c9-7b7171520428	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:15:40	-504.240
-125	35325	3532500	b20e74f1-20b0-48e6-a571-c2d8ebb80339	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:42:49	186.359
-125	70650	3532500	2bdbb0bd-1915-4fe0-b89e-bc12732d3745	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:07:34	-687.769
-126	35326	3532600	11af1a1a-91a6-4a41-a03e-e0c3526f7459	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:23:21	454.567
-126	70652	3532600	edf4dd8f-194c-45de-be5c-3a900dd3f617	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:09:55	-586.79
-127	35327	3532700	a0833f32-1880-46a2-a45d-6e9d4d47f02d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:42:49	-906.546
-127	70654	3532700	f4c03d50-b117-4a11-ab87-e625fd02ee8a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:54:06	670.359
-0	35328	3532800	4e3b9475-2169-4ebc-be84-4a6fa5d172c3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:55:42	382.668
-0	70656	3532800	ebb6a9e3-525e-4537-b2cc-ece5e5194331	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:26:00	760.851
-1	35329	3532900	f13c325f-e3fa-4592-94d7-c49f8b6e8260	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:40:15	919.178
-1	70658	3532900	29d3e50a-bfe8-4f10-841d-b198d26bbee1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:04:38	306.326
-2	35330	3533000	0ff418ab-4b08-43bd-991e-f4f330e370a7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:03:06	-776.636
-2	70660	3533000	93cd2e46-919f-4503-91f4-25baa608d4c6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:29:05	-254.458
-3	35331	3533100	5b219415-a1f8-4136-86e9-57173d729ed2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:05:53	-338.848
-3	70662	3533100	00214555-adfd-4c00-9462-6f6ff18dd174	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:34:54	-263.191
-4	35332	3533200	b2047f2c-e016-4d71-967b-e4e4347d3e48	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:59:08	-771.856
-4	70664	3533200	86292a2c-d2c6-43e4-ae53-bcd001a3e37a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:01:52	-101.284
-5	35333	3533300	b73c7087-f13a-4437-acb6-a74c825322d1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:38:49	-678.426
-5	70666	3533300	1c154575-557d-4877-a040-245773b313e1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:01:17	-718.712
-6	35334	3533400	239cb04c-2116-490b-8c00-d091e8c18f56	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:26:46	664.55
-6	70668	3533400	4dcfa962-d310-42fd-af95-4cd9769bac0a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:56:09	785.409
-7	35335	3533500	6dd891ec-1561-40d9-b48f-148ee61a724c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:52:33	283.67
-7	70670	3533500	361101c7-2d25-4a69-a0d1-e386f0f18e00	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:48:06	321.407
-8	35336	3533600	49f64329-5f39-4007-90b4-939b79602aa9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:45:17	178.662
-8	70672	3533600	4d525e55-a1e9-47b0-8ae9-06f84e194bba	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:57:10	-346.743
-9	35337	3533700	05ace50d-09e3-4c19-868e-7d5b3037bdb4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:52:32	-530.493
-9	70674	3533700	0dfa77e4-b24b-4cde-bb6f-16d3ffc1c303	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:17:36	112.458
-10	35338	3533800	2ed2a10e-6fc6-474a-989f-a25bab2528d7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:20:59	-586.331
-10	70676	3533800	2ce5202a-aca0-436c-bfda-704cd88b44af	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:29:16	-69.359
-11	35339	3533900	859060ca-5e43-4f62-86a3-4fb7eda1fc06	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:34:33	-614.858
-11	70678	3533900	e897f7be-9c5c-484f-8ce7-6552c75e74fe	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:30:48	110.750
-12	35340	3534000	1bf8a693-6134-4ce4-a46b-abe062d8c23e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:00:55	-553.296
-12	70680	3534000	8fae48d0-8635-43cd-be60-9e51b8116a41	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:22:31	-383.117
-13	35341	3534100	e9db8b33-f127-4b7d-bfb8-948258b18b8f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:16:52	205.473
-13	70682	3534100	a1c94281-a058-44c4-a311-fc186c4d5504	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:35:40	22.848
-14	35342	3534200	b33bc2ca-cab3-487b-b4f1-5f11c4faf04d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:59:08	470.689
-14	70684	3534200	7b22642b-94d2-4a6a-a669-e1db5fba61ed	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:07:31	929.600
-15	35343	3534300	f07c7f99-2ab0-40ea-bdad-a9a6d41ac224	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:59:16	-456.370
-15	70686	3534300	72057ca2-57fa-4ad3-b4ec-350b5e79e439	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:45:44	-418.951
-16	35344	3534400	268980b8-46cb-4736-8578-f45d6deaa1b1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:14:17	207.761
-16	70688	3534400	59c8859f-13a1-4218-84c6-0284474d6740	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:54:01	6.663
-17	35345	3534500	78ffecc8-ac73-40dc-b4e4-1b21ce38faac	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:49:37	-261.711
-17	70690	3534500	825a6577-abe4-47b2-a1e0-22cc580d07cf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:06:39	-513.427
-18	35346	3534600	24c94f8d-52f8-44e1-aae8-2d5b6266560a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:05:02	-910.934
-18	70692	3534600	2b65b502-4fa9-4135-b553-4a789e72c6aa	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:13:13	-270.903
-19	35347	3534700	068951a2-da19-4e4a-bc05-949c8f7e1fe9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:30:30	878.170
-19	70694	3534700	865ce388-e725-4b4e-8527-e80a2a8d708a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:53:22	317.22
-20	35348	3534800	ba91d0c7-9932-44b9-be97-e2dad31745c7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:18:55	565.743
-20	70696	3534800	d22cc645-88ac-4825-b106-c7f49c8130b5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:43:07	732.106
-21	35349	3534900	0dad5c4c-dd2f-46f1-ba07-f7e5fea3698f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:19:36	85.397
-21	70698	3534900	3bbb8cd4-8c5f-4396-8796-23151a70275f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:05:58	-49.279
-22	35350	3535000	0503fdac-c9d8-4ae3-870a-256e7bf84dfe	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:59:42	-571.782
-22	70700	3535000	8d3b3d59-3bf4-4bbf-8dcd-53901b1c577b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:25:32	-605.540
-23	35351	3535100	e43f1898-6d6a-4f12-bf57-047530143345	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:34:15	366.104
-23	70702	3535100	f265caef-da64-4567-b801-874980f4d499	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:24:46	341.626
-24	35352	3535200	09c53c2e-8d37-42a8-9349-9412ee04e2ac	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:36:03	996.833
-24	70704	3535200	ddb9ef96-310b-468b-9a66-48302933329d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:15:26	-34.109
-25	35353	3535300	262fe336-1289-4713-8d71-725f6f71be18	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:10:31	825.909
-25	70706	3535300	42061b60-1c88-4586-9f19-8c2b57d9cd9e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:26:11	-347.765
-26	35354	3535400	76bc1466-e9ab-4a69-a94c-986fa187e602	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:11:44	-1.606
-26	70708	3535400	5efbbe38-696b-42fb-813a-e5ae89464015	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:04:24	-58.203
-27	35355	3535500	23d4445d-5a52-44c8-b904-b4017cb0a7f4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:21:15	275.172
-27	70710	3535500	761b596b-5d5c-4f57-9a2d-450516ad0d54	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:57:58	591.197
-28	35356	3535600	3dac06b1-a9c2-4256-afae-3a14ab9dc4c9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:07:58	518.212
-28	70712	3535600	8ecd586d-4000-427b-8c5e-2187495854c3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:05:53	212.813
-29	35357	3535700	c42e70c2-5695-4353-96df-adc27b0ed415	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:21:15	-718.239
-29	70714	3535700	e6f7717c-d472-4312-8f03-f5cb98647316	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:18:36	-673.3
-30	35358	3535800	d804c257-81f2-4b93-bc7b-7ef6c31db818	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:05:26	-666.616
-30	70716	3535800	60fe71c6-a5da-491e-881a-4159277f7226	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:51:25	639.998
-31	35359	3535900	84f9361d-f9ad-4d47-87d6-e2688582b205	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:40:20	493.238
-31	70718	3535900	56b4738c-943f-46d7-aa8f-c39168dc30f5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:20:29	908.350
-32	35360	3536000	057b7bfb-7c4c-4308-a00f-f5d2f8d019e6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:06:19	211.452
-32	70720	3536000	6cc21ceb-84e6-4ad8-999d-dfc7935c7917	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:56:52	-981.184
-33	35361	3536100	2c824ae2-9132-4427-a263-dc0339595086	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:00:54	188.957
-33	70722	3536100	36f7977e-7a62-452a-93ea-f7a7ce71c818	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:58:17	-57.796
-34	35362	3536200	e8d735e1-2607-43dc-9364-522b27e54ab3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:32:08	211.739
-34	70724	3536200	3c45fb47-ad69-4f86-b770-7a4cf4a9a51f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:52:06	789.238
-35	35363	3536300	f1486fc6-afd6-474d-8b55-2bd4344dc01b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:12:44	756.818
-35	70726	3536300	f99756c2-6af0-4848-96a1-d485e7fd4b31	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:17:24	123.681
-36	35364	3536400	a241e986-4193-4ed8-b307-07f5c49f0cf4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:17:24	-10.254
-36	70728	3536400	47f7d4a1-4f74-4e02-b7db-861070e64f23	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:38:35	-23.589
-37	35365	3536500	8a3c6cfa-4b29-40c8-82a6-1ba0ac974ef3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:03:59	-78.745
-37	70730	3536500	d50841e5-86f7-4502-826e-8250cbfde60d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:37:56	954.926
-38	35366	3536600	bf0abcef-95f8-4d1a-a9be-c4c88f0eae81	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:02:00	-540.465
-38	70732	3536600	402179f8-7e16-4c91-852b-1bd72efcf270	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:54:37	-341.719
-39	35367	3536700	757589c0-b4c5-4464-aa56-6073073e1a98	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:41:10	-28.432
-39	70734	3536700	8dba3de5-d47c-41ca-882f-02854134fbec	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:53:22	775.869
-40	35368	3536800	6b015d90-46ef-4ff1-a934-ecbcb7fa1c6a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:10:28	214.237
-40	70736	3536800	89b2eaf1-b7ab-4740-ba9e-3f5d0a38518f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:45:06	88.343
-41	35369	3536900	0f553c1b-0ea8-4791-a028-114d9d638aa2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:08:58	-672.887
-41	70738	3536900	b29ae4d9-6708-402d-9119-b5489860b7be	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:26:47	946.487
-42	35370	3537000	6d08f1ff-6adc-4137-8f8d-aee964c8accc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:53:29	-525.867
-42	70740	3537000	84b5ee0d-42ab-47aa-8f73-8266b4960e30	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:20:47	947.710
-43	35371	3537100	95a74346-0305-4875-8c84-9d80ec2295e1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:44:04	-835.967
-43	70742	3537100	bdbd6ec7-ca2a-4cfd-a003-35c9d35c637c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:59:39	999.834
-44	35372	3537200	afcbdb00-dd46-495d-9bd5-4f3288b6b76f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:46:11	609.58
-44	70744	3537200	ed2de7ca-0622-4969-9d0b-3961c7ddf957	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:14:34	160.973
-45	35373	3537300	3bc09281-f038-4618-91f5-7c86140423b3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:10:45	-244.63
-45	70746	3537300	8f754aea-b146-4a8f-b54c-e3ae2720a464	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:14:23	988.465
-46	35374	3537400	a69d772f-2211-4dc5-93ee-ce72cdb93519	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:13:13	466.515
-46	70748	3537400	751d27d3-b0fc-429a-8a8a-c77ad74c94df	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:14:54	689.400
-47	35375	3537500	3d6de924-b1e6-4d02-a4c5-0809f5c4d025	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:27:48	-204.288
-47	70750	3537500	515630da-3802-41a4-86ae-9042140429e4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:44:35	-132.216
-48	35376	3537600	92aa7147-0cc0-4bb4-963d-9b95b1d5b04d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:45:29	-401.50
-48	70752	3537600	bd3627c2-aefe-4bb5-b5b1-e2a8613128b4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:47:33	608.765
-49	35377	3537700	02dc8103-e9a7-4822-9ce6-0169c0f9dd74	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:07:42	168.651
-49	70754	3537700	3c63ca56-efbd-4101-bfd4-cf8411568155	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:36:55	16.482
-50	35378	3537800	50eef0d3-2268-46b9-b9fa-72507d78fc6e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:54:50	-465.387
-50	70756	3537800	9e39c232-048c-49bc-9876-ddce1a56ddc5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:25:55	-939.812
-51	35379	3537900	f8bfce66-977f-46b1-bf41-de8c7f3901f3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:21:23	-198.803
-51	70758	3537900	b10ff9d7-23ca-4441-b150-618d774ca0e5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:55:15	-192.798
-52	35380	3538000	fb1b544f-8928-47d2-86dd-76512c1d88d8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:14:19	-338.3
-52	70760	3538000	696df208-34ea-4b1c-9df2-7448c921ef2a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:49:11	-610.257
-53	35381	3538100	0bee6249-7c05-4665-9aa6-9aab4ebcea4a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:48:49	574.802
-53	70762	3538100	44c8eb6b-ee4a-4ce0-b0db-cef62a22a1d7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:40:37	-504.509
-54	35382	3538200	41b0dc38-ad36-47f5-a803-d8a4032fed0e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:10:48	-753.787
-54	70764	3538200	2409a0d8-ad2b-4ffc-ad75-bc36f45cd70c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:11:57	632.799
-55	35383	3538300	24547f8b-6545-4734-8554-749a525b4e34	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:32:48	718.833
-55	70766	3538300	d9f7dc8c-99fd-4c4a-8f8d-64da34e45838	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:14:02	-932.3
-56	35384	3538400	1e41eafc-7223-4bb8-9968-6a97cf323272	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:49:33	559.643
-56	70768	3538400	01d14e17-db71-4b78-bdc2-4126bcc04ff7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:09:39	752.366
-57	35385	3538500	f31906fe-74c1-499c-921c-6e9a663d99b0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:13:51	-747.558
-57	70770	3538500	19361961-d5ab-41d5-ae0d-65b3c7da749a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:28:31	-686.565
-58	35386	3538600	4557bc4b-dfca-4793-8ea1-30ffdc508763	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:41:20	-498.158
-58	70772	3538600	aab4cc7d-b531-4578-b090-b79056f44765	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:30:24	-549.780
-59	35387	3538700	1fb26369-c023-44b4-9ebc-71ab761f9b26	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:18:24	138.503
-59	70774	3538700	718dad34-c2cc-4af9-b8be-7d30c3ab04a1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:33:55	861.815
-60	35388	3538800	532a20fb-9756-4221-a049-8b42ef8397a4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:11:33	396.986
-60	70776	3538800	8e74088a-3954-4d8d-954c-856c768cb16e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:25:37	-455.186
-61	35389	3538900	f4fc9e68-2735-4daa-a0b6-9d80ca6ec523	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:48:36	628.69
-61	70778	3538900	344631a1-5030-4e32-828a-17ef7b77c2d4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:37:59	743.477
-62	35390	3539000	7ecc60fb-5d19-4c9e-af96-6ba7309926e2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:45:15	429.335
-62	70780	3539000	70db0ee5-ce8e-46f9-90df-2d1d29323c52	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:19:45	667.193
-63	35391	3539100	cbc3299d-4dd1-4909-8739-68147b39a2b2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:21:57	14.98
-63	70782	3539100	b94e31d1-b718-4f68-9210-876c1f05aa64	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:03:47	391.407
-64	35392	3539200	b971aa34-c684-4d93-a013-6e1fd20fa954	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:22:01	-93.250
-64	70784	3539200	274337d0-7925-4baf-ab54-1ef72433c399	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:05:41	-131.292
-65	35393	3539300	c845feee-4dee-4ccc-8f0d-824bb366de3a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:35:48	694.432
-65	70786	3539300	681f47c2-d80b-4b6c-b97e-9a486e56b918	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:16:48	770.919
-66	35394	3539400	da5fa3df-aa88-47ee-811f-1db7c93dd54e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:31:35	-917.10
-66	70788	3539400	d9af97ee-0330-4410-873f-edc29e99d52f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:52:47	170.296
-67	35395	3539500	3aee7735-d3bb-4732-99f3-a1b0e0758db7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:53:04	-740.848
-67	70790	3539500	a3d1468f-ca4a-4087-9c21-4e2b7b67c483	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:10:14	723.670
-68	35396	3539600	f2a1f9ba-913a-4aa1-b21f-2ef02dd71a66	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:03:29	-323.3
-68	70792	3539600	1ca2e7c4-a68f-4e01-995c-86f54accc194	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:30:13	-435.32
-69	35397	3539700	7c982807-62aa-4b7b-b76d-8824970d8fa4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:24:05	-955.38
-69	70794	3539700	fcf57c6c-4884-4597-b973-b85033362ef8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 00:33:26	837.63
-70	35398	3539800	39a493d3-9845-4574-b11f-97ce54d4ca95	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:33:55	226.536
-70	70796	3539800	d053839e-a4e7-4803-8ce1-f3b281dcb8f8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:24:44	-751.884
-71	35399	3539900	ad1df354-26a4-4946-ad6b-c510c7f50e0f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:05:58	638.109
-71	70798	3539900	0fb7beac-5e47-418a-be01-d967198428ef	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:09:43	-805.580
-72	35400	3540000	e51b26e5-479d-47ac-b90d-c7a301fcdf8b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:19:10	-878.880
-72	70800	3540000	c5718f59-214e-4da7-8f54-59463839cf94	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:12:28	-804.633
-73	35401	3540100	9771542d-63b2-4186-a872-e319423858e1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:48:16	-698.822
-73	70802	3540100	20367abe-dfa2-4247-ad8d-af323f148ba8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:40:18	-163.665
-74	35402	3540200	2b60aa40-f02e-4aa0-9def-4907681a4915	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:56:46	-613.422
-74	70804	3540200	69464a37-6c87-49fd-b1f7-f40a7d542af4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:40:02	523.603
-75	35403	3540300	729c98b5-91c7-4880-9319-ed7e2f0e6f8d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:13:42	-436.364
-75	70806	3540300	49bea26f-fb40-446b-95fd-2e31b8de8bfc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:58:26	813.616
-76	35404	3540400	bd278670-fae6-47fa-8a12-32596f109934	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:23:39	-539.366
-76	70808	3540400	929fd721-9506-401f-9720-1e418b195630	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:44:20	-866.924
-77	35405	3540500	abaf3042-4547-4362-952b-1bce08e9dd52	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:56:45	-725.182
-77	70810	3540500	99e7fff1-651a-435e-af0e-83942171fece	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:08:05	-168.725
-78	35406	3540600	c222f59b-a61d-4d05-9d92-476bd2da660e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:49:41	-597.21
-78	70812	3540600	d8c0f07e-d1a0-455e-8a9e-844691a9ffcf	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:12:32	-265.25
-79	35407	3540700	0f293b08-7c7c-4cd8-9845-fcc216854f9c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:22:45	551.134
-79	70814	3540700	1e680e38-63cb-49e8-a6eb-5907619b3e0c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:26:48	81.156
-80	35408	3540800	c61824a6-1545-4492-beee-1b0e63d66697	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:11:08	499.68
-80	70816	3540800	b06a025f-3456-4a3e-9a04-f2168e8e396c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:11:50	33.824
-81	35409	3540900	bdead325-6533-46fc-8258-8e6a57f09524	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:17:45	830.752
-81	70818	3540900	ad3081ab-b823-49b5-8eae-6d2245360852	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:50:45	308.478
-82	35410	3541000	69b4a36b-1792-40f7-ad19-437bdf90573a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:33:52	237.583
-82	70820	3541000	57b55868-b4f4-4aaf-9e6d-27834bf5a7ec	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:00:31	-979.743
-83	35411	3541100	f9893082-0caf-4817-a768-f4dd4b451cc0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:20:12	550.348
-83	70822	3541100	42d659b0-e250-4434-92ea-2e5151efa399	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:12:07	-116.817
-84	35412	3541200	dfbeb47c-90af-4570-a850-c86242a5f2ac	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:54:07	637.467
-84	70824	3541200	12c0a374-d086-44b8-845d-f9e6c1a07c9b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:22:03	-346.267
-85	35413	3541300	4749fb34-8857-4f3a-99c6-0a333cffae51	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:47:58	-913.912
-85	70826	3541300	667ffb92-2ca0-41a9-9a66-229919e3f1aa	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:09:34	-283.980
-86	35414	3541400	9cfe8b88-3e40-486f-a069-4181d1321020	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:56:36	376.885
-86	70828	3541400	8929a004-da19-4c5b-a5ff-e8ae9a84c9a2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:08:38	-116.94
-87	35415	3541500	32ce54b2-19fc-4f20-b2e5-e6f0e5a5e0a4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:48:31	-574.503
-87	70830	3541500	df1e58a8-e493-464e-81bd-7b885c3b9cdf	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:12:35	183.103
-88	35416	3541600	261dd94b-159f-4e20-afb0-c6b4311e7c67	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:37:13	-252.609
-88	70832	3541600	9a0044fc-8cae-4d64-bc3b-8a6b27a8008d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:18:48	-200.287
-89	35417	3541700	b735c699-6137-421a-96d3-3802f57d0321	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:45:40	-769.265
-89	70834	3541700	94b7c243-689b-4219-bb72-ce4cd62d3114	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:38:03	652.409
-90	35418	3541800	9a3d6461-4358-45ed-9401-77de0c0460e3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:09:55	44.814
-90	70836	3541800	a7ffd42f-b004-4834-bb26-7d169ca8fe3f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:08:26	193.439
-91	35419	3541900	a58bd50f-0a1e-45cc-ac01-d2b9d5160385	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:21:57	-172.393
-91	70838	3541900	fd6528cd-1710-42b8-bf9c-7b726bea6347	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:11:52	381.371
-92	35420	3542000	1c768374-58e2-4968-a429-cbf458bb5277	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:55:25	-778.480
-92	70840	3542000	94d46571-d34d-4a48-ba00-a860d4856f21	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:13:11	-743.233
-93	35421	3542100	26096d7e-d9f1-4701-b9d5-7b223def2f88	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:28:54	752.526
-93	70842	3542100	0d6565ef-eed1-498b-b03f-d28d9c8fa48f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:32:23	-897.90
-94	35422	3542200	4fb81aa1-0f41-478e-8c0e-debee113bed4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:36:38	235.158
-94	70844	3542200	446b6719-9bd4-461b-97af-a422062115fd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:39:56	-618.961
-95	35423	3542300	ed649c94-ac63-4a95-9d9c-8fe2430b3cc9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:30:16	762.223
-95	70846	3542300	8934640b-791b-465f-bf66-daff9b3d4f2e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:58:19	-235.989
-96	35424	3542400	a02caf43-ea26-4c8c-b8f6-e2ed36354346	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:48:40	271.131
-96	70848	3542400	52289a13-bc33-438e-a7f9-f8b1c7cf4a81	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:41:33	459.908
-97	35425	3542500	478dc130-68d4-43fa-b551-d2b687c7606c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:13:15	-637.858
-97	70850	3542500	f0080300-0d7c-42d8-8bc2-f3afb49b0aa1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:52:24	-299.499
-98	35426	3542600	611f75ee-11a8-4989-8d31-e8699c3456b0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:34:08	605.209
-98	70852	3542600	f91bd8f4-c9f1-4b0c-bc26-407bb6e97e5b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:10:05	374.876
-99	35427	3542700	da976535-6930-4e9d-974c-baff41a0715c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:25:26	-280.850
-99	70854	3542700	e047356b-0194-431d-8d17-441bcabc1666	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:08:55	679.68
-100	35428	3542800	2944ff99-7dbd-434b-80cb-564f9961e974	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:07:17	-412.501
-100	70856	3542800	768b043c-4a76-4413-9973-e81fe8d8e6b7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:18:43	-815.210
-101	35429	3542900	2a4f055a-994c-4b9d-a14a-205ba9d10bbb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:30:28	151.989
-101	70858	3542900	49f57ed3-0ef0-4a79-a67f-b952e2d57312	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:27:54	782.982
-102	35430	3543000	8c8974da-acf9-4f33-9b4e-6ce36e1856e0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:14:12	-501.4
-102	70860	3543000	cf343ada-02dc-4e2d-94bf-ba0b02bd4968	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:56:34	-321.572
-103	35431	3543100	67a91f7b-7853-46f2-94b8-5a60609fd20e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:12:50	-22.928
-103	70862	3543100	a59be76c-43fe-40d0-8431-7122f4d58034	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:36:57	-973.920
-104	35432	3543200	e6c3fdfe-3a7d-4e3d-84d3-5d4bcaa7c6fe	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:51:10	-913.792
-104	70864	3543200	66aacef9-8e07-4468-b800-2c0976754ee2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:01:48	816.421
-105	35433	3543300	f7af567c-4c05-47d8-b79d-59d4eeb08efe	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:33:27	-481.487
-105	70866	3543300	2d210130-ff65-4bca-8301-99eba1e2de2b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:11:08	660.703
-106	35434	3543400	447d3b37-7cb3-448b-95c0-92af153f428f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:42:22	836.667
-106	70868	3543400	4f66df0b-ebde-4b7a-ab48-35544cbadf1a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:09:13	-331.4
-107	35435	3543500	6af244b0-dab6-4bc5-ae2c-0f3dd1b1744c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:54:19	311.706
-107	70870	3543500	8327debf-c632-4ed4-9d5b-9f3ccff054e7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:04:55	162.975
-108	35436	3543600	22909fac-7968-4c55-9341-0ecddbd01f00	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:58:49	986.926
-108	70872	3543600	a1a73418-6c47-4efe-9dbf-cbcb41c7356b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:38:55	754.749
-109	35437	3543700	7d4fe45b-e2c4-4361-a970-8c236f5a68c4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:22:56	-216.98
-109	70874	3543700	ee3519d4-ef45-439e-b018-63807650e0fa	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:15:51	-385.745
-110	35438	3543800	94a9917c-161c-4b3e-8cbd-accef7355390	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:04:38	-424.520
-110	70876	3543800	7237648f-b84c-45e0-9dd9-30614f408b67	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:18:24	-562.343
-111	35439	3543900	0e562eb1-721c-45a7-a373-b57207f6f8f5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:10:40	864.783
-111	70878	3543900	3e9743db-09d5-4f77-b951-a5a74e40c8a4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:43:08	0.269
-112	35440	3544000	b6997d6b-bca0-4d57-903f-58a27cde8f8d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:43:05	885.937
-112	70880	3544000	a4500061-1b6e-4811-845b-33832435158d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:44:19	183.866
-113	35441	3544100	e514c3f8-2194-44f2-8d01-23139ff75f0c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:53:19	535.748
-113	70882	3544100	4c3df3ed-1e81-45c4-8f72-aa4d9a431029	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:22:51	-792.869
-114	35442	3544200	01cb7391-e83f-4535-9cfd-d0d0f142c679	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:56:22	-307.616
-114	70884	3544200	8b909319-be33-45f1-83f8-5b6622262e0b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:11:56	-416.13
-115	35443	3544300	463a0acd-39d6-41ac-8cab-072a20fdef19	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:12:34	711.28
-115	70886	3544300	bfa82578-4a82-4fcf-b6f0-0484a222f4e3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:34:53	-464.874
-116	35444	3544400	8a095a41-2270-47f7-9675-a508aedc7a15	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:49:11	-124.26
-116	70888	3544400	a39850d5-0915-4eee-9e7e-5e46f5d70807	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:01:56	283.847
-117	35445	3544500	33778cc1-1ecb-4217-909e-f5611d1f9d5e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:42:35	300.662
-117	70890	3544500	bab68b71-02eb-4020-b4dd-52621367e1b8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:56:33	-991.10
-118	35446	3544600	d1092e45-dd6b-4de4-a793-996cf0b4c233	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:46:45	914.841
-118	70892	3544600	61fe50ae-e81b-4725-acf5-36636c4e0ea4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:52:59	-755.206
-119	35447	3544700	7c6b5ae7-f04f-4227-ac35-e25c5c88aa86	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:53:48	43.127
-119	70894	3544700	272042b9-0d07-49c0-8aa3-99c85d798bab	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:32:22	352.735
-120	35448	3544800	c41b6ab3-723b-446a-81b0-d7a661459f96	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:31:45	-964.669
-120	70896	3544800	40b4379f-222d-44d3-ab2e-3ce1b3993a45	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:33:22	539.557
-121	35449	3544900	5730846f-6d6f-4a50-b135-8de350153d0b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:29:23	565.440
-121	70898	3544900	5c73c286-7c95-47e3-9d2a-ed30aecec41e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:41:33	-816.224
-122	35450	3545000	bab62da2-9792-4a2b-91d6-ac65ff4114be	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:05:44	-103.342
-122	70900	3545000	bef1507d-6ca3-4cf6-bd3f-d6268c5a3537	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:18:42	-518.208
-123	35451	3545100	10c06482-c71e-4e7d-bda4-6fc5320789e2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:34:56	-583.291
-123	70902	3545100	f0c0b14f-ebcd-4f40-991c-5f6cbcb9d15b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:12:03	192.871
-124	35452	3545200	24a24340-eb5d-40e0-9149-f2886d2e42fd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:09:45	-321.766
-124	70904	3545200	72af7768-d316-4120-8745-e5e4052d5624	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:45:05	599.987
-125	35453	3545300	035178da-d6e6-45df-9ed9-94507a98dd89	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:45:51	-940.188
-125	70906	3545300	3f135908-8d71-4228-9114-48e2c0277604	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:00:25	638.47
-126	35454	3545400	572e157a-33b2-408a-8a3e-f5f6ab10309f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:09:31	894.86
-126	70908	3545400	25afe15e-3881-489c-aa46-00632cfbbf71	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:14:16	447.888
-127	35455	3545500	8a110bcc-391a-417e-b34a-8e05828cf304	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:21:05	85.388
-127	70910	3545500	742a7ec6-6853-4aab-9d12-2f7ecac2e888	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:32:30	-253.376
-0	35456	3545600	69bbf777-8371-4a22-919c-c4a70124043f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:17:02	-927.905
-0	70912	3545600	57555067-3c16-4309-8ed3-485fe71deb75	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:14:08	326.311
-1	35457	3545700	65dcde05-b939-4b87-b5b9-02a71196b252	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:27:59	-162.294
-1	70914	3545700	aa50a527-ce95-4617-b500-3b3b7ac3a154	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:22:37	-54.883
-2	35458	3545800	28bb2741-1822-4adb-b1c1-e00390c1dded	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:38:58	163.389
-2	70916	3545800	91834689-d6b4-431f-8b1f-edf5b27f0767	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:29:32	476.9
-3	35459	3545900	66010f80-55f6-42ab-bcc0-9765e4f79b48	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:19:01	556.796
-3	70918	3545900	9b7703db-e867-4e9e-ba35-6dd6fa14fdc1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:18:06	515.743
-4	35460	3546000	88fd88a6-f52a-404a-aee5-1289f774b31c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:17:53	339.783
-4	70920	3546000	e52997c5-8245-4f07-afc2-a3ae57391fa2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:18:26	-9.232
-5	35461	3546100	325783eb-cd6a-4d0e-b750-48088fdf265f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:58:44	-754.337
-5	70922	3546100	e3d2a4ee-d814-411b-a7d9-05354f62e7b4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:09:32	-704.552
-6	35462	3546200	9ce2f4c6-b023-4290-a2b7-cd0652c9334e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:17:55	-354.674
-6	70924	3546200	54f62a3e-133a-49a2-a5b3-152328da2b9b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:31:11	-494.795
-7	35463	3546300	a0503f7a-7d58-4e9d-bd34-78dfbb1273ea	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:12:32	-871.910
-7	70926	3546300	41cc1d2c-c8ef-45ac-92ff-a7ec22a67a32	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:48:38	272.502
-8	35464	3546400	2452c783-a922-4c1e-9a05-ec09b95354c6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:31:06	204.593
-8	70928	3546400	329f87b7-c64a-4c64-98e8-95383109d20c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:14:43	-62.964
-9	35465	3546500	35736142-3eca-4947-8732-f02600772480	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:39:31	586.488
-9	70930	3546500	30e0a82e-0765-4433-9c79-b1853c84e6f6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:47:40	258.242
-10	35466	3546600	0dba9bfd-80f5-4476-920d-ef51f937a0fb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:09:10	275.184
-10	70932	3546600	cfc88ea4-9e39-4e06-8e37-6b2f5301bc39	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:56:49	-207.84
-11	35467	3546700	44e1cb15-11ab-4179-9d73-13809384a197	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:52:08	704.156
-11	70934	3546700	3ffb0204-e307-4ad4-b951-48baa07da8d3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:25:36	-292.150
-12	35468	3546800	4e6d1da9-6036-4695-876e-69174031b8fb	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:18:25	-121.582
-12	70936	3546800	81eca555-b0c1-40aa-9ce5-7b55d03cdebc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:30:53	-520.889
-13	35469	3546900	ec321022-ca7d-4f4f-9db2-cacbaae62c4f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:25:27	732.949
-13	70938	3546900	0d06ff07-b458-49c4-b45d-6a82699cce92	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:00:32	-659.928
-14	35470	3547000	8bbba1a0-a098-4837-84c9-dea39b440c4e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:07:00	-375.102
-14	70940	3547000	3def952c-782b-4b78-89e1-8a8cf270af67	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:39:41	297.253
-15	35471	3547100	e2a8672c-09cf-46de-9261-ded336c11c81	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:00:15	-236.222
-15	70942	3547100	70ec2e9c-2e22-40b4-acc5-dd9ef41ca30d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:34:49	-24.1
-16	35472	3547200	7e948695-40c5-47eb-bc4e-56aabaeea8ed	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:38:29	-144.49
-16	70944	3547200	a442375a-2b37-4244-b917-b5d3df5586d2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:21:55	324.603
-17	35473	3547300	23f3486f-c44a-4c7b-80b2-7d8817630796	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:29:34	389.346
-17	70946	3547300	a3748f02-bd12-4508-a72c-5f004797cd8b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:11:57	772.231
-18	35474	3547400	0bac5845-ee75-4ff6-8548-1b8da9caef9d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:26:35	926.973
-18	70948	3547400	ee0a9202-5d3f-4842-88f7-b5b62115829a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:03:09	-752.119
-19	35475	3547500	caa5bfba-6380-4ec3-bd65-b8d2ff907334	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:11:28	-893.845
-19	70950	3547500	4b4ada3c-7555-4e0b-a4c7-738249940997	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:26:49	675.347
-20	35476	3547600	c287f56c-5e44-4a00-99d1-d0e5d8a64ebb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:12:46	-959.968
-20	70952	3547600	e6974ec7-3825-4653-a100-c3d00162c21f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:09:29	-952.635
-21	35477	3547700	9dce4572-0342-4cd6-88cd-6af97d7842e8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:44:30	-230.548
-21	70954	3547700	64b0c0d7-8bf0-4a72-9f2f-0b8ec77c3d85	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:30:20	7.705
-22	35478	3547800	96662fb2-cac4-4d85-a43b-8ef697b16875	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:33:16	-593.600
-22	70956	3547800	1b7cd7a0-902b-4c94-834c-56181f180018	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:23:58	931.365
-23	35479	3547900	434b17b7-d82c-4c6c-986c-65c9df84985f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:35:35	330.506
-23	70958	3547900	36a552b6-d1f1-4b9e-8dc4-2c02f04f5da4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:18:11	241.282
-24	35480	3548000	e89d7d36-beb4-4589-aa8c-f7248013735d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:09:54	865.361
-24	70960	3548000	c5739dfe-a55f-4b80-a89f-321f78048eb1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:33:42	-678.100
-25	35481	3548100	e2a725c5-9939-4891-a1bf-629ba9b8c9ba	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:55:54	472.258
-25	70962	3548100	ff5fe148-613c-4433-aa03-4ab46abc2dff	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:28:10	439.691
-26	35482	3548200	f5229a70-7337-4081-bb1e-0ef66dd25914	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:33:39	-20.34
-26	70964	3548200	5e2769d8-96b7-4e9d-b830-20f0cef36184	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:27:48	-270.521
-27	35483	3548300	f03060c4-e2df-4685-af7f-ec15bb54d9d1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:14:24	998.331
-27	70966	3548300	8defdaa0-780a-4136-ba9b-c68585ffb402	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:34:41	924.222
-28	35484	3548400	a21d482e-6839-460f-9c15-6fcea1b0114b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:43:37	499.440
-28	70968	3548400	8dc96c41-d1b4-475d-b683-eaba8d10ede7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:14:20	-604.104
-29	35485	3548500	b6099dda-8549-4c91-a988-555ac6e5b5c8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:29:07	575.428
-29	70970	3548500	f3b09e25-41b5-4e54-8b2b-553d6523fb2d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:44:34	-682.33
-30	35486	3548600	30e06cf0-8fc7-498f-85d9-1dd5e000a6e4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:27:02	242.79
-30	70972	3548600	f694885f-1da4-4fdb-83b9-572f0c1a11c6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:44:22	-804.269
-31	35487	3548700	6e300367-c032-4430-9341-636832ba2b7b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:20:26	940.284
-31	70974	3548700	090e60b8-8134-4c14-b0bd-a19ff33875b3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:49:56	425.766
-32	35488	3548800	13127959-0842-4f2f-af8b-b0de8e847e22	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:19:57	-619.162
-32	70976	3548800	966f303b-d471-445d-a868-15ef8ab9ca9c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:29:21	-987.601
-33	35489	3548900	7710e2e4-1b0e-4b77-bbcd-0c64fa577618	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:07:43	-60.476
-33	70978	3548900	7ce70377-0b70-471b-aeec-ba3711e39773	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:13:11	857.372
-34	35490	3549000	08091db6-f135-4de6-9e6f-b98ccd397601	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:55:15	-447.444
-34	70980	3549000	a7f2bc1c-5e71-4a7b-9fcc-a02046ce3f85	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:59:18	-655.515
-35	35491	3549100	e6062f0b-7981-4d2d-94a0-099b84a9c325	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:17:13	316.306
-35	70982	3549100	e5dce9e6-ba91-4759-b8fc-d3b3ab3210e1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:00:18	-606.15
-36	35492	3549200	45e35e30-af8e-40ec-bcd7-a22da304d02b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:52:55	-225.298
-36	70984	3549200	73421cda-5545-4cea-8714-7c6982442435	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:50:30	704.126
-37	35493	3549300	758c921d-e084-499f-af99-8db88d450cdb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:32:52	-596.471
-37	70986	3549300	2790e40a-bb22-46f5-90a7-c24d7782ac31	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:46:15	-198.171
-38	35494	3549400	1cb61584-01cb-4119-83e6-24c31024f3f1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:35:23	-946.160
-38	70988	3549400	9bee85c0-4721-4001-b6b0-18fddffe9ec8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:11:51	644.177
-39	35495	3549500	3b1cad35-16e7-4621-ba0a-ff4d434a83cc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:54:51	-67.193
-39	70990	3549500	a5ee6787-ca92-4a13-a8a3-b32dea85d2ec	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:08:23	-815.160
-40	35496	3549600	7bcfbdad-e074-4111-8c10-a801d273d921	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:50:05	451.66
-40	70992	3549600	8b462053-318f-483a-a938-21773d43f3c6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:40:33	656.894
-41	35497	3549700	e4154f0e-860d-4086-8e86-af6c825b11c0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:13:42	396.936
-41	70994	3549700	750bd46e-9ca4-4fd0-848c-d4128924377c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:26:44	408.438
-42	35498	3549800	f77ccd81-349a-49b4-84b7-eb0e9e582ede	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:01:15	-114.454
-42	70996	3549800	ecd31e69-8ef0-4e2d-b41c-048f65803de6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:31:42	-275.217
-43	35499	3549900	28e81a09-d2f6-40dd-9d2c-133106218968	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:41:25	535.397
-43	70998	3549900	5807cb54-b379-4131-bbea-8ceb984e35dc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:49:59	-997.671
-44	35500	3550000	49ec5f89-7f33-480f-9480-cff425158c36	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:03:25	972.46
-44	71000	3550000	96678d00-f822-46b6-903d-2b3ac6cd3439	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:59:11	620.16
-45	35501	3550100	2469c5d5-04a5-4e80-9039-dbc31640ac62	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:56:02	583.765
-45	71002	3550100	2bcb8039-f475-4d85-99d6-1f8f46131a1d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:08:46	-690.891
-46	35502	3550200	4dd6d69e-8946-497c-bf5b-9e68b753a925	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:08:35	-930.469
-46	71004	3550200	6b594ecf-3d5c-4591-8db6-bf65d519fc09	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:27:08	-538.826
-47	35503	3550300	83ce97dc-0871-4bab-9761-5d6457114a0f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:02:44	891.380
-47	71006	3550300	3f229aab-5986-48b9-9864-6fc5638f32da	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:57:14	-687.760
-48	35504	3550400	df00f898-e7c8-4bdf-bcbf-c2a4c6212857	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:59:40	899.875
-48	71008	3550400	61813792-e9e2-435e-b302-33f5dd91c727	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:12:23	-953.843
-49	35505	3550500	9f2c7219-3947-48b4-b0a5-e0c591b21b0b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:31:35	-749.208
-49	71010	3550500	f8373cd0-c322-443c-a4d4-ab81c6c6fbc8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:22:09	143.835
-50	35506	3550600	c38ea605-c2ad-456c-af05-d6e32b115e12	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:32:02	-247.948
-50	71012	3550600	99704514-710f-4373-b61d-affda4910742	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:05:13	691.648
-51	35507	3550700	315c403d-28fa-4cb6-94ad-38c73f8afd89	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:06:46	802.150
-51	71014	3550700	1bf9a757-0072-43a0-a3da-648bbdd79cad	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:18:28	-431.552
-52	35508	3550800	bfb32018-b6ec-4f6a-ae9c-5d55f467c775	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:01:06	-320.742
-52	71016	3550800	e5536e44-64b8-4520-aac7-e3f0374279d8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:19:51	643.839
-53	35509	3550900	23de252b-d803-4645-996e-700322359f2a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:48:36	-848.112
-53	71018	3550900	438c3ca4-99f9-4d18-9c34-23c2d56ac1a1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:36:25	-292.753
-54	35510	3551000	edd2c3d9-af58-4123-b677-0f546c4d511c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:28:37	48.891
-54	71020	3551000	8041dba2-865c-47ef-b9f6-250708042d75	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:52:21	457.238
-55	35511	3551100	d999b4b8-6794-42a3-a10f-81282dff33ef	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:02:14	714.817
-55	71022	3551100	6c1c91ec-f34a-4faf-b797-48a41cef6ca2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:53:40	631.572
-56	35512	3551200	5b20d9b0-1ee8-4d35-b7a2-fb91e1c7d78e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:03:09	422.970
-56	71024	3551200	83217c84-ddf7-4853-9da6-701483a5829e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:13:36	-461.631
-57	35513	3551300	9d20270c-e3de-454d-b8d4-359874831ad0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:25:34	538.798
-57	71026	3551300	9d9207b2-bc9b-4b0d-8a4f-3417fa40f148	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:34:28	-214.351
-58	35514	3551400	fb87819f-7e39-4c91-9b59-f826cb24bb22	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:34:52	830.787
-58	71028	3551400	47878827-fde7-42b9-b661-11c92b0bb809	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:04:43	-474.588
-59	35515	3551500	df542860-5c64-4ba5-ab40-8c273f459d86	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:43:38	448.584
-59	71030	3551500	6418e34b-623b-4bdf-aff8-f117e45decaa	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:26:29	149.222
-60	35516	3551600	4e4f526a-8339-42e5-baa5-e6f5aab78d45	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:59:40	-853.715
-60	71032	3551600	ef26801b-6b3d-4ec6-9c88-3dc6c31f0914	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:58:31	881.687
-61	35517	3551700	e59c974d-f52c-4482-b402-344a87084c99	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:35:30	111.87
-61	71034	3551700	2c3f5fe4-8741-4ffd-8985-ff7d9215db3e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:33:12	846.978
-62	35518	3551800	391b30e6-b4eb-4882-86e7-041397e0b8f6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:00:35	-289.89
-62	71036	3551800	d371bb04-7ff3-4e16-8753-4d1d6c881435	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:04:39	-525.665
-63	35519	3551900	204183fd-5e17-4f11-97ea-df2105208594	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:16:45	520.905
-63	71038	3551900	36539c96-d826-4a9d-8427-351ff0f42b22	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:08:56	-361.945
-64	35520	3552000	e0348302-516a-429b-a713-8fdc011c05ea	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:19:36	935.731
-64	71040	3552000	f89b79d1-15ff-4435-aae7-7b2a2c52728c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:52:28	-537.569
-65	35521	3552100	24cd0259-a331-4ea1-9bd2-0d400196c4f4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:53:03	-529.1
-65	71042	3552100	b0cf94a3-2503-4810-bf6e-3627c3753cb1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:15:47	-663.739
-66	35522	3552200	b0a061a0-5c76-4808-9515-f1692106ecde	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:47:25	-356.190
-66	71044	3552200	8a909b0b-945d-4a66-a8b3-4d254a22de85	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:06:18	433.837
-67	35523	3552300	d3b0cf7a-98b5-4186-8755-6d945ad7b596	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:29:53	-253.390
-67	71046	3552300	3b25843e-a295-4a9e-86fc-11de7ea0027e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:19:25	-999.333
-68	35524	3552400	ad024496-2884-43b0-bd48-93578aca3ad9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:56:12	-817.597
-68	71048	3552400	08f950f4-e244-425a-b032-31498ea94128	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:54:36	851.863
-69	35525	3552500	e8e641a7-538f-4e20-b0d3-e6502f64ce64	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:26:06	103.116
-69	71050	3552500	3b6dc1d9-bba4-42b4-ac49-833e4c5b3d2f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:32:01	-252.333
-70	35526	3552600	e727ffb5-67dd-4a4d-a49e-e65d1084be90	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:02:37	772.558
-70	71052	3552600	0adc0d20-6e3f-49d9-bf93-538dcf2f34ee	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:52:44	456.513
-71	35527	3552700	9da5ee39-a692-46b6-8940-b6f0a73cded2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:58:39	356.120
-71	71054	3552700	52c7b45a-7659-442b-a817-61666a883e10	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:07:37	-65.50
-72	35528	3552800	23d74ef6-1bec-4c6b-be56-c7ff65c614c0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:56:57	-194.493
-72	71056	3552800	6e56db94-6c37-44e2-b12c-9c25f3ee6c26	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:05:12	981.113
-73	35529	3552900	552f8382-4460-41ca-9439-52b131701edd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:34:25	111.371
-73	71058	3552900	65477af7-7f4b-4b99-9b6d-b88775847332	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:37:32	-25.484
-74	35530	3553000	31b54387-8ed8-442a-be95-e75c30fb9031	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:16:18	-954.90
-74	71060	3553000	2b645574-2915-4278-b166-416468647f0a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:51:19	-521.174
-75	35531	3553100	92b475f3-4a2b-4ce5-914c-086e1837112b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:48:09	-139.36
-75	71062	3553100	84fba3f2-4852-47a7-ba07-8a5ea7679619	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:10:52	-770.251
-76	35532	3553200	abb0e86a-e271-4da5-b651-4621bda0e51b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:35:39	-579.21
-76	71064	3553200	444b81d3-cc2f-43f8-9e4c-df95e8ae5bbb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:01:33	-670.35
-77	35533	3553300	e56d1bae-35aa-4b8f-a0b4-1ba9d424ef3b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:17:30	-638.981
-77	71066	3553300	5745d79b-584f-43e7-8b40-334493be22a1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:17:14	253.904
-78	35534	3553400	ccd1ca08-c5c5-4a14-a96a-0e0ea3fd4c69	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:02:27	564.279
-78	71068	3553400	7789f4fa-7f7b-4e82-9b45-083dbca08d20	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:19:38	-154.56
-79	35535	3553500	d5335ba2-9e79-48fc-b429-07d7d00d15c3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:11:15	-501.508
-79	71070	3553500	01a5ce6a-3874-4882-b27a-d7188f56afef	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:57:16	-990.426
-80	35536	3553600	d08ba176-f758-44c6-8542-e39a721dd30a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:39:35	-942.190
-80	71072	3553600	37b4535c-5c3f-42ba-b242-0d6c01813e15	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:13:39	-477.754
-81	35537	3553700	42aa44e4-7e35-4f4b-bcbd-210a775f9793	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:38:02	-332.890
-81	71074	3553700	e4d48b89-6609-40d4-aeab-60cd414c3fe5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:59:34	791.180
-82	35538	3553800	67895969-defd-4fa1-a28b-d849129c9489	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:57:40	-204.315
-82	71076	3553800	c7b53249-a957-481a-8964-f2f85e478fcf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:43:12	-596.788
-83	35539	3553900	daf75c35-c660-4e95-84e2-54f05cbc8d5f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:21:35	847.211
-83	71078	3553900	1c2318be-02b2-4802-bb5d-d3bae056ebe0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:00:40	446.522
-84	35540	3554000	e6e65c18-8895-4431-8caa-e460758617b4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:46:36	62.160
-84	71080	3554000	a7423814-7d8a-4293-a1c2-a24ce9aa1d31	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:55:11	-976.350
-85	35541	3554100	8a527acc-53c3-4f37-a5b4-9fe0c4f6a87b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:48:09	-737.701
-85	71082	3554100	399cf5db-8b71-4ffc-9a81-d8ce0545a378	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:13:35	-280.456
-86	35542	3554200	dbf7d7af-7c9c-45c6-bdd3-a8ab9f18aa25	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:22:15	977.72
-86	71084	3554200	95195b57-80c2-494f-a380-2d33ee0a1bf5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:54:56	792.307
-87	35543	3554300	664f017e-cbaa-439c-9d24-d00d51c31544	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:00:26	638.851
-87	71086	3554300	3ca75fa6-8324-4cd9-a984-63a7a46db629	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:20:34	-490.151
-88	35544	3554400	ff7a2d00-3eb8-4ce3-88a5-aa07d4ce6204	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:52:23	246.672
-88	71088	3554400	e5d38327-5728-48dc-8c66-403b5388747f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:53:29	-331.827
-89	35545	3554500	020cf540-ec36-4fcf-a282-46782afe4294	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:47:15	726.595
-89	71090	3554500	ff6fd76a-ef66-4ec1-a29e-f0d33ac599d9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:22:12	170.267
-90	35546	3554600	1512649a-6d62-4da4-9688-30271fe6bf90	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:08:42	-451.199
-90	71092	3554600	c0a81da4-36a7-4e3e-857b-820f0819e9c0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:05:22	-137.74
-91	35547	3554700	33b1f02b-3f83-4142-8891-19c124a3d2d3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:25:47	283.187
-91	71094	3554700	95bdd42b-3f3e-45f1-bc89-9c1aa89d0d3c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:50:53	-886.242
-92	35548	3554800	d3ed55e3-d188-4c79-b6c5-6db54a39f2ac	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:59:32	-806.536
-92	71096	3554800	cf6c93c7-0b75-4cd4-a7fc-7ddef59aa8dd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:26:23	992.159
-93	35549	3554900	5506ee89-d4a4-4eea-b292-4ac2caa729d2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:33:51	441.523
-93	71098	3554900	1d6fc78b-4a21-48f0-a748-c0469d529ce9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:43:31	340.866
-94	35550	3555000	9f51f199-0264-455e-a487-af3eb15c2a36	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:47:07	-181.461
-94	71100	3555000	f98b1803-97af-4312-9261-222d82b7bd1d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:38:27	347.935
-95	35551	3555100	d71183eb-856c-4de0-babe-968f8d493a6e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:39:57	207.507
-95	71102	3555100	4331471e-56c6-4fc4-bf16-eb1532c279cf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:06:17	-735.350
-96	35552	3555200	40a1c6a0-1cd9-45b1-a7e8-386094523131	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:47:59	-34.820
-96	71104	3555200	c10ba3d8-801f-45f9-a00b-4388e4100649	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:57:30	-473.204
-97	35553	3555300	ffb6355e-245b-44f8-89e0-c4aaf7c8d544	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:33:07	-975.484
-97	71106	3555300	98549e98-4033-4091-bf26-136615a48bd5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:19:49	887.263
-98	35554	3555400	5b9f4f30-1f8b-40ef-a562-7d03e8f9400d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:59:35	204.999
-98	71108	3555400	8712809f-4504-4b08-af87-92b215f8d4e5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:35:51	218.424
-99	35555	3555500	6baa1c3c-9bc6-4e8f-9a0f-a9619081debd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:30:18	588.892
-99	71110	3555500	863104f5-9603-421e-a02b-79e28eb5d98c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:43:47	673.876
-100	35556	3555600	02cb94d4-9138-4e61-bb59-525b1e15d45b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:19:25	-773.595
-100	71112	3555600	49c8229c-e89e-4eb0-8b72-df8e3fe524b6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:46:08	-117.992
-101	35557	3555700	52918fda-5a19-4214-9a78-735fc879b70c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:13:08	-117.117
-101	71114	3555700	0458a950-1b5c-48a3-9de0-d4d7978de3b5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:18:05	-32.592
-102	35558	3555800	8c7737be-0785-40b2-9cd3-a4c8ca2eb587	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:43:14	-339.423
-102	71116	3555800	bc267294-2f88-48c1-b3e1-9355bd454d2f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:10:59	140.189
-103	35559	3555900	dc1fabf0-c685-43e8-93b7-d342b4eeeb3c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:56:01	282.748
-103	71118	3555900	74bb23ad-c879-4a3a-893f-2a4f2e8b8754	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:48:47	-56.817
-104	35560	3556000	6444be74-9b70-4527-85a8-3d19bafa0659	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:31:49	-802.59
-104	71120	3556000	537991f9-379f-401c-8d7f-abce3f0c5abb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:25:54	-955.206
-105	35561	3556100	0ffd152d-ddb7-4cef-a9d5-c57badb68120	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:24:14	827.282
-105	71122	3556100	66c62a77-78ba-4977-b946-b09b30a3e075	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:44:26	175.937
-106	35562	3556200	6f004802-0870-4394-940b-47bfb16591bc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:12:29	103.713
-106	71124	3556200	96f9ba85-1a03-46e8-bb63-c7038a916792	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:25:23	-228.473
-107	35563	3556300	fe4070a4-83a3-47c5-9479-a33464ba1513	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:37:42	-499.749
-107	71126	3556300	ca07d03d-d0be-45e1-9680-7bb98e84ca57	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:08:17	-113.541
-108	35564	3556400	b6703bd1-28e9-4cbd-a7b4-247f98321ca5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:47:04	-624.306
-108	71128	3556400	dbcb3163-09e4-42f9-83ba-cd4d41473c4b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:52:28	650.489
-109	35565	3556500	91b5b44a-20d6-49f2-852a-e1703a895107	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:20:16	278.359
-109	71130	3556500	108aad9c-cfe0-46e1-a737-f7f9f4e12108	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:06:53	-531.772
-110	35566	3556600	8e26ade9-4481-4638-bf75-5cef906db373	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:43:03	249.782
-110	71132	3556600	8639f7c1-5b47-4c87-b1dc-80ac7c3bb04c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:43:30	-672.167
-111	35567	3556700	6032e417-c1f4-48b6-8631-28bb543834ec	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:51:43	688.265
-111	71134	3556700	903a60fe-f614-4ebb-9f50-842c71412575	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:26:26	471.893
-112	35568	3556800	288d5a27-d6c7-4214-81c5-7f619370569b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:35:34	434.772
-112	71136	3556800	e73e3cc4-0f7b-4c11-9fab-20b331027229	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:49:28	668.136
-113	35569	3556900	dfd13443-6ea1-4603-8998-9ad5f6448ac3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:34:15	176.667
-113	71138	3556900	94d58e5a-4a13-417f-ba26-062b10cc920d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:56:20	-415.607
-114	35570	3557000	f1df87f1-8b62-4cc0-a717-cbcd7a9bb8e3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:20:08	264.263
-114	71140	3557000	9d6d11ac-1c17-41a0-aea9-649e0711b6c8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:30:21	348.745
-115	35571	3557100	175c75d5-63a1-42b1-a56a-5771175f8461	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:41:30	-61.674
-115	71142	3557100	5852853a-dc10-4902-9f58-207753936e5f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:55:43	367.547
-116	35572	3557200	e806de89-7922-4bab-a12b-06bea38affa8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:11:57	-340.349
-116	71144	3557200	840f38cf-5ea7-4827-8f38-931bfea14c98	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:38:36	-210.402
-117	35573	3557300	7ad50c9c-8b59-4ce9-b96f-c1ceab8e0cf2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:40:45	-182.982
-117	71146	3557300	74b42271-363a-4dd6-8b17-a48f741bf2af	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:38:42	321.549
-118	35574	3557400	41e3f320-f699-4be4-af94-b600e4b07d4e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:11:57	-377.50
-118	71148	3557400	d87c0786-2eb8-4f07-a542-a84e51c8ecc0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:32:45	500.935
-119	35575	3557500	eb282ace-2b00-4aa6-82db-8e80ca44a074	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:46:03	786.914
-119	71150	3557500	82e1bbbb-4a37-4dc5-8436-14008f4daef6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:32:01	485.999
-120	35576	3557600	034f8c02-4985-480c-b1f3-72028c56ce12	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:39:03	317.879
-120	71152	3557600	20795ce1-d9a6-49a9-a2be-fb2d3d4f24dc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:04:40	928.626
-121	35577	3557700	0591dd48-85f8-4c6b-9aaf-13c8a96f9b73	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:14:09	-757.471
-121	71154	3557700	f026a579-98ff-4083-a631-3a37cfda817f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:12:51	415.809
-122	35578	3557800	424f8c34-5274-406c-ba22-9fafcbaac52a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:44:58	-896.107
-122	71156	3557800	b864341e-d672-4d76-94fb-0318c1bcb24a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:44:50	-853.858
-123	35579	3557900	12dd8bf0-483d-4745-80ef-ff96d56d6d8f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:42:37	60.890
-123	71158	3557900	a5a6bea2-eb9a-4311-86ec-36ffee08bec9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:08:14	-442.768
-124	35580	3558000	0df1afc4-e4b8-4d8c-8e7e-b82fc4317a21	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:57:29	-27.900
-124	71160	3558000	29cd7a68-cfa8-4861-8130-195733241e86	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:26:31	721.401
-125	35581	3558100	05eb6e74-03da-4f9f-ba74-198c81f6c0e6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:57:32	284.576
-125	71162	3558100	672e35b6-fac2-484f-8078-00f12acd4cf7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:48:31	-367.131
-126	35582	3558200	64ba2ce0-2894-41d7-b2ac-fc080725bb23	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:40:57	100.978
-126	71164	3558200	1a879b96-27a2-4258-96e1-4c111cfba58c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:41:33	623.692
-127	35583	3558300	b66c8dde-57ba-4108-b75b-efa720748fbd	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:16:45	-64.514
-127	71166	3558300	12cda1c3-59ea-444b-b214-537b1f574804	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:51:36	950.346
-0	35584	3558400	81363e09-5a04-40be-b72a-98b446815e77	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:10:17	-587.862
-0	71168	3558400	4ceb9a7f-ae31-4df1-8871-339952c36ba8	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:27:56	555.717
-1	35585	3558500	cad1bfc4-5446-425f-b193-b4423525909d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:59:24	-928.987
-1	71170	3558500	4ae3f768-2fe1-4113-8a11-3380d6cb154a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:06:11	-51.821
-2	35586	3558600	3ce1e2f6-ac7a-4a6d-9c1a-ac5b702cedc9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:42:23	455.438
-2	71172	3558600	6e060d18-4d16-4817-9ec4-97c3f340ed0b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:25:22	-231.680
-3	35587	3558700	bc5c3d8e-2937-4b3d-b30c-0e27e7bcaf95	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:58:01	-552.665
-3	71174	3558700	10d40775-6e26-4e4a-a3f7-502fb7ec77c2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:56:39	-153.486
-4	35588	3558800	eaa7c492-0447-487d-9534-89ad19ea319d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:35:13	-595.627
-4	71176	3558800	612f1c2c-c5af-4606-93a9-9c4617b19547	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:05:11	-220.506
-5	35589	3558900	6fc197d3-c5a9-4194-8602-f496aa2c2501	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:33:49	-532.525
-5	71178	3558900	9d909193-ceff-4433-8554-26d8fd0fc206	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:18:25	-675.275
-6	35590	3559000	592f335e-b40d-4580-a3cc-6e43f31406bf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:47:08	-285.676
-6	71180	3559000	8ab63f33-9c0f-4bd8-a462-4bd8dd481320	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:55:00	-111.663
-7	35591	3559100	6adb24a9-b2ea-4381-ad25-a93b7b5f7c7f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:59:04	-739.884
-7	71182	3559100	73ed3d60-e6dc-473e-900c-388a68d31385	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:43:18	-608.744
-8	35592	3559200	9974efd1-39c8-43ee-bcb6-232fb50c2e3f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:35:12	147.863
-8	71184	3559200	648ad326-49d9-43cd-bc06-d9f0c58c8cab	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:34:03	-555.210
-9	35593	3559300	43aea0fa-3d07-4175-8586-9eb98c503cf6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:33:44	-666.614
-9	71186	3559300	9c71cfcd-0c5c-4e33-a183-9037d6400146	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:14:00	364.926
-10	35594	3559400	f611c9a6-29dd-4b80-a408-edebcf8dc240	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:43:30	-106.504
-10	71188	3559400	fefc6e78-7423-4e05-99f9-4de9efa38f2d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:36:06	900.827
-11	35595	3559500	411debe7-8d2f-42ec-84e2-e0a1c7136283	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:43:04	-894.709
-11	71190	3559500	7c215d89-03f3-4dbc-992e-e51b2c337599	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:27:25	-166.728
-12	35596	3559600	8605a0dc-3ece-4630-82f0-8ec8a3dc0a0c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:28:02	627.140
-12	71192	3559600	0def001b-940a-4519-8dcf-a8468505cfe1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:05:55	251.918
-13	35597	3559700	85f02423-5677-4e9d-9931-75a421f0657f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:26:16	-409.340
-13	71194	3559700	fa149034-c5ff-4ed4-88aa-d6374145616c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:44:45	456.496
-14	35598	3559800	37de7368-aa72-498d-9c2f-2b6dd1029a81	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:58:00	692.148
-14	71196	3559800	2f047da7-ee34-4234-9c62-8f4e6d6b2d49	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:42:49	35.764
-15	35599	3559900	e1376f1f-9e08-45c9-b781-b28d4c5eaf71	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:34:56	934.787
-15	71198	3559900	4cf1eed6-9161-47ed-8dbd-2698ee7571a3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:26:24	-256.319
-16	35600	3560000	7d92b7bc-22d6-4bd2-a898-7b040c61f6d8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:10:54	-530.937
-16	71200	3560000	26d6aa58-a9ed-409d-be37-c0077d1c54f4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:34:00	-17.377
-17	35601	3560100	179ee047-f34e-47cf-ad75-cbb78e014abf	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:17:19	122.825
-17	71202	3560100	8eea5478-26bc-4f09-9e88-e1c8994f6f9c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:10:10	-185.720
-18	35602	3560200	78ceaa8f-e08c-4514-8830-840d019eb23d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:55:30	515.805
-18	71204	3560200	f92ea843-b5c5-4da1-941f-8fb56bd846fb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:20:57	-120.678
-19	35603	3560300	0e3820f1-e8f6-4ae5-ba45-288eece45e55	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:30:03	-490.134
-19	71206	3560300	8d8243b8-7e01-4554-b910-80c24ee3e970	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:10:20	595.5
-20	35604	3560400	89a02afc-95f0-4c71-b866-6566f3664fae	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:23:18	-186.999
-20	71208	3560400	c0e43ae1-63e5-44b3-acf8-3418afa53df5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:33:11	-77.797
-21	35605	3560500	f4a131aa-2e13-4fb6-9d8d-6c5e8a896e90	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:49:26	-167.918
-21	71210	3560500	c8ef77d1-0abe-49bd-8410-4e349d50e0f5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:57:34	-356.241
-22	35606	3560600	15eaa7d9-b81b-4120-91ae-6b85c757da4b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:59:20	-982.631
-22	71212	3560600	e069466f-9a91-4233-b9b9-98ca0a1d9025	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:09:19	855.494
-23	35607	3560700	40c75283-b429-4045-a75c-5886380699c2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:48:56	396.731
-23	71214	3560700	abc3505a-36c5-4020-bb01-9be1f55372da	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:07:39	-145.446
-24	35608	3560800	a171a531-c45e-4b4c-9f4f-ff9b86bc07f9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:11:56	-169.312
-24	71216	3560800	a462d3da-9288-4184-a131-56c89066104c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:32:39	268.888
-25	35609	3560900	33bb4634-06a9-4231-8a62-0799ba3d64a4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:16:48	839.723
-25	71218	3560900	dcf37fdd-a1c5-442d-97b8-727bb0df05ac	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:18:25	21.858
-26	35610	3561000	f41bae37-ce87-4ea5-83b1-08e47fe1a57d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:06:13	-127.359
-26	71220	3561000	aea173b8-2b90-4208-b637-39876206b2b3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:11:12	-896.703
-27	35611	3561100	4a4c9945-73d9-4485-83d3-635dc40a16a2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:28:49	553.508
-27	71222	3561100	7b18412c-0413-4692-88af-000a33d8d941	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:34:52	686.491
-28	35612	3561200	80ba7bc4-d727-4aff-889c-b06fe6fbc5e1	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:22:28	508.820
-28	71224	3561200	b89d7742-facd-40fe-954d-d59bd2457bc2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:33:00	-197.792
-29	35613	3561300	ebd607bb-5d5f-44c2-8d0d-7d044192e840	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:10:01	-523.801
-29	71226	3561300	fb91ca25-51b9-4cc8-a623-fe5e89e0330a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:32:59	373.222
-30	35614	3561400	48bf369a-3e66-4a6c-a1df-4223848c4106	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:24:56	414.888
-30	71228	3561400	d764fad5-bcbc-47e4-a544-3819e5a69a5a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:56:36	-239.865
-31	35615	3561500	bb3c83ae-7eba-4456-a77e-59a5a2a97189	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:57:36	-981.893
-31	71230	3561500	10e1e4fc-1873-4ac4-96b4-2c40371942d7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:30:30	-984.28
-32	35616	3561600	f7cbacfb-af7d-41cb-956e-870e1dbc98f4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:18:27	-646.204
-32	71232	3561600	a27bbd53-30ab-4953-bdc9-317744022d13	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:52:39	-462.933
-33	35617	3561700	3336016a-30d1-47e2-831e-79fa1b3af412	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:04:42	943.86
-33	71234	3561700	bab4d894-c891-4e6f-bccd-f6aa0a7fd271	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:17:11	-183.188
-34	35618	3561800	014ebe11-fb26-44a9-ab7f-85b90cf3eb49	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:43:49	923.815
-34	71236	3561800	46dc034f-278f-4bbf-b165-7e04d975527b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:18:46	-665.962
-35	35619	3561900	d0e0ef5c-d380-4bdc-ab94-d78a59fa17c5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:59:34	828.741
-35	71238	3561900	2acb5cfe-bb87-4adc-80c1-c98bc7c27ddf	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:58:46	-61.464
-36	35620	3562000	1dc469a6-72e7-4da1-8a99-dfd202cddaec	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:40:18	-675.545
-36	71240	3562000	c2412471-406a-4c2a-843d-8fe413235a75	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:44:55	-243.510
-37	35621	3562100	8ebb6f5a-74ea-479a-bc96-befc43502373	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:52:38	-816.548
-37	71242	3562100	33009519-5c07-4ca4-9cfe-c99503f05759	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:52:16	960.401
-38	35622	3562200	f3737cb6-83c5-41a2-a7b4-0168af05f870	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:05:54	227.631
-38	71244	3562200	c3bcadfb-ad36-4ddb-b921-0bcc6fb8686f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:30:30	465.387
-39	35623	3562300	f7b73e7d-830d-4caa-9858-4c92e968bc87	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:34:29	-342.537
-39	71246	3562300	6b1e9b51-f7a2-44de-a2de-23d07711b0e8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:21:58	-914.811
-40	35624	3562400	f68abd29-30f2-4297-ad0d-e12e12424cb3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:58:51	874.344
-40	71248	3562400	fd975a1d-8458-494a-b25c-ddd61ad16d36	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:12:11	194.838
-41	35625	3562500	9e90c44e-4ca2-49ac-a08c-b2f5106a457e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:32:39	-855.350
-41	71250	3562500	f131de47-3b3c-4538-a6d3-4bfec11cc16e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:14:12	508.849
-42	35626	3562600	06b2502f-631f-4f85-8564-de3a1cd42683	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:57:22	404.19
-42	71252	3562600	ae26bc46-ef3c-4950-9386-7c7c97822490	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:18:08	-689.986
-43	35627	3562700	cb8a9a14-322a-4e07-b9dd-8abc490d8db0	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:05:34	-363.86
-43	71254	3562700	18dd7a40-925b-46f5-9271-b8c14672d117	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:01:10	371.108
-44	35628	3562800	09daf3c0-f4fe-49a4-9f93-8422302e07b5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:42:04	-310.261
-44	71256	3562800	9f250298-dffb-4489-9272-cb337a6c2cd0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:09:21	724.117
-45	35629	3562900	5f9397a4-97e0-45b0-a232-e2147d96916d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:50:13	-782.637
-45	71258	3562900	073c3e51-0e28-4692-a0b2-ac220dad0b84	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:31:18	-736.700
-46	35630	3563000	b1686f64-429e-4f5c-8500-394dea50b6a8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:45:16	210.589
-46	71260	3563000	98312f48-c956-4c31-ae27-4ebabac4eeb7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:57:02	-393.522
-47	35631	3563100	a078fca0-0fa2-4bce-aece-29e0ab14399e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:26:03	118.999
-47	71262	3563100	c253725a-fc64-4a54-a533-e09f01e84d73	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:18:07	900.311
-48	35632	3563200	c9508c62-1195-4620-9a9c-951a19681b48	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:40:26	-24.460
-48	71264	3563200	97cb7e45-79f4-4764-9551-ac8aafaca2d9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:47:29	-850.81
-49	35633	3563300	8830922c-2081-4010-8ab3-cb3b4090af97	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:46:54	908.258
-49	71266	3563300	6311eeb9-edec-4238-971c-2f8b9d936120	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:39:38	-611.216
-50	35634	3563400	99c4b514-f719-42d6-8d49-2bd458714148	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:24:08	-946.270
-50	71268	3563400	e7d2265e-d6fb-4ead-bac1-ffc53e13d526	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:36:19	224.955
-51	35635	3563500	e7bb12b4-0056-46f2-a25e-a4dc2c25d985	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:32:19	741.214
-51	71270	3563500	30c09fd4-57ce-47b0-8a4c-881c01a9dc14	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:18:46	895.217
-52	35636	3563600	c307cee5-31af-4bb9-8487-62dfda57dc0a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:55:37	490.408
-52	71272	3563600	73bb98e6-869e-427e-bc36-db2f51b8f185	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:04:12	948.660
-53	35637	3563700	d000952d-f695-4904-836c-a70c16f1b078	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:54:03	812.790
-53	71274	3563700	3fecdf5b-eb4e-4b46-af77-ab135bf6a90e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:51:25	543.144
-54	35638	3563800	3b83cd35-03f6-4ac3-a45f-292ad6faf491	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:05:56	-108.206
-54	71276	3563800	1438dc1c-5510-450b-bd08-4a37b49f6844	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:06:54	-424.503
-55	35639	3563900	731f878d-85b3-4b83-ba4c-aa7c700baec9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:25:01	749.374
-55	71278	3563900	d5786a1a-574f-4d51-87cf-806e697931ac	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:43:50	398.210
-56	35640	3564000	aa9c0e61-2f24-4d6c-8885-b77b2fd5bec9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:57:58	-122.91
-56	71280	3564000	cb5da74b-ecd9-42eb-9a13-ffb9168e0ce4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:11:24	248.73
-57	35641	3564100	ad9d2b7a-ff5f-47cc-a3f2-7fea6e702075	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:19:19	362.830
-57	71282	3564100	1d585815-040e-42fb-abc3-0c3a99dabd14	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:03:32	-391.113
-58	35642	3564200	38f48c74-3c56-4249-af4f-7bd52b5edff3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:22:54	864.4
-58	71284	3564200	c711c917-2abf-490b-97a7-c114cb2dcf7c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:48:29	716.969
-59	35643	3564300	2b6b3716-6024-496a-8488-dda9473553ba	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:26:10	991.651
-59	71286	3564300	537bcaa5-4814-4de1-8252-5481bf047398	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:58:46	-219.177
-60	35644	3564400	19b0b08d-c3c3-46d3-b878-80aac5aadbf9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:47:59	-460.178
-60	71288	3564400	e9d7c66a-fde0-43b2-a731-1c95e49ceb87	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:37:21	957.824
-61	35645	3564500	9627621d-74ab-480f-a969-743418e5e49e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:53:57	444.447
-61	71290	3564500	885fb504-32f9-426a-91d5-161219f22a2f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:47:43	682.101
-62	35646	3564600	b29158b0-bb81-46f4-af3f-604ef496e3cb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:57:03	158.395
-62	71292	3564600	f7d70768-f21d-48d3-ae75-029127c6f289	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:37:42	62.903
-63	35647	3564700	cd8e7993-930e-42d3-a09a-9b8df05d968a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:49:39	-379.112
-63	71294	3564700	6847cb69-aeca-4b9b-a3b9-d3a44fbd05c8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:53:32	658.906
-64	35648	3564800	ce4e41b1-a221-46a7-a502-9a48c83cc032	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:36:28	50.157
-64	71296	3564800	a69364f2-e15c-49d9-b315-61c9bc2231da	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:27:08	-97.670
-65	35649	3564900	d626e092-c0b8-4e2a-b73c-86f96b67eddf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:29:27	-108.180
-65	71298	3564900	b7cce129-7a6a-4438-9201-536d124750da	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:52:40	938.626
-66	35650	3565000	59645784-3232-4e69-90d6-ef1c5c5f79f7	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:24:40	600.415
-66	71300	3565000	77d657eb-db7a-4a7e-ad5b-c75804fbbc28	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:16:14	321.172
-67	35651	3565100	a7c1feaa-c564-4bf7-a653-edaee814bd51	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:24:24	949.319
-67	71302	3565100	f56bfbc8-8206-4907-acd5-d0d397414c18	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:09:37	-452.976
-68	35652	3565200	4b413569-ca7b-44fb-8d02-7d901bd50b2b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:26:12	300.290
-68	71304	3565200	b714272e-275e-425a-96f4-b81d05a13456	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:42:41	711.37
-69	35653	3565300	7414f2dc-3960-45a7-b700-4b8616d44a7a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:28:44	205.960
-69	71306	3565300	1a0f9113-3346-494e-aa49-05f0c81eec2c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:32:06	131.824
-70	35654	3565400	a8cca0dd-fc37-4862-9766-ac91d2cae955	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:18:06	187.778
-70	71308	3565400	8b58dfcb-fbee-4891-90cc-9335bfb68936	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:41:25	-379.941
-71	35655	3565500	2393041d-bd94-477a-aae1-81cfe661eb8f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:54:09	536.743
-71	71310	3565500	78005d11-7c83-478a-b302-2fb3da2d517f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:54:52	803.712
-72	35656	3565600	850f987e-8084-43fc-bae5-29a6ba129580	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:21:25	-238.472
-72	71312	3565600	4b8ee1d3-1f5f-412c-9701-52b3705ce229	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:23:14	-771.30
-73	35657	3565700	1c2d26f7-07e1-4717-895e-fe091a4d1cd9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:44:07	526.237
-73	71314	3565700	efd6905a-6f5b-47e9-a245-f26f8dbf9a43	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:58:55	869.460
-74	35658	3565800	0974f6b0-5193-415d-9d03-b9e86c5831a1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:24:35	282.796
-74	71316	3565800	50e6525c-129b-474f-aedf-b091925c4a0d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:32:46	-824.289
-75	35659	3565900	5bf6ca50-b904-4dee-90e6-aceb6bceb9cd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:07:53	-36.877
-75	71318	3565900	11f89242-e8f5-4dee-be94-670c2fb6c5e8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:44:04	-31.91
-76	35660	3566000	3bdadb11-d551-4502-99c5-647b03e92ba1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:08:22	-977.931
-76	71320	3566000	b8d87135-dd9d-479a-8b9f-4a91019bd08a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:59:57	621.348
-77	35661	3566100	65424831-f4ae-4b66-983b-25c72c6eb518	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:52:50	307.585
-77	71322	3566100	bef19dc1-0b92-476d-bfca-f764c848e28a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:35:02	-122.64
-78	35662	3566200	c7ba64f7-6ad6-4c0a-a98c-8937ba9a0491	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:22:11	538.994
-78	71324	3566200	a0c7afad-5fe3-4899-a891-c9852786a05d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:34:01	409.19
-79	35663	3566300	62d07461-09af-4542-9869-805474677d88	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:03:20	781.174
-79	71326	3566300	b459dfac-ae64-4d6b-b5cc-c019f8d6d76a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:27:10	548.585
-80	35664	3566400	c8889196-00e6-4d81-a840-8f102568ecb9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:15:56	774.229
-80	71328	3566400	5a9358be-bfa7-4b1c-810b-4b1117f927b1	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:41:36	-133.6
-81	35665	3566500	b8a1f13a-d990-48e5-8c94-df1230b5a0ce	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:30:38	-340.411
-81	71330	3566500	88ec5f8d-e4bf-416d-ae28-dfa648fca94f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:03:19	851.359
-82	35666	3566600	d568a0f4-65b4-41bf-9b59-f2d22cdf7a21	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:05:53	-733.52
-82	71332	3566600	d7fff0ca-5ed7-412b-90c2-613f2981f4bb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:10:10	969.342
-83	35667	3566700	6a1e3adc-74a8-4e27-b9a3-9304ee590064	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:10:49	-168.690
-83	71334	3566700	1a97bfca-7ca3-492b-a367-ca1c8ad9cb3c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:30:19	-278.43
-84	35668	3566800	a480418f-2167-462a-93c2-17c41771b3c0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:04:17	543.278
-84	71336	3566800	939b5f95-f4aa-4440-8b7c-df930f799618	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:09:56	-260.205
-85	35669	3566900	87ed7a37-b0f3-4d14-8e6c-9898f8d59c87	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:47:43	21.772
-85	71338	3566900	05c00e54-547e-44eb-ad44-29b7500c6205	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:37:02	16.517
-86	35670	3567000	6c4d78cf-fecc-45c4-90ef-08166ad91e7e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:49:58	-292.631
-86	71340	3567000	c5c7445c-1907-41b6-9876-23e6c920eac4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:52:16	-522.599
-87	35671	3567100	0f455512-1ab6-4b6f-8813-a475a8886ad3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:08:15	-417.556
-87	71342	3567100	4dd291dc-fd7c-472c-afff-6b0ba4ed7b3f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:39:44	515.431
-88	35672	3567200	06c14e5d-0772-43d9-8979-96a05d0b6a29	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:04:31	872.253
-88	71344	3567200	740f43b2-eefc-466c-8c26-ceb237827454	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:33:45	-370.433
-89	35673	3567300	da49aebb-f89e-4aa5-9d4d-6c4113c9c4a7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:35:15	-266.592
-89	71346	3567300	5b02383e-b86b-456a-8ef9-d8d585b67ff6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:36:20	-439.893
-90	35674	3567400	ee158b34-e423-4806-9453-c511ae98def8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:28:22	164.83
-90	71348	3567400	0f9ee4b2-057c-4b32-a98c-5efc7f71ff2e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:37:41	-106.171
-91	35675	3567500	4f3339a7-c280-45bd-b86b-51f5e4a98345	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:43:29	582.654
-91	71350	3567500	59783d70-b6b4-45ef-9d32-59eda90d7fa3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:28:55	274.854
-92	35676	3567600	5705b698-1257-48e9-bd25-a6dbe64701b5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:01:40	210.318
-92	71352	3567600	0e3c1d60-8704-4e3a-ab22-84abf3ed26cb	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:39:06	-774.969
-93	35677	3567700	7770d940-db90-43c8-bfb8-e795e45510af	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:25:06	-804.210
-93	71354	3567700	b430ef6b-9a02-4e2b-a749-5a6ea6273663	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:51:36	-175.197
-94	35678	3567800	c8017a36-99fc-483e-9d5b-9599b3b2a3a6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:18:35	50.15
-94	71356	3567800	e56e3f09-78c7-40d5-8881-dbd1087709b8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:09:27	166.31
-95	35679	3567900	bb41c461-6308-4c74-baab-cf21f7a558df	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:18:33	-255.615
-95	71358	3567900	060aef9c-9ea2-4bdf-ace6-31fa39b75f68	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:34:49	367.59
-96	35680	3568000	cfba46f9-f4fe-444b-8afa-cd80128f2e01	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:14:06	-878.782
-96	71360	3568000	c9b8d3cd-e473-439d-8ef7-5eaf570ffb55	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:55:39	74.803
-97	35681	3568100	30b149db-b068-4332-a288-331be7476925	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:28:59	-575.782
-97	71362	3568100	8c51176b-5d4a-4fc2-b4ad-1ed94146a88c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:01:40	-881.374
-98	35682	3568200	e5af7e76-8fe4-40a9-b126-a3a4231130be	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:54:16	594.521
-98	71364	3568200	afe960b7-617c-4345-a5e7-1f04221e4b4c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:59:03	671.480
-99	35683	3568300	71be79f1-d92e-4502-ab60-48d7ebaa0d6d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:28:32	887.565
-99	71366	3568300	5ff69d16-ac86-4cd3-a56b-574f76cdd669	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:25:46	56.152
-100	35684	3568400	a8335a28-3bf4-4f74-94ef-edcfdd2fce66	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:59:13	26.526
-100	71368	3568400	c5bc1bc5-a95f-4585-b1e5-5db9666cfaa8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:47:03	758.714
-101	35685	3568500	40fa970b-f792-434d-a781-bc43f9c938c9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:59:08	-894.856
-101	71370	3568500	b6c2342d-504c-4cab-9de2-94b30b6a9657	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:19:11	-706.505
-102	35686	3568600	80a784ab-cae4-4ad3-9056-6d48851e4390	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:44:32	-438.108
-102	71372	3568600	c34fa9d4-353e-4aa2-ad68-99017dd2ec6f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:04:07	580.401
-103	35687	3568700	bebefd0e-affb-41d3-a225-95c55864c0d7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:09:35	348.835
-103	71374	3568700	41401b6c-a611-4941-b0f1-a511823692c4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:32:53	-24.925
-104	35688	3568800	ed1f1332-9328-465d-b5f1-ff7b423386c4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:41:00	965.462
-104	71376	3568800	fdbd6c57-6001-473d-9e5d-1ed9a00b4f01	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:02:35	438.892
-105	35689	3568900	6ed983fe-1115-40cb-8e96-0d6f15821603	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:28:39	-227.520
-105	71378	3568900	1d5e04bb-41f1-43a8-a83d-74f90bf4a249	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:03:15	912.708
-106	35690	3569000	061b1669-fa64-4619-9056-05302dea7a85	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:13:03	459.0
-106	71380	3569000	5e2b0d1d-20d5-4631-acb0-98328751463c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:56:35	-127.91
-107	35691	3569100	d75fbfc5-6d6d-4412-85d4-3c2d75af299e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:01:52	-757.111
-107	71382	3569100	5c19b533-1e51-45cc-8fbc-ce1ff402648f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:19:38	-638.961
-108	35692	3569200	b8cdc5b4-f34b-4967-889b-c4a4663a4876	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:56:32	-631.16
-108	71384	3569200	92f8a0a9-3682-4771-b983-a3a5fa7f6675	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:59:49	410.115
-109	35693	3569300	589e2661-7b9d-440a-90fd-9d8f2edfb545	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:14:04	341.830
-109	71386	3569300	15ec2828-5e51-45af-8d1c-5eb9f135ec58	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:15:26	-360.634
-110	35694	3569400	b1afd911-75de-419b-a167-9437a8c7e98b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:39:57	-409.721
-110	71388	3569400	2343fa9b-cdbe-408b-adee-a6717a0ce67b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:59:44	-342.781
-111	35695	3569500	160dcc64-f818-45b9-93cc-da31834e89ec	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:24:41	356.496
-111	71390	3569500	e9d2bc82-b2fa-4191-9957-b38e6a797e53	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:02:22	422.589
-112	35696	3569600	92e4de75-efc7-428c-bb87-c79c4e93c4e6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:46:51	532.911
-112	71392	3569600	d06ad1d2-5366-4a44-a43d-513a2ce9f999	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:32:58	-745.838
-113	35697	3569700	5c4c890d-cb8c-41c6-bdd8-cb3931afe8de	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:59:27	535.643
-113	71394	3569700	e6dd347f-5981-4f14-83e8-a1d72baf8057	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:39:23	-107.472
-114	35698	3569800	c3e3409e-e678-41d6-a8cf-cb147e5ed9e5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:52:30	970.317
-114	71396	3569800	5a65f618-e7c4-4842-a94c-ecda22b86f37	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:16:55	-944.18
-115	35699	3569900	c27782be-bd3a-48be-96a4-56832721e09a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:32:53	-313.96
-115	71398	3569900	5cc933b1-b2bf-485c-b8ce-ce73aee3599e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:33:02	-741.280
-116	35700	3570000	1866a4a1-ca6f-4579-8e29-e52c0dc04c0d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:16:53	-20.155
-116	71400	3570000	72e6194f-43aa-4207-9fba-eeac5c05b942	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:25:12	-812.895
-117	35701	3570100	cb05e1fb-02b3-444c-9474-766a5da140a0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:39:31	-769.367
-117	71402	3570100	8644ac23-41bb-4dcd-9e18-af6e95ea5d81	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:46:53	-509.696
-118	35702	3570200	8ffe4352-c08b-4dcb-b915-c4da1029d636	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:45:35	497.106
-118	71404	3570200	93d04db7-a75e-40ad-9403-1a9d7343c1e7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:02:26	-367.449
-119	35703	3570300	435e4ee7-2f1b-4c3e-9b94-5a8dba4a2c4e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:07:14	589.83
-119	71406	3570300	ac5b8741-eb3a-48ea-843d-c2b0187fed65	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:28:10	-84.136
-120	35704	3570400	1c2ce8c1-3edf-455d-b6aa-966e05dd2870	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:15:15	593.973
-120	71408	3570400	69fd0471-7fb6-4c30-99a5-19696a6aeaea	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:33:32	-569.580
-121	35705	3570500	56923173-559c-4508-a7c0-ab801119cf69	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:13:28	611.736
-121	71410	3570500	5bb6fa59-89ad-4fc8-9455-e871b31b5e0e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:33:37	379.514
-122	35706	3570600	83310809-8d8e-4ca8-b96f-799de77243e4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:51:28	-730.990
-122	71412	3570600	754eefe9-b1ef-4d83-8c85-971d8293ba6a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:19:39	-835.863
-123	35707	3570700	aecd82d0-5003-45bc-9a59-2b8a12b3ecd9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:59:37	994.953
-123	71414	3570700	3aebcb14-2fa3-4ba4-9b00-0edc3268022e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:51:45	-983.673
-124	35708	3570800	1b15de6d-1a15-484a-b920-606ca9a23fa4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:15:14	941.103
-124	71416	3570800	3fc1ae13-e80d-418e-910d-42a15c1bccec	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:56:22	386.59
-125	35709	3570900	8842dbf7-7c12-4a2d-b884-bca88606d7a3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:47:41	-870.611
-125	71418	3570900	f68f318a-9ec3-4d95-b6eb-38d7f549c91c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:16:07	247.219
-126	35710	3571000	fbea13ec-fc9e-4fb8-ba8d-d3a62abfab7b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:33:45	747.675
-126	71420	3571000	fd88eb72-2c26-4aea-be7f-ff1ec0132635	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:09:59	181.259
-127	35711	3571100	7fa86d06-49a8-419a-93b6-cb9df30c063d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:49:04	684.996
-127	71422	3571100	ca8f7608-f8a8-414e-8838-c6ca10d53d0f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:23:44	-218.323
-0	35712	3571200	67063718-0f9a-427d-bcdb-e70c579a880f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:51:32	-257.257
-0	71424	3571200	437ed8bd-050f-495c-9586-32196393f289	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:20:56	60.564
-1	35713	3571300	33eb1fee-42b0-4167-9934-ea1a2b93bcf5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:41:41	670.337
-1	71426	3571300	702f0074-1d51-4d10-8a63-d3f08950bdb3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:29:39	269.675
-2	35714	3571400	ea8f059b-1959-4541-b8d3-e03cbacc1535	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:04:22	-896.276
-2	71428	3571400	1f9be88c-7804-4ccd-b269-b300c8089021	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:22:42	225.983
-3	35715	3571500	a5b83872-4008-41f1-bfc0-3e2ffb780e0a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:41:49	865.382
-3	71430	3571500	45c4022d-3f16-44c4-af93-b945e02f900f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:45:25	-956.843
-4	35716	3571600	152ff037-66eb-4e2c-8653-937c331a8aa3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:32:01	529.56
-4	71432	3571600	31b7b973-9c1b-498d-97f9-1e528f6291fa	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:34:32	-287.261
-5	35717	3571700	49848328-7296-4659-b299-2465c8e9d263	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:43:51	159.831
-5	71434	3571700	a0f25e54-74fd-46a9-80ac-7fc829b5511d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:52:35	-809.632
-6	35718	3571800	3c286328-fb62-409c-8824-e1dfd94e74c8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:33:54	-539.369
-6	71436	3571800	8a6cec42-4d89-4e40-a072-dd837c558fd4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:13:02	-737.371
-7	35719	3571900	4e8b209d-2982-4f2b-8930-35f9e0e86208	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:40:51	288.61
-7	71438	3571900	2502c46a-7c89-4469-9903-f9cd36f67988	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:42:59	-305.166
-8	35720	3572000	61c96049-6ed1-47df-b947-7ca9573e4202	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:45:26	591.916
-8	71440	3572000	562f1839-55b0-4f9b-ab7f-0d359b4d3612	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:35:14	29.889
-9	35721	3572100	6329a726-3f7c-4c70-940f-4e15bbe12883	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:45:56	601.927
-9	71442	3572100	1f6d0d03-6aac-47c2-8e5d-41fe25b06ec6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:36:12	-977.256
-10	35722	3572200	00f4282a-b85c-4dab-8721-0ccb287a547c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:17:31	-49.666
-10	71444	3572200	5312cf60-d4ad-41a0-bb7c-514089c6473c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:21:34	-175.396
-11	35723	3572300	10caf3f9-ec41-4b1a-8b85-bd0c5f797e6f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:28:17	60.759
-11	71446	3572300	761bc5a2-c4d5-45e6-aba6-01958f247906	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:07:05	-361.237
-12	35724	3572400	af5db3f6-eca5-4f80-b8b1-afd190b16802	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:18:09	494.618
-12	71448	3572400	d57b99d0-aeca-4e76-8f86-e28ec68867a3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:21:37	-301.787
-13	35725	3572500	59955ed1-119b-491b-8477-a33c37b93bac	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:55:58	-306.942
-13	71450	3572500	afca60ab-82df-465a-a667-de6a9769db60	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:22:46	-632.821
-14	35726	3572600	dd5f9602-e3cd-40bd-9701-87033a12f843	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:22:51	-997.378
-14	71452	3572600	0f502273-7b1d-41a7-8fb3-4e575df9cea0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:20:48	-556.134
-15	35727	3572700	d0005900-1e53-4f30-8029-8050766a668d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:37:16	289.748
-15	71454	3572700	7c9ebe5b-77dd-49d2-8c77-285472017b31	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:41:01	10.121
-16	35728	3572800	52093c74-32fb-4df1-be65-f794043207ee	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:05:09	-598.453
-16	71456	3572800	2de50832-5b65-44c7-a52b-9f78ea4ce4c9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:55:31	-464.275
-17	35729	3572900	1401da7f-184e-4ee2-a0e9-a2b0058f3a57	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:49:08	624.691
-17	71458	3572900	2556dd27-331b-4b1e-9d08-116662b12cef	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:10:31	-736.219
-18	35730	3573000	1e606d78-8930-42cb-82e4-226eb0d33026	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:06:31	-929.916
-18	71460	3573000	9fbfbb3f-74cc-4715-a182-2ee865f4fc2f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:51:36	-506.811
-19	35731	3573100	0d78269e-abc3-435b-88c0-0863392189f8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:33:52	-410.534
-19	71462	3573100	dcc91c00-5613-49f3-b86b-200301d4e449	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:17:22	936.214
-20	35732	3573200	f5225a6c-ed5c-4698-8151-6cb009683615	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:58:26	-687.62
-20	71464	3573200	24e45f24-63f9-432b-828f-67c1e42778e6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:46:04	-171.817
-21	35733	3573300	c04b61e5-6fcb-4ef6-ab0a-c074e9f69443	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:33:45	741.90
-21	71466	3573300	53dece08-19af-4247-8cc0-2b70b668c790	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:36:20	-856.464
-22	35734	3573400	85a6d613-429e-4862-848c-6471273712e2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:32:21	12.493
-22	71468	3573400	a3792165-ee1a-479c-88e2-e7775b719e80	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:51:51	803.82
-23	35735	3573500	2bdd0fa2-4e72-4db2-be2d-4de62ccd7ae8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:47:10	974.318
-23	71470	3573500	2acd9dbf-a1db-4fd1-804e-b5cb8b92d323	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:14:50	833.911
-24	35736	3573600	b8187d9e-6ea1-4610-86fe-1f8db5b1a3f3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:33:39	128.371
-24	71472	3573600	5ce45022-2926-4ad2-86d2-22b723f78f6a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:30:51	844.913
-25	35737	3573700	de09b0f4-f126-4e29-b572-fe5ad94e63d5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:27:51	399.927
-25	71474	3573700	74574f26-7ddb-45a6-a243-16b5f08ab046	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:24:11	583.378
-26	35738	3573800	b66bfbf1-75af-431f-b384-73d9942e04f1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:25:54	-885.764
-26	71476	3573800	220c41dc-9bc2-43e4-81cc-15d1eae6abab	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:30:17	-528.644
-27	35739	3573900	3a19c1bf-6fb9-492a-bb1a-c0d4a4c38ae0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:47:02	-916.967
-27	71478	3573900	4aae8a34-a2cc-47fe-88b4-f4afc59b1627	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:57:48	-131.310
-28	35740	3574000	9f6c9a38-e65c-46a4-83eb-ee4670fdae7d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:06:04	851.127
-28	71480	3574000	b1c37f9d-c28a-4ece-aa95-d3d85e372675	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:28:46	80.438
-29	35741	3574100	1e5377d7-9f88-4c38-b65e-efbd825c05e4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:44:39	-771.115
-29	71482	3574100	9e212afd-55ca-451b-8f9f-ea5413b4e22a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:06:56	435.287
-30	35742	3574200	68743f5f-4fe9-4752-9521-c1d0e9fa4198	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:13:17	342.394
-30	71484	3574200	218dd05b-69fa-4d1b-a57c-6e5a2cc74b8d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:15:21	-788.367
-31	35743	3574300	5fad0df9-d837-47e9-ad2c-6d9617ac3c54	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:12:12	329.873
-31	71486	3574300	fa6175d4-76d8-475e-8327-458094ee6402	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:27:14	853.633
-32	35744	3574400	9e992fc4-7a59-4693-85d7-cca6068f4ed1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:04:31	-378.875
-32	71488	3574400	d4ba6d16-76b6-4bdf-8dc1-c7c0184d562f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:53:31	301.212
-33	35745	3574500	40a1a003-d314-4f4a-9196-2f5805aabfa2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:54:36	-427.754
-33	71490	3574500	5f820d5f-400c-4a2e-bc9e-30df1a21c823	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:11:43	-752.269
-34	35746	3574600	ddf55ed7-752b-4251-b2c4-14fe99e2d548	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:26:02	549.496
-34	71492	3574600	468f0d2c-bfe3-401e-af85-378e86136194	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:11:27	-363.84
-35	35747	3574700	f20e4300-b64d-4ee0-99bd-72da46c9f944	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:16:15	-710.378
-35	71494	3574700	f9224030-dc34-46e5-aa4a-e909c1c913f0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:46:54	-238.559
-36	35748	3574800	80b44602-2126-4b61-98e1-520d84d47719	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:12:43	601.845
-36	71496	3574800	10262b65-7853-4d3e-bfa6-1c3c5a5172a6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:52:28	19.877
-37	35749	3574900	b8241ce4-c184-404c-afd8-81f05c684a43	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:52:23	-482.252
-37	71498	3574900	e8ffdc39-2156-44ea-908b-3d4df07d5868	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:49:24	-450.359
-38	35750	3575000	217d6452-e7a5-4309-8964-b1b19c866fba	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:24:15	-259.644
-38	71500	3575000	81caa8f8-846a-4759-9dfd-795e38f07ca8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:51:04	-244.971
-39	35751	3575100	06402154-79ed-44c2-8fe8-be84cc44baa3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:04:51	-888.912
-39	71502	3575100	519a71fa-5650-4a33-b860-6afe229b41d1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:52:02	757.654
-40	35752	3575200	47e59538-ce56-4fdd-8f1d-0885d34698de	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:47:32	500.945
-40	71504	3575200	0635069f-18b4-4561-ab0b-4f70ade44bea	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:43:48	-261.321
-41	35753	3575300	47cf6c26-5379-471d-a78c-b3f0e85be869	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:22:09	728.623
-41	71506	3575300	b9c94af6-7cfd-4371-b358-00c65ab8f6a5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:51:07	-939.697
-42	35754	3575400	1db3092b-28f5-4104-bf17-511a57538cc8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:39:22	-858.489
-42	71508	3575400	d3f85126-c73a-4c43-819e-64f1488a8603	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:08:38	-456.803
-43	35755	3575500	4a07c6ff-8986-481f-84ac-fb7e50c4d09d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:11:30	142.347
-43	71510	3575500	6142dff0-ea64-45f7-b641-e1de107e70a5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:56:12	189.446
-44	35756	3575600	f26922b2-3a8c-4405-a9a7-a7e9ff39a5de	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:31:00	607.567
-44	71512	3575600	c23295ea-7dd2-41db-8b7b-3fe66cb3d739	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:37:30	247.151
-45	35757	3575700	affc3664-023f-4f33-9ea1-48a65c120b22	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:40:46	28.838
-45	71514	3575700	605376ab-db6c-492c-a8eb-2fbc8d8f87b6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:54:19	707.753
-46	35758	3575800	c550505d-e60e-4fd3-81d2-9306f93ed310	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:20:49	-518.472
-46	71516	3575800	6835db52-897a-4190-8b93-2381bb195e4d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:39:55	508.948
-47	35759	3575900	45814f62-ed75-4b19-b3ee-c622c1f7fdf1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:27:38	603.776
-47	71518	3575900	667ca7d6-32c0-4a10-890e-b9005d43c1db	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:42:48	268.737
-48	35760	3576000	2e80fe9b-9e0e-4bb0-af20-ca5f324b631f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:56:29	401.210
-48	71520	3576000	85940165-6348-47cc-95c3-6350ec4cbfb9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:14:47	-99.375
-49	35761	3576100	17a02efe-b717-4819-9788-1d614d0372fc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:48:15	877.689
-49	71522	3576100	65f32836-b14a-4b1c-877f-84659b307e8d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:04:47	908.29
-50	35762	3576200	b0079769-a521-4b55-a45f-66f103c35dfd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:07:36	-296.794
-50	71524	3576200	1f837876-d1ab-41d1-ab3c-08fc4f042e0f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:51:39	226.607
-51	35763	3576300	356a098f-ddbb-4b69-9ee3-4c97f0ba6850	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:34:08	239.8
-51	71526	3576300	dd22dc12-e82b-4c98-be5e-862a748be858	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:20:59	343.143
-52	35764	3576400	384cb638-d1be-4ff2-ab5f-e547c4c5b2ac	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:33:05	797.673
-52	71528	3576400	5539d674-540b-4e07-bd3b-a10d594daf97	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:00:05	195.669
-53	35765	3576500	0c469b55-6a42-4352-991f-4ed0daa00931	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:58:54	148.314
-53	71530	3576500	c9d2baf6-e29a-4a39-bce8-9fa0e385608e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:18:52	878.179
-54	35766	3576600	35dae230-922c-4234-8429-e3cba80c6762	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:18:10	9.11
-54	71532	3576600	d4620498-0419-49bd-abb3-16fa0262f01a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:06:08	887.551
-55	35767	3576700	ca520b66-03f4-403c-a49f-75b25d43951a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:44:28	894.25
-55	71534	3576700	112fdad9-7164-479d-9823-39b26a6ac5d6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:00:31	724.462
-56	35768	3576800	3070562a-aae7-4a28-8a51-2d6a08e3bfff	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:14:33	-157.288
-56	71536	3576800	8fd45a22-3245-47fe-8af1-56f40b507cc8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:19:41	-558.876
-57	35769	3576900	159fadda-dcd7-43a2-b4e8-f60b77bb35e6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:50:16	224.509
-57	71538	3576900	ab3ca5c7-b4f7-4c26-8418-d303f6ffce34	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:52:58	-166.504
-58	35770	3577000	bb056fb8-c8b4-48dc-bc13-6be7055aecc6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:51:21	919.355
-58	71540	3577000	02c0c26e-4f7c-42e4-8510-52a279b3387c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:46:17	-107.350
-59	35771	3577100	c60b0507-0d7b-4629-90fe-a66532f1aecf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:22:35	-732.634
-59	71542	3577100	298d30ff-497f-45ed-af7b-dcff46e8d0a7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:20:34	-211.772
-60	35772	3577200	8240a0f7-698f-48b0-a727-13c16ab013d0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:03:44	414.487
-60	71544	3577200	109fd286-03f0-4f3c-9336-fe0063853ef4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:22:28	530.891
-61	35773	3577300	9c1d9da5-8c7a-4b90-ae8f-e181e233f774	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:48:12	212.845
-61	71546	3577300	c54f5e64-79eb-4826-922d-22cf389c0dea	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:03:21	385.307
-62	35774	3577400	9b2d93e1-6587-405e-aadd-12cbbce1fbc1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:44:47	-39.881
-62	71548	3577400	2d1b6a9b-7b40-4a80-b683-52cf43629381	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:28:58	629.839
-63	35775	3577500	1f246060-8ed3-4f94-b555-54eab1d3328b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:26:35	908.254
-63	71550	3577500	7f993a8f-7cb8-4a3f-8f33-39aed98a124c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:07:26	467.690
-64	35776	3577600	ad2ff996-7331-41d3-9674-eb467be07705	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:19:16	-265.195
-64	71552	3577600	6de38c3b-5fbe-43df-b75a-6aa8c3451330	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:39:33	-665.203
-65	35777	3577700	1ddb00b6-8b9c-421f-9329-454aa2f2a165	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:31:31	-562.396
-65	71554	3577700	c88e6850-de22-4ec5-bbf5-fa0acd59559e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:49:50	875.125
-66	35778	3577800	9b23139b-5849-4e3f-92ab-f23aa171aa42	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:11:39	-801.286
-66	71556	3577800	4331da40-81e7-41e7-b3ac-138a0a194782	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:06:18	-199.731
-67	35779	3577900	c93a2950-4bec-41e9-8358-a245db5f0c0a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:42:14	817.821
-67	71558	3577900	e44bd66d-cf41-4854-8ae1-a02e21a4150f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:44:56	366.714
-68	35780	3578000	c6657d83-e741-4dca-9794-54f45da2a864	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:13:41	588.636
-68	71560	3578000	7538ef90-560f-4eb3-b4f9-94c5659a2e2c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:55:34	-290.962
-69	35781	3578100	d58462f0-fbc8-4f69-90ba-e80ca7fe5184	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:06:20	920.240
-69	71562	3578100	237507dd-96b1-4dd7-b21c-69befd123d39	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:06:06	-368.855
-70	35782	3578200	ff041ea9-1185-45b4-80ec-3621bed570fb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:06:30	203.321
-70	71564	3578200	1475bc21-8a25-486c-959e-7274aec22d34	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:03:50	-958.838
-71	35783	3578300	3cca814a-8fed-411e-90c9-2d8bc5ecdbc8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:05:30	-306.996
-71	71566	3578300	61bc0fda-e456-4234-8d37-82e0d275c73f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:55:12	516.650
-72	35784	3578400	e262f7a6-98cd-4195-99a7-ae18b5e75008	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:27:05	738.638
-72	71568	3578400	0345604c-8d70-4f4e-b617-8dfe9b55553d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:09:02	255.822
-73	35785	3578500	7e23cb5b-f167-47f1-8f2e-e58873cb0282	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:36:20	-774.163
-73	71570	3578500	268d99e0-59ed-4e45-8bf0-476883d6c595	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:11:02	-942.708
-74	35786	3578600	da24def4-9ec3-4a27-9907-bbdac7f1b127	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:16:09	396.527
-74	71572	3578600	7a21f279-c896-4b07-a26d-29bc621c0f86	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:37:41	-480.399
-75	35787	3578700	abdf26e4-2be3-484a-b64c-d5eed0e6631f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:03:21	588.952
-75	71574	3578700	3d9905ae-95e6-4250-859c-6c42411cbea6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:16:22	-324.306
-76	35788	3578800	09675d65-62ee-447d-9407-1148ea67c6be	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:38:32	324.321
-76	71576	3578800	0a90bba5-24bf-4b19-81d0-e7f02b176655	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:31:29	725.195
-77	35789	3578900	868a325c-9620-40d6-889a-df669dedd74d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:51:47	-357.667
-77	71578	3578900	9273a2b8-2705-416f-b0fb-f534ffb2ccb9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:28:58	-24.81
-78	35790	3579000	e2cf76bc-e6d4-47e4-ace4-6a3a22820460	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:18:46	-140.559
-78	71580	3579000	5f771cee-7465-49fe-bf0f-2542f0963342	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:25:31	-314.185
-79	35791	3579100	d0858fb4-2248-4d61-94f0-887b1b512192	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:34:11	-691.960
-79	71582	3579100	7ff3176e-1549-4483-8b24-e1c7446d02b3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:58:37	529.419
-80	35792	3579200	1b800fb8-b20e-40cf-9b60-caab45793a3b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:50:26	74.149
-80	71584	3579200	05c84fff-98c7-44a5-babc-02648a27f6b7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:38:37	-164.578
-81	35793	3579300	84c5e72c-6c83-4884-b2c3-51d62f03c604	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:04:11	-826.337
-81	71586	3579300	9583ccfe-6b56-44bc-94e4-c42facd40239	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:27:58	-49.331
-82	35794	3579400	190e8554-8b5c-4f5a-a1d9-a20940a93cfa	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:31:32	-475.275
-82	71588	3579400	138d404c-b3bf-4226-b74b-c37778005693	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:21:55	629.390
-83	35795	3579500	9df05f28-c45e-4b94-9185-49b9128f64a9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:27:42	843.156
-83	71590	3579500	b578be7a-7c09-473a-9cc2-dd0a8a7b9164	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:10:59	-550.942
-84	35796	3579600	ec211c20-b5f4-4b6b-b3d9-32cff858b631	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:10:15	-488.335
-84	71592	3579600	bcf7e106-1070-4c60-ac49-8177c1bed526	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:23:23	629.253
-85	35797	3579700	4935afd7-e432-42c8-abe3-05cce00befaa	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:34:41	150.758
-85	71594	3579700	d39bbda0-b73b-4fe0-a279-b26ea795c283	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:06:45	620.191
-86	35798	3579800	b38df2ac-5504-4608-bf32-e09a22504d29	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:49:34	-683.432
-86	71596	3579800	f996b452-2b81-463e-b6ac-2abd0a574af3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:43:17	-685.510
-87	35799	3579900	44e18ca5-8f40-4bf3-8fc5-5ddc8de6c0c0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:34:34	-414.16
-87	71598	3579900	6142c884-a02b-4466-ad21-75931ded1161	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:13:14	951.64
-88	35800	3580000	6797cad0-85c1-40e4-8fb9-0b2749d3bb31	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:10:46	567.36
-88	71600	3580000	3e694f6d-37a6-4635-b64b-bb83834e36e5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:06:29	-357.118
-89	35801	3580100	a22e3356-e9db-464e-8538-34c7f0007018	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:25:13	-191.657
-89	71602	3580100	f40c20f0-f8e8-4855-b458-91fea66c63bb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:54:35	-665.984
-90	35802	3580200	f34e95cf-53f5-4b1f-a9d7-536005c6547a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:39:15	461.739
-90	71604	3580200	601f1408-0887-443c-92e3-0877e111ec96	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:19:54	-452.343
-91	35803	3580300	fb42d279-2d93-4b31-9453-2a2b1d52b5d3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:08:20	-61.625
-91	71606	3580300	843cd148-2a08-479c-80d5-cfeaa4fd4f64	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:47:32	807.156
-92	35804	3580400	d3ff14e0-ffe2-451a-989b-4e09e266f172	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:01:54	-290.143
-92	71608	3580400	656622a4-04fc-472b-a752-ba5d7191ea3b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:26:12	735.816
-93	35805	3580500	42894608-7ff9-4d45-9ade-d79358630d9a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:23:53	58.887
-93	71610	3580500	8e2b8060-205e-48d8-bf5c-940d24d1d64f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:41:32	-388.117
-94	35806	3580600	5a47a513-dfb0-45f8-b926-450bab043c59	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:26:38	-904.936
-94	71612	3580600	fc0d4944-3474-4427-907f-bc376720b18f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:47:41	626.181
-95	35807	3580700	ed2d3152-c563-43f6-a2d4-9f86a206c3ab	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:25:48	-76.325
-95	71614	3580700	cd6c3e8f-c836-4481-bdbd-2d39a4489899	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:17:52	-954.651
-96	35808	3580800	48d27ed9-e40d-4f06-8775-94d3f39ecc11	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:18:32	997.772
-96	71616	3580800	21780502-be4b-42c8-bd62-c5552bc22328	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:49:35	-901.513
-97	35809	3580900	7d619dde-ab67-41a3-8c05-48498e2b3d48	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:57:18	463.597
-97	71618	3580900	cf451372-1251-4d38-8b92-fa7d94ce3ee7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:05:33	737.384
-98	35810	3581000	5c855a31-fe22-4d06-969e-f4151bdaaae5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:51:11	-154.370
-98	71620	3581000	4db5fc73-3a20-4d5a-a8fb-e5906d6b6eda	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:40:07	-394.45
-99	35811	3581100	9f1a7511-9b57-45f5-90c0-eab60a04131b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:14:34	-892.160
-99	71622	3581100	0f05150d-f42d-4607-855a-ebe76bc48958	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:46:05	27.736
-100	35812	3581200	92ecd123-93a4-4887-8c82-11a25e9403af	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:23:15	-380.639
-100	71624	3581200	2c94f6ca-bb58-428a-aa3d-6fde9d00fdc5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:24:33	305.716
-101	35813	3581300	97a5562b-6aa6-4994-a358-2211f7252a6c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:59:34	287.694
-101	71626	3581300	e9ed15f2-062e-402a-85db-834dd9356cba	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:38:35	-503.807
-102	35814	3581400	d8e5ed66-6496-4972-a232-bcb37ce57bae	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:44:36	-688.504
-102	71628	3581400	6e162a40-fa8d-4d96-8664-60521d43bd9e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:58:24	-178.14
-103	35815	3581500	ca6cbd62-bdf3-42d0-bd5a-4725780a316b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:25:11	-708.636
-103	71630	3581500	a5014b4a-16ea-490a-922d-8daad2772569	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:03:36	-388.562
-104	35816	3581600	8f8be1b5-b9b9-4bab-a3b0-763ea44dd706	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:59:34	987.526
-104	71632	3581600	c4fe300b-26d2-4972-975b-608235ee9981	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:08:12	329.725
-105	35817	3581700	a80c4b32-352d-4b2b-bcbc-d903b1f639de	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:47:46	-77.196
-105	71634	3581700	4a3e4d40-cfcc-4e6d-a32a-446c5bf6a3b6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:26:38	173.429
-106	35818	3581800	bd3638de-e0dc-42c3-9eeb-3ae408f34052	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:08:44	-919.658
-106	71636	3581800	c73c11cd-e56e-47b1-99a9-40a4d50ddca4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:35:33	116.496
-107	35819	3581900	cb459a70-af03-46f6-962c-d756c47d9031	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:49:39	-143.249
-107	71638	3581900	70a3dfe1-c6f0-48c2-be07-bc43f2d5b6fb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:23:51	970.590
-108	35820	3582000	5b72fb31-4394-4493-a9ca-c08fe9e45731	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:46:18	-951.780
-108	71640	3582000	96fdec3b-edf2-4bbb-bba4-1d67a2bdff09	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:14:01	496.245
-109	35821	3582100	d0942b2a-a77c-4c79-9813-15d6e1998299	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:42:18	365.287
-109	71642	3582100	9f38a141-b102-4269-ae77-4594a9374027	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:33:04	41.808
-110	35822	3582200	0b5e7c10-3a71-412b-9ebb-f6d1335ee1ca	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:42:54	-198.933
-110	71644	3582200	d9977007-1779-4c7e-bef4-4141adce0d81	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:39:02	17.526
-111	35823	3582300	dc2b2780-c4c0-4c5f-943d-f2a1b3fb70af	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:07:13	109.4
-111	71646	3582300	4dfaffe4-ce99-43e0-a8c1-264f0c9161cc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:26:35	475.194
-112	35824	3582400	cd24ce5b-7d4c-4046-9bc5-da2893433275	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:49:22	944.791
-112	71648	3582400	44863ce1-7b75-4466-a87f-ee4d2fe6aaac	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:30:50	257.984
-113	35825	3582500	2d737061-1ae4-423f-8919-bc1b2964e9b6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:26:02	-197.998
-113	71650	3582500	08d29c0b-8692-42bd-8657-9ad8dd23bb94	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:02:28	349.872
-114	35826	3582600	a216d79a-cec0-45a5-92c9-12094467a926	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:23:09	-747.255
-114	71652	3582600	37dd31db-ec04-4adc-b761-f9039ee1a0f3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:01:22	405.634
-115	35827	3582700	5981d74e-90c6-40c4-8638-d8f3b9ec0da6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:43:41	374.593
-115	71654	3582700	4be9ed17-5f2a-48d7-9e89-f09ee0d37e96	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:07:19	934.297
-116	35828	3582800	bd091a08-7980-490b-bc4d-4e27a222f2b8	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:57:54	-403.570
-116	71656	3582800	5062c838-359a-4df9-8cbc-82726036a217	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:24:39	-410.915
-117	35829	3582900	2b22c11a-9c5f-459c-8229-885c447cbcb8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:40:48	620.260
-117	71658	3582900	96f34682-ba90-4b18-a0b0-f50039420bc0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:44:22	-853.857
-118	35830	3583000	d9e6a701-8a86-4bb5-8c4d-86007c593170	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:36:19	173.960
-118	71660	3583000	dc4fbe9b-3f24-45f6-98c2-b80be77a0138	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:03:14	460.347
-119	35831	3583100	ab6f0526-aad9-4f0d-8afd-fc605fda7c54	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:19:34	270.150
-119	71662	3583100	c75988af-9bcc-44d1-80b7-aa83aac76708	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:26:21	669.825
-120	35832	3583200	eeb2b893-d6cc-4403-a9df-93a0f7316197	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:06:14	-724.27
-120	71664	3583200	c90467fc-fcc1-4dde-a814-3c1d30a2c1f2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:51:04	549.790
-121	35833	3583300	b576a69b-252d-407c-a2c5-60d69e6b09e6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:00:39	921.385
-121	71666	3583300	4c648d74-735b-4520-a69d-9e1413e9da44	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:46:37	868.953
-122	35834	3583400	676de07d-116d-4b91-853b-38add3ce9d4f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:30:14	-506.666
-122	71668	3583400	60b3c1b0-7414-468b-800e-4c2dbaf925f0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:35:28	708.127
-123	35835	3583500	e9ec11b8-0f7c-45e1-b0b4-290c4d291ad2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:36:41	885.537
-123	71670	3583500	722d4d7a-ab14-4ceb-a931-c816e854d3db	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:48:19	-493.310
-124	35836	3583600	c9e940f1-42fd-4428-911b-d64546ea11bd	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:03:30	-606.37
-124	71672	3583600	440a8ee0-1ecd-496b-b3c6-73d41b85ad24	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:53:39	-506.205
-125	35837	3583700	321bf101-124d-46dc-a4f1-d1b3ca16e45b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:44:13	-476.5
-125	71674	3583700	b0c8c690-257c-421d-9d21-c87b7d976250	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:09:33	909.808
-126	35838	3583800	6c3ce4c1-3074-402a-a30e-1b328718e0ba	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:06:02	-190.521
-126	71676	3583800	4bde5168-523c-4c49-92a6-29792997969c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:30:39	-730.307
-127	35839	3583900	11c3deac-e9e2-46a4-ae34-32f69796d58e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:45:32	263.747
-127	71678	3583900	f41021e2-3299-48da-a604-fd673c71f1e5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:16:43	490.583
-0	35840	3584000	813d13df-89d0-420a-9f7e-ce136cb19b0e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:10:06	-804.34
-0	71680	3584000	deaa774e-acdc-40dd-95f8-740cf86e8073	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:57:24	-445.167
-1	35841	3584100	ef200662-24de-438e-8c85-7478f147340a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:27:44	-599.108
-1	71682	3584100	618c1102-ce7a-4e59-b53d-201b400f64f0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:40:37	-842.202
-2	35842	3584200	ed353c59-2260-461f-8fa7-2a2cb600b30d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:25:48	-658.642
-2	71684	3584200	ceff0cfd-f87a-4821-b158-d571848ae614	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:45:07	-102.567
-3	35843	3584300	076bc388-2990-4ad6-874d-78a7594ba2da	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:53:37	147.682
-3	71686	3584300	376ab280-b3c4-4d57-9408-6e83f450aedc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:54:22	643.51
-4	35844	3584400	9f3398f2-0d04-48f4-9306-1608b3c7cfca	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:30:21	508.725
-4	71688	3584400	138acb3d-4013-4336-8163-85b0ffcd95d9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:32:52	-121.636
-5	35845	3584500	68e89d8e-bed5-422f-ad86-a0b4647d106e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:50:41	-223.574
-5	71690	3584500	2b2e2aa4-4694-4062-8a2b-65386d8b9c73	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:09:59	-714.181
-6	35846	3584600	b7f6c86e-726a-492b-af49-4ec8ff12126c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:35:41	209.738
-6	71692	3584600	7a5c2d26-ce2f-4f43-977b-2378b654d053	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:21:56	-700.905
-7	35847	3584700	8dba90e7-1064-4495-a1b2-6b1147f60a81	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:29:29	-299.729
-7	71694	3584700	d82a393b-7c61-4627-8b85-69d7dea784f6	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:44:29	-177.439
-8	35848	3584800	d5da366a-5e9c-4a42-a4c4-b6519ecb99d9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:24:24	823.63
-8	71696	3584800	5f2005ee-2bab-48b5-b0cb-bf90338f034b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:39:43	868.234
-9	35849	3584900	9f2606e4-70d7-45aa-91ca-cd457156270d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:51:16	197.82
-9	71698	3584900	737992b9-308d-4885-a265-354191f074fc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:55:29	-543.713
-10	35850	3585000	5a1ea255-f4f8-45e5-a7eb-18e2497870db	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:29:03	542.945
-10	71700	3585000	6f4536c3-9251-4899-8666-36ab5ab8c404	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:26:58	598.590
-11	35851	3585100	99640c16-63ec-4c0e-b517-08f2536e2999	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:31:06	-155.641
-11	71702	3585100	54275b3b-5f59-46a1-ad57-ef6bd3812f35	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:11:43	-999.250
-12	35852	3585200	fb7474ab-9623-4860-8c5e-19726f8a1105	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:03:55	-985.453
-12	71704	3585200	94c94568-c339-40cb-9af2-525a887de29d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:15:09	-496.867
-13	35853	3585300	7c8e019f-92d1-48d7-a55e-c0edf5e7602d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:33:13	792.152
-13	71706	3585300	ff51e14b-094c-42a8-9f1d-20f542f090c4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:35:16	-55.158
-14	35854	3585400	4a1fefa9-9fe0-4dd0-9884-463d0afe6003	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:47:03	746.729
-14	71708	3585400	ebb4bd84-7b7e-491e-afde-0974a6150b6c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:47:18	119.309
-15	35855	3585500	c88f70e4-13de-449f-9b0b-db7e323b1cfb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:33:50	-103.903
-15	71710	3585500	87413cd2-37c2-4828-9fe4-91b006bae03f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:08:36	441.845
-16	35856	3585600	55ffc0e1-99ad-44d5-a6d4-a9aa6ae734f5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:19:43	69.169
-16	71712	3585600	66dc74be-a448-49f0-bc54-80b2cf76cbc6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:13:18	481.248
-17	35857	3585700	28b65d06-ec2c-44d3-88a6-28c45016c5ca	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:47:06	714.648
-17	71714	3585700	c9f71c2c-e66a-42ff-87c5-42d0c0a91d17	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:53:33	-845.319
-18	35858	3585800	77f07414-b6b2-4975-8189-95f0821f4b3d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:54:22	385.361
-18	71716	3585800	f7cd7248-57ef-44b5-91e8-c7fa8cada2fb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:34:31	-747.759
-19	35859	3585900	0ed75a37-1b85-4d4c-bcfb-a47b33b43836	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:06:03	981.85
-19	71718	3585900	da967724-6e4a-47d3-b57c-9d5c4d497611	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:26:27	-202.434
-20	35860	3586000	fc0a7373-9563-4517-b6a1-cf67643db866	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:23:25	-480.810
-20	71720	3586000	c1e6295d-ca63-43ba-9940-32722b9003b0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:20:23	-272.843
-21	35861	3586100	ed519392-f09b-4299-8f6b-212b994c7be3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:39:56	428.417
-21	71722	3586100	82c49609-ec63-4319-94d7-2f3a096e000a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:36:30	-822.653
-22	35862	3586200	afa492b1-1d84-4f90-b104-e6031e9f6782	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:38:59	-736.529
-22	71724	3586200	17a983e1-cf60-4ea4-a25e-a36b563f3ff7	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:34:29	9.123
-23	35863	3586300	23ce5834-a94c-466c-afe0-9f1224b6d023	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:06:38	-180.628
-23	71726	3586300	c2db6b83-f86f-4047-822b-806863da3773	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:43:21	-77.79
-24	35864	3586400	eefaeace-fc6c-4250-aba7-90a5704d423b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:42:57	310.398
-24	71728	3586400	5a1b8ea8-187c-4a74-9ad6-6a90a0d66715	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:12:01	205.256
-25	35865	3586500	f75469f2-0649-4ced-a82a-a7e890c164f7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:02:24	-3.457
-25	71730	3586500	d43d3543-666a-4683-b4c8-96b4f3914820	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:11:38	583.988
-26	35866	3586600	9932c731-df54-4901-b34d-8eb36fc8e5aa	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:32:09	-266.317
-26	71732	3586600	2d4aeb9e-1f27-4c38-9724-e98bf200958a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:31:08	842.647
-27	35867	3586700	bee62c7f-aaab-4a98-892e-d341385d3cb8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:07:35	700.404
-27	71734	3586700	da40cec3-b113-44ee-bd3e-0995904f70ea	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:21:35	600.677
-28	35868	3586800	823f1633-40ed-430a-aeae-555baec5da09	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:07:12	-407.335
-28	71736	3586800	5c82c00e-7266-44b3-a335-9686c9156a21	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:53:20	295.520
-29	35869	3586900	76a965ef-2200-46ed-979e-df3bcce6e8f5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:56:55	-33.789
-29	71738	3586900	d0b15c26-6880-4eb8-be99-a7cf1f758e87	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:13:22	-366.230
-30	35870	3587000	060217f5-0444-4c62-9123-078fda9d6daa	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:11:51	724.137
-30	71740	3587000	3782a361-9e29-439b-8acf-960fa1f6b2bc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:16:12	-950.422
-31	35871	3587100	4b561565-cd33-400e-8f2a-abddfda3abc5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:09:22	168.40
-31	71742	3587100	92dc4a72-de47-4263-a670-5adb131359eb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:01:28	-383.220
-32	35872	3587200	344b031f-ab18-4feb-a47f-1e20bae130c7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:17:54	-229.327
-32	71744	3587200	ef7a4214-1037-4f15-bdf1-4b039f49f3bb	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:35:43	-605.967
-33	35873	3587300	ea4e1b88-fe52-45f1-aa5f-2383c57fbeae	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:26:08	-764.672
-33	71746	3587300	ba13f733-8d2d-4097-ab15-5b8303850922	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:32:40	-736.480
-34	35874	3587400	80e4cb41-4533-4231-b6b1-b5851dbb2289	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:00:21	-768.45
-34	71748	3587400	12cf0ba5-bcc9-44e3-a1ef-9e56faa564cc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:36:56	-971.587
-35	35875	3587500	f216b768-2fb2-4fd9-999d-b47704850b3c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:05:51	-999.446
-35	71750	3587500	c9347a32-5462-4706-b81b-bb4234cd4e63	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:07:08	-887.678
-36	35876	3587600	bae1872f-5567-44e4-a0b0-27f669c21f69	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:03:09	-126.490
-36	71752	3587600	234a3528-8352-4a18-bffc-b424bb7fe9f2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:27:01	-796.308
-37	35877	3587700	c9530a48-3f06-4665-85d1-76af07799a38	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:16:18	247.348
-37	71754	3587700	ab9d0738-8af6-4518-995f-58d5da9c0bde	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:13:33	-448.693
-38	35878	3587800	59394525-922c-40d8-bb09-d8aa5f23af38	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:00:53	934.169
-38	71756	3587800	7512327e-9939-490e-980c-6e030ef43bc3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:46:55	826.595
-39	35879	3587900	36c2f5c0-316f-41c5-aaa8-ca487d2d666e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:08:36	-982.729
-39	71758	3587900	489e6d69-e858-42e9-bd34-e7ee74f72206	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:49:15	514.630
-40	35880	3588000	ccb42e01-1d3b-4a6e-845f-1d797e8ea564	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:11:31	-137.506
-40	71760	3588000	c2adb990-49cf-460a-ade5-23d97b0a5ff3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:19:11	-46.629
-41	35881	3588100	50b6ee1d-abac-4276-833b-ec119865af04	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:56:25	822.580
-41	71762	3588100	1f3fc818-cb94-415c-af63-2eeda906a1f1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:51:02	-312.750
-42	35882	3588200	35bc9f42-f8ea-4654-a1a1-564b17b4346f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:02:30	-322.194
-42	71764	3588200	ff138ea2-d1e4-4a78-b612-1723e67a8a28	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:49:45	982.751
-43	35883	3588300	06efe77b-247c-43e4-a4d7-fb0aef7626a5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:01:53	431.99
-43	71766	3588300	584af101-7648-453c-9abb-ea65b4fc1679	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:38:36	-382.561
-44	35884	3588400	a45247f0-8c50-4f39-8caa-05f87f6e32a9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:25:41	-547.637
-44	71768	3588400	a509dee5-72e8-4058-b463-a0d4c60d3a63	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:58:33	896.304
-45	35885	3588500	c6e5340f-160b-42f8-98af-61271786957a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:34:53	470.489
-45	71770	3588500	b4b5e84f-e5d3-4423-a3a0-77755443418d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:40:15	-603.762
-46	35886	3588600	837a7bf9-c243-48ac-b2bc-89f4023947fb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:57:42	-321.750
-46	71772	3588600	14e81cb2-a1ec-4218-9158-b023681bcb78	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:25:56	-609.713
-47	35887	3588700	8c8ad36c-2ddc-443b-a8ee-a37d7d040557	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:27:30	32.787
-47	71774	3588700	c4a2c618-11a0-4fc0-b25c-17a33be002db	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:56:22	463.982
-48	35888	3588800	e9ae6e09-d408-44fc-8505-ecf57e18bced	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:50:47	937.365
-48	71776	3588800	845972d1-432e-42bc-9bf1-1b0c86ca8575	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:18:27	857.920
-49	35889	3588900	b6b9e401-2cea-44cf-94a6-2d0b4191bb52	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:28:06	414.888
-49	71778	3588900	b0177a3d-277c-457c-8e7d-26b6c291d777	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:17:38	-472.678
-50	35890	3589000	f78cd99d-8da8-413a-9f4f-7e259b415e85	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:59:30	811.865
-50	71780	3589000	d7872d08-ccac-4a7a-8d71-4bd65879d4c1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:31:51	-465.251
-51	35891	3589100	f247164d-3b05-4719-89ae-891240621e14	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:29:55	-271.531
-51	71782	3589100	6ddf595a-913b-4c9a-a8ca-4c542b76a63e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:04:12	-371.467
-52	35892	3589200	00e80d7b-2516-42a2-aef1-ef36e49353b9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:26:59	-433.137
-52	71784	3589200	b7616d5e-1146-49de-97c8-f647c355b955	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:20:01	-714.38
-53	35893	3589300	e94899b2-36f6-4855-acaa-1ee591e9982e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:00:57	4.194
-53	71786	3589300	03497d97-59f6-4fc7-b557-c922be22451d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:18:01	717.579
-54	35894	3589400	b46833c0-88ed-4b33-a089-692f4331e4f5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:13:16	-432.906
-54	71788	3589400	acb89d7a-9772-4f53-8776-b8b6998a122a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:21:02	-472.543
-55	35895	3589500	d50ee977-5ae8-420e-bb92-6baa3107376d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:55:18	-280.304
-55	71790	3589500	199b7376-3ec8-437b-98dc-9d36a45c9e4c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:47:16	44.5
-56	35896	3589600	b6c3c6db-6115-4dcd-83bd-39186ed775e6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:21:56	-237.27
-56	71792	3589600	7844247d-cab7-499f-a843-31a1784429f5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:48:43	646.834
-57	35897	3589700	df04926c-7bc3-42c5-a3d0-8f51e807d305	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:42:00	-331.892
-57	71794	3589700	ee681173-45f4-432f-a043-2ca11ecb3c28	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:37:42	784.291
-58	35898	3589800	b785271d-8993-43be-9242-d2217b544623	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:32:32	-137.411
-58	71796	3589800	11a97b37-57f7-4dd1-baeb-c83be27e0bb9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:44:00	268.671
-59	35899	3589900	444f6766-f0f9-4720-885a-3af82f183740	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:50:13	604.480
-59	71798	3589900	c8f4ecc4-1842-4afc-bae1-10acdab88d16	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:13:16	-827.122
-60	35900	3590000	1094d83b-1b29-4eac-9005-4f8a6083444b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:17:50	473.55
-60	71800	3590000	6591de3a-7732-40cb-a3e1-fa91d2bfcd66	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:02:24	653.691
-61	35901	3590100	3c3775e6-b76d-4b79-95ca-891aacee214b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:09:46	-475.238
-61	71802	3590100	67180da4-09d3-4e47-95cb-8d64b5a34c3d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:53:16	872.81
-62	35902	3590200	68e5e103-90c9-4d23-a336-3261f798e270	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:45:43	562.644
-62	71804	3590200	711ee9ec-ed8b-414c-ab58-84f8d35efcec	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:30:28	304.492
-63	35903	3590300	f2164693-8711-4b85-bbf8-e4ec1371f57a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:38:49	-889.373
-63	71806	3590300	85a7d3a1-ac97-44b9-837e-f5bb9f5e1980	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:01:25	818.645
-64	35904	3590400	df105222-31b2-4453-b2f6-ebe5f06cab87	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:41:54	-784.310
-64	71808	3590400	a0da7760-14df-414d-bed5-29818c14311a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:48:32	-983.269
-65	35905	3590500	a76a725d-f4d6-486b-90ff-053ea04111e1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:36:04	622.346
-65	71810	3590500	60246bf6-27db-43cc-b3a2-18d5a1493ea1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:39:45	610.509
-66	35906	3590600	2e351536-0f73-42f7-8b75-fc8923dab5f3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:01:50	467.277
-66	71812	3590600	d69b6c3c-4682-46a4-a19c-31698289d226	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:16:56	-575.947
-67	35907	3590700	3b7598b1-d5df-4789-b584-a8809696f052	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:49:22	208.503
-67	71814	3590700	1e8a3223-c399-4d8f-85f6-e489999a555f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:56:19	-445.249
-68	35908	3590800	11834f78-2f47-4d3a-b992-04047566ef23	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:47:28	15.798
-68	71816	3590800	1b6ad7f1-d758-4f57-ac68-7ddfb367725a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:05:12	-890.175
-69	35909	3590900	7bf62165-e3b4-4395-9a8e-70f354859afd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:52:40	-246.530
-69	71818	3590900	2f46800b-aec9-4796-861f-11a7f3f410e4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:47:22	475.535
-70	35910	3591000	b1aeed99-8901-4cd1-87aa-d8df6bbb71a0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:24:11	749.519
-70	71820	3591000	f9ce2e57-026f-47d1-81c1-8e93d914ff54	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:30:42	-422.797
-71	35911	3591100	8408382d-35c3-4094-aaca-0a1e14af566a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:33:10	-246.963
-71	71822	3591100	c8b1e82e-a844-41c1-a422-7b958a624ead	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:41:34	779.402
-72	35912	3591200	408ae6c5-7202-4a96-9155-268c1ddf5e77	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:07:47	-531.737
-72	71824	3591200	675061e9-6eb7-4a88-b6b2-572172566c06	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:25:07	-32.70
-73	35913	3591300	53a53eef-e18c-4f6a-9fb7-e73e486d4666	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:05:03	849.624
-73	71826	3591300	54a3adcd-c5f3-45ec-a305-bb94b9095214	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:05:34	-453.642
-74	35914	3591400	3a710096-ff1a-4b6b-9f60-83ca42300141	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:19:13	-28.849
-74	71828	3591400	3b28a63e-3de5-40d0-a29e-ce6aa610127a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:00:47	-835.779
-75	35915	3591500	52624b6a-8f34-4b2a-ac78-769893b49275	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:32:05	-285.647
-75	71830	3591500	6e200570-0a24-4b8f-9920-d09e37688f64	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:59:29	824.308
-76	35916	3591600	66ce3737-d2df-4c5f-b4cf-f224c362a3e0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:54:01	173.776
-76	71832	3591600	1e0629a9-7726-4488-8741-c6368b87841b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:25:40	167.142
-77	35917	3591700	3d73f041-ddd3-41fc-9999-4d67916feb76	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:21:31	-215.84
-77	71834	3591700	5d452541-b57e-4741-aafe-e3e81a01d47d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:24:11	-464.861
-78	35918	3591800	6d5f1337-07ae-42cd-ac9f-3401f6da8ff0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:15:58	-443.593
-78	71836	3591800	c68a2e60-f1d4-41f8-b602-f97eb1e01dc0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:21:36	506.216
-79	35919	3591900	bbdee5cb-ce79-4f85-8959-c5dd7b2f5e36	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:36:02	-669.137
-79	71838	3591900	c893928c-6c79-4cb6-86df-d2cffd1ee782	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:59:35	-297.778
-80	35920	3592000	3d3835b8-d8b5-42e1-b57d-c272f59ae704	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:47:54	398.840
-80	71840	3592000	4b40a90e-2bae-41cc-844f-1d48ed1c9592	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:05:28	-170.867
-81	35921	3592100	2d390e3a-a71a-43fa-903d-e1e9f8a16a1b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:42:16	-811.819
-81	71842	3592100	413d5dd4-37f9-4e4d-b7f3-b4e8f0725fc3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:51:54	458.551
-82	35922	3592200	ecbdce38-602b-40f0-8330-400e5adc1b00	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:47:17	324.696
-82	71844	3592200	89e2e2ca-b1dd-42a1-abfb-e6b05025a707	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:28:49	-277.354
-83	35923	3592300	b9662ce2-e7b4-4378-b4e0-aae818e612d8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:11:54	46.781
-83	71846	3592300	27e9006a-a188-4d6c-9d56-467165c7fe4a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:53:49	116.502
-84	35924	3592400	02dda349-aa6a-43d6-93fd-eb19cab38e61	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:51:32	-220.179
-84	71848	3592400	6a1fbe5c-db94-473d-b188-7ef5db7d72b7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:21:22	-520.290
-85	35925	3592500	44534184-cb9b-4b59-9c33-d48f4e404eab	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:32:52	188.255
-85	71850	3592500	0ac4c0a6-f07a-4891-907a-8273c0e451cc	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:14:09	35.479
-86	35926	3592600	cff44d6d-e6b2-4976-8cd3-e24a935dc413	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:18:25	-347.681
-86	71852	3592600	e9def910-1e5b-43be-bd9e-2b09b7e5ecfa	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:54:25	180.312
-87	35927	3592700	6bad12d6-ad90-4b0e-92bb-b5b983ae73db	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:31:54	788.199
-87	71854	3592700	b3832c5c-fe9b-4703-8f37-aea95661183f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:29:44	257.145
-88	35928	3592800	53802dcd-9395-49b8-8ca1-0dd9943474e7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:31:24	-710.453
-88	71856	3592800	fa41fa07-6773-42ca-b791-42219526367f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:40:17	-696.760
-89	35929	3592900	6e103f82-f39a-4025-a781-ee32a817c9e5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:11:31	537.740
-89	71858	3592900	8f77c9a5-4a5d-4a4b-a3a2-275c596178ca	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:22:50	263.55
-90	35930	3593000	5226cd51-bbd0-4cce-8ec7-3bd6a8fd4b95	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:15:24	-932.535
-90	71860	3593000	57bc876e-e0e5-412f-a68f-851875c5798b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:51:27	123.811
-91	35931	3593100	9717ffde-a28c-4fc5-ba09-629404e9d826	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:04:25	-666.341
-91	71862	3593100	4ce83f7a-e21a-4c20-a728-3caffee1ad57	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:05:58	-462.855
-92	35932	3593200	6afc0a60-df39-4b3a-87bf-dad05cc39f45	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:30:32	443.132
-92	71864	3593200	de8e3052-4295-4f43-82d1-efeb4308ae41	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:10:29	-920.878
-93	35933	3593300	8da11067-a669-4813-8374-78dc1008cb55	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:39:40	-978.978
-93	71866	3593300	7984ffb0-915b-4361-8c47-485b763030ea	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:06:53	-313.450
-94	35934	3593400	3e994cd2-1b1c-4da5-8153-e38ed397751d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:00:30	-887.278
-94	71868	3593400	ce4eb5ec-7259-4e92-9794-52c6654aa531	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:22:05	901.98
-95	35935	3593500	8d379d2e-e0d4-4bd2-8940-2c14c1267275	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:13:02	130.516
-95	71870	3593500	bb6bf222-b6b9-4d2e-b919-05382c47b6cd	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:23:01	-869.618
-96	35936	3593600	6f83f5ba-c6c7-419e-896e-d67b47e2c97f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:23:06	-478.649
-96	71872	3593600	19b88845-b415-407e-a2d0-501299bf993f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:03:01	-474.864
-97	35937	3593700	91e1b38c-c2f0-472f-94a1-83ca5e6f6c34	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:57:04	684.369
-97	71874	3593700	b4d27b72-3911-4e21-8595-e9551d1b92a8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:42:40	-938.567
-98	35938	3593800	60833132-ddee-4008-bd33-43e94dd24f71	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:09:02	-444.829
-98	71876	3593800	a9d7aeb7-4dd5-4451-b978-521c0717fad9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:08:41	-808.85
-99	35939	3593900	ad1f964a-ff68-45c5-b65f-8fbe2c315e23	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:37:49	-187.144
-99	71878	3593900	4b0d3341-0e7a-405a-ada2-3bc52fabc1bd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:24:12	-42.258
-100	35940	3594000	cb20900c-5043-46b7-921e-77ae3839ae3f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:31:41	-691.128
-100	71880	3594000	9b656071-4d86-400a-9d5e-585efec232d8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:30:30	2.165
-101	35941	3594100	eb5cc170-b9e4-4c0a-b936-8133e0101256	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:27:10	222.908
-101	71882	3594100	1075a681-2bd6-4844-acaa-4fc9837a4ce8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:37:55	-146.782
-102	35942	3594200	03e08cf0-5efd-494d-bc10-fa1f19d20309	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:27:14	-480.786
-102	71884	3594200	779f6a0e-31d1-40f9-9723-43353bf2b32c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:05:45	661.612
-103	35943	3594300	130c474d-4144-4fcc-87aa-05620e97bb5e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:11:15	-878.744
-103	71886	3594300	515df266-6da3-454f-b268-9865f5b2cb9a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:15:31	471.306
-104	35944	3594400	a017c26e-656b-413c-840b-d1d3aff30319	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:06:08	807.219
-104	71888	3594400	4501406a-aeaa-4a6c-a03c-88230e8a3522	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:19:04	794.417
-105	35945	3594500	01ede1b5-b094-475b-8f5c-ad7479b00c45	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:21:09	650.915
-105	71890	3594500	1a86714a-917a-4151-855b-a90fd8f683e3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:18:07	-300.137
-106	35946	3594600	847f83d5-9b15-4fdb-976d-6f161984ee78	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:36:38	-160.367
-106	71892	3594600	b0077c08-cf73-4cad-901f-5f5c930a7bd6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:50:54	-116.813
-107	35947	3594700	7504bfd5-20e8-4aaa-a0e0-21d015748acc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:15:19	207.946
-107	71894	3594700	b5990c55-bc03-4e2a-99d3-b3dcffbc8280	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:08:48	-164.84
-108	35948	3594800	1f6ad350-572b-40af-8c02-5612d7190fe3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:38:47	-637.114
-108	71896	3594800	8c4c5d97-1dd2-44f2-bd63-b6be25ad541e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:44:25	-27.224
-109	35949	3594900	c9dec709-4903-4165-b0bd-9c3ac7770daa	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:57:25	-695.231
-109	71898	3594900	d3552c71-e53f-48b9-9e29-3dc9a32bb09c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:18:19	396.725
-110	35950	3595000	939d1332-f5b3-4eff-b82d-de6edfd7632a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:49:53	-292.235
-110	71900	3595000	863c8982-a8be-43c0-9011-9ac3a00ca2b9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:47:03	-310.149
-111	35951	3595100	0b40ab61-fd64-4671-8d29-21b8cc35325c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:15:04	890.774
-111	71902	3595100	e3bceb6f-ca06-4c32-9162-7ba0073ccd8c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:46:32	-940.471
-112	35952	3595200	79eba357-c5a7-45d1-90a4-6620895d3c27	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:16:16	-437.184
-112	71904	3595200	6aab462f-d0ce-4595-af70-1852cc970323	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:05:33	490.106
-113	35953	3595300	bcef07cf-9f9c-4781-997e-28dea81aa780	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:26:40	263.751
-113	71906	3595300	c24d4052-25ea-4e2d-ac0b-1a9033d3004a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:41:45	791.405
-114	35954	3595400	3fedb0ea-e973-45fe-a93c-06b78fc4f3ba	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:23:06	-246.231
-114	71908	3595400	0185c6a2-1654-4e79-aa66-763b5ac06298	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:20:41	73.43
-115	35955	3595500	776ec3d3-b692-42f3-8bda-1a81253bfaa6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:10:09	357.158
-115	71910	3595500	50dc7ec1-a24d-4c43-805e-861482201fda	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:21:11	528.538
-116	35956	3595600	a0aa828f-404f-4505-8085-c113edb91c2c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:30:38	-655.466
-116	71912	3595600	ade063c4-df05-4839-9bc9-8bc54797930a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:27:52	549.862
-117	35957	3595700	c883f6a6-c369-4fcf-ac33-560b888e6112	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:56:50	469.782
-117	71914	3595700	ede674fe-f438-4c46-908e-917e8e88e856	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:59:05	-959.434
-118	35958	3595800	a54281d8-0518-460b-a1d1-81b81c0b4d1c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:35:59	250.482
-118	71916	3595800	4f4f07f5-064e-4bb4-8061-05a131207563	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:37:51	-276.658
-119	35959	3595900	3e1c1516-b786-4c6b-aa78-5ec51d8d64ef	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:59:25	-587.514
-119	71918	3595900	5d48e789-3c25-49c7-908d-d62953b5b6f8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:00:48	-175.358
-120	35960	3596000	1bf5de14-77ed-4cb0-9539-89d41a6ff171	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:16:29	195.534
-120	71920	3596000	4ec9522a-06db-49a6-9758-f8b54d88e72d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:56:24	611.285
-121	35961	3596100	9467ab0c-44fe-4e95-bd71-2797af754840	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:48:24	63.594
-121	71922	3596100	733aa577-2edb-49ac-8404-fd6c5db088b6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:35:04	-960.523
-122	35962	3596200	0747e887-3599-49a2-acc7-4692ce2422c8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:16:26	487.769
-122	71924	3596200	2397fd48-e64b-48e7-8fa5-6966dbacb8b5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:25:11	-588.471
-123	35963	3596300	e2abf8a7-a092-47bf-b456-0e5efa62290f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:54:24	849.76
-123	71926	3596300	d6be94f4-ad11-49da-a362-a230b45ea023	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:39:19	-845.929
-124	35964	3596400	eaa96cf5-6184-4040-9803-bf81b93110a5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:18:32	712.854
-124	71928	3596400	229f7422-f34b-468d-85dc-ee035c14a15b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:00:27	-553.987
-125	35965	3596500	538db635-0ecd-4ca6-bbce-bf838e3e3004	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:29:54	917.388
-125	71930	3596500	6ebf1794-1e74-40f1-8204-da113f93052a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:16:06	-259.129
-126	35966	3596600	40ef36f1-3a4a-42e6-98a9-56239527fed6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:24:21	-874.607
-126	71932	3596600	98382ed5-4d53-4c4c-9712-ed3f8da069d7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:26:57	276.924
-127	35967	3596700	42b700d4-24d2-4a7b-829e-eba0e991ba8d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:20:33	-537.567
-127	71934	3596700	35282610-6a91-4742-a21b-c04d31e5e9a1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:01:35	775.537
-0	35968	3596800	e6a1d4ca-ba08-4fdc-b9d4-7e47aecd5b7b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:13:02	680.416
-0	71936	3596800	804c974e-b3e3-4699-a573-98cb47e96305	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:37:51	373.426
-1	35969	3596900	66a7a285-8c7b-44ea-a115-62a5f5f65a8e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:14:38	-251.601
-1	71938	3596900	91755623-ad4b-4b1b-a984-369e973ba9db	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:41:53	984.7
-2	35970	3597000	a0d9dd35-5856-4732-83ee-483ec2cfe854	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:36:53	379.857
-2	71940	3597000	d39eb4b9-af17-4a71-b34d-2f9ff1fca61d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:28:48	-905.166
-3	35971	3597100	5c816127-20df-4bbb-b360-f2442591a6b0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:52:33	241.586
-3	71942	3597100	b50ea1a1-8a86-4be5-888c-62d063276705	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:16:03	411.120
-4	35972	3597200	2b46c4db-e072-4b76-8120-8f15481c4cb1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:21:56	-486.658
-4	71944	3597200	0256a486-7fa7-4ce9-b1d7-967a8b051def	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:59:29	523.514
-5	35973	3597300	288fc3fe-32aa-4444-819d-55aea6f4acb6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:05:25	720.934
-5	71946	3597300	d3fb9424-8375-4b4c-9404-35bf20c08a8e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:02:35	-811.468
-6	35974	3597400	0f4ee73a-0de8-4c28-b99b-1194064b0b40	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:24:29	130.354
-6	71948	3597400	170278ec-1170-4694-a9cd-02096d7cbd48	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:15:29	-947.0
-7	35975	3597500	898c39f6-6107-43e7-bc76-64947f9288e1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:33:11	924.310
-7	71950	3597500	134dad94-c985-4988-998f-9cb7a0c99cc2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:28:05	619.718
-8	35976	3597600	cecfd3ae-cb7f-4038-8579-2136567cc1e9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:41:18	746.549
-8	71952	3597600	288fbfd9-824e-4458-bf76-08b8a06e3fe7	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:32:38	193.465
-9	35977	3597700	1f834510-67e9-40ee-911d-dd5c3cdcaf0e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:04:35	-468.479
-9	71954	3597700	ff60faef-2b89-41f8-bcda-d6ca4d4299c0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:26:33	695.477
-10	35978	3597800	c380e616-818e-4e11-9939-9d59e9934854	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:55:08	-643.706
-10	71956	3597800	03efa507-8a13-4e7c-9ca3-1c9a733625d7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:15:01	465.883
-11	35979	3597900	262cc368-b984-45ee-8ef5-c3daae8a3078	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:28:27	941.159
-11	71958	3597900	cc557632-e5c2-43b0-8e8b-398a8a849808	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:14:39	282.741
-12	35980	3598000	19e05723-ee20-442b-a1b3-5e9166e8ed63	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:28:12	590.968
-12	71960	3598000	50d00608-ad86-4fc5-9cbf-d80f46fa7952	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:09:00	-32.735
-13	35981	3598100	34848d9d-eae9-4cc4-9a4b-598c8856251f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:28:04	-782.922
-13	71962	3598100	3c7289c2-929e-4936-95dd-d213980b5486	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:14:04	-907.749
-14	35982	3598200	abb37c52-2a2a-4d23-b741-d5751c21e32a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:29:58	-616.371
-14	71964	3598200	f81c7d2b-c983-4960-9747-c7197319b28e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:50:22	62.241
-15	35983	3598300	4eae3ee3-ec37-4f6c-bd5b-05cb676b46f8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:16:21	-380.454
-15	71966	3598300	c48ca29b-9938-4c6d-a0ed-a9ab288cf2ef	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:21:42	-610.110
-16	35984	3598400	54a4d129-b90e-40fe-8161-7d569f3c9cb5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:29:54	495.461
-16	71968	3598400	0a8c460f-dee8-444b-b8f2-a241844d4adb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:09:54	-604.857
-17	35985	3598500	95604081-39fd-48f3-a767-60c7bbbef1d9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:54:32	98.258
-17	71970	3598500	63fe1be5-c2d6-4490-b039-9625ce8aa383	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:05:53	612.731
-18	35986	3598600	cf5a073c-f93b-4ee1-8958-2b7c5f80419f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:55:05	-191.800
-18	71972	3598600	eba118b0-dca9-4064-9817-3d2a9fea3a3c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:01:08	-203.540
-19	35987	3598700	a06de0fd-0453-48a6-9d87-ae463962f979	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:32:58	-686.395
-19	71974	3598700	6fbfc246-64fe-4a9b-b7bf-27b1bf966b53	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:14:47	490.586
-20	35988	3598800	fac8ac0a-30d1-431c-8047-ef57306ab0d4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:53:32	-555.769
-20	71976	3598800	5d610343-f716-4c28-bc17-d0d742a18271	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:05:12	-898.7
-21	35989	3598900	d4260bef-3c98-40f3-a4e0-85406e28a5c6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:22:43	364.697
-21	71978	3598900	34a13c46-1c40-4bc7-b86a-c8cddbe21cb3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:37:05	-90.784
-22	35990	3599000	1c80ea02-5c31-45e5-94f7-9c3c00db60d4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:08:26	683.188
-22	71980	3599000	a8c108d5-3d9b-4596-a640-589ef31929ca	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:20:38	67.998
-23	35991	3599100	e18a8b3f-fe76-45f1-8440-caad1040f6d7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:10:29	366.620
-23	71982	3599100	aa3d1d6b-5d85-4ee1-83b5-6e86d318d6b8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:08:46	920.927
-24	35992	3599200	a90d55bc-bb94-439b-b9de-4d2994d1fe6e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:35:30	-320.242
-24	71984	3599200	d13def93-d815-4b68-b364-f946c6472a00	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:31:17	418.317
-25	35993	3599300	3f7e29d6-6fa6-4aae-b48b-9d29b46a0d06	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:13:58	162.819
-25	71986	3599300	36e16d21-6333-48e8-8ee9-acf7bdf68df5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:20:28	-328.256
-26	35994	3599400	9cd8afdf-987e-46c1-adda-ed793171dbbe	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:27:14	-151.645
-26	71988	3599400	446e1ee8-2373-4564-91eb-e3ba7db34e06	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:41:34	-172.211
-27	35995	3599500	5ce1a7bc-ec08-4346-80a8-dc573346c977	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:33:05	218.155
-27	71990	3599500	274aa001-f1e4-49bf-81fd-eed0204589af	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:07:46	304.274
-28	35996	3599600	614608e2-2ad0-4895-8523-eedc31af21d7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:26:51	-663.150
-28	71992	3599600	f88dbd11-85e5-4c99-bdee-47f1c327424a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:26:11	-400.349
-29	35997	3599700	14acf212-cbcc-4bbf-87ab-1edffae807ad	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:14:12	131.170
-29	71994	3599700	90f040e4-20c7-415c-a6c5-0b3ce93a4f92	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:47:48	-899.153
-30	35998	3599800	af594601-0cc9-47e6-94c0-aef52f62acbb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:06:44	219.90
-30	71996	3599800	eb2711a0-06ee-4d75-b4bd-133f934d5975	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:46:36	-422.744
-31	35999	3599900	2fe179d5-e4b8-4f69-8104-7159820dfa54	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:59:35	50.118
-31	71998	3599900	a9d4126f-8bc9-4991-a060-e859d8bbe78c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:59:25	-703.450
-32	36000	3600000	3d71ba0b-a5aa-4289-8292-dc94024bfcad	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:22:44	-184.339
-32	72000	3600000	517ab0fc-2d7c-44d8-953c-40fec4e453fc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:20:39	533.468
-33	36001	3600100	159844b3-3a33-481f-bf96-b2bbb575f1b4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:16:50	-954.95
-33	72002	3600100	b69aa518-af18-404b-ae24-fbe7cb80c941	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:11:08	665.356
-34	36002	3600200	63cfb6d7-e9c2-49de-9c01-a3704bf49a64	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:09:28	-796.364
-34	72004	3600200	14c3c0a9-99ec-448d-8fd7-1c1dcd249035	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:05:19	286.852
-35	36003	3600300	ac5c24bb-d0fe-43a8-9671-6cd54926bf4e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:22:06	-33.385
-35	72006	3600300	763b8861-bd26-4fea-9762-b47c3eb96bfc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:14:03	-230.742
-36	36004	3600400	752c156e-98df-411f-9aa4-ba28eaad63ed	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:14:18	-275.803
-36	72008	3600400	5c3cce5b-7f2e-4a11-a828-ab1e4a8f7520	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:58:00	-205.988
-37	36005	3600500	40fe8b9b-e67c-469a-a990-12194da4ee90	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:52:44	-283.27
-37	72010	3600500	26f172da-d729-4c43-b462-317adfaed805	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:06:46	-174.469
-38	36006	3600600	bede7f0b-e57b-4b0d-934d-961a0a12f8a1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:07:48	-460.104
-38	72012	3600600	c3b053f0-fb66-499b-843c-3ede98a1b85e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:35:23	4.173
-39	36007	3600700	97573ffb-1ad2-400f-8ff6-28b060dae2d1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:59:48	-909.68
-39	72014	3600700	d57cdead-d50c-40a6-8090-b609e16b46ef	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:48:35	-964.24
-40	36008	3600800	8ac4c669-7080-4fd5-8bda-0e5a0a765290	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:33:01	-853.973
-40	72016	3600800	d169e460-6fb4-44af-8d4a-3771c7e5aa9b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:23:30	93.951
-41	36009	3600900	76d359c3-23c3-4a6c-b90a-9818690bbaf5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:57:22	688.980
-41	72018	3600900	b24f2f8d-ead7-4846-94e3-9e3ec632dc26	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:16:20	-300.741
-42	36010	3601000	51b822ab-e657-44a1-885a-2b5191ade7e7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:32:15	803.755
-42	72020	3601000	45236977-c985-4c7d-a624-ffda46c609f0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:33:07	622.419
-43	36011	3601100	a832ccae-608d-4ee6-9aef-923261120883	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:58:32	-551.632
-43	72022	3601100	777d3a8b-1c2e-4415-9cb3-29460a689203	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:27:50	-760.21
-44	36012	3601200	df5154d9-8f2f-4016-827e-2e1a1e2663db	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:15:01	47.174
-44	72024	3601200	f1eae523-881b-41da-a80e-e7f497b01d08	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:04:11	586.487
-45	36013	3601300	5195a96f-67be-44f9-bcb7-b6caa4d192d0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:46:40	-412.115
-45	72026	3601300	02412772-d1d3-4c56-990a-4144ff13acba	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:42:01	-400.878
-46	36014	3601400	ff83c96e-e28b-478c-b231-efb1a1eba1b5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:22:27	-780.279
-46	72028	3601400	85e370d9-aaec-4f3e-bc85-523ea0e9dadf	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:41:00	220.428
-47	36015	3601500	d200938a-7ad6-4941-a9b5-eb4b3555518d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:50:32	-537.136
-47	72030	3601500	4f8f0513-0b5d-4ec2-a8bc-66a3a0ccac95	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:54:21	61.610
-48	36016	3601600	aa383dfb-e7b1-43fb-9d8a-71a6c1831c7a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:05:40	716.379
-48	72032	3601600	8bcb0492-ddcf-4d93-805a-91c26a2645e4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:46:36	600.821
-49	36017	3601700	90b279c4-22ee-4ff1-94f4-6e49c2e03e4b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:47:53	95.11
-49	72034	3601700	90105d71-dfa6-40a5-9c21-8346bddc5d58	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:43:44	700.57
-50	36018	3601800	c1240e95-1387-42bd-ab09-68ca12e1df26	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:08:45	-273.131
-50	72036	3601800	4aadc0d9-4223-4004-a449-731582e3d5c4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:11:56	5.146
-51	36019	3601900	102554f9-145c-4aad-8644-87d58813c610	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:40:01	-881.865
-51	72038	3601900	8060321b-7344-4be3-8215-74387d08807f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:57:08	840.650
-52	36020	3602000	31178cc2-e529-44fa-87b6-6b9e52c1e9f9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:58:23	-977.167
-52	72040	3602000	d31f4818-900d-45b2-acf6-2b17f66b3ac7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:05:56	-718.560
-53	36021	3602100	df7f8a1e-42a8-4061-ac42-b5c9ab631074	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:33:05	-919.853
-53	72042	3602100	58d96ed4-33f3-43ab-b207-453ee24b8026	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:30:02	1.389
-54	36022	3602200	9a3ba874-fb2c-437f-bdc8-4dad6c591a6b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:35:20	520.481
-54	72044	3602200	18bdeed8-c6e7-4b77-b40e-2a7a3822c3a4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:50:57	-448.364
-55	36023	3602300	8ed5335a-3a87-4ef8-bf67-085ba21dcda1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:57:21	686.271
-55	72046	3602300	de11dec6-97c1-4975-bcf8-6bae6fb83e7b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:11:57	979.10
-56	36024	3602400	1944d714-c1a5-4b2f-b79c-7ed7283f70cd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:02:35	560.334
-56	72048	3602400	00b515d6-5234-4226-9678-15a071123ff7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:56:27	-80.225
-57	36025	3602500	a76aad4c-9edd-457e-8b24-19187f740b72	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:47:46	946.710
-57	72050	3602500	149a88cc-1da4-403c-80b0-9cbf1d19ea1f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:57:50	359.388
-58	36026	3602600	6eb4fbb7-2825-4c39-8970-f63e5aa29f4a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:02:51	-786.766
-58	72052	3602600	cce53756-2a49-4096-a661-f0cbafb33ecb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:15:15	-213.832
-59	36027	3602700	f5719b10-da65-4250-bcd2-6b55f0d3e798	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:40:04	467.461
-59	72054	3602700	b4b7f963-c0ff-47ba-9668-8be70c717231	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:28:18	564.917
-60	36028	3602800	dd70a7bf-a320-44ae-a0f6-b61e09b73a1a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:23:18	-943.682
-60	72056	3602800	3eef609d-060d-4a51-a46f-a214c28564f6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:06:52	487.117
-61	36029	3602900	aaf0bbd3-eb3c-4e19-a676-f99531e51b34	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:27:46	-467.187
-61	72058	3602900	9fbdccfe-0421-4a6c-b7a6-f7109ca3a644	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:28:56	-549.294
-62	36030	3603000	edf5caaf-5250-47fa-8ac9-c002a977d91a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:44:58	-667.708
-62	72060	3603000	0b8792d1-83f1-4da9-9dc7-c76f3e3a64cf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:56:59	-305.782
-63	36031	3603100	c88b807b-ef4a-4162-8114-8a556500c6f5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:49:27	-951.22
-63	72062	3603100	9157a10b-4172-4599-a478-52dc0beb7fe0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:20:14	962.747
-64	36032	3603200	22e03b87-2889-4f6f-9813-8c46f7f767e2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:51:20	-414.424
-64	72064	3603200	5c40f6d2-9907-4f94-9e1d-8fce3413051e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:06:59	515.933
-65	36033	3603300	96d1a380-8d0b-4a4b-8909-6bcd047f1f7e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:55:29	-351.822
-65	72066	3603300	db1d6866-3429-4740-b4e2-56705e8353c9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:01:11	-85.528
-66	36034	3603400	dbea686d-39b2-4d56-94a3-9173bb08d4c8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:00:10	-382.29
-66	72068	3603400	9f1efb9e-15b2-42a8-b5ea-8b2c50dfc51b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:22:38	-400.510
-67	36035	3603500	57aa7c12-e9c3-4419-91e8-a94d80c41944	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:04:04	-85.1
-67	72070	3603500	b1414c65-8d59-42a5-a171-623c49b1c912	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:00:56	-814.926
-68	36036	3603600	3d8b46dd-2128-4846-a0d0-0048cf406d6a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:54:24	-157.988
-68	72072	3603600	0ff877ef-4910-4a9e-8c31-0b36a90c5413	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:27:34	-345.642
-69	36037	3603700	c9dd67fa-eef1-4d4e-8aa4-34a8aee2a2de	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 19:51:02	-67.10
-69	72074	3603700	ad2342a7-3e75-461f-ac42-52b12ff3fd06	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:21:51	2.329
-70	36038	3603800	7fb74774-9b51-4762-8c16-4c8c3bdc863b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:03:10	1.582
-70	72076	3603800	cbab48ff-cb39-4121-b7eb-96c6c3a37eb4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:01:04	-637.225
-71	36039	3603900	38ba8551-ce31-4c02-adf0-8e8dda3fa4e8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:21:57	0.542
-71	72078	3603900	8d0b954c-f304-4653-82a2-65ac0ffeec9f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:58:51	193.172
-72	36040	3604000	8dcce4a3-cc4d-4794-a7e7-c4b37fd97519	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:20:09	-156.767
-72	72080	3604000	0f42c073-e859-47e4-bb64-822042c82ef4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:28:13	441.764
-73	36041	3604100	0f90d17e-47cf-443f-9554-20c77843e141	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:42:03	-302.519
-73	72082	3604100	e6ce93a4-91bf-4c98-aca5-e994d0f24636	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:37:10	953.701
-74	36042	3604200	3be068a8-0581-4dc0-8321-93a6b09026dc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:42:34	594.423
-74	72084	3604200	2d325b72-9798-49b9-8337-4609e4afa382	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:22:11	909.785
-75	36043	3604300	ff7288c0-1650-4217-8797-00a3c2b23770	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:00:36	199.821
-75	72086	3604300	36a71e8d-cc8b-455b-bd65-df8b87e06e3a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:39:22	-783.719
-76	36044	3604400	f6b30a8c-7df6-4738-9c28-fb288ad89f38	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:47:21	176.423
-76	72088	3604400	41d59aa1-7523-4bba-b4bb-f3ca9105096b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:54:15	-669.381
-77	36045	3604500	347439ec-e0c3-42cc-bc70-ce0620719e82	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:30:39	-854.146
-77	72090	3604500	bc1970cb-299b-4a2e-9745-ba28c72083fa	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:11:00	758.143
-78	36046	3604600	cff78780-3ba6-470e-82b4-e9df715f02d2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:10:33	-473.617
-78	72092	3604600	8ba7a1cd-0dea-4397-9c78-18e06d62c4fc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:36:04	-153.608
-79	36047	3604700	e1075b28-7956-421a-be14-4a50228532ff	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:07:20	760.920
-79	72094	3604700	052e6b24-9ee9-40a2-8fb8-a79100bab5be	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:36:12	-420.51
-80	36048	3604800	921874d0-4c2e-4100-b3f6-a7100add76e9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:14:28	966.291
-80	72096	3604800	53586d4d-d2b1-4120-89e0-b1bde8b9c1cc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:18:09	399.935
-81	36049	3604900	f5feff68-35d7-43d4-a8c0-163c690e4c0e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:05:40	363.775
-81	72098	3604900	7bb78e14-ec46-4638-baed-714e7166e0a5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:15:04	792.754
-82	36050	3605000	bdf02e52-4e05-4cbe-952b-c87020bca59f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:07:26	-145.370
-82	72100	3605000	7af8a4c3-0c0a-40e5-9dcb-7560e3e8a3e7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:38:09	730.531
-83	36051	3605100	549de45b-6b16-44db-b845-813cb96e2387	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:20:33	-372.313
-83	72102	3605100	0e0d0291-88bd-4513-8399-aceaa37838be	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:19:02	364.822
-84	36052	3605200	0f2ee1a4-8b4e-4ef7-9342-e421df8caa62	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:14:59	188.837
-84	72104	3605200	4b6189e3-319f-4950-9747-9833301254c5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:46:26	343.192
-85	36053	3605300	87806f00-2226-434b-b6d2-1daf0c3fa1d4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:53:27	-325.855
-85	72106	3605300	52b2dd1f-b3a5-4103-8b91-a2162304d421	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:19:44	-729.321
-86	36054	3605400	7f2db751-baf0-4102-a847-d65232d4453d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:36:55	-6.421
-86	72108	3605400	46b1ee69-9853-41e2-aa8b-e1d1f68c1736	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:37:08	985.375
-87	36055	3605500	e9a50710-477f-4542-92a9-658b33ec6e8e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:11:19	349.649
-87	72110	3605500	dfa561a8-9faf-4cf6-bce4-49d3cf6038ba	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:57:13	-227.612
-88	36056	3605600	27c07c33-5061-4ec9-aa1e-166c0acf863f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:29:27	-471.709
-88	72112	3605600	23ac2d33-ddb6-4d3c-b161-07ff878e97cd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:25:53	137.416
-89	36057	3605700	54f9ce43-8e14-44d8-93ee-a02784e5a195	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:25:18	654.829
-89	72114	3605700	fb7121d1-0558-432d-846b-4cab5671a8b2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:24:51	614.612
-90	36058	3605800	4b467547-5df0-42e9-aad8-c098cbe451c0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:30:57	84.665
-90	72116	3605800	e1f3e6e1-8d35-4533-a9b4-67a2645a11c5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:31:12	54.671
-91	36059	3605900	9946d963-08ae-4f64-985b-8295a0ff45c4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:41:01	-17.936
-91	72118	3605900	e154b311-fce4-4ac8-bcd2-a37b7a74325f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:01:48	476.540
-92	36060	3606000	809f9bbc-f6e4-4119-a7b2-f93d9d7d98da	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:35:55	-344.360
-92	72120	3606000	99740c11-5277-46b2-9705-21ffae782ff0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:02:31	269.495
-93	36061	3606100	6b00df9c-f49c-4676-9beb-6a2dac87dadf	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:26:16	-305.227
-93	72122	3606100	f0ff6c26-fb89-4d80-a415-f24dfd9bf397	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:20:58	428.855
-94	36062	3606200	1666e815-c586-4346-9ba3-78ea36398e69	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:30:37	235.806
-94	72124	3606200	58bc5abf-9f03-48b5-b596-a6f748bdfcbc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:26:08	-615.313
-95	36063	3606300	1d69f04b-781e-4c53-8e66-60a65af978fb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:46:53	997.418
-95	72126	3606300	5e41e0d2-9932-4833-a361-65fef70a043b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:42:02	-682.524
-96	36064	3606400	e5ceb87f-922b-4609-ab3e-3890dd7644eb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:33:07	-473.351
-96	72128	3606400	7e13fca0-6150-4d13-923b-b48ca8285606	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:24:47	85.681
-97	36065	3606500	e3bec94d-c79e-46d2-a7da-16e4c01ef4b9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:37:52	591.234
-97	72130	3606500	8fd8122d-c592-4412-918e-1bbc891d2daf	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:41:44	-697.719
-98	36066	3606600	a8a18fd3-e81d-411a-b400-7c9a6ff608fe	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:24:18	-600.599
-98	72132	3606600	7e4b9768-308b-44b8-8783-e99186ba0c97	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:32:58	-261.111
-99	36067	3606700	bcc7522e-259b-4045-aa71-77d46d3cd9d7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:29:03	464.518
-99	72134	3606700	3b56f854-a353-4405-a7d8-c242da7c4daa	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:08:16	564.764
-100	36068	3606800	1bbafd53-5565-402f-a11e-443dc4aebe4c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:45:04	-625.233
-100	72136	3606800	7b95a2ba-0129-4156-8307-4ed27e65e4f8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:10:48	960.596
-101	36069	3606900	7ace854f-215b-4948-8d99-ee93c898e137	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:44:05	-536.822
-101	72138	3606900	8cc6c50d-b4c5-410d-b1f6-9db53123eabd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:30:57	633.84
-102	36070	3607000	7c5acf42-eb65-4c6c-90d6-b2bc175c09a4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:40:08	-851.252
-102	72140	3607000	30e758b6-7704-49e3-ac13-b1ed737a0667	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:29:55	87.975
-103	36071	3607100	57edb345-18db-4c49-98d6-a09c3c232687	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:37:32	-442.207
-103	72142	3607100	dbb3cf73-f63b-47bc-bdd3-77e1a72cda19	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:21:49	465.184
-104	36072	3607200	c961a0eb-c728-4e86-8730-5b7b7a181d5b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:07:14	-282.774
-104	72144	3607200	84a4761f-0b7d-4c71-bb00-1da8107d2e2f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:27:36	-672.541
-105	36073	3607300	14446c3a-9199-4320-b52a-f20cb0f83121	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:11:38	583.303
-105	72146	3607300	b0400fe3-25da-4559-be59-1bcaba0ac9cf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:01:02	-888.306
-106	36074	3607400	a1ed338e-3f1b-4be2-983c-bbded721e7e3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:05:52	-386.715
-106	72148	3607400	bb25e35b-f4d6-489e-a5b6-74d44c0eae0f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:07:51	-144.131
-107	36075	3607500	36d4c0e5-8de4-41e3-81a1-3edb1f30bdb3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:20:33	-270.98
-107	72150	3607500	77f2214b-ed3d-48cd-b205-ecaa0a0a2b03	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:37:50	-933.964
-108	36076	3607600	ace00d46-73bd-4c51-93bd-6562dd3d7a67	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:12:04	289.631
-108	72152	3607600	2d327644-a8d8-4808-80b5-05c7b20c7ecc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:55:44	333.340
-109	36077	3607700	d82c4173-dec7-4481-b40f-866c7ed35f73	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:14:36	-8.454
-109	72154	3607700	61f69ee8-1e95-4c48-9a4b-56891a582b32	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:54:37	164.849
-110	36078	3607800	ff41582a-22d0-427d-8b56-91a1c8304215	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:16:05	425.888
-110	72156	3607800	e898d872-9613-48d3-a6bd-7a291f92ba45	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:09:05	830.133
-111	36079	3607900	1675cab7-38ab-4600-99ba-9822c2d780e3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:22:52	-990.29
-111	72158	3607900	2a06173d-c529-4a05-b866-d55d8d885a3c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:41:17	-298.519
-112	36080	3608000	63c485b3-7ab8-4cb4-9e8e-10a669e7b272	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:21:42	543.734
-112	72160	3608000	76db4a2e-5e9f-4fba-9e95-f2d8138490e6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:55:27	-986.1
-113	36081	3608100	a64f2c91-5d59-4641-be5d-2e6685298612	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:06:50	-417.887
-113	72162	3608100	82eef717-a740-4eab-86f8-46c9d8a87c9b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:01:22	-184.397
-114	36082	3608200	7b1c1e82-5044-471a-aa72-4ebcdf4ad070	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:43:25	171.568
-114	72164	3608200	3afd807d-764f-4846-87b3-d0784a47dff4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:32:45	-97.634
-115	36083	3608300	2669316b-357d-4fab-b140-088088c328bf	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:21:13	453.28
-115	72166	3608300	672ed8af-bc1f-4e91-b8a2-c037eead3901	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:29:07	-712.771
-116	36084	3608400	297f5372-fb62-4093-9a1a-503ca7b7c443	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:00:07	389.354
-116	72168	3608400	b1d955b8-c64c-42eb-a031-edc268eed229	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:28:57	103.8
-117	36085	3608500	6f62e077-51f4-42af-a942-432d51c1c7cf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:57:31	-139.940
-117	72170	3608500	9708aa1e-4a5a-4a78-9604-8c06c79cc7bd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:35:10	-748.791
-118	36086	3608600	a0d0f52c-7afa-40b0-bf40-f7e9ae6d601a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:43:28	442.245
-118	72172	3608600	f11e6ca8-b9dc-402c-8da5-21153134050c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:24:19	-342.864
-119	36087	3608700	1b0fbc17-d424-4c42-aa47-92117180f6da	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:53:51	-460.470
-119	72174	3608700	3c1e4dca-c74b-44fc-aef6-c2fde0946493	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:43:39	618.811
-120	36088	3608800	34bfe024-f6e6-4b3b-a242-b80d223fa087	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:19:58	429.535
-120	72176	3608800	b94817ba-a484-4fa9-b22d-627e1f5e4dd8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:24:51	948.18
-121	36089	3608900	074727e7-c478-49af-90df-09fe0fc6c5a4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:07:33	331.299
-121	72178	3608900	066ed40c-04da-4727-952a-480a1570f59b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:36:16	-287.835
-122	36090	3609000	8a399c4b-2a7e-44db-8d97-5a8de4393475	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:34:50	-820.127
-122	72180	3609000	1cb174ba-63ed-45c3-96ac-2d95f8509ba5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:12:16	589.881
-123	36091	3609100	a5c4a976-054c-4ffa-90e8-3be032de986d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:22:13	-968.315
-123	72182	3609100	3c809df8-d2da-4ac7-ac8a-e91c1e790c6a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:55:30	-531.488
-124	36092	3609200	37a56da2-adaf-4a4f-90f6-b48e430e91ff	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:46:04	95.411
-124	72184	3609200	7f6adbb2-7e09-4b72-a139-f2e73d19aafe	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:38:15	786.272
-125	36093	3609300	6c80b773-38e5-4fe5-b428-815b298dffb4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:05:50	27.939
-125	72186	3609300	9049e437-e19e-445b-b289-71e8ce5baa42	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:15:56	636.220
-126	36094	3609400	d600fe59-c52d-4d86-bc53-d5bd15c7c39e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:18:24	146.67
-126	72188	3609400	df09ab80-2ac2-4586-9ea9-84f9aab0cfb0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:00:49	-34.419
-127	36095	3609500	78f55b31-1634-49d7-af6d-128791b08c4b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:21:58	-771.181
-127	72190	3609500	e33c6c1d-88b9-4642-9a57-ae9a7219dfe9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:06:26	-488.492
-0	36096	3609600	812a5a4b-1b36-4314-9edf-2b07801cf21f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:11:30	248.21
-0	72192	3609600	2234b93c-9917-4df8-8623-a2f508cb4264	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:35:23	-894.564
-1	36097	3609700	60bd1284-6dd3-4716-9037-566f87e947b7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:41:15	213.514
-1	72194	3609700	eb6d57d0-b333-4cf2-b12f-49cfe9bd0c29	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:19:48	-182.482
-2	36098	3609800	a7a749fc-70fb-474e-ac7c-4feeb95983d8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:13:25	-522.916
-2	72196	3609800	16c8a902-8258-4de6-a7f6-09ad866fdc98	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:21:02	-775.784
-3	36099	3609900	cc9d858c-f2ad-4501-8f94-ff9686ae74ab	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:48:07	910.439
-3	72198	3609900	3a2f1bac-d24b-4eb1-9193-c8857f23eddc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:51:34	-334.356
-4	36100	3610000	ea73a427-ad0e-4a3b-8504-f57a076ebec4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:55:47	-993.786
-4	72200	3610000	a99f09be-16d6-48ce-a959-9c533711756c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:48:50	-165.222
-5	36101	3610100	7f49c4f4-deeb-41c4-9a5f-b8e092bba8c9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:16:55	-555.141
-5	72202	3610100	f36db373-8b60-46a7-ba33-af47825e9b1b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:23:08	769.938
-6	36102	3610200	e16a2108-9ab7-4dd3-b3f2-fca7a1d82634	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:09:03	-913.549
-6	72204	3610200	7f72ede1-77e9-47e1-8178-c16eb33b4f39	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:39:01	286.699
-7	36103	3610300	e9079e06-b2a7-406d-a55b-633e8ba92027	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:57:27	-564.619
-7	72206	3610300	88d6da9a-583b-4c4b-a96f-8090b132e836	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:34:52	397.491
-8	36104	3610400	bdada216-a270-4b76-8769-0598f6661d93	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:01:18	245.266
-8	72208	3610400	0f7bd325-3e6e-4b8c-9439-6656c9b657a7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:00:27	28.372
-9	36105	3610500	c77db6a4-485f-4390-9dbc-6b84aff76f7b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:44:53	284.704
-9	72210	3610500	329fb9ed-19c4-4c9d-b005-71d63fb73f6e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:19:29	949.151
-10	36106	3610600	46f9afa0-0ffd-4e52-8f53-b2ca2adc1268	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:30:51	-904.776
-10	72212	3610600	c57e50b2-b03a-45a6-be72-0e93f0d60b3e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:02:37	512.516
-11	36107	3610700	b9ae6066-5740-486c-ae53-1b7427c70f1c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:13:40	-589.49
-11	72214	3610700	6e680f7a-a2ad-473b-8368-52cac45e0990	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:02:59	-546.590
-12	36108	3610800	908ea073-9e8b-44e4-856d-448ca05f50bc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:12:41	-731.208
-12	72216	3610800	80c83271-ff1a-4f39-bb19-d980e28dfaef	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:05:49	770.582
-13	36109	3610900	b075ee7a-ec4e-4b95-ad07-0154bfe0ac13	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:13:34	191.191
-13	72218	3610900	0d03d142-96a6-45fa-b26f-a52e53b4b883	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:26:15	435.474
-14	36110	3611000	dcd4b365-ff89-4023-9a86-d2d5a23837b1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:18:18	970.370
-14	72220	3611000	6bfd9f11-cc1b-48f0-aa6a-55e5f76bb96a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:40:19	431.796
-15	36111	3611100	e43f06df-97e0-42b9-953b-37a3e2d84ea5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:33:34	287.590
-15	72222	3611100	80da32a7-15e2-4e9d-bfdf-8b7d3717477f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:06:01	468.412
-16	36112	3611200	c6ea3a8b-13e9-44af-a127-d9af84042342	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:30:47	300.903
-16	72224	3611200	32232e02-22ea-4e28-9fcb-40298a564500	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:06:00	-874.336
-17	36113	3611300	42ac490f-af3a-44f5-9211-d9b1cff75bf5	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:46:17	128.129
-17	72226	3611300	068baabe-4e68-4ad3-a768-a61dfe695bff	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:29:46	-345.668
-18	36114	3611400	5f68b2a0-a6ba-44e2-9e08-bd41d0d4f27a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:34:39	178.19
-18	72228	3611400	da4810b2-f7ad-4417-8e66-803d3e3f17d4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:41:47	976.801
-19	36115	3611500	f43f92a8-52cb-4c3d-909e-7a3d034d6d14	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:16:38	-25.397
-19	72230	3611500	d148d412-89b5-4ed7-b1d1-8b69aeeb68e1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:33:46	-169.48
-20	36116	3611600	a9486ed6-6b1e-4afc-8476-320acfaa0449	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:30:13	-720.73
-20	72232	3611600	d8f4d65b-e7f3-4329-8884-65fc391a80fc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:19:33	-443.843
-21	36117	3611700	953cef41-6ba4-479f-8aba-32db4689ca70	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:32:25	-625.514
-21	72234	3611700	68a63142-cd93-4175-b114-7375844ae419	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:59:15	549.889
-22	36118	3611800	a492e22d-4036-4d38-bd74-b67ba2709952	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:16:49	-856.276
-22	72236	3611800	443ea99e-3054-4b8a-b312-ff578a0cb8c3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:14:06	-633.146
-23	36119	3611900	15043dd7-0e6d-4753-8af2-ca4c30e4f9b7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:44:21	-843.105
-23	72238	3611900	a1ddcca8-f40a-4147-b5a0-49b01b70adaf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:35:02	214.221
-24	36120	3612000	1502dc59-5e3e-47d5-8e09-8eefadce966a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:57:32	971.706
-24	72240	3612000	1882550b-ba20-4f80-85dd-548cb1203b92	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:17:55	-543.418
-25	36121	3612100	96cba025-7839-448e-b4d2-93437d28d10b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:41:08	-447.951
-25	72242	3612100	367352ee-031c-4994-b496-115ab7f5cdcb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:08:21	227.370
-26	36122	3612200	9563b751-c51e-451a-8d4c-197808541317	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:24:57	-865.815
-26	72244	3612200	00b97788-75ac-46d3-8bb1-d91b4860866f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:47:14	415.359
-27	36123	3612300	b9c6e4eb-24e9-48e2-b8dc-94e1c4e972a3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:24:03	531.197
-27	72246	3612300	c08d93ba-5b97-4499-b09a-f9fd7a02b80f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:36:05	552.967
-28	36124	3612400	540416ad-8a8c-4e18-83db-2b25ebd8a59d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:17:46	-642.860
-28	72248	3612400	dbeaa8a9-a76a-4af5-abee-cc8c3c50ce43	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:17:10	-451.491
-29	36125	3612500	663188b9-f92e-4a8d-85dd-c43e43d46cd8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:01:48	-19.958
-29	72250	3612500	d20e43c4-7f0c-4747-8e88-555ccb4d2d15	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:07:42	136.190
-30	36126	3612600	31e443f2-e705-44ec-baa5-431ba57c6097	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:23:07	-498.880
-30	72252	3612600	c6e82e0b-dd53-4c90-9ebc-4dbdb74e642c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:50:13	301.550
-31	36127	3612700	833f25b0-ecd1-41b4-80e5-b0300f5e6acf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:36:46	-960.414
-31	72254	3612700	577d9e8d-5b15-4fe0-bb10-c29c2739d2f1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:45:25	946.779
-32	36128	3612800	fae799df-18bd-4ff7-befb-17e0bbd2416d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:39:05	-861.298
-32	72256	3612800	5b20d9c0-102c-4d93-8acb-a1ba166755ea	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:13:03	512.25
-33	36129	3612900	f5930681-e21c-407d-9211-eacb6471e0c1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:36:58	-493.720
-33	72258	3612900	633b6005-9ac1-4dfa-a494-faadfe96c4c5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:51:22	346.849
-34	36130	3613000	552e0bea-5330-4673-8c8e-7013be17b44d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:13:41	-97.998
-34	72260	3613000	803c410b-fa0a-443a-a879-e64c4a1f98eb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:14:13	761.956
-35	36131	3613100	2fcd4dd2-2b27-42d2-8178-ccdce50e8725	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:48:51	-32.383
-35	72262	3613100	12981cce-e992-47c4-84af-f175766a30c9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:25:19	-57.955
-36	36132	3613200	57f4a6d1-014d-479d-b482-ad49030696c3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:38:15	-908.416
-36	72264	3613200	952f5f65-9c32-41f2-a804-e1dfdf367fcb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:30:56	809.321
-37	36133	3613300	9d6396a0-e199-4744-a09d-965953991b6c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:19:50	-118.123
-37	72266	3613300	beb75dba-09fd-4a33-8422-f1c7d1ae0be5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:34:13	275.787
-38	36134	3613400	d7d39636-0a82-4199-81ee-c06196257eec	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:56:39	230.770
-38	72268	3613400	ceb817ba-903d-4fbe-aad3-c5213697b3c5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:02:33	-279.662
-39	36135	3613500	74f22a19-974e-40b0-8012-f7849a19bfd0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:29:39	-146.973
-39	72270	3613500	778d272d-323b-4468-9599-61afe7f217f4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:13:18	853.42
-40	36136	3613600	72de1aa4-1e39-4f08-92ac-12c71eb123fd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:35:06	-699.61
-40	72272	3613600	88cf2599-d45c-4495-ab7d-a81f04ed42d7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:59:05	989.78
-41	36137	3613700	12e15a1a-e771-49a0-bb53-feac17d21992	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:14:48	7.454
-41	72274	3613700	16281e25-8ef8-41ea-bb20-39750cf456d5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:47:14	-847.663
-42	36138	3613800	ab9983fe-f82c-4ce3-9470-db378092d8aa	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:04:34	-815.764
-42	72276	3613800	6b29e3a3-a949-4617-9e7d-8b703018233d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:10:06	-605.835
-43	36139	3613900	dcd77105-bb11-4636-9c64-70b8bc327621	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:40:54	302.403
-43	72278	3613900	68835c5b-e167-4f29-a5c8-cd85e3df67d7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:36:45	738.169
-44	36140	3614000	ad3a9eb6-a12f-48ff-89a3-912fd5ed671e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:29:36	747.711
-44	72280	3614000	a7a7d9d2-fd65-41e9-af6f-9f5695fb3e21	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:45:25	115.601
-45	36141	3614100	af5453b3-6a3c-43b1-9a8c-836fae634597	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:39:21	-59.580
-45	72282	3614100	7a6c65c8-f814-4b8f-a554-0722ebc63fd2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:17:29	-506.109
-46	36142	3614200	0032b1f7-53a4-4879-a582-d73859eb2328	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:31:46	695.550
-46	72284	3614200	66f7dbd0-d362-4afb-9b4d-d03f3a248da0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:49:41	880.877
-47	36143	3614300	25bb7b4d-3f52-4e79-8dce-41f66b400dfd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:40:31	218.208
-47	72286	3614300	498c75a7-5f61-45bc-bc85-02be79d6f3e2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:23:55	-160.346
-48	36144	3614400	f33f1566-fe91-45ef-be2e-c46a29a2b02f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:05:12	-649.742
-48	72288	3614400	6b84157f-a910-4c8e-a5d5-110abe6807c5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:03:31	-79.237
-49	36145	3614500	f639c680-e1ac-4e93-9478-54e60ccbb013	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:20:00	-917.893
-49	72290	3614500	bf9b60c0-a3c5-4995-8797-1b73efcd72d6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:55:36	-976.272
-50	36146	3614600	444a3bc2-1381-43f1-be25-1295e54834c5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:23:42	935.722
-50	72292	3614600	5c51389f-1fe7-4261-a24b-974b2f49b4e1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:58:11	-935.283
-51	36147	3614700	75f674db-6ff0-4174-8e20-cd5f655e275c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:51:49	36.292
-51	72294	3614700	f0a7eec2-45f8-429f-848f-9f0b0f627788	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:55:52	-803.616
-52	36148	3614800	6ed72089-f14a-4fcf-a0c6-2b9788fc9b25	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:03:09	-902.603
-52	72296	3614800	e1106d8d-d71a-4417-a9cc-c8a5e5ad02b3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:06:44	-17.879
-53	36149	3614900	6956bfe2-c2db-47b0-bf77-44072337a20d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:44:22	-328.679
-53	72298	3614900	bec2a506-4628-4111-86c4-5c005efdd656	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:57:30	-956.857
-54	36150	3615000	64f6a4e6-a272-40ac-8c21-ced8347c87b6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:25:38	63.250
-54	72300	3615000	12594923-6543-452d-a7b3-e5d06cbda766	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:23:02	-826.456
-55	36151	3615100	b3ebfd8d-b676-466d-9f06-59b95ffe2df6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:14:18	889.176
-55	72302	3615100	0688fde0-bb56-4db7-af32-05392d891feb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:33:54	-495.618
-56	36152	3615200	164f2486-33a3-4cc6-8f27-45d3ea8d9fa3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:23:42	493.690
-56	72304	3615200	9c4f5397-909e-4d13-86af-e5d2bdd73690	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:44:47	249.870
-57	36153	3615300	5c4d5457-a809-4795-a41f-08f383231ffa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:23:45	-516.308
-57	72306	3615300	8f383e99-9ba2-46a6-891f-8a99ae33613d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:32:14	173.183
-58	36154	3615400	980509e9-3ddf-4900-8dfb-081bba1f3d2d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:40:51	376.187
-58	72308	3615400	1e216f6d-5bee-4cfe-b03e-ad73d7dcfd2c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:12:51	-695.728
-59	36155	3615500	59731743-87b9-424e-bfa4-fd34bca0ef15	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:55:10	658.975
-59	72310	3615500	b3d72c93-4fef-4b3f-a99f-28baac4066c4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:16:40	231.568
-60	36156	3615600	b82f8889-371d-43ba-bc1d-76c3d9c9de8e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:46:44	780.260
-60	72312	3615600	8847f0e3-1db1-4f9c-8580-3988f7e4e46d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:25:59	-122.717
-61	36157	3615700	74699bd6-9ba5-4313-a47d-25a2fd6dede1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:43:43	-208.499
-61	72314	3615700	eb3596d9-7a07-46d8-a030-f23f9e5ee6c0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:06:54	-550.595
-62	36158	3615800	5235089e-ae60-470f-bdea-f5e1b4ac7e1b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:53:06	67.682
-62	72316	3615800	a4898463-6c74-4de4-ad0d-afcfd1c38a55	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:43:32	-131.308
-63	36159	3615900	d97bb036-0c77-4b76-a615-573d6e70df0c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:00:30	739.324
-63	72318	3615900	22490d1b-c1b4-4413-817a-664fd78dbbd1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:12:13	191.892
-64	36160	3616000	972c6184-3f43-41a6-b0b3-c673292577b3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:32:12	76.224
-64	72320	3616000	8c06841f-3abd-45e1-8fe3-c563c44c1f2d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:21:02	-485.120
-65	36161	3616100	13f27120-0c87-498c-bb78-524bce3ce330	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:04:00	46.655
-65	72322	3616100	b8938e84-3150-4b59-b939-869012b73108	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:57:20	-343.862
-66	36162	3616200	a92cb103-9421-4d80-8099-cf40120c1df5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:14:25	-23.951
-66	72324	3616200	56de1f5c-dd04-4df7-ba66-e860bb3874ff	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:49:57	-658.247
-67	36163	3616300	bd00ada4-6135-4991-809f-6e0b19450c78	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:06:26	-225.957
-67	72326	3616300	871523a6-a3f9-4302-897b-fe042abedcff	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:49:49	170.748
-68	36164	3616400	6f1c6ae8-c819-4cd8-ace6-9a1becdf5190	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:29:26	-98.514
-68	72328	3616400	94fbfd23-9a0b-4f09-b567-6a8e2c072ae4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:11:10	-541.803
-69	36165	3616500	c246ec1c-b80e-41a9-a03c-769341cd812f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:48:57	-125.980
-69	72330	3616500	84ee46a0-6dc8-4f05-a37d-82c6870e696c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:19:56	-304.751
-70	36166	3616600	e5d1481c-3490-4402-9b41-ddbf837edc2f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:32:48	-213.530
-70	72332	3616600	dab94fc1-ab17-4b15-bac5-d40c64e83f96	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:33:50	889.544
-71	36167	3616700	f3d3ec98-fa3f-4cad-baf2-23ac0dad93ad	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:09:58	605.446
-71	72334	3616700	a45f6e61-3106-4395-a6cc-6e4767be9132	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:58:21	-80.19
-72	36168	3616800	083a4bfb-be8d-4582-9bef-9acf342f5192	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:47:03	344.685
-72	72336	3616800	c5265a95-d455-43a5-bff6-94fdc44c2519	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:28:27	-788.386
-73	36169	3616900	b62d513d-9f2b-4bfd-9f96-942b81281640	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:39:14	-870.698
-73	72338	3616900	6102b46f-2a46-4b50-822d-3d26c89f98e0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:22:39	-543.370
-74	36170	3617000	94013183-79dd-4c5a-a616-f1c77d4a9007	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:04:01	365.908
-74	72340	3617000	14f36dad-f070-4a1d-b639-518f7047f2f8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:00:00	-750.408
-75	36171	3617100	ca0b4b8b-a19b-4a73-81d2-c119e2eeafc7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:41:02	651.132
-75	72342	3617100	58cc22f1-7947-4658-b6f1-44c8dc544fc3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:46:05	265.679
-76	36172	3617200	a4333447-9a2a-4b1d-ab4a-a8c837364a47	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:41:02	715.828
-76	72344	3617200	b557f2fc-0018-4343-9588-5ce38519aa0b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:54:26	96.89
-77	36173	3617300	b801c34a-d97f-450f-8cf6-49a277b28624	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:16:13	-442.306
-77	72346	3617300	04dfb689-d43d-4658-a96d-b0206dc4c05b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:26:53	-451.770
-78	36174	3617400	511636f3-28d0-4f22-8020-56381774d4e0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:06:05	-718.612
-78	72348	3617400	dbe204d4-0f07-4bd8-88dd-3b84003f25d9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:20:32	-406.226
-79	36175	3617500	af06a75e-1ae6-4e2a-8d3c-aa8244cbe5e0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:52:28	-47.491
-79	72350	3617500	ab4698d2-4d25-417d-9f41-0885567ff327	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:51:37	-363.109
-80	36176	3617600	75f841b0-fa2a-4986-a799-075489bf1f48	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:05:57	98.379
-80	72352	3617600	03b41521-b243-44a7-b5a5-580f96f49bdc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:10:59	-591.304
-81	36177	3617700	145d6795-2ba0-4182-89c0-06156e00f89f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:27:48	-701.661
-81	72354	3617700	14d8e455-b56d-42eb-b911-f07f8cd47323	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:59:37	456.882
-82	36178	3617800	f9d5a860-10fe-4a9c-b9f2-13385a99fb2e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:50:06	728.231
-82	72356	3617800	a50402ab-3570-4c2f-8196-5c5ba83fb0c0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:40:51	-77.82
-83	36179	3617900	1568a942-daef-4956-b79e-94611b3b1ec2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:51:20	492.839
-83	72358	3617900	f4531879-34be-42eb-b311-6ad6f2404f38	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:58:42	46.275
-84	36180	3618000	c4ddb134-98d4-4019-9890-73322cf93c6d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:11:06	561.764
-84	72360	3618000	2869bdb2-1dc4-4c30-bc56-379811101b35	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:51:58	977.754
-85	36181	3618100	bc68cd4f-b3dd-46b8-8bdc-007c936b91f6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:37:08	255.699
-85	72362	3618100	8e856b6e-7ae1-4ab5-80db-775d8c0ccbc7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:12:28	-158.992
-86	36182	3618200	6d189439-2f23-45e6-80a4-3ccf9305fef9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:45:12	-593.950
-86	72364	3618200	01565d37-fa45-492c-903d-d0a8573b3864	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:55:00	-987.707
-87	36183	3618300	3c3c0b8f-92dd-4f3a-86b4-85bca259c352	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:26:19	-511.452
-87	72366	3618300	8d095d33-0e01-4914-92ef-b3a157bdd0bb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:13:20	-55.301
-88	36184	3618400	5cdf215a-7b88-4ebf-abd0-4ec9103eb9a3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:08:37	-690.229
-88	72368	3618400	ad4a80b1-9aa1-452c-bd19-6a97abbdf8f2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:10:18	336.863
-89	36185	3618500	67bc4323-b98a-4682-9772-2cc4952879f9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:35:33	233.31
-89	72370	3618500	279c869a-d137-41b5-b9b1-0b775d03045e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:25:44	484.972
-90	36186	3618600	885d4c2d-fdef-400e-b467-081fa0212997	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:58:14	-976.62
-90	72372	3618600	e37c95d3-2c61-44a4-a9fd-0975d6732cda	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:46:30	42.548
-91	36187	3618700	dee59db8-ab64-419b-9a34-9a8473c10c0d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:02:32	-966.809
-91	72374	3618700	95bab662-b9b7-48d3-b544-69f3df8a75b1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:14:59	394.965
-92	36188	3618800	805e16df-7fe2-4a72-b981-16aefe59c190	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:06:54	-295.353
-92	72376	3618800	64a2da22-9650-4848-84b5-f01d3bbb3e22	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:30:57	-661.148
-93	36189	3618900	3e354dd8-e453-437c-9992-e827ec51f409	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:01:27	553.504
-93	72378	3618900	657f398b-8cb4-458f-bec1-79680461e0c1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:43:55	137.718
-94	36190	3619000	5d439c60-0a29-47a5-ba6f-e0e79058eadf	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:19:44	428.745
-94	72380	3619000	4db1b28d-04e2-4298-a04b-5a7f71d9233c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:38:22	-405.998
-95	36191	3619100	60e79e15-5872-400c-83b5-b05d8dde7d4b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:58:58	-959.199
-95	72382	3619100	23d29fc1-e11a-473d-aa54-37043697e39b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:32:44	-476.696
-96	36192	3619200	49d8413a-e2a8-4324-838c-06c5d2db7505	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:12:58	-338.23
-96	72384	3619200	b84a203d-4ea7-4e33-85b6-6be740860cdb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:30:47	-935.310
-97	36193	3619300	73b96947-8ffc-45c2-8d5c-9dcf0248e595	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:29:07	-543.842
-97	72386	3619300	4bc71ae6-6e7e-4e0c-a581-f98d8c5f27c4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:14:47	-398.661
-98	36194	3619400	e8e652f1-c741-4767-b716-9e44c5fc9368	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:47:34	543.685
-98	72388	3619400	eeba3d71-6fa8-4b12-81d6-500d7f810115	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:55:59	360.893
-99	36195	3619500	644e0435-8cdd-4f24-8c8f-bc0803e922d9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:44:56	-653.384
-99	72390	3619500	502c19b7-0330-443a-9b7a-6ab40916c58e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:24:44	707.982
-100	36196	3619600	cdcfee1d-f017-4a25-8aa2-42c7c819d191	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:18:59	13.231
-100	72392	3619600	5969575f-b6f6-4110-a812-7a2795de7b25	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:02:26	-237.777
-101	36197	3619700	60a18585-7fea-4b6a-a831-632b9a9922bb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:02:06	-414.62
-101	72394	3619700	2058d17e-6cf8-4690-b4cc-9422446d3b1f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:26:56	-862.699
-102	36198	3619800	3c0374fc-c68e-46d4-9885-04d825f2e854	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:20:15	-168.161
-102	72396	3619800	d49d6bda-8f0a-4b34-a1e9-b762e96d1448	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:49:16	-474.856
-103	36199	3619900	c06846f9-ebf1-48d6-a4e4-c776406ef068	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:12:42	-891.13
-103	72398	3619900	23b53f7e-06b3-4e0d-a7a5-0133727ffc1e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:21:09	688.856
-104	36200	3620000	af63af5e-e82a-44db-b53f-40410293b682	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:53:45	371.952
-104	72400	3620000	a447a76f-fc06-423b-bdba-f656c0305185	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:41:36	495.952
-105	36201	3620100	ac10833c-01e9-41ba-a1a8-055a41b44868	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:37:09	-883.886
-105	72402	3620100	b2990bef-075f-4847-971f-cd7a24641a94	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:31:08	528.375
-106	36202	3620200	92acba2e-6315-4907-92c0-e6584a3ebbdf	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:32:36	-638.236
-106	72404	3620200	40f1d995-87a1-404d-a363-f329cc6d6cb4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:02:32	674.142
-107	36203	3620300	784dca8d-1bbd-4bdb-9b5d-217bbb266890	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:50:03	-401.19
-107	72406	3620300	0f08a762-0fd1-4fbe-8bc6-8347354c9f2e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:47:48	909.330
-108	36204	3620400	8923c2fa-5ed0-4e15-8b86-08b9ca84b923	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:24:01	485.219
-108	72408	3620400	e8c6bec7-de30-42a0-a3d1-bd05ae7a852d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:15:51	321.99
-109	36205	3620500	f73b67b4-ec7f-4f2f-a02b-c0a48fa01338	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:16:18	-912.412
-109	72410	3620500	075edff3-67b7-4be1-81c4-d404eaf43caa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:54:05	-557.59
-110	36206	3620600	3c0d32fb-1055-4cae-a881-85c92c1dc312	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:54:09	169.905
-110	72412	3620600	612d7da0-d63e-45dd-b6e4-91b0fef4137a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:23:56	-826.256
-111	36207	3620700	5917ada5-8562-4631-8c65-c5496b163dcf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:42:55	-110.142
-111	72414	3620700	d0260a6b-086e-418f-8e8d-15162de48bd6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:26:39	667.925
-112	36208	3620800	1a78728e-d1f2-475c-a5a0-19a4ab5dabe8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:11:56	907.286
-112	72416	3620800	dbb54500-397a-40da-9a8f-abdc2af59578	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:09:47	-843.791
-113	36209	3620900	3918d857-f8be-4305-b33c-3241063fed75	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:24:23	-33.446
-113	72418	3620900	931b61d6-ae82-454e-b3ad-472ef6255ef6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:20:15	584.329
-114	36210	3621000	e2ce4c0b-394c-4244-9453-184c76c0d976	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:13:56	143.598
-114	72420	3621000	0f2c5d33-0044-4b9c-abf7-99607fd5ec2a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:52:05	-420.907
-115	36211	3621100	46da77ff-0120-4865-ba9b-713c34a25d4d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:18:29	-863.87
-115	72422	3621100	a490530f-d530-4976-97ac-9388eec36689	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:41:26	-711.160
-116	36212	3621200	3d5f6557-406d-44b4-892a-4c3375d18235	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:01:20	-775.202
-116	72424	3621200	47c21604-b980-477b-8cc2-0cb45fffe875	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:32:52	-278.163
-117	36213	3621300	5c51a368-4e1f-4a79-af3e-0a82d8e89d7d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:52:34	-212.208
-117	72426	3621300	477d7fe0-6970-4a28-9206-2ef7e192dd08	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:19:38	531.646
-118	36214	3621400	cdb3baba-13c3-43ad-b2ea-3bb541c3bb5d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:20:41	-653.546
-118	72428	3621400	be1b2644-0f51-4863-a818-25618c73e6e2	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:37:14	798.618
-119	36215	3621500	72024ec9-a6a5-49f8-b639-38cc62399cf3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:54:44	381.688
-119	72430	3621500	936de2b1-04c4-4da7-8378-ec2d3f75d50b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:27:54	547.914
-120	36216	3621600	4c06f2ee-ed76-47af-8dfa-fb6dd051f191	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:39:34	318.409
-120	72432	3621600	57a7f4d8-d41e-4d81-9e40-0028412e9b8a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:06:32	337.690
-121	36217	3621700	5ef18ae6-0cce-4b2e-848a-2182a3f43c16	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:12:22	816.620
-121	72434	3621700	18e29736-0b6c-414f-9345-226ae4dc63c4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:06:11	218.126
-122	36218	3621800	8c5cc0fa-11a1-47df-b6db-55e80275ea8b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:02:53	938.481
-122	72436	3621800	f4eec22c-0adb-4aa5-8c91-eabaeebba4b1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:48:40	-842.196
-123	36219	3621900	6211140d-ce74-4bce-8843-634ffd0f8f06	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:23:30	-5.351
-123	72438	3621900	690dfb2e-1e15-4aaf-b6d1-755a6a1420fd	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:44:50	-964.31
-124	36220	3622000	188abe30-270e-4224-ae6b-7e95ca92e6e3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:22:51	586.982
-124	72440	3622000	fd969389-0a06-4f0c-a080-8c7ebecc4f97	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:20:42	607.320
-125	36221	3622100	c4504451-071e-4948-8d75-d12b4fafa4dc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:15:05	-548.70
-125	72442	3622100	614cc5d7-970d-49d2-b995-bca929ae2ba8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:09:30	-223.864
-126	36222	3622200	e1b79ea2-3bdc-4548-affc-368bb0a50350	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:04:21	736.497
-126	72444	3622200	059e1b09-9829-4d4b-b061-b3ee7041f332	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:12:16	-871.301
-127	36223	3622300	97b2509d-fa87-4f31-87b8-1666efa3204b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:28:06	397.568
-127	72446	3622300	1e8ba84f-1b31-4c8d-a2b4-4524fee101ae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:52:12	540.395
-0	36224	3622400	f89f0768-5828-401c-b761-b5785515c701	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:51:37	635.680
-0	72448	3622400	1ba93c45-6892-4767-9bff-92be1c4059c3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:55:34	-217.564
-1	36225	3622500	3c9cc51f-47d7-4dcc-844a-0dc88d7849df	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:23:50	408.385
-1	72450	3622500	9e2f5eb9-f420-4fc0-be9b-d310a4325774	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:48:28	-169.926
-2	36226	3622600	58347af8-b712-4e61-99ce-1d0945dc04cf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:12:14	-821.855
-2	72452	3622600	477a7e62-2890-49d1-b622-c3798a84f098	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:04:50	429.647
-3	36227	3622700	15f4d64f-c406-4572-9415-255144f80249	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:38:32	-630.149
-3	72454	3622700	7cc3c5e9-27c9-46e7-b6c4-895cfa55cefb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:52:54	-930.955
-4	36228	3622800	8eb0f2c0-b6f2-4407-9c26-44ad28284a04	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:22:47	-806.716
-4	72456	3622800	6d11eb13-8383-4902-a6e6-e26c72a29fc9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:04:38	-759.369
-5	36229	3622900	3a8e6c03-9788-4d84-a47d-69e8d76c284c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:04:45	-707.63
-5	72458	3622900	59af9e82-534f-45d3-985c-4515ec6efeb4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:14:06	-203.206
-6	36230	3623000	ec4958b6-688b-443c-a954-23cd0bdad013	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:03:33	556.453
-6	72460	3623000	2a1dccef-f713-4775-8ceb-73b5dbd81a9a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:40:53	-215.707
-7	36231	3623100	3fde94cc-24da-40f7-82ae-0719aef81cef	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:36:14	508.854
-7	72462	3623100	2a9483f6-d504-4673-90c5-99b43bca8e85	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:46:15	749.11
-8	36232	3623200	ca5ecb4a-6756-40d2-a16b-b2ea6d8ce1c5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:18:29	-349.825
-8	72464	3623200	4e689a52-af21-4ca7-a92e-aff1978d446b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:35:33	317.979
-9	36233	3623300	2c03145f-295c-439c-94c5-e7b7475a22f0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:10:36	-215.180
-9	72466	3623300	18f4e144-792b-4ba8-a9f4-ae15f55a5b15	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:48:56	-196.862
-10	36234	3623400	f3d9fd43-ce4a-432d-b764-97c4a1272883	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:30:38	40.513
-10	72468	3623400	93469175-aca9-4b55-80f9-d5af3b29e163	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:15:59	-523.310
-11	36235	3623500	d87a623a-e89e-47e1-95c1-71a23aa391bf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:52:45	477.153
-11	72470	3623500	72ff0f8a-753e-476b-acff-673c868c00bf	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:37:33	165.376
-12	36236	3623600	e1adf797-31d4-4098-946e-f0b7cf1382a2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:25:36	-223.626
-12	72472	3623600	7edac6cf-ead1-4b4f-b63a-a335543d2d63	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:49:11	162.672
-13	36237	3623700	106584ef-fbfa-4090-a11d-abc9a17b777a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:15:41	-225.275
-13	72474	3623700	93a357a0-d269-4afb-830a-12c6fbf60910	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:55:18	-409.141
-14	36238	3623800	ec18eca2-fd3b-4d88-a8a4-a11988edadae	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:04:05	300.642
-14	72476	3623800	385a3ebe-3526-44ec-b090-d58cffcb0844	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:31:54	70.556
-15	36239	3623900	3e220ca0-d6eb-4a47-bec7-e26eaa5ac2fd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:58:29	-106.70
-15	72478	3623900	5264a0fe-189f-4a7d-acb5-4a7b92854961	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:04:15	-324.212
-16	36240	3624000	e5759c7e-7834-48bb-8582-1e63065a3ae7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:29:33	917.586
-16	72480	3624000	a53d1b1c-e207-4a89-b563-e87698638f98	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:51:03	-696.314
-17	36241	3624100	1d642f6c-8c82-4442-b3fd-ed539c443d48	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:18:57	675.628
-17	72482	3624100	321654d2-043c-428f-8d26-451a2c3671fb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:07:14	463.664
-18	36242	3624200	e4e80cb2-f41d-491a-83b7-607914860512	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:20:45	-442.603
-18	72484	3624200	1666994a-d0e8-4094-8fcf-4eb794a5ea4e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:02:45	-577.334
-19	36243	3624300	bf7d70e9-b102-4649-a5f3-be1d915bfe57	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:20:07	-888.267
-19	72486	3624300	8c4928d5-d7a6-472d-808b-8d1dd807939f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:16:26	-113.579
-20	36244	3624400	ec4f972d-9e5c-4394-9c0f-56446e03067f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:04:21	-81.892
-20	72488	3624400	0aa8bb3a-b084-4fed-a09a-d4580bc4fc9c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:16:20	-205.717
-21	36245	3624500	73f8055d-3555-4943-b80b-f168572db094	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:25:38	181.265
-21	72490	3624500	bc8088f4-74ac-4648-9c3e-9ebeb3d8373e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:37:29	-380.491
-22	36246	3624600	07159bfd-5b7c-4a8c-8ac6-a3447d94c6b6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:08:46	-418.831
-22	72492	3624600	19855542-6570-4ce0-bbbf-c6eb139b35e7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:37:52	829.516
-23	36247	3624700	1b2ab13f-7ce4-4ef7-a7f7-5fbcddffdb9a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:02:17	936.621
-23	72494	3624700	573ba059-4fe3-475f-beba-89b2b12a1c0b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:56:52	904.859
-24	36248	3624800	ec4ed337-dab0-4e6f-b482-c90cbd8782eb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:07:01	-413.575
-24	72496	3624800	9b65966c-27be-47a1-8f7f-dc951b56d0eb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:35:08	-873.802
-25	36249	3624900	f37ed065-ae82-4a95-ad8a-f5cc6c0bc2a2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:51:17	-357.62
-25	72498	3624900	8a69bcda-e7fa-4ff4-ab41-0aac4bcb14cd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:44:57	-735.101
-26	36250	3625000	92c94105-c067-4fea-bac1-1eda1573f0bc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:54:18	-243.440
-26	72500	3625000	81c1284b-ff6f-4bda-90c8-05a24cf11757	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:25:09	-82.444
-27	36251	3625100	c308e43f-88a7-49a2-b9ea-8d881192e9b4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:47:02	-716.256
-27	72502	3625100	ed9a0b39-5efe-4745-8dc6-7174f56e3d00	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:33:09	722.111
-28	36252	3625200	fa1ffb3c-164f-4d88-8aa0-8011efa45cc1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:52:08	-925.388
-28	72504	3625200	736a4e63-0c15-454a-85a2-6df36039092d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:32:01	339.291
-29	36253	3625300	46aeb44c-080c-4ced-9646-183812ed86a8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:22:14	634.624
-29	72506	3625300	bb96e1d4-1b9a-4f49-9a5b-cb9b9bd0e8c4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:32:16	329.922
-30	36254	3625400	c87e03eb-80e0-4934-b966-41e977dc4f22	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:14:19	603.810
-30	72508	3625400	00eb3179-2167-49f5-b0cb-765578fb3d16	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:00:20	453.774
-31	36255	3625500	06ac2a96-54fb-4975-9131-a44a79f144fa	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:44:36	67.769
-31	72510	3625500	5d5193ed-485e-492a-a11f-da9a3bd247b6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:08:26	-502.427
-32	36256	3625600	7acdad99-e751-457f-9b9c-f47db8b181a1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:47:13	-531.117
-32	72512	3625600	59be512d-c402-47f4-b1f6-f14ff9e605f3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:21:40	-102.729
-33	36257	3625700	0b8cf6e4-c693-43ab-b61d-12c15bbba950	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:31:56	257.495
-33	72514	3625700	4d99e179-f911-40f2-a789-fcc9b10ca7fe	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:41:51	-50.207
-34	36258	3625800	9672ef17-ae97-4f64-8ead-9d77d6785ffc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:38:35	135.578
-34	72516	3625800	bdcead59-95b0-41b5-aab0-774af87973ce	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:31:29	-861.427
-35	36259	3625900	fd2a5840-752b-44a2-9a37-a8c5e1388cc1	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:14:26	753.272
-35	72518	3625900	4d6a827a-7086-4059-86c2-5fac7ae62e1b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:17:20	-242.933
-36	36260	3626000	2d58a567-2197-46a3-99da-adc31fb23644	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:54:41	-615.220
-36	72520	3626000	2343ea7b-a5c7-48ea-8c1b-9cf117725ced	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:04:29	-501.701
-37	36261	3626100	2a37f9ae-8ba4-4bdc-ad56-a1e3fc172201	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:11:28	648.86
-37	72522	3626100	ee2228d1-0e2b-4830-8f88-51484b023110	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:11:24	-234.737
-38	36262	3626200	86114466-5010-4cc2-91b9-c770d827b55d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:23:25	205.98
-38	72524	3626200	79d0ed22-2c6f-481b-92e1-95a7e80160a4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:59:16	656.123
-39	36263	3626300	e7d94b17-f2c8-4aed-9dd6-e746f70c1fcb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:50:17	-495.460
-39	72526	3626300	4f923bba-6cbc-48bf-96e5-e0f663845c0b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:43:15	513.626
-40	36264	3626400	168815cb-50ca-47d0-a733-8cf6761cc927	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:04:08	-678.560
-40	72528	3626400	9317d9b2-2de9-492e-b061-270dc3b3d23b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:53:20	743.348
-41	36265	3626500	619f85e9-07e3-4b0d-b358-d242a3158fa8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:19:04	208.845
-41	72530	3626500	f9c61314-af06-4e0e-8b62-7432fbbf34e5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:57:33	970.13
-42	36266	3626600	01008455-a5b1-45ab-ad00-c06522f5045b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:47:45	-931.162
-42	72532	3626600	71d36297-a648-42e9-ba1d-31b702dd106b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:19:20	-787.418
-43	36267	3626700	62b6eb24-236e-4c52-baa4-fc3f3d970905	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:19:11	942.455
-43	72534	3626700	2b69fbe0-3da6-4e51-b5af-49d82a8a8068	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:54:01	764.663
-44	36268	3626800	47a545d9-e4a9-431c-86f3-eb526d7c6f33	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:16:36	59.702
-44	72536	3626800	ceabed75-83cb-4638-8cb3-508f62f334a8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:52:39	794.617
-45	36269	3626900	2f134519-5643-44f2-b189-93570d8a2b7f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:43:58	-812.43
-45	72538	3626900	74c3532e-3d4e-4939-9817-ebfd93ee5daa	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:47:15	-528.133
-46	36270	3627000	e2ee907d-a75a-486f-9c57-85c093dbc16b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:41:17	1.769
-46	72540	3627000	2393f20c-2546-4ff3-97d4-f0af488e70a5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:06:52	871.317
-47	36271	3627100	f8f95e90-07f3-47fb-bb08-e41f6bdebc12	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:52:57	304.638
-47	72542	3627100	1eea9a67-374b-4fd6-b9a6-87cd531a611f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:45:23	903.620
-48	36272	3627200	adc44916-8001-4cc7-a8f4-97614274dacc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:36:37	-207.360
-48	72544	3627200	b4bb6cdf-9df4-4363-ba92-8b6088918280	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:08:22	-671.926
-49	36273	3627300	062269a8-b348-4cfd-b97b-70cdbc1feda4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:51:44	-973.697
-49	72546	3627300	9f62915a-f466-4ca9-85e3-faa6256ede76	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:19:37	-112.376
-50	36274	3627400	81fc2601-e94f-42b0-a45c-83e9f480ab11	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:32:20	-491.382
-50	72548	3627400	a05625ce-187b-4e8f-a1ba-ecf9ef7df1ce	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:04:21	970.589
-51	36275	3627500	cc1d64fd-decd-42af-8628-84026797cf17	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:23:10	-245.98
-51	72550	3627500	7bb32cda-ab64-4b3b-8c61-1499aeb9cdac	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:32:28	-229.828
-52	36276	3627600	2b331b3e-103c-4b0e-8c57-e6d51f9f8259	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:32:45	-735.706
-52	72552	3627600	52aa75d0-fd2f-4bcb-93e4-a7e51c187e9c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:13:45	-408.651
-53	36277	3627700	b420d4ca-c4fd-4b5d-8e1d-0fefe768aaba	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:17:28	264.963
-53	72554	3627700	2db234ba-f2ce-4fd0-9178-4f30e8c6ed9c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:31:23	871.346
-54	36278	3627800	a797d9f5-2184-4740-a76e-768070916b28	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:22:09	648.244
-54	72556	3627800	6a7e93c0-be72-48c4-b4f2-32d044aeac6b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:16:07	-881.231
-55	36279	3627900	b38caac7-f17c-4a5d-90f5-48a347600fcf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:59:03	-374.363
-55	72558	3627900	ce906f20-2c7c-43e0-a9c3-081a70f8d19a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:13:27	338.890
-56	36280	3628000	d6934a05-bc97-4cc0-8663-f22deab8e18b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:48:03	712.265
-56	72560	3628000	83a2d861-18a9-44c0-9d10-f02e220ea081	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:45:52	-318.963
-57	36281	3628100	eceb6e03-66da-4791-9feb-94aaae8c6808	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:53:00	764.341
-57	72562	3628100	29659a8c-8c76-40a8-aa8a-81e29320ca11	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:26:18	-472.691
-58	36282	3628200	7dcab34d-de31-4cda-96bc-8abcf1dd75e3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:53:17	-608.513
-58	72564	3628200	878c2554-1c59-44ce-ace3-aa0fe6e41241	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:59:00	-363.346
-59	36283	3628300	4dcd6d83-696e-4eea-a9c9-054361cfc01a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:32:51	-734.779
-59	72566	3628300	836ff428-6136-40ac-9c74-1d0cb0f24e27	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:22:07	-129.743
-60	36284	3628400	8f02c42f-d39c-4306-8b23-6f1abd8ddaaa	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:39:22	377.189
-60	72568	3628400	1918904f-9f4b-479b-a90d-0b154ebf0e2d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:34:42	79.359
-61	36285	3628500	b128852b-0577-4452-9e6b-680a1332103d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:43:05	-11.968
-61	72570	3628500	bf1c2c4d-903e-42d0-a5fd-ba54c9b69473	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:57:58	-579.527
-62	36286	3628600	92204b4e-9d8a-4e16-805e-963b4889742d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:20:04	611.150
-62	72572	3628600	a33bb77c-7d00-491c-a4c3-cddd3bb17c14	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:37:54	-516.906
-63	36287	3628700	24b5c401-899a-45e8-885b-53a27d41352f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:09:52	-216.887
-63	72574	3628700	946bd076-b8f6-4aec-9b21-fb196e0b84a6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:31:35	-257.521
-64	36288	3628800	8194f057-c74e-49dd-a4fa-32942197a962	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:02:11	-70.821
-64	72576	3628800	7a65a2b7-fd06-41bb-b620-1c4a14520099	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:37:01	564.414
-65	36289	3628900	a3eaf860-6733-46f6-9519-52dfd9e83312	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:55:50	-180.134
-65	72578	3628900	92a2c6f4-e856-483e-8ab8-cd831946903e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:09:21	872.829
-66	36290	3629000	c3fbc48e-ee1a-4c14-803d-959e00609a47	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:59:48	-317.642
-66	72580	3629000	7147a21a-bfc8-4952-b3c6-729f553de506	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:08:12	103.925
-67	36291	3629100	b2ce20cf-0ca8-446e-8dee-f74300ff8fa6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:34:14	-859.988
-67	72582	3629100	d49364ce-6e0b-4b44-844d-3ed30be3429a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:52:04	-746.946
-68	36292	3629200	ee04d740-f8c2-495e-a148-2ec1a82d0a92	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:43:41	166.436
-68	72584	3629200	e8dbc8f5-187c-4cd0-999e-5cdd3dc1bd6f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:20:40	150.465
-69	36293	3629300	f03c2faa-bcb6-4b83-94d9-4307a9d02ad0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:00:30	-865.527
-69	72586	3629300	59b774ea-be5e-44f3-9105-eedfa0322c32	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:42:59	-592.636
-70	36294	3629400	c3abda79-b7b9-4550-abb0-40db92766282	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:45:11	850.504
-70	72588	3629400	acc458e9-37be-4114-8066-5449559d1781	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:53:04	-766.436
-71	36295	3629500	f744faf9-797a-4f1b-b3c1-aabf5e250d3b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:23:09	-457.301
-71	72590	3629500	52fa6191-d3d4-415e-a011-ce5eeedbbe1b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:07:56	-625.62
-72	36296	3629600	a5b20f70-cdf3-4a8f-9b1a-3b83b35a196b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:51:57	-933.273
-72	72592	3629600	f69ee706-d78c-47fb-95d0-5f7476aac629	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:08:57	680.792
-73	36297	3629700	7a3ca7be-97e9-4fab-9631-fbb828f3b587	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:21:01	-29.15
-73	72594	3629700	f7eeaa9a-0e68-4a05-aba5-95af97c3ee0c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:28:50	275.239
-74	36298	3629800	99d6e90d-9ab0-4b8b-8e56-6e8e2bc9a488	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:53:38	607.255
-74	72596	3629800	30bbcdf0-15ad-40d2-8348-014a02b7b364	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:38:54	-589.889
-75	36299	3629900	3c2cb7a3-8939-41b3-8ff5-6007933ac47b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:40:22	253.342
-75	72598	3629900	66aef6eb-ac9b-4190-8835-d58e8ef9e708	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:28:50	264.102
-76	36300	3630000	17b90c5c-69e3-421e-ab7d-2bed66d606c7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:09:41	-442.595
-76	72600	3630000	93573e26-38cc-4498-83a9-a1f5b48d41c4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:39:28	884.328
-77	36301	3630100	bdf07b16-5f8b-4a57-ae58-3ee72775b7ea	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:27:17	355.671
-77	72602	3630100	6c9d59d5-323e-4dac-aa62-7ddc950e04ce	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:13:11	-168.242
-78	36302	3630200	faecdf72-ef4f-46f9-ac21-0d65e6b4d986	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:14:20	-372.384
-78	72604	3630200	715d16bf-f12d-479a-85b6-205c0ce4eaf7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:45:11	151.725
-79	36303	3630300	df0d80c9-3447-4567-9f2e-942b82b2e8e2	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:37:07	-224.800
-79	72606	3630300	62e322fb-87b7-48f6-915f-ed748cb84497	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:06:28	713.34
-80	36304	3630400	a9cb6119-4bb0-4b9e-9d37-d5f44b1f2c55	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:55:51	625.297
-80	72608	3630400	a5764440-3360-4173-ae44-2db32e2d174d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:12:21	-927.212
-81	36305	3630500	5134db7a-96a1-4bd6-bc34-d2e88875b9d8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:28:59	906.147
-81	72610	3630500	9182c660-dabb-4496-be5a-33bce5c374af	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:34:44	-56.820
-82	36306	3630600	f199f5c7-1e22-4afb-b264-7a66fc91965f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:30:59	-988.132
-82	72612	3630600	60decc78-4b84-4a92-af72-2ccf23d07e41	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:55:44	103.170
-83	36307	3630700	97696833-28e7-405f-8f71-8f15de9a4dec	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:11:17	-622.152
-83	72614	3630700	79c80149-388c-473c-be9b-3645ecf65ce8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:42:18	144.606
-84	36308	3630800	781d798b-1979-47cf-a212-1d2f2f6412c2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:41:48	-484.960
-84	72616	3630800	2952f9a8-4de9-45b7-aafc-e2605800f1e1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:49:05	-325.347
-85	36309	3630900	9183c5f7-1d30-41b9-ab59-15129a7b0e28	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:01:24	-587.936
-85	72618	3630900	3409ddb8-41ad-44ea-bfe0-499d0d4a9c8f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:19:31	616.297
-86	36310	3631000	14e1889e-df32-4b95-b06f-fa8bfd154018	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:29:45	112.193
-86	72620	3631000	e3c17a59-278c-46af-98fd-15b47ebfa968	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:21:30	545.177
-87	36311	3631100	975f510c-95d6-4d0e-9cc1-eb78f8ed90ca	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:56:01	-923.891
-87	72622	3631100	b99274ff-8bff-4233-a529-e77bca4cc007	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:33:32	553.308
-88	36312	3631200	4464527e-c69c-4ba3-99aa-9cd9fd7c7b2a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:44:02	909.793
-88	72624	3631200	6810aa12-ad65-4b46-a7e2-ce8243e03980	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:39:28	691.634
-89	36313	3631300	df5b1649-788e-4595-8b53-b945eb76e114	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:21:44	261.707
-89	72626	3631300	6bcbf5b5-c7ca-4bad-930d-a8d2b6ca498a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:42:06	407.126
-90	36314	3631400	783f8d89-57a7-4da8-8375-1b2728b027ea	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:54:29	-295.809
-90	72628	3631400	e0832770-deab-4ad8-9078-5f496d587096	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:00:28	-993.912
-91	36315	3631500	3b9b5a49-cb1f-4ea8-8d76-1ca09efedeca	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:54:45	513.956
-91	72630	3631500	8b9b048d-d207-4a77-aa05-56241c767eb4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:37:55	-407.82
-92	36316	3631600	65c9166a-bba7-497d-9453-0ad1ab6ccb21	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:05:14	182.198
-92	72632	3631600	f6e0a943-8362-4105-a4fb-99d7e767ac93	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:54:37	-51.714
-93	36317	3631700	e642eb12-1d09-4a08-9bb8-a587648d8700	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:30:40	561.610
-93	72634	3631700	52c81a45-95a6-4256-8f9d-013b1efe56a9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:58:19	113.621
-94	36318	3631800	4f2dec3c-c8bf-4d8f-82fa-404002c14003	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:00:07	344.366
-94	72636	3631800	0bd4edb8-c7b2-4faf-8d3b-1a96fbeb1e09	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:29:12	118.977
-95	36319	3631900	6fa6b5c5-2a0a-45bd-a3fb-4eddac387ff1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:53:59	817.521
-95	72638	3631900	1cb52f98-1a21-4291-a7d0-893b8f780598	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:47:30	-115.250
-96	36320	3632000	128bb691-59d5-4528-a13b-1810561de9e5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:28:55	74.740
-96	72640	3632000	498d33be-5a63-449c-bef5-c4c2bcda72c0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:23:16	-555.333
-97	36321	3632100	2f50ed1c-453c-4a6f-9910-159245bf3a44	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:04:21	979.943
-97	72642	3632100	a54b8dcc-c9da-4b0d-80bd-b31d0fe51897	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:45:07	272.349
-98	36322	3632200	96333df4-c6d0-4b24-a310-815e403bb531	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:00:57	348.816
-98	72644	3632200	b1f74dca-4e57-4902-90a7-20933f08ebb9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:29:24	780.995
-99	36323	3632300	e241f120-87b4-4ccc-9ee1-dcd405145575	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:03:35	606.166
-99	72646	3632300	06c0a3d8-c311-40c8-8338-9055f6cf4687	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:07:00	-161.435
-100	36324	3632400	350e4dab-902d-41e8-bc41-daa59cb23067	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:26:23	888.832
-100	72648	3632400	b0af4a26-b05e-4402-8f0b-747ea4080ad5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:09:20	-173.254
-101	36325	3632500	3a752734-5d4e-4ccd-8298-615d1128bc13	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:49:54	168.436
-101	72650	3632500	14be24c5-99ef-46ee-a2b0-2b8106106f06	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:34:57	-272.839
-102	36326	3632600	e7bdc2fa-ea00-4e49-99a9-37ba7b579b76	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:00:01	-666.173
-102	72652	3632600	5506b0a4-02b3-4cff-b05c-0899f1747ce7	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:14:43	-576.885
-103	36327	3632700	a4f3b50e-fc80-40d5-b6b3-a2a871beca66	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:19:50	-281.141
-103	72654	3632700	bcf17f36-fab9-4e1e-a0ef-da5e1ef0bf4c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:17:32	5.381
-104	36328	3632800	8d366822-599a-4795-96a2-f9db2c2ecbf9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:21:07	-72.483
-104	72656	3632800	9911c722-4f7d-483b-8f0f-38ced849337f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:11:16	475.524
-105	36329	3632900	ff481c66-ab30-4716-9ee1-d0643b683a02	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:05:37	-902.704
-105	72658	3632900	5d532cf9-f7fa-4fe3-adfb-ff02c459a996	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:31:26	-717.170
-106	36330	3633000	bbebd42d-251c-41f9-9b34-498f5b9f8eb7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:25:04	273.114
-106	72660	3633000	00d4cefc-f61d-4124-9ac2-188bcf545089	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:33:29	729.85
-107	36331	3633100	86126f9a-bcff-40d4-9950-258a5669b108	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:53:33	-63.867
-107	72662	3633100	5ded9a7c-b877-48ef-be5a-cafb2070af9b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:10:06	-429.499
-108	36332	3633200	1a889184-9add-4b56-95b7-07ccdcd869ae	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:50:37	556.67
-108	72664	3633200	e4810b58-a2ba-498c-ab7c-00a5dddca80b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:49:11	60.824
-109	36333	3633300	2dd72e8a-1d6e-4b26-948e-0e90f890095b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:15:47	728.854
-109	72666	3633300	7f41e43b-2c31-482b-8e1a-b3a067087a9a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:45:21	-944.605
-110	36334	3633400	d89af685-c937-4ffd-a7be-c9a06a042f8e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:48:05	689.911
-110	72668	3633400	e4ccf558-37c1-4de6-891a-4582ccf3b5c3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:04:39	-584.352
-111	36335	3633500	ca0f81e7-a78e-4285-b339-e49e9b169142	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:00:57	633.293
-111	72670	3633500	c95c6ef8-b244-4711-b29f-efaf353d10a5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:37:09	-429.367
-112	36336	3633600	6e2a6d5c-e38f-4c11-a5c1-ed870f46f815	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:43:00	307.105
-112	72672	3633600	0bfbdf7c-8cd1-4263-b01f-2e8db45a5648	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:09:22	848.188
-113	36337	3633700	7cd14dba-fb81-400c-b567-a23d10a0e2fd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:37:54	-757.785
-113	72674	3633700	a8522050-61f7-4f0e-80ef-87c335b9fc94	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:27:42	-654.962
-114	36338	3633800	bb8e1679-0228-4f99-a73c-14a6e1279a63	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:41:55	696.886
-114	72676	3633800	3329efaa-e816-4604-9c25-722bb2f1be36	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:17:16	-626.380
-115	36339	3633900	990448a6-8826-455e-86ac-3791247c6cd1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:48:19	-105.536
-115	72678	3633900	290f17fe-02bd-46f1-b2af-fd3eaf8c8bcb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:02:49	401.903
-116	36340	3634000	4d18d968-6a00-440e-9682-c6de5a0c3154	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:53:16	-66.855
-116	72680	3634000	a6a289f4-3faa-48d1-9106-85470fdcc972	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:35:03	-266.414
-117	36341	3634100	592fdd7a-b5d6-41f0-9f35-da9be3e4f3bb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:39:59	-444.181
-117	72682	3634100	0b4d0bcc-b005-4cf6-b15b-f87ec1f1f99a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:39:41	-713.486
-118	36342	3634200	815ec7da-c492-4c25-af19-28ec99063c14	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:43:40	213.91
-118	72684	3634200	5b28f31e-d986-4870-9401-674bfe0dd75b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:23:12	232.925
-119	36343	3634300	e56a6761-ddf6-4aa9-8f9b-0c533a65b6fe	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:47:13	541.312
-119	72686	3634300	ade2bd2b-1f44-4b7c-82b9-9909cf205812	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:14:55	-410.724
-120	36344	3634400	56bafe6f-2a7f-4740-9e99-3dc83560c8ba	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:50:04	744.900
-120	72688	3634400	b1e638fe-3fa8-4ae6-8028-880b67d29a3a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:13:00	453.136
-121	36345	3634500	7c174ef1-6d7e-4841-9edf-eb8d274f5ef2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:10:17	-118.818
-121	72690	3634500	ef192ad6-a20a-4022-8e50-2e239ce613d9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:55:44	-130.874
-122	36346	3634600	197f93d7-eaef-4227-9484-eca16d700f3e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:53:49	69.784
-122	72692	3634600	3c96dddf-ca33-4358-b11e-374aa24f3361	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:44:00	936.112
-123	36347	3634700	fcfc5b74-afe6-41f0-9c29-d414a7581903	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:53:59	164.361
-123	72694	3634700	ed2d1c3e-7649-4e0b-9df4-b204f0cc3a38	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:58:18	203.294
-124	36348	3634800	d40374ba-f089-45fd-81f3-4f00f4390f34	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:41:43	-126.65
-124	72696	3634800	cdb09d9f-1f9b-4857-a77c-f9e5b4ade159	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:45:08	-428.612
-125	36349	3634900	994a99b4-7c4a-4d1f-a8c0-7571236a4fa3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:41:12	-55.778
-125	72698	3634900	c6eb103c-30fe-422e-bc58-40d821515b52	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:31:56	-268.647
-126	36350	3635000	ea504672-510a-44bb-8827-68b86e9903c3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:45:01	778.249
-126	72700	3635000	6b7240b7-8709-4d0f-be0f-2e2e3cb3a99b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:25:25	828.862
-127	36351	3635100	d4b451a2-6a65-4c33-b56a-0e4b64fb479d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:48:11	-214.273
-127	72702	3635100	24dae5fc-29b9-4d38-bdbd-9505e7aca93f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:15:57	-721.860
-0	36352	3635200	06a2bd27-bf89-45f5-b9f2-56e8165a72c2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:19:44	279.728
-0	72704	3635200	7fdd1071-e464-4336-a5c3-8040aedb310f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:36:28	698.696
-1	36353	3635300	952340d0-86d3-45ac-83ed-62366ed392c8	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:12:43	860.945
-1	72706	3635300	528711c2-2e00-4fd6-a8ed-47b0ea9be1de	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:54:21	-65.325
-2	36354	3635400	404b5ace-2a15-49ec-928e-a7320b56375b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:53:20	-583.94
-2	72708	3635400	5c2847bb-9c97-4ed4-a2ab-b16741871f0f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:20:09	248.760
-3	36355	3635500	cec937c1-5189-47b3-ae29-ef04260e976c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:33:42	256.972
-3	72710	3635500	503f32e6-097e-47b7-91de-e81855a7d4ff	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:03:04	853.935
-4	36356	3635600	5abb4efa-bac2-40b8-858f-c4ce2b02772f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:28:31	999.199
-4	72712	3635600	d8e13267-f062-44f9-a9d3-7556056bb27e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:38:14	-733.424
-5	36357	3635700	5149798c-5a74-4732-91e9-3857d041547f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:32:00	-335.918
-5	72714	3635700	a79308b2-58bf-4e09-932d-a92d2479ab80	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:31:53	-198.629
-6	36358	3635800	6b38a8d2-0778-4e8d-aed3-e010409faf02	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:36:36	231.88
-6	72716	3635800	2b839304-8576-40c2-a279-41560c055ab3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:15:34	-816.791
-7	36359	3635900	347bd42f-1534-4062-a1f8-e4114bfa232a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:15:29	872.283
-7	72718	3635900	f795b0fc-785c-4fa0-8e14-237e7d7649c0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:56:37	-756.101
-8	36360	3636000	9418661d-dedb-4417-ae41-c08b85166a00	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:22:12	-94.289
-8	72720	3636000	c6cd6b1c-8cc4-48d9-8e62-95bd85719b84	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:19:00	-147.182
-9	36361	3636100	1ceadf62-4375-45a2-921f-65b67c48ac5f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:11:23	-16.727
-9	72722	3636100	cbfed5a1-b805-44c2-9e29-4dbc2ff4cabb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:04:31	-357.478
-10	36362	3636200	fdfb5be5-1c6a-4645-9beb-c50f820454fd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:58:58	803.856
-10	72724	3636200	2760ce04-fa65-49fb-b541-ece3e139838c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:05:27	-273.548
-11	36363	3636300	fb65b2f8-c711-44f2-8868-36fe4e2ec943	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:48:03	682.864
-11	72726	3636300	5610b2f2-7a44-4cf1-baee-063001870409	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:36:20	-538.255
-12	36364	3636400	469a2339-c98f-4cb0-a802-0c9b1d70fa23	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:31:00	-711.302
-12	72728	3636400	02d91577-c58b-4be6-ac32-0538d68a31ff	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:17:04	-252.605
-13	36365	3636500	faa87ece-566a-431b-9a26-d06d68385d04	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:44:34	-64.388
-13	72730	3636500	a41da3a4-6732-4ca9-9bff-4939dbc7b3d3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:10:13	795.820
-14	36366	3636600	ce617c5c-8152-4888-a9f8-a74adb5003a9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:50:07	15.869
-14	72732	3636600	3739a770-bdac-4404-84d1-a5e3e0be8e8f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:01:44	-839.185
-15	36367	3636700	b3e85a9d-18d0-4b98-86cd-f9f1041d0059	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:35:13	158.25
-15	72734	3636700	91845bcb-d7e2-422c-9839-25fd80851006	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:59:21	401.138
-16	36368	3636800	f6b8460d-20f0-45be-aee6-9e7bb9c6f762	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:16:55	804.378
-16	72736	3636800	25ff1295-04be-402c-afa0-7ddf78d647a8	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:19:49	-975.736
-17	36369	3636900	e3bf85f8-b8ce-41ab-9b6d-46b5a9b12da1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:05:02	-849.177
-17	72738	3636900	a4911ee8-482a-4396-aace-84deec21c7db	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:37:49	-777.358
-18	36370	3637000	c7b4b4ce-fe44-4e8c-a37a-2ccf6203c52b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:42:54	432.743
-18	72740	3637000	0146211f-9a09-4781-8f6b-681813b947df	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:33:02	-149.412
-19	36371	3637100	b7874e70-c023-4c2e-b171-3d1f3d47ee33	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:46:43	-105.296
-19	72742	3637100	54e9e94f-f5f4-40c5-a8d9-0d1f599fddf0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:11:11	829.136
-20	36372	3637200	a08a7f6d-3a45-455b-8033-49c0be2a967b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:41:08	-319.181
-20	72744	3637200	b84995e4-bea4-4937-b26f-25356f08997e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:47:57	-272.41
-21	36373	3637300	cc6c0462-3be7-4185-9b83-8544e92965ee	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:12:33	-767.581
-21	72746	3637300	0197b10c-0948-4ea1-8cb5-7dac610a716b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:17:49	-571.144
-22	36374	3637400	5e34f2f1-4776-4737-a606-c146673c026d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:54:41	-868.655
-22	72748	3637400	80f814d1-cae7-4de0-abb5-467b17a9293f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:56:38	783.707
-23	36375	3637500	4a555e8d-9b48-45a4-bba4-11bc6d338ebc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:46:20	749.631
-23	72750	3637500	c5b59eee-1def-4505-9e4d-98271daa21de	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:35:54	-960.646
-24	36376	3637600	db402d8e-00ed-4853-81f1-d86b2cbca766	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:06:08	414.643
-24	72752	3637600	e09928f3-f279-4bf2-abe8-703e9f422fc2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:50:52	466.865
-25	36377	3637700	db9b4cff-2f2c-453f-a6d8-dd1a4ca44ddf	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:26:14	-104.808
-25	72754	3637700	4dc0d6b1-1dcc-48db-a20b-5f442df1e0f6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:25:09	421.789
-26	36378	3637800	e09ce57a-8bbf-4edd-bdee-f1d6b31279a0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:25:17	33.16
-26	72756	3637800	5cf6da77-4a35-4ff8-9405-40938f0a6212	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:09:48	568.94
-27	36379	3637900	d68334f1-5393-47fb-8ac6-53583536b33c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:29:52	816.29
-27	72758	3637900	010a8b41-8029-450c-a813-73ddb4a96fb0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:02:34	-218.895
-28	36380	3638000	89f999bb-ff86-4f99-b300-5d9311f48f43	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:46:13	180.304
-28	72760	3638000	a50e1da6-2033-4806-b278-52be58179311	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:38:44	-536.716
-29	36381	3638100	b0202b77-0458-4dc0-93be-e34a4c2f2ba7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:51:16	41.923
-29	72762	3638100	9a02a568-d672-4fd8-bc8b-098fc7b511ad	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:34:54	-219.953
-30	36382	3638200	924685ea-7676-417b-92a1-a742b2b42926	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:15:01	-795.541
-30	72764	3638200	09180301-241d-4708-94cd-a0532cf814db	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:29:06	-694.178
-31	36383	3638300	3384af55-ffb8-445f-9d04-cd3736e23561	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:19:56	914.778
-31	72766	3638300	88c372fe-8fca-4ff5-ae21-ca16298c4c1a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:39:38	883.73
-32	36384	3638400	1bb910dd-c22b-4744-b48f-e0a1c155d703	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:54:05	493.538
-32	72768	3638400	191a4515-a050-4d75-b0f9-ec6105aef3d6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:28:23	-416.253
-33	36385	3638500	852f28d9-948e-4b41-85c7-c35fcf8d5026	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:12:02	393.71
-33	72770	3638500	ae10f42e-aa7b-402a-ab0f-91414878a272	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:43:22	303.939
-34	36386	3638600	78398a91-d609-47e7-87e8-bbffd2621b25	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:39:21	-988.137
-34	72772	3638600	8f6f3790-2399-4350-a713-04e647932cdf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:10:17	391.714
-35	36387	3638700	74bfe159-2de3-454f-8ff8-28f4a6c1d140	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:54:01	976.282
-35	72774	3638700	cc494c84-a55e-47e0-a5f5-d3b6477eec18	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:51:31	-569.880
-36	36388	3638800	81506204-0056-41fe-974f-c91624c1ad0e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:36:00	-672.299
-36	72776	3638800	8ce65268-5433-4fed-9bdf-cd6752e4e388	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:44:48	768.278
-37	36389	3638900	e749499c-ed61-4939-803c-81aa4d7a7227	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:15:51	-155.780
-37	72778	3638900	b1c36ae9-08ba-4282-a6a1-d96260df5eeb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:15:00	957.168
-38	36390	3639000	8d099145-c02b-48f1-a8ed-ef0c08208797	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:41:54	396.104
-38	72780	3639000	7f22835a-b077-4fb2-8129-2acb33deddad	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:45:04	-318.488
-39	36391	3639100	2e97307e-6c6e-4061-b1d1-ee7f8da6b284	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:09:58	805.445
-39	72782	3639100	fe42dcf4-db4f-4ab3-b83b-eb69454d7ef6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:06:29	129.956
-40	36392	3639200	12310301-a18e-4276-8d6e-83bd9b2e3152	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:39:29	879.691
-40	72784	3639200	a06853aa-2fe1-46e3-b3a3-19cc78c9245b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:38:31	534.992
-41	36393	3639300	11d3ebb7-af45-46d0-9cd2-e8243db277e4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:14:37	731.745
-41	72786	3639300	ba3f7d87-08a3-40ab-9ee0-fcab5e29bbee	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:04:39	-300.935
-42	36394	3639400	bc49cce6-6083-4e19-b286-0edd946891b0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:32:50	629.882
-42	72788	3639400	8ad0b36a-ae31-4738-8344-5a853692c122	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:04:12	-861.620
-43	36395	3639500	913d0484-b695-4dbc-aa32-b41fe1e2011a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:39:33	205.532
-43	72790	3639500	6cf4ef70-943d-4503-89c4-2338af443516	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:02:28	-152.357
-44	36396	3639600	7de505df-3ac8-42a7-b428-d2779e488de3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:13:02	-789.329
-44	72792	3639600	632083fa-b039-4ccb-93e7-b3f22434a991	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:52:50	421.998
-45	36397	3639700	2d1c7378-d56c-4b6e-9bfe-6489826345df	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:51:14	-690.429
-45	72794	3639700	716ee650-6ccc-4abd-a6aa-90af0b3ca745	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:54:53	566.553
-46	36398	3639800	6275913e-853b-45c9-a2aa-7d7f1205721b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:14:05	-672.122
-46	72796	3639800	d4206dd8-694b-4331-ae8b-0ff5cc783b5f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:15:58	-59.523
-47	36399	3639900	c4ac7dd0-0131-416b-95f0-c2850209bb0a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:47:18	935.652
-47	72798	3639900	7dd3a052-fbc6-4bd8-9725-694f8bee808b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:01:12	-674.572
-48	36400	3640000	dcb409e3-290f-4ee8-92ea-9f580587b1b1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:32:30	-976.350
-48	72800	3640000	6d0f7e8c-bf07-4faf-a66c-d177ce436d77	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:17:23	825.383
-49	36401	3640100	ae4456fb-60d3-452e-9b82-ae15b523f844	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:57:51	-598.764
-49	72802	3640100	98ff0f8f-a2fd-4849-9984-1a83b481ff43	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:11:38	-188.354
-50	36402	3640200	9e28d0c1-54f5-45a2-ae3c-1d595d0f4b17	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:54:20	442.470
-50	72804	3640200	a54e43b0-fa7b-49bb-89b4-f2928c2ec8a8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:19:26	322.285
-51	36403	3640300	34aaf585-90fb-4972-ac39-d5baf186d811	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:49:00	499.766
-51	72806	3640300	253c905d-1834-45ab-9c3a-e92d2bef6d58	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:29:20	-954.713
-52	36404	3640400	ecde7990-d134-4cd1-94a2-9a2f29d542fe	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:21:06	224.883
-52	72808	3640400	74281681-35d7-4e17-a5d3-83798e6d4dc3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:04:35	551.372
-53	36405	3640500	0bb2dfec-95c5-4956-a976-8ee97f82f6fd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:15:28	-452.814
-53	72810	3640500	b7c23ea7-eca2-4ea1-bd1b-a75667fd2e60	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:14:13	-632.952
-54	36406	3640600	4bf5bca9-02be-49c9-844d-c3810e936fda	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:42:17	163.711
-54	72812	3640600	baf3f8c1-d516-4133-9a39-190b4ec8fa0e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:25:28	-732.877
-55	36407	3640700	b6467566-b2d5-4314-b1ac-7e6741627469	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:27:39	-367.787
-55	72814	3640700	912e238b-f501-4f9e-acfb-167bd35e33a0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:14:20	160.262
-56	36408	3640800	91dd341a-9d77-479c-8c3d-ee597a2ec245	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:57:47	127.294
-56	72816	3640800	520680d6-8f93-4166-a8f7-505660752fab	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:59:49	-209.127
-57	36409	3640900	c8431a52-0ac5-431d-a064-b902948ec651	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:05:21	319.153
-57	72818	3640900	f50cdf5b-6a84-4849-bb26-d7d6eb4a0a02	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:18:09	888.399
-58	36410	3641000	56361540-22a6-4d9b-8522-94a09ee7474a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:30:17	-109.262
-58	72820	3641000	91cddcf9-a4d4-4d7a-b294-975d306311b2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:56:03	-666.924
-59	36411	3641100	1265d078-dfda-4661-881d-fdab14ad594f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:53:48	603.234
-59	72822	3641100	5f016f50-9507-4fe6-947c-3c87cb4077e6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:43:49	413.617
-60	36412	3641200	689fbd61-d5b0-4a4b-bbbd-5c216b1bbea4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:58:11	-951.284
-60	72824	3641200	72319d1a-3ac5-4597-b059-182cc3c1d49c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:39:42	-252.300
-61	36413	3641300	b26b63f1-71bc-417c-8344-1a0f43c64340	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:18:11	-251.183
-61	72826	3641300	67eebf3d-df68-44b9-bc0b-5556102e4f5c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:51:30	-425.558
-62	36414	3641400	32df87cb-2351-41bb-afb7-50655f91883c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:16:42	-862.64
-62	72828	3641400	fb0cdb62-ca3a-419d-b90f-30a79bb17f64	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:42:14	623.252
-63	36415	3641500	4f573b5d-28aa-4126-846a-348ae11f079e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:14:27	-244.759
-63	72830	3641500	68b46c8e-6b14-45e6-aa4a-301a8bf232bd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:26:05	-357.196
-64	36416	3641600	181d6bd1-8e13-42df-9521-454cb6a26708	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:12:08	22.826
-64	72832	3641600	4a6724b4-7c16-47cb-bb8f-acdc37db0971	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:32:04	-776.875
-65	36417	3641700	d8804e00-ca40-4b31-8ed4-78b25cb29fc2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:17:32	-100.432
-65	72834	3641700	c8e70c36-4276-4d18-900a-6a01902c97c7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:26:10	816.676
-66	36418	3641800	fe192e03-3ab9-4b49-bcd3-652131d634ab	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:21:05	177.112
-66	72836	3641800	92a48529-8135-4b21-8e0a-0f0057851cb3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:09:45	-252.986
-67	36419	3641900	fb53ad5d-13f1-4986-86ee-1535e3bae59c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:04:19	-277.504
-67	72838	3641900	fbec1ff3-88bb-4382-b8ff-2b7e69e15b43	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:11:26	962.838
-68	36420	3642000	9841b679-0c26-4115-89bf-dc1cbc498c45	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:38:21	583.816
-68	72840	3642000	4de0d995-7b33-47d9-bb2b-c20a2ee1e3ad	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:20:40	992.877
-69	36421	3642100	e93114e0-71fb-4c41-9953-69f3fd3e9d18	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:44:51	478.127
-69	72842	3642100	7549fd49-08b2-43b7-bf51-82067847bbca	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:15:28	-55.96
-70	36422	3642200	2ba89ac2-a715-4cc5-a0c4-b57ca0e7d86f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:15:35	-502.286
-70	72844	3642200	06869ac9-4dac-4d80-baec-224dcc98aefc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:49:39	904.134
-71	36423	3642300	6fb3e9e0-e058-4772-9a3f-b10e5be41028	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:32:26	-805.582
-71	72846	3642300	8d2679a7-01c7-49de-a096-77af460e70ca	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:52:14	-873.898
-72	36424	3642400	7de40432-4a58-4f42-a58f-0ef4f03f00ed	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:43:50	998.132
-72	72848	3642400	74aa8b1e-453b-4685-ab9b-dab622eb48f5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:13:23	-74.46
-73	36425	3642500	a5085419-d35c-4206-8b9b-b00bc785085a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:46:51	-510.911
-73	72850	3642500	77dae473-c3f1-4d48-9e64-e9c3ca0e6e89	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:50:49	727.563
-74	36426	3642600	1fcf794d-ea6c-4055-a16d-87b827499f6b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:36:25	-406.337
-74	72852	3642600	4f4710f6-7257-408e-9286-6d6fb820d9c7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:13:41	330.766
-75	36427	3642700	9a6bbef7-ae4b-40c3-b656-80661ff89d64	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:56:12	530.932
-75	72854	3642700	66c94fb0-0f44-42f7-94be-e6672a49214d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:25:09	-688.339
-76	36428	3642800	687aa4bd-4085-46df-803a-8964f238760a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:23:03	-181.880
-76	72856	3642800	803e0c71-d87a-42b8-997f-630706bcb68b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:33:59	482.543
-77	36429	3642900	467e306d-f89d-4c8b-906f-1877df3df73f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:14:23	-107.820
-77	72858	3642900	6806d06e-5e18-407d-bb39-640a9f9ded29	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:39:09	636.312
-78	36430	3643000	19333dd7-4bee-4fba-aab6-74fb8f0b44e1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:56:03	-350.533
-78	72860	3643000	acd2f2d6-065e-46ea-b1c9-f87c23502616	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:49:40	916.78
-79	36431	3643100	1a7eb6fe-02be-45d0-ae9d-69db8a7c6235	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:14:37	-293.212
-79	72862	3643100	93b33486-e3e8-46dd-91b5-571869526bae	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:47:54	596.18
-80	36432	3643200	25375764-186d-4060-a332-cdb2da8ae00f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:01:35	-922.511
-80	72864	3643200	8a7cf034-e94f-414c-981a-4e6b2fff5f11	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:23:46	-583.384
-81	36433	3643300	1c5b533a-e6c5-4bf1-a429-c443cabe7668	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:35:12	-339.310
-81	72866	3643300	d1988bc1-54f6-4bd7-9558-f17622ed31fe	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:30:45	-457.303
-82	36434	3643400	7c3fec3a-3a17-4b5d-9ea6-3e3191bc62e0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:55:08	452.126
-82	72868	3643400	02ec51f0-1ec2-4075-8d4d-9cf9c151d904	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:51:46	-470.867
-83	36435	3643500	4b84ea18-e808-4ef7-bf37-2b1fb6dd7e1e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:32:10	988.339
-83	72870	3643500	8a50467d-8fe5-4a43-9b63-1b5c31a2aa19	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:40:50	286.900
-84	36436	3643600	b91f4415-6993-4670-bea4-9fce7bb9d2e9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:07:31	251.35
-84	72872	3643600	0cb07014-f8a1-493e-b9e7-09a89d77d2d7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:13:00	-962.859
-85	36437	3643700	c8b92fa3-a08d-4822-b172-fb0660267ab8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:14:55	246.815
-85	72874	3643700	5c6cc9e7-22e6-48ba-aefe-d83caa1b6da7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:02:29	-49.302
-86	36438	3643800	63add874-5193-4732-99c7-1382c3c602c8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:00:12	-503.817
-86	72876	3643800	baa00802-3bce-4ad3-b73c-c0274042c48d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:48:48	-258.306
-87	36439	3643900	83353c97-3dff-4489-b973-d132405ab083	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:53:26	-106.817
-87	72878	3643900	60c38ba0-3155-4367-b2f2-2a8ccfd21c4d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:00:30	-946.194
-88	36440	3644000	395deb00-7e68-4028-9a46-e5b13198354c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:55:12	310.40
-88	72880	3644000	fec33ba4-3de4-425f-af0c-66e0bd688a05	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:58:42	84.613
-89	36441	3644100	2a38ccfa-ede3-4eff-9a7c-efd28365f63b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:56:17	-376.690
-89	72882	3644100	d739abe4-fdc7-4078-a35e-3187dcf2f0ad	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:34:28	16.492
-90	36442	3644200	a4e42020-0573-4ba6-b7cf-8ea4cedd73f6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:58:10	241.558
-90	72884	3644200	ba30714b-a373-4c2c-9daa-7528c841760e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:18:58	429.509
-91	36443	3644300	1ffb4bae-228c-493b-a877-f2b22497c3bb	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:53:25	-421.593
-91	72886	3644300	fc9b145f-d050-462e-8dc5-4eaf21890c82	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:44:34	659.816
-92	36444	3644400	46443770-b3a3-496a-b6fa-5a2b4348cef3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:14:14	-870.8
-92	72888	3644400	cbe224f7-6c15-4601-b437-3dce50f9f9e1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:19:04	-943.54
-93	36445	3644500	b892c4fb-fa6c-4000-b356-989b69fc5db5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:29:07	-678.90
-93	72890	3644500	29d5e5be-25d7-47df-be55-d0160c4cbff1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:45:59	-305.182
-94	36446	3644600	fd9931ed-474c-43e1-be2a-7c49efde1093	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:16:36	-189.798
-94	72892	3644600	77dbb6d9-ad11-4965-8eae-48a2e3ea84c7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:50:58	-480.219
-95	36447	3644700	e2aa5cfb-371b-4beb-8d52-acf96e5067f7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:14:24	51.558
-95	72894	3644700	16c70eff-b1c9-423f-832d-29c6c2699737	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:13:43	102.641
-96	36448	3644800	67ffc3a2-1b39-4ff4-8a3c-b85a4702d83b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:03:20	-776.421
-96	72896	3644800	bcb2d7e8-84ee-4b5b-9469-c4a6e714c9b4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:33:09	-816.838
-97	36449	3644900	6e25cf96-5f3d-43e1-b509-3a19d6c9fffe	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:39:48	921.284
-97	72898	3644900	59c571a5-dde2-4e0b-9c72-be0d8a131242	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:41:00	658.665
-98	36450	3645000	f5caffd7-cb8d-493c-aaee-919061c8eb99	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:16:02	840.276
-98	72900	3645000	855441c0-158c-4f89-b8e2-60ec1eb0d369	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:45:17	-616.930
-99	36451	3645100	a89ae902-8a23-4d96-aeed-4cfa1fd78b94	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:40:30	764.677
-99	72902	3645100	e3710f30-bd2a-4dc8-b85e-f835a3a37fe4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:38:39	311.275
-100	36452	3645200	e950015a-f6c0-432b-ab58-6bc568807736	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:58:02	-650.364
-100	72904	3645200	375ef5bd-0cbc-4ddf-a24d-6a8216ca6186	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:48:44	461.305
-101	36453	3645300	d83f3921-f2c6-42ea-bdf2-db4cc9fb2a75	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:40:33	-630.14
-101	72906	3645300	ba406082-4c68-4148-8f14-b126edbd2f93	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:31:39	981.451
-102	36454	3645400	d8c65926-79fd-423a-b2fa-ab1c57990d95	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:38:08	222.110
-102	72908	3645400	d572f540-3d1a-4ab0-8241-961a9f98ed3e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:56:23	-388.370
-103	36455	3645500	a292b2ba-cd7f-4fcb-81c6-8310a0f0bd1f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:15:49	59.187
-103	72910	3645500	3135198a-7503-4d42-9963-98264c130ece	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:07:48	-52.818
-104	36456	3645600	09a274a5-43b6-4259-9ec7-e1e2f443c8bd	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:48:45	-1.314
-104	72912	3645600	afedc2f6-51f9-4c99-83d7-4b98ad451ffb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:21:08	512.931
-105	36457	3645700	02a9950d-9cf8-44d7-8db2-392b52fe42dc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:54:30	-421.227
-105	72914	3645700	6be01b5c-65a8-4e86-8458-1983892feb62	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:35:57	-127.585
-106	36458	3645800	78ec4dfc-4de8-42f4-bb52-a9b05151612b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:55:57	-158.90
-106	72916	3645800	10e4e057-bbc7-4875-81a8-8a49c5bc66fd	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:23:55	-949.976
-107	36459	3645900	f41c8c6b-7662-4839-983d-d7c198b4fad4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:20:54	-379.769
-107	72918	3645900	71e70f4d-1e37-42bc-a912-40580f5f9609	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:58:56	-303.868
-108	36460	3646000	f40e2833-60d4-4c24-ba71-dd61903d6fd1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:56:39	-696.824
-108	72920	3646000	75484c03-ede9-4800-816c-eeeeaab9d79b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:40:36	-60.173
-109	36461	3646100	1339e4ed-8398-47f8-aeac-2739d4483aa4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:42:50	505.20
-109	72922	3646100	552c5166-3d3b-41b6-8a55-bc8befa146ea	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:51:50	9.167
-110	36462	3646200	9412e1ab-6fca-4c57-8ec9-01266d6dcb96	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:30:54	-917.30
-110	72924	3646200	159aa880-fa10-4255-b519-c6d47f5c3a37	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:05:42	-96.816
-111	36463	3646300	551614c4-8547-4b30-954e-ee4df4bf8780	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:38:18	-775.152
-111	72926	3646300	5979a719-cfd6-4049-bf26-fe06f9a74b53	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:53:48	427.173
-112	36464	3646400	46b6d89a-e9c7-4933-b193-fd65c4ce5906	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:01:24	277.698
-112	72928	3646400	455d6a89-f999-40cb-8b98-6f799b2f06fb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:04:37	-431.335
-113	36465	3646500	39cc0d72-17ab-4fe2-88f9-cf57517f5674	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:31:10	-833.929
-113	72930	3646500	72a3f4a4-04ba-440a-8132-7ce848874504	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:22:50	-964.439
-114	36466	3646600	5d0ea1ed-22f1-4ed4-9c03-2abc6b6078d1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:32:12	-894.161
-114	72932	3646600	5baf60bc-03c3-4a1f-8cb8-161cc7de6357	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:32:39	-544.459
-115	36467	3646700	da594939-a644-4071-bd07-ee6559b1208f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:32:33	-346.126
-115	72934	3646700	0a60d72a-e93d-4323-9f89-b85cf876a6c8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:10:51	-53.380
-116	36468	3646800	76787301-0445-4ff9-8598-53e9cfe9c102	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:02:03	-582.410
-116	72936	3646800	84e2c916-b92a-4e92-b556-e88898ed6178	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:45:10	-691.207
-117	36469	3646900	9a1f994c-993c-4a4a-8600-a51c122467c5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:24:46	760.868
-117	72938	3646900	0d692253-a568-4d71-a3ec-99fc19183ea7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:37:18	308.479
-118	36470	3647000	afed604c-0cbd-4ee7-9e70-7532c6ccbf7b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:05:22	-571.189
-118	72940	3647000	69194b29-f66f-432b-a6c7-49423e7b159e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:43:31	-434.727
-119	36471	3647100	4ad53611-034f-40c0-b309-f2dae089e5c8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:08:10	779.927
-119	72942	3647100	3a232139-2213-463b-8688-c329ae31142b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:37:15	-272.382
-120	36472	3647200	6b678ae3-1b4a-4003-b553-95265d53eb2a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:52:01	-679.506
-120	72944	3647200	2ef4740e-10f4-40e6-b708-1a44e5459426	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:12:02	-894.59
-121	36473	3647300	73271e8e-a73e-4e7c-9188-6af5011a2bc2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:02:09	-785.679
-121	72946	3647300	4ce412ba-425c-4226-acd0-13614804c399	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:13:27	-563.175
-122	36474	3647400	d2cfa55d-3646-4fb0-a92f-16f181704984	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:42:39	207.200
-122	72948	3647400	e2624205-b818-4bd8-80d5-81007690e79c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:46:58	450.517
-123	36475	3647500	dd03b77c-7ec0-4c25-a9b2-86333bcf06a6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:25:52	976.455
-123	72950	3647500	0bdceda9-aa89-458e-8736-b3d283ea7656	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:41:38	-561.375
-124	36476	3647600	7cd06828-5aa2-4d2b-af71-e91d7cc973eb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:33:37	656.752
-124	72952	3647600	4ba7311b-fc82-451c-a0a4-651d6acc0662	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:12:55	396.823
-125	36477	3647700	e54a8eff-4bb5-4629-bf77-57a2e44fa61c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:34:55	346.714
-125	72954	3647700	e8a1e728-d467-480b-afe7-f6e4360867b8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:46:45	-960.7
-126	36478	3647800	497015cb-858c-40b2-8907-4ae81be870f6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:29:51	-606.398
-126	72956	3647800	f2b84432-681d-407f-8cc5-66f66c0aa4cd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:13:02	192.457
-127	36479	3647900	b37e3d16-1222-43b0-a5dd-1959360def27	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:34:51	787.149
-127	72958	3647900	d0fece70-99f0-4317-9b1a-1368903be506	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:51:19	-521.368
-0	36480	3648000	399d0263-9224-4a39-a2b2-f9f9f7fc7f41	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:14:45	-982.770
-0	72960	3648000	4ac7adce-c0b6-47b3-907c-67f95a00af84	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:19:10	40.315
-1	36481	3648100	bca2e1c8-1486-4b1c-acb8-508ffb211b9f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:41:03	-949.363
-1	72962	3648100	07328c1a-9a3f-428b-a038-6b41b810f671	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:29:18	619.943
-2	36482	3648200	f82e7a7d-bb6e-42bb-9f12-6ac5dde0714f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:27:16	-831.185
-2	72964	3648200	2cec87b6-8619-44ae-bac3-ed5967d2e5e2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:47:19	-448.481
-3	36483	3648300	a60b95a4-8358-4460-bcec-e310433a7acf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:19:43	683.319
-3	72966	3648300	33ec7e55-f1b5-4a06-892d-696d423700a7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:00:53	627.839
-4	36484	3648400	d7833181-0ef2-4d71-af4e-70aad8531712	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:56:14	-895.986
-4	72968	3648400	2e7a1efb-87b5-4dd6-aa15-030152fb789f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:29:07	761.857
-5	36485	3648500	75387926-61ac-40ad-a97a-ece05ad15e60	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:38:02	-131.723
-5	72970	3648500	d431ff4f-32da-47e5-b31f-cf31580c0f09	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:55:23	406.855
-6	36486	3648600	753bd52f-7aaf-4b65-921a-3b90426c9c09	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:09:21	-11.919
-6	72972	3648600	ef99f537-a88b-4969-a447-a89a53c4c975	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:17:21	-487.33
-7	36487	3648700	b47109f4-07e2-4f5f-b602-c6c9f97fb0ea	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:21:22	-285.316
-7	72974	3648700	a1eff4e1-c12f-4cad-a43b-513866507ad8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:56:14	922.167
-8	36488	3648800	0e2b36e8-ec69-41ff-8786-8a1471db68a3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:32:42	741.971
-8	72976	3648800	5ec84a99-b1a4-4038-8850-6c8cc588715d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:59:49	-819.182
-9	36489	3648900	be8aeed3-8119-492d-b6d7-e054f1d8c4f3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:18:05	938.492
-9	72978	3648900	99d62b19-00ff-40f9-9566-c8663c8f88f0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:07:09	63.30
-10	36490	3649000	4f6fd08e-8b77-4c2c-9717-da0579d03097	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:43:37	377.581
-10	72980	3649000	f55863ad-f1c2-4fdd-bead-4d3856a14ca8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:49:56	718.851
-11	36491	3649100	24eb2354-c37a-416d-94b3-e2299200b93b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:15:17	-589.176
-11	72982	3649100	4e96e58f-20ee-44c3-a62f-ce6f06a92c0a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:11:11	925.982
-12	36492	3649200	b097e7e6-bd8e-4aee-bec2-28b8fe3037eb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:52:40	179.598
-12	72984	3649200	a8af3b90-56e3-4874-8134-011fc652a855	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:54:08	245.900
-13	36493	3649300	853524f1-1326-4e03-89bc-e7d7457a14fe	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:45:43	-412.708
-13	72986	3649300	c85df7cc-3e9a-4d8e-b388-b463f4c42acc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:41:47	253.415
-14	36494	3649400	7835b2eb-6eb0-4568-8692-75a6ab33ad32	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:38:31	-308.623
-14	72988	3649400	d86b8c61-0c05-4109-8cbf-d579fb1910b6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:01:39	782.918
-15	36495	3649500	cfba157e-4f92-4289-81dd-97b256f5fe63	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:36:35	-267.700
-15	72990	3649500	53df7cb8-bfcb-4b5e-b360-5e16abc0a982	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:49:43	-152.908
-16	36496	3649600	51e131fc-2b5d-49b1-a062-6b6ad0bf725d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:15:54	-348.879
-16	72992	3649600	c89d9681-f908-404f-8e1d-abda4030e78c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:40:44	-26.475
-17	36497	3649700	7f09bf0a-2ec8-4bd5-8528-64c9b94d46e8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:33:37	-53.926
-17	72994	3649700	9a2173d3-9137-42f8-ba92-1b5ff37dc0b7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:42:36	45.130
-18	36498	3649800	b6464ee2-2fde-4bde-9b12-352bb5a23e11	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:04:06	-957.558
-18	72996	3649800	532d5439-ae48-4b51-ba30-5daa9c5bf44b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:16:14	604.511
-19	36499	3649900	204e3f9b-8463-4dba-baec-b35b50f34287	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:58:46	-635.996
-19	72998	3649900	2188139e-f8e8-47c9-9eb3-f8941570122b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:33:59	815.903
-20	36500	3650000	62d65b45-4ed3-4005-a961-0b6f6c73e04d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:50:07	126.655
-20	73000	3650000	586d07a5-4ad9-4055-80e2-1805e615e6ba	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:31:49	446.819
-21	36501	3650100	c162b650-58a5-4bb9-b9b6-25e375d20070	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:17:56	994.52
-21	73002	3650100	c5e65221-8bc1-452e-93be-c8311867595d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:51:06	433.875
-22	36502	3650200	8113e896-c202-48a8-8b63-56ccc635387a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:23:03	962.799
-22	73004	3650200	60c98ca5-ca00-4d81-901a-a86ca54e9b2b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:49:03	-858.229
-23	36503	3650300	3d08f06e-6c3b-4678-b5ad-dc8131de6530	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:10:13	-200.473
-23	73006	3650300	83829063-5c58-4bec-8d01-bb63b216f87e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:11:02	-826.989
-24	36504	3650400	c3f71837-4b8b-4439-ac00-17e7176a22d8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:12:46	-638.254
-24	73008	3650400	39913fce-73c0-4d85-b049-31ee80d6cbfa	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:10:16	992.950
-25	36505	3650500	7790fb96-1591-447b-b424-b2a0561357fb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:44:56	969.634
-25	73010	3650500	16e86f1b-a956-4c4d-b8d5-be83abcb529e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:29:50	-986.115
-26	36506	3650600	7c259ce5-89f6-4e74-96fc-0040fd4f396c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:51:52	-671.95
-26	73012	3650600	ca59ded5-ca22-4bd8-b9cd-88f3d77dbd28	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:14:06	627.394
-27	36507	3650700	461a625a-aee6-4348-9603-0086d1e62926	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:13:44	-567.35
-27	73014	3650700	9b8fda2f-12e8-48ea-821e-c508d709d461	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:44:27	-977.827
-28	36508	3650800	5dfd14ce-5e68-4f39-91e7-2fca9fb29f41	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:21:42	444.439
-28	73016	3650800	f82d8a17-78de-4f85-932b-0f67ea439898	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:33:59	-523.405
-29	36509	3650900	84114959-39c7-48e9-a889-166d17035508	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:39:31	416.508
-29	73018	3650900	debf860b-5283-4b89-8e6a-1e84a5dc5736	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:31:08	19.656
-30	36510	3651000	7d83c597-90e7-417e-b848-1388dc45f008	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:12:17	-47.624
-30	73020	3651000	7e4a6c0f-442a-4110-9fde-2a48e02c8a2a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:15:14	-69.24
-31	36511	3651100	90ebf639-f025-4b06-8bee-72b81f295b3c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:51:30	596.137
-31	73022	3651100	be522b10-f377-4375-9d6e-0ead16c02c60	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:43:58	633.809
-32	36512	3651200	c14fa482-4ef0-4822-b6eb-a594a5e7408d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:31:50	277.431
-32	73024	3651200	934123af-7521-4d81-8d81-8de33b2ebf35	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:40:58	-881.799
-33	36513	3651300	0f123cdf-22a6-42db-b608-998ef9882de4	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:37:23	827.778
-33	73026	3651300	f31426fa-2afc-47e1-b537-2191208594ab	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:46:34	-524.563
-34	36514	3651400	53a6d184-ed65-4cd4-bd82-2be742ee29d9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:17:03	-682.475
-34	73028	3651400	99d81de5-e2f1-4236-a295-44d1dd8e0b0d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:54:18	-401.991
-35	36515	3651500	075bcce9-7bbe-457c-9559-a0e988dc0e6b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:15:52	142.511
-35	73030	3651500	5a8571c0-ff4e-4925-9c66-160853f9f9c7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:00:50	-178.851
-36	36516	3651600	b9b3418d-fcb1-4f40-8454-257fd9646d86	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:26:46	727.797
-36	73032	3651600	a8914126-1be4-414c-a0b6-e06d5dcf9069	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:07:04	686.589
-37	36517	3651700	75bfa2c8-3f3b-46e4-897f-d32cd441ca61	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:06:58	-182.798
-37	73034	3651700	a634bde2-06a3-4ae4-8c3a-bc81ffa09fb0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:08:00	838.481
-38	36518	3651800	9b1894ea-a1df-4b7a-b9a2-a34a8be5a465	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:41:26	413.630
-38	73036	3651800	f08e8b05-6f1c-4318-a268-c49240427e48	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:29:47	13.585
-39	36519	3651900	4757489f-a583-4a9a-bd65-fc7bb55e40d4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:28:17	898.201
-39	73038	3651900	7c3de6ab-e1de-402f-b59a-de05302c1e09	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:57:39	163.383
-40	36520	3652000	186e79ef-044b-41dc-9f6e-7afe3b3cebff	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:09:02	377.843
-40	73040	3652000	870dd967-c2f9-48ca-985e-dcdde9927bcb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:02:29	141.886
-41	36521	3652100	5c42f0eb-8279-4c1c-9fba-5853666252de	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:24:53	654.850
-41	73042	3652100	4341d126-88e8-4750-b256-179a8b4e59f6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:29:06	-832.29
-42	36522	3652200	6a827871-9be3-4dc5-933f-200b4c431686	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:01:45	411.651
-42	73044	3652200	7f7face2-6567-4e92-b4c8-62bee8bfec72	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:30:22	-270.448
-43	36523	3652300	2844f93e-2d7c-4095-bd6e-102b0c498802	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:29:23	751.979
-43	73046	3652300	a7e6d861-81fa-47a1-972a-2c56c072de9d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:26:39	-777.462
-44	36524	3652400	c3d3d42a-f4d7-4041-b3c7-65b177756ac3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:22:33	-936.358
-44	73048	3652400	aba4986a-5530-4047-b8f7-ed9aded9b6a9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:43:30	368.342
-45	36525	3652500	c8fc2025-5fb1-4fd9-b96c-6885f0ca45fd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:06:01	-378.10
-45	73050	3652500	d35edd85-72b0-4f57-aafd-ae8335f074ba	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:00:21	428.68
-46	36526	3652600	a93394a1-90b6-49e9-9c7b-22f5a5a609e5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:45:24	527.254
-46	73052	3652600	c0ef852f-d8ab-46be-85fe-a21ac528ba2c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:45:17	-211.776
-47	36527	3652700	8bffbbcf-9ccf-49dd-acd1-d61fdda6ae5a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:09:02	-625.989
-47	73054	3652700	4977dfb7-ad6f-4302-9e2c-34e4103d7e0a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:20:24	-289.29
-48	36528	3652800	2a05ce87-bb10-471a-a473-475800abf371	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:40:19	-905.470
-48	73056	3652800	3dbb1a69-57ef-4d20-a85c-b7e8359cec5d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:00:10	-145.948
-49	36529	3652900	971294fa-64f5-49ec-841f-ca9b08da0e5a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:40:03	64.213
-49	73058	3652900	10fd9010-1bcb-405b-a0d8-383e0d7d7875	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:18:07	-211.388
-50	36530	3653000	2d73718b-eacd-4f35-8f4a-c818f5df9983	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:54:20	890.314
-50	73060	3653000	1a4d8aad-3069-4e4c-9d47-4d036ac65bff	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:25:18	529.424
-51	36531	3653100	a8766825-7da0-4d3d-891a-b46a39c3dd1c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:48:47	193.175
-51	73062	3653100	ab1ee647-e879-40a0-ad49-9086f7df0337	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:22:26	-905.100
-52	36532	3653200	ed96783c-4332-43a2-a596-a0e07f1cf644	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:41:47	-48.645
-52	73064	3653200	8c67f6d8-f8bc-4f6d-9d45-e534060d2747	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:47:50	27.947
-53	36533	3653300	2966b2ad-f86c-41a2-b0de-c9cdfc8d3385	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:25:54	-684.362
-53	73066	3653300	f952b70b-c580-4460-9b06-5df7393bf6be	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:04:19	33.657
-54	36534	3653400	a04b339b-e02c-473b-8cf4-b4449db0ff87	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:54:55	-413.669
-54	73068	3653400	a5c7abfe-8a75-481e-8949-a424d9e40707	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:56:28	-294.974
-55	36535	3653500	bff49f34-966f-4cd0-9940-9f723416c8a4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:58:12	-148.175
-55	73070	3653500	42b2e41d-6625-44d3-b343-47c888c2c49d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:47:37	381.367
-56	36536	3653600	ff7169fa-0082-405a-b541-9fe3cb533978	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:53:58	242.144
-56	73072	3653600	444dd2a1-2943-4364-b0ad-ac54e9bb165d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:50:43	-638.137
-57	36537	3653700	f88a05a5-1508-40ab-80fb-98654423ef4d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:54:40	922.939
-57	73074	3653700	38a96d16-c691-40cd-bac1-10f79aec6649	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:00:27	-396.442
-58	36538	3653800	9a6f9c01-5319-49b3-8651-9269ad73cd54	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:48:18	-687.103
-58	73076	3653800	6e88249b-49dd-4068-a03e-8ce6444ef3ef	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:13:52	138.328
-59	36539	3653900	f9ad2cb9-9b4b-47ca-b681-182f8390db18	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:23:45	156.337
-59	73078	3653900	162fd8da-420c-4d61-a954-a3fb6211363f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:16:03	-877.574
-60	36540	3654000	c5dff6d3-b51a-46d0-89c2-5f20dfa2b1c9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:48:11	731.371
-60	73080	3654000	34c14bd7-b5d1-44a0-b5c8-3a2dc0128584	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:15:53	-448.874
-61	36541	3654100	e28f4384-91cd-437f-b6d7-32ee93a92ba7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:14:27	162.488
-61	73082	3654100	42f174c9-38ff-4767-a49f-0b46c676b0ce	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:54:03	-786.277
-62	36542	3654200	2e198990-5af6-42af-81b7-8ef56cfe68be	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:02:49	941.787
-62	73084	3654200	71efd274-0f34-49eb-b7fd-9067df440369	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:15:49	-993.668
-63	36543	3654300	eb429d67-4aee-46ab-af75-92e48117419e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:00:50	417.36
-63	73086	3654300	f4d577b8-a986-4d32-8539-faec160be3a8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:29:57	549.570
-64	36544	3654400	552bdfe5-93bf-4d59-bc26-d8072ba8ca6f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:03:16	-828.165
-64	73088	3654400	58b179ba-f8b6-4f0d-a164-957beb20115a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:23:19	78.209
-65	36545	3654500	b5abca97-ea18-47da-a51a-e5dbfed79f64	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:13:23	-296.898
-65	73090	3654500	7d9a1995-0245-4193-a7cd-3e6e6952c9b1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:17:32	-895.915
-66	36546	3654600	0c198d23-6ece-4dde-9475-cd4bcf9424af	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:32:21	227.446
-66	73092	3654600	0e59c473-b40b-4b5b-b43e-f3efdedbe352	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:36:15	-641.168
-67	36547	3654700	4976bc45-aec2-435d-bf61-cf07eb39c7e7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:40:52	-543.861
-67	73094	3654700	27aea852-d320-4c62-81e0-6e4ea5597f13	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:45:16	-507.383
-68	36548	3654800	e80d7ab5-fee0-48cf-8dae-077a93684f6f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:01:46	756.120
-68	73096	3654800	2add4cb6-0f61-47c6-b4d7-790f07796566	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:11:08	-362.319
-69	36549	3654900	7d48768f-174a-4e0a-bdfb-a022dbebaf3f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:09:50	-805.793
-69	73098	3654900	a63252fd-1bcf-4d2f-9023-1f9c396a16ba	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:47:09	-17.596
-70	36550	3655000	c607541c-7de8-4c24-9ce8-2028bd77d7c3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:05:51	222.181
-70	73100	3655000	b31b7289-9c22-4200-b10e-5eac2614cd23	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:16:08	-124.688
-71	36551	3655100	ffb05998-b0ca-498d-b28c-5943de3f9f98	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:00:15	-285.469
-71	73102	3655100	94932e90-629b-499b-a152-4dd204840355	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:01:46	893.483
-72	36552	3655200	b42f97e8-be35-4bcd-bab1-8d109590bea7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:35:51	658.888
-72	73104	3655200	44fb1d8a-d61b-40a7-9778-1305042562b9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:03:32	24.113
-73	36553	3655300	5a4ce3e6-4a05-4292-9f47-a4cce2da8f6c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:48:14	-310.503
-73	73106	3655300	6b7d97c8-ecb5-4f6d-af40-c9957ec462be	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:45:03	765.122
-74	36554	3655400	47192619-094c-4d19-a751-9ec6b16d1968	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:04:02	321.147
-74	73108	3655400	be6c297e-23e6-4bec-b90b-625e762c5ec4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:28:02	-22.291
-75	36555	3655500	df7d4c8a-cbe3-47d1-854c-4cfa87cbaeab	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:48:46	-770.392
-75	73110	3655500	9d3a131b-138b-4f53-ad21-c4cfbf079db4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:08:16	862.326
-76	36556	3655600	2d1cda02-9971-4788-afbf-5ca209b7f117	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:47:48	-371.859
-76	73112	3655600	db7195dd-d6d9-48f4-88b6-6cbbc4b1b166	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:54:56	622.350
-77	36557	3655700	60e60dda-f830-4688-bcb5-b1507d5e4aa3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:02:06	507.693
-77	73114	3655700	71d3d382-eb74-46e2-9c2e-c27934423407	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:58:25	-806.238
-78	36558	3655800	d224c734-4256-4ea8-9900-6f9eebd20489	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:11:11	-603.434
-78	73116	3655800	90629926-e9f4-4941-b7be-96ea4780d102	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:28:55	-411.172
-79	36559	3655900	959c3e21-5585-46f3-8530-077441f3da59	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:21:41	-847.466
-79	73118	3655900	66051a13-775b-48f3-b620-1115cf50def7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:23:23	-426.194
-80	36560	3656000	0af1e03d-e972-4e91-ba6e-90874f71da79	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:32:19	-62.520
-80	73120	3656000	b1fe8a90-8b63-438e-9a62-7f27ffa24738	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:06:00	-404.228
-81	36561	3656100	8c2321b7-64ff-43b7-bd40-f7d35900ff7f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:05:24	-770.998
-81	73122	3656100	56cfb388-9cda-4532-b0a3-154430932e86	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:43:01	-687.419
-82	36562	3656200	d5b71bd7-7f3e-48c0-a497-6a20db10e5e8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:49:05	-368.746
-82	73124	3656200	9e80ab58-5435-4b53-985c-afc20b9bdf83	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:50:16	37.674
-83	36563	3656300	234bdccf-be1f-44aa-90a5-343d899e2dc4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:51:28	841.465
-83	73126	3656300	1cdb4fdf-f02e-427b-a200-d3eb662a7c4c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:10:16	-316.134
-84	36564	3656400	2f47b9fb-158f-415e-ab47-0dd2fb1a2f4a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:13:05	754.963
-84	73128	3656400	14a0637b-a8c6-45bb-bf5c-9bdc8b454cc1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:13:32	-763.691
-85	36565	3656500	8e7be870-39a9-41cc-93af-15970c4a9490	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:19:43	259.342
-85	73130	3656500	78146afc-8b89-4f58-b58f-c0ccd8ff6bad	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:55:46	743.612
-86	36566	3656600	4a3c11b2-ebed-4ae9-b64b-140b49ef70df	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:20:55	-237.863
-86	73132	3656600	28a9a542-f2e7-4d48-9bf9-eaec13fbd563	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:01:57	414.965
-87	36567	3656700	99d2e16e-c921-4c9a-98a3-1b2f616163f3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:10:50	228.317
-87	73134	3656700	7d605590-fd27-4803-867d-eb6f0a8c3970	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:33:57	-437.524
-88	36568	3656800	4a8d04b8-8813-41bc-acba-a5101bfab87e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:27:14	537.446
-88	73136	3656800	d96c5908-10e0-4952-b663-d8dd26a837ef	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:33:53	-795.952
-89	36569	3656900	5df69663-a165-4073-8d22-b6ee45387608	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:46:08	-9.180
-89	73138	3656900	d52f7eb9-6499-4863-a8b2-b0205e06ac10	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:41:10	186.43
-90	36570	3657000	39e8db05-07b5-4478-a91d-760abab2d9d7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:06:00	904.83
-90	73140	3657000	6c167ec0-988b-41aa-885b-0f3bd6c454f1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:37:45	904.907
-91	36571	3657100	fe222126-16b0-4fcf-ba7d-535638dcc912	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:18:05	-351.506
-91	73142	3657100	62983c0c-e52e-4ddc-97ca-5551b826a991	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:09:10	-647.610
-92	36572	3657200	d1cd8b14-2651-41a4-b69f-3da0fe71d0a8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:54:05	-264.40
-92	73144	3657200	ebb75ace-f77e-4337-948c-d8668836765c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:45:40	683.877
-93	36573	3657300	b49be737-904b-42ef-9ed2-77b7f4658122	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:55:20	-464.947
-93	73146	3657300	a1f637a6-82a6-4805-ad6b-1b201847a575	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:03:13	660.660
-94	36574	3657400	e4b42fb8-e77c-47b4-8246-8c8b54ec0584	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:22:28	-544.490
-94	73148	3657400	45cb89cf-5d34-45b2-b0aa-635afdcae92b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:55:26	125.732
-95	36575	3657500	acc4fa80-5db0-4fb9-8f53-942d929566b0	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:06:16	0.702
-95	73150	3657500	143ffdc7-a8a7-4367-b006-c34647a26cdb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:36:35	-241.765
-96	36576	3657600	2f671c3d-f46a-443c-a0bf-d0c56360ac82	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:04:35	535.300
-96	73152	3657600	c8c1aabc-7132-4a9f-b125-4018222468a2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:06:24	-262.441
-97	36577	3657700	8067ef7a-1163-4333-b262-cf7df394c462	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:43:37	-793.383
-97	73154	3657700	26a3ad44-c7d6-4100-b868-3e30cae923bd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:51:30	-954.683
-98	36578	3657800	e307ec32-c2f8-40ae-b989-801a903dce3f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:43:53	-127.122
-98	73156	3657800	95be4a8a-5720-4ca8-9b5e-f25550dd8851	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:02:18	-792.977
-99	36579	3657900	dd6a5e59-346b-4446-bf30-b0deeae28b25	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:06:43	380.397
-99	73158	3657900	b0ae24fb-7570-4c62-9ce3-62d2a39961e0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:58:00	116.608
-100	36580	3658000	3c0b1d17-32f3-48a3-8d2b-520f9129c7da	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:40:26	-813.806
-100	73160	3658000	3912ebc8-eabe-4203-b678-4958526fe813	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:33:01	500.412
-101	36581	3658100	7d97acfd-3626-47c2-ad8a-19484790c032	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:15:17	393.278
-101	73162	3658100	ea5936b2-8ae9-406b-ad56-13cf6d9a85e8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:57:08	-854.214
-102	36582	3658200	3cea2d4f-69e3-4e9e-a92b-6b7d7485fd86	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:37:38	882.239
-102	73164	3658200	09ce4635-1a3c-4aca-a620-5ff7e35e965c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:22:12	901.287
-103	36583	3658300	5175e231-e298-4c3b-9657-5203ecd39a8f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:50:13	-868.816
-103	73166	3658300	1b0fd2e4-cfd6-4c09-ae81-c9d63276d7a7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:07:15	275.652
-104	36584	3658400	053537f1-3d6a-40f4-9865-fb28f86ffeaf	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:27:38	417.234
-104	73168	3658400	051623f3-2c9b-4484-96b8-bbd7abace939	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:14:31	229.537
-105	36585	3658500	7becacae-ca8d-4705-a55e-210c467a777f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:06:08	-300.135
-105	73170	3658500	cbc6c328-d48b-4b23-a99c-e357293efb11	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:23:42	-434.803
-106	36586	3658600	704e467e-7f73-4fa4-99b1-14ec6a8e346b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:54:29	518.159
-106	73172	3658600	5a76632f-7f30-4d0e-85da-088b64718c7a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:40:12	-601.71
-107	36587	3658700	ff213465-1065-4a0c-adfc-fcefb3520807	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:33:32	-919.183
-107	73174	3658700	b77752a3-f04f-481b-a5a0-4d3d715c9ec4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:04:39	587.114
-108	36588	3658800	2f53fb6d-36b6-4667-9815-0d0c65a694aa	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:10:26	-759.305
-108	73176	3658800	72c57203-6ef1-42ec-96f1-1391279a7c43	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:41:09	887.705
-109	36589	3658900	93260d92-f1f8-496e-b750-fe69f84b1991	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:26:21	-302.722
-109	73178	3658900	ac6e442c-b8b4-45e6-88a9-106190e993b9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:48:46	-450.411
-110	36590	3659000	ade5b936-27c5-4cb3-bcfa-039efd5b3868	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:42:46	-968.547
-110	73180	3659000	20ce27b4-998a-4371-ab71-2376c84595a6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:43:16	13.204
-111	36591	3659100	923f327f-efe3-4374-8140-43a60e35a0d9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:14:30	-928.724
-111	73182	3659100	21a1dc93-7736-4880-8b9d-7dfa7254fb08	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:36:57	-863.568
-112	36592	3659200	3743508d-6d1d-4b48-9105-1ab9899f3025	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:21:33	492.696
-112	73184	3659200	3fbffa1f-9e58-44eb-b342-5e12de707952	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:51:41	752.617
-113	36593	3659300	c339044b-37a0-45aa-ac2c-a86df8fc6234	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:56:17	788.214
-113	73186	3659300	72705346-26d8-497a-81bf-1afdf3a4b017	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:39:25	244.346
-114	36594	3659400	45a4a20d-0a1b-4603-bb61-160b3b2fc1eb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:10:14	-32.896
-114	73188	3659400	1ca13b84-b88f-4d37-b61f-018e6dbe4c2e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:04:50	560.199
-115	36595	3659500	adea5d42-fc9f-450e-83de-de5be36fc0f6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:34:14	-890.366
-115	73190	3659500	58c4f166-751b-4271-83e2-646a13bf6aea	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:59:58	-174.827
-116	36596	3659600	52f6d0a8-d249-46af-adbc-3aa892273141	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:07:26	-743.311
-116	73192	3659600	f9a5fea7-e376-4b74-965e-fdf5c77aaeb3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:22:50	-515.576
-117	36597	3659700	3c3bee3a-8884-4c12-becb-fdf825c08ff0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:21:31	-638.892
-117	73194	3659700	11af5bae-f77b-456f-a4ac-4c0ffa3bc90e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:46:30	568.533
-118	36598	3659800	e2ea7a42-e3a0-46a2-a2f2-770cd89057c7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:53:44	-591.51
-118	73196	3659800	6494ca6f-d8c7-4c57-9617-9d40bec8c9e2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:13:49	748.287
-119	36599	3659900	fbdc172a-aa70-4d29-894d-63f1218ce3a1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:30:03	15.69
-119	73198	3659900	2743d1d7-766f-4a3e-a6ad-5d0cb9a4abad	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:52:17	-224.278
-120	36600	3660000	debe07d7-af04-4215-ab61-3a8ada4c7307	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:17:34	21.408
-120	73200	3660000	8c024e56-cedc-44a2-8240-05413dd59d23	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:36:19	-953.672
-121	36601	3660100	3b0248ad-685b-4fb7-8623-6e8c172b73e8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:14:06	583.551
-121	73202	3660100	f84eada2-2c64-4742-b949-46589ece1deb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:15:23	996.561
-122	36602	3660200	68c38918-949a-4905-9ffd-848d1853d1d6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:46:55	-107.222
-122	73204	3660200	dc62041f-9942-445a-827e-7ecb93ad435b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:26:52	-503.399
-123	36603	3660300	d2579444-24de-4ac2-be3e-f317dd9367bb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:59:40	-586.422
-123	73206	3660300	14246b99-8a44-4e2a-a290-100a11c6f242	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:08:43	-59.292
-124	36604	3660400	d81fc148-bfce-40a1-a3d5-6815387410e9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:42:12	88.848
-124	73208	3660400	ff89594e-de71-42a9-b695-6261c072c0af	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:12:27	183.630
-125	36605	3660500	b86edab9-f3b5-436a-bda7-d3f4249af9c0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:13:15	-922.703
-125	73210	3660500	6e0fcc55-fee5-41a1-9454-c1181fa8be53	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:18:08	-414.488
-126	36606	3660600	60bd2603-8c73-4f8f-a06e-963532cac818	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:38:29	-694.303
-126	73212	3660600	db156346-c213-4209-9f6a-336ec9ff9764	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:23:01	-524.657
-127	36607	3660700	c4b101ec-98a7-4962-971b-e4648ee12c24	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:06:33	-528.567
-127	73214	3660700	95e4df92-a624-4182-ba84-b0a11d05674c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:46:55	-446.255
-0	36608	3660800	d13a4f03-bdb6-4b68-a648-f1937c5615f3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:34:56	-783.478
-0	73216	3660800	70470132-1ade-4918-8f57-3a6e4f638464	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:48:10	906.1
-1	36609	3660900	9fe20243-27f4-4426-8b3c-96fd8e64137f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:23:35	-579.41
-1	73218	3660900	697df4fb-e24b-4931-97e9-a77de9e86058	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:29:36	74.67
-2	36610	3661000	ad07cb89-057c-44f2-abc7-9c4b72829ee0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:04:32	-547.823
-2	73220	3661000	6810a138-27a5-45b8-a274-fbd78ebb46c5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:39:37	802.618
-3	36611	3661100	093e0917-0189-4250-97c0-f6fb11af977c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:48:14	670.428
-3	73222	3661100	0de584c3-94a8-4850-9c2f-15bd8c59ab76	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:13:17	100.404
-4	36612	3661200	42e88553-32e3-4995-b73d-37832deab397	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:33:10	490.377
-4	73224	3661200	d2c3fd57-a651-4cdc-9a4b-edc373d054cc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:35:40	526.922
-5	36613	3661300	7e87e7c5-16d8-4018-a6d0-254ef244c43d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:14:16	-357.146
-5	73226	3661300	1338a338-6774-4d89-84fd-9a22c050ac8b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:06:42	58.754
-6	36614	3661400	36fb883f-4c08-412e-be76-51a4cd1111c4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:29:53	-639.893
-6	73228	3661400	396032b3-1334-45f6-947a-7785f433ff42	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:16:54	-48.829
-7	36615	3661500	e93ef023-049b-437f-89be-79a581774a6f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:50:03	200.837
-7	73230	3661500	3f6d1763-cecb-467f-869d-4450612c8c09	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:52:50	-444.688
-8	36616	3661600	efdf3a09-74dc-4f8b-8ae1-a730d3c251f9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:26:08	512.59
-8	73232	3661600	9084dce6-75b0-467c-878c-e148ac23ffa2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:48:52	-601.190
-9	36617	3661700	76988baa-d012-49b4-9069-274899c2f2e0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:04:30	-463.42
-9	73234	3661700	292e3529-ad96-447e-bcb8-d4cb822b8ff3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:17:08	469.866
-10	36618	3661800	82559a2d-867a-4c76-8050-34676006724f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:20:01	-677.86
-10	73236	3661800	31e4c724-83b1-4022-b1c9-0497cb33aadd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:21:47	255.904
-11	36619	3661900	fcdb290e-6010-44da-b506-eebdc9e4f13f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:05:19	-202.768
-11	73238	3661900	48b2c9ff-572a-4347-90e5-3e8f2060021f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:23:04	-205.13
-12	36620	3662000	e448ed7d-c2aa-49d8-ba4e-ded86ac76f0c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:47:29	990.977
-12	73240	3662000	96794fce-ba64-42ee-a291-9b1d21573f65	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:11:09	-570.694
-13	36621	3662100	8f6e2d96-07c9-4823-88f2-b708ec579200	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:01:16	-176.718
-13	73242	3662100	b6361430-1cf3-4ab0-9290-a8fc38e52b88	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:07:55	586.203
-14	36622	3662200	8f699db9-aab4-4a94-b367-d998c97e1437	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:58:19	-299.771
-14	73244	3662200	2b163b95-baf1-45fc-968a-d8b5775c07e7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:00:58	-559.483
-15	36623	3662300	86aeefd2-bbee-4e9e-9f27-2a56bef51f39	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:47:49	230.889
-15	73246	3662300	b4af93dd-0d54-49b0-8791-f7702b2b0f13	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:27:37	458.530
-16	36624	3662400	17ca0bb8-8ca3-45f2-8b42-fb470ffde002	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:49:03	260.376
-16	73248	3662400	f62b40a6-065d-4b96-8919-9da39f034a9f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:50:08	-961.561
-17	36625	3662500	0a07358a-2f42-4ca4-942d-beb2274a2b0e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:38:06	275.156
-17	73250	3662500	9b172d3c-b2e8-4291-ba90-8ad635fa278d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:08:06	-216.916
-18	36626	3662600	9f6edaf4-4c34-4da1-bf05-5e92bf1499be	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:22:39	648.973
-18	73252	3662600	3ce78243-91cb-4377-9d4f-ef7fc334373e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:48:17	-723.902
-19	36627	3662700	6fdb3f8d-b4d5-4cfe-a0e6-e0d0ea24b559	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:39:16	-595.558
-19	73254	3662700	f6316607-e41b-4560-bcd2-099bdc6bb201	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:47:18	206.101
-20	36628	3662800	2be2627a-291d-497f-894b-4a0fabbfa4a7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:37:13	-185.170
-20	73256	3662800	45a9baef-783a-4eac-8e07-2f90373c40bc	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:36:41	664.859
-21	36629	3662900	9387e56f-379b-4f62-a835-0796301d06c3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:34:01	-748.927
-21	73258	3662900	6b2574fa-663b-4242-b2e5-ec03d3968803	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:20:57	515.187
-22	36630	3663000	fe99ec3e-2816-433f-8cc2-231690ff8f64	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:30:59	834.712
-22	73260	3663000	5afc2516-5556-4282-b806-b1026a631332	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:32:13	106.102
-23	36631	3663100	949d5510-ce0c-4c34-9e5c-99901e4c249d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:03:29	-584.715
-23	73262	3663100	5e8807a7-73d7-45c3-ba4e-a99bcc5b7d40	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:41:59	649.131
-24	36632	3663200	88ffbb9c-c315-46a4-bdb0-ffed321bf28a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:24:46	28.352
-24	73264	3663200	e9a447c1-e14d-4c7a-bd87-6e670e9dfdda	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:35:20	-114.291
-25	36633	3663300	8fe27d7d-81e4-499a-8c83-857b36d110b8	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:16:40	-803.284
-25	73266	3663300	15c4c97d-77c9-4e3d-8a62-25fd77de4be7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:14:23	972.679
-26	36634	3663400	f37250f9-cb7f-45e7-a6ea-e6563091fa78	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:59:34	251.29
-26	73268	3663400	cc58ecd8-1db2-446c-91ed-b3453dbe6789	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:48:05	-441.142
-27	36635	3663500	8a48569c-caeb-4c74-8579-0d9fa118a9c1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:06:38	-126.435
-27	73270	3663500	69792a39-5e31-498c-a43c-13376e5120cc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:02:39	265.78
-28	36636	3663600	bb79a4c9-3dac-425a-9ff7-43d384aa4fdd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:38:09	51.69
-28	73272	3663600	8daa834c-799a-41eb-b501-321940e7d215	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:33:48	-252.65
-29	36637	3663700	20d6c056-6adb-4cd0-b8f1-60b83efe34a8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:25:06	840.244
-29	73274	3663700	849a6cc1-41c3-47f9-ae1f-d90044612bcc	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:57:11	-380.812
-30	36638	3663800	48ef8cc1-51b0-494c-b08f-ad3ebc29a819	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:42:50	-125.515
-30	73276	3663800	2ba209af-fdf1-4114-a726-e2d477d575b3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:49:42	-830.33
-31	36639	3663900	a346b9e4-b117-4510-8507-b9f1030f85d7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:44:26	614.768
-31	73278	3663900	ae555644-f961-4a6a-90dc-9065b03e5b63	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:29:08	-909.199
-32	36640	3664000	55411b81-cc8c-4ba5-a7ba-16fd9284199b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:10:22	-920.691
-32	73280	3664000	862274c1-f7de-4695-9b8f-d01a15ff5370	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:46:33	600.756
-33	36641	3664100	e85dc919-9624-4e1f-887f-d3e1f6fb2257	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:09:48	999.668
-33	73282	3664100	fd1d16e9-741f-4285-8d8d-9c289636fb69	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:11:25	553.789
-34	36642	3664200	dae10571-6156-4bd4-a60c-8044a80ade2d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:38:56	-553.530
-34	73284	3664200	4eb8c267-a55b-46f0-b45f-73ccfef89176	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:08:51	-776.180
-35	36643	3664300	e8af2594-8233-4283-b125-2345b942ccc0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:44:24	-793.949
-35	73286	3664300	171dc8be-a1cc-4a0e-8cf4-04a36900dd45	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:50:08	442.490
-36	36644	3664400	c309e421-6aa6-4574-8e10-d718f3d448ec	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:22:03	-48.43
-36	73288	3664400	24bac5e1-a7b7-4a53-b660-d78aaeae5df9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:07:50	-191.256
-37	36645	3664500	6f85a714-e232-4be1-b618-0183e0dd61eb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:17:00	-977.373
-37	73290	3664500	10d1032c-b44b-4607-9023-99260f514467	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:16:10	745.254
-38	36646	3664600	1b5fe996-2219-4524-b4b4-1b2fae87fda8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:54:16	265.433
-38	73292	3664600	626f76ac-d80b-47a7-88e3-dc41c7959661	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:36:57	310.228
-39	36647	3664700	6a605a94-4688-449b-80c2-0be86e6ea6c8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:16:14	866.901
-39	73294	3664700	24599b82-a3c3-4e4e-a3ff-bb10ba68ce5e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:52:18	55.975
-40	36648	3664800	804950e4-f892-4a07-b60a-c66e63b279df	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:54:19	-718.841
-40	73296	3664800	61222b59-8d2a-44a4-a341-3d734f5b3510	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:49:38	164.370
-41	36649	3664900	c30b62df-5964-4721-b686-7fb2216b2c90	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:29:08	155.546
-41	73298	3664900	536cc1f1-7dec-4c66-b5ca-ce410effcd68	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:40:46	600.485
-42	36650	3665000	ec61c756-1255-4747-b6f0-648b86abba07	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:53:11	878.482
-42	73300	3665000	5c068c7f-15f8-46f2-8864-daccb45fb278	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:49:21	-713.997
-43	36651	3665100	83753d04-e6ea-41ec-a103-0474241680e3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:04:58	240.356
-43	73302	3665100	6d68cd66-33c5-45a4-95f2-9c244f8f41aa	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:41:54	634.952
-44	36652	3665200	d5be3d16-c778-4f92-bfd5-be230636faa4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:32:49	-508.52
-44	73304	3665200	3c53f6e8-d1dd-4f11-955e-3700007c882d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:07:31	-33.403
-45	36653	3665300	a0659a3a-aabc-4ba0-bf2f-7da0fdfc2172	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:13:56	-18.265
-45	73306	3665300	f301e437-bf9b-4a59-9be5-81485a767e5c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:28:25	609.424
-46	36654	3665400	e61723ed-e38b-4d41-8ead-2b6dc9ce096a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:19:31	-968.936
-46	73308	3665400	73e00c80-dc85-42c4-8fc8-b06a68bb769d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:28:51	-790.112
-47	36655	3665500	a748f100-4639-4987-8335-f24612a8eb3b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:30:44	827.120
-47	73310	3665500	97930502-1e0d-44c7-b08e-477e02a2ae2d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:34:46	168.716
-48	36656	3665600	72abe4bc-aabd-4775-a81b-bfb6d61f72af	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:01:12	697.136
-48	73312	3665600	9a5b7dab-53de-4798-bb9c-f867bec7f190	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:39:55	-45.677
-49	36657	3665700	f9cd863f-711a-48d3-bc6f-3bd32956204f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:29:16	-286.968
-49	73314	3665700	56db543d-08e4-4557-89bc-10e5ebfbba2c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:00:28	256.332
-50	36658	3665800	c1d652b1-b3d6-4015-97a1-873ab9c5d5a2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:56:11	-802.173
-50	73316	3665800	2c91e066-9693-49e6-8a09-046eb1384a5c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:55:21	758.702
-51	36659	3665900	e4a35a94-89ba-4216-9969-595e0d3e706e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:53:07	-32.532
-51	73318	3665900	9d40dbd8-c154-4336-835d-86ba7f955462	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:29:00	-521.604
-52	36660	3666000	e9448d4c-d79b-48ef-9551-3a97753d4015	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:36:16	-947.590
-52	73320	3666000	c29e9fea-80c1-4957-a1b6-36fd3f347933	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:39:59	-828.160
-53	36661	3666100	03abbc66-2b81-4598-a34d-9e2b9f0469a7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:16:23	732.385
-53	73322	3666100	16001b84-36c2-4e34-8333-ba755c747c0c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:52:41	-691.250
-54	36662	3666200	293ec4c0-0e82-4ece-9510-66a9c49df169	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:46:36	235.393
-54	73324	3666200	1a0ac3b2-c380-472d-83f3-8e32e515c63c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:26:34	-430.439
-55	36663	3666300	c8851c89-5322-4b72-8ca2-bcdf3f47fee5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:31:14	-651.92
-55	73326	3666300	339d7388-4be9-4cfa-b51a-fca25d4ca955	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:13:08	128.887
-56	36664	3666400	bc793154-f02c-48a3-b8d2-d1e00b3b3197	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:39:11	52.33
-56	73328	3666400	b8675000-0225-4e12-9a71-f358d4978658	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:31:06	954.505
-57	36665	3666500	cf540770-200e-4b36-8ecc-d530ab80c161	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:11:38	887.325
-57	73330	3666500	3a35cea4-5253-4494-84e2-6b35c0459ea3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:15:14	-181.433
-58	36666	3666600	4f5391fb-0a3c-4176-a529-ecf319be44c2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:06:26	-646.740
-58	73332	3666600	0cb2d875-33d2-4f6e-bc9b-858e18f87039	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:08:51	3.313
-59	36667	3666700	2b44429c-dd0a-45d8-bb71-834486f2275e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:26:04	336.917
-59	73334	3666700	f0719814-867c-42cc-9f22-412668447f7a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:48:59	-238.109
-60	36668	3666800	a67e7fd4-da95-4074-8c94-8f60d6e59673	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:23:50	-783.321
-60	73336	3666800	b1112922-71e5-4da7-be35-02695c3d1c87	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:24:47	299.466
-61	36669	3666900	dff01e9e-437b-4200-bc8b-ed62f2767a1c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:55:36	-883.940
-61	73338	3666900	acb0e8ec-5100-47e7-a031-afb489cc3822	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:15:58	-406.95
-62	36670	3667000	696947cd-19f4-4888-8b08-4ef79798dc65	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:35:44	-383.841
-62	73340	3667000	23b3c2b0-8914-4770-a224-0cff56db7a1b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:32:11	48.785
-63	36671	3667100	6e7920db-c6c4-433e-bef0-d156d643c1fc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:30:36	977.298
-63	73342	3667100	be087a1c-4c7e-4693-9861-bbdc7906b0c5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:09:01	228.25
-64	36672	3667200	5f4b7282-ed7a-4dc7-ab09-72cd4b995e50	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:22:13	737.67
-64	73344	3667200	2abbc3cf-861d-4f5a-a5d0-71f096a5032b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:36:51	370.114
-65	36673	3667300	0db1da3a-b7f7-44ca-a3ff-7279f679359e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:17:51	-622.646
-65	73346	3667300	074028b5-8839-464a-a762-ec4f1c78831f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:22:42	-873.612
-66	36674	3667400	38992280-820a-4679-b483-bd6114cd668a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:04:19	-111.572
-66	73348	3667400	2e2d6650-5921-45a3-82e3-7892d74756e4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:44:03	-619.459
-67	36675	3667500	0783ecce-0680-4cc8-a229-b6e2d50b92cc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:29:51	77.794
-67	73350	3667500	6935b3cf-5c1f-466f-a8f1-8d8da521bd9c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:35:26	-605.508
-68	36676	3667600	57a8e345-9869-4d20-ab6b-77b1d06b413d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:25:11	858.418
-68	73352	3667600	be5ab256-c206-4516-bb7d-7c17bde8c170	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:22:45	622.289
-69	36677	3667700	7fa4b388-295a-419e-b6f1-3cd6a046fa3b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:48:48	-536.927
-69	73354	3667700	4c362109-1d6c-4a60-b5b9-d859a1a82b9d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:11:48	847.106
-70	36678	3667800	0413dd7b-6928-4925-a419-26d54030df7d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:23:33	-768.483
-70	73356	3667800	4beda99e-2238-443c-bfb4-862353751a56	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:18:50	-961.272
-71	36679	3667900	e3bfeb74-4e24-478f-ae61-02dc7b7be37c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:13:42	-794.163
-71	73358	3667900	d39295aa-0907-4cb0-a73a-a7b8a181df08	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:11:13	-965.636
-72	36680	3668000	eada50b1-58e9-497a-aab9-c8205d1c1242	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:12:03	376.895
-72	73360	3668000	1190e239-258d-4499-8d82-3013fe74c5f9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:09:42	895.885
-73	36681	3668100	874cdb5d-96d5-4d4c-abc4-f28a65ba62fb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:03:54	-637.583
-73	73362	3668100	c1d69918-31a8-4861-99ec-e6a34ce5bf97	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:28:36	11.865
-74	36682	3668200	669522ba-8c47-42ac-a262-2bd8398f4923	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:33:06	-906.294
-74	73364	3668200	8c7a7ea9-485a-4887-9cd2-1cd7f30975d8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:34:06	-67.552
-75	36683	3668300	e3eb4382-4956-46bd-b007-9f2060246e4e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:43:09	40.13
-75	73366	3668300	b15fe30b-e6ee-448a-a24e-887f76338ebe	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:11:07	684.282
-76	36684	3668400	4eedcdd5-fd10-49b9-9072-4bc8ed5425a4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:15:35	-33.147
-76	73368	3668400	7ed4ba4d-0fc9-4e8e-a37e-a4c35b284905	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:59:51	-324.992
-77	36685	3668500	34babb37-0693-4226-bbae-e0de101513a7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:45:37	543.983
-77	73370	3668500	6771e3a4-5a58-4a9e-b33c-1cc620ef8e3a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:02:08	33.362
-78	36686	3668600	9e834342-07ef-4e01-96b2-23933a771c39	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:17:39	871.346
-78	73372	3668600	3c51953e-ff49-43f6-b069-25e9d47ab705	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:19:48	-826.384
-79	36687	3668700	a4ef911f-ab39-4d10-831b-ac2ac56cdf25	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:13:02	-791.195
-79	73374	3668700	7fe86be8-81c0-4dd8-b753-417d6cb2ffac	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:48:53	577.345
-80	36688	3668800	0f006302-2f22-4e0a-a655-30632628984b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:58:59	-326.429
-80	73376	3668800	7a8d62cf-ddea-4c9f-a673-d286ae1292e6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:04:37	78.221
-81	36689	3668900	2dc4baf6-3f5a-4360-ba91-14d3a003a0fb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:54:05	173.486
-81	73378	3668900	3ab19fba-f847-4bff-a32d-0a12a8dc61cd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:56:34	-555.926
-82	36690	3669000	749bb7fd-08a0-4078-8d13-57e7f27626b0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:36:50	186.46
-82	73380	3669000	56ffae50-519f-4d0e-be3c-dbdf03808f8c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:43:00	591.786
-83	36691	3669100	17caf725-52bf-44e1-85fd-6c8713b19c19	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:42:00	61.51
-83	73382	3669100	c992fdc0-36a1-4f77-9ba6-980398247e6c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:45:39	570.504
-84	36692	3669200	6e2ee64d-5609-4628-874f-54b5412a2f59	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:22:59	363.146
-84	73384	3669200	73994f32-bd2f-460a-88e7-6995194192fb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:56:52	-494.189
-85	36693	3669300	d92309d2-3271-4266-baf2-3c37a235ff13	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:36:24	-361.818
-85	73386	3669300	905e4f3a-d76d-4af2-a0ee-3474f628bc51	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:28:27	-650.383
-86	36694	3669400	1e2cc191-5813-47ec-a7e9-f69274a29d74	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:09:25	407.780
-86	73388	3669400	17fa1b85-454c-4729-8eca-64ab137bf70f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:53:03	200.110
-87	36695	3669500	67f9fa09-fec9-4fa5-9de1-cd7862e3f855	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:17:56	301.240
-87	73390	3669500	05691563-cab3-4d4c-8dc5-e735b935466d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:56:32	-766.684
-88	36696	3669600	791df6c1-fbad-4861-b7f0-703840ade87b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:33:31	88.370
-88	73392	3669600	7d4afa43-807a-44be-980e-1ce3eefffe41	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:34:42	-227.240
-89	36697	3669700	417540e8-5840-46bb-8f0b-9b7d5ad5ebbf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:50:29	820.284
-89	73394	3669700	44bd61e4-5573-4a2d-b67a-8ac85046fff2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:44:13	-931.923
-90	36698	3669800	025ac90e-b5ff-453e-965a-236f2202a720	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:11:51	448.611
-90	73396	3669800	bd9c0a4d-421a-492c-9b21-6c85513793fa	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:35:56	-473.210
-91	36699	3669900	dab04efb-7ea0-4d33-babd-4a8b12c2af4a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:41:12	343.782
-91	73398	3669900	6673df01-7ff2-42b3-a3fd-621e55090d7c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:11:42	-622.633
-92	36700	3670000	6804211d-9036-4de4-beae-e33b1f617dc6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:08:10	-297.531
-92	73400	3670000	3d4a0e9f-ef5b-4257-aabd-f4e44e57be1d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:40:43	261.635
-93	36701	3670100	c85b6813-6177-4709-b5e8-2ffc13f043bc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:45:25	-618.477
-93	73402	3670100	67bede34-1b26-43fb-8426-89a67619a77d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:53:08	-159.959
-94	36702	3670200	aa56c277-da30-4263-8781-063b9d634a09	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:36:25	-532.290
-94	73404	3670200	5bc85cc7-0712-4dae-a1a6-c3ea6be8a827	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:48:58	602.759
-95	36703	3670300	1dfcf0ff-34b4-4ae0-8ee5-7762e1ed647e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:30:06	794.530
-95	73406	3670300	691b63ff-3a64-4035-90ac-8c06e2cfcd00	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:00:39	-582.252
-96	36704	3670400	a944bf30-dfc9-487d-95d3-de9d38249983	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:22:07	474.128
-96	73408	3670400	642f4fef-2197-4f32-bc0c-7555b13bb7e5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:54:30	12.941
-97	36705	3670500	2d25af1d-51e0-432b-a7fe-ad830e83b178	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:26:48	888.926
-97	73410	3670500	e995bfd6-4fd8-4027-a7e3-ac74cb63f87f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:42:39	943.732
-98	36706	3670600	b3484380-b5bc-47f8-8eed-080c42bf2f42	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:23:19	421.251
-98	73412	3670600	72cc4444-27a8-4e25-98f5-0d2ae3c81791	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:06:08	928.76
-99	36707	3670700	296129cb-a3f5-4fb3-9be3-405b01c48b0b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:49:26	633.456
-99	73414	3670700	e5f9f65f-e40a-40cc-b3a6-31354e2ab3bd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:23:28	-204.838
-100	36708	3670800	bfe47cbd-9395-4447-bd6b-16d6408a718e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:57:09	-950.862
-100	73416	3670800	e8578661-a594-46b8-b614-979ff6d42061	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:15:47	-157.764
-101	36709	3670900	6f282a21-806b-4d33-8cc5-d8658b908a26	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:32:54	-934.431
-101	73418	3670900	5bfd56d7-ae48-43cb-ac10-a78def108cc8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:44:35	-683.888
-102	36710	3671000	19c3ede7-150c-41bb-8970-75cdb660d8fd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:45:03	-240.994
-102	73420	3671000	82d7339c-c8fe-41b1-9206-bf974e047364	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:57:42	-215.638
-103	36711	3671100	02c988d0-7769-4a54-90ce-bc3f063dc856	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:21:05	-72.494
-103	73422	3671100	16bf4903-9b89-4a2d-993f-3325556783b1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:33:02	-471.598
-104	36712	3671200	1da3b20c-01ec-4684-974b-5ad53a09d0d9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:40:54	-694.241
-104	73424	3671200	d433a3fb-c077-4e54-9972-1b8829dad96f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:45:15	-396.409
-105	36713	3671300	7c025932-1ed1-4319-9591-e7976811ddf7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:28:33	-310.169
-105	73426	3671300	f1ff7521-adb7-400c-b519-479d27c5b1bf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:17:39	96.353
-106	36714	3671400	6be93d81-74c2-427b-9341-ee16560e4adc	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:56:55	685.793
-106	73428	3671400	06986f52-c171-483a-87fc-5a59217c15ec	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:16:38	658.912
-107	36715	3671500	edb1c810-5618-4500-bd57-88af985dd7c8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:08:49	-807.733
-107	73430	3671500	01c3992a-b0c5-47d4-a84c-adcc6cb2f63d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:26:43	45.750
-108	36716	3671600	90c754b1-e8ca-402d-a51d-bac5b30401f8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:24:28	347.186
-108	73432	3671600	529d561a-e675-4d4a-b167-bb950ea12c4b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:37:55	-304.888
-109	36717	3671700	91d1b9f9-12b1-44d8-9cfd-1eebf7cb4d68	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:05:51	-595.998
-109	73434	3671700	fb729ddb-077b-4d79-9a27-7f49c4d904fb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:04:25	684.74
-110	36718	3671800	d886d12e-3481-448f-8883-7cf1f4624ee2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:25:04	-412.299
-110	73436	3671800	ae925049-e113-4484-865f-753fc9bdbb2b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:57:00	349.149
-111	36719	3671900	49f75d36-b15b-40ba-b50e-bf419b9be8a9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:51:25	-531.913
-111	73438	3671900	327b396d-784a-4b87-944b-a993fdd7a6e3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:36:15	-853.259
-112	36720	3672000	143d0c6b-653a-4c5d-92d9-380370b1791e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:32:54	-656.974
-112	73440	3672000	1f08391b-840a-489e-9c11-2805febb0ad8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:54:14	765.725
-113	36721	3672100	a69c7a21-c222-41ca-8b52-97e965cbd49d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:14:43	-237.954
-113	73442	3672100	7ee01f6a-a3cf-4393-ac9a-5d4b375cd606	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:45:39	239.391
-114	36722	3672200	70710f19-ad4f-4827-b1c3-1340a77f7a58	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:58:47	368.832
-114	73444	3672200	ab7c180b-0ab0-4bcb-a33a-1e2a16a35e81	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:13:31	-681.477
-115	36723	3672300	53381cee-4801-4100-8eaa-5316603a5feb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:48:14	-587.951
-115	73446	3672300	39105235-9f15-4aa6-bd70-dd0d5f7d3438	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:28:42	205.961
-116	36724	3672400	3d5bfcef-2ba4-4ff4-bc34-2a04e9640463	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:35:49	623.582
-116	73448	3672400	67a84a9e-4ed1-419b-8142-0e63584bfe28	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:37:35	951.239
-117	36725	3672500	f4e61928-f193-4f32-9c73-b23ace1321fe	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:18:11	-267.814
-117	73450	3672500	c38b5b54-5f52-4f43-b906-7c160bf00dac	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:26:41	329.435
-118	36726	3672600	f4c4479b-514d-4447-a0d7-3d232b4d2a7b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:05:40	953.714
-118	73452	3672600	eb7e7842-33d4-4726-b375-4a3976cdc8d9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:15:12	-623.656
-119	36727	3672700	1c9a725c-c7bc-4e77-a51c-cc49687e9b69	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:00:50	392.31
-119	73454	3672700	f05f4648-e7b2-4f27-a914-87e643b868ea	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:49:28	903.506
-120	36728	3672800	17fa227a-901e-4153-909d-560c7026a508	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:52:35	-729.881
-120	73456	3672800	46d0f618-6a8b-484c-b9f2-fb8ed13d5c90	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:58:32	567.814
-121	36729	3672900	fc3b8518-8331-4657-9a18-992293436408	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:37:31	-856.449
-121	73458	3672900	b867a40e-f645-4082-9854-9449af8ec66d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:18:29	636.699
-122	36730	3673000	93c449e4-6d80-4a97-bd6a-2cc5e262c38f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:02:54	699.627
-122	73460	3673000	a0524722-2dc2-41b9-bfc7-f6cc96b4d122	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:47:52	230.175
-123	36731	3673100	9b2c9e37-a8d3-4a94-aec6-26c509aa4fd9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:35:59	66.463
-123	73462	3673100	136dd0a1-3f0a-4d14-9cd8-1505d01d9cc1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:48:42	-761.283
-124	36732	3673200	384fee3b-aacd-4b2e-b4d2-6886da9d66cb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:40:02	939.379
-124	73464	3673200	19648191-ca4e-43e7-a252-aa9815514b3f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:26:46	-316.535
-125	36733	3673300	03d822fb-6349-463b-bc10-ecea98ef1da0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:26:59	-109.177
-125	73466	3673300	2f38063f-7afb-4986-8795-32873fcc02c5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:18:55	697.40
-126	36734	3673400	e7716eb3-cb13-4d74-885a-9379af16085d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:30:23	924.101
-126	73468	3673400	1cde3ff5-c3be-493d-bf8d-9322f4f73774	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:20:43	-755.962
-127	36735	3673500	80964fed-7e49-4d22-8a0d-01e4405dc58d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:40:05	706.762
-127	73470	3673500	153eb209-d6b3-4a26-8916-1268228ab69c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:25:37	748.179
-0	36736	3673600	f2c4500a-8aba-4e23-86bc-17bde752a019	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:36:56	-495.944
-0	73472	3673600	c733cb4c-ea01-44af-af59-1b492e97180f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:03:37	952.984
-1	36737	3673700	ad247853-ef20-4538-ab42-4890c4117d36	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:10:53	151.854
-1	73474	3673700	385c54a2-1c51-4b8c-aaea-aea01f45a70f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:12:10	640.21
-2	36738	3673800	17b292c5-ae32-4629-acf0-859095969878	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:16:32	262.300
-2	73476	3673800	2422f30c-cf52-43e2-9fd7-a67402c37b2c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:57:00	837.663
-3	36739	3673900	7c40fd4c-3925-4672-882f-e3adbf449b4a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:57:56	-53.25
-3	73478	3673900	945fa363-3732-4ea7-b75d-301c2f07b8fc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:20:06	-189.631
-4	36740	3674000	72f52bfb-6d36-4c4b-9d0b-5c6caea411a6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:20:01	180.454
-4	73480	3674000	9465ac03-13ef-48f7-a19f-bcb0c97e73a9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:43:59	-874.236
-5	36741	3674100	8b5c92e9-b2fe-4d6c-b9a1-839532f2c0fc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:56:12	-888.746
-5	73482	3674100	5d535bd1-063c-4340-b7b1-71ef2098f103	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:52:51	139.699
-6	36742	3674200	57aeac47-0c34-4054-8b40-e26f1b07aa4d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:08:51	-855.821
-6	73484	3674200	ed974319-97eb-4c76-8a4d-fc5660e20bd1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:57:43	978.213
-7	36743	3674300	f4859e1c-0049-42a2-9060-7cd9afca5381	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:09:33	-318.849
-7	73486	3674300	6a908ad9-5954-4bec-89b5-4fe5d42510b2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:43:18	537.638
-8	36744	3674400	bff275b7-a0d7-4259-81bc-8550802a23e5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:59:46	964.791
-8	73488	3674400	60dda6f1-cf03-4d2e-a87d-a99b39249cfb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:13:26	-129.231
-9	36745	3674500	e779adca-2fc8-4d46-a5aa-9f5019ee9841	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:02:53	-964.584
-9	73490	3674500	3d5e5529-a0f6-468d-a2d5-9ba1636c81d4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:00:12	372.928
-10	36746	3674600	70dea409-18f9-4cc8-b3d7-019a9763148a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:17:55	-368.964
-10	73492	3674600	cc4fd254-f71b-42db-acc5-01fed705a1b3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:34:08	127.579
-11	36747	3674700	6678f009-9ec6-4689-bcaa-6c7235d74703	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:51:06	-808.470
-11	73494	3674700	f6b6ab44-6dea-4dfa-8478-4ec00320b2c2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:00:25	-997.887
-12	36748	3674800	9f9b74e5-9704-4a52-9b12-b2d3a06f5d4c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:43:47	-254.635
-12	73496	3674800	cb740f45-22dd-44a6-8e17-992af3c24a89	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:17:00	-1.390
-13	36749	3674900	20b69237-5d4a-4dff-ac98-63aa6c44b9b4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:16:03	-248.728
-13	73498	3674900	2b7d9bc1-f6a5-443f-bca3-b8084e84009a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:06:27	893.920
-14	36750	3675000	3f6cbf19-1f34-45af-8f4b-8f65325fc637	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:39:20	-415.950
-14	73500	3675000	9226601d-0564-4fd4-8ec0-527d5de5d02f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:03:32	-958.483
-15	36751	3675100	66913859-c982-45cf-a163-680fd209c7b8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:54:18	-849.175
-15	73502	3675100	9649de0d-aeb2-43ae-8eef-12173575c717	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:25:24	401.244
-16	36752	3675200	8eb52050-e195-4c89-9314-db862ef01a67	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:48:46	250.159
-16	73504	3675200	96a6166f-fcbe-4119-8637-ce9783c95500	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:06:52	-596.72
-17	36753	3675300	b459d157-c0a1-4681-ba92-e6fba6dee271	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:24:00	-819.62
-17	73506	3675300	c5043605-0a05-40d1-9991-84cd30732389	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:32:33	524.631
-18	36754	3675400	dc7a8f98-b73e-4967-9a1c-3bd36edb0d01	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:39:18	347.986
-18	73508	3675400	305b4cc1-3696-4fdf-900a-b3d5b3565df6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:13:32	-774.6
-19	36755	3675500	6daef361-e53e-4420-8e6c-96d2b188d843	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:36:53	113.576
-19	73510	3675500	7197faf5-eced-46d0-8a0d-328d54cc89b1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:58:16	-761.481
-20	36756	3675600	0582d74f-a144-4d16-9f26-bd5c82af0e72	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:42:22	172.64
-20	73512	3675600	726272dd-d629-4393-9731-cd4669ce9456	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:19:19	970.714
-21	36757	3675700	7a084932-713a-4c70-9b8c-bc38fde34dab	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:20:13	358.616
-21	73514	3675700	4e8d224c-c2c1-42ca-bff3-c4bc53419698	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:54:39	900.219
-22	36758	3675800	7cd2eab9-0828-431b-8a53-a3616f4c3e93	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:16:13	-880.253
-22	73516	3675800	79a12fff-5914-4fd5-b11c-9e3d1f0479b9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:26:16	774.890
-23	36759	3675900	c21f3ac8-de79-4673-80fd-25f4b9169cdf	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:41:42	938.935
-23	73518	3675900	8a78c673-80b9-4ae2-b56e-2b649868e9b2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:25:38	969.551
-24	36760	3676000	54e68d62-687a-467d-9c8e-4a7d2ea0fa32	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:48:58	-75.152
-24	73520	3676000	0f4d3b0f-0a39-4757-bf40-4336fb0b2c10	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:05:20	169.917
-25	36761	3676100	355444d1-4208-4cb4-9994-077e93f9fb2e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:36:24	315.319
-25	73522	3676100	74eb5a08-a16b-4681-8d05-772a4acb297b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:31:06	315.65
-26	36762	3676200	0c3bc19a-0cbd-4c98-a6b1-65e194dc2add	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:16:50	708.936
-26	73524	3676200	053fe45f-1074-4903-9aa3-87d7e5da135e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:08:09	945.723
-27	36763	3676300	7ee37a5d-74c5-4a43-bba5-c80c82bf15ad	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:03:11	837.907
-27	73526	3676300	1c5afbbc-a4f2-48e6-b0f0-39d6b7116bad	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:39:08	-762.612
-28	36764	3676400	5e35e547-62c8-441d-b297-d54d09057ed7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:36:34	617.4
-28	73528	3676400	1d8a5c31-88cb-43ca-a63b-89bdbc32df63	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:41:29	-130.985
-29	36765	3676500	c066792a-2486-4078-8daf-2c508fb80deb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:34:47	-154.223
-29	73530	3676500	4a5164c9-cc46-456a-a5f7-bae0950a94cb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:30:42	883.19
-30	36766	3676600	b1ed0883-96e1-46e6-ba6b-34ad3e8a20b3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:39:32	22.708
-30	73532	3676600	7e53bdcd-f558-421c-b2df-8302a1a2663f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:40:12	37.480
-31	36767	3676700	6a712566-c87c-4e5c-94c1-111132dab095	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:11:29	160.960
-31	73534	3676700	f2257f6a-d820-4aa6-9860-05f55117ec41	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:07:35	-624.467
-32	36768	3676800	11c63898-8d1a-4278-8c78-cb24477e220a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:14:40	-599.943
-32	73536	3676800	daddc4b6-8e35-4cf2-90a9-65c878d99a08	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:21:32	-354.336
-33	36769	3676900	a174c4e0-d4fe-45bf-84f0-d1c4b6073581	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:27:05	-994.742
-33	73538	3676900	db7b571f-d8a5-4ff6-ba51-6f203c469674	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:01:28	-987.63
-34	36770	3677000	35f35a1f-e473-4a68-8ba4-cda07c99dfb4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:19:08	-132.502
-34	73540	3677000	01f14eb4-4e9c-41c3-8a9d-252f8e5cf787	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:13:13	-951.510
-35	36771	3677100	8697d080-0c9d-4192-925d-1037bb6913c4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:36:56	-677.565
-35	73542	3677100	fbc18be6-1fca-4cf7-83e6-910d0b157c9f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:01:07	-621.763
-36	36772	3677200	9628fb5a-ab47-4d23-8f06-56882bf01b65	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:35:52	979.399
-36	73544	3677200	81f1ae1d-6e8c-4adb-a29b-4b2679e1e95b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:14:14	76.388
-37	36773	3677300	97c916a3-d490-4481-9c61-9f15c34f71ff	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:01:16	-389.854
-37	73546	3677300	0533e401-a525-4569-a626-cbbe18683e7a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:44:58	151.98
-38	36774	3677400	56b7ab77-c6e3-4f64-b4a9-3578930afbf4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:09:01	420.633
-38	73548	3677400	cbb3d1f6-3e44-49d8-842c-8b4ef3b6e9b6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:57:36	411.666
-39	36775	3677500	d720fc8c-8212-4bb7-b386-ce7969b2a959	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:16:52	747.568
-39	73550	3677500	66294b25-36ad-4a4e-bfba-cb7b03947568	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:37:30	-32.670
-40	36776	3677600	367b3797-f71c-4b88-b3da-03093af5af26	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:38:35	117.943
-40	73552	3677600	3420d4bd-125c-414a-9950-bf4d622d0009	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:01:31	890.193
-41	36777	3677700	50f8298c-a5d1-428b-a0e2-7cd1d655d544	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:16:26	-910.227
-41	73554	3677700	a288cdb9-6e8e-421b-a34f-b084e318aa67	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:41:56	-962.883
-42	36778	3677800	b54643cd-dbd3-4656-afff-fca8a2df3099	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:41:47	-538.861
-42	73556	3677800	b4a0b7cf-1507-421e-a1a1-895bc950e03b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:25:08	-32.142
-43	36779	3677900	5b4e5fbe-8655-4b26-9d13-02be89e2cbbe	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:09:05	-299.908
-43	73558	3677900	85d3214d-6d0f-4da7-8a33-7a5a76e1d102	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:40:49	763.797
-44	36780	3678000	50a879ee-3480-41fe-be3f-1c24827efda5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:28:41	183.217
-44	73560	3678000	bdbb5591-8b84-41e5-9343-4563e4654772	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:00:42	55.105
-45	36781	3678100	8a4d78b4-9e31-40fa-902f-5b46dc115bf5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:02:20	-296.597
-45	73562	3678100	eb698bb6-0411-40b4-bd31-4faf8c20222b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:40:23	304.761
-46	36782	3678200	643cd66f-601a-4866-b440-7c2380c8606b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:07:14	-881.193
-46	73564	3678200	d62f8c70-abbc-43ce-b74f-306c52a59770	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:55:56	765.810
-47	36783	3678300	0f9c0afd-bfd6-4e5b-9e8e-5de74b1de496	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:07:35	-308.411
-47	73566	3678300	25801964-de7a-4dd9-a80e-9684b1c380fa	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:04:17	979.441
-48	36784	3678400	3fb42c73-1f08-4b15-98de-7a18f7b68da6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:01:15	106.488
-48	73568	3678400	838f4b79-a63d-4a01-8242-16912b288b95	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:04:10	-594.766
-49	36785	3678500	7bdbf8e2-038b-417e-84ac-5f12e91fd784	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:46:37	-348.525
-49	73570	3678500	0c0314b2-7a07-47b6-9851-d975e6a22472	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:46:22	-942.668
-50	36786	3678600	c75cbb7d-2504-4ca8-ade6-02ec5d152022	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:07:44	-26.618
-50	73572	3678600	c1c7d9cd-daad-456b-8f8e-1b0c3ffba9b7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:22:12	-55.386
-51	36787	3678700	32f0814b-3096-4353-8af5-2ec128d4ee4a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:26:30	807.428
-51	73574	3678700	33a4db69-b449-4e2b-9e0c-63fd818b4e24	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:07:56	894.412
-52	36788	3678800	73e00315-8e1b-4e02-8ab9-92caa5ae0a21	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:16:35	409.76
-52	73576	3678800	5d2540bb-3307-4a73-bb8f-0cc4e10a4198	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:03:27	829.423
-53	36789	3678900	31155971-c476-40ad-84de-f458f84ea133	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:14:01	570.398
-53	73578	3678900	479e2180-cd32-4740-acf6-deebfe13270c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:44:47	492.751
-54	36790	3679000	eca55bf6-758d-407c-8324-e3b889ad270b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:05:56	-596.289
-54	73580	3679000	c6ceedf6-31df-46f8-bf7b-8c2a8c8cf591	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:51:50	413.749
-55	36791	3679100	c896658c-1fdc-453b-8e52-c4037625e42f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:53:28	-700.666
-55	73582	3679100	d0ebae2a-ae2f-4d79-a250-72eca6e13b29	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:28:15	868.964
-56	36792	3679200	fd717e55-1fea-4008-870c-dd2860135336	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:03:25	245.515
-56	73584	3679200	4c78b488-ca2a-4fcf-941b-f502d4d46f33	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:29:49	329.695
-57	36793	3679300	94524a5d-a26f-493b-b8ec-bf28c33ee462	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:56:54	-150.22
-57	73586	3679300	4c73fde0-998a-47d0-b7c1-ab84d9ebaf89	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:33:19	-643.600
-58	36794	3679400	bb9d2d08-969f-42e4-a85d-cbb22f33011b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:52:52	-657.592
-58	73588	3679400	c9356c09-cbe9-4833-af79-6b974eb30aeb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:20:03	287.62
-59	36795	3679500	9301aeb6-158d-4e08-a567-88535824abed	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:13:30	-814.326
-59	73590	3679500	3de43877-c690-41a4-8a2f-38a972d11c5b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:14:50	-138.100
-60	36796	3679600	fd271f87-5919-4ba7-a774-0b676d0cbf57	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:22:14	-7.186
-60	73592	3679600	0b0c6cdf-75e0-4b00-a208-d9628496e47b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:50:32	760.722
-61	36797	3679700	84d3c00e-f5bc-48cd-83aa-c421e5c85861	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:25:44	-67.179
-61	73594	3679700	ad672ff7-5418-463f-8cb1-570468ce3943	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:01:30	-166.991
-62	36798	3679800	cae1e416-8b8d-46c2-9423-51b6cd91a6a3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:46:07	-421.357
-62	73596	3679800	4e935d6f-3a55-48fa-a088-3db623bce948	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:35:42	-839.753
-63	36799	3679900	897c2538-9d90-428e-9414-b9de58bd7fd2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:00:52	-224.401
-63	73598	3679900	abe825d2-ed1e-4e13-8906-dcce8ca2adac	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:35:15	-348.675
-64	36800	3680000	2e01fd62-9675-42b4-bc2a-75d01468601a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:50:24	-118.786
-64	73600	3680000	b14f2067-d13b-4630-8469-20965b4936b4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:34:03	358.847
-65	36801	3680100	d3a4f4b8-5a5a-45e9-8f7e-65c6687f695b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:28:08	-276.363
-65	73602	3680100	dbd0822d-ef12-452f-b5d0-4ea23319d6fc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:30:44	51.468
-66	36802	3680200	53c17d50-48f6-4d4f-b44f-a91691e574bc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:04:12	672.287
-66	73604	3680200	f1cdd5f0-9b8b-43ab-bff9-fc554e2dd617	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:24:34	794.428
-67	36803	3680300	7f654342-3bb2-45a2-90c1-f1ea505b3f8b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:43:45	49.681
-67	73606	3680300	31f019bb-0626-44d0-8666-90fbdb608a5a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:06:48	-526.969
-68	36804	3680400	ee0ee01f-2a49-418e-ac5d-e0619afee61d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:50:43	563.667
-68	73608	3680400	2c8478aa-a43b-4b36-8fc3-05d2edcb018c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:40:56	-731.447
-69	36805	3680500	aeb8c492-539c-4e96-94a8-56e470a9f1c9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:35:30	1.352
-69	73610	3680500	7cf0867d-89aa-478d-8d79-0b6ff00d3dc1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:11:01	246.368
-70	36806	3680600	1de128f6-643e-4e24-9178-c07675d55bf9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:35:56	230.615
-70	73612	3680600	fe29c91d-9c45-4a58-a937-75b852e7d452	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:35:16	-100.608
-71	36807	3680700	b1a928ed-87e3-4781-a2e5-3dc29abfd74c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:01:53	798.919
-71	73614	3680700	b54f402a-bf47-4c56-9f33-b7bababd007e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:35:40	688.168
-72	36808	3680800	cbeead0a-88eb-4056-93c5-0be9b9102a81	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:18:02	177.654
-72	73616	3680800	e1c50857-2ba2-409f-b5f0-9defbf6aefb3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:17:31	-718.533
-73	36809	3680900	275e68e3-f945-4cca-8852-4f79e47cf228	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:30:04	245.191
-73	73618	3680900	9c8fecd8-8441-4bba-9942-0b100074df0c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:35:53	-761.742
-74	36810	3681000	5ef95add-1a89-449c-8eb7-c2db3bc9eff2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:50:08	526.316
-74	73620	3681000	36526afd-77e4-4ccb-9a08-321fe6848530	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:34:33	84.793
-75	36811	3681100	b38d1579-8c7f-4c96-8b81-6cff1410337f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:37:35	-418.70
-75	73622	3681100	b2944b99-da72-4036-9a8b-cd16b4d75a16	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:13:25	467.341
-76	36812	3681200	c4dcdf4f-9644-4d20-8122-b7433fe53730	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:38:35	-974.61
-76	73624	3681200	0038faff-ba36-4ade-9dc4-903c6b0d8145	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:00:56	-414.307
-77	36813	3681300	acfac08e-7abc-4267-81a2-e5ff45ccd833	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:13:20	976.902
-77	73626	3681300	c31aca8d-845f-43ed-bc71-98a78da62446	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:56:36	-978.518
-78	36814	3681400	4f5afb02-5341-4c1c-9212-7a75a3dbd09f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:30:49	-566.303
-78	73628	3681400	c1f7d594-0f37-4bd9-80d9-80219031652c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:41:53	-846.508
-79	36815	3681500	052c55c2-d096-4358-ad4d-b6ba48cd8e8e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:00:21	314.859
-79	73630	3681500	171c29c0-5638-4c06-81de-ef580d89ec98	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:25:17	-382.626
-80	36816	3681600	d3f73273-6054-4d84-86e3-0257aeac4edf	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:55:56	-217.882
-80	73632	3681600	8a2fdebf-493e-4af5-8d51-eb1213097600	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:07:34	52.606
-81	36817	3681700	d875a3b0-6351-4239-b026-52ef28f60212	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:33:16	-663.673
-81	73634	3681700	ee709c6b-9303-4363-8176-ec0b8ac3b5b9	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:58:28	-610.756
-82	36818	3681800	e856c648-84e8-43b9-a619-0377bc76f433	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:30:56	971.706
-82	73636	3681800	be331026-447a-4e68-a306-3bbd76ddb80f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:08:04	-109.587
-83	36819	3681900	92493a8f-60fa-4380-bbf0-3247873ade80	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:56:36	-161.153
-83	73638	3681900	9bbd44fa-cbb8-4392-b202-e83375ed2ace	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:42:38	-70.18
-84	36820	3682000	e0b48f94-f161-4c49-a4a4-2cf0db05d9d4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:30:58	191.356
-84	73640	3682000	6ecd0abb-ea91-4117-b3da-5682cfd0a87d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:20:23	-87.568
-85	36821	3682100	417c1137-5f09-468d-a206-90d71b4533b9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:25:24	505.626
-85	73642	3682100	fe8afe83-4e7f-4168-a2a3-28fb6f9ed7b1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:23:28	-322.572
-86	36822	3682200	003cb665-4678-4641-a260-dc78115a5062	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:54:14	291.885
-86	73644	3682200	f3665fc2-4d9b-492a-9110-ee0ed46adb05	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:37:31	921.724
-87	36823	3682300	961e10b2-c188-49bf-84d0-d45acf65e3f5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:43:56	-317.24
-87	73646	3682300	3260c8d8-cecc-45bc-acdf-7bc01d8fd8d5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:31:01	812.807
-88	36824	3682400	0c3fd1d4-91a8-45ba-b584-5750df06ccae	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:00:27	942.528
-88	73648	3682400	76e364d3-bbb6-442a-92b1-b9474687001d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:34:37	587.40
-89	36825	3682500	0569fa5b-fdac-464c-8a3c-9d9d512b602b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:52:16	-257.635
-89	73650	3682500	408a4d01-58f9-4c65-ad4f-12fef623cf97	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:08:46	-95.656
-90	36826	3682600	d567d2be-cdce-4dac-9364-838b8ca693f5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:22:43	-636.286
-90	73652	3682600	1b34be0d-bf25-453d-aab5-31fba595b960	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:11:35	288.468
-91	36827	3682700	de780f8f-437b-414b-9b88-709a2b47df86	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:59:50	-781.280
-91	73654	3682700	217d342e-19a2-4047-aec2-338db343e0c1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:24:25	125.388
-92	36828	3682800	24741b8c-1899-4839-9357-878fe1263a40	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:44:11	-471.860
-92	73656	3682800	ca47b2dc-3915-4ea8-b27b-745951df3885	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:00:27	-334.598
-93	36829	3682900	8085b93a-fb4d-4740-8b55-b098e30d4161	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:16:20	-740.785
-93	73658	3682900	a5f7fe76-089c-48a3-ad63-e78e98fd9b10	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:21:21	-779.911
-94	36830	3683000	df880f8a-1d56-4792-9a6d-22b78949d75e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:51:54	681.709
-94	73660	3683000	ca210492-2d4e-42b9-a424-a517e8a1d1b1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:53:14	-123.906
-95	36831	3683100	e632735c-2316-4d64-abc2-7c4499775019	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:41:18	104.563
-95	73662	3683100	db8bbf78-ee32-4e13-950d-69d9f832b71e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:46:47	-406.5
-96	36832	3683200	42812e86-294b-488b-b1d3-e60d5421943a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:38:48	-557.367
-96	73664	3683200	44489a3c-18e7-451f-b684-98adc46ba33b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:38:52	882.385
-97	36833	3683300	95320543-ef17-4ff6-9259-d4f8c11f048a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:10:31	-754.752
-97	73666	3683300	1f582511-2b0e-4de0-b850-f2fec61e555c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:27:14	2.564
-98	36834	3683400	8d647a6e-143a-4d21-801a-0edd91da7066	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:43:49	-710.68
-98	73668	3683400	99951a38-8ce8-425d-b965-975fd70fc2e4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:20:09	453.838
-99	36835	3683500	c8d385b4-ee5b-4617-afd3-4e8c22580405	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:40:37	-6.848
-99	73670	3683500	21adcbc8-a63b-4758-9ae7-0acc91032945	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:20:31	177.659
-100	36836	3683600	4137ae0c-861d-4818-ac4c-68f62ec2b32d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:34:35	143.649
-100	73672	3683600	2dff9598-d9b9-4fc2-957e-a1429f67e0c2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:52:37	-976.379
-101	36837	3683700	5f288ecc-d655-41c4-8a89-d3255f2b9110	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:54:34	884.578
-101	73674	3683700	201a5a72-d776-4b27-9fdd-e9f1602f04cc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:32:15	471.196
-102	36838	3683800	88a0bf51-fbcb-4e6f-84e1-ad8ed30f61ff	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:25:29	211.681
-102	73676	3683800	e65811f5-e827-4be2-9f03-c7828ad9c696	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:31:01	-558.546
-103	36839	3683900	b1c8c5c1-f911-4609-85a6-83561bce5186	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:57:47	709.835
-103	73678	3683900	805fc8b7-51f9-47c5-bf37-c143f74e0fbc	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:13:57	-957.875
-104	36840	3684000	612d8d12-dba5-49c4-afe7-637e05c20a5b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:57:56	-520.91
-104	73680	3684000	d3966018-0b1f-45e6-87e4-80169facf34d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:01:00	538.426
-105	36841	3684100	66deadbb-1570-4844-b543-a155cab6fc70	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:08:35	-399.95
-105	73682	3684100	f9b88c87-69a5-4f85-9d9e-8f8d58aa65c8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:02:44	-289.219
-106	36842	3684200	f0e57979-3e18-4f90-9503-c90d5bf9c7b3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:25:03	508.587
-106	73684	3684200	a0745585-1b69-43e6-82ee-7fabd68a0048	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:33:58	-130.635
-107	36843	3684300	da859cc4-c423-4a4f-9de4-a84a4cfd5b1e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:25:24	806.0
-107	73686	3684300	7d4f4ee2-a382-4271-a572-86915d1bf05b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:08:14	181.891
-108	36844	3684400	e0600701-d41c-4ae1-9a57-69541d83ff5b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:49:31	927.590
-108	73688	3684400	918352da-e7df-44a5-ad93-e03cfd942ef8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:35:07	965.673
-109	36845	3684500	0e52ca83-d296-4796-8a6a-a10376a9fd76	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:15:44	-253.999
-109	73690	3684500	12fca519-e4e1-46af-9edc-58492963b365	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:22:17	70.154
-110	36846	3684600	72664a28-35bc-43e1-9983-3435adca8b7d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:10:24	-861.419
-110	73692	3684600	4a5ca642-c3b8-418e-926d-eb6072fd3d99	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:47:41	179.783
-111	36847	3684700	e72a1839-013e-4bea-9bcf-463e4e2ee27d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:36:08	757.224
-111	73694	3684700	25a618e9-5dad-4773-8f9c-fa7baa386e59	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:25:49	939.675
-112	36848	3684800	6d1464a3-09dd-4b01-b65e-26c59df94292	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:28:04	696.914
-112	73696	3684800	a0502cdb-7b7f-41d1-ab28-93be9853282e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:52:48	299.445
-113	36849	3684900	45f79d1b-a97a-48b2-9492-434b5d2fe884	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:27:19	-124.330
-113	73698	3684900	bd53892e-4ba7-4d7b-b1ed-0418f642f5ec	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:18:44	-425.497
-114	36850	3685000	4258ee80-50c7-4adf-bb2e-8faa751dc0b1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:06:11	790.166
-114	73700	3685000	9fac249d-1197-4369-a8a0-1563786c0d01	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:25:10	638.6
-115	36851	3685100	a2571693-81fe-41b0-a692-e656835a0014	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:02:08	558.826
-115	73702	3685100	1c62b71d-a7fd-4ce9-84f8-93d6ada6910b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:52:19	-519.568
-116	36852	3685200	14e35344-d1f7-4f0e-aaf4-71b67bb0e26a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:32:25	-725.886
-116	73704	3685200	ac403c35-dd1e-47e0-9c28-9e19cb52d976	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:16:45	560.124
-117	36853	3685300	1ff02d45-a791-496b-b155-e36d55bb641e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:10:26	-768.353
-117	73706	3685300	9866cbf6-3417-4cdb-8c8d-9521ae5c9e5f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:54:30	322.828
-118	36854	3685400	881354c7-de9a-4a4b-8cd6-94eeb40a9911	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:33:09	260.304
-118	73708	3685400	83b1c33c-d874-4ef7-8162-cf3fd445e279	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:55:51	184.835
-119	36855	3685500	ba91df57-b83b-4576-90f0-7169b9d4b3e0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:37:46	-305.476
-119	73710	3685500	8d241a59-a4a1-4d90-a9d3-b9259d57d47a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:53:51	-50.390
-120	36856	3685600	4a3a3680-6d43-4985-833d-1fff7063dc8f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:26:34	-775.478
-120	73712	3685600	74410428-c115-472c-be61-aab7fa183254	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:04:42	-580.822
-121	36857	3685700	b825860e-b798-4d77-8a28-196eb18040fe	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:27:41	52.993
-121	73714	3685700	def437a6-4902-4cba-ba02-5a85a9244b67	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:43:07	-83.382
-122	36858	3685800	ced24d48-43cf-4d32-8b8d-93022f78243c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:24:46	-706.162
-122	73716	3685800	695ac0eb-2191-4b57-80d4-7bffd6a890bb	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:08:23	-820.331
-123	36859	3685900	8b420827-e4cc-4aab-946b-3736464984c5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:21:33	781.527
-123	73718	3685900	7c9289e6-a207-4d0b-b12e-b38d3c023a57	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:55:57	-246.870
-124	36860	3686000	45291443-c5cf-4183-a3ec-99040cc94cb4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:40:17	-775.665
-124	73720	3686000	81660911-c533-405b-aeeb-9be97d1957ba	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:41:09	-908.489
-125	36861	3686100	1d770fa2-8aac-489b-984f-3a31cc0ec3ab	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:21:28	114.786
-125	73722	3686100	c83a48dd-8a31-40d7-a453-88286ab39b63	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:31:29	159.942
-126	36862	3686200	cb1fc74d-1d6d-4d3f-b2cc-c82a5d0f08b8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:19:41	605.389
-126	73724	3686200	3c461b2a-5395-4888-9252-663600a620d1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:00:24	-410.383
-127	36863	3686300	a764a77b-acff-412b-afd5-42fa4bfab977	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:21:49	81.215
-127	73726	3686300	45c01f66-f447-449d-80a7-e9c0bea69528	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:42:59	267.849
-0	36864	3686400	ad760f93-0286-4ed8-aac1-662ba3e45d74	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:12:19	-972.330
-0	73728	3686400	a25b5486-629b-418b-a191-fe7c247c6ca4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:33:26	-470.861
-1	36865	3686500	57e6e217-6d34-4051-97e1-092ca98893f4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:56:39	-113.11
-1	73730	3686500	ba07c5d7-049a-470c-b103-339139aab7af	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:11:13	463.534
-2	36866	3686600	0ecdd517-1b55-4bae-90f5-317e359260b8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:42:13	-736.370
-2	73732	3686600	125587bd-766a-4b13-85eb-78dffb9c416d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:04:50	727.1
-3	36867	3686700	cf82697a-b5c9-4988-aa14-4a22824922b8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:24:39	739.64
-3	73734	3686700	8fe74e3f-d179-46c9-9051-4b3f56b9e3e4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:13:33	951.335
-4	36868	3686800	597f5e0b-e54f-4cba-9ecf-9e2d12ab9fc0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:47:32	419.8
-4	73736	3686800	b8bf9898-0695-436b-b568-d10d79a5e350	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:51:38	-906.27
-5	36869	3686900	152802fe-7c6f-42b2-bb0b-5700bdec20af	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:02:42	-591.957
-5	73738	3686900	a886181c-4da0-49e0-ac6a-81a47a9076c8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:44:39	-276.770
-6	36870	3687000	39d685e1-59f2-4d36-8c79-8c79dd4e3a71	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:35:11	777.117
-6	73740	3687000	6cc1657b-a255-4580-bb29-d2e95f5d591d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:02:15	917.850
-7	36871	3687100	4b8e435c-dc49-4982-9e82-f0735469a200	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:03:13	-583.377
-7	73742	3687100	e9977a24-843c-472d-af3b-075421abbdd8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:39:39	-774.897
-8	36872	3687200	79308021-3216-4326-a13f-c6351efc598a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:54:33	487.852
-8	73744	3687200	5ad60e63-13db-4c9d-b573-686e1ea4e615	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:49:28	-969.86
-9	36873	3687300	46779d77-5aa9-4340-817b-892533afd254	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:38:32	600.977
-9	73746	3687300	f8344267-141a-4813-80d4-a79ea8c4b939	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:34:52	-736.208
-10	36874	3687400	29f50933-9a26-4b49-9b6b-3fadee06d5b8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:53:39	489.712
-10	73748	3687400	9f0692c0-934d-4228-ae8e-6da9771941de	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:59:14	-180.509
-11	36875	3687500	294d07f8-5e6a-4bad-9ff7-af1886e00ceb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:18:00	-534.340
-11	73750	3687500	2732f02a-6a9d-4ebf-a1af-ce6dd2f50bfc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:04:06	-629.958
-12	36876	3687600	8cc009a9-3d47-4fbd-9258-ee3eddbfb810	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:34:38	163.953
-12	73752	3687600	6debe1b1-710b-40cd-93e2-263b70c17dfd	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:09:13	562.36
-13	36877	3687700	202888f6-c659-44b7-a272-83bf97c6aa36	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:56:45	778.751
-13	73754	3687700	18ad319a-368e-4c7d-912f-a88557d1dfe5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:21:56	313.442
-14	36878	3687800	7bf17d5f-2b72-42d2-b8be-f59fceeba85d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:34:37	-30.211
-14	73756	3687800	bd5b4650-b7ae-47d8-968c-6d68d3d513cf	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:10:40	-877.554
-15	36879	3687900	06678c24-e3d7-4457-b154-f4595e14f042	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:35:18	982.877
-15	73758	3687900	53c2f4c3-96c6-4b19-aa47-0b53b8cd929a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:30:13	-505.326
-16	36880	3688000	58d21628-a784-4d50-bd46-eb802dc0bbc9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:24:53	-882.587
-16	73760	3688000	9adf064e-ea8a-4319-8cff-bf4d0f09eb13	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:50:31	497.895
-17	36881	3688100	13286992-64ec-44dd-b29c-cffc36953419	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:41:43	-796.404
-17	73762	3688100	b2288aad-4f47-467c-a648-3cef2a744bd9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:39:29	-198.493
-18	36882	3688200	69a1c51f-865b-4614-bb77-b37f917ab27d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:31:06	-983.484
-18	73764	3688200	880a69bd-a84e-481e-acfc-16382e2b606d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:58:30	-284.933
-19	36883	3688300	4669329c-1bd8-43a0-a570-559a9f634998	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:24:56	-758.411
-19	73766	3688300	0be494a7-7a0a-4eb9-9d91-7bb239cb7730	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:34:12	-525.760
-20	36884	3688400	adebedb6-1fef-4008-9e4c-cc06e2a7944c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:37:59	-590.927
-20	73768	3688400	1a306085-bf06-45fd-aff0-f2a1465fc60a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:20:32	-865.482
-21	36885	3688500	0bcdd476-2835-4d7a-bd7d-9abda0bb2238	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:02:56	592.902
-21	73770	3688500	d296d72f-98f0-4dac-9d39-60aa73969c84	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:42:32	-448.305
-22	36886	3688600	c85d2806-c9ff-4a76-97a1-519a3c48c07c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:19:16	858.171
-22	73772	3688600	ac32f0d0-df17-424b-8985-4c837ab18dba	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:54:00	-338.271
-23	36887	3688700	077edb38-94fd-421d-a0db-505738a5121d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:15:52	674.812
-23	73774	3688700	046866ac-8684-409c-9fc8-4335ec1eebab	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:35:19	625.220
-24	36888	3688800	e02b674e-d6dc-4b2a-9e5a-427e6b5b00b2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:25:54	-995.195
-24	73776	3688800	e70effe8-42bc-4855-9a66-eef29ffb8a99	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:02:04	-15.132
-25	36889	3688900	e5ca14f9-fddd-46fd-97aa-a2484e0b3465	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:49:11	678.378
-25	73778	3688900	eb02c722-25b6-4ca1-aaff-3d58f426f1b5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:38:29	-612.198
-26	36890	3689000	947cac56-abe3-4754-977b-dcd7148c2f1e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:49:09	-812.0
-26	73780	3689000	8d4829e8-b38f-4eb2-bb26-e5084cb96a4d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:25:14	-185.271
-27	36891	3689100	b7b24380-7224-43ca-92d6-37f49ca435c8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:41:57	632.858
-27	73782	3689100	e0f83975-1b4d-4ea3-bb72-8e83ffadd866	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:59:10	333.555
-28	36892	3689200	4b9b902a-6d4f-40c0-9e9e-98cbc27d3a4a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:38:59	313.484
-28	73784	3689200	b193e42a-770a-46e8-927f-7936eec8a9df	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:21:51	-205.427
-29	36893	3689300	4725f20e-23d1-4ccb-9741-6d6a4a1f2745	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:25:43	288.981
-29	73786	3689300	1c2d7767-86dc-4230-905c-2841db130736	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:40:12	-789.599
-30	36894	3689400	0d2269be-f51e-458c-a3b6-d220af1e052d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:45:01	959.354
-30	73788	3689400	97b6bf5a-5557-472a-890b-c102196e78f1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:08:27	131.266
-31	36895	3689500	68c37b3c-2be0-4530-a82d-3cc9308e95c1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:38:32	94.205
-31	73790	3689500	f887e77b-25a7-45cb-b620-27cc7ae9cc38	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:05:57	-40.171
-32	36896	3689600	b3862359-122e-4207-a70e-31d88fccb0f7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:06:29	-311.837
-32	73792	3689600	8ccfd96d-17b4-4299-b8c0-6c6d8f8f214d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:40:19	-15.240
-33	36897	3689700	7aac20ba-db1c-49a9-bcef-b988c9acf596	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:47:24	-457.950
-33	73794	3689700	9dd66f15-b2ab-4c1e-866f-7a67524dd018	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:34:44	127.745
-34	36898	3689800	49d07312-a93c-4cb8-927b-ab8b315a77d9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:55:16	-694.706
-34	73796	3689800	e416dcab-323e-4d2a-b8c2-eb7be5bccf0f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:54:43	176.512
-35	36899	3689900	ea8e0dd9-ec8c-4580-a5ff-1fb6c07cb69d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:38:26	-778.104
-35	73798	3689900	8fa84ed3-27aa-4d67-b258-6a0a3a20ce7d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:30:33	-773.910
-36	36900	3690000	d9533676-36e6-4730-8eb9-c266902e9a67	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:33:58	-685.303
-36	73800	3690000	f5d1fbf4-37a3-401a-a3f2-5cdd5d2be9f8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:44:33	-430.435
-37	36901	3690100	8e857e49-cf75-4f40-a67a-c3c02b923260	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:40:23	651.995
-37	73802	3690100	d8032928-f383-459c-91c3-57c06400635f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:13:43	-647.912
-38	36902	3690200	c477a6c8-1bf4-4602-9292-8fb78ff3e3a8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:18:13	-62.578
-38	73804	3690200	0cd492b0-07b6-4142-ab45-8919dafd2f71	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:54:19	501.653
-39	36903	3690300	f4ac9176-97cc-4a02-bb74-7a7d8a66f3dd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:30:31	-897.18
-39	73806	3690300	e875f273-818f-4d52-9582-a32c8185bd9b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:25:54	184.968
-40	36904	3690400	12730c5d-08b3-4108-9f3f-023edb39cc75	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:41:45	-442.873
-40	73808	3690400	a54cb061-4b1b-44ae-ba44-eea1fcc079a6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:50:21	-582.258
-41	36905	3690500	db002d28-1d6b-4f66-a61d-e126c75952a3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:09:12	-34.391
-41	73810	3690500	5b4cc29e-80b6-4c37-99b6-7e8263a2d1e3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:20:13	648.678
-42	36906	3690600	7af83d7a-1c3a-4b6b-8361-c41b3132570f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:55:00	11.591
-42	73812	3690600	5d99bcb7-c630-4843-8388-33d766fb0be1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:29:30	-804.123
-43	36907	3690700	89f5d059-e805-4cb5-ad12-ff5ba4e5ce76	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:58:41	-388.231
-43	73814	3690700	72533314-e4e5-455f-976a-c63a9e26d315	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:55:15	313.89
-44	36908	3690800	4b98d438-6d50-4f7f-9748-840c856cc978	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:58:45	-184.134
-44	73816	3690800	f40a34bc-36a0-42b1-852b-b0995506a547	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:21:57	-768.371
-45	36909	3690900	38d641da-1f74-4338-9b2f-6dc09871a249	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:22:18	335.813
-45	73818	3690900	dc0156be-879c-4dab-8e4e-6795abe7bef0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:20:15	887.989
-46	36910	3691000	15203def-d690-4cbe-a687-092cea8a2b5d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:02:00	-541.243
-46	73820	3691000	fd44309d-a252-487b-9a95-9205eb7260aa	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:07:33	861.121
-47	36911	3691100	8770394d-20e4-424b-8ce8-a6937c631aca	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:54:56	531.674
-47	73822	3691100	e275fe95-c693-4419-8b93-493921063c06	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:50:18	907.712
-48	36912	3691200	b66dc73f-e582-43b7-9ff3-bc7ed6a21442	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:40:36	-336.524
-48	73824	3691200	23fcd05f-4fda-45fd-8853-69e7078fe4fc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:36:43	-754.821
-49	36913	3691300	a0e08025-ffdf-4f1c-8e3a-ad0c69fb3aab	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:27:35	-19.997
-49	73826	3691300	52daf20b-53fe-4b77-a3b2-6b5729e745ba	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:06:59	802.468
-50	36914	3691400	84d36db0-1620-4c84-816e-7ef5a2acf562	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:06:03	831.104
-50	73828	3691400	c86a340c-67a6-46b7-a813-9d13a79cb286	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:23:16	-537.774
-51	36915	3691500	9e715878-3c3e-44db-b0ea-0597c182ad87	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:01:55	801.291
-51	73830	3691500	610ce562-5828-44a0-a7a9-c405c02ea7df	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:56:13	961.800
-52	36916	3691600	231948c5-9074-4773-a599-44ad9fdd8a6b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:27:57	479.809
-52	73832	3691600	8528aa71-736c-49d1-8640-637a37a82032	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:39:55	-386.295
-53	36917	3691700	58d60e03-30b1-4570-89c5-aa8ee385c963	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:57:45	-25.426
-53	73834	3691700	6e578bea-b71f-4bd2-ba85-9bd8ebc08c8a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:35:49	-620.16
-54	36918	3691800	aecbcd4e-03a2-426f-b4c0-1ca277b41c6a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:40:35	-839.588
-54	73836	3691800	1c9e4c36-bc7e-4541-902b-f55a7de15577	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:46:38	528.378
-55	36919	3691900	f3a0e75f-b958-4c38-bdd8-cb0bd9ac3cfc	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:01:17	751.80
-55	73838	3691900	72ff68e3-2684-4bd7-bb65-e3c03bbf6a8d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:27:43	-595.963
-56	36920	3692000	976dbaf5-d213-47bc-a158-d6fb981d48c5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:52:06	987.230
-56	73840	3692000	b4400c10-bbd7-409d-a520-7045f3d04913	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:10:30	921.485
-57	36921	3692100	611427e0-4db9-41ab-90ba-8e8513e30130	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:19:18	742.192
-57	73842	3692100	c661b3f2-22f2-451e-b966-f2df84220e8d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:39:27	513.324
-58	36922	3692200	a7a61636-35b9-494d-8325-c4b5769e763b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:21:49	161.42
-58	73844	3692200	5ab53b8a-8555-48f8-96ba-30c14d2a244b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:40:23	-164.743
-59	36923	3692300	53d1c0dd-b8dd-43fc-8772-c83b4e3cb3c3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:10:19	-823.359
-59	73846	3692300	48f72a5b-fbce-4537-8d70-3773a2ec78b5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:19:19	717.693
-60	36924	3692400	40f160b6-d222-424a-982b-282fc2d66e68	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:05:14	-551.72
-60	73848	3692400	39420f63-e891-447c-8800-841124a35866	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:23:51	529.264
-61	36925	3692500	fcf4b7a7-6d3b-4d4d-83c0-13b24835fde2	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:54:49	19.61
-61	73850	3692500	18db00cf-c06b-4cea-984d-caa597a41c60	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:05:09	-97.264
-62	36926	3692600	859d8d24-5ceb-4ab7-a85b-3b56f7f3dda3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:46:10	-918.823
-62	73852	3692600	e5741ff0-3ba3-46ac-99bb-cb27e09b138d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:11:57	576.187
-63	36927	3692700	6ba0b248-1742-41e6-8fba-f65eecb40fd8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:07:30	-217.980
-63	73854	3692700	112d5eef-1634-4031-993d-1d7ef1f8e9b3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:40:35	-713.217
-64	36928	3692800	50437c5f-bef3-4a37-9ec7-a1efba28aa3f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:43:45	456.211
-64	73856	3692800	d6246cdb-9372-44b9-b1c1-bd82aeab9355	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:49:20	-234.583
-65	36929	3692900	e7f16a00-0cb1-4319-96b1-c940f17c17a7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:52:08	-995.268
-65	73858	3692900	b0e877ec-aad0-46e7-84e8-032a03bce66f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:54:59	631.860
-66	36930	3693000	83a9197d-b9e5-44b1-9f09-0019c5eb53cb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:59:50	-820.368
-66	73860	3693000	413aa838-bbb5-4c40-859a-a638eefc333f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:15:21	-214.263
-67	36931	3693100	484f9e45-a676-424b-a3c8-a5026deb3ff5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:29:54	861.792
-67	73862	3693100	4470a5dd-090b-4235-8a72-b4a95910d65a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:47:06	-862.54
-68	36932	3693200	fe6964ac-1754-4c30-b297-794713aa74c2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:51:01	71.182
-68	73864	3693200	ee640488-1828-43a9-aca9-bfb27c75b8bc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:51:14	-192.113
-69	36933	3693300	da0716d1-5a6f-455f-90d3-50c11f420c6f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:38:16	-849.890
-69	73866	3693300	319aea23-262d-455a-9f5a-e1cc64269791	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:10:48	251.915
-70	36934	3693400	110303ae-2231-4ef9-963b-0fcd8bed869d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:13:27	242.849
-70	73868	3693400	d1d8554a-0b50-419f-84af-7c679b03398e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:43:18	-150.591
-71	36935	3693500	1aeac5b5-9b38-40ca-8034-89283e970ed3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:23:15	-687.906
-71	73870	3693500	de5bda52-8048-42a9-9281-2af11e562bdd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:03:27	-862.209
-72	36936	3693600	1214f3bc-a17a-4ec0-92c3-d8a1032993bc	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:56:39	-504.763
-72	73872	3693600	62165a99-5ee6-4374-9b90-ac1e2003b8c9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:05:18	478.872
-73	36937	3693700	5a48e0e1-1bda-4661-9a5d-e0eadf8c012a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:00:58	956.281
-73	73874	3693700	137abe16-f1b6-4abf-a29d-48022cb1bd42	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:55:52	859.357
-74	36938	3693800	a4ba2389-ab2f-4719-a5ea-77a071a24f58	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:48:10	838.159
-74	73876	3693800	70981ba8-7eb0-45d8-86ef-435d1b120a31	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:16:26	753.763
-75	36939	3693900	6ccd0e48-67dc-46e9-8d22-5d4148780f52	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:41:13	30.170
-75	73878	3693900	006d279d-5be3-43ab-8252-d862e0323a90	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:27:55	831.884
-76	36940	3694000	70a1e887-c6d5-4525-a84b-52c2ea41cee8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:15:58	-229.876
-76	73880	3694000	00149adc-3085-4827-a9a3-0430437daf97	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:25:01	451.190
-77	36941	3694100	234ba7df-ac8e-42ff-8ab3-a2756e0fa57c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:25:43	-4.557
-77	73882	3694100	7f280f6d-46d8-4c87-8726-0c6ad1304ffb	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:13:15	-862.555
-78	36942	3694200	72973e82-442e-4097-920e-cef20b899308	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:53:15	169.5
-78	73884	3694200	5ae50de6-db1b-4ae3-9e7d-b8b09a429325	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:37:52	130.595
-79	36943	3694300	ee22fe45-7a93-4939-b8cf-5d7a4687c2ac	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:07:49	-364.268
-79	73886	3694300	9a2c66aa-31f7-42dc-ac22-90499dba71e0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:30:32	822.750
-80	36944	3694400	5a6565e6-ab3c-4b8c-b644-f5af488dfdbd	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:35:45	206.284
-80	73888	3694400	d3d6f2a1-2c61-4926-8db0-ce5ee7512628	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:11:27	486.997
-81	36945	3694500	90272dfd-64e6-4f45-b9c6-1c02d4cfab90	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:59:39	-99.0
-81	73890	3694500	bafa2484-7bfe-4881-9d75-8395f73588a0	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:02:17	-348.413
-82	36946	3694600	b9b40f1b-7f5e-4397-8fd9-ea037fff8730	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:28:12	-580.358
-82	73892	3694600	aca67239-e426-4322-906d-ec96872995e4	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:18:58	-663.660
-83	36947	3694700	6c688031-7aa4-43e3-900d-bf8e5200d7d5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:27:22	102.935
-83	73894	3694700	2905ee91-b9db-4aaa-b761-c24f36097a50	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:12:30	-884.771
-84	36948	3694800	88f06fff-e5ad-44c4-899a-d4202d1eb0ed	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:26:49	280.72
-84	73896	3694800	ad9e8c4c-32c8-4367-bc6c-f30739512569	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:42:44	274.224
-85	36949	3694900	23afc410-6bc3-4c75-98a6-ecf5264f811e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:14:39	966.518
-85	73898	3694900	8d249ec1-50c7-4f28-a23e-a64eac5915d5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:42:50	410.60
-86	36950	3695000	8360f868-7d53-4fe6-ade3-ded53c8ca51a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:45:13	583.561
-86	73900	3695000	7d7619cc-cf76-43cf-bd14-d5bae6100a40	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:07:01	792.269
-87	36951	3695100	2cd2739e-1325-4661-bad0-572dde7fb8e1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:53:48	729.904
-87	73902	3695100	03d5eb53-19a3-4730-b670-05a095802076	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:33:49	732.82
-88	36952	3695200	92d1a03c-6ce0-4f34-a93a-29812f0d89dd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:14:40	-178.138
-88	73904	3695200	6d474846-7666-4345-bec6-a6567afa098b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:52:06	-526.598
-89	36953	3695300	95f069b1-76d5-40b5-bbd8-b0cb49adaeca	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:56:45	-282.334
-89	73906	3695300	05b66d62-611f-45ac-a46e-9bbabbc2d400	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:25:50	-781.914
-90	36954	3695400	d648c9f6-f9e8-4ed8-ad6a-cc1c456718ed	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:38:15	743.255
-90	73908	3695400	aae1d075-3a77-4267-8c8d-108ab35f49e8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:25:58	-583.723
-91	36955	3695500	303c4aec-ed99-48df-af98-39c19efd1b23	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:02:55	-293.464
-91	73910	3695500	7bd17bc1-54c8-49cc-8323-988d4d68db62	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:58:57	928.919
-92	36956	3695600	5330fff1-5f4d-4133-9d39-9be87d8b1ccb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:03:50	-788.605
-92	73912	3695600	8acd4c4c-2239-490e-91b4-ef2ddd88328e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:03:39	-979.448
-93	36957	3695700	50c64d5c-40e2-4f7d-a5dc-aea81be9f06c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:18:37	16.531
-93	73914	3695700	2dba5dbe-f51f-4a6b-b80a-3a2d70327845	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:22:35	-675.259
-94	36958	3695800	bf5845ad-dbb5-4b39-9c0b-baeb53301f12	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:24:25	117.452
-94	73916	3695800	4ca5966a-0b54-447f-aaa9-83ffd438ee06	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:22:23	368.672
-95	36959	3695900	04b5ec4f-7de7-4651-beac-97967f72597c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:41:08	-658.47
-95	73918	3695900	dc600f49-9316-4abe-9c3b-9e1ef9856f82	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:53:02	-979.91
-96	36960	3696000	01dd7621-ba12-4576-994d-31cca9f71cc8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:32:58	783.133
-96	73920	3696000	3ca4650d-88ec-4a6a-b22e-0083f678b3e4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:06:16	-120.742
-97	36961	3696100	d8beb7fa-02fc-4489-b2ab-4a4e6de5a89a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:47:45	81.42
-97	73922	3696100	eedbbd30-eaba-486d-819d-7b2f3f481717	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:12:17	853.938
-98	36962	3696200	a3f0b1d8-ecc9-4c5d-b302-8ca1c1335665	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:32:20	-5.233
-98	73924	3696200	88203d25-36d2-416b-8028-334ebfe96682	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:02:56	-343.460
-99	36963	3696300	a26b86f7-f31e-4015-88a5-5d16619038c1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:38:17	-759.794
-99	73926	3696300	3b0b20e2-92d0-46ee-b4ad-a77352a2289b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:27:43	-260.720
-100	36964	3696400	45026454-b994-4b40-a5ce-7503846d726d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:27:56	397.27
-100	73928	3696400	ae9cb58d-9a75-491f-854a-d92db86840e9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:48:57	969.491
-101	36965	3696500	f3cc2529-eb8b-4194-b3e6-8aa88eb28034	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:02:19	293.166
-101	73930	3696500	f93f5c5c-c1a6-4cbc-9971-d75ed02cbd56	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:28:14	77.64
-102	36966	3696600	ef07ebff-b5f5-4a67-b76d-f55b3420480f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:18:16	556.545
-102	73932	3696600	303fd0f0-5dfb-486c-8d14-23267e0335ef	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:13:29	310.906
-103	36967	3696700	9a43b15e-956f-494b-bcbe-1c02971b3163	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:58:52	-885.734
-103	73934	3696700	595243a1-39f3-4e14-9abc-dac95b5230ac	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:01:46	-549.654
-104	36968	3696800	ec205e13-bae4-4217-918b-fa91c0bbaa1a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:28:29	-354.601
-104	73936	3696800	6b9eec2a-7860-476a-bab2-7af852dd787e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:21:29	-717.928
-105	36969	3696900	aade9dbb-2c62-4163-8547-8880dfc9301f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:34:09	-282.465
-105	73938	3696900	5c468abb-3b3b-4e81-82ee-e989f34238a8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:39:09	768.285
-106	36970	3697000	5815fb47-9c68-4ccf-b0c9-fa9a0d19e2d4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:09:41	-801.679
-106	73940	3697000	a6f47d94-1085-466a-badf-c994e6c4f25b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:33:20	-677.647
-107	36971	3697100	22f5f0a0-40bc-47ab-bf91-b1a727b4d5d8	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:57:32	132.628
-107	73942	3697100	5747104f-8063-4d51-824b-2ca6172a500d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:10:43	-893.612
-108	36972	3697200	e4dd08cd-49a0-482f-bff9-b687d995b730	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:31:46	57.89
-108	73944	3697200	e49611e5-bf17-47a3-9b96-bbc894e33c51	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:32:24	21.318
-109	36973	3697300	dbc637e3-6662-4d1d-9811-85fe6190737f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:29:36	605.228
-109	73946	3697300	af06f8a2-908f-4cb1-9232-33dd024ce63c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:34:29	522.842
-110	36974	3697400	04e93e12-4d79-4067-b721-5ef961b74702	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:11:51	475.987
-110	73948	3697400	f5940e6c-cd03-4d47-9356-0e47699872cc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:28:26	583.427
-111	36975	3697500	cb5929f1-a1b0-4107-9768-4e250733bcb6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:54:54	211.219
-111	73950	3697500	e1206b6a-5139-48ff-88d0-bbacc17bb224	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:01:29	277.141
-112	36976	3697600	0f74c079-67be-4bff-a50b-fb663b9c027c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:32:24	-888.790
-112	73952	3697600	987d1350-2960-4168-bfe9-7e1900efc748	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:19:37	261.407
-113	36977	3697700	4b3877e5-9141-4f8d-bfe9-ecd27fad2e41	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:36:23	-716.339
-113	73954	3697700	4fdbc49b-38f6-4d38-83d7-6bb2a243784f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:34:19	-100.474
-114	36978	3697800	ed55328b-134d-4c31-93e0-8068a04722d8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:48:05	232.104
-114	73956	3697800	c6815a20-1984-41b7-8cd6-384edd07fe15	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:19:57	50.937
-115	36979	3697900	5e2e71f3-c632-4211-9a2a-7de81002c903	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:07:13	-639.700
-115	73958	3697900	deb89438-afb7-464f-a3e8-f771ba02e1c4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:51:18	799.810
-116	36980	3698000	f76b15b3-97bd-4e9a-93e7-1b7c09c4effd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:34:44	-995.793
-116	73960	3698000	bbdf57d1-1baf-424b-8539-688b4c4301e8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:41:49	-509.766
-117	36981	3698100	43759fb4-8be1-4523-b63c-3b5b25f4f80f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:41:17	-345.989
-117	73962	3698100	fe7225eb-4b44-467e-9678-f47452c0a904	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:07:32	-617.480
-118	36982	3698200	c46a6ccd-bb05-4b63-9e58-cdf621df1bda	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:29:42	-189.536
-118	73964	3698200	cdec310f-0aae-4161-b39c-0c4c1b92607c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:20:32	-172.36
-119	36983	3698300	5b1ef122-c4e0-47cd-b549-e87ab21805cb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:01:22	-788.206
-119	73966	3698300	13753286-4b59-475d-b4e0-14c91e94a4ae	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:18:48	-32.748
-120	36984	3698400	ce5390d8-c440-40e3-b3f5-5be180813665	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:20:41	340.852
-120	73968	3698400	d2ea2941-81aa-4f39-97c9-2dcc7b28fca3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:48:38	529.559
-121	36985	3698500	688f94a7-5e70-486c-92ee-cdabd7d6148d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:02:48	50.3
-121	73970	3698500	1cfa0aab-f844-4e6a-8d64-26ca725c862d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:29:46	-697.141
-122	36986	3698600	a3451f28-426e-4d00-bf3e-2120e6dc8643	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:59:06	-908.745
-122	73972	3698600	acc9ecd2-6a42-4832-a141-976f28c70419	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:33:35	-748.99
-123	36987	3698700	5f727417-b2ab-458c-ab6d-f61ee0f134fd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:45:15	712.834
-123	73974	3698700	edef79d9-18d5-490b-b147-fcd55f701c28	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:28:57	96.999
-124	36988	3698800	34e25871-3ebc-4b96-8a41-ce711609746f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:43:38	-268.416
-124	73976	3698800	03f5fffe-f334-45e8-9509-3e78af40f434	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:31:06	-329.444
-125	36989	3698900	a26fd488-0740-4005-9244-4fdff2da1f7e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:50:30	-83.470
-125	73978	3698900	95131a57-6a9f-445a-9632-7c6c36f97f01	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:24:34	83.906
-126	36990	3699000	0d5e95fe-be50-4881-8645-341d18e7f8f1	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:17:05	-22.715
-126	73980	3699000	ab6bf453-43b4-4d9c-951e-fbe3fe91b814	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:16:07	-178.583
-127	36991	3699100	3d0cec4a-1be8-49b6-a221-f06149a05ea7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:38:59	-593.844
-127	73982	3699100	aa6df3a7-1b33-43d0-a9b8-c500b2b6aed7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:45:34	254.509
-0	36992	3699200	6b7541ae-913e-482b-9dca-5202b71cb1d2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:27:32	772.8
-0	73984	3699200	f397b23b-77e8-4fe0-8cbe-ef7c83623754	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:53:55	-145.847
-1	36993	3699300	f941582a-d6ca-4018-9887-e0d264f7cb77	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:32:27	588.604
-1	73986	3699300	ecb6883a-0972-4399-81c1-fc83ee273055	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:05:39	-469.794
-2	36994	3699400	b2c2ceb6-b3cc-4550-9785-1fbe2ddad50c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:31:39	488.925
-2	73988	3699400	fad2c0ec-80d2-4792-9552-1056019a2c7e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:16:36	289.613
-3	36995	3699500	98fc2d20-72e9-4a58-9de1-e4dfe2cef82d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:16:29	150.470
-3	73990	3699500	a64b3999-ff96-485a-b68c-7ed717e34a70	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:39:47	199.671
-4	36996	3699600	3f5ec932-0858-48b9-9347-d3192a3ae2c7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:50:15	-489.906
-4	73992	3699600	daace9ac-2933-4719-8334-5c4048d7941a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:00:44	-344.859
-5	36997	3699700	652a808c-e250-4771-a62a-75b46f33044d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:34:08	-42.210
-5	73994	3699700	aa0d483e-a645-4bd6-a573-76fefb5d0bb7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:02:48	-91.169
-6	36998	3699800	49aa6b28-9528-45a3-b8db-6bd664baa054	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:36:16	105.277
-6	73996	3699800	fbf89e49-2a73-4424-8c92-d3cfaf1b59ca	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:20:54	28.504
-7	36999	3699900	4bc6a4b8-9975-4951-9d10-fef0c26d72e2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:37:46	-969.92
-7	73998	3699900	9f24acea-120b-48bf-ac14-04dda74d9a05	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:19:47	-425.908
-8	37000	3700000	b3715fd9-a006-4031-9bbf-d0c54c24a9c4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:50:31	-723.338
-8	74000	3700000	26166d2b-a9cc-497f-aa24-0ff14a4d8651	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:50:32	951.553
-9	37001	3700100	1f908fc8-14f9-4990-b66d-52e53f655233	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:32:06	-38.134
-9	74002	3700100	4c13e91a-66b8-4f26-add6-e4daf49316b5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:47:35	869.900
-10	37002	3700200	dedfec65-69de-432d-96c4-2441d5daa393	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:34:57	-450.320
-10	74004	3700200	d8ad9fc2-6d1b-470a-ac54-388ba87d3d78	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:45:22	840.926
-11	37003	3700300	dcd2faca-3230-4900-b3eb-207c2701c67d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:08:39	-407.395
-11	74006	3700300	9a021cb8-5c4b-4559-9219-0722bca73435	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:12:40	-806.424
-12	37004	3700400	83fbedc0-183b-4f67-b700-096a469a5199	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:59:16	213.525
-12	74008	3700400	1087b411-d568-4c97-9f8a-7832886c99c9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:07:32	697.367
-13	37005	3700500	86f67455-218d-4af1-852e-6f7dbf71ddca	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:33:10	-225.433
-13	74010	3700500	9206c88d-0f16-41c6-b1ee-eaf128f6aeae	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:43:06	-969.272
-14	37006	3700600	9542702f-65a6-4ed6-8a8d-ed9fc56fe895	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:02:24	395.330
-14	74012	3700600	22c01c40-3d54-46f9-9956-74092c95671d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:33:09	-89.515
-15	37007	3700700	fb407140-641f-43c9-a982-2b5eaa7d4781	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:50:56	271.967
-15	74014	3700700	ce2d5cff-ceb0-4a32-8a39-01f45e091fb5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:32:11	-889.398
-16	37008	3700800	c2e0ffdd-9f12-459a-a906-d424d97a241a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:30:47	-935.358
-16	74016	3700800	b3e0b08a-6f42-4f5f-a963-75619c1055c9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:41:00	-899.237
-17	37009	3700900	57e56a04-e171-49f0-ba65-8f31ca89c550	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:39:15	-570.916
-17	74018	3700900	6efdaab6-b6f7-478f-b733-7ff15d12ca5d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:56:13	-220.807
-18	37010	3701000	723fc6b6-8df7-4547-a80b-bb4c1eed0782	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:03:38	-196.504
-18	74020	3701000	d6e13cab-2fcb-45d2-9ca8-80136e3fe9f1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:12:36	-864.418
-19	37011	3701100	fb2b531b-984c-4185-80bf-0b4e93621a3c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:22:35	458.71
-19	74022	3701100	bf88e883-37ea-4533-87f5-66cba1585c8a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:39:44	-590.526
-20	37012	3701200	f6e1afd9-db0a-4df6-b6e9-82faf64a529f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:15:28	-106.292
-20	74024	3701200	ec10ebfb-73cf-416a-b41f-18f9514036e1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:09:35	-494.617
-21	37013	3701300	e548106d-f061-4f6c-aeec-051f6cd523c8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:31:08	258.462
-21	74026	3701300	2afb9c9a-22e1-40a8-af0a-eaf9a8890fc2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:08:27	-397.624
-22	37014	3701400	c4c2dadc-5536-44b7-b476-5ac715e17507	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:12:01	-505.526
-22	74028	3701400	592717b3-2846-4ed1-89b0-557d9e376089	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:02:13	679.842
-23	37015	3701500	26c71cdc-d023-4976-830c-f5d014e0b421	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:33:51	458.775
-23	74030	3701500	2654f7a7-032c-4926-b581-f071d89f21d4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:43:38	-772.167
-24	37016	3701600	10bad46f-064b-4fb0-a0ae-be273aabf833	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:27:29	-732.308
-24	74032	3701600	69c718c1-0ff9-4d53-8bb6-c2dafae38115	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:28:03	96.156
-25	37017	3701700	31b809d6-76c1-4e96-9dc8-5912cb46432b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:48:32	-95.682
-25	74034	3701700	3f010502-8dd7-4798-97d3-989282e4c812	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:03:10	599.685
-26	37018	3701800	0067caff-ed81-4567-9330-d8f6779a77d6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:00:12	359.32
-26	74036	3701800	ea03b8c4-67ce-4b39-a4c6-2268745bc0ec	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:52:24	-699.725
-27	37019	3701900	9da2495e-a68c-44a1-b34c-3fdc96f8a4f4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:05:46	170.229
-27	74038	3701900	654b5b10-131c-4843-8e31-421bbfbb2226	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:54:59	188.742
-28	37020	3702000	75ea8438-7a70-4aa4-b05e-82ad3a1f8450	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:36:16	478.134
-28	74040	3702000	0f656176-4940-473e-b0ec-cb271ea38fe4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:49:25	-569.275
-29	37021	3702100	2dc2350e-fc71-41fc-8f6f-d99022cebc65	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:00:02	-856.968
-29	74042	3702100	af4bd92e-4988-4749-9dad-18e65f012bfd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:21:26	194.364
-30	37022	3702200	b18859b0-8ab6-4e2d-9c65-80c12c10aee2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:11:38	-899.478
-30	74044	3702200	6b3b7189-32e7-45ac-82fe-fc791df0408e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:59:15	-737.781
-31	37023	3702300	d351a7c1-decb-4e60-bc6a-8ae5263ba1c5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:56:44	601.213
-31	74046	3702300	e2ab0e95-10bf-4550-9823-9d68e7bcf807	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:55:12	-242.210
-32	37024	3702400	9b2c525b-84e3-41ca-ba9d-8b41c11eb3ab	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:15:06	845.972
-32	74048	3702400	15c5462b-79ab-4907-8007-63020d221839	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:24:40	-59.683
-33	37025	3702500	ed333064-1beb-48e1-887b-79619a69ae71	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:24:22	995.550
-33	74050	3702500	10fd8373-0736-4092-a548-463874a746af	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:48:55	-515.791
-34	37026	3702600	f82c0ba9-c153-4c8b-ae14-f65b316240d4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:45:45	236.933
-34	74052	3702600	70b6b419-59f6-4d87-bbc3-5fe66919f0de	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:32:17	-522.103
-35	37027	3702700	dc56c2c8-ffd1-4031-b5ef-47ba54b6186e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:41:02	-634.808
-35	74054	3702700	4629bf63-9515-4505-b7d2-fdabb102ac5e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:40:25	758.277
-36	37028	3702800	38377bbf-93cf-4dda-9b3c-f734988c08cb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:49:39	-317.687
-36	74056	3702800	1d8ae3df-1eb1-48fb-a072-167d099eadf9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:49:07	595.240
-37	37029	3702900	e9e4ba6f-f624-4319-8928-56fee381bded	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:20:56	629.714
-37	74058	3702900	e47e2fc2-0538-4881-baf4-9c1a94488cb4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:44:31	-789.629
-38	37030	3703000	254b0908-fe07-42c6-8676-785cce5bff51	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:21:58	-781.774
-38	74060	3703000	7c666b7a-4252-498b-9fdb-2e18346a62b9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:46:56	357.977
-39	37031	3703100	88a4fc38-2a8d-4adc-bdb0-dd24c8c858b0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:46:17	771.967
-39	74062	3703100	9cb94c9c-19ca-4c34-8e06-1e23bd25a86c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:42:58	-498.952
-40	37032	3703200	5d7082dc-0927-461e-a330-ea9101f652b9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:10:15	963.632
-40	74064	3703200	5df413a7-1daf-4cf0-9470-1d696ed43eb9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:32:04	448.24
-41	37033	3703300	c38a2992-05ba-4c1b-a966-e07fbe1e7295	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:42:27	960.609
-41	74066	3703300	d4665a79-112a-4529-9f4a-1e5e771f63ff	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:51:05	-912.303
-42	37034	3703400	44ec8708-d6e3-495f-abe1-704eb6ba81f0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:39:30	-201.550
-42	74068	3703400	90d6c27c-316d-44c0-bf21-e48e8c9db265	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:44:30	186.363
-43	37035	3703500	a559cad5-c4f5-4327-9cfa-536bac11195c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:00:16	-739.932
-43	74070	3703500	b668bd47-6d3c-4ec7-b3fb-605a83667f56	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:53:54	952.910
-44	37036	3703600	cea00a7e-20cf-49d1-8a29-6530deabf5fd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:59:36	776.35
-44	74072	3703600	5c79223b-263a-416d-92c8-2e9b4bd4838d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:02:32	-545.20
-45	37037	3703700	a3ccc133-630f-4d0a-9606-10de43d5ad4a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:16:41	406.57
-45	74074	3703700	a10a5949-febf-472d-a974-d4e2125985b9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:39:52	575.33
-46	37038	3703800	bfc1fa0c-fa4c-4f64-bb43-badce30dee24	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:14:46	626.255
-46	74076	3703800	eee8fd40-e381-45e9-94f3-5bbc94b188d6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:43:51	-550.984
-47	37039	3703900	2b1bad1d-9aa3-4e4c-8617-77f925fb38c6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:45:43	95.737
-47	74078	3703900	f2d662a3-ec50-4e08-815f-90254a08d7b6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:28:40	828.345
-48	37040	3704000	fb940dd2-a530-426e-ab6f-e654deae866d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:05:18	-187.958
-48	74080	3704000	37ec99fa-2d1f-4dd1-9b8a-d0bd1da6c6dd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:49:37	-740.765
-49	37041	3704100	ede596e2-c038-4ead-953e-5fc9b9adf229	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:18:30	-249.950
-49	74082	3704100	384b5f1c-22d9-4b29-a2ac-565fe9dbed76	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:59:23	808.335
-50	37042	3704200	1eae2e0d-7af9-4934-9614-6b59cb1033c3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:26:30	292.817
-50	74084	3704200	5332b1d3-a645-4e5a-8e88-da3cb9e66a34	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:14:16	800.218
-51	37043	3704300	21eaeb7e-c9f0-4730-8fc8-b1689197ce78	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:11:15	-724.475
-51	74086	3704300	224dbaee-add9-43af-ae65-4d7cceeed59d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:13:32	-531.769
-52	37044	3704400	02a97448-977b-4a89-9388-64242aa6bd60	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:30:29	642.299
-52	74088	3704400	ff2d9a7d-1265-40ca-87d1-95b990774faf	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:03:10	784.761
-53	37045	3704500	613b65b6-96bc-4e18-952a-1e0776b17f03	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:48:40	-823.414
-53	74090	3704500	3ced7248-72cd-4de9-95a5-d66730134b87	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:51:44	-789.727
-54	37046	3704600	cdb16edc-2e23-4e4e-83f0-b385dbf03986	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:02:03	563.292
-54	74092	3704600	926147e0-6621-433f-a3e5-f37e0f97bc7e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:41:58	227.952
-55	37047	3704700	effa3f7a-eb71-44ed-af92-fc961da419dc	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:23:10	-479.350
-55	74094	3704700	37e7a809-bd6d-42f4-a3e7-d9994b17cd84	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:49:19	-734.384
-56	37048	3704800	46c2b798-fd5b-42ca-89c0-f82e90da7159	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:40:30	379.712
-56	74096	3704800	c8818dd1-c3ac-4532-aefe-189aa23ac028	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:23:09	-151.561
-57	37049	3704900	41cd83b0-311a-4af0-8c7b-3189a2c1fa1a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:43:29	568.798
-57	74098	3704900	ebdc87a1-193b-403c-aac2-2d9d740c7432	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:40:28	672.673
-58	37050	3705000	f11575ab-c816-4f74-a74a-f2f2932d7311	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:13:50	274.654
-58	74100	3705000	1a8ff6ec-026b-4399-a683-a20f4f6cac15	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:25:53	-850.130
-59	37051	3705100	7373beb1-1379-45da-b4ef-41cef5cd9f1f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:24:19	-755.520
-59	74102	3705100	c1e863e8-85db-4487-ae19-a0db430f7a2b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:42:11	-771.972
-60	37052	3705200	6d22de86-da4f-4746-bead-5884244ba3f0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:49:03	-273.81
-60	74104	3705200	9dd88af7-87a2-4f1d-b06b-84388e15fe5f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:26:55	550.666
-61	37053	3705300	40d38af5-67fa-4601-8e6a-5648fb366fe9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:17:50	686.505
-61	74106	3705300	2b129dae-4fea-451e-8b83-8f2715fcf07b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:08:53	576.936
-62	37054	3705400	31cdebb6-5640-4029-8f33-e02cbfd31ff0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:10:54	-795.753
-62	74108	3705400	8befc706-0ebb-42ca-b4b6-bd18abdb0c66	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:03:00	-124.758
-63	37055	3705500	a4054d4c-b66c-4535-a0ae-98d245b38bf2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:40:36	-731.763
-63	74110	3705500	efc7bd77-d2d3-4f8a-9040-d0ebdd0eeda9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:17:33	-843.23
-64	37056	3705600	e57486a3-9516-40cd-b8b2-07dea912e1a5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:33:30	-621.432
-64	74112	3705600	4dc3b507-79b9-4526-aee6-af0bf079ad4d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:32:16	-743.31
-65	37057	3705700	59793a30-cd2a-403c-a684-f9ea8812756d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:14:32	-953.521
-65	74114	3705700	4d57a234-fcb9-4419-bc66-5b8f1cc3c56a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:16:42	970.557
-66	37058	3705800	8bdc4234-ab39-4160-bb72-666f28fe0fb5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:34:28	317.454
-66	74116	3705800	42e1c4bc-9a4c-4634-9942-7f2c132449b5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:20:25	-897.916
-67	37059	3705900	53746e98-ae83-4a53-8669-142c91a628e3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:50:25	-559.938
-67	74118	3705900	f989b772-4c10-42e0-ad3f-ba9c8156d0d1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:40:05	295.716
-68	37060	3706000	30c1bb65-b6c6-4b7a-8a8d-aa54508e7e3f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:43:13	-764.914
-68	74120	3706000	191388e0-2088-4a33-81b4-185d3504d082	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:05:53	-463.152
-69	37061	3706100	724b3c86-a272-44e0-9ce9-071f7ba097f6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:17:30	-832.204
-69	74122	3706100	b43a9bd5-d85e-4aca-baa1-d289761fd291	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:55:46	-716.251
-70	37062	3706200	bceb12e3-0a25-4cd3-84c5-258bb9a8f3aa	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:35:29	-889.973
-70	74124	3706200	b302c075-94a2-480d-8f45-c96d2b1e5ecf	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:17:59	-417.971
-71	37063	3706300	501890ba-dbdd-42f9-b948-20e19004f8f7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:58:18	-161.978
-71	74126	3706300	a3982c31-9cb6-4fe6-ac00-b28e3d6ad049	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:16:36	-977.936
-72	37064	3706400	84fdad61-f3cc-4425-85be-fa5460a54c82	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:32:21	522.413
-72	74128	3706400	7043b201-a846-4a63-be4b-88f930e5064a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:03:36	-571.80
-73	37065	3706500	ce51580a-77a4-4882-98cc-e2551ed16d6c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:38:51	-377.285
-73	74130	3706500	62a3b23b-c30f-498b-839c-0037d6d2b3ce	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:52:46	-232.554
-74	37066	3706600	e49cc84d-c3fc-4f2c-8aba-b8f974c62a7d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:35:28	948.373
-74	74132	3706600	638f1a6a-f6c1-423e-8ef5-0904f06bcd70	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:07:01	-96.571
-75	37067	3706700	3c0d0653-d745-4e58-b6f1-df18b1bd3c2a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:30:44	33.761
-75	74134	3706700	c5ebbe31-6ce3-4c49-8463-b6c1e53286e5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:10:54	276.212
-76	37068	3706800	3c433c2d-ad24-41ec-b40e-910c39c70545	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:05:05	247.985
-76	74136	3706800	5c62d27c-ee2f-4132-9cb5-c7e7b8291bd8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:05:24	-881.52
-77	37069	3706900	3a19b608-1399-4a40-aa6e-933ce810026a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:36:54	-443.885
-77	74138	3706900	f06318bf-e9a2-45fe-b12c-e101156cd465	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:33:37	-34.691
-78	37070	3707000	0f94b4d1-63d4-4ca8-99a8-a33e61c13be4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:36:33	344.298
-78	74140	3707000	ab0abe1d-9dcd-469e-b710-886cf09d5494	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:13:50	-783.611
-79	37071	3707100	cfb89b97-6b6f-4838-af22-6868e412afd5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:16:19	-718.453
-79	74142	3707100	288470ff-9133-4918-b151-5a43801333f9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:26:27	-857.234
-80	37072	3707200	295f909c-f032-401c-9436-612944eac09c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:22:10	591.321
-80	74144	3707200	237021d6-c90d-492e-8de6-cd511b1fab65	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:50:56	437.453
-81	37073	3707300	5ad9234f-f2b3-4aa2-a990-a378251e876f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:18:30	-828.49
-81	74146	3707300	95c39ce9-13a9-4ad2-b8a0-801ecd1d49f3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:46:13	-863.135
-82	37074	3707400	c69eddc8-5c25-478c-ac38-9de50af4d618	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:47:01	-737.576
-82	74148	3707400	ce4226bf-7d72-4be2-8523-696711f3cd49	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:10:29	690.501
-83	37075	3707500	e70275e9-0b3d-4f14-a1b6-36e8d45513db	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:01:26	784.539
-83	74150	3707500	068e1948-759f-4128-b5f7-cb2fe7485435	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:39:38	-555.55
-84	37076	3707600	259901b8-1bc3-4ce8-9f81-01a610c4d241	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:16:23	-831.671
-84	74152	3707600	9117af65-9563-4d8f-890d-0ee4c27c129f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:09:24	-953.998
-85	37077	3707700	e85a8265-5dbd-4bbf-99a7-66cfbc169dee	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:30:44	-360.172
-85	74154	3707700	a5d79d78-19a4-4d20-bd46-f44945eae38d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:53:43	501.189
-86	37078	3707800	e0b570a0-02c7-4099-ad4a-d65ab5439a3b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:16:47	-192.746
-86	74156	3707800	e7831f0e-64f7-4770-9250-bf51b23c3e71	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:33:30	-302.536
-87	37079	3707900	77352520-2f7b-47d8-84e7-21612635e391	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:48:03	-580.460
-87	74158	3707900	f94030d3-18c6-4c8a-97be-fe3a32cb064e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:51:41	-173.699
-88	37080	3708000	74c099c5-6cb8-44ae-b2b9-dfff3ee2cb43	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:24:59	693.325
-88	74160	3708000	feeef4ed-f1c5-4fa6-b849-fc2ca494ba1d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:24:17	-51.299
-89	37081	3708100	e586bee2-df18-4058-be5d-5b4bb7089653	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:54:42	-186.401
-89	74162	3708100	6558bba5-39e4-4c84-b59d-b189030909da	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:15:02	-780.14
-90	37082	3708200	0bc53cfd-8200-4639-bed2-b9a7328f10a0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:23:12	191.260
-90	74164	3708200	dcbeb8f2-aad5-4bed-adba-17cf3e270f51	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:59:43	962.895
-91	37083	3708300	ec465429-1475-4a97-b41d-6a4eb8e49ee8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:43:54	345.84
-91	74166	3708300	f9a70de2-9bcc-4e34-8cc5-6602db5bd6fa	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:25:18	174.986
-92	37084	3708400	ca0bc608-c6e0-4db2-8907-bff5f0f20b9c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:24:31	-806.54
-92	74168	3708400	01acd072-57d5-461e-abe9-d21471070def	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:42:51	-417.617
-93	37085	3708500	eb4b51ba-344b-4e33-9e8f-dd17d25d886b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:08:06	446.639
-93	74170	3708500	1a73ec25-7838-4ee4-b8a2-5321e247a5bf	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:47:30	-626.997
-94	37086	3708600	00c6563d-7ec9-45f0-87bd-f4dece579144	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:42:55	-698.383
-94	74172	3708600	b05d3abe-8f0f-4c95-8002-dae4ef644bb4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:48:52	316.220
-95	37087	3708700	10792bee-de37-4501-bc0b-f0f51feb3ad7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:19:29	533.596
-95	74174	3708700	23983f30-ba5b-4c70-b154-f89e3d997a0d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:01:25	563.466
-96	37088	3708800	0c65f58a-6d09-4d6d-8b7c-21ff0d45270c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:02:16	-447.450
-96	74176	3708800	55cc3ea0-887c-45de-b8ec-bc622029d2cf	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:30:28	585.246
-97	37089	3708900	cbf90f08-ef15-402e-b577-246875eecf9e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:37:30	764.985
-97	74178	3708900	52464ac8-3a88-4860-8ebb-df6169e32de0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:38:10	-167.250
-98	37090	3709000	feae76dc-2003-456e-b09e-7bb451251534	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:06:54	-252.962
-98	74180	3709000	bb9a0b84-7543-49a6-9a8c-5ac7b93d3e97	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:36:54	-235.757
-99	37091	3709100	de19c02a-e2d2-4f4e-aa39-2d512b12d789	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:51:53	610.468
-99	74182	3709100	8efa4f05-ddbf-4889-9899-b1922b1a5611	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:05:58	-367.854
-100	37092	3709200	6ffadc71-e0d3-4ae5-834c-0b22774a725b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:19:44	244.340
-100	74184	3709200	0afc874e-1c1c-44bb-b2c7-48f388344af9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:48:16	709.134
-101	37093	3709300	8e657e53-5db2-48d1-8d6b-cae742874acd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:27:06	415.647
-101	74186	3709300	b046037d-2d6d-40c1-90ae-a04fe61e4ca4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:30:04	-653.763
-102	37094	3709400	e8459239-7fc1-46d9-afa5-b08dd552a8b7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:51:52	-564.60
-102	74188	3709400	46189b0b-33d6-4281-89e8-9d2a93a20472	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:35:13	870.519
-103	37095	3709500	a3a406bb-4718-4daa-b70d-6be0cc8b9271	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:33:52	-519.652
-103	74190	3709500	55b8fd18-4f96-47de-9bb3-dd475c6389bd	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:32:01	-912.186
-104	37096	3709600	c988f020-04f4-4e9d-a315-bd6f466dd2ab	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:54:49	482.434
-104	74192	3709600	b01b4587-fd13-4fe0-a4cf-d834e0660005	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:32:22	-720.622
-105	37097	3709700	31974f38-df16-4885-a7b9-d369aa375a5a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:33:30	-307.843
-105	74194	3709700	e4a1ebc0-50b0-4671-8da3-1c806dc64cee	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:38:26	17.325
-106	37098	3709800	bc4a9f76-d7ab-4ad7-8ba0-6d2c0bca98eb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:42:35	510.95
-106	74196	3709800	8de948d4-a988-4f25-b79e-560e9d8a099b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:04:20	-593.26
-107	37099	3709900	10a3fa02-2b27-4ed2-a129-86dece7cbf52	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:20:11	41.965
-107	74198	3709900	d51c9dff-cfb5-486d-be65-723d3f2ba51e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:47:47	-313.493
-108	37100	3710000	f67bfacc-1925-481d-953c-73dadf661594	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:19:23	495.997
-108	74200	3710000	d8c93cdd-017e-43e3-aeb3-a779976b2fe1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:45:16	-198.584
-109	37101	3710100	51877372-073b-4de0-bfcd-2d29b10d0551	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:37:54	-316.9
-109	74202	3710100	c70769bc-a4a1-482b-bc8c-166882afa6aa	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:09:33	633.700
-110	37102	3710200	29313114-a23d-4e6d-8040-07984bb0418f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:58:19	430.553
-110	74204	3710200	ab64e3f7-e4b7-4b72-ba24-d6907d41110a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:16:43	-399.41
-111	37103	3710300	4123abd7-52b8-43e2-90b8-afbabbc40205	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:10:14	-978.661
-111	74206	3710300	5015fdb2-db7e-4c87-96fd-0f2faa7c62ee	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:58:30	-928.572
-112	37104	3710400	df1c970c-a5ad-4b03-aa52-2daa39a9e94a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:25:31	-453.334
-112	74208	3710400	8c40e00a-f2ce-445b-b1df-f8de63810670	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:44:40	-925.383
-113	37105	3710500	011f79f4-83bd-48ca-8f53-feca01435094	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:08:59	716.770
-113	74210	3710500	d1e88dd7-eac1-4f14-8649-88d24c90c887	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:22:02	487.173
-114	37106	3710600	da2b46d0-4050-46df-aa2d-9bcde52d171f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:20:23	254.411
-114	74212	3710600	16efbee9-0c15-4f8f-9836-ad532f7f65d3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:28:30	977.544
-115	37107	3710700	ecb106f6-86d0-4df9-bbee-e1f0f4f89a4c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:25:50	746.493
-115	74214	3710700	51ba4835-0afd-4296-a122-1a701d2e075f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:49:47	-524.181
-116	37108	3710800	2f0816ea-1cf0-4d6c-9454-0073953251b9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:41:30	-457.388
-116	74216	3710800	8569e82a-f080-419f-b10f-7fc809b7bec7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:46:28	777.369
-117	37109	3710900	1a473355-324e-4560-9d76-38a2397fc857	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 02:55:32	433.775
-117	74218	3710900	88946f19-b5df-448e-8674-7396b7739efd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:06:58	-782.18
-118	37110	3711000	f9c60654-c480-49a9-b460-a7012deab1c9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:09:14	48.209
-118	74220	3711000	d50f778a-42e3-4975-8cd1-442ece4c45f2	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:33:17	604.723
-119	37111	3711100	fcd216a1-4686-4388-926f-d53fd0a34439	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:09:28	-575.653
-119	74222	3711100	5e1d7e58-0ffe-4126-b44f-69dec4065388	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:06:29	284.205
-120	37112	3711200	85e65535-48e3-41af-af23-b16ca42be445	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:57:59	841.611
-120	74224	3711200	d02f14c0-ef42-4419-bcc8-768819bb99ba	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:56:32	-499.754
-121	37113	3711300	01a19b0e-6f9e-4365-bf6d-938e2f28f0dd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:19:58	51.182
-121	74226	3711300	6ae7d783-a102-4773-851a-59ab1e924133	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:56:08	558.778
-122	37114	3711400	efd7af8c-c708-490f-bcdc-2d3824230c90	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:42:34	-553.969
-122	74228	3711400	c3c950d2-c706-41f4-812b-81db0a8aed5e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:22:08	87.840
-123	37115	3711500	57b6f3a8-8101-4016-89b3-06f851d3db23	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:41:31	383.75
-123	74230	3711500	207dc194-ddc2-48bc-bd7e-d4c5eac26f9b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:45:34	788.320
-124	37116	3711600	7b395905-818d-4fe3-ba8d-e76706da153b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:32:24	244.617
-124	74232	3711600	f990d36d-2c84-493c-afeb-f82589d44516	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:14:07	345.170
-125	37117	3711700	ff2ecd87-07eb-4cc9-af45-22cb87730dbe	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:15:58	717.905
-125	74234	3711700	962193fe-fa66-40dd-8b9e-8e1db83e8757	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:30:49	-123.815
-126	37118	3711800	b8f5379a-62b3-4a2b-8d2d-ff0fec369141	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:48:29	-900.11
-126	74236	3711800	81c860fd-bafe-4d0b-972e-06defcccb4c5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:32:44	-300.270
-127	37119	3711900	b0a9d899-cc60-4acd-9dd6-a13ac275c482	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:13:48	-944.823
-127	74238	3711900	9a9bd997-f4ba-4f99-a995-d4d49c5e52c3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:12:47	-720.803
-0	37120	3712000	37f17f29-0bf8-4959-8962-20fa4e402f3a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:36:04	-319.506
-0	74240	3712000	00f32c2e-e53c-4086-8450-71906175a939	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:02:23	-498.10
-1	37121	3712100	7baf299e-e452-416f-8f7e-bc02233d7f87	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:14:05	-587.321
-1	74242	3712100	f588479a-a7b3-42e0-bc90-fdf00159611f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:49:42	231.982
-2	37122	3712200	093bbc08-e799-47c6-82fe-51bee93b5bad	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:02:07	913.702
-2	74244	3712200	b125847f-09a9-4e14-b294-ea1383965b4b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:53:59	13.248
-3	37123	3712300	9dcbaf80-0130-4b24-8e67-cfeb39a9c768	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:43:06	-179.761
-3	74246	3712300	5390194c-bb3b-4e68-9846-104a49df501b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:32:28	627.906
-4	37124	3712400	369f3e51-8990-4fc5-92b0-a57f779a58a3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:27:32	671.367
-4	74248	3712400	ed9567ad-26d9-404d-868b-d2224f7665f8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:20:11	-460.991
-5	37125	3712500	3d44fe63-956e-43a8-90f9-db4dac0d858d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:36:56	-458.466
-5	74250	3712500	9a0d3bd7-05bb-4b3c-9a21-b909b83e85ab	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:00:54	-600.420
-6	37126	3712600	ba90b2ea-c932-4ec7-8428-6c0d7546cbb9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:09:19	-945.847
-6	74252	3712600	4650f682-d627-45cf-9679-c71e760f63a3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:57:39	208.660
-7	37127	3712700	0abd5f2f-73b9-495c-9ade-413a50f4c850	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:06:22	-118.128
-7	74254	3712700	c2658972-05ad-44c5-bc69-5606b350b59d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:45:24	-988.830
-8	37128	3712800	ee884c9b-2c2c-4fa9-9c35-8ff712788241	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:30:26	470.616
-8	74256	3712800	83cc5ec6-ee96-41ed-851a-0cc7ae8ddce2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:55:06	-969.309
-9	37129	3712900	5f6fc30a-191d-4813-9909-ee14991777ad	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:23:58	-486.55
-9	74258	3712900	d94b24da-1dc6-4263-ad9f-c8ed11610e74	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:46:14	853.641
-10	37130	3713000	083d00b4-4ce8-4e60-bb0e-7a6d5c6ec4fa	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:53:22	-559.820
-10	74260	3713000	d3334f21-cfd7-4b94-8913-601fc097ef1b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:57:26	-888.393
-11	37131	3713100	9af47ad7-6da2-46bd-a10a-bf707f549fe2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:56:37	562.356
-11	74262	3713100	38581781-28c8-41e8-8bca-ecf3c171f447	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:12:45	289.523
-12	37132	3713200	922090a8-ba81-4eb2-82dc-d465b5817a09	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:36:29	-78.961
-12	74264	3713200	64134c29-3782-47f0-8079-e8eb8247d0c0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:25:51	969.57
-13	37133	3713300	9a3bd026-bf89-472a-bb08-39391c2035cb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:36:01	-983.313
-13	74266	3713300	fe8e7422-badc-4b4f-83c1-357ef4d03239	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:16:40	-972.152
-14	37134	3713400	55ef38bf-2116-4236-a460-bc5bb8cfeea1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:10:30	-744.728
-14	74268	3713400	0a873923-feed-4907-b21e-9d1f975eb623	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:30:10	-180.307
-15	37135	3713500	6613b4e8-69b1-43c3-a132-55cc84cb596d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:57:15	-560.794
-15	74270	3713500	c4a3f227-9aed-4daf-8302-033cdacf3912	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:11:55	114.771
-16	37136	3713600	515d3ba2-22ed-4b53-80da-c1681b65f53b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:44:27	-716.40
-16	74272	3713600	57b09a86-5940-4ef6-bc32-4ef0245c7970	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:44:07	-995.390
-17	37137	3713700	0a7aa0ff-6ff3-4d5a-9e49-3f740237ffd0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:06:41	-807.12
-17	74274	3713700	bd885e30-e573-48b7-bc65-931b7dbb3d2b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:27:02	-122.141
-18	37138	3713800	a65c5a6b-4f71-4f4c-b09b-4db5774b4b0f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:47:55	150.581
-18	74276	3713800	4e9bd609-c768-47c6-9721-57923ee06ec8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:02:59	681.221
-19	37139	3713900	02481aad-e5b9-4411-a184-3e58b07dc162	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:12:59	88.328
-19	74278	3713900	abb6d766-d2e2-4b40-8753-8e246685c494	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:17:57	382.949
-20	37140	3714000	fc2f5d5d-ccd0-4c0c-94f8-0c62247e0479	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:41:41	-402.320
-20	74280	3714000	602c4565-ea55-4405-8ff6-205d499a6f6f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:16:19	-878.589
-21	37141	3714100	20b4e996-7ac3-48dc-9ead-82b190473527	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:21:07	948.753
-21	74282	3714100	fc9e81eb-99ae-4a2b-9fe0-23d2f0edfd6f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:30:15	-378.701
-22	37142	3714200	c3033cbb-53bb-4b76-9562-86574fb88be7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:41:04	-413.53
-22	74284	3714200	b84022ac-f799-412b-8623-ca7d1fcd33dd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:43:03	972.249
-23	37143	3714300	0803eecf-52b2-4445-bf40-f987124c8efe	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:49:25	-497.768
-23	74286	3714300	5ab805de-0a0f-4de8-b99c-1c9088ead05c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:06:02	-313.499
-24	37144	3714400	2c9ea951-e867-4b67-9d92-9a75b5e27962	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:55:32	360.271
-24	74288	3714400	6d85f622-d049-404a-ac32-85b7d7244756	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:00:35	622.306
-25	37145	3714500	87625468-8ea4-4f9a-b17a-0f4c66d3dee6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:53:15	289.97
-25	74290	3714500	7bea9102-4041-4177-80c8-e2ac38829ddf	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:30:18	624.755
-26	37146	3714600	f3b03d38-9cf5-4653-abb9-491bc841e861	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:18:23	-261.852
-26	74292	3714600	4f42b78a-f584-4715-a5a2-b454aaea5369	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:10:04	-128.852
-27	37147	3714700	8889c2b0-45ad-4ef3-80ac-912dd9278ab0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:55:18	-523.239
-27	74294	3714700	6ab115f1-c8f0-4c54-ae50-7758bfdfde8e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:49:33	-954.446
-28	37148	3714800	38d90da0-41d2-4ee5-b64c-e6c6cebc2117	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:40:15	978.942
-28	74296	3714800	b10a18fe-72a0-4e22-a7d2-2adf7f6fa381	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:40:58	857.759
-29	37149	3714900	3d95481a-df46-4b89-a220-d319e9c6e470	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:56:47	726.228
-29	74298	3714900	4cfff6c9-e3c5-4a71-b565-850eac0923d9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:55:51	724.604
-30	37150	3715000	33ddd4dc-27e6-4026-813c-b424841b363d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:29:44	436.605
-30	74300	3715000	cb0af402-872a-457a-a3a5-802b9fad1d64	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:02:53	487.441
-31	37151	3715100	2597750c-4813-46fe-8642-426dfb0d5da2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:11:18	416.749
-31	74302	3715100	d3e12332-5745-41f4-aa46-4541db8fec7c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:05:40	-877.589
-32	37152	3715200	746d9199-2d0d-4c6d-ae41-8535ad8a5fe7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:36:30	-772.110
-32	74304	3715200	0a44888c-d54c-4ac8-b21e-6809c2ec3c24	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:42:35	-231.168
-33	37153	3715300	bf1cb5fb-30b2-4f82-a553-4d87a570b232	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:27:33	-886.419
-33	74306	3715300	f112c708-2d66-4ae6-b3cb-6c714b73f75f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:26:43	527.545
-34	37154	3715400	c91e1b28-d9f9-4fbc-a6cd-7f88060d17d7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:57:34	955.142
-34	74308	3715400	aeb0618f-5929-4377-87f1-4407d1b3b493	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:39:00	436.194
-35	37155	3715500	9daebc88-3e52-47fc-bbbf-36fe68ed374d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:54:26	879.663
-35	74310	3715500	918b9804-6ff7-4d36-9560-b39bf956a1d8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:27:18	-71.212
-36	37156	3715600	8b2b7c52-b887-44a8-92dc-0d4107badada	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:30:14	94.293
-36	74312	3715600	3eebedc0-30f6-4f77-8752-14686e80e841	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:13:45	946.982
-37	37157	3715700	7098bc73-a020-49aa-b413-7bd30f244287	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:05:22	-281.325
-37	74314	3715700	a0854efe-39d8-40db-91af-26c58e42459f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:41:54	-684.517
-38	37158	3715800	42602b5f-3bf3-453f-bbb6-226dc42467de	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:21:48	-177.789
-38	74316	3715800	8e260c49-b36d-4254-8f7e-f70bd00a02a6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:50:35	-609.844
-39	37159	3715900	00264c59-275f-49a0-b03d-3aea48202781	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:27:29	399.73
-39	74318	3715900	4a034c2d-4516-4c67-8a20-b6187b53568f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:09:28	-26.897
-40	37160	3716000	3e47868e-61b5-4c6c-b059-d5e2493b83b9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:00:38	943.865
-40	74320	3716000	88225cd2-c003-4ba8-a764-2975d9062246	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:39:09	456.124
-41	37161	3716100	3367ebd2-0167-43cd-a6c4-966c2de37001	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:05:09	187.128
-41	74322	3716100	0075e8ab-2a6b-4421-a96f-7e3e31bb95b7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:11:36	-860.618
-42	37162	3716200	db005386-b54c-4e9b-b19d-35bfec09ae2a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:45:33	65.583
-42	74324	3716200	f5409799-bb44-44c8-9692-8cf3afe765ba	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:57:22	-532.401
-43	37163	3716300	a33a21f5-fac6-4008-95e4-3e54ab0c1a4b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:59:51	-864.169
-43	74326	3716300	03673baa-4fe5-491b-9a45-72bfd1016957	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:57:55	-282.516
-44	37164	3716400	101757cf-8eab-411c-83a5-bf8fb0f1d01d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:30:02	370.440
-44	74328	3716400	662b4fba-6a0a-4f03-836a-c1e226ee6b76	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:48:07	-121.774
-45	37165	3716500	33f011d8-441a-4b89-806e-c9f9bae777e6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:33:20	217.824
-45	74330	3716500	4f83b0fe-9be0-4b76-8ef1-87a850c5566f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:46:05	-433.659
-46	37166	3716600	13f78b10-dddf-4b59-876f-899b1594ea1a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:39:30	-6.665
-46	74332	3716600	340463e7-a360-4804-99c8-ed234e39d991	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:52:23	23.479
-47	37167	3716700	9885299d-e44c-4676-956e-47de0cb78398	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:12:38	-236.945
-47	74334	3716700	3ba293a0-e315-4a29-ac8f-058c76cfbb70	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:34:41	-877.288
-48	37168	3716800	7d95fa32-6be8-4cdb-a098-a4e4c0caaa7a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:53:04	-514.794
-48	74336	3716800	6ed563aa-aa53-43d7-b241-d76a7894582e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:43:56	727.44
-49	37169	3716900	db6d5180-1e9f-46c3-901f-e1a61430b72b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:54:06	-261.952
-49	74338	3716900	0721a37e-c6c1-46b2-8ad2-b9611ce3ac12	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:47:06	144.241
-50	37170	3717000	968e27e6-51b3-4542-b607-dde5ec2245da	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:00:04	-849.950
-50	74340	3717000	74c3a06c-5f28-421e-81e1-1523a62bd425	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:07:34	426.385
-51	37171	3717100	964cb69f-caa2-4bae-aa7e-b194ac1ee3fa	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:07:22	404.66
-51	74342	3717100	1138322d-3241-42b5-886a-0287a7ec8114	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:34:47	38.277
-52	37172	3717200	4bb41882-bc59-47b9-a678-c73dbd25f8d7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:09:18	438.448
-52	74344	3717200	a5732ada-ad46-4c69-8928-fb192f39933b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:59:35	-588.214
-53	37173	3717300	c6bf398a-558a-41d6-886f-9a763a42b2e5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:15:09	504.144
-53	74346	3717300	80195f51-744c-4f3e-b8b9-bf75df7ffa61	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:34:03	26.838
-54	37174	3717400	6a1ead19-3f41-4ce4-acf1-32e879ecf7a6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:22:26	335.753
-54	74348	3717400	b36e278a-9f89-4e99-b4b0-2110d3c9657a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:59:37	-295.86
-55	37175	3717500	041c31cc-6344-484d-a856-42c1938bd5e7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:43:40	216.224
-55	74350	3717500	178f7fde-77a8-49fa-9d7d-d0f7cfb7e589	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:09:57	-555.414
-56	37176	3717600	b4c9fcc5-14c1-4919-ba46-9575f657989d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:46:22	-795.131
-56	74352	3717600	7c6e8bb1-af7a-44a9-a198-57d09e7ba2d7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:00:10	443.89
-57	37177	3717700	fbcae241-3af2-4b8e-bec9-23835e5dbefe	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:20:05	-132.85
-57	74354	3717700	d5396340-5034-4dc4-a2f8-58b31f63ce80	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:25:59	-689.255
-58	37178	3717800	284be4fd-ff90-4f1b-af8a-b084a3356b57	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:56:38	-792.604
-58	74356	3717800	36918ad4-9213-4310-ac78-50c9a66223ad	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:47:44	-876.536
-59	37179	3717900	87a90f6d-ccb0-400d-8ccd-5532e3837a60	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:45:12	812.361
-59	74358	3717900	d73fb901-4d74-4936-b68f-baf366529c25	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:09:20	6.642
-60	37180	3718000	f2be26e2-c2f2-4023-8627-a7705e263afb	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:48:37	-671.358
-60	74360	3718000	d0d50906-600c-41d1-8128-b30160203176	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:30:45	236.411
-61	37181	3718100	4c2482cd-bab8-4feb-b159-237c1a4b0c25	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:14:45	-73.637
-61	74362	3718100	ccfcee93-f875-4ca4-a80f-95e62c7148f8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:46:01	52.650
-62	37182	3718200	a1eccd7d-b254-4f74-9b04-47c5e8fea9c3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:27:26	299.444
-62	74364	3718200	aa656cda-367f-48d2-b526-82cf38d7ff9c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:37:50	-956.863
-63	37183	3718300	3196fcb5-3ceb-46f2-8d8a-df0319000f46	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:21:18	962.353
-63	74366	3718300	b039de7a-e7d6-4afd-a212-511c81be29e8	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:53:42	-312.847
-64	37184	3718400	26d9b561-1f50-4c48-87af-9df3f610d992	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:04:40	-275.462
-64	74368	3718400	5e7816ae-db8b-4856-b7d9-b71536c8f051	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:27:54	-690.107
-65	37185	3718500	678e0638-a7cc-4869-aaea-b319f848cb12	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:19:46	-478.454
-65	74370	3718500	974004cf-9cc6-4675-9d54-e52ee3abacd6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:50:21	-262.223
-66	37186	3718600	3da0a03a-6d3e-4526-a7ff-640a7c6de762	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:46:33	-487.714
-66	74372	3718600	1f92befd-f613-4cd0-ab01-f693678d01d9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:52:44	17.707
-67	37187	3718700	6988ecc5-bd62-4b6d-b31c-224f7e519f79	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:59:22	234.503
-67	74374	3718700	9731b249-7b21-4580-b346-3e0a908dde12	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:13:33	9.449
-68	37188	3718800	59a38a6b-cfca-4806-84e1-2f0cb1720957	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:39:04	233.345
-68	74376	3718800	b576ca99-e5c0-4d6b-bfe8-089cd06620f1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:40:20	-504.165
-69	37189	3718900	bc3531c3-559a-47ab-83ed-d8f602e3872a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:39:19	5.742
-69	74378	3718900	82de5af4-c13d-4f28-a440-e368c6090585	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:01:38	-273.540
-70	37190	3719000	7415a417-ab7b-4bfd-a7d9-e9f344cb0dd9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:46:27	-736.538
-70	74380	3719000	81fa4823-f5d5-406f-865e-a2a684d26918	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:16:33	630.797
-71	37191	3719100	bd9e2b09-9ad3-4cab-82dd-8a303d719e30	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:57:08	630.476
-71	74382	3719100	808c631e-1e4b-4c72-ba9f-a6168f5e3aa2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:27:38	-653.685
-72	37192	3719200	51436d12-cf72-45bd-b27c-347fd8fb439e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:00:01	664.435
-72	74384	3719200	1af486c1-bffa-4fee-bfca-93af8f4742cd	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:39:14	653.614
-73	37193	3719300	c59479c9-c9eb-4b7b-ba22-cc78d8afd05d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:23:19	-536.104
-73	74386	3719300	089c57a5-be8a-415d-8cb0-3bef25ecf1f0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:10:20	467.257
-74	37194	3719400	c9a3649d-3467-4a7b-a851-e5bfe8850925	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:01:40	485.501
-74	74388	3719400	b73b6e0c-e935-4a1c-8ddc-547c244de05f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:42:09	-903.807
-75	37195	3719500	a1d9cb0d-168e-4a1f-9a88-57d87277e023	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:26:10	599.757
-75	74390	3719500	81cce7c8-aa0d-407a-8d6f-91340622ff5c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:06:41	-821.468
-76	37196	3719600	25c86b1e-07be-4b76-9d2e-0a0b915893b7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:55:34	-555.0
-76	74392	3719600	269f2ee2-4aa2-43f9-828b-238563cad3d6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:48:12	-378.216
-77	37197	3719700	e8af9981-61d2-45a5-af9a-c2c64ce44982	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:25:06	464.128
-77	74394	3719700	13e90387-76bc-41d4-aa41-3a3a286c71fd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:36:08	562.975
-78	37198	3719800	34851497-b29c-430c-8233-095a894ed61a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:57:23	654.27
-78	74396	3719800	33458679-ff63-46d8-aae2-feed87aebd7b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:28:28	-611.655
-79	37199	3719900	7fee8847-8b15-43e8-bb38-2953683b371b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:06:46	-878.881
-79	74398	3719900	c4ab69e0-db0f-483e-9fd9-5958f6ede403	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:41:51	338.761
-80	37200	3720000	ae31e197-89dc-4934-8c85-0f3959568688	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:03:43	-773.130
-80	74400	3720000	9a697e6c-de27-48e1-9334-cecd6bb5ada3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:41:05	-29.61
-81	37201	3720100	e3d1473d-426a-4174-8caa-beb4e05c0adc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:14:04	-439.720
-81	74402	3720100	272cb398-d169-4b72-b0ca-4b81a1b5a297	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:22:59	87.861
-82	37202	3720200	d0e5f283-ee3c-4e14-9c0e-bb0c3f757957	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:59:34	339.138
-82	74404	3720200	b3c24bb8-4e04-4252-bd71-5f3683258447	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:19:55	689.205
-83	37203	3720300	78062cb7-7a22-40ac-8395-df111515ee35	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:24:25	-647.707
-83	74406	3720300	128655a3-e8c5-4d6c-92cf-349f86ad5abb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:05:27	-989.984
-84	37204	3720400	db54dab8-db03-4aa6-850e-e428873058ed	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:20:05	-490.209
-84	74408	3720400	d3f75b60-ff13-499c-8269-d7d9fb522922	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:52:15	162.946
-85	37205	3720500	e363fb3d-70b3-43a6-9511-dedc1ac7b7b2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:55:01	244.408
-85	74410	3720500	467aba53-fe2c-4bf5-be10-867f3664d82e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:16:35	-578.675
-86	37206	3720600	0f73e2c7-659a-400f-9655-91ca017de4d4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:05:51	-421.531
-86	74412	3720600	d5888bbf-5555-4ab4-b334-50618e9465c1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:37:24	-255.637
-87	37207	3720700	23da8f26-5244-480c-b220-490c8c622606	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:39:58	736.660
-87	74414	3720700	2908a26c-d716-445b-9f3d-d411ac2d8a63	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:10:28	-925.417
-88	37208	3720800	59a24ede-d836-4678-9c70-f947629dfca7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:24:33	828.215
-88	74416	3720800	94f4a046-796a-41d9-a670-c482dbedb7eb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:07:28	-878.128
-89	37209	3720900	2a835657-d4d2-42b5-98b6-b8536b104fdb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:11:22	804.21
-89	74418	3720900	8e92d1cf-2611-46f3-b24c-bdafe20f6ce7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:51:36	-710.798
-90	37210	3721000	1ec81321-857f-4e15-bd28-704633dd2d1d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:34:34	803.126
-90	74420	3721000	91b34527-7fe8-42e3-9bd8-6e2e2971e610	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:49:14	-462.522
-91	37211	3721100	e2a2af83-049a-4137-b54f-415f2ac47486	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:31:08	58.514
-91	74422	3721100	508f033b-e0e7-4bda-9c34-49dc8d968bbd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:54:39	-634.421
-92	37212	3721200	1ec12a36-7b26-47d4-b91a-ec6b888fbac6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:21:29	938.92
-92	74424	3721200	14141fe9-912a-461e-b331-a68437a8abd2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:32:56	948.85
-93	37213	3721300	310f300a-5979-4fa5-af16-dec580a34a13	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:01:52	751.232
-93	74426	3721300	d144f6e8-6792-47de-8d6c-147a95c17d6e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:19:06	548.180
-94	37214	3721400	72d13e2f-c318-4c5d-9eae-eed02c2e0230	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:00:10	481.88
-94	74428	3721400	d4deca27-24f6-446f-b587-1e5a0321993b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:27:50	511.599
-95	37215	3721500	3bd08d82-4cf2-41b6-99a3-e99076848a05	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:31:13	-198.624
-95	74430	3721500	885776c7-2a29-4302-9868-237d88e1e992	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:19:17	-267.43
-96	37216	3721600	a4110b11-f93a-40ed-b157-bcd944923c6d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:20:58	311.585
-96	74432	3721600	ccee7484-3df4-476c-b413-1b176c68e2d2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:04:39	127.392
-97	37217	3721700	d4236020-c8a1-47c0-999e-f93d26d40ae8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:57:56	389.376
-97	74434	3721700	f6698781-6d93-4b13-96ef-63fb4d3c2196	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:34:58	-660.969
-98	37218	3721800	cb1030ee-0ad2-43c2-ac54-589dc86aa1aa	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:51:53	677.90
-98	74436	3721800	e4d64120-0497-416a-9f8b-1e788b9bedd0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:10:34	-250.221
-99	37219	3721900	cce60111-7897-4c40-a8cd-16af9248f062	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:00:05	-168.262
-99	74438	3721900	d46be074-8042-4818-a0e2-be950dc6191f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:08:52	-876.878
-100	37220	3722000	81e15a41-e78d-4f6e-bd8e-84e3dd1c978e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:15:53	-606.547
-100	74440	3722000	d6c33538-0214-454b-9ab5-c8b5fd6326be	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:07:59	901.576
-101	37221	3722100	c417a171-13e3-4b2d-9553-541e99f3cc53	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:47:58	493.239
-101	74442	3722100	c89ea63c-35cf-44c0-964e-2e45e35b9834	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:29:42	110.567
-102	37222	3722200	dc809725-77c2-46dd-bada-f429bbb689b3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:58:12	-494.941
-102	74444	3722200	08fa5267-7ac8-41d3-ac85-5684532ddc5d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:26:06	-619.193
-103	37223	3722300	61646da4-1ded-44ea-bd7f-4857c7a1f583	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:15:27	-368.553
-103	74446	3722300	b0a0ae9e-027d-4c4f-9cf9-b7d319a75ed6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:42:21	-445.323
-104	37224	3722400	48f60d61-23f0-44c0-a0d6-e3a9f816eb55	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:51:06	-960.42
-104	74448	3722400	ff8f83b8-7dfb-4a79-a409-4a3d779d3d08	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:55:47	888.865
-105	37225	3722500	c4d62785-0912-4914-91a1-6efba1b26057	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:29:22	981.56
-105	74450	3722500	c0aaaeb9-7b44-4d92-94fe-383cb60e4ef9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:15:21	932.314
-106	37226	3722600	f088edda-52f2-4f93-a8d2-ea8c71110fcb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:57:28	-953.519
-106	74452	3722600	bb9a9491-693e-4bb8-a59e-9ed44c2ca8eb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:44:31	748.397
-107	37227	3722700	184d967e-f783-4880-b772-926c6175911a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:58:00	-653.840
-107	74454	3722700	0a0ecb6e-ed26-4048-876f-facf23802593	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:09:47	-441.275
-108	37228	3722800	6cb71af0-b50b-483a-bdd9-9604e1e46a7f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:07:28	133.398
-108	74456	3722800	935dbcc3-6bad-4bff-bfc5-813fe8eb95b7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:22:32	-326.58
-109	37229	3722900	bc34e5b3-f4de-4b62-9d5f-20db9f4b68ba	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:55:20	263.462
-109	74458	3722900	95e614b5-47b7-407a-83e4-e24e0129329f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:16:36	68.590
-110	37230	3723000	47715c60-0867-4a2a-9a5b-a0a7ca33a835	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:54:30	-770.862
-110	74460	3723000	929db4c8-6ae6-4370-84ef-e4e0911956b4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:09:03	-459.819
-111	37231	3723100	9ab4edae-0a32-42ec-8a91-30c2b4ee3266	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:26:05	-860.518
-111	74462	3723100	f8a44d8a-6799-4596-973c-06b52e0e62a0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:55:57	-231.602
-112	37232	3723200	26ee237e-6fe5-40ec-8537-3aa5bb2e29ee	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:35:23	845.542
-112	74464	3723200	85f81cec-5705-49d6-94cd-ff8a49c5ba7f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:33:51	21.257
-113	37233	3723300	2a0deb78-ee7a-46bd-88de-cd88557e5b99	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:30:44	-700.929
-113	74466	3723300	1abfeeb0-80c2-4622-a9f3-14ec0c0ff0bc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:53:55	883.18
-114	37234	3723400	01bb94c4-3feb-4abf-bd68-4f623e27927f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:17:31	466.1
-114	74468	3723400	639a4848-e39c-4a4a-89f5-da94000131c7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:21:41	-574.281
-115	37235	3723500	8fac3e70-43ff-4be3-9dd3-e890f4d08e5a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:37:01	-697.579
-115	74470	3723500	569aee3f-e9ea-4f17-8387-29d163f27d81	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:08:49	-820.134
-116	37236	3723600	981b50f6-9fb2-48c6-b8b8-d33fed531669	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:13:58	929.269
-116	74472	3723600	d0998fc9-47c3-4cc5-ab2e-41507fd4b53d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:18:13	960.344
-117	37237	3723700	604d2c68-5ae8-4fcc-be53-c27cd31eb16b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:00:25	24.462
-117	74474	3723700	e941e919-c97b-4215-9adb-9cd3b3d6c975	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:07:00	642.367
-118	37238	3723800	27fdef65-7ad0-41af-9e7b-ad8b89a43222	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:45:16	-297.431
-118	74476	3723800	f93327b6-3f53-47be-bf83-4455fd8b10ca	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:28:17	-549.744
-119	37239	3723900	aafa72af-5cc1-4946-b8a5-75aec2132e1f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:18:46	-442.572
-119	74478	3723900	bb96ccc7-f854-49b5-87e5-508054c94b88	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:09:11	196.798
-120	37240	3724000	66db9356-c571-4083-a962-006da89c3ca7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:38:27	579.515
-120	74480	3724000	d350fc2d-1a7e-4c10-afb6-3e42ee13c5f0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:31:41	-213.189
-121	37241	3724100	767466d4-2e70-4225-8cb2-d2e479c579f7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:27:11	952.219
-121	74482	3724100	8e75c807-ad20-4b74-9f1e-bc85f49f0c4b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:09:30	-454.528
-122	37242	3724200	4ddec77e-89de-4ccb-a241-8308f4cb2117	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:47:56	-495.621
-122	74484	3724200	ec1b55d6-82c6-4dbb-9749-3409eec9c481	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:24:44	193.245
-123	37243	3724300	91f8335a-15d2-4e55-9957-828d0f797b76	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:07:50	-939.744
-123	74486	3724300	6360204a-5c0d-47de-9a01-2081eb76bfd4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:47:12	438.425
-124	37244	3724400	e1599804-c272-41c0-a9bd-79c2870065a3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:59:52	971.934
-124	74488	3724400	4329b6b4-c8d0-44d1-864d-8b238b4ce9ec	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:03:40	-837.314
-125	37245	3724500	4ed73ba6-ab01-4f2d-a426-0c6cbce48dfa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:27:02	687.901
-125	74490	3724500	bbb9a644-569f-45a8-aa4a-7ae54bad32b7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:50:25	332.967
-126	37246	3724600	7f9d561c-c77d-490c-98d4-445041a575b2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:24:37	94.444
-126	74492	3724600	0ec19e17-4b77-439d-970f-517743abdc01	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:49:37	-851.544
-127	37247	3724700	4b6d9cd7-3636-4521-a27b-ac2467de0059	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:09:56	528.615
-127	74494	3724700	fb0432e6-2956-4f71-9a07-baef52dd75fd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:15:12	938.51
-0	37248	3724800	cebdd647-a582-4918-af00-ba45c142117b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:18:09	-997.844
-0	74496	3724800	b88b097d-80a6-493f-ab3f-dfea50acb0fc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:36:14	-919.392
-1	37249	3724900	ed663f6a-8185-442e-87d3-0db4eff264d5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:19:16	112.591
-1	74498	3724900	73601015-8e59-4dcf-a381-7501808fd94c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:46:29	-889.542
-2	37250	3725000	ec2fda7d-fcdb-44c4-9556-40520948f763	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:51:46	-405.623
-2	74500	3725000	d31b7efc-5d5c-481b-8532-dbbe99449868	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:02:58	-892.14
-3	37251	3725100	be245191-b387-477c-a9e7-85e24df8384c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:29:18	-218.97
-3	74502	3725100	7fa165a5-74d6-4b87-8547-9c2768abc1bb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:08:17	62.277
-4	37252	3725200	167a29ea-569b-4a98-8c6f-16c0299c53e9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:55:42	-316.594
-4	74504	3725200	9ce31804-5961-4580-b5cc-3d598457c7df	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:33:07	799.701
-5	37253	3725300	f9775caa-f2be-4be7-bfee-4574c1404ee2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:49:08	-495.7
-5	74506	3725300	9504b2ec-584f-4b18-ac88-907c908d0de1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:01:14	-300.734
-6	37254	3725400	72dd8a5f-175f-457a-a2a5-6a4d5f1bf05e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:11:38	-707.276
-6	74508	3725400	1300f1c3-b63d-48c2-9f43-682ba5fb6909	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:30:13	696.63
-7	37255	3725500	5d49ce76-a9ef-41fb-a091-1785a81bb7df	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:07:17	559.395
-7	74510	3725500	754568f0-a53c-467a-ac64-35c0ed13e18a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:50:42	806.325
-8	37256	3725600	4fc0a5d6-239e-4316-8879-13e6546dc6aa	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:59:26	714.515
-8	74512	3725600	9a024858-9248-4f54-9ef0-f6a57e6cbc3c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:59:23	-626.666
-9	37257	3725700	5e77f1a7-9065-47b4-a849-9a3c36d74dfe	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:51:59	962.707
-9	74514	3725700	0f0e8f5d-bc16-4591-bb2c-db79d6665dbd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:35:27	-469.938
-10	37258	3725800	44563286-2495-4282-9419-33b2bd7448d1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:23:18	-776.571
-10	74516	3725800	64d44137-1601-40b0-be04-6c768d9eaae0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:03:22	231.309
-11	37259	3725900	4a2af453-86ec-4e34-9b20-c076c20c20bd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:35:35	999.490
-11	74518	3725900	6455674c-0a35-4697-a9f8-c87ddcea7029	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:13:11	-28.615
-12	37260	3726000	50d93cd9-050f-461f-b3e4-beadb839a78c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:18:20	-660.893
-12	74520	3726000	1ce64c09-907e-4468-b15f-2433763cf5d9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:10:26	-797.887
-13	37261	3726100	9cb5e789-f29a-49e4-9952-56330f289d56	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:56:28	-354.961
-13	74522	3726100	8e8cbf5b-3614-4c32-be6e-756db91a6728	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:49:01	779.35
-14	37262	3726200	11c51cbc-96b1-418b-942f-bc1dcc9e67f1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:44:57	54.590
-14	74524	3726200	3c6ddea2-a94f-44c5-9986-de731db94ecd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:21:17	-560.809
-15	37263	3726300	9cf564f7-3fd8-4f01-aec3-348b8f5a2d9b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:11:23	124.773
-15	74526	3726300	c697d75b-4234-4e3c-9d27-e3ca383b826a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:23:14	555.254
-16	37264	3726400	22349f04-498a-4059-b311-006f52b76c43	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:32:54	-162.398
-16	74528	3726400	229b84a5-a059-4e7b-8ba6-afd49459f695	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:21:57	153.553
-17	37265	3726500	a00adf32-224f-424c-90cc-78b11b2fb7c7	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:56:19	-354.726
-17	74530	3726500	88dfc02e-40f6-4a51-bc97-68281cb10aff	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:23:06	-89.344
-18	37266	3726600	008ee64d-6cc2-4ea2-83ca-079c434343a7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:17:20	761.736
-18	74532	3726600	252b60f4-df55-44df-af5e-423d7c44aecb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:29:33	-792.993
-19	37267	3726700	fc9738e0-f1f8-4100-bb60-4f01fdf918fa	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:22:55	-760.427
-19	74534	3726700	648d633e-cef5-4d13-9efd-3987cb3f80bf	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:11:32	202.583
-20	37268	3726800	6a49c5da-b60b-4c84-995b-dd7c0d6ced38	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:42:13	126.906
-20	74536	3726800	690b81ac-1901-4b5f-b573-c9b4d4ae7a66	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:50:40	-845.906
-21	37269	3726900	b9dd157e-5088-4c67-b7ee-5fa78980b01b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:17:56	911.178
-21	74538	3726900	3f801c49-482e-4b24-8c71-25d00902d78e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:46:55	654.696
-22	37270	3727000	342e07d1-c16b-4f3a-9bb4-2070add1f42c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:23:38	788.216
-22	74540	3727000	7afba993-b02d-460d-afa9-2eb1770d143d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:01:47	548.594
-23	37271	3727100	30c9fc37-63c0-4b19-afaa-4292e59872d6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:19:22	744.118
-23	74542	3727100	b0d4feee-e98a-4249-ab6b-b6a18fc10265	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:01:15	75.296
-24	37272	3727200	99364ea2-0738-4756-b46f-b1af2973e14c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:20:57	677.479
-24	74544	3727200	033638d9-d9b1-426e-892b-67fc860a46ee	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:11:56	267.623
-25	37273	3727300	a9ebd789-1b10-4d4d-a706-5ef05eb91b82	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:56:39	-393.276
-25	74546	3727300	4ff967d2-6a36-425c-bd2d-c0c67c42879c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:25:48	233.846
-26	37274	3727400	78308a50-273a-43c3-8c99-9713902048d4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:59:52	-298.720
-26	74548	3727400	4bacbb99-c7e3-4dd1-8e02-17b116d54157	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:19:46	-141.423
-27	37275	3727500	727ff859-719e-459d-a28b-5bd447f8c01d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:40:56	181.588
-27	74550	3727500	59556c88-d130-4968-8025-0895722c9281	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:22:42	875.52
-28	37276	3727600	5ce4077e-98fd-4825-890f-af478c69ba6c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:20:49	-816.946
-28	74552	3727600	f6aa097b-4266-4a92-8445-a4fa3b88c659	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:13:20	155.371
-29	37277	3727700	81db2e41-59f0-4a14-a8e4-5fd0c4a87055	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:11:29	182.353
-29	74554	3727700	a354a325-f39a-469b-9f02-f068e9775003	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:21:57	-810.802
-30	37278	3727800	9d9748c4-169d-48b5-a8e4-b4349e514b42	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:56:15	-9.841
-30	74556	3727800	5524a1d1-2426-4294-8818-a7c90ccfcb4a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:40:27	939.466
-31	37279	3727900	6e653d39-f272-45cc-9acf-e69e2870d667	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:04:38	-929.78
-31	74558	3727900	7cafe93c-d025-457b-a8b8-89595f7ce7bb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:51:55	-3.664
-32	37280	3728000	869924e8-3d45-48a9-8a6e-36149743cbad	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:40:59	-250.519
-32	74560	3728000	656083f0-6820-42b3-9b9d-8cf2c2779c25	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:13:55	960.106
-33	37281	3728100	54c6a7c1-f43e-4b31-b11b-6e58b9bdf12a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:14:21	-609.439
-33	74562	3728100	cece3ab0-11b8-4c75-8389-647e67a7f903	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:24:10	534.670
-34	37282	3728200	9c9a3f29-1286-4a40-b594-9e68fa482b3a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:01:12	8.971
-34	74564	3728200	2cb967f7-6d88-473c-9230-dbfeb2ed64ba	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:03:05	-596.152
-35	37283	3728300	2eb852ca-1473-4545-84f2-a8c2d63f33b3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:29:44	-814.381
-35	74566	3728300	0396458f-8bcf-4c26-b244-af5d61ea6643	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:47:39	-440.71
-36	37284	3728400	5a5cbf3a-f425-4f8a-9b72-bbb8504f4a64	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:52:14	759.895
-36	74568	3728400	0926e1a5-e870-44a7-88d2-ee22e8950165	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:52:24	-995.50
-37	37285	3728500	03334876-f9da-45af-90b9-9047c6c6224d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:03:27	-939.848
-37	74570	3728500	0b4c602c-361a-4338-8576-b7b2c23f9450	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:43:12	250.28
-38	37286	3728600	9f6a0893-bc8e-4446-b3b7-6fb3db57939e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:06:37	-106.134
-38	74572	3728600	697bd2ae-731d-421b-946d-e65c0537d3ff	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:32:35	520.736
-39	37287	3728700	e6f1040b-d2fd-4dd1-a9d7-a7a86401bd96	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:18:45	-452.827
-39	74574	3728700	3f728d27-eebe-4a51-b718-c63611b67d8c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:04:33	-361.341
-40	37288	3728800	8386fc7f-0b81-4259-bb7f-2d5885b28170	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:07:32	498.825
-40	74576	3728800	62f8d372-e23c-41af-85a2-e76e324f86c3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:18:12	-676.190
-41	37289	3728900	5c51a390-675d-45d8-adad-b03bf4ce73b6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:54:20	-370.612
-41	74578	3728900	dde091dc-2562-4604-8b64-09a3c04f1ebb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:33:53	297.357
-42	37290	3729000	a239c7ef-05a1-468d-ace2-0c802bd8e9e5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:59:00	-972.547
-42	74580	3729000	fcb4d892-b809-43ef-80b4-7eff629f7060	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:29:05	653.715
-43	37291	3729100	81acaa0e-a449-4b5c-96f0-9ce574911caa	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:38:02	247.900
-43	74582	3729100	451a5508-2f9d-49cf-9ef0-2ca2c7a562b0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:16:53	-463.77
-44	37292	3729200	535aa539-5af2-416a-a432-dc1847543d7a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:56:18	-395.806
-44	74584	3729200	f1b65f9b-2e7e-4376-a129-478d293131fd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:17:40	-92.500
-45	37293	3729300	e7216b2e-ff01-4cf5-baf0-bb5ecca4d154	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:06:12	696.500
-45	74586	3729300	e79721a9-058c-44aa-9e6d-7b50acf5e865	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:11:31	569.81
-46	37294	3729400	4f2bbfc5-4df8-402c-b4c1-b4b2da85eff9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:58:46	700.730
-46	74588	3729400	43d7b840-c850-42f1-8c86-ac057501e165	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:46:05	-371.230
-47	37295	3729500	258f2651-b116-4aa6-9148-b8f358ddd996	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:44:49	712.358
-47	74590	3729500	8af6558a-f527-422f-a07d-0aab868865cc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:24:31	768.125
-48	37296	3729600	43db0a07-07ab-46b4-863c-d1f78e8e73e2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:51:39	-931.457
-48	74592	3729600	ceb6d469-e022-4b7c-b41a-d9771e62f039	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:11:38	-647.253
-49	37297	3729700	9d396c47-57de-4642-a509-807a4c12dd2f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:50:48	556.965
-49	74594	3729700	804dff03-e2ce-4e8d-9168-a67585815a98	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:26:24	681.468
-50	37298	3729800	706b58c6-71bb-45b6-99cf-e76a3e58ae97	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:49:16	254.328
-50	74596	3729800	8ec76df8-1ef2-48ec-b13f-cc5a96c978a4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:04:09	749.423
-51	37299	3729900	84dea474-076e-4cb4-9737-865fd0bb1d3a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:29:18	-403.261
-51	74598	3729900	0917f777-bbd8-4a85-b280-15f2b97617a5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:48:20	-422.953
-52	37300	3730000	e9240f44-74be-4036-ba5a-d456c8125381	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:44:48	-17.126
-52	74600	3730000	2f3a8b82-106a-4d1b-aee1-900fb460d576	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:38:09	-696.825
-53	37301	3730100	2da2412f-0aea-4fb4-a031-7a8f01ae4639	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:02:25	921.762
-53	74602	3730100	0a52bd2d-dec2-49cc-a57b-38bcc2044080	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:35:26	889.380
-54	37302	3730200	f06d6d8a-46b3-4a33-9f8c-b332435f56a0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:51:54	-498.631
-54	74604	3730200	ef12aea0-9f5c-4bea-bb45-8550280be217	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:20:18	-218.765
-55	37303	3730300	6218f18e-0912-4cfb-84b1-a7a31062f049	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:47:57	348.128
-55	74606	3730300	99c49540-b9a0-4f5c-a238-3a032c6aebb3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:08:55	909.759
-56	37304	3730400	1be1d911-14e8-4d5b-abe3-8c3fa27f29c5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:03:17	-690.126
-56	74608	3730400	630032ea-dfbf-43a0-8a55-4cc2c81c15e7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:26:13	-65.519
-57	37305	3730500	850515ef-b2f7-4f44-8464-8ca6476b3899	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:04:06	60.312
-57	74610	3730500	1de44e72-55d9-4c38-93c7-a92c3fd74cb2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:00:31	532.714
-58	37306	3730600	53824e1b-fe67-442b-bc12-86e1b47fe024	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:04:28	151.468
-58	74612	3730600	a728aa0f-d183-476f-9346-40c832fd6b2c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:09:34	172.87
-59	37307	3730700	200ba4ab-bdf0-43c7-bf02-65cf1bf223db	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:10:31	16.148
-59	74614	3730700	b5258931-b054-416b-a4f6-4f46683536a4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:29:46	241.351
-60	37308	3730800	e00626e7-a266-4b37-8d39-4c39eaa14f49	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:59:12	-915.431
-60	74616	3730800	0141dcdb-e7a6-4589-85bd-57d99c332fd9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:51:52	711.282
-61	37309	3730900	7f33deb7-2935-44cb-8aa4-0a951cbd4b91	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:14:57	-900.413
-61	74618	3730900	d3b3a623-3fa6-4d74-9fe0-7ffb51fd1724	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:47:25	-722.631
-62	37310	3731000	4251cd8a-56d2-4faf-a924-fe78ff9c9770	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:33:32	721.476
-62	74620	3731000	e5e6952a-0e1d-4c9d-857b-7b03e430c7ac	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:59:30	502.662
-63	37311	3731100	c2bb53ca-e3e0-4fc1-b7dc-74fc3efc7558	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:32:08	-127.771
-63	74622	3731100	84fa64c6-69a3-4bab-b0f3-eb6f983498ee	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:12:52	127.730
-64	37312	3731200	c6ae5862-b7e8-4234-a8e7-e67c84a4df5b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:27:39	977.525
-64	74624	3731200	439a2c87-90bc-49c3-b84a-fedb48cb7c20	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:02:31	-832.265
-65	37313	3731300	99c16e36-320f-44d3-908f-c3db4e116fc6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:07:26	-748.448
-65	74626	3731300	a6186682-5aa6-46bb-bbc8-b2cfbc830dbc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:19:55	402.760
-66	37314	3731400	65efc9d7-fdab-4b9a-801f-44c37456d653	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:46:37	283.584
-66	74628	3731400	ea7ec06c-4b10-4405-8083-3226137c58c2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:06:07	-845.175
-67	37315	3731500	edd3c5c1-64c5-4c9d-80ee-583361c7b45c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:27:13	547.492
-67	74630	3731500	4a0499db-b1c0-4228-8458-1932e9d3afea	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:02:57	-964.37
-68	37316	3731600	236f7080-815c-4d19-b65d-aee764531448	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:20:02	355.213
-68	74632	3731600	29dae748-ae10-4a23-b12b-6b707e3cdfcb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:42:49	152.654
-69	37317	3731700	3fa82dbe-dabf-4c59-9f59-6d7176f82736	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:25:46	-167.507
-69	74634	3731700	62f45246-7484-4c39-8589-5db455da98c2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:58:00	761.164
-70	37318	3731800	e76f83d9-2983-434b-81dc-e8ebd4619cc3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:15:32	131.501
-70	74636	3731800	a9381bfb-00f4-40b9-9e2d-3d840df812a0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:42:50	-849.211
-71	37319	3731900	c1024a91-71f1-43d6-a232-9e6fac08a329	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:59:33	575.575
-71	74638	3731900	275d5ab6-1065-4cc6-a5d0-57d4ecb996b5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:05:25	478.299
-72	37320	3732000	adbb5764-2864-4fc5-9ae1-b591a37dc44d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:37:34	415.612
-72	74640	3732000	908fdeed-0b96-4707-9a3e-022163c15cb4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:07:21	897.723
-73	37321	3732100	c443c670-6c08-42c4-9282-d5c7f78f4969	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:02:34	83.556
-73	74642	3732100	955b8129-16cd-4217-bf07-d2e135d29976	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:04:53	-186.95
-74	37322	3732200	aebd36bc-e080-412f-afd4-5ad989b09a32	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:19:49	118.898
-74	74644	3732200	cab61377-2629-478b-9077-2c6c3afe3f02	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:35:16	-224.916
-75	37323	3732300	1257e97d-1347-4c45-9bda-919fe798f2b4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:58:51	-898.872
-75	74646	3732300	299b407e-0d8e-417e-94ad-7f604e8cc503	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:08:21	-443.541
-76	37324	3732400	7c6e0d2d-2bc3-4da0-8179-6968302d956f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:51:33	-295.900
-76	74648	3732400	503f819a-1439-4bde-84b5-18fca1f6e8d6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:43:02	-220.730
-77	37325	3732500	2b62925b-9e28-4bdd-b764-6d27540d6af0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:50:57	-194.34
-77	74650	3732500	77edb082-4adb-4e58-a68e-e5de002dab65	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:55:30	-14.334
-78	37326	3732600	d216e0ae-54b0-4314-8c13-e1af6bfcd89a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:04:04	-954.737
-78	74652	3732600	7291257f-4191-4bea-83b1-93cec242325b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:06:28	89.728
-79	37327	3732700	0d3c523c-75e9-45a2-99a0-eb1b079a0cd6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:11:24	-992.977
-79	74654	3732700	23ef03d4-58a0-48af-9103-bcd304d90188	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:07:02	521.722
-80	37328	3732800	f65f5e9a-470c-4095-b01f-cb1d958a757e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:07:46	-919.308
-80	74656	3732800	dce78697-d7d6-4183-88e5-7c971649ae63	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:02:48	184.549
-81	37329	3732900	34c8499f-8b95-4eca-8b16-93cce20167bb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:39:10	-795.970
-81	74658	3732900	799d2ac8-6eea-46c2-ab0a-e2a8ea387286	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:22:09	-55.897
-82	37330	3733000	62174f5d-336f-4f8e-a823-e38949529a3c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:37:34	-340.516
-82	74660	3733000	5994a858-5bad-487a-aaf9-83ae58f06191	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:28:24	-840.660
-83	37331	3733100	45cd133b-b489-4628-85fe-2f28dd06bfc8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:42:31	-547.905
-83	74662	3733100	1afb9e4e-0d5d-4fbb-8e09-f3815fcf0b9e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:45:00	-981.27
-84	37332	3733200	ee436548-7963-4ccd-8a59-bc16b0ae9a8a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:57:28	-853.7
-84	74664	3733200	28b3d24e-47e1-4e1a-82c1-8647a3e8b5c7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:20:31	810.373
-85	37333	3733300	af6c5b2d-efdb-4d98-825d-8660936d2c7d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:51:31	487.288
-85	74666	3733300	57fc2728-f3ba-4ebd-9159-210287e7510b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:24:32	-819.120
-86	37334	3733400	e7477bd1-e17b-4307-9ef0-91164d3eb214	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:50:06	-651.364
-86	74668	3733400	e8477726-f776-49df-bd70-4e92ffa4d2e8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:17:37	62.164
-87	37335	3733500	91663c5c-328a-4082-b4cc-88ecc9016b90	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:44:11	-635.157
-87	74670	3733500	978d6c82-2dbb-4877-b351-99e03a8f41be	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:09:16	-428.318
-88	37336	3733600	48e46867-1ae9-48d3-8034-eece2906ad55	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:32:57	264.433
-88	74672	3733600	8f3640fd-1ce8-4fd4-b744-61126fed20f5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:00:40	-353.366
-89	37337	3733700	c3d7f8d0-f006-4805-a42b-91e434aa7370	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:05:02	877.164
-89	74674	3733700	cd1d5e50-dd79-4156-b366-63b7bf480589	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:24:57	-548.719
-90	37338	3733800	547ffb9b-72a6-4375-9838-af39c5f9f8b4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:58:07	-548.46
-90	74676	3733800	07bf1366-634e-42d8-8bf8-598e0f76e16d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:44:44	-733.170
-91	37339	3733900	403d3f00-3da8-4463-ba5d-c6ca7da5aa79	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:59:19	-513.758
-91	74678	3733900	f812df6c-20a6-4e41-bf8a-c220ce89ab44	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:47:12	425.515
-92	37340	3734000	4dc48dab-8c5c-4ac2-8e3c-a254aca5277a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:39:43	99.649
-92	74680	3734000	babb27ee-d5a4-4fc1-b9e4-4013fd1af5dc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:50:17	-390.838
-93	37341	3734100	f6f828bf-9161-449d-a31f-b761539bec09	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:58:57	689.518
-93	74682	3734100	74d2e145-c158-40ce-90f6-86c748b8ff03	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:42:35	-50.596
-94	37342	3734200	45112369-b3d0-428e-96d3-91baedf8185e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:05:15	-866.612
-94	74684	3734200	28311061-7b9f-4911-a125-29b6c8bad403	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:21:19	102.357
-95	37343	3734300	97aa37b4-3b2a-4b20-b95d-9bec00b0fd4e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:45:22	-647.248
-95	74686	3734300	a09812a8-a49a-4010-a11c-e67497cb5e53	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:16:37	-501.721
-96	37344	3734400	25f51263-d667-4339-8687-06c88f284041	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:48:13	595.713
-96	74688	3734400	7fab91ed-d4d3-4270-9320-401782299ceb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:06:53	499.948
-97	37345	3734500	214172c2-498d-48f5-beec-79aa04db0605	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:06:19	682.518
-97	74690	3734500	e27eb53a-6f95-4a8b-a680-e87ea73427a2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:30:59	-250.895
-98	37346	3734600	b5dfc717-60e0-4582-9201-618bbb1c0517	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:01:36	-95.337
-98	74692	3734600	ae0d8950-04ae-4b14-80a7-dc5d5ab0fd79	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:19:16	-400.406
-99	37347	3734700	676d598c-53e2-4294-869e-8c0115e7707e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:04:41	902.884
-99	74694	3734700	57bc6d47-fbcc-498f-8252-0eebdb806398	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:36:36	-317.200
-100	37348	3734800	35688cb4-1578-447e-98a4-ec3fc7e973f5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:28:22	317.774
-100	74696	3734800	eaae82eb-6527-432a-b3f7-1b457accc56c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:14:53	-334.82
-101	37349	3734900	8f07893b-cd7b-4992-a29a-ff6da31c4d3e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:19:40	-494.138
-101	74698	3734900	a3a508ed-0e14-41e8-84d9-2dcf23a4f4a6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:50:25	-42.244
-102	37350	3735000	7b03a257-78d4-426f-83df-86b8a0a9922b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:18:35	427.812
-102	74700	3735000	2ec01fc2-90a8-4731-92d8-f7f164db5b95	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:59:53	-442.145
-103	37351	3735100	452255ce-52e0-423b-a27b-e128034a89c5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:05:42	161.12
-103	74702	3735100	1cb7b051-96bc-4bca-a428-04c24442fe20	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:35:20	-772.395
-104	37352	3735200	7f0f7e61-5100-484a-bdbe-d36d65e59013	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:58:59	-1.32
-104	74704	3735200	12a58b00-a5e9-4534-b340-fad31226ff5f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:28:05	266.193
-105	37353	3735300	ef836266-31b9-4c19-8877-4b75df94fb71	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:29:33	-806.640
-105	74706	3735300	2ed83593-0c64-4709-98fa-ac31e6200cb2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:50:55	424.510
-106	37354	3735400	3d3d5c59-9d6a-4fd3-9e54-a79c945d9ae7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:18:24	-226.990
-106	74708	3735400	647e43d5-ae4f-4f25-8c90-bd8a865fbd15	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:33:20	481.356
-107	37355	3735500	5683add4-50a2-4179-a51a-6c0145f1955e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:46:49	443.941
-107	74710	3735500	f11db0e6-c095-455a-8c95-0479090f2a38	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:22:32	-976.896
-108	37356	3735600	8c470ed0-1f64-4479-b2a2-f3ce6f5b639f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:41:26	-499.479
-108	74712	3735600	b6802785-f950-4de5-89f5-0a7647c88e66	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:47:16	591.888
-109	37357	3735700	50aaa992-6f0c-46aa-bfe4-14c8678fc4c2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:42:55	536.489
-109	74714	3735700	a9b0509c-40f6-4a05-889c-8b68ba467d8d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:31:03	331.126
-110	37358	3735800	19395710-d8ea-4036-a5e0-884a0607d04e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:35:25	-329.60
-110	74716	3735800	4cc074dc-331e-4b6a-9501-d0a245b297c5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:00:29	-365.147
-111	37359	3735900	d8f9b88a-bca7-4e94-8d17-54b833c20688	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:30:24	152.40
-111	74718	3735900	943c941f-1ece-4ce6-a8c9-95e224b14e51	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:08:29	454.264
-112	37360	3736000	6db05083-5045-4726-816d-579ce4538d4e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:00:35	-785.226
-112	74720	3736000	1c8ce374-8b33-4c00-a1fd-7a9b02ad5f8a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:16:10	771.718
-113	37361	3736100	4f052d37-af9e-46a4-903f-20eec7ece5ac	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:28:42	705.496
-113	74722	3736100	29af1bff-00fd-42ca-a67b-3b4c61cca8e5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:38:28	607.783
-114	37362	3736200	5c8e7692-4e13-460a-9f16-5004feceb2aa	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:21:37	-585.308
-114	74724	3736200	853613c1-d68d-448b-a825-2fdc921c434b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:02:40	-997.755
-115	37363	3736300	ade93c2c-9d5c-454a-8322-18b2afda29c0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:15:39	970.922
-115	74726	3736300	6ea5cc02-b84f-424d-aa4f-eb3fd26a1116	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:59:17	-69.628
-116	37364	3736400	d1e760bd-729d-4835-ac38-068bfddedba5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:10:22	-595.930
-116	74728	3736400	b688d514-ba72-44c9-94d9-a1feb21d7103	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:30:29	-978.791
-117	37365	3736500	2791d38b-1e38-47f9-9eab-26027e67253a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:37:15	-437.573
-117	74730	3736500	ffefb7fe-6afd-4e08-b6c5-9761f75af155	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:41:45	918.415
-118	37366	3736600	c0b0eaa7-7f3b-4305-9711-1c16286a7156	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:03:01	-536.485
-118	74732	3736600	33e94396-fbfb-4066-bbbb-ddb08180980d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:16:58	-240.871
-119	37367	3736700	21d9a4b4-cb42-4191-91b6-8034256a464a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:45:32	170.499
-119	74734	3736700	5b68a83b-9fc4-4837-abf6-7e7701f07f03	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:38:52	-813.939
-120	37368	3736800	cd97d8fa-1a10-4371-85f3-59918d8e7ab1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:53:17	436.574
-120	74736	3736800	7efb9fed-2d3d-4def-86b6-d1bab2dd1469	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:16:52	932.891
-121	37369	3736900	948d379a-3075-43b5-8873-33ccdd1840bf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:25:34	-701.937
-121	74738	3736900	39f2c9cf-d63b-4ef4-be34-9500e1499624	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:03:32	-141.436
-122	37370	3737000	9aae196f-f7a6-4676-a9a6-ac4d4602c2fa	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:51:04	-571.992
-122	74740	3737000	27d3bb3e-18c7-431c-abd2-fba0271619c2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:38:20	-438.183
-123	37371	3737100	c6b1cbd2-7333-4851-9486-ffb9659a5981	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:40:46	-79.279
-123	74742	3737100	9eddf726-a405-4faa-8613-b4ca88c2e69d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:35:35	334.864
-124	37372	3737200	0426819c-6c3e-4fb8-8e20-032c885538c1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:31:07	52.575
-124	74744	3737200	eaf7851d-1988-43ca-bc44-2d728de99e7a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:01:44	167.113
-125	37373	3737300	422d8dc7-90f8-4135-aa20-979740fa3549	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:08:13	912.186
-125	74746	3737300	306f818a-b94b-40ce-bae4-622f9411bd17	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:38:36	-549.999
-126	37374	3737400	b3272666-4384-4f2e-aabd-9a72b98e8e66	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:12:47	313.480
-126	74748	3737400	0e763e1f-512e-4bd2-b8c2-e5f9a2870615	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:57:05	-239.206
-127	37375	3737500	8b8ec364-87b2-43b5-98bc-bde45a66bdd1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:17:05	72.151
-127	74750	3737500	d6dfc1df-a661-4faf-8ec2-14ff74a1ca62	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:17:54	-107.109
-0	37376	3737600	26b7d2f5-95dd-4789-a967-69921f349eeb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:57:39	141.906
-0	74752	3737600	66fdbd81-c983-44b2-a504-6e4a723709c0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:36:31	850.616
-1	37377	3737700	bc0fd0d9-5422-4d6d-b633-de46cdb5720a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:23:44	13.621
-1	74754	3737700	cda648cd-a52f-430e-ab4b-d2db1be859e0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:47:00	-884.642
-2	37378	3737800	cff6f28e-d3f8-4d19-b7d4-c0dc089526bf	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:22:51	320.871
-2	74756	3737800	de6e4a1c-aa7a-41cd-8454-7d3023c6feef	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:10:44	-625.488
-3	37379	3737900	bd3dcf76-2893-4ce5-8a13-9f0ad3c31574	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:46:53	-195.999
-3	74758	3737900	1bda5101-4ee8-4f04-9fca-5ebd60977069	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:38:35	302.991
-4	37380	3738000	735fa3f2-ce56-4e93-8ce3-c32e93bdb189	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:08:15	-908.937
-4	74760	3738000	4835ea8e-5e83-4a77-aa23-f4836bdcb29b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:07:50	-941.851
-5	37381	3738100	c4991eca-4bf8-4f1a-8f58-c8e8c9280ae8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:39:07	715.945
-5	74762	3738100	4ace8e77-db48-41e6-a7e1-42ff541df708	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:30:51	-473.277
-6	37382	3738200	f422e446-545d-4ac0-af73-ab5c3d100e0c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:44:38	-632.346
-6	74764	3738200	9c75b60a-04c5-4f8d-ae3a-0a0ce049bdb8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:22:09	-810.145
-7	37383	3738300	0c102f22-2c5d-4aeb-850f-3728b342bd86	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:55:00	-86.248
-7	74766	3738300	b175db1a-fe1e-4d12-98c0-07952c774a48	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:49:19	170.558
-8	37384	3738400	703c79bb-daac-42db-b3c9-d4f9bfe627da	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:53:37	-986.488
-8	74768	3738400	5d4d0ebc-6696-4c09-ba33-9bb9e8b538c5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:03:05	-978.723
-9	37385	3738500	480fceec-cf59-42d9-8298-2a447ca80c0d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:36:48	-258.954
-9	74770	3738500	81adf850-8f33-4acd-8b4f-548061c716ef	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:19:19	23.509
-10	37386	3738600	8dab6797-30d3-4d4b-aef5-183547d69890	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:53:38	-500.731
-10	74772	3738600	4da49dbf-5b69-4552-b4a5-d9330e4bbe6b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:22:26	50.757
-11	37387	3738700	48130072-7a59-457d-8e1a-11265c947715	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:12:26	985.401
-11	74774	3738700	678c680f-ced8-4750-9f91-c3acbed433ca	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:32:09	-223.554
-12	37388	3738800	dcdc5255-816f-4527-b540-344b87fcb21c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:19:17	-988.55
-12	74776	3738800	af73ec31-68b1-46bc-ad93-efd77c64fd83	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:51:01	-145.751
-13	37389	3738900	87bf8d49-8fe0-45f6-bbf6-40ce3ededa8b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:06:21	577.694
-13	74778	3738900	62f3204f-e5a1-457c-add2-0d541cd69a1f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:03:51	-528.305
-14	37390	3739000	7f5b019d-566f-41f9-8b9c-2fddde339634	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:28:57	-533.544
-14	74780	3739000	a5cc3a96-8f18-4b33-95f8-508031eb330f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:28:02	-851.985
-15	37391	3739100	41841c32-4d94-4756-8314-991daf74a64c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:08:56	58.570
-15	74782	3739100	072503e9-3b78-47b5-be4c-126ad2953e06	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:19:42	230.805
-16	37392	3739200	6d1ee18f-f19e-49e2-b7a7-823c606da9cf	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:00:41	927.511
-16	74784	3739200	b6f0f3f1-59e1-4242-a1f5-1e134b37e67d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:20:40	-174.902
-17	37393	3739300	b9890967-2236-4e8d-9ec4-0fc427480e28	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:06:00	136.358
-17	74786	3739300	2dc69fb5-30e0-4f56-8ef8-d9ad81f01def	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:07:33	170.272
-18	37394	3739400	962a7e64-efe7-4891-8381-bfe131523699	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:19:47	338.185
-18	74788	3739400	b727efca-021e-40ab-a554-3da51d17fb4e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:54:19	638.693
-19	37395	3739500	c7b79a24-aa1d-403f-a432-461999872a91	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:46:27	416.625
-19	74790	3739500	c41b1a88-568d-4770-a608-4c8ba1aa68a5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:19:37	732.664
-20	37396	3739600	3759208a-cdda-4eff-a257-d8b466509ac2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:18:14	-460.844
-20	74792	3739600	579822b7-8d5d-4e8f-a965-c315c55658ba	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:36:04	-786.4
-21	37397	3739700	10855843-cf5f-4dbb-b96d-9f6f0b0842f1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:24:42	-869.171
-21	74794	3739700	d29c4991-8416-4ea2-9a2a-09cad11873f7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:51:52	-401.946
-22	37398	3739800	3552ad4a-9e5f-4510-b295-0ec7e5a980c5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:22:33	-890.178
-22	74796	3739800	9e8d3885-5883-448f-8bc3-b844687548a3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:17:06	291.818
-23	37399	3739900	e4095bbd-880a-4dd4-9e37-37f7d957c287	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:09:27	-310.947
-23	74798	3739900	738ecc13-f57e-40a8-ab00-bfbc497f461c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:42:06	-427.25
-24	37400	3740000	cc50baf4-d763-467d-84bd-9e4dbd66db11	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:13:12	732.401
-24	74800	3740000	dfd59370-b2b9-4b57-bca6-9788c2b8eb9d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:37:32	-882.492
-25	37401	3740100	ca01672d-d1a0-42a9-9996-3bb2e4a2398f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:07:16	754.692
-25	74802	3740100	241bb110-3f11-432c-9b9e-cb5500c2f4e9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:44:58	-87.867
-26	37402	3740200	f03eef73-89e1-43b3-801c-4eaa6e0ec9bd	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:48:17	-165.818
-26	74804	3740200	07d9d111-b0d9-45af-b3d2-b5e52e4ec95d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:53:07	-968.888
-27	37403	3740300	0c0c50e1-d33b-46e2-93de-6b4e3605e4e0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:50:46	-90.484
-27	74806	3740300	8d787fef-a930-43cc-862a-fd37bd929a91	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:47:38	760.243
-28	37404	3740400	262a1c1a-ecc4-41da-8101-87339f6eb792	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:10:10	605.474
-28	74808	3740400	3bb8c593-ff29-427d-8a4c-c94a82382d82	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:18:24	-60.130
-29	37405	3740500	e2a4b37b-e321-4a23-89fb-51ae3dfef7fb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:13:27	-687.838
-29	74810	3740500	91657a99-7191-453a-a17a-05971ca91e6e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:07:05	-884.182
-30	37406	3740600	89afd645-abed-4816-82fd-bfa37750c524	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:02:59	885.415
-30	74812	3740600	306d759f-b4df-4fc9-8e60-7ca16ad6c5ef	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:36:25	808.637
-31	37407	3740700	d7a90113-f76a-4d6a-aabb-f32581ccfd70	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:21:41	-922.385
-31	74814	3740700	66600eab-fbd5-4b9f-af93-338be5ae27b1	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:24:25	311.751
-32	37408	3740800	1a3e76ab-773f-4244-a482-d4868b1b5278	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:16:57	-891.300
-32	74816	3740800	c636ccf1-5c55-4008-b97c-87c0795ac0d0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:25:39	148.878
-33	37409	3740900	233a8a86-8565-4151-ba23-1324b517ae37	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:29:32	-655.374
-33	74818	3740900	590885af-7db7-46c2-9e7f-f45515352684	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:32:58	68.571
-34	37410	3741000	d4358f44-2f07-4894-a4db-e9eb6d2771c7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:25:54	634.972
-34	74820	3741000	038d9907-c944-4eb7-a365-014ca837e3a4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:29:34	503.828
-35	37411	3741100	e4dc72cd-defd-489f-9c24-c7300ed78fc6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:17:06	415.778
-35	74822	3741100	7f5c7728-7503-470e-b59a-d07ca3b9a958	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:35:14	-877.214
-36	37412	3741200	19605bc1-3853-4079-8154-3d8a37c675bd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:06:38	-457.67
-36	74824	3741200	c8716dd6-f2db-4e8a-9f6d-65873f64fe8c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:53:34	-530.449
-37	37413	3741300	fe4aacc3-63af-473a-8e9b-ee4ea04777a5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:31:20	-449.305
-37	74826	3741300	6e02ce61-6523-48e8-85cd-d4bb70329a3f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:25:59	-329.955
-38	37414	3741400	b33e38f6-6846-470b-bf5c-528aec1c0cc7	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:34:31	326.728
-38	74828	3741400	fc2fb8d1-cf01-4160-ba9f-4ff453ab8d5f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:29:42	-430.955
-39	37415	3741500	dfafc832-8ebf-4980-bd29-60d13d0c755e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:31:42	997.223
-39	74830	3741500	c675b5fc-06c0-4c17-8c87-6db6d5c6dd3a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:57:23	607.24
-40	37416	3741600	b83a213d-ac4c-463d-9a0e-502b290b371d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:13:59	-191.974
-40	74832	3741600	5822dfe2-4a71-4cc2-85a6-be62765cd17f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:17:46	707.875
-41	37417	3741700	2e3cb414-6f08-4959-b092-bbdfc90c83d8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:56:35	455.588
-41	74834	3741700	3a836953-7e81-4e56-8c2f-d7e60a4e2b1f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:07:55	159.632
-42	37418	3741800	94d1ca3d-9197-4f17-833c-7a4dc89ca558	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:34:55	-31.138
-42	74836	3741800	54686464-846d-4740-ac41-445ef9bbfe30	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:51:27	928.801
-43	37419	3741900	573ae7c6-c82f-46dc-8a98-43ad7c8b75a9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:03:02	-44.718
-43	74838	3741900	e7e5930f-422a-4df7-ab4d-a981a7bd3582	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:54:53	597.811
-44	37420	3742000	b675546d-19eb-46d4-91e8-afb21e403115	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:47:11	-937.231
-44	74840	3742000	48319067-7d05-4831-8f27-0dde51ed652c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:26:01	-533.263
-45	37421	3742100	f93f02bb-a350-4ae8-afb7-f22aab96b55b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:11:29	618.809
-45	74842	3742100	f1a11363-8fe0-4ab3-b198-1e4d19b680d6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:29:29	-540.660
-46	37422	3742200	c46835a5-e936-4006-9fbe-2c4d59b43a49	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:34:20	-58.377
-46	74844	3742200	03cb781e-7903-4e33-bdf4-78b1e71bd963	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:03:07	-866.598
-47	37423	3742300	6860d288-1692-451a-a648-71a3175a55eb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:52:38	861.408
-47	74846	3742300	751588f1-8678-42fa-a963-89e94385d4d7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:16:49	570.633
-48	37424	3742400	9d768a18-0ef1-4eea-8b33-f8f1091ee9cf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:18:13	-864.443
-48	74848	3742400	565e4b00-1e6e-4d0a-a6de-25b56c48c7ec	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:06:30	-880.165
-49	37425	3742500	85d4421c-9fd6-4c68-a71f-dc974afdb089	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:52:17	913.431
-49	74850	3742500	c4edc134-79a8-44c2-af78-445ba2383baf	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:33:26	606.142
-50	37426	3742600	aa9175ee-b03d-4f2a-8634-3c3e5277e59f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:25:28	-124.500
-50	74852	3742600	8dd37465-23c9-475a-bcee-a163a2924ff6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:24:48	-207.597
-51	37427	3742700	937d0367-68b8-45cc-b1bb-d4651143f857	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:46:08	-720.531
-51	74854	3742700	890ee6dd-94d6-4a56-a22d-a364e53503cf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:32:16	-667.166
-52	37428	3742800	2c116bf9-d61d-46f6-8158-c68ff3e90207	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:26:22	775.122
-52	74856	3742800	81024da7-c530-475b-ae06-33ae67ab7e1f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:33:47	119.614
-53	37429	3742900	2bbaa1f7-00c8-457e-8172-1b8ba6545461	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:46:46	-678.650
-53	74858	3742900	2ba5d649-6a25-4a7b-ba8d-a2166bbcec01	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:55:05	698.713
-54	37430	3743000	63b00df6-243e-41c9-ad81-9b14761937b8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:06:00	-12.847
-54	74860	3743000	11191085-fcae-4097-bf54-221c2973f3c2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:32:14	-263.371
-55	37431	3743100	1d7fe8ae-e575-4e5c-9ee4-0e4b3b6609c5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:57:17	613.0
-55	74862	3743100	a3a817a0-3d46-4cc1-942e-02920902740d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:43:18	-59.300
-56	37432	3743200	d8108cf0-6f97-4ff4-ae85-00bb36e96fbd	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:34:57	-194.149
-56	74864	3743200	02b5e804-bb9a-4a28-877a-8124fe567f33	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:07:59	845.921
-57	37433	3743300	1ddc2401-8e44-49ac-a56c-c19052d2b2bb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:45:38	-699.98
-57	74866	3743300	2a12866e-37a8-4a6a-bce5-150d41760b39	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:44:55	590.683
-58	37434	3743400	95231290-79e2-4e31-8978-f1f750ae3a09	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:44:49	1.418
-58	74868	3743400	cd9e7802-5f48-49ff-8123-6b82f26dca35	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:43:25	-595.438
-59	37435	3743500	3b68c17e-e792-4560-a9d6-93a8a6d981b0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:18:55	566.563
-59	74870	3743500	6e79c06a-306b-47db-90c5-3b723430d1f7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:21:56	-500.454
-60	37436	3743600	815f48cc-441f-4e03-a5ef-301de21280df	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:56:24	515.62
-60	74872	3743600	03d661fa-99c9-41f4-bb2a-5cf0c52ca09c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:43:05	261.836
-61	37437	3743700	cf9e9c61-0f36-46b1-9ad2-b93b98d47c16	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:08:05	552.627
-61	74874	3743700	e1246cd3-2890-4d51-9827-1ce8a20e429f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:03:57	-468.522
-62	37438	3743800	f9f4b0cf-14d8-4b1c-900f-d2246e460490	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:21:52	-790.139
-62	74876	3743800	586ca6e3-ec9b-499c-98f5-b137d69b2255	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:08:03	983.86
-63	37439	3743900	d72624b5-b0f0-4ed8-a4fc-08f1c2224975	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:32:58	-334.689
-63	74878	3743900	a192b785-8772-44fb-af48-5eb79eec79ae	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:42:28	-915.664
-64	37440	3744000	f059a177-8645-45d5-abde-d48a1074a003	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:28:08	-670.728
-64	74880	3744000	9b80cd8b-050e-42d4-a14e-c21a608fda92	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:13:37	861.210
-65	37441	3744100	5e577939-0f44-4093-bff4-d3e699c2afca	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:56:26	701.271
-65	74882	3744100	bbd183c2-51e5-4176-b63f-09514a10ce00	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:49:44	908.152
-66	37442	3744200	cf2251c1-ed70-41c6-b01f-539061bcaf3b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:22:32	-35.777
-66	74884	3744200	a16f3a89-cc98-4010-9448-522a581fba81	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:32:04	540.801
-67	37443	3744300	f3594aa6-9137-4b1b-9e71-96e271059ea8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:34:33	430.636
-67	74886	3744300	81f94619-cb17-4dca-ba72-89bc99941fc1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:32:16	-318.871
-68	37444	3744400	5ca7432a-261e-4eda-b0bd-5e91dd2fd6fb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:57:12	461.488
-68	74888	3744400	7f4f36b3-114d-4ac7-b214-0504bd69791b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:20:29	-942.311
-69	37445	3744500	89bd8a8a-ceef-4615-b465-a84a2c0f2a6f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:17:14	380.389
-69	74890	3744500	f3a9950d-6da7-45ef-8c80-389d36e0c2bd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:28:33	-239.614
-70	37446	3744600	486b955a-3fbd-45e8-997d-80450d367945	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:04:30	790.962
-70	74892	3744600	2da05a47-c72b-48c6-bf57-62596c9aa74f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:02:59	-780.511
-71	37447	3744700	7c746a42-706a-48ac-84ee-1a317bb1f1e2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:34:03	-76.306
-71	74894	3744700	2abf610f-1502-4802-92a2-9b55eba944a1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:07:27	-137.691
-72	37448	3744800	9f6e5c78-0b15-48cd-81bf-f0b4e7865390	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:58:53	291.921
-72	74896	3744800	7cc794b5-2873-4432-8f58-5b8d3a24fd10	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:04:14	-52.521
-73	37449	3744900	539e0643-9dc3-4a35-aaa2-67621b37a072	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:27:48	860.976
-73	74898	3744900	d154acfb-5059-4c8d-9c3a-cf989038a654	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:17:26	-534.55
-74	37450	3745000	0b7d5ccc-4583-4ddc-9b59-893bd4b1a0a8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:10:50	-247.183
-74	74900	3745000	4c921ee8-522d-4523-8b63-ac760f5eb51e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:32:08	820.347
-75	37451	3745100	c4dda592-453e-45a9-8897-b5c5d6087fa9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:19:51	488.245
-75	74902	3745100	3bc578a2-f4d6-472a-a8f1-3c5c71cd849d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:33:51	-245.699
-76	37452	3745200	74515277-7f41-4922-88b8-dd0061933700	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:21:56	435.680
-76	74904	3745200	f14cddb8-893b-47bf-a87a-195cc1a9a037	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:44:41	-71.112
-77	37453	3745300	c3ba43a7-2a44-49e9-8647-0b79b0ec8a5a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:31:03	710.221
-77	74906	3745300	487bce1f-ec91-4159-b170-dfa671920bf7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:52:39	-142.828
-78	37454	3745400	d6a6962b-c6a9-4b48-9a14-ad74031e3f3e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:15:15	203.560
-78	74908	3745400	95ac402c-b793-454a-9b08-8408763b2cc3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:25:51	124.459
-79	37455	3745500	fb905cf1-ee28-4de9-bcd1-19ee85166111	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:05:39	-452.874
-79	74910	3745500	16a749fe-e689-4f53-86d0-09bcbfac835c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:48:08	908.999
-80	37456	3745600	f1b42725-c329-4d61-b3bc-360a433f9326	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:42:16	652.102
-80	74912	3745600	616a7777-4716-44da-a448-945e8c0f7146	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:11:19	681.81
-81	37457	3745700	51f6518d-eaa6-47c2-b9e0-fbed92dbe0d1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:20:19	562.19
-81	74914	3745700	75a8fd34-7b74-4937-a7b9-71625ac712d9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:40:04	-136.247
-82	37458	3745800	9c0b6ab3-7df8-46e1-8e05-ef74726d128b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:33:06	111.863
-82	74916	3745800	6127a133-d719-45b6-aba9-8bd5c491e2b7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:57:18	613.182
-83	37459	3745900	9e9e03ad-9192-4f4c-b1ea-c2bc79610c10	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:12:47	-760.806
-83	74918	3745900	14dac383-2d64-4673-9f18-cae8c494f6ef	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:37:11	-681.522
-84	37460	3746000	42d6a99e-e5d8-4f3b-abdb-065d1058794c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:50:49	474.368
-84	74920	3746000	5b44df16-43ca-4616-b90f-179c05071457	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:31:39	-323.813
-85	37461	3746100	96e45d4f-2ee1-48e6-9872-0c7e01adeb13	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:02:32	-311.285
-85	74922	3746100	dd3dee8f-b966-4f14-b54d-48982e3f8914	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:59:44	761.400
-86	37462	3746200	d21fc432-3de8-4c7a-8164-1f0fd0c85503	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:45:15	-881.179
-86	74924	3746200	6aad5ac1-7c10-401e-902a-3477f1bf222c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:33:38	783.606
-87	37463	3746300	0cb0524b-8d6b-4953-a8f5-affbf8b1ff6d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:59:52	-573.686
-87	74926	3746300	eef1550d-f6b6-4eb2-9329-e02d03342a90	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:10:20	-844.442
-88	37464	3746400	1be381f3-49aa-4ba1-8cb2-a81ec27209af	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:28:06	-28.336
-88	74928	3746400	8847d665-a85a-4308-b6ae-555ef8b228a8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:39:15	-449.295
-89	37465	3746500	b52504dd-7d8b-4088-b7a9-33fb5ac7de09	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:51:04	417.429
-89	74930	3746500	a0410cb5-447e-4d08-9a6f-91f23e633747	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:06:08	897.741
-90	37466	3746600	ebb4caed-398c-473b-ae72-065e89c5296a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:01:57	755.166
-90	74932	3746600	538461f8-7d28-4bc7-ac48-37f70bbb882a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:05:06	40.605
-91	37467	3746700	455ca032-1af5-4ad1-b925-7ac3bcba426d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:29:18	432.83
-91	74934	3746700	42f17488-2054-4c10-b391-b1e24fed4abe	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:52:34	-897.268
-92	37468	3746800	5fb1c380-e229-428c-9410-1b0d7cabbb18	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:53:29	-788.928
-92	74936	3746800	a78b977d-1146-4904-9b1a-b44852cb7f0d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:35:59	-585.298
-93	37469	3746900	5deae072-bf50-4199-95af-4db80d81386c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:09:11	-388.376
-93	74938	3746900	43a4bde2-bd84-4386-9dad-7cef5135f959	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:40:04	989.519
-94	37470	3747000	649f2d9e-af0b-4860-bdac-3adcaad5f3cd	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:56:31	594.969
-94	74940	3747000	5fd9e949-0683-42c3-b9ae-dc3ff1fa7d98	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:45:24	385.721
-95	37471	3747100	883569ec-bcf2-4f71-ab7b-22f42cf10b18	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:48:17	-321.657
-95	74942	3747100	87980aeb-b377-4941-881f-7f97812df25e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:58:27	670.204
-96	37472	3747200	06781425-78d3-4b63-a696-c53c94f281ee	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:05:52	-799.566
-96	74944	3747200	20675a8a-0643-43d0-88be-fa269e3f018f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:48:25	57.69
-97	37473	3747300	ea7591ba-8f90-469b-9aff-8cdbfee6c3b0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:56:35	217.593
-97	74946	3747300	7b142c8e-780d-4868-b839-7b1c66d4c8b0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:04:03	676.79
-98	37474	3747400	06d7e801-860b-4ab4-973c-59adacc30484	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:52:09	-602.625
-98	74948	3747400	d2cff5f2-3f9e-43b0-bdfe-62b26c16e3d7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:58:17	499.440
-99	37475	3747500	8485447d-611a-4597-be74-89335e6527fd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:52:44	-862.608
-99	74950	3747500	a0bb076d-e381-4931-9750-7983bacee3ed	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:42:30	-498.87
-100	37476	3747600	17f61291-1dbc-4850-8011-959a39e57c38	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:17:51	328.815
-100	74952	3747600	f03f01e8-7148-4a26-931a-581f6e45adbf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:58:12	-250.803
-101	37477	3747700	65c72cf5-0df4-417c-b85f-2b79bb88038f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:46:52	-966.563
-101	74954	3747700	bfd8a0ae-971c-45a3-9853-23438f6c4efb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:55:27	853.835
-102	37478	3747800	e0408a72-7ce8-400d-8838-c82813a069a1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:39:04	-537.971
-102	74956	3747800	5767b92c-5e22-4433-b94c-2c578a93e553	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:12:53	-707.246
-103	37479	3747900	adf1fc99-ef9f-4322-aa13-d12f270bf4aa	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:54:43	777.436
-103	74958	3747900	32ee9ce1-adb2-4830-af2b-aa367a1f6a95	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:36:05	-257.30
-104	37480	3748000	5aec2be7-eafd-4b90-91d1-845a8538c090	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:47:46	-76.481
-104	74960	3748000	0a1bbaf0-d740-45ca-bbfa-81c924f9368d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:27:25	-370.425
-105	37481	3748100	98c16fca-4d8d-4181-b417-89f7262f8cc5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:24:06	-659.103
-105	74962	3748100	e1e0a3cf-5cc5-4d8d-aca6-36bacdbe9e53	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:47:14	885.353
-106	37482	3748200	665cfb0b-3dee-497f-8882-c7872c051336	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:05:58	137.44
-106	74964	3748200	f4109aba-2be2-448b-b1f1-a6f345061500	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:38:45	881.467
-107	37483	3748300	d1723bc5-d269-4ff4-a700-60156de495a0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:31:50	-373.106
-107	74966	3748300	3cb20391-0fb3-4010-9080-97ceb5fa502a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:08:34	-218.713
-108	37484	3748400	8d949df2-4714-4494-822d-c149530e9670	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:12:44	517.523
-108	74968	3748400	72ba7d38-2c12-4cef-ab32-bcb1c77ea286	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:38:02	-374.255
-109	37485	3748500	260a7c97-3cbd-43a7-a606-a5389abf2358	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:20:22	-101.274
-109	74970	3748500	5df40f05-9b3f-4c5f-a41f-054e1b41650b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:29:44	-658.86
-110	37486	3748600	d89cd5ed-4889-4056-869b-145c448077fc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:35:51	-512.996
-110	74972	3748600	4318bf7c-d9b9-4eb8-95e5-553619f2dd42	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:14:39	338.632
-111	37487	3748700	985afd1c-2213-42be-815d-653eefc304c0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:02:59	569.826
-111	74974	3748700	3d868481-b048-48e7-9820-0cae39e7d919	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:26:18	-469.139
-112	37488	3748800	7a50ad10-413c-4f71-9646-c7f877d6bf6b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:31:34	714.95
-112	74976	3748800	e6b4d99f-1b27-4e8f-b546-e18be083b7e4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:09:30	-27.591
-113	37489	3748900	cbc6b99a-4800-46c8-8f71-6adc30738fb0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:03:56	-744.65
-113	74978	3748900	bbc28fa5-bf2f-4f23-8777-89f6ef8c8652	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:10:24	933.61
-114	37490	3749000	20cc6285-bcc2-4c14-9b20-10ebeb0fc51c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:20:48	868.631
-114	74980	3749000	5bb2bffe-8993-44dc-a199-54846355d259	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:46:49	303.935
-115	37491	3749100	fe3fd358-6ba7-4b1f-aeeb-4d41ccaf2a32	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:16:31	935.629
-115	74982	3749100	e9f2cfa7-1f89-49ba-94d5-490a0063f3a3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:50:37	-434.234
-116	37492	3749200	81447e0e-e2a2-48b4-ae2c-4faba568e471	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:44:33	513.330
-116	74984	3749200	3a2ecd6b-99ea-48e6-bed1-837759bdc0c0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:36:00	-182.531
-117	37493	3749300	d4b65aac-a6dc-4e49-b246-c95c59cd3070	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:23:29	912.752
-117	74986	3749300	d638c63b-efac-4250-bb4e-7c76cce918d5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:15:27	-790.996
-118	37494	3749400	09cee29a-fce3-4b45-bcf9-37dd791bef24	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:34:54	-382.332
-118	74988	3749400	a00bc8f8-05a1-42cf-b1d8-bc500a5bc81e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:47:04	-100.820
-119	37495	3749500	d7338288-8deb-4fd3-97ed-c0b5b1ce3438	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:26:09	-279.860
-119	74990	3749500	36a5f01f-2949-4a55-99eb-44ebe028be25	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:29:26	550.79
-120	37496	3749600	19680aa4-d820-4ab2-9f8f-95650969ac28	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:50:29	131.211
-120	74992	3749600	d07b2979-52b7-4d1a-b396-97005fdefd4f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:32:03	97.607
-121	37497	3749700	6070c18c-247c-4bc1-8e8a-379d0d50b37a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:29:12	-281.97
-121	74994	3749700	822f42f0-5b07-43fb-9cb2-fa80445b32c5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:41:30	-887.644
-122	37498	3749800	06cb7438-dc6d-402b-b166-3d4131e74599	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:17:37	553.635
-122	74996	3749800	80ec1de6-7fa7-4625-9683-f119c7ad487f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:20:30	-410.702
-123	37499	3749900	f0b3655e-1bd5-4c04-9dce-1bd76fe8ceee	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:22:43	584.492
-123	74998	3749900	fcdde037-bc2b-4357-956a-b2b02980a35d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:37:47	748.564
-124	37500	3750000	05abba69-aee5-484f-9604-deaa1f065485	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:46:17	-487.806
-124	75000	3750000	75d4c0ce-ef9f-4e47-a396-d72b88ab71cf	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:09:02	-840.724
-125	37501	3750100	f9ae9b2d-d908-4ccc-9007-2a11343d69a5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:59:14	-426.176
-125	75002	3750100	5590d9a2-de04-4d58-92b7-6e8f536bee23	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:53:25	-196.810
-126	37502	3750200	3b6b4aa2-6054-41d3-8c8c-848dfb99637a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:36:37	-85.751
-126	75004	3750200	006cd238-5120-42c6-a6e4-1cde8f6d5ef9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:39:34	-138.997
-127	37503	3750300	b9112d49-5a3a-4979-b02c-93d9074300a3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:39:55	429.43
-127	75006	3750300	7b9bc390-b4c0-474b-a6be-da756f92595d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:36:50	-762.881
-0	37504	3750400	08770188-1c5d-4d78-bea5-56ae3d65ccd3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:26:46	760.985
-0	75008	3750400	e2e73c1d-9895-4b33-89e1-9cf0508cc854	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:55:40	-141.774
-1	37505	3750500	a9ca0abb-2a00-45ca-b664-dfb58cae118f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:40:03	-276.234
-1	75010	3750500	343caeb4-ff14-4858-b353-e33d570e5c29	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:27:27	846.953
-2	37506	3750600	233ed9a5-ef45-4505-93cf-fa95f2b38bb1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:53:03	954.320
-2	75012	3750600	67edc263-3a76-49a4-94ce-d428b70a191a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:01:10	107.152
-3	37507	3750700	92fe514d-9cd2-4db3-8ec4-df61160022a8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:42:43	-962.41
-3	75014	3750700	9dfee946-bf84-49a9-889c-4b064287eb96	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:44:18	-525.562
-4	37508	3750800	791861ac-614d-477a-9a50-4cbb88649fbb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:39:25	173.26
-4	75016	3750800	2ac8af9c-a5b8-4fe9-bf7d-2912498f0967	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:48:16	-785.21
-5	37509	3750900	b994434b-495c-48a5-8e23-0383e1677026	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:46:28	-674.242
-5	75018	3750900	d69cb0a1-c662-4496-bc6a-a28f00c48eac	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:55:31	393.89
-6	37510	3751000	4ca99aa1-313d-40a6-baac-4357659cf627	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:59:25	-532.506
-6	75020	3751000	6457e376-520b-4501-8c38-b6ba2c946468	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:23:40	321.683
-7	37511	3751100	3df0c47c-59b5-4bb2-bc92-965c0f24557c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:39:25	-884.939
-7	75022	3751100	8324a7ad-b096-4391-9231-375bd91cb951	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:41:30	511.958
-8	37512	3751200	5dc75eeb-950f-48b8-8b20-4e4606ab8aee	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:35:26	93.93
-8	75024	3751200	1f049561-9f7e-419d-bdc4-ad1909352a27	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:40:21	361.697
-9	37513	3751300	8b0200f1-51e9-469c-a630-2bc4f2520253	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:50:32	-367.557
-9	75026	3751300	a42cb1b7-d53b-4cd9-a79b-5cf7583c0765	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:30:50	817.417
-10	37514	3751400	3c154a8c-e962-4ce3-bcdd-213441002c5d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:53:20	-25.431
-10	75028	3751400	4d8f3f4b-eb67-4a21-aeaa-1df1885e9e8a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:30:34	718.288
-11	37515	3751500	d75fa6d3-72e6-4c6f-b651-bc1d52485d28	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:12:43	708.648
-11	75030	3751500	cd7f4737-6789-4197-872f-19a78fd879fc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:06:08	804.778
-12	37516	3751600	00878e8e-7657-484d-b08d-26ec015689eb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:53:21	453.885
-12	75032	3751600	ec0091d0-a00f-4626-b29f-857b0a20ed26	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:15:54	222.66
-13	37517	3751700	83a8b258-927d-440d-b719-fb76e5ac0a1c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:25:22	971.321
-13	75034	3751700	7e4060da-aeed-4eca-ae92-9811399f00b7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:54:43	891.933
-14	37518	3751800	d42841e9-62d1-4a60-9722-9d7c612905d2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:04:35	763.502
-14	75036	3751800	516050e7-7ac7-4020-b98c-a79349863ffc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:41:18	580.10
-15	37519	3751900	f17b52cf-b229-4d63-9809-ffca93fabcf2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:51:37	676.760
-15	75038	3751900	fc9a2a11-caf3-4ce8-9ebd-c290585318d9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:23:25	-533.590
-16	37520	3752000	3b1fc58e-a42a-4b74-8e11-eb5074fb974e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:04:49	336.996
-16	75040	3752000	741302a7-b9b9-4fae-994e-4d71a5e0d735	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:59:28	-768.550
-17	37521	3752100	686e2b52-3dcb-4f2a-acab-39a000220258	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:02:49	-41.543
-17	75042	3752100	03037349-a413-4669-bfe7-4b92d4771fb6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:20:30	-890.953
-18	37522	3752200	e32fd678-d874-4239-ae9b-40032b9d2136	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:25:11	-14.845
-18	75044	3752200	adad4148-01fc-4914-91bb-d08b1b3f0659	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:10:05	-842.796
-19	37523	3752300	83bf57ca-5f29-4e23-9eb8-38c39bdbfe0d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:14:59	886.145
-19	75046	3752300	aec1eb48-b861-4585-850d-b200906b9e9c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:28:37	-47.612
-20	37524	3752400	c2fa9259-a30d-432b-aa27-a3d1beb2d388	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:26:49	-390.613
-20	75048	3752400	920520ae-0edc-4e63-8b57-8f8306fbb746	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:25:10	-542.264
-21	37525	3752500	cd563d92-2c8b-4718-b6c2-483e720a3f7a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:47:45	-477.906
-21	75050	3752500	1737f865-15a4-4096-9a55-da92c0c0e43d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:52:25	939.169
-22	37526	3752600	51d3e7dd-cac4-4b34-8fad-8b95b13e0abf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:23:26	905.286
-22	75052	3752600	205b46a0-f448-4e1a-a626-6f317dcff2c6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:07:03	904.198
-23	37527	3752700	b82fe018-baef-46ff-b2bf-773d3f699af4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:56:42	-576.526
-23	75054	3752700	709fb97a-4e42-48b1-bfcb-2b55bfd8d625	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:59:30	-270.798
-24	37528	3752800	c2f6abfc-52c1-49e7-997d-24d08e5c7b3f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:14:38	811.425
-24	75056	3752800	c9063abe-b583-4133-b566-379d31719895	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:45:35	-509.974
-25	37529	3752900	d8805382-9e6a-439e-9d94-a19b7174495c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:56:16	-887.627
-25	75058	3752900	31fa8bef-beb2-4bc4-84c1-d4cda02c4714	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:47:08	537.244
-26	37530	3753000	784a2f22-6e5b-43f5-b53d-a9d3720b84cb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:02:11	696.312
-26	75060	3753000	53a76e9a-a769-49d9-8cc6-dd272152c8c9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:30:41	5.472
-27	37531	3753100	154d9860-865d-4dad-a8d9-46f9cb76f4b2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:26:03	415.171
-27	75062	3753100	a67b58ca-f262-41c9-b6d5-9ce89bc3ee71	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:46:07	682.618
-28	37532	3753200	0daa41f4-9803-4c8b-aa77-024bd1ec8e01	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:56:18	60.426
-28	75064	3753200	990759c2-a9f7-4ce8-84cc-5ae3994b3ed2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:08:29	561.877
-29	37533	3753300	fbcd4b22-9668-45c8-846b-9ea3069304d2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:30:19	-402.1
-29	75066	3753300	7d701dd5-c12f-445d-bc25-023f6a14b0f7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:38:31	723.460
-30	37534	3753400	dd91f59a-6dce-496d-9c0e-b63e9797d107	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:29:16	283.551
-30	75068	3753400	4ea1d412-d3b7-4d49-a458-025dadb92374	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:54:23	-828.74
-31	37535	3753500	ff737ae8-5339-47b2-8b30-8951eb6e967c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:18:47	-414.360
-31	75070	3753500	3b5b379b-4bb9-4fa9-9b27-2cd5881bf42b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:42:49	326.334
-32	37536	3753600	31f05580-811f-488a-96de-ef2671caa6e2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:18:19	790.6
-32	75072	3753600	458f9169-ef1a-4f8a-b4c1-ac230a5f32ab	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:58:56	-480.107
-33	37537	3753700	52e9f8a7-1dce-429a-add2-a4e071775a33	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:28:52	-660.510
-33	75074	3753700	3cf3f861-b9d2-4297-867f-6fbb87d4d988	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:20:49	-220.279
-34	37538	3753800	72eb348f-1582-4a8e-b954-e517c552ae17	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:38:07	-567.869
-34	75076	3753800	13938df6-7fc4-4710-95f8-1ed9bfe526ce	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:19:10	411.392
-35	37539	3753900	bf1d96bd-9202-49ba-9f1f-b4eb6c82ce5f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:46:04	-622.831
-35	75078	3753900	4c51f883-b108-41ff-8e3a-21d80da247a8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:09:45	513.650
-36	37540	3754000	ac46b3d6-d2bd-4432-b996-7f8bbed8f9a6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:33:54	301.598
-36	75080	3754000	d16b04d0-4e0c-48cb-b14a-800b84446c6c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:51:15	837.853
-37	37541	3754100	6768f30f-302c-4f5b-b842-c5171e50b3c2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:31:09	-569.542
-37	75082	3754100	f32021ac-cd59-419c-9aff-203044c822fc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:25:51	571.525
-38	37542	3754200	7c7d90fc-5db2-4d8b-905b-4304cc8cca87	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 22:00:11	731.455
-38	75084	3754200	186b4521-f9d0-4451-b2a7-7faf261288d1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:53:00	-560.338
-39	37543	3754300	254bec23-a71a-4e7b-9876-5e6abe43cf20	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:52:21	-344.877
-39	75086	3754300	2fee88a3-15d1-45b9-a571-17ffb06e9fbc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:27:53	-196.987
-40	37544	3754400	d353d1a5-e132-49f4-9c73-6809d389e101	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:43:32	452.295
-40	75088	3754400	a2fb0f8d-39ef-4cce-b6d2-1af6c3608d1c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:05:33	-254.287
-41	37545	3754500	1dc2ec2f-a43e-4644-8b78-b89211b5b03a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:39:58	77.593
-41	75090	3754500	c1cf48a2-c574-40b4-bee7-592e30e6e1a8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:22:58	437.633
-42	37546	3754600	e4439f79-336e-41b4-ab89-2204eddde4f5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:44:56	367.696
-42	75092	3754600	69c0da16-d085-4410-92ed-7f1678f53a53	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:04:13	681.967
-43	37547	3754700	08bdc5dc-6838-4097-b857-b7dc22f7e999	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:07:08	-202.315
-43	75094	3754700	6fec8719-44d4-43e2-b0e6-85fe6cae0837	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:56:00	919.53
-44	37548	3754800	0d657370-55b8-4330-a795-63c261c14375	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:56:24	-111.949
-44	75096	3754800	0b600ec4-d5a0-49b8-bedf-b857db84ebad	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:42:02	241.951
-45	37549	3754900	75d09204-e6a4-4e3d-ba23-7d588f00793d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:32:33	-452.884
-45	75098	3754900	ee2ea517-5007-4a09-a560-a603e876a339	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:19:05	-351.968
-46	37550	3755000	8c60c9f3-5a51-433c-839c-974395c94060	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:19:39	-685.458
-46	75100	3755000	dd028432-24ef-4f7c-aa5e-f1ea02603aa7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:46:01	380.551
-47	37551	3755100	b16a81bd-3b08-4dc8-a86c-c0e012274a42	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:54:09	-718.623
-47	75102	3755100	c1719ebf-3111-492a-89a7-f481c0406a5f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:45:55	98.102
-48	37552	3755200	3f6db2d6-c06e-427d-b9d3-b5bba4aeb0a5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:17:42	297.619
-48	75104	3755200	35e48a45-3bd3-422e-aa64-f1db6c57c231	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:07:34	78.110
-49	37553	3755300	2c631e02-183f-417b-a1bd-340691a149b2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:10:36	733.738
-49	75106	3755300	e7ff2728-a2f1-477c-a176-b3092f46c735	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:21:46	-597.709
-50	37554	3755400	66168f81-6e0d-4cb6-ae66-a19b13247744	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:12:39	835.387
-50	75108	3755400	edc2b4bd-9bbf-4168-8266-b271b3cf2ee6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:07:23	480.499
-51	37555	3755500	27edd41a-14e7-4bd8-b095-de78ba49665d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:18:30	-300.97
-51	75110	3755500	e240f5f7-8818-4010-b05a-834b1bc54e1f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:35:21	-951.236
-52	37556	3755600	76869b41-90c5-48cb-8014-fa0b5ccaf828	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:39:23	-565.261
-52	75112	3755600	7bc35833-2784-4497-a29b-900a73c24e1b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:49:48	525.600
-53	37557	3755700	2527433f-a4d7-46e0-9a26-658cd27a549b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:02:35	827.703
-53	75114	3755700	b0d8874a-5613-4c47-b50c-425767ad5750	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:32:25	381.69
-54	37558	3755800	90318c70-13e2-47ef-a871-9efc6540e712	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:32:31	78.831
-54	75116	3755800	e17ec94f-5b29-454a-85c4-0de66566ceba	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:58:41	-658.952
-55	37559	3755900	a3140e45-b4af-41fd-8a07-ccc90bfc6f3e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:16:35	936.636
-55	75118	3755900	3e79c353-e0e0-418a-a808-cafa128c7e3f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:01:20	-997.90
-56	37560	3756000	f39ad01a-f0f3-4ee5-ba28-348f31afee0e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:36:58	-628.700
-56	75120	3756000	4ec3f485-fb83-4cfc-b824-62fd74c67eee	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:38:34	-381.49
-57	37561	3756100	73049ce7-7d50-46f3-9fc3-eed8a05fbd5e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:12:13	239.728
-57	75122	3756100	a41fd8c0-01da-4e9d-a1c6-3bd081c87ba7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:58:19	70.165
-58	37562	3756200	1c6deaf1-f3ab-43a6-83d0-3204cfa44dd2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:40:22	743.479
-58	75124	3756200	5093264f-8784-463e-bec9-8ba623245e58	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:54:43	911.28
-59	37563	3756300	4fc1f826-b784-48dd-b04c-d0f812e578b2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:50:40	612.54
-59	75126	3756300	901a67e6-1933-42d6-8701-ff87a711eec6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:38:32	397.875
-60	37564	3756400	a1b4aa2c-557b-4c64-8f8a-4a163e8c231f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:18:15	559.656
-60	75128	3756400	9f701e38-3cee-4992-b72a-941754bd4ef1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:40:24	-566.783
-61	37565	3756500	1d87ba91-6988-456d-bce2-048889a3704e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:31:21	471.121
-61	75130	3756500	7c200619-7f23-4dd7-b589-a3d1a97f3c14	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:53:04	67.874
-62	37566	3756600	d57b12b4-457b-4e00-b93b-10902f9b634b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:21:50	-903.660
-62	75132	3756600	79236c76-6768-4ee7-8b5e-f8107e49f135	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:20:06	-641.645
-63	37567	3756700	a3febd76-4089-419a-a2cf-03c9af88eb93	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:13:08	-304.416
-63	75134	3756700	4c524c8a-fb77-433a-9153-c5d18662d1a8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:20:44	453.137
-64	37568	3756800	f3549ad5-8682-42a9-a495-55d66deeac91	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:45:28	-918.217
-64	75136	3756800	36578f1b-2457-4ff2-8299-1817d104c240	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:13:46	155.859
-65	37569	3756900	13539a6a-07d6-42dd-9549-d90c455c79cb	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:03:56	31.216
-65	75138	3756900	ee6d33e6-127d-40ea-be42-c65519975636	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:55:01	228.239
-66	37570	3757000	1ed55ad1-52b4-48bc-bc20-d13ada4ca51e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:37:02	-362.655
-66	75140	3757000	ab2af63b-f4e0-4290-9780-2861aa3168a1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:03:07	-799.591
-67	37571	3757100	c47e2c19-fd2e-4277-bc44-84bf4a178836	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:36:37	330.703
-67	75142	3757100	9dcb5470-efe9-42e7-bc6f-6286bce7fa71	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:32:43	-463.137
-68	37572	3757200	350efe0d-c6fc-494e-bb4d-3073df1913da	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:16:31	258.341
-68	75144	3757200	199782a2-7164-41ef-827d-d77ab27be64c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:27:46	611.335
-69	37573	3757300	f8b456ad-3ee6-48a0-9a08-34f6824b8a2b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:00:26	912.970
-69	75146	3757300	8bbe41e3-163d-41fd-931e-774f9e231ea6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:31:55	-883.658
-70	37574	3757400	17201a91-8d70-4da8-91c7-89efbb00ea5a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:39:05	870.109
-70	75148	3757400	42563c77-c1ad-4bdc-ad83-7275b863f64a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:21:00	43.716
-71	37575	3757500	a80e8b4d-eb0e-400f-a950-171d22046815	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:15:09	771.378
-71	75150	3757500	9e6e09f4-da40-4b68-a8ef-b90fd7cdeb5a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:46:07	-959.608
-72	37576	3757600	6341cbff-b100-439e-a592-d257b07c5f62	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:04:40	-699.894
-72	75152	3757600	0f88ee2c-496f-4290-b731-2cc56c70b013	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:16:36	-208.342
-73	37577	3757700	b61b51d3-124b-4e90-a198-8f7909f394db	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:04:57	-78.779
-73	75154	3757700	81e72872-1a67-4e50-b4e7-01e5b9416fb6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:58:27	-82.532
-74	37578	3757800	88a9eea8-c723-448a-8e44-4259f841c7d1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:02:37	923.475
-74	75156	3757800	1c0b6811-0894-4a57-a8e7-2400ee76696d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:22:05	290.927
-75	37579	3757900	017db295-68c5-439d-aa13-f6518fdbcb0f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:41:40	544.398
-75	75158	3757900	1fa557f9-21e4-4639-a29d-7166c3b29587	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:50:48	-686.432
-76	37580	3758000	f4526752-ae4b-4428-a924-3b1efdbf46c1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:05:32	706.353
-76	75160	3758000	df95dafa-b483-44a9-9712-c844c24284bf	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:25:37	796.506
-77	37581	3758100	8bcc5634-635f-41ba-9799-ad1944ce8c8f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:40:06	655.603
-77	75162	3758100	c5bbe37d-59ab-4442-a65e-b999df8fbf03	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:24:24	76.406
-78	37582	3758200	2785b9c3-7a8a-4975-852b-3d4492dfe565	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:16:36	678.181
-78	75164	3758200	478e8e2c-0e11-4f8b-bca1-31b618a3c033	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:43:28	203.648
-79	37583	3758300	683c876c-0b8f-4f14-8a39-761541e7c470	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:09:04	-953.867
-79	75166	3758300	771cb328-8fdd-465f-bc65-696a19d3022f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:11:54	-652.740
-80	37584	3758400	d95027b7-9886-4dac-bbc2-c332b9c180ea	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:32:03	408.122
-80	75168	3758400	f7038b74-db4f-45f6-af34-388c2f23c15a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:11:19	-230.56
-81	37585	3758500	660fa662-57a5-4239-9ed4-98b02208d33b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:32:42	-709.111
-81	75170	3758500	eb999901-7131-45c1-8d92-85c867cfbb63	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:12:07	921.994
-82	37586	3758600	c435f0e7-d4c3-43d4-ac38-a680882e4443	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:20:14	-959.171
-82	75172	3758600	78580148-52d7-4e19-a2cb-7af529ef5b61	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:21:20	-461.578
-83	37587	3758700	221f25a2-915f-46f8-acd8-113079d5ac14	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:59:47	32.109
-83	75174	3758700	2ccf50e4-6bbc-457e-9506-a489feeb80e2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:41:24	-892.881
-84	37588	3758800	b7236b6e-efc8-49fd-b78c-a0ff69b41533	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:30:52	-83.403
-84	75176	3758800	694a9c33-00a6-4284-a8a6-56f756643cbd	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:44:53	-380.711
-85	37589	3758900	a3a89d8e-74c9-44da-a932-aa3c1aac44bd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:44:03	341.372
-85	75178	3758900	3110740c-f40f-40ba-bbf5-8b6912ec22ea	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:19:25	449.67
-86	37590	3759000	9100253f-d21a-47aa-ab56-716bd1440067	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:47:03	377.58
-86	75180	3759000	4093c9e3-bd3b-4125-baed-657e4c7e39da	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:30:21	-761.596
-87	37591	3759100	eb595ee6-4dae-4867-a629-78a54b065b26	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:19:31	-613.175
-87	75182	3759100	d55990c4-9106-4d4f-bb24-1f7a2ada2f02	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:55:36	-889.382
-88	37592	3759200	f1693106-589c-4e72-a30e-f657aed6ce2e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:41:10	-485.191
-88	75184	3759200	d4b56c01-36f2-40f4-88cb-239839bbafb8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:42:15	-243.169
-89	37593	3759300	85602c07-67b6-4f52-881f-fb395f142a06	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:58:20	-972.341
-89	75186	3759300	c1a16384-27b8-4bf9-b922-5e6dbfaa8646	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:39:46	-567.21
-90	37594	3759400	57163670-f8f2-4b74-a35f-9e53f86f8f22	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:10:01	721.129
-90	75188	3759400	fdba2dc7-0610-4ef8-a207-27e993542246	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:52:34	632.349
-91	37595	3759500	aada65dd-45f3-4902-9b95-41d8d3703f77	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:52:11	785.72
-91	75190	3759500	7480068c-83ab-4542-a57e-4fcf8fe6a4cd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:52:11	-506.346
-92	37596	3759600	14f25c78-0a72-4dbd-81b0-044af78dbd40	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:02:56	-681.84
-92	75192	3759600	7205765c-51ac-4c11-a7ad-5af94bd835c7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:59:19	661.919
-93	37597	3759700	f7d04b8e-ae05-4094-a40f-c329b008ccb8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:17:40	-211.304
-93	75194	3759700	82dfe819-c0f1-4c4e-9a42-8c0ba72204fc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:09:15	806.548
-94	37598	3759800	9a880562-413f-4256-b144-9df93894bef6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:09:07	603.333
-94	75196	3759800	54c4d76c-ff9b-484f-a984-1d03dc397a55	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:18:25	-399.543
-95	37599	3759900	d330e846-3969-44c6-ac32-f005dfa7406f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:16:05	7.794
-95	75198	3759900	4ccc362b-4bc0-4387-ac7a-987cda74d3e7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:38:40	-289.602
-96	37600	3760000	e8fac431-1f98-4786-9389-572b56deb258	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:20:29	522.410
-96	75200	3760000	6725228c-725e-4494-9b61-60f48c048c1d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:39:57	688.827
-97	37601	3760100	dacc4bfe-d52d-4638-a6b2-06567efebc51	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:19:42	179.763
-97	75202	3760100	8d5687a3-7b1c-4aca-9610-6d04eec8ddd9	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:44:47	-519.502
-98	37602	3760200	597917ef-286c-417f-8f3a-5d627ac600f8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:54:31	-285.683
-98	75204	3760200	9f34d573-6a8f-4824-ba0d-de283a96a766	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:59:23	-521.290
-99	37603	3760300	887434ff-a307-42a0-a1a0-0e9d87d46464	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:05:35	-877.964
-99	75206	3760300	c8ba374c-7743-49c8-9ac4-394397b6bda3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:05:29	201.427
-100	37604	3760400	73a6b9a9-dc66-4f43-ace2-ef93078c38e5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:51:19	-833.493
-100	75208	3760400	83f14eb2-87f5-4ac5-9d45-ac83bf631653	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:27:56	-993.119
-101	37605	3760500	666618e5-f5eb-4e19-b1a0-e56758fc6860	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:03:12	-415.129
-101	75210	3760500	1ac6e31a-e77e-41f4-8e3d-18f4dc653cf4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:21:21	701.440
-102	37606	3760600	0f0bf690-1103-4b3b-b956-6e816d082459	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:39:05	-178.805
-102	75212	3760600	ac73d58d-00d9-4612-93a7-24979023ebe5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:46:00	853.574
-103	37607	3760700	1437e92f-b20b-40f6-9aa9-bb7965b1d0e2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:54:33	663.263
-103	75214	3760700	7922abaf-28b4-4eba-9999-dc5dd6897219	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:24:33	-656.957
-104	37608	3760800	18620d50-5965-4486-8813-43948c21b59b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:48:29	-580.713
-104	75216	3760800	bd773d4c-cecc-48d6-8f60-b7b7e4e3b3da	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:02:52	-420.512
-105	37609	3760900	01f3f761-d931-4058-90fa-5407c69fa30e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:16:09	75.613
-105	75218	3760900	ea3f8b89-38cf-4b8f-9654-9e2858e1dbdd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:03:20	-472.860
-106	37610	3761000	acfdc0ef-a5a8-4d78-aed8-50c79551cd42	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:53:59	710.457
-106	75220	3761000	69e6915b-6ad7-46ca-b3e4-368ef8e352a4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:39:25	-735.84
-107	37611	3761100	9d8e90bf-45e0-46d2-b3b7-bbd396c0ef09	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:11:47	691.435
-107	75222	3761100	3c30cf93-73b5-4f7e-aef5-aab9a856416f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:45:32	-392.114
-108	37612	3761200	a082722e-94cd-4325-ac20-71074bb75c92	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:36:58	995.698
-108	75224	3761200	af18e60e-f92d-4089-8e75-ef858cf2ee4e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:09:16	-419.690
-109	37613	3761300	5bc99738-0186-4ef6-9d83-b42db777a056	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:14:06	-495.969
-109	75226	3761300	0b0860e2-6e87-47bd-b83d-6185d0f2e181	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:56:01	-8.670
-110	37614	3761400	b776778b-765d-4c97-9327-dba6c56accf7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:56:19	410.659
-110	75228	3761400	98388452-67a7-4c22-be73-7ce124b4837c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:28:54	-933.183
-111	37615	3761500	c7330bb1-33ce-4c7f-8337-c6cfe7f52892	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:18:39	-605.231
-111	75230	3761500	d217bf2c-73b5-437c-be07-b2cba8c70af7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:05:05	82.456
-112	37616	3761600	304e5e69-2584-4d7a-b7df-cb13eb0f0352	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:55:38	-114.721
-112	75232	3761600	56c8e723-60ea-4cb0-987b-d4669ac4460f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:30:30	-893.335
-113	37617	3761700	8b8b572c-d992-4aea-bf1f-cf86690906b3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:57:47	811.557
-113	75234	3761700	8686165e-232f-4cc7-a5a8-60bedc6048c8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:50:07	-918.30
-114	37618	3761800	b20fe8fe-fea3-4b12-a67c-8c43d92055c3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:09:05	-761.215
-114	75236	3761800	0339e694-0ebc-4716-9947-50d2a5d517b9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:35:22	-772.620
-115	37619	3761900	747273fb-b514-459f-859c-69a030f710b3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:08:00	240.661
-115	75238	3761900	2f34c96c-521b-4c10-a413-a7a6b1bcd6a2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:52:06	-783.909
-116	37620	3762000	efa151e6-f042-4eaa-a9ec-72de903da300	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:34:21	-14.468
-116	75240	3762000	7b57d7de-ee20-4d84-8374-b21ef61a027e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:15:52	-765.475
-117	37621	3762100	3ab257a3-d5a0-46bc-8127-591a9ef94460	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:51:51	97.967
-117	75242	3762100	c481e2cd-4760-407e-bf3c-6345b1e1eafb	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:32:13	-932.981
-118	37622	3762200	df964e53-f165-440f-ab9d-2affb2308e57	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:38:37	-372.378
-118	75244	3762200	9b82862b-a619-4821-a45d-4a3c692d95a8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:38:26	819.628
-119	37623	3762300	22f0abd1-ccb5-44fb-9a2c-3bf0f440ee25	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:31:02	41.644
-119	75246	3762300	bff01ffa-a560-4887-b2f9-790cb45d6086	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:53:28	95.191
-120	37624	3762400	85823df6-70ac-41bb-a331-0fb4a0ccb51c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:00:46	53.886
-120	75248	3762400	fcdebbe5-1518-40b6-97f6-0faae1cc041e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:24:20	769.377
-121	37625	3762500	b335b9ba-5814-47d5-b2ab-233a5d73386b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:04:54	478.823
-121	75250	3762500	c2de15d8-9035-45ee-a70d-a8c2aa26452a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:59:40	-705.499
-122	37626	3762600	322da7b2-87ad-47cd-aedb-c8c69018e366	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:57:38	-435.785
-122	75252	3762600	ac9fd753-48a6-43ff-9761-9fcf5eb44c69	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:33:36	792.712
-123	37627	3762700	3d6b646c-8e82-4f28-ad43-767a6023de24	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:47:42	426.294
-123	75254	3762700	a67e8ace-6150-4a46-80dd-3dad13a90d47	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:39:20	624.605
-124	37628	3762800	7b7bd7f4-36d4-458d-b645-773d02425e99	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:45:11	-922.918
-124	75256	3762800	c69089e7-22ec-4ca0-b0b6-9b93fd5a3f60	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:59:54	-564.370
-125	37629	3762900	fe3fc5ef-d016-4dba-bf0e-9aba7dd38a3e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:21:36	-683.622
-125	75258	3762900	e6483a1b-192d-4b77-b338-f3ef4ca42d71	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:04:53	30.772
-126	37630	3763000	92a370b3-4688-4ebe-a093-e72c1d734453	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:07:58	-7.894
-126	75260	3763000	9cb75fbf-ce61-416b-aa23-95f7c6bf3ba7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:59:19	472.22
-127	37631	3763100	b97e4b63-133c-4dbf-8c96-97e01ed4fc8a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:10:07	-930.221
-127	75262	3763100	d0c5fe70-8ca7-4c64-bee4-bd7b91f4a2be	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:32:33	-865.315
-0	37632	3763200	fd3faace-c999-4fb4-9240-c3a5c513614e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:45:29	453.932
-0	75264	3763200	2f3b8617-f1f9-4b1c-b14b-9b877aea27a4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:34:48	-865.211
-1	37633	3763300	4eb5d5e5-69b9-4420-bc49-fcff9eed11ec	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:58:55	-17.477
-1	75266	3763300	3a5ccccb-8d99-45b3-a407-069811e3dd35	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:48:47	13.877
-2	37634	3763400	8f425d97-2e18-456b-a99f-5ada717c7b37	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:41:28	-591.90
-2	75268	3763400	b6e61f08-569e-4e1a-b020-e0a99d185c8e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:44:28	-128.807
-3	37635	3763500	fd9ecfe0-8776-4059-b0bd-c456645d62bb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:02:56	702.611
-3	75270	3763500	a08c0ffd-eb68-4ab7-81ce-47f2e7d38e3e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:59:04	598.882
-4	37636	3763600	da7ea984-48fa-4d5e-844f-3ec437742d5e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:27:43	-260.799
-4	75272	3763600	2f44b1e5-89d8-4cfe-951a-ff72903413ed	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:43:16	319.982
-5	37637	3763700	d63ac816-9c3f-4eb0-98d4-a9dda801b043	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:31:30	-85.404
-5	75274	3763700	3bf600ca-341d-4a78-b46b-e728b8f16b90	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:41:02	-225.983
-6	37638	3763800	a8dfe141-5c81-4ae7-8843-e40fcd38740a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:43:28	-964.913
-6	75276	3763800	23289b51-6b9c-4af5-8732-522e79479298	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:16:33	-261.385
-7	37639	3763900	9a82c2e2-0bcb-4979-811a-0d90f718ed78	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:15:19	246.810
-7	75278	3763900	ed2f4e4f-d551-423c-82da-e3b77b4cbbd0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:49:28	-321.874
-8	37640	3764000	d69a9f6f-2cef-4630-877f-fad5b978dcb6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:11:30	-288.326
-8	75280	3764000	fe605b3e-ff93-46f0-8d96-8d6084f0385b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:56:28	-914.281
-9	37641	3764100	30e6eae2-86a3-4771-999c-f5d0ea94dddf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:29:13	-992.433
-9	75282	3764100	61f969df-5d80-4721-83ce-25ea3fb79150	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:58:30	506.26
-10	37642	3764200	eb06378b-5b49-413c-8578-c5fead4b8af4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:01:11	954.92
-10	75284	3764200	39a86193-9bb5-48ea-875b-4ed5a1834f63	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:59:59	-318.318
-11	37643	3764300	464969fa-3251-408c-9414-e868b22393e7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:02:12	-70.128
-11	75286	3764300	64e4a7a9-97d5-4d93-9839-506b601066c3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:37:58	-87.606
-12	37644	3764400	7f542ec8-daec-4c9e-9ad1-5c05de0d2e2e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:23:51	-387.232
-12	75288	3764400	bcfb220b-52bf-40ba-b269-d1b267716ad2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:56:07	185.360
-13	37645	3764500	d51d878a-6478-4462-89d5-51cd6022b6e7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:32:22	932.996
-13	75290	3764500	2db6474f-b3f1-4077-9173-0aca136e4c05	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:53:56	-871.424
-14	37646	3764600	f9e7dd98-712c-4f64-8c7c-934fc4a0d208	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:52:18	633.431
-14	75292	3764600	76da4956-2515-4d26-9966-7c97cd4cc547	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:10:21	-532.629
-15	37647	3764700	d6ce6e2c-59f8-422a-816d-57eea946c1f8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:43:56	-584.25
-15	75294	3764700	b3ca2fae-4e27-40ce-86aa-5ccdb5155bb0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:54:14	-49.946
-16	37648	3764800	3f17c56d-06ef-4455-bf62-320822022648	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:29:29	15.41
-16	75296	3764800	61e88f01-2849-48d3-a24c-d302f27076cf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:29:21	848.42
-17	37649	3764900	9389aadd-9128-4ac2-b88f-df4c4cd0fd06	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:37:56	159.7
-17	75298	3764900	d1ea2483-4bc8-4528-84fd-e552178260a1	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:19:13	-7.976
-18	37650	3765000	f13372c8-2f09-4047-8dc6-cac3f0561007	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:28:50	216.47
-18	75300	3765000	71a8b50a-35aa-4f4f-8ab9-01e7c3669001	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:52:42	59.370
-19	37651	3765100	2635e7bf-2f95-41e9-8b25-5c4a409cee99	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:44:55	-480.945
-19	75302	3765100	cf0ce024-4f0d-41fc-a591-21bb274c6c4e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:35:41	680.173
-20	37652	3765200	ab655b92-781d-4ea7-8801-319a47441460	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:53:59	693.350
-20	75304	3765200	aeafb0fc-f5bb-48f4-a2eb-4be4d4c3e032	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:52:48	-824.31
-21	37653	3765300	c4278aaa-223d-4d03-adc0-9dc45cb80504	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:55:51	147.582
-21	75306	3765300	40fdeb36-e88c-4489-962f-dcf5251d5a0b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:47:41	451.751
-22	37654	3765400	94d7a282-6e81-4603-b101-7de66d24d571	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:10:13	991.486
-22	75308	3765400	9fa6ec25-bc21-466e-9ce1-6098d63321c6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:48:33	-983.327
-23	37655	3765500	cd836a25-3c89-4e55-8c88-d77234f6bc7d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:44:28	-218.132
-23	75310	3765500	281e7fa0-a758-466f-be79-81b498d23a5d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:08:41	-574.755
-24	37656	3765600	c93d9fd9-b21a-45d1-89e8-173c3e179b66	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:32:42	-901.916
-24	75312	3765600	a4e57ad6-a29d-4d23-a977-c937f6b55aaf	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:07:06	680.236
-25	37657	3765700	5cea1d5c-d941-4395-aded-8883d27c3292	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:21:02	-557.851
-25	75314	3765700	ba1999cc-0363-4e57-854a-737b70b04372	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:11:07	-946.635
-26	37658	3765800	899eb09e-c9b9-4606-916c-94012613ab2e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:25:21	263.273
-26	75316	3765800	190ab413-3f1d-4f0d-9e6c-dbabdc5e07aa	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:15:00	796.670
-27	37659	3765900	22d52687-98f7-41b5-8d91-a6b56ad72744	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:27:16	613.985
-27	75318	3765900	bcb67fb1-2b9f-425b-9344-b953576e3dac	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:20:39	199.853
-28	37660	3766000	92b2508f-6d0e-4a91-be41-0c71d161be0c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:50:35	-947.625
-28	75320	3766000	bbe4f4df-4db2-4033-9d68-1c9bcdad3358	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:22:05	-122.547
-29	37661	3766100	e734bbe0-1df1-4e90-b011-4645e5064b82	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:42:58	451.81
-29	75322	3766100	38446ca2-d796-4c47-8c83-a3e8ee2326af	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:17:45	315.411
-30	37662	3766200	01ef19e6-922c-4272-bac8-63bf43d5ff2b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:22:06	-452.298
-30	75324	3766200	d8ac41d4-dba0-4b23-8be5-aacf562d5a21	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:07:15	-853.627
-31	37663	3766300	0580a4fc-a625-4941-b567-6fc044003f1a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:03:14	-520.812
-31	75326	3766300	9b86f938-7539-4fff-a64d-859ee0e7ea86	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:53:54	347.198
-32	37664	3766400	c5ae51a5-a216-4461-b44a-c6f763017d33	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:53:32	204.904
-32	75328	3766400	92cdc956-c6b3-418d-be7b-2cfd121bc3f6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:51:11	66.624
-33	37665	3766500	2624d9fc-ca1e-47de-837d-eefb902822fb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:06:22	-554.896
-33	75330	3766500	bfe36e43-3abb-4f0b-a266-d9a6a9b6171c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:29:22	-566.14
-34	37666	3766600	effcb2e8-3193-4601-b2e0-44588dabe17c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:37:51	-727.113
-34	75332	3766600	f2fd7e47-0310-46b6-9f77-980db0d72eda	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:06:26	-955.724
-35	37667	3766700	bd15b9b1-ccb6-4ef5-8cb5-09e5b965cc5c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:32:17	-794.433
-35	75334	3766700	5386a063-45e9-4307-8f46-132035724c22	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:32:52	-303.727
-36	37668	3766800	b2c7ccb3-7ac7-43e8-b2fd-6371bbf9b4e6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:06:43	-242.450
-36	75336	3766800	4ce0463c-c399-4934-ae23-9ccdf2a0d800	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:01:05	960.89
-37	37669	3766900	8ba1ec3e-6050-46ab-8e67-bec506ecd018	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:04:58	386.718
-37	75338	3766900	63b05185-1009-47bb-b754-889ff26d8aa6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:30:34	-883.311
-38	37670	3767000	6b213811-3c5f-4c27-9f31-881029db4ba8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:56:42	373.568
-38	75340	3767000	8bba79e1-9e8c-4b0d-bf9c-83d8da4519c8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:13:43	-911.843
-39	37671	3767100	74deb95f-b2ed-4c92-8644-9bb12a0681e4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:12:20	982.680
-39	75342	3767100	927e2c50-ef01-4311-b542-28050f916360	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:03:11	-460.443
-40	37672	3767200	46002c6a-36d8-47c0-b692-04a1bb8435f3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:02:03	-567.539
-40	75344	3767200	1a3d3c07-50c2-441d-9474-0edd1409106c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:55:06	477.31
-41	37673	3767300	8cbd017b-60c0-467d-a070-8ef92618c878	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:38:57	172.701
-41	75346	3767300	c4b8d624-e7e0-4a81-9782-3e0d08f52649	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:50:13	-66.387
-42	37674	3767400	041366d9-e2a9-491d-8152-bca502fe5b51	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:13:13	689.989
-42	75348	3767400	edbc6a7d-d57b-4949-a422-6916dacd9c65	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:53:23	294.428
-43	37675	3767500	092ec27f-cb6a-4e12-b0a6-f99d1fbdee15	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:08:46	-567.87
-43	75350	3767500	c1d42ede-a396-4c74-a52e-5d58c3e866c1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:52:00	-110.202
-44	37676	3767600	6c076e48-901a-40c0-b10d-5238225cc811	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:49:01	-207.86
-44	75352	3767600	ef9ebcd0-a2ae-46f2-87a9-a94eec3f3da4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:23:36	-414.680
-45	37677	3767700	21c353dd-1c4e-4c3f-9cab-5e65eb5110a6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:40:31	673.100
-45	75354	3767700	0c388266-e5ce-4c3c-8e85-776b0b56b99a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:06:17	76.854
-46	37678	3767800	079f466f-3777-4eab-9092-de6893667014	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:19:26	251.26
-46	75356	3767800	c112af67-43a5-4c1d-ba27-083e839bad3d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:59:05	-647.443
-47	37679	3767900	e23dc329-7982-4492-bf32-b70685cbfb33	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:56:48	-445.83
-47	75358	3767900	bc597e10-1429-491b-b63f-07da5dd29e4d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:37:23	253.708
-48	37680	3768000	84ec7789-d73a-44b2-93cc-530141b53dbc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:39:14	-913.217
-48	75360	3768000	f84dd141-2dba-4a54-9150-8412fcbeafc9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:48:33	-969.412
-49	37681	3768100	410905db-3d56-46ca-b1e4-b681a34abc1f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:22:31	718.61
-49	75362	3768100	03baca13-1e6f-42be-ae5c-26fd10481b40	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:18:47	-295.506
-50	37682	3768200	7a8181b3-457b-4dee-8363-a69ba1ec6dd7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:25:20	-78.380
-50	75364	3768200	4cb5b873-1a77-43ad-94b3-00c4c11fcec3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:44:37	37.867
-51	37683	3768300	f68c9bf4-4f76-40d3-b1fd-fa65e4934f0d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:22:53	894.605
-51	75366	3768300	c0ad4257-2af7-43c9-8767-8df3bb5595ec	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:28:54	724.413
-52	37684	3768400	1d9e45a2-9ac4-4d7d-85a7-c14d3069e2c2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:00:27	600.71
-52	75368	3768400	443ee0b9-9479-497c-9124-16011a51b4dc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:04:06	191.541
-53	37685	3768500	ac8c4637-9cd5-4b2b-a582-2b6441ba8707	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:55:04	-332.320
-53	75370	3768500	82a93f65-7e5d-423a-aaa8-70ee3f113d02	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:15:30	-44.195
-54	37686	3768600	3e3d678c-3cb6-46a8-bf6a-3b0eb4741ecd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:19:25	640.890
-54	75372	3768600	302762b8-ec99-43c7-b223-c5289b0ad088	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:49:37	-590.832
-55	37687	3768700	6ecb53e6-a469-4e0a-8dfe-052d8d7253c6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:16:12	-180.700
-55	75374	3768700	84d041a9-c9cc-4122-b8f6-7dabfc8a4e8d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:38:17	614.831
-56	37688	3768800	e7153366-9c52-49f4-ae99-b29cc773cb69	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:53:23	-809.777
-56	75376	3768800	9d365192-45c9-4590-863e-9b3cf077470d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:09:59	-652.924
-57	37689	3768900	c9f9022c-5672-43fe-b642-a74849077cc9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:48:21	-879.987
-57	75378	3768900	fd61aedc-006f-4bbb-b635-a6fafc60d8a3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:57:23	-947.896
-58	37690	3769000	4a4d7bc9-e770-4194-859b-15145b3282b9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:57:33	-219.694
-58	75380	3769000	8215e516-693d-4053-8637-bc2e63d0b705	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:31:09	562.709
-59	37691	3769100	995a1666-b5ad-4077-9def-5aa0fd5d5cfd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:01:03	574.82
-59	75382	3769100	f3019a6d-f369-47ee-8e20-93ddebae2fec	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:00:36	164.337
-60	37692	3769200	3d207f27-b654-4709-9fca-182167239340	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:17:37	387.51
-60	75384	3769200	2aaa50fd-12e3-437d-b3cc-9eb7cd5409ad	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:27:57	-447.763
-61	37693	3769300	aa854910-9b0f-4696-a7d7-46e174531593	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:13:48	402.404
-61	75386	3769300	f1a989d6-037d-4027-bc97-1f16c8794c0d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:14:08	5.348
-62	37694	3769400	df3a76ed-897d-4148-beba-af363d28f904	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:48:58	-967.432
-62	75388	3769400	54bcbcce-1420-4e02-ab13-e7ec9ba567b6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:36:03	525.265
-63	37695	3769500	6f531a3b-d424-45d9-b4a5-35a2a982333f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:41:49	-654.993
-63	75390	3769500	e996b6e8-40ff-477c-a9ca-286354486836	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:10:27	-475.397
-64	37696	3769600	f58b4aff-ecb2-4981-987a-9d539cba4c1e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:31:05	587.607
-64	75392	3769600	1026542a-6447-41e5-8918-74883c3fb42d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:04:40	-592.451
-65	37697	3769700	e7cf1269-f34c-424f-b1b9-f52b09e60f9d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:15:10	-261.959
-65	75394	3769700	21ce7382-b0be-4dd2-b3fb-04d8c4f4d38f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:28:59	-651.691
-66	37698	3769800	3ee862ff-4c51-4ce0-87d5-919164c3ac61	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:23:48	548.108
-66	75396	3769800	40755f17-cd36-4ba7-a25b-71b33d793c26	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:04:47	-328.152
-67	37699	3769900	6bcce201-a5a6-4438-9a62-c1b4021e4ac4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:25:09	-451.663
-67	75398	3769900	614ebc45-8401-4934-83aa-b7a8ea684d4c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:16:19	555.740
-68	37700	3770000	8782ac87-f50d-4c81-8654-3fde92428fa7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:03:45	165.40
-68	75400	3770000	30255b5c-560d-4d45-9ec2-21aad64cf219	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:43:11	-51.487
-69	37701	3770100	ecd5ec2a-07fd-4379-bcec-3665f300f475	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:31:19	720.155
-69	75402	3770100	31a46dc6-37bf-4014-99fb-41cb2abe8832	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:21:26	723.369
-70	37702	3770200	9a0278d7-b357-4e09-a483-faa9e5f62e3e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:07:43	399.385
-70	75404	3770200	22fdfc7f-306d-4b86-9683-3db684798844	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:23:08	-351.996
-71	37703	3770300	30ce1b39-f70d-4996-94e9-9e620e5d6bc0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:44:35	-497.636
-71	75406	3770300	4823c70a-3ed7-4fcc-9963-544cb41741a6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:58:56	429.530
-72	37704	3770400	2cc0fbe4-6649-4a48-882a-d1b4d7b5a22b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:03:10	148.290
-72	75408	3770400	69eca389-b763-48a3-8ee8-6e2dd104b6e3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:32:38	283.659
-73	37705	3770500	6a20acd4-a967-4428-ab4a-11e21429ebd4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:28:22	948.868
-73	75410	3770500	1e84618c-6f19-4235-9e14-d80f7d16c21b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:41:29	-131.782
-74	37706	3770600	b17cee13-9d9a-43ac-a8ba-e16ef668868e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:54:25	379.222
-74	75412	3770600	d58eb6a7-fee5-457e-af45-bb32a880057e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:43:49	946.926
-75	37707	3770700	c1b957a5-2966-4be4-8d5e-a3a75e63aa18	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:09:23	457.49
-75	75414	3770700	21eab43a-ad64-4b09-b7d8-19b82fed4314	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:54:58	-464.973
-76	37708	3770800	7ff7f2ab-9d28-4b2f-af61-2f1e9fdb2c13	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:08:06	303.164
-76	75416	3770800	d91f6357-f8a0-4d80-8aa3-178877e459ef	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:57:00	770.340
-77	37709	3770900	b4cdb06a-03fb-438c-9dbc-cb10d2f0e541	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:51:33	16.835
-77	75418	3770900	7ceab391-772b-4c40-b2f0-bea882e71e80	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:33:12	774.406
-78	37710	3771000	02ab806b-80ff-44c6-b5e2-e4bd81f71213	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:28:10	-731.221
-78	75420	3771000	20696044-9764-4738-b812-d5e433147512	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:37:12	-930.923
-79	37711	3771100	2356cc2d-1716-4633-a9b1-c935063701bd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:10:07	-223.297
-79	75422	3771100	263148f5-af45-4763-bd2f-785b19751b90	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:34:10	-383.449
-80	37712	3771200	186e16a7-a0a9-4cac-a10c-1da9458d5224	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:11:32	-76.975
-80	75424	3771200	1c2d82da-4873-4da1-b02e-18d662bf6ea7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:50:27	-734.658
-81	37713	3771300	a6c46fe0-19e4-4233-99b1-07b01095a4e7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:44:42	-384.977
-81	75426	3771300	9e592372-4fb0-4596-9e5a-c6884a055c8e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:53:20	-777.742
-82	37714	3771400	aa6adef8-cb63-4ae1-923d-6d98c119452f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:29:38	-125.575
-82	75428	3771400	0778c5d0-8f3c-4199-8a44-932556a388b0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:28:55	-960.831
-83	37715	3771500	fdd9f4a3-7296-471c-b6b7-0d9077a90aa9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:51:58	186.760
-83	75430	3771500	98264e12-1e56-44dd-81db-2b6f40096e5e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:52:04	388.1
-84	37716	3771600	289a5b4a-7c34-4759-a3b9-307f8131d51f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:27:46	-866.476
-84	75432	3771600	270c9e62-c7b5-4c7c-ba57-921c8ee5d7bd	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:42:02	234.374
-85	37717	3771700	35fb2a50-1b09-4419-a631-aedfd5ef8850	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:31:04	-674.689
-85	75434	3771700	88b4104a-c768-4e3b-b7fd-c45bd8817d0a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:06:02	-711.418
-86	37718	3771800	0fe62b20-5089-42b8-bf76-45ef48e1b3d6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:17:46	-718.524
-86	75436	3771800	b08757c7-dfea-4577-8aed-1260f1f4af35	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:35:29	-200.697
-87	37719	3771900	484d5a8f-2cb6-46d0-8e4a-4d54d56848e2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:20:46	-720.208
-87	75438	3771900	89dd8925-dabf-473a-9710-0fe1d85e0b21	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:56:15	-975.581
-88	37720	3772000	09dd559e-88aa-4ec6-bf33-3844c88c6adf	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:44:26	873.570
-88	75440	3772000	65e2ed26-7c1e-419f-b709-3e544110d49b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:44:14	-281.831
-89	37721	3772100	5cba457e-0135-46a9-a6f2-887d0949eecd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:22:34	461.391
-89	75442	3772100	d3808cbe-0025-481d-ba8b-2246edda8829	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:42:36	-775.576
-90	37722	3772200	8f3dbd18-ced0-4958-beec-7f0809be17c7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:58:04	-284.224
-90	75444	3772200	dfec91c1-2cb0-4c78-8a97-a3fc98a0c4b3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:44:51	868.514
-91	37723	3772300	00b938eb-7fdf-43fb-91cb-069c2972f087	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:39:58	205.259
-91	75446	3772300	25cbdf1a-71fe-42b2-a43a-a06da4b33814	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:40:11	-524.580
-92	37724	3772400	a0de26fb-4f47-44b6-9067-6ed568f90a11	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:53:42	903.262
-92	75448	3772400	03e52e53-282a-4b48-b904-96451330354b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:25:23	960.222
-93	37725	3772500	539d8c96-f576-4692-9df2-2df05df31206	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:18:24	-80.470
-93	75450	3772500	6be66ce7-4376-43a2-9940-2cc92fcdd43f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:56:47	652.186
-94	37726	3772600	8cd11c3d-7fdd-4d12-94ef-b664c8578dfd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:46:41	596.726
-94	75452	3772600	785cd309-49b5-49fe-8d4f-0f183a93a169	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:09:31	-626.369
-95	37727	3772700	eae84a8a-f1cc-4948-8771-f15f5986e922	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:16:49	363.55
-95	75454	3772700	0680128d-1c5d-4b06-9556-58aa408032f1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:03:55	-139.793
-96	37728	3772800	26a683f1-ba14-4254-afac-e1200ad1b688	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:42:03	-22.801
-96	75456	3772800	127e0a23-6791-4f6c-b954-b788f7713564	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:29:31	933.221
-97	37729	3772900	2e3727f5-7c0b-4793-aecc-dd4f821b2469	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:23:49	139.760
-97	75458	3772900	c94fd491-94c2-4e8c-b9fa-91db349a7f81	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:38:55	-724.113
-98	37730	3773000	4d6e26fb-9dd7-4bcc-899c-23ea28396221	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:40:19	939.262
-98	75460	3773000	a188de9d-908a-42cf-bc23-45be3eeacc35	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:03:15	-790.580
-99	37731	3773100	9db954c0-77a2-4351-8f78-3379f885a5c9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:21:50	-196.192
-99	75462	3773100	58865ba9-b281-44e0-ae99-8f366a0168da	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:26:57	28.608
-100	37732	3773200	ca3d6411-2b0b-4e8e-8c4a-5bd5ed3de817	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:57:26	-652.634
-100	75464	3773200	d62492ef-2a61-47a3-a7e7-39dc249f80cd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:10:07	830.467
-101	37733	3773300	16f3da84-e512-4147-afce-8336429a006c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:00:06	762.298
-101	75466	3773300	eb483de8-26c0-45e4-979a-6f35bd6e4a23	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:25:38	-28.810
-102	37734	3773400	5f4c188e-bdee-4d0d-94aa-8f7a8e55f886	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:03:35	851.546
-102	75468	3773400	1cd7ed62-6351-44ea-9da3-7238f00ef0c8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:35:38	-323.226
-103	37735	3773500	ba0f8649-4cf3-4b0b-b702-98dff4a0e018	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:50:01	-116.803
-103	75470	3773500	29b922fe-6bc1-4275-87fb-669cb13e0a1e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:41:47	926.989
-104	37736	3773600	fdcf9bd7-6a2f-4223-a4c0-b7e13826a378	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:44:01	564.891
-104	75472	3773600	c550ca52-2da8-4227-8554-05827e55d0aa	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:44:37	590.840
-105	37737	3773700	684d75c3-847d-4b16-9643-4f03603b4c0e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:51:01	966.264
-105	75474	3773700	e07705ed-195a-4fdf-aa54-9900457cdc1c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:40:53	332.220
-106	37738	3773800	ec8fcbc1-115f-4c40-8620-fbe19e0fafad	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:23:26	-462.327
-106	75476	3773800	858c0455-b9c5-4445-ac96-43a97b431535	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:59:19	-53.824
-107	37739	3773900	65233012-52e6-4292-940d-75d9e86de2b3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:03:31	669.687
-107	75478	3773900	77a24eeb-42b7-476e-9968-43a0855b1f39	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:15:46	268.130
-108	37740	3774000	54f8aae8-a6c4-4567-9195-e7fb556eb77a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:27:35	-739.406
-108	75480	3774000	ebfb7e9e-b435-4dec-a597-a1811716b329	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:55:51	32.849
-109	37741	3774100	e105fc70-f417-46ea-9375-9562bf8ff01f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:58:31	-281.567
-109	75482	3774100	9b119c4f-f09f-4a57-b45e-1b65a8f8909c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:22:03	833.375
-110	37742	3774200	cd12db02-df02-4f5d-9e65-ea36294bd954	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:59:07	583.912
-110	75484	3774200	3039c347-50b8-406d-adec-27da290e8f58	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:40:02	-392.934
-111	37743	3774300	59c27fa4-0010-4570-be87-8c947c7754d4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:24:27	-29.88
-111	75486	3774300	2c6c7f5c-7852-4e07-9c95-bfd55c9ac2b6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:43:23	-988.565
-112	37744	3774400	c1d3c838-b3de-4467-87ba-4ef14190bd6e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:28:43	295.703
-112	75488	3774400	a5f4bc02-4b31-4a0e-b2bb-7859b3cb5699	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:44:12	-482.400
-113	37745	3774500	afcc2a5b-e8f8-4d86-9651-eccc78a4b62e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:03:23	332.564
-113	75490	3774500	8c396e58-b993-4108-b143-7a6f4affe64e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:37:44	-240.275
-114	37746	3774600	f7ed30b7-4b8e-4c1a-9688-c16c0a2c2d3f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:54:58	-593.176
-114	75492	3774600	81e75e76-6606-4d6f-82bb-961809f3c1a7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:14:04	-589.536
-115	37747	3774700	35f56433-4c4f-4a6d-b308-3d9769ef861c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:01:08	761.940
-115	75494	3774700	48597ec5-39aa-427c-bb7c-df26c2f49dc5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:58:54	860.966
-116	37748	3774800	743df971-7a20-45ee-8d1d-9666a998834f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:40:24	318.371
-116	75496	3774800	ed4545b8-48a8-448b-bb55-b1ab19c0fd73	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:51:27	-305.942
-117	37749	3774900	e5a70704-473d-4c45-bd92-ff8658939828	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:14:45	235.302
-117	75498	3774900	8f585f03-5bcb-40bb-923f-0095a4c4f309	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:14:55	488.25
-118	37750	3775000	130bec16-1c0e-4da1-9147-d7e1e6ab8c84	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:27:09	-737.103
-118	75500	3775000	7a7d86ac-f9ef-46f8-8596-dd2aff1d0a20	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:19:48	892.820
-119	37751	3775100	549db5f5-19f0-485b-9858-76bbf072209f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:28:14	-557.108
-119	75502	3775100	2b2b07f0-e190-444f-aefc-42d84062bcac	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:55:20	194.551
-120	37752	3775200	ee430ae1-26d5-475d-9179-25621c2183c8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:43:48	-762.396
-120	75504	3775200	0a732429-eb3e-42d2-a740-48feb8aa3a6c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:53:05	917.69
-121	37753	3775300	c7ebacee-33d0-4edd-a4a3-c840840f36a8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:53:10	115.724
-121	75506	3775300	a0e3f31c-892e-409c-a954-7df31cb6aa0d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:49:55	989.362
-122	37754	3775400	37ea61bc-144f-432a-85d4-c191dacd6834	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:15:09	-220.929
-122	75508	3775400	531fe40f-fdd9-4357-ae54-23fe561a501c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:39:09	-147.647
-123	37755	3775500	693b46af-ce44-431c-bd6a-3e417c433c9e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:08:06	-427.900
-123	75510	3775500	eb62762c-e27f-478e-8ca9-35bf9a59bbdc	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:32:06	-37.775
-124	37756	3775600	4d597348-1122-4861-9cda-cfcee282664e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:12:27	190.92
-124	75512	3775600	a97353a4-93eb-4135-b94b-7bd1196bc9fb	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:54:09	914.434
-125	37757	3775700	1899d427-8049-446b-b5b4-99b33d96318d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:32:26	25.160
-125	75514	3775700	a9796a33-815d-42e2-a44d-0497abfd0edc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:58:17	399.905
-126	37758	3775800	7ab5cddb-bd51-473b-aecb-4cbfbecd3ca8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:05:52	-435.283
-126	75516	3775800	dc4f4466-1211-4434-8ed1-df69ad888575	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:46:53	-657.754
-127	37759	3775900	fedd92e2-e2e2-4fb4-97d9-9a38fc1c0200	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:58:09	-171.702
-127	75518	3775900	b75a24ad-7fed-42d0-87ca-a71680b81b1b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:44:53	-243.22
-0	37760	3776000	db469747-bf90-4f8f-ac17-043fc7618bbc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:20:32	-197.701
-0	75520	3776000	5fc421a4-a0a2-4354-a56e-bc2a88b685ea	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:46:59	-29.939
-1	37761	3776100	67633b33-897e-4ebf-854e-455374fab6ab	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:17:09	-606.119
-1	75522	3776100	c9d068dc-54b0-41dd-963d-3d5da26372b1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:13:41	-190.821
-2	37762	3776200	b784b8f2-cc5e-4dab-a606-f1903a8c5c36	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:50:49	-681.3
-2	75524	3776200	bd8783e8-9495-4376-9e19-f2c7bf9e171e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:10:38	900.216
-3	37763	3776300	bf9d6409-6270-440f-a2ed-3c5206b25a93	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:12:47	94.988
-3	75526	3776300	bda25cee-e813-4654-ab15-c23dd9eccdf7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:35:09	384.861
-4	37764	3776400	e29e2947-58c3-40a2-a11a-860027c4045c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:47:39	811.389
-4	75528	3776400	707dcb8b-0df5-47e1-9c4a-86d3499839bb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:56:59	-626.545
-5	37765	3776500	3d1ef7c5-074c-4bb0-907e-f850e6ea41cd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:31:23	-167.884
-5	75530	3776500	8dcdec44-270b-42b4-b4e2-f60972b4e31a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:57:19	927.891
-6	37766	3776600	194eaeaa-494a-47db-8e8b-eb3f9757cfe8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:01:02	963.113
-6	75532	3776600	9ededbb5-a7be-4ddf-915d-028bcb768364	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:01:29	-899.810
-7	37767	3776700	4f415993-fd22-494e-8425-8dd6932d030d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:46:00	-114.784
-7	75534	3776700	be5889a8-6bff-46fb-9336-90b38e67d42d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:55:47	-17.513
-8	37768	3776800	8cb3c373-c59f-444c-a370-1ffda1945646	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:22:30	603.975
-8	75536	3776800	3166b983-e067-4383-9b13-67233d89d837	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:12:34	556.629
-9	37769	3776900	cd9ba21b-31ae-425a-82a6-6865bc0d6750	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:10:39	813.679
-9	75538	3776900	b9ece492-b1c8-4df4-bd13-22e86849ff3f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:29:22	111.348
-10	37770	3777000	2be64e5a-ff40-4b50-9961-f8aab7e7db5b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:26:48	-572.146
-10	75540	3777000	952b4e05-ce9c-4ca8-a616-1b2cee49d00d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:55:19	-198.673
-11	37771	3777100	654f39bb-8f6b-439b-8537-99339f73de4f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:46:21	897.653
-11	75542	3777100	8752583d-b2a0-45e2-b0b4-362812136b02	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:47:46	883.711
-12	37772	3777200	c35bc228-7e9a-4335-ae9b-648c6bb9ff02	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:59:06	-109.289
-12	75544	3777200	ef42862d-5b47-4964-9d81-75a110e3c119	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:40:56	-468.298
-13	37773	3777300	12ac163c-280b-4240-a70a-9c9139022676	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:11:04	-80.454
-13	75546	3777300	f96bbc85-7cc4-4661-a08d-9ee57efd116c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:11:53	671.107
-14	37774	3777400	ae88ec47-f4c7-4939-a787-c8570d709b42	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:23:14	-515.198
-14	75548	3777400	99af882a-221a-4f38-83b0-cd7358af298e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:21:21	85.315
-15	37775	3777500	8e4aacfd-6ab6-4285-b108-71e8712b6604	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:30:57	573.866
-15	75550	3777500	ff81fbed-9ddd-4804-8fb7-cd9fba62e5fa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:26:39	902.484
-16	37776	3777600	3496a497-cae8-4ec2-b862-38d38fd471ea	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:52:46	811.43
-16	75552	3777600	b56f2ec4-3273-421e-a2a8-d0f567b2fb54	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:22:05	-143.972
-17	37777	3777700	3283304f-0706-4ae3-980e-18e98ef3fb2f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:31:30	-618.781
-17	75554	3777700	8d972fa6-0e17-44dc-99f9-4f5a00995d74	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:10:37	-964.76
-18	37778	3777800	42c35a7e-cc85-494d-8dd7-18577b584bb2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:02:36	-246.200
-18	75556	3777800	82363e1e-1dd4-4b88-8bfe-b1ccf21e67fe	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:50:23	849.123
-19	37779	3777900	7821a768-31fe-4086-b9d9-8482553426d7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:04:54	227.880
-19	75558	3777900	8b4f2844-4ab8-494f-bc1f-60133083a605	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:26:07	-613.743
-20	37780	3778000	60db6550-44fd-459a-8635-a40cc14720af	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:36:26	-494.172
-20	75560	3778000	8ad5fdf6-ac86-44ce-b655-9656eb21548a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:26:28	-724.58
-21	37781	3778100	b5fce726-4b82-4518-a0db-20e1e871fe0a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:23:25	-180.704
-21	75562	3778100	89727241-8d1c-4cfe-840c-6acafee059b3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:52:02	896.167
-22	37782	3778200	38144590-8d78-4a6e-b2b3-46804015106e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:57:39	-713.461
-22	75564	3778200	ca53a6cd-c7a9-44fb-8c1c-10c12d05df57	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:24:14	-209.441
-23	37783	3778300	6232a20f-8f7c-48f4-b25a-5005504adcf7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:00:19	732.660
-23	75566	3778300	679d3dcb-36d7-406d-b059-298460e58555	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:39:13	253.489
-24	37784	3778400	eb6c365d-ce33-4431-a6c5-3508d92c75ab	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:51:17	-883.146
-24	75568	3778400	0d72b6ad-965c-42b5-9f83-18d9b83ecda1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:21:26	577.493
-25	37785	3778500	04de7b79-89c2-47d6-b334-a935072601bb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:59:41	585.687
-25	75570	3778500	88bcd780-f56e-471b-b6a5-77c68d85f073	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:02:45	-42.919
-26	37786	3778600	b8c39eaa-f7d8-4167-87b8-3bcf5ca829cc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:52:35	-698.5
-26	75572	3778600	d0e60ce0-1e8d-4553-a687-6c2b832aba6e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:05:29	-916.752
-27	37787	3778700	ab152b85-57fd-40cd-ace5-4c72f6ddf2db	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:31:21	-578.401
-27	75574	3778700	6a511c99-31fb-4dfc-af88-d14554d009d3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:01:15	428.330
-28	37788	3778800	0723d4f8-8b23-493c-9c73-3f3c3935b875	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:10:51	729.923
-28	75576	3778800	0656ad58-adad-42c0-9400-36a315fcf2f3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:19:01	-33.631
-29	37789	3778900	267cd34e-6067-4b9d-bc8e-2a84ed648269	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:28:09	-829.887
-29	75578	3778900	777f7cfb-386e-47ea-b208-a2f818cb5e7b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:19:20	244.734
-30	37790	3779000	35f85d31-04a5-473b-8029-3c2bc76bcbd2	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:58:58	-408.113
-30	75580	3779000	2708162c-8cf0-402e-9353-15d2f0549d47	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:08:46	-160.180
-31	37791	3779100	874110d7-030a-4c42-886a-135ed9ff71fb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:26:49	-666.626
-31	75582	3779100	09fb5c78-d509-4f08-835c-280206028370	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:00:30	945.895
-32	37792	3779200	e0d67574-1ed9-4dc2-817d-52302c207d07	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:16:24	-168.94
-32	75584	3779200	646103f4-6f11-4d71-9b73-55a6217db63d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:27:51	633.219
-33	37793	3779300	bbacdc45-5228-42b8-b2a0-5a087e2dbe2a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:44:11	-105.801
-33	75586	3779300	ba9165e5-ef98-4c83-82be-263e097cb5b9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:25:40	871.769
-34	37794	3779400	1225b410-4b3e-4b9a-853a-14a006f29d9d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:54:35	996.223
-34	75588	3779400	e45810d8-621f-470c-9228-35df78181f21	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:11:04	846.134
-35	37795	3779500	dde9c225-db4d-4c74-a78b-3c50fd0f90d1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:43:51	24.134
-35	75590	3779500	c121f5d2-e830-431b-bcf1-cc427c64f368	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:08:04	-298.240
-36	37796	3779600	e9eaf38c-632a-4da3-a610-6eb88a70d48e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:26:53	-599.485
-36	75592	3779600	a00170c0-7847-444a-8630-95b669182a17	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:45:58	270.668
-37	37797	3779700	232f4c88-9cf6-4034-b843-09acdf72562c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:46:24	288.50
-37	75594	3779700	de741db0-e115-431b-b90b-587992d56675	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:06:38	-556.550
-38	37798	3779800	29c057d0-daec-44df-ae95-8aad29ae37e6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:13:30	-888.818
-38	75596	3779800	7be90d9c-de39-4360-8aa3-82331cb96c77	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:26:34	221.244
-39	37799	3779900	b6c13882-7866-4906-a655-c9a8551d6755	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:27:06	867.867
-39	75598	3779900	b583a846-4b01-4ca8-a3c7-e050c5318547	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:21:21	-608.710
-40	37800	3780000	991aadaa-006e-4cf6-af17-ac8fdb8070ed	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:57:28	436.983
-40	75600	3780000	2d03d445-e1db-41a3-9c61-9b8b4952eab5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:01:19	483.207
-41	37801	3780100	e9d67156-9f36-4265-9107-73d033431c2e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:15:55	454.551
-41	75602	3780100	50c806b7-d153-407b-8004-eed0a408df54	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:56:49	-653.792
-42	37802	3780200	a79b0a63-287f-4dd4-b768-2e5a8d1dea73	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:10:08	-644.728
-42	75604	3780200	b2b13ab8-cb70-4917-aca3-7692a4dd7fa3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:13:55	383.962
-43	37803	3780300	33c3a938-ebeb-4108-a43b-78c779ca7956	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:29:35	-892.837
-43	75606	3780300	fb0e64d0-9bb6-42d6-8433-2f39cc3e152a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:34:18	-405.434
-44	37804	3780400	baeee66d-6a24-4c0c-9d49-88ccad405534	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:17:20	-674.847
-44	75608	3780400	dcf82d05-5b5b-4002-8082-3b97e98f5152	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:41:16	-483.176
-45	37805	3780500	15fd6485-ef32-4698-8b96-e81b1b8f0968	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:40:18	-724.97
-45	75610	3780500	1d0dfdaa-54d5-4c1d-bee9-3b63dc285b94	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:46:42	-284.265
-46	37806	3780600	6132fb02-07b2-408b-9ce8-6f58928eff09	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:43:42	531.800
-46	75612	3780600	0cbc2ae9-7ef9-4ced-8c59-b7b5da87f274	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:15:09	908.698
-47	37807	3780700	fd2c9b7c-a471-442a-8f04-af25b7722993	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:15:40	-38.628
-47	75614	3780700	be72c870-4511-4811-9406-98443719a090	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:14:53	262.101
-48	37808	3780800	01dbc2e0-6a58-4029-af48-c8304a664b7a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:02:57	398.73
-48	75616	3780800	262eb8f4-1f32-407a-9c33-a7c1a7644492	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:47:32	-365.311
-49	37809	3780900	61800a3c-6f4f-4f34-a6c7-77f0a3dc1530	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:59:39	731.975
-49	75618	3780900	9735541f-8ec6-421d-afd4-7c3668331b7f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:18:35	417.776
-50	37810	3781000	82737825-65f6-4edd-b2bf-7568fedca4af	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:23:01	586.880
-50	75620	3781000	c51dfc20-a866-494e-9136-eaa5490ef8ef	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:06:40	86.396
-51	37811	3781100	7a3d1cb6-c794-49ff-88e1-7fe95113d65e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:03:41	666.794
-51	75622	3781100	2c9070ea-b684-4688-9b33-08522ff1156c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:32:24	985.363
-52	37812	3781200	9cde8a17-b8d3-49ea-ac03-66e7dd00f965	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:20:59	-590.314
-52	75624	3781200	3d642966-1798-464e-af85-466cc3f876bd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:03:02	-781.993
-53	37813	3781300	d360596e-f2cd-462c-b724-d79d08b61bbf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:40:04	-875.766
-53	75626	3781300	13209d23-f104-4caf-b590-683b4eb098d3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:37:12	-708.464
-54	37814	3781400	3a1a25a9-1a1d-400c-82e0-747abbf4d287	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:49:32	-420.676
-54	75628	3781400	8cd4ede7-93b2-4fef-8740-5d39e6fdd765	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:18:26	-431.985
-55	37815	3781500	437270c6-ec8c-4e2c-99fd-550be21fe78a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:34:09	789.475
-55	75630	3781500	dea3dbb2-7509-43ef-8cbc-82eb7be65bd5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:57:39	174.966
-56	37816	3781600	d79d1f05-bb9a-4d46-b069-d653b7e797dc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:05:49	179.647
-56	75632	3781600	9389e5ee-74dc-4e88-9beb-2b9fe291d9ee	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:29:29	-948.657
-57	37817	3781700	74d00557-4cc9-4ae4-8fa3-9918cafd64c2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:39:41	-734.455
-57	75634	3781700	ddac485c-33e2-4345-8b5f-3a9ffc19a6e2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:28:01	826.359
-58	37818	3781800	74cf1826-6075-427a-911f-f708cd71cce7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:37:51	-145.685
-58	75636	3781800	2cdbf901-7b91-4574-8b9e-5111cb6e78af	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:14:17	138.475
-59	37819	3781900	6b34b738-4d95-4388-845e-7761576b29b0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:10:25	807.171
-59	75638	3781900	95c74140-70ed-4a3b-b569-f840d71e7b5d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:56:24	-188.357
-60	37820	3782000	171a7139-a7bc-413c-8c60-209718392d13	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:59:17	925.671
-60	75640	3782000	18d0306a-3d9d-4ac4-b912-6938401b38c1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:49:21	70.300
-61	37821	3782100	524d2359-81ba-424e-829b-c136f2875725	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:38:19	213.236
-61	75642	3782100	1f072453-f89c-4c8b-bb00-f0cc5b8ae531	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:22:12	98.270
-62	37822	3782200	9bd33712-7280-4753-bb2d-a70f809fb894	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:10:24	272.267
-62	75644	3782200	2c45d5bf-6665-43fd-a99e-4d3a123a3874	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:46:24	-678.26
-63	37823	3782300	3ea9496b-994e-4db5-808e-10a4290a9d04	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:03:44	-903.585
-63	75646	3782300	9805bad9-4fae-4130-a98e-6fb2fc3279eb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:28:06	809.367
-64	37824	3782400	2debaee0-11e6-489b-af9a-af229deef6af	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:34:27	41.63
-64	75648	3782400	f20a6cdc-f28e-4380-b9ba-3f2adcbd0355	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:37:11	216.654
-65	37825	3782500	25d21c84-f334-4b80-a150-9de26267a644	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:13:20	403.870
-65	75650	3782500	e0a8d45f-b0f5-4594-9726-a0420993aa1e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:27:41	-996.765
-66	37826	3782600	1a13187c-ce42-415a-a5e3-ac218b1a7821	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:35:28	86.216
-66	75652	3782600	352ec3ac-c217-4dbe-b67e-1738d33c32d9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:34:04	-345.555
-67	37827	3782700	7e740121-3e90-42aa-97d6-6558a07a5da9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:42:05	257.440
-67	75654	3782700	35559ae6-34d9-47a6-a23e-2ab859c15022	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:08:44	-819.25
-68	37828	3782800	489e56da-d3e5-4751-a0d3-ed06f36c2bae	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:59:38	66.47
-68	75656	3782800	5566ec8b-20b1-4822-9ad7-f9f76b3e0426	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:43:21	48.799
-69	37829	3782900	937f0e99-ffe4-4c07-a329-d69c33d5b19b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:39:24	-35.135
-69	75658	3782900	4abd0958-183c-4319-bd80-562254150358	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:13:33	-328.462
-70	37830	3783000	4d4b27fd-e944-488d-8132-27f809343a6b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:18:30	855.146
-70	75660	3783000	f39b6d8d-e155-48a9-9c7a-b48e4dceead6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:27:43	893.300
-71	37831	3783100	555dc308-26cd-489e-aac3-a5f893a569f9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:46:42	597.580
-71	75662	3783100	bab08d7e-b3d6-4897-90d6-44d33ba845e7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:56:02	-705.85
-72	37832	3783200	e4220f61-140e-41f0-8f10-f50cb4b5521a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:02:41	-544.529
-72	75664	3783200	ee94e510-3254-4a89-af46-bd8645ca317b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:38:49	935.379
-73	37833	3783300	be227677-a244-46ad-af50-7b3e09cf0d00	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:13:19	29.366
-73	75666	3783300	0d8d93ea-0b92-484e-b530-a87556d595e7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:20:25	-629.443
-74	37834	3783400	a2b16fa2-ca66-41b4-ac59-44743a213a2e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:34:06	691.737
-74	75668	3783400	27c594d8-de3e-4150-a374-eeaddbb987ae	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:02:43	-268.466
-75	37835	3783500	5c723d8e-fdc9-4f29-9cc9-ac042e9d95af	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:08:21	100.573
-75	75670	3783500	de6f221f-ee7e-4c7f-b33b-d2db26011b4e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:01:41	-225.739
-76	37836	3783600	e8712161-8ba5-4e2d-972d-4e7603baf507	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:34:46	-355.574
-76	75672	3783600	250a8158-d5a5-4b8f-a5c8-faf19d96c22a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:35:40	820.958
-77	37837	3783700	6c97cbb1-b44d-4053-ae66-e7330bfaaa8f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:21:22	-478.688
-77	75674	3783700	c42e8632-2cd7-467a-94bd-9e1ceb6fa35b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:21:55	330.808
-78	37838	3783800	ec86a5f3-98b3-4b2d-8eae-13ab4059d2c2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:20:19	462.18
-78	75676	3783800	bdeba59a-96cb-4645-8e68-8ea194bd2359	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:10:17	43.590
-79	37839	3783900	7c104584-74cd-4eff-9b0b-54b4839b024f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:32:59	965.38
-79	75678	3783900	08850fb6-e014-4060-89c5-5a6a879eaca7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:12:46	739.568
-80	37840	3784000	0d8350c6-9c7e-4531-a500-166fe17690c1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:43:38	-225.296
-80	75680	3784000	1326c4a4-e37b-49ca-973d-10ee0717a6bf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:57:01	12.151
-81	37841	3784100	4cdf742c-ff2c-4f7d-a379-5945a4708f3b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:46:22	-179.847
-81	75682	3784100	41cc06ff-56f4-461f-95db-927d34eeed0f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:46:10	864.78
-82	37842	3784200	fe974ea6-61de-433b-8f20-7de6453ffb0f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:16:09	131.211
-82	75684	3784200	ac43e42f-db0c-4198-8dc7-d8072594209f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:27:27	-174.719
-83	37843	3784300	c7355502-65d3-4688-bbad-60ca7b60f9ca	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:36:32	551.818
-83	75686	3784300	3703e6e9-c858-41f2-82da-c2ecd53abf3a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:57:18	83.682
-84	37844	3784400	c02cc1cd-d5ff-4635-ab6b-b65ff07ef28d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:46:24	-54.303
-84	75688	3784400	77d893ac-43e5-4f9b-83f6-917bdf6a48d9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:00:38	-551.172
-85	37845	3784500	db520a7e-0a74-4d88-81e6-c914d8ffc86d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:24:58	-534.808
-85	75690	3784500	ea871a2e-9448-43aa-a523-3452480fabe4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:31:46	56.736
-86	37846	3784600	9517b040-b984-4da5-8ac9-0c429add0749	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:35:29	-701.164
-86	75692	3784600	ca224af7-0811-4b76-b100-5d924cfcc804	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:03:03	285.377
-87	37847	3784700	7ee25ae1-fa6b-4ce6-a351-6cf9d5023e18	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:51:51	-826.186
-87	75694	3784700	39d88117-5e27-4551-b03a-aea149cea368	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:36:45	436.323
-88	37848	3784800	447deb92-5176-4364-aaca-07dc0e76be1f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:55:08	757.96
-88	75696	3784800	3166d41a-bc60-436a-8880-2c82d2d4558e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:40:02	600.344
-89	37849	3784900	acf9895d-5aaa-49b3-aa7c-35c63ef11a37	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:07:18	547.536
-89	75698	3784900	8104a26b-517f-4102-a19f-209d67d99399	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:49:00	855.252
-90	37850	3785000	8e3e0c22-aa5e-4714-9f3c-89245db6e3b0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:45:30	-179.255
-90	75700	3785000	a9d541dd-6504-43ac-b7ca-8a68ff630939	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:59:03	-146.396
-91	37851	3785100	2d08961f-1460-4f34-82a9-e383585583bf	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:05:12	-237.44
-91	75702	3785100	db9c16bb-0bec-4ae1-a34a-89bd95765838	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:49:50	-419.833
-92	37852	3785200	8fd33663-5d4c-47b9-8ce8-8e76bc63d04d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:50:32	-218.635
-92	75704	3785200	c907c231-75fc-4766-9747-054c94731d2c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:59:25	-843.615
-93	37853	3785300	cc696d5a-c842-48b6-a5e0-853fd9b643cc	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:02:47	108.787
-93	75706	3785300	74580205-686a-4b2a-a8f1-0ec51a3fa154	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:02:37	-620.142
-94	37854	3785400	ee0176f3-7fbc-4c4a-a70d-3cbc1ffb3839	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:14:01	-710.71
-94	75708	3785400	9d72513f-8b1e-40ef-8267-0d0874b00ffe	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:03:16	-90.725
-95	37855	3785500	af076322-7401-4592-8143-6d0abc66f7ce	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:14:07	393.452
-95	75710	3785500	a3e109b4-8f5c-4379-b10f-44f68ca2f755	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:26:00	57.614
-96	37856	3785600	a93ea154-10cf-4755-ae87-70b1a407848c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:30:06	143.801
-96	75712	3785600	99c2d9c3-40fd-4a91-b78a-0ee2d28415ba	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:22:30	-656.578
-97	37857	3785700	047223aa-760c-4b19-aa29-c22776077cda	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:50:29	203.495
-97	75714	3785700	5eb4ee4c-8857-40bf-a972-350befda95e0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:29:54	546.825
-98	37858	3785800	efb2542e-0b0e-4cb2-8917-d5d2589cf2d3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:57:28	60.956
-98	75716	3785800	812fcb9f-8a5f-454a-9e05-8f549d917731	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:58:41	-556.262
-99	37859	3785900	acaaa04f-89db-4377-a093-41f43f605246	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:18:12	-492.49
-99	75718	3785900	7d1f7339-d60e-491b-9b1d-3f9060f8509b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:42:48	559.953
-100	37860	3786000	a3845512-edb1-472f-b7ef-67a949c2fbe8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:07:06	699.673
-100	75720	3786000	0c9fbe66-667a-46f6-80c4-81e97e1eba6d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:18:28	-770.928
-101	37861	3786100	7a866ac7-5a2c-4e36-9190-28f73fbf609e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:39:46	977.644
-101	75722	3786100	f8c0380c-8b44-43e3-ae51-b42c01b75481	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:04:45	223.85
-102	37862	3786200	dad5ed97-740e-40f0-b8e2-247a5a1ae769	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:41:49	832.904
-102	75724	3786200	513233c6-bc7c-414e-91b6-b9ad0cd861b1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:20:53	422.880
-103	37863	3786300	c6d6cc91-dcb6-4fd0-8f1c-a029e04d4581	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:57:17	-35.250
-103	75726	3786300	6c8e2f3b-ad80-41ea-aa5c-2b68fffe5f7a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:42:57	-17.328
-104	37864	3786400	755d5a51-9766-4b83-b520-4cf238cd89ae	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:11:46	-432.583
-104	75728	3786400	7823ee82-8040-47f3-a2a7-3062ac3dc673	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:32:18	433.499
-105	37865	3786500	3641eb1d-3d92-4642-bae0-49c92c634799	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:20:49	-283.488
-105	75730	3786500	1f1edae0-f8ee-4332-a99c-b2b0a63cabe1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:31:14	128.109
-106	37866	3786600	1cdf4503-5dc8-4d44-a00c-c93ae5494388	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:41:30	-136.491
-106	75732	3786600	e2159f2b-d696-48d2-a1a8-66ea060070f7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:17:42	581.470
-107	37867	3786700	3df73884-b425-4515-82e6-170bae96b92a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:37:56	721.771
-107	75734	3786700	da2c3178-dc95-4929-9c25-2143e262ec47	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:05:21	-891.740
-108	37868	3786800	1e0c6215-7698-4ae9-9a4c-3bda2b88c5e0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:38:09	-304.236
-108	75736	3786800	3c351e10-6d18-4fb3-9278-6cdf4bf6597e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:09:49	-380.666
-109	37869	3786900	c2854280-5a37-4130-bf8c-9e67562e0907	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:38:22	-975.988
-109	75738	3786900	089dc34f-e0a7-48c2-b75a-c76623d873c1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:16:22	-304.195
-110	37870	3787000	e37231b7-43c8-4031-aa7b-19e8aad25f2c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:58:02	-407.665
-110	75740	3787000	5bf4d627-3d9d-44b7-84ac-73fc36b1528e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:24:25	-147.775
-111	37871	3787100	2431d039-ec9a-4ce7-8db0-eb10ea503733	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:53:49	-287.540
-111	75742	3787100	e7cddd86-bc36-478c-96b6-d95c4d87cf58	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:59:59	-344.129
-112	37872	3787200	68e3cc0b-6e0f-4733-939a-36b627043232	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:50:22	138.933
-112	75744	3787200	1dd359e4-5c43-4d30-9494-a4de0b321845	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:37:49	405.787
-113	37873	3787300	8c24d968-39d1-4eba-a398-1840fcea9f24	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:18:01	-526.128
-113	75746	3787300	e3e92f92-811f-414f-af08-0d7fa0def48b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:31:50	-363.968
-114	37874	3787400	bd771673-f211-4014-b856-04af238925be	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:02:37	-597.649
-114	75748	3787400	cca6117c-aff6-44ba-a490-fe1e39e11ea0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:45:19	-416.31
-115	37875	3787500	cb448d2b-ea77-4b73-aec2-493aa65478c8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:20:47	230.170
-115	75750	3787500	b64bc720-f9a5-4fad-b4ec-6f89e1312e6a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:46:13	180.670
-116	37876	3787600	96ece74d-3dce-4671-b11a-77536460029f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:18:01	807.279
-116	75752	3787600	f11efa2b-f8b3-4fb4-8802-c641ca960e8b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:32:16	932.520
-117	37877	3787700	7003110b-a2d5-4296-8099-388ed86cf4d4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:32:31	-674.894
-117	75754	3787700	21084331-82c0-41a1-9b63-99fad62c6d31	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:28:49	875.903
-118	37878	3787800	4705918b-c895-446d-86bd-d1157525ccef	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:34:30	-994.637
-118	75756	3787800	573f8a5c-d057-470e-8029-6dcd31f8662b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:10:02	420.855
-119	37879	3787900	35f9fecd-548c-4832-9f6f-dbe348d104d7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:35:51	730.14
-119	75758	3787900	ee03ae4a-2f09-4e29-bc1e-30bddebe0695	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:43:39	281.464
-120	37880	3788000	11a0b585-2391-4b0b-94cd-5cf91482583c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:29:57	-790.763
-120	75760	3788000	4f153de6-0235-4b24-ac55-8a366402177f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:52:49	893.182
-121	37881	3788100	1bf058ee-41fd-45ba-a487-7fd4ce450157	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:35:52	817.795
-121	75762	3788100	0232e51c-b782-4f9b-9af4-ee940c960083	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:52:22	-208.205
-122	37882	3788200	cc64e91a-bd4d-4d29-b935-9aa62676116e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:11:36	889.848
-122	75764	3788200	d41d8d3f-b589-4cc9-80b7-ed2fd8f78253	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:17:34	-576.892
-123	37883	3788300	ca2171ae-f769-470b-a3bf-cc0a6bda2692	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:38:34	243.75
-123	75766	3788300	b8a6c52c-212a-418b-9735-2d9d9a4d6e09	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:04:03	-982.472
-124	37884	3788400	98d80f2c-49e5-4951-8a25-6f1c8935dbec	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:11:47	357.615
-124	75768	3788400	707061c6-a8ca-47ec-ba26-bcc93ee25a57	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:58:56	486.906
-125	37885	3788500	93a73156-6304-49a3-87ac-dee6d130e31a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:41:23	-469.325
-125	75770	3788500	70b8c7e1-3a61-462c-ab1c-0fc50e5922c0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:40:58	-28.233
-126	37886	3788600	b157a19e-b474-4c3c-b9ae-a2cd1574333a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:13:16	-847.426
-126	75772	3788600	70939373-f219-4ebf-809a-5ecc90f0e41c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:30:40	93.924
-127	37887	3788700	a4a2a98d-1c74-4cec-b671-2cbb99608c78	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:53:37	605.449
-127	75774	3788700	a0dba678-bb5d-4b06-ae1d-b37b20910f47	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:35:26	-343.333
-0	37888	3788800	a4c8ff0d-eba4-415f-808c-dafb5fa2c936	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:07:50	215.379
-0	75776	3788800	ffa957e1-d75b-449c-95f7-921f2ebe96d7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:43:53	-633.702
-1	37889	3788900	1588fd85-3099-45ab-95bd-55c0f9eb2b7e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:40:01	548.297
-1	75778	3788900	a3199271-42e7-4c21-a155-33e85a03bcb2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:24:20	-310.683
-2	37890	3789000	a9fbdee2-029d-4c76-bd56-3cb0ee52c1a3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:47:00	587.119
-2	75780	3789000	0ee13757-aaca-49e6-a206-e397a382ab06	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:29:27	-464.277
-3	37891	3789100	0ea354f0-5ee7-408f-919e-94ec3975f8a4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:37:10	239.205
-3	75782	3789100	36c3d277-7462-4812-b73c-857a0c47480e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:49:41	32.980
-4	37892	3789200	bc87ab64-2546-4017-b067-456275bd4150	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:46:56	-523.153
-4	75784	3789200	28582f5a-53a5-4797-b149-cf3615a83184	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:59:41	921.900
-5	37893	3789300	92d385b9-ac69-4455-80a7-0f0895f256ea	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:08:11	390.752
-5	75786	3789300	947418c4-bdd0-4b10-b27f-d20a821be441	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:47:17	213.111
-6	37894	3789400	673ba6ed-e2c9-460d-91f6-94667caa37d8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:46:28	46.927
-6	75788	3789400	c5730d2e-cb11-455a-8095-e41ff7e569cc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:21:06	639.989
-7	37895	3789500	6b23a687-f695-4bef-b2dc-869fee5b0b23	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:44:03	265.503
-7	75790	3789500	beea212b-33fa-4788-823e-cdf8c3ed1bdd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:22:35	496.589
-8	37896	3789600	bba04068-87dc-457b-8c59-2c850924a0c7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:40:07	-879.218
-8	75792	3789600	11400266-26cd-401d-b444-39e4b20f0906	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:58:34	-455.485
-9	37897	3789700	348dbdbe-074d-4a95-9eb0-696487052f1a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:46:04	260.778
-9	75794	3789700	8740f346-898b-4452-bf1e-89a76cc42653	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:07:37	371.248
-10	37898	3789800	30b6fd25-e7ce-4e32-ae30-8e891564244b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:54:13	-635.186
-10	75796	3789800	4e434dbd-2ca3-404a-b735-4d6bed9d86c3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:54:48	-286.367
-11	37899	3789900	7030a19c-87ae-40e5-bcba-b602113e4916	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:52:37	511.773
-11	75798	3789900	3b53990c-a61b-44fc-8ba0-902a1edb76c3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:27:48	-135.494
-12	37900	3790000	78ab09e5-3b9e-49dc-8b7f-5e64d11072c5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:39:12	-698.207
-12	75800	3790000	62fed5e9-436a-464b-9cb9-901324ef9f0f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:17:52	264.32
-13	37901	3790100	3cf710e3-d585-4a96-8b5a-53634039a6be	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:24:16	-436.235
-13	75802	3790100	3ffadadb-ec4a-4635-8879-82d1fadadf59	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:21:07	766.226
-14	37902	3790200	8b373a8b-b009-4e91-924d-6a1b31842813	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:25:31	-371.443
-14	75804	3790200	9352d6cc-ba2e-452c-8b9c-b68fbf5f4adc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:25:56	306.868
-15	37903	3790300	90a8a87e-f59a-4f04-9df0-f2cfd329be1e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:48:52	843.982
-15	75806	3790300	3b60f6ab-b5fd-401e-9caa-6e0551bd207f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:59:40	428.897
-16	37904	3790400	e8452536-419d-4d32-a01d-1109ed842e95	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:09:35	-326.220
-16	75808	3790400	f197d9f5-3ae3-4b99-86bb-76a787ada055	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:53:42	585.25
-17	37905	3790500	de8127a1-ca6a-4128-bd0d-c564ffe61fe7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:31:46	-148.84
-17	75810	3790500	bcf296ee-2d2a-4111-a979-8a1ba26220db	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:00:57	865.231
-18	37906	3790600	b9653985-b15a-4195-ab1d-5765731f9a4d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:35:08	-743.361
-18	75812	3790600	a11be93e-839c-4a83-9671-f5bd3e985f8c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:59:00	-10.261
-19	37907	3790700	c8765f56-1f27-4a83-b51f-1e503c52d097	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:21:31	372.511
-19	75814	3790700	4afc75d5-eb56-4bcb-86ab-3707187b842a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:41:18	-243.914
-20	37908	3790800	ed1b623e-859f-4594-8b3d-2783599ee7f4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:17:20	-143.403
-20	75816	3790800	bcf50d74-6408-486a-8a35-b92a90615077	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:08:52	-18.686
-21	37909	3790900	4db7e7c2-17ef-4ac2-834c-3e1beec33aea	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:06:43	-906.973
-21	75818	3790900	dd41af80-3122-49cc-b31b-db0fc20ea90b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:57:25	772.337
-22	37910	3791000	9a4fcecc-c129-44a6-826e-2f66881159c1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:40:19	522.499
-22	75820	3791000	379ff4fd-5cdb-414a-8c62-8d149b570c31	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:11:34	-286.964
-23	37911	3791100	0a3f9e48-54ed-48d6-ac78-22244ed7cc3f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:12:16	-500.865
-23	75822	3791100	546945c8-73c3-4dd1-82fb-bef42f0a3d2b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:46:14	942.528
-24	37912	3791200	4387858a-faaa-43bf-b807-cbc16f9edeba	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:32:17	678.835
-24	75824	3791200	f2f9afe5-faa8-42b1-a43e-22ec8fe7d761	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:53:18	-468.801
-25	37913	3791300	aefe56a1-33f5-40b5-ac22-3be6c13b2b8f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:16:54	-833.559
-25	75826	3791300	031ba34e-68ce-4383-8ce0-0b30f56f40af	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:14:30	24.0
-26	37914	3791400	fb5ad5ea-1f33-4a95-b2b7-a1d71769ba65	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:47:03	-20.474
-26	75828	3791400	a462a79f-53bd-4c38-8489-f4a07648d4bc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:24:11	-815.771
-27	37915	3791500	d79bb725-d9e7-4881-9041-f86a8b5c213d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:50:24	-155.239
-27	75830	3791500	2ea6eb5a-43c8-4dac-888d-6cc5d806a880	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:31:37	-499.478
-28	37916	3791600	c4adaa05-2e0b-46c2-bcd3-71b032c591cf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:34:53	-476.945
-28	75832	3791600	eee03e91-b13c-454c-abe6-1dbf1d482cce	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:17:40	-587.614
-29	37917	3791700	ed79ff98-416f-43b9-8c6d-579c87a614f0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:50:50	854.164
-29	75834	3791700	65dc4541-5733-4769-9d10-f8a2df20af0c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:09:00	351.448
-30	37918	3791800	02e6d8d1-1289-4a73-a83a-d77b547bd1e0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:30:38	15.400
-30	75836	3791800	8d8f8611-8029-4106-8ca9-9af8f7b5dedf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:58:19	176.625
-31	37919	3791900	6458d4fe-1abc-42b1-aeb8-736b5e8b6fab	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:11:50	34.351
-31	75838	3791900	1c881406-ea83-47e1-8a1b-8006ce593084	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:03:03	341.308
-32	37920	3792000	cbda7b03-f604-4df6-aecb-eb5ee3666ef9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:05:11	-930.795
-32	75840	3792000	ce38e5bd-5aa7-4c54-bdaf-f53b9be6c681	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:41:01	-241.614
-33	37921	3792100	781069f7-6ea8-4b98-af52-7f1c58fdab22	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:08:30	-550.215
-33	75842	3792100	44ff2014-1cb9-4b1a-9cdd-85150239ad05	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:46:23	-11.115
-34	37922	3792200	1e7a8209-258c-49bf-b8a3-a3f050467275	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:57:59	-992.852
-34	75844	3792200	66e498f7-8ddc-49ae-a7f7-13e19b3fa4e5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:23:29	756.423
-35	37923	3792300	55f67735-b5e8-44a9-b044-6f4d1096f825	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:56:36	-321.632
-35	75846	3792300	23a2b3ce-04b4-434f-8853-cb8b4e91169a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:01:46	948.140
-36	37924	3792400	629156c5-afd7-4031-b2e5-5128720c41f6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:20:13	795.204
-36	75848	3792400	faf845dc-024a-4839-9e91-a1bd623b943c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:22:44	-698.619
-37	37925	3792500	0973206e-6922-4a51-98ae-f2eac79d8d31	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:19:47	943.252
-37	75850	3792500	dcffbb86-924b-47e2-b69f-adb12f6a3323	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:17:57	-679.742
-38	37926	3792600	3df1d4d9-6bcc-44df-bd8f-d8c075e76891	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:02:00	74.767
-38	75852	3792600	0b3b5cfa-67e3-4298-90ab-4fb94d4cab5c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:03:18	-307.656
-39	37927	3792700	2d090db9-d73a-4740-9c8e-6eb7a253caed	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:50:34	829.711
-39	75854	3792700	12ba18e4-eb76-4f6a-b2cd-ea5f30ec80ca	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:07:14	-337.756
-40	37928	3792800	846c6f97-33fd-4bb6-9d1a-0ef79598daad	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:18:44	-393.536
-40	75856	3792800	a9d578ac-ffc4-44da-85ac-339170672929	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:00:14	-992.569
-41	37929	3792900	5c248ecc-f5d5-476a-9b09-9327e8fb3e39	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:00:34	-749.329
-41	75858	3792900	ee9b46f6-4dc2-44d2-a860-ae6045791d51	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:21:35	700.274
-42	37930	3793000	30c6800b-b6c7-4c1f-b867-ae6e8cbaaad2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:25:33	-694.421
-42	75860	3793000	50b999f8-1d42-43ab-b54d-101db4b8964c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:19:11	-755.909
-43	37931	3793100	1e30f584-645c-47c4-9fb1-f83b4a3f4e8d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:24:27	84.705
-43	75862	3793100	c0b946a4-5106-4160-ac1e-955880d46bd8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:56:57	907.17
-44	37932	3793200	b74ca28d-fe87-45dc-a4f8-6eab616d799a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:42:54	-82.393
-44	75864	3793200	0c912cf3-cb11-4498-9e23-ce8d74f80203	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:08:10	660.857
-45	37933	3793300	30462f53-1d29-4883-b362-ee7a5c08fe84	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:04:41	-38.702
-45	75866	3793300	69e700bd-0689-4fb4-b815-124cdae9bbe0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:23:34	-326.308
-46	37934	3793400	5caae04e-064b-43b2-9ef6-24495ab3e03c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:04:56	-512.34
-46	75868	3793400	4a482528-4723-4ad9-835f-882991505b0e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:51:39	405.916
-47	37935	3793500	fb60011d-c320-4ebc-873e-584690ecbd2a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:43:02	-145.64
-47	75870	3793500	bcb061a6-8ad1-409c-a608-1084cbb5befb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:52:04	692.375
-48	37936	3793600	06e32291-45fb-4b45-9748-be8558006ea2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:31:24	-356.583
-48	75872	3793600	4c4ad161-97f4-42ba-86cd-ae138b95aa36	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:02:40	-75.936
-49	37937	3793700	379bb879-1da9-4ec0-bde7-04472cba40ec	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:48:19	-102.669
-49	75874	3793700	2ca0d36d-04e9-476a-9a14-531631eb6321	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:03:07	-653.286
-50	37938	3793800	4237f725-13cc-4b4f-9928-16c7d62cd2cf	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:06:14	77.871
-50	75876	3793800	1239b475-eef8-4f87-8b52-e8c425eb24e2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:05:58	356.888
-51	37939	3793900	11d0ff0b-97bb-4aa9-b57b-5affa47fe7f8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:30:54	316.319
-51	75878	3793900	90963433-7501-479d-a587-a57a3db58848	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:12:12	-977.671
-52	37940	3794000	6aeb25df-2326-4877-8136-e517841cb18c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:52:07	67.785
-52	75880	3794000	628169b8-5ba7-417b-8136-7e6185b24ad8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:34:36	604.964
-53	37941	3794100	adfa4e85-aa5d-449d-965d-c529499466e0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:06:14	211.608
-53	75882	3794100	c7a7f353-b768-4c51-8946-37efc352fd90	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:58:10	258.200
-54	37942	3794200	d51e770f-bb1a-43df-a55c-f0c38d759e28	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:17:41	-738.866
-54	75884	3794200	a07b2809-ff9c-4745-bc80-02b9f1fe9501	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:18:10	204.46
-55	37943	3794300	f9cb76a3-47e9-4d87-b517-3621b83b8f4e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:41:07	551.219
-55	75886	3794300	bbf526c1-9a67-4480-bc21-25c06f6bd968	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:00:41	681.880
-56	37944	3794400	84141a11-da60-4233-8f53-d083ed26e000	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:39:01	170.366
-56	75888	3794400	5469b364-a7be-4d61-bc6a-5c9319619e8c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:09:24	-586.159
-57	37945	3794500	189a7f6c-8be2-4270-abf8-5c031328d8ed	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:12:02	307.545
-57	75890	3794500	e0ad1c17-75a9-40a1-8f8c-171625b00dd8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:37:31	-945.653
-58	37946	3794600	1dde55d3-1c6b-4d1d-a826-49c5581ca479	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:01:39	-896.88
-58	75892	3794600	655d721f-c52d-4005-8624-6681370494a5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:36:55	-356.922
-59	37947	3794700	dbf5fcd8-2066-4eb4-93d7-a825000ed94d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:15:08	251.882
-59	75894	3794700	8461ad7d-7ee4-42d3-b818-461677f903b7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:42:53	-17.271
-60	37948	3794800	ee7f6a8d-5a58-411d-bf92-118e05410747	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:37:23	583.819
-60	75896	3794800	69391a5f-db2f-495b-9322-34c522cdf0f7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:29:48	-640.815
-61	37949	3794900	4836afa1-19f8-4a80-9f50-f7291afdb523	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:55:13	-313.826
-61	75898	3794900	b9e9d00a-755e-4b9e-9379-648e93a57c53	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:57:27	109.665
-62	37950	3795000	584e45f6-e20f-4b54-9f3f-dc6bbe18e19e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:02:36	-321.667
-62	75900	3795000	4a197a16-fde8-4e91-bf97-adb3b4f550ce	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:29:10	-454.422
-63	37951	3795100	54185803-aebb-4ecd-9dca-a9668252507b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:29:43	-561.893
-63	75902	3795100	563359db-1733-4766-80c4-c712091cc13e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:43:23	-266.954
-64	37952	3795200	d43cfeb6-b44e-4b0d-afbc-53d8c403062f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:37:50	-15.842
-64	75904	3795200	c704d7fe-1538-4e7a-8676-a50b14249724	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:54:48	628.660
-65	37953	3795300	d7acebb8-be36-4aa4-bd1e-f5dd501e1052	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:51:33	331.587
-65	75906	3795300	9f1d3b5f-03b8-4ee2-b94c-025eea080abb	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:07:36	710.854
-66	37954	3795400	bf173e58-a0cc-4623-9aad-05541652372d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:25:38	-208.13
-66	75908	3795400	855b7128-ca81-4aee-9076-e0ecaa8fd093	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:33:32	530.738
-67	37955	3795500	c55ee071-8505-4b88-8f8c-9ed7b7e0a24c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:55:58	-163.234
-67	75910	3795500	bdfc27ee-55bd-425f-b582-d1cc73fda2e5	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:04:16	365.991
-68	37956	3795600	183db38a-7a21-485d-b687-66899782ad42	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:21:28	136.307
-68	75912	3795600	5b8b2e86-5128-4fb6-979e-05d59e222b5d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:54:46	402.6
-69	37957	3795700	e6b9c00b-6c5e-44fe-9494-0daaddeed895	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:23:44	-143.712
-69	75914	3795700	58e46e36-377d-4b8e-95c3-bb0376d69056	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:40:56	-836.183
-70	37958	3795800	286dd698-01b7-4ca6-82b9-3b477e349901	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:58:53	264.353
-70	75916	3795800	49078bb6-fd06-4668-bf8a-42f234034c31	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:04:08	-254.917
-71	37959	3795900	d91ccff9-98c2-40e5-a2f3-9165b638cdce	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:39:03	235.210
-71	75918	3795900	791864de-e7cb-497b-bac5-9c3281b755ff	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:58:17	-474.159
-72	37960	3796000	889e774a-2742-42b0-9ada-97dfd4761a5a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:46:24	-550.638
-72	75920	3796000	6600dba8-e37d-41cd-922a-e32704b24b1c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:51:31	845.293
-73	37961	3796100	9da88640-0aa8-4180-a0e3-35d4bbeb4443	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:34:30	83.438
-73	75922	3796100	36119ec7-6f91-4cc2-b3f5-7fc21fbcd0c9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:43:31	-81.845
-74	37962	3796200	1232f775-f75e-4232-af6b-2ea915ecaca6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:03:18	-431.920
-74	75924	3796200	0179805e-33b0-468f-93de-9ebc4a1e4217	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:05:35	906.671
-75	37963	3796300	e7ebbf73-75c5-4613-bc7a-18324f26df14	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:24:12	-823.655
-75	75926	3796300	9fa7b258-d325-4e75-8a3d-43b65cecdf1c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:04:06	308.472
-76	37964	3796400	7b31d8a7-1215-47a4-8418-bd7337908045	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:34:53	-877.906
-76	75928	3796400	b64e8ad5-815a-4a2d-98c1-52510da3769d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:06:37	377.471
-77	37965	3796500	77e04ef1-a174-4197-b1ab-33ed13a7a1d5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:32:56	-807.853
-77	75930	3796500	a878b570-6be3-47a3-b90a-a76da6e129c8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:22:52	667.591
-78	37966	3796600	624b701f-f9f2-4195-a4d8-c62b77d99035	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:55:48	530.334
-78	75932	3796600	69789906-1f82-459e-8a6f-e177472b8241	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:14:23	753.43
-79	37967	3796700	76664358-465e-48c5-a5b4-05e7f0d4583f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:35:07	-124.210
-79	75934	3796700	caa7c7f1-7426-4510-9e4a-2059f92dd997	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:55:13	-29.750
-80	37968	3796800	05865785-3444-4cb5-bf97-36f308a56830	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:08:17	293.504
-80	75936	3796800	22510cff-f09d-4874-9b72-40abdf62c7f0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:23:02	104.790
-81	37969	3796900	5e2e32d9-c0fb-44aa-8fa9-acc748a144f1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:38:00	-945.999
-81	75938	3796900	7fc58a49-8464-4a0b-a9ed-0ef64159ea9f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:30:30	837.806
-82	37970	3797000	86550131-6f98-471f-86ec-8848ff8938ae	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:01:29	900.416
-82	75940	3797000	f5b686c2-1686-4614-875c-3b6c48810881	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:48:17	-100.795
-83	37971	3797100	5f5c69e3-710e-4549-a292-1cc4394b0205	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:53:25	880.493
-83	75942	3797100	d3e0ed88-47db-4654-8c15-3925dca66472	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:43:11	175.558
-84	37972	3797200	d0ed0df7-56a8-4a63-9e50-17cd0e19e225	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:02:27	-989.447
-84	75944	3797200	509fc253-a534-43ed-954d-f1c6233e0475	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:03:39	253.746
-85	37973	3797300	f3ca53c3-06c8-40aa-87ae-6539ec90184b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:17:03	-793.517
-85	75946	3797300	bf19aed2-481e-4b8c-9abe-bc74b49b210c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:10:57	-635.453
-86	37974	3797400	41f11ba0-457d-4913-95f9-d75c6adac7dd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:33:34	-974.690
-86	75948	3797400	a5b93987-9985-4324-b87f-c581af24c6f0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:43:49	341.956
-87	37975	3797500	7dae58a9-1921-4e31-9b0e-c26e2126915a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:06:16	518.668
-87	75950	3797500	4febccd0-d5fa-4a76-91fc-4b14325d7df5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:50:41	375.920
-88	37976	3797600	9f7bf017-3912-402a-b481-21932b531849	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:40:36	531.556
-88	75952	3797600	915e357e-18b1-42ed-b218-2f935eebfcfa	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:44:00	653.321
-89	37977	3797700	c1a5079b-ece2-437e-a4eb-9a6d9a22b667	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:27:46	-249.521
-89	75954	3797700	1b997756-eaf1-4549-aa89-0139f5daf890	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:14:06	92.522
-90	37978	3797800	6f653d3d-342b-438c-8041-294f92ce0b8c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:22:03	294.927
-90	75956	3797800	3eb504c5-bd92-4438-bd47-b6b9ed04821c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:24:28	-971.794
-91	37979	3797900	2914e74c-c939-40ca-b596-85d663287eaf	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:37:58	146.859
-91	75958	3797900	819d7286-f289-47a9-8eec-ae6f7fcfaf78	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:49:46	501.143
-92	37980	3798000	80e5e321-1bd7-42cd-ae41-592c1e606060	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:09:03	-112.660
-92	75960	3798000	bbfa65a7-499b-4a47-89a9-311c0352aa35	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:53:37	958.949
-93	37981	3798100	e4f460de-9ed9-433a-976b-f08f8909f2e6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:06:43	-551.300
-93	75962	3798100	bc9533ea-53b0-4ba9-b1f7-634b976146ee	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:26:14	327.276
-94	37982	3798200	6e49bdfd-eb30-4d0a-bf51-25f5c39e3186	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:00:04	-827.978
-94	75964	3798200	c6691233-2471-4043-9bd4-34e88c7e7874	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:16:31	475.404
-95	37983	3798300	6c783d99-fa7f-44cb-b48f-78e7ccbe5747	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:49:33	743.781
-95	75966	3798300	ef255929-ee47-4584-b8a6-83f726684d35	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:36:50	71.204
-96	37984	3798400	47fedc33-ba79-4693-8458-dc32a6186a20	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:04:30	-757.599
-96	75968	3798400	c68b4ec0-2eec-41c2-8fb3-46e70af4860c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:23:08	135.373
-97	37985	3798500	acf0c0a1-b72a-43a5-ba01-70e72f5fd875	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:13:59	-511.229
-97	75970	3798500	c4a8865b-da01-4f89-902e-59f2a868607b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:55:20	-952.148
-98	37986	3798600	df8f17ad-8ea4-4b20-aea4-e6710c879369	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:39:02	-413.976
-98	75972	3798600	8aa8349d-d1f1-4d24-8c92-b3b505712053	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:26:32	154.689
-99	37987	3798700	735641d3-ceac-4eff-a01f-0ab3e51100f2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:30:53	840.136
-99	75974	3798700	238abcf6-56cb-4255-bba6-e55e1566f730	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:14:44	-502.541
-100	37988	3798800	da8c93c6-d599-4df7-96f5-b6cee116575d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:13:22	607.44
-100	75976	3798800	2072521f-9a21-434f-b45d-770730bc9743	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:33:38	-909.296
-101	37989	3798900	243c3a55-92e9-4ba8-ab52-4f3ed600767f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:35:38	269.841
-101	75978	3798900	a9420f2c-543d-46af-b0d4-213e43085b4d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:35:41	112.747
-102	37990	3799000	10d31be8-e621-4a42-a0f9-0851bb01bf84	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:02:12	457.558
-102	75980	3799000	e8e444c5-4166-41bf-b2f4-f422f9c9ed19	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:12:15	-722.280
-103	37991	3799100	b781f89d-d2be-4ba4-a04d-d00c1d558192	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:16:06	-936.265
-103	75982	3799100	2ccc85d7-ed65-4b6a-b2bf-23daf25e1539	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:55:57	-593.708
-104	37992	3799200	8adf024b-84cd-4223-a4aa-43c8ac5742a8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:59:02	-50.199
-104	75984	3799200	1007a0aa-4e77-4847-ab0c-8ecc7e175de2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:11:39	-408.792
-105	37993	3799300	f05aa7ae-ef23-4b0f-a852-0441102982a5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:19:42	680.928
-105	75986	3799300	7d800cac-615a-4aef-9098-ce73e47a34f2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:40:11	605.766
-106	37994	3799400	0d73d431-5cba-4540-b321-6e8e121a1b90	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:14:56	217.519
-106	75988	3799400	13a50ab4-9ab3-43c8-a375-8dd13fcd05c5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:03:15	-742.818
-107	37995	3799500	09aa8f55-7a49-48fa-bf72-75427fb65ccc	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:06:07	678.639
-107	75990	3799500	9d9fb237-a1a8-47fd-a555-76f41a3da7f9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:41:49	217.735
-108	37996	3799600	1de68677-f8df-4e28-876a-12d73ea396e2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:31:06	453.65
-108	75992	3799600	de62618f-0568-43d0-b852-80105ee87cc0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:32:59	-68.199
-109	37997	3799700	001bef04-3aaa-48a4-b349-2f84daeb326a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:43:05	-906.652
-109	75994	3799700	750929cf-a70e-4cf0-9962-d3a4f92f2558	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:36:47	345.664
-110	37998	3799800	34549dda-fcd4-4c65-823b-0a44c951977f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:59:27	368.347
-110	75996	3799800	f6a4c0d9-5af0-4679-90c3-5d1162c20451	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:27:27	135.415
-111	37999	3799900	97d60fbe-5318-4a81-b6d3-3dab0fe0ea5c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:30:29	725.293
-111	75998	3799900	e5632908-8b2f-4a94-bb49-ba2bddedb25d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:51:51	345.29
-112	38000	3800000	3ef48a8b-4f2a-4604-a641-f6d777900a14	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:39:22	348.729
-112	76000	3800000	a93996ea-5dd2-46f3-a2a7-813772b5ffad	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:27:17	446.592
-113	38001	3800100	36804913-41df-43b5-94fa-538eee3c1a87	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:34:34	188.478
-113	76002	3800100	8ddc2ff0-2343-45a4-a653-a20710f55da6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:58:56	-572.587
-114	38002	3800200	7f72bf9f-d073-4b6e-9fa7-6ceb9f01b348	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:51:23	296.819
-114	76004	3800200	bbda73d0-f7a4-447c-bb18-5a46a180724e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:05:34	646.642
-115	38003	3800300	657b1fb7-2e58-45e1-8ea0-a3f6461bb077	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:26:10	917.588
-115	76006	3800300	a5c5cf57-83aa-48d1-9b2e-7f985dc875fa	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:49:05	784.261
-116	38004	3800400	c04346d3-442c-4ed2-a9c8-538b661ad034	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:28:00	-695.832
-116	76008	3800400	6f3f9637-35b7-4782-a231-7f301a751d93	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:56:58	988.182
-117	38005	3800500	df2ae089-e697-40d9-83b6-66dd500461cf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:37:00	270.108
-117	76010	3800500	f8ad0e1c-3c72-41bb-af8b-bdf67d53074c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:07:54	-473.535
-118	38006	3800600	fcc2c5bc-bd85-475c-96ff-64d108876e89	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:27:08	-431.962
-118	76012	3800600	69f17ff9-7374-45be-a244-270e6d59be28	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:26:54	-484.926
-119	38007	3800700	fc9c6bd1-512a-4808-b840-94691f4a643f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:26:29	-302.940
-119	76014	3800700	6f1a3ea7-04c8-4546-9ca3-c8bfb150d567	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:40:27	113.95
-120	38008	3800800	f448ed41-1b13-40b3-8a20-72d9c2f50d67	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:59:04	-386.945
-120	76016	3800800	3456a6f0-8064-405b-8f9a-f4f6a0b96064	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:41:30	314.604
-121	38009	3800900	a4d1df2c-5abc-4354-bb19-d413cbccfd55	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:00:58	-169.497
-121	76018	3800900	ca82f690-889c-48e9-a2bc-a0a34a96253e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:26:03	64.185
-122	38010	3801000	dedb116b-c155-4918-8a5a-acae417cfa8f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:18:20	553.175
-122	76020	3801000	290451d0-d678-4866-bea8-dd0bad89ca2c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:56:07	-794.542
-123	38011	3801100	4a52cad7-4a03-4365-a23c-6ce1b1fff807	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:04:40	175.316
-123	76022	3801100	893f0b9d-23e6-4411-a012-66d913fda30a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:43:09	452.172
-124	38012	3801200	e31252e0-c800-46a6-8a04-9c692492fb3e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:33:02	-25.665
-124	76024	3801200	35d89ef5-cea5-4b39-a95f-acbc394236bf	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:43:12	-816.799
-125	38013	3801300	be934a29-c571-4482-b876-31d78e5825be	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:20:10	-623.62
-125	76026	3801300	b2c12b55-ab9b-420d-96ba-0c759651e311	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:29:09	-876.985
-126	38014	3801400	920d0473-65a7-41c2-a106-a2b8f083e6cf	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:55:10	-768.838
-126	76028	3801400	5c39aa0e-629f-4016-a180-64b459eb49af	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:43:46	503.644
-127	38015	3801500	844bcb7c-800f-4264-97d4-f819d7bdd79e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:01:50	258.856
-127	76030	3801500	8358af60-7542-4228-bedb-45af0aacbac3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:15:53	541.752
-0	38016	3801600	bfca9274-f46d-4b0b-8491-88bd8c5c03bf	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:51:46	485.478
-0	76032	3801600	b6e6bb05-ffe0-4589-b9e5-c19928fb9a98	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:27:04	329.826
-1	38017	3801700	c8a61364-7fdd-4a2d-851d-96c0f6480911	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:53:31	66.398
-1	76034	3801700	ad03eeac-ded3-424a-b3f9-04c6bdec8e3a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:57:18	964.960
-2	38018	3801800	8eea1cd9-f8dc-4fb8-a688-a43f2a68b988	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:50:26	-417.500
-2	76036	3801800	788b0705-2ee5-4fac-902f-1a84936a5c5b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:40:05	301.2
-3	38019	3801900	f4beba2a-8028-4d70-acd6-6ebd65f1c875	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:51:42	-211.871
-3	76038	3801900	ab8ddab7-9b1b-4a5c-b3a8-98831cc19b71	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:18:04	-790.577
-4	38020	3802000	a0fbd3e1-2ec1-40e5-88a0-54da9d1109ec	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:45:06	-119.537
-4	76040	3802000	c394f7f2-1325-42e3-bb9e-7ef66d8a860c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:59:39	-75.367
-5	38021	3802100	421f25cb-9e69-425b-b125-5a20e3df8bff	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:00:51	982.181
-5	76042	3802100	f7c721ee-1e56-471c-9152-e550dfc25625	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:13:13	833.311
-6	38022	3802200	40b0eda1-33d5-4250-8b90-a4ef3d05a50f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:01:33	839.691
-6	76044	3802200	ffb9745c-d279-4fda-b779-7e7942bb2283	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:33:14	-866.997
-7	38023	3802300	e2e96a29-27e9-4f7c-96ba-18b3df6f49f3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:35:50	-44.17
-7	76046	3802300	dbf34ddd-2dbd-4fb6-9f78-38455323c784	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:38:28	-14.417
-8	38024	3802400	a0de9b4f-f949-4bc0-9ac8-ed496a57b4b7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:26:25	-394.608
-8	76048	3802400	1607bdc1-f561-449a-8073-3ef6d7982510	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:57:50	-360.46
-9	38025	3802500	028e4501-2502-4b92-8777-95e13055f8e9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:28:00	763.73
-9	76050	3802500	03ba4bb1-2c89-4780-95c1-33912fc33423	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:51:19	578.788
-10	38026	3802600	a2f1eeaf-5f42-4fae-9433-e9fba814c4cf	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:56:49	-325.116
-10	76052	3802600	e912027a-0ad0-42f7-bf8a-143568b02d48	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:41:06	2.713
-11	38027	3802700	9331cf08-6359-48af-8e6a-ef5524d4c4f1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:24:39	567.759
-11	76054	3802700	f4d5e384-cec6-4aa9-bddc-9ec7053ee628	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:34:24	-494.444
-12	38028	3802800	081d2f32-3fd8-4b3b-ac09-34c3cffb6c65	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:58:17	-573.329
-12	76056	3802800	5da7ce22-2bbb-4e82-985b-cf5c1763ddc6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:22:55	-779.936
-13	38029	3802900	9cc814fc-fcbd-4ee5-9083-73a1279e5076	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:58:27	-532.198
-13	76058	3802900	69db62ac-dbbb-40bb-9c26-1e8af220880f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:17:26	-329.711
-14	38030	3803000	7c2ebc69-b97a-485d-96a6-8c0d7c2a1399	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:05:08	-107.383
-14	76060	3803000	0a379fc4-f1ba-4626-9dc2-853ed27348ef	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:50:33	-369.245
-15	38031	3803100	657b821a-3a9a-42ee-a348-b8b64afcc474	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:03:26	-199.160
-15	76062	3803100	79c6ab83-37a0-4811-930d-08a1dc004178	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:16:40	-159.820
-16	38032	3803200	fddbe054-629b-4ebc-b680-2a99a64963df	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:50:30	606.327
-16	76064	3803200	284fe972-200e-40d5-9045-f78dd006a0b3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:48:19	-115.109
-17	38033	3803300	8e0a800f-9aa9-47ab-ba78-2a540ff1067a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:46:39	-190.562
-17	76066	3803300	63bbc5fd-e7c8-4f5e-a5ba-4805b86c97ff	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:02:03	936.819
-18	38034	3803400	124b9588-ca58-4aa0-a437-c1ae3da8588a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:49:03	-967.744
-18	76068	3803400	adcefdac-0486-4c4b-a0cb-2fb9ee5ab56b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:54:44	-781.120
-19	38035	3803500	9b9cc61b-6f51-49b7-aac4-8c100ca17b8d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:53:56	-501.673
-19	76070	3803500	df44f6ce-722b-46f6-a1ee-59ed5da85513	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:04:33	197.158
-20	38036	3803600	881bdc22-144c-4381-a760-868a299f469d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:22:32	359.59
-20	76072	3803600	9c719413-fa7b-4106-ac96-eb02b2116442	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:26:23	444.641
-21	38037	3803700	11abcee8-1c5f-4589-8566-90e3dbbe1279	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:11:01	303.642
-21	76074	3803700	9c3ebe31-e88f-4544-9304-3ae327137588	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:45:17	265.182
-22	38038	3803800	a0c999ce-d100-4add-ae71-4a2bca721496	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:17:09	407.574
-22	76076	3803800	e654161f-a31e-43b2-9beb-e5d83a72d051	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:00:00	-959.959
-23	38039	3803900	0b6d87ac-cbfe-43ac-946a-f2ec0781d63f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:21:49	169.806
-23	76078	3803900	68c400fa-d1d0-4b46-9737-847ef2f5dac0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:36:47	-825.931
-24	38040	3804000	eeff42a9-5e62-433d-b4fe-b3d4188a67fd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:30:55	951.808
-24	76080	3804000	8fd8bc19-fbd8-439c-8e09-6dfcb53bc74f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:22:53	-757.429
-25	38041	3804100	6fd50838-769d-4d31-9ce6-f7e5b9c9b9ab	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:08:29	403.73
-25	76082	3804100	fad97697-5d89-4f5c-9df7-3894063aacea	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:48:39	-366.400
-26	38042	3804200	1c2497d6-e97b-46ab-948c-d28783c3efd6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:32:27	250.747
-26	76084	3804200	02fd8b28-0dbc-488c-b29e-9c891071aa78	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:12:22	201.40
-27	38043	3804300	7513d795-b7fe-43ee-ac41-c73207e3f480	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:33:10	-585.772
-27	76086	3804300	fa9ad68a-c901-4c74-b00b-72c2b343af05	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:00:31	577.661
-28	38044	3804400	bd8f83d9-2166-4f1f-a57c-870bdfd700f5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:23:17	-125.258
-28	76088	3804400	71e4ecd5-dcaa-474c-86ec-c59fbad7d900	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:25:17	-762.255
-29	38045	3804500	f5f9e1a6-c461-4209-9cc1-65975f98c372	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:18:08	211.133
-29	76090	3804500	9a22d91b-7018-4ec3-9e24-a5377e1cf2a6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:39:13	387.14
-30	38046	3804600	dca69f04-ebae-4ab1-8927-ea3107c188aa	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:15:44	-392.838
-30	76092	3804600	6cd4884d-e8ef-4842-93f4-6399ff94e0ab	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:20:47	-250.164
-31	38047	3804700	fd3106bc-1b77-4ead-b560-a365fd2ce896	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:37:04	-76.704
-31	76094	3804700	6ec3bff8-2ac3-48bb-9548-146c84d4599f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:17:52	623.925
-32	38048	3804800	95cea6c3-c9f4-43ed-8f72-f79f15afa41b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:55:26	226.78
-32	76096	3804800	a130e941-9dd7-43b1-b839-6af310ea9424	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:59:21	827.254
-33	38049	3804900	e6f47071-c754-42a0-b3c1-2bb3ea257574	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:35:53	311.882
-33	76098	3804900	d8e3de9f-6ac2-4faf-b508-24975ea879bd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:41:46	-634.702
-34	38050	3805000	6572dd5d-2efa-44f2-9d8c-4dfdcde7635c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:52:49	937.800
-34	76100	3805000	bd0998b2-0656-48f0-aac1-97523861c101	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:56:30	-503.728
-35	38051	3805100	d41e084a-e15e-49fc-8581-a3e080f770d6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:01:37	558.808
-35	76102	3805100	e23ad6e9-f31b-4a84-9cad-00a88a7bcbff	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:54:57	-724.369
-36	38052	3805200	2b036b24-3768-441f-b950-ea95900e9bc0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:17:42	-956.742
-36	76104	3805200	5ef3a9d1-e416-4974-8480-7a8bcf876713	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:16:48	737.840
-37	38053	3805300	98267b01-4c58-4f9c-adf4-87be4d848b1a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:51:01	-548.747
-37	76106	3805300	7718146e-d522-450a-8744-8231c81ff3fa	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:15:37	-214.157
-38	38054	3805400	9e4667f7-cf66-4b4c-9d5e-47b984c2f4df	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:14:59	77.338
-38	76108	3805400	09fa9aed-efeb-4778-9f9a-79ae5149c433	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:57:37	576.263
-39	38055	3805500	046861c3-4a35-4aa1-bd18-3225e1a10ca3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:16:32	812.195
-39	76110	3805500	4118786f-8c1a-4a6f-b0d1-28d4a7174e72	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:52:43	-38.991
-40	38056	3805600	313e0d46-4633-4224-b199-b5f5d9eb0852	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:33:06	-739.941
-40	76112	3805600	d871d531-4f00-4133-9660-e870961aceb1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:37:52	-948.33
-41	38057	3805700	a45241ff-9e31-4094-8984-7989e9415460	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:37:06	888.882
-41	76114	3805700	aa0b9420-4d4f-456e-bafb-d6f77c7d7c40	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:49:28	-772.703
-42	38058	3805800	75f37bf2-4df2-4b1e-b442-ce13f931dc0c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:03:02	-663.535
-42	76116	3805800	0b76e051-8eeb-407f-afc3-3ae87e9ccd9d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:09:43	112.691
-43	38059	3805900	9be54766-fcf2-44c1-a079-fa2bd479ffe0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:42:25	-279.844
-43	76118	3805900	2af67ccf-3258-430a-b9cc-1a9f33e7736b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:38:46	984.807
-44	38060	3806000	f24fda5a-d142-4f7e-90e6-59b8598fef13	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:15:31	-675.196
-44	76120	3806000	9ab80f59-391a-47be-b72e-79f818d51e45	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:50:22	-198.182
-45	38061	3806100	a78b70b4-5ed8-4f77-9767-e059a13d87d9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:26:34	240.596
-45	76122	3806100	7ddd3901-53f5-4637-81ca-2fdaeb56e3a6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:53:00	-599.530
-46	38062	3806200	512c6b7b-350e-4edc-95c7-566ecdb345b9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:02:39	-28.654
-46	76124	3806200	448fcbb1-7d11-415f-ad9a-2335bdb6ee30	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:14:25	923.336
-47	38063	3806300	d8548ab5-e131-47f1-a688-a7c4e7cce251	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:00:00	157.639
-47	76126	3806300	7789682a-0ca8-474a-89f3-048c6f8c912f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:40:01	603.630
-48	38064	3806400	452c9cc9-bf5d-4e55-ad86-a13f6528b1aa	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:32:53	772.922
-48	76128	3806400	49c92403-e165-41d3-9f3e-6b5f5896798f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:33:07	-805.762
-49	38065	3806500	d236447a-c332-4d90-a90b-aceccd62bf7f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:51:59	115.243
-49	76130	3806500	3373fa52-e14c-4236-847b-dd03cb847f16	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:46:12	-96.364
-50	38066	3806600	da4ca536-c389-4c92-83f9-6d53ebbdab01	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:37:45	-272.247
-50	76132	3806600	3100f677-7868-4bd9-b8c8-5189a5d88e7f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:15:38	543.550
-51	38067	3806700	d90c6bfc-a6e3-4e6e-a677-86351fb4fd2b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:39:20	279.896
-51	76134	3806700	9a70a65d-2c85-4868-8681-144992f770bc	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:13:44	40.631
-52	38068	3806800	50e2718c-8a68-4bd5-8092-63639e6d7ab5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:39:32	119.9
-52	76136	3806800	19dae56c-b9e5-4e3f-970b-724744f7ed56	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:57:12	-194.941
-53	38069	3806900	64a5af70-745b-4a59-8248-6f9141e5a61b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:51:00	461.955
-53	76138	3806900	4a02642f-372f-4260-bc57-c8fbb21caebf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:12:30	710.238
-54	38070	3807000	e47404c9-95f2-447e-ae34-6c101efc66af	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:09:58	-349.418
-54	76140	3807000	7365b814-917f-4c3f-bf15-5db50c8cccc1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:56:46	-561.679
-55	38071	3807100	647a65fa-16f3-4202-846e-959c81d57c06	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:45:43	-843.182
-55	76142	3807100	0c8e2029-1a34-4993-87c4-f86d145092f5	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:58:21	313.22
-56	38072	3807200	34141760-4873-437e-a2a7-7140ac192029	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:47:02	968.678
-56	76144	3807200	c4f9b5b5-7172-42fb-b39d-9bf484e34b03	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:14:24	300.663
-57	38073	3807300	0e3db40e-c529-4aba-afcc-aad103069468	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:32:57	-286.905
-57	76146	3807300	b6ab1a93-9d58-4892-b424-d0f3898c2820	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:43:16	-519.284
-58	38074	3807400	f7960c0d-075a-4f23-b5a7-fc007a48c43f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:54:47	-657.267
-58	76148	3807400	01861021-8c13-481f-b432-3ce90ab23068	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:09:31	-877.17
-59	38075	3807500	d7902ffc-8021-4277-8937-0ea9823d8e78	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:45:54	107.940
-59	76150	3807500	a9f509da-37b8-487f-8bbd-70bf3c7d4b1a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:08:34	211.74
-60	38076	3807600	d0277b4f-aa4d-42b2-8dc7-bcd751a7fb5d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:38:19	334.724
-60	76152	3807600	87433ab5-0c19-41f6-af8d-4c4a9b191f19	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:14:57	-160.95
-61	38077	3807700	0429074e-1be0-4621-b689-4d6162404a84	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:20:02	43.858
-61	76154	3807700	92d0cb8a-a256-468a-859e-36150597fb9d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:43:33	812.635
-62	38078	3807800	1ae63b10-08fe-43fe-bfe9-869c26e83817	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:31:17	488.143
-62	76156	3807800	b6ceb5ce-8552-4145-a038-0c661d2e3dd9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:55:50	825.224
-63	38079	3807900	a2d6296e-12f1-4503-9e5e-30037d1a9c3c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:28:25	322.726
-63	76158	3807900	bfb3a815-3083-453b-ae99-ae0cb2b5fbdf	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:11:43	-384.893
-64	38080	3808000	54e04d7c-57f5-463b-a5d0-27b1c57a3961	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:58:03	-156.439
-64	76160	3808000	9383ea7a-f699-4aa9-ae34-2bbbaf143986	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:42:12	56.96
-65	38081	3808100	2d13521a-3a97-4d61-ae09-2b4b07e26b0d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:14:09	462.166
-65	76162	3808100	cdf027fe-9c84-4b91-b31b-0b8df08da337	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:20:48	-396.641
-66	38082	3808200	69649ebd-03a5-41bb-a64b-65dbcc425b49	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:15:30	-262.92
-66	76164	3808200	4a254c25-bf72-4dbe-aeb8-b2cc41ee2a63	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:53:14	639.743
-67	38083	3808300	9ea84804-48a1-479c-8818-6cabb3a680ac	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:18:20	-90.642
-67	76166	3808300	4c25585e-53ce-4da6-b3ef-e077a2824673	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:54:46	-908.986
-68	38084	3808400	93897d7e-f7d0-4fb5-928c-88f0ce786ef3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:49:30	-688.602
-68	76168	3808400	156c0999-78df-4145-bab8-9711116090bd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:30:22	776.948
-69	38085	3808500	c151c932-e99c-4afa-a141-0f433bb39b4b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:30:48	-519.590
-69	76170	3808500	e2a2b856-5fe1-4808-8d20-27d53a6ebfe9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:23:08	936.315
-70	38086	3808600	77856331-b5bb-4e92-a702-ecb76786b962	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:57:22	408.11
-70	76172	3808600	ca3295b1-3283-41cf-ab0c-1dc58885990d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:44:01	-46.527
-71	38087	3808700	1d024da9-0ebe-49bc-8cd2-f2d596946879	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:43:57	-944.320
-71	76174	3808700	3b47dcfb-cdef-4476-b4db-44571e5a0964	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:18:09	780.845
-72	38088	3808800	2ff7234e-b0de-4c26-bb70-eefee7e03fe2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:49:56	152.15
-72	76176	3808800	c52cd2f5-fb49-46d7-bb19-57ec9166d070	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:06:57	-15.300
-73	38089	3808900	e4901bb2-0664-4ece-8902-bb9a8ec956c9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:14:27	-568.683
-73	76178	3808900	5c331aef-cae4-421d-8d84-ab41bb7abf73	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:22:49	-295.109
-74	38090	3809000	9708582a-0da7-4003-9fb6-84669ec51060	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:44:33	-30.675
-74	76180	3809000	e68e98ef-7833-437e-94d7-5c36aa31bf43	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:26:28	-3.928
-75	38091	3809100	88df2a53-33b8-401f-b9e1-d9e8796eab8e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:12:21	-981.444
-75	76182	3809100	5459c4ea-d0c8-4e05-8139-762245a9c5a4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:58:30	-830.696
-76	38092	3809200	5d8e5ba9-4d6c-4713-a03f-ea4947c5338d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:15:04	-155.93
-76	76184	3809200	7196fa3c-2102-4dac-bdc5-f7b8c5801553	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:26:00	-367.111
-77	38093	3809300	bb5082d5-6556-411b-907d-0b798e97292f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:53:00	-970.648
-77	76186	3809300	3fd181b0-a20a-4e6f-9c79-d5cb2c137acf	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:42:17	-167.190
-78	38094	3809400	6c198888-efe6-47d0-8a3f-bf6c62b77bc1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:38:19	535.952
-78	76188	3809400	b67368cc-8297-48da-8694-8bd569ce2c8f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:13:57	156.54
-79	38095	3809500	f751f14b-af9f-42a3-89e8-9049797b5fb6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:09:32	606.332
-79	76190	3809500	f9bb262d-0e4a-4bd8-b4b1-ff8846f32010	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:55:41	-986.455
-80	38096	3809600	b0ef1255-9a39-4634-a238-5c70189686d2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:12:08	-921.214
-80	76192	3809600	50587d4d-5a0c-48fc-8d7f-741265afa714	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:53:36	310.907
-81	38097	3809700	8688d367-86d0-4e4b-b3a5-3b1edb68d421	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:56:16	-476.848
-81	76194	3809700	6a34b574-d6ee-4ea5-b86c-6bbe43cd7c75	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:09:10	-443.897
-82	38098	3809800	76c53a5a-f8ec-4537-b1be-ea360f3547f6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:50:48	501.779
-82	76196	3809800	a48aab9c-84b5-43fb-b495-f82daa5a2a2a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:27:29	-807.787
-83	38099	3809900	176f01af-edff-4e37-891c-d7ebc30aee9c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:46:47	468.528
-83	76198	3809900	532c126e-25b6-466e-8f62-e041d344fe1e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:26:17	-745.1
-84	38100	3810000	08731a8f-2d7b-40ca-af3a-7036c7845183	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:34:10	229.840
-84	76200	3810000	95f4ab42-26e2-41ee-96a8-a32893e66cc9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:01:17	248.57
-85	38101	3810100	9ba92a20-a903-4a8a-a01d-5307f23fd6f6	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:11:40	505.186
-85	76202	3810100	a9e60627-9039-4e0f-a5da-bf372929dec5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:05:27	894.121
-86	38102	3810200	f567ffa0-b251-44de-b546-6ed050810fae	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:31:16	-811.314
-86	76204	3810200	e8024445-bd5e-4de1-acfa-cc3e7e152c4d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:58:19	-157.333
-87	38103	3810300	8647f827-49e8-494e-9f3e-a5d77f357077	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:58:57	171.464
-87	76206	3810300	f5fde341-c674-4bf5-b159-aa5f1c04927f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:35:29	-129.772
-88	38104	3810400	a3685359-ef19-40ae-96b3-169be7cfd0ff	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:11:28	319.177
-88	76208	3810400	b617c15d-a4e8-459f-b759-043e76c68bb4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:15:15	-781.152
-89	38105	3810500	2ece1967-78a6-4f1e-97b6-6c3730ed8264	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:50:13	-760.794
-89	76210	3810500	ab4a43a8-a2e4-4842-9a83-01a5948b9ff7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:15:21	-768.706
-90	38106	3810600	a50ba8ed-6f91-4908-ba68-cb57fb589dab	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:55:10	566.575
-90	76212	3810600	207e736a-e7cb-4725-b508-69db1255eef1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:38:25	561.841
-91	38107	3810700	69b61a0e-a71e-42e9-8d83-a5d022411ad7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:24:37	930.721
-91	76214	3810700	7b218474-1108-439c-90b6-2c68213b09fc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:13:44	-999.447
-92	38108	3810800	904f32bb-30c7-42b9-a807-d30bec64cb71	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:42:18	-842.602
-92	76216	3810800	5c39e1cd-b435-45bb-a25c-27f22dec3b06	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:51:34	923.444
-93	38109	3810900	b2418ba8-44d2-4951-a2e6-d788e66fec2e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:18:28	-767.584
-93	76218	3810900	56729f9b-2500-4d4b-b4be-6c844e47ac40	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:49:56	132.848
-94	38110	3811000	714ec6ee-42c6-4588-a1d0-0aabe8025e06	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:33:09	-508.39
-94	76220	3811000	d22d8156-dd81-441c-b599-4697fa1add9b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:56:12	-506.320
-95	38111	3811100	c3ac979f-67b9-4364-bb45-9f24eced1755	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:24:49	499.886
-95	76222	3811100	8669c467-473a-4d54-97a2-00318b3e69aa	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:36:19	636.483
-96	38112	3811200	680beb0d-c2ba-4b8c-9153-6769443791bd	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:03:45	-497.703
-96	76224	3811200	d8d1cd87-1b0f-4bc6-86b8-eb53f138b7fa	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:46:27	687.5
-97	38113	3811300	f979fe90-03bc-460c-961d-31233f6d3d34	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:20:43	-47.492
-97	76226	3811300	0a096064-d5db-408d-8ea5-75814431baf4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:40:58	391.643
-98	38114	3811400	17658408-f32a-4b27-b8a7-88dcd6d616f7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:46:22	-126.525
-98	76228	3811400	cabe12f3-2fac-4e5e-b3ef-31a7bbd624ed	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:48:41	-713.177
-99	38115	3811500	627561bc-4cfa-4a25-98c3-6a9f4630d4cf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:50:26	-62.780
-99	76230	3811500	8c520cda-d1ed-49e3-a21c-7c3265766bf2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:07:52	355.800
-100	38116	3811600	8c6f1146-b6b9-4cad-b1cd-1dc86ea40811	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:21:38	354.711
-100	76232	3811600	fbc21d2e-f85a-4398-813f-46f2c9ee35dd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:39:14	-660.789
-101	38117	3811700	cb809d15-f055-4c65-b4e0-14e4afd1d16b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:46:11	93.919
-101	76234	3811700	f7c0ecdd-031f-4d1b-a0bb-d7eb42781525	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:58:29	215.699
-102	38118	3811800	ddf88d36-3cb2-489c-8aab-1a829421c9d0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:10:09	83.704
-102	76236	3811800	36c401ed-d5c1-4a90-aed5-03e161f409c5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:38:19	597.589
-103	38119	3811900	9649d898-e63e-499d-b812-8927255838ab	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:44:00	-952.384
-103	76238	3811900	73ea9282-6c7a-4c77-942e-6605e8c53a1b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:07:26	680.632
-104	38120	3812000	472b3be4-ae68-49a1-b421-d41ecbea810a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:45:56	-998.218
-104	76240	3812000	b847d84f-196e-4cb6-b86b-42eb97ca4cfd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:59:24	813.258
-105	38121	3812100	8c728481-bcc5-46e7-8c44-c6f4db32f65b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:21:03	-212.616
-105	76242	3812100	d449ceb1-88b0-4d21-9959-f0b08e965bef	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:57:59	635.669
-106	38122	3812200	f175dffe-009d-4471-b32c-9199a7bf8a07	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:24:00	972.105
-106	76244	3812200	923517d5-6c3e-4c4c-b530-7af0fee9707b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 21:57:48	759.477
-107	38123	3812300	301de1c6-7780-40bc-9b56-bca204f66d38	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:59:23	969.258
-107	76246	3812300	10fdae89-3a97-4c69-a113-8d36b788f23c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:20:50	-408.592
-108	38124	3812400	50f6ea38-9920-46aa-8c51-befb674e3a64	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:22:22	985.286
-108	76248	3812400	ab2f11ba-e409-45f9-b0f8-2402d5208507	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:22:58	504.905
-109	38125	3812500	009de152-945a-405c-a8e8-5a6aa25ebe0d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:00:45	-287.63
-109	76250	3812500	fa96f686-3a53-4145-8865-c57824b8ac05	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:35:16	941.714
-110	38126	3812600	2bf4fba2-0683-44ec-afc7-cead9de45370	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:11:33	156.459
-110	76252	3812600	903231ed-dbab-4cf3-ae66-3ee201fcfb42	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:33:16	879.360
-111	38127	3812700	a004e2b9-d1ba-47d5-9ba8-88943d5f8de2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:39:38	467.577
-111	76254	3812700	89273c46-f32a-45f9-9169-5ce61eb931c8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:20:57	-675.933
-112	38128	3812800	2eb418a1-e6bb-4287-91f9-3d7d5883f7b9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:09:46	33.352
-112	76256	3812800	b360f510-7124-4fbe-9e83-955ebf89158c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:19:59	-632.555
-113	38129	3812900	47d6e832-6f9d-4b3f-a194-2cf4678846e2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:59:45	-493.449
-113	76258	3812900	9ac0ed48-b56c-4cab-bd9c-ab5c31cd40e0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:59:20	-255.756
-114	38130	3813000	cf65076b-e4fc-4990-85f6-53e67b8b6d40	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:07:37	-222.490
-114	76260	3813000	4d73292b-fc4d-47f1-9e78-3f209f7777ca	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:10:02	116.209
-115	38131	3813100	585811c8-05bc-433c-8048-a306ba805ac2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:32:51	-373.467
-115	76262	3813100	7aa36b6a-80d2-4b88-afed-67b1762e93d3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:53:44	186.300
-116	38132	3813200	6517b469-58e7-4d06-b71a-04d3182e943f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:48:40	-79.876
-116	76264	3813200	3b5a425f-7e4f-4c03-8615-aea9609e3bca	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:35:32	-468.634
-117	38133	3813300	cf646eef-8a3c-456e-82b9-5ee5f3264cee	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:08:45	-595.433
-117	76266	3813300	6ceaf494-c6cb-49f7-9f3a-80f54b156908	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:44:30	-963.369
-118	38134	3813400	990269f1-0e97-433b-b991-b16d95102e63	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:07:44	-11.665
-118	76268	3813400	e20b3ca0-9d0c-4d5c-89f7-2ce4da1f0ea3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:38:59	-333.539
-119	38135	3813500	ecfdce95-0b7f-404e-8452-23dd80943303	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:23:39	-28.470
-119	76270	3813500	496cadc7-477f-43be-b4db-030779e8614c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:01:57	-576.415
-120	38136	3813600	845c93ca-5855-436b-9848-7326ce3c8716	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:12:10	-511.161
-120	76272	3813600	ab862a08-48ae-4756-9926-880d3fe8b229	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:40:08	883.246
-121	38137	3813700	e5b31d5a-6120-4937-96c9-00c1b0fa04fd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:12:40	644.891
-121	76274	3813700	ade74419-3826-4480-b533-719d029ebd06	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:16:15	-403.719
-122	38138	3813800	607e0088-8b99-45f2-a2dc-956bad6a30f7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:06:05	507.962
-122	76276	3813800	bf8a41bb-6b99-426b-9dc4-82e2c4520020	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:57:32	497.19
-123	38139	3813900	8707eae4-972f-4bc3-a488-b3e3f4ca4086	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:46:29	-520.138
-123	76278	3813900	7956e6fa-f1f9-4145-bee5-201886520e58	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:17:07	341.454
-124	38140	3814000	44e51a20-4770-4f5a-addb-4ab38b713288	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:14:56	-977.388
-124	76280	3814000	1ae0d284-1898-465b-8070-021802d72caa	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:19:05	-159.523
-125	38141	3814100	ab0dc87a-9619-49e3-a56b-ec5e51096f04	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:23:03	204.294
-125	76282	3814100	1191ff8a-f895-445d-8748-4c91b5a54d67	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:25:03	393.532
-126	38142	3814200	bde71b56-f504-4870-8ff4-2943f74d6d68	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:09:49	-835.284
-126	76284	3814200	70b2543b-4e1d-472c-a6a5-cb65da2877d3	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:40:01	-289.758
-127	38143	3814300	2d5d4d5d-b308-4a79-8904-c129153143d8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:20:20	-428.181
-127	76286	3814300	750c304f-67b5-4914-a612-5719bef31112	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:45:57	-380.846
-0	38144	3814400	b785eb61-0afb-4e99-bc80-01de83732879	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:43:54	513.869
-0	76288	3814400	9b6fe18c-e005-49f4-9312-7799fe4c361c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:22:31	-388.222
-1	38145	3814500	e752f14b-ceea-46b6-9c82-298ed31e99fb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:23:07	-872.838
-1	76290	3814500	cf32e180-7a1f-4743-a28d-7a365b6ccd1c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:49:28	-349.509
-2	38146	3814600	7dcaa97d-507b-4c60-88fc-2fab070ca91c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:49:30	-761.222
-2	76292	3814600	5ca65208-3b19-4538-bfc8-ed49c8866cc0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:25:21	462.99
-3	38147	3814700	52ec9800-4a32-4c89-9dfb-78a67abb5d16	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:48:49	-792.715
-3	76294	3814700	3e7adb1c-de1f-42cb-8bcd-fa493fc4b6ca	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:38:29	-460.583
-4	38148	3814800	180060fb-89ff-4ac7-b984-556dd0a234aa	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:47:10	608.978
-4	76296	3814800	00981f54-3cd8-4943-adb1-2fcdc1297c9c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:51:08	-644.190
-5	38149	3814900	47c3c261-8d96-444d-ab8d-79c30a18ff34	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:58:15	528.632
-5	76298	3814900	9de547f6-0ec6-4da5-971d-a5eca1beb912	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:42:12	17.968
-6	38150	3815000	50a75049-217d-4fa5-8729-b71f326089d2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:37:58	-453.492
-6	76300	3815000	9d36f784-d82b-4a92-adea-64516862c8bf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:58:02	-687.460
-7	38151	3815100	905c3cda-ca78-4e74-9d22-4695fb9b853e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:03:13	-29.30
-7	76302	3815100	6b1d01aa-6187-4a07-8d31-2c680fa89f60	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:54:49	703.610
-8	38152	3815200	6c534a16-f448-4dbc-af50-59bbfa269253	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:16:10	789.73
-8	76304	3815200	d84e2bb5-b8b8-48c7-b49c-602f17b10f45	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:02:57	998.195
-9	38153	3815300	6c6e0f73-2671-43d8-8907-13fc82d32fdd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:27:19	-848.408
-9	76306	3815300	11b46f79-cd7f-474d-910a-33e8e40294f8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:58:30	861.934
-10	38154	3815400	c35dfa30-1190-4a32-b8da-ee27959d5867	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:23:53	-844.98
-10	76308	3815400	47583fbb-f0b9-43a7-8409-376d750b61d8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:25:12	255.715
-11	38155	3815500	78972321-d954-48e5-a7bf-d14f5259cc76	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:20:50	354.597
-11	76310	3815500	2b7b7f1d-5917-4982-a6e5-55330399495c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:09:49	220.112
-12	38156	3815600	1ec2f06e-1b45-44da-a63e-ad7efba09e4f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:35:19	931.953
-12	76312	3815600	fc5db636-7ad0-4b9b-b33c-94944852189a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:26:50	-68.579
-13	38157	3815700	c78c8c21-eb4c-41dd-aeda-1e3a9d73996d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:35:20	279.628
-13	76314	3815700	a24e7dad-77a3-4a9b-8655-de95a49ecba2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:33:56	45.954
-14	38158	3815800	c14778e1-6e82-41a2-8cd3-563ed5ab4a95	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:56:49	524.167
-14	76316	3815800	f13347c2-6437-488d-b808-04f8a8a9e0fb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:47:21	-795.121
-15	38159	3815900	8b440dc6-9ae2-473f-a70a-cb9f827c41e1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:47:31	225.967
-15	76318	3815900	3551bc74-3551-4fa2-8fea-7bad66d89c7e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:51:18	581.841
-16	38160	3816000	87ef6e09-97dd-4a05-b806-cd958a41a8ae	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:15:23	-730.432
-16	76320	3816000	7804f9a2-32b9-4f61-b7c3-69fc09d61269	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:17:43	-165.332
-17	38161	3816100	66458409-10ea-417f-b44d-f36061fcb082	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:09:24	300.564
-17	76322	3816100	ba70e5aa-f75f-400a-bb47-524da4a07f37	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:27:19	-792.325
-18	38162	3816200	9e380a54-35f8-415a-9582-c45fe310ef1b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:49:22	984.491
-18	76324	3816200	2ba88f19-8b07-476b-a715-6f60be6b39ad	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:30:27	799.20
-19	38163	3816300	3bec6f06-c804-4b0d-addc-2156a1dc7b35	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:19:38	871.821
-19	76326	3816300	d6a1002f-c9f7-4489-ab81-dc4a850b1a0a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:21:11	31.900
-20	38164	3816400	51a2a4d8-5a16-4223-b967-503f8a60dcde	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:08:25	376.567
-20	76328	3816400	0f261ddf-ff05-467a-82b4-85c932486f24	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:26:32	368.735
-21	38165	3816500	567a3e2f-8d47-4d83-9b17-1a4e685067f7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:27:46	-737.114
-21	76330	3816500	cb16bcfb-ed6b-46de-8424-52f2a77ac142	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:46:13	-26.846
-22	38166	3816600	1244fe76-92d4-421a-830d-812b09f59fec	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:18:19	358.831
-22	76332	3816600	7b44b073-498e-44e6-aae8-7a2224df879d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:18:44	811.724
-23	38167	3816700	43372e03-6a4a-4730-a58f-e98fa5c5a0df	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:40:41	227.939
-23	76334	3816700	a6029174-b411-4129-96dd-e09e55fb6837	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:21:28	-364.531
-24	38168	3816800	bc38fd16-3fb8-49f6-860f-4ea8ad935726	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:50:29	-402.927
-24	76336	3816800	b6164917-5d9e-4b5c-939e-a28c36ec93b1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:53:40	-399.357
-25	38169	3816900	07443fb1-0b8a-49d1-adf1-38b09eed7024	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:45:06	354.130
-25	76338	3816900	022f1e7c-3993-4690-bdf5-839293467cb3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:43:00	-123.795
-26	38170	3817000	b1029cef-c01c-4d8b-a8e7-8a24dfe1c5d2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:14:46	-704.850
-26	76340	3817000	3457b24c-6054-4128-ab6e-12da3170f524	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:40:45	-529.728
-27	38171	3817100	88165872-0be3-4fb8-a031-303558cad712	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:06:22	-947.206
-27	76342	3817100	4abdc0f3-9b5d-42b9-8c8f-05b7aa6f5e95	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:37:33	334.555
-28	38172	3817200	05e9e2f8-63b5-490f-9454-8e22ad1b6a2e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:07:03	-297.678
-28	76344	3817200	5d5a9bc6-4758-4871-9c57-12acd70944f0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:37:15	393.507
-29	38173	3817300	772395e4-e4cb-4a2a-be46-f49d392c1a79	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:50:47	525.727
-29	76346	3817300	c0e83d29-a599-418c-b0ee-3de250d4f67d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:05:31	-4.511
-30	38174	3817400	2f8be039-b8df-47ba-aa45-36c802a960ed	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:00:25	-11.952
-30	76348	3817400	1a18de57-a209-4336-acfc-76f83ecc2222	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:36:14	-305.409
-31	38175	3817500	6028c97f-c413-42d7-88c1-ec451af916eb	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:20:02	323.124
-31	76350	3817500	9d46dad7-f903-48b9-815d-29bc41054338	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:31:51	-664.637
-32	38176	3817600	1269d0b8-200d-42aa-bac4-78bb20dd01a7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:44:24	686.768
-32	76352	3817600	e981dbdd-fc10-43bb-9127-110c97608ea0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:45:43	-468.840
-33	38177	3817700	8ff17abe-4dc7-4316-b909-8a323fa94376	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:34:32	218.222
-33	76354	3817700	b02ea95c-d183-4845-9e75-297c2a722966	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:17:59	93.37
-34	38178	3817800	1ed176a1-3828-4399-997d-52f65a0ba7e4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:39:17	-972.533
-34	76356	3817800	dca2d4c8-6957-4d88-b76a-4e2967c627c9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:52:59	-719.93
-35	38179	3817900	08f31532-d17c-46ff-b7c6-ab1c1ca1277f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:07:15	-309.244
-35	76358	3817900	34bc58ff-73d5-45a5-bde0-ef136e13ecac	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:26:18	-60.293
-36	38180	3818000	7ab78e3e-2af3-469d-983d-03f1820de091	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:35:01	-580.895
-36	76360	3818000	066dfcea-ef43-454a-b611-a06586a22ef5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:33:23	-584.924
-37	38181	3818100	318f3597-8ff5-4ee9-bdc1-fcbf47306867	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:10:53	-183.983
-37	76362	3818100	07063849-68ae-4e19-b12e-62ac7e287792	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:44:25	57.195
-38	38182	3818200	94d35b68-4790-42e5-8d72-57130c4cd4ee	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:59:27	-673.457
-38	76364	3818200	1e1ef51b-9311-43be-a134-9f5189bb565c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:55:37	480.269
-39	38183	3818300	c448554a-b1d7-4891-8161-314a2d013085	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:42:55	-696.786
-39	76366	3818300	b72a1eb2-f0d1-4a25-9792-83b43c45bf46	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:01:42	64.542
-40	38184	3818400	78284ad2-dd28-4236-892e-24a564b0e050	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:38:57	-306.35
-40	76368	3818400	decc310f-f9b0-4db0-9050-e89384088a4b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:05:29	997.504
-41	38185	3818500	f934ff1c-a748-46ed-bb61-9f4121d0a281	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:06:54	-160.694
-41	76370	3818500	ac661f49-e403-4320-b1a6-ca9af5b03c38	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:38:50	-973.636
-42	38186	3818600	46959eda-7853-4f76-a98e-b4c5d8e5bd89	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:56:44	-21.445
-42	76372	3818600	db1cab1f-344c-421a-8ad6-b1a4a9b73ca2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:11:09	597.81
-43	38187	3818700	a5c60552-a683-4321-a45c-7c5fd0052b59	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:55:32	183.452
-43	76374	3818700	73680331-82ff-46e8-bc0c-f567165ead70	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:17:34	-158.466
-44	38188	3818800	72c79788-a4a4-49ce-bd99-44576eedd422	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:09:31	167.737
-44	76376	3818800	6a59b36f-b1eb-4c40-8b03-71d824acbe26	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:24:47	-348.442
-45	38189	3818900	8ba93ac7-3dd0-4080-b759-dcb6eeb46a22	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:10:35	-56.926
-45	76378	3818900	c4bc91c1-e4e9-4923-990e-138a522f3281	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:51:17	-186.940
-46	38190	3819000	d6a85acd-e81b-45be-b8c6-690250a1babf	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:37:37	-747.262
-46	76380	3819000	c21543a3-45fb-4525-aff8-db51b0847372	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:26:22	-951.112
-47	38191	3819100	af4dfd2a-8ceb-475d-a843-1dfaf7e2a1a1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:21:45	89.714
-47	76382	3819100	cba8caaf-8e03-445d-967e-b487fd0f9d88	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:09:36	217.523
-48	38192	3819200	ff092907-7b80-431d-8d41-826a150be141	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:55:37	-649.55
-48	76384	3819200	b4d3ea77-f6e4-4ed5-865b-97d6253db034	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:54:25	899.21
-49	38193	3819300	6a75e047-b809-4779-873f-28eba04921ee	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:03:30	672.317
-49	76386	3819300	8cae515d-3336-46bf-9997-ca76abd407b0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:37:39	597.83
-50	38194	3819400	00621f0a-c61b-4da1-8270-56a593ace184	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:22:12	-159.337
-50	76388	3819400	a20c9937-c364-42fb-86b0-8413e836a377	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:49:14	587.277
-51	38195	3819500	c6a0e92d-6a4f-485f-b050-c3bb1c3db879	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:07:32	965.944
-51	76390	3819500	2d72bb32-8c72-456c-8ac9-c38136415e6f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:41:38	-298.743
-52	38196	3819600	a2224f30-d662-4b66-8327-695aaafe76a3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:25:52	-518.549
-52	76392	3819600	a4d41bfb-d202-40a7-80b7-4ae3d430dbc0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:10:16	406.601
-53	38197	3819700	f55ec53e-199d-4dfb-910e-3d9adb61f323	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:24:21	-360.292
-53	76394	3819700	f3f5c44b-c28d-4c40-8a62-6fcf938be7b6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:32:35	-520.812
-54	38198	3819800	64250eed-e1f6-4ccb-88ba-856146f7efea	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:08:12	826.91
-54	76396	3819800	d4008ef7-23c0-4abc-b636-61546942d67f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:18:15	286.30
-55	38199	3819900	863d900d-4f49-40ec-ae4b-79c8bd84e55f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:42:38	676.512
-55	76398	3819900	a011d7f2-41e9-488c-9352-c3a938b0607f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:00:18	731.896
-56	38200	3820000	ce58413f-7183-41e0-9d57-76a5b212d4e4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:42:43	231.531
-56	76400	3820000	888ea411-a801-4e3a-b861-5379767fa9ef	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:03:25	-4.661
-57	38201	3820100	df3b668b-ba92-406f-8e60-41923f216c54	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:54:52	86.380
-57	76402	3820100	3e69fe2b-68de-419b-a39f-c389c0f50ca6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:43:30	-297.645
-58	38202	3820200	d642122f-6895-465f-be80-8fcebab472ca	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:35:03	-665.258
-58	76404	3820200	8c2f1f07-1882-4b14-9b55-5a499dc84fa5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:36:28	-113.605
-59	38203	3820300	701f152b-46d3-464e-9fc7-3159f48605b7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:11:56	424.217
-59	76406	3820300	0ec07b8a-b5ce-445d-9d17-162746d712ab	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:03:59	-429.827
-60	38204	3820400	4dd85a20-88db-407f-ae42-6f5615058b86	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:42:03	115.69
-60	76408	3820400	4d299d28-aa33-4dfd-b528-7c1799f6d309	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:14:12	979.46
-61	38205	3820500	879d01bb-1bb9-4f24-93fd-a105644e841c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:53:14	761.854
-61	76410	3820500	b2a85c06-f3ac-41b2-871b-643165f64d6c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:12:47	443.86
-62	38206	3820600	0948a600-4d98-4133-a660-0f73fed36183	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:24:31	646.615
-62	76412	3820600	7b5b3e83-9bca-407e-9781-aeeb6407ee57	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:25:48	-541.393
-63	38207	3820700	d6b198e9-d0f3-45e2-9338-e28379bb88e4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:33:09	800.878
-63	76414	3820700	475997fc-cb8e-49e4-b723-34a673ae726d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:00:58	-406.478
-64	38208	3820800	f50f32bc-19d3-4676-b6b0-5cacb03e2c78	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:02:21	-560.178
-64	76416	3820800	0a52d1a1-036b-4076-9dd2-15bdcdf042e3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:56:57	-179.429
-65	38209	3820900	5e561d5a-4f0c-406f-8365-f50f61f3efcb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:24:26	23.166
-65	76418	3820900	9cbb96e9-3dec-4863-90ab-b9d56628b7cb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:31:50	391.259
-66	38210	3821000	abc6f4de-ed3d-432d-806c-f98150bf7d42	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:11:44	845.564
-66	76420	3821000	7377f967-5222-433c-a04c-7704d37496a4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:53:38	-598.869
-67	38211	3821100	c5a3b8d1-6908-465e-97f6-d7de1029bbfb	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:22:29	263.184
-67	76422	3821100	75a4abc4-abe5-4846-a1a5-67fed82d8c09	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:52:18	447.833
-68	38212	3821200	97bdec87-67d3-46c1-858f-d2ac9ffd2596	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:47:27	332.411
-68	76424	3821200	d6856797-41c5-4d8f-921c-a5de6993d0fc	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:51:05	-445.820
-69	38213	3821300	fbb7424f-3b5c-43de-ae5d-4390ce2cf3f4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:05:42	983.736
-69	76426	3821300	afdbcef1-ffc1-4145-ad4c-57ab24f31406	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:33:57	-924.566
-70	38214	3821400	fc1d9eb9-51c2-4e08-a0f6-700e2c1153e3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:11:53	901.874
-70	76428	3821400	00063aa7-8e61-4e31-8de7-789395a758fd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:04:56	219.28
-71	38215	3821500	ce6d775d-1120-4945-b99f-8181b05913e1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:26:22	316.901
-71	76430	3821500	4fc4037c-584e-4d97-9eaf-5bccace7f7ca	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:26:09	-10.225
-72	38216	3821600	81a87847-50bc-446b-b07c-d1d50498ab4e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:45:18	170.55
-72	76432	3821600	b3db3162-abfa-4a03-b1a9-f892680aa292	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:43:59	920.259
-73	38217	3821700	6744e42e-3441-4014-9590-b76266489b7a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:45:59	-839.914
-73	76434	3821700	622a989b-e8e3-421b-ab6d-18fd8a262945	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:30:05	-401.693
-74	38218	3821800	8c186d22-a859-482d-aa2d-932e37c0395c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:27:08	200.992
-74	76436	3821800	00b22d15-d05c-4197-b72d-5e2a84b13dfa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:00:16	-464.8
-75	38219	3821900	56bd1fa5-f4b4-4689-ba2f-9f24200d38f8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:48:27	413.875
-75	76438	3821900	ae9f21b2-3356-4338-ba54-6fb3fee9176c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:48:10	-558.522
-76	38220	3822000	3f812b74-4bc5-462f-9c62-d534e2766b15	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:31:10	-628.67
-76	76440	3822000	9abbcfc9-fd14-4bc4-80f8-130181c74c3c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:04:02	-106.867
-77	38221	3822100	01cbc094-257f-44ff-94a8-c1c80e0d945d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:14:41	-506.395
-77	76442	3822100	a085cc1e-4c8f-43c5-836c-f52a3d96ad93	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:55:10	-469.820
-78	38222	3822200	0e78b46d-a6aa-4984-9a6f-ed91f2654440	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:16:06	-311.88
-78	76444	3822200	8f6894d9-43c6-4bb9-8bc4-666c4b151b56	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 03:58:21	-2.242
-79	38223	3822300	c5896681-ca4b-45a8-8716-40f298912875	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:10:23	-142.14
-79	76446	3822300	e38320fc-e622-4324-8e19-0c5724686cea	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:46:56	-539.695
-80	38224	3822400	7113cdeb-ab16-4964-af5f-b6a4957465b7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:37:22	-354.280
-80	76448	3822400	24fd3f5a-ebd3-4fcf-906f-796db02d0a26	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:39:11	-684.0
-81	38225	3822500	34a10e28-654b-4dab-8e9e-e41a96d15ffe	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:42:10	270.563
-81	76450	3822500	fde71095-ec44-4e43-88ef-5b0d547d48b8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:48:46	248.293
-82	38226	3822600	666b758e-8797-4c34-951a-c59388d568a2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:12:50	650.429
-82	76452	3822600	49b2615b-e868-471b-ab0e-83d506e4e0f5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:39:10	741.908
-83	38227	3822700	0beb0c44-061c-4859-9ae7-4b7a33a686fc	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:51:45	341.886
-83	76454	3822700	a4bfd948-5058-42c7-a3fa-835a1f288ac8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:31:35	995.879
-84	38228	3822800	6780196b-7196-44d1-984a-711932777bfb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:51:21	534.381
-84	76456	3822800	7bc9680f-e2cf-44dd-8cd5-902786b5a48e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:46:04	-716.882
-85	38229	3822900	a8624687-3714-43ea-a60d-651a13cce07f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:46:07	-892.163
-85	76458	3822900	a350336d-20de-4a6c-ad0c-c9f1e30bb956	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:35:58	773.86
-86	38230	3823000	44c87f7b-4da0-4c6c-9df4-81e50cf949c3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:08:29	-520.563
-86	76460	3823000	61db2488-7f96-42b5-91bf-96642d8869ea	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:14:00	-194.895
-87	38231	3823100	7e71e1c0-14e3-45a9-9df8-88c5cd85b089	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:31:17	755.699
-87	76462	3823100	0d63ff1d-ddc4-4606-92ce-6312b00e2bd5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:39:03	94.146
-88	38232	3823200	1615c520-9398-44d7-8db2-409204a4b523	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:45:36	350.34
-88	76464	3823200	db737e00-6c19-43ea-b69e-d7e5132ed96a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:47:07	-834.714
-89	38233	3823300	3d171ac1-c1b3-4a22-8771-4aefa15e07d5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:26:48	-915.639
-89	76466	3823300	bd52b6fb-5da9-411f-b9ea-54012220fbd3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:26:52	-155.596
-90	38234	3823400	60b78a67-0bb9-4f71-9aa8-c339161a4f1c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:44:11	360.373
-90	76468	3823400	3a37a070-d34a-4ed7-a25b-742077f9d4be	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:01:17	934.311
-91	38235	3823500	d8d8cf2c-9c5d-46a5-8f1f-c3ac2a33db3c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:43:48	-829.434
-91	76470	3823500	b22c5124-5ce4-44b0-aa35-f49fdfddd0ef	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:44:59	205.135
-92	38236	3823600	77f39604-9b06-4db8-a763-2662658089ef	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:19:52	56.108
-92	76472	3823600	c6f0dd18-8833-4510-a675-e9bd75632f50	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:13:56	205.316
-93	38237	3823700	af961833-9a4b-4e81-84ca-5c46f2f94f1f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:05:46	930.144
-93	76474	3823700	de2100bb-79aa-409b-9068-45bdf16657d0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:42:41	-591.701
-94	38238	3823800	a4dec5ba-06b5-4c4e-b1a6-c1d1ac473c0b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:16:28	425.37
-94	76476	3823800	7bbfd910-5bc0-4607-a279-4c178114e15a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:10:01	196.940
-95	38239	3823900	269c9a0f-853f-418a-a00d-4bcb3e15e967	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:05:08	673.840
-95	76478	3823900	a0745ae1-d6c5-427a-8b25-d8e8100ac73d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:33:03	-808.638
-96	38240	3824000	b3c435ed-8125-4277-9f0b-4f2227e6acca	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:47:03	-675.31
-96	76480	3824000	fef6dde2-5cce-4720-8f92-7b3e4c877005	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:59:12	805.591
-97	38241	3824100	46b22135-5c0f-44fb-b031-855a0a624a87	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:05:07	-859.894
-97	76482	3824100	129d3bb0-eace-4b27-9f72-707d8bc7e015	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:47:41	383.69
-98	38242	3824200	cf068906-4cd1-448e-8a38-d29a0d3496a2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:18:47	-599.137
-98	76484	3824200	844b65fc-82c0-49a3-b0f9-adef7faf10c8	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:40:26	-871.537
-99	38243	3824300	7d3d4db7-994e-402a-85c1-c31699ce6631	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:44:34	637.445
-99	76486	3824300	db594f21-86ac-48f2-b671-fca12f0a309f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:22:57	-549.434
-100	38244	3824400	19010a20-0a36-43c8-9b5a-09c9dc151756	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:39:28	144.936
-100	76488	3824400	d347a6f5-7ac6-41e0-9584-d68d73fa59b5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:55:17	495.806
-101	38245	3824500	bb36c736-8ede-484d-b0b6-c602a5d162e4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:20:54	453.14
-101	76490	3824500	90ceddc3-c9d8-49a0-af40-61f336c1609a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:03:01	462.278
-102	38246	3824600	e8a5fc7d-9065-435e-b180-7f9c3bc76106	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:00:05	848.587
-102	76492	3824600	a5740e73-381b-4282-9b22-76a666985452	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:39:59	-528.581
-103	38247	3824700	706d3d06-34ed-407b-97b7-299aa3d564fa	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:50:14	-293.190
-103	76494	3824700	f998719a-07c8-4bb2-ad4b-3d04d132e742	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:07:55	582.182
-104	38248	3824800	34843275-78cb-4854-83c0-1e428b5e9945	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:13:00	-7.944
-104	76496	3824800	d0150fcc-717c-4b77-a969-1fe810593afb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:10:12	-18.38
-105	38249	3824900	7ad6852a-905a-4360-9455-05a7bda83ae1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:54:30	547.838
-105	76498	3824900	4444feab-83e2-4e17-b185-8f2427a60009	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:05:54	707.501
-106	38250	3825000	38468a0d-2c1c-40fa-a4be-3862c9958244	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:58:38	82.991
-106	76500	3825000	3a3b966d-8194-49ca-ad4d-56cc0f920afd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:51:39	114.350
-107	38251	3825100	e3859630-4ca4-4870-bc8a-fc5846d729f5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:36:07	948.682
-107	76502	3825100	3c9a94b7-eef5-4e1c-b99a-fe6a9a3881be	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:02:01	544.333
-108	38252	3825200	24469e59-d3fa-4670-834c-3cb7e5cd9540	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:19:31	984.37
-108	76504	3825200	661a2bab-0d73-41dd-837a-d47af7425f48	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:55:05	-220.171
-109	38253	3825300	2480b1a4-acdc-4370-be44-88cbf43c31bf	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:29:38	957.697
-109	76506	3825300	8d3e8b32-396c-41f3-a93a-719b62a02ff8	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:42:41	-54.430
-110	38254	3825400	bca55832-e471-44df-94b9-421d0478ca29	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:14:05	-196.227
-110	76508	3825400	18dc8219-5be8-4085-a899-6410acbc1dec	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:01:46	709.635
-111	38255	3825500	b2d007cd-59ea-40ba-8dd1-e46a5044f810	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:48:01	-155.457
-111	76510	3825500	347ca9a5-8fbd-462d-9caa-e554b1bf9337	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:02:05	760.432
-112	38256	3825600	db8ede3c-5430-41fa-9a5a-2d57757b39b5	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:15:09	932.522
-112	76512	3825600	e831fb63-dd1e-4eee-b1c4-f32c71e38688	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:55:58	645.551
-113	38257	3825700	0aa95f83-e568-49e8-b4c8-a56bcff3d255	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:21:43	855.203
-113	76514	3825700	595df42c-caa3-4d0b-9917-7274f88a64c8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:01:00	-63.865
-114	38258	3825800	182660ec-1aeb-4d37-bc78-f5995e3a182c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:20:36	-836.121
-114	76516	3825800	f54dd506-968d-4f36-beea-cce8567eb686	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:34:24	-122.859
-115	38259	3825900	fa4499bc-6ab9-4787-bfde-1aee61cda6c6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:05:21	49.43
-115	76518	3825900	fbda8438-57e5-4438-9617-cc2b729e35ab	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:19:20	-732.552
-116	38260	3826000	2589c23e-dd11-498e-941a-b62a2775386c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:02:06	86.534
-116	76520	3826000	d28347ec-c353-44d3-8ef9-ca45f82256f9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:33:11	-866.547
-117	38261	3826100	7e9e58cf-2879-49e4-be6f-be1c42d90a07	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:03:28	-305.55
-117	76522	3826100	d0561d23-833b-4440-8161-7d838a0c4faa	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:12:14	429.676
-118	38262	3826200	5740929a-1038-4cb1-ac72-0650743ea9ec	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:01:01	-577.12
-118	76524	3826200	9721014d-ed7c-40cf-a256-09ea76a5293e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:19:41	17.577
-119	38263	3826300	43146e91-af4a-4802-96f2-353b8587cb2e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:29:21	906.695
-119	76526	3826300	83e881a0-512e-41ac-b6d9-110d4639fa3c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:23:24	-993.662
-120	38264	3826400	b8c78b65-fbe6-4a9c-aec2-8c2d693738ca	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:53:17	-340.706
-120	76528	3826400	81867c12-c7db-4248-b1d5-91917ac4cebb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:38:52	-661.861
-121	38265	3826500	fe2e3070-8150-4434-bcce-fcae936a2fa3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:52:41	-684.290
-121	76530	3826500	0c05ef12-8595-4203-83a8-6dcbef5cedfc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:22:18	-465.889
-122	38266	3826600	ba55987b-22fc-4d80-be37-84f58a4944ad	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:34:37	661.980
-122	76532	3826600	6e7674d6-e007-4e88-8e20-55de1b441fc8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:13:35	-562.979
-123	38267	3826700	c0933c19-59e3-4f6c-9778-413c4b111b26	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:07:48	933.695
-123	76534	3826700	678f8d09-c02a-4305-aed6-e82442b2c6c2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:22:27	549.740
-124	38268	3826800	2c519f6d-fbf8-4ecc-9b23-97becbd373d9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:08:40	678.138
-124	76536	3826800	9f21372a-bd86-42ca-b8b0-e7cba3595f3e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:59:48	-98.504
-125	38269	3826900	d1296908-9ec0-4044-8f86-856665b2f769	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:23:53	710.784
-125	76538	3826900	10e2aef4-9436-4edd-8591-1992ae22c5ee	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:54:26	778.682
-126	38270	3827000	e09a9682-96db-4e3d-baa6-7e626715e946	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:47:26	-676.967
-126	76540	3827000	7953038a-e959-4d0c-8b0a-329db4e25890	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:24:09	-627.420
-127	38271	3827100	d5893309-b009-4d6a-86a0-472eba796f68	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:37:32	-489.297
-127	76542	3827100	958d518d-2bd6-49b7-808e-3873225962bd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:41:40	-928.193
-0	38272	3827200	c9fd5f09-b2ed-496d-a8e1-c9d32266ab2d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:15:08	-802.907
-0	76544	3827200	7dcc4a60-a0f9-41db-8e54-656776c68c52	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:27:14	826.972
-1	38273	3827300	3821a511-080c-4988-bd8d-f2371183b3ac	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:40:14	-215.25
-1	76546	3827300	821fc2b8-5b62-43bd-ab70-386987436533	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:40:42	-22.323
-2	38274	3827400	bd888d84-aaa1-428f-a78a-7c2ec2770740	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:40:44	274.708
-2	76548	3827400	57eab32f-89da-42c3-a0b6-261ec4369bf4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:07:13	510.275
-3	38275	3827500	887cb376-a397-4de8-9264-a3f9e61d1b5b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:48:39	403.379
-3	76550	3827500	f66750a6-a999-4f6c-9108-e993aa3a801a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:42:54	-888.715
-4	38276	3827600	db31ca75-8392-4f34-80e4-4a4cb2fbe21c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:28:01	-448.569
-4	76552	3827600	42e97c2c-ecaf-4a62-b159-6f96e0579207	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:18:01	927.933
-5	38277	3827700	e1866d20-a667-4476-89ed-5ca2220093e4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:56:22	-691.406
-5	76554	3827700	05499851-0094-4531-b9ef-52e2f1633da1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:40:30	-269.801
-6	38278	3827800	1128d0f0-0742-4eef-b742-a995e1febe03	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:23:10	66.517
-6	76556	3827800	a07771e9-0360-4f6a-99cb-784a6dcad37e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:36:51	616.93
-7	38279	3827900	e487c3a1-ee68-4d8e-a5e3-31a9b14ac48d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:54:07	820.840
-7	76558	3827900	08c73351-fe17-4123-a957-efd9ebe0b795	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:19:41	-514.873
-8	38280	3828000	9e6a92c7-aa2b-4cb5-9fb9-3f683ffcad31	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:07:28	-83.367
-8	76560	3828000	4162c1a0-2253-4314-bd69-1b685142745f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:21:02	304.535
-9	38281	3828100	5695ed2d-2972-45a8-9bc7-41c0f213f834	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:00:58	-37.763
-9	76562	3828100	78f01abc-cae5-40d7-94d7-28ee53723a3d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:49:41	246.868
-10	38282	3828200	e1eeef56-72e7-4017-9e83-b3e5d92b4a51	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:04:57	143.28
-10	76564	3828200	64042d4e-edb2-409b-a053-f8bad175dbc5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:01:46	518.795
-11	38283	3828300	1a9c053d-2e41-4f66-95d6-3dbf510b7f8a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:46:40	-191.360
-11	76566	3828300	2dd11dc3-4f39-44e5-b0d3-7c2e75067963	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:45:25	468.927
-12	38284	3828400	f79d7667-0cbd-4b2e-8a8b-4a22f6ecd141	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:11:31	-505.687
-12	76568	3828400	8620bcad-5e75-45f1-9767-444b4d935b9c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:40:08	335.301
-13	38285	3828500	81bbb8e1-b93e-431c-9dda-d661d3fdadef	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:06:13	-294.114
-13	76570	3828500	7bb487bc-2d93-4505-89ba-503db4eb2204	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:21:14	-850.340
-14	38286	3828600	6a422dd6-77f0-4de3-8b8b-aff590da93e7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:51:48	613.614
-14	76572	3828600	23bdb202-456c-422b-8395-0453367dbe98	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:52:11	966.216
-15	38287	3828700	6f68e013-9515-4cc8-90bd-e7813f705c33	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:02:05	601.266
-15	76574	3828700	8ddc7449-fe0d-4fa6-834f-a788f55a9a58	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:22:24	-924.3
-16	38288	3828800	47b4db0c-2061-4d53-9cfe-7c7ed80ff19f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:44:58	584.934
-16	76576	3828800	d4d811cc-201b-44e3-8ca5-b6df0c469e69	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:10:26	-932.58
-17	38289	3828900	948c676b-39cc-4237-aca6-fa59db026678	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:46:38	443.753
-17	76578	3828900	2460d835-9b1f-4110-841f-f6ee2769d33c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:42:42	-683.463
-18	38290	3829000	28072b04-d99a-4ede-8620-c0a30b87a906	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:10:32	-870.327
-18	76580	3829000	3c75ac17-cd9a-43ba-b911-f819810e5745	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:26:07	-725.933
-19	38291	3829100	9f4423d7-88c2-4f43-ada6-3504f3a66d01	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:59:44	-430.689
-19	76582	3829100	90c21292-79ce-41ab-a9cc-f159adbf9302	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:11:24	-503.268
-20	38292	3829200	d864d66d-e5ee-44da-8b8e-6819e448d057	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:25:56	670.481
-20	76584	3829200	6006cb84-25f8-4a02-9b8f-c1fdc8163608	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:46:27	492.193
-21	38293	3829300	7e03751c-ed14-4687-a956-41fa8629261a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:43:51	-332.142
-21	76586	3829300	28b21e1d-a6f2-450e-b93d-66d8fa3a7396	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:47:02	-332.372
-22	38294	3829400	37ab23d7-41b7-4e0f-93f0-8f2b3a1b25ae	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:15:51	263.505
-22	76588	3829400	1c7626d9-b1ee-4fa3-a412-e1d64f031543	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:28:16	428.868
-23	38295	3829500	9b77814c-7faa-4045-9f85-ae4476a282c2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:00:53	834.944
-23	76590	3829500	7d3265d6-903d-4d4c-a9ac-e8366d64c074	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:56:15	-808.643
-24	38296	3829600	8dc02be5-f020-4447-b201-5e9c3a22f90d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:24:43	-151.722
-24	76592	3829600	8a50e61c-1723-4753-ad40-6799e162049a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:27:25	407.943
-25	38297	3829700	c72272ab-2881-4c4f-94dc-4dc27dfd06b1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:28:42	464.542
-25	76594	3829700	2ae83da2-4d12-4d36-b165-8250005d2080	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:19:09	846.426
-26	38298	3829800	66c24fcd-6435-4173-9d03-e302859bf9b4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:50:40	194.548
-26	76596	3829800	8825b541-92fc-482c-b5d0-a40307b90cbc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:15:36	812.63
-27	38299	3829900	d0875d42-f62a-4dd7-84f1-a289149c7d84	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:51:05	426.763
-27	76598	3829900	cd4f99be-2973-46d3-b2d6-66815308104d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:28:23	-519.176
-28	38300	3830000	ad189853-649e-48b1-b1a7-0efdfee86afe	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:16:52	-811.532
-28	76600	3830000	77014b24-6080-4866-ac23-8231026b0334	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:50:07	-819.201
-29	38301	3830100	c07552b0-9843-4459-95d4-7f0d0ae80431	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:50:57	-880.74
-29	76602	3830100	0e1059fc-0ec3-4d09-a07e-ae23ce76f5f8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:12:09	745.2
-30	38302	3830200	d2ec75f5-f838-4802-8e0b-a732da4c0f8c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:01:29	809.416
-30	76604	3830200	d42a12d9-37a6-47b9-a53c-b4f2656f8750	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:45:24	226.383
-31	38303	3830300	55d515e2-25af-44fa-9434-1d66c2b202f9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:27:37	629.920
-31	76606	3830300	fd875bbe-c27f-43b3-832b-c11a92a61071	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:13:07	659.709
-32	38304	3830400	82097a7c-37b2-412b-8dc6-1dcaad593e41	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:41:47	173.431
-32	76608	3830400	684a0f91-60cc-4a1d-a990-fa4a43b25629	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:49:18	528.233
-33	38305	3830500	5633a677-cc7d-4c64-869e-49997de0d3f3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:45:18	-787.916
-33	76610	3830500	0e2a9941-cd1a-4577-99f4-7a811df3d669	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:28:25	759.891
-34	38306	3830600	d24207e6-9167-4a7d-8c30-f697f2d5d1cb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:24:02	-820.887
-34	76612	3830600	88a68721-8516-4732-a000-b17fa0c8098a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:41:02	-646.107
-35	38307	3830700	47efc18a-3a9e-47e8-8fe0-8190ba3ae877	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:54:04	-243.550
-35	76614	3830700	acbb8a6c-3d37-440e-ac1d-5068e5485a4c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:58:16	-467.216
-36	38308	3830800	a3d3895c-3f42-486d-89d9-5ac638e8fdbc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:04:01	-908.512
-36	76616	3830800	ee01bd30-f71b-4d7c-a0ec-3fe97cc165a1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:22:41	78.635
-37	38309	3830900	1dd9e699-0959-4242-b462-c1a2889509ca	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:04:20	-689.944
-37	76618	3830900	2eca279c-9b64-41bf-920b-81ba9f64ef2e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:50:15	-741.95
-38	38310	3831000	76ed3498-4b94-456a-b66b-3dcf5aa9843f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:53:15	260.819
-38	76620	3831000	3f082274-5db2-4aa4-9aaa-ae80721bc0e5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:38:25	899.781
-39	38311	3831100	a1b1257f-e23b-432e-bec3-26a919fe0c0a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:19:30	837.891
-39	76622	3831100	69b0f988-b94e-4a7e-99eb-1d8dcc0edb30	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:06:38	-823.876
-40	38312	3831200	674e2da8-5fed-4c40-860c-37f080e277c4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:33:47	703.445
-40	76624	3831200	339d683f-e505-4f1e-aef9-4367406a1a4a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:43:31	-661.496
-41	38313	3831300	3a528e9b-dd76-402e-a2be-f80c90575fdb	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:53:16	874.523
-41	76626	3831300	d95edf98-a132-4710-908c-049abfdbace3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:41:49	137.633
-42	38314	3831400	fc606704-8800-4f82-9faa-b189088ecfb6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:58:54	-653.259
-42	76628	3831400	3a520c1c-81b8-4277-b9dd-4dc23647a339	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:01:12	855.859
-43	38315	3831500	d1b5019b-2890-4175-9b10-02a5f88b299e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:37:17	-734.807
-43	76630	3831500	e1855d93-882e-4e21-8063-3dc17d0075ad	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:08:37	-889.940
-44	38316	3831600	329015f9-be69-46f2-9331-32c1eab6e824	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:34:16	806.578
-44	76632	3831600	e7c8696f-018d-44c3-a1a5-f4fbd336ea7a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:19:39	448.302
-45	38317	3831700	f92180fc-91c3-4bfb-8cd4-d90c0049b30f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:10:08	66.466
-45	76634	3831700	786850b2-5b79-478e-9b89-31afffe2cb1a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:17:35	350.782
-46	38318	3831800	a6bd6a67-323c-4a58-ba02-dc764caf2f6b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:42:44	909.159
-46	76636	3831800	d56ec232-06dd-4d48-8185-ef497080168d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:34:03	-16.87
-47	38319	3831900	74a2c688-0877-4487-be26-119342fe4a12	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:16:39	-503.870
-47	76638	3831900	f58ec639-5e61-48d7-95db-2e370150ed2d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:16:43	-127.739
-48	38320	3832000	d18386bd-6628-4119-87c1-542b794a7b64	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:17:17	171.764
-48	76640	3832000	62e46565-2612-4398-8a8d-d45c81eecbb4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:50:05	640.247
-49	38321	3832100	24d5f094-c079-4bf4-b18c-947b09a1402c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:53:17	796.450
-49	76642	3832100	cfe0552c-90bc-4a98-aac2-0d1b6ae07b01	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:26:16	508.77
-50	38322	3832200	33ff79fa-0ecb-4a00-99cb-428c6db1e156	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:10:08	-656.573
-50	76644	3832200	73e69ae7-3aab-4b86-b8f2-82099c46a279	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:03:12	658.628
-51	38323	3832300	3ec29986-ec4e-4af5-b2bb-b057b5a131e9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:29:45	-725.858
-51	76646	3832300	b51a8a90-1afd-4f77-9b50-4bf08141a04f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:11:54	-651.261
-52	38324	3832400	e19f2b8f-0d75-4884-891e-2448c04047a4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:34:08	22.882
-52	76648	3832400	f73d1224-d663-41d1-923b-2a4b318e79ef	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:08:25	-751.622
-53	38325	3832500	af684cc6-be97-4c9a-bc28-bbf2030d689b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:57:59	828.33
-53	76650	3832500	cee7f48d-8cb4-4e06-9419-9f4662fbb164	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:29:39	905.487
-54	38326	3832600	244e72c9-8606-401c-90c1-552f2805111a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:33:48	-955.927
-54	76652	3832600	578de62f-3d13-45c0-9b7e-e411199af3d2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:26:57	-295.103
-55	38327	3832700	ebff672e-14db-4551-891e-740dafd9fcd0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:27:30	4.619
-55	76654	3832700	6e51a4cb-9852-4603-b649-cf3d8152516e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:27:42	-782.813
-56	38328	3832800	73334845-01d8-45c5-9c54-7dd7f2c7bff8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:21:49	-272.849
-56	76656	3832800	ca8870b1-4fe5-4909-857f-ed0e5410cb0e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:34:38	-500.796
-57	38329	3832900	231c9882-ee94-4329-b93e-1b9bdbcdcf88	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:49:56	471.49
-57	76658	3832900	add334b5-0f1c-4262-b77d-3377c2171ce2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:19:44	-993.464
-58	38330	3833000	4dafceba-2c39-475a-8537-d510ec15a20a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:41:03	-651.181
-58	76660	3833000	3c0f45e1-5392-4845-a5bb-6113c5c55f80	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:20:15	365.105
-59	38331	3833100	2a8f2cb5-fb27-432a-904a-d72f65894d40	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:49:31	328.648
-59	76662	3833100	f4d64b13-ddd8-4fb3-bc44-57c7e088738d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:07:51	-845.952
-60	38332	3833200	8cb8ee3c-12d9-49fe-873a-2ca56c7419bf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:02:02	613.853
-60	76664	3833200	f685923e-a9c6-4d1a-a5cc-2d7b28fbfa61	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:34:43	-516.144
-61	38333	3833300	20c2ae79-b22a-4c87-b5c7-1514162bc510	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:26:27	206.998
-61	76666	3833300	a4d9edeb-96dd-4f7d-81cf-9b54534c07fd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:26:56	788.582
-62	38334	3833400	dbeeef8a-0572-48f0-8e4b-75cd1ed33e33	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:50:52	569.746
-62	76668	3833400	5e7e8b1c-1aca-4bf4-9327-0928ec7773b9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:34:42	-569.737
-63	38335	3833500	610a951a-6e58-40e5-a3a9-d9e136a28f6e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:32:54	568.136
-63	76670	3833500	76b44fe5-a905-4877-84d4-b89dd01d37ad	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:54:59	-978.913
-64	38336	3833600	8047b944-3e56-4ac4-9015-c9cb684bc882	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:50:04	143.604
-64	76672	3833600	e3be3ce1-bf9b-4f61-96e5-e532af1ef643	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:25:38	212.777
-65	38337	3833700	636cfc32-787d-40cf-8461-b5a0108805ba	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:33:49	-949.283
-65	76674	3833700	cef06ab1-1cd4-49de-afad-645b7d301f5c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:26:09	-811.786
-66	38338	3833800	e6e83029-c683-43e1-aa6e-3b1f65cf8623	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:05:55	978.421
-66	76676	3833800	c8d50ab8-4cee-40d6-89a2-189401bc1d0a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:24:13	-311.393
-67	38339	3833900	28e8f2f2-da9b-4fa3-a8fd-cdb53eb8f624	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:02:34	560.498
-67	76678	3833900	7d956c39-627b-4af0-a08e-b36f488c24ae	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:37:17	-251.153
-68	38340	3834000	28d12b25-e3e8-4ddf-a7e8-5fc7721291cb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:51:28	874.476
-68	76680	3834000	b2ceaf5e-8569-4d3c-b7d3-1312c1ab02b0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:08:51	674.144
-69	38341	3834100	e60efa33-6f13-4556-aab2-7e700d5d1302	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:26:00	-894.319
-69	76682	3834100	411de73c-c947-4b66-ba65-d74280814dac	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:43:15	786.721
-70	38342	3834200	33d8c829-66c4-4fd9-92c2-a0ea226a1a48	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:33:10	717.958
-70	76684	3834200	a8d8cf55-a762-4583-90f7-e73215143d9e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:36:33	-494.463
-71	38343	3834300	9fa4a643-4732-45f6-90ce-c154fff60fd6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:07:37	-797.66
-71	76686	3834300	f611381b-320e-41e5-ad50-133ddc3f99a4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:04:04	180.940
-72	38344	3834400	d0ce0df5-b97c-41f5-82dc-b081fbd6eb9a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:56:59	-919.536
-72	76688	3834400	81625f90-3938-4943-bd93-9406a321b287	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:57:21	-133.909
-73	38345	3834500	a0c43c37-4436-4129-8ee6-7dabe83b46a7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:29:11	-165.820
-73	76690	3834500	9e804dea-b5e4-4650-a92c-531ec4b5e1ab	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:20:45	663.724
-74	38346	3834600	e79c6ab7-638d-4bc7-8650-c7ede3884770	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:21:19	-58.750
-74	76692	3834600	2c5dabca-44a1-4b2d-bf61-934354d63f36	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:33:18	-466.436
-75	38347	3834700	ccef0cee-de34-4364-affc-4060bb872d6b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:30:26	-535.47
-75	76694	3834700	c16bb204-c8ec-47e0-af16-4139a51d34a9	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:34:09	-246.602
-76	38348	3834800	7c6b2294-70d8-4c7d-8879-8842a4abbeb7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:00:41	-298.642
-76	76696	3834800	50b9bd62-f223-477e-91b1-ea94e65fdfbc	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:38:39	280.318
-77	38349	3834900	b18a437e-6be9-4351-bdb7-ffbe861c4cad	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:37:26	-209.127
-77	76698	3834900	502abb83-485a-4cd4-b633-4fb188a86a82	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:23:21	-330.293
-78	38350	3835000	4e0f1e4f-c8d1-4cdb-a53b-fa897b053fcf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:27:56	-278.210
-78	76700	3835000	354ada9b-5587-4086-84ad-2794c1477ffc	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:59:59	757.479
-79	38351	3835100	ce94bfbf-33f0-4151-bdd0-7dcf4c8b72c2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:08:58	713.7
-79	76702	3835100	ecfab2ad-ea60-408c-8b1d-771d2ad26583	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:51:58	911.264
-80	38352	3835200	c096a2a0-718f-4e0e-b2c4-28a82b046139	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:49:27	-179.911
-80	76704	3835200	d2ba9bb6-d3d0-4293-aef8-eecf86d225bb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:58:49	-137.195
-81	38353	3835300	2a8169e5-1bc2-4e87-a160-6c89b966f9e3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:59:28	-996.624
-81	76706	3835300	0cfc2a7c-661f-45e3-a557-ff8cd16c760a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:47:42	131.2
-82	38354	3835400	122d9cc5-a783-40b5-b78f-4ac6621f2084	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:23:17	-431.173
-82	76708	3835400	7370ce2e-1200-46d2-bded-c113931e8234	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:11:11	-531.303
-83	38355	3835500	80bfc9d4-a6ab-467a-8123-3fea4c86c83d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:52:15	495.719
-83	76710	3835500	25563a5c-fc45-4eb8-b5c4-6dc0f31fed90	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:36:21	583.277
-84	38356	3835600	d1667dd8-8360-422e-bfc7-7a267b788e73	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:50:07	3.65
-84	76712	3835600	18f3a3e1-3e6e-46fa-8ad1-42cfc012f740	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:59:13	-530.804
-85	38357	3835700	0922160d-e5b4-49d7-9aa8-16e1dc38ea74	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:56:38	95.914
-85	76714	3835700	c44f4df3-9e6c-478b-8c8d-f5882b8ac83f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:40:26	-94.105
-86	38358	3835800	65c5866f-fb85-440b-8b93-da20772e5c7f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:27:48	258.593
-86	76716	3835800	8bd49b71-05aa-417f-bbe3-dcea8d57116d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:00:38	495.808
-87	38359	3835900	926ee310-fa08-4b46-8070-dd20f7ca4e33	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:19:50	564.778
-87	76718	3835900	555dec80-41b6-4857-9745-73603399bfb3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:06:00	-118.590
-88	38360	3836000	98c86d84-7254-4cc8-af71-4dbc5ac2b9e0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:34:28	-700.432
-88	76720	3836000	f0f20564-2a28-4199-8d14-004bf74c3f77	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:43:49	473.36
-89	38361	3836100	b804bb3e-dec8-405f-a0cb-d10ae97f1b60	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:39:04	-943.215
-89	76722	3836100	de19e1c4-1fda-44bd-b9c9-20df1cbd5f22	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:12:23	815.203
-90	38362	3836200	e6563178-d1ed-45d8-bc17-44ed9e8d40e1	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:43:29	-253.663
-90	76724	3836200	95f917b3-fa76-4c8c-872b-61a5592436f9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:58:49	18.966
-91	38363	3836300	f1d665d3-cab7-4c8c-9395-4913cef007f8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:15:56	-324.402
-91	76726	3836300	721c8ee3-f532-4f92-be22-8970e573f226	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:53:06	-348.513
-92	38364	3836400	afcfd887-9eec-418d-852b-394aea9e305b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:07:44	-522.345
-92	76728	3836400	77a444c4-07cb-4664-b4f9-3593da11a0a7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:18:14	-802.884
-93	38365	3836500	655dca1a-77de-4aea-8f92-a841793ccea5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:01:46	-695.937
-93	76730	3836500	f4c4efdd-d0d6-483e-9a96-bc19222f715f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:32:29	-116.690
-94	38366	3836600	03d9e465-7c75-4cfc-ab59-6a81c7736c0c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:00:42	-993.185
-94	76732	3836600	7d37f531-3746-4820-8900-66edd36baa47	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:58:58	297.567
-95	38367	3836700	2c929f0d-be39-4d2f-be2b-0eac0ba84843	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:41:05	144.637
-95	76734	3836700	d1aa732e-4780-46b0-9ed5-9cc8c8bae9f9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:59:47	-456.104
-96	38368	3836800	b3b25821-281c-4e19-a3e2-bf91e3207a23	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:49:43	-335.967
-96	76736	3836800	ebc09fbe-a03d-4fab-9379-e2fc8303eecb	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:48:28	845.384
-97	38369	3836900	337bbee2-6bfb-4f36-a34b-640ab2d81b78	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:36:45	-527.291
-97	76738	3836900	08861565-6336-4a81-a0fa-c861de702ee2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:55:39	-434.527
-98	38370	3837000	751e3f7c-8f64-4d4e-95bf-90d607f57e0c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:03:59	-907.533
-98	76740	3837000	7fee2beb-1951-43ed-9e9e-db0583f84ae8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:32:44	900.962
-99	38371	3837100	908180ab-b727-439e-bba7-07199922fa7c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:05:09	-98.220
-99	76742	3837100	3c54e3ea-cd3f-4c1b-ab91-c0a0c35bda43	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:10:59	-707.204
-100	38372	3837200	9270310b-0649-42db-ad81-22b8fa44c776	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:01:58	983.951
-100	76744	3837200	d5468d14-478d-4bdf-a007-2ef083b88eef	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:46:46	461.401
-101	38373	3837300	0fe0451a-c12e-4b01-9589-ac31e0275e68	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:57:46	-437.796
-101	76746	3837300	b4fb5718-f5ad-40fb-bef2-00b331d4723e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:31:05	48.27
-102	38374	3837400	876873c4-d1a0-40ce-9f1a-ae182c389c50	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:10:02	922.76
-102	76748	3837400	2010ce79-6f8d-4e1f-aca4-8aa6d9e9b036	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:01:50	647.955
-103	38375	3837500	6f75db7d-354d-485e-8707-4cc0574f4e18	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:37:28	-706.305
-103	76750	3837500	f80bbf04-da1c-4a59-ba8a-f3116f7a9c53	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:30:41	-764.837
-104	38376	3837600	cf2da79e-b228-4bc2-ad87-54d3aeb1f75c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:27:30	-501.290
-104	76752	3837600	f5dc269f-c2d1-470e-9241-3cd07ce99472	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:00:13	-692.173
-105	38377	3837700	8f4aa1fa-27f0-4468-b0ca-12f560e45383	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:59:19	546.617
-105	76754	3837700	43a9638a-01ad-4cb4-9536-68292ba6e203	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:22:48	-569.836
-106	38378	3837800	9b2d3340-26a9-4e90-b66c-6e0e94157cc8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:13:22	84.577
-106	76756	3837800	83b5bd19-1669-4b41-b6d3-6ef44cf51262	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:56:17	238.712
-107	38379	3837900	0d9cf225-b0df-40e5-9398-9ac29b5c6e49	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:31:24	-55.208
-107	76758	3837900	4d1faeae-7c80-4e07-b2ec-1a1e08046345	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:15:45	747.770
-108	38380	3838000	0a8f8bbc-6e32-402e-940d-dbb2e31086bd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:54:53	-48.233
-108	76760	3838000	fce7a026-1ba8-4c4d-8111-9ec8b577c3db	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:18:46	913.772
-109	38381	3838100	1c870249-8777-4ed1-a30f-ee8ff21aab73	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:28:11	804.626
-109	76762	3838100	8b00ae68-2337-49d6-80d6-fc027e61a4ec	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:19:00	-69.962
-110	38382	3838200	256303c1-5c9b-43d0-b689-2798371de3e6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:11:45	451.670
-110	76764	3838200	fa8f1b26-66ac-4615-aca8-1736fdc490cf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:03:27	-373.777
-111	38383	3838300	22c9bbf8-6d68-4a68-9da3-006c5ec4791a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:12:25	700.641
-111	76766	3838300	eda43bab-c4e7-43c2-bafc-35633e449c49	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:56:24	403.887
-112	38384	3838400	d57819e6-07c7-4bfc-9ab0-8a2535b56e86	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:37:09	-291.735
-112	76768	3838400	2c8cda94-68bb-4384-8a07-7239cd753c6f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:15:45	-905.614
-113	38385	3838500	46d035ba-1be6-4e6f-825c-fc555c6d5ac7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:34:15	187.850
-113	76770	3838500	9450fe29-5299-4113-b399-d4029b090931	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:42:00	210.741
-114	38386	3838600	dab42828-2a7f-4ce2-a4dc-3ce2e7438d8c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:49:06	194.270
-114	76772	3838600	713cdcaa-3aa9-4afb-a098-6d8c6ab02070	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:28:20	-196.742
-115	38387	3838700	81af2286-2268-4ddc-867d-0b5f5464acb6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:59:07	2.803
-115	76774	3838700	93fb1e56-e601-4cd0-8ebb-14c3de44eeba	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:04:43	-912.282
-116	38388	3838800	c6f5218e-2261-43f3-b8ae-3171674ba49f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:26:20	901.892
-116	76776	3838800	d8f35ec8-d247-4284-991c-2a85462688e6	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:43:39	-875.84
-117	38389	3838900	d272a981-ed9c-4973-8949-dda3b48fbb81	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:25:35	861.11
-117	76778	3838900	45c8db83-5f60-4a79-90d0-1918dc9af6f6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:57:53	52.566
-118	38390	3839000	197cdc3a-adc3-4685-a17e-199d5f5bd0e6	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:40:04	931.694
-118	76780	3839000	f9a5e4a8-733a-4edd-ae6f-67328d4357ec	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:15:04	595.949
-119	38391	3839100	7010e2e5-ccbc-446f-82f0-582694f71ead	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:22:16	-772.998
-119	76782	3839100	52f9328d-ee13-40f7-8f30-d781b4062c6b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:19:37	-348.323
-120	38392	3839200	2d1f7262-f3f0-40ee-b01b-113a09ce3033	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:14:22	-991.698
-120	76784	3839200	7b055792-d1f8-4335-9d6a-447f761125a3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:45:51	520.425
-121	38393	3839300	414e98d7-5e70-43bd-8e4c-254a82a99399	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:41:19	788.118
-121	76786	3839300	c9f9a102-4a2e-42d7-ba48-b50310ebf95f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:28:57	989.473
-122	38394	3839400	5c73774e-a80d-44b2-8281-93091ac35253	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:05:08	-647.126
-122	76788	3839400	ec7f7893-c552-4abe-b04d-713a5d0fd9da	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:02:21	213.248
-123	38395	3839500	8b30a944-b990-46c3-9b32-813e00c95a62	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:34:33	315.319
-123	76790	3839500	c8b41bed-a7b3-4188-8337-a601621ed409	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:20:47	760.150
-124	38396	3839600	0a8b081f-f499-4431-bdbb-91ad4c35be03	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:13:30	229.422
-124	76792	3839600	dae6f11f-2003-4bed-b8f2-ffe381c55fed	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:00:11	-378.772
-125	38397	3839700	52f0a8b9-f138-4af3-862f-fd3ae0bddcf5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:06:31	-839.735
-125	76794	3839700	c07f8171-192f-472a-b3f9-ddd71f703c4f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:23:14	-450.892
-126	38398	3839800	01acd45c-1cb9-4011-9c96-e8e77cfa60fb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:15:36	820.287
-126	76796	3839800	e23ab01d-1958-4da6-9f21-1a920f7ebd1f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:45:28	-329.222
-127	38399	3839900	e8c7ae18-ecca-4937-ae62-f459871d3fb1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:01:22	150.631
-127	76798	3839900	f5a00e97-ffdd-4cee-8dae-1e2d83ab3aee	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:59:05	-319.621
-0	38400	3840000	09c8a013-0dec-4a3d-9533-b37b258e4e64	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:46:19	-532.466
-0	76800	3840000	f931e19e-0e5a-432e-861e-f8c03005a650	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:48:12	-675.899
-1	38401	3840100	48876d2c-800d-4e9c-8b55-470b114ddb6d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:19:59	-600.488
-1	76802	3840100	33d2a48c-85b2-4396-bde6-96653952af8c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:35:56	140.728
-2	38402	3840200	4c22defc-b4a5-47e3-bf4d-f57d6e46916b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:49:11	864.336
-2	76804	3840200	15131b37-e50c-43ff-b682-16c1d0c95b1f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:10:39	-97.708
-3	38403	3840300	17d0d779-6d0d-4631-b58a-8a8fa0fa9bde	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:05:30	242.472
-3	76806	3840300	652b7322-ec22-4b86-98a9-bbd1cf80fc66	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:10:21	568.116
-4	38404	3840400	202e2493-1446-4f9e-b30e-ab6d26de0ae2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:02:22	-837.739
-4	76808	3840400	afc68311-d221-466a-80a4-6747205b5fae	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:59:03	-363.835
-5	38405	3840500	b4d00460-4062-4dfb-813d-960769dab1ce	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:58:38	362.797
-5	76810	3840500	8ec4db55-4151-414a-81c2-f896056cdec0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:49:38	-421.520
-6	38406	3840600	c6ec43d1-ccaf-4e34-b22f-538ad9d2a20e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:22:08	623.906
-6	76812	3840600	f0520f84-5952-436b-a42a-2777f0ecbee7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:12:24	781.149
-7	38407	3840700	e309967c-292c-4772-af5b-4f592475ea66	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:06:37	-876.800
-7	76814	3840700	4dcd8ef6-9980-4d3d-82b8-bd69aaa20cbc	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:11:41	67.481
-8	38408	3840800	1f355308-7f00-4f5b-ad35-f10a083cae0b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:46:30	733.505
-8	76816	3840800	b83ac904-df9e-4ad8-8845-af3be7d43381	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:47:42	555.805
-9	38409	3840900	2797b3ac-54be-4649-a9ce-498af93caa86	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:25:15	-105.999
-9	76818	3840900	edd7ec9d-378e-4001-8367-daf4f7f3e710	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:23:57	-862.478
-10	38410	3841000	00d78309-ddbf-4f22-b066-d1322d2b3c6a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:41:49	63.306
-10	76820	3841000	9d5a5ba1-c0f7-40d4-83d4-031a1d271c21	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:10:01	-978.776
-11	38411	3841100	2ce41f63-f0f2-4f06-a748-ae3502966f95	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:31:52	327.24
-11	76822	3841100	1900c4d6-fb33-4709-96eb-f91d0c0f9e35	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:25:02	101.879
-12	38412	3841200	8e4fef86-b11e-464b-8350-2564e2f2842b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:44:00	-223.409
-12	76824	3841200	31b8e699-aa0a-4e95-8118-717c1adb94d3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:34:56	514.329
-13	38413	3841300	7ed5bd26-271a-4eab-a5f6-818002b8ed09	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:20:14	829.522
-13	76826	3841300	5bdff452-81ef-45a5-af9d-73a0720b8cf3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:12:53	701.42
-14	38414	3841400	34271b72-9bd7-4f33-a70a-828174cbde27	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:06:36	-23.159
-14	76828	3841400	cfacc2ec-ed98-46ac-bda3-db709a96f1db	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:53:07	108.673
-15	38415	3841500	d1a1f440-1780-4abc-bdd3-e0bd2fd0eee0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:31:32	587.812
-15	76830	3841500	775b96b5-6de2-477c-a44e-4651d94ac800	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:25:12	-149.661
-16	38416	3841600	a226f842-2778-44bb-9b6a-f76fe496b02d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:32:26	734.746
-16	76832	3841600	db13699d-e01c-43a9-b395-50b216159511	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:12:27	-751.255
-17	38417	3841700	63d26587-e59b-447d-94d3-1d1166591944	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:41:10	-584.548
-17	76834	3841700	7ee7d452-aa1b-4c8d-bddd-bceb8bc5c775	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:31:51	-44.921
-18	38418	3841800	5767d1a9-1ce9-413b-81cf-538b47b72f44	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:12:37	-318.78
-18	76836	3841800	f0167e5f-81a1-4b2b-99fc-550ae060c5c8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:54:14	-593.24
-19	38419	3841900	89ca137c-ab9d-41a4-aabe-e2e57e05f85d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:16:27	301.55
-19	76838	3841900	491b79e9-9bdf-4ad6-bc1c-a395dd1b87dd	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:17:02	349.438
-20	38420	3842000	59712c44-d9f4-4ecf-b442-964bea180b96	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:25:43	-582.384
-20	76840	3842000	40904d3b-98da-4824-8d04-f42f5f5c19cb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:44:46	543.280
-21	38421	3842100	92feb3b4-d364-4192-a142-df9a6a3c2318	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:46:55	-120.235
-21	76842	3842100	8001b304-4f7b-464c-8102-d55e3d76ee7a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:50:50	-923.90
-22	38422	3842200	f1beb348-27a7-48a3-a0e0-09c45ec02852	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:20:40	-264.597
-22	76844	3842200	d414ce0d-5bc9-498f-a51d-b06514642ffc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:19:43	193.595
-23	38423	3842300	f9bb30f1-1906-4a7b-84e2-119af27637ee	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:01:07	409.854
-23	76846	3842300	97c3c975-4351-4ccc-a142-892d0566c7fe	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:50:04	-883.11
-24	38424	3842400	becae866-8f89-43d2-b470-72cca477b02f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:06:13	47.94
-24	76848	3842400	eeeeb225-a20e-4bd4-9b97-54fa5fdc002e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:20:22	400.303
-25	38425	3842500	7308e596-b9fb-4388-82df-a42b6d6107bc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:59:55	-154.712
-25	76850	3842500	e8a4a981-bc1b-498b-bc42-b622f4a2d511	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:03:18	804.655
-26	38426	3842600	3b459a46-1b46-4ef6-8bb8-3703eb5b19f3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:20:22	-289.329
-26	76852	3842600	5466b58a-8fa3-40ec-8cdd-0e05fa32e742	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:06:48	-979.248
-27	38427	3842700	0eefd741-07a0-4e16-a462-77ea039566b6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:13:50	764.769
-27	76854	3842700	be96662e-9c86-467b-a957-9c20a69a122e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:52:47	571.64
-28	38428	3842800	a0520443-8986-461c-803f-95f2b56083e7	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:49:24	334.650
-28	76856	3842800	5d82ae89-da22-4a2f-aab2-8b414e93d4f4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:41:53	-913.651
-29	38429	3842900	ffeae555-4604-4107-bfe5-1f21d8d16c73	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:34:30	-733.455
-29	76858	3842900	62ac18ab-5277-4e97-97b0-b561e9bd1a88	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:56:24	-677.385
-30	38430	3843000	33019433-ae9b-43aa-a372-f16e4a6e73c3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:19:56	-269.688
-30	76860	3843000	1c9c7309-6ae9-4143-92b0-cecb933f1e44	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:21:58	-441.863
-31	38431	3843100	16b62113-9d1e-4714-a69d-f4c3e7e36980	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:21:39	-108.240
-31	76862	3843100	e9a89979-8df8-4695-8cad-27d5c1e6f7c4	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:01:51	-794.544
-32	38432	3843200	cc348f15-5bd9-4884-8a4a-a22e6e019525	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:38:39	826.407
-32	76864	3843200	73b2e92e-fd20-417e-9bbf-47147bcc1539	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:48:25	-357.827
-33	38433	3843300	b561a413-35cc-4347-84fa-7df1eda5c546	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:31:36	-932.3
-33	76866	3843300	143a8763-7a3d-4ddf-b687-9e38e778e660	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:53:15	-142.303
-34	38434	3843400	922bd7c0-aacb-4238-9a05-b59f3bfb92e6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:11:35	-648.281
-34	76868	3843400	2eb379fe-57eb-41a2-965b-f290b1cbd46d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:44:24	-73.529
-35	38435	3843500	855443b4-5f78-4c86-aa47-584f37ef9262	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:39:12	659.845
-35	76870	3843500	9c21db6d-f3e0-411b-86a8-02725b9d22fc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:19:01	332.759
-36	38436	3843600	b6dbe6ab-6f52-4c90-a558-b290a557b218	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:32:05	-842.0
-36	76872	3843600	c30a4b48-a396-41f0-ad6e-8eac17d3b22d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:00:09	-253.870
-37	38437	3843700	97ab957e-ade5-488f-889e-178bf4c4469e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:37:58	432.910
-37	76874	3843700	4a25cc58-af5e-4ec9-a7cc-6366d0c8fa59	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:44:57	-222.856
-38	38438	3843800	33a9f809-90f4-4a3c-aff9-cd00c6b58442	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:18:21	178.53
-38	76876	3843800	3c85f417-e123-4be4-b7c7-2ffd06bdb789	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:55:47	136.996
-39	38439	3843900	b7d5c59c-e840-48e6-a4db-0a44815f81b0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:20:25	77.49
-39	76878	3843900	d213cb30-f3c8-44ab-8e32-af28d99563d7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:48:55	-70.345
-40	38440	3844000	6010102a-2b40-45c0-990f-c14e82374d41	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:44:21	-790.190
-40	76880	3844000	5f3070ba-c6d6-4c52-a2a3-76c0a2a610a1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:22:18	-160.352
-41	38441	3844100	a12717cb-65f2-43e7-a1ad-6ce3d74c446d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:35:12	-747.29
-41	76882	3844100	1b790e06-84f7-4e03-9440-427da2d55774	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:14:02	-980.658
-42	38442	3844200	8ef0a6f4-3d6e-456f-b9b2-77ee575b3075	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:43:34	-960.114
-42	76884	3844200	a90cae81-980d-44f3-8f1f-ccf5112054b4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:51:01	915.170
-43	38443	3844300	17e33863-010b-4948-9924-48ea15a6ef6e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:07:05	-805.538
-43	76886	3844300	924ff055-a9b1-43d1-a11b-62a350570687	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:48:19	515.691
-44	38444	3844400	bcc5e774-5e16-4af4-95b9-61da1787b408	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:23:18	-216.330
-44	76888	3844400	948edb63-9079-4416-934b-254db02fae9f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:33:11	67.486
-45	38445	3844500	5bf117dd-c715-4598-8b41-23918f3fe019	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:10:19	705.852
-45	76890	3844500	b5e519cb-671b-44f2-9afc-f911dcf9d3e0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:36:39	-756.941
-46	38446	3844600	00deb910-0466-454a-97ed-77d78b295e65	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:12:59	-887.257
-46	76892	3844600	7cf581e0-82c6-4266-ae6a-9b1b4a6b7ce3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:18:23	210.429
-47	38447	3844700	d01ffa39-b567-48b4-81e7-2896b64692e8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:47:35	-924.384
-47	76894	3844700	489d2b2c-374f-4f13-ba24-ba254f43fb46	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:50:39	-106.112
-48	38448	3844800	f100b62c-c880-4cb0-9f92-96a56e2c03c2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:11:54	671.919
-48	76896	3844800	111638d3-c64e-42a2-b1e9-c665ee021dc0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:08:02	-272.68
-49	38449	3844900	c5e07634-3849-4630-83be-49fa803f4eae	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:51:16	-756.846
-49	76898	3844900	967f8d67-3685-4438-a3d0-691525d91bfb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:18:52	-954.938
-50	38450	3845000	f8de5213-1c08-4828-946a-f65b0f9b3b8b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:59:38	659.533
-50	76900	3845000	8e3efcb0-370f-4c53-8443-a6492be056dc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:52:16	907.562
-51	38451	3845100	9c1f4dca-ed84-47e8-985e-70a522242024	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:42:52	-269.144
-51	76902	3845100	58d2eb53-2cd2-4794-aa8a-fec544a6b533	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:26:30	-400.374
-52	38452	3845200	646104bb-0f1f-466b-8788-27316021ff1a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:44:33	-286.425
-52	76904	3845200	0a272484-b2cb-4163-a371-b6d7b61e1c1d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:34:28	-862.581
-53	38453	3845300	6eaa634e-7dc2-472d-936b-ef35aa6d0484	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:41:11	-150.324
-53	76906	3845300	c5077873-6160-4cdd-9110-52ad069c3d91	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:09:29	-92.840
-54	38454	3845400	7db7d677-063e-43c0-9b2d-d584c0655402	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:19:23	-956.661
-54	76908	3845400	3c8d7c92-708b-4395-b9f1-ae1c78ba90eb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:08:48	755.48
-55	38455	3845500	f9cd32a9-83e4-468d-be2c-37f73b7cdff2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:31:08	-618.872
-55	76910	3845500	5e01cf82-7c30-408e-8fb8-1e93ce9a88fb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:08:25	65.725
-56	38456	3845600	d31827a0-930f-48d6-919e-f91b48158e24	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:40:44	-185.749
-56	76912	3845600	a48e9015-78f7-4c6b-bd47-84aae728c40c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:53:58	-674.676
-57	38457	3845700	3ca126ec-ff4e-4c7c-9e45-a64b6cff5145	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:28:21	-442.28
-57	76914	3845700	a31bf5a4-e6b2-4e71-877c-45ff9da3a23f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:30:12	627.634
-58	38458	3845800	4ee003e2-3c8e-41dc-8872-d097d61adbd5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:36:35	-143.903
-58	76916	3845800	e48f7546-09ab-4179-ab60-506e78589717	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:22:26	-615.896
-59	38459	3845900	05942969-5425-4ce7-957a-f421bb4ad8a5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:21:48	801.428
-59	76918	3845900	6cb1ca8c-5cdc-4b4f-9b4a-728873426052	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:40:14	-786.818
-60	38460	3846000	dd84cc21-9c22-4d4b-b9ce-4843a043cd50	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:03:00	899.331
-60	76920	3846000	e40933a5-41a4-40ac-a040-e5ade59b992d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:47:07	-716.514
-61	38461	3846100	17bcd7a1-0e5f-449f-979d-e97eb9d3dfc7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:31:23	522.250
-61	76922	3846100	228cda62-7d42-4321-9903-17586a421f2f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:31:28	474.357
-62	38462	3846200	725b16a1-0c22-412a-b922-9b40e3d27b87	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:50:21	924.352
-62	76924	3846200	e2241909-efea-4a2d-b0a5-6511b900383a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:31:58	-215.699
-63	38463	3846300	e2eab492-99e7-421b-a1ff-452386869c61	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:14:26	-942.613
-63	76926	3846300	8dc4b01a-b228-4ed7-a7bc-8bb6894e67cf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:57:58	863.478
-64	38464	3846400	5a5b282d-6d9a-4b75-ba97-107a40e1e634	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:18:25	-112.978
-64	76928	3846400	2e0730d5-08b4-4b23-b60d-587fe74004e4	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:30:03	-314.789
-65	38465	3846500	62597e14-0581-4f00-8305-88067c546d05	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:54:43	-383.549
-65	76930	3846500	5d99bca0-3d8d-4bc2-9d5a-a8bfa5c42dfe	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:40:38	394.697
-66	38466	3846600	862bf418-b44d-445d-b71c-5b41b8fe3f6a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:07:35	954.40
-66	76932	3846600	70fd8352-ab2e-42a1-ba52-72901ce4b41e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:29:18	-85.434
-67	38467	3846700	ffa23ef0-b6d0-47a1-b43f-b2a5c60f57ae	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:53:14	586.277
-67	76934	3846700	49b480d4-afe3-410c-8c11-911567e9dc80	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:30:17	496.576
-68	38468	3846800	f5066c0d-5066-44be-8263-5426b90b78bd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:21:53	-372.768
-68	76936	3846800	e125ba09-ec51-458a-bfa0-c9461a192328	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:19:06	-546.782
-69	38469	3846900	ea0fbcd2-fec9-43a1-a9b6-050be35df598	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:27:06	-693.231
-69	76938	3846900	cc9aa452-6cad-4b25-b892-a370b6a5c71f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:52:08	-193.950
-70	38470	3847000	9897aa8c-4e5f-44a7-a117-cf49c0d1b456	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:52:28	466.361
-70	76940	3847000	3171d64d-3465-47f7-bf59-a8cfd5414fc7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:52:44	-351.703
-71	38471	3847100	96ddea8f-31e6-4fc4-a69f-db0c4efe7868	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:45:05	-567.996
-71	76942	3847100	bce0076c-2677-4a03-8a80-5b64b1b70016	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:18:01	-917.46
-72	38472	3847200	120245b2-bdc7-43d6-887e-4cf592635476	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:17:46	566.594
-72	76944	3847200	7db57fbf-edd2-4cc9-ae2d-f1e55ef15f1e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:26:35	140.703
-73	38473	3847300	9875e6e8-c6be-44f4-b0bc-d608df66f668	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:15:27	967.23
-73	76946	3847300	6e10f207-3808-4586-9940-661e80325054	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:18:09	-923.368
-74	38474	3847400	d00ef3c3-603d-4109-a04d-3a11209e41b7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:52:31	115.582
-74	76948	3847400	c865927c-3cda-41be-9994-ac0bc2cd011b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:32:08	-376.462
-75	38475	3847500	152e4698-bb95-49c6-af9e-9f5f8a97277c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:25:02	-899.495
-75	76950	3847500	d9d2cc57-0db6-4b95-87c2-8986b4bd1455	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:42:53	295.950
-76	38476	3847600	0551f9f2-f861-4931-b0ec-93f6334e3642	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:43:40	352.292
-76	76952	3847600	5fd6bfca-6618-42dc-8992-84097e72a90f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:59:40	-302.892
-77	38477	3847700	18288a58-0b7f-46d1-9a67-44927c0abbb5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:12:48	-5.889
-77	76954	3847700	d883372a-645d-4c49-9f7f-d9d5870d8894	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 02:02:41	349.991
-78	38478	3847800	ef3a32f5-ddfe-4ea8-bf4c-4f5d0b0e965d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:57:52	-166.600
-78	76956	3847800	4edf53eb-203b-49a9-97d5-da919ee95be7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:00:07	35.363
-79	38479	3847900	1843fd12-7f03-470e-bf22-53cde47a0bad	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:37:33	-497.872
-79	76958	3847900	bfa4a213-92b3-4c3f-bb08-7a6c93f02a77	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:51:49	729.378
-80	38480	3848000	585979b7-c287-4b7d-9fa3-7655591c6446	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:51:36	635.833
-80	76960	3848000	c07b210e-3c50-4a3b-b3c1-fbc1876d3807	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:05:56	-841.631
-81	38481	3848100	a92615e0-ab84-46ee-b82f-2f2a5af0d6b6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:48:38	-310.908
-81	76962	3848100	03de7969-a3dd-4a40-994e-154464d2e398	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:03:53	-654.599
-82	38482	3848200	34dd168c-b547-4dfb-8562-5848aa2938ce	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:28:16	996.17
-82	76964	3848200	b63939e6-f987-439f-8595-95f59f266a10	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:23:56	-872.787
-83	38483	3848300	af34dc49-cdb4-459e-b62b-6dc6ac44d24c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:58:52	-935.526
-83	76966	3848300	0551a217-df8f-45a4-a827-adea53ca793e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:51:38	-937.158
-84	38484	3848400	34532c30-0276-4499-8c61-dec48a287dce	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:16:08	642.235
-84	76968	3848400	78852527-f51c-4a17-bb6c-8e5419c430f9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:53:23	-234.597
-85	38485	3848500	23edec56-47e0-4e05-b226-f628a9c9d91b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:06:31	285.376
-85	76970	3848500	0ed57904-a9e6-4982-a5b6-06978def8402	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:51:55	613.231
-86	38486	3848600	f4db71ed-0ce3-4748-a286-99aad926a835	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:41:14	-894.423
-86	76972	3848600	2519ff4e-03df-46d7-a406-3b07b36b9894	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:56:20	764.56
-87	38487	3848700	34ee71a0-bc5b-469c-9cfa-4554b531ecaa	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:18:55	310.481
-87	76974	3848700	772a77b5-7e63-44d1-9752-0b1f7e774df0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:50:29	-607.348
-88	38488	3848800	1ab91a2e-8886-4c85-ada1-5d25d7cfe8b5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:34:44	-311.553
-88	76976	3848800	4267131e-34f5-451b-9167-0b58aee2aa03	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:27:46	103.676
-89	38489	3848900	a3d61fdb-0cb2-42fd-9d4b-6f74764d8b7e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:54:33	704.436
-89	76978	3848900	f8233883-0eec-46f8-abd5-1e611b2850b0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:50:02	-52.830
-90	38490	3849000	be984a33-fdc6-46d4-8d5b-867bd2e57cb0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:31:40	-807.319
-90	76980	3849000	2e93e47a-88e8-4b01-ae21-c2f26876ad50	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:56:46	42.245
-91	38491	3849100	91e963b8-9152-4bf7-a033-ac2a8fff1dfb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:26:34	-779.820
-91	76982	3849100	e369efb8-67f3-4651-9168-1e90b2c9af7c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:12:51	872.65
-92	38492	3849200	23f916f2-69df-4dd3-b373-21179a335fd0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:53:20	273.554
-92	76984	3849200	fa5e13b1-5b73-4827-abc4-1f138097f310	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:24:47	315.682
-93	38493	3849300	343adbee-9f09-432b-a2a8-46306b093ae0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:42:22	-449.313
-93	76986	3849300	77787cd4-009c-4457-abfb-7d7a9bb62b4a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:57:36	-598.77
-94	38494	3849400	7470c4ba-6de8-4677-94ea-f688212a2466	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:45:36	-855.650
-94	76988	3849400	f901d103-cfd8-41de-a0de-f7b081e1247d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:48:58	-529.671
-95	38495	3849500	82295775-6119-4a3f-8174-0d6fa366cee2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:09:49	654.238
-95	76990	3849500	0dca5950-6425-4f1a-9a70-936ebe1ec336	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:22:31	135.453
-96	38496	3849600	c81be2e5-2762-4456-8779-c3092e7c4823	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:19:47	448.933
-96	76992	3849600	cf5cfd29-0a0b-4538-aecc-87e6408afb8d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:04:04	64.538
-97	38497	3849700	d04e0d66-7e90-4f8f-9884-8bc4a20637f9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:31:08	-885.530
-97	76994	3849700	879b7eff-9e3e-4aaa-809f-b7027be2db26	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:19:11	193.70
-98	38498	3849800	32484254-764a-4a9a-99be-f91a6cc7c478	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:02:56	959.574
-98	76996	3849800	152772ff-24e9-41b6-a29c-b6a449fab6e3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:51:16	-814.92
-99	38499	3849900	c0247bb4-ed59-454d-bab4-5e83afb1fe5e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:25:20	501.318
-99	76998	3849900	5e83d4d3-9625-41e6-ae8f-5a0578bfe002	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:08:00	-666.578
-100	38500	3850000	cce41d86-574e-4d18-9983-adb2d5d302cd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:52:23	-348.456
-100	77000	3850000	0d332d89-04ad-4ba1-a4e8-be1cf1b6d1bf	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:47:09	8.952
-101	38501	3850100	5cc05094-0e0c-4261-99e6-8265c4c9fcd8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:51:27	-310.858
-101	77002	3850100	eae02978-d98b-4d95-a6a7-32b18217d55c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:02:22	-245.152
-102	38502	3850200	f3558e87-e3eb-4f49-82e0-b50b38255648	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:49:45	-396.287
-102	77004	3850200	69feae7b-ad01-47ff-83db-33241ce91379	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:59:23	-205.766
-103	38503	3850300	45074eeb-c1da-4999-987e-a5860abd97b0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:23:06	868.876
-103	77006	3850300	37122428-c23a-4f1b-8881-faa96c024b03	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:51:48	518.328
-104	38504	3850400	8ec1bf39-4438-488d-a545-0f3e7b3984b8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:30:34	-690.991
-104	77008	3850400	d6ea2bef-fd9e-48c7-99b9-70812872b0c8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:00:59	-271.638
-105	38505	3850500	81e91119-706d-47ae-96ea-065b269bd855	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:04:26	-612.595
-105	77010	3850500	451a3b37-bdf1-41b5-a4ad-36f7971398f5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:03:24	-863.715
-106	38506	3850600	c3cd2d1f-b802-4301-b590-98df6baf9cdb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:31:44	-459.485
-106	77012	3850600	d42d0f09-8e5d-44dd-92cc-16b8ecf66d7e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:03:04	932.686
-107	38507	3850700	a0b1d24b-ae83-41e7-a59b-066fc7a6729e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:00:50	-718.66
-107	77014	3850700	34be296f-a96e-44ee-995a-372cf98ca7ce	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:39:21	32.155
-108	38508	3850800	6b862d81-8f64-449e-b826-6f19a21534a4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:07:35	738.57
-108	77016	3850800	944bfcc4-b740-4174-81ba-947850cb3636	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:12:06	6.726
-109	38509	3850900	0c604c62-dc84-45c4-a1cf-d25607edbc25	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:44:14	-952.207
-109	77018	3850900	fc9a4025-431b-4987-bdfa-51157f05eaa3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:53:34	523.550
-110	38510	3851000	9ccfc50e-fb81-4f39-bd71-efe2b3d2312f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:17:25	-346.329
-110	77020	3851000	3b001b85-c7e5-4d5c-bfe7-64acc8cc85db	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:17:23	-558.473
-111	38511	3851100	b4ff11a3-13a8-4879-8e22-30588a341570	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:36:24	-656.644
-111	77022	3851100	7b28254c-c086-4fa1-8f5f-5c7d82be0a19	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:52:51	-369.696
-112	38512	3851200	c3dbbc4a-d4c6-4bb6-8647-40256089ad2c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:50:24	407.174
-112	77024	3851200	bb00a234-e08d-461e-99fd-f94e31740696	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:25:43	8.46
-113	38513	3851300	cb6c62f7-0a3e-4ce9-bd01-cf1719caa15e	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:22:53	705.914
-113	77026	3851300	531f48ad-83f7-4756-9509-ea18415ba561	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:08:07	498.174
-114	38514	3851400	f48744b9-a96c-4174-b249-3f3666d0695c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:20:48	566.575
-114	77028	3851400	519d7137-3b86-4b5f-977b-4af115ca7592	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:56:31	-899.840
-115	38515	3851500	f76a571a-374a-43e3-ab63-6bb7dc76e741	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:04:54	-744.366
-115	77030	3851500	e8c9c4b3-98ac-4763-a7f1-5bde30d73924	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:17:45	526.773
-116	38516	3851600	bad19852-e130-4584-a7ec-da902c865e9e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:36:11	-389.875
-116	77032	3851600	3877ca83-b72b-46df-bb7b-6456b6a631c6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:43:18	601.132
-117	38517	3851700	7fe2b55f-70ae-4bd5-b34e-062055cfcd53	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:38:19	-924.132
-117	77034	3851700	698adf43-ca6f-4985-80bf-38e75d3706cf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:25:17	706.684
-118	38518	3851800	1f9d0b23-198f-4abe-9d17-02088f58a99a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:09:32	-721.697
-118	77036	3851800	2409c1f8-d943-4aae-a6b2-40e82738c686	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:32:12	25.996
-119	38519	3851900	bc6f3708-c0d9-4675-b3ef-09f8b1345220	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:00:38	-584.766
-119	77038	3851900	cddc463e-b3fb-4e51-a9a4-b3ee9acb5790	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:49:02	173.290
-120	38520	3852000	f941ecec-f01a-4a7d-93c2-6844789ffe4f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:12:15	282.359
-120	77040	3852000	451a814e-9331-4e68-ad1a-012ecc96c4d0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:36:58	-841.449
-121	38521	3852100	295a5b62-d020-4396-8163-35b17a970f6e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:23:35	-979.367
-121	77042	3852100	712f93e7-6cde-4ed3-a673-9a6899756c4d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:55:11	-954.727
-122	38522	3852200	43f47f70-cecd-4e07-813f-2aea057a43bd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:24:38	438.284
-122	77044	3852200	a4c27951-8c43-4941-81c1-e634d2773e7b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:56:22	-558.80
-123	38523	3852300	749afcc9-28e5-44d5-9c6c-4fe50f96b47c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:33:40	807.595
-123	77046	3852300	c60507c1-a754-4e0f-b7b6-be2720587e2d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:29:24	-84.940
-124	38524	3852400	1647fb38-6051-446c-9b9f-7d1c83acda69	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:17:41	612.586
-124	77048	3852400	ab64652d-f20a-4539-b768-9779e69f8424	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:51:44	-227.93
-125	38525	3852500	532a78e4-3efc-4ca7-af74-1e981458ac8c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:22:53	806.641
-125	77050	3852500	6c8021fc-ee81-4a23-92ac-cfe9abf79540	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:53:39	-391.141
-126	38526	3852600	0bb9a85e-a358-4fec-b86b-8f87ba6b2514	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:31:53	-709.378
-126	77052	3852600	dc3dd3e5-d13a-4882-a3af-18196994e020	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:29:33	204.253
-127	38527	3852700	27a5f9a8-170f-4d21-8f0a-071848f1f26c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:58:32	107.29
-127	77054	3852700	087ec5ac-3b20-4b1a-a9ab-8ed98f988daa	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:24:29	-983.441
-0	38528	3852800	51d42e04-9cad-45c9-91d9-6de44e973417	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:01:39	-529.775
-0	77056	3852800	1b1e052d-fbd0-4dff-a0c7-2554d813c95d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:07:09	416.626
-1	38529	3852900	f4ccd0e6-046c-4777-8469-8ee2cb9cac50	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:11:50	463.245
-1	77058	3852900	01ecaf02-2939-4118-8055-321713310bb7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:51:06	379.248
-2	38530	3853000	18ed9490-55ab-4e66-bc5c-640fbaa2e3ec	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:16:20	870.750
-2	77060	3853000	b5850877-b844-403a-9914-685c05533071	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:09:06	704.806
-3	38531	3853100	8976f56d-7f58-4169-8b51-973b0340f3ed	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:42:02	-827.971
-3	77062	3853100	80af2ef9-eaf6-4248-8a96-292ae8b930e8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:29:45	140.972
-4	38532	3853200	541a4b9a-d4a2-42af-a86b-e3beb5df0e42	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:49:07	-593.295
-4	77064	3853200	f8b89744-41d6-4ea3-a13d-884b542c0a56	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:39:04	-762.223
-5	38533	3853300	d8620541-fd82-4311-a799-d8778536c29d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:00:35	-870.428
-5	77066	3853300	10bcd3e1-77ce-4c1e-85ae-b294972875f7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:49:01	75.11
-6	38534	3853400	fa526c50-dd53-496e-a29f-128e5ced3ba2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:40:59	457.700
-6	77068	3853400	fb13f46b-89ef-4881-b419-d76fa8576d27	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:58:58	-663.727
-7	38535	3853500	a13c7e9a-2213-4175-8f05-434a17be519b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:46:32	249.233
-7	77070	3853500	109381d2-9a40-4a70-b33e-1a67349931d6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:46:02	-725.694
-8	38536	3853600	562f0ff9-bad7-4173-a7f8-980d1752a122	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:36:08	563.964
-8	77072	3853600	692c0f4d-b23e-4b0b-8452-42e4a418822f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:13:07	437.564
-9	38537	3853700	e9783aa4-452d-48e3-bbb1-673facb391c7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:26:22	931.459
-9	77074	3853700	f6135642-f0ba-4655-b7c1-9a0335ac5c74	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:03:52	-6.464
-10	38538	3853800	fc5548cf-c75f-4588-9055-8227d7e94422	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:57:39	-682.902
-10	77076	3853800	fd8a202d-b4f9-4b72-8652-4bbe8286b8d7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:38:27	-907.136
-11	38539	3853900	49269410-e2dc-40ad-aa06-d34d7cd347f4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:30:19	-481.187
-11	77078	3853900	e06ff274-0ab7-47eb-9bc6-f12668f6f681	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:30:09	220.947
-12	38540	3854000	c0e21c0e-6379-4e16-a329-8b94a445e05f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:34:10	-411.720
-12	77080	3854000	dce141ef-16cf-4804-af24-820875adc593	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:30:53	849.154
-13	38541	3854100	36e02256-07fe-4e67-b3d4-49b58b4fbcc4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:59:37	-597.482
-13	77082	3854100	21e48626-2b75-435a-a237-70982d370e76	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:01:41	-999.600
-14	38542	3854200	ffd9f1d6-fc78-4e19-ba85-d93b56f427c0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:34:54	303.54
-14	77084	3854200	e4c31190-b38d-4ab2-a8fc-83a76d71ace6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:45:40	-470.206
-15	38543	3854300	18c2416e-42f9-4e66-b488-2b75563f1cfc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:40:10	-436.984
-15	77086	3854300	3b643d89-64ff-4d65-8678-5d1446730a5c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:34:15	897.801
-16	38544	3854400	0a95f067-f3e6-491c-a7cc-cd95ec154e0d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:22:10	-525.121
-16	77088	3854400	21737ea8-38ff-453f-8391-ee1479c62de0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:15:24	958.682
-17	38545	3854500	280dd993-25bb-40da-aa03-65c12f2c169e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:52:46	-353.479
-17	77090	3854500	de558d7c-86fc-4896-b26d-34ba299f1657	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:11:31	598.317
-18	38546	3854600	da376d1c-bc62-436c-bfc9-5be374b35050	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:20:16	-197.615
-18	77092	3854600	1cdae5ae-7169-4e7c-85f8-93b1dcc30af3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:48:00	872.341
-19	38547	3854700	dafe4eea-6757-4ba9-9604-ae9579802406	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:47:51	-378.867
-19	77094	3854700	ae937351-2bc6-49ec-8197-d25ef31f0b03	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:53:47	637.867
-20	38548	3854800	b548de62-0bdc-4ab9-b034-091e4d1e7b35	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:01:46	982.357
-20	77096	3854800	ebad0496-6990-4179-b228-a9035a668521	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:14:47	-97.698
-21	38549	3854900	6f7dbda7-33d9-422d-8982-4507abcf8cd2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:47:58	439.452
-21	77098	3854900	efa97fd1-289e-4ead-b168-7fc9a07789b2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:41:53	-70.91
-22	38550	3855000	0b7177c7-6b37-413d-ae08-a480ac00d738	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:42:07	-659.242
-22	77100	3855000	98ee0342-1455-434e-b2b2-e0303dff9c75	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:38:18	-197.354
-23	38551	3855100	fc71121f-b661-48e5-bacf-9e16a875bbd7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:59:07	222.111
-23	77102	3855100	5c0dd5d4-00cf-48a1-9456-d2dfb1508160	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:18:38	-711.537
-24	38552	3855200	29da223c-0eb7-4fcc-8478-024c646fd637	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:37:23	174.608
-24	77104	3855200	6b26c435-52ff-4754-aa7f-fc386a07bbdb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:14:06	94.311
-25	38553	3855300	a469cac9-7bd5-4c76-91ff-953dbdee4cc3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:20:03	692.82
-25	77106	3855300	854bf80e-bb01-4da0-8536-2f6c1b736ce3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:15:54	-281.94
-26	38554	3855400	057a8402-e610-4bca-8947-2bab7ac5a78c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:12:26	847.954
-26	77108	3855400	cc80c96b-b5be-419a-b7fb-8d4bc7cf4dd1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:53:08	-473.607
-27	38555	3855500	12038c0d-6efc-4ef7-8ab8-9b85a28676e3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:39:23	941.946
-27	77110	3855500	075d7eed-8c4c-4604-ab4a-3d01a9365521	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:30:43	673.648
-28	38556	3855600	5263c6fd-a29b-4766-848e-450e69001de5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:57:56	272.721
-28	77112	3855600	f1b297dd-5f23-43b6-9ef9-026f0e39e4f2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:11:38	-471.596
-29	38557	3855700	5b9ee427-948c-4201-8151-c290750d5d28	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:16:59	5.528
-29	77114	3855700	5c6b904c-e325-45f3-8534-c8fe3710777c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:08:59	-617.382
-30	38558	3855800	3132a2d0-1e34-4d5c-ae4c-90b0ed015eb8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:01:55	-108.377
-30	77116	3855800	2b74531c-d36f-43d9-995f-28301ae47226	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:06:12	304.796
-31	38559	3855900	c1a8366e-99c4-4123-b6b3-052404171c67	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:09:42	68.687
-31	77118	3855900	93b422bb-66ef-4efe-aaf8-aea82e564d12	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:52:46	-321.43
-32	38560	3856000	df3b2e88-d57a-491f-bff2-9b926ef4b207	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:10:02	569.534
-32	77120	3856000	249c5540-7805-4aa5-b254-c49758367464	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:07:18	882.161
-33	38561	3856100	39183fb1-af00-4392-bb2b-bf14e9213c42	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:51:52	31.872
-33	77122	3856100	8baf46f5-c82d-42c6-8b93-08b04f44dbac	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:01:25	495.327
-34	38562	3856200	b8b1f042-7d2c-4a5e-bf6e-fcd415db1c43	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:30:53	-378.813
-34	77124	3856200	eb544491-5181-4c6b-9fee-1fc97ab5b0af	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:31:02	5.637
-35	38563	3856300	8df234dc-5988-4602-999f-d9f9689e6708	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:48:58	409.250
-35	77126	3856300	97484b9a-3497-4f54-b171-d7fe5fea4b93	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:39:02	-185.969
-36	38564	3856400	79bd10d0-6ce5-40e2-aa44-4552f9c5a7da	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:10:04	-864.103
-36	77128	3856400	7fb30422-9543-423e-8760-c5f459a49822	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:50:45	-738.970
-37	38565	3856500	19d89ccd-de8b-49f6-bdf3-69f9cadb1b7e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:38:07	-367.992
-37	77130	3856500	c929c095-11e6-4dbc-b156-dab7a721b5c4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:58:42	-578.290
-38	38566	3856600	2b311b53-0842-4a7e-9145-0cb745ee7eeb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:50:54	399.8
-38	77132	3856600	aaee3405-fb20-4f85-8ca3-34844f4486c3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:28:33	-139.343
-39	38567	3856700	21d3eea7-9fef-44cc-af52-50b7c3e1a2bb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:21:34	553.536
-39	77134	3856700	9b7d593d-25d8-4f32-aab6-7237c1ccc109	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:15:41	339.684
-40	38568	3856800	d60e86ed-20b8-4de3-bc7b-66c88382c631	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:20:40	618.832
-40	77136	3856800	a89d3b4a-66ae-4a4b-a491-285f96e2d97a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:56:13	-375.994
-41	38569	3856900	c4ef144c-84f0-4ebe-916b-27697437df15	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:09:32	526.534
-41	77138	3856900	4151f9d1-af19-47eb-9425-c50eebab33d7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:22:00	-911.522
-42	38570	3857000	8b44afd7-d267-4e9b-9278-b25a52d63684	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:05:59	-605.783
-42	77140	3857000	9b0bdf6b-e819-4793-a3ce-ecbb8db77f63	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:29:44	-983.7
-43	38571	3857100	b1c51d70-e634-42bb-9235-016855eaeef7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:22:09	-685.530
-43	77142	3857100	9c1c5570-bd13-453d-b43f-3cc768ed3dc1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:25:56	-830.177
-44	38572	3857200	bdce5145-16fb-4b73-aa38-ea468f75b7f5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:52:39	-344.556
-44	77144	3857200	99ea4412-abe6-4106-bcd2-7b9a77046d9f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:24:21	545.234
-45	38573	3857300	e8774cd3-715b-43cb-9fbe-f33d35cdfdd9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:49:04	128.263
-45	77146	3857300	dc204b68-35d1-4fd3-a5ff-f29fc26479dd	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:23:45	15.922
-46	38574	3857400	048d6c5d-6995-4b84-82cf-b9aec06e6040	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:00:15	-169.181
-46	77148	3857400	be5d913a-9977-484c-8c5c-7b3e161f7bad	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:11:34	838.15
-47	38575	3857500	ac99476b-50e5-42c2-854c-04ddd320f4b6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:12:10	-443.476
-47	77150	3857500	5b4b2e7e-a2bb-4408-bc7f-2885d51dd5ba	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:37:57	-65.642
-48	38576	3857600	d232efa9-686b-4301-b221-e4ddd5b3d1d5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:38:01	-756.200
-48	77152	3857600	3525ae0c-8c65-4ee5-a827-7bd622c09090	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:37:31	-974.549
-49	38577	3857700	0f088643-f9ba-47dc-bc8c-790fa7ea0583	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:51:04	-336.241
-49	77154	3857700	b7078a09-1d4d-454f-a4a5-a997b8428d35	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:01:29	995.8
-50	38578	3857800	825659b1-f822-420c-ba46-53346fe2b633	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:27:12	-838.885
-50	77156	3857800	4d39b57a-f99d-4d23-ac3e-58fddf7dd645	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:22:00	-904.750
-51	38579	3857900	2b9b03c1-b3d9-4e3d-8964-d62176f22584	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:15:13	-378.868
-51	77158	3857900	adf76cb2-672d-42e4-bbb7-6e6d5b11f26e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:59:57	13.905
-52	38580	3858000	b93a7132-8760-48fe-9688-54b6b05e9294	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:39:31	-36.32
-52	77160	3858000	c113b812-dda1-47d8-8f1c-7d77a5c5aec1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:52:45	-191.26
-53	38581	3858100	a5e539a2-5756-4ba4-b604-6f128629f894	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:02:25	-23.670
-53	77162	3858100	e1992056-6f08-4f4a-86ed-eeedc2513083	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:02:02	-420.596
-54	38582	3858200	64459e10-ee5b-4efc-af72-18e136f80e00	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:17:46	-945.438
-54	77164	3858200	5d421358-4739-45aa-bce9-9414d92fc4bd	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:35:44	902.510
-55	38583	3858300	4245d411-513c-4f9b-812b-3bea6e32e850	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:54:49	719.219
-55	77166	3858300	3a824e30-a7ac-4df7-90ea-454674b920b3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:18:58	-49.416
-56	38584	3858400	ed9a851d-a1e4-494f-8579-209fdb079b2c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:37:03	757.939
-56	77168	3858400	453390e9-8e3f-4396-89c0-dca29fd0212f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:47:59	-34.662
-57	38585	3858500	8ac02570-5fda-4546-bfdd-2eafa69842ec	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:57:22	-8.608
-57	77170	3858500	6ce925a8-417f-41ad-9ccc-e9ac57b59a15	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:13:21	-996.357
-58	38586	3858600	d43ba025-e930-4394-afe4-621f8a6425c3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:23:58	511.472
-58	77172	3858600	d65b47b0-5960-430e-aa46-b978ae64bc66	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:17:59	192.179
-59	38587	3858700	3ad686c6-7b3d-4424-957f-7a99e58ac39f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:34:08	888.134
-59	77174	3858700	d952e60d-7169-4149-ac8a-c27783ec6500	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:56:30	664.839
-60	38588	3858800	1112c93e-22cd-4f25-ab7a-32184230dfbf	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:25:38	-355.313
-60	77176	3858800	f5af773d-d2ef-4cc7-ba14-3a108415990f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:15:58	-471.554
-61	38589	3858900	6bcc3ab4-4a1c-4862-af4a-cbd474a72844	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:24:06	-239.857
-61	77178	3858900	c90c1a14-1d05-4fb4-9a7f-2361a386d6be	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:47:43	-156.723
-62	38590	3859000	9c24cd4c-f9e6-45fe-a16e-ca9bc1e5b0af	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:46:10	-495.2
-62	77180	3859000	4d3e6220-a840-4f58-b0af-6ab0bf90a789	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:55:47	-874.854
-63	38591	3859100	bd6e32f9-941d-4cd6-aa20-3090958a8875	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:53:58	-563.254
-63	77182	3859100	01fd890b-67d1-42aa-a108-394f34ef2e46	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:21:38	254.14
-64	38592	3859200	e712c750-906c-47b0-bfe0-01caf6d9112b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:30:52	-658.438
-64	77184	3859200	26852d7f-66e8-419e-a154-72665384f865	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:30:02	-316.597
-65	38593	3859300	087937aa-23a5-43d9-83cb-736aaa2b1dfe	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:33:45	613.207
-65	77186	3859300	2b89cea7-62b0-4100-ad72-db9638418bc0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:38:45	326.777
-66	38594	3859400	7819a4d0-591b-40b5-9d45-c3d59f8e838d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:34:31	-404.500
-66	77188	3859400	efdc536c-27e2-49c1-bec5-c768476e4ca5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:33:36	211.88
-67	38595	3859500	97753b25-052d-4f25-80a7-d704bd0e901c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:28:31	801.752
-67	77190	3859500	039cfa37-027a-43f8-ac00-1d069ddef818	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:25:24	-987.621
-68	38596	3859600	0fc96683-8d86-498e-ae10-30957a6ef807	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:16:10	-135.700
-68	77192	3859600	862d3212-0c90-4083-a412-c6edb2e16102	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:20:32	-893.141
-69	38597	3859700	fd741161-4b4c-41a2-af66-5f53f7a72780	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:41:33	149.869
-69	77194	3859700	a8ff2ff4-98a8-4dab-af68-fb55a3f9cabd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:26:09	-604.518
-70	38598	3859800	2c39dd8c-28e9-4592-9c99-4e95d0575353	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:44:39	-473.561
-70	77196	3859800	434426ed-942d-4702-99e2-e9dedb09196a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:44:32	-779.820
-71	38599	3859900	e09b52a1-05d8-4d00-88d2-8f87a1d44c99	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:52:09	-4.226
-71	77198	3859900	af04322e-6b11-4798-a3a8-e8485ff126b2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:10:40	566.678
-72	38600	3860000	e0e4146d-e246-464b-9b99-f7095aa2a85b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:05:39	-727.204
-72	77200	3860000	6f5c7045-e8e1-47d6-8c7d-98fe2d02b210	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:10:56	-577.336
-73	38601	3860100	8ba28802-1bf6-4a7c-be04-bb7c7644e2b6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:09:33	-175.680
-73	77202	3860100	ac40022e-b02b-431c-b8ab-599e6dcfab11	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:25:02	496.802
-74	38602	3860200	93d0df08-7a2d-4db2-86f8-a10679273aad	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:52:38	-462.822
-74	77204	3860200	e64cfcc9-4ac0-421a-928e-b79bd226c0de	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:19:07	704.426
-75	38603	3860300	78e8dff2-a2d9-4ef3-83eb-f034f3e043b6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:41:14	742.123
-75	77206	3860300	fca58860-fc14-4ad3-abb2-b67625d5603c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:56:49	-278.795
-76	38604	3860400	53f91037-8d61-4fae-8d36-aa9d726b5d70	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:04:07	-638.205
-76	77208	3860400	9bc2e4e9-d06c-41d7-bd84-fa95c90716a7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:43:44	-274.876
-77	38605	3860500	59d603bf-8aa0-4018-88d6-f25d1026ba73	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:02:01	-466.81
-77	77210	3860500	86ca6e33-2583-4012-873d-e29e630f7496	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:29:38	-778.148
-78	38606	3860600	391b2d43-fa40-472b-b017-752dc88338c0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:41:28	-488.582
-78	77212	3860600	2d1c0344-0b04-492a-9de1-fb095791b527	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:49:21	6.45
-79	38607	3860700	a2079e3f-d345-438e-95eb-896e47a798cc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:24:26	21.732
-79	77214	3860700	6a1cc66a-19d6-4cbd-a292-8d0fdc5cb4eb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:10:52	588.515
-80	38608	3860800	22ae668e-9407-4a59-a5cc-ce0acf31f5ed	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:20:58	-357.178
-80	77216	3860800	1bd3b79d-7499-4294-aa46-6e8b9a93acac	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:52:18	161.926
-81	38609	3860900	64c7d8a4-b76a-4712-81ab-30607bde243f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:53:20	-903.285
-81	77218	3860900	006187a7-8013-4ccc-a0ad-cec412f90c40	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:06:43	-60.209
-82	38610	3861000	2583c08e-5822-4903-bf94-f3e5ae264333	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:11:10	-123.663
-82	77220	3861000	a47dc9dd-c814-4ad8-9583-435dcfa2197d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:25:50	926.708
-83	38611	3861100	135e5c80-6fa4-4b22-8108-78dcdd3eb501	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:46:03	-627.845
-83	77222	3861100	79e6d74a-beda-4928-887c-92b67fd13e75	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:42:26	993.206
-84	38612	3861200	e0f37e5c-7fde-4867-9cd3-f07523a43126	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:49:13	-942.207
-84	77224	3861200	959f467c-fa66-45b3-bf85-c1cd106ce290	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:18:13	784.549
-85	38613	3861300	51caac8e-cf40-4e15-931f-3ad13a3f1b01	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:41:46	-11.31
-85	77226	3861300	01c51cbc-23b9-4991-aab3-bac187f535db	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:58:36	-24.747
-86	38614	3861400	4cdb5f4e-3ad8-4836-a0ce-8207dd045607	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:02:47	166.533
-86	77228	3861400	310247d1-243d-4f7e-ba17-294787ff9d0a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:44:38	595.758
-87	38615	3861500	5f640fdf-a0af-404c-aae1-fb9dba0544a6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:02:42	262.945
-87	77230	3861500	2cd382d2-7cf6-4993-ace3-7109da193f59	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:03:53	-797.962
-88	38616	3861600	9952acaa-c982-44e4-8ee8-31ec896090a2	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:05:07	58.789
-88	77232	3861600	c4e1e377-681f-49bd-934e-cea2bf35176a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:58:17	563.458
-89	38617	3861700	dbed980d-e343-4eb4-a37c-e8fcba5f3b4f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:51:24	-712.112
-89	77234	3861700	ba2dfe51-7ccd-4945-b7fc-b1a2e50d5244	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:56:51	953.915
-90	38618	3861800	eba56c42-f2fa-4724-86d4-6b39764a8852	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:36:05	-639.523
-90	77236	3861800	c7d98eaf-13ce-425a-b802-efff732a737e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:36:55	-400.509
-91	38619	3861900	ac3aa9d2-314d-4662-9dd7-45642a39c24a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:52:14	-762.967
-91	77238	3861900	9f792958-e93c-43f5-b33a-1ad705aedfab	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:43:08	-989.124
-92	38620	3862000	9a4c2e29-5abc-4b81-a213-2c61b6d788d9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:40:21	663.624
-92	77240	3862000	3f314525-bd2f-49f3-8521-4d84d49790c3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:29:06	384.544
-93	38621	3862100	253cc4f7-743a-4327-959b-1561780e77f2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:21:49	-905.424
-93	77242	3862100	2d789891-17b5-4b94-99b2-d167b32564e8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:04:14	805.677
-94	38622	3862200	fd0820d4-7c32-4020-8706-19abf6d3c5e9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:14:20	-987.252
-94	77244	3862200	184a1d2c-b90f-4649-99db-92691684c4b9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:22:03	-855.209
-95	38623	3862300	651a2e1a-333a-4801-84ce-dd15669ba72a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:43:45	610.940
-95	77246	3862300	37ab58a7-c83b-45a4-aec6-bd10d9e92366	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:36:36	310.560
-96	38624	3862400	9409db11-bf90-4db9-955f-dad5c2e0af21	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:44:12	-19.642
-96	77248	3862400	1b7fc085-7109-4e62-9da0-59f2f040f544	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:46:18	-153.249
-97	38625	3862500	35101163-0553-4df3-8934-88e7a6c4b850	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:24:01	728.158
-97	77250	3862500	7b7eba9a-54a7-4bae-8303-d10bcfc5377f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:51:41	201.792
-98	38626	3862600	98225852-2f20-4a9c-9320-b6c3eaf2946c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:12:44	658.660
-98	77252	3862600	22ba9303-5420-4edb-88cb-9858099ec212	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:47:23	-180.231
-99	38627	3862700	431add66-ace1-40bf-8236-d5140b0aa2da	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:40:31	-651.366
-99	77254	3862700	a4469688-5500-4643-9ad3-314a3f970cd7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:17:45	-796.431
-100	38628	3862800	8c8137ad-d7ea-44a4-b527-440a2b5123a1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:48:43	723.880
-100	77256	3862800	e3072e36-e6f6-456d-ade8-b53b0deed51f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:45:24	-824.509
-101	38629	3862900	0bcd6c0e-8353-467f-9754-b60dd9a32ab9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:13:27	745.454
-101	77258	3862900	4b573b30-d7d0-4901-90c5-6f6fb9dfe3eb	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:58:29	-160.210
-102	38630	3863000	c706f7f4-4afa-470f-b759-69a02c2fbd9c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:39:08	696.464
-102	77260	3863000	9d82853b-354e-4f9f-b6a0-cf7a1a22fa42	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:52:37	-782.752
-103	38631	3863100	c62fedd9-078d-4420-878a-421fb7c410f4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:24:16	-506.454
-103	77262	3863100	2ad8e099-c1f7-4931-8f93-7451b20a2746	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:18:53	-61.763
-104	38632	3863200	2e98c459-b589-4c45-8e29-f1eb368e08b5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:15:33	-511.755
-104	77264	3863200	e642b294-4ade-449f-a3d4-9770ac0959c0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:23:09	-744.480
-105	38633	3863300	1839584d-9e56-4928-aa9a-35997caf57ad	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:48:24	401.220
-105	77266	3863300	7acebb34-e1ee-4336-b91c-eaa671dcd030	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:48:00	-441.629
-106	38634	3863400	79292655-0dfd-4212-81ea-5e11bde57d46	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:54:06	829.528
-106	77268	3863400	c304608b-8c76-4102-8b67-c3f22741fe47	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:28:57	-924.340
-107	38635	3863500	37caaf3e-3ded-46c3-9346-20f86c83fd89	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:59:51	-431.412
-107	77270	3863500	014c4d9f-4824-4e34-9784-08bae072dc0f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:47:14	85.179
-108	38636	3863600	05d2e10c-b0d6-4efe-ab4d-4e9bad49e2c5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:57:27	-424.911
-108	77272	3863600	ede1c394-f9be-4971-95ea-84c62e591d95	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:17:31	646.537
-109	38637	3863700	1c75175d-8033-4db6-b4de-ecb0a4f93661	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:33:28	17.168
-109	77274	3863700	fa88e94e-3117-48b2-8242-6a36e29c188d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:02:02	-500.339
-110	38638	3863800	f06f985e-e89e-4214-be65-1299eacd1555	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:31:00	-783.14
-110	77276	3863800	10e99aae-20ab-42c6-bdf1-b5d0ce1ad0af	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:57:58	-483.225
-111	38639	3863900	4bf7c043-803c-4418-9dba-64f060cbaca8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:35:39	970.408
-111	77278	3863900	63a92adb-67af-42ee-b387-a39345d85560	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:56:05	-119.476
-112	38640	3864000	029ea65a-a31c-43cd-87d3-fc54ad50379e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:38:44	-482.752
-112	77280	3864000	4becae48-584d-4b8e-9275-c4d07174ced2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:57:20	-484.927
-113	38641	3864100	cb5e2838-d666-463e-bef4-51ed0b3cdb0b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:35:26	904.783
-113	77282	3864100	9f6eb796-f2fe-4de7-b8c5-bfc0001938d6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:15:42	-574.321
-114	38642	3864200	87273a2b-0074-40df-aa07-731b5e2b49df	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:34:22	979.200
-114	77284	3864200	6092a4e5-6fe6-467a-b7c6-a78bf2d20fb6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:30:26	166.240
-115	38643	3864300	6852ce63-801a-4bb1-99a7-c3c3282a4366	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:43:27	-97.548
-115	77286	3864300	486fade5-524e-47de-ab1e-988e650ad3f9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:10:56	552.353
-116	38644	3864400	70874406-da79-49ca-a441-f74f2338a5c2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:53:46	-663.616
-116	77288	3864400	f31d7e20-d4ff-4cc3-82f2-c3d6899d42a4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:29:02	890.252
-117	38645	3864500	e2c84645-df1a-48a1-bdc4-c2f3dfa17867	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:35:35	-912.52
-117	77290	3864500	549bbc9b-f0c6-4db6-be82-12a282fd2d1d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:17:54	-970.213
-118	38646	3864600	1c582d8f-e0c2-4e4d-8716-34db34dbe50c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:12:38	-489.183
-118	77292	3864600	26b17d59-2132-4de4-bdc5-8872d5645687	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:48:43	325.74
-119	38647	3864700	26467b59-3e92-4b15-9af4-712580e55415	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:09:02	90.386
-119	77294	3864700	dec25d2d-be45-47f5-bcd1-4bbc6ab17d5f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:21:37	-178.943
-120	38648	3864800	39007235-8d08-4649-8350-78ce5ba77a89	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:56:19	-45.574
-120	77296	3864800	89b598f0-7249-42c6-94e1-487717d6f0e0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:23:50	673.545
-121	38649	3864900	e87a031c-0172-4f61-8f06-c134430dedeb	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:35:51	483.934
-121	77298	3864900	13c7643e-ae1b-4b4b-8b62-e4c2a99bdea2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:50:46	636.798
-122	38650	3865000	63b9b0ec-8dfe-4752-8210-f0b7f0838e0d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:55:13	-28.872
-122	77300	3865000	e066cd79-0920-4b63-8cc9-05fd2edc770d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:27:30	-395.918
-123	38651	3865100	e051b3d5-b649-4bb4-a84a-d220a7bdd5ef	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:40:36	472.258
-123	77302	3865100	b468c3f2-7582-4ee8-a622-4df877c45ea8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:04:41	-495.658
-124	38652	3865200	5d98eff2-96f4-4cee-a652-938134330435	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:49:16	618.704
-124	77304	3865200	bd50d263-a5e6-4872-ae0b-f51a7840d58c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:47:19	-819.296
-125	38653	3865300	f0ad3761-5b62-4eec-b044-96c9dfa83ae4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:59:57	898.80
-125	77306	3865300	7a63a22e-6f2c-41e7-ae23-d9bc4dd06e4e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:56:21	-832.21
-126	38654	3865400	32f95218-9bf0-4662-a3a6-286e5f089481	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:22:07	-182.181
-126	77308	3865400	c716df88-2e35-4992-9c13-01d4a1cf0527	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:54:09	-911.835
-127	38655	3865500	ea7f5d4f-49fa-4189-82e2-23df70862bef	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:48:42	358.26
-127	77310	3865500	d6303d55-e582-4836-a077-0f5ac3f88c1d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:28:49	-797.96
-0	38656	3865600	a8bf01ad-eaed-4f21-b1ae-409ed10fb0d5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:44:33	715.607
-0	77312	3865600	82c3ca0d-1750-4ea1-bbfd-d9ce8ef145ff	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:01:51	778.526
-1	38657	3865700	0e90adf7-0717-4c98-9133-c351171d8ff7	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:18:08	587.967
-1	77314	3865700	fa0d134e-afde-4230-9fcf-ece3b9fabeee	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:20:40	184.850
-2	38658	3865800	9464f034-6e02-4182-9744-00ab86fa3eab	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:16:54	35.324
-2	77316	3865800	14e7028a-edf0-457d-9f3b-5e314cf7f883	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:16:20	-636.212
-3	38659	3865900	1513f605-3698-4d5e-97a5-2fb49d458e1c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:42:24	-161.334
-3	77318	3865900	47449193-a11f-40f4-8281-85ae7e6bd258	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:08:38	734.588
-4	38660	3866000	d74f7818-7af9-4fd3-82f1-cf9dfd1ff74b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:22:01	792.749
-4	77320	3866000	bb65c26a-3626-4434-b0f7-e928566e2947	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:05:30	631.639
-5	38661	3866100	60dcba2d-d3b9-4637-bf00-82de084e4c79	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:49:12	-991.563
-5	77322	3866100	078160fe-2db3-45d5-a1df-4170574cb875	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:21:10	-471.763
-6	38662	3866200	9a1edaac-07b3-45cb-8aa3-742adb7f4d13	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:25:09	-810.335
-6	77324	3866200	82e8bceb-7310-4761-980b-68e97bf735b0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:30:52	-215.124
-7	38663	3866300	0b6eb077-67a4-4220-bb16-f1052b6c88eb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:10:45	586.94
-7	77326	3866300	e1e70c60-23f1-4063-bb21-f88e1956161f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:09:13	-512.60
-8	38664	3866400	4be1eaf8-7c13-4249-b9fc-c0b26fac0a7f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:45:08	-680.778
-8	77328	3866400	94edc234-9772-4b0c-ad05-705253c0e526	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:11:37	947.81
-9	38665	3866500	3c4885bb-5de3-473b-a16f-d506088f2015	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:21:05	-976.173
-9	77330	3866500	de218fcb-e966-4372-a54a-c398570882a7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:57:21	-752.312
-10	38666	3866600	31881aa1-a963-4f67-86c2-099d9299224e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:29:02	-927.842
-10	77332	3866600	228dc769-6a32-4669-a6fb-574f445a052f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:29:28	251.525
-11	38667	3866700	2f13db93-2616-4aca-accf-1addad9f64b9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:34:53	-267.242
-11	77334	3866700	c620bd40-22bb-4f99-830f-d0d6021aa4ba	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:30:09	854.674
-12	38668	3866800	ae0d0146-577a-4192-a5f4-3bef3a31e98a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:24:16	403.876
-12	77336	3866800	5d3e0f59-3270-40b3-ba11-01fc4c7efc59	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:48:30	-27.216
-13	38669	3866900	366c2bac-e0ac-4683-83d5-54c2086e781a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:17:56	-550.699
-13	77338	3866900	e878e8ac-fa94-44f3-b647-383ba6c927a8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:55:12	-287.592
-14	38670	3867000	25c71561-e9ae-44a6-9934-f469da3511f3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:48:08	-925.277
-14	77340	3867000	27097f79-6020-432e-aa11-d6ec70dd50a9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:39:55	123.474
-15	38671	3867100	fb11c560-288b-4117-b944-d89177aac07c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:00:31	-186.42
-15	77342	3867100	972f5137-5201-4b9d-9b33-9522489b1be4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:31:00	-14.501
-16	38672	3867200	2455e8d1-8ef5-4609-9561-128ed8746b87	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:46:24	570.402
-16	77344	3867200	0dc823d4-c7cd-4f89-a7d2-02e6a40f8e81	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:37:01	-37.880
-17	38673	3867300	febc7345-286c-47e8-914b-8c227daf9e4c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:37:30	-440.233
-17	77346	3867300	20316686-2d80-46db-ba4a-7cef7b70480d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:38:54	245.904
-18	38674	3867400	4a8b9722-a6f1-4d3e-927e-873b58bc68f2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:42:58	159.53
-18	77348	3867400	87970015-5dbd-4213-8e13-4ebd476ab9fd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:05:22	-591.991
-19	38675	3867500	82bec36e-a55b-4b45-b37e-cb8b5310cef0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:34:04	-472.576
-19	77350	3867500	c5f45db7-3ec7-4b92-861e-7c9801be1750	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:31:46	41.36
-20	38676	3867600	19bfe8e5-d073-4ab5-a4fb-eced36bbeb42	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:58:41	-837.696
-20	77352	3867600	9736f698-6838-4290-8d24-fb5294a069de	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:59:19	451.952
-21	38677	3867700	c30091ea-7ff1-40b8-8697-1ae784827199	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:29:02	-338.616
-21	77354	3867700	8013de40-e615-49a9-88d9-2585844071af	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:28:34	110.368
-22	38678	3867800	fc7348fa-f73e-43af-8b43-714f6013ad29	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:33:34	826.939
-22	77356	3867800	5bf09d3f-a41b-4177-8095-5cec1924968e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:18:42	-292.531
-23	38679	3867900	cf60a705-75e6-4ac3-a9b5-3859b339a1bc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:38:21	-555.767
-23	77358	3867900	1662e69d-648c-4c24-aa2c-cc7ec16c6f1f	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:04:15	262.420
-24	38680	3868000	6717fc26-0d7d-4d27-a99f-56c91394ac42	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:22:21	920.694
-24	77360	3868000	028e1093-6839-48fb-a5a8-040228c0f488	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:45:11	-450.670
-25	38681	3868100	19ddea27-f314-4804-a6ea-1aebc3e47dfd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:33:57	706.80
-25	77362	3868100	7a1d7ef7-ca3e-40e5-ac42-3e6723dc659c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:09:40	74.80
-26	38682	3868200	5b25bd4f-aa93-4bef-98d9-a7c43bca657c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:51:34	664.78
-26	77364	3868200	a89ea9f4-e6dd-4e4e-a2ea-87c6c17f6408	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:44:00	-970.467
-27	38683	3868300	03204edb-89c3-4864-806a-8fedec6c6b7b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:23:36	635.707
-27	77366	3868300	22d3907f-ec45-4cc9-9bd5-30c82df2afc3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:05:41	-592.131
-28	38684	3868400	fea3ca44-4a28-4cb9-8283-9e0e0d732473	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:51:08	-502.715
-28	77368	3868400	f5fbd7b5-87dc-4fe8-8f46-d30ed95e4c5f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:35:24	933.209
-29	38685	3868500	8890419d-6c29-4856-8c8b-4aaa4b14fbcd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:00:19	885.618
-29	77370	3868500	25c27b25-8ee2-4c4c-8b83-3e44f861bef2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:52:15	47.107
-30	38686	3868600	dbcc4aa0-62e1-4f19-af4a-d7bd6685b65f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:33:33	622.132
-30	77372	3868600	5139d798-8cbc-4674-bb51-8e8885ac4785	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:50:02	651.967
-31	38687	3868700	a02a3a71-4e04-416e-a8a8-a5d9b3228433	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:26:56	454.660
-31	77374	3868700	f2ba847b-803e-4c6d-a1b6-2d6ecb409426	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:05:04	295.7
-32	38688	3868800	a9867777-d249-44b5-9d73-7090904f145d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:56:13	-720.99
-32	77376	3868800	78e69ef3-57ce-4e7a-856b-7e84961f4a4a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:32:18	-519.339
-33	38689	3868900	977509d6-f154-4258-9e3e-ec2432acfd56	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:12:39	-464.306
-33	77378	3868900	75e617ce-2e0b-45d6-afdb-da1d0e4a2bc8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:42:32	842.291
-34	38690	3869000	34b977e7-78a8-4132-913e-18d801ab9097	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:22:56	-788.196
-34	77380	3869000	1547d024-ce4e-4d13-89ad-581b00f8cbee	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:17:37	-467.193
-35	38691	3869100	84293855-5ce8-41a7-94c9-04a05ad156fb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:35:17	229.849
-35	77382	3869100	1bd8eb4c-a286-4a76-aae6-2f22263791c1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:49:50	-426.414
-36	38692	3869200	f380ba87-8b63-4762-9ccd-c35a7a5d2992	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:30:50	-41.40
-36	77384	3869200	b6a5ee91-0041-4216-bd3e-be13ac848ffe	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:19:45	699.476
-37	38693	3869300	a2b05bf9-40ea-4c97-892c-be38d0ab084f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:36:43	63.407
-37	77386	3869300	abda66fd-7f90-4a6a-8d9e-62b388a6000a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:46:42	892.255
-38	38694	3869400	813188fb-3baa-4da8-8241-b78225959ad8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:58:45	-756.778
-38	77388	3869400	b5012517-c105-4749-9467-6c8cea3c7324	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:27:33	858.402
-39	38695	3869500	8895a781-3af0-4708-9b3b-d56466035752	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:23:12	-239.410
-39	77390	3869500	aef4b83d-a4bd-4ef5-b149-54e38f8e2b01	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:59:50	721.127
-40	38696	3869600	dc35200c-0d3d-4bca-9265-5759b8340185	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:15:29	906.791
-40	77392	3869600	f8125a47-cfac-430c-91a9-8173f55ea66d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:38:58	-450.910
-41	38697	3869700	5fab3842-11b8-42f5-a6a4-48acb235a372	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:04:11	-123.821
-41	77394	3869700	9e053e32-27d6-4a80-9b76-d61a0b614d6e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:25:08	322.98
-42	38698	3869800	2d751555-57f1-44d1-8f47-c710e278bb9e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:33:46	-168.196
-42	77396	3869800	9e505bbd-9457-44d2-bcbf-ff83271d09ff	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:18:14	-379.388
-43	38699	3869900	0f14bfd1-965b-45e9-922e-9c1944b371b6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:56:44	890.732
-43	77398	3869900	e11cde4e-a8ec-4492-8843-47c84534d366	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:40:24	-199.893
-44	38700	3870000	f1ec9bb5-48f4-4982-aba2-6b357ccce0e2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:21:43	332.161
-44	77400	3870000	ffb59f09-1539-4975-b26a-a1cd321a91b9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:00:44	999.645
-45	38701	3870100	cfad0ff9-de95-4cba-b85a-81209e4a2bba	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:33:40	-277.757
-45	77402	3870100	a53884f5-1555-4eee-b22f-b73c02a354e9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:45:41	-324.129
-46	38702	3870200	ddb2751a-5b89-4ce3-9229-b97cceb5fbe6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:07:49	-51.574
-46	77404	3870200	4ddb15e1-b635-48d7-9cbf-9e54861514a4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:03:02	-8.807
-47	38703	3870300	979bd3cb-a6a3-4a44-9efa-4e57d80e9a4a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:53:48	-446.467
-47	77406	3870300	f96daf3c-da33-48a4-9aaf-45cfa669fd86	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:27:37	-440.698
-48	38704	3870400	c56592f9-c704-4911-9cdd-1d9d52de374a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:48:39	-416.762
-48	77408	3870400	25634a80-8215-425c-826b-b847c60a29e8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:06:38	421.573
-49	38705	3870500	da2cd0f4-6834-4b8c-910e-61fdb5cc0b71	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:15:19	-242.278
-49	77410	3870500	670e9faf-79eb-4702-8b3b-1882401d12c1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:38:11	9.266
-50	38706	3870600	269ec6bf-d0e9-4e38-b762-8937d5d85ae6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:54:12	648.53
-50	77412	3870600	4fbcd125-64f2-4e50-989a-444215f49d51	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:49:51	-27.791
-51	38707	3870700	e9d1f07e-6c7f-4809-8fa3-f9d5c3f48af1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:41:52	889.798
-51	77414	3870700	5cc84a7d-2ae0-434d-8523-02e055d6c101	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:23:03	-276.277
-52	38708	3870800	34ed0d8c-362d-4c32-9c4d-30673e3226e5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:19:35	383.352
-52	77416	3870800	0766bd67-5ace-4df4-a2df-0e49b5c367ea	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:57:44	221.857
-53	38709	3870900	56cecb6a-46f2-4358-9b8c-1f4c5471d51c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:09:43	152.654
-53	77418	3870900	11e6773f-cd62-4672-b7f8-1712885fe6a5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:25:00	537.893
-54	38710	3871000	ad714024-c22b-4276-8762-b6abb1bda4a6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:57:34	863.120
-54	77420	3871000	75f54103-29b2-44fc-b719-346499c74294	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:34:49	-587.862
-55	38711	3871100	76a91ec9-3e4a-413d-8bdc-934eb41dded4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:23:01	721.656
-55	77422	3871100	0955a8d4-67a5-418c-8835-6ad0f3396531	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:35:07	328.716
-56	38712	3871200	6ad9268d-123e-44f8-88c4-fe6763903ad6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:43:29	574.920
-56	77424	3871200	fc936084-b823-44b8-a6f0-b976b9d370a4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:33:22	-83.662
-57	38713	3871300	9a5160aa-cb87-4e2d-9d9a-3089dbddc82b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:04:01	430.772
-57	77426	3871300	b84a7e16-3914-4dd8-88d3-f348346f43ab	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:09:45	830.238
-58	38714	3871400	ae8143df-b512-4af8-8191-5086af173943	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:04:55	38.321
-58	77428	3871400	5bbff16f-f99f-4969-99c7-f56475da0015	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:54:44	352.711
-59	38715	3871500	a3d90af7-a8b9-4cfa-b40b-536b0ba899a4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:28:54	-51.36
-59	77430	3871500	6ab0a744-e25d-4f60-915d-9ef6e6e3dc06	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:32:20	668.110
-60	38716	3871600	b406f69e-78c8-4815-bed6-a4d30def73b9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:47:36	368.288
-60	77432	3871600	d4ae8d4d-f7cf-40e7-a0cf-18323a807cf3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:40:26	-126.629
-61	38717	3871700	bfe7dc91-fb63-462d-bda9-2555d23b14be	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:08:31	810.757
-61	77434	3871700	3136b636-bae7-44ab-b46f-338a1633f8c0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:08:07	-234.721
-62	38718	3871800	f335de37-1736-4ba5-951a-5b11783166af	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:30:04	90.639
-62	77436	3871800	efc6ce75-77fb-45ca-8449-196b3c7f6b23	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:00:42	-350.570
-63	38719	3871900	9f65a2f0-0cc4-4a72-86d2-10149529dc13	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:57:18	-151.788
-63	77438	3871900	f65a0834-1efa-4d62-b8fa-3b0124fcc048	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:47:10	986.940
-64	38720	3872000	c18b1695-2f75-44ec-90b5-5098c70d1edd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:01:15	979.485
-64	77440	3872000	c618db7e-94b3-4e26-881c-f9e193a4448a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:33:45	846.680
-65	38721	3872100	11cfe61b-0212-4f9d-9611-afeafb22d64b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:26:36	-467.367
-65	77442	3872100	834c8eeb-8d9d-4b42-96e1-b960263292b2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:19:04	-924.377
-66	38722	3872200	4cefe1e6-0be2-49a4-9e0d-531a399f0b23	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:25:11	-650.718
-66	77444	3872200	c3787736-dfbc-4f5c-b40c-69628f04aa79	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:21:41	290.832
-67	38723	3872300	f933d8c4-b293-4abd-9dcd-b373351ef73d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:36:14	704.446
-67	77446	3872300	d69c597c-2c57-44ef-8f8f-2b3cd069c83a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:04:47	-666.89
-68	38724	3872400	fd8864e5-31d2-440c-a059-e1ea5e9a0480	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:28:01	-365.163
-68	77448	3872400	f043ab21-01a4-41ed-8b9d-f492454048ec	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:13:48	-346.64
-69	38725	3872500	73a41c57-e64b-469b-aa8b-aab82c6f6bec	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:23:27	481.377
-69	77450	3872500	9e831835-5909-4eb9-bc91-2257092a59cf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:46:25	908.948
-70	38726	3872600	7bebb69c-1114-4f32-acb5-069f12aea2fb	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:04:38	-976.584
-70	77452	3872600	e01dfb66-f896-4f00-9312-4048f410cf95	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:10:05	-448.102
-71	38727	3872700	bde82051-d5fe-4e8c-b2af-9725d77eeb45	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:04:44	-269.305
-71	77454	3872700	76280e6a-bf09-4196-9a0b-3305be1aaf11	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:26:06	-495.419
-72	38728	3872800	c81e79a2-5bce-42b9-b0c3-af3d68ca1aa9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:24:44	31.532
-72	77456	3872800	c3cab646-1d7f-43d5-9b9c-2cf06ccf712b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:01:17	248.337
-73	38729	3872900	105a8f29-1049-45d1-b49c-75420781c33d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:11:10	595.458
-73	77458	3872900	bb05d8f2-74c8-417b-af2a-62a74dda6320	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:52:46	380.86
-74	38730	3873000	4b5139b2-e69f-4621-94d7-c463c823b2cd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:22:37	-628.938
-74	77460	3873000	75bea43a-8791-468f-9f11-1912ea79cc6d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:25:22	-584.155
-75	38731	3873100	68ddde6d-8a67-46cc-9ebb-a54fc63dde24	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:34:21	604.617
-75	77462	3873100	a6c24d47-20aa-4f72-81d7-35e0ef29e716	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:53:17	806.237
-76	38732	3873200	e013c2f8-28ec-4efa-94af-501f76271432	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:49:10	-842.43
-76	77464	3873200	24dcc7e8-daae-44ae-b79f-47a581132673	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:40:38	427.520
-77	38733	3873300	3c17df60-24fd-4fbd-8b5f-4594ee288cda	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:16:37	205.278
-77	77466	3873300	adea2bf5-c286-446e-bd7b-3545fc9833d5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:43:24	-8.996
-78	38734	3873400	f1865996-e56b-4598-b792-cb780ebba6e6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:17:38	-419.168
-78	77468	3873400	aea42b93-e4a9-4c20-a227-febc338a82f0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:53:07	-472.510
-79	38735	3873500	6b7e1c7c-9d32-432c-b656-1cdc52d72f53	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:52:55	-258.250
-79	77470	3873500	24b88a71-6473-4e55-9658-51de7d5dbb7f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:12:00	-789.404
-80	38736	3873600	7b35ac8a-7436-42db-9ac9-acecafcefbbd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:44:02	755.944
-80	77472	3873600	430d737c-1e0d-4872-a344-7134f7f330c4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:33:37	-282.244
-81	38737	3873700	94a37a95-c850-4cd6-bea1-6c49d84110c3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:32:55	610.198
-81	77474	3873700	848ec865-5f70-4eeb-985f-85655f43484b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:37:26	-370.33
-82	38738	3873800	7e85363f-e75e-4795-a440-3eaccadf39d7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:46:22	-960.910
-82	77476	3873800	6d419929-cfa6-45ff-afcc-30730504d319	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:43:52	-100.647
-83	38739	3873900	3bd82cce-8dad-451a-ae46-6fa06548dae4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:50:27	410.134
-83	77478	3873900	a54ee203-1749-4da8-a64d-fc2dc1be8ad3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:59:12	873.92
-84	38740	3874000	d267d353-94dd-4d70-9001-eaa2d5fa895f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:45:45	896.412
-84	77480	3874000	6f4f6c90-b3a7-4fdd-a0f7-ac4b515fe20a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:33:35	762.175
-85	38741	3874100	31871d05-1d92-46f1-bca6-a8a1562f0d93	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:41:12	-835.925
-85	77482	3874100	5e08d194-a7e7-4b92-afca-058dfc7b6142	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:10:35	284.654
-86	38742	3874200	dab687cf-8153-4632-adbd-f751b94977a5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:26:45	915.329
-86	77484	3874200	423d1bd9-0d33-41bf-890e-cada15481050	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:11:55	-139.812
-87	38743	3874300	90af5d46-855a-42e3-bcda-69b0e33211b1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:05:17	-210.395
-87	77486	3874300	5244c713-c3f0-4e3c-8bc5-5aff2b9bd32c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:10:08	73.123
-88	38744	3874400	ac0f99c7-3fff-4584-a1ea-4bf1444d6d26	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:55:59	-981.513
-88	77488	3874400	c21687f1-e194-4f8d-b7c7-d2a3f8b80805	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:19:16	-851.581
-89	38745	3874500	2f6abe3e-1cb5-430b-ab4d-648b54d2c5dc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:53:41	-191.171
-89	77490	3874500	e53819fc-159a-4fd0-b622-03d97b9d5e3b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:12:03	-150.844
-90	38746	3874600	2fa9eb8d-c3fa-4e78-a612-1e5bbb0b627f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:35:13	359.205
-90	77492	3874600	132c40d5-7eb5-4883-9000-06724907e6ed	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:51:48	551.530
-91	38747	3874700	2e9ad3fb-3e4b-4180-9e82-691ef268e908	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:01:45	638.194
-91	77494	3874700	69925eb8-c3ff-43b5-94bb-5ebcc8fecf50	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:03:08	-634.109
-92	38748	3874800	3941d98e-1695-4e67-b293-e321a85a9ef8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:45:47	-706.20
-92	77496	3874800	948a8e45-8039-4aa4-8ca2-79fc6d34e324	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:34:25	-885.397
-93	38749	3874900	1a54cea9-faab-4fe4-a2b8-479eb393eb44	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:54:22	703.336
-93	77498	3874900	a9cfda60-9d7a-4acb-b60e-805d83d04435	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:34:22	174.833
-94	38750	3875000	b3ddceb8-f162-4651-aa57-8600d058b468	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 18:07:48	398.671
-94	77500	3875000	9b747b40-6ea8-48d4-9b15-3cf089e8aa5c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:38:31	-433.269
-95	38751	3875100	7b7284d1-fa61-46a9-9ff4-6a956ede4dc0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:19:49	518.618
-95	77502	3875100	daee1620-aba1-4435-87bf-19aa53f431f8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:22:04	195.643
-96	38752	3875200	5c52d15e-42be-4512-8524-1daa35e1d644	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:26:33	-793.586
-96	77504	3875200	ed41da84-5387-44f0-b6cc-7ef6dfec3fa0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:43:59	-603.501
-97	38753	3875300	8c6c0153-63d6-477d-8862-399ac3bfaafb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:14:52	720.352
-97	77506	3875300	89fa27cb-9f88-431c-9561-2966e315dc25	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:28:24	959.487
-98	38754	3875400	71425cab-fd4a-4fc6-870a-877e8a290ca5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:30:34	859.517
-98	77508	3875400	bbab4e8c-9b0f-4443-8680-3c3cc7c575ed	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:55:57	759.796
-99	38755	3875500	26327b26-61ff-4032-84e5-b28a1351cd83	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:25:17	496.820
-99	77510	3875500	7c447d6a-d617-4ad4-a18d-5d285ffbded2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:07:35	136.942
-100	38756	3875600	edba4eb2-6607-4241-a3e7-7482a85bda2a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:49:39	-269.755
-100	77512	3875600	63a59479-f368-479a-a286-c1f3ad53eccc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:29:58	793.645
-101	38757	3875700	ffe38b09-5c2d-403d-a499-6f2c924d304f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:27:26	-149.894
-101	77514	3875700	8bb4e71d-cd28-412b-b851-1eb46d2488bf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:28:58	630.37
-102	38758	3875800	13bda9f2-89c0-42e5-8c0a-b4aebede3f9c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:10:23	-633.738
-102	77516	3875800	25561719-abe1-45b9-848b-13e99056fda5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:09:17	-161.500
-103	38759	3875900	952613aa-655c-43e9-9381-e41992978ca8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:00:54	-758.572
-103	77518	3875900	f6bf5e36-6adc-42e2-9b36-049b6ca9ac35	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:18:17	-843.18
-104	38760	3876000	e63f6772-5148-401d-9a7f-3ad456eb47a4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:42:50	588.832
-104	77520	3876000	ec0f2053-5d92-4566-bee8-ea6f30b3b8c5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:08:26	-590.246
-105	38761	3876100	3d52f70a-31db-41ff-b15e-4323f2307870	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:14:21	-825.101
-105	77522	3876100	4cb7b3b1-9097-46b0-acce-2b389c5c70c1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:49:12	-232.302
-106	38762	3876200	de155d8e-aa3f-47e9-ba32-daecace4b6ad	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:37:09	-669.447
-106	77524	3876200	47e3f18d-d3e0-4977-9659-c482b047660d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:17:08	706.36
-107	38763	3876300	1fd9f402-6807-44b2-8129-ec8c10e9e74f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:50:54	644.28
-107	77526	3876300	7bec6aba-1277-48b7-a49c-96ef7188031c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:58:06	-660.994
-108	38764	3876400	6f5899f0-40bf-46c1-ab82-397f4be5c826	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:31:38	-328.629
-108	77528	3876400	9cb2add5-2948-4d07-9eaf-ac5836f27d89	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:34:50	501.906
-109	38765	3876500	fd80dffa-303b-4001-9549-7e980bd752ed	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:38:51	648.505
-109	77530	3876500	10b8b854-c4c5-42bd-aa32-e52bc92a87d9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:34:44	-250.500
-110	38766	3876600	e0fe2185-66f4-4cdf-b51e-8cb3448427c8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:05:38	589.432
-110	77532	3876600	aa459962-7641-4488-bff9-b911f28e3e7e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:55:20	803.778
-111	38767	3876700	34779938-c60c-496b-8826-a42f879148d8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:11:37	429.821
-111	77534	3876700	b4328863-02db-450a-8495-d93d59b25eaf	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:45:17	604.150
-112	38768	3876800	0ba5c29c-e4b0-4026-bf75-cce823597dec	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:31:54	878.341
-112	77536	3876800	b4e5fea6-443b-491a-9ed8-fc5a0d2750d9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:15:37	-715.530
-113	38769	3876900	9631cb70-38cf-447a-9aff-20a039af05bf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:58:42	-524.613
-113	77538	3876900	a1ec49d4-4fa4-4759-a9e6-695e04598e4d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:32:01	307.146
-114	38770	3877000	811623d9-8787-4328-ae74-7ec4f74d23f7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:28:52	697.232
-114	77540	3877000	11a715ee-ab8f-4c8c-bead-276e703dc1e2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:34:22	496.645
-115	38771	3877100	84bf92f6-bfd0-41da-8c80-589c59f876fd	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:16:35	-552.555
-115	77542	3877100	064acbc9-4ab0-4d4e-9bcf-98e265d2eafd	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:58:04	789.306
-116	38772	3877200	78949224-24a7-445d-9eae-7f67e3c3d204	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:23:02	925.518
-116	77544	3877200	9e35c439-84a5-43c8-ac1b-fbaebc0674ef	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:37:54	67.489
-117	38773	3877300	abc99b49-7392-485c-b884-7a8893d5125a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:24:09	-143.44
-117	77546	3877300	239333cc-d069-4f79-8fca-cd7951d38aba	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:59:13	-430.857
-118	38774	3877400	263bcf4c-7814-4a5b-acec-c6892e6916ec	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:31:11	-170.12
-118	77548	3877400	9529a4bc-2b75-47db-8c32-00817269ad1e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:35:37	-663.894
-119	38775	3877500	70f533db-1ca0-4f16-af5b-962779aefe5f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:31:36	14.441
-119	77550	3877500	d0ed4324-0c98-4c74-9239-22e9e5e61aa9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:15:16	-154.405
-120	38776	3877600	e76e8e1b-c105-4445-b4a6-bde4e9e132dc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:41:15	-137.327
-120	77552	3877600	e55340ce-feea-4d36-91af-bbd17ad705c0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:06:10	735.417
-121	38777	3877700	0fa94a6d-1184-4136-b736-bf056da0f277	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:07:27	858.672
-121	77554	3877700	87bd88a8-c2ed-4a38-a4ae-91bdf9c39bb9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:34:51	-899.153
-122	38778	3877800	f297ec19-4fb0-4b9b-a734-6987767ce674	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:04:27	-472.744
-122	77556	3877800	df308d06-f2b5-4d7f-828d-7b096d63b88c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:42:17	608.874
-123	38779	3877900	48c63283-9e6a-44d4-be92-54bdb3f1ea84	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:23:59	860.691
-123	77558	3877900	b51551e8-6bd3-42ff-94d5-4bcac839f79f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:34:32	230.253
-124	38780	3878000	dd714a31-3794-45e5-9360-5fcbf29ebee7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:23:26	363.380
-124	77560	3878000	f7aee5ca-431e-436e-a53d-553910455959	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:51:38	-553.229
-125	38781	3878100	17e462b0-d651-4699-a30e-c5673d49d870	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:51:14	558.553
-125	77562	3878100	89a19c03-9489-4d5b-bb31-63ef26a12af0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:09:38	-751.276
-126	38782	3878200	f72254cd-102d-4e55-946d-1439b4224d46	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:50:23	-756.353
-126	77564	3878200	3656193e-75fd-4c4a-b8f6-15b7402af0d5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:43:03	-392.831
-127	38783	3878300	b2b2e02a-77b1-41de-be98-5b9c009825dd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:44:04	-345.306
-127	77566	3878300	ef1fbb40-6e35-4efc-8f2a-661a29318fe6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:14:17	-744.333
-0	38784	3878400	2f6ae94a-78c9-4845-a359-ae61311bc973	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:46:55	-163.467
-0	77568	3878400	32779b4f-a633-4236-829b-53cef2219799	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:22:48	-526.158
-1	38785	3878500	61e9ccba-b9b0-4b19-a09f-93bde5424fb1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:31:02	533.309
-1	77570	3878500	034790ba-1554-4217-b856-74bb83636836	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:15:44	-358.821
-2	38786	3878600	49c1a16b-7527-4382-b839-d7938076213b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:01:42	-986.525
-2	77572	3878600	7b359cd8-1ff3-4031-9d09-ca6045c4fb5c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:26:28	-946.941
-3	38787	3878700	21cef80e-5afc-47e6-9e29-27834494149d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:50:15	-438.455
-3	77574	3878700	b5e356a9-0ff6-4d8a-93ee-6c99da21c00a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:55:31	-275.657
-4	38788	3878800	fe331a47-3025-47ad-9f2c-9d3bb6b9456a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:24:44	-408.863
-4	77576	3878800	b253e8d3-4492-40d1-923e-ceb712b9daa2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:49:42	914.150
-5	38789	3878900	1400e4dc-7ce7-40d7-8938-effaecf5e2fb	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:33:39	481.2
-5	77578	3878900	f48432df-fcb3-4a05-8bd5-36e5d7855310	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:56:03	-619.265
-6	38790	3879000	a8a8e63d-3df1-4309-94eb-94b182c9e698	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:29:23	372.527
-6	77580	3879000	e9bae489-a069-4f70-ae0c-6962383c0889	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:32:05	-563.711
-7	38791	3879100	7a4041db-d363-4578-813e-acf652e0cdd7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:45:31	13.761
-7	77582	3879100	f30b26e4-1df5-46f9-b391-edf6fa25c26d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:13:17	381.414
-8	38792	3879200	f96c9fef-b332-4d89-92b2-dfbc0e3b055f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:40:50	-432.191
-8	77584	3879200	d07e4779-fd18-4f1e-b7ed-8e956017b9cc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:53:08	-63.302
-9	38793	3879300	cf35b30a-65b6-4e9a-a583-c3ee1679f656	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:28:49	-167.897
-9	77586	3879300	44368341-e17c-4613-8330-d35d3c2af41f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:50:06	-102.799
-10	38794	3879400	17da73ac-a284-405f-b5c5-e1daf86fe2ac	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:44:28	-795.613
-10	77588	3879400	3f41eb4b-ad5f-4a3f-9b5a-fbe7ed09ba6a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:15:30	-588.3
-11	38795	3879500	c7bf5776-24e1-47fc-ac55-dfa3f8d88b9d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:13:32	586.86
-11	77590	3879500	069f736d-074a-464a-92f4-2bc7d0526bb8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:23:35	490.185
-12	38796	3879600	fd2355c7-aa08-4a56-8554-b1b32bfafe15	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:26:44	661.675
-12	77592	3879600	e99df364-ee94-4398-bbf0-fcb98d4f497c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:42:57	-242.837
-13	38797	3879700	c3042fa7-df30-46cf-b2e6-b3c276ba84a4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:23:06	773.743
-13	77594	3879700	c8f07a67-96f2-48c8-997c-c6f15aea4c2f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:12:41	-474.495
-14	38798	3879800	f7ec1d1a-ebec-47df-941a-27509555e326	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:55:36	338.371
-14	77596	3879800	8fea3607-0854-4f8c-8c7a-32e148b5e417	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:59:27	258.521
-15	38799	3879900	ec49e16e-cb16-46ff-ba20-c23b132526d5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:36:44	-604.217
-15	77598	3879900	2d684757-90ab-4255-801b-984e1757ff29	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:17:35	874.876
-16	38800	3880000	3de6d3dc-fa32-4341-8980-67323ad0c638	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:36:21	-751.317
-16	77600	3880000	ec5566f5-2acc-41f4-9ad2-7d2c0b3536c9	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:32:00	-658.512
-17	38801	3880100	f75506ce-0a9e-4038-9302-199d4e5a42e3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:47:56	-870.141
-17	77602	3880100	b3970b93-cdf1-496a-9170-be142ef0820f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:20:51	-982.388
-18	38802	3880200	54cbc700-da11-4534-be50-104c3d80965b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:36:44	-237.305
-18	77604	3880200	46cf9205-0a3f-4afc-b38f-62d35bd34563	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:43:57	179.974
-19	38803	3880300	70f41206-fcf9-42d0-be1f-1cc98d752031	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:40:57	-631.986
-19	77606	3880300	31f1c7b6-a918-4d28-a811-f58ca369e939	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:43:59	-351.126
-20	38804	3880400	ed1c13ca-32cd-490f-ac77-0d06791d6b82	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:25:55	-989.633
-20	77608	3880400	cc6ec233-2ad8-4dd1-8fea-78543646cee0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:49:49	388.750
-21	38805	3880500	1e467682-f0a7-4e1b-99f0-6d34659a4c00	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:53:14	120.611
-21	77610	3880500	5315c2a6-5cd8-4f33-be02-612ce3ff3557	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:12:41	464.706
-22	38806	3880600	12cbbd5f-74aa-42ed-89c3-f248741bd980	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:18:08	-919.712
-22	77612	3880600	8e11757b-df7e-4d5d-801f-3d25b283b931	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:51:43	122.852
-23	38807	3880700	34ece875-4968-40ca-a76d-f30fa0951c20	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:04:35	-54.594
-23	77614	3880700	ff273512-aa8a-475a-8807-0399fa10b104	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:43:56	-102.504
-24	38808	3880800	4730f8d4-e09c-4a2c-99e4-af63f4bb702b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:01:54	631.760
-24	77616	3880800	d5fdefa9-f47e-4136-a168-344ef92ddf56	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:40:08	-956.543
-25	38809	3880900	19f51649-c5df-4f83-8ade-2337897d8e1e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:59:29	335.267
-25	77618	3880900	7f5fa1d3-f1cb-4032-86be-02566f0577db	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:46:09	-188.980
-26	38810	3881000	48ca5928-59bf-4697-afc8-d3df4645e8dc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:41:53	-464.960
-26	77620	3881000	44bb873f-4ab4-4ef2-8ddf-53404c61366e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:59:13	-192.129
-27	38811	3881100	0de90311-845c-43bf-80e9-28571b47103b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:56:43	-483.329
-27	77622	3881100	267c89fe-6c8d-4f5f-a432-a0d030fd3c7d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:21:44	328.17
-28	38812	3881200	c546b0ec-02a0-4914-89a7-b3a7aec916b9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:29:06	826.900
-28	77624	3881200	091b0945-056c-4e09-84ff-c3372ca7d3aa	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:38:47	-356.182
-29	38813	3881300	39b9f627-3de8-4915-ba42-4a554b32b20f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:21:36	-885.455
-29	77626	3881300	3f4a9f4a-6440-448f-83d7-ecfce3643e74	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:21:41	-549.97
-30	38814	3881400	94bbdd56-69fd-4bff-a5d4-d063f0fd8f6f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:28:41	289.927
-30	77628	3881400	7b510450-c11a-4191-9718-de9b7e6eeb95	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:06:01	410.476
-31	38815	3881500	9ae4702e-6019-446f-9e5a-7d486bbeb4b2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:03:55	596.900
-31	77630	3881500	923a7db6-98e5-4270-8163-d6d586c6dc87	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:25:03	-505.979
-32	38816	3881600	bedc95e0-3c0b-4c5b-a507-66e2eef8c845	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:36:51	-742.859
-32	77632	3881600	1b658938-e28b-44b4-9908-f8c282d7eaa3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:19:56	475.908
-33	38817	3881700	e42cca23-5ef6-4977-ac8e-7ad02461bdba	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:08:06	900.322
-33	77634	3881700	bcfba89b-cf7c-4e09-a810-36d18b47e193	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:57:58	-784.98
-34	38818	3881800	708580cd-b0b6-44cf-a304-f23c716d0205	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:39:27	268.47
-34	77636	3881800	2e67578f-f8b7-4dad-9f02-8ebe6d1b6ef9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:50:52	-833.753
-35	38819	3881900	3347a94f-a346-4d37-8b82-b1e2f78b833a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:58:39	-573.297
-35	77638	3881900	54d51ee4-8721-4d89-bcd8-f365e59bdc5e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:09:35	-880.371
-36	38820	3882000	f4ef15fe-d5e5-4826-9795-c591fe756548	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:29:50	-427.420
-36	77640	3882000	cc206cb7-20a1-4ceb-8432-274b9093b0b6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:13:57	-837.249
-37	38821	3882100	91ddd7b3-5f90-4fc7-8930-bd286cc232cf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:22:14	-392.628
-37	77642	3882100	5b945e42-3a94-471c-8f3a-162e6ac36152	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:25:08	331.65
-38	38822	3882200	02aa4780-f5b0-4822-812e-ed4af278857d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:22:16	-116.708
-38	77644	3882200	c9f5367e-97ce-434d-b01a-d8e32a53a9b6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:34:21	-6.193
-39	38823	3882300	185b6cb2-7cea-48c3-b984-d497f1d45f51	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:02:11	-104.263
-39	77646	3882300	cf111540-c8b3-44da-8ea8-578c61dbec20	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:45:39	-472.454
-40	38824	3882400	5352f7ef-3b92-420a-a0a2-8099d6974428	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:51:41	543.903
-40	77648	3882400	b3f3c97e-fa39-411d-8ec6-577368af723e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:56:10	-396.895
-41	38825	3882500	1c1dc7d4-c214-4708-8382-554485f088bb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:13:10	-775.867
-41	77650	3882500	9ed038b5-f401-461b-aa86-895f4a1049a9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:13:00	547.903
-42	38826	3882600	22231f1b-ce4a-4f9e-a174-a466ea5f9185	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:36:44	-679.585
-42	77652	3882600	a92d49ed-b6a4-4081-9868-be73318123ab	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:36:29	-494.615
-43	38827	3882700	747ccc70-14f1-44a3-920e-871e3c525b31	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:46:59	428.467
-43	77654	3882700	b439ca0a-d00f-457c-9024-07bcfeafc609	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:29:08	220.398
-44	38828	3882800	866cc02b-57f9-40df-be7b-2bdd4bb102a7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:29:40	-726.765
-44	77656	3882800	f45f1ba0-a85e-4478-b032-ee037fb39871	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:45:42	-899.993
-45	38829	3882900	49024c56-03b9-400b-89d0-c90e5dad29ab	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:10:02	202.947
-45	77658	3882900	cc4214b0-a5eb-488f-896e-ff06af7167f9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:54:41	953.634
-46	38830	3883000	391b6b57-9e8b-4f33-b094-0a0fbc7db081	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:38:14	752.719
-46	77660	3883000	5f1a190f-7738-42ed-8d35-1243b3ee7404	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:56:43	-875.733
-47	38831	3883100	e2ff7cc3-95e0-4e24-bce9-196824fa6feb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:22:24	317.774
-47	77662	3883100	e560f984-873a-4bf6-8304-b411df024ca4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:43:25	502.703
-48	38832	3883200	c21b0bba-dd64-4b23-819e-415b8669e522	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:33:20	-803.772
-48	77664	3883200	857c6d21-f41b-4010-8840-36c8f96fa3ef	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:32:57	253.3
-49	38833	3883300	3f5d72fc-06b3-49ea-93af-6f4ed0242206	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:25:48	-837.478
-49	77666	3883300	8aae1aeb-4963-4321-b599-262c0f3f2dfe	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:39:35	-226.99
-50	38834	3883400	b86cb19c-013e-452a-8a50-126acd3c6a28	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:09:35	-70.909
-50	77668	3883400	89976379-245e-4d52-8310-a2f27f8ffb6a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:18:11	-561.960
-51	38835	3883500	96b6f5cf-3f84-4378-b38c-ceedc01a7377	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:15:07	-910.567
-51	77670	3883500	dbce6932-8a91-4bba-b64a-8cc173edacf4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:13:51	-671.680
-52	38836	3883600	cf90ce29-3d6d-4642-a4e9-61d806a2794c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:10:35	952.971
-52	77672	3883600	3aef6263-a20f-456b-b973-5ea7703ea83b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:08:23	-636.610
-53	38837	3883700	26f28555-dcca-41fd-99aa-42eb2c5c10db	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:04:29	674.147
-53	77674	3883700	a7e21472-5ece-455e-aa1b-fe31f7769377	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:02:24	230.73
-54	38838	3883800	ff6d5ee7-5950-4395-aa97-50612a758eb2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:29:22	860.306
-54	77676	3883800	4c892e6e-b31d-41d9-b5fe-5f104ff7fcfb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:56:50	867.347
-55	38839	3883900	a02215ae-ba21-4fb5-9127-6b4e1436e591	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:40:32	765.768
-55	77678	3883900	079b36e0-d5b4-49f9-aed6-e577c0915464	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:33:24	-657.823
-56	38840	3884000	1ad5db0a-269e-4d8d-b7fc-e5346eae4a05	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:38:21	595.742
-56	77680	3884000	3e4e4b98-db90-4601-9673-102f69326139	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:32:08	426.806
-57	38841	3884100	85a15591-024a-425b-878b-c6507181da9f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:40:01	-202.179
-57	77682	3884100	06e53930-3685-4e4c-9af2-908383ae7b38	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:49:07	-192.388
-58	38842	3884200	4c2ef1a2-a5b6-4274-9a6f-16c589a3558e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:16:55	671.379
-58	77684	3884200	cec3ff9c-0c3e-40d9-ac5c-4aada61673cd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:39:08	245.236
-59	38843	3884300	f76328ef-2775-4823-a327-a769f13f7536	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:19:49	692.897
-59	77686	3884300	e3f6fbd1-19f0-474a-85ec-d03bb7ae1fa8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:31:56	-888.887
-60	38844	3884400	f7ae36d1-6735-491d-b86d-0e43de4cc58b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:35:39	-681.441
-60	77688	3884400	9989ab52-c945-4f9e-ab96-f282c07a9fee	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:31:26	-241.950
-61	38845	3884500	36bbb5a8-9f5b-43b7-9943-801836a6555d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:10:34	517.432
-61	77690	3884500	43418710-57e6-4691-bc40-e5a11c866e00	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:34:52	24.29
-62	38846	3884600	640cf4cc-2a2a-49a7-bbdf-314323b2ac87	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:19:36	-325.444
-62	77692	3884600	7fed3f3d-13fd-4880-8b70-725ccdb2f75d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:49:24	-195.329
-63	38847	3884700	5a279c4b-9f42-4798-a4bb-42ae69fe554b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:02:17	-290.827
-63	77694	3884700	6af14de2-f5df-46c8-abee-c2a1f2650602	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:02:37	-592.267
-64	38848	3884800	e434c424-feba-48bd-b30e-8538d67f9bc6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:34:03	-130.787
-64	77696	3884800	3b4ce5a7-6d2c-4318-bb25-1351aea97316	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:16:19	515.15
-65	38849	3884900	0f1bc043-6ed3-435e-a1df-66fd54947fe5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:15:08	-629.414
-65	77698	3884900	ab61f5e8-478e-42fd-854a-333b30ebb168	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:20:45	730.867
-66	38850	3885000	016d8599-564a-4681-9e17-555f32f0a552	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:57:22	793.502
-66	77700	3885000	0f92e727-367e-4e4a-8afa-a67ee8568172	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:37:18	271.20
-67	38851	3885100	785ce413-737a-4581-b72d-efcf2d936eba	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:25:19	-671.174
-67	77702	3885100	a60e440c-ac00-4ac3-b875-6c0cfc2ed7e8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:14:08	889.87
-68	38852	3885200	734d257f-d624-413c-a3d7-558fddda559b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:57:39	-476.927
-68	77704	3885200	6da1fe2f-74c4-4412-b245-e6c2edd173ec	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:46:36	-790.588
-69	38853	3885300	bf0a3a9d-d721-472d-b63e-6e0e372ffb8b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:44:48	885.988
-69	77706	3885300	6d9731de-b142-4cf0-b7f5-37a0382acc89	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:52:30	-494.354
-70	38854	3885400	ae7a2d64-5d68-4106-af19-166ed4617211	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:38:10	398.235
-70	77708	3885400	8a32dbc0-9a88-4482-acbd-39cd43ce8aa2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:24:22	-425.120
-71	38855	3885500	9c8aa3d2-c27d-4bb5-ae08-9e3d6dd45966	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:00:22	-42.596
-71	77710	3885500	bcd19842-3c7c-4948-886e-773c0c627887	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:30:41	414.565
-72	38856	3885600	0b10e67a-d44f-4d29-8bb8-61dc242bae0e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:05:08	-130.168
-72	77712	3885600	8af36704-c912-4248-8e63-962ab187b71a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:15:26	-230.582
-73	38857	3885700	dd38e80c-4477-48cc-9a30-3b6193fafe29	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:54:04	585.984
-73	77714	3885700	4ffe351a-77b4-41d2-a9d5-9084243743f8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:13:36	233.265
-74	38858	3885800	ae6e1fce-bf5d-4001-bdf0-665f23004ca5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:05:09	51.291
-74	77716	3885800	ede89281-7d0d-42a8-a65d-015e9b014367	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:02:21	287.424
-75	38859	3885900	40a904ca-73ad-48f6-8e82-1674529c0f79	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:05:33	-441.161
-75	77718	3885900	e255817d-3617-4eee-9a4f-924079ff5477	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:56:20	-649.721
-76	38860	3886000	cd1722f6-745b-43a5-9b06-06892cca1737	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:10:43	-906.189
-76	77720	3886000	43b28020-0a90-4c55-8749-e7cc22493d46	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:11:34	235.284
-77	38861	3886100	f55e9892-eb18-4486-a401-28251bc73289	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:26:12	-894.516
-77	77722	3886100	a336bb10-12e4-48b5-887a-666de37ee95a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:56:56	-459.310
-78	38862	3886200	e3c8bbf8-cd50-4032-a461-b6a8056c8520	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:48:03	82.405
-78	77724	3886200	1e28ee11-e0dc-4751-94bf-f2bc2cdfd0c9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:43:02	-950.487
-79	38863	3886300	e66ee5f4-3a54-44e3-aa9a-6355636c8aec	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:05:39	948.168
-79	77726	3886300	8fac8e38-a737-4375-beb4-154b16c716a8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:12:45	778.261
-80	38864	3886400	1e2c2def-d780-4940-8d6f-125ce3718e09	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:27:55	-671.984
-80	77728	3886400	e30e7b00-a497-4922-a43d-2e0fce5a89dc	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:53:32	106.254
-81	38865	3886500	d3ef992b-98c2-4d64-bfc4-03a06ba380b2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:45:45	-472.248
-81	77730	3886500	e84bb25c-a675-46a9-a885-d5f79347b9c9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:43:47	172.991
-82	38866	3886600	5040d38d-9bee-4dc2-a742-95408663ce7e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:49:26	302.589
-82	77732	3886600	c750f5fd-b857-416b-acb7-05121ea133c8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:49:56	-444.785
-83	38867	3886700	00f2a624-5bdf-4ce1-ab44-3b9d7db6181f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:17:11	621.403
-83	77734	3886700	eb0eaa59-7934-47c0-8d8b-4790cfadcced	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:43:10	186.26
-84	38868	3886800	142402bd-e492-462e-a52d-24252434d296	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:29:20	-399.752
-84	77736	3886800	6407466c-f207-4c6e-9d13-6565371d368a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:02:38	379.913
-85	38869	3886900	3c0a7c00-8788-4f0d-a42d-7abecb5f36d8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:34:17	-608.834
-85	77738	3886900	6a4df606-b590-4ef1-81be-859b26e444f6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:26:28	931.964
-86	38870	3887000	431931de-1dd9-47d6-b9d8-c6ff4f76d681	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:01:59	-132.549
-86	77740	3887000	d9ce1b6c-6737-4c10-a2c9-f687405cfb98	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:46:36	931.5
-87	38871	3887100	69ebd24b-97af-4809-9c28-255b2e3ca12b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:39:47	98.70
-87	77742	3887100	4b79ec74-4960-424e-be23-414bd32e51f5	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:08:13	-628.40
-88	38872	3887200	ec6b8045-4bc3-4b8f-b42c-2dc31bda1482	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:26:51	173.398
-88	77744	3887200	86bc324e-c6b4-4b50-8162-91cedff5f587	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:43:27	-839.763
-89	38873	3887300	9152ddf7-d427-4a3b-84cc-4af7e992f8d8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:59:41	-314.100
-89	77746	3887300	6dde4c2d-275a-41ed-ad18-cffe8c0a561c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:14:34	726.640
-90	38874	3887400	2cb1c578-5906-4b26-afd2-018ee2d75558	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:39:11	-261.619
-90	77748	3887400	281fe598-543b-40f0-9a6c-c44675fe5a23	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:47:31	-503.956
-91	38875	3887500	8ce9ad27-6b31-418a-8964-aa48481c725a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:27:05	-751.714
-91	77750	3887500	8dab0b5c-4017-4084-b585-73b64d2cde20	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:31:26	551.896
-92	38876	3887600	e87475b7-67e3-4e4b-a86a-0ec47e4d59a0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:09:40	961.62
-92	77752	3887600	9bad7b7c-d38f-475d-b096-595d59ab1418	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:31:32	-479.945
-93	38877	3887700	5ce58139-3bf6-4097-8b86-218dbaee5a99	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:26:04	146.223
-93	77754	3887700	9ca533b7-2591-4d64-aec9-dd4223183ea9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:50:31	-329.203
-94	38878	3887800	155c1918-f5de-4c67-88b6-fd92928d58d7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:48:08	-707.950
-94	77756	3887800	bb9e2b0a-7f9e-4dab-9abb-8a8ebf646062	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:20:21	-22.27
-95	38879	3887900	6d173a4f-3d8e-4e43-8afd-4ad8f8fb4ddc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:03:48	445.676
-95	77758	3887900	7a6812f1-2a51-4d27-bb56-c8ff45e51f21	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:38:23	-651.121
-96	38880	3888000	6d1c8bb9-7fa9-498a-9617-cf11bdb5b234	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:19:45	-548.535
-96	77760	3888000	f45808da-6eb0-49ca-8bed-15c0f9395ce6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:09:21	30.619
-97	38881	3888100	4552d8d8-6eee-4c4b-86d3-9408af3fa1b6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:22:24	-398.594
-97	77762	3888100	7f572d88-9e38-4abf-809e-6e26d6f1da38	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:05:33	18.47
-98	38882	3888200	4b5660b3-6329-48a1-b92a-37755eb70a74	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:49:24	828.993
-98	77764	3888200	120919b4-33cb-43c3-9224-9271d422e0bb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:24:08	58.364
-99	38883	3888300	ad3b645e-70b5-44e8-b80b-905cdc305ffd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:41:47	-388.266
-99	77766	3888300	c8d11faa-5d6d-4d8c-91ba-892d72eafdc0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:00:23	-563.38
-100	38884	3888400	f2cac9ea-0a11-4423-b314-f6f27fab3eb0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:16:15	352.564
-100	77768	3888400	a3139716-afb2-4d66-8b1a-062879c0c2ef	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:04:31	-364.231
-101	38885	3888500	6e8c8a10-cbe0-40ae-9567-d2404bd1dda6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:13:06	-984.685
-101	77770	3888500	038b529d-fa56-4fe4-bd09-593377c9b20e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:00:11	-767.355
-102	38886	3888600	052b6501-f1dd-40d7-b2ca-3bda934860ae	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:17:46	-904.707
-102	77772	3888600	f223aec8-1174-4872-85f0-3a66719e6ee0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:06:16	990.862
-103	38887	3888700	85762bf9-f926-4a78-a0a5-19af5efdbd25	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:57:04	110.970
-103	77774	3888700	ee9139b8-66bf-476e-8a72-cf4cf1697ebf	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:01:38	335.380
-104	38888	3888800	1a4f0d8e-7b0f-47e1-93f9-44488d3dbb21	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:23:46	620.668
-104	77776	3888800	5cad74c2-5d80-45b8-93ed-639954019f7c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:01:14	717.552
-105	38889	3888900	b466747a-3624-4032-b230-ce156ab2b273	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:16:34	407.499
-105	77778	3888900	26ef29d1-e9ea-4c5e-a910-cb9360bbad16	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:49:35	604.256
-106	38890	3889000	454d6744-0370-4a13-abb9-4316cf6af892	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:58:19	956.605
-106	77780	3889000	f8953880-8fb0-4bdd-9629-d1d25fe0ad48	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:14:18	-255.136
-107	38891	3889100	1e13afda-0b89-4d91-a7a7-8e7f0b873a27	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:21:52	-848.939
-107	77782	3889100	91654713-643d-41eb-8e91-952b3a414879	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:56:53	164.658
-108	38892	3889200	8d89ff56-654d-4853-8ca1-667a2969696d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:46:47	-696.725
-108	77784	3889200	2695d873-fb6b-4047-9915-844dda2b21e5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:14:18	236.419
-109	38893	3889300	96846db4-cf54-434a-a619-98db7c2e6583	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:32:21	475.154
-109	77786	3889300	4ec2aa1d-1198-4ef8-8ea6-17324cb6d5b4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:01:37	762.19
-110	38894	3889400	59f9d7b2-255b-4f61-8d52-b90d2a371c64	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:10:51	-384.838
-110	77788	3889400	f4e1adef-a523-4fb0-aa97-9b681ac13d6f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:44:21	-823.363
-111	38895	3889500	29ef7dff-2efe-4efb-abe5-a2a3d25c82ff	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:08:14	596.280
-111	77790	3889500	247cbca4-3f30-4268-b12d-f5adb22d2fdc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:04:27	-624.301
-112	38896	3889600	9107af14-8155-4cc6-972c-50e998e0cd11	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:17:31	-649.11
-112	77792	3889600	d19fcd1e-396a-47be-842b-796071a29c33	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:55:19	812.20
-113	38897	3889700	9d9345bd-8a4a-4396-9e8d-55d661164c95	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:37:20	-171.606
-113	77794	3889700	5900fbc6-ed22-41d4-9ddd-6ad395093ac3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:36:16	700.250
-114	38898	3889800	947146b4-f6c8-43cc-bb45-c1c820298eaf	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:16:20	273.380
-114	77796	3889800	fddb42e8-447c-406c-92c1-07ff45886612	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:40:50	-459.287
-115	38899	3889900	740e8791-272b-49b1-a0e8-3ee027e589d8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:46:25	948.434
-115	77798	3889900	527145c0-5fac-4374-9447-bfe8acd46056	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:15:01	-485.33
-116	38900	3890000	eab9ea92-2249-4df1-b326-e49ecc603655	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:54:21	526.422
-116	77800	3890000	453bba6a-446d-47d7-a3e0-56ae5b9b6b6b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:22:29	806.462
-117	38901	3890100	ab959546-d1f2-461d-b167-2da12a0969b5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:56:18	-277.295
-117	77802	3890100	426272b5-f88b-4a26-b008-a834261dcb49	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:26:01	-655.74
-118	38902	3890200	fdafa6d8-8255-4b72-8b9c-c0bb74c31db8	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:04:39	319.141
-118	77804	3890200	8ca8f372-66f9-4211-9857-fd5305513d61	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:55:18	-791.993
-119	38903	3890300	ef908b6d-998f-4c8d-9200-9af674bbd8a7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:49:51	-673.734
-119	77806	3890300	991220de-2641-422c-afda-b9d17518e832	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:24:35	293.399
-120	38904	3890400	46f41535-6398-4248-9de0-0c477429022e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:36:14	598.657
-120	77808	3890400	edaa5e82-7b5b-4a74-b444-9c26aadc3811	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:21:15	-106.405
-121	38905	3890500	7cfa538c-4ff5-4d7f-8707-86e3e87e9322	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:18:00	675.274
-121	77810	3890500	debcad1d-a1e7-4972-959d-33095caa7b9f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:48:45	572.397
-122	38906	3890600	0a9b6c41-b6b4-48ae-b872-a02698a416af	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:45:49	-313.688
-122	77812	3890600	648b367a-a493-4782-8e26-25162a1707de	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:31:47	-960.490
-123	38907	3890700	5ccad95e-556b-4936-a3ec-4ee41fe1cf13	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:54:58	816.644
-123	77814	3890700	ff1e33fa-e2dc-4ecd-8d79-84de22e48ed1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:05:56	168.277
-124	38908	3890800	36b0d225-8a97-4773-a34d-e01131c4a581	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:57:41	-191.777
-124	77816	3890800	66b2c2dd-66ab-4b8c-bbd0-dafefcd173e2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:33:20	954.623
-125	38909	3890900	aeb1f120-f03a-4966-9333-11fd75f226c7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:22:36	654.351
-125	77818	3890900	d7cf59e9-c0eb-4029-9c6c-e07e9b5ae8c9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:52:53	752.133
-126	38910	3891000	e9cb1c77-cf7a-486a-9fa7-b0ca02406618	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:14:21	691.888
-126	77820	3891000	1bf06211-f36d-4f00-ad04-96cb25146a8d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:42:14	638.114
-127	38911	3891100	a42ec914-ae11-4af9-b69a-fa1cb81791ca	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:08:30	-187.250
-127	77822	3891100	af777c66-7202-45d9-b80b-d5a587dafbd4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:31:40	-112.621
-0	38912	3891200	766175a7-93a2-4133-af3e-ddba6d82942a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:29:57	-880.892
-0	77824	3891200	4260dd14-0577-40a9-a758-edfc6fb07f55	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:08:46	-537.925
-1	38913	3891300	a04f9b6e-e050-4659-998e-a6e35ea8981e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:22:52	-160.258
-1	77826	3891300	4472ae78-9c9a-4370-b4f2-6cf2175a8164	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:40:44	359.814
-2	38914	3891400	efa1f1a1-ce4f-4f51-8ad9-6209470c024a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:56:25	-209.142
-2	77828	3891400	8724757f-b700-4e19-a3db-08a404553452	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:14:22	-582.663
-3	38915	3891500	f04357af-3994-444c-8dee-6fde050c51f4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:35:01	-677.40
-3	77830	3891500	f006af74-3d4b-4100-8c49-0419d0e7e1a2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:31:13	-41.940
-4	38916	3891600	c095cfab-29eb-40de-a929-8f609386d421	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:55:31	751.350
-4	77832	3891600	ac8968e6-066c-495c-8072-413a8b86a851	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:13:06	91.75
-5	38917	3891700	f60bdbba-263a-4164-9abd-f38ecced2714	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:07:20	-271.40
-5	77834	3891700	b73ebc8a-8641-4d64-a654-f3df1d0ecee6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:00:12	-184.458
-6	38918	3891800	b4a75066-9824-4f75-bb93-a1e4955dbb86	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:04:45	558.442
-6	77836	3891800	39d6a1b7-b407-4d44-bf5d-55eb13892186	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:42:44	-621.204
-7	38919	3891900	e88f91c9-3f50-44b7-a4df-1eedbb10150a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:17:55	262.922
-7	77838	3891900	d91ff955-8fd2-4832-8140-ab43b43f69b9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:32:55	595.996
-8	38920	3892000	7bb1142b-e53a-4e71-972d-c00adbe2e038	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:24:23	-505.885
-8	77840	3892000	839602b3-dbcf-468b-acb3-9e233b12ce6a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:09:53	-814.526
-9	38921	3892100	59f5d634-1319-4aa9-b090-e133e8a95247	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:48:58	162.383
-9	77842	3892100	531010b8-a555-4930-8995-fdc55b995845	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:43:33	-510.763
-10	38922	3892200	bf5c9023-2c2a-443f-90a5-6a2cb3f65e9a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:43:18	974.554
-10	77844	3892200	c4e74967-2163-47dd-a0b6-bc328e9facf8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:41:04	-369.197
-11	38923	3892300	bcf4d150-c342-40fd-bf21-7fe7d28d52bb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:38:47	-456.247
-11	77846	3892300	35308977-dbb3-4b40-9df0-880364bd21c0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:27:21	-396.917
-12	38924	3892400	ec720be0-5aa2-4b8f-8fd5-084b04994818	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:08:50	552.123
-12	77848	3892400	c38bad9c-f152-434e-9091-eb913e0ce190	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:57:33	89.274
-13	38925	3892500	ef741d76-cc55-47c2-ad23-b66a5afd3f8c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:29:35	574.12
-13	77850	3892500	5e626115-88f6-44d5-8843-173d177441d3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:00:55	880.808
-14	38926	3892600	4390269d-3f74-4093-a380-e5dfa89fee5d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:55:54	348.375
-14	77852	3892600	6779524a-a627-41bd-945c-eac7cf3e13e7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:58:00	91.860
-15	38927	3892700	568792fb-a84d-425a-9d7a-4a3de4744719	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:24:56	-446.916
-15	77854	3892700	bc9f7a84-8c89-46c8-8dd1-427ebfa9515b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:12:10	-401.306
-16	38928	3892800	e5793018-7af4-466d-9584-b0e594bc3671	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:04:57	950.62
-16	77856	3892800	b261fb19-7b9c-4426-97da-9b6dedba4a6f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:29:27	352.416
-17	38929	3892900	64aab686-8c63-46ad-91a2-53629a7c6403	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:19:51	-178.550
-17	77858	3892900	ce0b04ee-4e98-40f0-bf0c-3510d4d74ffd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:14:12	-901.774
-18	38930	3893000	f902ec9e-e3f8-443f-83c8-84c82c922192	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:00:21	746.429
-18	77860	3893000	46c949ef-d62f-4f60-a653-699bcdee2ea9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:44:26	-816.859
-19	38931	3893100	e9866328-9da1-4dd1-8b9b-f208d18c39d5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:52:54	882.936
-19	77862	3893100	2edb7d0d-6117-41ef-b974-eb5de21bd01b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:06:53	-272.99
-20	38932	3893200	479817e8-f90d-4e00-bb04-bbc94fca37c4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:02:25	336.549
-20	77864	3893200	c666e266-c18e-46f3-aea1-41f0fc4d48d0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:45:35	-596.817
-21	38933	3893300	192755ca-15ab-4ed2-9261-ef81557b14c5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:42:37	182.988
-21	77866	3893300	35f243bc-3bda-4e1c-ae67-ffc97279b1d2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:45:46	184.128
-22	38934	3893400	7429c49e-2d1a-47f6-8393-9568bbe2daf7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:55:24	853.564
-22	77868	3893400	3f554456-5ac5-4658-9bb4-fad55fcbf591	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:17:43	-230.388
-23	38935	3893500	0b52b772-74ed-452d-ad75-52eb6b07e7ed	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:21:27	-206.518
-23	77870	3893500	9615b751-7abd-4737-b7df-6f8a7a707b1d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:03:35	-881.978
-24	38936	3893600	a7d0f347-cc6e-4413-bd62-7104c4153ce8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:40:08	514.309
-24	77872	3893600	6c9c6a4a-32e2-40e7-821d-064fdf770b5b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:26:10	44.695
-25	38937	3893700	fb1a776d-46d0-4279-bdc8-98257e9214b9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:45:36	-996.72
-25	77874	3893700	1bc92cbf-b971-4a24-99c0-9842c93cefe8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:34:17	-517.649
-26	38938	3893800	628f5854-8729-4ac2-aa9f-b7d01209c9ff	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:13:20	299.340
-26	77876	3893800	bd1a7db2-0a3f-4017-b8da-74166e4d027f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:10:05	-990.28
-27	38939	3893900	0572e10f-8b45-47cb-afa3-df96e07638c7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:16:53	369.991
-27	77878	3893900	340c622e-2c96-4336-a2de-2ef10f4083ab	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:53:08	-425.565
-28	38940	3894000	76f4f46b-c27a-4539-b8f0-bf0bbdfe0cba	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:21:12	628.150
-28	77880	3894000	ff2c4572-f526-471a-97ac-5ccd769fa3ce	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:38:04	490.914
-29	38941	3894100	53aaaf18-7a37-4b1d-83b7-bdd273394c27	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:41:33	909.105
-29	77882	3894100	58ebca1d-0d9a-46b3-ab4c-9d099280c64a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:11:31	635.622
-30	38942	3894200	4c483196-0519-4f18-a081-e4f27756c474	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:36:08	-999.827
-30	77884	3894200	2167b6d4-9c22-410d-a77d-5167b432c2bd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:29:26	39.605
-31	38943	3894300	2e030d81-99f4-4a4c-8bcf-c60971a61daa	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:58:56	-208.721
-31	77886	3894300	2cfce6f4-ff2b-4e9d-a7cc-88bd655c7b5f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:15:34	-396.813
-32	38944	3894400	fd030578-c65c-4217-9f19-4df8200af1b8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:13:14	-869.387
-32	77888	3894400	3622d27c-3bed-4cae-aded-7eb2964f2bd8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:14:04	598.28
-33	38945	3894500	9fd0f3ae-68a2-47d7-a3d4-fac8761005e3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:24:23	236.648
-33	77890	3894500	37b7764e-e19b-4102-beae-9b583af4fcc6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:07:23	-907.232
-34	38946	3894600	7739a7e2-0e1b-4282-a326-3743224b85c2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:23:36	151.551
-34	77892	3894600	7c732d09-9d14-47f8-a7a7-9e12e8afeafa	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:52:26	303.941
-35	38947	3894700	6e2615c0-a5ae-4e10-9baa-20a9b9da48a0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:31:09	667.867
-35	77894	3894700	f13684e7-4dc0-4946-98c0-9f6297cfa2e4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:39:01	775.226
-36	38948	3894800	1236ed09-dc0f-49a7-b02b-b9a6ec4210b2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:18:10	95.962
-36	77896	3894800	6b5f4f2b-9c6a-4a39-843a-00730dee882c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:28:40	980.219
-37	38949	3894900	69a91229-6e94-4706-bf51-8f97ef8a05f2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:36:00	-920.308
-37	77898	3894900	65e6f62a-2cca-42ba-ae9b-c3cfaced28b1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:27:18	-15.948
-38	38950	3895000	4bd9f5e2-15bd-4569-97e3-1b49074edda5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:15:37	-286.7
-38	77900	3895000	5b233482-817f-4a4c-86ac-078c312ebd58	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:38:42	-99.198
-39	38951	3895100	a499e383-45b5-491a-b0c0-e069b0d4b082	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:29:06	-852.783
-39	77902	3895100	c34b03d7-752a-4843-bba6-db82688c33e7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:33:03	677.840
-40	38952	3895200	cf617e64-0266-4527-bcfe-78659c261555	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:55:46	784.695
-40	77904	3895200	a309bc48-e56c-400b-ae55-625ef5a553c8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:59:13	-114.72
-41	38953	3895300	73ac66d5-a886-4458-952b-5aa52ab4e529	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:30:25	-34.381
-41	77906	3895300	80bb9eb0-9780-44b6-9135-f3e118d1b8e0	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:30:37	-44.632
-42	38954	3895400	8b12da28-b3e4-437a-a3e0-547455c2a762	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:39:38	250.32
-42	77908	3895400	eaf8e7f6-7ede-4668-8a93-ca7dc60acc42	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:39:15	-328.271
-43	38955	3895500	8ec76019-3e24-4f56-baa1-015873e03661	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:12:00	194.195
-43	77910	3895500	09e7810b-cdbe-4ae2-b3ca-39387f3c56c0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:50:00	557.5
-44	38956	3895600	2085645c-8fc8-4fa4-a24e-70319908e45c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:53:28	693.747
-44	77912	3895600	9840ed43-5bc5-4e43-bd6b-b26652e41f16	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:09:12	-941.527
-45	38957	3895700	442f38da-dea0-4c33-8529-b5b85ffaee85	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:26:37	-262.749
-45	77914	3895700	fade02ab-8333-4ab2-aafc-c7ab9c7023f8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:41:06	663.332
-46	38958	3895800	73806bd2-a04a-49a1-8aae-cd8a449b087d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:37:12	-805.920
-46	77916	3895800	7cfc5d90-b8b1-40d6-a257-f7ae0f14a464	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:27:08	737.526
-47	38959	3895900	094cdbe8-fef9-4de6-bac3-9030e64410bd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:46:57	708.112
-47	77918	3895900	f7bca98b-f25c-49e8-98c3-4fc8dd561292	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:06:38	864.231
-48	38960	3896000	9c5d033b-7425-4fc3-8c47-3e4d0ed53a3f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:58:45	-407.779
-48	77920	3896000	a4498cf3-fc2c-4895-a51d-feb467da32b4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:53:24	947.984
-49	38961	3896100	83f19e4c-4fba-420c-bb7b-749ed65eb18b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:37:20	-591.565
-49	77922	3896100	65925d58-efef-4c32-87f1-ef60fb69edfa	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:21:26	36.873
-50	38962	3896200	36506c86-8343-4ac1-af53-7f1bb482b2a9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:10:48	23.705
-50	77924	3896200	d9c6a9ca-b875-48e8-8449-515ea085a842	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:15:26	448.0
-51	38963	3896300	70d6ddfd-3d88-4dde-bef4-8c9ea20409e7	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:57:43	598.618
-51	77926	3896300	625b1781-9844-488f-8412-b217f19fc97b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:24:58	215.738
-52	38964	3896400	0d2d48f3-e960-4731-a38a-1b030745d6a7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:04:17	-978.967
-52	77928	3896400	790023e7-336b-4bd2-abfd-039c37e2a1b8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:17:51	-938.479
-53	38965	3896500	ac2ef9a6-a2c1-4b42-97ba-84e29f76fe56	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:08:21	-21.642
-53	77930	3896500	3c782908-7a7a-484b-b255-4576e9c025d6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:54:01	-127.375
-54	38966	3896600	43b951bf-f614-4949-a603-b2e0c6ca4874	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:11:13	991.20
-54	77932	3896600	d10d9c9a-3020-4910-a48e-b2a0460f7e5d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:10:21	-141.265
-55	38967	3896700	32cc4ac5-b5c3-440f-8c04-985dc1750eeb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:45:53	-955.20
-55	77934	3896700	5a0425d2-e26f-423b-b373-dc694a89a389	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:41:27	-187.852
-56	38968	3896800	3eb45610-cff6-4c68-a82e-8ed6c208bd77	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:28:35	-244.133
-56	77936	3896800	09cd648c-62c9-4e3c-8418-665bd6c87a32	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:47:44	116.554
-57	38969	3896900	0427bfc1-f5a9-415d-88bc-e2075dbc59ba	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:27:00	939.85
-57	77938	3896900	a519d6b0-b970-4cdd-aa56-5af7c0066b1a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:15:43	-412.171
-58	38970	3897000	386317d6-aa0f-459b-878b-d5f204de9699	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:49:38	-248.46
-58	77940	3897000	17579557-8611-4508-9e5a-6263cbe7a7b3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:24:12	-750.753
-59	38971	3897100	692f6816-3fc6-4cb0-93be-186c39a3e8ac	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:38:29	362.27
-59	77942	3897100	f6ab1ff7-4a1d-40ce-bb91-d75d72e59334	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:58:37	-473.794
-60	38972	3897200	45d9d2f6-e323-4e59-8b3b-b878bece9bcc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:28:31	551.579
-60	77944	3897200	58405c08-6e24-4e58-a058-cbae876fbacc	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:27:45	-191.914
-61	38973	3897300	2d230974-39b1-4e22-b201-fbd9a101e7e7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:55:07	-219.196
-61	77946	3897300	09a01356-6e41-4229-bec0-8281412ed7a0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:14:54	-870.214
-62	38974	3897400	0876f562-0da9-4e15-9afd-6ee525adf24d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:28:40	-495.156
-62	77948	3897400	e64363f2-2567-4ed3-bbe0-9e6d65bfecb5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:37:33	-10.501
-63	38975	3897500	af0bfcb8-49fa-44c1-a47e-cd68c0404f57	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:36:27	807.81
-63	77950	3897500	06627c6a-9ca2-49ad-8843-57a1fbcf03b8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:50:27	20.959
-64	38976	3897600	724b33c4-b79d-4649-afeb-306bf73d1fc1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:59:23	739.890
-64	77952	3897600	ac125dfb-bd42-4173-927d-5f92cee2a31d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:11:07	107.108
-65	38977	3897700	4f3913e5-ae2c-4c54-b243-a25af765e552	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:55:26	297.982
-65	77954	3897700	171e26f3-bbe4-4bae-9e5b-a9c13c5edfd6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:17:15	-735.885
-66	38978	3897800	654df36a-06c1-4be2-9349-0fdd80ecf94d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:21:30	-547.773
-66	77956	3897800	1576e182-d7f2-4dc7-9d75-1169b9e46de2	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:40:04	468.571
-67	38979	3897900	9533309f-3e15-478c-96fd-9ee14444774a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:01:14	906.60
-67	77958	3897900	8f3a28ec-f393-4e46-be99-e82a420ccef1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:43:00	725.320
-68	38980	3898000	8defd922-8ac7-42ac-bae6-ef0b8a7f2c4e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:29:30	-825.49
-68	77960	3898000	7dc9d56d-fddd-4944-a6c0-b7395ffc2ab8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:28:33	-889.696
-69	38981	3898100	1a6cc711-7c14-42ec-bf7c-9749288c0287	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:35:50	-89.229
-69	77962	3898100	b36cc10c-89b5-4d3e-afe4-6b8c58984497	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:37:05	-141.617
-70	38982	3898200	b7fe34e7-061b-4665-b997-8c84e759647e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:43:29	456.230
-70	77964	3898200	0e86d433-b1ea-4aca-8207-4da2d53c51a3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:58:00	-107.66
-71	38983	3898300	3cbb4954-211f-4152-91bf-d0168f780717	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:54:22	-503.386
-71	77966	3898300	3453fe45-0fcc-4cad-81eb-6cc41bb631be	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:40:50	36.806
-72	38984	3898400	7153680d-e5fc-4b59-9d6b-e5b98b686e71	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:27:27	-631.284
-72	77968	3898400	96f84ef4-4662-4466-8571-9d4098134e05	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:43:10	464.402
-73	38985	3898500	864d7eed-1120-4d93-9704-3a56673dd827	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:42:12	-843.487
-73	77970	3898500	edb0c057-deb0-4f81-8935-112d38038b44	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:27:09	-815.156
-74	38986	3898600	8806fb7e-0416-4865-9fb1-486083a9bcab	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:06:56	-696.36
-74	77972	3898600	c5488a0f-8f21-4ecc-ac33-eb1f52672109	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:40:49	-480.397
-75	38987	3898700	7ca9c6f3-29d4-4dc0-af1e-74eff428372a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:39:05	-352.865
-75	77974	3898700	483991ae-43ea-4f93-a466-954f0f4c92f7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:02:01	-293.475
-76	38988	3898800	1124fe43-b357-4b43-aa58-e797b63a0e7f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:45:45	-812.878
-76	77976	3898800	2410c54f-2c07-468b-affe-cd202dc4ee77	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:35:47	996.321
-77	38989	3898900	c9cdb11f-c647-4476-b465-e62699422830	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:55:05	332.820
-77	77978	3898900	6bef426d-b07a-4a55-945b-55d81e927399	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:37:55	-122.294
-78	38990	3899000	b32e2960-d436-4f8b-b521-c72f6deebb1b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:11:31	664.423
-78	77980	3899000	52397e97-a509-43a5-af09-7e4e990215d9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:30:42	-789.602
-79	38991	3899100	7ca70cd0-e873-4bf1-85c9-1478851bc95c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:12:19	-18.783
-79	77982	3899100	6ff81b31-f1da-4990-96ee-4006d2ec73b4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:01:36	-703.894
-80	38992	3899200	f9df1954-d6bf-4d20-af51-b63190bd72a7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:14:13	362.462
-80	77984	3899200	887f66fc-7e4d-495c-adee-4b9b17f80278	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:56:36	-168.203
-81	38993	3899300	4c654b82-fd20-4882-bf88-24fc0f0bcf91	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:53:55	-244.130
-81	77986	3899300	0a23e3be-29b6-4376-a697-444889347885	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:48:08	-794.536
-82	38994	3899400	b1e35d1c-8bbb-4db5-bbb3-6c11b27e1171	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:07:52	-76.52
-82	77988	3899400	ec384104-21cd-4804-840f-f2aff2b6ec76	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:50:47	-684.859
-83	38995	3899500	ed9539b2-144a-4a48-b293-9ba2b834e6ba	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:00:29	-851.813
-83	77990	3899500	c9feaad3-286d-4f3b-b961-7c4153e98299	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:03:48	57.761
-84	38996	3899600	505cf3a3-857f-4903-8e7a-551275281f24	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:29:29	-413.730
-84	77992	3899600	8a104416-5211-4736-ae9e-b5a88b63f566	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:37:19	-821.934
-85	38997	3899700	2e45bb3f-c8bc-4fe9-8cb3-bbca63036712	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:02:00	365.201
-85	77994	3899700	8830f48d-c346-4e31-ab02-8c0dbac5c3cc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:57:28	998.726
-86	38998	3899800	5f0442fe-40f3-437a-b3f7-a3dc47ca81f8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:35:11	935.68
-86	77996	3899800	62bf7864-0057-4b9f-98c1-c13425588ba5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:08:20	-411.819
-87	38999	3899900	9ae9d563-a659-4d14-b077-982f1333bbac	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:15:05	-355.932
-87	77998	3899900	8305dd1f-8b29-48c9-91b0-a6ef06e1dae1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:30:28	131.916
-88	39000	3900000	c19c41be-a386-48f6-9427-309242885c33	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:20:21	549.924
-88	78000	3900000	689ed740-e496-4e4a-a8b0-ad3bd2137540	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:28:07	-680.168
-89	39001	3900100	04b2b8df-b1f5-4ba9-95e8-6b963db85e4a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:11:30	-834.797
-89	78002	3900100	e3e97e95-b154-470b-9a72-17613ebbbf1f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:44:47	-235.80
-90	39002	3900200	cd1b5f03-104e-4cae-9ffe-c71c42a309b8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:02:11	6.340
-90	78004	3900200	da0d0b7d-4162-4794-85b7-9d76ca259553	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:08:29	940.840
-91	39003	3900300	4345212d-1602-4ece-8c8d-bf8513f69071	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:22:09	-250.967
-91	78006	3900300	105c5743-8f89-45cf-b1a3-b4c539a5f7b2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:18:00	512.362
-92	39004	3900400	e8a479d5-acaf-4340-ab47-ea0ac2d5fae1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:59:34	-10.613
-92	78008	3900400	dcfd6efd-c6f5-481e-ac96-3d0a93a3ffc8	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:45:07	-624.564
-93	39005	3900500	fd6f1cb1-e2db-4863-b3c5-c62285f09638	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:45:35	230.545
-93	78010	3900500	d34f5e6b-a729-49df-bcac-4504707d0828	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:44:51	55.728
-94	39006	3900600	7c36d50f-e38d-4724-9340-68dcd3e6a953	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:32:48	626.199
-94	78012	3900600	8786fba8-d83c-4a90-aeba-7c9e37d266b4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:28:59	-701.573
-95	39007	3900700	6475802c-d7f9-4151-bb14-24e411e7980d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:30:42	-471.871
-95	78014	3900700	51eb7a02-22ee-403c-80c7-db8242aa4e98	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:33:01	-384.991
-96	39008	3900800	7238c333-4888-4c0f-a689-618965e67344	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:59:49	962.369
-96	78016	3900800	943742a3-1b79-4333-aee1-53bc125dacb3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:21:54	802.360
-97	39009	3900900	895c6854-38bc-43c7-a91c-d0eed0844c33	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:05:10	-808.257
-97	78018	3900900	d293e494-69cb-45cf-9dbf-5436df6667f4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:28:13	711.46
-98	39010	3901000	597a67b8-3f69-4d86-a236-9020cef6f546	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:35:33	-459.61
-98	78020	3901000	6aa67696-9b9e-43da-80e5-06842c1499f6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:50:34	883.336
-99	39011	3901100	4f40e9d4-75b9-4917-a36c-462635cd03b6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:02:19	331.606
-99	78022	3901100	7fabbb47-55b0-4959-811d-a574d53143c0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:37:23	803.127
-100	39012	3901200	88b14675-5edc-4eaa-91d3-7492ff33b7c7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:01:20	132.59
-100	78024	3901200	d12ea104-ec7c-4365-8871-57e28ed28a81	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:10:47	-273.845
-101	39013	3901300	9aa0c805-4a3c-4e04-97f5-fba62e55ca80	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:44:45	-578.691
-101	78026	3901300	311f6d06-d98f-4399-994b-d703b4e74838	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:44:30	533.384
-102	39014	3901400	0e1404a9-ea92-49ff-baf2-ddc58ca57e83	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:50:12	-179.852
-102	78028	3901400	2d320aa5-139e-49c1-a798-6b91b29e92aa	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:59:11	-960.98
-103	39015	3901500	77da0e36-c079-488e-b451-6fc2f77b7246	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:39:07	-74.985
-103	78030	3901500	621d9b8f-77af-4afe-a56d-7c2b238353d3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:36:28	-288.522
-104	39016	3901600	6565027a-1fbc-4d6b-984b-007e0f372817	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:18:35	131.526
-104	78032	3901600	62973c56-34d9-4196-af47-b13765a5b595	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:54:55	532.93
-105	39017	3901700	853c0e7c-0390-44ee-a322-8151eba68a5f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:29:47	488.286
-105	78034	3901700	5ea72de7-24e6-474c-b67e-db218a806da7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:52:08	925.644
-106	39018	3901800	a501e93f-86c3-4579-b8fa-281b7db0db0e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:54:57	-464.903
-106	78036	3901800	795e369b-ecaf-4337-b28b-a9a6c09bae8b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:03:07	-82.380
-107	39019	3901900	f7713314-e73f-4cef-8b3b-99f8d7a31734	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:04:20	-738.75
-107	78038	3901900	c9d41a05-8a96-4863-96a9-9e96570eac2f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:41:57	-715.419
-108	39020	3902000	8b11be59-a8ad-49f5-899a-25fc77101c70	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:24:17	797.373
-108	78040	3902000	837be51c-371d-456f-8245-6d5aa1247487	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:22:49	-161.721
-109	39021	3902100	935acdb7-8815-4d48-8ffe-1cffdbfc277f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:05:40	811.764
-109	78042	3902100	fe4a6242-721a-414c-9ea7-66ca847dd654	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:58:47	-853.982
-110	39022	3902200	4095788c-f625-48a0-b3e2-94014b069f41	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:17:13	770.309
-110	78044	3902200	88f72f6f-c1d9-4d0c-b45a-c64cbbc2c0f7	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:50:14	-7.140
-111	39023	3902300	77fd35ff-19cb-4f9e-8f2c-85a34673acd6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:54:27	827.52
-111	78046	3902300	c401c433-d85c-45c0-b0c5-1246d019daba	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:45:22	-540.743
-112	39024	3902400	9d406fce-edbe-420f-ba4c-0dc3591e3452	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:32:26	976.568
-112	78048	3902400	089871da-3941-4446-a428-c33b224d0708	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:14:55	-656.471
-113	39025	3902500	8fa925d8-7921-4895-ac42-bf63ae27fa4c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:28:14	230.678
-113	78050	3902500	3368b637-1ecc-49bf-8bbd-551937fce9aa	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:38:26	-859.540
-114	39026	3902600	a792a0c8-4829-4562-bc8f-9cb929b87760	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:01:31	-503.143
-114	78052	3902600	9df718e6-081f-4f2b-b844-70c0290cef5a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:47:35	-998.997
-115	39027	3902700	11c2683c-c644-4abb-a382-940a1e3f7a60	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:07:26	-537.694
-115	78054	3902700	4bfc9ef1-a908-4d66-be10-7678f45d68c0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:35:43	571.847
-116	39028	3902800	9ccb03d8-2b34-4c72-b0ca-be99fb2a6c67	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:47:24	595.350
-116	78056	3902800	98c5d009-e5e1-4b5e-a571-e4144f1837f9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:04:52	-893.442
-117	39029	3902900	5e5166b0-d87e-416a-87a9-44e0d2664f5f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:58:42	472.589
-117	78058	3902900	a66a36ba-6efa-4ab4-8120-35f6d0cba8af	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:35:33	854.673
-118	39030	3903000	eba5c1ad-09d6-4fcd-9378-423db2f2420c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:19:11	286.802
-118	78060	3903000	54e6148b-fb2a-4423-b733-8dfcb8207fc7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:03:17	469.495
-119	39031	3903100	1c8c2a9b-3b93-4136-8722-fca4638d7c83	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:16:08	824.59
-119	78062	3903100	e6083989-9357-45ab-aff8-50f0443ffd30	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:09:13	-132.616
-120	39032	3903200	b9b7a6aa-afa7-4c77-b8d5-ee3409a53c73	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:01:06	879.519
-120	78064	3903200	36141feb-cf8b-4178-9a07-e0fce2579739	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:05:58	631.470
-121	39033	3903300	da1c404b-05de-4e0d-b3d3-b7e1ab8b8ce8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:57:47	-493.934
-121	78066	3903300	c99c2ce3-76c3-471a-a12b-d776e899f337	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:47:12	-670.169
-122	39034	3903400	edf7fd79-2431-458f-a517-ce10701c2402	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:27:01	825.713
-122	78068	3903400	57be10ec-b369-484c-a19c-fc54ce612a33	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:45:37	-169.490
-123	39035	3903500	b0e8a674-9716-4cc1-b1fb-73e43f1a5005	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:01:24	25.406
-123	78070	3903500	12d909f5-e0da-4c89-9823-436f28962506	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:15:06	-545.635
-124	39036	3903600	11b247ca-7e7f-491b-944b-422e00f23df2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:51:53	862.780
-124	78072	3903600	844e3355-398d-4cc4-8e4f-9ced62742cc4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:42:05	-169.114
-125	39037	3903700	19270d39-7cab-4980-b87d-f0beccdf6dd1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:52:42	601.320
-125	78074	3903700	dd9205a6-92f1-466f-90b0-05ef2ecac349	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:53:50	947.818
-126	39038	3903800	f82ec42e-b0db-49bd-9186-bb4c8deeecb1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:24:57	905.481
-126	78076	3903800	34c7e2bd-1cd8-4d2c-b955-dfd1ccf287bd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:23:17	-611.609
-127	39039	3903900	5a351aef-25b1-4d2a-b8f3-20e21b649a04	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:12:20	-907.396
-127	78078	3903900	9451a3ad-0258-485e-aef0-b5771c5c2438	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:35:19	-12.517
-0	39040	3904000	9651c4f0-e729-48d2-85c6-7c485aa1066c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:10:54	138.824
-0	78080	3904000	3bcd04f9-ad35-47ad-b946-7bfbcd61ae31	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:01:03	-23.613
-1	39041	3904100	1629c02f-d4bf-4d65-b8c6-3b273e84c17e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:34:22	-837.738
-1	78082	3904100	2dd6ff79-f056-416e-b2ca-956eb25b2e9f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:20:13	562.100
-2	39042	3904200	13a9ff5c-a106-4193-bac6-1a88f319c86a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:48:06	334.587
-2	78084	3904200	53c2c23c-6b83-406a-8779-257645b60190	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:48:49	-469.320
-3	39043	3904300	5b1dbb2a-001f-4bb8-ad0a-1d9dfa91bbcb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:13:08	-761.934
-3	78086	3904300	cc9844e5-c888-42e1-83d6-78a8f511562d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:42:38	66.777
-4	39044	3904400	f9fbc668-0d22-455a-8de6-7f841dd28bf6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:35:53	-683.226
-4	78088	3904400	a673c474-2be2-4db8-ab24-f95309da9269	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:55:50	685.762
-5	39045	3904500	6b66e50e-efd5-4878-9d57-95ec9209f999	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:49:05	-949.980
-5	78090	3904500	57f0e715-1ddf-435d-a226-af43341c223e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:43:42	691.990
-6	39046	3904600	88732d37-b672-42af-9bc4-ffbcbf4f82d4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:56:46	-629.691
-6	78092	3904600	2964eee4-17aa-469a-a56d-fb7061a6667b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:57:25	461.248
-7	39047	3904700	a86dfd6f-bda3-4595-a87f-03a1e6985877	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:31:56	561.578
-7	78094	3904700	6c822954-1601-4592-849a-64481d3838d5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:48:23	-275.407
-8	39048	3904800	abafeefb-705d-479d-bb00-346eae888e3d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:16:28	459.481
-8	78096	3904800	0fc9640d-6bf5-438d-900d-e1a37688daa1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:07:22	956.681
-9	39049	3904900	14cf48f9-b929-4087-bf85-376478a848b5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:58:53	242.325
-9	78098	3904900	b946d210-6c6c-4531-b500-b00384f65cae	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:51:49	882.735
-10	39050	3905000	ed4d3e32-c20e-4116-865d-b2197617c567	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:18:46	-527.802
-10	78100	3905000	5697ca80-6c71-4ee1-9b3c-58c2f1b5371c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:47:17	-373.453
-11	39051	3905100	7d03cc2a-903d-4767-ba57-c5d9482e592b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:19:44	-433.451
-11	78102	3905100	2ec58e20-b008-4967-994e-5d57861047f6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:06:59	522.853
-12	39052	3905200	bb9afa58-04a6-4a3c-89c7-98e83d9f2ebf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:27:17	849.582
-12	78104	3905200	9787eeec-6c5c-4827-a56c-a00baf77ead3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:34:33	424.701
-13	39053	3905300	0a85fb37-e4bd-43cc-ac18-4d74f16f4e3d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:16:41	33.540
-13	78106	3905300	6b1d9f6a-38a5-4168-bdb3-a207567fddec	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:08:22	-41.189
-14	39054	3905400	912a0f68-c521-44ff-8506-f0b5474301de	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:31:51	76.783
-14	78108	3905400	34e0a348-b607-4939-9b11-3f820b1ef7cd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:36:08	247.921
-15	39055	3905500	f64616c8-6868-4f7e-8df2-48efc56b5e27	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:37:45	-74.165
-15	78110	3905500	a4b72c2e-2e43-4d56-a674-5278fb512e3d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:56:12	-144.630
-16	39056	3905600	fa93502d-dff5-407f-a898-2f388b40baa9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:41:29	-806.205
-16	78112	3905600	9404514d-f065-48c9-b14e-e6669368a3ac	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:19:22	-914.417
-17	39057	3905700	52d80a7b-c7b4-4fe5-80ff-70a2acf08759	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:32:34	-642.658
-17	78114	3905700	0b43f674-1ab7-4abf-bb02-b2dac1c9e93b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:47:44	32.885
-18	39058	3905800	21089cd9-3c25-408b-84d3-c4b536caa0fb	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:24:42	455.947
-18	78116	3905800	ffdcaac0-e253-46ef-bad7-350d4baa9c5a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:58:43	-320.835
-19	39059	3905900	a84e0547-9de3-49fa-bcb4-b268d1b41940	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:01:54	-474.63
-19	78118	3905900	c2387725-07d2-4cab-a8cf-63128e8831e7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 19:05:40	-610.659
-20	39060	3906000	968a176b-a720-4f65-95dc-2bb4125fd48d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:22:06	850.40
-20	78120	3906000	9c9abf7d-89d9-48e4-9b9a-f51b030d6f85	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:41:11	102.327
-21	39061	3906100	25074822-4bc5-4e2c-9f92-9e1661f61a40	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:09:32	-466.571
-21	78122	3906100	80a06d97-7439-4f64-8dc1-ebf34bd222ad	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:31:16	978.72
-22	39062	3906200	639a221f-1ba2-432e-a093-bf8d774621b1	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:19:26	234.996
-22	78124	3906200	70a90142-6133-44c5-8687-de6d70ce37c3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:18:36	156.201
-23	39063	3906300	2bcafe7e-4a21-4e82-a3fe-f8a7708f6965	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:43:27	-312.136
-23	78126	3906300	dc4e4e45-8bbe-4150-be13-6ae287d622ce	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:07:19	-842.239
-24	39064	3906400	2d875eeb-cfd9-4794-8d4c-7901609db236	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:34:29	-454.666
-24	78128	3906400	99683882-190b-49c4-a602-60e1ab485cb6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:20:30	836.419
-25	39065	3906500	39a6d877-39e0-4410-8004-504baada1cf7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:43:38	-463.370
-25	78130	3906500	9d645eda-f0f2-46cb-8ff4-4582f8400784	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:41:53	-663.676
-26	39066	3906600	27efdbc2-de65-4a03-9f85-aef6462e80a8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:53:02	-500.881
-26	78132	3906600	ba992730-bf44-4e1c-a65e-d88be7477b90	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:05:58	68.286
-27	39067	3906700	5b33453f-a75e-405c-a285-47a041c24326	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:02:33	-128.574
-27	78134	3906700	c281002f-af0e-420b-a2b3-888569f5a838	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:42:43	-5.291
-28	39068	3906800	71ad8868-1807-43fd-9d37-c9390ae20656	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:19:49	582.144
-28	78136	3906800	76a868e5-c622-4b3b-949a-eaef4cab331f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:39:33	-698.215
-29	39069	3906900	dd69ba39-7bef-469b-88e7-286b412a01de	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:02:43	-701.104
-29	78138	3906900	935f930a-437a-435b-914d-6e7d1c498845	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:44:32	-633.251
-30	39070	3907000	e54dfe6b-e93e-47e5-8016-a265f6b08e80	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:11:22	525.211
-30	78140	3907000	9f0ffaff-6541-4f1e-a018-ddbc3fedca39	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:24:12	647.821
-31	39071	3907100	a247051c-5676-4c3a-a3fb-9ed112205a49	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:00:23	-509.169
-31	78142	3907100	d05c8621-8134-4ce6-b2c4-02c27066608f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:52:39	-199.68
-32	39072	3907200	3331b384-f984-4a28-a0fd-a8d97e1cb5f2	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:09:54	168.82
-32	78144	3907200	f3084f7d-fdfd-40a8-a2a8-a4e6e6a56cc0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:45:08	-438.366
-33	39073	3907300	8a81056e-0ed6-45f5-be8e-967ccbdf5849	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:23:03	72.898
-33	78146	3907300	1b14af09-5254-41bb-9569-1a9ba2d2d386	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:18:22	-185.714
-34	39074	3907400	a8198047-fd10-4dbe-87dd-bd5877ac48ea	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:24:29	-94.310
-34	78148	3907400	b4d19b03-d65d-4585-8091-5df087949565	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:46:17	-864.160
-35	39075	3907500	97386e78-7098-472c-9f69-6391e83ec8bb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:02:07	50.528
-35	78150	3907500	e20b2909-e1ac-42d1-af7c-7ef8af5c3807	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:12:21	-472.810
-36	39076	3907600	a10e8257-df11-4083-88a3-e7e7837ef199	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:34:13	863.32
-36	78152	3907600	4e33d9a8-205d-404f-8c3f-eed3dc855b80	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:36:45	-601.755
-37	39077	3907700	998b6fa1-e771-4911-bc14-089b647abcfc	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:59:00	219.910
-37	78154	3907700	db0a851d-a044-4435-aeab-e898c2acd43b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:52:15	-86.42
-38	39078	3907800	79966637-19c9-45e0-a31c-b94071321213	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:40:27	-389.321
-38	78156	3907800	b21ad99e-0865-4296-a1e0-fcdf8d648fc7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:47:30	238.14
-39	39079	3907900	5d939d4c-e45a-483c-8a65-d3dbcd87b7ad	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:59:03	419.885
-39	78158	3907900	71016478-605d-4ead-acb5-7044015b7a43	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:32:17	-26.843
-40	39080	3908000	71589e14-3ebe-4d9d-8556-a5d2fc1e5372	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:02:28	116.51
-40	78160	3908000	74033260-1d3a-4927-b06a-c4780a6c75a0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:37:02	-625.403
-41	39081	3908100	7b47dd35-29dd-4957-a66a-489557c9a71b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:55:02	-32.994
-41	78162	3908100	739e2719-d84e-4f57-8490-75311677a57d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:59:28	-573.891
-42	39082	3908200	d32d3604-f429-437a-bfdd-43038856ca65	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:39:36	-485.999
-42	78164	3908200	72ccbccb-b8da-4f59-9d54-57c395f4b37f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:33:00	339.932
-43	39083	3908300	c1d30c18-49b8-4d62-bed1-e0fd10b63646	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:17:45	728.390
-43	78166	3908300	35161ced-7cbc-49be-bd28-cf911fafecfa	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:07:36	943.118
-44	39084	3908400	ac0505fc-b99c-417d-ac66-77078190373d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:08:50	-465.68
-44	78168	3908400	a98e46f8-1448-4938-a9ce-0ce5046ac2d2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:34:12	185.296
-45	39085	3908500	28915e59-d27b-4666-82d6-ad8cdd4d2a65	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:20:17	-963.834
-45	78170	3908500	8ad01131-d729-4cce-9e59-4222ace6a81a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:49:54	234.218
-46	39086	3908600	1629d11f-da86-4654-9e00-9176d0428973	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:52:57	-936.672
-46	78172	3908600	84a11061-4d2e-445e-8bcc-679bb49e71d6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:54:16	337.615
-47	39087	3908700	97f0f5a1-c376-49dd-b67f-311a9c56b51b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:00:07	-907.766
-47	78174	3908700	f94c9596-c277-475e-8824-bb3846b8056c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:54:46	372.87
-48	39088	3908800	d94ae208-9d0d-42fa-a50e-f6418cc1acee	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:43:21	-137.231
-48	78176	3908800	bbc2a01f-022a-4a03-9e53-a3153df155be	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:10:21	-546.376
-49	39089	3908900	afe1f489-e935-4dca-a554-28fc8a19ed11	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:12:08	568.926
-49	78178	3908900	0c94ab45-4bf5-4a48-817d-417ecb17abe1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:51:16	-555.652
-50	39090	3909000	333c2272-7cc1-49a8-b51d-7a146af9b4ad	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:08:03	513.347
-50	78180	3909000	4e8789c9-a7d9-4ef3-bca6-958151a9414d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:47:44	-660.156
-51	39091	3909100	b1f1898c-103d-4c88-90f8-2765e17f0b8a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:43:29	743.732
-51	78182	3909100	a24a5caf-30c4-46ff-bbdd-8ed12dcfa25b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:03:53	335.443
-52	39092	3909200	a98d0aff-a1eb-41be-ae76-ec996f921ac5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:45:24	-836.611
-52	78184	3909200	9dc18960-6abd-4e52-9e59-ed468995e693	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:41:53	-858.718
-53	39093	3909300	ffd0af31-b86e-406c-ac5b-b25bbede73c4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:28:05	-337.560
-53	78186	3909300	5422ac48-9a4f-411d-988f-f63a6425acc0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:45:59	-684.208
-54	39094	3909400	89e85b46-55aa-4139-9c6a-6ee30f50851d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:39:50	-295.302
-54	78188	3909400	50ee0fbd-2309-482d-924a-2429081bebc5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:09:18	-491.522
-55	39095	3909500	2f3b87ab-a131-473f-a6bc-ac0348c1091b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:34:44	-855.556
-55	78190	3909500	4c88b644-0cea-48a2-b721-9851c8e28b6b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:54:13	-714.493
-56	39096	3909600	a111930a-199b-431a-9e77-e6f64761a741	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:51:14	-300.928
-56	78192	3909600	e72b964f-c4fc-44de-affb-ef338e81e760	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:22:40	795.63
-57	39097	3909700	4c7cff06-6356-4cfd-bfc3-ede0115904aa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:52:27	897.337
-57	78194	3909700	5c6d3c7a-8fb0-415b-bd7c-f9dc1d08c670	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:05:12	-775.36
-58	39098	3909800	03551ca0-5752-4f6f-b7cf-b5204bb58d97	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:46:41	670.109
-58	78196	3909800	292998c0-c80f-4ed3-9dfa-85ff56d0b2d7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:49:59	850.919
-59	39099	3909900	ebce0498-9fd9-49d5-8da6-d7cf5f42f628	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:23:30	73.50
-59	78198	3909900	d14d35ec-8f84-4b65-a8f7-3f6e87e37e44	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:18:07	778.266
-60	39100	3910000	07471c6b-8f05-403b-9081-51c0497d3da7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:26:53	223.327
-60	78200	3910000	fbb4874d-6e5c-4c7b-a1f7-4d8a367026ee	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:12:28	428.221
-61	39101	3910100	39fe9f91-dfe4-46e9-848f-bfb8cbe56f0b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:04:20	-167.873
-61	78202	3910100	156e6081-a207-47d9-8596-770b7faf3a8f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:30:51	529.929
-62	39102	3910200	9c9f453f-b7e7-42f2-a54e-f2defc70285a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:49:16	-928.398
-62	78204	3910200	f08a4050-6445-4b54-9e87-8257032297d2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:45:50	359.219
-63	39103	3910300	b595d6ea-7c65-40a9-a166-65b89ffd1848	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:28:59	685.272
-63	78206	3910300	73619329-fb88-43f0-a510-c52367e3348b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:46:34	362.369
-64	39104	3910400	ea61387d-67f5-412a-b2c1-c3d3df86a76f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:21:34	-159.481
-64	78208	3910400	9ce51219-9c3f-4bef-8ae7-11bb3f0297ee	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:20:59	891.461
-65	39105	3910500	15192eb5-6f01-4d1d-8690-e98bbe6a220c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:00:46	-857.918
-65	78210	3910500	b3d9628f-9d5f-4909-ae90-2efad69d0534	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:30:28	-740.875
-66	39106	3910600	bc378d0b-1f23-42c7-82b1-11c0ff9d236e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:52:41	-422.68
-66	78212	3910600	92e88358-654b-48b2-8a4c-1d58749fe949	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:03:42	-203.104
-67	39107	3910700	f4797cb1-8700-4600-b550-a0fea3a14243	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:58:14	258.763
-67	78214	3910700	d64a68a9-01a8-4171-ad6d-65519102ae05	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:43:06	611.203
-68	39108	3910800	7674bed4-ea29-4e86-9487-d221d913a5d5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:04:33	727.287
-68	78216	3910800	f9131678-e9ab-46f8-8f5e-93d783979c17	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:33:47	165.862
-69	39109	3910900	30d8f7d8-c627-41a5-bf39-93c2654c2555	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:33:51	-522.636
-69	78218	3910900	e91d00e1-51cf-44cd-adb3-47797dbeccf8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:06:15	207.446
-70	39110	3911000	f869a583-11cb-4f37-aac7-8986964df45c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:12:57	439.131
-70	78220	3911000	d01a8d58-aab1-4d55-94b2-e5382a27ab5e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:15:05	196.541
-71	39111	3911100	b2d49a6a-843b-440a-add6-5e0c89d148e1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:39:46	416.520
-71	78222	3911100	49a933ad-bec6-4d2e-8ad2-396b31993817	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:22:58	768.730
-72	39112	3911200	ee6ce25f-99de-41b5-81a5-414dd2d49da5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:38:17	-780.544
-72	78224	3911200	af764baf-22ee-472a-931e-5977518f2916	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:49:19	-684.0
-73	39113	3911300	b9770b0b-b612-4fce-9d8b-f200a08b39b0	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:09:36	485.482
-73	78226	3911300	f93af944-3547-4da5-b416-8fc4e354204d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:37:22	119.355
-74	39114	3911400	d35b50ef-93a6-416d-9119-0fa114ccd320	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:29:43	419.62
-74	78228	3911400	83001ed7-b028-4cdb-8d89-d118d3c566d6	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:44:08	-946.116
-75	39115	3911500	b4066009-a0db-4f76-9618-e27a6541a2e5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:55:48	-438.368
-75	78230	3911500	3cbecbe0-5a7d-48cb-b6d8-695f6fd0eca9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:58:53	230.228
-76	39116	3911600	c6f2f7f4-bbf6-4df7-b2e3-d60f1e7d71ce	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:13:57	-971.195
-76	78232	3911600	1afda63a-bcfd-4697-ae26-73bf9f1a773c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:30:01	-372.102
-77	39117	3911700	2c523677-22f2-44c0-a550-231e16ddb3af	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:34:37	-23.103
-77	78234	3911700	0c835c25-3d8b-4bcc-9c92-4e1121f4961e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:34:50	-765.7
-78	39118	3911800	c19100c9-595d-4d4f-90a1-e19af064e9e2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:36:16	319.737
-78	78236	3911800	a7e73583-150c-44f0-a606-7847759327b4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:49:26	501.142
-79	39119	3911900	985248a7-3914-4119-b771-df49d9722554	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:05:29	-447.241
-79	78238	3911900	69ecdd47-39fc-4124-af11-66708a72dc92	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:30:40	386.531
-80	39120	3912000	0b7ca12a-d7fb-4daf-8e1b-9c090756803b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:49:51	188.856
-80	78240	3912000	7bcb9b52-51aa-47c4-8210-f8cb6418423e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:40:39	841.238
-81	39121	3912100	26fed2a9-9f49-4021-aa38-42a0c7e82351	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:58:01	329.273
-81	78242	3912100	111a67d1-4eae-41a4-bce9-27bfeb1d5169	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:40:27	-503.798
-82	39122	3912200	bed37026-7644-4553-a19e-41337e69f658	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:37:51	225.167
-82	78244	3912200	c4df4153-d0cb-40cd-80ee-cf57946bf428	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:27:15	-186.516
-83	39123	3912300	bf9f2fe6-9e78-485f-a382-aa3552761f82	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:06:01	107.216
-83	78246	3912300	d409d3cb-3dfe-4877-a488-642f3cfca21c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:54:16	-651.590
-84	39124	3912400	aa2499a7-fb1d-4f85-98e4-83e29b2cda76	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:01:29	467.89
-84	78248	3912400	91d29d51-fec5-40f5-9b0f-784022d3b89b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:24:04	-120.480
-85	39125	3912500	17480bcd-8690-425c-953a-23528c47d5a9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:27:14	-169.924
-85	78250	3912500	c297c6f5-b030-47ab-9a42-55ae9f9e736a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:10:10	-621.143
-86	39126	3912600	7f5b171b-51bb-413f-8104-11003459ff15	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:03:53	27.832
-86	78252	3912600	03e47f7b-3850-46cf-8610-100c7156193d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:38:38	-950.506
-87	39127	3912700	a6b05901-37ab-4bf4-9ade-9336b6769a15	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:53:54	-83.354
-87	78254	3912700	62510cdd-02e5-4008-8e6b-798f697fdc47	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:24:29	865.641
-88	39128	3912800	93a14dc2-2b51-4196-8b3a-6f63b2e9c322	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:47:22	-21.213
-88	78256	3912800	27022562-a968-4f1b-b95b-9b7094713a8e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:54:58	127.981
-89	39129	3912900	bbf4c590-ba27-4e0e-a8d7-46b8359563fa	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:53:50	-86.733
-89	78258	3912900	7ebfbc04-9d84-4bed-9248-db1598f705e6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:45:43	552.499
-90	39130	3913000	839fd100-5fc5-4527-b4f3-377a0df0cf11	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:39:46	321.365
-90	78260	3913000	389358ff-978e-44ab-9ba0-93308f9dc3ed	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:49:14	-43.851
-91	39131	3913100	03a0c569-2b8f-4d23-9444-84f175e27799	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:55:41	-369.448
-91	78262	3913100	aa15abf9-07e5-4e0e-9c73-0758119527fa	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:12:51	-156.506
-92	39132	3913200	b69fe558-1c18-4cab-810a-3e4bee19306e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:25:01	-176.787
-92	78264	3913200	9b99aeef-db41-4579-94ed-89fcdb8c3aaa	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:31:51	-801.36
-93	39133	3913300	9165efa9-ba98-4d97-8ae6-4769e411aa42	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:39:34	514.928
-93	78266	3913300	1247c3ac-a9d9-4074-9a5d-5cc56f80d7eb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:38:57	870.761
-94	39134	3913400	7602c6c6-c0c8-44a3-a568-f3c50f1312bc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:40:37	-980.974
-94	78268	3913400	befa79bd-dfe6-4fdb-8f3a-5d9fc10ce28c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:06:11	-386.44
-95	39135	3913500	c802110a-91b4-4938-910b-bb7efd94edd0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:31:32	366.170
-95	78270	3913500	6e949dfd-b93a-4db4-a738-1de6af5049f9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:27:24	-725.233
-96	39136	3913600	5b0c27b9-926b-4e28-939a-58354a4a7d9d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:16:06	-319.344
-96	78272	3913600	be766177-efff-4494-ace3-a24385db22bd	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:50:54	-297.142
-97	39137	3913700	caf5039e-069c-4047-8fed-2736ecc3de83	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:56:03	-814.197
-97	78274	3913700	c3c52430-26a0-4533-8238-3836f9e983ec	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:58:45	-972.69
-98	39138	3913800	0581e30c-42f8-4064-9601-adb8effb5e39	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:24:38	777.343
-98	78276	3913800	8f629e6d-4c79-4ba3-8403-dd84fc3c96e1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:09:25	-208.571
-99	39139	3913900	dbbd6777-7b12-4cda-b8ff-26120c25d802	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:09:54	-418.341
-99	78278	3913900	0b54c9aa-9010-45b3-840d-f5f6b6ff059b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:23:18	-876.485
-100	39140	3914000	39a95ef2-4add-427b-871a-c078089adcc3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:49:32	-159.106
-100	78280	3914000	4db370d4-9cbd-4842-9984-b64c29455e04	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:52:21	308.261
-101	39141	3914100	f2c132a4-9943-4d1b-9657-43def326f91c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:40:47	17.65
-101	78282	3914100	a7425aa0-e494-4675-b618-4895e0720a30	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:46:04	802.177
-102	39142	3914200	02f637bf-0cbc-4b0e-ba96-f2cc9aab83ec	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:59:57	911.917
-102	78284	3914200	e2797f42-7858-4b2a-9d9d-f2138ec5926f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:20:23	368.201
-103	39143	3914300	b88f3089-450f-4d63-811e-2d54947554a8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:06:39	-440.600
-103	78286	3914300	29d699d2-3488-42b8-af6b-cb57bf35465c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:02:35	-126.99
-104	39144	3914400	57cd7dfd-ebdf-4c2b-af6a-0f78345e1f68	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:31:00	-762.63
-104	78288	3914400	ccb4c20a-3a26-4305-80ad-618f07fa9915	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:06:51	-792.496
-105	39145	3914500	6e751271-5e18-4e54-8c01-af2532450579	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:31:46	-815.547
-105	78290	3914500	29cb45d2-7a46-4d5f-9b83-ef72dd30a1f2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:40:13	558.454
-106	39146	3914600	a021e13e-6e94-436e-871a-36b52c40aebf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:04:52	932.244
-106	78292	3914600	7e4627bf-42bf-4d26-a2de-2160e7ce6ee5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:55:52	-617.152
-107	39147	3914700	ebb0ec7f-0083-4ad8-8d90-35d1976cdda2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:09:16	920.181
-107	78294	3914700	9c89079f-c8ef-45a7-bccb-9ed86451cb14	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:09:23	4.944
-108	39148	3914800	d7662283-74f9-4e6a-92d4-050e74367bbc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:09:16	-165.998
-108	78296	3914800	08aef1e0-193c-471b-ac77-675d7ddece7f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:23:00	-48.735
-109	39149	3914900	bf02dd49-3e7a-44ae-a754-baf21bce594e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:16:15	-186.338
-109	78298	3914900	4d76bc6b-95a6-4ca6-bc20-96bc7f33d0a8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:18:48	224.736
-110	39150	3915000	14690453-e557-4e10-acff-4c8e33034e68	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:56:56	-774.329
-110	78300	3915000	655a2f24-3581-496d-844e-fcffc408b69c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:35:46	932.638
-111	39151	3915100	6998af6d-aaa7-43aa-81b6-3e2ab2c3c985	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:10:40	278.215
-111	78302	3915100	87158f6e-327e-4c3a-8be9-bf4ee9d125ac	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:35:58	-506.681
-112	39152	3915200	17a32485-04a0-47b0-947f-c800cadb8614	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:00:14	-489.821
-112	78304	3915200	869ebc3e-ae66-4d44-9541-f70ff7a5eb75	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:28:08	-56.915
-113	39153	3915300	e095a1d7-953d-4ea4-a251-94a6dfeb0c46	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 22:50:46	839.788
-113	78306	3915300	dc70baff-47eb-495e-9b6c-10d8cd901b9c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:07:52	712.790
-114	39154	3915400	68cfe582-8b5f-44e5-9f8c-28186eca350b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:39:58	-711.166
-114	78308	3915400	42ed524b-36d1-4865-b0c6-eaca1733fa26	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:33:32	538.467
-115	39155	3915500	ca3c8d88-9415-48db-a336-a51c4ce7654e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:17:19	-262.858
-115	78310	3915500	c5bb65b8-9593-458c-b2b9-88825c3d4460	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:51:52	743.43
-116	39156	3915600	5b2f54cc-0b2f-47cb-9553-7c78fdca717f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:02:35	355.735
-116	78312	3915600	c1c6b949-9e9a-4d3f-a0e6-4e8acd4046d7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:35:03	610.942
-117	39157	3915700	6d8bce99-386d-4b80-a9de-69f0a75df20b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:47:07	294.702
-117	78314	3915700	a3ab5627-9496-44ce-82e5-0c391b495759	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:29:26	-867.637
-118	39158	3915800	e273b29a-a297-4e88-b61f-211848078659	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:50:11	-627.557
-118	78316	3915800	9971d1c7-e7e9-44fd-a3fd-94dc030833ea	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:15:55	-896.774
-119	39159	3915900	420f4794-6ab7-4449-a2fc-309c8530c4f6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:43:51	291.822
-119	78318	3915900	f4bbf7f5-bf06-4660-8716-459245024cf0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:25:48	799.701
-120	39160	3916000	8214da46-a4be-4efc-863f-718974ac9b51	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:01:42	826.456
-120	78320	3916000	70310a85-21e3-4734-8d15-c1c057bacaf7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:55:06	107.808
-121	39161	3916100	c46a29f6-b790-4415-9d1d-02f0b4603cd8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:43:31	-298.687
-121	78322	3916100	255fba70-782a-4a3b-b835-d5b08d7e9250	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:50:01	-843.644
-122	39162	3916200	15981278-ffde-4933-b57f-a95d1ef5b485	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:38:21	-713.26
-122	78324	3916200	2fb3ac84-68d1-4d0e-a77c-2a3c9ff00923	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:50:02	-249.999
-123	39163	3916300	51dbbb52-c8de-40cc-9c3e-4eaf864fc7c9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:30:18	588.138
-123	78326	3916300	b28ef202-c206-472a-9804-00e5f3d02b91	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:53:01	667.101
-124	39164	3916400	70b41c16-08d0-45fc-8005-bab1c14599c6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:15:57	48.633
-124	78328	3916400	3c1876d3-eb28-4470-a051-620ddcd0ef11	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:56:23	158.90
-125	39165	3916500	540eb1cd-d214-4d58-9c82-b4ec4af2282c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:37:19	-944.902
-125	78330	3916500	2f4471c8-6f2b-41d4-9928-1803d7fc95c5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:37:39	-486.765
-126	39166	3916600	c909dfd8-1e49-4692-9af8-4d6b9ff96211	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:47:02	93.149
-126	78332	3916600	cdcb52af-5de0-4087-8c7e-4649d9b1587a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:42:16	798.643
-127	39167	3916700	d4e0d8f2-6f5c-461c-b8de-a63dc7f6fc4c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:10:20	-584.647
-127	78334	3916700	371fa809-fd8a-4cf2-a217-0de985e3b41c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:58:26	-244.23
-0	39168	3916800	e0cccf1b-00f2-4ca7-9122-070c6c1b416c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:43:27	-702.992
-0	78336	3916800	71fc4e4e-c167-4832-8877-2e29fd2c4466	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:44:15	537.692
-1	39169	3916900	ca4e4fce-656f-4e6e-83da-19f3fd1a9975	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:23:00	766.958
-1	78338	3916900	d3499384-508b-475b-8dde-ea55d10688d7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:47:41	330.226
-2	39170	3917000	9935b4a3-5110-4e37-b9cf-f440fc0f645c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:46:36	110.814
-2	78340	3917000	8203b840-8666-493f-b21d-53858d4b67a7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:23:16	344.50
-3	39171	3917100	9d782239-e6de-4d58-b2bc-97850131034b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:20:43	-584.643
-3	78342	3917100	dd50439d-431f-44dd-8fbf-4021e961f258	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:46:30	-717.382
-4	39172	3917200	657683cc-8a0c-49ba-9960-8217f413022b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:58:44	-817.110
-4	78344	3917200	f3c82f05-c28a-489b-a308-439edd76f63f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:26:10	566.69
-5	39173	3917300	a231ef78-b857-4d3d-aa86-bec2837df64c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:19:32	-225.439
-5	78346	3917300	5c8305bf-ffbb-4e2a-a87f-e6e99a394ac4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:10:20	-447.509
-6	39174	3917400	6b4a9f54-8c95-42bc-8e6e-7c8b450ba3ec	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:35:52	724.279
-6	78348	3917400	f8f72841-479f-42f6-b964-fef790906725	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:29:56	74.704
-7	39175	3917500	9a3ad337-8909-4f9d-9eb1-7c9ef2ff96ca	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:38:06	-627.460
-7	78350	3917500	921cdc7e-d79c-43ab-97f7-a726703a5f39	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:25:11	417.981
-8	39176	3917600	91216eff-53c8-4731-ae60-c57333ff470b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:47:39	803.312
-8	78352	3917600	8c22056c-b73f-41b4-ad6c-dfe2b6907c57	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:02:38	354.921
-9	39177	3917700	dc2b186f-414f-4c15-ada9-409245e3682f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:03:15	154.885
-9	78354	3917700	437b18d9-3845-4465-9e94-624ad9f34d6c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:11:14	-941.646
-10	39178	3917800	5153638e-8a13-47fb-afc1-f1fd8a2b2c72	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:37:37	-492.673
-10	78356	3917800	2c942d97-ac50-4c64-a5a5-b9dcbd5e0024	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:56:45	-597.509
-11	39179	3917900	2039ef14-ceb8-470e-8947-45e725d69fac	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:36:45	608.91
-11	78358	3917900	58baf4b1-b35e-44af-88da-e4feb04f0219	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:28:03	-696.593
-12	39180	3918000	f9c1a16d-9ad6-4378-8d4a-f2f0c839cd00	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:16:12	512.826
-12	78360	3918000	d2777e6c-1449-4312-9eb5-0c94b4a62157	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:24:41	94.826
-13	39181	3918100	4243b30c-a89d-430b-919f-f1264e750e8e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:13:52	358.259
-13	78362	3918100	fed62181-3ff5-4caf-8baa-53385b23a269	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:38:42	-694.598
-14	39182	3918200	b46c41c6-279f-46fc-bcad-e3d955bed0b7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:25:49	126.995
-14	78364	3918200	63fda41b-fa00-44f2-8c13-480fd172f2bb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:51:18	349.147
-15	39183	3918300	db63e7d3-3719-42f7-928d-6c531c054f0e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:34:10	-109.708
-15	78366	3918300	c963c1bb-556a-4f67-b557-373a518ecd88	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:23:51	177.596
-16	39184	3918400	df5a51e8-346e-48db-801b-3bd946fd7f39	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:05:20	-103.305
-16	78368	3918400	ad994fc5-b568-48b7-ad59-9f2b71db8865	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:34:03	-460.442
-17	39185	3918500	008919fb-c6fd-4a28-b484-94731a3909bd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:00:01	-184.242
-17	78370	3918500	a1a33a44-fd61-424e-80ba-c64d9368f0ce	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:18:38	-331.927
-18	39186	3918600	93397c00-5d9e-41a3-8753-f6019984d845	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:02:15	967.619
-18	78372	3918600	a6c3bea0-ee29-4824-bc1c-91a69c9178a0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:40:59	212.309
-19	39187	3918700	cdd52ed8-b06b-4c29-becd-f6a75caa0f9c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:40:10	-418.340
-19	78374	3918700	499f92bc-14fc-4b8c-8a88-09e1fa9fe4df	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:01:58	-913.937
-20	39188	3918800	fd467594-f1b3-49a7-a8a5-fbf829725c65	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:52:06	970.341
-20	78376	3918800	5fd70559-3fd0-4330-91ed-ecd14423a7d0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:08:48	-964.479
-21	39189	3918900	bcc9d4d5-1bff-42f2-9196-b850861476c7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:58:14	-263.735
-21	78378	3918900	5ac3d41e-a293-4563-92b5-3ebb30424cda	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:41:50	-917.475
-22	39190	3919000	2ebebb80-45be-4894-8801-0b39c382be43	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:29:31	233.262
-22	78380	3919000	c2d1bedf-7b7c-41b2-8cf5-a7ec778cb0ae	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:10:50	-672.840
-23	39191	3919100	8a584f14-0285-44cd-a06d-3794e71519a3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:28:20	-147.250
-23	78382	3919100	1e9af632-710b-4fb1-84e3-35d86d6da9ff	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:49:25	-422.221
-24	39192	3919200	804be9e3-e24f-4ec4-a6aa-32f9a39d6b8f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:19:46	464.808
-24	78384	3919200	2a3412cc-56bc-4df9-8eb8-863744b35320	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:53:26	212.195
-25	39193	3919300	79ca631f-829b-4bd6-8973-477b2e9a8319	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:36:21	817.719
-25	78386	3919300	382819d1-56f9-490d-a414-c0a2939e26db	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:30:10	499.41
-26	39194	3919400	5be821e0-64a5-438f-864c-4b90657b628f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:58:07	-717.690
-26	78388	3919400	94e137d9-6f60-46a4-94fc-f111e6f53f15	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:18:57	-128.458
-27	39195	3919500	dfe0249e-c0d8-4fa9-a9e3-eb44833afa55	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:19:30	-131.757
-27	78390	3919500	4472ded7-59c8-42c4-be2d-9fb4ce8f68b3	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:27:45	-376.951
-28	39196	3919600	1e5bc16d-7679-48ee-8308-e2eb92ab1ddd	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:32:36	-351.252
-28	78392	3919600	9b2297e0-45c8-41d2-95f9-087282649456	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:38:36	-438.759
-29	39197	3919700	f402b88d-cd63-4f09-b083-ba9c8ab3677f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:20:28	436.774
-29	78394	3919700	8fd21aa1-b27a-4026-9ac7-64b02aa87674	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:30:25	-622.335
-30	39198	3919800	3515bcbf-d69b-4e61-a832-0253aa2d8a3f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:57:09	587.419
-30	78396	3919800	c08d0748-ba60-4bab-9654-4eb3b32162f0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:21:04	-721.8
-31	39199	3919900	2ccb0d4a-699d-4972-b152-324442dea173	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:02:37	498.356
-31	78398	3919900	30e99df7-fbab-49a7-a586-e29ed4e14330	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:58:29	-912.340
-32	39200	3920000	a214d6e7-d9d1-4ecd-bf63-3a88446fda13	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:36:43	-943.565
-32	78400	3920000	067a7830-96fc-463d-8e78-591bc1768490	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:41:28	-789.214
-33	39201	3920100	e039b1cb-cc45-4e60-acdb-83ecedb75665	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:52:54	922.739
-33	78402	3920100	ae97c697-8448-475f-9bbc-af9263055f4c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:28:13	-137.510
-34	39202	3920200	81d0538f-242b-4171-abaa-47f6e703b076	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:45:29	123.638
-34	78404	3920200	d9833ddc-095f-4d0d-8952-ec14d35e4c8e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:17:37	-927.301
-35	39203	3920300	fca867b4-7c7e-4cb0-99c9-f942bd5cdac4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:24:08	-856.301
-35	78406	3920300	498ccf9b-f301-4f6a-9044-23bcc2e4346e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:58:17	764.904
-36	39204	3920400	0831f6e7-ca7a-499f-8b99-bebea8d08283	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:12:30	291.905
-36	78408	3920400	735de742-4592-4ae5-819f-ccf61e4f88a9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:48:01	94.126
-37	39205	3920500	6f2154dd-6e88-4c2e-8cf6-1a53ecad7477	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:57:51	-410.894
-37	78410	3920500	63717c7d-9406-42d8-8061-6f27b1bd1f3d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:15:01	6.67
-38	39206	3920600	a83261a0-d107-4830-8cb9-0472037717c1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:41:33	-826.258
-38	78412	3920600	fe2bdf81-8ad8-45ef-ac15-18d138845162	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:08:51	626.566
-39	39207	3920700	59c369bd-2f2a-4355-8e7a-81f1484787e5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:21:00	-32.749
-39	78414	3920700	d7c18eef-feae-49b4-aaab-f0bf64f60d5e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:32:08	151.344
-40	39208	3920800	15bbb296-3740-40c6-b40c-f2a89579cdde	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:21:11	169.843
-40	78416	3920800	c9914a52-bf67-4cf5-be3a-38d4e9867475	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:46:03	-356.227
-41	39209	3920900	52453392-7fae-4f2e-9d2a-dc7b2544a434	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:16:36	-134.200
-41	78418	3920900	f9f602d2-48fc-4148-8b73-77b6d9ecb3b8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:37:25	459.835
-42	39210	3921000	8d0b8d06-f803-4767-b049-19c784ac1634	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:20:38	-602.11
-42	78420	3921000	1fa5156e-4aab-4903-bfb3-3e33efc5c1bf	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:40:22	78.0
-43	39211	3921100	14e638c8-f583-4785-adfc-5c7c26a2cbb1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:28:00	594.60
-43	78422	3921100	ca48204a-72a8-445c-9b82-e98f7b0cfd9c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:26:42	-857.171
-44	39212	3921200	b3dcf5d0-e48b-4a65-b84a-1d6e2a8bcce3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:31:52	30.828
-44	78424	3921200	63a0a718-0cca-4d22-b76a-21df59017d5d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:34:47	-364.785
-45	39213	3921300	0206ddf2-e6e7-4045-8048-086032b10112	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:11:53	657.778
-45	78426	3921300	9228e8b6-13ff-450a-85d7-41fc7cbff995	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:43:29	991.791
-46	39214	3921400	7bd23884-d86f-431f-b96a-e8aef75a5f1e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:53:05	-842.543
-46	78428	3921400	41a1236e-081c-48bc-9da7-b2d56ca6138b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:59:40	-499.565
-47	39215	3921500	f5c7d809-e46c-4a4f-bbff-12c2ebb71fb5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:36:22	-570.615
-47	78430	3921500	f6cddab9-c631-4d05-93ea-e56df5a15a5b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:03:42	491.998
-48	39216	3921600	6d6a6e73-d047-4d92-baa3-1f970372b51a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:08:21	-75.437
-48	78432	3921600	c6475c05-4f83-4758-a2dd-b841907c6774	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:55:55	-618.887
-49	39217	3921700	25795d6f-8453-4f1b-ab23-3482b07269e1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:24:03	-370.260
-49	78434	3921700	2ca687cf-efc9-4a2e-a480-85cc288c5aba	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:41:21	963.450
-50	39218	3921800	e4a7abd9-3880-4759-ac57-710b3821c91f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:54:47	-224.369
-50	78436	3921800	b3fd067d-adf7-438d-8a59-16df05a23de5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:10:57	-97.989
-51	39219	3921900	7bad2bd9-6700-4a4c-9f09-22eafddf2b2b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:50:12	979.403
-51	78438	3921900	bfc9568f-7ac1-46f2-8f84-99f7cd4b95c0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:58:18	-417.971
-52	39220	3922000	64ca4fd5-457d-4244-9569-aa32b93248e1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:25:12	184.782
-52	78440	3922000	ed080e5e-a75e-4223-baa8-f934907d5618	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:01:10	322.881
-53	39221	3922100	6f91e375-3c68-4bc0-94c2-dc43e7c154a9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:13:04	-936.669
-53	78442	3922100	5abc691c-4b84-4012-8902-dadb3e28a76c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:26:28	544.47
-54	39222	3922200	bddf8be0-a8ad-4056-ba56-1eb9ed38e513	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:52:24	-393.710
-54	78444	3922200	46a34334-586e-4562-90ad-f37bb4b364c6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:17:59	-528.992
-55	39223	3922300	0db88610-aa70-4459-b6f0-f8817a189fd4	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:17:51	538.634
-55	78446	3922300	2b1fbd32-2997-4467-abab-2438c28c3d71	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:06:33	-317.630
-56	39224	3922400	16d6b005-29dc-4f91-8370-6c66948d532f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:16:46	-768.588
-56	78448	3922400	8d258c47-36c2-40aa-be00-f57acdf03b8b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:46:21	706.708
-57	39225	3922500	d75c59a0-c454-464b-a4d1-eccbd7b89ece	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:46:08	-817.698
-57	78450	3922500	bc64a573-c6b6-41f9-b361-332b9c7ccb95	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:58:39	166.318
-58	39226	3922600	5e6ab10d-3f3a-4373-b861-10af467e1da6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:33:13	-802.655
-58	78452	3922600	d4548b87-0aad-4429-8fbc-f952daab88c2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:18:28	253.232
-59	39227	3922700	57b0aa7f-0d3f-438a-a5a7-38d83786a5cd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:05:33	984.810
-59	78454	3922700	dc5b15e7-50a1-4cb5-a2dd-6c8260f19946	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:35:02	433.889
-60	39228	3922800	0e909003-1af8-489f-bef3-05b062547723	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:45:23	-22.302
-60	78456	3922800	e3357b7a-a122-435b-8497-6474934720b8	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:05:58	-239.106
-61	39229	3922900	ccbb3149-46a9-445f-8f43-2a8cef234153	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:22:04	-468.577
-61	78458	3922900	4dc8bfbe-6986-40c4-ad96-c6ef00dd3f01	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:42:02	385.554
-62	39230	3923000	00380bf3-da8c-42da-9881-60b74dd43c7f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:29:36	-919.907
-62	78460	3923000	7462fe9d-f834-4557-909e-71655171fd62	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:04:05	-890.385
-63	39231	3923100	e7f507dc-2a34-49d9-987b-638c0616b77d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:13:09	2.798
-63	78462	3923100	d3779e90-4b58-44bc-bba7-e3e9c4e5450a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:13:25	947.919
-64	39232	3923200	27233969-e937-4a8f-82ea-19920b9ef323	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:10:21	983.163
-64	78464	3923200	1f9367ff-f322-4900-9c8a-fc58d9dfe4a5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:45:52	251.820
-65	39233	3923300	41155da5-f38c-4b48-99e2-f3e7d20d4e84	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:26:20	-174.154
-65	78466	3923300	314efec8-efd4-48a7-97a8-e826eb497e1f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:28:45	-330.779
-66	39234	3923400	72be8169-d8d1-4256-a452-96c5c1e75039	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:02:26	170.300
-66	78468	3923400	8a0c587b-27cf-4e94-86e7-80b94d4baff4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:48:21	653.702
-67	39235	3923500	06c0ceb8-03a8-4f14-9496-2d33b3fc0961	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:20:27	103.582
-67	78470	3923500	d7bb4c8c-1071-4f73-b112-5f5d3c2c4ea6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:45:28	-925.110
-68	39236	3923600	ba4ca1c5-0d83-4382-b532-62e9942fb0a4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:21:32	475.716
-68	78472	3923600	d390613c-1695-4d2f-a13b-818a1233283d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:35:29	-995.899
-69	39237	3923700	1d435552-98ae-4f51-ab52-247af43a9fea	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:03:49	-282.584
-69	78474	3923700	02dccf42-a67a-4159-99f2-83caf7d80cc3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:09:44	260.380
-70	39238	3923800	0ecc56a0-ea6e-4216-ba1e-21bae9d0a48a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:50:18	-840.715
-70	78476	3923800	4b712b79-1f8a-4562-81ab-21cc228b27bb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:16:19	-312.662
-71	39239	3923900	16c8e81b-f7c8-452b-88ab-fc7b620d294e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:37:50	914.808
-71	78478	3923900	09241ce0-bcf8-4af5-8380-c473c2516252	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:58:18	-468.554
-72	39240	3924000	ac6ad0ae-04a4-4bcd-af4e-291ba474eedb	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:53:41	-28.533
-72	78480	3924000	af00d6df-b38b-4269-8171-5d4c86f48aaa	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:36:28	-374.810
-73	39241	3924100	bd3fc2e2-1e81-49e6-9bfb-8da9dcc26de1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:28:19	-582.147
-73	78482	3924100	0874d7c9-e408-4555-84c0-ca6134199220	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:01:45	-119.85
-74	39242	3924200	aefafccd-5c5b-4829-af87-2d4dcc5c8dd2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:24:52	440.131
-74	78484	3924200	24122dfa-c37d-426e-a4eb-0b89e4da3b8c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:46:23	-64.762
-75	39243	3924300	8dc30d2d-56df-4717-b714-f85d68ae4ded	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:30:16	291.665
-75	78486	3924300	95a51a57-6c71-4f07-bfe5-cfb1be54b691	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:37:05	680.84
-76	39244	3924400	cbf5e38d-ccd1-4d3d-8390-503cfa2e68b4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:00:37	43.277
-76	78488	3924400	25c12381-4521-43ac-9670-21c7f95f0bca	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:08:40	-216.473
-77	39245	3924500	eafe41fc-b837-4780-86e1-581958903ed4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:24:44	905.72
-77	78490	3924500	a775be25-fbfd-476a-8033-014106cb21e8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:00:10	-524.824
-78	39246	3924600	592541b9-c9c8-4ced-9fc4-88edb3870e05	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:31:38	-366.653
-78	78492	3924600	2880d7c2-4cca-4513-86a3-b2ab16882aa2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:22:22	-11.826
-79	39247	3924700	0991d689-bcd1-4cbe-834e-995a0a0d6f27	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:28:55	526.800
-79	78494	3924700	9578bc6d-742f-4615-8a05-e94b3ce37c46	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:42:46	782.736
-80	39248	3924800	252f0037-e779-4eb7-b8b2-82ea81efead7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:27:42	-414.621
-80	78496	3924800	5e81c446-2ce2-410d-8e41-381a4fd2ca6d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:58:57	468.119
-81	39249	3924900	842b5fdc-0e8f-4d18-92ff-0404dbe595d9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:08:47	648.826
-81	78498	3924900	ef5d4cd7-80cb-4127-be81-360da109a390	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:11:23	200.426
-82	39250	3925000	30035f2e-bdd8-4cec-949a-6ce63959a643	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:50:48	584.469
-82	78500	3925000	09f8942c-5277-4add-8490-841988dbd91d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:00:07	641.193
-83	39251	3925100	53752092-db7b-4947-aa32-4ceeea410723	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:10:26	541.242
-83	78502	3925100	cc931e41-48c2-4eaf-b25d-7a1bbd6d4595	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:02:07	-207.209
-84	39252	3925200	66e9b897-6755-477f-a2f4-b3a9b2c8f5c8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:55:34	-414.610
-84	78504	3925200	9797f1b8-7517-4c6b-86d5-17429d78873d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:27:17	921.821
-85	39253	3925300	1d8eb40e-db0c-48f9-9b56-53343842dbe0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:52:54	942.597
-85	78506	3925300	b56f4aa5-5551-45e3-aede-6108c6d9295f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:54:13	-235.13
-86	39254	3925400	343a4a61-6378-493d-aaf3-82567b4016bd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:58:48	-522.621
-86	78508	3925400	6b1c12f9-55f2-4e6f-9ff5-85516a8bae0f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:50:46	-653.8
-87	39255	3925500	bb7df961-82ff-4b87-9a56-18b0eda6920b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:22:19	-127.293
-87	78510	3925500	fe40717f-149c-4ace-910c-354d0f10b38a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:44:07	969.678
-88	39256	3925600	0b210adf-f54d-4fc8-bd44-3d561776630e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:58:18	-936.69
-88	78512	3925600	f6f17acb-ba65-4dc7-92e9-06259027f508	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:41:58	752.686
-89	39257	3925700	82f7728b-e22d-4524-8e1e-2e28c8664840	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:18:32	350.26
-89	78514	3925700	ebe50f56-b7a6-4528-a46a-472451c2657c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:20:36	-703.215
-90	39258	3925800	34be6e2d-8ec6-4d38-a91a-11df0ed7a70e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:22:31	16.545
-90	78516	3925800	c0a74d23-4a8c-48f9-bdac-65f0dbad50ff	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:45:21	949.595
-91	39259	3925900	28ddbb4b-8945-4526-be8a-6f76ba4ec275	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:29:03	844.977
-91	78518	3925900	66c71aa2-d6f1-47e3-841a-647db5a57388	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:07:35	-416.124
-92	39260	3926000	ab26f417-cade-4b25-9c36-320494c58145	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:57:39	-195.253
-92	78520	3926000	a06e4e29-3eb1-48b0-845c-f36713726d99	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:29:23	-174.492
-93	39261	3926100	aa676eaa-12e5-45cc-bca2-ecfbbb9fc07c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:25:25	-456.300
-93	78522	3926100	f5c676fa-7d78-4f38-acdb-b1886d566ca5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:08:17	284.600
-94	39262	3926200	b661ae65-b3ac-4804-8614-f5d4a50089ea	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:45:32	31.850
-94	78524	3926200	2560cedd-c781-43c2-9aa4-7defb73cbacb	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:22:18	215.645
-95	39263	3926300	caaa108d-959a-4cf7-9b46-05094f93206d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:47:51	731.397
-95	78526	3926300	90b3d45b-4648-4e63-935a-7936335d4cc9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:12:20	678.720
-96	39264	3926400	6b462b2d-bc86-4d80-a8c8-1df60c6da669	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:59:18	208.275
-96	78528	3926400	9ff33c87-75a0-4694-96e0-f702c323f197	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:27:34	-949.292
-97	39265	3926500	7a07e58b-dba4-4bd1-a832-1553e1442f0f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:39:44	852.367
-97	78530	3926500	9962e6fc-0c35-46bd-a181-e4df8743c807	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:39:46	483.427
-98	39266	3926600	5d445c25-c745-473a-bf69-ab5443839696	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:55:16	-535.740
-98	78532	3926600	b8db3969-c16a-4111-b10d-e46ff4d50574	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:05:32	-883.811
-99	39267	3926700	6f902e14-ec04-4d5d-ba26-8c6299fa6635	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:08:08	976.144
-99	78534	3926700	c9907461-6af3-4b56-8e3b-24bf6644c80a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:30:34	873.504
-100	39268	3926800	756b5178-da85-4993-887a-c4417647bf59	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:52:48	-455.523
-100	78536	3926800	325fadd1-7638-45b6-9517-df28e38fb437	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:52:04	-387.539
-101	39269	3926900	90ec5fdf-259e-4e58-af0e-9d449eb459e6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:09:34	-638.843
-101	78538	3926900	4e5c606d-e7bf-45ea-b2dc-722102d19669	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:14:34	-86.83
-102	39270	3927000	125eaf47-53e4-4762-bc23-9a6398504ec6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:05:10	-578.384
-102	78540	3927000	8e8071c2-a1fa-4ec8-9272-9404846b6951	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:03:31	276.478
-103	39271	3927100	5d3ad6cc-0b02-478d-bc30-c4e43319a52c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:35:53	689.409
-103	78542	3927100	736a7b68-58d6-48df-ac20-dd7cc45ed15d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:18:12	-805.50
-104	39272	3927200	ded3b81a-8af5-4abf-9cf3-16fa6893a4f7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:07:42	-557.583
-104	78544	3927200	000f490f-26c8-42f3-81e5-70e79858f273	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:25:25	-246.502
-105	39273	3927300	b4cce0d3-4bdb-4136-b79b-36ac5fb40a49	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:37:43	674.183
-105	78546	3927300	050c4504-de92-4805-aeb1-f0c751b826db	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:56:15	871.170
-106	39274	3927400	10a58085-84cc-4cdd-99f6-20bed15dd9c3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:04:54	-380.980
-106	78548	3927400	ecc10c73-6345-4157-9377-dde2746de83a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:10:48	188.390
-107	39275	3927500	83ede3e5-383c-4363-bb8d-ff53b257cd65	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:44:02	-240.171
-107	78550	3927500	bfa4920a-d4c1-4ecf-847b-b96b1e60be6f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:13:34	-125.241
-108	39276	3927600	aea8bae0-27c4-4ddd-84c0-ddef756e3fd0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:01:09	535.113
-108	78552	3927600	97417f9f-9c04-4ee8-95d8-5f0e1a9ee44e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:40:34	434.858
-109	39277	3927700	2db887ee-fb1f-4703-81a5-0ea31a234b6b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:55:22	-924.769
-109	78554	3927700	c36312ad-668b-4904-9579-0d9e8abd85cd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:17:34	-271.372
-110	39278	3927800	54cad692-c4db-4811-adb6-04af3d5eb522	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:58:24	670.435
-110	78556	3927800	02aee1a7-2cae-40bb-9aea-2ed32dd3c35f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:54:31	-15.67
-111	39279	3927900	61b45fa9-79ca-47a0-84d5-f3c71b098c40	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:31:55	-299.544
-111	78558	3927900	90995ce9-9045-49ae-9ac7-a2db15f01fba	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:11:34	-303.838
-112	39280	3928000	e415ab39-9390-4dfc-9bd3-9d7d36bf34bf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:34:41	-267.583
-112	78560	3928000	b0399d4e-4915-47b7-a5e1-cc477ca07441	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:34:14	-540.539
-113	39281	3928100	e0928c5c-a567-4506-bd31-5193092ba617	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:44:37	550.876
-113	78562	3928100	dadc9085-0131-4f0d-b82b-2b275a7ef78d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:39:17	-783.972
-114	39282	3928200	9ddd7094-f045-4d6c-931e-bd7e0097dbea	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:38:43	-944.727
-114	78564	3928200	c82c8d9c-bd0d-4d93-8dbc-e9ba8e529dff	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:25:27	-796.487
-115	39283	3928300	ceb158bc-d728-4749-bf62-3966e2c06217	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:51:07	169.793
-115	78566	3928300	f389d8d7-2caf-4da8-b375-f9543e7e4cb4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:49:35	866.447
-116	39284	3928400	190c4a96-6fe1-48b1-b022-9a99c7e65097	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:02:13	212.946
-116	78568	3928400	3fb42f6f-90a9-40f1-ae2e-14497a4436a5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:00:15	130.471
-117	39285	3928500	73a95c86-06d1-440d-a38e-8b3c928f94c2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:11:35	748.358
-117	78570	3928500	8ac9047a-899f-4f46-8a4f-4977bf55aa90	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:32:09	-27.280
-118	39286	3928600	d8edaf62-2fbb-4859-bc87-d2efbaeca5ef	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:32:46	-265.650
-118	78572	3928600	aab58073-8160-4f5f-8b20-d7362b243e92	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:46:02	209.378
-119	39287	3928700	cf1ab9e5-ea00-45b2-9c45-5270a98ab119	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:54:34	-470.789
-119	78574	3928700	a3ebf096-7d7a-49c6-9c4e-3166dfaa83f0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:58:53	-552.491
-120	39288	3928800	72e2a821-d2ad-4c6b-ac85-6a3e98956fde	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:51:18	-649.27
-120	78576	3928800	2da98751-3dc2-4724-8e3a-6a4e06c3745c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:25:38	-805.555
-121	39289	3928900	ae3119e6-4585-4d3e-9484-168017cc9517	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:12:53	-397.700
-121	78578	3928900	93f22311-939c-4b3a-8ef0-dbd82b20fb7f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:12:05	-579.752
-122	39290	3929000	f180074b-1ffe-4bf2-be95-ca3af7cf68a8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:01:33	911.337
-122	78580	3929000	7f5eaba4-42f2-48f1-a3f6-57aa707619cf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:47:20	-349.218
-123	39291	3929100	886d0d3a-16cb-4496-a835-f6c6c8756eaf	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:34:07	64.661
-123	78582	3929100	a1e50110-fd15-461c-8a2f-93278e1fcb83	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:38:01	548.938
-124	39292	3929200	d66a46fa-cf2a-4734-8b60-9eba8684e14f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:22:14	32.349
-124	78584	3929200	16a28874-1e9a-4150-b72d-f2fbbbde03cf	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:49:54	-896.683
-125	39293	3929300	c0f49624-e09a-4bfc-961b-2e04db28f67f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:44:40	802.757
-125	78586	3929300	ce595c84-2f6d-43e6-82c4-99038f3673bf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:11:38	-723.205
-126	39294	3929400	d003d70e-26f9-4dc4-814a-5cfcae0d3880	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:23:08	-458.400
-126	78588	3929400	2a521032-9e8f-4fff-bb36-0c31d9251ac0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:38:14	548.763
-127	39295	3929500	c3340c2d-79be-4567-92f4-93a74dfe31b6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:22:25	-69.433
-127	78590	3929500	fd669025-97f7-44c3-8624-4b51c817196e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:33:11	507.827
-0	39296	3929600	8c571aa0-a83e-4725-8108-798bc15ae015	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:34:11	-829.243
-0	78592	3929600	49fc3ce9-f47d-4094-a2be-6685f4f8f72a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:22:47	232.814
-1	39297	3929700	865a5c29-2d5f-4c71-bbcb-10f7a4f1134d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:23:58	278.715
-1	78594	3929700	ab649a37-8f80-4a2b-b01b-e11212dcdeba	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:19:41	930.227
-2	39298	3929800	454d70f0-cd94-46fc-b487-6eabf660541f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:52:58	671.171
-2	78596	3929800	08eea999-229d-47fe-865b-6c8b963f4641	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:32:17	-288.641
-3	39299	3929900	465d104b-aab8-46b8-9b15-a0aaef1a1b1e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:17:20	764.709
-3	78598	3929900	80178365-cc4c-43e0-a7f9-743b7fdc0f6d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:20:27	708.848
-4	39300	3930000	8bc8bff5-f123-4332-bbd9-98516de187a6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:57:39	292.160
-4	78600	3930000	091bcaad-fbb1-4991-a642-78768341722b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:01:17	-847.498
-5	39301	3930100	5f05270a-61c4-4cbc-b7dd-d4d331d15021	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:55:31	8.698
-5	78602	3930100	9b0e422b-7035-49f0-a9fd-34e9576d41a7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:17:59	253.856
-6	39302	3930200	16fd9283-f1ad-40de-8b51-b9f83c242bab	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:54:59	449.887
-6	78604	3930200	3af31b48-4012-4184-8dad-1772e8505c01	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:50:28	249.231
-7	39303	3930300	96a7574a-11a8-423a-bf23-73be5c26f823	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:12:26	-443.702
-7	78606	3930300	f21a3847-4f1f-4e8a-82ee-46b01755dbff	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:18:50	-13.561
-8	39304	3930400	22bd119f-68f0-4ae3-8ee4-8874924a156f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:09:32	458.676
-8	78608	3930400	f1a24cbc-8f9d-49aa-98d7-4eb3e69b3ef7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:22:23	890.872
-9	39305	3930500	39dec4fd-de9e-484e-937f-7c7c32f4268b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:13:28	447.524
-9	78610	3930500	2972a7f3-b2e0-4476-a9b3-0af45258592e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:21:01	712.405
-10	39306	3930600	17dc65d1-af74-4121-a93f-ba0bd8bc6137	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:36:10	-569.917
-10	78612	3930600	4dba1ed6-f159-4c52-b259-3d7cc82cae9a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:12:29	-776.891
-11	39307	3930700	823d6ebb-6ccb-4ebc-9050-94e0839c65f9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:09:41	412.166
-11	78614	3930700	414365f9-58f9-427c-8403-2343841fae27	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:26:13	868.311
-12	39308	3930800	81e728bc-25c3-4146-b72f-4b2f75805105	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:00:23	-607.797
-12	78616	3930800	c3b21af3-4ae3-4051-b9b3-4eaca6dd64aa	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:15:01	-591.177
-13	39309	3930900	e904c00d-a0a4-4dd7-adec-265bbf6cbe9d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:59:57	-223.795
-13	78618	3930900	3cef8a3b-560f-4713-a092-81e6b3d158bc	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:11:27	-592.922
-14	39310	3931000	a4953b4c-dd3a-4014-932b-17402f0156fe	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:18:03	975.579
-14	78620	3931000	872ffa7c-5726-4e92-997e-a4d6bf978e07	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:17:19	-424.99
-15	39311	3931100	ae2849e0-51db-4467-a4a6-556e5a32c7d0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:32:24	-797.41
-15	78622	3931100	5e95ff0a-d0cf-4bcc-b063-76092e4a00d6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:06:35	-839.594
-16	39312	3931200	10803724-6f23-4133-af76-0e491894ee0a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:28:18	275.301
-16	78624	3931200	dbec9d0b-ea7b-4c4e-b783-a5b639372914	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:45:44	352.684
-17	39313	3931300	daae7ca8-8b64-436b-913c-e8076ba04273	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:16:12	439.951
-17	78626	3931300	094b7bf0-19f1-4aac-a086-4977aed35050	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:41:53	603.528
-18	39314	3931400	38fec77d-d693-4f74-b325-42d41a7dde40	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:42:22	-838.852
-18	78628	3931400	0a5dd6ee-fea5-4d43-825c-7c2764f3d60d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:11:31	614.84
-19	39315	3931500	a5ba5d11-05e6-4714-9241-abbdc4167dc8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:59:58	-902.830
-19	78630	3931500	75e78593-2cc2-4f84-9438-4ce7c4e4ad54	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:02:54	617.189
-20	39316	3931600	90f11441-cd22-47c0-b1cd-adf3bda36831	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:06:17	47.660
-20	78632	3931600	0db5d6c2-07ca-474f-a9d7-15b501d9054d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:48:32	324.441
-21	39317	3931700	fa267dc9-a63c-4b78-8fe3-3818deff9f3d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:12:11	-707.504
-21	78634	3931700	e84353ad-dad2-4ad5-80fe-95ba7fe3f65e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:18:24	441.65
-22	39318	3931800	73d95c52-397c-48d4-a3c2-16ec0ff27a2e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:24:30	-518.669
-22	78636	3931800	2ac4051a-f1c6-451d-a8dd-6dd3a72b609e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:58:41	-672.482
-23	39319	3931900	bfa8792b-9ed7-4d48-991b-92fe8051835e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:39:19	796.0
-23	78638	3931900	ba88cd1b-c89f-4250-9129-5176dacafbdf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:04:26	302.686
-24	39320	3932000	4f33f376-e3a5-436c-a65f-f636095742e6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:40:28	-916.379
-24	78640	3932000	d2816f64-ace5-41ec-b7f3-db0c3b1feb54	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:52:04	621.152
-25	39321	3932100	c9850d2f-9592-4538-9755-dedc83b899c1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:29:09	-514.621
-25	78642	3932100	1dbdb7f9-9c0c-4647-98b7-2222b0bcc73f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:48:03	742.51
-26	39322	3932200	05b63d70-311b-41cf-9f19-498bd983c31b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:10:21	-563.2
-26	78644	3932200	f392a224-fcdb-42ee-b070-5325f605a63a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:58:14	-887.912
-27	39323	3932300	3c053caf-37a4-493a-9611-ca7d42878406	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:08:00	-443.130
-27	78646	3932300	9407c0aa-9927-4d49-8a0c-b86c9568ebd1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:25:29	63.489
-28	39324	3932400	2490cbd0-a5f1-4e65-89a5-02f5892d080a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:45:16	-326.188
-28	78648	3932400	b1ea99cb-abab-48a4-8b79-dfbc8a94335f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:53:02	434.415
-29	39325	3932500	91c637c3-12e3-401e-aa3c-ecc8a0e482d8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:26:33	-869.753
-29	78650	3932500	401a7b99-9b07-48cd-8875-1444721d6f87	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:42:35	502.322
-30	39326	3932600	60aa5921-7139-4f4a-bc82-8aed6eb6441d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:24:56	-653.445
-30	78652	3932600	4b5193de-2520-4a60-9f13-75de7482a5ae	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:57:41	-259.551
-31	39327	3932700	81ad09e0-4e75-44dc-832f-20b9e4f692b3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:21:41	-98.845
-31	78654	3932700	a03c7bab-ed4f-4d3e-aa5e-de4b6c127012	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:17:24	-731.631
-32	39328	3932800	6b9e3f50-d994-4298-9745-e4e4a21c48af	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:10:05	-578.591
-32	78656	3932800	a4dce5b7-1812-42c4-8e2a-40c69f5afe4d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:25:08	-965.437
-33	39329	3932900	4f870ace-2abf-4d7b-a94a-47c52e800aca	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:14:07	442.974
-33	78658	3932900	c57c5e70-7029-489c-ab95-157035664cc2	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:40:29	-987.549
-34	39330	3933000	971fc4c5-7f24-4c78-b3a5-93e393a09f22	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:37:26	-803.730
-34	78660	3933000	0f8f29f1-2997-4359-82f6-7f161fdc0130	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:22:43	823.189
-35	39331	3933100	a5da8c90-292f-4eb1-8d00-9bd9842d0855	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:36:13	321.32
-35	78662	3933100	ba1bc09f-a146-40b4-a60b-d5f7b2acabda	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:48:27	-578.317
-36	39332	3933200	a2162b39-4c71-4a49-a934-0550845b6a68	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:23:30	724.173
-36	78664	3933200	0fbddc54-ed09-4785-b605-fcca058252e5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:59:48	-759.454
-37	39333	3933300	2ed6aebd-7ca9-4480-9454-c797ad4adced	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:29:18	-822.329
-37	78666	3933300	5056ee90-0e27-4aa7-ac05-54ddd27e34e2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:27:19	-4.953
-38	39334	3933400	b294923d-0008-47b7-a94a-d000863fe462	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:23:49	-443.561
-38	78668	3933400	addb8965-8bf4-42f8-9902-bac145fdc153	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:14:57	-194.597
-39	39335	3933500	24100e77-982e-4364-8a68-dfee9809137a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:37:40	938.74
-39	78670	3933500	4bc68378-5e97-4037-aae1-585b32ed3253	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:31:13	-859.445
-40	39336	3933600	c6b03070-e0b5-43d2-81a9-d24a13dec64d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:21:09	-651.346
-40	78672	3933600	c177f45a-d886-4816-9118-0498d07d5e60	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:37:04	220.624
-41	39337	3933700	f6e2fcf6-7c32-4043-8cee-aacd077d0eac	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:43:36	299.370
-41	78674	3933700	5fdf0c68-b255-4c17-b0bb-ec384d54a3e0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:54:19	-527.536
-42	39338	3933800	c7d67e38-65dc-40d6-9a0f-c6171a01209d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:36:30	636.694
-42	78676	3933800	42d8d94c-00d0-4b1a-905e-10538fc02ed5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:55:56	-657.800
-43	39339	3933900	26c66f79-61ec-4c4e-a09c-becf5e435c4f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:59:46	-533.609
-43	78678	3933900	21ccf9a8-efa7-4142-b2d6-f7161a089be3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:28:07	-619.542
-44	39340	3934000	32f2aab0-fa84-421b-b65a-dd46c8296034	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:34:18	-365.785
-44	78680	3934000	07db3231-14a0-4aee-afc2-3cfb2923aae8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:39:12	-271.783
-45	39341	3934100	5a7808a3-c505-4704-b675-8823c95bcd3e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:45:22	-947.909
-45	78682	3934100	00cbc5b9-f187-4931-b5ac-5188f7a57510	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:15:13	-224.808
-46	39342	3934200	4dafee18-cf13-40aa-abe8-6eb27a2a6020	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:28:08	628.442
-46	78684	3934200	7f083b1f-2293-4814-8e7f-fae8a7c5e92d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:01:37	169.725
-47	39343	3934300	3b42d696-340a-4666-8b7c-d774c62b4e8b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:01:17	465.378
-47	78686	3934300	6da79ba7-0e4f-422f-b698-b549ccb9b973	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:45:19	-888.937
-48	39344	3934400	5878eff4-3ea0-4968-ad6f-8e04353ac3b5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:17:50	45.238
-48	78688	3934400	065b5c49-6fd2-46d2-845c-629310ba2889	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:10:47	-521.938
-49	39345	3934500	b6e99808-381d-4319-b08f-40454a2f000b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:52:54	53.873
-49	78690	3934500	08b146a4-441f-4599-add9-3962d6ac0cdc	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:40:56	801.102
-50	39346	3934600	1f0e3199-f422-4504-845d-076443009a27	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:26:07	-359.865
-50	78692	3934600	fe4cb1d6-8d0d-489b-baa8-1bc4c84277f4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:02:52	389.282
-51	39347	3934700	1b06f9fb-3b05-48f9-a779-829704ad6f29	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:02:27	-725.320
-51	78694	3934700	9c2491d8-9485-4df0-b551-d0e4b7467411	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:15:22	-590.103
-52	39348	3934800	057d6e77-9f93-4fac-80b4-33a8e7593415	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:51:14	-680.256
-52	78696	3934800	a999b5b2-715b-43c1-9ad0-61342f267f5c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:18:48	-634.54
-53	39349	3934900	85fde7f6-7343-410a-b0a7-391fe1736296	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:19:45	218.652
-53	78698	3934900	3d105422-bf89-49ee-a88b-cfa49c949009	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:21:51	-66.471
-54	39350	3935000	ec148fc7-7ba4-4fd2-9b42-663a7f5be019	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:26:27	-324.301
-54	78700	3935000	49b44cb8-9fea-4e32-9038-7a6efd77ac93	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:07:35	789.817
-55	39351	3935100	1b74fd73-fd86-4350-830e-5374ba2b3053	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:40:25	-676.330
-55	78702	3935100	9599c06e-cf16-409b-bbc0-dfb07c1c2d56	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:59:45	486.428
-56	39352	3935200	7360c1f1-7825-4f86-872a-bf5ee40afd1f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:01:04	-610.574
-56	78704	3935200	856c17cf-f496-424f-8ea3-b2e92d40f593	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:43:01	-809.243
-57	39353	3935300	3ece7804-c4c9-4f1e-a6c8-f60280b12209	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:29:33	935.836
-57	78706	3935300	2ec9f709-a6ee-4edc-8117-62b9b630032a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:34:44	33.741
-58	39354	3935400	f334f6ce-029e-4ba8-914a-db3e27b2d78f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:48:28	-470.346
-58	78708	3935400	900cc260-f604-4dcb-8fca-dffc0a549af0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:41:54	-24.124
-59	39355	3935500	c23e9a8c-ca1d-45d4-9251-d1f602ea55e4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:21:10	465.202
-59	78710	3935500	fc4f3d4d-ba55-4f9b-b3e3-b7e792854e64	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:14:05	842.384
-60	39356	3935600	1e447ed1-9129-43b0-9636-c85cc13cf526	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:47:47	-771.892
-60	78712	3935600	bf38f69e-df21-4972-8a3e-fa40931d8c77	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:56:57	-68.211
-61	39357	3935700	4469d0b4-6b61-4d8c-bd6f-db5029e6de98	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:24:14	224.464
-61	78714	3935700	f21981b7-7360-40b2-b6c5-9ae9de0d56f6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:15:15	-636.776
-62	39358	3935800	0768f5be-a2d7-47fc-b94d-b786ce71e38b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:19:40	-638.861
-62	78716	3935800	862f65bd-2854-4aca-8aa5-a326341ef08b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:07:19	-799.703
-63	39359	3935900	43e4e2c0-d4f2-4485-8a3f-4fdfa29841d6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:34:12	991.807
-63	78718	3935900	7b550759-9bfb-43ec-b9cd-d5093dd2a7cf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:54:31	411.175
-64	39360	3936000	bb2c461e-943b-4a12-aa61-c9963cacaabb	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:19:51	719.636
-64	78720	3936000	d944d4ba-6851-4623-a7b6-a5053a892cc2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:25:56	-69.557
-65	39361	3936100	6b9dddf5-0cbc-4cb6-b3ec-1543b7b0584c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:25:47	96.257
-65	78722	3936100	641ca0db-5560-4cb4-9a3e-7d26083f360a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:59:48	-309.899
-66	39362	3936200	e60ea845-a214-4b24-aa86-00b3ce61efa8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:48:56	-564.430
-66	78724	3936200	0a12eb6f-6b05-40f2-81f2-b3ecc48a7764	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:15:45	-902.418
-67	39363	3936300	0564caa2-8b0c-49eb-81c2-1d1cb3d69bff	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:18:40	-504.899
-67	78726	3936300	58c8f35f-0d7a-4c80-84c7-461be1832f60	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:32:57	-859.369
-68	39364	3936400	6522ef55-6326-4850-8806-300d33bd53d0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:16:53	-997.915
-68	78728	3936400	78f1dcd7-037d-4f1d-a8a4-0b2c00c0be87	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:25:37	-625.231
-69	39365	3936500	ffa582c7-b9d5-46ba-807e-5204f50e0106	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:42:33	-357.253
-69	78730	3936500	18b63624-6157-42b6-8585-8ea877482679	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:57:01	-590.163
-70	39366	3936600	ece15e2c-bd93-4d2a-90fa-c65194ff498d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:03:22	-259.317
-70	78732	3936600	836897ea-16e6-4217-b283-a5e37cb8084d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:37:30	-843.557
-71	39367	3936700	0bde8edb-172b-4a85-ae9e-3cfb2a6e0ed0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:23:03	763.723
-71	78734	3936700	71bc9293-df2d-4b36-ad0b-57e81e7aa1c6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:47:11	-885.935
-72	39368	3936800	c219ca36-fc8b-48c1-b170-5b232126112c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:48:52	420.560
-72	78736	3936800	0ec0a3f2-d223-4da2-b2c5-2e82c29d9e83	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:31:37	946.614
-73	39369	3936900	e8e4973c-da26-4cdf-adb1-c4caf4717a9b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:50:38	721.363
-73	78738	3936900	0667b006-489d-4beb-991e-b244d03e1a3b	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:28:13	163.278
-74	39370	3937000	3731cde0-0255-4650-b12b-530c67c5e1dc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:43:49	886.183
-74	78740	3937000	b5640d13-298d-447a-af42-01cd982bc213	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:35:36	165.515
-75	39371	3937100	ea613dce-fb6f-4351-8cb4-3125007490cd	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:52:31	69.163
-75	78742	3937100	d140965b-8291-4ae0-8cc1-83b9993edec3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:02:39	-116.953
-76	39372	3937200	13680095-989e-4149-9ee2-ec019660a66c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:36:42	808.371
-76	78744	3937200	f54af50b-021f-45c2-8d87-85ffe3f5edf0	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:34:06	381.380
-77	39373	3937300	0cf49713-df40-49f4-9b6a-88e479c65f21	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:24:59	48.24
-77	78746	3937300	16d26cdb-1344-4b4f-a23e-014d0d4a123b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:35:26	-204.380
-78	39374	3937400	96627f4f-f0d9-4fc4-9384-76f66933379d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:05:28	443.117
-78	78748	3937400	401613b3-094c-4b83-b0b2-43c693ffc4fb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:38:47	-112.439
-79	39375	3937500	c1b6a8c9-1a9e-4e40-b897-067c60c44f92	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:24:46	-312.266
-79	78750	3937500	13bffa61-60b0-45e7-aea7-f8f879794afc	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:00:27	590.825
-80	39376	3937600	55c6cc91-5ada-4b2a-8429-12eae70954b6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:22:13	-123.85
-80	78752	3937600	739fa37d-eb0d-430f-8842-5456903201e8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:05:55	279.5
-81	39377	3937700	3f34b645-5ff2-47d7-b25f-0cfaebfd528d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:47:18	466.851
-81	78754	3937700	83943019-e450-4d41-be6e-8ac9ecde8c78	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:14:12	-521.410
-82	39378	3937800	fb7db134-ffec-41e0-8853-3d53ffd07f72	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:05:08	-594.915
-82	78756	3937800	f5b70ddc-acf9-41fd-b05d-1d18663c595c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:47:28	-790.982
-83	39379	3937900	b1bfa53b-950c-4027-8cf0-ae2d63f65e46	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:32:02	274.750
-83	78758	3937900	4ddb6173-988c-4402-8251-7b5e9c82c94e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:15:01	330.952
-84	39380	3938000	7afaa59b-371c-4d46-ae86-46887e8f88d0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:50:19	16.634
-84	78760	3938000	367c2fc8-207e-4354-be9d-df879e3bbb94	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:24:41	-415.994
-85	39381	3938100	5e90413f-b2e6-4d00-a705-5fa977fc9736	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:10:44	-216.313
-85	78762	3938100	e3da9127-10dd-4e03-9a34-6c782c3e9558	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:33:29	812.208
-86	39382	3938200	2eb8b487-8e3e-462c-b04b-adfa9609a977	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:54:53	773.949
-86	78764	3938200	624f7e0d-143b-45c7-ac8b-a13c1e401638	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:45:59	865.158
-87	39383	3938300	51794452-d722-4f83-93a3-821cf5aae9d6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:24:24	175.733
-87	78766	3938300	b761b5cb-5266-4724-86ef-a7f2eeaa1c63	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:16:47	229.427
-88	39384	3938400	9d6ee463-81d0-4802-92c6-8a0e8cc955c1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:14:27	681.366
-88	78768	3938400	a18a545f-bb6a-4453-b841-8a2d542f4c01	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:13:52	695.374
-89	39385	3938500	0a9bdf93-855d-4589-82fd-51f038418839	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:06:27	761.782
-89	78770	3938500	260fd426-29e3-40a5-8487-50c40054a4ca	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:51:07	-633.480
-90	39386	3938600	617bc4e0-8a26-4453-9754-8040c0a2fc1d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:26:06	-855.564
-90	78772	3938600	d7e75204-2161-4d4c-9161-508c1ba4eaa8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:48:06	608.198
-91	39387	3938700	a5f4a9b6-77a5-4930-ac1c-1661843711bd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:41:17	601.482
-91	78774	3938700	009bde04-5e76-489d-ab02-2fcc11ce1a8e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:49:04	-674.586
-92	39388	3938800	ed6b163b-b459-40ad-8b88-b25da2fdb36a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:16:33	876.171
-92	78776	3938800	eafd2457-915f-41d5-83c0-8e1d215deed5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:09:04	-677.61
-93	39389	3938900	4f60b585-f176-4b96-89e6-14262c4eb368	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:46:58	427.303
-93	78778	3938900	bfed26e0-0a94-4d37-bc5c-52ed5fe328c6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:41:16	-519.252
-94	39390	3939000	f224e48f-de91-409f-92c6-4136f8a70a64	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:31:40	848.834
-94	78780	3939000	2e8efe6a-40dc-49f5-9bdb-d7df9daeee24	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:12:00	-484.87
-95	39391	3939100	a31fa962-2448-439a-b648-c28b9938a8f9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:56:47	828.206
-95	78782	3939100	fcc0bc58-45b5-4ce1-b327-fa3bf986b8df	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:26:41	239.453
-96	39392	3939200	cdb04e28-9d6e-4df6-9fdb-0afa0ff54a4f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:03:12	505.324
-96	78784	3939200	ebdffdcf-d2b1-4f4f-afdd-9230bf2a96e4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:06:36	989.514
-97	39393	3939300	d03e8503-933d-43b3-876e-6591f78fc98a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:16:25	-740.126
-97	78786	3939300	09cfcf28-0830-4919-99eb-e58c63d290c8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:40:53	533.961
-98	39394	3939400	aa2e998c-8a0c-4b62-8712-b70831f5e40a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:44:10	-242.624
-98	78788	3939400	c245c951-b6fc-433e-9a3e-c9965007812d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:43:28	-242.735
-99	39395	3939500	e22271e1-edcd-4f79-9d55-68352f625c37	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:40:19	345.920
-99	78790	3939500	77f7781b-c29c-4ca5-b81c-c4320a32e327	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:52:09	985.854
-100	39396	3939600	836106cb-4729-4f1f-bf00-6a5f6caedae3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:35:32	-159.661
-100	78792	3939600	d6a77d31-de12-4f08-afd8-5881f4c6b00f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:10:23	-370.269
-101	39397	3939700	3d49b60d-d155-4581-9225-42713007bbcb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:19:30	820.713
-101	78794	3939700	d704cad4-73f8-41f9-95d4-f73438152957	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:26:02	-649.432
-102	39398	3939800	1103a2d5-769f-431b-bab0-2b3af815b267	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:56:01	443.901
-102	78796	3939800	fb748511-3a7d-4de8-a50b-431e3500e0ac	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:01:22	-579.771
-103	39399	3939900	f6ddb6e8-cf74-4980-817b-7309f213e0a4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:32:23	558.296
-103	78798	3939900	73958d0c-e2bd-44fd-820a-b80f327669dc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:29:37	760.339
-104	39400	3940000	6a0d7fc5-455e-49a9-b2bc-2877460ac27d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:59:52	795.181
-104	78800	3940000	e9e9637f-d692-4d88-8d0f-73a9996bdf89	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:35:30	-221.359
-105	39401	3940100	bc9cea91-131e-4c30-a88c-128ec362eadd	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:51:21	-46.767
-105	78802	3940100	e2c115ff-bbb4-4ff0-a61c-22d349bf50a3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:36:53	432.671
-106	39402	3940200	b543d742-5659-44b9-b9b3-b87d6e4a9054	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:05:57	723.533
-106	78804	3940200	ac20c766-46ae-471c-9e7c-2c3a66ff2875	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:56:39	414.637
-107	39403	3940300	05feeeac-7fda-45a7-a917-44436ac27b6f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:40:05	96.977
-107	78806	3940300	4494546c-007c-4866-8f50-45bb4e573077	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:56:20	845.231
-108	39404	3940400	2372d5af-8f4e-4a10-99b7-620d7565ad8b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:42:11	-782.657
-108	78808	3940400	4a1558ef-27ef-4a72-ac6c-34c9895fe4af	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:07:10	901.728
-109	39405	3940500	3961b544-8af4-44dc-808c-12e7477b6d60	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:08:17	-916.903
-109	78810	3940500	86a259eb-f248-44ad-ad2f-157fd5349c65	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:05:27	-542.336
-110	39406	3940600	9c57613c-c31d-4961-b406-225b1eaa4c64	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:43:42	-681.987
-110	78812	3940600	ddb58fc9-6e9f-4458-a8ae-6ecda5f2b7cc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:47:13	615.496
-111	39407	3940700	5a8d83d5-0400-4d31-a599-66cc1c01b9e3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:42:06	871.91
-111	78814	3940700	87f6e655-d5fc-438f-b40f-e88e7e21e060	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:54:37	61.196
-112	39408	3940800	db19b1b0-ca51-46c8-95ae-baa349224ac2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:15:08	-213.935
-112	78816	3940800	9f403be5-0ae5-431e-b3bc-ee3b80c059df	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:35:07	434.908
-113	39409	3940900	61687498-17da-4b19-aee0-4ab1a83965cd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:55:58	319.742
-113	78818	3940900	435a1796-854e-45db-aef5-deb87059090b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:22:52	-836.923
-114	39410	3941000	ffe6a2cf-33a3-4c5e-b23c-1c7ee8a4e1cb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:55:10	-109.753
-114	78820	3941000	fc9fadbc-8a92-4ead-8f04-0d6e01d016b9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:48:04	803.21
-115	39411	3941100	ee7da004-4ce1-4165-a054-07f7630bc161	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:19:45	-367.424
-115	78822	3941100	7e416998-436a-40f9-8ce2-ec926f73ef34	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:07:58	794.271
-116	39412	3941200	2f7c571e-521a-4f1b-b831-7174368f59dc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:44:12	898.198
-116	78824	3941200	e9d85e2d-2670-45e3-8ce4-8c6f4247082f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:23:42	-715.180
-117	39413	3941300	6117d923-f965-4bea-9eed-40d5034782b0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:51:40	524.279
-117	78826	3941300	90a0dbd8-4303-44d2-ad22-ed87e33504a6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:46:27	571.517
-118	39414	3941400	fd8e1ba4-7f9b-404b-8d85-dfd0925069e9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:58:07	884.173
-118	78828	3941400	2dd7538a-f2f0-4ff1-9614-f049b5207f59	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:31:30	-721.842
-119	39415	3941500	f9562951-1e56-44e5-89ce-d4e0ed60aa1a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:15:22	789.642
-119	78830	3941500	f973f5ab-d29f-45fa-b008-3b7436368de6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:40:53	-660.99
-120	39416	3941600	87cda38c-e963-4326-ac90-4906be1925a6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:28:43	-373.414
-120	78832	3941600	a205e1df-1fdd-494f-af07-ef494e461a9c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:36:11	668.120
-121	39417	3941700	bacc2118-116b-4ff0-bbbd-e6994562de5b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:22:55	-103.146
-121	78834	3941700	bca16b89-0d1a-48b1-bee5-c1e92a122a37	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:35:00	923.59
-122	39418	3941800	c4db77df-43e6-4aea-b81f-c295ec47eaac	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:23:44	-189.711
-122	78836	3941800	842df7cb-f204-4c91-b3c8-c6ed05285918	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:47:01	886.779
-123	39419	3941900	26d67314-0b2b-4f6a-9f57-0975a1a4ddb8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:35:09	138.588
-123	78838	3941900	83126c55-43df-47ae-972e-d0bf27a83df5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:09:15	523.677
-124	39420	3942000	452cdf8f-80ea-4d61-882d-5221821a7e33	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:33:09	571.935
-124	78840	3942000	8c2bb56b-23a5-479f-b13a-29dc641cec19	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:05:59	631.466
-125	39421	3942100	4ea8f31b-a7c8-44f5-8100-a78eee10f1a6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:53:28	268.746
-125	78842	3942100	c7c8cfbb-cab9-42a0-877a-f78d9b5540f4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:22:16	-746.522
-126	39422	3942200	eb0474ec-c09b-4190-8e18-d164439191a5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:23:37	389.573
-126	78844	3942200	d8efdb30-8a43-4799-8656-4cb4492c2f80	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:57:20	714.58
-127	39423	3942300	d77fe602-fd9f-4c58-b5d6-858b35f5f191	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:36:23	-426.497
-127	78846	3942300	4113372b-26de-4d95-be63-d994564fbeba	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:50:59	1.55
-0	39424	3942400	8a50d248-6af4-4772-bb63-406b3bcccb74	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:54:46	-673.779
-0	78848	3942400	50247080-ddfa-4219-886c-0fb6c51d343f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:04:44	-662.540
-1	39425	3942500	e2c04fc1-f132-44c4-b7b2-5f53452bc37b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:00:33	-560.701
-1	78850	3942500	e962c985-20cf-4c4d-a9bd-1ae7f577d160	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:17:52	715.264
-2	39426	3942600	f9c2c9bf-c3d9-4f5c-b533-a6375def0264	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:47:10	836.893
-2	78852	3942600	30599036-fe31-4f4c-b5b0-180a8d72b2c8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:42:57	792.556
-3	39427	3942700	fa53459d-9f6c-45ca-97b8-37dab59b7fd6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:02:47	366.991
-3	78854	3942700	927469b7-7011-4e6a-81a5-0f5843c57508	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:38:12	68.282
-4	39428	3942800	21a2f7d1-89ae-4db0-b967-041a817f9bfe	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:11:06	-277.438
-4	78856	3942800	aa8b1820-d37f-426d-9a66-626f40eec1c0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:13:00	-62.438
-5	39429	3942900	d3d7adb9-cf5e-48ea-8835-7db956f8c0f4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:35:50	-578.655
-5	78858	3942900	9878f7cc-f2b2-4359-ad8a-9010e12773fc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:13:08	-408.320
-6	39430	3943000	e313dd61-b1e5-432b-a251-8929922e5c86	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:28:10	507.44
-6	78860	3943000	a239a261-a5f6-434f-8067-d623b1360cc1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:50:22	-451.258
-7	39431	3943100	ed3a265e-b526-4914-ba1b-8737cf1ae1d6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:08:21	203.903
-7	78862	3943100	9f366e0b-6695-4714-b92a-05429eeecb75	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:00:14	941.403
-8	39432	3943200	1e21d121-c05e-4161-9503-9515a82a20c8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:25:01	282.175
-8	78864	3943200	26093ebb-d758-4707-9d2d-e3d108bd488b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:49:44	-757.177
-9	39433	3943300	5c8e9b52-528f-4e79-a632-a4937baa94e0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:33:29	-58.609
-9	78866	3943300	a001ddf8-96a9-420a-b5dd-811c35c08c6a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:54:32	-888.95
-10	39434	3943400	061cfe3f-d1bf-413e-b5f1-e66e4618c0dc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:35:06	-445.383
-10	78868	3943400	0db91fea-a7bb-41e9-a944-da1bfd3ff7e4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:01:28	768.210
-11	39435	3943500	a34bff30-dd2d-4ddd-bf1d-0a96a89cfb1d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:12:00	-587.392
-11	78870	3943500	1154d731-9337-42c9-8fdd-a01d814665b8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:55:40	321.321
-12	39436	3943600	a0b656fd-0361-4d18-bb0a-fd64aaf9f43f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:07:16	31.734
-12	78872	3943600	05e267c5-8ad4-459b-90bb-ec4b58fcbc86	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:49:32	-539.193
-13	39437	3943700	af6e33a9-47d0-4fb8-b3b1-68a9e72b45a5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:56:49	939.858
-13	78874	3943700	250c576d-3c36-4ab4-a467-70e27e3f8056	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:49:31	211.822
-14	39438	3943800	efd5bf4c-c9b8-43af-a472-e0a4ddaac2e3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:32:13	6.985
-14	78876	3943800	db2de24b-af42-4d8d-80f7-edc72edf4dae	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:16:31	407.105
-15	39439	3943900	fc8314ce-e96b-41b8-850e-05b718932678	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:01:15	-366.243
-15	78878	3943900	c816a1c0-a5cb-4d42-8872-fa2ed386a415	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:42:01	-57.463
-16	39440	3944000	902f0e43-0434-4561-8abf-5741c1dd4b42	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:59:42	-184.594
-16	78880	3944000	b7fe9c32-0a61-4b95-9f2d-9c2e33f9310d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:13:22	-173.251
-17	39441	3944100	e7b83a08-5d82-4857-8839-3af55f5795d4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:48:19	-128.856
-17	78882	3944100	c6366c63-9249-4d8f-85ba-eaec9668e4e6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:47:16	303.219
-18	39442	3944200	3574be10-0678-48cb-b573-07a0cd5ae6df	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:30:33	-204.977
-18	78884	3944200	bf926556-a186-4750-b4eb-57c7e4cb7dc7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:18:57	828.195
-19	39443	3944300	5afe9658-037f-4bd0-9237-83f46f187cc1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:29:16	-751.609
-19	78886	3944300	f2f3ef38-df1b-461c-a46b-cb72174c87f9	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:11:04	-79.360
-20	39444	3944400	924d830c-837c-4405-9e87-824d75c7c8a1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:19:24	943.487
-20	78888	3944400	93bb25bb-987d-492f-aaba-d09dedd129d5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:19:29	353.968
-21	39445	3944500	c618276b-a55c-4243-90bd-8b255cd59f3f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:21:07	430.531
-21	78890	3944500	77205758-7c7a-49c0-a09c-eb0f79f71e05	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:17:08	840.566
-22	39446	3944600	d4235dd5-c906-44af-a4fa-7e1e2708f480	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:31:17	669.452
-22	78892	3944600	a947b50d-5978-4541-8f1e-80e6b77ed8cd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:09:56	-68.908
-23	39447	3944700	d89a8671-d3d6-496e-bf03-22daa6d23cf8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:16:04	-613.200
-23	78894	3944700	253d34b5-50c5-4c0b-9c26-f584db06c7c4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:30:40	-614.754
-24	39448	3944800	be7742d8-2106-4f1d-b787-3ee3ae0de5b9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:31:32	518.738
-24	78896	3944800	a94bc714-9ba4-41a8-a8d2-0a9a62809e27	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:54:29	-190.161
-25	39449	3944900	6aad7da8-ae3b-4594-80e2-08c4a2ab90a6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:05:26	-146.330
-25	78898	3944900	41b42c23-31d2-4309-bc71-8ed348e7f298	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:03:28	78.215
-26	39450	3945000	75b003de-d21e-4845-a712-da58afec094c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:21:55	108.32
-26	78900	3945000	23dc0788-af8d-4e00-8d87-026503ff769f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:46:06	-503.600
-27	39451	3945100	94010192-7fbc-4ddd-bc45-71391e7fb99b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:18:44	-453.981
-27	78902	3945100	3fe6b1cb-0f44-405d-b627-287eb7a88b18	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:51:24	-49.289
-28	39452	3945200	c0078ff4-f9bd-46c9-87a4-895dba0b2d14	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:51:39	-385.283
-28	78904	3945200	5c7e98f8-f084-4975-abc0-fc27949d1fd5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:35:57	798.500
-29	39453	3945300	1f6c03d6-e77b-4979-8384-6e9534c21b10	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:13:15	-333.627
-29	78906	3945300	b73694e9-6f52-4272-9d93-8b855cd83358	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:54:02	28.268
-30	39454	3945400	cc7bba92-cf6c-4adc-a9c8-472a98ff2a9e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:19:35	411.514
-30	78908	3945400	9fe1b912-89c3-487b-b214-74f5b1e7e4a5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:53:09	-746.302
-31	39455	3945500	a3fa9790-705c-4bb7-ae01-ffefc4b1644f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:27:21	-380.187
-31	78910	3945500	121f5c39-bb19-4803-b687-e73d74c06708	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:44:57	-179.19
-32	39456	3945600	bbe6a3ab-6660-428a-a4e1-512fe17b1eb3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:54:18	746.231
-32	78912	3945600	26a75c7c-a518-41d5-9c21-a5824a15fe60	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:00:30	361.969
-33	39457	3945700	18091fa5-8a69-40d6-91e2-b7c7d6d3221c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:54:01	-759.718
-33	78914	3945700	44f7ed91-1194-4a24-b563-d1dfd09d4331	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:27:51	-918.291
-34	39458	3945800	aab8ae87-33a5-4a58-80e9-0e10cdb2cc04	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:42:53	473.222
-34	78916	3945800	26bc6881-d350-422f-bec9-c4a07315e5c6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:55:41	345.905
-35	39459	3945900	f10f6d81-df42-4899-b283-679193844adf	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:40:29	-67.345
-35	78918	3945900	13c92680-c9d4-4a72-b893-0855f0c04779	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:07:13	-636.293
-36	39460	3946000	045a233b-6533-41ef-b8ae-52e98cbcd7ad	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:17:19	-949.478
-36	78920	3946000	822dc8b7-18bf-49f2-b5f6-07ac48ef7d7b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:43:13	-404.893
-37	39461	3946100	610a387b-f1bc-4dd6-83a4-2a0effbf3da3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:34:00	-506.330
-37	78922	3946100	38d7d9e7-764e-4c01-a8b4-2f25a21646ca	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:00:13	8.26
-38	39462	3946200	d698422b-bcdd-46b6-a445-3854264a3269	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:31:06	364.798
-38	78924	3946200	8c8f80f3-f33b-4700-9602-71a355e88390	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:41:19	-328.218
-39	39463	3946300	1eac524a-2371-4cc3-b2f2-1e0e1c4a5607	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:50:55	790.802
-39	78926	3946300	993a8176-4e31-4e82-9a66-33ae6ab53dac	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:43:11	938.463
-40	39464	3946400	922a2cbd-d375-4792-8906-806e6da706ff	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:18:52	912.526
-40	78928	3946400	80ff9385-64c0-4b4a-b9f5-01096570bb68	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:42:57	440.595
-41	39465	3946500	1f82291f-aa10-4826-908c-e910859c392a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:45:59	-293.456
-41	78930	3946500	43ad318f-731f-445e-bc0f-4e0fe9af6d33	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:50:52	-696.125
-42	39466	3946600	a5309650-ee08-4f1d-a6e3-dbb483be3dee	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:27:10	-892.672
-42	78932	3946600	8d775c3a-7d12-4e59-b523-efdf02c5fe88	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:19:21	-387.61
-43	39467	3946700	a19d6f73-874a-4878-bdab-0423a51df23b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:22:08	-932.239
-43	78934	3946700	f402bea0-6e75-43ab-b7e6-82666e838348	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:20:17	859.475
-44	39468	3946800	b1936369-6777-470c-807d-ed6fc111f3ad	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:19:51	542.28
-44	78936	3946800	7caba9c4-d43d-46d8-8746-367496bedcd0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:48:31	-400.18
-45	39469	3946900	1e747254-8f2b-4ae2-b029-18dc73b6bb45	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:34:42	250.553
-45	78938	3946900	6819fb42-419c-4eab-9ef2-7ae85c2c7c4d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:24:25	787.843
-46	39470	3947000	3f3f0c15-a869-4c59-a634-0338749326a5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:28:03	-792.363
-46	78940	3947000	d925361c-5ebe-4fdb-a50b-dae8b191fab9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:32:50	-555.699
-47	39471	3947100	83208ea8-d178-448b-82a2-4cb4cdd75a7e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:22:21	271.727
-47	78942	3947100	3bd0025e-6d31-4879-845c-bd810811ec4c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:14:37	-367.991
-48	39472	3947200	d32fe035-b1fc-4240-a3a0-75c27a0479ee	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:15:55	160.891
-48	78944	3947200	908705f4-4e8d-4e9b-bfb0-82e3ca3d2362	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:23:10	-236.970
-49	39473	3947300	c25562ef-41fc-4455-8378-4bc66a93b33d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:09:29	394.281
-49	78946	3947300	5b9cd792-6d2c-4daa-8d26-a71aa1bc23e4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:44:49	-364.504
-50	39474	3947400	75173af3-6350-4fdf-97c6-509f1ee60d61	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:36:24	631.352
-50	78948	3947400	1dbe81fe-8e0e-4b72-9d31-3f4a5e37d4f1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:40:21	-34.699
-51	39475	3947500	9658198b-871b-471a-9e75-391982ac9488	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:23:41	-877.257
-51	78950	3947500	2e3661f1-61c1-478d-8f8d-3893579c875e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:36:52	331.845
-52	39476	3947600	afa92060-f31d-4bdc-ba35-fe5ab2311e13	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:16:09	99.904
-52	78952	3947600	8164ad4d-3ffa-4937-91ea-b5722cd53642	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:53:46	-962.396
-53	39477	3947700	bdfabf55-0f17-47c2-8178-1c59c71bc036	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:21:30	702.357
-53	78954	3947700	5d519028-2dab-43fc-809b-c4e5d9b4071d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:01:46	-271.63
-54	39478	3947800	bfb6c890-708d-406a-be9a-a9b4d7cf976c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:08:13	-713.94
-54	78956	3947800	7719a0f5-4a5b-4278-b3c3-d6696c663b58	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:20:43	-651.300
-55	39479	3947900	6e41ea69-fca5-4d48-8a05-193412715af7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:18:03	373.460
-55	78958	3947900	bed2b407-cc06-4fd3-943a-52cc55997e35	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:51:36	-302.216
-56	39480	3948000	b73c7576-7318-4e90-8939-6a2db1f3a2f5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:11:53	826.91
-56	78960	3948000	423b9639-4d9b-47c9-84b4-5a32ea3c5af1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:49:23	529.541
-57	39481	3948100	dadb32c7-bbcf-4db4-b36b-6c4802a507bd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:30:41	501.292
-57	78962	3948100	eb959030-167a-44ba-8b9d-846cca932d56	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:49:11	-767.674
-58	39482	3948200	1830e9fc-cc98-43ca-8680-b4a8e5fe7208	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:01:02	13.70
-58	78964	3948200	4c69c348-16d0-472f-b11a-25f564788a9a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:12:03	240.948
-59	39483	3948300	281bab44-e166-4188-8dd7-437a436f77ae	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:02:00	-866.895
-59	78966	3948300	2d0d5149-16fc-43ca-bafe-199b78b3601e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:34:13	-845.652
-60	39484	3948400	4401a512-65c5-4bfd-8c14-719377d1907e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:30:28	424.109
-60	78968	3948400	0ece40f1-343c-4e8c-a68b-149927f99be1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:58:34	938.445
-61	39485	3948500	fee10242-21fe-4bfc-b539-8dc2f4eac1d8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:51:43	-449.322
-61	78970	3948500	4c801c5a-b698-4371-ae14-e0d202af564f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:33:23	559.506
-62	39486	3948600	82bbe572-af2b-44c0-ad68-cc8d7e5f3fc9	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:29:00	-672.9
-62	78972	3948600	954d58c6-ca31-4eb0-9d14-1d1a0f1b011f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:56:06	-759.559
-63	39487	3948700	8341a1e6-9f70-43a4-bcf6-408ab0afb730	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:46:29	-146.329
-63	78974	3948700	ad682c83-da2f-4aab-9ac5-89a4ccb08bae	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:40:10	-759.906
-64	39488	3948800	a2c46f1d-2bf0-427b-b3ae-440a733c9543	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:37:41	-380.797
-64	78976	3948800	12345c16-0b8a-4ac0-9d39-5f066ec6714a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:37:20	165.696
-65	39489	3948900	86d8f5e7-6385-4cc4-a70d-dcee93795e44	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:04:51	719.772
-65	78978	3948900	62d931b0-da62-4f4a-813c-c1b2f6d09cc4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:26:41	-325.13
-66	39490	3949000	88197e39-6732-45e3-9141-ffac9504dabe	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:51:33	971.93
-66	78980	3949000	eaf39689-2067-4853-a656-8dc7ddd835dd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:24:59	-401.606
-67	39491	3949100	27332047-fa3a-428a-96c2-e7bf8d6978e6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:40:02	482.664
-67	78982	3949100	526a865b-72c7-4e82-a5c7-e01493104e12	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:23:29	-906.320
-68	39492	3949200	77978034-5fb0-451b-a41b-d6a8f39ad744	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:38:48	-341.796
-68	78984	3949200	c7a0a1a2-ada9-4140-85ba-bfcb221253c2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:39:32	-582.278
-69	39493	3949300	2ce8f915-13f2-490e-ba6d-ec702336199d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:36:00	985.114
-69	78986	3949300	ed28482a-bf49-4ad0-b314-63d08ffd5779	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:57:05	-759.881
-70	39494	3949400	bcddab84-5f49-4aed-947b-402aa12f6f0b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:07:40	-678.772
-70	78988	3949400	c57a8887-8ce0-4680-a912-637a9739b7d3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:05:01	-523.745
-71	39495	3949500	7d9d8a38-ffdf-4379-9d66-ef3e48533b25	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:08:59	-976.585
-71	78990	3949500	9474fdb3-d118-42f6-80ce-84678cc1e1e5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:07:41	-352.210
-72	39496	3949600	056b38ad-3479-43a4-a745-89f2faeb93e4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:15:59	279.781
-72	78992	3949600	7a6f74f9-d7b5-4a26-a18f-e21f094032cd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:07:46	-899.985
-73	39497	3949700	497f38e2-012e-4ede-acec-b19c63937151	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:09:30	147.854
-73	78994	3949700	f4b1b63b-3229-4cb6-9472-24ab8bf9171d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:32:51	-528.881
-74	39498	3949800	d0bdda64-da03-4f82-a905-f88958cbcf8b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:52:45	-221.163
-74	78996	3949800	71bcc3b6-03db-42fc-bc03-71e558f0a314	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:11:25	619.550
-75	39499	3949900	b2a140a3-8d28-44b6-a408-2fdfcdc349e6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:53:16	-55.804
-75	78998	3949900	8877299a-8524-4de3-9356-028407c75e16	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:39:41	221.642
-76	39500	3950000	3f55ac91-56a9-4024-8ec2-97f9bf7dffdc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:17:05	95.783
-76	79000	3950000	ee984b6b-3014-4166-93de-4d587200f7bc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:16:38	-368.577
-77	39501	3950100	db59e82f-0ca5-45b8-86d7-51a96c21d0ef	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:42:29	-163.671
-77	79002	3950100	4c321508-7ebd-4e9f-80bc-38da95310ac3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:27:57	-630.304
-78	39502	3950200	f09265c9-7cab-4251-beba-484f5b9edcf6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:29:21	122.799
-78	79004	3950200	3e90c59c-c7dc-4c01-a833-5e7aa76bc3a2	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:24:34	-412.715
-79	39503	3950300	2a34ed6a-3c1a-4e8e-8cd3-20d33c870e34	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:38:56	627.403
-79	79006	3950300	b50b0ad9-3a4a-49d9-908c-eaff7897cca2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:32:31	-196.110
-80	39504	3950400	ec1015d8-6e59-4793-9559-4dde25162cf0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:59:44	-624.175
-80	79008	3950400	f07eb63b-9966-49b2-ba1c-bc59312dfeec	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:50:49	-272.310
-81	39505	3950500	2e57fb7e-f91b-48f0-9efa-b8b44378e95f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:49:51	-349.55
-81	79010	3950500	11da1078-6137-4cb4-9374-6d8da197e5db	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:29:19	51.126
-82	39506	3950600	49f608ca-d8d7-4b47-b5b1-6b444d6acccf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:56:17	789.271
-82	79012	3950600	3cd60dfe-6199-4071-a283-73c18fa850f9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:58:14	-705.333
-83	39507	3950700	51cb3606-64db-41bd-98a6-69e313139148	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:31:23	589.285
-83	79014	3950700	899be2a1-b09d-48cc-b47e-f22dd71bbf32	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:56:27	-140.851
-84	39508	3950800	dd6425a7-1ebb-4d50-8b55-b7aa72010fff	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:36:53	107.581
-84	79016	3950800	7abedfc9-b03d-4615-b649-8ce1df43a921	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:42:15	-381.266
-85	39509	3950900	80711454-64de-4fef-97ec-351f23eea276	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:42:57	-228.441
-85	79018	3950900	95b14a3a-3229-45a6-858b-7532c1c140b6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:32:25	-810.785
-86	39510	3951000	51185635-8538-446b-8427-dc5405856ea8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:57:27	-415.948
-86	79020	3951000	de86da7b-6635-4c96-85d7-5bcaba1f8253	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:08:21	920.554
-87	39511	3951100	e1807649-2283-43cb-bae0-09b4e69e8ce3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:42:12	-780.933
-87	79022	3951100	c54f6b42-1f97-44bc-aa42-7625e0a02737	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:43:50	512.116
-88	39512	3951200	36a3abd2-3475-4199-bbf7-966b615f5763	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:29:18	111.485
-88	79024	3951200	bfb8311b-ff8c-4bca-93ff-8b0a8494699b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:08:14	-190.311
-89	39513	3951300	84a84e38-0a0a-4139-acf8-f06c0d8a2e13	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:22:58	990.781
-89	79026	3951300	6d5b55d4-ef70-4259-8b24-27f90d04e840	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:17:17	107.579
-90	39514	3951400	2821853e-006c-44ee-816f-67d6cf3dd040	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:13:18	-806.108
-90	79028	3951400	f8f9ac85-f0f8-4bdb-af8c-7bc98f88cfac	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:49:59	-948.413
-91	39515	3951500	1644a2ec-014c-4fa5-bfbc-752d7d2ecd05	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:29:50	-417.134
-91	79030	3951500	d323687d-453e-4319-bef3-d9f7d12431fe	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:37:05	-15.482
-92	39516	3951600	03dd1442-50eb-4bdb-8a79-d91cf2840009	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:12:38	643.674
-92	79032	3951600	bca49626-897c-4877-bd9c-b629271e287e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:53:06	832.419
-93	39517	3951700	39bb4483-c778-4d45-9a7a-43c50f429a86	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:19:59	439.46
-93	79034	3951700	02d6168e-3e94-4334-853e-b6963ed397e8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:27:23	-642.979
-94	39518	3951800	97a512eb-8573-479a-8e45-1bb08170c7bd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:37:44	-955.85
-94	79036	3951800	269b28f8-e8a0-41c3-85d3-a50d85845b16	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:33:08	-540.958
-95	39519	3951900	f536fdb1-eac1-4040-98f1-a067186dcd67	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:53:39	907.239
-95	79038	3951900	b0f59969-6f76-4437-aab4-fe5fa88c2a58	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:46:49	-576.620
-96	39520	3952000	2719a38b-11d9-4935-a082-e1ca7eb708f9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:21:55	113.642
-96	79040	3952000	e1a130d5-910b-49a1-b9c5-4d0c797cd609	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:11:59	152.381
-97	39521	3952100	73533890-e5f7-48b6-9311-f157239c6d6b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:14:15	274.762
-97	79042	3952100	52018fe7-7de3-430f-9710-cc36d5e469a9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:08:09	-270.749
-98	39522	3952200	a9ec6017-5c70-4fec-a996-095482cd3d6f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:50:25	380.77
-98	79044	3952200	fe38b321-e740-4641-bb74-5df14b24b250	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:59:10	-865.532
-99	39523	3952300	077bc56a-1740-40c1-8702-cea95538b6ce	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:40:04	992.230
-99	79046	3952300	cc2c2b00-d51f-4143-ba13-094340e604e5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:39:08	-335.487
-100	39524	3952400	46251f9b-aed1-4d9f-a4f2-dab8a8c3cb3a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:23:25	-712.465
-100	79048	3952400	90cbde80-4cb4-473a-a807-98e7b5b105f5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:30:52	139.279
-101	39525	3952500	b47f5d0f-2e5e-4edb-b42a-950772e3c93b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:36:57	-235.814
-101	79050	3952500	136226af-5263-400e-b614-70400f25ec99	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:42:36	813.230
-102	39526	3952600	8e0871a0-12b8-47eb-9ebb-6702f0c9af0a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:24:44	901.546
-102	79052	3952600	6a6f70db-cde5-416f-a6f9-953905e27892	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:37:47	503.215
-103	39527	3952700	36105c90-0920-4683-a370-7bfda852ab06	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:55:39	620.281
-103	79054	3952700	3233b523-638c-44a0-a801-6ebac7341949	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:42:02	293.603
-104	39528	3952800	2cd22aa5-2c30-405d-a4e4-aa2630d997c2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:35:48	332.389
-104	79056	3952800	1fa0daab-145e-4b1f-aaed-fc0f5bc3b82e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:54:53	-296.138
-105	39529	3952900	d13c5fd8-44dc-42e5-ac88-f2f236541422	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:51:12	-83.678
-105	79058	3952900	f3b4d740-2342-4dbd-a4ce-c1f357b26f6a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:31:05	-607.386
-106	39530	3953000	8dac4f06-a709-4575-ac6f-efd7d7d9310f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:02:27	458.793
-106	79060	3953000	b55f90f0-bb61-4960-9c1d-12656cd1e0f4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:41:58	-514.625
-107	39531	3953100	01818803-b453-4c30-8160-9723a68999ad	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:26:53	810.745
-107	79062	3953100	23337780-c2ea-4ac8-8c8e-0988b74ff124	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:34:10	896.325
-108	39532	3953200	27dc2169-8d00-40f8-b1f3-d49852ce459b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:47:15	986.131
-108	79064	3953200	c1fcad59-32d7-42eb-bbe4-eb191a891d01	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:16:14	-262.104
-109	39533	3953300	f749d4da-bee6-4d88-9b24-9d00c56e2213	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:33:06	686.465
-109	79066	3953300	c1006709-d630-46b1-a545-16dec7775501	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:47:41	-118.775
-110	39534	3953400	55c6c5c9-6c74-4971-aa67-bbc652682b06	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:45:20	-964.528
-110	79068	3953400	19416256-558a-4653-b668-cf530d3aa338	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:57:02	392.538
-111	39535	3953500	00cda010-f74e-481d-9d03-327dfdc34fcd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:25:04	-987.317
-111	79070	3953500	09d13cb6-98e1-4fea-8358-87e1214141ef	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:19:30	730.286
-112	39536	3953600	4e88bcbf-4ae1-4753-b4b4-8f7d4a6f601f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:36:06	-86.893
-112	79072	3953600	80083f57-9fc0-43ec-a52c-d415d0a93db2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:48:26	-851.239
-113	39537	3953700	a473a4ab-07a8-4185-ac8e-a63ea532a6a1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:13:47	-25.410
-113	79074	3953700	d6078715-afd9-4a4c-96fd-0a356f0f6091	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:59:14	720.319
-114	39538	3953800	d59b2432-2de7-418b-9f03-fd536df7fff3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:11:03	-226.293
-114	79076	3953800	84d02c8b-3840-4eeb-b5a6-f8ba4519bc86	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:02:29	449.83
-115	39539	3953900	e38d3e38-5e74-4e3a-a018-7f5368a673a6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:24:28	221.32
-115	79078	3953900	ae4f5f9c-d179-478b-b26c-43f52061a4f9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:58:04	792.392
-116	39540	3954000	8c10a310-a1ac-4a1c-9fde-35a68b521818	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:51:43	209.765
-116	79080	3954000	2783f51b-b8be-4de9-8aed-c35d844bdb0b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:45:04	-734.939
-117	39541	3954100	12926628-0539-489b-b9b6-1f398dcd4e3b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:11:13	247.379
-117	79082	3954100	fb5f89f2-2d0a-4542-b16e-f951d05dc820	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:36:52	735.885
-118	39542	3954200	022ba654-35b2-4bc2-a57b-ac1ab0f98df8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:57:43	172.943
-118	79084	3954200	d972d0f4-c4c5-47c2-9c24-fa42821bf7f1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:47:33	-422.622
-119	39543	3954300	a942374f-30fc-4fa3-84ba-0497665b6948	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:51:14	-41.496
-119	79086	3954300	a78c5a2b-bede-47b9-9ae6-5801fd37f04e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:10:01	-786.41
-120	39544	3954400	f941485b-996c-4b5e-8581-fdaea20dcf77	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:59:35	-12.735
-120	79088	3954400	003207a1-fb5b-450a-a0db-ca0d4e499c46	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:55:20	750.573
-121	39545	3954500	3edfbae8-f7ad-421b-b8f3-5a3fae4ae5a8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:03:05	-239.411
-121	79090	3954500	bb5f6e25-cac2-4730-8eeb-d26b9ef93ccc	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:35:07	-660.346
-122	39546	3954600	d663b38e-c353-4b04-b796-b90f2ddfb51f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:19:06	689.496
-122	79092	3954600	9626be38-bee7-401d-9d5d-ca82f4fdfed7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:57:12	-500.204
-123	39547	3954700	e8c4fc69-e426-447d-80f0-03a6123734bb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:36:21	224.673
-123	79094	3954700	7d9dd125-0599-4b43-844c-08ca7dde4cca	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:08:15	-831.303
-124	39548	3954800	a01549ef-2df4-4ef3-8091-1ce9a70309e4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:07:20	245.908
-124	79096	3954800	2ee40a81-e0ef-4ee1-a6a2-2f67f9207667	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:23:44	317.252
-125	39549	3954900	123ff2d2-ee19-4e2a-8454-d385159a2148	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:29:53	296.985
-125	79098	3954900	d7916a14-c5a8-4548-b903-78ac87e530d6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:22:30	-299.754
-126	39550	3955000	cf295bdc-91a1-40ae-a708-59ad7714ac3d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:22:36	-670.761
-126	79100	3955000	0c65a744-2000-4606-8177-a9d8d5b40f49	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:24:58	-323.118
-127	39551	3955100	305ec33f-06ca-43b5-86b3-a7a4816027d3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:35:58	595.821
-127	79102	3955100	4fbf6e27-fc1b-4f71-a849-143dc47546dc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:06:36	41.999
-0	39552	3955200	0e582afe-643c-4973-829a-3908ab16a34e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:12:41	-152.839
-0	79104	3955200	4547eb45-8df8-4c0c-be13-eff4e7e5b695	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:26:40	-472.145
-1	39553	3955300	9b3adb74-630a-4e8c-9035-eeda37edd9f7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:48:44	-914.536
-1	79106	3955300	944a2bb4-0ad4-4d10-850f-4e84827f152d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:49:47	487.591
-2	39554	3955400	28c78e24-c4d4-421f-a8a4-7d6862af3bf9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:59:14	996.750
-2	79108	3955400	92c418b7-c1fc-442c-9638-8d4aec5daeca	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:21:24	824.365
-3	39555	3955500	89784ead-0e3b-45a6-846f-2b1c1248e8e9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:32:01	-218.974
-3	79110	3955500	4f0d0109-34dd-464d-9aca-7f33ecb3c509	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:34:06	309.58
-4	39556	3955600	854afc9f-4db2-414d-b493-de0c43e85ded	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:45:55	270.816
-4	79112	3955600	18c2bba1-f8e7-46ee-b338-875430fbd4ee	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:32:32	361.347
-5	39557	3955700	419edbb8-f2ba-4227-b941-ffa09c2b8850	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:10:23	702.50
-5	79114	3955700	aac928af-7dec-4a6f-8ed7-df64914ff056	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:03:16	20.898
-6	39558	3955800	e1f79dd4-bede-4508-96a3-d174aee59348	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:52:39	-929.873
-6	79116	3955800	a9d3d801-619f-4ec2-9d3f-5eaaf5415461	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:01:18	63.206
-7	39559	3955900	979a9582-05ab-4a3d-b6bb-01a4fb1af5bb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:18:08	302.414
-7	79118	3955900	e60465fa-f2e1-42b4-8d5d-fdf872929c92	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:06:41	-439.789
-8	39560	3956000	b5b1f65f-7c43-43e3-8026-e6c26d623d7f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:41:36	467.77
-8	79120	3956000	8bb89867-3823-4888-9967-2b00087b0ec2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:17:20	-797.190
-9	39561	3956100	9f5b5eec-4df8-4c08-9172-89b8e1e803b0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:51:12	99.617
-9	79122	3956100	bcf3e189-da7e-497d-ac4a-0bbb833575aa	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:16:24	-491.156
-10	39562	3956200	d21070d6-f30a-4c4a-a9a2-40a99e6a624a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:41:52	-793.980
-10	79124	3956200	fd6906c5-ef2d-414d-a065-52f9182e1e77	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:42:32	-791.935
-11	39563	3956300	1f9c56ab-c228-4ce1-8607-f99383800cf0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:27:07	91.514
-11	79126	3956300	bd2ba5b1-976c-41c1-86fe-7b69f22d873d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:58:03	543.155
-12	39564	3956400	3fba9941-3730-4ca7-8aa6-dac8d28b2b5b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:12:21	793.675
-12	79128	3956400	b4eafedb-5d0d-407f-9405-f18a92ee5bec	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:11:33	618.125
-13	39565	3956500	2f194db8-e93f-4889-98b7-7d5b56970805	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:39:30	-776.204
-13	79130	3956500	6f8bd8f1-22cf-4e31-97ad-4f6db377ec9b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:23:40	458.97
-14	39566	3956600	9ec87003-50ab-4595-adc2-b191a4351b42	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:11:48	25.828
-14	79132	3956600	1074e620-cc6b-4b8d-b03a-b317f2db1571	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:10:36	-786.834
-15	39567	3956700	53bbc63f-b884-46fe-9bc7-8df70a8a5a4c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:27:09	781.813
-15	79134	3956700	eb18009f-4c2a-46b5-99d0-b35422c82bac	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:06:44	629.526
-16	39568	3956800	bfb31b0f-3ade-4470-9c61-0459d9b62400	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:48:13	235.614
-16	79136	3956800	dec38a48-d637-4e97-93d3-32382a6eb45a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:07:46	-172.212
-17	39569	3956900	c0205665-41e7-439b-a4eb-7e58bd9bfe45	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:28:09	-405.698
-17	79138	3956900	fdca3f2b-b833-4a61-84ef-5922d12c979f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:41:08	-477.374
-18	39570	3957000	81fd37d0-8eb3-4091-8920-3e4f89245231	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:51:36	-597.272
-18	79140	3957000	1803cd2a-9f66-460f-9bd5-dc460dcf9e61	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:56:15	-982.249
-19	39571	3957100	b22dcd1d-7758-4f0b-b666-112a48c2f915	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:52:44	339.988
-19	79142	3957100	6029608a-88c8-465d-be0d-4b931c9d9546	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:19:32	-496.654
-20	39572	3957200	bbfae46a-eb2b-40e4-a280-148918371a94	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:46:57	153.97
-20	79144	3957200	0a0093e8-be6e-4180-9049-837a2179b355	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:49:05	331.836
-21	39573	3957300	9281a5e4-d131-4412-b6e7-1d2404b84e51	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:58:37	-716.266
-21	79146	3957300	96ab427a-6251-41d0-bae6-95752afad1ce	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:20:25	710.597
-22	39574	3957400	98e97e26-f583-4b00-bf50-c5898ae2d704	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:05:05	-49.126
-22	79148	3957400	2a592619-cfae-40f0-9a82-a0bf68007d12	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:28:44	-923.482
-23	39575	3957500	1b36b9f3-4bb8-4965-bb7e-a362ed0d8cd0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:31:53	-822.652
-23	79150	3957500	8b76985e-fc91-4f2b-ac7f-b4931dca9217	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:43:03	200.287
-24	39576	3957600	d3429007-b2bc-4cbc-ad49-a448bd735183	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:23:58	982.890
-24	79152	3957600	599f4fdb-3ba1-4414-9d61-5ea134777798	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:10:13	-711.83
-25	39577	3957700	dfd1ccf8-42d3-4021-ba7c-2a80275ff0cb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:26:29	-696.803
-25	79154	3957700	17f91898-e36c-4926-a3ca-00fa5eb059b2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:30:27	-387.522
-26	39578	3957800	586efab1-eac1-42d1-bf55-6ddbcc7ed46c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:35:56	-10.848
-26	79156	3957800	abaceac7-e8eb-42bd-80f4-ad1914f36886	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:43:54	-106.544
-27	39579	3957900	c13f1875-73df-4571-b70a-1846fd0ced95	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:15:28	-131.369
-27	79158	3957900	552f05e5-229c-4d61-8dbc-24ca4bf6dcb9	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:18:53	-498.622
-28	39580	3958000	bc4f2682-1f53-4b00-ad69-ba2efc25ae28	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:31:43	859.37
-28	79160	3958000	7c4251ed-fae7-4fb5-a5b0-af8002ab26a0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:29:15	3.604
-29	39581	3958100	11ad992b-12ea-4ebc-bab7-88a682e89606	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:21:19	377.288
-29	79162	3958100	cc428c1b-59b9-4470-83fa-079de766024f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:22:06	137.892
-30	39582	3958200	4c4bd56e-1bb6-43a7-a487-a00d28821b67	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:13:56	961.263
-30	79164	3958200	30ae578e-de3a-4c55-bd32-7ff55638bec9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:06:34	-376.939
-31	39583	3958300	c2af8f2a-6598-4dae-aa8b-ef06b19cdb29	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:21:32	-797.69
-31	79166	3958300	e6ebe429-ba6f-443b-8583-7da20c96ad50	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:35:55	523.497
-32	39584	3958400	1d1e6276-60b2-49cd-b7eb-1660e11e6736	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:30:12	-93.240
-32	79168	3958400	1fc87800-90ac-425b-ad3a-63cfae9b3f9f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:32:13	317.57
-33	39585	3958500	83e872a3-f03f-45a3-ad8d-5826d1bef919	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:55:48	534.986
-33	79170	3958500	30c07635-905f-4932-b2f0-703c44294e66	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:25:12	-292.267
-34	39586	3958600	d04cc59b-214d-4242-bca0-ea8a78de77fe	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:36:46	577.244
-34	79172	3958600	f0414e61-0e91-483d-96b4-fb5b8299e072	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:55:32	-411.446
-35	39587	3958700	b499a7f4-2fe2-4ef2-8e64-28d9276b2075	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:44:03	826.165
-35	79174	3958700	8b7c8821-4cf0-4e1d-84fa-fc4777b12c2d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:48:28	-327.874
-36	39588	3958800	ca0883d2-9d78-4758-bc24-63786b657d1b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:29:13	-298.291
-36	79176	3958800	308b3ec0-0514-4284-a974-4a29bff8e5f3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:34:58	-937.609
-37	39589	3958900	32fe5fd4-42f1-4cf3-bea7-09eea614ff86	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:58:00	606.493
-37	79178	3958900	37f8023d-6a57-4a19-b8af-2fb420369ad0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:56:31	437.30
-38	39590	3959000	27186b34-801e-4df4-94fc-fc480edc5321	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:46:57	-428.588
-38	79180	3959000	8f28a56e-0984-44f0-bb53-1e3260683479	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:49:36	669.349
-39	39591	3959100	94db1454-98b1-41b8-b34a-b4488443e706	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:55:18	513.665
-39	79182	3959100	eadc1d97-1123-4593-b761-4cbc38aca901	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:26:54	984.630
-40	39592	3959200	755b7103-acc5-4ee1-b154-d20aed1624e2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:30:04	-871.579
-40	79184	3959200	e1f85202-e134-410c-a7b3-17ab0a54634a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:43:51	315.685
-41	39593	3959300	bcb8be1c-8b29-493e-8ce0-5212148ee881	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:08:48	52.215
-41	79186	3959300	1539074f-c4d8-4c30-88ff-ce8aa7901360	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:17:41	943.818
-42	39594	3959400	784e4423-8e1c-44be-866c-cac5ef39983d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:35:20	774.441
-42	79188	3959400	0691cc09-4b99-46a6-b062-04e3b5fc5fb9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:00:15	125.148
-43	39595	3959500	bf25cdb2-c006-43e5-b947-29f6c058fa29	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:02:12	-986.408
-43	79190	3959500	798c3fe7-9ddf-4569-badf-3e79034fbd83	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:21:26	33.341
-44	39596	3959600	e0f32aa0-e5c6-4054-a529-853c3c4d1b1e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:07:30	668.181
-44	79192	3959600	28415f56-8e04-46a1-a1dc-a70fe08cac1c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:11:43	-826.684
-45	39597	3959700	4c7ba8d1-6592-4692-b015-4b4abd29e2ea	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:06:58	173.730
-45	79194	3959700	1bfda8e0-176c-42fc-ad66-8f84d7a27282	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:03:57	-243.135
-46	39598	3959800	4d78d966-3ee5-4e94-bd7d-067b39affd4a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:40:40	-691.43
-46	79196	3959800	9afb6186-31c0-401c-b7f8-114e86df575c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:52:09	-908.848
-47	39599	3959900	dca73315-d54f-49a1-925f-c86c6bb76772	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:41:58	156.616
-47	79198	3959900	d4ef9af3-2d7f-450e-b398-ce5de0de9d87	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:34:41	-552.510
-48	39600	3960000	9b12ceb5-b29a-44a7-8a1d-22c0900f0f8f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:00:11	755.898
-48	79200	3960000	122b06ee-9d2d-4291-abda-fdb9dc7bc777	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:53:36	-384.349
-49	39601	3960100	f72c429a-7a2e-4e8f-910e-f60b2f86dc70	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:18:33	-841.583
-49	79202	3960100	a47948b3-8cb1-4499-9102-fe8ab220d6af	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:09:15	-671.371
-50	39602	3960200	1e501d92-393d-4dac-825e-2e27aa4f0e87	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:35:43	509.552
-50	79204	3960200	d6d36ae2-2c2e-405b-9934-391ee97ae30f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:15:27	-301.20
-51	39603	3960300	ebc2f5d8-7948-4828-8079-5a66c788a7df	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:05:31	-379.895
-51	79206	3960300	37b02838-98e3-41e5-9c55-b713e3f3f894	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:49:46	66.613
-52	39604	3960400	46c22654-65d2-4091-b739-bcd876054834	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:54:14	-542.249
-52	79208	3960400	02fcfa30-fe41-4c83-8f92-881d4e05b6c7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:26:44	712.145
-53	39605	3960500	ce22ac36-d528-40f0-be88-bf8eb65ae92e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:38:07	-40.520
-53	79210	3960500	c40dc6e7-aa0b-4ba6-a13f-7d13fec5a1fe	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:48:19	305.168
-54	39606	3960600	29a04b21-6f70-4abd-9bde-eace73279ded	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:54:23	-651.787
-54	79212	3960600	be9341aa-1ae3-4aae-bb87-ffe631969701	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:29:09	209.214
-55	39607	3960700	dcf9ccf4-51ba-4720-8662-a777d7b12242	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:10:46	-453.911
-55	79214	3960700	1acb9ebf-1784-4ca4-aaca-d8e7b72650e7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:12:34	-419.904
-56	39608	3960800	ef4df5b2-920a-4406-bb0a-706e11066a7b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:44:59	692.900
-56	79216	3960800	ddfbef8f-ee23-42b4-88a4-dca503107de7	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:29:47	346.218
-57	39609	3960900	307c69b8-0658-4954-a72c-5f67927b5711	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:15:08	368.229
-57	79218	3960900	c310a74a-e5a0-4d42-b056-ba9bed22201f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:53:49	794.167
-58	39610	3961000	c48082f5-8dd8-453e-8b6e-cce4a3ae4936	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:15:46	-460.561
-58	79220	3961000	764cf6f1-e94e-4b21-acf6-17cb5290eb5e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:42:21	98.637
-59	39611	3961100	0183a37d-73a4-4da3-a510-61f0aac9d345	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:02:08	735.516
-59	79222	3961100	74f06411-6cda-43d4-9d67-311a0fd7160e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:19:35	54.860
-60	39612	3961200	fac7b470-f262-43a9-b514-534c8e5ae5ee	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:47:14	547.371
-60	79224	3961200	0ac44d95-fe24-4cad-9d06-d88d71bb18ed	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:13:43	754.687
-61	39613	3961300	e14b8691-e083-4ced-ae2a-ef925e968caa	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:59:17	729.983
-61	79226	3961300	d72172f4-a5be-41f0-a0ae-7b33c0e9258f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:45:59	-703.376
-62	39614	3961400	f3948c02-2603-4619-a36c-e74b205e3d39	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:42:46	101.641
-62	79228	3961400	db7df2df-2e0d-4072-bd1c-804dc660cf0b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:14:11	-452.964
-63	39615	3961500	08321bdf-6992-4c8f-8585-297dbdc00cc6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:43:23	963.785
-63	79230	3961500	83e72db9-e5e0-42e1-8b57-5a269399f59a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:02:06	738.520
-64	39616	3961600	d0c0dfef-3dc3-46e8-83ef-4ca14a573af2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:08:30	948.562
-64	79232	3961600	64f4b92d-54cc-42ba-b81f-8b5d16207835	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:05:00	196.505
-65	39617	3961700	af695d67-163c-46ce-8ec0-6358db7cc363	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:27:31	302.195
-65	79234	3961700	599854e3-3eff-4639-8e8d-d5f3ac6f42b2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:27:14	-574.113
-66	39618	3961800	126ab72d-7983-4bba-916f-930d1e0cfc25	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:10:40	406.367
-66	79236	3961800	2cfdcff2-7b05-461a-afe2-9e544c4a3589	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:31:12	-331.341
-67	39619	3961900	df7f7f7d-ac8c-4cec-8bfd-39513a7de78f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:29:01	-270.725
-67	79238	3961900	90c605f8-37d6-491e-be22-6997abd02998	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:54:23	-826.181
-68	39620	3962000	e6caff0a-8854-4274-817b-580c560a4cce	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:33:05	-227.257
-68	79240	3962000	b9690700-7755-4367-b43a-aa2fc050077d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:51:27	-474.799
-69	39621	3962100	04d62045-054b-4659-8385-db7e1ee8ffdb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:04:40	-970.763
-69	79242	3962100	5b865958-6d7d-47d0-a399-e66bc25c47a7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:44:32	-191.557
-70	39622	3962200	d8d63f88-428d-4f5a-85d3-50cceba13847	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:26:43	103.137
-70	79244	3962200	4643597a-e4f4-42cd-a119-1caaf51b62bd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:42:37	873.985
-71	39623	3962300	353fcc88-b1bb-48ed-946b-fb750ab51683	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:19:56	579.206
-71	79246	3962300	1a304e8d-9ccb-437b-8a0c-51122f056af8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:18:15	-187.472
-72	39624	3962400	31535d18-deb4-4943-9c9e-9e8ac46ba7f5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:52:46	-104.636
-72	79248	3962400	05df70c0-3724-414a-8ff1-f8cd23beca47	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:41:25	-927.20
-73	39625	3962500	78162ba3-74c0-4ca7-9f28-7116b2863baa	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:57:59	206.733
-73	79250	3962500	6bcda422-5f4f-4c13-9cd9-734871070007	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:23:27	-811.891
-74	39626	3962600	a9f69f63-b761-401c-a381-6807beeda683	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:05:20	-375.934
-74	79252	3962600	84eb1528-34a1-4d20-9212-c08f27acd29b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:14:12	-80.133
-75	39627	3962700	10869950-a0c0-4fbc-a569-f66dc1a8358e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:46:51	505.847
-75	79254	3962700	c989ef8c-951b-4774-bab9-f3fdb388c8b8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:25:13	-332.994
-76	39628	3962800	0d7431ca-2d77-4819-8951-1ffe2a9b1674	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:15:28	-646.253
-76	79256	3962800	6d44abc9-4107-4fc0-92d0-29b3d7e232a9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:02:32	-795.220
-77	39629	3962900	02d9c86a-2e9e-4027-8521-392fab2e82ef	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:08:45	784.201
-77	79258	3962900	a526371d-2ce3-474d-b20b-c24c5bb1a1a7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:53:55	973.78
-78	39630	3963000	b9d20fc3-5203-47d4-a571-ad3c31a33cf7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:00:34	-125.612
-78	79260	3963000	342066ca-b259-4072-a4a1-4fa4c69dd4f8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:43:36	-38.87
-79	39631	3963100	4461a572-b90f-4700-89fe-fa698ead29f7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:02:45	-38.968
-79	79262	3963100	0eefa69d-1475-48f1-adc5-d5e140bec450	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:08:35	-985.442
-80	39632	3963200	22723f22-b550-45a6-806d-18a9d35a4a3f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:11:46	-540.308
-80	79264	3963200	5042c805-a2f7-4bb8-884f-c6da0a8746ba	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:40:52	174.721
-81	39633	3963300	d9f9ec60-da41-4269-bf50-182941186ffe	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:48:28	-768.432
-81	79266	3963300	7e17aa51-5975-4906-bca8-abba717f9162	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:32:16	-719.753
-82	39634	3963400	375579cb-1d33-4458-a7ed-7816be4914e0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:11:16	448.517
-82	79268	3963400	11e4b649-af7d-4ec3-9ed7-9cad7c418a11	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:47:33	568.14
-83	39635	3963500	8037d8dd-11be-4c2c-9f64-e7e008069def	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:09:20	-894.670
-83	79270	3963500	df35c7e3-7f3e-4bae-b11a-61e9d34f818b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:52:12	-770.756
-84	39636	3963600	cd5c593d-a896-476a-abdc-57dbad4314c6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:56:48	-927.809
-84	79272	3963600	ee09ab86-2704-4f6c-abdc-cee8f5fc5775	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:34:28	287.729
-85	39637	3963700	74c788fe-590a-4456-bdd4-33125e77f11c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:15:06	-495.744
-85	79274	3963700	ae1b1bfa-4c72-4ec6-90c5-07cf26c13aa6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:33:54	990.770
-86	39638	3963800	2b1ae512-5d19-4911-863a-70711239c036	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:59:34	-295.816
-86	79276	3963800	169537b0-0d2e-486d-b05b-ee3bcbc0b098	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:58:21	897.195
-87	39639	3963900	6586ed8f-b438-4dcc-8c65-58415a09b5f9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:59:02	-776.763
-87	79278	3963900	aab4e7b7-e0cb-4165-954e-ce841d2015bc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:44:29	-608.705
-88	39640	3964000	7fdc079e-d633-441f-9010-5f5bea972def	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:13:25	-954.39
-88	79280	3964000	0fad81e4-fc15-4f44-8750-1a9e140b782d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:22:26	-762.849
-89	39641	3964100	4ea9b124-c5d9-46f5-97e2-ab8a07d21594	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:17:27	74.407
-89	79282	3964100	7736ff80-3e0e-44d0-adf2-6936e6b3ab59	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:39:18	162.395
-90	39642	3964200	0a7eaa98-cc45-46ad-9120-ec03d87d1a53	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:52:16	-977.492
-90	79284	3964200	ca73b089-1970-48a8-996e-92cb0798fd9f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:03:39	-653.61
-91	39643	3964300	b8757a52-03f3-4087-bd41-dee320088724	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:31:57	-419.397
-91	79286	3964300	8f19ab4d-4962-4df4-bc87-45c3a1c98b5a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:51:49	-371.37
-92	39644	3964400	36011d15-b61a-43bf-9c02-b1610c27d2eb	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:02:12	-812.683
-92	79288	3964400	60e3fac1-1591-44c6-b2f6-27f69550e42e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:37:16	-769.220
-93	39645	3964500	14307774-7f03-4fed-962e-707bea0e7b09	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:10:33	849.524
-93	79290	3964500	ac1700e8-6acb-48ed-ae02-0c8746ccf8ab	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:36:22	983.337
-94	39646	3964600	f6dd2e77-4d1a-47d0-b328-b2eb616eb4c6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:59:49	-251.953
-94	79292	3964600	1d3a4008-ca13-4536-9920-fdf96ebd5d06	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:50:03	-154.200
-95	39647	3964700	e58adf8a-81a5-4e37-a5a6-de66cd346903	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:14:32	-10.813
-95	79294	3964700	403c716b-bd20-4bf3-bb4b-41670a76c41f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:06:31	-449.695
-96	39648	3964800	2ed9b70d-d0ca-485d-97c2-a50627504874	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:37:26	-387.925
-96	79296	3964800	b9977f68-7820-452e-8aaa-52c73cd7b53c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:06:46	961.547
-97	39649	3964900	cfc8b7ac-3de7-459c-9f9c-e2e801c6bfdd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:26:23	357.311
-97	79298	3964900	7a139eb5-00d1-4263-929e-7cbd2e7520cb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:48:01	-25.887
-98	39650	3965000	d7d367ae-bb34-4e5d-bf0c-9603beecdeaf	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:42:14	-339.127
-98	79300	3965000	1ac2b74d-e026-4188-af43-51613d0bb0a4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:14:20	516.759
-99	39651	3965100	10d40f90-e04c-4976-b883-35fd4e6300a7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:26:04	-250.616
-99	79302	3965100	95a1bb72-02c9-44e0-ae8f-0d48388ccddf	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:35:38	703.40
-100	39652	3965200	19b93d7c-7733-4b72-b255-18caf6101384	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:43:47	503.283
-100	79304	3965200	850df34b-deae-4e62-b45d-4f7ee9159540	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:15:29	-656.944
-101	39653	3965300	d3070c83-0a41-4d62-a3a8-d36f07d56d92	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:46:59	225.596
-101	79306	3965300	f27b9fc0-e23c-4949-94f9-3d0ac70a6347	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:57:02	-841.584
-102	39654	3965400	8b70692a-1c54-4994-8ca0-346cf90b73e5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:17:59	-31.564
-102	79308	3965400	d0b27ab5-ec1c-45cc-8b8b-ae06fcacc1a4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:10:22	743.742
-103	39655	3965500	ec17b617-c57f-4a1b-a213-c3f3b13f98e9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:13:04	622.270
-103	79310	3965500	f7377068-fac3-4402-a2fc-add58457fc94	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:27:19	324.466
-104	39656	3965600	4bc4f002-e5fc-4ee2-95f1-3a34870ba41f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:17:21	-903.66
-104	79312	3965600	e440260f-a22b-4537-94a4-2225112d571c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:59:23	606.33
-105	39657	3965700	93aa39a9-321d-405f-b538-c362c8bcf282	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:09:50	-396.648
-105	79314	3965700	e0fcfd27-82c3-4f17-ae67-5924b46d196d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:41:31	827.218
-106	39658	3965800	50020447-5883-4261-b7c0-4bef90a54f53	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:40:12	-144.149
-106	79316	3965800	9ef51171-f272-4a9a-8198-5405c10dd640	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:37:02	206.416
-107	39659	3965900	403085b1-4f01-4e0a-a77b-b0413faf6614	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:33:24	-506.471
-107	79318	3965900	b5ff6b01-5927-4e32-bad6-42b12d5d87fe	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:19:43	553.411
-108	39660	3966000	4a4678cd-671c-43c2-81e5-c14ae8e4a1a3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:49:08	756.550
-108	79320	3966000	f67c8432-6e6c-4b9b-895d-9f8c76b21446	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:24:24	-746.290
-109	39661	3966100	2b8902b9-56d4-4ee9-878a-eb8510fd3436	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:00:31	691.985
-109	79322	3966100	4e4e9da6-d83e-4ace-aebc-27c1efb38c59	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:19:17	397.865
-110	39662	3966200	9b4c978d-fc7c-45fc-aa3b-73d82c4f85b2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:22:36	-323.982
-110	79324	3966200	ed78dade-594b-45cd-a2d3-673fd7620be5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:02:56	850.658
-111	39663	3966300	b7a81ce8-badf-4bbd-9e0b-c07b40055283	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:13:54	-521.488
-111	79326	3966300	e77c72ac-e8c8-447e-b415-52ec365389f9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:40:57	-420.412
-112	39664	3966400	b3d7ef41-e3bd-49b6-be1d-bdbd6cb38555	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:23:38	-789.155
-112	79328	3966400	e9513b7e-ecc3-4ce9-8ec0-2cc35ae04407	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:46:09	-480.715
-113	39665	3966500	5562a51c-dbfb-409d-967c-c65cd0c860b6	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:40:20	-394.277
-113	79330	3966500	eed11b70-4edc-4262-b422-1583442bf4f8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:08:53	654.920
-114	39666	3966600	522f679b-0a34-4201-af2d-fb4c7b3d250b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:45:48	445.210
-114	79332	3966600	3c11bcb4-b307-406b-9a8c-7885a9eec7df	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:55:49	921.454
-115	39667	3966700	b89a7f7d-deba-4ef3-b526-10520b12af50	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:46:56	-516.283
-115	79334	3966700	1035c865-dcf4-47f0-b24c-176cdded5d76	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:09:13	-393.82
-116	39668	3966800	0b654a36-f89a-44be-b73d-51fc79ec3655	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:55:44	-936.462
-116	79336	3966800	8f9ffc90-9023-4ae5-b25d-ee708be2ddee	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:13:56	195.687
-117	39669	3966900	83e61825-bf60-4ef6-9923-68ecf7928f8c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:51:10	-229.295
-117	79338	3966900	9b9e426c-112a-4651-ad46-8c21bd29909f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:35:54	417.337
-118	39670	3967000	d262202a-1a73-4e2e-87d2-2bb6ec032a4c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:55:01	-111.199
-118	79340	3967000	fac2dc44-ace0-4a1f-b858-36b34e12e09e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:34:07	960.596
-119	39671	3967100	640924c7-3d97-4b9f-8a83-c0fba84d9305	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:03:53	42.385
-119	79342	3967100	2db96f04-7bc8-4847-a112-e090389a3efb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:34:23	169.662
-120	39672	3967200	f7ba37fc-5da8-4b2b-8ea8-5512d37bc751	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:40:54	-985.184
-120	79344	3967200	43ffb73f-a324-4a2d-9cd2-b7e8dfc7d498	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:46:34	416.757
-121	39673	3967300	8eca845f-0b94-48d6-81ff-573a805f22f5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:16:21	637.67
-121	79346	3967300	585651d8-1cb0-4ffc-9343-956f3ef065f8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:07:57	457.927
-122	39674	3967400	d474d401-44d8-4262-8aaf-1f83d4eb0814	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:39:41	805.489
-122	79348	3967400	abf9714b-8ba0-412a-90f8-b538e4a46c43	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:13:05	-102.913
-123	39675	3967500	7e129395-ba0f-4877-b4d6-655fc8b24d25	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:44:01	440.674
-123	79350	3967500	661826e6-2782-4a7e-a9ec-86c6f1066c99	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:28:06	-761.356
-124	39676	3967600	0ca2608e-e014-4dfa-88d9-ecadcb9982b0	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:50:58	934.200
-124	79352	3967600	caa1903b-1e23-4494-ad2b-02ce079d8ec4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:30:25	730.952
-125	39677	3967700	6fe90f92-6ee5-42f0-88a9-8dc84ac44877	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:44:11	-800.809
-125	79354	3967700	22c8beae-4e5b-40ae-bcaf-d7d0181ee5d9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:28:32	638.299
-126	39678	3967800	ecc20b7a-5d53-4ddd-ac63-873965270dac	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:16:22	-812.259
-126	79356	3967800	6914b1a5-a10b-4f2a-9717-2240fc93f1ff	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:38:07	-135.318
-127	39679	3967900	a8698b72-9753-4566-b7e7-58015d29c5d8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:04:35	365.450
-127	79358	3967900	a38997f8-3428-4fa9-9c0e-dfc2c23dfa33	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:55:01	285.952
-0	39680	3968000	0289c170-bd60-40ad-b6b6-35606119971f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:45:05	-719.880
-0	79360	3968000	101828b7-5a1b-4c21-af9e-d6a78313a5aa	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:58:29	-489.669
-1	39681	3968100	c23a4415-fbad-43db-bcca-5f04d6357f5a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:24:18	-66.741
-1	79362	3968100	2ac9cdc7-e256-4df0-9f5e-2fb5b422982a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:51:47	414.774
-2	39682	3968200	c4c36c63-e626-4ac4-b1a6-7276a1e9e6b1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:00:16	140.18
-2	79364	3968200	9ec4168e-399d-47f1-bc85-b098b9e57a51	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:35:16	421.124
-3	39683	3968300	75305753-2d31-4e84-915f-2ccb36925d25	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:14:19	114.458
-3	79366	3968300	47cc8d65-3d73-4108-91a2-13dce8709a4f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:26:21	-998.726
-4	39684	3968400	6835033d-8871-48ef-b47f-b7caf270c057	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:56:40	-200.610
-4	79368	3968400	9a4e141b-a2dd-4714-894e-c86f5ca8a38f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:44:49	666.862
-5	39685	3968500	991eabf5-e369-486b-8dca-d72bfc371973	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:46:00	-258.515
-5	79370	3968500	b46073a0-40da-4877-95e6-d959969f950f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:29:24	-493.97
-6	39686	3968600	77a7ee8f-245e-4d67-b8ed-2c65f120dfa2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:04:51	358.191
-6	79372	3968600	45c597e1-53ba-4ad4-b0b1-876a83421aa3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:25:13	-427.589
-7	39687	3968700	d2544470-c266-4040-86fa-b3bd198365f1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:35:18	-914.815
-7	79374	3968700	fe4ce065-6602-4d19-b238-d5677bd6203e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:55:59	-400.885
-8	39688	3968800	468ab2ad-4fc0-4809-8093-ff58fd3a4d3a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:56:36	-389.170
-8	79376	3968800	2b5e8dfb-ed46-4a9d-84ef-4a53887542f1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:52:18	-775.401
-9	39689	3968900	f80fe710-aab3-4ea6-bfd2-e450f511c841	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:19:00	-497.790
-9	79378	3968900	174261c1-49cb-415c-a759-07f5e8bf9105	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:50:48	-83.905
-10	39690	3969000	80c8038e-c7a9-43b3-a4db-62eb4c6a09ac	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:10:21	612.446
-10	79380	3969000	e0236be8-894c-40dd-bcab-25559c02d2ea	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:47:58	-710.993
-11	39691	3969100	9264e411-1d02-4770-a5e0-89ebfa57d2d2	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:43:01	-486.357
-11	79382	3969100	0310ba05-444e-4a71-81df-23038a0906c8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:49:23	610.447
-12	39692	3969200	23e30ce3-abbe-4d38-a426-75acb11d9548	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:10:39	-355.277
-12	79384	3969200	2137863c-98a1-4612-8b1c-00f235036de7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:35:55	816.780
-13	39693	3969300	62df34c7-6906-429e-8e39-52ff2aaccccf	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:45:03	809.386
-13	79386	3969300	a61ae5d5-a253-4bfe-b155-5fd51367de8a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:50:11	122.828
-14	39694	3969400	f8f9e967-ca07-48d4-9e9a-d8f05c24515f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:10:08	725.522
-14	79388	3969400	5eb1bb7c-9a24-4014-a667-06c0c532345f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:39:57	-262.983
-15	39695	3969500	3f495f53-2d9e-450f-bcec-91b1abcf14ab	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:02:59	800.855
-15	79390	3969500	ebe1c0d2-9401-4da1-81f1-7a626e475f5e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:54:33	-595.104
-16	39696	3969600	ec04debd-a10a-4721-814d-664eaffe7ec9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:47:52	88.149
-16	79392	3969600	a6149b13-c66a-488d-9f1c-daddbd8201cc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:20:13	602.169
-17	39697	3969700	d3dc4b6e-e2e0-4ef6-90b3-ea1be284ceb6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:05:07	707.487
-17	79394	3969700	acf5350e-d237-4bca-ad9b-77081b709f69	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:31:08	-244.349
-18	39698	3969800	af5c67f7-1a69-4192-b017-c8720714ef6c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:10:21	986.125
-18	79396	3969800	3442cb75-f551-4f0b-be8a-2bd547fffc08	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:48:52	-152.299
-19	39699	3969900	d1a825a6-d066-4532-8e9b-ab9e9efc0fb4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:16:17	-132.923
-19	79398	3969900	a9b61173-5f35-467c-8d11-97bd4eabac97	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:46:50	-885.517
-20	39700	3970000	9b0bf9c9-5d50-45e1-a520-cf7ab830a6cb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:47:45	442.82
-20	79400	3970000	5b6c5e52-f359-4de4-9504-c333749fc1eb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:03:42	-950.786
-21	39701	3970100	6d1b06e1-f800-4a00-b09b-362781709c14	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:48:14	805.884
-21	79402	3970100	c7854e0c-0cb5-4404-972d-68fd948168f9	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:29:35	-211.149
-22	39702	3970200	435e3768-cf59-4437-8c52-37c23c3eb799	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:00:51	625.778
-22	79404	3970200	19049d5e-21dc-4e1f-9e4c-6bd44205a2f1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:43:43	544.895
-23	39703	3970300	73b17c7f-1c5d-44ce-a82c-ba27f93f5d91	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:54:25	-352.744
-23	79406	3970300	f3caf3fb-8a35-42ff-91e3-a94364a47b90	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:08:59	-485.7
-24	39704	3970400	b93bf072-da01-445a-9b9b-1328011e649c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:55:39	-6.2
-24	79408	3970400	ad02b9dd-2610-4c77-a243-a7fe134d5db3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:55:01	446.599
-25	39705	3970500	5c6d4244-a2f0-4028-9f28-e770f5b27b44	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:21:17	-233.887
-25	79410	3970500	82db6256-f58b-4cda-adfc-a8ad96c72413	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:00:15	-502.106
-26	39706	3970600	69b08134-6db7-46ac-8511-db193ab15d80	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:20:26	-800.650
-26	79412	3970600	f825ecab-5d09-4dc7-804c-a872e08ba1fe	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:27:36	-943.394
-27	39707	3970700	fcab5dc9-d187-4c93-9eed-4c143f6bf816	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:27:24	58.760
-27	79414	3970700	9749c64c-707c-482e-95be-aea241de367e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:45:40	-332.120
-28	39708	3970800	9949588a-d5af-4a43-8f67-e7c730688e61	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:45:18	69.978
-28	79416	3970800	b7835588-bc89-49c2-a147-32ff607fc4a4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:43:17	299.73
-29	39709	3970900	76b00189-d66b-4c60-9c7d-b09936031d37	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:26:23	-841.474
-29	79418	3970900	bc09b481-39f6-4dc4-bd46-1e442d0ef3e7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:43:24	300.107
-30	39710	3971000	3b992954-cfb9-4e35-95a3-b9f6525516e8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:39:47	159.430
-30	79420	3971000	292118aa-4a0d-4ae8-b582-2a34c0ae0ef6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:20:49	-945.427
-31	39711	3971100	d2ae6621-d7b0-449c-a9b8-18133e5fa0fc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:46:10	492.882
-31	79422	3971100	6700f493-6d4c-4b22-8d19-12e4c2c613b0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:18:45	-758.708
-32	39712	3971200	dbfb153c-c440-4660-a781-30902a372fe7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:30:28	644.309
-32	79424	3971200	13350c55-5272-43fb-be98-3081becaa28e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:30:51	156.255
-33	39713	3971300	7cc8bca7-3764-4b96-934c-4a0a47a08d8c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:07:05	-421.282
-33	79426	3971300	e214e611-f8b5-46a4-a114-129920f64102	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:45:34	849.402
-34	39714	3971400	86d764e7-e4a2-446e-9c9f-cb168cd060c7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:13:12	-173.494
-34	79428	3971400	a8b0b48e-32a3-46e3-8cda-e4b0b2b77a7f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:07:15	-814.388
-35	39715	3971500	ecfe96ca-832c-440d-8be4-e0e63eadf489	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:36:31	100.543
-35	79430	3971500	acfc504c-b011-4f65-b3bb-9eac095dae98	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:29:53	-293.225
-36	39716	3971600	caaaa9d1-a5ed-4e54-a90f-693ceb1f0a46	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:49:22	-67.983
-36	79432	3971600	dada9364-08c2-44da-baf8-e63157b73f21	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:18:41	278.239
-37	39717	3971700	2025e95b-7105-4c68-b336-143985558b24	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:10:59	-706.321
-37	79434	3971700	f3708b0b-b8ba-4a03-8e85-b1529e62d3e4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:50:06	-906.152
-38	39718	3971800	ca3f1148-8127-4acf-92c1-51baefd9d016	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:53:16	-972.388
-38	79436	3971800	86ef3b76-23ba-418a-b034-292dac8011a5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:50:52	-577.485
-39	39719	3971900	eefc7772-8fa1-426a-8f2a-0a36d24565e5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:13:46	127.737
-39	79438	3971900	20be5b33-0071-43dd-a6f9-a3ec97e52528	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:54:39	974.500
-40	39720	3972000	1a28f025-5c87-4a7f-a550-21c3392cce08	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:29:49	819.7
-40	79440	3972000	ee8d3e4f-899e-4bea-bf49-d7f0c6512024	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:15:43	-89.237
-41	39721	3972100	95b09b6a-19d3-49b4-a7d2-5eff890e1887	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:14:02	696.647
-41	79442	3972100	272854ab-086c-4efd-9284-92abd36087a6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:20:09	825.918
-42	39722	3972200	1111d83b-d328-4b0e-8571-923a3a0d7759	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:23:52	-785.652
-42	79444	3972200	fa3b6217-7c2f-4f40-8edb-dc08e71ab6ef	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:30:32	961.154
-43	39723	3972300	ce918968-4562-4f7d-ad29-3a7ea1502458	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:39:02	-679.300
-43	79446	3972300	9868cb3d-db1c-4638-805f-777108498c65	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:10:38	-229.118
-44	39724	3972400	4535e2c8-8850-4ec8-a29d-6de62398ee1e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:26:19	89.37
-44	79448	3972400	f5c61c2a-f47e-49d1-b6ad-0c9fce86423b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:13:20	-918.548
-45	39725	3972500	fb888b24-dbd1-4af1-a780-6c79677a7f93	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:50:58	-431.940
-45	79450	3972500	96fc1ea7-0083-4112-a27f-369b7000cb35	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:35:11	11.734
-46	39726	3972600	eb2a29c9-a74a-4770-836e-eccd560320ce	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:12:51	549.898
-46	79452	3972600	886c4744-7d4d-4db7-ab4d-a418e55d4def	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:22:17	-948.597
-47	39727	3972700	c96034b8-a24c-43a0-af33-de1fd7c987a8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:23:44	149.807
-47	79454	3972700	3f52a428-e473-4836-b000-7f828fe14a9b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:02:22	-5.950
-48	39728	3972800	2aa31e2d-1f8c-42fb-b2e2-740383d42f10	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:08:41	-100.186
-48	79456	3972800	fdc06875-7e34-4ca7-9c8c-e7a14c8fab79	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:26:26	-490.432
-49	39729	3972900	3b67d14b-e73f-4be2-a35f-d1f6c5ac0d24	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:20:40	-815.734
-49	79458	3972900	350b0a8c-8da3-4713-a8e3-c9357194f39f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:38:30	-731.109
-50	39730	3973000	90f27e9c-a0cd-44dd-aa3c-e7767f825882	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:37:17	-637.634
-50	79460	3973000	1832dc64-474c-4f6b-9b6b-f19693926dfb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:35:10	-487.545
-51	39731	3973100	62db1d3c-9a1d-478d-b4e9-bc3745c4cde6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:49:14	847.840
-51	79462	3973100	c85dd0e5-a854-44a1-8660-e202bda7ab04	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:14:41	34.814
-52	39732	3973200	762318a9-a79b-48e2-aabe-d693caae2860	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:56:38	-885.416
-52	79464	3973200	665ce2a7-6e00-446a-851e-6b274c339bad	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:07:14	704.990
-53	39733	3973300	b63bd18f-61a9-44d4-8166-7b459d53c411	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:06:13	576.925
-53	79466	3973300	6151d492-6865-4803-96fc-84bed7c7455b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:12:20	342.602
-54	39734	3973400	22c7bb16-7cd8-4479-9b33-6b78f4aeeb35	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:24:47	965.197
-54	79468	3973400	8c2a0dce-0fa4-4d84-a29e-3094116d2c85	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:39:47	52.540
-55	39735	3973500	2b23fc75-ff9b-4fe2-89c8-9958f5b6c10f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:13:22	-988.54
-55	79470	3973500	9b338565-f7bb-4322-bcdb-7dfb50e25128	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:32:44	-69.848
-56	39736	3973600	1f63fe2f-6759-44c7-8ee3-bac6068e0d60	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:59:52	341.392
-56	79472	3973600	3342fff9-4765-4db5-9e2f-3c040e0ae410	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:39:44	-584.928
-57	39737	3973700	439f85ec-245e-4218-9018-0b3311ef1dec	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:39:38	906.781
-57	79474	3973700	4f0a24bf-0799-49b9-b11f-9786e31318fc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:04:52	-83.461
-58	39738	3973800	9e35411d-9bb1-4c7b-83be-ab99cc3b2565	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:47:47	-396.345
-58	79476	3973800	f212863b-867c-4d65-9cb6-9b75f7c96fe6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:02:16	-886.555
-59	39739	3973900	720b0145-5100-4304-8a75-266aa410d71a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:32:24	-24.362
-59	79478	3973900	fbb8af26-a58d-4868-b294-d27b86a7c729	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:27:15	-981.901
-60	39740	3974000	55c6de5b-e6fa-44f6-8980-7d7eb31d7bfe	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:37:23	-864.704
-60	79480	3974000	af7fa90c-064a-43c9-8e60-32b447217138	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:41:03	-774.222
-61	39741	3974100	8b52bec8-a39d-473f-b743-9e8b0469196b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:17:39	537.868
-61	79482	3974100	0eab5c80-3aff-4244-8342-746cfabdd820	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:53:43	838.797
-62	39742	3974200	61324803-8210-48d3-9bce-edb36d9e947c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:20:49	972.489
-62	79484	3974200	5cc0b093-b190-41fb-b5b3-a441f55f34b1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:26:18	845.124
-63	39743	3974300	ca179a12-0790-4d6c-9c37-f4b2dd7767dd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:39:24	-423.849
-63	79486	3974300	2a11a57f-cd2d-4d7f-a788-9a0489bdee9a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:25:56	-751.788
-64	39744	3974400	40a7e48d-d003-41e4-b69e-81fd1970c498	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:05:32	443.379
-64	79488	3974400	faaa300a-2618-4f34-8790-b2d2589216af	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:30:51	-541.313
-65	39745	3974500	9669b65b-d707-4e15-b47e-838aa1be754e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:32:25	815.7
-65	79490	3974500	f51e6635-57a5-43da-9125-a03783e34775	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:18:21	-726.629
-66	39746	3974600	d392bb4c-1565-4eeb-b1fa-14f224370485	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:19:22	278.130
-66	79492	3974600	1dbeda52-ee3d-45b0-9192-c03bf0be5ab9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:04:45	109.908
-67	39747	3974700	8da129d9-e4af-4698-b5d8-600ad0365937	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:44:08	825.232
-67	79494	3974700	ba0e346b-1416-4d73-968a-0b116a183bcc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:42:31	-191.203
-68	39748	3974800	896c7a1c-237c-49c9-b187-bf86d25ddd11	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:36:50	161.615
-68	79496	3974800	17ca3553-03f3-433d-b47a-82a8acf9f9a3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:24:29	-479.572
-69	39749	3974900	228ce426-74ef-4232-8626-d16bad892fee	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:25:54	-661.166
-69	79498	3974900	35453fe0-af17-4cf8-a21c-be7357151e0c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:28:14	22.555
-70	39750	3975000	4d659296-6778-4f67-bc05-9408ff332d0a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:59:31	-352.613
-70	79500	3975000	e5905cc2-0e5b-43e0-8765-696c7cb0c102	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:07:06	-318.727
-71	39751	3975100	825aed91-28ad-4723-89ee-1186d7a54900	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:53:41	953.498
-71	79502	3975100	5c7707bb-a80e-46e1-be90-93d0a8b4c5a5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:08:25	963.222
-72	39752	3975200	d38eb2b2-54b2-43b2-b1b2-86c028ff5f9b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:48:53	852.37
-72	79504	3975200	ae78eca4-a963-4f79-9152-2af92e025e7a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:05:33	-433.199
-73	39753	3975300	30590ba4-8c29-47d3-8172-c91e4d12c1c6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:39:05	-98.486
-73	79506	3975300	ae410aaa-02c7-46c7-8c5e-be9ec1a20c3b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:53:43	294.135
-74	39754	3975400	688940b0-f32b-4772-8801-e5f0dfc73418	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:21:37	983.146
-74	79508	3975400	f97d12a2-bd72-4d17-af55-fb4f35ba9350	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:04:45	-714.506
-75	39755	3975500	9ca68343-e599-4a9c-a1e4-965e06ab4518	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:26:42	632.990
-75	79510	3975500	8ece9ab3-fc31-41f3-b3fe-22a977b98520	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:52:15	646.555
-76	39756	3975600	4a932311-c9df-479e-a449-cc692476061b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:53:10	-918.667
-76	79512	3975600	8fc63591-c8d6-433a-a4bd-db552673ff4e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:08:09	571.714
-77	39757	3975700	b179daa6-4bee-4836-a08d-e30f22c06c88	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:05:56	791.130
-77	79514	3975700	d1a5dbc6-0851-49a2-973c-9e2f892a15d8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:04:45	401.243
-78	39758	3975800	c473151b-d32b-4dde-b875-fc9de388f0d0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:02:31	-786.996
-78	79516	3975800	b0bb7e1c-d662-44bd-a52e-023a8b2b5abf	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:48:23	760.466
-79	39759	3975900	c36c83c5-26fe-486f-9b9c-ca30e0c0625a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:29:26	-187.135
-79	79518	3975900	95fbe727-b9d1-4126-a29e-906acb73a149	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:58:27	149.563
-80	39760	3976000	d5c200f1-d45e-424b-8b8b-5a77f24b411a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:00:39	684.647
-80	79520	3976000	0320c859-50f3-4570-b76c-cb172c31b23a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:11:41	694.896
-81	39761	3976100	808a1f11-4fad-4f8a-8af2-289f2d558599	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:47:15	97.891
-81	79522	3976100	0ce628a6-2d6a-40ba-a94f-bc7cbb62fde5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:37:30	-865.110
-82	39762	3976200	0bd65c5e-0cdc-48e7-aad1-efc002eafa0d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:24:06	-166.186
-82	79524	3976200	e3d29ff3-a911-4d8a-8728-dfcefaf8734b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:25:53	-230.560
-83	39763	3976300	63097ee7-d928-4210-bca1-34fceabd8c12	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:43:24	-377.289
-83	79526	3976300	346e341d-d3cd-4e2c-aae2-c01e20e00298	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:39:43	-808.981
-84	39764	3976400	8c6020ff-872b-4202-a176-29bfc69e16f5	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:39:43	566.807
-84	79528	3976400	6d9ec654-4d42-4c4d-bbc1-9f3687251ba0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:08:59	449.17
-85	39765	3976500	fe68efe7-4d62-4703-b434-97cc7ded3d1e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:25:03	252.452
-85	79530	3976500	90cd1f25-a514-4338-92a4-b9c12baf9a69	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:54:32	-212.130
-86	39766	3976600	2a9055f6-71db-43ed-af7c-65a35e9735b5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:08:59	-522.436
-86	79532	3976600	69d4cd9e-ff1b-43de-8c7e-31dcebbf061f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:12:43	-344.445
-87	39767	3976700	fcba9069-d8ad-4c8b-a854-b32d1e0c3095	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:13:26	411.377
-87	79534	3976700	393ea85a-2503-4718-bc23-d9e8d471b636	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:06:00	967.612
-88	39768	3976800	3031c074-42a6-4ea8-b135-2268ee8fd67f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:01:24	528.855
-88	79536	3976800	832386aa-5b62-4706-933d-931e74bd678b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:21:45	-847.181
-89	39769	3976900	53454f65-269f-45d6-a731-168e7e534ab6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:36:55	511.717
-89	79538	3976900	56072ede-69e4-4a61-9221-fdf1674fda80	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:50:30	-505.20
-90	39770	3977000	43bb32b7-929b-4c63-9092-431c220d6882	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:11:38	-239.243
-90	79540	3977000	d7a40e3a-9d4d-4769-a77d-612848ea5040	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:04:17	-789.502
-91	39771	3977100	ce49a500-e62f-429d-80ba-4d10f468e6e3	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:38:18	364.504
-91	79542	3977100	81f4ea84-8c7d-4ea2-884b-26650ab30435	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:44:56	471.356
-92	39772	3977200	fd23bdfd-fdf8-4021-a70c-a280e16e81b2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:38:17	898.78
-92	79544	3977200	f8c9f078-24c0-460e-8bfb-2be4e525830a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:57:41	-299.900
-93	39773	3977300	69e57e2a-7894-47b1-9776-229903af6f0e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:24:11	-175.831
-93	79546	3977300	0ffbcb81-8412-4346-b2ab-916ee9cafaca	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:11:23	415.810
-94	39774	3977400	b3a7181a-be3c-419f-b67b-8f83e9eb0de1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:20:43	550.575
-94	79548	3977400	99ce2477-904d-40f9-bcb9-3d0f0c99af0c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:38:05	652.324
-95	39775	3977500	e98b9fe7-4ac4-4d34-ac0e-635175091e79	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:23:17	-412.382
-95	79550	3977500	70997191-59d9-4f75-b58f-76bdc97c6987	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:20:16	267.838
-96	39776	3977600	e8aad310-2afc-434b-b9dc-a7f47a1a5cb4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:38:04	-347.627
-96	79552	3977600	428f225c-71a1-4be7-8923-27196c2d856f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:41:36	-570.238
-97	39777	3977700	601105dd-8020-4bc1-bee2-03aa3f3b3475	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:24:05	52.855
-97	79554	3977700	4cddad4b-e186-4439-9d4e-985893a7b588	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:53:39	-7.918
-98	39778	3977800	6168fc52-2869-4a2e-a3db-3304d34eb363	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:57:39	165.121
-98	79556	3977800	580cea2f-669a-40a0-b540-ddac45a40a08	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:58:40	565.218
-99	39779	3977900	5ad75d48-ac7b-4f87-a214-bc75d80319ae	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:26:29	705.453
-99	79558	3977900	9c0db355-1b5b-4481-b9d1-e61507e09350	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:26:37	-693.237
-100	39780	3978000	ba688a51-76f0-4ea1-b45c-b12fa3e4a0eb	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:18:24	-629.944
-100	79560	3978000	f83428d8-936f-4af6-9d6f-4f868460e443	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:09:57	144.991
-101	39781	3978100	9d0d6fdf-dbff-4c82-b2ab-b603ee69cd82	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:03:06	183.810
-101	79562	3978100	323767fe-c77b-4c88-bdf9-644820e365ae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:40:27	-886.821
-102	39782	3978200	2dccace7-4cf9-4c46-84fd-a676d6479ce1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:45:10	683.539
-102	79564	3978200	562f7a04-9a0d-4035-ad71-463a364d8c2c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:09:53	970.705
-103	39783	3978300	654cd9bf-4010-47c5-bdfc-cc9d9cb5ec3a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:22:08	462.170
-103	79566	3978300	b365e5fe-acde-437d-9fa4-7d5602133f4b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:05:51	228.110
-104	39784	3978400	b01a49c9-6e56-44ba-8840-73f7aa00dcad	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:14:14	992.954
-104	79568	3978400	8ff4ac35-a0cb-45e1-a052-bd85fd6354bd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:11:50	745.419
-105	39785	3978500	e5a04db5-ac7b-4c81-a29e-8f953ae24046	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:29:20	-577.714
-105	79570	3978500	9394c919-72b3-49a4-9c12-c0b1d63c84fc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:06:17	732.602
-106	39786	3978600	c3dd444d-ec15-46c3-8a54-43102aef40cb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:47:51	-52.918
-106	79572	3978600	9f1555c1-2e0a-4b46-a19a-4d06d2e47b8e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:15:06	-20.979
-107	39787	3978700	a7bf05c1-419d-41f3-9176-1df261dbdfc0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:56:00	616.139
-107	79574	3978700	37415507-57e5-4271-8cd8-f63f8159ee4f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:16:50	966.748
-108	39788	3978800	7b2e6568-fa83-4ef0-92ac-ec440f845e96	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:18:26	569.859
-108	79576	3978800	18dfb36b-275e-4a0b-8489-a0767f9f09fa	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:16:25	-73.907
-109	39789	3978900	551ccb8d-3c89-4739-85dc-f00e392c5312	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:57:10	-599.823
-109	79578	3978900	b0ce1c74-9eaf-4871-a442-b7ff42de13cf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:21:15	-570.135
-110	39790	3979000	7fdd4f76-bff5-44bb-ae1c-44d7b317bb72	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:55:23	-459.401
-110	79580	3979000	82353dff-f324-4109-88cd-aa131ac9ae5a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:51:24	794.823
-111	39791	3979100	13394fd7-d5cd-42f8-80a9-a3bd5b9ccbf4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:47:16	375.170
-111	79582	3979100	a3cd308f-91cf-43ba-b8b1-c965239deb22	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:48:08	903.683
-112	39792	3979200	9f146b41-5958-421a-bf8e-a07fe3042389	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:00:33	721.522
-112	79584	3979200	770244f2-3071-424b-a286-52e2508afee7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:25:28	264.32
-113	39793	3979300	678709ed-f8bb-45d3-8d79-6afbbca0ee0f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:14:09	-975.871
-113	79586	3979300	df6ac6c6-1a6c-4d81-a8be-6e7bfe4a9981	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:51:34	890.974
-114	39794	3979400	ffa25f5d-5b3d-46ec-a822-de839f902ba6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:55:04	-888.565
-114	79588	3979400	4bc0e7f7-6f05-4514-81a0-008b29009af9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:34:23	-720.18
-115	39795	3979500	c0ecae55-192b-48e2-bce6-7694e266863f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:24:33	-511.916
-115	79590	3979500	34409d40-5df7-4b7c-be3c-e79bcd4d57f2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:23:28	-82.632
-116	39796	3979600	f5ea5ccb-4751-4aba-80f8-0cda7c856dff	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:51:31	264.544
-116	79592	3979600	2e5ccab9-7089-4bd6-90eb-29b9d826249f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:38:15	818.497
-117	39797	3979700	29ead3ba-b37b-4895-a6df-38c59c873fc1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:15:14	65.911
-117	79594	3979700	f3308676-bc55-4735-aa61-57d1fcea1452	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:57:36	-587.22
-118	39798	3979800	b61fb98c-7d07-4488-973b-89cd0439559d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:22:16	-743.105
-118	79596	3979800	e06d2770-b238-4164-8568-d58f26a88d6a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:26:20	17.157
-119	39799	3979900	99063613-32a9-42c6-84e1-a14f091b51ed	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 12:15:18	332.312
-119	79598	3979900	c5ef1a7c-55ef-42f4-ac3b-2b59c7f42d33	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:23:35	35.53
-120	39800	3980000	655eb421-bd00-4fd1-ac5e-98ca68be871f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:43:17	738.85
-120	79600	3980000	5a172f3c-3dc0-47e4-ad69-f11f1fbafc4d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:58:51	67.59
-121	39801	3980100	d22e1566-9605-48d6-85c5-da5411ddd66b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:29:21	-27.951
-121	79602	3980100	ea24328d-dbad-41ed-b2b2-efcf3fd66964	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:32:13	43.73
-122	39802	3980200	c3b4fb00-a478-4519-bc7a-834fbb0a30ee	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:48:59	-670.308
-122	79604	3980200	cb4bc496-f7b4-4688-8621-8b4b93ea92aa	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:31:20	-764.478
-123	39803	3980300	14d7ab93-aac6-49a1-84d9-ce9d4b86f2cf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:03:01	686.929
-123	79606	3980300	9c9e2339-f22d-4d2d-ac5e-07afd21f56ee	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:10:16	477.515
-124	39804	3980400	ab096716-e6da-4175-84fc-4211b1d495ca	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:01:01	152.70
-124	79608	3980400	5dd19402-637d-4ed3-80b5-51245f148856	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:25:17	567.398
-125	39805	3980500	a97a2497-42cc-4427-b36f-9a226e11a2bf	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:06:22	-747.681
-125	79610	3980500	02bcd76e-b344-47e4-85e8-4f600505f7f1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:59:51	-444.187
-126	39806	3980600	27ada139-3e7f-44af-b7a0-aa16bbc9749e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:17:03	324.997
-126	79612	3980600	2478ab29-b819-4b18-9779-58a980f716fa	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:22:16	-964.2
-127	39807	3980700	eb335eed-b4f7-417c-85b8-37e459ffa68e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:48:35	-266.968
-127	79614	3980700	5b2caf1a-9bb1-4945-aece-c0045cc62a88	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:12:18	-167.890
-0	39808	3980800	6798798b-70b4-4808-af1a-1f93be1a2dda	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:36:39	-577.871
-0	79616	3980800	db512df6-4382-4cb7-a3dc-b9f00f823179	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:13:16	654.969
-1	39809	3980900	147ec277-9f74-4e1b-977e-98e76466b5a0	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:58:35	322.262
-1	79618	3980900	8c8ecf24-14b4-4224-84cb-fc8361ff23bd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:59:07	15.724
-2	39810	3981000	0df788f8-d569-40e1-a0bc-03164122742e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:46:04	128.68
-2	79620	3981000	e9891d5b-904b-455d-8a8a-ea409a183a2b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:17:05	-935.167
-3	39811	3981100	f8d1da42-b9c6-4f60-bc0b-1d2785f87514	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:50:45	-376.177
-3	79622	3981100	3648d495-d620-42a3-bfac-546ae92da2b2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:52:39	582.139
-4	39812	3981200	6e9605c5-8928-4c29-8873-4de4e7c2851f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:26:24	851.765
-4	79624	3981200	a7b0d24d-c0d5-45b1-be4b-ff77dd9f4ce0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:15:56	-888.214
-5	39813	3981300	8f882a0c-b239-4320-a539-f24d8837712a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:02:47	-946.872
-5	79626	3981300	f699413f-b8a2-42bc-9456-7f73e0bafe99	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:04:41	413.260
-6	39814	3981400	345b21bd-ba4c-4290-8341-eed6d2fb10ee	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:21:06	-764.511
-6	79628	3981400	e84dac62-d5d0-45fa-b25a-997d3d66ec79	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:52:27	890.513
-7	39815	3981500	0f0ef2b2-1bba-4ad9-adec-4b59462da97d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:38:25	999.805
-7	79630	3981500	2abbc5e7-0a87-4f29-abfa-ed0c13e4c777	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:50:37	906.365
-8	39816	3981600	3641f468-b126-4d03-8fde-4ab82cb79ea9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:01:39	169.535
-8	79632	3981600	0a767dd3-7c8b-4b7e-b78d-f31714ffba8a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:22:59	-866.164
-9	39817	3981700	dde12e42-d43b-4b6f-a4ac-e75c0cd66de2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:52:23	962.206
-9	79634	3981700	4f19e088-53f0-4230-9815-1f4704d5aacf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:02:42	-404.608
-10	39818	3981800	27380e26-fd5d-48c2-8ca9-2c7ec38dbbb6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:03:53	-480.429
-10	79636	3981800	29d455c3-5095-4403-9f8d-a970c2098c6f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:37:13	455.391
-11	39819	3981900	3fc71685-5b91-41af-aa0b-7e86c29526ec	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:48:40	812.485
-11	79638	3981900	9119328e-a6bd-4d60-a873-3346f4d945ae	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:08:01	961.740
-12	39820	3982000	c487f3a1-8dda-4a45-91ee-543e356cc765	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:40:58	-867.357
-12	79640	3982000	df5102de-97ae-4778-a1e1-a1c7d3e08dc1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:18:30	-392.816
-13	39821	3982100	6800b5f8-9192-42f8-a112-d7e15286de3d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:57:26	842.230
-13	79642	3982100	a681a28f-ea6c-41ca-acea-8aae76f70221	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:30:39	-725.871
-14	39822	3982200	f09341f9-0f22-4f03-92a7-3f9e1dfec121	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:51:29	477.481
-14	79644	3982200	54547efb-ae98-4dbc-b866-f1e8dba996cc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:01:41	339.238
-15	39823	3982300	a3da76e1-a9b3-4a48-8380-0fcc28e1d32b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:51:55	-455.849
-15	79646	3982300	2eb1f39b-4aea-427f-92af-e4c97ba105bc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:59:05	-665.944
-16	39824	3982400	b1318f6c-ad17-404b-9348-d7a62422c04d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:24:31	-136.935
-16	79648	3982400	c1902439-8221-4f9e-934e-5292767ae7ec	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:54:19	52.341
-17	39825	3982500	5b2fd593-17cc-478b-aed7-69fceed612ee	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:12:03	-687.132
-17	79650	3982500	1e347216-2ea0-42db-a130-28131223b3cd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:31:25	509.507
-18	39826	3982600	fae42626-9943-4e24-afda-af5d23b05cd8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:55:56	984.546
-18	79652	3982600	0edab440-00db-4248-b1a5-07d86ed8830b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:40:08	677.713
-19	39827	3982700	c61cb17a-5c2a-4cbf-ab1a-8bbb642514f5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:43:23	-537.468
-19	79654	3982700	1d0bbbd7-1ba3-4ae0-84dd-2da1e368dbd7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:58:55	-268.383
-20	39828	3982800	91a44919-33c4-432c-96c7-3c21caaa0537	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:11:56	-588.510
-20	79656	3982800	94c4b6a4-9328-4dce-a0af-b6d42a9b8c4f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:19:38	433.746
-21	39829	3982900	76955a77-28e8-453d-862a-876035c85f22	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:47:18	721.693
-21	79658	3982900	385782c8-6796-4fcb-a079-b5eb8d225bf4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:14:53	932.898
-22	39830	3983000	68c4701c-4d43-42bb-945b-50c0d7d1ca35	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:55:48	-453.121
-22	79660	3983000	3f05bf3f-62d3-4f94-b484-cfb5ed0b19c5	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:51:33	826.264
-23	39831	3983100	3bb56c29-71fd-45f6-b65b-9c145a4f9878	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:12:21	658.894
-23	79662	3983100	e514749c-f08d-4d36-b204-604e29d76115	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:26:37	944.996
-24	39832	3983200	e54ff74a-3ff6-45cb-aace-dab1228bfacf	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:06:17	431.935
-24	79664	3983200	d902ef93-7191-4749-92bc-b6c718dd1181	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:55:35	731.620
-25	39833	3983300	019fd10a-142e-44b1-8415-e1561c20fd16	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:02:00	535.120
-25	79666	3983300	64c3e583-4b12-42c3-ad2d-a059a0dfe390	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:21:25	405.297
-26	39834	3983400	f46e77f1-ec84-42f7-9417-287e78da397c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:07:33	343.621
-26	79668	3983400	439e70a1-7084-4cd3-a878-ba9934374d17	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:14:12	830.786
-27	39835	3983500	920d4eee-91ac-4847-a292-14859d2da17b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:58:53	-511.687
-27	79670	3983500	6b04c668-f362-4e65-8110-20173ab20a9e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:16:25	-182.426
-28	39836	3983600	fc6b80dd-afae-4223-8f5e-97df044ac98c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:25:36	47.749
-28	79672	3983600	2ce19834-2b5b-481a-be80-0c45185880b6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:24:33	-735.668
-29	39837	3983700	6dff89db-ac15-4651-8c0d-0e97ea14100a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:37:36	295.32
-29	79674	3983700	1b44f46e-c13a-4059-b1aa-06f2bc4e0d09	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:22:49	353.624
-30	39838	3983800	332aca4b-c4ab-45df-8d06-ac42f89421fe	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:30:43	-144.83
-30	79676	3983800	0ed3bff0-1d58-4232-8e6c-a81a64d121fa	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:27:15	-185.666
-31	39839	3983900	7b861b2f-a05b-45f1-aee8-cfb8905c02b9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:59:45	-935.360
-31	79678	3983900	d76a9d87-5ea2-44be-94c3-db42da680cd9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:36:11	469.961
-32	39840	3984000	d306154a-3414-409a-95ee-22401819afb5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:26:21	115.892
-32	79680	3984000	046ba528-98b6-4564-beb4-371adae3c9c8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:16:52	554.499
-33	39841	3984100	85201941-0bd2-4a1c-8a34-5417071ddb9c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:06:01	-782.463
-33	79682	3984100	2b9b5be8-f2cf-4473-befd-b637e620cebd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:24:30	-434.572
-34	39842	3984200	0286fcf7-dc6a-4db1-b28d-49e3b9c3bdfd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:01:56	-123.572
-34	79684	3984200	7d57b189-2658-4834-ad27-e86f93a92920	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:12:44	-784.953
-35	39843	3984300	557c7122-8882-4952-a113-dd8609d2c80e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:03:19	458.795
-35	79686	3984300	f28d2a60-10da-4c8c-9314-afcd9c8ff32f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:21:02	911.795
-36	39844	3984400	002caa83-d0b7-4eda-ac40-e0bf1792074b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:02:06	-725.555
-36	79688	3984400	81f63dcc-353e-4498-85f7-ef583d3ee3a9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:36:19	-895.661
-37	39845	3984500	483de09a-6bff-4362-ad8d-e95deaea5961	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:35:19	605.1
-37	79690	3984500	668f7712-343a-45ea-97e2-2b75423b6c97	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:33:32	505.396
-38	39846	3984600	5c60a477-5bca-4ade-90e9-845513e6aa2d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:51:34	887.291
-38	79692	3984600	96f12eb1-a496-452f-8afa-c06f30caa2ed	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:42:34	465.508
-39	39847	3984700	4b5321d0-ede7-463b-b342-187bbbcb81d6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:20:17	765.877
-39	79694	3984700	7128e3f0-29f9-4d7e-9e09-efe2639532fa	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:33:13	204.281
-40	39848	3984800	428abc0e-1a19-4f15-8512-c8df23a4ade9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:53:10	684.121
-40	79696	3984800	5f9bfc80-54dd-441e-97b1-3e16ce9d7220	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:31:47	702.587
-41	39849	3984900	68c5dc0d-7a5b-4760-9ff4-600f649ea3e7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:25:04	-516.354
-41	79698	3984900	c6982c45-dd09-467d-a2aa-bbb8f99f7f59	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:41:20	275.734
-42	39850	3985000	a92d2906-d685-4fb8-bab5-3237ea56c47a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:35:46	-54.309
-42	79700	3985000	4db7f49d-8ebf-47fb-90b7-b36e1efa06fc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:13:26	-332.259
-43	39851	3985100	dd581526-c55e-49fc-81f2-6d52d7328f14	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:24:06	-552.553
-43	79702	3985100	6dad4463-3c1c-4f8a-93ec-32530988b6ee	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:57:47	646.957
-44	39852	3985200	063b614d-b748-401f-b856-d68968bf8b94	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:30:36	881.721
-44	79704	3985200	95255910-a35a-4226-ab79-7951ac5b50aa	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:03:47	283.642
-45	39853	3985300	cd138da1-7d44-4774-995e-80c640df502d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:56:08	661.339
-45	79706	3985300	63a9f6c6-89ac-4a66-b82e-42139372a5ce	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:43:42	-314.234
-46	39854	3985400	1cb96977-fc21-4501-b802-c354d09d72df	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:15:36	-933.403
-46	79708	3985400	fbe1d8d2-ee50-4efb-b080-0163add64778	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:29:38	-424.0
-47	39855	3985500	37daae65-66b6-4347-b228-56924b5e1cf3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:49:40	-750.582
-47	79710	3985500	2d838747-f467-4920-bdd9-9b106ae7d8e7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:37:47	-212.52
-48	39856	3985600	ed882ac7-0ad7-4b2f-832a-2c61bb060af1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:26:26	-501.318
-48	79712	3985600	37d5dea7-b371-4a2d-b091-b2a7c8898ef2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:18:16	698.210
-49	39857	3985700	dc7095ee-baee-4ffa-8bc2-60431fc244e7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:43:01	-920.866
-49	79714	3985700	df9d37ed-f4d7-4b3b-8895-adb75252aee8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:56:13	-939.173
-50	39858	3985800	83af2b7c-70bf-4092-817e-8c7b5091ea18	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:35:54	722.281
-50	79716	3985800	04695b76-6fca-42b1-9aa6-b28ab10044e4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:35:55	560.805
-51	39859	3985900	fa3e88a8-4d42-4e78-9610-8ba7ba9d0122	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:46:56	-303.783
-51	79718	3985900	2a531789-5bd4-4b8c-aa04-c2c56f4f3708	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:11:32	-176.76
-52	39860	3986000	1ddcf20d-f018-4622-9604-2c5b7f582e3e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:40:44	147.352
-52	79720	3986000	76f07f2f-5353-40f6-a03c-4a6c83aae3ae	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:14:30	23.370
-53	39861	3986100	b344cb31-86d7-4fd6-bc23-219e911ca9cb	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:25:04	-330.154
-53	79722	3986100	bfe4ed8c-fa22-4f9d-b0e5-2de8def95052	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:47:38	-241.166
-54	39862	3986200	b73e16d3-4189-4d30-a200-35fb43a9c0b6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:22:33	447.211
-54	79724	3986200	a8a036e1-bdff-4772-9fa1-511d36a88e84	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:29:47	944.162
-55	39863	3986300	7de34fe0-0df5-48f7-abd5-60e6c7756d6e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:48:33	-446.271
-55	79726	3986300	0c829825-ef05-4a31-8460-ead156d2add4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:49:40	37.892
-56	39864	3986400	52c44d76-7cd8-46ad-9776-c42abcf31f15	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:21:40	612.51
-56	79728	3986400	d763f32e-b4b5-4b97-aed5-882c406cff26	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:02:57	319.616
-57	39865	3986500	19f0c782-6855-4b85-8183-057a4476f7ca	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:14:53	-935.97
-57	79730	3986500	11cb4fd9-80e1-427d-acf3-e81fb12078c0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:15:44	311.508
-58	39866	3986600	723368a8-3d48-4170-9f01-c7fc6d931779	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:51:17	-857.935
-58	79732	3986600	67274d9b-a86b-4698-97df-84205d2b30ff	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:57:48	436.820
-59	39867	3986700	506a0ea9-3917-4164-b223-32c9bd466c35	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:52:03	-64.233
-59	79734	3986700	bba36dd1-b7b4-41c3-8b2e-9a268c3ef99a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:24:35	-895.450
-60	39868	3986800	fa1367cd-cc54-4d4b-9ed2-9c34d53ca319	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:50:24	-531.16
-60	79736	3986800	80da0536-242b-4899-8fda-5e0025c33c93	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:36:22	833.661
-61	39869	3986900	95f459b6-e3ce-4211-ba07-8ab516808b88	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:20:54	476.834
-61	79738	3986900	e30dd592-3bde-42c8-9970-1852ae659666	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:30:29	192.326
-62	39870	3987000	3f456195-98be-477a-ae61-7e6be8aaa523	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:10:59	-747.809
-62	79740	3987000	2e5997ee-3f77-468b-b427-681858b86e9f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:34:40	238.87
-63	39871	3987100	2ccdfe12-becd-47f4-8cd3-6a920c900560	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:32:17	219.901
-63	79742	3987100	a7573af1-3ed8-451c-a260-0d4cc8501439	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:43:54	170.239
-64	39872	3987200	3f7bdeff-4e0d-46ad-89fd-b6ff1e924284	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:18:03	668.660
-64	79744	3987200	3e90093c-9fbb-4712-a116-5371f69186e9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:49:54	-264.149
-65	39873	3987300	082ee002-8794-4c6a-a77c-6e895bfa9126	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:01:43	454.732
-65	79746	3987300	693e0643-7c72-492d-a0a2-0ef1400ed391	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:43:13	-352.30
-66	39874	3987400	9015b2d4-d415-498e-b54f-9f93027faf62	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:42:55	-62.823
-66	79748	3987400	b73ff72b-8ea7-45e5-b171-e634e8711fe0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:09:13	-114.158
-67	39875	3987500	25c0ae38-07db-4cd6-9c45-9a6f5f34474c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:46:31	478.34
-67	79750	3987500	1c7f787e-6eed-44e1-a39a-d32f236603d6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:35:05	401.399
-68	39876	3987600	cc55ade0-1f29-4e12-80cd-177a7836a503	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:07:45	701.307
-68	79752	3987600	2afb84bd-ddb4-4021-941e-9167a515905e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:08:28	-275.863
-69	39877	3987700	1ba6e40e-301f-4025-a041-08d7651cc761	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:00:24	-803.473
-69	79754	3987700	47de8787-66de-4987-8ef2-95f20f12617b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:59:44	-149.582
-70	39878	3987800	93a696e3-4097-4be5-988c-4f04d05e025b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:45:03	274.5
-70	79756	3987800	d6674aad-d4dd-49ba-8f6c-0cb417328f26	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:49:09	-768.359
-71	39879	3987900	3ea1bd4f-fe25-4e08-9e89-4f52c76ba976	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:08:13	-715.853
-71	79758	3987900	53df4e9e-9168-44e7-a756-345be6bbc5b8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:58:26	-243.289
-72	39880	3988000	66725dbc-d792-42c9-a67c-fea3fcaa6ddb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:56:58	-639.112
-72	79760	3988000	3776e00c-54f0-4ea5-a8c3-6bd815fff511	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:13:39	-937.292
-73	39881	3988100	198811c4-9525-4b71-9c4b-96e7b8bb8ade	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:52:37	9.74
-73	79762	3988100	b0f5aeef-31d0-4eff-a83d-438908e429a9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:57:38	817.642
-74	39882	3988200	770c5c84-c08c-4a57-bafa-e528de919d50	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:57:06	397.944
-74	79764	3988200	94c49347-a0ee-49de-aa9a-68ea9c707cef	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:03:01	-480.867
-75	39883	3988300	37e06352-d6d2-4c9f-8552-115d28263c7e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:48:44	-344.271
-75	79766	3988300	577e6997-8b94-4c5b-ba40-92b80d8fa475	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:15:39	518.973
-76	39884	3988400	4733877e-353e-4bb1-a54e-d17b6e9b5ddd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:30:27	-15.502
-76	79768	3988400	853afe6c-e20e-4710-beb3-2b41576d65ba	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:40:26	34.418
-77	39885	3988500	eb711f1a-21a4-45b6-a3ee-86cca50b2ecc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:03:21	55.336
-77	79770	3988500	91c8331f-40e3-4365-bf20-8d6d7754ff4d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:56:10	-412.162
-78	39886	3988600	828d8a6d-b5f4-4e38-8a39-078bd50146c5	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:50:42	262.699
-78	79772	3988600	a8448527-58b4-4d4a-b593-a87cc46b796c	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:31:26	646.252
-79	39887	3988700	1ea9887f-6843-4b62-afa3-cf4d7691d510	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:52:01	-822.584
-79	79774	3988700	55b57fe8-2357-4d93-a576-a72d26431cb2	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:56:34	820.475
-80	39888	3988800	0298f9b7-6680-460e-8576-11f467f9ea27	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:09:33	-887.557
-80	79776	3988800	51cf89cf-4d04-489c-8f59-6c95f39e728c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:48:29	-586.865
-81	39889	3988900	6cd31e55-ad6e-4ce7-8272-cd916b97404c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:19:51	101.72
-81	79778	3988900	83fc31f8-be54-42fa-8cff-c6e7af2b75b5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:32:43	778.749
-82	39890	3989000	f73d36f8-57ca-46aa-9965-d768eb02c3dd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:42:34	420.822
-82	79780	3989000	4009de00-7a20-46a3-b8e0-a5bead56c670	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:10:11	300.592
-83	39891	3989100	b7b9ba54-961d-4a2b-9eb6-9d0235c819e9	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:55:41	286.345
-83	79782	3989100	a71d34e4-6c0f-4ba0-8b22-4959c310dec7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:27:59	-210.548
-84	39892	3989200	da4c7dfd-8266-412c-8742-9d912f99926a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:50:15	-732.27
-84	79784	3989200	35895c22-b5ac-48bd-b4e7-867ed600f215	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:04:17	187.789
-85	39893	3989300	1858c4f6-9f2c-4a0b-aad3-23707e8affaa	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:39:03	-97.708
-85	79786	3989300	1174e0fd-775d-4169-9701-cf50c9a1cdc2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:39:56	312.196
-86	39894	3989400	e27bdb58-03fc-4be7-9236-b4b7dce2ad1c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:25:32	921.677
-86	79788	3989400	86abedf8-949f-4953-91cf-c390b95b12b5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:06:53	-7.341
-87	39895	3989500	25ff7038-5cf6-445f-978d-984d7285d32f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:13:22	987.155
-87	79790	3989500	14361f4b-cd31-4995-85ed-58c8e7770203	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:13:50	-7.934
-88	39896	3989600	b9fa3725-e256-4a19-9580-ba77161ccdce	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:46:53	161.740
-88	79792	3989600	a7fa0614-a7a7-4e97-a789-5b84b4b58c8a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:44:51	-365.821
-89	39897	3989700	16a2435e-1dbc-4ab9-84c7-b969b587c4ba	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:21:35	-721.809
-89	79794	3989700	b0d5a59b-4adc-4074-a47d-ed7125dd9ff3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:32:26	484.131
-90	39898	3989800	8262ab08-2b04-4b8e-9d30-0a3197662cf0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:36:10	-762.207
-90	79796	3989800	7b1ee8eb-6942-4249-b5ab-7acf4af2d3c5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:16:50	-759.491
-91	39899	3989900	381ac61c-74a6-48e3-a1ce-5e230189d9e2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:55:27	533.643
-91	79798	3989900	648c3eda-3887-47be-996e-719abc67cb50	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:33:15	-391.56
-92	39900	3990000	37e25b09-47ed-4005-b0dc-649f51ae6248	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:31:50	925.630
-92	79800	3990000	8a28231e-6dd4-430e-9b3a-15464ab8811c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:21:23	-470.201
-93	39901	3990100	72962a22-6d4f-4772-9016-919cff8dc015	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:58:30	-606.114
-93	79802	3990100	9d5604e0-656f-4c2e-b2f7-2aabb4e875e7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:25:12	259.819
-94	39902	3990200	d2d6b95b-86d8-4046-a5f2-6d28b23c7620	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:45:21	-630.222
-94	79804	3990200	982346ed-8d58-4981-872d-18dbeee487b3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:47:51	-257.353
-95	39903	3990300	b8b68468-0cc2-4013-a658-5cc1f2fd8483	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:33:31	842.89
-95	79806	3990300	504dc39c-8714-41c0-bb8d-a3e28dbac3e6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:25:13	397.971
-96	39904	3990400	71792d26-c64b-431c-bcc6-fffe9ed6e1af	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:29:42	-995.36
-96	79808	3990400	d3563e7d-8c8d-4f9e-a4c1-f40ef2a449ad	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:14:34	893.432
-97	39905	3990500	e955b315-afbf-40a4-9d7e-4c330327ddfd	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:57:09	-918.737
-97	79810	3990500	c293fd29-7929-4714-9683-73c1d787380c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:12:18	308.144
-98	39906	3990600	1adb5b58-0c70-4335-adad-5c7f06e4de2c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:10:16	560.541
-98	79812	3990600	b9d2b1cb-9385-4a96-9a81-76462ef8f021	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:05:00	676.998
-99	39907	3990700	fc76ffb4-b6fa-4db7-ae76-7351e6cbe7f7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:39:47	-608.243
-99	79814	3990700	07c05664-3dbe-4907-8f6a-858c309bde8d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:42:02	810.735
-100	39908	3990800	0df818de-7c1e-4533-bce9-c8b6a6dc6f5e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:56:23	-985.200
-100	79816	3990800	6a6da323-74eb-48a2-af4d-eecef6940403	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:44:25	388.770
-101	39909	3990900	1fc479e2-eec8-4447-b5fd-5924a0cf754e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:07:09	169.317
-101	79818	3990900	2740d401-2219-4a50-830c-20a75a58d029	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:07:43	-706.160
-102	39910	3991000	27585339-ff3e-4a95-88ef-706dc5c029fa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:44:03	733.560
-102	79820	3991000	5ca00692-302a-48e0-99b9-58cf62da0e31	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:33:25	811.685
-103	39911	3991100	6aca91a1-f8a2-4d09-9596-014212f5ac9a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:23:57	-753.504
-103	79822	3991100	76cfed65-b4da-40fd-b5db-2f5615d5246b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:59:00	-873.686
-104	39912	3991200	b832654a-ed1e-4d3f-9536-bbba0c5fe87e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:30:54	-754.75
-104	79824	3991200	b731fc21-fc04-41f3-8b0b-729d8be3cf40	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:31:18	-459.726
-105	39913	3991300	c917e1ec-dd86-4dc1-aceb-b442c92fbb1b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:52:54	683.152
-105	79826	3991300	c1a7983a-e6d8-4c76-90bd-7b92b775fc52	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:38:53	552.835
-106	39914	3991400	77e37aff-b388-41c6-8480-7c927dcae1d7	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:53:01	640.99
-106	79828	3991400	a43c446f-dc9f-4a52-9172-81bc152dd226	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:13:12	731.126
-107	39915	3991500	5471b0a3-f741-4459-ba80-d7e8cc29a35d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:11:31	-896.62
-107	79830	3991500	97c8bf49-5143-49a0-bf71-b03d96251109	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:16:32	-956.941
-108	39916	3991600	abcc7ff0-599e-491e-a9a3-b5da4c1a3ec4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:47:09	-576.673
-108	79832	3991600	697af6b2-75f6-4c68-ab70-20cada029902	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:04:47	-25.223
-109	39917	3991700	28494332-ffc1-495d-919b-377833a4c57d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:02:36	778.641
-109	79834	3991700	f6379196-4aa7-40ce-a9b9-5b70a7fec6ae	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:48:44	-914.20
-110	39918	3991800	733fac74-c6f0-4702-8d70-6eb71b3324ea	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:13:41	242.153
-110	79836	3991800	065ebdc1-ac70-40a8-9613-743ab9522008	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:14:21	250.493
-111	39919	3991900	b888ac49-cc71-45a3-a3ab-84fde5f8267d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:21:13	144.196
-111	79838	3991900	6ee6f3fe-28a2-48dc-a9d7-f6b4c7a787ee	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:30:17	764.855
-112	39920	3992000	72736760-7311-4715-a2a9-ca043df1b136	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:58:56	-440.191
-112	79840	3992000	1bc9e907-fce0-4e3b-8745-2e79ad0fca65	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:04:46	6.693
-113	39921	3992100	f893cb66-3560-4811-93f0-6a3f6699916e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:58:17	-523.200
-113	79842	3992100	73595b02-d3e2-463d-bb25-e59a7a337cbe	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:50:33	-814.496
-114	39922	3992200	707ac2ec-b30e-410b-a7cb-8fd9527bf067	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:31:02	515.967
-114	79844	3992200	26e5d293-ff62-4977-94f4-f4721d050dc4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:33:04	980.745
-115	39923	3992300	394e41f1-4b66-4ab4-a07d-9c9b0f1ff17d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:09:42	-595.129
-115	79846	3992300	f832f664-aa11-408d-bf71-06f236502993	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:26:25	-205.451
-116	39924	3992400	f97e05b6-47e5-42b4-a6d1-643810064936	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:01:13	698.375
-116	79848	3992400	82e63dd4-d9b9-40b2-bd7d-2cbb62d1040d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:29:04	546.851
-117	39925	3992500	4f17da03-7a66-4e90-81f4-62130398fb15	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:46:35	292.863
-117	79850	3992500	c0a0cbb1-7667-4efa-8023-fb537110ebcc	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:08:59	742.621
-118	39926	3992600	a5004179-62b7-4394-bf87-1084289f2405	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:11:05	689.719
-118	79852	3992600	f2617a9d-428b-4439-868d-17e46c43b0bc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:04:40	-552.605
-119	39927	3992700	e43508b1-30fb-49e2-91f1-3e4ff3cce889	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:42:51	798.710
-119	79854	3992700	b75d3cae-89e4-49a1-a7b1-7c5ed083755e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:02:32	68.217
-120	39928	3992800	6823fb5d-cc12-41e7-83fd-e955fc1da126	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:55:44	937.98
-120	79856	3992800	648f9d50-d917-4d01-8247-64b7150935e9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:48:58	-552.369
-121	39929	3992900	38b35bb9-7c6c-442d-a9c1-a64d4b59193f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:01:44	-451.349
-121	79858	3992900	8efd642f-8807-411e-b5cf-62e0c861a259	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:35:55	477.435
-122	39930	3993000	6f86ec2d-8859-4354-87e5-c79d4f7dbe5c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:30:55	812.53
-122	79860	3993000	7e046ca1-5e1a-442b-a8f1-d0c1a07ea775	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:03:14	-700.995
-123	39931	3993100	263b813b-7bb1-4d4c-8aa6-89860752e5cc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:12:52	241.675
-123	79862	3993100	208a1978-fba4-4a92-a3a9-8ae68664d785	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:30:29	73.154
-124	39932	3993200	d84adfbc-a936-4bb6-9b17-aa3cf56178e1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:41:08	-903.303
-124	79864	3993200	ece9ad29-f093-46e6-a991-db47c56e0cbf	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:57:47	125.59
-125	39933	3993300	2a55c5a2-ac11-4575-b6f4-b414e51f1484	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:09:02	-885.630
-125	79866	3993300	a38d897c-9d4a-439c-bae1-80cd69aedfd5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:24:45	498.802
-126	39934	3993400	6c898a26-8f78-4819-bb61-05907ca86049	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:25:32	796.901
-126	79868	3993400	54158a4c-4fc3-4e05-82d7-f2e7dca36f4b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:45:23	288.853
-127	39935	3993500	abe2df0c-eaec-49df-b918-4a9e6af9a532	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:46:45	452.947
-127	79870	3993500	8e04ead1-27d5-4e2f-9493-e284a8c65f35	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:08:32	-876.875
-0	39936	3993600	ed8a88af-a146-4968-93e1-5c6b881b2263	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:08:21	-20.403
-0	79872	3993600	c1cd02d6-cc6f-4ebb-b619-29519fab8dcf	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:50:53	-637.35
-1	39937	3993700	b8e2e709-1184-420a-8a8f-ff1f8e911391	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:32:39	764.4
-1	79874	3993700	ee7aeda2-879e-4ff2-b722-bd34567c166f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:22:19	-736.404
-2	39938	3993800	4686a117-7b24-4193-b629-b43fd842bf0a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:46:50	-547.2
-2	79876	3993800	56cdfd5c-fee5-4706-b5bc-43799818b894	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:57:46	276.14
-3	39939	3993900	f8ecf2dc-9166-40e3-adbb-9640cc1422c2	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:56:35	-152.766
-3	79878	3993900	23b32d35-dd85-4aaa-a5e7-65b55db90824	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:12:32	956.889
-4	39940	3994000	531af878-42db-4298-8ce6-6949f5d2c8d2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:00:11	-886.36
-4	79880	3994000	d61de798-0613-40c9-b56c-825e2cc01a69	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:12:30	346.483
-5	39941	3994100	9bb9ced5-0457-4570-be68-288bf9d23027	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:44:16	164.348
-5	79882	3994100	79e46de6-4059-475b-8c81-dea8f7b9e728	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:23:36	920.943
-6	39942	3994200	82631367-37d4-42be-bfb1-bd02f1e7c76e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:09:37	887.689
-6	79884	3994200	b2230fdb-e4ea-4330-bd7a-4ea8b46bc33b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:07:46	-368.511
-7	39943	3994300	65a8c25b-e7b1-427b-ab7d-6f924dd3a60d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:09:57	212.528
-7	79886	3994300	b7eb16d3-7872-41fc-be2f-6f3ed2f8b17d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:22:05	780.459
-8	39944	3994400	3754772a-4736-45bf-a4c0-409cd9e9fbc6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:39:44	493.993
-8	79888	3994400	5c75b812-51a3-40f6-9348-ba9b4995ff81	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:48:02	257.420
-9	39945	3994500	ec52e107-d283-4d23-a719-0d49bd0ccc5e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:29:13	526.436
-9	79890	3994500	0c109e64-7d4b-4144-a80c-5a7a641c57df	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:24:13	-1.324
-10	39946	3994600	73a44c4f-76c7-4fd1-85ec-4d7f11a0f907	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:48:09	582.537
-10	79892	3994600	34ba9fbc-afcb-4a5d-8238-faec1b2f036c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:49:09	-625.779
-11	39947	3994700	91c52cbd-02bf-4341-843c-c5654781f0d1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:18:40	403.414
-11	79894	3994700	ac7e7e71-8707-4235-b60e-3219502c596e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:32:33	-204.824
-12	39948	3994800	57de2ee8-d90b-4e8c-96a4-a88ba3004ccf	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:03:25	479.141
-12	79896	3994800	cbe05c2d-df98-40f0-b398-c1e4718fd531	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:39:23	-8.780
-13	39949	3994900	32dea050-d83e-4d64-a2d4-1c65f9baad4c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:33:52	-847.176
-13	79898	3994900	7637b17e-7b07-4176-bdde-b9de625231bf	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:10:20	-445.581
-14	39950	3995000	8ab1c94d-4847-4592-9923-9662de685b1f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:43:41	960.273
-14	79900	3995000	c4003661-4ebb-4b84-a65e-37ea41276fed	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:25:02	-58.486
-15	39951	3995100	ff9e2ae6-3350-4f67-9d5a-576df4f64155	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:28:57	958.129
-15	79902	3995100	4587eb5b-6227-45aa-b347-513b52c9f4a3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:54:54	-316.371
-16	39952	3995200	271f5e6c-96ba-43f4-8ed8-8734631899e6	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:19:02	-487.950
-16	79904	3995200	f77b4006-db21-43e7-841d-78f489d30b02	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:19:17	322.798
-17	39953	3995300	da07b8e0-d5d1-4ebc-bc6f-4bf088341d87	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:39:16	-466.960
-17	79906	3995300	635bdfef-5672-4eb1-a10b-2943d01951e6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:21:36	237.418
-18	39954	3995400	4614532b-b237-48b2-b0ae-2aa14801be76	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:15:08	640.581
-18	79908	3995400	ae78c8a4-598e-42f7-897e-030470e1d3ef	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:20:02	-275.289
-19	39955	3995500	91c96c6d-57b8-459a-95d4-51906edcb1c6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:00:51	-440.228
-19	79910	3995500	decd7f86-f895-4f27-9601-d7e3af61fbf1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:29:30	-143.173
-20	39956	3995600	2d7c1cfa-86fc-4bdc-be46-369514085b92	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:17:58	-914.608
-20	79912	3995600	f6e7bde8-d4e3-475d-b8ec-4b70639efe5e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:45:46	-558.887
-21	39957	3995700	2635ebd3-f76b-46fc-9777-1238c8bcdcb3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:33:52	169.700
-21	79914	3995700	3dc65ea3-8609-4593-9051-d0ac8ac3abf2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:17:25	-599.630
-22	39958	3995800	ead79e98-72a9-4616-8685-ac693fa7b661	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:34:48	672.295
-22	79916	3995800	5b9abc5f-f00b-4e41-9f98-a86bb83da170	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:23:26	183.68
-23	39959	3995900	efbf87a6-56eb-471b-9771-5fc12062cb8e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:32:16	65.370
-23	79918	3995900	1d2697c0-f519-4aa9-b0a0-b2dcb5a62c3c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:44:15	353.758
-24	39960	3996000	4cedfe32-7d20-4b37-b7ed-422e7a63f003	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:44:26	-194.16
-24	79920	3996000	06c870b2-f74d-4380-aed0-e602c9169774	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:43:08	-114.675
-25	39961	3996100	6115e128-f1fd-447e-ae67-65ca2e58ecc7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:51:16	974.826
-25	79922	3996100	00856365-889b-456b-8d56-21a9f73c6243	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:30:15	801.655
-26	39962	3996200	31672df1-d538-4207-8fd6-fa1f76ad6e6e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:44:33	444.414
-26	79924	3996200	4cc44c7c-c1b2-4fd5-bda1-951e00d9bd37	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:11:20	376.362
-27	39963	3996300	e8d4bbdf-0f1b-48c6-9939-3b99e9098ffb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:54:33	724.23
-27	79926	3996300	fb559924-3e06-405c-ab63-3cb7a58a4812	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:33:32	-773.295
-28	39964	3996400	c1cda12f-f1cc-4246-940c-e89b59513ff3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:26:45	-948.87
-28	79928	3996400	424b0cbb-43e3-49a2-9028-018a6d52cff5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:56:01	-589.581
-29	39965	3996500	36b34b24-9a33-4173-95bb-070598f5eee2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:49:07	799.218
-29	79930	3996500	a4458fcf-edbd-45ac-aeff-af0adfd807a4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:42:44	-669.268
-30	39966	3996600	07f79812-7d6f-4775-a92c-95a0db050405	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:04:17	-632.845
-30	79932	3996600	a046ccd5-a2fe-47d0-9638-5c246a245620	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:28:08	-730.517
-31	39967	3996700	e97515bd-fc4d-449d-8076-89227a81560f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:31:35	-423.629
-31	79934	3996700	a44e1687-a892-4e4e-a6ed-38a6b7f9373b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:23:10	-327.519
-32	39968	3996800	c2298638-0e9f-403f-b847-a1c6321fc7cc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:26:07	-637.617
-32	79936	3996800	466da457-3968-4bab-958f-a10b52a7c4fa	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:26:50	-857.824
-33	39969	3996900	c936844c-0a32-4753-876a-03bf3371cc18	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:55:14	-221.80
-33	79938	3996900	74e6f0c6-c649-4475-af5f-39715c80d07b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:18:27	933.107
-34	39970	3997000	d1b20582-7521-4acc-95fc-0c25d2970034	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:12:40	-944.292
-34	79940	3997000	cd3a720b-c01e-48f7-9e3c-9f0fdfc5bb27	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:28:16	949.568
-35	39971	3997100	b57de92b-c128-41f8-865a-23d05fef3bd8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:12:02	-368.229
-35	79942	3997100	b753d4f4-2c8d-410c-9ebd-9aab5862abea	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:36:54	836.320
-36	39972	3997200	73108613-c0e9-4453-81c8-0f599298bfb8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:44:32	-313.657
-36	79944	3997200	c2f4ea64-adf2-4110-a3f9-79bbfe61dbfd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:27:18	949.319
-37	39973	3997300	96a8b7a9-16b7-4bc8-a89a-ab69058240b9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:48:48	401.37
-37	79946	3997300	6e6a1702-4e78-4f58-ac68-deb49ccd5327	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:21:51	-202.732
-38	39974	3997400	c89713b4-a45f-4542-9643-a1058d35d5b9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:37:34	-623.805
-38	79948	3997400	e50f3379-71b6-41b7-be58-2355d80aa80d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:48:23	981.177
-39	39975	3997500	96903b35-7fb2-4574-886f-ebd7ad2a09d5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:31:47	-845.197
-39	79950	3997500	9e89333d-c402-4e78-ba83-383629861b14	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:52:13	977.145
-40	39976	3997600	199382f2-fb1e-4fcb-afe5-cc7b7a4d25bc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:35:10	17.977
-40	79952	3997600	7f2d45f4-bc6f-410c-9614-ea0452f527fb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:36:50	-547.752
-41	39977	3997700	2db3b54d-330f-47b2-82e5-cb9a3c0f500d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:26:10	919.951
-41	79954	3997700	5749ee00-b6f5-4909-b629-69ae4e684f18	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:15:17	-675.575
-42	39978	3997800	9cce0db9-f202-486a-99c4-ff9448f0f204	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:56:29	-334.239
-42	79956	3997800	7666ab64-3ece-4a90-9dd6-541bae19be5c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:09:02	-1.887
-43	39979	3997900	74905e81-3307-48cf-8e61-0c7a0e890b02	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:33:42	494.561
-43	79958	3997900	2b04c826-5485-420e-9ce3-1f543fd4209d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:39:54	278.586
-44	39980	3998000	87088de5-56ff-4246-b92b-f66c330e179d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:16:06	-797.636
-44	79960	3998000	f16959c4-ecd3-4c2c-b05b-ff521bfb1311	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:32:47	-835.248
-45	39981	3998100	a3465607-e78b-4ce3-8c34-3a09a478256b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:23:16	824.313
-45	79962	3998100	d206603a-a8f4-474c-a2c4-31921ac9bf92	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:18:09	-334.880
-46	39982	3998200	a0838409-ff74-4537-bceb-c4906bca6276	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:21:20	-74.631
-46	79964	3998200	5605c3d1-fec3-461d-a0d0-ef584d279192	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:15:37	431.178
-47	39983	3998300	18d09941-4bba-4896-b30f-c80b6cd5ed72	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:14:52	688.71
-47	79966	3998300	f5dc2059-f4d2-4e71-9177-c6a0c18294a2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:51:19	-86.860
-48	39984	3998400	cf5cad47-7d87-4206-92a0-9b15fe61710e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:30:17	-741.482
-48	79968	3998400	0dd40df1-1501-44de-a4ed-d213bb953c0f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:37:51	-991.861
-49	39985	3998500	fba2c458-b042-4c11-9bf7-748eaec98b44	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:49:10	-182.541
-49	79970	3998500	bd5ff9fc-be43-43eb-8ac6-0d5733d63f85	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:43:15	815.641
-50	39986	3998600	6b69d306-9cff-4d4b-ac49-c72fa5e64cad	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:40:29	981.78
-50	79972	3998600	46db9567-4030-484b-8eec-945b6f969d3d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:40:02	447.204
-51	39987	3998700	e85b4934-e2fc-486b-af35-6201a59e50be	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:26:20	861.401
-51	79974	3998700	7d33d5c3-f1ea-438c-ab57-d1b6d6850609	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:43:11	-329.544
-52	39988	3998800	15b8da5d-4243-471e-99f7-508e86228ca4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:10:02	683.654
-52	79976	3998800	15f6edad-b8f5-46ca-9986-072b042064a6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:24:38	-322.876
-53	39989	3998900	7781084a-4e3b-4b97-94ba-c3a6e05e3613	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:26:23	-419.437
-53	79978	3998900	dc3e5200-a3f4-4d06-8fa2-6f64880fb9a8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:00:47	752.496
-54	39990	3999000	a0806576-0ede-4d68-b22a-563d798c9b14	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:32:09	-198.395
-54	79980	3999000	eec35ca8-46df-49a8-8386-152b1262674c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:22:04	49.569
-55	39991	3999100	655ef420-510c-49b9-a37a-23b842a073e8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:42:28	-940.345
-55	79982	3999100	fc6f684f-7807-4563-83ba-2fc7c7ba24e1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:05:01	-515.831
-56	39992	3999200	29b3e750-3de2-453a-9233-e0d33342836e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:24:03	-517.447
-56	79984	3999200	fbee8378-6319-4495-beb3-f9bd237a64b9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:50:06	-698.514
-57	39993	3999300	1181aa5c-953b-4b0f-ab49-a745335768bb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:35:51	834.24
-57	79986	3999300	26cf5447-4788-499a-926f-f09f2f9b8b2d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:12:55	290.9
-58	39994	3999400	ad423441-73fb-465a-b564-359ee6f853b4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:56:55	-796.916
-58	79988	3999400	d607a69e-179f-4db1-96ff-cbb3a2027ace	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:07:24	-443.70
-59	39995	3999500	4bf9ef76-1842-47d5-ba56-901b2da30e37	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:23:34	-437.988
-59	79990	3999500	526387c4-077e-4d65-97f5-a17d9949c061	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:30:23	517.199
-60	39996	3999600	b91fd60c-4d2f-4235-a75d-d598d784b4dc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:14:00	327.631
-60	79992	3999600	97619753-623e-4776-bf33-4f1a89fb857d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:40:32	188.385
-61	39997	3999700	6175c85a-fbfe-4419-b247-6e0ca4e1d58f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:41:17	-218.80
-61	79994	3999700	c5ebab50-fa75-4cec-a9ce-d636c3cbfdf2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:09:59	852.32
-62	39998	3999800	0551c3b1-4925-40c5-8bdb-b7471c1fcef1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:33:39	773.348
-62	79996	3999800	cc375731-02e6-43af-9f70-d138782ad771	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:55:40	-313.987
-63	39999	3999900	babf31d1-6177-44ab-b14e-e3e7391e3812	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:26:21	-807.251
-63	79998	3999900	31bf803f-7869-4161-b23e-d8f8d6b7531c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:24:35	316.502
-64	40000	4000000	f93831af-fcd0-4ecb-820a-bb46c9c02cab	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:30:48	570.22
-64	80000	4000000	cdffed66-8b5c-4056-bde8-7a49829d03b4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:40:56	319.92
-65	40001	4000100	edc95e35-a74f-4136-ab0b-e15d5999b0de	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:44:37	-763.939
-65	80002	4000100	0263ba48-1520-4cdb-a717-330d4f73e50e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:47:53	652.491
-66	40002	4000200	eb4c399a-48a3-43dd-806b-b6184b29e487	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:36:19	-822.633
-66	80004	4000200	b4268076-3842-4056-99b1-3dbcae20406d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:30:40	510.696
-67	40003	4000300	ad719764-45d2-4742-9aa5-2edaa71486aa	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:11:28	-364.752
-67	80006	4000300	656d365e-d901-4464-afa2-1c4e3e917da8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:41:14	-940.906
-68	40004	4000400	e79473a6-418a-441b-8183-ecb6584c72bd	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:06:18	127.699
-68	80008	4000400	77a14444-1ee1-4e62-8445-1a26971ce58e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:23:43	219.899
-69	40005	4000500	1f2e27f2-151c-45aa-a92d-43797aaf693d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:53:58	-428.106
-69	80010	4000500	f996ce78-7de3-4581-91ba-b5f9e434e2ed	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:44:06	-737.218
-70	40006	4000600	c93b0a3f-f182-4f54-86e6-ec7868c7aae8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:36:14	71.688
-70	80012	4000600	54ebe081-e744-46c3-8720-05560a304ca5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:52:37	-292.999
-71	40007	4000700	4f136288-4b7f-45ae-b690-edb3b174c75d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:47:39	-899.580
-71	80014	4000700	40e13490-8c80-4e82-9c0f-52c8a19b5bb2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:38:08	-188.12
-72	40008	4000800	25f2f4d2-6d2f-4f95-8633-00eceda28c77	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:30:13	-202.822
-72	80016	4000800	5574c8ba-e8d5-4dec-8cc4-d73785c56061	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:09:26	915.811
-73	40009	4000900	84bb8766-2524-4f86-8b1a-623baebd4bec	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:16:49	77.753
-73	80018	4000900	7951112c-da86-4ba7-bb1a-4f649aa11dc4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:41:48	-631.656
-74	40010	4001000	f58b62c3-f25e-4747-8c4e-fb6c2136f723	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:40:03	224.226
-74	80020	4001000	e1efce47-f09d-4545-90d6-40b9583bf955	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:41:34	-54.471
-75	40011	4001100	783ca503-6c85-4f91-bea7-4b214d244e3c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:17:51	66.198
-75	80022	4001100	4fe482c0-1767-47d8-9af2-7be3769e6e20	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:47:59	86.871
-76	40012	4001200	6b3fa194-e634-434b-9faa-712f2dfcd0a4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:45:46	-812.344
-76	80024	4001200	a2753c3f-d6be-48c1-aa2b-57e4bc1bdf53	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:05:38	-237.193
-77	40013	4001300	0dfb6ddb-0321-486e-9221-a22bf6505bff	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:14:28	-950.898
-77	80026	4001300	557011da-8c42-41d4-892a-02385cdcfec7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:33:26	-347.290
-78	40014	4001400	2ec97e43-8ea2-4195-9d54-70a7ed76a7ca	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:19:32	136.197
-78	80028	4001400	60b54e48-9d97-4eab-9123-db7fe3df2677	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:22:22	-818.128
-79	40015	4001500	76e1892e-e8de-4702-95b8-ca442e111327	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:11:49	-670.956
-79	80030	4001500	c80e7096-dc58-47fc-8ea3-c756c201ba8c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:19:15	-36.624
-80	40016	4001600	a6fb6d6e-a0be-4ef2-8fdc-1f4c2e23599a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:19:01	-645.518
-80	80032	4001600	f96deb35-5676-4db9-8655-3eaff7668308	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:39:52	470.938
-81	40017	4001700	9398da17-2bed-4a14-a04d-16c8cb295f6b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:30:53	-704.353
-81	80034	4001700	c90f59c4-fe36-4698-9ca4-03789b1b735d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:48:53	-50.209
-82	40018	4001800	fde2ea50-9518-4657-8d58-4eb0b934ad84	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:43:55	-244.181
-82	80036	4001800	8a5183cb-f195-4e51-9524-2f575c3cde86	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:06:50	301.858
-83	40019	4001900	c97495f2-ef83-4a07-acf1-4b7e3ef155e6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:20:37	574.961
-83	80038	4001900	e6322060-b8e6-44ae-a435-1397949a5fc4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:33:15	525.834
-84	40020	4002000	883cda11-e0d8-4ce2-83f0-a59a4ce511a1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:40:49	883.688
-84	80040	4002000	a65fa29d-806c-45c8-86b4-057dbdbbfade	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:12:13	-278.536
-85	40021	4002100	fea911ba-f724-46ef-9b88-9fb3439819fd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:39:06	843.401
-85	80042	4002100	ca584ece-3960-4600-9bf5-52530db5e915	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:09:57	844.989
-86	40022	4002200	5be7f094-f5a5-4e0b-90dc-a3c9e5e2ae40	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:40:29	-359.502
-86	80044	4002200	ddcf1c96-3f65-40a8-89b7-8272b7a2fd93	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:21:14	487.286
-87	40023	4002300	2cb901f6-d97e-44c1-ae3c-bd063725db5b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:50:27	938.977
-87	80046	4002300	5ac2be1a-650b-4386-9601-5fbf1d3e5dd0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:58:52	-299.509
-88	40024	4002400	0dbdd413-457e-42ba-91b1-310c2f705ca4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:35:13	-200.152
-88	80048	4002400	7c6419af-7b12-4d3d-9c9c-388d14f14076	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:16:22	663.112
-89	40025	4002500	882038e1-1d9e-4a1e-8fca-4a14c9148c47	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:43:03	67.614
-89	80050	4002500	e79157ef-6de8-4ccd-a047-867c240527dc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:39:48	3.580
-90	40026	4002600	c3314f40-ba3d-49c7-b14b-49dc39c42aed	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:38:11	390.851
-90	80052	4002600	47433342-3341-485b-95aa-deaad284c05d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:15:42	-371.495
-91	40027	4002700	62a09a54-13c6-42a1-9057-fbe9a9d1bf5a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:07:23	914.1
-91	80054	4002700	643a8cdf-90dc-4a45-8fa2-8e12ed24abf4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:45:00	813.264
-92	40028	4002800	a0fdcc89-0a53-4efb-8519-47784f3ca82e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:49:17	-163.59
-92	80056	4002800	c21b7307-dd69-40a5-9fe3-fecd69f9157a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:50:27	-784.587
-93	40029	4002900	1b95b6dd-2584-4008-ac9a-ed5f6abe054d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:31:57	72.446
-93	80058	4002900	afd6ff91-4ab2-449b-8d2b-402dd275f06f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:57:10	214.830
-94	40030	4003000	0425a4c8-c84e-434b-9fb2-7afa352dc692	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:47:56	108.368
-94	80060	4003000	752a82b8-c2bc-412d-b699-e3fcb905a7fb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:58:44	-4.599
-95	40031	4003100	8b429f5c-bf73-404e-bded-c4cb00da3ebb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:56:06	664.366
-95	80062	4003100	2040b684-ab46-4f7d-820c-d82e332f9b1f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:27:43	-154.505
-96	40032	4003200	3b5c4238-c4bb-4c9a-b17f-41b8c553642f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:10:24	158.209
-96	80064	4003200	c8d6e5ca-763e-404f-9465-5f3a2e8d26c5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:03:16	-219.610
-97	40033	4003300	ebd5823c-8ece-41aa-8d81-855856717106	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:06:28	-92.751
-97	80066	4003300	358ae398-466c-4246-bb19-35ecf7254411	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:46:35	-149.201
-98	40034	4003400	537f2efc-c76c-4356-b19b-0a18bfce85ee	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:31:27	-963.957
-98	80068	4003400	4f37e091-d410-4331-8ddb-a0d6018b7acd	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:28:33	697.284
-99	40035	4003500	accbe74d-8602-4594-9174-653e4aaa9b3a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:36:01	98.517
-99	80070	4003500	4a1159ac-7743-4ad4-a2ac-3f0a1574a3ce	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:06:17	-611.626
-100	40036	4003600	bffb7982-e1db-48a3-9ad6-e1c80e6a20bc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:50:04	588.838
-100	80072	4003600	c9901a42-b8fe-4e29-b5f8-5357bb434d88	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:24:06	-172.518
-101	40037	4003700	d05e6b56-f7ce-4637-9609-26fe10d60bb8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:23:39	-382.358
-101	80074	4003700	ee7a88b1-7c16-4faf-94be-900b38b60ca2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:05:55	-514.343
-102	40038	4003800	812aff95-008f-40af-aa8a-1c3da7f4059b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:28:51	-326.607
-102	80076	4003800	ae63249f-0ca6-4818-81c1-ee4058256d79	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:31:36	168.659
-103	40039	4003900	3917a5d2-b4b9-405c-9ad1-c7863cde34f7	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:51:58	-373.852
-103	80078	4003900	15ba40a8-e2f7-4e8c-9cc9-d8cfb031aab9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:56:51	-697.781
-104	40040	4004000	df638629-9fb5-444d-8b41-2eb0e91628be	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:00:48	941.976
-104	80080	4004000	56c16d2c-73a0-4f17-b089-4d4f07c8819c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:11:10	178.605
-105	40041	4004100	5a8f8b36-e277-4614-8032-e375b54017d5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:59:59	-52.750
-105	80082	4004100	7124cad1-55fd-4399-8d8b-4e80b5a6bcc1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:29:00	827.880
-106	40042	4004200	b084d463-3814-4301-8863-7ed13a4169c5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:26:38	-838.68
-106	80084	4004200	4acfe7ac-fe12-40ad-b938-d5ddcfeee040	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:04:08	467.668
-107	40043	4004300	e7accb13-e606-46ba-9c5f-d2b6df013ea7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:40:25	616.725
-107	80086	4004300	b2ef298e-192d-4729-ad25-cbf67a763de4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:27:49	-36.506
-108	40044	4004400	a983af09-f96d-4092-8553-1aaca0d07d61	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:03:57	976.849
-108	80088	4004400	6eef7659-c202-4dc0-9532-5b6fccc2aa62	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:06:42	771.598
-109	40045	4004500	196f4a8a-288a-4d20-9880-8ed8f4acb781	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:28:04	-901.781
-109	80090	4004500	afd76c2f-9569-447f-94d3-e7fe385952eb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:27:10	421.430
-110	40046	4004600	94ca65c1-150e-49fb-a895-eaabfd79fbbe	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:05:24	526.712
-110	80092	4004600	4ec8cc91-0c37-4bcb-a820-c345236b2dea	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:17:59	513.67
-111	40047	4004700	1359b1c2-00b0-4ab0-936f-307950421686	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:44:12	-886.967
-111	80094	4004700	31644fee-e2dd-4804-9317-1a7ba35db123	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:15:51	-650.21
-112	40048	4004800	327e7940-0421-42e3-9918-be65065ce7dd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:20:13	694.359
-112	80096	4004800	1f69e9c7-7483-440f-855d-594568cc8baf	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:41:36	-786.921
-113	40049	4004900	ea80fe5b-40fb-442d-895b-b2b7b2c65657	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:38:44	313.989
-113	80098	4004900	d9fc89eb-c4f9-4d66-8dbb-6edb398410e9	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:20:05	849.209
-114	40050	4005000	7e3a252a-6f78-4be6-9757-e68f01341f67	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:02:05	-433.261
-114	80100	4005000	cfbe49cd-7985-4b35-852a-e19c2fc6548a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:41:29	915.587
-115	40051	4005100	3e8da9f0-229b-44a9-b4ca-56b7eedca0ac	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:41:56	-16.210
-115	80102	4005100	8e99e291-6f28-4f71-acc2-b5fc018d888b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:10:04	200.452
-116	40052	4005200	c74a7e30-542d-4c5a-ae25-a0a24038e717	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:19:22	-265.364
-116	80104	4005200	b54b295e-12d2-4303-b251-0cb996f95220	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:40:37	-285.677
-117	40053	4005300	d8c8130a-6a58-4fa5-bf95-ca1a9c3d623e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:51:53	439.117
-117	80106	4005300	6bd7aebd-eae6-4eff-b469-c32a3f80affb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:02:36	475.701
-118	40054	4005400	7ac0cefa-3580-4b2c-a7cf-fcbc1192f943	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:28:40	29.943
-118	80108	4005400	ef482bb3-bb42-4e29-8905-85477d75a1d2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:45:15	-132.981
-119	40055	4005500	8aee4414-b840-457d-ba54-4c52ff0c07e5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:08:04	-815.230
-119	80110	4005500	de3149d4-9b6b-435f-9d2f-affb2e703c04	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:39:03	755.242
-120	40056	4005600	3ef055f5-f6bc-49bc-b279-ff890b017830	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:25:25	-625.532
-120	80112	4005600	b96befc2-efc7-4ad9-88c9-3f50f2b94127	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:54:34	682.869
-121	40057	4005700	51d9beea-007e-4605-a399-5730d5dc40af	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:36:40	637.57
-121	80114	4005700	14268feb-6bd9-47e2-914a-a985bfda0a1a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:11:03	-424.906
-122	40058	4005800	f504c78b-26ce-42a0-8b99-75978a213429	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:05:31	-159.663
-122	80116	4005800	c2e23ff0-1fae-4df4-a09c-02fa31e78c91	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:01:27	-57.638
-123	40059	4005900	7a014b48-b5ca-4c4e-bf41-ba8f4332644b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:23:50	766.700
-123	80118	4005900	1b8b0106-2c53-4410-b998-72f3f22b5e59	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:02:09	-424.579
-124	40060	4006000	baf3f99a-ec9d-41b2-bf95-bc0e0bec7fd4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:48:19	-349.113
-124	80120	4006000	72dd1922-34bd-47bc-806e-2a2e6331ecc7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:32:20	-832.740
-125	40061	4006100	34f2af98-3d95-4a99-bd6c-ae77c664827d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:00:26	255.834
-125	80122	4006100	071d8b56-49b2-44be-ab03-3d64cda44910	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:40:24	-773.493
-126	40062	4006200	f9985190-27de-4ce9-985e-3e98a020f656	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:10:32	351.332
-126	80124	4006200	56d4e979-141d-4f72-b7c4-1c615e7282cd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:06:57	-789.421
-127	40063	4006300	b663031f-8aa0-4b25-b384-a938b26c2fb9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:34:15	988.905
-127	80126	4006300	3f8dabb5-2f78-4515-b294-5beec3f60f15	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:11:01	268.345
-0	40064	4006400	7ca8ea84-28f3-476c-b655-3e7c94c9c5d3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:42:15	768.422
-0	80128	4006400	8b48b898-8d61-48e7-99e5-884115300351	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:04:31	720.149
-1	40065	4006500	514c121d-4da0-4878-b952-20d9ed5a0e59	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:01:54	87.456
-1	80130	4006500	2bb67be8-1962-466d-bc69-b5c7e3bb828b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:43:35	-47.264
-2	40066	4006600	5cc76208-1f81-4390-a813-3b4d08115b01	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:55:35	-287.334
-2	80132	4006600	2a2925ba-226a-481b-a1f3-505a2d3f4781	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:54:38	312.495
-3	40067	4006700	f3e31a88-61bc-4a0c-ae34-3e51deec2544	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:39:55	-673.675
-3	80134	4006700	30efb06b-e59e-4fc7-9691-a09d64019d26	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:28:31	299.289
-4	40068	4006800	a60e2660-731e-4b50-95f2-b6b01abcef4e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:00:36	919.558
-4	80136	4006800	bd85944b-6985-41ac-912b-7714eea3d1c8	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:52:22	-531.493
-5	40069	4006900	0eb18300-ea1d-4119-ace4-b00d961f94e9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:48:17	-608.153
-5	80138	4006900	e94f6db6-6b23-4eb9-97c1-2e3ceffa84da	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:38:38	986.45
-6	40070	4007000	7fada1bc-5dc2-4b81-b143-e66558d31c68	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:51:10	146.949
-6	80140	4007000	942c2b75-24ab-4088-8be7-d797ef75729d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:29:46	-12.849
-7	40071	4007100	b665575b-8e90-485b-98ce-23d55a340a2d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:15:43	383.740
-7	80142	4007100	097dceb0-fc51-4983-8efd-7e27d2b8ee64	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:19:56	-910.511
-8	40072	4007200	ec2d9b1f-92b5-4e3d-ab44-13897a3126f1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:21:35	-25.581
-8	80144	4007200	102ca886-ec79-47f0-af4a-7c89173ebdb0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:49:31	542.243
-9	40073	4007300	749fc9e3-2afc-449f-b0df-c9f211c9e27e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:35:44	512.909
-9	80146	4007300	0e0d341b-8b52-4939-ba2d-9c68ada3745b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:56:50	-640.596
-10	40074	4007400	16256d89-d7a3-4d34-967b-17061bfd47df	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:36:30	15.34
-10	80148	4007400	eb60a475-46fc-4d05-a854-8dabafa04380	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:47:19	-739.143
-11	40075	4007500	abbf4b41-40ea-456d-8cf0-675e78b545f7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:00:42	302.569
-11	80150	4007500	6453cac4-6529-4f16-a135-c30fe6989ced	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:49:16	814.537
-12	40076	4007600	02f669a5-6441-4250-80ee-ca0513c0b392	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:23:31	427.187
-12	80152	4007600	d4897189-34cb-404c-9d04-755f1bdedfa5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:13:07	-771.930
-13	40077	4007700	dc9d45ae-f42d-43d6-9206-756202d6d087	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:52:36	-804.128
-13	80154	4007700	eeb29643-f225-47e6-9a8e-ad87635294d0	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:14:38	186.449
-14	40078	4007800	c42cf6d6-5682-41a7-bfd8-43682302d6f0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:00:56	-577.848
-14	80156	4007800	f2679840-ae7e-4ce9-b92b-20e62c9aef39	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:05:02	-626.690
-15	40079	4007900	7fbf9670-fa2d-4eaf-8e63-82367755c023	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:06:10	-196.106
-15	80158	4007900	341216ab-0ebb-4658-a3ca-22a695996bc6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:51:41	-601.360
-16	40080	4008000	59eead23-e10d-40dd-9b19-0c303ac5dc10	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:05:45	839.71
-16	80160	4008000	e27e95a5-0827-4dce-a217-2b82047a9f52	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:39:33	741.746
-17	40081	4008100	0f94724b-68b4-4aca-be8c-030bcd62945d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:06:26	-596.726
-17	80162	4008100	b612486e-52f9-43b2-b069-cb8917403cde	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:13:12	-477.39
-18	40082	4008200	bbeb963d-d9ad-4bc0-a71a-07eee3555ef6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:48:01	-872.758
-18	80164	4008200	d6f8a77d-96e9-4f13-a82d-a29bf4acf16a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:49:24	205.425
-19	40083	4008300	b4d815d7-37e5-49f2-b457-fa11abf452f7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:55:28	420.50
-19	80166	4008300	6291088b-2f1f-4a19-89fc-83c7552af39c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:27:01	-128.121
-20	40084	4008400	28405c69-ba9b-4a0b-a52e-b42f32df590d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:16:47	-257.513
-20	80168	4008400	f6520604-ecaa-4b4e-b5d1-2d277bf2dbd3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:55:11	-860.573
-21	40085	4008500	f591f721-a990-4dbd-8425-cb9904b6ceb5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:59:10	-10.461
-21	80170	4008500	bac7027c-de39-48dc-90ab-2e8cf8416196	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:59:58	-18.53
-22	40086	4008600	a3c9f3ca-a229-42e9-88a3-1879f8fe4fa5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:43:37	-70.924
-22	80172	4008600	397a43ab-31f6-4307-98b7-96fcf2ab4dc3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:28:28	727.821
-23	40087	4008700	7f029f36-5dfa-484e-ba3b-6ccfa559d292	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:08:13	177.329
-23	80174	4008700	0ff42731-8e3b-4e2b-baea-214f9a4e5ddc	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:56:08	-870.834
-24	40088	4008800	d38e7137-970e-460e-8415-0b953f930262	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:36:27	-372.569
-24	80176	4008800	9de5f794-cb7a-4a79-9d8d-c9aa4455b706	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:13:18	-569.308
-25	40089	4008900	4b9f8d23-46f7-4449-bccc-4bd4c43ad407	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:59:09	565.560
-25	80178	4008900	141ac53c-2569-4a37-afeb-3de90884ac55	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:40:27	-424.813
-26	40090	4009000	a4589ae8-483d-467b-9d0b-a73a71a1701a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:05:30	-601.888
-26	80180	4009000	1ad33272-b958-4d38-b39a-a08f0b55c223	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:22:14	539.678
-27	40091	4009100	176b8895-cdfc-459b-9e90-1e1c4b4ee3cb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:57:38	-567.206
-27	80182	4009100	6718b614-f6ae-4331-9222-1a6171a6c960	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:33:42	-294.452
-28	40092	4009200	eb011a2c-5af8-4d40-b226-10e24da93b94	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:55:14	597.610
-28	80184	4009200	31cdbe18-8b33-4063-a777-7e6392e01e1b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:50:51	954.8
-29	40093	4009300	725f1cdb-374b-4d44-9fed-478a1cf69859	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:58:44	542.548
-29	80186	4009300	f5145822-014d-40fe-8cd1-6fd9fb2d1668	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:37:12	868.246
-30	40094	4009400	96507fb9-ed43-4ded-b6d8-8a67f404e7c9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:34:53	-654.499
-30	80188	4009400	c28b8d2b-8c13-4097-a348-905533e7bd72	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:21:18	537.120
-31	40095	4009500	e74a0564-db3d-4b48-af9e-e15739602b4c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:17:39	802.95
-31	80190	4009500	226dc0e2-fe3a-496d-81e1-edca19950855	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:58:54	-605.261
-32	40096	4009600	b4ed069c-d108-48bd-9a96-c7017a7d1f4f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:02:58	78.470
-32	80192	4009600	2769fcdd-013c-4e54-b789-f1dc2c4bcc79	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:30:35	74.476
-33	40097	4009700	1e8bcaf4-0e1b-4387-94ef-2611b824ff8e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:29:50	359.273
-33	80194	4009700	67b203aa-910b-4cb7-b803-6b4b667b0e77	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:36:06	-646.228
-34	40098	4009800	88ebddef-1f26-4f0a-914a-384b0a00483c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:38:50	-142.264
-34	80196	4009800	5f24d53e-d26f-4b29-9d56-86a188831b22	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:26:12	595.128
-35	40099	4009900	f3d6b61a-7eed-4668-bc73-c2db816e6b7e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:45:48	-129.436
-35	80198	4009900	e6917aec-9505-48f8-9fc1-2f4c20609966	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:46:48	-564.731
-36	40100	4010000	408c099d-cbd8-4cb1-ae83-68de3e0a3c04	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:24:56	-120.116
-36	80200	4010000	94a91129-1527-4a32-9978-4f6cf2cd7975	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:41:58	16.728
-37	40101	4010100	43874082-4a06-4059-94c3-460847df4dd7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:55:12	-881.64
-37	80202	4010100	c2eb1b7d-b5af-40f5-8338-6afcc0523f2e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:44:29	-636.185
-38	40102	4010200	2d53173c-1ee0-49a0-a547-7e574631e611	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:35:39	-542.123
-38	80204	4010200	00378096-8112-472f-99af-38208c597e66	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:07:20	734.767
-39	40103	4010300	b05bbd49-175a-4ea2-8577-05bd7af5ddfe	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:13:19	889.302
-39	80206	4010300	9c5e1c1b-5c14-4021-b741-5bfd3778daaa	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:57:48	782.684
-40	40104	4010400	859320fe-7e6d-4a01-a692-5d6b4217a920	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:11:48	626.127
-40	80208	4010400	53da1e24-877c-4d89-a584-59d0bddccc7a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:28:50	-561.428
-41	40105	4010500	9c46707a-9a27-4372-87a4-d9c687c39dee	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:07:41	-834.340
-41	80210	4010500	08df0a04-5e09-4d4f-8e10-f89cf473a798	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:13:15	-786.477
-42	40106	4010600	425ee326-b0c8-4ca0-b12a-239e5667e9c5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:47:42	369.793
-42	80212	4010600	ed2abe85-97ac-4934-9adf-280ef41b546a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:05:09	195.371
-43	40107	4010700	c12351ff-371f-437a-8a3c-867b48b5b9d3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:20:11	928.637
-43	80214	4010700	0afbe56d-2b95-4e49-8609-aa27e7cfe797	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:44:02	-654.407
-44	40108	4010800	4c38c803-93f2-44ee-93ed-cfba228c9557	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:43:45	-438.444
-44	80216	4010800	0918ec0d-4419-4798-8916-4a7042fb6d7e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:18:21	140.109
-45	40109	4010900	0b1f0b1d-ba44-4898-9772-bac0a8da2f1a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:29:12	-117.370
-45	80218	4010900	03f89561-896e-41e1-ad66-93c621ea04d3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:42:19	-763.690
-46	40110	4011000	ca19a559-5294-404c-bbab-5ad566635f2d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:36:53	-774.522
-46	80220	4011000	bc5faadd-b7d2-476a-9ef6-796800cb8dd8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:04:21	838.131
-47	40111	4011100	0b1daead-af7f-40a2-9531-60575a1f62f8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:36:43	-252.908
-47	80222	4011100	1af08e1a-5d0c-4c0a-85ad-9c3d27bd5627	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:04:18	-657.518
-48	40112	4011200	24de1463-6ca2-4766-93a6-25f60fdaa88f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:01:55	876.232
-48	80224	4011200	1903f17d-12a8-4470-8b29-430d80eed0ea	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:46:08	169.124
-49	40113	4011300	4fddd876-7aeb-47d2-b297-df1be556450c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:40:00	-112.864
-49	80226	4011300	4dc10945-3716-4aa0-97a0-4883357c79f6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:34:09	-433.164
-50	40114	4011400	a9c3ba1a-4ee5-4158-aae2-1134829f1e06	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:58:36	-500.996
-50	80228	4011400	b253dd7f-90e7-42d4-b2db-95cdba46968a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:27:48	741.528
-51	40115	4011500	6bf6a09a-fe36-4eed-bf4c-2574cf9d216e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:14:15	975.121
-51	80230	4011500	4569c900-fe8c-4b71-84c1-77807bdbf8d5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:38:33	290.706
-52	40116	4011600	31212b42-10f3-4757-a502-ab2b70fc2da1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:02:45	-394.192
-52	80232	4011600	7bbaa82f-fadb-485b-9dd6-da5cbac34755	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:11:25	-785.991
-53	40117	4011700	60368844-c1bf-4425-8d6d-9864746a5b93	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:09:27	938.734
-53	80234	4011700	f5027632-0d76-42cf-b089-ded109b95928	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:22:28	144.610
-54	40118	4011800	3fb8196c-d48f-47c4-838f-a2e268518f3e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:45:09	988.339
-54	80236	4011800	0cf6dec4-1e54-48d3-8770-df119fab17eb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:06:32	767.189
-55	40119	4011900	86de5f00-9e3c-4f19-84c5-e185b621712a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:56:19	-226.315
-55	80238	4011900	be539eeb-2a14-4397-b836-c276d800f861	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:11:04	593.562
-56	40120	4012000	39f85c89-0158-41c5-bad1-ffbd5e4efcbc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:54:20	-986.81
-56	80240	4012000	29b33af4-cf7f-4f90-bf0a-c4e794bd6968	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:27:19	-945.400
-57	40121	4012100	b77fcfb4-dfdd-41e7-ba52-6e54177e1d52	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:01:10	193.337
-57	80242	4012100	0183f083-3299-4720-abcd-ba6690c4ddb2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:37:46	63.183
-58	40122	4012200	e2230686-c623-4016-a187-a25116881947	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:43:51	227.344
-58	80244	4012200	4a3ee13a-9399-4cc8-92b2-738a0caee6fa	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:33:07	-865.331
-59	40123	4012300	caf43299-0185-4c92-b660-435d69d18017	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:34:25	-639.628
-59	80246	4012300	8d362d1c-840e-481b-99ab-97b035c02974	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:10:58	298.787
-60	40124	4012400	f4131370-b1a2-4cfd-bddf-fca81dea019a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:03:35	-50.312
-60	80248	4012400	41a1a3b8-a151-4dbe-8bb2-e161999a1b57	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:32:03	-77.888
-61	40125	4012500	de9dcf74-1a3a-4764-9b69-d94e00a1b8f2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:43:18	693.69
-61	80250	4012500	ab294ad0-315c-4707-90a6-05e80a92016d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:08:56	-199.728
-62	40126	4012600	568c508d-5c5f-4abb-9de1-0585100c5517	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:09:26	926.153
-62	80252	4012600	0b919b95-d9b5-46a7-949f-50c23a3e2c63	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:43:43	-454.894
-63	40127	4012700	84aa7173-61dc-4175-9453-713c68e38880	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:50:26	864.542
-63	80254	4012700	d4f0bf4a-08fb-4880-bcd8-8a60668b57bf	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:08:15	506.497
-64	40128	4012800	d4c6116c-85fb-42e5-bef3-09cfc228e88d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:33:23	154.252
-64	80256	4012800	d483e7ac-6c05-4aa5-b2d8-1ee0b98cfe03	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:41:09	-540.319
-65	40129	4012900	ee544951-1ff9-43ce-9b36-b2b291f2c8eb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 11:04:28	604.740
-65	80258	4012900	5dbfaa60-e7c1-4648-ba95-9934dec065df	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:17:35	385.229
-66	40130	4013000	19c02709-c1fd-485a-a46a-6df3300ad4ac	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:17:18	835.877
-66	80260	4013000	aca18954-273d-4d29-ab55-1e993b4f9fc1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:36:10	-249.365
-67	40131	4013100	0c722b1e-8958-4a6b-9e10-daeb463f3c4a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:36:39	-679.727
-67	80262	4013100	3317d45d-f2b0-437a-be8f-4b7da02b794b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:29:42	955.512
-68	40132	4013200	0342c62f-952a-40b7-bc64-ba4ba8144d6f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:02:56	-216.320
-68	80264	4013200	7ee72fe4-2f44-4798-bd1a-1e32f5802609	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:57:33	-694.61
-69	40133	4013300	f48de6fb-6449-404f-b427-aff3c173ec87	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:39:27	-52.883
-69	80266	4013300	1b2cf668-59cb-4f40-8e24-6fb6e03c77fc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:25:48	-580.745
-70	40134	4013400	87e2857b-f924-49e9-8d0c-46f94ee4a3f6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:36:38	667.547
-70	80268	4013400	4c120f98-65ec-4ae6-a282-76aa4d1d8946	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:11:07	-494.809
-71	40135	4013500	c453e665-37a3-49f7-ab8a-0b99b42ede94	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:20:06	938.792
-71	80270	4013500	0c7d6a8a-dbdc-4ce7-a3b9-49469acca006	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:11:12	-838.194
-72	40136	4013600	a8e9f0f8-815b-440c-89d3-8825677b8714	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:55:15	-294.819
-72	80272	4013600	f878e295-0e88-437f-b510-26ed5d47966c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:12:12	-539.260
-73	40137	4013700	e1a0e2c7-0412-4e20-9b20-cf5ecfd691c1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:30:55	736.975
-73	80274	4013700	78943f18-5129-49fb-9530-79e020e971de	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 11:21:56	478.318
-74	40138	4013800	7cdbf990-f84a-4747-b40e-96597afcfd82	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:29:41	-414.717
-74	80276	4013800	3c89b41a-8d77-4b00-888f-6209bed22e98	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:37:00	155.281
-75	40139	4013900	2da070ef-7f3e-4b7d-8ca4-ebf2f29089e6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:51:37	122.362
-75	80278	4013900	0add03a9-b51f-4839-b882-1e18b8e5ad60	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:23:14	-405.148
-76	40140	4014000	57dd96a2-79de-4c41-afbb-2488bee1ac1d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:32:43	-7.444
-76	80280	4014000	d3dc066e-6fde-4113-92a9-2a85e1e57d0b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:56:17	-417.38
-77	40141	4014100	6b62e2a7-5ca2-4932-b076-492221576b51	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:34:45	-425.96
-77	80282	4014100	7dbbab6a-fc16-4343-a67e-a7dbcc5d95b1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:29:17	75.186
-78	40142	4014200	7be44aa1-e2f8-4763-a29e-00276a912e12	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:13:30	-895.251
-78	80284	4014200	7b075541-141c-49b9-92a2-5df11843a39b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:02:35	-862.473
-79	40143	4014300	54c46e44-a8b5-4241-b7dd-aaadeab8445a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:19:54	477.809
-79	80286	4014300	06b04f10-d7b6-4bbe-b300-4915950b2bdf	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:24:42	601.504
-80	40144	4014400	82ce47d2-5d53-4ac3-b93a-31067672b708	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:17:58	37.483
-80	80288	4014400	2c925fd9-c349-48c4-84de-289ac032578d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:50:46	-187.13
-81	40145	4014500	dab0a6be-9d22-4536-b218-5e86478e2a88	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:56:12	-72.724
-81	80290	4014500	611bba2d-3357-4285-893c-b7cf9419442e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:11:10	-757.382
-82	40146	4014600	5355abf0-a70b-4db7-98a5-9a559d0156c2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:27:59	-993.46
-82	80292	4014600	fee615c5-34f6-440d-9c52-a5d5a00634fc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:20:53	-626.764
-83	40147	4014700	f97778b6-9dc2-4548-8d8c-90babe032eba	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:17:29	73.859
-83	80294	4014700	cdd78b91-c859-482e-ad9b-9d98ba968e62	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:36:59	919.108
-84	40148	4014800	9f92977d-8177-4d28-a751-e2f4aa7efaca	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:07:13	-470.377
-84	80296	4014800	6ba6be61-660f-44cd-a392-4545e8dd4bb5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:57:48	591.864
-85	40149	4014900	07837060-8226-4236-b65b-fda290971533	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:20:04	-540.467
-85	80298	4014900	ae6f6476-9b47-470b-b572-fd6ac4b1c420	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:15:19	296.549
-86	40150	4015000	85863e7f-76e4-4167-ba03-dc985946018c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:47:01	968.918
-86	80300	4015000	06f91613-c34c-4189-b22b-ca44262a1be2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:42:07	-695.412
-87	40151	4015100	9510fe75-b616-42df-a11f-0d1645901cf8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:41:43	-775.74
-87	80302	4015100	86bcc90a-8dff-4ceb-a205-be5aa53cdc79	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:51:01	-404.490
-88	40152	4015200	d22d39c0-063b-4737-a0b5-4f61c76b7ed1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:29:06	405.431
-88	80304	4015200	2f207801-d4d4-4871-a551-24d60343c880	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:02:26	45.675
-89	40153	4015300	b2dbcce5-c35b-4334-8839-3791b318f9dd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:01:58	-95.219
-89	80306	4015300	b300714e-bf6f-4b23-a257-d31687682060	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:20:22	966.911
-90	40154	4015400	01358a21-2e95-44cd-b914-cb2345b1bf9b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:49:14	-112.253
-90	80308	4015400	2acdd4ed-9b0a-457a-8e1b-cbf1957bc11f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 12:25:55	494.663
-91	40155	4015500	fedbd55d-4f89-4cb8-a140-fa952104e528	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:58:40	588.557
-91	80310	4015500	743a1838-f18a-4744-9fe5-5eb8e18db3ec	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:40:38	102.490
-92	40156	4015600	66ea0f39-87a4-425e-bf83-72a35a1b95b8	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:44:18	301.368
-92	80312	4015600	556cc428-1e9f-49b9-8fb9-e5e10f0eb696	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:06:17	338.25
-93	40157	4015700	9f825ce9-0962-4ed0-aaa5-578f66b0f299	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:44:53	-99.797
-93	80314	4015700	1efb71b9-24a5-4f86-87ef-46cb03899237	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:01:41	-925.324
-94	40158	4015800	bcc3615b-8d46-4cb5-b30a-27d83746a946	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:24:02	-323.683
-94	80316	4015800	d154bf2f-a54e-4a10-82b9-75d873a3ae28	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:35:34	-758.690
-95	40159	4015900	7b8f176e-ebde-48f4-8033-0272105a1de2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:29:43	-454.1
-95	80318	4015900	e88d5a3f-9675-46e9-ae45-710de9ff1f92	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:42:13	452.810
-96	40160	4016000	25d99231-a8c0-463d-b630-b9d0003001b6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:18:12	-472.614
-96	80320	4016000	f13181f9-8b7b-4039-a813-60edf97c1ae0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:37:38	920.280
-97	40161	4016100	b8cc74b5-9892-4784-8212-7257f86aef96	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:33:53	114.40
-97	80322	4016100	fceee672-269a-41f3-afab-837ddae21e0f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:00:51	897.375
-98	40162	4016200	66246fa4-e1a4-4041-aa5e-8f08b5989f7c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:13:15	-259.433
-98	80324	4016200	937729a9-9cdf-43f8-a006-374d1314eff2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:18:38	-599.80
-99	40163	4016300	6901d287-1fca-4fde-a42f-0001696079d0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:16:55	-339.378
-99	80326	4016300	1d29fb54-f366-4e54-b203-a393d1fe45dc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:48:58	670.647
-100	40164	4016400	8b566577-24f7-450b-8515-ba72e3ec4c4c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:00:22	628.929
-100	80328	4016400	cd6593df-d494-4c83-8737-6fc92e46aabc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:12:17	813.836
-101	40165	4016500	648b7440-9455-456c-822a-1b70dbf82b79	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:05:38	-700.81
-101	80330	4016500	2c5ba01f-79ea-4030-a6bd-20672fe79b28	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:05:30	169.794
-102	40166	4016600	82af9349-d9d6-4f79-ab70-440ae6a82290	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:08:30	-474.989
-102	80332	4016600	3b9fc017-d60b-4925-8bf9-ca340b26d13f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:23:41	36.964
-103	40167	4016700	246e799f-6d74-4d0c-9d6b-d6b91f84defd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:01:15	262.365
-103	80334	4016700	6cd0506d-5966-446f-8928-62d1c65ff8b4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:32:40	995.868
-104	40168	4016800	82b7df4d-8b13-4fc1-8f69-6dd23a2441f5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:16:24	656.458
-104	80336	4016800	c24eeb7c-7761-423f-b83b-38966e6d3bee	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:31:37	-596.844
-105	40169	4016900	f704a5c4-404b-4e57-aa7b-97fb72f78628	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:50:29	-856.463
-105	80338	4016900	02ca9dd6-edaa-471d-8db3-2976fd886526	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:30:33	626.16
-106	40170	4017000	70d5fb5b-383f-4731-9423-d5638c049fa7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:01:26	-103.94
-106	80340	4017000	dac35f43-072c-4169-a3d1-5c5e045166e3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:16:12	-152.802
-107	40171	4017100	0f659a7f-94a4-40b7-bffc-216f9ddea711	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:55:31	-493.790
-107	80342	4017100	2336ed3b-496a-44ba-806c-bdde2e0b916b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:10:29	-489.305
-108	40172	4017200	db06ded4-543d-41bf-ab91-5e23c06b248b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:53:31	954.671
-108	80344	4017200	e66a3cdd-f19e-4b69-b5e9-bc7f8c722935	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:04:50	-457.528
-109	40173	4017300	c9751a83-19f9-40fc-8595-ca509867fe41	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:55:37	-5.541
-109	80346	4017300	7106430f-eaf4-4b3b-90e0-003173399581	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:34:35	-289.287
-110	40174	4017400	276407c0-3132-4f05-a5bc-fae144149827	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:08:17	-491.941
-110	80348	4017400	b7adfa61-9116-4a25-b707-5d0d79625d24	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:42:20	-161.709
-111	40175	4017500	f0333c38-cb10-4df8-b13d-9f2c42b7e520	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:22:35	187.485
-111	80350	4017500	5454ee77-651b-4808-839c-a21381684ca0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:07:32	-732.27
-112	40176	4017600	22e9d32f-23a5-4db3-a903-f268aa9009b2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:44:07	-773.588
-112	80352	4017600	5f596056-8cd1-4901-8cd3-e83e92c68a66	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:25:44	-539.108
-113	40177	4017700	6fb21d96-1fcb-4619-931e-4830d7c6874d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:51:30	-431.885
-113	80354	4017700	defc1e56-bc4d-4144-a2ed-2f2488b3de85	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:59:20	-446.546
-114	40178	4017800	7eb05cc0-0da3-4d08-b34e-2a1350a939f0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:53:56	300.651
-114	80356	4017800	9d3e4df6-31c4-432f-b462-b6244965a56e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:13:28	-583.530
-115	40179	4017900	dd2b0c9b-78be-401c-af5c-1bce8df6cda3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:12:15	280.196
-115	80358	4017900	624344f7-2de2-4ae3-87ac-f8edbd6bf628	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:07:24	-213.684
-116	40180	4018000	77a78525-0308-4ff7-92a8-cfad53e9ecd8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:55:59	26.136
-116	80360	4018000	631c1a83-fdbe-48c7-9e04-6e1839ccd405	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:38:22	-348.279
-117	40181	4018100	31d661ca-a474-4dc3-b2b0-6ee3ea3f7823	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:20:45	498.400
-117	80362	4018100	378a17b0-a104-48d2-8a17-859a08780dd9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:39:18	-567.345
-118	40182	4018200	84a87b16-6157-4fb2-b888-9a9e6422cd99	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:36:46	-799.349
-118	80364	4018200	8bc79018-85a8-4868-88c5-1358bc97f479	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:35:13	-997.617
-119	40183	4018300	32040440-a447-4cdd-9468-2253a2ec8d16	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:44:02	595.514
-119	80366	4018300	eea967c8-8e02-4d6e-83a5-a647d7f47d7d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:02:42	-385.526
-120	40184	4018400	5c22b075-8c27-4a38-80fe-c01b6c27a4c4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:50:22	-310.786
-120	80368	4018400	5fea0017-e69d-44bd-b7db-b26420cb5743	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:45:18	-549.476
-121	40185	4018500	b1fe5630-1310-4c94-bf80-fe48f86e602f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:59:45	670.634
-121	80370	4018500	5b034c6b-22af-46ed-b1be-073bf170870a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:29:15	-454.977
-122	40186	4018600	d6c87848-e50f-4a5a-9c0f-706d9db3305e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:33:17	-678.281
-122	80372	4018600	4cadfb55-7f0c-4775-8807-28d702acee40	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:34:08	-900.757
-123	40187	4018700	00846041-b58e-4d8f-a01b-dbd6a4c19917	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:10:18	-251.598
-123	80374	4018700	cff66100-888e-4fcd-853d-872e5ad361f9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:01:16	-72.219
-124	40188	4018800	1ed91374-30e0-41cb-9e44-da1aa4ba9646	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:17:01	882.716
-124	80376	4018800	0bcb30ee-359b-4051-aa56-e3ed979fe9f1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:47:08	-562.898
-125	40189	4018900	3d5aa070-8378-46c5-8317-74916fc40708	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:34:24	931.28
-125	80378	4018900	f5e62c3a-f323-49fc-b726-61f17402a685	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:15:02	212.137
-126	40190	4019000	63636063-0c7c-4223-9847-34e9934efcd2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:45:05	-301.309
-126	80380	4019000	aa9a5f40-dd3a-46ca-8ab7-c1c025c90840	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:23:48	41.356
-127	40191	4019100	8df5bcea-2fbf-4640-a26b-bfbce6ba76b3	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:29:57	867.514
-127	80382	4019100	fe3c560c-9aa8-405d-ad29-79fbe68e19f1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:50:00	-297.922
-0	40192	4019200	ae526c8f-68e6-4126-89fe-7b38bbb5dddc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:10:40	986.700
-0	80384	4019200	0287f120-e88a-4017-94c0-1ac86c117f87	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:12:17	-800.825
-1	40193	4019300	97d714d1-61ed-4df7-a626-53124e7f6477	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:38:36	-351.640
-1	80386	4019300	07a5fca7-25cd-4ca4-bae2-6a6f4ff1ad94	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:30:27	293.140
-2	40194	4019400	fe7dbdc1-e8fb-4ee7-be66-9b2aae441e59	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:06:05	-629.294
-2	80388	4019400	6f162cf8-dd01-46df-9248-7928e4bd315d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:22:59	-449.937
-3	40195	4019500	b8012941-f641-4d5c-94fe-2b620ed72f7b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:45:08	374.844
-3	80390	4019500	0f04f6a1-e27d-4ba3-852c-6da63aace8e1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:30:58	-195.810
-4	40196	4019600	c3ffe188-2d14-4ba3-a600-659c452e0a14	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:29:21	505.247
-4	80392	4019600	2b43faee-d76e-4005-ac2d-6cca2e095219	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:15:35	360.620
-5	40197	4019700	afe873d3-1a70-4fe7-b651-9ad27fc9e3a2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:06:18	569.227
-5	80394	4019700	49d42e06-0cfb-404a-93a8-b0665933a17d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:21:26	-927.261
-6	40198	4019800	617657cf-eebb-4a6d-bddd-f59eb862ba2d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:35:00	-786.897
-6	80396	4019800	1cbbbb31-c70f-494a-9c11-bdb0ba1b037d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:01:05	-264.694
-7	40199	4019900	48c6c608-6b7e-4262-93a5-5e5562681957	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:20:57	-479.783
-7	80398	4019900	730dc56d-f674-44dc-9bc3-700d7cfa270d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:32:55	-163.98
-8	40200	4020000	e66844b1-a9c6-4981-876b-265fa56110b5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:04:36	701.653
-8	80400	4020000	a5e03712-01b4-4060-a4bb-bdbc61bac45c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:57:08	450.48
-9	40201	4020100	f44120ea-2987-432d-a3f8-6ec310a52170	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:28:12	910.310
-9	80402	4020100	4d9facd5-be43-4464-b630-29f9ed4a0128	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:10:29	402.353
-10	40202	4020200	0d587b2d-a35a-4bd8-85a0-3f524bd44370	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:32:25	904.725
-10	80404	4020200	36f1bee4-8233-427a-ac4c-7df021083927	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:10:50	-409.991
-11	40203	4020300	8e9ba979-aee3-4865-beb7-702225262205	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:34:22	826.150
-11	80406	4020300	8da4ce4b-02b1-4998-a547-033a30ef8e63	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:53:59	207.959
-12	40204	4020400	b09d8c71-4597-4f1d-8509-d9114d7c1135	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:58:24	642.428
-12	80408	4020400	122e6bda-dc05-4ea3-9d2c-8d9cd8170b35	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:40:42	322.446
-13	40205	4020500	24591157-d3ad-4dcd-a53e-83e3d3b3052a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:28:08	-21.703
-13	80410	4020500	768d16b8-b289-4bea-9513-d1a89a39acc8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:09:19	-763.423
-14	40206	4020600	646e7def-59ff-49b4-b19b-c6321817f907	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:52:26	72.274
-14	80412	4020600	a1ea5d4e-dfe2-404a-9326-dca8cd171280	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:29:43	733.678
-15	40207	4020700	b660e8c7-be63-44cb-adc9-8731d52a4e9e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:31:15	-826.422
-15	80414	4020700	7942dc90-90e2-4e2f-9340-6434c6f3a6ec	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:42:42	665.901
-16	40208	4020800	ff770420-0adb-41aa-9fd3-e9eb2364d23d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:01:27	-223.203
-16	80416	4020800	4b41a13f-4335-4d94-8c8e-d8ed3f09dda1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:32:43	553.902
-17	40209	4020900	0e58af63-3448-43e1-b82e-0b8df2f3d6f9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:15:15	-828.10
-17	80418	4020900	85b91116-e3d9-48e1-beea-ed7b8e2194a5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:30:32	888.929
-18	40210	4021000	da641e27-2525-46f2-977c-3c88421ae3b7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:00:46	954.379
-18	80420	4021000	67c8b23c-3b63-4307-bc62-2f4a23974dd2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:59:39	-609.38
-19	40211	4021100	5acb344e-89aa-4fe7-89dc-b03a3815696d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:51:58	-262.778
-19	80422	4021100	840b874a-ac49-4650-b44c-35cfbb7e5702	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:43:59	393.667
-20	40212	4021200	071537dd-1c54-4b87-8c18-5ffb2977edf6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:54:49	-867.812
-20	80424	4021200	9977fc3e-a587-40fc-a081-1ae85b142e14	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:45:59	831.251
-21	40213	4021300	4208871f-0f1b-4b71-a6f0-a8d83b6d0264	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:25:43	203.742
-21	80426	4021300	cfcc289b-1ee3-4f8e-9467-72a02841cfec	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:41:51	38.855
-22	40214	4021400	adf7c5dd-7261-4e05-8614-dd895caf7a7c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:51:20	-864.820
-22	80428	4021400	38d9629f-33b9-48e9-822a-323500277bbe	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:52:33	960.93
-23	40215	4021500	64bedabd-3002-4d50-85ab-6b6154304493	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:31:36	-633.946
-23	80430	4021500	eff875b8-d5ff-4c93-a16a-6e6057dd7e03	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:34:01	71.537
-24	40216	4021600	c626e009-cc44-4681-a2dd-7e38e76dfb30	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:28:46	-842.883
-24	80432	4021600	41bd4f36-97c3-490a-87ae-fb6b45ff9305	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:36:33	330.375
-25	40217	4021700	876865e6-cdda-4932-88e4-ffc87d762aa6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:43:13	145.162
-25	80434	4021700	8f9154ee-3334-4365-b2e5-dc80a77f2c88	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:43:14	749.741
-26	40218	4021800	84a037e0-e39c-4aad-8682-908d654c2049	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:57:46	519.6
-26	80436	4021800	739d54be-0d91-4902-87e3-cd41e9ec7115	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:51:57	-291.576
-27	40219	4021900	f0202bfe-eb48-4585-8217-ab22c73241d7	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:22:28	-927.635
-27	80438	4021900	b3871241-2f1f-4fa4-ae73-ba1930723031	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:25:44	182.333
-28	40220	4022000	7c5ecf81-3e2f-428e-aee8-8cab7d8b2823	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:15:56	533.642
-28	80440	4022000	1e84c410-e6a7-49f1-a035-09c1033fa960	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:47:15	412.60
-29	40221	4022100	ba66565f-ff50-4cca-aa90-9280c7fc4859	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:12:06	-192.353
-29	80442	4022100	6910653f-02b9-43a7-805c-cd1e1d7ec984	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:20:18	345.153
-30	40222	4022200	bacf0a77-ca78-483c-b979-c4a1b5924112	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:54:54	401.383
-30	80444	4022200	8db07a91-d3b0-48c1-b5f7-b53302b2a13f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:28:48	-329.63
-31	40223	4022300	e124a6bb-e1d2-43b3-a198-ddf04e7b3253	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:58:41	213.749
-31	80446	4022300	5c44042c-2e67-4798-9d04-695eb5bec3a5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:00:44	287.38
-32	40224	4022400	97d5ffab-fb05-4b46-9100-f9c2acbba46f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:58:03	376.245
-32	80448	4022400	8132e190-3d3c-4c30-9b34-771cfb165c5e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:32:29	520.513
-33	40225	4022500	a4c855cf-490b-45ff-9a3e-2d2c4d5279c4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:54:31	337.793
-33	80450	4022500	b179889d-8aae-4371-907a-a4a3ed19bd5c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:29:59	-320.151
-34	40226	4022600	b0a363dc-56b5-43fa-836a-4406bdb69292	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:28:18	-218.677
-34	80452	4022600	3081762a-e58b-49d5-932a-ba781e2d19be	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:15:10	701.810
-35	40227	4022700	1b96626e-a29a-4ab2-80df-d296971bfc88	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:51:39	-865.925
-35	80454	4022700	8fbef9a8-505b-4ddf-b623-3eb69fa08246	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:42:22	-176.120
-36	40228	4022800	a46e6fb4-7df7-4d56-a05d-fcdbd6c05e05	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:41:32	-31.918
-36	80456	4022800	4e9c06e9-3e0d-45f4-be92-75048187409b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:46:43	295.862
-37	40229	4022900	1259d374-8acf-4f64-9c21-1e8e3aecdd33	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:30:03	319.221
-37	80458	4022900	5da80f7e-5c7d-4737-bd70-ae76baf83e2c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:33:17	264.340
-38	40230	4023000	d64b9a1f-58e4-4f2d-93f7-8f476d566670	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:25:07	-29.820
-38	80460	4023000	1d4a5504-2ed7-45f9-b655-3cc0e7817768	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:55:21	-170.921
-39	40231	4023100	89fa1b34-80ab-497e-9d49-6596032548aa	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:00:28	-839.468
-39	80462	4023100	05dc45e2-8fbd-4051-a9a5-cad5e835aa61	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:56:28	-392.696
-40	40232	4023200	8b77173f-f2e7-405f-ab78-e4d33615fa1a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:39:49	-973.309
-40	80464	4023200	f90994c0-d362-40f1-9124-5117469cbaac	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:46:17	-606.78
-41	40233	4023300	e3a7ca85-9e07-469a-8cc9-7e0ffe5dd97e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:08:12	-354.51
-41	80466	4023300	b47e6eeb-3a8b-4fe1-b92f-c102772d2184	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:18:02	283.292
-42	40234	4023400	21d0d7d3-c808-43b7-bc9e-2dbad64c6a93	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:41:04	-737.153
-42	80468	4023400	528bc835-089f-4706-a3fb-8c1590147af8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:00:54	-673.174
-43	40235	4023500	178b2491-b791-43b8-9d00-beee8794e8e5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:20:05	-950.321
-43	80470	4023500	8b66563f-2f85-492d-90e7-d55ab7be4364	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:01:22	891.372
-44	40236	4023600	f1f0fb75-3d9d-429c-b951-086d4737804f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:20:11	180.116
-44	80472	4023600	be64a0fc-7b94-4573-bb8c-168ab9c4a49b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:38:13	-92.918
-45	40237	4023700	5459c0dd-e684-4a54-9c1f-6e740ffea7f7	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 03:12:54	-649.791
-45	80474	4023700	c137cda7-417d-48c5-b264-f84746d6738b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:06:05	-122.381
-46	40238	4023800	b521bd82-d508-43a5-a367-4126decf2c17	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:34:53	41.582
-46	80476	4023800	b4eaf065-5d3f-49ac-a664-3b518e4f203c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:19:53	-911.34
-47	40239	4023900	a47d0845-8283-47ca-8f6a-deb42926cdf6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:27:01	960.969
-47	80478	4023900	89edb735-42fa-4b71-9059-bce91d07fdc8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:29:35	267.893
-48	40240	4024000	38169180-4910-4417-ae38-e0c8602f8617	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:07:19	964.139
-48	80480	4024000	15ad566f-6643-437d-a008-6e719648f9ae	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:53:34	-533.38
-49	40241	4024100	da0b4b1e-b7d0-4e03-b8da-7ab14b010c42	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:17:45	358.846
-49	80482	4024100	1d0389e0-f3dd-41d4-a178-3f807e056538	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:23:57	720.473
-50	40242	4024200	54317f5b-6e0b-4788-b91f-1fbd2605547d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:43:04	545.494
-50	80484	4024200	70b11d03-0fd7-4aac-bab5-5b1df6be4725	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:13:33	-772.384
-51	40243	4024300	17353df8-7e50-41e5-9b0a-89ae827084eb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:43:57	885.641
-51	80486	4024300	df91d4da-b486-42aa-93b6-02cae26c0d07	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:06:04	-664.10
-52	40244	4024400	6f238bc2-000b-4121-a2d4-3c9dae172c7c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:56:55	-407.677
-52	80488	4024400	4c8ed700-b912-4898-8bcd-e58f7f80967a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:59:44	-713.102
-53	40245	4024500	c6aec1ea-0b2f-48bb-83ac-3f96eba8f039	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:37:16	-995.517
-53	80490	4024500	a4e0559f-81db-4be4-a8bd-6fbe974e9e96	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:38:33	-217.398
-54	40246	4024600	9e6af5a1-e5f2-4632-91ca-c4f84e05fb57	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:44:26	86.976
-54	80492	4024600	ec122b14-e3a7-420a-9bd0-75e11cb32273	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:21:18	333.649
-55	40247	4024700	58ff6d36-8215-465d-993b-7bcf23cf2971	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:15:14	425.165
-55	80494	4024700	a3842e0e-35b6-4df8-b5f1-459d06a658e2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:47:55	-511.54
-56	40248	4024800	7c36b3c1-0797-4ec7-bdf1-6dd9bdea69d3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:00:27	131.137
-56	80496	4024800	4fb9a73a-5654-425e-9756-c3272a810268	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:15:31	4.53
-57	40249	4024900	00ba7406-cfa2-4be0-acb9-90fbb357a3f1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:26:25	-360.889
-57	80498	4024900	5de1cd5c-fa08-4c4a-bd3a-71a1093efab8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:07:36	-609.595
-58	40250	4025000	2f9ec21e-4aa3-49bc-81d8-3df3fa30ec9a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:50:08	22.270
-58	80500	4025000	36acc85b-7247-4823-b159-54fff3433dc2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:31:12	-130.943
-59	40251	4025100	96b84422-7b1c-4317-850c-843427d196c9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:42:21	275.989
-59	80502	4025100	de501f54-6aca-40c9-9d79-1ee763b9cca3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:40:49	279.612
-60	40252	4025200	3b4c4c6c-d87c-4637-8ff0-587dff6e012b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:07:43	583.524
-60	80504	4025200	effceb3a-86e2-410b-a6ae-de4d839bcab1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:56:07	38.660
-61	40253	4025300	1bb3a51f-f979-4b0c-9639-41c011a827f5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:03:37	-722.524
-61	80506	4025300	26eda592-cadb-40a9-829c-3a9e2e57d72f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:49:05	277.605
-62	40254	4025400	f34a75e0-645b-4a63-869d-d0165d0dc8ec	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:28:16	656.691
-62	80508	4025400	88191f6e-89d1-4603-b04a-3f124218f3f5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:17:41	-130.464
-63	40255	4025500	4ae523cc-86ea-4f3b-8d8b-cb114a926714	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:23:30	285.210
-63	80510	4025500	7506f882-6639-42ae-a96a-6a85de1da319	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:21:51	886.997
-64	40256	4025600	b7889094-8475-4b42-aea0-057513c83e28	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:28:55	-665.217
-64	80512	4025600	998d84ea-d6b8-40f2-a1ff-e9648809fadf	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:18:25	-592.605
-65	40257	4025700	9725516e-a631-4954-a1aa-c310f06ba293	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:43:27	63.4
-65	80514	4025700	edaffbb2-79ec-4eb7-be15-c552c668200e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:20:19	-544.72
-66	40258	4025800	020b342e-ca90-4fce-a170-7e1366bac537	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:50:06	181.669
-66	80516	4025800	f39461a7-5d25-4f2a-aaec-3699da734dc6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:56:06	-658.816
-67	40259	4025900	765c73b2-7d08-41bf-a7cd-cdfd337f7677	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:24:02	867.92
-67	80518	4025900	adbd2bb7-efd9-4bb6-bb6b-41012e3f600e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:30:59	-821.381
-68	40260	4026000	cfd0f4cf-403d-4ec1-b53f-3d4f49e37b3c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:39:17	394.448
-68	80520	4026000	712d98ab-9968-491c-8201-22860ab524ee	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:24:27	-859.335
-69	40261	4026100	dc2ae3de-537e-4b97-843c-34286aecb4b9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:04:09	314.174
-69	80522	4026100	b8f52a88-93fe-403a-896a-35155da4a780	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:35:00	-282.45
-70	40262	4026200	93095a2b-c502-40e1-a521-b7766bda4fea	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:01:47	-374.864
-70	80524	4026200	56feab9c-e4e5-4859-af45-1a5bca00886b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:18:15	-541.589
-71	40263	4026300	35ed410b-fedc-4c96-962a-2808c8098c26	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:50:33	815.764
-71	80526	4026300	5cf8b5ee-5004-46aa-870d-15ef3f1b989e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:13:15	-740.25
-72	40264	4026400	0d00031f-57d8-4347-945f-e34c1f80442a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:08:31	460.191
-72	80528	4026400	79157492-ef84-409f-a752-4db4468036e7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:53:58	-13.216
-73	40265	4026500	8c61f2b5-db1c-4d06-99d8-bfde32622604	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:44:04	324.953
-73	80530	4026500	e9eb5809-6907-4abc-b289-fd0335bd729b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:33:57	-222.994
-74	40266	4026600	3bc002e2-186b-4b4a-82d7-8b2357394dbe	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:40:02	-900.44
-74	80532	4026600	a926aed9-3744-4c5f-901b-5283ad0dc788	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:45:59	-257.850
-75	40267	4026700	314cd529-a8e5-4785-8d6c-2ab97373ecff	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:17:28	757.379
-75	80534	4026700	f775e420-6bba-41b8-8b4f-783f6a8526df	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:28:58	60.593
-76	40268	4026800	92f4aef9-43ca-4ea3-83ca-51851874c331	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:47:08	-653.298
-76	80536	4026800	28ca1ff9-5c50-4075-8604-ec8b0292f4cb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:45:25	-931.365
-77	40269	4026900	d11759df-e4b4-422c-86c8-aeb614cc3702	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:00:43	884.379
-77	80538	4026900	bf3c1ee7-cf51-4372-a62a-4c6b0fd922f9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:38:32	342.821
-78	40270	4027000	447e933d-1f14-4a80-921a-7789a982ab61	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:14:08	-403.186
-78	80540	4027000	ea25fae1-0093-4691-93fc-e602271c31ce	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:21:38	-460.820
-79	40271	4027100	b8f40561-0023-4653-ba57-981a32a31dfb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:38:53	-815.179
-79	80542	4027100	495b9a15-c73d-4ef9-a9e3-873fbc9a7a9b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:22:28	465.986
-80	40272	4027200	c91d961c-fa7f-499c-b892-9e421532d373	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:45:59	-282.644
-80	80544	4027200	845af56b-e4f2-4bff-904e-79b4edd5eb7b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:22:31	82.253
-81	40273	4027300	f86fe3d5-9f10-4163-9c97-92c14aefb0ad	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:00:50	-943.842
-81	80546	4027300	0277c61d-ff5c-49e8-bb19-101f0680e10f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:36:52	366.466
-82	40274	4027400	79641ad3-ddb3-4dca-8d27-63309e1cde85	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:50:26	278.843
-82	80548	4027400	813deede-6226-4f7b-8766-df1e074edb9a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:12:27	-822.161
-83	40275	4027500	65a7cfec-7eb6-458c-b560-c49b3720453e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:13:04	-160.309
-83	80550	4027500	4c09210b-2001-4889-93eb-f5bc87103972	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:09:49	-727.71
-84	40276	4027600	3019ac55-ab04-40ab-8336-57207344615a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:38:28	748.789
-84	80552	4027600	87ed954e-f7ea-4c23-8b69-d1590fc75658	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:52:18	237.508
-85	40277	4027700	eaa8ea7e-a579-429d-8637-1a146bf8a02a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:12:41	-497.404
-85	80554	4027700	2521f3d4-23fb-4ccb-b5cd-778ca71f4dd1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:22:56	-937.391
-86	40278	4027800	55e62380-392d-4dee-beb5-d33d38410963	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:20:50	-682.5
-86	80556	4027800	1126c16c-6ad3-4693-b0cd-7017c0b6f3e1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:41:08	456.177
-87	40279	4027900	145d3bcb-5c7b-4e5b-bfe9-8b2560acd3cf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:03:42	-694.269
-87	80558	4027900	b7c537db-e035-41ac-9066-1d832aec84e9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:34:59	-266.611
-88	40280	4028000	087e3097-5eb0-4349-94ad-5ec7263d73c8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:03:56	211.590
-88	80560	4028000	935feff9-9d3b-4ab5-b619-d4d751e8881e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:01:38	323.564
-89	40281	4028100	71566eb0-4f24-49dc-b60c-912dac1739b4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:11:34	661.27
-89	80562	4028100	3de78274-4560-4e69-8259-bc4267c9e6e5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:20:57	340.711
-90	40282	4028200	9c5c6f24-6817-4bac-8273-771006dfda34	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:33:39	-859.56
-90	80564	4028200	c78cf33c-2616-43e9-b3ca-fb4332b143b1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:42:26	228.682
-91	40283	4028300	f1f4eae3-e436-4782-abaf-01b1780e5214	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:56:27	880.328
-91	80566	4028300	94ae3cff-4b3d-4a6e-8400-1397c45e29ac	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:51:40	988.5
-92	40284	4028400	83cf7b62-7bdb-45cb-b2c9-e1406680dfbb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:24:11	95.593
-92	80568	4028400	81c9937c-e4fc-455e-92ba-535c0bb5e976	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:51:18	-561.418
-93	40285	4028500	43c78174-e535-4e46-9a58-f085122e5830	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:14:46	-136.93
-93	80570	4028500	fa146dfa-4afd-4297-9902-0ede62eb06ff	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:47:39	-944.554
-94	40286	4028600	f24e5a8f-7abc-4678-86d1-58a0a5c15be9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:09:13	-98.951
-94	80572	4028600	a42b784f-b5c1-4b4d-8437-56b3c89bebcc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:16:06	338.341
-95	40287	4028700	05b77082-0225-4469-a54d-ae4df7d09380	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:29:19	230.530
-95	80574	4028700	80c38d51-ff47-4bd6-ae8f-93ee23a4e2f7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:14:38	42.964
-96	40288	4028800	0947d942-c323-4681-aa6e-754720dec686	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:55:20	-526.88
-96	80576	4028800	67f8f430-846b-41b0-ad0f-4cc7e7f9afc2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:36:54	-940.182
-97	40289	4028900	7dadf8b9-49f2-4500-a12f-39a82c7da56f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:11:17	-54.709
-97	80578	4028900	47ce08d5-e7e5-491e-b425-6f01339febac	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:20:01	-519.199
-98	40290	4029000	4f2b7b8e-d141-4ee9-bd70-415282b5376e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:25:29	-25.950
-98	80580	4029000	73364423-a6c8-4e0e-8ea9-c3180e9f1b5d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:36:47	949.163
-99	40291	4029100	408eb1a7-e380-4ef9-bb95-b6e82b96376d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 15:58:46	-699.487
-99	80582	4029100	55f3dc25-2283-4e9a-8f73-d825395e6530	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:42:25	-557.398
-100	40292	4029200	d9c0a4da-9597-4d12-affa-914de346d102	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:54:05	392.300
-100	80584	4029200	3251ea9b-16df-4de5-85f6-2ab3adc5b5d4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:52:55	-11.26
-101	40293	4029300	7d9e074c-2f57-4ef2-9d7d-6249b7681bb3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:42:18	299.392
-101	80586	4029300	1ba182d5-ce6e-4d88-b729-176bfbca0ab0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:36:10	-523.327
-102	40294	4029400	4cace314-b7e5-4903-833f-318395b584a6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:41:58	45.200
-102	80588	4029400	e9630f51-a0bf-4bee-bbf7-14c75aa2804a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:36:33	-85.252
-103	40295	4029500	6c3608b7-1e12-4084-b2f2-d6bcd25f53e2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:53:53	-577.225
-103	80590	4029500	e9294727-eab9-48dd-a071-51750ea98899	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:10:38	-344.667
-104	40296	4029600	a3edd898-4a7d-4839-b190-5f7e94f3e1b6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:02:33	-494.426
-104	80592	4029600	a6f49000-e4ab-453d-8cb4-96403ed514ad	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:05:50	173.663
-105	40297	4029700	e636b3cb-1cc6-4d0f-ab99-12c30d844493	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:43:28	-849.240
-105	80594	4029700	9e13d4f6-2ff7-405c-8dc1-b79c017098d6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:24:20	-101.886
-106	40298	4029800	2721d87c-9480-4f2e-bc88-d0b2f2fe1334	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:43:23	30.592
-106	80596	4029800	b6bc1a2b-4550-4f36-bda9-d05b299d3ab1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:47:17	-602.620
-107	40299	4029900	51b805e6-b050-42a1-9621-bb96fdc0bd6b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:30:12	-152.332
-107	80598	4029900	b0b7840f-c9cc-4f76-9b32-7b19c4b4ff96	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:42:50	219.912
-108	40300	4030000	45afdb89-bccf-41b1-bcde-5442840399e9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:07:14	855.968
-108	80600	4030000	b042a287-3185-48ce-8c6b-1b2ff37cee6f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:25:30	-100.842
-109	40301	4030100	2d2ca726-e1ae-4013-afb9-e082dcc89a86	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:53:39	464.520
-109	80602	4030100	9cffd3b1-b273-4a0e-8e36-2ca24ddda1ff	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:17:46	63.202
-110	40302	4030200	4881621e-18bc-469b-bc08-3a9d39b5cca1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:34:56	294.823
-110	80604	4030200	a8ff7510-aa16-4095-a72c-c2aea855b3fb	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:30:55	664.956
-111	40303	4030300	32c65ce2-7c7f-458e-9dd7-cbda61d14701	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:22:49	485.44
-111	80606	4030300	d269a903-865a-4510-83cd-d39cd4d726cf	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:00:34	83.167
-112	40304	4030400	9ad0d9f7-2e1f-4a78-88f5-40f88260d9ac	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:53:39	-257.772
-112	80608	4030400	51bb4a98-dcb3-421d-8086-f2ff42274d4e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:54:39	369.24
-113	40305	4030500	72b02b48-1055-45a6-80b4-83ef762020d5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:00:34	198.239
-113	80610	4030500	a9d77bad-4b39-4e17-997b-5481e9349fe3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:36:34	403.658
-114	40306	4030600	54eb0cde-9339-4663-ac43-48711ef97991	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:42:48	622.165
-114	80612	4030600	129862d1-e486-4763-8faf-7e3437e61eaa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:57:26	-183.49
-115	40307	4030700	151d7d5a-851a-4346-9664-36eb99563b16	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:02:52	-257.938
-115	80614	4030700	b8b75641-b464-4b03-a3b3-0e64e219d9f7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:41:19	378.459
-116	40308	4030800	3b24aeab-fd8a-4f50-85d7-dede6ba17462	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:51:36	-828.707
-116	80616	4030800	fba10bfd-157f-423a-9814-f0866696ce55	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:04:23	892.142
-117	40309	4030900	1d9a4f67-99c7-4ed6-afa3-360d71ad1a2b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:48:32	532.169
-117	80618	4030900	f151d37f-f5d6-42e2-98d3-13048c99bb98	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:05:23	-128.641
-118	40310	4031000	ad866b9b-2ab2-40e5-9c34-c5070b955030	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:22:00	-273.485
-118	80620	4031000	1fffcbd5-e1c0-4455-8937-4dd813ed8b8c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:17:25	825.190
-119	40311	4031100	e0c19edb-4835-425e-8aff-3468c372ddab	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:51:12	527.718
-119	80622	4031100	ab358c66-397a-4e2d-9062-b55961f73a2b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:58:28	979.388
-120	40312	4031200	cbe46a9c-76fd-4462-b9a0-e267913398e8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:30:44	854.358
-120	80624	4031200	c74e110e-4759-44c4-ad00-ae78d93a68be	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:24:30	692.227
-121	40313	4031300	51b4ab2a-7de5-4d43-a6ed-87b42d52cc29	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:30:22	86.169
-121	80626	4031300	9172dae9-6a81-4ceb-af5d-a664ce0b9dc3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:02:07	949.127
-122	40314	4031400	a26d9528-d26b-493c-8fd5-6d9e7736c83b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:53:38	-699.950
-122	80628	4031400	ccbc2faa-339e-45e9-866e-c1652dca81f4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:26:09	625.322
-123	40315	4031500	5ec216c7-4cc4-434d-a0c0-9277f5d943e8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:15:30	877.547
-123	80630	4031500	8e620746-55e2-4a6b-8d68-74726165b78b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:13:27	297.494
-124	40316	4031600	a8e43db8-23b2-438e-aeed-a665aa5d5f14	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:09:21	-822.276
-124	80632	4031600	f606e8f1-a97c-4b4e-99fc-9307f47ebd62	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:09:04	-18.599
-125	40317	4031700	99ed4c5b-1cdf-47a8-a32d-ca6e1ff7c00e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:16:26	-214.226
-125	80634	4031700	f661d624-1793-461e-b60f-04702665845e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:04:53	834.810
-126	40318	4031800	30a57dc7-d774-4bdf-aa3c-c9c2035b281e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:36:52	526.432
-126	80636	4031800	9d2d3d61-4777-4057-92ac-631e3b395978	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:32:06	887.385
-127	40319	4031900	f9d5eaf3-19c2-4272-b0b4-208e3421cd64	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:41:00	564.944
-127	80638	4031900	e5e60ca3-3ccd-4dcd-b585-6a6ac631c6e6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:37:23	-65.127
-0	40320	4032000	6c0842d0-cb7e-49da-bdad-c46a260c2d19	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:43:41	82.906
-0	80640	4032000	9d82cdbc-0be0-4bca-8a6e-14a98fa512ec	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:57:30	316.280
-1	40321	4032100	d7531b7a-4c4f-428c-989f-2a22f15e97df	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:20:16	-948.751
-1	80642	4032100	ef0c8a5f-ae85-4242-9522-0f0b6db77c31	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:22:43	329.843
-2	40322	4032200	4bf4c4d9-203a-4c37-ae3c-bd26078ed833	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:22:17	559.21
-2	80644	4032200	c737fb0c-1cec-4726-ba95-be8677505562	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:11:03	850.5
-3	40323	4032300	8be1295a-f9fb-4b32-a0a8-635883bd67e8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:39:49	59.658
-3	80646	4032300	6eeb9033-d9fc-4b08-8af4-1b59b6fa20e9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:44:14	663.614
-4	40324	4032400	688802cf-2b2c-4a9e-adbb-8a6b8bdbe357	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:03:16	-781.340
-4	80648	4032400	f481e0f2-3fb6-45a7-88ff-2c6b55c73a2a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:33:19	-259.650
-5	40325	4032500	35dcf816-eeaa-45c3-a8be-0cf2b8510d03	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:13:08	872.828
-5	80650	4032500	b617c2fe-ccb2-42f8-aedb-0b12dcd59393	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:00:15	5.648
-6	40326	4032600	bcd7aa35-3e8f-4bad-afcb-56ae8c9ed5bd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:43:59	486.580
-6	80652	4032600	8435d8f8-b98f-4e23-a321-ec6a3ffcfe2b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:36:04	162.473
-7	40327	4032700	00c35451-889e-436d-8292-f89f6eb45117	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:45:21	-960.389
-7	80654	4032700	47ad8d53-143c-461e-b952-56ffce4ae2b5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:56:45	-108.832
-8	40328	4032800	1dd0ad30-3dac-4ddb-9a8e-5d9c4617feac	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:37:06	693.641
-8	80656	4032800	b1add772-d1d0-4a81-8701-84c85182113d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:43:30	-722.637
-9	40329	4032900	88dd42b8-ec7d-46cc-93f6-b39980e72e9a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:26:01	-316.84
-9	80658	4032900	05b2dd71-ba24-4a24-a9af-f8637af4dd09	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:47:39	-771.976
-10	40330	4033000	d019beaf-1ae9-445f-bcea-2fa925c6e813	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:54:40	681.682
-10	80660	4033000	3cf0825d-b458-4950-a818-ffe02f120cc8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:33:19	405.391
-11	40331	4033100	b86e4990-e472-41ab-85bc-92feb659f209	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:45:35	396.665
-11	80662	4033100	c0b902fb-b559-4b7e-a343-0e72210dc751	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:43:40	-205.556
-12	40332	4033200	1ac4edb3-90c1-4484-a266-885f103c2e35	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:57:01	-634.422
-12	80664	4033200	7638b94a-f803-4671-ad04-d26b18ba04cf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:06:11	-58.588
-13	40333	4033300	726f6521-21e7-4fba-8ba2-da340c6b3ed1	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:50:55	-559.999
-13	80666	4033300	ed47b34f-0153-4044-b13a-679a41718320	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:37:38	-183.779
-14	40334	4033400	b4479761-eee0-4b0a-a6b6-13923ef5180f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:00:55	8.649
-14	80668	4033400	9e973883-1a28-4b9f-9218-6b8520861e74	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:32:37	-193.349
-15	40335	4033500	94755c3c-b8b3-423c-a819-184d2229308a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:17:52	-830.424
-15	80670	4033500	2dc1e8e4-7a39-4d69-a057-5e95e3e10493	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:00:45	-906.244
-16	40336	4033600	8ee40cea-7963-42fd-a428-a185a8a73453	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:18:14	156.975
-16	80672	4033600	17e5be8f-b392-42df-941d-a63f0361ba19	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:29:38	-693.921
-17	40337	4033700	fb789696-c42b-4e75-b7e7-40356d0c5968	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:12:32	-258.448
-17	80674	4033700	25959492-e010-4a9a-bf5d-02999409e0f0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:55:22	-696.41
-18	40338	4033800	b5da6839-8430-4a52-8795-abeb6dc1c34f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:17:19	263.778
-18	80676	4033800	a1bfc49b-5f85-4854-9f8f-8cd9184d7b8b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:20:21	-931.879
-19	40339	4033900	fad56129-f023-454d-a104-d9a9513d4956	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:56:20	187.17
-19	80678	4033900	bdd28c9c-545d-4ef0-88dd-06b93ae9304a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:35:11	839.689
-20	40340	4034000	c4338061-ebdd-48c9-bbd9-872967c34731	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:18:47	797.524
-20	80680	4034000	95ce1cc2-02f7-4b1f-a6f7-3de9b58d7d9e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:33:57	29.748
-21	40341	4034100	73cb763f-1a86-4bd8-a513-c383ef51cf55	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:50:16	462.466
-21	80682	4034100	76174caf-1a61-4a50-9a1e-8373ac58eb30	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:33:05	-455.962
-22	40342	4034200	f26eb82e-6259-405c-a3b1-38c485c53f4f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:37:31	225.475
-22	80684	4034200	a9396c3d-3ea9-4eff-b2b2-7fa238a2ea07	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:40:57	-487.655
-23	40343	4034300	56737967-fcb2-48b1-a26b-09eb5c821f34	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:36:00	-791.990
-23	80686	4034300	6167abbc-1300-4b18-a4a4-e3bae555d817	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:10:51	594.460
-24	40344	4034400	2e0e0f9f-fb1d-4fd4-85d0-f7d4eb02d0b4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:18:07	-784.257
-24	80688	4034400	39d4f19b-46dd-45cb-a778-666aaed459d3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:03:11	428.178
-25	40345	4034500	2319404c-ed07-44ef-b4f1-489290383aa1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:07:54	908.180
-25	80690	4034500	03bda5a7-e774-4cf9-ba59-88bc9c5aaf6e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:44:04	411.881
-26	40346	4034600	316860c2-21f0-41ad-aa09-dcdb332f3e72	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:45:59	-736.356
-26	80692	4034600	724cfce3-7e43-42bb-bf18-af610583404b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:26:37	-818.540
-27	40347	4034700	388cab69-2e61-40d5-b56a-145c1062bea8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:04:35	29.728
-27	80694	4034700	bc01c974-bb5b-43bb-8524-7864055b17b3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:35:43	142.5
-28	40348	4034800	ea0f7f78-9555-445c-a1e2-5eb47fb19b23	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:01:17	700.636
-28	80696	4034800	125afa5d-994b-4f9a-b68c-1231686e7b5b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:17:45	-945.149
-29	40349	4034900	3fb041a1-a16c-45ec-82a5-3ef8ff6ebc43	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:41:06	467.409
-29	80698	4034900	b03af0ae-da56-4137-b08a-5185b237c19c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:16:52	68.132
-30	40350	4035000	b7c1f464-da46-4e26-b769-62fa3ca6d52d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:40:39	-691.743
-30	80700	4035000	21396c9d-3336-4b18-876a-5232ae76efff	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:52:09	886.565
-31	40351	4035100	745f8512-be32-4168-9fd9-3c97750cab32	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:27:31	-224.907
-31	80702	4035100	ff8b41fa-704d-4fdb-8bcf-31dcdc1165f1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:57:19	465.704
-32	40352	4035200	5e6db368-59c8-4e0a-90c8-f45a43baeef0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:35:09	-225.470
-32	80704	4035200	344731a1-cf26-4c2b-834d-424d88e98a3e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:50:13	-331.278
-33	40353	4035300	157f7c96-3f74-45eb-8913-6eabdbaef649	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:08:35	-562.993
-33	80706	4035300	7a112f22-be6c-4e5b-9c96-084d0e4a2844	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:52:37	-179.656
-34	40354	4035400	d405a5fb-4138-45e8-b152-de0e6d18821f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:14:37	70.952
-34	80708	4035400	04c3820e-e7b2-4c97-aaf0-e43bee2e3ed8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:51:13	-586.789
-35	40355	4035500	0b6ce59b-b985-4565-bef8-00ad6d6ee9c3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 09:01:38	-58.670
-35	80710	4035500	245bd302-a73f-47ed-9c45-a14184cec288	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:42:48	506.951
-36	40356	4035600	3adeb149-c32c-429a-8626-e8250f8ab00c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:26:15	-407.929
-36	80712	4035600	66126fc6-6e7c-4c3d-a2b9-aba0ffb338b4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:23:08	721.540
-37	40357	4035700	3068843e-1731-4d7e-aec1-63560f31211a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:33:23	-506.729
-37	80714	4035700	34f4201a-2536-40aa-9078-6f02e3e4de1d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:30:10	-49.447
-38	40358	4035800	0f9f12cd-0c4b-4fe0-a779-3ad0455fb51e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:45:37	-958.189
-38	80716	4035800	a7f33322-7e76-4abb-a349-fac23684eb32	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:11:38	-112.590
-39	40359	4035900	b81b5233-7881-4137-90c6-9b612a532367	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:44:48	-968.803
-39	80718	4035900	e93c792d-7bba-40a1-870f-e6037751b392	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:43:18	272.522
-40	40360	4036000	5856fa1b-bcb9-4787-a594-8293a9a6b4e3	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:16:30	-48.198
-40	80720	4036000	0d2735e6-cc6b-46e3-9852-490048451da5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:51:26	432.119
-41	40361	4036100	59aa9874-246e-4743-8c49-4535d3f57257	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:35:07	-696.239
-41	80722	4036100	b087d635-d18e-4d34-a48e-0b7b707eb837	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:38:49	-206.453
-42	40362	4036200	c63a4758-552d-4c32-8ada-158d997de954	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:01:21	351.636
-42	80724	4036200	2ed23cc4-dffa-4455-9acf-a065366a6d33	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:31:11	237.90
-43	40363	4036300	ab2277f7-2bae-4ef0-907c-a3009625e43d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:09:56	-295.42
-43	80726	4036300	e50e0d70-370e-4d40-b3f2-7be64de6dff6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:58:00	105.918
-44	40364	4036400	4eacd1e7-bf84-4d38-8110-cf18c5402e1e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:53:17	684.961
-44	80728	4036400	34bfd049-ca44-4d06-bbd5-1d2e7227ec9a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:59:18	698.415
-45	40365	4036500	e81f3546-80bb-474a-a12c-b69e5bfc610b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:28:15	-911.641
-45	80730	4036500	de84c20b-2d27-4daf-b93c-6f4dbd172d84	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:53:48	-243.230
-46	40366	4036600	c487f09e-2678-4847-8e26-d2a4e52ae69c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:42:39	-477.628
-46	80732	4036600	c120b427-92c9-482d-8907-f4dcf6b5784d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:40:34	348.294
-47	40367	4036700	33b83193-c6d4-4eb5-8f68-bdb8232628a6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:40:26	109.148
-47	80734	4036700	a62e89c5-0e85-433d-9df6-26cb670bce32	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:36:44	308.610
-48	40368	4036800	2223ad09-61ed-46f6-b297-40ad219b4263	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:25:16	-246.278
-48	80736	4036800	c11365e6-2a74-4283-be75-90962828187f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:38:11	478.260
-49	40369	4036900	f78b1855-505a-4135-9207-c19188ba2997	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:35:56	261.999
-49	80738	4036900	cbbb9f5c-2059-4661-9d5d-080b41abae1f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:09:05	-364.652
-50	40370	4037000	2083c2b8-f5b9-4037-a474-e8f662d9f16f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:20:06	-260.474
-50	80740	4037000	c2015322-67a0-40c3-9bb4-ba7bff7194d0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:55:27	-517.195
-51	40371	4037100	962be270-55c1-485b-b3f3-2287ac744bf1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:16:16	480.483
-51	80742	4037100	ced3ce31-653d-45d0-93df-9259b6670490	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:22:17	-443.543
-52	40372	4037200	87df654e-bb10-4a3f-b12a-ccc19fe0319e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:23:10	378.602
-52	80744	4037200	a98ac202-d533-4767-9692-1313244c31e0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:49:32	-670.945
-53	40373	4037300	56d8b02e-0b2e-4fb6-9461-274423ada63f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:19:48	196.963
-53	80746	4037300	9e8416be-f430-402b-9acc-4effd58e2562	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:43:10	-533.806
-54	40374	4037400	46aa0960-577e-4562-8fff-afe41c73a732	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:55:25	960.668
-54	80748	4037400	831fe31a-32fd-475e-b34f-24c0e901c822	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:30:12	146.896
-55	40375	4037500	e33b13c6-e238-4097-91c7-fbdf51027626	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:24:15	-283.49
-55	80750	4037500	cd7e0f6f-a648-4b90-9f71-cb75a62722bd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:08:30	244.817
-56	40376	4037600	93cdd276-92dd-4d1a-aa76-eaf1349f353f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:47:13	-772.844
-56	80752	4037600	47d374a7-77a5-4a23-8107-4ccbcf8c865c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:48:06	-551.241
-57	40377	4037700	9fcd9037-bfb5-4b54-a68d-27936d3f50f6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:56:50	192.567
-57	80754	4037700	4770a9f6-7dd5-4176-a928-52955f4aaf1a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:09:26	985.353
-58	40378	4037800	a765eed9-8286-4353-9a7c-2f49f51461e6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:27:00	-749.448
-58	80756	4037800	9387921c-6afa-4f80-9af8-c48e397533e1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:28:45	-234.45
-59	40379	4037900	9c5c115c-ae13-4b21-8605-f2f8407aeb27	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:04:40	4.301
-59	80758	4037900	33991d5d-ea34-41e7-bf7c-6016d361912a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:04:49	419.340
-60	40380	4038000	dba4c120-ed9d-4a62-b794-36ba95e26cb4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:12:51	-33.442
-60	80760	4038000	3bd41824-d349-4f66-a3e3-0a3d43af60b8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:41:21	-178.290
-61	40381	4038100	c7c85d4d-6785-4bd2-8d33-9bbc1efe7091	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:05:49	-779.705
-61	80762	4038100	3384f376-3091-4774-a883-c9339f36dc57	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:40:56	25.996
-62	40382	4038200	8151d444-af97-43cf-88b6-766ae3fd4861	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:26:42	841.825
-62	80764	4038200	d05c97e9-58ee-4599-bcd4-cdbfe9eb5c4e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:57:41	786.112
-63	40383	4038300	67abcfea-a1a5-4fcf-ba7a-7a610251dd09	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:32:28	346.587
-63	80766	4038300	243effa6-f2e0-4db3-85d4-1e4e05daad1c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:57:46	963.466
-64	40384	4038400	5a503c78-3c87-4c94-a346-34294e210638	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:57:36	-816.443
-64	80768	4038400	ad075632-7334-418f-a1b3-d73855740a87	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:19:49	568.470
-65	40385	4038500	0224a932-826e-4b37-8523-47729fe09bd9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:55:35	99.651
-65	80770	4038500	dd014a34-0dc5-480b-a131-22b36fbd93f0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:37:53	757.813
-66	40386	4038600	c692a937-6d9e-43f3-94c5-f37d11132f9b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:03:00	-831.304
-66	80772	4038600	d3fc887b-5770-4e1b-ae76-f996291d2981	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:35:20	793.916
-67	40387	4038700	f80b028f-10c3-4b36-aa8a-5faaa132b4be	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:08:01	232.575
-67	80774	4038700	3c8ffbbc-1530-4fc3-8900-dc9660416e16	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:08:20	-647.471
-68	40388	4038800	3811874f-9b50-41fb-8206-665e176a1a57	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:02:02	-555.326
-68	80776	4038800	6064265b-ea55-478c-b851-92844102b482	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:26:28	-817.254
-69	40389	4038900	06313169-2382-42fb-a708-4f43aaa1313f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:34:50	-964.921
-69	80778	4038900	39910d9e-67b1-4c61-a105-0656de214da6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:38:09	355.640
-70	40390	4039000	9b264728-c5b5-4afc-92c9-28118b01f571	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:14:51	-433.975
-70	80780	4039000	9760de9b-4a86-48cd-bc3d-0478e33d6742	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:52:54	866.263
-71	40391	4039100	d7000e5b-5895-48ad-ab3c-3d195a503e70	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:39:04	-175.741
-71	80782	4039100	0edd563f-79cd-4dbd-be2f-cc8e0d7488b4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:27:31	188.534
-72	40392	4039200	a3729070-cc19-496e-8a87-f57168d2ce62	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:12:29	16.327
-72	80784	4039200	12b386bf-b029-4e0f-8159-bfdba67c3a13	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:22:34	716.465
-73	40393	4039300	77a0968f-6af8-46a0-9dfa-0c9c7b0d9c12	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:39:04	12.439
-73	80786	4039300	12cc1207-b658-46d1-995c-e3dce24e235c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:35:24	253.760
-74	40394	4039400	cc6ebbe2-b0ac-4202-b3f8-c59617defbd0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:06:57	-891.329
-74	80788	4039400	4dbfe865-6c1b-4e2b-ab25-c4abdfc55d6b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:44:47	-909.120
-75	40395	4039500	5cc25af7-9a9f-4d12-8fdf-07c257e7ca66	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:11:44	361.49
-75	80790	4039500	ce28df5d-8fde-41c0-8ac2-878ce3708179	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:25:14	-615.453
-76	40396	4039600	09d1b55c-92ec-4166-9d2b-bc2801b8ba90	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:11:03	549.692
-76	80792	4039600	4d144797-181e-4a74-bf8c-31dff86c527d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:55:23	-603.721
-77	40397	4039700	8a208a87-eb47-49a0-9101-4d85e8275cab	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:37:07	944.311
-77	80794	4039700	69de03f1-42bb-428a-b591-fa60d86a4ee8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:54:06	-912.915
-78	40398	4039800	cae5b5f1-9544-45c2-b992-7c57e0d21ce2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:56:57	-705.423
-78	80796	4039800	b42c2e5a-bb62-4eb4-b0cb-3f685d214cd8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:32:42	93.857
-79	40399	4039900	b14855a6-ef5d-4fea-abbf-c611feff557b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:46:57	788.706
-79	80798	4039900	d8da54a9-68ea-4014-9662-70c474f65288	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:44:03	937.240
-80	40400	4040000	ba86b971-151b-4737-a109-6ec7e6f06d31	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:43:08	-128.257
-80	80800	4040000	ca14ffac-344a-4471-b8e9-faeb27027240	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:53:06	567.893
-81	40401	4040100	4372ccbc-0b33-4e54-9c74-eeb7d586f400	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:11:07	-460.147
-81	80802	4040100	2ec49436-0446-4463-9838-01bfaa6b65b1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:37:19	700.537
-82	40402	4040200	863c6654-004c-4d81-9c57-fe778ab13b84	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:52:00	791.871
-82	80804	4040200	6c175e57-f05c-49a7-a8a0-6b0e3e83bfb3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:44:37	548.781
-83	40403	4040300	48b9321a-03d5-4c06-9e4f-3769aa87c12c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:55:18	-992.104
-83	80806	4040300	3d501c92-0159-4d74-8f5a-5a2b999bdc7a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:04:43	-635.973
-84	40404	4040400	04a1937d-ab59-4e46-b9c0-bd36cf67c886	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:29:06	70.789
-84	80808	4040400	b3ca382c-436a-40bc-a9a8-3f49967d4d9b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:39:45	67.425
-85	40405	4040500	a57caa9a-d2e2-468b-9a51-c8292882439d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:29:44	38.709
-85	80810	4040500	178be191-ab63-49c3-bdff-a16e2d13a787	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:28:39	-161.315
-86	40406	4040600	55c5608b-ac4a-444c-a44d-abd57920f543	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:15:43	596.529
-86	80812	4040600	8688de6e-43cf-4d86-b69b-21cf9f064f0b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:52:58	-848.89
-87	40407	4040700	739f63d7-d995-4b83-a922-f45d33f1eff2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:41:48	-79.118
-87	80814	4040700	e95b0a8a-74df-46fe-8d23-c5fe9c3062d0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:32:18	325.109
-88	40408	4040800	e505d139-488e-40a8-b91c-c89eccfb9858	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:54:51	-559.940
-88	80816	4040800	b3f87bf4-32a6-4cde-ade6-929947c05ae4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:29:13	-387.472
-89	40409	4040900	7e33d107-0646-4e8d-9897-2d87545effc9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:14:57	-839.77
-89	80818	4040900	0b0a4f82-fe2e-44cb-8462-045419464d98	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:33:54	198.2
-90	40410	4041000	7cc042c2-ae62-42df-83ae-d6cd7a5a15a4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:13:25	-549.873
-90	80820	4041000	a31e88f1-5eb7-4815-956f-545d622674c4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:28:09	387.617
-91	40411	4041100	cd2eca96-15bf-48f0-a575-0a0b1863160a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:46:23	568.670
-91	80822	4041100	657cb02b-bf0c-4c0c-aeb0-3ffda5c20c75	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:19:15	-680.16
-92	40412	4041200	7019a27e-0011-4f8f-be6e-fc127556fe4e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:02:36	-279.34
-92	80824	4041200	287d7875-356a-4220-bc62-c48ebfba6b1d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:30:43	-739.582
-93	40413	4041300	772b66f4-2b7f-442f-9d09-a64eae5ff33b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:15:09	570.57
-93	80826	4041300	1ab47914-492b-4861-9e92-3f9376b43841	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:24:36	362.93
-94	40414	4041400	234e594d-1647-4f02-8354-7b971ce906dc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:58:33	271.977
-94	80828	4041400	9e6aae2f-32bf-4cf3-8903-403b170947cd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:19:17	318.482
-95	40415	4041500	338c5097-3b77-4ff9-b6ac-fbc401170a12	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:29:02	304.929
-95	80830	4041500	8c7ce913-c3f6-494b-a0f8-d4ba0e5bf413	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:29:36	-345.958
-96	40416	4041600	74be207f-5be1-4f0a-8c83-d28856e00c0f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:44:45	64.77
-96	80832	4041600	c26abb17-1cc2-444e-9940-6bff3cadf9ce	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:18:39	76.532
-97	40417	4041700	8914b0d6-0d21-425a-8bab-c39dfa8b48e0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:19:25	752.947
-97	80834	4041700	4687a778-7478-47f1-9d6b-6eee2c11a39c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:56:14	556.543
-98	40418	4041800	6d59d832-ad26-4a5f-b31a-4eeb910eb814	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:22:17	111.216
-98	80836	4041800	24297a5d-435e-459b-866a-8f2190fdc3cf	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:26:02	-169.577
-99	40419	4041900	f72c64c7-3c89-450b-8f47-4354030bfb6b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:42:06	163.65
-99	80838	4041900	0f2df214-46d8-42a1-82e9-01f0a8c43581	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:07:28	-534.13
-100	40420	4042000	b3151814-ce3f-47a7-a26c-409a24c05efe	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:22:48	648.569
-100	80840	4042000	2badff7c-86f8-4283-9de5-47d37aec4c91	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:26:06	181.397
-101	40421	4042100	9e51beb1-1339-41ad-9fa3-a0085ad6f19b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:20:39	-185.221
-101	80842	4042100	484c981e-446f-46ee-982b-8aec154506ce	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:58:21	-428.457
-102	40422	4042200	ad936476-cbd2-4551-a88e-2ebf981b7438	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:41:55	894.388
-102	80844	4042200	e1efccd1-ef18-4a50-b9cf-de2bc0222d8d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:13:55	-272.11
-103	40423	4042300	cea6950c-2995-4b8c-8aba-752fa429752b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:26:40	479.226
-103	80846	4042300	82964bb1-bb8e-405b-b6b5-9872a1e72025	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:24:48	739.468
-104	40424	4042400	bc8c9178-3ef6-4d04-adb3-f78101d60d00	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:11:33	-456.428
-104	80848	4042400	a7df9f02-a5d0-4fd1-85ed-e6ef133b28b7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:25:18	898.261
-105	40425	4042500	e281e2c4-3765-45be-84f9-aa8bf99cee89	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:31:34	682.164
-105	80850	4042500	f17d6f33-fe78-45a1-a238-998f3110e813	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:01:50	-76.738
-106	40426	4042600	e062a444-d5a9-4465-8712-588a9950ac80	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:55:10	796.851
-106	80852	4042600	f56c8449-a92b-4dd4-90f5-d36fadbc15da	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:45:48	-831.953
-107	40427	4042700	f1f1482c-7ab8-4db1-9a83-499bf449cb06	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:57:50	-562.609
-107	80854	4042700	efcc630a-1554-4cb6-baad-a3c8c163600b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:26:32	780.646
-108	40428	4042800	f1b58f2f-f433-4aa3-b24e-7b41ae9a853f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:25:38	424.214
-108	80856	4042800	8fe8aea1-38d6-4212-9cdf-fc9cf9949c80	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:15:51	-540.104
-109	40429	4042900	3195d8e9-cacc-4ac2-a4cd-0b5a9c0ff169	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:54:08	281.409
-109	80858	4042900	e5211198-f2cf-4aaa-aee8-ef2152dd0f0d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:56:29	476.911
-110	40430	4043000	92de3768-eece-40d1-b82c-efa009c64fb8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:51:57	-666.617
-110	80860	4043000	0b03d3f8-77b9-49fc-88b7-ea7f3c7ad1f0	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:58:12	850.710
-111	40431	4043100	5efa65bb-8ba9-46d6-b682-a1d412cb3ce5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:58:50	-603.219
-111	80862	4043100	97090541-9293-4477-a5f2-e24276830c5f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:02:06	161.142
-112	40432	4043200	b9d5c84f-6719-4df3-bb76-50a7118304c1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:05:25	-721.259
-112	80864	4043200	21836757-9fef-4eeb-bc14-0a7c7cc0c93a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:56:27	-283.223
-113	40433	4043300	49dfc82a-5178-44fb-9214-2925d93716da	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:01:02	-797.363
-113	80866	4043300	bd4aeec2-039a-4148-9f73-a6b91b8e9c45	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:10:57	748.125
-114	40434	4043400	b80a6dab-ee92-464b-9d4e-02ce0732fef1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:46:12	759.31
-114	80868	4043400	ba33288b-9dda-4d50-8c4e-14169f61395d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:27:57	374.806
-115	40435	4043500	a5d53bde-3381-484d-b6fe-7ba82d6e56d1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:08:10	118.205
-115	80870	4043500	8d6d5afa-1734-49ac-b96a-46f86767d4be	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:02:41	-894.873
-116	40436	4043600	0865ad1b-ca3e-4a24-a424-765244a082b3	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:55:58	194.4
-116	80872	4043600	63b8f21d-2c60-41ac-b05c-c415841b8d12	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:44:06	921.167
-117	40437	4043700	69d01664-d541-4cf9-b2c3-c3b6704d56bd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:49:07	652.326
-117	80874	4043700	86d11850-d2bc-4fc2-b66f-4e3b7dd25799	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:04:42	-580.242
-118	40438	4043800	34f1fa93-524e-434d-953b-37776701e477	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:41:41	47.762
-118	80876	4043800	711f1ca8-1a43-4ed5-93be-0ae42dfcf4bf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:58:03	745.516
-119	40439	4043900	cbdd1216-b742-48e8-b7ab-addeaf100805	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:57:29	-380.744
-119	80878	4043900	b4f2cf1c-241e-4aee-9eeb-f78b54c0ba3c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:28:28	393.651
-120	40440	4044000	d55a0ab2-9b13-477e-8ffc-939de44b0745	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:05:27	704.960
-120	80880	4044000	ec8f53dc-c54e-442b-b0ac-3bb3ad27ad6d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 11:24:35	228.310
-121	40441	4044100	770fb3fd-8c83-46af-9eb8-e8f7151c4ffe	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:21:17	969.747
-121	80882	4044100	7b850204-4b24-40d2-b771-518bdf227f14	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:38:23	801.473
-122	40442	4044200	67807ccb-4f26-47de-91db-60606624b72f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:52:09	-222.725
-122	80884	4044200	8dbb9922-c33e-402a-ae2b-4cbfb6d04bfd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:28:29	102.255
-123	40443	4044300	7201b73c-263f-4d47-ab0d-706a7e0d1226	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:43:42	11.561
-123	80886	4044300	c12b8451-75ea-49f4-ae94-f2061e725dd6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:26:27	849.322
-124	40444	4044400	e13498e2-f7fb-41ba-860f-648fec256fbc	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:08:09	-828.594
-124	80888	4044400	3b6feca8-b465-4600-a9b9-e0c046a7854c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:51:49	291.568
-125	40445	4044500	0d3d84b9-97dd-4dbb-8d35-bb578cae5588	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:12:57	-925.473
-125	80890	4044500	5b618f9d-33b8-4e85-b54e-dc419aca5350	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:11:09	434.581
-126	40446	4044600	05c77233-96a8-488a-9b14-ad4de23b19b0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:22:39	-85.707
-126	80892	4044600	005a3c47-2dab-419c-afe2-c3553a62c8a1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:28:14	-60.129
-127	40447	4044700	ce4ef58e-a10d-4a85-a3a3-3b3f7296c7a8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:11:53	-787.313
-127	80894	4044700	71461bd7-cc29-4da0-b063-1a9f1736603a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:02:46	315.468
-0	40448	4044800	783bfff6-30b4-4004-a0d2-273fb6606b9c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:56:20	-380.684
-0	80896	4044800	aebc993b-6338-457c-9a4d-4f610899ad74	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:05:56	880.260
-1	40449	4044900	87199585-7cf6-4bc5-92e7-bfbc7ff02134	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:29:27	-768.561
-1	80898	4044900	9dfb33db-6b08-4d3e-bd14-a102cf043179	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:27:03	-1.751
-2	40450	4045000	dc456da9-56e5-4f08-817f-2e20442e69fa	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:51:45	934.262
-2	80900	4045000	4fad385e-f8e1-450f-a262-a6ee8b691bb4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:17:30	203.590
-3	40451	4045100	0c55a01e-dc36-4a84-8499-62e20308661f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:35:41	593.403
-3	80902	4045100	332a0e77-68e3-4d07-ae32-067f288b0460	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:14:36	-377.28
-4	40452	4045200	bbf6ef59-8a72-435b-a598-efcc2e45a16a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:49:14	879.541
-4	80904	4045200	dc73550e-1d53-4246-a7b1-cd4c5efc30b2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:04:29	132.482
-5	40453	4045300	1707eac5-de2f-4cdf-9176-d08ed48617cc	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:27:07	-282.312
-5	80906	4045300	3bdf3ded-6f99-4049-bd94-eeaa58f32395	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:07:01	758.363
-6	40454	4045400	0a36ae0e-68b6-42d4-96ff-57fe354ad788	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:39:21	790.241
-6	80908	4045400	b7cf3bcb-2efc-4700-a407-541197d134be	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:02:15	326.222
-7	40455	4045500	238bd38e-4960-40a9-8a00-14f012fdfcc6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:43:52	-215.712
-7	80910	4045500	d7bfef0d-47cb-47d3-b994-1d66792c6e30	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:06:02	-277.757
-8	40456	4045600	76675fba-13c5-4242-a3e5-6b17e010c9f6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:49:00	-175.218
-8	80912	4045600	31d62c78-fac2-4781-b71d-8336be003a10	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:23:17	-753.817
-9	40457	4045700	3835caf0-38b7-4e2d-b85d-31b6b092060c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:25:48	-116.184
-9	80914	4045700	96ad64cb-15d3-465a-97dc-22cdd4fd873d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:32:15	-141.45
-10	40458	4045800	e35786cb-a3f4-4bb8-939b-3dfec8307905	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:00:30	186.197
-10	80916	4045800	a72d0022-c8ab-4c3f-aa04-cfc2525c134d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:05:52	-853.732
-11	40459	4045900	aa483897-eef0-4be9-95b9-e088ca68e9e0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:36:37	141.416
-11	80918	4045900	9179e47f-17fc-40cb-84d1-d4aab650735d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:32:32	635.568
-12	40460	4046000	97a8cd6b-694e-4149-9246-44f02e030572	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:49:13	-292.163
-12	80920	4046000	42bdeb9e-d55a-4a56-87bf-6ce25b152a41	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:33:55	-982.734
-13	40461	4046100	e15470a0-af9f-476e-9785-863392caa54b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:01:39	105.554
-13	80922	4046100	5e1d94ad-fe12-4534-b8ac-8f75dd0b5dc7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:52:49	-81.948
-14	40462	4046200	d4ebd476-1f12-4114-af47-e4cda9b3629b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:04:25	830.155
-14	80924	4046200	195d6bce-4729-4aa6-9584-3c9b878a7fe8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:58:41	931.384
-15	40463	4046300	e3804223-f9a4-4029-9c8b-784ad45f3083	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:36:26	725.656
-15	80926	4046300	bdf2c8e0-0ec8-4694-89ee-71ad6491a277	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:09:04	-244.696
-16	40464	4046400	c3a20035-fc1a-4254-892d-22e9e41c7507	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:55:43	-126.17
-16	80928	4046400	4e7dc8f8-b9a0-4c6c-b4a2-00b3371315c9	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:09:36	-255.66
-17	40465	4046500	5eb9a35b-5bb1-4323-85ab-52f5bc8259b8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:31:22	-333.744
-17	80930	4046500	a5a6bcec-69de-4269-b4ec-7a35281ca1aa	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:59:50	947.440
-18	40466	4046600	75a9e9e7-8b13-4c95-8d3a-a9dd0a28aa07	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:29:54	577.580
-18	80932	4046600	4e3b06a3-9035-44fc-8e93-43df936b97ee	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:26:47	-71.569
-19	40467	4046700	a8164ebd-946a-468e-915f-5dc2b6a3e5eb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:46:26	298.945
-19	80934	4046700	3b4d3cbe-4d5c-4096-9d6c-e6b0438f510a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:08:32	-961.440
-20	40468	4046800	e89ae909-07ed-45d1-a80d-01efb828e693	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:46:22	-112.619
-20	80936	4046800	f12f9074-cbf2-491e-89b9-7bd0af6865ed	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:42:38	445.332
-21	40469	4046900	fca32013-4537-4342-b6bd-c0e71bcb457e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:30:36	-614.921
-21	80938	4046900	296161d5-4e97-4aa5-b186-7733188c472b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:04:14	-339.514
-22	40470	4047000	bce05a30-da75-4645-980a-ca45dcfd295e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:22:04	611.682
-22	80940	4047000	dc82664e-8bfd-4b70-bdc0-bccf242749ee	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:13:51	-877.149
-23	40471	4047100	5563aa1a-afa5-48b4-8abc-e4fb3041df87	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:17:05	679.407
-23	80942	4047100	137a02ce-79d4-4333-abe6-98c13ef31ebc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:02:37	228.871
-24	40472	4047200	ea9024ad-dbb7-43bb-a8ba-4561b6440f27	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:35:32	-199.1
-24	80944	4047200	ddf227f9-5b99-4aa2-89a1-ce51d46f7024	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:15:44	903.649
-25	40473	4047300	05cd2cb9-bdec-4ed3-a0f3-a5306d8f7ad5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:40:07	-560.272
-25	80946	4047300	0365e63f-35ef-483b-86f3-e3e5aa4428a8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:42:04	-308.124
-26	40474	4047400	9d49b8fc-cf3c-49df-beb0-0e053ba399eb	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:16:52	893.419
-26	80948	4047400	b65af697-fa74-4d41-a102-34835c43e32a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:03:48	888.111
-27	40475	4047500	d41733c1-fc0f-4938-b28e-85758eeb61ae	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:58:18	2.793
-27	80950	4047500	086bb8e2-ca9e-4c4f-a1dd-393051e37e50	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:48:22	846.437
-28	40476	4047600	7db1f80e-385f-4310-98f2-4aa6d8cb27fb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:00:07	129.355
-28	80952	4047600	467d5d82-d102-4552-8bbd-cf6fa385fe44	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:04:53	712.66
-29	40477	4047700	d38f35e8-30bf-49b5-9fbd-5fa23cd13c82	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:31:31	-490.870
-29	80954	4047700	099e5725-a191-4873-b379-b15f7f46ebef	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:53:47	180.617
-30	40478	4047800	bc770952-8fe7-4660-a90e-0b4085ee84a5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:47:56	-735.256
-30	80956	4047800	3f912188-6ab9-4599-a980-50c2435918b5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:48:32	-2.300
-31	40479	4047900	90805be5-abaa-4274-bc6a-1e88c3380da3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:30:09	744.638
-31	80958	4047900	0654c792-b941-43d6-90f1-762366020a52	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:25:16	-645.333
-32	40480	4048000	80960cfd-4ba7-4b87-bb4a-9695f1d58e7b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:36:45	-641.80
-32	80960	4048000	0d196034-5b26-4dd6-b68d-0cae475fcc4c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:23:54	-517.991
-33	40481	4048100	226270d5-dbc8-41e5-92e7-b17ee73aafef	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:07:53	-352.102
-33	80962	4048100	435bb1dd-27c9-4f5a-9dfd-e86620e3c660	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:53:21	814.187
-34	40482	4048200	ff7c5900-0704-416c-bbc6-8349e6ebe2e0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:37:04	-95.510
-34	80964	4048200	2e44f533-2750-43f0-8758-51c846c2bbba	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:15:34	-862.850
-35	40483	4048300	6c92b7ef-d306-46d2-ba3d-db1ee2bfe111	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:36:32	-395.612
-35	80966	4048300	bbf17839-5cc0-43f0-adea-666884f6560d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:09:40	-993.600
-36	40484	4048400	7eee184b-fdd6-44db-bfd8-24c11438aa34	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:43:28	-415.915
-36	80968	4048400	d0974eeb-e900-4a73-b428-5ac1133dd88e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:27:38	241.191
-37	40485	4048500	94855d71-63f3-4fbe-93f7-276d672912bd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:15:50	-429.229
-37	80970	4048500	a06ec426-c24b-48e4-8310-403e5cdf167d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:54:34	-338.304
-38	40486	4048600	28fbe6e3-0763-4c1a-b057-77f2bd3eca4c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:11:55	-487.797
-38	80972	4048600	7981701e-207b-4a95-b512-692d838f14a1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:25:42	74.308
-39	40487	4048700	b8cd3025-aa08-4a5b-98b6-0d717fa00bd7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:46:09	-698.526
-39	80974	4048700	8514e085-3779-4b39-a43f-b2c7a8471f95	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:17:13	-770.931
-40	40488	4048800	f35b1a63-7b5b-401f-8baa-328bb5c4929f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:16:45	-20.62
-40	80976	4048800	30d66a1e-053f-4ba9-aa7f-cfac27fd12ef	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:25:05	-197.648
-41	40489	4048900	dffecbd5-4c38-4a30-b33e-78911bb87192	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:40:17	377.598
-41	80978	4048900	52c2a4d7-e715-4e3e-8ff6-9da65e5d0296	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:22:27	960.505
-42	40490	4049000	aeb85b09-a334-4f53-9845-e3b1473442a4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:16:07	-45.606
-42	80980	4049000	36efd196-2982-4303-b467-fe847372b66d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:57:48	-226.668
-43	40491	4049100	61abf270-22d6-417f-898e-3c8cfc1da846	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:09:48	-173.270
-43	80982	4049100	06ab34ae-004e-4785-b48f-908f863ebd8d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:50:17	-887.478
-44	40492	4049200	d8beb1e6-23c3-466f-bb64-6b35a96caa10	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:36:07	-47.713
-44	80984	4049200	3faddbc9-834f-4fcd-becf-9ac8a4ad6a99	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:35:45	-145.351
-45	40493	4049300	3a07fe8f-814c-4c1c-a3b6-e353aa9ec3e8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:06:57	-553.813
-45	80986	4049300	37e8f38b-e6d9-462f-a910-993e85b28e0e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:44:26	817.11
-46	40494	4049400	865e191a-1eca-4656-bf4a-d26cdbf2de3e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:21:01	501.630
-46	80988	4049400	3376f11a-2ccd-4abc-a3c5-7d717f4f7647	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:53:38	579.602
-47	40495	4049500	41f07199-994f-4fbf-8c85-939815413037	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:26:55	-780.926
-47	80990	4049500	3e4325de-dbf9-4d38-9104-3f1adb4e0d17	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:22:31	838.195
-48	40496	4049600	e4e393b9-9595-4590-a34a-cf678086850b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:16:53	-144.447
-48	80992	4049600	f8107ca4-4635-42bb-ad3d-f041b9b24612	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:55:18	-166.584
-49	40497	4049700	5c956215-61f0-446f-a2b3-a1fc1bf09310	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:48:14	-693.32
-49	80994	4049700	4e8d07c5-7cb6-468b-9478-d7db6337a6ea	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:21:21	-129.51
-50	40498	4049800	169c03c0-5ce6-46d2-a6b8-f67450c2a5a1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:11:21	-512.336
-50	80996	4049800	6dbc14bc-8db4-4a37-9bfb-50926d78b769	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:18:04	725.196
-51	40499	4049900	5aa3fdf3-c7e9-4ad1-9838-37889fe1156a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:39:09	606.709
-51	80998	4049900	c1cd10e1-43e6-45b1-9baf-a6fefe7e1577	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:44:20	-933.650
-52	40500	4050000	f88f6adc-d18e-495c-b812-7597b67d7934	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:41:36	66.514
-52	81000	4050000	70423283-106b-4cc8-8cc4-788470735af5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 07:07:17	792.316
-53	40501	4050100	541da67a-19c8-4dd1-aee8-12f3b862e928	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:51:06	-43.968
-53	81002	4050100	75902fcb-4dd8-4168-b0f0-e6f2ad5d68ae	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:12:51	-980.192
-54	40502	4050200	95536e32-8ed3-47db-bebd-594367d42b0a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:43:53	963.661
-54	81004	4050200	3b320684-7712-4206-981f-1f2f93e5aae4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:34:45	-464.828
-55	40503	4050300	66083f0b-d111-4fec-9ee2-a7193a45a2d3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:23:12	-472.241
-55	81006	4050300	b73cdad2-7b9a-443b-aa29-f63923d191dd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:29:17	-965.985
-56	40504	4050400	dd7171d9-6772-4e8f-b91e-61a5eb6ed91e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:39:33	297.454
-56	81008	4050400	625f2bbd-f2d3-416d-9081-1036f45f8d7f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:04:34	-359.525
-57	40505	4050500	51a65a65-be14-4e34-a507-abfb6fa7781c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:50:09	-878.242
-57	81010	4050500	2ffae65f-d86d-4971-988d-15b4e9e7b51b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:36:20	-346.254
-58	40506	4050600	8f084c5d-6d66-490f-b7ef-b7daf909a21f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:47:13	566.388
-58	81012	4050600	fc70ef27-8759-4144-9c83-f960a9fd3b13	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:14:49	280.948
-59	40507	4050700	10027119-9603-4215-87cc-db03476e42a5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:28:28	-371.887
-59	81014	4050700	1fc317c1-75b5-475c-a309-e22bf5c435cd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:21:41	-629.767
-60	40508	4050800	d98d34ba-0a84-41ff-97d5-f1e9f6c2bd67	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:27:11	830.149
-60	81016	4050800	ab47dacc-38d4-4494-8437-0190e8b22190	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:50:04	641.877
-61	40509	4050900	5a123603-6926-4a69-ba0f-926f44f5ed8e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:36:29	381.668
-61	81018	4050900	4a254ccd-a5f3-462d-a734-a1fb74e171ed	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:12:52	-545.816
-62	40510	4051000	020add7b-5c6d-45a0-84d5-18030b736f10	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:03:29	68.751
-62	81020	4051000	1fbd9f8d-71e1-4c74-87bd-4ceefb8f7962	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:13:50	-121.208
-63	40511	4051100	cfb4ce4d-9515-4874-aab6-3437a690aef4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:05:16	65.598
-63	81022	4051100	96c75d8a-dd20-4f95-95f9-8c869c0b910c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:12:05	-656.420
-64	40512	4051200	758a8829-a03e-4f5f-b327-b54a51c4947d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:30:01	-589.16
-64	81024	4051200	1ef2f4e1-df02-483b-aff6-4ebacb94e586	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:12:07	-8.334
-65	40513	4051300	dc81a0ba-b94d-4dee-b97f-f2bbbd24fa72	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:32:20	901.141
-65	81026	4051300	77e394e7-ef89-4e6b-bbb2-2ad178f6d3f8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:44:28	33.213
-66	40514	4051400	74cb4ec9-0c87-4bde-8c2d-04fb11c50118	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:59:33	-369.203
-66	81028	4051400	204f1daf-dd44-4f4c-bc1d-bc9c3d8a8211	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:05:50	-984.119
-67	40515	4051500	3675b725-1e1d-4088-a902-d231042225b5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:37:53	-555.165
-67	81030	4051500	7b5b9c3c-19ac-48bd-b439-4b55eac4f267	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:17:30	494.140
-68	40516	4051600	47e7c3af-00f0-4d75-a57c-f2aae347ca7f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:17:47	-207.196
-68	81032	4051600	f0e1ea14-8244-42cf-b2dd-0676be370b02	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:44:42	47.829
-69	40517	4051700	c9d97dbc-5a8c-47ab-9b69-389359032606	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:19:33	54.809
-69	81034	4051700	aa30659f-a9b2-4f63-adcc-324787c19dfb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:30:28	-788.56
-70	40518	4051800	e79d8f7f-516e-4a23-ada8-9173dd2e39b4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:42:38	-136.802
-70	81036	4051800	6fff778e-b94d-42f1-86f0-10264ce8a801	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:45:46	-405.913
-71	40519	4051900	12bb7c40-a677-406e-81dc-9652eb6a4c8f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:24:23	908.826
-71	81038	4051900	d6bf2ad6-e99e-4b7c-abfc-20cc6ffe6938	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:59:16	46.693
-72	40520	4052000	abfe21f0-6245-4a9c-90ae-530885059d5d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:22:54	-793.400
-72	81040	4052000	ae541b00-f5ac-4070-b8d0-33ad31f01973	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:09:55	94.22
-73	40521	4052100	17f8ee0d-8576-49c2-ab56-d884fe4f83a9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:59:27	-205.833
-73	81042	4052100	dc4c13f2-d622-4cb1-99e1-f3fa9b3825e9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:10:51	534.142
-74	40522	4052200	e4f94f36-ee9a-40b4-80a7-676a0235bc87	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:25:37	850.120
-74	81044	4052200	2d0d0e04-e243-42c7-840a-8dba5c0da01c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:16:36	-285.809
-75	40523	4052300	c88ed723-7302-4750-bc20-3197d8cb8d84	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:51:08	-23.583
-75	81046	4052300	46755215-3339-46fc-8535-5950df3cd9b0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:34:10	-923.74
-76	40524	4052400	76ba1cad-41d0-478a-a8af-67eab674e163	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:57:03	-915.239
-76	81048	4052400	e4c55bbc-c5fb-49af-a621-9c7009af35a2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:37:03	-441.849
-77	40525	4052500	2dccd944-8d04-46e6-8a16-eae2c6df36e5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:51:13	931.425
-77	81050	4052500	4fbcc094-60c1-405a-99e3-d23b8c1e528f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:15:06	-817.860
-78	40526	4052600	414a37f2-c329-42f3-b6e1-af2b490dee06	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:48:57	-387.927
-78	81052	4052600	cc13f61a-25a1-4b04-b10d-29bc688663ef	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:56:50	-421.965
-79	40527	4052700	7ca2336a-808c-40ec-bbce-39b794647ce2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:59:55	840.545
-79	81054	4052700	ef6623c2-6385-4344-816f-a645d1e0c42c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:19:27	185.620
-80	40528	4052800	6cd9c3c0-45dc-44b2-bc11-db01465b5474	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:05:32	-228.640
-80	81056	4052800	e05c6bbd-2379-4e3f-9b65-2ef6b3e56fbe	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:44:30	-142.791
-81	40529	4052900	3e289406-71b2-4483-a1e5-3d5c26577431	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:48:43	-61.539
-81	81058	4052900	d1753976-c546-4855-80de-687fa0ee855e	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:42:28	-132.454
-82	40530	4053000	6b8abb25-cb7a-4544-820d-0255a877195b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:05:21	-556.0
-82	81060	4053000	f4ffa239-b402-4920-8249-403a76ab401a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:34:37	-739.316
-83	40531	4053100	ac0bd5e7-12e7-4a7d-a168-2c7656f38b54	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:20:01	345.56
-83	81062	4053100	ee698dd1-43ea-4c31-8701-59551678f3c6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:23:28	5.551
-84	40532	4053200	aac5bc5a-9493-4dfd-9136-703489ffd655	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:04:20	-836.938
-84	81064	4053200	73284793-4978-49a1-b05a-0a4b2546ee38	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:44:29	98.205
-85	40533	4053300	076ea419-7c3e-4129-bb76-abe4eeac2a99	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:44:36	-10.903
-85	81066	4053300	fd932401-5a3d-43d9-94c4-0101934b34d0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:58:58	686.263
-86	40534	4053400	8396866b-7524-487d-9a53-135f38cf017a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:29:07	281.290
-86	81068	4053400	a6a85745-acf1-47c4-bff9-586fcbc9bd25	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:58:09	795.241
-87	40535	4053500	81bc9636-870b-40c9-8d51-c04cdf908ca2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:56:49	751.503
-87	81070	4053500	a578f409-781d-4490-8167-535644d18283	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:50:58	86.635
-88	40536	4053600	dd2441c0-3988-4367-b51a-23af452c1a65	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:09:52	-495.627
-88	81072	4053600	256ad480-e841-42c9-b58c-7d8b1a2d761f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:00:59	-883.955
-89	40537	4053700	cebb41b1-e352-449d-965e-0822476f5f8b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:44:07	-889.531
-89	81074	4053700	24c8bef6-ec4b-43f7-9535-ab97e8c40bcd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:46:15	-219.629
-90	40538	4053800	56829d87-2c27-4856-bb26-f22b1699e1fd	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:16:54	999.540
-90	81076	4053800	cd424cea-5eb9-4eae-a474-a72d9e5f68de	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:06:41	-414.640
-91	40539	4053900	f0262a49-e8ac-4b06-ad61-846282c18d69	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:10:01	468.647
-91	81078	4053900	0dfdea1c-0bb8-49b2-b7f7-89184a3be2b9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:39:22	-175.743
-92	40540	4054000	edeca2b2-4d4d-44e0-8811-c24d28e0e0b9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:36:03	-903.3
-92	81080	4054000	21be9330-b824-4231-bc5f-f9d3b080a206	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:00:28	-992.43
-93	40541	4054100	56c09ae5-46a2-44b3-813f-c2bb06deee02	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:54:40	-215.386
-93	81082	4054100	d3293715-1206-4252-9e1e-56e3e987b8ab	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:47:02	-670.380
-94	40542	4054200	f8db3180-1e30-458a-92e0-0307c0efd86e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:55:53	789.664
-94	81084	4054200	11982662-bcbb-4a46-a43f-35f4b6cf5666	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:20:47	-231.944
-95	40543	4054300	67f85db5-46b2-45e9-9cf3-31f1dd90fc21	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:43:58	-530.730
-95	81086	4054300	53b2ea55-a147-4f04-ae96-aa27fcf3723b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:36:26	-805.251
-96	40544	4054400	34d4c9be-fbc9-45b9-9597-537425eb1c6e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:00:57	-808.808
-96	81088	4054400	ff48288f-a86a-4c38-ab6d-5760b8efbc75	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:14:55	266.121
-97	40545	4054500	983524b7-ae5f-4fcc-bd0c-151655ba8f99	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:52:06	344.525
-97	81090	4054500	cf74f56d-85f0-4338-8a54-5a7da5eb994c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:37:00	44.309
-98	40546	4054600	871498f4-f492-4c7f-b8c2-32df526c1bb6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:08:36	297.365
-98	81092	4054600	43e55c47-524e-4979-a419-491d4e1eea5b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:57:57	483.360
-99	40547	4054700	f84787c0-8e40-46e9-b6b9-f0341b3d1c39	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:07:55	990.699
-99	81094	4054700	043c95e6-1e87-4cf3-82b9-1abd2babca07	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:31:58	647.92
-100	40548	4054800	855c78a7-1547-456e-a2a4-4b18bf1c8e67	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:24:35	-22.470
-100	81096	4054800	a64715dc-55ae-4c82-a83c-fb5c5e2b2568	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:36:31	-289.331
-101	40549	4054900	99a06ae2-2785-41f6-b6f3-882f7a1290f2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:23:45	-679.508
-101	81098	4054900	58476736-5b70-4f64-aad4-a63355f1e8d8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:13:21	-970.439
-102	40550	4055000	7ba35179-01b0-4206-b3cf-d96db5f5d360	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:50:10	-111.231
-102	81100	4055000	b0839e11-58dc-4766-a45d-92ad2a9c66b7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:22:42	956.341
-103	40551	4055100	7a947527-cf5b-4766-8ef4-432323caaf74	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:51:56	-33.335
-103	81102	4055100	f258a59f-892d-402f-b048-6d231bd0c38b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:06:01	-957.185
-104	40552	4055200	7c931abb-26f7-4323-b897-227d3468f3af	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:12:00	18.267
-104	81104	4055200	208271b7-2bac-4c0e-b36b-97dcad7a27c1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:50:56	62.745
-105	40553	4055300	0035a915-4854-4c98-8ded-9893fab37ddc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:53:42	-433.757
-105	81106	4055300	a61b26e0-48f4-4332-a4a8-7eb002864f22	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:04:59	-280.459
-106	40554	4055400	b7fc955a-f374-4fef-a64e-adee02665943	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:13:01	-697.631
-106	81108	4055400	a60e09ee-ca6a-4611-88bf-b754a6a20e36	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:30:48	915.890
-107	40555	4055500	e83e0252-3a4c-421f-bdfb-896384ac606d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:32:45	-449.568
-107	81110	4055500	759d40e2-d50c-4332-9913-03a155908409	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:46:43	-431.924
-108	40556	4055600	47168224-e221-4088-af81-8f5d4688db00	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:03:26	503.555
-108	81112	4055600	fb033b70-9e50-45e9-a3e9-bc0235368d5e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:12:47	88.612
-109	40557	4055700	5dfa2a38-eaa1-4014-84e5-9e029aed102c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:57:07	485.830
-109	81114	4055700	642783b5-31ab-4959-aae7-0fc9c77f0441	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:40:48	-37.70
-110	40558	4055800	406d1d7a-3498-4b27-9b17-1632b75cbd23	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:47:05	-26.433
-110	81116	4055800	54bd89e2-fb78-4748-bb1e-282108e83a9b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:07:13	432.407
-111	40559	4055900	6c8fd881-df9c-4d69-aa7d-c73015f415b5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:49:42	675.223
-111	81118	4055900	229e92f6-2b33-4bca-bbc4-cc5b09294a28	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:27:07	-333.24
-112	40560	4056000	daa688b1-7c08-4781-ac36-931733c62b22	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:38:14	-107.54
-112	81120	4056000	33121e61-923f-4102-8135-e9ba75ab34af	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:12:00	50.608
-113	40561	4056100	396b3142-c3df-428d-98a1-62ad3281b9a2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:13:00	289.109
-113	81122	4056100	0ad3f1b1-b5fe-4e21-85d8-231b9c5c0f9b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:27:40	212.225
-114	40562	4056200	6f6f74d1-cf20-4666-9aa2-c9d25aac29b8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:32:45	476.62
-114	81124	4056200	91b5978d-46b2-4987-9378-e95341147def	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:19:15	-13.349
-115	40563	4056300	be40347b-a34e-418b-8e61-142347094bb2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:52:52	617.520
-115	81126	4056300	935e8b9c-1cab-4621-9367-8b05b54b1aed	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:31:13	969.524
-116	40564	4056400	638bffe3-63d6-4c9e-9fe9-88e0e4463fa2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:25:02	832.138
-116	81128	4056400	fdf5cc8f-5a35-4a7a-b427-e62d03d14816	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:36:38	-12.623
-117	40565	4056500	280b2ce4-030e-4d84-b70d-54b1b7114b1b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:05:18	-687.761
-117	81130	4056500	71f7819e-9880-4694-97ac-a8c53e17d9e6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:22:01	-952.627
-118	40566	4056600	71240c3f-4b58-4b17-aa31-71a4c080476a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:51:50	-84.526
-118	81132	4056600	d4ac5ba6-5539-4e4d-bbfd-a447cf93deaa	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:24:16	-458.268
-119	40567	4056700	79f1c6f6-363a-4f4a-85a5-839f5de62d61	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:49:27	-501.489
-119	81134	4056700	7435a1ae-ea11-453d-bcb7-c3bf0cebefa0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:01:23	417.82
-120	40568	4056800	ca0076ad-6415-48b6-983f-1c928bc781d4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:29:50	517.399
-120	81136	4056800	55ced4d0-7e5e-4958-9a9d-be66ee82d9da	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:56:28	-653.348
-121	40569	4056900	28229abb-a231-44ee-8cff-f82b08ba7296	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:05:28	505.279
-121	81138	4056900	86a89d99-99fc-42b4-9bf1-235533dcf97d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:07:29	-989.76
-122	40570	4057000	d94ff9e6-515f-48e8-a87c-69badaa50711	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:09:56	919.550
-122	81140	4057000	c9c19164-84f6-4e1f-a331-e68e550a6f46	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:10:23	-2.172
-123	40571	4057100	24ca7107-6837-413e-8bcb-d12c12b7079a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:30:32	153.62
-123	81142	4057100	99efbd15-ccbf-4e06-bab7-72d4bd590671	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:33:25	248.999
-124	40572	4057200	135219ab-3fb3-437a-9ef3-18d340db313c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:37:26	-160.521
-124	81144	4057200	a1014be5-3eae-4cfd-af00-d88b19ab23fe	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:19:54	-655.884
-125	40573	4057300	b8fcca27-1f0a-4289-8a08-d6c15dc08c72	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:00:13	502.202
-125	81146	4057300	c4900d68-7f24-4095-8d5d-bcc4234008cf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:48:15	-722.169
-126	40574	4057400	262b76c5-c623-465c-bfda-7265c7ba6371	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:04:24	-807.249
-126	81148	4057400	4d964a81-c389-4bb7-8004-7291a5d9a73c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:38:37	-655.774
-127	40575	4057500	16727582-f2d8-4c0f-86ee-b4edfe0e7fe6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:00:51	-143.239
-127	81150	4057500	d1f68532-2922-4c01-b5cd-26d6836091f9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:07:40	-858.621
-0	40576	4057600	a9f85819-abf0-4286-90fe-bcbffdd496c2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:00:04	13.773
-0	81152	4057600	c59fe1c8-972d-44ac-ac30-28a4e460e8ac	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:16:52	-782.408
-1	40577	4057700	cd54c8cf-a1a0-4306-8b16-896494086af6	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:05:23	-705.517
-1	81154	4057700	0e1cb0ec-80a9-411d-bceb-929230362a69	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:51:10	-667.898
-2	40578	4057800	d735e405-c936-4ce8-8d0a-1511bfedd59d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:42:30	-174.629
-2	81156	4057800	00bcaa4d-579d-4555-b850-8c8c17884efe	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:24:04	229.708
-3	40579	4057900	35287b05-ab51-4a69-ab24-64956d0bea1e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:27:28	-425.354
-3	81158	4057900	a89e036a-c76f-47eb-bd31-0d686fd7c0f9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:07:27	424.294
-4	40580	4058000	85133b1b-7632-499f-ad5e-123f8b28ec39	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:31:06	-567.365
-4	81160	4058000	359423f7-7ff3-4efd-add8-b4859348ba43	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:03:04	-183.329
-5	40581	4058100	063c1966-9408-48dc-9782-5fff9c2b2248	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:31:30	-274.621
-5	81162	4058100	5360f88a-d33f-4fec-b4dd-e24cdb99872c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:48:43	425.868
-6	40582	4058200	4fe4de7a-bee5-4f1c-9f62-b6489a4a3ccb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:47:21	322.447
-6	81164	4058200	2462205d-1879-41a5-a81a-083f31026f01	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:15:21	449.292
-7	40583	4058300	a95b3741-b0d8-4ede-b070-6fcf1af8aadd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:09:32	269.18
-7	81166	4058300	a06163b6-d88a-41fc-89fd-851d735dab71	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:08:48	-482.146
-8	40584	4058400	cea78265-ab31-482b-b48d-df8cb51aed20	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:11:49	-598.141
-8	81168	4058400	e22493b9-075a-4bbd-8fad-1abb13d9a4cd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:17:08	452.544
-9	40585	4058500	9976cf57-989a-43ed-88bf-a0f81a286675	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:54:32	-413.161
-9	81170	4058500	26328353-0db8-4c4b-a0f0-34e1b36cc710	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:12:54	735.761
-10	40586	4058600	79f21f69-eee7-4062-ae8b-ebbbe65f4a6a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:48:22	271.59
-10	81172	4058600	e94c1442-dc1b-4bbf-8251-cc1c645453c6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:02:51	608.600
-11	40587	4058700	e5e82310-01da-4bc1-9e14-a1476903679e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:33:18	70.298
-11	81174	4058700	8be150f3-41d3-43eb-ac42-b89777b961d9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:54:50	-939.957
-12	40588	4058800	5d40b86b-fb72-4bdf-a580-c1c993164ebf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:19:11	242.615
-12	81176	4058800	def7324d-fe55-4a8a-9dba-f3e5b5c454fe	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:17:01	-140.43
-13	40589	4058900	4013c34c-ac43-49e5-a9da-a71a01138d56	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:18:19	-913.13
-13	81178	4058900	1395ae5a-361c-44c1-b2fb-341789ea0306	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:39:39	-249.498
-14	40590	4059000	6e610d5d-fb32-413f-bc8d-dfbe439992fd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:48:08	-683.252
-14	81180	4059000	37ab6d68-88b5-4bb3-9c61-f2a50e40bd3c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:13:19	-904.234
-15	40591	4059100	c4755e12-f1fd-4e65-a6a3-177a12867e48	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:03:47	-39.791
-15	81182	4059100	9d07c8dd-4278-4594-997d-817e22ac2d85	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:00:55	-101.395
-16	40592	4059200	63278321-b6d3-4538-891b-7db7f650e766	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:36:07	324.437
-16	81184	4059200	47da9f47-5369-4447-a77e-9fb4bdbc718f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:17:26	-47.174
-17	40593	4059300	17bd3c1a-c41f-4ec0-bd08-811fedbccd02	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:14:00	-659.285
-17	81186	4059300	554627ef-9115-4b5f-b00a-d6015f39e3ec	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:50:14	-382.295
-18	40594	4059400	7aa4c965-ed3f-4b6f-aa32-cd885c7731af	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:43:16	-193.994
-18	81188	4059400	fbc2692c-9d3a-4de6-9bf9-414a6b163251	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:04:48	-948.230
-19	40595	4059500	314f0cb1-f128-4ca1-bb39-acbf71a11020	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:35:09	-366.427
-19	81190	4059500	5684a01d-4e4d-4c55-9878-db6e8594aa12	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:39:03	150.227
-20	40596	4059600	6fc55480-3846-4aad-bcdc-e60ba8afbc1a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:09:23	-866.127
-20	81192	4059600	b7e41437-1f37-41c3-b67f-74ee1e42604a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:43:42	-713.608
-21	40597	4059700	20b8e733-ad6d-4185-90e4-3ad1c8905006	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:09:17	561.374
-21	81194	4059700	692178e4-7716-47c0-bedb-b29990ba45d0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:54:02	-658.172
-22	40598	4059800	0b9ab280-d383-421c-8860-bd26077d40b8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:29:03	-687.207
-22	81196	4059800	8004f582-1a12-49f6-a23c-9d6f56e2a289	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:06:21	-388.678
-23	40599	4059900	44de6145-cf5b-40eb-a905-0fb73fae7ea5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:41:19	297.555
-23	81198	4059900	3e14e5ab-6c18-4c23-82f0-4139b836187e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:35:30	210.411
-24	40600	4060000	f519a78e-ef0f-4ae0-9b13-9fc05a615c13	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:23:39	-308.104
-24	81200	4060000	57053f00-b4c2-40d9-92e0-f0f49d5b8101	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:55:28	60.394
-25	40601	4060100	2c80709c-3b3b-4bc6-8671-a4cb52593ae4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:33:27	-37.714
-25	81202	4060100	f3892809-13eb-4297-ab4c-51b422de3162	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:42:39	-794.447
-26	40602	4060200	7cf09788-9846-41b7-8801-b12efda3b7e2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:55:11	75.478
-26	81204	4060200	1e3fab8a-4594-4bc0-bc59-8c1988f422ad	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:47:15	929.755
-27	40603	4060300	301dfb59-7ef4-4000-b490-7d9b2f389693	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:05:32	712.201
-27	81206	4060300	7ddad079-c747-4038-84cd-5eef4724ab64	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:20:31	288.575
-28	40604	4060400	4ecf733f-b7b1-4972-8088-b2ff1679abb4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:09:30	130.219
-28	81208	4060400	1ae174db-34c9-43a3-bb59-88ac414d0688	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:25:14	913.583
-29	40605	4060500	2bb3c323-11ac-420b-9947-721cd8b7b485	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:23:04	-829.122
-29	81210	4060500	af806cfd-8cc9-4db7-b446-1ba7ff10ed39	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:00:25	136.55
-30	40606	4060600	5b09d5f8-93e9-45da-8e5d-1d8230421456	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:39:23	-997.560
-30	81212	4060600	93bdfd87-1a0e-4863-896f-a3a61ba63794	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:56:39	-121.11
-31	40607	4060700	7bb57045-c277-451a-8c62-8ddc829bfc91	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:27:08	-461.823
-31	81214	4060700	dba5bb92-ab41-42bf-a350-be794b03040b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:34:42	33.147
-32	40608	4060800	0b607447-5a43-44c1-803c-953ead89dd7f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:57:41	72.46
-32	81216	4060800	ed48c201-72da-4c3d-8f51-6d77570d7b2f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:34:07	-130.593
-33	40609	4060900	1f77709a-2d04-435a-acfe-e8bd3532b09a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:36:18	515.986
-33	81218	4060900	cf8322d2-8767-4edb-aa10-75f4bf1bf438	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:42:12	504.125
-34	40610	4061000	dd070834-321a-4a37-8f5d-ea57910da140	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:45:17	-916.649
-34	81220	4061000	51a812a3-6f77-46f8-8427-b3af22371c11	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:35:48	875.730
-35	40611	4061100	1822b001-a966-4222-8fab-d27531659915	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:13:25	130.329
-35	81222	4061100	6f21a1f8-6845-45a0-a67f-99095ae537cc	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:14:47	259.907
-36	40612	4061200	c827d3bb-a506-4a7b-9415-832d6b355536	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:54:24	-426.842
-36	81224	4061200	f42aa1f5-796a-4606-8fc9-00da5672d282	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:48:35	-775.544
-37	40613	4061300	e5cc4d4f-e981-4f4a-afe5-ae0b63f7358c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:55:34	-48.746
-37	81226	4061300	cadc4b3a-662a-4c7a-b6c4-81825d48ddd2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:28:16	-601.694
-38	40614	4061400	688d2644-23e4-4706-b756-e533962acee9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:59:14	539.665
-38	81228	4061400	e79a2836-391a-451b-9021-ec9fcdba00b2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:29:12	275.74
-39	40615	4061500	e86cae1e-eb91-4255-8b5e-c03b61a04519	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:39:24	98.589
-39	81230	4061500	2815565b-18a4-41fd-b424-e84fb7928554	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:49:44	-883.763
-40	40616	4061600	f8e72cb9-cac4-4076-8b5e-0d502da37783	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:40:14	-137.793
-40	81232	4061600	9f9c54c6-8ffd-4913-84d7-c7ae8cee7e2a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:28:02	677.98
-41	40617	4061700	d3248d4d-70dc-45a0-a4e7-aca950da1bb4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:17:23	816.774
-41	81234	4061700	06a4fa3d-02f5-46ed-9870-793f131d1bf0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:58:32	102.689
-42	40618	4061800	7793012d-d87e-4f52-86e1-628ad93dd915	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:05:59	-691.228
-42	81236	4061800	0caabcb6-e15f-4047-8e52-f79e05af567c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:05:50	94.896
-43	40619	4061900	faa478de-8aa0-4d9e-9ba1-53f2098734b3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 22:22:23	-554.795
-43	81238	4061900	31ace326-7757-4000-824c-93d2ac42c222	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:42:17	797.200
-44	40620	4062000	c1eed753-741a-41fb-98cb-b9b7ff8405a8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:50:28	624.910
-44	81240	4062000	29a8a1c5-b044-4583-9935-02487d879cad	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:17:43	-580.87
-45	40621	4062100	0fca98e0-e7f9-413e-8e10-57113cc6869c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:33:55	481.64
-45	81242	4062100	93710a68-fee5-4bf6-a576-43b6299e3e75	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:37:06	-857.223
-46	40622	4062200	74705754-7818-479c-b777-da6a8e162723	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:56:38	-297.653
-46	81244	4062200	523abc93-280c-4b6f-b5c5-5ba8c51459c1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:10:13	32.939
-47	40623	4062300	0fcb3287-ddd5-4079-9f00-8213f676ab74	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:31:48	-974.690
-47	81246	4062300	1bd4e144-3f5a-488d-bfe5-a6590c422fb6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:42:10	-677.644
-48	40624	4062400	bf4201b8-c42b-4495-aec4-2fbbbe3d9919	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:23:23	-867.564
-48	81248	4062400	529bea05-815f-4c0a-93f6-d24025d607b6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:50:30	102.683
-49	40625	4062500	0c88ec6b-2495-4c14-8c8d-a60910ee8dd8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:52:01	-891.183
-49	81250	4062500	53772d60-ac15-4f1e-a057-7c652b2bbe7c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:18:50	-277.118
-50	40626	4062600	5699c606-fd22-409e-b025-afe5e06142da	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:21:27	903.512
-50	81252	4062600	f5434f4e-833e-4e19-b992-96383d894b0a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:10:56	790.992
-51	40627	4062700	fa9ba60f-53cf-4007-9ca3-f8b448d1e416	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:56:47	4.312
-51	81254	4062700	a13347ca-6e91-444d-bc98-303fda940fd8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:45:04	-917.616
-52	40628	4062800	e11becfc-aa2f-4364-a965-4fb97c1aba25	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:19:58	-244.229
-52	81256	4062800	0709c4b8-9094-4e5c-af1e-21348b9833c8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:54:29	-618.714
-53	40629	4062900	5b87316e-775e-474c-bc26-585678593eee	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:59:17	-958.3
-53	81258	4062900	64c465ad-72d0-49fb-a0bb-181033c30766	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:21:09	891.123
-54	40630	4063000	97d17de4-a774-424d-a10d-d8abe9a9dc1e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:18:12	-737.731
-54	81260	4063000	d9293043-bf5b-485f-a6cb-0504826a688e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:16:31	-402.220
-55	40631	4063100	bd4d6fbc-8c9c-410d-b7b5-3f2277ca0397	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:38:40	448.225
-55	81262	4063100	46b93102-283b-4425-839a-918759106f95	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:16:58	603.519
-56	40632	4063200	60ac949f-03fd-4a46-9d4c-c0e4ae68110b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:31:59	-904.204
-56	81264	4063200	effbf9c2-8790-4873-a975-41be203c0809	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:50:59	-631.173
-57	40633	4063300	1d421240-f4de-44d4-856b-761ba88c9630	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:57:05	489.678
-57	81266	4063300	7f52847c-cdeb-4b62-9b22-6aaa85cf60ac	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:59:25	-313.862
-58	40634	4063400	bc588463-ac16-4e70-b3ab-434c17fbe85e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:08:17	-673.454
-58	81268	4063400	079cd08b-f5a9-4a94-9cd7-5c98ac0e1bbf	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:09:44	-671.642
-59	40635	4063500	d5195bfe-c474-477f-b0c3-0ee6941a7010	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:11:25	-914.960
-59	81270	4063500	5fd3d392-25b4-4211-a659-ce22d2d9ce00	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:57:10	166.770
-60	40636	4063600	2d832311-6dcb-46e5-aadd-e68a1c1931f4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:13:02	-92.280
-60	81272	4063600	04f3a455-12d6-4d4a-a6bb-966931240279	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:26:50	-503.255
-61	40637	4063700	b32309c6-0ca3-4fe3-8b5f-f489a5f0cc66	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:26:43	-293.326
-61	81274	4063700	f01b08a9-e318-446c-a101-1bc2b74469d7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:42:33	112.281
-62	40638	4063800	9f7ebc8a-e64b-47e1-b99e-c5c61ed096b3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:25:09	117.825
-62	81276	4063800	244170f1-a741-4062-aa9c-e7875575551d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:52:33	-95.198
-63	40639	4063900	92e9382a-988d-42ed-9586-5fa485b268f1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:34:24	277.941
-63	81278	4063900	6020f223-8dd0-4866-919d-bae6b3956285	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:20:20	-727.368
-64	40640	4064000	19b1cdab-b684-4b0a-8613-4325bcfeb0ad	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:03:40	-94.415
-64	81280	4064000	8625dba3-ec60-4330-a390-67ff0bde0896	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:47:57	260.765
-65	40641	4064100	ff72ed7b-3572-402c-bbf6-b0b775bf9c2a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:58:19	-297.584
-65	81282	4064100	d5863f21-e6ff-4a00-8be3-8a605ae9129d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:18:59	67.260
-66	40642	4064200	adb7d3c9-b088-4103-88fe-561131051ba0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:46:36	-437.498
-66	81284	4064200	16b47d81-e6ff-4fed-bac3-75fbc0eed449	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:35:49	116.655
-67	40643	4064300	2ad50d50-1a59-478f-a53c-77b12d43e824	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:19:31	-281.933
-67	81286	4064300	d4d20ab4-1738-43af-a598-86261995837c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:10:31	-639.787
-68	40644	4064400	aaab5bef-1c42-46c3-936f-092532452408	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:35:59	831.139
-68	81288	4064400	e45113a8-6f8f-4b6c-9ff7-710de2747806	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:59:42	-983.968
-69	40645	4064500	3b949b78-4414-4239-9ecd-c9aeb21cdc5b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:12:11	-947.723
-69	81290	4064500	5076bd64-2ae9-42c1-ada1-0ae7a3b81c0e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:49:31	416.836
-70	40646	4064600	b5bdddd4-31be-4114-b2f2-9ccce639ebe9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:51:59	-877.525
-70	81292	4064600	20f461c2-f08e-49f5-9ab9-c55ec7736bcb	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:59:24	-614.793
-71	40647	4064700	1a827e26-3603-4cad-8933-2c2b1ef99032	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:51:10	-174.741
-71	81294	4064700	5d564bda-67ef-491a-894c-d78b4d2fc114	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:33:03	458.749
-72	40648	4064800	3a449f95-3886-488b-b34c-2c28a8ab7656	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:18:42	-209.168
-72	81296	4064800	b2fc944b-1679-4fbc-95e0-c32d6e91b81c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:31:05	401.317
-73	40649	4064900	650c780b-0416-4684-a05d-60f3c3367b8b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:06:25	403.580
-73	81298	4064900	4b8330b8-5072-4b4d-9592-ae1d5f498278	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:52:16	-812.391
-74	40650	4065000	bd29a0f0-0ae0-4ce2-a51a-91f111bfaf4e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:48:45	-820.771
-74	81300	4065000	79b61fbd-4d72-4a6d-9df7-d8c44544ee82	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:34:51	345.591
-75	40651	4065100	7b4d24f6-613e-408e-9023-b7f34e44919e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:03:13	843.510
-75	81302	4065100	97ee655f-9efc-41b1-9240-0716fa45f04e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:14:05	65.605
-76	40652	4065200	bdb61124-468c-47a6-994a-9935e1043dfd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:04:15	71.486
-76	81304	4065200	1b3aafe7-a8b4-4067-9b24-b0bd9967ba75	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:31:44	-400.865
-77	40653	4065300	c1a6a564-ae0f-49dd-ab8e-01217f849232	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:18:46	-70.470
-77	81306	4065300	0adcbe28-6006-48cf-bd4a-672dbd4ab6a6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:31:43	860.502
-78	40654	4065400	e7ce35ad-ed4b-4884-8a22-0795bf1fc84f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:43:43	797.699
-78	81308	4065400	19b9d3d3-a1d0-4578-b00c-8d761e65952d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:55:12	986.813
-79	40655	4065500	f62ea6a3-71ad-48ab-9ac7-5a4f50a15928	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:29:26	-423.47
-79	81310	4065500	4682c8b3-252f-460a-8334-5ef9a694abcd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:24:32	-589.401
-80	40656	4065600	38747341-f02c-4041-9630-ec8eab565393	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:35:29	-433.307
-80	81312	4065600	abbab14f-ffc0-4909-96e6-64111b6dcce4	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:34:53	-350.529
-81	40657	4065700	4513fd4c-ecaa-4e19-bdf0-2f0eb6fd4020	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:34:26	384.507
-81	81314	4065700	5a563893-e327-4369-b0cb-adbf7dbf6a56	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:21:25	-614.780
-82	40658	4065800	7b883123-822f-4cc4-83ac-89a6a30708a3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:56:39	36.396
-82	81316	4065800	07d2c034-b424-4fa2-a6e2-546f269ccfb0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:01:37	-198.733
-83	40659	4065900	97dca930-b33e-46c0-9508-a9a0d9284972	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:25:03	-141.432
-83	81318	4065900	76bfbd28-6724-40c6-86d5-eb9cc1fecbbd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:06:01	702.733
-84	40660	4066000	bf27e4a9-2dbc-4df8-839d-27fec0b9121d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:30:29	-924.972
-84	81320	4066000	a6cba97e-920a-4cb5-9f3f-e20cd8fee4ea	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:19:08	-600.114
-85	40661	4066100	7508ec2c-9cf1-4a53-99da-47ef46728ce3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:39:59	373.921
-85	81322	4066100	56e20e2e-7540-45c2-8f4a-f4bb818e2b50	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:24:45	970.452
-86	40662	4066200	528224f6-fcc8-404a-9375-e9a4e91fa94f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:41:10	-165.541
-86	81324	4066200	e65dffc5-0a4c-4c32-871d-7eac5a9594e5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:12:28	852.215
-87	40663	4066300	4b46257a-c2b5-4b04-94ac-1330383b59b6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:13:29	-66.206
-87	81326	4066300	51f5b480-72d4-49f5-ae75-8c3456e0fea3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:15:08	358.294
-88	40664	4066400	6a052de5-7743-4a9f-bf70-747c4a0441da	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:57:01	-216.537
-88	81328	4066400	347a06d3-9127-4355-9b58-210458d383f1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:12:09	-335.12
-89	40665	4066500	6cae5d0c-0f83-468f-9921-c0dda90443fe	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:36:49	12.516
-89	81330	4066500	0fa7299c-d310-44ca-adb6-5f166cf796bd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:46:45	-584.395
-90	40666	4066600	95b3fcec-9b60-4076-aa05-191ebd7c255d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:43:43	-368.273
-90	81332	4066600	ce9248f8-1d7a-4420-9c21-0fe78972fdb4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:02:59	679.406
-91	40667	4066700	c1e9c36c-b8fe-4a65-9d1e-8ab004e711a7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:29:35	-758.701
-91	81334	4066700	e8402cad-db3e-447c-9853-0a6b3f641c05	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:55:33	-7.818
-92	40668	4066800	25f99ec1-fd28-418a-8a52-31479f596244	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:29:09	225.128
-92	81336	4066800	457c03e1-2deb-4fd1-aba5-be96263045b1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:49:19	-771.328
-93	40669	4066900	b7c61c58-3c65-4e2a-adb0-e969da87c9f9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:13:33	415.869
-93	81338	4066900	06aea86a-f628-4b85-9102-2dd699b3b164	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:37:49	986.86
-94	40670	4067000	bcfa2b31-b8af-4b30-a2f0-bee2d9f84c7f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:13:12	-741.995
-94	81340	4067000	615398da-1899-4356-957b-160bce4cc4d9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:32:39	-799.109
-95	40671	4067100	bfe4822b-78f8-44ab-a0f7-b4147a636ba4	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:54:03	657.842
-95	81342	4067100	d240c11d-dc77-4cc5-86e1-de8da684bfa5	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:18:18	-371.640
-96	40672	4067200	a3b56c75-f46a-4c8b-8202-184cb85253b4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:57:00	130.620
-96	81344	4067200	bf4bf1cf-102b-4fe3-b184-2a31f3e3e571	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:32:05	863.481
-97	40673	4067300	dfa16c93-af51-4b60-a78c-780e4b41bacb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:04:52	-722.953
-97	81346	4067300	5caea53f-6201-486f-b0d8-eab166458c7e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 06:35:18	-198.89
-98	40674	4067400	ebb9c2ca-5203-49fe-85c2-8c57e0f4f93f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:05:39	738.345
-98	81348	4067400	c040da1d-a3c4-47ae-be9e-dcbff94c509b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:01:03	936.727
-99	40675	4067500	3885dfda-beb2-4af1-a1b5-89104bd98177	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:11:21	-65.858
-99	81350	4067500	9a1e1a76-8653-4a0c-8475-29aa033fff66	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:50:45	483.486
-100	40676	4067600	a56cea21-afce-4374-b9f5-f165b8054d6d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:26:20	-983.997
-100	81352	4067600	4b284513-8e2a-4eeb-b3da-b7617a805544	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:34:59	410.853
-101	40677	4067700	a9eb762f-453b-478e-820a-7f26d593cf8b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:20:51	430.219
-101	81354	4067700	fce3d795-7953-497d-9642-8b135ad5a9bb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:56:08	-972.133
-102	40678	4067800	39da0862-6678-4946-b0c1-7e53e65598b5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:51:24	198.380
-102	81356	4067800	046c3446-c3e5-4869-af83-ad97ccd2f1f0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:06:10	190.411
-103	40679	4067900	7a2916bf-a7fa-4001-80bd-1e4e6673bd5d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:36:00	438.91
-103	81358	4067900	6a56516d-129a-46b9-9708-c0707edacf55	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:30:20	-481.273
-104	40680	4068000	7d913634-b855-4d18-9262-ca34dd4a1865	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:25:55	738.713
-104	81360	4068000	f88e3f4d-7bc7-42ea-95d6-3c470632e3df	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:02:14	-631.943
-105	40681	4068100	f12c3598-07ce-4891-bdf0-9a7f596d2f8d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:17:00	-563.657
-105	81362	4068100	af3dfabe-bf77-4eea-8dc8-ac8f136ff5cf	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:07:03	674.218
-106	40682	4068200	5a4a3bed-de36-4c74-a21a-166a7a6c79d3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:08:58	868.242
-106	81364	4068200	6b3ed841-d6f0-4a99-b2f9-e6a6738a4014	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:08:38	-310.582
-107	40683	4068300	4e4eecab-0ab0-4e9f-898f-83435085016d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:24:29	563.736
-107	81366	4068300	521f743c-33ac-464c-bb4a-346a8c16181f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:51:12	807.695
-108	40684	4068400	cb09c73b-f220-446c-a916-3dceff4d6a31	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:53:22	-255.923
-108	81368	4068400	93d32a04-5ce0-4912-bde6-e4af6a10e6a0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:58:31	519.948
-109	40685	4068500	a917c403-c5d4-46cc-95f8-a0aa1af481ab	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:17:59	-767.423
-109	81370	4068500	a19a8238-2c6e-43cb-ab48-3e4d61da731b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:54:38	-580.786
-110	40686	4068600	02d3dcf6-672d-427d-bb4c-c201d65d0b9a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:30:46	-716.541
-110	81372	4068600	28e8c830-12eb-47ab-96da-0f49a4f14dcc	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:16:16	827.692
-111	40687	4068700	0d3f736e-54ea-496d-8099-22a160c1c985	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:52:51	-563.834
-111	81374	4068700	b46bc932-2065-4a50-9d0d-1a011d87c0e3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:12:14	656.437
-112	40688	4068800	5807bd44-7456-4240-9d63-93ec8fa98250	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:34:05	147.575
-112	81376	4068800	9b9f5810-3623-4b0a-863e-6f0a4a32391b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:32:54	-54.545
-113	40689	4068900	ff4b6418-bbac-4627-b25a-fd916ed585ea	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:55:41	711.341
-113	81378	4068900	9961bd99-9b85-4854-9eaf-3874c45625be	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:35:44	118.64
-114	40690	4069000	81b9af31-d697-48ea-a566-988b6219cd69	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:54:05	818.145
-114	81380	4069000	3d3a4978-58bc-4f96-877a-be75461ab25f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:08:26	207.412
-115	40691	4069100	6cb6eaa6-4647-497d-a7c7-33ef6888b529	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:41:29	886.985
-115	81382	4069100	ad5a5662-4086-4586-9d20-e96f9b6503c1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:14:36	-888.159
-116	40692	4069200	bbade202-450d-43ff-a5f7-160fad5a9540	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:54:29	486.711
-116	81384	4069200	f375ab27-969f-414d-ac19-1db66a9efb7e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:34:28	-332.682
-117	40693	4069300	03a97925-2604-4a89-9d68-c06558a070f9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:00:03	992.285
-117	81386	4069300	525b368f-ebcc-48af-8551-ec9e26ca8df3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:26:14	-654.78
-118	40694	4069400	cf46fe15-2dac-440f-b747-4c5b148b628e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:36:43	-556.869
-118	81388	4069400	f0a3bf69-4181-4b58-8965-09836b91a6d2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:13:29	-735.660
-119	40695	4069500	6f7d34c4-27b4-4325-8366-a3703353eee6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:19:52	-852.32
-119	81390	4069500	c649d116-ccf7-455b-af10-362393fd7313	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:30:19	-688.903
-120	40696	4069600	5b081ff1-30e1-4b96-9055-7beb475002ec	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:26:21	483.908
-120	81392	4069600	8b93c35b-7a44-4b2a-8869-ae075caf29ac	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:29:37	-897.589
-121	40697	4069700	99f9b099-210e-492d-b67e-56da2a8f5cda	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:54:36	-672.254
-121	81394	4069700	00df72e2-01a8-4a79-b454-10ef54330961	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:25:50	-471.173
-122	40698	4069800	bc60e4de-63da-4141-b576-566d8d35c22d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:22:58	421.135
-122	81396	4069800	1bea267d-66d8-4db8-bfa6-0116ea801cb3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:57:48	-55.155
-123	40699	4069900	0fe392be-b2a7-477a-9bf8-11c11e411914	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:36:13	-486.336
-123	81398	4069900	da3b4ea9-e26b-45d4-a6fd-31ca7855b045	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:07:25	-468.70
-124	40700	4070000	38c45a67-e0fb-4a21-bb49-042f1d7a2439	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:26:47	389.615
-124	81400	4070000	802bc238-599e-4323-b51c-23e548c980ec	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:46:28	-238.300
-125	40701	4070100	98d3cd92-d908-41c7-94d8-e9f67b03ac42	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:34:17	-451.394
-125	81402	4070100	072b829f-eeb5-4ee2-bc51-07432e950ea7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:56:19	3.663
-126	40702	4070200	def86dcc-ec75-4dcb-8991-a56857e39670	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:09:19	-663.184
-126	81404	4070200	0b92329b-616a-4614-9548-ca794cb127ff	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:34:02	-94.433
-127	40703	4070300	1508d594-916e-4179-b5a0-b7999d3011c1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:41:33	-242.880
-127	81406	4070300	32906d28-ed65-49f1-bc07-316cc97c1e36	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:21:22	544.450
-0	40704	4070400	69054ce1-48cb-47ce-81cc-0330ea71714b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:31:16	255.908
-0	81408	4070400	a69493c0-2f29-4985-8869-42ef4b617cee	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:23:25	992.99
-1	40705	4070500	dc8d0cba-9b80-4d0b-8e5d-309af9b2fc07	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:30:42	-610.807
-1	81410	4070500	4704865b-18f4-4eae-be78-e8d2ea911223	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:47:20	-361.776
-2	40706	4070600	3f0e9f57-fa33-4d13-b713-32a5993a4900	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:26:58	-401.565
-2	81412	4070600	f7818bfd-896e-407a-a26e-68662906439f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:30:06	-744.219
-3	40707	4070700	e54239c9-9bcd-4adb-85b1-12c7d1609303	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:30:08	492.619
-3	81414	4070700	5b03e9be-6637-4025-af1b-097137670608	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:19:35	756.5
-4	40708	4070800	4e539f3d-43e7-4c09-ab31-fbe86bc1170e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:43:23	-359.496
-4	81416	4070800	7619bcb7-7121-43cd-91bd-fd04a3d3952f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:57:28	-920.77
-5	40709	4070900	853f5abd-9b84-49f8-8fde-286ca654ff75	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:41:25	-707.51
-5	81418	4070900	cc9a642f-0039-45b2-9f2c-6e2d23f44def	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:15:14	-859.765
-6	40710	4071000	9f93437c-1336-46ac-a9c7-3fd399e9433c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:26:12	-372.99
-6	81420	4071000	4584289e-fe0e-472b-87a5-1a9e30b350ff	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:42:13	-590.474
-7	40711	4071100	0f4312eb-5307-4cb9-9653-044d35b4ced2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:36:38	-598.838
-7	81422	4071100	148eebcb-3ead-40fc-a653-9e2302dcc4c8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:09:02	544.250
-8	40712	4071200	6d456e33-6c4a-4ffb-a1e0-e43a5ccf8331	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:15:29	192.657
-8	81424	4071200	98b53ff9-050a-4154-aaaa-94cbf0294b7b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:14:34	-458.229
-9	40713	4071300	acd85c65-49d5-4d82-9bd9-eff1ce5cc052	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:12:49	262.936
-9	81426	4071300	31839db1-6eb1-4a08-ac61-ab695065903f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:51:31	-397.341
-10	40714	4071400	35a158de-f46c-4e76-8e1a-e1c4cc91ec9d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:55:13	53.478
-10	81428	4071400	f49bccb9-2603-4b3e-90be-6572de19cc7d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:38:56	-595.923
-11	40715	4071500	f8c2803e-f1ae-4b9c-8048-cccf4e5a3a48	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:30:10	-778.897
-11	81430	4071500	3b48fd39-e26e-4880-ab34-575ad30d540e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:55:28	719.31
-12	40716	4071600	60a92440-2af2-428e-a0e7-cabd5dd8d15d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:45:42	646.914
-12	81432	4071600	bb007b69-2929-4b03-a144-935b21d0b6b7	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:00:31	-767.521
-13	40717	4071700	4704e998-b110-4727-af65-a6b4ab07bba8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:01:28	-742.467
-13	81434	4071700	f876f759-05b9-4c8f-a168-7a38d01d3fc8	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:42:08	-42.99
-14	40718	4071800	c1b99ce8-20c4-4d9a-b39b-cb806225f419	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:42:17	-11.356
-14	81436	4071800	f07e01d5-7cd9-49b1-80ff-8e5f74972b9e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:46:10	982.451
-15	40719	4071900	17d2fd06-a319-49e5-91c5-7c2cbb268c5b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:33:11	-835.783
-15	81438	4071900	4543d4ba-3eed-4dbb-95bf-a87c89ca2b7a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:14:33	-930.846
-16	40720	4072000	740e8e62-7bd0-4f64-a94d-f0eead776c3f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:15:18	-679.691
-16	81440	4072000	a95926f9-0776-4c70-aeeb-4f362736382e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:15:50	-566.910
-17	40721	4072100	4fd689f8-35b9-4e7d-ada6-a9cb0c58a89e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:10:55	-438.774
-17	81442	4072100	23339029-cf0b-4fbf-bee5-ac24a6208486	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:38:55	-86.166
-18	40722	4072200	1364b1d7-957d-4d86-96fd-772b2854eecb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:33:53	-504.553
-18	81444	4072200	9c3c6df7-1455-4cc7-bbc4-3b2a640aa893	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:13:58	456.986
-19	40723	4072300	7f5bd02c-afbb-4ce6-a189-0ddf1eb66023	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:00:25	-836.686
-19	81446	4072300	11baa56a-cf8d-4b32-bae0-6c06210ec8e9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:52:56	-435.976
-20	40724	4072400	0f60a723-2f61-4c42-9c24-a467b6876fdf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:23:38	-912.562
-20	81448	4072400	1e6f2476-8eb4-4a17-8c54-ab24ce2cecbe	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:53:00	662.432
-21	40725	4072500	5e0cb84c-dc3e-4fe5-a176-96878e2de606	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:09:05	-387.686
-21	81450	4072500	cc8e3207-fb37-4aaa-9808-c9525d25abed	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:36:54	-322.409
-22	40726	4072600	74b2a11b-52c7-4604-90f4-da61a8bfb5fb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:27:35	-914.758
-22	81452	4072600	52376760-6c65-4052-bbaa-3a855dc60e18	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:07:42	759.654
-23	40727	4072700	dd1c7a4f-45b6-424f-9d7b-235d75e3d349	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:27:50	498.699
-23	81454	4072700	4cf8cb4b-e715-4d6e-ba57-e24a3d848cd2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:58:18	-757.986
-24	40728	4072800	57912c8d-4c20-46b3-b89d-3a413f50b951	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:50:09	-73.265
-24	81456	4072800	baf5692b-7371-4615-a0f5-4fc555c2ea38	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:53:18	880.846
-25	40729	4072900	290b52cb-cdd9-4e5c-a6ad-10491911c05e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:58:12	-279.356
-25	81458	4072900	c0ae818e-6c41-438a-b337-e1cc32e01fc1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:34:56	-566.650
-26	40730	4073000	95066e91-9c17-4606-bd33-4aafb28788b7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:49:34	161.990
-26	81460	4073000	4fee16c1-9aec-4d29-b700-726511cf2c99	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:16:55	-830.78
-27	40731	4073100	47b581c3-a4bd-4104-a231-8d1824a309f9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:02:16	692.865
-27	81462	4073100	c3b7d2ce-8413-4ef4-8d1f-c8ba246eb5cb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:27:54	648.496
-28	40732	4073200	dfa32da9-8962-437f-8079-d860820bf8e6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:41:08	-531.226
-28	81464	4073200	4221c9f0-285c-4485-8072-1aecefa851f1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:42:01	-65.196
-29	40733	4073300	92d45aef-4658-4d48-aaf4-ee168ef7f971	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:33:30	592.209
-29	81466	4073300	7aa5dce1-cdc1-4fec-ab99-a272f636969d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:15:02	932.19
-30	40734	4073400	ef0f18b2-4dfb-41b3-9f07-a767a8f8adb1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:00:39	-345.254
-30	81468	4073400	fc38c263-90cc-4771-af13-77aec8b7e2c1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:38:19	-683.109
-31	40735	4073500	c506868f-a2d3-4941-a69d-df225d4ac6a6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:39:54	-985.142
-31	81470	4073500	014ff9bd-4978-45aa-97b4-f7bc977a53ed	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:25:17	-685.54
-32	40736	4073600	b515084b-c17a-4d4b-a5ad-eabf6cc6241c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:42:07	-283.120
-32	81472	4073600	52547815-8ed6-4585-8349-834330bb8f9d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:38:19	252.424
-33	40737	4073700	ac733179-bb58-4851-9dc9-c85a43d6ff49	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:35:45	797.507
-33	81474	4073700	5f9fd3b8-4dc5-491f-81ea-28d05f43626a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:56:48	889.296
-34	40738	4073800	527ff7c4-3a76-433c-962b-3ef6bb664850	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:31:21	-398.901
-34	81476	4073800	61efba0d-2d79-4958-9501-f87bdedb59e1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:17:01	-604.696
-35	40739	4073900	910e8c2a-eac0-4e3a-bf31-54cd681261b7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:49:08	-280.742
-35	81478	4073900	7c791cd1-14ee-476d-b8c9-4ee6090ea704	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:54:21	-428.936
-36	40740	4074000	e508bb50-ec9a-4a6a-98c4-6f66a8662c50	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:29:05	-29.585
-36	81480	4074000	aaa1ce01-5a63-4f9d-9df3-e4a264a30878	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:47:12	466.973
-37	40741	4074100	f365c275-9315-4239-8204-c8424544e331	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:25:09	909.588
-37	81482	4074100	c516b13e-d904-479f-943e-fa4980631039	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:26:44	-968.490
-38	40742	4074200	2f3415e0-d92c-4745-bf17-2533059011fc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:34:29	-724.190
-38	81484	4074200	7d6286b5-3e74-4eed-93ab-ef8bff27d239	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:32:26	374.804
-39	40743	4074300	a3a0835d-7ff0-49b0-80dc-3b48b46dbaf7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:19:55	884.740
-39	81486	4074300	009c7998-4248-4fa1-9d27-1f453a5110ac	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:09:31	941.848
-40	40744	4074400	4680be88-3164-45e5-bf04-e33ae6f730a6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:24:57	370.564
-40	81488	4074400	64d416a7-f333-41c0-975a-f8eb48bd225e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:58:49	976.413
-41	40745	4074500	6426e651-95f7-4425-9e6f-58e8eaabaea4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:07:58	40.977
-41	81490	4074500	c98a378c-c4bb-477f-8a93-e93caf6c2809	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:47:58	-766.717
-42	40746	4074600	8c47dc06-e3ed-4b75-90cf-e36c004081e3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:54:57	510.35
-42	81492	4074600	db452fdf-0af6-4b4c-b48a-c92e5e318488	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:25:49	162.167
-43	40747	4074700	8a26ee91-52f8-4c3e-a193-8c8f6e4e9327	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:46:19	356.132
-43	81494	4074700	a3c84699-baec-42cd-8c01-771865443488	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:15:30	-118.268
-44	40748	4074800	e645bd6f-14b8-4193-9dea-4dba6cb29184	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:16:38	-212.890
-44	81496	4074800	30737893-319d-459a-91c6-c90bc5be508a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:38:58	947.109
-45	40749	4074900	b7035501-02d1-49c2-a90e-4089a5ecc6fb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:06:15	-144.968
-45	81498	4074900	80441c63-8057-45df-bd4d-a75f4980a759	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:54:31	-821.828
-46	40750	4075000	646abc39-c08a-4c67-a165-f959a06f70be	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:17:18	-179.983
-46	81500	4075000	305af113-972f-45f6-9408-7ecbdb6900fa	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:42:18	333.367
-47	40751	4075100	5f602941-ce8e-411c-a86c-40a8861090f8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:43:52	-251.464
-47	81502	4075100	add8acc0-91ba-4c81-ae4b-e64ca682159c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:58:09	-371.670
-48	40752	4075200	dff817f3-2007-4ee4-b7d8-f87814dd3649	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:35:26	-477.755
-48	81504	4075200	6513eac4-f01a-4234-bfe1-f6a8ddf8149c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:28:36	-923.449
-49	40753	4075300	e084a3fa-0f3a-44ba-9c52-1d883cc19139	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:16:02	856.488
-49	81506	4075300	0776227f-81d9-4498-ae68-34c6f7a9326f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:08:21	574.957
-50	40754	4075400	a06c1a9e-9dce-4131-a6ec-38b11ff0d962	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:35:20	-810.5
-50	81508	4075400	513403cd-3979-4c7e-844a-06acb24ffb27	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:09:30	-660.369
-51	40755	4075500	9bda062f-14d7-426e-8e06-86bb605a47cf	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:10:02	-350.348
-51	81510	4075500	679f277d-d1b5-4614-95da-c28559a7a432	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:42:57	607.42
-52	40756	4075600	ec8d8684-49d2-480e-a57d-efd4c5a4bd4a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:42:27	24.490
-52	81512	4075600	e8781a43-8f3e-4557-bc46-091ffa5f698d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:06:17	176.923
-53	40757	4075700	776c7606-e319-4568-ae40-f8c8b44feee3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:43:24	261.525
-53	81514	4075700	4c812844-0700-4b8f-8ac3-ae1b9b5f5683	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:04:11	773.622
-54	40758	4075800	19c1ef6b-ab08-4f2d-8fbb-5329f9c456e2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:53:57	319.380
-54	81516	4075800	d5de78c3-95a2-4ae7-a4c1-f3aecf36acf4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:03:52	-442.482
-55	40759	4075900	94558d61-c704-4a5a-8de2-9d43fe2e19db	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:49:38	434.780
-55	81518	4075900	9266610d-f677-4ba0-8c24-0b8db768bfca	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:01:32	862.280
-56	40760	4076000	dbd34ce8-3f57-4250-8764-d267c51c3241	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:06:57	193.916
-56	81520	4076000	826de12c-a032-4f7c-b4c3-8bb277bafebc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:17:33	941.192
-57	40761	4076100	4b0e209e-e0bd-4e2a-94b2-5e6ff0ffdf59	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:26:13	-306.537
-57	81522	4076100	876649ea-37b2-4197-92da-b7a2541806d5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:35:27	506.608
-58	40762	4076200	f5c7579c-6452-477f-8db7-989ddade5b5a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:38:11	383.265
-58	81524	4076200	cd31475d-5629-432c-aaf4-3cbbafab811d	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:00:47	539.318
-59	40763	4076300	615002e1-915f-4064-a82d-bb7186092958	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:15:46	423.713
-59	81526	4076300	9afa7daf-3ee8-4e25-99d0-468fe66e84ba	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:40:34	933.235
-60	40764	4076400	e5e9fd41-f3e3-4c56-9817-7155678d4af4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:00:58	-100.770
-60	81528	4076400	b57d0fcd-5a3e-42e4-948b-a08b4a853f22	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:52:56	-676.935
-61	40765	4076500	5bed6abd-cde3-4d59-9a3b-b1844595f817	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:02:29	966.413
-61	81530	4076500	dc8a49fe-9641-4128-9a59-e8f9fd33dbdd	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:26:33	757.615
-62	40766	4076600	19ad8d4d-f95e-4e42-adbb-acea6ab185bd	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:39:11	-85.496
-62	81532	4076600	dd0d5381-69ae-4b93-81bd-bd552d4e961b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:09:56	692.470
-63	40767	4076700	7201366b-6ac2-4dfd-ad19-de6f1e5c9e30	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:49:47	416.445
-63	81534	4076700	8328a410-ccbc-4271-ad5c-96cce209dc25	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:47:20	594.981
-64	40768	4076800	7c973101-6635-4f80-82d9-fb451c3ecb00	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:40:19	-840.717
-64	81536	4076800	cfeab18c-1b51-4629-83c9-c25d406dd044	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:51:45	-675.206
-65	40769	4076900	5def4e65-4425-4780-8f8c-5030fbbac988	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:26:49	-140.124
-65	81538	4076900	ff2ce035-7d62-43cb-ad7b-18e782d000dc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:01:01	36.106
-66	40770	4077000	61572eb8-c6b7-4b4b-a8ac-1b7a76b6c81f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:13:39	-10.682
-66	81540	4077000	1ffa5100-4154-4934-afc5-2cbad822a0ff	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:44:03	99.278
-67	40771	4077100	466b098e-c88f-4a9f-b53c-c0f1a6cb24c8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:51:05	-87.800
-67	81542	4077100	3362668c-e850-4fe4-896f-5d0c8f4a189b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:30:35	225.592
-68	40772	4077200	c9863999-9e63-4548-a8e9-59020a82dbb0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:58:32	-944.940
-68	81544	4077200	e9880c63-67d7-4545-99ab-9171b904fab5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:17:48	-931.159
-69	40773	4077300	f4c6a8da-f8ea-41ca-91a2-2e69674bc3a6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:26:44	816.822
-69	81546	4077300	45155ffe-3af2-4436-be1c-0a7ae6659ae8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:17:43	623.181
-70	40774	4077400	ef1cd46e-3b5d-4153-8bfa-c89425d19b76	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:39:23	-514.440
-70	81548	4077400	1693148c-53d4-4e5f-adb9-d5dd508974e0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:16:27	574.120
-71	40775	4077500	84c1e7c0-3a82-4952-b233-38b83b28dc0f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:12:32	-882.248
-71	81550	4077500	44311c1f-c79f-466f-8066-7269321eea41	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:08:26	933.115
-72	40776	4077600	9434bab9-a89d-4369-9bc6-7fa5adbcf245	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:26:28	656.67
-72	81552	4077600	8e43ce69-8152-4281-8947-cc0e764da8ed	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:50:24	890.648
-73	40777	4077700	c64c3261-3217-480d-9f52-5ef41dfda4ba	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:45:05	-485.238
-73	81554	4077700	c2cc99d2-46e4-47dc-9861-bcbd26332ea8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:52:05	237.561
-74	40778	4077800	f60589e9-2b76-40cd-9dbd-930945ce4e9e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:02:28	-617.51
-74	81556	4077800	f420a4a1-4ebd-4fb2-904c-f37f423e40a0	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:06:40	909.431
-75	40779	4077900	cbf706ed-c2e8-43b3-a0b4-f80a4cdcfa69	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:02:04	-162.811
-75	81558	4077900	cb27e3ed-928e-442f-aa65-6bf32abc419a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:15:05	-760.281
-76	40780	4078000	ef70e60c-9f42-44e6-9767-b0cb5ec89bbe	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:34:29	-301.914
-76	81560	4078000	8d0a4b9d-e92a-4b0b-ae6a-101ceba70b39	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:30:35	744.945
-77	40781	4078100	e46214dc-c0c8-458b-8cd3-6ba1e66853ab	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:46:32	-33.955
-77	81562	4078100	9e63f52a-8e05-4838-b86a-ba7c1eaf01ec	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:19:09	7.895
-78	40782	4078200	ba4dc2b7-9170-4c8b-8d4f-011734f4cca8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:55:51	-26.661
-78	81564	4078200	edea475c-d530-4d43-a266-ac83751620de	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:12:27	156.282
-79	40783	4078300	936ef439-c9d2-43ce-a965-6c58528847ad	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:39:22	-232.99
-79	81566	4078300	f87627e9-a63b-4df5-b9f5-250d299ea0ff	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:50:48	-347.541
-80	40784	4078400	f9bdee62-5fdd-4c1d-916e-680990c8ab72	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:50:10	779.916
-80	81568	4078400	002fd4a1-dad6-4b25-8b1f-b052bbdc3299	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:23:00	-517.940
-81	40785	4078500	0772e5c7-5dca-42f6-bd16-9aa6164563d9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:16:37	127.672
-81	81570	4078500	637aa900-097e-4f94-941e-d26ba3a11280	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:27:59	-432.307
-82	40786	4078600	b38a2361-ae1c-4817-89fb-cab329824be1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:51:50	-425.673
-82	81572	4078600	2d3809dc-9212-4da4-957d-1ff09177abc3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:45:33	-572.923
-83	40787	4078700	2713f8c6-ec16-4984-b65c-e68f548d923c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:42:52	-113.94
-83	81574	4078700	63b59ed8-dd71-4b60-b0ef-92d2eb757df3	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:55:34	-423.42
-84	40788	4078800	0dfc71cc-4e98-43a9-802b-e836e136e9e7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:02:55	-140.702
-84	81576	4078800	a1e97425-cae8-47b1-8073-87c1b3beb21c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:26:49	-461.335
-85	40789	4078900	fd3f97fe-0d54-438c-9abb-749915e8c49a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:46:00	-253.146
-85	81578	4078900	a50d779a-6ee7-4ff1-9ea9-92f41de9446f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:30:27	880.131
-86	40790	4079000	3185b4ba-b3b1-4c2a-b17e-129d5769726b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:12:57	-273.134
-86	81580	4079000	37ad45f1-f590-4cfb-9b75-c36253909c35	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:22:49	610.535
-87	40791	4079100	45b067b1-97d6-4866-93b2-2a35aa569d50	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:22:07	421.36
-87	81582	4079100	121c46e7-eb9e-47d7-9e76-1842fbd6e7d1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:37:54	948.476
-88	40792	4079200	7d704974-f687-4dd5-a4b6-c5feab4225b8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:48:45	-892.38
-88	81584	4079200	440508d7-5298-4838-8fc7-8bc84239e3a6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:51:22	-662.214
-89	40793	4079300	c5d01609-f5fd-40af-94cb-668fab2bd07c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:01:54	-654.744
-89	81586	4079300	01a4c004-a83e-4ec3-9cc5-6ac281e4f4f4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:05:19	439.485
-90	40794	4079400	2f5b809d-e32b-48b0-adcb-a1a369d726aa	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:02:56	-910.626
-90	81588	4079400	9b243c98-f95f-45d5-8bfa-a3d0761d6ad2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:19:34	-95.626
-91	40795	4079500	5ff18cf6-1cfe-4f45-ada3-8e283450d4df	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:18:46	999.250
-91	81590	4079500	098b3581-7d2c-4535-a0bb-a495d8ae0232	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:17:21	-490.552
-92	40796	4079600	5dbe5f41-b47f-4272-92ba-9849af2078a2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:40:49	-152.553
-92	81592	4079600	c2990d51-b646-4804-9b52-31366effc25c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:26:32	898.386
-93	40797	4079700	fdaada05-aeb1-443e-91cf-1217114ecca3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:12:49	-350.124
-93	81594	4079700	aef782a5-f8de-49c8-a2a6-57be093d2a60	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:53:38	39.875
-94	40798	4079800	a37fc512-9eee-4439-8908-6c13fc94db96	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:19:15	507.239
-94	81596	4079800	0c6a22e3-8059-4bc9-94fd-8f53b83f4077	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:28:44	-109.735
-95	40799	4079900	95c9fbfb-1e61-4052-87fa-252e19890d68	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:25:58	-23.672
-95	81598	4079900	5838d1d9-0275-42ea-8522-95e0981a2137	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:30:45	-992.472
-96	40800	4080000	2e601e37-8695-4ff6-860e-1b5f81b86278	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:53:23	336.245
-96	81600	4080000	e326cb97-b34e-4526-953b-30c3b2b8ccc4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:17:50	-251.421
-97	40801	4080100	a96ff185-753e-48c9-9d2c-a4136a57161a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:44:05	822.343
-97	81602	4080100	cec60ed4-1b87-485b-ada2-ef597cd51abf	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:32:54	-392.867
-98	40802	4080200	e14b8163-71dc-46d1-bdac-97c773770ed1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:18:10	803.913
-98	81604	4080200	7463dacb-cbb4-4ec8-a5f8-eca6333b0824	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:42:46	879.843
-99	40803	4080300	a8b59df6-2c17-4e46-aefd-845a6eb5e01d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:04:10	-336.972
-99	81606	4080300	661e390b-6c6e-42b5-8f15-ea64b66a53c1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:33:14	-630.8
-100	40804	4080400	dfc804a9-94ad-437e-b768-771c2d1dbed8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:03:14	426.777
-100	81608	4080400	c0112ffd-dc04-45e7-95c9-a3601413c538	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:33:15	-126.161
-101	40805	4080500	e517355f-05db-4c8e-902c-44bef2ab3ef2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:11:17	549.84
-101	81610	4080500	cd94622c-ab0f-4968-9b23-aaed8686d112	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:16:26	-160.725
-102	40806	4080600	4ff9c521-4bf1-46e3-8ca7-7ca54c362c88	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:07:58	-989.59
-102	81612	4080600	b61ceaf6-9707-41e1-b10b-b94f9dc290a7	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:33:58	387.437
-103	40807	4080700	ceb626f5-200a-4b76-a900-3dec7fe1514a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:53:14	835.91
-103	81614	4080700	3a6062f8-7a28-46dc-a1ce-d0058ede440f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:40:39	-118.816
-104	40808	4080800	3fe9fa75-6aec-414c-aabc-8d21bf56f9fb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:16:49	-70.89
-104	81616	4080800	4d5aff8b-b39b-44e2-aadd-cb55c306c958	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:50:38	-386.746
-105	40809	4080900	b109815c-840d-40d8-9b33-96aced63233a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:05:33	99.220
-105	81618	4080900	40b1ee2f-ae82-442b-9d5f-f690c675f16e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:01:25	-538.37
-106	40810	4081000	17a91a6a-b910-464a-b240-6af86816b66f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:43:50	193.84
-106	81620	4081000	e0920458-29af-4345-a1d5-c63eb872f33b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:47:54	73.973
-107	40811	4081100	22ccdc36-0b8a-4fc7-9d67-448b2ddcafd0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:19:47	767.854
-107	81622	4081100	8ded52e5-f2c2-45d0-aece-5ea19b444ad8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:02:26	-474.945
-108	40812	4081200	6f94f340-160d-4ed7-9d01-2c75af200ec0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:38:08	-577.826
-108	81624	4081200	0a327499-436e-4a61-ba46-a9523810927e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:42:32	823.162
-109	40813	4081300	141ba2e6-b183-4b30-ad17-bf2a1f25fe8f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:33:59	-608.785
-109	81626	4081300	853eca3b-b9e9-425a-a080-cfb1c890020d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:17:24	-682.941
-110	40814	4081400	c6933ce4-92ae-4249-b452-174c4993164e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:33:08	-135.690
-110	81628	4081400	2e209100-dce4-4b08-9df2-ac8979e0693f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:38:33	344.697
-111	40815	4081500	cd5a04db-9294-470d-87fa-b56758bdf004	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:26:28	-487.751
-111	81630	4081500	60aa6d5b-55f3-4bca-ac9c-683727ad9072	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:21:31	136.413
-112	40816	4081600	647f2fbf-c0ef-42fb-955e-fd825755e1e7	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:06:36	616.454
-112	81632	4081600	4d5eea21-3a8b-4562-9cfe-3ce420364824	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:42:27	-771.499
-113	40817	4081700	7a2cf7f2-f529-4be5-9f1e-2c4e1aa21ef9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:16:46	-870.432
-113	81634	4081700	46d46449-9712-4d0d-a764-84a428ef3e9d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:57:29	442.523
-114	40818	4081800	cd014640-0c28-4d1d-a96f-a8bd1076d587	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:22:17	-289.952
-114	81636	4081800	d45b9bca-721a-4bd2-b653-5d1110b390db	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:50:05	531.45
-115	40819	4081900	7ef15dce-5403-4e18-9fef-773ca0ac7f21	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:56:16	-769.65
-115	81638	4081900	8f407955-580e-4f05-8489-a0df18e18626	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:42:34	-589.507
-116	40820	4082000	17ef06cc-1354-4813-9685-1ce640a469ef	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:04:08	622.38
-116	81640	4082000	7f03eece-aa6b-4b86-8f3d-f0fa4f53a3c1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:33:39	359.349
-117	40821	4082100	1daf4833-775c-4148-bbc9-01e8f6aa62fd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:26:31	-529.972
-117	81642	4082100	e9b3e21b-7f0c-4851-b71a-f6c5b6228e86	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:48:08	162.120
-118	40822	4082200	8590a87a-d5bf-4dfe-9b58-d60a7c7cb10b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:25:19	-988.336
-118	81644	4082200	e2fedb3b-915b-4945-b65a-7bdd88c1ea9d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:37:03	-529.888
-119	40823	4082300	213ccc18-6bcd-442f-9f71-591d90b015a3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:18:38	-785.690
-119	81646	4082300	70249ee0-3db9-41b7-9379-6ab0f2c3b2c6	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:52:29	334.675
-120	40824	4082400	a9750e8f-c6b0-4473-af32-6e5c88fb8c73	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:19:17	124.692
-120	81648	4082400	33233371-e22c-4da2-9f29-88cf0cdeec3a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:41:07	21.914
-121	40825	4082500	fec6a6a7-46bd-4cc3-93dd-0bd920b7b31f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:45:46	-902.469
-121	81650	4082500	5f5c9334-b561-43fc-89b8-c2a51a68962f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:53:39	916.535
-122	40826	4082600	418366c3-38e5-4f72-a1bf-566ec40e1d76	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:39:28	540.349
-122	81652	4082600	3c45dbe7-365c-4a1a-bc95-994951225fbe	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:29:43	523.959
-123	40827	4082700	df31a215-8f7a-491a-9170-5c53d5a21d24	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:04:32	-404.391
-123	81654	4082700	bc7be6e8-694a-4671-aafb-f9725b3d736d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:51:12	649.613
-124	40828	4082800	041acec3-b4a3-4bc5-9245-0419a8647a66	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:14:55	60.878
-124	81656	4082800	de040bcb-0347-4a7a-89f5-17eed67a4f53	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:15:53	-491.221
-125	40829	4082900	4806b71a-9a39-4e79-a6a8-53e16535774e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:55:52	434.236
-125	81658	4082900	b00e884c-6c8e-4c94-a0f8-842daf6a69c3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:17:24	-910.629
-126	40830	4083000	94d48d01-595d-48d9-bbfb-3785c70f43b1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:14:25	12.592
-126	81660	4083000	93b8eae9-53b6-4af2-92f7-0871e8edf603	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:57:10	4.611
-127	40831	4083100	a1ca497b-9f7e-4566-b0f3-a39268611b6f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:10:59	762.755
-127	81662	4083100	c1b0154e-c53b-42f5-8641-82720afbbb00	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:24:13	-159.265
-0	40832	4083200	9db20b93-144e-4d12-b397-a3fe64d88028	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:45:37	746.919
-0	81664	4083200	fcb1827a-671a-4854-bfc4-59cdbc9c8721	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:54:26	914.754
-1	40833	4083300	80ce74d7-c3bb-401d-908b-05a9c2914214	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:11:54	-495.299
-1	81666	4083300	d31cacbe-6770-40c6-bf09-f44f6a1e37c6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:26:01	948.951
-2	40834	4083400	a4954275-2346-469b-984b-0da7d6606185	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:12:55	-292.564
-2	81668	4083400	2f3d232d-0c9e-4a55-99ba-088f7f595b09	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:22:01	111.714
-3	40835	4083500	ac8345d1-3f1b-424a-813d-60c2f87b02f9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:25:22	-900.15
-3	81670	4083500	705228e8-90c1-49e1-a9f0-9a2ac1963c03	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:56:45	29.956
-4	40836	4083600	143bae0e-0253-4170-8d77-04e2ae77399e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:26:41	-505.325
-4	81672	4083600	dcb5ab60-0e09-45cc-a452-9780f069444e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:38:36	466.680
-5	40837	4083700	db304487-2959-4610-81c7-a30300ceb5da	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:18:46	90.93
-5	81674	4083700	bf51ee56-99b5-4f3a-987b-fd0dfbe4b634	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:30:04	-399.765
-6	40838	4083800	a9766d5c-221d-4657-a5bf-7e8e4c2663ab	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:46:02	-479.566
-6	81676	4083800	772e4270-ce44-4a42-8773-9c2528f5e77f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:17:40	-455.6
-7	40839	4083900	1cdc2390-64ab-48aa-a19a-57115f0dca99	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:31:09	-653.957
-7	81678	4083900	7e55deb8-aee9-4f18-8700-e7b6a94356f1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:36:39	-538.955
-8	40840	4084000	19b934f5-e8e2-4147-b764-9627751f1cec	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:01:15	401.949
-8	81680	4084000	f29b6188-0b97-463b-a8f9-a9af0d3b7e89	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:20:05	-763.25
-9	40841	4084100	52bc9d0a-afd1-4fcf-b095-efb6b6ee9ddc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:14:25	-289.117
-9	81682	4084100	84075a4a-d15d-4fb4-b51a-5d25dc5a277b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:29:32	-961.507
-10	40842	4084200	2b11a1a3-146d-408f-adf6-844642895c50	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:35:51	149.306
-10	81684	4084200	7b9e9ac5-2c2e-4431-a4ad-0d57f5bea844	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:06:56	458.899
-11	40843	4084300	4cd73f92-215a-4282-9b55-60b413b19c90	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:33:11	-449.27
-11	81686	4084300	8073aeb9-b895-428e-9f61-fe2dd1228ec7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:39:04	828.269
-12	40844	4084400	79dd03a1-4d11-4f80-b03b-ad858d486ecd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:37:01	-926.298
-12	81688	4084400	70f5d057-2051-4a1f-a717-ce879bcbbe97	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:37:08	-791.15
-13	40845	4084500	042d53bc-6e80-4161-8d5a-c44ffca170ab	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:33:19	-857.976
-13	81690	4084500	4b08f159-ec1f-4922-b929-59c8fa95a6e6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:35:55	750.627
-14	40846	4084600	09792e99-f16c-414a-9a31-b7acd81b78a3	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:38:29	-869.255
-14	81692	4084600	dea17564-24f3-463f-ab9d-a5baea9896f6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:27:15	66.446
-15	40847	4084700	993d5cb6-27e0-4a50-b4c7-b5cf1dc6e3ea	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:22:15	297.966
-15	81694	4084700	d1f1ed4b-2b3a-4f1b-82ad-b6f1ed6d1e11	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:39:01	150.920
-16	40848	4084800	4ade1de0-1e60-4486-9682-0254a6adc7de	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:10:21	-867.808
-16	81696	4084800	303354a7-0ca2-4ee2-9091-d41fc77c8d02	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:42:40	-414.460
-17	40849	4084900	148d1704-9b44-49b3-ada4-26d61ff2a055	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:12:19	760.533
-17	81698	4084900	56477a80-19e9-4a4e-87a6-9ff38e608e41	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:45:22	67.397
-18	40850	4085000	b1de5950-0eec-48c6-8b44-c21c2549249b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:26:53	-357.502
-18	81700	4085000	45fabb5d-d87e-4a3d-a463-9a93f79a809c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:41:24	925.515
-19	40851	4085100	e04ebca0-93db-4295-8158-5f793c3e8ff2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:00:43	-2.51
-19	81702	4085100	e15733c3-41c2-4f82-89ed-5c5b955ce63a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:00:29	133.141
-20	40852	4085200	fe45002a-b675-4274-bf92-f42c396d453c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:38:06	-67.130
-20	81704	4085200	888ef41e-ee24-4ff3-9f93-c1001d589728	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:26:40	-827.4
-21	40853	4085300	350751b8-96b9-4cbc-9534-5507961ae453	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:47:36	-489.185
-21	81706	4085300	6adb86de-a22d-41e8-802c-b95b5a27d8a3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:18:20	789.636
-22	40854	4085400	a95ffff0-84a3-4a0f-8238-1eccdb979dd9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:59:14	170.554
-22	81708	4085400	16ac1647-40de-4174-bbb2-21578595a4ac	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:40:45	-922.590
-23	40855	4085500	7215fd4b-3362-4618-b006-932ccb44c5be	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:56:38	209.510
-23	81710	4085500	1b6a21b3-3d26-4763-afeb-9d04b3148aa6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:28:26	-924.786
-24	40856	4085600	9027efb6-3e2e-4416-85c8-87d28d820bdd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:51:01	-971.149
-24	81712	4085600	35063a58-d535-4b0d-90e4-e4ae7eb3a889	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:40:58	371.368
-25	40857	4085700	b2d9f536-e7ee-4c4b-a041-63adc2c637bb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:57:00	619.247
-25	81714	4085700	24845a80-0ed2-4558-8f6e-7d0216ba1821	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:42:29	-159.204
-26	40858	4085800	f2d58b40-042d-46b5-824c-0d4713006f17	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:16:58	667.237
-26	81716	4085800	793e6ffc-e8dc-4972-87ce-221769c8e37b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:29:34	-462.591
-27	40859	4085900	b9fa3c2c-991d-4ce0-af35-eeb8673b19f4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:11:48	-497.398
-27	81718	4085900	b0213a72-8fc0-4c94-a901-f8a403b3a1e5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:14:37	124.897
-28	40860	4086000	b6a53062-844c-4e70-b85e-18a292bd464e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:22:08	161.280
-28	81720	4086000	072ec60d-2ad1-41ec-9845-0eafec3a9eda	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:59:58	-411.5
-29	40861	4086100	bd117025-2c17-4987-8aaa-66c76aa65688	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:04:38	-858.707
-29	81722	4086100	02b8b5d3-e796-4388-b431-9040b2a488b0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:21:05	-319.914
-30	40862	4086200	f754cc93-d5c7-4a3d-b641-f7553150442f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:59:42	-248.835
-30	81724	4086200	f3941602-23fe-445e-85a4-f3dfc8beac5f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:47:44	-927.61
-31	40863	4086300	db5b0243-81ef-4279-9fd2-774a608f0095	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:24:13	-347.365
-31	81726	4086300	046e0576-720d-470b-bbce-03ff3ee103c1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:03:34	-891.570
-32	40864	4086400	8e4dfdb4-fba8-4fda-8637-0ba81bd7d485	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:00:42	430.339
-32	81728	4086400	c4a95003-83f2-4ae6-9e66-c2d486baeadb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:36:07	-72.706
-33	40865	4086500	7e8eecfa-e114-48b5-bde8-8164fbab697c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:14:15	-678.854
-33	81730	4086500	08dc9626-0977-482a-9565-88ff6b9c369c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:55:42	591.606
-34	40866	4086600	f0961b65-cb56-40c9-9230-0c6e7acf045b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:44:53	602.12
-34	81732	4086600	232b4307-afd6-4043-a1d2-804dda493d03	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:36:54	707.792
-35	40867	4086700	8100f36b-4941-430a-9910-ee231c1da799	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:35:56	682.152
-35	81734	4086700	c6f97cc8-c1c7-4174-9dd8-7076edf200ee	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:34:00	829.878
-36	40868	4086800	bcb08e3e-960d-49dd-ba03-70cbc2de73dd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:20:31	882.835
-36	81736	4086800	b63f9222-2f1f-4af2-99a0-d6022b8c56ca	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:47:40	-938.816
-37	40869	4086900	4fb4cbb2-22fa-4f2c-9014-8005f0e51758	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:48:16	-386.785
-37	81738	4086900	01c6e0ff-a0ee-4e8f-8056-45e50a25dcf7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:06:19	128.967
-38	40870	4087000	f814e1b7-e4d2-45dd-8466-4e731c0f9db7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:25:30	-751.715
-38	81740	4087000	8925e294-bcc8-41d0-a1e5-f7920c0ac917	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:57:06	-663.386
-39	40871	4087100	7efb60c6-e031-4189-bd52-1e82fec28aad	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:36:05	-814.296
-39	81742	4087100	dd02bf6e-d242-4691-b6a1-e57b018bee46	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:31:02	-663.232
-40	40872	4087200	cfd99b05-a647-4664-93fd-d57c56081fd4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:56:35	-347.534
-40	81744	4087200	70a866f1-39fa-47ed-8eb9-60242b18ec95	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:08:13	697.736
-41	40873	4087300	20061fab-6782-4c1d-97d5-d311417598e0	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:05:01	-657.558
-41	81746	4087300	753b8004-2613-43f3-bd24-80dad7bfca1d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:04:13	-162.992
-42	40874	4087400	ea036e00-d8da-408c-b40b-e40663a69772	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:03:48	859.825
-42	81748	4087400	f412f39a-0197-4c42-9047-45f23fb1c2be	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:27:21	-75.542
-43	40875	4087500	7372ac38-c928-4c89-b498-f8bad469d46b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:52:42	766.970
-43	81750	4087500	ccb97b42-10ed-4015-9218-11d5ffab621a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:43:40	576.272
-44	40876	4087600	7940501c-a417-4943-861c-4207a8afc1e9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:06:12	-588.417
-44	81752	4087600	8c2731a6-9b49-4ddd-a3c3-e2389e965251	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:34:10	259.372
-45	40877	4087700	0003f823-7a03-4a8c-a27e-145336ae22f8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:44:40	-169.265
-45	81754	4087700	e605bd42-4c5d-4adb-a8c9-f82d0b573aed	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:04:32	796.64
-46	40878	4087800	29d1ea35-e693-49e8-80fc-bd44b9fb23a4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:14:49	383.466
-46	81756	4087800	5c905521-23d0-4865-97b0-85f57091369e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:41:14	905.151
-47	40879	4087900	88be4e84-b186-4cc3-81b1-cd797d80daae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:16:11	-240.855
-47	81758	4087900	2898222d-7c92-4057-9cc9-13c458fd244e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:43:01	-374.112
-48	40880	4088000	e4f00c0c-fc7e-45ae-b262-604fe806e100	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:38:39	-400.82
-48	81760	4088000	664dbdc7-eca0-4e9c-bd10-fdb56baace4e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:56:04	502.913
-49	40881	4088100	0077539e-12bb-49b1-a9db-2233592aa1c3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:42:51	-613.945
-49	81762	4088100	7858f86c-c240-4e35-9dd7-5e3382e099ef	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:35:02	-262.680
-50	40882	4088200	e1928777-c89a-4269-9322-77f2e8bb904f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:08:38	463.2
-50	81764	4088200	1c636f5c-9a12-4605-96ba-36881b25795e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:15:50	123.225
-51	40883	4088300	de38e9b6-4ac6-459f-89c8-0d7d3cd4024f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:50:09	-277.561
-51	81766	4088300	52a3869f-a267-4b80-a4b2-b251ae628b3f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:17:58	-717.804
-52	40884	4088400	00db2e5d-451b-4f2d-8811-e9c10b7bb478	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:48:13	-618.456
-52	81768	4088400	e395c247-0053-4a2a-8d12-6b3f537d6bc0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:46:28	633.334
-53	40885	4088500	56435d7d-6560-4553-9575-9c2e958f6e8b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:10:05	-109.49
-53	81770	4088500	c99608d2-2666-49c2-b66e-925aaaa8ae22	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:40:38	64.950
-54	40886	4088600	848db7db-81bd-4817-808b-1cd7ac0b75d2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:48:27	-566.463
-54	81772	4088600	29209625-6dc7-4a7e-ba54-e53a9a32c8a5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:37:52	641.841
-55	40887	4088700	41666119-3cf5-49e5-a5c8-4e57a5ae126e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:52:51	704.898
-55	81774	4088700	e1c79377-8924-4add-b804-25f259609053	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:32:26	-683.267
-56	40888	4088800	3d7f8a3d-c317-469a-b518-d1e241643c02	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:22:19	338.730
-56	81776	4088800	a3bccd8f-356b-4e8c-8fb2-9b8167afca4a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:38:06	-718.230
-57	40889	4088900	894255a3-bd45-42c9-bfd7-7a57b8322555	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:37:12	-764.473
-57	81778	4088900	dbcab570-2cc1-4e24-ab64-00a7ed067a91	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:28:17	-527.151
-58	40890	4089000	c0204466-baad-47e1-a961-843881ffc392	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:09:07	214.910
-58	81780	4089000	fa51fbb5-df45-4dd1-bc4f-57d8cf4d29cf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:10:44	920.295
-59	40891	4089100	a4edff33-7419-4040-9176-24550fd50761	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:38:58	454.893
-59	81782	4089100	2904ce80-e2d1-4a2a-b10b-212838626d50	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:04:34	-821.547
-60	40892	4089200	f5e7442e-1c7c-402e-875a-3bb5a024f34c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:32:22	-858.749
-60	81784	4089200	296712b1-49dc-4e0d-8fdc-93a96a2e9241	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:35:02	-760.93
-61	40893	4089300	c413c7bb-4965-4a86-a965-94d0a152507d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:56:48	423.333
-61	81786	4089300	ce389b43-9425-4017-b101-c1dc026807d1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:04:01	-262.145
-62	40894	4089400	b218527a-7d8c-4a54-9d61-a1ccb8f00dac	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:09:54	-619.152
-62	81788	4089400	5aca3d58-cab5-463c-9ef8-0594cc2b74dd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:11:43	-602.339
-63	40895	4089500	36bf214b-aa22-45b4-afdc-2dd3aff77943	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:38:21	-993.933
-63	81790	4089500	5a746457-861e-4541-a6fd-8004dd21cccb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:24:33	555.827
-64	40896	4089600	9a0bc46a-06f6-4f2b-a121-5a64a41db1db	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:07:42	-607.289
-64	81792	4089600	dee9a20f-ee53-4fa5-bf12-d64921cd11b2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:14:04	718.878
-65	40897	4089700	c1929fbd-23bd-42cf-8983-d36419d859ca	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:44:30	198.575
-65	81794	4089700	dc1a03fa-fbc5-46fd-a089-519c28259db6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:40:55	-978.188
-66	40898	4089800	c5e1bcfc-d4f3-4b20-9a65-5cd146ae80c8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:27:43	55.240
-66	81796	4089800	d1723436-0850-4911-9310-fde04e7f4d69	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:54:41	-548.91
-67	40899	4089900	81d07558-f47c-484a-8231-df227364cb20	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:23:52	569.217
-67	81798	4089900	6d9dfdf1-363e-405e-b552-4eeb7bdbc48c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:58:32	924.411
-68	40900	4090000	96418f63-01e5-44c8-9ecb-a4611d01e714	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:44:06	-782.107
-68	81800	4090000	3ddc2c41-68d6-4423-9868-8f80656324f1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:42:05	-973.417
-69	40901	4090100	6114aa02-6d7b-4474-ab82-2cc988cfdf4b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:39:30	779.329
-69	81802	4090100	bb3c1d71-e02b-4267-97cb-57a5741ba2fc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:10:43	485.394
-70	40902	4090200	d4fd904c-1c29-4c81-b5f9-54a8ea0f7cc7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:09:47	-986.960
-70	81804	4090200	490ce660-4ee5-4ba4-bf3e-082b3f6c9cbf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:54:17	388.172
-71	40903	4090300	06a10cc8-22ae-44d2-aac3-ea4f131d9526	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:23:00	-824.644
-71	81806	4090300	8859466f-f787-4af5-afa5-74bb4da8b4f0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:25:46	19.339
-72	40904	4090400	13a3f30a-4637-4c1c-8a64-2fc49977cc39	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:30:36	-645.149
-72	81808	4090400	15d38e5f-3e0a-4dc7-a14e-392ba41058d4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:34:45	687.92
-73	40905	4090500	86f4718e-4dfe-483e-bb28-183a73a9be54	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:42:10	-271.871
-73	81810	4090500	d4149434-ee70-45b9-b634-80856ec05c90	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:34:04	-251.244
-74	40906	4090600	0ef329aa-4296-457a-9aa6-fb41b03d4efc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:00:11	234.535
-74	81812	4090600	2e3983f3-510e-4650-8fe4-e95a426e673e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:33:30	-471.970
-75	40907	4090700	bc87bf32-cd28-44e2-beda-f2348135cff3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:01:27	438.560
-75	81814	4090700	fe6ee4fd-463a-43b9-b8b6-2fe55c7aa5d0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:35:02	752.803
-76	40908	4090800	095e847e-1f77-4b41-acfa-24f3997c0ff6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:14:59	-315.442
-76	81816	4090800	3afd32f7-2633-4ab9-8d8b-d95edca512af	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:57:50	-154.811
-77	40909	4090900	c317ce95-97ff-440d-bcba-217bfaf5ab72	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:33:08	732.290
-77	81818	4090900	92350532-8e92-41df-9d74-b187f3ccac57	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:42:12	-368.555
-78	40910	4091000	08727a7d-1bd3-47b2-8027-8e9d71f328c5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:38:30	996.455
-78	81820	4091000	55279874-9cd0-4e46-a852-123e94427cf4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:22:26	692.595
-79	40911	4091100	b9203bb3-d5fd-4b38-a455-d34317c357ed	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:58:40	-292.701
-79	81822	4091100	6d210e7e-8ca3-4aca-aa66-e39ade0d203c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:34:01	131.338
-80	40912	4091200	00f431d6-7e41-4555-8b20-90383b398b55	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:34:04	-921.468
-80	81824	4091200	a32ca2f4-f80e-4112-a2e4-7b3e39290021	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:44:35	-829.847
-81	40913	4091300	7dedc790-6f90-4a19-8db2-92ea07f1ff22	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:19:09	12.793
-81	81826	4091300	9173e675-b5a3-43fb-b288-74519cccb213	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:57:37	-485.673
-82	40914	4091400	bd761aa9-473c-4a2b-9d85-7a38727cb9e6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:44:46	265.957
-82	81828	4091400	c89ac517-f508-45ec-92e4-8cd99d1fcfee	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:28:14	623.677
-83	40915	4091500	6725a884-fcdc-4d06-8ac8-e91c7f6c6fb9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:56:15	-568.933
-83	81830	4091500	76ef9946-9239-45d7-a07a-dd1461f2b0d5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:14:58	-45.127
-84	40916	4091600	ae3b768d-5ae3-4440-9958-a87dd8a1025c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:23:35	-917.750
-84	81832	4091600	8e95eb16-e0ac-4944-bf88-2d22176c286b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:08:11	800.364
-85	40917	4091700	4455a4b5-0fb9-4c2f-8c10-5fc552307dd1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:11:30	-772.214
-85	81834	4091700	5d704d73-a443-428f-ac18-b119f1054062	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:47:30	-329.908
-86	40918	4091800	e2055224-434b-4553-a3a3-8c1d4b6f3764	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:34:26	-74.69
-86	81836	4091800	49f051b1-7eb3-4589-b0f2-7579dfb18988	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:58:30	116.297
-87	40919	4091900	ff3c40c3-1d89-4df4-8da1-1ba08082fbdf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:53:24	209.927
-87	81838	4091900	c31ba7bd-6baa-44ee-83ef-fe8c4ae3da35	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:51:54	-956.536
-88	40920	4092000	404c2239-4387-4efe-b548-551478f8615b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:24:19	954.860
-88	81840	4092000	9f4c2f4d-1617-4faf-a400-eeaa9bb18b1d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:24:03	-559.710
-89	40921	4092100	00409fff-34db-4521-9ccb-b3083c8dd7c0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:27:47	82.111
-89	81842	4092100	38a2c6ba-8f42-45c9-85e3-e2297d41e7e4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:29:42	640.247
-90	40922	4092200	27445aea-f009-43e8-9c5a-7c9a55679bcd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:49:35	414.872
-90	81844	4092200	f280a3d4-7157-456a-be52-18e29db16e4f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:24:12	480.529
-91	40923	4092300	2449e784-d498-418c-81d7-7d84b79db44e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:22:33	-91.718
-91	81846	4092300	f9436fac-1d2c-4206-a347-4318eafc0482	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:17:26	224.185
-92	40924	4092400	21d58444-6ddd-4562-b36d-22a4601ca70e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:12:51	822.345
-92	81848	4092400	eee0a9f3-735c-4208-9b2e-2f84a07aaada	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:44:58	659.422
-93	40925	4092500	36f01045-cc5e-4015-b170-e960a500c79a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:30:12	782.123
-93	81850	4092500	81653afa-2985-4eb3-aa49-69b70549fce5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:30:57	-246.755
-94	40926	4092600	01ff1542-393b-48e9-9e01-7f04f4453766	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:26:12	-378.812
-94	81852	4092600	e5bcd496-5ad5-4a13-9d76-198a141d1b2f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:21:27	-402.907
-95	40927	4092700	68cecb2a-a307-4576-92a0-698e3e79c220	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:46:35	-943.554
-95	81854	4092700	762fdc6e-70a4-48cc-99ad-3a4373c8440e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:10:17	868.941
-96	40928	4092800	081d835d-d09e-47e9-8bc6-147c7c329341	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:59:19	-604.877
-96	81856	4092800	363fa36a-63dd-41cd-94a2-9b29c5fa52ed	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:44:36	697.400
-97	40929	4092900	e38b2869-9ad6-4e15-a821-a7011f12d279	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:54:18	-510.794
-97	81858	4092900	0692b2d1-69f7-43be-84e3-131db7f977ab	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:53:23	235.930
-98	40930	4093000	b9536a6d-c2f6-4feb-b287-fdfa1ba6baa5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:39:16	-848.545
-98	81860	4093000	b6ffc102-1755-49e6-8116-cb1c57b8f205	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:32:02	-175.181
-99	40931	4093100	63e99e55-53b2-4d0b-baa5-157517a45fc6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:51:24	-607.360
-99	81862	4093100	53cdf10b-2138-4ac0-8eb6-c1cd51a78f1a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:38:55	118.926
-100	40932	4093200	e98c59ae-5f11-4eee-ade9-75b6a76bb0cd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:15:09	-285.622
-100	81864	4093200	f87b8481-5775-4a7c-84b0-776ea2a58f85	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:52:32	-869.580
-101	40933	4093300	4ebe650d-6156-4da2-937d-3222e234a35d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:34:13	-431.214
-101	81866	4093300	dfb68e2a-fe6e-44f3-a7a4-4b2fb1c4b0d9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:37:58	751.259
-102	40934	4093400	48392c14-8482-42d6-813c-cf1a45ca5c13	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:28:26	832.318
-102	81868	4093400	18580cfb-b2bb-46d7-b527-0cc197970d1d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:23:05	323.361
-103	40935	4093500	1049a89e-6571-4f3b-a4d8-148b4ca64ac7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:36:33	381.160
-103	81870	4093500	cdc9e248-a1d3-49cc-a5f2-7b277b7cf0bb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:14:42	-362.29
-104	40936	4093600	8181ccc2-cb97-440e-8094-f93f916e203f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:38:47	13.221
-104	81872	4093600	28be044b-72d6-4f0a-b437-206addc5618a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:43:04	-867.55
-105	40937	4093700	63280ccf-b72b-4893-9da0-563b71948fdb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:26:41	185.961
-105	81874	4093700	7a02e190-72d2-4281-8e99-96157ed4fbb3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:34:06	116.110
-106	40938	4093800	6dee5ea4-0501-4dfa-bc39-562c2aae1d6e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:44:53	991.68
-106	81876	4093800	b670ae76-e180-4bbd-9a9a-0209f98e84f4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:22:09	-723.364
-107	40939	4093900	12327c3a-b8b6-4c07-a762-04eeb00b5bde	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:43:28	171.538
-107	81878	4093900	4535ee1d-20ac-417f-b058-506785e9ea9d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:32:41	172.864
-108	40940	4094000	016ca90e-c19c-4338-931c-bbb294e3b8b1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:36:44	-22.661
-108	81880	4094000	fabd741d-8a97-494f-b91a-1913800222bd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:11:49	-527.626
-109	40941	4094100	24eba333-200e-4f74-942e-8786952e9021	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:52:00	-777.646
-109	81882	4094100	dd196dcd-b3a0-40e0-8652-452125366dfd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:44:54	677.445
-110	40942	4094200	34875564-1d5f-491d-b332-ff13137748fa	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:38:55	678.220
-110	81884	4094200	f28658af-eb06-4938-a399-02d1985a1c8f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:02:27	913.161
-111	40943	4094300	23a3802a-6cbd-4b50-8c19-43d7cf3ff9ff	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:07:15	-782.309
-111	81886	4094300	043b9527-361b-4e2d-836d-eefef6bf51cb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:42:52	-118.866
-112	40944	4094400	3cd6508c-4fcf-4172-9563-3eaf5e9d39c4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:05:51	870.314
-112	81888	4094400	1dac71ba-3854-41d5-b82b-fe6303d7c2fe	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:34:19	912.866
-113	40945	4094500	35e35739-e3ab-407f-a775-b6a5cc2d825b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:31:04	461.980
-113	81890	4094500	fd9cf3ed-2d7b-4ca7-8b8f-b5b72a1f541b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:21:15	711.693
-114	40946	4094600	19f2896e-d578-46f2-806d-c0c8c4ddd00a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 08:48:28	-439.455
-114	81892	4094600	0d92fb97-58d1-4132-a613-574a001e44ce	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:11:21	-870.774
-115	40947	4094700	58b2c575-45b6-4baf-b338-13e4b8fc29a9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:31:06	-974.461
-115	81894	4094700	a128bee6-a122-41fb-a597-38e4d2e48a81	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:53:29	792.736
-116	40948	4094800	5e18ce98-dd54-4db5-90cf-43b8e7817426	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:24:47	382.997
-116	81896	4094800	bfb59b76-e22d-4b08-81f3-1e9076347e55	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:54:32	-382.437
-117	40949	4094900	e9387e73-23db-449f-9007-6260e4b212cd	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:57:45	-913.413
-117	81898	4094900	ac414b6d-bdd6-4ff5-aa52-d6c4987df052	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:33:56	917.420
-118	40950	4095000	dff432d6-77a5-4c0a-81b9-2a7c0b542fa1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:09:20	-858.109
-118	81900	4095000	c4c98a9c-aecb-4c72-9c07-4621218aade5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:21:57	-49.314
-119	40951	4095100	c0f56358-b984-46d6-b56d-b8af21273c0c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:33:01	-766.736
-119	81902	4095100	1437bf79-89cc-4311-a59b-6e1676d2732b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:16:46	-378.462
-120	40952	4095200	cf46d18d-e46f-4ce4-a15b-679fbef6ad83	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:21:05	-465.512
-120	81904	4095200	dcfb255b-70ef-4eef-a74b-5fda9f0990f6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:53:55	278.57
-121	40953	4095300	4e4f31b6-a35e-4ce5-aa3c-f48646d39dde	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:33:54	-810.677
-121	81906	4095300	b716a266-fa45-4ad8-a43a-371e109a1c00	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:37:12	329.742
-122	40954	4095400	592dde3f-abf7-4fe7-8e61-da297c1389a5	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:19:30	-172.46
-122	81908	4095400	dbeb16e5-7a20-4362-8157-4f65c19853b4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:10:18	-494.929
-123	40955	4095500	29876877-1ae5-420a-b4ea-5f47ab0ed670	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:27:13	-965.556
-123	81910	4095500	0f3638da-c7ba-417c-bdd4-d531d7d61d6f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:38:29	-437.987
-124	40956	4095600	0ca770ea-3f50-4131-be4e-b9fc2aa4bb08	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:09:39	599.599
-124	81912	4095600	04f5238a-b3e3-46e3-b037-a47f1e102d9e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:35:41	252.98
-125	40957	4095700	c3b0ac65-d3e8-444e-88ae-130d97d066e6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:20:02	789.643
-125	81914	4095700	a6c55b8f-ccb4-4eec-86bd-90e5ad93782d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:23:00	-175.825
-126	40958	4095800	e8aeb2c3-5278-4ae1-a201-d65c89b2692f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:57:26	-646.225
-126	81916	4095800	35acc4bd-fdaa-4500-8fdc-b81ade80aa71	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:04:29	-290.10
-127	40959	4095900	acb75490-d522-4cfd-8da9-6c8208dad9b3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:40:02	-387.97
-127	81918	4095900	56d06aa9-9453-43c7-8c26-42eb31918f21	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:45:00	-245.535
-0	40960	4096000	6731496c-ad36-435e-986f-fb4c591294f3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:21:05	501.178
-0	81920	4096000	7554c8bc-543d-4731-bc8e-410b0abb3fdc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:28:00	784.1
-1	40961	4096100	e48524a0-fcfb-47d1-a346-5246b7a4c504	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:13:15	728.739
-1	81922	4096100	b91b6090-c908-4a9c-b403-9abe72136de1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:19:20	881.751
-2	40962	4096200	6b9aa38a-fdb7-40b2-a757-31384915598c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:25:50	-571.194
-2	81924	4096200	79c1d0ec-76e8-4a48-8296-fe371b980fee	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:01:08	266.602
-3	40963	4096300	ea8e2362-2571-4269-9f19-07f37d5e3bb6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:34:21	-749.665
-3	81926	4096300	c3cc3d5a-fc86-4710-9cc2-3d706a2a27f0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:53:05	299.348
-4	40964	4096400	7e39886b-3046-4e56-9578-3b970ee0c7b3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:28:05	272.288
-4	81928	4096400	3c68e684-5a3e-4afd-ae67-3801ec5befeb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:37:41	814.985
-5	40965	4096500	7b0d27c5-11dc-4e06-83c5-7a75e097e923	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:49:28	-135.715
-5	81930	4096500	44c65b7a-a487-4236-ad90-9ee9c6a07c0a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:23:42	-399.826
-6	40966	4096600	3067063b-79c9-4cf4-a35b-80e452a7347c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:32:59	53.555
-6	81932	4096600	bc406134-be37-4767-8e5b-dd7ba2972bc8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:50:48	-822.976
-7	40967	4096700	f054522e-14f7-4ec0-80cf-c556d8a8b7d0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:45:58	313.483
-7	81934	4096700	fe30c3d1-332c-4f0d-89bc-07f66e19acaf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 09:58:43	-174.965
-8	40968	4096800	6978a3d9-c54b-4e71-84a5-d221f532a159	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:24:50	386.720
-8	81936	4096800	9c62fd68-5bdd-4279-9d8d-ada305fe9f2e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:27:24	-953.770
-9	40969	4096900	1f0778aa-fcda-4f7f-a967-ec3540db4484	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:33:11	453.122
-9	81938	4096900	933d9ca0-9ab3-41b9-93a9-0b9477b02903	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:56:53	-272.164
-10	40970	4097000	fc545524-0e65-4ca7-9877-8f9b4fa261b1	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:16:56	-452.73
-10	81940	4097000	f60dfe38-4fa1-46c9-b443-f095d524a7ad	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:00:32	-259.450
-11	40971	4097100	8a872a40-b820-447d-926c-5136ff29c2b0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:12:13	265.726
-11	81942	4097100	7fb4764b-7e20-4b02-9b8f-be778c88f3e8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:44:26	435.670
-12	40972	4097200	1f002ab6-bb94-434f-8c34-3403204f909a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:00:43	-453.263
-12	81944	4097200	2d2103f8-8c29-48db-8db6-8876ce000e9e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:48:23	-356.92
-13	40973	4097300	15086b3c-5266-4640-8bbd-bfeac49b22db	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:32:25	-135.968
-13	81946	4097300	cd415be8-4bd0-428c-a0c3-1d55a375df94	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:44:18	-958.824
-14	40974	4097400	797af81c-6b2b-4953-93a3-711f1d7bbc59	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:15:13	-432.770
-14	81948	4097400	8eb4c44d-7839-48a6-be06-d67e8c884018	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:00:04	-4.983
-15	40975	4097500	e492373f-ce41-4ff5-a68e-f4cca86ae980	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:42:09	18.794
-15	81950	4097500	d54cf0ac-d98d-48c6-b092-9904bad36022	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:56:53	751.250
-16	40976	4097600	b992d7b0-73c7-46de-b6cd-0ca44bb52ab1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:53:44	-278.243
-16	81952	4097600	4ab1a84c-21c6-4fa7-83a6-43fd627cf6ff	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:44:37	358.753
-17	40977	4097700	33c5e676-06ac-42a9-939d-304ad395516a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:07:54	61.441
-17	81954	4097700	0e00d920-4c56-4c5c-b786-b89242d6b606	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:06:36	366.430
-18	40978	4097800	d2e88d0e-a0e7-426b-801c-a3e332eaacdd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:06:53	867.865
-18	81956	4097800	27ef805d-d28f-4ce0-8c3d-2c6f5fb062f0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:33:55	928.183
-19	40979	4097900	6302664c-6997-43d7-91da-5b9a254b6f18	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:22:55	463.971
-19	81958	4097900	8d36a3b9-9b9c-4c0f-a7f8-9304744e40b7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:41:50	887.821
-20	40980	4098000	17aaccf3-5627-4d19-82f7-0970cd2853b8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:51:22	935.984
-20	81960	4098000	d5a74b8c-cb6a-4e7b-a59f-3eba192fed49	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:44:30	684.205
-21	40981	4098100	dcbd2eaa-2c13-43b7-b87e-a31bf8c09827	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:18:44	-792.974
-21	81962	4098100	2386d7cb-38e1-4b35-a348-f9621c11aab1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:04:41	645.615
-22	40982	4098200	2e253e4b-6f88-480c-9dfc-26eacb276d54	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:30:01	-188.927
-22	81964	4098200	4f55d8dc-cbe6-4f6c-bb19-164c13240fee	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:23:58	150.226
-23	40983	4098300	8c48e6ee-5f55-44e2-b56d-a3b3a475fca4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:30:52	908.423
-23	81966	4098300	cae09051-c85e-461c-8677-550b32e1a26f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:31:39	464.52
-24	40984	4098400	25feddee-801f-470f-b840-2f8389956234	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:13:16	-548.390
-24	81968	4098400	03632434-7ed3-4116-872e-bb310b0155bf	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:09:15	446.990
-25	40985	4098500	dd1631c1-57d5-4766-9bd3-c05eda3352ac	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:45:55	-876.508
-25	81970	4098500	ae6b2655-efa0-4a68-9bfb-931bc0dbdaf8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:31:00	911.842
-26	40986	4098600	d32d1409-a2d4-48b8-a1d9-f4368e9175fa	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:13:18	522.151
-26	81972	4098600	d628b96a-d1fe-46ca-9981-176d74e975f6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:35:12	238.322
-27	40987	4098700	e8333703-b739-44ee-81fa-fdd5ef07267c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:54:17	-467.749
-27	81974	4098700	c62937ba-bfde-4b3b-826f-541f72e606e4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:00:59	696.954
-28	40988	4098800	39638de5-0672-4ce6-800e-f1aacd3c31bd	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:25:20	150.876
-28	81976	4098800	5c0b17a1-24cc-4ecc-8708-105306b424eb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:52:11	938.43
-29	40989	4098900	36e82fbe-c29f-4c17-8a8c-137cd14487c4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:45:59	-600.226
-29	81978	4098900	7e00b117-93f5-45d1-9989-e67d0e830096	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:41:30	945.429
-30	40990	4099000	21fdf1f6-a5e0-4c7f-a2f8-3e2dd6943551	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:10:02	-498.304
-30	81980	4099000	910306d8-33c8-4612-842e-71900d226997	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:11:37	504.868
-31	40991	4099100	9ef87023-a36f-4932-9246-bf26038ae39b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:18:20	-103.765
-31	81982	4099100	eb4676c1-408d-4574-986e-ef75ce9e7256	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:18:24	432.390
-32	40992	4099200	983fb1b5-a6d6-4d5b-9903-0261d0ef5432	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:37:12	-876.73
-32	81984	4099200	f7edaed5-b280-4147-abd7-1b05a18e9767	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 17:28:55	137.605
-33	40993	4099300	0f85a9af-0dfc-4629-8484-879dad5b67dd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:56:51	-598.540
-33	81986	4099300	39160d0f-1117-42fe-a966-479f48287d83	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:51:31	336.590
-34	40994	4099400	ea4b646d-5e89-4440-a03e-481c27fecee7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:11:25	839.55
-34	81988	4099400	68294d1a-fdcf-4650-b65e-4c180f16a2d1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:10:05	-351.119
-35	40995	4099500	cc3cf150-2f3b-4854-876d-d272f41c5eff	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:12:24	435.262
-35	81990	4099500	bd4f2eb7-3618-4537-a965-e07ebecfe5f1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:06:32	908.19
-36	40996	4099600	ca9c814f-4bbd-49ec-9dc8-e1f5902afe89	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:21:24	-532.784
-36	81992	4099600	eea9b179-0936-4696-adbe-fc1a5cb3d2f6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:02:47	-752.706
-37	40997	4099700	9cce7e94-cbe6-4b25-897f-a1d1f3df313c	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:25:01	-28.916
-37	81994	4099700	9cbbf5e2-f27a-449a-b508-b6efaa3984bc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:20:54	-416.197
-38	40998	4099800	486dcc2a-62c5-4515-a43a-2fe2fbb7ec2b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:50:35	240.229
-38	81996	4099800	a2b9af7e-5900-4673-8562-b481b7a387d2	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:51:30	364.642
-39	40999	4099900	a27e2388-c31a-447a-9fa5-4a8fa4d3910f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:11:09	442.516
-39	81998	4099900	ca81b37c-d570-4d6a-8be0-c86cc262d9a6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:38:52	-444.659
-40	41000	4100000	97ab0cbf-0ac4-42e6-a5ff-490908101da8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:55:49	-696.770
-40	82000	4100000	0da0ada9-0b71-4b2f-86fd-0089ad9eb9d6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:02:18	-630.117
-41	41001	4100100	a492899c-052d-493f-ad77-d2ebc745e789	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:12:42	-937.580
-41	82002	4100100	7e2e74da-d16f-42b3-b90e-c99c4847a86d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:53:31	-42.535
-42	41002	4100200	fe72d670-bf48-4e9f-b3a2-ee9913560750	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:17:01	-375.439
-42	82004	4100200	1095cf7e-02ea-4df0-b70f-1b09d848deb0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:54:17	576.639
-43	41003	4100300	919932f6-d85a-42f6-95b2-40e61a39a2c0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:07:37	-305.637
-43	82006	4100300	619dc3eb-bf69-4575-9c54-71ee73f3da28	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:45:30	-830.522
-44	41004	4100400	2f95d898-60e1-42d3-a512-c38a83de1064	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:30:17	-714.672
-44	82008	4100400	dc490104-cee9-4915-a6f5-d9962f3d408b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:32:22	-534.649
-45	41005	4100500	c04b54a4-4cc8-41ea-a087-f02386ddfebc	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:55:50	-760.821
-45	82010	4100500	bfb69f40-2476-43a0-bdfb-11307d4f3cd1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:47:25	908.669
-46	41006	4100600	7480911d-dd30-41f1-8f32-17eb8705ee4b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:37:53	187.257
-46	82012	4100600	4601e859-1db8-432f-82e6-4b222884c541	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:04:26	511.548
-47	41007	4100700	0a78cae9-33fe-4821-b419-5e2f802daa2e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:54:53	-625.929
-47	82014	4100700	e10ed725-e130-4309-848d-f364449887b2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:18:35	401.502
-48	41008	4100800	5bef84c6-bc3b-43c8-9a24-8c1a83e18e75	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:54:08	-90.537
-48	82016	4100800	e24cd23d-e5d4-4c67-9422-ec42eb65151e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:17:51	-484.15
-49	41009	4100900	b52bc5ef-8113-4387-b477-a9f06c4319b0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:51:21	175.633
-49	82018	4100900	2236be8a-3358-4f7f-b897-ac776f5833ec	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:38:25	-79.939
-50	41010	4101000	5ff122a7-e69e-47cb-8526-a27d860cca0b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:03:39	-449.322
-50	82020	4101000	ea098c6d-f527-4fa9-92a3-211233962682	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:58:53	629.851
-51	41011	4101100	2a5ae0bb-c881-4884-968e-a882ce619733	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:47:51	981.988
-51	82022	4101100	3c75f8c1-8e20-4584-b409-9ab48c1901a5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:26:24	978.123
-52	41012	4101200	ced53ab1-3be9-47f9-8fb7-f096c9c0a2d1	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:02:33	878.602
-52	82024	4101200	109adbda-887c-4482-a436-fc010a6b5740	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:54:13	-457.963
-53	41013	4101300	9bc9bb28-b5ab-4e20-94ca-e5fb46622f8f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:01:54	-534.474
-53	82026	4101300	028c2dca-9bcf-4eb2-a710-837411b82791	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:31:32	839.727
-54	41014	4101400	fbee3326-635b-46b5-a37d-233e22721616	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:39:30	-268.203
-54	82028	4101400	32687d60-690b-4e33-96e6-5de7c2dc58e7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:30:52	-497.863
-55	41015	4101500	f1e269f9-99b7-41b3-8c2e-ad4265753f7f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:05:27	-906.841
-55	82030	4101500	bd5837f0-7972-49cb-b039-504ac554ead1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:49:27	352.627
-56	41016	4101600	217e1f4c-8769-482d-a399-37653b5d0d01	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:58:25	666.653
-56	82032	4101600	9f6a3c15-7ac9-477e-bea4-6b5b36f4fed2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:24:11	-461.256
-57	41017	4101700	2a5f23f9-f7c9-4263-b361-1e9e8bc309d2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:44:55	-209.584
-57	82034	4101700	b36fc64a-ca9c-4d15-8172-301de7aaf386	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:48:23	-333.977
-58	41018	4101800	a6b9cf38-5c7e-4657-9a07-3827d844c1b2	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:03:42	138.60
-58	82036	4101800	dc4fb32c-9162-41f5-ba99-90ca1f404090	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:38:12	62.415
-59	41019	4101900	8b7f9f0e-b3e1-484f-8860-5e485194d9fd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:13:22	480.552
-59	82038	4101900	8f761035-4f07-4ee9-aa66-42b873824a3d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:57:35	632.800
-60	41020	4102000	26e2c4ac-f5e6-44e4-a8f0-4d88cf368b8f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:41:29	-87.607
-60	82040	4102000	ee605e5b-624c-411f-9fa6-335241992756	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:28:43	-51.409
-61	41021	4102100	a60b8b0a-6e64-4dc7-b0e8-6fcf3bc077ff	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:19:07	980.792
-61	82042	4102100	080cbcba-109a-46b2-90a1-0c808c0539d7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:22:50	-33.657
-62	41022	4102200	efd6ba7a-b2cd-490b-bbc2-c71bbe342864	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:30:54	49.329
-62	82044	4102200	f89142ce-6ac3-4869-aca1-099c0294e7b9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:44:57	737.128
-63	41023	4102300	09e4a1ec-beb5-4d77-ba4d-59df7d12cdbb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:25:09	484.789
-63	82046	4102300	4f7272d7-b98f-4214-aad7-9a67868e6d8d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:12:13	-824.866
-64	41024	4102400	4d04f1a3-59af-4c3d-be43-182e4f05baac	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:35:56	-73.725
-64	82048	4102400	4bbb55e7-1ab4-4a68-aaa0-316e183dffec	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:59:47	327.433
-65	41025	4102500	c2a30a27-635f-4f22-9bc4-07bb7da7e80b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:28:23	-324.855
-65	82050	4102500	11e7812c-b650-4c30-9fb6-7fb0827a9654	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:42:48	-45.363
-66	41026	4102600	86eb498b-c4fc-4084-80a6-85deb458a772	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:49:50	-136.306
-66	82052	4102600	ee72c2df-543a-45e5-96d7-8568a92a1130	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:35:14	515.120
-67	41027	4102700	d0ddb661-165b-4a39-9b27-52375ce50cfc	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:34:46	891.759
-67	82054	4102700	08531854-9639-474a-8cde-7ec71d17864a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:22:35	-441.669
-68	41028	4102800	bd3644ab-fc64-4df8-b64f-9c3e5ca9f24d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:20:44	-374.631
-68	82056	4102800	234e1d71-d88c-4462-b58c-bc46a6dcdc59	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:34:28	860.405
-69	41029	4102900	ef78b635-0e6c-44d4-b9b3-e96aa00021e5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:56:56	-347.584
-69	82058	4102900	4397d54f-8543-4529-aa74-92e8a6b2803e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:45:31	-431.357
-70	41030	4103000	0c57d3b5-6920-47b7-bfa9-861d46eef19d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:36:05	434.783
-70	82060	4103000	982b210a-7dac-4d27-b2a1-621002676c8c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:57:39	-212.69
-71	41031	4103100	6095c655-1ee1-4a86-9c4e-4353f5b5566f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:02:42	-824.417
-71	82062	4103100	dc5e0c51-e6e7-492a-ba6c-842d3723bb97	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:06:20	-894.651
-72	41032	4103200	36c33565-f58f-41a6-88ee-5e3e25d543a4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:59:59	953.899
-72	82064	4103200	631177ab-dd52-4de8-8981-d7a7ae009c48	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:50:23	-571.585
-73	41033	4103300	a23e2618-1886-4d26-901a-2607c9d6a4eb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:43:11	417.954
-73	82066	4103300	8cf6ead7-39c0-41c4-87fe-3644d6f63dbe	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:50:08	-122.930
-74	41034	4103400	af7a52f5-3d78-4d74-aae0-b8b4b1f2affa	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:17:59	979.858
-74	82068	4103400	deb39062-3cdd-4812-bfa6-f754855b993e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:27:10	-702.570
-75	41035	4103500	d038a759-3920-4efc-a40b-f8481892a39c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:27:27	443.244
-75	82070	4103500	6951e599-82b5-42a1-ba79-dd7be1838430	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:13:41	989.240
-76	41036	4103600	4c8416b4-434b-41b0-a052-b6584e26c75c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:29:15	-664.144
-76	82072	4103600	565adaae-301c-43db-afef-a0cbddb2c57e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:19:22	155.969
-77	41037	4103700	933f537d-706b-48a5-87c0-b7270288bad7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:33:21	-164.459
-77	82074	4103700	63edc05f-aa5c-49f2-b7b7-97e736060683	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:34:00	-397.770
-78	41038	4103800	34a1ce04-44b9-4991-b926-9aeeda3b82f1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:11:04	-477.79
-78	82076	4103800	e1314637-6580-4957-8413-8356a71e9fc5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:20:51	139.711
-79	41039	4103900	2f557165-cbce-421b-91d6-e30619595a50	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:47:15	770.239
-79	82078	4103900	7e6a068f-0f31-406e-84a4-659545ababeb	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:44:25	902.117
-80	41040	4104000	bb94680d-0471-430a-b753-49ad30985338	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:54:57	822.765
-80	82080	4104000	f09d8ae6-3e34-4b9d-b059-9ba51bdc360a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:54:57	-23.868
-81	41041	4104100	6ac28e37-ed1c-4c99-ad73-4ff939e00753	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:31:45	457.687
-81	82082	4104100	49265577-c85e-44e1-9fa3-d2464240b9ac	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:27:45	243.837
-82	41042	4104200	bdacda9c-31f7-4c1e-aa25-efc4db7c48d4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:51:54	-463.511
-82	82084	4104200	91417733-6bca-4e59-89a6-23006aa5dd9c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:35:04	-474.500
-83	41043	4104300	72a4b1d9-73f7-482e-a7db-a6d20bb2aae1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:29:05	414.521
-83	82086	4104300	df05cf38-d883-4463-af88-5089935a77e7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:36:34	870.560
-84	41044	4104400	6272e79c-fecf-4fdf-81c3-833d2d60be8d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:19:30	-263.201
-84	82088	4104400	a829e17f-0572-4d64-afb5-e4fa795ff834	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:14:41	410.229
-85	41045	4104500	ed6518a1-4c12-4118-963f-778efa0c1fae	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:08:50	-740.756
-85	82090	4104500	7fad8b0a-5b52-402a-8b70-59452c2b9c94	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:48:36	173.84
-86	41046	4104600	6cbdf813-b27f-40af-9cf9-ce50ab0944cd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:38:01	591.716
-86	82092	4104600	5d668528-bedb-4508-ab2b-d9a4d9e6e72a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:14:24	-303.502
-87	41047	4104700	e420b9d7-11cc-400a-8150-ebbe2592c882	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:31:51	569.603
-87	82094	4104700	074015ff-5e7b-43a8-8ad8-4ef452959663	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:02:52	-17.2
-88	41048	4104800	e681e646-eb00-4555-b956-164ebddc9178	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:32:13	605.74
-88	82096	4104800	a84318cd-d140-4c52-8215-fbbed8e8d86a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:08:07	880.929
-89	41049	4104900	6423dc6a-3afb-4d5e-8216-c8b0f176b8b4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:53:08	-371.343
-89	82098	4104900	27ed2d66-f0b9-40b5-a236-ec56bb2d46ac	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:45:54	-792.516
-90	41050	4105000	7198e230-00b1-488a-a3a4-8483a4e57e70	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:08:40	293.5
-90	82100	4105000	f29f96ed-76f0-48d7-a50f-fcdf4dcd6dd8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:24:49	-922.934
-91	41051	4105100	cac5ed97-3e8f-4a6f-9596-9fe73cde4d52	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:34:03	547.430
-91	82102	4105100	817e65ca-4193-4467-921e-8899dd1d2b27	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:08:12	464.535
-92	41052	4105200	33f7d5ac-6097-4cb3-95fd-519963782d01	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:02:47	-506.92
-92	82104	4105200	8800dc15-1d2c-46fe-b90c-893bac289fdc	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:41:15	601.29
-93	41053	4105300	703ae67f-b5d7-47a1-b274-2737dd826be9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:23:37	-373.41
-93	82106	4105300	d09e9dee-197f-4554-ae89-f4bc4698ae4c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:22:15	-215.460
-94	41054	4105400	7752238a-8021-4da9-984d-c98d5525ded6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:11:32	-794.416
-94	82108	4105400	f7b9da18-57f4-467b-a030-07677628d5e2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:10:27	630.659
-95	41055	4105500	21418211-d948-49e9-8894-124265906f55	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:05:55	446.40
-95	82110	4105500	f4feeeaf-ec9e-4e6f-9902-85b17772d4d0	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:46:54	-761.52
-96	41056	4105600	d8571055-cb6e-4ee2-a755-e531b3b3af16	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:53:14	289.536
-96	82112	4105600	ea64c256-debf-426a-891d-6880a0e9ebac	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:02:46	-228.342
-97	41057	4105700	9eaee390-7e87-4b82-8137-7c760e3513bb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:33:18	-246.160
-97	82114	4105700	4a351425-8625-48ad-82ba-38b1f52dc5c2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:31:30	-215.682
-98	41058	4105800	e83b7e2a-a1d6-4fc1-8922-e5d8f5663ee8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:19:31	115.733
-98	82116	4105800	b51861bf-999c-4de8-9893-61573dd7c172	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 21:13:08	486.822
-99	41059	4105900	5965370f-5576-4ca1-86ca-04d5d988d709	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:34:26	546.490
-99	82118	4105900	45dc5080-7aae-4c8b-8ca7-cf105fdca759	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:43:22	-882.561
-100	41060	4106000	faed8a2f-8e43-4818-bafa-741e2dda3af3	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:59:14	-937.119
-100	82120	4106000	359c8300-fe8b-4fd3-ad13-597e5ae57d24	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:15:09	821.111
-101	41061	4106100	bafc74a8-671e-4b5b-8f19-4223096f8a4e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:34:39	108.58
-101	82122	4106100	4dd56cbe-c4b4-4600-b450-db54c7e0dc64	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:28:16	-349.184
-102	41062	4106200	98c44848-3747-44b9-99fa-f55c200e140b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:08:59	-267.335
-102	82124	4106200	41180aff-a695-497a-9098-7f524978b6ce	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:38:40	808.316
-103	41063	4106300	9bdfaab1-4a2a-4b71-a434-afd5baf51990	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:35:51	-999.728
-103	82126	4106300	51f9fcf0-b6e6-4718-bbb9-22093f1baeb2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:48:02	474.802
-104	41064	4106400	69b9ea87-54ff-4927-b2dc-68404c3e32ee	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:16:53	221.476
-104	82128	4106400	5d9d0d20-73db-4780-a35a-e5eeaad896cc	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:52:46	-993.103
-105	41065	4106500	c124937d-dedc-455e-8e92-b8a92d203d05	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:11:27	-489.60
-105	82130	4106500	919ae570-43f6-4b00-a229-4cb63e540e31	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:55:01	-908.720
-106	41066	4106600	fed097f6-ca8b-4278-9535-15cd3eb76c81	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:51:34	-242.841
-106	82132	4106600	4a0a6c2d-8782-4854-a5cd-4bad03dbd8b0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:27:26	129.245
-107	41067	4106700	d52ac8b3-ede5-4f8e-a07a-928061756275	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:19:42	988.370
-107	82134	4106700	03b33ca4-6726-41cd-841e-7733b5821bb6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:29:23	817.83
-108	41068	4106800	f349570d-19b9-4a79-8251-ad4e457b9c36	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:00:32	487.174
-108	82136	4106800	a267ec73-7979-4903-972c-e039ec3c676e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:52:13	707.477
-109	41069	4106900	ef68d547-c670-448c-8685-1af257387f1d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:17:54	320.645
-109	82138	4106900	9e8d7010-5f60-4292-ae16-4087a223e405	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:28:53	-124.621
-110	41070	4107000	921ddb89-8209-4a2d-bef4-32f894c9602d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:52:34	-501.853
-110	82140	4107000	e623417c-b758-4fcf-b356-9d3f193a6542	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:22:25	-516.59
-111	41071	4107100	b0d52b7e-7431-48a9-965e-17febf15e059	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:57:10	200.76
-111	82142	4107100	8dc3c542-6587-4a20-bfb4-cb33e7417ba8	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:04:48	-501.431
-112	41072	4107200	3c831016-2063-412f-8363-0f305bf91444	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:59:46	471.598
-112	82144	4107200	3f7145af-9ffd-48c4-a52b-080f0df9e557	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:30:04	516.157
-113	41073	4107300	93f48831-4026-4381-8f94-eebe97bdf916	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 22:15:32	-438.668
-113	82146	4107300	71e2de28-799f-455d-b133-d811d957eb77	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:39:50	-258.637
-114	41074	4107400	b44d41da-642a-466d-accd-488b4ebda3b8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:20:02	-354.683
-114	82148	4107400	e92545b1-9700-4658-b6e0-147565dd9e42	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:52:33	3.37
-115	41075	4107500	cbb3f2c5-ce43-4538-856d-b84737338597	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:30:07	67.282
-115	82150	4107500	d6d3b135-131d-4142-90cc-6b150b80a890	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:30:46	745.427
-116	41076	4107600	b363872d-dc40-43d2-b835-568c7d45f56a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:54:58	-662.610
-116	82152	4107600	91e22c4f-339b-4982-8fd8-2d810ac3704b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:20:09	320.730
-117	41077	4107700	ce351ab8-ace9-4ba4-87f8-cefeb13dee00	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:20:10	-628.757
-117	82154	4107700	935e1776-af8c-442f-accb-ebec77ba9d9c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:33:12	204.683
-118	41078	4107800	8e38f40c-3deb-439b-a596-a7febf9ac4e2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:34:13	-756.634
-118	82156	4107800	e9e04e2e-2828-41cf-9c59-cb520cabe9e0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:46:51	-84.565
-119	41079	4107900	4184a7d5-05e9-4470-a1dc-662836946450	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:41:16	884.994
-119	82158	4107900	e65fe7a3-7ca0-4815-b089-4e24f40fd444	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:01:25	512.8
-120	41080	4108000	7b84eb4f-173d-453d-8032-bd4db2b8899b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:19:33	894.599
-120	82160	4108000	57084333-4127-4210-ad6d-acc835128c6f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:07:26	328.867
-121	41081	4108100	3d3af210-ea1f-4bb8-8b83-e2051070f103	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:25:09	474.432
-121	82162	4108100	c1dc1473-7c43-415f-bfa6-edc308c727c5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:00:38	-511.705
-122	41082	4108200	f6d84a6e-0cf7-4545-af22-7b90fcf6ea23	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:17:13	214.446
-122	82164	4108200	fb9ecb7e-662b-4715-b26f-080522d41e48	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:10:52	-30.580
-123	41083	4108300	bee53e80-3b7d-41ae-9f65-ce54d56e2c6a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:53:00	-725.939
-123	82166	4108300	4beb1586-748a-467a-973a-264dda85bbbe	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:59:11	606.856
-124	41084	4108400	b030a4d9-cdae-4221-a315-91becf3e808d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:18:07	120.293
-124	82168	4108400	97a22b65-e919-402e-aade-9a31d5db61f4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:50:41	880.23
-125	41085	4108500	27777c02-a6fc-4dc3-9b83-ead69079cd3f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:35:14	591.221
-125	82170	4108500	71f58ed2-5d51-4213-8fc8-dee52b24341c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:26:34	579.17
-126	41086	4108600	223d06ce-ce54-40ea-9b63-c1f76724bb10	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:38:00	-638.621
-126	82172	4108600	25c8f452-ec1d-41c4-b252-1116b4249edc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:04:10	707.654
-127	41087	4108700	ef955f94-def5-4d3e-a842-f6091be4f53a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:01:18	329.923
-127	82174	4108700	53455923-1b5c-47e5-be00-8fe019504464	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:22:08	-526.26
-0	41088	4108800	6fcdcf8f-0224-4a30-b1b7-77356b5d1ba4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:46:50	907.674
-0	82176	4108800	a785aa43-609d-4290-b8f9-6fe32e02c168	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:14:32	820.318
-1	41089	4108900	65169060-aff6-41a1-b83e-18790f617492	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:06:43	61.194
-1	82178	4108900	badd2184-6b64-4d2b-9066-5ab82bddfa65	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:00:11	225.166
-2	41090	4109000	cc23bd9c-8304-4442-b3c0-a9d732dc06c8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:49:41	-251.240
-2	82180	4109000	cdfb58d0-2942-41f3-a7ad-f21efec06642	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:44:04	-34.329
-3	41091	4109100	00af84b1-475b-4e4c-91a4-10119d344120	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 11:42:19	531.359
-3	82182	4109100	07e86e12-aa01-4274-9523-e89711f880ac	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:25:43	437.435
-4	41092	4109200	fd1f0176-6be7-4018-8713-7ea8cd7c9f54	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:28:03	-362.521
-4	82184	4109200	035bcb09-5b6c-469c-8fb0-0ba0a49358d7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:41:24	-984.474
-5	41093	4109300	124d0eaa-136f-4bd3-a5f9-e4e02fb78dcd	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:09:35	230.26
-5	82186	4109300	c429ccd3-2ba6-433d-bdbe-80375c569e1c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:01:03	-206.684
-6	41094	4109400	74abac0b-86ac-4189-86b4-a206902990f9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:59:48	689.620
-6	82188	4109400	d7c0dc68-bc52-4d23-af8c-3333e95125a6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:25:54	-732.143
-7	41095	4109500	a491dcf4-3aea-4d5c-b1d4-2ee86e0eb508	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:31:36	-418.165
-7	82190	4109500	6459b6df-8073-480a-96ac-379e34058512	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:13:06	-73.581
-8	41096	4109600	1c3e6cbf-a8c4-4aaa-accf-b4b164f741dd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:09:00	118.768
-8	82192	4109600	7494fb12-a5cd-4459-a69c-19234a26e84d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:03:38	-471.446
-9	41097	4109700	783238b1-8ca7-49a1-bfe1-f1e1e13a5f18	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:34:05	642.928
-9	82194	4109700	fd91ddf1-4f94-49e9-b105-cafd183cd64b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:13:46	422.687
-10	41098	4109800	c5b40572-6449-4dd2-92f2-0aef379c1a9c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:44:41	40.410
-10	82196	4109800	9531c240-75e5-4ddf-be42-9d42b12af5b5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:43:20	-525.684
-11	41099	4109900	d89547d2-e566-4667-86f5-1d1913bde1ce	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:47:58	-74.121
-11	82198	4109900	841e7201-1f39-49e5-8899-52d1d7247d19	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:50:16	727.271
-12	41100	4110000	4f5180d6-68ad-42a5-8186-4dd1d1f6f3d3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:14:59	-461.844
-12	82200	4110000	b1dfe07f-0752-437c-8ec1-4c84da397550	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:39:34	270.876
-13	41101	4110100	5b7f8c01-d385-4a86-bbe6-bf4977f1ea79	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:03:34	-927.584
-13	82202	4110100	82775664-6af2-459b-815d-73941b1fd361	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:48:52	-374.714
-14	41102	4110200	599df41f-d1fe-4082-9db6-0fb38ec018a0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:10:56	-940.397
-14	82204	4110200	16adfe92-4837-4cd5-8c65-e7d18514ebf0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:00:38	-401.887
-15	41103	4110300	0a84a2c8-91bf-4108-ba80-e3e5f3143f3e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:18:30	341.199
-15	82206	4110300	f7e9cfc5-6a23-4b48-a7cd-ff371237ee4b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:35:10	597.479
-16	41104	4110400	461d2b45-e435-4ff3-b3ce-60e30e12d189	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:59:24	494.330
-16	82208	4110400	28a8aa14-be05-488d-bcc4-daf8dab93bbe	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:54:11	-458.352
-17	41105	4110500	86a63788-c178-4f8b-937e-aa46b2a02bca	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:09:27	-42.887
-17	82210	4110500	9f7aae91-2916-41c9-bdcf-3448a62788c7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:20:13	163.379
-18	41106	4110600	1424c4a1-80d0-403f-8dac-06f01844d0d6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:18:54	-415.695
-18	82212	4110600	03235ff9-bae4-474a-af8b-dcfdc96ddee0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:09:02	-190.618
-19	41107	4110700	d1103766-0e51-4ec6-9739-5aa726faa35e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:03:06	-506.788
-19	82214	4110700	f1556470-5e2b-4cf7-8f00-cb87b7b599e9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:22:17	965.583
-20	41108	4110800	78daddff-8166-457a-850f-6d315da1d072	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:11:32	978.909
-20	82216	4110800	722103e7-2c40-45ee-9748-e4ed5a6c0a60	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:08:34	439.883
-21	41109	4110900	8de9ac2f-6dc7-4a2f-a38e-2889ce9a6f54	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:21:42	536.370
-21	82218	4110900	e03f5058-0558-4ff1-b77a-21a798d13d6b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:28:25	-247.999
-22	41110	4111000	9dd5b181-798d-464e-a3d8-eb2490758775	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:32:52	-275.830
-22	82220	4111000	becbeae6-6928-48bb-b6d0-1abccfdb0d22	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:46:06	511.639
-23	41111	4111100	3afc8847-87cd-4540-b9f0-d591692483a0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:44:03	-546.676
-23	82222	4111100	9d662dbd-5230-448c-b921-fd06a1bc45b1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:08:28	-201.583
-24	41112	4111200	40b8f917-a8a9-4abd-89df-b45971d15327	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:15:21	984.502
-24	82224	4111200	18d89091-b42e-4c78-841d-0a8ec8315173	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:51:07	-904.939
-25	41113	4111300	a98095d4-9a56-441c-bccc-aee05c2f41d6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:55:24	686.151
-25	82226	4111300	3f7f296a-a7af-4407-a50f-860dc2ea0388	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:29:12	-723.71
-26	41114	4111400	a4ca1cf0-078e-41f8-8daa-d1a664e39550	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:24:04	-443.432
-26	82228	4111400	75788dc6-6188-466d-bd7f-dc0545662a4f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:41:11	614.461
-27	41115	4111500	aeeffca0-20ed-4315-8db5-96ae44741396	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:50:31	-817.866
-27	82230	4111500	1dca06d0-a8b6-454b-8a05-e7d72a436eeb	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 22:07:37	-6.130
-28	41116	4111600	c20f42ed-a269-4c80-b954-f16c56451a94	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:13:18	-694.871
-28	82232	4111600	cc5532a3-0f16-49e0-b1a2-81549e13b7c2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:35:24	482.515
-29	41117	4111700	ec8e00f0-0c07-4777-a506-7ab7488bb2b2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:27:46	-244.582
-29	82234	4111700	53a96776-f214-4543-873f-9a0e53934ea9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:29:55	319.407
-30	41118	4111800	6bf23e46-064d-40ff-8627-9b34decf0e30	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:48:40	-1.323
-30	82236	4111800	f769f3ad-6c77-448d-90e6-8d3e784f8ff2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:32:24	374.812
-31	41119	4111900	018ae05e-a8f4-4ed8-9c0e-a2b0cd5e5443	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:57:05	794.929
-31	82238	4111900	c07ccbd0-ce5c-4872-9c6d-9d8f58ceec19	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:05:06	941.868
-32	41120	4112000	da4d6e5c-3a6d-4870-91ab-9306ad30eb9a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:19:20	137.718
-32	82240	4112000	6eaa3ef9-a79a-43e8-b345-b7b38a4a9f11	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:29:58	267.238
-33	41121	4112100	71dd8688-6b88-4b79-bee1-566604f29816	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:13:09	-279.915
-33	82242	4112100	a20e65f2-b308-49c0-b241-43f22d45eebb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:49:12	29.614
-34	41122	4112200	da75ba71-6f62-4450-9297-f99a1ade3ac9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:59:26	-654.681
-34	82244	4112200	f30a778c-2d8e-4713-bf73-c15e464865d4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:00:21	133.563
-35	41123	4112300	d75d58e3-65c4-41f4-a3b9-9fc653c97763	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:23:49	-705.479
-35	82246	4112300	082fb03d-3657-4062-9439-cfb12b5354c4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:32:59	894.422
-36	41124	4112400	9cfbc619-a180-4ca5-addb-2d4ab95fb8fb	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:05:49	329.566
-36	82248	4112400	ba3b76e1-810e-4c93-8984-647e46a1e9a1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:18:18	313.188
-37	41125	4112500	a83876e7-29e6-42c3-af2a-d250dfb9f2b7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:50:11	284.777
-37	82250	4112500	54e4dd89-a7d0-4949-8fe7-8575f3a993fc	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:52:22	492.4
-38	41126	4112600	20e6ad9e-2d11-43a1-8c58-c0d386a2a4e4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:34:10	-971.996
-38	82252	4112600	b0ad3505-0ce3-4471-84d0-875fe3bda03e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:05:37	-898.482
-39	41127	4112700	47f15b3f-f12d-42e4-8935-7f562e7117ef	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:24:04	-752.501
-39	82254	4112700	cb3b849e-4ad8-4626-b9b2-6aa518b88ade	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:00:23	209.589
-40	41128	4112800	7f854c61-9a80-4a80-806d-dca0eec47329	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:46:13	-965.612
-40	82256	4112800	d5750430-4ebe-4b34-bdaa-0f5bce441394	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:05:33	166.213
-41	41129	4112900	57a7c3da-9191-45e4-8a83-11aa95dd5fbd	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:49:32	843.88
-41	82258	4112900	077cc287-96d4-42af-9bad-b2e502326b26	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:20:21	751.224
-42	41130	4113000	001afc48-3c5e-4519-bc8e-45bbbd8566a1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:41:25	-740.329
-42	82260	4113000	e97f7030-76fd-4a6e-8578-e6035ff6061f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:07:53	125.344
-43	41131	4113100	1a1aeffd-28c0-4152-ac27-8bfd7b6026e1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:17:48	-15.633
-43	82262	4113100	5862f051-8f3a-4c8f-aaff-cc27dcb3cb08	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:53:41	608.538
-44	41132	4113200	526d1333-cb1e-475d-9ca9-74bbb2542f30	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:34:42	-614.712
-44	82264	4113200	94c21504-4e32-4476-9ee8-bba24f746130	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:46:34	-412.71
-45	41133	4113300	91793179-07e0-4d49-a5ab-acb4d7d77c69	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:00:36	-945.813
-45	82266	4113300	b0b0f3e3-066c-4535-a741-6a54778e1fe1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:29:54	120.88
-46	41134	4113400	82ffa9c3-dd2d-42b0-8739-e9cea38d4df1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:13:54	-346.9
-46	82268	4113400	63b5f0f7-eec7-4f26-a39e-7fba0d72eaa1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:16:14	246.140
-47	41135	4113500	40e05677-0093-4193-a21d-c614f6d70cba	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:58:36	563.990
-47	82270	4113500	0800daf5-8055-4663-b2ae-7615bd6680c9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:31:13	-631.28
-48	41136	4113600	70e7213b-c5d9-4c6a-a51b-f4d3ba1386e8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:14:45	235.924
-48	82272	4113600	cfcb57c4-29e0-4526-8992-76a6b3ef9482	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:11:25	-270.36
-49	41137	4113700	bbbf1c7f-5917-42cc-aa5b-84c20853dc7d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:54:11	675.748
-49	82274	4113700	8fdc0dc1-22f5-4d15-8a18-d2f5ab489cc6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:48:57	-241.977
-50	41138	4113800	fc58479d-2c3b-4b9b-ac5e-df0db2a5d90c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:26:33	-841.96
-50	82276	4113800	4ef35ced-17fe-4da7-af68-94d702f40716	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:37:13	-384.304
-51	41139	4113900	2e1d5468-d813-4398-9621-751468eefabc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:15:17	-257.52
-51	82278	4113900	25f275eb-49ed-4132-9606-d3546a495cf1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:41:41	336.171
-52	41140	4114000	6a0b5dc7-29f9-4e2b-86d1-936712d871b7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:42:44	478.212
-52	82280	4114000	8c17bdb1-77a3-436e-97a3-56a32e69bd31	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:37:48	215.937
-53	41141	4114100	1ea909e3-aa29-410d-9cdd-d9a201f7b1bb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:52:34	-793.230
-53	82282	4114100	1fae6e6c-a4e1-4f09-9a7f-a8268a093653	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:37:47	-223.981
-54	41142	4114200	8db74b26-df35-4890-93b1-3ea3c392ba5b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:48:29	139.182
-54	82284	4114200	4c860dae-c3d2-4836-9896-872c800e8ea5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:23:52	60.573
-55	41143	4114300	375d99e0-bb49-4efc-a6d1-47d23c844ccb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:50:44	-404.842
-55	82286	4114300	837bef76-8002-40b3-98cf-213f784fb490	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:23:03	-40.508
-56	41144	4114400	e66922a4-3fe5-436e-ad5d-7fdc19fa44bf	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:10:17	-60.856
-56	82288	4114400	33746eec-5deb-43b7-97da-0a6eb1da0f14	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:44:21	345.552
-57	41145	4114500	f043214a-d55c-419e-879c-2a17acc6b168	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:56:25	81.342
-57	82290	4114500	b6e30f1e-2a4b-4350-8850-90d0ab86441f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:27:35	-42.629
-58	41146	4114600	98fbd999-682e-4415-ad0b-e86b6938d643	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:54:15	328.270
-58	82292	4114600	575de8f3-3e29-4521-b795-8afdf30bb187	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:45:40	-81.332
-59	41147	4114700	6c07fcea-011d-47c9-8e7e-9a31b82bc14c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:01:13	-55.894
-59	82294	4114700	203960dc-d3b4-4e73-8d21-cb5b31398ed0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:58:28	-898.265
-60	41148	4114800	b54b15f1-23ff-4b46-b791-538c4f0e771f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:15:38	-904.138
-60	82296	4114800	c89779ee-d688-44ce-a001-4d0ae85c5656	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:10:29	732.790
-61	41149	4114900	2f4b283a-0809-4590-84ef-70e7a08a6395	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:45:36	-443.332
-61	82298	4114900	d9a381a2-85d8-4b6b-9ed1-396589a96cc9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:18:57	-792.169
-62	41150	4115000	f7059b19-313f-405f-9d3a-9e3fe462f3de	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:45:26	-108.854
-62	82300	4115000	3012aafc-6cd1-49f2-a3f9-2b5590288561	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:40:18	-154.767
-63	41151	4115100	e32bc611-b3a9-4c7e-a5e9-55fcbd7f668f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:24:57	-847.823
-63	82302	4115100	4f2a4620-0e11-45cd-9699-28f499043766	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:31:41	-356.384
-64	41152	4115200	97cae32d-23c0-424d-81ac-0bb9f54c7f11	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:02:20	-112.940
-64	82304	4115200	07688dcd-0841-42fc-85ec-d5ee7e012831	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:49:03	-347.385
-65	41153	4115300	ef92abb5-099f-43fd-9332-0b505becd3c3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:36:07	642.642
-65	82306	4115300	d6db1c87-1e07-4ce1-a39a-27e6263be41d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:20:12	135.280
-66	41154	4115400	9c34abc5-6849-4370-958d-3e296d0fc0ce	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:33:58	-748.19
-66	82308	4115400	78c296c6-d338-447f-aa14-41cb9c68777a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:07:04	-888.878
-67	41155	4115500	300dd253-b1e2-4752-8e3a-9d1852a51f0d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:43:03	765.471
-67	82310	4115500	7ebf0f3e-88ce-439e-9893-2d4edf17d240	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:25:49	596.583
-68	41156	4115600	85c8bc67-3ca3-461e-898c-1866ce0827cd	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:44:32	-413.101
-68	82312	4115600	3612f986-2492-421d-8dce-88c182238b66	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:40:34	410.177
-69	41157	4115700	925b4897-2c4f-4558-af6c-2822aa9840dd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:34:44	868.403
-69	82314	4115700	a941476b-03b4-4d17-bb6c-609f010f10b2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:04:58	-720.819
-70	41158	4115800	cf4867e3-bfde-4521-a8f1-3dddb931cc13	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:06:30	112.540
-70	82316	4115800	f6fa0105-b5f1-4e9a-b4bf-ce6ea7a6370f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:35:42	-280.973
-71	41159	4115900	d387a629-08b5-4807-a5ed-b1f72bafb350	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:23:25	76.390
-71	82318	4115900	80e97618-5b6e-4e7e-ad29-2747528bbb0f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:24:12	852.504
-72	41160	4116000	a98ba0f9-10b3-4ca2-bb23-dea4e85bdcef	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:10:40	-738.480
-72	82320	4116000	f2f12ad9-f248-4564-8ef7-947fee345dd2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:40:29	92.303
-73	41161	4116100	47c6bb5f-16c2-483e-a8d2-7fd3b4772806	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:19:42	539.268
-73	82322	4116100	a4816231-bb1f-41e7-bdd4-c1b1479da5d4	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:50:17	676.232
-74	41162	4116200	3143f92b-4f75-462a-9083-a0c0527a9927	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:52:25	706.145
-74	82324	4116200	e83b31de-97cb-4dc7-8a87-4d0c1816edfb	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:48:06	-955.165
-75	41163	4116300	418d2ed3-d542-43f9-9095-4b7867c3dd82	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:18:22	210.963
-75	82326	4116300	160789df-3ff5-429c-b0ff-939b99b7b825	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:59:08	-995.158
-76	41164	4116400	c1fbf5e0-e96f-436d-a226-34815c9df16a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:46:35	631.968
-76	82328	4116400	c6299798-a364-4227-ada4-b5536100b056	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:29:37	369.921
-77	41165	4116500	af020843-2819-4dfa-8b67-6c4dcf55a993	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:30:39	-594.713
-77	82330	4116500	69ae764e-5b18-47c1-af77-936f4b811555	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:21:59	233.385
-78	41166	4116600	5c1186a9-6ecf-4f8d-8196-74440cf4b2ed	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:47:28	61.705
-78	82332	4116600	59f64956-0add-4265-87fd-e933453ab9ee	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:49:36	-237.513
-79	41167	4116700	bee2e7c8-eb5b-4704-863d-c3f31e9d4b9b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:33:51	173.635
-79	82334	4116700	55341acf-c64e-425a-acca-a97cfd73b36f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:11:01	215.913
-80	41168	4116800	63c397f2-8662-4fc3-a525-c66219c4d2bf	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:06:08	-990.624
-80	82336	4116800	aa6ec7dc-3763-427d-b727-2245a72e9912	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:32:14	-436.725
-81	41169	4116900	3183124e-78a7-4154-a6fc-572a779aefb2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:19:14	107.378
-81	82338	4116900	e8f6bff9-db8d-4e21-a6bc-533e08bcda7b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:30:25	278.401
-82	41170	4117000	b3894412-6d74-46cf-a1fb-fb36f3bc8c31	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:40:16	-413.695
-82	82340	4117000	448277ab-cab5-4416-9895-b73e1700e0d2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:01:07	900.415
-83	41171	4117100	3e975bfa-b313-4160-b09d-1092de73c4b5	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:02:52	-597.506
-83	82342	4117100	6ae94d48-4e6a-422b-862c-bc6308282c8e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:26:15	-317.646
-84	41172	4117200	3ddf8252-43c1-4509-8b1a-126c3f1b473b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:17:56	340.109
-84	82344	4117200	5aba6f22-885c-43ef-9383-d54a11e3a438	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:29:22	-489.143
-85	41173	4117300	d4f887f1-61eb-4138-939b-8e1f6c073f3d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:59:02	539.760
-85	82346	4117300	767cef5f-a2ac-49dd-8c26-8ecc73ac0767	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:14:54	-344.104
-86	41174	4117400	633013ad-5225-4efa-ae08-f1487099546a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:01:46	211.298
-86	82348	4117400	98686976-7b3f-47ef-a444-37bbe4c3edc0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:59:07	247.977
-87	41175	4117500	edbe6ed3-d657-4fc0-b849-5bde8887e34f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 08:28:59	334.263
-87	82350	4117500	1fe3981f-e4e8-41fb-98e1-a5d5adde8a5f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:15:32	-881.978
-88	41176	4117600	495cc6d6-1cab-4e9d-943c-821e785bd576	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:41:38	-125.452
-88	82352	4117600	9623d85a-0116-4ebf-bc48-acf372176d55	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:36:02	-462.68
-89	41177	4117700	32a81bcf-e02d-48b4-ae6b-acd4a39cb002	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:30:36	45.277
-89	82354	4117700	eb33a47d-b35b-43a1-be23-4dd9806188c3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:11:04	-492.650
-90	41178	4117800	0efa1bd6-ae32-4cb8-82c7-d0d5256bce33	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:25:26	-690.78
-90	82356	4117800	f7e4696b-5466-46cf-981f-a0d22f2697ce	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:29:32	-266.705
-91	41179	4117900	c7bc7c6b-ca34-4eac-8b17-dac6b876b495	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:02:58	-628.537
-91	82358	4117900	4db976fe-0800-4500-865a-db4dc59fd1f3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:02:54	636.158
-92	41180	4118000	d63abc85-6ef9-4b69-90ca-2b6fa45431ed	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:20:06	-906.159
-92	82360	4118000	c672f8ac-80a3-4375-bc86-2ed7e38727de	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:35:53	-597.582
-93	41181	4118100	53e77403-408f-4c4f-b514-a345a1051bac	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:34:23	413.818
-93	82362	4118100	cccc974e-4f17-4dc3-9df8-9600e272f5e5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:01:59	-864.903
-94	41182	4118200	0279002a-847e-40c8-b3db-048fc3333cd3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:52:15	339.217
-94	82364	4118200	ac46f3e5-1f3b-46b6-8540-4c487da42409	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:03:23	447.770
-95	41183	4118300	08c1c1d5-d830-4ca5-aef0-0fd375c92043	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:31:27	-958.543
-95	82366	4118300	2ecb06bf-789e-43b2-bb44-f61433de1d98	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:43:33	223.682
-96	41184	4118400	b05c1f58-1f62-4b7b-9f34-6c59ba354d71	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:25:09	759.241
-96	82368	4118400	8ba7bb99-a920-431a-a011-3e01e36333df	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:52:55	-422.629
-97	41185	4118500	5cd10b0d-dd48-4273-8e8c-8e87270d3de6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:42:58	798.352
-97	82370	4118500	727ea9a7-0d54-44aa-84ab-531fdc0e4887	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:32:28	656.123
-98	41186	4118600	5c79a91c-db13-42c8-a4da-bde1fa975fdc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:08:58	-644.622
-98	82372	4118600	6e29161a-ee89-4642-99e7-dddbf277ebe7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:05:25	-114.474
-99	41187	4118700	d6f09a9c-00fb-4a65-bfc4-6751afcc8d9c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:12:05	-765.673
-99	82374	4118700	24dd61dc-0d1f-4a99-824e-165cea67d6b9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:46:40	-556.271
-100	41188	4118800	e123b50e-f424-48e2-9fb4-209a6101890d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:14:35	552.540
-100	82376	4118800	cceb8693-c61e-4da2-9191-f719275180db	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:34:53	-797.308
-101	41189	4118900	0ed87534-9ff2-43d0-bda2-f6dca51e2baf	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:58:21	-667.687
-101	82378	4118900	247fa27b-6a20-4d76-b114-8573360d5561	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:31:29	-150.60
-102	41190	4119000	73e79cfc-5c4d-4416-abbd-6da0b6b1e9d4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:08:07	-514.253
-102	82380	4119000	be49c0a7-1157-4ba0-a1f5-41c5119d0111	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:44:45	-531.490
-103	41191	4119100	02f055cf-b94c-45da-9a2e-c718234fb045	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:32:07	390.964
-103	82382	4119100	e66f6cdc-2a5b-4695-b4c5-99219057130d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:15:05	-335.237
-104	41192	4119200	5339af18-f15d-4c86-b9e8-3bda50b904e8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:06:23	478.292
-104	82384	4119200	45971475-ec48-474d-b31f-ddd51499575f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:43:00	-418.84
-105	41193	4119300	b03f6081-d781-4aa3-88f7-5d11c168d9f4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:28:49	617.491
-105	82386	4119300	76115fcf-0555-44c8-ad00-ec2d8ea35458	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:07:47	1.727
-106	41194	4119400	4f30881d-f6a7-4c40-9f9a-34011bd63546	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:09:36	966.805
-106	82388	4119400	9ac00747-fb58-42eb-882e-bac1549ccc85	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:46:52	676.372
-107	41195	4119500	81453774-b26d-4987-af79-3db19d3a51b9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:45:33	653.428
-107	82390	4119500	0974e878-a8b7-4bc5-a07e-d22b43bc7452	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:48:00	491.921
-108	41196	4119600	d8f5eb19-581e-4189-ae73-11ad963fbdc8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:07:13	-423.457
-108	82392	4119600	cdef8a45-4e02-44d2-bcae-a42e3e4f27a9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:39:14	635.878
-109	41197	4119700	5ec6d360-1916-4801-988a-f527bdb78530	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:35:31	194.783
-109	82394	4119700	acf0ecf2-47b2-48ff-b46d-fbd1f5a0e52c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:19:06	416.337
-110	41198	4119800	5e0e2131-4eb5-45a5-8a6d-2f67d3a1405d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:31:35	908.418
-110	82396	4119800	3e4bb3ee-1cb0-449e-8c9a-afc043c100c3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:38:15	163.176
-111	41199	4119900	f3333ee6-fc61-4def-843c-9a017f9c57c9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:39:36	815.181
-111	82398	4119900	a89cfcc2-f64d-47fb-9187-651d4cb2b27b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:57:23	776.135
-112	41200	4120000	aab5b891-f692-44a7-abfb-304a1b4116ad	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:44:17	124.274
-112	82400	4120000	ff992f11-7fde-47ee-96d6-facd77dc4d70	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:13:32	-568.163
-113	41201	4120100	97ef8c88-0b82-4bb4-a77e-983cddfb71c7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:09:30	-110.939
-113	82402	4120100	7b05723c-32b9-4c4e-98d8-a12184432823	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:15:07	-858.663
-114	41202	4120200	e7dda371-bbf1-4fba-a06e-23c8fd817dda	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:46:22	-282.920
-114	82404	4120200	77615f8f-bc04-4b1a-aeac-0a92abe72e2b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:13:00	703.3
-115	41203	4120300	87e463dc-1d33-4b6f-b16a-fd4a324d941e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:39:15	133.625
-115	82406	4120300	d61323bc-1972-432d-ba02-f3940f103d6c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:52:14	-238.179
-116	41204	4120400	cf63791b-741f-4b16-a364-6577605f5954	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:40:07	-297.55
-116	82408	4120400	c1f41e5b-96ee-43d0-b13a-beb5ed408d75	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:09:56	-577.992
-117	41205	4120500	58deef9a-ef1e-4f34-a5b4-2b211b5174f6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:40:09	-64.342
-117	82410	4120500	9a6258fb-2ea7-4192-855b-2ff0c70e0217	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:29:45	627.712
-118	41206	4120600	01417e42-bddb-4124-9c2d-319563a38ccf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:15:38	323.433
-118	82412	4120600	d7472e73-ffad-4afa-9b6c-8d6d40a641bd	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:54:12	-593.822
-119	41207	4120700	30322920-5ed8-4053-8da1-67b7dec339b0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:29:10	-79.440
-119	82414	4120700	0003ffb2-1118-4455-b097-d824b15dd6af	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:24:51	759.931
-120	41208	4120800	1f6a9777-7c4d-4fb9-b5d2-9c340853da44	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:43:54	958.907
-120	82416	4120800	50eced0c-744b-4f72-aeb2-030f239f937c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:06:32	688.380
-121	41209	4120900	bc745989-c694-4af5-9296-9ee63bd24195	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:42:28	-959.192
-121	82418	4120900	6f1b9264-bbe1-4930-bf02-f37408ffb0cd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:47:22	-315.734
-122	41210	4121000	36fab738-e975-4ece-81e9-1c9128507d11	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:33:11	-166.938
-122	82420	4121000	df9c9847-15e5-4827-808d-70a653e05bc0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:54:50	889.9
-123	41211	4121100	601118ca-dcba-4dd0-b061-e1738094600b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:18:47	-918.274
-123	82422	4121100	0e384a03-560a-41b2-a468-70896a01bda5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:21:47	-670.836
-124	41212	4121200	0585aff9-edc1-4fc5-a6d1-e83867edc935	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:54:35	997.97
-124	82424	4121200	9a00577b-42e1-4303-a20f-25b37c1e3e1a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:55:47	127.942
-125	41213	4121300	bea4687e-fa60-4d29-8e01-df93816f476a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:30:33	683.209
-125	82426	4121300	9bd82fe2-b333-4a00-b577-ad2f40286624	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:21:13	-626.973
-126	41214	4121400	b215b6d2-147f-4bec-a51f-cc68a50eb2c8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:29:45	-244.793
-126	82428	4121400	7a50b747-99ba-4134-a570-9e5b519d8951	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:37:22	208.64
-127	41215	4121500	78b07547-0984-4327-9adc-cd930baf3f33	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:33:04	-597.503
-127	82430	4121500	36f47da8-fb53-4a97-954c-78cd830468cf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:08:46	947.150
-0	41216	4121600	01fef0be-6cb2-4de9-b325-5009ca602035	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:34:09	248.674
-0	82432	4121600	a52514a3-73ce-412b-bb66-33d1fb5e1750	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:30:05	-879.694
-1	41217	4121700	55fa03df-49eb-4ba0-bbbc-870de75efec5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:49:34	336.404
-1	82434	4121700	31c766a7-917d-4349-a39a-fb4ad355e2cb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:18:25	989.930
-2	41218	4121800	f5209568-90fa-4a95-9639-018bb6e081a3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:30:51	-119.271
-2	82436	4121800	4f34befc-1af0-4f18-9fed-be511cb8d17a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:21:21	-233.721
-3	41219	4121900	ebfc0100-21b9-4346-89d6-232c2c2d5919	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:52:13	-338.488
-3	82438	4121900	6ea46bde-fd08-48f2-9084-0e5064ea7375	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:01:39	-178.885
-4	41220	4122000	01395d3c-179c-46de-ad36-0a74fcc609f5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:55:32	25.227
-4	82440	4122000	e1441d8d-c25b-4893-9154-f9ed53779a80	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:58:18	262.709
-5	41221	4122100	45f49bb8-2b9b-45e8-8c97-3563bc618ef5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:41:20	-853.792
-5	82442	4122100	84657976-e83f-42d0-af3c-fe9eb0e2d0ba	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:20:56	136.845
-6	41222	4122200	807b04a0-fa7f-4050-91c8-1d56a5bb0ad3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:05:35	-902.325
-6	82444	4122200	cfdf043b-a5a0-4b1d-99b0-31cae5b869ee	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:51:56	-232.887
-7	41223	4122300	ba68d057-6545-45d2-a743-76cbb05993e2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:33:58	258.405
-7	82446	4122300	5ff19977-30d0-4307-857c-9b5d6b4a278c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:15:37	-578.993
-8	41224	4122400	d5ceae15-dbd2-488d-bf33-7f7f75718da2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:36:00	997.568
-8	82448	4122400	92e7e8e6-b70f-4d53-9c6f-c66834286b2f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:32:42	-704.111
-9	41225	4122500	da33713f-30bf-4d55-b6ec-eb9068c16014	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:13:28	-769.755
-9	82450	4122500	85b262ab-75cb-4692-b4c1-3d536078d9f2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:54:32	-171.183
-10	41226	4122600	0388bb2f-e4ac-418d-bcb4-399dd3980370	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:24:20	-981.878
-10	82452	4122600	d1538c77-f9f4-44c0-929f-9190870ae585	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:57:59	955.585
-11	41227	4122700	38e50d23-d3d8-4ca8-bc95-3653c8d29fd5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:24:34	83.862
-11	82454	4122700	a6778ce3-0d06-4713-b146-123cfe11d21c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:20:11	125.709
-12	41228	4122800	f8ad3851-b38b-4c4d-aad4-017aa9249885	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:28:16	600.23
-12	82456	4122800	fb50e086-be94-4185-8250-397cdbabd992	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:17:52	-124.933
-13	41229	4122900	c71b6db1-3778-4a54-bc1f-9660f10076cd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:56:30	893.982
-13	82458	4122900	468a9e56-12df-44f4-ab60-7f6f86171b95	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:47:21	515.737
-14	41230	4123000	54eb2b1c-20cb-477f-9ab8-633c9bd97cc4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:42:09	301.200
-14	82460	4123000	762828fc-e426-4a39-a941-420326d5b181	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:51:12	545.461
-15	41231	4123100	ba4073cf-1f27-4eda-8810-3755d9ec8024	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:31:20	-281.656
-15	82462	4123100	4ad624de-1841-41a2-a303-5d437ca7f85e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:01:29	858.289
-16	41232	4123200	bcce5495-ce7f-47f1-a57d-9c4052fb9fe4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:33:17	-380.380
-16	82464	4123200	aba073a8-6eae-4fe0-a450-d84c2383e142	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:51:32	386.783
-17	41233	4123300	0f583147-4e3b-4b0f-8271-0d76aff560d6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:11:49	586.363
-17	82466	4123300	fa3e895d-e071-442a-b365-1af522d9d2fd	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:14:41	-875.679
-18	41234	4123400	20c5d8b6-1b5f-4660-b2f2-6870dba9e75a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:53:33	-970.910
-18	82468	4123400	4ca68927-a0da-4f8c-a3b1-ca460be54530	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:09:16	538.188
-19	41235	4123500	7378c800-8fc8-4ad4-a85e-b957edc66e3f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:30:34	238.990
-19	82470	4123500	e3cfc9ad-5674-450c-bfdf-65bd6fb6f155	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:44:04	-83.572
-20	41236	4123600	4eca34ad-11b9-416e-bc8e-201e468145f4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:32:57	274.579
-20	82472	4123600	f926171f-7f08-43f7-91f2-15d6ccc3f7c8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:43:44	-452.941
-21	41237	4123700	489af982-f7d3-45e1-8348-452a1b17ca9d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:02:37	-59.197
-21	82474	4123700	4ac57242-77d6-432a-a885-c28ccef613cc	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:40:38	-168.239
-22	41238	4123800	4adb73e0-f9f1-4a3a-b198-823c45a51ce1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:03:37	173.329
-22	82476	4123800	92d6381e-3ac1-4631-9a95-b3d517cad6b1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:09:18	474.32
-23	41239	4123900	667b2d3a-c433-4739-8a15-acd64c6e0aff	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:58:32	-641.44
-23	82478	4123900	2fd6e66c-b853-498d-8f75-56379118805c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:56:44	-510.318
-24	41240	4124000	0ab602c9-68d6-46c1-a22e-107724a03dc7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:07:19	759.376
-24	82480	4124000	05d1921e-6560-4228-8a81-7feb78c1748b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:47:10	-27.463
-25	41241	4124100	a88632ff-590c-4659-a1e7-3f92df17f2cb	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:53:58	730.818
-25	82482	4124100	5ef22bc4-6179-45dd-9f60-9e83b4bb6178	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:25:45	-292.981
-26	41242	4124200	3cc7daba-699a-4487-8bd5-65601b9e10c9	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:00:02	-810.424
-26	82484	4124200	013e8632-290d-4ea6-8051-ade1ed6eccd4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:36:05	749.830
-27	41243	4124300	4408353b-e16d-4cd5-abcb-5327c05a6582	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:18:34	569.803
-27	82486	4124300	f0b7ba4b-b113-4ca0-b6ae-3f7838d40e50	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:01:13	-872.90
-28	41244	4124400	45052c0c-87e0-4d44-bf62-22f9b95cc8ee	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:42:03	-819.391
-28	82488	4124400	37f40618-860e-48ec-9d1a-4fd891e60821	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:00:17	-895.344
-29	41245	4124500	55a1bf62-32d8-4fd5-90c9-bb96dae1e204	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:18:14	-948.314
-29	82490	4124500	357723f7-c0df-46b8-8060-fad048e8ec0d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:21:10	-385.553
-30	41246	4124600	aae3a9c8-8c26-4e4c-bee4-dad39298b883	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:45:10	294.895
-30	82492	4124600	e9df8ae8-b06a-4915-8c92-3629e1532753	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:33:53	807.828
-31	41247	4124700	b8c96e51-382d-4447-adce-820cdb0671e9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:16:55	-407.345
-31	82494	4124700	642aebab-b0df-4a68-8971-146e7fb8a219	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:01:46	848.105
-32	41248	4124800	f1ef6fbe-e783-4363-8dda-9d22ac7b0c9d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:47:35	21.635
-32	82496	4124800	3e584c5f-b43c-48ba-9c1c-155fd22d10d2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:07:31	412.482
-33	41249	4124900	b8323947-2ae7-4142-8062-8856946e3b4e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:01:20	-717.375
-33	82498	4124900	24dd563d-54f0-45b8-b4b7-4eb2a892f681	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:38:25	994.418
-34	41250	4125000	ad78b0b8-7846-4e6f-b657-bbf30dbb0f0e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:03:59	552.298
-34	82500	4125000	3ced178c-efbf-428a-ac37-f2313fcac215	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:06:48	-806.441
-35	41251	4125100	2a06fea0-14c5-46cb-b685-01d6759b010d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:39:17	603.597
-35	82502	4125100	60453fed-0db6-46e5-9061-d76e33f5aab8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:05:37	-135.250
-36	41252	4125200	5fbbf2a7-918d-479b-a5b8-c13a85397eef	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:58:52	922.777
-36	82504	4125200	939b6fab-883c-430d-b178-aaeb238d5781	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:05:55	695.503
-37	41253	4125300	41902253-4e87-4f78-a518-17a8ff540205	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:44:22	209.439
-37	82506	4125300	4498ff22-4ced-48dc-8a43-2dda659a5bc5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:09:03	-761.604
-38	41254	4125400	475099eb-2493-4eca-be93-e9dca3156ea1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:37:45	-721.475
-38	82508	4125400	a254dd68-1684-47e6-85e4-fea88eef9f18	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:01:27	-993.284
-39	41255	4125500	dc8162d1-6792-43e3-9524-a9d57823c188	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:18:13	-20.292
-39	82510	4125500	f69c2e38-7436-4016-b235-e6a3d768b316	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:23:13	-965.824
-40	41256	4125600	faa3daf3-49bf-4b2d-bf6f-8e8a3e397805	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:45:05	-128.582
-40	82512	4125600	654f8df5-8c7c-43e6-9a1f-faa57cf0e97b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:16:00	-449.600
-41	41257	4125700	6954b05c-f4e3-40e0-b9b1-cbd7a4471d08	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:52:32	603.775
-41	82514	4125700	0068a278-7744-4f68-b43e-6fd5fc0c67c8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:53:19	-558.3
-42	41258	4125800	5763a979-d3d7-4507-98f7-bc2dac92c51e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:31:57	314.945
-42	82516	4125800	90844e58-efd0-4417-8f6d-082c98bde5ba	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:16:38	-799.340
-43	41259	4125900	2ad89318-18d0-46a5-b037-7d7ed72b93da	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:41:32	254.388
-43	82518	4125900	5285097d-223e-4db2-883e-d6866b61d90c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:31:34	-735.852
-44	41260	4126000	0f096dfd-df7c-41c9-9fa0-70d58014724f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:59:39	462.680
-44	82520	4126000	ef8b4756-82cd-45ed-be80-4302c0b80c05	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:35:11	-271.120
-45	41261	4126100	90a79e21-2c56-439c-b73d-2cfb503d7e57	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:39:07	447.144
-45	82522	4126100	327530de-5cbd-4628-abb9-1e59cc0b98ee	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:10:26	-156.480
-46	41262	4126200	b21cc8f1-a32a-4e79-a532-300b4b00c606	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:19:39	681.656
-46	82524	4126200	b99c0e51-5ee9-4b64-b303-538ea5ed1fba	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:44:48	509.533
-47	41263	4126300	e50d05f8-f5cc-4286-96a8-ca7862a46b3d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:21:57	-694.523
-47	82526	4126300	f8984676-bd87-4464-b94a-a3f845006fca	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:39:39	964.43
-48	41264	4126400	2c8550fd-c9ab-4347-8135-8ae7f193e008	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:01:59	-192.896
-48	82528	4126400	a899fdab-04e4-4cf1-94df-160dc53ae30e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:37:37	-416.971
-49	41265	4126500	d6559422-72d7-482f-9c18-9202e5e1a7c6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:27:46	172.861
-49	82530	4126500	faa653c5-2a61-4516-be95-4a9c997f7135	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:07:59	-123.843
-50	41266	4126600	9367e819-9603-4377-96c5-d9601878aafc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:12:09	-369.93
-50	82532	4126600	78457024-f32e-4cf2-aeb1-45c86744dc6f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:59:48	937.982
-51	41267	4126700	a350fa56-7de2-4c12-8a17-adfa5efaeb2b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:35:16	-517.127
-51	82534	4126700	941c99aa-833a-4f7d-a2f4-13e85c288254	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:45:51	351.408
-52	41268	4126800	3715f18a-eb25-4206-a1e6-5e2469525eac	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:25:48	-727.731
-52	82536	4126800	fbeefd92-5aaa-4abb-8f48-cfd298e466ed	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:00:07	-170.969
-53	41269	4126900	cdb9d4a2-96ee-4311-ada0-bfeae5e89934	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:07:14	137.27
-53	82538	4126900	566eb534-f69e-412a-b6fd-6ea8f098afec	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:22:56	52.884
-54	41270	4127000	86841d4f-ec7e-4b19-a3fc-07f3c9648c93	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:29:29	-142.384
-54	82540	4127000	f645f282-0b12-49fa-9684-4d71a54dca78	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:42:28	-520.69
-55	41271	4127100	e72c3374-5850-4b07-ae99-ee418ab68fa8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:38:38	-344.504
-55	82542	4127100	f46ece64-7467-41de-bc61-376d9c8d5857	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:31:34	12.227
-56	41272	4127200	0f095e61-dd06-43d2-96a0-d606bc261550	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:01:04	-491.778
-56	82544	4127200	f1251293-8cdc-46ec-ae8f-1be6251c9e99	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:10:45	822.166
-57	41273	4127300	52105af7-b24b-4a5c-bbe4-51e0373cf7f5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:20:15	-975.823
-57	82546	4127300	dd4f19c9-0d11-453b-8588-d0c177aa86ef	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:32:41	975.852
-58	41274	4127400	03c06d68-66d3-4a9c-8da5-0d2c838b0c2d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:36:21	-381.468
-58	82548	4127400	2865289b-9cd3-48b2-8aba-bc7c52d26df4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:16:33	-685.130
-59	41275	4127500	226039b9-5b2e-433a-8e60-672b2d7a3dcc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:24:31	48.756
-59	82550	4127500	75384c8c-8d3f-43b5-9c91-06b48b5c5d25	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:09:46	-16.325
-60	41276	4127600	27d44f0d-9166-4b04-92d8-827690a20e29	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:30:45	-398.795
-60	82552	4127600	909108d7-c200-43e5-87c7-f7c60e560ff4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:00:26	277.608
-61	41277	4127700	d37e2fe2-b8d7-4cb8-999b-e53f1ceb4d1c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:41:47	-888.839
-61	82554	4127700	8ac48660-af7b-4828-9dd7-8370a099c7fb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:01:12	176.486
-62	41278	4127800	f67f0425-802f-4880-92cf-c936ea6b5bce	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:12:07	-635.179
-62	82556	4127800	5dab0ccb-2731-4197-bec6-ae840a04cb63	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:37:50	786.535
-63	41279	4127900	d09a0502-9922-484d-8342-96d27dc69793	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:33:08	-536.746
-63	82558	4127900	536c6e1c-25ad-486d-9579-52f2d9131b72	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:48:09	997.793
-64	41280	4128000	e8f35b43-8bbe-462c-ae9d-6d2b104869dc	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:57:07	268.7
-64	82560	4128000	97ed6ea9-8dce-42e1-960d-423bb5719b5a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:54:54	60.756
-65	41281	4128100	1610e876-f409-4776-8935-75e9d21b163b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:32:49	-267.971
-65	82562	4128100	cac0f2cd-7407-4b6f-8661-24f4c2811a29	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:41:15	759.79
-66	41282	4128200	7cbd5e3e-8e64-48dc-a402-367405583e5c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:16:47	533.346
-66	82564	4128200	31fb9031-25b9-4510-838c-87065157b8ef	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:34:50	-566.607
-67	41283	4128300	00d363f6-8117-484d-acf9-071dd2503c27	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:11:29	-687.130
-67	82566	4128300	b3dcfa29-dd98-4b83-af1e-17933c5f184e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:38:48	623.949
-68	41284	4128400	ffa8b07c-0aa4-40d0-afd6-fdf18e2ba6b5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:45:54	522.126
-68	82568	4128400	c840bcf9-91a3-4c91-b8fd-1172b685676b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:08:50	355.781
-69	41285	4128500	359cf41f-d55d-4a57-b6cf-48b2511e0ddc	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:00:59	-318.690
-69	82570	4128500	422353c9-a9b9-4dbc-834d-2cac5aca7772	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:03:30	561.19
-70	41286	4128600	d2e5ce73-2aed-4816-8ece-666f26738e1a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:00:03	877.769
-70	82572	4128600	9f103cd6-d068-4f9a-a2b1-8a341f378840	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:53:33	-580.487
-71	41287	4128700	f02db646-1941-4d9d-835d-3f6179a15d24	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:40:15	-258.109
-71	82574	4128700	23ef6e7d-5628-465e-b3d8-1dbdcf9491c6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:53:07	643.290
-72	41288	4128800	cc05ecc4-d2df-4d28-85c2-e1a7d61cac86	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:37:18	-841.199
-72	82576	4128800	53e8a839-9627-4932-b334-df5a9ca0bc50	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:51:30	-460.0
-73	41289	4128900	56c43c07-9594-4477-83e6-49e58f12da0b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:11:27	396.935
-73	82578	4128900	2432dd8c-9c64-4a87-843b-5178ab8fcf95	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:27:37	884.205
-74	41290	4129000	cca6bf32-0989-41ad-a70b-c418cb17f0ab	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:22:48	604.63
-74	82580	4129000	59913623-5d12-4cf7-b440-e2d0227c268f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:30:43	-385.941
-75	41291	4129100	1044cecc-8cb3-4582-ad8d-8b6c73cabd95	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:02:58	302.441
-75	82582	4129100	a447aa06-c527-4966-be33-b223cf61a5ad	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:00:14	-381.126
-76	41292	4129200	a70f450a-20f9-4487-a002-8883b4da2ca0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:33:50	410.789
-76	82584	4129200	ca956691-2241-4453-8251-ffc31ad804b8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:00:18	258.752
-77	41293	4129300	02287c1c-f759-4cad-8cbb-c94698448af5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:39:37	-230.304
-77	82586	4129300	d2b7a30e-2910-47a7-a5a9-45b25a115759	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:34:14	116.802
-78	41294	4129400	9196c5ab-92b7-4f48-ba5d-d1073cab5265	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:25:47	998.788
-78	82588	4129400	b6fa2512-c08c-4a16-9cad-a12bef60e5e7	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:29:35	619.946
-79	41295	4129500	2b4f020e-1b48-4793-8c40-687e140c1d30	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:00:22	193.889
-79	82590	4129500	2fc580f6-b016-4ebc-9040-1a612a68e309	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:05:07	346.238
-80	41296	4129600	8cb209d6-0472-4e62-ae55-215a50eaa5a4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:50:09	-651.647
-80	82592	4129600	be25b309-8507-411b-ba2d-274520051daa	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:43:19	921.125
-81	41297	4129700	68e54638-7438-4a87-8720-ef091c02dbab	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:32:36	-77.821
-81	82594	4129700	c943e1a4-a146-4ed9-897f-66b0aaac9fc0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:02:06	731.808
-82	41298	4129800	67ca4f1f-06d8-417f-9468-f4630b6251ae	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:40:43	178.385
-82	82596	4129800	30f79a48-9ecc-49e0-b633-1e20758677e1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:00:09	-667.901
-83	41299	4129900	8e36eb82-d8b4-4b1a-8c0c-41a3d7d2cfd2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:51:43	-181.55
-83	82598	4129900	fdbabe70-829b-474c-8333-a66acf762227	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:11:54	965.317
-84	41300	4130000	be9bfe09-aa94-486d-8b37-75e099db7c24	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:07:41	-244.931
-84	82600	4130000	e7fefa4a-a69a-4b02-b3ad-84aa5ecc10be	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:08:50	-536.612
-85	41301	4130100	508a9407-f3c6-4f28-8597-678d1c73ee72	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:24:19	553.770
-85	82602	4130100	d0327192-3f38-42c0-b83d-42cb65fbf9e5	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:55:21	291.580
-86	41302	4130200	d1f731af-c0b8-4e72-ba96-fae4dcd0685b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:46:30	300.786
-86	82604	4130200	4518ff63-2abd-46ec-be1c-60f5070062b2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:40:03	219.626
-87	41303	4130300	c8bd5380-aca1-4380-a37e-e48e9cea3011	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:14:49	-108.281
-87	82606	4130300	f7182c57-41cb-41e5-9e3c-63f92aa89b47	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:05:15	213.887
-88	41304	4130400	fe25b491-3ca9-4dff-bffc-2d3837ea8860	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:05:20	-290.817
-88	82608	4130400	1d333471-ccf1-4360-b2c0-fede4791cc9c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:38:34	152.579
-89	41305	4130500	98188402-7ed6-4d7c-aaff-04b4026828e2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:05:11	242.602
-89	82610	4130500	34535db5-3387-4d4a-99c8-f76db7301382	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:10:00	-438.851
-90	41306	4130600	7002e8d6-11ef-470a-a265-83cc2e3a2d09	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:11:55	249.90
-90	82612	4130600	d30e9943-54df-4a01-8028-3c19131e4329	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:46:47	804.426
-91	41307	4130700	bbd2c0b8-f78d-4552-8220-5a99bcb5405c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:11:48	-492.348
-91	82614	4130700	113305f4-4403-4177-8c4c-b4638f485d4e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:12:27	-991.6
-92	41308	4130800	c9fecc90-10b8-4586-9c9a-baa866e44c86	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:20:58	-280.227
-92	82616	4130800	c11d62ab-57e3-4dd8-aa14-f2e726e86ef7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:33:57	671.620
-93	41309	4130900	66bc9221-e84b-47a5-bcaf-1aa8509dd52a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:47:49	-689.428
-93	82618	4130900	a3826570-4cc4-4e65-bd78-d95b5dba9b48	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:58:16	-873.81
-94	41310	4131000	d9ed407e-f20b-40e0-89eb-58440494bbb2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:03:07	868.224
-94	82620	4131000	d56950b3-a7fe-4eba-b209-c605bc29f2b6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:22:08	-622.840
-95	41311	4131100	a1111992-d1b0-4424-be1b-158e2cf3f7dd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:03:23	304.47
-95	82622	4131100	0269bf59-a0a2-468a-a25b-ad604c12810c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:09:35	495.247
-96	41312	4131200	c8cb42f3-2c58-4379-8bda-487aecc87d8b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:01:51	-920.748
-96	82624	4131200	a16f8c91-0ef0-4b40-8f71-40d2ca173d0e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:56:30	-216.683
-97	41313	4131300	f45060ed-9de7-4e49-95fa-a9d0b90f17a3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:16:45	218.905
-97	82626	4131300	d01ddc62-fa5e-42c5-961b-655bcb8e4b15	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:41:24	354.923
-98	41314	4131400	b7a17ec0-76f7-43f5-887f-beed68f63b26	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:46:55	943.165
-98	82628	4131400	28fc7ca1-c2e8-4d83-9362-1d99dcff7b28	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:46:26	-158.864
-99	41315	4131500	899c3c2c-daec-43dd-a5de-5da99775230e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:38:45	150.261
-99	82630	4131500	3435c36c-6b87-4e85-bd8d-a2e154556cc7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:28:01	592.939
-100	41316	4131600	a8508307-ea97-4565-bcb1-aba0062b8fc7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:40:46	-376.833
-100	82632	4131600	fc508a2d-cfd9-4670-ac61-b326f4150e70	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:26:25	852.123
-101	41317	4131700	429e463d-d9b7-4c6c-bcd9-dcca3f0862a7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:00:03	451.960
-101	82634	4131700	1a7facb9-f812-4c66-971b-3070e1c63eaa	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:58:32	-239.549
-102	41318	4131800	68f65445-01c6-47da-946f-1555b4cc3215	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:27:54	493.839
-102	82636	4131800	63add05c-a95c-467b-b44a-e2ea137911be	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:08:34	-292.593
-103	41319	4131900	89137ecc-796d-468c-b122-85804e07eb20	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:43:30	-246.17
-103	82638	4131900	4dd09265-6fe8-4e5c-a931-2efa94c21773	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:58:16	453.908
-104	41320	4132000	e4b757dd-4580-4f02-9a7f-2bdcdd6377c3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:53:43	-858.354
-104	82640	4132000	a9a0e385-412e-4dc8-95a8-319fb276eeb5	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:19:31	-160.566
-105	41321	4132100	b1ac829d-3bdb-41f6-af4a-b44f65fa345c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:35:07	-966.334
-105	82642	4132100	b8030304-295f-41f0-b5c1-b0e1e1d185ae	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:10:16	965.39
-106	41322	4132200	00210062-c78b-4801-8042-40fe7d0cb16d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:30:12	-944.486
-106	82644	4132200	db5908c7-256e-4b38-a9ae-87450fd06cb7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:19:54	683.177
-107	41323	4132300	5c542ada-e4b6-4c30-b21d-0ce314be2a46	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:20:34	-367.424
-107	82646	4132300	f111c63d-4382-4ca7-a74d-420878e58371	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:43:23	-440.746
-108	41324	4132400	8bffc359-0154-41c6-8d57-305985fa84d4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:10:51	-47.877
-108	82648	4132400	5fc4cdf7-209a-418a-a4b7-3312e132f3d0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:04:21	-660.832
-109	41325	4132500	4cfc3d07-4cb4-4d1e-9beb-d75584746b6d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:40:48	600.149
-109	82650	4132500	da9b1390-7399-46c6-b545-f0660d176097	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:55:10	-405.967
-110	41326	4132600	ebc78767-54cc-4e7e-b19c-9ee59dfdc4f9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:50:20	408.115
-110	82652	4132600	d9397fe0-018d-41e7-baf7-a62a4c8afd79	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:29:37	958.942
-111	41327	4132700	246d5744-c022-4538-a6e6-90daaba71ea3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:21:14	-28.920
-111	82654	4132700	fd07d886-1bac-4c2b-a5ff-9804404290cc	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:01:36	887.549
-112	41328	4132800	551d0c26-0841-458d-8619-a5d0aacc2597	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:50:02	-170.125
-112	82656	4132800	2f7218b1-c47d-4471-9775-8c76f132e8bb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:19:44	-767.110
-113	41329	4132900	2ad64a50-2e6a-4c03-9d81-be857b810909	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:49:50	488.840
-113	82658	4132900	bcf6d768-5c72-4cf2-9fae-5913c00268ad	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:30:57	-824.983
-114	41330	4133000	7a986f60-1077-4a41-9f93-b101a33b98df	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:35:55	-945.140
-114	82660	4133000	ae6d0290-e3d9-44e5-8f9f-5afc24c6f1c4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:59:35	339.69
-115	41331	4133100	2a179b14-aa91-4679-929b-17c077070823	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:27:35	-110.31
-115	82662	4133100	043f9f53-9a3b-40b1-9f79-5a1079f6ca55	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:19:19	-447.757
-116	41332	4133200	f8c6b85b-ef79-4371-b614-b7a1a1ccf84a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:23:02	102.435
-116	82664	4133200	3a3621b2-017b-4063-a8cb-daab017e1102	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:55:28	-974.21
-117	41333	4133300	d3171e4a-6bad-4eb1-ad73-64d251dc9eba	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:27:17	692.126
-117	82666	4133300	f989c48c-6e16-4b2e-8fe7-bd37e38469af	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:48:28	-688.790
-118	41334	4133400	faad1988-2317-4dcc-813a-593e0e56491d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:33:06	-92.55
-118	82668	4133400	50ef51e0-271d-433c-84ae-8abe5bcf0220	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:50:20	382.632
-119	41335	4133500	2a70b11c-8821-4186-b8e6-73089e5dcc9f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:30:42	-503.647
-119	82670	4133500	e404b49a-8915-4e02-beba-d52ef3295182	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:14:41	-929.234
-120	41336	4133600	6be94642-2d36-49ab-b1d9-f623b5166fb4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:57:50	770.980
-120	82672	4133600	8ffab232-2b44-4238-9ddd-83d2b0228afe	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:08:02	-55.210
-121	41337	4133700	bd1801d0-cf7e-453d-a58b-8522a4fd629e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:36:42	81.334
-121	82674	4133700	00c11208-1d7a-4cd0-8c03-67e16165263a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:22:14	591.587
-122	41338	4133800	51d947f6-8be1-4b56-a4e0-06be628e435d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:27:06	-456.754
-122	82676	4133800	1fd937f3-0721-4a6a-864e-07cfec21f3f9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:24:45	-884.954
-123	41339	4133900	27b65ec9-b6cc-4890-8722-fab71ef7895c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:42:46	588.376
-123	82678	4133900	0766a784-3bb5-40eb-99d6-d7ac73a5fee6	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:07:29	725.153
-124	41340	4134000	d779f265-df37-4f9f-b185-d79ea43996f3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:10:34	-189.192
-124	82680	4134000	d87e9267-85b1-47ea-b2d9-80199b4de872	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:20:32	65.649
-125	41341	4134100	d09a2fe4-0860-4eba-8b68-a4d34c3c7276	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:24:47	-735.845
-125	82682	4134100	b9f95ce1-3d91-43b6-a70a-4a55d6be32c9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:08:48	68.540
-126	41342	4134200	1815dc9f-252a-4da4-8aee-7222d63df1c0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:43:08	-315.12
-126	82684	4134200	a7d975e1-01d7-4601-9519-6a5b79dff633	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:43:41	-767.661
-127	41343	4134300	ffd1d8f5-034e-4151-9fed-a90779068aa3	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:14:02	264.259
-127	82686	4134300	7c437ad9-9cbe-4b62-a901-103aec282df9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:14:24	655.660
-0	41344	4134400	c9df5b53-a539-4459-b0fa-91772dd78c37	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:52:45	-122.34
-0	82688	4134400	10a1f39e-9567-4ab7-bafb-0b41de767dfa	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:44:44	828.740
-1	41345	4134500	0f5edba3-f1c4-4e72-a6ba-e1654b357665	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 08:36:45	-770.687
-1	82690	4134500	59f3ab27-5ced-4336-9264-2d0c713845aa	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:19:14	304.176
-2	41346	4134600	ecd01b3b-bd3d-441b-9c85-cc2f054935e6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:52:18	522.955
-2	82692	4134600	269be301-c742-4177-87be-85fc05524642	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:31:30	140.340
-3	41347	4134700	572d6b98-a98b-40e5-91fd-0539212361e5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:13:40	-529.440
-3	82694	4134700	2665a513-6dfa-4594-99f6-ed63cfe419dc	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:08:09	-522.984
-4	41348	4134800	d9deb28d-b74a-4eea-abaf-836dfbac5869	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:14:35	-207.879
-4	82696	4134800	fd7858bb-9bac-42a9-b475-44e9377d79dc	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:36:28	446.877
-5	41349	4134900	b9ee3421-ccdb-45d8-b74a-4bb23f7bf420	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:31:02	-903.363
-5	82698	4134900	66950af0-927f-4ab0-b824-e15753d623e0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:19:21	-637.530
-6	41350	4135000	bbd994dc-b0a0-445e-becc-01b8c1676464	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:31:54	-186.65
-6	82700	4135000	ead2a315-13e0-4578-b807-f729b6d69eaa	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:25:17	985.781
-7	41351	4135100	5e4c2684-8792-4fad-8958-59f161f8a805	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:27:56	324.366
-7	82702	4135100	155431dd-ad2f-4902-9d64-b76e50151ddc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:40:37	-122.608
-8	41352	4135200	21e05f69-67a7-4fce-a807-0382e3961fc6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:55:45	190.921
-8	82704	4135200	7273f77f-1000-46bf-9c19-cef33c7c4726	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:18:00	-645.661
-9	41353	4135300	5bd9b0c0-1ae6-4d45-b539-1979af2d2149	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:53:25	14.573
-9	82706	4135300	c7b64258-c286-47a0-b4c5-49d7d787b7bf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:55:14	-817.185
-10	41354	4135400	e9834c21-f069-4578-b905-c89022888d00	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:18:48	-731.698
-10	82708	4135400	629df139-7355-4fa3-ac3e-253b52a84474	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:46:25	-751.370
-11	41355	4135500	b900c299-655f-4c20-bfa5-49044f161713	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:46:28	-522.831
-11	82710	4135500	7028d3a5-298f-4e53-9498-fad106713d87	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:02:13	270.366
-12	41356	4135600	c7d50d92-dbaf-4131-905c-a97c69383d6f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:49:03	-537.245
-12	82712	4135600	b2498c04-cf67-46d6-a5a3-270030e2cfdf	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:05:04	500.70
-13	41357	4135700	b4379cea-cd6c-41ec-809a-373e501ef7c9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:39:01	177.970
-13	82714	4135700	db3390d8-29ff-4e0b-86e1-76f91ffe2840	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:13:34	-19.884
-14	41358	4135800	93667250-3b18-452e-a2b2-de814cec1524	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:04:40	-298.633
-14	82716	4135800	51eb40c5-e834-476c-9dc1-abc76cf944bd	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:23:14	-117.826
-15	41359	4135900	c6e27c7e-c1e5-4539-8414-5c793c91d200	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:49:53	559.396
-15	82718	4135900	17f88226-0a3d-471c-975b-35910494a380	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:39:07	287.743
-16	41360	4136000	b9b48bc7-c801-4821-8314-f038a81d7207	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:35:19	-143.454
-16	82720	4136000	282f0e09-0f48-45b3-9706-fe95517bc675	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:54:39	258.689
-17	41361	4136100	f3f0f98e-00c9-48ba-8833-b3438ebc2172	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:16:14	-765.449
-17	82722	4136100	9e76be5c-fc80-4e71-b943-6dd39c4a5870	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:40:31	105.780
-18	41362	4136200	35ba980e-f1bb-4025-88c5-8c0c3ce02517	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:43:17	-47.874
-18	82724	4136200	4c83c985-19ce-4941-b251-6189399f27f1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:47:12	246.449
-19	41363	4136300	dcdd1d20-ece1-4fe0-a783-030f910ec7d4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:53:48	-220.949
-19	82726	4136300	3da11706-8cf6-4f28-b377-1ff8486edb9c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:52:47	-910.572
-20	41364	4136400	4998dc92-7814-46d3-9b05-980ab82a4f7f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:55:49	-80.996
-20	82728	4136400	ef6d26c5-06bc-4b5b-9ec8-3d43363e5216	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:45:58	784.227
-21	41365	4136500	2f230230-8bb8-4ffd-85c3-056fdf700bc9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:46:07	-590.308
-21	82730	4136500	c2c22e26-5fbc-46f8-b70a-b80a535b7d87	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:06:18	613.391
-22	41366	4136600	df00ad28-aa54-4fc3-a816-bca16e095002	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:40:01	12.529
-22	82732	4136600	392fe248-537c-4f88-a6ca-2e940806acb4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:26:45	421.107
-23	41367	4136700	9f549ac6-4ca2-438a-97ec-43f06949a7be	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:58:39	-631.530
-23	82734	4136700	d0258516-e095-4dd5-b4d7-c84c05b2dee2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:35:33	-601.138
-24	41368	4136800	7d9f818d-5249-470a-bb8e-c52374641462	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:39:43	561.748
-24	82736	4136800	0f558dee-f64d-46df-898e-c4156f6aa4e0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:13:24	519.996
-25	41369	4136900	c784fd95-ba1b-48bd-bc8d-e136c50bc45d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:50:29	235.600
-25	82738	4136900	5b4f8ea7-c3b9-467f-be35-f7208c2f1fb8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:33:20	-351.218
-26	41370	4137000	52fabfd6-fe66-427f-a76b-b4b0e0519acd	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 23:10:52	1.302
-26	82740	4137000	b6315ca8-78f4-47ed-bd32-9d329b0493b5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:22:51	-421.76
-27	41371	4137100	38a9b343-0860-44e5-9442-675b55026390	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:00:04	-432.643
-27	82742	4137100	8d82a84e-7180-4b5d-a44b-9fe649a709e5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:02:09	321.986
-28	41372	4137200	44f4a21c-adb0-4081-be3b-4435a07bb653	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:52:53	-421.778
-28	82744	4137200	b19989a6-7aa2-46a6-ac22-f5a5a7a42267	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:45:13	819.107
-29	41373	4137300	41aa5b8f-f318-46a1-8037-5cdfcb67ac19	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:04:41	-253.399
-29	82746	4137300	431f7e16-d311-4466-acd7-78d0d3280a00	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:02:27	787.125
-30	41374	4137400	03294552-1a7d-4487-8bc1-8ea540de089e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:21:21	-523.896
-30	82748	4137400	281d865c-bbcf-4880-bca4-e7f8d26d1b2c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:01:15	260.711
-31	41375	4137500	dfa613bf-19ae-4fab-aa23-34680de62801	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:03:40	-963.788
-31	82750	4137500	a5aa9e53-e7da-460b-abca-2fc301d3dcb8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:19:11	-879.340
-32	41376	4137600	96b50b46-6f44-4bc9-ad80-1b6a10a25497	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:41:49	-984.801
-32	82752	4137600	d8563246-a307-48be-ad4a-2bf0bf2893df	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:55:35	-683.555
-33	41377	4137700	00155fff-8e0b-4269-8de7-0375c9b2f10c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:11:59	207.443
-33	82754	4137700	628c0e64-c54c-4cb7-bdc9-de7c06fbf91e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:24:49	-466.586
-34	41378	4137800	8f551dbb-5d15-4ea3-8f94-245c3771eb45	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:28:07	657.447
-34	82756	4137800	19321184-b6b2-49d5-b6dd-193917ab8ba4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:49:36	20.110
-35	41379	4137900	97c384bf-d3da-486b-8b93-e82d2fbb146f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:34:36	58.558
-35	82758	4137900	f2c50c0e-bce3-40dd-8174-3d46bdce4659	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:41:20	19.309
-36	41380	4138000	45ebe130-59cc-4631-b6d6-b10f43ba492d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:30:38	406.898
-36	82760	4138000	e46d2eae-0ecf-4647-be6f-9739851be176	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:26:20	-566.979
-37	41381	4138100	8417709e-4ee3-4930-9bae-831a08e1e3be	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:05:11	273.373
-37	82762	4138100	2e3fb341-4a91-439f-bc99-261f5f8bfaf0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:56:30	137.249
-38	41382	4138200	fcdde7cc-5203-4e44-8902-62a14c876be0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:10:18	-746.59
-38	82764	4138200	7d32eccc-4d96-42a8-a908-6c3420567263	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:57:02	557.394
-39	41383	4138300	12129318-f862-41b6-a3d4-f31f2b32a59a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:26:06	-643.204
-39	82766	4138300	130e3f41-9464-462f-8f62-fe2461c28e10	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:28:17	136.603
-40	41384	4138400	9ea94384-a6e6-4d03-b904-8131ece5ea3b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:49:51	973.939
-40	82768	4138400	15e109dd-4724-490e-a569-72a485c3a59f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:01:19	383.219
-41	41385	4138500	0009e264-c511-4e00-b1c8-23244ea36f53	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:51:46	-420.47
-41	82770	4138500	13e68232-9158-45de-bcfa-a4b38cb7efec	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:53:37	-968.184
-42	41386	4138600	8b09e495-7ae8-49db-aa44-2cfd9bb3606e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:32:32	781.654
-42	82772	4138600	1c159b1a-dddd-47e8-a17e-594d781be293	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:47:11	803.116
-43	41387	4138700	2c481fce-83ed-470d-90a1-3e40be2059ec	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:37:26	-967.927
-43	82774	4138700	89ffe358-2ec6-409b-8607-3adc8f99ecf7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:05:12	985.178
-44	41388	4138800	0e112257-f9b5-4c9b-839c-44efcf3aeda5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:33:23	-704.744
-44	82776	4138800	0ebbce7e-6474-46d8-8411-2ce77be1fd8d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:22:11	465.787
-45	41389	4138900	4f8ea8ab-9a30-4bf7-8991-3b40533a7fe5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:55:43	878.937
-45	82778	4138900	6371af70-6a15-4fd5-9112-18d00340212f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:00:48	905.914
-46	41390	4139000	941f3b78-aac0-42c1-b3b1-152e0e1883d6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:30:30	-211.646
-46	82780	4139000	2707e5d5-1b17-4e93-a1e6-e525bb1b2012	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:09:34	892.296
-47	41391	4139100	f1f11aa6-94d3-4509-9fea-86e30db64bb5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:41:40	988.440
-47	82782	4139100	dff1e831-7722-4493-b56a-0ef21c392322	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:29:52	-389.166
-48	41392	4139200	32f7559b-8010-4d9a-8fe3-493d2cca16ae	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:35:46	-463.806
-48	82784	4139200	a2872ce4-cfce-4b0c-b104-700ed2f2dc4d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:05:29	541.573
-49	41393	4139300	651cbf34-3987-45e4-ad1c-6557a343ce00	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:38:24	707.860
-49	82786	4139300	1dd725a6-cba2-41ad-aa05-f8a55bc5e219	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:24:49	709.19
-50	41394	4139400	a32f991f-221d-485a-80b5-d5415029345e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:03:55	84.741
-50	82788	4139400	9e791f57-60d8-4ed0-8003-bde253877e07	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:57:11	-606.850
-51	41395	4139500	81a94b82-e522-48c8-b381-00955f1f1366	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:17:56	-383.536
-51	82790	4139500	3ebb52ce-7910-4cd3-b123-14da9e321a12	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:55:21	560.692
-52	41396	4139600	3849449f-d375-4b2b-a7ed-551107652311	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:24:37	-978.314
-52	82792	4139600	1ecf85eb-5f7b-4690-883e-f1bf3f5685bc	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:45:07	908.73
-53	41397	4139700	bd44efaf-4481-4cf4-998b-99a7fe9797ef	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:45:57	-173.957
-53	82794	4139700	b099c6d6-1d71-4b7d-b922-f7743b989a98	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:20:11	641.948
-54	41398	4139800	ceb053c9-0554-45cc-bfc5-fdbd6c73861c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:31:11	357.269
-54	82796	4139800	128008ac-4cdc-4892-8671-7bab320defa3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:58:13	560.724
-55	41399	4139900	b975580b-cc94-4738-90c9-c7c20ce0e888	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:53:36	528.916
-55	82798	4139900	03a5a05f-c565-49b7-b9af-4019ca0b6f36	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:41:02	-460.840
-56	41400	4140000	94edad9b-7eab-470a-8eb2-1ef3e3247277	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:36:03	-575.842
-56	82800	4140000	3ca67e00-94a6-4b33-88f7-45c7c4fab0b2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:51:07	-1.757
-57	41401	4140100	ea4b8388-8dd0-47db-a2b1-659979310e50	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:43:14	-28.457
-57	82802	4140100	c02c7b92-2e7c-4e95-83cf-cf86fb0ae75c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:48:37	-563.238
-58	41402	4140200	382e57ab-9ab7-452b-85d3-020713353727	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:58:03	-713.790
-58	82804	4140200	a14ad56d-c676-4872-8741-d66f9c28f07a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 17:58:46	964.263
-59	41403	4140300	fbb0a361-930b-4b41-ab24-dd3e38741b88	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:55:46	834.96
-59	82806	4140300	27686452-e2c5-43d7-a7f9-ed8800fa0ed1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:36:58	798.926
-60	41404	4140400	7bc86e71-a5f3-49ea-9394-3c9114224368	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:36:01	700.6
-60	82808	4140400	033deee3-4b91-41a1-a2b6-ee9f7afff622	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:37:25	-181.204
-61	41405	4140500	f7b437da-7711-40e2-bdce-e4a747dab5c2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:48:02	121.366
-61	82810	4140500	01daad5d-7c03-4bcd-850c-04adf3d8bad6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:56:54	439.475
-62	41406	4140600	b896526c-ed64-4924-b938-07ef3e8e1840	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:55:20	-34.853
-62	82812	4140600	4a5976a6-8515-4023-95be-de9cb6b545c5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:02:19	-613.868
-63	41407	4140700	215f698a-e754-47bd-af55-50e22e5de5f4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:55:49	972.862
-63	82814	4140700	f2934e10-e5e3-4567-9c92-7405c29c05f3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:43:43	-872.94
-64	41408	4140800	38fe5331-f3d0-4ddc-8df3-742353163a32	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:15:16	83.384
-64	82816	4140800	8e8cb497-0a39-4122-be68-7aa79fddea1c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:19:26	-820.862
-65	41409	4140900	cb41b1c1-7192-4118-b8d9-398046b88f32	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:06:08	243.799
-65	82818	4140900	af4fbe3b-dcc5-4ba6-a0de-137ae2e866c1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:24:11	-876.502
-66	41410	4141000	06db7b17-6480-45f1-8896-78f6c873fabc	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:00:18	650.290
-66	82820	4141000	25214c5d-2cd8-46e5-8cd4-8e36134f36b6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:34:52	178.468
-67	41411	4141100	742f7977-5d9b-4aa9-ae81-e80d93185962	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:26:01	471.266
-67	82822	4141100	cd7b98e3-a719-431d-9d9b-0c7c264d50fd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:08:01	-768.135
-68	41412	4141200	7d7c51ad-50d3-4530-9e6a-d6d46b3221c0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:45:33	678.426
-68	82824	4141200	158f72e7-d6e5-40d0-b04b-c74219d8c35f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:32:07	-203.860
-69	41413	4141300	ae60b89b-831c-4aae-b1d9-d0037e721d7e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:06:09	302.231
-69	82826	4141300	63bc3eb8-313f-4d92-9943-f55034a3cbf5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:03:27	248.507
-70	41414	4141400	b84d5548-7adb-4340-8f30-88ef0337cfd2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:47:03	690.168
-70	82828	4141400	4d82076f-ff12-43e0-80bc-0462c4946eb0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:49:55	25.405
-71	41415	4141500	4f55381c-55ee-4c8f-a750-0fe627cc90ce	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:25:46	-450.678
-71	82830	4141500	dde56e05-7652-48c2-bb5e-6bc8d9c93531	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:05:21	572.392
-72	41416	4141600	c5b1d024-083f-4fbf-a49b-28194a533b8e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:21:23	85.547
-72	82832	4141600	b5597ea8-1ca7-44de-b58d-3c671ab3a049	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:14:37	-215.933
-73	41417	4141700	ca46fa86-0e62-4b23-b4ea-66a5d42aa62a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:17:15	-114.332
-73	82834	4141700	7430f29a-ef34-4a66-a3f0-0546818ac266	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:38:32	-686.587
-74	41418	4141800	e200fce5-7b7d-45c5-9fc8-6d29d24bdbc6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:55:49	-873.618
-74	82836	4141800	f446d524-28d5-4486-9f09-116e7a48efb1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:15:55	-90.709
-75	41419	4141900	67580799-e101-4e5e-a9b8-dc85741bab8a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:22:57	-528.116
-75	82838	4141900	ab841315-0da6-4e8b-ade3-0b6d2801a5dc	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:56:50	114.977
-76	41420	4142000	571f2a81-9eaa-40ec-8adc-047d4ff0f588	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:05:24	-283.459
-76	82840	4142000	97ae9d2d-f65e-4f0f-99ee-c7054a87faf7	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:44:28	857.227
-77	41421	4142100	226bb7f3-abeb-4cf6-976d-b4a5e5703e26	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:11:07	-200.238
-77	82842	4142100	2ffb7dc4-d808-42a0-b083-f1b1e7aa9609	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:39:25	-890.188
-78	41422	4142200	4fe26c4a-48c2-4071-858d-d25517c69e17	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:55:09	277.506
-78	82844	4142200	35c123b7-d6c3-4ee5-975f-47b6c1563542	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:39:45	93.847
-79	41423	4142300	b34a3913-4195-498a-9f8a-3e6667cf8227	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:01:40	519.140
-79	82846	4142300	c1f477ee-794a-46d8-8553-e72085f1e3d3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:23:42	393.260
-80	41424	4142400	c5a214ab-7488-4bf7-8e37-cdff9a66bccf	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:07:44	245.584
-80	82848	4142400	87d27643-03fc-4354-8350-a39186389eaf	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:03:29	565.128
-81	41425	4142500	07614b46-36e5-4190-80e9-55ce2d95b83e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:09:31	-208.58
-81	82850	4142500	448d5f7e-5c06-4062-b381-ebe39e56c7ae	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:01:21	541.716
-82	41426	4142600	e9181994-9cea-4ade-b4f9-bedbed058a91	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:43:35	371.526
-82	82852	4142600	40384654-1461-4565-bc97-d0528de00a46	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:54:51	695.33
-83	41427	4142700	40fc980c-749e-410e-abd7-954e657cee87	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:11:32	-353.398
-83	82854	4142700	cba3262d-2de2-4715-b299-83bbb5b9e5ac	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:14:40	-452.772
-84	41428	4142800	9044e1cc-9921-4bf4-bb13-ff882b5c728a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:06:08	32.210
-84	82856	4142800	06863b49-4187-44e2-8fa7-8d9a929c8822	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:26:59	755.10
-85	41429	4142900	77b8c352-8416-4019-af6c-b2dcee623aad	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:09:03	585.999
-85	82858	4142900	a7f786f8-207b-4767-9487-0bc9f000cb59	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:26:08	-966.649
-86	41430	4143000	dabb14c1-4e7a-4c1b-ac13-4427f163ab3a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:51:12	995.256
-86	82860	4143000	b42427df-1791-4768-be7e-68b1c244e908	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:49:51	936.988
-87	41431	4143100	916e6101-7fee-4ae0-8a92-36f68029a4a6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:28:58	114.171
-87	82862	4143100	48b927db-b210-424b-a725-add79fce5733	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:57:16	144.227
-88	41432	4143200	64343c26-b6da-4472-8489-9f858531b8a2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:40:50	807.755
-88	82864	4143200	6f5b3a37-4aca-4fcf-984a-1cf7ebe02a38	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:08:46	684.143
-89	41433	4143300	e6f480e2-f9d4-4aa0-a433-fe6643e75c41	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:05:29	-712.601
-89	82866	4143300	40bb33d3-9000-458e-bf40-d2297356a23f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:37:29	240.725
-90	41434	4143400	a0b0ab8b-acba-40c0-bd03-fdd0b45f734f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:19:15	103.184
-90	82868	4143400	ef7e2722-dad7-4b0b-a9b8-895438c018f2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:48:48	-491.402
-91	41435	4143500	5d3d73f1-c574-4f75-b979-6359f8a9d977	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:01:13	-660.150
-91	82870	4143500	ffe50ffc-df89-46ed-a24a-bdad1046f6f4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:52:06	985.735
-92	41436	4143600	60428114-68f8-4207-afa2-0a8422af23e8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:50:02	113.865
-92	82872	4143600	89db3234-cf8b-45c9-a453-ee93073e2841	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:56:21	-150.682
-93	41437	4143700	1fac5d10-e9f0-4036-a18e-b11090255987	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:37:00	-825.935
-93	82874	4143700	a748c7ec-d3bd-4804-a413-bf9b51f2f56f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:11:23	725.497
-94	41438	4143800	8bce9894-d047-4074-a3cd-6a3fc3da7a5b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:50:16	971.730
-94	82876	4143800	b083f838-4f1e-42d3-8943-03d4272e44eb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:10:34	385.259
-95	41439	4143900	e4215684-913c-40fe-86cf-6953a6a75571	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:58:35	145.314
-95	82878	4143900	105d383b-b159-49a8-94c6-f0d006b3403a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:39:18	-643.62
-96	41440	4144000	a5f7cf7f-5c29-4b98-86e3-37cd67c307fb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:14:36	-385.122
-96	82880	4144000	66aaa070-bf42-4e42-a83a-f8ce3df2f460	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:57:41	194.817
-97	41441	4144100	f54e7760-246b-49f3-8736-c1231a688b55	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:26:05	-530.404
-97	82882	4144100	bfadaf3e-360e-4cc8-b08b-abc4e6b1e560	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:30:55	544.817
-98	41442	4144200	8a232e76-4ab4-414f-80a0-7bd55c587c31	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:06:03	-322.206
-98	82884	4144200	94fc04a5-1344-4721-acc2-271c7ae2e262	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:14:57	200.356
-99	41443	4144300	31270c40-fd45-49f1-8d12-fff9d7c121b6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:04:34	-340.593
-99	82886	4144300	7ee3a7aa-8fe9-4bca-9ec5-bd16abc702f8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:56:52	870.452
-100	41444	4144400	986db71e-a472-4056-a646-e2dc6885c7d0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:54:58	-407.317
-100	82888	4144400	55a848bb-04a4-46fb-8df4-2f77c14f935c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:54:02	-780.917
-101	41445	4144500	c4239fe6-672e-44e1-a0d9-98050283bea7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:22:29	-399.176
-101	82890	4144500	d2b2dbd0-945d-4821-8bef-377fa052d1b7	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:43:37	-360.355
-102	41446	4144600	df8e5119-2ed5-4694-b088-082f9503e376	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:44:27	-165.287
-102	82892	4144600	71181953-090d-4b19-910a-83347ef9e034	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:18:52	-66.566
-103	41447	4144700	982093c9-2f4b-4738-8822-3554b4931d7f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:53:44	148.730
-103	82894	4144700	6cfc9177-06be-4b6f-94db-fd777c41be49	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:00:11	757.784
-104	41448	4144800	d3684178-5667-4753-bef0-a665fd1962db	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:39:06	513.207
-104	82896	4144800	becf8613-ee7d-4193-abb9-d9bfa2f014d4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:41:00	-410.566
-105	41449	4144900	07d65062-7e1a-45d5-9d19-02d8ed44ffb4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:10:11	-687.415
-105	82898	4144900	0eb949c9-e7a6-4088-8934-4120a57e1075	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:41:45	456.997
-106	41450	4145000	6441d078-7f5d-4f16-b3e5-c934e190f5dc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:15:32	-138.879
-106	82900	4145000	a3fbbbea-f294-492a-9d2d-1467d05d9d9a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:26:53	527.588
-107	41451	4145100	7575d742-a231-4f42-9ad4-b9e5949f0c6e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:37:44	-900.832
-107	82902	4145100	2a298f2d-3312-4980-b514-0a714c664536	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:10:23	653.757
-108	41452	4145200	b1c18622-05dd-4f78-82bd-cf52435916ab	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:12:24	935.906
-108	82904	4145200	f731392c-0a35-4e8f-8c3f-559bd9e2a954	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:42:59	77.492
-109	41453	4145300	047ee569-c83f-4a62-895c-d4d4e44907cf	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:07:10	-235.541
-109	82906	4145300	84502527-6d38-4ce9-9994-f699b9be3735	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:03:55	302.550
-110	41454	4145400	d8cf006c-e219-4a04-b702-89e74116e2d2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:56:41	462.246
-110	82908	4145400	40bf8d15-2950-47a8-9c44-71bdb6555c5a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:56:28	-416.499
-111	41455	4145500	e1c84518-5b49-485e-aafb-ccc319b4f6af	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:01:30	-278.951
-111	82910	4145500	f101eb32-dfbe-47b9-9e00-85d9cd6b4da0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:47:44	209.200
-112	41456	4145600	c1718daa-8955-404b-b1d9-2048866d89f0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:05:20	893.510
-112	82912	4145600	64247b40-ff06-4c3d-aba0-e762745694c0	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:27:38	481.617
-113	41457	4145700	0bd5ab95-678d-4e02-aed4-aac48606eb9f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:18:09	-394.227
-113	82914	4145700	04750f00-226e-42ba-8686-02912adedb79	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:03:21	938.109
-114	41458	4145800	44ca64c1-6988-4bfb-994b-5f66f33f16b2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:17:22	-295.261
-114	82916	4145800	b3272dae-9460-4d2d-93a5-626e7b86c86f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:39:15	866.531
-115	41459	4145900	1685500f-34ec-4a86-994b-af7fa459b9c8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:48:26	-664.726
-115	82918	4145900	fd70151a-d112-47b6-b4c0-8ebb76f94083	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:58:59	228.801
-116	41460	4146000	376cb87f-fe3a-430f-a04c-c6b9f7d0d9e0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:03:57	-848.691
-116	82920	4146000	48a420b5-eb49-4905-8423-88185da1ff60	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:19:04	182.723
-117	41461	4146100	53f09e5b-4e59-44b7-a5d3-7eaf2798885e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:31:14	469.408
-117	82922	4146100	c1dd18f7-44f2-49fc-a9e9-cdb6577b4216	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:14:05	733.782
-118	41462	4146200	919c2bbd-c5f2-4750-aa47-951297a5d767	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:05:28	-186.909
-118	82924	4146200	e0af182e-614d-4969-8915-30f3bd35f592	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:00:21	598.45
-119	41463	4146300	7c7565ce-1923-4a4e-ab04-c9229d622be7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:12:35	635.72
-119	82926	4146300	55e571e1-3ead-40cb-8159-a04fa1545d65	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:04:10	-49.54
-120	41464	4146400	1fae3d20-bbb7-4829-ae18-3d50a549c0a9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:26:21	-536.124
-120	82928	4146400	c5948cfc-60dc-490e-b7d3-d7a4fcd8e9fb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:22:46	-792.260
-121	41465	4146500	036f46de-86db-48db-ad80-128b3f9f28a3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:47:48	226.25
-121	82930	4146500	5211cd59-4cb2-4d5c-a195-9b9cbcf5b555	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:07:53	-738.143
-122	41466	4146600	8e54d959-eef2-4ee4-8f9e-b9d07b745bed	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:20:52	689.710
-122	82932	4146600	e6ad7d10-b1e0-4dbc-9ccf-6fc51dbc3f13	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:26:58	817.627
-123	41467	4146700	fd30889e-3ad0-46e5-8405-809ba10780b7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:26:54	865.118
-123	82934	4146700	fbd6136e-9cdd-4c6f-a26c-7ca60d01667b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:58:31	-743.217
-124	41468	4146800	c46b3d9b-d2f5-4bc3-bbe6-a9e20938da22	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:25:47	818.271
-124	82936	4146800	12cac31d-3b6e-4d7e-a6ad-75b2884e9020	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:20:50	424.529
-125	41469	4146900	c59e60f4-0d31-469a-8166-e09b6d1ccd3b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:32:30	-359.553
-125	82938	4146900	8762a1f2-5d20-470a-a06f-333e3c291d4c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:45:51	526.984
-126	41470	4147000	fe96bde3-7143-4762-b604-c7d77abd6d0b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:30:48	594.606
-126	82940	4147000	9093a686-b225-404d-80de-1b68c09c23ee	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:28:25	-727.57
-127	41471	4147100	84723683-392d-4520-a8dc-206274cee66e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 15:46:01	-989.210
-127	82942	4147100	7865d880-57a1-4fb2-9c8c-43dcb0ae91f5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:22:19	-600.582
-0	41472	4147200	c8e443bf-32b7-4b10-9460-3c1f8c1e9296	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:49:00	-153.513
-0	82944	4147200	33b7e809-ebb3-44b9-8c41-b7ff4c353b85	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:51:01	-213.389
-1	41473	4147300	fc019393-b32d-457a-9862-6b56a113c257	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:36:06	422.168
-1	82946	4147300	cacb4b9f-f781-4e9b-8fcf-11e87c067b7d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:36:14	-379.445
-2	41474	4147400	139ec33e-54bb-448f-a4de-bcbb96777ab6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:03:02	433.863
-2	82948	4147400	6d097b4a-c1be-41a1-b494-24918c9d6673	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:12:50	666.810
-3	41475	4147500	2551ebb3-0bd8-4144-8433-63448a3c34dd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:52:04	779.37
-3	82950	4147500	2a156485-631b-4a47-a93b-8b8c158033ff	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:08:25	541.469
-4	41476	4147600	fa01e557-69c2-404d-8d1a-1322581c979f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 07:08:15	-49.471
-4	82952	4147600	ca094e51-82bd-442f-8dc8-cadfb56411a6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:54:11	486.559
-5	41477	4147700	ce41c1b9-f8b8-433d-b8c2-8b27816af857	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:33:52	571.72
-5	82954	4147700	59bb78c2-19c7-4c1b-82d2-488076e9d306	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:05:30	-357.520
-6	41478	4147800	57bba07c-f92b-4006-ab5b-7931b115c769	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:34:30	506.744
-6	82956	4147800	d390230c-f9aa-4ee4-bb2d-e05d1e66bda8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:25:16	-791.205
-7	41479	4147900	5f8f56a1-fa67-4206-a1ff-8ba581b8934b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:49:21	772.173
-7	82958	4147900	6693fb2c-e73a-47ad-b26a-5e01e8466892	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:16:41	156.387
-8	41480	4148000	118aa1fa-39e6-47a6-af41-8b7d7f77997c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:18:01	-517.957
-8	82960	4148000	28463f6b-a953-4006-a959-5b49cae63c42	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:47:56	-94.875
-9	41481	4148100	a1897e9e-a821-4740-8f35-12958d905330	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:00:33	-992.152
-9	82962	4148100	a29026f8-911f-443c-ba6e-c2dedbb2aac6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:58:30	-519.771
-10	41482	4148200	986813e1-4490-48b4-b56d-7acdf999fb91	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:05:56	-556.359
-10	82964	4148200	4c68a96c-cf9b-4b05-b738-493c6c2f4b6c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:01:52	-60.960
-11	41483	4148300	9934ed4e-d458-47c7-b9f9-ee3d15120627	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:05:46	-662.168
-11	82966	4148300	47bf09e0-5709-447d-a902-a76c9f9c1715	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:36:58	-519.672
-12	41484	4148400	adafb031-332f-4b72-a99e-ec4dc0dd52d0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:25:43	-572.308
-12	82968	4148400	9e4798ff-baf2-4cf1-ae4c-d5f87dc8eebf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:38:16	-979.146
-13	41485	4148500	b5022872-46c2-48e0-a4da-a46496f42fe5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:14:44	-839.418
-13	82970	4148500	b6298aa5-1f18-4db0-ad40-b990ff173075	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:43:01	861.638
-14	41486	4148600	8e716f1d-19ef-49d1-978d-7420e84eb997	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:13:36	-901.286
-14	82972	4148600	af35b925-72b3-424b-9ced-c405ea5c967b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:02:43	88.753
-15	41487	4148700	06e9b2ba-06f7-436e-896b-b1b1df71b7e9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:43:47	206.199
-15	82974	4148700	edddf172-b9c4-4bc5-981a-5554ddec40e4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:50:01	834.671
-16	41488	4148800	a716e761-9d8a-464d-b506-d361c1ea9b46	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:51:35	-550.945
-16	82976	4148800	19ec930e-a70b-44c7-8555-c62056210de6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:49:38	646.799
-17	41489	4148900	132afa5d-51fb-4b29-a58e-8b3f9adf18e8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:51:33	-676.349
-17	82978	4148900	33adafa7-6017-4880-9958-90e0c1f0b64b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:41:39	870.799
-18	41490	4149000	968942f1-bfa4-4d62-9073-00ef8d115808	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:28:20	191.132
-18	82980	4149000	4ba9d1cc-ee7d-4b4c-b16e-cc6211a461ff	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:19:34	706.769
-19	41491	4149100	a7b97b9c-206d-4734-a9d9-76926f31ed2b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:28:43	-694.843
-19	82982	4149100	2d3d20ef-9c63-4645-be2f-600694c21bdd	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:07:43	-596.920
-20	41492	4149200	024fc56f-208c-477e-8b0e-72cd08fd09b7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:05:08	-705.169
-20	82984	4149200	4aef884e-d9a4-43a3-8ef2-ed45fe26e645	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:23:20	654.922
-21	41493	4149300	9a5c04ca-d695-48f9-908d-38db18b893c0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:49:53	357.96
-21	82986	4149300	6c0cafea-bcc8-4938-853c-0a893367d0b7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:40:10	139.941
-22	41494	4149400	4c904d43-4463-4920-8aa7-03057b2d1ccc	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:17:44	559.798
-22	82988	4149400	37823e86-ed91-419b-b659-0eac9bd4b1d3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:02:59	-179.390
-23	41495	4149500	21fcbfd9-60df-409a-82d6-9d4098a432fc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:37:00	-172.113
-23	82990	4149500	ea542f40-7013-48f7-8624-ca36f157532f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:21:43	-263.71
-24	41496	4149600	d172e887-8d38-43e0-afb1-dff78ec79a9d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:22:14	502.45
-24	82992	4149600	5635e35d-fd3d-4c64-a55d-fa538ff9e103	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:36:16	256.159
-25	41497	4149700	4ca78b7e-f33b-451c-a19f-ee6208c325c9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:02:01	716.986
-25	82994	4149700	cfa2da16-d752-4507-bd19-ebc9c8b52bff	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:59:00	-290.123
-26	41498	4149800	e3f629f8-d3e0-4584-a533-804a0560a437	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:18:18	615.422
-26	82996	4149800	ccf1af13-e8bd-4883-893b-d074d3d79aee	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:40:29	504.474
-27	41499	4149900	63467b63-380d-4f37-999a-1d354b6973e2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:07:17	768.964
-27	82998	4149900	266fc40e-5e60-43c7-8739-5bed0065591d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:29:23	146.283
-28	41500	4150000	e16feea2-24ae-4f10-8c20-9d1b5745d238	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:32:06	339.682
-28	83000	4150000	2dc2e217-fddd-4b72-bed6-104edb3133be	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:04:23	-802.856
-29	41501	4150100	87e8c4ac-60f6-4ba3-8fd7-f32d449e56c9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:32:38	592.581
-29	83002	4150100	fa532634-ab95-4d7a-a616-e0598c045e89	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:52:02	110.591
-30	41502	4150200	837d4d21-20bb-4977-89aa-276bf2511ebc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:49:06	998.890
-30	83004	4150200	97b3d4f1-5f43-4eb2-8a1c-5625e6bb4b13	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:18:34	563.72
-31	41503	4150300	7e3fad25-5245-4304-96e2-408500d468a8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:18:14	498.289
-31	83006	4150300	198f7216-1774-4093-b30a-7fbe4f7e45cb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:46:45	495.256
-32	41504	4150400	c3213709-672f-43c8-ac75-e9205917aced	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:52:58	-57.738
-32	83008	4150400	e7b2acbb-77cb-404b-a282-4fbca7b305f4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:56:30	542.481
-33	41505	4150500	f1ab201a-e8c1-4a8b-a2f5-d0783bd78e92	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:54:45	-424.515
-33	83010	4150500	77362c2a-952e-43d0-99bf-af9976cd83d4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:36:23	-840.393
-34	41506	4150600	8fce1e4d-a1aa-4fc4-8194-4846e234b380	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:25:02	-775.877
-34	83012	4150600	80193ecb-c0c2-4a36-b4f7-3b5cf58faae0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:19:23	-614.223
-35	41507	4150700	19225740-d27e-47c9-96f1-e4298909f97d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:35:32	-551.848
-35	83014	4150700	9638de33-0359-4393-8091-115badaf2657	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:19:27	763.515
-36	41508	4150800	c5310317-97f9-4899-a352-9d813bdf52e5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:52:44	872.720
-36	83016	4150800	af1d9731-eade-4544-9039-8c73104a027e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:46:37	371.984
-37	41509	4150900	7c79f70e-01b9-4477-8902-e88938a5920e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:38:18	801.768
-37	83018	4150900	4f6e560d-ef3c-44d4-b9c6-571e6edb39cf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:46:42	-157.483
-38	41510	4151000	c7d2982e-cf56-4a8e-8741-bd603912dda3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:04:34	-783.393
-38	83020	4151000	f968d341-b9ff-4d0c-9255-3ac6648f3767	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:41:16	-735.165
-39	41511	4151100	3346fe29-ac94-481c-9060-4d108c9a4466	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:03:41	209.288
-39	83022	4151100	83681c3c-8dd6-44d8-974a-2cd2b762af68	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:19:05	649.134
-40	41512	4151200	b35f083e-7b11-4ea6-99c1-e521ac640633	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:12:32	-478.785
-40	83024	4151200	811b7785-bfbf-47e6-916a-44502236736e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:16:39	441.952
-41	41513	4151300	a4a7e3ac-6340-4953-bf34-ffa4965f1784	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:56:29	-330.108
-41	83026	4151300	d0741722-3369-452b-80d4-fc060b772d9c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:23:14	-784.987
-42	41514	4151400	70755f00-5248-41fa-bea7-d57bc9c1be98	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:28:54	837.903
-42	83028	4151400	e3f90b60-74e5-4b51-9cbc-980c083f9aaa	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:45:23	900.172
-43	41515	4151500	a10b466e-9f74-4ade-995a-4c6b56da5c80	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:35:09	-396.105
-43	83030	4151500	b26aa187-0145-451c-9361-ea4c837dd14d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:57:40	-593.19
-44	41516	4151600	5a2cf1d8-a5fd-4105-9419-b66eded72998	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:18:45	-111.507
-44	83032	4151600	692b4a66-a526-475c-8c4d-4fae2289bc21	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:53:54	673.814
-45	41517	4151700	8e3b5e68-4d34-403a-ab95-8eae1e83f8a7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:17:33	-764.805
-45	83034	4151700	65b1fe06-644b-4e44-bb03-0f015d35f0ef	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:26:40	-858.397
-46	41518	4151800	a4521dfb-5ebb-46be-893d-a312cbee189b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:50:07	208.869
-46	83036	4151800	95b9ee26-9c84-43a3-b7d6-995f725e1351	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:31:00	-60.83
-47	41519	4151900	e7b5b86d-510b-4de8-baa9-a339d32c264e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:39:26	486.196
-47	83038	4151900	add2e53a-97dc-4210-bc3e-143be388b3a8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:53:33	743.918
-48	41520	4152000	6f6b15a5-e781-4649-83e0-00db9b01ec8c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:12:42	-135.50
-48	83040	4152000	610e2ef5-3158-4778-8280-8ef57edb9a75	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:28:31	399.56
-49	41521	4152100	26544186-4564-4777-aa9a-cd90aaa3e297	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:33:45	99.709
-49	83042	4152100	b00a8d8c-5b6d-422f-bb61-70b46d10b1ff	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:54:39	881.135
-50	41522	4152200	f45bc70d-38ac-4172-bc30-67df344412a7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:18:32	244.642
-50	83044	4152200	b82b4ec5-b00a-4439-8c2d-f1485bb9cb85	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:35:33	-772.212
-51	41523	4152300	5609175e-fb32-4bd7-a171-95be3f5741b3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:49:20	291.513
-51	83046	4152300	b33c8501-bd96-47ce-8813-298afc92f0fc	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:58:59	-216.980
-52	41524	4152400	33210e88-2f2f-4625-926d-65988267aa13	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:12:49	68.149
-52	83048	4152400	ff3f015e-d308-4577-bf95-504dac844508	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:07:01	133.444
-53	41525	4152500	102a2cc7-879e-414b-99df-2f558fe14273	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:37:23	-955.712
-53	83050	4152500	386292d2-53b6-4c41-95ac-8166f44deece	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:11:09	-808.469
-54	41526	4152600	e45596e6-4071-45a6-9f6d-80a7b974f54a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:42:32	625.159
-54	83052	4152600	8188c1c7-954f-47be-a4db-8c42a5e6b1ce	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:06:41	-966.484
-55	41527	4152700	e56b0a89-6a33-4ef1-9022-df85c115f812	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:37:09	-413.364
-55	83054	4152700	9c39f042-f439-4780-86b4-9f624569d3da	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:36:22	-100.222
-56	41528	4152800	06d8c9f0-0c79-45e4-8559-6452384b0050	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:18:45	1.926
-56	83056	4152800	b358658c-508e-4ea6-aa5b-2788fc8ff9fe	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:13:23	-515.131
-57	41529	4152900	b2815c37-87e2-4611-a16e-93c75859c235	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:31:00	-534.299
-57	83058	4152900	53cb02dc-132e-4134-8ea6-85283133e342	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:44:57	-569.684
-58	41530	4153000	6d7398eb-43e1-4729-9361-3b03f3be2dcf	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:03:30	-209.826
-58	83060	4153000	3ba26e6e-493b-40f6-8a1d-e767ff2f74d6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:29:55	-108.55
-59	41531	4153100	e327acd5-49bc-478e-9862-cbbe030ecb7a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:44:24	-106.894
-59	83062	4153100	2be8cd42-fa91-4ae9-8bd5-dbf95c112918	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:03:36	-201.309
-60	41532	4153200	a8417b3a-188d-4c5a-9b78-aee5db3eedf8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:31:27	-522.699
-60	83064	4153200	936836e1-8ba2-43a7-a202-0b0c06aea4d3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:19:19	242.602
-61	41533	4153300	8401c625-42d4-4255-a3e7-714c967142b7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:55:35	636.195
-61	83066	4153300	a33c8eda-832e-4e56-95c9-2c1b42046e3a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:32:15	616.364
-62	41534	4153400	4c79c5c5-8039-46cb-8e90-36c8a6a18c31	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:11:51	-579.194
-62	83068	4153400	3710ced2-9d54-4faa-ba20-f57c1d47d587	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:16:39	38.210
-63	41535	4153500	8ebb0bed-6f72-4d03-b95b-b4c24fcc25b8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:21:46	-215.668
-63	83070	4153500	595c05d4-fe98-4f3e-9199-21ac53b12def	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:41:51	958.809
-64	41536	4153600	165c6a93-dc95-4cf1-874d-5875df48fc2b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:28:34	651.949
-64	83072	4153600	0b53de97-e19a-4ea8-b055-77e6d07e2f2b	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:42:04	189.216
-65	41537	4153700	234a42f3-16b7-4e2f-bbe7-b4e0a838fcd0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:01:10	935.510
-65	83074	4153700	02566980-e49b-4657-8bd1-b5b3939a6d34	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:21:38	829.739
-66	41538	4153800	81072e5b-c990-45c9-a84b-2a9a82676b6c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:23:18	-769.432
-66	83076	4153800	b48d5d76-e41d-485d-ad4a-e7589aa3cbc3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:35:32	29.487
-67	41539	4153900	ff5f5a3b-ac09-42d0-8f50-be6c6482b712	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:37:41	-423.514
-67	83078	4153900	a2ee5834-c254-4262-825f-3b3db8010784	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:26:42	-142.740
-68	41540	4154000	b45e27e9-f675-4e0c-bb91-c6c59e1095f3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:27:01	697.370
-68	83080	4154000	4fdf81db-1e0c-479c-bd4d-e67f9e39fddb	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:29:34	497.120
-69	41541	4154100	392536a0-b0cd-4f32-a2ce-30ee4af3049e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:39:42	-41.872
-69	83082	4154100	25a0c6dc-ef37-4701-bd99-f84a5330088c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:02:59	187.944
-70	41542	4154200	86bf5be6-336d-4cbe-8e51-cc60e0da153d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:36:35	-681.322
-70	83084	4154200	d1ec7d2d-de39-4040-a5c1-138d2a796756	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:16:45	-144.170
-71	41543	4154300	b5ba045a-4b81-4703-88f5-2709a24a2d06	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:07:14	748.696
-71	83086	4154300	9667ea26-90c4-42e1-9d36-875339cfff5d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:45:13	-453.608
-72	41544	4154400	0c265821-6e36-4555-abbe-d378335ec2ac	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:21:29	-767.759
-72	83088	4154400	564bce48-8cb4-4100-aae1-61b498436454	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:40:05	281.796
-73	41545	4154500	cdee4894-ea2a-481a-8bc6-e2da154d7d92	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:28:15	911.753
-73	83090	4154500	72998eb1-dd6a-434d-a327-837ae82d4751	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:32:30	101.210
-74	41546	4154600	97e7e2d7-754e-4d3e-92e8-49b536111d9e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:45:21	-654.505
-74	83092	4154600	7b90e55e-db7f-4ef4-8289-206bbd518119	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:45:26	-580.871
-75	41547	4154700	c632f159-a17e-409a-aea8-2cc6067c008a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:12:54	189.742
-75	83094	4154700	5a6b12eb-fe1d-42ae-84ab-9a4aa79c5250	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:45:08	390.673
-76	41548	4154800	1c74ec94-d957-4c42-8458-1bad1dd13cc6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:28:07	785.784
-76	83096	4154800	c68b8ca2-9e1f-40da-823e-c2dac58c8612	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:32:18	-762.594
-77	41549	4154900	3d836140-99eb-4f9e-9e5b-4d9eb0e5adac	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:51:04	359.989
-77	83098	4154900	181e7f28-1809-45ee-8224-3f442a1f5579	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:34:36	351.368
-78	41550	4155000	694997ab-d3ce-4c8a-93ed-872b38ae9ce4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:04:37	-150.430
-78	83100	4155000	5f1588fc-2b85-4206-8775-7d141f379beb	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:06:07	-621.64
-79	41551	4155100	a05dcc4d-0c9f-4cc7-b668-051d87d4ceb2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:20:32	363.144
-79	83102	4155100	0c3c5c14-a155-4152-9958-af456563621e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:42:22	309.261
-80	41552	4155200	1d5d7ec6-860e-43e4-843b-084eaa7c19e9	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:35:05	303.118
-80	83104	4155200	1bc4aef8-0a2e-458e-8167-b2690d58942f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:42:17	136.315
-81	41553	4155300	7f8820c9-4d31-4219-b02f-41c0edfbabd0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:50:13	-462.403
-81	83106	4155300	37b6a505-62f8-4103-b27c-836582804e02	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:59:31	-61.958
-82	41554	4155400	468929b6-8df5-4a8a-ac7c-4ffd0b844e15	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:47:16	928.55
-82	83108	4155400	5e38652b-78dd-4c4a-883b-2d9613e3196f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:11:41	188.301
-83	41555	4155500	34d2884c-c660-4ab5-9b0c-c2ba74242ae7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:17:07	93.711
-83	83110	4155500	9fa15519-5f1a-48b2-992f-4154238d83e4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:17:22	509.720
-84	41556	4155600	1fc93c48-1ed8-48fd-8713-782ef7b42230	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:49:31	-874.61
-84	83112	4155600	3920bf0d-d40b-4e9f-bf35-9f6e09be295f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:44:04	571.0
-85	41557	4155700	1b8c130b-5838-434c-bbac-2c16766a1f59	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:37:30	170.731
-85	83114	4155700	61cbfb6c-495e-48dc-82a6-6fd5182e3ef3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:30:33	-513.72
-86	41558	4155800	b8b08439-c309-4ddf-8d15-7b36ed6b0d59	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:36:13	755.842
-86	83116	4155800	dffa9746-652b-44f1-b574-5adb8ff39c27	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:14:03	-635.755
-87	41559	4155900	35a428e4-2de6-4eda-97a2-fb294b307eba	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:47:28	847.616
-87	83118	4155900	e17d9932-443b-42d7-a59c-8ffa6a1d6ef8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:53:11	-861.317
-88	41560	4156000	e07c4af2-0447-4789-bd9e-ac68bbf8c099	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:42:48	881.553
-88	83120	4156000	0719b2ab-c766-446b-a0cf-c802fe9fc2e7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:16:01	195.575
-89	41561	4156100	571c4c4e-e260-4963-a8c5-245064cbe8ec	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:31:07	615.380
-89	83122	4156100	188d4a1e-c96c-456a-9e0c-cb7dcdd3fcdb	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:07:59	658.909
-90	41562	4156200	74e06df3-9104-4722-9d05-d76a31b4b36c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:47:18	681.976
-90	83124	4156200	8a70c70a-83a4-4a47-9817-03e34f8df007	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:54:39	-640.698
-91	41563	4156300	1762b4ee-da15-4834-b592-f47445f0a788	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:58:53	585.163
-91	83126	4156300	53cf7d66-9f10-4972-a12a-b571853024f3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:32:57	-981.543
-92	41564	4156400	3ba76d73-12b8-4a37-a0af-1cfd61b0880f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:00:05	731.385
-92	83128	4156400	5fb46b54-bf53-407e-b1e4-97d4f489e7df	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:05:34	515.731
-93	41565	4156500	f0509c21-d336-4e2a-8cf2-a25fb6dc54e9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:32:16	-559.10
-93	83130	4156500	bb88ddd0-0e91-490b-9f77-7f772fb852bd	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:31:55	297.168
-94	41566	4156600	e5009cde-015c-4982-b5d2-53a3eb2fee65	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:42:57	361.256
-94	83132	4156600	e08ee201-9017-4997-bea2-6f6cd6ed675e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:48:35	-324.564
-95	41567	4156700	0852d012-fdcf-439d-b0e1-9e67c88914da	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:05:01	-102.685
-95	83134	4156700	e93b388c-2878-464d-b9f3-c29ff11c7790	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:38:30	-729.322
-96	41568	4156800	17f3423f-6ae2-4272-865e-871d8b7550c6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:19:35	-605.819
-96	83136	4156800	55caafa9-a8c0-42d6-987a-07f7d4aa09c3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:29:21	443.711
-97	41569	4156900	5c7fc480-2693-47e0-9d95-8850de352daa	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:04:49	147.293
-97	83138	4156900	03ac57c7-43b3-4f36-a0bb-54c4cfbfffa4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:26:40	557.555
-98	41570	4157000	3727e0e7-255a-4f67-9d9c-3b706398db64	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:41:07	269.689
-98	83140	4157000	2efc0eac-f674-4eba-9955-54bd69778d94	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:30:40	-412.883
-99	41571	4157100	fe5336ee-de2d-414d-8f1a-75348e6c149f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:09:25	-776.243
-99	83142	4157100	77af66a4-147c-48e0-a598-2c805af46a8a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:22:17	146.979
-100	41572	4157200	d89087bb-ff28-4927-bef5-b989cdd057f5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:13:54	-641.137
-100	83144	4157200	288102b9-2814-46ec-9f85-5dde6f01276c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:25:08	926.142
-101	41573	4157300	3ec8bf20-956d-436f-9699-26eab2683397	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:37:16	627.724
-101	83146	4157300	cbb08c27-afe4-4d2d-b1e5-93397bf2fbf1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:51:18	-214.582
-102	41574	4157400	4ed2ddfa-d037-4f32-b4b1-c40b3a60762d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:46:41	-373.63
-102	83148	4157400	7ad05b15-dd2d-42c1-80a1-7b9ead9c19fb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:45:35	631.572
-103	41575	4157500	c1e0e156-1e0f-46a5-8b14-90101e814d5a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 20:48:47	56.160
-103	83150	4157500	16d27a6c-257b-476e-aeee-c1e738f50259	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:39:03	445.349
-104	41576	4157600	782429d5-68e7-40c3-bb1a-445b2da74687	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:15:06	-726.300
-104	83152	4157600	34445d6d-3e09-4c62-9d72-8b38d0c52b23	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:53:06	-138.551
-105	41577	4157700	b63691b5-8bc7-4c39-9b2b-1aacf27f4042	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:08:22	731.158
-105	83154	4157700	c2ef8f21-d782-4628-be0d-23ae0f5a50db	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:24:16	-371.436
-106	41578	4157800	256ae3e3-216c-46a0-a721-fabd1430d1c2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:11:39	-187.102
-106	83156	4157800	2ccaefa9-ccf4-462b-8e55-8f2d213f449b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:05:00	617.408
-107	41579	4157900	3de92fb7-b898-4fca-8856-03c17909cdfd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:57:14	509.431
-107	83158	4157900	9c95dd05-c4ca-4982-b2de-76dfc4807781	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:09:18	-821.396
-108	41580	4158000	0273eb7a-8093-4894-a9c6-659092fce889	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:16:02	-511.400
-108	83160	4158000	11c72cae-8b4b-452b-9bfc-4098bc734ca2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:44:37	723.476
-109	41581	4158100	151c4f2a-c767-41c7-8aa2-7b306ff33e1b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:13:19	-666.259
-109	83162	4158100	4267f817-e7f1-410a-9bcb-4c5e1725fab1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:33:33	-447.800
-110	41582	4158200	97e8bbff-b2a0-498e-a49d-c0a907184e4a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:42:58	145.342
-110	83164	4158200	202fe411-0bef-4513-944b-af80d099aff7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:49:24	-578.726
-111	41583	4158300	c106aeac-4070-49cb-8c3d-cfae96a3ebfe	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:35:00	688.573
-111	83166	4158300	3047ed0a-3775-434e-ad36-c8a78a0e2f67	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:28:41	864.708
-112	41584	4158400	96b9c081-6d77-4a9f-a276-47a2941192b2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:10:02	-379.22
-112	83168	4158400	b2936dfc-8a4f-4901-a97e-dc15aac112e9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:43:37	-85.841
-113	41585	4158500	a6f2131b-980e-45e9-abaf-527ef20ef63a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:02:18	412.438
-113	83170	4158500	cbfd24a7-1fd4-4383-958e-eb0f699f6484	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:38:19	-846.326
-114	41586	4158600	4310dbf3-e7a6-454f-a3d7-c1eb97ff058f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:08:00	866.554
-114	83172	4158600	f46a8d7d-7fc2-449b-93ad-2c963c1dd262	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:43:57	587.544
-115	41587	4158700	bd6cc054-0105-4343-abd9-636721a7555b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:00:55	-152.666
-115	83174	4158700	b48fb7ba-bf46-4f67-afd6-f182ad04962b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:41:57	652.572
-116	41588	4158800	8c9761cb-1600-468a-84b5-5ca075a3386f	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:36:59	661.40
-116	83176	4158800	3d8295fc-bd22-42c6-aeed-d7dbfeb628ef	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:45:05	908.669
-117	41589	4158900	20fcd366-65bc-4db3-9342-6eb3cc858228	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:24:39	527.465
-117	83178	4158900	c1d66cc1-5951-4790-aecd-d778a081cf3f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:26:26	610.46
-118	41590	4159000	a97fca01-8b5c-4a19-839d-2aaed540ec8b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:53:56	190.255
-118	83180	4159000	ee3ae07c-56e1-45f2-ab8a-83466bf5574c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:57:39	-415.143
-119	41591	4159100	71e3cc91-e07a-4604-a792-96d15b775ee7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:07:40	-737.906
-119	83182	4159100	12cb1b90-ee4d-4757-9065-a8edb072637a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:32:24	95.798
-120	41592	4159200	43b2fed5-24e4-48ce-8a4f-f62221ce2620	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:10:46	704.42
-120	83184	4159200	2dfccea4-dde7-4b44-b31e-60e233430073	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:16:43	-318.754
-121	41593	4159300	1beb4dde-a33f-4e57-8252-b38d73c5133c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:04:22	-613.516
-121	83186	4159300	00ed8a79-e238-4017-90a0-f6cc0528afdf	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:48:32	-323.159
-122	41594	4159400	0d40f723-5fb6-4d8b-8f88-0a75414a6c0d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:35:57	-980.251
-122	83188	4159400	18cc55a7-3eea-4db2-bfc4-e67da8f7c8a2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:26:18	-4.406
-123	41595	4159500	b6b076a6-3330-41b8-83f6-5e7f34a233d3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:30:05	-460.304
-123	83190	4159500	a0fb6023-9a4b-4660-ba8d-e82f3b0e3187	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:48:37	65.106
-124	41596	4159600	dd2b66f5-388f-4006-9121-27b5d437d876	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:49:51	966.844
-124	83192	4159600	536a6dbf-3d06-4fc9-b104-74a40e79a1a4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:51:17	947.989
-125	41597	4159700	16a5d6f8-62b0-4236-b955-4681d155a1c7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:39:35	-24.6
-125	83194	4159700	92d9844d-73b6-428d-9dbe-86c07a041400	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:51:50	376.938
-126	41598	4159800	83eb7a84-8f88-4a57-bec3-f4f548907a90	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:35:21	-508.275
-126	83196	4159800	5e0389f0-2279-45d1-90d2-99ce83d84ab0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:45:08	-190.526
-127	41599	4159900	98858b50-662f-433c-9b29-593c42f636e4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:34:41	940.306
-127	83198	4159900	c7dfd860-e2af-4ba6-b870-9ef44d07748c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:09:06	-641.637
-0	41600	4160000	44067734-fd56-4f3b-a0bb-883164578e39	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:01:32	542.135
-0	83200	4160000	8d61eefe-c02a-4176-bf77-dbf675b92460	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:17:18	-823.296
-1	41601	4160100	2045b9d4-f326-42cc-a773-4f37b0fd6780	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:40:37	898.926
-1	83202	4160100	9bb4107e-f793-44d2-9140-694bd1ea9c5e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:50:21	264.743
-2	41602	4160200	68617953-5926-408a-b904-34608e09f0ba	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:18:10	-121.725
-2	83204	4160200	866c4cfb-a1b5-40b1-b4b1-85dce4cfd03e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:54:17	-768.972
-3	41603	4160300	a39d51a2-996c-4059-a4d1-a2131f6c985f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:22:13	737.803
-3	83206	4160300	be435a85-2d1d-4f05-aec8-cf9d6fde580d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:45:09	-448.792
-4	41604	4160400	dafba33e-21b6-4a10-8c2b-7ae58a96348f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:28:55	293.59
-4	83208	4160400	bbf3e108-d5cc-4559-81fa-4971bd718ee6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:27:40	-523.663
-5	41605	4160500	8da496c2-b61a-4f24-8eac-3c6fd6cf9160	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:09:40	-806.21
-5	83210	4160500	5438adab-f602-47bb-b5d1-6dcb37942f73	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:06:47	-420.850
-6	41606	4160600	7d9556d4-19f4-4cdf-b454-a4e15b6ed521	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:38:45	-769.765
-6	83212	4160600	91e8d214-90e9-4f0e-9746-f4573610e25f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:39:49	-695.749
-7	41607	4160700	6bab8741-ec19-416e-8d5c-237a6f9c11c0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:46:48	657.962
-7	83214	4160700	b664ff3a-1ac0-44da-8ace-6ea0367232be	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:02:09	-311.430
-8	41608	4160800	3c91c658-d7f5-4b47-a50c-a0580c2ca46f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:09:53	-884.2
-8	83216	4160800	e7782e5f-899d-4cb6-9524-6aa332d5b104	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:58:33	291.164
-9	41609	4160900	d86bd550-58e0-48ce-9cb5-efc311adc4ca	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:52:51	580.587
-9	83218	4160900	2d8a42c4-0388-461b-8a26-05dbba75f624	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:46:27	-780.484
-10	41610	4161000	00b5d1fc-413b-4907-a753-0f41275f09fe	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:14:58	-87.594
-10	83220	4161000	71fc83d7-534e-445b-acb8-5f3976d7652c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:58:14	-266.496
-11	41611	4161100	15073dce-4d0b-4869-bf0e-bfcadd738ac3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:13:43	-467.369
-11	83222	4161100	690c9d5f-4429-4db7-834c-801ab540901f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:44:45	246.702
-12	41612	4161200	20089d47-d3b0-476a-9338-b2b3a7c55e33	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:20:48	-597.31
-12	83224	4161200	8429feff-23f4-4530-9da2-17060630d4cc	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:04:48	61.738
-13	41613	4161300	c7350d83-315f-46a1-91c6-05fb53961069	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:31:45	930.149
-13	83226	4161300	456e78df-a2c3-4977-840f-5a33c18a5a9c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:32:19	645.505
-14	41614	4161400	8cd43b1e-9ebc-408d-9e87-94c0309bfda4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:11:39	-521.102
-14	83228	4161400	7643278b-f288-48fc-81ab-df67ef27dc55	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:08:51	-572.985
-15	41615	4161500	0347eaa8-1240-4f8c-a64d-f2a80e14c2f0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:28:00	-228.329
-15	83230	4161500	662a2a3e-870c-4e50-8b0b-de4bd35fec40	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:53:09	-777.927
-16	41616	4161600	07376a00-aa36-4591-83b4-b0c7fde189b2	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:38:37	-620.807
-16	83232	4161600	516d53c6-95a0-40e0-af96-665e33f02551	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:49:14	297.461
-17	41617	4161700	a8a4e45e-562b-4550-89d2-fdfbf6b65f28	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:05:20	-826.229
-17	83234	4161700	24ff8aaa-5c6f-49f8-b703-56729dea9893	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:08:21	-879.430
-18	41618	4161800	afe127e3-a88e-4a1a-84f0-0b0398dac573	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:16:13	474.627
-18	83236	4161800	23552917-9fa2-4cdc-b4c5-84139ef786e7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:10:03	-788.199
-19	41619	4161900	95267268-4e9c-4d30-becf-f8c949505e0a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:33:44	545.237
-19	83238	4161900	413920e3-5877-42f4-a809-d28852c1e336	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:58:42	-179.670
-20	41620	4162000	b0d34efb-81c8-4c94-b377-55fb809c08ca	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:06:27	-425.707
-20	83240	4162000	1c4e7fd9-0034-4b77-b321-859ae273722b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:11:19	845.985
-21	41621	4162100	afacf158-8154-402d-8628-9ef7133f72ca	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:16:30	468.715
-21	83242	4162100	7d9ad6a9-8965-460c-93fe-3b767fdb1f86	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:33:05	-804.644
-22	41622	4162200	a31e017c-7e95-46ea-9f5c-cc11b3775175	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:51:19	-5.649
-22	83244	4162200	cbeaeb15-28d6-4e14-b606-25a5ac598e1a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:05:29	114.191
-23	41623	4162300	e50f4248-f5f7-4edd-be35-da14b297363c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:24:02	-298.936
-23	83246	4162300	a0c1bd53-6ca1-433d-9ce6-1d661b5a7912	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:11:42	637.884
-24	41624	4162400	61282ccf-3695-40cb-a0fc-5c9f1024752e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:18:38	573.726
-24	83248	4162400	06140600-403a-4d6d-8c29-a21a639c8eda	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:47:05	831.41
-25	41625	4162500	1b0b4cfe-c392-493d-9bf8-5fe5dd958139	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:27:41	453.85
-25	83250	4162500	193f7729-3c9f-4d24-ac29-2635dbffdf51	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:02:49	239.253
-26	41626	4162600	dcd24805-33e0-4b79-90d4-8a95c1258b2d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:27:19	679.119
-26	83252	4162600	58e262b3-20aa-4009-ac9e-8fb487afa0a2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:03:57	752.436
-27	41627	4162700	4735a620-db2a-40bf-8627-e5d27ac4cd5c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:32:12	602.738
-27	83254	4162700	bc757f2e-6261-45cc-80cb-366c163b0438	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:25:06	971.6
-28	41628	4162800	4a1f2ee4-de78-492c-be56-487f941b5f49	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:56:30	-411.528
-28	83256	4162800	bf72a2d9-ebf5-4df5-82c3-22e55714b19b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:25:17	639.491
-29	41629	4162900	1761ae36-e270-4f9f-846f-5aaa2d05c999	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:39:37	-764.598
-29	83258	4162900	8a26ee9d-c7de-4928-96d4-d840fb84029d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:26:35	-812.38
-30	41630	4163000	41a5c9f3-3991-438f-a531-ce0da063a888	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:41:15	-981.819
-30	83260	4163000	924f2e5d-77ff-48fd-b965-18378e54ed5b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:31:47	-375.803
-31	41631	4163100	0a93fbf0-007d-4fe0-b0e9-d5daaaa8c666	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:12:42	-708.946
-31	83262	4163100	11a020bd-5353-4c22-84df-d917b2d9a496	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:36:13	632.508
-32	41632	4163200	a0124f61-7857-4759-91ef-49618fbfcf4f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:01:06	-385.21
-32	83264	4163200	b60b9486-25e7-4be7-b602-efbd1bf063a3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:59:53	249.718
-33	41633	4163300	50f57b85-946d-4a0d-97c7-05016b614d67	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:56:44	44.803
-33	83266	4163300	d49ae04a-b445-4d1b-86c9-bfa8e4b7e8cb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:15:25	664.81
-34	41634	4163400	38ba8402-b13d-4678-bc9c-8a7db464c2e9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:14:09	-78.576
-34	83268	4163400	5b973615-09fb-4a0c-8a31-d912d58aaea7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:26:54	266.490
-35	41635	4163500	f070e76a-25a6-47cd-8481-00904343934b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:33:47	-974.29
-35	83270	4163500	529cb53b-4a38-4e0e-a811-f9c7d67c03a8	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:10:08	490.636
-36	41636	4163600	b9d0e091-c2b0-4d4b-bd6d-4190a35b2b09	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:38:57	685.186
-36	83272	4163600	23155b10-0a6c-43f8-9c21-0da089f61725	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:26:24	735.498
-37	41637	4163700	349e4714-bbcf-4485-bbe2-2926edb23029	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:56:39	-801.644
-37	83274	4163700	dca3399a-1c7e-4cc2-b197-6393c0773a01	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:53:29	58.21
-38	41638	4163800	72e239e5-13f2-447d-ab68-4eaf2671d074	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:47:44	394.530
-38	83276	4163800	5597bfce-5568-48a0-a7e0-bc16b61c1eef	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:14:51	710.133
-39	41639	4163900	89ef85d3-15db-4f7e-93b6-c9d3a1c098fd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:24:51	-87.543
-39	83278	4163900	63e47c93-f43a-4c3b-ad44-1f726f5b79f4	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 06:41:48	-901.535
-40	41640	4164000	21e76514-1d68-4fba-99a3-f57f1df1b8fc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:32:15	932.297
-40	83280	4164000	5a6a7d70-e408-4711-837e-e55bbff93d36	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:25:12	-982.130
-41	41641	4164100	b01ec707-b2f4-4844-8b1d-2410f7ddee00	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:40:51	-199.225
-41	83282	4164100	fbd8cdea-f829-428d-b7cc-36664b36ba46	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:39:44	160.877
-42	41642	4164200	6891074b-66d6-4172-bf29-fca1fe8aa47a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:29:25	671.579
-42	83284	4164200	866962a6-0af6-4329-ad62-f926e4201fca	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:45:58	-64.847
-43	41643	4164300	e6bc1189-49fd-479e-a70d-032095704191	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:31:39	520.621
-43	83286	4164300	cccd6c8d-63da-422d-a724-7ba9d938a025	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:53:19	628.524
-44	41644	4164400	9b84bc39-f4bf-46d7-ba3b-9263d613f8dc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:50:00	4.727
-44	83288	4164400	9422e8af-80ca-4b57-9653-a4e988a317dc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:45:20	-236.96
-45	41645	4164500	35bc1757-9324-4cbb-a64b-1a0ad5381f29	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:26:12	-810.50
-45	83290	4164500	4fe85f4e-13ca-4b01-8737-98f95db498da	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:42:26	-670.946
-46	41646	4164600	fa01b666-e912-4f8e-9827-4115f98c016a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:23:02	831.379
-46	83292	4164600	310a0919-701f-427d-8b4b-1c8d22a6fca8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:50:20	457.819
-47	41647	4164700	874cd82b-0084-4522-b9ca-1169609591c5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:26:16	480.812
-47	83294	4164700	d712823a-7a3d-4b27-a47e-3afb4747d84a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:28:41	-730.922
-48	41648	4164800	b427c685-14b7-44f3-832a-38120fc7ca89	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:19:33	-242.996
-48	83296	4164800	b9bdcbd7-43b3-411d-8d98-c52e84632d5b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:55:41	75.264
-49	41649	4164900	50d41f1e-47b2-4e5a-be91-ee894a6e5254	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:43:15	-925.679
-49	83298	4164900	4164e0f1-51cb-45fe-86dd-4f7596a973f3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:15:37	-957.899
-50	41650	4165000	f6bf1590-1025-4989-96cf-8fd10354861e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:35:59	-848.585
-50	83300	4165000	e30bdae3-2bab-4c8e-8032-75292dd0ba0c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:13:45	-211.44
-51	41651	4165100	6b298fe4-f62d-4bf0-8a5e-f0b232dc8009	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:25:34	-868.885
-51	83302	4165100	fb22f87c-9c44-41cc-85fc-165d070e2b83	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:36:39	-919.587
-52	41652	4165200	cc4e7fcf-e006-4a72-9d9d-d3082a8b46b7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:48:13	358.901
-52	83304	4165200	23b8f2e1-9451-4cac-b69a-ac357a8b17c0	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:36:45	669.782
-53	41653	4165300	ac3f822a-d2b1-4cfb-9c42-3751ab07b3a3	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:41:40	-866.141
-53	83306	4165300	4213a2a6-3c44-4e28-aae2-de9208d3bc63	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:46:19	-769.471
-54	41654	4165400	9993e55a-15ef-4469-9fb4-a30cbccb2594	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:07:24	12.269
-54	83308	4165400	4e249264-d90a-488b-9066-c366b50bb3ef	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:20:06	523.974
-55	41655	4165500	eb09d3ef-5e19-4907-8eab-a656ca7cd0cf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:41:51	-402.73
-55	83310	4165500	e3579e7d-c2fd-48fe-85d9-49652a432fb8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:16:44	42.45
-56	41656	4165600	3f517183-ac3f-49ff-8fa1-c4c60c239689	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:23:01	671.367
-56	83312	4165600	d50dfc34-8d06-4141-849f-8b382caebde6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:35:25	967.319
-57	41657	4165700	857c2c29-417f-420f-a099-da95d9eb4eab	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:31:25	627.123
-57	83314	4165700	0666b8ba-8636-49ba-9b29-71521193ac86	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:37:49	309.86
-58	41658	4165800	bc3df4f7-8895-4444-a208-b05f922abd52	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:17:45	377.12
-58	83316	4165800	5de55623-7679-4bd3-bc4e-32de1695403c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:07:34	834.405
-59	41659	4165900	62189301-b464-4146-b7c0-35e8d04b40d6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:01:16	11.332
-59	83318	4165900	c7d12af4-f3ff-4cfa-bef8-15ec493c4cff	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:37:36	162.323
-60	41660	4166000	e759c037-7dcd-49d0-a6e2-93ccd3e5c37c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:29:45	-88.436
-60	83320	4166000	ec71a4ab-bf95-4a02-8690-9df6cc6ced6c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:32:41	392.229
-61	41661	4166100	e8430999-1561-4c11-97a9-a523db0a927d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:38:43	-481.216
-61	83322	4166100	75f8694e-fee7-4b7e-95a8-e554542c82a8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:54:52	-137.388
-62	41662	4166200	d37acaa0-7848-43b7-99e2-ce9f372c0d5e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:23:27	-397.383
-62	83324	4166200	81b9d25a-d310-436d-be11-02db1217d11f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:58:58	-41.176
-63	41663	4166300	1e0b1d3d-f8d0-49a8-ace8-e6681ae9ce66	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:07:18	562.544
-63	83326	4166300	115afb7c-52ac-4374-87ec-03afcacacdd6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:11:42	-754.910
-64	41664	4166400	c092eb79-898b-4149-a6c3-14601779bb20	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:57:30	-951.496
-64	83328	4166400	fb3d0ba7-d6d1-41d9-b902-9d020b8a74b6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:19:07	-29.423
-65	41665	4166500	3445c3ca-010b-430d-8f33-e3bec8865395	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:35:35	51.537
-65	83330	4166500	f55ba442-684c-4def-b2aa-a4aad807b12d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:38:01	879.213
-66	41666	4166600	e53e76a3-72f9-4a7e-9a22-8dc223c3c0a9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:20:55	-115.968
-66	83332	4166600	8d20b710-1b4a-494c-a831-910084fa6a08	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:53:32	-988.469
-67	41667	4166700	05e1e125-0b37-48ee-9247-cbe4b9aba109	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:07:40	-98.909
-67	83334	4166700	d57e647a-a0e4-4d34-ba12-071724e97208	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:54:12	-702.890
-68	41668	4166800	8f6796ee-522b-40bd-a4e0-152a9d30c86e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:07:07	-51.111
-68	83336	4166800	879f428e-84da-416b-b447-492b26e8d174	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:28:20	-472.258
-69	41669	4166900	b1b47cc0-3c06-493c-9591-5749a766472f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:12:18	-690.416
-69	83338	4166900	950c363d-3a02-4d49-8b69-86a4b0baf503	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:57:38	50.980
-70	41670	4167000	0b2fcf19-83f5-4203-a5a0-58554726f2a3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:48:44	640.270
-70	83340	4167000	d93b5fdc-5bbb-49a0-854b-072cb44ac01b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:18:31	122.909
-71	41671	4167100	26ece3bb-7d5b-4562-8250-a69c84aaca98	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:40:03	571.521
-71	83342	4167100	c45e5b5d-706b-42c1-a3ad-3503ac314ea7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:19:21	-458.573
-72	41672	4167200	5592b7f7-56cd-41a9-84f3-e0e14a0a1c50	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:14:10	-181.724
-72	83344	4167200	147ff76c-fc1a-4b74-873d-23763aceeb9e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:33:39	-756.535
-73	41673	4167300	e81c704e-2d6c-4da3-8340-9466148e90e6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:52:55	857.223
-73	83346	4167300	a765e7c0-cbd0-48b7-a638-afc889ad1f9d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:11:28	-849.147
-74	41674	4167400	7fe8245e-43a7-4876-a157-da275af257d2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:14:59	361.997
-74	83348	4167400	ae5f8b09-06ec-4d0b-8dbd-b8be74e4fb94	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:38:27	-753.971
-75	41675	4167500	b2c961a2-52eb-4b66-bb73-75b1c82c6f92	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:12:25	585.717
-75	83350	4167500	8c0b1dcd-fa64-4360-b6d8-68d4bf9abc94	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:56:15	-363.924
-76	41676	4167600	c8a639e1-c389-471d-98c7-929bd98797ff	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:34:51	-182.243
-76	83352	4167600	ede952c5-3681-4e1e-9f2d-c168503f5b38	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:59:27	-594.689
-77	41677	4167700	c013d38b-1f13-4601-a681-0c772f67d392	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:22:39	334.515
-77	83354	4167700	7cb447b4-917e-4f68-bfe7-843a5a6965f2	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:16:50	-303.695
-78	41678	4167800	719cfbeb-9a5a-4085-b920-ece35b31102e	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:23:07	-94.950
-78	83356	4167800	eaf382eb-720d-407b-9488-9205f8a626b0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:18:32	219.975
-79	41679	4167900	bb3fd245-5734-4e4c-a002-8ae1e0449d63	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:23:04	-738.880
-79	83358	4167900	99a95f11-cd6f-4494-bbfe-37d65f8f0664	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:11:10	-613.831
-80	41680	4168000	e49c5f8a-9b93-48f6-825f-2796ea71f6ef	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:49:41	273.959
-80	83360	4168000	2b61e156-79ba-45cd-b843-42c5371e8d51	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:19:20	533.480
-81	41681	4168100	41341131-4db6-4125-8c58-3fd7e4d2c6a4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:13:13	908.51
-81	83362	4168100	3500efc0-5f87-4a9d-b4df-d812efef5fe4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:14:08	-344.485
-82	41682	4168200	ca6e0e23-e7bd-44a4-be72-b916d2643c8b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:18:45	-599.722
-82	83364	4168200	65d8833e-94a6-454c-9806-51cd80863d3f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:57:21	-219.703
-83	41683	4168300	8ff7980a-0bf0-401b-b6cd-957f700fddf9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:15:34	51.575
-83	83366	4168300	90163c73-cc6b-48cf-ba23-a58706b2377c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:19:02	57.915
-84	41684	4168400	8c86b502-1cd9-4961-b39c-532b5c806545	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:54:42	952.815
-84	83368	4168400	ee697fc8-44d5-4725-ad42-070d6959ded2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:05:47	672.59
-85	41685	4168500	35532c30-b472-4d57-afa8-479d483900c5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:51:04	685.90
-85	83370	4168500	d01c6e95-1082-422e-9f0d-e8df97231a20	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:17:58	338.670
-86	41686	4168600	612b4ba7-0075-483d-9b95-a4345b7107f5	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:09:22	799.796
-86	83372	4168600	9549b1b7-701a-4d75-81c2-67376ad12f45	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:59:33	93.685
-87	41687	4168700	de19ca55-8519-4edb-baaf-931670f1f588	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:43:33	218.242
-87	83374	4168700	314c3551-c2a2-4a87-b99b-56b73dbd41a4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:52:01	-976.464
-88	41688	4168800	8eef656e-3386-4b19-b527-4f0b96a06466	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:36:52	-372.480
-88	83376	4168800	227ceed3-3ce0-4db7-bb07-5cd84f5175c3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:18:42	96.309
-89	41689	4168900	0abe5c30-e10c-48f2-8fd6-61e31483861a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:25:27	808.999
-89	83378	4168900	30a2c7f5-53d7-42f1-af12-c9704e6cea33	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:02:30	-287.69
-90	41690	4169000	da8787c4-d56c-4dfa-ae0a-fe80fd9cdfc8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:32:57	144.806
-90	83380	4169000	9d2385e6-bbb7-4c05-be29-e3f87f87da87	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:18:42	737.979
-91	41691	4169100	e0004184-633c-4703-862c-8c62700c2337	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:00:53	143.67
-91	83382	4169100	5291ff47-32cd-45ea-80d2-17c4d80d44f6	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:22:25	141.609
-92	41692	4169200	a4cd9d4b-6c91-48f3-9256-35985398d1f4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:28:19	951.321
-92	83384	4169200	a8f72eb3-2d84-491c-bb98-ac4dfc32708d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:05:30	621.485
-93	41693	4169300	f33fd230-bdfc-4a43-a8e3-914332bd5b05	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:57:21	-289.961
-93	83386	4169300	938f4b3c-ad1b-42bd-b817-ef01a12add49	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:23:15	852.932
-94	41694	4169400	66b01049-ce92-4c0f-884c-0819d88ad197	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:14:26	-142.682
-94	83388	4169400	fc007810-3e89-4773-b455-09930dbd649e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:04:47	82.123
-95	41695	4169500	03f8cc8a-006f-4940-9d40-521616fd5d6b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:32:06	62.457
-95	83390	4169500	2467c7b4-6308-4671-a7cc-5c5b37cdb984	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:52:03	197.691
-96	41696	4169600	c52bed75-bb74-4249-acbb-50bf96c44af0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:34:57	261.526
-96	83392	4169600	7ca82a7a-ce44-4afa-a90a-595df6829dcc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:09:39	-391.811
-97	41697	4169700	b6706c15-54a0-4054-a7ae-a3e4c17bd291	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:07:33	-664.560
-97	83394	4169700	7926cb79-c38f-4de9-ab60-b20124d76fd8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:09:27	-704.567
-98	41698	4169800	c75b2be6-f77c-4bab-b68e-10dd3d65a2ca	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:22:06	-36.987
-98	83396	4169800	cd9c73eb-d8cc-48e1-9733-51fcba7fe27d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:05:54	-654.859
-99	41699	4169900	7946658a-fda1-4988-be53-79e1faa39cac	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:31:32	144.465
-99	83398	4169900	0bce8dee-1407-4b13-b09b-9b6ac56857c6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:58:14	649.871
-100	41700	4170000	63820fad-3681-4d4a-88b1-f26e2e9f2e76	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:32:26	-969.946
-100	83400	4170000	e6157f31-3c3f-4328-8567-a8279065a641	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:04:03	94.821
-101	41701	4170100	d379378b-beac-4240-86e2-b126aa4808e5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:25:37	8.959
-101	83402	4170100	8f8e4b3d-9bd4-4bc4-b7c8-65db05fd2d47	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:35:04	75.588
-102	41702	4170200	9ce64c77-ff69-4c74-af91-af252a3ef5ea	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:06:12	-752.492
-102	83404	4170200	a2564a6a-cbd7-4e42-b96c-d1ec475b0779	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:10:15	21.5
-103	41703	4170300	96a6e9bc-6121-4604-9a00-3b6a49175e5b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:59:47	569.517
-103	83406	4170300	efb0891c-d3c0-4bc1-ad5c-84e0e3db325d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:22:12	428.846
-104	41704	4170400	331d2910-4cca-408a-9534-7507114e1819	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:31:54	174.404
-104	83408	4170400	0a6b0048-06d9-460e-8963-452f8b46115b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:37:49	192.164
-105	41705	4170500	9151fb60-a73f-48bf-b377-ec5f37e07901	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:15:37	426.943
-105	83410	4170500	254503bd-8f56-4513-89dc-a442c7500598	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:39:31	141.664
-106	41706	4170600	a0ebe530-3eba-4d31-8666-2d0b6c7bf7a9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:12:32	-849.142
-106	83412	4170600	afe954e2-87c5-40c3-94f9-dc4d86b8edba	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:03:58	-384.523
-107	41707	4170700	ee7be6b5-034b-4ff8-8be3-4aff63c451a1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:59:18	772.131
-107	83414	4170700	d0c1010d-3e94-479b-a6f5-afe9494a0194	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:20:32	412.268
-108	41708	4170800	ecc1bdbc-234e-47a8-b142-67659cd612e7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:07:25	249.314
-108	83416	4170800	7ee05cd6-e180-4c96-89ea-862f65c67227	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:28:19	31.938
-109	41709	4170900	5cf115f9-7823-459c-b430-477c35dd9ae9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:37:39	632.83
-109	83418	4170900	04fd0384-1574-4c84-b3fe-4aa0a5795520	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:48:43	-63.201
-110	41710	4171000	3f18650a-d534-41a2-b765-77ebfc5d9231	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:17:14	-533.715
-110	83420	4171000	52c30371-08f9-48c3-97ab-03a8771ec7aa	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:24:52	942.283
-111	41711	4171100	f5249bf0-cded-457e-9be2-c6602fbc4663	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:32:54	756.623
-111	83422	4171100	f222e78a-eb52-4220-b2a1-5636d8913773	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:19:18	-529.346
-112	41712	4171200	bcd528bf-8097-4990-977a-d4c97a312e25	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:37:42	429.310
-112	83424	4171200	fb2c640e-a54f-4acf-9b7c-ac2b9199c7ba	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:03:57	758.333
-113	41713	4171300	004d9171-fa46-4d53-ae32-006b88741e86	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:50:08	561.17
-113	83426	4171300	35cdbbf8-904e-4b76-8fdb-ae1da71effca	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:07:39	179.388
-114	41714	4171400	9d993dbf-c689-49b5-8d04-e17da9b51b19	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:01:01	-588.207
-114	83428	4171400	5b8a3c91-55ec-40aa-a776-28bac81cd1c4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:46:09	447.814
-115	41715	4171500	ee3861ab-36cd-4f6a-bd08-74e4930eb656	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:43:45	919.510
-115	83430	4171500	dc8a09bf-ae2e-4e3e-9702-d29d88fb6577	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:37:14	200.341
-116	41716	4171600	b2b2b203-493f-46d0-8c45-73249403ed85	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:47:00	-369.881
-116	83432	4171600	8db0b2e6-797d-4461-add9-08b80f3a3bdc	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:03:59	-708.337
-117	41717	4171700	a1427ec9-41d6-411b-9c42-8db60bd37a8f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:07:40	395.152
-117	83434	4171700	748c63c4-1836-48c1-9b4a-7364d2ea4bcc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:32:14	959.214
-118	41718	4171800	cf5f5588-f349-431b-a6f3-302821f43d92	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:28:36	484.747
-118	83436	4171800	401b2382-2b2f-464e-a521-e2b304c7952b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:06:03	-850.703
-119	41719	4171900	0ee8d996-02fd-4eeb-b045-461a26111137	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:29:42	651.17
-119	83438	4171900	19e8c17e-55a6-4322-b8f9-a8d16f85e0a5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:50:24	-576.960
-120	41720	4172000	e602516b-d658-412e-82f6-3c2a0606d97b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:29:53	-622.625
-120	83440	4172000	16dfda63-4402-44aa-8e99-a0399caf5de0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:02:54	-268.328
-121	41721	4172100	b47fa34f-495c-44c7-8281-2cfa287f686e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:13:42	557.184
-121	83442	4172100	9b3bf6dd-4256-4c01-8a42-1eded4a5364a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:56:57	557.739
-122	41722	4172200	04077a83-325a-49f9-b7c3-5c53cda58f9e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:55:17	681.458
-122	83444	4172200	bf69b40f-b1e5-4e1a-bcef-8b345caee18c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:57:39	-4.85
-123	41723	4172300	2747e003-7799-49b2-b257-501fb84a6f57	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:58:56	-195.724
-123	83446	4172300	64b92d2d-a22e-4a95-9f21-420148c804e8	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:37:13	-374.206
-124	41724	4172400	536b722b-a4f5-4f8b-a579-266d49ca3f51	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:04:49	239.600
-124	83448	4172400	020c9cd6-4871-419f-bef8-5254da2d4dc1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:45:10	732.173
-125	41725	4172500	da56fffb-4f43-42b4-8c98-f85c2896ad59	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:56:00	-339.852
-125	83450	4172500	a1ebc117-2041-4de7-837c-1a4d540bbb34	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:20:31	178.185
-126	41726	4172600	a4206f09-33f9-4cdf-87e9-24b7c06ebb83	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:02:14	121.799
-126	83452	4172600	a17ef633-b33c-45d0-8edb-6a6ab21ec4eb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:19:48	-880.240
-127	41727	4172700	b913c740-3194-46e2-a0d4-9c09ee553c9e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 01:16:22	913.711
-127	83454	4172700	93d3be24-8ef1-4059-8f9c-3f624f974890	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:19:27	3.497
-0	41728	4172800	5f10cb0f-6486-41d5-bbdd-5f917b82bbe9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:56:58	-280.320
-0	83456	4172800	9fd9db37-f9ad-4f78-93d6-e7fda17fb0c7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:58:23	-813.124
-1	41729	4172900	92cb6481-f3d8-41b1-9af7-9519d62e023d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:55:12	-707.690
-1	83458	4172900	ed86077a-c732-4a87-b895-39ff4fe38563	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:32:27	377.596
-2	41730	4173000	137d6038-f837-4602-b87d-7b302b8e8b1c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:34:01	-992.124
-2	83460	4173000	eee9dde3-e4f9-453f-9b76-c49992a6287a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:15:08	281.533
-3	41731	4173100	6dca61cc-6fee-4481-abe2-0b8d94e3f956	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:15:29	677.429
-3	83462	4173100	830552df-e6d5-4884-ac16-850cae8caf63	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:52:37	569.624
-4	41732	4173200	834a2f98-78f2-4a3f-9e99-0638bbc2f2ad	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:58:30	58.36
-4	83464	4173200	a27fdc84-c880-4519-8b7c-2bcf43d96d2e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:23:11	-792.447
-5	41733	4173300	eb77498d-3b6a-45ab-aefa-903efc9af7e8	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:50:08	8.697
-5	83466	4173300	21fde334-5bb4-46cc-b3ff-d2168817f7ab	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:53:08	-670.66
-6	41734	4173400	5248bd5d-ac1b-4a8f-8098-bfe444aeb2ed	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:27:08	595.613
-6	83468	4173400	53cf38c9-57f9-475b-aaf7-8603cf49ac5c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:04:00	90.643
-7	41735	4173500	7c520265-3cc9-45db-b731-c95eae5c5e98	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:13:09	170.488
-7	83470	4173500	6a3de514-119f-499c-8456-cba8cf445fce	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:31:49	307.836
-8	41736	4173600	536663ac-e995-4686-b1e7-ba477f3881f1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:35:24	201.613
-8	83472	4173600	75c53add-22df-489e-9dea-628adfe5396f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:56:20	-117.245
-9	41737	4173700	304a1b0c-f1f4-4a9c-8228-4e6784149e33	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:31:08	419.409
-9	83474	4173700	36a49fcd-7038-42f7-bc73-c280cccdb9df	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:26:04	973.871
-10	41738	4173800	5b37054d-4ad3-422b-8e1b-a4f3b3359a2f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:31:38	-236.586
-10	83476	4173800	a3bdebaf-d317-499b-a2ba-9d9131c543bb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:41:08	201.420
-11	41739	4173900	d5c45419-b3c4-42b1-a376-3733bb7ff4cd	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:10:48	584.635
-11	83478	4173900	a284fd4f-ce48-4616-9711-a202b046f956	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:11:52	-322.225
-12	41740	4174000	7428555d-9d98-4c3c-af31-47e156231f4e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:26:43	906.596
-12	83480	4174000	e1a3d8ec-11eb-4757-bead-2df502c5d4c1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:21:44	505.236
-13	41741	4174100	66ddc797-26b5-4cc1-8c77-f0b3be8af8e3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:47:08	-547.917
-13	83482	4174100	3b7ca776-1866-4174-ab18-3cacbb338110	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:10:20	-454.598
-14	41742	4174200	ca6d620d-990f-43e9-b5ea-b2fea872c32c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:09:28	377.424
-14	83484	4174200	85a7fc02-88fa-4efc-a48a-2c167768caba	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:26:39	830.158
-15	41743	4174300	dde340f8-39bc-435b-97ea-04d2d92a2c3e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:30:01	-403.968
-15	83486	4174300	0d5c2872-5b4c-4326-a5da-78cfc1bf921d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:09:40	-566.556
-16	41744	4174400	433afed9-710a-4145-bb3f-f9fa33f45126	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:06:23	875.67
-16	83488	4174400	6c76b109-6e85-4318-bf34-79a2a65861b6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:44:21	-357.2
-17	41745	4174500	1c5e3435-fa18-4a75-bfef-b0bcb743c1cc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:17:53	904.367
-17	83490	4174500	667cc7fb-ec0d-42bc-8340-d5346cf081f9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:12:26	-22.316
-18	41746	4174600	31c31edc-b493-4a65-900b-cf67cdbea1cc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:53:09	-811.836
-18	83492	4174600	a2f32aa8-cfdf-4ff1-a9f5-0f1b452e95da	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:41:36	-702.305
-19	41747	4174700	474a1c0b-9b39-40df-8971-20b8506b00a5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:43:31	861.167
-19	83494	4174700	3dada91f-cc13-4778-a727-f56edc57fde1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:58:05	-219.508
-20	41748	4174800	b488d570-0e75-4d74-be85-4c7f301621a0	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:10:00	684.729
-20	83496	4174800	0134e2db-3cff-463b-8309-b5a75283e523	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:29:17	517.651
-21	41749	4174900	aab31995-ef18-4a1a-9ef1-b819cf6ae1dc	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:18:09	-172.816
-21	83498	4174900	7e5d27be-6ca3-4ad0-8710-31120e06167d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:21:33	909.876
-22	41750	4175000	15b4680e-f8d3-4e87-8e0e-7dc94c86d3d1	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:56:24	150.142
-22	83500	4175000	d7378a81-4c98-4d6a-9cae-b9e7baa032f8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:36:18	-838.173
-23	41751	4175100	f4f80622-5668-4bce-b496-be2030ed232b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:42:34	338.576
-23	83502	4175100	f9c6ab28-f00e-4e86-a1c8-ee4708ccdfff	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:23:50	456.105
-24	41752	4175200	7c2ac41a-f6eb-4ede-a06b-366cefa8a78f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:25:24	376.990
-24	83504	4175200	e619ed19-0ce5-40ad-b7a0-3adb984d07a3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:24:19	-243.56
-25	41753	4175300	b9a32eca-b430-496e-b6f8-910668f06ef8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:10:39	-271.73
-25	83506	4175300	87e0d206-ac47-4869-8dc3-4013e34a81bd	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:14:14	-292.332
-26	41754	4175400	f9132ec0-8834-4ec0-bac5-d9c9fb35566d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:18:52	853.84
-26	83508	4175400	12b73150-5078-48c5-892c-82b5f9ab757b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:41:16	582.833
-27	41755	4175500	b66ba68f-c142-4d6d-ad16-5eb11f9e7cdd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:04:19	-832.513
-27	83510	4175500	cf68c25b-9bdc-4e3f-aa3c-c1da6b4e6c3d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:25:45	406.949
-28	41756	4175600	c9a7e766-e28a-4542-933a-e3d5228caa30	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:52:21	-575.336
-28	83512	4175600	beb01d69-06ea-495b-9b39-3bb252e50b39	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:31:31	790.650
-29	41757	4175700	07858ad4-7470-451b-8485-57faba60d988	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:05:21	598.626
-29	83514	4175700	be9c29ff-bc58-402a-a697-2eed9709c816	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:52:56	-833.520
-30	41758	4175800	a4d2557f-8cd6-41a7-957b-9a45e5e6986e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:36:52	-479.647
-30	83516	4175800	c250c909-73d1-4af8-a502-727bb12963f7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:11:09	-431.319
-31	41759	4175900	1559cf50-00ec-4441-afe9-21a0a5326819	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 13:55:33	-842.728
-31	83518	4175900	104ce032-f276-4415-a51d-cef602f1c0d0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:53:06	912.716
-32	41760	4176000	8a3ab846-823d-4d89-9945-164acfdeafb2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:04:41	257.801
-32	83520	4176000	60464e2d-532a-47f8-8277-6fedd9a681c0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:55:00	-15.259
-33	41761	4176100	f0a0c834-a086-47d7-8998-2e568ea2f98d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:30:01	-108.126
-33	83522	4176100	5118047f-6075-4d40-82aa-bbcfadc191e0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:58:17	-19.565
-34	41762	4176200	30afa3d0-65fb-40c2-8c9d-bbcb5e817159	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:46:26	-97.484
-34	83524	4176200	b58c8794-2811-493a-b569-756ca742cb91	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:12:27	-307.925
-35	41763	4176300	e3de6e6a-33d6-4b2d-9e90-e2100569bb6c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:37:13	-355.817
-35	83526	4176300	0301faab-b8b2-4a99-8c71-a7c09e0dab19	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:05:25	-988.649
-36	41764	4176400	5f70d76c-42db-4bfc-8805-3182f8997a2b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:17:54	631.906
-36	83528	4176400	39c11bc2-4064-4c94-b84a-d3e5237f9d1c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:56:19	-251.973
-37	41765	4176500	bcadc82b-7b16-404f-845f-440f35def50e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:11:04	-780.9
-37	83530	4176500	113e2278-0f20-416a-a5a7-465d11a7fc46	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:48:03	329.34
-38	41766	4176600	6be152ed-f69f-41b5-b917-b62cde324f96	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:08:06	-791.81
-38	83532	4176600	68655329-d4c0-4f56-84b0-dbeb2e7df6ce	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:36:51	-948.590
-39	41767	4176700	5358518e-2fab-4d25-ba58-5e1cccf143a6	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:32:16	-122.277
-39	83534	4176700	4cf90edd-bac9-4855-bf4d-5116597f885a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:43:45	-659.735
-40	41768	4176800	d9f8dbc0-5273-4b8b-b500-0687e827ce99	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:40:59	-440.124
-40	83536	4176800	82bebc25-d728-420a-a473-7e3107aca9c3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:07:19	-117.355
-41	41769	4176900	e0af1116-05e5-4bc2-9f36-87a6eebfb6f3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:53:59	-779.509
-41	83538	4176900	14756293-c0cd-4a5e-b1d8-46d53ec23eab	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:32:49	-282.996
-42	41770	4177000	f3fe1ad4-e8ca-4f86-b500-cc744a399fef	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:26:59	198.502
-42	83540	4177000	e210de4e-2553-4394-be67-be3d0c5ac691	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:51:20	-901.646
-43	41771	4177100	7b8ac043-1bea-4a6f-abcf-bddb0659b7f8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:46:29	-621.627
-43	83542	4177100	43dc886b-6e5e-4eda-9003-2c3d1683edd3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:21:06	707.90
-44	41772	4177200	a5a9be26-7a02-4916-a9ee-2782db6e8b9e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:23:04	-528.801
-44	83544	4177200	4731ea2e-34d4-4e1c-b159-b9ed3e2a031c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:13:55	70.429
-45	41773	4177300	137ff2ec-5ae7-4759-9d85-45fffe589f9b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:19:43	-63.888
-45	83546	4177300	71ccbecf-1bce-4a0f-887a-3870a8d98fd8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:35:19	-991.221
-46	41774	4177400	b1852f70-8d3e-4993-82b4-3fee366f5244	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:46:15	304.707
-46	83548	4177400	92eaaad9-9985-4749-bfb2-cc74f7b21c3a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:12:00	-490.42
-47	41775	4177500	e1205c5b-9237-4ec5-b238-18dd858bb864	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:13:19	-461.964
-47	83550	4177500	d31f4178-fd22-414d-a0e5-965f027c3b3d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:22:32	-537.607
-48	41776	4177600	67e7de18-0399-455f-b352-412a28d08c3b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:29:36	-413.563
-48	83552	4177600	d83a40a8-6a6f-4c48-9cb4-684c85f7d8bc	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:19:18	-409.19
-49	41777	4177700	b1e62190-c2db-4ca4-8987-95232990f2ae	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:31:34	-480.703
-49	83554	4177700	55ad1506-c13b-402c-b285-5c18d9bb3e2b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:21:50	109.82
-50	41778	4177800	09f8c734-e622-4ba8-a0d3-129ca208602e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:20:22	-120.116
-50	83556	4177800	b2484ea8-21aa-463f-a775-4a65152103b0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:19:27	-689.442
-51	41779	4177900	f155dea0-a085-4b8a-b61e-66ec739a8f8a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:48:43	-375.672
-51	83558	4177900	3ae4063e-ba58-45fc-870b-da06a8150aaf	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:01:13	608.288
-52	41780	4178000	0769f42d-e252-430f-baee-a8e155419d6c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:43:54	519.370
-52	83560	4178000	e93906b3-ebe6-4103-b55e-41306aeffb7a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:24:26	-151.441
-53	41781	4178100	f18d613e-6e08-4c85-8638-1d1dad3a2bc4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:03:07	410.934
-53	83562	4178100	c0e36345-0cfb-48a1-af51-12d73e0b30b6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:34:26	742.982
-54	41782	4178200	81610111-bb32-4f31-ac53-e659e6d3b131	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:57:03	-770.83
-54	83564	4178200	41277a01-c6b6-42d5-99bc-65492df07812	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:01:53	-815.311
-55	41783	4178300	4affa0cb-cc4f-4877-aa73-67858f8349c3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:21:40	-217.790
-55	83566	4178300	7d7d3cd5-8109-4e79-9a73-54fe10ce1e4a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:12:20	161.557
-56	41784	4178400	e3604559-3a73-4ee5-b0cb-f787329ed069	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:20:17	776.854
-56	83568	4178400	15aba7cc-2556-4f8a-9e02-cb3223c188de	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:24:09	583.866
-57	41785	4178500	9e9a640c-3a2d-43fc-b596-c4b38a888a6e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:09:08	556.115
-57	83570	4178500	8ac1cafb-a943-4517-a82c-0cccf0f92c25	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:02:15	418.48
-58	41786	4178600	3163a8bd-a709-4ff7-b1c8-b8e9e9755e82	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:45:09	207.594
-58	83572	4178600	c12b86a6-c160-4bef-b917-a2466f3578a4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:00:53	966.854
-59	41787	4178700	f840f3ec-7860-4169-880d-b10e688b91d1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:35:58	465.341
-59	83574	4178700	a7e9814e-c73b-4513-be92-ead1b356ce94	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:09:04	-520.328
-60	41788	4178800	b17cf4d5-2dfd-4b61-85e6-90337252ee30	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:11:54	292.762
-60	83576	4178800	6e3ea87f-70bd-498d-bb4e-caf1f542686d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:31:10	96.554
-61	41789	4178900	768b1cc3-90a5-45e9-9702-ab50fe88ebf7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:19:21	530.206
-61	83578	4178900	d47568ab-76a9-49b2-8f28-7062581354bb	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:10:31	-705.815
-62	41790	4179000	099a129c-05d4-45cc-bbb4-0c1e9756118c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:32:03	893.936
-62	83580	4179000	6c18f372-64bf-46cd-ac8f-4f62f0cbd212	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:47:24	819.798
-63	41791	4179100	faf522a6-6acc-4903-ba57-000795a922ab	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:03:16	919.825
-63	83582	4179100	420db969-2a60-48b2-b5f3-03ca5bb1f222	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:37:28	-307.412
-64	41792	4179200	9effee94-0078-444d-8c8d-a2cea94a61f0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:41:09	-448.946
-64	83584	4179200	4827b5d4-e9d6-4ab2-85cb-90571720158d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:30:58	-868.204
-65	41793	4179300	e8439751-da65-4b0f-a556-0a1658e9a8ec	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:18:13	58.171
-65	83586	4179300	66e78242-721e-47e1-bbf6-9c2d8cf1f58e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:19:19	562.356
-66	41794	4179400	1da71fd3-70c3-4684-bb50-13da06956e7b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:53:55	695.51
-66	83588	4179400	e31bb335-7045-47a5-a925-4be6bca9d6b2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:38:00	-444.120
-67	41795	4179500	b3dd3dd9-9b5c-49ca-80e9-b1f3d28f2355	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:24:57	-436.965
-67	83590	4179500	ba75e6a4-52ac-4383-a1db-ccbc1233cecb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:52:19	-21.917
-68	41796	4179600	992f47df-2753-4357-a80a-a9bb25824143	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:06:24	-44.399
-68	83592	4179600	320d23e8-a4d9-487b-8376-b913b4d28243	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:12:42	224.492
-69	41797	4179700	814b1178-9ee7-43e9-beba-a459aaec79c3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:06:32	466.238
-69	83594	4179700	a02cfe95-ef82-4265-9838-734d1e259f37	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:21:16	83.185
-70	41798	4179800	98baa3b2-728f-4149-b1ab-0e059fd6a22a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:34:01	-541.898
-70	83596	4179800	6cfa4dde-99d8-4609-b5f9-8c1f09283e2b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:35:50	-743.609
-71	41799	4179900	868be776-ab56-4922-8bf2-9530791e78e2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:15:12	168.185
-71	83598	4179900	afd4b468-9a5a-4fb2-be1c-6ffe7b090c90	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:54:58	-2.310
-72	41800	4180000	9d8bf9ca-b2bd-482a-8729-c99a3ce109ab	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:01:01	124.281
-72	83600	4180000	bceb2ce9-772c-413e-8ea7-b281f1bedb65	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:05:33	-652.768
-73	41801	4180100	2ea1096d-88ea-4884-84b6-6d08af4ac5a8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:01:48	66.351
-73	83602	4180100	d4cd1abb-2650-432f-ac3b-b11bd5d172b2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:06:38	-245.5
-74	41802	4180200	75c60260-25d7-4f92-b3b6-4da78435f5ca	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:58:00	24.807
-74	83604	4180200	c77ddba6-41f7-40bf-8457-6064b4bf65a3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:23:55	331.33
-75	41803	4180300	38d0b7fd-8538-42da-95c2-70c465942bc4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:23:32	-444.142
-75	83606	4180300	3458d554-d089-4e06-8730-3d4bd96a8ae7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:29:19	322.903
-76	41804	4180400	d998502e-05d6-4cd2-afde-763aa087096b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:19:48	-130.282
-76	83608	4180400	0f12df84-39b1-46f9-b5c6-ebc609abf11f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:34:54	138.162
-77	41805	4180500	8be44cee-aaff-4616-859a-f93d00090d01	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:25:48	-758.639
-77	83610	4180500	4056703d-455a-4974-9470-6fb3b3d99a06	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:03:07	-379.39
-78	41806	4180600	f8a03f45-5e30-4df4-b331-5bbc275a0585	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:09:30	488.692
-78	83612	4180600	771b3574-c2c7-4884-bc43-afc0eb6b96aa	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:56:32	299.543
-79	41807	4180700	f671fc32-9474-4baa-ae42-c5dcf621c85c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:59:15	-291.254
-79	83614	4180700	bc2eeb18-7aaa-41fb-a9e9-d614f264e981	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:28:05	-351.499
-80	41808	4180800	c1e3fb2f-fe68-4df2-a82b-30055d01b71f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:32:04	961.329
-80	83616	4180800	001a4ec1-c4e7-4411-9064-2c09010e5bb3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:11:05	-880.346
-81	41809	4180900	c7f59608-f739-4c85-9d98-f3a88f272321	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:42:16	120.648
-81	83618	4180900	5ec78b01-74b6-4116-b5d5-d93f0e8e77da	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:10:20	-528.234
-82	41810	4181000	81fdfb96-496c-4191-8d36-c3a67fc79b9c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:40:33	-416.506
-82	83620	4181000	3fc742e7-5ab0-423a-9005-db898db9beef	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:16:14	328.242
-83	41811	4181100	af328bb0-1960-40ef-a4f5-fd6df05e57f4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:20:00	499.344
-83	83622	4181100	44167625-e5c3-4c48-939a-076f87a5c0b4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:21:59	-721.610
-84	41812	4181200	e2ca267f-d79c-4bd2-9b9c-f47a5bfb8d7a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:00:42	236.146
-84	83624	4181200	ff547769-b99a-458f-b5a7-d5c9512010a4	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:52:27	-461.740
-85	41813	4181300	567bb353-959a-4948-a5ef-6da52116eac2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:04:07	489.892
-85	83626	4181300	31cfa3c5-94b8-4657-b800-c887500d0d6b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:23:30	45.538
-86	41814	4181400	a5621487-1ee4-4e39-8019-314605d5a62f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:37:38	880.472
-86	83628	4181400	c6d5a176-86c0-434b-a726-bc7ad3e9f8e0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:20:03	160.979
-87	41815	4181500	1820534f-ed03-4486-b054-77f3d5480241	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:56:16	-322.693
-87	83630	4181500	c72cea08-beed-4094-a0b8-88151fc6ca2e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:26:10	581.398
-88	41816	4181600	69dbe6f2-8d7d-4ab6-9005-3b3141741c30	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:46:06	519.428
-88	83632	4181600	1c692a7e-c275-4c6e-a93c-f95dc68f7584	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:37:13	-671.401
-89	41817	4181700	330476c3-13b4-44b6-b578-83658e927da9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:36:43	505.436
-89	83634	4181700	a1c9d710-7e1b-49cf-b7c9-562c3a3341d0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:05:04	-520.257
-90	41818	4181800	68a29ff2-e202-4be4-92f2-db76bcee557d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:00:46	-438.755
-90	83636	4181800	c758e914-c0d6-46c0-89fe-ae79831e64e3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:04:22	-244.787
-91	41819	4181900	d0d62f76-3131-4ea1-8eaa-f6d373ae15ec	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:40:37	321.313
-91	83638	4181900	dc11dfd0-9515-4cf8-83bf-ad595bef587b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:42:02	-116.57
-92	41820	4182000	b2f069ab-4e77-4b72-92ef-fb2c9cacf2b0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:32:40	40.84
-92	83640	4182000	ed5ba020-efc6-44bf-8b46-9cb5e9fd0424	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:48:34	171.19
-93	41821	4182100	291237c6-92d9-40db-9fc4-7fdb88335b0f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:05:27	393.216
-93	83642	4182100	45b28975-90ac-4440-92f9-2c33bd620490	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:03:59	-940.672
-94	41822	4182200	cd68dff4-10cb-45da-954e-00cb9aea85c7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:14:11	-847.234
-94	83644	4182200	7d5ef2fa-c79f-4b06-a1d6-6c83200cc7b1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:03:18	678.523
-95	41823	4182300	bf9be540-43d0-451d-ae32-fa565d8e0206	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:35:43	-969.319
-95	83646	4182300	edde04ad-593f-47ef-8f0e-08deea4dfeba	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:19:07	-56.50
-96	41824	4182400	9751f06b-1437-49c3-aec0-9c2163cbb1bd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:56:23	374.170
-96	83648	4182400	ba2be3e6-12b4-4d9f-af21-cb68653b2cea	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:31:25	-590.574
-97	41825	4182500	1b51c3b4-2b8a-44e3-a43f-a17c6d8860e7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:18:28	-379.881
-97	83650	4182500	4085918c-e565-4a47-bc50-61848e6cc595	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:01:17	942.205
-98	41826	4182600	b723ede3-6154-4bb1-b585-292e1c7f7fdc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:13:57	-12.368
-98	83652	4182600	0bac3c54-8d60-42f2-a2f9-c2a3caf9f5f3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:38:38	411.548
-99	41827	4182700	71f3af7b-088c-4379-af9a-c1f1821037b1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:31:54	469.766
-99	83654	4182700	ef86aabb-de60-42de-86fd-ff0d3a5e6e8b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:07:24	-365.198
-100	41828	4182800	e18c0a20-9f09-49a8-b630-a2568b28392e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:25:54	-381.954
-100	83656	4182800	541e0959-ad43-4f04-b720-bf6beffa8852	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:56:12	204.820
-101	41829	4182900	a201de95-74b8-45a8-9e30-8bd9f8b252e3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:15:43	-864.993
-101	83658	4182900	ca1936df-dc1b-47fb-b230-c1a00c7d8080	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:30:02	177.541
-102	41830	4183000	6a499df7-76a0-4ee5-af53-bbfb5b92139f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:05:58	922.172
-102	83660	4183000	7bdd326c-62be-4735-b888-92cb69efef27	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:02:09	79.307
-103	41831	4183100	e40e4b78-fabc-46ad-98cc-6209d5d9d06a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:56:59	287.705
-103	83662	4183100	5d0b346a-f26e-4ee3-9fa6-68f552698436	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:05:00	420.2
-104	41832	4183200	f82b7f75-6ec8-4369-8f95-8c02256337d9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:02:49	967.485
-104	83664	4183200	0ee4309f-9f2a-4ce8-a18a-483e73d6907b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:22:12	-780.948
-105	41833	4183300	d039c92a-b966-4dfd-9284-5819a33cecd6	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:50:59	-729.727
-105	83666	4183300	fcf2961b-8b99-4490-a200-cabe734837ac	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:21:40	-455.251
-106	41834	4183400	11f95c47-90ae-4457-8e16-b4c4afca5f84	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:23:36	-29.90
-106	83668	4183400	688338f4-8809-493d-8d8c-d513ec70278f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:08:15	477.761
-107	41835	4183500	677330f8-8582-4620-8c3e-578339e27cd2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:04:00	-21.917
-107	83670	4183500	d2a4813e-d3f8-4cef-99a5-fcf3eb3eb9e7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:26:21	-819.909
-108	41836	4183600	5ee8a28d-2433-4fb1-981e-08624a80d8ce	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:33:06	-205.396
-108	83672	4183600	86fe7929-9ac5-45b7-b885-3a23168ecf68	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:33:53	313.312
-109	41837	4183700	5ed3974d-7a30-4bdc-838b-ee1d182d1dbb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:53:06	-706.315
-109	83674	4183700	56f96d16-620c-4ce2-8851-59e3bf34e25f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:42:19	-448.96
-110	41838	4183800	6cba2589-4dec-4a02-88f9-0031d00ecc72	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:14:28	-873.68
-110	83676	4183800	59511a11-119f-43ac-99d8-ab8bafbc323b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:42:15	-950.873
-111	41839	4183900	deeef0be-42ff-452d-8d6c-17d31b709861	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:35:21	-486.757
-111	83678	4183900	7bf0e7ed-9755-41fe-8a3e-7a864166462f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:48:16	-715.944
-112	41840	4184000	29f71268-67d5-4843-b804-8a378c15bc6b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:03:40	327.527
-112	83680	4184000	4eb90cfe-ebb5-434e-9114-8485216106ec	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:46:10	48.13
-113	41841	4184100	07b7dfda-2c89-462e-ba0d-29d2a938bb4f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:56:36	685.101
-113	83682	4184100	6a316c58-d386-4ef7-9dcb-859948129a3c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:34:09	-918.162
-114	41842	4184200	3b3fbceb-6807-47d7-ae65-9e90fdf1bc45	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:52:23	926.332
-114	83684	4184200	79389a9a-d586-40de-8681-f5bdcfa85467	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:55:35	-139.13
-115	41843	4184300	364b90f1-dfaf-4302-abd9-a5d16577f46c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:31:39	-679.28
-115	83686	4184300	89c154aa-b373-44bb-ba06-d428b6a4e9b1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:51:16	-211.229
-116	41844	4184400	0a7a4a12-a202-42e4-9038-78686dcb43e0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:10:39	-226.854
-116	83688	4184400	4caa0a6c-cf7c-4faa-a733-c274e6684b9f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:12:14	-918.406
-117	41845	4184500	7a5a82df-eaad-4657-9b6b-a2a8b0645419	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:41:13	-496.109
-117	83690	4184500	d3a7d9de-2a96-480f-b78b-fcf653c5da76	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:49:04	752.659
-118	41846	4184600	3ba24194-5a0f-4e57-8790-85f29601168a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:25:10	-944.884
-118	83692	4184600	c723ad2a-082c-4983-97b4-4d938132f035	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:29:25	-858.887
-119	41847	4184700	ffad89e0-be87-42f0-9129-93694508934b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:43:37	-788.99
-119	83694	4184700	529102db-154c-4683-816b-e587cf5bb52d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:27:44	-64.102
-120	41848	4184800	c1600053-38bf-4998-88e8-c2dcffa65c75	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:04:30	-398.798
-120	83696	4184800	9290f31a-3602-4a4f-9b09-8632dec900a7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:21:52	-860.638
-121	41849	4184900	4842969f-fcb7-464d-b6d5-f0a50f8bfd8f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:27:51	655.31
-121	83698	4184900	33249b31-b06a-485d-bf71-96123f31a06c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:35:19	9.485
-122	41850	4185000	de7307d3-ebd2-4237-9577-873a18f2d08a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:44:19	392.108
-122	83700	4185000	59645bdb-38eb-4673-9ace-2e8e2e245b58	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:18:07	-515.159
-123	41851	4185100	bc863d4b-ec07-4e7b-b225-4e449944094a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:54:03	-522.2
-123	83702	4185100	f83df782-fd72-4add-aa99-8079bc572183	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:37:00	-442.290
-124	41852	4185200	944f2adf-c6a0-46e0-991b-f009149a1501	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:04:33	-128.914
-124	83704	4185200	e1b82cf7-03dc-4ce9-8ccb-49bc00e3404d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:04:24	634.446
-125	41853	4185300	7f32bc7f-ecc0-4c17-b398-fb7424235d59	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:02:34	285.832
-125	83706	4185300	2368f7d0-863d-410f-a92d-930fc1c42b1d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:59:08	447.976
-126	41854	4185400	7ffa903f-988b-4e94-8c56-994497df020e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:29:27	-918.117
-126	83708	4185400	6ecb05cd-c3e0-4aca-833e-3a2641ddbc5a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:56:07	-108.114
-127	41855	4185500	5bc54c54-fcd5-462e-86ed-d3cc82e308aa	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:37:11	-789.88
-127	83710	4185500	bef14591-a7b8-4ab1-8ce9-5df4bee9702d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:14:58	174.120
-0	41856	4185600	95887c9b-89bf-439d-99b2-8e418bed291d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 21:00:32	599.531
-0	83712	4185600	2884a3ed-0e6d-41cb-86ae-fe4929b3f10f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:04:05	-845.520
-1	41857	4185700	28eb5cf6-4f2f-409d-bf37-f8bed6e22bcd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:11:01	556.19
-1	83714	4185700	12705fdc-a77f-4045-bc25-70002ca03f65	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:37:27	595.515
-2	41858	4185800	120a5fb9-cf4a-4575-b7d4-67a26497c5ad	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:04:54	480.883
-2	83716	4185800	04ffe151-f523-4d44-a88f-6f0a9c0ef33c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:07:31	-646.520
-3	41859	4185900	5ff3a08f-549c-4bfb-a5d0-17d08fe6ff41	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:58:18	-670.235
-3	83718	4185900	6ac0e6eb-1037-417b-907c-31c301ecb2e5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:38:35	-564.987
-4	41860	4186000	34b3a55c-dbce-49df-b867-92820fe690a3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:30:06	-601.785
-4	83720	4186000	22b8da5e-2db3-4a60-a905-c0af4ba5fbcf	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:27:21	936.101
-5	41861	4186100	f02faa97-6276-48a4-8580-23c7ccfae696	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:25:01	946.470
-5	83722	4186100	0d044f51-39b2-4591-8a9a-03e48c4fb29a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:09:30	188.320
-6	41862	4186200	4a5a1503-7e25-427f-a327-76c0f0f8a857	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:09:46	-857.549
-6	83724	4186200	df097ee2-706d-4a15-9534-18122f01226e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:14:01	-19.808
-7	41863	4186300	f1f522fc-8c11-47a9-909b-23fe66e790c4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:58:52	-544.445
-7	83726	4186300	c3b24810-5345-4365-8666-20b4f325a7fb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:10:35	616.791
-8	41864	4186400	9d76d09f-78ce-4809-893b-04f7e5e4f3fa	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:06:20	14.105
-8	83728	4186400	ab9d6b52-339c-4fd2-99d9-1154ac26fda0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:53:37	213.655
-9	41865	4186500	0b97086b-639c-48e2-a7f0-8016cf70e997	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:09:31	241.865
-9	83730	4186500	897494cd-8dcc-4427-a7a3-2cd436d75b8b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:57:37	990.96
-10	41866	4186600	f730348a-ae99-49be-970e-433df3c98eca	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:38:23	369.608
-10	83732	4186600	5ab07bbd-db90-411c-baf3-1f8dae47b624	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:28:43	493.292
-11	41867	4186700	38e2f042-358f-4e6a-aaab-98e715150c61	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:19:13	-991.773
-11	83734	4186700	c3964ae8-bc61-4c83-853f-ba216edacaf0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:40:49	-938.613
-12	41868	4186800	8e44f330-e335-4217-b121-e27eeb95c63f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:12:24	-113.606
-12	83736	4186800	2a6bf14f-76cc-4281-94ca-59c725e9f692	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:00:00	-79.169
-13	41869	4186900	3c7a5e99-732e-4f18-bdde-62db4da87eb0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:14:30	-748.212
-13	83738	4186900	68732de6-bd4e-4e61-9b39-cb0a3d5892d9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:05:56	-950.333
-14	41870	4187000	bae30cc7-11d4-4d70-a6bc-9ca1d9c81bae	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:59:40	-448.648
-14	83740	4187000	dbc0626d-caac-42c6-9175-51616de1c453	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:33:05	-104.753
-15	41871	4187100	69c1a79b-4f0a-4b10-8f6b-22b0d868cdd8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:24:10	-536.50
-15	83742	4187100	678ab4dd-23f9-4995-bf1b-9882d85ffce8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:17:20	411.81
-16	41872	4187200	1586ac71-9aa4-4dbc-8c29-ed3237521659	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:12:01	-991.162
-16	83744	4187200	e16e986e-3ca1-4b49-a6ba-edd39b2a7ebc	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:20:33	456.893
-17	41873	4187300	2a8b03f4-c764-4768-9e3b-39ddf954d0ed	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:49:10	-913.460
-17	83746	4187300	7cc3a2a9-0084-4165-95c6-25dc8828fdd3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:49:05	-968.456
-18	41874	4187400	9df0e7fe-b7f5-44fe-b9ad-d1a3cdaa7c78	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:17:25	84.616
-18	83748	4187400	6b451d07-c51a-46d7-bfe8-4c26f4378052	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:04:37	-192.268
-19	41875	4187500	19179718-9b90-4ff7-aad5-3df95f7fb804	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:01:36	-917.694
-19	83750	4187500	db1684ed-e65f-4f0f-82cd-9ff10cfc5a34	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:36:23	495.123
-20	41876	4187600	aa96e272-b2e5-48bd-854a-c587814700e0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:21:07	-45.735
-20	83752	4187600	f25a07a7-a585-4ea1-a8f3-bf6aa1562a2a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:17:17	-312.613
-21	41877	4187700	9d42c075-1a12-4920-8b81-d659933c6b7a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:06:40	-578.470
-21	83754	4187700	a1930bad-b99f-402b-871b-c4e4f4bfa937	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:11:53	-486.643
-22	41878	4187800	f1399af9-1a25-4274-b3d7-c88834ad831f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:00:31	90.970
-22	83756	4187800	6b6224bc-b2a7-4d72-82ae-c494e743c7b8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:38:58	-847.119
-23	41879	4187900	99748023-3e32-414e-a959-e1d0de3ff79c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:46:27	-156.838
-23	83758	4187900	ea1bb997-f21c-4287-b12f-a4c70af27dc6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:27:30	598.492
-24	41880	4188000	c1ac1bb7-1a31-4d7f-93d7-c180003431ef	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:31:34	831.152
-24	83760	4188000	726a10dd-dc73-487a-b501-f4f718e1604a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:36:24	-807.763
-25	41881	4188100	f06406e1-b7d5-4629-8857-a36ada84d4be	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:35:32	-225.141
-25	83762	4188100	21dd80b1-d546-4766-86c9-e750149c97a1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:24:51	124.416
-26	41882	4188200	496ec00d-1f68-4d98-b911-27fe1705a632	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:05:58	-264.390
-26	83764	4188200	1485e862-82a7-49a9-ae19-750ebef3801e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:22:18	560.966
-27	41883	4188300	d6d5df94-4016-4257-b91f-4254fc3d20d8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:04:04	-575.171
-27	83766	4188300	8bfe92b4-a700-4389-bffd-23d4c19a5568	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:32:22	-493.71
-28	41884	4188400	21af1da8-c27f-489b-b5ba-7133c94abac8	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:23:37	72.154
-28	83768	4188400	696a7d97-c13d-4d91-a599-330aa030f653	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:49:25	81.976
-29	41885	4188500	31079940-b341-4b93-b633-fafb8a83f0a4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:43:23	-418.246
-29	83770	4188500	5d544b08-1a7d-4fea-bf22-bbee95fc5780	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:14:33	-762.267
-30	41886	4188600	45e4f7f3-1c34-45d2-8378-b91783aa3489	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:25:30	149.603
-30	83772	4188600	17865bc9-90dd-43e7-9fd0-c1921ad5d0e0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:40:22	-568.194
-31	41887	4188700	d40710f9-3614-4e6c-9eec-dff3b8f896e9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:00:27	676.520
-31	83774	4188700	36ce1e5c-362f-4eba-8444-b83a7152ac9b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:28:59	-781.827
-32	41888	4188800	6373cf9c-25e9-402e-a955-a696654eedf2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:41:01	-387.711
-32	83776	4188800	e04f5a90-88d6-4887-ac8c-3d306c5bfe38	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:15:48	-469.412
-33	41889	4188900	a23e1dc3-82c0-4988-9c26-cef4c75ffd71	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:10:15	119.47
-33	83778	4188900	0243527b-df82-4ba5-994a-856a92efd78d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:33:07	522.214
-34	41890	4189000	ac257a4f-c436-4b2e-95e7-7e83d0015904	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:33:57	110.422
-34	83780	4189000	eb42bc26-c193-462f-b324-35fff2e34b04	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:12:25	104.404
-35	41891	4189100	59802573-bff2-4ab8-8123-b3bb7a28bf86	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:29:50	159.659
-35	83782	4189100	9b71f451-caba-451d-a41f-3bc1a7aa9675	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:06:32	588.308
-36	41892	4189200	3fcac463-7695-4864-b22b-9f5feb966753	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:39:05	379.981
-36	83784	4189200	16886d1b-3bfc-4830-9bd3-c8d815ae9c2c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:04:58	-361.966
-37	41893	4189300	2743c76f-d866-48c4-97ce-dc0b956bd1d0	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:33:10	434.453
-37	83786	4189300	45c9752c-4040-463b-a32f-32d93f181c8a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:11:14	-474.515
-38	41894	4189400	1f2c9e46-db32-4fcf-b2c6-cfeb7086475d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:02:17	-468.437
-38	83788	4189400	ee79e73a-1080-48c0-8aa7-0b56f7d5b130	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:28:41	-794.481
-39	41895	4189500	24abf724-7e28-4be2-ac51-cc12af054036	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:43:21	-813.25
-39	83790	4189500	0226353f-c08b-47c5-b515-96f1c830f35d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:08:13	962.513
-40	41896	4189600	5e9a79b0-8bb7-4e15-88a1-40bb40b0ff47	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:56:35	-656.853
-40	83792	4189600	58ec5b8d-5c58-46b4-9cdc-aee206d1dda4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:32:29	23.951
-41	41897	4189700	5ea32118-0e41-4205-ad78-6a45627c243c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:08:48	740.436
-41	83794	4189700	f186ff65-12f1-4b14-9ecb-05a21839eb43	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:50:49	-750.194
-42	41898	4189800	5ac4e4be-b4a5-4779-926e-09dd88034ee2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:37:20	-246.56
-42	83796	4189800	65f321ca-bbe5-420b-9218-3ad63ca998e6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:54:03	-720.191
-43	41899	4189900	390e9334-9fad-4f04-b35e-38428d03011c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:23:49	293.917
-43	83798	4189900	089c54b6-99ca-4197-bdb8-31be04a7c05c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:48:32	-5.686
-44	41900	4190000	0d05a719-f038-4ab7-9469-76db128b384f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:21:20	-31.765
-44	83800	4190000	93ff898f-c4ac-4cef-a66e-c0e3f0758730	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:58:44	212.173
-45	41901	4190100	f8e45c53-44e0-4de2-82d2-aa05fabffad1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:04:42	867.97
-45	83802	4190100	f0a74971-3026-4658-a83f-46595f8ea454	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:58:33	580.631
-46	41902	4190200	924d133a-31e3-4848-a72f-75d6aab0e13a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:52:05	-248.411
-46	83804	4190200	6ee42f06-9c0d-4b7b-9e31-d36bf3e68b77	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:22:33	-624.511
-47	41903	4190300	944a2bc0-6157-4b62-a5e1-aa8b18d87630	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:21:12	295.381
-47	83806	4190300	53bfe14e-6bb2-4259-ab21-44e83ba1c9e4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:58:06	-689.124
-48	41904	4190400	7b1e3871-f3af-49d7-a657-609fdaeca497	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:14:29	-328.867
-48	83808	4190400	41978a28-0698-47f9-807e-6a3e41bfaf9d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:42:33	23.928
-49	41905	4190500	91c91ec5-296c-43fb-83e7-f59f95602c59	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:01:45	73.108
-49	83810	4190500	cc8a06a2-4b20-44af-b715-de23bb8b5017	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:57:55	946.779
-50	41906	4190600	83346ce5-5f32-4908-9615-4f330ec5298f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:44:40	-245.463
-50	83812	4190600	12ab5e08-a671-44aa-95f2-7f46c09743d0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:55:36	-878.712
-51	41907	4190700	f26ead31-dfcf-40f9-9941-9355c1613044	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:19:59	-415.299
-51	83814	4190700	6e50cbe6-91a1-4727-a087-09b2ebeed60f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:45:33	-197.476
-52	41908	4190800	7d53c870-7525-40ab-a1b8-051712ce0ec1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 11:54:59	856.265
-52	83816	4190800	e97402d4-12e8-4a00-b0d8-28b233a8741a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:12:51	-582.195
-53	41909	4190900	3100b43e-9ef2-4cc1-b687-d2fa7d4d5f15	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:16:07	-608.130
-53	83818	4190900	40144fbc-64c7-45f3-8952-b0ca8ce54d34	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:05:05	675.909
-54	41910	4191000	c449d8ef-86e8-4a5f-9dea-09972952a7d4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:02:01	-417.972
-54	83820	4191000	c9156bf4-7e69-4b01-ac66-aeba1f7c36e3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:06:22	88.455
-55	41911	4191100	1e519a5b-c2f9-41dc-a16d-1af310c8e336	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:18:47	493.418
-55	83822	4191100	51c23b1f-10bc-4222-9a94-881d1a14f94c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:19:51	-928.222
-56	41912	4191200	5bc531c2-d5e1-487a-aadc-67f70b58dc8f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:49:36	852.619
-56	83824	4191200	7dc0fe8b-b173-4012-ad18-e060afb57260	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:00:40	-523.305
-57	41913	4191300	8bf53e70-deb9-4105-97fe-ca4a96624b92	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:27:45	943.901
-57	83826	4191300	8fdc143c-fdfb-420b-8185-5922fec636a5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:48:29	-404.735
-58	41914	4191400	ffca1cb3-845e-4178-8506-8e63295f1fef	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:23:45	-85.315
-58	83828	4191400	6451a755-8de9-4d65-90a1-79c2d899b250	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:30:40	-734.181
-59	41915	4191500	4ff07fcb-720e-4aae-be35-3333eabcca8b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:42:42	-997.499
-59	83830	4191500	98fda1f8-9b61-47a9-aaf1-9b66e531c732	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:42:42	-715.630
-60	41916	4191600	aae7c099-517f-495a-a9fe-477dc3109df0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:08:47	-439.987
-60	83832	4191600	7bc90bb5-c591-41e5-83c9-a9bec420eb25	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:15:06	513.555
-61	41917	4191700	e35d7e1e-9e9a-4476-9574-49212b2a5ec1	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:14:00	357.483
-61	83834	4191700	bc522e72-ec03-4e2a-ab50-f415cf6b83e9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:15:00	-73.912
-62	41918	4191800	ada98906-4c55-4aa6-8a6d-14721c81fda0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:24:22	766.879
-62	83836	4191800	afd22f57-d985-4361-a6cd-af28512abd46	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:12:35	-786.17
-63	41919	4191900	1d0bd881-8ee0-4c51-9256-3ed62f524e07	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:22:40	54.237
-63	83838	4191900	8f34d132-2fc9-4f81-b3b2-a7d7271b2290	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:16:49	150.885
-64	41920	4192000	d654a74c-edc8-4690-96ea-f9ebbf458a1a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:03:01	-447.5
-64	83840	4192000	6b34e65b-6973-453a-940f-fafce0fdcc76	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:02:35	918.553
-65	41921	4192100	354f50ad-759d-4100-a27f-cbb64493706b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:20:27	104.887
-65	83842	4192100	b263e267-1f8f-409e-bf21-7170f07c170d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:56:46	-733.397
-66	41922	4192200	e11775b6-9147-40b7-891e-44ade89bf53a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:15:00	-313.79
-66	83844	4192200	54bf7f83-2423-472a-9ca0-d12d43eeb9e2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:01:48	905.97
-67	41923	4192300	b18b57b7-c169-4c3e-a156-bcabe4b20210	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:09:31	948.690
-67	83846	4192300	794f86c1-fe15-484a-98b2-b19f3649b15f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:57:16	-9.309
-68	41924	4192400	836cd47c-4bdc-481e-bbb9-a7d3670c0034	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:39:18	773.871
-68	83848	4192400	2a6f77f2-f18e-4a01-9058-0f01a87417d8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:45:12	440.653
-69	41925	4192500	6d3e00c3-91c9-444d-aec6-7799c1a1177f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:20:34	-24.145
-69	83850	4192500	75357726-744c-4fff-942c-c87c88ff8c8a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:12:41	-627.164
-70	41926	4192600	2dfc8cee-b1db-473e-9b4f-362bcce49853	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:42:04	442.485
-70	83852	4192600	08b25153-9598-4b67-94b9-0e15b002ad2a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:54:31	-833.430
-71	41927	4192700	e4ff7f27-f422-40dc-aa53-b1a4d1c2ded2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:40:04	107.186
-71	83854	4192700	ea51aeed-1a59-4626-95c1-455c9b810232	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:41:21	19.901
-72	41928	4192800	60ba9cd5-7adb-49e8-91a3-69521a5828b5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:32:45	81.888
-72	83856	4192800	0da0abaa-61a2-46e6-81dd-1e24fd59809b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:56:05	-445.476
-73	41929	4192900	e3e433ba-2dd1-4ad1-8990-c4f3cf0ab3b6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:53:27	-583.941
-73	83858	4192900	51ceff8e-7cf4-45de-8232-d9e573c6a378	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:56:27	-997.762
-74	41930	4193000	51cee108-7a99-4a2d-a046-0a05467229b9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:56:52	-763.971
-74	83860	4193000	7ced8907-5a0f-44be-a167-676065f7053e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:54:39	-606.583
-75	41931	4193100	fcf2e544-c557-40c3-b7ea-ac71c7d6f7ce	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:20:42	-548.93
-75	83862	4193100	0c2f7121-7cc7-45fe-81bb-c4b36a221a52	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:33:33	-700.849
-76	41932	4193200	85611510-ab1a-457f-a6e6-cda0a1cdf707	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:40:11	896.427
-76	83864	4193200	9a30dc19-d6c7-4494-b54c-a03986497d1a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:12:51	871.955
-77	41933	4193300	492d007d-2225-416b-9897-fb52b20e5dac	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:44:51	-291.431
-77	83866	4193300	0c4ddebb-0650-43de-ad6c-56616af84f7f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:57:05	-274.59
-78	41934	4193400	89acf700-852b-402e-a624-139fbf53b50d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:36:46	72.418
-78	83868	4193400	274209ff-ec77-401a-88f4-34442b66c991	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:07:06	801.188
-79	41935	4193500	88a6e9dc-019a-4089-98d7-fc20205abbe6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:01:43	921.997
-79	83870	4193500	55ce14b3-fd9e-4458-86db-ff84c506f457	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:13:07	858.441
-80	41936	4193600	99d27a06-6a6b-459e-901b-75507c10782d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:33:52	-30.100
-80	83872	4193600	5f2d96a3-b7ac-43b5-ab1a-fc92540d682f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:53:00	-449.937
-81	41937	4193700	ce1fdea7-6819-4a4f-90de-f9a40ee0ad14	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:38:44	318.725
-81	83874	4193700	d2e14b42-e254-450f-9dd0-0a33b814907a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:52:39	-835.267
-82	41938	4193800	e4e80c8a-a601-4295-9314-3e690bc3968f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:10:25	-258.144
-82	83876	4193800	33fe105c-1b21-42a5-87f5-cf34f5a87dc0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:29:24	-550.247
-83	41939	4193900	2b9a87d8-6617-4117-ad24-e189087946e5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:35:08	782.156
-83	83878	4193900	59b0dc2e-1bd0-419b-9602-cee2788b2d93	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:40:45	417.203
-84	41940	4194000	18d95f00-bff9-4b46-971f-66028604e3cc	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:05:43	790.959
-84	83880	4194000	a4a05e39-b08d-4622-8992-b4abf58b158e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:32:34	-497.51
-85	41941	4194100	4716d8e3-2884-4c91-aa49-c5e552083a00	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:02:48	754.274
-85	83882	4194100	cc3ebb91-abe9-479a-b56a-c3ed3d9d3cc2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:39:25	-980.156
-86	41942	4194200	4ff33345-b28b-4772-bf12-27002c80a7e0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:25:03	-164.745
-86	83884	4194200	e938e196-6c6d-4607-8b4d-6024f51c80f4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:13:10	-451.778
-87	41943	4194300	d5d4bcf3-e6cb-4bcd-a842-77144c6aa68c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:58:11	-233.332
-87	83886	4194300	4f4e50a9-4e01-4d29-902d-d66b2721e1dd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:41:42	-685.644
-88	41944	4194400	fe710385-d9bb-476b-b827-ab2dea138454	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:50:02	-748.899
-88	83888	4194400	238e9b88-61c9-4c24-b4f4-019bc83c1c99	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:15:15	751.593
-89	41945	4194500	94af2fde-6e06-41cb-ac33-788381f3ea3b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:25:10	-733.357
-89	83890	4194500	8b55ba41-7000-452b-8100-d921f5e6e3b8	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:21:44	634.26
-90	41946	4194600	67f50eb1-d967-438f-82ea-48bc4a6beaca	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:15:25	-907.251
-90	83892	4194600	4da9d42f-f25a-4616-b536-6fe54d520637	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:13:38	273.474
-91	41947	4194700	ad356e48-8f6d-4ac4-898f-e22cffcc1ee9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:09:19	-84.996
-91	83894	4194700	296cc308-9745-43ba-ae78-b4bba3ba9f37	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:16:23	603.874
-92	41948	4194800	cacea6cf-a0b3-4e3d-bd8c-d143966c16ae	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:44:52	-815.249
-92	83896	4194800	c4418fcb-9a70-4f71-aa7a-267f310ddb9f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:23:25	-879.484
-93	41949	4194900	d7d48fc2-ff47-400c-b317-c2b2cf0ad9b4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:19:12	439.287
-93	83898	4194900	3a4f11d9-bdf6-4bfa-a4e3-afa50abb7f1e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:06:27	-518.314
-94	41950	4195000	924905f8-3aa1-4fb3-af70-7d3cfa6e2d29	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:55:55	702.402
-94	83900	4195000	bc754e77-629a-40b8-a6dd-12208641de56	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:04:29	901.391
-95	41951	4195100	6d83efb3-fd7e-4a31-99a2-4c02acb5c683	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:43:00	-219.877
-95	83902	4195100	2a7f8f6a-239c-4e1b-bcf8-56d9681d560c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:38:08	-636.919
-96	41952	4195200	26a1b855-ee00-4bdb-a25b-70ec476e26bd	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:24:14	-629.373
-96	83904	4195200	19a1266c-85dc-4b75-8bc2-5dcdf052c830	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:39:29	706.858
-97	41953	4195300	8a74f154-f770-4afd-b91b-371522e00772	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:47:08	572.536
-97	83906	4195300	325f4544-8968-45ff-842b-4b247a782a6a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:28:22	-852.893
-98	41954	4195400	0b2ff88c-f3d1-4e9c-976f-977907ed1777	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:34:49	-579.475
-98	83908	4195400	40244d20-185f-4e59-8796-971cc7eeabfd	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:37:10	-497.330
-99	41955	4195500	626a1366-f7a9-4c01-9ac0-7aa4658796ed	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:17:04	197.964
-99	83910	4195500	49cf0ecf-bc4a-42e3-ac9b-99c470964a34	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:14:53	-706.227
-100	41956	4195600	3df348e0-95e5-4f3b-81a2-4ec98cc26478	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:15:32	606.936
-100	83912	4195600	a29e8433-a564-48d7-befb-de89b7af9a2b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:32:28	-430.400
-101	41957	4195700	b90eaec3-8913-4837-b5d6-180da51c6abd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:19:05	750.751
-101	83914	4195700	4d2a0ae1-7737-416a-b816-867e60c7e7ba	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:29:08	-92.803
-102	41958	4195800	71d644c2-be46-4a8b-8a2b-9a29709b8c9b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:56:40	-33.567
-102	83916	4195800	43fed324-ee95-490c-85e3-03188c39f4b8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:16:34	-127.637
-103	41959	4195900	5c999a4b-a93b-461b-99ff-8c8e328b922d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:55:44	934.612
-103	83918	4195900	9a0afdba-2637-48a2-83dc-966f955e12ed	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:08:03	-857.143
-104	41960	4196000	69beb592-9a66-47a5-a125-aae7fe9768f5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:09:40	-555.442
-104	83920	4196000	99dc091b-c4d8-4f2c-b0c3-b30cc650ff9c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:48:11	754.818
-105	41961	4196100	ebe56c8c-c8a5-4110-ac3b-735c0981a704	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:56:59	111.896
-105	83922	4196100	d87360d9-720a-4f40-a980-857c339f3f92	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:07:57	970.576
-106	41962	4196200	04f4327d-402e-4ebb-911a-5111ee7643bd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:05:57	-707.154
-106	83924	4196200	46f4d888-ad11-4a65-89e0-feceaa566082	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:38:10	468.38
-107	41963	4196300	1506e11e-acc5-44ad-9679-2329ccdd3164	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:29:15	-182.766
-107	83926	4196300	f442f09f-4722-4a8a-9606-e6f7c4eedd1e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:20:27	242.582
-108	41964	4196400	c6f082f3-c41f-4b87-8457-781cfce76620	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:06:08	309.116
-108	83928	4196400	d3c6813b-740f-4e38-afc1-c42da21377e5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:23:00	51.96
-109	41965	4196500	50e8e278-e0f0-48e3-8a30-53561ea2ab57	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:07:53	716.96
-109	83930	4196500	2c3eb6c0-f9f9-42cc-8fd1-ed08cabfaa03	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:59:44	379.809
-110	41966	4196600	fd4881fa-51a0-420a-9746-3ceaa6b32300	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:56:54	-509.762
-110	83932	4196600	7ba92501-5538-4409-b4bc-ed7171d74900	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:20:04	976.607
-111	41967	4196700	2c1f1d2f-e547-40ad-bc94-4467c50dbf50	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:19:10	-446.729
-111	83934	4196700	28929ec7-8ff8-4d41-a487-d61d95829ce2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:07:38	-456.269
-112	41968	4196800	01755398-213a-44fd-96e3-2ef2d5dc01d1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:28:15	41.895
-112	83936	4196800	1800c8eb-7a97-4897-8b0d-cdfe14d07aaf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:12:42	405.770
-113	41969	4196900	fbd15fd3-e202-4504-84b6-15086634fd1a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:22:24	-507.499
-113	83938	4196900	5e5003a9-bceb-4048-92e8-0d31faf578ed	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:54:34	-4.602
-114	41970	4197000	5f8f61fd-9243-4e41-b353-172472af863a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:39:21	740.770
-114	83940	4197000	8300803f-589b-4907-836f-9ada03071248	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:21:37	-250.4
-115	41971	4197100	81737fbf-becf-45fc-9d85-b99e4f637cf5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:01:13	902.946
-115	83942	4197100	6aca32ac-1022-4649-9bdd-82966101281d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:05:59	-337.893
-116	41972	4197200	eb11651c-3d98-4d8e-b72c-ddd6d1b84061	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:47:32	795.780
-116	83944	4197200	288dcee6-fbc9-4f45-a268-302a97be4806	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:37:29	-243.132
-117	41973	4197300	6dd42e86-73de-48c4-a105-b08e53d49b9f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:51:46	216.471
-117	83946	4197300	b09f9e8b-02be-403e-86d1-dd7b20d0a5f0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:36:18	777.633
-118	41974	4197400	f8b01f14-e14c-4074-8453-e715632bf548	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:05:06	337.696
-118	83948	4197400	cbc25eeb-7063-4a28-8ac5-9ab2137fe1db	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:51:06	-482.943
-119	41975	4197500	0a599232-8246-4141-aa9d-ef86134c75fa	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:55:11	-312.203
-119	83950	4197500	85c400c8-f065-48e8-a42e-e664b81ac590	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:34:07	-788.11
-120	41976	4197600	4d71e18c-e983-4b9a-9702-cb29b4580533	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:27:25	613.566
-120	83952	4197600	68fae623-baaa-48d1-a8ba-de25c2ebe5dc	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:41:04	826.695
-121	41977	4197700	bf230b36-8497-42bc-bc56-46d3ad24e459	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:49:35	161.636
-121	83954	4197700	03d4f85d-e85e-4c6a-ac37-a6dbdedf9a05	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:17:05	-520.224
-122	41978	4197800	3fd2c5d4-4dc5-4150-8a38-9e5079f4e820	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:53:46	-548.737
-122	83956	4197800	4a7f350c-39f5-4859-b249-df01582be640	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:47:05	644.195
-123	41979	4197900	a582375a-7309-4479-989e-ad6a6574ab61	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:52:26	700.197
-123	83958	4197900	f65af862-3f8e-4baa-bea3-c96352b23dd6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:19:14	-43.755
-124	41980	4198000	140c5d23-6116-4b19-b7d5-a0ff89d00c77	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:39:22	795.435
-124	83960	4198000	395fe73e-97ca-4ad2-a229-d9d88bf6a5c4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:24:24	857.679
-125	41981	4198100	1fe96dc8-0d1d-48e8-94e3-38d55f9e5b3a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:38:54	-520.506
-125	83962	4198100	255c099f-c4f6-43a7-94ad-c5506e8dc7ef	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:34:02	983.517
-126	41982	4198200	eba6b30c-bf9c-4b2a-b846-9f38484a4e78	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:12:35	-458.445
-126	83964	4198200	78dfb39d-d5e8-4449-980a-e715a25f11fa	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:34:13	-840.335
-127	41983	4198300	3a19f198-a831-4c43-b825-fe511e7032bf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:17:30	911.798
-127	83966	4198300	57d98585-6dc9-4bf3-ac43-5d4fab58e5e1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:25:16	795.661
-0	41984	4198400	15e9a0be-1adc-4576-bdc4-23e919663317	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:03:06	194.519
-0	83968	4198400	58a033e5-9ff7-4066-9e13-1a1c805a4e83	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:22:12	-117.345
-1	41985	4198500	c20b4e23-0c9d-4e39-8522-68602e434f3f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:35:49	-455.119
-1	83970	4198500	28a65023-8d3f-4d74-8713-60cb3e2f7846	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:41:11	595.7
-2	41986	4198600	2e157091-ffe3-4558-ae91-8ef5c6640aef	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:49:35	17.614
-2	83972	4198600	21522efd-a350-49ed-9a65-8b6b7952065b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:48:23	720.213
-3	41987	4198700	94952518-bcd5-464b-8f32-dccfcd941b06	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:30:28	167.63
-3	83974	4198700	393adbe8-b985-4729-b23c-24b4b0fbbaee	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:21:22	517.229
-4	41988	4198800	1a45ddb8-21e4-45dd-b1ca-02cd20bfe074	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:00:18	-575.310
-4	83976	4198800	8b0e31a6-4810-4e57-8c82-3ede71d7a150	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:20:21	368.400
-5	41989	4198900	6fa81906-3c97-43d1-9fa7-343b50b3c47b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:33:26	-507.987
-5	83978	4198900	f2625826-64ca-4109-bed8-3cff0a394335	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:41:39	-136.572
-6	41990	4199000	6a9db1c6-e033-415e-9843-cee6f7f5dfbd	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:34:51	-377.287
-6	83980	4199000	b66d3cc2-21ee-4d16-89bf-9964247306cf	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:38:54	-166.621
-7	41991	4199100	a7048c5f-5c53-487f-87cb-5f09ef9bb18c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:08:30	589.223
-7	83982	4199100	6c4bd8b7-d884-4621-ba02-37ff7f5b4339	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:25:41	-61.579
-8	41992	4199200	ad9c7721-04b3-4fc7-a291-bbd7b3b248e5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:29:41	-200.622
-8	83984	4199200	e0599ba3-701e-4a03-aef9-f66787e7ce10	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:07:20	621.930
-9	41993	4199300	a0a3675e-9081-4934-b440-f7feded47dca	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:07:54	15.889
-9	83986	4199300	03d5acaa-d3e2-4994-ace7-9136baedf59c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:05:15	-320.294
-10	41994	4199400	aa289a78-8639-4451-870a-eef2daba1c86	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:11:46	-521.326
-10	83988	4199400	3b70d024-ba61-411b-8b2b-61d3666b658d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:40:23	877.253
-11	41995	4199500	82c540c0-8401-4399-ae0a-54c1ff974fd4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:36:46	764.338
-11	83990	4199500	7de1e7b4-b711-4630-8dd8-8af6100f50e2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:32:46	137.625
-12	41996	4199600	fa2ccc7b-16c5-4a78-b077-2368bc6ad082	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:05:25	832.932
-12	83992	4199600	214d2b9f-acc2-4cf8-9854-48faa4963155	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:52:55	-629.729
-13	41997	4199700	07419729-6f6f-4778-a25e-34259405e809	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:56:06	897.729
-13	83994	4199700	7afb7966-d9d2-43db-a6dc-f9ff60751edf	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:30:40	390.938
-14	41998	4199800	cf880ef1-10d5-4ae6-883f-2c93aabb76fb	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:46:17	468.631
-14	83996	4199800	ad37ccb4-36ad-42fc-9670-200f68420441	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:40:43	-654.746
-15	41999	4199900	3c7f97e4-7cd5-4397-bee6-947fdcb9e5d2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:56:21	171.942
-15	83998	4199900	c98bc7b9-d77a-4947-a9ae-6cc745101e03	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:22:10	942.900
-16	42000	4200000	8bbc82b5-8f61-4680-b8ca-5dd71c663744	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:50:38	435.256
-16	84000	4200000	7144173d-d267-4368-b29e-6c361e419f24	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:04:52	862.193
-17	42001	4200100	c3fab8df-0de5-4728-8c0e-3bf982834c5e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:14:14	417.521
-17	84002	4200100	af8b1214-3b7a-4b40-80a7-065ab7713ccf	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:53:35	155.166
-18	42002	4200200	1a6cf845-0076-4756-843f-e3acd4f144be	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:45:58	145.37
-18	84004	4200200	e71eda3d-69a2-4af2-af1e-a56ad21e64d9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:06:05	-310.800
-19	42003	4200300	7ccf8a86-a02c-42a0-bb06-5ccbc4856f3e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:06:11	323.901
-19	84006	4200300	33f988b0-9ac9-4b90-bcdf-f684435216a1	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:43:40	-486.908
-20	42004	4200400	8f6a3705-0f6d-4658-8741-1ab760d1d0a3	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:25:20	702.133
-20	84008	4200400	42d15076-3c0d-465a-962f-7669ca128998	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:03:58	-265.607
-21	42005	4200500	b2408c8c-ce43-483c-a96e-71ed32b5d28f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:38:55	-325.716
-21	84010	4200500	60a8dc47-9de2-4bea-8d2d-e3dc107eedf8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:45:37	-476.486
-22	42006	4200600	1c5da8a7-dcf2-4859-b610-50795c25801e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:18:48	88.533
-22	84012	4200600	5348ad07-86c1-4580-ac3f-65e741f13fe6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:36:18	344.154
-23	42007	4200700	7d18ca68-093d-43c3-9c3d-be31e2568469	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:23:50	-491.98
-23	84014	4200700	e3fc1c32-6764-4dbd-856b-a8e13c75060f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:49:27	575.380
-24	42008	4200800	b0dbb3ce-9dc7-4246-bf3e-b220637a913b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:07:33	-790.413
-24	84016	4200800	6f9692b9-50ce-4eca-950d-823ed6482045	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:53:38	576.16
-25	42009	4200900	3c285ea2-bc25-41af-a341-904f31740eee	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:35:36	-526.467
-25	84018	4200900	4ab9c94c-3b2c-4b06-96db-ea98219c550a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:06:32	-316.74
-26	42010	4201000	8599daed-2179-47e5-b0d7-76caf410df77	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:20:25	4.364
-26	84020	4201000	ce846bfd-f5a2-4dbb-8398-e256e5f8cf96	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:52:59	-664.591
-27	42011	4201100	390a9c79-0110-41f7-8c88-74e8df1cdb13	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:15:08	-982.766
-27	84022	4201100	3a863302-024b-4e8b-b1f8-ddab0f51fe0b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:28:35	444.862
-28	42012	4201200	08b7222e-53fe-42b5-83d0-cbb04fd477c5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:04:49	773.758
-28	84024	4201200	a5935e85-ff2c-47a7-a0e8-2c6c11f5b4fd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:16:13	638.158
-29	42013	4201300	90c2e26f-0448-4ae5-a0e6-8dfdb5ef2ed6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:38:13	670.263
-29	84026	4201300	9fde4625-3c43-4345-b178-ecb0457b9241	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:51:21	-889.594
-30	42014	4201400	aec32bbf-dab5-4575-a27b-e578914ed197	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:14:11	-964.472
-30	84028	4201400	2e368828-e54d-4c06-9bfd-3b3f9198cafc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:19:04	54.376
-31	42015	4201500	8daea6d4-cc9d-4ad7-a5e5-ba739ba46780	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:02:55	942.746
-31	84030	4201500	e6a9869f-80ef-46f3-8489-10ae5d45e6ec	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:35:21	-463.153
-32	42016	4201600	7d246756-28da-43ad-8ec5-935e579702e2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:08:06	-282.231
-32	84032	4201600	fea169de-9c8d-4b33-9810-3bb842f4b0e7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:08:13	-396.65
-33	42017	4201700	c9f70e61-2ca9-4491-8da3-6dfef87c932b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:59:49	-866.157
-33	84034	4201700	3d72e8fb-8182-4199-93ea-8ece78ba72c4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:14:38	-489.827
-34	42018	4201800	35c7cad5-3f1b-415c-a162-95c67b3b0f3e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:05:09	232.878
-34	84036	4201800	d4cbf53b-cd54-4cc4-afdd-73b110d57c36	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:24:30	-967.514
-35	42019	4201900	1579aa55-a78e-4ea5-a21d-21cf4621c9aa	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:57:36	696.600
-35	84038	4201900	0ad21528-109c-4aa4-8a4c-6f93a90d8129	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:14:52	114.635
-36	42020	4202000	e5062a61-ffe0-4c5c-8238-ed4899d0dec2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:01:26	365.532
-36	84040	4202000	4dd376f1-43e0-4506-92c9-c7854ec73459	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:48:56	752.341
-37	42021	4202100	4ce97f05-3a8a-4837-ab4a-6ca90f3daeec	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:41:21	-816.704
-37	84042	4202100	afdbcf79-5f55-4ef3-b98b-47cac7e741e4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:25:32	395.545
-38	42022	4202200	48a284ad-f9a3-4174-896a-bee6aaf13d78	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:25:31	-490.579
-38	84044	4202200	751c8e84-00fa-4111-a4d1-f734db39b6c3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:29:10	477.349
-39	42023	4202300	68f416db-f23d-453d-b251-a00f1494a033	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:58:21	-569.65
-39	84046	4202300	49c62add-cb71-42e1-bb4e-427f97bba278	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:27:30	-346.46
-40	42024	4202400	a8e64c7a-4dea-4944-a626-03886fe0dff0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:53:02	102.419
-40	84048	4202400	c1b7c440-9262-4417-a6a9-99a2812f515d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:46:15	-525.151
-41	42025	4202500	dfc022d7-f3ed-4c8c-be4f-d6e62385cda1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:46:09	-394.732
-41	84050	4202500	94fddc90-6055-4c19-a116-ced0c8f2a74f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:13:07	-181.598
-42	42026	4202600	6e17b444-9aa4-435c-82c6-45713c67418b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:06:50	11.359
-42	84052	4202600	a966bb5d-3512-491f-ab7c-bc2c81be99d8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:19:22	227.977
-43	42027	4202700	1b53b8dd-4704-4ef3-8bec-f1aff33824b0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:51:19	-851.479
-43	84054	4202700	c5277130-0375-42ae-a130-0b4276259f6b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:37:17	-891.765
-44	42028	4202800	8c0c88e8-4864-4d05-abbb-88a4a89272f5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:55:52	419.54
-44	84056	4202800	c86ac47d-668b-487b-9335-c3830bfc34ae	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:44:03	-689.97
-45	42029	4202900	0768e6f0-f409-442d-b2b0-d8867bcd6d13	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:07:06	464.236
-45	84058	4202900	d6f94269-3b1f-4104-b79f-892d0365c6ae	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:29:11	-613.352
-46	42030	4203000	eb3e3255-f1d0-4ee5-8ffd-8b2e15b884e7	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:16:09	-19.700
-46	84060	4203000	b5d98fc8-083f-4664-9ed1-8098da873151	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:30:58	758.273
-47	42031	4203100	fb110ed5-3e21-4778-b9ed-06e22c9aacbe	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:50:23	460.964
-47	84062	4203100	198531fd-ea1b-4e82-9f4b-26f29e82c779	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:16:47	591.228
-48	42032	4203200	5fe39d75-fd3b-4db8-a22e-e9eacab3f256	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:27:33	-961.647
-48	84064	4203200	63385934-6be7-484e-8b3a-ea8863308ccd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:13:32	-818.233
-49	42033	4203300	3d0b2ed1-f451-4152-a5f2-5678e10d17aa	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:40:11	-953.652
-49	84066	4203300	219397ea-677a-4476-b225-5b8f38b02257	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:30:20	-6.236
-50	42034	4203400	c50b7197-5b64-4fc3-b43f-d781f0d62b33	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:03:22	599.643
-50	84068	4203400	4d5b8b53-daf5-4c5b-90f0-450e51349642	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:19:27	-857.546
-51	42035	4203500	fc0a2533-63a2-4cb8-b111-238f97a49e80	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:40:23	-586.859
-51	84070	4203500	396f0938-ca5f-4a97-86e8-2675feb386d6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:41:22	-331.599
-52	42036	4203600	a9413097-f557-4f06-a9c5-73714e93fb0c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:37:22	477.925
-52	84072	4203600	2bb764e9-82bb-415a-aec4-9f6c9334bf54	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:46:45	-981.787
-53	42037	4203700	f3cfb32d-61c7-4120-8d72-e582579a1d26	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:43:38	140.395
-53	84074	4203700	f33b1c71-37b6-464a-bd41-78193de55d94	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:31:29	258.575
-54	42038	4203800	c9ee177a-332b-4d5b-801f-0eb740d388a6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:01:51	441.898
-54	84076	4203800	16f885bb-267e-4918-b25e-23f969028939	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:50:10	743.815
-55	42039	4203900	312b4012-5f4c-4cb9-af42-1027c95ed104	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:39:38	-921.629
-55	84078	4203900	2dfa1206-9987-4eb8-b8d9-d6ce2339568c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:08:03	604.47
-56	42040	4204000	3e0c2892-b249-495f-bf33-fdf68919a387	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:47:12	-19.316
-56	84080	4204000	4fba0ada-5a9d-4a67-95b8-c34aa4528f14	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:19:25	-830.588
-57	42041	4204100	e1ae8bf0-fce3-469a-982d-8d0a1c27332a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:29:10	713.469
-57	84082	4204100	bf5d5a0f-7253-448c-a447-1591e54b3b18	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:13:49	-914.124
-58	42042	4204200	79dff092-7fff-4dd1-b1d4-fb145d7d7186	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:11:44	-428.276
-58	84084	4204200	9f1ce39e-c235-42c7-8e71-a7aea0c365b5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:55:31	-466.426
-59	42043	4204300	8f74e607-afa3-4753-93d2-593c3cf20ef8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:01:36	497.531
-59	84086	4204300	69010234-34b3-4143-ab71-1fee3428112b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:07:10	767.973
-60	42044	4204400	e03e198f-bb6d-45a8-a71e-20ae65aa4a9a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:26:41	-65.937
-60	84088	4204400	dfe74d3f-ba2a-4a18-8728-555f97b0e227	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:35:39	-427.783
-61	42045	4204500	bc34b2ae-a86c-46b6-9469-f0b8c82fd190	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:35:10	-966.664
-61	84090	4204500	d4cab96d-09d7-4aec-ad08-6c8e31f780d7	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:14:01	356.976
-62	42046	4204600	e788aacc-4926-4817-8b46-a34025b10167	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:34:37	281.698
-62	84092	4204600	8e4cf962-0792-47d9-ae6f-5d7404a69180	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 21:37:12	584.339
-63	42047	4204700	4d80f58c-2bf3-4b5c-bb2a-2ac6205b0611	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:29:05	-595.120
-63	84094	4204700	0f155ed1-4e16-431b-a91c-bc0423184f15	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:55:30	141.266
-64	42048	4204800	26495929-6a55-4bf2-b8df-7789811bdc6e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:28:04	-642.444
-64	84096	4204800	0602553b-e99b-4d2c-ba9c-49991c01d046	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:38:09	-772.234
-65	42049	4204900	b5a8d618-16b5-4797-b44d-40fe4c4c59c3	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:56:21	-982.475
-65	84098	4204900	0f7cbf53-ec3e-4e70-a2e7-f97b75d61df3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:04:18	-620.469
-66	42050	4205000	86cfd3ef-8a5f-41bb-995b-6ef89182aa29	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:10:36	-956.999
-66	84100	4205000	1f2b5fba-c2c0-4dcd-b238-a452bc4f39ca	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:22:08	163.185
-67	42051	4205100	95bbaa0c-c8e8-43d4-ac22-f0a9b1a2b265	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:13:08	695.200
-67	84102	4205100	e3e5e2d5-6904-41a1-ab65-d453ee90ff69	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:02:48	365.220
-68	42052	4205200	919d3436-f054-41c5-9c7d-3351f6de7ae6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:55:54	-305.105
-68	84104	4205200	136c65a6-68ea-46f3-a817-d2ea278eb6f1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:20:14	-843.570
-69	42053	4205300	7d4de6de-367b-4b2d-bbff-d590bd6ace6a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:14:44	925.435
-69	84106	4205300	66bb9dd3-29cd-4e35-b6c3-18a92fbe2948	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:21:19	-739.820
-70	42054	4205400	a8a55e03-6bf8-4dd5-aa67-d4fb058ba18a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:38:42	-246.656
-70	84108	4205400	f774bda4-73dc-43e5-9fbd-d0ae5b01e1bd	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:37:28	597.996
-71	42055	4205500	63c8a09d-3c17-4ca9-a4ff-c9b193cfb95f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:12:04	558.339
-71	84110	4205500	47ecb244-20ae-4750-aa89-41e0e0ddb4d1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:25:41	-677.91
-72	42056	4205600	f7c26d6b-d9bf-4990-a3e8-db6493f6fdd4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:46:18	520.392
-72	84112	4205600	22de21f4-f913-4d34-bc97-46626e17f390	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:13:13	256.110
-73	42057	4205700	d9fa7631-3ce8-4479-b746-5c966a8348a5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:19:51	-610.906
-73	84114	4205700	3b216569-4cdd-4224-9eba-1826440dd998	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:03:05	847.526
-74	42058	4205800	5cc65a59-28fb-43a0-8dd2-d4d52e2af523	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:44:04	798.880
-74	84116	4205800	fca260ed-5315-4272-af4d-53b2ac47bcef	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:47:39	-619.352
-75	42059	4205900	c1779f66-d517-4c28-adb5-f5269009e32d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:05:03	464.521
-75	84118	4205900	85b35532-df71-4282-b87b-357724a2b1f0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:57:36	897.355
-76	42060	4206000	eb3b9da8-dde9-4094-b3c0-8a6f2018c757	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:26:03	-176.250
-76	84120	4206000	976bcbae-2a05-44bc-94ab-959a862f5a1b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:06:17	-500.449
-77	42061	4206100	8858d023-0b70-4f6d-919c-695c1cdf8bd4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:15:59	-420.962
-77	84122	4206100	cf532ed0-8c42-461e-8e17-0cc0bd281e3b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:40:10	-49.733
-78	42062	4206200	32adff83-30c1-44aa-8cb2-666bb2a1ed4e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:40:35	-57.364
-78	84124	4206200	c03b6bdd-e724-46cd-a843-2d3e439575dc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:51:30	591.470
-79	42063	4206300	b0360cb0-0160-4d04-868b-73305854ebcf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:13:39	-631.500
-79	84126	4206300	dd9c96c8-ddd3-44d5-ab29-7036e0e4ab49	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:15:15	-820.938
-80	42064	4206400	f11d9555-c27b-4366-a51f-f77c3338a3b6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:22:10	894.272
-80	84128	4206400	d534f997-a8f4-46e4-ad4a-2f800fbfaeba	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:41:08	-781.119
-81	42065	4206500	9a9bc6b6-bd84-401c-a300-ff73ec733dd3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:51:19	742.526
-81	84130	4206500	9e9eed43-e7e1-4c20-9ece-c6451a773d5b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:34:58	-770.534
-82	42066	4206600	e7feec90-4c94-46cc-a9e8-b74129ad4533	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:58:35	312.641
-82	84132	4206600	2d2b66e7-57d2-4909-8194-9a3a8d744a90	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:17:46	364.912
-83	42067	4206700	a29551f1-84a9-463e-9c52-1e2bb94eca74	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:06:38	-79.483
-83	84134	4206700	9414846f-f7e2-49dc-94dc-9668c5d64453	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:08:59	271.753
-84	42068	4206800	a4ae7843-2c11-4437-9b4c-8466791fbacf	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:40:40	558.561
-84	84136	4206800	a455652d-17d5-4439-83a0-5a961288fbcf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:05:49	594.110
-85	42069	4206900	22f0c12e-d95b-4703-b78a-320a334ab554	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:20:51	-536.587
-85	84138	4206900	6e407f0e-31d8-46ad-a3a8-451091154787	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:02:26	246.338
-86	42070	4207000	44d1d68f-7624-468e-9e90-ca94502c0cd3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:17:31	-357.473
-86	84140	4207000	919f2543-fed8-4d66-a0e8-4501e3f97018	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:37:44	-286.340
-87	42071	4207100	4f7e5695-5085-4366-bd40-b2970726fef7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:32:41	-492.988
-87	84142	4207100	ea89c0f2-8c21-4bed-8a4e-3d267627e2b5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:59:08	-110.298
-88	42072	4207200	0c37ca91-4510-4ccb-87d7-d2c8c9191268	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:05:24	-767.116
-88	84144	4207200	a682437c-f506-4bb7-ad44-d1a28fca3cba	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:25:24	-268.286
-89	42073	4207300	9d94f682-d6c4-4730-a4fe-59c812fd1431	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:30:34	-155.738
-89	84146	4207300	b226991b-ab98-4e27-b6fb-66c1b5105a31	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:21:54	96.344
-90	42074	4207400	e562e068-3158-466c-a200-12ac2d38afed	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:12:06	926.952
-90	84148	4207400	c91d3a53-cb9d-4a14-81ae-52b607349a2d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:12:41	-856.576
-91	42075	4207500	b1f18173-af6c-4f10-8461-65de87cfba09	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:37:10	491.429
-91	84150	4207500	55357f7c-8159-4638-9575-a3347290211b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:58:40	556.385
-92	42076	4207600	93cd3287-1b94-436c-92eb-ca1d57990205	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:03:11	0.367
-92	84152	4207600	376a0195-0b5c-4d14-9c6e-a245af011412	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:23:39	-236.762
-93	42077	4207700	774a6ade-5877-4e3f-af36-186ea17fa27e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:18:22	-340.196
-93	84154	4207700	106dac00-7f4a-4838-9c20-c23008dc520c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:36:32	-54.53
-94	42078	4207800	cd41f5f3-e010-467a-bdb2-989c244d1469	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:29:52	-207.205
-94	84156	4207800	43b47345-8fde-4090-a98c-900e59b38565	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:36:52	-787.984
-95	42079	4207900	fac69f74-5dcf-485e-9109-8d4f62b0952d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:07:19	-518.508
-95	84158	4207900	2199abfa-c2a5-4cd4-ac2c-247181353f59	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:59:19	698.874
-96	42080	4208000	4cbdd0c6-5015-478c-8d6f-7cb69771bf7c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:07:41	435.500
-96	84160	4208000	b0a1f7e6-b15c-400c-b8a7-4d769cdab1b3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:55:34	351.644
-97	42081	4208100	73340821-4891-431d-8a2f-fc3cef0e91ba	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:01:06	-40.9
-97	84162	4208100	4aeae423-96c8-438a-90e7-9296d567afc3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:38:35	114.685
-98	42082	4208200	a3aa1650-9174-45ca-bd93-73afd9d61f70	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:57:16	76.436
-98	84164	4208200	d0e6f2b4-6984-4be5-b5c4-24cb95f5609a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:45:05	916.33
-99	42083	4208300	ab8d4591-d562-4eaa-9f66-15f4709b3050	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:33:44	-771.735
-99	84166	4208300	14614962-e750-4628-8c84-a9c95ed76f00	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:56:26	-755.241
-100	42084	4208400	8079e9dc-7d3b-448f-8e0e-2156435a73e5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:09:34	509.778
-100	84168	4208400	26f5f252-ce91-457d-90c0-d86a24483e90	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:32:05	405.629
-101	42085	4208500	9de0cab6-6c81-455f-b2d1-57486af482aa	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:05:10	-659.782
-101	84170	4208500	e2f455be-0dbb-4962-949b-2051deb91c41	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:21:33	855.851
-102	42086	4208600	7c997ea4-0432-4a48-9d42-7b018c4696b4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:27:28	917.552
-102	84172	4208600	c98cd366-96b4-4d3a-9ee7-006d49df378e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:20:20	-736.904
-103	42087	4208700	877dfafd-cc53-4803-a89e-4319bccbb6aa	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:56:36	-989.330
-103	84174	4208700	86baa63a-b5be-41f7-adbd-bd75342585ca	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:33:33	264.671
-104	42088	4208800	cbdcf095-7ffb-4a71-80a1-c6782c959b4a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:27:25	-135.672
-104	84176	4208800	564f81c5-ac22-4e14-9e0f-1bdaa65252aa	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:57:38	-220.187
-105	42089	4208900	b3f7a545-60db-4e19-aea5-c9172af1a7aa	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:08:48	-379.537
-105	84178	4208900	9474f269-1b98-45c6-a935-4c6bfc52426b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:44:48	-822.169
-106	42090	4209000	dc4da464-e6a9-4feb-bc4d-d67d5afb1d32	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:31:15	-545.376
-106	84180	4209000	c633afa9-3ba7-4916-8272-6988b1f4f7be	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:08:41	-596.435
-107	42091	4209100	b005d1bd-19e2-4450-b3cd-52a8ebe38d11	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:48:46	333.647
-107	84182	4209100	60f8e2ba-96f5-44b6-9c24-44c25149988a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:21:28	-855.716
-108	42092	4209200	802c1592-5ad7-4ca4-8eb3-52baacf08145	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:42:39	968.729
-108	84184	4209200	3a73bc4b-72a6-4267-a8d7-febce59c5135	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:23:22	998.864
-109	42093	4209300	0b5deddc-ea48-4cb5-8d48-2c10c013f1e8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:10:43	495.369
-109	84186	4209300	0c6b0ab9-740d-451b-ac13-63e1fad389ea	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:11:21	762.574
-110	42094	4209400	c7bba499-d137-4097-9f5d-a2cf417f1873	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:01:35	-635.816
-110	84188	4209400	897ff797-c574-401e-8c71-b893dbe89d9b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:14:55	-393.246
-111	42095	4209500	97646c9a-bca0-4efa-af7e-cec6d076d199	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:52:57	-767.972
-111	84190	4209500	b96c8672-f475-426f-ada1-fe5b90d9e32d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:42:03	-999.371
-112	42096	4209600	eb291b62-db9d-475b-8fa3-2e3bab912ab2	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:13:50	-721.578
-112	84192	4209600	8093fd7b-e132-4836-b6b9-a4a94cc7671c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:58:20	434.541
-113	42097	4209700	7eb02270-1231-4217-bafb-6f8290a8f52f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:45:24	-930.823
-113	84194	4209700	69322cc4-8349-45df-8853-83139bc0b11d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:50:10	-26.154
-114	42098	4209800	1ad2ed40-5ae3-49e3-8fb9-2314ddda56f1	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:34:03	-953.815
-114	84196	4209800	09e0a069-6ddf-42df-87f7-cebd07fabb2b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:18:24	156.89
-115	42099	4209900	d1805303-a156-4f3a-9a58-45805d157c58	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:40:07	726.34
-115	84198	4209900	daecce8a-de5d-4aa4-bf2c-3a8fb51b3efd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:47:21	265.981
-116	42100	4210000	e473900c-17e4-4aae-bb4b-8157ec81e30a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:40:14	-796.290
-116	84200	4210000	36ca1dd9-d039-4d60-8855-5dcd2380f71c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:16:50	697.169
-117	42101	4210100	fb251ca1-1636-43bc-b517-4b5ad85ef286	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:56:47	-455.743
-117	84202	4210100	7a7c69fa-8786-4db9-ad3e-79adc51fb93b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:46:38	-847.871
-118	42102	4210200	676e5c2a-856a-4c7e-a412-cac9ff788a49	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:34:27	-857.387
-118	84204	4210200	ea18e77b-b8c1-41e8-84b4-dcdf8ac87a5c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:32:39	-921.963
-119	42103	4210300	bb78b28e-a914-4c9d-8398-0cc4cfca8c54	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:47:57	87.418
-119	84206	4210300	af8ac272-708a-4a81-83cb-0ef5fcd1b81e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:47:16	250.717
-120	42104	4210400	495027cc-c6b6-4d87-8482-9e192750a912	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:43:34	405.542
-120	84208	4210400	b51d6596-2d69-466f-bd39-1d99c7b445ed	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:27:29	-25.442
-121	42105	4210500	a9f01379-cb06-4cee-994b-4b143fb7d968	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:01:34	523.887
-121	84210	4210500	6c51b761-7b4f-498d-b53d-aa486aca53d3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:54:45	346.177
-122	42106	4210600	f6eb87cc-66d4-41ca-a484-1441dcf2e0b3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:08:26	245.410
-122	84212	4210600	59449f5a-72aa-457b-9677-87a91395495a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:16:32	-686.949
-123	42107	4210700	6c62c9e4-6e8b-499a-9eac-a0b7ec02f81e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:40:26	152.679
-123	84214	4210700	e1812fcf-932a-42d2-bbdd-ae96a8693b2a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:53:28	373.278
-124	42108	4210800	d7ee256e-203b-40ce-ab2a-a22df6a4b35b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:24:49	790.285
-124	84216	4210800	2ea6bc34-64da-4fe3-a4f9-b93c34ce1e96	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:32:07	320.868
-125	42109	4210900	42c45165-fac3-47bd-a421-03849a9a0572	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:14:34	72.267
-125	84218	4210900	3deb56fb-f612-450f-9026-85ab8d5d9d34	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:09:20	522.925
-126	42110	4211000	7b198d56-a707-48a5-a488-197b8e819919	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:19:09	103.258
-126	84220	4211000	a1249885-6036-4fe8-925c-61d654bb26e8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:48:16	-367.578
-127	42111	4211100	5d9c366b-2cac-41c0-80ca-5999f2b49fed	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:44:25	460.480
-127	84222	4211100	4a81298e-a473-4804-bb4b-4b2a283f981c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:35:40	781.500
-0	42112	4211200	16007bb4-63fc-4edb-9711-8b1fc02e10a8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:06:27	-434.178
-0	84224	4211200	4ddf49f9-3733-41f6-8113-aa7c8674b613	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:09:16	-209.940
-1	42113	4211300	969fa348-5764-4494-a4ed-28e9598c9cdb	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:51:40	653.590
-1	84226	4211300	53b1e8ce-c3b2-447a-b57d-ea3a5b9cb0eb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:50:24	-733.823
-2	42114	4211400	c58128a9-2848-4d7e-9d33-7e820ab13577	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:50:24	-689.480
-2	84228	4211400	6eb34868-c659-40fb-b77f-e4a2679ad056	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:02:58	446.200
-3	42115	4211500	9d52f7f0-06b7-417d-b1f3-60ad2a2dec00	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:22:22	-645.34
-3	84230	4211500	5f80a7ce-162b-4c21-af66-3bab72029650	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:27:52	-685.279
-4	42116	4211600	97d178ef-04a7-43f5-970f-31ddfad2b521	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:50:21	999.158
-4	84232	4211600	aef7f25c-229c-4292-a869-2f255b9cf5bf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:55:19	859.282
-5	42117	4211700	89183ab9-e0b3-4c05-bbd3-85fbe9011904	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:02:22	-649.834
-5	84234	4211700	ef552666-8638-415b-afaa-c4573eb9ae3a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:22:33	753.318
-6	42118	4211800	1e2fa9df-a4a1-4246-b359-0999483ee96d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:27:44	-325.105
-6	84236	4211800	0f519a65-e5bc-40f7-9e6f-6e1c5f871f66	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:07:37	570.724
-7	42119	4211900	94e9c24d-54cc-4ac9-bbb7-c9dc26f10c0f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:42:07	630.716
-7	84238	4211900	47dca295-9f34-4064-bd7e-84a765673433	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:11:59	466.720
-8	42120	4212000	813c4044-d11e-4ebf-a9a9-e9fec9cdfa42	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:29:31	-469.717
-8	84240	4212000	c711b686-69f5-4874-ae2d-0413fd0c665e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:23:33	-362.122
-9	42121	4212100	b6647525-1dbb-44c7-9810-4c59b17182a5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:03:41	305.892
-9	84242	4212100	33e4dfc4-c91c-4d1b-b338-07c4d657f86a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:08:22	-112.908
-10	42122	4212200	7fe568e5-f447-4ecd-9b48-1b26323581a4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:36:10	76.947
-10	84244	4212200	2d51fced-31ae-480c-93d6-c60174432ea1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:21:21	272.1
-11	42123	4212300	4840dca9-21c7-477f-ba8b-5901dc85d5f3	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:22:43	-840.157
-11	84246	4212300	1d366332-f64a-4815-8af7-bbb202fc6075	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:00:19	351.911
-12	42124	4212400	18ace70a-92ff-411c-8c57-6ec3274a7a37	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:24:42	-976.784
-12	84248	4212400	33fd204f-7447-47e6-a0d9-b793f96ffa1a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:40:48	-402.63
-13	42125	4212500	8f98c1c2-66b1-4f39-8f3b-e393230edd65	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:00:17	-675.865
-13	84250	4212500	1194ef1c-2e8c-4014-9af0-541c4397699f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:40:46	-547.818
-14	42126	4212600	ce3651f7-9de5-4a35-9d5f-8115114128f4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:49:56	-704.182
-14	84252	4212600	5fae665a-6fab-4c5a-ba2a-cad78e7cadcc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:55:02	930.644
-15	42127	4212700	ef810528-ad12-4bbf-8ce3-79dc2dbb9531	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:19:56	-960.122
-15	84254	4212700	7a37014a-c245-4dc4-beb0-28220ff5e8f8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:27:43	821.270
-16	42128	4212800	4bfcb7c8-b0fd-44c6-81ba-2c5f70fd19d8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:17:10	-80.233
-16	84256	4212800	7bd9aee7-c9e0-4d7e-a614-e030d8e923b8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:03:22	-635.646
-17	42129	4212900	9cff0eeb-43d2-4b34-92df-f6d059406dcb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:11:57	253.283
-17	84258	4212900	aafbafce-28e3-4e52-928a-9ba2fe57e032	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:48:33	594.807
-18	42130	4213000	c5498269-ecf4-420d-9e80-fd6902951626	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:04:13	-825.833
-18	84260	4213000	b1473cd5-1b0d-4acc-87ab-93df18709635	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:27:04	153.617
-19	42131	4213100	2e8dd37c-4c0d-4844-88f4-4cdce991cb2a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:34:51	710.136
-19	84262	4213100	6755450a-f018-432a-9e7f-53d0d3d2cb12	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:37:52	23.983
-20	42132	4213200	a6c877cc-f815-4879-bc8b-2685ce45d13a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 07:24:27	-975.15
-20	84264	4213200	b8608256-ad77-4d01-8e89-a176742e9fc0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:53:05	378.340
-21	42133	4213300	87954b8d-a005-402e-897f-9a8f17728053	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:33:02	986.908
-21	84266	4213300	34901e15-c692-49d1-baca-5661af355913	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:08:42	268.224
-22	42134	4213400	51694017-9bbe-421b-8f7a-8bf47558a990	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:09:23	-678.375
-22	84268	4213400	3e020cae-7c98-435d-ab0b-b132e7a0bf80	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:00:21	-542.39
-23	42135	4213500	7be603b7-ef36-46b7-9270-189d7f76a62f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:06:25	-76.178
-23	84270	4213500	2070bed8-f06b-425f-b82f-4da7df4f8b14	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:07:04	987.862
-24	42136	4213600	3fce2631-706e-4215-8910-14f0555e4d13	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:35:30	-347.845
-24	84272	4213600	43b003d7-36ae-4caf-b603-87834089bc86	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:16:07	-142.727
-25	42137	4213700	17632444-2a0e-42b0-8d5d-cc7539094d81	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:21:01	382.568
-25	84274	4213700	7b551d33-701f-41df-a020-3efea6848fec	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:14:15	-168.496
-26	42138	4213800	65e9deed-1c29-4388-aab8-0f8bb942e53b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:25:49	-727.20
-26	84276	4213800	c56931c4-c9f1-4679-872b-b48db79052a3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:23:42	-365.350
-27	42139	4213900	60bf781c-3961-43eb-b555-ebb115082323	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:35:56	-524.802
-27	84278	4213900	83237123-ac7e-4b8b-b571-59a338a1c1b2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:45:54	499.901
-28	42140	4214000	aed69643-b9cb-47c6-8597-e69bda8d8b83	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:22:43	970.43
-28	84280	4214000	be31860a-d21f-418a-8475-9989dffacf75	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:25:51	361.666
-29	42141	4214100	e0c5cd5f-9107-44d2-b1ce-954143cbb4ef	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:15:50	-924.713
-29	84282	4214100	da9117c8-5afb-4b5d-a70d-adbc4b12d188	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:25:13	546.182
-30	42142	4214200	675960a2-b2b5-4978-bb0f-5a1e38f0be18	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:01:51	-496.537
-30	84284	4214200	43e27af4-efeb-4fca-89ec-0385eb8caf98	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:44:59	922.640
-31	42143	4214300	599a348c-6ba3-4c0f-9533-158658c96b78	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:35:47	-447.536
-31	84286	4214300	3822d621-0d1b-4aa9-8191-f05aa595be43	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:41:10	-145.596
-32	42144	4214400	e3aa07c9-dd51-499b-a823-8f8361deef6f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:23:59	218.117
-32	84288	4214400	d99e599d-5abe-43f2-b5fb-d8d822372014	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:40:22	-554.734
-33	42145	4214500	ff7f9ae7-782f-42ba-95c3-e1986bf4fc2c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:57:14	364.469
-33	84290	4214500	6c906e0f-bfbd-4104-9c90-4730751f713d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:07:24	-847.896
-34	42146	4214600	ca9b4f58-da0a-4147-8b68-0afc08c1fa1b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:11:19	295.909
-34	84292	4214600	c60df640-7c96-44a1-bd9c-d33d9e457a3b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:14:52	159.771
-35	42147	4214700	35ba58af-996a-4b53-bc9e-90c0705fb155	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:07:43	-950.838
-35	84294	4214700	ad126264-4ee6-4b82-a547-9bcff0fcc466	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:24:14	-496.524
-36	42148	4214800	8a242ee8-133c-4501-9dc0-815b526eb842	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:18:29	414.85
-36	84296	4214800	c0810829-b8aa-42d1-ba3d-93d7be371756	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:47:53	-451.463
-37	42149	4214900	07753737-a87b-4f7f-b302-b68e354a5e34	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:12:45	684.177
-37	84298	4214900	c5b996ba-169d-474f-9dae-080c56d8a57a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:19:07	-919.980
-38	42150	4215000	e6e6218a-7f8d-43c2-b5eb-3fedd9e4beec	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:43:26	600.135
-38	84300	4215000	75c83f8b-eeca-4358-8036-61906725f8bd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:45:47	-239.961
-39	42151	4215100	94452f7d-0411-4e21-9a8f-942933198af8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:52:38	242.741
-39	84302	4215100	02dc439e-f3a7-47af-84b1-d2299c69ff64	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:05:08	-954.935
-40	42152	4215200	9502f2f7-f769-4c36-9636-91c628e96bd2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:51:01	761.581
-40	84304	4215200	4f2e0d34-e319-43e9-91b9-5a747e960640	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:09:02	181.61
-41	42153	4215300	f7012ec5-97f9-435b-a345-f0bff0e6f89d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:18:14	-922.856
-41	84306	4215300	0b3cebb2-26bb-4c59-8625-580889283c0b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:18:59	502.68
-42	42154	4215400	5c3784ce-3a62-46b2-941a-b582fad224c5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:39:24	-380.305
-42	84308	4215400	6800d999-d9aa-4eed-8201-f083f46c706d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 02:05:47	905.640
-43	42155	4215500	751867c5-7e2c-4a2f-992e-63ebfdc8cf3e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:45:58	568.652
-43	84310	4215500	98be5ec9-ce2a-4322-9fd3-70b82771b20a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:46:18	-323.867
-44	42156	4215600	40c359bc-1e2e-42aa-a672-8e8434010f69	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:49:56	612.931
-44	84312	4215600	fd1dae9b-e937-40fb-ae43-95eefb1173af	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:06:20	-318.509
-45	42157	4215700	55fe2df3-5bcb-4c56-a2f7-def8d73c5e5b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:47:39	731.86
-45	84314	4215700	2ac0159a-f472-4323-9de6-4895e76938e4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:58:03	788.222
-46	42158	4215800	6f73ea44-bfb0-42c2-b634-43ce9fba538a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:13:56	-588.805
-46	84316	4215800	64184b89-126f-45cb-afea-48ff79a27c63	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:22:42	504.481
-47	42159	4215900	bd3200f7-fa6e-4e44-83b9-c9045f10d9f6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:42:46	10.883
-47	84318	4215900	6daca473-8895-42d6-9c0b-499466f778e9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:57:02	-544.36
-48	42160	4216000	5d971c8a-3439-4db8-8f5c-b267d2f44d50	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:23:05	-880.224
-48	84320	4216000	ad3aa048-1581-4168-b720-a436a8c5f63c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 15:46:25	-183.218
-49	42161	4216100	6099dc6f-6b57-45fe-aab1-23323dd24262	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:09:38	-744.142
-49	84322	4216100	97c7631d-0bf3-4781-a7f9-ee5de8c31fee	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:53:21	723.410
-50	42162	4216200	c6264cb9-9600-45c9-b60b-82c5a8f136c0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:06:23	-970.68
-50	84324	4216200	edc5f3c0-d82a-45a1-a4ad-77bc25c1b6c6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:02:38	790.346
-51	42163	4216300	9a5ba85f-39fb-4a30-8523-18cf3fe6fbb6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:14:09	688.669
-51	84326	4216300	62751451-cd27-4658-ad16-829d4e7b2545	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:40:00	-36.534
-52	42164	4216400	eac1e4f8-74d5-44a6-bb70-d995694140a5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:52:16	-529.618
-52	84328	4216400	51cc2862-ed48-48eb-9ae1-c35632b323cf	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:29:40	622.554
-53	42165	4216500	6e5da9e9-9161-4e68-be8a-65c8998361fa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:29:39	-115.819
-53	84330	4216500	ac1edb2e-7463-43d4-a232-4839991f0d1a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:21:17	539.339
-54	42166	4216600	bf67a458-71ae-484c-9e4f-8aeb9bf1690a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:18:13	-774.850
-54	84332	4216600	e1760d01-88a4-4c43-a64c-564c5c94f43a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:32:03	397.301
-55	42167	4216700	05b91368-2a0b-4354-9cda-2a5b58fbdeb5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:57:49	900.496
-55	84334	4216700	ab7796aa-db03-4743-9346-c2187102d9d2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:15:52	126.51
-56	42168	4216800	15ccab6b-caa9-4a5a-b3d7-e5555721df27	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:54:09	-229.105
-56	84336	4216800	7b844fa6-fd58-47ad-8ed4-3f6f146a26cf	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:37:26	-670.359
-57	42169	4216900	4b36e338-1642-4620-bcce-35808683dc16	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:14:37	576.631
-57	84338	4216900	86b7ec15-0a88-49ac-bc75-519b2b44e574	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:24:19	169.284
-58	42170	4217000	29b98618-a386-4649-a8f0-9ab56adc283c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:22:29	-828.266
-58	84340	4217000	ee7312cc-2d45-471d-9fc5-b25cc47f9d97	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:23:45	-631.132
-59	42171	4217100	40971ab4-334e-4028-a998-80cd239d1ecc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:10:09	851.954
-59	84342	4217100	49ac5001-1264-45f3-9b5b-c135cf04db84	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:25:05	401.852
-60	42172	4217200	b7345084-b223-4559-a2a3-0a987a4dfc64	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:05:24	-720.396
-60	84344	4217200	aebe5656-37b4-450d-b46f-7e537a5ab5ea	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:46:19	-915.900
-61	42173	4217300	6883f742-77ad-4819-9ac8-f825b621c927	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:28:36	387.908
-61	84346	4217300	41c8246b-9379-4264-916f-5fc4a5a9f722	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:55:56	731.83
-62	42174	4217400	6ba27929-2167-4a4e-be1a-eb382cc7e548	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:26:49	500.508
-62	84348	4217400	0d146be7-6a38-4e5a-a467-df0784d29d4d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:53:29	428.94
-63	42175	4217500	ff2ed01c-c187-4a72-af63-f812618ec91f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:19:23	-398.836
-63	84350	4217500	2e5d295e-514b-4c2c-9625-d4a5066254e9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:43:53	968.955
-64	42176	4217600	00ad426e-1e26-4652-89cb-710bfd3efc93	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:05:10	-904.638
-64	84352	4217600	d57c0dc6-b596-4c14-bf4d-b2cf75d038ec	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:34:11	166.320
-65	42177	4217700	390f771f-3394-4cdb-b190-7120bc0898ec	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:14:13	-572.568
-65	84354	4217700	e3ac4a06-c717-4bbe-8fe4-cc40759f94c9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:04:56	-555.562
-66	42178	4217800	043eb5c1-9ec5-4313-bd82-4073844e721d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:52:53	329.886
-66	84356	4217800	9fa2fb70-3391-4962-ad01-dee052836809	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:26:07	679.683
-67	42179	4217900	5133a4d1-7eae-4cc7-b72d-f666b246dfa9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:51:35	600.349
-67	84358	4217900	9013c3d1-6d69-402b-adcc-182fa2b3d2f0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:36:33	-380.920
-68	42180	4218000	5f8a62f3-5b3f-45be-90a3-082da9a3d95a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:37:29	334.683
-68	84360	4218000	e8a3f463-32d0-49d1-b466-28979363b63d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:01:48	672.329
-69	42181	4218100	9a6e7f05-f34d-4a4e-b2e4-e1906c4a7413	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:41:30	-207.964
-69	84362	4218100	64e820d2-34ff-4186-9f2c-9e16075845f9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:16:32	199.16
-70	42182	4218200	ebde8abb-a392-4c39-840f-dff64a95d239	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:56:30	927.843
-70	84364	4218200	d15498a8-bab9-4905-858b-8367780fe902	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:33:55	-41.847
-71	42183	4218300	32cfb8ea-3672-4638-9743-99ff7eda1076	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:47:03	885.30
-71	84366	4218300	989b4de9-e52e-42ab-a473-becc6b698354	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:40:20	751.782
-72	42184	4218400	7601f401-e0d1-4c65-a011-1d4af847963d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:50:06	-955.966
-72	84368	4218400	4c3e2241-762e-487d-8217-2ccdfc24e759	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:16:46	-292.977
-73	42185	4218500	8d6206be-1e07-4532-986b-7a9fb4ac6fc0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:04:43	-493.356
-73	84370	4218500	7c1b4423-c680-402c-a639-0639b8fa07fa	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:47:42	426.56
-74	42186	4218600	5d2ea08c-b644-41eb-863c-2bcad540fb90	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:12:45	-746.685
-74	84372	4218600	c4a14eb0-9140-412c-b3da-5bc534ae7a0c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:59:59	245.411
-75	42187	4218700	cb5f8e28-70ba-4c93-a2a2-2b4a286e7fa3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:30:46	-648.563
-75	84374	4218700	949315d4-a8ee-443a-b9c9-e1405868bf3a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:14:07	-586.97
-76	42188	4218800	f065c2f9-fedb-4250-b504-6148455b991b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:10:37	-631.653
-76	84376	4218800	48670330-d3fb-4c02-bea0-7f8bef77a10f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:43:16	470.199
-77	42189	4218900	171b6f51-13a6-4513-a8d4-76867c26a5cb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:43:29	-412.143
-77	84378	4218900	fda21da4-48f5-423e-b552-4d23624370cb	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:42:27	-34.615
-78	42190	4219000	682614eb-8e9b-4a2f-88c5-36800e3fe52b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:40:43	285.422
-78	84380	4219000	d9d4ee87-7d85-4120-bb1e-f2615ac4b71f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:34:04	644.149
-79	42191	4219100	da9c8e93-5f03-43ff-a1c2-b3be526fbd8b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:28:41	-463.105
-79	84382	4219100	35b9a84b-4d2f-4113-8e21-dcc1f7a052c6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:42:53	-215.903
-80	42192	4219200	d08a68ee-fa92-4ce5-addd-4ef28566effb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:54:14	-818.51
-80	84384	4219200	5a2424f2-3d4d-4b10-802b-fd3f2fc2b74f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:20:38	610.243
-81	42193	4219300	e8526549-a9ac-4554-accf-a58e26f9a785	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:40:35	256.131
-81	84386	4219300	281124ef-e9c7-45e0-a765-3ec2f88279a8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:13:26	373.86
-82	42194	4219400	3638c712-bfc2-4911-8713-4050f15052ea	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:26:59	-77.185
-82	84388	4219400	be763785-651f-4e35-a0aa-14521d6ec586	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:41:50	920.5
-83	42195	4219500	6b547f77-b100-4757-8088-ae79cba9a926	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:40:21	705.527
-83	84390	4219500	3363c8c4-9cc3-4b1e-a929-3d0c34123f39	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:06:10	-75.390
-84	42196	4219600	c84a2d28-acbc-44fc-817c-0eefe3ea1000	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:10:35	-657.711
-84	84392	4219600	c4d0b8e2-fcdb-42c8-a120-05a89b4788ef	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:26:40	881.283
-85	42197	4219700	ffb877ef-5ee4-4a1b-9f31-5b0d36249522	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:55:33	565.555
-85	84394	4219700	bb33b452-3492-4547-915f-b13350ee34b1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:56:57	-478.729
-86	42198	4219800	20699dde-8942-4e97-9405-8287114ad14a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 09:43:07	-176.74
-86	84396	4219800	abfcd8df-7528-4f8c-b7d2-5b7fbc2a870b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:06:37	-414.462
-87	42199	4219900	6083eea9-3d26-44c6-aa17-cc7cf50b5cfc	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:46:24	406.816
-87	84398	4219900	81edd6c2-a9a2-4aa9-9719-8ae0ea52b5cc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:47:23	765.932
-88	42200	4220000	e9cb3b65-0893-4dbd-a84d-29fde04bf0fb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:30:08	-4.29
-88	84400	4220000	9b198794-402c-45ed-ba0f-c2a30dbf7a66	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:04:31	906.263
-89	42201	4220100	a0b5fb4c-95af-48eb-8faf-f6f7ac76a4e3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:08:40	-440.783
-89	84402	4220100	42783dcb-1df5-42c8-9103-6d3367e8f68e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:50:35	264.978
-90	42202	4220200	a1783601-1867-4d17-9fa1-944d2055c4ee	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:09:28	686.259
-90	84404	4220200	98677540-71b5-4c26-bfe5-fc3b3f2ca0cc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:53:46	-823.570
-91	42203	4220300	cd23af47-5d5e-4245-be4a-ecb446462a6c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:08:10	187.605
-91	84406	4220300	839664b4-5288-44aa-878f-c587864bdc5e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:54:47	-459.170
-92	42204	4220400	da7b471a-3828-460c-aca1-d2bc666c9090	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:48:44	-190.223
-92	84408	4220400	0381a88e-13c7-41b4-9ae1-e20acb1cf875	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:22:46	-911.621
-93	42205	4220500	dfb0e7c1-990b-4094-8f89-31e8e99263d2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:39:04	-38.639
-93	84410	4220500	3d9f039f-9306-4270-9ffe-1cb33178bd0b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:55:15	753.573
-94	42206	4220600	585880ba-ec44-47f4-9bdf-7fb1cd3998ac	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:32:12	-422.104
-94	84412	4220600	7ca84ad8-4f27-494e-9f6c-34304fecf4ed	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:06:20	-358.491
-95	42207	4220700	37c1bdb2-eb43-4327-9b9f-3e690ff0a8db	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:57:09	769.315
-95	84414	4220700	86efebdf-52b8-499c-9eac-d08bde1a42fd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:01:51	-585.571
-96	42208	4220800	e1f184d1-5ec3-45e5-852a-562ea46b1b5c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:25:47	102.924
-96	84416	4220800	a341c244-4fe7-4c9f-a33b-e3da80ef81d3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:40:04	465.838
-97	42209	4220900	8fee5f07-6280-4905-b1f4-2dc7ece77d06	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:31:34	-245.913
-97	84418	4220900	f2f6b802-784e-4591-983a-5a40212a0629	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:55:22	-761.476
-98	42210	4221000	c429faea-103e-4b4c-8f21-c93969e6896c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:54:35	-730.739
-98	84420	4221000	deb30b9d-9e56-4794-bf06-0740c11dcd54	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:28:11	-719.137
-99	42211	4221100	54d33b93-c530-4244-8be4-912c1a503fc5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:30:26	242.767
-99	84422	4221100	a0a7cf31-eae4-47bd-91f1-d2d05d64a991	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 08:18:41	-977.465
-100	42212	4221200	cf81a985-d74f-43f3-9b30-366cb26748d8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:36:04	95.972
-100	84424	4221200	4aa72878-fc92-452d-8de3-a994a38f9651	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:01:45	-940.621
-101	42213	4221300	f8b0051c-5a6a-4e8c-bce6-c9ab04544279	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:43:22	583.25
-101	84426	4221300	03adad79-11dc-496b-a71a-41f47530d3ae	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:56:24	481.656
-102	42214	4221400	502830dd-040d-4705-8ffd-0748ca3d1724	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:17:08	-240.411
-102	84428	4221400	722ac2c5-fa91-415f-be80-ae02e2fe9049	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:47:44	-142.466
-103	42215	4221500	61c4dfc9-82df-4416-9b0a-e152f00f586d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:18:32	434.872
-103	84430	4221500	b7fa3d5e-b96b-4e95-a916-93f639aa5127	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:10:53	100.555
-104	42216	4221600	8767a15a-f32a-4de0-8139-fbe526b7e387	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:38:36	684.736
-104	84432	4221600	6006adc1-fcba-48e4-9b79-038ab62b6901	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:01:26	56.706
-105	42217	4221700	5f994a49-1b14-4714-87f0-b64756433e40	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:36:18	-41.137
-105	84434	4221700	d47c5cd2-99e7-45f4-b2b3-d68ff5575e34	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:35:48	-910.132
-106	42218	4221800	ed35167e-2048-4649-97bf-5c16d81191ca	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:29:30	-244.205
-106	84436	4221800	c66cd3fb-f414-4364-969d-3d3aafbd2bc0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:24:07	866.748
-107	42219	4221900	65790047-cd6a-4d11-9a97-aaca5509f02b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:46:02	-651.693
-107	84438	4221900	bfb592b7-0f62-415e-9529-0eaf6cb3f9cc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:33:19	-876.474
-108	42220	4222000	bd18814a-a8ce-4e88-b574-28b6a6db12ed	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:37:36	374.456
-108	84440	4222000	f1462063-555b-4aa8-87ad-de0dee97c062	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:12:57	-220.291
-109	42221	4222100	bcee1b8d-2ba2-418e-894b-2a0037c731e9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:03:19	-89.348
-109	84442	4222100	d430167a-8714-48d7-8bc8-dd15ac4ae6b9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:19:11	-209.729
-110	42222	4222200	8c9c560e-6cc5-4351-864f-9dd11e6de221	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:39:45	-969.124
-110	84444	4222200	65af437c-96e5-4925-866d-b5163a86a7ae	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:12:15	-174.913
-111	42223	4222300	43b9c679-7345-47f5-8494-741f6b39d5d8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:42:16	131.27
-111	84446	4222300	9b8903b9-d2e2-48fc-9859-39e7a2f140ad	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:57:05	-289.176
-112	42224	4222400	4e556c92-e04d-495b-9687-65bd3e9794c9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:58:03	-110.737
-112	84448	4222400	1c98f2db-0cdb-4a1a-8b09-c63100886527	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:59:42	706.250
-113	42225	4222500	bf57bfa6-18ab-4c4b-9fa2-c69f792f67a4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:00:30	633.599
-113	84450	4222500	157952d9-c0f5-411a-b4a1-06a2a81863bb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:09:49	974.436
-114	42226	4222600	9f1ca259-6785-4d9e-8309-e7503e590cc8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:49:26	521.848
-114	84452	4222600	93fd1a2b-7ee4-4a94-aea1-2a7b5f9f06ac	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:29:24	-198.8
-115	42227	4222700	c66a8e08-d465-48cc-bc8a-9e9a5ad33c7d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:36:51	811.144
-115	84454	4222700	1a41d8d4-7ba7-410f-bf03-ba1e5837a04f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:58:37	-885.33
-116	42228	4222800	1fc7e63e-4c1c-486c-a15c-730d75587704	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:41:00	-913.809
-116	84456	4222800	9b764087-3697-4d00-a2e4-6d1032dfa2ec	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:31:11	153.102
-117	42229	4222900	4dd02e73-4002-411c-a688-197c3a020467	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:06:16	666.241
-117	84458	4222900	1eae1e47-8fc6-4f14-b647-78157e0c1f9c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:21:58	-129.660
-118	42230	4223000	258ec1ac-eb4a-49c2-b8d2-f891b48d7ba7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:59:41	-28.99
-118	84460	4223000	59f3a159-a072-425c-a7ec-11b1313c8e66	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:06:47	706.834
-119	42231	4223100	7542547b-3c37-49dd-942a-8521b788e81c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:47:02	-367.248
-119	84462	4223100	3ec651c4-2f9b-45c5-b7a8-4d87ba48fc71	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:48:41	750.713
-120	42232	4223200	a9b9e21f-f563-4957-a501-5d4c7ef7bdeb	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:24:58	-300.438
-120	84464	4223200	bb2b3ea6-7910-49cd-b15e-812fbe9dbca0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:20:09	352.866
-121	42233	4223300	29beaaef-f2f1-438f-bdbc-6613a09e543d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:04:44	-900.990
-121	84466	4223300	d114912c-18fb-46da-81ea-6d095b547b42	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:24:27	-763.366
-122	42234	4223400	fdaebe53-021b-48cb-a58d-503e754a7584	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:46:18	948.278
-122	84468	4223400	53efde56-a106-42af-96e6-d899823fa728	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:46:40	-285.847
-123	42235	4223500	af0e7a64-ee57-4416-9b05-8e7a8e487673	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 01:02:08	-310.228
-123	84470	4223500	cc186af2-5022-4866-b30b-e58fd4bf8bc2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:50:56	202.744
-124	42236	4223600	92909061-b3df-43fe-ae80-6f5f56de5b98	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:06:34	13.678
-124	84472	4223600	ffbd6523-bb32-451d-967e-0d7fb595b85f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:57:30	875.108
-125	42237	4223700	0891950b-2efe-4ecc-b527-7342561a096b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:18:05	601.28
-125	84474	4223700	66e7a332-db8e-4269-8b02-b248981e26a8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:15:47	441.668
-126	42238	4223800	7d438088-a295-4e8b-ae0e-f7d848a7d091	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:46:52	963.304
-126	84476	4223800	4a6c7e45-d3ff-47e6-b4f2-e299d6fcaf2b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 14:04:13	-160.447
-127	42239	4223900	8eee8e16-c152-4672-a928-053abbf3456a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:11:48	-601.302
-127	84478	4223900	b3657673-7a99-45ad-9c77-4f7229a58ffc	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:51:46	-803.190
-0	42240	4224000	c9417815-ce49-4471-ac3e-523f3c1b187f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:03:51	-939.378
-0	84480	4224000	e16fbba9-c4d8-4cba-ad64-328e656b3acc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:53:28	212.624
-1	42241	4224100	ddc374d4-3a8c-4413-8954-caee6b49c5c9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:37:02	-138.597
-1	84482	4224100	f9fdd0b6-cf93-46d6-b746-1445adf0ad1f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:53:20	-541.336
-2	42242	4224200	dcbe860a-05e3-4eae-bc1f-18c4adeb2b97	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:18:57	-318.811
-2	84484	4224200	e9e1ec0d-d2d6-4d63-8f2e-89c4ce1c0131	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:42:37	-878.249
-3	42243	4224300	699cf9a3-63dd-41fa-9904-57d27cfddf96	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:06:26	504.362
-3	84486	4224300	7c2dd2a7-5a28-415c-96dc-b8f22ae2bce0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:56:45	-425.512
-4	42244	4224400	09ce99d8-88c6-4246-8a16-c7d3869c783c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:12:15	-305.798
-4	84488	4224400	bd010bb4-a457-4349-a46c-6e8d43127116	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:59:02	-84.981
-5	42245	4224500	83d37eea-1008-4bf4-9b5f-f6b5a9a429ca	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:48:29	-360.27
-5	84490	4224500	c45b20f6-6bab-4b9a-8a18-3097c46f3081	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:59:43	-924.10
-6	42246	4224600	e8c7f49e-3722-476c-8c66-1bbb369e7255	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:58:16	846.617
-6	84492	4224600	56f5b06f-1e95-47c9-9321-2e18adc092f3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:51:50	841.304
-7	42247	4224700	85821e5d-e31c-4ae7-af7e-068eb085705b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:46:32	-711.365
-7	84494	4224700	d10973de-4653-4b67-b5b2-936496c5ee2c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:54:44	879.602
-8	42248	4224800	c3bda6b6-2eed-4b7d-bf6b-c4e3935dd909	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:10:08	-477.940
-8	84496	4224800	3ebf1059-f67c-4099-8e29-e16e951dcdfb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:55:10	-275.584
-9	42249	4224900	c5e4e5f2-feab-4c12-9779-8f0b67c72671	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:39:45	-290.690
-9	84498	4224900	4d016828-728b-419d-bc11-93086c1034c7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:54:18	-370.266
-10	42250	4225000	ffe2a8f9-3dad-4194-841b-4f35dde0bf3a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:09:28	988.392
-10	84500	4225000	ff46807b-4ac5-4674-bacf-b622f06a3007	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:27:08	-108.374
-11	42251	4225100	c05165ee-7efd-4de8-bafd-e2b4ad719d35	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:13:36	912.565
-11	84502	4225100	a56787ec-be0f-46ce-b213-49a809e41c16	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:32:08	187.829
-12	42252	4225200	113b07a9-36a6-4535-90c8-881783a89228	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:52:17	-604.663
-12	84504	4225200	a0927540-c267-4446-be26-f1e354b21087	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:38:17	9.142
-13	42253	4225300	efeb51c2-eef3-4c57-be5d-8bbe75380d86	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:04:52	998.359
-13	84506	4225300	8d977bb1-9378-4178-8595-c8ff7b0a2500	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:41:44	-393.320
-14	42254	4225400	e49cf004-5ca2-41bc-93ef-56c5aecc9680	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:33:47	-868.730
-14	84508	4225400	28a0cd11-d16c-4808-8d35-48cd6bf8d15e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:18:10	-119.348
-15	42255	4225500	246c1110-ecaa-4d36-8890-6f436656ecfb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:43:07	-573.60
-15	84510	4225500	efc3e934-eac0-4860-bba6-2746c7a7c557	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:00:51	-417.630
-16	42256	4225600	77065506-06ca-45ca-8163-311dc82e51fb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:32:29	535.46
-16	84512	4225600	d34f0364-3155-4ff0-9e79-b49c0f1383fc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:23:43	-10.192
-17	42257	4225700	3bbc1849-9cde-45e4-bab6-dd0069c18c39	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:57:55	-220.524
-17	84514	4225700	56c8a62a-11cf-45ad-a4a7-89e2e13e78ef	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:52:52	-180.939
-18	42258	4225800	a5339146-e5ca-4064-bdf2-aa1a86e75193	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:55:14	165.607
-18	84516	4225800	65521518-c9aa-4bee-b0f5-1229d529f569	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:23:33	913.526
-19	42259	4225900	6cfb1cd3-0240-4e6c-820b-89c032171f30	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:16:47	437.642
-19	84518	4225900	52a69a1d-acf1-4faf-b122-0528923244dd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:25:23	-349.236
-20	42260	4226000	3c1560b2-a4ed-4fc8-93c1-e4eec6846cfd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:43:50	-502.461
-20	84520	4226000	20a025b7-5600-4f0e-b71c-910327488550	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:08:00	-597.774
-21	42261	4226100	66b4b8fd-3cb4-4cec-bb70-6347e0459edb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:29:59	469.3
-21	84522	4226100	0918524d-0d2f-48e7-843a-feac66ab2a9b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:56:52	636.254
-22	42262	4226200	32986ecc-d9ad-4f0a-bf67-ffb503ce7635	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:34:27	928.339
-22	84524	4226200	05f216f1-b278-470b-a4b4-f06fcaf6c71a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:49:15	-242.160
-23	42263	4226300	89690ff2-4661-49a2-93c1-fd7d57effef4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:44:51	516.969
-23	84526	4226300	cb6e0723-bb0a-4553-819c-a79eafbb7a05	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:21:51	597.834
-24	42264	4226400	7f4a6a73-c6c9-47eb-83aa-a8a7d8316292	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:16:18	-760.933
-24	84528	4226400	7e4e8fc5-a591-4686-b04e-8d218d0181c4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:01:07	4.633
-25	42265	4226500	c75f2943-f1ce-46ed-89cf-d007029cf052	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:57:41	-150.402
-25	84530	4226500	e8c2713b-ce9f-4e88-8e15-c9bf34c828f3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:32:05	-913.789
-26	42266	4226600	27c0bbc6-45b0-49e7-aa7c-95f996de71ed	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:49:17	519.520
-26	84532	4226600	fade0ef6-06b7-4f06-8160-9f0d5d6b0968	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:25:42	-895.783
-27	42267	4226700	948220ed-8349-4b05-b4a7-a818d160c30a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:20:56	68.186
-27	84534	4226700	2c6a3a7a-f3e0-43cd-9814-4ad21eee56c4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:16:11	691.819
-28	42268	4226800	d0a3b4c8-b0d0-4b42-93ae-f7678abe235d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 19:55:18	540.53
-28	84536	4226800	2d68688e-3b1e-40af-9901-93364054c839	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:19:22	655.55
-29	42269	4226900	75ea4f4f-e353-483a-bd57-645a99ad027d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:39:51	509.244
-29	84538	4226900	b2c41d53-e85f-47f5-9a1e-3d1e2cb28333	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:58:45	839.38
-30	42270	4227000	3fcb796c-e7ea-4d4d-ad62-fabb25739bf2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:23:44	76.631
-30	84540	4227000	4c60bccf-6a9b-48fa-8b25-5190c78309c6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:44:14	-337.446
-31	42271	4227100	4c275d33-0230-4a3b-bd73-a3d381eaa8da	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:02:21	-499.626
-31	84542	4227100	5eb715a1-75f3-48e7-b52f-991cae0f5318	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:40:02	-175.351
-32	42272	4227200	d14357e4-7507-4d5e-9d86-710cbaf14eaa	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:37:33	-656.773
-32	84544	4227200	41ebbfef-627b-44c7-8065-33ca9b6bf0c0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:20:32	-955.513
-33	42273	4227300	e8141fa5-4d8e-4834-a69c-9828a1134856	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:49:32	-81.390
-33	84546	4227300	b0384921-12d6-4f77-befb-80851ae80ff9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:18:11	282.549
-34	42274	4227400	68abc92a-98d9-4416-b50f-f8b1e7d75fe0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:11:57	878.508
-34	84548	4227400	49981b3c-9e51-462a-a4ad-d0b53f29e08c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:53:56	352.935
-35	42275	4227500	a8940e14-e2af-47b0-8ecc-d160ed6e919c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:50:38	387.239
-35	84550	4227500	23a3b892-f14b-4075-ac32-a40e21ee8e77	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:20:28	-82.994
-36	42276	4227600	4c7bcb7f-c081-4ab5-bd52-e516d567c5a9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:16:17	-470.429
-36	84552	4227600	388fdcc6-0eed-4e20-a59f-a2b5d20d88df	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:24:23	-858.859
-37	42277	4227700	1a649d8f-1abb-4989-bc1a-a9a22921a9a2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:57:30	378.430
-37	84554	4227700	05b3c898-3e5b-45c5-8612-b97f75252532	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:25:04	226.411
-38	42278	4227800	a36c1b3a-c78e-4616-8464-06ebcf34547a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:21:52	-150.18
-38	84556	4227800	b85e0f49-3818-4979-9614-180fcd3b31f3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:56:02	159.671
-39	42279	4227900	bb6b191e-21b5-4f50-bf3f-deffcd9901e8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:06:59	-623.263
-39	84558	4227900	d014a0e0-6f65-4c13-bc28-26bad9bfbbd6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:09:58	-163.324
-40	42280	4228000	29b658d6-2eff-4d44-ba1a-379a1fb04682	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:33:24	-633.47
-40	84560	4228000	8572895f-295c-42dc-86d9-35c992de4be0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:55:38	-631.403
-41	42281	4228100	56aa2ca4-c187-4e90-8ab0-a87e9639428f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:42:09	621.640
-41	84562	4228100	9247de75-0690-4773-9708-ce143c26330d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:10:23	82.508
-42	42282	4228200	1de4e40a-8474-4263-81ce-c563e401b0d9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:32:20	46.815
-42	84564	4228200	6a61cc36-63f6-4a4f-a5fd-39fd87f297ec	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:25:03	770.640
-43	42283	4228300	23803dbd-125e-4ef2-8568-ac2897deb497	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:03:11	580.811
-43	84566	4228300	4b382962-1466-4fb9-8c61-0183d8811419	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 14:05:42	-100.105
-44	42284	4228400	66ac8369-1200-4a09-8423-92c7ee0bd2d3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:07:12	957.571
-44	84568	4228400	c622b1fb-f9e2-443d-aa79-79d9137f0ce2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:20:17	-138.49
-45	42285	4228500	7c27ceb4-17ce-45d4-9f5a-b4dd56920910	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:43:13	-161.207
-45	84570	4228500	211aa96d-0495-4c96-a369-2a1e41d12054	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:46:02	-800.944
-46	42286	4228600	16c519fd-7179-490e-9d85-7e60edac74a3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:58:59	-509.303
-46	84572	4228600	59196648-88b7-458d-a243-2b72b89243f8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:56:53	574.929
-47	42287	4228700	a1fe688f-616c-4c1e-9495-38a5c4741b42	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:54:48	-62.386
-47	84574	4228700	7487b034-a3ea-41a7-a5cc-fe01e6ae9619	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:54:39	604.806
-48	42288	4228800	7916f69c-99c0-44ca-8f56-afae5fc2a420	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:53:00	-653.613
-48	84576	4228800	8c02fa37-658f-4f39-8f8b-60324ce728f9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:07:12	292.753
-49	42289	4228900	50cde803-30b9-4822-917d-29a0a518df39	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:10:55	-161.308
-49	84578	4228900	6757a805-7e14-435e-b3f7-3ff19e95b487	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:37:30	-999.494
-50	42290	4229000	00c9f990-06fb-4825-b360-d6abd2111e81	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:35:10	381.158
-50	84580	4229000	a63ed2b4-f96b-44c4-98fe-827a13c04c5c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:26:22	258.993
-51	42291	4229100	8be4677e-b3ca-4ec6-9be1-d45e2dbe1623	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:54:52	592.139
-51	84582	4229100	abd006fc-d238-463f-a043-a2dceba72628	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:42:06	-207.876
-52	42292	4229200	850489e3-49a0-41cb-ac5e-2db810ff5adb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:34:34	951.727
-52	84584	4229200	32f851fd-d1dd-4d5e-9bbc-daa4a7e3fa70	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:57:19	-589.581
-53	42293	4229300	96620ba4-2f2b-40b3-8fa1-188eb8c0ddbb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:09:21	-896.870
-53	84586	4229300	0e35f967-310f-4d67-86b1-30f8f05a7192	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:03:05	473.470
-54	42294	4229400	0539ad43-ba44-4f54-b7b4-1c25ed92fe47	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:30:36	832.908
-54	84588	4229400	53cbffc7-be0b-4442-bc72-229c939283b3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:15:28	-184.931
-55	42295	4229500	e908f2ba-ee87-4f9a-bdf9-28827d07920c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:37:26	-466.400
-55	84590	4229500	d57a5b0d-a923-4394-adc5-40d6fe158d35	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:46:38	343.31
-56	42296	4229600	4a4bf7ff-97d2-432f-9184-9aca46ac72e7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:21:37	813.28
-56	84592	4229600	5d8b7a72-3ef7-440a-947a-9a2dcd53bb64	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:48:13	324.363
-57	42297	4229700	7b85fa4f-c9d9-45f4-be6f-4aec8ce1316f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:13:54	91.829
-57	84594	4229700	544c04a4-1015-4e36-b3f9-0e0b823578f8	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:19:09	45.519
-58	42298	4229800	c49e0dc4-5750-4955-b542-d014382e2f91	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:58:53	-521.728
-58	84596	4229800	6f43c022-8529-4751-89a6-1b126dfa9029	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:26:02	806.590
-59	42299	4229900	0d03bd6f-fc37-4316-8b64-dc752d18ca60	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:37:34	90.553
-59	84598	4229900	df81701d-ad23-4e35-a2e7-2414d2320d26	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:28:20	141.375
-60	42300	4230000	14b48cb3-4651-4498-89dc-42b2e8540674	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:01:03	-835.672
-60	84600	4230000	b59b8bf5-36b2-4d11-9785-da798d1a9339	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:09:46	-60.876
-61	42301	4230100	f41ddf5a-4c59-43cb-ae72-9137dc6add7c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:24:29	-626.681
-61	84602	4230100	b889cc3e-6a32-4d3c-b9b2-0e97fea676d6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:06:45	-98.180
-62	42302	4230200	32e1a0cc-978b-441c-b84d-20cf45bf8c48	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:07:18	-189.812
-62	84604	4230200	4c9766a9-b1a0-47c6-ae37-09d0b3aecf8f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:39:03	-821.876
-63	42303	4230300	b3e61cde-d140-4cb6-b66c-d8531abf0b21	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:01:12	243.270
-63	84606	4230300	450e03d6-36f4-4063-a7ac-9dd8845a6f84	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:28:49	560.370
-64	42304	4230400	c8385271-a83a-483e-be14-9127ab1961d4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:40:41	-921.598
-64	84608	4230400	1bdb5327-5bde-4ac7-a640-a4422530505d	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:00:25	-995.400
-65	42305	4230500	b1fee42b-1374-4219-9572-0f00bebed20e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:01:52	-864.164
-65	84610	4230500	a870d06a-ce11-4a3b-9eae-33e81ee410fb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:28:31	-616.322
-66	42306	4230600	5e64a643-f914-4129-961a-ed89760f689e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:48:53	-627.226
-66	84612	4230600	6593e11d-e1b5-4675-93cd-ee6fe77277a3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:44:04	884.912
-67	42307	4230700	15bea0e4-ae40-461e-97ca-c7bc51d970b2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:20:32	313.229
-67	84614	4230700	905d4a5b-eb37-41fd-b8d3-fee719d32739	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:38:16	-724.898
-68	42308	4230800	b9a32049-9bd8-4ac7-aa6b-1f649e637ed9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:47:56	-305.529
-68	84616	4230800	eb3221d3-3b6e-4b4e-bc5d-413ba995664d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:31:31	-989.588
-69	42309	4230900	d6300ab8-7f55-4c39-80db-18ffcec2f560	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:19:44	-664.690
-69	84618	4230900	054d152c-0f88-4a82-a0c4-7beb369b268e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:18:47	553.298
-70	42310	4231000	c90e3a5f-bab1-43e8-8565-410eba7182f2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:03:18	431.479
-70	84620	4231000	71fa6ffc-c127-4511-92b3-1b9c831ce84c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:13:26	-295.372
-71	42311	4231100	9f5c5ae8-e61d-4006-b677-03b51d195dc0	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:22:48	-695.504
-71	84622	4231100	bc3227bd-2150-4976-89fb-663911e8d0b0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:05:06	314.884
-72	42312	4231200	55ffa55a-52eb-46c0-a7f4-462c3f4f33b4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:14:00	-357.798
-72	84624	4231200	0e1de87f-f1b7-4e24-a361-dec57ffd00b0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:19:34	-737.241
-73	42313	4231300	1189ff73-16c0-4409-b43a-a3785bf0139e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:46:06	927.290
-73	84626	4231300	3e0bce18-4bae-4c2b-be92-9ffb3790bfd9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:52:08	976.321
-74	42314	4231400	20170159-2aa5-4404-8df3-40652c49d5d4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:56:50	-364.563
-74	84628	4231400	69973f39-450f-47c1-bb09-71aa61681e46	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:55:27	-112.798
-75	42315	4231500	7dc541b2-176e-4b71-9b35-96fd43c08309	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:15:07	680.513
-75	84630	4231500	4984e8c5-50a5-4471-a00e-d6201588a104	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:18:17	-546.950
-76	42316	4231600	26d2d332-d3d0-463e-81bb-c0a44200e119	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:25:26	655.348
-76	84632	4231600	e8591b1f-868e-4332-af8d-e3cd27e99eb2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:10:03	564.627
-77	42317	4231700	42dd8487-2fe9-45d2-bc8e-9e524d0806b9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:13:38	-382.206
-77	84634	4231700	b20b98bf-8329-4890-a4ad-cc72bc3d91e4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:06:07	-9.313
-78	42318	4231800	5ed447f4-d429-492e-a4c9-c3e38aadcbf5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:10:09	643.644
-78	84636	4231800	49a3c96d-c60e-480a-90a6-50d10c439c17	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:11:17	-980.831
-79	42319	4231900	3b10dccb-97cb-48af-b5a9-8bfcf7e0b178	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:02:35	673.271
-79	84638	4231900	618bc226-b22b-4267-b800-1fe02c917629	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:32:23	-762.639
-80	42320	4232000	511601ad-09ba-4941-a13c-414f03c5cdf6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:51:05	648.502
-80	84640	4232000	3ab5b012-e1bd-41c1-a322-1ad1f0cbb382	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:08:32	228.381
-81	42321	4232100	62b1c144-50a0-4311-b3ba-6debf5e37341	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:20:58	-809.951
-81	84642	4232100	154f10fa-4079-4cf7-ab92-00fb0f0c973f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:11:25	646.297
-82	42322	4232200	98aea1b4-cf5f-4baf-a093-1d423341a31c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:41:58	545.792
-82	84644	4232200	c3ab5860-6879-4c5f-97c8-38afbfb1d910	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:44:24	538.520
-83	42323	4232300	7581b944-dc38-49a0-b70e-2b4cfb4ae2d9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:44:20	-170.612
-83	84646	4232300	8ac0f9df-1f92-4d52-a427-922ea521c8cd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:51:50	126.494
-84	42324	4232400	0e7706a2-5ea9-4cdd-a0d2-39a1458b9722	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:02:32	618.231
-84	84648	4232400	41e351b5-9e22-43c8-aeaa-970c63a043e0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:34:49	374.353
-85	42325	4232500	0a7968a0-9f05-4f77-aabb-d2f5daecf076	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:07:31	-449.886
-85	84650	4232500	4f106dc8-339a-45d2-9e78-74f5c85efa2d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:20:23	902.91
-86	42326	4232600	dcdb27a7-2305-4a65-a9ec-dc5ce5b8e988	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:01:14	188.289
-86	84652	4232600	9931197f-cb8b-4650-a2f4-69c0446dbe23	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:30:06	-901.595
-87	42327	4232700	a43c4a20-6f2a-476f-a144-a62c62f60e7e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:23:25	633.103
-87	84654	4232700	3c197b47-7c2c-492a-91e7-a4f63474df81	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:08:04	499.573
-88	42328	4232800	1e749220-9ea3-4c43-b1d9-eb28846fb208	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:26:57	439.698
-88	84656	4232800	3079ab3e-e7d3-4e7b-ad5a-1398ad22c267	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:22:37	322.292
-89	42329	4232900	d5c7e9bb-1a1f-4fa7-a0ea-69ec33bbf401	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:05:39	-951.362
-89	84658	4232900	2294cb96-ba84-458e-9b70-3d269224bcaa	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:19:24	11.196
-90	42330	4233000	03b688bc-e24d-45b3-b0e9-5b37c611586d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:10:12	64.646
-90	84660	4233000	8b232f70-595f-4c3d-9d67-805447c2bbaf	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:18:26	905.426
-91	42331	4233100	02a09282-d8d1-44b9-acd3-6b88807559bf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:46:31	340.101
-91	84662	4233100	05abe83b-2b8d-4297-9f95-5342ef8a0c59	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:16:51	269.749
-92	42332	4233200	80687180-a88c-4f16-9f77-444f871426fc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:42:16	191.903
-92	84664	4233200	c07dc2a8-f499-43f7-b3af-f28d5bcb8e2c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:36:02	955.429
-93	42333	4233300	2da89c6a-0a0e-47e8-9354-d2de6047f3fd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:04:53	851.635
-93	84666	4233300	c9467f85-20dd-4546-95fb-47480ded283c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:19:31	427.208
-94	42334	4233400	a08be2dd-0b33-4dbd-9bed-d754f55adf14	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:31:30	836.807
-94	84668	4233400	795f79eb-48d7-4485-b02b-a93330f51c61	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:07:06	-189.751
-95	42335	4233500	11b61885-8d48-4ebc-9b57-5d7881310076	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:07:28	53.770
-95	84670	4233500	eb29f00d-ba82-4a77-b64d-7eee34a4ae3f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:44:06	-247.685
-96	42336	4233600	e97a95fa-4dfd-4a7e-aab1-c7692dfac443	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:08:03	369.369
-96	84672	4233600	c8de7359-7f71-4bd6-b8db-c2de0b1ff67e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:52:32	-903.380
-97	42337	4233700	9fa7c615-7cae-457b-ad05-49ba14deedaf	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:37:16	558.301
-97	84674	4233700	2ec31b8a-bd0a-431a-9008-ac67fb0e080b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:12:13	679.627
-98	42338	4233800	bdb9c43a-c32f-450a-833d-b7613b51ef14	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:15:58	-214.979
-98	84676	4233800	c81839f8-1b14-4c7b-8162-4266bbb39bb4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:54:04	909.839
-99	42339	4233900	25c31e2d-2ca8-4bfa-9984-77e97aee5701	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:12:23	163.693
-99	84678	4233900	a1dc8497-5d9b-44a8-a894-2363d73103b4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:10:55	-891.459
-100	42340	4234000	6a780e27-bd07-4d6b-91de-f27bfc3e4334	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:01:58	-325.670
-100	84680	4234000	4fc3f2e3-6077-407f-8cab-3738e56490e7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:42:04	-300.694
-101	42341	4234100	e4c5c652-58b3-4162-95c0-62165439071f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:08:51	559.438
-101	84682	4234100	d29733fe-fb61-409d-a889-df48ba34a5e8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:17:31	-495.966
-102	42342	4234200	cf1c613e-03b9-4a67-adc5-bfd062fedfcc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:49:53	-212.397
-102	84684	4234200	d0321c80-fab3-4532-9d2a-4bb1245d4c6f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:55:48	938.281
-103	42343	4234300	ad15a864-66dc-4768-af44-19eed53db001	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:52:10	-50.745
-103	84686	4234300	253d9337-5a6c-4fa5-8359-1df48eedc81d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:22:40	163.80
-104	42344	4234400	afd37d7e-1733-4b35-909d-4ba9dd0d47f2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:25:37	363.913
-104	84688	4234400	c3fed746-a46a-4d48-a35f-5227e6fc744f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:48:39	607.812
-105	42345	4234500	3fab9f16-b636-4594-9b53-7825dbf900cd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:04:05	-917.731
-105	84690	4234500	8aba20b5-8cbf-4227-8b81-66ee087b2472	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:01:53	-557.947
-106	42346	4234600	a7835bed-95da-4c52-8fd5-8e4a36890f70	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:09:04	988.802
-106	84692	4234600	af58a9c0-ba6a-4840-8236-8fc08329859c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:33:43	365.618
-107	42347	4234700	e0c027af-bc63-44d1-801e-4e68d061cebb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:51:39	364.630
-107	84694	4234700	e1139f5b-0418-4e92-9f70-9b12dcae8dea	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:38:56	759.820
-108	42348	4234800	73fe6a88-820f-4dc6-b4fc-234d6ebb5787	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:33:47	452.4
-108	84696	4234800	f981905d-7e6d-49a3-a624-f0c2fa12350e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:17:41	-864.409
-109	42349	4234900	a4d04f32-15e2-422d-8688-8b75ab1ff78e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:11:02	-887.497
-109	84698	4234900	797fe3ae-7857-4a87-8f28-2ee647a31605	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:31:47	-753.173
-110	42350	4235000	d9bbb622-49bb-480b-9bfe-8848b72dd221	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:43:08	-827.344
-110	84700	4235000	01d11b13-7a3e-4e65-a4a0-1c88d4d5578f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:16:28	24.827
-111	42351	4235100	1226b971-8e89-4dd0-b868-3561f309748e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:51:26	-736.18
-111	84702	4235100	c54a9891-3230-4966-a712-e3535dad4502	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:14:07	-765.569
-112	42352	4235200	0909f349-2410-43cd-8d5f-5239edf377d4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:37:34	8.176
-112	84704	4235200	39b93209-f8bf-4ed4-bf7d-29b6e6d5c821	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:25:59	-252.44
-113	42353	4235300	a27af156-689f-4449-8dbd-4c4fcc5e54a5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:02:22	889.456
-113	84706	4235300	4e8d7e75-f1a5-415e-8093-f9190051cd9c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:42:17	70.417
-114	42354	4235400	901d5f9d-b2a1-400f-b93b-6ba99a1df51c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:29:03	315.788
-114	84708	4235400	4e5c28d5-be5c-41a1-95d1-c0fd9014b160	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:05:54	-67.378
-115	42355	4235500	bcd20793-5094-4f28-a8ce-19dc007aaf1d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:52:07	433.656
-115	84710	4235500	56f5f6f6-669d-4056-b8ed-fa258ceaad54	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:56:40	-126.318
-116	42356	4235600	11c99706-7420-4692-b03f-3e96ba2123ed	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:50:33	-96.692
-116	84712	4235600	5b341a5b-a206-4815-a2fd-9557dcd29f20	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:37:04	-677.694
-117	42357	4235700	783db94f-db0f-4a20-84fd-294d4ce7e382	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:06:52	-929.332
-117	84714	4235700	b98074c4-2588-4122-8516-72df0fad79d6	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:10:26	-253.649
-118	42358	4235800	055a7158-040c-45a3-8017-682fe6975481	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:59:35	-67.625
-118	84716	4235800	d302a20e-1019-4480-ab7b-6a7e6ace28a1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:39:06	-979.415
-119	42359	4235900	1ea76766-f9d8-4bcc-bc24-d92c2d6067ed	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:51:46	-506.170
-119	84718	4235900	1b85a1b4-fada-4316-ac10-f8702bd5f8f7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:05:46	-120.254
-120	42360	4236000	f0f37715-db78-4d3f-9129-b49e5e3217fb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:16:22	50.136
-120	84720	4236000	af182274-54ef-4727-88c3-ac47c2291712	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:55:39	41.318
-121	42361	4236100	f589e54f-4b3a-4191-8483-866f640125d7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:55:39	138.255
-121	84722	4236100	60bb39f6-05ab-4102-bef8-63cb45028d32	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:58:15	890.764
-122	42362	4236200	3314a2f0-0ccf-4749-91f7-68e77e5a0545	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:38:01	675.621
-122	84724	4236200	0711776d-410a-48e1-97af-d9e8c08334b1	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:38:22	-842.330
-123	42363	4236300	7633ad0b-7301-451a-a25e-4778595e0c5d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:46:29	169.413
-123	84726	4236300	9a28bebd-feac-4156-88d0-8dcf254e3981	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:54:57	-493.693
-124	42364	4236400	1669c1b5-53ad-4aa8-9307-91a3467ca899	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:11:56	721.7
-124	84728	4236400	96efb6cf-8195-4c62-844d-651a05651480	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:06:08	648.397
-125	42365	4236500	67292490-e351-4391-b841-d6769cc758c3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:18:00	355.847
-125	84730	4236500	6f9a9c51-b357-4a14-9a80-87ca9cf2bb79	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:24:15	207.674
-126	42366	4236600	e21dd480-309d-4e84-b00a-456edb37df46	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:35:56	560.90
-126	84732	4236600	2f35a625-e532-4a38-9cd1-bf7fb8b609bf	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:00:23	485.625
-127	42367	4236700	a1a24da8-bbe2-4f5f-9737-c154e87dce04	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:05:23	357.394
-127	84734	4236700	f4130a39-a697-40d8-993f-1d2ee680a90e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:59:37	80.815
-0	42368	4236800	a6b6d5a9-0e73-44b7-81e3-2925d2781bbc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:46:27	553.422
-0	84736	4236800	4fa6f520-544e-4c07-b078-a3004eec52fb	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:22:13	119.805
-1	42369	4236900	a15d8303-412b-4f59-8475-f5bcca8b8ff7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:43:12	215.18
-1	84738	4236900	5bcf8d14-dc2d-4b5d-b3e0-985bc62a4a16	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:20:32	678.101
-2	42370	4237000	6ab2791b-5bae-47aa-8fb1-0f46c00a2b2f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:24:23	-608.608
-2	84740	4237000	3e3827ea-637f-4b43-97d8-9e39c66e9bbf	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:48:45	781.221
-3	42371	4237100	a767a3d1-726f-45c7-8dd7-654a0fe707e7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:58:09	-542.657
-3	84742	4237100	3485c4db-1dc8-45b5-bd5a-3fca0e275cfe	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:34:05	199.539
-4	42372	4237200	920826b5-7328-4cf5-9fe8-4c6038c0f806	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:59:03	-503.756
-4	84744	4237200	552a2f91-4d95-4513-82e4-7957a08e41b0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:16:16	858.349
-5	42373	4237300	00f95dd8-66ec-43c6-bf76-2ad296f1fdc6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:04:51	251.377
-5	84746	4237300	674dc765-ec7b-41eb-b17a-7b4a5d532bc5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:33:02	529.11
-6	42374	4237400	58ea4b1d-6390-4e7d-9bc0-4fc13e05da63	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:07:48	-361.703
-6	84748	4237400	35f1b1cb-a81a-4bb0-b0f9-761f7e61fd1e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:13:16	718.625
-7	42375	4237500	0aef7dca-6367-46a5-9c1d-d3cc76c7835f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:16:15	625.529
-7	84750	4237500	b55cb3d8-9b71-4d0b-9afe-e0851cefb568	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:55:18	567.956
-8	42376	4237600	d208826e-974f-428c-9e98-342990d6dac1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:13:28	-814.182
-8	84752	4237600	cfbbbbc9-1e0c-4628-85fd-2f028c37829b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:27:33	486.923
-9	42377	4237700	77af3094-ada2-4abd-920e-1ab38902b2ae	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:01:37	-150.408
-9	84754	4237700	38b12fbd-6521-4088-9fe8-30b2d14c219f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:26:50	-239.391
-10	42378	4237800	49fd15a1-c16a-499f-8bee-1bf19754168b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:44:43	-443.508
-10	84756	4237800	5153cce5-2ca9-4b93-8f2b-524fd9d559df	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:26:54	169.208
-11	42379	4237900	47657fec-90e5-49d1-86fe-f6c74024c357	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:07:55	-249.511
-11	84758	4237900	7c50ca33-63fd-4eff-a725-2a002643c3ce	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:05:00	493.125
-12	42380	4238000	f4dcadcd-43de-4817-b727-0d2bd1faacd4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:55:34	-134.827
-12	84760	4238000	4fede08c-9702-429f-b75c-f763cb01d64d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:45:01	95.247
-13	42381	4238100	3c7bd3a0-76a7-47ab-bdb6-0f1b8b543fbd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:58:38	633.908
-13	84762	4238100	65cc9226-7c59-4a01-ac22-122de62caaee	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:50:29	-500.992
-14	42382	4238200	180babd6-a40f-4201-852a-489f24946c25	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:09:19	263.932
-14	84764	4238200	ada3821b-cbdb-4b37-a05a-7bf27c9c78b4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:17:40	-174.127
-15	42383	4238300	84a8f6cc-5dab-4bd2-8881-d877b70bd1f4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:53:45	372.116
-15	84766	4238300	58001ba5-efe8-4f40-80f4-08478cc4029b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:50:55	971.859
-16	42384	4238400	389e2182-1824-4e94-bb10-7cf7af43883f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:15:12	804.611
-16	84768	4238400	7dd970f5-0aae-40d3-9901-33bd7212a07b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:12:45	-179.233
-17	42385	4238500	17d12955-e950-4d3e-8963-09e7f7e74928	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:51:28	-75.401
-17	84770	4238500	9154758d-d6be-4383-980c-0dd163177dfe	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:55:38	-577.167
-18	42386	4238600	af075854-ae90-4b37-b143-e4dfeeb9f12b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:39:18	908.378
-18	84772	4238600	ee5a381e-0792-4070-895b-ad23b34c50da	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:12:50	957.959
-19	42387	4238700	057ac513-ee1c-4add-8a28-6b8ee7fcc12b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:16:10	-903.937
-19	84774	4238700	7c5cf6cf-ab47-4f33-9833-1b9740001707	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:42:56	685.41
-20	42388	4238800	45035477-03f0-4f6f-b259-02cdca0d7b8b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:17:54	-650.443
-20	84776	4238800	d5bb0d9e-7599-4c97-8019-29cdee8024f9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:19:16	164.763
-21	42389	4238900	a2390653-77df-43e4-8ee6-116e5e7021f1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:31:27	197.308
-21	84778	4238900	18c682a7-71f8-4f63-98e2-37b1ee0c3287	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:21:22	982.336
-22	42390	4239000	ba4b3397-e614-40f7-9363-2f0b7d53ae97	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:33:07	466.158
-22	84780	4239000	1649f51a-dc5d-4e76-bf7e-9205d148b2c6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:39:41	363.942
-23	42391	4239100	e7a0332b-27a2-4321-aef3-16cdde12785e	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:13:24	66.953
-23	84782	4239100	97dddd5a-41f1-41de-8de8-6cf9cac0ce0f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:30:31	384.911
-24	42392	4239200	6b6c0c9f-8a0b-41dd-9fc7-3f0b5cfa4e10	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:01:45	-375.329
-24	84784	4239200	0aca7d6e-88b7-4f32-928c-297dded20d78	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:28:59	468.892
-25	42393	4239300	2e2ee0f5-2d0d-4317-980d-15b4aa908a76	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:26:04	-203.831
-25	84786	4239300	3334c49c-e608-4182-a456-87671979453c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:12:22	-492.580
-26	42394	4239400	98e195a2-19e4-489c-b897-ebd1328a5c18	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:06:28	-102.310
-26	84788	4239400	57154ebc-a5a7-428a-bf28-30e13c562acc	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:33:06	358.351
-27	42395	4239500	1ab147dd-17d0-441d-b3b4-af227d97844f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:25:08	968.916
-27	84790	4239500	0f511492-4c0d-4118-933b-f9e73aeb91ca	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:12:49	-379.203
-28	42396	4239600	bd062401-6042-41dd-951b-64fc3fcf6d6d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:27:15	232.199
-28	84792	4239600	31cb1015-6e3b-4c9d-ada3-d3b8a1fb355a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:57:16	-315.858
-29	42397	4239700	6a0ca3b1-f9a7-41b4-94f8-9a69f2c50ea5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:58:47	-328.39
-29	84794	4239700	bce25962-fc98-44a4-bdfc-d407458872cc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:19:50	-251.976
-30	42398	4239800	fd9120ec-276a-470a-8218-0fa494364cd4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:29:56	520.694
-30	84796	4239800	1a664fd1-dd12-4dc9-bd58-90c5651522c8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:59:00	-346.666
-31	42399	4239900	d36ce3a2-0ef2-4c96-8b46-fb5d8f1d98e6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:22:29	166.31
-31	84798	4239900	5962b508-d3a5-4d23-85ae-ccb6d196ba40	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:19:45	771.145
-32	42400	4240000	1364ecfa-45e7-4adb-8eae-d5173cfc37de	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:13:21	839.797
-32	84800	4240000	fce023f2-b209-49c2-a44c-93ff482b412d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:51:58	-815.586
-33	42401	4240100	7440258f-e763-4f6f-955b-f605190c40ef	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:18:05	-65.777
-33	84802	4240100	aaf28a83-a943-488d-9f6d-49723447c35b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:57:55	854.334
-34	42402	4240200	5ab9c8db-1fcf-46ad-bde5-e96e9b85d4d1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:44:55	751.596
-34	84804	4240200	7a8df3ac-0819-4221-b2d1-5335a2f9eb4e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:10:34	238.716
-35	42403	4240300	d00f6fe1-3da5-4f37-bf22-e0db0983dfbd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:02:09	567.997
-35	84806	4240300	a7031909-83ad-4fc4-a758-2c739ac75f13	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:13:06	78.489
-36	42404	4240400	89a0764d-8996-4d1e-a3d9-a6e5fea13f16	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:42:53	321.137
-36	84808	4240400	f56c06b6-e7da-489e-adb3-cb08890bb4be	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:15:59	482.162
-37	42405	4240500	6702d0b7-6f94-4dad-80a0-76ec692c0f39	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:12:35	-63.188
-37	84810	4240500	dc1633d9-9bb5-4750-a36c-562f882429b8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:51:54	-678.491
-38	42406	4240600	4a6880ae-093a-4028-a8a2-1665f90e3a40	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:05:36	594.235
-38	84812	4240600	f2d44fc5-10bb-42b8-90c2-23a7d16079e9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:01:04	66.8
-39	42407	4240700	dd7ee56c-602b-4959-890f-21702b869813	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:42:06	891.32
-39	84814	4240700	a50f7497-9c56-4652-95f1-18fa356726ed	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:14:06	-896.652
-40	42408	4240800	f9622de8-5c5b-4c89-9d8b-1b5e42ba3c85	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:56:18	707.227
-40	84816	4240800	2721e5c1-c780-4e6f-afa8-05d078886f89	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:27:32	-936.912
-41	42409	4240900	f1b0d92a-350c-404a-9d41-a233e98c8722	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:43:06	-561.773
-41	84818	4240900	dcc23010-e113-44e9-9b7c-af997b5b2a7a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:12:11	212.887
-42	42410	4241000	f600a572-31d2-4600-b1fb-177866f74a6e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:22:59	-441.982
-42	84820	4241000	dd05716c-f454-497b-bb62-ff1a4c73b957	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:18:11	971.126
-43	42411	4241100	bd21b369-e7f6-408e-a461-3dd6d4788214	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 11:10:21	30.629
-43	84822	4241100	441a9da8-838b-41b8-9a27-e66ba0af468f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:01:46	363.859
-44	42412	4241200	fc823a96-503d-4eae-8392-0a02510ae8b7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:49:37	-567.454
-44	84824	4241200	2d2646a4-b8c4-4c47-8197-0f98b1164a28	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:08:55	-71.344
-45	42413	4241300	2a70d18e-e0ed-4dd4-8631-759521a4d22c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:53:52	804.210
-45	84826	4241300	4b7e36b4-49ce-4156-9ba8-c4dc2b9fa35e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:07:00	-532.68
-46	42414	4241400	88360fd5-3859-4f83-9da6-d00d0338a148	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:16:14	-561.166
-46	84828	4241400	5e12b18e-4eef-4814-b524-754a3c316dd5	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:28:04	-427.819
-47	42415	4241500	948306fa-e436-4e84-b909-a5c0da3a3441	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:56:04	-25.245
-47	84830	4241500	7329d8bf-d2b8-461a-92e3-2709754a66fa	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:56:09	612.885
-48	42416	4241600	1b3c6ae8-5d4e-4346-a07c-bf7e502615f9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:25:07	-534.336
-48	84832	4241600	270963e6-b10c-4a15-9946-1d62c1c53115	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:14:16	489.542
-49	42417	4241700	407156bd-68df-4ca0-9033-ef130306f262	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:43:01	-847.279
-49	84834	4241700	ae01798f-138c-4761-ac2c-e95eb2435a00	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:49:35	642.101
-50	42418	4241800	c5871ea6-a261-46fa-99c5-f5190f7eab82	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:56:44	-47.909
-50	84836	4241800	55119eb3-74f9-4e90-a22b-6da4d25cd0eb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:13:56	996.920
-51	42419	4241900	782a373b-77bd-4dac-ae4d-78dc32d0d075	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:38:46	114.287
-51	84838	4241900	357b178f-3e88-4369-98b2-a9b1707a5ecd	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:49:07	598.629
-52	42420	4242000	9fd82dfa-55d2-4c85-9fdd-9e35039d126d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:13:36	-413.34
-52	84840	4242000	5f9b48c4-3743-4ae5-baf7-16efc02ad3ef	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:04:05	-513.694
-53	42421	4242100	c1e5503f-576a-4b79-aa49-fc910b203241	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:00:25	-182.807
-53	84842	4242100	c8ce3775-2fab-4350-ac30-aebc72218986	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:42:17	398.147
-54	42422	4242200	98923d60-4dd7-4e08-a2cd-95526b5434ca	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:09:38	-28.567
-54	84844	4242200	7ed9e642-87d2-4357-9786-1bde0e04fb91	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:05:13	-920.401
-55	42423	4242300	787acb61-741a-41b1-86b9-80ad4fc27873	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:32:39	-329.817
-55	84846	4242300	b54586cc-9405-4824-9b4a-49fc6d41f85a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:16:11	-922.38
-56	42424	4242400	6d0c4580-250d-4ff3-9a02-feed0dd4df91	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:22:11	-263.296
-56	84848	4242400	1a6d5fdd-17ed-45c8-8183-454cbbbb664a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:34:26	16.919
-57	42425	4242500	9359e78b-31d9-47f0-9cc6-9177a5974aa3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:55:18	367.873
-57	84850	4242500	db7e734a-0923-44b9-9175-08c355a0dc65	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:03:51	-687.955
-58	42426	4242600	6eaee6a4-587b-4593-985d-9713a827817c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:05:10	-652.898
-58	84852	4242600	a962fa6c-4c15-4a60-93f4-e5cee4723189	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:46:24	190.334
-59	42427	4242700	78397317-143f-4204-beeb-4c0f9a1a3678	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:52:12	332.53
-59	84854	4242700	de230f99-d734-4516-80ae-49970e4db1e0	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:47:38	-494.85
-60	42428	4242800	494885b2-8730-497c-95f7-8929a73fc54d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:54:19	742.770
-60	84856	4242800	c6ca71f6-3f86-4ef4-bebe-828d24e4b6bd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:53:38	-187.825
-61	42429	4242900	a1a10a93-e946-455d-b41b-1c5167e06f54	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:16:22	-658.295
-61	84858	4242900	a2710d7c-f828-4d60-ba1c-ffa34bdd97f6	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:52:06	973.839
-62	42430	4243000	de218ba6-0e55-465f-a3cf-d24362fe3a95	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:02:58	-869.488
-62	84860	4243000	662fec1b-3000-41e1-bd59-a01e52553fcc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:00:24	-795.772
-63	42431	4243100	77944419-7e97-499d-9506-ceefaf932814	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:34:16	735.885
-63	84862	4243100	79fd1985-1ca2-42bf-9f49-96b0552a74ff	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:25:34	124.598
-64	42432	4243200	bef31ba7-c552-48c8-9ca3-4efacbc6eb35	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:05:07	539.829
-64	84864	4243200	9460c1ca-b261-49f2-be33-c56a9a321746	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:33:30	-88.343
-65	42433	4243300	28960502-5e79-4b50-b7a9-119391cbe400	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:14:25	-342.331
-65	84866	4243300	d3b4ddce-d7fd-4f08-a5b9-1da1038e474a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:30:57	66.720
-66	42434	4243400	00724786-0f01-420e-9231-19a9eefd6b50	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:23:58	897.21
-66	84868	4243400	1b8837a6-e921-4eca-9206-e16a8a8204fd	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:36:44	811.95
-67	42435	4243500	8627cee5-4c9e-4b74-8f90-9fc798651bb7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:02:28	878.680
-67	84870	4243500	0391d3ed-f4d7-465b-af72-588d8d03f9b8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:39:54	588.767
-68	42436	4243600	4095995a-2b4f-45ce-b897-d46302abbb5b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:01:42	-864.575
-68	84872	4243600	28cdfaa0-0b0c-4995-a7ce-08763882bad0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:41:06	44.86
-69	42437	4243700	44ddcb3b-236d-4c39-a658-1adc3d49b500	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:42:09	-843.298
-69	84874	4243700	92ee9942-ac6c-4ee9-9532-1aca7fca97f9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:05:50	483.230
-70	42438	4243800	9d30cad9-9c06-4d3e-b957-a40a2b20f031	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:11:44	969.29
-70	84876	4243800	66b46001-028a-4ac9-9bc4-643288bf074b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:30:10	-848.931
-71	42439	4243900	103e8265-2029-484e-a776-304f12bbd2ce	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:17:22	-45.261
-71	84878	4243900	f376dc0a-f5da-4d26-a422-69dfc4ca5ba2	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:02:58	-257.61
-72	42440	4244000	c74a0ec5-102c-429d-bf4e-cdc18e9d8f63	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:41:52	-4.952
-72	84880	4244000	61251f07-f694-4c66-8e76-875e7232e574	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:11:25	-771.111
-73	42441	4244100	8d3fecb6-a91b-4f74-81fc-c8766d4172a0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:14:45	-110.697
-73	84882	4244100	5a2ac139-b5bb-4943-b1eb-38e82956b0a3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:15:17	440.800
-74	42442	4244200	bd31c90c-dc7a-4afb-9995-5f4f29ff3d93	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:56:10	-77.154
-74	84884	4244200	ff0fc4d2-812c-4b5e-a6c2-67708a4ed059	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:51:08	67.356
-75	42443	4244300	b0e20029-df0a-4393-92df-53552d89b369	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:08:36	648.728
-75	84886	4244300	bd551ff0-45d5-470a-919b-6fc1b87c30f9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:57:58	-329.472
-76	42444	4244400	b09efccb-ed83-4747-a667-328a2e592164	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:35:34	632.82
-76	84888	4244400	5ce38d9d-7ef3-497c-8d44-2d29eb6a1342	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:09:02	439.980
-77	42445	4244500	e56475dc-9335-4c42-bc8d-41e0f9591b5a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:48:22	-200.318
-77	84890	4244500	65f04769-a4c2-4929-ba74-eeb52c974baa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:05:40	107.678
-78	42446	4244600	7e76ca5b-e0e3-46a1-bc85-b63d7587d401	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:35:00	-650.994
-78	84892	4244600	d01325e7-7bb4-4d33-b1ac-abc9689e3c2c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:59:52	70.648
-79	42447	4244700	49a7e318-dce1-42da-a6b6-c63de208df02	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:58:58	-42.616
-79	84894	4244700	cf433696-20fb-4f48-af26-bd3f736b5a86	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:14:54	-295.198
-80	42448	4244800	db13a2e9-c095-4c95-a874-42444e028584	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 22:14:40	-620.694
-80	84896	4244800	17084cab-8473-4282-9676-83b25a725fb5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 14:17:41	156.451
-81	42449	4244900	fe3e0a09-dd4d-4334-abf3-2599acec28ae	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:04:18	679.358
-81	84898	4244900	7f5a5307-b7e0-4036-8405-76dcea39ec00	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:29:27	827.979
-82	42450	4245000	2ab4f39e-79c3-49e8-96b1-aa0cbf3cfb0f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:28:46	474.704
-82	84900	4245000	4b39bce7-6f96-4749-add1-f63a91c17ff5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:26:31	776.730
-83	42451	4245100	22bba680-6d26-406e-bf49-42603f1a8453	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:36:35	-92.106
-83	84902	4245100	d72f2fb5-6557-441c-9232-ad59e659e1b8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:25:21	-583.474
-84	42452	4245200	2d4c8701-b845-4310-ba9e-56773c2b4676	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:04:51	-136.452
-84	84904	4245200	d443c23d-8c44-41d7-9c1e-9897f37206f7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:41:07	486.269
-85	42453	4245300	a2166994-d8e5-4681-85eb-d5b2346a5817	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:56:23	-616.491
-85	84906	4245300	995aec38-0520-4a1f-ba84-e559ba928294	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:02:37	799.465
-86	42454	4245400	f9c17639-c731-4c26-8371-8d687e5cdef2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:17:38	966.463
-86	84908	4245400	c16c6816-3460-44c8-80ed-c0e1425e15e4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:54:41	721.834
-87	42455	4245500	2443c5fe-26de-4434-925e-24a795642773	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 01:56:53	556.79
-87	84910	4245500	67e9bfa3-06c6-466f-a606-a7be92ff7793	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:02:47	933.982
-88	42456	4245600	d1403394-9939-473c-9b8d-0344acf286d1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:46:15	-541.218
-88	84912	4245600	7a20b9ef-b166-44c9-a216-019af59c7e4f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:25:24	-461.271
-89	42457	4245700	6df01b6c-ff85-4a1c-9dfe-c27b8c3b4e43	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:25:01	-775.382
-89	84914	4245700	76890066-0242-4778-8e79-eb99e1316424	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:58:25	-477.664
-90	42458	4245800	b1abafab-93f2-4d66-8984-1fbbe3f96c2e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:48:18	-182.444
-90	84916	4245800	e8068814-436b-406f-b676-c1741d25f2c2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:51:28	385.125
-91	42459	4245900	31e0982a-86a0-4b46-b688-e357de7ace14	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:39:03	-302.352
-91	84918	4245900	224bfb09-8cee-4370-b6b7-0597888bdb41	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:28:48	-253.67
-92	42460	4246000	2416152d-6b67-4a69-86aa-ab8f0f27fcb5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:15:17	-868.959
-92	84920	4246000	64d4a2f2-f0ed-48b0-915f-8df3c15594ae	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:29:49	-377.395
-93	42461	4246100	b7620c76-001c-49b4-8b12-4b3974d41b52	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:54:00	56.703
-93	84922	4246100	a5e00d5e-6e63-4eda-8d4b-dc06a548184a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:11:51	-740.525
-94	42462	4246200	1826285a-5a0d-4cfe-b269-c2f17bec6e7a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:35:13	-100.818
-94	84924	4246200	8bbefb98-592d-42c7-b261-63c0d3268545	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:39:37	-467.890
-95	42463	4246300	89398160-fd7b-4ea1-8f24-b9f03a195949	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:57:46	202.298
-95	84926	4246300	40d4b6ca-0402-4bb4-868a-03e95d4258df	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:37:53	-967.76
-96	42464	4246400	dc1da5f1-0d3e-4a5c-ad1b-c251dd98755b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:41:34	121.432
-96	84928	4246400	d103df48-a031-4085-9c57-2ee03b3a1fff	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:55:15	-23.545
-97	42465	4246500	b1f79fa8-1fc5-4449-b556-6a1ea488097c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:01:24	518.440
-97	84930	4246500	746a91e3-14bf-48d5-9dd3-881e9a5fef65	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:57:18	-81.563
-98	42466	4246600	b50c8e7e-79bf-46d9-85ac-70e17e828f44	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:42:24	54.994
-98	84932	4246600	a2c96e29-c634-4322-bd77-ec2749757e44	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:43:44	-872.92
-99	42467	4246700	174d8b5f-bd07-4aea-be7b-664e296fcf17	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:12:48	-187.109
-99	84934	4246700	cdbf5a4c-84a4-4c70-985e-77c21860aa3e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:00:36	-393.864
-100	42468	4246800	cefcb3c6-f90c-433c-97ae-4d62fc5ec2d3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:44:02	-321.890
-100	84936	4246800	ce7c7c58-fad6-4032-8423-3eef2cca23ff	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:04:02	400.719
-101	42469	4246900	4ee78dbd-49e1-4dc2-94e3-97fc9a910101	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:44:21	-993.385
-101	84938	4246900	446c4f7a-cb6f-46c4-90bd-5826b7bb3849	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:07:16	-635.167
-102	42470	4247000	46ed4282-2e5f-4704-912c-f7e7ae18418d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:50:53	-652.518
-102	84940	4247000	03ee153c-72d5-437b-8a91-f3faa1a5737d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:32:08	-644.767
-103	42471	4247100	4f411d31-71bb-4617-8c1b-19237e83c9a7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:45:16	910.774
-103	84942	4247100	53c5a9a4-8776-46b7-85f3-57431f2028ad	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:37:41	-209.626
-104	42472	4247200	8dbad081-ac4b-4d28-b44c-fa170e76255a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:09:45	166.238
-104	84944	4247200	30172227-4b16-4a39-983c-5ac859b30e83	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:03:32	467.936
-105	42473	4247300	f96f1f91-954b-4f04-a1c4-f21bd4068207	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:21:21	-995.289
-105	84946	4247300	b43a6e94-3806-4533-82e3-07b74747d3e9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:21:13	495.861
-106	42474	4247400	3561c8ce-8920-42e0-be4a-92fff9bc05e6	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 15:20:58	477.860
-106	84948	4247400	0cf89720-568c-44b6-a282-a5dd188421de	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:16:33	544.820
-107	42475	4247500	056c3af9-3e1e-435d-8467-1e40f0cc67c0	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:24:45	-619.817
-107	84950	4247500	f2b39acd-2823-477b-afa1-6d92adeac4b1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:17:52	12.695
-108	42476	4247600	cc3c342c-bd47-4bb6-ae37-b0bd6e0b25b4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:43:09	183.16
-108	84952	4247600	7bdec3e1-22b7-4ce5-886e-2dde4b1ba10c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:16:46	951.799
-109	42477	4247700	43f565d0-faf7-4cd4-a560-0165727fac49	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:46:57	-9.342
-109	84954	4247700	3403921a-8dca-4a60-b9df-0ef9c9657b25	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:23:24	240.827
-110	42478	4247800	03cce356-e656-40b3-a81a-c3e2caabaf18	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:08:16	-457.961
-110	84956	4247800	3d581a9c-5495-45e1-9e7f-02f41e0aa24f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:44:00	-23.489
-111	42479	4247900	663bcaec-da8c-4249-ad6b-e5940550471c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:37:22	60.180
-111	84958	4247900	519d0952-0fd7-4b11-8837-cd8a7a3184ad	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:47:29	-580.393
-112	42480	4248000	cfedbb04-753e-4c3e-be8e-ea86a371ad17	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:27:14	263.430
-112	84960	4248000	a86c107f-21da-499e-80ef-37e9a05098bf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:43:36	515.186
-113	42481	4248100	8c332ea7-d20b-403a-99a5-a0540d200bc0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:16:55	68.91
-113	84962	4248100	b9c17d51-8ce8-48db-929d-d978edc0c9b1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:49:56	-545.368
-114	42482	4248200	f0ad8c9b-bd5a-4560-92d0-53d49472d330	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:36:03	-57.964
-114	84964	4248200	d028dcc0-c475-4b36-822a-c98b65bed9cb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:14:57	-215.296
-115	42483	4248300	e41d8e87-86ba-4341-b667-461569ec28d9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:30:22	318.762
-115	84966	4248300	55a6a381-55bb-4fe3-9f24-38bc60d9b4da	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:15:21	165.144
-116	42484	4248400	645dfab6-7438-4ac6-81b7-cb9591a5f8e4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:07:26	561.22
-116	84968	4248400	76a6560e-2814-4d8b-b360-4d2a52cbe644	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:25:24	-884.987
-117	42485	4248500	f7427149-2c45-4112-aa16-2995b4a44f3f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:47:20	620.828
-117	84970	4248500	5cb435f2-b392-40f0-83a7-c88e02fb39a3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:34:24	-258.688
-118	42486	4248600	6b0afc05-f3d5-4670-88b5-56d985986702	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:50:31	851.740
-118	84972	4248600	c421d896-d694-484a-8041-74c70f42a8af	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:48:00	-4.53
-119	42487	4248700	6fa9c6d6-1e2d-4e19-8d0b-1f53c169e697	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:11:26	512.375
-119	84974	4248700	9f02684f-f580-4191-a225-a042edd51993	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:45:04	294.627
-120	42488	4248800	62f0fb00-5cc3-41b8-8247-4700af221e1f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:25:58	121.358
-120	84976	4248800	9fa76752-f0bb-4b50-82cb-a10c60d0c685	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:01:49	-903.563
-121	42489	4248900	37335235-1896-4c0a-94b0-4ce96b5df006	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:13:59	963.100
-121	84978	4248900	c9c2e134-1bba-4440-bee1-0202a1c1dc52	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:20:59	429.288
-122	42490	4249000	6dfc45b9-b21f-44af-8827-977eb64bee7d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:42:41	28.619
-122	84980	4249000	b0583e1b-e4e1-441d-8b38-c9980e15114a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:30:14	546.570
-123	42491	4249100	12e01b2f-fd64-4501-ae77-4d533cd33283	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:58:15	923.253
-123	84982	4249100	ffbaf338-e6d0-4674-b164-55f52710b51d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:17:47	-495.487
-124	42492	4249200	441340fb-18cc-49b8-a644-c3123683b231	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:38:09	-472.235
-124	84984	4249200	d6ea26ce-ddf3-4b2d-ba47-ad8fa0b87c3a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:50:34	-1.127
-125	42493	4249300	43cf1e62-de72-4692-8b54-9bab0ff0368b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:38:42	-994.665
-125	84986	4249300	82b8c4af-bade-433d-8d76-81ca40ac8ec9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:13:34	550.942
-126	42494	4249400	59810acc-0630-4f4c-a793-572b84b5831b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:55:31	-777.948
-126	84988	4249400	c1096d15-a668-44d5-8995-b2a5bdb3eba5	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:35:15	982.263
-127	42495	4249500	bdafae5b-0b4c-4e5a-9ba6-8c348266c065	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:17:36	-349.461
-127	84990	4249500	de5c80c0-6dce-4c3c-8e2c-7e771ed93a0a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:35:28	-411.388
-0	42496	4249600	01622d1a-5651-47d1-8dcb-a244c39b9e9b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:42:19	-53.464
-0	84992	4249600	9bc39892-42cd-48ec-bac9-733cf218d8f4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:57:17	978.705
-1	42497	4249700	e77c1c1a-f89a-45d8-987c-4efb5068b836	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:30:14	-802.269
-1	84994	4249700	80d30f5b-fee5-4cc5-bb73-4c1e47814462	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:58:33	-180.869
-2	42498	4249800	3d360d26-be34-42b4-83a9-4e401497d47c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:43:18	-964.804
-2	84996	4249800	740de0cb-93e1-42d4-a514-d838bcf2fcbd	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:23:25	-339.507
-3	42499	4249900	464e2879-de24-445f-93e7-e8ca4e4d6f45	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:13:03	-342.315
-3	84998	4249900	cd74e10e-f84b-4961-a6cd-536e92eaf55e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:18:11	-511.864
-4	42500	4250000	d474e940-928a-465b-8a00-b4248fbfb247	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:16:47	-216.537
-4	85000	4250000	baea7d3c-4f04-46a8-8b54-2fcd1101b096	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:09:08	-372.959
-5	42501	4250100	7e4bb851-acd1-4eb1-aeca-77665846a6e8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:57:09	823.373
-5	85002	4250100	9d9ae9a4-27d9-46ed-a7f5-f9bc121c4630	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:54:14	-90.812
-6	42502	4250200	cfe1ad40-5a7a-4dd5-9612-ce72562b921c	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:31:44	437.235
-6	85004	4250200	0648b181-9adb-41ee-b43b-2626b485a8dc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:54:57	-188.875
-7	42503	4250300	6b8a9281-d7fd-4a43-95c5-64b09b873e30	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:06:04	-575.328
-7	85006	4250300	f0a375aa-e9b3-405b-b014-9a3eb5a566ef	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:08:34	-321.184
-8	42504	4250400	56d926f0-5857-4f48-a5c8-62fa4f2a7c47	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:55:12	-351.516
-8	85008	4250400	845c7eaa-7087-435a-80b7-cf992f963bd0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:39:51	-227.739
-9	42505	4250500	a35f5490-56e6-450c-9adc-42edd4bcb6d4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:42:57	339.582
-9	85010	4250500	1bfdd7f0-0a49-41d6-8b6b-c32b2a6f57d8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:09:56	528.971
-10	42506	4250600	38c00a8e-bbb9-4362-a426-e1432348bd72	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:47:21	83.47
-10	85012	4250600	44292024-0a76-45c4-94de-f07c93a6a1ec	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:21:57	45.80
-11	42507	4250700	09f2ff70-0428-4b49-bb89-32bc37922937	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:33:16	631.995
-11	85014	4250700	a3949937-9b28-4f27-862c-699109eb5e85	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:22:57	261.986
-12	42508	4250800	6bc69bf7-bbeb-4afc-bd23-4e3f5e073de5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:19:19	353.933
-12	85016	4250800	8bce3a41-a6c6-45d3-bf87-00a543eabe80	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:59:34	78.908
-13	42509	4250900	36d97241-8697-4a05-ac5d-7dad6147f71b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:40:38	-644.81
-13	85018	4250900	4f0ba855-d445-4a90-aa93-4a4550d5bedf	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:47:25	966.331
-14	42510	4251000	7b163584-1875-4069-a6f3-69edc5597d96	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:34:41	267.947
-14	85020	4251000	f4be4a8c-4c03-499f-ac7b-5f864dc9fa9e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:07:32	267.811
-15	42511	4251100	ab27b010-d08b-40bb-87c5-d10f4d689cd4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:33:32	-166.277
-15	85022	4251100	e13d5899-65cb-4793-a3ae-e07e827b543b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:09:58	883.510
-16	42512	4251200	edf8f995-62f4-43da-b81f-7a7b3192fcfa	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:53:01	-108.947
-16	85024	4251200	9d3f2038-fa2d-4cda-bfaf-5b4e2198eec3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:11:04	971.359
-17	42513	4251300	bcf7668e-a3af-4fd7-9ad7-4ffb0f398a13	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:13:23	-78.863
-17	85026	4251300	15ef05c7-5cd7-40b9-8c9e-4912d99d9d4f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:42:12	-762.62
-18	42514	4251400	72420f15-90de-4456-b68c-f1e656e52b45	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:46:41	-987.459
-18	85028	4251400	3befb8fb-829d-4639-a5d6-5d832c6f1295	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:49:56	387.612
-19	42515	4251500	593377ef-b6f7-49e3-a54a-4e83e7a18317	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:55:57	287.770
-19	85030	4251500	54d46617-0049-48e9-ad09-21c839bbe80a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:26:09	312.543
-20	42516	4251600	65d447a1-49f8-4980-9aa2-021465a95048	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:20:22	879.958
-20	85032	4251600	6013465b-480b-4743-8260-9852d4bc480b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:11:12	53.571
-21	42517	4251700	2bb4beef-eb38-40a7-9bb5-4eac4d075837	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:43:48	742.565
-21	85034	4251700	a23653cb-d3b0-4829-9a88-412a8ae5ef5f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:44:00	345.26
-22	42518	4251800	02f0ca14-3428-4edd-a252-9aa5feb5fbca	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:37:53	-655.958
-22	85036	4251800	99e7bffd-e573-4950-9b45-4ffd498469ae	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:17:24	-541.98
-23	42519	4251900	a41339b4-95d8-4d31-9e50-2c4ff0dc389f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:05:37	587.59
-23	85038	4251900	3fbdfdb1-cd53-4402-8d22-42ec7970c6aa	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:00:50	-939.106
-24	42520	4252000	d46bf7ac-eded-40d6-98a4-0babd5e55e70	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:15:51	-905.545
-24	85040	4252000	924d4d41-fa4a-4b85-b066-e20f1d33a465	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:35:41	-44.145
-25	42521	4252100	fac448c5-dc55-4a89-bf09-79ac9056d692	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:02:01	920.640
-25	85042	4252100	34de753f-389a-4e86-bfff-94424c4dc7a7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:54:17	744.840
-26	42522	4252200	04cdd926-18f0-4cf4-a2e8-8d82e9a618a7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:44:36	88.164
-26	85044	4252200	3890de4f-1fae-445d-b04c-6dd1282a4803	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:55:07	95.894
-27	42523	4252300	1fae2b3c-e412-4fbf-8d72-c9155050105e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:16:33	-953.352
-27	85046	4252300	feeebb09-a3f8-411b-a27e-8c17a406bafe	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:25:29	674.805
-28	42524	4252400	b03318e9-2783-4981-a7e6-9ad987083927	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:31:22	-812.854
-28	85048	4252400	751787f4-0c43-4738-a80c-422c3e42ddfe	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 17:03:34	-199.289
-29	42525	4252500	ca327491-2e0d-42ce-9398-0c36e3a11a73	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:43:47	279.826
-29	85050	4252500	ad78c717-e461-4c54-b770-fa49bf25dc6f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:54:25	552.780
-30	42526	4252600	277c3e49-11da-4962-b7d9-c663f6ced74d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:49:45	-448.797
-30	85052	4252600	fa081f24-223c-44ee-8470-75af5fb177c6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:33:21	-37.835
-31	42527	4252700	90899e0f-c785-4f9b-a9f6-77dd70d89ec5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:51:33	624.899
-31	85054	4252700	81fbf9da-ac04-4733-88a5-f41868dab070	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:53:30	-402.669
-32	42528	4252800	478734db-9519-454d-ad11-9a77d2e7eec4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:02:54	-902.216
-32	85056	4252800	ecaa107a-d2c5-4570-aa3d-9987991d3264	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:47:48	-222.29
-33	42529	4252900	bce1fffd-c39b-4da9-8389-62f46d1a1699	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:11:06	707.511
-33	85058	4252900	577128dd-09c4-4ff4-8d55-3403840d5878	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:44:37	111.485
-34	42530	4253000	d8123f09-6f26-47ef-b251-84de5ff7a032	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:27:45	-628.879
-34	85060	4253000	9c1fdc3c-e3f7-41e5-8017-cbe85a32ad9c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:45:51	-135.921
-35	42531	4253100	aa833b64-1e37-4ec2-87f5-be9ccafe424d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:38:16	-629.868
-35	85062	4253100	b08c482d-39b8-43f4-a69d-41380f5fcb5e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:30:41	-564.576
-36	42532	4253200	7ef82fa2-3490-4c0a-8536-1dff6c37732b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:51:56	-323.202
-36	85064	4253200	a014ccbb-c1c2-4362-ba5b-bde98ca8faa2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:10:16	-516.610
-37	42533	4253300	e8c1cf19-5f13-479f-b228-49ab627712ae	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:51:24	908.116
-37	85066	4253300	ccd45c50-f6d6-4f30-8bf8-04f1042cc314	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:08:55	-170.79
-38	42534	4253400	5ef583ce-1412-46b2-a98b-211885c593b2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:41:40	57.426
-38	85068	4253400	9d414d25-f3ef-4450-9ee0-53dc7867b13e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 18:03:51	-171.319
-39	42535	4253500	e6f768a2-3dd8-44f8-81df-1731b4963cdd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:57:12	-255.797
-39	85070	4253500	114953a9-7d26-4fdc-98ff-8ef7b30afc49	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:04:22	-533.489
-40	42536	4253600	ff7c5490-6476-439f-89c8-f75af26478bd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:01:46	-999.549
-40	85072	4253600	6f83fc55-fd5c-48b4-b7d0-798534ed7f48	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:06:37	-39.715
-41	42537	4253700	736ac7ed-ce44-455d-b6a9-f57e32f7f8bd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:34:07	48.663
-41	85074	4253700	2c8d850a-4a81-4554-9fde-e7ae53cfd29b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:55:25	-501.478
-42	42538	4253800	13127205-17a0-4fe6-bb13-c618e05dc149	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:01:03	-737.686
-42	85076	4253800	94102d7a-ca12-4295-8e7c-15e3149cbfb6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:24:14	-595.501
-43	42539	4253900	5a9a2787-52d8-42ee-bbf6-a31b7bdd11ee	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:42:56	-345.587
-43	85078	4253900	f6fd7c0c-aed5-481d-85fd-22e60ac2ae09	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:03:25	501.344
-44	42540	4254000	28ca5a1a-ea9a-408d-8d6c-c853cdec1516	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:52:52	30.1
-44	85080	4254000	268781c9-10f6-4331-a820-01e85ade3915	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:52:40	-931.25
-45	42541	4254100	31ad6724-cc58-4254-8554-03bc017f064c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:31:13	-855.353
-45	85082	4254100	12f657ca-5101-4749-991e-b11c855e7ab6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:42:44	-311.206
-46	42542	4254200	b6f08f87-91fd-4de2-8bc0-ece43b3ec671	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:25:27	-695.642
-46	85084	4254200	22d11a16-3592-45e0-b787-2ee764e2282a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:52:42	646.236
-47	42543	4254300	4351fb35-05ad-4578-baad-0d9e07c419bb	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:28:28	-39.194
-47	85086	4254300	171275f1-f105-4c34-8f03-0e1d34c102ce	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:25:31	-634.967
-48	42544	4254400	d33b8cca-7876-48f7-a77c-fcab3c7e312b	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:30:18	775.763
-48	85088	4254400	fa1e77df-27e6-43a6-a746-68f876c27e79	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:11:07	206.723
-49	42545	4254500	6cc4be00-c2f4-43b6-ae92-bad513f49ef7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:37:10	-445.811
-49	85090	4254500	b7233e8f-8c26-4b02-992d-eeaed3755042	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:11:38	-600.808
-50	42546	4254600	8cfd2a1c-e017-4f91-a880-8e183c433cad	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:44:29	-419.624
-50	85092	4254600	9c59249f-614a-4857-b902-7dc836360baf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:45:39	527.909
-51	42547	4254700	74a27f7a-7097-4d7d-a2c8-bd9d26950176	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:33:43	93.769
-51	85094	4254700	21b8729f-6719-4d86-9811-a0d8eb2ca24a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:02:29	-31.763
-52	42548	4254800	0a4309ac-b0c8-4433-93fb-9b0180af97bc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:42:15	34.375
-52	85096	4254800	bfb0d7fc-6f63-4ee5-9d37-6c66626a91ec	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:04:56	725.162
-53	42549	4254900	65ef05fc-c956-4fc4-b8e5-d082f11e1b06	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:04:54	427.849
-53	85098	4254900	0da718dd-747e-46b0-aa8e-ee3f7854a30f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 18:45:53	848.975
-54	42550	4255000	78e3b959-677a-4a0a-9c92-ab0db6b672be	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:48:03	-124.469
-54	85100	4255000	fd4dbffa-18f0-45d1-a562-10441767e8a5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:40:43	-462.735
-55	42551	4255100	0f1afa1f-9012-4c59-b5bd-e59baa51ace5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:33:14	361.249
-55	85102	4255100	29400d07-7334-408b-a9e6-8a197cece46f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:56:44	2.260
-56	42552	4255200	577c887a-9958-4875-9806-5c356fc4035b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:49:08	-191.8
-56	85104	4255200	a4c24bb3-2963-4c67-933d-dd2f4d85070d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:24:21	-667.934
-57	42553	4255300	ca43db07-2f21-442a-b6fb-d5af86b98ea5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:14:17	-184.836
-57	85106	4255300	a1d529cd-afe2-4d71-bb2c-88bcf746c2de	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:59:21	712.201
-58	42554	4255400	4c4b4cf5-d1ff-45ca-bfb2-dbd97cfe3425	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:29:45	521.722
-58	85108	4255400	df100d34-e968-44f9-9128-7670bf412393	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:34:25	109.105
-59	42555	4255500	bbff459f-2ce3-4d6e-bb78-30e2ea7ed4c7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:55:13	-944.314
-59	85110	4255500	658a4973-ee77-4ef3-b2d0-2cfcc6e9733c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:43:43	-941.298
-60	42556	4255600	49ac55db-2aac-4eaf-90d7-b00f672427c8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:19:22	99.246
-60	85112	4255600	93967e4c-82d5-4ec1-be58-0a049f35dc64	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:36:00	850.327
-61	42557	4255700	b230d581-dc59-40ea-89a5-26dd0f5d8afd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:42:12	254.840
-61	85114	4255700	5c2b910c-ba80-4966-aeb6-e5fd78ba6e1a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:08:27	-168.195
-62	42558	4255800	47201139-551c-4985-9ae2-534b6280592d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:01:53	-106.71
-62	85116	4255800	7406cda0-322d-4d4a-b305-33b855cf03c1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:38:16	-481.989
-63	42559	4255900	36a8c82d-2a8d-446d-b524-a1ad86d9f708	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:56:02	-394.243
-63	85118	4255900	438043d8-77ab-4679-a056-1abf4f3adaca	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:07:14	-900.769
-64	42560	4256000	6b89e3cd-b4fe-4c01-ae44-2944e366a467	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:33:42	-626.955
-64	85120	4256000	7fc04a36-39d9-4147-821d-11e68acc1627	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:50:28	-285.103
-65	42561	4256100	d6f652c3-cd22-44c7-9aaa-6d04dcab8b52	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:40:47	566.339
-65	85122	4256100	4b02f967-4a7a-4b29-9d12-417c34e703a9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:30:07	989.877
-66	42562	4256200	c5007e0a-aa6c-4834-b93e-420d21e124ae	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:32:08	-870.326
-66	85124	4256200	bd44cddf-0f36-42a4-afdc-238d8e1b5bbf	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:21:03	-322.225
-67	42563	4256300	c52723e0-772b-40e5-8742-f22cab288015	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:14:14	528.301
-67	85126	4256300	66dd12f6-c35d-4333-8b0b-9e4c92a8f57b	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:03:34	-354.496
-68	42564	4256400	336ba097-0076-4d59-b9d6-ab383e11c3fe	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:24:41	-966.241
-68	85128	4256400	5774ec39-8c7f-4685-bd6b-64910878fd3e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:03:48	-480.430
-69	42565	4256500	6cfb944d-412a-4ddd-b4c9-6f90ed84f635	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:16:27	-34.165
-69	85130	4256500	a8a76251-2467-4e96-8707-574e70d02cf3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:44:29	176.575
-70	42566	4256600	ed6e4a4f-1047-42e0-afb6-e9c020cafcf8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:38:12	-20.119
-70	85132	4256600	6acbab10-8848-4d15-8591-4bf1be5c387e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:19:27	37.711
-71	42567	4256700	ab1a1ad1-b301-4f7c-947d-a4dfe8bea291	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:56:22	-385.844
-71	85134	4256700	c7755ff3-54e7-4887-b95c-2e45ff950fbd	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:03:41	-835.865
-72	42568	4256800	ddf6ea58-4317-4e43-981c-596a2458cbd3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:34:32	-234.235
-72	85136	4256800	eeb93c64-9bb5-42c2-952c-79bc42a003e2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:58:25	156.228
-73	42569	4256900	f0b9de66-f450-4bf7-b05f-a52714c44a2c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:44:31	-673.39
-73	85138	4256900	bc7a5c41-3604-4480-9bd7-41b7e7837ce6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 14:11:55	933.652
-74	42570	4257000	1507e80a-d170-44b4-8993-a43bb0c5c637	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:20:02	662.546
-74	85140	4257000	0cd6581c-3351-4172-bf6f-ede025c1caf1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:44:30	134.35
-75	42571	4257100	f182bb76-cf04-475f-be34-98fe637a4901	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:19:09	-187.436
-75	85142	4257100	9d90bbac-5d27-4d79-bf51-e9f35d426e8e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:45:50	388.534
-76	42572	4257200	509624c0-d483-40af-a38d-194763458f0d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:48:27	-53.729
-76	85144	4257200	5bc36e3a-da8e-4fb9-a6a0-f65784b88df4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:14:31	-547.840
-77	42573	4257300	7a5e56d1-1faf-4ac5-916e-5370ea648523	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:37:52	-617.581
-77	85146	4257300	54768494-1220-442c-9a26-7ea97804d435	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:05:39	-321.505
-78	42574	4257400	94c4ab6b-6ec5-4338-99ca-123c78db60d4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:02:35	-161.778
-78	85148	4257400	73b99666-4ffc-4b37-89fa-4fedfd3c6f0f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:50:08	536.666
-79	42575	4257500	1274972b-8faf-4a92-88d6-eeb2adad671f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:37:22	916.555
-79	85150	4257500	b7f3e7d9-819a-4eb6-91ea-86d723f58372	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:06:41	-256.169
-80	42576	4257600	347f443e-039b-47f8-826b-f06f917bae48	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:34:53	772.575
-80	85152	4257600	941f7405-5e29-4256-84e6-5cf2426347f0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:29:38	-416.879
-81	42577	4257700	120f20f7-8153-4a70-b946-f607986aaf7f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:11:49	213.489
-81	85154	4257700	15108c91-797b-4d5e-aad1-ed6508e9becb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:54:40	-141.390
-82	42578	4257800	4f4bd970-746c-42b7-8025-4bf0a503ad8e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:46:42	-464.173
-82	85156	4257800	5dadfc02-25ce-4a49-8189-87631fb38cd6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:36:51	41.52
-83	42579	4257900	c46f64df-298d-4de9-9688-c20aee89c5df	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:28:43	238.513
-83	85158	4257900	217cab3a-167b-44a3-811f-b99e15b92269	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:01:32	148.274
-84	42580	4258000	6a2ab7c7-7191-4d53-b834-4c47b0f15e7d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:42:39	-788.313
-84	85160	4258000	a0d76dfa-6073-41d8-a77f-f9bc28ecd2bd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:51:04	-605.907
-85	42581	4258100	f8a8c6c8-0ad1-4dd6-8b38-47fd0703681d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:50:39	609.325
-85	85162	4258100	8e0a646a-ae0e-4516-8bf3-c4a984d47a6f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:21:55	-224.633
-86	42582	4258200	47a71fc3-0371-4f0a-8a38-14ff26c6b830	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:43:43	860.7
-86	85164	4258200	0d59e2cb-c8fa-4c28-9920-d92e3afb7ebb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:41:12	358.527
-87	42583	4258300	bd5f30cf-74fc-46c2-806a-01c100a29e32	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:44:53	-771.360
-87	85166	4258300	1a1f9d8c-2ec6-4303-8cae-3eb982bf6cce	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:12:07	287.856
-88	42584	4258400	012f327d-9bfa-4896-9c3e-fa5318847449	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:54:31	-649.257
-88	85168	4258400	e5a19832-e8ed-4a8e-a685-dc27e526687c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:07:40	-137.743
-89	42585	4258500	6bdbf8a9-c2f7-4b03-906b-4650deb2695b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:39:06	594.447
-89	85170	4258500	79a72050-6e14-4594-9883-54aa3f3a0c76	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 16:06:36	277.621
-90	42586	4258600	3751f0f1-0fcc-4980-bd48-bccf8a83641a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:18:37	-350.689
-90	85172	4258600	b9d6af1e-f541-42d1-8695-527ff85e776d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:07:06	663.479
-91	42587	4258700	639a9165-703e-411c-bae6-97a77959ab38	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:24:05	-648.431
-91	85174	4258700	b44fc94a-a7a4-423b-91af-8155d5bff922	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:31:37	411.215
-92	42588	4258800	69b92b26-53a2-4caf-b2b7-670df4c1a968	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:19:47	682.510
-92	85176	4258800	cf651c90-83e3-4ec6-a509-9d2880c3beae	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:39:03	682.472
-93	42589	4258900	79deb9b4-5618-4173-8576-0a4374953c2f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:13:46	807.16
-93	85178	4258900	04898e5c-255b-41a2-a516-5f7f3a6e2e27	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:15:22	-966.710
-94	42590	4259000	52248e95-cac7-49d2-880c-1758dc081726	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:49:08	-356.758
-94	85180	4259000	c9114d2f-05df-4138-ba6b-11d5276e358b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:07:19	706.698
-95	42591	4259100	a47d95eb-0a4d-46e3-987e-6e6fa093a0a1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:44:25	-7.750
-95	85182	4259100	e39d7d63-b14d-4410-b482-a04ceb86479f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 23:22:54	-53.693
-96	42592	4259200	a261faba-b387-4a87-869a-c4c29f088e16	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:57:05	394.979
-96	85184	4259200	59d6f3e8-43b2-456e-bb04-d39298baba6c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:08:17	764.237
-97	42593	4259300	173512b0-a2b1-484b-b23a-e3b2ef7bdfa2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:12:10	-565.564
-97	85186	4259300	f5633c25-c7fd-43b2-a990-4c384365c675	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:05:16	-54.383
-98	42594	4259400	74478a62-9d2c-41eb-b43c-e6b8279e34fc	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:53:22	-134.955
-98	85188	4259400	9457a900-31e3-4087-ba5d-bd76ad7bc882	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:09:57	-104.188
-99	42595	4259500	378d4a99-acf7-43e1-8298-462bfca34641	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:51:07	-270.631
-99	85190	4259500	7ef93ab0-4f37-40e6-b275-ed90ca5a78fc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:49:43	-910.476
-100	42596	4259600	072926db-4cde-48da-a129-be93ee9ca49c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:30:05	-883.216
-100	85192	4259600	2b4749f1-1fbe-4d84-84f7-c9e125923474	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:54:48	527.890
-101	42597	4259700	f26182bf-f18c-4be4-8939-74fb60749a3d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:50:43	-841.677
-101	85194	4259700	137ee42c-9a20-403c-97b6-3efa97c43bbb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:37:50	726.715
-102	42598	4259800	1cedc0b6-ddc7-4264-bd30-cc653980d755	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:08:56	637.620
-102	85196	4259800	fb43b290-b90e-4284-be4d-21926ab89cc9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:43:58	241.408
-103	42599	4259900	be00e569-976f-4b81-be0f-0e13bdbea400	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:17:04	-472.251
-103	85198	4259900	9eec5476-ba84-45a1-a8d6-c27e283d81eb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:04:58	387.918
-104	42600	4260000	6ee83b2b-2ef5-4391-aea4-db99ea331697	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:10:58	-175.830
-104	85200	4260000	f24cae6d-0d6d-4be1-8148-4407b19c47f2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:41:46	888.172
-105	42601	4260100	88f35025-22f7-4590-83bb-c1908715767f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:57:43	177.970
-105	85202	4260100	9b70014e-952a-460c-bbd2-5189798f59dd	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:46:18	-577.157
-106	42602	4260200	2c9d5932-bcae-4abe-83f5-6c1f64c5ad6d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:35:49	-508.846
-106	85204	4260200	f0d328d5-9b4e-4fa3-af4a-671490fd952e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:40:23	641.404
-107	42603	4260300	baa44a92-dd4e-424a-996e-a0be9a5acae5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:56:45	-495.552
-107	85206	4260300	deb26761-b3e4-4c78-93ed-f4b1a79306a2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:56:40	-698.434
-108	42604	4260400	9b8335ae-fb84-4e51-832d-1a948d28b8a9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:49:16	-367.989
-108	85208	4260400	6efac103-123c-4874-abcc-65e9dad55625	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:52:05	-447.724
-109	42605	4260500	9c92dde3-6151-4476-9a6d-11835e228ac5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:29:09	-555.837
-109	85210	4260500	ebe866eb-828e-4dec-a76a-810bdb801106	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:34:58	913.649
-110	42606	4260600	5a81adaa-307a-461c-8f85-405f7f41822a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:19:14	-842.889
-110	85212	4260600	4499cdb5-62c7-4b36-a4ba-1e181db461a6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:10:33	428.673
-111	42607	4260700	4e3751f8-accb-435e-ba8b-7c777dcf62d7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:50:45	-447.666
-111	85214	4260700	3610f448-fc2e-4bb8-95f1-1816edb20022	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:43:19	994.250
-112	42608	4260800	091a2d75-af1f-4ec8-8ba5-7576a0e0515b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:52:04	727.244
-112	85216	4260800	59fd3bb9-c712-47a9-8a0c-0a31bfd76053	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:32:57	278.149
-113	42609	4260900	7907490f-6d9d-41ae-a23b-4ecff5694331	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:41:46	378.979
-113	85218	4260900	09fb961a-9432-4b68-b753-b740c0bd8da8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:55:16	526.897
-114	42610	4261000	60381890-c731-4e8a-811f-bd8b2444fd3d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:08:13	176.637
-114	85220	4261000	6a1a8000-eb77-464f-bf20-9675bb657dad	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:42:36	-324.694
-115	42611	4261100	f49a6703-27c5-4dbc-a84e-36362e2ccb1e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:20:27	511.754
-115	85222	4261100	4906a832-4975-487b-8c6c-bb240b74b3c9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:56:52	915.109
-116	42612	4261200	adcf6bad-3eeb-4ae6-84dd-fe861b08148e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:20:37	838.563
-116	85224	4261200	bfaa5d28-a680-4262-a54b-0a63b1c1e6aa	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:52:23	-935.8
-117	42613	4261300	81b7efff-88b6-45fb-9d26-e55d001a902b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:11:06	139.981
-117	85226	4261300	3cddf7a7-94ed-4850-a97e-47a3607acbfe	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:02:44	798.146
-118	42614	4261400	f17d1e33-0fa2-4a7c-a8af-70567b778a32	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:16:44	151.448
-118	85228	4261400	74de4872-d7d9-4452-b439-ebefefe70da3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:35:47	666.841
-119	42615	4261500	965072f8-ed91-4fe2-83d6-7629c4afae77	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:58:55	-734.635
-119	85230	4261500	f49e2af0-3c0b-4340-98bb-f086f4c2eeb6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:27:49	15.357
-120	42616	4261600	d4384196-f4db-484f-bc6e-1c537f9ce68b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:00:30	25.912
-120	85232	4261600	5c572947-53c2-4e48-9259-9d1cd163ee5b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:48:03	-263.324
-121	42617	4261700	5b9a0cd1-6cac-4457-a4f8-6f4600a2bc03	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:56:02	844.141
-121	85234	4261700	131af3ce-fae0-4d62-a2c0-063aca1d11e2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:14:56	322.234
-122	42618	4261800	f72e0af3-3a90-4545-a7f9-d70eee7ff483	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:53:06	-587.120
-122	85236	4261800	60e412f1-0297-4c6e-9c2b-1a3e3b043ba5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:24:03	-294.208
-123	42619	4261900	8a9b4ece-aaff-4bf6-8020-6bc91a87b6cb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:39:48	-288.705
-123	85238	4261900	09e272df-4c9e-47d9-9454-bf5c258a3ee0	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:49:11	652.150
-124	42620	4262000	877de198-640b-4bb8-a2db-d03a8a981aa0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:53:04	-84.33
-124	85240	4262000	812ed333-f9d1-4289-8166-e603c5ac1397	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:27:20	-114.334
-125	42621	4262100	1a5ed2e2-0587-4773-8db6-0d705e444938	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:46:34	86.406
-125	85242	4262100	8ef47561-110f-40f1-a3df-96bdabc1322f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:36:41	214.821
-126	42622	4262200	026a34ff-9917-49e3-ac07-e3f9571f984b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:47:05	-753.107
-126	85244	4262200	b17718f2-96ce-40a6-94ad-1fd62b1e9621	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:06:03	678.891
-127	42623	4262300	31edc8d0-25be-4c23-8f57-1fcd81fc298a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:49:45	660.199
-127	85246	4262300	e43c2602-b186-4ff1-99dd-1aae899d5767	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:54:44	-885.551
-0	42624	4262400	481cc495-a4a2-465e-8e45-4f2a88a9e222	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:36:19	-781.348
-0	85248	4262400	5ed28163-c79d-48ef-86ad-e99f62332c3a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:44:52	-791.310
-1	42625	4262500	de2773f0-0e78-4b0b-8cba-9163bcaa3318	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:22:31	-656.604
-1	85250	4262500	ce1c3dd2-eaac-412e-a56f-7be21e88ee4b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:29:58	-42.846
-2	42626	4262600	f0148726-5f88-40ab-89ff-a2da97d1e82a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 08:18:52	-914.509
-2	85252	4262600	81eff544-adc2-4ead-a0d4-9e19a25c6a39	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:09:22	89.522
-3	42627	4262700	54e5af88-09d8-4dbe-aa2f-36deab3b7ec0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:37:52	-357.380
-3	85254	4262700	306ad06a-b37c-453a-ba74-5a61bc1b187c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 01:39:53	-907.635
-4	42628	4262800	f30432f8-7d6e-4519-a8b2-28579a6fceb2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:34:21	56.131
-4	85256	4262800	9e29f5f7-eb0b-4e0d-b933-10b0f12a1cbd	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:46:06	-827.458
-5	42629	4262900	7d011b40-3928-4acb-8757-5fa62e06830a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:05:19	559.850
-5	85258	4262900	bf6431dd-3f53-4aba-94ad-e2f13794acf5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:52:20	-570.566
-6	42630	4263000	551d8e47-8f7c-4ebc-ab61-08a57db0087a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:40:02	-111.82
-6	85260	4263000	a1c9aba9-72d1-4676-a66d-72a7c8e16b24	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:15:04	-832.670
-7	42631	4263100	5ab20b8a-e132-4551-a816-7ecb6b7d40bc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:38:55	722.923
-7	85262	4263100	6d6811f8-26e3-45bb-bb3b-44f7d3119581	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:21:50	605.123
-8	42632	4263200	397865b2-6718-4228-b511-31a5cd86fc6e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:50:02	157.136
-8	85264	4263200	844109fa-4c06-4753-8d69-ca6fe5f91fb5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:09:51	367.793
-9	42633	4263300	388345f7-1942-4247-8cf7-f41f9b9a9254	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:34:35	-923.84
-9	85266	4263300	148d77d2-a1c2-453d-b9a7-45aa4174a28c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:47:04	32.472
-10	42634	4263400	4d700295-474c-4e2a-9417-2c7d3fba8d7a	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:40:13	-980.467
-10	85268	4263400	31b26936-2a23-4f4a-ae61-370330a52472	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:56:36	457.266
-11	42635	4263500	3df191b0-da90-4d3b-926c-f07c74c7251d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:54:36	-743.372
-11	85270	4263500	a129512a-a853-4773-9b69-670bc467085c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:27:07	922.484
-12	42636	4263600	29bcf68a-8256-40a3-bbdb-155c9e695b34	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:59:27	-873.182
-12	85272	4263600	e9fd1233-06c9-455d-af7e-5b113a6d6527	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:54:22	263.533
-13	42637	4263700	9f3913bd-07f5-4fd6-891e-f0f5baec4f5a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:34:38	-636.514
-13	85274	4263700	896e0c22-91d8-45e9-8390-847ec4936cb0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:09:44	-918.103
-14	42638	4263800	b9c9b9d1-b799-41e8-a3e1-b96366732895	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:28:49	-779.258
-14	85276	4263800	151eccbb-c9ed-42a9-9cc5-8c20992df44a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:55:32	681.223
-15	42639	4263900	94d83938-ef39-4bf5-85d9-36fa638ab9de	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:32:43	103.804
-15	85278	4263900	b7956854-2e2c-4d87-8ed2-f07592e19bc6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 16:54:28	267.536
-16	42640	4264000	a782ad48-fe7c-4de6-a512-7fd4131599d2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 04:47:25	172.42
-16	85280	4264000	1d56f7b6-18d5-44e7-a582-71f76c34420a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:26:37	-850.500
-17	42641	4264100	7456efe0-2909-4f6e-a74c-d850295a4e73	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:28:45	296.594
-17	85282	4264100	95e8b3bb-7a44-4a7f-b57d-cf23759e928b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:58:55	-436.718
-18	42642	4264200	26e79b58-5c3d-48e7-b115-7dd6e2ef8a19	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:40:04	249.113
-18	85284	4264200	8b96aa76-0dd8-4565-9e03-cec1ad1fa8a1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:27:18	325.84
-19	42643	4264300	2258c1d9-361b-4584-8a67-2e6dc235557c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:50:25	-556.349
-19	85286	4264300	69b8cbec-01a9-4bd8-97b2-590eefd800db	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:04:59	187.954
-20	42644	4264400	ca70f230-c68f-42fd-a05e-0af9ed3b9c4d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:19:50	-41.355
-20	85288	4264400	52775a4c-b367-479d-a115-e8ed65c901da	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:39:21	779.58
-21	42645	4264500	26563427-108d-4fb3-a874-4a56b4943240	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:17:13	-305.512
-21	85290	4264500	25995542-3e8f-4b4e-b1cb-cf531ed6be5e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:53:28	-388.648
-22	42646	4264600	a6bb9482-c9d6-4e9b-9b9a-71ca4a6e4351	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:05:15	-85.140
-22	85292	4264600	768b624d-ca29-4719-8033-e217dac080d0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:53:14	783.309
-23	42647	4264700	d3518947-b7a8-40dc-9317-2fcfc6286c3a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:46:53	-376.680
-23	85294	4264700	55f38311-aba2-4ae7-a034-9b2ae140dac9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:21:03	-803.94
-24	42648	4264800	73a858c1-4f0e-420c-be89-a10e9e627534	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:27:21	-6.259
-24	85296	4264800	5326678c-d93b-45e8-a6e4-ed193a23a52c	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:31:34	973.595
-25	42649	4264900	104ba1b8-732b-48c6-acda-565130e91a66	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:00:45	306.725
-25	85298	4264900	84e48fd7-1ade-495c-84a7-3cea8c3c5f01	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:33:07	743.635
-26	42650	4265000	9e09cbb0-9281-4af6-8cf9-e65271f5c49c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:04:31	465.748
-26	85300	4265000	cb2c8df6-e5de-4eb2-bd05-914bf3a7919f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:08:49	-37.824
-27	42651	4265100	dec45b0a-88a2-4ded-9c34-84794316b1b0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:25:30	858.265
-27	85302	4265100	a113f76d-f7f9-4e21-96d9-2dcfef1a6492	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:52:06	-210.661
-28	42652	4265200	43b9ca8e-3a00-4d69-be99-c70632401d94	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:10:56	-112.65
-28	85304	4265200	8a2e0f47-be02-47e9-bd6a-4d07c4a0ffa5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:16:18	506.257
-29	42653	4265300	b87b4630-bec0-4995-9106-eb2a72ee3cf4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:08:56	-343.463
-29	85306	4265300	9c7e1796-5fd3-486e-981d-09a152e6994d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:02:03	-545.435
-30	42654	4265400	d332c1d9-4f7f-4d19-97e0-9ad904b963ca	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:37:29	-468.882
-30	85308	4265400	e1c41572-07da-4d36-bc51-8bedc6c4e379	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:49:24	862.670
-31	42655	4265500	be9c9b78-be51-4f47-bba5-f183413ea434	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:39:33	995.783
-31	85310	4265500	c175ab02-c37a-470e-8d3e-c655e084e36a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:12:02	292.122
-32	42656	4265600	eafce353-c4bc-4bec-a3b5-e9b11e674230	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:21:31	-793.263
-32	85312	4265600	2736b0c6-d5bf-4110-bfde-9e76938dce4f	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:09:23	-733.804
-33	42657	4265700	4b29e671-6450-4cd2-8178-83452ccb30f7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:19:01	-244.871
-33	85314	4265700	a6c105c5-db0e-4ca6-a915-2e554ef8ab5d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:26:46	770.33
-34	42658	4265800	873add04-5d0b-457d-8fd3-8ea1e77597d4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:32:35	-884.334
-34	85316	4265800	0bb73e62-a134-4902-b44a-36d144b3a575	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:15:33	621.225
-35	42659	4265900	2b988bcb-4bde-4722-ba77-f2d5efa2eaaa	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 04:38:44	891.706
-35	85318	4265900	03672fd0-fc5c-4228-8a6e-12582d29ab44	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:33:37	-433.604
-36	42660	4266000	cb361366-d8a1-4b6b-b97e-23d3c4789c1c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:11:51	537.606
-36	85320	4266000	f03266fc-8ac4-4b50-89ae-239198189068	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:01:35	82.302
-37	42661	4266100	97be5097-6d5e-4b16-8b7b-7d1ea8a032ca	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:38:40	-664.313
-37	85322	4266100	5553832c-84ce-4088-8b2d-11b47dd9e060	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:21:19	543.920
-38	42662	4266200	7c1c844e-cf64-4f44-8251-eafde736d193	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:56:49	824.446
-38	85324	4266200	ac84f7dc-80f1-49e7-a0bc-958bcd1c8d02	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:08:56	-828.395
-39	42663	4266300	761fc99a-82d8-4799-ad51-76a6421f7af9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:37:58	811.775
-39	85326	4266300	8c63920d-e55a-4df9-8a0a-7249fa424002	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:41:21	-550.174
-40	42664	4266400	d381ba00-50a1-492b-8eba-08e21a6d3f65	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:01:14	426.764
-40	85328	4266400	dbb3066b-893c-4c35-a9d5-90dee0aa76d2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:46:55	-67.49
-41	42665	4266500	76302e4a-c226-4344-a382-b43129106ad1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:00:13	-283.767
-41	85330	4266500	1bfba5da-8b04-4c51-ba1e-1649c45daa3d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:11:52	-118.895
-42	42666	4266600	df4d0eef-e065-4192-a48c-bf45a5bad97a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:30:36	-252.654
-42	85332	4266600	62ed23ec-307c-479f-a2be-892d6fd7a4bd	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:00:45	334.629
-43	42667	4266700	a6f9272b-43dd-4190-a90e-2e787a18904b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:05:03	-944.254
-43	85334	4266700	26a9b51a-78f2-486f-aa05-242836c5cd72	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:32:07	-215.893
-44	42668	4266800	876d83c3-abbd-4754-94a3-fa18582d5e64	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:44:16	976.785
-44	85336	4266800	854e94ee-2edc-42cf-9af2-ea6bd2dc8398	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:15:10	-332.213
-45	42669	4266900	187fc611-d29b-4231-b52c-396e060d8b17	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:55:11	-120.974
-45	85338	4266900	c3b3da6f-95b0-4cf0-b232-91980ca43f47	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:00:21	562.374
-46	42670	4267000	71393458-1a19-4943-9041-fe4946eadfb3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:31:22	-442.8
-46	85340	4267000	950508d2-0ad0-42d2-955f-f431d76b23a0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:32:50	386.910
-47	42671	4267100	bba71b35-4889-45cf-a98d-592bd94e3d96	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:03:25	364.549
-47	85342	4267100	761ec441-a796-461c-ac1e-bf57b093d281	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:12:38	-774.492
-48	42672	4267200	9cb8b93f-d76c-4350-a983-f17a9d0950f8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:38:49	-819.58
-48	85344	4267200	87db2bc0-d12e-4dd9-877f-1c42b1779b6b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 11:08:10	-172.54
-49	42673	4267300	0e08bb04-ca9e-438e-8041-4a126a39e960	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:29:35	-399.931
-49	85346	4267300	a94ad9d4-891c-4097-96f7-d40d19edf3c8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:11:33	818.138
-50	42674	4267400	57b77330-9203-407c-a98f-3c23e0ebe06f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:37:13	-361.80
-50	85348	4267400	15d1385a-a7a0-435e-9972-c6b19aa87361	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:27:55	350.249
-51	42675	4267500	5e9d9ab3-03df-421e-aae8-2eece7be7f50	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:57:37	599.178
-51	85350	4267500	82d4e67b-abca-45e8-a257-280f9bc4a328	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:28:55	-736.482
-52	42676	4267600	92318bb1-4fea-42c5-a0a0-920e4424dd19	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:34:21	797.817
-52	85352	4267600	dc13c2a7-cf01-499a-98a1-a1921b94920f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:55:40	-316.900
-53	42677	4267700	11f758b3-5086-40f0-baff-db1c61f910af	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:41:11	-116.894
-53	85354	4267700	4f87adea-daee-4a3d-8961-f02503073cdc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:00:22	836.764
-54	42678	4267800	f3e0b495-f2be-4edc-9032-9d46ee26659b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:03:59	884.425
-54	85356	4267800	ebb9aa93-4232-4247-a774-2182f7215ad1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:59:03	-281.535
-55	42679	4267900	fcd28442-f096-48b3-bcea-7267571ccfee	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:01:18	-906.767
-55	85358	4267900	cc23a84b-50fc-4235-9cd5-5343b1b73f59	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:26:40	-509.438
-56	42680	4268000	ecf1f27d-6a86-4361-b3b8-4a09fa2c9361	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:54:25	393.69
-56	85360	4268000	5fe56fa3-27e6-43ff-ba76-1c1876f8f7a1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:04:20	-529.365
-57	42681	4268100	31015823-bc97-4eb8-86fd-7736a6c041f0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:45:00	-373.287
-57	85362	4268100	630dfc8e-14de-4888-bf54-22cdf8256453	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:04:45	155.783
-58	42682	4268200	d230a71c-81bc-46ad-b230-97e8993d2ce4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:54:44	-38.967
-58	85364	4268200	ba08e128-8493-4cb3-98d8-79ee08470e1a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:55:01	956.87
-59	42683	4268300	15a0ba78-546c-428e-ab5c-10901a421b8b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:38:30	-959.117
-59	85366	4268300	0733e078-d96c-492a-87c2-6311c3821cc3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:31:51	141.134
-60	42684	4268400	b9e78379-01c7-4b5c-9b80-af71063e555e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:08:23	-153.526
-60	85368	4268400	35738ffc-c0f3-4b07-a336-c5c057dd993b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:39:10	562.788
-61	42685	4268500	cd5aed53-012c-4fa7-a669-d270e89c1222	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:21:15	383.329
-61	85370	4268500	1771b550-b6f7-415d-ad25-fd8acf5f7dda	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:21:59	-143.450
-62	42686	4268600	5f3ab01e-6c1c-434e-bba6-8e02cb209d44	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:28:51	-116.105
-62	85372	4268600	796d9014-2827-45b7-9489-9097becaf58f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:17:10	141.164
-63	42687	4268700	33b4a293-25a3-481e-a5b6-c5eddfbd02fc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:39:38	742.102
-63	85374	4268700	efc79035-0fa5-4553-9ca8-a853185a32d7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:12:19	-807.909
-64	42688	4268800	1b551924-2e28-4d37-b2b9-8fd6423587f0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:24:20	736.304
-64	85376	4268800	f1e0fead-f0fc-4c04-b4bb-9c0fade222d8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:10:02	243.801
-65	42689	4268900	a5126b91-f069-4fbf-b709-507e5d608ef4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:44:21	136.697
-65	85378	4268900	0f86dd16-84d7-4950-b8ac-a2106c97b1a1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:26:42	977.425
-66	42690	4269000	1898d3de-aadc-4978-a294-cf628f059b22	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:19:00	-760.184
-66	85380	4269000	f2039cbb-f06e-4e57-b7dd-cf600a543eff	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:15:52	-957.881
-67	42691	4269100	f6e005d3-5d66-4789-8a94-3198154c36d5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:23:00	278.550
-67	85382	4269100	9271cbba-4c5f-439a-b5bb-7a755689ef19	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:48:23	613.909
-68	42692	4269200	30adeaf7-5ec7-47d6-a8e5-1d09e853f9fd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:22:35	394.288
-68	85384	4269200	978e3f76-fb8d-4c5a-b1e7-11e36a43d9d9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:54:16	-320.734
-69	42693	4269300	b9e0ac0d-727f-48b8-98b5-b6867dc98138	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:08:38	89.605
-69	85386	4269300	5a51c6d5-5c8f-4074-a5ac-f1700d1f5c3b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:10:02	-29.471
-70	42694	4269400	41ace4d3-402f-4718-b3da-d57096fa853d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:08:19	471.69
-70	85388	4269400	9d4cb953-7560-47eb-9ef1-33fb9e90afdd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:10:43	-530.847
-71	42695	4269500	7909535f-f6c1-4db9-8365-4c1d0003ed3b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:08:56	774.463
-71	85390	4269500	00808781-cc2e-46b9-b6f7-9ca9395fd61b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:24:39	-752.908
-72	42696	4269600	7f85edeb-9e85-4bed-ad72-1409d8346d4f	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:12:02	438.130
-72	85392	4269600	ab9182f2-b766-47ce-a151-21ae4d72e965	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:22:54	-687.156
-73	42697	4269700	edf011c4-81c7-4383-88c3-ef83dd13b5f0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:52:27	676.800
-73	85394	4269700	ffae080e-a03e-4ed8-b16e-d0eeb65a2513	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:12:48	-935.645
-74	42698	4269800	9e5d135e-af3d-4cd0-b667-333fd78c55e9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:05:49	322.446
-74	85396	4269800	67f47883-7b97-4ae0-bee3-8678c24edb4b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:19:05	-65.615
-75	42699	4269900	a155c00f-31ec-4086-8322-7aa177219538	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:42:31	-729.46
-75	85398	4269900	ef3e2975-e3f1-4240-9ba0-d890dd5f0f49	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 18:58:56	573.209
-76	42700	4270000	cd10d850-e2e5-40ce-9237-6587631303b3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:31:26	-453.909
-76	85400	4270000	999a6367-f0bc-4ac4-af80-b268e3685ff2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:37:29	919.668
-77	42701	4270100	f85467e9-96b6-4a10-a065-776548f12b1a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:38:01	-145.736
-77	85402	4270100	8975fa4d-0d49-4a12-a49a-b7155168832c	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:03:22	421.751
-78	42702	4270200	1a3763f6-075b-40e4-915d-b2f0c12f3d57	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:29:14	-491.199
-78	85404	4270200	a5ac450b-e1f1-4c0d-ab67-52506a772d69	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:09:54	-746.418
-79	42703	4270300	3d501a4d-2858-44e8-bfe7-426d2ae38321	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:56:13	0.389
-79	85406	4270300	c6f89d88-e542-456b-becf-c10f00ec22cc	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:47:32	-796.156
-80	42704	4270400	90189e2b-cb60-42e3-9596-e4bb1bf0f25d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:45:36	396.455
-80	85408	4270400	a9284ecb-c622-41d0-b540-b6ba9bc861b0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:36:58	484.628
-81	42705	4270500	2a15e59f-1eb3-404a-be0e-71d16652979e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:15:31	274.942
-81	85410	4270500	c575b792-c5a0-4f8f-9ab0-e9f918a8a8c8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:39:42	-370.331
-82	42706	4270600	56dc218a-5395-4ee2-acc2-92f5b7ea086a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:16:19	903.120
-82	85412	4270600	2114f7a7-8074-4f8b-b686-fdf028d782a9	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:14:25	664.119
-83	42707	4270700	37865088-4831-4160-9e0b-facf6bf6122c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:03:48	-489.149
-83	85414	4270700	5a6110cc-1ad5-478c-bbec-3cbf8fc14318	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:34:51	-301.62
-84	42708	4270800	364d8ae9-992e-40b2-b9d4-5a344e4f7134	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:38:38	-675.158
-84	85416	4270800	cd91654a-3877-4c8f-a09a-d0771ae0b8ab	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:47:11	446.349
-85	42709	4270900	ceaa8091-5221-44f7-939f-628a602bba32	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:00:40	871.826
-85	85418	4270900	428bbe38-f886-4194-a50f-2107871e8114	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:31:07	216.355
-86	42710	4271000	72ae6a01-e03e-4dbc-b477-9d93264a6c81	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:46:40	426.622
-86	85420	4271000	4add10f3-19a2-47b3-add9-0f06e38f36b4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:16:04	639.703
-87	42711	4271100	1cb1cbe8-2fb9-4b78-a534-9dbc26a0f440	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:52:38	727.293
-87	85422	4271100	6f05af14-aa52-43bf-852c-94acf8ceeb3c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:49:29	445.624
-88	42712	4271200	53b08757-99f3-4ad2-89f7-29caf7139af4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:51:34	150.979
-88	85424	4271200	ce649674-570a-4693-98f6-4da193144af6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:53:54	579.432
-89	42713	4271300	460eaab6-8adc-4df0-875b-b4cac6e04be6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:53:20	129.34
-89	85426	4271300	02e8206e-b3e6-4684-ae41-ca660bad08b1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:39:16	651.736
-90	42714	4271400	811ae6c7-5cb4-497e-9a2a-61d160d90bff	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:07:51	83.777
-90	85428	4271400	29ece4b6-1d98-47d7-9c3e-70b6c86fdb6c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:40:50	-300.375
-91	42715	4271500	db6150b8-baee-4118-b9a5-1687917d497f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:54:09	-222.0
-91	85430	4271500	b91be8bc-cd81-48dd-989d-6c314fc8f559	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:33:28	-596.152
-92	42716	4271600	4d087795-a7f5-4f0d-a1ea-6fb5a6b589da	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:18:38	-813.837
-92	85432	4271600	72044489-14bc-4650-a547-f05aee5b2531	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:33:17	542.365
-93	42717	4271700	71df0f1b-62c4-4a4e-8133-3d9e9be00fcb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:13:53	865.24
-93	85434	4271700	10baba84-18d1-446a-bcf8-cb3d7750824a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:06:23	-505.477
-94	42718	4271800	725f29f4-b957-462e-8203-41c332380f3e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:47:57	-406.793
-94	85436	4271800	08388ba8-2116-46d0-b21a-46e594d43b9e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:24:17	-273.782
-95	42719	4271900	ca5aa5b5-2229-436f-a4ed-6d3381b7b487	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:49:39	-528.654
-95	85438	4271900	7532e324-c104-45c3-bf39-19da83163df9	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:56:41	850.179
-96	42720	4272000	1475b1cd-0e53-4c20-84aa-93dae956818e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:05:34	181.475
-96	85440	4272000	09f1a62b-259c-4c7a-9b32-43b227826ab2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:40:54	-491.701
-97	42721	4272100	acbdbc3f-8af0-42ad-b484-f805ed69c42f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:06:28	872.420
-97	85442	4272100	e104b93c-ba9b-4c2c-a242-62b18d65aa1b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:55:14	-136.304
-98	42722	4272200	c843328b-829d-4be3-9e94-6545cbef8bad	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:49:04	-283.279
-98	85444	4272200	4836c0d5-09f9-43dc-9d39-8355a3645687	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:09:21	933.983
-99	42723	4272300	108e773a-8adf-437e-96bd-ba142eafefd2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:05:14	460.683
-99	85446	4272300	2e7c8c8a-8802-4a68-9147-18f5a209630e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:20:50	-641.951
-100	42724	4272400	f29adc30-7799-4b94-aa58-57a02ce6ebb2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:03:49	374.875
-100	85448	4272400	7fa6208c-1df8-49bb-bcb5-79602d80e493	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:37:36	-273.948
-101	42725	4272500	1ae811a7-c7e5-4f08-8d56-11c49cca6880	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:25:58	16.901
-101	85450	4272500	64f091c3-9fc6-422c-aed9-f4b498df8e72	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:59:53	-787.850
-102	42726	4272600	c5b6e0c2-5490-4436-8eed-8a59c4dcd1e4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:52:31	-931.807
-102	85452	4272600	a97274be-9a31-4ae4-9bee-b18dd4a21aec	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:14:59	-519.224
-103	42727	4272700	5f2411df-0dc6-44e5-be2e-af0497841d69	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:58:03	-532.495
-103	85454	4272700	93a50bed-72fb-4768-ad39-ef35ae7bd681	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:24:00	-819.180
-104	42728	4272800	ac477a37-3d2d-4aea-8d48-b97aee4b022c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 00:15:04	-697.630
-104	85456	4272800	57d1af41-37d9-4b39-a0c3-59424bfd7c19	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:07:56	-233.649
-105	42729	4272900	540c7c2c-7f8c-4250-a017-10230b8f7fb4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:31:01	-857.256
-105	85458	4272900	8c136b46-251e-4f4b-ac5c-59648fc0b2d9	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:53:28	896.353
-106	42730	4273000	11009312-f568-4d87-a6a1-3164ff975a1c	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:41:47	-213.59
-106	85460	4273000	73057d9f-1d44-4392-bbcb-672c77a7d91c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:02:42	-503.408
-107	42731	4273100	6f078a97-7c89-454f-bd8b-db5162da7d3b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:25:36	-187.371
-107	85462	4273100	e3122b7b-d2e2-433f-9b3e-375a2f9009bc	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:13:39	516.272
-108	42732	4273200	5b5bab89-4469-4c71-925e-053f0029eb03	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:41:45	671.970
-108	85464	4273200	35ce9a12-f0c8-4c0c-9bba-92c28fdc167c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:34:09	927.918
-109	42733	4273300	2013a04c-b007-4156-95a0-3a02c0213b1f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:03:09	-697.38
-109	85466	4273300	d30a7b56-be2a-466e-8020-f23d854e65da	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:36:11	302.649
-110	42734	4273400	654428eb-9037-4142-81eb-bd8112bdd898	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:50:05	861.282
-110	85468	4273400	06399a4e-841b-475b-b122-5da0fc178863	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:14:17	207.407
-111	42735	4273500	1490f0f4-14b3-4b82-a54e-52a35a598fe9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:42:51	314.777
-111	85470	4273500	43e71a12-25f0-4378-84c7-f246efe3daec	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:39:24	-14.973
-112	42736	4273600	4465fc66-51c0-43c7-82f8-b31cdeab1a45	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:31:01	504.284
-112	85472	4273600	62d4e77e-b2d6-4443-9d8d-8e667ae89333	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:03:24	-575.462
-113	42737	4273700	4f6e0910-311d-423e-b13b-bacdeff1d345	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:52:09	-196.877
-113	85474	4273700	725f6049-f957-48d6-8508-529340f87c02	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:31:01	307.230
-114	42738	4273800	e09d31ba-480d-4400-824f-072e5e233e4d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:40:46	-119.706
-114	85476	4273800	f2275047-49ba-4f0c-b581-c889e44821df	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:41:27	-978.500
-115	42739	4273900	3e9223f5-674e-429a-9bf9-5606a51e0179	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:34:57	630.332
-115	85478	4273900	b19fc28e-6f91-4241-9b24-3b0a0514a54c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:18:08	-637.184
-116	42740	4274000	6124db7b-ff80-488a-9274-492de51ab17e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:27:57	-200.326
-116	85480	4274000	fdeb0384-8e4e-4fa0-874b-0a2b33520bb0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:12:01	-817.265
-117	42741	4274100	0e64027a-db24-43f3-beea-10279f9ae36a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:07:19	864.974
-117	85482	4274100	b436645a-fe4a-45f7-8d1e-f4945f6eeccf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:39:29	-7.413
-118	42742	4274200	ed694cfa-af53-4e71-9577-b953a92e7ea7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:15:25	-979.478
-118	85484	4274200	2e96c6f9-ba94-45b4-a095-8f5ffa2e9c12	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:36:51	708.483
-119	42743	4274300	454bdd20-158c-40e3-bfaf-9e1f293caafe	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:12:15	743.530
-119	85486	4274300	44e5d0c0-11c6-4eb2-84c1-3045c1063d29	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:04:47	-222.212
-120	42744	4274400	9925fbb4-fb82-44f9-8151-2bdae62fe599	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:45:58	-552.825
-120	85488	4274400	9e099bd5-8d65-4b3e-976f-90adbc778176	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:27:05	838.550
-121	42745	4274500	9060e5b1-2278-4d16-9e16-3dd7f03e1f12	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:52:51	724.623
-121	85490	4274500	afa644ff-b236-4949-b033-e76ef7cab1f9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:49:53	280.820
-122	42746	4274600	c5f190b9-5464-4859-a609-19eb97931dd2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:39:12	-162.667
-122	85492	4274600	f4fd00e6-9418-4a59-a646-fce70f3ee951	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:43:10	78.165
-123	42747	4274700	4d7756c5-f5b3-47ec-9d5d-91dfd441f0cc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:48:41	402.112
-123	85494	4274700	91e88e43-8faa-4083-abc2-4ca7be395d6e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:31:57	-287.714
-124	42748	4274800	84bfd06d-db8b-41b2-99db-ae09331899c6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:25:25	-432.794
-124	85496	4274800	6a183953-20a3-4184-896b-0db69a6835e1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:23:06	72.234
-125	42749	4274900	263fd611-ea8d-4ea4-bdb3-f5b228a0b0ac	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:22:49	290.491
-125	85498	4274900	c87c6cce-c8c4-42ed-ac52-cf5ee16cdefc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:00:25	723.200
-126	42750	4275000	30d67200-f963-4581-bfa4-51598d3c588e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:16:12	-475.858
-126	85500	4275000	571a19b3-9cea-4e55-94fb-23d4a2169e68	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:00:26	-226.843
-127	42751	4275100	34c0c331-fbb7-4538-87ac-e3282fab0f55	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:34:54	198.220
-127	85502	4275100	f58d0c3e-d372-48ca-b3f9-935b9ae62383	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:38:12	560.683
-0	42752	4275200	b0732ba4-de3d-4d57-bb6c-27ef227ae633	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:28:59	-554.981
-0	85504	4275200	b8fe61f5-d5d4-486b-8474-f84077055f2d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:22:13	-76.695
-1	42753	4275300	bc7fbe08-231c-4c8d-9a87-3453dc423ed3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 07:34:15	-60.174
-1	85506	4275300	41a9ddca-57c8-457f-ab4f-0fe7946cf5b4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:04:29	-125.788
-2	42754	4275400	fc9a411b-52a7-408b-a48c-156c29997e51	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:54:17	-843.151
-2	85508	4275400	73ed89c3-6bdb-42b4-a7e8-a978f94cd76b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:33:52	-961.537
-3	42755	4275500	4ad33024-466c-4a26-a0bd-c4233d9e798e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:21:34	-686.985
-3	85510	4275500	dc9bc7f1-0538-4c73-86aa-144f02e7abba	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:13:26	-332.612
-4	42756	4275600	45a6d6c3-a76f-4016-adc2-e2abebc349ea	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:17:49	461.567
-4	85512	4275600	8644057e-3eb6-4614-af17-cda096942d8f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:28:58	307.110
-5	42757	4275700	74c07e9f-9aed-4296-8fdc-1e567379a549	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:45:34	-494.57
-5	85514	4275700	935e4acc-e0b0-4843-a667-afa06a3fe19d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:37:57	91.305
-6	42758	4275800	fbe69776-62ca-47ba-8bbb-bfb795e102ca	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:26:13	194.473
-6	85516	4275800	423dbd2a-aeaa-4b40-89ca-c01d276bab8c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:16:45	200.286
-7	42759	4275900	d1d6b304-70c4-4d15-ac8c-746617745067	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:28:01	888.849
-7	85518	4275900	d6ebe826-4cee-4ff8-b4c0-e1a8bed30413	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 17:40:24	111.728
-8	42760	4276000	b414d506-5c6c-41e4-8b15-b0900b741c2b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:43:40	-841.206
-8	85520	4276000	eddf769d-66e3-4c44-ba63-a39f74b85a77	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:23:26	-513.262
-9	42761	4276100	ef6f1c13-3b9c-4e9f-8e84-9deece07f060	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:15:50	-165.244
-9	85522	4276100	9e6240d3-2c9f-4610-8e03-de39f09cf148	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:08:32	-862.796
-10	42762	4276200	90c42090-72dc-465e-923f-4c247b1f3b0c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:33:50	-554.605
-10	85524	4276200	6d3d9b4b-3e72-499b-b6d1-cbe7ca34639c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:06:29	-660.497
-11	42763	4276300	f7f82d21-93a6-45d0-8723-f66c2ee2954f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:39:40	168.930
-11	85526	4276300	6ea0506e-3801-4ac6-9727-7cab0fc39807	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:54:41	-217.699
-12	42764	4276400	bc2c78b7-ca54-4d70-8d31-8837c6ea1489	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:36:13	-141.191
-12	85528	4276400	596fe64a-01aa-4e90-9b5c-c203da8eaba0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:59:03	-501.346
-13	42765	4276500	7d62a616-cd2d-4066-8238-237986330a7d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:15:48	-159.820
-13	85530	4276500	f750f46f-fc00-417b-9ac1-b05c23b15717	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:30:55	-41.181
-14	42766	4276600	ab575c07-497c-4a6d-a5dd-192ac298045f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:11:38	112.458
-14	85532	4276600	68456e26-e2c0-4dfe-8005-910ce471812d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:06:16	164.983
-15	42767	4276700	ac21c27e-144a-4917-946b-d057af54df6f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:44:02	-950.117
-15	85534	4276700	bebbe4be-0dad-47a7-8590-9c3026e571b1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:45:30	941.625
-16	42768	4276800	ee13a9bc-626f-4a78-b695-605358f4c149	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:17:49	77.577
-16	85536	4276800	096caa2a-f8b4-4be0-b4f5-6076b83dc242	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:56:41	342.187
-17	42769	4276900	5b74a040-04b8-4cc8-a710-d3862f6b0334	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:24:29	-538.997
-17	85538	4276900	3877054e-3862-4d73-a121-2a67e06f02d5	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:51:13	-387.303
-18	42770	4277000	8dcc9e44-d7de-48b4-b450-ac600a11a03d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:39:04	-986.148
-18	85540	4277000	03371972-2c4c-42a5-9fcb-ed7369a2cc4e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:54:52	847.903
-19	42771	4277100	9629ec32-0d61-427e-8ec7-d430aaddbaeb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:20:05	-496.126
-19	85542	4277100	705fe6f9-d0c9-4150-9405-83e9bc6ba3e4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:17:26	893.283
-20	42772	4277200	144bf504-53ee-4298-940b-2004ef229919	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:30:54	-987.465
-20	85544	4277200	e09b10b9-fe3d-463c-aede-6ed1538e9ef6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:37:54	757.80
-21	42773	4277300	6c87352c-2266-44bc-88a5-8c3c0b3b41c3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:07:58	-934.364
-21	85546	4277300	084c8cc1-e351-49a0-9585-856927826c43	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:08:15	436.722
-22	42774	4277400	40e30d8a-5030-494c-9fed-1cf0351c4adf	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:23:47	8.928
-22	85548	4277400	3d3b16a3-395f-4755-b300-99f9547451ec	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:19:31	484.21
-23	42775	4277500	67e101fd-162c-4987-b781-53585c523d8c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:26:51	-707.692
-23	85550	4277500	57baadac-b17f-4e81-9bc0-6a7533d95542	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:58:58	-337.737
-24	42776	4277600	986adb1a-d597-41f4-973d-d5b6a8ae1cc2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:15:08	-728.952
-24	85552	4277600	965a143d-af69-4f57-a7af-a347d8cc794a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:29:01	-537.748
-25	42777	4277700	438c5854-a9dd-4f16-9c68-0592babb8002	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:34:19	986.249
-25	85554	4277700	996fe83b-287c-48aa-9a56-7d3255428c98	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:59:53	-836.60
-26	42778	4277800	c38bb502-833d-4be1-a65f-f20a9d434ad2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:38:19	-28.451
-26	85556	4277800	35071b5d-3055-4ae7-8bb3-6b104e1c35ff	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:56:54	396.475
-27	42779	4277900	4cef1639-0488-41f4-adae-887630b9d931	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:55:27	-910.925
-27	85558	4277900	d9962fc3-773c-4c91-a211-2446145edaa4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:42:28	129.557
-28	42780	4278000	05af9dc1-4850-4f71-97d1-cce3790a0bc7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:43:26	198.818
-28	85560	4278000	96afd699-34d9-4029-a45c-7df3d5437212	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:38:04	-816.168
-29	42781	4278100	467b2743-e16c-43c1-b147-0a0e43a1bc54	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:11:27	-880.607
-29	85562	4278100	ed9eadae-f52b-4c2d-88c7-68d2257c2264	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:56:02	730.490
-30	42782	4278200	5705149f-5119-43a4-a182-2d1dc68a0da0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:35:58	-143.290
-30	85564	4278200	1e7731e8-143a-48b4-ab86-a90483e085b0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:13:26	352.455
-31	42783	4278300	5e1b2656-f9cf-469e-b6bc-815f085692f4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:21:09	-130.596
-31	85566	4278300	c8663790-5079-44c3-b019-dc126fd32742	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:58:34	418.827
-32	42784	4278400	cc578c78-4010-4aa3-9bf8-3fa835d98ce0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:47:13	367.156
-32	85568	4278400	1bc2c6d0-181e-4610-b2ca-04d8f918d872	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:07:10	542.638
-33	42785	4278500	1555b9cc-75c0-489a-b4aa-606c26bbbe27	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:26:51	363.925
-33	85570	4278500	4d0e47eb-675a-4b7c-a878-7556e6ee2d94	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:10:03	167.906
-34	42786	4278600	6beec08f-55a2-4cbd-aabd-255d2d54b800	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:17:41	72.224
-34	85572	4278600	4f872839-4136-4271-ba9a-dc63b555a147	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:00:06	325.768
-35	42787	4278700	dc91a50e-b5ad-4b21-be49-2fedc61df0f8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:07:11	354.522
-35	85574	4278700	fc787374-ceaf-48be-822e-189b335a1c53	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:56:16	-35.803
-36	42788	4278800	38a8adac-8e1e-43ab-9483-7187704b6a0d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:27:34	5.598
-36	85576	4278800	d296849e-62ab-4972-a5fe-6de92748cc7c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 16:57:11	55.401
-37	42789	4278900	5af49f12-e2dc-4c54-8c0c-c6d3a64859e1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:02:49	215.120
-37	85578	4278900	f23f8590-02bd-456c-b85a-c4824e804293	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:23:30	767.78
-38	42790	4279000	cb9278f8-bb54-485f-b55f-0018975ac2bc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:59:13	600.597
-38	85580	4279000	f576d22c-50a7-4663-b9e9-19a58ce486c1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:25:55	177.189
-39	42791	4279100	4a2c8d2f-4cc3-466d-94c8-0e528b7e550e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:14:51	-641.974
-39	85582	4279100	70c873c9-b669-4042-8451-146111870025	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:47:57	-863.131
-40	42792	4279200	472fa67e-0b81-484e-98dc-cc55188ffcfa	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:01:52	190.442
-40	85584	4279200	40c7cd41-2dbb-4190-b357-8f263e63d148	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:03:45	-235.554
-41	42793	4279300	b6c06eaf-015f-40df-809a-177e70871ca5	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:39:18	-614.476
-41	85586	4279300	5ff875e5-1f43-4577-9953-dcbdcd52527d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:00:41	508.359
-42	42794	4279400	dbe8b400-a588-46ef-af1e-cb37ed6d8c99	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:30:20	-543.159
-42	85588	4279400	241936ac-d22d-4329-b707-c50dd45f6342	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:29:46	-545.254
-43	42795	4279500	d149824c-09c5-45bf-b38f-651196df9707	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:22:39	917.113
-43	85590	4279500	8d1b9553-0df6-4c2e-9e2c-4fe84d767cc1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:27:10	720.619
-44	42796	4279600	0f9aaec3-4084-477c-bd09-66b9f93b8cfa	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:56:59	858.765
-44	85592	4279600	5951e8c1-0231-4a28-b377-3fbdae9ad852	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:12:00	224.963
-45	42797	4279700	b9e2d400-e0c8-4c0c-9e97-b4e3a6608268	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:57:16	-626.120
-45	85594	4279700	26b6e22c-d794-4fd7-80ef-01372be5b8b9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:50:21	420.75
-46	42798	4279800	ad4c5f44-4b67-4682-a0f5-fde88c784881	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:19:39	-939.430
-46	85596	4279800	928a89be-c90b-453c-9528-9aef9b025279	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:09:51	-921.493
-47	42799	4279900	99b9bfa2-8364-47cc-b1fa-e7a0a8413305	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:59:16	-549.245
-47	85598	4279900	6b1dc3a2-e1ff-4ffd-aa6b-d85c0e1c2125	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:53:43	279.474
-48	42800	4280000	bc7fbee6-ac0c-4a3b-85bd-3444fe681ba4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:47:58	-230.975
-48	85600	4280000	31d2ec3f-acaa-4730-83f5-26d41dac94d9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:43:41	-471.452
-49	42801	4280100	63bb32bf-48e7-4a80-baa9-f8ea1b8017ab	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:53:20	704.186
-49	85602	4280100	52233545-b3ea-4398-ab0b-342633881d15	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:27:09	700.295
-50	42802	4280200	c138dd45-de0a-4190-ad70-c3447914a8f5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:57:58	311.341
-50	85604	4280200	aaf1c945-4f93-47bf-a769-ef06139d997f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:02:41	673.214
-51	42803	4280300	c2e6cf11-d2d4-4108-bae9-baa78c19de58	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:00:05	-104.240
-51	85606	4280300	a3bdce8d-1699-4b3b-9161-2aceabcf1517	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:30:29	-467.943
-52	42804	4280400	8441753d-4864-4c52-962e-ecb6d9b83886	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:47:06	279.525
-52	85608	4280400	ca12df70-bd77-4185-80e1-6d6f9dba6131	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:27:35	613.262
-53	42805	4280500	652d38aa-76cb-48f8-9246-4374880a8973	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:06:27	361.278
-53	85610	4280500	f2697f3a-b12e-4b1c-965c-f44f21388f9f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:14:50	362.305
-54	42806	4280600	340f24dc-0aa3-452b-8a53-375a8c97d7dc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:34:49	335.828
-54	85612	4280600	a9c781eb-e242-4312-935f-b6656efa3983	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:27:50	545.415
-55	42807	4280700	1e220e39-dce6-41d2-bd66-6bb0760e5ccf	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:57:58	-824.632
-55	85614	4280700	dcd4f0f0-1f8e-4dbe-8231-38c37ddd031b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:57:48	-23.474
-56	42808	4280800	a57ab77e-4008-4e62-a273-378b59bbd95c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:03:07	470.922
-56	85616	4280800	2d54b13e-c483-4e40-ba8c-67a0763d7113	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:20:13	615.648
-57	42809	4280900	6e8adc67-3ae7-441a-b88b-2288a6d41d5d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:01:05	31.112
-57	85618	4280900	1a17ee4d-04f1-4a54-8399-b304e6829e07	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:05:12	-526.3
-58	42810	4281000	4f7630b9-c6a7-405a-a3f2-bc767d4650cb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:26:24	430.680
-58	85620	4281000	b5170a8c-2981-4091-a9d9-721b40877bc4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:26:33	406.168
-59	42811	4281100	a66342d0-4134-4bd5-a3f2-f570ef27d31f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:10:29	-965.718
-59	85622	4281100	6a4439e5-40de-496f-9c44-a1de07697ec9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:21:25	-231.546
-60	42812	4281200	42769ab7-b21b-487f-8d44-34598a21fdb1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:32:57	-936.640
-60	85624	4281200	9010bf86-ef9d-4aef-b55a-9ce76c764b85	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:37:55	-439.648
-61	42813	4281300	b6ade793-d78b-4b83-8886-8195546abc83	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:43:16	-187.346
-61	85626	4281300	3d5c678e-4de4-426f-9e1a-04cdcddad055	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:14:45	-660.311
-62	42814	4281400	c191fe98-dd86-40ce-aaf2-9a0792118972	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:04:45	-902.295
-62	85628	4281400	881a10cf-0c9b-4546-87da-e8c6f1427a1f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:44:27	-522.226
-63	42815	4281500	cc14e1d8-606b-4f85-b330-426b34649fad	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:32:33	-374.234
-63	85630	4281500	4cec7acc-c75a-49d1-88ce-ea0527a768bb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:51:17	172.142
-64	42816	4281600	77d004e9-556f-401c-8f4d-67eff8f053b1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:01:34	926.603
-64	85632	4281600	96fa8cfc-22d9-47b8-8d9a-0b66f6455221	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:34:08	755.663
-65	42817	4281700	15ef0a12-87fe-492d-b875-800d169a28b5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:05:07	-877.425
-65	85634	4281700	bc2a8849-129b-4564-8356-b52c2e89e95a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 23:32:54	852.831
-66	42818	4281800	ca8d5ca2-1f90-4150-9884-94f63c7fabea	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:54:52	-616.26
-66	85636	4281800	b4f9da12-9dfd-4728-a078-5eb922925651	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:49:42	-782.448
-67	42819	4281900	4c58af6b-d6c6-40dc-bc07-b5bc00c1c494	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:40:15	-272.482
-67	85638	4281900	399db4a6-9933-4e25-adcc-611eccd518c9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:19:42	-269.274
-68	42820	4282000	c15f1ed4-dab6-4991-9a65-00e203e0ada4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:37:41	730.450
-68	85640	4282000	a46ba724-1e63-4e96-b882-a254cba67abe	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:06:47	-110.819
-69	42821	4282100	ca7a8e0e-1596-4c93-8ec3-d7db3c5ad607	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:37:34	-442.950
-69	85642	4282100	2cbca1b4-d1ee-4027-b1d8-b2c6f79f7053	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:55:04	-856.744
-70	42822	4282200	1a306607-92a7-48eb-824c-0bbec1504687	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:03:27	-441.21
-70	85644	4282200	ce5764a2-c1f1-4c4d-9da6-2404e50bdfa3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:19:53	632.144
-71	42823	4282300	a5a0fa0b-a841-4094-a3bb-4d5c5f6189c8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:01:03	135.124
-71	85646	4282300	3a0eb0cd-d7a5-4c8d-97a0-5c9c54200ffd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:43:20	-138.89
-72	42824	4282400	e8552d1a-1988-4d35-8df9-a01a0f028940	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:07:22	12.693
-72	85648	4282400	ee65db3f-0f57-45d5-9b6f-8fe9ce0a53ec	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:25:53	525.264
-73	42825	4282500	f0e938f8-7755-44a5-b60e-9e81a4926da6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:52:09	886.382
-73	85650	4282500	9c2eed89-3194-4b96-9e30-946244b785a0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:36:13	89.610
-74	42826	4282600	2b774301-a7fb-451b-9ded-f7cbadb17402	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:22:19	275.638
-74	85652	4282600	9172d229-07cf-4d47-92ad-61824efa5427	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:41:42	314.945
-75	42827	4282700	fbd86f52-a743-4450-80a8-c95c52185313	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:27:33	446.486
-75	85654	4282700	5c582c40-c1df-4182-a9ab-cc2932eca823	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:37:55	738.217
-76	42828	4282800	c949ebde-a315-4f10-9a2a-a433b2ec84b5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:30:19	-611.681
-76	85656	4282800	8b00de16-099d-4f05-9af1-d8474afc805d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:38:25	402.398
-77	42829	4282900	691339fa-ea57-49fe-82a7-e35d817b4cea	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:34:10	38.825
-77	85658	4282900	552929b9-d81e-4d31-998c-ef3fc34f50c9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:50:30	476.981
-78	42830	4283000	e4e9c076-82da-4bee-98c2-213e6a9e935f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:46:38	-884.867
-78	85660	4283000	34f10265-0e93-4e1b-a8ec-d5e3b465a6e0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:21:12	621.685
-79	42831	4283100	60409950-bd2d-4c8e-9d25-af70548c6cd7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:00:52	-625.528
-79	85662	4283100	3a0b52f5-6643-4dbf-8685-ea9ccd7b8ca1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:37:25	-494.539
-80	42832	4283200	6e86e4df-f58f-483a-8d3d-99c129f2535b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:51:20	-297.129
-80	85664	4283200	40331272-40b1-4263-942f-d6c85728b4f5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:59:18	-894.779
-81	42833	4283300	37f80983-5475-4178-968b-7a9869a8cff2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:25:41	859.889
-81	85666	4283300	92448c9e-6139-4fbe-8306-aa86ed570a39	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:19:37	873.212
-82	42834	4283400	8007ff84-6a45-4be8-8bdc-2342b063866a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:44:46	731.783
-82	85668	4283400	a82200cc-d877-418d-bf62-b67103b56aa5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:48:38	83.533
-83	42835	4283500	eea2d348-35f7-4bcf-ae0f-a741efe6b2bc	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:55:18	-830.392
-83	85670	4283500	da63cd4e-2696-4ead-8613-70a9e6ff3be1	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:40:02	193.264
-84	42836	4283600	e3506616-d06d-4915-a97a-6f490243f640	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:55:43	465.483
-84	85672	4283600	28bf4f1f-538e-4d52-a42a-4bb8f8e3fb6e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:12:56	38.918
-85	42837	4283700	7b74d8e9-1c9d-49b4-872d-df30aeb47dee	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:51:53	372.838
-85	85674	4283700	1906c062-3c77-41e3-8d5d-6ec12c1e5a64	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:17:00	251.443
-86	42838	4283800	f2c045ea-0c2f-4079-abd1-8704217b3d18	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:02:01	85.392
-86	85676	4283800	19d34fc1-42ec-4f7c-92f7-0fc94fd02d88	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:15:14	518.224
-87	42839	4283900	87424fea-0628-44ac-8d82-f57dca3a22ce	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:41:25	-294.744
-87	85678	4283900	c025bc16-a089-41cf-952e-2ea8f49ba583	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:15:48	-930.926
-88	42840	4284000	3544a9b7-e3ae-44d6-b263-d34df9070c8c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:02:54	-156.97
-88	85680	4284000	3e22c598-22ee-43e7-a894-813ce633cc42	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:34:23	216.886
-89	42841	4284100	436b6b27-9aa3-43cb-9c29-926267586c26	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:48:23	-925.310
-89	85682	4284100	95a83133-1195-4b86-b305-f17912b81ef6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:36:24	-409.986
-90	42842	4284200	d956ed73-f524-49a0-ab83-1ef3fb93aedd	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:06:48	-629.237
-90	85684	4284200	a432f2ca-1017-4bc5-adca-503d6266fc13	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:31:14	-500.411
-91	42843	4284300	8b3e804c-1dc4-4d3d-93ba-db5d75d14ed2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:33:07	-704.328
-91	85686	4284300	1f6f8568-9a1d-4b67-8437-2f80519e2af8	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:19:47	-97.727
-92	42844	4284400	8d4b18f0-b959-42dd-8642-7e683b90d79c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:52:39	-863.672
-92	85688	4284400	4cfdb84a-79fe-43a0-9df3-56305a095b8b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:51:12	-507.687
-93	42845	4284500	c92b01c9-30b8-435e-8acd-1259e3313db1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:31:12	-22.414
-93	85690	4284500	d81db3a7-eecd-4ec0-9a5b-c0645b9523a6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:54:05	345.257
-94	42846	4284600	b3c8ac66-8e38-4346-8287-18355a7d4cdf	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:01:11	687.330
-94	85692	4284600	a5641db3-71a0-4253-ae92-7217071eb790	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:04:12	-698.732
-95	42847	4284700	51e9d03b-31fd-423a-bf97-20117c1b5bc6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:39:56	396.5
-95	85694	4284700	ab3f46fa-4fef-4591-92ec-e757c563458f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:44:10	-68.855
-96	42848	4284800	3ac4f136-e81f-45bf-8036-26083aa0aab7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:55:49	364.743
-96	85696	4284800	af142dc8-428a-485c-8799-93bd537f0bf5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:23:05	271.569
-97	42849	4284900	ff4033c4-d96f-407a-9a0e-f8d3d5da7643	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:00:46	-571.55
-97	85698	4284900	f377f95c-8e24-4e75-9a47-0939eb3c2809	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:36:06	433.257
-98	42850	4285000	e81b0065-8817-4896-9bce-598c55b92109	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:40:46	-228.608
-98	85700	4285000	02fdb48c-1c64-450b-bc79-88fbd677f5c3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:35:43	678.451
-99	42851	4285100	ff5c114e-821f-42ab-bf05-450e6abec3f1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:10:11	300.833
-99	85702	4285100	15f024fc-b55c-4207-ba98-7727fc8282b5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:14:12	-334.582
-100	42852	4285200	a58d8a55-165e-4b92-80be-d4d9da6325ab	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:23:51	-537.133
-100	85704	4285200	79101b7a-3661-4fb5-a455-5ddb2e75548e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:26:17	820.686
-101	42853	4285300	ddaaa4cf-d593-49d0-89aa-a56b6ff7fc08	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:19:33	462.315
-101	85706	4285300	523a24a8-fbf6-422c-9121-19dff1856739	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:19:55	755.783
-102	42854	4285400	1fee8cfc-2ab0-4485-ae5e-20e7bf7819d2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:55:15	998.184
-102	85708	4285400	dd4fd569-7409-484c-96e8-8b40c9a7c235	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:30:28	-616.40
-103	42855	4285500	4e9000bb-c6ae-4991-8f2b-24804ef4cb3c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:08:57	-168.319
-103	85710	4285500	d438858d-4923-44dc-a7d2-6a2265739d9c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:26:27	426.634
-104	42856	4285600	23446b86-bb4d-40a8-9b2c-3e6847c3af01	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:23:35	-785.247
-104	85712	4285600	f57604bf-cbab-40f2-b5c7-b1280101e0b8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:18:58	-493.556
-105	42857	4285700	deb8965c-1465-4828-8b47-d28886893b35	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:28:39	44.966
-105	85714	4285700	8484c4a8-08d6-4e37-b789-b67594ca7e99	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:28:56	359.608
-106	42858	4285800	542fd4c0-7309-4e28-a9d0-8e9e76bd94be	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:25:59	-493.246
-106	85716	4285800	34c6c50f-a735-48cf-a70a-53c4ecb80438	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:04:37	-339.695
-107	42859	4285900	4c529907-6532-4a21-899d-4094e02ac923	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:00:55	-739.410
-107	85718	4285900	8e256483-cb32-424a-b84c-2af54b207c7c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:16:02	714.336
-108	42860	4286000	ce3c9778-ccae-4dc8-82ba-f65c835efb2e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:11:14	-567.957
-108	85720	4286000	9d7f9c96-29ac-4574-ad18-54e2b5ecf44b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:34:24	-610.910
-109	42861	4286100	3a70c8a1-ac6a-45fb-ba12-5c88a38b5a7b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:34:28	917.122
-109	85722	4286100	58af565f-9403-4b55-b53a-c3257e01e118	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:44:09	458.245
-110	42862	4286200	e37ec660-c771-4929-bcf3-d8ed68a52513	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:31:50	-929.575
-110	85724	4286200	92129f56-149a-4b4a-88dc-7bc4f9d0d4b0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:35:47	-184.199
-111	42863	4286300	e1964206-be86-4f16-abc2-7491e66e96af	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 14:10:40	-754.843
-111	85726	4286300	970be2fc-89f6-440b-a46f-59f436a04e01	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:19:38	498.429
-112	42864	4286400	05512d99-163e-4382-94f0-ebe062268820	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:53:12	-508.352
-112	85728	4286400	83499c7c-dcdd-454d-80d6-3548a324b0bf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:17:51	251.252
-113	42865	4286500	cc05e319-e982-44e5-a7e0-9b1b30919e16	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:33:52	-964.387
-113	85730	4286500	7c6bf4e0-fac4-453c-bf99-77dc580a9102	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:12:04	76.22
-114	42866	4286600	65d3d200-796f-4a50-86a0-bc76cf7895b7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:31:19	-548.617
-114	85732	4286600	da767b43-6900-44bb-9f20-ad951197b810	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:25:37	383.285
-115	42867	4286700	e513f06f-4e62-4e3d-b882-7ef7601c2b79	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:19:05	-89.7
-115	85734	4286700	3b50debc-b7b7-43c7-a4d2-6bbce702b09f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:20:02	79.511
-116	42868	4286800	3b56968d-3a12-4939-9458-09ac205d5a16	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:43:49	-914.600
-116	85736	4286800	7fc560f3-4535-4c6d-abfc-4107e0b14977	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:44:36	548.388
-117	42869	4286900	feaa7d25-8def-4b95-8066-325128f1f2ab	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:56:24	178.167
-117	85738	4286900	d112155d-3f4e-4b5e-acb6-ee6e269bf70e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:13:29	-894.210
-118	42870	4287000	a2ee3377-56fb-45da-8102-a757ed5b2808	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:49:08	-98.180
-118	85740	4287000	7bcc394d-8ab4-4c9c-a41e-8f75dcea3518	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:39:12	271.782
-119	42871	4287100	4a3357a0-6a9a-4f3a-b656-27a5ca0f3fab	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 23:25:03	363.431
-119	85742	4287100	210d965e-db8c-4b1d-a190-9a87f5491d44	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:35:20	-241.558
-120	42872	4287200	19b128ae-5885-4b40-b969-c0bb038d350d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:54:02	881.172
-120	85744	4287200	f8d41859-21fa-4139-84ca-7f76e3336117	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:17:53	522.73
-121	42873	4287300	bc1669b2-7a23-4037-9064-36f29448003f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:55:05	-560.477
-121	85746	4287300	63a7cc35-9a72-454d-9234-ff127cc17241	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:33:40	631.505
-122	42874	4287400	4e0cda38-f043-4acf-bd81-d663c68cbd1d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:07:10	220.53
-122	85748	4287400	7def204b-4535-47b5-b8c0-5ebdf68fd533	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:15:52	-739.508
-123	42875	4287500	c9472f6f-9958-43b7-8576-7888e3343eab	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:27:48	-336.413
-123	85750	4287500	bc06475e-0020-4aa5-bf04-31a3ea901bed	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:44:46	-57.324
-124	42876	4287600	b0e02444-069e-4107-a899-122db0284d44	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:37:37	10.749
-124	85752	4287600	723c2836-cedd-4433-9fda-420603077bdd	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:41:05	115.695
-125	42877	4287700	ed322d59-ef11-48bc-b9a2-655f58154300	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:37:05	-25.37
-125	85754	4287700	e535aff7-6a82-4a68-9f15-3db9e0499a7f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:21:26	-947.462
-126	42878	4287800	a43f1a54-e696-4769-8052-019c727886ba	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:37:17	362.781
-126	85756	4287800	b2e0cb52-012e-4041-b62a-8d2068b74b2a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:12:47	-68.700
-127	42879	4287900	c255411a-4e42-483e-8716-053ed49e12f8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:54:14	-471.583
-127	85758	4287900	11b16d51-8e44-4281-9aad-ee991c112748	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:27:07	-676.176
-0	42880	4288000	a479c94e-8d69-458e-994f-6102e35d7ae0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:19:22	-385.121
-0	85760	4288000	44b3746a-b3be-481f-8d2e-cb8d4491d29d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:53:02	600.441
-1	42881	4288100	a284cc2f-84fa-40fc-ba75-d29a8e295bae	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:27:15	829.826
-1	85762	4288100	18aa6f29-5510-4911-a46b-39491e63def7	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:23:31	-878.897
-2	42882	4288200	e1896873-e229-4212-92a3-825a323c4af1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:39:31	143.434
-2	85764	4288200	68eb91c7-fd3a-45ca-be88-7b1ab1cbc7ea	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:03:57	-736.909
-3	42883	4288300	00d8b618-fa76-4b48-a3c9-9f6a96a939c0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 19:02:48	899.253
-3	85766	4288300	8342baca-1f7e-4bb8-856a-c611ca8eeffa	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:28:24	190.548
-4	42884	4288400	48c08d55-f181-40f3-a97a-423e521bd4bd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:28:29	251.27
-4	85768	4288400	783746a3-14d5-4fc7-b7ed-f07da43cb975	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:44:36	-584.479
-5	42885	4288500	2ede1215-d64a-46c8-a9b5-564537422668	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:53:01	636.799
-5	85770	4288500	83fc7030-1e8b-4c6f-aeba-516d5e688734	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:03:50	612.21
-6	42886	4288600	b6732117-d7f0-4f45-9f09-082bc7d4bfba	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:04:37	-971.442
-6	85772	4288600	b074c3e0-29ed-49e0-bf7d-1dace03bb2e3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:04:15	-844.708
-7	42887	4288700	f32d70bc-e5b3-43cd-aad4-4155aeeac2f6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:35:52	-683.891
-7	85774	4288700	b5dbe157-ea4c-4bf8-8637-134b1f58ad20	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:46:33	621.603
-8	42888	4288800	85301445-451f-4932-bec0-4ae6d3f4c4d2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:13:00	-789.460
-8	85776	4288800	9ca6abda-ddc3-4cfa-80f7-1bf64e8f1faf	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:12:26	867.490
-9	42889	4288900	8841a9cf-3e0d-48d2-9747-f718d7bb5072	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:04:22	289.269
-9	85778	4288900	ebf21462-5e95-414f-a6fd-86db49e31377	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:13:27	430.125
-10	42890	4289000	6b14a038-059f-49d4-a18b-bb2b4909188f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:34:18	940.923
-10	85780	4289000	b08749c3-ef6b-4f6e-8e8c-f9ccb6f1715b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:49:15	151.60
-11	42891	4289100	7001b9aa-6eaa-47a5-8020-323719c72b83	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:08:45	-261.78
-11	85782	4289100	fb73b1bc-3381-4302-a9ad-893144614ba9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:19:54	110.114
-12	42892	4289200	9a1329c1-b07e-45e1-a09c-b0a5c3fbe005	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:38:32	-37.599
-12	85784	4289200	48d7c30b-c5a0-4b98-96f1-e67c18c602d8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:29:09	101.485
-13	42893	4289300	20175639-338b-46e3-a2c2-58014e3688bc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:19:55	308.115
-13	85786	4289300	76881a58-8142-4412-8846-973b52cc2e95	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:23:01	-527.101
-14	42894	4289400	3c33d895-7a78-4b1e-bed6-4845fb488426	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:43:59	-288.412
-14	85788	4289400	d18da71f-0526-40ac-a5b8-86f49eac3de8	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:46:19	611.371
-15	42895	4289500	d09b0e84-579a-41e8-8eda-6f7b8a363b01	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:52:06	251.6
-15	85790	4289500	90521a06-a500-4f3b-83c3-28cf6d2d82b9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:51:08	484.411
-16	42896	4289600	a306b2f8-b784-4537-be23-73b3baa52d02	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:18:05	226.460
-16	85792	4289600	20850f6e-92bd-4801-a361-3c44f182ca8f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:20:31	-272.202
-17	42897	4289700	4b4b5b9c-b1f6-4f3a-a784-5d54392a92c3	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:46:02	-586.896
-17	85794	4289700	0c9287cf-95c5-4cc7-a92a-74275490910f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:24:25	25.198
-18	42898	4289800	ef723f55-fa9e-468e-88b9-59c9d540af7e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:22:29	-794.406
-18	85796	4289800	ce12f253-9e18-4a48-b6fe-7fa4bce312e7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:36:22	-284.36
-19	42899	4289900	a61189d0-b556-4b6b-98d6-fda2af8a1567	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:35:11	-500.532
-19	85798	4289900	c1680df5-5322-48f4-a6d5-26f5761f022e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:22:36	568.973
-20	42900	4290000	73b83e52-ce55-4abb-b3a1-b38b7d77c162	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:46:07	405.195
-20	85800	4290000	90e43702-d90a-45fb-87e5-7c4013b912f3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:28:13	-584.20
-21	42901	4290100	3929ebf8-9a05-4878-831d-8075b4cdb3dd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:59:55	189.547
-21	85802	4290100	c8c89c3d-52e0-41c6-9ba9-d5be7ea1b166	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:28:59	-425.973
-22	42902	4290200	2815205f-9279-4d88-a3a2-b93ee4e10394	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:20:27	-893.655
-22	85804	4290200	c88d2377-0400-499f-9ebe-3b4b6e49988f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:57:06	757.622
-23	42903	4290300	ea1aa5e0-f79b-4cf2-b4ed-f5af77044e80	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:50:11	-202.831
-23	85806	4290300	8e591dd3-bf20-47e9-85a5-b93668e46bc8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:53:04	976.777
-24	42904	4290400	dcb89b55-2f46-4a64-8404-762ff63c6530	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:53:37	785.852
-24	85808	4290400	e3f6a572-c585-4114-8952-f62899990524	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:36:35	-682.308
-25	42905	4290500	8f4b2441-7be1-4043-b132-bc8092fe202a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:48:06	580.977
-25	85810	4290500	694228e9-3cd1-4fd7-81e1-e9231dc68b04	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:14:19	-202.775
-26	42906	4290600	ad692764-51ff-4ab1-bf5f-5d9ef8ab84d5	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:53:22	-476.604
-26	85812	4290600	68f73872-b034-482c-929d-4c76c90d6dd0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:10:31	-266.484
-27	42907	4290700	beab3244-01f3-4c72-97fd-a89ee1e813bc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:10:54	-105.638
-27	85814	4290700	145020ee-b089-400e-9801-666711c61b70	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:24:17	-492.110
-28	42908	4290800	c73eded0-dee3-430c-8f6a-0c96203825c4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:54:27	370.689
-28	85816	4290800	1794e64d-0622-47ee-b993-f2d4b83c7239	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:39:31	495.149
-29	42909	4290900	7f8c1029-3d6d-424b-bff2-8b397f7259d6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:06:00	-429.285
-29	85818	4290900	78c21a24-4eb0-4032-83dc-e0dab036dffa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:10:00	7.494
-30	42910	4291000	0b260ff8-8690-4e9a-be1e-e84ee2426d0f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:18:16	-666.210
-30	85820	4291000	248483da-ddf8-4bfc-87ae-a24730fc4ce2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:34:57	-663.484
-31	42911	4291100	da378fcb-6e9d-4d99-b23b-0f30621e6c81	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:11:10	-237.112
-31	85822	4291100	5a98addb-6ac1-4a6a-bb07-dd7456202224	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:25:12	-929.971
-32	42912	4291200	bb816863-10bc-4566-977c-7627fa466082	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:22:39	694.491
-32	85824	4291200	dc594f7e-5e7b-481c-a3d4-8e35f089d460	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:03:26	-100.528
-33	42913	4291300	ee0315cd-0137-45d3-9b46-4d0826316960	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:04:40	212.687
-33	85826	4291300	53041115-0646-451d-bfa9-932f5a0401b0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:45:22	587.53
-34	42914	4291400	c7c673b5-9831-43bb-9bee-402729874672	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:54:07	-315.190
-34	85828	4291400	4c2a5aa5-4898-4dba-8b9b-d341ce1e2dce	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:56:26	753.614
-35	42915	4291500	c7699bbc-f907-4c3e-bcff-a00fa426dbb4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:27:09	880.247
-35	85830	4291500	8b37703d-300a-4eeb-883a-a39f2ce016cf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:38:18	-360.838
-36	42916	4291600	b575369c-56e3-4f3a-b04a-063c21d2a71c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:47:43	-610.928
-36	85832	4291600	b482b30b-220c-4775-a0b8-4f677531b75b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:28:45	-681.796
-37	42917	4291700	56fd9bc3-8778-49eb-9ad2-2eec39a0feda	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:14:22	392.282
-37	85834	4291700	230cef2b-7db2-4370-8007-cfbfa20e59c6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:09:44	-449.972
-38	42918	4291800	49dc8a4e-22ea-4b4d-bc35-d3e6a6035504	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:12:57	-271.998
-38	85836	4291800	a701108a-d7cd-4edd-9467-c336895428ba	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:55:34	-169.628
-39	42919	4291900	efa5d081-3c0a-4964-aead-0e57f9755a97	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:48:54	-445.654
-39	85838	4291900	9b7807a3-0954-4b62-ab42-8c3036b0d3ab	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:54:32	-606.522
-40	42920	4292000	dc2b5ae5-f94f-40c4-9832-c25556e42e73	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:03:13	-130.588
-40	85840	4292000	4a9ab7d4-426f-41cd-82b3-9aacff033b9f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:58:07	838.337
-41	42921	4292100	ee374063-4d53-4a1d-a29f-fc484d8e4590	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:19:18	717.198
-41	85842	4292100	178a035f-9fe0-46cc-84a3-d3ffb89cebc1	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:49:26	-7.985
-42	42922	4292200	5f07105d-01db-457d-86bb-2eed0c7a8703	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:08:03	-860.828
-42	85844	4292200	27f88371-48e8-4aad-971c-5a23bee6da3a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:13:20	-333.272
-43	42923	4292300	0c76fd26-eba4-4738-9e1d-f8474f7b667a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:25:46	696.76
-43	85846	4292300	71e7f6b8-4def-41a9-8385-00b89b180b87	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:47:56	-343.897
-44	42924	4292400	1fe3c436-b710-4786-a96c-6d7450ffe88f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:35:09	154.948
-44	85848	4292400	154e6c87-176e-4c98-8121-d82319527c10	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:57:25	982.328
-45	42925	4292500	6663b168-6689-40cd-badf-bb66a15bb100	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:08:55	-326.476
-45	85850	4292500	4d5bb075-26aa-46b4-abce-2cc6734c7bb0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:06:38	241.59
-46	42926	4292600	2b460ca8-6e4c-4414-bc3d-047ebc852e19	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:46:43	954.475
-46	85852	4292600	a85edf9e-ff43-4bb4-a501-b8ef768bf7dd	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:34:05	-31.65
-47	42927	4292700	c53e42ad-ca21-4c39-9f3a-32b92cac22e3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:44:40	459.30
-47	85854	4292700	af748b6a-1f10-4eef-8d9f-699b7c83099f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:48:33	-802.276
-48	42928	4292800	c1bd5e9e-2738-4dfb-9039-0ee9cc82148b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:37:46	-230.650
-48	85856	4292800	0a2d3487-6906-477c-8975-71dd3b5ec665	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:54:17	-991.810
-49	42929	4292900	8e54a9dc-397a-4fe6-ab22-591269bf0031	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:17:16	-229.374
-49	85858	4292900	ab1d6a4d-1461-4ba8-ad59-01d1d8da3244	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:44:56	929.203
-50	42930	4293000	cbbf0edb-a68c-43df-8a7a-ce10493fb109	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:22:58	405.655
-50	85860	4293000	babab93a-2fa7-4228-946f-5df7ef071d89	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:26:07	793.555
-51	42931	4293100	defbed84-025f-4f3b-add3-5a9e0dd8cdf4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:13:00	-66.705
-51	85862	4293100	0f923dd1-ee10-4f05-8149-5075c3374a1e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:45:49	297.696
-52	42932	4293200	a823f24f-8656-4a9b-8f21-20c71aa80791	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:35:04	-512.948
-52	85864	4293200	a73f4f24-c6be-4c0c-910c-0335561b042d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:24:22	-911.786
-53	42933	4293300	b6a079ac-ed51-432c-952a-88c399fcc56c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:59:57	480.577
-53	85866	4293300	97d9eb67-4d76-4b4b-9a10-844744f17f08	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:41:44	-602.773
-54	42934	4293400	4f5b376a-cd44-4b3f-9211-1511a3061828	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:44:23	94.52
-54	85868	4293400	80e88538-8ea9-4b36-bbe3-3384333e46e8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:09:06	-618.949
-55	42935	4293500	1a5e4a0e-7c85-4f8a-924f-cf0e7b0bf668	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:32:07	-94.907
-55	85870	4293500	0160a6b6-4cbe-4063-a171-798c4ad7deb5	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:30:46	-341.950
-56	42936	4293600	2b5eac60-c5bb-485f-94ff-5d8627972446	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:31:47	58.76
-56	85872	4293600	a041e025-12d6-47aa-92fd-0bbe34ba7de8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:47:05	35.95
-57	42937	4293700	9269f02d-04dd-4593-9337-72615adca0f0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:49:20	-300.538
-57	85874	4293700	dc9af842-518a-48d5-9b99-af944bc2967b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:02:44	-383.579
-58	42938	4293800	42e9e64d-7168-4476-b648-32433fb4cca7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:12:23	817.105
-58	85876	4293800	4eb196be-9b5b-4516-baad-122c7461551a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:56:28	181.370
-59	42939	4293900	fb18e4a5-3e28-4d27-8a59-93eff644cb21	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:26:08	-159.57
-59	85878	4293900	32d2339d-dad4-4cd9-b4ae-986c73ded70d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:49:55	-149.157
-60	42940	4294000	781b7cc8-cdd1-4f1c-9aca-9db7dead4052	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:36:36	710.866
-60	85880	4294000	a3971bf5-a66e-44b6-bf6e-fe0110275147	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:07:49	560.664
-61	42941	4294100	c524aaa8-9e70-40d7-977e-5088e0595dde	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:15:29	-879.282
-61	85882	4294100	53a0c6d5-64e0-4d93-8fc9-8817420a4f35	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:56:28	-911.233
-62	42942	4294200	b0e0dad1-e656-4f19-a181-41dc94356cd2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:56:32	-369.85
-62	85884	4294200	b43eff3f-8230-4c37-915e-8b8aa3f07700	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:32:04	185.146
-63	42943	4294300	69bf5fe0-8315-465f-a5ee-6783109987cc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:24:49	-742.266
-63	85886	4294300	3ac8bd52-1265-4df6-8f85-0ccd548ea68e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 11:09:35	189.834
-64	42944	4294400	ed1e5582-255e-4278-857d-ba0a35db1caf	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:35:54	-850.593
-64	85888	4294400	3e6c0917-c971-45ec-9fa4-67c38bf600b0	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:03:58	491.748
-65	42945	4294500	f0d73d7a-e0d3-4cb1-b6f9-5e073dde7804	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:37:35	-548.715
-65	85890	4294500	bc2b5124-ac95-4ad1-835e-6191cc181838	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:08:06	-179.532
-66	42946	4294600	26222519-2c7c-4f00-82f1-88f841145c39	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:02:44	644.862
-66	85892	4294600	5e19f893-27ae-4b77-ab55-794a170f1cf1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:44:33	-453.975
-67	42947	4294700	d5ccc44e-e43e-4cc6-abf1-3c3c2290e395	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:58:09	613.159
-67	85894	4294700	b732bfcf-ba82-45f3-9299-7439a750b136	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:03:13	656.870
-68	42948	4294800	70a49922-17b3-4c7d-8373-f118fd415ffe	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:00:06	305.885
-68	85896	4294800	6563edd7-100d-4989-aaed-1e83ffe86b2b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:34:58	-47.50
-69	42949	4294900	03ed3840-c224-41d3-8e55-886f7c5abd82	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:30:07	-329.552
-69	85898	4294900	e6c198c9-1e3c-40a6-8ad6-0680a92801f7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:38:15	-983.33
-70	42950	4295000	00f95e68-3b63-4a9c-8053-3195683c66e4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:35:16	-464.343
-70	85900	4295000	b22553e1-a1bd-418c-a476-edda878dad61	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:10:06	989.183
-71	42951	4295100	8bdd2422-fac6-4a60-8e5b-d240ada7f109	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:20:08	-986.993
-71	85902	4295100	a6b2524d-cc7c-4d47-bbb5-e6c2f8c5a815	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:08:41	530.655
-72	42952	4295200	4d7b918e-0a9c-4c60-8414-75c17e74f08d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:16:26	142.814
-72	85904	4295200	4e306b3b-7d72-45d8-8ffb-a0272c8e1508	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:43:38	225.604
-73	42953	4295300	fc2c0614-24b9-41c9-bfa8-e3d3d167ddbc	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:33:46	-828.984
-73	85906	4295300	068c60c2-970d-4995-ba6a-9a329a139e2a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:34:15	688.120
-74	42954	4295400	992ebaf3-bba3-4667-96a1-1dc7e3262f57	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:26:09	432.671
-74	85908	4295400	6b4579ca-3761-4d46-b323-65c15a23d07a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:22:35	-138.781
-75	42955	4295500	9a7dfc17-c1fc-4977-9f9a-a754e6307beb	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:12:29	432.295
-75	85910	4295500	b5429270-94df-4635-98cf-2c3b8b30a7fe	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:33:55	-914.163
-76	42956	4295600	284c1e5f-6055-4e97-97e9-4c58b181acb5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:26:31	857.578
-76	85912	4295600	a48ef1a7-1d78-4745-9e45-829dba22b5aa	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:24:09	-295.852
-77	42957	4295700	935a6e1d-e3b0-4b50-bf4d-a4198341d5da	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:57:34	731.349
-77	85914	4295700	95f86ef8-6bce-43fd-926b-c2c5d3f7d835	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:23:21	-982.862
-78	42958	4295800	cb0f54ca-bf91-413c-9776-566f83a3996d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:55:59	952.403
-78	85916	4295800	784725ef-7c51-4707-8b23-811e26c0003b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:56:28	-527.687
-79	42959	4295900	d4cd455c-c392-4517-a1dc-5ed128880926	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:45:44	-359.478
-79	85918	4295900	d620aae9-ebe2-4491-b6c1-386335d98190	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:57:33	533.233
-80	42960	4296000	54c07140-e6ae-4fa0-9487-ed64bb71b08e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:19:31	-343.366
-80	85920	4296000	a59b11db-ab24-4978-8895-219ddc65ede4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:12:43	794.230
-81	42961	4296100	abed5137-9722-4cd3-b065-3700947cf072	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:28:17	490.491
-81	85922	4296100	05c8fccb-2218-4874-b8c6-b937b7985427	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:40:51	-216.937
-82	42962	4296200	bb605f5d-dfe1-4e64-8db3-03f82f848484	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:26:13	20.367
-82	85924	4296200	35993bff-f54c-47b1-8113-6f7290af6d1a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:32:16	255.344
-83	42963	4296300	941aa53f-205a-4f62-89a1-bd9cd080d581	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:37:09	-958.832
-83	85926	4296300	e33611e9-097e-4cb5-a7e1-280ce1c45ad1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:07:18	686.833
-84	42964	4296400	d47b3864-312a-4cba-8143-ad800c87331c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:31:39	154.884
-84	85928	4296400	01bf07ce-dda4-4428-a7ab-4ecef4484382	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:42:46	-736.468
-85	42965	4296500	10962838-7b8a-4958-9262-62954239173b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:41:33	-700.291
-85	85930	4296500	98a01db5-e04e-4fd2-8e2a-65ed775e3f05	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:58:05	903.520
-86	42966	4296600	0bb15245-8415-4afb-9c68-d40f07f9fa47	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:15:43	-205.315
-86	85932	4296600	11a44429-8595-4a97-881b-c76979561bab	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:20:18	-131.666
-87	42967	4296700	878292ed-ca74-45c5-95b6-88eb28a39bdb	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:41:51	594.547
-87	85934	4296700	caa64768-a483-479a-a4d4-3e0e6f7dc5ff	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 23:11:59	-879.608
-88	42968	4296800	f98a8b2b-37ea-4e75-8246-f3319b2f31ec	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:20:47	-137.404
-88	85936	4296800	0bcfc89f-9f5e-4917-88a4-582280d60533	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:26:55	782.109
-89	42969	4296900	ec3cdc23-abdf-4179-867a-ce829f42bc3f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:56:27	-150.844
-89	85938	4296900	d85d9184-de73-4099-be52-281220155d90	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:49:28	757.883
-90	42970	4297000	eaeb171a-0756-4101-8d37-b9b20ca5c2b8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:32:03	-193.980
-90	85940	4297000	aaaac934-2d2f-4b99-a13a-707243641ad2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:21:26	747.846
-91	42971	4297100	32cbf6d8-a2e4-470b-9d83-0ad861d0112b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:10:21	126.67
-91	85942	4297100	c64b1220-c998-41cd-a710-a931b83b6221	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:39:51	-813.547
-92	42972	4297200	837e20fa-866c-43af-b701-744f00b7e4fe	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:22:02	255.892
-92	85944	4297200	ad08d0b9-4479-4903-9293-2e84da92cafc	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:42:06	-43.45
-93	42973	4297300	2321e42d-cb5e-4537-bec3-c8e52465a2c2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 23:24:15	459.581
-93	85946	4297300	1fff5bdd-82b6-4bd7-af60-15352848e44e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:48:35	807.867
-94	42974	4297400	eb8e76f2-e6c7-418d-974b-6b0a28ddc88e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:39:34	-314.706
-94	85948	4297400	cf9704b5-1ad1-4f92-a9a7-e73a48e9dd13	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:00:35	-258.985
-95	42975	4297500	22f2602b-5e81-4c60-a1ad-942d1bf0105d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:25:02	-251.155
-95	85950	4297500	06cdded6-cd79-41e8-8171-715d64ee3e76	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:04:32	229.57
-96	42976	4297600	57a11aaa-72b0-4595-a44a-76f39aa15dfe	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:43:46	-938.150
-96	85952	4297600	e4bf7315-2f3f-4cb3-85c0-7d08c5ba458d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:43:20	194.695
-97	42977	4297700	bef7c943-bf78-4cea-9d67-539dc33590ca	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:45:00	-160.348
-97	85954	4297700	4ae5d268-2f7b-4fb8-9868-f602e4fb2f5e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:31:32	452.304
-98	42978	4297800	954ab36a-a64e-463c-82b4-f7c304d0096c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:58:04	-734.449
-98	85956	4297800	6b6f37d7-1054-429c-97ed-fab5debbbbb3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:35:47	124.960
-99	42979	4297900	82d4fd11-12cf-44b3-ba93-b525043d8861	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:59:07	-490.232
-99	85958	4297900	6813dc44-f6d9-485c-b7c8-0dadf5ab90b8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:56:39	-12.341
-100	42980	4298000	4ae23e4c-f593-4826-a9c7-950e8232c23a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:34:31	-212.280
-100	85960	4298000	4e10c546-dd70-4a92-82ad-da6026c29c44	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:13:25	-275.725
-101	42981	4298100	67b5084b-60fc-476d-905c-c6fb262afc43	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:27:27	973.274
-101	85962	4298100	6ec20a29-05a1-4bb9-8c14-ff6a9474924a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:11:48	-254.711
-102	42982	4298200	90e58406-fbff-4040-84a5-5f70c8dd94d7	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:13:26	-991.194
-102	85964	4298200	46395a9d-dd6d-4189-bc8f-119019164f8a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:52:10	-722.143
-103	42983	4298300	fe20121e-1fe2-415a-9cd5-744e48111173	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:11:11	-827.127
-103	85966	4298300	cd8903e5-15ed-4bc4-99c7-97b5bdb6054c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:10:47	-287.937
-104	42984	4298400	8a5b7599-221d-4080-b169-af6ef3de2444	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:04:22	-309.773
-104	85968	4298400	7637a04b-0694-45c5-ade8-21ca75431c38	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:31:05	-384.905
-105	42985	4298500	4d45c7b2-2090-4660-bf6f-77492b70c97a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:15:59	-829.138
-105	85970	4298500	c8dd6d94-2ba1-435f-a57c-522e5813a8b8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:39:26	-547.67
-106	42986	4298600	e0d2118c-4f3e-4a1f-b1ea-234fedd8ffdc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:09:19	-242.410
-106	85972	4298600	2729fdae-079b-414e-a993-0937140d786b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:38:07	-470.541
-107	42987	4298700	3499ce85-81c9-4f50-915b-8b97798096a7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:49:55	250.507
-107	85974	4298700	40a927cd-447d-4d8d-9abc-b333ce5874b5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:05:01	-997.480
-108	42988	4298800	83b613d8-ab28-4700-acd2-354a279782d2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:28:28	-657.535
-108	85976	4298800	1a14136c-7182-4b94-ada4-cdad4cb7cbf1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:52:28	780.159
-109	42989	4298900	cca1ff3c-a1b9-4a50-b147-639e68131e10	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:26:10	-876.620
-109	85978	4298900	0c3d7df7-6c10-420c-b3d7-571c69719457	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:54:19	385.615
-110	42990	4299000	a1966c75-36d0-4d9a-83ce-634fdf8a30b3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:07:15	426.856
-110	85980	4299000	da1e9d2e-60ea-4356-8555-f08287266be7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:52:05	-121.480
-111	42991	4299100	35c46424-ce16-491e-ba3d-3b417c9e0c84	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:57:29	-340.514
-111	85982	4299100	d9453789-affa-4e8d-be24-49733357651a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:25:53	869.824
-112	42992	4299200	892ad0c0-ff83-4ef5-a70a-61cead9f8648	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:50:05	-184.968
-112	85984	4299200	9d5c5389-549d-4e0b-88b9-90f8a842f651	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:19:43	-963.977
-113	42993	4299300	2b8beac9-a0ff-499a-922b-29bdf59c7f67	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:39:13	-962.128
-113	85986	4299300	ee49d90b-1d38-4669-967c-569b520cb768	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:45:29	-842.335
-114	42994	4299400	ec68c8c2-d2d1-469c-81f7-cb7db22cceac	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:59:27	529.775
-114	85988	4299400	f72c11d3-0de0-45ab-a007-163f29db0115	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:45:32	-884.259
-115	42995	4299500	6a1c6eac-67c7-4169-9dae-378e68b3e527	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:57:21	-963.31
-115	85990	4299500	07c8d159-3803-4fbd-9e05-abecd9adc563	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:15:31	582.218
-116	42996	4299600	a4a50fcf-4094-493e-8668-010ac2105053	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:11:37	108.168
-116	85992	4299600	ec99ffac-e6d7-4934-9cb5-e2fe384ba249	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:33:46	-53.369
-117	42997	4299700	d0a01ef8-bfce-43cc-8e84-c4d0527f6c59	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:49:37	-453.695
-117	85994	4299700	7b1bbb72-0025-4a4f-8c9d-0d7bd1c32a8e	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:42:25	675.892
-118	42998	4299800	b6d0f1df-6702-4e8d-85f2-de8e09ec7e45	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:59:13	136.31
-118	85996	4299800	16526218-3f36-4159-b616-0412e149a716	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:16:37	300.113
-119	42999	4299900	4e1e5433-641f-4740-a5a8-16ef4eea3b68	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:12:48	277.939
-119	85998	4299900	de104f02-a835-4bb6-b553-507eea951f23	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:37:50	-814.213
-120	43000	4300000	6a6e3db5-4394-42fd-9971-a97b0fb525da	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:49:40	960.427
-120	86000	4300000	952ffb95-1cf2-494b-803b-a877d9c4c4be	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:54:44	-377.978
-121	43001	4300100	9a8b01f1-4eb8-474c-b58a-fea07b26a496	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:45:40	-996.373
-121	86002	4300100	a87c5871-bfb0-4a98-ab38-d77ad9d56e3b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:08:17	-96.893
-122	43002	4300200	3ca20c37-43cb-44db-9a85-beb4a0a779d4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:37:11	-293.551
-122	86004	4300200	eb32cc49-8ea2-48e5-9a9d-92a92958b8aa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:59:22	-613.906
-123	43003	4300300	59433362-2032-4862-89ab-e8bef760f13d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:28:56	875.20
-123	86006	4300300	9c6fd1db-440a-4c6c-801a-bd68aa48fbf6	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:03:30	-443.298
-124	43004	4300400	9a74592c-f003-4771-a6aa-10c0573496a9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:09:47	340.97
-124	86008	4300400	abd38293-c704-4a68-b03a-9b2e252999a8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:42:20	755.438
-125	43005	4300500	a24d7c76-de02-4229-98fc-98ef39ed8b43	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:33:47	-941.678
-125	86010	4300500	51a8c249-899f-4fcd-8fd6-6b58a5f73a94	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:35:04	-194.47
-126	43006	4300600	ac2749e9-4ee1-4cb3-9cea-4951b1184bc7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:25:07	396.708
-126	86012	4300600	fd93d643-05e9-429a-a062-7b2b30f3a4d1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:07:45	-985.671
-127	43007	4300700	323b42e4-ef24-42fc-b3ef-0007e79cfbe5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:30:42	-93.464
-127	86014	4300700	b8e9eead-a57c-4115-a9f9-ec69bf82dccf	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:14:15	-565.657
-0	43008	4300800	82c22b48-da77-4cee-b67d-578a639845f0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:10:50	-597.505
-0	86016	4300800	4ac3ce30-59bb-47ed-8ce5-5aa5e2adf573	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:46:35	-687.741
-1	43009	4300900	d4ab8133-e1cf-4ec6-b41d-563a2272a425	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:42:17	-973.522
-1	86018	4300900	1fc7aae1-2695-44cf-9b9e-581a86a0a5df	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:38:00	651.132
-2	43010	4301000	3b674f1c-cfe0-4578-bb5f-a652d1a4478d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:42:36	216.698
-2	86020	4301000	a2a5fd4e-518e-4674-9b44-16b55d0b9c73	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:48:01	-837.832
-3	43011	4301100	4b912f77-295e-4669-b297-15c91a5643bf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:40:10	66.589
-3	86022	4301100	f0237415-e139-498a-a3a3-4f6bb3024986	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:41:07	340.901
-4	43012	4301200	e2deea1f-70d5-443b-bcc7-b6f3ad085d1c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:08:39	219.511
-4	86024	4301200	f77f85ae-cf18-47c9-8a7d-084c53c84a70	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:25:40	570.367
-5	43013	4301300	fc68304f-4390-4940-8924-25ff9c36db49	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:44:43	-818.249
-5	86026	4301300	1a34a53a-c831-4779-b17e-c5030febd517	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:58:59	174.335
-6	43014	4301400	bef15f55-b1c3-47ec-9ca7-69df51a0870d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:09:38	-639.859
-6	86028	4301400	3b29f3dd-15f2-4775-aa08-e6d8b17b9e59	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:43:26	-508.110
-7	43015	4301500	672fb110-2300-4738-88ba-666a3f61d213	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:20:20	-944.756
-7	86030	4301500	10f7624b-fbe6-4f07-8305-065463fff4d5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:26:02	765.758
-8	43016	4301600	dd99c023-7250-49c4-ad3b-2db788c954d1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:10:54	18.976
-8	86032	4301600	79bbaf9c-fe7f-40ce-9279-aec1c8536acd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:30:40	-128.651
-9	43017	4301700	422773fe-e4a8-4abc-8069-ba82b03190e4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:46:49	-224.673
-9	86034	4301700	117f122a-91b0-4e30-ba3a-582fc2f7174f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:54:18	718.157
-10	43018	4301800	7249162e-7483-4f0a-b287-ea81f2cb0ac3	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:53:07	-325.177
-10	86036	4301800	b465333a-0e6a-471f-aa7c-00042ecceee8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:09:52	-583.164
-11	43019	4301900	77ebd4b5-1c05-4043-b692-57122bc4c882	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:10:10	200.821
-11	86038	4301900	7f95e6a8-736b-408f-a814-887f1fa4774f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:14:01	963.174
-12	43020	4302000	df3e4517-77bb-406b-8175-febb73fab21d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:28:53	237.635
-12	86040	4302000	a03d70b4-d049-437b-a46d-8fa46994f390	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:19:29	180.750
-13	43021	4302100	4ea59ae7-2881-4ad0-a6ea-80456d373e90	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:09:15	-904.79
-13	86042	4302100	5eb9ce81-28b2-47e2-a38e-d8ab67ee4619	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:38:45	-730.692
-14	43022	4302200	2eb2cb40-c66c-44b0-b1d3-f41134e285ae	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:55:03	-138.969
-14	86044	4302200	a8c670de-a596-4d21-865f-7fb0adcbbc40	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:46:10	-599.336
-15	43023	4302300	c71414b0-f2f8-4d1b-ae97-fadaa23a4fb4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:57:08	-708.763
-15	86046	4302300	cabc6e4d-15a2-428b-afbd-6df237f69363	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:22:47	1.825
-16	43024	4302400	e26a1efc-3aa9-4a97-a898-6b4f7744389f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:31:39	-202.331
-16	86048	4302400	0404d44f-63f1-4df7-9dbf-a96c9cb914dd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:24:23	-417.758
-17	43025	4302500	8da3070c-60f0-41b8-af06-9e00cad7685c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:33:20	-47.385
-17	86050	4302500	35a77314-6be4-4634-9936-b077f501830b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:02:15	510.626
-18	43026	4302600	41b51eb6-b6b4-4294-8a9c-2e1933c94f48	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:05:43	30.143
-18	86052	4302600	3d688e2d-fe10-4977-8911-7ea9c4f035a9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:29:22	-453.324
-19	43027	4302700	76725551-ad4d-4d41-b8cb-b6fcd4fbf9df	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:15:30	846.735
-19	86054	4302700	ca225076-cbee-4850-8817-5da5bc9dfe24	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:13:24	430.735
-20	43028	4302800	32a4415c-0850-4545-a5d7-7312fe9f3451	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:54:43	-860.395
-20	86056	4302800	20b2265f-e48d-4d58-af84-88f9ec6d2281	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:44:35	502.916
-21	43029	4302900	dc6fa151-c84f-48d0-b55b-36dc1401cc2e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:16:58	686.752
-21	86058	4302900	03bb6827-734a-4f0d-a4e7-245fbd44b811	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:41:06	-743.64
-22	43030	4303000	a668dac8-02a1-4242-b7ad-cd9fc83ba38d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:21:30	-579.160
-22	86060	4303000	f062dcf8-5d7c-4e6b-b5be-df279bddb9a0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:40:18	-314.72
-23	43031	4303100	be2a7d39-5d47-46c1-9d76-f248f6886a1d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:01:00	-349.735
-23	86062	4303100	2cc929f1-e66b-4b84-a679-4b279c38ab22	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:35:17	472.650
-24	43032	4303200	c7b1e594-f6de-4d50-8fb2-d81cdadadcc8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:39:32	-786.218
-24	86064	4303200	5ab30b3a-6cef-4a51-a867-30a9319059ec	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:08:09	-998.32
-25	43033	4303300	fab1471b-de33-4f0c-9f7d-55e7c9ddf1bc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:50:39	43.16
-25	86066	4303300	d96fc2e2-30d4-4d62-94ea-4d7011aaf4e1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:20:22	462.959
-26	43034	4303400	90cd3ef8-8209-4045-8ae8-7ad3c9a12695	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:24:13	-979.190
-26	86068	4303400	e38a3467-6712-4fed-9a63-d7e9766bfba2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:50:24	945.967
-27	43035	4303500	4aa215d1-6d4c-4823-9dc7-03caebe5e829	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:26:52	865.688
-27	86070	4303500	8d50e1a0-a504-4184-85dd-0ed3d889b365	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:42:06	63.228
-28	43036	4303600	0f868a36-3701-41bc-af82-14ae0ca77542	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:43:31	-465.240
-28	86072	4303600	316bca08-4cc1-426c-b080-eb0dbb213461	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:33:12	-341.844
-29	43037	4303700	922ad614-0343-490e-b67a-30b6512e1ee4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:29:13	940.903
-29	86074	4303700	1492ab93-07dc-4401-a01a-6be127c8c55c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:47:29	894.91
-30	43038	4303800	1c34386c-8f59-49f5-b309-5dce4771e8a9	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:39:06	-995.60
-30	86076	4303800	291ac4b5-7f37-4d27-b256-8ca116483869	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:24:00	861.884
-31	43039	4303900	ec5eaabb-4c93-4d39-91f3-c0e6bc5bb3dd	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:54:30	-590.586
-31	86078	4303900	b169d415-12a2-4b7b-908b-a64a6973ee97	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:16:59	-601.139
-32	43040	4304000	e846e283-0929-4256-a391-c5fd67595ae6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:08:04	-82.335
-32	86080	4304000	83f3317d-0415-44f4-afad-81104a8084d8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:41:53	669.338
-33	43041	4304100	9e403962-ec81-4db1-84e5-cc2d1a33f7b8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:13:37	171.287
-33	86082	4304100	c2bc4e6f-9bc0-4981-943b-f6f56d9c20f5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:13:08	640.204
-34	43042	4304200	61ec13c2-9245-4d9a-a2a3-7c9bb623c3ee	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:19:38	71.202
-34	86084	4304200	51d36944-df74-497a-94ab-788b3bb18d4f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:17:33	86.610
-35	43043	4304300	7ffd790f-a1f6-43d6-8968-92616fe8ca5c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:14:50	916.203
-35	86086	4304300	d4ffcbf4-021c-45ad-bef4-e90c37345171	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:28:43	251.80
-36	43044	4304400	3dd425b5-64ff-48bf-9310-59d22f07d46d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:31:05	-125.895
-36	86088	4304400	db9b5705-38fc-4392-98e9-f89f06c8fc23	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:58:43	-567.631
-37	43045	4304500	4cdb0da3-ea08-46fa-8e74-dcff97214677	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:37:25	463.289
-37	86090	4304500	e65ba01f-c3b1-4eb8-a2db-ffec2e9965e9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:08:53	709.292
-38	43046	4304600	5377ed1a-102d-4ed5-a77a-95536d6aff70	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:25:07	-696.2
-38	86092	4304600	647a0a98-921b-4cab-920f-507b1019aa3d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:08:10	-501.852
-39	43047	4304700	fe64d195-d0e7-4096-89fb-078b928af4ff	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:21:51	431.812
-39	86094	4304700	a7685f3c-fa5b-4f4c-a5ee-6a0d68e801fc	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:17:23	808.814
-40	43048	4304800	2c947026-0abb-4a8b-8c28-cb4c4e3a32fb	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:02:23	773.202
-40	86096	4304800	84f2129b-3113-4fba-9405-778946df3f46	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:21:41	546.23
-41	43049	4304900	4bd7f16a-7651-48c5-9a0c-126f11f51677	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:02:58	134.579
-41	86098	4304900	21ed93a8-b57f-4706-9c7b-9015e189e1bb	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:58:20	-760.283
-42	43050	4305000	a4542dd6-7b47-4b65-bab6-b86f93046c3a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:10:53	210.250
-42	86100	4305000	05ac8168-ec43-4e54-b664-77b898a4f960	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:13:29	470.536
-43	43051	4305100	26e73728-6053-4f5e-a971-315bc703e36f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:10:22	-448.225
-43	86102	4305100	403ccbb3-5d90-4dd3-842b-7bf66f3a66d0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:59:59	-593.560
-44	43052	4305200	3bf8e334-0900-4a89-8211-10cdea10e71f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:12:14	301.93
-44	86104	4305200	eb1cdc9c-f905-4485-b3ef-d9e19fec6811	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:05:01	825.309
-45	43053	4305300	89dd9765-02ae-46fa-a59c-7ad5080ccb33	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:28:45	-241.601
-45	86106	4305300	c51e95c1-4b7e-4f64-aae8-c8061d4c5a56	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:27:22	-57.303
-46	43054	4305400	1c8d4d5d-1dfa-428b-a1b0-935d9069d083	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:29:44	878.701
-46	86108	4305400	6a227b04-0904-4fbb-b3cf-c14a2250c4c9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:40:01	134.888
-47	43055	4305500	5cc30b44-066d-4b2d-9135-f5c28b0eabdc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:53:26	-234.104
-47	86110	4305500	2d1c8854-fab5-4e50-8d06-3e2cc41f164c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:49:01	-327.903
-48	43056	4305600	0197e261-9574-4f92-ae64-e281394cd2d0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:30:11	741.620
-48	86112	4305600	547fb8a0-daa9-44f9-bb16-f26ce7e6d5a7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:22:56	-914.995
-49	43057	4305700	5595f055-dfca-4548-a49e-c65eee93e5d9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:17:47	186.120
-49	86114	4305700	4e294c95-38e2-4bdc-ac31-ad115b37933a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:19:26	-133.482
-50	43058	4305800	664b9e11-7462-4a1d-ae77-1036edce6591	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:22:33	308.31
-50	86116	4305800	f85f192e-552e-4a45-ad83-5c7998822249	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:43:41	-238.718
-51	43059	4305900	4f78b742-bba3-4e7e-93fb-2151d4f362e2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:26:38	304.541
-51	86118	4305900	35379d8e-1cab-43e4-8c15-76268c539f9e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:41:55	756.931
-52	43060	4306000	d51d1bb0-c553-47de-baee-39e49d1626d0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:52:58	733.969
-52	86120	4306000	cac2ea05-477d-439c-8995-98ce1565770c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:49:22	431.639
-53	43061	4306100	f125f3e3-e06c-41b0-846d-6541a36eb247	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:39:41	563.494
-53	86122	4306100	e2e525eb-44fe-4173-a7f0-2d11f2ee5b0f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:51:58	975.790
-54	43062	4306200	49d103bf-25b8-4f63-9785-30affc18f870	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:35:01	-158.756
-54	86124	4306200	986331cb-cc1e-4796-a63d-880189e30e70	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:06:14	557.902
-55	43063	4306300	7f849764-1617-4b6c-8a10-e2475bd3db7b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:59:24	889.258
-55	86126	4306300	231a462f-5356-4226-af90-9eb1a85b84de	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:38:33	780.535
-56	43064	4306400	450b97cc-5af2-452e-a2df-c6e0bb59c8c0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:39:52	-604.167
-56	86128	4306400	1217ec3f-b824-41de-ad55-320793681f7c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 19:56:27	446.940
-57	43065	4306500	162a39e8-d8d4-4514-ac91-ab8d5868fc87	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:39:17	946.427
-57	86130	4306500	e7a85dbb-3457-4999-916e-563fcbb52143	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:03:08	335.576
-58	43066	4306600	c2b809c3-2fa6-45ce-a958-a02c42d0cb3e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:46:33	-524.629
-58	86132	4306600	c2e0546d-1a0b-4f8f-8a53-5b52c5fb08b6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:27:41	-533.568
-59	43067	4306700	78e125f2-2ab9-468e-b9e1-ffff8839c902	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:55:10	663.410
-59	86134	4306700	9feae4b2-43a5-4e8a-bfef-a9e0d2db190d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:00:33	-944.79
-60	43068	4306800	fbd779c2-b55c-40a3-9e19-e46816a9e02d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:22:47	707.749
-60	86136	4306800	db7d84a7-cb6b-4371-966c-c2a9fdb92d8e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:14:30	-749.578
-61	43069	4306900	0caf4fcd-b3b0-40e1-b32d-0bd108d540c3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:03:55	360.121
-61	86138	4306900	52d65398-1f9b-47e3-bbc7-061aec9d042f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:43:23	-623.587
-62	43070	4307000	e49dd028-ba65-449f-9551-2543e046b739	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:02:31	351.746
-62	86140	4307000	69a95361-b9f0-4cdd-88b2-32ee5c1249bf	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:06:23	920.880
-63	43071	4307100	3f89f6d3-3f88-40bd-a0ec-56a46a6b5a02	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:59:04	-407.352
-63	86142	4307100	185bfe26-7bd0-47f5-aa36-40d9855b06b6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:24:24	321.217
-64	43072	4307200	32a21ae1-5ad0-4d30-952b-c9412d2c3ac2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:02:04	-484.6
-64	86144	4307200	b2e05b9b-9034-4b0a-85e0-0837796c7404	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:36:18	-519.107
-65	43073	4307300	6d0a77e7-d6cb-48d5-933f-2443eb3ccd42	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:26:34	-977.856
-65	86146	4307300	c91963d8-6d50-4480-bacf-f6c4000ec8cc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:04:14	-965.635
-66	43074	4307400	e428c1ce-a601-4351-871e-46063be9bb3e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:06:16	597.507
-66	86148	4307400	d40bc70a-af5f-4a66-b88a-beacba77eec7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:41:27	-761.23
-67	43075	4307500	b9be7034-9e23-4ad5-a029-14cf578f60cc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:40:11	520.476
-67	86150	4307500	c9c27024-1b99-4d7a-a20f-3d1b6b9707c7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:43:04	351.619
-68	43076	4307600	3ec7920e-a728-4f76-b945-bd117296ad0c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:39:57	-1.243
-68	86152	4307600	474cd1ae-e02f-494a-9d1f-505ab50122d2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:18:58	-367.882
-69	43077	4307700	a447e2c0-f306-401c-9596-4a5551d30b57	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:22:45	95.343
-69	86154	4307700	79a1775b-fb80-4320-888a-0a56669eeab7	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:23:41	599.844
-70	43078	4307800	a717a851-52b8-4bba-af01-2e74b8b0b3c6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:34:52	-14.338
-70	86156	4307800	3456c68e-40e9-4ac8-bc70-77a960531ec5	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:19:42	-143.166
-71	43079	4307900	ae7a78a4-4cd7-42af-b3ca-02aa12088dfc	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:29:40	-719.823
-71	86158	4307900	1fd13976-9c03-4b1d-82d7-ea19af8dce28	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:21:07	982.881
-72	43080	4308000	337aa3e1-31cd-41b5-ae43-c19f60386570	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:06:31	-311.864
-72	86160	4308000	e804906f-c716-429b-a6de-f9c78fc3e744	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:55:59	-361.484
-73	43081	4308100	dd34417c-e976-4082-9449-4f70b28d8d9f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:50:23	-934.151
-73	86162	4308100	2b510641-3d13-46c4-95a3-348c0f0916c4	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:10:03	-521.979
-74	43082	4308200	d2d2f598-49e7-4420-861b-cf4a94a82b68	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:43:37	766.830
-74	86164	4308200	303b473f-e260-46fa-907f-b8534280417c	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:21:30	641.779
-75	43083	4308300	3f79d95d-78b4-4ec7-b22e-4253fe43c5f9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:02:23	170.54
-75	86166	4308300	c96deb43-81c9-4467-bb9f-86bbf08e8bdb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:08:31	-124.594
-76	43084	4308400	d7318711-d2a0-453c-986b-a698b7444de5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:17:31	-252.773
-76	86168	4308400	9584769f-0411-4abe-8819-a180e473b54f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:02:50	-294.914
-77	43085	4308500	c9f6ea83-7e19-4489-b99d-cc8f3f33d46c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:43:40	-750.495
-77	86170	4308500	e84bb073-4c5e-423d-8424-f6cb4c371275	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:43:01	924.757
-78	43086	4308600	ec47468b-7974-4786-8699-11301b720516	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:05:13	55.157
-78	86172	4308600	99dc672b-eb09-4b77-a7f6-7f54f768aaf5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:10:48	132.291
-79	43087	4308700	743b0c68-5b7e-4ff4-b6ab-251da3ec3451	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:29:58	-633.510
-79	86174	4308700	09362376-bda8-4e1a-980a-d9003979691b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:30:42	375.396
-80	43088	4308800	df6cc11a-64bf-41b6-9bb0-3a687e73cfb4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:54:50	740.912
-80	86176	4308800	11de4298-9b9b-4888-8ae5-f1f0e57c73a8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:20:11	964.738
-81	43089	4308900	3cddf729-4791-4c0a-88aa-f07b40b1209e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:15:40	980.622
-81	86178	4308900	7e39556e-ef00-48de-8617-89ac5ecbeac2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:13:55	-21.93
-82	43090	4309000	c4178346-8da9-40d3-b029-e081b04d9706	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:55:29	-467.64
-82	86180	4309000	a43cc4f9-150c-49ae-9ba2-6df534ec71af	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 07:01:36	591.933
-83	43091	4309100	1eb5a761-925e-4b79-92a7-44e434379109	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:22:50	-511.316
-83	86182	4309100	1fb9d6ff-628e-49c1-9977-f6a50594ccd1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:26:34	77.212
-84	43092	4309200	c11b160c-3dc9-41cb-8fe1-fe2af4061a4d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:20:02	780.922
-84	86184	4309200	48376450-0378-4eb5-95a8-d603365f0027	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:42:06	809.38
-85	43093	4309300	49043355-18bd-487a-8b0d-5a35d2a123bd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:10:12	-277.690
-85	86186	4309300	24f67593-f15d-43e2-ac26-7e47fed6860f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:24:32	-44.759
-86	43094	4309400	7d950565-f2d1-4553-a149-4dc3e5433b62	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:10:32	439.276
-86	86188	4309400	a30505a8-9440-4d44-a459-4185ad6c0c79	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:46:05	-763.89
-87	43095	4309500	936b64a7-08e2-4002-9339-dfc473ddd83a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:32:53	695.546
-87	86190	4309500	584b4c94-6920-4f34-ad66-143e4a6ddbbb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:20:04	-722.121
-88	43096	4309600	b67b5b80-d288-4791-922d-7c0d5c1cfbba	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:50:11	-849.480
-88	86192	4309600	3594a5be-e13b-45db-81ec-584574359358	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 04:18:55	449.197
-89	43097	4309700	0d53a9c5-45ea-4979-9321-f719a0e86de4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:56:41	-158.515
-89	86194	4309700	dddbd6e2-cb43-4bfb-8802-96b44a80beb9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:01:06	176.972
-90	43098	4309800	f216e289-1cd8-4c73-a766-bc537fd62e43	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:39:06	-805.647
-90	86196	4309800	dcadf886-8339-403e-8889-28bd706a3ae7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:07:49	832.411
-91	43099	4309900	b4f4731c-bf9e-4613-9795-58a5e85234cd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 10:48:26	536.205
-91	86198	4309900	da2bde74-f755-46b4-b1ac-69bad484abc8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:46:21	887.787
-92	43100	4310000	c374c5f9-1b74-40e5-a151-d43c2e555cb4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:49:54	758.944
-92	86200	4310000	25a7d25f-23b0-437e-8fd5-a69b5d33b6ea	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:57:07	698.797
-93	43101	4310100	0b936ec1-c8e1-4764-be58-f8768b15b68b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:27:02	-653.156
-93	86202	4310100	a02224b1-f0bf-485e-950a-d0ed9d71cc95	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:48:19	-239.647
-94	43102	4310200	f224b910-aa3d-40a5-9f56-72333041e126	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:15:34	-526.431
-94	86204	4310200	9010f703-2205-4240-863a-77393216a36d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:27:23	-685.455
-95	43103	4310300	ff43f87d-4ab5-4f1e-9f42-bd0a771fae4c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:24:53	-786.556
-95	86206	4310300	6a7197e5-b14f-40d5-9209-df9619292299	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:26:33	129.423
-96	43104	4310400	1d6af6a4-5fac-4b18-812c-ddd5e492b84a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:49:15	89.785
-96	86208	4310400	6d65d24d-dceb-414a-8acb-38f0ccd58274	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:01:14	-933.436
-97	43105	4310500	46824a72-5b28-4e3f-914d-59e00d16f31d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:13:15	-883.348
-97	86210	4310500	1ec60f77-bfbc-4310-8de9-4a80daf7b07b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:17:39	604.254
-98	43106	4310600	c8fe361b-f78e-4f2e-9295-5cba680c7fe6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:18:14	-391.325
-98	86212	4310600	1aa5ff1f-bc35-41d3-8541-8512fae377cc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:13:49	217.149
-99	43107	4310700	393051b2-0549-437d-a8e2-3432e9ab0dec	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:55:50	889.337
-99	86214	4310700	56dfae29-7c32-4a64-a833-3c3630314ba2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:05:08	821.131
-100	43108	4310800	35a597f6-a6a9-479b-9056-c7fd0a545bae	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:41:49	-283.763
-100	86216	4310800	117e7d18-885c-4a9b-a270-93717cdbf9ca	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:49:38	803.574
-101	43109	4310900	21c1b96d-2cc8-4aba-aee7-f858d5bdbaed	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:22:36	823.6
-101	86218	4310900	4cd5cc65-23a4-459b-a3d1-8d2d7f82818b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:58:40	688.804
-102	43110	4311000	0097dfd2-c8ef-4bdb-aef3-f88c9d0bcb0d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:03:37	-275.692
-102	86220	4311000	9d801a78-d575-4af1-9b96-4c19ee402f56	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:05:44	419.867
-103	43111	4311100	aaaaf863-e3de-4eb3-a629-303cc18be2e1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:54:45	916.581
-103	86222	4311100	230b2bf7-119e-43ed-87e7-7b40663f1ca2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:34:58	-242.135
-104	43112	4311200	eb3f069c-713b-4e16-b6e5-ff267155c037	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:41:55	-329.823
-104	86224	4311200	e299caf7-490f-4bba-8249-a38321b6d95b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:03:16	552.384
-105	43113	4311300	11362e64-6eb5-4247-bd55-16a0452180fa	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:08:18	-143.367
-105	86226	4311300	fba29fc6-7a56-469d-a0a4-f7224e8ad870	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:13:30	-993.412
-106	43114	4311400	81bb1ea6-e044-4e5a-b995-98b1f7b8d5b6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:47:08	-787.653
-106	86228	4311400	cfece75a-a063-48ce-ab38-26687cf114d2	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:02:05	-704.533
-107	43115	4311500	3a69e295-8fc3-4d97-8de1-85116fde6345	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:48:41	906.113
-107	86230	4311500	6be60b40-5eb3-41bd-8b6d-35b1a8470bb0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:50:31	-421.183
-108	43116	4311600	21b62143-5ac8-4e98-a903-8bb195071f41	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:15:02	-868.629
-108	86232	4311600	b2977d0a-c460-4bf6-93ee-fcd31bd8a46d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:41:22	-217.704
-109	43117	4311700	21ca1b05-52f3-49bc-8263-0821c1373f80	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:26:23	343.626
-109	86234	4311700	695b15e0-4828-4ca4-a4d8-10e0ebb25551	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:11:12	-51.892
-110	43118	4311800	dca5229a-ac9f-4368-aa8c-6d51d276d2b5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:48:23	193.933
-110	86236	4311800	c4d38197-4409-43ba-8eae-c4f3c9cb6525	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:49:59	31.492
-111	43119	4311900	d3043c82-b5a3-4b5c-b543-f9339c3eda80	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:38:27	-757.178
-111	86238	4311900	34e7fb59-7acf-4802-99c9-7590057d9e3e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:10:43	-953.559
-112	43120	4312000	a9c36d10-2200-4aec-8c92-f0f613e99235	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:50:48	484.574
-112	86240	4312000	acaf7cb8-53d3-4a9d-a1d7-781e5540117f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:49:20	-961.293
-113	43121	4312100	5ba72143-1463-4c34-a03a-d3f1729dc2e9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:21:18	239.190
-113	86242	4312100	c495ac17-fb67-483a-a007-59241faf2fc5	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:10:20	-933.828
-114	43122	4312200	ef86a96c-ddbf-4355-89ce-56cde7a4a2a8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:25:08	-771.28
-114	86244	4312200	78fa93d1-167e-48c1-b805-0c15292573af	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:51:38	392.612
-115	43123	4312300	748fd371-5ca0-443c-b35a-2328308e21e4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:52:57	-33.59
-115	86246	4312300	20c5ec89-345d-484c-9908-071ee6024abe	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:22:08	41.961
-116	43124	4312400	1a8b7abe-8d53-4973-8e10-f6cf93e67c0d	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:29:15	963.624
-116	86248	4312400	b82013de-a4be-4f3b-b541-5749f6c15c87	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:19:26	207.321
-117	43125	4312500	5237e335-884c-4015-8ae4-b80ee063ad0e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:28:51	9.964
-117	86250	4312500	b07b81fb-0edd-496e-9d5d-9e9b17c9844d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:16:23	768.988
-118	43126	4312600	c9e679fe-9978-47a8-bf79-f229c92fb69e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:51:32	249.966
-118	86252	4312600	7beb4629-af5a-477b-8033-20ebfc46f500	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:10:26	-795.608
-119	43127	4312700	643f63ee-a202-44e5-8fa2-e89be8d791e8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:51:07	-784.530
-119	86254	4312700	0c3807e5-cdfa-4343-a3ac-66b1bc62d5ed	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:49:00	-765.624
-120	43128	4312800	2876dc07-2f26-4aeb-82bc-6bf2ed1869c6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:18:44	-983.144
-120	86256	4312800	61710fc7-cd21-4591-a733-5f19e6153917	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:12:40	677.90
-121	43129	4312900	264eab8d-37c9-49ba-a8e3-51e917fae337	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:58:02	-975.0
-121	86258	4312900	2a875d12-355e-4ae1-8c1b-443d096b60b8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:20:31	575.299
-122	43130	4313000	9c3f51d7-9088-4cb3-9372-e133f1493a9b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:51:33	-122.670
-122	86260	4313000	32ffb207-0463-4e5b-8667-25493af0ac3f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:20:29	841.264
-123	43131	4313100	1b84ebde-f7a8-4ea5-8913-eac50af71f5a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:04:21	-614.669
-123	86262	4313100	73ad1eff-8db3-4c41-9369-876f2c46447e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 04:41:34	-42.615
-124	43132	4313200	ab1cae10-9711-4776-8f92-db3a8bedadc5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:57:45	47.868
-124	86264	4313200	a4f67cdc-1806-444c-83bb-332eac84b099	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:18:49	773.87
-125	43133	4313300	26a66bf6-38c0-449b-b075-012ac7d2903e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:25:17	-279.374
-125	86266	4313300	e861bde2-8e0c-4498-a2b1-51081aa59ff1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:08:34	-295.558
-126	43134	4313400	8f7ff029-23c3-4d2b-903c-1cf110f047c0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:38:37	-20.805
-126	86268	4313400	c03ad053-1166-41b8-befd-8b17b1db5ae9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:08:49	-38.906
-127	43135	4313500	c4d8dc07-ce35-4099-90a8-8e78d772f537	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:51:57	-730.767
-127	86270	4313500	5a616380-9e9c-4cba-ac67-500fb1eb6999	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:23:42	-375.965
-0	43136	4313600	8b893223-ab92-441a-810d-bee73b71a109	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:07:03	78.776
-0	86272	4313600	f6301720-af9d-4092-ac7d-565dd3baf098	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:13:33	-983.828
-1	43137	4313700	283dfb9f-2a80-4df5-8f29-201fdbfbccd8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:46:01	-496.889
-1	86274	4313700	b21a6f07-8ce0-4f73-9bf9-9a794e19d78b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:01:34	-316.76
-2	43138	4313800	6ce2f4c1-ac6e-4d9d-880d-3d652edaaad4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:45:39	-495.373
-2	86276	4313800	5e67a245-f786-4a2a-8269-c3661477d640	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:17:39	474.67
-3	43139	4313900	042bfe0a-e18d-4b5f-8aa5-ab0e2ed7723c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:07:58	327.573
-3	86278	4313900	5047ca26-2276-40fe-9fec-76812360e4e8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:30:18	401.829
-4	43140	4314000	f059de01-147c-4674-85c3-b5629dfdfdeb	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:11:47	-803.246
-4	86280	4314000	1364c14f-e0a7-41b1-9be5-c5a81676895d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:12:24	270.12
-5	43141	4314100	9c6b8661-d2aa-48b4-854a-be1cb3dc0d55	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:06:52	-58.366
-5	86282	4314100	0dfe2fd6-840a-43d5-9087-cc91691b90cf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:42:18	-481.971
-6	43142	4314200	90be2d66-fd06-42ad-9db3-49e9d349e35b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:08:40	983.610
-6	86284	4314200	697c6a01-1d84-4c1d-b6e1-1213e110f0e2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:14:42	49.525
-7	43143	4314300	5d680406-2fb3-466b-b6b1-6c0fdc630d88	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:33:30	202.966
-7	86286	4314300	a678e9d3-d8a1-4682-8b21-93ff69bc2d12	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:37:49	190.531
-8	43144	4314400	32ef7d91-48dd-45c8-86e1-81cfcdb3a006	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:22:15	-864.724
-8	86288	4314400	4bbf656c-6911-48a2-8cef-e7f70fcd8aa7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:47:53	240.76
-9	43145	4314500	b529dcd0-9a54-4f00-ac61-94cb12a6a18b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:49:11	-405.987
-9	86290	4314500	5c601be6-daa5-4f0a-a862-912649b15b87	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:55:16	-606.748
-10	43146	4314600	0741944a-a6bd-4534-8695-9e864df4201b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:23:08	964.560
-10	86292	4314600	ce7f1124-a720-4fc4-84d8-bc9746636aba	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:13:54	320.910
-11	43147	4314700	66d6f11c-73e2-41a4-a735-a8a0cc050bb6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:38:05	0.969
-11	86294	4314700	2fb61af8-8030-4e83-99c8-a6dae9c6ded7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:46:15	493.118
-12	43148	4314800	ebf505f7-be8c-4450-b708-8f7d94247f02	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:23:03	855.942
-12	86296	4314800	87acb69c-adc7-4554-9818-e70f8e528a7d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:13:10	202.594
-13	43149	4314900	029cabd8-1f43-48a1-9789-c82e5dec3d09	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:44:22	305.600
-13	86298	4314900	bff28d63-3590-42eb-9106-8a46bf80a967	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:59:14	220.829
-14	43150	4315000	16d33a09-6170-496a-bde8-14054c548720	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:51:53	-447.849
-14	86300	4315000	97a254d8-74a7-4673-8ee9-a72e407d2f0b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:35:33	-779.748
-15	43151	4315100	7c167001-6c96-40b6-89ea-0fa81d59b817	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:34:10	703.776
-15	86302	4315100	fefe4559-67c4-464c-93ca-1c3f81fecec8	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:20:09	404.204
-16	43152	4315200	1178d407-a846-493c-8c74-43765646f69a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:08:15	-606.623
-16	86304	4315200	5f944dce-c063-41cd-a52f-3bc6bff69ae6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:46:06	-685.138
-17	43153	4315300	365d0c26-d15e-43fd-92dd-e3d026931741	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:30:27	35.747
-17	86306	4315300	7ea19843-4147-4760-b461-440e6c6251a8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:09:04	438.892
-18	43154	4315400	db7f52ad-129a-49b1-b1ea-1399705bcb62	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:55:35	338.662
-18	86308	4315400	decd9d32-62c6-41b5-a370-c32eaf74a509	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:17:43	729.202
-19	43155	4315500	3cae5397-33a1-4a36-803c-0ae2e45f17bd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:30:56	-266.76
-19	86310	4315500	755d36ef-c71c-4edb-9fa5-965ac49a677a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:28:44	713.730
-20	43156	4315600	1c22bbcc-6dd6-4c66-b612-9333c9bc76a3	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:13:33	-605.738
-20	86312	4315600	bb5abbc3-aa59-4e94-b21b-e60271e6d1de	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:27:41	-883.326
-21	43157	4315700	e43855c6-468b-46a8-8422-540f84bf7304	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:00:04	582.545
-21	86314	4315700	4f322397-3682-46e2-b962-b3f611e72aa9	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:21:39	-296.493
-22	43158	4315800	413d02eb-8e8f-4d70-85ac-a559564b3cd7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:00:18	908.350
-22	86316	4315800	6c00376d-928c-4599-8f7a-df00a1912e3f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:57:52	580.623
-23	43159	4315900	2dcd8a41-bd0b-44fd-a873-5f4e86621363	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:05:34	-596.421
-23	86318	4315900	d9e7105a-f3e4-4f62-bdf8-61d717984d84	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:36:01	293.988
-24	43160	4316000	88f844c9-fcda-46b0-95c8-0a5c3aabf33f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:26:36	184.493
-24	86320	4316000	0fa1144e-666d-444d-9f87-fccb3fbaf84e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:52:21	-817.285
-25	43161	4316100	3bfe13d0-4b94-417c-888c-2651c1f5a419	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:57:17	191.718
-25	86322	4316100	42bcf36e-36d7-4491-ac85-abe69acb78df	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:10:08	-603.460
-26	43162	4316200	7a1cfb90-2ede-4e72-b1e3-36d0e6a8b59c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:52:01	-566.91
-26	86324	4316200	318510c1-64cc-41c6-b53a-145aaf466ce2	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:09:31	749.942
-27	43163	4316300	d2f3c661-f6ae-4b78-9c0f-d2236f871283	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:04:43	734.927
-27	86326	4316300	7137a3da-6657-4af7-8a29-140e0727c06d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:11:05	316.124
-28	43164	4316400	d5fc69a4-006b-416c-bff7-7610e07990c1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:04:35	549.675
-28	86328	4316400	9f51f091-4746-4c3a-b99d-877404e17f7b	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:20:29	112.494
-29	43165	4316500	4baf14da-e5dc-4ee0-beda-7cdc1107b41b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:51:29	484.266
-29	86330	4316500	c3b3b15f-f665-4d95-829e-4a3e53b1c849	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:24:12	-860.669
-30	43166	4316600	8c8773d3-cea4-45cb-baa0-67bf58a7570c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:57:13	584.274
-30	86332	4316600	07fff6ba-cf4d-48df-bfc0-a21ab1a5d694	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:40:38	601.383
-31	43167	4316700	08b7a360-0776-467f-9fe6-a4ef3b2341eb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:43:14	-219.791
-31	86334	4316700	f2587ba5-db56-4c4e-a4bd-7d570ef02c16	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:33:17	747.180
-32	43168	4316800	f94b1c33-230a-4bbd-97d3-09b648ada95e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:12:17	367.814
-32	86336	4316800	6592d74d-1c7e-48bd-bc56-e8e001272cd4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:39:33	-790.314
-33	43169	4316900	c15430f4-3a69-4426-aa3e-9025c6ffb084	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:46:26	-74.117
-33	86338	4316900	f4cb2601-2274-463e-9aa4-df827f06d0f1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:24:13	-648.581
-34	43170	4317000	9e917ef2-ddd6-4ee7-964e-351207f62212	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:20:09	158.929
-34	86340	4317000	0aa6d986-dc47-439e-a9b2-389b8fdc8ef1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:48:32	714.154
-35	43171	4317100	8da05323-bc5f-4892-8e81-8879c81b9dd3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:04:26	639.413
-35	86342	4317100	e7a4aaf8-d519-4b29-9609-672994971e86	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:58:47	-314.322
-36	43172	4317200	2a20356e-8734-4a61-b29e-f46ec2dcf992	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:01:40	95.337
-36	86344	4317200	71fcfe9b-646a-47f9-833c-dc1558903bcb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:31:56	642.602
-37	43173	4317300	685a9eea-8854-43d5-bda2-66e40ed7d8b3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:52:41	-647.401
-37	86346	4317300	f714d370-d676-4d04-89f3-9bf1c7228992	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:12:48	-709.186
-38	43174	4317400	5505a373-5ec7-496b-be09-4a83f969232b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:46:33	415.800
-38	86348	4317400	60c6c038-7d7d-4e5c-a1b0-89ea9cc6a6e5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:04:27	941.119
-39	43175	4317500	96f9a5db-5265-4c27-8a15-930acf62f9e0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:19:20	-449.672
-39	86350	4317500	058bc011-31bc-44e8-9839-af35604b74b1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:33:53	-851.691
-40	43176	4317600	0fa64f2c-10a5-4796-a63b-79ba6723c61e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:55:29	736.758
-40	86352	4317600	5b5da733-3c27-49f3-8b66-f4baa351644a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:11:13	249.859
-41	43177	4317700	68256bae-6e19-43b4-b002-e09cbadbe0ef	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:22:59	780.571
-41	86354	4317700	cfb28b0d-371e-427f-b4de-7dc042d6a8b2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:45:14	713.403
-42	43178	4317800	97bc8001-584b-46ce-a4d2-867a0043c673	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:13:40	-98.8
-42	86356	4317800	e4a6edae-534c-4b5c-be1b-3b46a5787391	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:05:55	510.896
-43	43179	4317900	aa1a1077-e315-42c0-b482-ea9a5deed190	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:12:47	106.385
-43	86358	4317900	8cec8eba-17ca-4c01-a31b-7bb86e7fedd1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:34:16	145.735
-44	43180	4318000	ee57a4e9-f26d-41ef-be44-1d9cfd10d1ca	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:43:40	170.947
-44	86360	4318000	124e9e37-557e-4212-b792-abf6696e8ba0	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:40:29	888.410
-45	43181	4318100	81ed748e-4e2b-4547-89ee-962a0ff80903	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:30:02	-939.961
-45	86362	4318100	a9f3a931-fae7-4195-9ad0-3044ba1de5b0	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:42:25	431.807
-46	43182	4318200	38d763d4-7e62-4c6e-badb-c302ccc6956b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:43:32	484.646
-46	86364	4318200	b70663e1-7611-4179-90c8-43c35b26e7f3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:08:44	-976.866
-47	43183	4318300	607e02cf-72f2-40c4-85df-71f44a8ddeb2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:19:30	783.992
-47	86366	4318300	3872bddc-3273-413e-91b9-ce8cd2e9e4ac	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:26:32	-69.501
-48	43184	4318400	e745d541-0cd8-429f-b13b-42c612e1258c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:15:39	-367.185
-48	86368	4318400	a5208b15-b859-4923-902a-1ff5b1254490	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:40:28	-10.524
-49	43185	4318500	e11fedce-34e1-4e58-96cb-7fd7dc5f95ed	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:51:53	-540.803
-49	86370	4318500	fb574606-a847-4ed3-83fb-7daa7fc079aa	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:59:32	354.902
-50	43186	4318600	2378a444-9ab9-47fd-b1c7-028e8e0c45c0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:13:11	143.324
-50	86372	4318600	06c40462-5474-4a66-8d55-8efef896356c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:22:12	-867.174
-51	43187	4318700	4e73a9d0-75c6-4da1-99aa-91a05a289453	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:55:14	-714.392
-51	86374	4318700	31d8ec70-19ef-4282-92e8-2c6cde8dbf7f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:24:51	-47.79
-52	43188	4318800	c619ae3f-9d2b-463e-b09e-77a58c55106a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:30:39	122.317
-52	86376	4318800	922b0973-189e-460a-9342-36602c8c42c4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:45:56	-160.697
-53	43189	4318900	80c1615a-d9ac-4a5d-bf0c-cffcdc4f6acf	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:07:40	314.956
-53	86378	4318900	b8147c3c-a1f2-419f-a6ee-4facc76bc4b1	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:36:58	-947.430
-54	43190	4319000	92839a37-a89b-41ba-875f-8a5693a9684a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:38:03	-997.364
-54	86380	4319000	0709402a-518e-4461-9a22-7e77cb803795	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:25:47	-865.918
-55	43191	4319100	408cd125-2c48-4c00-805e-edaca8e9e144	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:24:05	-854.579
-55	86382	4319100	df306981-d08e-4993-8675-76d69337b920	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:25:43	826.393
-56	43192	4319200	a293400c-8c9c-4e0f-8d20-e4a9eb31f216	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:26:01	-101.206
-56	86384	4319200	896e90c8-971b-4c8f-8dcb-4db8adbcdf49	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:20:34	-168.548
-57	43193	4319300	d6569adf-2559-48a6-b93b-152564dcac5f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:52:56	123.89
-57	86386	4319300	9516f2e1-42af-4e14-8eca-837c3ac04184	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:29:04	-306.373
-58	43194	4319400	54218c56-5c9b-4186-8715-492492eca921	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:31:39	-450.267
-58	86388	4319400	cf5c9357-d5a6-4731-839b-acfd5a401302	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:21:52	652.687
-59	43195	4319500	94903e46-9302-40b2-b24d-4671e3a76fc1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:43:08	177.489
-59	86390	4319500	195e0502-b585-460a-9e00-d79ef73e0ff7	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:14:53	818.430
-60	43196	4319600	44967212-7604-4a8d-b545-58d6cbbdf34e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:34:09	-524.915
-60	86392	4319600	37b3e58b-0b56-44b8-b82b-ddb4a5bb4dc7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:53:16	-669.211
-61	43197	4319700	cfb1e109-9fad-472a-a3bd-2fcb573c306b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:21:38	-788.117
-61	86394	4319700	34935c31-f7d6-4b6b-b206-e7c97d4d454b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:59:08	258.860
-62	43198	4319800	4aa67568-15a9-4636-bf3c-e88981ce9469	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:44:40	921.545
-62	86396	4319800	ed76185d-929c-45bb-af00-147dc2f43f54	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:33:03	-795.289
-63	43199	4319900	bc4d5aa1-5104-4f69-93d5-f88bc97d0cfd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:15:36	242.620
-63	86398	4319900	6ea4ac9f-6c17-47f2-9f42-852e6c9dec34	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:22:36	912.203
-64	43200	4320000	eec65ccf-01eb-4d1a-aa45-4a28d1855456	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:23:53	197.767
-64	86400	4320000	24bc7cc2-55e6-4b6d-be3d-51973796c14a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:28:32	-245.856
-65	43201	4320100	46a6dbed-618f-4b8a-a686-2b1501c1957f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:48:14	694.307
-65	86402	4320100	db47148f-13bd-4a47-9567-11f9be21a0e9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:57:35	744.900
-66	43202	4320200	97d8f10c-d040-4619-a546-26b2e79f2e62	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:20:15	163.440
-66	86404	4320200	c238cec9-db68-44a3-9f2c-4e5d716b85ae	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:35:58	613.855
-67	43203	4320300	0c6a70a1-fb0a-4675-b6c1-d7f652dc9e13	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:51:04	970.157
-67	86406	4320300	a0e2b462-0dd7-4f25-87f9-d3f990d0fe28	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:00:20	963.616
-68	43204	4320400	cdc04973-9a64-446c-9739-ab1b56bc82f6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:33:09	-967.598
-68	86408	4320400	4c027e4b-1fc2-4026-901e-adc0e3cd14cb	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:28:38	149.381
-69	43205	4320500	302b0ccb-fd87-40f3-9a45-89804ac4736d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:36:20	142.706
-69	86410	4320500	6968e90c-7133-4f49-9fba-15e665250fe5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:46:49	283.606
-70	43206	4320600	624522ed-ddea-414d-bd62-9c55a922c99a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:56:08	-97.830
-70	86412	4320600	ee73c3ee-3a3f-4c20-9087-09372abd3991	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:31:21	-398.59
-71	43207	4320700	4c693dee-d351-429d-a0fa-288ee539e172	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:41:37	-576.180
-71	86414	4320700	ee00503d-9b9a-49a5-b932-dc1edfb698bc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:34:30	389.446
-72	43208	4320800	209ecc92-77e3-45bd-b6c9-d26bef8b808b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:39:23	-952.881
-72	86416	4320800	1bdf5abe-2a17-4be7-807c-554243242881	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:15:03	821.272
-73	43209	4320900	90999e84-4e5c-4246-a186-df8477be1a63	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:31:12	92.558
-73	86418	4320900	d50969d2-35b6-486a-a1b9-5c4656a33387	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:35:09	-702.447
-74	43210	4321000	478d3107-e873-498f-bed2-b1ded70c052e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:09:15	-937.286
-74	86420	4321000	36a9b6bc-a39a-4d61-8712-2f4a85707dac	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:50:14	508.487
-75	43211	4321100	235f25d2-cc56-40c3-8009-1c65740885bb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:16:38	-642.989
-75	86422	4321100	1d6b035b-7fe3-4a9a-95c1-22f1cdfdc52f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:53:42	484.663
-76	43212	4321200	069eec7b-7162-49e5-82f6-715a9b87d273	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:24:04	510.530
-76	86424	4321200	e9687fc1-690a-4bc8-843a-3eb4c4f48552	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:30:15	-818.900
-77	43213	4321300	51d90bd5-cc58-4065-ac56-8727d4c879cd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:12:07	796.176
-77	86426	4321300	3423894e-9160-4313-ad58-66ed0fa5badd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:18:57	-314.172
-78	43214	4321400	4b4928d5-c2c5-42e4-a5cc-25ce643b9307	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:53:38	-227.477
-78	86428	4321400	d6740db3-2c2e-47b0-8c9e-5454028286f3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:57:04	-810.43
-79	43215	4321500	21418d39-bcae-4176-8ae8-3112b1fc4f6a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:11:16	96.953
-79	86430	4321500	afc44f11-fdc6-4bd6-becd-ff0f268a1157	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:15:59	796.571
-80	43216	4321600	0aeadd5e-1955-4387-8167-a8fa581f5ac4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:12:12	212.801
-80	86432	4321600	fdaea82b-82de-4d16-9128-37dd981c7998	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:28:44	-116.430
-81	43217	4321700	739bed7b-0112-44bb-aa93-5878e13eabe2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:35:19	-918.675
-81	86434	4321700	d7136b25-8769-401d-9d8c-3f48b821e090	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:02:28	-121.760
-82	43218	4321800	cd88ac5f-731e-47d0-a2fc-c96b61e7f14d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:57:12	-150.884
-82	86436	4321800	7112bd40-0e9f-4b98-bfa5-6a1e15f15a0c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:56:14	-381.566
-83	43219	4321900	a3ececf1-bb75-4820-8548-7afb592d7f70	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:49:57	-247.718
-83	86438	4321900	f3840d34-d122-47cd-898b-8fde9807193b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:00:25	237.416
-84	43220	4322000	e25f5390-cf87-4fae-b7a4-fb42ead4a1ee	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:28:54	739.946
-84	86440	4322000	3a0fd1b5-f6c7-41cb-abde-824b24138c4f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:12:30	-132.340
-85	43221	4322100	c0c5d41c-50f9-4252-aad3-94311161e752	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:15:29	-234.661
-85	86442	4322100	d8d1aabb-fe18-4040-baef-ba1fc7999f86	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:30:11	-15.375
-86	43222	4322200	0c7613de-b53e-4c28-bb6c-e3c093f7c795	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:02:10	-903.252
-86	86444	4322200	4bd0d618-e7f7-44da-a657-56233afc8332	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:04:20	-110.645
-87	43223	4322300	33ec8b49-6b36-4f77-8c33-5dc219566148	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:24:37	443.729
-87	86446	4322300	2f37810a-1a1c-4396-9a4b-c2e56c92c64e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:09:16	529.621
-88	43224	4322400	ad160cbd-56e6-456e-b3ba-92b0c828c5c3	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:54:28	-892.394
-88	86448	4322400	f521b178-0f14-4b28-862a-79e8b9f7a890	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:17:20	-757.877
-89	43225	4322500	76bffa47-0a13-4daf-93e0-735ec11b6718	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:30:45	-568.53
-89	86450	4322500	1b78f32b-4e96-46dd-a41d-c59492aaf2c2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:54:49	874.910
-90	43226	4322600	362c3090-6bb4-4395-a94d-e3ad7e5b0df2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:52:01	602.304
-90	86452	4322600	49cb1981-2c45-4f52-91ee-41f2274f5c37	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:15:30	-23.863
-91	43227	4322700	871a1a52-8198-4fa1-87b9-996a4e3ef6c0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:19:13	-643.167
-91	86454	4322700	98fe264c-59f8-4d03-b5df-0d7f7b148b69	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:36:59	-15.675
-92	43228	4322800	c4cd4f78-1ae3-4054-95b8-2803c2d81c81	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:46:15	866.832
-92	86456	4322800	769e850d-e94c-4aa1-b801-a186ed7f8a36	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:35:30	46.991
-93	43229	4322900	37d77bb4-dbdf-45ff-85a0-636932d15822	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:08:56	841.105
-93	86458	4322900	d0e9d8bb-0404-4980-aa0c-b469322be06c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 13:47:52	195.526
-94	43230	4323000	32bd23ac-6f9e-45f7-b77a-cb01399ff401	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:30:41	837.393
-94	86460	4323000	127c70a1-632f-481a-95a6-893e3da20676	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:52:02	666.87
-95	43231	4323100	6a4855b5-4b5a-4b87-8fc2-9dddf7303df7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:07:42	-13.103
-95	86462	4323100	674eb8f0-5d28-430d-9688-cd17f40b2023	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:32:20	-205.520
-96	43232	4323200	09c468ff-f2f5-44d8-8efe-3d481bd3aebd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:47:14	-201.129
-96	86464	4323200	7820ad72-923c-4251-9ca9-ed5fbb6a621b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:25:47	307.374
-97	43233	4323300	1b978bb4-eb0a-4a86-b1c1-cd85906bdfc3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:15:46	691.726
-97	86466	4323300	353cd738-5c43-4c07-ba09-4c26db814009	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:59:49	-703.944
-98	43234	4323400	09c3f0d2-98d2-41a8-b94c-e775ad365c30	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:48:58	-333.627
-98	86468	4323400	f00ebe04-aaee-4ba4-8361-ad05a9c099db	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:04:32	-803.942
-99	43235	4323500	95871c5a-8b21-4afc-8707-9c859b5274da	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:50:43	288.621
-99	86470	4323500	2e9235ad-933f-465b-8003-f8b419d3423a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:14:36	976.822
-100	43236	4323600	59404ae3-115a-4cd5-8dda-5e565b234a6c	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:51:49	-647.878
-100	86472	4323600	62952d73-f238-4df4-a351-9991d5888638	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:30:19	-690.137
-101	43237	4323700	59e4dfe8-c9d8-483b-83d0-54c6c394fb33	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:31:59	815.201
-101	86474	4323700	1d132976-8848-477c-8a2c-f3dac35f88b6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:18:40	956.658
-102	43238	4323800	23f7817f-8613-4719-9070-1768bbbf618f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:17:54	-802.818
-102	86476	4323800	34a12fe1-a87a-4259-8176-42a36e278b99	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:25:32	-873.945
-103	43239	4323900	4a816747-8c24-4b8f-85c3-f9cc15d4ff91	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:14:21	-725.646
-103	86478	4323900	f2e7da8f-32a3-426f-a213-fc5739561759	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:03:17	-632.897
-104	43240	4324000	abfb75ab-8388-4aa0-9219-ed0904136b6d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:54:35	744.452
-104	86480	4324000	1f1b116a-344a-41fb-8dbc-9f5c1dcccbca	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:54:50	273.503
-105	43241	4324100	4fa765d0-142b-4332-ae90-8247a848af9c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:14:09	275.772
-105	86482	4324100	a40c82e1-20ac-4df4-b485-3fc97f42c53f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:25:26	422.796
-106	43242	4324200	0ba003ca-a5b4-4e60-bcc8-2d8ee21b445d	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:31:10	-938.794
-106	86484	4324200	99f8db06-3c30-4f1e-98f8-ecfb324a6b88	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:15:54	742.80
-107	43243	4324300	ff19a967-1c64-44d2-8bc0-161a04138a5f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:14:49	-525.325
-107	86486	4324300	464ffce5-6c3f-4239-81ab-6164eec2b662	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 16:26:24	-933.554
-108	43244	4324400	c4b4f53a-834f-44da-b27f-bb2a589cca02	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:20:07	-544.438
-108	86488	4324400	78409545-492f-451b-9cca-ce8f79911ae3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:09:17	-902.232
-109	43245	4324500	8f08bdd0-c5ec-4243-836c-4f5f65e59943	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:10:15	-949.827
-109	86490	4324500	284ba59b-c3b2-4a64-8924-8c0a6e08996a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:40:02	-336.439
-110	43246	4324600	067e01c6-6ab6-4df4-a6ec-2492a3fcfb00	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:27:53	212.378
-110	86492	4324600	ff7a6610-0b2a-4307-853b-f0709855d633	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:17:17	-735.965
-111	43247	4324700	f5763507-4b9b-4f46-8636-be72c7292b36	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:00:59	-460.991
-111	86494	4324700	f83c1cba-84e4-4784-a3c7-5460e3156886	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:59:46	894.633
-112	43248	4324800	914d2db7-938e-4f44-921f-ef2e45dbf467	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:04:53	-187.465
-112	86496	4324800	eb5dab06-c598-4a61-8cc9-8eac53224e13	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:58:16	895.634
-113	43249	4324900	5b7b8d6b-5961-40fd-8790-6efef3c55881	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:55:12	72.46
-113	86498	4324900	5e20db2d-a280-4f94-a13c-7fb312a0b36b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:37:42	-133.303
-114	43250	4325000	e1659b35-7678-4677-b7c8-b2a4e7f6abc5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:32:05	590.993
-114	86500	4325000	bec2a2f4-cab5-401c-b554-31ba7f3f4cd1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:32:44	708.751
-115	43251	4325100	a1e0357f-97b0-4f59-99a2-898e7ad3a234	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:29:35	-53.173
-115	86502	4325100	b3be6348-1ccf-4574-94db-c7e3eb0ff9ae	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:06:59	-848.458
-116	43252	4325200	431fff76-912e-442f-933d-15ac46158d26	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 01:04:25	-292.539
-116	86504	4325200	25a64783-069d-4e11-9808-263332e77f8a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:17:13	-829.434
-117	43253	4325300	0507f25c-209e-461b-95b2-a5afc02ba15e	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:52:53	537.817
-117	86506	4325300	64eaa366-4d93-4710-bda0-f062bc5c150e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:02:49	-946.775
-118	43254	4325400	ede18b67-3c01-4c3e-a117-e91de1fc0e9d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:27:54	-393.71
-118	86508	4325400	cf47851f-710d-4c23-b140-ac108fc0009d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:10:45	-334.936
-119	43255	4325500	0dd93e7b-6204-4926-89ba-01fc49d36b80	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:32:19	-807.132
-119	86510	4325500	ca8a8e6c-b753-4e7c-81e3-c659e6f94e39	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:12:59	-874.495
-120	43256	4325600	71313bd3-cdee-48f3-a41b-c7ce262d25af	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:37:04	-341.659
-120	86512	4325600	613dc00e-c1d3-4e59-b934-2f4ca6e140a4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:54:12	-515.445
-121	43257	4325700	59f721e9-f9e6-46ef-9bec-92c4b8b26dac	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:49:14	756.31
-121	86514	4325700	d21d4ec2-36c7-4cfb-8810-f7c9cd71a8bd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:51:29	111.57
-122	43258	4325800	855f86bd-c14d-4336-984c-b94c130d6969	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:18:05	-780.226
-122	86516	4325800	f48af35a-7e5c-425f-8edd-26856a64af08	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:27:56	862.26
-123	43259	4325900	afc13ab1-47cf-470c-b5a9-1106ea4979d2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:26:43	853.636
-123	86518	4325900	b30fc3a1-07f0-46be-8f17-28303e75f45b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:36:42	-402.525
-124	43260	4326000	e5f933bc-e52c-43d2-a68d-493569fa6e15	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:06:37	-384.19
-124	86520	4326000	c0b97e4a-064d-41f9-94de-7a5d93089277	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:12:14	788.700
-125	43261	4326100	c683982a-6d39-439a-a9ff-4e05fec1b81d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:51:22	-511.363
-125	86522	4326100	b6f7d1b3-aad0-4521-86cd-80624bb106d3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:42:19	-10.456
-126	43262	4326200	ce3f9894-777f-43d1-84d4-12891b55b453	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:40:24	-380.844
-126	86524	4326200	ccf65fee-7304-4d2e-aca9-280b13ef9c6d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:02:31	140.529
-127	43263	4326300	0e7fca23-482d-46d3-8712-3a0e86151a7e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:56:00	615.387
-127	86526	4326300	e4b47e75-7731-4f30-a371-1b9db655e471	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:04:57	-711.11
-0	43264	4326400	b9f12fea-d5a0-472b-8484-08887a2f7d77	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:39:39	690.279
-0	86528	4326400	9ea92f31-2bd4-441f-92d0-6c214e70f68a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:47:57	503.244
-1	43265	4326500	c574eb85-f9fb-4b78-ab7d-02e702f06be9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:23:19	883.600
-1	86530	4326500	bc6c254e-a44a-47e5-b9a5-cdddbd66935a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:25:53	892.94
-2	43266	4326600	44562b4c-b4d8-4a06-af91-218d2fa7e641	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:52:49	251.838
-2	86532	4326600	273569cb-6d6b-4e63-ad2e-e5b17d66d8f8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:22:44	924.339
-3	43267	4326700	6ab00ce4-bb6a-4367-99a3-0847f6043cfa	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:40:08	745.962
-3	86534	4326700	d020a076-63d2-45be-bb0d-0ad4780683cb	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:41:53	-780.570
-4	43268	4326800	79e27c8b-ea03-447b-a72a-e4cbe3572db5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:32:31	-512.26
-4	86536	4326800	135e5b0d-a253-4a6b-84f4-994663d95a43	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:14:41	633.983
-5	43269	4326900	2774f65e-ab3b-473e-b9b7-0c49287cadf0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 01:23:57	937.527
-5	86538	4326900	2897d415-1251-4e06-aa8d-9fe60cbc52ed	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:42:58	749.48
-6	43270	4327000	75b4fc49-03a4-4cec-8ce6-d4a02b76814a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:19:24	-18.310
-6	86540	4327000	0dcf6893-9d11-42b6-84b0-ca59783c7e34	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:07:20	-708.597
-7	43271	4327100	9a275504-0a0a-45e7-b149-a7686455dccc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:22:14	-200.965
-7	86542	4327100	d032e60f-0156-4734-8a03-444a14082b2a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:14:29	-692.613
-8	43272	4327200	c7ca941b-07b0-4cc4-a396-deb01dc15c47	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:54:11	-419.343
-8	86544	4327200	4aa7b347-1bd2-4baa-869f-bf06e7e091be	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:25:25	-965.353
-9	43273	4327300	292beb57-3060-43d7-b5f7-8b3fdf994fbc	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:38:07	-274.592
-9	86546	4327300	89c99d4a-3f68-4666-80df-8afac338da34	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:11:41	-611.776
-10	43274	4327400	ac16cea2-0c62-4fa5-82f4-75c29dfff4e4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:47:52	-195.865
-10	86548	4327400	722a5cad-7486-4eae-93f6-b58974b54482	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:40:37	-588.23
-11	43275	4327500	16d3c227-7b1e-4b79-831e-25e3e3e65b98	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:29:35	742.127
-11	86550	4327500	0d64bf80-5822-45b4-a237-2d90af4b93f7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:05:44	-888.148
-12	43276	4327600	dcd61913-16be-4fea-846d-34a22259d448	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:39:20	-569.199
-12	86552	4327600	ac948a0a-b88c-4a16-b835-cb8be8bb0c05	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:42:42	-527.674
-13	43277	4327700	59c658c6-35d1-4113-9639-7bb4731b6f02	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:16:10	-616.20
-13	86554	4327700	9b2f7825-b2c8-4847-ab67-474d170d117e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:16:15	206.100
-14	43278	4327800	f529f8e7-4737-44cb-b5ec-2011222a0a43	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:51:58	117.509
-14	86556	4327800	ab97b1d2-4615-4d93-bd2c-b2df02454c57	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:39:14	-801.823
-15	43279	4327900	e19db7e9-8f95-422b-925e-ee5371acb827	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:17:02	776.116
-15	86558	4327900	e1ddf05b-2e6f-4f3d-9235-f6dd4fbc15e4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:04:47	-556.708
-16	43280	4328000	04e02cb0-8107-47d6-b417-bed940bc0861	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:27:57	-218.86
-16	86560	4328000	e1e37f0c-8e07-4b2b-bbaf-57c8b2b35d37	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:44:48	838.861
-17	43281	4328100	827b8d1d-579a-4055-8376-20fbe4afbd5b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:43:01	665.492
-17	86562	4328100	5a0a4771-24a4-4bbc-b252-f31b5d0764c2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:54:08	863.404
-18	43282	4328200	307c79dd-7477-4b31-86a7-ac4a6f43d5b2	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:34:46	672.584
-18	86564	4328200	da99de32-776f-4a4b-811a-121954339f77	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:29:46	-327.110
-19	43283	4328300	4551b205-3bba-4003-aed8-e9c4fe8df808	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:33:13	449.207
-19	86566	4328300	234ca8e2-31cd-4863-b2a2-0a5b62931eb6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:33:46	477.870
-20	43284	4328400	eb6c8ac2-9f49-4b32-b3f4-47436ef5ad6e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:59:33	812.969
-20	86568	4328400	f90c1764-ca89-4f50-9ddf-683396ea3446	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:47:25	-106.922
-21	43285	4328500	d0d7993c-ea9c-4a6d-8453-26e3610a9556	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:36:47	634.170
-21	86570	4328500	04341a75-8844-470b-8711-a5f93dc67630	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 15:43:38	-391.627
-22	43286	4328600	b74a9380-3ca6-46af-8ff0-bed0cd73b359	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:02:25	-128.358
-22	86572	4328600	1683ae53-7dbd-43e5-a0c4-72415c457d3a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:32:00	724.239
-23	43287	4328700	775ac7af-2e1a-4eff-b1fd-6d6c3be96998	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:19:43	-429.962
-23	86574	4328700	75e3be7b-dbee-4202-995b-a30cc3903fff	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:48:43	-199.955
-24	43288	4328800	1c983e9e-5a3b-44fa-b689-9eb76498b1a9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:18:29	-60.220
-24	86576	4328800	5aa30f5c-9055-4e1a-88d7-81e724817002	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:17:49	-203.649
-25	43289	4328900	d3dda329-00db-4a9c-a429-b2670b2894c8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:40:06	-288.727
-25	86578	4328900	d57bbff1-02bc-45a3-88ef-ff820d629be9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:21:33	-896.24
-26	43290	4329000	5ba54115-2dfc-4411-8404-ceae93fc4d6c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:48:36	-133.459
-26	86580	4329000	92bd49ed-816c-4693-9eb3-2e51f86b285b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:56:32	-255.481
-27	43291	4329100	edf61ab9-0923-4286-a237-94eb18757fa4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:55:23	9.691
-27	86582	4329100	e8906c2a-8d55-4b3f-8df3-73122397ce50	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:46:03	-115.196
-28	43292	4329200	877860c5-7d46-4e19-9c5f-1f652d181a4d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:07:39	733.595
-28	86584	4329200	48633466-8a78-42b4-93d8-921f8fe7f60d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:47:28	-171.977
-29	43293	4329300	c9bc82f8-159d-417c-b7ab-320e2eaa3ff7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:34:10	855.311
-29	86586	4329300	73901f90-08e8-405f-a26b-aa1441e448f9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:38:10	-506.62
-30	43294	4329400	1bf0c2f1-1a7c-48d2-9d0b-3b20135fa196	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:33:01	167.572
-30	86588	4329400	e8ea3ede-6df5-4114-b440-e91dabb352ea	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:36:14	470.513
-31	43295	4329500	b8efa4d2-3b84-4e84-a1c7-4e577011ebc5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:17:52	-376.144
-31	86590	4329500	0168d9dd-bc9f-4685-80b8-5198df5fb88d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:46:58	-219.213
-32	43296	4329600	601308c8-ec92-40f7-ab31-0850b7499610	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:46:29	-859.12
-32	86592	4329600	69329cbc-8120-4dc1-8145-2157e4e7ec7b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:48:59	-71.415
-33	43297	4329700	03228af8-9555-4aca-8b8a-12dae7edc05b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:29:02	792.617
-33	86594	4329700	5afe5db2-0c4d-4f00-8c63-8d1ead9fa96b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:53:51	-632.861
-34	43298	4329800	9a31d280-2c90-4cb1-b4de-f9294e8009d0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:15:16	198.45
-34	86596	4329800	5d205ee7-04c4-494b-91be-00f2bfb44151	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:45:05	385.98
-35	43299	4329900	0516f669-4d8f-4427-9de8-a74006717771	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:58:46	-881.895
-35	86598	4329900	9add3aa6-9418-4733-ba86-d218dfbaa418	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:51:07	454.455
-36	43300	4330000	ab5b2531-2a09-41ad-aaea-a5c13fd26a9c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:48:45	-480.310
-36	86600	4330000	f906cc7d-90ae-4465-bb74-68091d5f12a1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:26:56	-827.400
-37	43301	4330100	2dc2fc14-1a1c-4bd6-acc0-a5df3a5a1174	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:40:09	374.603
-37	86602	4330100	f7d6e4b2-f9c3-4e3a-9d8c-57e830ab66a9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:55:07	944.252
-38	43302	4330200	c43ad6b5-1674-4394-9702-19bce68fc08f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:32:02	-796.831
-38	86604	4330200	aaeeb9b9-1fbe-408e-84da-a70bf89ad0c1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:51:07	-186.218
-39	43303	4330300	b2be3768-586c-4a23-a30c-1a902ac38da4	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:17:11	-605.811
-39	86606	4330300	697cf539-4968-4db9-834f-4eef8781f29d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:47:30	819.820
-40	43304	4330400	dc1cf4a0-0d2c-4ce7-8b33-a3ded64205c8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:43:46	-678.146
-40	86608	4330400	c5a49cff-865b-4e5d-ae00-595b97262fa5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:54:33	-310.957
-41	43305	4330500	d4c24a7d-b3dd-41b7-b824-a4cf1c9cf073	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:21:14	337.237
-41	86610	4330500	2b383ec2-49da-41b1-bbff-c8f0e160211d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:46:39	-636.964
-42	43306	4330600	189ad594-a780-4fc7-b615-4c8ec4b59e57	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:33:00	60.220
-42	86612	4330600	7e9d62e7-44ab-4c8d-ab56-0fa14c07b105	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:42:25	-163.396
-43	43307	4330700	27fcef8e-250c-417b-91d6-7219278e4a68	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:03:10	543.365
-43	86614	4330700	f3ec4722-7dfc-4064-9c7c-824a57e9f370	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:38:46	-786.463
-44	43308	4330800	60be0ec7-558c-41cf-94da-4670d7ebba4c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:18:03	-106.283
-44	86616	4330800	7b08f9dc-f835-4d15-976d-2861c7bdc07a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:55:35	-109.377
-45	43309	4330900	03051dad-99f2-4ee1-844f-fc391a2c70ba	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:54:40	839.847
-45	86618	4330900	093a23e7-1b06-4774-af3b-954639a8ea9b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:03:17	-874.410
-46	43310	4331000	55988b6e-3640-4eb9-890a-018fb149f0a0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:39:57	183.178
-46	86620	4331000	3d5cad7c-3259-4438-bb49-83f5021332d3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:21:34	-977.379
-47	43311	4331100	a3eac0e6-e3a4-4327-a487-3c133bd11410	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:04:38	-45.478
-47	86622	4331100	b0c42a40-e01a-43cf-a693-5e11d3bb19b9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:24:03	-175.300
-48	43312	4331200	4ebc9fd1-0fd5-4b6a-ad82-1b6a052e6357	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:07:38	-642.925
-48	86624	4331200	116ebdfa-159e-49cc-b6a1-c02914504f46	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:48:19	574.548
-49	43313	4331300	5056ceae-f429-40d6-96d9-0372976e3dd4	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:04:19	-488.447
-49	86626	4331300	c2009d55-bc9d-49e3-ad8e-51eb173c5bdf	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:14:30	-739.192
-50	43314	4331400	b14a63cd-da91-4b4f-a9dd-2a1bce74b2f6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:47:19	-789.342
-50	86628	4331400	a129d382-3a89-4009-888e-0ad90ee510e1	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:42:01	-80.206
-51	43315	4331500	d2cbc1ac-bb76-44d8-a4a4-cb14fec75908	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:16:37	798.14
-51	86630	4331500	1c861e85-6623-497a-9141-4295e38d7ecf	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:44:49	-170.626
-52	43316	4331600	06bf840f-42a8-4bda-a38a-6d7cfe6e8f88	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:04:32	-57.540
-52	86632	4331600	a557da36-26e4-4c96-bac6-fa90f64c05c1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:55:53	25.918
-53	43317	4331700	757d4339-9c1a-4a88-9334-da1ddd8b8f75	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:43:21	723.980
-53	86634	4331700	d2a0a805-9700-4a03-82b5-60e74b84c990	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:52:27	-580.642
-54	43318	4331800	e80380b0-bfd8-4ec3-8107-160b12113c06	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:58:07	-32.338
-54	86636	4331800	4ee41bf9-76f6-4cf5-880a-3a4b88ddc2b8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:46:12	982.370
-55	43319	4331900	090d56fe-f682-420b-9c31-f384744420c0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:16:31	-135.184
-55	86638	4331900	eb9cc8d9-00c0-4402-96c9-801c68039873	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:22:17	-778.985
-56	43320	4332000	cf342ca2-17b9-492b-8211-432cd786088c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:23:24	-446.890
-56	86640	4332000	236f7ee9-fbd1-4bb3-b2e9-ff034180a276	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:07:35	-961.793
-57	43321	4332100	e4758bf2-2c2a-4a86-b5bb-fac150003b5c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:16:49	930.624
-57	86642	4332100	02e1b747-9a0a-4851-9a38-b03292056bc4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:02:51	-77.269
-58	43322	4332200	2dc676fe-9948-4249-9245-98133a2a0da0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:34:01	394.599
-58	86644	4332200	c34e9a94-3374-464a-9f97-b3cb2579d076	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:46:06	749.335
-59	43323	4332300	aae14cd3-72e3-4806-a66b-5141da34f575	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:29:37	496.164
-59	86646	4332300	474940c6-6315-4b98-8b7d-a45197b586df	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:04:02	-325.294
-60	43324	4332400	cc872682-97c5-48d2-b137-37d1896bf14a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:38:14	-974.834
-60	86648	4332400	a96a3a14-ebc8-4759-b0fd-960514c2577d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:56:11	236.560
-61	43325	4332500	c5918a27-aefa-4295-91a0-3a5fa93fb219	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:24:35	-351.926
-61	86650	4332500	634d419c-8d5e-4e56-8feb-dc3976131f43	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:33:50	775.725
-62	43326	4332600	15f30d5e-553b-4f39-96ac-09bd0636a74d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:15:08	345.206
-62	86652	4332600	3b7d3e19-ac57-4e94-8eb1-267a39db9245	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:31:21	-298.974
-63	43327	4332700	417a11cd-0245-4cd7-932b-ae9cd218d79a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:22:15	422.640
-63	86654	4332700	3d7d2787-558d-4726-a32b-3c726a0a665a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:55:34	625.877
-64	43328	4332800	da08770d-6fb0-4500-a51c-78e82263494e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:01:45	-78.596
-64	86656	4332800	4b318a14-f0f6-4c5a-a90e-e0ea502552c6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:27:43	-808.597
-65	43329	4332900	b11fff41-6048-4cd1-b94d-3cefb1deb03a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:35:55	773.836
-65	86658	4332900	ce4e81de-b6a9-4792-9fcf-7f2b82afcc1d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:11:21	-760.384
-66	43330	4333000	000303ef-1093-4681-9202-ee07090bc19b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:03:56	342.810
-66	86660	4333000	b912412f-6a24-44ee-baa3-d02b599f6a60	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:27:18	-777.673
-67	43331	4333100	f7805f45-e19e-443a-8f3f-8a703c8f40c0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:41:34	-336.436
-67	86662	4333100	864a4166-4066-46c3-9022-975e62e23105	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:08:01	-578.104
-68	43332	4333200	09cadac9-e78f-4b64-9e6b-8e51946de123	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:49:34	218.462
-68	86664	4333200	05f90bf0-fb8e-4254-9f7f-abe5960e10ea	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:33:51	711.530
-69	43333	4333300	35ba8c3f-0f44-4d25-8a71-39bc865f6b75	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:42:28	847.17
-69	86666	4333300	52cba9da-e838-40dc-936e-b8d18bc7c2e5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:47:59	-431.919
-70	43334	4333400	26ac60eb-5699-478c-af37-343db1c03307	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:15:31	591.324
-70	86668	4333400	3f489fe5-202c-4e7e-9ca3-e3853b323c96	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:58:29	71.419
-71	43335	4333500	5a598e18-0a78-4222-bcf5-387ee6ab7ec7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:06:39	-248.108
-71	86670	4333500	bfafa376-c750-42f4-983e-795c67971bb2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 02:37:43	-420.821
-72	43336	4333600	0187fe46-6505-41a6-b2f9-3f66b94ed54f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:57:17	-479.598
-72	86672	4333600	8aa3a89a-7eca-4eb2-a7fc-10cdecbe45f2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:56:13	-304.149
-73	43337	4333700	605e8b2d-0645-4cfa-a323-eee99b5424fa	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:53:59	732.292
-73	86674	4333700	f17a5529-5839-4447-a108-e3cfc2e65b82	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:16:14	-584.631
-74	43338	4333800	6cac45e5-e78c-47e2-9bb1-ff04d022d172	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:41:08	878.925
-74	86676	4333800	14f61505-bed1-47a8-953e-0354a1528e50	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:39:26	308.796
-75	43339	4333900	361f5bb4-9b51-4014-a359-ef98aa29ffdb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:07:13	541.793
-75	86678	4333900	23c5505a-5981-4d98-8336-933ed09ff38d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:15:59	-577.834
-76	43340	4334000	240a5e7c-4a93-4f35-a072-7cbdaab876d3	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 03:58:54	554.426
-76	86680	4334000	f79a22b9-9616-4068-ba7e-71b39a5794c3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:06:23	352.646
-77	43341	4334100	ebc8dd94-6aeb-4e39-9a6b-2880a7c9c3cb	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:31:17	128.90
-77	86682	4334100	77a92646-f620-44c1-ad16-d5c3aa2b50d0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:25:36	604.268
-78	43342	4334200	70eec9d9-a4d4-4e88-9d21-c6cb48db47d3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:21:17	-769.524
-78	86684	4334200	210ffea0-cfd2-4e89-806e-a858c8ed02d6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:59:15	700.870
-79	43343	4334300	692a084e-91ac-4fd4-ac54-e53162df6a64	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:50:40	415.176
-79	86686	4334300	20a65eed-000e-4334-82a4-ed2c26eb1c50	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:35:34	685.120
-80	43344	4334400	2168fc98-4f36-4099-aa35-2ed06d487f35	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:14:35	-939.733
-80	86688	4334400	98974929-828d-4930-b858-3bbb9c9df455	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:57:21	712.539
-81	43345	4334500	1b1a91fa-4b88-48cf-a31b-a7bbc6b7191f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:26:48	518.349
-81	86690	4334500	10f88fea-a191-4c30-95bc-9e0c04c8938b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:33:22	220.65
-82	43346	4334600	9d9adba5-eed5-4838-bf2d-2fc69949b984	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:47:18	-48.242
-82	86692	4334600	a139e6e8-e309-47f6-adc5-6b895273f1dc	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:01:20	-520.614
-83	43347	4334700	2979387d-3af2-4d5d-a25d-8bae698c5d58	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:14:42	-279.279
-83	86694	4334700	a4f6505a-f171-47e4-827c-d57c11b6552f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:38:51	-529.284
-84	43348	4334800	d7d2b629-ea72-46ef-941a-7cda1514c4bd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:00:46	731.872
-84	86696	4334800	46a073bd-32bf-4e00-af16-2568a59a6154	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:44:29	531.432
-85	43349	4334900	f2f6131f-9a74-4e51-8ba5-07c9ee190ad9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:35:08	906.261
-85	86698	4334900	dbad95c0-bbf3-4833-965b-e8a02bd57403	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:31:09	-381.965
-86	43350	4335000	9aac593b-7522-4c6a-ae71-7c2858585d87	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:52:16	-835.974
-86	86700	4335000	4f0a424e-9239-46bd-96e7-f4326dd5af63	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:46:15	-875.30
-87	43351	4335100	fd65f1e9-1212-441d-ba5b-c00f6e4c3c8f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:07:34	-509.742
-87	86702	4335100	6a95e43f-9a9b-483e-a375-9febb2d922db	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:37:25	803.979
-88	43352	4335200	573d17ee-2085-48a7-80c4-d7370bb08821	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:34:25	-610.183
-88	86704	4335200	9dcfd116-d1c3-45d1-959a-7abd20f05ff1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:50:28	-963.766
-89	43353	4335300	69de41ec-ff2b-4a66-b0bc-ea4919ab710a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:29:57	-216.568
-89	86706	4335300	386a04ac-207a-488b-9ed2-eacfd6c7fd84	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:00:39	-396.658
-90	43354	4335400	25d1a8e1-ef2f-42e1-910d-708591064d70	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:32:03	-302.567
-90	86708	4335400	6bcd5238-bf2e-4825-b6cc-343b679a612f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:32:51	837.777
-91	43355	4335500	ec7dd459-a57d-419a-993c-933278f320dd	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:55:09	-823.614
-91	86710	4335500	3ee3361e-ad3b-4317-a541-5c1a809b62d1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:34:30	863.906
-92	43356	4335600	56ae6307-00f6-4bc1-9be3-4a472708fec9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:33:02	-3.407
-92	86712	4335600	f99f7549-e74e-4b1a-9548-57ecc3e8d08c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:27:30	-168.824
-93	43357	4335700	840e8727-2142-42fa-be16-0614f40caa5a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:23:47	-630.68
-93	86714	4335700	7a19b233-80f9-4ba8-9c30-eea2cf8882b3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:33:50	183.741
-94	43358	4335800	c33f7c96-4ca4-4f3c-8f77-c6bf22021680	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:07:31	-503.442
-94	86716	4335800	21757807-5e0a-425c-a1e2-f9f53ffc00e5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:30:16	-165.838
-95	43359	4335900	02a564f1-0f77-4792-9cd8-023b78a9c1d9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:25:50	117.112
-95	86718	4335900	d18f9478-1e22-463c-adad-35d4b7ef175c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:47:12	-191.811
-96	43360	4336000	70517b32-9e33-4119-9104-bc47b201a40b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:48:42	994.292
-96	86720	4336000	fe683574-bb5f-43e3-8d04-12e867b61acb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:47:17	-428.673
-97	43361	4336100	ddf5cabc-83ca-473b-ad4e-66a35289a18a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:42:24	175.177
-97	86722	4336100	a09470c6-dcb9-4c4c-b68c-be630eba3dfa	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:26:02	372.631
-98	43362	4336200	40bf476f-cd48-426f-9608-0f23e1a7ca42	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:47:25	-507.130
-98	86724	4336200	c5c3d4ef-7905-41ea-a00a-67428c6d504e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:30:38	-280.352
-99	43363	4336300	cbe61538-b612-4643-baf5-cdd5c9dd58e2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:12:31	21.298
-99	86726	4336300	163523f1-4c7f-4b7f-b27c-75683567c75e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:11:10	67.67
-100	43364	4336400	e0fa1acd-e1f8-4d24-ab56-1617f8d3837a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:44:31	740.110
-100	86728	4336400	f1936408-6b61-4dbe-bed7-31800f271a5a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:34:06	-994.729
-101	43365	4336500	80b08413-1d58-40f4-9ec6-96db7b85421d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:10:14	-631.876
-101	86730	4336500	c67786ae-c5c8-45ee-862e-a53eacdb1c44	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:19:14	-545.798
-102	43366	4336600	71324585-26ff-485d-ac56-8fc04a58423a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:01:09	-295.828
-102	86732	4336600	2bd58357-e121-4453-b129-676ca4215221	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:06:07	380.335
-103	43367	4336700	8fb5817b-8f59-4c26-92c0-f1e0c8a1631c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:10:30	-25.722
-103	86734	4336700	e697c535-2771-44bd-96ba-4911766a2da6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:21:58	-301.18
-104	43368	4336800	67c6a477-45b0-4665-bf7a-6f2ed618f94b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:18:36	80.670
-104	86736	4336800	0377b2d9-08a8-4945-a6dc-845fb4a6114e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:54:03	613.102
-105	43369	4336900	a5219357-7621-483f-9a57-bd87e0070524	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:08:49	-811.422
-105	86738	4336900	3856fbdf-47dc-484f-af9a-e07554dbc6c9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:10:31	-607.108
-106	43370	4337000	669c2b49-53d1-4b83-81ab-ae703cf0266b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:00:01	-923.255
-106	86740	4337000	cc3c3f1f-1a59-4f9a-82df-6ed2b89df635	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:07:47	-444.324
-107	43371	4337100	24db2795-62d2-42f7-8e4a-ef30c7e0670c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:33:25	-826.940
-107	86742	4337100	51f330da-edb2-4f46-8930-5a54ba274bc5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:20:05	-648.616
-108	43372	4337200	1d477bd7-727a-406e-adeb-873b5d47053d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:51:00	374.668
-108	86744	4337200	cfe39ce1-11e1-43df-8a85-763599d81537	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:16:17	908.88
-109	43373	4337300	d73409a5-2e8e-4f7e-bca1-847c637c87e0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:56:31	-517.961
-109	86746	4337300	46b7c087-67a7-4b7e-9cb7-6cb6e713b738	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:32:45	-971.442
-110	43374	4337400	230ef531-897c-4116-9bc0-7b2469c4a104	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:07:45	147.266
-110	86748	4337400	64ea3a2d-d84e-452e-abd3-6f3cb1ad3620	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:36:14	316.434
-111	43375	4337500	cacf6036-5afe-4fa3-80dc-8e0b149cb104	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:04:47	747.199
-111	86750	4337500	bafc49cd-f25d-4ae3-a0fb-0fd67211c1a8	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:36:34	-463.635
-112	43376	4337600	062aa374-7eff-424d-8691-2e80e0bc1cf0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:05:31	-66.775
-112	86752	4337600	a6382cb4-0c3c-4078-aeec-838701bede55	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:06:12	853.843
-113	43377	4337700	8c709483-9d3e-4e16-bbff-a7b9e5ac500c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:06:34	-624.520
-113	86754	4337700	f6418965-0324-4af1-acb3-7955ef5dcab9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:45:04	-207.115
-114	43378	4337800	f303368f-6dea-43e5-a5fa-d3437cfb375e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:34:30	40.614
-114	86756	4337800	2896f1b9-0a3a-4ce1-9246-5dbb40cbc75f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:59:45	106.514
-115	43379	4337900	3629816d-c9bf-4d1b-a83c-4d1b5bb81952	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:41:20	-792.876
-115	86758	4337900	81eecdf2-b812-4769-875c-96e6a070952e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:57:07	-742.383
-116	43380	4338000	37a8be50-ddd5-4fc9-8183-8983e1e889f4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:56:52	468.85
-116	86760	4338000	d8ea7e78-6a8c-49d3-91f6-0de1b946ef01	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:11:46	910.706
-117	43381	4338100	8235c7c9-2757-4da3-8467-4b3340fdcf02	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:35:47	-933.716
-117	86762	4338100	271b6cc7-c355-4a15-9933-40cd0a57f2b2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:45:18	-854.360
-118	43382	4338200	67717000-f670-4eb6-a904-0ad5856ebdbe	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:04:38	-95.259
-118	86764	4338200	40a99b95-f9c6-45ed-b03b-11fb87dcdab1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:21:05	-933.334
-119	43383	4338300	4a307605-613b-4361-8153-7f0ceead6a87	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:48:54	714.981
-119	86766	4338300	86ef8e52-fea7-4c69-99a0-670365aeed88	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:34:32	-954.362
-120	43384	4338400	4935c916-2745-4e5c-ba52-505e6e02c8cc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:51:34	131.367
-120	86768	4338400	7e68605f-07c3-4558-b1d4-496d0dd89d48	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:41:24	25.106
-121	43385	4338500	b5ae2348-ce54-41ec-8484-8d2c187ebab9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:08:12	482.356
-121	86770	4338500	df697dfe-d6eb-4f97-affb-835442c4aad4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:39:15	-953.119
-122	43386	4338600	673aa933-df95-48e2-9862-b6bd205d6dfa	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:08:07	-695.514
-122	86772	4338600	17f1c9de-fe4f-4a01-800a-8d011dc88973	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:18:39	-879.989
-123	43387	4338700	f5c77f23-a98e-4ff1-a869-6223a7684d90	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:31:39	111.617
-123	86774	4338700	bc78e031-4c35-46cd-bf26-ae418596c711	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:23:04	-839.611
-124	43388	4338800	86c6df88-badb-4153-a503-13ca06e9043f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:22:57	380.702
-124	86776	4338800	4fe0a7fb-8dde-4d92-82ef-f41167c2da4e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:18:12	-297.582
-125	43389	4338900	bcb6e90e-55c2-43db-b1db-32c42b8ecc66	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:59:47	605.159
-125	86778	4338900	dd59aae4-0416-414f-a60f-1d7c78933c48	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:29:11	436.584
-126	43390	4339000	df9c5f90-73ea-4977-910f-91fe8dcb0c29	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:26:12	515.454
-126	86780	4339000	d807c6dc-045f-4044-8f2a-aeb15a86e866	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:40:16	706.630
-127	43391	4339100	40c4bcde-a71e-4dc0-ae18-85d4527be9d3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:26:26	340.989
-127	86782	4339100	fcb81359-f699-4fae-845c-4e92c8ea9197	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:51:11	152.1
-0	43392	4339200	b0f06dbb-90a5-4e3d-acad-612dc59faa6c	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:45:02	12.198
-0	86784	4339200	66e4bf75-45a3-4c68-be2d-c21317503665	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:08:00	569.841
-1	43393	4339300	8e72661e-0bd3-4ea0-a293-00b2949c4526	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:48:03	-333.930
-1	86786	4339300	a815751a-3d3b-4c03-a518-5434e88b2b92	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:51:08	604.540
-2	43394	4339400	f10196b7-38e8-4e06-8913-f244ddb8b0ca	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:07:47	-80.513
-2	86788	4339400	21eeb30d-4576-4fb0-b20a-6e7ef9ad691b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:11:38	219.296
-3	43395	4339500	3659c81c-0eb8-4985-a97e-e57358b8b258	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:19:31	744.190
-3	86790	4339500	1d2f0149-2056-499c-a76e-b1f842b79495	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:50:40	902.616
-4	43396	4339600	8bcec2b5-ad19-4429-9e7f-62daeecd09dc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:17:41	-151.609
-4	86792	4339600	9fba7342-b773-4227-a56e-6677803d0a95	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:35:38	569.652
-5	43397	4339700	f6814647-2bc6-4dd7-9982-d74766f1bea2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:54:05	-629.40
-5	86794	4339700	dbb31e49-d4e9-403c-9dbe-a0897cf18214	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:12:57	-448.440
-6	43398	4339800	dc840f06-ba57-4a52-9b4c-1c9cebe856f8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:13:53	-195.20
-6	86796	4339800	e2d7e14f-0e00-415f-b1ff-5e8409165200	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:03:10	891.768
-7	43399	4339900	3cafa05a-2f72-4964-91e2-fe40b3df85ed	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:55:36	425.556
-7	86798	4339900	38414025-acd3-4742-ac6b-aea380501883	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:18:40	-87.959
-8	43400	4340000	e84c0c0d-3baf-464a-a8b3-e901e9d0c35a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:57:29	288.244
-8	86800	4340000	298dc92e-15f0-4941-961a-b733ef88e60a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:08:47	894.233
-9	43401	4340100	bc744394-f05e-453a-9d10-2d4bdb18f6cd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:29:56	-630.784
-9	86802	4340100	ebcca77f-51ed-423f-9a4b-31ee7bf88a97	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:22:38	-67.421
-10	43402	4340200	6ce2e1f0-beb6-475f-bfcf-768f434dee28	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:14:07	-193.951
-10	86804	4340200	a3e3eb9e-7043-4ec3-a73e-9fa254dbbb87	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:47:31	-402.114
-11	43403	4340300	52a479fd-1f73-4185-8a8c-e02876a02ed8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:43:30	402.549
-11	86806	4340300	205fe4fb-4d44-4582-80d1-2f366e6f745e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:30:53	-103.867
-12	43404	4340400	2553b7bf-64a1-440d-a5ac-99ad71000b9e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:34:49	-951.451
-12	86808	4340400	d83c2e50-4c07-422f-960a-5b01010195e8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:48:08	263.785
-13	43405	4340500	0c3d182e-a399-4aa8-8194-916e84975da8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:21:33	-598.862
-13	86810	4340500	f07db774-664f-471c-8d8c-bedef78ba6fd	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:53:08	279.215
-14	43406	4340600	ec3dfb16-16f3-40b0-abe5-3491c8bdd0b1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:38:11	-708.52
-14	86812	4340600	0db4a770-b132-4f5c-acfe-4bf1f7293f06	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:19:08	-237.288
-15	43407	4340700	e4b1f56f-8763-421f-92c0-3aa281880c00	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:54:25	-722.304
-15	86814	4340700	b1333176-01cc-4298-a7c3-3da0814d6b5a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:35:41	-477.854
-16	43408	4340800	6952d058-ccba-42c1-81a7-ae6d401f4762	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:28:03	843.710
-16	86816	4340800	89c5f27e-467a-4e0c-bd5b-7c0e9ae5504b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:52:50	-940.822
-17	43409	4340900	edc1ec1c-3d71-4f55-aee1-1c1c905a4c84	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:15:39	-741.317
-17	86818	4340900	5fc16bfc-3710-40d8-88f2-e42270368ee8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:26:18	47.381
-18	43410	4341000	c13b9c3e-8996-40c2-87a7-8d39ffea4c79	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:28:59	905.820
-18	86820	4341000	349fb616-68e7-43a5-beda-29e7aa79e562	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:34:52	722.630
-19	43411	4341100	fcb681ea-e986-40ed-aefc-4136d7c68f41	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:23:59	-400.116
-19	86822	4341100	79a3acae-167a-4241-a10f-d1326998d531	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:22:52	-156.551
-20	43412	4341200	791c5143-60c5-4cd5-a257-b3e2ac5d4dc9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:24:14	466.39
-20	86824	4341200	35cda05f-1d31-4279-b400-5f87537701b9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:21:03	-327.997
-21	43413	4341300	5c6f75e8-0129-42a3-9582-e27a04957f3e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:20:07	773.265
-21	86826	4341300	d9609739-0380-421d-b36c-827336f4479d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:47:45	736.523
-22	43414	4341400	643f09f4-918b-42fa-bba6-42fa73d28516	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:05:07	987.402
-22	86828	4341400	a641463d-2f23-4652-8a8a-72818f3b00ba	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:06:24	446.334
-23	43415	4341500	5e0d2570-3b3b-4b54-8d6a-666f8d3d17f9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:34:22	-521.61
-23	86830	4341500	30b55119-b8e7-41c5-9dc2-3bafd09fb0fe	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:51:00	320.251
-24	43416	4341600	cfb93801-d540-4679-a62e-5978e79d6b76	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:02:31	275.185
-24	86832	4341600	e4f53e85-a281-4f76-b617-90c382eda88a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:07:33	-372.736
-25	43417	4341700	915bf204-8960-4522-a924-f1b352e358e2	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:57:35	505.607
-25	86834	4341700	432bb4b5-f7fd-4c7a-b078-ac0bf20c577a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:34:13	356.405
-26	43418	4341800	24176452-5866-40e5-8713-e547a251b6dc	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:47:44	-731.850
-26	86836	4341800	3871d0bf-7e0f-4233-be66-b203fe48ed82	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:10:56	701.100
-27	43419	4341900	8c21eb68-7546-44d6-b17d-aac74c442b97	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:09:15	-869.584
-27	86838	4341900	3505a7c3-2af6-408b-b03e-f19146863e55	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:02:16	-32.977
-28	43420	4342000	ce33b809-5f76-4414-8313-7a1a0ed15b39	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:47:39	277.336
-28	86840	4342000	778d48fa-7eda-44f4-8df4-6be586e322b1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:17:16	146.221
-29	43421	4342100	6f09432e-cb22-4842-ad66-853b761951c7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:41:33	596.554
-29	86842	4342100	90ce75bb-9e29-47c3-93e4-901f9131af94	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:52:49	-597.823
-30	43422	4342200	ce7ace33-bdc9-4c7e-9659-4d1e8f82f021	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:43:37	481.542
-30	86844	4342200	58694998-a006-4fdd-beb9-707b0776891d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:30:25	856.123
-31	43423	4342300	9fba4a6e-eee5-4ffe-968e-4cef05805160	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:14:32	591.525
-31	86846	4342300	6cf03d92-35a2-4bef-8d80-e0a8e67f4b45	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:22:05	186.718
-32	43424	4342400	e6a17dea-2964-43e2-afec-7e002b6e3bad	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:52:10	-154.740
-32	86848	4342400	fd7565e8-c788-4a65-bb41-315bfad1c671	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:13:01	888.106
-33	43425	4342500	4c89e075-4f77-4d70-8805-88a058d61819	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:59:14	183.479
-33	86850	4342500	dda4ed5f-f941-46fe-8584-e667631cf005	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:34:40	317.209
-34	43426	4342600	18d65b52-2713-42d8-8b38-eca6f0f2e91e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:27:30	118.145
-34	86852	4342600	fa218b67-8ba1-4e0c-aeb0-14a8e45a53cd	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:38:13	267.689
-35	43427	4342700	400d110b-1ede-479e-bb23-37fd323d9676	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:33:24	767.851
-35	86854	4342700	3d7fc16f-5583-4613-9fe9-959371677e75	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:26:43	-954.38
-36	43428	4342800	f463cde6-acd1-493c-b64f-13f12e84d10a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:14:41	389.764
-36	86856	4342800	f1e7aebb-3e56-4704-8c30-c257bc970caf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:27:13	-380.433
-37	43429	4342900	0a9b977d-3ce2-4229-a136-08d51efb5206	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:16:28	-718.0
-37	86858	4342900	1e34ebcf-1961-49c4-97d2-93e32d0b547d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:09:24	398.577
-38	43430	4343000	6726e0bf-58f0-48c7-9136-abd91bc737fa	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:46:59	145.530
-38	86860	4343000	a8fef4d9-fe9d-47ec-ae7a-27f00747b92d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:56:09	-522.111
-39	43431	4343100	504cf0a7-36cc-4288-8b68-5994d218b6a5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:11:24	220.686
-39	86862	4343100	cd2c2032-6fef-42d6-8653-f0a70cc700ff	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:23:01	210.914
-40	43432	4343200	e8d42506-0d67-40c7-b4cc-079368b9429a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:55:08	142.568
-40	86864	4343200	31b940ed-e38f-4bb2-a142-a5a51ee9ce2b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:32:18	-700.555
-41	43433	4343300	1b524e7b-9007-49e0-a030-4fcbed39af60	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 13:36:47	534.314
-41	86866	4343300	22ced591-4c43-417a-aeac-e05b5a2ff388	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:55:54	366.449
-42	43434	4343400	15ae863a-1f73-4130-b9b4-6073bfd4d26b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:56:08	381.859
-42	86868	4343400	936c953b-5dc1-42e8-8959-9d80aa58a368	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:17:48	732.781
-43	43435	4343500	b08036f3-9fa1-4cbb-8373-c79a21257a6e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:39:33	313.605
-43	86870	4343500	11f574a6-7d7f-47cb-bc95-2ee68d6c5f1a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:00:59	58.233
-44	43436	4343600	96b6508a-b49f-4f0f-8150-139fb729863a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:39:59	496.26
-44	86872	4343600	e6b80e8a-3e49-4b80-b109-6336a658918c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:55:48	-406.568
-45	43437	4343700	ad16226a-47c1-428d-a32d-f4452d17ca52	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:23:49	-82.875
-45	86874	4343700	c589d570-0e50-4fff-ab89-97be8c13d5fc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:19:00	-718.157
-46	43438	4343800	b1da0850-ebc1-41b3-b722-9c0c4a37aa80	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:56:03	549.391
-46	86876	4343800	dbcfcb11-96d4-4cd6-bbd9-a881935adbbd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:39:59	-389.412
-47	43439	4343900	48d55e97-335a-4c5b-8c6e-b35fb962c28c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:14:03	-759.747
-47	86878	4343900	11148332-538c-4a10-bfde-d367912e451d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:54:57	445.854
-48	43440	4344000	fa6b44af-2fa7-4c2c-9bdd-19f708097ccd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:12:36	-344.191
-48	86880	4344000	e7dbeef6-9739-4504-aefc-35519a61f595	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:20:39	963.184
-49	43441	4344100	c0c513ff-8546-450a-8065-811c580f48aa	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:01:30	-555.914
-49	86882	4344100	add006d0-88fe-4b07-871c-6bae92a67247	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:31:56	-395.446
-50	43442	4344200	f8575d00-f7e8-48fe-8870-a4fe39fb81b4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:10:09	-396.533
-50	86884	4344200	542b9ce0-b20d-4315-951a-4c994f5c93b9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:36:18	-275.318
-51	43443	4344300	aa0d4107-f730-41b7-b53c-335c9b8c2a52	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:09:47	-878.981
-51	86886	4344300	c283ea2a-67e1-45da-a8ae-af7689006a6f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:19:21	-559.650
-52	43444	4344400	631ab7ce-34b6-4e1b-a009-2e567a27cf18	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:32:28	922.590
-52	86888	4344400	71673abe-7af5-477b-9564-e419734ac094	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:49:26	546.164
-53	43445	4344500	c5fa3099-a995-46cd-9385-8a89be12b036	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:35:59	-499.114
-53	86890	4344500	af738282-660f-4142-8534-a0b283b4a9ba	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:55:53	-699.632
-54	43446	4344600	7fdb39bf-db9d-4ec1-a6f9-11ad17bb8ff9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:38:00	-511.103
-54	86892	4344600	54123add-b7cb-4347-9e26-141d5822a04c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:01:29	-230.323
-55	43447	4344700	6225a039-abef-4164-b75a-96f49edd4785	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:43:00	751.141
-55	86894	4344700	780bae6b-b42f-4bd0-9a44-c741fd1e86bf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:34:32	-252.983
-56	43448	4344800	366f192a-7c7d-4f61-81c0-b8ee7840d0e4	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:17:52	136.224
-56	86896	4344800	810fb2c2-e4a5-4834-9a13-73a99853e256	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:51:34	-117.729
-57	43449	4344900	47f90e95-58f1-4435-b20b-f7c0a5390280	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:38:20	-622.547
-57	86898	4344900	a5a0b41b-7a37-4929-8e2b-c37226a39014	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:07:34	-73.33
-58	43450	4345000	63f4d26a-e6a0-4039-9d37-89636307bfbd	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:32:07	4.212
-58	86900	4345000	94043538-7a5f-42d4-bd89-6dea8d88d9fb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:00:20	599.892
-59	43451	4345100	940fef88-9c2c-4f2f-b811-30393a596b11	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:06:01	-367.861
-59	86902	4345100	7c1d7826-675a-40ed-a820-94cb9180b586	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:21:52	-394.284
-60	43452	4345200	699b0f5a-f3ea-4889-8ac8-2ffa41ba825d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:37:07	-568.32
-60	86904	4345200	9c651607-18b9-4f87-9ee5-23ef0b01e6f2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:08:27	166.367
-61	43453	4345300	5fd9d6d0-0a63-404c-9834-30c535813423	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:28:27	-675.288
-61	86906	4345300	432750f5-98e2-427e-bef6-d2f5555767bc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:08:35	-397.935
-62	43454	4345400	cd2931a2-2841-4de8-9339-c49f3f6e2870	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:23:27	784.732
-62	86908	4345400	dc96f573-fbc0-4d9d-b4de-e667dcfc7d23	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:05:38	-210.489
-63	43455	4345500	c73f999e-9e28-4cad-b7e2-d39dd8851df0	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:05:12	-854.838
-63	86910	4345500	bdee220e-cb23-4f3c-b25c-c8ffc40e7a34	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:41:34	86.985
-64	43456	4345600	ec37cc0a-b704-482f-856f-1d69abec72aa	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:29:46	-624.790
-64	86912	4345600	1b48cb8a-45d3-40d5-8bbd-df1cf05daf03	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:07:42	-265.225
-65	43457	4345700	bd74cfc0-b612-4904-9698-90f8244dd66c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:51:06	432.959
-65	86914	4345700	2c951c61-5dcf-44a8-9fbb-2379dc94fa30	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:12:13	-917.468
-66	43458	4345800	3021c308-e947-43fa-b989-1ba68d222950	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:24:27	-738.805
-66	86916	4345800	c7f8981e-f54a-4f0b-8905-ebdac4cbd594	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:28:43	-245.844
-67	43459	4345900	50c727f2-ad80-4b8d-8b51-5657c4c89062	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:03:39	-798.721
-67	86918	4345900	440defb9-d1a2-4bab-ab6a-a9f8f93bd549	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:21:25	697.989
-68	43460	4346000	78c3745f-b466-4c6e-b7de-88e66140e8c8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:12:30	577.317
-68	86920	4346000	1908b630-6cd2-467b-9ba7-73f963c33542	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:19:32	-923.357
-69	43461	4346100	1f109ff6-d140-4a72-ab74-74ada8e8e3d0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:46:52	-666.773
-69	86922	4346100	06b5bb5c-4ae2-4058-bcdc-e9d69a59c26e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:35:47	-118.375
-70	43462	4346200	1735d47b-f45a-4100-80fb-5352fdacd6c2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:43:12	336.968
-70	86924	4346200	6c38d0c2-7771-4303-838c-baf1ce1df556	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:22:58	340.554
-71	43463	4346300	9b39e918-4692-4a8d-9455-4ef7d3bd9982	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:28:29	-877.647
-71	86926	4346300	ad5fa867-5b95-45af-a6ad-226d62cdc687	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:43:39	676.886
-72	43464	4346400	bbda45ee-3c4a-4852-a3cd-79073e9c6686	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:34:02	969.143
-72	86928	4346400	3e5b5da0-4413-49eb-abe9-e2c192d2d7c7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:04:42	35.861
-73	43465	4346500	39f74c73-9cd7-492c-b0e5-bb79c17e087a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:16:51	515.894
-73	86930	4346500	9dbc2d5c-b472-468f-8f99-0294b51d4d9e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:47:45	335.297
-74	43466	4346600	c392dd2f-a92a-4a03-8f81-b3b6b4e67568	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:48:38	-299.843
-74	86932	4346600	1c81de32-6d93-4ad5-8256-559682862134	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:16:47	-571.863
-75	43467	4346700	3c831ccf-d6a2-48c3-a081-e798beb94a1c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:58:51	97.667
-75	86934	4346700	8db1c52c-7400-470d-80ae-7d17a41514a2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:57:55	-931.952
-76	43468	4346800	cb8bf913-944b-4f6b-9c25-692e2ff26918	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:02:35	-100.57
-76	86936	4346800	0763c9c6-fae0-4612-bc3d-5038184b6c96	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:44:24	-824.836
-77	43469	4346900	913c5776-4871-4fb0-92db-2900657e966f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:01:24	102.393
-77	86938	4346900	c2af4c4e-41dc-4f74-927d-0c1c25bdf683	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:52:49	-2.223
-78	43470	4347000	e68dcba1-9064-412d-abd9-440f1f11771d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 22:55:46	527.134
-78	86940	4347000	2ee6364d-a1bb-4d62-8099-421a2da59da4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:22:08	-963.760
-79	43471	4347100	99e110fb-9140-48ef-97e4-fc6536d4a63c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:10:39	-625.550
-79	86942	4347100	45b0e352-1702-4504-806d-0e8837d701a9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:07:29	660.309
-80	43472	4347200	510150f0-6eb2-4d77-bc30-63e426e6f938	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:42:36	358.707
-80	86944	4347200	5a1b4316-2247-44be-933c-e732d1abc0f3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:59:22	-141.949
-81	43473	4347300	3a8983fa-9fd5-4bda-b637-4d3872f1559b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:07:36	-878.40
-81	86946	4347300	69bdb9e0-a5bc-44f8-98bf-d7620945681b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:02:13	-575.16
-82	43474	4347400	4dc54f76-daf4-4c6d-a228-6b6e09ffde47	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:24:48	-79.475
-82	86948	4347400	6238de47-5120-4fbe-83a0-c5d4df3d3ed5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:51:37	387.234
-83	43475	4347500	f40ff386-ee3f-4d12-86e0-31583853b8a2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:44:27	-302.13
-83	86950	4347500	fd4f5708-8690-4b81-ae16-e74bf2c5ce29	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:53:11	-88.556
-84	43476	4347600	583b3046-7769-4b19-b85f-c916ae33af14	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:10:15	-788.389
-84	86952	4347600	a71387b7-4954-425d-9c63-665ff0b471aa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:42:32	-52.243
-85	43477	4347700	721273b8-9aab-4775-91b8-26fcc08f71f2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:54:27	-151.180
-85	86954	4347700	ceed0ffc-46a6-4253-8db5-a547d6a7bbcc	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:46:09	957.402
-86	43478	4347800	10f26294-7509-4eb5-8f09-17ec91d19919	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:56:06	-272.151
-86	86956	4347800	43c1f8da-75b2-47c1-8a34-c4750c6bae0f	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:16:23	820.568
-87	43479	4347900	d9cd4ff8-2452-4522-9ec9-ff5c3cab5177	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:18:24	166.264
-87	86958	4347900	7b180122-a097-4d1c-9943-b04985fa3fc3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:00:36	144.307
-88	43480	4348000	541eda45-5836-47db-b7fc-f767492bf352	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:25:04	129.524
-88	86960	4348000	64a9d80e-09d7-4baf-bfb4-819b9ea536b7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:59:21	-654.483
-89	43481	4348100	96dde37b-d323-417e-9214-03f59793aa04	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:53:01	-40.90
-89	86962	4348100	025ebdd0-a31a-45de-92a9-828722c464bf	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 15:03:14	97.170
-90	43482	4348200	d663cde9-d86f-4c6d-940d-fa9a5603d8a6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:25:11	500.662
-90	86964	4348200	3d11e83e-1b81-4d2e-9335-70d2456c0ad7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:18:22	-756.640
-91	43483	4348300	9f6fe602-1e22-45ab-a7a0-2c5d05b4ef7c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:50:35	-675.187
-91	86966	4348300	40b507f1-f216-4bb1-8431-9bd961dcd0aa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:09:11	-74.828
-92	43484	4348400	1559154e-1d2b-4340-8f00-e584e865589a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:48:09	640.66
-92	86968	4348400	fac4145e-a5b9-4bd9-b9cc-b5230b14deab	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:53:11	221.653
-93	43485	4348500	8e358445-085a-4ec3-9e55-cd876fcf1f8a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:11:49	458.17
-93	86970	4348500	a2c32286-1cc2-47d8-8226-6cc8cd112382	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:52:50	-465.505
-94	43486	4348600	5740393b-c447-46a8-901b-a81bc0b2e6c1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:54:31	398.46
-94	86972	4348600	24c74e04-157e-4d94-aebb-2ad90e88599b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:00:28	-36.933
-95	43487	4348700	185994c7-70bb-47bc-857e-2dcc9e45f1a8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:06:07	-208.73
-95	86974	4348700	8089dcf3-cd2e-4e8b-bcce-afd812c776ca	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:19:08	-760.616
-96	43488	4348800	230041d8-dd8a-4ebf-84db-c5a7421401c8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:32:47	723.74
-96	86976	4348800	1ce0261d-311e-48e8-9ca9-df2eabb6996d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:09:44	-392.637
-97	43489	4348900	852163fb-70cc-4097-b4ff-656ca1eaef23	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:02:15	235.469
-97	86978	4348900	8dfbc236-99e9-4a6f-a31c-2100723daa5b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:59:02	899.251
-98	43490	4349000	9816186d-775b-4329-8369-4b3b2d174ea0	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:49:04	49.157
-98	86980	4349000	d2e45519-829b-41e0-b0ef-289aa8154d5b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:29:02	48.135
-99	43491	4349100	7b200eb9-5bfa-479a-a924-94d6f9654c38	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:15:36	-976.688
-99	86982	4349100	f3f2e45e-0eda-4247-a23c-b036edff48ca	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:24:40	912.918
-100	43492	4349200	54dd8700-6721-4177-ab30-ffecb13a49d1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:00:59	-888.853
-100	86984	4349200	25d816cc-7711-4ba5-a038-56f5c437dec4	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:38:34	-343.979
-101	43493	4349300	2f40eac5-ab1c-418c-aa8d-f5d3d79af8c4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:39:29	-538.832
-101	86986	4349300	3ceb4072-bbf7-4ef1-a5a9-1c8beecb0aac	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:15:53	787.445
-102	43494	4349400	db167cc4-a7e8-4a7b-aa2f-0ff628545e26	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:25:32	268.271
-102	86988	4349400	cca73def-3a25-4299-ba08-de34772b661b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:07:42	620.719
-103	43495	4349500	b5038453-a936-47f3-a5ba-3f13b5614e0b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:45:14	-369.823
-103	86990	4349500	1071f811-7fc5-42a9-b4a4-c6edf3bfe12c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:55:59	746.897
-104	43496	4349600	b62ad3af-69a7-4860-b461-f41647b548c0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:17:52	-818.617
-104	86992	4349600	400d7354-0755-4f0d-895d-c1a65f5273f7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:28:35	570.968
-105	43497	4349700	797a19cc-9e93-4ccc-b796-672ba59b7aa7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:20:05	952.168
-105	86994	4349700	64cdcc07-e4f7-41d9-8114-d5c91a796741	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:15:29	607.393
-106	43498	4349800	40ea3ff7-6e6c-47d6-a69b-611748f14f9c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:01:56	-23.548
-106	86996	4349800	fabbf8ff-fc39-4c7c-906e-5a3fb615a5cd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:17:48	63.114
-107	43499	4349900	c088a184-33c3-467b-b42e-2f0d88559c46	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:48:59	-999.146
-107	86998	4349900	d848c188-d322-4558-a581-4a879e749906	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:47:13	-281.847
-108	43500	4350000	4054d419-e432-4028-9c54-e54409376ec2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:59:06	852.834
-108	87000	4350000	b5497dc4-3166-4057-a0e0-14ece7aaa99e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:07:19	-845.553
-109	43501	4350100	02118362-ec4d-4b0d-8b00-a6e987558a3e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:22:17	53.545
-109	87002	4350100	68ccb58f-6ab4-49b4-9f9d-66b645e83448	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:08:17	169.179
-110	43502	4350200	945bec24-96e8-428e-b4a5-d46181f21336	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:32:53	382.953
-110	87004	4350200	1c7a4c92-4e1e-4d0f-8f45-ce58f453145a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:05:47	226.801
-111	43503	4350300	424af916-ae6f-40ee-be9f-60629e8643f1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:28:14	-650.562
-111	87006	4350300	bfd17417-95e1-40e4-97b0-77b5ef6d924c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:10:08	716.588
-112	43504	4350400	0e5f8e1c-b417-4e3b-af58-c109481e1133	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:10:56	-213.55
-112	87008	4350400	8ad5343b-37d8-4008-8096-d4fc3a9f5749	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:15:10	511.793
-113	43505	4350500	146ceec6-a6b6-46b7-9c88-06288048355e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:31:00	428.852
-113	87010	4350500	ae3fd7de-abb7-424c-ac4b-6501fccb589f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:00:20	-716.135
-114	43506	4350600	039b8acd-cb64-4244-9963-9b686e9fd294	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:04:44	-193.761
-114	87012	4350600	40c95aa9-323a-4387-9a27-4b0a5879a739	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:31:40	75.60
-115	43507	4350700	2fbd2e71-470a-4b62-b0b7-ac0682c53b06	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:58:01	-739.813
-115	87014	4350700	9f9d8660-6bff-4247-82f5-1d454ac95999	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:44:40	286.696
-116	43508	4350800	30eeb265-787c-4615-b5d3-61cf74b841b3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:12:35	874.333
-116	87016	4350800	5d5ed968-0aea-4a22-8693-78e7756bbb1d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:06:29	235.281
-117	43509	4350900	c7b67938-5c42-4566-971b-2561e9c970f7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:53:01	-12.24
-117	87018	4350900	663e7d01-e829-42b1-a5a9-b2b26282c8cf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:41:26	713.382
-118	43510	4351000	7dda89f3-26d3-4ff5-b9a0-bfdc0a7af0ab	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:19:18	904.568
-118	87020	4351000	194b5952-535b-4fc6-a3e7-cf0de1169075	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:26:49	-219.381
-119	43511	4351100	79a80eaf-eaab-4c38-9bed-cb78f13af4d4	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:22:13	-277.320
-119	87022	4351100	f551977c-2ee3-42fc-a146-de302a7b10e4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:10:22	-365.307
-120	43512	4351200	c2e81a9a-1f76-4f04-82a0-5262719c1b0d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:49:17	-555.807
-120	87024	4351200	5dfdfb7c-6b77-41a9-9979-c3c6bfdb71b5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:23:55	262.127
-121	43513	4351300	172f06f2-8dda-43cb-b564-8a8a0d54c869	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:44:09	225.334
-121	87026	4351300	3d76e44e-3aca-4870-b3f4-bcd72d666c7b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:05:37	-583.308
-122	43514	4351400	cb88e693-917b-4859-8697-d921f7a7ca58	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:09:30	44.277
-122	87028	4351400	d675db12-5990-4090-a414-07fdf6f4a2e8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:56:25	762.567
-123	43515	4351500	367d5e48-e23c-4f1e-9649-3d1cf70b0459	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:56:30	932.901
-123	87030	4351500	761d614a-48c0-497a-aaee-dce2021490f2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:38:39	-748.52
-124	43516	4351600	4561bbcd-7670-4eb1-8971-e4d7acad2a50	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:13:39	-753.335
-124	87032	4351600	8d7ad5f1-3f17-4d16-afa4-f1625aa00969	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:59:47	661.15
-125	43517	4351700	a16ff87f-739d-43da-9188-13e00353510c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:40:53	-15.216
-125	87034	4351700	5bc76571-9665-43a2-96b8-714414e74993	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:33:25	-348.825
-126	43518	4351800	4bb53b1c-7b89-420f-92a6-b16cde7d99a5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:12:54	18.153
-126	87036	4351800	b09c0f70-35dd-4848-b418-d39bfba7a671	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:23:05	-16.572
-127	43519	4351900	d65412a6-a919-4c83-a98f-4c7c2d52c011	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:13:37	901.635
-127	87038	4351900	0adc7633-5ad0-4f69-af48-33ea2c645a22	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:24:26	969.762
-0	43520	4352000	caf05fb6-8e78-4052-9391-ddfdd9aab4c5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:42:36	963.560
-0	87040	4352000	961f80fe-3145-40a9-a528-f0ca0d1f557e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:05:38	-940.245
-1	43521	4352100	2e6dea39-8ba7-40c5-b366-116db5d64b03	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:20:53	-25.90
-1	87042	4352100	514f4610-4df5-4ac5-a9f5-10b69b7d351c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:59:07	236.587
-2	43522	4352200	8976b28b-a9a0-434f-9f9d-ee1bb71f6b2f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:37:37	663.274
-2	87044	4352200	d62dc785-8075-40de-bc52-8bf6fed38627	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:31:31	-166.107
-3	43523	4352300	2e78dcce-fc8b-469f-9c8a-88b872f6db9a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:04:40	299.280
-3	87046	4352300	0d574254-1e71-4644-b057-2aa027723f42	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:57:27	342.544
-4	43524	4352400	980bbc62-daa5-4a5e-8630-31c67527456b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:49:25	-714.787
-4	87048	4352400	67462f73-b8d8-4fd1-8de2-dced84fa265c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:22:17	-617.290
-5	43525	4352500	6b2a7845-4ac7-489b-a1f5-55d0e1c24b37	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:26:00	495.696
-5	87050	4352500	c75ed40e-3037-4304-9b6b-9b7088144fb1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 23:00:41	-448.624
-6	43526	4352600	987fa4f2-10a7-4fec-8390-eda610525d7e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:03:23	43.825
-6	87052	4352600	b9c73a7c-0347-4441-8af3-706defe66ec1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:01:07	-308.904
-7	43527	4352700	6eab4966-994d-4624-8ff6-88a0c4c8628a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:25:14	-515.70
-7	87054	4352700	f961facf-f534-4505-b490-98d5d5264937	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:40:28	933.558
-8	43528	4352800	7a96799d-7e4e-4b3f-9d01-3ea13e1bff9d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:45:20	327.205
-8	87056	4352800	932e8627-aaf0-4cd7-bb4f-f58b22088adb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:56:55	35.2
-9	43529	4352900	fd2194e3-7064-4762-b69a-08d93758d130	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:20:43	299.414
-9	87058	4352900	26d92193-3e1c-4495-a151-4a6230ccafbd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:48:09	135.462
-10	43530	4353000	62e64480-1bf4-4bb3-835f-94932fe991bc	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:55:39	-826.447
-10	87060	4353000	1d18a112-0596-490b-88d4-2875ece49cc0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 05:15:46	994.459
-11	43531	4353100	d86dbe92-a523-4cfa-9d4a-159285911250	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:43:15	-119.694
-11	87062	4353100	3b773fab-3c3c-4b34-bc37-c250db035973	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:44:10	-261.815
-12	43532	4353200	2c210706-5e2c-456f-8290-5ce900b3c757	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:00:35	923.686
-12	87064	4353200	03ef6732-373b-4ed7-88e6-103d5a05323a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:35:54	875.136
-13	43533	4353300	3e994593-eea0-49e6-a100-76e946fb6403	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:28:51	-517.205
-13	87066	4353300	cf288d53-1671-4141-922e-0423e0b90a7f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:47:05	754.459
-14	43534	4353400	291e851f-aa02-4355-a8d0-2ac3693cc032	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:29:24	-486.307
-14	87068	4353400	d5fcff4a-a852-452b-bb28-237cdf76593d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:15:46	741.801
-15	43535	4353500	528f42a2-ef19-42f1-ae6e-810ce1a8260e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:21:48	894.790
-15	87070	4353500	c12cdc76-4be6-41a0-a8fd-a00b888ca1be	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:05:29	442.834
-16	43536	4353600	6a204829-e52d-4660-aa4b-dde430194d7c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:44:37	81.29
-16	87072	4353600	d4f32780-7086-4326-be53-223f297a0ea8	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 11:37:54	-729.350
-17	43537	4353700	02452558-4cd1-4ac4-9968-4b3308a4037e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:18:19	126.406
-17	87074	4353700	7ae927d0-a92f-491f-a4cc-7f7e0c1dda4a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:24:20	157.955
-18	43538	4353800	3a6697c6-5e91-4ed2-ab3e-d0fb2aa433c8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:11:49	-371.643
-18	87076	4353800	41decb8e-f828-4ee0-b65f-b2178e3aab80	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:59:38	290.970
-19	43539	4353900	d6144d6d-8362-4843-80b6-b8f7e92bda45	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:47:12	-714.90
-19	87078	4353900	e522afbd-8e05-43f1-86b9-21837637f59d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:47:24	-817.695
-20	43540	4354000	76bdfd44-5292-48ed-8dac-6e370e36f42f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:44:06	1.161
-20	87080	4354000	36ff1ee0-17d3-4d0d-a8c6-d0409d7d23e2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:27:34	927.899
-21	43541	4354100	98cffec1-3954-4224-9fcb-b060b2c830a5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:20:13	214.312
-21	87082	4354100	a9d9639f-a7c0-4e5d-a4bd-7565a7cf45e6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:09:21	-481.975
-22	43542	4354200	6e30bfc2-cb0e-41b3-908e-819cfe880834	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:38:03	182.154
-22	87084	4354200	50d575c6-8ecf-4da0-bcd5-d2685693f3cb	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:03:39	527.219
-23	43543	4354300	c87df637-91a2-4ccf-9515-c7842d9a5bb0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:54:54	-457.447
-23	87086	4354300	5b819928-dd4f-4e44-887e-8fd5f5dba92c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:25:05	-845.17
-24	43544	4354400	e49f0b22-60b8-47ed-aeaa-c580a8e77bdf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:54:12	607.53
-24	87088	4354400	11c21f0a-b856-4869-a669-649fcdf1b4a9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:39:03	-912.104
-25	43545	4354500	d75042e9-adb2-4ea2-aae3-d7ef4c089804	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:08:03	-423.301
-25	87090	4354500	24926f40-41a4-4c30-84ee-8bd063e4700b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:53:23	838.716
-26	43546	4354600	3973b126-5615-4cdf-8069-dc123132bd20	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:39:52	893.511
-26	87092	4354600	77c3107e-f78f-4b17-a799-6357f8d88d20	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:10:46	-299.170
-27	43547	4354700	2bd7ee40-d8c9-44f0-962f-c1f91b84e0cd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:07:30	-92.685
-27	87094	4354700	e69671eb-ae7c-4534-b59f-9c67ca584d49	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:06:17	-612.998
-28	43548	4354800	47523f20-b034-491f-8b74-b24539306533	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:04:15	-178.487
-28	87096	4354800	c2d0866f-7128-4d1f-bfa4-0f80e2bffae1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:34:38	-140.834
-29	43549	4354900	4e5d6530-9451-4633-a7ce-57660020a9a6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:50:46	918.968
-29	87098	4354900	836fe8a0-6788-47ea-9452-c2601f4c15c3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:04:01	-329.668
-30	43550	4355000	53644dfe-0892-4070-ad4e-cc20af2e2c73	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:37:35	-815.673
-30	87100	4355000	838000d3-fa26-437a-b2a1-9efe15c4e0ad	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:58:15	-319.129
-31	43551	4355100	97951fd8-7483-4fb3-80d4-55c0f92c2bff	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:30:51	598.571
-31	87102	4355100	67c0a49e-04c9-4031-be0f-eb06c46be466	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:20:17	603.898
-32	43552	4355200	91571362-5be0-4e14-9c1c-a0c41dc90ab8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:23:31	-756.669
-32	87104	4355200	e160198a-0338-4dcc-a5e7-b769786f0cee	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:22:45	350.283
-33	43553	4355300	ac8ada0a-3aa7-484e-bef5-0f233fc51df5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:07:37	-878.311
-33	87106	4355300	9bef16f6-d670-4862-990e-3b7b22376ddf	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:38:11	83.573
-34	43554	4355400	89e54fd8-20b1-410b-9213-ff3dd691dc78	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:43:59	976.418
-34	87108	4355400	2cf06b18-db1b-461a-90dd-e9f483b203e4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:40:20	-893.259
-35	43555	4355500	e8f4136f-4f5f-4cc3-b24c-15d86efc92f2	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:46:41	-35.969
-35	87110	4355500	7d4bba17-34c7-44ff-a0c5-e9c10c14b2c8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:56:59	-432.748
-36	43556	4355600	e06f48c3-3021-4bbe-b998-f903787c3bff	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:50:01	-627.284
-36	87112	4355600	7a5e23b1-bb5a-4f98-8f8c-8eb9e86481ff	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:13:47	412.187
-37	43557	4355700	1a8c5695-836a-45b7-be61-f52ef7b47197	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:12:03	320.343
-37	87114	4355700	10e5a5c3-5ce8-4d01-a0f0-62aaf3af72f1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:42:34	786.226
-38	43558	4355800	7c52113e-b8aa-4897-b255-80f2822a50fb	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:44:54	-384.57
-38	87116	4355800	9c90218b-e440-4c5b-9c15-1761a05cd454	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:49:10	922.889
-39	43559	4355900	f44bd04d-9e1e-4c7c-823d-a033dbf4acb1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:44:30	242.294
-39	87118	4355900	969757fc-a58a-441b-beb4-83489481c72a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:30:06	128.252
-40	43560	4356000	7cd9f9b1-b81d-4939-8e8f-0d00016440c6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:24:35	370.442
-40	87120	4356000	399aaa2c-6f75-4acb-ac32-dc4b521647f7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:22:32	16.747
-41	43561	4356100	9a041805-3f23-4076-a023-47053230eaf8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:15:10	-913.701
-41	87122	4356100	22e52d24-edfd-4c30-b1e1-581e6ade25a7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:42:24	106.327
-42	43562	4356200	af437bf3-a894-499c-a068-26ea5437808a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:13:08	579.225
-42	87124	4356200	d5ba4dd4-b6c3-427e-9559-0ca52d7df2c4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:40:30	901.155
-43	43563	4356300	3387d77e-ddb3-4bfb-b855-808937def87b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:23:22	-738.709
-43	87126	4356300	3e5cca52-ee13-49a1-a182-803391a934ef	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:39:12	-359.550
-44	43564	4356400	905d00d6-8fa9-42a5-a58d-584e082c475c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:50:30	614.126
-44	87128	4356400	fda7e43d-3ca0-4117-b9ea-2ee16d9ad043	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:10:32	920.483
-45	43565	4356500	3372c6c2-3422-4b18-bb24-e5b67bb8c5d9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:50:59	92.774
-45	87130	4356500	8c7ce769-db34-4273-a7c0-924c6c23238b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:24:03	870.723
-46	43566	4356600	48388ed8-656d-4be2-bfad-8f463eeaf741	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:57:22	-724.110
-46	87132	4356600	fe1e83de-fb66-4588-9cbd-34fd7323160a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:23:36	996.470
-47	43567	4356700	8b39b3a5-f666-4f51-9f99-c8a4c957c747	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:29:26	-203.275
-47	87134	4356700	c53e3fae-8038-445e-bb2e-04903ecc7628	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:45:22	421.833
-48	43568	4356800	08b222bc-a339-4813-bd08-21fa6591a13f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:26:34	933.429
-48	87136	4356800	1d246e04-bcce-4a27-81a6-187478680c5b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:11:41	-574.168
-49	43569	4356900	6dde3c70-b7c6-4511-8430-7376502b86f0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:02:32	301.742
-49	87138	4356900	a75e5d18-6de6-48e0-b056-8dbc09f72038	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:19:26	120.523
-50	43570	4357000	2c29dab2-7aa8-464b-8b3f-46d7a011dc38	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:45:11	-401.373
-50	87140	4357000	cb3603ce-c3f7-4085-baf5-7f2f664b5f39	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:39:54	386.868
-51	43571	4357100	bbdfb362-a016-41d2-a5b4-2df814e40932	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:26:40	-241.325
-51	87142	4357100	e3b639aa-7102-4214-b215-76a5030b5b15	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 22:00:04	-599.896
-52	43572	4357200	788b561b-1118-48ab-8de0-503c4be951ef	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:30:36	-557.701
-52	87144	4357200	73f08c8b-69ec-4d25-9505-4ac8569af21c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:12:56	578.55
-53	43573	4357300	dc1e1371-a95e-4a2f-8f3b-42e90720b38c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:16:30	-167.162
-53	87146	4357300	7cb162a7-db14-4223-9fda-eea71e20ae25	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:26:08	-214.657
-54	43574	4357400	d20ef873-14af-4c95-b2b0-9db72d38cef2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:10:25	526.144
-54	87148	4357400	56baa669-401d-42f0-aa4c-958a0ea4a38f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:11:48	-637.918
-55	43575	4357500	59419d23-d120-4853-81a8-16d82f37cbc3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:54:46	406.286
-55	87150	4357500	5df27bb1-31d5-4133-be0d-39a72d9916ba	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:06:37	519.91
-56	43576	4357600	f875816f-4b1f-433a-a6da-059e7158e6a4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:12:37	924.864
-56	87152	4357600	4bb3cfb3-4920-4335-9985-02c8c9122451	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:17:51	43.151
-57	43577	4357700	729b780e-3cc9-432a-bf87-9dd37f17d9e7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:25:22	293.864
-57	87154	4357700	71d32ead-9b86-4fe9-bf41-54380a387774	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:55:29	285.526
-58	43578	4357800	ba6cfb60-cc29-48e8-9690-f668cc3face6	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:42:39	-34.902
-58	87156	4357800	288c7719-918a-46a8-81d3-a78bdb70f620	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:53:41	522.254
-59	43579	4357900	9d43088b-fda9-477a-a922-f5c535fb236e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:16:48	-19.539
-59	87158	4357900	8635cafc-1cb7-43bd-9677-7d358254a050	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:57:49	797.906
-60	43580	4358000	3f098375-ae28-4eed-b526-dc5225d5ca98	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:35:47	-710.456
-60	87160	4358000	65fcb364-bdf5-4126-a797-fc44143dce31	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:00:55	-531.953
-61	43581	4358100	871d5dbb-46ed-46fe-aefa-e02a08fbf99c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:52:49	-443.773
-61	87162	4358100	217e994d-fa32-449c-822d-b2bd9309e297	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:35:13	-978.691
-62	43582	4358200	7ece1c9c-bf15-4627-9667-09efa9dcdc9a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:37:58	758.785
-62	87164	4358200	56efe56f-7bf7-41b2-9414-a2ff633d373b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:08:40	509.232
-63	43583	4358300	f8f9cc5e-eadc-4b94-bb8e-1e05b5826a71	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:58:52	-559.276
-63	87166	4358300	fe77246b-4206-49e5-a720-15e8eee5a0e4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:39:56	-359.29
-64	43584	4358400	39aae8e6-f0ec-4413-8c35-3c28310ff979	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 15:44:25	-15.320
-64	87168	4358400	38f5ad59-3594-419a-8ac0-a71a16f68e6f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:12:00	-555.48
-65	43585	4358500	8b73c3fb-aa26-472b-8080-5d48a5a78710	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:58:41	-215.7
-65	87170	4358500	9243cc64-f985-41bc-aaef-4dc3be9a5207	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:25:19	25.124
-66	43586	4358600	06879c6e-cad5-415e-a83b-f85396ae94cb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:11:05	418.699
-66	87172	4358600	282db6ce-ba05-410d-a773-165b2cbedac8	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:16:09	-137.494
-67	43587	4358700	fea06de1-dc60-44d5-9ec6-dbe4627b07e8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:48:32	-662.123
-67	87174	4358700	b4f0724b-f77d-4b5f-81f7-31b94199cda3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:29:37	589.695
-68	43588	4358800	18578805-2015-49cf-aa6f-305568350688	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:31:15	670.669
-68	87176	4358800	f91020c7-0efd-45b6-8671-02893b18b5b5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:30:00	-395.233
-69	43589	4358900	54c33b81-d8e0-454c-9bd6-2dd689a12770	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:58:00	-190.985
-69	87178	4358900	eef89c96-ad43-4d67-8d33-f0a5b5c2e7ae	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:10:40	-594.514
-70	43590	4359000	7cb784e1-c094-4813-922c-6f02bf888bc4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:50:34	-163.914
-70	87180	4359000	d319c140-6342-4268-83cf-93e07210bcd0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 07:02:27	705.304
-71	43591	4359100	43dbf7c0-a715-435b-b1d2-7e56401f6bfa	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:17:53	203.915
-71	87182	4359100	bd669531-faf0-4e72-969e-6477c50f6fb5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:20:13	371.73
-72	43592	4359200	eb9ee913-9740-4fa9-800a-a1f6a6c8f43f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:39:16	-391.86
-72	87184	4359200	92fce243-cec7-4f68-8541-842c2a7505ef	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:10:45	479.954
-73	43593	4359300	4951e3d0-f4b0-4f40-9042-762c5ecdcc9f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:01:52	634.858
-73	87186	4359300	2637e532-c585-48af-968c-1101a16ff519	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:05:37	952.662
-74	43594	4359400	341915ca-fcca-4b80-a875-04a7fff7eed5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:36:08	221.48
-74	87188	4359400	647cc266-0b01-4dd0-bb7f-03f782e2cef7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:56:26	959.811
-75	43595	4359500	c64c63fd-5ca3-48a5-852a-ffe2fe2bd3aa	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:36:38	-403.687
-75	87190	4359500	1ccba573-9df7-4db2-9c65-739cf60b20b1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:57:11	880.664
-76	43596	4359600	86b0ba1f-01cb-449b-bb98-473d4c3e6573	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:48:08	568.464
-76	87192	4359600	e3e6f031-e8c5-484f-ac4b-8958b86a23c8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:00:37	420.437
-77	43597	4359700	47b2bec3-081e-456f-8cdf-02af211790d2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:59:11	124.973
-77	87194	4359700	2c64003d-f6c3-4f1f-8c32-6c06cd2ff0af	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:42:02	-425.712
-78	43598	4359800	3316ee61-f07e-4874-87ed-b2c8a4565bb5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:31:34	-849.534
-78	87196	4359800	c2a9748b-3a66-4fc5-a994-20567950d803	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:51:53	-2.652
-79	43599	4359900	d7497574-b6c6-44de-96f4-771e1f1cf4c9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:22:06	-309.127
-79	87198	4359900	53eb83c6-e13f-4893-9e56-962d6f02ec6a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 07:47:05	981.310
-80	43600	4360000	b900f4f7-78f8-4fe8-a9c3-2e2db2ff013f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:20:22	154.747
-80	87200	4360000	723d1e5c-a5e3-49c5-90dd-e0883b077b5b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:55:06	-818.245
-81	43601	4360100	e3ea6a38-44b1-4c73-94cc-8e8f6cd73256	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 07:01:49	161.37
-81	87202	4360100	0c0eac0c-8392-461c-9c87-e76b24f5bc08	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:41:39	351.64
-82	43602	4360200	98f1b886-98b9-482b-a282-6efeb1caab53	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:41:53	-306.56
-82	87204	4360200	e0155b3e-10af-49b3-9a8f-f8075437e944	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:00:30	-526.990
-83	43603	4360300	b0af1049-d59b-4187-b1f5-885873d1a69b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:39:06	-69.250
-83	87206	4360300	ae4cc67d-db3d-4ff7-9ac9-d7c743176189	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:49:50	-674.29
-84	43604	4360400	f623e04d-ebf2-4cd5-a03a-f48475fc4dd8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:36:47	-415.745
-84	87208	4360400	6e970260-5eb4-4fb0-a674-7fa7e56a0ec0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:09:00	-280.102
-85	43605	4360500	c5c1d128-671f-48df-9c6e-f3528f565b6e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:28:13	-959.713
-85	87210	4360500	e53400ce-9a9a-4bf7-aade-57f44a97bc4c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:55:28	-70.390
-86	43606	4360600	f4773ea5-bc1c-4dfc-a8f2-51de5677eb94	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:47:55	936.412
-86	87212	4360600	12c71078-770f-4a3a-a4e5-2a1591f2e975	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:27:38	-27.917
-87	43607	4360700	b7ecb184-2364-4c01-a5b0-e39c1845f4bb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:38:57	-553.50
-87	87214	4360700	909fd2df-3527-4663-8b20-25447bab0e5f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:59:31	-105.772
-88	43608	4360800	2a74284d-5e85-4e54-81e4-90a1c68aca84	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:45:07	340.582
-88	87216	4360800	f12cdbee-9b95-470c-974e-7ced81ae9eca	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:28:49	-830.377
-89	43609	4360900	2f1dd3d5-eb72-487a-aaaf-0ba9e34e6ea1	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:10:18	-37.428
-89	87218	4360900	83c5448c-e1b4-43f0-843d-cfa0f2ef5815	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:26:25	-364.693
-90	43610	4361000	32651ee4-f040-4538-8eb6-f2f952f28b0b	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:02:29	762.968
-90	87220	4361000	c428e429-2013-4e01-b77e-ea4d2b98ac0d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:37:00	821.478
-91	43611	4361100	62785bf2-38c3-4bfb-88fe-b30499d573a3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:36:32	-971.269
-91	87222	4361100	ca836e0f-a412-49c7-943b-d5ae523bc93e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:58:30	516.375
-92	43612	4361200	8e517f9f-3a00-47d4-bfdb-ed83d41b690a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:32:35	289.150
-92	87224	4361200	d5420d06-6268-4bf1-975c-cd9863902760	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:16:03	616.222
-93	43613	4361300	0efb5e63-1306-4740-bfb1-e4ebd2faf194	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:59:36	251.246
-93	87226	4361300	244fbc93-e98a-4331-9d3f-0623a91a970c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:16:06	370.966
-94	43614	4361400	4ec1026b-93b1-4867-89a1-41583689e594	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:15:34	-390.175
-94	87228	4361400	526c9b37-69ed-477c-a722-8ac62199672d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:32:59	705.79
-95	43615	4361500	ef56dc5d-c737-4312-b1d0-32afebf2299c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:10:13	-241.72
-95	87230	4361500	58b1df29-af95-46ac-92db-1fd537e74d7d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:00:10	690.120
-96	43616	4361600	a7c46c6d-afee-4fda-8a16-6ab1f7f6050d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:00:10	826.174
-96	87232	4361600	de4c6b29-a51d-4331-b7c3-19e1b246a04e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:09:52	-267.773
-97	43617	4361700	29500de2-302f-46fe-b199-ac7901d4ace7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:42:22	510.170
-97	87234	4361700	632a87ab-c523-4c15-8c84-94bb9ee59bcb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 05:04:29	252.588
-98	43618	4361800	dedf1cd8-b3a2-49b3-a2c4-0cbf4658487e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:28:11	961.999
-98	87236	4361800	98eba79d-1ef9-4139-b470-997c4eb663ab	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:25:20	-408.706
-99	43619	4361900	3c8d8b6d-1049-4c2e-bba3-874dd2dd81b9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:32:21	-446.320
-99	87238	4361900	67e42fca-cec2-44cf-920a-0ec7c290b103	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:23:13	253.314
-100	43620	4362000	935041b9-b959-4e25-a6fd-4427c0c1a3c2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:40:16	-375.752
-100	87240	4362000	da34cb86-ce5a-4337-8d39-f70900b6aca8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:11:41	612.41
-101	43621	4362100	772fece2-6b9e-4229-846e-d90454aef43c	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:58:05	-806.810
-101	87242	4362100	decf7570-ce51-406d-8c4b-e27dceb2953c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:20:15	-709.207
-102	43622	4362200	6901a21d-b0e2-47fd-8222-4dafc83bde4f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:46:46	-310.986
-102	87244	4362200	e6feece4-4f5e-480b-aa24-eeaeb588f955	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:16:59	817.165
-103	43623	4362300	2f1eb386-7fdc-4df9-8028-c89a30d0f027	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:27:48	-954.183
-103	87246	4362300	11581531-b70a-4dd8-93b4-8d7bdda06e14	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:45:32	-124.421
-104	43624	4362400	0f1a3995-a557-429b-a04f-d302e836e3cd	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:59:40	19.984
-104	87248	4362400	4f82b5db-3118-4c4d-9d19-cfa62ae74719	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:01:06	949.933
-105	43625	4362500	0a8fb9c7-642e-4792-b345-d40b211e70ed	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:14:59	790.236
-105	87250	4362500	bd9dc753-80d8-4f10-b51e-624b44915cca	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:20:46	795.414
-106	43626	4362600	5771872e-70fb-4161-bd77-cbe5edc103db	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:02:29	939.271
-106	87252	4362600	a98dfb03-a548-43a3-bbaa-2f706e78d083	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:36:39	-804.271
-107	43627	4362700	8f2af3d3-cf92-4505-93b5-48e7d8353c84	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:54:50	61.992
-107	87254	4362700	1701cb42-2854-46fd-9e16-73250e962827	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:58:01	231.527
-108	43628	4362800	dc42c976-d272-42ab-87f3-55226802015a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:02:26	-126.874
-108	87256	4362800	81c1f43f-5f6c-4c54-919c-e92e3e70436a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:09:23	997.807
-109	43629	4362900	e696a0f3-8d87-4f4e-b4e1-ce359b2ac5b4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:09:19	69.32
-109	87258	4362900	0d699eb2-2d1c-4036-b48a-4a577ba9ec06	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:52:48	-808.107
-110	43630	4363000	51031f79-6782-45a7-a0cc-9e4b30b32236	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:33:33	-533.387
-110	87260	4363000	3990247d-c8e0-45a7-881c-84cdb3a2a984	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:27:07	-429.164
-111	43631	4363100	a693c859-6070-45fa-9708-85e2366de9c4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:27:45	-695.511
-111	87262	4363100	51cbd3c1-e3fb-4df7-a3f5-008ab319b251	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:56:38	915.590
-112	43632	4363200	84ff4945-4ab7-4dbf-85ee-795138ae719a	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:45:05	476.4
-112	87264	4363200	c5bbbb4f-a423-45cc-bb54-fdbe22e081bc	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:22:50	-522.506
-113	43633	4363300	d5e3cfc8-1966-4ade-991c-f7cc197fdd30	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:33:24	294.564
-113	87266	4363300	a970cc3b-bb2f-4499-91fa-90cda4883df3	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:19:25	971.465
-114	43634	4363400	2c342733-81e4-4a55-90b0-06e4536ec4bb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:32:10	-335.764
-114	87268	4363400	4756d9e1-877d-464a-8636-73be0f44df49	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:55:31	-535.470
-115	43635	4363500	777925ca-4838-4c35-b596-ad5f06c47dc2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:41:38	-31.434
-115	87270	4363500	1f3581d4-887d-4572-b4e0-a554fccee1ce	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:24:31	-453.275
-116	43636	4363600	f38de58a-1f63-49f9-a0f5-cea810ccd2d2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:28:06	233.668
-116	87272	4363600	874f2b0d-9dde-4c23-849e-db4fa4303fe8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:04:55	890.362
-117	43637	4363700	25bbcdb4-4dc8-4284-9001-fb4f6e2151db	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:53:39	-758.120
-117	87274	4363700	9ebdd632-81b2-41f7-a0d6-1c4cebf8a697	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:48:17	-796.897
-118	43638	4363800	40ed87a7-2cd1-48a8-8efe-7cdc01c58703	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:51:07	830.950
-118	87276	4363800	3621affb-dd2b-4c71-9174-ce2b4bfc3fba	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:02:21	-815.841
-119	43639	4363900	cf5e2908-d049-4184-bda6-c862bf66035c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:02:50	510.663
-119	87278	4363900	0c9034a9-0a4d-40ba-af4e-d484e94c1744	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:31:16	-323.749
-120	43640	4364000	5f5ee995-9415-45ee-b216-27eeb432b24f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:24:00	617.858
-120	87280	4364000	920114d0-2a7f-4525-845c-bb471dae5494	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:57:40	-456.423
-121	43641	4364100	64aab816-1de0-416f-ad54-22a445458830	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:28:31	243.890
-121	87282	4364100	b8ca0155-9602-40a3-8f4b-434fd2b989e6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:40:00	-193.464
-122	43642	4364200	c4083fea-1ea0-4963-98dd-dc43d85cab80	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:17:27	263.709
-122	87284	4364200	29660054-0257-41ec-8605-28150d80d0c3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:17:48	578.393
-123	43643	4364300	cdd87569-02ae-4663-bf22-310e7666e0af	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:11:47	-640.555
-123	87286	4364300	f7b87dae-2ec6-40c3-bb89-913487f72b56	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:39:03	59.758
-124	43644	4364400	d7afcf59-c32a-443b-a57f-8862c82ad5e5	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:41:08	-470.316
-124	87288	4364400	940d9873-0e64-40c3-bc9e-a3074b8204ba	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:02:45	363.408
-125	43645	4364500	4cf8b289-1078-459f-a720-0ee60c00ad84	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:59:16	-430.532
-125	87290	4364500	6cf6b5f4-98c1-4bcb-9f9a-5ea77983bec5	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:35:44	393.655
-126	43646	4364600	8ee824c2-ceac-41da-8338-86628a22a14a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:45:28	581.402
-126	87292	4364600	73066448-fbcd-47d0-a33b-ddffebf62238	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:06:25	420.247
-127	43647	4364700	77115e3e-892d-4666-b97f-3752c6006196	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:55:51	-742.816
-127	87294	4364700	97ac567d-6fc4-4869-ba2e-bb3d6c566e49	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:32:31	761.977
-0	43648	4364800	5e1f0aa9-fc48-4a82-9d0d-70727cf2bdb9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:21:57	-243.492
-0	87296	4364800	74018dd2-d59b-468f-8b7a-aeb134a05bc9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:26:59	537.336
-1	43649	4364900	d68f4480-5f98-4f59-b00f-c209f651d70a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:42:06	873.695
-1	87298	4364900	7d1c1140-c8c9-457d-8323-aa2b2aaf5bac	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:27:20	-650.387
-2	43650	4365000	d4a1a13a-3f2e-489b-a7e8-6959d6095f01	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:04:15	759.88
-2	87300	4365000	bdbaf7a3-5138-4a44-a5d9-c6aaacaafd80	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:04:03	508.247
-3	43651	4365100	b036f595-b710-4e45-ad78-1fccf7a6d256	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:54:55	217.742
-3	87302	4365100	9504457e-2754-4e63-a9c6-04fe59a79994	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:13:27	-58.136
-4	43652	4365200	718b8029-7adc-4595-b84d-81903204ceb7	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:06:45	-781.294
-4	87304	4365200	4c3b8527-472b-4803-9923-866355efbd07	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:56:21	-134.640
-5	43653	4365300	5c855263-726b-4a91-a6b8-232be5678ccd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:49:04	633.34
-5	87306	4365300	bda1cdd2-153f-4b24-a2bb-9b92bacabadb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:13:45	709.724
-6	43654	4365400	a75dcb01-b685-44cc-b7ee-ff01790f5481	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:01:08	-431.972
-6	87308	4365400	20237385-477e-46e4-b59c-8e095774dbdc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:40:43	79.545
-7	43655	4365500	3ec0e50c-82a6-42ca-8eb7-b6cc9e6f4cef	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:57:35	371.852
-7	87310	4365500	beb4a6f7-8089-4db8-8f33-2cad88af2c2e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:44:39	421.162
-8	43656	4365600	95091f0b-24d0-43ca-9541-fa2561c6ab06	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:27:45	-588.488
-8	87312	4365600	ab3ba229-20b5-4065-ab68-cb817923183d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:04:20	-294.478
-9	43657	4365700	4d9a23c3-0d09-4ee5-8f44-a4b21734231e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:01:13	722.894
-9	87314	4365700	c73b8246-81a5-4f8b-be1e-24d916a1733e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:16:17	-485.309
-10	43658	4365800	a265fc10-4b65-47f8-b40f-56d10a5ad671	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:38:44	-591.918
-10	87316	4365800	ec6d4bd1-9205-4854-a7af-913143feda66	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:58:58	101.712
-11	43659	4365900	dcb6eb1c-59ac-4f53-9235-ec8bdaf05be3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:21:18	-318.931
-11	87318	4365900	c91bfbe3-81b1-4ff4-8ab8-8f5ec1fb53c6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:59:13	382.26
-12	43660	4366000	28ea4b34-3f4e-443b-ae98-a33b9688eb3c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:49:57	813.446
-12	87320	4366000	c0e1e616-56ff-4104-b461-99e11c8bb42e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:09:25	58.827
-13	43661	4366100	be95efd3-cb21-4c47-9453-afd2aacee41b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:37:12	-573.40
-13	87322	4366100	8052e09e-dab2-4db2-9421-a808381b9326	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:59:59	666.674
-14	43662	4366200	e3668919-7775-45d8-a166-0ac00f76a648	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:58:53	-666.982
-14	87324	4366200	af98bec1-b3b7-4581-a654-13aa51b7c585	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:39:01	441.141
-15	43663	4366300	c784f580-5d2c-4a55-b0ea-8bfa1196d515	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:59:59	6.801
-15	87326	4366300	211ef38e-0b72-46c7-a7b2-94123aff23c5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:37:24	632.241
-16	43664	4366400	edd4eaaa-37bd-4044-be47-1c5b9d8b7ea1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:38:29	-725.980
-16	87328	4366400	16518f04-6aaf-4cda-bd1e-13bd25263f4f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:11:02	691.435
-17	43665	4366500	f48d077a-7733-46ac-bb81-634822f69106	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:11:50	-487.509
-17	87330	4366500	db187b7c-079b-43b9-9aaf-5ca879ca2134	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:35:36	-352.116
-18	43666	4366600	8eb6d6b2-fa4f-458d-8355-28362b3918fe	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:08:06	-40.342
-18	87332	4366600	d2a6b744-2b23-4886-93e6-da87041374e0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 02:59:06	23.3
-19	43667	4366700	6ffcac27-a782-4d10-936e-d81c79713155	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:39:27	847.825
-19	87334	4366700	717eedc5-faac-4d2f-b329-dca80aa13aa4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:20:13	-250.266
-20	43668	4366800	986373dd-fb53-4ffa-bd41-deb226a15c35	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:37:58	570.875
-20	87336	4366800	0a078c42-7caf-4198-bdb9-0571a3db8cbf	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:05:36	331.252
-21	43669	4366900	b5df2c85-07b3-43f2-90fe-25c0a3e42252	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:59:08	473.41
-21	87338	4366900	e384740e-5059-4faa-add8-0392864948c6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:21:34	-832.627
-22	43670	4367000	e05cd608-7ed9-487f-ae92-484eba62ffc8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:00:02	-681.516
-22	87340	4367000	a3f681fb-2d85-4990-8280-5ac2666897ef	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:58:18	123.845
-23	43671	4367100	49860532-be7a-46c3-b666-2d6a375e169f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:42:37	-22.94
-23	87342	4367100	d53039d2-765d-491a-b54e-e7ecadcf4286	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:36:02	671.861
-24	43672	4367200	cf7c40ef-ff2c-474f-9974-bc7c2da616bb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:44:49	689.645
-24	87344	4367200	93804ae3-726d-4523-8bc0-4bcc50c591ef	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:19:19	216.210
-25	43673	4367300	9fc59220-74c1-4d35-9944-6b48a5a0f8fd	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:40:31	528.157
-25	87346	4367300	e4e98d14-75f5-4226-b217-b6a6e39cf2b2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:48:13	960.574
-26	43674	4367400	694d41df-a91e-47b4-89de-88696ffc50da	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:36:51	836.955
-26	87348	4367400	2d5aa741-c629-431f-9659-973eceb6b5f7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:40:52	512.444
-27	43675	4367500	a557b527-3aff-4c71-a6c6-e5846c5f56d2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:13:04	-504.582
-27	87350	4367500	a4a1062c-5ca1-4dd2-a039-aed10bd77f4a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:58:55	21.359
-28	43676	4367600	12c6ce0d-52b4-42f6-9a97-665eb78f4905	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:10:51	99.998
-28	87352	4367600	aa51b5a1-a694-423a-93b0-669ca05b6641	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:50:28	852.11
-29	43677	4367700	5ef9617d-9441-46fb-875c-cb7f26361b1d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:56:27	777.525
-29	87354	4367700	ccc35f8e-bf63-475c-8fa5-6b0c11ae68b2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:51:53	585.776
-30	43678	4367800	ac4ebf98-fc30-43c0-95a2-2256dbdd9f37	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:36:42	-838.70
-30	87356	4367800	5dbe4c3c-33b6-4400-a28e-c0fe14ee8289	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:10:51	314.793
-31	43679	4367900	e7d358e9-9d0c-4047-a730-de70eabc0663	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:30:06	303.912
-31	87358	4367900	2a9329e3-f29d-4e6e-a216-761d5d337698	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:34:35	-152.255
-32	43680	4368000	c7954d68-1f06-4694-a6fd-ce0402e38823	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:48:11	803.931
-32	87360	4368000	4a37654e-514a-4bc2-8678-dc9d270ea3fd	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:56:33	626.449
-33	43681	4368100	1f25c8b6-5d3b-4ba9-b813-4933313e3473	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:04:53	-763.245
-33	87362	4368100	68509341-8ec5-47f8-acca-0e51e768dcb8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:05:50	55.745
-34	43682	4368200	7e92f9e8-5526-4a10-8fa6-07279540dc27	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:06:52	-48.835
-34	87364	4368200	bec054df-eb6a-4c3f-843e-6fa5c13eedba	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:13:10	-673.932
-35	43683	4368300	bb1321e9-dcf3-4035-98b9-d4dfe2f095ff	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:25:56	573.844
-35	87366	4368300	10648309-c8a9-4d94-a756-dc1124e4e815	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:13:35	583.813
-36	43684	4368400	1b596ea5-477d-4b7a-955e-a849252e00dc	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:19:51	-997.978
-36	87368	4368400	00cade40-5cae-4c17-831d-ed3799851906	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 14:13:17	953.514
-37	43685	4368500	c3571625-eb9b-41a9-8055-22026d2d34e9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:26:36	45.618
-37	87370	4368500	ffa0076f-ad79-4c8f-a6da-1f4c8cdd2ff7	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:41:36	-98.16
-38	43686	4368600	640baaf4-dc9f-40ec-8b1a-26c35ada1640	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 22:02:51	-770.987
-38	87372	4368600	a7fee126-3849-428b-8d33-b43c8c217367	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:00:26	-211.65
-39	43687	4368700	87668dfb-20af-4543-8ba7-72ddfe0d41cd	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:56:13	943.810
-39	87374	4368700	c9a121c9-7f0c-4d2e-8103-5ec5759bee70	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:16:00	-92.492
-40	43688	4368800	b678f66f-fb44-49ce-91c9-4b14969232d7	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:58:05	-544.269
-40	87376	4368800	f6e2b375-8019-4c9f-b6a6-9027847f040a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:29:30	228.406
-41	43689	4368900	d8776e1c-590b-4715-a0ed-f9fc2acec76c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:14:34	661.163
-41	87378	4368900	cc125b07-acd9-4c43-bda3-8fdf23fe8b9f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:33:24	-6.580
-42	43690	4369000	57398828-644e-434d-a26d-17f1b95432fb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:11:24	70.191
-42	87380	4369000	a5db31f0-0b9c-4acd-b6f3-2d5b8a6df75b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:40:45	-721.963
-43	43691	4369100	591b4980-68fd-47dd-89d9-86a242286c27	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:44:39	-885.286
-43	87382	4369100	3fe8cc38-ecdf-47fb-89bf-fbda985b228b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:59:46	-686.571
-44	43692	4369200	562884b3-27e9-41ef-a9ab-fb0491362a06	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:03:22	-387.723
-44	87384	4369200	2dc9b54f-5f82-44f9-84bc-ea065b000e7b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:02:39	-611.548
-45	43693	4369300	329b7e03-65f4-40a3-9c5e-041dcf5b71a2	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:17:32	-272.864
-45	87386	4369300	733f4e21-bdd6-4883-9a8e-47624cf93e46	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:49:01	-314.845
-46	43694	4369400	ba628afe-81e0-4f32-993b-4381282850a2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 09:35:11	-874.995
-46	87388	4369400	3a8adbb5-88fb-4dc4-92b6-fb6e55a8f971	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:21:24	-67.373
-47	43695	4369500	4ad5d433-de9c-41b5-a675-561c22751410	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:44:29	539.373
-47	87390	4369500	9766d5f4-fcd9-4712-b883-60ef87411e71	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:33:24	-664.248
-48	43696	4369600	3dcc382b-027c-4081-8d77-a8ebbf84d5cc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:18:10	824.450
-48	87392	4369600	14bb7edf-a6c6-4462-9dd9-20459566185b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:53:58	459.891
-49	43697	4369700	36b34c8b-0402-4e0b-ae16-d37cc1229201	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:57:47	-846.777
-49	87394	4369700	14ba18c9-1767-4696-8dc6-c6db7b43eb54	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:05:35	-367.749
-50	43698	4369800	80984437-affb-4c7c-9ad9-f3ee9eaafae0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:52:25	-734.553
-50	87396	4369800	b7c59a4b-2c65-48b9-b60c-e5948fbb9152	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:09:41	-29.994
-51	43699	4369900	ca46b41c-67e9-4978-87b9-7c47a92f5bd8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:12:28	-556.127
-51	87398	4369900	ee4386c8-8483-4609-bc0a-fb72f31453cf	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:16:10	597.574
-52	43700	4370000	b46b30af-c0c2-40a6-a083-dd89d980ca4b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:18:11	-91.703
-52	87400	4370000	7e1d2f7a-1a57-48b9-9bff-b803b0260e98	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:24:07	770.939
-53	43701	4370100	5cf3ccea-d647-47c7-a669-4b2a2da54bca	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:48:35	565.867
-53	87402	4370100	9d498422-41b5-4990-9dba-1909f7bd4d5d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:31:59	-335.768
-54	43702	4370200	60089f11-a7e4-45dc-a26c-39c79370d5dc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:47:43	-177.352
-54	87404	4370200	551fd4e8-c3c7-4ae9-91ed-b64af61ea896	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:54:59	-563.544
-55	43703	4370300	df24b18c-2606-439c-af37-938f60d0a6b2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:51:54	-384.440
-55	87406	4370300	8ea7f79d-1d5a-4b1d-aedf-6eeb45794c52	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:00:51	467.510
-56	43704	4370400	7a303c75-550f-49e0-82a9-9f3980c6d2bb	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:41:16	993.398
-56	87408	4370400	9421b8e9-3b7d-469d-81e0-7a95db1866aa	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:11:01	166.830
-57	43705	4370500	a985a38d-d7e4-44ec-a07e-652a339f31b8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:01:31	-64.363
-57	87410	4370500	602687b6-1511-4636-a35f-696c6bbf7224	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:33:51	-654.842
-58	43706	4370600	a540d762-5ac9-4cfa-9023-fac1f6a08cdc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:07:18	-329.563
-58	87412	4370600	9a9d8439-f60a-4886-b774-0a281e68dc97	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:53:02	-58.972
-59	43707	4370700	c0916bac-b28b-40b5-8876-16dbb3762de2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:06:57	851.233
-59	87414	4370700	de1834a7-78ce-40de-8310-0c566958e830	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:08:26	518.864
-60	43708	4370800	6f795afb-a11b-46b9-95d5-0037391236c1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:56:38	-414.25
-60	87416	4370800	c1fae317-5d0d-418d-a53f-a7ed7878a6fe	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:46:09	191.823
-61	43709	4370900	ceb4a8cd-c30e-45ee-a5d2-434a2cf80b21	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:32:41	291.610
-61	87418	4370900	a8774d10-55b5-437f-9716-cbc4a4e55f31	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:48:23	-632.153
-62	43710	4371000	0ef10f3f-c521-44bf-bd19-171ad17b67ed	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:05:09	45.860
-62	87420	4371000	b7ec9708-7312-4ede-a36f-cff9458661bb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:47:44	-699.21
-63	43711	4371100	d85a6c2a-6aed-4ca6-95cd-95806e9146a6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:12:08	365.842
-63	87422	4371100	76caf50c-95bf-4cd4-b089-1185a73c359a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:37:27	1.810
-64	43712	4371200	b49b1db5-6650-4cf4-b00c-e396a255005d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:34:35	-407.726
-64	87424	4371200	e58010ed-eb0f-4335-b007-58067f5cc9e8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:08:46	735.679
-65	43713	4371300	a8b4cf73-001d-4396-869d-e9641444be7c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:30:48	974.413
-65	87426	4371300	3402ba09-736d-455f-9283-146db76500fe	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:06:13	226.617
-66	43714	4371400	280d3b9a-4cf8-4c07-abfe-5339509974a6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:00:13	-600.976
-66	87428	4371400	7e27bddc-ecd0-48be-959e-0bf5c14e3390	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:27:32	141.782
-67	43715	4371500	360c8555-8e61-4262-b8e0-02a1d66d9ad3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:43:19	156.788
-67	87430	4371500	7d29b3d0-0584-4bd9-9450-389518b3a126	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:35:57	-911.931
-68	43716	4371600	43bec9c4-4cf1-4986-9a73-eb70f34418f2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:47:10	275.946
-68	87432	4371600	945c65c0-3a49-42a4-a386-e8c59a6f64d8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:54:14	705.48
-69	43717	4371700	60a48553-02e3-4c2e-bec7-db961296e6ed	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:47:46	-252.296
-69	87434	4371700	d8b1f647-5ed5-4ad7-8d8f-5689ce038f9c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:52:00	364.591
-70	43718	4371800	ad0fb376-14b3-4c0f-b0a9-0ee576044fd7	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:50:51	383.761
-70	87436	4371800	98823569-4c0d-4eff-9445-978f0f11d196	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:54:24	188.181
-71	43719	4371900	b191c8e6-686e-4842-8d0a-cc7672d05bd1	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:07:09	636.802
-71	87438	4371900	7e715ddc-56b9-48ec-96ff-700396177174	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:57:33	-43.718
-72	43720	4372000	d66977c8-5afa-40fd-837c-326f42c78e3b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:58:19	607.507
-72	87440	4372000	0713f2de-ad79-4f9f-a387-a2b86efe9f1c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:12:42	-833.355
-73	43721	4372100	f579ae30-b2f2-4bb9-988c-9a7d04fab580	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:09:34	-122.784
-73	87442	4372100	b4555cd0-8bff-40c7-bc0f-e2cffac1e3d1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:55:26	333.930
-74	43722	4372200	48643f3d-c253-4b08-bc86-e79546d1a544	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:20:11	-527.507
-74	87444	4372200	28d4f5e6-a5b9-4a4e-a640-e012961fe59c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:34:45	-784.356
-75	43723	4372300	d22fd37a-3625-49ab-b37b-ed2b8df70e7f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:23:15	-195.674
-75	87446	4372300	7310b4b4-62ae-4ab4-8ce3-ab68bb61b543	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:54:09	635.433
-76	43724	4372400	50dc999b-2ddc-432b-8108-8986ad57eab7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:45:49	270.285
-76	87448	4372400	05278d9c-35fa-4b7a-849f-434d16306533	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:00:36	380.49
-77	43725	4372500	2681405f-818e-4001-add9-8251a7064d9a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:23:54	-469.286
-77	87450	4372500	40f5fce8-8852-448e-bba8-eb0e384ea362	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:01:25	-307.889
-78	43726	4372600	02b6f8a9-449c-4a14-88db-3070235d247a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:44:50	-58.860
-78	87452	4372600	dfb52bdd-759f-4fbc-8a33-c2a97a557ec8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:41:38	-8.622
-79	43727	4372700	e6b614e8-47fd-41ea-ac88-dfaf86b93d2a	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:29:01	-352.84
-79	87454	4372700	a89a05cc-bc5e-4753-b02d-663d7e7f8014	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:54:05	336.566
-80	43728	4372800	3aa638dd-1704-4eb4-97de-41c9a6a09377	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:44:05	-677.922
-80	87456	4372800	9895bbd8-0d19-47ac-a71d-15b28954686f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:24:27	406.908
-81	43729	4372900	00fa863e-7987-4c6f-b96a-ba3cd44197da	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:15:04	-91.119
-81	87458	4372900	8b0147c9-a5e8-4a8d-a60b-09666776ea8b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:39:47	206.934
-82	43730	4373000	50b8efd5-465d-4a1a-b82a-f509ea9f3a2c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:46:30	605.201
-82	87460	4373000	5c077b94-5d80-4f1c-bc28-d0219e06a584	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:52:57	-796.817
-83	43731	4373100	644f8e12-4fcb-4409-8b35-b6d2edcdd86e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:19:18	-50.78
-83	87462	4373100	e6bc3f32-0adb-4ca7-920b-ac3c0958d75f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:03:10	840.878
-84	43732	4373200	468738a2-1473-471d-a125-bb5c3c65518d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:04:34	407.962
-84	87464	4373200	a9311a53-9c27-4055-bfee-5718081da380	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:26:01	-944.284
-85	43733	4373300	4134aa3d-baa0-4976-8074-b603b4b11778	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:51:41	289.388
-85	87466	4373300	4c92efbc-8566-4fc8-ab94-a8b7528f2f4d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:38:14	764.190
-86	43734	4373400	7740384b-d2b8-4566-bbb0-c26547983f31	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:05:28	-987.108
-86	87468	4373400	d5b52ea7-c189-4969-b456-e35f584f0e07	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:24:17	-622.859
-87	43735	4373500	3c10cd6f-5c04-402d-8731-fdb023d2b1c3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:14:11	423.155
-87	87470	4373500	2368b028-0ccc-4d2c-8687-f85bdc6299f8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:59:09	400.863
-88	43736	4373600	2ba6d738-78f2-4421-a5c8-00b0a50697a4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:19:10	954.912
-88	87472	4373600	999b9c8e-6e4b-43b0-a719-a0ac5b309cfa	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 07:03:00	-65.769
-89	43737	4373700	a3580127-84fc-482b-ae32-8edf590f466a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:04:04	-307.355
-89	87474	4373700	7e930d9e-8018-4e5b-b9b9-9bfbea10b931	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:56:54	-167.927
-90	43738	4373800	ec321ba2-0f83-4028-85f5-810c761a9f95	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:19:52	-841.650
-90	87476	4373800	d9b6b5f1-d52c-4acb-a61b-2b51f4100033	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:27:39	-851.59
-91	43739	4373900	f6a47031-0020-4acf-b690-cdb5afd16432	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:22:00	682.854
-91	87478	4373900	0fca85e9-f86f-40f9-8c3d-896b95d915be	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:51:11	754.974
-92	43740	4374000	417ccc4d-dca4-42c2-b39a-db4cd94e64db	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:47:28	50.679
-92	87480	4374000	db820186-cb81-4c8f-9e3a-9635bba79128	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:02:42	-702.438
-93	43741	4374100	e48fea45-76e6-4921-928f-309311bac75d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:12:42	126.584
-93	87482	4374100	9a7c7e2b-6a80-4e1c-b280-f29f547498be	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:53:01	-514.617
-94	43742	4374200	2449e380-b4f2-4590-918e-e09d98114a56	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:51:43	-126.932
-94	87484	4374200	1a76bbe1-ee0d-4d1f-b584-02f32e80a90e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:21:35	-4.505
-95	43743	4374300	1ca191f7-155e-473c-9a71-78f71764f46b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:06:18	214.473
-95	87486	4374300	3e704bf5-b2b2-4261-ab8f-537cec278eb6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 09:17:55	-673.210
-96	43744	4374400	e500177a-9a82-4325-8425-63a346542dae	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:26:59	-711.280
-96	87488	4374400	b20bf1ee-6e40-452e-aeb2-ab80bec0d239	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 22:43:04	74.442
-97	43745	4374500	b6e91bf2-6f27-49be-bae3-61579073ebe4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:55:33	-827.771
-97	87490	4374500	2ab58ad8-32be-4e40-b730-ee0a9fc50faf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:48:20	-707.186
-98	43746	4374600	1869daa8-f3e4-430a-8e7f-3515ae80d8a9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:15:45	-624.562
-98	87492	4374600	b3a528bd-fc34-4c78-a95d-099256b1d8af	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:21:20	447.695
-99	43747	4374700	e44b6350-1ce5-4aff-95b7-ada43f6241cc	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:22:09	614.600
-99	87494	4374700	3a65b475-2716-4a93-8a2a-607a3ae06287	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:58:54	643.420
-100	43748	4374800	7b15ad0c-ea5e-4268-bb62-104dc2c813e8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:32:02	-10.229
-100	87496	4374800	7273103e-997a-424c-a101-924de169e1c0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:26:13	-761.817
-101	43749	4374900	10c88b04-3b2f-4248-b410-538f6f3167f4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:32:19	951.219
-101	87498	4374900	5a5619c4-60f0-4a89-aa81-a24580d4e149	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:59:57	734.1
-102	43750	4375000	f4d946b5-fc22-445c-a008-53761e0f1bba	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:45:19	394.703
-102	87500	4375000	91db5e88-d92b-43fc-964f-eddb7b55f3d4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:17:28	154.142
-103	43751	4375100	58f8b619-bf57-483f-b73f-011997e18490	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:11:23	-679.918
-103	87502	4375100	0a9b5e86-2546-4b1a-af47-2957effd72d3	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:30:32	-746.497
-104	43752	4375200	319af2a5-bc75-4f1a-99f5-311de123e6ab	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:18:04	-557.104
-104	87504	4375200	4fffe1d4-7b33-41a5-9333-b76205f0c50f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:00:17	-842.916
-105	43753	4375300	3f5fed88-4625-4808-88ed-cab8a386141e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:27:39	359.675
-105	87506	4375300	9ae20404-9527-4503-925e-b5554b439404	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:27:03	836.811
-106	43754	4375400	e11cd951-f440-44c6-81f5-5e96db50f67c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:46:10	-851.482
-106	87508	4375400	adbe80cb-2b40-41d8-af19-21e2dc4bfb70	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:23:31	2.973
-107	43755	4375500	ee781bed-1064-49d3-b31a-8ffb2175b95f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:34:13	-619.123
-107	87510	4375500	a5caf630-e304-4cd7-bbb7-9f92bf5309e9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:27:36	-918.47
-108	43756	4375600	bf081f76-9108-4f0d-aaf3-9010dd9e89db	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:51:31	-898.193
-108	87512	4375600	99b64ca4-6582-4a21-94ab-d65b6bb66aab	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:47:25	190.720
-109	43757	4375700	6e4997fd-79c4-4a57-9875-c2a86af74a55	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:00:01	-309.304
-109	87514	4375700	7151583c-6621-45f7-95cb-d95a957b2075	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:58:31	-183.370
-110	43758	4375800	9f02ac9e-8dd7-4e94-a93a-14e621d8ace3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:59:02	-322.356
-110	87516	4375800	840db1f4-07e8-4e2a-a859-9e9b5aee8e5b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:36:05	-118.946
-111	43759	4375900	46fc444c-dde0-4fb6-bae4-c6134b1c7840	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:28:02	-728.41
-111	87518	4375900	322558ae-fe33-4fe3-ae41-2615d9fdec5c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:24:29	-805.694
-112	43760	4376000	76dddf7e-6023-4b2f-829d-624af01266b4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:36:30	-389.203
-112	87520	4376000	16ba7270-a818-46bf-880e-5304b48377f4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:51:34	-599.895
-113	43761	4376100	496fc6fd-0e33-415d-92ee-e6b172c09352	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:56:25	-502.104
-113	87522	4376100	e0a17bcf-4ff4-4129-8b71-46e8c16c28af	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:43:25	-819.798
-114	43762	4376200	73f216a0-1856-4f12-b356-d672babf3597	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:42:12	-827.854
-114	87524	4376200	6fc4d19a-6e70-4bb3-b9fe-66cf8f2bca4f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:17:49	-709.253
-115	43763	4376300	6cfa378f-b4b3-410a-b3ec-198203de9e56	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 08:44:07	232.737
-115	87526	4376300	40f5a349-f7b4-4c56-8dfe-e190a939844c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:58:50	265.563
-116	43764	4376400	a20e888c-7ea6-4252-9b23-89a9c8cf2414	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:42:38	-830.204
-116	87528	4376400	3958fc36-18ba-4780-b0a4-6c99a6fd3d0d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:19:51	-1.507
-117	43765	4376500	68c24167-37df-4edf-a65c-d135bbb782a4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:42:14	109.867
-117	87530	4376500	d190d48e-089b-42b2-9636-4554746999ae	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:55:14	-871.816
-118	43766	4376600	b2a00989-450b-4b55-9212-ccaf5f801f99	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:57:34	-321.233
-118	87532	4376600	301424b1-4f23-40b9-aa58-98f24e97c112	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:50:20	-979.510
-119	43767	4376700	f4afcaa3-5077-417d-8d8d-5c8f47e3a388	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:34:26	975.733
-119	87534	4376700	33a14240-6637-4624-b2c3-ce89e7374b51	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:33:30	108.225
-120	43768	4376800	833e0361-6a11-4d1f-865f-3b4605338b01	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:49:01	-739.77
-120	87536	4376800	bdd49eb7-cfcc-400f-9583-222c71414101	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:24:19	70.9
-121	43769	4376900	0108d9aa-2db5-4df9-9bb3-92003d2ed30c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:41:21	-632.982
-121	87538	4376900	7d3fe8a4-8387-47f3-b6e9-b4d7990e015b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:50:07	167.422
-122	43770	4377000	a413999c-37e2-4b34-adb5-828c411d2baf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:24:09	984.654
-122	87540	4377000	f2717874-b09f-499f-8106-1c7c8df4a505	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:13:06	222.736
-123	43771	4377100	b7448182-6fba-4376-a03b-c247ea49de2b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:51:03	-838.682
-123	87542	4377100	7779a8a7-3877-460d-8c80-f423e01b4fdd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 09:34:42	401.176
-124	43772	4377200	0191bd39-590c-4db3-ad24-374947c90352	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:25:35	245.289
-124	87544	4377200	cfbb3b11-b21e-4a7b-bc53-0a7853b5bea1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:48:00	-109.179
-125	43773	4377300	efc2786e-1e99-46ff-9977-83007a7d3ce8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:56:26	366.738
-125	87546	4377300	b8870a78-883b-433e-a25f-9b6604848002	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:27:06	-466.793
-126	43774	4377400	979ec806-5d23-4547-b224-03608c492dd6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:33:12	-139.361
-126	87548	4377400	b2872eac-135e-4263-a7a5-884669e93aa4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:32:13	-787.365
-127	43775	4377500	b73dc2b0-9b68-47ac-bf38-c1ea164015ff	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:03:22	147.659
-127	87550	4377500	94d7f36b-f207-4a29-8361-4b6f64d2848b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:30:48	-298.842
-0	43776	4377600	40d512ca-2cbe-4f2b-bc78-52274fc03aac	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:05:43	-408.62
-0	87552	4377600	b00a0c5b-fdaf-4752-a097-537b3c44fbe4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:41:53	459.840
-1	43777	4377700	9cfbf72c-e800-4621-8e4f-979b5f10a93e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:31:29	-634.847
-1	87554	4377700	2456a127-1977-41b8-81f4-bd99bc3cc7ce	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:57:33	-963.420
-2	43778	4377800	0e3edfda-053b-42b5-969c-4f9700806b98	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:33:58	221.282
-2	87556	4377800	ceb39005-d08b-4f9f-bf9b-b3e2ae952a28	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:03:36	525.473
-3	43779	4377900	e11073f1-07ef-41bf-9112-6b460a078d2f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:54:13	438.94
-3	87558	4377900	5d73b399-abb4-4746-ad68-e19170f3147e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:19:36	-90.955
-4	43780	4378000	f6d653ec-0383-44d2-9b77-99d5b1d29025	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:06:07	-508.212
-4	87560	4378000	ebdbf893-4c91-4f1d-bf3a-e60259aabab2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:12:32	94.951
-5	43781	4378100	7808321f-8738-45c7-b77f-67ed25513c09	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:55:15	388.902
-5	87562	4378100	6a098f8e-dc18-4721-9cfd-e8a144330dbb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:32:04	54.305
-6	43782	4378200	f2d4275b-7d9a-4355-86d3-eb5dc3ec79c9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:23:19	949.0
-6	87564	4378200	d534f4e3-09f3-416a-885e-bf910680664f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:00:24	-555.954
-7	43783	4378300	43b8ba8d-34e8-4409-a6bf-f6dfaffa9f25	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:42:02	-797.953
-7	87566	4378300	286c3271-1066-4d69-b937-15d5f984d831	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:09:24	-258.417
-8	43784	4378400	da2af6d3-ff4a-4980-9956-6855ba59d042	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:22:04	305.246
-8	87568	4378400	da4465db-9bd5-46fa-a153-4d5b3e1da711	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:53:18	-786.183
-9	43785	4378500	c0e55e48-8332-459f-91fd-88c90cb253a5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:02:42	284.772
-9	87570	4378500	90eee80c-9dce-413f-9509-e67f8c6b44f0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:41:11	-961.18
-10	43786	4378600	c0abfb30-4cb6-4e8e-841c-6307f1bd80cf	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:39:37	-888.64
-10	87572	4378600	dc2b03de-c2b9-4950-9ebf-fe4157e733ad	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 22:13:48	684.399
-11	43787	4378700	1f253ad0-0152-4d3d-a743-5c4e2173e6f7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:37:21	736.46
-11	87574	4378700	9df9d0d6-52f3-4dd2-9b05-1f6dbc157d01	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:01:15	813.41
-12	43788	4378800	37a0d05b-d34e-4398-a83b-13183fe53254	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:19:20	-7.537
-12	87576	4378800	ce486870-a6ca-4e96-8749-803247a685d6	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:32:49	-60.935
-13	43789	4378900	7d0242c4-4d3b-4446-9bb8-0c892a7c61a7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:45:58	-345.955
-13	87578	4378900	fbc07e21-b93d-4ffe-bf93-960fe270bcba	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:33:06	712.323
-14	43790	4379000	b840f70c-d1db-448a-ac6c-6ddee3689f28	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:50:44	798.788
-14	87580	4379000	ef20d15f-f609-431c-8a67-8952663773a7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:35:46	-359.89
-15	43791	4379100	5743bf23-6680-474a-992d-9c17f4f9588d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:04:49	468.296
-15	87582	4379100	8993728d-1f53-478c-afc3-437dddec6dd6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:07:58	50.377
-16	43792	4379200	b9cee216-300f-43c2-98dc-4ee34b403e16	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:11:23	529.57
-16	87584	4379200	9aa5e164-9524-4545-82b5-183899653f57	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:55:35	-906.468
-17	43793	4379300	8671f1d4-c500-442a-a140-e508f4115b88	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:09:14	302.295
-17	87586	4379300	930367c5-f566-4981-ad77-2c9c664274aa	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:23:03	606.841
-18	43794	4379400	ed013425-d3d5-487c-8709-a8f74da72032	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:57:55	132.613
-18	87588	4379400	818eda8d-880b-477d-8a85-6c9312bdf82e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:49:53	-930.754
-19	43795	4379500	ad439162-3d62-418e-9f6e-b97226881fe5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:59:30	951.808
-19	87590	4379500	702d6627-635a-40a7-8ecc-12838981e8c3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:45:23	-200.91
-20	43796	4379600	7d6327f8-6aa9-4f41-9a89-08260bec2b9f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:15:21	-614.768
-20	87592	4379600	a4ff1b6a-30da-4857-a083-09faca87d437	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:16:54	411.490
-21	43797	4379700	faace6a5-c813-4baa-b09f-630f4a369e78	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:50:14	-356.757
-21	87594	4379700	794e9e3f-f9af-4afe-bc99-00fa6bb091bf	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:42:30	-111.74
-22	43798	4379800	06336a5c-221f-438a-b91c-0f6936edddf9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:48:01	-522.789
-22	87596	4379800	9fbd66bb-2652-44c6-8801-238406fc675b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:55:19	881.254
-23	43799	4379900	ea84aef4-0547-4b98-b2bd-9e77087d98a2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:47:25	-562.724
-23	87598	4379900	ec4532be-50ad-4af9-b5b5-ace51c37b520	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:45:10	651.213
-24	43800	4380000	add2281b-cd39-404d-bfea-d261c7e1fb13	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:11:37	-612.239
-24	87600	4380000	26ce21b2-b14f-4547-bbf2-6b74babc9223	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:35:36	-470.731
-25	43801	4380100	931dde8c-3c51-4879-88ce-ce69f375ad6e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:46:36	741.883
-25	87602	4380100	62a5a1ea-a7b3-485f-b007-cbf5995b5928	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:18:28	-464.905
-26	43802	4380200	b2686a9e-2d94-4e9a-992a-743ae540eb61	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:36:07	-120.331
-26	87604	4380200	8a1d4f81-acb8-4e3b-abfa-eb3c93098c80	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:31:53	575.462
-27	43803	4380300	36a2783d-f0db-4e1c-9f1b-1d7d279c5b94	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:11:52	-641.835
-27	87606	4380300	6a71d58a-492c-4495-a212-8d12c745daa6	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:03:14	-639.543
-28	43804	4380400	3044a357-acec-49f4-aa16-56b659b93033	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:55:33	969.827
-28	87608	4380400	5a938b14-ae16-41ec-8eb9-6d183a2dab4e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:54:01	2.262
-29	43805	4380500	d95c676c-1190-4943-83b6-6b040a410409	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:36:59	512.573
-29	87610	4380500	404eda57-3bbe-4388-98a3-56cc4271d2aa	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:40:35	76.806
-30	43806	4380600	8cbb3bfc-f40b-4373-be14-e72b8d45f2a9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:18:49	-115.364
-30	87612	4380600	052142e3-b0ef-4824-be5f-4e06ecd053fd	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:13:24	502.191
-31	43807	4380700	a2570b9e-b7c2-4b66-926e-b5b3e136723f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:08:00	945.638
-31	87614	4380700	2684c22e-f080-473b-8517-20268a28410d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:49:39	-826.823
-32	43808	4380800	36bdef41-0cd4-4892-b47a-b023d54159ff	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:49:47	-495.862
-32	87616	4380800	a5cf94cb-eebc-4df6-af36-2556cda49fde	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:34:34	419.793
-33	43809	4380900	6f8bd2be-a6c1-4692-af40-446408a5a1b1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 06:51:08	-949.866
-33	87618	4380900	b73f7fa3-8db1-49a7-838e-d944cf9f5bd7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:52:49	-692.448
-34	43810	4381000	8a85232e-04c2-4090-be6c-6c1684afb1ae	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:39:02	-557.7
-34	87620	4381000	92d9bee1-8912-46f2-917e-92a03f265d45	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:41:32	-689.275
-35	43811	4381100	bcb65f2c-835f-4b2b-810e-edb9c5000977	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:56:58	533.987
-35	87622	4381100	051bb4bb-3d02-4ae8-9002-89519ba05753	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:01:51	-891.876
-36	43812	4381200	77715091-3789-408c-9d46-3b6c1d6891c8	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:50:46	461.206
-36	87624	4381200	0f176a1b-e1fd-4b3e-936e-346ed99ba3ac	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:48:14	-923.497
-37	43813	4381300	85cb59d0-84b0-410b-861a-6160fe374297	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:48:36	-72.924
-37	87626	4381300	20a2c761-a888-42e9-b62a-cb9d69aa0d5f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:32:30	208.395
-38	43814	4381400	b1536625-fbd1-49b7-a78c-3e2d95a72a0e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:13:37	375.584
-38	87628	4381400	9fee42e0-f5da-4919-bc71-ae7d89ed4229	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:40:44	-124.281
-39	43815	4381500	6c9ef450-b815-48fa-9ca3-bec90129dbaf	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:35:56	-45.214
-39	87630	4381500	52a42472-272a-44d0-8fc9-6e6a0534c2dd	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:46:17	178.921
-40	43816	4381600	55318c0f-c38f-4d86-a2ab-f9d24d704ddc	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:37:05	-807.466
-40	87632	4381600	78880dea-b95d-42b9-a4fb-6e81216c5772	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:11:51	-162.113
-41	43817	4381700	a48b9fb9-0efb-4da4-998e-dc3904d0f0d6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:02:42	52.679
-41	87634	4381700	85166b67-2129-476f-a5b7-3ce30d796f6f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:23:21	855.957
-42	43818	4381800	d9404908-909c-49cc-b5b8-9441fcab5021	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:21:59	-415.5
-42	87636	4381800	d45858eb-9b4e-41e2-9422-67898f10ce9a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:10:03	625.817
-43	43819	4381900	6008f0f0-a504-45d3-b36b-d871910a0e2f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:57:56	457.433
-43	87638	4381900	16bbee9a-43c1-4203-80d8-e42e7bfd7451	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:24:03	714.812
-44	43820	4382000	ef55a672-7af2-4fbf-9e89-a941e0b7f98a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:48:38	-769.810
-44	87640	4382000	741dce59-711d-4b36-80d1-785d65eabb38	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:17:36	-329.536
-45	43821	4382100	ae2ecc36-6a52-4a01-83b1-edd277c2afcd	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:37:08	-521.741
-45	87642	4382100	adf1a49b-6280-45e6-97d3-1ffebe3f23c5	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:39:42	871.957
-46	43822	4382200	92f5921a-585f-4f88-8da8-fcc0e32981da	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:37:34	693.198
-46	87644	4382200	b9987952-8d41-4137-8af4-92fec804117f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:19:44	-588.901
-47	43823	4382300	7331ef1d-4c5f-4deb-a69d-1d2c4a34c233	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:33:03	-226.205
-47	87646	4382300	5379333a-a5cf-4fad-82e7-6ea3c2984881	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:17:36	798.517
-48	43824	4382400	c1476c0e-d7e3-42d3-a75b-5046fbbf432a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:39:14	-529.900
-48	87648	4382400	ca815178-fe7f-4e11-adcf-3a10a520bb8a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:35:50	994.626
-49	43825	4382500	c5aeafbf-0cde-4108-988c-683d92786505	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:04:37	-130.148
-49	87650	4382500	7e2adb88-70c8-47fa-964e-b8ed8901c3a0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:31:32	-14.482
-50	43826	4382600	3c5323ef-72ca-494b-bbfe-91e1cbf1dfe4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:58:52	240.788
-50	87652	4382600	60ec397c-dabe-468e-a7de-02cfa7e05674	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:22:07	-769.204
-51	43827	4382700	d7481a91-f3f6-488e-ba26-433f309f204f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:11:08	113.113
-51	87654	4382700	72fee98b-938b-4f0f-8ade-dbd964a46f8c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:58:11	425.979
-52	43828	4382800	eaae857f-c519-42cb-a25d-6f8416ca1571	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:28:11	475.875
-52	87656	4382800	4137705d-56d6-46ce-863e-edb1999cbc61	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:15:32	-19.598
-53	43829	4382900	5b8b4bf8-0a34-4e8b-ab54-4cbf3585f010	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:25:02	177.221
-53	87658	4382900	09f506a6-539f-4689-857c-74b737675b1b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:04:21	365.478
-54	43830	4383000	d072de72-b9ba-40eb-b41a-667174b15c9b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:55:34	328.171
-54	87660	4383000	cd7d290f-2950-4aeb-a93c-4a182d56e385	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:52:16	-315.120
-55	43831	4383100	d867f538-49e2-4095-b9da-1051c3aad981	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:44:30	-610.979
-55	87662	4383100	922b7dbe-235a-4c3a-a914-14ff2a46e6cb	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:29:40	786.621
-56	43832	4383200	8c55b46e-4043-4e98-b429-1c833b5c4e9d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:47:36	422.183
-56	87664	4383200	988c01e7-add2-44be-b524-5208307541e2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:57:46	803.441
-57	43833	4383300	738da5d3-08a4-4c33-a587-ee213488e25d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:18:47	723.683
-57	87666	4383300	363a6c70-3279-4753-ace4-33a9a8ff1793	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:48:43	-159.70
-58	43834	4383400	fcb8c189-656f-491b-b51d-18d9b48e474f	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:29:37	225.429
-58	87668	4383400	51682b3e-0b31-4a33-ba60-fb943021b7f0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:42:20	-200.554
-59	43835	4383500	f4c2ac40-2bd4-4eef-a5a4-bd67550a3bb9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:42:10	931.915
-59	87670	4383500	d5deed72-7c93-4781-9a1f-8ba9001b23b6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:42:06	610.504
-60	43836	4383600	6f4b5a88-e434-4c78-a679-830bb604d18a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:40:50	418.626
-60	87672	4383600	58f4eee5-9486-485d-a59e-07fcd306b734	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:34:16	341.369
-61	43837	4383700	168574bb-fb04-489c-81ae-8ff238c9997a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:40:25	792.653
-61	87674	4383700	18dda09f-0f4c-4fb7-be99-f32613de97a4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:50:45	123.491
-62	43838	4383800	ef6bb027-f282-40eb-a091-b2179717e018	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:49:11	-887.340
-62	87676	4383800	efb26d4d-51d5-48cb-8132-f8e065124aec	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:36:15	109.581
-63	43839	4383900	cd21c511-e9a6-4b9b-a31f-1a039c0e633c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:30:34	-651.711
-63	87678	4383900	f2f057b3-2bb4-4279-8b06-830ba57b5994	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:01:46	-433.310
-64	43840	4384000	0fdb7731-3e44-40e6-b91e-b29e5b4a72c4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:11:38	-591.184
-64	87680	4384000	623c50d0-c0c3-46a0-b338-fb45be33f155	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:28:19	-562.6
-65	43841	4384100	4999c633-323d-4d08-92e5-fbab2f8448e8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:19:43	-823.625
-65	87682	4384100	02b09bd7-07d6-4cf0-88b8-cc5e68f5cc0d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:28:07	-845.295
-66	43842	4384200	ae21aa25-05da-4e0b-90ab-d466cf0c0f2e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:27:36	90.326
-66	87684	4384200	ff016177-6493-4197-883f-cb030ecb4d55	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:37:00	874.812
-67	43843	4384300	4d237b87-9ee1-487b-a9c8-481daba3b625	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:49:48	-622.590
-67	87686	4384300	8a2faeaa-0d34-4d00-b13d-9e781eb57359	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:34:28	-788.45
-68	43844	4384400	bb716aaf-fe88-4658-8742-679d706e3085	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:41:54	-972.225
-68	87688	4384400	729cde1a-8304-43ac-9a3b-90172968ce6c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:50:58	823.898
-69	43845	4384500	0119982f-14cf-40bc-877c-0ec4646423c5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:37:55	951.106
-69	87690	4384500	fa330fbe-7980-4fce-a8ee-5ba690f51511	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:18:45	845.570
-70	43846	4384600	37974ac5-098b-457a-b6e5-23a8fc78d9bf	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:19:13	598.307
-70	87692	4384600	b0424c21-7610-40a7-a715-81e5613850bb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:41:40	529.22
-71	43847	4384700	0224c579-9150-4dde-ba4b-cd6f9ecace73	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:12:42	621.882
-71	87694	4384700	4481716c-e805-4eaa-b612-6775e69865d6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:51:59	109.989
-72	43848	4384800	f6013f38-880b-445c-8d9d-f95afaf02445	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:15:48	-267.598
-72	87696	4384800	e6c974c7-6c5f-429a-bbe7-4b674e8950f6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:56:23	-783.553
-73	43849	4384900	20776d87-212f-4755-ac3c-a13f444ac504	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:01:41	42.660
-73	87698	4384900	1d3efeea-8895-448a-9f1a-2fcccc496b4e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:37:26	44.365
-74	43850	4385000	38338aea-3cf8-4eb1-b5d8-61e5ddf6403a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:24:00	27.365
-74	87700	4385000	bb04bad4-f965-4db8-94a0-e67a5d6316f9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:09:59	157.67
-75	43851	4385100	fba612d0-dfa9-45fc-b9fa-d0efb8acae94	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:47:24	-917.868
-75	87702	4385100	79d2ec1e-2435-43bf-b7da-d2a51cac7bf6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:39:47	512.464
-76	43852	4385200	d4bc5d57-ccbf-4621-ae61-0ff716a8a667	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:31:51	724.942
-76	87704	4385200	05cd5243-eb3d-4c70-aa03-162274329cbb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:25:59	-883.391
-77	43853	4385300	d0fb8f64-9fd0-44ca-ada5-587e72a673cd	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:08:07	-474.527
-77	87706	4385300	b1e2577c-4071-436b-8733-bf94d1c42c5b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:29:14	-800.893
-78	43854	4385400	7bf40c9c-dd97-479f-8391-3e6106ed6970	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:30:01	-309.16
-78	87708	4385400	570e9fb2-0866-4323-a194-9fe72084cce3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:04:05	18.36
-79	43855	4385500	54049013-b1e1-4146-9cab-f3a9426e7f6d	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:34:07	-866.132
-79	87710	4385500	2c516979-4427-4df1-87f9-a0ef57613f12	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:05:23	486.862
-80	43856	4385600	f98055b2-2b40-42a4-9101-8594455b77aa	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:27:52	846.80
-80	87712	4385600	08789d97-8da5-4291-9924-684efd56dd2f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:01:07	-224.178
-81	43857	4385700	732261cc-975f-4bd5-a248-6fb6a0861158	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:26:10	-982.894
-81	87714	4385700	e9c5ac8e-721d-4f28-99df-f0f7fc3d03ae	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:10:45	256.797
-82	43858	4385800	f2bfb4ef-ea7f-4205-a7f6-c6e968bf3a4b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:49:00	-401.670
-82	87716	4385800	f2cfb10b-d41f-404e-8bae-8240d166c53d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:34:30	-55.250
-83	43859	4385900	415652e8-0646-46a7-85bf-963676f48f69	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:45:35	-275.890
-83	87718	4385900	4ab8ea32-357c-44b9-8b6b-06ee43a7a6c5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:03:57	759.409
-84	43860	4386000	94e80dd5-c373-4b89-858f-651b8809872c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:36:46	-381.254
-84	87720	4386000	2c5c0ead-64a0-4946-9afe-fc4e65a19cf3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:19:39	523.840
-85	43861	4386100	9a53c2bd-8346-4739-a902-27747cb14999	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:22:32	-297.252
-85	87722	4386100	bff422ff-51b1-4d07-8c16-b868241363f3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:48:48	-496.442
-86	43862	4386200	dd897287-8091-4e5d-b77e-52d7c5d570fe	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:18:48	-803.578
-86	87724	4386200	f4653446-87bf-4080-9b0c-914b011fb4db	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:57:25	223.963
-87	43863	4386300	434c6c7d-b0d6-476d-9b73-627efa10c13d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:14:57	507.849
-87	87726	4386300	0a85e3f0-6c93-4ebc-96b7-1da38d489a86	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:38:25	936.654
-88	43864	4386400	b7d58ffd-b7b9-4a39-bdad-66067a0a49cf	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:07:26	-840.305
-88	87728	4386400	35adcee7-ab46-490e-b872-9205d4c793b9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:09:43	171.795
-89	43865	4386500	09290535-39c6-4e4c-b3ca-4345bc07f291	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:18:10	-869.70
-89	87730	4386500	95b541a3-ca54-4b1e-a5d0-c31baf48eb00	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:32:24	699.88
-90	43866	4386600	12d64130-f31e-4b03-be76-b864c3c2755b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:18:14	317.50
-90	87732	4386600	c9192291-2e1d-4d59-9df5-e17ca243ea29	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:55:42	761.420
-91	43867	4386700	d7f235fc-fdd4-4e3a-b7bc-29369f7554b7	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:05:53	332.384
-91	87734	4386700	d43e4713-bbfb-4613-bfb9-88cc3aa30e70	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 01:32:26	-218.630
-92	43868	4386800	2a82198a-2af3-40e6-883f-4c62a6206e8f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:28:50	606.258
-92	87736	4386800	2450b7f8-3102-4a90-84f2-5415edbba7f1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:48:38	-774.788
-93	43869	4386900	c6c35ef3-3b18-472f-8ce0-ce522f8ac59c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:17:00	662.201
-93	87738	4386900	f5650b28-f8cb-4d07-9bb2-db52957dc259	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:19:39	-889.650
-94	43870	4387000	91dc1407-2bd4-45f7-bec5-95ffaf88edf7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:25:46	-762.919
-94	87740	4387000	3dd38b15-2232-4eaf-86ec-c5b9897b4774	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:59:47	-579.979
-95	43871	4387100	6e47d8cb-68bc-4883-b948-a8083d86f2ed	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:25:33	-815.465
-95	87742	4387100	99eeb0fe-6e54-4527-928f-1e4bbdcc4d63	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:52:09	478.424
-96	43872	4387200	c11dca67-8faa-4e80-b1c6-fc8ec8e68a77	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:54:28	-109.830
-96	87744	4387200	61c40653-b08f-4a1d-8fee-2649611d7e66	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:19:55	350.425
-97	43873	4387300	2ef315df-8f5b-4c45-b762-6e567d312a9d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:18:51	236.208
-97	87746	4387300	31a3e826-5feb-4242-a274-9ed47fa1b4e2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:09:53	331.292
-98	43874	4387400	9ccf7693-eb5f-4634-9004-e8fc706217a0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:33:56	444.14
-98	87748	4387400	adec9eee-238f-496c-aaf5-5ae368bcabfe	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:16:01	-936.895
-99	43875	4387500	50711de4-d3a0-4d3e-8863-f72d3d6dcf4a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:05:31	751.730
-99	87750	4387500	4c68277d-8fb0-4a83-ba32-b872dce3611d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:38:39	-427.354
-100	43876	4387600	536396f1-80dd-47f1-b9db-9104da2825f4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:37:24	-970.476
-100	87752	4387600	be314a6f-220a-4c08-bf62-b9cb8687ef20	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:06:37	656.691
-101	43877	4387700	0d885ebb-e730-4562-bb4a-d70ceae91f61	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:31:24	-513.552
-101	87754	4387700	f26be973-55cc-4a83-9dae-fdc68e457ae0	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:19:45	-761.483
-102	43878	4387800	6e48b2e9-3a30-45fb-aaa7-29b967884063	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:30:21	-63.38
-102	87756	4387800	1d7977f2-ce14-4371-8957-01a0d5b6fbe4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:43:41	-860.592
-103	43879	4387900	878a37f5-400f-47ff-bc5a-f18da6d94136	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:19:26	334.467
-103	87758	4387900	a0639e65-6b2c-4fa5-be67-19f74ac91315	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:30:07	-947.389
-104	43880	4388000	7f905ba4-c73f-4469-9486-8b488a96f304	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:16:57	-478.738
-104	87760	4388000	13de719e-553e-4aa3-b7de-7ffc4f8dbb74	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:47:13	576.57
-105	43881	4388100	b687a2d9-a360-4bbc-9cb6-2b5c6a30c72f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:45:05	52.898
-105	87762	4388100	8a3f9f60-165e-4b97-8e61-a5e8a69cff61	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:00:29	-333.324
-106	43882	4388200	15f145b1-71c7-45ab-8044-d97bb4e7e319	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 12:03:36	131.831
-106	87764	4388200	f0b31558-d3de-4a21-9759-2346bdfe9108	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:56:54	-547.753
-107	43883	4388300	678076c3-fcb0-47c1-9ac5-20f29b8ee08c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:28:01	-74.685
-107	87766	4388300	ee6cd7b6-0ea1-4819-a38c-d88aed643733	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:06:56	-904.191
-108	43884	4388400	8c5b7d9c-fb7d-49a8-9d0a-354da95bd78f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 11:26:52	137.897
-108	87768	4388400	ead74995-5c0b-44ad-aee7-7f0664c283dd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:41:39	-323.149
-109	43885	4388500	b6cbe490-a818-4aff-90b9-f6c1d4a2a54a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:31:58	-500.719
-109	87770	4388500	565b74ec-6e91-4ee7-a47e-5cad6b568644	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:48:53	-639.845
-110	43886	4388600	c0bae812-fe77-457b-8b19-6da0f1b2e78b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:47:20	866.740
-110	87772	4388600	a8344fb1-c252-4969-ab36-d996ec550fec	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:49:41	833.534
-111	43887	4388700	009d4183-f97c-4d78-b2b0-0d4cd48ebfe2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:53:11	66.651
-111	87774	4388700	1ec63460-1134-406f-9170-f8aae9125fac	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:01:54	-95.788
-112	43888	4388800	54a929e6-2afe-4a3d-a2b0-dc4797332aa3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:46:13	-584.535
-112	87776	4388800	164f4f0f-6fff-4e58-8de4-8582394c4024	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:12:14	107.429
-113	43889	4388900	5a6d9df6-66bf-4cf3-a6e7-62b10e93bd8f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:41:04	665.6
-113	87778	4388900	97766fc7-db99-4bc2-be7b-b7d671ec1d90	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:11:42	176.258
-114	43890	4389000	70998245-2443-4e22-b489-ea0394ae23dd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:47:18	-684.175
-114	87780	4389000	5325939c-a51a-4307-9e3f-c64b86a58d96	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:57:28	822.901
-115	43891	4389100	b16fc2fa-c9e0-4634-ba8a-b521fb5a2501	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:25:22	497.728
-115	87782	4389100	0f991616-66e4-4d3e-93d0-193ccc4c53a6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:42:37	994.127
-116	43892	4389200	d02c3415-4a11-4f9a-8c40-f68adf34ba0e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:35:59	717.73
-116	87784	4389200	1e072b78-75ff-4b82-a74d-0d450da553e6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:52:21	-371.782
-117	43893	4389300	ab16a7bf-be8d-4a2d-82d6-a5f1fc2f6f54	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:27:47	-762.631
-117	87786	4389300	09797117-56e1-47b6-9722-3c854c90fc51	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:28:57	-826.817
-118	43894	4389400	04e6946b-ae9a-44ed-8449-9815ce726b14	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:38:07	-331.914
-118	87788	4389400	920a6ace-3748-45cb-8732-c9147d33894a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:49:40	-855.280
-119	43895	4389500	7adbee71-37a8-4d0c-b523-d4c9b14ffc33	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:50:11	823.175
-119	87790	4389500	5a7de8db-7087-4055-967a-360e3f861eaf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:51:58	693.125
-120	43896	4389600	0ac26a26-a117-4199-ad5f-2d21adb8068d	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:46:36	-932.32
-120	87792	4389600	70fb2071-0605-49d9-81c0-a0f16fdf3a89	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:13:18	-868.167
-121	43897	4389700	af5c6a98-1356-420c-bf20-89a12b61f0a6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:14:00	208.980
-121	87794	4389700	da72bee3-f7c1-4b0e-a35e-e7f0e60d831b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:29:16	403.785
-122	43898	4389800	37eeb135-e7b7-48a4-8a40-f467173f917e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:55:08	132.192
-122	87796	4389800	f746861f-5b87-413b-a4ad-93e79b5757f5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:35:50	310.277
-123	43899	4389900	475caea7-5469-4c07-9cfd-c5a3bcfb78e1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:32:28	-18.538
-123	87798	4389900	33afff16-4d0d-462e-8d20-ce1957c984d6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:00:13	51.506
-124	43900	4390000	f29b3614-35b1-49c8-822f-b16fa509c000	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:18:55	-531.758
-124	87800	4390000	c4a22217-9da2-4f12-b784-5fdd685f5f7e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:19:35	284.668
-125	43901	4390100	7637b8ec-16bc-4d46-a835-91bc63b980fc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:14:22	-306.503
-125	87802	4390100	26a787dd-2201-4cfe-b7f5-2d7d40dc35b5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:07:19	925.35
-126	43902	4390200	1adc6837-1cef-4b03-85cd-644a54da7eac	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:30:17	-128.598
-126	87804	4390200	c33b3878-60cd-4761-9529-73fed24ec86c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:06:19	-253.916
-127	43903	4390300	b6eeb26a-6081-41ff-bbca-9ab3d6de6720	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:52:23	-817.290
-127	87806	4390300	2f377f45-2cb5-402d-8414-2b9a0068d45e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:25:41	-239.801
-0	43904	4390400	71598a4d-1da6-4c88-b5d3-1934c604d0de	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:39:07	-679.21
-0	87808	4390400	1b955d19-bb88-4dc8-bfdc-76c570cf5707	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:14:55	516.643
-1	43905	4390500	0fa17e5b-7995-4727-9131-9b4c37786def	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:01:56	-791.67
-1	87810	4390500	b650507a-efb7-45d4-9454-9a238db4c449	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:15:39	-917.599
-2	43906	4390600	89bcf5bc-2864-4c73-86b5-779fe9ccc7d1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:18:11	534.944
-2	87812	4390600	42f61495-ee5f-4124-8306-29326c3508bc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:52:27	-235.449
-3	43907	4390700	85b22453-4d01-4a3c-a686-6933803040e9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:34:35	996.523
-3	87814	4390700	312b70f8-1af6-4476-8558-6825a469eda1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:57:33	761.359
-4	43908	4390800	393a3cbf-4564-4968-987e-928fb74a00a1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:07:19	721.824
-4	87816	4390800	0504b7f8-949a-4c9e-b8f1-57ad25f05205	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:13:12	32.805
-5	43909	4390900	2da0766a-f341-4314-89f2-41f2c459882d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:24:26	-838.725
-5	87818	4390900	24406023-9ab2-4382-805b-a6b618a26dd3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:31:20	426.853
-6	43910	4391000	76a4686d-f9b2-4bb6-be37-a2fe46b139b3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:25:02	864.681
-6	87820	4391000	9fb0bdc5-b236-44e6-9b4e-982cd3ad0318	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:58:39	501.767
-7	43911	4391100	8f095b36-c2ac-45c2-bae7-e84ffd5b5426	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:38:43	-931.897
-7	87822	4391100	b96422f0-8cbd-477e-a416-053aab6a0953	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:35:25	-332.858
-8	43912	4391200	3b46e30e-0e10-4221-9589-3363871690dc	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:59:17	-621.603
-8	87824	4391200	81a174cf-8714-4e8d-ae6c-4c14820279f3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:25:05	223.232
-9	43913	4391300	1294dad4-784d-435b-8350-bef66cebbe79	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:07:43	-722.878
-9	87826	4391300	aae79658-5335-45d0-a666-39f2065ea826	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:37:41	-513.712
-10	43914	4391400	f3e6cd13-8964-4525-8242-db1abcd1030e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:37:01	769.309
-10	87828	4391400	a38ca385-b676-4454-961e-f285d3c15f3f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:17:17	498.255
-11	43915	4391500	6517846c-95f5-49d8-94bb-d6d4968436cb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:58:42	574.240
-11	87830	4391500	e3fb0d4f-6ce5-4b40-8384-62c9b3399ddc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:09:37	283.747
-12	43916	4391600	b68f6c06-5b6b-475e-839b-573d11afaa8d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:08:16	-449.326
-12	87832	4391600	fea9a845-a87a-4419-b239-889cbd281e38	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:14:02	-67.225
-13	43917	4391700	cf8a5624-e1b4-4c18-8752-c3b0668e462f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:53:31	-816.822
-13	87834	4391700	2516d22d-95aa-47ea-a443-088865f1ad3e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:47:46	731.715
-14	43918	4391800	4b144237-5ed5-43db-a867-b7a0043e1274	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:08:35	-982.250
-14	87836	4391800	7c98eef7-dbb8-475a-8f0a-bf50a3183e63	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:30:27	393.829
-15	43919	4391900	3a8dcf0f-18f2-42f9-8cf0-771aa64837b7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 16:41:46	-236.498
-15	87838	4391900	fb511062-d63c-40fb-9a07-2694d2c202a2	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:36:02	151.165
-16	43920	4392000	b6688aa9-f989-4771-b78a-bfcc5eea25c6	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:11:09	-574.858
-16	87840	4392000	c92993f8-df5d-408b-b3ef-daa53453b108	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:55:51	730.172
-17	43921	4392100	c853a488-4454-4bec-90fb-c775796ae11f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:47:01	433.250
-17	87842	4392100	559ed6ee-553d-4823-91f6-fc4f6197e4b0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:13:31	851.166
-18	43922	4392200	45655e4e-21db-4dca-9e5b-a7ae0581d641	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:25:02	-870.400
-18	87844	4392200	705f717b-d513-4a51-8c29-89a66023a0e1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:46:15	-961.453
-19	43923	4392300	611956fc-cba9-49bd-9996-586ff5cfe621	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:06:24	-845.764
-19	87846	4392300	7ce24a13-f0d7-412c-980e-5f45ea1d288a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:53:51	-263.518
-20	43924	4392400	597f4e4a-ed58-4e74-9ccc-2c413b10a512	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:16:47	-537.42
-20	87848	4392400	10bac155-47b1-4752-9257-41aaac58fb04	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 21:05:41	641.949
-21	43925	4392500	f14166fa-8000-4ac5-baa5-5e24cb348a4c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:07:21	396.918
-21	87850	4392500	4816c276-aca7-4bbd-9330-992285134958	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:02:04	417.916
-22	43926	4392600	4085b32b-fb17-4d03-b5cb-7477b3f1d7e7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:32:08	997.877
-22	87852	4392600	fe646fd2-2547-451f-8005-40d4690af80a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:42:18	391.247
-23	43927	4392700	e141a5fd-3cad-47bf-9023-76b7ed98a1bb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:18:37	-703.742
-23	87854	4392700	945972d8-5d03-4d86-a7c2-b49819aaf337	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:55:42	-239.563
-24	43928	4392800	731e8443-34dc-4075-be58-c091c397cea9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:46:08	-245.475
-24	87856	4392800	1f48462b-ca0f-47eb-9674-54e22041d4af	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:28:20	-486.823
-25	43929	4392900	05463dd0-3797-44ce-add8-7d3008a62a2c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:45:02	-681.270
-25	87858	4392900	7a6fe7af-ec0d-419d-af29-d51327297734	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:31:20	865.839
-26	43930	4393000	fb225da5-40c3-4d3b-a8fb-4c0c193e443e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:41:52	-579.12
-26	87860	4393000	e5b9994b-c533-4e73-8689-74959647920a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:25:19	-679.520
-27	43931	4393100	3d5d95d5-da79-4b1d-a413-bb2729f0c24b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:43:34	44.487
-27	87862	4393100	f09ab9d1-77ad-472e-8bee-9d6d2924d4ed	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:43:39	743.367
-28	43932	4393200	dfe4d598-ed5a-4b42-aae0-02d30dab2a64	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:30:21	265.507
-28	87864	4393200	6185ea9f-0770-4310-9e3e-eb03db97fc0b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:20:26	101.993
-29	43933	4393300	af5d324d-58a0-4e6e-bb05-5243437e6835	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 02:42:17	-956.990
-29	87866	4393300	b51c18ff-6129-49e0-b6fe-fced74e97ca2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:03:06	-845.733
-30	43934	4393400	b417ca3c-4b59-4a5a-8bf5-28526a0cb28a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:55:43	-865.988
-30	87868	4393400	134ac7bd-30bf-4072-a347-42011d1ffc0d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:35:42	775.35
-31	43935	4393500	90a57ceb-2b40-4d84-9bc0-ec2b491913c3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:12:16	-904.346
-31	87870	4393500	5ba1f243-ace6-4b0f-b4fa-516259aa97cb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:36:06	-674.478
-32	43936	4393600	2f26239e-2efe-4608-9472-6a74c112168f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:41:21	-812.758
-32	87872	4393600	3261e59b-00bc-412a-9d6e-321ca5b5f7f8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:03:30	871.583
-33	43937	4393700	a6f4cf7e-8141-4e40-acb9-5a48065a24fa	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:46:12	-524.515
-33	87874	4393700	a8d35b0e-7088-40a3-b033-9c5dbb87cded	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:39:56	-790.89
-34	43938	4393800	157d44e4-b3a8-4317-a58f-c6180eddf866	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:18:06	632.524
-34	87876	4393800	7aac820d-4e8e-4c65-a6cc-421d5e7cf18e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:51:51	683.242
-35	43939	4393900	e38e7d8f-d0fe-4adc-a762-952cb31382aa	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:49:27	-805.960
-35	87878	4393900	3181b766-e78b-4615-8f64-f6e19e4573a6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:43:51	542.90
-36	43940	4394000	a60bd8cf-2055-405a-a5ea-d469c6007526	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:39:54	841.635
-36	87880	4394000	8617cdde-c9fa-4918-aa6a-607e0b031005	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:04:24	474.272
-37	43941	4394100	f9633750-e0ae-47c4-a03c-611922042a31	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:31:03	-708.67
-37	87882	4394100	7c6c8dbe-d02f-4564-8192-044492ffce57	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:53:56	-910.850
-38	43942	4394200	9eae1908-2990-423f-94df-a3e265240177	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:38:09	456.28
-38	87884	4394200	fbfd32f3-78ff-4f14-8ccb-b4ae02ad8e8d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:22:35	63.40
-39	43943	4394300	92972685-28fd-471e-bf29-a2a9f9f14fe9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:14:52	-330.296
-39	87886	4394300	ca785386-a6a0-4de6-8238-c07eae34dc58	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:22:28	-998.792
-40	43944	4394400	16200411-ce4d-475c-afc0-fbd57f072845	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:01:41	587.439
-40	87888	4394400	a4657e75-9357-4899-b559-5c27a95777c8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:17:27	-789.130
-41	43945	4394500	d2dad8ef-2616-4397-869a-7c240899f710	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:09:55	760.508
-41	87890	4394500	1cf61cb0-24e7-40c9-99af-e0e05efa6882	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:23:43	966.424
-42	43946	4394600	147517ce-2b48-4171-ace5-ebc18867fcbe	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:02:04	125.961
-42	87892	4394600	25616c5e-2133-4891-a181-8bd0d11ad0e9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:26:22	-999.92
-43	43947	4394700	831f918a-4581-4a56-8a87-35db7b1d77dd	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:57:09	-944.500
-43	87894	4394700	1b592c15-3639-4062-a782-edb5120dcedc	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:19:55	827.949
-44	43948	4394800	0ec0d481-63e0-4f29-a8e1-e8f7c119ecbf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:33:37	254.925
-44	87896	4394800	424d16d2-5e9c-46d4-be8f-cd56021b5378	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:53:41	98.498
-45	43949	4394900	755ad89e-3503-48f9-b9c7-531af74eacda	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:57:39	-770.564
-45	87898	4394900	01a98bc8-1b9e-4f44-8149-5449f4a0498d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:35:05	-257.178
-46	43950	4395000	2be2b56c-4de4-4031-8057-afbe8425163b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:04:41	416.465
-46	87900	4395000	e0155942-6fda-4c2e-a561-465efcf6261b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:06:14	867.56
-47	43951	4395100	e839d736-83c7-4d21-9d5c-523fcb698d07	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:34:28	187.162
-47	87902	4395100	c909e896-d69b-4207-9dba-518bdef7c0ba	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:02:54	-672.295
-48	43952	4395200	3452865c-d562-4d0d-97fa-e0a9878aa754	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:15:32	-945.359
-48	87904	4395200	ce835013-a355-4321-b8ed-086d1e9afcb9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:52:18	832.189
-49	43953	4395300	ba3cfb57-e2a5-4374-82a5-489b8ec528f3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:29:12	-760.171
-49	87906	4395300	4014e30e-8873-4c72-9c72-7e2a07a9c2a0	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:12:51	-385.982
-50	43954	4395400	45c263e0-053d-483d-8054-fe30da2208df	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:16:39	-977.948
-50	87908	4395400	e6dc4f9c-c0d7-4f52-9aaa-def4bc178d1b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:20:27	232.781
-51	43955	4395500	48f1a4f1-0812-42c6-b6b7-927803dd2702	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:55:41	-925.225
-51	87910	4395500	5eb27455-63a8-434c-a2fe-2d1064a02044	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:40:56	971.453
-52	43956	4395600	0c1c1c47-5a68-4a06-8df5-289e6527c74b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 21:58:58	514.900
-52	87912	4395600	a8003bde-8e28-4377-b077-aa983d707c5c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:04:55	49.648
-53	43957	4395700	354c0e6f-8607-48d3-910c-49bc943cdb17	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:39:24	299.320
-53	87914	4395700	fcbacc2d-62c8-4f25-bf8a-e7eb1adc6fc7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:44:31	757.607
-54	43958	4395800	f641690f-4e2c-412d-86c9-2853654bd0f5	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:46:54	931.149
-54	87916	4395800	db562d9f-f51c-4f57-b559-728c8d0aa5a5	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:21:19	383.138
-55	43959	4395900	26dd6d70-a01a-4499-bc3c-b787c30a2dc3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:52:00	-155.596
-55	87918	4395900	dd934d0b-803e-4ada-910f-6db962331a24	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:37:00	-194.313
-56	43960	4396000	8c047944-463f-4845-9512-c4a2c9b2cad0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:30:13	-369.22
-56	87920	4396000	931bb4a6-2524-42b6-b6a7-36484958d0b2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:29:03	117.635
-57	43961	4396100	8564a871-516b-47e3-9b5a-820674343437	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:42:55	-212.242
-57	87922	4396100	a560dd1a-7ac6-4bc8-af5e-0d93cca608f6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:46:55	-16.389
-58	43962	4396200	5f54621c-589c-4971-a450-c4772c56a931	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:27:08	438.795
-58	87924	4396200	6ec79516-4a3e-4b32-b094-5365ac2e621f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:07:42	848.327
-59	43963	4396300	e4f091ed-7cd1-4f17-957a-2c75007541da	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:25:12	260.254
-59	87926	4396300	b5f58476-53b2-4ba8-9be6-08c334740226	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:54:49	-22.180
-60	43964	4396400	5231a191-116a-41f2-9135-dae5cd86dfe2	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:50:45	-994.627
-60	87928	4396400	11970175-c032-4565-8464-fbc979e397d1	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:26:30	-721.268
-61	43965	4396500	53985db4-d807-476a-a6b6-a5a12a8677b0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:28:07	-935.589
-61	87930	4396500	f27dd086-a12e-4559-848f-c7fd3ed1bfa7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:00:46	571.978
-62	43966	4396600	70e6db25-a285-4853-90d0-78bfece57ec2	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 19:43:36	239.142
-62	87932	4396600	d3acb24e-bdcb-4e5d-ac92-de0543bc2a9e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:42:47	224.305
-63	43967	4396700	008c42b2-203d-4dbb-8489-5e9fc47f251d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:26:42	-400.287
-63	87934	4396700	e6cbf0ca-d2bd-4d99-8f9b-d24fc6317804	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:52:10	939.36
-64	43968	4396800	7e89fd00-3db9-4d8f-9c61-5206e8c6c783	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:21:47	-826.601
-64	87936	4396800	58c8fc52-510f-4f4e-8e86-75d755a5892e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:27:27	-350.345
-65	43969	4396900	21efac58-49dc-4910-b485-34232e23af25	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:24:43	-829.80
-65	87938	4396900	c29a3ff2-b242-4e1f-8753-07f318e3fe34	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:53:13	616.191
-66	43970	4397000	817c63d7-4cc0-49b5-8644-72b12062c233	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:24:52	-508.601
-66	87940	4397000	a1b792aa-4e4d-4b98-bda9-e35604fc98d2	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:41:31	345.654
-67	43971	4397100	6e7826da-5086-4ce6-b970-7d5b4b8d02b1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:29:24	-399.34
-67	87942	4397100	cee1e709-24f4-4099-a21e-b687ad1bdcf7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:51:13	9.486
-68	43972	4397200	555e9a9b-c284-4426-bbbb-c326090f9487	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:15:32	40.168
-68	87944	4397200	1cf7e82f-1f84-436c-96cc-6be960167282	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:53:09	116.792
-69	43973	4397300	bf468204-9e97-4e56-9b60-57349ece1b46	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:22:11	986.206
-69	87946	4397300	21c1cfaf-1bd8-4a24-88a5-4fbfb86a8719	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:16:49	-325.318
-70	43974	4397400	a77b34a5-b95e-4677-9695-b423f3d44ba7	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:32:40	626.181
-70	87948	4397400	1b3a9ccd-3011-4a10-a7a2-59f9c9b7ddc5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:36:56	-390.603
-71	43975	4397500	b319964f-b3df-4e05-9c43-455d6df79f7b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:05:00	131.132
-71	87950	4397500	bb9d32eb-6bcd-4746-90ed-1c9dcd42fe37	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:49:56	-534.53
-72	43976	4397600	2795b241-2bea-4d2a-bb9f-1352cf9680c9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:27:27	161.442
-72	87952	4397600	a812d931-9edb-4734-bc2a-c2f6d340d990	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:31:45	-283.568
-73	43977	4397700	02c95fcc-a080-4dfc-997c-c0d41b94193e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:21:53	-500.269
-73	87954	4397700	5d262912-b140-41b0-a07a-b3e3fdf997e7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:23:13	-590.253
-74	43978	4397800	184c8965-07ec-4952-b3d7-f8c5f89fbc9e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:22:23	-983.216
-74	87956	4397800	e41a467c-0383-47d7-a896-33e53cc5f5bb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:35:24	516.356
-75	43979	4397900	8f3b15ea-fd15-406a-8bca-d4d4ce2da6b7	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:47:42	-555.943
-75	87958	4397900	5236dbf6-8476-4a25-b145-9b248a4dbf03	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:44:10	335.26
-76	43980	4398000	a9fe2e2d-0608-4863-8ec7-6f0e37ac0dca	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:12:03	784.701
-76	87960	4398000	505468cf-1b9c-4129-98f7-227d7c07dab0	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:33:25	-100.987
-77	43981	4398100	46c43d69-9df5-4e3f-a8bc-a7751dd5f648	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:00:41	-630.424
-77	87962	4398100	6addbfae-a614-43c0-a184-e10559101cbf	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:07:14	-252.853
-78	43982	4398200	cc973848-e879-4bdd-a43e-9c3f57690db3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:00:49	-589.961
-78	87964	4398200	f92af81c-b95f-40ad-8be1-0f92fdf41326	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:16:45	894.760
-79	43983	4398300	b5ac2c44-1036-4a11-86d9-6bd2f3a896cd	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:18:21	389.887
-79	87966	4398300	1c3e7582-07ba-4aa8-ab24-037e72171b6e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:09:55	321.344
-80	43984	4398400	6a7a2814-dcee-431e-8507-2575e0c8bf72	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:42:49	543.170
-80	87968	4398400	3d3de3ba-652d-43b3-8df1-28e82fe18b48	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:12:56	-927.211
-81	43985	4398500	edd1945e-9ba4-4f2b-ba59-446e940b0f73	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:20:27	500.802
-81	87970	4398500	d9a21b5c-b8c7-49e6-b601-9a30c8ff02ef	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:28:27	-117.560
-82	43986	4398600	3ca6bc60-6a55-4c54-a618-a31da0c141d1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:34:40	-882.324
-82	87972	4398600	f7413deb-23fe-4a08-8438-9ffb3cea8caf	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:40:13	-355.42
-83	43987	4398700	b737d145-5fd0-4d05-a4e9-f0bb7637fa88	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:16:43	-424.416
-83	87974	4398700	8cc8747c-d681-4245-a6e9-5f8e68e8299d	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:07:05	811.580
-84	43988	4398800	9c0d5388-0706-4fd4-8c6b-94bb67e1590c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:20:34	42.605
-84	87976	4398800	4791c551-2f6e-4155-9e2a-f152efd14c40	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:19:35	715.875
-85	43989	4398900	731e50f2-0a7a-4dfa-9443-37011c277bb0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:08:06	-614.561
-85	87978	4398900	2201d9a0-1c62-4d45-9ff1-063b83cfb740	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:20:35	311.98
-86	43990	4399000	b9548f54-738b-482e-bd90-85add91d9bbd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:54:03	194.439
-86	87980	4399000	328a35ce-8574-4296-9e5c-37af73855e89	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:22:09	560.886
-87	43991	4399100	8335e6b3-e1c6-46c6-adb3-f3a0ff6fff05	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:11:11	-233.850
-87	87982	4399100	44724584-1f63-4a2f-a4d7-91f6682fb0d8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:29:04	-936.920
-88	43992	4399200	70e571a8-482d-449f-a655-2e2c35318b82	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:47:31	-683.186
-88	87984	4399200	2b660238-9cca-4db0-bb8a-4ebaff2a14b0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 18:34:25	-783.188
-89	43993	4399300	adf4868f-edd9-4d3f-856d-0714d4042861	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:35:29	444.633
-89	87986	4399300	b89836b0-49cd-42ce-b4b9-7b0a1c44acfc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:18:08	38.803
-90	43994	4399400	2204e781-5c3a-49fb-825e-5aef02acdf22	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:10:00	-245.972
-90	87988	4399400	6816ffae-4a96-4629-a6fa-cee988d481c8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:51:09	975.918
-91	43995	4399500	cc7fa56d-402c-4a0c-98cf-60d35b6ec378	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:58:12	-814.635
-91	87990	4399500	7b35c321-9805-4365-8311-eb01ce184475	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:11:57	-497.875
-92	43996	4399600	39093b1f-71dc-489f-a32a-3b1f9f6ed52a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:02:59	-952.905
-92	87992	4399600	62e9e64b-5726-44eb-8445-9c5700cbd918	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:40:01	-987.592
-93	43997	4399700	2d022cad-c301-4b01-8b00-ef94ad67bd65	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:15:09	-123.120
-93	87994	4399700	e281aa82-d88d-441e-98c6-51dd05414559	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:04:49	400.574
-94	43998	4399800	e9999ab7-bbb3-4b88-b69d-3a2a284bc1a6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:37:48	-803.4
-94	87996	4399800	24a61bca-6f2f-4e17-bb50-ae45a0cd3fef	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:45:52	-884.31
-95	43999	4399900	a71f1e2f-7a73-415b-ac5e-4cf76dafd03c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:05:34	-426.441
-95	87998	4399900	cca48208-853e-4665-9233-5c3697e84018	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:41:54	-260.155
-96	44000	4400000	ee7281b3-429a-4e33-ad74-5da4ea81692a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:07:10	948.308
-96	88000	4400000	df694e8b-763d-4294-b721-0b60ecd1bb72	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:25:27	-496.244
-97	44001	4400100	df5e3e35-f670-4bc9-a785-f84af7bb8caf	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:07:19	310.266
-97	88002	4400100	dc6f72d2-e217-4311-8e88-f85c31a687bd	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:22:59	817.986
-98	44002	4400200	9aed8607-4913-4f2d-9206-55a1b9fe8a46	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:01:55	823.222
-98	88004	4400200	de4c1ccb-18ff-476c-8129-c2ea4aafaab4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:15:27	-68.727
-99	44003	4400300	15001896-11d2-4723-80f5-89f24d9034ab	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:02:12	-578.54
-99	88006	4400300	fdcc4ad3-dd46-47e1-bebf-ea6817739e41	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:57:51	72.847
-100	44004	4400400	3388815d-1ce9-4114-8fd5-47a91c8d35b1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:41:05	971.368
-100	88008	4400400	b764b5e3-4be1-4c6e-a16a-516933a38d35	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:48:42	961.908
-101	44005	4400500	c12342d1-6588-4dbe-885c-07c84c01c4c9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:19:35	-521.67
-101	88010	4400500	da820d81-e536-43b2-8cc9-2484baea7b0b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:12:20	585.73
-102	44006	4400600	8a8bfa0f-0de5-46b5-b700-6209b3af5d49	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:27:55	-708.279
-102	88012	4400600	9254e77f-2b45-419f-9681-4794b8e08b39	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:18:35	129.616
-103	44007	4400700	0d6e3cc9-9a8a-48b6-885e-0a45de7f1126	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:47:18	861.126
-103	88014	4400700	8c1f5393-2650-47a7-a21b-63880bbbdc02	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:35:26	-293.826
-104	44008	4400800	57534dc1-264f-453c-b512-23521ed5745d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:25:13	-396.679
-104	88016	4400800	b291611d-7422-4dd1-99cd-70802c8e372d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:22:22	-24.237
-105	44009	4400900	3f6b7b5b-3080-4cec-9505-ae77be95ef8b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:25:51	-857.649
-105	88018	4400900	1f4b3b21-d064-48f1-84ba-0ebdb0ec745e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:29:21	836.321
-106	44010	4401000	3e0d7bb7-74d4-43f4-814c-77b30928eb48	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:43:17	-410.710
-106	88020	4401000	9a697e50-6a0f-4e11-9541-72b102c2872d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:39:27	-376.620
-107	44011	4401100	7c8d6eff-c993-4117-8563-68de899ecdc2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:41:55	-879.484
-107	88022	4401100	bbe88e38-d08d-40d5-a04b-5ecf8b4caa95	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:36:10	91.948
-108	44012	4401200	8749cca6-e300-4094-963d-bb9ba7f16fb4	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:54:38	-701.317
-108	88024	4401200	e5ba649c-b5e2-48a5-8250-7d8ba184fb39	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:34:25	-256.13
-109	44013	4401300	b9938c46-5df0-4295-bb31-f2bd839162e8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:28:03	509.643
-109	88026	4401300	899ac424-b5a5-4305-9505-cea52525f559	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:54:06	-46.236
-110	44014	4401400	4fbc6bbd-a73f-448c-80a4-3701cde081ea	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:49:02	-25.598
-110	88028	4401400	f3c05d4e-d654-41a9-bf26-c0d258c7cd3a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:48:29	-523.809
-111	44015	4401500	e0acd022-eee2-4805-ae85-4fe9d9731aba	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:09:17	121.532
-111	88030	4401500	e48a9112-82e8-4e17-b890-162d7ac374ff	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 06:57:49	-268.920
-112	44016	4401600	041de6d9-9786-4027-87a1-8e73fac3f404	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:37:39	-843.190
-112	88032	4401600	ce53620a-7ef3-4d15-a65c-ac0240db0ea9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:51:14	-554.924
-113	44017	4401700	e53fcb4c-33b4-4d5f-a02c-41bda9afad58	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:29:37	-981.314
-113	88034	4401700	4884a65d-1caf-4c0b-89b5-bb1cc5d366a0	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:37:48	-178.2
-114	44018	4401800	137700a1-890f-4e6a-b04d-1c37c0a500ef	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:18:38	900.981
-114	88036	4401800	561be52c-c1c6-4e67-9740-6f3d2e28d35a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:11:59	302.345
-115	44019	4401900	ffaa6cbd-2d0a-4de4-aa6a-edd5a317deda	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:26:32	717.21
-115	88038	4401900	e7ddc822-ac77-4cbd-acd6-25ee9aa394bf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:40:48	-301.384
-116	44020	4402000	510b2afb-2cf4-46a5-91aa-781e4ec9cbaa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:38:37	-126.402
-116	88040	4402000	88293edf-6eb3-4115-b912-87ce896a15bc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:11:59	-211.811
-117	44021	4402100	ae43cc39-f869-4b9b-b6bd-dc8791f2bcc8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:12:47	-784.265
-117	88042	4402100	aabac13a-7ac1-436d-8919-90978e765cff	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:22:37	-578.703
-118	44022	4402200	aca8c6fd-28bc-4551-94df-d1ab8c9c8fae	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:36:41	445.571
-118	88044	4402200	e039803e-e638-4a28-bc43-8e9c8c65553c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:57:48	-257.745
-119	44023	4402300	e7a1d28a-b6af-4d37-aa37-6299b22af9cb	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:42:33	208.698
-119	88046	4402300	87c39325-cd71-416a-9e36-bc5e9c85c9ec	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:13:42	814.400
-120	44024	4402400	1398f837-1151-4fb3-b485-ace96bbb9466	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:55:19	327.573
-120	88048	4402400	23a6a22f-2d2a-4dea-a609-847f50c08116	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:22:51	502.739
-121	44025	4402500	0bed8249-ba11-4cc4-a235-868d347835d8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:40:08	-447.405
-121	88050	4402500	ed1afd1e-da1b-4be2-a0be-2ac9f73afb64	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:06:25	-950.667
-122	44026	4402600	34d7b571-0dd2-4519-86e6-a2320de6c08f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:01:27	-308.689
-122	88052	4402600	29ddf7f7-ff36-4c03-be34-d067887e6db7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:14:03	-90.626
-123	44027	4402700	0132616c-d8fc-4f8a-84d7-d09f9b4b3c32	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:01:14	309.479
-123	88054	4402700	3d125fab-3d9e-4acd-a1af-c1f3734a832f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:30:04	559.772
-124	44028	4402800	e22c799d-f733-4ec6-856d-2f4966285d55	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:49:31	-750.501
-124	88056	4402800	91f6dbb2-4dec-42e4-8d75-d48919e3036d	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:32:54	-376.11
-125	44029	4402900	d1d51786-23a8-4330-8017-d2cd957ca825	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 17:47:28	-200.265
-125	88058	4402900	1da7e3e8-febe-4e45-9d02-6884176ee5a5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:38:24	435.863
-126	44030	4403000	1027ea86-df5f-4df1-9c69-5ef4c0113a31	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:03:02	-500.199
-126	88060	4403000	e2f64fb8-5a46-4798-8f7e-9673909397fe	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:04:04	538.903
-127	44031	4403100	8c42b266-eb68-4714-9215-d291b7dfae14	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 00:58:01	-817.652
-127	88062	4403100	6fce62ce-2309-4576-9357-fd82068c0ed8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:32:27	-183.242
-0	44032	4403200	40685003-13b3-4ca4-bd9f-418a1e15cb19	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:05:09	366.535
-0	88064	4403200	65cc6054-2c1d-4105-b6f8-4f974654d055	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:01:42	568.604
-1	44033	4403300	5f5f26de-4a98-44e9-828d-84fef19ca531	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:38:21	666.153
-1	88066	4403300	40fde13c-6efe-4835-99de-9d098247af57	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:03:48	875.473
-2	44034	4403400	4c79cf6d-842f-48bc-b36c-090423c4ae6e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:29:03	-561.278
-2	88068	4403400	222282f0-9c10-45d6-b186-2c9753fb1165	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:44:37	854.622
-3	44035	4403500	45e61545-62b8-4c97-a5ce-9f46efde51fa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:03:04	622.59
-3	88070	4403500	fa12545b-f5b1-4799-a6af-52bda9e1c7d4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:21:14	532.610
-4	44036	4403600	38449057-f4b6-4210-b47c-b0dc4daaa0e5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:13:08	765.552
-4	88072	4403600	505b9053-4909-429c-8e74-0213111d7297	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:59:37	708.347
-5	44037	4403700	3e297cbe-d5a3-42cc-b63b-4e94de0728f1	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:40:30	-541.895
-5	88074	4403700	d1c294ee-7f6f-483c-b3b9-fed374ec3cce	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:50:10	-164.995
-6	44038	4403800	b43e0844-ac94-4a2f-a1b9-bfed6a83f474	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:47:24	-562.113
-6	88076	4403800	6a6228d5-4392-44de-9d8c-259f8be958a7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:33:04	498.187
-7	44039	4403900	ede320c1-68c9-49eb-a730-5e271838f85b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:53:33	706.441
-7	88078	4403900	2ad40c70-6f37-4f65-8175-8cb65c97e61b	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 12:00:30	830.891
-8	44040	4404000	d6613323-ed11-4aaf-8b79-44c2098f292e	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:03:13	-52.305
-8	88080	4404000	93f5e8bb-78fe-4e27-9e25-5902221c77bb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:48:09	-461.631
-9	44041	4404100	5cda9211-f74d-4bcc-b888-d8921e2f6250	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:45:11	155.56
-9	88082	4404100	d78c281f-c043-4072-9b68-0c01573c05fd	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:22:05	894.69
-10	44042	4404200	88dd0089-8978-45d4-9f31-747ae0a96df3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:17:22	420.115
-10	88084	4404200	15f30e4a-80d4-470e-b757-d96449053e74	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:04:54	-476.648
-11	44043	4404300	ead3e18b-3b43-4464-b49c-42bae9cc3a2d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:56:53	-399.789
-11	88086	4404300	6208c372-b8fc-4f26-ab49-ec14c6762b2e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:36:04	-279.204
-12	44044	4404400	9f218245-2f54-4f44-b500-3a61f8159601	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:58:13	486.868
-12	88088	4404400	d5cd9196-e63a-4d65-a2ad-07f1e2638132	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 21:57:31	450.867
-13	44045	4404500	edcba4fb-dd43-492c-8630-afbd0179b03a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:05:02	441.503
-13	88090	4404500	fd69e36e-fea1-4a6f-beae-28c8f09f5483	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:33:30	-429.67
-14	44046	4404600	33c4fa3a-da57-437e-ae5a-2b4140f4f295	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:57:36	189.713
-14	88092	4404600	f6ab89f8-c6c0-4195-8f7b-d2f8644763d9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:35:03	-50.692
-15	44047	4404700	3e1fca87-fa0a-43e3-8b89-d9bcf88a86a5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:00:48	-347.723
-15	88094	4404700	7aa56c44-c75f-46ff-b24a-2b23075b5e0d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:27:08	-235.116
-16	44048	4404800	ed305995-d0c5-4c44-a0f2-f073f142c4ea	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:08:19	-914.764
-16	88096	4404800	00d8a9d7-86ac-4ec0-af0e-741fc1237ae2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:30:19	359.819
-17	44049	4404900	8ef7f477-5b6d-43ef-b62a-89f590db6147	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:16:40	971.54
-17	88098	4404900	a3a1a162-da46-4eb6-9f4d-20cc03e4a027	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:31:53	122.652
-18	44050	4405000	d4068d16-0a88-4c0a-b254-7692ffc170ab	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:35:01	-817.947
-18	88100	4405000	e273e2b0-7f96-4f88-a815-1e5e0858385a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 22:58:03	842.825
-19	44051	4405100	c5ea657a-93b3-4a5f-acfe-d99cdea10525	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:22:14	984.943
-19	88102	4405100	b7d63d31-c3a0-4395-b52b-eca7c8742cf0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:05:54	-379.732
-20	44052	4405200	1c7a7fee-3810-48a6-a35a-61c9924b315c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:10:10	-250.906
-20	88104	4405200	d03d6157-8a6d-49f1-aec6-f734f25400f0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:49:09	277.55
-21	44053	4405300	5ac0e77f-5f38-4a35-ab36-48e85bb70b99	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:48:13	470.753
-21	88106	4405300	46e68ec2-0e27-48b9-b5d1-b22c20839ee1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:24:28	-795.221
-22	44054	4405400	23f215c6-d613-415c-b3c1-049d884da6c6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:31:35	-674.28
-22	88108	4405400	8bf1902e-e89a-407b-a376-3b5dbcf519bb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:48:03	-143.970
-23	44055	4405500	78acd634-9824-489c-8464-2dbadd2a837a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:15:24	752.181
-23	88110	4405500	ade960e3-c664-4844-86be-0fcf27fcd4f4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:58:31	856.367
-24	44056	4405600	4a1bbccc-7453-4edd-8b8c-14aece52bdca	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:48:30	-242.508
-24	88112	4405600	5a9a82f2-ff71-4594-a894-2a6623f8cbe0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:23:29	627.226
-25	44057	4405700	54c4172c-eabc-46cd-bc6c-b5f5284e1eb7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:44:30	-302.691
-25	88114	4405700	b55ffa15-82a6-4c10-827c-c3e1672fe3ea	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:47:05	28.647
-26	44058	4405800	e481e2a0-b736-46fe-8523-5ce7ee51c815	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:01:52	-561.568
-26	88116	4405800	5fb4c0dc-496e-43ed-8c4d-a1007212e78b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:58:29	544.422
-27	44059	4405900	4a1fb8e9-5201-42b7-84fe-34b4c1b6ae42	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:48:53	-889.269
-27	88118	4405900	9f26502c-38b5-4c02-8847-846c21cb0646	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:50:52	591.455
-28	44060	4406000	2f7567d0-1241-4439-9965-fd46a024ca71	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:29:59	485.163
-28	88120	4406000	2467e755-9944-454c-bb2a-ff3fe50a9103	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:51:46	-758.935
-29	44061	4406100	ca793c59-6d10-43c8-be9e-c9729aed78cf	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:28:03	-406.848
-29	88122	4406100	02d5faa2-b857-427a-818d-68b885f77e23	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:52:44	-915.521
-30	44062	4406200	ec59ec27-8881-4f7b-aab5-fb6e4622ea70	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:38:14	861.636
-30	88124	4406200	6b865136-c9a3-4390-aff9-034a341dc87e	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:47:42	-504.428
-31	44063	4406300	cbe36e03-a3b3-4358-8805-4abeb1e8921c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:05:11	-32.882
-31	88126	4406300	777f531e-38e5-496b-8456-acf2128d88d1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 21:04:41	385.836
-32	44064	4406400	06aecc47-c09b-491f-bb0a-b3655c495bdb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:52:58	-313.746
-32	88128	4406400	12d42540-c901-40be-88ae-9867e30f08e5	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:42:47	-249.273
-33	44065	4406500	b2596df1-53a3-4aca-a8fa-b05ff2ead106	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:20:58	-959.985
-33	88130	4406500	a2f2dec8-f8fc-4601-b346-52f0820d762b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:48:45	-964.443
-34	44066	4406600	59ebffdf-40d4-4e5b-9bcf-cb1ae0620bc8	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:05:28	-655.1
-34	88132	4406600	0fb16c6b-d0ad-4321-b79a-5d34f383bc84	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:24:39	-981.172
-35	44067	4406700	9d5c2f11-3085-4447-b493-26c7a1ce3a9a	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:16:45	-79.436
-35	88134	4406700	5d92b5ca-4486-4e8a-a2f2-3dade98e33fb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 12:45:18	-715.761
-36	44068	4406800	2ceb7323-a87c-45ed-8860-69b06416dd00	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:33:40	945.997
-36	88136	4406800	24fd752e-dfcf-494a-99fe-31cfe8da0a8c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:28:40	717.72
-37	44069	4406900	7e9d4839-8651-4308-b1b9-18c03ff7f498	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:52:23	134.478
-37	88138	4406900	25f333f9-a921-4609-8e54-60c2994a1be6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:51:39	263.378
-38	44070	4407000	9b5ca3a3-3791-401f-9f9d-129a8e713aaf	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:39:56	128.128
-38	88140	4407000	0bbe62ef-06dc-4a03-89d8-546a26164688	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:14:08	-266.683
-39	44071	4407100	c7fda727-617f-4af0-97d9-f3bf0f45e6fc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:39:09	-264.454
-39	88142	4407100	2192ce4e-11a0-4c73-aa8f-289ad0c5c2d4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:30:56	-220.965
-40	44072	4407200	2a93d4fe-bb91-4022-a2e0-5679ca96dd76	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:27:17	445.647
-40	88144	4407200	f58a82a9-49dc-45ea-be5e-3db7470dd2a9	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:26:34	-555.144
-41	44073	4407300	6177fd85-6ff8-4cc6-8b2d-50f52034c058	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:13:55	444.287
-41	88146	4407300	8a3d3f71-9f51-47ab-9983-68cc82b2e1b1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:43:01	-83.924
-42	44074	4407400	65cb8f1d-efa4-4879-b0b8-fbeb501440b8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:11:11	149.557
-42	88148	4407400	131f5df8-dd9a-4e3d-bd30-04944714ac4d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:27:41	-898.249
-43	44075	4407500	a1ffb48d-0453-4798-96c5-12046722e87a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:08:45	-92.166
-43	88150	4407500	aafd812f-f805-404f-881d-a3a17fe0f27f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:24:16	794.464
-44	44076	4407600	7113d67d-aa15-4dfc-b370-c17e38f30bb5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:00:02	-117.433
-44	88152	4407600	4fd5e406-3e96-44dd-9435-6d07f28159b2	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:51:49	436.107
-45	44077	4407700	8ceb809c-0f69-4682-aa24-7afa2a8edf08	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:52:29	341.550
-45	88154	4407700	c8004bfc-5592-48f7-8442-8fa921c63f35	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:40:16	-86.717
-46	44078	4407800	fd02adf0-d878-4afc-abac-0fcdaae5de66	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:54:36	-44.864
-46	88156	4407800	fae77527-813d-4959-b954-e5aedf6d7cef	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:43:45	-951.444
-47	44079	4407900	8699c56f-d175-461f-b881-9583ca64874d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:13:02	-503.243
-47	88158	4407900	0195a4e1-6a0e-4f7b-ba40-5a878d0ec0fd	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:42:04	552.560
-48	44080	4408000	1554fa4f-b07e-4b68-a414-ea32ead5804a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:34:15	394.412
-48	88160	4408000	a5781886-0619-4862-9628-5cd872d7d0a7	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 04:58:34	223.502
-49	44081	4408100	3165cc0c-b186-45f9-b6e3-1970a8f8e757	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:01:57	927.838
-49	88162	4408100	3efd12a6-7e8e-40ac-87cb-67abae608940	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:05:45	755.658
-50	44082	4408200	779595a4-3cd3-44d1-b636-15c23db8b8bc	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:53:13	-214.941
-50	88164	4408200	86b71d4a-ae0c-4606-98d4-c527baca942e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:54:56	658.999
-51	44083	4408300	8682dc17-75ae-4133-8c37-37212ac41437	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:38:21	588.956
-51	88166	4408300	46e25a64-a1b9-4a69-9ad8-5acd7242b1a8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:03:56	373.69
-52	44084	4408400	6dbee10b-fb76-405b-9879-1845a29ab8ab	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:03:48	-877.861
-52	88168	4408400	e5a867c8-a1d7-440e-a8b3-41b4151110e5	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:41:50	-676.713
-53	44085	4408500	77aeb454-be98-46b4-a352-9242b29beba1	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:15:12	-500.760
-53	88170	4408500	13357e23-b8df-4796-a812-e20d516f9696	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:24:34	136.896
-54	44086	4408600	7245c170-5fd7-4957-a4e6-7cf02f95909c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:06:55	461.963
-54	88172	4408600	e0d1e4b7-b4ab-4e0a-bba4-ab0ba54920e9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:29:10	834.201
-55	44087	4408700	15209a4d-fcd9-42a8-a050-3544a1eee5d6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:21:45	-293.302
-55	88174	4408700	134714b2-d5f3-4780-b766-52de1c1bb6df	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:24:56	-461.295
-56	44088	4408800	0254de25-c168-4e2a-b4a6-f34b1c726924	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:42:23	-952.242
-56	88176	4408800	0e90b769-0a73-4968-9173-bf8d8d168249	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:16:35	858.539
-57	44089	4408900	10ff50b1-13aa-4827-957c-11b2caffe547	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:09:32	675.607
-57	88178	4408900	54eb0956-800e-4925-b6d5-19f3f9d7075b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:00:47	-540.356
-58	44090	4409000	3e9c4c23-86cc-4602-baa2-d96fe6e69eb3	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:49:39	114.230
-58	88180	4409000	1fa93834-7a11-4bcd-a86d-52275c15ad62	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:59:12	-272.840
-59	44091	4409100	c4096e51-fb3f-4a0f-85ab-84fc07368921	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:26:31	-143.313
-59	88182	4409100	4c7d1e7c-eae2-4e4d-bb80-1493665702e5	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:03:28	852.149
-60	44092	4409200	c18e90b4-c72b-4854-8317-7e679987be42	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:39:16	780.285
-60	88184	4409200	ea54e291-25f2-4af9-9644-2edb50333c1f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 18:31:51	42.890
-61	44093	4409300	048a3e03-52a4-42fd-a8b2-d82be11f1c9f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:32:09	-33.218
-61	88186	4409300	ab96e7ca-55b6-42c7-a23a-84df23034129	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:09:19	314.365
-62	44094	4409400	99c2d05a-22cf-4cef-82f3-913c27c5dc6e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:33:52	-15.860
-62	88188	4409400	c2c92a85-ff6a-40cf-9dae-fa43f1c67e2d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:13:55	444.474
-63	44095	4409500	b1ef0f4a-3d71-46ce-9e1e-8ab2a7c78178	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:55:16	133.259
-63	88190	4409500	e3dbabc9-3511-4cdc-930c-44b59ae62b0d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:13:59	-150.65
-64	44096	4409600	a640b495-5878-4789-b8d5-1e6555edbcef	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:49:37	-747.521
-64	88192	4409600	e212ea9a-f5b9-4774-9450-19b3f217ac39	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:30:19	-243.133
-65	44097	4409700	99064785-6643-4314-b44a-50084720a1d9	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:40:54	858.54
-65	88194	4409700	2e502eb1-29ad-44af-9590-eb7a3029af15	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:21:46	825.301
-66	44098	4409800	f94dce35-b51b-401f-aaa7-624bc005da6f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:29:37	771.76
-66	88196	4409800	09453e7f-317d-4f14-bc0c-1c9951ac7dc3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:46:22	136.269
-67	44099	4409900	4a6c4373-8bde-4b23-bb57-ed8c9ccf6cc2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 10:59:18	61.36
-67	88198	4409900	fb10aebd-8cb0-47c2-85fb-da9b81720ab4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:09:23	722.218
-68	44100	4410000	f15d99e3-b189-4660-b733-c39876c0120a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:38:37	-488.684
-68	88200	4410000	8d730363-8ebc-4f7e-93cd-eb52dade09d3	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:30:54	968.317
-69	44101	4410100	04194ca6-a198-46a8-b2f9-7c7ae20353fa	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:00:59	-849.266
-69	88202	4410100	cb2aa8bd-100f-4159-99dd-159ef6ba271f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 10:45:54	-414.499
-70	44102	4410200	3291c517-9aec-46d1-a8e6-5fe164247e49	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:16:17	410.771
-70	88204	4410200	a2754c72-f7bd-4742-bd16-49ed216a6d0b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:08:56	-374.742
-71	44103	4410300	231c6273-221d-4cc0-a788-45eadc61e800	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:21:03	-427.437
-71	88206	4410300	cbeddc4d-16e7-4095-b936-6b76772bc80c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:11:36	838.576
-72	44104	4410400	a0d62c89-06e8-4268-bb18-99b011f1991b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:31:58	568.89
-72	88208	4410400	f44063f7-9039-4f37-a9fa-cdbfbe1893ac	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:52:57	763.680
-73	44105	4410500	74ade100-d569-4228-91b8-bb018e2395f8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:01:53	163.142
-73	88210	4410500	b07049d9-8c0b-4fb2-9618-cc12c2c6ad0f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:59:18	637.325
-74	44106	4410600	fc3a5e75-d6a2-44db-a868-ede1c39d5441	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:15:59	-149.948
-74	88212	4410600	1aa6f194-04b3-49f1-81d5-cd955237ae97	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:31:14	-544.216
-75	44107	4410700	58ebe7ab-d1f7-46e8-a1aa-a1bef8165a92	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:47:19	-841.362
-75	88214	4410700	43c24ab5-513e-421b-bd6c-7bedf5dc34b5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:59:19	-629.548
-76	44108	4410800	63ad6d30-5ce9-4bd8-b7ca-138ff2062e63	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:36:52	862.417
-76	88216	4410800	cd372438-d848-45fb-a9b2-e349e2d6a449	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:23:01	564.423
-77	44109	4410900	d27f353d-5eb6-4c0a-b587-fa8d4f8681c8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:15:49	-796.267
-77	88218	4410900	2b4461a2-eabf-4582-a51a-199fe871225d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 10:32:56	208.794
-78	44110	4411000	e56109e2-57ad-42bd-b5b6-184e77ff8f33	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:59:50	818.174
-78	88220	4411000	3ffe01e1-a552-4942-8941-c974dfda4668	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:53:49	-721.354
-79	44111	4411100	3f8d22e6-1166-4d62-8225-98cefd10eac6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:38:43	78.531
-79	88222	4411100	a8e89a41-292e-4aa8-8e3d-7328d500ce5c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:42:57	583.198
-80	44112	4411200	08196672-69b2-496c-a0a8-31a7ece5cafc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:57:17	-470.298
-80	88224	4411200	feca9369-c888-4bb2-b882-25b0052d599e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 03:14:58	505.683
-81	44113	4411300	063aed97-2eb3-4c6a-b92c-cd7a1ee3c6c1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:58:13	184.161
-81	88226	4411300	6849bcb9-e73e-4218-985c-01d2d6b4b625	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:07:17	-34.148
-82	44114	4411400	cfb7b793-07a5-4fe9-90f6-ca6b7e97ff54	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:29:40	-298.178
-82	88228	4411400	39369e2d-d346-476b-a1d4-911f99765898	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:05:56	-425.722
-83	44115	4411500	9ecbe59e-ff2a-4faa-b1c6-af84c472c75f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:58:30	-411.886
-83	88230	4411500	09a13caf-1279-4971-b35c-5d5ea8b60279	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:19:51	808.191
-84	44116	4411600	d4c8e591-f3f0-4912-a1ec-e7d278007e84	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:00:22	116.173
-84	88232	4411600	7eb74cb3-f0e9-475a-bf22-0dd867e0efbd	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:25:41	-294.849
-85	44117	4411700	0bfa63ed-09a1-4103-b199-228702820d66	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:02:21	-974.869
-85	88234	4411700	7a656212-e32d-412c-ad52-b1033efd0813	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:22:10	-194.89
-86	44118	4411800	bb90b53e-2bc7-4a34-8399-397835438c41	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:42:03	-373.938
-86	88236	4411800	1ad3ca97-09f3-4e19-9a4b-b656c8a860d1	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:03:41	509.237
-87	44119	4411900	64796aea-1ff2-4118-ac3c-66e810c16c0a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:22:02	-979.331
-87	88238	4411900	532ea5f5-4cce-491e-8260-e696b4002767	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:38:35	-388.289
-88	44120	4412000	2ff5f20d-5b4c-494d-b9a8-bc91a2a67542	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:53:00	339.82
-88	88240	4412000	4d855d32-fe4d-49cc-ae52-c61b5a0bc6b3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:29:24	909.298
-89	44121	4412100	2cbf63fe-9255-48e1-914c-55f024bac19d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 23:06:43	380.639
-89	88242	4412100	f9c58ed5-41e1-4910-9092-ad4e19c34bf4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:45:33	-968.489
-90	44122	4412200	42eb4eb7-9f32-4cdf-80ee-2d8daf383b53	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:23:57	-496.779
-90	88244	4412200	760cd825-42da-4460-901c-d111e63773d8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:48:54	741.669
-91	44123	4412300	357b5236-b0f7-4151-a799-1cf402c463bd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:39:59	-923.790
-91	88246	4412300	39b30894-bb52-4c0d-86c0-e7a1891e3d07	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:32:11	-957.48
-92	44124	4412400	db43ed31-9b4f-4ec9-8513-991b743241a7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:34:57	-640.142
-92	88248	4412400	f33164e9-8404-4d5a-969f-e79803e08223	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:43:01	767.53
-93	44125	4412500	6139a7ab-d19b-4f6a-ac9a-7b2c30f591a5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:49:15	598.791
-93	88250	4412500	9eb299c0-0621-463a-8d81-40a1f69f9832	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:00:19	-533.140
-94	44126	4412600	56538b61-bf7a-4a2a-ac67-5751b86db0a3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:20:07	-987.685
-94	88252	4412600	a2746c37-d987-4993-b333-26eac2cfcdce	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:03:41	674.460
-95	44127	4412700	f3142319-c731-4f9e-aa11-fa4badb6c98c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:03:01	-227.89
-95	88254	4412700	7ffad516-ff6f-44e2-a778-801237cdd547	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:29:05	400.50
-96	44128	4412800	1d3d49f5-92b0-4705-b9b0-9bc65e1594af	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 05:14:07	240.642
-96	88256	4412800	76db9c49-e594-49d5-b9e5-fc7b0da0bdf0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:20:00	-524.107
-97	44129	4412900	98007471-8a4c-40f7-99e7-0e9e76f9b420	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:16:28	-301.44
-97	88258	4412900	9587ac88-749a-4e46-9210-0cc1bafc4b06	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:52:48	-469.359
-98	44130	4413000	47d32446-bcb6-4153-9212-5ee322357dd1	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:07:47	-71.8
-98	88260	4413000	eb768316-6eb2-485e-befe-ccffbff4472c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:10:19	-113.80
-99	44131	4413100	8821f573-8a1a-4341-82dd-3f1c73efc62f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:44:20	227.723
-99	88262	4413100	9e211736-c60c-4406-bd5c-8d27c5f1b218	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:55:13	-455.229
-100	44132	4413200	9e7b8438-d2f5-487d-b6f3-956d99bb5498	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:50:22	-369.973
-100	88264	4413200	f5aca2c1-6e32-495f-897c-3b13f6fdcbc4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:20:54	-75.719
-101	44133	4413300	6d19ee97-e291-4c0d-a0cd-5296afa8c2b4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:04:02	-886.189
-101	88266	4413300	8e0bec68-bac9-4fda-bd8d-d9f6211dab1b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:48:58	-90.228
-102	44134	4413400	40a2fa59-815c-4d77-81ae-d952cdca838e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:48:07	-327.979
-102	88268	4413400	999c8c8d-9df0-4a52-810d-acf5cc5abe31	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:45:58	-5.430
-103	44135	4413500	5669fd03-1c53-4462-926d-aba6a3df3c7a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:30:11	-691.324
-103	88270	4413500	647fbe2c-c4f4-4a04-9a20-6af51c7be7ad	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:22:28	959.905
-104	44136	4413600	181eb69a-19c5-48cc-b991-3519ec4de8b1	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:47:09	-106.289
-104	88272	4413600	626f9c6e-1ba5-404d-a809-9177f7d50f4b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:10:47	757.737
-105	44137	4413700	3d4a3512-0d24-442a-983f-c35886fe9a4d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:46:35	-414.249
-105	88274	4413700	b5a519dc-ef05-439f-966c-9d3184ee0c5f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:59:33	810.173
-106	44138	4413800	e2ec2e0c-1689-4e3b-82fc-c011a8fd96b0	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:05:16	614.106
-106	88276	4413800	c6ce0680-f55d-46d6-ab78-fb1113fbdd5c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:03:12	221.990
-107	44139	4413900	10162db3-f85b-4ea9-863d-4b0c87b341a2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:39:23	-426.480
-107	88278	4413900	cd8d44d1-d33a-4a1a-934e-0953bd096f76	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:51:16	-777.165
-108	44140	4414000	6e270d58-7bd4-458f-9126-2b12ee263156	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:07:58	569.515
-108	88280	4414000	9c210f46-b97f-4e63-900e-68b1843049d7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:22:41	386.177
-109	44141	4414100	4fbd0596-251f-4fa2-ae76-ddbea47911c3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:07:56	568.869
-109	88282	4414100	4ae6ffef-52da-4bae-90c4-7b898b00ffb9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:28:21	-359.4
-110	44142	4414200	a1942fde-c47a-4f22-8bb6-01e2a43bb8c9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:42:27	-45.971
-110	88284	4414200	4671e586-b797-4fe8-a84c-a7c5a88e6c00	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 13:18:32	710.667
-111	44143	4414300	d45504b6-cfa8-4906-aab5-41284f8cfeb9	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:53:16	-156.928
-111	88286	4414300	2f4d352b-1968-4bd0-bb44-e5596b3b5c5b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:09:48	136.435
-112	44144	4414400	824e084f-9cc5-4cd5-a6b7-b4888054b766	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:08:23	832.404
-112	88288	4414400	adae654f-0c2e-4f6c-b9ba-86046f795941	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:01:52	-466.927
-113	44145	4414500	7986eed3-3bec-47a4-ac6d-5e9218a68eef	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:11:43	880.326
-113	88290	4414500	ea3205ae-08c8-47f0-94c3-6df7e1cd6555	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:47:40	-605.430
-114	44146	4414600	98173e2d-44ac-4f2f-95df-49a9db3442de	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:09:17	-89.402
-114	88292	4414600	36671843-cfd3-4e03-b343-518170388377	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:00:06	867.693
-115	44147	4414700	2aff8200-0847-4b68-beeb-a5f79c87e205	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:45:56	351.160
-115	88294	4414700	95dc7606-3222-462d-9dcb-2c944485fa6a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:26:07	73.285
-116	44148	4414800	176e32cd-ffcc-4268-bb1d-61cdfa953add	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:43:01	-335.888
-116	88296	4414800	4104cae3-1abc-4225-9c23-f9850f6a66ff	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:21:27	557.952
-117	44149	4414900	acb26368-28c3-4aa4-bf54-465c14553edf	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:42:09	-63.281
-117	88298	4414900	008bbb60-aa38-4838-938b-f899ab9e5efe	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:31:17	-776.367
-118	44150	4415000	27173d18-2336-4390-8671-4b99d223e175	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:38:30	-565.641
-118	88300	4415000	5d286c71-7e39-4ef6-8136-9f8a58317e93	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:42:03	603.851
-119	44151	4415100	a66bff52-b2de-4ab6-88b7-6f4ef2140838	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:48:21	381.81
-119	88302	4415100	3ee1ea7b-e6b0-4f16-85ec-4fd3b5e69f7a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:02:38	524.620
-120	44152	4415200	2b2ab256-a1cb-42c4-adc2-1d25bcbefd32	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:38:47	-30.603
-120	88304	4415200	79308309-c0ee-4db8-8f0d-4e99b8f9c5a7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:05:15	-432.511
-121	44153	4415300	1a40b46f-af61-4ca5-8817-0b5174a2d9e1	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:28:35	319.718
-121	88306	4415300	2e0dca2c-74bc-4f4b-b96c-c2da5faf1534	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:38:54	-398.222
-122	44154	4415400	19c5b24c-23ef-49f0-a08e-3b957a6b4e50	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:09:46	285.407
-122	88308	4415400	9d36eed4-6929-464f-b5a1-58929ef7ec12	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:49:22	679.695
-123	44155	4415500	97af805a-875b-49af-9c41-4c52eecb9d1a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:57:24	177.478
-123	88310	4415500	dbf240eb-fa9a-462b-a3d7-d3ce1b170173	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:47:48	-421.230
-124	44156	4415600	eaacff2b-bb0c-4f86-afa2-af0e1da3ccfd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:17:25	712.930
-124	88312	4415600	1f52513f-98c8-49cf-ab8a-4defaa9868ad	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:15:16	411.879
-125	44157	4415700	3b84647b-1a9a-4a6e-ae7d-0abec1dafa4d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:34:29	-507.21
-125	88314	4415700	d0f03107-7136-4555-95a3-c962895d3ca4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:39:19	738.427
-126	44158	4415800	a60170ef-5d3b-4789-bfa7-337c960aa9e8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:45:27	976.933
-126	88316	4415800	523ce753-480e-4613-b6c5-1993537ab9ba	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:57:28	785.147
-127	44159	4415900	85894adc-c7f3-4077-8246-15c29e42a128	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:06:37	333.556
-127	88318	4415900	621d8bac-48b4-42bb-8b61-e8b69c329743	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:58:52	-649.836
-0	44160	4416000	1d69472e-bf3c-4438-9dab-8b631a035a69	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:45:08	-992.158
-0	88320	4416000	7036e608-d0db-4f3f-8e7e-1c4b913fd1d6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:32:38	-927.73
-1	44161	4416100	b273966b-73ef-4ece-a98f-7ec37dfac2c1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:14:54	-403.958
-1	88322	4416100	a797b52b-93cb-48dd-986e-ee425ee65a51	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:32:01	810.626
-2	44162	4416200	515f7bbe-c676-42f6-a768-c3571e8d3966	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:46:41	850.728
-2	88324	4416200	9a09025c-caeb-440d-b76d-82b9e21387b5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:11:37	331.131
-3	44163	4416300	c977cec6-0427-48cf-9f16-9daa258ea514	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:04:33	321.84
-3	88326	4416300	46447c6b-fdb7-4c64-b0d5-b8e25b773b99	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:00:59	350.550
-4	44164	4416400	7102108a-440b-4db8-a7dc-0ba6e79da03f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:18:45	580.356
-4	88328	4416400	a51c326e-32a1-4332-84be-75f1f7e227b3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:21:45	134.48
-5	44165	4416500	1d42f4a8-23eb-4cd7-aa1f-45c922963aa8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:47:43	936.367
-5	88330	4416500	2009bb26-4bbe-4a15-8394-91d73288fb78	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:41:27	-627.131
-6	44166	4416600	ba94db06-abf5-44f0-a78b-be3fa9d0207b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:40:08	605.491
-6	88332	4416600	cd50784c-b5ae-4eac-8609-278b12ca1ea0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:52:07	958.435
-7	44167	4416700	ab9e14ce-dc5b-4ac0-828b-fd4393bf10ba	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:39:52	69.740
-7	88334	4416700	044c28ee-f57b-428e-bcce-75e700b7c95b	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:16:04	488.692
-8	44168	4416800	29191e61-cb38-4050-9890-72930f175684	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:00:27	929.770
-8	88336	4416800	61f67c37-a577-4e11-b498-044f088498b3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:10:09	462.64
-9	44169	4416900	8a3c5b6c-bd7d-4cb2-8caa-aa13140829f2	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:17:46	-554.440
-9	88338	4416900	95c53cbb-2e98-4456-ae44-6a388c8edd91	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:42:49	-856.751
-10	44170	4417000	467c7eb5-506b-45c6-ba67-54ffafdd47e4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:40:43	916.294
-10	88340	4417000	903826e8-0523-483e-8f60-eee5cb5ea37c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:42:25	-119.1
-11	44171	4417100	0f9b3e81-d368-4f30-b741-95334ca38155	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:58:22	739.431
-11	88342	4417100	71572db2-2037-4f8e-bb00-f27951a87d45	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:51:47	3.3
-12	44172	4417200	9bec2e67-0a3d-477f-8396-412a16d5426e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:54:12	551.457
-12	88344	4417200	2ed7ef87-9c44-4909-8a53-142393f47506	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:45:57	-579.246
-13	44173	4417300	1e07ff44-77fc-4e4c-9ab5-b267e24c29db	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:36:15	161.679
-13	88346	4417300	c8459fc7-fd09-407f-a2fa-3f09051c15ab	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:18:58	123.650
-14	44174	4417400	ea04d276-87ed-4c8e-939c-02c3031b95b1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:51:34	-391.425
-14	88348	4417400	fea20398-cdb7-4faf-9302-a3b036cb8499	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:36:22	448.617
-15	44175	4417500	944d8db3-ddcf-4c26-a077-08a4cbb00fc3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:39:21	507.480
-15	88350	4417500	077f878f-0199-44cc-9869-a3b2f822ca07	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:01:42	802.268
-16	44176	4417600	478eb9d4-e1cf-480d-bfb1-490a0511a79c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 03:23:26	534.584
-16	88352	4417600	8f677d09-bead-457c-8455-1f4d3776ad63	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:48:23	963.719
-17	44177	4417700	e6ca0178-9365-4343-a80a-4b8f33e349ad	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:39:06	-495.591
-17	88354	4417700	6c244ede-52ca-4d1e-9dfe-bcb430f9b6c3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:44:25	-401.152
-18	44178	4417800	4cce4560-b8c3-464f-85d0-aee151324d4d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:14:50	-483.871
-18	88356	4417800	89f88809-6f14-4a87-bae0-70bf66698df9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:25:32	-914.64
-19	44179	4417900	cd984270-c7fb-4aae-b8aa-e957c0cac915	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:44:01	-442.153
-19	88358	4417900	4d9cb8de-7378-4943-9920-05ea375e86c0	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:18:17	27.700
-20	44180	4418000	ddf50856-7cc1-4272-b0c2-e3dc9fa1a879	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:01:48	934.20
-20	88360	4418000	5ceaa3dc-d9f5-4182-9328-67956a32b2d9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:00:59	381.810
-21	44181	4418100	aa1ef94b-da1f-47e4-8c43-c79c0517a360	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:00:00	446.130
-21	88362	4418100	c9d982f6-6776-4232-94ab-13dd8431f0d5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:22:22	-106.167
-22	44182	4418200	dec7f022-1367-4bd0-9182-0cf48c2dc68a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:04:31	789.64
-22	88364	4418200	230a964f-dc13-4b4f-b9fe-d030c5d04684	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:40:10	-816.841
-23	44183	4418300	1a1c9838-6d44-40e1-a053-3a5ccb1464b6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:42:49	644.842
-23	88366	4418300	84e0da88-c6a3-4437-8f70-eee2f35d719a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:55:26	-775.198
-24	44184	4418400	b3ac0dcf-896d-47cf-a9dd-c50c50322618	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:14:21	-711.958
-24	88368	4418400	2724c326-4a06-4420-bba1-6da208b52f7a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:05:39	846.636
-25	44185	4418500	bd888c92-d320-4ee9-a916-152026eda31b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:18:19	290.59
-25	88370	4418500	b1e4d15e-f62d-49e3-8ca4-8a39ca4ae87a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:38:24	-835.338
-26	44186	4418600	c4326d43-989e-4717-b0f6-1735b419675a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:11:24	897.63
-26	88372	4418600	7d627f3d-5857-4e2a-a572-788f427fea5d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 15:08:42	662.208
-27	44187	4418700	93f10819-19f4-4e23-94a4-33be8effd38a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:16:14	-919.188
-27	88374	4418700	94626145-1051-4ae4-b6be-97faf83caad2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:54:53	62.712
-28	44188	4418800	2dcb7064-0fef-42c2-9a0e-dc134455f8f5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:02:16	233.882
-28	88376	4418800	0eaf94f8-a5a9-49eb-bf57-2b51180e995d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:42:30	424.436
-29	44189	4418900	5f1ed910-ab1a-463b-ae8b-6621653c068a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:35:18	-372.401
-29	88378	4418900	6fcbbc3b-8b55-4358-8df9-7f7115a436db	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:18:35	-640.109
-30	44190	4419000	61910a31-6139-412c-8612-62afbb887fe2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:16:03	-709.505
-30	88380	4419000	8e38156c-0197-4882-b29a-c0e46b67c0c5	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:31:25	867.245
-31	44191	4419100	6f1f5cd9-9d16-47bd-9147-b555cd5aeba6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:09:28	-444.322
-31	88382	4419100	7800027b-d09e-4f92-80a8-f52f5e9cae2b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:48:37	-502.675
-32	44192	4419200	ccb84d43-be23-40bb-855d-2dece98ad5ed	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:01:42	246.229
-32	88384	4419200	7665fb6c-1f32-4308-a3cf-88d208a9c77f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:37:07	818.526
-33	44193	4419300	d276d2da-45b2-493d-aacc-3867e1414a16	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:40:04	109.301
-33	88386	4419300	b367c28b-1367-4fe1-b1cf-e350e37b2ab8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:20:47	-60.675
-34	44194	4419400	913bd237-f171-4cf8-b4b7-8c42b3fc2242	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:04:35	268.499
-34	88388	4419400	95c6e15a-69f0-4ceb-a6db-8be3d6878676	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:42:26	-603.628
-35	44195	4419500	a6316347-571a-49b1-a376-d45a7380cac4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:10:07	48.932
-35	88390	4419500	52f2d0fb-9bfb-4255-a984-d36dda387457	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:24:14	53.511
-36	44196	4419600	20e19dc0-d25c-4cc0-a93f-6ce0d0944153	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:07:27	-150.869
-36	88392	4419600	eb607e59-af8b-41a8-a7e0-fd63cd21aadd	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:35:09	638.871
-37	44197	4419700	8029e0a9-bda9-4d02-8805-1a81e3e2f097	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:55:55	-693.120
-37	88394	4419700	d5c89d12-a2c5-47ff-a742-313e006131e4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:55:14	232.643
-38	44198	4419800	44d990b3-7270-4297-967b-87a6adb91c18	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:14:43	952.281
-38	88396	4419800	8ca69a02-a7d8-44b2-b1e8-7c6c6971a597	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:33:43	-29.940
-39	44199	4419900	1a1b6334-404b-4baa-b98b-54c7b5678c01	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:52:20	-664.306
-39	88398	4419900	15652565-1392-4f2c-b3e9-59a54f271277	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:46:52	-982.243
-40	44200	4420000	8b930f8f-4a55-436e-a2ef-e9f10f583e32	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:48:04	-994.719
-40	88400	4420000	d4936b99-55d0-4dcb-96bd-24652ce9d91f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:04:55	-737.581
-41	44201	4420100	6c09494f-89cf-49ec-b5da-40a572c3473e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:59:47	586.362
-41	88402	4420100	262dc082-5c58-4c3a-a646-fd65526e4535	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:56:57	-813.861
-42	44202	4420200	fc212cce-fcee-454c-914b-4021557e27da	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:31:48	0.698
-42	88404	4420200	15f7f421-d185-42ea-b6eb-9a83af7b0350	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:14:45	-448.479
-43	44203	4420300	dc748cd5-ae39-4bcf-8035-f6433727df47	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:20:42	-837.55
-43	88406	4420300	9900b437-bd1a-4e89-b523-b310e7f27499	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:33:43	800.918
-44	44204	4420400	9f452a78-e2fe-49c3-8a68-7c1b0ef19ea3	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:07:37	-151.945
-44	88408	4420400	61b5860c-8ef9-4d25-831b-e832f27497dd	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:01:37	-954.88
-45	44205	4420500	86e4d4de-5469-4b3b-ba2a-12025666ab62	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:10:43	783.628
-45	88410	4420500	35e02d7f-2a78-4371-9d5a-32459580a0e1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:54:40	-439.338
-46	44206	4420600	46052e6e-5816-4383-8dff-80941a4b731b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:31:52	550.89
-46	88412	4420600	a9d3fa3e-775b-465f-a56b-fc18b924083c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:47:12	-633.798
-47	44207	4420700	58dac4c1-6b59-407d-9c9a-66a60c4c90a6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:44:54	-34.433
-47	88414	4420700	74bd9a08-c290-43c1-b8d5-2a01927b0960	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:45:43	721.990
-48	44208	4420800	9f82c058-8997-4477-bd4e-063ef8afce6c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:26:14	32.404
-48	88416	4420800	cec50d82-6578-44e5-be18-fce6109d312b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:54:09	-800.384
-49	44209	4420900	1f1ac8ef-61b6-4fca-a6e5-8b7cf55a4d92	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:43:42	-764.248
-49	88418	4420900	6637c9ef-5712-46b5-8198-f8f5c6545368	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:16:43	-125.87
-50	44210	4421000	437c638f-7745-4085-9208-5831f1477c8c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:30:04	868.440
-50	88420	4421000	f9bbc048-beed-49de-a7fd-4d10026c0edb	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:26:28	256.287
-51	44211	4421100	5d79d561-2f2d-40fa-b71a-203bc6000a45	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:25:08	-474.333
-51	88422	4421100	819d8a21-f0ea-46c8-8884-00a22903de59	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:44:22	922.770
-52	44212	4421200	b01108a0-fe5b-4e0c-8611-c514fee23939	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:59:55	239.737
-52	88424	4421200	73155e5d-8717-4060-8e97-cf8cc5ebc8ce	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:08:10	355.111
-53	44213	4421300	8d04c0a5-8641-4d3e-ad22-30e02b5814bf	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:49:51	922.158
-53	88426	4421300	e09fc032-c064-4ae7-9249-fa964ce8a7f5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:47:44	-719.719
-54	44214	4421400	0492ccd9-096c-41c6-98c7-ef8a7594fbf1	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:31:13	-46.81
-54	88428	4421400	290358cd-5229-4960-bb98-23024a3d1318	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:10:38	-877.470
-55	44215	4421500	9c6b2795-b57e-4454-bffd-7f8b37775a93	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:54:06	-279.351
-55	88430	4421500	d9a4523b-f4b8-4558-8e7e-796c350af867	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:11:51	916.240
-56	44216	4421600	fa717b90-bbba-4617-9acd-15573735a916	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:28:48	997.536
-56	88432	4421600	6ddaae34-3ddf-4c81-bc3c-bc7e7a37f0d1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:41:57	-987.176
-57	44217	4421700	61ad5da4-f726-4f13-a75d-f60f324eeb3b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:33:58	767.238
-57	88434	4421700	e625e643-16f5-4672-a12e-5e0eb9f8cf6e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:11:24	194.988
-58	44218	4421800	e832081a-df53-49e5-8cbb-713dd4924ccc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:13:36	854.311
-58	88436	4421800	2412d6b2-9c7a-4dec-903d-e62a351fef4a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:52:36	174.689
-59	44219	4421900	8b992d86-e53c-4208-9ae8-dc460f34803e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:18:01	-459.715
-59	88438	4421900	4eeb9687-7f94-4c7e-b33e-1b6e67e2c3e1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:26:54	948.983
-60	44220	4422000	a12decb7-79d5-4ae1-aa3e-f6ff5077030e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:11:56	361.469
-60	88440	4422000	9896deef-882f-4531-bae7-69942859b57a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:40:36	897.185
-61	44221	4422100	11366b7c-adf4-40ba-b7d2-47470ceadfe7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:43:42	443.182
-61	88442	4422100	37a39af4-587f-492e-8300-e83c955e9951	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:41:34	-335.99
-62	44222	4422200	54a3cff8-b213-496e-b64a-8ec3cee96143	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:10:24	-819.902
-62	88444	4422200	aaa390f1-7606-4bc3-a0e8-85323e8666ea	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 16:15:35	-780.403
-63	44223	4422300	761f5716-55e6-4f2c-9169-2ca0c47b3ca9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:03:02	461.102
-63	88446	4422300	11436d10-fcab-4b43-bbda-7891b5a57d83	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:41:30	407.25
-64	44224	4422400	a8fdc772-ebb8-42fd-81e3-f8488776abe1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:56:04	191.68
-64	88448	4422400	ffc101a1-3f65-4b8b-bae0-1c1b5106ba04	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:31:44	-751.730
-65	44225	4422500	0ee9e4a1-5a60-40c1-bda9-2e86e5f5faac	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:23:41	-15.893
-65	88450	4422500	be7155d5-b8f6-449d-b2b1-d0cc41369566	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:05:26	586.196
-66	44226	4422600	5986ca63-578a-4edd-bafa-56fa36a95d75	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:23:13	-974.772
-66	88452	4422600	c23927e7-c30c-4e42-82e1-053632e65deb	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:33:22	-329.231
-67	44227	4422700	e84a9f10-4b71-4c46-bf57-f7cb2be7fac4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:19:10	-875.345
-67	88454	4422700	a4f5ca53-abce-44c6-8d9c-c1645f1dd255	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:45:25	620.623
-68	44228	4422800	aedd44a4-0873-4b72-87ac-c1cbdb00da43	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:57:17	-57.77
-68	88456	4422800	dff83382-9e22-4bb5-9b06-87f298096c26	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:04:30	991.723
-69	44229	4422900	94a3a0cc-2366-4d24-b97f-3500d2324800	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:46:36	-320.107
-69	88458	4422900	4698a203-8900-4bf0-8a2f-59e9d59d7819	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:36:26	153.614
-70	44230	4423000	04174a1a-e53b-4e18-80c7-57bbaf8978f4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:53:37	421.940
-70	88460	4423000	3a650e1e-8e36-436d-a68e-58f950264f9d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:26:38	-436.391
-71	44231	4423100	edb2d9ba-d713-49e8-adf6-7eeb4646589d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:16:11	826.205
-71	88462	4423100	99e530dc-37a7-40a7-bc51-44cd791dc2fa	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:37:36	314.830
-72	44232	4423200	5576f9d6-b19d-40a3-a511-2f6d973828c5	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:35:57	-745.582
-72	88464	4423200	edb1e708-0252-4724-8dcd-b80e967fea20	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:25:53	75.574
-73	44233	4423300	debbe713-23d1-47a2-a462-3fc941aa475b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:39:01	568.119
-73	88466	4423300	3333f975-5953-4da8-a2d4-615f996aebcc	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:02:08	-153.425
-74	44234	4423400	fd0e130e-4c44-4b18-af41-b7ca49fb9ff1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:33:54	-163.176
-74	88468	4423400	4e2a366d-ac44-42c4-bdf0-bf9accde6ec7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:19:38	859.186
-75	44235	4423500	a9b91ce1-8349-4006-b29d-c357d86dbf10	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:12:25	-66.324
-75	88470	4423500	db6c8e42-61da-496a-80b5-cfd154c970de	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:48:45	488.659
-76	44236	4423600	db68716f-316d-490d-9c2b-0d661dbdd1d9	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:39:50	-700.659
-76	88472	4423600	3862f84f-15ba-49f8-8544-1a7e3499ccea	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:30:12	143.96
-77	44237	4423700	c579e77b-6e3d-4b1d-b8f0-f66c96b083e2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:52:13	955.919
-77	88474	4423700	8b2e8821-df3a-45c6-96c7-72a3c4fd120f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:45:37	579.498
-78	44238	4423800	47bc2ec5-0f2a-4fed-a041-7e442bac1ae9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:34:57	-94.486
-78	88476	4423800	9a5f30b6-2b15-4136-93e8-890e1926033a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 16:58:02	-180.162
-79	44239	4423900	cb3fe46c-48cf-4498-a329-146d5a4028ba	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:03:46	-701.420
-79	88478	4423900	bfa87db0-af4d-4dba-9df7-2fc91d986140	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:28:49	-506.988
-80	44240	4424000	4079d234-9ee9-4efc-b3d8-5f7d9ae30bb6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:14:28	-780.453
-80	88480	4424000	d1f80606-67a4-45c6-97a0-6178da1f0333	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:52:42	225.340
-81	44241	4424100	c214e54b-5037-46b0-a5e3-3bd7603b2d0b	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:22:14	659.810
-81	88482	4424100	3f9096a4-b1fa-4647-abb4-963050ef8d1e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:22:20	-574.170
-82	44242	4424200	965c15fd-d672-404b-8e9a-e555c20cee16	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:52:47	307.859
-82	88484	4424200	486ae707-bd98-47d2-a325-725447b12ff9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:04:42	-743.301
-83	44243	4424300	23435c74-c874-467a-b64c-d6317822a3c7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:35:45	698.608
-83	88486	4424300	d37c720d-b022-4307-88af-718046c15935	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:34:13	-562.774
-84	44244	4424400	748e170f-3141-4897-9e26-d8f4056cfc5c	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:13:49	-148.283
-84	88488	4424400	450ae815-8aa9-4667-bb0a-f8ece1e5f987	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:55:05	677.40
-85	44245	4424500	8f096d9c-57a6-4da4-a0fe-50ca4fb49106	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 02:45:27	757.33
-85	88490	4424500	d46bc23a-6185-4dce-a71b-7a82af385aaa	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:23:49	-630.303
-86	44246	4424600	b24a805f-7c13-48d5-90fd-f82ef6968784	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:55:27	-957.535
-86	88492	4424600	a246de88-e471-4629-b775-6fcfe0872781	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:23:17	771.859
-87	44247	4424700	c2b26428-4033-4eca-a760-f172a2f8fced	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:44:54	744.963
-87	88494	4424700	3676f258-951e-4012-a49a-a55d11e9f97f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:19:30	952.727
-88	44248	4424800	8c4adc6b-7504-4e33-b5d1-32a0b1108c00	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:26:52	-398.582
-88	88496	4424800	bb046995-9e07-46c3-a487-fff21eeda0ec	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:09:25	639.799
-89	44249	4424900	b5a5c877-9c91-4c82-ac32-1a143d9049a3	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:13:45	471.421
-89	88498	4424900	ad7fa511-47f9-47ca-977f-b541dd3580ae	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:15:36	922.149
-90	44250	4425000	c63ce1b0-ea2e-4991-bf19-6e94b2520cf0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:34:39	514.275
-90	88500	4425000	475dceca-79f9-4c18-b07a-6dfdd97a756f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:17:35	-625.886
-91	44251	4425100	3a769f0d-9d1e-4fec-8ec8-88bd1fcff282	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:19:49	-944.170
-91	88502	4425100	a4dc04f4-a047-42a0-9492-e7a3f2382183	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:36:51	-830.760
-92	44252	4425200	b0aeeb28-5eee-4e3d-90fd-22fe074da88c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:59:18	514.116
-92	88504	4425200	da02475e-f6b6-4a71-bc5e-c4afc46bd874	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:42:28	-282.880
-93	44253	4425300	1810bacb-7553-4b33-bb9d-113803043e5b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:01:59	-958.769
-93	88506	4425300	7e549474-8bcf-45eb-bb69-8fa5b22e9cf3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 05:50:11	853.948
-94	44254	4425400	d29de5a4-8a08-4448-8db5-09f34c6b123e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:03:59	-574.803
-94	88508	4425400	1865e0ba-3701-4628-9ca5-b6f7eef251e0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:21:05	295.607
-95	44255	4425500	2c179eab-4089-4a7a-800d-80f4b66d07fb	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:55:21	187.93
-95	88510	4425500	1605326f-3e97-4d2b-9e06-0220e0b9cbe2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:59:18	270.518
-96	44256	4425600	bb2c9205-ec2f-4f92-ac63-ad75e7e4e7cd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:27:09	481.193
-96	88512	4425600	61dce96e-df5c-463a-8a9f-463e2c299816	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:16:43	-694.114
-97	44257	4425700	626e6a4c-3713-4077-bee6-e1dbe0855cc3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:12:01	-185.267
-97	88514	4425700	ef3bb1b3-939b-435b-9525-f229753dd460	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:28:50	-117.160
-98	44258	4425800	5350baa6-f88d-441d-997e-fe205ca7a65d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:41:04	-446.410
-98	88516	4425800	73cca391-f9d0-415d-9ba3-9e004429cb17	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:54:20	970.349
-99	44259	4425900	b7be4f97-32e6-4b5e-a2ff-5f8c0e74b0ab	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:16:23	-717.832
-99	88518	4425900	df146ffb-5531-4baa-876f-e7fb442b1f60	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:48:46	887.522
-100	44260	4426000	4255e12f-ec67-4637-bcac-4aa5b0675eff	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:06:52	-835.966
-100	88520	4426000	91b2459e-ea83-4e9d-b89f-b6d7a072807f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:38:41	637.117
-101	44261	4426100	445b5cfd-8545-4774-8345-26d8962f7407	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:57:04	-261.143
-101	88522	4426100	ea870e77-50cd-4af9-a45d-2af196c81485	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:12:46	-192.467
-102	44262	4426200	4e8cf63d-24be-4c34-af97-7d0b079a8385	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:44:24	265.481
-102	88524	4426200	f4db6169-c4e6-42c7-b07b-a97fd3ab1591	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:26:32	-815.388
-103	44263	4426300	d1d32727-8dcc-439d-a6ab-50b217d23d98	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:34:52	670.102
-103	88526	4426300	e00a784f-5a09-432e-a05a-b5f55d0318cf	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:39:41	-956.857
-104	44264	4426400	554bbf9e-7fcc-41c8-894e-37fafe745cbe	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:09:37	-579.793
-104	88528	4426400	97eace8b-2cbe-4395-9d1c-11dcac41ecf5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:50:13	716.465
-105	44265	4426500	fdd1f833-4f1e-49b9-a489-b8039879eb6d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:31:19	15.549
-105	88530	4426500	c1a10087-5266-4416-86ec-143be69f9d52	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:36:52	-260.186
-106	44266	4426600	8717e29a-449f-44a4-b179-66c7d3945b1e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:05:08	-205.225
-106	88532	4426600	174ba393-7fdf-4689-beb6-dc19286db195	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:21:17	-672.782
-107	44267	4426700	0a6b238c-733c-46b2-bc86-e088b2556109	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:12:18	-717.682
-107	88534	4426700	51b0dc50-42d0-432d-b94f-488f535da2f0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:56:19	-749.847
-108	44268	4426800	16add9da-cb54-453d-abc6-18e1bc95eb9f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:44:20	-930.789
-108	88536	4426800	ae438002-977d-48a6-ae74-33c276576236	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:11:31	-884.888
-109	44269	4426900	38810033-5455-4611-8209-72bfde2f6e39	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:54:43	-119.50
-109	88538	4426900	9867bde7-32f3-4670-916a-544185fa6930	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:05:10	-809.467
-110	44270	4427000	97c70846-796c-4a8b-8500-0bd66d6d7074	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:23:00	79.941
-110	88540	4427000	28698937-a6f0-4ee6-b29f-19fd22425acf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:22:22	395.424
-111	44271	4427100	5417e7e2-a066-48e6-9b56-eceee6288e7c	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:29:23	-112.526
-111	88542	4427100	f20e5bfc-a179-4a70-8b4f-63b94b91e668	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:56:26	-306.3
-112	44272	4427200	ab5cdc06-460f-4c22-a473-c9bc5c43d8e3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:37:18	-413.798
-112	88544	4427200	f06b2326-e55a-45fc-91f4-f8e4d0af78a2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:34:56	29.126
-113	44273	4427300	f4951bdc-d51b-43a6-8ce5-7d0d03b765da	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:26:44	282.751
-113	88546	4427300	4dd712aa-86f7-47e5-b7a7-e10569d46589	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:42:33	547.772
-114	44274	4427400	219824b9-e5f8-4a6d-8c61-1ef79b296dd3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:37:23	-455.384
-114	88548	4427400	33d13f44-8439-455f-9c11-41db47ebea26	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:39:51	747.377
-115	44275	4427500	c7a7f99e-026e-4c67-b86d-5377c571f680	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:31:33	750.345
-115	88550	4427500	9f5b3574-8628-488e-a15f-45954394de4e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 23:00:14	-40.608
-116	44276	4427600	66439289-f4a6-4def-be51-6d88c9e370d6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:35:32	-91.886
-116	88552	4427600	9712c755-c2b4-46dd-8443-8ba546f8b3b6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:31:11	-889.167
-117	44277	4427700	c7336578-e88f-48c9-853a-d993abbc7266	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 15:57:43	569.699
-117	88554	4427700	70e38549-916b-48ae-90e6-9fa23c455f4a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:14:40	623.579
-118	44278	4427800	caa957f0-592f-4a24-8fd8-4b46d17d39c8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:04:36	63.651
-118	88556	4427800	226bb217-16ed-4c99-bf36-c386e2310a9a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:32:31	-111.304
-119	44279	4427900	9ac2de46-bf78-42fb-b72c-0de2faa56bba	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:49:46	465.623
-119	88558	4427900	8ab34174-7c22-4bc8-a0e9-53a1c41d4225	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:06:46	408.578
-120	44280	4428000	776c3caf-1ef4-4caf-bbc1-20cbd596ab7a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:26:10	-315.469
-120	88560	4428000	9488578d-6da1-4611-a492-bc305c3e64a2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:47:06	521.746
-121	44281	4428100	e5af3ff8-51ea-4a5d-8c9c-a980f86c2422	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:11:11	-518.558
-121	88562	4428100	2167f17a-e102-4649-802a-072ae2e09d22	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:06:40	127.206
-122	44282	4428200	a493aa36-8065-4b2b-9519-57f2e549075b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:38:42	-261.791
-122	88564	4428200	691371c7-5b50-4f1e-b4f0-53f11c53aa60	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:06:28	486.98
-123	44283	4428300	8332ccf9-b159-4656-abff-7bc9902b1fbe	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:45:42	659.145
-123	88566	4428300	2ac955a2-e8f9-48c1-ba62-988463d5c26a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:25:37	-135.297
-124	44284	4428400	758fd794-0844-4309-adb8-5da85fa2854d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:09:37	-819.669
-124	88568	4428400	12d96a6a-8ef2-408c-990e-e54df1fb5c8e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:24:44	393.171
-125	44285	4428500	ee4e5120-a2dd-4aab-9dec-bd683fe4221e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:40:39	-382.618
-125	88570	4428500	b55bf72f-7dfe-46e8-80c4-6b43808f7d9e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:06:55	-199.122
-126	44286	4428600	01b974b9-6a0f-47d8-8cf0-a375edcbc2a9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:20:48	178.65
-126	88572	4428600	db2c9782-7149-415d-a625-93eb70b7a3c0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:55:22	-950.356
-127	44287	4428700	fde180f9-652c-4299-903a-ebd27ed2777a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:08:52	-81.633
-127	88574	4428700	201eaa13-f8b1-4a4f-8d02-82c8c41cae2e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:22:14	-564.635
-0	44288	4428800	f32a9fa1-0c28-4fce-b97d-6c813b43210d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:25:47	-970.619
-0	88576	4428800	04dd4437-5675-4bfd-9bb3-46d4ac790368	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:41:56	-778.891
-1	44289	4428900	22d4a397-9b68-4fa1-9378-9ebeb7a20715	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:32:14	-574.401
-1	88578	4428900	464c621f-9732-4e5e-b50e-b178915e6c7c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:09:40	-902.899
-2	44290	4429000	dd587436-7c1c-4b28-ae6c-00f4f43adab1	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 02:01:03	-636.524
-2	88580	4429000	0482467f-cf6d-45fb-9a28-572097b52c19	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:22:58	-888.3
-3	44291	4429100	9060340d-9729-49b0-8845-1b92be5d50c2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:46:03	525.378
-3	88582	4429100	9cdab078-cc8a-42ee-8dd3-1a6c832eb4f7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:18:45	7.612
-4	44292	4429200	239de66a-88c2-4568-9467-1c7635c0ffba	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:39:02	-467.566
-4	88584	4429200	d6e0f2a2-55ab-4462-9965-0e722c8aa1cf	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:51:20	970.171
-5	44293	4429300	02bed5df-4c03-46a3-aced-9c08339ef013	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:01:26	880.243
-5	88586	4429300	b36ee268-1490-42b0-bcd9-afb95e1975e8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:47:18	-254.4
-6	44294	4429400	a44581ef-25e1-4cb4-8379-3fd452cd8b5a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:29:37	943.450
-6	88588	4429400	6144599b-5a48-48ed-b352-0d266d1c2043	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:15:04	315.718
-7	44295	4429500	8a7fe9a8-57f5-4b2d-b31d-0d181d461473	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:35:48	968.248
-7	88590	4429500	7210e6e4-973a-4bdc-80d8-057a13c6b315	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:43:31	419.898
-8	44296	4429600	79669c2f-d40c-4111-9e09-1386b98dfae5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:41:00	-613.571
-8	88592	4429600	3769b955-f5ae-4fbf-a58f-11f76143e376	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:58:08	766.631
-9	44297	4429700	76bfc0e1-cf4e-4156-a74b-2fa38e0cd9c8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:33:41	-326.69
-9	88594	4429700	2b30f900-c346-4bfc-a058-23ecfc3175ed	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:37:26	-527.673
-10	44298	4429800	587bae58-d3a5-48ac-8b58-bf5b330ddb8f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 14:25:25	-338.794
-10	88596	4429800	bbfba6ed-ce53-4076-beb6-0dbafacb3865	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:19:19	-643.559
-11	44299	4429900	8a300002-ff8c-4d07-9a6b-9c2940444095	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 05:53:53	-803.592
-11	88598	4429900	eb272771-c1b9-4325-818b-b6636712c792	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:30:28	-347.848
-12	44300	4430000	b5cfdbde-2cf6-4a21-9413-ef17047dd4e3	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:56:28	932.648
-12	88600	4430000	2cc0f9bf-cab0-4379-bfe2-8764e431e4bc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:58:52	-448.577
-13	44301	4430100	de4a2d7d-4615-47f9-b509-4af93536d21e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:59:57	-541.667
-13	88602	4430100	309412c7-5a7a-48ab-9957-20828ed791f3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:24:20	-234.157
-14	44302	4430200	e2e56527-7865-46ae-91fd-447d05c5b188	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:46:23	-807.683
-14	88604	4430200	d30f4e11-37b9-4f66-9ed0-b89be858adf9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:22:12	-601.400
-15	44303	4430300	0ff71e07-7769-455a-9ac0-3246dca23834	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:18:19	-949.235
-15	88606	4430300	63dab216-37ba-481d-bee6-43c22851bc15	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:51:51	-298.584
-16	44304	4430400	391d1bd7-66cb-4385-91cd-f55e0af4b450	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:14:18	-712.773
-16	88608	4430400	38781083-d5be-4738-9763-120c6b1978ba	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 05:53:12	-155.194
-17	44305	4430500	32ad10ea-c603-4541-ba3c-2c202e741979	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:37:34	-18.904
-17	88610	4430500	85efd603-f89f-4a85-84af-a913687f3c9c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:31:13	-476.679
-18	44306	4430600	4e8ea003-875f-4a84-9fc2-feb440864494	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:58:34	988.427
-18	88612	4430600	77a6dbbf-2ebe-44ff-9df9-1303a82f0dbf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:12:34	-845.118
-19	44307	4430700	86892a22-e741-4fb9-9810-c13cb73f8cad	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:09:41	489.739
-19	88614	4430700	d2619665-d637-456e-8341-7aaa24183686	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 20:31:13	-344.607
-20	44308	4430800	8e74124b-11c0-4842-8501-057507711193	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:48:36	-990.662
-20	88616	4430800	58fb4112-ee65-483c-ad1d-078623c07361	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:20:22	-50.726
-21	44309	4430900	3e10a310-15f3-430f-826a-21576e85c5ec	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:06:34	-87.364
-21	88618	4430900	e365c480-a4de-4f38-8897-39cca9ee452d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:28:26	-365.395
-22	44310	4431000	42e8dafb-17af-4670-867d-38cd1ffb4e98	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:31:55	884.476
-22	88620	4431000	282c81d8-7a8e-4ea0-8ad4-e6537d541379	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:32:05	126.315
-23	44311	4431100	9c1bfb35-54e1-4a77-899e-ea300e09abec	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:55:50	-460.833
-23	88622	4431100	ce741465-377f-4cdc-9850-a01a0d9a66bb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:37:13	-809.833
-24	44312	4431200	9e3e5e76-0ea1-4f60-a34c-587f53901f43	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:06:00	989.394
-24	88624	4431200	9c10c0b5-a56b-471e-87ce-b5b275aa6cc3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:43:06	-204.917
-25	44313	4431300	ca857d35-09ea-40a0-be9c-28cf1c698f06	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:42:30	403.161
-25	88626	4431300	87e07e76-ee8f-4aa1-9630-3aa97ce1555a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:19:31	-38.139
-26	44314	4431400	6d11fb41-3969-4352-8a31-4120fcdf6778	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:34:40	204.296
-26	88628	4431400	286560cf-15bf-4bfe-a1f2-3c78d30ec937	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:18:20	412.841
-27	44315	4431500	3cab4f81-1e8f-4e52-be1c-ddaa258fc8e3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:57:27	836.48
-27	88630	4431500	95a5ea57-e41b-490c-b215-0fb501f4ee38	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:44:34	-257.0
-28	44316	4431600	9418f71c-d0d8-4066-a6f9-b7a8cfaeb208	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:28:47	-68.489
-28	88632	4431600	631d2220-c218-4d36-8f7f-428c3405fca9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:21:04	64.900
-29	44317	4431700	f8ce1862-5174-4234-8d74-c1bf43b72e26	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:43:11	615.727
-29	88634	4431700	08dd1d2a-7966-4128-ac86-2608a365c7f3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:04:04	-875.508
-30	44318	4431800	b1c685c2-a93f-4fe3-a1c4-57f51775c3ef	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:44:03	597.654
-30	88636	4431800	f5071726-8bed-4e3d-ad66-2088b83ff95b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:47:31	-841.674
-31	44319	4431900	e1477c08-ac95-4809-89d0-1ef23a99f3b9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:04:58	-886.900
-31	88638	4431900	73098fce-142f-412f-abc0-88b2ee8df985	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:27:45	-931.265
-32	44320	4432000	11e3a7ff-2e5f-44b2-a647-c7a8eb0c34ba	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:05:45	828.438
-32	88640	4432000	164217a1-7915-45f6-aaf2-4b2ca74e1c6a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:12:42	141.949
-33	44321	4432100	6a1e7a17-2855-4430-905d-6624242a1bd9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:14:15	-302.144
-33	88642	4432100	19b98520-4e7f-40f2-b98d-2da4101da0e9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:02:35	-669.659
-34	44322	4432200	aead60fb-91a9-4040-82d1-961c56e4e44b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:03:12	247.217
-34	88644	4432200	3c15f999-7047-42b0-a1c9-6dded5c0f6db	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:07:01	-893.906
-35	44323	4432300	6a6cc762-5444-4723-8236-b2743bd27c1e	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:11:08	-702.553
-35	88646	4432300	16131324-d0d2-40b8-a618-dad8df248586	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:28:08	676.773
-36	44324	4432400	35e0f218-666f-4be3-8bc1-780df3f0d952	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 06:35:35	-374.84
-36	88648	4432400	20589998-63ab-4ec3-aa8d-96e976a1ee8d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:04:50	540.897
-37	44325	4432500	be3bf79c-b083-4207-85e7-4a0e984767a6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:43:04	-504.454
-37	88650	4432500	35b4d960-acf4-4ef7-a83a-2e211a78150c	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:00:22	-466.453
-38	44326	4432600	c08ad4e4-00c6-44fd-9731-2d2222a19563	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:26:58	-165.745
-38	88652	4432600	d8679c49-73f5-4a45-9a84-60c7b083ef78	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:51:27	245.651
-39	44327	4432700	8d3abc83-078f-40ab-9b50-ab4bf46e6121	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:04:11	517.78
-39	88654	4432700	6e600d9e-c7fc-48a2-8613-9b9a44332093	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:36:05	-440.228
-40	44328	4432800	a703ac53-a984-48d3-bf3b-64ffa92506ac	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:09:18	-496.577
-40	88656	4432800	1b13ee3e-a842-4728-921e-e300a039afbb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:09:06	-613.790
-41	44329	4432900	235d6f14-0dec-4336-b822-c2f8cdc25dd5	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:46:13	-878.977
-41	88658	4432900	ed1d30d0-9a71-4f90-8cab-62028e112ebb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:08:03	-790.583
-42	44330	4433000	264ad27e-8a9c-4821-bf59-286316413aeb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:34:08	-6.593
-42	88660	4433000	250aaf58-c1af-43b2-a3c0-72d2ad32ad23	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:53:33	-199.908
-43	44331	4433100	bf1b1cee-5ce9-4c88-ae81-e06661b3330b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:02:59	608.714
-43	88662	4433100	0195e8ce-a6f8-4f78-8fc0-fcce53b494bf	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:23:01	574.264
-44	44332	4433200	91569274-151f-4df6-83f2-a43635844fbf	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:37:33	522.703
-44	88664	4433200	1343244a-c86e-4005-9de2-cb6a5fe74984	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:38:37	519.145
-45	44333	4433300	aa83ac3f-3321-4b09-9553-0c5e8d7996f2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:27:03	-326.627
-45	88666	4433300	72fe72c4-50b4-4fad-b804-eb57d57ba082	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:27:36	950.245
-46	44334	4433400	428674a7-623e-41a1-969a-23408d5393d6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:48:27	-572.416
-46	88668	4433400	40063915-0429-4a76-a654-d1790d5baeb4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:27:13	400.260
-47	44335	4433500	84634083-f846-4994-9506-17187d54dccd	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:24:23	309.152
-47	88670	4433500	653fb668-91cc-4244-9183-48f683d23afc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:57:31	-583.146
-48	44336	4433600	d9c439b3-48d3-4a31-a189-b71dbf2c84f2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:17:30	-816.40
-48	88672	4433600	bba962cc-ea9f-491c-bd6b-055f48999bd2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:46:08	367.367
-49	44337	4433700	17133d1d-bfbf-4e43-aef8-e85448cef566	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:56:18	-434.503
-49	88674	4433700	430d2924-3a10-4427-82c8-4e5f35a2dde1	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 06:45:20	-263.463
-50	44338	4433800	d5b9244f-b4aa-47ad-8af4-75472c4ecb9e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:49:12	825.352
-50	88676	4433800	f62d672c-3e6f-45b1-aaf2-b839d09cfc12	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:15:08	-227.847
-51	44339	4433900	5e956118-ad3d-458e-b0a6-2789be82e86f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:58:18	-890.349
-51	88678	4433900	634ae530-0089-4db0-b95e-a59504f23a3c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:39:36	740.920
-52	44340	4434000	60f91c12-4267-42ee-8e07-705828af1735	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:11:50	-115.276
-52	88680	4434000	1770f89a-a043-419a-9f20-3680f4ce9986	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:51:13	-490.320
-53	44341	4434100	e10d6dc6-5af1-4e17-af9b-50ed9b50371e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:43:28	-932.656
-53	88682	4434100	a74133ce-37d1-4326-b21a-aa7edf798027	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:56:39	833.762
-54	44342	4434200	260ea59f-4e11-42f5-8969-ef431e102fbf	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:02:21	-479.867
-54	88684	4434200	27b1b560-f167-4ed0-9563-7bed5417c6fb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:53:19	-165.377
-55	44343	4434300	a06d8f91-fbc3-42ce-be06-34b2a540295c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:16:39	957.208
-55	88686	4434300	7774e08d-1649-4767-b56b-7f8e36595ae2	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:01:02	-499.801
-56	44344	4434400	47683940-c490-4132-8339-1757a6acd559	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:50:56	-915.768
-56	88688	4434400	84eda7c5-5a06-4923-b930-4d5cbac52819	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:17:10	565.954
-57	44345	4434500	42b845f9-b554-42d1-bf9c-60621034b7c4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:07:37	-810.526
-57	88690	4434500	240912b3-bb33-4090-9a88-c78a7f66ff4a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:34:58	-112.732
-58	44346	4434600	96b3abe9-e993-4ff3-985c-538cc2841db4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 01:36:18	-346.371
-58	88692	4434600	04895bb9-98ff-4933-acd0-a43972596a09	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:01:34	539.81
-59	44347	4434700	2e17e227-1d44-43ca-95e9-ca747cabfea4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:22:39	792.601
-59	88694	4434700	52308be0-52e4-4b13-8b0f-76b28abf28c1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:33:20	891.376
-60	44348	4434800	5d7f90b6-ec3a-406b-b400-c99769ac73e4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:52:16	794.941
-60	88696	4434800	980fe91b-ec66-4413-ade4-991801ca3895	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:31:15	-238.258
-61	44349	4434900	c7fb85b7-d4f6-44f1-ac89-2eaa28c7163d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:13:20	307.442
-61	88698	4434900	5a5c5e17-ffa1-468a-a6e9-8abaff8fea7e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:29:39	335.274
-62	44350	4435000	6ad18d72-cfd4-4f3e-96a4-c684e90e8f5e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:34:32	381.530
-62	88700	4435000	2d7a2943-87ae-4350-a35f-cf9a520d1477	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:21:44	-672.867
-63	44351	4435100	3a1b41b3-1b66-4301-b13e-b9424f35e851	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:55:39	-851.413
-63	88702	4435100	c9d8f41f-8759-4255-b239-e544162ba862	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:38:52	370.600
-64	44352	4435200	9d81ba70-e4bd-453c-8bcc-c1a9df9b9d11	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:31:56	-845.796
-64	88704	4435200	4eae2efe-b0d9-4dcc-877c-464cc9c0e555	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:47:19	997.142
-65	44353	4435300	d26cffd2-d5e1-4140-8c32-b66a91dc7a6c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:52:05	-617.455
-65	88706	4435300	15234557-8162-4db5-a884-69310550ffd0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:03:50	-840.190
-66	44354	4435400	52e83fd4-437c-46ea-ad42-8d92ee059150	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:05:13	-428.336
-66	88708	4435400	b62ff7bb-2360-4d4a-8e38-df8b39dd034b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:27:42	178.477
-67	44355	4435500	3734edec-2d8c-4ce2-8d79-7f5258d7c4f3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:50:42	135.242
-67	88710	4435500	43836aaa-f30a-4428-b877-e3d032a3d87b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:22:47	617.640
-68	44356	4435600	44e0b00d-aa73-4e00-85c5-c103ae19a1ce	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:37:56	-968.311
-68	88712	4435600	eb7e1226-8bf0-40c6-9ab5-be36ba137481	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:09:42	604.111
-69	44357	4435700	d0962036-26c4-4ab2-b494-b57fe0f85a1e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:54:29	572.230
-69	88714	4435700	3b501ad0-c6f8-4a01-a9fe-98c359db924a	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:46:27	128.988
-70	44358	4435800	915a265b-6b65-4d3a-99d2-782587c3d8ce	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:37:24	231.719
-70	88716	4435800	6d9abe83-8703-41e1-9888-92794416a3c1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:09:53	-752.343
-71	44359	4435900	f9cf566d-b4c5-47a7-a66f-a526594ab073	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:09:16	-267.56
-71	88718	4435900	d6c39bb4-a3ac-4a7d-ad81-4aff608f8fdb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:18:07	-530.460
-72	44360	4436000	000e170e-a2d6-4444-abfc-cf2053c9e692	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:08:42	160.725
-72	88720	4436000	f67a722f-6d47-4e54-bee5-d0a9e622c575	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:30:45	733.135
-73	44361	4436100	9cdc4373-ad55-4a03-8a45-8c902729a42b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:04:23	-136.257
-73	88722	4436100	d4545caa-37a9-4f08-823f-ef653e915370	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:58:38	-271.79
-74	44362	4436200	1f6ebdaa-ad0c-4b0b-9404-7f148d7aaffe	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:43:29	-8.66
-74	88724	4436200	f05695cf-237e-47d5-a466-4c5a0db0e015	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:19:23	-228.471
-75	44363	4436300	78f6b418-8c08-4ef5-93b5-ec63fdf57020	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:00:40	649.689
-75	88726	4436300	42961558-2dae-460b-81c6-be2e2a942632	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:09:31	-200.926
-76	44364	4436400	1930fccb-31cd-4d9c-889f-daa65adde0be	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:16:24	925.484
-76	88728	4436400	e50b9968-a4d9-4792-a544-fdbe5d0df060	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:39:07	-429.730
-77	44365	4436500	df8d5244-8ea5-4cda-aef9-e6e059e2db67	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:38:24	213.87
-77	88730	4436500	5df02c66-30d3-445f-b460-09f491b6832a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:23:40	-494.454
-78	44366	4436600	89ce83e5-d7c9-4899-b569-0da4185ab953	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:25:23	831.998
-78	88732	4436600	76a25d5a-a16c-4ec1-82e2-37fa845fcd49	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:43:45	-635.824
-79	44367	4436700	6ff42c83-91d4-4032-8ac7-cc05137e61c7	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:11:51	-548.513
-79	88734	4436700	59828845-629f-4afc-99a5-22de68b6f514	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:41:31	-744.935
-80	44368	4436800	3bfae4ec-de2a-430d-b055-af96b0f4c73b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:34:57	-472.177
-80	88736	4436800	28ecbf82-0cde-4244-bb59-89cf0c762245	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:58:27	-743.164
-81	44369	4436900	82b8d3a7-d3d5-4121-b443-61a5ab4a0239	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:37:07	939.704
-81	88738	4436900	24afb7ac-d196-4d92-b1ca-150f00bb67a1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:46:11	8.188
-82	44370	4437000	a4a8d4f5-4c0f-4ead-96ad-e96a651bb799	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:31:57	248.816
-82	88740	4437000	e6a39bd5-6c01-492f-9469-116f4d780386	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:06:34	334.398
-83	44371	4437100	ec0193fd-0a9e-4287-b121-91177a708fc1	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:50:38	882.436
-83	88742	4437100	5eb7b694-ff59-4125-93ff-2ed8ad64db74	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:32:26	-966.125
-84	44372	4437200	a183349a-925f-4cfa-9cb1-74e6b6087cc4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:04:12	-249.312
-84	88744	4437200	8cba4387-76b2-4605-a7ae-04066baa88f4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:33:06	586.109
-85	44373	4437300	595ec34b-6c3d-4c99-811e-c19ab19e49f9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:22:56	364.905
-85	88746	4437300	46be163c-d7a1-4f0a-a9fc-f5e1fccb7a9b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:26:10	973.519
-86	44374	4437400	97f6a125-a46f-48b5-b66a-6bff67ddf9ad	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:38:24	-494.76
-86	88748	4437400	e164b8e4-aa03-4e58-bffb-98ad4834162e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:41:47	168.758
-87	44375	4437500	45e5a799-0c00-435b-bcba-12891099c9cf	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:04:58	193.505
-87	88750	4437500	2fe7bd89-f46d-41c6-bae7-a8baf007729a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:00:06	261.762
-88	44376	4437600	652fda87-6e0b-41d0-b108-f463755ebd8c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:37:53	-749.505
-88	88752	4437600	ca511ab7-4478-470c-abf1-75cc255abc68	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:22:40	165.771
-89	44377	4437700	26a8356c-772e-454c-9b13-55d5c378d5bc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:35:33	353.923
-89	88754	4437700	c2f667ae-1e95-4bea-9833-aca533439b86	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:18:21	984.868
-90	44378	4437800	9501ee12-e71c-4a89-aecc-3b502ba37515	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:19:18	-123.307
-90	88756	4437800	1f8f572c-a691-4a11-a5a7-a91c355c1d04	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:47:39	-340.707
-91	44379	4437900	1578c0d6-0c57-498a-8d26-44ea73dfab40	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:45:56	-134.962
-91	88758	4437900	f2f4b181-d117-4ec5-ae42-a05b2f16aeba	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:32:32	-59.370
-92	44380	4438000	6176a9f5-0f06-4168-b839-ba68f1a9c1f1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:44:51	596.905
-92	88760	4438000	5f6e58e9-d569-4e0d-882f-bfa67b015cfc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:57:49	96.778
-93	44381	4438100	40aea6cb-a827-4e76-a59d-a1b9097b0219	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:38:09	-767.698
-93	88762	4438100	d2dbbe59-f6e8-430f-ba58-f05ba00e3086	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:31:18	-530.831
-94	44382	4438200	21409a15-7ba0-421d-b768-3a7444f7ee76	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:05:54	56.401
-94	88764	4438200	f9dd42d0-09a1-43bf-b277-dcde5e7b2ef8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:07:21	-98.603
-95	44383	4438300	a1dcfc99-137c-48f1-9d93-3ea9225d8d55	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:48:37	-457.510
-95	88766	4438300	24ea35fe-d335-4a61-8500-98999347107b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:57:42	930.564
-96	44384	4438400	1e7d44b5-ccf6-422e-9079-48103e09c920	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:07:36	370.863
-96	88768	4438400	5a9e58a3-15a1-45bd-90c3-0de690a232d6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:58:07	133.920
-97	44385	4438500	b04ce686-dc73-4b04-bd81-65ba9dcbbdae	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:35:44	-567.470
-97	88770	4438500	9f05068a-663b-4760-9353-41c5fbde0aee	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:23:30	-750.345
-98	44386	4438600	750fda71-3037-412b-9dbe-e8f0b6fab3be	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:32:59	-19.186
-98	88772	4438600	18a91f35-5d07-4797-ac5d-bd3b87b45e3e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:34:47	-471.171
-99	44387	4438700	1a7570e5-bd39-40b0-a589-56c9e542e502	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:23:52	99.604
-99	88774	4438700	8f820a62-b5cb-4452-a233-5051cf729819	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:42:25	-302.298
-100	44388	4438800	e2d36498-ce30-4b5c-9833-8dc213004e9c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:09:46	479.22
-100	88776	4438800	35599385-5387-4670-9fa9-5855c88cb2d2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:31:04	44.836
-101	44389	4438900	b8f38181-2081-4036-a4e9-e1bb567ee7fb	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:37:26	-199.807
-101	88778	4438900	f3cb7a38-4a8b-4e62-8560-f672159fb914	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:09:40	466.427
-102	44390	4439000	fd854d49-9eb3-404b-a99e-122764d85213	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:49:49	-150.753
-102	88780	4439000	79f851b6-c53d-41fd-b63c-0dc091b12e5b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:08:53	-186.828
-103	44391	4439100	0f62467b-06cd-4eaf-9607-6cee8ddcfb06	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:15:18	279.400
-103	88782	4439100	287bf8a7-a6b0-4526-94e4-909b08e2cadd	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:07:33	-484.354
-104	44392	4439200	e505b56a-2429-4138-a8e9-92987ae8960f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:37:44	913.247
-104	88784	4439200	07d081b2-339d-4020-8dd3-c0fe6b3f1ee6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:34:12	-77.300
-105	44393	4439300	ea73a04d-daea-4ae6-a7ce-d652d7c8d07d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:25:55	-306.428
-105	88786	4439300	b749a5a7-4282-4469-af0c-2e2773aa7e04	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:32:42	410.691
-106	44394	4439400	2d2e8798-2865-4e17-b443-c789aa33c8cd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:41:38	157.29
-106	88788	4439400	99f54ac7-1dcc-4eda-8d20-71b6235023e0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:56:33	-381.950
-107	44395	4439500	92ea52d3-78bb-417e-abc3-089838bcd7cd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:13:41	522.101
-107	88790	4439500	d60ec1fe-05d6-466d-a211-050c03ff0729	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:14:25	-949.983
-108	44396	4439600	6f4ff2d7-1b5f-43ab-9f35-d0a40d45a96f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:42:50	-951.132
-108	88792	4439600	2983642d-2a1d-4368-b2cb-b872cef73927	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:12:24	304.782
-109	44397	4439700	ecd4b5bb-867a-445f-9b14-106e586da224	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:26:25	200.501
-109	88794	4439700	5de57e8b-302d-4991-972c-193af12a3cbc	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 04:21:09	-661.156
-110	44398	4439800	487631fd-490c-44a2-85cd-db96423bc740	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:51:34	-123.756
-110	88796	4439800	95f2ab02-60fb-4330-bc19-225ae56c0731	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:06:10	-915.357
-111	44399	4439900	4de4d358-3396-4072-b539-23bebd5033aa	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:49:07	-724.367
-111	88798	4439900	46491f46-bad1-47db-b368-e77446a84d14	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:38:43	-518.702
-112	44400	4440000	0a41d64b-97b8-48b4-9125-23c1a728b4ef	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:37:44	-440.28
-112	88800	4440000	ae3b2dd7-0b37-41e4-b8ed-d47a61df8ca9	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:03:03	-199.659
-113	44401	4440100	568c9fea-be17-4a51-9094-0d5206ca1f4a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:34:03	-444.654
-113	88802	4440100	ff087758-f1ed-4239-a1e9-60c7fdc08338	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:02:12	500.15
-114	44402	4440200	feaad0d9-2e21-45b0-a791-1c4a49410598	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:49:20	-616.680
-114	88804	4440200	5e37c01d-784c-4a67-bdf9-43003129a82a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:33:16	300.870
-115	44403	4440300	562bba51-899f-49c1-913c-3137cb4f005d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:56:18	877.632
-115	88806	4440300	8240c456-9ea0-4003-9945-a744f0152e19	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:25:10	895.759
-116	44404	4440400	f75392fa-858b-41d5-9945-dcc433c1c4c8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:46:37	-514.740
-116	88808	4440400	911e28bb-70b9-4ac5-8e08-c17616f48e45	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:41:41	-520.93
-117	44405	4440500	32937adf-81a1-4be1-8fa7-a0ccdcd53f7f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:35:28	-84.19
-117	88810	4440500	b28694cd-0d38-4105-94f1-5dcc8d6388b8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:23:06	66.13
-118	44406	4440600	8aba3d1d-e89c-49c5-a681-5274b259a65f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:59:26	-873.930
-118	88812	4440600	1a41bc92-0e50-4e2a-a1cf-bfc29316d987	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:22:06	-507.363
-119	44407	4440700	218be288-9cfe-4f8c-8d0b-355e32eed742	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:05:55	474.463
-119	88814	4440700	385773ce-13a9-4922-9542-0ab74d431b05	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:41:10	-19.722
-120	44408	4440800	96ec4986-e8d8-485d-8acd-88a7d47950c5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:47:03	-506.596
-120	88816	4440800	81776d1b-4a8e-451e-a64f-08ba5e0c6ce3	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:16:33	991.125
-121	44409	4440900	40a6a70f-e8da-4083-b142-d4462e648543	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:14:08	387.635
-121	88818	4440900	41d35041-b8c5-4cfb-914b-5b4b8878c6a5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:58:23	679.480
-122	44410	4441000	d53a5ebe-697f-4eec-b67b-4b1c82e773fd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:04:14	938.309
-122	88820	4441000	0e3fb41a-2835-44ea-86a4-1ace6a27663f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:52:10	160.80
-123	44411	4441100	dfa76017-967a-415b-816d-adad2e38eea2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:11:29	-85.178
-123	88822	4441100	3722c9a3-9bd9-42fa-b1dc-3d33bd5acfee	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:34:37	-183.716
-124	44412	4441200	003ac521-f331-4e64-b349-c6b3f2c2233f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:37:25	-170.947
-124	88824	4441200	3452d59b-2922-4d0a-9b91-9d9767206aee	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:32:08	-952.957
-125	44413	4441300	c65f9f83-9167-4618-baa5-4cfa79f1b80e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:59:51	924.263
-125	88826	4441300	9aacfd1e-8f05-4b12-8deb-0c653f6b4812	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:54:11	844.163
-126	44414	4441400	4d8175ad-a081-4070-b538-3e3e3b155d4b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:27:10	704.150
-126	88828	4441400	68efe8ee-af19-4b5d-a746-3cd8af36020c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:22:26	-630.48
-127	44415	4441500	3fc03a20-298f-43db-bece-b6ccce7e14d5	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:33:06	-328.358
-127	88830	4441500	dc5aa272-cd98-4157-9f1f-f32390ff2994	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:11:04	-329.213
-0	44416	4441600	1c702a98-befb-41f3-98a7-cb98bf7270d7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:40:44	392.468
-0	88832	4441600	74e0cd5a-1f7b-4915-9c38-eac0c9e97633	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:15:09	-653.658
-1	44417	4441700	25212245-b194-457d-bdbf-669abc2011f6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:21:27	304.980
-1	88834	4441700	07121f1f-0ce3-4873-aa8e-fe17a6b9c52a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:55:23	-843.992
-2	44418	4441800	3e247a35-0e13-4425-bae5-d9754baa8409	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:58:08	760.868
-2	88836	4441800	b09e7008-7304-4cd0-aa03-4e7fd0e9e6d9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:06:15	233.223
-3	44419	4441900	b63dd169-9027-44ee-ae28-8fad9efc8eb7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:47:33	-287.933
-3	88838	4441900	ea28f3a5-e501-4486-88cd-57b8bc8809e1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:37:59	-982.40
-4	44420	4442000	7b8f0e2c-855e-4345-a890-23aa3752e5f8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:52:50	897.481
-4	88840	4442000	fd3ed29c-4666-4635-aa2e-bb9e4e0a8617	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:48:05	240.757
-5	44421	4442100	c59e7945-a4f7-4505-b93d-d20ee6f7e4fc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:50:08	951.500
-5	88842	4442100	b6b96910-6526-46c7-874d-907644e4fb5f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:23:50	-157.936
-6	44422	4442200	5ccb7d76-7eb9-4e39-a4b0-1cf76ed094c2	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:49:58	888.351
-6	88844	4442200	5a22cde8-fc0f-4da3-9ea4-9ab8934d5f74	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:42:52	167.925
-7	44423	4442300	f833fc99-840f-4001-a7e4-0db21aa7459a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:28:19	-733.793
-7	88846	4442300	1a2d8e12-94e6-4acf-9905-dd1ceea2b783	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:29:59	600.657
-8	44424	4442400	9e5cfb1d-0475-4868-bc97-6e4b89ea516c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:53:30	-342.721
-8	88848	4442400	9292735d-f335-43de-b54d-84806639e5c8	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:52:42	353.115
-9	44425	4442500	c025c7ae-b5c2-4d31-b449-bd6aae2e3986	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:46:46	225.659
-9	88850	4442500	d9504402-ff10-4cb8-a237-6419f960d923	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:32:39	-840.612
-10	44426	4442600	5f80f067-7d51-4e74-8132-bbe2142ef817	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:21:05	214.67
-10	88852	4442600	19781efc-d407-4b06-b5f1-d634f54ffd72	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:02:09	-53.282
-11	44427	4442700	04e17996-baa2-4dcf-b893-4a7324e99b72	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:34:06	-684.490
-11	88854	4442700	e494cb4e-e09b-4c06-962d-6b7efad36cc6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:45:14	37.454
-12	44428	4442800	b645bb23-8812-4a8b-831a-e82878a58843	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:03:47	-411.360
-12	88856	4442800	36ca77af-3ccc-4494-93c6-258aaf6acc5c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:27:52	541.952
-13	44429	4442900	5c05917f-47a0-4ac4-9631-48d093cab65a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:48:15	665.545
-13	88858	4442900	f0eab36c-43d8-4b00-8f70-c7609d1ec195	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:16:34	-99.262
-14	44430	4443000	f2391def-f658-4cba-83ea-e8a5037f4c99	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:27:26	-827.186
-14	88860	4443000	b5a7e0e2-8841-46f0-b67a-29d0ef2570ce	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:23:30	-148.263
-15	44431	4443100	19784666-74b2-471b-8e6e-a0835b1435eb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:16:55	997.469
-15	88862	4443100	50f81538-506f-4b2a-8cbc-dc332ee5a700	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:43:54	274.293
-16	44432	4443200	adcede8b-cee2-46d2-811b-1f5db6a27817	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:49:55	906.503
-16	88864	4443200	0367a0ed-f426-47db-a934-436b34b32984	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:41:27	189.390
-17	44433	4443300	5674d041-5917-482d-93d1-7283ab509150	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:14:49	-215.725
-17	88866	4443300	edd10455-5f9e-4003-b7e5-41a265d265eb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:27:51	962.535
-18	44434	4443400	a8da7073-ef7a-4dda-99e1-0e202d927f42	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:23:35	566.394
-18	88868	4443400	38db355c-c260-4918-8117-ae0b0d7ea896	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:25:14	911.236
-19	44435	4443500	41b0549c-78fd-459b-a223-3df97eea8914	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:57:13	-378.896
-19	88870	4443500	3305479e-f701-426e-a6f8-746e4284f5c3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:27:59	-779.243
-20	44436	4443600	39978d43-918a-49b1-bba2-7d125274c068	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:58:12	544.736
-20	88872	4443600	9ee9aa2a-ddd8-4990-b40e-63ab85d44e53	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:31:31	899.43
-21	44437	4443700	453b6a49-7003-4323-8008-1d6fcc17bee5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:05:01	831.97
-21	88874	4443700	b1f9bcb1-fe71-4d44-badb-9e59594c80d7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:43:54	301.872
-22	44438	4443800	40050bfc-5a14-4cd9-8e99-2fa93ecfea13	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:13:10	-538.154
-22	88876	4443800	6ebf0efd-0983-4a07-b282-804682d20118	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:38:10	-611.984
-23	44439	4443900	dc60f493-a207-4558-996e-0170d21efd25	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:56:55	-171.214
-23	88878	4443900	e6692e69-e7e1-4295-889f-e8ac98813ecc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:47:08	334.819
-24	44440	4444000	3b0db9c3-64cb-48b3-bef9-3acd22b5ba0b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:25:46	-75.564
-24	88880	4444000	243293ee-180a-4b23-bf17-0e70c21c6d87	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:07:49	476.115
-25	44441	4444100	e33530fc-68ac-4ec8-b534-86270b13487a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:22:15	219.686
-25	88882	4444100	2287ce5c-dea1-4679-aee4-ca3874ae16a4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:58:01	-662.28
-26	44442	4444200	9774d6a4-55e9-41dd-9725-92509cf366ff	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:57:21	-50.853
-26	88884	4444200	e6bfdb4f-df71-4136-8077-27440c57a886	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:14:04	622.185
-27	44443	4444300	c4cc62dc-6354-4b05-9e26-adfc087b0e19	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:05:42	-283.893
-27	88886	4444300	a0c62fda-8635-48d4-9d8f-ac74dfb0f1ff	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:51:22	712.956
-28	44444	4444400	7da3ebe9-af1a-44da-ae63-67aace66b744	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:25:17	-19.934
-28	88888	4444400	e6009294-91cb-4c49-877d-8cffcf1a7dfc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:39:07	570.693
-29	44445	4444500	259dac6e-f652-45c9-8c80-fae1a4e68475	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:59:07	308.725
-29	88890	4444500	e98d3e45-33aa-4b7e-912b-9273884d90f8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:49:26	19.40
-30	44446	4444600	31f26f5f-2dbf-4e6c-80fb-a92826781c4f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:06:54	218.628
-30	88892	4444600	ba737442-f350-464d-86b9-f9ff5e7a1de0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 07:29:11	62.883
-31	44447	4444700	2c0bf73e-17c2-4d39-b224-3963b22faf41	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:07:28	908.881
-31	88894	4444700	57d8b6dd-54fc-431c-841b-cb096bbbaa63	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:27:32	-32.540
-32	44448	4444800	a27c4476-032b-4930-aa41-ef7251c189cc	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:53:28	-940.167
-32	88896	4444800	2ee297c2-de2a-42c6-8df7-c2d9014ee4ae	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:27:06	-736.811
-33	44449	4444900	9dbb886c-8034-4c1b-a3a0-dfb443686fc0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:10:44	-592.340
-33	88898	4444900	0a51bcc9-b504-4124-a84e-79385fa8067d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 12:54:58	916.913
-34	44450	4445000	20680718-528c-4379-8c4a-bf6361e6122e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:01:28	-71.813
-34	88900	4445000	ee0b0e3c-ab14-4825-a472-51a0c547062e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 01:24:41	-508.516
-35	44451	4445100	c6faccc0-9760-4ee1-8f3e-9a24052fb70b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:53:52	592.953
-35	88902	4445100	3790b082-95fb-426d-9afa-a08d06444d03	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 13:34:21	188.602
-36	44452	4445200	58399290-a93e-4969-99f1-a756eb704a25	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:49:34	721.848
-36	88904	4445200	38a8519a-1403-40ac-a85c-f9b93d5f5664	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:23:09	432.452
-37	44453	4445300	de6bba63-9fc2-438c-be7b-b9f598ccb1fc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:13:40	210.901
-37	88906	4445300	6e65371b-95e0-4573-b0ae-d2e7621134c9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:47:01	-617.11
-38	44454	4445400	406ef4ab-6eff-47e2-8bf5-61f1cfcab446	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:19:20	572.342
-38	88908	4445400	c50872a7-8681-46eb-bb3e-6b24a8164242	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:46:52	158.152
-39	44455	4445500	27b2256f-0a40-4217-97a8-ceb652434942	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:16:58	402.514
-39	88910	4445500	17409b2c-df6a-4831-a00d-7dc25d4bb7f5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:58:32	-12.80
-40	44456	4445600	3c5f657f-e53f-404c-be0d-5d7333145777	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:50:53	178.232
-40	88912	4445600	e6896bce-4b67-465b-afcb-de784e5a19d4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:22:01	-781.203
-41	44457	4445700	98aaa4d0-2435-4691-9167-9d4bbb6025ec	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:51:22	-384.292
-41	88914	4445700	8dc58ab2-7b4b-40fe-8dd5-a93bfc5fe5fc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:15:54	388.755
-42	44458	4445800	5c41a9d1-bff1-48b2-bdf0-27e1e41df6d3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:00:47	-32.118
-42	88916	4445800	2c545bfb-abbe-428f-9d58-6f06284de4e4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:13:10	816.378
-43	44459	4445900	b071b748-26ae-4c75-821d-6eea153fb8a3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:12:21	-211.18
-43	88918	4445900	72a09897-7cbd-43d8-909b-19410f3ff39e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:12:40	376.533
-44	44460	4446000	8ec12957-a095-4bae-889a-9d94915ba593	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:11:14	784.837
-44	88920	4446000	fd423b8f-1e11-4813-a659-126edc9cb18f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:59:10	239.83
-45	44461	4446100	f8072126-ab84-4793-8632-29bc282c64af	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:39:19	-126.784
-45	88922	4446100	57e21e0e-a86a-4901-89a9-487331270e65	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:24:33	780.278
-46	44462	4446200	6b172316-1b2a-4b21-bf9d-ac56e55b69e7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:49:43	-46.938
-46	88924	4446200	715356db-47d7-4a78-a5a5-d3d1f50a403a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:18:41	-355.518
-47	44463	4446300	62660392-7cdb-4ab4-bd19-5847bd0e0814	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:36:54	255.187
-47	88926	4446300	dff7ef84-5ce5-49d2-b355-f1177caabc9a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:57:20	937.382
-48	44464	4446400	e071f932-e1f3-4433-a882-9ebd628b16b8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:28:33	-960.735
-48	88928	4446400	d05ff07f-5cc1-48e0-88ef-88dd7bdb5570	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:22:16	-73.634
-49	44465	4446500	143e64ed-808d-46f7-811a-d409432012f8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:53:31	-563.954
-49	88930	4446500	1ea14daf-f83b-4b6f-9203-b4c9b1a2a7ff	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 08:50:38	21.460
-50	44466	4446600	da945234-8f16-4d61-8b4d-ba4b34ffc8b8	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:17:23	905.202
-50	88932	4446600	b08a7481-c3cd-4809-82ec-ed6499a7864e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:26:01	386.865
-51	44467	4446700	f55fd74e-2120-4ad6-bf82-80bdda800420	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:08:43	-99.32
-51	88934	4446700	15c68e77-f573-4891-a1c4-3edadfa8d63c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:11:56	-676.441
-52	44468	4446800	ad87203f-7643-484f-ae66-3b89510dcff8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:23:21	49.447
-52	88936	4446800	e56ca8bd-ef0c-4849-ae27-fe6a51e0b0c6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:40:48	-694.693
-53	44469	4446900	0282527b-6e9b-4604-ab75-8be845fedb9a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:59:22	817.759
-53	88938	4446900	11c82e93-10e7-4d71-a87d-5995abc3d73d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:51:48	47.118
-54	44470	4447000	3b7fb32d-b008-454d-bb09-92e076b128c0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:42:19	636.724
-54	88940	4447000	d5d2d376-9538-4987-973a-db47d4e9043d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:08:48	96.200
-55	44471	4447100	9ee762fd-facd-4508-9d77-873704f93a14	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:57:26	-876.905
-55	88942	4447100	f9326b9c-8bdc-4b59-80ba-de6cb44c2035	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:20:55	-316.659
-56	44472	4447200	514598e4-24be-4d07-ac11-cad924d202da	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:23:59	91.552
-56	88944	4447200	329d856f-8425-42d4-a6fc-0a4f227cef50	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:08:23	275.634
-57	44473	4447300	cff0910d-371d-4cf6-8a12-0472973d82ae	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:11:19	-688.493
-57	88946	4447300	49dfe163-7657-4fc1-9898-8b50068ba23e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:40:42	389.756
-58	44474	4447400	58a78f98-afdd-4f92-8587-59497e6b95fd	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:29:01	-264.405
-58	88948	4447400	09908b69-c52c-42df-b277-5d18d2fdc95b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:28:33	-82.451
-59	44475	4447500	e90f0f0d-bbdb-4bad-8843-45bb30feeb16	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:05:51	226.386
-59	88950	4447500	25275613-cad3-4a72-a0f3-aaaa3add52eb	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:15:36	48.664
-60	44476	4447600	5d385548-28fc-4e99-a858-8e4ad8b5657a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:53:41	667.690
-60	88952	4447600	b396fd8e-28b0-48f9-ad5a-6907cbf4f76a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:44:26	-281.967
-61	44477	4447700	1e557d91-1d38-4ec0-8205-e22d1dc7eaa1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:59:18	220.178
-61	88954	4447700	1cbe769f-5441-4b23-9c37-43bdcc11576a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:06:29	559.610
-62	44478	4447800	0d2dabf4-78ed-4a64-9d45-41c7d46f8a5d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:01:24	-49.328
-62	88956	4447800	c5ae2fb4-56c0-4432-96f0-72c935c7bf84	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:39:56	-734.972
-63	44479	4447900	b0588018-15c9-433c-a6f3-12e9716a8ec4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:20:02	-745.626
-63	88958	4447900	f35b6b40-e041-476e-9ed9-fd5bcd5dab1a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:22:54	234.399
-64	44480	4448000	d23f6358-60e7-46b9-8921-6ab4e36db05f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:14:38	-444.250
-64	88960	4448000	0ce21b89-f4f0-476d-a527-b49ac4af5319	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:37:56	-23.135
-65	44481	4448100	f5df33d5-df5d-462e-9a3c-ab95cd92aa96	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:54:21	74.222
-65	88962	4448100	d1eba6ed-6066-4b50-984a-0a6c4349d30d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:40:16	104.55
-66	44482	4448200	2d5c3afa-acb9-48fa-a914-92f8ac41b1cd	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:48:44	-737.294
-66	88964	4448200	1f840f3b-8e7a-4cc0-b98d-d8b1d71290c4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:26:32	-689.981
-67	44483	4448300	7e61d3e9-398e-46b0-855c-b47dedb35638	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:41:46	-264.696
-67	88966	4448300	67983103-d8eb-467e-885d-0b5c55438a71	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:10:02	197.687
-68	44484	4448400	54f00ee2-4502-4d33-b149-473ee2e92415	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:04:30	236.713
-68	88968	4448400	9af82768-3ff0-459d-a933-42b5c5a0d82f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:38:16	-440.413
-69	44485	4448500	2f563b1e-64e7-4ec3-b70a-a0dd6ac85c8a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:05:55	-126.578
-69	88970	4448500	061894d7-8f89-40db-802b-4439fc1aecce	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:49:31	-383.155
-70	44486	4448600	fa1b3bd1-f21a-4909-b80c-b658f75a8851	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:55:55	596.888
-70	88972	4448600	cd5bbaa9-3976-410f-997b-6b5ae7b3c2c8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:28:07	191.250
-71	44487	4448700	76ae16c4-5672-4690-ab81-36be87da327f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:26:58	358.427
-71	88974	4448700	ead58e7f-dda2-4144-ba15-b91204076f68	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:52:37	-232.408
-72	44488	4448800	9f4bcc8c-d012-4d46-a763-5ef52cd08975	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 16:06:10	789.224
-72	88976	4448800	f6bcb30d-373c-411c-ab15-815de26ce1bb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:09:25	191.247
-73	44489	4448900	bb070ba0-de17-4f9d-8363-a6c61978bd95	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:50:26	409.407
-73	88978	4448900	20637949-e933-454c-bf18-3d9ead489665	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:26:24	685.745
-74	44490	4449000	8647bacb-66ad-4ef2-8d42-8adc2e3519bf	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:27:56	-215.683
-74	88980	4449000	c8cbcc2b-575e-417d-bb0e-9ea80ef488e0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:56:31	130.817
-75	44491	4449100	9a422bec-5fd8-46f8-bec1-056c3aacdeb6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:12:29	191.211
-75	88982	4449100	8d7558c9-3282-4bb8-a3b8-bee01806c5a9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:09:43	22.179
-76	44492	4449200	e69f546c-955e-4e3c-9342-9073084d9c09	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:49:08	-330.563
-76	88984	4449200	8bd23798-8939-432d-b579-8b9ee5f6407e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:12:58	-419.894
-77	44493	4449300	a8b66aa0-0b57-4712-837b-710874cf5e0c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:11:21	438.919
-77	88986	4449300	7d79391b-6ae3-4a7a-8c3c-a09bc926a151	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:18:10	13.383
-78	44494	4449400	161099cc-010e-44dc-956d-64b96f9afa9f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:13:35	381.783
-78	88988	4449400	cc0ba1bc-f7de-480c-b6d0-424ef4168326	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:07:05	461.128
-79	44495	4449500	1dc71ccb-1f33-4f5f-af3b-1b9409a59b7b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:52:24	968.477
-79	88990	4449500	3381ec20-ee35-4482-92ec-ef15daa0f447	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:35:14	838.559
-80	44496	4449600	45ae2c8c-64b5-49f6-b6b0-de7926501bb6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:33:26	-285.987
-80	88992	4449600	aa87d704-f996-475c-8dd3-21e9553561c0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:45:58	-266.302
-81	44497	4449700	6e59544a-d875-4f0c-bead-9aafe4ab2987	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:21:13	540.387
-81	88994	4449700	a477aa89-f725-46e1-961b-261f6ceb02cc	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:39:20	-261.102
-82	44498	4449800	615b1f12-b90a-402c-b5d4-11255c3b8c25	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:58:19	-853.384
-82	88996	4449800	3159cd20-e211-4658-9c9f-d9e7d9708319	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:36:38	-483.550
-83	44499	4449900	8a5fa411-4538-430c-9f7c-f7e880b36b52	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:33:06	-127.724
-83	88998	4449900	4cf790ba-a156-45b5-971c-1ac5673caec3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:35:12	544.367
-84	44500	4450000	b756d0b3-2bc1-4bdb-a79c-003147ed1bd5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:35:52	828.599
-84	89000	4450000	106c9623-b269-4b7b-9f49-a4a60151d869	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:17:08	-385.173
-85	44501	4450100	6722d1ff-18c7-40ef-8bbd-d1b99a99bcfe	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:12:39	-934.883
-85	89002	4450100	5e57845f-6d31-4201-8ad2-9124395824af	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:07:38	-279.555
-86	44502	4450200	f5274698-a693-47e3-b45d-21b0248cb421	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:18:43	-867.806
-86	89004	4450200	0063f2e7-bb06-443a-89cf-69ea845ec5ec	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:09:06	501.838
-87	44503	4450300	a507bc5d-4304-4d17-989e-d8325b318b18	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:32:26	-315.856
-87	89006	4450300	bcf0998d-9d64-4d38-bf5b-c7bfa683f126	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:41:43	298.750
-88	44504	4450400	a69a592b-f0da-4908-b1aa-3c3caf57360e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:41:08	755.80
-88	89008	4450400	79d2494d-a3a1-4c8a-ab7b-474cf3efcb1a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:28:31	564.743
-89	44505	4450500	baa91400-477e-4c96-901d-fcfbe949a21b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:04:58	361.710
-89	89010	4450500	60473cec-6c1f-4d84-83bd-e9f259b62a57	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:21:36	325.917
-90	44506	4450600	a7530eb8-235d-4587-ab39-06c6dc55e105	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:32:51	-359.106
-90	89012	4450600	96da5d24-e0c9-4780-bbdf-3ccd880d3931	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:36:00	661.402
-91	44507	4450700	a8ee5365-8fd7-4082-aa5f-af17ab1b8537	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:56:39	447.884
-91	89014	4450700	36381a36-0631-430b-92e2-4c008136daa3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:50:49	368.571
-92	44508	4450800	739fcd8d-3588-4a78-bf95-0e8eb07c12e7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:01:08	-595.384
-92	89016	4450800	8dcf97d5-5eeb-4914-aa99-dbfbb0032d57	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:25:48	745.992
-93	44509	4450900	255b3e1f-38c7-4350-8cae-2824d637c7d2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:00:14	-462.505
-93	89018	4450900	992c7758-2a6e-4f91-8afe-fad40650e633	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:56:42	300.863
-94	44510	4451000	d5978bb3-5131-4f82-ba04-2e13a620dba4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:03:44	-554.778
-94	89020	4451000	4df71c1a-4f37-4928-839d-df11258498d3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:55:02	-433.305
-95	44511	4451100	cda2d2d0-4a5b-4318-80b0-5d71b29b8424	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:40:01	320.25
-95	89022	4451100	d9c31aeb-7a77-4c33-88c2-c6bc88c4fec8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:43:02	-816.336
-96	44512	4451200	dc99fa18-6c6d-46b6-9644-7401d241eb0f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:15:02	706.304
-96	89024	4451200	e66b6354-550b-4200-8b72-1deff5c01554	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:20:51	-486.107
-97	44513	4451300	392eebb8-91cb-4471-92d8-9d7501a0c78c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:54:02	641.813
-97	89026	4451300	224fbd2f-f4db-4cb6-81e0-7e94b1600ad4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:06:05	-494.850
-98	44514	4451400	49208015-afa3-486e-a177-f94d8a0767c4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:00:57	-488.332
-98	89028	4451400	f5d6afba-b1e1-4f71-b29b-7d288b80e274	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:41:20	212.427
-99	44515	4451500	cec80749-ed84-4388-959d-9f51d2cf97d2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:36:10	175.52
-99	89030	4451500	c49a57dc-0e01-4d8d-a9ea-52d74e72595c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:50:44	253.412
-100	44516	4451600	db61b192-64e2-4b4a-b308-0ac4e937f0f1	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:37:02	695.880
-100	89032	4451600	e929ce6b-9e54-47df-b903-aec0d1c72e09	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:44:33	238.890
-101	44517	4451700	02d92bdc-0e3d-45f7-8021-eb6c6b49b7c1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:53:34	251.323
-101	89034	4451700	f7090c02-46e5-4425-b848-7d8f5aa4148f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 12:53:54	-882.398
-102	44518	4451800	45098f6f-76f2-4aa7-927a-c7ffeb81d651	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:26:49	-313.821
-102	89036	4451800	c722962e-48e2-4960-85a7-100122a1a22a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:37:59	763.148
-103	44519	4451900	a4be4990-d1b3-401f-91fe-ce526d931e77	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:02:43	-635.760
-103	89038	4451900	41cf0bc7-de8c-4061-bb76-fb6a2c29b3c0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:28:13	-290.769
-104	44520	4452000	7150ef16-0d42-4d31-894b-eb24595dca63	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 08:47:06	-944.916
-104	89040	4452000	8219390f-7d0d-4a5e-ae87-44c227ccd6b5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:49:57	648.329
-105	44521	4452100	e1f8c1ef-b45b-4cb3-94eb-36f54ad5992b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:51:05	360.976
-105	89042	4452100	db760808-552f-4b57-80aa-4e270581d01e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:35:18	-959.810
-106	44522	4452200	80d1806a-072b-46b8-848a-baf67bdb3037	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:36:03	176.957
-106	89044	4452200	3c03692c-ed24-4a82-9cb5-04087ed1e6f0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:35:42	-903.489
-107	44523	4452300	da5469ac-56dc-42f7-8e84-43fbfea789f8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:08:58	-431.394
-107	89046	4452300	2e4f4d5f-b4a1-4ffd-b855-389507137d71	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:11:01	-613.486
-108	44524	4452400	2fddd8fa-f9dd-4234-ae4c-aa70b5bf611d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:28:13	325.615
-108	89048	4452400	8ce433d6-614c-46b8-abe2-e7b2df425a9a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:22:15	-546.964
-109	44525	4452500	31a15bd8-07f9-4b21-9d06-a3f001a572af	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:48:05	-769.132
-109	89050	4452500	afa3cbfa-d780-4687-a949-fa2cb8d7226a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:48:15	834.288
-110	44526	4452600	4bc3e094-a5d5-46c9-857c-d5c4e97b4722	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:21:02	-548.403
-110	89052	4452600	7fc69d61-6749-40f8-9dd6-259f73c9df9a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:56:27	-116.672
-111	44527	4452700	40657bb1-4cba-4dc7-932b-0b4673b8f29b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:45:46	-821.444
-111	89054	4452700	1ae8503d-2430-4953-a544-b613f488a13a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:09:09	502.49
-112	44528	4452800	7136a06c-bad6-4661-8132-7c4209d7be2f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:55:14	-252.140
-112	89056	4452800	2ced8e1c-965b-4e6c-a91c-34a91d57b0ac	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:19:26	292.570
-113	44529	4452900	dac79f53-7cca-4e77-9c54-a791dc948905	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:04:38	40.450
-113	89058	4452900	519140ef-eced-4392-90e4-416801a56e6d	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:49:02	-334.455
-114	44530	4453000	78c727e8-a3e3-44e6-9e41-773b1404e278	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:33:34	416.501
-114	89060	4453000	57c90f9f-b99d-4a86-be8f-5cec15f8cb5f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:03:52	582.514
-115	44531	4453100	3f5234cd-e136-4ef5-b763-f302c2d4326e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:05:45	481.60
-115	89062	4453100	50736cb6-afce-4295-87b2-5221742f52cb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 22:50:35	104.452
-116	44532	4453200	e905645e-79d1-46fb-9d8a-e2a47be91bfb	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:01:10	158.131
-116	89064	4453200	ab4e6da5-ca3f-4541-bde3-2187afeef04f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:03:04	289.866
-117	44533	4453300	58fc323a-d8c7-4783-8d2c-0c843d37e29a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:37:56	-421.774
-117	89066	4453300	d81d0be7-abf0-4a20-8151-47a74e096861	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 05:10:45	943.400
-118	44534	4453400	c51c341b-d75b-4722-9c74-ea724f7ef956	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 07:08:05	509.263
-118	89068	4453400	51f13fab-dee4-41a3-9846-fea1afd765f9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:42:22	217.192
-119	44535	4453500	12b7d8f6-f778-460f-8f33-6dd5b01453f2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:50:27	-942.237
-119	89070	4453500	c181e1c1-cc00-4737-8c24-005de4a0310b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:59:31	-561.710
-120	44536	4453600	a53083cb-c945-4e82-9d6f-43459355e0e3	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:05:21	693.530
-120	89072	4453600	0a72f308-c71f-4d30-b143-ecf9895c80fb	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:07:19	-69.627
-121	44537	4453700	9d0fd81b-6c18-4cf0-92fb-11ffdaec81ae	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:59:34	-658.689
-121	89074	4453700	d6c1e7fc-e9c7-4b14-b507-9db6aa5dd972	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:47:26	-188.888
-122	44538	4453800	41c1d1d3-52e1-4432-8d40-328519689103	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:28:25	417.320
-122	89076	4453800	ecbe8491-871f-4fc9-b0b5-38310575d671	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:45:09	-782.516
-123	44539	4453900	e5449b64-0145-42f0-919c-eac7377d442e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:49:43	-245.927
-123	89078	4453900	e803a073-f52a-452a-9902-080bb57ceaec	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:51:37	585.804
-124	44540	4454000	97f74214-c2e9-42ee-a91d-e3840b91c0f6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:29:19	-419.382
-124	89080	4454000	e0c3fffd-3007-4679-af4f-a73c2f3c527b	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:13:42	-212.248
-125	44541	4454100	a2a063d6-952f-4760-ad1a-2d11fd163f92	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:01:49	440.784
-125	89082	4454100	4f2e43e4-87de-4938-86fc-36c5454ebb0d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:29:47	5.899
-126	44542	4454200	4be27d90-5ad5-4c87-99de-d68f46038b92	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:45:49	469.268
-126	89084	4454200	618b25cb-9c69-48b3-98a4-5cddf71e8f59	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:18:15	-114.456
-127	44543	4454300	c4e10b95-c0f4-4d4a-a8f6-cc064040bd5a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:12:50	708.326
-127	89086	4454300	fe85f2dc-43ca-41e9-bd5f-b2a8e4c4fd8c	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:53:05	440.636
-0	44544	4454400	cc07b04d-7fb1-4044-9f53-b3eb71b23f13	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:27:08	443.162
-0	89088	4454400	c13e9e15-6dad-47df-8e14-8a2794b7289e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:49:46	-984.355
-1	44545	4454500	041e6d34-bd09-456f-9e02-f51e962dac1a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:02:59	-902.216
-1	89090	4454500	ad9865b2-ca62-4859-8b65-a4a5b12a2796	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:15:18	990.642
-2	44546	4454600	36d93e0c-2f04-4b95-b4f0-028244b5b4c0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:26:35	-950.880
-2	89092	4454600	03833aa0-fd89-40e0-8a10-6c2808159d97	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:20:46	629.907
-3	44547	4454700	cab8cf4c-2058-447b-9d70-0ec498bd15a2	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:40:35	562.815
-3	89094	4454700	1a6b594e-76bc-4a50-8e00-f83e25c8ca5b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:50:25	430.283
-4	44548	4454800	ab2d0def-9214-4512-b02d-1cff3a431dd2	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:29:37	89.675
-4	89096	4454800	c22893a5-07ce-45d7-9b17-02d0e5b559c3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:27:02	-117.535
-5	44549	4454900	dfcf54cf-9e19-48e0-b9e3-632da77b3faf	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:40:24	-335.327
-5	89098	4454900	f6114f70-5003-40f7-a9bb-53a01ee4bf2d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:03:03	887.0
-6	44550	4455000	90dd4ff2-ad61-4b19-aa42-3d78ea070f59	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:14:12	-276.292
-6	89100	4455000	8455ec95-f038-4b62-921c-0490411a467f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:41:16	830.753
-7	44551	4455100	821cf94e-a4e5-43e9-9524-49d8b0657449	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:02:34	-400.846
-7	89102	4455100	66538232-7c26-40ba-a8f5-e9b585636875	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:26:21	-432.343
-8	44552	4455200	edefa9bd-d236-44e0-b8f5-a9cd02138534	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:36:04	-580.22
-8	89104	4455200	3ad20049-69e6-41e2-83ac-d0149a85de5a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:21:58	306.447
-9	44553	4455300	3297ac88-caba-4013-960a-6136fa3b324a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:51:56	55.178
-9	89106	4455300	97221082-4ff9-4a90-bf7e-0c201f935c2c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:23:58	-187.230
-10	44554	4455400	7feed0a4-7f21-4646-b634-1f11d546319f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:34:55	-395.630
-10	89108	4455400	c013c85b-5edc-40b3-9788-466dfc067c57	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:14:21	358.838
-11	44555	4455500	8b0010fa-34b0-4e37-bb55-dfd8feec57e5	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:07:47	-188.600
-11	89110	4455500	701f10b1-d95e-457b-8fc0-64397ca53024	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:04:28	751.464
-12	44556	4455600	2bb58282-b164-4a38-83f5-c252c97e682a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:09:44	-256.427
-12	89112	4455600	0f34343a-2a83-48ba-8e67-4dd69d03880f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:39:04	215.479
-13	44557	4455700	0a757dc4-dab6-4718-a1d4-b6883762fda6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:32:41	66.817
-13	89114	4455700	987f1c06-3fd1-45dd-a5ea-a8b1a86e65cc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:54:33	-885.82
-14	44558	4455800	42bd4754-ec9a-4dfe-8a3c-a2304bf5575b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:39:59	-833.983
-14	89116	4455800	bc199dcf-1534-4f03-9b93-1289786b2460	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:04:17	-169.101
-15	44559	4455900	30673207-363a-4b67-9b42-0cb1897689e4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:38:29	568.619
-15	89118	4455900	27e8d0da-14fc-4766-a9e4-f87aa45f614d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:16:29	-133.157
-16	44560	4456000	555fbd12-70af-4457-953f-167ebcaaa48a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:12:11	-961.96
-16	89120	4456000	1db6f833-fd1a-4ddc-bf75-152f40268f56	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:17:26	392.974
-17	44561	4456100	ffce1b86-1036-4de1-b410-d16bf0b9e217	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:41:07	393.564
-17	89122	4456100	d7408403-979d-4d16-9a31-4d0377274ae3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:41:23	-298.609
-18	44562	4456200	5bc3371d-4002-4496-bd9b-c36d0fc695e2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:03:48	941.422
-18	89124	4456200	c518dc0f-9ba1-4c3b-a59a-5ddaeeeea5de	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:29:59	-666.395
-19	44563	4456300	8dc34393-09ce-41a1-839e-6899ce3495fd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:45:26	-661.165
-19	89126	4456300	2a72e950-f03f-4b44-9221-1044b6a6b709	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:45:53	809.675
-20	44564	4456400	dc894610-17bd-4035-8895-2a24f8303da3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:47:49	369.552
-20	89128	4456400	215f3a8e-a54f-49f3-88d9-7dbf7a4550b4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:59:13	883.227
-21	44565	4456500	99032000-1456-4f89-8f64-f834ca7a68ca	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:10:08	691.964
-21	89130	4456500	5adc9656-3fbf-4e47-b89c-dc6afbbaf787	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:51:09	634.4
-22	44566	4456600	9116e302-86a8-45ec-b8ae-6ed5b2431af7	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:55:26	-517.416
-22	89132	4456600	b1dc96bd-78a4-43dd-a2b8-2ac9c87f99bb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:42:01	-821.334
-23	44567	4456700	4252f775-8da0-4d43-a809-8c8ddb416b30	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:31:41	-175.972
-23	89134	4456700	eedec465-b578-4795-a830-7d47a823109e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:27:50	-273.178
-24	44568	4456800	8c0eaed0-9260-4d31-889e-9c4df058851e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:41:02	233.806
-24	89136	4456800	21708f59-cd79-4d11-91d5-a657b0d56b26	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:32:10	596.236
-25	44569	4456900	7a0009cb-162e-45fb-8416-04123926e725	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:13:12	-994.481
-25	89138	4456900	8513b020-7098-456d-a11a-d575d13f391f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:01:03	-602.423
-26	44570	4457000	4110859d-a05b-4f15-a51f-cb122814a687	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:52:36	116.847
-26	89140	4457000	b80e93df-2325-4957-ab8b-45adbaeaa859	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:56:08	624.938
-27	44571	4457100	c1fb465d-cb30-4590-b28f-a7d7ab6e4021	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:13:23	542.149
-27	89142	4457100	7a50e7fa-ea69-4b54-b6e3-830658cbc87b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:45:21	-827.69
-28	44572	4457200	ec9d3b7f-f26e-4cf7-bde9-e421df68039d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:39:49	-38.329
-28	89144	4457200	91bf210d-b3d1-4855-84ca-c92832d95ed7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:38:54	845.55
-29	44573	4457300	50930caa-b93e-445d-9815-058d8c43bdd6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:36:59	-449.500
-29	89146	4457300	6a6959a8-bdec-4c64-a295-eee1423e2968	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:41:48	-302.968
-30	44574	4457400	3c3f40eb-eaba-48dc-81d8-adcefcc5000e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:30:33	352.506
-30	89148	4457400	83cae715-a838-4d75-b366-1d5eb2b90c0c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:32:39	-385.196
-31	44575	4457500	caf735bb-fab7-47aa-a7f5-0b319372b0f2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:03:28	-61.615
-31	89150	4457500	a6935ac7-c7e7-4c92-b854-9fa940297101	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:36:54	606.283
-32	44576	4457600	13418587-fd46-4b48-a0e6-4a88ccef9ccc	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:24:15	786.720
-32	89152	4457600	e3fd9666-e095-418c-b4bd-291988bab3c0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:20:21	-284.442
-33	44577	4457700	bf2b550b-0dc3-4824-be3f-96c52f2dfadc	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:45:21	-46.281
-33	89154	4457700	1fe7ce90-8a69-473c-85ba-96f5b7c60542	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 10:43:16	-900.698
-34	44578	4457800	815a3357-3c49-4b77-b3cd-d94ada153906	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:56:44	384.609
-34	89156	4457800	17c89663-7d05-478b-b0bd-a58db19bc97c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:42:44	784.316
-35	44579	4457900	7efeef94-97eb-462f-aaf3-f8af493d0500	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:41:20	-20.42
-35	89158	4457900	96a2fb4e-08b8-4b57-851d-70c335f14364	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:53:39	-376.306
-36	44580	4458000	ba9b32da-b308-463a-8488-cc3b33562183	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:09:26	-678.940
-36	89160	4458000	0b0454c8-0607-4996-b0d7-b574b50fa975	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:33:59	411.160
-37	44581	4458100	10f96ea9-1917-4f97-b322-2c5784308df6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:50:27	-743.497
-37	89162	4458100	ac5d5ed5-9078-4fc7-8fbd-725a95a154af	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:50:32	-157.6
-38	44582	4458200	69d7e96d-6fda-4839-b1b8-b89562922986	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:49:56	946.695
-38	89164	4458200	977fa9c7-15ab-4433-9c0f-ef30a8d7ce59	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:05:19	-286.216
-39	44583	4458300	90a5fc39-fc03-448f-abda-377805e7822b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:50:54	-677.475
-39	89166	4458300	2a0499de-da3e-4ddf-8a08-ccc96ff4bb9e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:57:37	-185.686
-40	44584	4458400	cb3ae3a3-3918-4664-b6c6-8dc95da3ccb6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:28:02	-60.507
-40	89168	4458400	76607347-0b79-49a0-accc-c7a206d709d2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:02:39	909.419
-41	44585	4458500	7007ebf1-7b87-45a3-9a93-ea89630eccac	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:38:29	489.167
-41	89170	4458500	e26426ae-b8bb-47f0-a894-7e4e4d3a8caa	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:24:09	327.457
-42	44586	4458600	8b83a4da-193d-4d29-a759-b9328e9c97cf	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:28:14	-770.311
-42	89172	4458600	ffd57dfb-8237-43a3-aa78-706044727aa2	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:54:46	-411.548
-43	44587	4458700	6856332c-7bf9-4ccc-8b17-2aa50353cc5b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:47:09	-3.230
-43	89174	4458700	55664d2b-0ece-4f46-a464-4f5f5b50512a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:01:18	-609.164
-44	44588	4458800	b04b2ade-7fbc-4e88-8828-07271a50bae1	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:34:46	459.98
-44	89176	4458800	40742f2f-79c4-4fe9-99ab-b3f6d5236d7c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:42:54	-202.484
-45	44589	4458900	1c06d4d1-2fb4-49c2-8413-5ac5570bec56	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:46:34	-815.384
-45	89178	4458900	34c28c9c-6efd-4ddd-bac2-f6a3ac1faa38	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 13:23:32	-612.791
-46	44590	4459000	9f6981b0-179a-4405-b96a-a2d80a9ac9e8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:46:59	586.233
-46	89180	4459000	9431e6e3-dc08-47a2-a967-61a78fce1142	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:35:16	848.315
-47	44591	4459100	deda61c0-65a1-4ae4-8075-1b034d67454b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:52:01	317.910
-47	89182	4459100	686d32e4-1a60-4d0e-a0c7-8543c3fb0bab	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:51:35	732.728
-48	44592	4459200	b3876f02-e0f9-4bce-8465-4390b33c80c5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:13:20	-875.450
-48	89184	4459200	77956561-6657-4c3f-ab72-cc5ff4a47fbe	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 15:39:28	-238.706
-49	44593	4459300	a730299f-e5bc-489d-a594-713658bec5aa	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:37:20	-36.362
-49	89186	4459300	48a1ba1c-3567-4d1c-ac36-43ac94d45a8d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:19:36	-804.70
-50	44594	4459400	40485e37-5912-4b32-8032-014f484b0918	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:18:47	-687.552
-50	89188	4459400	b3c3d909-469b-4447-a5c8-e326488599a0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:19:21	351.223
-51	44595	4459500	af38648b-c06a-4b79-9816-6e4d4094ee41	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:32:18	-89.930
-51	89190	4459500	c82eac7a-cbe8-43d7-b62d-abc409928fea	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:37:08	-715.115
-52	44596	4459600	42c6706b-d774-48fd-a677-dfc04eb25ac6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:04:43	-538.180
-52	89192	4459600	025ca20b-9ce1-4789-8f94-9a2d8da4efd6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:31:15	392.783
-53	44597	4459700	5473b67b-5721-4dd2-9043-1055e654dc51	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:34:41	-462.145
-53	89194	4459700	74859ba8-d674-4075-bbc9-bd6c28592e9f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:45:15	-723.465
-54	44598	4459800	5be1eb7f-241f-4dce-8c2d-13f4b870f85b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:25:17	134.876
-54	89196	4459800	8abf1680-99ac-4ded-9d12-40b29f0bf0d7	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:34:58	570.69
-55	44599	4459900	16f2ca68-a975-4f94-b891-5a3956a3e0cc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:24:23	-738.110
-55	89198	4459900	2c0c74b8-046b-4024-8134-e27e265f7456	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:16:47	124.126
-56	44600	4460000	31997b90-40b2-4a55-b33b-2fe2c4907a3b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:34:33	569.995
-56	89200	4460000	a2b911dd-60e4-4db4-a412-651d139a85e4	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:28:19	321.82
-57	44601	4460100	2e1b8cf3-f1c7-43e4-b48c-baa72055b908	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:14:59	444.624
-57	89202	4460100	bfec3eff-c6a2-41f3-ae81-c1585a590a92	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:40:00	-82.287
-58	44602	4460200	de0e271f-e270-4473-a7a6-4fdfdc1ec11e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:09:51	873.202
-58	89204	4460200	842c2a4f-e287-4c9b-98c2-6361f58fffce	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:43:22	370.968
-59	44603	4460300	27ce5edc-c4d5-49ad-bcae-bd94db3f5e67	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:48:08	-633.799
-59	89206	4460300	cd2ff114-cc64-4516-b6f9-7fad5a512fd3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:17:29	3.168
-60	44604	4460400	38fbfd62-d716-4999-9eae-4638201acc12	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:41:57	-547.301
-60	89208	4460400	43d8e9f7-27c1-4d6c-a98b-fd36c9d59d58	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:22:49	128.296
-61	44605	4460500	124cbc61-9ca4-4c06-8864-9c290e0d5c61	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:25:47	-86.95
-61	89210	4460500	82bc4f23-d123-420a-ad8e-60f4825d2363	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:41:03	-694.63
-62	44606	4460600	6b0c286b-61e5-4021-beb4-b97f9d02547e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:57:12	193.731
-62	89212	4460600	05442c8e-96ec-4232-8bc7-eebbec96a75d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:18:29	-408.146
-63	44607	4460700	2f479495-2c46-4115-a5d1-3517d89f7458	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:59:52	248.338
-63	89214	4460700	8708b79f-fa75-4e82-835e-47f1d7e058f1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:51:48	-93.538
-64	44608	4460800	56161566-1535-4f54-9fec-579e3860496c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:35:25	105.723
-64	89216	4460800	bb73baa7-0067-453e-8e27-b7992f1ae873	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:29:06	729.325
-65	44609	4460900	d067be04-7fd1-4469-bd67-3dc61edf7ba4	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:14:51	-349.822
-65	89218	4460900	5866287f-8681-4f31-b57c-cac2c4eb0b97	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 22:12:01	356.908
-66	44610	4461000	40717b21-c6af-47f6-bc9c-4b6ebc03d788	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:37:25	989.980
-66	89220	4461000	3583a30e-ad00-44a5-aea6-1e48727887fd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:06:52	77.97
-67	44611	4461100	2147bc13-5b80-4906-9cff-f903e7afd995	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:29:29	-65.356
-67	89222	4461100	97589848-afe6-4e5b-b09b-fa2596e761d3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:58:10	-725.672
-68	44612	4461200	06bf910d-42fc-485a-a52a-aecb59e3df2c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:28:25	-251.851
-68	89224	4461200	5544bee5-fc2a-46ec-a095-09d5ba17d873	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:06:32	643.865
-69	44613	4461300	cf312469-01a4-425c-914e-04a701d3de88	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:30:13	-905.315
-69	89226	4461300	e4038d26-1745-4580-825e-d34b7383536c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:43:14	-654.925
-70	44614	4461400	2456deb4-5fe2-4285-a3e1-c4c3d4b4806f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:27:26	-290.69
-70	89228	4461400	42574362-3f9f-40a0-84d7-8345a0857a96	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:34:31	721.108
-71	44615	4461500	04e50c29-bc0e-469c-b066-06d293bba2e0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:51:58	-60.421
-71	89230	4461500	c621b06a-fc8c-4479-b5ac-fa443cd557ab	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 08:51:05	-270.22
-72	44616	4461600	64572fe6-a6ba-4805-9db9-26af4ccc32c4	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:22:29	-810.504
-72	89232	4461600	ac96f7c6-8fef-4b77-9362-e62c67f4565e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:23:46	-311.352
-73	44617	4461700	e41b28cf-4595-4a38-a368-2e413b816bb9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:02:35	-675.5
-73	89234	4461700	f60494de-1a04-418f-bcd3-657f923f88cc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:44:39	708.271
-74	44618	4461800	a9c21107-44f7-4703-a4df-42181ce6c39d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:08:04	-397.104
-74	89236	4461800	1aa43608-0c5d-4b6c-8594-33e980e879df	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:28:23	563.247
-75	44619	4461900	30021d16-7d12-499f-b981-0e44cd8234a3	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 20:06:05	26.593
-75	89238	4461900	291d2278-095a-4752-9bd8-2792eefe2905	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:22:03	-268.826
-76	44620	4462000	cdd9c555-7aad-48e7-b3e5-b49d03f64abb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:07:15	534.161
-76	89240	4462000	c5796ad6-3e8b-466a-aea9-c4ceefaa792d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:39:56	-278.129
-77	44621	4462100	d6b69b37-9c72-4270-ad06-65559347405b	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:58:01	-980.736
-77	89242	4462100	3b770743-b98f-4077-9197-b2f774ac147f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:24:53	-579.195
-78	44622	4462200	6a3244e5-a219-4062-b0d4-69c6548d5842	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:33:37	-908.141
-78	89244	4462200	2a90566d-ebc5-4620-ab36-c2e32096bb0f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:57:13	-444.49
-79	44623	4462300	a6275424-e4ff-4d3f-ac97-55d058d2c314	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:48:41	838.323
-79	89246	4462300	76ea32c6-63f6-4430-bc8e-fe5ab035efc9	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:22:53	-833.927
-80	44624	4462400	a5437210-47c1-45cb-a7ef-735ebf42f462	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:03:13	-868.95
-80	89248	4462400	56583b96-4f64-4f88-a555-f52dd79446f8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:11:07	733.827
-81	44625	4462500	5b2e0f16-3ca2-41bd-a145-42ff2560f5fb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:04:25	-274.81
-81	89250	4462500	a826c762-a227-4af8-ad59-8ed9310b250a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:38:08	-12.641
-82	44626	4462600	1c261a43-a94e-41af-aba9-9c74807a619b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:32:56	-183.461
-82	89252	4462600	a0eea65e-99a7-4e6e-9256-2f57fd3ae283	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:31:47	935.396
-83	44627	4462700	7ad68475-1eef-4cb5-a0ed-1e2dd3fa7e78	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:12:25	-758.609
-83	89254	4462700	42b49cc8-d139-4383-924b-3800d75c547d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:57:51	330.226
-84	44628	4462800	6f49e985-f907-4226-aacc-5abfc89b5408	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:28:27	391.342
-84	89256	4462800	311ae80a-8316-4ad0-86fa-4a451a0d27ae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:10:05	858.355
-85	44629	4462900	9b4fa62c-a872-44a2-a120-0f0c403abbba	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:40:45	652.195
-85	89258	4462900	f77347d8-796e-44e4-9ce2-60e9e2237d0a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:56:01	845.897
-86	44630	4463000	de56f951-0dc2-4f60-bd32-0e601490832b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 02:14:23	919.648
-86	89260	4463000	cbab2eaf-f0b1-43a1-907f-c6e1057b04d0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:26:31	-32.295
-87	44631	4463100	6ccefbcc-aca4-4c37-9ad6-f3a8c85a1f44	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:34:24	-689.309
-87	89262	4463100	44dfabe5-97e7-4429-982d-f40ed7377a15	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:17:04	65.800
-88	44632	4463200	7a32fe56-d443-4ae7-a3d6-f7f9c7dc2dc9	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:30:35	134.94
-88	89264	4463200	6a477776-2686-4300-95df-79e8dee1bde8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:24:55	-502.695
-89	44633	4463300	fa3c707e-4a0b-4ea5-8f81-9943774e69b7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:48:21	974.933
-89	89266	4463300	a63ae91a-55d2-435e-9f66-2006a3f1f7b7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:20:37	18.24
-90	44634	4463400	7bdb8c52-4988-4f38-bc7d-e055c16b70a4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:53:49	-442.418
-90	89268	4463400	19ef8a5d-6507-4d88-8ba6-e6e95336bdd7	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:16:40	588.87
-91	44635	4463500	057354e0-d657-4c67-a965-45f786fb1833	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:45:33	-453.504
-91	89270	4463500	a945cd07-d616-49fe-b1e8-fe73374ae828	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 07:09:20	-115.583
-92	44636	4463600	b40583a9-de40-445a-ba8a-267bbd069bf0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:27:51	37.644
-92	89272	4463600	5137f0a9-22fa-4f5b-9c1c-0a8c06487cc3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:06:37	530.562
-93	44637	4463700	fd1ac297-5cc2-44c1-835f-e962e75967b2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:25:54	-865.915
-93	89274	4463700	b232f696-7561-493f-8591-720170d9432f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:43:07	-766.45
-94	44638	4463800	14442835-852a-4487-b1b5-7f4836e71e6d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:06:32	-960.152
-94	89276	4463800	6b274717-bc01-49aa-a1b4-ad859beb89c1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:34:12	-959.635
-95	44639	4463900	ae88057f-32b9-4b79-a510-02f2e1d8653a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:15:24	-563.83
-95	89278	4463900	12838cec-55f6-4dae-bd00-d6f46a8e2a67	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:03:55	470.287
-96	44640	4464000	9bc71284-9570-48f1-9e6a-0d4062041a12	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:11:22	853.355
-96	89280	4464000	02deaf37-cd35-4b0c-90a9-483e5974cc62	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:41:59	-230.234
-97	44641	4464100	264e0357-2b26-4b64-96c5-bbc31b1b9a91	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:56:58	-716.261
-97	89282	4464100	2deaae88-8cc5-477a-83fd-c9a7212b5b3e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:14:51	-409.808
-98	44642	4464200	cd208d1e-7d92-44df-b10b-6519750fa53e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 01:12:12	-903.579
-98	89284	4464200	37f4253d-d929-4638-9b3a-f0485fe9946b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:56:52	-651.607
-99	44643	4464300	2523b7d2-af75-41e3-90f3-8dfc5ec4267c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:51:04	-563.442
-99	89286	4464300	676db511-8faa-4777-8935-7049e81df127	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:19:02	-360.494
-100	44644	4464400	64544358-f958-4d17-974d-3a75f4634d39	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:35:11	-983.716
-100	89288	4464400	8ebdb41a-7c50-4350-b30c-9fb4b23eb271	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:15:46	811.178
-101	44645	4464500	613461d3-8247-433a-992f-d107939dbd78	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:53:19	-945.936
-101	89290	4464500	2ea48624-08f1-49a1-9c78-c9a3dd3632cd	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:53:40	862.362
-102	44646	4464600	c8762dbb-b968-4d70-930d-d2adb989e614	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:19:57	821.124
-102	89292	4464600	a44026a8-45b5-4903-a08a-600d98837a72	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:05:59	756.678
-103	44647	4464700	277cf25d-cfd7-42da-8146-a7f1bb5096f7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:42:06	-285.573
-103	89294	4464700	253f4b98-ae8d-4493-a182-c7cf16c8aafa	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:30:15	-331.535
-104	44648	4464800	ca61a9c4-352f-432d-b52f-261d82077e62	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:20:51	-916.384
-104	89296	4464800	401f8789-03f9-422b-be97-bbacaaa1dcde	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:08:30	304.770
-105	44649	4464900	4b072597-7537-4c92-a589-2da845e79167	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:49:21	776.394
-105	89298	4464900	a408d3b5-158e-4318-9180-3af56863d454	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:20:13	949.642
-106	44650	4465000	300dfde3-b871-440d-9614-c470debf8464	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:45:09	495.310
-106	89300	4465000	1cf70405-9b18-40cd-8579-7e761ae00970	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:38:29	155.655
-107	44651	4465100	f6cd8276-8f07-48a2-82c9-cc29f52e6ca8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:19:22	-501.720
-107	89302	4465100	af5935df-0dbc-4d26-8f74-7b0cca6f1da3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:04:19	-493.354
-108	44652	4465200	edd5c617-f245-4a0f-bce6-a3932c1f3414	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:17:07	-498.184
-108	89304	4465200	6ea16868-84f7-4b09-83d3-be34931c69a3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:36:19	437.785
-109	44653	4465300	d7c812a7-774a-47d4-bbfe-c7f693c2374c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:51:50	390.561
-109	89306	4465300	e4075dd4-f353-46b2-b21a-287a084296a3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:39:03	808.925
-110	44654	4465400	f168e11b-a369-4da0-b51a-bfa4185b2cef	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:31:43	-472.410
-110	89308	4465400	47f02253-e524-45b3-a138-ed6d6acd6f10	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:36:53	-792.414
-111	44655	4465500	2bd50520-a04f-4cac-9f7f-841b74fddf0b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:19:37	-125.630
-111	89310	4465500	0b662124-4fe8-4bae-9621-007ef2308a48	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:50:27	0.188
-112	44656	4465600	0ceda804-1068-473b-9e05-35fbc0b065fc	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:24:26	-291.15
-112	89312	4465600	bbedfa6e-3af1-4d39-9d38-af260173b93e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:01:28	-917.199
-113	44657	4465700	4eeb1200-bf28-447a-8d6d-4d737230e2f5	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:02:13	229.590
-113	89314	4465700	108ad46d-ab24-4e3c-83c9-53b98d047fc5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:28:08	-502.16
-114	44658	4465800	0b11827e-dcbf-40fc-a6c3-6c33cb86d815	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:55:27	-299.998
-114	89316	4465800	49e44c5f-3a0e-4b31-9e37-510e278be6b4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:40:12	-471.120
-115	44659	4465900	00e9dfe6-ec4b-4ac9-b773-4010bd007f5e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 09:47:03	-241.687
-115	89318	4465900	8483cfc6-a3ae-4b0e-826c-41bc5c418fc8	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:09:10	679.120
-116	44660	4466000	b9724967-db20-49b0-9548-13e5aeb1afcb	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:41:41	465.570
-116	89320	4466000	aeec56c5-a0b2-4605-8a57-bb4b541f7c96	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:22:33	-874.537
-117	44661	4466100	ebe34fd3-1a00-46ec-bc0a-6a2337142a96	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:57:15	-193.412
-117	89322	4466100	b3f93500-6d5a-4dcb-879b-3926207af2cc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:54:29	-782.362
-118	44662	4466200	fffd4ab3-b26d-4e4a-905d-c13b3e9e7752	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:04:09	15.790
-118	89324	4466200	73ee0f65-bba3-435d-b041-301d3f50a87d	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:30:58	601.163
-119	44663	4466300	57110e6d-3c2b-457c-b6e7-f10f31339d6d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:36:05	682.15
-119	89326	4466300	138f2a54-9074-4639-bafc-3dc9c2726155	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:40:46	183.468
-120	44664	4466400	a6e95a71-9414-49b5-9ef4-871e4e95aea2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:18:43	-909.941
-120	89328	4466400	7a397102-cedc-40d1-91bd-8f7b82f5d40e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:44:57	27.351
-121	44665	4466500	9a738e9a-3916-44d1-a9c5-3294ab2c9cd1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:29:05	287.428
-121	89330	4466500	e5a5e8c8-9b24-4fe8-82d4-245d95462b06	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:40:59	136.290
-122	44666	4466600	703472c2-dd45-48ed-ba36-efdba6bb8bb6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:22:49	-328.615
-122	89332	4466600	92c2fbdb-f405-4237-a837-6d423de9de2e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:03:42	209.18
-123	44667	4466700	28312762-246d-491b-b61d-590e469a28e0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:50:44	-658.988
-123	89334	4466700	59bc7d01-930e-440e-952d-a1619eb70183	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:57:43	709.587
-124	44668	4466800	610e9326-4f72-44c9-98d6-463a35c5e625	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:48:25	465.907
-124	89336	4466800	2aab0005-1ce6-4ed5-8ff0-f302e56ef81d	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:25:48	352.702
-125	44669	4466900	58103021-e9fa-4f66-8e66-1067ad82720f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:10:48	541.147
-125	89338	4466900	7b5ff5de-8d95-4bc9-bfc4-77e42006b604	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:13:41	255.326
-126	44670	4467000	77de0ee5-9d28-4045-94ba-4f77dd1a4013	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:46:43	-408.115
-126	89340	4467000	4c42b3e0-d37d-4222-b8d9-860dec621e61	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:38:24	571.844
-127	44671	4467100	22777519-e8b1-4354-8da7-c4aca9649b11	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:44:24	391.700
-127	89342	4467100	91c7cc94-94b0-42a5-9210-c67bdb7379c1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:25:48	53.909
-0	44672	4467200	192c080c-2724-40f3-89bf-c4b7ad8368f5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:15:21	-614.549
-0	89344	4467200	f80f8114-7b26-46c3-9891-0a9dbf0ffe14	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:21:23	656.238
-1	44673	4467300	d2fd5264-3639-4c1e-84ad-b3862f103986	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:19:03	561.615
-1	89346	4467300	bf55edcb-ba8d-4eae-91bd-801f681f49a8	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 11:58:12	-100.771
-2	44674	4467400	4f0c1786-eb9b-4bda-96f9-8ecafe539092	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:12:33	130.907
-2	89348	4467400	1789aed2-59af-402e-9b4c-380916d94a1d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:23:45	-88.415
-3	44675	4467500	baf2c8a8-bc44-4337-996b-1165939434e7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:57:46	-903.396
-3	89350	4467500	b985dcd5-05ed-4e0e-9a99-7db29e134593	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:51:57	135.238
-4	44676	4467600	161721d6-25ca-427a-956e-4280ea90a5be	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:24:59	-409.357
-4	89352	4467600	9a78bbdf-f682-4212-a1f3-287e0f1530d9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:53:33	356.402
-5	44677	4467700	2663c429-b53f-47b9-a687-14088b2e2ae6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:18:43	150.973
-5	89354	4467700	8e5a6f4b-8e39-4c4f-b1a9-ce104d710755	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:54:28	494.217
-6	44678	4467800	03dc6a8f-1bd0-4d56-9ac0-32357b854105	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:52:38	-409.360
-6	89356	4467800	461311e2-2674-48f1-9b17-025b00cd4f96	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:10:19	404.720
-7	44679	4467900	d0c63563-5f10-43e5-80ad-7accbcd1a107	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:35:45	108.861
-7	89358	4467900	5b89f103-3d95-49e2-95dd-6412b8398995	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:31:44	-675.353
-8	44680	4468000	b9255ae7-dac8-498f-ad40-5818c81e4783	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:21:41	221.327
-8	89360	4468000	d9caf3b0-8d96-4fb6-9ae5-b6af80a6666d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:41:44	-589.807
-9	44681	4468100	ab648571-bbad-491b-b644-1d2671f75640	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:53:12	211.406
-9	89362	4468100	d031ddef-56f0-4012-bf42-8246fe00527e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:40:41	-201.290
-10	44682	4468200	e4c0b3d3-cda0-4276-9b69-6823cb1e0398	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:03:38	-90.763
-10	89364	4468200	4bc7db42-e092-40ce-a034-1aecb0d77d50	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:31:46	-404.98
-11	44683	4468300	f93e0bb1-dd70-48cc-aad4-fb83f072134c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:11:45	-596.236
-11	89366	4468300	9a07076a-51cd-49b5-85f1-8b6dffa13ffb	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 03:39:41	-853.234
-12	44684	4468400	a1c06308-8b39-4c37-857f-cca136da6fa9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:47:02	-220.68
-12	89368	4468400	f75f3f36-a624-4757-9a9c-eece94438173	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:55:33	-996.965
-13	44685	4468500	f21db5ac-4fca-43b2-8990-1fd8597bf5a1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:53:59	-98.617
-13	89370	4468500	70f066ac-2a77-4ee7-a174-b2fd5398f060	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:40:52	-141.970
-14	44686	4468600	6b3801d5-1e09-4340-a7c2-252a178b89af	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:11:02	457.568
-14	89372	4468600	5449aebf-9f9e-410b-a4f1-763a6fa423ab	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:04:54	960.773
-15	44687	4468700	567383d8-2516-481a-8dd5-0995145532e6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:23:53	160.830
-15	89374	4468700	286b2656-5bb0-4052-9d7f-a206b6dded5a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:52:15	-775.732
-16	44688	4468800	8da04f6b-9bce-4f08-b196-de8d6a5cf840	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:58:35	-974.49
-16	89376	4468800	3d823e82-0979-414e-8127-0eb3536b7fba	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:50:32	535.937
-17	44689	4468900	10b43b5c-dc8b-49fc-be68-915bed4ca3e4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:05:53	872.905
-17	89378	4468900	4349ce8d-4440-49aa-af4b-4170afaac333	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:27:56	973.85
-18	44690	4469000	806596cb-c07f-44d6-807a-eeb8f3025f1b	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:57:43	-588.783
-18	89380	4469000	8c379000-cfb8-4566-87eb-cac20370d1c0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:34:03	-229.896
-19	44691	4469100	de22651d-a748-4b54-b22f-daf3d2bda7c6	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:53:09	11.903
-19	89382	4469100	422968c6-f175-4732-a67d-8a16f56a8187	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:39:24	213.733
-20	44692	4469200	7a845982-da9b-4c21-83c4-f3b7d7bfa1b9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:06:50	4.246
-20	89384	4469200	5bccb68d-6519-4565-8793-5986dcdbe338	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:38:30	-851.556
-21	44693	4469300	e04836b1-b63d-4984-927b-3d836c6984d4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:50:05	-440.408
-21	89386	4469300	5d548926-19c4-44b6-846f-2b43ceec2e7d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:02:45	-549.603
-22	44694	4469400	529663d1-66e5-4c8e-b9be-7492bd1076fd	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:18:00	971.336
-22	89388	4469400	46095e51-b829-4cca-a10a-017bcd852161	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:08:20	-51.673
-23	44695	4469500	cc888182-f73e-4287-bcef-ff74e356d3db	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:09:03	893.808
-23	89390	4469500	f90b65d7-2438-4407-b603-1fc820966bd6	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:15:07	684.207
-24	44696	4469600	74e771d7-f101-4d80-8a1e-98d38b96d172	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 18:06:33	-222.538
-24	89392	4469600	f6f199bd-0576-4b05-a898-3b9b5a28798d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:45:29	296.112
-25	44697	4469700	7109fcc7-c257-4614-ab14-fc60b3b59107	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:11:49	-359.562
-25	89394	4469700	26692033-5049-4388-adc2-19fcd75a1e7e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 03:18:47	-158.735
-26	44698	4469800	eee07423-9fb0-4333-bb8b-757f634eb9ac	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:52:15	-359.497
-26	89396	4469800	5464f3ef-6a67-46e3-8ced-e3855c45c8bd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:56:18	-879.325
-27	44699	4469900	96f90766-a552-47a3-bfc0-3f3dc6b7a7b3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:53:13	-657.722
-27	89398	4469900	4ab990f0-07e2-4e6d-9e50-1df3d1397c95	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:10:06	258.338
-28	44700	4470000	25aa4be1-b85f-4a09-a022-d06f99bfd556	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:53:24	-803.996
-28	89400	4470000	9013b80b-61a0-42b3-b886-b531ceb5c641	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:16:42	-75.66
-29	44701	4470100	8f67d0c9-0c24-4eea-8d52-0fddaf37fda9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:42:04	-392.354
-29	89402	4470100	e1f97d63-e7c0-4eb1-9406-80717bd9423a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:05:29	-327.413
-30	44702	4470200	edc6c881-dca9-4469-9d85-0edcbc673d4f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:07:08	151.576
-30	89404	4470200	a57a30a9-fdfc-4e1a-9901-0a00abd2c37e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 20:20:33	580.728
-31	44703	4470300	f4ddb0b3-7bb9-414d-86ca-342e2c4fb789	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:24:38	556.877
-31	89406	4470300	945acf94-9de4-47fc-9fcb-8f5d5e1d6e90	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 21:03:40	417.214
-32	44704	4470400	a7d34b2a-9322-42d5-908e-d946dd83b0a0	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:05:16	130.287
-32	89408	4470400	b868fba4-c8c7-491e-8199-17d8fa9cd97a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:26:49	179.783
-33	44705	4470500	1131bca5-5680-44ff-9aa9-677ecf20ce7d	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:25:00	314.551
-33	89410	4470500	3d3e3219-6f29-496a-9782-dd6f2ce63c9a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:55:24	284.472
-34	44706	4470600	cd057e4c-229c-403e-aa07-b047af5b1b45	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:51:56	600.120
-34	89412	4470600	afa1cd2b-8e20-4696-a68f-a6603723ead2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:19:24	-778.916
-35	44707	4470700	116687f7-ebb7-4df3-befe-b514da24f4f1	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:29:04	70.451
-35	89414	4470700	e62f55b4-9830-4acb-987b-8fba452b4b50	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:46:29	267.718
-36	44708	4470800	5612f663-362c-47cf-9c4b-d30d4adb10dd	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:33:54	297.365
-36	89416	4470800	b09e5b31-ad3e-49d7-afe7-7ad3012856fb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:21:45	-411.610
-37	44709	4470900	18fab693-06f3-4bbc-991d-3678489ff78a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:04:42	-431.523
-37	89418	4470900	35437f0f-a92c-4905-ac36-288680099ef9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:54:39	272.353
-38	44710	4471000	36171579-13ba-4aef-91d9-18b70922e651	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:36:17	389.426
-38	89420	4471000	5241f295-aec8-4628-a37f-8765ee3d7b48	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:14:44	904.642
-39	44711	4471100	2cbc54e4-2d63-41aa-af4e-38ff141b5580	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:01:15	664.73
-39	89422	4471100	1b6593d0-d716-4c24-81da-7047c4d2b525	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:24:03	273.183
-40	44712	4471200	ce6a650f-6745-430a-be12-c550a9c4d9fb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:02:38	-695.404
-40	89424	4471200	238a95e4-e739-4f39-9cbe-2f5c7489a145	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:42:44	-787.761
-41	44713	4471300	30dbac09-8bd0-48a2-b0ee-6ad03f3a1148	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 02:22:18	-934.221
-41	89426	4471300	9b6136c2-8366-46ab-a610-6b32effcd0c9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:15:55	521.275
-42	44714	4471400	d8801d5c-edfa-4125-a3b7-ce20dd8d7d16	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:06:42	397.961
-42	89428	4471400	1985eb4c-3cb6-4a82-bb6f-19314d3c208a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:25:26	221.148
-43	44715	4471500	da373448-21b8-444f-ab70-9c8f07833412	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:16:56	-16.316
-43	89430	4471500	d9ebff33-6297-44de-b94e-39b9c536c3e5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:51:04	408.3
-44	44716	4471600	494a833f-d424-4d99-9cfa-a53213f714cb	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:59:53	467.501
-44	89432	4471600	000ef912-685f-4bb5-8857-ccc39dad5ba9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:19:35	-141.824
-45	44717	4471700	2298e408-4974-419b-ac1d-1af86a3f085f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:45:49	542.125
-45	89434	4471700	bcada51b-3fff-4c63-8545-5f9c39b11668	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:52:54	43.139
-46	44718	4471800	9ea4a82d-0ef3-49b0-aaf3-92398fb9b5f3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 22:32:12	-832.724
-46	89436	4471800	82ab7153-9384-4107-bb93-447f2a401c25	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:04:02	-364.968
-47	44719	4471900	3cbeb9d9-c34b-42d2-a61a-ab0a86a28c61	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:13:01	792.781
-47	89438	4471900	5701eaac-978b-47af-af47-28d569a528ef	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:38:25	-965.859
-48	44720	4472000	581be8f5-22a0-4527-8e61-0310204f5555	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:27:51	-789.815
-48	89440	4472000	624d3d19-d61f-4dea-a04b-babc78d227f3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:30:24	311.204
-49	44721	4472100	eb6ec4f1-3158-468b-9d1d-3b8ea37f948f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:00:56	-298.449
-49	89442	4472100	182254e3-d357-4e3c-826c-0802e9ad1268	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:19:53	565.804
-50	44722	4472200	76fa4db1-baba-4376-a504-e96044bca521	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:19:41	-496.730
-50	89444	4472200	86ad5af3-e721-4523-bf7f-8ffd9af8363d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:05:50	-54.678
-51	44723	4472300	f638dbd1-cb32-4511-acb6-faf9e6732b7c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:06:14	891.747
-51	89446	4472300	1d73b6a9-c468-4ef1-9fc0-edd70b4873a3	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:23:39	-78.632
-52	44724	4472400	8bb2faf6-ae4d-4cd6-8bac-f436c2b62192	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:46:44	76.503
-52	89448	4472400	78339bf7-3e50-41c6-b671-a0a09baa14c7	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:55:54	-986.725
-53	44725	4472500	96362875-b54c-487b-b4db-fe043573e446	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:13:29	-32.787
-53	89450	4472500	e6df443b-2c7e-46dd-976d-75e9b97c05a5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:19:09	269.304
-54	44726	4472600	470e634f-b35e-4512-b8e3-b7fe909d2e91	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:51:19	-857.357
-54	89452	4472600	6e6e5708-c930-4d50-9323-485afa0c3bbe	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:31:20	289.615
-55	44727	4472700	1c1a7fb6-1171-43da-9bfc-69c4d9e68773	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:02:40	-395.451
-55	89454	4472700	b0b8d389-c29b-4c97-921e-4ce695855145	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:53:47	838.513
-56	44728	4472800	1fb8a9e5-23f8-4a3c-9f75-24f502831e90	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:50:24	-131.837
-56	89456	4472800	c808bbf2-145d-4bb4-af2c-65b6e0b54d65	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:13:51	329.811
-57	44729	4472900	ce67dd74-1cc8-495e-89e6-efe4ad118fb7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:48:06	-563.800
-57	89458	4472900	98820101-0443-47c4-a02b-147080aa952b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:02:36	-829.874
-58	44730	4473000	186432d2-7feb-4cbd-9b00-2135c50ffc27	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 01:52:04	46.721
-58	89460	4473000	cbc33eb4-03ec-4d44-baca-17f13050b9c0	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:45:31	-639.555
-59	44731	4473100	1c4a93d4-818f-4385-a9ce-ef7d18c0ab0a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:40:14	-653.381
-59	89462	4473100	c27e8dd6-3af0-4f45-9001-ac0b9aea0419	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:01:30	-209.578
-60	44732	4473200	113c0eac-debd-49c2-9d6a-741c25bd3ecf	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:27:56	860.59
-60	89464	4473200	a0a49af1-234c-4e3e-9c79-d15188f4ba60	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:58:55	245.265
-61	44733	4473300	e1beb713-0218-48ed-bfb8-2c968bfdffac	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:57:47	493.27
-61	89466	4473300	d8ace936-503a-41e9-9233-ea98cb7413c2	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:54:16	-774.453
-62	44734	4473400	208150f7-9bce-4b95-aeef-ae1f2eae3c11	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:29:47	-979.121
-62	89468	4473400	2dc7743a-56d9-4818-b3b6-2800ffd7a7df	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:44:48	235.222
-63	44735	4473500	3229ef04-6b58-43c1-bebe-aa42f66ca003	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:09:58	161.649
-63	89470	4473500	07542532-9ec0-4c2e-9642-6eb57dd940d3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:15:39	-748.548
-64	44736	4473600	38c7338d-0257-4f87-93d9-4e47e8ede8e3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:14:56	98.550
-64	89472	4473600	c3e2732e-8b04-4589-9d41-38d94f3109df	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:43:51	917.758
-65	44737	4473700	99da6cbd-1e7c-4627-a0c3-ec3fe4b74526	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:42:10	-278.397
-65	89474	4473700	07f454b0-b200-4b9e-8ce5-9de28cb0de0f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:26:46	182.636
-66	44738	4473800	bc52a301-ff73-45bd-bbc3-78f5ffcf5349	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:30:08	-303.846
-66	89476	4473800	50b63ae1-41f7-4562-9f81-a4084ffe4e01	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:30:58	-538.763
-67	44739	4473900	0223b0ef-e498-48fc-948c-80e141778ed6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:24:15	-566.914
-67	89478	4473900	78c1a350-8958-4c0d-9c89-a3777204ea4b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:31:55	910.45
-68	44740	4474000	d81ac12a-47e7-4c4e-a159-6c30b7672f83	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:15:57	-677.161
-68	89480	4474000	2469b78d-c6c4-4b02-9670-2b4eaf2d1503	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:32:14	17.385
-69	44741	4474100	0512b0cb-8696-4834-91cb-3cc5ba1a335f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:49:00	294.803
-69	89482	4474100	9faafc52-f02f-4e7b-82a4-339124a7fe16	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:41:31	-419.25
-70	44742	4474200	0e213662-a3f9-4644-b8bb-112e4571f44e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:48:54	346.689
-70	89484	4474200	8d419900-8251-4060-a2c5-a72df063fbc8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:34:57	54.556
-71	44743	4474300	90e6f98a-c4a9-4e1b-9695-5a38f6f9e1a0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:36:45	130.1
-71	89486	4474300	62032c8e-327b-479e-8404-480838369013	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:04:37	-611.170
-72	44744	4474400	f7d2d3f6-27e5-415b-b44b-70ef6fcdb964	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:24:12	763.273
-72	89488	4474400	12a574c8-003f-4504-a4b3-b64675355e17	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:59:00	-541.348
-73	44745	4474500	12b76568-ec29-4c7c-9bfe-3fee4acb8ee6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:01:12	-148.583
-73	89490	4474500	bfd0ff29-71e7-4820-9f35-c390ff71ca65	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:19:19	16.661
-74	44746	4474600	6c67c954-f4d8-474f-b680-16eb4c7fec81	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:05:59	44.769
-74	89492	4474600	b8afe512-9264-4d3f-960b-40f44e83be9d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:11:41	-38.907
-75	44747	4474700	e9bf2f40-d1ab-4910-93a3-479a27518e0a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:31:08	-816.195
-75	89494	4474700	e3aba86d-8261-461b-bc18-e29500a253ec	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:06:01	885.890
-76	44748	4474800	da781c26-0092-4587-b67b-86c8c7313896	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:22:15	-774.995
-76	89496	4474800	d8492a0d-448f-4cc6-9aca-a829d68bc08a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:26:25	962.993
-77	44749	4474900	38796bac-0547-4f05-bebd-38cdbf105e4a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:19:32	-732.920
-77	89498	4474900	57e62074-64d5-41f0-9135-8b0a9dcd7047	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:01:08	778.924
-78	44750	4475000	4c9fd48f-7f52-4628-928b-39f541c97a29	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:02:48	148.887
-78	89500	4475000	e2b7502e-0f24-4fd2-83c1-94e530d448ff	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:59:49	-67.181
-79	44751	4475100	1eb1c613-ed57-474a-97c0-4ae68af4c861	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:29:18	-543.395
-79	89502	4475100	5879d0a3-98a4-4811-8259-1ddae05c3cb3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:34:39	470.583
-80	44752	4475200	ad8dc0af-10ca-4f75-8582-34c3e067a3c1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:56:59	527.451
-80	89504	4475200	5f8adb1b-f3c2-4007-a7c6-a19400b5b55c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:47:59	-157.380
-81	44753	4475300	2c799508-b20b-454c-ad89-20b78a323215	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:25:54	-195.645
-81	89506	4475300	b0028485-88f6-4c38-ac0c-cd591dad87c2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:34:43	-999.555
-82	44754	4475400	465ce62e-a390-451d-8f54-36e39d4df4bf	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:13:06	-614.259
-82	89508	4475400	353c7f67-55b1-4ec7-86b7-c44390a9a931	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:57:54	427.706
-83	44755	4475500	fd7d31ec-bb39-401b-a522-e7a23bf7f731	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:52:59	-572.329
-83	89510	4475500	fecc1eac-799b-4840-85c6-88048ece7dfc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:52:06	-176.837
-84	44756	4475600	2fd7e633-38ab-4d8e-95e8-060d36ab0678	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:39:20	391.619
-84	89512	4475600	9663c9e8-bb66-4fb2-a3c6-ae90c39cc931	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 20:43:34	-488.224
-85	44757	4475700	0b8fbc7d-c2de-4f83-a296-2df577bbcf89	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:40:53	648.302
-85	89514	4475700	54d249b4-c812-4eb5-829b-1450f0a13cac	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:32:13	882.282
-86	44758	4475800	b1f7d132-f3ae-4ac2-84bc-8f00a4b58d5e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:41:27	247.865
-86	89516	4475800	c1feda7a-c8a1-4670-97ee-d0f73bbf9c7a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:00:13	848.540
-87	44759	4475900	d6e7c8b9-921e-4b2f-8500-4732a41173ae	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 02:55:00	176.241
-87	89518	4475900	73ab2692-c3ef-4745-ad5d-ae79389ff545	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 09:19:42	31.179
-88	44760	4476000	07cabae2-b24c-4ba4-844d-fba9a7499ed2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:05:38	-755.542
-88	89520	4476000	bcca84c5-6c52-4aa6-b62d-9cf4edf175e9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 12:07:08	-26.38
-89	44761	4476100	72edc680-598d-4927-8245-79ad918916ca	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:34:48	-835.529
-89	89522	4476100	66f1d0d3-6692-4d0a-99db-0b2711239eda	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:08:00	67.325
-90	44762	4476200	5c831a42-24dd-4f95-b5d4-235031a24839	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:26:06	594.370
-90	89524	4476200	ea93f2ea-4f61-4700-9fb1-1195c2de5bc1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:03:32	139.29
-91	44763	4476300	732b4334-4507-43c6-b897-562637be7b73	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:30:45	388.356
-91	89526	4476300	82f9e428-287f-4663-9ce5-a41445a1d759	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:59:29	-30.917
-92	44764	4476400	138e6540-7f26-46fc-8f79-f0846dbecfe5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:51:19	51.877
-92	89528	4476400	c678fdb0-b3be-4a2d-9217-327a17cc3231	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:49:06	535.907
-93	44765	4476500	b6e11159-d966-4bbb-a4d9-b1bfdd74acde	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:59:39	761.596
-93	89530	4476500	639e9027-8910-4b97-b3ac-4d6802de2eea	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:09:08	620.721
-94	44766	4476600	63634858-e3b0-43b5-8572-5f4fcc2f6197	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:01:39	-363.501
-94	89532	4476600	60c7777b-a37c-43c1-aca1-0e9b17371b5e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:37:40	53.632
-95	44767	4476700	05b52240-4d04-4d82-a4c6-11472674d8b5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:30:57	-869.163
-95	89534	4476700	187666a6-711d-43d8-92a0-53725510e13d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:23:57	-849.500
-96	44768	4476800	2a954503-7c6d-494a-8374-6df060169fa9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:40:53	348.221
-96	89536	4476800	d700bddd-2a6a-40a1-bb9f-9d35fb093081	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:32:31	-754.304
-97	44769	4476900	e647f289-e0ed-4051-8b2e-feadc0ec6c2c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:32:38	848.398
-97	89538	4476900	5973ccac-5a97-4a99-9850-0421d94b1aa8	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:59:56	-237.303
-98	44770	4477000	67c90401-6615-40c5-9e89-f9e2d6787a10	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:58:23	-502.454
-98	89540	4477000	73599de6-229a-42a2-be8d-3d7921d60115	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:46:55	-964.869
-99	44771	4477100	7b059675-b08d-48ef-809f-0cf1f124ddbb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:54:07	796.419
-99	89542	4477100	1ff977bd-2a48-41b5-99fc-292cf8ef69d5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:29:42	-489.437
-100	44772	4477200	edf01da5-9ad9-4c27-87ec-e102fc762973	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:08:26	-48.186
-100	89544	4477200	edaccc0f-82f1-44f2-881d-ab27a597625f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:29:21	-698.161
-101	44773	4477300	88df5bb8-a6be-4cdd-b0fd-c3990b3fc45e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:49:55	592.241
-101	89546	4477300	e350e390-6ace-46f0-8ab4-55d2e2bf71c2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:51:45	-290.13
-102	44774	4477400	96c86259-53ec-4b01-990c-d2d8aedbfbc6	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:44:11	869.828
-102	89548	4477400	8ae4e06f-135a-43d7-8498-6fb3d6d4c172	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:35:26	39.743
-103	44775	4477500	e5aff258-a1d8-4708-abf9-94fbbda98daa	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:09:56	270.261
-103	89550	4477500	56bb36f8-0e74-4a82-a6c8-4ae51885b426	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 10:49:06	-193.44
-104	44776	4477600	add05662-b1d2-41a6-8293-cfff19e150e5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:14:13	-469.334
-104	89552	4477600	816e527a-be9a-43e6-b075-50428e592099	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:27:49	-17.835
-105	44777	4477700	ea5ed345-ea98-49ec-a979-d2129c624297	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:14:31	-134.363
-105	89554	4477700	0482c0ad-b8dd-46aa-adf3-f40453ab5abf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:18:02	-643.826
-106	44778	4477800	8515b1b6-1739-4d19-ae94-2c6c14387d5a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:28:45	960.132
-106	89556	4477800	908f6f39-04e0-4ef4-9c3f-33bdfe06259a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:55:58	505.236
-107	44779	4477900	9a92e058-bb94-4357-9b86-b179bce24ee6	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:50:28	723.172
-107	89558	4477900	d4c2e363-d124-4292-8b4c-51789d6870bd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 05:13:22	208.459
-108	44780	4478000	24824abe-d9e2-41c7-835d-8f3c5a566f00	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:34:33	272.273
-108	89560	4478000	b8ba700e-f8cf-4b65-9387-abf94a711a2e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:49:41	334.756
-109	44781	4478100	85506402-47f5-4a2e-8e60-b89a72dc9e11	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 17:11:03	-71.187
-109	89562	4478100	5ccfc17d-15f7-47fe-b11a-3b4638caa0fe	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:00:37	11.190
-110	44782	4478200	f0bbdcf1-134f-4a54-a631-cf608344455c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:39:39	142.610
-110	89564	4478200	6dccdc8d-2705-4fb0-a5c0-441b14faa11e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:07:43	-910.738
-111	44783	4478300	3a7b6b46-0437-4a57-960e-0109dc36fc48	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:10:36	843.614
-111	89566	4478300	65aa9a15-4c92-4f9b-9393-46838284e76b	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:25:22	215.249
-112	44784	4478400	ca72e95a-4a3d-40ca-857c-f52e52067060	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:16:58	-804.560
-112	89568	4478400	636d55c9-74c9-4526-bda0-52d763e71f2d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:47:33	-626.139
-113	44785	4478500	e5893e61-bde7-4ced-aeb6-357b9bfad6c8	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:06:34	135.572
-113	89570	4478500	7f4739eb-4792-46ad-a805-b0b2d42d9913	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:51:26	842.958
-114	44786	4478600	1b4d97fb-8373-45a9-b3dc-64fa3014f1cd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:31:22	224.489
-114	89572	4478600	00aa7ced-096c-4b29-ab30-5f7f6c692116	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:58:01	382.530
-115	44787	4478700	61a1a6ab-8bae-4ad3-b3ae-5a3273e29e94	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:48:07	856.354
-115	89574	4478700	30f470ed-6f86-4751-9305-8ae11318ee9d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:42:33	-104.175
-116	44788	4478800	8297de89-244a-461d-82d4-87919a577e53	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:12:36	-587.772
-116	89576	4478800	684d5e4c-9e8e-4941-b761-72264f662706	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:42:20	217.410
-117	44789	4478900	2cdab5f2-35df-4bf0-9461-019e74843631	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:42:58	-245.826
-117	89578	4478900	0bfc377a-47d1-4d34-9145-b4673ed241d5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:42:54	-184.532
-118	44790	4479000	108b9de2-e732-4489-91d1-9dee38b1a5e1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:54:54	-589.969
-118	89580	4479000	f619e535-c40b-4bf9-bbdb-d7beea22a623	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:48:30	756.933
-119	44791	4479100	6bb44804-9a41-4368-ad3e-785c7e937208	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:07:11	682.80
-119	89582	4479100	6c0d86f6-a347-4770-acea-11e72d883f51	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:54:52	309.248
-120	44792	4479200	a3d05f41-e164-4e04-b90a-7dbbe210b951	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:58:37	-322.788
-120	89584	4479200	4e5f7291-a42a-40f5-90b6-4763ae536947	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:12:24	106.420
-121	44793	4479300	2d90e019-d00d-4d2a-9f57-d2d947c902c5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:35:48	963.971
-121	89586	4479300	06013f06-9eb9-441c-b352-3719db7bbf8b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:02:56	82.152
-122	44794	4479400	cb405fd4-297d-4052-a7bf-e9f5095b59a4	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:17:05	149.788
-122	89588	4479400	278ef343-1a53-441f-b581-f4987d699ff1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:39:29	-156.711
-123	44795	4479500	420cdce9-ace0-4e6f-93b7-3d635df3e74b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 02:08:31	783.556
-123	89590	4479500	aaa448d2-f6a1-41b1-bb26-e603b91a1341	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:30:34	-721.972
-124	44796	4479600	0b9b706a-6556-4bb8-8a7f-d0acc251a3d0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:14:18	-679.906
-124	89592	4479600	7a11591b-7f04-4296-8f57-82d6f33bf40f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:18:16	654.994
-125	44797	4479700	e992c965-8c52-4773-9115-735ad0574ea2	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:43:58	601.298
-125	89594	4479700	f8adad92-4a81-4364-97fa-0236ee22d14d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:28:57	249.186
-126	44798	4479800	3daccbf6-1746-4e28-8d3d-2d3a80638410	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:47:38	956.920
-126	89596	4479800	ec97e34c-374c-4b99-8c04-8ca4b88260f2	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:50:52	-59.265
-127	44799	4479900	7ee1c342-22fb-49eb-b7f6-c45826863cfe	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:48:01	-376.611
-127	89598	4479900	fd2cd035-2411-41e1-b59a-1e1095a94b95	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:06:13	-784.310
-0	44800	4480000	794c7dc1-270c-4d0d-bacc-1ec52de8534a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:04:54	-689.72
-0	89600	4480000	1b103052-6998-46f3-936a-340bee546c8a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:51:17	997.295
-1	44801	4480100	9990c65d-109d-4386-9d17-f28b8d263dbc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:45:46	-240.40
-1	89602	4480100	e851652d-e1cc-4676-861c-a2d0a9968861	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:52:15	-716.978
-2	44802	4480200	0845219a-7373-47b6-a907-6e4c16ff455f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:43:51	137.853
-2	89604	4480200	3b502bc8-3406-40fc-9b81-6282faa06322	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:49:44	-879.531
-3	44803	4480300	d1d6efda-4a8e-4cef-93a1-a850b99d380e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:35:12	-68.716
-3	89606	4480300	4b7eb973-d1c0-48c0-8d7c-3fb903149253	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:27:37	373.547
-4	44804	4480400	8fd9d9cb-273f-4944-a64e-ddf06a9531bb	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:24:34	563.740
-4	89608	4480400	5d372f5f-9b85-4772-892d-51bd5a6800d4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 04:08:35	-568.355
-5	44805	4480500	da4a4742-1a73-4987-a837-09880dfd870a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:35:52	-643.195
-5	89610	4480500	b7af5b87-19df-4685-88aa-6019a432a4d9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:45:00	-569.21
-6	44806	4480600	c9f9e74e-aeee-409a-aee0-4fe4079d29a5	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:18:06	-878.111
-6	89612	4480600	b573014e-cfa4-496e-a8bf-354977e1919f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:17:23	739.714
-7	44807	4480700	0ca30273-3b4c-4a15-81ca-8a9032f79a58	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:25:48	921.544
-7	89614	4480700	55155e3f-9701-46a6-b107-17a694073f8a	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:31:59	-396.656
-8	44808	4480800	9c194464-0a4c-49ca-a744-48ce4ac5ea45	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:17:02	-539.797
-8	89616	4480800	f1ab554a-387f-4b69-a147-b10e708e6dc9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:15:14	554.156
-9	44809	4480900	b61e1953-dae7-44a0-94d7-c1644422b27e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:43:15	965.109
-9	89618	4480900	aa761b61-1f05-4469-b21d-e8c9593383ce	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:32:50	-242.502
-10	44810	4481000	2c590a32-32d8-4b18-8bae-abafbc704a53	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:34:48	537.608
-10	89620	4481000	59d19bc0-58e3-40d9-9a66-fd70ffa2088e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:50:35	682.804
-11	44811	4481100	cba4aba0-69b5-4109-ac95-1e444d948f94	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:17:53	587.739
-11	89622	4481100	c36d88e3-e21c-4f26-bf72-bd3181ca41ed	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:57:02	697.137
-12	44812	4481200	6e569171-967a-4e16-9197-23297866c3b0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:17:20	-748.261
-12	89624	4481200	11457146-f2e9-4adf-8953-30174f7fdbd9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:47:39	-863.502
-13	44813	4481300	e23ff822-a64f-499b-9fe4-7cc1cb02f54b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:44:12	482.573
-13	89626	4481300	a6dfe579-afce-4c29-86c7-5438df67bc57	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:10:58	-997.629
-14	44814	4481400	2a96460b-d8b9-4d1d-8232-1744c09f1aa2	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:31:58	-120.326
-14	89628	4481400	31ffbc88-ac4c-43a4-8735-83e5448e4adc	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:29:28	148.895
-15	44815	4481500	9fc00527-e8c8-427e-a9d8-cd837bd539a6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:09:28	-797.377
-15	89630	4481500	26674f45-94fd-4312-9226-2cb699790b7e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:41:49	-236.437
-16	44816	4481600	d9d02aba-8fc5-44bd-b979-c60ff55b18a9	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:31:25	-268.532
-16	89632	4481600	9b0f4818-b284-41ce-9ee6-c152774cc85c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:43:42	-951.87
-17	44817	4481700	c85e6645-64c5-4b12-9170-8687c1eddc19	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 11:37:23	33.18
-17	89634	4481700	46cd9ea2-e55a-4f16-9bec-157e89d037bd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:50:49	541.191
-18	44818	4481800	16ff90a6-4523-4352-85c7-89408c301ebe	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:46:41	197.323
-18	89636	4481800	1bf6dae7-e483-482d-9e94-7688deaaa0fd	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:52:57	806.225
-19	44819	4481900	b125d5cb-18cf-4477-a0ed-6c1c3a6629e1	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:52:50	678.226
-19	89638	4481900	fe67de60-3de2-4378-8768-35a7b66eb51e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:10:58	290.693
-20	44820	4482000	cbc3bea7-ac74-4dd7-8d3f-2a62b79be3a2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:04:20	-413.557
-20	89640	4482000	fd19292a-a4a0-4850-8df8-b0ba56478808	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:49:41	-344.558
-21	44821	4482100	a42f8f34-8259-4029-805f-fbff2303d67a	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:35:41	-528.475
-21	89642	4482100	03c0d774-677d-4bba-a84f-46b113e65daf	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:20:42	4.375
-22	44822	4482200	101a812c-51b3-488c-a26c-90be637087b3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:19:56	267.438
-22	89644	4482200	2ecd2cfe-6757-40ce-a8ed-2acf0c035b4b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:24:04	133.195
-23	44823	4482300	6db753fc-01f4-44d5-980f-d84e2220aae2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:20:38	-888.718
-23	89646	4482300	332b5930-51a8-46de-94b6-97804ebfc939	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:49:00	423.795
-24	44824	4482400	e8c277e6-d5e3-410b-811e-64c357f6004f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:47:55	-848.909
-24	89648	4482400	9967638d-ebb8-41c0-a83c-3493decc23f6	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:24:55	314.239
-25	44825	4482500	b90d705e-d339-4fb9-a360-dc578f2beb97	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:03:14	241.717
-25	89650	4482500	925b663b-7eb7-4a5c-834d-06f7df4d4487	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:51:50	-822.160
-26	44826	4482600	3459ae0f-e526-48f0-bb8b-1116ae7830e3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:32:41	-504.363
-26	89652	4482600	ad7c86cf-a7c4-43b4-8a94-6517c1c8fa9b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:06:30	731.321
-27	44827	4482700	855a5e54-7254-4dbf-a34e-dd64214695b3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:46:27	-704.508
-27	89654	4482700	2e9daa58-a384-43f6-a7ae-629f0ed0961a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 02:35:09	-335.30
-28	44828	4482800	889ef148-fa1f-459a-9fa1-9c09fce0159e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:07:42	-546.420
-28	89656	4482800	9f911439-19fb-48f1-8311-16a68c156eb5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:22:20	-18.960
-29	44829	4482900	f97ba9dd-b8dd-4a76-b872-6548a68d4c32	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:35:49	361.889
-29	89658	4482900	37601cad-dff5-4523-8289-7e0558cf8ec3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:37:02	-310.821
-30	44830	4483000	668db234-b50a-4d64-ab75-91cd78f5672f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:33:02	-517.987
-30	89660	4483000	7e6ddf16-b69c-42bf-bf23-6a1f6c7e5650	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:03:43	-495.271
-31	44831	4483100	0a41948d-8604-4a99-8ef3-0ffd7c0535d2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:38:02	676.289
-31	89662	4483100	1f79dd5b-6de0-4532-89be-e7e1f3682276	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 22:09:01	698.216
-32	44832	4483200	38e19da6-f814-4402-b262-7ce15d3d6ddf	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:55:06	-883.830
-32	89664	4483200	cc6db781-3568-4c4c-ab77-dc4d3e4f3368	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:10:03	-694.78
-33	44833	4483300	8fb76621-540b-4870-bb65-12558316134f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:24:49	-351.426
-33	89666	4483300	3ca9c8c9-e2fb-4154-a851-f4520a5ff8e1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:08:45	606.415
-34	44834	4483400	b401f63c-10ca-4701-ad3e-945a09dc5842	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:21:52	447.159
-34	89668	4483400	5d02f7ac-8fef-44d4-a52b-6a98bf60a51f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:13:58	940.270
-35	44835	4483500	865ac19f-b8af-4eab-a7d2-2b44a09868df	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:52:28	-422.432
-35	89670	4483500	0aaefa81-7b72-44af-af39-c513b95c1a4c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:09:08	320.601
-36	44836	4483600	4c779a6d-c055-4d69-af8a-66e0c00410e7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:17:18	745.643
-36	89672	4483600	30050764-6a04-498d-b3f7-9975acaebbff	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:23:49	251.10
-37	44837	4483700	10aa2bec-5eec-4aad-a579-f74d98bde7e2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:51:46	937.282
-37	89674	4483700	ff6647a6-2684-4493-b8da-5ed433ed7b82	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:29:14	-507.480
-38	44838	4483800	d1de0a4d-bad5-41e2-bad5-8e40d389fe6b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:33:28	-606.961
-38	89676	4483800	b922d213-0965-436a-ab48-996f390b9ad8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:39:29	657.866
-39	44839	4483900	a52ff30f-63da-4e55-8628-8f1a19ef6f39	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:54:58	360.262
-39	89678	4483900	7db075b0-a8c8-4d30-b0cd-09224540ebb0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:59:18	835.714
-40	44840	4484000	b59197fd-4ccf-445f-a7c7-7eb6d0e68d38	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:39:49	-566.241
-40	89680	4484000	5ee43e6d-a75b-4614-8007-d71c48b01b30	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 02:19:29	73.210
-41	44841	4484100	44a81cbb-1acd-4e3b-b341-7ee6a49a261e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:05:25	113.956
-41	89682	4484100	10dc9749-7f80-4388-b095-7008ceb4bdc2	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:15:39	-485.141
-42	44842	4484200	13187e46-80a3-49f1-ae70-d62a220d24d9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:49:11	336.348
-42	89684	4484200	1d310626-a676-4be7-bfbd-9da1dd3d57f7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:23:25	554.718
-43	44843	4484300	dabff0ed-e33c-4bc9-abdf-8f8e63f0ea62	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:04:28	218.78
-43	89686	4484300	aa13a76d-cbd3-4467-8921-4d093c64e63f	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:34:25	-369.720
-44	44844	4484400	ea95ef41-1895-432d-b2a8-b4fada722dda	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:34:45	484.105
-44	89688	4484400	67e4f0b2-44cc-4945-98dc-8b4c3b7d79d3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:24:59	180.947
-45	44845	4484500	c3d6d3a4-1485-443f-85f4-4a2f96b2b5f0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:52:13	352.699
-45	89690	4484500	eb7c63e3-700c-4b9b-89da-0dade299b250	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:47:39	-559.922
-46	44846	4484600	9c379dbf-b2db-4540-ba79-dc8d0f1d27bf	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:10:14	-2.15
-46	89692	4484600	c3351f5a-38b3-4172-bac8-7366fa976aa4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:21:46	-351.967
-47	44847	4484700	faf65252-b36a-4d28-8739-de9e44f34179	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:18:34	-609.802
-47	89694	4484700	a28279dd-6af4-4ca0-8bea-aa2785813f90	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:36:47	-975.966
-48	44848	4484800	04b44953-c3aa-4f43-bbb4-4cf96ccee225	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:50:11	17.429
-48	89696	4484800	20ddf142-d835-4ee2-81f9-05b68ee8af79	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:37:26	-106.228
-49	44849	4484900	d2609b36-4f68-488d-9c79-471be9873b17	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:40:23	788.449
-49	89698	4484900	a4379d46-1fea-411b-8d4f-aaf14f427087	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:32:47	-767.544
-50	44850	4485000	a86c57cf-5c22-47a4-a76d-87b35a054450	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:44:03	-878.895
-50	89700	4485000	698157a7-9c14-4733-9f78-aca42f7ffcba	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:04:21	-805.938
-51	44851	4485100	844bccf8-b975-4ff8-aaaf-4c904de5bc9f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:09:54	-43.310
-51	89702	4485100	95f19ef8-3b3c-4cf6-be8e-455b83e75fcb	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:35:41	-789.290
-52	44852	4485200	93076737-b13e-43c5-b73d-2c294abbfc6e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 01:31:00	-399.996
-52	89704	4485200	050f6f6c-a1d8-43d6-835b-44d2caf0854e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:40:25	985.546
-53	44853	4485300	b196af9a-121e-4f76-9123-8e67bb74d574	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:28:49	10.238
-53	89706	4485300	6100d989-6cac-4971-b290-9a753c7ad080	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 17:45:15	583.683
-54	44854	4485400	b445152a-4778-4029-b3b6-f1e9f4fa05eb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:43:50	67.874
-54	89708	4485400	0827e81a-abf9-4eac-994d-ba1a8171650e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:32:14	609.880
-55	44855	4485500	5cb29666-7657-4ae5-a2c6-28f5355371c0	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:28:03	60.27
-55	89710	4485500	3332c68b-5c9d-4cd2-9cc1-d153047bcfae	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:57:17	423.300
-56	44856	4485600	5a1476ce-8ae8-49d9-a5dc-33b827db3348	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:57:17	812.770
-56	89712	4485600	1841255f-ebd4-47d8-a852-aebc1a960172	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:59:30	71.947
-57	44857	4485700	0d451fe6-bb83-4e75-9391-bd8e32329aeb	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:47:18	-118.737
-57	89714	4485700	84ba6373-1da1-43a0-bb3f-64a49633c4ed	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:23:12	-215.453
-58	44858	4485800	4b72eaf9-f15e-4121-9cb0-b7727b48e92c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:34:37	-103.415
-58	89716	4485800	208d2d1b-6e97-417f-9043-ab1fecf36ead	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:56:35	-895.875
-59	44859	4485900	edeca605-5b4e-4859-b35e-86de675a0615	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:48:23	-847.962
-59	89718	4485900	eaa81ed8-f587-407d-9ccf-6d231008e920	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:16:33	-832.547
-60	44860	4486000	385815f1-caba-4305-b075-f6495e53527c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:49:40	793.152
-60	89720	4486000	84124115-acbc-4c50-8b29-fdf6b4ee0808	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:34:36	-382.207
-61	44861	4486100	3f170092-bb0f-4abf-aeb3-0f470e12ad07	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:00:14	745.813
-61	89722	4486100	978ba62f-5e4e-4960-bb69-4837edf3ac04	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:05:58	473.478
-62	44862	4486200	a603062c-09b7-4c68-82c7-87b8698cfdb0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:09:36	920.11
-62	89724	4486200	0844cd76-dd8a-4a3d-88d4-be2f368b52ba	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:32:21	-37.471
-63	44863	4486300	02dfc386-3990-4d73-9c0d-9397d6f31c25	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:02:08	766.362
-63	89726	4486300	9fefd869-6e33-4824-8a4f-14ab10446a92	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:59:00	442.319
-64	44864	4486400	29c72946-f16a-40c0-80e1-cb185f610a93	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 06:20:30	-259.167
-64	89728	4486400	d5711d43-d1ae-4932-94ca-070cbf9c6bd3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:05:09	902.662
-65	44865	4486500	3e0856a5-191b-4230-886d-f7c29b481861	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:20:00	-110.855
-65	89730	4486500	290d1e24-15ad-457e-9139-42a4ebdea20e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:14:41	-23.723
-66	44866	4486600	864cfde6-200e-48fe-89b1-4c28207d5130	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:38:05	-669.861
-66	89732	4486600	7718b549-34cd-4e58-8b0d-497cc5f03352	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:44:51	737.665
-67	44867	4486700	61844b18-3c84-43b1-b5e4-c54c70e23b03	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:36:22	-478.296
-67	89734	4486700	bc1bec99-3ee4-4ab9-afee-34f228bf65a0	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:57:49	17.950
-68	44868	4486800	acc3d14d-c2d6-4702-a776-f6ae9d04b2a9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 10:41:52	341.939
-68	89736	4486800	39c55641-03e1-4846-8479-0f6bbd4701f6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:22:14	-301.879
-69	44869	4486900	b7713e46-fe87-449f-98d5-9d838aa3c943	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:31:19	-522.183
-69	89738	4486900	0ea11e56-2cf1-4319-a2e1-1a110a640380	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:54:20	808.346
-70	44870	4487000	d346536d-9874-446e-ae1d-10c9e4e6d137	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:38:26	59.686
-70	89740	4487000	f814fd35-1b5f-4e82-9ae1-ad860a3abafd	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 20:49:09	-709.443
-71	44871	4487100	2a1f13b4-faf9-44ab-bc7b-598a4fa61f48	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:41:50	-41.100
-71	89742	4487100	4f80f707-b47e-4b2c-b8da-91a30ba1a8a9	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:10:36	-576.348
-72	44872	4487200	829557b2-8883-44ea-8110-47137b3af4e7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:24:29	712.976
-72	89744	4487200	7d79fe82-8fb4-4a16-9fff-7132625f5617	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:58:29	519.221
-73	44873	4487300	858048b5-2ddd-4301-8aa9-3785f7167d8a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:25:31	-915.205
-73	89746	4487300	12157a88-a878-4a6e-97c9-f0d6d99b4e57	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:23:39	425.35
-74	44874	4487400	d68a11e1-aa88-497c-abda-29c7236876b1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:40:16	-453.923
-74	89748	4487400	77047cd4-53d8-4683-b339-fa4d9ea4fb94	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:51:17	-313.22
-75	44875	4487500	c22d0c9a-cf2c-444f-8221-b78726512295	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:14:26	-774.145
-75	89750	4487500	d9bfc781-a2e5-4eeb-9fb8-33db19b0cf79	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:53:57	321.643
-76	44876	4487600	eb7b5cf3-7fa1-400d-a053-29b3d1935142	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:23:25	881.413
-76	89752	4487600	fab69d05-feb0-465c-b8e3-bf2b3a567362	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:57:23	779.990
-77	44877	4487700	d4ef955a-8f2c-4b33-a7cc-09865382463d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:13:36	-245.593
-77	89754	4487700	ca2f3a62-a507-49ff-98ef-dc62362637ca	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:10:21	-424.795
-78	44878	4487800	b2ba4fb8-b3c8-4a5b-8151-06273e06472e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:14:44	539.126
-78	89756	4487800	f6f27a54-d51e-443c-baf4-17552b1b79a8	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:43:03	791.133
-79	44879	4487900	8ee2bfa2-31d1-4de9-8e41-edb243ee1517	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:53:40	874.892
-79	89758	4487900	a070979a-f6a8-4929-ba80-9eb30cac28c1	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:31:18	932.950
-80	44880	4488000	6aca3d58-4538-49c3-a302-f383b363e178	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:51:00	901.983
-80	89760	4488000	81f9aeb0-aeee-4206-b72d-df80db5c01ef	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:04:47	934.114
-81	44881	4488100	a47cc19e-53eb-4629-aa60-c4c382fe360c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:47:37	-889.853
-81	89762	4488100	4f81038f-0517-48c8-ac6b-8ae1af54ae34	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:40:44	-143.349
-82	44882	4488200	d7cb12f8-64bb-45d7-b928-b62faaee55f9	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:47:14	-488.776
-82	89764	4488200	36cab824-1a7e-47d8-9b04-d268e87b06c4	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:08:27	-652.815
-83	44883	4488300	e557c7ac-8db0-494d-90e4-065ff9775ae0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:15:36	746.196
-83	89766	4488300	bff58d7f-5a9d-4875-8848-10967896fa34	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:48:24	481.721
-84	44884	4488400	a9568b90-748a-4957-8eac-ec488c22a7fb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:54:41	-692.626
-84	89768	4488400	95eca72e-4c49-45f1-aa7c-af133c8a991d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:58:19	-620.397
-85	44885	4488500	69e942b7-b4a2-4de5-8269-986173ebcc38	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:09:38	934.143
-85	89770	4488500	de9d79e5-6512-45ad-b70d-00b9b27f918e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:10:06	-882.795
-86	44886	4488600	8995b9eb-4e88-4a88-b658-b012df122a3b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:03:39	665.992
-86	89772	4488600	6baeca1a-20e0-400e-846e-e5dba88f9d70	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:24:30	-603.960
-87	44887	4488700	c981b54f-dc3a-4889-9b7d-a782d930d2ad	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:56:22	748.803
-87	89774	4488700	0316a1e0-3d23-4360-9e62-6d41a948931c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:16:07	212.744
-88	44888	4488800	70ff8cc6-31a9-4112-ab40-573f1264547b	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:32:47	-978.790
-88	89776	4488800	32d23091-1312-4130-848f-fbc828e05ce1	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:25:14	-689.274
-89	44889	4488900	538ab2ee-f8b8-498d-b41d-79b0f09e5785	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:30:54	617.846
-89	89778	4488900	e3860bbf-d5f7-491b-9e94-839b9d105d8f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 00:30:50	-369.948
-90	44890	4489000	4d823ea7-8cc1-4660-82b0-2fc866e06b75	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:08:20	-171.847
-90	89780	4489000	8405ba50-a53e-47e0-83dc-e06fe6812a9e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:11:13	-655.333
-91	44891	4489100	3758a19d-64be-4da3-b1c0-e5a683656c1d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:19:33	-317.482
-91	89782	4489100	57686acd-4399-4dc3-9fc5-87919bc589a5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:40:06	-220.475
-92	44892	4489200	f99aaf86-e04c-4c60-af76-03d709b5b6b4	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:12:26	192.652
-92	89784	4489200	24576a84-321d-419a-86f5-81efb4309922	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:49:34	-144.742
-93	44893	4489300	4fa8facd-b4bf-40b3-8151-4c8d8ce4c469	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:01:15	563.596
-93	89786	4489300	5b736c0e-b1fc-465e-bb3d-83eec0931dca	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:31:32	-423.870
-94	44894	4489400	ef390555-ac7a-42e9-8ce4-53cc5195b5a1	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 12:41:47	-147.210
-94	89788	4489400	c7f8fe1d-3e7f-48b2-ab9a-33a3b0a90483	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:33:01	-82.287
-95	44895	4489500	e80291ff-a2c1-46ba-b925-da1f2367d219	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:34:22	464.65
-95	89790	4489500	517c897d-5930-4773-97df-53047a3d308f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:41:52	924.144
-96	44896	4489600	36a73fb0-0be6-4ae1-bfb9-3b828e096684	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:52:14	-433.613
-96	89792	4489600	fde6a490-c805-454a-a63c-be9a34fda230	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:41:16	726.516
-97	44897	4489700	fb445005-209b-42ca-87ea-0ea559045736	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:14:42	137.445
-97	89794	4489700	477e4ebb-9fe1-4590-9f7d-177421ea4356	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:39:15	-495.519
-98	44898	4489800	97113615-8d03-494a-ac0b-046f37ede9ad	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:58:28	564.634
-98	89796	4489800	49b67c44-5eec-4d00-8572-8fbd3d781e2b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:34:41	-247.432
-99	44899	4489900	e2836189-d8e1-4549-bef4-b28423746043	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:01:03	35.762
-99	89798	4489900	15c568c4-564c-4b2f-9462-7f0a8ff9c680	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:58:25	-189.539
-100	44900	4490000	8d3b0888-7453-425c-b535-49957a861dfd	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:14:05	405.951
-100	89800	4490000	3b56e21b-2d89-4f15-9898-a93d9611e8a1	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:20:25	-730.894
-101	44901	4490100	d51a54a3-605b-4ce5-bf9e-9bbcae92d3a9	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:43:23	102.120
-101	89802	4490100	c3883cbe-9575-41b5-9c55-acf87ef4da45	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:21:28	724.728
-102	44902	4490200	612df830-fa67-4ba8-a5c4-bcfff681fb60	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:45:11	261.499
-102	89804	4490200	8d443209-85b5-49bf-b5d2-dd53defe9d2e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:33:38	453.486
-103	44903	4490300	2075fcb2-5174-4650-ae51-f4fcbf0467ba	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:21:49	-510.106
-103	89806	4490300	55de667b-1457-4a9f-a14d-d110c6b68d0b	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:45:41	-75.721
-104	44904	4490400	8a6c7ef3-b924-4098-bd3e-c23db0c1946f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:57:18	797.819
-104	89808	4490400	7f1398fa-d908-4a76-b3aa-b6d715c0cc46	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:15:04	113.208
-105	44905	4490500	0d9fbe76-4b24-40fa-b79a-1af26c037ec9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:01:28	283.484
-105	89810	4490500	70173c59-7d9e-41db-91ac-911d285eea61	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:16:46	-254.84
-106	44906	4490600	0f78e82e-1631-4c86-a16c-60d1ea01e589	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:16:18	-838.131
-106	89812	4490600	f92e8129-6b2e-4972-bd78-8c30b542acc6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:03:41	424.886
-107	44907	4490700	bb64e918-f2ba-4f04-8f11-6464729777f6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:49:32	242.42
-107	89814	4490700	7a160dc3-dc27-414d-8880-91adfc68b3c9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:10:24	171.61
-108	44908	4490800	aab38ab8-1343-44c9-a346-fd26221532b8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:07:41	333.669
-108	89816	4490800	5c6647d0-ed8f-400a-a544-a94b197309b0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:07:30	972.626
-109	44909	4490900	0a0cbcae-05d5-443e-94a0-6c4243cb4e06	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:29:35	131.471
-109	89818	4490900	792cae15-f57c-4a65-b089-ae06dc1619ec	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:58:31	-458.872
-110	44910	4491000	ebf5851a-c5f7-421c-9317-63ac75860127	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:50:39	216.575
-110	89820	4491000	8a96c480-1935-4ba4-94d4-95cecab1785d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:59:48	253.85
-111	44911	4491100	046e9375-2b3e-4eb7-8f8c-72d49a16fe29	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:26:37	176.831
-111	89822	4491100	bfb91717-2b49-4f59-b0e2-154f3fd52048	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:22:51	444.405
-112	44912	4491200	6057560e-c1f6-4173-9a57-ac571385b387	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:54:50	254.595
-112	89824	4491200	35647aa8-f973-4de0-a5c2-cf2aa0a813f2	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:14:11	-105.88
-113	44913	4491300	590306c7-3abd-4886-9af3-8fcb7c71444f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:37:12	-414.636
-113	89826	4491300	fdbf60c2-079f-4360-aa16-0f821927b3ac	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:44:50	-327.735
-114	44914	4491400	e6a0ff69-bf76-43b5-93ac-0484b19599fb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:36:06	-116.846
-114	89828	4491400	65998cf9-bdee-46f3-9a46-e4fd5ef49bcd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:40:41	-435.583
-115	44915	4491500	e9d9f99b-d533-4755-9129-f654d60b1a0c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 22:12:34	423.466
-115	89830	4491500	2ef5ee98-a1e1-475c-9070-3bb8ddcecbb8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:20:32	617.299
-116	44916	4491600	4d8188e4-4438-45b8-924b-98be47e5f71d	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:07:50	809.748
-116	89832	4491600	c73368df-a6ed-44c4-abf3-469ca49ab811	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:13:56	289.303
-117	44917	4491700	4764b2bd-a774-4faf-87c4-1530aa67d0ed	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:31:47	-811.270
-117	89834	4491700	4283e557-0555-4bc0-b3bc-867d70045243	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:48:37	622.818
-118	44918	4491800	a70aa6b6-91ff-40c0-8f41-86b99ad94133	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:43:19	-284.474
-118	89836	4491800	f1cad762-fdcc-4170-864d-e98f2fd3cb7b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:49:15	-93.943
-119	44919	4491900	890589ce-813c-42f3-9c99-fc28096be7f9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:06:16	-384.439
-119	89838	4491900	1d9e7164-07fd-41bd-ada5-5a6f79d7befa	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:52:53	-80.376
-120	44920	4492000	2f0b46b0-a93e-41f9-b5ca-6e936542eb92	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:31:57	-656.227
-120	89840	4492000	29394214-2b59-4f54-8a40-d77f67852705	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:48:05	-169.713
-121	44921	4492100	e3b93eea-78ae-4a79-a734-044bff5b278c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:07:33	89.53
-121	89842	4492100	f4c15368-0529-48a9-b432-d6ae06dac0c1	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:38:27	-714.110
-122	44922	4492200	deac8c33-285c-4ddd-8c33-7c879de420fb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:21:17	-278.83
-122	89844	4492200	29e2b02a-2c7f-44c1-a17b-69ef84de98ba	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:30:06	755.830
-123	44923	4492300	43fee11c-68b7-4c80-87d6-b340618529f9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:11:59	-905.421
-123	89846	4492300	33d80453-641a-4d81-a6e0-644b860b322d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:28:46	-992.880
-124	44924	4492400	5af6aacf-fc20-4631-8241-c2ee5f093553	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 13:20:40	-85.70
-124	89848	4492400	f2b8f598-cd78-44b4-accb-50553de7d453	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:02:26	-430.437
-125	44925	4492500	38f78823-1b99-47ac-ad55-80f1b7fd3844	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:57:09	-53.662
-125	89850	4492500	2009fa73-5a2f-4ca4-84c2-aaaed9652692	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:57:03	415.497
-126	44926	4492600	b05c50e9-7dd0-4e48-a59c-0376071dec37	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:31:18	895.402
-126	89852	4492600	dd354df5-0921-4d5f-8dfe-e3ed720b2486	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:33:34	-391.359
-127	44927	4492700	8220928e-cd2f-4f2d-a1ee-a1ecd4b15420	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:00:46	-197.482
-127	89854	4492700	0e1e321f-3019-4f8d-8a59-7ce84d5f4f9b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:20:10	-37.12
-0	44928	4492800	fa9e3477-0e57-4a28-8c99-9f6204a19318	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:26:13	610.269
-0	89856	4492800	423d27b1-55d8-4ded-abb8-25a254a8994e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:41:01	-406.914
-1	44929	4492900	5749fe4d-8b3f-4c5a-ab99-fef9077b6425	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:57:58	697.779
-1	89858	4492900	f101d6cd-c08b-4ce5-ab7d-448ab0eda6e5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:19:45	-817.451
-2	44930	4493000	e245305b-01ba-4f51-a553-d7f6dea386b7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:19:50	351.938
-2	89860	4493000	11c6025c-a332-40bd-9804-aac00465b1c6	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:45:51	-409.747
-3	44931	4493100	12db239b-7c31-4b4e-a122-fb9c783e4a96	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:24:47	-121.168
-3	89862	4493100	b06d9e6e-d870-4516-a4d0-085db02565c1	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:51:34	-175.368
-4	44932	4493200	6ea5f7c4-22d7-4928-b74a-077a008c852f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:15:27	-725.893
-4	89864	4493200	e96c89ad-b201-4cc5-b1e6-91507135fae3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:41:54	518.781
-5	44933	4493300	f59ac29c-d4f9-4637-bcc8-dfa06114cfaa	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:09:58	-540.179
-5	89866	4493300	b5391f68-b8ed-4c09-b5b3-2048aa289590	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:16:37	617.177
-6	44934	4493400	4a6003e0-d9c6-4062-b7f1-cdb2760f61bf	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:42:49	361.726
-6	89868	4493400	5e8cdf49-18f5-485e-9227-108d0c5d49f0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 00:49:03	423.17
-7	44935	4493500	3e4dc1f9-3313-41da-8d0c-9ec5b7d975de	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:08:30	292.736
-7	89870	4493500	4514aca7-f8f4-4644-b4fc-89bae49a2def	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:12:16	-637.878
-8	44936	4493600	8eac5b73-1aec-45fc-8f4c-616cc8380680	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:29:24	790.407
-8	89872	4493600	71f280a1-fad7-4f29-9073-3391a7b3252d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:59:45	954.372
-9	44937	4493700	803235f9-c440-4c2c-b891-2f6e907acf5e	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:12:13	-63.334
-9	89874	4493700	fe2f7e5c-eb0f-4d52-8108-6d717bc26814	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:24:37	-113.223
-10	44938	4493800	a9727e8b-21d5-48b2-9127-4b5c6287724d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:21:57	-42.773
-10	89876	4493800	7fd58694-03b8-4a27-a3c1-e07ef6933d5a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:52:32	-862.682
-11	44939	4493900	d522fd4e-7798-482e-a877-92ef7d841ce7	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:58:28	-107.279
-11	89878	4493900	248315b3-f3d0-4b29-bb7a-b475826c3ae5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 22:28:25	-496.376
-12	44940	4494000	b870d359-d643-4ae0-9153-d037f07dcb99	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 23:23:40	566.492
-12	89880	4494000	655c2e81-f92d-4ef1-b394-61f2308e25dd	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:09:52	176.868
-13	44941	4494100	537b6d30-8f2b-4c81-99af-5dfdb3fcee51	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:16:49	291.65
-13	89882	4494100	b1890ed8-9a53-4fea-af26-519a3c052546	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 17:41:22	-917.54
-14	44942	4494200	e8d65864-800b-4605-ab8c-3cf20424171f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:24:36	380.436
-14	89884	4494200	ede89ab0-dc8a-4da0-bf5b-b4d3f57f1af5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:57:04	197.263
-15	44943	4494300	78a3e7b1-bff0-43ed-86f1-d24adb2aa0e3	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:51:45	538.806
-15	89886	4494300	1fe8a7a5-e505-48cf-a09a-2b398b5be7b7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:05:33	-434.141
-16	44944	4494400	6c455485-d353-4988-8a94-cb6def551ebe	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:11:50	916.914
-16	89888	4494400	fa078436-2b1f-4303-94fd-731e8771f427	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:22:54	950.443
-17	44945	4494500	d4e0a804-f937-4067-8fec-d97d25d8c6a1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:01:19	-862.70
-17	89890	4494500	ca595054-0888-4699-a4bf-68e8f0efd5b7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:10:10	135.167
-18	44946	4494600	312b7da7-d5d0-42a0-9d7a-a754e5cb743b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:32:42	974.505
-18	89892	4494600	7447cabd-ac96-4772-aaf7-48e4b75080a7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:05:13	-995.346
-19	44947	4494700	a952f91b-808a-4b40-a5ff-61677943550e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:27:16	75.887
-19	89894	4494700	89d04c20-66de-457e-815e-79f3288d6cb0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:33:24	872.230
-20	44948	4494800	c48aff09-257c-49ee-bff6-425c2a9cde1c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:54:40	705.570
-20	89896	4494800	8ff4478d-820b-4717-994c-b792c3f95433	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:40:37	-995.752
-21	44949	4494900	07bf1f71-6ce3-4270-955c-f4e736784b95	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:35:30	154.28
-21	89898	4494900	080fc9b2-0bf5-45a1-91c9-82c8a40b66b9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:53:30	-292.258
-22	44950	4495000	03ea817c-6d5d-405e-a426-3f2033b11bbe	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:15:23	803.876
-22	89900	4495000	bc98aa5a-dc8c-4240-bc09-756e4941d393	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:02:14	329.818
-23	44951	4495100	aa5b1b71-6573-461b-819d-8512918c845e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:32:59	831.171
-23	89902	4495100	c96385e9-21be-47a1-984c-2a869c81a64f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:19:16	781.931
-24	44952	4495200	641b069d-3e9d-4c27-8c4a-a237ea2f7fe5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:43:17	567.670
-24	89904	4495200	57032a39-0f3a-46bc-b56a-5092be6846e9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:18:36	-341.253
-25	44953	4495300	62d8f394-ac7e-4bd3-b689-22cd64589c60	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:53:56	-945.760
-25	89906	4495300	2731ae1b-4cc5-4659-af82-598f72d4859e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:56:32	-171.907
-26	44954	4495400	922b623f-004d-4058-b412-5b0192e4e706	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:35:03	-684.904
-26	89908	4495400	9d74f067-e144-4aab-b934-441116db5c00	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:49:47	508.403
-27	44955	4495500	b525b90d-4a2b-46de-888e-0280f1a894e4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:46:21	789.39
-27	89910	4495500	c3ea8077-afae-49f6-9d5c-118bf5b1f80e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:04:26	276.736
-28	44956	4495600	8512039c-c762-49db-b3b4-e8358f61bb91	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:45:47	-224.382
-28	89912	4495600	f2349f42-a4b8-4753-8307-a31981160675	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:39:45	-671.995
-29	44957	4495700	bc0f1e0b-bfb7-4461-87e1-532c6b372f92	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:52:59	-649.775
-29	89914	4495700	0a1a8d46-b424-4ef5-8dd5-6d0c44c611a0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 07:03:59	-911.134
-30	44958	4495800	2d9193e3-e7c8-4221-b9f7-d41322499bdd	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:47:15	-344.768
-30	89916	4495800	fe28f21a-be34-4450-8fb2-8c9da4f84538	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:27:32	-505.487
-31	44959	4495900	cf041334-571b-4b68-881d-1c3bb189d03c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:39:05	508.547
-31	89918	4495900	4d6a778a-5540-494c-b59b-c7f5224de800	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:40:06	-284.69
-32	44960	4496000	6b8841f5-f923-4817-a1e5-e1fb7a5b05b6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:07:34	583.923
-32	89920	4496000	a0752c2b-0d94-48a6-8918-929baf9f2864	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:31:19	-623.361
-33	44961	4496100	11da707c-f7e7-4cff-8c38-d4c57d10692a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:01:32	849.903
-33	89922	4496100	da8c4228-7d97-480b-aa94-b611c53a645f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:08:03	-232.982
-34	44962	4496200	72c69702-864f-4923-8230-aa130b2387c1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:46:36	736.41
-34	89924	4496200	e1e10145-c17e-49c2-b044-b80d499d2acb	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:43:26	354.269
-35	44963	4496300	2d96e089-f597-4ed1-a625-a655c5ee32e2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:34:14	-498.573
-35	89926	4496300	d9d84250-cc78-458c-a2c5-deb23215289f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:24:15	-920.903
-36	44964	4496400	64b633a0-8e45-4c7c-ba8f-2108890c07f7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 00:36:59	-143.417
-36	89928	4496400	f571c7a8-f8c5-4662-9c72-dc417e4d03ef	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:36:07	225.278
-37	44965	4496500	7be297b5-a455-4897-81c4-c0100fb5f9f4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:57:48	331.293
-37	89930	4496500	59d8ca60-52bc-407e-8706-8aec70355e3f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 14:15:13	-276.194
-38	44966	4496600	5456242b-3107-4cda-b393-64906051b6d9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:39:12	352.572
-38	89932	4496600	cbe28f67-f9bc-462a-9980-bed505850b44	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:14:06	42.121
-39	44967	4496700	a4b35a6a-4685-4fc3-af0a-285ba976e78e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:34:32	545.677
-39	89934	4496700	4997300d-3d28-412b-a1bf-5996fc336fe2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:45:41	0.525
-40	44968	4496800	6573d4f5-2ed5-48b0-bad9-4272213a7d95	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 23:38:31	637.203
-40	89936	4496800	5569a6b1-f9fb-420d-acbc-1a658f783d48	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:12:04	751.447
-41	44969	4496900	0895aca6-3dda-4bbb-aad2-439f238c1398	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:01:41	735.518
-41	89938	4496900	d57c5834-7059-43c7-bfdb-71e93431b00a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:40:13	654.415
-42	44970	4497000	34c93f83-54e1-48de-877b-46d4fb209902	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:35:26	84.284
-42	89940	4497000	63cdfb7b-9a9d-4c25-8803-ecfd5b8a32ed	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:56:59	292.189
-43	44971	4497100	18b93ab6-4827-4da1-9c7c-5841a9177edb	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:07:29	-664.187
-43	89942	4497100	ab8f3445-e84d-4512-be7b-c76f9258b348	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:27:41	611.922
-44	44972	4497200	107aa16b-28a1-4acc-88f4-9dbdd63a3740	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 16:41:33	-828.602
-44	89944	4497200	91460e91-fbdd-4cb1-b4d3-01f32f89b4fd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:41:44	164.618
-45	44973	4497300	a3fba4da-5032-47b1-8336-489942ffb73d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:44:05	-545.735
-45	89946	4497300	e7d83922-707f-4515-af3e-1f0be66a49ba	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:52:13	988.646
-46	44974	4497400	3ba40f71-ef9e-4b08-888d-6ce9f2ddc4f3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:16:18	884.527
-46	89948	4497400	41114be7-8e56-400e-a5cf-4af9551421f5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:03:30	-347.877
-47	44975	4497500	248f2717-d523-4f3f-ab10-0b1e06e2faab	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:06:59	-484.14
-47	89950	4497500	fb055b5d-51f6-45dc-b30a-5dd5e701a66d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:00:27	54.522
-48	44976	4497600	8e75e576-d064-4c6a-a1ac-3b174c42ff00	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:21:57	515.550
-48	89952	4497600	9ce5e663-9e57-44df-881e-0984166793ec	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:34:02	-366.69
-49	44977	4497700	95e50a5b-fb04-42d9-90cb-39325ceb3b04	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:54:31	769.83
-49	89954	4497700	9c7f9f96-6e05-4203-829b-d5981a7a5a02	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:43:35	-363.100
-50	44978	4497800	11e5d389-5576-40f6-87a9-e1aa094db336	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:55:36	-54.767
-50	89956	4497800	1aa2dbe3-59f4-4fbd-a5ea-148984a5e04c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:38:56	-875.66
-51	44979	4497900	005ba96d-7be5-40c6-b7c7-ab08ebf6ba48	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:27:58	530.441
-51	89958	4497900	80755a71-8dda-40d5-9d3a-8bd374e5a866	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:39:23	-576.116
-52	44980	4498000	a5a32ce0-03f8-4e85-91d6-3da2493b3245	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:08:39	-169.689
-52	89960	4498000	28287925-6868-4d02-9454-ee51bbf4ebbf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:03:19	-880.804
-53	44981	4498100	e057f9eb-0081-47c4-a506-e2c84a22b92f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:18:56	-371.476
-53	89962	4498100	ac1ea81e-3135-4be6-b746-bab3131dceae	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:41:22	-866.949
-54	44982	4498200	b34e58e4-cbca-4031-8b09-52833630995c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 18:16:39	360.480
-54	89964	4498200	01bddb6c-33a6-4d88-9ea0-41370bee3b45	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:01:10	18.945
-55	44983	4498300	d14afd86-9883-4a8d-bb1e-5ca638c35e07	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:07:31	-693.315
-55	89966	4498300	a790881d-ee75-4667-be45-b51d2d884d2a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:29:19	237.335
-56	44984	4498400	481676d4-89d6-497c-8b54-3a418a187abb	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 13:58:09	-394.584
-56	89968	4498400	e8f0b2cf-2388-4c03-866e-8b3751190aef	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:45:01	624.555
-57	44985	4498500	2602edc8-352b-4383-b93f-206337b1fd4a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:23:56	492.601
-57	89970	4498500	26570cf2-74e9-4c02-acd5-bb562b3c9850	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:47:25	-295.17
-58	44986	4498600	94baad50-3861-49ac-beaa-e62567ab63c4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:45:05	219.206
-58	89972	4498600	d3ab9fe6-8a52-417f-8b98-96a38439df31	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:59:34	-536.247
-59	44987	4498700	615c2b24-9a82-4324-baff-2ad3e6079996	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 17:28:06	694.540
-59	89974	4498700	a75aa471-a15a-40ed-85f6-d48042c2ef2b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:44:52	-501.855
-60	44988	4498800	a7b9698b-66fa-4059-9931-d772f9dfa773	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:58:09	-762.174
-60	89976	4498800	0aeacde7-7542-4392-a633-970e6d16f131	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:13:26	-923.76
-61	44989	4498900	b3f083ac-812a-4712-befc-f6c7ebaaefa1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:29:01	-901.967
-61	89978	4498900	5350db1d-cfcd-4b87-8ca6-fc49c17d4cbc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:14:44	254.633
-62	44990	4499000	49738d42-da67-4bc5-8f91-98ae47fc05a2	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:55:34	783.246
-62	89980	4499000	10105b96-bea7-4d93-8283-643a01f234a6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:35:35	694.314
-63	44991	4499100	e5f94a84-5bda-4804-a4d0-fb6cc7636154	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:04:01	-795.317
-63	89982	4499100	d6cefa90-d515-491a-9d19-481b1f56395b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:10:06	-477.459
-64	44992	4499200	4af23ad0-f60a-461b-a94c-1ecf5a82f4e1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:34:50	-401.849
-64	89984	4499200	468e44c8-69d4-436e-b24f-8c8a277b88c2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:41:36	146.130
-65	44993	4499300	9520b120-7711-4558-b70c-76e5aad803cb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:51:02	-559.535
-65	89986	4499300	3f5aebea-8736-4c7f-ad7b-1c3836f60d97	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:28:28	-451.366
-66	44994	4499400	5ca4e7df-bc2e-4876-89bc-35b300af78b7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:36:00	915.224
-66	89988	4499400	4abacb41-ff40-4703-8c6c-542de646ad91	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:17:47	-195.480
-67	44995	4499500	a45fa6f5-2543-4829-aa7b-9632fe1d76d2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:49:48	771.91
-67	89990	4499500	0194d228-b6d1-40a3-a112-7da8b146d841	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:09:09	67.320
-68	44996	4499600	853eb04a-024a-45ad-80f2-4d08f568cf5a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:47:29	655.786
-68	89992	4499600	584a2c12-206a-43df-9295-e01da91a5e2c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:26:47	667.969
-69	44997	4499700	0a7abe28-81ce-4906-96db-980c002e3492	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:25:38	864.713
-69	89994	4499700	580ca9ca-7381-4376-89ad-888e89e88ce1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:53:29	763.71
-70	44998	4499800	26fab38d-2d05-463c-b5eb-c461f4003008	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:45:27	-792.828
-70	89996	4499800	42c967e0-8c43-4584-a14f-8c27b79068b6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:30:56	509.893
-71	44999	4499900	698e38c1-32ae-4f7a-8835-fa88c17dbe9b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:18:34	-994.18
-71	89998	4499900	3a27cfce-0d23-4a50-9822-7a337556e343	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:48:13	786.97
-72	45000	4500000	d89f4185-d800-4455-b267-2dc11a50bcd0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:52:18	-892.200
-72	90000	4500000	fb6c74f8-5e67-4420-a4fa-a8fe4286cd52	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:51:15	-984.981
-73	45001	4500100	a168ccd1-93a6-44dc-a8f3-f9616073f2e0	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:50:10	-163.738
-73	90002	4500100	d2f3e3e3-7058-46cd-be3c-167f47b5f445	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:16:05	868.654
-74	45002	4500200	c6bf8b72-ae8a-45b6-9cb2-a728438b9707	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 18:38:40	-251.429
-74	90004	4500200	24ebe274-5eec-4fb7-8825-fc9faa6c8a05	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 22:12:49	304.653
-75	45003	4500300	ca68fe48-6e82-46c3-a217-70e86ff3e280	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:52:21	112.453
-75	90006	4500300	3b813f70-be0b-40c7-b8a6-32cf566ad69e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 02:42:46	-368.112
-76	45004	4500400	18e898f1-e205-4ce1-ac7e-d34f49cf4ae5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:06:11	-36.404
-76	90008	4500400	066606a8-b944-4162-b414-4629a27991a6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:15:40	716.320
-77	45005	4500500	1db6687c-a6f4-4cff-8f75-61576ae8161f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:24:56	249.931
-77	90010	4500500	13183f38-353f-4d0f-b192-06026589dd96	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:19:10	137.76
-78	45006	4500600	33a48cc9-de9f-4d9a-8e59-7ef1c6f7859b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:48:55	585.67
-78	90012	4500600	72a1f738-28aa-48e6-b14a-ab78119bee83	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:02:16	341.814
-79	45007	4500700	df08a933-2661-45b8-aedc-59d812b0f7c9	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:15:33	69.988
-79	90014	4500700	1f841a5d-3674-43c8-99db-6835f76e9684	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:51:36	288.848
-80	45008	4500800	7c602c41-927d-4eb3-bad2-4e6480e1c88e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:19:07	645.710
-80	90016	4500800	db325995-f789-4e12-b154-68b802c748b0	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:41:51	-935.609
-81	45009	4500900	f2621226-111c-48ce-b312-0ea1c25b56d1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:29:36	-37.149
-81	90018	4500900	eee6036f-6272-405c-8620-c63d3f7db89a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:16:42	-82.900
-82	45010	4501000	ffe896b6-e314-4c52-98c6-c0bb684be9f8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 10:17:40	-581.114
-82	90020	4501000	fe4aa7b5-2811-46eb-8fd2-252937a1acf3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:55:24	-162.303
-83	45011	4501100	b433f9f8-efeb-478e-bc7e-ea43c9e93301	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:28:30	747.351
-83	90022	4501100	bfd23a62-7c62-4988-ae26-5b9ef9a4d1ed	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:37:05	493.606
-84	45012	4501200	7a6e259c-7476-4d46-a85b-47668e052f7c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 16:59:08	-302.229
-84	90024	4501200	822c9eea-68a9-4fa5-8df4-338fdbe3265b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:55:57	-615.836
-85	45013	4501300	c996ed7e-8487-445a-a26a-0abb4d7cc078	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:57:47	-693.958
-85	90026	4501300	01d61828-9223-4c0a-8a5e-5b61071d61f8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:50:07	-114.773
-86	45014	4501400	b21c2d10-21af-493f-b520-58716ca15908	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:25:01	-987.133
-86	90028	4501400	6a7341d0-fe71-486d-b7d6-163bda12f34c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:14:29	233.875
-87	45015	4501500	9513edff-8b00-47a7-9180-9d6fd5e148ec	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:00:41	-621.364
-87	90030	4501500	ed91051c-1019-40de-970f-e59e7ffd9793	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:10:11	-88.295
-88	45016	4501600	6fb117c9-df70-41ca-8d2d-ba289a5b8f82	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:51:46	195.241
-88	90032	4501600	38697193-ab8f-48f7-9f31-b190677209c1	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:52:05	-826.172
-89	45017	4501700	d9e5dece-0e18-4933-8b18-f102583cb7e5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:44:30	-950.438
-89	90034	4501700	c6827bfb-ebc2-4a1a-9d7f-fa3823844a7e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:03:26	-232.705
-90	45018	4501800	a4273780-888b-4c27-a45a-c54334e17f1d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:45:51	697.858
-90	90036	4501800	b3260361-d1f6-4e7f-a2b1-c3d40a14af24	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:40:04	30.146
-91	45019	4501900	2b1cba8a-55e6-4c6f-88ea-d2bd40d42205	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:22:37	617.342
-91	90038	4501900	3c6316d2-3be1-4831-98a4-985549ad1368	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:16:18	-56.694
-92	45020	4502000	1837d626-623e-432d-ad9c-b54a5b67ef70	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:09:36	-583.441
-92	90040	4502000	c42ba717-026f-4bd4-a423-617882818108	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:43:02	827.909
-93	45021	4502100	e2295db3-4857-4cf8-9b5f-d7bf78b07306	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:07:39	723.994
-93	90042	4502100	ec1309df-4962-467e-a9b7-d1e68237f4c9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 20:46:50	-682.536
-94	45022	4502200	d8f1ef5e-2149-436a-9f44-618bc00a970b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:05:18	-995.286
-94	90044	4502200	aac02f1e-631e-47ee-b047-3e18b738b7a1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:15:49	-20.152
-95	45023	4502300	5c9506e3-f69f-43f8-9cf5-da68e1a938a5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:22:09	-338.707
-95	90046	4502300	4ab8dcfb-7e37-48d3-abf7-901c9a754071	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:16:57	945.629
-96	45024	4502400	8dc468b9-78d5-453f-9726-434a171d0605	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:13:35	62.832
-96	90048	4502400	adc67e28-205e-4def-a89c-9d70d3db570f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:46:30	-683.167
-97	45025	4502500	42c98420-d0e9-499e-968f-abc9048fe694	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:41:03	-535.970
-97	90050	4502500	a0da05c4-9f3b-479c-8f6a-a56c035b60dc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:31:05	440.272
-98	45026	4502600	26c68088-47bc-45bd-a4f6-e911ffae62f6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:33:27	-958.886
-98	90052	4502600	eced61ba-6a1b-47fe-9268-dbba2949b9da	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:59:26	-758.910
-99	45027	4502700	b4a9b4dc-3edf-4c48-83c3-960de5c0bcae	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 09:58:03	702.701
-99	90054	4502700	2222f296-a940-44c8-84b2-21aed4a56711	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:02:08	-185.152
-100	45028	4502800	d9449b24-7301-4c75-9066-a783fcc3d632	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:36:12	-532.952
-100	90056	4502800	96f2817f-d177-44fd-835b-11a5ab993cc8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:59:07	358.712
-101	45029	4502900	0629e012-1828-4736-9b6f-2650c1b3d1b5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:40:48	-18.123
-101	90058	4502900	d786ea5f-fae4-475f-bf98-073a936dded8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 14:48:53	195.154
-102	45030	4503000	de22b483-3401-4929-bf34-acac70473599	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:21:04	-814.740
-102	90060	4503000	5cb49cab-c5df-4cb0-81b6-320dc63a3d4f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:05:43	632.576
-103	45031	4503100	dcbc897d-4b69-423b-afe4-998fd53ceb82	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:05:03	80.888
-103	90062	4503100	e69af018-0149-481b-ac2d-5c99755c9e09	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:04:38	-2.467
-104	45032	4503200	0b5afcf0-7235-4719-a9d2-84d5a38598a3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:01:07	69.805
-104	90064	4503200	c5cf97ff-529a-4668-83df-19624f5e107a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:13:13	-893.938
-105	45033	4503300	f818102e-21cd-45af-b543-c8e3a682d126	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:07:09	-492.306
-105	90066	4503300	8a699312-4e84-4c64-b6ba-5b0d05f51757	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:32:45	-529.377
-106	45034	4503400	47da4d8b-54c2-49f6-8854-c53fdedb7632	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:38:33	753.274
-106	90068	4503400	19fa3592-db0d-44b2-b4fc-2154e58039de	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:16:32	166.891
-107	45035	4503500	a5e855e8-332c-4379-bb43-0dc837f6d0ad	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:04:02	258.78
-107	90070	4503500	23921d18-4ff9-4851-946b-5843ead1e017	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:18:37	791.441
-108	45036	4503600	9a12f47b-889e-49e6-9522-33993ad2a32e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:24:19	-644.105
-108	90072	4503600	330387ef-8574-44c8-b1dc-c8e0bc403823	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:27:48	-976.394
-109	45037	4503700	f6dc5b3c-d008-4ed3-92b9-7fb14ed2cb45	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:15:29	-517.246
-109	90074	4503700	3f352495-10d1-4efe-a511-818f45651e34	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:38:28	63.677
-110	45038	4503800	fe31bfa7-73a8-42da-97c1-dc8e269bbf45	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:42:34	142.687
-110	90076	4503800	7870e186-3f32-4b4b-9d91-807dd904804d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:59:07	171.822
-111	45039	4503900	78ced8c2-1815-4d90-b244-dd38945c96b3	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 09:55:53	-828.990
-111	90078	4503900	25a89260-2f4f-46c7-b85a-32d2933d3e28	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:02:38	259.508
-112	45040	4504000	23c7af96-d4fe-4240-9765-f6d442ad3431	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:59:46	-498.664
-112	90080	4504000	35ed436b-324d-422a-8e64-8a01b6eb4665	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:25:59	132.975
-113	45041	4504100	b2659e74-cbfc-44c0-b45c-03a5bde50350	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:34:29	-104.246
-113	90082	4504100	a2178b86-9274-44b4-9713-d502a12eea94	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:13:59	570.922
-114	45042	4504200	888eac79-3685-42bd-ac72-117e091b8344	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:33:55	-56.3
-114	90084	4504200	6704513e-75ae-4731-9107-0ccf25b7d97d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:00:58	818.891
-115	45043	4504300	48d6a51b-46e2-449f-b0fa-3045e2a94adb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:32:05	-903.191
-115	90086	4504300	10221ffe-17ff-4a69-ace1-8b8dcb305bd9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:31:01	-751.580
-116	45044	4504400	85e32d0f-1b70-4188-9d99-c5635d34f8cc	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:37:48	-752.282
-116	90088	4504400	7a83d331-e269-47ba-a6a4-7e79eddd7bfb	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:45:55	106.687
-117	45045	4504500	9b9f4333-36b1-4d55-b5cf-e008e6120755	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:31:11	324.501
-117	90090	4504500	10845883-ed96-41ae-805c-9beb58c75c53	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:53:48	916.453
-118	45046	4504600	512bb9f3-c81d-4f12-97a1-3dbd97e0d09d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:00:28	383.642
-118	90092	4504600	ff671af3-d873-48c4-a50a-8ae9cb6f29a3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:38:29	-533.674
-119	45047	4504700	edacfd6e-5e52-46da-a4f0-8afc44673742	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:17:02	419.697
-119	90094	4504700	ed482a7c-2830-47e2-8e5a-062163704bfc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:13:29	718.634
-120	45048	4504800	b17612cd-8ff6-4a8a-8294-30f89f9d86a6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:28:56	-845.475
-120	90096	4504800	90384cd0-44bb-4e1f-851f-15d23ca336bb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:23:09	-782.234
-121	45049	4504900	d087d87b-f209-4c31-bd1c-7eb50e5da045	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:52:41	-177.566
-121	90098	4504900	06d33117-73f3-4745-99a0-c950bf7cf7e7	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:22:44	594.861
-122	45050	4505000	2aa5f795-f194-488e-86c3-1bb42b21aa50	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:49:14	-493.920
-122	90100	4505000	8f59fe13-cf61-454f-b6d4-4ce8a4599298	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:49:43	362.324
-123	45051	4505100	24465652-81a8-47c3-b4d0-049d3573f3e0	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:06:40	349.552
-123	90102	4505100	2adaf139-99f6-4ca0-90fa-789335eb6410	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:47:19	378.152
-124	45052	4505200	dd90804c-d71c-4b6e-8a57-4a387399dbfc	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:02:53	-219.143
-124	90104	4505200	78b59194-bef7-4a8d-b902-fde846fa235c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:50:48	667.352
-125	45053	4505300	99b719ff-0e87-4141-a32c-60682833c768	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:32:03	724.274
-125	90106	4505300	aad51cf9-79ab-4751-8711-78242fa2a1a6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:12:00	200.91
-126	45054	4505400	453db445-67d1-4c2a-90f2-3991a528fcec	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:39:30	-902.102
-126	90108	4505400	bb812cc3-286a-47e5-8046-d3132a3d0df5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:16:47	-125.191
-127	45055	4505500	bac0a933-c3a4-4606-bf9e-ff5732eff241	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:09:55	-517.979
-127	90110	4505500	47a31a1d-9af9-493d-be29-c17e27fa7e54	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:13:57	242.349
-0	45056	4505600	eda419a3-c37a-4271-ae63-98cafe1faec7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:40:16	488.185
-0	90112	4505600	99e6d116-5c3c-479c-9125-0d1759153f14	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:06:31	-668.205
-1	45057	4505700	1e765d15-c4cd-45a9-b719-183c5e56820c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 19:00:46	729.613
-1	90114	4505700	64057195-ff49-4af7-bd16-9bc5ed297f9c	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:11:01	-656.28
-2	45058	4505800	ec772a60-f148-4102-aba3-bad2923cfc2f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:05:59	297.107
-2	90116	4505800	cfc535b0-0b8d-42fd-862e-990c867ac044	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:23:30	58.525
-3	45059	4505900	20e0bf01-0768-43c9-aacc-77597ce2e640	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:47:42	-514.757
-3	90118	4505900	f29aec83-41eb-43de-a8d8-357d5a1f1781	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:57:13	-857.319
-4	45060	4506000	5d2b428b-9093-4af7-973e-938e3d4d9328	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:56:35	-955.670
-4	90120	4506000	46014f06-b157-4393-9d59-a532bf6dabe3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 03:12:51	-243.23
-5	45061	4506100	02ec4d9f-05ab-49d9-9c25-bd25e476d344	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:29:46	-201.498
-5	90122	4506100	f0f36017-4548-44c8-abb7-3d3c1fff8910	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:09:39	-415.977
-6	45062	4506200	dd1e151b-48dc-4c79-99d7-515f0bb87e7f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:04:11	-577.205
-6	90124	4506200	43d51a3f-d878-4e78-a689-d346f759beb3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:27:51	-203.17
-7	45063	4506300	2749ce0f-9754-49a5-95bc-99a31a30f33f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:15:22	-332.97
-7	90126	4506300	1012a6a0-7b73-4d6c-bdfc-eed102e74600	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:57:54	496.656
-8	45064	4506400	cb74365e-3e23-40bf-8811-d86cfc86fe6f	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:24:32	43.99
-8	90128	4506400	31e8a0a2-b0f9-436e-89d5-63a99ed7be3f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:15:42	774.986
-9	45065	4506500	6dd940f3-663f-45e0-a5e0-56ec40628ab2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:48:26	377.475
-9	90130	4506500	053a88ee-adaf-469f-89b6-7736d228e248	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:49:39	-800.627
-10	45066	4506600	7a6dd0e2-b45c-45de-aeda-e8553161b656	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:08:28	522.659
-10	90132	4506600	27108afc-74fd-452c-b2ff-980e1fb06710	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:25:37	891.991
-11	45067	4506700	b3b9b50d-d0af-47c5-b03b-64a179d9a312	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:07:47	-628.465
-11	90134	4506700	2c0543ff-db51-43b5-a423-b6ecc6e4921f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 11:30:42	664.568
-12	45068	4506800	38e5966b-9175-42e1-9a5f-ff9f2921d7e8	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:06:51	-905.12
-12	90136	4506800	9b08ead1-7a51-4826-96c1-c81ebdd9ad4a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:41:20	48.307
-13	45069	4506900	c281520b-0fa2-428c-89fd-6dded0f304c7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:20:44	269.738
-13	90138	4506900	0266b0c7-a71f-4a2e-9964-de40cde52b8d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:50:03	488.604
-14	45070	4507000	d1838c16-ff0c-49bc-b807-8bbde88431eb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:30:58	596.454
-14	90140	4507000	5d79f59a-7fd5-4ce8-8b0a-424989dede07	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:33:22	-632.601
-15	45071	4507100	535ddf0d-3089-424b-a220-333cc251cc94	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:53:53	362.595
-15	90142	4507100	f3585ca7-f265-46b1-8bc5-7155d31a6566	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:37:03	-486.678
-16	45072	4507200	ef7fd1e9-60b8-453e-ad72-43e75af1a356	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:14:59	-453.365
-16	90144	4507200	aef96c8b-c294-4b82-8c06-bb54385cc92f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:59:52	907.981
-17	45073	4507300	d933fba0-15a1-4b54-a026-d2f4ec71a6d4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 15:46:29	-253.624
-17	90146	4507300	4aaa67b2-9305-4054-8927-7cdffaad7aa2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:08:21	-446.905
-18	45074	4507400	2a474d9a-4eb6-4497-957b-236fe9320013	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:50:39	579.708
-18	90148	4507400	3925d4f4-0c5b-4c4e-a8f2-b06231eaafa9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:46:54	594.870
-19	45075	4507500	8cf0d446-234b-4e88-bda1-f8d0a98628fb	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:57:18	906.353
-19	90150	4507500	d5684dcf-e0df-4f89-9ddf-6e79beb8d9fa	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:17:12	-365.850
-20	45076	4507600	e95d2be5-54d0-4e96-99af-0fe769ae49af	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:48:20	782.792
-20	90152	4507600	3286aa4a-c5c1-449a-a834-2bd8826c81b1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:38:51	442.910
-21	45077	4507700	fff89aca-f562-4716-a46f-9c345ed38a66	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:01:01	914.187
-21	90154	4507700	8cae96e7-89d2-4125-b975-fa072a296bfd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:37:09	-52.391
-22	45078	4507800	5c55d18d-3b6e-4327-83b3-b3c5cf405112	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:55:14	633.307
-22	90156	4507800	703a8e8e-c5e3-483c-afbd-45400384a2ee	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:04:00	280.666
-23	45079	4507900	3701f6c8-a323-4d69-9f1c-9688aa61e1a8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:27:43	450.334
-23	90158	4507900	2566e91a-3a9f-4210-b26a-3fb6bbc83abc	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:12:18	486.452
-24	45080	4508000	9bc6f92b-96e4-4987-baf6-c1a6f91ef7d5	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:07:20	-37.282
-24	90160	4508000	d370a501-6291-4a8f-aca1-89012f3d8287	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:55:39	-103.134
-25	45081	4508100	7f760000-0223-46c1-8d6e-9c81c5d7453e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:28:38	746.786
-25	90162	4508100	601a435b-10d6-47a4-b07e-37c187f75029	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 22:12:15	-293.923
-26	45082	4508200	6d0363cd-5977-41b6-ad7d-4c3b827e08b0	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:03:17	-814.44
-26	90164	4508200	3a3b1a0f-bef7-440b-86cc-7bbb39191f90	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:55:08	-371.784
-27	45083	4508300	3e88a189-11c9-4f30-8a4b-54ee1824de2d	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:48:25	-50.778
-27	90166	4508300	f3f2c818-54e5-4889-b470-7f0cac423322	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:25:16	-525.209
-28	45084	4508400	aea1b889-53f0-4f58-b49f-fc5b6a4d71bf	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:09:50	-650.754
-28	90168	4508400	8260f32c-7f02-4ef2-b87b-4c949223290a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:34:35	-375.516
-29	45085	4508500	c1f4e1fc-c4f3-4e4e-ae0b-6f347978e9a4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:55:55	-903.651
-29	90170	4508500	9f8d8af1-a278-4b44-80ff-c0f4618ea421	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:12:46	870.614
-30	45086	4508600	2c59b6b8-f6fd-4905-a048-1cb1a236a4e2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:16:40	407.308
-30	90172	4508600	d3de5305-2530-4335-bd24-c17573de4a8d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:27:53	313.191
-31	45087	4508700	023a27a1-077e-4338-83ae-932636e34bec	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:49:43	729.773
-31	90174	4508700	3fc2afd8-0130-4bcb-b7bf-8f7cc799d1b6	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:38:21	-684.409
-32	45088	4508800	fa09fd6c-8abc-41b3-99be-b8b2a07a5afc	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:52:48	-961.555
-32	90176	4508800	74fd6e65-6565-419c-8f95-3d2c5391ef1f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:01:55	82.601
-33	45089	4508900	4fd4f7f4-10d9-4bfd-a43a-8874ee4c3c1b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 01:31:45	-155.163
-33	90178	4508900	4c20039e-b2a1-48bb-ba4d-45b77eeb8ed4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:29:38	-215.819
-34	45090	4509000	c921eb61-4fcc-4f13-bc8d-6ab39fab287d	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:59:55	809.580
-34	90180	4509000	c9b81c13-4964-4fa2-bc76-69aa24a6f94a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:31:27	-263.915
-35	45091	4509100	4208cb4a-6267-4f27-8387-ca99a3c09e67	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:12:54	276.679
-35	90182	4509100	4af760e1-4218-4293-9d8c-18a3211c663c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:12:59	-282.322
-36	45092	4509200	45bc3965-93fe-41d9-9f18-cd4a9f55adbe	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:15:27	488.482
-36	90184	4509200	0d499029-20be-4d3a-a132-93a3d6337fcb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 16:10:37	764.718
-37	45093	4509300	c45e6894-99ec-4981-901b-cbb83d122cfb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:54:48	-310.659
-37	90186	4509300	802dfd5b-629f-4260-8fd8-7263b39a0066	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:53:17	319.189
-38	45094	4509400	c06546b8-4a20-47ad-b3b6-cca4a6fd5501	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:03:04	-505.207
-38	90188	4509400	c4817702-c81a-4f5e-b93c-8e37cf2e6f48	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:19:50	-960.6
-39	45095	4509500	1e7dce87-c1b7-4f06-8190-76e2d530c5d9	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:56:48	-796.291
-39	90190	4509500	36b42b7a-6554-42e9-9474-d8d750d46a80	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:32:00	-184.891
-40	45096	4509600	dd3d5a5e-ddff-4d54-9d63-414dc3f117c3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:40:02	-727.258
-40	90192	4509600	829e9a93-d865-4ee2-a757-a17c9255c900	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:34:21	-963.671
-41	45097	4509700	ff8b798c-39e2-4993-8ff1-6152a55af6f6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:12:32	894.263
-41	90194	4509700	b72deb04-5db6-4247-bf07-392a23121819	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:50:14	826.647
-42	45098	4509800	543971a1-f59d-4982-beed-a4e0b0f971ee	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:51:07	5.274
-42	90196	4509800	6bce1343-e1f6-4d01-9ca3-c0dd7d576c90	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:18:40	54.341
-43	45099	4509900	4b808f9d-9f09-4bca-95f2-bf7020e25709	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:23:01	489.675
-43	90198	4509900	702e41a0-48ec-496c-9b7a-a777aae04daf	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:49:20	325.946
-44	45100	4510000	03805e2e-ba59-4e26-be26-235bb8794f8a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:47:31	240.830
-44	90200	4510000	fc391049-3257-4245-82d3-5fd2d6f2ef9e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 16:43:46	-332.240
-45	45101	4510100	f08af2ef-c532-4244-af69-24cf660f0ac6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:52:01	-18.664
-45	90202	4510100	e2664b95-69f8-4b3a-bd20-60e8bdb01c63	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:29:55	-629.904
-46	45102	4510200	63f6e61d-d4cc-4f5f-b7d3-e291d6189a72	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:52:36	918.907
-46	90204	4510200	581eb76f-6eb0-46b9-8648-40fe9535ba38	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:29:49	-507.117
-47	45103	4510300	8e5043ae-3f0d-4395-96d0-d122f4c88b1d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:59:42	984.121
-47	90206	4510300	eaa7f08a-522b-4284-b73f-390882a5facb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:26:06	39.721
-48	45104	4510400	4afc7450-e6bb-4663-9bf8-95fb00dba594	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:20:32	-651.332
-48	90208	4510400	4b22cba8-718f-456c-a7c9-98d36fe0dee7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:06:02	-28.734
-49	45105	4510500	7d33016e-e886-4cad-b100-326004b86834	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:43:52	-154.898
-49	90210	4510500	878fa1be-310c-4a2e-ab6e-bb309a908884	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 23:53:40	-152.622
-50	45106	4510600	d782648a-cd3b-4a60-97bb-e37fe7c3bbd2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:08:46	-4.251
-50	90212	4510600	1d8a84ae-5ae5-491e-83b3-a9e9beb4b18e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:24:11	910.269
-51	45107	4510700	6f409932-27b9-4ebf-8148-e24a1ff8be3c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:49:24	-307.651
-51	90214	4510700	80c42c23-6600-4b99-9381-efce4f1f6b1c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:18:23	854.217
-52	45108	4510800	3dbc0bd7-1c07-4bc1-a9d7-d201be86af97	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:23:32	-543.520
-52	90216	4510800	e606aa43-18d1-4ab9-91df-7d0bb820e3ac	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:20:31	-576.913
-53	45109	4510900	5fd3ba8d-76e5-4dd6-8043-f251e2152a4a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:26:05	-95.854
-53	90218	4510900	1d178b29-cf01-4f0c-bc4f-9d1ac2e08205	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:43:45	144.919
-54	45110	4511000	0643137d-da97-4028-b544-33b9aaaeb53a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:31:50	-829.568
-54	90220	4511000	2fb676ff-00a6-41b7-b213-45e50d5f8646	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:01:21	879.258
-55	45111	4511100	196dccdf-9792-4b71-a6e4-2e2c265d4f42	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:20:38	780.402
-55	90222	4511100	56b13be2-5679-48d0-b6bc-a2f424ddf09c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:04:47	396.463
-56	45112	4511200	f2ad9230-299b-4536-992d-42d19bc25562	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:48:19	252.811
-56	90224	4511200	57b9b77a-2851-4a76-b072-3990564e254a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:54:48	626.939
-57	45113	4511300	6b395d05-f342-4000-92f5-0b04cee137d2	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:45:43	-765.93
-57	90226	4511300	cf2c23ec-5c48-47d0-baa9-979dec65e45e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:31:08	-105.658
-58	45114	4511400	616eb846-b014-43f0-94a1-e075721a1deb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:26:51	195.30
-58	90228	4511400	34355423-6ff2-4ab5-9c3f-840565533e2d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:57:07	402.236
-59	45115	4511500	5f81f812-ccb7-4127-ba68-6466d33faac1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:46:49	495.147
-59	90230	4511500	625deb13-4839-49ef-bdae-289916d212e2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:41:01	428.565
-60	45116	4511600	ddd29ace-7f27-43ab-96ac-7e36e7ca6908	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:09:54	115.557
-60	90232	4511600	bf562fb2-a0c7-40b4-af51-663539c448f4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:54:12	93.245
-61	45117	4511700	e506cbc1-be22-4450-87ca-2ce0f37ee293	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:47:02	13.165
-61	90234	4511700	2a682ba8-dc81-4f9f-acfc-ce90f8bab092	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:17:24	846.543
-62	45118	4511800	80271a06-e293-46be-bd7f-8996f04454fb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:42:11	103.992
-62	90236	4511800	3c96c4df-6a9a-4500-b25e-847f4f43cccd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:37:42	210.4
-63	45119	4511900	9e370ad5-cc34-4dba-b371-67703406989d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:13:17	-481.888
-63	90238	4511900	f5a04717-2ce3-4066-81e9-e252b449d20a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:30:26	-299.113
-64	45120	4512000	67cd0e82-21b6-4275-8f71-d48e718d7905	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:19:15	323.143
-64	90240	4512000	7db8be22-6dcc-448e-9543-9459d80eab52	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:04:04	-707.175
-65	45121	4512100	4d91eb3a-64d6-42b0-abfd-a2133b17649a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:14:03	-133.114
-65	90242	4512100	9e11f3c3-11c3-4499-8213-f628eb96645f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:13:13	-591.407
-66	45122	4512200	2dee99a0-19af-4520-99dc-56827382a6d6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:25:36	-271.982
-66	90244	4512200	50a08a9c-e665-4320-97db-43b3919dbb8a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:02:30	-408.940
-67	45123	4512300	b6a19523-3cb0-4322-8fef-9dedd9cbee44	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:27:34	-475.839
-67	90246	4512300	aa1cf50d-69d2-48fb-a172-57362b1f7668	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 05:00:23	572.767
-68	45124	4512400	391a0cb0-c27d-4e2d-8b8a-48dd1bf3c574	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:05:21	314.714
-68	90248	4512400	5a144990-bf4e-4671-be8d-d33aadca598e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:14:03	-755.772
-69	45125	4512500	3096231b-c058-42d0-9677-b9402f2cc754	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:20:56	231.295
-69	90250	4512500	743b23c7-e70a-4e9e-805a-8c2653fa91e7	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:28:31	987.453
-70	45126	4512600	c0745159-acd5-4a64-bff0-19c955565293	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:36:01	613.396
-70	90252	4512600	3c977eb0-b175-4462-b0f0-8c34883d81d2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:31:05	607.336
-71	45127	4512700	84a26ce4-7bd9-48d9-9053-95ae483a078d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:47:10	-386.828
-71	90254	4512700	2fb26c06-38cf-4a9f-946f-5bc703ad70b1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:24:32	291.131
-72	45128	4512800	ce2accc8-f107-4947-9074-5435eabb2d85	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:21:57	-903.201
-72	90256	4512800	9a4d82a4-9de0-4f2f-a60b-718f68bc5bb1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 01:34:45	-117.456
-73	45129	4512900	b8df4020-facc-46b6-8e2b-e6051ed8caf2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:49:22	-761.128
-73	90258	4512900	a3fcd2af-2d28-41a9-8a0b-7b16554dad13	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 05:15:31	125.331
-74	45130	4513000	83cd1695-42fd-437a-a1a7-fc7e05521199	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:42:52	-469.201
-74	90260	4513000	67fed095-065d-45e0-8c69-6f70b27436af	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:44:53	-189.845
-75	45131	4513100	4d74cfdf-d16f-4f38-be4a-09da969588a3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:24:17	-736.392
-75	90262	4513100	01aec08a-1ae6-405b-ab12-c4520d76fc85	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:15:23	758.132
-76	45132	4513200	f92addca-3510-4da8-9529-ce1c56b75770	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:11:08	678.350
-76	90264	4513200	8e044f70-bb04-4893-889c-3da782edef52	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:08:17	663.509
-77	45133	4513300	170a1885-a8c4-41d7-84ad-eed817e02b01	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:51:55	-467.474
-77	90266	4513300	358953a6-d849-4309-ba28-71559b0cbaea	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:26:45	-508.274
-78	45134	4513400	6486a3a4-9958-4672-a7d9-bf31c61cac05	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:45:30	952.325
-78	90268	4513400	e5762c80-725e-4eee-a454-54e412ef3b1e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:23:17	423.681
-79	45135	4513500	89bfcdea-adbc-44e5-83f8-26b8d32ce9a9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:32:09	475.96
-79	90270	4513500	469a1cf6-f160-4c15-9b05-66278c78fbdb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:09:54	-554.284
-80	45136	4513600	845b4a77-3fa7-4dc5-b584-442ee0978292	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:42:11	-583.238
-80	90272	4513600	55ad8831-48f8-4b9a-9967-aca48dba8773	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 12:18:22	-927.173
-81	45137	4513700	f4d288ff-66bb-4a30-b38a-7484358cee0c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:12:47	805.65
-81	90274	4513700	dda40097-83d7-46bb-b584-cebda55a25bc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 21:51:20	-560.422
-82	45138	4513800	789dce6b-9b6f-4258-90a5-cec4c27c47c7	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:05:41	830.997
-82	90276	4513800	3002ddbd-62b7-48c1-93ce-a94f4be42ffc	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:29:58	709.388
-83	45139	4513900	e4ee9c7c-7dbd-4aae-b892-cb4334f723ee	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 19:11:49	912.820
-83	90278	4513900	e1a247f4-7c54-458a-84b3-744e13d1f149	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:00:17	-316.125
-84	45140	4514000	6a35a167-6ae6-4f34-8557-6f1dd46ae922	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:13:02	-863.353
-84	90280	4514000	d3402980-d3c0-422a-903c-f0c3d40918bb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:21:09	-460.421
-85	45141	4514100	6466fa22-989e-4a09-85cb-a204e220ff44	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:14:39	73.427
-85	90282	4514100	6db0df14-5f55-4f67-8498-2566e453b943	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:14:50	143.278
-86	45142	4514200	e2fbf716-8a63-4fa4-a053-aa218f441035	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:04:36	461.621
-86	90284	4514200	1fbea0bf-7ade-4a8b-bd46-85bc62f2c022	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:11:29	-912.218
-87	45143	4514300	4cc9890b-990e-4fd2-ac73-da93ad10dcc0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:53:04	-534.308
-87	90286	4514300	c34f167b-7129-40c5-b84f-64743e50c7d1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:42:32	548.652
-88	45144	4514400	2298999e-17b7-403c-aedb-bdac1df4b920	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:38:54	983.396
-88	90288	4514400	635b1c49-c2ad-407a-897c-b250f300c605	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:13:15	-302.527
-89	45145	4514500	8ab52d49-8e7f-476c-8437-040667557d71	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:52:16	462.921
-89	90290	4514500	d08be07c-1589-4480-af66-da04337668a7	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:06:52	-508.46
-90	45146	4514600	ef274e76-5ace-467b-ba4f-960b1e1a820f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:08:54	601.226
-90	90292	4514600	aac3de91-2b87-4154-b330-e7b30a131e00	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:22:47	-87.839
-91	45147	4514700	0787a764-30a0-4f35-94c2-507da2d4b5f3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:32:18	-825.838
-91	90294	4514700	2535aa62-e887-4a7c-91b6-532d7553c5ae	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:25:42	-712.35
-92	45148	4514800	e11af2c2-dcc2-442d-9122-9ba59f65509e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:51:18	-853.933
-92	90296	4514800	d3c45c3a-ef8c-424d-a533-98e05e73fc72	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:49:51	522.951
-93	45149	4514900	f084ea49-319c-433c-b07b-b6230df9f54e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:55:59	789.957
-93	90298	4514900	a9792101-b072-4aad-9269-4459bf6a32c8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:25:27	-393.864
-94	45150	4515000	87ee5c79-01fc-4c34-889d-4e8a5ebd9555	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 01:05:07	-15.431
-94	90300	4515000	5f0f729e-31c4-48e9-96af-7be15ff162e0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:30:36	895.612
-95	45151	4515100	7c9304a5-7ba2-4ae7-9872-c6e460f4dfec	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:52:41	-825.560
-95	90302	4515100	74ffffe7-071d-4118-88f1-5e7660793163	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:47:24	-299.753
-96	45152	4515200	c098c5c6-e1b4-4248-98bb-6e5a68b1ca4a	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:06:52	-32.487
-96	90304	4515200	60517dbb-e043-4cd7-8c64-df7536489cd3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:43:57	-629.343
-97	45153	4515300	27fd9359-4224-4ec4-b0d4-62e0800f947c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:30:56	-661.204
-97	90306	4515300	bca6d4cd-4476-47cb-888f-8977d89a14ee	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:15:05	-938.118
-98	45154	4515400	36bed14d-9532-46d7-ba61-887f77c7661b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:33:15	753.352
-98	90308	4515400	34b0588b-5ba5-4918-8291-c3a8aff7fce9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:13:41	-204.846
-99	45155	4515500	241fcbda-9e5d-470d-a8dc-1ffd25137a4f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:51:20	619.579
-99	90310	4515500	c8640ad6-cf83-40f0-ab6f-cdfeb8dbf47c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:29:17	465.26
-100	45156	4515600	3d7d76f5-cf97-42a1-a244-4ad209f22b07	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:36:59	838.72
-100	90312	4515600	77e85bf0-fd59-4c9d-99e5-5cd62384320d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:38:43	807.970
-101	45157	4515700	55aef99c-25dc-4674-9300-0768d987d84f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:18:30	-508.311
-101	90314	4515700	4cf675be-37d5-47a6-bbe1-f0f310637e25	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:35:42	968.523
-102	45158	4515800	108ddf66-0071-4ba2-8b95-3fb11ff11acf	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:59:09	171.909
-102	90316	4515800	b1e4a711-d74a-460b-bc26-98ced2f2eb78	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:05:32	84.780
-103	45159	4515900	4986c746-96d0-4c05-9c28-50c50325333d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:39:44	417.652
-103	90318	4515900	9ae7e914-aab8-4fc9-8188-b1b56a60e41b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:39:09	852.802
-104	45160	4516000	53f355a1-2c4d-4c28-b957-8482d641419a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:33:12	979.572
-104	90320	4516000	7e64342c-787c-4549-b65c-e3181785e11a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:45:27	970.946
-105	45161	4516100	713ca6d8-7264-454c-96b0-9099e29d5f8a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:15:25	-966.15
-105	90322	4516100	2947738d-b65c-48da-b442-6e12d64fcba9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:46:39	-621.149
-106	45162	4516200	f4f7a4e8-3ddb-458e-95c4-43de6fd549d7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:47:56	-161.305
-106	90324	4516200	590983d4-ddf4-4428-b677-b63f332fd13b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:08:55	-963.672
-107	45163	4516300	ca774a32-d33a-4387-bc46-c4caf4610f3d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:23:44	757.649
-107	90326	4516300	995d0466-0d72-4aca-93be-0c5a0ca5ad90	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 12:14:43	502.167
-108	45164	4516400	ff9bbd7b-9ef5-4333-bb9b-4305b1c52725	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:08:56	371.275
-108	90328	4516400	acafeab2-1995-48e2-a556-5280f280be17	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 13:48:10	-468.840
-109	45165	4516500	9177709d-8081-4f5f-8c76-6543346f5fa4	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:51:07	49.857
-109	90330	4516500	bee83acc-117a-45fb-ac41-dccc97d11bed	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:34:28	-416.23
-110	45166	4516600	37153691-0615-4478-b198-904e99f26aad	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:09:23	776.871
-110	90332	4516600	372a09e7-0b1f-4764-af89-3dfd8531486e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:18:47	-130.25
-111	45167	4516700	65a73325-b1d9-4ec3-875d-239d01b4a05a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:29:04	949.429
-111	90334	4516700	edb7413a-40e3-45d5-a16c-32ef407947fb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:20:19	-757.287
-112	45168	4516800	da5a5d80-e522-41c8-a66d-d60111ff5292	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:37:40	-458.207
-112	90336	4516800	acd865e8-d486-4daa-ae6a-93c46f3108e8	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:29:39	-828.979
-113	45169	4516900	5278c083-4dfa-4026-ae48-738a92a59966	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:38:27	467.688
-113	90338	4516900	1da4ae45-7dba-4b05-8eb7-ecd753fba91e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:40:19	623.511
-114	45170	4517000	a1367a50-a9e7-4455-88f5-ac7c4ff685b6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:44:53	-637.846
-114	90340	4517000	ece01849-4cbb-47f3-af63-5dc5cc878c07	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:38:26	730.657
-115	45171	4517100	4cb02b95-16fc-4e42-acd8-c2a07fc34b63	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:34:33	-99.824
-115	90342	4517100	95f60d3f-aa8c-4531-86f6-adb32f79f3d8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:54:11	765.389
-116	45172	4517200	c6ee1527-c9b8-4b32-9c61-ce7e03c955f6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:30:00	-475.118
-116	90344	4517200	45a58bc7-5ec9-45e8-99b8-bfb99f69b81f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:15:44	-824.107
-117	45173	4517300	afaaa04d-5bf4-403b-8b43-4ac7af0ce3a3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:50:27	-964.774
-117	90346	4517300	3020ed46-5d86-4f1d-8748-893b8118b711	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:09:12	457.346
-118	45174	4517400	01a3742b-21b8-490a-ab90-defb6af7ea0f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:17:17	280.15
-118	90348	4517400	296ea862-c663-443b-bbec-64715563e90c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:30:20	20.640
-119	45175	4517500	4319c86f-b2ed-4959-95cc-0f223ddc1f92	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:33:03	538.711
-119	90350	4517500	c439d97f-7cbc-4469-8b7b-a85152bb6d2a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:38:27	-613.765
-120	45176	4517600	7dc1c268-b021-4c58-901c-c5fe4e44ff12	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:14:12	356.56
-120	90352	4517600	7c2772c5-2810-4998-becd-7da74607639b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:24:04	654.382
-121	45177	4517700	7d082b10-d83b-4bd2-8619-f787332d6924	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:22:31	658.516
-121	90354	4517700	26bff06c-ee05-421f-860e-0f2d64eb7ba1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:34:18	-887.556
-122	45178	4517800	dbef7c5c-d01d-4539-a3c9-fed551cdc10f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:41:16	499.723
-122	90356	4517800	2151f98b-5f8b-4047-a9b5-e0654beb4eb2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:45:43	-864.919
-123	45179	4517900	4231c52e-1dde-44bc-bf89-2acf091f9dd3	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:05:17	-160.705
-123	90358	4517900	507c924d-f1d7-455d-affc-f1ac71335b8e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:36:10	-222.885
-124	45180	4518000	dd190a27-05d1-4e10-b283-749c2d832ada	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:14:28	-917.493
-124	90360	4518000	2b510304-c684-4400-8ce2-844efea227a8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:53:17	395.623
-125	45181	4518100	b9ccc137-4e6f-4d3d-8551-1941ae51c0d0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 17:59:07	72.6
-125	90362	4518100	74f4e509-0ead-493e-8fd2-fbb75242cf70	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:35:28	333.324
-126	45182	4518200	e72474c0-2a30-45cd-a32f-2924de65df4a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:32:02	605.846
-126	90364	4518200	17e9e46e-3799-4a41-84c0-a6eb0ea11498	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:02:04	-42.516
-127	45183	4518300	206d4b03-86b9-4bcf-bbee-4f901dbdd478	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:37:06	-729.605
-127	90366	4518300	9bc3034e-3e54-404f-94e1-f0348a7bd7ec	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:40:40	351.751
-0	45184	4518400	7d0808f3-0be6-445c-9cc5-be35d909b1fa	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:10:56	-583.850
-0	90368	4518400	73b8047a-0f04-412d-992a-2fb15188734a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:57:18	-664.280
-1	45185	4518500	11db3082-98a8-4016-8971-dfd46be26403	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:43:33	993.786
-1	90370	4518500	4f0af22d-97c4-4587-9e2a-c5b68576b4eb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:40:29	-583.169
-2	45186	4518600	01d9c2c2-ce31-4b07-8e7d-47de4769f7b6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:00:50	-627.337
-2	90372	4518600	63d3ce2d-3f3d-4ff0-bf16-add2df698699	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:50:47	-177.860
-3	45187	4518700	0cdb1c27-d236-4839-a094-6746dcaa7470	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:19:50	378.104
-3	90374	4518700	e2ef783f-e582-4ef9-8dbb-505d68cd7c30	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:08:21	531.906
-4	45188	4518800	060b6c3c-37a0-4555-995f-7b4671410844	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:04:37	-906.584
-4	90376	4518800	f9677c55-62b0-431f-b2e0-6c592b3639b7	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:51:40	-722.615
-5	45189	4518900	0b6b45db-5bfa-4b70-8ea5-0584f397ab99	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:28:01	-468.217
-5	90378	4518900	e095e1a0-1740-4aba-8084-39c3ee28f9b9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:37:36	-74.61
-6	45190	4519000	e45d04a7-5506-4967-ba6f-0bb8ac7b7178	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:51:50	910.448
-6	90380	4519000	7438f51a-9e04-45dd-8061-380a214ea662	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:03:03	-840.102
-7	45191	4519100	7a4bcd40-acc2-42bf-acec-5935ddd17394	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 16:04:49	-47.29
-7	90382	4519100	4debbfb8-dbb9-4d9b-8abd-d038839ff4ed	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 22:19:08	-906.190
-8	45192	4519200	fabf9bc7-7860-4cdd-8927-41c1a82e9e59	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:39:04	954.860
-8	90384	4519200	e5f15450-d94f-4a20-93a4-30500aa9a0c6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:57:18	52.666
-9	45193	4519300	45e3b30c-03fc-403f-b480-edc0862c0220	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:26:46	-296.367
-9	90386	4519300	7b899934-1d19-4f23-b1c5-74c51984eb18	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:47:36	-604.535
-10	45194	4519400	c91b5d0a-d214-45dd-a358-cfc0cd47c26a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:10:02	224.748
-10	90388	4519400	1eae5bdf-2f09-48d5-b611-541398ac4a8e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:46:40	859.553
-11	45195	4519500	17e8531a-d865-4f41-a437-e23098ae851f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 17:14:16	527.413
-11	90390	4519500	6eca2a54-81fe-4930-a00d-08a4558bac1f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:04:37	655.111
-12	45196	4519600	3c194c5d-fae3-487a-b3db-06714185b575	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:50:12	-886.3
-12	90392	4519600	faeaa6c2-5f9a-4c0e-a9b3-c5a6a072e9b7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:58:24	-247.189
-13	45197	4519700	31e0e823-e0df-4bf3-a887-8ecee385dcf0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:43:32	500.290
-13	90394	4519700	96f1d5e2-7e6a-4e61-a736-ee98e4742d3d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:55:00	-687.540
-14	45198	4519800	d43f796c-fa03-4405-b635-877d388d2d4b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:34:29	95.456
-14	90396	4519800	63881314-9b5a-4622-9f2e-0398bb49cd85	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:49:21	785.52
-15	45199	4519900	9eae657c-46cc-4234-998f-52e4dd91e564	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:29:20	-661.811
-15	90398	4519900	50bfbf67-4aa0-4550-a843-e245d29c1ba6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:17:23	12.841
-16	45200	4520000	49d94468-b993-4e98-9382-40d5e217f8a2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:13:41	-255.353
-16	90400	4520000	7b3cea23-13d9-4e4b-9900-f0af0f49e4ab	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:50:58	-220.136
-17	45201	4520100	e5b1dbf7-2461-4751-a1a7-869f2f2bd35e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:40:45	-175.76
-17	90402	4520100	c9803a9c-c653-4cc8-aac5-b0c995fa2f22	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:19:52	71.310
-18	45202	4520200	216edf7d-9c6a-436f-986b-3889163b25f7	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 01:04:32	-369.109
-18	90404	4520200	20e62102-9f37-49ed-9aa6-820dc468475e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:28:53	-991.273
-19	45203	4520300	dafe637d-2c9b-4028-a6b9-6386f260e00b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:52:04	268.565
-19	90406	4520300	33179faa-7ac8-4dd3-9a7e-c8b2b0da2aa4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:38:22	-811.316
-20	45204	4520400	cb9a77e1-8a44-4f45-b93d-b2ff3549eb02	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:00:20	-763.767
-20	90408	4520400	1b7e3ba6-11ce-448d-9214-c489e6dcbec8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 01:29:37	530.788
-21	45205	4520500	45359e86-cda0-4b3c-91a1-aa1c5565b6a6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:34:21	334.806
-21	90410	4520500	e1844f44-f312-4d40-8fb6-2f037020f7a3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:03:15	-469.196
-22	45206	4520600	2e2db0bc-68c0-4eb8-8451-16d641091954	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:34:56	-178.381
-22	90412	4520600	007b816a-4ca9-461f-9b74-ae961667f0fd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:02:00	30.96
-23	45207	4520700	b6d7dca2-0c1f-443f-af80-6bb6ef512295	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:40:32	937.579
-23	90414	4520700	0c51a591-e7a8-4bfb-88df-0ec60c0790fc	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:27:35	8.640
-24	45208	4520800	914c0b7e-9c1e-4e73-a860-6aeaba70eb81	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:19:12	-820.969
-24	90416	4520800	171a1525-52f5-44c4-aac8-9d71171d713d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:49:56	-189.807
-25	45209	4520900	31c3ae3e-8bfb-4ec4-b7c4-c8c8a9670953	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:50:47	-404.867
-25	90418	4520900	c8f85093-c3e0-41c5-b1e1-79592fe55434	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:29:53	602.420
-26	45210	4521000	2a620c5f-807b-46ea-9d17-9468713ffc99	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:00:03	-671.975
-26	90420	4521000	aa139334-9a7b-4186-811c-ca7d4e23fe18	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:33:44	730.362
-27	45211	4521100	35f2989d-97b5-4ba8-a583-8a1baf476d9f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:24:45	243.394
-27	90422	4521100	04e5a66d-6075-41a9-8f28-4b3ee4f569bb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 17:28:53	364.25
-28	45212	4521200	786bcb8c-7f38-4dcb-aa1e-07b8f4da8319	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:37:13	659.429
-28	90424	4521200	30369a1b-def4-4d9c-b05e-e1c84329d357	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:27:44	-450.699
-29	45213	4521300	b4c65d83-ef52-4b47-be59-98201a135bf7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:06:38	-189.20
-29	90426	4521300	42912438-cc91-41db-b9aa-682bb86dc379	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:01:29	545.197
-30	45214	4521400	7af2b65f-b5c9-41cc-9893-c37c7416891e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:39:28	959.468
-30	90428	4521400	91601d3c-25f4-497b-8039-e04d4c2c3f05	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:36:26	241.397
-31	45215	4521500	6e284724-8ea8-4c86-968d-6696b648db7e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:13:54	374.721
-31	90430	4521500	5a4dd491-bb36-4612-9fcd-266382f01e12	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:04:05	136.227
-32	45216	4521600	4223b31a-df8a-40c8-8c98-eaa830284ae3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:16:47	924.230
-32	90432	4521600	e6466f90-729b-4588-9a61-53d4e15810d6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:30:09	352.343
-33	45217	4521700	ffb55222-2097-41d0-9dcd-1615dd22a5b9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:24:13	405.270
-33	90434	4521700	8735ca72-bfee-4613-bab7-5167a249b3e4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:09:48	136.927
-34	45218	4521800	7097359d-c253-4fb3-9d52-546e919a3541	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 17:57:07	746.149
-34	90436	4521800	c057aeac-ec34-4c91-bd43-0590e12d6f5a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:37:10	-368.82
-35	45219	4521900	acbe39ab-2faa-4cf5-bbd7-1ec4324cd290	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:29:55	-19.759
-35	90438	4521900	d7f38e2c-9e75-41ba-a090-8eab72696747	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:02:41	609.362
-36	45220	4522000	4f91927c-d911-413d-bf56-a8f8db0fd31a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:42:53	265.385
-36	90440	4522000	4299821e-98e6-496c-85f1-db4fa6991e69	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:30:05	-846.587
-37	45221	4522100	01a36a45-6b5f-4b28-83c4-16d72419e6b0	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:43:47	-767.692
-37	90442	4522100	5124ceeb-c73c-4d71-99ef-b1e2e813b8e6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 06:34:05	243.154
-38	45222	4522200	a093bc1d-ef60-41b0-972e-125d971e196b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:47:37	281.185
-38	90444	4522200	41085a43-9205-4337-bc66-40bcabd3e5e0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 18:15:22	69.943
-39	45223	4522300	018ce3ad-6b0c-431f-9c40-c6f0b42e4318	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:56:48	669.347
-39	90446	4522300	89969a6f-f6fd-455d-b36a-752c36e9b010	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:45:37	-449.27
-40	45224	4522400	36142b4d-3d38-4750-bbae-6c658ded14d5	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:19:08	-534.98
-40	90448	4522400	7e189a08-f339-453f-86bc-5b91ced80cab	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:04:05	68.70
-41	45225	4522500	7c307b60-97d7-422a-9093-fcd092bcf1fc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:08:12	110.998
-41	90450	4522500	511f9ebb-f175-4611-bac6-4962853069d4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:12:42	505.904
-42	45226	4522600	7716c22d-882e-4a5c-8055-108d2c8d2720	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:21:39	-200.759
-42	90452	4522600	63adf365-48f9-4c0c-810c-4895e6dbef13	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:26:40	447.37
-43	45227	4522700	ddbff18f-fbd3-4e49-8824-251db835f645	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:56:03	991.12
-43	90454	4522700	e72ae8e4-2b05-4781-8074-28eba5709058	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:02:18	-150.879
-44	45228	4522800	93ced768-8219-4e1e-baf6-2f00f7cc2a63	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:13:50	800.950
-44	90456	4522800	e5974a06-3636-4d00-8ed7-0b20c85b39d4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:50:50	557.228
-45	45229	4522900	b5d9cf18-ac7f-4c53-b9a4-8499f08808b5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:44:37	-869.511
-45	90458	4522900	0ede0433-4b66-455f-bfc1-90f363580473	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:51:07	-860.950
-46	45230	4523000	5d57b59e-288e-4d0e-a6b3-fe3962128e04	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 09:05:41	558.504
-46	90460	4523000	969c52fa-7728-4e4b-98de-ad47e8295b1c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:17:31	786.329
-47	45231	4523100	27aefc4b-7096-4d8c-8f54-04d1836c4d87	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:40:12	0.125
-47	90462	4523100	e5ff2e85-5233-4705-b274-069a556875ac	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:32:48	907.816
-48	45232	4523200	ddf37400-ec06-41d7-99a0-d2eed9ce126b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:29:46	7.817
-48	90464	4523200	27bdc328-1906-4f27-a417-b15353084ddf	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:28:27	-907.424
-49	45233	4523300	31025b6d-1de1-4033-9e80-cc27791c3b40	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:29:29	-738.929
-49	90466	4523300	6a8266ae-37ff-48f6-9f9c-ca9c3da6ecc9	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:05:12	274.975
-50	45234	4523400	36a3aafa-b6ff-4460-949f-5884980da87e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:11:40	482.678
-50	90468	4523400	f5a7603a-edb5-4031-8746-077b3705eb69	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:26:56	-354.908
-51	45235	4523500	a60c3c41-981e-4153-bb8a-5b0dbb7649b9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:57:15	-40.735
-51	90470	4523500	e003a984-0cf8-464e-9dd1-3dd4edff7cca	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:10:24	-922.55
-52	45236	4523600	f771bbc8-e352-4cbf-a3ba-8ab39e525f14	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:49:20	926.445
-52	90472	4523600	20473ead-cb1c-4d8b-8667-a39f6f7f07ba	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:41:40	144.554
-53	45237	4523700	88f9ffcf-329f-43ca-b855-2570704141be	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:39:55	-546.592
-53	90474	4523700	9bc53de4-dceb-417e-8d08-6a00a9fbe0b4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:04:56	-512.328
-54	45238	4523800	6267732e-003e-4ff5-bd87-2d7bbb59040d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:22:11	-399.737
-54	90476	4523800	94a1921f-8d62-4c37-a429-1f3e3a0a8c10	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:50:39	-138.969
-55	45239	4523900	f1fcc20b-a335-4747-8a82-e267eb150db5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:49:29	-716.554
-55	90478	4523900	eb21ced8-d3f0-49cb-8429-8a8b43a9c195	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:08:10	636.834
-56	45240	4524000	d5c6d936-2f28-4c73-b4c1-6c59670d982e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:59:03	407.908
-56	90480	4524000	29077da1-54e3-4627-a1d6-1f797fa83c6d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:44:33	76.635
-57	45241	4524100	0d7d237f-053b-4530-89a6-889479a3411d	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:47:38	223.561
-57	90482	4524100	6827298c-ffef-4805-bc4e-a9f4b789e65b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:58:05	-466.890
-58	45242	4524200	20072eb8-7dbf-4407-92b7-d6b31637419a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:51:18	-448.395
-58	90484	4524200	61260371-bf8e-40c4-97bb-eae0795c894a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:07:16	904.456
-59	45243	4524300	3ab3ef3a-cf5d-4684-82df-efee69c272fb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:29:38	-885.269
-59	90486	4524300	fa2c6c20-a22d-4677-a90e-25565e0aa8b3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:15:51	-700.113
-60	45244	4524400	7044d1de-728a-4a51-8e3d-c40787e7dd28	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:26:52	-615.123
-60	90488	4524400	62bfb244-8a8d-403d-ae7c-a7652ad2c5ef	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:57:39	904.360
-61	45245	4524500	ee37c876-44d3-49af-96ec-b91e41adb5e4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:01:00	789.943
-61	90490	4524500	71b6e422-94b9-4703-8dae-d3a5b6daf29f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 18:29:00	-77.941
-62	45246	4524600	5e71d335-3311-4983-ac87-c4c878923054	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:32:07	-789.961
-62	90492	4524600	a3a6a259-b936-4344-994a-a2a77ff2fa2a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:46:07	-27.962
-63	45247	4524700	73671e78-b5bb-4dab-9c7f-0d84d999b8dd	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 07:51:26	678.458
-63	90494	4524700	9d0e23c6-79a8-4cbc-a812-95d36631b594	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:58:46	-22.284
-64	45248	4524800	a083bd43-8f96-4f55-83cf-e45764015277	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:17:02	-648.981
-64	90496	4524800	9ac37677-9bcd-4bd4-bd19-6ff3ad294068	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:37:20	788.206
-65	45249	4524900	8d457151-bfbc-447c-aa0f-037960ca442c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 10:45:12	-557.70
-65	90498	4524900	81fd70e9-dbfb-4919-b768-317d7ee66c0e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:06:03	-95.98
-66	45250	4525000	5df5b508-4f83-4ea6-994a-d90f5b2326e7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:44:00	913.764
-66	90500	4525000	5977a0bd-0391-4a76-bf4e-4321a86e8374	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:01:30	662.532
-67	45251	4525100	92d6fcf7-d7f2-4fa8-b3b3-3f8aca8ed745	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:28:32	100.58
-67	90502	4525100	2d9e4300-e29c-4bd7-93a1-4f838aaa4810	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:43:35	491.959
-68	45252	4525200	0372822d-2eb8-41c3-b2a0-f33b117a4542	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:42:15	331.358
-68	90504	4525200	96e79dec-7071-4d0a-a72a-dae6ec76d4c0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:01:07	-968.602
-69	45253	4525300	6fa949ec-9ea5-444c-ab1c-222da4cc7359	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:27:48	-769.631
-69	90506	4525300	473bc69a-52d0-4c87-953b-366473389382	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:30:10	-133.709
-70	45254	4525400	6ee682e0-ba3c-448d-b698-0540dfd7f3ae	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:12:33	-267.151
-70	90508	4525400	595c3347-1d66-403f-a89c-3e3129905555	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 17:10:57	-87.607
-71	45255	4525500	25324ac0-a71e-45a6-8d73-d0d9447433b6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:18:58	-246.861
-71	90510	4525500	768bd670-b43c-433a-88b6-45521a218ddf	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:13:00	756.952
-72	45256	4525600	9bc12b2a-4f42-4e8e-8506-290cadaacfe5	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:47:00	506.407
-72	90512	4525600	a110195c-2dce-43a6-88a3-427a1fe1bf21	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:34:06	350.552
-73	45257	4525700	7f1aafb7-cb04-46ff-8781-ebd79ab6e1dc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:51:24	-120.712
-73	90514	4525700	51d885c3-18e3-4f57-a327-ce18ccff2e47	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:26:02	-390.976
-74	45258	4525800	a5c8b17a-aa98-4238-a2b7-1f640874fded	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:57:05	262.380
-74	90516	4525800	4a18753c-18e3-4e95-9ab3-19ff90ef0b5e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:58:42	-982.458
-75	45259	4525900	27b50fd4-e271-49c5-b44a-6110b65c8079	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:52:27	-839.718
-75	90518	4525900	a42ae79d-a0a2-4226-a7a0-532ae51243fa	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:14:18	-738.736
-76	45260	4526000	3eab0c4a-b7c1-4c3e-b9d4-3968ce0a5169	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:07:38	-646.868
-76	90520	4526000	00ddb3ae-a3ca-4942-a6c9-2e71ae0b2ba8	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:59:40	-77.763
-77	45261	4526100	51cb771e-2c75-4478-a806-525d04b9b844	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:05:41	-994.880
-77	90522	4526100	1a0ef138-b549-4038-aa61-702d7ce6fb0a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:42:56	-344.617
-78	45262	4526200	502ce42f-5cd0-42ad-9b50-3d878dc804bb	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:04:37	-405.239
-78	90524	4526200	678588b8-96ae-40ab-b1a9-5ebbc2ffaafe	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:13:44	69.86
-79	45263	4526300	47e1ed88-6208-4ea5-b810-5e3477f99420	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:28:11	781.736
-79	90526	4526300	6836ae10-4173-4b7b-a406-79fed4059df5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:03:09	489.509
-80	45264	4526400	a52290e0-df8c-4080-89e3-be16217c8bbc	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:08:27	805.418
-80	90528	4526400	fc2f2af4-6c98-44f8-8a86-71295c6d1f67	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:03:31	802.277
-81	45265	4526500	211f7492-d944-4e93-bffd-09267b78abb9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:48:53	708.454
-81	90530	4526500	6f2a65e5-46fa-4eee-9a0e-a673ab1b336c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:52:10	796.516
-82	45266	4526600	e5c1569e-4e2f-4074-95ac-9b7f0b9fb9e8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:09:01	2.665
-82	90532	4526600	d1774adb-ebe6-4bd1-88cd-011787dcd4a7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:43:39	-569.747
-83	45267	4526700	f40452a0-9f46-4d92-91b5-ff4a452409d2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:43:51	45.179
-83	90534	4526700	6306e596-06f7-41f6-b767-2a37f1c180ef	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:42:20	539.847
-84	45268	4526800	888b0902-75f9-4155-bc39-0de03c0c55d3	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:16:39	-889.172
-84	90536	4526800	bccd7983-3eca-4bbd-a023-15847b72fef8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:23:56	-166.73
-85	45269	4526900	a26fdbe1-c442-4136-a355-829932087d8b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:09:11	-884.713
-85	90538	4526900	bf285b7e-e213-47ca-8f6a-827a1db24893	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:53:36	-148.379
-86	45270	4527000	bc5be230-5c1d-4520-b590-d597aa8801f9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 15:31:12	-154.195
-86	90540	4527000	a21cbfed-a54e-413c-b67c-1f422ec1ae2d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:30:48	-208.889
-87	45271	4527100	70bb35f2-a57e-42c5-8aa4-880fe2b9af87	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:18:43	-183.870
-87	90542	4527100	7e50eccd-2e77-44b4-9f8b-b8c4b8e93a11	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:01:04	-222.990
-88	45272	4527200	4e7f1cfd-8abc-486b-b248-ef2f680790c9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:01:01	-208.828
-88	90544	4527200	34f938bb-54e4-4a85-86e9-6ca0a00d4125	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:57:20	-710.502
-89	45273	4527300	eb20866f-9ade-4850-9180-7feb66deae4d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:40:03	-284.373
-89	90546	4527300	8f1a4c7f-869c-4b86-96fe-fcd00950a0d5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:35:30	930.721
-90	45274	4527400	5fbba18a-70a8-45fc-bd60-27231dbe59f4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:32:49	358.127
-90	90548	4527400	24ca938f-88e3-4c21-bc14-7d51c06688a6	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:31:38	-245.519
-91	45275	4527500	0919acd1-09ca-423f-b1f0-44aa5dc66c32	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:15:23	47.809
-91	90550	4527500	40d0b4ca-ef6c-4175-9df1-1b5896716fea	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:03:01	328.840
-92	45276	4527600	d75406ee-4625-425d-991b-f0d7efe5d592	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:30:43	-589.593
-92	90552	4527600	6b1c839b-cf7d-41ff-8e7c-afb0581ceb16	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:48:37	-789.247
-93	45277	4527700	37faa4f1-d62b-4ead-80a6-5bb9869b4c75	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:16:53	447.312
-93	90554	4527700	6e3ca394-1899-4acd-9836-bdf932c640c2	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:43:04	-874.294
-94	45278	4527800	1ba64e81-5361-47ed-93ba-5347458b8f8f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:03:52	845.753
-94	90556	4527800	e2233c8d-2b9e-4528-8324-92197f3f3df0	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:35:45	-21.416
-95	45279	4527900	25117ef2-92af-4747-ac51-7b2b25703c36	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:26:00	-767.757
-95	90558	4527900	56d690a0-2b8e-4a7b-9b86-02e5b978241e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:45:33	-900.138
-96	45280	4528000	81396a51-448c-4d80-8d60-491c45a3ea95	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:35:55	730.923
-96	90560	4528000	9a348d9a-e15e-49cf-99b8-974a219e490d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:59:22	601.484
-97	45281	4528100	255aca43-2304-49e1-92dc-5b5927c57593	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:44:35	-518.255
-97	90562	4528100	1ce55f15-1368-4256-8d8c-b28d9ecfab64	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:35:44	-743.10
-98	45282	4528200	1b687d1d-22df-4820-a1c0-33610def7585	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:23:03	504.655
-98	90564	4528200	3a9b2afd-952d-4ac1-82cb-6cb38c9ee065	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:39:38	1.47
-99	45283	4528300	16d3f6dc-4b5c-42ff-88de-ad476b600aa2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:56:46	-906.232
-99	90566	4528300	f18c8d28-685e-43ed-b5c7-f39cc2041e04	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:47:20	6.390
-100	45284	4528400	ab20a8b1-2745-4403-820b-816facea9d0c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:58:37	-438.757
-100	90568	4528400	87a791c3-3f1b-4aa5-850c-4a325343b13e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 00:38:47	-735.833
-101	45285	4528500	b4138722-8af4-428d-8f19-72cce977c002	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:37:33	615.907
-101	90570	4528500	cce429ae-9f41-47b3-9d0a-034796355ea1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:14:15	463.953
-102	45286	4528600	90de0d86-1e54-4051-8eb7-67acd8cb514d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:22:43	-580.970
-102	90572	4528600	e89a4dc9-756c-4698-bd91-b9b7a0e70b79	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:03:41	-873.149
-103	45287	4528700	7248e644-1864-4c36-942c-9b4664f8719f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:53:31	-807.293
-103	90574	4528700	9d2d6dc1-3060-42e8-9e25-27165d5eee5b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:08:33	227.424
-104	45288	4528800	30672d24-e983-4685-b7d1-fec18f1f1556	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:47:02	621.325
-104	90576	4528800	50573ad3-368a-46d5-928a-a4e4cbb5b618	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:56:41	-293.762
-105	45289	4528900	19f27648-6415-4b16-89a0-93a7ec5a2307	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:23:12	-431.421
-105	90578	4528900	28945dc4-d97e-45e9-8357-9d531ddee631	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:23:47	-683.204
-106	45290	4529000	34c587f8-2b54-4fb0-981e-23243bb1a447	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:44:40	338.601
-106	90580	4529000	04c82f7f-3e4d-4551-aed2-02ff24a8e4ad	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:02:04	-890.247
-107	45291	4529100	cec49fb9-4f72-44bc-8155-4ebdc39e47fa	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 18:05:42	884.981
-107	90582	4529100	59642650-4660-401c-a925-4dd32fb9f240	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:38:31	229.165
-108	45292	4529200	7d306adf-69dc-41bc-b4d0-207acf825370	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:49:16	-514.258
-108	90584	4529200	08bbc475-b8dc-4d9b-b3c8-6fd578e37d68	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 11:33:46	-517.277
-109	45293	4529300	d1ff17de-aa20-463d-be48-4690dc6f797f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 03:36:41	226.457
-109	90586	4529300	aa086d62-0166-4a4d-9b4f-303a314ddac1	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:57:34	-710.634
-110	45294	4529400	31553414-9af3-49b6-8250-fc36b0cf2f44	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:25:59	-893.327
-110	90588	4529400	315317ca-0cb7-4777-bfe6-52c029912908	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:09:28	985.474
-111	45295	4529500	3f6ba24e-99c2-4628-826e-03403263623e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:00:13	559.314
-111	90590	4529500	0d596e0e-ded9-4f4f-bb28-f25f138fbe7d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:38:11	-83.324
-112	45296	4529600	f91eadfa-0915-43ce-9446-d481fe225f54	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:52:09	825.568
-112	90592	4529600	14219fd1-f8f6-4ff4-8998-eca70010bba5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:40:04	-842.582
-113	45297	4529700	04e5add1-22e2-4e0f-9ef7-4e500307ebc7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:19:13	136.752
-113	90594	4529700	4bd79273-077f-413e-b004-3a2aa8a7eb51	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:08:34	536.762
-114	45298	4529800	f18968db-30d2-4dee-9b71-355583c81c50	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:28:24	969.736
-114	90596	4529800	38615982-b2df-4495-a0bb-b10e13850f71	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:35:32	42.586
-115	45299	4529900	c90ce83a-f660-46d2-9e28-8f400e7b04d4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:22:16	842.838
-115	90598	4529900	4d3ef252-e125-4379-b4f0-15c6b459c884	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:34:29	563.295
-116	45300	4530000	978b3043-7204-49d8-9f9a-44fde7a8414c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:06:19	-169.190
-116	90600	4530000	4395aa9c-60f1-4865-b572-564eb1d4a67d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:54:40	-929.51
-117	45301	4530100	41ccd8a1-439e-421e-99e4-e1c028dacdbd	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:56:36	284.752
-117	90602	4530100	f4c5c31b-99f6-43a4-b7d3-5a0d714f486b	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:08:55	549.748
-118	45302	4530200	1cd2829c-1fb7-4567-93ab-c57b98f06f5e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 00:01:09	597.228
-118	90604	4530200	435464f3-e96a-4a47-9455-8fe156d0cc19	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:24:01	-934.614
-119	45303	4530300	759caca5-6217-4c77-90b9-c53dbf4c8598	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:47:28	378.826
-119	90606	4530300	a04b88d6-79eb-4e3d-977c-ce7d68c246de	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:15:14	882.616
-120	45304	4530400	1a0ae0f4-4c9e-4608-b991-5c74291e0f02	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:05:51	253.760
-120	90608	4530400	223949db-0d5a-40a5-bed2-05d7cb3a1522	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:38:33	-566.386
-121	45305	4530500	6014d069-7b6f-4c0a-9976-71ed1ab588ac	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:18:27	360.460
-121	90610	4530500	faa15cd0-fff5-49e0-a853-34c47a301d96	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:09:28	795.530
-122	45306	4530600	742e0c70-4824-4723-8529-adebfde3c548	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:15:59	-642.632
-122	90612	4530600	a4349102-d9ca-4da8-b541-94b849edc38c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:08:38	-616.386
-123	45307	4530700	5e9a821b-7066-467e-9861-034631ee641d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:05:13	787.890
-123	90614	4530700	b28e479f-025a-43d9-a6cb-f71a83dcf19a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:06:06	989.927
-124	45308	4530800	7ab98520-510f-4299-a274-6bef1c41e6da	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:40:53	83.516
-124	90616	4530800	88fe729e-e40a-4b0d-ade2-0261c3923fcf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:06:38	50.861
-125	45309	4530900	30e20db7-7e3a-43aa-9c50-465f23cb3329	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:48:06	738.437
-125	90618	4530900	ae799b56-3e6b-48b4-8d8b-35e00754da03	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:23:08	-7.873
-126	45310	4531000	59ce7f70-34a0-4b6e-b164-aae026548ad9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:30:28	-188.792
-126	90620	4531000	cade7397-3335-433b-9183-410e910b7ea7	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:47:57	-830.272
-127	45311	4531100	03a12b62-74f2-4f90-a1e0-829d3323d5b1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:41:02	801.678
-127	90622	4531100	3582e2e2-1bc4-48f7-9bc7-7e9da7da86c4	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:01:37	892.288
-0	45312	4531200	21ae9fec-4d3d-49c6-b532-9235e80645f2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 16:46:43	-908.105
-0	90624	4531200	cd57410c-62c5-44f5-8486-b638cc92c537	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:45:11	-309.795
-1	45313	4531300	5b4f8601-3ceb-4563-a492-b52f6a7da8df	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:08:03	-233.185
-1	90626	4531300	9ebefa9b-3464-43a4-a552-1493601c553a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:14:42	-276.378
-2	45314	4531400	bfa31f78-d017-4240-81fb-799c72bb4ab9	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:46:11	-33.427
-2	90628	4531400	5631eee4-970a-463e-a3d1-16694bb415b5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:18:07	79.166
-3	45315	4531500	bce19cfc-361c-47e5-ab73-7df01161def7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:43:48	-201.751
-3	90630	4531500	fb1ac979-e9f8-4d75-84f0-692ee99c11f5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:22:19	894.698
-4	45316	4531600	e17988fd-281d-4520-8ef5-98fadfccaf23	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:23:37	463.56
-4	90632	4531600	77cb6ba4-bee2-4abe-8287-27c270bb0fb5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:06:26	-826.120
-5	45317	4531700	0c2d371a-02f7-47a9-bb16-54a5171433c2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:41:43	-715.421
-5	90634	4531700	010aa7fd-b566-4b56-90fc-d30a92f77fad	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:14:46	617.187
-6	45318	4531800	10ff108f-9b43-4969-a8df-e57eceed194b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:18:47	-381.826
-6	90636	4531800	6090ad53-cbaf-454c-b090-5ea6275b03ee	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:47:57	639.505
-7	45319	4531900	63a852e1-07b3-484b-b46b-102948807401	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:29:16	232.798
-7	90638	4531900	cd1d4dbd-804d-49eb-bd71-693d129da663	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:52:34	-255.938
-8	45320	4532000	7abd1bad-02cb-4e28-94df-5ab0065d245d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 06:57:56	310.199
-8	90640	4532000	7fc03627-89ec-4d71-88f7-78669ae7f79b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:23:32	691.882
-9	45321	4532100	3455ccd8-0b0a-4e35-9666-94b1fea57f52	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:30:10	-873.708
-9	90642	4532100	b7b0715b-33fc-45e8-ac23-6d25ee260ba3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:08:19	66.571
-10	45322	4532200	2864916d-1eb0-4348-bcb7-82dc4e08784b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:58:39	36.883
-10	90644	4532200	f71be9e2-5ef4-4ced-ae62-a2821fb57ead	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:31:24	-614.625
-11	45323	4532300	4fca5dd5-3c89-4c5c-9793-312ad763407d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:38:45	317.362
-11	90646	4532300	b64cc68e-4706-4c1c-81e3-4b2eed22f456	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:28:15	919.576
-12	45324	4532400	af8322a9-474d-4c9c-83f5-8240230f9349	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:32:30	-80.304
-12	90648	4532400	2c2cbca3-e8a1-43e2-b501-5ac61b53fbbe	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:10:58	585.7
-13	45325	4532500	7a989738-756b-4fde-9670-ad3f366e218f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:41:49	-442.884
-13	90650	4532500	c9fb8345-4924-4fd5-b831-ca979ffa8ff7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:28:31	-358.318
-14	45326	4532600	71a10c33-dcf0-4a3b-a099-2c4006cccae9	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 04:03:05	-259.58
-14	90652	4532600	a42994c3-ed96-4b5c-b184-05499733aa8c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:00:44	-94.179
-15	45327	4532700	fcfafa02-0e03-404e-a242-0b5ea41641fa	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 16:57:11	953.401
-15	90654	4532700	1cb183fd-e2a6-46e6-b0ff-794d29e32ca0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:33:27	-534.104
-16	45328	4532800	02175808-2727-4a2f-8f7b-8a45331f6057	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:49:46	358.906
-16	90656	4532800	420a2a33-32d1-40ab-97bd-fbe09c8c1b98	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:59:39	-264.211
-17	45329	4532900	1f2cadd9-74de-4c69-b6be-f1d402bcef57	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:38:53	-276.900
-17	90658	4532900	0d5ae90c-91c5-449b-987f-c12860133b77	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:01:05	939.649
-18	45330	4533000	42547603-7f96-47c3-9bd7-779e1bb3b061	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:28:03	-696.519
-18	90660	4533000	054235f1-db30-425c-bffc-8918551ca404	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:08:22	-121.803
-19	45331	4533100	5758293e-323a-4dc6-a23a-ded07d7ade45	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:31:25	461.693
-19	90662	4533100	f6338c25-2b3e-4145-b5b6-1caca9485e2a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:39:02	336.619
-20	45332	4533200	ae2bf9be-a52f-4fcf-9259-d083a7ea5574	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:21:22	-994.887
-20	90664	4533200	978a5665-5a1b-4e64-8e8f-5656601ef0a4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:01:05	996.543
-21	45333	4533300	c2266ec2-30d6-4ad3-8128-4562f3ab1cae	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:44:02	-507.808
-21	90666	4533300	c0947dcd-90bf-45cd-b014-b15b74474f28	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:25:07	-9.645
-22	45334	4533400	cf8a01ec-cbb0-4021-b3ab-d59f5c3a7c8c	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:58:46	182.202
-22	90668	4533400	a1d6eaee-dd36-4939-8a84-e2eb0afbac6e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:13:33	582.370
-23	45335	4533500	45df1116-5f85-4887-8a25-24ada2c15fa6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:28:16	-68.166
-23	90670	4533500	7c1594b5-1481-4ed1-8cba-322bb5c135dd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:21:11	49.950
-24	45336	4533600	b55cb5ca-972f-4ff5-a518-df4e75f9be89	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:46:45	948.931
-24	90672	4533600	89944831-ca1d-43b4-8ee6-d49233ab67d8	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:14:50	83.712
-25	45337	4533700	07e6d287-0cdc-445e-9df6-2b72fcfed4f8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:58:57	-492.102
-25	90674	4533700	b6f87b51-b967-4bd9-93c5-b157808d860c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:01:34	847.661
-26	45338	4533800	d8e4356a-03de-4ae5-83dc-5e6af1517a84	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:37:55	973.709
-26	90676	4533800	c4261974-a82a-47da-8495-5d0d0fc44f69	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:05:59	891.484
-27	45339	4533900	0c0d10f4-ec63-4f20-89ee-64f1b9eacd54	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:24:19	816.444
-27	90678	4533900	1390c20e-bf76-46be-b5c3-68ae14e56f92	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 01:30:28	243.538
-28	45340	4534000	990e7371-fab5-43aa-978d-49b12b4628e4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:43:14	-695.490
-28	90680	4534000	0ec60df1-63e7-4710-8698-4762e7bf0121	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:42:41	663.206
-29	45341	4534100	c6a7d942-2997-46a2-827f-cfaa9b96d97e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:45:47	-916.231
-29	90682	4534100	ae31ed0c-dc54-4c36-89ea-2fec80bcafbc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:56:26	-750.513
-30	45342	4534200	a4d3f786-45a1-4aa4-ab17-0a37b1c56658	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:30:34	629.912
-30	90684	4534200	0c461ca8-cc4d-4695-ab32-bc218cfa914c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:04:56	-588.967
-31	45343	4534300	4b2283f7-4f4b-4782-bf54-113206d1f337	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:48:09	-402.533
-31	90686	4534300	657ddc83-b034-4a4c-9c56-cf577708bf82	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:22:19	-614.498
-32	45344	4534400	4dd3b944-3581-42fb-adc4-25d7eea29e0f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:45:52	301.978
-32	90688	4534400	f4eda271-c758-4d91-8f9a-8961ae4a337d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:24:14	-423.724
-33	45345	4534500	90ad0954-3c92-406d-b369-9bc1e577ad04	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:04:53	58.313
-33	90690	4534500	53c7c76a-d483-400c-95ce-de6f2831ac52	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:11:49	-167.309
-34	45346	4534600	ebe145c8-af85-47e3-b1d1-9a18e6024e90	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:03:49	-835.138
-34	90692	4534600	37df5006-1f92-4047-8903-a1bc1667ddf4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 15:00:42	864.972
-35	45347	4534700	42f4b7b7-b966-4b6c-8654-ababb632478d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:39:30	-410.118
-35	90694	4534700	93a74969-240e-4b8c-8db0-d6ee51240ad3	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:02:05	285.632
-36	45348	4534800	a7ce4fc9-8ea5-4d89-848c-47cddf95947e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:46:11	-932.192
-36	90696	4534800	58008b52-8572-49c6-a0d0-d0121b814c0e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:22:41	-178.937
-37	45349	4534900	0e9623a3-0eb6-4daa-a994-765217d7744a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 10:24:22	-752.615
-37	90698	4534900	406d549c-d41d-4652-a91e-2b80a2d19bdd	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:06:41	668.609
-38	45350	4535000	b2c9fc70-e099-4f44-8c2c-d115fb868b77	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:40:55	908.12
-38	90700	4535000	33efdb96-0baf-4fdd-a16d-25126a47ca41	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:51:16	186.278
-39	45351	4535100	ac438683-a0dd-4686-8872-68728327ac26	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:43:05	-545.34
-39	90702	4535100	9388fdbc-4326-4148-940f-32d059cee27f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:56:02	615.784
-40	45352	4535200	5f0ad934-4ce9-4905-a83f-969a62e113da	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:54:25	738.585
-40	90704	4535200	d3d1fee3-f70a-47ca-ade7-27da9fbff854	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:20:26	-153.172
-41	45353	4535300	45df6a57-8b03-40c6-b621-d11d5f7c91ef	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:00:56	704.308
-41	90706	4535300	2771ceda-ee9f-45f6-a7bd-c3facb908053	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:19:38	944.951
-42	45354	4535400	c6a69e4a-e146-40c5-86ba-0a62af7d198c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:38:38	140.986
-42	90708	4535400	25eb550d-1407-4cd4-afa9-b0d18fa6f89a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:50:20	972.541
-43	45355	4535500	103acdc1-1ba0-498e-87a8-e6ef098213b9	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:20:44	-852.545
-43	90710	4535500	52f54f76-31b9-482b-8f11-bff56ac5c259	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:27:07	491.415
-44	45356	4535600	1b1c745f-b778-490c-9405-19e9eb08d1ed	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:05:20	303.785
-44	90712	4535600	0b02a5c6-0c71-48a0-bc95-4d36f81ddc79	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 05:22:12	199.876
-45	45357	4535700	6693f87e-112a-4a5f-b761-c69a0f9c9212	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:32:17	-331.150
-45	90714	4535700	d8b7e2a8-b4ea-4a26-8e7c-ccbafdacf8c3	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:49:03	192.547
-46	45358	4535800	46fe33e8-028c-4cc6-aa22-df892f640753	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:55:02	97.220
-46	90716	4535800	71e9e538-1d11-4cf8-9db3-938d07b91345	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 11:07:38	517.624
-47	45359	4535900	1260f794-1406-45e5-a67c-3e9ff8d90356	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:57:39	-699.298
-47	90718	4535900	5355cf20-4cde-4705-af02-37cabc6a6f15	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:54:05	-615.930
-48	45360	4536000	8dcca6c6-c37a-47f7-b1ec-5d915bf5a305	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:49:28	-512.267
-48	90720	4536000	e7a06a52-9798-4641-b1f5-f6933d630c9e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:49:09	397.295
-49	45361	4536100	7ae28d4b-f24d-41cd-9de6-e31ef9f17610	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:08:09	186.318
-49	90722	4536100	ec835243-c3a6-4589-a7df-e16a09d7a2fd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 01:14:12	150.712
-50	45362	4536200	cd0e5f04-9805-4745-ae82-25ee55e67d18	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:19:37	610.698
-50	90724	4536200	9ce8f730-9523-48d9-8948-267ffb61130f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:06:27	240.843
-51	45363	4536300	bc0a068d-9089-423b-860f-dc91adbff9f7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:14:29	999.274
-51	90726	4536300	4d7f0aea-cc20-42d8-8fa5-c23bd37f87e2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:33:29	74.874
-52	45364	4536400	f0dbae88-ebf1-44c0-9752-d30b5caaab86	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:58:11	852.395
-52	90728	4536400	c534a696-80fb-4a75-ac4e-08756470d931	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:01:08	749.275
-53	45365	4536500	03995a66-80df-4ce6-997d-7179ff4c1374	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:26:34	307.646
-53	90730	4536500	91b56e3a-d457-4839-9379-57cea2b92bd0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:26:13	296.896
-54	45366	4536600	72f41653-83d6-4a41-ba4e-d762281680f3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:54:07	360.799
-54	90732	4536600	bf9fc706-7fe3-432a-bfef-bcd4c875e399	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 00:49:23	-246.6
-55	45367	4536700	cd5595b1-1640-4a31-aecf-68ecd89d2222	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:31:50	867.856
-55	90734	4536700	ec1ebaa9-94fd-4265-9637-1577fd2d70e8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:03:15	819.959
-56	45368	4536800	47327303-ccd5-4f13-9e5e-21f5b417d2a9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:31:06	376.307
-56	90736	4536800	657df9e3-da6f-4bbf-ad33-3379acc1490e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:10:51	339.674
-57	45369	4536900	83e8056d-e416-4c3e-828b-9a329475d624	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:11:45	-32.928
-57	90738	4536900	4210c4b9-d5b5-4204-8dae-cddedb744b6a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:43:14	39.229
-58	45370	4537000	69b5dcd2-6d3e-4e30-81dc-af7b25be1343	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:09:04	344.45
-58	90740	4537000	4fe91c64-14fd-425d-acc4-a173c44eabed	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:34:08	382.822
-59	45371	4537100	9f79cb55-8db6-4f37-bbea-cab5acc2b278	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:38:27	-202.569
-59	90742	4537100	566e28e5-8953-4c13-8d27-566f601a82ea	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:51:34	-383.2
-60	45372	4537200	ff3e8e7b-b9b6-41f0-8b98-c08744a82bdd	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:39:39	-855.653
-60	90744	4537200	6101e8b7-3f5c-4d2e-b6d1-579d98e230fe	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:43:20	-698.558
-61	45373	4537300	4e8633bd-3d11-49ad-b4ca-a609b2f313fc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:43:44	-960.577
-61	90746	4537300	bf41162c-85bf-4a11-af99-6d726170aff7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:54:46	-337.66
-62	45374	4537400	de917605-e974-4919-a2e1-f22c1bde4a3c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:13:42	435.801
-62	90748	4537400	e084c56c-226a-4c28-bcb8-b8da7aab5227	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:18:59	470.52
-63	45375	4537500	5c3f74eb-4ec2-4c2b-9aa8-3b9f615c9fc8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:29:37	410.680
-63	90750	4537500	aa306700-e72f-4299-a52e-3f270b02a91f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:10:43	237.312
-64	45376	4537600	c652307d-af6e-4943-aa0b-8f079bddf7fc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:05:03	-776.250
-64	90752	4537600	bfc165a4-eb85-4cb7-b651-a8af9f49e7c5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:41:51	353.752
-65	45377	4537700	a29c3700-4e1e-4434-900a-1070a6cac0b7	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:30:21	-19.378
-65	90754	4537700	b754b81e-83ff-4e23-82b6-a625f9542851	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:07:52	842.739
-66	45378	4537800	f4017a1f-d063-4304-b0c4-9fbdcc9793bb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:10:13	524.331
-66	90756	4537800	27f4941c-c2d1-4da3-9a90-2642838a3fa5	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:26:26	570.804
-67	45379	4537900	7653263b-f3fd-42ef-a48a-32f330585957	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:42:10	169.610
-67	90758	4537900	003e7245-9247-4bdd-81be-414d3b876297	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:46:33	-458.822
-68	45380	4538000	0de95b5d-ea86-4fb0-9320-e999c19601c6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:29:51	577.288
-68	90760	4538000	adba79da-f426-42c3-a148-ed587d7ef988	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 20:52:57	172.194
-69	45381	4538100	b24b16cb-51d9-4056-b810-4deed91aa060	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:23:13	-893.590
-69	90762	4538100	94961da3-ca70-4172-8925-e92eae265e9b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:58:02	50.319
-70	45382	4538200	19c91fd9-8f94-466e-affe-ac7723f5a2f5	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:40:41	950.114
-70	90764	4538200	3d3c96b3-94a5-4a48-bdd5-73f206cf6d28	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:34:47	-420.328
-71	45383	4538300	ea52af90-ab27-4881-8615-56dfc8a4f676	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:01:13	-919.901
-71	90766	4538300	4a127f99-0375-4c28-85ae-365c4a9187af	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:57:13	129.633
-72	45384	4538400	53302bc6-21fb-4d1c-b6fc-e19edd2a71fa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:33:33	978.546
-72	90768	4538400	7b50f8f4-9d7a-418f-be65-531c88ca483f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:48:59	680.259
-73	45385	4538500	f51721cf-4107-4a87-90af-d8968ad9f1e8	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:54:03	-433.298
-73	90770	4538500	e0cde7aa-5c07-4357-9b80-7f351160e420	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:35:57	-307.513
-74	45386	4538600	33baf5ae-0f89-45b0-9c49-e069ff72e1f4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:26:58	-212.556
-74	90772	4538600	5bb99d8f-b04f-43b4-a689-c8fa59e013ab	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:01:25	-92.282
-75	45387	4538700	3e3fd628-6236-4663-937c-d98227665b2a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:16:45	273.199
-75	90774	4538700	ebb8a388-71e2-414d-982c-e44b5648a309	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:58:55	-647.880
-76	45388	4538800	a880db67-5418-493e-aecb-a06499b74d86	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:49:49	-239.237
-76	90776	4538800	5781b326-d7ae-4b3f-8272-1e6d210bd2a9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:34:10	238.349
-77	45389	4538900	aa6ba687-a220-44db-956a-41243f6b4e0d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:11:19	-663.687
-77	90778	4538900	aab30420-18e2-469c-9c81-251a6ad7cab2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:12:16	-703.338
-78	45390	4539000	0d038dfa-b27d-43e9-ae7f-f5688852c819	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:15:21	482.336
-78	90780	4539000	d896845c-b42e-4881-af40-15aeb6dcf6e7	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:27:50	-740.896
-79	45391	4539100	a27d3648-b211-4e66-b2e8-5a504ed10357	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:11:07	-351.646
-79	90782	4539100	29c08622-f8ab-4a99-a84c-0d9f006043f4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:09:47	598.634
-80	45392	4539200	45d09012-7e68-45a9-8a50-d29338ffa64c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:44:19	-877.791
-80	90784	4539200	bb940274-32ea-4299-b33e-d6db2a63e15f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:52:57	-602.282
-81	45393	4539300	c9b14f3c-feb5-44a2-8bdf-8af32d5d1d8c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:29:18	180.365
-81	90786	4539300	319c8503-5bc1-482f-90b7-f3b9bb8939bf	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:01:02	-817.778
-82	45394	4539400	63e4bf8a-4ee5-4208-9b57-15b2d89ad4ba	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:40:54	-235.555
-82	90788	4539400	f32c2f30-00d8-40b9-b024-d0d73ab7fe5a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:13:24	576.513
-83	45395	4539500	1320d225-fb0e-425e-a464-bdc6acfd588f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:29:26	-51.602
-83	90790	4539500	e87e424b-4d41-4fb8-b92d-f633b998fd23	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:39:30	-316.410
-84	45396	4539600	bae1c3d2-a79b-4cc0-9435-93258034bbb1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:32:34	145.726
-84	90792	4539600	4214e924-ce49-4926-8c0c-2147065c989b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:23:31	135.96
-85	45397	4539700	effac85f-526d-4622-a909-fd048c6399ae	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:47:34	-419.424
-85	90794	4539700	11dfcb54-5ea1-466e-a5a9-5b21afe00ea2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:23:27	-554.701
-86	45398	4539800	6b549280-c6a1-4872-93aa-0481288c7b00	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:44:23	657.628
-86	90796	4539800	8a46cbe9-0edb-453d-9098-3aa5c656625b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:57:51	-561.897
-87	45399	4539900	5915cd70-ace2-4237-9f76-b5237d43c13a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:12:38	925.732
-87	90798	4539900	afcbd7cd-5d3b-408e-9c48-4f67cc8ef70d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:24:48	257.676
-88	45400	4540000	6694f81f-6e30-43e4-8c89-abd06ffcb7e9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:29:42	961.99
-88	90800	4540000	7ba05822-3cba-4e32-ad61-dc346d1f8114	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:06:28	-887.732
-89	45401	4540100	da9ae4c0-fff2-4a89-86b5-d543e5f0891d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:23:30	-445.842
-89	90802	4540100	634929d3-af91-41cb-b5b0-2501183e779e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:52:57	612.725
-90	45402	4540200	d41612dc-f8e7-4b80-8063-499913ba398b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:10:04	458.985
-90	90804	4540200	ae7d9666-6d2a-4115-a29c-cc5012099ba2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:22:59	-238.88
-91	45403	4540300	d40e3e29-7e2f-4f29-be05-bade928966e7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:48:04	-914.642
-91	90806	4540300	b869b36a-c6d5-48a8-8aea-45e060223916	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:53:02	-56.711
-92	45404	4540400	dee3914c-9943-4f0a-a607-278a43f91d14	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:31:11	-162.759
-92	90808	4540400	4571d349-397c-4c5e-8d8e-4daea43f9f75	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:13:35	943.970
-93	45405	4540500	ff477d13-ffff-4da9-a365-b6d6234c3857	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:54:21	-818.964
-93	90810	4540500	692f3363-c79e-46c6-b27e-86f12a87aeb6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:02:04	-470.734
-94	45406	4540600	d428fca7-e7db-4aa2-9c4a-d967b214ec4d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:32:05	188.471
-94	90812	4540600	983f0738-74b7-48de-800a-1d05ea458f40	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 13:38:10	484.835
-95	45407	4540700	ecfb2d62-855e-4c63-ac9d-2eb5ec27acbb	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:12:49	-653.187
-95	90814	4540700	eab5b3a4-706f-44d5-817d-b743050bfc33	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:11:15	-448.296
-96	45408	4540800	98dd599e-f7d1-4718-bb33-5b84333d49f7	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:14:43	-94.316
-96	90816	4540800	ce4467c6-9a36-4834-9150-284330f6981b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:07:52	876.375
-97	45409	4540900	bf8f7d87-4710-48c4-8b2d-1292b02ce972	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:30:30	-241.621
-97	90818	4540900	b9ea6643-7d36-4970-81e7-c8b541449e33	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:51:32	547.825
-98	45410	4541000	bce74a23-8fc3-4424-9819-9657ee4856d0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:44:50	776.341
-98	90820	4541000	873e5e5e-d7b1-4d1d-a937-79ac00809521	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:43:36	973.947
-99	45411	4541100	376b440f-d48f-4f1c-aed2-317252c13460	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:46:27	67.346
-99	90822	4541100	5499af36-aedb-44db-9c13-8bc003e0ec10	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:24:25	816.979
-100	45412	4541200	d3887c72-3952-4bc5-9210-975fb4161cdd	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:52:23	696.694
-100	90824	4541200	901ecf56-5639-431b-bb09-b030374422ff	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:13:28	-582.923
-101	45413	4541300	3f251ccb-e896-4695-a367-86b2af50a26d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:15:17	-834.462
-101	90826	4541300	fcc49225-443d-4feb-8ca7-81cfdbdc2047	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:17:27	-127.519
-102	45414	4541400	cb0cfcb8-9887-4919-8730-00bc60e6737b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:40:11	-424.656
-102	90828	4541400	48b1a0d4-5704-454a-80bc-c704e5a15ce1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:06:33	475.611
-103	45415	4541500	dd32a177-cf4d-4e1e-80bb-7fd6eb973735	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:52:01	-519.32
-103	90830	4541500	c2d56d2c-8a33-4fa0-afaa-e627c4c79814	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:58:29	325.208
-104	45416	4541600	799e4951-ae00-4ab1-83d1-f84ff6fa0550	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:51:23	480.740
-104	90832	4541600	80d8b849-5f4a-4be2-8df1-66c4fce33c05	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:57:01	-115.798
-105	45417	4541700	9b265db5-fa14-494c-93a6-92eae396b03c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 18:00:52	-914.375
-105	90834	4541700	399a8549-f0aa-455f-b556-30297eb7fda0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:52:21	106.722
-106	45418	4541800	f0ec0d13-0f68-4d17-99bb-32a8db21421e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:25:18	-311.174
-106	90836	4541800	6bd2ab4a-f73d-41f6-a44a-ea56247e87a8	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 04:45:27	-895.318
-107	45419	4541900	4a254ee2-0276-480b-9df0-5a4d8f5bc41b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:47:09	687.529
-107	90838	4541900	72cf2242-9bb6-4bf7-8bdc-66e5559d83ff	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:15:40	427.794
-108	45420	4542000	f7d0cfbc-f960-431a-bcb8-479be3818ff4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:18:37	-525.748
-108	90840	4542000	54e6080c-c7a1-4864-b08c-7247310fb728	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:06:33	-740.969
-109	45421	4542100	9ffaf118-9983-4876-b7a3-fb4df2f05bb2	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:01:29	413.447
-109	90842	4542100	a160e758-ea51-4d4a-a82a-ce59531addad	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:34:57	574.818
-110	45422	4542200	1e335052-df8f-49c0-b28f-7335d5855725	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:11:24	-530.676
-110	90844	4542200	a7803849-3bc0-4e05-9d51-e1d7ac27edff	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:16:26	-532.243
-111	45423	4542300	0737628c-6bb1-4774-bb2e-ee69091b5cc6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:23:01	811.942
-111	90846	4542300	6bbd235f-fb0e-44a0-88b1-01e168206136	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:06:37	958.21
-112	45424	4542400	d87431e7-9092-4351-afc8-27962fe363d8	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:52:48	-610.976
-112	90848	4542400	d3e1a170-ff6d-48b4-9acf-3b6b1b5d6b92	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:06:50	387.474
-113	45425	4542500	99ef890d-04b0-456e-a6d0-b4b847398f81	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 04:04:31	-55.908
-113	90850	4542500	a719b83f-cc97-41f2-b5b1-13ad91a2cc55	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:28:06	616.594
-114	45426	4542600	e4b7eded-3207-4072-bcf1-1d4087591767	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:18:05	299.44
-114	90852	4542600	b45c91aa-7c47-4d54-bca2-9483d6e2a8c2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:52:18	-251.330
-115	45427	4542700	77fe904e-23e7-4290-a431-96cf3a664fd2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:11:24	169.290
-115	90854	4542700	915e67af-c953-4f67-afab-c4e236f780cb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:52:29	-321.17
-116	45428	4542800	7d28cdf7-ea0e-4d76-961c-9df61f41f7d2	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:50:15	795.570
-116	90856	4542800	2ccaa182-98ce-41e4-a359-61768f65f234	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 08:30:28	-680.952
-117	45429	4542900	f91c0cb0-2934-4f37-bff1-1d08b688900a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:49:49	-416.85
-117	90858	4542900	574b066d-6a61-4c42-815c-990535dc8347	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:11:26	-93.83
-118	45430	4543000	3a5ba789-5b74-4030-9e29-19e24ed3234d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:21:45	756.1
-118	90860	4543000	36fa7d0d-0abb-4f74-8379-76ebfcef8a96	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:05:10	21.699
-119	45431	4543100	9de4b12c-63ab-4d62-bcbf-f04a6744ba5a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:23:02	374.690
-119	90862	4543100	4dea58dd-2b79-438a-b83a-66d089253548	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:59:55	380.89
-120	45432	4543200	39414a72-c3bc-4fed-acfa-db7f28fed215	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:36:19	-752.545
-120	90864	4543200	cf35c556-de36-4870-8469-aab2ce682bca	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 13:05:16	-961.799
-121	45433	4543300	18b52fcd-e13a-41bf-8f21-1fef5682b4fd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:28:09	835.119
-121	90866	4543300	efc374c2-4e72-42ee-9ffe-752c6dcd1866	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 11:50:25	31.184
-122	45434	4543400	242a0508-9c0d-4f6f-8361-799ae36a3a92	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 06:01:25	-96.43
-122	90868	4543400	f3147e34-e4bc-425d-8fc0-8efd1dc784e1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:14:28	647.341
-123	45435	4543500	9d6aa879-67e2-40d2-9bc1-0404b04ba229	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 06:35:11	-573.318
-123	90870	4543500	706a8631-9b79-46e7-8ec4-1b6b3837b310	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:53:01	-34.438
-124	45436	4543600	dc100e3b-7571-4cda-acb8-1b74cd77c125	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:39:51	82.6
-124	90872	4543600	21e0407d-4522-4bc5-ae98-8f5f8305120b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:49:45	34.376
-125	45437	4543700	d88e7e18-eacc-4e8f-8eee-a6492e414281	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:31:26	114.584
-125	90874	4543700	600d4b15-ab26-4b53-8719-f1cbfbd9bb80	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 15:56:43	-786.81
-126	45438	4543800	a4a0897f-cefb-412a-8436-c61ade77449e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:40:06	-972.327
-126	90876	4543800	ee8292cc-e54e-4811-958a-50f18a2a8a3a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:46:52	44.744
-127	45439	4543900	4883d2a1-a01e-4061-9c78-5329ec2c44f7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:40:11	-680.485
-127	90878	4543900	32257d02-bb1f-4f0d-9dea-01801026c208	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:36:51	744.380
-0	45440	4544000	fe18dd64-fa6b-4620-b39f-71ba7c1d69be	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:07:36	-785.759
-0	90880	4544000	a5ba9292-bd82-47f9-a702-f60f0d295548	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:43:13	986.687
-1	45441	4544100	085cd094-09f0-4739-807e-13e9ca4c8a78	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 23:11:17	-523.124
-1	90882	4544100	493ac7d0-7d46-45c5-b90f-26e1229831cd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:24:25	703.790
-2	45442	4544200	91324ebc-d072-4eb8-9a51-12c64fd68f52	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:32:27	819.333
-2	90884	4544200	983a7a88-65c9-413a-b879-56102eb08036	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:58:13	-763.552
-3	45443	4544300	8d15683a-f8b8-46ab-bc76-badb4e3604e4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:38:40	-858.927
-3	90886	4544300	28f446ea-1abd-43c2-9dcd-6c3520405cfb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:52:45	923.975
-4	45444	4544400	48aca621-626b-472f-aec0-c2d845882244	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:31:08	560.43
-4	90888	4544400	86f998e8-1866-4519-b624-b725005112c6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:25:42	999.709
-5	45445	4544500	bd2886eb-0e62-4fba-9e42-a9e0c2179b82	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:24:27	635.731
-5	90890	4544500	58fdc068-e21d-487c-a7c9-ae85014ec5ee	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:28:39	-218.233
-6	45446	4544600	07c4ea75-be93-47bd-b318-2e997a690d39	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:23:36	-571.572
-6	90892	4544600	46636354-324d-4043-b3b0-3a0d0596273b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:59:42	13.909
-7	45447	4544700	dfa0982d-697c-4ab4-ad29-398ce6ec60b8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:53:26	944.218
-7	90894	4544700	3b60058b-0599-455e-9a2a-5fc4a918fcbd	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:09:35	-382.3
-8	45448	4544800	9b70834a-1883-42b9-a2d0-4f1d245db12b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:44:14	-701.312
-8	90896	4544800	b8183914-df71-4163-b539-365bbbf923dc	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:46:39	-940.957
-9	45449	4544900	75819ec7-87ba-4754-8d4b-4e012ed96203	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:07:34	406.356
-9	90898	4544900	f9751c94-36b4-447f-a65e-ffff1fcbd2cb	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:16:02	-875.999
-10	45450	4545000	859ccc5d-24d6-4ca7-b20d-c5ebb05fcee2	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:37:16	770.258
-10	90900	4545000	cbc695c2-86f3-432b-8131-a04ae574a99e	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:44:09	-995.206
-11	45451	4545100	9c81692c-142e-4629-9129-7119f129b12a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:22:36	-339.970
-11	90902	4545100	506337b8-83a6-4225-90aa-94ea6d45c808	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:50:29	-933.697
-12	45452	4545200	aa9294c4-5bab-4347-90b0-6ed418affb3a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:42:16	580.74
-12	90904	4545200	2013888d-56c6-413f-8089-993bf3bb362a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:47:44	923.50
-13	45453	4545300	94375003-6d8c-4c5b-929d-511949c05e33	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 15:06:34	586.206
-13	90906	4545300	48219604-9580-4419-9c5d-e1bc5c5d453b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:32:51	-810.782
-14	45454	4545400	ec65d2fb-c39b-43fd-9df6-0d356507bff9	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:23:02	564.896
-14	90908	4545400	b7f523ec-16cb-4c89-8bb7-b76f74dac5f9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:29:06	119.557
-15	45455	4545500	37a07f4a-5941-45f9-9e04-405e03d4b61e	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:04:53	-66.998
-15	90910	4545500	68f3cd6c-7438-4dcb-abb8-1aa501e53756	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:10:14	-879.757
-16	45456	4545600	c9524776-bf9c-4804-b452-44e7baf06776	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:53:35	384.225
-16	90912	4545600	60128fe5-014b-4497-aea5-ae842ff4362b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:00:13	-616.242
-17	45457	4545700	8af8c131-0fc8-49d2-a10d-aad46c192f07	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:59:46	-183.158
-17	90914	4545700	e1ac8268-02df-4522-8601-3b6c5afc6583	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:42:32	-43.171
-18	45458	4545800	df22bd1a-9d35-48bc-adef-37dae82bab8f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:24:53	136.258
-18	90916	4545800	b0902a53-ac9a-4991-878a-614ffcf2a4ef	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:04:15	220.752
-19	45459	4545900	1748cb60-fe6e-4dc7-be7a-852ecf76f617	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:25:20	-87.477
-19	90918	4545900	104276fc-f739-4e03-b969-13dbaa88cf92	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:19:40	-131.416
-20	45460	4546000	488ca182-9cae-4fb7-8d46-0eba9b77f524	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:46:46	-719.602
-20	90920	4546000	ef5571b1-a23f-4a97-8e0d-c411f0152323	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:30:54	473.112
-21	45461	4546100	3e106cfe-9fe4-488f-beca-b6abd72f9f29	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:33:56	-401.116
-21	90922	4546100	d55d6264-08d0-477b-9f09-d09682b91770	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:26:58	-481.325
-22	45462	4546200	3b0988c4-df73-4a43-a992-e63b04764838	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:18:10	-970.499
-22	90924	4546200	3cc23d17-194d-4ef4-9000-37b705fbfab1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:42:26	-883.753
-23	45463	4546300	abee4b11-d431-46c7-9565-617aecd0f2de	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:46:41	705.365
-23	90926	4546300	6e53e3af-eedf-45f1-8fd6-ed97f7a48b1d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:49:14	-284.685
-24	45464	4546400	97e3d7c7-7803-4c21-ab6a-975c6646f5c1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:46:34	313.386
-24	90928	4546400	27374ed2-cc08-4da7-a4f3-44ef41f66331	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:18:22	-386.798
-25	45465	4546500	98b5a7f6-2641-4fc4-a4df-bde44554e02e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:57:24	312.678
-25	90930	4546500	a147cc00-6392-4a40-8e01-d7c120e1e2ee	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:06:47	-711.394
-26	45466	4546600	7caaddc2-1f14-4fd6-bc42-4ddb590e6a3f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:34:50	-297.999
-26	90932	4546600	73caa12b-7152-4739-85a3-04ff97ad9a92	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:55:01	819.539
-27	45467	4546700	9d9f3f91-1e88-4a72-94c9-6c9b0120c6cf	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:28:32	-900.683
-27	90934	4546700	a5b0c0c1-0b37-403d-a465-c8caa21d5664	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:16:09	-639.521
-28	45468	4546800	0184f193-2315-494f-9e53-4aea454ee29c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:30:53	25.130
-28	90936	4546800	a946966a-d426-43dc-9b36-c617c74558dd	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:11:39	446.832
-29	45469	4546900	75dfc27e-1ce4-4222-b0b2-a87ffd35486a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:58:59	839.949
-29	90938	4546900	52aea0a2-31ed-4aa2-b90c-084df35fd7ef	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:48:18	539.171
-30	45470	4547000	2584035a-a62d-42f5-8f70-bb2548dc0dd9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:16:07	-419.769
-30	90940	4547000	bdcd4565-23a7-43c1-a415-9203072c16c9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:44:28	591.40
-31	45471	4547100	1c13aefb-a18b-4259-9b74-1f7e5d245f20	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:23:47	592.281
-31	90942	4547100	9dff2bbc-4ccd-43b6-96d3-6f8aa70b8477	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 03:06:52	387.244
-32	45472	4547200	c50d890e-3b34-4de8-8a30-cd65203b59be	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:19:29	947.641
-32	90944	4547200	ce4a2a38-461c-4505-9c42-70a7f1bb6864	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:36:49	883.872
-33	45473	4547300	97530b89-6802-4e9a-b76e-d37230f07c2f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 08:11:14	-700.715
-33	90946	4547300	6eb856c1-d49f-481e-a444-40039134c2b9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:50:26	-610.973
-34	45474	4547400	131f925f-c7a7-48d6-830a-e2f438b115ac	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:51:19	365.540
-34	90948	4547400	4c9b7897-e65c-42bc-b8ce-585a395fbf25	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:18:48	-7.917
-35	45475	4547500	2746e49a-b50f-4671-a42e-d5ddd151a29d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:35:21	750.873
-35	90950	4547500	3e30b27b-63f2-41d5-a995-11119ae98cb6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:10:04	-239.911
-36	45476	4547600	6735644e-c7e1-46dc-9163-b733ba859b03	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 08:42:35	213.817
-36	90952	4547600	b719dab0-380d-49e7-aec4-6f2cb2501875	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:33:19	-912.709
-37	45477	4547700	6101d966-43f3-42cc-85e4-09247781b5f4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:53:37	-342.136
-37	90954	4547700	b0f75106-69d4-4cb7-9865-96e1bf42aec8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:56:30	290.989
-38	45478	4547800	aaee49a7-ee9f-4338-b404-999e58f9621c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:00:12	401.540
-38	90956	4547800	b941b794-ba63-4a0b-8f17-41497ff05032	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:00:22	776.214
-39	45479	4547900	87b5198d-d2e8-4c59-9ea0-996d4988273e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:57:44	648.220
-39	90958	4547900	cb459ef5-1106-4405-ba0a-d7ab2872200d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 13:08:55	666.500
-40	45480	4548000	f6d5cf46-1498-4ced-afde-c2e396b48536	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 11:22:21	-988.250
-40	90960	4548000	148ed2bd-7b5f-444a-a5e9-b113427f59e2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:59:27	-99.437
-41	45481	4548100	da8cb63b-026d-4f37-86bc-4f3b89179839	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:56:41	333.831
-41	90962	4548100	97a17685-eaaf-4c64-8171-0bb289aa2abb	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:28:18	23.795
-42	45482	4548200	ae0cee66-829f-4e49-8147-4f3fa5b0a323	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:09:23	239.522
-42	90964	4548200	a8bdca22-0639-4e69-b1bd-9bf20a3d4c77	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:34:18	325.293
-43	45483	4548300	e73bbeca-fde4-4617-85b5-b17243daf53d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:58:39	-276.996
-43	90966	4548300	d344e071-0cb2-4b5d-9561-20b2adfe573f	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:44:52	646.989
-44	45484	4548400	fcc10211-ae0d-4de1-936c-3c8d4efb10bf	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:58:39	46.901
-44	90968	4548400	b9aeb3d0-0a23-4a7c-a330-9b8d01830648	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:46:00	607.223
-45	45485	4548500	c7566d69-1193-426e-8db7-f8beca30d0bb	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:49:52	609.290
-45	90970	4548500	1c48ea88-e936-461f-a46b-a4903eb6bc29	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 21:04:01	278.611
-46	45486	4548600	58fb0dfc-383d-4b5b-afb1-b110fbc25e85	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:19:45	40.595
-46	90972	4548600	5f78e6cb-f834-4b62-b735-158db9972786	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:33:01	198.69
-47	45487	4548700	f437bd7d-5565-493e-bf41-d6c763106c46	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:01:50	820.194
-47	90974	4548700	95baa808-76ce-4315-813c-c1481d4902f0	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:52:29	-712.533
-48	45488	4548800	1d1a0159-877f-4b5d-831f-b6d351442c18	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:56:01	228.546
-48	90976	4548800	b75e66f3-e4a9-4d93-921d-7d434c3e2a9b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:02:12	480.255
-49	45489	4548900	2e3d53c3-b609-42fd-bb23-c9e145b01a3a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:08:46	399.881
-49	90978	4548900	36b4afb8-5af0-4b27-926b-f2b31cb2d06f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:11:39	-659.234
-50	45490	4549000	60279852-a9d1-431a-9871-ff7165bab3ef	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:37:06	-73.70
-50	90980	4549000	82ec33bf-1240-4cc9-b8e8-616d8a91fd7e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:15:30	271.683
-51	45491	4549100	aa57081c-3a29-49e1-9b89-c0fac4c7fb65	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:58:03	55.224
-51	90982	4549100	bbe60ea3-cda8-4961-86e6-133ca4e92142	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:07:09	-240.234
-52	45492	4549200	9544c65e-8ed7-4a35-b1a8-8bf5a981813c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:25:30	877.166
-52	90984	4549200	4423c669-45d9-440c-8f36-3a845a0d8d6c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 22:40:11	507.827
-53	45493	4549300	fcddc39f-d040-4052-a74a-17151920e154	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:26:21	243.823
-53	90986	4549300	bf93fd2c-46aa-4ed7-a1c6-d884a9723ed3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:57:58	400.7
-54	45494	4549400	7949ce14-10bf-4203-abb5-dbe4f70b0d3a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:18:30	128.96
-54	90988	4549400	7c1c6a65-4196-4039-a1bc-60b8e36d6df2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 20:12:55	148.276
-55	45495	4549500	e80fd39b-cb80-4829-ac8a-b49958f88fc0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:08:11	-770.704
-55	90990	4549500	92de3196-0cd3-4e3b-b03b-8b907dadfbe3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:31:09	-473.177
-56	45496	4549600	883ecbd4-16b5-49f9-a53e-80475f907d8d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:32:09	-455.290
-56	90992	4549600	7f440282-61d9-4471-9d5a-8a9426e0c96d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:53:40	-629.975
-57	45497	4549700	a4001884-51ad-457a-9b58-384a02d89f51	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:50:41	106.606
-57	90994	4549700	2ef7c378-5890-44c9-a823-4ca74a091ada	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:30:15	436.863
-58	45498	4549800	639a7895-92a9-4fe6-93da-33ed8e44677a	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 22:56:23	-557.443
-58	90996	4549800	b97ff5ff-3703-41cd-a233-753596885475	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:02:14	-681.322
-59	45499	4549900	eb716a12-06da-4dde-87dd-d13fbfaeebf0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:15:41	-590.991
-59	90998	4549900	3fbef355-bc8b-4522-b69a-56550908cce0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:49:46	48.496
-60	45500	4550000	c914a4f7-87d7-4445-8922-d12584a1e4e5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:16:18	304.994
-60	91000	4550000	2f9b5007-a95f-4e70-9662-778b406f0fbe	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 21:58:03	-211.118
-61	45501	4550100	2d7faf22-602f-4a9a-b54d-3798ecddbcc2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:29:38	-706.264
-61	91002	4550100	0fd09688-6948-4509-8310-b7a4b41c030b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:43:49	717.695
-62	45502	4550200	290d5d2f-c7da-4fab-81d2-c04567edf0cc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:11:27	-506.885
-62	91004	4550200	de34b36f-9bfc-4cf7-9d87-85fda8ccd2b0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:46:56	-2.403
-63	45503	4550300	f71adcef-5b72-40fe-a485-6dbfb9cfdcd5	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:46:42	726.433
-63	91006	4550300	f7fb6845-6c81-4f3e-81bb-6ea4073dbaff	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:39:02	-887.225
-64	45504	4550400	a8998e69-a794-4197-ad8c-e29ac27e874b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:53:40	665.635
-64	91008	4550400	ab229d1a-8256-4337-9bd2-b4c54cd70fd1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:04:30	725.359
-65	45505	4550500	72465602-9ede-4d48-b879-fa8b5a49fdc0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:32:58	-51.163
-65	91010	4550500	40e0440e-0fcc-4b02-9967-c1caf253ab5d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:04:28	-89.308
-66	45506	4550600	4aa48863-0fed-4583-ae09-cbc19dffa422	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:52:15	725.202
-66	91012	4550600	26aa8828-6294-4fc7-83c9-268da30533e4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 05:16:30	-901.303
-67	45507	4550700	353be55c-a965-4929-acfd-b8c288664c95	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:52:01	-235.546
-67	91014	4550700	404ce65e-8447-4500-8cc3-f5cab569ee9c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:08:11	152.692
-68	45508	4550800	6b04fb6f-ea4a-4c33-a05f-13cb15a0da38	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:41:24	190.56
-68	91016	4550800	72ec5315-c38c-4ff1-9038-58d18273d356	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:18:59	-92.701
-69	45509	4550900	7d5d1511-bf33-402e-b4f7-8e4f3fa7d0c2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:05:01	-140.753
-69	91018	4550900	cc94c908-00fd-4368-a4e5-37f44aeae877	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:25:35	-167.695
-70	45510	4551000	aa378030-70b6-4e54-9695-75c98341e5f5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:01:31	510.205
-70	91020	4551000	6fd32f27-d368-4400-874a-87bb60899328	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:48:26	724.440
-71	45511	4551100	65b75a4f-6d74-4acc-85f0-6a6a0da31a3a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:22:41	767.822
-71	91022	4551100	f0bfa1f0-e00f-46bd-87f6-22d8674f8bea	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:20:44	-569.522
-72	45512	4551200	925f6e6b-4593-43b6-8d80-74f3e02270b5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:11:36	659.961
-72	91024	4551200	b74b75a7-454e-4d2a-858b-220d894f6a07	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:49:25	740.772
-73	45513	4551300	1c14dfb9-f4bf-4854-830b-c58e859e1816	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:15:58	478.902
-73	91026	4551300	fac7aba4-d52b-46f8-97cb-ce831347d166	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:14:22	98.828
-74	45514	4551400	e2a6d527-4a02-4e43-a115-457267fadb87	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:08:28	-518.562
-74	91028	4551400	968cb5a4-3acb-444f-bd1a-e524574a7aa5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:43:07	171.797
-75	45515	4551500	7fce9960-be44-42cb-bfcf-641c1d73e1ee	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 10:43:10	-232.193
-75	91030	4551500	74794dff-4fe4-4e16-97b8-b7398e317a9d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:18:03	719.747
-76	45516	4551600	3a98cf12-1295-429d-b0ff-6457865fb1be	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:54:33	462.365
-76	91032	4551600	bc2fbad3-882b-4164-81cc-55771417fd0c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:57:39	-904.704
-77	45517	4551700	28d18751-920a-4a2d-a8ad-5b96217db23d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:47:13	890.767
-77	91034	4551700	7d77e34d-4414-4ee8-baf1-2a558be290ed	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:30:27	51.402
-78	45518	4551800	7fbd0eed-fc69-4bef-a991-93e448e77091	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:04:05	652.380
-78	91036	4551800	c983b1ec-22c2-4da7-8c3e-e8f3067f1d7b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:20:31	374.947
-79	45519	4551900	a9ae2ab8-0176-4d12-9780-be2b76f1e706	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:34:35	801.703
-79	91038	4551900	e82ab1ab-ce2c-4b22-96dd-928372217c82	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:51:51	877.670
-80	45520	4552000	f3e22d7f-fd2f-4c50-804a-b34b8ab16a57	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:07:23	-921.402
-80	91040	4552000	2dae21f1-74c9-47bf-bde8-80950890e3b2	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:28:31	191.463
-81	45521	4552100	f74d249b-2956-4d04-8012-afc87c1b5781	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:53:42	315.29
-81	91042	4552100	e5c05d0a-3f08-4294-95ed-84b0775df220	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:20:09	-691.124
-82	45522	4552200	22b977de-3046-4932-8ec8-8f3519c1e5ab	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:43:48	985.678
-82	91044	4552200	f234c1d2-77a5-4883-b5fb-bcdabb827df9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 03:39:19	977.128
-83	45523	4552300	bfd9682e-f3f2-4500-b5da-c1df8ca9276d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:16:10	-647.758
-83	91046	4552300	d1c78843-bcbe-4a7d-9193-f8704f736140	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:48:00	-74.531
-84	45524	4552400	ca3b0cf6-b405-4e66-ad77-d04bba40a8ac	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:16:01	-8.595
-84	91048	4552400	187e2eff-0e5f-42d8-8c6e-c2d706e04320	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:12:19	68.876
-85	45525	4552500	7fe57403-9196-471c-a0f8-1a3eb422825b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 16:58:54	-174.590
-85	91050	4552500	c74c00ba-2461-4309-a59b-7657e309f378	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:52:23	704.985
-86	45526	4552600	25b7e5ab-85a7-454d-9ef7-5b7c0b60918e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:29:48	-38.658
-86	91052	4552600	d463fbd7-74ef-42c1-9d0e-ae432cd02be1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:51:44	-218.69
-87	45527	4552700	b99c95eb-d419-46aa-acb0-09137020bfe2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:32:04	836.720
-87	91054	4552700	e8dbe249-a720-4dd9-a0a9-e258e77ac21b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:11:39	-817.539
-88	45528	4552800	fe2e54db-8adf-4b7a-b7b7-0c0a0c72cf9b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:44:28	-494.321
-88	91056	4552800	34eb7881-43af-4f9c-9bf6-221abeafcec7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:15:35	-967.560
-89	45529	4552900	8b65ae47-8576-4eb0-876f-e4fb4db600ca	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:51:47	94.106
-89	91058	4552900	86148ac7-6d84-478e-8a6d-12e0bd6842e3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 22:02:10	-767.87
-90	45530	4553000	c727455a-644f-4e54-9a86-8edc989d51b6	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:42:52	275.564
-90	91060	4553000	d093a5d4-d17d-4485-91f1-4e919e5d601f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:04:13	391.426
-91	45531	4553100	a50292ab-c694-4969-af0c-3856e915eca5	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:30:22	-219.140
-91	91062	4553100	6dda0c32-22ff-4683-a350-33d26a92309d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:54:25	420.43
-92	45532	4553200	55c93e34-e9b6-4e41-a436-7119ae58b73f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:35:16	-346.398
-92	91064	4553200	d4dc2261-704b-4ceb-9455-6e1dbb7b6452	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:09:23	557.944
-93	45533	4553300	5a1f40d5-8b57-4ee0-a52c-ba3d97a693f5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:13:04	-743.987
-93	91066	4553300	1d34541c-714d-4da6-b16a-20cb8988c7b7	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:10:02	-379.694
-94	45534	4553400	14f84af1-e581-48b8-a922-9bc0943ad558	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:13:31	958.581
-94	91068	4553400	5afc1b8a-3e5b-47c8-af10-55ec15838632	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:59:07	542.952
-95	45535	4553500	29def133-54cf-4d8d-a850-75e698ba9ff8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 08:46:11	-312.769
-95	91070	4553500	7b511445-4aeb-4586-9fe6-cbe5c1dad9bc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:48:59	351.646
-96	45536	4553600	1ecb3847-275d-4aea-8399-320ecf573ba6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:17:59	-561.891
-96	91072	4553600	7ca0af87-3055-40ea-b0fb-b811818aecd4	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:18:46	584.332
-97	45537	4553700	c0f75dfa-15e8-478e-950a-74cd030bd753	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:31:20	-332.821
-97	91074	4553700	f441573a-ce58-42d8-a558-58d6d9e8d35c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:16:29	403.435
-98	45538	4553800	bce06b7f-1336-4adb-9725-67404a24a533	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:05:59	891.685
-98	91076	4553800	0ea21076-c468-4f6c-af25-63c9752d008d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:20:23	-203.504
-99	45539	4553900	61c96ed1-febd-4203-818a-ccdb5ccc85b0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:54:10	-13.370
-99	91078	4553900	b3131150-12de-40fb-88d9-57edd170839c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:07:55	-574.828
-100	45540	4554000	b1d1246a-6b84-41a7-9532-c01b26e34527	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:05:01	758.261
-100	91080	4554000	fe6e3f4c-1554-4eb4-807c-ea2c1b56f334	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:14:27	696.778
-101	45541	4554100	d45ca140-6c1d-47a5-bdb5-8ebedede2585	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:42:06	505.777
-101	91082	4554100	1d220a39-9268-4c3b-980c-c22899e3db97	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:24:08	-688.72
-102	45542	4554200	18eae6d9-ea2f-470b-8aa9-45ce7d6ec00d	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:33:45	-606.577
-102	91084	4554200	e58dcfbb-0910-4953-91ba-6be2d70519a8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 03:24:48	-233.533
-103	45543	4554300	39b92eb5-4d79-4847-bad6-ac0be4d07250	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:25:01	-373.310
-103	91086	4554300	9fb4744f-c071-4bf6-b099-0bc30ed5aa85	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:41:46	-716.362
-104	45544	4554400	6b1cdfbf-9207-46fb-b76b-c4efe893c13e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:38:27	-359.959
-104	91088	4554400	845d2b31-cbac-42fd-84b5-fa891fb15c88	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:13:29	-948.246
-105	45545	4554500	424c020c-c86c-4136-9255-635f7cb97a71	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:33:00	-639.568
-105	91090	4554500	aba0d98e-9b04-4762-b3fb-277f074c7b90	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:19:48	-948.2
-106	45546	4554600	c4b815b0-6fee-4b22-878d-b3001b51b98d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:02:33	366.344
-106	91092	4554600	2649441f-5e20-4492-9664-0b9fbfbcf994	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:52:17	441.263
-107	45547	4554700	3949d2db-481c-407d-b08c-84de9400ea0b	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:45:52	370.425
-107	91094	4554700	b59a8c7e-568a-4374-83b6-183befc66f62	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:07:33	-56.447
-108	45548	4554800	fa97f505-0b3a-4d69-836b-6a32a1ce11ad	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:24:36	176.822
-108	91096	4554800	2bce47a7-b928-48c7-a372-b88ee849f473	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:30:52	-452.725
-109	45549	4554900	a5980328-6111-4838-8054-df1581e0dce2	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:42:02	321.564
-109	91098	4554900	a928e95b-e7ec-4e12-a05b-f7994a40c6ac	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:24:36	215.357
-110	45550	4555000	1c978591-ed8e-487b-95c9-43f16f6c709b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:25:19	-218.256
-110	91100	4555000	b0ccb80a-064b-4774-ad8d-34ba303f3d2b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:10:27	232.978
-111	45551	4555100	a5bdb9e8-687c-4a89-8a0d-ab014a9f2a37	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 00:10:17	-409.678
-111	91102	4555100	9911fb49-b5b8-4775-9b49-3d776bbf8d03	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:27:45	-755.230
-112	45552	4555200	56732239-73b6-446b-8309-c8f3c06b39b9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:40:03	954.761
-112	91104	4555200	50bcbc34-78f9-486d-984b-31683b9187cb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:45:16	-733.724
-113	45553	4555300	57e5f0b4-6fc8-480d-8983-20132c15a034	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:14:07	336.98
-113	91106	4555300	47447e8a-379e-41c0-a16d-a64379190110	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:33:19	803.93
-114	45554	4555400	86105340-c7a6-4859-951f-c9acc946d012	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:25:17	-43.668
-114	91108	4555400	e324dd99-14cb-43f4-82c5-0839822bb4c4	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:10:27	8.355
-115	45555	4555500	fe4f224c-fb82-4329-b124-e734806e48a5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:49:27	347.210
-115	91110	4555500	afbfaa99-b9b9-4427-a868-7ffe76286e22	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:47:59	684.143
-116	45556	4555600	44a3d439-28c9-4ee9-b1a6-76d1006f3761	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:05:31	321.388
-116	91112	4555600	b2f024a4-fdc0-4c75-ba21-6cbe53344a78	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:21:06	-190.295
-117	45557	4555700	c1a4ae36-7106-4c07-9db8-647a0e7e0f97	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:49:16	-302.466
-117	91114	4555700	a4f1de9e-4783-4417-a69e-f14381bf9e3c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:59:06	114.46
-118	45558	4555800	0231a308-4e46-45f0-9080-752718bb4ded	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:04:06	281.475
-118	91116	4555800	9304411f-d311-42ad-87fe-fb4f1a947070	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:02:54	-989.242
-119	45559	4555900	3a6d633e-f6f0-4fd9-895f-26d533696521	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:21:38	26.336
-119	91118	4555900	fd7f005c-eaf7-4b01-a53e-de297d77348d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 04:08:39	61.631
-120	45560	4556000	56272a8b-ca30-4d9d-bb65-4b9b4d41c8c8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:44:19	-616.122
-120	91120	4556000	10285e4e-d4b0-4d26-8f8e-d923c653709a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:53:30	-783.975
-121	45561	4556100	7873254c-1121-4e0f-a934-71fc3d546e12	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:37:39	-406.827
-121	91122	4556100	01dbf31f-09aa-4507-8ac7-7d2e4a57e157	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:27:03	387.53
-122	45562	4556200	27209567-11ae-4182-8423-2c396bfb53d9	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:59:06	621.540
-122	91124	4556200	ff506c5f-2ee7-4606-808e-10737cf11a1e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:14:12	-811.241
-123	45563	4556300	95f464eb-1b79-44c6-80f4-6fdbd97fe9ed	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:53:48	568.449
-123	91126	4556300	f41fcd86-d0ac-4308-b740-c990ab408b82	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:32:11	24.380
-124	45564	4556400	2776e37e-bf66-4dc6-88cc-9daa9811b835	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:15:03	-647.657
-124	91128	4556400	845dc253-bf10-42bb-8035-4bfda0cac703	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:16:34	-136.618
-125	45565	4556500	e708b373-54e7-4304-b8e1-a2ace22535af	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:40:14	347.631
-125	91130	4556500	f46e6f3b-eb75-417d-b543-68b4dda478fd	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:13:01	-410.429
-126	45566	4556600	5a12f6e1-bbb3-420b-8bd9-e451b804b872	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 03:15:48	637.220
-126	91132	4556600	06f4973d-bf61-483b-a7b4-ef78b294e912	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:56:07	-778.710
-127	45567	4556700	70ce2d74-7f03-4606-b1a8-fcf90960f27b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:31:15	-622.460
-127	91134	4556700	bb74f123-7cb0-4b76-8dfb-ad0540939b28	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:06:52	102.407
-0	45568	4556800	c1ace85c-7d5a-422d-97a7-652c57b0bc93	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:52:10	148.581
-0	91136	4556800	b12cd8bf-5d2c-469d-852c-371117e30065	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:19:57	-914.891
-1	45569	4556900	c56ac775-fd9d-49ae-b200-86a9beecf19d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:43:44	698.448
-1	91138	4556900	e0f18342-feb2-44b1-82b7-84bcf6a43638	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:56:14	532.346
-2	45570	4557000	ca26aca4-384a-46b5-8d14-1c7bad602045	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:40:45	-407.464
-2	91140	4557000	aa3b88cd-7912-4bdd-9eb1-46465827781f	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:25:54	-738.294
-3	45571	4557100	82ae8905-f028-48d7-84dc-7a5b3d06bc59	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:18:29	835.661
-3	91142	4557100	77b4a18a-8753-4a9f-9b0e-2500ea099cb4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:30:38	-581.543
-4	45572	4557200	8b5e9b26-b474-41e9-b225-2514f0515b1b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:04:25	-679.765
-4	91144	4557200	d6f7c3c2-efbc-4732-9abb-be7f3c719fda	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:19:28	605.11
-5	45573	4557300	ccd5da48-af2b-412a-a644-3cd4a40b5c61	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:44:25	810.971
-5	91146	4557300	4f2ed057-fe19-48ab-932a-c95fe2aefec9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:49:36	-214.184
-6	45574	4557400	359b7382-c907-455d-8cb6-d3be5ed5230f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:11:53	-84.79
-6	91148	4557400	330cea34-d4d6-44ad-be74-8fe188904814	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 08:00:05	-203.736
-7	45575	4557500	9370ce1b-4a16-495d-8b52-56f6dde827a2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:32:23	-95.590
-7	91150	4557500	2b858942-4027-46a1-8cad-d2a8688c1825	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:24:21	693.855
-8	45576	4557600	45870363-2e16-4c13-b350-c97c02d281c5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:38:50	499.803
-8	91152	4557600	49690c41-694b-425f-8145-1de98ac20970	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:44:45	-150.333
-9	45577	4557700	2e34e285-e730-49a0-8715-4d2e2c6e72a0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 06:50:08	-204.814
-9	91154	4557700	a2e6a33a-a30c-49fd-b037-5ce8fe1a64f3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:43:35	83.340
-10	45578	4557800	bc6d015f-8543-4d45-8517-7d322ef818c8	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:03:53	59.22
-10	91156	4557800	fa1dccfb-7215-4eff-b148-f767b1b54401	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:06:07	459.356
-11	45579	4557900	e08a1e1e-b462-46c8-b473-a1c6411b99c2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:25:52	-585.406
-11	91158	4557900	de76109b-1506-4345-be9a-5e38e150c296	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 16:47:01	724.412
-12	45580	4558000	deb26c9f-6d2b-4fde-961c-9f9cd4791311	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:43:15	658.902
-12	91160	4558000	8d9eadda-0149-47fe-8144-b8f5709c8460	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:13:43	-989.148
-13	45581	4558100	c097341b-a0fe-4e0e-93ce-0fdec086874b	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:30:13	327.189
-13	91162	4558100	0a7026fc-641c-4c99-bd01-ca1f2198f4f6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:34:41	-62.710
-14	45582	4558200	502c123a-6c3d-4c23-9dda-3786a066186f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:05:58	-653.342
-14	91164	4558200	30b93a51-96dc-458c-a372-303b3e734bd1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:05:55	767.190
-15	45583	4558300	b5f60b9e-2c01-4907-8b8a-231ede880686	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 09:01:22	358.553
-15	91166	4558300	633d24c0-7860-4c87-827d-95c57755eae4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:42:17	-611.978
-16	45584	4558400	9b29bef9-c28b-4c91-af61-04cd6bde5218	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:22:39	140.596
-16	91168	4558400	284ad369-551e-4406-b73a-aebcafbdffbb	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:10:01	226.596
-17	45585	4558500	7309efcf-e5e7-4ecf-9ce1-38655673469a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:53:01	-446.753
-17	91170	4558500	6132f5de-5cce-4061-aeeb-750386ba76ad	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:28:19	58.799
-18	45586	4558600	01e4eb6a-1ce2-4396-9ed6-d65f40df41c4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:01:02	616.383
-18	91172	4558600	6a027da0-2a32-4f37-9065-0c4b899b4fd5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:52:36	749.484
-19	45587	4558700	7145bc85-06be-4266-b59d-c3b36ebf45c9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:39:41	-617.695
-19	91174	4558700	8450134e-b74e-4f43-b578-50e3bf40690f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:55:12	763.677
-20	45588	4558800	72ee3343-d1c2-4062-ab32-b59436d4ca52	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:40:42	484.675
-20	91176	4558800	f4f34950-6857-4ea1-9a74-82af26d35d6a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:03:27	-630.578
-21	45589	4558900	21f72d56-8637-4353-bdef-6df62dbaa171	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:47:43	-672.5
-21	91178	4558900	f5fe7e2f-9750-4e81-88d4-72a08ab8fb33	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:40:33	-812.756
-22	45590	4559000	5c132a0a-ff08-4a42-9ed9-e9d04550ee98	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:11:14	551.893
-22	91180	4559000	c01f05af-0c45-4893-8502-b704e08798c3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:56:02	-822.628
-23	45591	4559100	8be04d49-f463-404b-8c2d-f5f204175bc4	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:52:55	-99.759
-23	91182	4559100	1191a40d-7787-4720-8195-8de35625bc52	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:26:12	-181.387
-24	45592	4559200	fb42a2d4-1b3c-4e3b-8e15-693249431656	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:29:00	135.452
-24	91184	4559200	d2d512a8-5af9-42cc-9800-dcd4619fcfaf	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:14:38	-322.180
-25	45593	4559300	e1e04483-0607-4c09-9472-24ed7d5dfb21	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:13:29	-569.665
-25	91186	4559300	3c22f518-0616-4513-b651-92fb61d147d5	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:07:19	-295.663
-26	45594	4559400	7cd7e787-bd4b-42ca-85c1-691a184728f8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:11:40	-113.146
-26	91188	4559400	088bebfa-adf2-4fe5-b443-194bae0e62a6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:39:58	927.33
-27	45595	4559500	b6a181be-0759-46f3-a4eb-41d9b62b7339	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:50:28	-417.0
-27	91190	4559500	992734f0-4658-44b9-9a94-74b6f0072cbe	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:00:31	112.819
-28	45596	4559600	2df7ebc2-47c6-47a6-963e-474ade4034ce	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:49:21	21.122
-28	91192	4559600	835b2a40-53a1-4937-92fc-46e92459d173	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:09:47	367.909
-29	45597	4559700	40041836-7f5c-4a90-b632-591e02fd9f01	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:04:38	85.836
-29	91194	4559700	82cf1301-0d47-43d8-ad79-4be16c12d4fc	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:26:39	477.28
-30	45598	4559800	c972654b-eca2-4b88-bc0b-ff1e4541c39a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:29:06	286.693
-30	91196	4559800	438fd46e-3022-4cfd-bd07-019cdf25f099	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:04:52	-371.910
-31	45599	4559900	7ffd1da2-c8da-46d9-b818-388c019d1c40	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:32:25	-462.199
-31	91198	4559900	fae1785f-8906-4a54-818c-30b9ccfd8f8c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:32:11	-348.736
-32	45600	4560000	006c3e58-c4e7-4c9d-9cd0-e82e1879ce4d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:08:32	420.596
-32	91200	4560000	4102858e-ebf3-44de-9f1e-56980f88e5a2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:49:07	-216.510
-33	45601	4560100	cba8e784-ec45-4dbf-9808-96ca25b1af85	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 23:02:49	462.410
-33	91202	4560100	dd05d50a-3f34-4924-93b9-41c1f0536c56	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:25:03	677.323
-34	45602	4560200	c0f7b94e-f001-44be-b89b-88a721e089ad	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:59:24	-825.861
-34	91204	4560200	22cee328-5177-4689-948a-bd57ebcf2a41	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:37:56	-374.842
-35	45603	4560300	04976eb1-7e67-43ef-bc26-a57c30c461bc	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:01:36	-223.587
-35	91206	4560300	54e38df8-c50f-4c23-8410-89d076922921	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:28:08	679.110
-36	45604	4560400	4092a2c2-e834-4b3f-88a4-486009d95c6a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:09:47	-234.867
-36	91208	4560400	10bc188c-a5b5-401a-8a72-a9228bdfe985	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:31:42	48.323
-37	45605	4560500	227616f3-5d62-4c40-9003-0c4bed6f2522	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:53:49	3.69
-37	91210	4560500	8dd6e9f7-c6c6-401c-952c-a4c48c1cd077	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:38:07	547.864
-38	45606	4560600	0b04c5df-4836-49b1-8498-94fe22679993	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:23:00	824.116
-38	91212	4560600	13e0a27b-d7c2-4414-aec5-e85bfe762b15	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:46:31	-483.945
-39	45607	4560700	ff290b16-386a-4a32-9dbf-e05b896fea79	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:15:07	799.858
-39	91214	4560700	9e7ec243-c6bb-4c41-9913-c29e8a643ffb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:56:03	848.692
-40	45608	4560800	21824c25-03aa-48e5-a9ac-ba4d0f1f5544	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 07:18:18	666.122
-40	91216	4560800	ad70dbba-a8ed-4d98-b4ba-22b1efbc2824	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:11:49	-592.884
-41	45609	4560900	7648bc31-f293-4cd7-8fb8-a6cb58f8c16c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:43:53	-236.475
-41	91218	4560900	c9485d97-b50d-4c39-8581-3a36f390e1ec	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:20:25	-441.75
-42	45610	4561000	e08f9c86-c86e-4632-aff2-ff3f3886ba8b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:14:26	512.442
-42	91220	4561000	fab935ad-501a-42ad-abcf-903452631339	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:39:02	-449.549
-43	45611	4561100	ef10e747-ed81-4af5-9cfc-41e71e82448c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:21:10	-945.493
-43	91222	4561100	8c103776-643f-4f17-affe-63b407ce84b5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 01:16:27	-6.485
-44	45612	4561200	c4eb3cbe-6540-4c29-bd01-bde4bfb5324d	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:27:40	846.390
-44	91224	4561200	e059eae8-a61c-4354-89c5-820398a5cb05	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:47:42	-847.795
-45	45613	4561300	19a515e8-7872-4cfc-a7d5-85bdaf58e2e9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:32:40	434.465
-45	91226	4561300	dd384554-3a23-4ade-9fd3-2e4803afa19e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:03:13	-807.39
-46	45614	4561400	3372ab1b-8c38-433d-a356-e6d083f7ff7f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:00:44	839.494
-46	91228	4561400	42d94893-deba-4b83-9e52-f73b02508b56	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:34:06	-20.908
-47	45615	4561500	0c51fe07-fbc8-4553-8130-6edb23bc16ec	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:31:27	-182.817
-47	91230	4561500	c755a272-ff7b-4e76-9b54-9875fbea013c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:59:33	-305.228
-48	45616	4561600	fde9786e-0a87-4baa-9de4-9a0b7f509820	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:22:42	-121.510
-48	91232	4561600	eb72518a-f9e5-4fd3-937d-d65f1b8c51f0	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:54:06	-192.856
-49	45617	4561700	2da39306-88fd-4e29-a852-84d3a83af6c5	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:42:44	440.809
-49	91234	4561700	68ffab80-80a0-46b4-b146-6d427eece240	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:58:35	-864.728
-50	45618	4561800	930b8442-3327-47d0-a7d4-d569098bea71	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:20:55	-228.803
-50	91236	4561800	11358b9a-487c-41e5-b2e2-0b498ef1b4cb	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:30:22	626.138
-51	45619	4561900	b1378c47-8c17-433a-b017-6bc89d0d90a2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:30:21	-139.552
-51	91238	4561900	b3dd706b-4f23-4b9c-81d8-7aa07daa0592	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 17:40:44	-228.496
-52	45620	4562000	29fdcfdd-2815-439c-8808-f1605d4a875c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:46:01	-268.851
-52	91240	4562000	c88eda1c-ed5a-4444-883b-640fb9f5e571	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:34:11	-748.769
-53	45621	4562100	f1aedaee-58f7-41ff-afe3-78b91bd26915	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:12:35	928.144
-53	91242	4562100	4872e4b3-a237-4247-9ba9-942c6213715e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:42:52	-485.558
-54	45622	4562200	7aad75ad-505b-4539-ac2a-9d03ed1b197a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:17:59	372.314
-54	91244	4562200	87c1ae85-e245-4179-8bb8-4ba728d38722	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:48:57	771.724
-55	45623	4562300	f89beb61-4245-418e-b431-1cc30ecc09a6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:31:54	-358.463
-55	91246	4562300	0077d00f-ce59-4d81-9dd6-539e38a68461	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:41:52	96.73
-56	45624	4562400	c2975548-2bf5-4ea1-9f5d-526c2859bf17	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:08:53	-206.850
-56	91248	4562400	fedb57b6-d186-41ee-97d1-8ab5f6deac5c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:16:53	663.679
-57	45625	4562500	82a9c41f-8afd-4a25-a9e0-1953fdf01521	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 03:59:29	-428.814
-57	91250	4562500	64155db5-2436-40bc-ad10-48c013c255e5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:01:58	-603.925
-58	45626	4562600	9ffaa34b-69cb-459f-a9fe-6a20adf2300b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:31:39	135.188
-58	91252	4562600	99f550c4-5436-46f6-881b-56f4c18ce861	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:55:34	-466.789
-59	45627	4562700	ffbd42ac-4c12-4a7a-986c-c0c53de066d8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:43:57	196.12
-59	91254	4562700	bc747335-1c10-4275-8551-ddb214c6c967	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:04:44	40.401
-60	45628	4562800	cd5c4592-f7fa-40f3-a961-73c003aa0e12	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:55:20	217.385
-60	91256	4562800	d1144b69-7a89-43af-81bc-dcf8ae851460	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 10:48:06	-694.317
-61	45629	4562900	3dfd428c-fb95-41d5-9236-05af78d302aa	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:37:29	517.147
-61	91258	4562900	147bd7dd-1908-4e7f-be99-987937e449d6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:32:54	-275.937
-62	45630	4563000	b573fc8c-306f-402a-ad39-08964ac0fded	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:03:06	767.207
-62	91260	4563000	d26b19a1-393d-433c-9348-c1acde56b64f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:52:01	931.634
-63	45631	4563100	f5959c43-f8dd-4996-bcfc-e0f1cab817a5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:46:14	829.915
-63	91262	4563100	81ad990b-1f41-4390-a1f2-82386dd70d46	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:08:12	-948.365
-64	45632	4563200	bbb974ec-aacd-4c32-8f86-b45790279603	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:25:31	973.488
-64	91264	4563200	97500983-8bcb-4a75-805d-d4b54d619ee7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:37:17	-847.489
-65	45633	4563300	e02d4044-cf7f-483d-b899-ca2336006b5d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:21:41	-712.287
-65	91266	4563300	91bc48ac-109b-4a86-b21a-a70193dd3d09	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:01:32	-189.825
-66	45634	4563400	7d000dce-dd40-43d9-973f-06c34566a64f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:56:22	-787.362
-66	91268	4563400	251d5e1f-e381-433a-a299-8042fe52ec0e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:07:03	-645.466
-67	45635	4563500	f712b5e1-d085-4d97-9de6-ee3ea5a47ab3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:25:40	-189.782
-67	91270	4563500	8d4995ec-e9a1-4cf6-a899-77f5fda58e08	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:32:43	-197.872
-68	45636	4563600	9068d68f-d93e-428b-864f-f0a4077f2745	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:10:28	527.565
-68	91272	4563600	2bf904b6-bf2d-414a-b241-a8479a4c744a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:44:08	44.324
-69	45637	4563700	93619c2d-9e7d-42b6-8dcd-efb9cfa97fd1	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:07:53	-548.57
-69	91274	4563700	c7af7846-dca2-451d-ad14-02757021fbe5	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:47:05	537.620
-70	45638	4563800	d964d6ed-0991-44e4-9d07-bcf2427f73d9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:57:26	-762.711
-70	91276	4563800	248ab339-03b8-4767-b1a1-dcbca99f9e07	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:27:59	-430.300
-71	45639	4563900	884254d1-ee0c-4c97-8254-9ee6e5d428b4	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:47:44	795.565
-71	91278	4563900	8a16f9b2-287b-4ba6-8ace-5fa14c05309b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 20:10:12	233.783
-72	45640	4564000	c29f07fb-2efa-4845-850e-1445dcfdd830	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:15:31	44.175
-72	91280	4564000	bd6ebdf1-ecea-4f39-b2ed-1c779fe707ba	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:25:41	966.82
-73	45641	4564100	9cea0b33-0299-41f7-9f84-b6eafbd5f275	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:03:17	147.719
-73	91282	4564100	1d13c1b6-469f-41d3-b1c2-2e0859e50228	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:39:54	-495.222
-74	45642	4564200	de388200-4186-44d2-b142-1741c33efddc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:03:18	675.722
-74	91284	4564200	d9e78999-da0d-4214-9854-4fdfe63802e4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:33:25	642.932
-75	45643	4564300	6992e222-23ee-4bea-a094-90a6da5ef3a6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:44:05	-666.770
-75	91286	4564300	c21640ca-8d0a-4cff-b6f2-4d5e4e2d154b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:11:55	-248.558
-76	45644	4564400	d071e8fd-07ef-49da-9c9e-b8254b8cefe4	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:58:00	630.991
-76	91288	4564400	e7d13aff-3dc2-48ab-b63a-00c3d2051c93	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:53:33	-57.829
-77	45645	4564500	77c16086-4fb9-47e8-b807-46a77bff2e36	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:57:01	-271.341
-77	91290	4564500	853e8256-4144-49f3-831a-880169e31536	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 08:32:11	-690.668
-78	45646	4564600	264fd47a-ef4e-4635-b882-39ce582bb9fe	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:09:40	-513.85
-78	91292	4564600	e759fe5a-7f9c-4ad4-ae5a-07fa04957b56	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:44:17	-544.547
-79	45647	4564700	49e40c6b-dd6a-43a6-879e-da35f4e0e46d	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:08:55	850.775
-79	91294	4564700	1daef15a-6875-4837-8366-659ac3e932f1	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 06:07:43	631.79
-80	45648	4564800	2636b7c2-d5cf-4b30-957a-7696e522036a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:25:22	-219.166
-80	91296	4564800	d4edce97-455f-4d99-91d9-6c528ff53ad0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:10:23	528.422
-81	45649	4564900	70834a00-47a3-408c-9ce6-d863f1bec828	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:00:44	-666.465
-81	91298	4564900	71041b51-c6f3-47af-9b5c-02245ec69842	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:02:55	-128.848
-82	45650	4565000	3d1d58f1-fd86-4ea6-8f05-653c751eb481	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:28:42	112.67
-82	91300	4565000	c6491d08-d9c8-4a4f-a9f9-6d347978e9bf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:57:47	-739.841
-83	45651	4565100	af44676d-5773-4a2d-967a-9794f834fadd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:42:43	-421.662
-83	91302	4565100	c9098075-b2cb-4357-af85-cfd69045de1e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:45:53	39.5
-84	45652	4565200	66343348-f3c7-41c9-85ca-68b21c0da813	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:24:16	-804.757
-84	91304	4565200	f33283c9-a6e5-495a-9473-3ef40ba3a43d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:42:17	-518.741
-85	45653	4565300	47204e44-f11d-4f95-a65b-986d51cab53a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:31:27	-377.684
-85	91306	4565300	ebc7fddb-7666-48d6-b254-2a0dfaaea192	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:16:04	477.126
-86	45654	4565400	90b9de1a-0975-4750-b59e-4993bab9256b	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:41:36	-480.25
-86	91308	4565400	5fb8b3a6-ce0f-4a18-82df-101225a6354a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:33:36	-538.601
-87	45655	4565500	ca9fb266-18f8-48ff-bbe4-56062584b28c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:34:34	-913.851
-87	91310	4565500	745f111e-c201-4d99-b812-f381fb6ea7de	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:05:22	811.694
-88	45656	4565600	f466db6d-f555-4d87-b6cd-44701626846d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 10:25:29	709.936
-88	91312	4565600	f08bec28-2082-49ba-9516-2a46f5812a2e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:35:02	-952.710
-89	45657	4565700	5acd96c2-bade-4af1-914a-89f29294ed63	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:39:16	872.929
-89	91314	4565700	2049d076-e487-4c80-b650-95b09ce2e4a9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:36:14	74.653
-90	45658	4565800	309aa82c-3c8b-445d-8d64-71fe0ab74a54	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 02:35:20	333.14
-90	91316	4565800	eb61f36f-8de4-4875-b4f0-1c9735291c2b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:52:46	-835.580
-91	45659	4565900	1986920b-481c-4a87-8a4b-98c898573f46	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 04:59:33	644.955
-91	91318	4565900	74312720-6dfb-4c32-b202-4106f613df6d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:20:24	-578.914
-92	45660	4566000	3cba5e7d-e494-42cc-8be9-73bdf4b62d8a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:59:07	402.581
-92	91320	4566000	8f0055ea-737a-4f0e-be39-542dd4a92b0d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:30:38	631.558
-93	45661	4566100	df3e957b-161e-45b9-8107-67a7d512220a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:34:29	-4.859
-93	91322	4566100	00a51bd3-7320-43d9-849d-cc2ad0ca0dc8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:54:44	-104.81
-94	45662	4566200	8ef81a9e-8f24-4f8a-aaf3-18192c02f390	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:06:43	496.113
-94	91324	4566200	b7551071-c17d-4402-ae99-fa95c981e651	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 12:32:05	-348.834
-95	45663	4566300	ffce2aa4-0177-48d4-8138-9079a32dcaad	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:44:03	-871.204
-95	91326	4566300	112a29d7-4fdf-477a-9b83-d67808c1060f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:14:32	287.953
-96	45664	4566400	f547772f-bc9a-4408-bf02-7222aa455cfc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:00:51	-799.233
-96	91328	4566400	5950687a-67ba-4279-bd39-b670d70b2f4a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:38:15	504.521
-97	45665	4566500	b5b38d4c-263d-4d18-a743-9df34a7448c5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:22:50	181.336
-97	91330	4566500	a2b2d76b-0f08-4070-8666-c6f28802d763	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:19:28	300.783
-98	45666	4566600	746858df-080a-488b-81e4-a501516c9b7f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:12:21	-69.107
-98	91332	4566600	83f13093-5ea8-4b87-9992-0270b54181e3	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:15:00	-256.596
-99	45667	4566700	6a337697-2158-4e60-aefd-26bc0c114bb8	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:35:41	433.852
-99	91334	4566700	535db144-5aa7-425d-89d5-4de6e505172d	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:09:25	-792.343
-100	45668	4566800	ddaec838-6673-40c4-8737-b2fb291271b6	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:48:02	-509.403
-100	91336	4566800	e9fe8d45-0c88-4663-bc26-79b4e6998a8d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:36:01	-812.358
-101	45669	4566900	1c5c3392-cf8e-4251-a107-a0a820fc95a0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:46:31	-932.326
-101	91338	4566900	1f4a6c85-1266-4ed6-b82d-dca3068ae53a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:06:46	-418.217
-102	45670	4567000	fafa62c9-2b85-49d6-9d94-ba63852349a2	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:39:12	-765.613
-102	91340	4567000	bad74ab4-7141-4ded-9d90-cd00be3969c8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:17:02	-884.764
-103	45671	4567100	e2da2453-8be3-408f-b8b3-a811836c9b9f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:12:54	-897.930
-103	91342	4567100	9c28969f-0c54-4d87-b8d5-9cc6fb227ff4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:05:18	842.286
-104	45672	4567200	bb3b2a99-8014-431e-baa3-d9a00949172a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:50:01	815.736
-104	91344	4567200	e3998ad3-96dc-4212-bb06-4bf1cf95a5e5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:19:38	540.467
-105	45673	4567300	a30d1fe5-7e63-4c91-97fc-fd2620d1d7c9	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:57:13	-291.297
-105	91346	4567300	ce6ae3da-5f04-4535-983e-9ccfdd0c337d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 13:17:00	-385.558
-106	45674	4567400	3988f887-5d9a-4b13-a9e9-47ded00324ab	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:04:20	-66.298
-106	91348	4567400	88d14a14-a10b-4b77-b80d-f877e24562ca	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:48:36	-482.648
-107	45675	4567500	8150608f-c7ab-4b0d-8e52-8157c98d541e	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:16:06	-968.443
-107	91350	4567500	cea6fb43-a782-454d-b241-2fcc4507855a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 13:55:25	786.919
-108	45676	4567600	4e11c182-8b1e-4d7b-bd01-43fa50719c55	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:57:37	-934.775
-108	91352	4567600	6fdc1895-f09b-432f-8682-7bf6a57571fc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:59:34	751.494
-109	45677	4567700	76bec29a-490f-45af-976e-d0f16d3a1f7f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:40:41	251.524
-109	91354	4567700	4fea8c3f-b0aa-498d-9e81-ba962dee6214	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:27:01	-604.503
-110	45678	4567800	7fbe323e-bbca-4ba1-b6a5-c6cf79057f38	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:38:56	591.779
-110	91356	4567800	fad4cc82-e535-450f-b08a-359bd9c3b203	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:01:44	595.330
-111	45679	4567900	8c72854e-9773-4224-b601-7e8d5ef49d36	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 10:11:54	-319.45
-111	91358	4567900	e0094306-28af-4fc7-b378-317fdc493880	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:35:06	342.765
-112	45680	4568000	4ffab16e-80c9-491e-96b9-e0545b483912	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:04:08	-531.160
-112	91360	4568000	59c4fec9-d040-4573-85f4-ee8330030aaf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:25:37	290.401
-113	45681	4568100	2bd27d66-3f63-44a3-9437-2d1eff761d05	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:29:42	-838.8
-113	91362	4568100	c8c2fb9b-328c-4bd5-b598-a7384d205230	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:40:30	-401.540
-114	45682	4568200	c6104d06-1503-45ed-8b59-3c50e2dd7fcb	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:51:21	893.806
-114	91364	4568200	c6047e2f-c630-4650-a79d-6cf64dd2949c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:27:44	-307.792
-115	45683	4568300	ac5105e2-c7b2-437d-8cfe-967eb79ff382	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 12:23:51	863.168
-115	91366	4568300	f8656c5f-5219-4c90-8e18-7138fe6eb872	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:27:40	379.95
-116	45684	4568400	0b766c1d-254e-428d-ad2a-ea2845161998	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:53:39	-872.306
-116	91368	4568400	2e3ac8ff-9932-4eb6-bb01-804b7ada6985	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:39:23	-25.228
-117	45685	4568500	52c76885-c9de-4dde-8608-fdcb0ea3289e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:21:35	-155.147
-117	91370	4568500	82bdbfd8-11e8-43e4-b9d5-dcebcf4d3915	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:20:07	-43.655
-118	45686	4568600	f1de5ebd-b95f-48a9-8ffd-b72ae5c23ab4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:27:17	-852.895
-118	91372	4568600	aacb412d-3a5c-40d3-9676-713b781f6a3a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:12:00	272.740
-119	45687	4568700	7ea6c61e-0d8d-4285-bc05-5b5696d33f44	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:15:08	34.870
-119	91374	4568700	8678cbdd-bc0b-4ace-818c-5126a276c4e3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:59:10	-901.154
-120	45688	4568800	16fcdc8d-3caa-46d8-b73b-d6b24a773801	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:54:36	-100.861
-120	91376	4568800	6789bd0a-e15e-4c22-b54e-94f811a05d60	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:31:45	216.738
-121	45689	4568900	1c0802d3-5e03-4ac3-87e3-3d017914aefb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:39:30	857.503
-121	91378	4568900	2be5d19c-4fb8-4af6-b1e9-4a57f8cf455e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 11:39:16	-848.372
-122	45690	4569000	ab244429-bf79-46ee-8f42-94808a1ec7ac	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:21:21	118.149
-122	91380	4569000	07108374-932a-4561-aa71-80dd246e349f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:08:34	578.69
-123	45691	4569100	7c1a4a1b-ca0f-4fa4-baa7-647277011a07	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:50:45	635.472
-123	91382	4569100	4212f845-bf2f-4ed0-b7c2-3c9891a7abbf	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:46:18	-933.237
-124	45692	4569200	31258837-ff37-4a0e-b574-bc82073cc431	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:12:23	-789.659
-124	91384	4569200	15b80abb-3f55-4dac-be7d-ebb3fb60937d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:54:28	224.79
-125	45693	4569300	6e51bae1-2ab6-4b01-b93c-caa3d3f0c697	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:24:19	-681.852
-125	91386	4569300	4eb79bfe-5d21-49bb-8718-02480791b1e8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:36:55	-849.905
-126	45694	4569400	136a236a-fdff-451f-95b5-5ad5c2331045	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:31:30	153.664
-126	91388	4569400	6a17fde7-cb74-42e7-9965-289c2b3a924d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:35:40	-428.87
-127	45695	4569500	b3654652-b925-4822-adc7-5c36e5d738fc	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:53:57	639.453
-127	91390	4569500	40e00021-f4a3-44e0-947d-daae6491e6b7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:53:01	847.515
-0	45696	4569600	fefc5195-8095-48de-81e8-2bdd5cc8323f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:56:10	-618.946
-0	91392	4569600	08912e4a-2375-4830-8cd5-cf681d77e6f9	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:13:36	645.792
-1	45697	4569700	5bdb5cf4-bde1-451a-ae1d-36f1ce2c06c8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:41:48	-415.718
-1	91394	4569700	4c7b735e-bcb6-4bf5-a515-fcf370ec3c19	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:44:41	860.709
-2	45698	4569800	5c1c25ca-f5ba-43b0-9731-dbc4394705b2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:43:15	235.87
-2	91396	4569800	acb6aa21-ac1a-492b-8379-4c863eb4d17c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:56:40	-54.840
-3	45699	4569900	36eebde7-dd10-4048-97e4-4f38fe5e4dbb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:49:55	-335.663
-3	91398	4569900	61afbcd3-26fd-40c8-8039-6701169523db	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:54:07	-532.540
-4	45700	4570000	74763a96-92cd-4832-825f-12babaf271f6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:59:44	-428.514
-4	91400	4570000	7327cfb8-5a31-41ee-9959-152fc7d66b40	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:59:33	278.98
-5	45701	4570100	0410a148-8a36-4299-a4ca-cb93bcdfcb1b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:29:14	-311.971
-5	91402	4570100	7df7153d-6a6d-4d26-a676-10682f6f9b4c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:15:51	940.498
-6	45702	4570200	d9cfb95d-a464-46a9-a81d-05baf87c14c1	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:52:42	-716.970
-6	91404	4570200	1b508534-23a9-4361-9410-5f5433d753ee	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:49:47	869.780
-7	45703	4570300	b944a53d-07c4-48d3-9eea-cd91c5ff6d57	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:31:57	328.100
-7	91406	4570300	e5a01b58-954e-4f74-bf9d-804fedd5f6f6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:50:33	-293.546
-8	45704	4570400	5f0cbb98-e886-4b7b-ad3c-1e7181a5648e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:47:25	-58.151
-8	91408	4570400	4872de5d-fb7e-440a-a815-275b4245baf1	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:18:02	506.414
-9	45705	4570500	09cd5658-f4b2-4ca8-b4a1-e09ae781767d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:29:49	-490.576
-9	91410	4570500	09f5b3e1-35d7-4400-a046-af18bd3cab67	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:13:53	54.385
-10	45706	4570600	9f86410d-f309-447e-a631-586e30d36f87	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 23:52:32	947.328
-10	91412	4570600	241d6148-84ad-48b7-a202-04975a258d7e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:29:59	-337.523
-11	45707	4570700	f156f3ca-b688-42d1-8b1b-779dab97f9d5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:36:52	-452.554
-11	91414	4570700	321ec88d-d20d-405a-a2e0-4a6b97b13444	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:09:44	-768.116
-12	45708	4570800	8f4c383b-2365-4031-9866-e9b9ca305a4b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:53:19	-659.782
-12	91416	4570800	41701921-ea44-4fad-a625-d969fb570f28	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:58:16	-519.212
-13	45709	4570900	38e1c4db-aa7e-47c7-b950-413c0830ecf1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:31:21	-938.666
-13	91418	4570900	12e5302b-1758-48ff-b514-2f6e8e324658	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:02:54	484.784
-14	45710	4571000	2bdac300-a716-4672-8a42-50f5f48dd8c1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:08:35	-165.489
-14	91420	4571000	fe982ab0-8b26-4cca-81a1-2a1dae7c0b8e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:17:59	-740.457
-15	45711	4571100	55dba5da-ae5f-4664-a62d-e1785b2dfdb3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:15:11	435.403
-15	91422	4571100	530e53bc-5f47-4291-b006-89bb065febb3	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:24:58	713.191
-16	45712	4571200	339505f0-a1e3-4f2d-9e30-780994402dd1	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:34:04	974.586
-16	91424	4571200	2b710e6e-6d37-4259-a4b9-3412a64a6bb9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 20:27:34	-181.512
-17	45713	4571300	3eed0fda-bada-47fa-95d6-3117b87944da	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:56:42	895.838
-17	91426	4571300	0c809ca1-33ae-44af-be0a-5d6d8ce3f22b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:03:29	-915.408
-18	45714	4571400	a67750a2-ecea-46dc-a43d-3de76870010e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:56:40	-316.633
-18	91428	4571400	165a8354-2198-4dc5-879a-5fe42bf1208b	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 07:16:11	-338.956
-19	45715	4571500	772df380-4b4d-4cac-a2fa-b2f9d460f2a3	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 22:58:38	710.865
-19	91430	4571500	b8d89edb-8965-4cba-a828-097114751c9c	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:17:08	-1.587
-20	45716	4571600	69929b8a-db10-4aa0-8b78-fad1f109751a	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 17:32:18	-285.666
-20	91432	4571600	16084ab2-43f8-43e3-8a84-99236d948fbf	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:57:15	-900.14
-21	45717	4571700	4d40aebe-88f3-467e-bb1c-61863b96a5bc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 13:57:42	-925.725
-21	91434	4571700	07731521-e4bc-424b-8495-efd1a8ea1caf	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:23:42	-301.400
-22	45718	4571800	711b9545-2880-465c-8a33-19ed36256629	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:37:13	-306.502
-22	91436	4571800	3b58fa87-eedc-45ba-b46f-71ecd644c2a4	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 15:58:33	832.536
-23	45719	4571900	131606fb-828e-42d6-9628-7959d52bf9e2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:38:24	-553.433
-23	91438	4571900	d3122a79-c4d3-44e6-8e6e-eb52393cd671	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:38:39	-584.844
-24	45720	4572000	d11b2d42-8889-4897-90e8-29d71052e147	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:52:31	-388.314
-24	91440	4572000	34296d65-e5a6-4dbb-9a24-15c3a2ced14a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:54:32	315.140
-25	45721	4572100	f87422d9-3d7f-4a3a-bfab-4eb080a6f1aa	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:10:35	-157.907
-25	91442	4572100	07d1e1f8-9262-4e2b-9357-358880839ee9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:08:09	529.723
-26	45722	4572200	aff832d9-4e59-4e68-8ecd-9c16585551b6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:53:37	630.678
-26	91444	4572200	22e858c4-cb01-4fa0-ab95-e8d74134811b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:41:22	278.962
-27	45723	4572300	d3a3b5a9-c2af-4998-b542-428150628351	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:24:04	605.21
-27	91446	4572300	5eba6a90-fab4-4fea-9045-cfeb05ff4e6b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 12:42:22	-884.98
-28	45724	4572400	a808ef7a-0297-417d-bc4c-c1f93649627b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:14:36	-448.399
-28	91448	4572400	f571f925-32ca-4dce-b645-f51fe6179204	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:19:17	-840.246
-29	45725	4572500	7defbbe9-a000-4af7-8782-6d416663fa43	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:51:38	727.424
-29	91450	4572500	ac1278e1-c47b-47f8-a920-bb4813bbbca2	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:08:16	-722.146
-30	45726	4572600	d622484a-5a36-490f-863c-fda5b5000130	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:35:22	-405.328
-30	91452	4572600	ec06d824-0a1f-469c-8cf8-cc27ec3df6fa	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:33:19	634.719
-31	45727	4572700	263d7ad3-90ca-4461-86c4-0eaf497f1b21	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:05:19	93.906
-31	91454	4572700	6b998250-975f-44db-80ad-cfe26446834a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:33:18	751.950
-32	45728	4572800	adb2a43d-c489-4333-ba07-680f7891a736	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:00:00	201.438
-32	91456	4572800	c8bb1246-8e8c-4c48-92bd-0f893de3cf45	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:10:48	536.466
-33	45729	4572900	69f45499-24f5-4541-95a5-0ac6d41dd993	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:10:40	496.176
-33	91458	4572900	b290104e-9948-460e-9cc7-811407bea3b6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:35:08	342.948
-34	45730	4573000	002cb899-f2bf-40c6-b8db-53bea2de5fd5	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 08:16:54	-953.398
-34	91460	4573000	3dbf581c-19b8-4268-85ee-2d872c183e35	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:28:17	315.146
-35	45731	4573100	7cedc665-cccc-48ca-b44c-0158db5cef2a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:54:59	642.797
-35	91462	4573100	6665d2a0-ce4b-4ebd-bbd7-3a6162ebabc3	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:47:58	-93.900
-36	45732	4573200	574bb0a1-0e2a-4207-8949-971c82982049	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:03:48	788.14
-36	91464	4573200	c61851b4-ae6a-4a00-9988-c0c3ca1a11e1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:16:16	691.865
-37	45733	4573300	fecc9257-630d-4d68-a851-15f85f0203d4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:25:43	893.493
-37	91466	4573300	3baf69c0-fdd1-4bee-a15a-6a0bc82c2fe2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:30:32	765.962
-38	45734	4573400	2a33fcf3-1a98-43e6-a5d3-2b840df01d0c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:00:41	272.423
-38	91468	4573400	fc87b203-1701-4456-9466-1718c1c0ac0b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:17:28	-970.96
-39	45735	4573500	465f7689-14dd-47a3-a601-b2e53b8c087a	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:42:23	-416.359
-39	91470	4573500	f3611c62-a749-41a6-8854-2919e93906bf	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:32:11	-294.205
-40	45736	4573600	ba5d0ea7-1a22-48c1-9355-97a8ae0fb70c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:14:50	730.555
-40	91472	4573600	b6369e11-bee4-4ff4-8f6f-a6d23bc86f07	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:32:48	294.209
-41	45737	4573700	689419bf-77da-4a5c-ae0b-dafc934e99d4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:30:54	-205.73
-41	91474	4573700	ecf311b6-7c3d-4fff-b107-aee2a7ae7d58	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:58:58	853.908
-42	45738	4573800	dd401f82-e509-4825-b26f-1c225f765742	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:52:59	351.738
-42	91476	4573800	3b8dcdf7-df78-461b-89eb-aba043a59d81	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:11:54	92.52
-43	45739	4573900	36434468-b7fd-4e7a-a610-deefc96dbbdb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:45:55	-586.891
-43	91478	4573900	88331ba3-ba25-48ca-a80a-7425d79140ae	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:55:00	890.567
-44	45740	4574000	311664b3-4fbb-41ca-a663-0ce5c7e98cc3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:28:45	53.366
-44	91480	4574000	0a1557dd-496d-427b-8b67-1afa0e27db27	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:27:31	-242.756
-45	45741	4574100	780fd7fa-b19e-49ba-b7c9-9f85df3e1da4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:49:25	392.724
-45	91482	4574100	f117dfe3-1fbe-44da-b4cc-5c187a62a274	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:58:18	195.765
-46	45742	4574200	17b308e8-37c1-4622-b292-7e1ea051ae44	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 14:27:01	-683.459
-46	91484	4574200	24e25fd9-00b5-421f-b466-2f4dc5811178	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:09:29	-705.78
-47	45743	4574300	1ecdcd01-7b1b-4725-884b-d7def928ba04	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:01:45	-273.602
-47	91486	4574300	0c4dc821-fc21-46e8-8575-bf36ac7d7a70	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:09:02	-961.719
-48	45744	4574400	9dba66dd-903f-4dd4-af9a-7ecf869a23b7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:20:52	-630.368
-48	91488	4574400	a63a3d47-c554-46f0-8709-81ab19e71c25	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:07:09	156.486
-49	45745	4574500	e95ab8cb-5ca2-45bb-88a0-2323d8db7a96	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:19:32	-472.233
-49	91490	4574500	9e00a0e4-618f-4f82-a371-dddee28b8180	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:48:15	-356.769
-50	45746	4574600	b0c64041-cc97-4e1b-98ad-e21843036abf	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:45:03	138.26
-50	91492	4574600	50e6c8a3-49b0-4274-b8ed-3d883fae2fe8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 17:46:32	393.504
-51	45747	4574700	142a1347-61dc-4b8d-870b-b222deb263b7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 16:52:01	405.402
-51	91494	4574700	fee82820-384b-4184-b58e-cbd9b3540074	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:00:03	438.693
-52	45748	4574800	e8d473d3-d868-4104-8eb1-9f04a02968aa	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:26:55	944.308
-52	91496	4574800	9d325927-a7a0-4024-9b3c-e952f59e7ff8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:08:53	598.362
-53	45749	4574900	c5849564-979b-4614-be35-bcaa1139b1f2	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:50:33	-283.527
-53	91498	4574900	eddf3603-4a46-47dd-9c73-44fbeb96d629	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:41:21	-527.260
-54	45750	4575000	81932d2a-4a8b-470a-8e67-4472df563a8e	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:10:28	758.491
-54	91500	4575000	7bf885ef-83df-4e56-9289-ea58463dafda	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:41:29	60.929
-55	45751	4575100	c709a933-762b-4544-ba4b-3d6751f259fb	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:58:53	-909.4
-55	91502	4575100	0b8888a3-7e7a-4c36-9f1a-9e7e52151c69	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:43:03	953.672
-56	45752	4575200	4dfb396f-1273-4dd6-b8a3-67537ec5520a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:26:49	-134.133
-56	91504	4575200	8bb79cce-ff95-4b14-a43c-894eac55ae72	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:31:57	341.241
-57	45753	4575300	c2fc6362-b4b3-4297-8fe4-82ecedcf621d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:42:23	-307.38
-57	91506	4575300	cb9b7191-1812-452b-9a34-e18f93621282	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:53:53	-675.230
-58	45754	4575400	b2b79ff3-6e3c-46a3-b9ab-9e477d2f5422	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:52:45	-989.945
-58	91508	4575400	0bfffeee-3717-49c5-af43-95e5497f1c68	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:03:20	987.399
-59	45755	4575500	7886e3f3-8bc4-4636-880d-2a4ee87ea5a3	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:23:18	-887.60
-59	91510	4575500	a713a0ce-829f-4e32-8425-f808ea089680	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:27:42	-175.456
-60	45756	4575600	8523389c-af71-4edb-afea-76e4d354f1b0	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 04:05:13	93.615
-60	91512	4575600	e24a2ef1-b9f7-4639-8a96-1f2a0c086fbb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:34:51	454.322
-61	45757	4575700	9d10626d-6716-456a-bc60-dca004ae2b2a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:28:40	-63.426
-61	91514	4575700	855f4f36-faec-434b-a81b-2d35a4eb9940	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:27:29	-937.454
-62	45758	4575800	6ce57445-f072-43d1-809c-60c0e39be8e0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:44:36	836.55
-62	91516	4575800	264249f2-4e91-4c8c-9ea5-c5e880de9231	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:04:25	421.262
-63	45759	4575900	d2db5ae6-e884-4e92-a02d-bb68977dafbe	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:38:22	463.135
-63	91518	4575900	65e5a8e1-f87c-4f81-bd3d-29d9797b3623	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:43:39	41.239
-64	45760	4576000	fb597881-2a6c-4d74-899b-9e3ed0050e5a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:48:44	-643.389
-64	91520	4576000	ae087124-ac48-4f24-8e99-afe67469434b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:00:07	282.182
-65	45761	4576100	319dd6dc-9f49-467a-81f9-d30bfaefaa94	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:59:17	268.429
-65	91522	4576100	53ff905f-6997-49a3-9b82-439b12d5c409	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:42:16	-943.916
-66	45762	4576200	efdd444a-f90a-4fed-885a-1455fa7f2c01	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:16:50	533.375
-66	91524	4576200	7087b23e-9294-49af-978a-3225ad58ae37	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:39:15	784.310
-67	45763	4576300	29a8ef73-9f58-429a-8a72-1103ec9d26d7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:19:13	-595.411
-67	91526	4576300	9985791a-987a-416e-a4bb-2f0681c543ea	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:36:01	-773.61
-68	45764	4576400	541cc5cb-656e-4e77-b9d7-60351724d078	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:13:59	968.235
-68	91528	4576400	65f97e1e-c936-4aee-bc2d-1a28c4841493	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:38:27	489.483
-69	45765	4576500	79c2392a-b11c-4865-a41f-01703208aae5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:51:55	509.476
-69	91530	4576500	9e12bd65-d243-4bda-8203-8f0abbb6eba0	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:52:45	914.963
-70	45766	4576600	09225c2c-b125-4d99-bc0d-2405be875671	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:21:36	121.848
-70	91532	4576600	8e7a58f1-bd0d-4b37-bfa5-146c19c053ca	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 13:47:33	-862.378
-71	45767	4576700	d6bea360-7eca-4b3b-bd5e-003e2f1d84b2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:36:54	515.465
-71	91534	4576700	f82803a8-d2e2-46ca-b176-047feae6354f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:30:14	25.568
-72	45768	4576800	8d8ecbe6-c8d8-4ceb-ae96-6f0e3f3c7f35	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:18:08	464.45
-72	91536	4576800	214fdf91-399a-4994-b2c4-82b1907a11fc	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:03:24	-276.292
-73	45769	4576900	6e330dcd-346a-43c2-9ea7-b17cb5a623e4	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:07:33	325.516
-73	91538	4576900	c316d593-8106-4db0-ad97-40f713bc9db0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:06:26	969.745
-74	45770	4577000	965af844-ab29-4638-b1eb-016db03bca43	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:12:01	-456.699
-74	91540	4577000	bf2c0caf-20ae-4cff-b8ef-e601b34150a1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 08:39:06	-488.366
-75	45771	4577100	e7719bba-d2d1-4cae-bf24-b4b3450d2ab4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:09:57	-659.954
-75	91542	4577100	f82c1d4e-a8ed-41ff-b91b-ad09d46b7c89	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:42:02	773.54
-76	45772	4577200	bb40c58d-50a6-492f-aa44-104ae4101374	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:27:20	381.727
-76	91544	4577200	7dd02093-e91d-4ffd-8a7b-45cee9aab34e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:41:37	-763.886
-77	45773	4577300	66283f9f-5794-464d-bb6d-bd1c0d849d44	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:49:35	-340.240
-77	91546	4577300	55cc58a9-1bc1-4bf9-9c9b-2e58cef5a81a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:08:07	256.377
-78	45774	4577400	7305e2be-698a-48f5-8816-36959d99eff8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:26:44	69.340
-78	91548	4577400	be3f4b4d-4866-4d70-a197-dac3419fcc6e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:00:19	-532.240
-79	45775	4577500	131ca6f6-2f04-422e-bc7f-2bbba28bc7fe	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:24:45	-979.674
-79	91550	4577500	5698cd9a-f07a-4848-91a9-4e132c0107b2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:29:50	-644.37
-80	45776	4577600	dd7ea26b-2103-40f0-b683-6e56623ef2ab	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:57:34	-563.588
-80	91552	4577600	a9638f54-36f0-4795-8b97-6e8676fb17a4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:25:09	20.750
-81	45777	4577700	03659806-78be-42b2-b508-d7204b94d190	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:45:22	-671.490
-81	91554	4577700	c572a293-bcbf-4a9c-97cc-27d51e17cbe5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:34:02	719.48
-82	45778	4577800	ed417680-b055-414a-b314-4c96e81f999d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:59:51	-612.405
-82	91556	4577800	a338df1e-11e9-4421-a146-7bcabe4f5fc9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:58:38	-524.433
-83	45779	4577900	53f5a868-e5c7-44e6-8e40-6b65be75e076	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:27:56	-536.916
-83	91558	4577900	fa9575d5-7756-4e31-93df-8889e3dc9f3f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:11:50	-273.974
-84	45780	4578000	1fcf92e7-f7d3-4659-983a-38dfb7e34536	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:08:49	-289.490
-84	91560	4578000	c19431e1-7554-460d-9340-5b2e7c5d9982	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:37:35	-953.507
-85	45781	4578100	80f28355-6a94-4f8b-9de3-0280de537502	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:25:13	-942.293
-85	91562	4578100	d8e85e01-1064-47e6-9ca9-34a8d60090d9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:19:41	-183.784
-86	45782	4578200	639b9388-0b83-480f-b080-00a569f8131d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:22:36	880.369
-86	91564	4578200	1235035b-b701-4ab0-ba53-5300610a286c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 01:34:40	830.412
-87	45783	4578300	03cfbb3e-7c97-4566-bdca-494297d38dde	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:13:02	-72.342
-87	91566	4578300	cb19f51b-5ee7-4b98-adff-bf45cf62042b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:35:18	761.784
-88	45784	4578400	ac485069-6cbc-4400-9afe-b09686c0b2f9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:13:56	-722.420
-88	91568	4578400	16906d51-4d99-46c9-b557-bdff31b1e017	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:46:46	716.131
-89	45785	4578500	2f34d758-8e24-4667-915f-d25688e9f71d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:54:45	-900.815
-89	91570	4578500	084c53ee-4bc5-4f8c-ae15-486ad35ad90a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 09:45:26	250.803
-90	45786	4578600	49bf5cc6-0b4f-43be-ab56-2e10d4434086	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:28:35	-269.23
-90	91572	4578600	3425dd3e-b1ae-4b7e-9d6e-b300da3e1248	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:28:09	-607.171
-91	45787	4578700	afc901ea-3190-4de5-a7a5-a5209b1a9a21	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:54:04	-776.57
-91	91574	4578700	0e493e4e-b3b8-4d96-8467-866f224465c6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 01:26:24	115.674
-92	45788	4578800	0b47ed09-8c4f-430b-9307-ebb6311e323b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:27:31	732.300
-92	91576	4578800	5eb9a982-2925-46a4-aa19-4d211c8f4f72	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:20:57	249.773
-93	45789	4578900	66fbfc33-1986-4a77-bf83-bd25c5c67cf8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:40:25	-357.27
-93	91578	4578900	f9bf92ac-cc94-421e-8b60-4e86de83c93b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 04:37:08	-427.884
-94	45790	4579000	b8e9e7be-6f69-4d7a-ad67-dd43aec96046	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:52:16	632.477
-94	91580	4579000	043eaa38-d13f-4b37-b017-d2b1cdb004a4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 12:07:07	775.814
-95	45791	4579100	5a1a084a-01b6-433e-8a99-ec64b19a242c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 12:57:33	374.642
-95	91582	4579100	8038798e-4267-4377-a8d7-53fb8a17f9d9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:22:41	246.140
-96	45792	4579200	789fb493-3cd7-4f74-a0f8-8dc9dd603ef6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:22:16	50.142
-96	91584	4579200	19c54a74-fa3d-4498-8c22-0083846dc5b8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:58:33	-923.184
-97	45793	4579300	154c1ede-8274-4592-84d6-90599c850553	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 21:16:55	462.419
-97	91586	4579300	726ec80a-6830-43f5-b5fc-847586509857	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:40:47	-477.507
-98	45794	4579400	8d6376a5-10e0-401d-b803-ee8879aceaf5	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:56:27	-306.548
-98	91588	4579400	4ff84248-6cbc-4be6-8c5b-d4120a1d5c02	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 00:40:48	255.891
-99	45795	4579500	7a9cd96a-807e-4dea-9a40-4ad17d0cf6be	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:26:09	-980.805
-99	91590	4579500	36e8267c-0c13-45d1-9a2d-b98ebad23828	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:46:21	818.674
-100	45796	4579600	1306666f-d767-48a4-b28e-38cefe2a1d9f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:35:31	738.953
-100	91592	4579600	3ecb0ca7-6ba3-469d-942e-193920404696	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 19:25:42	-313.460
-101	45797	4579700	c7a0e0de-edea-4f73-b5c2-ee09a3568af9	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:27:34	337.647
-101	91594	4579700	3194e133-2e29-4805-b2c0-1201b69fa4f5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:57:34	895.448
-102	45798	4579800	7f989ca0-8b08-4c92-9759-1af006b74c95	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:59:17	-433.218
-102	91596	4579800	d80fa296-4b52-439f-a9ab-f75a13132541	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:01:16	252.128
-103	45799	4579900	c5259068-7122-4baa-944c-26fcd2e9176f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:21:43	-711.981
-103	91598	4579900	3cd7c679-0730-437c-bc71-04a162bd294c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:42:51	-320.917
-104	45800	4580000	c793708b-e191-44d8-a181-08452492c4c6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:11:22	654.133
-104	91600	4580000	4cd478cd-5b7d-437e-ac01-94f83b5f0d63	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:51:02	-136.22
-105	45801	4580100	e041f79f-851d-4029-b7cc-6d5290f7bf2c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:45:21	23.450
-105	91602	4580100	e451c51a-3fa2-4a81-a8eb-ed417fc3da5d	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:14:05	-545.906
-106	45802	4580200	8980b84f-1d7c-4e48-86f3-b33863a857d2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:14:30	-476.896
-106	91604	4580200	96d2d0fa-b87b-422e-b5c8-8f658d7dd036	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 21:52:04	-548.879
-107	45803	4580300	261903f2-f25a-4a7d-909c-d56a4b44819b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:19:43	829.732
-107	91606	4580300	c5b4990f-e2f6-4fbb-901a-ed0086eade9a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:42:03	-406.836
-108	45804	4580400	276bfbaa-159f-4583-8a14-7c54aaccb283	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:06:07	379.987
-108	91608	4580400	50950db6-5cbc-4554-ae38-c6695a19d996	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:36:31	774.741
-109	45805	4580500	58355f8f-4cc4-492b-8926-0920a543fe1a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:06:08	-855.345
-109	91610	4580500	5187a9f8-b61f-4f50-896e-60501413eb62	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:56:54	-100.779
-110	45806	4580600	dd5dfc4d-5d82-4b6e-8990-6d726cc886cb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:08:45	-948.715
-110	91612	4580600	34cf4790-72d7-4325-9f8c-0bfa25610b14	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:58:24	-690.604
-111	45807	4580700	546d151e-2509-455e-a7fd-424b8748ffac	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:03:38	826.827
-111	91614	4580700	785c9a47-8701-45b3-90a8-8ba693d368af	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:14:47	715.420
-112	45808	4580800	9aefa377-42e9-404c-a4ae-ac06e6074b57	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:04:17	546.20
-112	91616	4580800	cdf4cbfd-f603-4105-87ef-b94714b10dd5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:56:54	-510.844
-113	45809	4580900	c9e2c296-6c7f-4a7d-9c36-5808d83374e5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:35:52	-641.847
-113	91618	4580900	acc5eaf0-2023-4625-9d18-a52062d5c883	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:30:32	-177.562
-114	45810	4581000	2be7641f-cfa6-4f1e-92af-918bd81a6dd1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:51:56	-959.46
-114	91620	4581000	1183fe29-501b-4bc6-99d1-3613d1c4d90b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:00:12	-992.850
-115	45811	4581100	eec70f0d-f401-4c8c-b489-02c0c86b7e58	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:36:49	3.405
-115	91622	4581100	ff9ad42d-7a75-4ac6-8226-520949369981	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:01:44	658.616
-116	45812	4581200	610361ce-c275-4dbd-bd79-a766a1b8507e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:47:33	-4.406
-116	91624	4581200	98e46cd7-abcb-4473-a8a7-657e7ff7dec3	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:21:10	774.107
-117	45813	4581300	0188f575-46c9-4b9c-a52b-784b05c0c036	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:43:41	-204.292
-117	91626	4581300	adf111a0-f17a-41b7-8a0c-6d041fb822eb	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:16:08	205.774
-118	45814	4581400	e75046cb-42fd-4283-9831-a4326eef625c	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:07:36	-376.145
-118	91628	4581400	ecc5bbfb-c79b-4aa2-b53e-b11a30ac141a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:14:25	8.828
-119	45815	4581500	4a280e50-1835-4963-bf7f-aeceb64208ca	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:13:30	-759.585
-119	91630	4581500	b40d91e8-2711-47a2-abd0-f457ac2416ad	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:05:24	-558.953
-120	45816	4581600	405bbea3-073d-492b-bce4-400016f91f1b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:32:15	-756.61
-120	91632	4581600	75b3033b-f681-473c-a2cc-3350ff61f7f2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:09:07	894.548
-121	45817	4581700	271997a1-0550-4c8d-8513-7579b7cc0ad7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:09:45	-682.145
-121	91634	4581700	6edad3a4-b002-4a0b-88a9-a80386857c19	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:09:24	-674.980
-122	45818	4581800	d233b8ed-c76a-4a44-b188-2dd6ae45efcb	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:32:33	-649.907
-122	91636	4581800	1eb2e2cb-72ec-4c2f-abf9-b8690358200d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:20:18	639.705
-123	45819	4581900	d54e250a-4365-4066-a77f-7f8ead388752	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:52:30	-323.531
-123	91638	4581900	462d2b57-102c-4118-8538-d188f716a765	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:59:29	-984.200
-124	45820	4582000	ee5fbc3d-1920-4c12-9e50-51bd815e3636	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:31:20	386.862
-124	91640	4582000	d81c290b-2114-4846-898f-ebc3557144d6	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:01:42	719.863
-125	45821	4582100	f4ea7bee-b4f8-4e36-b91b-92d7e9f745b3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:05:21	-416.102
-125	91642	4582100	519d8bed-85da-4cb1-8053-a727609095d6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:01:23	-875.297
-126	45822	4582200	a924abda-674b-4be0-a317-3f1a80e65888	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:32:47	663.328
-126	91644	4582200	466ce434-4412-45ff-98f3-d392e22f3ab4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:56:58	233.497
-127	45823	4582300	64770803-773a-460c-8ee5-5c6ae3726b87	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:53:03	-566.157
-127	91646	4582300	51b36bce-4450-4d1c-87cf-7984404cc591	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:12:18	226.888
-0	45824	4582400	c57b43ee-142b-43ff-bdb1-d9be4fa29ca6	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:45:20	-953.341
-0	91648	4582400	22278e79-0db7-48dc-91b3-8b8467b0f650	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:46:18	79.999
-1	45825	4582500	20096db8-e0b8-466a-80de-e5f58256e3fa	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 22:07:24	809.789
-1	91650	4582500	a523cee2-5ed7-4583-80f8-e248ace2738d	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:28:39	491.810
-2	45826	4582600	fec45f40-801d-4a86-9676-884e93463a4e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:56:54	-945.796
-2	91652	4582600	caf6d9d0-da9f-497b-a5f7-0e1f453a58fe	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:23:21	706.242
-3	45827	4582700	015d3c00-bc64-4e53-9e6d-96dc96b0e006	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:36:03	-265.308
-3	91654	4582700	2b12eea3-a0de-4794-9435-06fda5428314	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:31:11	-600.625
-4	45828	4582800	c44aee0f-e642-4a08-9c99-c27db158435f	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:19:26	686.361
-4	91656	4582800	354d810d-2552-4117-8a5e-df171cecbf36	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:45:55	-476.92
-5	45829	4582900	98ab2f1a-2f3a-44ca-b584-a01ba057c8ca	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:43:58	-588.353
-5	91658	4582900	f3f725e9-51bf-4d3e-aa97-e46c17c4678b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:51:34	590.75
-6	45830	4583000	f9b9ebd2-48e6-4759-bc1b-fc0db01e4d26	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:13:21	-725.273
-6	91660	4583000	82719c4c-2734-49e6-981a-290eb77dcdfb	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:24:23	84.194
-7	45831	4583100	de81fe60-c47d-4d60-b001-a0f6aa390779	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:12:55	-488.489
-7	91662	4583100	12e99d0d-ff61-4330-b0b8-3ce39a09ce64	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:59:19	-650.496
-8	45832	4583200	214fddcb-1fa1-480a-b465-17f82383ce4d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:12:51	-985.870
-8	91664	4583200	5d46a11e-c886-4331-845f-5a9e2dae8253	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:38:00	-376.532
-9	45833	4583300	e076ed39-f44e-4a93-b5e8-d94b16652719	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:05:42	323.550
-9	91666	4583300	069f5c65-58ca-42d9-b63a-219fe81d73c3	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:51:46	-745.928
-10	45834	4583400	4f036b26-9520-4011-bdf5-45873d743347	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:04:45	812.16
-10	91668	4583400	a1991f23-b6bd-4b84-b6c3-f930ea4ec588	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:28:54	-125.440
-11	45835	4583500	c9b56c6c-2d07-4c7a-ad55-818a758c327e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:45:46	-559.273
-11	91670	4583500	65b00f73-6487-4255-815a-5623a2e65b75	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:31:05	-889.308
-12	45836	4583600	4b9bb4a2-7b07-4621-ab6f-300a500dd40c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:18:34	876.782
-12	91672	4583600	70bd1e24-b250-46e8-b615-2547f48a3634	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 08:26:13	308.959
-13	45837	4583700	dcf10d69-22c3-482a-8528-35cb2683a153	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:32:33	702.273
-13	91674	4583700	1b4b95e7-9f38-4d6c-aebf-592a07026898	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:15:44	-211.253
-14	45838	4583800	622b58e3-0fbd-4ad1-a4a5-4d78ca7b7fd7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:22:30	528.989
-14	91676	4583800	08694885-1adb-4d36-bd0f-37313fe5369b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:55:23	-521.412
-15	45839	4583900	bf1a88c4-a2ef-4c55-ac18-3d6280709a35	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:43:39	-503.797
-15	91678	4583900	92bb2799-a0b6-43e8-b70f-5bfb4af38f40	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 00:26:17	438.649
-16	45840	4584000	e88d8d9e-a53b-4c34-b9a7-0ab3ce3f72bc	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:28:21	67.285
-16	91680	4584000	59218ada-6034-4518-8921-8410498aeec8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:33:33	-391.373
-17	45841	4584100	79e2fb66-724c-4c28-beeb-fab31c3f9c8c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:45:50	-566.255
-17	91682	4584100	bc382bc2-b60d-4629-b9d1-ee3fc20cc46c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:25:54	618.889
-18	45842	4584200	9cd9d84e-cb9b-460d-a582-cc85ec56c62c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:58:28	465.815
-18	91684	4584200	476b56e6-037d-40f1-94ce-416ac4b4e1d6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:07:42	-336.425
-19	45843	4584300	713c6276-005b-42da-9401-e27b6bfd204f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:06:24	799.226
-19	91686	4584300	e4f218c3-688d-4615-a996-7e0a3ec759e1	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:00:20	-160.600
-20	45844	4584400	ec36ae59-0346-4308-815d-c96e10806fe9	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:08:11	104.873
-20	91688	4584400	6797d648-a20d-47ba-9ead-ded0a6ea10ce	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:44:17	-466.851
-21	45845	4584500	6120e068-7a03-40fb-9b47-f1e5bad448d9	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:29:11	621.545
-21	91690	4584500	fb2b37d7-97d4-4c96-bfcb-44d80f6f4e73	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:13:43	-435.830
-22	45846	4584600	e4ba8cd4-4eca-47b6-a7c5-5a39063d0d61	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:09:26	579.518
-22	91692	4584600	b72fe7f0-56e5-431c-81fc-48540c70a952	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 20:34:22	869.250
-23	45847	4584700	898ac8d3-ecfa-4885-9ecd-a56eed49146c	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:34:32	-595.796
-23	91694	4584700	a3909387-ce60-4caa-aec5-a2de7b57370d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:35:55	-777.656
-24	45848	4584800	168ab249-d580-49b6-8c89-088cfc846dda	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:16:35	654.283
-24	91696	4584800	bab68f0c-9159-4b36-8a8c-5bc4642a4f80	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:56:47	-809.19
-25	45849	4584900	ba9ad7b3-fbb6-4b95-8196-f2c3a873d3cb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:45:48	-174.264
-25	91698	4584900	2e792422-26e4-4f16-ba65-0f79a8723cdf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:03:29	-819.350
-26	45850	4585000	52b268b4-368c-4817-a48f-25367e77660f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:37:21	-566.639
-26	91700	4585000	6b4e07dc-c9ea-41e2-bd5d-0372868777c4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:11:58	417.493
-27	45851	4585100	caf2adcc-6457-461a-93d4-474864ac089b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:35:10	-95.440
-27	91702	4585100	91a31509-c442-40ea-bb94-70c693fdd344	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:00:38	-697.408
-28	45852	4585200	79717161-db7d-406a-970e-9a9d82f086c9	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:40:10	738.318
-28	91704	4585200	268771ac-dfc5-4673-97fe-b180319da2eb	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 13:57:56	923.241
-29	45853	4585300	6bca8e09-bb7a-4ace-bb7a-5488138fe06d	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:28:54	710.535
-29	91706	4585300	7d2fe456-80d0-4b9d-8716-e8739bd03cde	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:03:47	-56.389
-30	45854	4585400	9bbae6d5-53ac-4d75-ac38-dcee0b3ace19	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:51:40	-378.962
-30	91708	4585400	f6164a7e-9c0f-482d-882a-fc1f6a2796a7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:49:17	682.768
-31	45855	4585500	6eba272d-9cb8-4b59-a9d1-999a5adc5f06	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:57:15	336.293
-31	91710	4585500	47dd08eb-6982-448c-bc22-1524ef4fd031	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:10:15	-302.562
-32	45856	4585600	39fa2e09-34ea-4b3b-902e-305698add0f8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 17:22:51	683.282
-32	91712	4585600	7edcff66-75fd-4fdc-af8e-92aaf8b888c7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:38:53	698.719
-33	45857	4585700	cadac336-8b49-4395-9bb5-cca172a597a9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:53:19	-640.659
-33	91714	4585700	8351bd49-85b0-457c-ac14-f115265adff5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:15:50	-344.235
-34	45858	4585800	a4b4e970-00d4-4dcb-b460-2cca55e74c5a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:05:14	51.52
-34	91716	4585800	a5973bc4-5378-47bc-81ed-385c9acf6af5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:30:09	-613.281
-35	45859	4585900	4c63215c-e9a3-4483-a23d-88c7d686fd6d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 13:21:21	314.146
-35	91718	4585900	8f516e77-3681-46a9-8833-d1041cf4102f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:06:48	-160.163
-36	45860	4586000	30f26b32-8713-44a4-9417-a1eb8701b0a7	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:30:17	-728.8
-36	91720	4586000	c1d8d46a-69c6-4de4-bd66-3765ab29b5b2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:13:20	-113.199
-37	45861	4586100	297ef0f1-b68b-4f3d-9d7d-27d288370112	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:27:49	-437.34
-37	91722	4586100	5fe7322a-148f-4cfd-921e-4b6d773058ce	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:27:48	792.225
-38	45862	4586200	4b2bd04b-9bed-40fb-9586-08e6a46f40af	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:41:17	634.540
-38	91724	4586200	7c4fb74a-1b00-43d4-a1f5-a5fba45412af	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:12:47	618.652
-39	45863	4586300	96c76854-40af-4bca-ae30-108fd2493b66	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:24:52	909.920
-39	91726	4586300	df37fd05-66c4-448f-85b9-daf82c2ccc20	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:02:54	-31.904
-40	45864	4586400	b4bb962e-fe23-40a3-8241-238586b514bb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:47:40	810.309
-40	91728	4586400	c5978f8b-d778-4afb-a351-2eed2fa05f2b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:50:27	81.637
-41	45865	4586500	690ea15f-5620-44f1-8c46-69e6b5b506ec	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:37:15	534.257
-41	91730	4586500	3f662b31-830f-4592-b90a-3db200378296	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:25:55	149.509
-42	45866	4586600	7662fabb-1526-483a-bcd2-dc24780f1704	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:18:24	493.907
-42	91732	4586600	e091e083-13b9-4442-8065-8fde4f3cafc8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:11:16	-663.520
-43	45867	4586700	6d9b7f15-9097-488e-9813-70147151604f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:42:33	-859.799
-43	91734	4586700	39d1ecb0-221f-4fd0-8c29-f44d8ae45ca8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:54:26	-503.328
-44	45868	4586800	75386c86-ca2e-446d-a334-cf3e13e0da5f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:43:11	463.835
-44	91736	4586800	d03ecbef-cc7a-4cb4-93f1-bfe0d32e5d35	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:59:10	-203.529
-45	45869	4586900	3d7e88ec-3949-4232-85f8-4011be53af29	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:24:16	397.608
-45	91738	4586900	316cea4a-2913-4dd6-b756-1de701b8b4f2	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:25:41	969.825
-46	45870	4587000	e8b09fe7-c8f9-46a6-a508-43e1f74e7a7d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 22:24:21	-47.659
-46	91740	4587000	9599ad54-a0a8-4ac6-b2bf-17692061f4a5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:57:24	-246.75
-47	45871	4587100	b64e7e05-4dd2-4f3c-92fa-69f6f547a1e1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:40:06	-840.188
-47	91742	4587100	45d1fe88-f8d7-4b2b-9796-751db3652e22	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:19:07	-78.465
-48	45872	4587200	57829dea-6da9-4333-8b82-0494f77d3b44	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 15:50:19	271.97
-48	91744	4587200	2360c92c-fedb-4a67-b7c0-bcc96f996a1f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:25:10	855.615
-49	45873	4587300	a4df8be3-e146-4ed0-af94-35277ea51010	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:33:50	-498.41
-49	91746	4587300	f115183a-3051-4417-b0c1-35a6ff49fbc0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:56:37	-542.683
-50	45874	4587400	f68458ca-c8ff-4383-b17c-722b00acd6a6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:01:29	-408.879
-50	91748	4587400	e9438a35-9b77-4b7b-8ecb-627cdb0d0df9	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:31:59	-247.164
-51	45875	4587500	36a89d02-630e-4518-96d3-0019610fcee1	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:46:46	-629.277
-51	91750	4587500	cf3cf104-5a6d-4dea-be98-bac309262044	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:23:19	14.865
-52	45876	4587600	1790f3d2-9c77-440a-8f46-4a9b2bedc9a8	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:43:04	814.826
-52	91752	4587600	0cafaaeb-c4d4-44df-9847-33ed75321b8e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:11:50	908.457
-53	45877	4587700	4bf438e2-7fc2-4398-884e-7eea43d49ce3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:29:58	307.66
-53	91754	4587700	2c005cfc-16bb-48cc-8d72-8585f284b70b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:38:56	-912.744
-54	45878	4587800	f9f3fb82-0bbd-4b81-9a03-49a137cba616	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:07:17	78.829
-54	91756	4587800	c035d346-2988-4ca0-adaf-ed9e42045182	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:11:26	835.386
-55	45879	4587900	ac813afc-5b1d-408b-8655-33aebf216b34	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:25:54	217.580
-55	91758	4587900	749159f0-ae43-4ac0-9b8e-d2ac35911db4	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:56:30	-298.913
-56	45880	4588000	181d8b85-3a53-4942-9bed-f2db1811cf77	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:03:44	-980.992
-56	91760	4588000	cd3085f4-0ee2-4f1f-af05-37bbb8aa2633	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:45:26	842.414
-57	45881	4588100	6fdd76ab-e191-4970-8f32-ed1b6f2af737	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:58:56	-908.524
-57	91762	4588100	36cfad8a-ed47-489b-b534-268377b8a60e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:57:22	64.37
-58	45882	4588200	43ff62b6-56c5-4d54-9275-42e7748fc956	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:43:26	-769.427
-58	91764	4588200	c288ea84-20e6-4d83-9914-2715c6c9ac9e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:33:01	-460.16
-59	45883	4588300	c32aa0e2-4ec8-4eb7-945c-ee1448ba4769	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:31:38	-411.313
-59	91766	4588300	423eb89f-19a6-4a69-977e-9abdfc0601d1	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:40:36	-438.472
-60	45884	4588400	ca2e0a45-5a64-4b8a-9e66-501d7d98f6f9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:08:35	-373.282
-60	91768	4588400	1fc47c3c-af8b-474e-b28b-087598c3df9c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:35:12	489.323
-61	45885	4588500	5ebe9fcb-cddc-4379-ab9f-7855b63bd24b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:44:26	-719.985
-61	91770	4588500	0a869af0-d0a3-4f04-9722-b2ab74d386e7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:46:40	-857.784
-62	45886	4588600	21fb7773-1ae4-4df3-b4cf-8ac1cd4dd4ac	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:45:29	-395.489
-62	91772	4588600	8f3c9077-5ddf-4ab5-bf61-3e19766deee9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:02:11	976.296
-63	45887	4588700	253e6347-0a3c-4e88-8be0-76c8f37e36f3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:45:31	-501.85
-63	91774	4588700	9fe8b85b-c9d6-44bd-b934-e93434832006	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:37:36	-151.277
-64	45888	4588800	53b40c03-6620-42b0-88a0-fea5e6371374	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:38:55	-571.837
-64	91776	4588800	614eb1bb-b1fe-4153-bb0b-b53ec79ea1e2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:25:41	-184.255
-65	45889	4588900	fc758937-1aca-4fff-a7b1-39b3d93c9de2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 20:39:02	-47.675
-65	91778	4588900	e68f71e1-f290-4f57-9600-040f0382490c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:19:23	935.710
-66	45890	4589000	6bc240d9-faca-48ae-8d96-bcecc5366fdd	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:27:11	-488.553
-66	91780	4589000	34d61f38-cb23-4c75-87cf-e92224684e2d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:51:20	-442.17
-67	45891	4589100	37200686-6d73-4c94-ab22-1ce879a50691	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 03:55:19	556.73
-67	91782	4589100	c3ba2636-bf2f-4772-9698-0ce988eb70de	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:37:43	-278.453
-68	45892	4589200	141f5b98-5997-4598-a234-18df0af5b682	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:24:49	957.968
-68	91784	4589200	413c9151-55e3-45b1-97bc-46f6c22b15dc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 13:53:55	510.791
-69	45893	4589300	7489f25c-395d-4b95-9fa2-1a76f4548298	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:40:27	254.911
-69	91786	4589300	6795e70d-ce04-462e-bcec-dd416c8dc51d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:24:42	-639.715
-70	45894	4589400	8ce6c610-5ef5-4a1d-b0b6-a202e85cdcd8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:06:45	997.246
-70	91788	4589400	b610ba81-0589-4718-870f-6bdc254a2c7b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:18:45	-592.873
-71	45895	4589500	f1f121d9-e26c-4ff0-90b0-8a97d12281f1	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:30:56	220.303
-71	91790	4589500	e2a3c306-85f0-4ad2-a8ab-c973f7a3d751	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:58:07	-399.132
-72	45896	4589600	90737ca9-3a04-48f6-887e-74562a13c8c6	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:44:23	163.588
-72	91792	4589600	84edffec-6782-4a48-a568-b52fc0db4690	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:34:01	556.37
-73	45897	4589700	c4eb6198-0671-49bd-b322-a165b0bb9b82	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 02:52:47	-134.499
-73	91794	4589700	60f2b174-600e-4261-adab-85e45f1a178a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:37:04	-649.185
-74	45898	4589800	8ce4b3d4-cc0b-412b-968e-911910d3f4bd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:26:05	889.225
-74	91796	4589800	32f7844b-b13d-4d4e-bbd7-eaf29e568cb7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 17:56:11	-359.87
-75	45899	4589900	c04fbaf9-f1b9-4141-bc72-3f280e8774d2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:16:21	-41.320
-75	91798	4589900	e70990ee-08a1-4d97-b8f6-16bb07ffebdd	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:16:04	180.263
-76	45900	4590000	dd31a0e9-5557-427f-a550-f1dc51eca1ca	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:32:11	73.804
-76	91800	4590000	88ae4668-54e2-476c-a1a5-6d25be5bf008	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:45:42	183.247
-77	45901	4590100	8bb2c44b-b5d2-4e81-b57f-b429bd1029f9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 03:58:26	229.119
-77	91802	4590100	ee4b40fc-64f4-4eb2-9226-2a4c2e7abece	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:09:52	-600.631
-78	45902	4590200	4b69c681-0529-4203-a732-b2db98743e1c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:42:24	-80.339
-78	91804	4590200	346d207e-aec6-4983-afa2-21d0d3312699	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:51:48	-667.67
-79	45903	4590300	8b4210e3-1a34-4345-803c-aea8e7c1c77c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:54:15	-284.965
-79	91806	4590300	154bc078-4fb8-4425-af5b-e2d10d99fc77	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:12:12	614.109
-80	45904	4590400	8c40dec6-4859-4b42-a112-226ea371b7ad	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:25:07	-140.548
-80	91808	4590400	cc6afcc9-b659-4f78-8e9c-def490a45c2c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:33:02	-525.802
-81	45905	4590500	0ee3f02d-041f-4584-b011-ddd429be8fc0	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:53:46	538.177
-81	91810	4590500	965fc3e6-d8e1-4b36-b2e1-080f79babe74	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:53:26	-718.719
-82	45906	4590600	be0a46bd-091c-404c-9774-24023c64a80c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:03:14	416.576
-82	91812	4590600	869236ca-3c3f-451b-8899-031d6bb6c6f0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:36:54	-686.429
-83	45907	4590700	8f5842af-bec9-4aaa-8095-2f6f0eee3f32	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:10:29	-241.302
-83	91814	4590700	1d718b6f-29a7-4c2d-9cbe-23a0bde0883c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:14:52	-300.567
-84	45908	4590800	5fcde6d7-e993-4d6c-a806-bb3f00d15306	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:22:53	-537.109
-84	91816	4590800	de0d4b56-6e4b-47e6-8ec7-5f18509dbcfe	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:37:03	-498.646
-85	45909	4590900	77e900bb-2898-466b-9a2f-bb108d5e799d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:13:35	-499.53
-85	91818	4590900	a30b13a8-7de2-4516-abbc-7ac664e72229	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:43:51	-330.971
-86	45910	4591000	551e4df9-c19d-48f2-b475-5757f25ab701	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:19:08	898.703
-86	91820	4591000	cc1529cb-68c5-42fc-82f0-1ee89a962dfb	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:53:05	312.101
-87	45911	4591100	0a335f78-3036-46a5-9069-f36bb71c9072	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:21:20	918.876
-87	91822	4591100	310a48f7-70ec-4afa-acd0-2334d12255ae	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:59:21	66.70
-88	45912	4591200	daf111ca-264e-4ad0-a2ec-e178133cdf40	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:14:48	-381.32
-88	91824	4591200	83aa3620-d82a-46b5-b1f0-a5d577319183	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:31:28	-48.423
-89	45913	4591300	b63cafb7-6771-473c-86f7-74becf200276	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:00:21	826.907
-89	91826	4591300	e1b73f45-5dc6-47b7-b1aa-434f076d60da	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:12:34	73.874
-90	45914	4591400	8d1438da-d995-496f-938c-525555e329c2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:02:36	-917.529
-90	91828	4591400	25f5cee0-fb98-4538-8871-688245deca0d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:15:05	-554.114
-91	45915	4591500	073e482a-bd37-43be-bf63-a644749c2540	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:06:57	529.933
-91	91830	4591500	42a7b29f-3b28-4873-bf98-23f9395ae15c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:16:38	-436.556
-92	45916	4591600	71d470ae-f214-438f-a119-09ae1ced8ffb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:16:17	-641.443
-92	91832	4591600	0b467fc4-d600-43ee-9d56-19b3db4ae108	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:32:10	625.542
-93	45917	4591700	f11ff6b0-ba60-4714-8d2e-f6587218626f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:56:10	-568.33
-93	91834	4591700	e6c863e2-4214-4c40-bf69-366758c20a56	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:09:34	-359.647
-94	45918	4591800	75ec45ba-d394-497d-95a2-00097bc6562a	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:08:02	-852.361
-94	91836	4591800	314e718a-52f3-4687-a523-743634f9a768	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:29:56	375.704
-95	45919	4591900	a8d0bb39-9e73-4b1e-a62e-13be8660a279	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:46:19	-710.899
-95	91838	4591900	ffac9a6f-82b5-4c6e-86dd-41d2ab3c56ec	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:23:17	-886.831
-96	45920	4592000	d1bd9958-7048-4e22-bed5-ddd0ddd09ccc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:21:42	-521.833
-96	91840	4592000	901eaefb-f850-4139-a7c7-56011fb2d70e	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:26:44	-566.27
-97	45921	4592100	258a3c36-d3bf-4954-b5ef-1a32489865bd	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:39:38	364.55
-97	91842	4592100	f7afdbd3-b5ef-40b6-bd74-f5e53ce4801a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:40:34	-531.976
-98	45922	4592200	2f56c006-8f86-41e6-a123-dd5757f092af	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:30:17	975.77
-98	91844	4592200	eb90cd57-e94e-42de-a8e3-c49fe05a0530	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:56:15	580.525
-99	45923	4592300	a7ccba8b-ee94-4657-987d-b3b6eaefccfc	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 01:21:44	-879.868
-99	91846	4592300	edd49f22-bb10-41eb-9206-eaadea9bb8bc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:46:05	667.255
-100	45924	4592400	749b399c-3dbe-45ff-bb18-db3aa03ff969	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:41:28	-928.189
-100	91848	4592400	52e3a42a-4307-445f-9c8a-9a10f3b40e19	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:40:28	446.964
-101	45925	4592500	6cfe299e-bc00-4656-bfe4-c8b9ff209521	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:06:29	-698.395
-101	91850	4592500	9692bb89-b784-4c6d-a7db-c93bfbe58ebf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:30:50	274.790
-102	45926	4592600	e56b0067-17c3-4d8a-b1c1-68652d8aef67	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:43:32	238.184
-102	91852	4592600	ee07142b-577f-4afb-89b3-05b2922db831	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:09:56	815.410
-103	45927	4592700	ed1734b4-7831-40ca-bfb1-dbdb6ca134e3	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 15:50:43	971.91
-103	91854	4592700	f376c43f-3852-42e7-9a07-5919dd105c89	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:23:41	755.532
-104	45928	4592800	3dda4793-ba5d-4fa8-8617-bdd7c21a3a3f	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:38:47	-586.693
-104	91856	4592800	143bad95-17bf-46c2-b1bf-08abd4a85ece	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:09:12	266.883
-105	45929	4592900	783b47b0-7161-4d2c-aee6-6da59da950ac	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:51:44	-922.928
-105	91858	4592900	cb099d90-583b-4681-963d-b4695101d489	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:47:33	-464.843
-106	45930	4593000	d1385059-d134-4f51-90e6-c134881780cf	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:53:11	927.651
-106	91860	4593000	222cc6ee-0e35-4e36-87ee-592533073c2b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:15:43	-438.441
-107	45931	4593100	0a218088-d822-4e4c-9b24-87d392544cc3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:59:28	-620.89
-107	91862	4593100	404c19f7-3ea8-4228-85c2-0f3988410272	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:31:38	871.866
-108	45932	4593200	73ea35fa-d48a-4d11-b599-75f5fefd3fe3	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:46:52	603.830
-108	91864	4593200	bdf80f7e-5b8a-47c5-b860-6438f9fabb22	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:09:58	-36.229
-109	45933	4593300	21496037-1aa8-4874-8e55-d49b71cdc0dc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:57:19	-160.383
-109	91866	4593300	fbc057d8-a276-4153-a79a-4a3083394245	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:57:39	-571.373
-110	45934	4593400	6b1b24ea-837c-4374-9abd-09fbf53d439f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 23:43:45	-451.779
-110	91868	4593400	e3ff4d2d-fbf9-4aef-8465-bc4cf9d582c9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:24:47	-102.555
-111	45935	4593500	51625330-0312-4538-9871-d80beded549c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:34:30	129.634
-111	91870	4593500	5b9649f7-7e8c-4fe7-926a-631220624911	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 04:58:10	-494.795
-112	45936	4593600	e181f462-70be-4064-8c37-f7828eb29979	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:14:36	-751.31
-112	91872	4593600	96f3c179-0ad5-4dcf-9f3a-370beae8f31a	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:50:40	563.655
-113	45937	4593700	15fee994-24be-4a17-8ed4-7a72fba167bf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:38:36	603.905
-113	91874	4593700	b9d8299c-0c68-4c6c-aec5-7dbdcb19ea6f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:44:00	-971.892
-114	45938	4593800	7a46e377-5770-4dc8-817d-16ccf77ec1c6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:23:13	753.248
-114	91876	4593800	d964cdf9-e1bf-475d-813e-31786517a93c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 22:48:00	-858.435
-115	45939	4593900	73cb406c-5470-40ce-80a6-1bea65f5b06d	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:42:06	-70.618
-115	91878	4593900	1939f114-629b-46b7-b9b9-18abed572f2f	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:47:00	61.298
-116	45940	4594000	051101c0-8341-47ba-b232-380610516827	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:44:19	22.640
-116	91880	4594000	80c25ceb-616c-4643-b1c4-7f638a196782	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:52:41	454.751
-117	45941	4594100	48583b21-e2ff-4a1e-87d9-0729395ec17a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 21:55:08	512.634
-117	91882	4594100	6245c7e2-03b8-4bf4-ac20-f9535c225462	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:30:29	-609.759
-118	45942	4594200	60e655df-e757-4d21-bd66-13c41a42c8d7	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:50:12	-984.387
-118	91884	4594200	00a47796-3009-475f-b85e-05da6b3eab1d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:36:05	978.605
-119	45943	4594300	bd22bf2a-eb28-435c-9e2a-b7e5e044a6cf	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:32:57	889.114
-119	91886	4594300	d3924960-8c8b-40dd-b6ca-fbefe9ef9499	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 04:15:31	-666.580
-120	45944	4594400	94c7c355-0ae3-4d8a-b7bd-ea5df0d9c4cd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:06:39	-837.552
-120	91888	4594400	6547d3a2-2848-430a-89a2-b3341e58b4ca	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 06:03:17	-613.231
-121	45945	4594500	6f53a019-2583-42a5-98c7-dab19b540b8f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:24:45	-667.899
-121	91890	4594500	088923bb-aec2-41ea-a769-dce8c55d3610	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:47:49	-124.213
-122	45946	4594600	94571ea8-8d9f-446c-9ec9-30806d962d23	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:05:43	735.118
-122	91892	4594600	43137d4c-1ee6-4b72-9d62-2441a377ae17	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:11:43	-303.902
-123	45947	4594700	11bf4840-65d1-4717-9175-58b9fc0f1949	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:54:18	601.714
-123	91894	4594700	56775407-ebfe-422b-8466-a8ac2881844f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:39:52	-120.181
-124	45948	4594800	65b027f5-406f-4941-b558-883c3feca59e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:43:35	-626.220
-124	91896	4594800	3b6d6a47-8d75-4c1d-bb87-dbe057ed4755	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:22:05	-634.573
-125	45949	4594900	9a4fcb47-0d39-41fb-868a-cf701c18e343	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 02:24:14	330.163
-125	91898	4594900	b38f98f9-98b5-409c-a931-60c6cce7e4e3	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:53:26	283.293
-126	45950	4595000	88e468ef-8224-47f7-a349-b744280db9c1	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 07:00:30	347.384
-126	91900	4595000	ef20c782-f74f-4ed2-88fc-bf71f10e6d72	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:43:14	688.413
-127	45951	4595100	781d631d-ade0-4d2d-9175-bcafbfb76c04	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:21:45	-605.130
-127	91902	4595100	212d7f9c-15d7-47b4-b187-b7c5417bc128	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:57:39	620.460
-0	45952	4595200	dcb24b57-5d75-415b-a36a-7cf17ba0b664	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:26:08	-716.417
-0	91904	4595200	4eb8f030-7e25-44ba-a6e0-4d6520ff86b3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:33:13	442.341
-1	45953	4595300	6f8c8945-212c-471f-93f2-be2646f32ca0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:29:16	487.113
-1	91906	4595300	d9bf77e1-ae31-44fa-8207-84c229013322	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:22:58	530.136
-2	45954	4595400	33500874-9200-49f7-8968-9741fec0bb46	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:46:41	913.615
-2	91908	4595400	a2138699-f517-4986-ad22-3a0000ebc907	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:27:06	-133.516
-3	45955	4595500	d736b7cb-ba88-423b-b13d-f82e12bb7cb9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:47:12	494.142
-3	91910	4595500	5fa74045-8194-4a26-ba8b-f2461d975ea2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:29:04	-255.193
-4	45956	4595600	00a7f067-70c3-4e5c-a001-915b11c98ad6	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:34:28	301.679
-4	91912	4595600	bddf7727-d1e9-49db-82d6-d83868b38393	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:41:17	948.699
-5	45957	4595700	95b756b0-44c6-47be-992a-a17b6093c4e6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:21:08	719.500
-5	91914	4595700	c76fde72-1f30-4bd3-b79f-d2510d925d2a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:08:48	928.446
-6	45958	4595800	a7e8c1a6-4333-4ac4-ae90-d5348159f5ce	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:30:10	-841.631
-6	91916	4595800	611f8d69-359b-41b2-8ce9-f0f617f3f5d8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:00:52	586.324
-7	45959	4595900	5c49a45c-9456-4a41-b53c-7ce719176841	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:35:53	96.287
-7	91918	4595900	02e8ddae-0667-4b03-9c01-eee4c3489a31	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:03:56	-698.497
-8	45960	4596000	f7d2079a-f800-4090-a4f2-2a5b924c21b4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:05:15	590.790
-8	91920	4596000	86c95c67-b5bb-46a6-8694-6aa54d5dd7a8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:32:54	890.96
-9	45961	4596100	8201a894-46e3-4d7b-9160-77b8c8577b9c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 19:18:54	735.598
-9	91922	4596100	8e01d607-1512-4bca-bb7a-5768f7d12b08	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:48:03	960.160
-10	45962	4596200	5c7cd56b-bab7-430c-8c86-94b23bee0ad6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:51:18	-980.696
-10	91924	4596200	81a1a3a0-aa35-490d-b962-6749ffa0b7f7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:49:44	-980.561
-11	45963	4596300	2c83037c-4553-44dc-a66b-d36e4f82f6bd	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:05:40	-865.465
-11	91926	4596300	c8c7641d-856f-4e96-993f-1702d902396c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:26:43	-867.189
-12	45964	4596400	c1419087-13a2-4216-8cb2-6b818498bf8a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 16:41:07	-170.636
-12	91928	4596400	4dada3c3-ae7d-48b9-9238-5bd8c800f3fd	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:07:50	-282.353
-13	45965	4596500	7441d496-4b79-4919-b84f-235cdeabbe0b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:43:13	125.162
-13	91930	4596500	97dd72bb-1e8c-44cc-b816-ecd305423e8e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:35:06	900.965
-14	45966	4596600	b185a918-0930-4eeb-8fa0-ccca75d5dfee	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:01:18	-468.870
-14	91932	4596600	e075694c-4ce9-4846-85e4-dc1d80d19efa	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:01:14	-212.364
-15	45967	4596700	3a884e6f-a094-4d1c-9321-d5bdf5b20359	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:43:06	882.515
-15	91934	4596700	705a8341-a114-48a8-9fd2-381864536968	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:46:41	-568.580
-16	45968	4596800	72a509f3-eb68-485d-ac7f-0dbe1fdf867a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:35:53	473.343
-16	91936	4596800	dc87b594-b6bf-4964-8391-e1fc5df56964	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:56:26	608.813
-17	45969	4596900	0c08d878-f314-4c8e-9612-bdc6321bae39	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:30:09	-65.706
-17	91938	4596900	889d97f8-5e97-4678-b045-c38b5b9824fa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:22:51	-502.787
-18	45970	4597000	d2b2decf-38e9-435a-824a-d064153e6d12	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 13:01:54	-855.230
-18	91940	4597000	eea5978f-535e-4558-8f25-1546480e0595	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:18:34	825.593
-19	45971	4597100	4d2c117d-2d38-4ed2-8abd-90dce4493c08	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:58:24	-187.201
-19	91942	4597100	cca641c0-d18a-4cb0-9c69-061555ac888f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:55:55	22.368
-20	45972	4597200	24ce0409-ac4c-4202-99e6-3dc863b6069e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 14:49:02	858.754
-20	91944	4597200	0a44282f-27dc-47d0-8b59-e9c77edac49b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:59:54	938.481
-21	45973	4597300	20c98aee-0365-4824-8687-056dc84bdb55	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 16:21:21	312.156
-21	91946	4597300	3d910039-bdf2-42a6-9f81-0c0b9c04f3f0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:04:03	523.594
-22	45974	4597400	f0d24fec-4a3f-4d6b-aa6d-8e42ba503cd1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:31:34	-96.897
-22	91948	4597400	93ba31be-0795-4c03-bd2c-c6eb0ffacec0	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 19:45:33	379.741
-23	45975	4597500	a0a390a8-2498-4103-96bc-70cc8dae55b9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:23:07	44.166
-23	91950	4597500	529e4fc3-761a-46f4-a1b0-2362410d690f	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:12:20	-216.979
-24	45976	4597600	d7e06294-1838-4325-98f4-88287f708b43	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:36:01	550.522
-24	91952	4597600	e601e980-6ef3-484f-a05a-f525655a2765	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:44:42	-574.609
-25	45977	4597700	c5df686e-e6b9-4f35-b958-129f97616386	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:50:58	419.345
-25	91954	4597700	997b3030-72f5-47bb-8fbd-845d002e06f4	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:25:37	-731.689
-26	45978	4597800	91aa400d-858d-430f-bf32-3446e7ad40e0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:08:50	-169.179
-26	91956	4597800	95ea99f5-42ff-45e8-a0ab-4826c9090310	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:45:34	695.651
-27	45979	4597900	1f02e819-2e1b-4c6e-9771-b84cb5cd86c9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:26:02	-742.228
-27	91958	4597900	0eee9872-d0ac-47ad-b0e1-7b53c2b5a49f	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:08:21	-903.755
-28	45980	4598000	b12d2f70-986f-47cc-b990-18414c328c36	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:48:55	497.37
-28	91960	4598000	92ddcf63-1741-45aa-a29f-5982c38124aa	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:16:53	-273.526
-29	45981	4598100	95d4f53d-6a9b-4f5d-a800-825698d60262	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 15:12:30	480.443
-29	91962	4598100	05472dcb-8689-40c4-a41d-f41147fd17fd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:58:59	-413.375
-30	45982	4598200	2f9e73b4-01ea-4a01-b783-f88b11367b40	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:23:53	-692.353
-30	91964	4598200	a648a903-46ab-4916-ac6d-cdf484f8859e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:10:25	719.549
-31	45983	4598300	aa7c9742-a915-46c4-8408-9e92b5350211	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:07:22	543.161
-31	91966	4598300	94e821e6-047b-4a55-bfe1-ff5da59fd9aa	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 07:03:31	-347.168
-32	45984	4598400	c096f40a-13ad-44ae-a791-137061fb0fb1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:27:52	954.453
-32	91968	4598400	36b166e3-204e-401a-a8c2-756297ccce04	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 19:46:47	-242.494
-33	45985	4598500	8e9ecea2-9e62-49ec-8b02-6ea89dd5fdc9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:00:56	690.483
-33	91970	4598500	eb45cde6-caba-400a-a0aa-c8292e13cd50	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:10:28	95.453
-34	45986	4598600	bba24b54-ba38-4ddf-8d91-b318194ece57	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 12:27:35	-309.352
-34	91972	4598600	846bf843-288c-45d9-81c0-6ac4b436071c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:05:05	-792.188
-35	45987	4598700	ff095916-12f4-4608-92b3-338d1e289664	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:41:14	107.232
-35	91974	4598700	9779bd37-fe36-4c98-a524-6e381662489f	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:04:35	-122.682
-36	45988	4598800	414a89a6-de3d-4642-8769-8f4307c9f204	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:14:16	596.963
-36	91976	4598800	f738ff0d-ac48-4955-bf8d-ebf64ace8cda	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:28:10	815.699
-37	45989	4598900	5cabc565-1617-4387-a970-845e75923476	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:02:01	-859.740
-37	91978	4598900	ef4156fb-b1fd-4c12-b29d-7ffe4329d9ee	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:29:06	-945.827
-38	45990	4599000	0a31b00c-2465-464e-aa95-618c04d02dc0	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:25:26	-580.840
-38	91980	4599000	26db39b6-1f3d-45f5-8c5b-233df9ca7eb3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:44:38	-810.413
-39	45991	4599100	742d9f94-3f34-4a10-9171-31c4182a7c43	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 23:13:46	-49.980
-39	91982	4599100	1a6e44f2-6c28-4f3b-a19e-d58fef57c832	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:07:06	661.339
-40	45992	4599200	1e43e7af-25c1-4b39-b77a-9e94b739a2e9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:22:43	652.160
-40	91984	4599200	7a5158f7-eb5b-4145-8037-fdf51ad55262	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:55:38	45.402
-41	45993	4599300	2b158f83-cf45-4e7f-9bb1-3ade68f132d7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:40:09	-912.6
-41	91986	4599300	07025bd6-0cc1-4f97-816e-cdc4361c1008	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:23:36	-937.506
-42	45994	4599400	3db76381-9d4d-45c3-9583-5bca31e93ae4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:21:10	992.668
-42	91988	4599400	22820963-6198-4846-abb1-87f2c08df035	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:53:58	-962.797
-43	45995	4599500	409317f4-6986-4ed2-82a0-e4fc31563e92	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:22:08	-91.854
-43	91990	4599500	b99bfc2c-fae3-49e5-9a7e-f959ef68d575	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:00:19	654.466
-44	45996	4599600	8c399472-d767-4fd9-bcb3-2e3de00c5f8e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:43:57	-541.935
-44	91992	4599600	c9bcd8b6-38f6-442a-9b12-342e28dab886	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:01:08	819.315
-45	45997	4599700	8e5c4e70-2d82-414a-9cbf-f399f7b58274	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:25:16	788.892
-45	91994	4599700	2dce1fa8-b660-4258-8af2-f34d86b48bb8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:20:35	-182.7
-46	45998	4599800	1b91aa4b-e8ba-4430-b424-94247b857ea4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:55:59	-17.847
-46	91996	4599800	83e8bb32-126e-4393-a9ba-0885a55ed8d2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:56:24	-370.53
-47	45999	4599900	545b885b-b3c1-426c-9ae6-8a4891e1a80f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:14:07	17.92
-47	91998	4599900	405e69f3-fa1b-40d9-8f99-bc923eb57a09	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:29:50	-302.753
-48	46000	4600000	af8c0b9e-dc0d-42c5-b2dd-a8bf3c39ae3c	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:55:47	963.174
-48	92000	4600000	2841a3a5-bc3b-4cf2-8b0c-10ef2c84e622	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 02:03:54	413.153
-49	46001	4600100	25c2f0f9-a1d8-4209-8361-5125f6d691c8	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:28:14	-858.704
-49	92002	4600100	7215dd15-2852-46bc-9f52-7a089a1a0c36	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:58:03	-119.470
-50	46002	4600200	22006e6a-3f7a-4b8f-9161-2ed87a410df0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:37:40	-225.988
-50	92004	4600200	f7f3e74d-6bbb-448a-9137-01cb92987021	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:58:16	636.207
-51	46003	4600300	ddd76830-9cd1-4604-86be-d8227ad3e835	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:38:02	96.677
-51	92006	4600300	991c829b-8141-48dc-bdaf-3f6e78036c63	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:02:40	84.978
-52	46004	4600400	39f1e8b4-4c6c-4774-a180-3cf0456118ee	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 06:23:47	889.344
-52	92008	4600400	0b099787-1c53-4622-9a59-f5ea71920fda	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:03:03	11.152
-53	46005	4600500	daeff59f-97b0-4fa3-bd4f-8531cb1ef068	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:32:27	916.101
-53	92010	4600500	e88f4822-4d8c-4fce-9e8f-29e7ec138cfc	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:01:52	-752.65
-54	46006	4600600	e548d987-c4f3-4d7b-b76b-237b49b35a80	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:30:43	-774.406
-54	92012	4600600	dfa7adaa-c657-4a2d-a346-844513765ae7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:52:46	87.710
-55	46007	4600700	91b05aaa-3008-466a-9b47-4cd3832d4f95	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 18:48:06	-974.392
-55	92014	4600700	4ad25b0b-fbc2-4216-9e41-edb0cb722b10	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:58:31	-69.983
-56	46008	4600800	b44d8cd5-e3e5-41fe-9a4c-396b872d19fd	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:31:32	726.233
-56	92016	4600800	95688f4a-3302-4233-a05b-709be76f4e99	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:50:41	211.759
-57	46009	4600900	7d3ae47f-6947-4156-8773-1726add4896f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:38:29	-520.322
-57	92018	4600900	d0efbe95-3e7a-4a87-a5e9-1ded428a8e06	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:11:16	-555.156
-58	46010	4601000	a630e763-f715-4b7d-8a08-7eecb150f187	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 18:22:05	93.7
-58	92020	4601000	6ce30561-f5c5-4653-a465-e64587e195ff	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:40:34	-930.361
-59	46011	4601100	01ada925-ae4c-4430-9cc2-c9e13a8f5cb6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:33:51	-352.717
-59	92022	4601100	1f5e573c-3c19-471d-a0f8-9ff4b2974da1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:05:37	-221.789
-60	46012	4601200	bcd0086b-aded-420d-a3b3-5b31f0c059fb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:55:13	-122.39
-60	92024	4601200	176860d6-b0a7-411b-8919-710c9ec33bcb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:23:59	400.924
-61	46013	4601300	ef38583a-ebff-4a76-b4c6-d12d9ad87fed	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:48:01	416.499
-61	92026	4601300	de079e25-e6e0-44fb-a253-fd8ab30f5280	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:19:50	-718.255
-62	46014	4601400	e42de27c-977c-4117-95e6-f6bd6775625d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:07:27	638.39
-62	92028	4601400	4472c68e-6cbe-43ec-bce2-9b9f0b5c1ecd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:48:10	-732.951
-63	46015	4601500	f5258473-1bcd-440e-a3a4-a0b5df30a4d6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:14:26	948.23
-63	92030	4601500	b45c1954-c129-446c-81c7-98189788dab2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:51:37	-139.996
-64	46016	4601600	8ad54d4d-6540-4049-8f4a-08019697fbb7	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:40:35	-731.991
-64	92032	4601600	c6944b20-c8a7-49f1-b51a-578fdf1ad22d	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:41:28	970.189
-65	46017	4601700	02f24b66-2747-4026-a8b0-f9615bebe9fa	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:23:20	-815.747
-65	92034	4601700	2763f87c-0c92-417c-b8f7-ec82032f0d8c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:29:17	-963.951
-66	46018	4601800	f8a8cf7e-8c7e-4804-8265-491f73db38a1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:29:28	596.429
-66	92036	4601800	e30fee78-1be4-489c-9f46-aebdf33abdf4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:16:36	-699.828
-67	46019	4601900	ebd25b20-fde0-4c7e-9529-dd142199459b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:03:57	-924.828
-67	92038	4601900	2fedbbff-2e88-49ac-9cea-0ab90437aac8	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:25:25	169.77
-68	46020	4602000	18eff359-7301-4592-9aa9-c38363a751d2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:39:54	473.184
-68	92040	4602000	2524cfec-8a26-4a8b-a569-0aa61b5beb01	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:17:08	-943.181
-69	46021	4602100	b5bda1e0-51d2-4fe6-b8ff-70e89b346c5d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:26:04	816.454
-69	92042	4602100	3767bb1b-92ff-4bee-8b18-d9fe31fdffdf	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:26:43	-652.438
-70	46022	4602200	04225b92-9faf-457b-8b03-9a67bbe3fc1d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:02:04	-636.127
-70	92044	4602200	d3fdcc2c-3925-48ae-95f5-76aff58c0e55	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:48:46	-5.210
-71	46023	4602300	fcf67f2f-e56e-4306-84c9-3bdd877d36ca	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:58:33	775.828
-71	92046	4602300	45fa48a8-3879-40d6-8be1-0239c7b16bc1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:13:20	887.31
-72	46024	4602400	21e4c60d-1e99-4471-a1bf-f705e2a61e62	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:01:02	-583.106
-72	92048	4602400	4155ae15-b075-476d-b620-4b4004448aa5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:11:49	-520.472
-73	46025	4602500	ddbeb6d4-716c-436f-ac78-744a68675488	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:37:42	-897.797
-73	92050	4602500	a8b14602-a56a-415a-8334-260fc6e24637	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:43:26	881.5
-74	46026	4602600	611ed9da-44d1-4f6c-b1f9-96e46c4f36a5	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:40:55	86.641
-74	92052	4602600	8d9d21c8-3904-4c64-853e-9614532f7332	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:39:00	-254.558
-75	46027	4602700	fd1423d6-f7d5-4ea1-998a-43c4856bb018	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:04:04	716.947
-75	92054	4602700	0bcae1e3-17a1-414d-b1df-d7a1a532e1a4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:52:55	-352.656
-76	46028	4602800	c01d92ae-47fd-42db-85b8-e8dcc59554c0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:23:49	849.683
-76	92056	4602800	9d14a41e-8458-474f-9a9f-c6b3091ce778	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:08:06	-651.141
-77	46029	4602900	d04e7dba-1060-4bff-9658-e09b8855eb6c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:17:29	783.371
-77	92058	4602900	7f7beeeb-b0bd-4fe6-8cbf-449028d06dd1	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:38:28	-986.379
-78	46030	4603000	09fe3290-2c1c-426c-b178-84a39712d9fb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:07:53	653.449
-78	92060	4603000	66a5cf46-7ab1-4e6e-85c5-17b44724488e	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:23:05	549.131
-79	46031	4603100	f42692ac-0301-4cf3-871b-cd5391440435	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:34:41	-491.821
-79	92062	4603100	5c6afc67-dfa5-434c-b52f-70e807888d7a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:40:15	-359.57
-80	46032	4603200	ae545608-0b58-4cd0-9b19-4400b1e31da0	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:56:28	993.233
-80	92064	4603200	ce89c3ec-77aa-4103-ab5d-c5cc9e01072f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:26:14	-371.372
-81	46033	4603300	2ad1a45d-bafc-4f05-a0ae-d82a9a4111b0	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:18:03	964.520
-81	92066	4603300	868cb6c9-ac1d-496c-b533-47c055c54146	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:58:22	26.202
-82	46034	4603400	0e02e8cb-532b-4213-943f-8793ebcb8360	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:04:36	414.831
-82	92068	4603400	b964dc71-2e78-4daf-a6bd-d8bdbfe59f56	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:42:46	-886.504
-83	46035	4603500	a440d071-b366-4853-8267-f8dfa5219f12	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:24:09	-759.302
-83	92070	4603500	52138e7d-a263-49dd-8454-30ac3b401c41	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:23:55	208.98
-84	46036	4603600	5560f630-6adf-471b-9a5a-1180d29927a1	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:12:11	833.986
-84	92072	4603600	48e02536-3a36-47ee-94d1-445e98f3c266	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:33:14	215.42
-85	46037	4603700	9eafd87c-10f1-4784-9255-42d62aa8b25c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:54:06	-828.299
-85	92074	4603700	82965139-372e-400a-a3e6-1cde185ad9ed	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:05:30	-547.867
-86	46038	4603800	716e9cd8-b0ee-4996-b4ba-601be7b3eb48	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:35:39	-23.155
-86	92076	4603800	cb7c7e04-45f6-42b5-b472-d5feaa69b7e5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:11:02	-998.450
-87	46039	4603900	f70e83da-de16-4919-bb7c-b3251ae8711e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:12:43	383.940
-87	92078	4603900	f01e6d88-6a51-481c-ab80-dad5163cfe0c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:23:08	-444.349
-88	46040	4604000	9c47195a-b843-4630-893a-3b99424d8b85	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:59:04	-764.321
-88	92080	4604000	9dee9c7c-ff6b-4548-967e-3baf756b3f2f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:06:15	201.699
-89	46041	4604100	9e55514b-b56f-44b7-9dd0-adeda3b6bab1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:02:26	-302.842
-89	92082	4604100	695e7edb-685f-4b2f-8a69-25bc1797f5d3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:04:29	-760.116
-90	46042	4604200	e9d305ef-dcac-4da5-b247-2bc2c1c91a6f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:53:05	-38.868
-90	92084	4604200	e43af54e-7f49-4c28-81cf-47effe95aade	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:19:44	184.392
-91	46043	4604300	b12d5324-6adb-4403-a535-d0e98c4b748b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:49:14	785.603
-91	92086	4604300	4c8919ea-0824-4306-b789-e426739a7338	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:19:39	341.235
-92	46044	4604400	a8cf187e-6cba-4054-bc52-e6c16ea4103d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:22:47	10.38
-92	92088	4604400	f520a829-99f3-4496-bf4b-22466c461bbb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:51:37	994.102
-93	46045	4604500	d264702d-6093-4a74-b6f0-fafc71ac6a7b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:41:32	-639.678
-93	92090	4604500	2c7f9772-caf8-40fb-a9f7-b68be7a9325c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:58:36	191.381
-94	46046	4604600	09063dbb-78ea-48ad-a61c-cf7c6c9b0202	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:14:08	-300.481
-94	92092	4604600	b5bb2855-a19d-46c9-b9fe-264fdd7ce41f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:56:41	-24.450
-95	46047	4604700	e7954e46-34b6-48c1-ae05-cb96fddfc982	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:43:17	-707.512
-95	92094	4604700	874a4be9-452a-457c-9534-5a8ce9774195	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:34:37	-23.404
-96	46048	4604800	06d6c2dd-0eaa-4581-a450-b353f6d51e53	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:29:34	-254.913
-96	92096	4604800	06a83a0d-aeea-4232-9dfb-9db7386ad9d1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:16:28	-305.468
-97	46049	4604900	0072e9d3-fcf2-4a3d-b31b-4fee09170f43	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:57:22	27.752
-97	92098	4604900	15def0e3-a9ca-483b-92f9-01e5743e2849	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 03:43:57	92.967
-98	46050	4605000	07577353-bc58-483d-ad04-8f0ee869e2fc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:35:52	-942.529
-98	92100	4605000	7798ed27-9fb7-4ed0-bf82-e5ef83076d9c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:50:06	-133.135
-99	46051	4605100	e06b756a-4511-47c2-8964-f916249ac053	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:10:26	-47.898
-99	92102	4605100	bdef3226-6adc-4036-9e37-6163dd59eaf5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:44:59	434.305
-100	46052	4605200	bf32cb4a-603f-4016-be3b-7a90a61dc14d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:09:21	465.376
-100	92104	4605200	b83ac6cd-e0c9-4285-aacb-dcc1b5733148	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:39:10	-808.17
-101	46053	4605300	22e7a390-8381-4a3a-8282-4dc9f1e79cba	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:11:13	-709.413
-101	92106	4605300	4a045a9d-edf5-4c97-9afe-e14931bb7b82	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:31:35	-607.609
-102	46054	4605400	dd912124-1c41-41a3-a118-3187c746fab9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:08:02	112.228
-102	92108	4605400	ada7714d-5776-4aed-af29-65c30b69f6d1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:22:34	823.286
-103	46055	4605500	d7b67a19-d765-4d06-8580-5d21b5c55b77	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:51:38	-488.809
-103	92110	4605500	51a5d425-bfd1-4975-bf69-4c5ec8386e59	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:23:12	733.216
-104	46056	4605600	d3fdcc90-d3b7-4ee8-8ab1-1ae77e347b06	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:54:41	-33.586
-104	92112	4605600	12578ae6-2756-45db-9285-5286bfb817ce	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 13:04:28	-502.44
-105	46057	4605700	8ac84700-2a4a-46e4-88db-7c14c86746a1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:22:49	-319.879
-105	92114	4605700	81da0892-e5df-4419-8636-6c0be3d50111	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:18:53	-278.636
-106	46058	4605800	bb9c9e90-ff45-4c4b-a41b-d0a5b4012529	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 00:43:04	194.892
-106	92116	4605800	44c1b06c-9e1c-4d99-b868-1acd28612abc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:55:47	30.663
-107	46059	4605900	5c198139-7c1c-485a-8c17-553149af7f77	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 21:08:47	26.667
-107	92118	4605900	7b5673b1-e5e1-4149-91e1-6156480e1764	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:25:16	-171.802
-108	46060	4606000	728b469c-94aa-48c3-9136-eec2095e9f2a	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:57:49	469.53
-108	92120	4606000	b65e6a75-1de1-4166-9b60-4f6a85b357df	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:37:31	209.387
-109	46061	4606100	ed2fdad6-f47e-4cfc-8ca2-5f50f1f11bfc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:34:47	-104.743
-109	92122	4606100	1d11c476-b870-4f5b-97ff-0b18613a4e39	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:06:02	109.896
-110	46062	4606200	7639de9e-c70f-4976-bf5f-b030aa9a06d7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:59:55	118.199
-110	92124	4606200	df737829-0096-4511-abab-be76471af08b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:40:26	498.539
-111	46063	4606300	4458fecf-c0c7-4682-bca7-c7f1123bedde	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:48:01	-356.774
-111	92126	4606300	fa61b50d-9ffb-4c7e-b907-1af86154bb34	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:09:32	136.372
-112	46064	4606400	6ae4b513-d556-437c-837d-19f4b41aebd9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:11:45	-671.590
-112	92128	4606400	a76c76fb-dc1d-4073-a5fc-00b3414c4619	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:16:24	333.157
-113	46065	4606500	b552873d-6bc5-4d7b-a296-bafa29618dcb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:36:46	-166.599
-113	92130	4606500	f545628d-eedc-43aa-9bca-631ea53e3c80	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:53:25	323.702
-114	46066	4606600	2bafd6a5-0930-44d5-99aa-d595f2910496	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:48:37	792.321
-114	92132	4606600	181e2faf-57ec-4f18-b100-4b9beb08b653	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:35:06	-848.383
-115	46067	4606700	1bb705f2-5bca-43fd-943a-268665adb5b7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:20:16	-508.465
-115	92134	4606700	7a57cb0a-f6bc-49bb-a094-41f1675f8a02	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:31:55	-771.454
-116	46068	4606800	adb6c2d2-1674-45eb-a52a-742826ff839c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:41:07	360.383
-116	92136	4606800	1ac71a52-24b2-4c74-bd21-4bd1b3d8bb4b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:20:20	-862.340
-117	46069	4606900	0706e496-05bb-4eda-887b-592ad0caac1b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:53:55	-499.138
-117	92138	4606900	07a118c7-6f97-4fd1-841a-574108d59082	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:35:30	-317.442
-118	46070	4607000	c78fbc80-d838-459c-9efe-cea9f2c513dc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:12:04	-790.160
-118	92140	4607000	2f0956f5-86e4-4cdd-aa28-570dc5d43630	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:57:18	-755.306
-119	46071	4607100	5ede89f0-461d-45e4-9c82-0733a870bb99	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:47:06	863.742
-119	92142	4607100	60c818fd-b86b-49a6-af75-364e7ee76579	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:00:27	50.893
-120	46072	4607200	9c43754c-3454-4902-ba0c-901ba8cd3c4a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:57:35	-275.8
-120	92144	4607200	7148632b-8571-4193-8074-55a7164a609a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:21:52	296.188
-121	46073	4607300	c46cdf6a-2dec-4c92-87b4-d7f0fe3412b2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:04:12	-765.968
-121	92146	4607300	bfa29788-3a5b-42ba-8811-94ca4dacc35a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:40:50	964.65
-122	46074	4607400	cb4f6c9d-b37e-41e4-9522-6c3f74edd281	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:36:11	104.951
-122	92148	4607400	e8727212-7ea4-41ad-96c7-d00c373f0133	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:26:41	-755.515
-123	46075	4607500	d79507fd-414a-4208-90d9-6d8d61eca6b1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:36:16	727.775
-123	92150	4607500	3bbb87a7-116a-4024-bdb1-e752824534e1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:35:46	-170.543
-124	46076	4607600	4c948c5c-d9e3-436e-9fbd-543a75fb73ee	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 17:04:27	-328.525
-124	92152	4607600	70e7ab99-fff9-4acd-9606-915bd96351e1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:09:51	495.928
-125	46077	4607700	5ee72f25-974a-4529-bc48-c60475aca6c2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:33:30	423.135
-125	92154	4607700	f8686cd2-73a1-4c95-b453-4d5ec4025c7f	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:32:50	-756.938
-126	46078	4607800	906dbbb5-2c86-4a1c-9c32-49d53cff5f39	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:48:01	-57.196
-126	92156	4607800	4ffb2814-6f3f-4aa8-9ce2-d431005ba5d1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 22:04:11	-5.95
-127	46079	4607900	de7ecefa-6fbf-4b3f-a192-51de8c9d5dc3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:45:02	593.580
-127	92158	4607900	9ea3d775-bcd7-4a7d-a4a4-af4c6d589dfb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:12:04	614.313
-0	46080	4608000	d9a091d0-09a8-4aa8-b57c-2eeeaef9eb0b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:08:12	266.411
-0	92160	4608000	28335422-78bc-4478-9771-9ce3084f2047	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:22:25	717.68
-1	46081	4608100	1722035e-1a51-4a52-8f4a-a2dc0a0a80be	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:42:06	-831.369
-1	92162	4608100	14f8d440-c1f7-4a07-8858-8b3b4da7580f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:05:30	-507.517
-2	46082	4608200	6da5b9b0-32d7-41dd-8855-a4ff9bca46d9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:13:39	-248.496
-2	92164	4608200	f0bcb620-1e51-42b6-97c1-5c89b9f46f3e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:26:04	444.673
-3	46083	4608300	137924b2-b155-4a69-b8ff-214c32758afe	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:14:16	199.164
-3	92166	4608300	3f4329b6-7b51-4a37-ab4d-0bbe963d9024	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:27:00	149.179
-4	46084	4608400	2fd899a8-c260-4952-9a4f-27b6ab558f53	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:34:08	998.497
-4	92168	4608400	c54d066d-b375-42e1-8a2d-0b77fb906d36	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:35:19	252.6
-5	46085	4608500	64d74a9b-4cbf-45b1-9c6e-8e18e68d0c8b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:51:28	493.365
-5	92170	4608500	a64b15a1-1eb1-4ded-a967-f432e2bff158	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:42:12	903.193
-6	46086	4608600	00d10776-d69c-4329-bd8c-d49b86ccf253	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:37:22	139.53
-6	92172	4608600	e4c956b5-a052-4508-9755-e7c051b5fd11	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:54:52	939.213
-7	46087	4608700	fde5acac-183d-425c-bcd9-b548dc77a7bb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:08:52	-392.221
-7	92174	4608700	dbc9a8a2-24c6-480f-88de-221a84e0b080	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:02:32	935.778
-8	46088	4608800	c8959513-f822-4bbd-a87b-6a1b4d6140e4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:37:08	491.200
-8	92176	4608800	1544d19c-3e62-4410-ad1f-4b3b71d117c3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:14:28	-114.897
-9	46089	4608900	905eb8e1-51fa-4b32-bfa3-1449bcbd7d9f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:15:20	-324.786
-9	92178	4608900	50942ea0-1939-4644-a8d4-e1ff1a629e4b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:25:50	34.547
-10	46090	4609000	6b1bfa17-a350-4e86-baa6-0ab3b2bb2463	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:24:41	-379.467
-10	92180	4609000	2b2d5661-f710-421b-96ea-33e4aefe813d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:50:11	868.921
-11	46091	4609100	58dfb804-3ae6-45fd-bade-a8ff4407593b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:15:20	987.513
-11	92182	4609100	ce9de27f-bd4e-4064-9b91-95790fa5de32	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 13:59:35	-829.771
-12	46092	4609200	9ce3f57e-442a-4e39-9fc4-b0a9dc03fdc0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:47:31	337.387
-12	92184	4609200	03db2a35-7810-48c0-913b-d7b69b9d3d72	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 05:44:52	-62.475
-13	46093	4609300	52ef0328-73f4-4d73-81fe-38dea9a4c129	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 11:35:05	352.489
-13	92186	4609300	40ef8036-7b07-41f1-a2ee-368573ebc1f6	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:48:02	-43.569
-14	46094	4609400	e2c4dc15-5501-4c5f-8142-c73c80369a5e	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:08:15	-456.293
-14	92188	4609400	ba32a9fc-1118-4dae-b139-93a72bcc9dd4	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:13:54	-291.278
-15	46095	4609500	d7f1a600-12b9-4282-9105-618701b735cf	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:10:12	-943.162
-15	92190	4609500	471db424-4809-4336-9858-b03814d1c104	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:22:16	591.992
-16	46096	4609600	51d00594-a5bc-4725-9050-a4bf94541797	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 01:26:16	-772.365
-16	92192	4609600	361b8c39-7cab-4234-a9b1-7b79d5866227	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:00:42	722.784
-17	46097	4609700	78e6c52d-ce67-4ea3-ba90-8961931bad0c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:43:45	-322.999
-17	92194	4609700	9ccf7050-6846-4469-9123-5830cff34101	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:36:45	-421.858
-18	46098	4609800	bd202ed5-332a-4f92-83cb-130073bdf354	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:13:35	594.670
-18	92196	4609800	237b0638-43be-410b-a14b-3216495c9bac	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:26:34	407.384
-19	46099	4609900	5bfb4f71-436e-4729-889d-3d8100bb056a	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:23:26	616.993
-19	92198	4609900	081a0f04-3c81-4a9a-aa28-2d9a6416d83c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:11:36	634.25
-20	46100	4610000	b3ea43af-692a-48e4-8881-565d4bde7851	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:53:08	524.266
-20	92200	4610000	0a38ae3b-54df-465f-a149-743c57f58f0b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 07:50:30	-159.517
-21	46101	4610100	0b16771c-2628-4c4b-8e6d-1971006e1202	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:51:20	-839.376
-21	92202	4610100	72a36e4c-7c4a-475b-aca5-01a1391e3b4e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:36:35	991.174
-22	46102	4610200	9aa125ce-c8c1-4f22-aba3-d2b926536016	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:48:10	983.333
-22	92204	4610200	c73dd263-b323-4faa-a1eb-064f1c9bb114	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:55:20	586.609
-23	46103	4610300	ec5f2d9b-3d70-4284-919e-b87daa12d550	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:41:26	-704.904
-23	92206	4610300	b08c2371-8ad6-45c0-a4ad-78008093ec3e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:19:31	33.130
-24	46104	4610400	d5c055d2-2c6f-44b1-a6eb-cec6a4a5745b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:09:18	480.453
-24	92208	4610400	cb01c244-09e5-41fe-b3d0-7b8397879703	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:20:30	263.654
-25	46105	4610500	abd6f509-be0a-4677-be93-ad5bcfd1fa26	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:02:45	512.639
-25	92210	4610500	f9efc2a0-c31b-4232-afe4-6f7a64557330	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 18:11:30	-383.196
-26	46106	4610600	87ef5608-3bff-4020-b270-af8924990477	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:36:02	-772.240
-26	92212	4610600	105b2371-1534-4805-bd32-3bff3d92bf81	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:52:21	-603.146
-27	46107	4610700	0c4412c3-47e6-4f35-ae9c-d1407319dcc9	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:02:00	280.972
-27	92214	4610700	492e86fd-84a4-41ac-ab46-5b82efb98cff	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:10:17	-333.672
-28	46108	4610800	9bd5e1c1-4cb1-40a4-9b3c-98e7890fba70	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:50:23	-416.501
-28	92216	4610800	8f6d5550-f2a7-4a20-ac34-89349b56a855	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:39:11	922.734
-29	46109	4610900	e4aaef19-a6e8-46f4-9921-b09f6622c237	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:29:06	392.712
-29	92218	4610900	4303f6e1-a7bc-40c1-9ae7-f0be37481173	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:48:44	-706.211
-30	46110	4611000	3ad32b26-5629-4db3-bb23-4daaa4ca10c8	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:03:44	-775.595
-30	92220	4611000	a97a8284-b255-4ac8-af4d-4b154b4c7573	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:55:21	-642.391
-31	46111	4611100	f0bedea0-0470-4858-ba0d-e3fdf7a6071b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:23:23	-161.911
-31	92222	4611100	b4b9d693-7f3f-49b0-84fd-98a0b3d00315	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:00:32	545.998
-32	46112	4611200	62763913-b2e4-491f-87c3-96448765b0e6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:09:41	907.754
-32	92224	4611200	0d5ad2ba-94a9-4bea-a97d-f68b76b0cd6e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:15:33	450.365
-33	46113	4611300	5978d3ce-1e71-4f29-8a0d-ccb66697c645	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:26:27	537.650
-33	92226	4611300	bf3aa7dd-4700-41b5-8348-dfa606ef5edf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:54:34	-989.465
-34	46114	4611400	9fee2ebd-f882-46e0-a9b6-7b6eb10d4ee4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:05:58	-990.687
-34	92228	4611400	8c09c2ef-798a-4b28-9b2f-23578f1010c7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:08:09	-664.247
-35	46115	4611500	9f85ca70-c5dd-434d-ad7a-b1671b54dd6d	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 09:14:57	353.963
-35	92230	4611500	1e865133-ac11-4ce6-b567-4333c6ee1f9d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:25:16	940.248
-36	46116	4611600	8e283ad2-cf9e-4f23-a496-5da2fa3ef194	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:55:50	-26.633
-36	92232	4611600	7777b8df-ec8b-402b-9411-6ac6e750c23c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:01:13	669.374
-37	46117	4611700	45ad684e-d659-4a3b-8b9e-857493aa1252	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:07:31	-18.314
-37	92234	4611700	9c45e83e-55f7-4bcf-9d18-6d08eed7ef31	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:22:02	979.548
-38	46118	4611800	f7fe5842-3fac-44b2-b753-3a78e33ed332	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:29:01	-26.439
-38	92236	4611800	550a8d99-e19f-4ca9-8a47-93a6385c8505	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:00:14	-876.961
-39	46119	4611900	67767d78-eb3d-48dc-ab40-39791deba77b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:54:25	251.391
-39	92238	4611900	0571616f-64c6-49a1-be2e-5d2619697f31	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:32:16	468.181
-40	46120	4612000	1ad37e21-21df-43fa-ade2-4b6cec5436a3	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:59:19	512.183
-40	92240	4612000	d76a6124-0b80-4d03-9171-b619580b2bc1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:18:50	-203.898
-41	46121	4612100	8b682057-c641-4b02-9b3b-f8155eb8c531	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:11:42	483.864
-41	92242	4612100	c63245b3-1d9b-457b-81b2-d0ce4f83a377	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:17:51	-449.487
-42	46122	4612200	0866b448-fc4f-4f01-82f0-1b5e5de5bf92	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:08:02	122.371
-42	92244	4612200	46cd6586-fe1c-49a3-853a-75f2190a534c	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:23:37	332.435
-43	46123	4612300	450580d3-9ca9-4577-9da6-5b1ba63c896d	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:46:44	-657.445
-43	92246	4612300	67477ab5-5abb-4b6c-bf99-23ad222bb9bf	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:38:37	674.592
-44	46124	4612400	61491a9a-4092-4599-b5a0-eb95251cff20	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:18:47	208.421
-44	92248	4612400	4908d9f8-055f-4994-b1b7-1367a0fabb03	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:08:28	-525.436
-45	46125	4612500	5adb299f-83b5-4036-a462-b37eb1084a13	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:42:29	447.864
-45	92250	4612500	80a9cd39-6d1f-4dc5-928b-93cca8e55a90	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:50:37	235.683
-46	46126	4612600	4dfc928a-12a3-4076-a465-1ddbac34472d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:29:49	-792.672
-46	92252	4612600	1400d844-9046-4f26-aad0-1268a92adfde	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:08:52	336.609
-47	46127	4612700	f393009a-80b5-4c22-aa9e-0d370abc98d6	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:20:48	197.122
-47	92254	4612700	297cd514-1093-42e5-8596-a732661c0e43	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:08:04	446.278
-48	46128	4612800	104ed492-41e0-4b5e-ba1c-d3c069722d2e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:50:18	78.916
-48	92256	4612800	dfbd4028-6671-4ba5-a6ba-14566a9ee4e7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 20:35:06	-170.62
-49	46129	4612900	9b7ccf65-544c-43e6-b90a-ec2cda644b4d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:07:26	-595.297
-49	92258	4612900	5ed10fc4-ab71-4363-84dd-728a3171659e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:08:18	696.712
-50	46130	4613000	5129ba8c-9f3d-4c67-8ef2-272eb83708a4	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:52:15	65.524
-50	92260	4613000	a1cec3c5-ba6a-40b6-a346-45b6effa9863	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:21:51	932.81
-51	46131	4613100	242a4089-5d44-4f90-a2db-f61a98bb5314	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:35:40	-786.652
-51	92262	4613100	a8146efd-6796-4e4e-914b-01f5b74ebd1f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:11:28	747.792
-52	46132	4613200	8e985db6-7d0d-4c98-9c45-f3ce32571547	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:32:44	715.749
-52	92264	4613200	249e2d90-6cb4-4f38-8268-4b15caf61f70	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:27:13	-731.174
-53	46133	4613300	990fa9dd-0316-4364-8688-2138cfff943b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:41:27	-579.642
-53	92266	4613300	73dac090-54a9-4aad-ac9f-3f7d13bf539a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 05:19:42	639.966
-54	46134	4613400	e66b72df-63ae-4bb0-b84d-bd942e86f85a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:04:12	755.682
-54	92268	4613400	ff234911-75d3-485b-ab27-de4b976aeb38	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:15:00	825.695
-55	46135	4613500	35179ed3-479b-42f8-9d47-68ab8e520964	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:04:44	568.270
-55	92270	4613500	02406658-73a7-439d-9578-d9aa44fada8b	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:34:35	622.461
-56	46136	4613600	6226e753-40c0-4008-914b-140a4f1c9c89	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:49:21	-548.91
-56	92272	4613600	c8f6686a-4b53-4435-a8fe-430b91f1e9dc	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:34:13	267.997
-57	46137	4613700	7b1ca3cd-c1b2-447e-bc8e-87763b3579b4	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:35:48	-162.884
-57	92274	4613700	11938967-0c0a-4438-9abd-c902c5e156f2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:38:22	605.902
-58	46138	4613800	bcaf36d1-521b-42ad-8976-40b51fc4a74c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:39:55	264.271
-58	92276	4613800	16d7501f-b944-4633-a6e5-b9709877ecad	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 06:49:39	952.667
-59	46139	4613900	ef8dea7b-d9a7-4013-bba0-dccaf709077d	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:48:25	-193.536
-59	92278	4613900	fefb0b19-66b8-48e9-b6b8-9caecf01da40	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 02:43:27	809.756
-60	46140	4614000	0c0abb40-7448-4db0-a7ab-13c240ab89a4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:06:00	-81.230
-60	92280	4614000	9441ba21-76e2-4810-aeed-75e5edbaa520	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:48:09	-275.394
-61	46141	4614100	95ff0f76-27c1-4795-9793-6462aa9f08a9	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:08:07	-752.656
-61	92282	4614100	d9a201f6-28c9-49fd-9363-2329a4500c5b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:56:36	198.251
-62	46142	4614200	cada3e87-5760-42d9-8031-091907d3a452	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:39:44	218.693
-62	92284	4614200	08135f3b-c80a-4437-874a-2375b5d5d165	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:37:13	913.364
-63	46143	4614300	5a4b17fa-0c58-4b2e-aa97-199737a33b6c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:36:30	-685.379
-63	92286	4614300	6333fa13-63c8-43ed-8d68-4d9c87195c42	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:02:28	481.421
-64	46144	4614400	33ceb0e0-bec5-487f-891e-43c4be15bce7	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:00:31	-15.38
-64	92288	4614400	959dc4ca-6c9e-4bfd-93ad-8cf09af1bcff	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:25:47	-260.7
-65	46145	4614500	5b90f56b-b89d-4ea5-a6e2-306deaf3d89f	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 04:28:08	-600.421
-65	92290	4614500	8077eb15-e268-4f00-adb4-ff74d09cf18a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:00:01	-61.775
-66	46146	4614600	ec0f3b22-c300-49e7-b788-08b440040cc9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:57:46	-655.654
-66	92292	4614600	7ba6f1d3-12de-4d54-9f75-e927bd04f900	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:10:41	-716.84
-67	46147	4614700	755dd0f0-c950-4791-bafe-5dc298c1dded	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:51:43	864.762
-67	92294	4614700	9437fddf-8cb4-45e9-aca1-047f773c5fd1	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:04:25	-530.980
-68	46148	4614800	ef1c72ce-2040-4ff1-a017-75cb7e0a1f8f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:33:11	669.909
-68	92296	4614800	ddb2ab7b-c863-40ba-a1e4-5c95178220a1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:41:19	-670.574
-69	46149	4614900	73c6e2ee-9003-4088-83fd-6bc16b51a54e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:37:52	690.210
-69	92298	4614900	ba3497c3-8265-4901-b01d-33a674589b55	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 04:01:59	-173.87
-70	46150	4615000	770b590a-ce9e-4076-81ba-c53c100a4f6c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:27:05	-806.518
-70	92300	4615000	a71600b3-8c3a-425e-bc4f-e2d9918815a2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:26:04	-886.640
-71	46151	4615100	aa5813af-2bf5-4c55-a9c9-2c4e792a9f86	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:58:37	-250.137
-71	92302	4615100	23c01eaa-9f8d-4b14-80a0-ab0b48d1bd35	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:00:34	-972.383
-72	46152	4615200	b922ec49-e1f1-4044-8c01-8602e94e20f8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:43:23	-749.144
-72	92304	4615200	e740eef5-f0d5-427d-b8cc-e1ae54fd699b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:27:25	-200.873
-73	46153	4615300	b8389930-0708-4391-9e47-f48ebc360479	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:16:20	-750.611
-73	92306	4615300	d0ce6afd-4a0b-43e4-9806-d564e3a8a52f	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:55:24	-554.488
-74	46154	4615400	061743b9-5420-490d-9b4c-b0565cb82b60	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:48:40	229.329
-74	92308	4615400	3e188506-8ff2-4774-87fa-c79810908509	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:45:52	828.496
-75	46155	4615500	01406a70-bb71-4f4e-8db6-f007868fdccf	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:25:57	-963.118
-75	92310	4615500	0193583c-c128-4cd0-be97-8cf8ce4915f4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 02:35:08	-693.112
-76	46156	4615600	a8d4c781-1c71-4fb3-aea5-0b44802a6ad7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:39:01	837.855
-76	92312	4615600	02acf574-f8c9-4cd2-b359-9522e93b0b90	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:51:53	809.851
-77	46157	4615700	b1146bf7-fd73-444f-a068-df4362e65cef	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:37:48	-336.648
-77	92314	4615700	82eb00bc-97c1-456a-8993-001ab7f83cb4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:56:32	-450.61
-78	46158	4615800	1b580414-4830-4547-96f4-f0a472e0a110	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:27:15	-913.192
-78	92316	4615800	1c2c0289-823e-4a10-b212-a1a3f4843504	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:32:08	-378.117
-79	46159	4615900	8d69e16d-e864-4b5f-9e03-a24b8e6001cd	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:19:50	-788.962
-79	92318	4615900	43bdf3f6-6a46-4d20-83d2-e1d7f10f8d4d	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:36:01	-444.884
-80	46160	4616000	4a536467-41e4-4cb9-a79a-20a4e89c4a89	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:33:13	304.96
-80	92320	4616000	71946330-06f3-4b2d-a30a-c3a9d095aef1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:25:05	695.404
-81	46161	4616100	e2e27b2f-6ac1-4ce4-ad0d-0eb4addc3506	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:14:11	334.744
-81	92322	4616100	2c8b7d80-7aae-4ec3-a524-e912b70b477c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:31:00	396.257
-82	46162	4616200	dda00d74-ff3a-48b5-844b-0b2ca02b842e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:51:54	-55.403
-82	92324	4616200	a8e165dc-a0a7-47b7-b9b9-a5636d53c559	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:33:14	-112.91
-83	46163	4616300	6b881228-98b5-41b5-a62d-189ffb0b3e67	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:58:55	596.578
-83	92326	4616300	7906675f-447e-43d3-95a9-3f8bd34ff38a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 05:46:53	-992.879
-84	46164	4616400	1fa454f0-d9d6-44e2-bb29-ee47854d3300	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:48:24	127.391
-84	92328	4616400	70cfc15f-2c70-428f-b8b5-db2d1a5bfe46	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:21:39	-685.863
-85	46165	4616500	e232ba49-0e26-4edb-b9a3-2fa18f0146c8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:02:17	-713.748
-85	92330	4616500	d5b310b4-7e7a-4de4-b1a7-27792d16ea80	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:17:40	-934.323
-86	46166	4616600	7bf5c362-b17f-47a9-aee9-bc1e1c4508e0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:34:26	-315.191
-86	92332	4616600	cfc25272-8122-4588-9e82-3073770e24e8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 17:09:09	223.667
-87	46167	4616700	8741489b-08d1-42f9-8366-df5894217a77	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:04:48	899.750
-87	92334	4616700	c2371f23-eb50-4da1-ba91-b3eca5928692	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:27:11	464.382
-88	46168	4616800	2e9d4b30-f887-42bd-9700-1ed124f60256	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:03:48	-462.718
-88	92336	4616800	b65f6270-2469-47ba-bbb0-f41fd9a0e32b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:42:07	-132.818
-89	46169	4616900	4c1b9010-2168-4c01-8fd2-a710ba538747	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:03:37	239.409
-89	92338	4616900	e80a4860-a46a-467b-83b2-5d3fd69445f7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:22:44	-261.731
-90	46170	4617000	816c3bcd-2a26-49a6-822d-697f2d919da4	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:47:29	742.597
-90	92340	4617000	9e5a19db-7278-4adc-ac4a-f6948d9142f1	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 10:21:29	-188.350
-91	46171	4617100	f9fb8426-8c21-4ee5-b10e-dfa570fe04a4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:32:20	905.782
-91	92342	4617100	a3facc8b-2f99-4512-886e-c7e30b97f68b	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:39:20	238.22
-92	46172	4617200	ef3c34e9-baa9-4ead-89c9-484860012262	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:30:37	-499.255
-92	92344	4617200	8dc0a76c-da60-4036-9796-d4ff61ef7698	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:52:33	-361.168
-93	46173	4617300	7f6d88e6-5d6c-45fe-a04b-991f1ae1fddf	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:48:29	-956.704
-93	92346	4617300	5081e185-646b-4e6a-a02c-9a8275e56dcf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 01:32:11	982.960
-94	46174	4617400	4d33b3aa-32c1-4a4b-9604-07ffb8ac7342	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:55:46	-282.996
-94	92348	4617400	a95d9186-6f95-4a56-a633-ed5dce40086a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:14:22	-909.14
-95	46175	4617500	0f898bb2-cb4d-479b-a961-1f251cadbb99	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:28:12	-693.113
-95	92350	4617500	483734e1-13be-40d0-91d4-0dd3e6b1cae2	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:15:27	-15.459
-96	46176	4617600	eb858914-d79d-4f86-bee8-86d31aec2a1f	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:15:44	843.78
-96	92352	4617600	76e8f1d2-d175-40a6-a3c3-82a3dd3f469d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:05:48	9.955
-97	46177	4617700	68566a31-90c7-4a94-bcf9-686f4c95edd7	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:49:11	576.215
-97	92354	4617700	98298d91-de76-4ee1-99b6-4e63d731361e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:26:37	999.294
-98	46178	4617800	53894a91-ebe0-450d-bcfb-298f928b674d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 08:50:23	-232.591
-98	92356	4617800	452312b9-ad6e-411f-a870-8d2371104697	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:40:46	-494.681
-99	46179	4617900	8c6751b4-012b-479e-9602-35b9249fabd4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:07:25	-534.5
-99	92358	4617900	a9e1c8da-48f3-4696-9a39-603bec3011d0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:27:14	-267.821
-100	46180	4618000	abb1dd89-ccdb-4c18-a526-cc8e51c79113	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:37:11	451.642
-100	92360	4618000	9f83a730-fe4d-4062-b6f5-406584fcc2e5	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 20:40:22	866.618
-101	46181	4618100	f9f4765c-ef9a-4957-83ae-7dcb36bb66ae	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:56:37	296.83
-101	92362	4618100	f60ae4e1-bb23-4057-920b-0e850231b55d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:47:49	-765.547
-102	46182	4618200	d17a013e-5d83-4bad-9100-42b35fd0cb70	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:24:00	706.522
-102	92364	4618200	82101208-abf0-473a-8055-c0e0345bc9da	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:15:23	524.278
-103	46183	4618300	75b3f95d-e733-4d5a-9527-7cbfb5cd4b7d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:35:25	264.896
-103	92366	4618300	300884db-9a22-4039-842e-4357d39c9376	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 12:32:57	132.122
-104	46184	4618400	f2f9c8ed-8be5-4747-96e3-73fcfda318fc	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:27:02	353.275
-104	92368	4618400	63ab648a-c252-4b04-8f66-f46f682891b0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:22:57	874.837
-105	46185	4618500	d6bc0674-07dd-473e-8028-b688554346a9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:16:09	-734.681
-105	92370	4618500	f084ba41-654c-4ea1-8a6d-7ab307ccac5b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:36:19	444.210
-106	46186	4618600	c2fdcfb7-2f6e-4049-8b53-bdcb39582465	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:42:14	-232.898
-106	92372	4618600	aeb336f4-3269-4ba8-8a19-95bf6aa41811	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:36:45	-723.28
-107	46187	4618700	74e3eba2-2ccc-477f-b4b3-daa69f20f805	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:25:28	-320.241
-107	92374	4618700	56668cba-7614-4c7f-9d29-5648479791c1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:34:58	20.225
-108	46188	4618800	54904c30-706e-4fc6-8d51-baed00ee9094	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:21:57	-642.129
-108	92376	4618800	63fc0619-cc5b-4694-8baf-74c678260bc2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:52:34	-661.851
-109	46189	4618900	4ea9b4ca-533c-4199-be85-75fccdf506c9	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:42:14	-857.634
-109	92378	4618900	9e4bbe39-ce07-40f8-8409-6999972c88a7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:07:16	-176.488
-110	46190	4619000	1c0a22f7-12be-476a-af9f-5f0660e64ee3	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:00:09	-690.413
-110	92380	4619000	e7683587-8e47-46f6-8a5a-6a8e9ce1ee73	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:48:59	958.97
-111	46191	4619100	e54d6277-f95e-4ec9-8b6e-129e6faebd37	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:42:23	102.323
-111	92382	4619100	61a43005-3dca-472d-b97c-ca73319409dd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 12:18:02	658.980
-112	46192	4619200	90f18fcd-9000-45af-8c03-2da68452bd08	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:51:53	941.519
-112	92384	4619200	81348927-c0e5-4673-9502-d9b732fad4ea	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:42:23	-699.95
-113	46193	4619300	635e9e1e-9e55-426f-ad3f-fd0b4bb5130b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:54:30	256.467
-113	92386	4619300	130bf7b9-ee47-4bc5-9730-67bcd846396f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:21:34	715.472
-114	46194	4619400	d3c4cee4-14b2-482c-a424-56155eb76477	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:14:11	-576.546
-114	92388	4619400	166888b8-fc20-47f5-ba2d-bc6706583ae0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 19:36:11	-487.848
-115	46195	4619500	fe0ef5ef-476f-4b9b-81c7-e9e47fab8a27	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:58:52	910.142
-115	92390	4619500	838abf49-33ec-4fc5-af1f-1c0531ef96c8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:37:30	240.474
-116	46196	4619600	7cb272cf-23ff-46ef-88b0-d1fa9fbfc772	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 13:10:31	-98.358
-116	92392	4619600	dd82616c-8faf-4600-92b3-043d6dc276af	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:24:29	-745.26
-117	46197	4619700	0d2e4332-336e-49fa-a9a7-a80beff338cf	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:32:50	-594.661
-117	92394	4619700	30ab5679-0df8-4aea-8ef9-c21e7b5816cb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:23:08	298.823
-118	46198	4619800	9795b667-83a5-4b01-af2f-b318c4a9593c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 03:52:14	-143.995
-118	92396	4619800	c7286f16-fa9d-4018-bb37-f3f08a5a75e0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:26:02	301.98
-119	46199	4619900	ca1bc7b6-16ae-49ef-bfbe-60390834ff56	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:28:55	-691.765
-119	92398	4619900	d97a559c-ec16-4a91-8046-18a6956dd50b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:43:39	82.484
-120	46200	4620000	a8ca6d46-ba27-4d6d-bcee-ae2124ea5d29	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 23:18:50	-2.889
-120	92400	4620000	cb09dc7d-b4eb-4add-b446-d58126da7df9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:53:23	918.238
-121	46201	4620100	49cc98ec-5c15-43e9-abc3-e4721e7e3bac	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:58:56	-916.756
-121	92402	4620100	da4ff564-d1b1-4396-ad27-46fb999752fb	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:29:23	27.610
-122	46202	4620200	60a40196-9c11-472f-b36a-4b1e692ca3b9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:13:04	147.249
-122	92404	4620200	b6884dca-1772-4b0b-bb21-547390909e3a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:30:57	286.445
-123	46203	4620300	1ade50cd-39d2-44d2-a910-bc18fec7760c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:01:27	-778.53
-123	92406	4620300	751b14a3-5d3f-4e69-b1b9-a66ddbb1b44f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:56:50	991.740
-124	46204	4620400	9d8de4eb-9dc1-40fb-84c3-5ce5d2d451d3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:58:58	-381.464
-124	92408	4620400	a8922794-253c-4d80-abc5-6488caa36b68	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:51:11	840.986
-125	46205	4620500	4490c502-d0e7-4800-8ecb-1d58d4ae88fb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:43:49	415.181
-125	92410	4620500	ef44ff0f-5a3e-4679-88b6-310d7fec07af	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:06:40	696.969
-126	46206	4620600	6e788727-9384-46e0-a33c-ba5bfa291789	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:43:42	-382.588
-126	92412	4620600	c78974d6-325c-471b-9448-e7e3f5a6342d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:58:41	-121.841
-127	46207	4620700	1f701ada-6e14-4256-a1d7-ec4ff4acebfb	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:54:34	-478.273
-127	92414	4620700	4b507a72-1a87-42f3-972d-c208314cccbc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:55:24	-247.869
-0	46208	4620800	0c429781-1b80-45a6-aa5f-b6d1ee04bb03	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:08:59	234.943
-0	92416	4620800	ef50ac16-7a0c-4f37-bc2a-3a0095cb5154	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:21:11	-926.967
-1	46209	4620900	08059717-f011-448c-9cae-8cb86dc21481	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:50:14	996.317
-1	92418	4620900	3b570fb2-9011-4113-a9f7-7def76781e9e	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 15:28:24	-687.871
-2	46210	4621000	a33a17ea-6f1a-4fb0-ab84-774c4d22fb05	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:14:27	-191.763
-2	92420	4621000	bbe3260c-2fd6-480b-adc7-7486730b2be1	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:02:06	765.765
-3	46211	4621100	eaeeeff6-db12-4319-8322-e39901cf28a3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:37:09	-993.695
-3	92422	4621100	8a38e4c9-2340-4bdc-b9fc-ed8a04a2d519	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:24:15	-177.692
-4	46212	4621200	0fb3cb79-ff9b-45d9-b7b7-c0ad3c9a4638	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:59:08	-784.373
-4	92424	4621200	12932593-c632-4e2c-9358-c597ed86c775	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:55:41	-11.154
-5	46213	4621300	1b519fa0-28b4-4a93-ac00-54f598919eb2	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:14:40	-786.701
-5	92426	4621300	8dcb5c1e-a7c1-4c94-92ae-26804177a062	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:00:07	-92.635
-6	46214	4621400	a361b6b6-1120-4ff8-b6ba-1219a0451e6c	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:55:42	132.285
-6	92428	4621400	90bbe6f4-7689-42af-a1cd-3e822f0f03df	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:56:55	897.756
-7	46215	4621500	270b09d2-afa1-4876-bae4-24384e24da74	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:33:02	-21.573
-7	92430	4621500	3b107864-c0ab-4f70-b1d4-756be3b5f11c	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:06:46	-41.841
-8	46216	4621600	99bee704-4096-4bf5-a9aa-139887254064	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:04:33	-542.436
-8	92432	4621600	a0fa368c-3a71-429c-9871-35d9f9ec7520	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:21:25	268.549
-9	46217	4621700	5d146fa3-b17e-40a4-a599-794f7ac827cd	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:30:44	148.959
-9	92434	4621700	5ec5764d-a0cf-465b-bc02-473cfb335dc4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:01:10	-343.565
-10	46218	4621800	49671576-caa4-47ef-8d5f-d5eff44e2e3c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:03:43	702.252
-10	92436	4621800	5f69fd0e-76ef-439c-bec7-0bea3ebd14bf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:28:27	-532.229
-11	46219	4621900	614f09fc-da00-479f-a648-7882df1a07fe	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:14:35	-501.753
-11	92438	4621900	150e3c7f-1d3d-4b9e-a967-23ba49954dfa	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 11:35:35	-801.936
-12	46220	4622000	c02cce09-d4c2-4005-baf9-ea3699e9e651	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:45:42	663.713
-12	92440	4622000	e197e9c7-fe8e-4263-aecb-2f75f901b2cd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 20:27:09	871.489
-13	46221	4622100	17925466-eaa0-41f8-b573-5541f71f9c5d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:24:31	605.766
-13	92442	4622100	47e8b694-6292-4daa-80e7-ec7c9681aafa	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:59:18	-78.536
-14	46222	4622200	4f03eacb-4773-41c6-9058-df9146e494c6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:09:45	801.11
-14	92444	4622200	9230bedd-094b-4642-ae62-5d4df3a9a3fe	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 01:06:41	775.694
-15	46223	4622300	8100163f-a235-4fc0-8e8e-559e17710491	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:44:07	-548.897
-15	92446	4622300	1cbe7674-6396-4e20-86a9-7dbc33ce3918	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 05:25:10	222.640
-16	46224	4622400	d329f6e3-9623-4d74-8be6-03c436df4980	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:32:07	-112.896
-16	92448	4622400	94c99600-6edc-454a-b137-b56a9104c468	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:23:14	-388.205
-17	46225	4622500	4d31524d-6f3f-46d1-9f48-12fc548bd399	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:55:55	733.801
-17	92450	4622500	f26ebf12-4aa2-4798-b046-eaf56e4b366d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:36:35	-744.904
-18	46226	4622600	50cd4101-4c47-49cf-aa53-27e44cef417c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:49:20	-931.243
-18	92452	4622600	a48eba56-8a4e-4fd5-bc86-6569c1bdc2be	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:02:40	-718.150
-19	46227	4622700	5f6b7c8e-2afc-4f52-960c-8c93e2c9b987	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:28:13	579.414
-19	92454	4622700	0ed59944-5369-4228-b3ce-54d33f228de0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:47:22	85.62
-20	46228	4622800	f8300bfb-fe2e-47bd-9701-52e30fdbdcb9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:39:00	-889.990
-20	92456	4622800	e1e5780c-5c4b-4632-87aa-e6fb2247c231	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 13:28:41	294.337
-21	46229	4622900	82fa0371-980d-473e-8e6b-d58dc125677e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:14:44	-885.579
-21	92458	4622900	50b39585-a9b9-4d00-bba2-c3dd4b65d494	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:56:01	769.885
-22	46230	4623000	07cc1f0b-42f3-4678-aaa3-7a96a8488b86	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:57:26	-160.298
-22	92460	4623000	bffb2ce7-f9a3-49e6-bc2f-adbcd47d93b1	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 10:58:12	18.839
-23	46231	4623100	084e6694-b4b4-4fa2-8bb7-c80a4beacf72	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:01:50	-733.811
-23	92462	4623100	484ccfc0-2363-4087-af30-9c49ce2d2089	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:00:39	224.506
-24	46232	4623200	d39718dc-2f66-407d-beab-c0faf9b8cd26	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 20:56:40	-649.8
-24	92464	4623200	5cda1004-8ffa-4162-a8bc-b9528ae9961d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:52:13	-177.351
-25	46233	4623300	3f5c51a9-86a6-41f3-bf4f-e85aa1122804	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:51:58	968.707
-25	92466	4623300	a3059670-b1c8-48a9-ae90-41aa64b4ec90	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:51:32	-726.834
-26	46234	4623400	71142757-319f-4284-b5a7-f1a124ed339b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:33:53	-259.536
-26	92468	4623400	25c589f0-05ef-44dc-acb6-761c5979edb6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:20:18	670.382
-27	46235	4623500	5c76a9aa-8a50-4141-b81d-e26550bcb193	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:46:32	119.337
-27	92470	4623500	e6975af2-1b47-417a-8496-5942b70506a7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 19:39:56	-802.433
-28	46236	4623600	ae7801d6-193c-407d-a1a8-3512ce5ab4c8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:43:23	383.596
-28	92472	4623600	cb8ef816-4e72-49d5-9d15-a4b584f5b465	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:42:18	856.655
-29	46237	4623700	47362888-a539-4355-a2bc-83c4f7564779	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:06:32	-191.421
-29	92474	4623700	2ecaa0ca-4e31-43fe-8e13-089a7dcbe9b6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:12:24	778.888
-30	46238	4623800	5ded7ccc-ea85-4feb-a327-ba495c0b0de8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:33:47	334.389
-30	92476	4623800	6c322ee6-11f3-4c41-95c9-be55ef48163e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:58:21	565.783
-31	46239	4623900	852351a0-d33b-4dc0-84c2-64fc62bacd3b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:20:48	736.588
-31	92478	4623900	7036ee1f-a5c2-45cd-8a7b-24e94fcc23ae	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:43:25	-776.569
-32	46240	4624000	0582ba75-dff6-4f71-b705-abc9cdf2c6b5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:34:08	17.632
-32	92480	4624000	6cb85ecc-3553-416f-9adf-14aa56207fdb	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:05:11	-500.324
-33	46241	4624100	e95e9ac6-bdc0-4b6e-85fe-88493ff62967	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:52:31	-168.423
-33	92482	4624100	274d47c5-c35b-42c1-967a-9d81ea809424	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:55:52	99.718
-34	46242	4624200	5a69a0f5-2778-4b81-8677-1de2242cc3c2	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:32:43	-942.166
-34	92484	4624200	4d2872c6-1ed4-4f46-a2fa-8f2d813963a6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:42:44	-329.594
-35	46243	4624300	4ef31118-95b7-475e-a341-f6307d8438f2	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:02:35	662.149
-35	92486	4624300	fe13e637-ec1e-4dbc-b017-ea934c4c625f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:16:42	-61.456
-36	46244	4624400	2beb4c60-0bcc-4935-b084-4604af1c596e	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:41:35	-66.908
-36	92488	4624400	0f5fa211-7476-4c82-b7bc-a4dbc4d1f6ab	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:21:00	531.381
-37	46245	4624500	14e21b19-0a09-4b78-bfd5-8976428c8324	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:41:53	103.520
-37	92490	4624500	e925a5c3-717d-4388-ba05-cb17b8a44f84	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 22:56:48	448.440
-38	46246	4624600	925f9e20-3173-45fb-a58b-a6f64cbcb832	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 08:37:47	-565.898
-38	92492	4624600	ffe9d973-07e1-412e-8ab2-611de02a571b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:55:56	797.653
-39	46247	4624700	16b2fe8b-327b-4fc8-b206-3b2c8b5d0530	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:45:24	-368.567
-39	92494	4624700	a1b4081c-86e2-41b4-8f59-be77c4bd1f5c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:35:26	115.227
-40	46248	4624800	d93517cf-70ba-4610-abb9-d2e25818135b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:19:26	-765.667
-40	92496	4624800	fdb0ed41-5e52-433a-ad61-e30da4fb3713	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:34:07	785.623
-41	46249	4624900	92fefddf-5a55-4606-8e2f-58294184ffab	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:29:32	475.818
-41	92498	4624900	d9ca65f4-28c6-4e52-a543-7432c81e8d95	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:12:17	-455.14
-42	46250	4625000	2a854f6a-812a-4d2c-ba5e-e7fae47ce896	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:48:09	572.876
-42	92500	4625000	1fb862c5-c1ac-49ae-bd52-ef5d12a966d9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:25:56	-787.59
-43	46251	4625100	91fb68ff-1e22-49bb-ade9-c44e29efa2b9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:06:15	207.955
-43	92502	4625100	ef30711f-2b0b-42c2-960d-b39c2b21379e	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:25:45	733.331
-44	46252	4625200	e2869fd5-c9b1-43a4-99cf-9cd3a225bc46	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 06:54:35	373.34
-44	92504	4625200	051af94f-4a0f-4bb1-9a8a-5b01aada9f83	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:50:36	904.469
-45	46253	4625300	9fbfda80-8847-4935-9823-60ba6fa9432f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:09:20	64.555
-45	92506	4625300	04ec4ec7-fe3c-406a-a374-35ca0942564c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:16:00	-677.225
-46	46254	4625400	b911c189-b6a0-4b2a-88b5-21d7179d3c13	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:44:45	-574.122
-46	92508	4625400	0bd4d1dd-a3b6-4d37-b98d-210a350aac9a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:07:50	-368.413
-47	46255	4625500	e80cc3ab-01ed-4a2c-80e8-53e83208ba5b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:20:14	257.270
-47	92510	4625500	2c575ed1-091c-4f6e-a032-2f081b745a7c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:34:38	-445.629
-48	46256	4625600	fbe10ad3-9f4e-4656-aeee-a40689d778c9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:55:24	65.748
-48	92512	4625600	ef26bdaa-9fbf-4d15-9c85-a6ae2801543a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:58:48	222.459
-49	46257	4625700	7de5b95e-c9d2-453f-9cc4-c7bb5ea9a270	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:48:26	853.723
-49	92514	4625700	a723836f-f55b-412e-8811-a5ffce35aea2	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:58:17	-708.173
-50	46258	4625800	ab89e6da-cc1e-4b87-bbb8-fb3c10168dc9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:03:14	324.302
-50	92516	4625800	94db4bd5-92e3-4853-9467-cb3727f7f4f5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:43:53	-684.642
-51	46259	4625900	b249d879-7acf-4384-9d0a-e6cee27ca0ba	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:58:51	203.847
-51	92518	4625900	3e297ec5-635d-49aa-9d17-e72ad2d06ddb	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:57:34	629.907
-52	46260	4626000	7fb041aa-663e-424d-8396-c8964640a235	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:19:47	-626.818
-52	92520	4626000	f13fb92a-872a-4e78-a1d4-17a8d0c6936e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:18:02	-104.447
-53	46261	4626100	847a6401-cf29-4d92-966f-5561dbcf178b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:18:40	-716.94
-53	92522	4626100	d178943b-9f43-4e41-a3ff-36ce361f413f	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:57:43	920.887
-54	46262	4626200	ee6a1a51-f1d4-4e3b-9d75-8e40a187665f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:22:01	-450.984
-54	92524	4626200	bb40fbee-9fbe-44cb-802a-46a0257a8f66	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:44:23	-514.656
-55	46263	4626300	29f03938-b079-49f2-bfad-0cc29920231c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:30:59	17.283
-55	92526	4626300	3a0fa996-9c2c-4e43-a0bb-c6d76d238df6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:43:33	-56.828
-56	46264	4626400	4527b4d9-f726-4239-85da-9b0569f37551	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:36:17	871.644
-56	92528	4626400	f0be879f-e997-430b-883f-6f1c369f7b73	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 03:37:54	824.683
-57	46265	4626500	33ec5ffb-7a50-4042-a874-c1414e0088bb	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:55:51	-506.685
-57	92530	4626500	3d6d56e6-4049-4459-8d13-d499c3fc4052	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:38:06	-648.261
-58	46266	4626600	142cdd20-c2ce-4e7d-a653-662f00d42f06	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:44:32	-309.351
-58	92532	4626600	091fe281-d0d0-4d06-be0e-596270b6287e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:20:42	506.200
-59	46267	4626700	eb53776f-6703-43e7-8fab-04c1389370b6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:16:34	-786.939
-59	92534	4626700	8693ec28-6e6a-4254-a984-29520c74a9e7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:31:49	135.741
-60	46268	4626800	e92eafe4-fa43-4ee7-b5c6-ed1ac011246f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:20:00	-826.97
-60	92536	4626800	98486ce9-e7b8-4e8d-b3f6-38cf8edc69fc	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:27:21	237.794
-61	46269	4626900	08f53a0d-89ff-43fb-97b6-38c4d5e8122e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:11:56	342.754
-61	92538	4626900	4fec5a9f-8e0d-4e1b-9998-234680a2d17c	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:43:57	453.980
-62	46270	4627000	55783864-2aaa-4970-a6d1-3c7aa97cae60	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 20:31:38	-639.832
-62	92540	4627000	eb8d77d7-54d6-4df7-80d6-0ff507595f09	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:51:27	-298.762
-63	46271	4627100	78d34e32-cf6b-4681-8b1e-76ca5ca9b606	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:57:33	354.318
-63	92542	4627100	149d0cc7-6f49-4f05-a81e-36e6e8c859b3	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:30:52	-959.278
-64	46272	4627200	9e785366-1f1a-427d-aa45-c66c0f0392c9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:16:15	462.16
-64	92544	4627200	544ad3ab-f815-460e-bb69-e3266b825637	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:47:53	-925.714
-65	46273	4627300	cb5151df-0479-4ec4-96c6-50352fefcc47	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:19:06	-941.349
-65	92546	4627300	bcf7d21a-147d-4f69-9b08-b1a0475feee1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:49:28	-242.534
-66	46274	4627400	d8ae27e9-15f4-425c-af9c-f8eecfd9487e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 20:45:21	551.786
-66	92548	4627400	32c87734-e0d8-428a-a26f-2d08353c1304	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:33:16	-499.134
-67	46275	4627500	9affedaa-8546-455e-9ba1-a8dc8a1957ef	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:26:18	-277.399
-67	92550	4627500	a4e68395-73cc-416e-bbc6-45afa8fad8b4	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 02:35:14	-803.548
-68	46276	4627600	6588cb8c-e0c9-49e6-815e-ff1b547469f8	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 23:31:05	-300.795
-68	92552	4627600	c4251a05-1430-4965-9a58-fc77d292b700	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:07:50	-802.663
-69	46277	4627700	554537da-0a17-4f53-909a-de2678ee60cf	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:00:54	-214.177
-69	92554	4627700	a4ce3d7a-139d-4d36-a139-bf5ca4ed84b1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:15:50	-64.838
-70	46278	4627800	77789291-13de-41dc-b685-cc7053b46a8e	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:24:34	410.525
-70	92556	4627800	a63fa4c7-0078-41b4-8cb7-8ee9e91b233c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:35:49	-520.103
-71	46279	4627900	5a997af1-c598-471f-abf8-f084fc42e27b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 20:35:54	-860.211
-71	92558	4627900	740be053-adb3-465b-ac49-2527dae764f4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:17:29	451.611
-72	46280	4628000	25aac9dd-7521-4fd6-bceb-a62041ed0be4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 14:07:51	576.334
-72	92560	4628000	f4e96d12-3fa9-4ccb-8555-86de8cd483e1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:52:50	-147.458
-73	46281	4628100	de7162e8-3ee2-4d05-9d1b-d6f392b26962	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:44:46	-884.905
-73	92562	4628100	44a5a87b-2238-476b-bfbb-b9742b368a85	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 10:38:16	-295.814
-74	46282	4628200	2b362000-1041-4e7b-87d5-148ee136eb4a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 12:54:50	607.289
-74	92564	4628200	608890ff-cde0-45bd-800f-7e2f7d05fdd3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:05:41	320.441
-75	46283	4628300	fa51c20d-a599-427c-b19f-c09752fa4082	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:39:48	-750.666
-75	92566	4628300	4dd55e6e-9d58-412a-9ccb-d6687c0ca1cd	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:48:23	-928.291
-76	46284	4628400	52ac50cf-6b24-43a6-9b81-0441b7022fd1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:25:16	836.751
-76	92568	4628400	f0e4a644-0364-4c66-8b04-26b03c1b45c2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:11:44	-246.394
-77	46285	4628500	b31dc0ca-3a90-4e1a-80d6-dfc9c2c5d30c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:13:22	-405.274
-77	92570	4628500	aa6891c1-da5a-4866-af12-22d365b234a6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:44:08	784.293
-78	46286	4628600	716a54f0-43e2-45d3-bc00-b656cf7fba72	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:17:19	806.416
-78	92572	4628600	ba242e44-8514-40a6-a433-6b1cdcfb12ae	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 12:35:15	-212.869
-79	46287	4628700	12eb7006-4ee1-417d-9041-7cf573597402	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 04:51:09	-814.476
-79	92574	4628700	2673c8c5-d99e-4a61-b4bb-3dcf9a8912b1	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:41:51	-64.575
-80	46288	4628800	6c4cd0cd-10e8-4dbb-bcb1-d0d4c3f2cc63	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:13:38	-78.924
-80	92576	4628800	9bf74ba9-03c3-4678-bba7-65675d0f239d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:34:52	-697.424
-81	46289	4628900	ce7962b9-477d-4a71-9406-74e35fae63b7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:40:35	-891.357
-81	92578	4628900	35af02ed-0d22-4f20-97f0-e9d774b43b57	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:10:23	-816.39
-82	46290	4629000	b6dc605e-0a4b-4460-af0c-d5cef2a15487	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:32:23	-364.613
-82	92580	4629000	f12c34a9-d419-4fe2-bf43-f1a34d5ea08e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:19:05	-903.282
-83	46291	4629100	23539d9e-d9f1-4684-8622-0ff6de1dd621	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:06:08	-177.964
-83	92582	4629100	642cd7af-c75e-48c6-8ec8-b5f1572e0567	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:12:53	-646.650
-84	46292	4629200	f127728a-d2a8-47cf-9e7e-25edacda3208	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:20:22	-682.660
-84	92584	4629200	e700d384-a4ee-4429-b960-f0cc7712f2d3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:18:10	823.724
-85	46293	4629300	d6e0d5df-f661-4454-9cfb-6f7f81320826	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:24:33	-157.269
-85	92586	4629300	297a31b9-0f33-4383-a1ae-e0441caf6315	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:55:25	568.339
-86	46294	4629400	e1f95850-4a36-4a8b-a230-6920d2717c76	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:56:32	-802.82
-86	92588	4629400	107824c8-263c-4e3d-b00a-22a8e056644e	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:01:58	-440.657
-87	46295	4629500	28a69f8b-dae9-4087-b91c-c7e848c1fd57	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:43:18	-981.335
-87	92590	4629500	a1705b9d-a083-4f0c-a7d0-fe9de26d5cb4	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:52:31	-253.804
-88	46296	4629600	b8e21f75-3167-4cdf-b12a-5ee658ad7fd0	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:20:51	-185.322
-88	92592	4629600	8145310c-df0d-4c8b-9ade-04380902c407	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:07:30	-777.49
-89	46297	4629700	ffd0c733-dd64-4f25-9146-3d240615479c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:45:04	163.513
-89	92594	4629700	b74b5de3-2b6c-4ec0-967c-16ca6bb6f24f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:41:51	-397.635
-90	46298	4629800	9f2937bb-efbd-4b42-94fe-87f15dbfbe74	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:58:29	978.428
-90	92596	4629800	0f50eac3-9696-4478-b8c3-33c5c7cc9980	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:15:42	924.901
-91	46299	4629900	bf2b555c-1c60-4329-b9d7-5071458c3be1	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:22:02	-854.815
-91	92598	4629900	099cc30b-3b32-4a58-94e2-44e6124aab3b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:35:58	160.103
-92	46300	4630000	0122a70f-7f81-4240-8f15-a43398373b5e	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:55:13	733.400
-92	92600	4630000	cdec950e-c356-4304-824f-6d1de373b2b1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:23:30	331.339
-93	46301	4630100	21302b62-ad52-4b03-af28-0f7581fe4b82	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:27:27	-605.996
-93	92602	4630100	7816235a-e100-4f51-8837-c949998c2ff9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:22:37	44.872
-94	46302	4630200	b311ec9e-2bff-4bcd-920b-e7e5225e0ca8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:18:40	-17.840
-94	92604	4630200	a7abf65a-e79f-4daa-b908-13ca6f29b1fb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:24:55	-766.724
-95	46303	4630300	7a03372b-db36-4226-b18d-6d9b942831da	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:24:41	68.838
-95	92606	4630300	692cf498-a6ad-41de-aafd-a5ed98770dae	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 23:34:37	-813.121
-96	46304	4630400	1afaf306-28c5-4e77-8ef1-2625bb53f59a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 11:28:22	164.605
-96	92608	4630400	ae5f05b5-f5ab-4bd3-a209-ee68d45c3122	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:38:04	-500.417
-97	46305	4630500	313d97f0-3f13-4ed2-81d3-f84d9a855c3f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:55:18	-751.389
-97	92610	4630500	2ebf664e-6e12-4876-b5f8-ead735047c7b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:51:16	-17.195
-98	46306	4630600	de57cd23-55bd-4f39-80c5-5a63749e4f48	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:11:30	-918.412
-98	92612	4630600	d12fc3f5-b337-48ea-b1e6-5b462e54f7ac	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:06:17	-919.690
-99	46307	4630700	ca0d574f-384a-4940-99a2-53eee7a947aa	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:54:40	-309.612
-99	92614	4630700	bd1bc9d6-d53e-4626-88e7-f543fa15f21c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:56:08	-722.377
-100	46308	4630800	50af7c97-ab55-427f-8d1e-68ba63583feb	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:31:48	22.152
-100	92616	4630800	5d7a3c5c-190d-4a06-b978-676e338bafdd	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:05:16	718.310
-101	46309	4630900	409e1b0a-4dcf-4524-85d2-6e23fd3df3b1	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 21:00:25	-747.266
-101	92618	4630900	9d6429d7-92af-4c17-a1e3-72124473dae8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:47:31	691.907
-102	46310	4631000	ffea1edf-1996-4f82-a2ed-9ec62cd1ff0f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:27:41	748.507
-102	92620	4631000	b725effa-4278-4f2e-8212-26b0a4fca52d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 16:53:18	-206.775
-103	46311	4631100	8a92e345-9636-4ca1-b792-1ad0605309a7	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:32:24	258.926
-103	92622	4631100	8b2fc9ee-28e2-4c90-bf48-5a27a1b2b5dd	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:13:29	-938.557
-104	46312	4631200	b35488c5-700f-4928-9752-2ec78dd38a41	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:08:11	29.271
-104	92624	4631200	ab36ef18-1df8-49d6-bdc6-d6b112a1c897	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:33:31	762.718
-105	46313	4631300	14eeda9d-53b8-4a7f-8b2e-731ddd6afdbf	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:42:28	-491.821
-105	92626	4631300	8f0a2e8e-e700-4d44-a1b7-1f3c093a9f98	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:00:34	701.479
-106	46314	4631400	9b7f4c17-7e19-4d13-ba95-b399ff35a381	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:10:46	-675.259
-106	92628	4631400	0c94b9d9-b374-4089-92f0-cc962d4b08b3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 02:56:24	-975.244
-107	46315	4631500	b8750111-700f-4f56-8b97-9807131ba220	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:18:03	-818.253
-107	92630	4631500	59a5fbcb-4b74-43e2-b508-55fc524006e6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:23:48	123.822
-108	46316	4631600	dbe4946c-6cd5-4195-87df-17f9aca9f5a0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:32:11	979.226
-108	92632	4631600	9686e909-4c88-4b29-a772-a4136ae9c5e6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:51:03	-821.148
-109	46317	4631700	ac854431-80ff-494b-8b83-d63b9c730b9d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:20:06	4.568
-109	92634	4631700	395e0a4c-9a50-4d57-804a-f55ffb80a441	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:06:34	-113.235
-110	46318	4631800	e725f011-8cb7-4651-8be7-10dbc7ffa59f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 03:29:56	-744.387
-110	92636	4631800	256f3a7f-c11e-45ab-adc2-bed7b38a947c	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:31:49	397.655
-111	46319	4631900	6af10a3e-00b0-46bd-8121-e83e490b61da	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:12:22	791.588
-111	92638	4631900	3c1eb75a-1427-453a-b832-55de44701a74	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:51:31	220.703
-112	46320	4632000	de05296d-6d97-445e-a6d3-dc7f204c7a25	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:34:37	-54.131
-112	92640	4632000	0a0b4b5b-52d1-4c05-8cf5-823adf3b4458	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:22:54	-984.46
-113	46321	4632100	003c239a-bdd3-48d9-b34e-bf2dc8ab6310	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:17:34	-351.915
-113	92642	4632100	dab8a1b8-7c36-4408-8c14-b72015a34ae7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:36:16	-375.608
-114	46322	4632200	a5cd3ceb-7974-48d9-bb2c-33592a43592e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:05:47	-872.998
-114	92644	4632200	d997c590-49e4-48a6-a5fd-4701d2bf847b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:03:08	-313.812
-115	46323	4632300	f0850a40-303e-471c-a3c2-42d8194cdd69	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 17:35:11	-255.81
-115	92646	4632300	3d059f90-d004-4da5-91c0-ba0315b57bc0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 14:57:41	-901.948
-116	46324	4632400	202f2564-71f6-4203-a774-c181fc937799	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:15:45	41.183
-116	92648	4632400	db510b1f-6a93-40b5-b634-4acd394b2b6f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:10:50	413.252
-117	46325	4632500	9147cc23-717b-4094-b160-b1239e804c97	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 21:02:55	-883.565
-117	92650	4632500	a2b7ddeb-3efc-414e-92de-78728b23f134	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:06:19	-7.491
-118	46326	4632600	ea4e6e16-628c-41ed-92db-07b5034c8a0a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:40:53	-104.387
-118	92652	4632600	52d45948-d676-4bf0-bd6c-68a96b0e8537	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:31:41	639.791
-119	46327	4632700	30b28d66-4952-4b30-8201-3a18655e6eda	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:53:01	597.325
-119	92654	4632700	bfebb7cf-c3b0-4425-aaa2-3e4dc4d3aa9e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 03:07:05	351.295
-120	46328	4632800	b6df9436-a3fc-486a-8362-a9db59729051	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:53:36	207.188
-120	92656	4632800	adc5383a-9ce0-40c9-a878-f90295ee502e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:35:21	37.642
-121	46329	4632900	746d0243-c88d-41e2-ab0d-a6dd4d189408	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 21:07:27	-977.332
-121	92658	4632900	fa7861bb-98d0-4772-ae2e-62c4c9d3b186	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:57:10	-914.459
-122	46330	4633000	eb8574a0-c984-4433-a435-e428b87add74	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 02:32:59	-488.696
-122	92660	4633000	ef572c11-78c2-481b-8c98-153b85ddc04a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:02:51	82.146
-123	46331	4633100	725db7e0-6eb8-48be-ba03-ba92f754f1bc	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:24:44	126.713
-123	92662	4633100	948c2aa6-3a7a-405c-a1a3-614522272d0f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:53:07	32.17
-124	46332	4633200	4a3b18a3-ae3f-460d-b6c0-aab0d9161afa	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:37:10	50.484
-124	92664	4633200	68a90851-4697-4dc2-b9e1-e0c2d511b53e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:58:34	453.147
-125	46333	4633300	89d632e4-0c88-4694-b2c6-e5e87c2eeb11	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:12:55	757.981
-125	92666	4633300	a40ba6ff-4a57-4577-87a5-91c6d2d73703	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:44:29	-565.928
-126	46334	4633400	ac620e7f-3665-46c1-b629-bfaa540dae80	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:00:38	-192.418
-126	92668	4633400	4440b7f3-aba1-44de-93f5-9708e5c7ca68	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 07:22:35	127.501
-127	46335	4633500	ee6e0860-e74c-49e9-8ea1-b17646e8192a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 06:43:30	43.109
-127	92670	4633500	6d8cefda-678e-4095-a0c1-f1bc8a4041b1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:01:09	181.823
-0	46336	4633600	16b3d845-6dd4-41fd-b498-cdc0fd257f46	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:38:33	330.511
-0	92672	4633600	9d3b8421-55df-4693-8e32-f6e970cc310c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:02:39	-550.328
-1	46337	4633700	5af1db44-cf7f-4ea6-b6f0-9fc381104215	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:59:00	203.22
-1	92674	4633700	1bfcfc0a-4f7d-426f-bc11-a0a22953e434	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:18:50	-779.350
-2	46338	4633800	2226a91c-c603-44be-8aa9-9e3ea1d57086	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:35:52	-220.855
-2	92676	4633800	628fe35a-357d-428a-9090-07b36aee45d2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:03:01	420.288
-3	46339	4633900	29320e33-e796-40f4-85a2-d6182638d417	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:40:45	322.360
-3	92678	4633900	32050d18-e010-4a3b-bb02-337a69c75295	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:36:52	835.747
-4	46340	4634000	f466b0ee-1afd-4af1-9757-7868547196c3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:28:19	910.251
-4	92680	4634000	ef5f29c7-200d-40ae-b44d-1a2da943e22b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:55:33	659.760
-5	46341	4634100	72c39114-5c9a-4024-8dc0-98a73a38cbe8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:41:15	-168.963
-5	92682	4634100	374b36bf-da30-4b25-986d-779ada7f87d2	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:06:32	-538.67
-6	46342	4634200	c39e4346-4ba6-41c3-a20e-829383088e00	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:09:40	-475.245
-6	92684	4634200	a64bd434-0349-4adb-9f22-ce3faac0b734	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:14:52	215.274
-7	46343	4634300	9040c190-ef94-46d4-8b70-b738afbf0cf2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:36:51	576.799
-7	92686	4634300	6b925cbd-adaa-49b2-8bae-2ad8de055d31	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:04:17	775.347
-8	46344	4634400	01ba4bcb-f5b1-42f9-9afa-703d335f33d3	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:53:42	196.203
-8	92688	4634400	360d40e0-d94b-49e6-9693-91bbf68c037a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:56:15	-566.813
-9	46345	4634500	b448b0c1-5914-48a5-be98-7544d4449357	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:37:05	-804.746
-9	92690	4634500	ff7b5e3b-8c31-46fe-a219-942b5446b494	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:36:53	222.250
-10	46346	4634600	77e74403-053e-4bde-b346-455ebf226e83	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:41:20	-667.776
-10	92692	4634600	0f05a600-1892-4210-814d-4f5582a75e34	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:03:58	72.764
-11	46347	4634700	fbc5acee-a75a-4413-b472-e2e5e09db7bd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:13:28	716.529
-11	92694	4634700	b56165e9-d3ca-42d6-93e4-f9be48d795c9	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:56:56	900.976
-12	46348	4634800	0a6acfbb-4301-4226-a15d-d05c295a3541	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:11:41	765.555
-12	92696	4634800	a2763d6d-2a08-4d9a-9261-ec328b1bcb22	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:30:03	320.585
-13	46349	4634900	5a0122ce-8d3a-4406-a8e2-a4f942e68eaa	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:14:17	-303.414
-13	92698	4634900	36532a62-36d0-4c6e-9009-4c4021e2d840	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:25:45	147.567
-14	46350	4635000	7ec7d25a-262c-4380-a510-c20d32b6aceb	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:11:28	854.360
-14	92700	4635000	bce94ffd-7341-436b-a8ac-0da8797fee24	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:11:19	947.190
-15	46351	4635100	eb23ab90-82a0-407a-85d5-144d196a2b16	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 16:23:36	-635.57
-15	92702	4635100	8519552d-a96a-41a0-96c2-6f070e4cd108	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 07:20:09	-635.314
-16	46352	4635200	8faf0393-6a31-44ef-a693-7f1a4e6ea184	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:06:06	689.729
-16	92704	4635200	903fb944-4fa9-4e32-a39a-800830c8d82f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 07:28:10	340.838
-17	46353	4635300	8ca0caf5-300d-4d79-b5df-8ec621f31839	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:34:05	-815.730
-17	92706	4635300	3808cce9-b4d5-42f4-a53c-fafd3e038196	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:50:29	-485.755
-18	46354	4635400	89b1f06c-1f5c-418c-bd0a-862133a37082	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:06:38	-115.123
-18	92708	4635400	8e35dfc9-0332-436d-825f-6ebb211f0263	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:45:13	-801.874
-19	46355	4635500	e0ab1967-6a0a-4798-9f10-b182da433a36	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:27:18	590.398
-19	92710	4635500	92258bac-fb39-474d-b2fb-dd45b0fcd4ac	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:50:45	-479.266
-20	46356	4635600	2f46d333-f354-4ce4-87be-1bc09e2d7771	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:09:49	-769.40
-20	92712	4635600	e8f69b29-6131-46f0-8065-d5782507073e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:37:24	99.239
-21	46357	4635700	25ebfb5b-298c-4f64-a96a-e30b16d8e41b	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:39:30	-454.782
-21	92714	4635700	4799b554-eb20-4b9d-894c-c9011581df06	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 02:44:46	307.418
-22	46358	4635800	c6709529-3ae6-4a0c-9dca-4d3333068c99	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:49:48	693.701
-22	92716	4635800	d71065e4-18a7-4159-a2ef-bacb1ce57b3f	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:53:32	-529.390
-23	46359	4635900	582138cd-5622-460f-bda2-32f71a680d23	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 14:31:41	-459.39
-23	92718	4635900	b1689645-370f-41de-9e6f-82e3561be786	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:51:19	-382.318
-24	46360	4636000	757bd586-54dd-4371-a47a-2262f9a42556	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:20:03	-325.790
-24	92720	4636000	9cbd9409-48fa-4582-bc0f-3c7e090f9c57	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:48:29	91.253
-25	46361	4636100	962a131f-4333-4643-890b-597dc3e97e32	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:41:10	-856.703
-25	92722	4636100	b25e04c4-3648-4087-9cf8-f66da78935a3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:02:31	-136.227
-26	46362	4636200	41ad2015-fc33-4a0f-b226-119a2cbe7655	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 08:53:25	81.341
-26	92724	4636200	2bfa6427-be1b-489a-b21a-945ea6d8fe33	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:12:52	-647.391
-27	46363	4636300	8d4ace6c-a678-448e-865b-e44ebaa19ce0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:37:58	-984.326
-27	92726	4636300	92df8a24-1c6a-4596-ad10-24f977f0479d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:48:55	-429.913
-28	46364	4636400	b6e29f36-a730-468e-99e2-a9d5348c13b5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:39:26	940.290
-28	92728	4636400	51b09e04-3c10-499e-a2c3-3607a2fc1a4d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:12:41	905.651
-29	46365	4636500	0434984d-d025-4207-901f-466da8b2e74e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:02:37	252.609
-29	92730	4636500	697e6c43-874b-4b3b-959c-2f2f8239b8e8	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:13:43	-702.340
-30	46366	4636600	53bfce1a-4421-4a80-8ba8-92085b6f401a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:31:30	-277.558
-30	92732	4636600	deed49fb-6712-4af1-9231-4167232c00c7	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:08:11	-270.504
-31	46367	4636700	9aca527c-e21d-4514-8e22-335a4f81ed12	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:46:12	-386.495
-31	92734	4636700	3a2f4d6d-dcd3-4947-9eda-1fbed79f8d2f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:23:49	-253.231
-32	46368	4636800	c239552e-f98c-401c-a76d-210ab52a8b22	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:07:13	293.663
-32	92736	4636800	c762a503-98e3-44b4-ab70-d5e03a70bf2a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:35:13	-821.764
-33	46369	4636900	8d616d3d-fdc5-47e8-b759-a7687b9e6f5f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:47:13	19.775
-33	92738	4636900	83163927-f055-462e-ac8a-63f79ce40606	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 18:00:51	-745.800
-34	46370	4637000	bab98a29-fd50-40e6-864b-6463716f9dfb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:21:34	-816.646
-34	92740	4637000	b3c1b136-093f-40fa-816e-ebe7e4483ff6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:33:01	593.147
-35	46371	4637100	e9649459-92a6-4c2b-bbef-470adfe6d910	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 22:13:44	104.341
-35	92742	4637100	83af9286-1238-4e55-b4f4-c758322c0210	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:24:12	-827.828
-36	46372	4637200	cb49184d-2625-4b1c-812c-2f4c45919cf8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:27:46	694.553
-36	92744	4637200	00edc414-fadd-482f-ac3b-846dd779d313	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:01:47	438.15
-37	46373	4637300	b7fa34a3-5b1c-46a1-8526-86d7cc9fad52	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:30:41	-225.319
-37	92746	4637300	d6e5ee82-9d0a-49c9-aa5b-1ca86163211c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:00:49	-843.131
-38	46374	4637400	71dca1fe-8a9d-42b4-8408-ebfad1f38445	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:04:51	878.427
-38	92748	4637400	49cba7c0-d130-49b9-bfcf-ab4b53461f49	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:14:01	-691.500
-39	46375	4637500	2c99d96e-0327-4e40-a3bc-5497b3eecac3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 22:21:33	173.517
-39	92750	4637500	ad875fd6-2172-43ec-9f81-5e59cacd42bf	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:44:38	783.31
-40	46376	4637600	3abfb8b9-e3be-4cdd-abec-55643db76aba	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:50:44	464.341
-40	92752	4637600	c1b1ae6f-ef82-43ae-ba78-80a65a612645	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:21:16	-637.52
-41	46377	4637700	6e001ec9-066d-4ec1-895b-f5ab539b6867	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:01:11	-129.490
-41	92754	4637700	cbffbe5e-756b-45b7-a33a-86aac170dd47	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:18:12	173.559
-42	46378	4637800	95b68713-3b34-4c21-b819-a91ef384758d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:01:49	909.647
-42	92756	4637800	bfbeb3a0-e18c-45d7-ab94-18ee37978cad	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:06:31	141.150
-43	46379	4637900	e99ff301-f87f-4e0e-aeca-5b0a0e6dfbe1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:01:17	-298.779
-43	92758	4637900	3791cdd2-d02d-477f-9df8-86f1272a3920	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:13:43	-571.17
-44	46380	4638000	6c06c760-ad9e-4a62-868a-9f00deb59b42	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:58:34	172.507
-44	92760	4638000	eb70ca23-2e2b-4f2e-9adb-efe10e6b9206	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:19:22	254.846
-45	46381	4638100	bec5944f-9c51-4140-ac2d-bf1073afa532	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:40:56	59.839
-45	92762	4638100	072f92b6-b08b-4b2a-80ee-11e63da2646d	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:30:41	-811.309
-46	46382	4638200	1b4ce653-2d44-4b6f-9c29-818e6306c63e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:04:50	418.8
-46	92764	4638200	8369a34a-8a61-47a5-bb34-fea64a19d5c5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:41:21	-103.499
-47	46383	4638300	24c8cccf-2361-43a8-86fb-c765cd0b8019	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:32:09	746.43
-47	92766	4638300	1702f2b1-fda8-4edf-9e41-b636e201d688	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:28:26	28.875
-48	46384	4638400	c96f56a2-1ece-4b44-b8f4-0b7b622321af	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:17:10	-146.994
-48	92768	4638400	b068ad08-f71f-45e7-a8c5-843c38a68452	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:42:19	-24.846
-49	46385	4638500	9c2db515-3d3c-480e-b9b5-99693bb5dea9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:51:29	758.34
-49	92770	4638500	2e6efcee-fdf4-42f0-897b-7e8a0801b5ea	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 18:10:41	-988.123
-50	46386	4638600	b7fa80b1-32f1-4a25-8d60-2d3a3dacdc90	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:20:26	-555.348
-50	92772	4638600	c50fe5ef-5ff9-4661-af36-0c44164efb80	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:31:26	384.411
-51	46387	4638700	0cf45ecb-6e20-43d2-9f4d-a1f165a08c09	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:55:05	-7.7
-51	92774	4638700	6345f656-f879-4295-b289-f182b8551531	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:02:16	-976.38
-52	46388	4638800	c30d2872-dd37-4dc3-b966-653119137558	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:13:36	-905.223
-52	92776	4638800	4e046952-83c7-4da9-96b8-71aeec970dbc	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:44:25	597.77
-53	46389	4638900	ed24ef67-1695-453d-bd47-e991939076b4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:15:09	909.970
-53	92778	4638900	0940dbbc-dc6d-4b61-ba12-38ceb027b64b	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:26:06	-846.245
-54	46390	4639000	f6ed6d0a-1ca4-43d0-946a-59a10d96e768	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:34:20	-602.55
-54	92780	4639000	ea8c8b22-c206-4730-a9d8-f8cfdb9f2bd8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:27:03	769.925
-55	46391	4639100	62020af2-3adc-4a5d-905a-ab5608f8e7d2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:34:30	453.533
-55	92782	4639100	70e10cef-db8f-448c-a058-db5fd450cc73	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:46:57	782.294
-56	46392	4639200	0dbeb537-7f75-433e-9d16-9220e81e19b0	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:56:34	-403.255
-56	92784	4639200	bdbdfcf8-bcab-4bf1-8a0f-2c728813c810	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 18:50:31	46.819
-57	46393	4639300	69dc8904-4318-4261-9956-32cb58f82276	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 09:16:14	-499.588
-57	92786	4639300	006ca914-9941-46f4-a49e-cee1d2b3b058	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:25:00	-635.629
-58	46394	4639400	bf83a76f-d46a-468e-9303-7809eeedcd32	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:32:44	898.321
-58	92788	4639400	65022a6f-4377-4deb-9a58-53d36b7dd965	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:49:02	267.21
-59	46395	4639500	7f426a51-d9f2-44e5-bc80-f5c25bb1384c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 07:32:16	-172.515
-59	92790	4639500	be5a0748-e689-4461-b442-073b8f0584ae	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:55:58	497.542
-60	46396	4639600	c487715f-0434-4522-bb36-18d331643a5a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:56:22	702.561
-60	92792	4639600	ee190ae1-7915-4c3d-a038-30953632bdf8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:31:56	-585.237
-61	46397	4639700	a47423c0-2be0-4fc8-bfc0-a83c9c83c2cf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:28:34	-116.973
-61	92794	4639700	89b407b0-d417-434b-b0d6-c6aa0333fa3d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:39:00	-502.494
-62	46398	4639800	6bfd7b8a-933a-4f82-81a4-c08e7bf02e35	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 14:46:46	614.573
-62	92796	4639800	8beefbac-e193-46ce-8e05-d22f3621966d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:29:22	195.341
-63	46399	4639900	86d74f73-3a95-4fe6-b5e0-10e27eea31dc	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 08:21:33	-715.86
-63	92798	4639900	99388dce-b9e7-4c9f-bfde-881575ddfca2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:07:33	358.355
-64	46400	4640000	4fe39311-9bbb-406a-8250-987b4c6de809	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:45:33	169.609
-64	92800	4640000	8fbff796-7f69-4307-bb4a-8aeb179d0d34	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:41:42	332.760
-65	46401	4640100	b23de8ed-edef-4cac-99ec-2762274a7118	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:57:40	625.736
-65	92802	4640100	8fa49697-8490-4314-8767-ddb8d06630e1	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:24:44	-357.432
-66	46402	4640200	096952ce-ee0f-4b1f-9553-002f365e9632	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 10:32:32	-760.86
-66	92804	4640200	df76e249-5f9d-4324-b71a-1731834ea727	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:40:13	59.68
-67	46403	4640300	fd1d3ffe-21ef-4964-a02a-d8b1ce851fd6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 08:02:36	-311.68
-67	92806	4640300	bf748677-e55c-4bea-a6a5-479957c6cd1c	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:01:27	42.971
-68	46404	4640400	7521e062-87c4-4297-9c83-9f613b78b82b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 09:37:24	-998.956
-68	92808	4640400	e8ae056d-ad3b-43fe-a269-390df36e400f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:01:48	299.64
-69	46405	4640500	ecad722c-8417-474a-8c97-0a2d1f390c06	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:29:14	-777.349
-69	92810	4640500	d44291ab-f17e-4379-bf54-dc2adfbfed07	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:42:06	-117.766
-70	46406	4640600	087cfaad-bac1-40f0-8675-01c7dda4b1d5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:41:20	728.453
-70	92812	4640600	9af4e404-79cc-40e7-88e8-d6f4a60b451c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:40:57	54.566
-71	46407	4640700	c1d50a0a-9fed-4ce0-bd5d-419846af5c12	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:00:26	204.521
-71	92814	4640700	d1aea606-65b8-49e0-a9e9-25a4b76c4ffa	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:08:10	-427.309
-72	46408	4640800	bf1a6efe-d3b7-4841-a3a4-97d03beaf7c2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:36:35	-885.956
-72	92816	4640800	6bd54b31-2025-4f74-bbf1-548fa99aac17	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:56:26	-32.622
-73	46409	4640900	77089bc3-7af6-4861-b38a-6a0e2d729e3f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:59:43	439.70
-73	92818	4640900	be89cada-bd7c-4011-836a-5137c2fbc993	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 18:03:46	192.132
-74	46410	4641000	b69ab115-508b-4776-a7c3-aa63d3557fc5	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:35:27	656.222
-74	92820	4641000	c37d11dc-3439-42ea-950d-adb7e7d40587	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:41:23	-301.433
-75	46411	4641100	6246b4ba-4499-4104-815e-e1c7aff6c1ad	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:21:12	-418.166
-75	92822	4641100	39579b66-8293-4e43-a175-42253085ee18	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:34:56	-532.824
-76	46412	4641200	44b7a32c-6604-4b55-824c-ae02912c1d37	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 22:07:48	773.920
-76	92824	4641200	19033df2-af0f-489b-82ed-8b8856682085	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 11:37:55	-836.143
-77	46413	4641300	750e409f-7c6b-4701-810e-7470531695a5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:10:28	118.64
-77	92826	4641300	b8c0ddc7-ff29-4828-80b7-063d2867fecb	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:16:35	137.322
-78	46414	4641400	73482840-12c6-45a5-ac74-636caac93a1b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:32:45	87.784
-78	92828	4641400	efc8ccd5-cf6f-4b35-80e4-eb256c8050d3	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:49:33	424.873
-79	46415	4641500	cf9130da-1bf0-494c-8e49-462fa4e9e0e1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:51:21	-946.890
-79	92830	4641500	717ededc-9fb4-4c89-85c3-8e31b3ec354e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:08:14	911.749
-80	46416	4641600	545232ed-0d22-44d9-8a22-586695e150a7	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:33:30	901.971
-80	92832	4641600	98185219-0f10-4e37-9fa5-8147fb926454	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:07:12	544.803
-81	46417	4641700	502e4968-c092-4db0-9682-25764e021e79	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:02:07	-49.559
-81	92834	4641700	5d999d7c-7901-436d-94cc-77bbf3d2138c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:08:50	-733.906
-82	46418	4641800	86ffda87-887e-412c-8e06-112b295799f3	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:16:18	356.576
-82	92836	4641800	c6ca1ea2-b196-4a60-8584-f6a4bb2ad5f3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:58:36	-249.409
-83	46419	4641900	adb3fcd8-572f-4f0a-9f40-db09f47a2461	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:22:17	-909.812
-83	92838	4641900	accbd70a-25ff-423b-8339-5f0f556d7a0f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:00:42	131.752
-84	46420	4642000	7a4a2141-4be7-4787-88b1-31280b1a00cc	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:26:32	805.95
-84	92840	4642000	77da02f7-be6f-42aa-b833-a33422c94326	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:55:00	-451.731
-85	46421	4642100	0cfac041-0ff8-4b8c-85f0-826026755c95	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:45:39	-390.661
-85	92842	4642100	6e1dbdc1-ca92-428b-9939-f43c52aab45c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:39:16	19.754
-86	46422	4642200	86ab6264-ce18-46a2-973d-40ac25c47508	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:53:48	-398.200
-86	92844	4642200	4a3aacaa-4329-47c4-bae9-54f5dd8adf45	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 00:07:15	102.345
-87	46423	4642300	8083c624-4e92-4457-9f90-c6f463c9abfd	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:08:47	297.216
-87	92846	4642300	429bcf10-bdce-403a-a9ab-b7eb42cf31ed	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:05:17	688.313
-88	46424	4642400	952f5b04-f289-4a6d-9374-28d8208cb613	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 22:43:55	747.779
-88	92848	4642400	9387846f-3fa6-4a70-b1f8-003a128e264a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:26:23	501.466
-89	46425	4642500	74fcb9a5-46ab-496c-af71-6dd06b39a1af	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:15:31	409.974
-89	92850	4642500	015402ee-a931-4cf2-bd17-2d2b16e2c1e8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:50:55	309.12
-90	46426	4642600	cb6c26ce-bd44-4de0-82cf-1487569aa74f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:20:53	504.513
-90	92852	4642600	e3a153cc-1ce4-4762-9de5-ff6144047b58	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:23:56	472.803
-91	46427	4642700	fc93dc4f-c39d-4889-9d89-a6df7dd37cfe	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:09:50	-309.682
-91	92854	4642700	a0cdcdea-a8fe-4109-8617-41581fcdae0a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:05:32	752.997
-92	46428	4642800	e4fdf4a5-afe3-4c09-93fe-b6d7d31bdff1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:50:50	771.856
-92	92856	4642800	ae377b79-6e12-40bb-a463-2235d33b8a79	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 00:15:59	113.287
-93	46429	4642900	513d7d68-444b-4779-8573-c5f1fe089676	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:20:47	499.382
-93	92858	4642900	f3ed99d0-45c9-46b4-aebc-7a8362ce6410	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:26:58	-681.852
-94	46430	4643000	8b333a72-052c-4afc-808e-e27d5c3b16f9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:35:07	333.774
-94	92860	4643000	cdb5b799-e126-460e-b162-abdb9cf843d9	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:07:53	-372.903
-95	46431	4643100	8a3c2032-5008-4287-8e90-6f4c8242fd09	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:40:29	-899.247
-95	92862	4643100	9d69eae5-3964-4fe4-9f86-836d618a90e6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:45:58	-970.793
-96	46432	4643200	dee33ce5-691f-4c56-a44c-2fedab9a87c8	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:54:17	-784.126
-96	92864	4643200	f47df8dd-74c8-4469-ae77-bf535f89d880	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:52:02	-662.649
-97	46433	4643300	0abbced2-d8e5-4e84-8c13-2d7db2fc6e02	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:30:39	228.295
-97	92866	4643300	a453e564-a014-465c-ba00-b55a55fddcf9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:49:48	-403.315
-98	46434	4643400	4101bd52-c181-40d4-9f44-9a75b64e233e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:34:05	472.122
-98	92868	4643400	46c3aae2-e840-42e5-8af9-a0722b195476	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:23:50	865.528
-99	46435	4643500	f736940f-318e-411a-8935-ae8ecfbc0fcf	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:17:25	-306.373
-99	92870	4643500	7a0d59a4-b8cf-40d7-89f8-3f28f9804ab7	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 18:44:32	605.52
-100	46436	4643600	ad1a9c24-8261-4377-950c-adf03d5420e4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:25:53	-86.104
-100	92872	4643600	8b01cbc5-0704-4759-a8af-7768d588f8e1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:01:19	723.750
-101	46437	4643700	c0cccb20-bfdd-46fb-a098-f27be7da4d1f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:28:42	-315.114
-101	92874	4643700	cd140969-d346-4f9e-ba65-e985f00b5605	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:52:21	930.546
-102	46438	4643800	7e25ea46-5c3a-4be3-a84c-72f8e1ffd822	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:01:04	376.841
-102	92876	4643800	8bac4d1b-c350-4731-875c-fd9bbf9aa5f2	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:02:49	512.676
-103	46439	4643900	27792947-a79b-48d8-ac67-c79a36d6a1ed	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:54:10	-477.931
-103	92878	4643900	8404a4a2-fc8f-4734-a262-b1e805f325cd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:56:56	-623.771
-104	46440	4644000	e01b1174-6205-4eb7-99dc-a4fcc015c744	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 19:02:24	-903.298
-104	92880	4644000	044f5a5c-e64d-4934-9814-08b008cc72cd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:03:14	301.649
-105	46441	4644100	04846971-da10-4d62-b6f5-dffdfe09194c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:44:51	668.110
-105	92882	4644100	802680fe-3309-487f-8f56-a9f738f712bf	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:32:22	-271.655
-106	46442	4644200	349c4d32-9dd9-4d99-90c0-9de223a7069c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:34:42	-495.354
-106	92884	4644200	6f0c56e6-ae8a-4621-8ccb-3f2869e1c175	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:45:18	-64.913
-107	46443	4644300	eae1df16-82a7-4e7d-81e0-4472927f5672	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:48:09	-721.367
-107	92886	4644300	ee7daf48-3476-4186-8edc-a10898c754b2	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:10:02	37.852
-108	46444	4644400	23ad5dd6-97be-4ae7-a39f-c56a3bdf6be0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 17:10:44	700.935
-108	92888	4644400	482dd749-cba6-4046-b931-aa5b01b7768f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:10:48	142.127
-109	46445	4644500	7db14554-0936-4752-a050-d5b30ff8a3a2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:57:51	175.349
-109	92890	4644500	9f828738-0606-4d65-96ea-a652f48b45d7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:49:54	-178.701
-110	46446	4644600	9c2d86b7-c171-4874-ba98-08166142ce22	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:51:04	712.365
-110	92892	4644600	1450d6c5-471f-496a-b5a2-787ddedc6143	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 01:58:34	380.254
-111	46447	4644700	dc9887b3-bbf7-445a-a19a-87ebad414844	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:33:10	-568.468
-111	92894	4644700	d9f40908-cee5-41c2-bbb6-4574f0681138	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:16:43	518.497
-112	46448	4644800	361e931f-035b-429d-8d0f-96cf01541393	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:38:15	210.145
-112	92896	4644800	1a5e3fe3-9e88-4260-b598-fe940bc6c8a8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:15:25	-146.995
-113	46449	4644900	4e988c11-991c-4182-b561-c9d9d9b704be	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 04:53:32	-622.875
-113	92898	4644900	c2b842c0-1699-4284-8156-caad1c4f0a86	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:20:46	-398.533
-114	46450	4645000	5b452714-cc00-4dfc-9c96-18547481b044	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:54:03	14.128
-114	92900	4645000	ec363680-c9f1-4f8a-a976-cead9742666a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:39:45	-692.372
-115	46451	4645100	ffdddcf4-2eeb-4b9b-8b15-d429321a7f9e	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 01:29:36	-430.477
-115	92902	4645100	7ed727a6-1f38-4e27-bd4a-a1b85cf64a35	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:48:22	389.814
-116	46452	4645200	2f06ea9c-bba0-47d3-b045-56487afd8e27	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:08:42	542.640
-116	92904	4645200	cdb31256-6a6c-48af-8bb3-56a4ec48c837	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:34:56	-2.118
-117	46453	4645300	a2a7e7b7-4551-4834-bbcc-5c5a7731ec38	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 20:50:03	347.15
-117	92906	4645300	b18f796e-7d81-458a-8ec5-2457b0b2088b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:19:32	362.668
-118	46454	4645400	3ec8467c-fa86-4c67-bf38-5d271ac73c4f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 01:14:10	-191.762
-118	92908	4645400	112fbab7-fbc8-4ba0-bc2f-406efc8cc4e4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:12:00	44.540
-119	46455	4645500	950fdd20-399d-4439-94a9-665c4fe1b46c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:29:25	-937.738
-119	92910	4645500	5a380bde-8ec7-4bda-b9a7-286eae4fc427	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:49:47	-43.522
-120	46456	4645600	41b36517-d829-4a58-903a-4dc34ce5077a	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 15:02:18	-699.582
-120	92912	4645600	fa6f083f-28ce-4385-87ec-f66972d69503	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:33:10	66.935
-121	46457	4645700	c0706b28-d60c-4b66-a3b7-c6481dd7388d	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:04:28	-354.27
-121	92914	4645700	897509e1-05ee-4ef5-9e75-9e569d105369	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:59:16	678.489
-122	46458	4645800	133e5362-1421-4610-b316-f47d265696fe	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:53:53	519.905
-122	92916	4645800	0a22ff11-aff4-424c-bf31-8b4b59abd77e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:56:06	795.419
-123	46459	4645900	28db4f3a-586a-4c98-aabf-e1c976af2724	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:30:45	983.837
-123	92918	4645900	f5866ab0-bdfa-4b49-8472-1612beaa983e	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:12:35	340.244
-124	46460	4646000	12c32f9a-dc83-4f47-928c-557072826395	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 14:09:07	0.555
-124	92920	4646000	5421c71e-f6c2-4399-b24a-145d50161bd6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:28:33	-60.506
-125	46461	4646100	a29ad397-7af3-4052-a8b2-d7c6bd21959b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:42:46	845.288
-125	92922	4646100	18960700-6696-4a24-8696-a34cbdef91ba	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:28:49	643.630
-126	46462	4646200	b11498a1-fb6f-44cf-b483-531790f3d846	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:20:45	-127.193
-126	92924	4646200	8cc65a95-d5ac-4113-aedb-ecbfd294b49e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:51:15	262.558
-127	46463	4646300	d8bf5caf-f6de-4676-b6ac-19be59a2732e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 08:09:44	899.977
-127	92926	4646300	ae7866f3-d649-4c38-9138-808dbc6d41c7	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:08:20	-568.339
-0	46464	4646400	4cd33376-21a2-4b92-8888-7f9c3f5f1236	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 06:11:31	-533.471
-0	92928	4646400	e3223b3c-16b7-4f9f-ba9e-bef818a04ed5	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:29:06	188.948
-1	46465	4646500	63d0ad9e-9c0d-4dbd-acf2-10b0f041d5da	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:25:21	-170.233
-1	92930	4646500	a153c8a0-917d-4f7a-b934-8f764dd83677	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:54:11	-273.887
-2	46466	4646600	ca6024f2-ee8a-42af-afd8-b095dea0be2e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:38:20	698.27
-2	92932	4646600	6da8ece3-e5ff-44c1-9cbb-d9d4fb81bef7	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:54:46	288.905
-3	46467	4646700	1475d0c1-f85f-4964-a3ca-335411374854	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 01:45:50	767.410
-3	92934	4646700	3363b562-9a28-4fc2-83b7-94054a9bb04d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:02:03	-636.11
-4	46468	4646800	e606137d-92ca-4293-9a19-3f80cd2bf004	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:47:20	913.585
-4	92936	4646800	51b041b4-7cfd-4f96-ace1-1285c9a0f4fb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:40:59	183.230
-5	46469	4646900	7ff807ea-e02d-40a9-94a4-849de4ae63bc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:02:56	-338.451
-5	92938	4646900	9aa90b40-b248-469b-abc4-0622e8bcd2bf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:56:10	-574.906
-6	46470	4647000	cc0aafcf-1df1-4118-aa21-3b5eb40a3661	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:15:19	356.403
-6	92940	4647000	00a83a88-ee44-47e8-80a8-1707cd44d5ca	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:53:41	-366.591
-7	46471	4647100	f59ddca6-bbd8-4dac-ac71-282f110094f8	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:49:42	-713.454
-7	92942	4647100	d7a08ae7-bd85-4469-b52e-a0a25eab9fc9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:19:34	-209.254
-8	46472	4647200	a2cac3ce-c2f2-467e-9846-1b8daa8c48ca	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:43:41	-116.833
-8	92944	4647200	62d548f6-0a13-49b0-bb1c-a57457ac3b2f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:10:23	-587.752
-9	46473	4647300	e4d34cff-783c-453c-9a41-69556b2bf2ea	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:31:39	-523.758
-9	92946	4647300	24c6d5b6-7eb4-45f1-a172-5c18cc24b209	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:08:53	758.2
-10	46474	4647400	c293b834-3f23-46e7-9f6b-ffc073c85c59	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:01:39	-307.444
-10	92948	4647400	18fbe203-fb64-438a-a0ce-881fd05f880f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 07:30:12	674.923
-11	46475	4647500	6f55aa5e-714b-4257-aea4-782e8f983a78	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:37:54	-893.702
-11	92950	4647500	dcca538f-fb90-4d8e-93d9-247839e82d36	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:03:05	393.109
-12	46476	4647600	5b02c9cd-7cae-46bc-a304-c97ecd390923	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:06:17	-561.15
-12	92952	4647600	956e7f96-bfb3-4869-ae55-dca31a4050fd	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:15:48	205.87
-13	46477	4647700	6510a67a-9221-44c0-84e5-f93379d57ced	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 13:07:46	944.675
-13	92954	4647700	34b921ed-0002-4c27-8295-fb7779500f59	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:46:12	980.846
-14	46478	4647800	a2b8fb38-8e34-43cd-918a-1d968112031a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:17:04	688.851
-14	92956	4647800	4d744668-d5c3-4326-8a5a-7f626f8a5dc5	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:23:44	-907.149
-15	46479	4647900	099afc1d-8ac1-4ad1-aebb-7a0db37ea7a4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:02:06	-595.627
-15	92958	4647900	20448c82-a6c0-4edc-9a55-da4f3cab222a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:49:53	-516.240
-16	46480	4648000	df8b9798-f1e8-4610-9f40-2e4523618bdc	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:45:06	-652.435
-16	92960	4648000	c2bc60dc-fc62-42a4-bc71-48940f0fa12d	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:17:38	-27.574
-17	46481	4648100	c17d7f09-eff7-48b1-b92d-181c6c5fe8bd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:17:06	-465.760
-17	92962	4648100	43040603-98d7-4e54-a217-5f32ffd23888	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:08:07	-306.450
-18	46482	4648200	8574f00b-1a49-4346-a51d-0cf91ad37dcd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:03:25	-154.458
-18	92964	4648200	39f883d8-9e2b-4d10-a007-f0ba93c1a116	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 11:28:16	47.472
-19	46483	4648300	70d19bc7-288b-4d05-bde1-c529e1c6f5f3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:19:20	-357.753
-19	92966	4648300	a61341a2-a62a-42ae-bc80-23b0df1f1b8f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:10:57	872.157
-20	46484	4648400	1b63a354-fca7-4f21-9ac1-ff4926f0888e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:59:04	-739.663
-20	92968	4648400	eac19b96-9e31-4d2a-8775-406a2fd8d673	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 06:40:32	152.815
-21	46485	4648500	fca87fab-d4ed-4d82-b0ff-08c40a981c3b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:22:51	-431.816
-21	92970	4648500	c918c3d2-197a-4b2a-841a-7b504b9aa602	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:34:01	-470.144
-22	46486	4648600	5aa16954-de2f-4b28-95a8-9bba978a37ff	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:50:56	635.103
-22	92972	4648600	4e23d9e8-e5e3-499d-a037-8ff946e42889	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:57:28	-288.873
-23	46487	4648700	473380e6-f715-48a2-889d-8c812209d8a1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:52:32	-935.139
-23	92974	4648700	aad89a25-732b-4417-813a-3cf60d07279c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:14:17	-29.348
-24	46488	4648800	bfb7a5c7-6124-4be4-85a8-13e834b45791	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 02:25:26	797.603
-24	92976	4648800	4eacc7f5-43d1-4061-9261-49760ec5f491	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:48:49	-984.723
-25	46489	4648900	69e61e0a-a2d7-4dfb-8c06-6b31416499d8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:33:53	242.405
-25	92978	4648900	f43376a5-8a60-4c6a-b727-5c7e61386333	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:15:03	-929.746
-26	46490	4649000	cb043139-fee6-43c3-894f-ad44005a3192	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:56:22	317.599
-26	92980	4649000	ae7eb973-7964-45cf-9749-cab7e62f9d0d	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:32:13	510.890
-27	46491	4649100	71598a94-43e4-4f49-84e8-210663611697	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:45:33	-296.539
-27	92982	4649100	128e0e7e-49c4-42b1-b1ce-2b6f9b8a89ba	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:22:39	-326.2
-28	46492	4649200	f346dc37-131e-4545-824c-531a98d840e8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:36:37	-577.224
-28	92984	4649200	ec1b3dcd-84e7-4ec1-8087-d69425a0a7c6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:14:04	-23.314
-29	46493	4649300	43c2d390-c252-4bf1-bf94-a921ca378736	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:51:58	-141.317
-29	92986	4649300	2f78f3b0-2a6c-4657-9e51-9a5107cbc448	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:04:14	-764.19
-30	46494	4649400	1c830a0e-e911-464d-b076-0f78871d4f8e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:43:25	-505.333
-30	92988	4649400	92b69301-07e3-4eac-b564-0a4230d44c3f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 14:22:56	-102.775
-31	46495	4649500	8f01359b-9471-442f-bf97-6003a721e16f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:24:04	183.181
-31	92990	4649500	231798cc-92ae-43dc-9b65-a86adae93af4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:53:53	550.300
-32	46496	4649600	18ee2560-a798-4684-ba7f-2f00734c3dc6	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:02:11	-533.723
-32	92992	4649600	5e415c31-3d73-454f-a073-a287fb03bb6d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:55:44	213.309
-33	46497	4649700	9d601287-6e16-4c40-b17e-75279fdea484	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:00:20	379.586
-33	92994	4649700	60fd7871-9af1-4323-b1aa-70f8b5725797	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:50:57	482.731
-34	46498	4649800	57833fbf-29f2-431e-af03-37d61bcee3db	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:11:17	-430.593
-34	92996	4649800	d0f66eea-483d-4cce-aabd-90571b0ed162	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 06:28:24	240.56
-35	46499	4649900	356c55f7-b7f1-4d51-ac35-e4999aed1298	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:57:39	-33.903
-35	92998	4649900	8ca4e32e-19ef-47ad-807f-3e8958fc9d38	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:02:26	604.660
-36	46500	4650000	8e579db1-e1fb-49a9-afaa-43a8c34085eb	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:16:14	-631.197
-36	93000	4650000	0876c5cc-cbf8-4b70-b3dd-6d6d74a1d8aa	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:41:06	-41.417
-37	46501	4650100	547cc47f-1006-49a9-b2a6-b480a0829f81	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:35:49	-67.211
-37	93002	4650100	58da72f8-a2aa-4905-a3a9-adc610ee2e2f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:05:06	-445.722
-38	46502	4650200	9e31488c-7d49-4a26-8938-f73fb6491c24	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:48:10	-973.533
-38	93004	4650200	cb6ff1b2-7e7c-4f07-a0bc-34f6e796d0db	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:59:47	-953.569
-39	46503	4650300	690a0941-360c-4994-88b8-c71ac5e720ad	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:56:23	-943.753
-39	93006	4650300	7f8cdd03-1e6c-4f18-92a0-90251c9076c5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:14:20	-397.857
-40	46504	4650400	61e2572c-6d56-465d-a74b-39deadc89aa2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:52:18	123.696
-40	93008	4650400	e5faa2e9-85f0-4ebc-96e2-3c3dbabcc3a1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:44:55	943.388
-41	46505	4650500	5cb5093f-3972-40ec-b1aa-771b05b68c79	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:58:15	-780.814
-41	93010	4650500	af8f99e1-ba51-470b-bf27-a22282adff28	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:58:40	725.668
-42	46506	4650600	fc687611-3f04-45fa-8ad4-cff1571882a2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 20:51:48	934.886
-42	93012	4650600	e1a53244-97f6-4583-a579-07296ee16cc6	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:35:45	998.516
-43	46507	4650700	511c356e-8a05-4036-b10d-f7a39937c248	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:50:54	-969.674
-43	93014	4650700	c11de175-d06d-423a-9df5-6dbd6ce296f2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:23:41	-149.541
-44	46508	4650800	2e071d00-64f4-4b41-aa6d-b395b93b72c5	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:17:24	-395.357
-44	93016	4650800	867eaddd-8122-494e-bc35-85799f9df93e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 12:11:54	-865.625
-45	46509	4650900	d45e3d95-097e-40b5-af4a-7b871bcbd12f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 13:04:19	809.545
-45	93018	4650900	48ed9bf3-caf9-4cf7-bbed-6a8c05b1f6e6	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:02:50	404.590
-46	46510	4651000	9d488229-aa23-4e5a-8d96-91161b1be5fa	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:58:49	-260.707
-46	93020	4651000	41cc57e6-c06c-429b-9cc4-64c26a7a9ef2	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:01:19	30.532
-47	46511	4651100	3146f331-2cfc-43b0-adf1-5e8fb0b667ee	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:28:33	413.454
-47	93022	4651100	35af46d8-18cd-4432-b3e9-fece2a386bb4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:20:25	-724.541
-48	46512	4651200	bfb340bd-e8f9-4ca8-980d-4a0a450675fc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:17:43	-424.758
-48	93024	4651200	2fec9c7a-a4f5-4966-8c80-8dcc317e30e4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:51:11	-626.841
-49	46513	4651300	440195e8-10ad-4b43-bba7-22637a99fa9c	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:46:22	71.3
-49	93026	4651300	96850874-044c-4fee-9ace-795b22310161	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:53:12	830.38
-50	46514	4651400	0fb8198d-4113-448a-87d8-7c57bb4173de	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:49:36	269.260
-50	93028	4651400	20cd0912-a364-4a3b-9d82-5b9106b96524	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:20:27	-501.29
-51	46515	4651500	a2231797-ba1a-4819-8642-d3344b0f4ab7	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 08:58:59	928.113
-51	93030	4651500	23086a63-2619-4456-8b88-12087719e33c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:05:46	147.916
-52	46516	4651600	66835d89-28de-48a2-b986-8a07cfcf1f69	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:01:11	39.211
-52	93032	4651600	6c29d338-5b7a-491a-8fd7-f3e1defb4084	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:25:05	-408.328
-53	46517	4651700	0c2877dc-49a8-4651-9004-64adf4a117cb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:55:12	-363.24
-53	93034	4651700	8e0d46e7-4d7e-4ef0-8014-e02ecfe9a6f9	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:44:32	927.641
-54	46518	4651800	7cff050b-1104-4d1d-990f-100c211b2c73	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:14:35	301.826
-54	93036	4651800	731b705e-a368-4d87-a3c0-7e5481c9121f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:58:16	-500.991
-55	46519	4651900	06964901-8811-49ac-bb20-080c29e40005	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:29:14	670.452
-55	93038	4651900	b11eb6f3-5cbc-4604-947a-09e38a962cc0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:33:46	-821.736
-56	46520	4652000	4c745b77-6829-445c-a299-383d962f475d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:34:46	851.459
-56	93040	4652000	4a0ed5ea-7e0b-4292-9ab0-30fb1583f3e4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 20:09:01	291.640
-57	46521	4652100	5968a3d1-7bc0-44a9-8c78-17f13958a178	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:46:11	607.545
-57	93042	4652100	1e3be3cf-d2b6-493d-80eb-f03a1be5b518	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:58:53	-677.906
-58	46522	4652200	65144338-9e8d-434c-b952-6b173a939a7a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:27:25	-259.240
-58	93044	4652200	d81cbc79-cf97-4f38-847d-5fe6007f6025	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 22:57:02	72.295
-59	46523	4652300	452f107b-fe66-4b14-8d96-2be3011f032f	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:19:35	-364.659
-59	93046	4652300	4fc70ba8-6103-41b4-a236-68c6952bf58f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:22:02	-274.90
-60	46524	4652400	7028f271-51c5-47f2-858d-3c6e3636b23b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:01:27	-822.212
-60	93048	4652400	4748d87a-11c3-42c8-9de6-ac2e294c26e7	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:40:43	396.986
-61	46525	4652500	1b2ef514-2504-4c14-97ba-a560cb74d19d	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:17:47	-560.796
-61	93050	4652500	83ea9afb-6bae-407d-a27a-d4531b3a1b64	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:27:31	-44.493
-62	46526	4652600	39055367-4b1a-42e6-be79-a977933bc336	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:15:43	186.620
-62	93052	4652600	d70432f1-4ff3-499c-a035-3ed13a707849	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:31:40	817.286
-63	46527	4652700	7cbfa5f1-a561-4af1-9a37-4b57a66f8875	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:57:59	571.503
-63	93054	4652700	a1366db5-8ad9-4437-a050-dcc3546581dd	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 17:25:02	-618.689
-64	46528	4652800	3f133474-a8c5-43e6-bce6-4ea83c121ca5	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 19:35:39	669.395
-64	93056	4652800	ef641a39-a24c-47b7-9118-c57200fe6df3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:16:36	-705.544
-65	46529	4652900	dbfb7da0-d64e-4ea8-8b54-b58bad4ea411	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:02:19	-114.859
-65	93058	4652900	f142ea39-b517-4bc3-b115-9e4f746d5e6b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 19:30:27	-626.553
-66	46530	4653000	cdbb069e-4f99-405f-ab17-95c55878f7a0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:53:23	44.188
-66	93060	4653000	b7ed87a4-066d-4ab4-8c4e-dc11c0e2e90b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:00:48	-404.241
-67	46531	4653100	3af16b9e-83e4-451e-b2ba-78b892ab7f85	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:48:01	-708.545
-67	93062	4653100	dcbb1b91-dae7-49ba-8aed-09ef91c93ca1	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:26:24	209.401
-68	46532	4653200	4cc02c74-5d7a-4f03-8d36-0e7caacf212d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:45:22	-639.617
-68	93064	4653200	5219110c-5fb5-47d5-8042-3b21b33bb7b4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:59:47	708.827
-69	46533	4653300	9cb66662-d218-47f2-9fe8-17c1f2bb0824	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:03:43	809.836
-69	93066	4653300	c6f0fb53-ef8b-42fc-91b6-1e94a0c59d29	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:34:48	459.592
-70	46534	4653400	c411ed70-cb16-4693-99b0-e53a98a5ee70	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:19:10	-66.491
-70	93068	4653400	1e1c120c-5b1f-42dc-b421-7dd1d5af133d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:21:45	-839.58
-71	46535	4653500	a9be14f8-5941-4887-9fb5-a800e3b12ac1	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:15:20	321.452
-71	93070	4653500	9d84ae5a-4186-4f8d-ba3e-a5cbbbf9c9ca	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:38:01	944.773
-72	46536	4653600	f76b3650-d21d-4224-8eac-09f75ec89818	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:56:12	-815.166
-72	93072	4653600	b77d25e1-e0da-45e1-95e9-aacd27c4f868	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:56:22	725.878
-73	46537	4653700	8085c938-e89e-4fb1-b7fc-81c8140ce1e6	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:13:53	-458.727
-73	93074	4653700	e13cc1a7-52b4-4040-ab89-cb72157dcef5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:32:04	314.470
-74	46538	4653800	37f92101-fb66-49e8-abe9-ce9787eaa616	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 20:03:01	-182.757
-74	93076	4653800	158e402d-d154-4d0a-81e1-1d8a047072e8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:27:20	762.622
-75	46539	4653900	bc95559b-1c31-4355-ab7f-d43fa2ac3724	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:39:03	-869.139
-75	93078	4653900	511d1858-d5f4-4a88-b005-12ec84f3186b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:54:23	-268.521
-76	46540	4654000	5e240489-9a31-4efa-927b-e36c114505e8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:17:53	943.613
-76	93080	4654000	4baa039c-059c-44d6-8cbb-2785d9b912dc	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:17:10	-497.306
-77	46541	4654100	49cd5ce2-81d8-473d-9781-1ac88334f2b3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:16:57	61.400
-77	93082	4654100	93b73136-a13b-4728-8431-f3ccc61ae059	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:58:21	-790.64
-78	46542	4654200	4f2fbb60-97e9-4bbb-b171-0d6db7410489	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:36:14	84.672
-78	93084	4654200	374aa736-6685-4ec7-a120-448c741497e2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:27:46	-426.159
-79	46543	4654300	8c78e4f3-e455-4627-b772-7cc0a93b3615	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:18:53	849.118
-79	93086	4654300	1640cb43-1169-4ea5-a66e-0b085f7965a5	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:12:29	936.89
-80	46544	4654400	fc3b7a51-23fa-4741-b86d-051c8c7d70ab	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:20:45	442.819
-80	93088	4654400	a44d5487-70ec-4f66-9467-7283298b72fa	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 11:54:39	-566.650
-81	46545	4654500	588740bc-ff2b-46e5-92de-66e959ac418c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:57:46	123.138
-81	93090	4654500	6c822bbc-384d-4fca-ba23-cacaf4147c65	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:39:51	-902.293
-82	46546	4654600	b74cecba-4758-43de-b57a-1fd1089be8b6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:06:10	-2.691
-82	93092	4654600	96da0478-f95c-4772-8e8f-ac80f2464e97	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 02:42:30	-785.627
-83	46547	4654700	b741ba07-cdcf-48de-91f9-6a3d1527000d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:31:56	293.629
-83	93094	4654700	e501f7c3-3daf-4c21-8095-d373ad692de0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:01:40	917.619
-84	46548	4654800	c0325ee6-e0f1-4241-b3de-2cd4244508f6	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:03:50	500.569
-84	93096	4654800	5f3f589a-d84e-4d23-a65a-9e1e5525ff64	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:05:19	277.85
-85	46549	4654900	b35868fc-eb32-48f9-b6a4-4cea66db05ee	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:44:35	556.469
-85	93098	4654900	31cdc9cc-5c6e-43d6-9d18-9cb85535ba56	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:49:50	-660.112
-86	46550	4655000	0a773dcb-4791-4458-b05e-363ebb465134	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:46:55	151.61
-86	93100	4655000	e6b47c9f-12b0-4475-bc55-f2e333602e2a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:54:26	-419.282
-87	46551	4655100	f1f5e8e5-f0f1-4df4-aeac-049832632145	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:59:52	619.490
-87	93102	4655100	8a33bac4-d170-4bd6-b52d-5defb345f13b	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:21:15	-113.534
-88	46552	4655200	9a84b07b-45c7-45e8-bf3d-4e25f9dce92e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:39:14	373.384
-88	93104	4655200	e463a674-b4e0-4e59-96da-2c369c76e95e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 20:19:43	-797.519
-89	46553	4655300	f4011b85-78ee-4369-bf8b-c26a1128772c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 03:05:15	558.838
-89	93106	4655300	0d8918a1-a6a1-4e74-a19a-bae8619ccfc8	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 03:25:57	-924.956
-90	46554	4655400	9b7735d8-bef4-4382-a43f-591918a123c4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:32:29	528.285
-90	93108	4655400	37ecb28c-bc39-4908-8c17-5c53328c0a83	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:26:49	-701.680
-91	46555	4655500	bf99f867-79eb-4f7a-a379-64570c2f06a8	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:58:38	834.791
-91	93110	4655500	68751d3e-65d4-410e-9ccc-63bb0416e62f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:36:59	476.165
-92	46556	4655600	71902cdc-5a2f-4104-805d-e81324c676d4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:47:16	-608.34
-92	93112	4655600	d187e65a-bd0c-4d22-9894-ccc4c718f0e1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:50:08	-878.510
-93	46557	4655700	a307322c-acb0-482b-b287-8915de7ebeae	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:22:06	797.726
-93	93114	4655700	1ee1e1da-23c4-4751-baed-dd463c74b134	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:05:12	-853.938
-94	46558	4655800	6750197f-4aa9-41bb-b2ae-c0e4e2b0fb20	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:26:06	-893.647
-94	93116	4655800	92d4b91a-4d90-4ecb-87f1-7c28dd7ebda1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 18:15:50	-739.795
-95	46559	4655900	88190414-17da-4c47-8bb2-509c38a102c5	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:12:32	-823.673
-95	93118	4655900	50979f84-3afd-45d1-9404-618f303f7833	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:37:44	867.562
-96	46560	4656000	514a9745-76ff-45d7-acf2-994387dd3e07	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:00:04	-381.358
-96	93120	4656000	44ad57bf-6759-4fe2-9530-40446a54bb31	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:58:29	-11.947
-97	46561	4656100	4c8dbfbc-f8bb-459d-bbc1-2b50ac3e1af8	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:32:03	-696.799
-97	93122	4656100	c38abd40-4868-440d-99c7-e0856486f1f2	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:20:26	754.173
-98	46562	4656200	d1d34c19-dfe4-4a43-a95e-ca289654ed70	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:56:18	375.995
-98	93124	4656200	767e0494-f253-41aa-97ae-9ca7c91fbe12	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:43:28	-148.43
-99	46563	4656300	bcfde7a8-b8d1-456c-98f1-a0fef76ae5a9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 04:36:46	-438.473
-99	93126	4656300	54d59235-8fae-4f1e-9c0d-e72836721430	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 23:42:36	-266.442
-100	46564	4656400	393f63ff-29f8-4296-957a-326b4658bf60	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 02:54:45	-339.465
-100	93128	4656400	8a120c7b-b65a-408c-9fdc-5f8ca72cd8c7	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:37:00	-281.787
-101	46565	4656500	688bb35a-ef50-420f-a18b-24a264c2649f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 19:37:17	480.451
-101	93130	4656500	3270af9c-47eb-4f7a-8372-cc9c67e4f604	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:08:42	-79.962
-102	46566	4656600	8cb59e60-c5cb-4331-b85d-b2e6f161d5b8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:11:46	769.464
-102	93132	4656600	1c8826e2-021a-4c5e-9a64-921cc26e5468	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:04:24	-912.335
-103	46567	4656700	bd26cdaa-e98c-4fd7-830b-bb844d4e0080	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 07:17:09	-605.481
-103	93134	4656700	2918e01d-8133-430f-a597-4544bf0ad5da	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:56:44	719.84
-104	46568	4656800	91c23b12-7449-48b6-9b57-33798620a748	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:02:09	622.47
-104	93136	4656800	3b77689d-6d76-48ad-81a3-c371b10dceb6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:49:45	122.548
-105	46569	4656900	11605009-7006-4ed0-bd3c-3bd4b4488a6f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 01:46:39	726.828
-105	93138	4656900	fa242e76-989b-4197-a417-b52bcfec7e12	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 21:07:06	-669.508
-106	46570	4657000	8d775fe2-3cc9-4e7c-8390-923094714c5c	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:34:27	230.710
-106	93140	4657000	bed951fc-e5c1-4717-889a-69e251ce525c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:53:50	-260.122
-107	46571	4657100	2ede5ba0-9861-4361-8ae2-0cca99dfd8fe	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:34:40	-153.247
-107	93142	4657100	882fcbf9-3f32-41e7-a890-de62c5f71777	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:20:33	-836.122
-108	46572	4657200	3f0d3a09-1e5d-429e-bd0f-15ec740a2164	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:50:50	-313.810
-108	93144	4657200	61e5ea0a-f9f0-4392-9756-ad181e2855b7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:17:52	-376.316
-109	46573	4657300	52c68591-e46d-4b14-b4ca-51bd96d16014	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 08:22:40	-245.105
-109	93146	4657300	993e48bd-ee04-4b2b-920a-832c0ca1f0b8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:06:30	-36.741
-110	46574	4657400	487db53f-21fa-43a6-aa06-b00186982377	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:52:25	823.479
-110	93148	4657400	0bfc0b9e-b2ff-4cac-82c5-a5ee0210e0ab	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:41:28	-501.400
-111	46575	4657500	a327efa4-7282-4b4f-b07e-13b6f3891666	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:04:29	905.29
-111	93150	4657500	77a830a0-4d10-4495-ae26-5bce81166b2a	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 01:15:34	-384.680
-112	46576	4657600	19443695-0cbb-4920-a310-b1be7dba1dbf	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:10:30	225.416
-112	93152	4657600	08b0650e-b92f-4f1a-b9bc-c23af89bb463	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:21:39	-634.320
-113	46577	4657700	bcabb03f-1412-41a2-b4d2-ba12f2e8e920	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 19:04:41	-476.475
-113	93154	4657700	e533d572-24a3-4e59-be92-71f646918541	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:22:55	-938.951
-114	46578	4657800	651ecba5-d13c-4993-b47a-cef4e5ddb2e2	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:52:18	-336.827
-114	93156	4657800	cab61931-5851-4b55-804d-4c2de66bccbd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:45:56	-380.895
-115	46579	4657900	9fa81e41-8a3e-4cd9-ad4c-7c58b7039668	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:58:26	397.405
-115	93158	4657900	8dda3eaf-2fe9-4057-b129-dddb9358625f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:24:14	-529.686
-116	46580	4658000	af9996da-4a14-40bc-b90f-41782cd9bf92	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:08:13	282.894
-116	93160	4658000	d5916453-fa1a-4553-9552-b47151c85702	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:22:01	165.844
-117	46581	4658100	5458b339-f640-4391-8072-159c03199239	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:49:37	352.513
-117	93162	4658100	8a227425-0dbb-4d31-9b7d-1b39a30183cb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:34:50	-371.487
-118	46582	4658200	fe915c9c-3a9a-4cd2-9935-46b8f74f4f27	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 15:24:05	338.878
-118	93164	4658200	30760101-a4a6-480e-bb2a-6ba8cc06bd3f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:00:00	790.451
-119	46583	4658300	8e0c7dd8-cd1e-4b9a-9a1c-1cacf5fd598f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:16:45	-390.184
-119	93166	4658300	ab69dd5e-15d2-4258-9aa2-d81578a45b00	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 01:54:32	206.827
-120	46584	4658400	ef3edd5f-97fa-4a99-95dc-50145dee5d7f	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:19:46	599.195
-120	93168	4658400	00fc7974-04e9-47a7-94e6-47b95559572a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:05:12	-417.825
-121	46585	4658500	a17264da-8329-495f-8d53-61ec35ba76e7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:54:47	606.501
-121	93170	4658500	8713d5d1-6bd7-4462-ad68-977c645f4cd4	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:09:51	393.624
-122	46586	4658600	f3b0d453-c8d7-401c-a946-a0b22389ab52	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 14:48:49	-975.717
-122	93172	4658600	d9f348af-dad6-4362-90fd-55e36dfb5835	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:50:24	-487.374
-123	46587	4658700	95df9249-3b22-4a70-84a9-2517777b4c88	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:21:33	-636.450
-123	93174	4658700	36581dcf-ba7f-40e0-9079-a7362494a9e9	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:38:44	575.750
-124	46588	4658800	2702486b-2c37-4f98-b194-5ae0f98667dd	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:09:26	-947.535
-124	93176	4658800	6b3bc386-13fb-4ec4-8c8b-5f80aa707399	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:38:02	156.633
-125	46589	4658900	affd310b-5b7e-4bfc-9814-381572ab562c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 05:37:02	501.262
-125	93178	4658900	2a90723c-5380-4981-91ba-94e17c8f0712	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:00:11	325.294
-126	46590	4659000	a13175c8-96e8-461f-8076-b0d746ff7dcc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:20:39	234.299
-126	93180	4659000	045c526b-c9c5-4e15-b582-bab07fb8d44a	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:48:18	373.703
-127	46591	4659100	5c333fd0-5126-4557-a35c-aacee8aa0dd7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:11:52	991.688
-127	93182	4659100	57d42268-219d-4acd-8f78-a1326b8cd444	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:14:05	-99.680
-0	46592	4659200	0984223a-e211-441f-81df-b4b42cd30f5c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:45:12	-288.13
-0	93184	4659200	3d3cf2e2-7982-4a4a-a727-7f99098b2393	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 19:40:21	465.503
-1	46593	4659300	f5e44108-d2f0-4f79-a5a9-44d958b8af06	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:45:37	330.518
-1	93186	4659300	0198952b-a3af-4274-864b-afac5663e674	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:02:45	-318.589
-2	46594	4659400	b9fb279d-a314-436c-b4fb-137faef674d4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 11:50:22	513.755
-2	93188	4659400	08b936f2-45f8-48d8-9317-8132cb668596	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:04:55	993.636
-3	46595	4659500	f1790d05-d432-4659-a3a8-fb5ecbfa56f2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 01:16:19	556.313
-3	93190	4659500	6ea5c35a-dcd0-4b28-979e-47eb296458cb	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:25:26	143.461
-4	46596	4659600	243058cc-0af8-4be5-9d5e-3cae5fb398c8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:52:16	-193.816
-4	93192	4659600	b0c2d8cf-22f9-475d-9acc-d99809e96ad4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:09:02	224.617
-5	46597	4659700	1ae151c0-4f39-440f-89bf-e45dd2e1a48a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:35:14	-963.816
-5	93194	4659700	a90c77d1-7261-4f0f-9844-a4dc958e8010	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 16:36:53	270.306
-6	46598	4659800	d75cec84-5fce-4be6-9799-66f264295790	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:25:07	61.608
-6	93196	4659800	4b5e6723-1329-4c29-a028-ff207a44ea7e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:08:29	838.974
-7	46599	4659900	eea8b5cf-baaf-4694-9c09-242940368476	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:42:30	-918.874
-7	93198	4659900	b9cdc1e4-ff23-4b0d-a12e-513906ea29a5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 06:30:35	-895.948
-8	46600	4660000	92be2b2f-59c3-48ed-9f10-461659592c2e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:30:12	-996.802
-8	93200	4660000	fc37d203-0e08-4cea-8c4b-f92b3ebaed62	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:14:37	261.63
-9	46601	4660100	9138b619-4718-4c23-a71a-4bcfd9d95163	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:30:19	314.885
-9	93202	4660100	b7b2a541-fc21-45ff-9110-b7b83b853a8e	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:35:20	512.130
-10	46602	4660200	21dfc006-e152-40ee-8750-f35af79d0c88	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:03:51	-613.579
-10	93204	4660200	440ebc9f-85e2-4dc4-b911-97ae97e25e6a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:06:23	-74.199
-11	46603	4660300	38f521ae-aad5-430d-a8b8-731593eb4348	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:44:35	-113.352
-11	93206	4660300	c7591450-d6af-4c0c-b7e2-7eb7c84cb891	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:53:54	-399.309
-12	46604	4660400	7446e7d1-4388-4ad4-84b4-c2453cfa071e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:35:38	-785.218
-12	93208	4660400	3cc5a24c-010e-4dd6-9b67-88d224d348ae	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:00:37	-939.955
-13	46605	4660500	b33c9eff-8632-4e3b-9cf7-a5f1e4e5748a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:46:38	476.978
-13	93210	4660500	ecb6cd3c-0f91-4573-9cca-cda2b560e043	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:44:26	489.765
-14	46606	4660600	c6da6d67-5bf6-46be-89d3-6653bbb67b4e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:09:12	-319.94
-14	93212	4660600	420e1228-eec6-4869-9bad-47e1eb213c61	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:33:09	-470.494
-15	46607	4660700	c393d0af-f660-4431-87b7-6ef25f801969	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 10:03:50	721.865
-15	93214	4660700	f40a9a6f-df92-4444-b079-a2f5aa05d086	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:19:54	-866.300
-16	46608	4660800	b3b1d71b-ccb6-467d-8cf0-edbc74d32b6f	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:50:33	-958.883
-16	93216	4660800	ed6dbab8-ffdf-4502-9b1e-978bc218d3e2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:09:08	-774.298
-17	46609	4660900	d2521862-0497-445c-99c0-32f22a6279e4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 10:27:26	-197.587
-17	93218	4660900	ce49dadb-7655-489d-989b-d495af7495d5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 16:52:12	375.219
-18	46610	4661000	c68eebba-c66f-4d7f-8868-5ee07fbe47f5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:28:23	-882.485
-18	93220	4661000	7dc85b46-2958-4c7b-bc2a-3d2bcaa8330b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 09:19:29	18.851
-19	46611	4661100	c6ec8f80-23c5-4dc1-8b97-56e0b5a6120e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:04:12	-171.67
-19	93222	4661100	5865d554-15e0-4d56-960b-824ca1f8d0b9	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:13:35	957.895
-20	46612	4661200	3533855b-d0c7-430e-9b1f-fa7d3a4771ba	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:31:52	-974.274
-20	93224	4661200	9e2f2b68-8c39-4c7b-ac47-d48c31bed166	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:16:04	-634.860
-21	46613	4661300	6eb50921-6cba-428d-94b0-80721de2fc6d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:38:27	279.699
-21	93226	4661300	a8ceeb29-4855-450e-95cb-87a991b07c89	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:21:00	-375.386
-22	46614	4661400	f473facf-2cfe-42cc-9666-a0d6be901026	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:29:40	-102.119
-22	93228	4661400	5d7efd44-dbd1-4692-80a3-52f367eea118	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 21:36:05	-383.623
-23	46615	4661500	bacce86d-bdad-4133-9015-9a2f80bd6547	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:23:34	-814.405
-23	93230	4661500	5c2301cf-e024-4bc4-9c63-a4c540f45ce3	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:05:22	-114.999
-24	46616	4661600	46adda6e-7e4d-496a-b932-5672b5ea7a73	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:41:03	745.699
-24	93232	4661600	96f88e47-8c1e-4919-aa7b-a2c74d1833b5	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:28:20	798.986
-25	46617	4661700	574336cf-4c24-4446-bfbc-61d196c2dde5	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:38:18	661.860
-25	93234	4661700	bd8cfef1-76df-4ed5-b3d9-cb80917becd9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:48:14	-692.635
-26	46618	4661800	18b956c2-4ae5-4ded-92fa-49bca8cb8a36	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:38:08	11.266
-26	93236	4661800	f0421178-d57a-4c39-9c61-3e784bed79e2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:01:31	38.627
-27	46619	4661900	de32776b-b921-45d5-9e41-2cda34b42301	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:41:28	827.923
-27	93238	4661900	46d568d5-6c90-4ac0-a0d7-1ccd8f7ef70a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:48:51	-478.762
-28	46620	4662000	531b6184-5c58-47f6-a982-23c9a32bb49f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:24:01	365.148
-28	93240	4662000	0c4f3071-5dd1-4599-b389-725db39f8ad9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:16:50	595.121
-29	46621	4662100	e5becf4a-3fbb-433c-8577-254e37ecf05a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:38:03	281.43
-29	93242	4662100	d1531d26-232c-443d-a36e-66f896793d48	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:17:10	-71.233
-30	46622	4662200	0f1dc584-fe6f-4150-8df1-f86d378dfd22	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:01:07	-150.199
-30	93244	4662200	ab5a597f-498c-4cdc-a697-cbe6876645df	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 08:05:37	976.497
-31	46623	4662300	b0b3e613-722c-4ddf-b9ff-1028d8e018c0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:28:55	-959.999
-31	93246	4662300	1c0b8688-fd22-4e26-825e-08152df0299a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:55:57	694.845
-32	46624	4662400	d14be5df-6681-4813-9b12-b50d0cc5f38e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:36:14	-528.328
-32	93248	4662400	19f501c9-e95d-4761-82d0-a9036340f29b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:32:09	-353.493
-33	46625	4662500	3aaafede-8d03-463f-99fa-e09dd768f192	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 18:32:03	480.211
-33	93250	4662500	d3484c3e-996a-4d49-9474-6cb5726ea374	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:50:42	935.688
-34	46626	4662600	f6ce9b95-3f59-43ac-8230-cd1fb1db700c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 01:53:42	825.156
-34	93252	4662600	1755cce3-5014-4470-b615-d6b481d54ab4	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:56:40	-357.38
-35	46627	4662700	a80a6433-d8cb-4c79-b490-62a54fc81b13	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:45:10	790.141
-35	93254	4662700	da18077d-c9b8-4898-b33b-3cbde44c8e88	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:34:59	-855.295
-36	46628	4662800	eb780a43-554e-4330-a260-bd9a0fa294ed	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:53:27	-705.517
-36	93256	4662800	92c0c2b6-474c-4ff7-a8b1-52c6805b8540	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:24:40	153.660
-37	46629	4662900	22f13066-7fd8-4d41-9e74-d22822a78a58	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 22:48:30	189.420
-37	93258	4662900	eec5d62b-461c-42bd-a037-66b346cfa653	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:30:47	-313.501
-38	46630	4663000	e3727018-3e63-4563-861f-89d761808415	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:20:21	529.421
-38	93260	4663000	7ec1af34-c65c-456c-a2b7-6f0146fb07cd	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:53:36	-101.556
-39	46631	4663100	4dd15895-dcf9-43ee-b41e-247ec6d11b57	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:38:48	-306.368
-39	93262	4663100	8d80d2ec-3308-4779-bfd2-8f2e6cfe24d7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:05:10	-239.620
-40	46632	4663200	f67bf1e8-123b-4a47-9809-5d1c8cfd73ef	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:54:12	311.201
-40	93264	4663200	a63e6217-1d5d-4f4f-8141-63f3157aaecf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:38:38	779.459
-41	46633	4663300	469eca85-8621-4c7a-93c7-f52d7115cd57	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:25:22	761.98
-41	93266	4663300	d94e1d8c-2104-4fd1-b235-579e9c79485f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:24:12	-995.356
-42	46634	4663400	233258c6-6111-4009-bfe5-cf3146119cbe	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:16:41	-648.68
-42	93268	4663400	ce7b667d-0a66-4e84-964a-d253b755fb5a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:49:03	-674.228
-43	46635	4663500	b4c2940d-31b0-44d4-8853-e6713c42b1a3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:28:15	-21.475
-43	93270	4663500	558c1a59-808f-4b7c-94fc-6688c96b4972	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:32:05	-99.588
-44	46636	4663600	d6739113-2708-4aaa-bce1-0ee1232b8cec	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:36:36	-518.969
-44	93272	4663600	d6544f9a-a285-4a69-957f-7ed2135f8782	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:40:11	-30.222
-45	46637	4663700	25399216-7499-4316-84b1-0f016182fedc	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:33:12	759.348
-45	93274	4663700	a73af47d-abb2-4244-8515-9284ee41620e	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:13:48	-343.668
-46	46638	4663800	88a5a433-7336-4bb4-82c9-74e0475dec92	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:21:42	-372.697
-46	93276	4663800	118794f5-38bf-4e8c-807d-dbaf41333dcb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:55:05	777.958
-47	46639	4663900	b3b971a8-3a13-42f9-9612-8abc9e43fc5e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:51:13	267.579
-47	93278	4663900	242cea8a-076d-44a8-899c-f86d275d72ec	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:46:43	-732.913
-48	46640	4664000	c24156f7-b19d-4ace-935e-6adbba46645d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:33:34	-87.638
-48	93280	4664000	cd2f3d5a-dc82-4cde-aecb-f5ccca074c7f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 13:21:42	936.146
-49	46641	4664100	c983a552-cc0b-4fc3-b884-01ef6338d390	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:36:23	405.562
-49	93282	4664100	e9f2d553-b8f9-42b6-a6d6-d345fb0e2b80	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:44:11	-159.307
-50	46642	4664200	826f1cb3-0e5f-4602-a14c-8f5ee4852043	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 17:20:38	-103.630
-50	93284	4664200	bd561788-578c-440d-a1a7-41af4b25c915	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 01:41:13	-809.655
-51	46643	4664300	cabb94d9-d530-4cb2-b736-20b67de646be	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:16:51	-375.298
-51	93286	4664300	7020de71-f016-49af-b8b9-8e3c0bcd51fe	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:10:14	-641.358
-52	46644	4664400	5d5a3f1f-b708-43ec-b6d0-8e3313eb98d7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:16:00	915.14
-52	93288	4664400	5117c742-cf5b-4352-b548-d730cd69d487	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:11:32	-620.16
-53	46645	4664500	95256562-5fda-4ade-83c1-23a74d0e04cb	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 18:15:43	794.696
-53	93290	4664500	c9a9f6bb-2be1-49ac-aa3a-527731ee53a4	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 05:46:09	988.858
-54	46646	4664600	41335181-60ce-4cb4-854f-96b1fa34bfd8	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:45:20	651.105
-54	93292	4664600	66189278-c251-47eb-88a5-5552d5883f6c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:29:11	-910.152
-55	46647	4664700	309cbc1f-7f65-466f-b6db-5bc50499997f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:37:27	-494.864
-55	93294	4664700	84f1815d-2be4-47a7-9808-28199183bf06	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:28:23	69.322
-56	46648	4664800	1080da2c-92d5-4f7b-a38b-235037c6ee2c	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:44:02	743.109
-56	93296	4664800	3ae2e299-e7fe-45da-b001-7025a4c95392	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:40:20	751.622
-57	46649	4664900	e7837e18-2e9c-4bea-ac7f-efc5e2157ba6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:17:31	262.723
-57	93298	4664900	5cd12890-e4af-42e5-9b04-eb3b2c59820c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:14:35	978.25
-58	46650	4665000	33680ef2-13aa-4eae-ba41-7bf596721757	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:39:32	139.343
-58	93300	4665000	37e13e20-3906-4340-b3e5-87dc3d74103b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:48:51	466.613
-59	46651	4665100	c9fcdc6e-cd3f-4da4-950a-0c3678534d5d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:38:26	954.98
-59	93302	4665100	805f7d23-3357-4c29-94e2-086cf9f79ae1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:45:22	-256.328
-60	46652	4665200	9726d203-1afc-4e37-9ad0-09b2772bb02d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:20:28	698.209
-60	93304	4665200	70c22b60-9eb7-404b-bde3-7e487cf5268f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:15:09	462.704
-61	46653	4665300	b08921e4-6cdd-49cc-bcea-3979e7ba34a0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:31:10	-546.424
-61	93306	4665300	9176902b-cefc-4691-a963-59a84d391834	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:43:03	963.331
-62	46654	4665400	970b36ab-55b6-4f68-bb52-4208566f0a1b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:14:48	208.852
-62	93308	4665400	0564c400-f680-458c-851e-ccca7bf10e67	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:57:01	655.518
-63	46655	4665500	d2b9c9b8-0703-4977-9728-3f724753a307	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:48:59	817.148
-63	93310	4665500	8f4511f8-0abc-43a3-a137-9fa47a38f101	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:39:45	899.248
-64	46656	4665600	43e35af2-71ad-4d26-b1de-f5f11c5c20a7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:49:40	-565.479
-64	93312	4665600	dbc152bf-c2ae-46ad-95f4-14d127a6654f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:40:23	723.891
-65	46657	4665700	5aedf228-cfda-413b-a1b9-1e6e3d0a1058	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:50:41	-337.720
-65	93314	4665700	3271682a-73fe-4c58-85c0-563429f46a7a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:00:35	603.598
-66	46658	4665800	9eebad14-8f94-4c5f-a064-f596cff48166	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:12:46	350.144
-66	93316	4665800	6d045131-2acd-4692-a5d0-25ae2e349971	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 11:31:15	-80.292
-67	46659	4665900	d34d366e-b9c9-4471-bc67-538d1d3b33b2	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:15:24	230.96
-67	93318	4665900	461cc413-e118-4ab5-9879-41c927c28861	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 14:48:49	720.505
-68	46660	4666000	86233af4-d533-42ea-8cae-fa274b6e1e99	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:53:53	-606.414
-68	93320	4666000	ff776b68-1cb0-4f7f-a0a5-416bb39cadbc	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:01:22	-173.745
-69	46661	4666100	099def5f-3ed0-4f8e-946a-d0c372579d2d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:55:25	-916.957
-69	93322	4666100	74c4e76d-a934-441a-a52f-5f997aefa80e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:51:22	-684.484
-70	46662	4666200	143dafc2-8ddf-4b76-9a8d-49f5c674f88e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:37:54	-651.757
-70	93324	4666200	ea4ebfdb-2efe-48ca-a2ad-d6c14b56a6a6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:45:17	682.743
-71	46663	4666300	afc3d30f-6b2b-4489-9244-b32bc8be7198	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 19:19:50	197.467
-71	93326	4666300	707bb6f5-03fd-4563-9df3-7cd4a87d8661	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:49:27	-234.602
-72	46664	4666400	2ec2a469-4336-4aed-8874-7392c44657a1	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:41:21	-710.717
-72	93328	4666400	5f4a96c1-5169-4a8d-8e3d-81d6067880ba	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:09:41	544.278
-73	46665	4666500	595dbac1-c18a-4788-a46b-b40ea35d92b8	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:13:20	-67.809
-73	93330	4666500	0a75200e-9ff6-4c7c-b122-44a9499481ca	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:09:02	-562.464
-74	46666	4666600	207dc6a5-d3f6-4d7c-b7c5-eb7079304010	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:35:54	35.528
-74	93332	4666600	46b713da-af3e-4cf9-9300-4cc17172c863	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 07:10:07	318.650
-75	46667	4666700	d36d2de2-a21f-4906-9be0-c85a9a8c33f0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:08:16	289.148
-75	93334	4666700	cc366859-5eb3-460a-80ee-40338009b8a1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:36:39	-180.410
-76	46668	4666800	03de5df0-a98b-41a1-8db7-07c5a091cf8e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 14:24:18	498.688
-76	93336	4666800	501a204b-28d2-4246-b61d-9a7ff40c6c19	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 23:34:42	249.874
-77	46669	4666900	a1a7a5b0-b303-4d01-bc51-cd9a3aea7bb3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:28:10	179.757
-77	93338	4666900	b7dcecb5-b801-47e7-b648-24c31b6eaecb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:53:03	174.521
-78	46670	4667000	7cc3b8e5-1249-45d6-8bda-7438c56a7db1	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:41:07	591.238
-78	93340	4667000	f26704de-9c9f-4c92-ad54-32ab68aba404	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:00:03	-67.881
-79	46671	4667100	4879985f-1826-49f4-a214-fab0b93a0603	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 04:52:13	-500.161
-79	93342	4667100	b4709b7b-efcc-4d2a-9bdf-0a718d08ac07	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:05:06	-518.667
-80	46672	4667200	90095198-6216-4306-bb20-80e72e2aa51e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:37:06	-277.308
-80	93344	4667200	1ee6b198-ab10-40ed-b97f-bcf187f782bc	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:09:36	95.917
-81	46673	4667300	5a817dde-3ba7-46cc-bed7-784b9c02a4f9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:51:48	487.635
-81	93346	4667300	3dc98da8-fa3f-43b9-9125-89e425b64ff5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:30:52	-699.329
-82	46674	4667400	3b471030-7d6c-4ff7-aa08-447e12219f89	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:34:31	723.132
-82	93348	4667400	50f73ce7-65c6-453f-bb33-40c063ac2de8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:26:54	-278.243
-83	46675	4667500	d6796f90-c8db-47ae-9f48-bdbbfe8c9a3d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:55:41	272.440
-83	93350	4667500	f2477f2c-0662-4b75-ade9-3815b15d601d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 05:28:49	-294.180
-84	46676	4667600	988f94d4-6380-4eee-b553-ddc92bb9bebf	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:57:53	896.80
-84	93352	4667600	c7bcceb9-8ba3-4165-b9ac-1637e3342b9f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:16:21	-700.639
-85	46677	4667700	1b38124f-6654-487d-9dee-2b4897215930	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:30:12	366.761
-85	93354	4667700	960763f0-7ac3-4df8-9b8b-731f950be3d5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 05:42:41	-644.459
-86	46678	4667800	77d67828-4601-4cc2-b344-ee5058ba161e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:39:37	207.804
-86	93356	4667800	369bc673-8b35-45b4-a4cc-b7786cb80f8e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:25:26	-568.149
-87	46679	4667900	7f85606e-dce2-45fc-952f-9f7f41e1da62	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:59:44	-831.884
-87	93358	4667900	144bf3c4-9794-4447-b70b-7f5e1ae5a175	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:00:10	626.506
-88	46680	4668000	4ff5a095-52e0-4dc7-b26d-2faad97e02ec	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 10:03:17	-653.673
-88	93360	4668000	a1b73e69-4d83-4e6e-89b4-5be420c088b1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:34:49	-383.961
-89	46681	4668100	3895a684-29bb-43e2-a588-db84f0d43b17	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:41:10	-798.439
-89	93362	4668100	63c86875-a56f-413c-8d1d-77f2dc22a88f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 07:09:44	827.242
-90	46682	4668200	b882a702-7017-4420-aa64-feedfd4e5818	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:06:10	201.705
-90	93364	4668200	3d0126d4-3f1c-49ea-ae3e-a6c1ea229426	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:54:40	-635.301
-91	46683	4668300	a34d1121-b256-4253-98e3-e4079340e960	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:59:19	-994.366
-91	93366	4668300	77d7909e-b9ac-432b-ae7d-31b20c2c5b22	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:09:56	486.628
-92	46684	4668400	13d91a50-1b1c-43ac-b692-773828664391	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:23:03	-820.653
-92	93368	4668400	a4427828-7886-47ea-822b-e766e528c8e4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:55:21	-891.158
-93	46685	4668500	5ee15c7e-e48d-4445-8aa4-be7279d9f948	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:57:02	5.241
-93	93370	4668500	a8413a3f-da08-4477-aaaa-7fbe299b3f28	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 03:30:29	409.531
-94	46686	4668600	89b9346b-0227-40ce-8f75-07ba6aeed6df	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:13:55	857.754
-94	93372	4668600	10a9e994-ed1f-4771-b5d3-91101e9d3fc5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:16:08	-277.722
-95	46687	4668700	d449b49a-4931-46f2-b95e-0550dcc9b096	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:29:20	862.125
-95	93374	4668700	dade5c95-c275-413a-b435-df6b57700f30	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:52:17	717.123
-96	46688	4668800	e3667625-2ece-45c4-bbb3-16d9180d3688	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:28:01	66.727
-96	93376	4668800	15d9597d-2496-42ec-8693-c7e8edbb7911	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:20:59	528.561
-97	46689	4668900	59b84489-2b92-4df4-a28f-2b97be51cbba	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:46:05	275.31
-97	93378	4668900	289909aa-4dbf-489b-b07c-494b4a34eca0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:50:29	397.778
-98	46690	4669000	a399b294-284e-401c-889d-10e690bc789d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 19:53:55	-128.562
-98	93380	4669000	2095a202-be72-46e0-9971-ed6874004577	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:56:09	360.193
-99	46691	4669100	9cf3d66c-8d5d-4c0a-9bb0-ee4a9f31afd7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:03:21	-148.929
-99	93382	4669100	222c96ec-e6d8-426d-8925-e26ab44939bb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:58:04	-128.83
-100	46692	4669200	d7f16bc3-6550-4492-8adf-5d0f06273288	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:06:09	216.275
-100	93384	4669200	2882ba7f-287a-4198-8bde-8989211a721a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:08:05	-866.670
-101	46693	4669300	d142a8cf-bf2b-4c98-be35-302cee8db194	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:52:47	53.576
-101	93386	4669300	34633200-e550-4749-909d-5e61a62f3aa3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:45:17	-41.518
-102	46694	4669400	4b2fc7c9-9ebd-4467-b117-0f4fe652541a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:34:52	529.1
-102	93388	4669400	ed4b47e2-8f47-4f0c-9528-2cbf6b767b45	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 06:10:17	-753.735
-103	46695	4669500	96a80f62-aceb-435d-b431-8db5f6031a6e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:54:37	712.618
-103	93390	4669500	ce436df7-7312-49ca-97c4-d4ca0deff1fc	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:22:12	704.28
-104	46696	4669600	e921eed1-27cb-47d0-86e5-cda5d6df1ac9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 06:49:45	423.294
-104	93392	4669600	f846c0cc-7ac0-48b3-ba10-f272e0ed2002	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:27:08	-15.537
-105	46697	4669700	04093b36-bf06-4cff-b70a-aa7d7bcadc68	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:32:46	139.425
-105	93394	4669700	840b680c-1dd0-44c5-8df6-c63602377e26	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:26:22	316.88
-106	46698	4669800	fbec2d1a-441c-4251-b36a-961a5d404047	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:06:06	-958.992
-106	93396	4669800	8b6af09a-7355-447f-b992-78c11d951c5e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:01:24	236.546
-107	46699	4669900	87a07441-6b62-43ab-9984-613d1c92ce62	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:57:34	-436.297
-107	93398	4669900	f1861a05-3583-4856-be8e-1b7b4e17982c	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:42:53	-445.54
-108	46700	4670000	648124cc-eb53-4a1f-afdc-724383035194	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 23:46:57	989.953
-108	93400	4670000	47b688dd-4b1b-4bd0-a019-09c3cbe7158c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:09:27	170.2
-109	46701	4670100	0bdc220c-52b3-48ed-8c01-6247c6e9133b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:56:31	875.783
-109	93402	4670100	1a6d853a-12e0-4330-8e83-9f203150a027	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:55:13	-189.798
-110	46702	4670200	73310a1a-6e90-432c-9aa5-3c8eb033ce87	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:05:09	445.300
-110	93404	4670200	2280d6ac-e756-43f9-803b-d749e7435fb9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:59:32	-292.287
-111	46703	4670300	736c1029-83c3-4491-84b4-86b3ef0eaaaa	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:54:25	-24.489
-111	93406	4670300	828f9d97-af63-415f-851e-37b73c57c3ff	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:35:12	29.86
-112	46704	4670400	9e1364a0-e162-454a-b8cf-27dfe85850a7	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:09:19	-647.912
-112	93408	4670400	731d9e25-456d-4267-809d-df9e4c005e4a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:02:42	-620.122
-113	46705	4670500	ff09bc14-743c-4187-a255-09433cfd2755	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:00:02	36.649
-113	93410	4670500	afb233bb-88a5-421e-8a6e-9c624e55f920	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 23:50:25	721.825
-114	46706	4670600	90f7e4a9-02e6-4148-b5f8-a870f714caa7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:39:11	247.638
-114	93412	4670600	b1ea0ff6-07f5-4200-b917-a508fd94ab09	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:59:12	-347.276
-115	46707	4670700	4c8e33ee-473b-4373-82c9-db71380fd9a3	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:53:59	-358.609
-115	93414	4670700	a6fb24dd-1f09-4f23-b320-fbb309fdcbbe	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:55:04	233.649
-116	46708	4670800	e1afeb15-7715-4742-aaab-98c421eb1679	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:08:29	-952.142
-116	93416	4670800	5cdb4a1c-80e8-49a8-a18b-ae0e6f0755aa	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:22:17	-598.185
-117	46709	4670900	2dee1435-0899-417f-bbe3-34e297a2b6a2	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:58:02	735.426
-117	93418	4670900	9a3076e3-1514-43a8-99f2-1bde8a3f1c8c	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 09:08:06	-815.873
-118	46710	4671000	178168d6-3943-44ba-9128-94f2915fe700	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:23:00	-176.586
-118	93420	4671000	02262d59-c01f-4e34-b463-eca162398ed5	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:24:27	448.435
-119	46711	4671100	d2093d40-b8fa-47eb-9cb3-6f5e507e4f1b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:56:05	245.599
-119	93422	4671100	e7fcb7e0-8945-4138-8ec9-de91875a5dc8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 10:39:34	-882.106
-120	46712	4671200	253914b6-051f-4930-91eb-cc6aedd4da77	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:28:12	671.137
-120	93424	4671200	b66a2f1c-1c9f-4e94-9ed8-3bd15bca136d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:16:48	733.662
-121	46713	4671300	a1d25188-5cc6-46f6-a8a8-b669e8ddc4bb	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 08:27:56	988.408
-121	93426	4671300	e4cd9e26-bb68-400f-b136-ae03d5ed3b29	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 03:00:31	995.845
-122	46714	4671400	75117e75-c738-4a94-bcb4-421ce6943caa	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:30:33	821.153
-122	93428	4671400	2a19424e-50b6-45fd-820a-38a94a010b5f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:59:48	54.286
-123	46715	4671500	f86c2536-1e0f-4780-9a47-c1b3c1382a5a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:50:39	873.670
-123	93430	4671500	56723e8b-9db8-4a60-8e76-67c4eb3ae0e0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:53:30	-270.809
-124	46716	4671600	77926108-2c8c-4c02-9bad-3dfc0c1194e0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:37:50	-971.367
-124	93432	4671600	953b71cf-6670-49f7-a9fe-8bbf04e76e04	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:20:23	651.469
-125	46717	4671700	ffc7c937-15db-41c8-b8a1-6deb7ee06bc6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:23:07	273.961
-125	93434	4671700	f4437825-8d9d-482b-86f4-ad3b01b2332e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:43:01	-760.738
-126	46718	4671800	685630b4-4bf6-4930-8a54-a65999c97359	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:29:35	-917.647
-126	93436	4671800	4d1687d1-a05a-40f1-a8fd-f0f02f20642d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:48:15	-450.97
-127	46719	4671900	8b9c0996-cda6-4e8c-8b2a-c3357eccef58	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 18:14:23	876.228
-127	93438	4671900	304def84-3ccb-488c-8ca1-0601ffa3974e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:16:02	94.287
-0	46720	4672000	bbe160eb-8f0e-4faf-9dc0-e35ed5e13bea	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 21:22:29	224.555
-0	93440	4672000	e29263ee-b8d1-475c-af02-028623af4a10	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:09:51	-747.430
-1	46721	4672100	3b884c71-87e5-45c3-96ce-d44fcb83a92f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:36:18	273.924
-1	93442	4672100	b27754cb-2efe-4578-bff5-0c54169a8a41	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:50:04	834.758
-2	46722	4672200	77e7ca04-7524-436d-ad59-1102f4bc0545	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:37:48	-882.840
-2	93444	4672200	e48ee63d-eb80-4bcc-9c3d-afdd70145024	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:33:43	666.262
-3	46723	4672300	3ec5a338-6ea2-483d-9891-b9c007f868e4	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:07:05	-315.131
-3	93446	4672300	b225cda8-e804-40d7-b3fc-a78366b0b138	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:17:35	197.757
-4	46724	4672400	c3fc0bcb-53a6-4940-ab9d-ef917f2419d0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:12:51	-392.650
-4	93448	4672400	6dc936bb-6d5c-4e58-99f7-988dec4eedda	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:39:57	267.166
-5	46725	4672500	daba682a-f880-4a69-a773-4fba6024d670	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:00:09	-137.35
-5	93450	4672500	403c23f0-bb86-4e30-82f9-4c165937d6ee	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 23:38:43	375.557
-6	46726	4672600	7b7c14c1-b3be-434b-bb1f-a1262ff9d25e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 19:53:04	537.584
-6	93452	4672600	0e92c5b2-05a2-4682-bfa2-24a7aad6d9f1	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:55:34	-406.187
-7	46727	4672700	dbaf0ba8-69da-4201-a4bd-8470adc41dc0	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:24:47	801.339
-7	93454	4672700	850f3a06-9687-4ea4-a0ee-c5318f46ce98	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:15:21	-328.563
-8	46728	4672800	107b8b53-34c3-4694-845b-9d9e0f46ed97	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:47:18	58.988
-8	93456	4672800	a6680fdd-5e23-49a5-958e-5337c930a5a4	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:09:45	940.23
-9	46729	4672900	f02a6be6-3f56-4211-9ccd-ea8364c6341f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:52:00	244.278
-9	93458	4672900	c173a921-6f6b-476c-af40-7a27dfc614a0	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:53:19	-936.558
-10	46730	4673000	a79b354a-46e6-4a92-909f-e3e34a92b29c	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:03:26	156.200
-10	93460	4673000	d8839444-9de1-4810-a97a-cb6a0f032965	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:03:26	-244.328
-11	46731	4673100	274533bc-5763-4d25-bff6-ae7d5dc1d42a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:43:36	978.833
-11	93462	4673100	88c34674-5dfd-4f9b-aee2-bc7d7d050133	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 19:06:29	722.638
-12	46732	4673200	3a83483b-93b7-4548-acd5-0883fe867623	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:24:43	-164.31
-12	93464	4673200	64ee7681-fc18-4908-b7e7-5e6076b366a4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:17:47	-842.114
-13	46733	4673300	f06a4575-b538-4385-b83f-18d421136559	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 07:58:56	137.975
-13	93466	4673300	66d409ef-a7cc-4d48-a523-91c53073c61d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:27:57	140.595
-14	46734	4673400	e49dc1e2-1f38-471a-af1c-9d139cadbe7c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:17:30	613.889
-14	93468	4673400	bd34e29b-6222-4e7f-aafc-774009cd48f9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:28:51	-874.396
-15	46735	4673500	7c8daa03-b5a5-4d58-bbb9-c0a45bb4ba1a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:28:55	881.973
-15	93470	4673500	1846c8be-9e46-43b0-8b45-33ea7a4dd2a7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:17:49	-114.121
-16	46736	4673600	64532ca8-6946-4b21-9669-4f976a58307c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:20:28	300.711
-16	93472	4673600	5e2f9233-c556-48e1-8c63-9f3609ec122e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:48:45	205.327
-17	46737	4673700	80a41805-a745-418e-a2f0-ee9ca05cdad6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:59:14	-5.588
-17	93474	4673700	eb5755f1-0fa7-4f36-aef8-c53a57a2d655	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:57:36	-682.525
-18	46738	4673800	439ab379-ee0f-47ec-824c-c673866535a5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:59:56	-229.757
-18	93476	4673800	38148c41-960b-4243-9b4b-dc4e6e9ef409	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 06:53:46	684.290
-19	46739	4673900	0a1c2b6a-a69a-4543-b277-dacd0c8de232	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:22:46	5.963
-19	93478	4673900	2d23c91e-3414-481e-b412-3cac29701dd2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:00:18	507.309
-20	46740	4674000	1c312d81-2700-44c9-9246-876c9eb14c03	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:01:11	110.277
-20	93480	4674000	328eaa27-19e1-40ae-aba7-9d6e93229b2e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:42:31	-554.473
-21	46741	4674100	67b0d1d8-d448-4d1b-9c03-85cdce002f6d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:32:42	133.832
-21	93482	4674100	405e5b98-2c35-4334-990d-7c63beeb4fdc	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:33:40	-422.899
-22	46742	4674200	9de05188-1990-4a4d-ba24-6bba912e1803	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:59:43	-411.520
-22	93484	4674200	0585880a-77bd-44c4-877e-bc1a9bbff3bc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:28:32	-359.771
-23	46743	4674300	b9021e02-690a-4da0-9639-220b7cd85355	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:44:56	-251.256
-23	93486	4674300	f20ea2b0-6229-4039-852d-f7ec974a8100	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 21:52:59	-231.158
-24	46744	4674400	e5c3d712-08ea-488f-a767-9c1b5fa5602f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:24:26	-848.207
-24	93488	4674400	af751ab7-d5cf-4d6f-b60d-35457141eaca	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:29:09	-900.832
-25	46745	4674500	36091f0a-d453-43f8-b2ac-8c0dc6152ff2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 06:24:15	990.502
-25	93490	4674500	50ccc24b-79de-4620-b676-d4e1637f7547	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 21:32:11	229.611
-26	46746	4674600	938d280f-3246-4922-a037-0b203c6acbf4	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:10:36	628.659
-26	93492	4674600	bf3918d9-b7ee-4998-8a42-10b6ee46b1d8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:40:52	-61.798
-27	46747	4674700	56231be3-89b5-4934-a3dc-0fb5fa9df01d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:44:18	758.379
-27	93494	4674700	5dc03953-d221-4c1f-9ed2-5548de0f41cf	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:06:24	-143.206
-28	46748	4674800	0b2020fe-d0c5-418a-a5df-6f9e802c1fb8	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:21:53	402.893
-28	93496	4674800	32fcf243-71da-4ba3-9af2-5bfac67cb92a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:09:35	382.645
-29	46749	4674900	bdd1ef66-4399-4658-845e-e4363eeed6e7	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:23:30	100.435
-29	93498	4674900	c0ef1d63-d9db-4406-9e6a-66daff01a978	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:10:12	-356.489
-30	46750	4675000	5e1dbb87-8d98-4223-97d1-1f537b504a50	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:21:26	-815.136
-30	93500	4675000	00ddcbc6-e66c-450e-9127-eeecf6f84fbf	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 22:45:52	41.873
-31	46751	4675100	6de9a7b1-cb95-46bd-aff7-138e4234ac9c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:26:46	708.798
-31	93502	4675100	75dfc39b-b757-4d2f-b05e-3cc68b26d7d8	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:43:55	363.817
-32	46752	4675200	07ead994-4d1d-4efb-88f7-d5b557b84f21	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:47:03	-551.855
-32	93504	4675200	c32ee092-225f-45aa-8929-b2fafe00f20f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:33:54	-331.916
-33	46753	4675300	cb7db9ce-e53a-4339-b810-8365f1a162e1	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:16:57	142.427
-33	93506	4675300	04f20f81-c704-4400-bb6b-f45b2061a93a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:25:26	313.937
-34	46754	4675400	aa045534-8d30-40c2-917a-368b36eaeecd	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:06:45	908.891
-34	93508	4675400	1f88b4ff-c212-4658-a4ac-529d42279d21	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:26:02	-858.494
-35	46755	4675500	784d1491-dd22-460e-8e45-d7d45998d279	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:18:40	614.425
-35	93510	4675500	b80b25c7-31a0-4128-b50d-3de2871a0634	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:32:06	-170.212
-36	46756	4675600	e1c6aafb-6f9f-45a0-b830-4d99317d0c47	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 09:27:51	315.239
-36	93512	4675600	db8a6e4e-07b1-47f0-ad49-1b619e8781a7	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:16:58	-324.875
-37	46757	4675700	fc19858e-bce9-4b36-ae14-9ff96b0a2a7d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:24:10	-113.959
-37	93514	4675700	ad0ba2a8-c5eb-4461-96ab-a1470f811ee9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:40:30	-204.695
-38	46758	4675800	69eab43d-7941-46dd-b0b1-1a201be9a62a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:53:32	-537.663
-38	93516	4675800	72759cb0-20b7-4bbf-a17d-ec9b277ad582	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:57:51	-127.618
-39	46759	4675900	f5362996-e3b2-48ca-8429-9d60d124bb42	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:37:39	-604.423
-39	93518	4675900	bb79c5d1-7ac0-4de4-a7ac-b0dc45c44f86	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 17:00:29	226.81
-40	46760	4676000	4843b8e7-0efc-48bc-ab60-e65ab015c0fe	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:53:29	682.942
-40	93520	4676000	5a61f416-baa5-4147-abe1-2e006df5467f	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:51:02	-490.153
-41	46761	4676100	578747df-2a65-45c7-bfc8-6711c6d85d0f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:10:45	-459.829
-41	93522	4676100	7b137d19-91b7-4778-9257-8084b0079b0f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:40:37	88.717
-42	46762	4676200	d51ceddb-b871-4ea6-a191-9ab493cd4d95	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:48:41	904.793
-42	93524	4676200	5101b8a1-6cb7-4af9-9204-7a436dba2fc5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:16:25	-492.160
-43	46763	4676300	d434f3db-4389-48f6-8cb5-7fbacbccecdb	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:53:05	275.800
-43	93526	4676300	49d4af90-df1d-4d8f-b281-602e3a050eaa	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:47:15	863.328
-44	46764	4676400	1e81355c-1690-4067-9981-7d51bfbe8365	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:57:41	-537.528
-44	93528	4676400	daf58b4c-0ad0-4d0f-9645-dbfdf9e4b6b3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 04:43:08	998.318
-45	46765	4676500	b0f1b366-0d0c-4e48-9ede-33a9c7ffc4e1	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 07:52:08	78.788
-45	93530	4676500	d9a44429-0ab7-437e-b7bd-4b17acf2810e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:52:03	52.57
-46	46766	4676600	8887b05f-df2e-40aa-b181-e6e18579d117	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:13:36	-387.758
-46	93532	4676600	a3f66c56-df8c-4722-869f-5d23f7c45719	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:50:06	623.450
-47	46767	4676700	d355ff48-49bd-4359-8580-9b4dfd8dc1e9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 05:44:11	-435.629
-47	93534	4676700	4bae0e0f-c843-4da5-957b-2070c4a458ec	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:53:09	-901.683
-48	46768	4676800	d91c323e-2b01-4058-ba7f-d8e897e7af66	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:53:28	14.890
-48	93536	4676800	b118f8cd-a982-4263-93d3-2a1944cd88af	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:37:19	228.405
-49	46769	4676900	275aeded-3d33-460b-ad0f-e04706034ad0	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:39:37	-321.271
-49	93538	4676900	3391f3ff-d7ea-4ff6-a554-f820f5d42b9b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:41:41	-608.601
-50	46770	4677000	766de512-45c3-48c2-a274-80af1455d80d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:33:21	-404.733
-50	93540	4677000	14200341-d92e-416a-b2b2-3b4d667dfd93	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:42:00	654.627
-51	46771	4677100	2e389468-63bf-45f7-9daa-b0d20e13b4bd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:04:37	-671.680
-51	93542	4677100	5f217c5f-a1b5-46b3-82a4-b420fca16874	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:09:08	-370.14
-52	46772	4677200	1f580c51-0d2c-4fe9-bdab-b6b831fa12ff	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:25:33	-755.610
-52	93544	4677200	61ec5728-5850-4f51-838f-c99a1cd7897b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:24:47	118.976
-53	46773	4677300	a0f6a587-40bf-4189-8d37-ff5c16103c69	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:51:02	783.464
-53	93546	4677300	5d04420f-7569-4efa-9602-4462b4559d69	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 03:55:54	275.315
-54	46774	4677400	cfb1eb89-3a7e-4045-bad9-b89bdd0e1616	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:36:22	961.510
-54	93548	4677400	41ab8c4c-1520-4bd1-81fc-af0d651294f2	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 21:48:37	503.907
-55	46775	4677500	d32be732-7643-4b74-85df-091c9beede5a	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:06:08	-859.372
-55	93550	4677500	f595516b-4a79-4e9b-9647-c3a94b7141d2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:35:49	-834.22
-56	46776	4677600	d929e8f1-0d77-4ec8-ab1f-d5ac275420e5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:41:18	908.548
-56	93552	4677600	8831a1b7-f165-4a08-807d-a9d79ccbfae8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 22:20:14	411.117
-57	46777	4677700	d2076d60-ed75-4c78-be3d-b8f7c2e64e73	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 15:39:05	-26.574
-57	93554	4677700	b2910d3e-5b92-48de-83d8-dabb75d855f2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:26:31	-529.29
-58	46778	4677800	822b9ad7-a016-44c3-a8d2-fb39323a7a91	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:45:05	499.537
-58	93556	4677800	bc5f0a4b-0f2e-4860-8027-41cf5579f751	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:39:21	-750.955
-59	46779	4677900	6600f1b8-0209-4dc2-9b74-3dba1028daec	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:05:33	-735.457
-59	93558	4677900	a3f17102-c4b3-493d-9c54-001e14fc6c19	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:02:32	-307.978
-60	46780	4678000	795e49b6-48dc-4b8f-84fa-0f4db9db09c8	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:29:28	-303.619
-60	93560	4678000	75b82c5b-35c2-4f8b-a462-efa22ed0310b	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 04:23:49	-82.395
-61	46781	4678100	931e32bd-af9c-4cc7-80da-83d7b94bbea8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:35:48	-108.587
-61	93562	4678100	6f589a73-0028-48b0-953b-c1fe4e8292c8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:33:46	-733.779
-62	46782	4678200	eab15227-6bb3-4210-9e07-c326f6df7af7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 20:34:08	-501.580
-62	93564	4678200	953eb266-07c9-4226-adb7-a70edd0461bd	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:58:12	-352.48
-63	46783	4678300	531c0d1c-7273-4923-8402-896611be7c7c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:04:31	194.859
-63	93566	4678300	8c16e014-046f-44ac-8419-a2f106841a6b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 07:05:36	-615.766
-64	46784	4678400	17a37f8f-1f6f-4a84-ab74-0b6e2d5e11cb	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:16:06	-129.669
-64	93568	4678400	347d8324-e26c-4d3c-864c-d19d02abcaba	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:09:26	250.771
-65	46785	4678500	b56ca39c-41a1-4ece-8686-cfb3d3f65242	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:58:48	-452.889
-65	93570	4678500	07d45230-cf21-453c-8602-05325d177e8e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:12:41	243.399
-66	46786	4678600	77820f60-b420-4e66-a228-02e98f8bf03b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:54:00	525.105
-66	93572	4678600	91fab39f-c90b-4009-ab80-efa9747f90f7	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:38:35	-746.258
-67	46787	4678700	4a9747d6-54e9-4f90-acff-066d3b860250	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:52:35	-628.306
-67	93574	4678700	f9d8a48a-0cb6-4b3b-9e92-7f0caaf6b05a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:34:47	-774.466
-68	46788	4678800	cc2e8d9e-a734-48e0-8cf5-e7471d0c396a	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:06:01	748.415
-68	93576	4678800	ee48ef17-66c5-461f-bc82-d48a910ffc07	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:00:11	-609.488
-69	46789	4678900	4575f542-2d01-456c-b4c1-13059261b0d3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:28:33	882.705
-69	93578	4678900	79bc9996-4308-4b71-864e-2d055b59f7a1	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:54:47	-380.763
-70	46790	4679000	dcd7eb91-4737-44db-b430-a651de4d6c2c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 02:34:14	453.779
-70	93580	4679000	ab22251e-0320-49e2-801d-3cd6832cb6d3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:10:32	195.569
-71	46791	4679100	283cda92-83d5-4cdd-95fd-003ac4129323	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:48:08	-241.288
-71	93582	4679100	acab257c-81dd-44e1-a295-c1d07d3d3887	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 05:32:53	865.953
-72	46792	4679200	a3f22095-45c9-49e8-b179-042c51caf277	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:59:02	696.300
-72	93584	4679200	0ffcc28a-19f6-40e3-8363-50a14fcedcd8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:38:31	-86.707
-73	46793	4679300	32184183-46a2-486f-b003-ec8786726156	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:52:25	324.855
-73	93586	4679300	ffca82dc-93a4-4a88-b5bd-25814911277b	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 11:45:25	-272.812
-74	46794	4679400	cedf14ae-86e7-458a-b421-501fccf6765d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:25:00	-961.322
-74	93588	4679400	711fe666-1029-4de2-8d3f-13684a3634b2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:01:08	994.270
-75	46795	4679500	0bfe3302-af3f-4d6a-837d-11804377e61f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:08:31	765.125
-75	93590	4679500	29bd4f51-4386-45d5-b99a-db5b33567847	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:12:48	908.247
-76	46796	4679600	ee3e2f6f-9c9b-4274-ad52-4fceda16661a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 11:36:12	-196.956
-76	93592	4679600	8335f2c5-d232-4771-a58e-3caf104a36fb	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:46:59	798.869
-77	46797	4679700	dde20958-e595-4c43-865d-33999d67143c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:59:36	758.831
-77	93594	4679700	0f83e4db-25d5-4b6d-94e4-5b926d1be1ab	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:35:15	-303.200
-78	46798	4679800	dbff60c0-c8cd-47bc-96b7-2cacb2de2f65	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:10:58	768.189
-78	93596	4679800	45f15898-0991-4e7f-85f8-45b63eddde23	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:22:39	-242.921
-79	46799	4679900	a0d37a9f-f3ab-40e9-b606-00b8351d44f8	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:25:07	-657.244
-79	93598	4679900	4130dbc0-9576-43c5-9ef8-c440ce13c207	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:34:03	884.41
-80	46800	4680000	9d764f28-16a9-4b28-a855-ebb38fcb459d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:26:46	755.324
-80	93600	4680000	95ab4fb4-ae11-43b9-93b1-608f27fbe93b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:48:28	-261.952
-81	46801	4680100	ca10c179-46ef-43d3-a4e7-3a8750cfb991	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:02:14	-575.796
-81	93602	4680100	905f2c45-cb48-43f0-932e-ef51efa6271b	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:01:34	901.679
-82	46802	4680200	698ce3b9-eee1-4f79-8c46-fdd1af5f527b	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:20:31	616.876
-82	93604	4680200	042d74e3-f83e-41d8-ad02-2e64e0332f8f	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:23:54	-687.347
-83	46803	4680300	2e3f759b-fa68-4450-a65c-7911e18406d0	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:10:23	842.738
-83	93606	4680300	0fcd8b32-17c8-4e58-a6d8-9f09c3eb395a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:37:38	-832.829
-84	46804	4680400	0b314f9d-e483-48ce-84ab-651890ceabd2	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:20:13	472.422
-84	93608	4680400	9f11212b-2fef-4a70-b0b7-8b5981bb78ec	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:07:30	-835.841
-85	46805	4680500	374c8934-0c96-41d4-aa89-7b7347dad2d9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 11:31:36	-676.545
-85	93610	4680500	edcdbbef-efef-4504-8dee-b5ed69797253	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:53:38	-742.680
-86	46806	4680600	e667a099-523e-447f-9433-f760b9579399	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:19:54	870.905
-86	93612	4680600	f383909f-46a4-4878-bc94-86505a9b6b8b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:49:58	-114.362
-87	46807	4680700	7c066089-1e72-4558-8513-bce135ee4dd4	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:07:58	-838.391
-87	93614	4680700	feddaa73-3d0d-41d8-b153-acf49de53e15	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:56:08	-46.496
-88	46808	4680800	f4128943-b0c0-44a2-aabb-b493bc4cdac8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:55:44	904.924
-88	93616	4680800	ce574d2a-b416-4a5b-9b3f-06c0a04a357c	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:50:19	-770.798
-89	46809	4680900	f8630a83-1938-4193-b1c8-477b404c0912	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:12:00	321.933
-89	93618	4680900	cfdbb211-f57b-4afa-b095-38d0268eb522	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:24:55	795.827
-90	46810	4681000	d233face-983a-4cbf-a2f9-68d6983e10c1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:33:52	-30.51
-90	93620	4681000	9607405b-4455-48d9-9bc8-52bf0edceab9	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:57:24	-344.620
-91	46811	4681100	95bd7d4a-6fc6-4c20-ab9c-cf49bac1a8fd	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:01:36	661.321
-91	93622	4681100	c61e02a8-13e5-411b-930d-395f985f9fd1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:38:10	-252.675
-92	46812	4681200	934cc79c-e9c0-48bc-b410-8a128daefa98	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:56:58	864.787
-92	93624	4681200	5ba3f350-9f1d-4cdb-ad35-b8f2f75a4441	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:35:23	-399.480
-93	46813	4681300	bbff43cb-4d30-47cb-a0e3-daed697c1d1a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:48:46	-370.555
-93	93626	4681300	9aae473f-3cb3-489d-9af2-391c680c8e73	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:03:18	884.245
-94	46814	4681400	54f6b42d-dc7a-4b09-bfd0-db2dac7dff28	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:52:22	-554.653
-94	93628	4681400	dc87d6a9-4103-414f-b89a-189cfaee6cee	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:25:44	-436.385
-95	46815	4681500	115baf9f-f729-4ae4-b3fd-9451d413a662	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:20:25	-408.688
-95	93630	4681500	2b60f322-1249-4ade-8905-b543c73188db	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 09:45:32	88.337
-96	46816	4681600	d6ee8b4f-918c-42a6-bd30-ad3549b21645	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 04:26:59	25.651
-96	93632	4681600	2a0b62fd-da60-474b-ab7c-ffd083a12473	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:45:56	-599.167
-97	46817	4681700	5d10e0f2-09ad-4b23-a9cf-e80ae41fe431	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:06:33	22.323
-97	93634	4681700	073da33f-9ce8-4d57-804e-15f82738e5c5	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 00:31:25	988.433
-98	46818	4681800	63b777a2-c227-4d38-95d2-3c14a8ec0515	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:59:14	213.539
-98	93636	4681800	24dfe2b8-3098-4478-b57b-1695f2d8bab5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:57:05	924.521
-99	46819	4681900	a7601be1-e63d-42d6-a1f0-a1592470867f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:05:39	877.554
-99	93638	4681900	932966a1-766b-40a3-ba10-4976c0ad296f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 12:46:51	-137.473
-100	46820	4682000	4adb7517-eccf-4072-892f-41e7e18b1a86	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 13:16:31	411.29
-100	93640	4682000	ee9e7065-eb97-466f-8a39-b20f33162cfc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:11:56	-105.53
-101	46821	4682100	457547eb-2dcc-4240-b2b3-e63f03ae8a76	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:58:56	424.888
-101	93642	4682100	9643b26f-804d-4259-9267-87b0039b4b8e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 11:00:59	-184.887
-102	46822	4682200	d90b69f2-14d2-4b0a-bef3-02e6b2df7834	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:49:59	490.742
-102	93644	4682200	47c9f802-f9ef-42e6-83ef-5c52f12c1d04	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:18:48	-554.459
-103	46823	4682300	85564d34-3484-4c6d-a990-197be841c11f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:11:31	-759.193
-103	93646	4682300	80afcace-91ab-4ef0-a490-9b0ade32dec5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:09:58	13.583
-104	46824	4682400	b7906fe0-7697-4556-9433-229e24fe029f	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:16:05	-128.82
-104	93648	4682400	81f194d9-4ea2-4b1d-993d-ef1a393bfe4e	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:56:43	660.207
-105	46825	4682500	970b624c-3980-4358-8fd0-27b55d12b745	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:59:03	-828.739
-105	93650	4682500	ee06ea88-b54e-467f-bcd2-28871814e9eb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:30:21	-137.416
-106	46826	4682600	bff512cd-df39-4529-8cd0-70c6acfa46fe	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 04:54:01	-151.361
-106	93652	4682600	af6fec35-b02f-4831-a443-edbe42c771ca	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:30:25	642.716
-107	46827	4682700	d80b7121-ba66-4518-9b71-266782bb6580	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 20:06:40	692.124
-107	93654	4682700	0f1426a9-4e18-4de0-acab-f3b93c2f4683	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:37:43	-758.357
-108	46828	4682800	b5226bff-fd84-4336-9997-c7baa1b4e898	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:19:12	-108.73
-108	93656	4682800	24ab20a4-9de2-40e4-af6f-20e33ce658e6	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:04:31	590.181
-109	46829	4682900	bfe8f0de-2c93-46a9-84fc-39bcc74d51c3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:08:43	-793.567
-109	93658	4682900	1c6d733b-02ab-4147-aa65-db730014a367	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 19:00:54	-638.115
-110	46830	4683000	62fa5280-188f-4dc4-8b48-746054f21d59	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:38:07	-379.869
-110	93660	4683000	c3d31a2a-55db-4bb3-954f-070cbd47cabe	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:54:51	210.445
-111	46831	4683100	e0ca7afd-059c-4c1c-a330-deba11f094ce	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:25:20	675.969
-111	93662	4683100	f5c4a933-e796-4601-ae79-aa5d1f65b06a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:30:15	-259.554
-112	46832	4683200	56206b11-8cf2-4660-a2a1-2cf7b56cb1bb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:42:05	-696.604
-112	93664	4683200	fe77fd5e-80e3-47ec-9393-dadd0198e038	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:22:57	986.211
-113	46833	4683300	333e6cf1-2de7-4a1f-aa40-37be48d6dfe7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:32:50	-399.461
-113	93666	4683300	7a1041a5-a4de-4abd-a53e-5304b0074d63	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 04:50:03	-180.964
-114	46834	4683400	4b642031-57bd-46c3-a32d-3738c998a51a	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:12:55	323.155
-114	93668	4683400	b85330d8-a56a-49fd-9417-93f7ed1ef9ba	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 07:29:14	-220.90
-115	46835	4683500	e1a95c15-de5a-4fd1-89e9-4c2c8b11ba9f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:50:07	54.11
-115	93670	4683500	d66165e8-399a-4e6f-9349-b30d8c0ad5b6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:55:46	-371.318
-116	46836	4683600	a4ed6800-e28d-4fc9-ae5a-f6d2b0dbf680	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:04:31	-406.785
-116	93672	4683600	73c2193f-9f4f-42bb-83a3-7d85e5601d1a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:26:49	-454.220
-117	46837	4683700	bed59e22-f3fb-4703-8b06-ad1014ace85f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:46:30	-73.302
-117	93674	4683700	9405c3b3-5a64-423a-834c-9e303792311f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 21:38:42	-811.506
-118	46838	4683800	4027f62e-3b1a-44c1-80ca-5b1ba49fe686	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:30:37	-368.618
-118	93676	4683800	755cb802-59be-4b61-a07a-a507674b2623	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:19:39	-27.302
-119	46839	4683900	71131eef-6bf5-4895-8368-78e875a9cac2	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:09:19	-33.723
-119	93678	4683900	71293ffd-b07e-404c-8fdd-1335676811c4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:10:39	720.993
-120	46840	4684000	f43f2efe-4036-40d8-a5bb-eb274bcbe972	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:52:04	-706.776
-120	93680	4684000	bea8f80c-e3c4-4791-881a-ee324fba486e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 21:46:11	691.523
-121	46841	4684100	c87d83c8-efcc-4701-b635-b5640f9dea49	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:40:32	-431.19
-121	93682	4684100	6f4bcb5c-210f-443f-8816-3137393bdfd9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:27:38	-983.974
-122	46842	4684200	41627ebe-9b19-4e21-8961-710b884215d5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:29:04	940.649
-122	93684	4684200	f3972787-5d26-4d43-9a78-b1aa58feea18	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 21:51:35	-208.750
-123	46843	4684300	ad9716d8-d31f-4fe4-8674-b5e9b795894f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 06:10:45	-951.673
-123	93686	4684300	b98f3712-a7e5-4cc5-8f67-f7ab465373cd	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:08:28	411.807
-124	46844	4684400	a8160505-620b-4c16-9319-9f46d1d8d508	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:08:45	-401.229
-124	93688	4684400	5a8a41da-dfed-4bb4-a802-12e85f9aac85	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:43:29	-434.540
-125	46845	4684500	e77925d3-f55e-43f9-b8b1-8db590025097	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 23:40:54	-724.284
-125	93690	4684500	e35d9344-8e49-49a6-922e-4fd4b891854c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:47:51	-117.118
-126	46846	4684600	8adfc5d2-6209-47ae-9c68-de72e66d1ebf	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:06:47	-183.192
-126	93692	4684600	0d0290ff-8122-4802-a5eb-e1760f263b94	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 05:33:03	592.6
-127	46847	4684700	53c6f335-bc4e-4cbd-b853-21b0f298142a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:25:20	754.589
-127	93694	4684700	4d8536f4-79bc-4092-9c99-74ebe882d386	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:25:44	12.308
-0	46848	4684800	bf00947d-82e8-4f37-9076-30ba3c71fb03	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 01:58:25	546.155
-0	93696	4684800	358357f9-1024-4494-aaa6-d72e3c3fa146	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:41:49	556.460
-1	46849	4684900	60f19536-03b4-4c3c-82d5-3768044e8af6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:39:16	157.124
-1	93698	4684900	2a20d385-4f0c-4152-85ec-7fa4b5e7d290	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 19:42:01	133.344
-2	46850	4685000	32c94261-1cbe-4023-977c-ad90cf0a14b9	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:46:37	-315.225
-2	93700	4685000	7339b4e7-725b-4eaf-9ef4-94c70234fcb9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:39:07	-266.453
-3	46851	4685100	f0486196-4bff-4784-a14c-61ad915dc5fd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:10:48	-644.640
-3	93702	4685100	a8ab949e-e83c-4c8d-8133-cb8227f8abd6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 06:28:06	-826.889
-4	46852	4685200	4840e15e-11de-425d-8258-7e2f2dcd5d8b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:29:28	-599.509
-4	93704	4685200	b8c299b3-37cc-4a54-81bd-e4a02b5e0cd4	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:06:59	547.153
-5	46853	4685300	c0a7ff00-6002-4bd4-84ee-92876f4d0617	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:48:28	615.39
-5	93706	4685300	9a98b76b-5da9-489b-98d0-0543dc929767	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:23:12	710.480
-6	46854	4685400	d9bc9537-d75c-4252-a82c-7f00bc4cd851	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 17:30:50	545.786
-6	93708	4685400	405ad782-9d2e-461f-8ff6-e434d5019fed	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:56:18	-379.524
-7	46855	4685500	dd833018-da99-4704-9388-f3e9609f3b56	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:36:00	236.265
-7	93710	4685500	a647a7ee-f746-4475-8fc9-c7155cd40a4f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:54:57	-178.465
-8	46856	4685600	d4b97f21-c64f-4c67-b118-82401a667df6	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:13:16	61.624
-8	93712	4685600	e1852565-4858-4171-b578-3d688aa3cf52	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:07:00	-100.252
-9	46857	4685700	fc31f6b4-38ce-497e-9fa9-956a4b67559e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:06:35	-72.485
-9	93714	4685700	542fa494-84d1-472b-929c-c55fa95ba978	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:06:44	-215.33
-10	46858	4685800	f050ac51-fe53-4946-be94-dd084030e21f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:42:51	-144.543
-10	93716	4685800	5aad90e0-a99c-49e0-bc90-2df3c5340cac	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:03:59	226.680
-11	46859	4685900	f410b986-6a3c-480a-9d2e-5540a78d662f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:20:31	735.8
-11	93718	4685900	d3856018-ad82-4d18-ba91-3832ab2d56c0	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:38:46	-351.878
-12	46860	4686000	b01d42b0-495d-4a8c-b784-3586f352edb8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:14:30	-80.399
-12	93720	4686000	c5ead3dd-6c67-4b5f-a2c5-5c3e5ae4f015	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:48:49	644.699
-13	46861	4686100	34f2086a-80f4-4342-b3da-756741a3bb8b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:23:30	-322.818
-13	93722	4686100	739f30db-2c3b-4fed-8b9c-8c96ea6c0288	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:07:52	249.438
-14	46862	4686200	6ad44617-207a-4d5c-adf5-3cfd0c469335	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:59:15	-223.949
-14	93724	4686200	9fcb781b-459c-487b-9ce0-34e4eae289b5	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:22:11	138.655
-15	46863	4686300	b3ddece7-bb5e-4b61-8d66-1b2a07655b08	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:29:58	502.595
-15	93726	4686300	208d31df-b964-4b72-944e-00843042f08c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:59:18	501.930
-16	46864	4686400	99f7e1fe-c571-4d59-bb1b-1e03c005c2e1	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:24:45	-647.976
-16	93728	4686400	8f6c2c84-d4f7-4bac-bba6-6774c97330c4	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:41:26	95.423
-17	46865	4686500	0c64cd03-5483-4d12-9a38-2c01a4470a0b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:58:28	-876.898
-17	93730	4686500	55089881-affe-4fee-a65e-9cc70c93e2cb	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:34:22	384.701
-18	46866	4686600	081ad857-7439-449d-a8c1-651fe9ed2d6c	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 00:40:06	608.229
-18	93732	4686600	2af1612f-9315-4240-975e-2b907c036da8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 04:46:22	277.200
-19	46867	4686700	a40715d9-185f-415b-b4d0-88fb98e58894	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:08:23	-239.703
-19	93734	4686700	1609b7ba-be04-4d39-a8ad-7c4f038b9d54	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:39:59	-426.58
-20	46868	4686800	67fe3280-38db-48c0-b669-db25a6cbd60c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:32:09	631.94
-20	93736	4686800	3ae42516-1582-496d-9a90-35111b9ccc41	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:04:25	-43.206
-21	46869	4686900	6ef24117-cdff-45ef-a195-14fb6aa6305a	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:18:00	-765.702
-21	93738	4686900	1adc4d59-5a23-4e03-8217-a4eb8cb95c8a	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:18:20	-456.808
-22	46870	4687000	4bcc3948-d36f-4925-b1f4-ae090fbd07d0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:43:31	-726.525
-22	93740	4687000	c5244ffc-6969-49fe-ab55-13b454b67273	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:44:34	-769.445
-23	46871	4687100	a5178065-7380-4493-bb13-9bf0866adbe2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:48:50	-937.749
-23	93742	4687100	a3d7bb69-622e-4f0f-b713-e38a9148aeaf	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:52:34	993.733
-24	46872	4687200	737c5b69-2610-456d-9b48-a76f916cfa26	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:52:42	340.825
-24	93744	4687200	3e6e9ad8-b9b7-4c53-9eec-f419fe7141a0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:06:51	926.911
-25	46873	4687300	d04b1e3b-8e1b-4929-897f-7d99361d10ae	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:11:03	597.12
-25	93746	4687300	10da1fff-d073-460e-a06b-51217de42a98	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 19:52:51	-969.939
-26	46874	4687400	0b3d2d04-152a-4b44-84bf-17521a2f0008	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 18:37:06	985.159
-26	93748	4687400	b9352cc7-281f-477e-a228-86df32eaeac5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 07:50:29	234.279
-27	46875	4687500	815b390a-0527-4ee9-ab43-fab53b6353b5	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:25:43	818.339
-27	93750	4687500	8a22be3b-619c-475d-9537-5a75f1b4ce46	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:54:00	-260.140
-28	46876	4687600	ea00dd18-67e3-43c2-866c-9a2ad2ff9009	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 08:05:26	-455.501
-28	93752	4687600	4de175f7-f566-43b5-964c-f8f4a25c6072	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:34:47	-597.821
-29	46877	4687700	4c0ff467-8cf1-48ee-b470-673632f241c4	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 17:11:54	-375.323
-29	93754	4687700	ce4a95ba-3cab-4443-b8b8-0200a6559750	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:36:30	-914.192
-30	46878	4687800	7c206479-f60b-48f6-858a-be5738699a38	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:48:34	446.605
-30	93756	4687800	4e5d269c-9cc4-45f2-af7b-998c17d08da2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:21:06	760.374
-31	46879	4687900	4559ec55-7de3-4f17-81ce-d9cf198d2a6b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:06:00	-712.16
-31	93758	4687900	ae6f614d-ed05-4adb-849d-f543563f6434	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 10:23:25	-818.383
-32	46880	4688000	91e5c3f2-0d53-4707-a123-8e96cfdb584e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:56:23	481.666
-32	93760	4688000	3020185e-54b9-4594-8348-63b29e4117a1	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:35:49	-374.881
-33	46881	4688100	f51d0b23-b96b-4813-9802-678b052c7561	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:03:09	-881.609
-33	93762	4688100	e6fbbdc3-c981-455a-98e0-9d87112c995a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 11:50:43	567.839
-34	46882	4688200	6c34c730-2aeb-4677-8102-c7c33ba968ae	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:24:35	-920.479
-34	93764	4688200	51d05df5-0a46-468f-99e2-dac0d0c6ae50	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:23:32	-399.594
-35	46883	4688300	961fb0d0-e686-4564-8352-131b5d49c928	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:19:50	-367.145
-35	93766	4688300	c8ff3688-ef53-4265-a1a7-5149eed4535b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 03:01:21	461.537
-36	46884	4688400	75b6d456-80cf-416f-b17e-aeca3f494727	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:50:38	423.400
-36	93768	4688400	5eff47ac-eed7-4147-9888-9636f0173b30	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:55:32	-335.971
-37	46885	4688500	9231ae2c-03d8-40e0-8608-1ec506bc65ec	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:10:03	851.97
-37	93770	4688500	aa78b9fe-70dd-4f5d-848b-ae79aecd3b7f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:06:34	606.958
-38	46886	4688600	0a0c7c01-6070-4fe2-a19a-01aa940aba30	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:28:53	-370.858
-38	93772	4688600	684e8eff-24b3-4d7a-97de-3db463eef271	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 18:33:26	192.838
-39	46887	4688700	d4741300-6891-4aa4-beaf-4a5bba212c45	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:27:16	-718.343
-39	93774	4688700	3245ef86-4a21-4759-81f8-bcd34de55034	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:14:23	257.548
-40	46888	4688800	054d0c99-6825-4d04-853e-7a37b36a0482	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:03:09	908.734
-40	93776	4688800	fe318773-98e3-4bf2-b80a-50a32769cb09	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:57:07	-693.496
-41	46889	4688900	045c5d49-cbda-4008-882a-c05e816cb11f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:06:34	-766.833
-41	93778	4688900	b37c57c5-6881-419a-befb-9f30d506827e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 20:26:18	24.751
-42	46890	4689000	ef2e186f-591b-4599-8558-761c1e5a773e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:03:05	-225.63
-42	93780	4689000	ae5e43d7-189b-4070-a85b-ecbd8a242abd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:37:46	576.10
-43	46891	4689100	9df83bb6-f048-4a19-bbb6-1ce47caab461	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:57:36	414.690
-43	93782	4689100	8e504418-8777-4889-b18d-7bf43c7fc41d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:08:54	135.472
-44	46892	4689200	fa0a9ff5-9513-40d0-8907-8ddb66f82bfa	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:40:16	518.522
-44	93784	4689200	5cf1e939-e973-4be4-9792-316451f8ae9a	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:58:54	-34.500
-45	46893	4689300	fe67ce3f-e227-4591-bb86-65d072899c95	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 05:13:47	-271.223
-45	93786	4689300	0ee3f9be-f7c1-45a7-a690-1c6344a7e0cc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:34:55	294.155
-46	46894	4689400	8fdbbe8f-395a-400b-a255-8ebd0a9bc8f5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:51:16	950.826
-46	93788	4689400	52d93138-f6d0-47f3-b4b0-faa330292bae	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:22:46	766.78
-47	46895	4689500	695916c4-d8c3-4932-a33d-969b465ef6bb	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 03:27:56	-759.577
-47	93790	4689500	025ce927-47c0-4155-a703-0d7fcee5cfa0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:01:19	-390.492
-48	46896	4689600	168961be-9977-48da-9278-a7225fb62647	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:17:20	325.431
-48	93792	4689600	8d482ee0-7afb-4563-b9e2-ec12a46ce01d	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:33:51	-920.460
-49	46897	4689700	1398985e-f409-4eff-9057-34a66758f7d0	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 01:25:23	-963.97
-49	93794	4689700	9d82d6cf-e64c-4380-84e0-6a3a5757eb45	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 06:35:27	810.172
-50	46898	4689800	0190a83c-4bb0-4833-a196-79a4291a3e07	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:58:38	650.26
-50	93796	4689800	f6887054-6fdb-400b-b4da-0f4e3df26597	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:29:41	-427.627
-51	46899	4689900	9bedda7d-975b-44b2-ae33-02517df31514	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:08:55	330.255
-51	93798	4689900	ab70c409-0452-42b0-8633-88be8c02e6b9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:06:29	-950.813
-52	46900	4690000	0ad590e1-b5db-4757-ba90-9ba1a2c0d9e3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:13:15	381.895
-52	93800	4690000	725b69d7-bf31-40be-970a-0451671b0b45	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:47:13	828.370
-53	46901	4690100	c4ed3a6d-8fcd-40bf-80bc-a74ed8d7eb90	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:26:38	-621.20
-53	93802	4690100	56cf30ca-6f81-4798-9cb1-a6d2808f4470	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:21:52	-489.176
-54	46902	4690200	b0c472f6-cdaa-4cd8-b1ee-ba1968d3daa4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:23:28	-387.559
-54	93804	4690200	cbf6c288-f81f-46c0-9941-34a684e4964b	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 02:54:14	-809.258
-55	46903	4690300	3795d3ad-1af9-446c-9bc4-aa5dd4f6c962	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:43:37	-172.135
-55	93806	4690300	9c55460b-099c-41a9-8f91-141d71ca71df	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:13:21	-847.429
-56	46904	4690400	85b096f3-6eae-4488-b1fe-ba13ad49d81e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:22:37	376.659
-56	93808	4690400	b3196dee-1075-452b-a477-14508845b596	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:41:20	604.804
-57	46905	4690500	2259556c-3d78-4811-a135-eecd7edfbe49	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:39:12	152.580
-57	93810	4690500	c525718a-5e3f-4c61-8d0f-9d1919a81222	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:56:10	388.972
-58	46906	4690600	a2c7664a-014e-47f0-9868-324e264a7a8d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 17:07:47	688.897
-58	93812	4690600	a0f580ff-2b4c-4e62-8fcb-8b876c947128	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:20:51	732.174
-59	46907	4690700	f91da640-9d5b-4168-b641-136e81362dfa	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:49:03	774.741
-59	93814	4690700	18d3eab5-286e-4592-8d54-fb47b51c31e6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 09:50:20	992.748
-60	46908	4690800	e5cf1e77-91c9-4605-97f3-507021713d13	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:22:58	69.572
-60	93816	4690800	c46f9953-c863-4ad4-a659-3b0e57437bc5	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 00:03:36	380.955
-61	46909	4690900	072132a2-193e-4301-9258-b35fbc957630	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:10:23	203.758
-61	93818	4690900	a1f0cc33-6469-44a2-aa86-7c7b826663a5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 23:34:38	298.89
-62	46910	4691000	3a8193ca-6438-4075-84b8-672d225e5642	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:43:58	670.665
-62	93820	4691000	731910f1-3457-4dd2-8e18-c96e35b98f71	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 09:20:33	-943.703
-63	46911	4691100	ec804836-bbf8-4e8e-84c8-14d92bdee603	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:17:32	995.674
-63	93822	4691100	6a198102-0f87-4cd6-840e-1151bf59b5e0	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:01:04	734.454
-64	46912	4691200	d52f8609-59ae-430a-a239-f9ded8d024d9	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:02:23	910.936
-64	93824	4691200	7f24b9db-669d-4a53-8502-0fb81ccad707	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:04:01	-73.536
-65	46913	4691300	cfbcfc42-5603-4ae6-8eee-57e0b2fdbb39	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:16:54	505.710
-65	93826	4691300	2b6b2efe-1267-42c9-a3e3-6830b52e211e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:13:48	750.420
-66	46914	4691400	72677576-2f06-4184-b0aa-9b6296cf8f88	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:20:25	450.417
-66	93828	4691400	12209ac6-f54a-40c1-a62d-781eb190ed7f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:46:47	-359.931
-67	46915	4691500	3475b50e-a930-412a-8c12-a2f5fdeea038	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:16:07	147.302
-67	93830	4691500	79ffba74-acea-443b-b4a9-9a09be6a4c0c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:01:34	992.968
-68	46916	4691600	0fca09e5-642a-4d01-9bed-2ff48faf7dbe	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 00:35:25	535.302
-68	93832	4691600	094726cd-f7d0-4ab7-943e-6a4fee084e71	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:29:57	-568.628
-69	46917	4691700	d632bc49-0895-4258-91f7-70123f5793ec	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:19:33	862.687
-69	93834	4691700	a1ed3895-0b00-4f6a-af1a-88bd8f5d674e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:53:22	363.64
-70	46918	4691800	bee3a2a7-f64a-4033-9728-ca226799f0fc	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:31:03	252.875
-70	93836	4691800	8792552f-7ab5-4268-abd0-4952a5909dcf	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:12:09	-178.682
-71	46919	4691900	6559e4a8-0341-4c6f-bf45-192c016a964d	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:28:45	447.728
-71	93838	4691900	ca039859-3126-4c4d-871c-3455f65d6397	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:27:00	-623.814
-72	46920	4692000	87f21f36-0d44-46f5-9ad2-a067f612d537	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:41:46	-296.831
-72	93840	4692000	6cbcfc74-5a17-4c61-8f4c-097378d2a98b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:16:00	536.171
-73	46921	4692100	967c546c-9e4d-4bf0-9a13-30c5987e995a	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:01:34	301.520
-73	93842	4692100	f8e5455d-e8db-4c68-8228-e81baf855f25	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 09:32:09	548.473
-74	46922	4692200	7590f102-a0c7-4e6f-8406-15d4e0368a9f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:12:58	583.562
-74	93844	4692200	0c894f5e-3071-4bfe-b8c1-60a8aba5e02f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:15:39	870.745
-75	46923	4692300	6c2c5972-c05a-4537-8750-5e7788c9bbaa	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:19:02	675.78
-75	93846	4692300	637de208-6cf4-4a43-9f5f-e2eb1015e1c4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:08:26	182.65
-76	46924	4692400	e738db3b-05eb-48e5-8224-4a2984b0911f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:03:01	-710.928
-76	93848	4692400	9b8ece7e-795b-4b4d-80c7-eb4a92e7e78f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:57:33	196.795
-77	46925	4692500	f3556b2a-7c34-41b2-a80e-a6d341d1bacb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:07:56	145.328
-77	93850	4692500	3c698ad9-9e0b-4675-a44e-1ea920370348	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 18:26:28	307.648
-78	46926	4692600	c83830ff-82c5-4f1f-a71e-0fdea5d29346	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:28:19	257.220
-78	93852	4692600	aefd0a24-9263-41ec-8a46-9ed82f13c28f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:09:31	416.786
-79	46927	4692700	4635f3fe-ed06-4276-b5fc-d4e01a81ba09	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:07:28	-459.366
-79	93854	4692700	31c0f146-572a-4104-b84a-23da19a8de72	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:13:04	-422.82
-80	46928	4692800	9674442a-48ba-4c84-8259-bd6fe6114c69	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 07:13:10	-31.504
-80	93856	4692800	3fe3f1cd-2b23-4cea-ba90-0713e9a3dcf2	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:55:11	444.216
-81	46929	4692900	d84b4da2-bf4e-45a7-becf-36b04c2212e5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:13:25	364.327
-81	93858	4692900	69c2e3a6-acde-4df9-ad57-b952aafc7f92	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:53:39	987.979
-82	46930	4693000	13e02949-000e-4ab6-9813-b8e8d4008b0c	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:58:30	-343.878
-82	93860	4693000	9ff68cb8-600a-47ab-a763-a8aa0503415b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:24:55	-366.403
-83	46931	4693100	d2f37718-1845-49c1-997a-174bcad59abb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:10:17	-665.498
-83	93862	4693100	35db8f41-4a0c-4bb5-87ea-8e762ede1a57	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:36:30	28.483
-84	46932	4693200	cf3bf0f7-a618-4a18-8469-653fbabd00f9	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:27:39	931.495
-84	93864	4693200	dd7a2d1d-0584-4b62-86bd-9a02560f6789	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:01:28	-858.967
-85	46933	4693300	db84e5aa-2524-4de5-bffc-9bb4fad4b89e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 16:11:38	-92.908
-85	93866	4693300	2c4275ed-6f41-4ca0-b535-72af611bbed3	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 17:50:37	456.924
-86	46934	4693400	49af19df-69d4-4e41-8419-ce506dfbf2a5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:11:22	351.203
-86	93868	4693400	e5155e24-29f2-4ab4-ac0b-cf56429498ad	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:33:05	928.950
-87	46935	4693500	b28ded89-de0a-4ec5-8353-4aa223d9cf04	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:42:34	328.37
-87	93870	4693500	11907334-103c-4aee-af62-5d7cd67346e9	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:35:24	107.384
-88	46936	4693600	5a3b9da4-e49d-492b-9215-bb41cc094404	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:30:04	-834.164
-88	93872	4693600	7ed583d5-b2dd-4317-9c70-cf2d16c09f95	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:35:22	760.820
-89	46937	4693700	8cf8af40-f46e-4434-9e44-c9d2935640f1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 15:49:19	676.88
-89	93874	4693700	1f3fe25a-8fa7-43f0-abcd-ebf5e2383ce1	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:07:39	-660.193
-90	46938	4693800	5d2f5d34-7cbe-49a2-a827-b501c32f0b57	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:11:30	-633.663
-90	93876	4693800	95355437-a65b-48ec-b843-90e39a3158c1	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:26:17	-411.475
-91	46939	4693900	08b049a4-cc27-43e6-adb8-bacc30dba1ba	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:11:52	-429.62
-91	93878	4693900	164abde5-44b2-4878-b5fa-8852059b4d5a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:39:12	288.361
-92	46940	4694000	e1df27ba-996b-4413-b861-8ce8250173ad	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:19:35	-431.452
-92	93880	4694000	561f9885-8450-40e3-a1ff-8c7b68b4978c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:09:41	513.33
-93	46941	4694100	4f1a9b3b-3c86-4dc4-a829-442a66dead93	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 09:11:34	230.686
-93	93882	4694100	ebeb5cc5-7cef-438d-96ec-e6240870b880	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:20:37	-805.767
-94	46942	4694200	1eea10c1-6b7a-46a7-a995-a4759abadb84	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 15:26:26	18.811
-94	93884	4694200	e80f35eb-eed7-4395-85a1-0e1caaf6b2d0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:53:07	-79.129
-95	46943	4694300	95a4726b-898c-4c0b-9ec5-d962a716283d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 00:30:16	-672.678
-95	93886	4694300	cb58482c-f163-4557-a18b-36c28d803af1	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:58:20	-353.282
-96	46944	4694400	643659d0-8e99-471e-8af1-dfec4de3f837	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:15:29	-844.749
-96	93888	4694400	55d0556e-cff0-467d-943f-96df0bb53715	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 16:25:10	393.809
-97	46945	4694500	d548ef6e-9e3a-4130-9e6c-6583989dbe22	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:04:57	-387.975
-97	93890	4694500	72c863fa-4fa3-4667-9b00-4e31109f23ac	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:25:43	-262.93
-98	46946	4694600	9952cc73-20c7-4bda-8acf-94e1e07e209a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:11:59	686.759
-98	93892	4694600	3fd6d638-6c8b-41fa-a658-a6301589ee48	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:35:17	-6.767
-99	46947	4694700	86dbbd9b-3e3a-4ab4-90b3-96313c0beb24	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:38:23	239.231
-99	93894	4694700	62477e7f-b294-4138-a874-3f01b954040c	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:39:10	786.465
-100	46948	4694800	757cf228-59c6-4e7f-b492-b9a7d4e0b9da	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:51:37	-388.13
-100	93896	4694800	30e184df-ea02-43f9-b618-bdc4132de4c0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:36:17	285.293
-101	46949	4694900	73e2cff4-b10b-47b3-b8d9-0f1f70b8454d	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 22:45:54	-727.34
-101	93898	4694900	6d945f5c-55b0-4282-a5a5-c506899c1384	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:22:04	761.599
-102	46950	4695000	07e65ed3-6872-41c9-a31b-38d5ce330676	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:07:24	-334.929
-102	93900	4695000	a6d60d3f-67ce-4ad7-87ed-0ea439df7bf1	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:52:04	-332.361
-103	46951	4695100	9aaab809-4d9b-4d59-9c17-7af6fb939f7a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 00:36:47	772.590
-103	93902	4695100	5fa0d89c-c0bb-4f61-96f2-2016481f03a3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:04:29	371.182
-104	46952	4695200	adbf6e7c-057b-4c58-819b-ebe5303f3564	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:04:16	478.15
-104	93904	4695200	65944b08-8dbe-4430-8a3c-d246e9c2a57f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 13:24:02	-566.287
-105	46953	4695300	5c902a89-a155-43e1-aced-201d0fffdc96	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:04:58	-12.912
-105	93906	4695300	0d19514e-5a2e-40b3-8a9b-8e3c45924085	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:20:03	-389.246
-106	46954	4695400	6b484434-1915-4430-ab30-759f265266ef	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:10:08	-529.739
-106	93908	4695400	8f2c1765-fd9b-4a81-9763-16abd369da65	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:37:25	369.410
-107	46955	4695500	0c0616e2-3981-437c-9eaf-334237669868	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:58:26	-591.629
-107	93910	4695500	ca75169c-816e-41c9-8083-73156ee78430	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 15:24:24	842.160
-108	46956	4695600	5b6e7cb0-282b-47a6-9d4b-92f368b03f2d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:46:44	233.731
-108	93912	4695600	e6e1e300-81e0-49c7-8b41-5d36b9c53ac7	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:24:40	-405.612
-109	46957	4695700	98178416-147d-4ca1-aedd-daf18ada008b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:03:56	701.923
-109	93914	4695700	f673a16e-94ed-48e4-9f11-7a734dd3d37d	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:14:08	756.923
-110	46958	4695800	2dd5e410-5715-42cd-8b4d-f6a46f9a50c0	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:00:57	709.269
-110	93916	4695800	58ed8092-1d15-468f-9e59-991a221abbf3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:45:59	217.467
-111	46959	4695900	4fdfb08c-2f6f-47d5-a936-f9b9f7271f54	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 09:50:36	181.590
-111	93918	4695900	b33af2cf-93a0-4e0f-8530-0cf2e3243520	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:34:30	-897.729
-112	46960	4696000	1780ba8e-6b66-4783-a362-0ce5a004c0ba	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:47:05	186.992
-112	93920	4696000	e4b9483d-763f-43dc-a399-917fdbdb0ba3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 04:43:47	-731.862
-113	46961	4696100	853a844e-efdc-4cff-9be1-6e8d9a4833a0	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:26:18	-342.174
-113	93922	4696100	86829e90-c9df-4fdf-bf5d-a9e9a552762b	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 20:38:51	440.635
-114	46962	4696200	48ef11de-75a1-4661-beca-a28e6e01275b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 01:17:21	707.698
-114	93924	4696200	e403f595-90f2-43cf-a6d8-dd981a6da9d9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:32:36	869.672
-115	46963	4696300	e9a2a69a-7a26-436d-b11b-c5b00609bb35	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:05:12	299.64
-115	93926	4696300	480f872c-4e18-4f49-a4d6-ecc60a9e8fbb	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 12:13:04	-726.832
-116	46964	4696400	e7ac7968-800f-433e-9084-2a556ed16b56	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:13:55	460.996
-116	93928	4696400	fd9783d8-7f0b-43f2-b69a-46410dd6baba	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 16:56:08	344.818
-117	46965	4696500	ba6032f3-7e30-436b-b41b-22c28b6973b9	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:51:32	172.118
-117	93930	4696500	ac722f52-8800-48b3-b423-7e75480c7639	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 23:14:20	-748.564
-118	46966	4696600	dd8a2667-a8ca-411b-83b8-8d5671980b7e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:46:57	711.205
-118	93932	4696600	34870de4-235a-4276-a181-29e0c3a3dcaa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:19:36	-157.814
-119	46967	4696700	1c9ab67a-0c3e-4d0a-9bbf-a660e3c88d67	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 05:05:59	874.164
-119	93934	4696700	bdb95565-0932-4733-a9ec-557b02e40f9a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:09:17	360.127
-120	46968	4696800	193583df-c32a-4fd1-97aa-0d507cd700a7	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:00:50	-376.298
-120	93936	4696800	13375895-068b-4fe2-a773-6642d2dca68d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:45:07	733.264
-121	46969	4696900	9a2602c5-e2c6-4378-b55d-54f4e93f276e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:26:14	-214.10
-121	93938	4696900	96ca3816-55b9-498c-9ca5-3d269ec35b7b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:11:07	-248.895
-122	46970	4697000	3f9897a2-16b0-4f4e-b40e-b7a997e15d66	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:57:03	127.556
-122	93940	4697000	47809b50-cc18-41c6-8c33-dc9298f49712	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:23:42	-130.223
-123	46971	4697100	b59b74f4-6335-44ef-9eb8-a0b42d54aaf9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:34:55	-954.429
-123	93942	4697100	b82031aa-1da0-4719-99e7-8dfecca7b17b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:50:31	-952.382
-124	46972	4697200	8733a9a8-b9c4-49d8-aa33-cd28997fe25b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:10:06	888.136
-124	93944	4697200	a11eac76-fe86-4d8d-8e64-0b1af8346070	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:51:35	142.513
-125	46973	4697300	2b59c817-c2dd-4dbe-837c-e045eb3bb2ce	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:55:25	-866.800
-125	93946	4697300	0bb835ee-e1b7-4122-890a-254a876aeb75	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:51:08	-808.331
-126	46974	4697400	94b5ee7a-1435-451c-9b7e-4347058c47eb	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:00:11	178.61
-126	93948	4697400	cbdf0d50-cd5e-489f-9e42-b6cef3126b28	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:57:37	263.934
-127	46975	4697500	f981468d-bc34-4657-83b4-287375a0bcb9	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:55:11	-140.195
-127	93950	4697500	46245386-bdcc-4552-a9b7-cd69c734850b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:34:16	-249.115
-0	46976	4697600	9a7ec612-61ec-4d30-97a6-6f489d8902d3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:18:53	-321.448
-0	93952	4697600	e077f9fb-1598-4d1d-bcad-6b2e7eb2e8ef	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:06:42	842.566
-1	46977	4697700	20483588-9088-444f-9e03-f3cd369cd887	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:51:22	-484.92
-1	93954	4697700	ef7a437f-35d5-4912-b467-873c87fc2e3e	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 01:20:52	833.933
-2	46978	4697800	8d7776ef-969e-4f9b-a2a8-e98e57808cd2	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:43:24	2.502
-2	93956	4697800	eb8a8392-44ee-4025-9217-fdb3024ac202	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:02:54	725.451
-3	46979	4697900	39d84b52-a87d-4cdc-abfd-44a14667dd0e	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:55:00	-656.968
-3	93958	4697900	79e67100-7294-48fb-8a3a-29cb36a0daaa	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:46:38	67.839
-4	46980	4698000	976932c9-4a8a-4b6b-b0ae-e67d39854b22	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:37:46	70.577
-4	93960	4698000	66cabcab-8919-4d77-a26f-2eb0565959b7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:17:09	-382.785
-5	46981	4698100	7531d604-8066-488f-8048-952dd38f6410	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:13:03	468.716
-5	93962	4698100	c5dc80c2-fbd7-41c7-a04e-0e9c13253d77	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:31:24	685.435
-6	46982	4698200	90ea37a2-1383-495b-991d-a3844269fe26	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:28:46	864.709
-6	93964	4698200	1f78b1a9-e5bb-4821-a546-bdf7f272729f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 16:41:24	-285.339
-7	46983	4698300	acafe7a9-fc1b-4835-a9c6-742857ca8910	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 02:08:49	-920.226
-7	93966	4698300	da3f8e5d-008d-4a0a-a58e-8a6317c5dd90	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:32:23	54.942
-8	46984	4698400	1d59ccec-77a3-49e7-bd3d-0abe1f3a9a08	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 04:26:17	918.276
-8	93968	4698400	01c8d7c6-48c6-4aa7-816a-0ef13c461184	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:17:38	47.509
-9	46985	4698500	d0774bc0-f576-49b6-a4a6-87f8820e1c47	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:00:55	250.559
-9	93970	4698500	71e4f3dc-67a3-409a-8d3d-e4f2b85c8aed	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 09:33:43	84.426
-10	46986	4698600	625e4cc7-9ad2-46c6-94dd-e515d18f744d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 05:22:41	613.8
-10	93972	4698600	e4a3fbc8-2bf7-4bcb-83f0-882f19cb1c10	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:06:02	173.216
-11	46987	4698700	b1e7511d-cbe1-45ea-9d13-5980b5a881b4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:08:17	-16.684
-11	93974	4698700	93232a16-a782-45cd-8c4c-d03a655d8bd6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:59:57	372.705
-12	46988	4698800	33070342-98d3-4552-8e99-adf038fb4937	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:37:50	467.552
-12	93976	4698800	e38b516a-e5f7-450d-bc47-2cefc3b7f05b	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 23:52:54	272.574
-13	46989	4698900	f53cd41c-4036-4827-a1e1-65c6c4b777e8	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:31:30	180.608
-13	93978	4698900	5bf574c4-b528-4f22-b144-d35e569320c2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 09:58:09	236.489
-14	46990	4699000	ac59c909-cb66-4758-bc4f-0cc0e8e42f08	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:29:28	-634.178
-14	93980	4699000	4abfdd6f-db0e-4700-91fe-ac105bb63f87	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:30:43	936.155
-15	46991	4699100	97d39049-a659-4e56-a374-918a3d38be7e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:54:46	-71.375
-15	93982	4699100	58589f69-a53b-4b8d-8426-2217fba4d42a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:05:18	-339.618
-16	46992	4699200	5c2908fb-66f5-4335-a5c3-bb88ce111b55	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:57:03	197.60
-16	93984	4699200	3c06a05e-6cbd-46db-8a56-7a32f6a57dbe	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:49:52	489.330
-17	46993	4699300	24065256-e424-4084-b5b7-697cee40bceb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:21:09	-652.241
-17	93986	4699300	c77f51cc-0886-4a8d-a307-5c61fc3d05fc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:12:56	327.126
-18	46994	4699400	0f17697f-0348-498b-91d6-be7de95e2741	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 19:05:04	-140.560
-18	93988	4699400	d41a0c60-d61d-45de-a42b-7528875050ee	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:59:59	18.232
-19	46995	4699500	db3c1054-5bf5-451b-8927-158adab31a17	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:59:19	938.831
-19	93990	4699500	a10e4d5c-c2ed-42e4-ba85-e340d5ca8a01	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 13:22:33	-896.747
-20	46996	4699600	7fb84bb8-ccd2-45bc-b15c-01dfaee9da91	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:21:04	265.916
-20	93992	4699600	f3a91997-38d0-4278-968c-3d82f650285d	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:27:24	119.527
-21	46997	4699700	c381c8e1-e753-4500-815c-3bed58120eae	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:36:06	71.323
-21	93994	4699700	87399e01-5e95-48a4-afef-c97e2e9dd090	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:34:37	-697.296
-22	46998	4699800	25d32438-d60f-4171-833b-fe3fefa565e3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 13:49:37	-691.363
-22	93996	4699800	bd2d0f00-576d-43e1-8025-63e2f7cd8193	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:50:34	676.20
-23	46999	4699900	4243d72a-1d42-4edb-a988-0966ea450b8e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:47:47	-186.785
-23	93998	4699900	e0dd232d-acb1-45bf-87d4-02bdd95abd9c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:26:25	-111.17
-24	47000	4700000	060989c8-3c7d-4d4c-9869-fa6f7553e59d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 15:44:02	-202.991
-24	94000	4700000	5c8ebb1c-1d97-4c93-b5a0-f61b4a6e5f2b	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:52:55	784.308
-25	47001	4700100	502074ce-97bb-4a40-96d3-72aaf5d06385	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:47:25	531.18
-25	94002	4700100	acc6df8f-7bd4-497d-ad16-692977501397	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:44:39	106.632
-26	47002	4700200	601fba9d-0924-4791-8508-763f99e76d10	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:35:50	461.193
-26	94004	4700200	e67298b0-6d0e-41e0-ac39-1a818abdd316	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:54:23	63.851
-27	47003	4700300	69441161-32d2-4793-85ba-02472c7b5817	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:59:33	-976.13
-27	94006	4700300	6dcbed0b-7edf-405e-a4f6-19129cb83998	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 01:12:27	390.625
-28	47004	4700400	6006cfc0-9185-4ad9-b483-22906d9b6748	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:52:32	691.199
-28	94008	4700400	1754e718-58c0-44b9-8cdb-535714647c05	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 10:09:39	913.49
-29	47005	4700500	8b029915-0dc9-4ce2-b95e-c189cad5b4d6	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:46:32	818.390
-29	94010	4700500	d715762d-d7a7-4fcc-9b08-a9df0f36b6bb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:13:39	974.72
-30	47006	4700600	972facd6-1948-426d-ac3d-19b97d7227ee	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:18:30	-153.372
-30	94012	4700600	0c21740a-f4c5-410b-b4a5-971ff1da56fd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 08:54:17	199.486
-31	47007	4700700	2a54ae44-4046-43e4-a6b9-413f30fe638c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:28:54	-263.125
-31	94014	4700700	8863bf62-5251-4452-94df-b697ae667cdd	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:40:04	-788.660
-32	47008	4700800	a4098b2b-8be0-458a-88a9-d15479ee72be	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:24:05	-264.92
-32	94016	4700800	45ec288e-a39c-4069-b12d-05df450bcc7f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:41:54	-581.870
-33	47009	4700900	811038d2-9375-4800-bb03-38a831b331c2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 20:49:49	-631.69
-33	94018	4700900	adce99e5-6877-4aa6-bbd2-1ecd7b49bf50	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:59:41	936.667
-34	47010	4701000	b4f98f31-6d6e-4b23-a22f-9eabb3d39aa0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:03:13	753.101
-34	94020	4701000	34b30213-8cdd-4e0a-aed6-854a7370ff43	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:39:20	-74.893
-35	47011	4701100	54973abf-40a3-41c8-a47d-01707cd0a684	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:41:37	-994.26
-35	94022	4701100	74a9cdfe-e9c0-41aa-afa2-ad47e91483fe	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:13:07	-194.271
-36	47012	4701200	9a06a219-1c99-420c-b115-0d0e30c29617	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:37:05	480.822
-36	94024	4701200	d2c66092-0033-4d7c-8690-ddfa4c85d8b5	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:46:48	-626.144
-37	47013	4701300	59e6ccc4-c221-4a18-9615-c5c871be071f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:01:31	-125.466
-37	94026	4701300	e3a2fbf3-223d-43f3-8615-bdef04f9ba9b	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:40:06	-71.670
-38	47014	4701400	f358623e-5608-489b-b908-d570e2b9d117	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:31:42	87.298
-38	94028	4701400	92e25748-1af0-4c62-8594-26920fc91f02	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 03:44:39	-105.791
-39	47015	4701500	3a6496ce-cf3d-4450-b382-cc31f9ac419b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:15:26	711.524
-39	94030	4701500	6b66b087-2a41-466e-951e-315b22b5bf67	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 01:15:31	-2.121
-40	47016	4701600	4e893a33-1a1d-493f-9021-23f1671aadfe	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:03:08	-565.610
-40	94032	4701600	9ddf1d9c-85c1-4816-a44b-bdbbe65ec1a0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:00:44	-77.214
-41	47017	4701700	84b35d82-699d-49c7-ba33-f56872735d20	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:43:05	-33.968
-41	94034	4701700	5ec426d3-0f5a-4d3b-b1a5-8fc6681e145d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:16:32	-226.305
-42	47018	4701800	51febc24-7784-499d-b9a9-5123eb631ca9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 16:04:26	-249.353
-42	94036	4701800	b6194ab9-c8df-4d24-b9e7-c5dc8b23d378	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:54:43	-239.313
-43	47019	4701900	f66f2227-425e-434f-b435-104ad51f357c	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:22:56	-301.510
-43	94038	4701900	df76d794-2511-4242-8df4-c95745e8f328	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:06:09	762.823
-44	47020	4702000	b0f020b5-95a8-45cb-9c08-44a2bac7c169	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:50:32	-871.175
-44	94040	4702000	7cb3513c-f60e-4024-8549-7941ee94b169	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 17:00:29	446.416
-45	47021	4702100	bb53cab7-5643-4d38-a82d-4a978855ada6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:26:40	-991.604
-45	94042	4702100	c0b06ceb-69ff-459c-8d79-c6f5e48a517a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:16:15	-338.59
-46	47022	4702200	b1dc200a-adb9-420f-9ea4-58b4fe9e5519	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:52:39	609.982
-46	94044	4702200	aff5a14e-2fc8-45ac-9930-edb2600a4a43	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:09:10	230.719
-47	47023	4702300	e46b470f-8e5e-4d5f-9fa5-9d921708c063	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:14:05	17.412
-47	94046	4702300	5c29f8ff-d644-4fc7-a838-ca5653d0ef10	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:10:22	184.905
-48	47024	4702400	d9244ca1-6063-4d94-a282-e5b47032e56d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 03:16:02	517.322
-48	94048	4702400	820e8043-2e4a-46f2-bf7a-8af2c63282b5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:58:28	668.961
-49	47025	4702500	234900ec-7c1e-4276-a6fc-44bab9eb7e9e	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:29:35	-734.201
-49	94050	4702500	417a8232-6c52-40c0-8e36-fcb1153351eb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:56:24	-794.871
-50	47026	4702600	698a8ce2-8932-4397-b21f-3144fe2870cd	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:36:15	163.966
-50	94052	4702600	22bf3409-1a31-4fcd-9981-39e2c1c137c5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 00:19:38	154.823
-51	47027	4702700	8fbaed0f-0c50-4522-be9d-1173eeead42c	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:35:04	-968.703
-51	94054	4702700	8dd7ad12-4e31-4e33-8814-c517b7590b7f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:33:42	-75.954
-52	47028	4702800	156b1e63-ea92-498d-88b8-fe855cd72237	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:59:02	4.860
-52	94056	4702800	af44be7d-a117-4afd-a55a-290dc82a1f73	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 05:57:30	523.88
-53	47029	4702900	a04b7311-2687-4fc8-9ae5-d3dd106c4298	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:02:20	583.616
-53	94058	4702900	12f4a166-d685-45be-9c72-ab346311c3f1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:59:30	-293.287
-54	47030	4703000	e9340c62-d927-4082-8d4c-ffab5366e42c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:49:17	376.763
-54	94060	4703000	8becd11c-dbe1-4f0b-9d42-cab8f5188589	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 18:00:33	49.663
-55	47031	4703100	e7bc8883-e1f2-40c3-90ac-be2b207c88c1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:50:38	-123.492
-55	94062	4703100	a0844030-76ad-4564-ad96-709b10322aa2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:34:26	-304.3
-56	47032	4703200	4cea1b4e-50e4-496c-81ef-4c571c63bb55	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:05:52	458.535
-56	94064	4703200	722d44dc-f409-4b62-9bf1-3e786b328b61	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:12:22	-893.254
-57	47033	4703300	8cf9761f-8ec7-4890-a994-f670d118eeef	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:44:14	-339.892
-57	94066	4703300	6743c36e-8707-4aa9-afb1-5541eaaf30ea	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:11:10	778.763
-58	47034	4703400	454f8179-dcb6-47ac-ab05-aca331875d6a	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:11:43	-317.191
-58	94068	4703400	f82bc75a-5345-4dc6-8942-be5a24855d08	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:03:40	314.9
-59	47035	4703500	4e657ad9-1195-4f80-9eb3-845688efaed2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:47:48	-45.957
-59	94070	4703500	b39a5cf7-fa27-4888-8b89-bc46302d148b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:58:21	-993.626
-60	47036	4703600	5e818599-cbf8-40b4-afd1-e3da0fe57e69	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:12:32	-231.208
-60	94072	4703600	49449e59-54f6-4b1e-a27b-69ad7678dd1a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 13:43:54	768.790
-61	47037	4703700	ca0323f9-583f-421e-ad46-3b03b926fb40	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 10:25:37	135.130
-61	94074	4703700	b220b0a0-6c24-46ae-9864-7cd3ccbf07d4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:27:35	-124.152
-62	47038	4703800	18d680ef-956b-497f-8a9d-2a29dd9d4e9f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 21:11:19	-162.652
-62	94076	4703800	2bffa652-5da1-4d94-908a-660297018f56	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:54:59	-953.584
-63	47039	4703900	0723fb3c-c556-4c73-84d3-1a5cf17e89b2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:22:57	-248.920
-63	94078	4703900	1b7e04d2-ad54-42fb-9d6c-8e3c7e4aa82c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 10:53:16	738.117
-64	47040	4704000	e83b4eaa-f1e5-4250-a7a1-3382f305ade9	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:17:41	-148.225
-64	94080	4704000	f3b3f413-0534-4d70-b76a-492573713c29	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:27:04	-588.202
-65	47041	4704100	732e8582-30b1-42cd-8b34-faffdbf5bc51	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:27:36	-749.614
-65	94082	4704100	6d616c7d-fd0b-4dbd-bea2-89b25c6027af	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:58:53	-352.379
-66	47042	4704200	25c0d270-1c82-4a73-b349-72382a4c13dd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:39:55	150.587
-66	94084	4704200	42adf882-534d-41d5-b3a1-1d5fadd8a9a8	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 17:30:11	-137.919
-67	47043	4704300	d1524df6-668e-47f8-aaef-8cdd20f1f010	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 07:09:53	-446.1
-67	94086	4704300	e1a6f499-004f-4d04-89e7-e044d1728637	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 22:12:24	225.743
-68	47044	4704400	2693ebb6-8ae7-42f0-a903-9a711679f77b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:22:04	-482.16
-68	94088	4704400	a4b755f2-86b1-4de8-a840-45d9d6af1369	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:18:48	-542.173
-69	47045	4704500	f286b539-e186-4c13-9044-78e1ef13cf6f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 00:59:22	-426.143
-69	94090	4704500	d6675d9b-00d4-4b61-b64f-4711c4781a18	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:17:28	-859.856
-70	47046	4704600	c78765f2-949c-43fb-95b5-90d157ea0418	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:10:03	706.313
-70	94092	4704600	ce3de2d5-1e46-4909-870c-7e572b5886bb	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:07:31	-119.674
-71	47047	4704700	1f6561c4-38e1-4b2b-9c43-4a9bd4065b8a	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:47:55	335.91
-71	94094	4704700	385e1b7f-c424-4f07-848f-ecf892d9a5ea	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:34:58	431.211
-72	47048	4704800	35bda4eb-03fd-4bf0-a974-fa5ed866a42a	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:59:12	820.488
-72	94096	4704800	ef0be2b8-63e5-44cd-a629-012527c0117b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:07:59	68.841
-73	47049	4704900	d1368bb1-3a17-45d7-bfa2-ad94d4cae8d8	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:31:19	-963.658
-73	94098	4704900	8447746e-ea16-4efb-82f3-03adefa4eaa2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:25:18	236.208
-74	47050	4705000	98073ec7-4aae-42c7-8896-3919122727b6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 05:17:45	-188.422
-74	94100	4705000	7ccb90d4-2d76-4834-9f79-0d156503f34b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:28:51	611.445
-75	47051	4705100	9e9abeb7-ae0c-4cc6-b576-2f3cfdbec89b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:12:14	-273.89
-75	94102	4705100	c44ec0a7-dc80-45b6-807e-17b4d6c52852	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:45:28	-65.948
-76	47052	4705200	0bf3db61-274a-441c-8fd2-7d28f210ae6d	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:07:38	52.12
-76	94104	4705200	a160f1ab-bb9b-4124-973a-9d23e0164f36	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 13:22:53	306.574
-77	47053	4705300	b59ec6ae-65ab-4722-99b8-b63843aa9097	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:08:46	-684.323
-77	94106	4705300	6a610ef2-2c4b-4642-a732-997deb535893	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:57:17	-894.806
-78	47054	4705400	0c485b41-2d1c-45b7-92d8-6bac70dc6b30	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:10:48	248.948
-78	94108	4705400	02befa87-5016-4be6-805a-32a2b28fed4d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:05:34	337.968
-79	47055	4705500	b629945c-cfda-4429-8fd8-3ac3de2a049b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:22:48	-365.599
-79	94110	4705500	6af7efe8-df9d-493f-b532-9f44ab1ab2c5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:55:29	-840.870
-80	47056	4705600	55cee164-13fd-475e-bb73-5398ca627773	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:34:12	-216.607
-80	94112	4705600	0eef96e2-5d89-42b9-af26-ffd1d478d80a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:16:00	784.363
-81	47057	4705700	bd0b216d-9500-467b-b225-900e1d379a05	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:14:35	368.108
-81	94114	4705700	bd886825-bf96-4475-bc33-b5d16e871f5b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:45:24	940.572
-82	47058	4705800	e6cfcf7b-487e-4b19-96d9-6085b40eb007	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 09:39:47	50.979
-82	94116	4705800	0b6785e6-f738-4fe4-afb2-1e70b00a8338	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:51:51	-979.743
-83	47059	4705900	b12ff79b-7f70-46d5-9f21-59191bc604ab	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:26:27	-79.898
-83	94118	4705900	e3676fe7-f715-4bff-b5c8-22673b0f89c2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:10:55	-183.998
-84	47060	4706000	b2dcb065-9260-4d18-9464-552609b17606	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:44:46	839.341
-84	94120	4706000	134cf09c-bfa5-4574-9b14-2bf471acd0c4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:15:13	-813.803
-85	47061	4706100	83ce2bac-fa75-49c6-8f0a-7ae570fd08b7	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:14:27	-647.855
-85	94122	4706100	91ab9df1-5122-4946-bf53-6d56aa30f990	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:56:47	-173.562
-86	47062	4706200	ecaa15bf-e2ec-4928-b6bc-1a980acc0dd9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 05:13:45	-760.837
-86	94124	4706200	68849b5d-f8ba-4ee4-9781-a01f618416f5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:28:22	810.39
-87	47063	4706300	edb40337-6cbe-4fcb-8184-ece0ca6b1e4a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:54:52	53.745
-87	94126	4706300	090d8334-1857-4177-9aec-f3415dad8e2c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:33:01	993.301
-88	47064	4706400	f9d5e5f4-b4cf-4ccb-92e9-596e4756b4ba	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:51:09	432.681
-88	94128	4706400	68d9b61d-1a63-46c0-bbf0-0bbe54995c44	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:02:13	267.908
-89	47065	4706500	7e31d879-eb91-4370-a318-c2088e6f1d7f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:18:28	-918.381
-89	94130	4706500	2d594d49-8473-42ea-a448-2e9875426953	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:02:50	253.329
-90	47066	4706600	e56e3c20-bf89-44ff-a464-138a7ebf2018	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:27:06	511.395
-90	94132	4706600	dd556124-53c9-4205-bd17-2ecb9d796817	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 15:47:22	349.779
-91	47067	4706700	845c249f-07ca-4d93-9e91-c3dc14839abb	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 20:29:44	-783.846
-91	94134	4706700	fbab89c2-e980-4551-83ee-9a6af676ca3e	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:35:04	-558.754
-92	47068	4706800	4cf205ce-86c2-4753-b2af-3105ae5b97c6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:10:27	-224.690
-92	94136	4706800	c18d36a6-d6aa-45b1-9208-b9ed84bc54f4	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:31:45	-276.170
-93	47069	4706900	b916b372-e6c4-4e1c-8afe-cc665d07f712	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 17:26:26	-965.276
-93	94138	4706900	53814f0b-b984-4f19-8d45-2af7777de1d1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:21:04	-571.142
-94	47070	4707000	8b8edee5-7d0f-4192-9ac0-7ebadf956211	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:40:56	616.788
-94	94140	4707000	1c47033b-2e65-414d-a069-531e57bfa9e1	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:07:03	226.671
-95	47071	4707100	854c3c51-804c-431e-8a68-c57198b08c6d	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:42:25	981.987
-95	94142	4707100	497c7ce4-630e-43da-9e62-6463ba948dd2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:55:31	-927.345
-96	47072	4707200	06b41465-82bf-4184-b78e-bb9e91a543eb	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:47:02	807.49
-96	94144	4707200	e2e8f74b-b081-439c-b344-ec80f0b52c63	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:13:56	-957.940
-97	47073	4707300	7d1125f5-9575-4378-87db-cbcd99d979ed	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:31:19	92.246
-97	94146	4707300	3c820f5a-7836-4918-b693-616cef358b3a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:51:43	-834.76
-98	47074	4707400	9f9fc3b9-8fa5-4f58-95ae-36b78e5e6b6b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:13:13	-862.621
-98	94148	4707400	891798ca-768e-4093-8134-e0244a4a24b8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:08:39	210.196
-99	47075	4707500	431a313f-28ea-45a4-92f2-684ccd189270	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:24:11	-747.229
-99	94150	4707500	6d88683c-ec3b-4bf9-8272-43ba72eb0e17	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:32:20	467.36
-100	47076	4707600	ccc53564-41f6-4520-9375-77af02a3d733	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:06:30	646.691
-100	94152	4707600	e1f59961-e5e1-481b-88eb-c805b9dfa5c0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:52:23	403.353
-101	47077	4707700	7325f59c-c7bf-45ac-9658-e9bbcee27611	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 11:56:07	-765.607
-101	94154	4707700	b58b22d1-a6c6-4e94-951e-fa94e8c0333e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:17:34	-371.650
-102	47078	4707800	cd3aa2bf-545a-4441-bac2-c289c813d897	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:48:40	4.914
-102	94156	4707800	2a38a18a-0a06-4449-8761-c28e2f925948	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:45:56	558.436
-103	47079	4707900	948ffa9c-138d-49a5-bf7a-66cd08919fcf	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:40:02	-43.800
-103	94158	4707900	db1c4fa2-bd0f-404a-afec-f45d844399c0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:18:30	-946.996
-104	47080	4708000	fbfaa945-882c-4245-a34e-45036c607263	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:09:33	-537.151
-104	94160	4708000	7e290379-f988-4a1e-a155-a7dd6db4626c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:17:51	-629.487
-105	47081	4708100	a509b731-3dbe-4d78-b97a-bb3ca1d5b488	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:52:10	840.683
-105	94162	4708100	d6dba868-913a-4348-bfe9-51f7c774bb90	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:23:59	-153.276
-106	47082	4708200	bc8bec51-b53a-4fa5-b8ae-fc71e50f0f3c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:57:26	786.645
-106	94164	4708200	22956cac-a6a4-4071-a6bc-522aab98f046	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:44:57	-695.582
-107	47083	4708300	9fed4971-d094-4dd5-8dec-986ff7c05757	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 03:08:30	742.329
-107	94166	4708300	cf853acf-bfff-444d-b99e-68a1f621d4fe	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:01:05	-120.509
-108	47084	4708400	b1f184c8-f7f2-4230-a8ca-cdc3aee71587	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:38:07	-628.806
-108	94168	4708400	78f044d3-d186-42b3-83e6-211370b9cc60	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:58:12	-902.483
-109	47085	4708500	b4be30c1-2f52-49a0-aba6-3cfe52cf4bfd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 13:43:41	873.858
-109	94170	4708500	4df058c1-83c4-4206-8598-9de1e372424c	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:19:22	-119.616
-110	47086	4708600	7b1bc69a-edce-4f98-b3fe-7464eed90556	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:20:55	-330.13
-110	94172	4708600	fe0c691b-cd68-4e5e-a2ac-8175d7f27ab1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:18:55	175.355
-111	47087	4708700	37a6ffcd-e409-4b34-be4a-03c4f5297c37	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:24:57	-915.579
-111	94174	4708700	fcc2e71e-dd8c-4a87-9f05-881ca710a4c8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:28:15	-364.263
-112	47088	4708800	9da003db-42c0-4b14-ba24-c6fb65f74404	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:48:08	-71.698
-112	94176	4708800	2b4bcc4f-78df-4746-ac13-cb071b7f0c11	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:35:08	900.916
-113	47089	4708900	be00091f-121a-4671-8380-d3462837d353	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:13:52	-700.801
-113	94178	4708900	18ac0905-c6fa-4288-b897-10349759dbc2	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:34:19	360.78
-114	47090	4709000	4bc4b783-d6bb-40d9-8ca0-dfbecc4c7225	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 08:09:54	-579.734
-114	94180	4709000	cfe00c43-0972-42bb-975a-4c3bbc620384	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:09:03	523.669
-115	47091	4709100	fd83d992-e7d8-4a75-aa96-8a61dc5e455e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:13:28	615.539
-115	94182	4709100	09b87dea-d00c-4d64-9d13-e449650c91ca	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 16:30:22	-548.390
-116	47092	4709200	47a5fc12-5e31-4776-a49f-aa398e8c5bea	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:15:24	-563.881
-116	94184	4709200	dd322880-2950-4a47-b6ab-d074d8f3c25a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:39:00	235.921
-117	47093	4709300	9494beda-a67f-4157-8023-00f6fa322df1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:47:48	-572.642
-117	94186	4709300	5d652ec8-0a68-4ded-9730-22c27e2f0709	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:10:48	528.308
-118	47094	4709400	317c76e0-67f2-49e5-a517-e96c8bec8645	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:25:11	-814.728
-118	94188	4709400	25a8abd1-5b0f-4959-81ad-414c27919c66	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:39:22	96.6
-119	47095	4709500	698976ed-62c0-4f49-a5c8-af9aac3762f3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:02:29	-290.426
-119	94190	4709500	22be88d6-c152-4567-9a9b-bf8cc6f1fe6f	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 08:18:35	841.520
-120	47096	4709600	2719ec9a-a95f-4099-8471-130aa051e896	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:35:42	538.793
-120	94192	4709600	70dbeb07-ad0b-4bc5-a3fd-c14936c0b89d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:02:38	-81.420
-121	47097	4709700	4f68d253-be34-4c18-9356-98807f2d385f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:00:52	-292.490
-121	94194	4709700	ebc5dc74-4c60-4cf7-880d-baafc39b3177	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:08:40	155.251
-122	47098	4709800	c591eb03-27af-4f61-98b2-f42e9daed693	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:40:59	-584.772
-122	94196	4709800	1fd568d6-e9d3-41b9-89e1-cdcd4aa0ddbb	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 23:31:29	323.29
-123	47099	4709900	a1aef3a0-0325-450a-b41f-a1fcc284e4c6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:39:10	-938.987
-123	94198	4709900	0c7b7e67-f275-4026-8202-3d6284a89ec1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:38:19	-396.11
-124	47100	4710000	15f36263-21d6-4895-b5a1-cec0a266a54b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:54:20	-938.314
-124	94200	4710000	eb4961f3-2eec-437a-b97e-2193652d940c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:05:56	425.863
-125	47101	4710100	04692b34-eea0-4d74-bc3b-77c3c1d81e9d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:00:55	311.796
-125	94202	4710100	fded98bd-1c16-4fa3-b12c-8650a2cf8174	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:47:53	-513.354
-126	47102	4710200	87da0d33-937f-4e23-a5da-b4266d62f96b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:24:08	-160.291
-126	94204	4710200	09005042-a268-4f9f-8799-c09055080258	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 16:11:38	-388.616
-127	47103	4710300	f4960454-2e59-4dff-af9e-fc61cc4d46a3	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:11:56	-647.345
-127	94206	4710300	51d06258-f986-45ec-a19b-dbedfa17cb37	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:41:02	629.562
-0	47104	4710400	bafb1509-9f25-4ba0-bba8-753734e164d4	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 22:28:41	-8.132
-0	94208	4710400	895d918b-4a23-49e7-8bd9-d76f56e1985b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:47:39	-817.919
-1	47105	4710500	f5a2174f-c230-4489-9120-15db1a566b56	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:39:59	-575.966
-1	94210	4710500	4550b634-2e68-49ca-9593-dded14c0a703	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:07:28	-45.865
-2	47106	4710600	4cbb6d79-c937-450c-b01c-6d33cb7e1509	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:03:57	-324.778
-2	94212	4710600	3d695594-de87-4e6a-bfba-8bbe1c39690a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 08:16:57	-690.490
-3	47107	4710700	911c24ff-83d1-4356-a2e0-d059161baa40	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:08:12	-625.701
-3	94214	4710700	136b8ee3-280f-44b5-a86d-e2ea37c194e2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:58:11	730.118
-4	47108	4710800	74f93a3d-8ce2-4525-87ba-e5f0410aa760	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:06:13	97.876
-4	94216	4710800	c79daead-4fac-4f57-a57d-3be9179280ca	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:32:04	277.445
-5	47109	4710900	97db0bc3-da41-472e-b9bc-50cd8361b912	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 18:53:29	672.108
-5	94218	4710900	27aa54fe-8a70-4901-b830-26d7e455b50a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:32:25	814.480
-6	47110	4711000	c9684743-4e0e-4ef0-b09a-a88e752e088d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 07:30:36	504.117
-6	94220	4711000	5fa34613-c4e6-43e0-85a7-936a8b613daa	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 04:13:12	-331.183
-7	47111	4711100	37131a1a-76cb-4b1b-9d90-61313f95e542	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:32:06	-984.749
-7	94222	4711100	8924557d-e374-41b6-95b0-a844d5e3ab68	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 22:57:10	345.113
-8	47112	4711200	bcfc2a64-1f14-4ef8-84c3-0cb0f143a046	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:03:40	190.493
-8	94224	4711200	873abf90-0d52-438d-9d1e-025687dd88ab	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:49:49	413.521
-9	47113	4711300	7360bdd1-7ada-4c91-83c8-c3b5d34304d5	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:48:58	-497.387
-9	94226	4711300	0f71e18a-2543-42b1-b429-4770681e67eb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:04:44	-928.770
-10	47114	4711400	b5d0f674-c479-4739-9e20-f90fb22d5a7a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 17:00:49	-675.59
-10	94228	4711400	d1727ee9-aabf-4f8e-b512-3ecd920f975c	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 17:12:19	-201.712
-11	47115	4711500	8d794151-7580-4d71-b2c5-2896026727d7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:53:30	-559.91
-11	94230	4711500	211b0390-3439-40aa-858c-12d267ebbf13	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:22:30	859.604
-12	47116	4711600	07f579ce-f4aa-4c64-b170-62110e07ec2b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:29:21	30.257
-12	94232	4711600	caff1559-5dc4-4fe0-87ea-80cd2df0853e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:57:34	532.856
-13	47117	4711700	ee9e0446-a3ef-4fe2-bfc8-3a803b41adcb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:14:26	22.713
-13	94234	4711700	53846388-2b95-4707-a589-2d06f09de441	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:45:21	642.926
-14	47118	4711800	c03ff771-4494-4565-80d8-27ec28425e46	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 17:26:28	605.896
-14	94236	4711800	a9b56ed4-d9c7-4170-954c-d342ed33735b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:51:14	56.94
-15	47119	4711900	9714464c-7db8-42ac-b13c-a1174ab4dfb9	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:23:05	319.328
-15	94238	4711900	d3ab3737-e471-4ea7-a223-d15fe541a92a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:24:23	893.54
-16	47120	4712000	7ad9745c-9c19-49f9-a5a6-6793d9212b9e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:52:21	-226.358
-16	94240	4712000	3f090020-612d-4f52-9b36-1af23c73e991	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:43:43	-155.418
-17	47121	4712100	ef8e45bd-280b-438d-b229-bf579008e8d9	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:04:11	7.479
-17	94242	4712100	62d2c0f6-5c8f-4d00-8302-1698cc86c4c1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:08:36	297.797
-18	47122	4712200	70de49e4-ffab-4e18-8aec-c69a1b49c353	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:10:19	-485.405
-18	94244	4712200	9f411ca9-8164-4d37-b9db-484e286c4c93	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:03:46	-153.813
-19	47123	4712300	b1d55eac-6daf-41ed-8c38-d2b02c64bccb	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 05:04:37	-697.971
-19	94246	4712300	32d69b22-997f-4adb-aa5c-aad1d5e7d269	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 20:17:39	-933.77
-20	47124	4712400	a02a68cd-98c8-48ce-bc6b-5057a6986b92	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:01:16	329.997
-20	94248	4712400	6f1f9180-2bd6-47f0-8336-abc46ef9a8f2	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:25:42	539.161
-21	47125	4712500	d82eb146-b6e5-4816-b146-ae9359b7855c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 09:46:23	-37.946
-21	94250	4712500	2655a654-7cad-4a73-9e50-ab32727d1c63	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:15:10	-61.228
-22	47126	4712600	78696797-cc73-4ad6-932f-299a29e74f87	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 03:47:22	219.175
-22	94252	4712600	ca3c93ab-fd6c-4a7e-9775-1ded6d3d13b3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 23:49:42	-688.178
-23	47127	4712700	e98a959d-b42f-4d94-9263-2a4f4ef68869	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 23:20:43	803.863
-23	94254	4712700	44db8179-6895-470e-a1ab-2d6f4affe92a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:07:08	-990.393
-24	47128	4712800	910d347b-7861-4455-aa2d-d0e62c349c46	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:19:09	-453.260
-24	94256	4712800	41609400-ba84-4a9b-a3f4-ca75698f73c9	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:38:14	419.358
-25	47129	4712900	5cd3b656-bf8c-4aaf-9da6-9442ffdd9225	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:28:28	-958.534
-25	94258	4712900	4ecec8d2-6660-4fec-b93f-dca58dec1bad	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:31:49	-144.558
-26	47130	4713000	4b2c2f7b-2638-4208-b441-d029774156ec	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:46:38	-216.653
-26	94260	4713000	2522aacf-a101-40d6-95d8-083b6e6c6074	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:08:45	303.753
-27	47131	4713100	df20ac0b-c140-40ac-bfc1-86dce9f43855	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:53:16	658.429
-27	94262	4713100	b24c9124-93f9-466f-b9ff-63598708e4d5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 10:36:57	803.983
-28	47132	4713200	e9343875-9e8a-4bcc-ab08-39d6ec3e154d	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:50:00	985.54
-28	94264	4713200	d4d57661-7bdf-44a9-969a-b11e4510360a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:01:04	-171.16
-29	47133	4713300	b21f4fcb-febb-41e6-b60b-74d5d37cc8d6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:41:16	27.785
-29	94266	4713300	afc3c9c4-59d3-46b0-b167-ad8454c103a9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 12:51:50	973.651
-30	47134	4713400	c58708eb-cc49-444f-8d87-b5bab7cbb1f0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:07:12	-521.994
-30	94268	4713400	76819503-f83e-4afb-a9a8-7af651502d84	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 00:41:57	281.664
-31	47135	4713500	70a527c8-e792-4198-a87a-a5373bf6869a	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:45:57	161.225
-31	94270	4713500	ff03e6bd-ad60-41a4-ae7f-bb4650c9f6bd	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:42:55	831.830
-32	47136	4713600	36c0036a-74d4-47fd-83b5-900d68938f02	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:13:51	-981.368
-32	94272	4713600	9b61a7eb-bde1-476f-8198-0d7d316e3da4	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:30:12	-716.328
-33	47137	4713700	6fac1a2c-f24e-4077-99c0-c7a0be6c0b1a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 16:32:30	744.27
-33	94274	4713700	65dd9111-68be-432a-b3c7-f98857e067d4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 15:32:01	291.466
-34	47138	4713800	d3047d60-34fc-4665-a888-48d1908bb3be	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:34:24	-62.488
-34	94276	4713800	90148cb5-1ab3-4692-86d4-e7ba9938a3d8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 15:15:49	-144.561
-35	47139	4713900	697a54c1-5dfa-4cce-9ece-871792e8a2c0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 10:13:28	294.117
-35	94278	4713900	dbeda031-7ae5-44ae-8f63-a34b12dfee75	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 05:01:40	-944.199
-36	47140	4714000	694d4dde-a8e2-4cd6-9c9d-0149331f7d56	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:00:27	-435.717
-36	94280	4714000	695b8d33-7ff4-45d0-a675-c4a0c260d2c3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:46:55	-534.632
-37	47141	4714100	d6d95bd0-d498-41ae-82c4-6df02885ca70	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:25:44	907.942
-37	94282	4714100	f07a5938-5e29-4c1b-bb4e-ebe136b20411	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 13:46:24	-164.3
-38	47142	4714200	8558516b-f23a-492f-b970-bc7c95eaf370	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:30:00	-57.622
-38	94284	4714200	f107201f-fd36-4a29-af52-741aa0c3c33f	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:29:36	881.363
-39	47143	4714300	1830a41b-d467-4720-a258-759c734d0547	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:48:10	-642.387
-39	94286	4714300	ce7f0036-5b89-4e5b-9462-38f86df05dc3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:15:09	904.375
-40	47144	4714400	e349a4c5-f67f-45e8-9ff5-84c7254a7b6e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:42:33	-944.787
-40	94288	4714400	ff8ccb1b-2312-4e19-a90f-e16b332087b7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:48:09	829.5
-41	47145	4714500	38448f01-3079-45ba-9d48-1cea15e8826d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:49:52	100.194
-41	94290	4714500	34bf9eb2-c261-452d-9b81-bccc05bd2acb	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:43:21	-835.280
-42	47146	4714600	9bf54bd7-3aaf-4f9e-8a00-daf2d4cf8a23	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:04:52	969.330
-42	94292	4714600	bce065cf-9125-42c9-9948-c40307f52673	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:44:14	-302.902
-43	47147	4714700	289282da-8af2-4907-bec0-49b74710638a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 00:28:35	398.919
-43	94294	4714700	d9090ea2-65ef-4ed4-92e2-78f6ef7f9973	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:04:53	93.370
-44	47148	4714800	75477685-233f-46db-a1f4-9eb1660fdec9	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 18:32:00	234.462
-44	94296	4714800	35a71366-0cc8-4d79-bae8-5a3554a45028	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:20:41	-472.57
-45	47149	4714900	4a6e32ce-7de4-4260-ba6f-69867c444c08	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:21:20	984.220
-45	94298	4714900	09acf8ad-5d39-4fb2-a10c-6b9782216e66	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:09:18	877.349
-46	47150	4715000	27f94b89-b038-4ff1-8554-5764a2bb90d4	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 22:48:02	-269.943
-46	94300	4715000	dfb11453-c3da-4e11-aa74-8552581c8e35	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 11:06:29	283.646
-47	47151	4715100	7c99e827-fa6d-48bd-b83d-733c0ce2839a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:10:20	-325.101
-47	94302	4715100	0b1b9255-8b2b-4b04-ad38-ce68b9b0cce8	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 18:45:23	828.755
-48	47152	4715200	03abfe43-f900-48fa-8afe-f4ce793bdbbf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:07:08	21.612
-48	94304	4715200	1f1d87e2-7907-4454-a645-1041b66f8d19	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:57:51	66.585
-49	47153	4715300	ff686ffa-6f96-4864-be8d-9143c0139635	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:22:40	-277.134
-49	94306	4715300	f9da1ac6-737d-490a-91b9-9fdd7f698241	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:23:14	940.132
-50	47154	4715400	bfbc947f-834f-44d7-8f05-a048c1425d4c	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:31:48	-654.855
-50	94308	4715400	1e162894-3aed-40e6-832e-151129bcc895	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:38:43	876.248
-51	47155	4715500	94f49dec-e985-4680-b2b5-f53f1ed8df24	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 01:24:58	402.386
-51	94310	4715500	ce41b729-2509-4509-979c-2e94774a07a2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:06:40	-142.894
-52	47156	4715600	bb32be49-63b7-4d93-8dbc-e333c0beb13c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:09:08	-185.951
-52	94312	4715600	838d0613-a784-45b0-a9d1-7b8f51e5163b	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 08:26:46	542.835
-53	47157	4715700	7fa0f3e7-47c2-49b6-a4db-60c6d3904d32	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:23:50	-929.237
-53	94314	4715700	2fcdffd5-eccc-4e1f-8179-a19fd3dc40e5	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:28:30	-120.623
-54	47158	4715800	65b8f8ef-29bd-432e-b799-3668d197be5e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:57:37	849.412
-54	94316	4715800	b8e06d2c-41de-4ee4-b846-483d67aab494	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:08:49	-816.988
-55	47159	4715900	60f4f7bf-b58e-4344-a323-fc50904ad1de	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:55:31	191.95
-55	94318	4715900	4d693804-8641-461f-92ce-156dbaa8d89f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:41:22	-182.836
-56	47160	4716000	47a1e183-7e11-48d8-a370-6cd3d5cfa24b	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:14:53	-871.356
-56	94320	4716000	ec90951b-ed96-42fb-96f9-48a87a5ec79c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:56:00	-848.422
-57	47161	4716100	61221dd2-6f6a-4997-a060-696eb0d9b6f2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:17:22	176.338
-57	94322	4716100	167e39f8-b8f1-4c54-b6b8-7aee35d35e83	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:42:10	-761.918
-58	47162	4716200	c42407a2-72f8-4008-9ce4-c30216385be5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:09:43	-491.381
-58	94324	4716200	c44f1c3f-234e-4ee0-99af-1821c870a614	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:19:30	127.766
-59	47163	4716300	846dc139-0f0e-4dcd-9b57-69d1d288aa1f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 10:10:15	-732.667
-59	94326	4716300	7cd1db00-c0a0-4d44-9893-512b4d51d0dd	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:21:37	-628.925
-60	47164	4716400	3ac118fd-b1dd-417e-b8fb-c78ad5a8a82e	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:50:05	187.22
-60	94328	4716400	241c49f4-e2b4-46c2-9592-d27cf2ceca7a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 09:20:00	279.743
-61	47165	4716500	785baf30-61b3-4af9-a7ea-a2e04e2e92d6	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:22:43	197.932
-61	94330	4716500	fc4ea2e4-16d1-4387-bbec-f66da31cc84b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 18:08:12	-763.397
-62	47166	4716600	6b0514e5-7fde-4b96-8fbe-11763eb38062	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 03:56:18	-362.180
-62	94332	4716600	7323f0e1-c346-4326-9003-c209dbc1ce57	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:37:23	507.705
-63	47167	4716700	1938770d-d68e-45ad-8af3-53c3e10af846	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 23:17:43	232.715
-63	94334	4716700	9bdd5a44-2ed2-4f9f-8b2a-d261acfadd94	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:05:26	-41.303
-64	47168	4716800	6ffa87a4-194c-4cec-941a-9fa5aeae84c0	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:58:15	727.453
-64	94336	4716800	a70dd934-3003-48d2-9b55-2b17cc705fd4	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:26:28	-223.142
-65	47169	4716900	9240ce31-e9c0-4549-9d47-a2300d93fb8a	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 13:28:35	-737.729
-65	94338	4716900	d2e4f380-8521-465a-bc8c-97b9d19e7285	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:18:41	-518.846
-66	47170	4717000	be697ee8-4e92-4fe4-8b13-1dda7a074ac1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:22:44	551.861
-66	94340	4717000	7b00f2d2-58bf-4d12-bc71-43e740323042	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:36:40	220.174
-67	47171	4717100	fd2408c9-4281-49bc-b45a-9a7f04cfae86	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 15:52:20	-462.453
-67	94342	4717100	69ae7b24-0433-44e0-9ad0-87edb25ebd83	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:31:23	480.414
-68	47172	4717200	460ad421-668e-4498-8c56-017589565834	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 14:01:39	20.202
-68	94344	4717200	3ddbbac1-7f46-400b-a855-7991ba6b1cd1	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:43:57	536.429
-69	47173	4717300	9961b3e1-bfeb-467e-9f9d-3f5981f23e9c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:02:55	-213.952
-69	94346	4717300	b46652ec-b2a1-4de3-a4f6-50047e3c14d2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:50:11	-591.709
-70	47174	4717400	1df2dad5-09a7-4f34-889e-bdf39bb10544	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 15:31:09	229.158
-70	94348	4717400	75d60dc0-b557-441e-a7f3-67541c3bb047	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:41:30	-456.721
-71	47175	4717500	27ae9cc0-cea9-405e-ac00-e2bbc3b1005e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:59:34	882.858
-71	94350	4717500	e430baaf-f1d5-4b42-a02f-4286e79a9ba6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 17:32:03	770.817
-72	47176	4717600	03a68954-0e39-49fd-b883-76920147a7c3	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:02:48	-951.930
-72	94352	4717600	a060415f-fd29-471b-8ec5-5fbfff7d5839	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:17:57	-304.334
-73	47177	4717700	ac88fe35-067b-42cb-bc5c-9ce38327c031	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:24:28	204.119
-73	94354	4717700	22737713-799a-41e4-bd0c-c2a7b4746d87	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:51:55	-745.703
-74	47178	4717800	13ddc7eb-e9f9-4e0f-9e10-1531b905cc85	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:56:39	-928.303
-74	94356	4717800	828f159a-1a9a-4b3d-9ca8-35f14df2e914	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:36:50	588.411
-75	47179	4717900	acfe8509-69c5-4a1c-9e11-a9e2f94f62af	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 11:29:51	749.956
-75	94358	4717900	57f6da67-e48b-4ec6-ad13-4a77fd21b1c6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:28:37	-87.465
-76	47180	4718000	4b69e01d-380a-450c-ac51-a36385883121	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:57:06	-185.758
-76	94360	4718000	6ba45624-6ecb-4cf6-b43d-7a364ff9633a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:20:05	842.384
-77	47181	4718100	206e42fe-1883-42c2-8131-34e21d17af86	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 13:17:55	-930.986
-77	94362	4718100	5d6dcc28-afaf-44b6-874e-9dbf9a316a7f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:36:07	-488.42
-78	47182	4718200	14938d73-b78f-41c3-97be-f583ee253012	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:31:04	750.351
-78	94364	4718200	d6e8e6fe-c0b1-49f7-894a-5cb27a5fe481	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 18:43:41	194.707
-79	47183	4718300	47e29334-8f59-4666-aef3-705f831282c3	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:56:36	-164.149
-79	94366	4718300	a5ca13f1-30db-4e66-b8b3-7770c11fc8f1	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:54:35	842.992
-80	47184	4718400	0c66ed6b-c91a-472e-ac64-381676549165	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 13:56:40	517.767
-80	94368	4718400	dcbfa170-eefc-4dc2-892b-4d53d938672f	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:26:45	-360.897
-81	47185	4718500	21522ad1-0b78-4a9f-bfba-e8c7833b6de6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:33:07	-818.206
-81	94370	4718500	6dde7c91-f7a0-47cf-abb0-5b6a5239365f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:56:46	218.659
-82	47186	4718600	d374fa92-4083-47c1-8911-caf2fc29b9fa	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:45:22	751.550
-82	94372	4718600	ecb3a2d4-991e-46f1-8594-6e01029286d3	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:57:34	-809.276
-83	47187	4718700	542af227-9241-4bf9-8215-c68897ab5da7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:52:07	101.63
-83	94374	4718700	2cb19146-f86c-4543-badd-45c8318504e6	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:03:30	167.776
-84	47188	4718800	3d8eb7a6-c7e5-4b37-bb86-bfe04eba55e6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:57:11	435.180
-84	94376	4718800	d7c8cff6-6530-4b41-9270-f8648aa70d14	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 04:52:24	715.250
-85	47189	4718900	b9301099-d137-4072-a235-edac7bc30247	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:24:30	-384.127
-85	94378	4718900	9953caa0-89d7-407c-a2d5-ddd87a76690e	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 20:25:27	89.267
-86	47190	4719000	2175b4e3-1ee5-48d8-b771-62f9abaa40d0	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:04:14	-539.778
-86	94380	4719000	96d7ac66-048e-41f3-a3a0-949b86fbf766	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:11:50	763.919
-87	47191	4719100	7add2c3b-7960-428f-9c8e-e47b3c7c69e5	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:34:49	380.390
-87	94382	4719100	dae4667f-324e-4c09-81bc-070834abecea	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 05:51:32	-592.496
-88	47192	4719200	0f02e362-b0a8-442c-8b0a-b462d4c0c0ce	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:53:07	-632.116
-88	94384	4719200	13263ecf-a988-42c1-80cc-46537ae77172	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 09:17:46	-617.966
-89	47193	4719300	06477668-a090-4299-8bec-b70313fbd084	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:52:17	-166.413
-89	94386	4719300	81d5cb22-e0dd-45b1-90bd-2ef8ca14d2da	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:31:06	-244.816
-90	47194	4719400	e4ba8054-b1e1-4004-9fd2-484128eca040	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:05:14	-858.583
-90	94388	4719400	4e402bb7-8bfd-4875-a7ba-14dcb8634724	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:05:58	215.578
-91	47195	4719500	f3188da5-4bee-4567-b6a2-0543b6b0ca23	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 02:20:34	178.104
-91	94390	4719500	285c58c8-b7a8-4608-9621-2cb2eeefe7f4	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:41:54	730.367
-92	47196	4719600	88a8b853-26e7-4771-9938-3ab2cb93ea55	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:15:12	-688.286
-92	94392	4719600	895e959b-7917-4806-a3f9-76c1881bbb03	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 15:14:43	-635.253
-93	47197	4719700	9f30e835-4bfd-4cfa-b3c0-74f91f9b572a	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:54:57	843.466
-93	94394	4719700	bcc9db44-3b59-4bc8-94a4-82c230f4e8a4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:48:27	180.205
-94	47198	4719800	01a42663-92cc-4589-8fc7-4b8680b63ebb	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:22:07	788.992
-94	94396	4719800	b7caf509-7ed8-489b-a043-8ff4f5f6dcd5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:21:41	-580.424
-95	47199	4719900	3e7bd3fe-fd15-4bee-a6d9-b75d29d71477	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:16:34	253.479
-95	94398	4719900	b260ce62-4013-4a15-a2d0-bc395806e55c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 04:17:31	-312.917
-96	47200	4720000	6641e84c-2c35-438e-b09b-24cda03dfb8d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:05:57	569.420
-96	94400	4720000	919b60fb-6ab5-4453-8333-798a7ac2091e	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 00:46:19	-657.709
-97	47201	4720100	fc50893c-12d6-4795-900a-1a253f468d05	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:45:29	-674.319
-97	94402	4720100	1167c4e8-31f8-40ca-8c8a-8f22b05ef1d7	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 03:38:07	700.637
-98	47202	4720200	f2e9d72e-3297-499b-a49d-ede94facfa2c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:25:20	-345.392
-98	94404	4720200	0cb14038-cc67-46c0-ba8c-dba6bd9e354f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:36:03	401.12
-99	47203	4720300	e3128260-269d-4373-8c30-54e6a4f0dbed	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 20:47:15	-100.346
-99	94406	4720300	22017668-63da-451d-8407-dc48d20fce5f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:54:20	136.291
-100	47204	4720400	3b298aa7-e989-4ada-9a8b-c4e264720b5d	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:41:26	398.837
-100	94408	4720400	5032f945-7b20-4ad1-acc3-c2195687fd00	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:27:22	-839.906
-101	47205	4720500	289aa5cd-5db1-4f07-a8a0-2aee2e24fdd6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 18:18:09	-788.45
-101	94410	4720500	80e0d3b7-8f28-46f4-97fe-e79415ebfdd1	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:30:20	153.88
-102	47206	4720600	4be3eff7-21bd-4aad-84ef-9aab647b35fa	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 13:30:03	-603.7
-102	94412	4720600	85052199-cd62-4e68-9c10-4fdb7a870551	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:16:28	40.621
-103	47207	4720700	83fe4247-eed4-4e12-9ef1-191d7ac461f4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:41:12	16.595
-103	94414	4720700	872e2c32-dfc7-4488-8068-c6f07a119d3d	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:01:07	-89.881
-104	47208	4720800	a460867d-3e92-4177-8d18-c61ee1e31c83	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:28:13	-833.267
-104	94416	4720800	e3f5d72a-930f-44a6-ac71-ae6611e4260f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:31:07	-551.136
-105	47209	4720900	d5c2dddb-935d-46e6-b547-23f4bd3b4eb3	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:18:48	-975.86
-105	94418	4720900	8a0ee631-c557-4aab-9378-7b4af12261d0	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:34:55	69.233
-106	47210	4721000	83d1dae3-a40d-4915-9727-553cbc4e4cc3	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:54:57	-129.662
-106	94420	4721000	c0c9c4c0-2eef-4c88-8201-9c0200064f28	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 17:26:31	955.767
-107	47211	4721100	cb8b68c5-0718-4a31-b7e7-7f72d1478723	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:49:42	-598.76
-107	94422	4721100	d9c50c50-9981-46f1-a9e8-8197589f8792	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:49:48	767.318
-108	47212	4721200	471e7626-8599-4864-ac54-e0e83bfbe6d5	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 08:15:08	747.714
-108	94424	4721200	fd03c6aa-f0ed-4a64-abf2-a9871dc4d585	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:41:47	635.291
-109	47213	4721300	332cc23c-aef7-4d60-8568-e021ce9178d3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 20:15:01	-319.458
-109	94426	4721300	3fe3cbeb-167f-481f-a654-d8f8bc3cedb5	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 06:09:13	119.752
-110	47214	4721400	daae7f26-ef2a-439b-9d90-d71e003397c7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:46:17	-673.909
-110	94428	4721400	903c59ac-6826-4ac7-888e-7cf0fe2b7390	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:25:56	148.132
-111	47215	4721500	8c4f30b9-4770-45cf-bb4f-2a39e94e9004	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:03:46	26.25
-111	94430	4721500	06c8486a-624a-452c-8ffb-a7240c947ad0	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:40:33	892.683
-112	47216	4721600	7d9b3b1c-960e-4fef-9452-fc466e266cec	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:09:01	-979.735
-112	94432	4721600	b28c7e84-1aba-4596-9526-542fdd0609ba	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:03:45	245.410
-113	47217	4721700	a3991ea5-9cd4-4287-919f-21c2eab9406f	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:27:07	827.657
-113	94434	4721700	0c346a1b-3a8e-4a78-8f5f-7ff95e53fa4a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:24:19	386.542
-114	47218	4721800	8110d5bd-d4cd-4647-8161-819ef562dfa7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 05:04:14	797.383
-114	94436	4721800	41ffeb4b-7abc-4850-8dd0-3053680ff75f	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:52:41	370.304
-115	47219	4721900	7d20367d-a60e-4180-ae6a-d45a4a4759c6	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:04:14	918.498
-115	94438	4721900	5553d7e7-74bf-4e51-b734-57a524ff2c43	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:01:44	811.794
-116	47220	4722000	3405512f-a322-4563-bace-5eb8e1f299e7	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:27:20	940.78
-116	94440	4722000	8bf6c409-8585-4a3f-8b5c-0bc8ff127783	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:48:33	-351.869
-117	47221	4722100	b5a10c21-22bf-42ab-aa61-e15bf4d588f9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:48:17	963.527
-117	94442	4722100	a96f4937-84e3-4f23-91bf-673964c97424	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 03:15:52	-800.367
-118	47222	4722200	055c37a8-2e35-4b93-94e7-a62686dfee85	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:48:36	-367.106
-118	94444	4722200	4d243426-338e-4882-a85b-22281e4e689e	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:49:26	489.233
-119	47223	4722300	308edecc-fc2d-4100-9f2e-b8ed98030e5d	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 13:22:13	-298.787
-119	94446	4722300	e78f31cb-dcb7-4f71-8968-9a4d6010c84b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:46:44	-243.795
-120	47224	4722400	0cf9956f-40c9-4499-a099-bc5d32a48e56	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:27:59	692.317
-120	94448	4722400	3549053b-51eb-4716-9a9c-e593d84ce473	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:24:21	176.96
-121	47225	4722500	95f65bfb-62b9-45f5-89fb-b749409c0fb4	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:09:25	-590.167
-121	94450	4722500	211575df-2f55-4576-9170-f294baccfe18	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:42:24	322.865
-122	47226	4722600	a3e09d83-b140-4f94-aa06-c56ea0606285	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:36:34	231.14
-122	94452	4722600	df0be405-af20-438a-9fb8-7d8ce88a1c4c	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:55:34	32.677
-123	47227	4722700	32da3750-e4bf-4f26-8b5e-5aa5e41e5112	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:00:52	634.694
-123	94454	4722700	90e48784-8d39-4913-afa2-d6506406aa95	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 19:20:02	-659.809
-124	47228	4722800	61939df0-fadd-427a-b472-e601e85157bf	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:22:28	-578.606
-124	94456	4722800	4674fe61-f187-47d3-a476-d72b11ff40b1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:53:09	972.379
-125	47229	4722900	86ee2b0f-af56-41c5-b74c-50579f4f9eb0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:59:41	911.122
-125	94458	4722900	9924ee2e-101a-426b-aac3-22f285215f3b	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:26:15	-966.525
-126	47230	4723000	6c040dff-102a-468b-8d79-a9b8077fe705	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:42:57	65.709
-126	94460	4723000	b5d02ece-5202-414c-9582-94058e723e0a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:12:11	383.303
-127	47231	4723100	138c49e6-ce08-4d59-91bb-13bbda9b031a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 16:37:23	539.454
-127	94462	4723100	59b4c776-58bf-4888-9611-8f9336d963fe	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:58:17	-861.539
-0	47232	4723200	6ab6eb5f-36a0-449d-9545-9b95bda44cf4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:03:22	430.116
-0	94464	4723200	4a55d527-5878-40ba-8aa5-07b1280dc297	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:05:40	-789.475
-1	47233	4723300	e9ca8c44-f56b-4835-aeb2-4b0d8c909e12	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:08:03	-741.51
-1	94466	4723300	b95c8989-2440-49f1-9557-d4caf47c42ba	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:22:04	-252.820
-2	47234	4723400	5f7b1862-6571-42eb-a838-db7409903aff	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:03:52	689.352
-2	94468	4723400	67fdd519-7e6a-4487-9c36-01cfa31aa180	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:09:55	-952.258
-3	47235	4723500	3bf887b7-afa2-4138-8daf-95def41213d5	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:50:42	-127.256
-3	94470	4723500	23905bd8-2165-48c7-b9d2-0da4877cbeaf	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:47:16	257.587
-4	47236	4723600	455c135c-3d7c-4e06-bf76-003853ba9b31	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:23:00	278.195
-4	94472	4723600	0f1d7e5a-dab9-46a4-aee3-39e5a36b991e	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:33:59	871.859
-5	47237	4723700	fbc6802b-7af5-468a-b0ad-6510245ffc43	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:11:16	170.164
-5	94474	4723700	e8db1ea3-9768-48e8-9ff7-4a04bbee88dc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:05:24	12.909
-6	47238	4723800	cb5ac8ef-c9cd-4f06-9d09-f7a677fde24c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:00:11	828.306
-6	94476	4723800	4cac8909-1816-4364-b45e-3c0b68553c47	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:14:11	588.618
-7	47239	4723900	63356381-97c7-4f5b-bdcf-148d1d158aca	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 13:01:55	573.982
-7	94478	4723900	6bbcc1ef-e688-4422-a464-66aefcd4c41f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:49:43	-213.392
-8	47240	4724000	71490b3b-4737-44f6-b4e2-b9f1da60cda8	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:32:06	-575.590
-8	94480	4724000	897b4d96-4778-490d-9cb1-047d20e34f82	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:43:22	-616.284
-9	47241	4724100	85cec4e7-58d4-4a1e-b85f-5dd11a275ce4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:53:12	649.554
-9	94482	4724100	b0b83c6d-7160-47f3-9949-187b53dc96d8	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:24:59	406.853
-10	47242	4724200	f803befb-626f-490e-9d81-eb8580e02c62	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 12:40:56	-721.508
-10	94484	4724200	76543123-49db-464e-ba76-3ae0ca50b97b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:07:25	-12.385
-11	47243	4724300	a90b6c46-0de5-4867-a498-fc11f44546d5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:12:42	-601.303
-11	94486	4724300	4cb6f8c4-171f-4359-aa37-a5c109aa8d87	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 05:34:36	-573.439
-12	47244	4724400	808effe3-ee32-4e11-8fa1-c1a530255638	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 10:17:32	-94.899
-12	94488	4724400	2b66ad97-89ec-40cb-a229-8e4d02920120	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:30:49	141.285
-13	47245	4724500	4238293d-c190-4f8c-85a4-b66e70cf2848	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:39:54	-877.319
-13	94490	4724500	6225d65a-7baf-4e53-8ca0-b585e72bffed	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:58:45	133.90
-14	47246	4724600	3a724e1d-4391-42ed-bca2-8c5ec214ae62	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:21:41	-709.167
-14	94492	4724600	f703a873-ba7d-493a-88e7-59ece6f1599a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:17:53	544.826
-15	47247	4724700	2d90c5b3-4015-4b0b-93fe-e75a25cb3a9a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 08:44:27	948.93
-15	94494	4724700	4e7ca5b9-a707-4be8-ab87-9869798fccef	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:07:59	580.745
-16	47248	4724800	189f5665-dce4-4277-bf59-5c16d732e611	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:14:13	296.79
-16	94496	4724800	5637c37a-33d8-41db-be63-c0cd94f05cf9	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:24:20	937.742
-17	47249	4724900	e6c44a1a-dcf4-4aea-99dc-0b40c34049e5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:40:42	829.602
-17	94498	4724900	ade9162d-622c-4d61-adc8-38d294c2b9e8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:58:19	-650.322
-18	47250	4725000	9fd169a2-f1af-42da-84c8-8e45555936cb	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 23:25:49	353.763
-18	94500	4725000	7bce654e-3f80-47fa-94c3-ac29f9b2134f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 10:30:20	-487.112
-19	47251	4725100	1fe4de82-b0e0-4dd8-bfd4-b5e95088c0c0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:04:30	54.555
-19	94502	4725100	7fa84c34-2869-44a3-9b40-0e378bbc282f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:15:09	-543.3
-20	47252	4725200	4784d06d-52ca-4b3a-b9cf-3d4f0bec39f5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:33:33	-108.396
-20	94504	4725200	ff95bc0a-2bd1-4c2b-a6df-eb2bae1e6600	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:56:03	310.904
-21	47253	4725300	447c2a6b-dd7b-45c7-b743-68f7d393c951	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:10:41	-377.976
-21	94506	4725300	cb881f4d-b452-4887-96e0-68fa2dde600b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:31:58	189.73
-22	47254	4725400	b21f9f55-102a-4dbc-85eb-405010537cfd	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:38:18	861.968
-22	94508	4725400	17166e80-145d-44b7-ad8a-4f8d25a305ca	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:11:22	-321.70
-23	47255	4725500	dae63eda-25fc-4ad0-b009-07bd281cf984	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:30:22	-761.662
-23	94510	4725500	32c2c04d-0434-40a3-81fa-ab22ff748426	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:47:30	-17.832
-24	47256	4725600	13171d41-61e4-423b-a4e5-f67544c76d8f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:23:51	14.516
-24	94512	4725600	f89994c6-2d79-4318-a071-327185c625a7	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:02:34	901.721
-25	47257	4725700	6096c37d-cdb3-43d9-b47f-54927fa42c2e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:46:08	869.123
-25	94514	4725700	fdb49001-6536-4004-9f81-588e1cbfea7a	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:37:24	872.843
-26	47258	4725800	cb5b462f-7931-4e25-98b9-6304557b4b3d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:10:58	-660.257
-26	94516	4725800	7290dc3c-38c9-4658-8d4f-97aa2c72b192	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:31:57	534.15
-27	47259	4725900	14a24c50-70a6-4270-b4fc-68f538ae2146	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:11:50	-498.444
-27	94518	4725900	ad9e65bf-9b3d-47dc-b956-f719c855b82e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:19:06	-786.49
-28	47260	4726000	2d19efbd-4cdb-488b-af80-89a4856d7953	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:54:26	123.617
-28	94520	4726000	58339032-4801-46f8-bb59-fb76531448eb	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 18:09:24	-616.783
-29	47261	4726100	b5527265-1b3a-41ed-9776-47953fad9320	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:19:15	-661.322
-29	94522	4726100	e451250d-38bc-491b-9242-3d338a6f1bd2	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:38:13	93.53
-30	47262	4726200	43a0cb5a-e556-424e-aee8-0a8db3f4bcaa	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 02:28:52	-72.845
-30	94524	4726200	5f7f4a78-a9a4-47c5-b619-719229aaeb10	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:57:56	-419.742
-31	47263	4726300	e6146a5d-6719-4ad0-bc0d-acdcaded77ea	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 02:13:13	327.249
-31	94526	4726300	128a7e72-625f-4b2a-9f56-fea9be2ff3a5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 19:37:51	-351.938
-32	47264	4726400	698a39d2-af6e-4747-8370-fa4bb4f63cef	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:13:19	-924.523
-32	94528	4726400	542ec45b-b006-4c07-863a-cbf5b959a35f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:01:34	-213.771
-33	47265	4726500	6dbdb077-8deb-4539-b894-0968bd75680c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:21:58	-137.781
-33	94530	4726500	11926727-1409-45b7-9f1f-8a04f0bc396a	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:56:15	-324.432
-34	47266	4726600	b964c8bb-7838-48e2-b9f2-3264a663a8ac	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:25:53	-290.501
-34	94532	4726600	b8d3a2a3-896e-4d27-baeb-596809d36b5b	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:57:54	-627.160
-35	47267	4726700	66ecea28-e01e-432d-af5e-0bd92970a130	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:04:17	-621.196
-35	94534	4726700	7c48a5ab-ce51-475d-8ef3-6791384d5d52	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:39:14	-177.829
-36	47268	4726800	b4d33a99-68b9-4c5c-b072-bfc9cf3d4be6	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:05:04	568.697
-36	94536	4726800	569c690b-d423-4357-ba2f-ac906edf6bca	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 23:48:03	770.926
-37	47269	4726900	63328a4a-5cc4-445b-9f0e-085cc8c59e63	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:04:40	-134.269
-37	94538	4726900	c928bf6d-70a6-46ee-981c-3bd60db3bca6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:26:55	-768.609
-38	47270	4727000	d081d5b0-3ad6-4a22-a335-34c704363228	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:56:52	-990.489
-38	94540	4727000	33941b9f-d80b-48a4-9797-3e1744f10b4a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:05:10	411.442
-39	47271	4727100	0d63af44-7e58-4c83-a062-6a016be37349	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:27:20	49.180
-39	94542	4727100	82b3ade8-a582-4be3-b45a-108d570433d1	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 10:21:58	-135.362
-40	47272	4727200	4b460de0-d15b-410e-88dc-0427aedf569b	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:15:51	472.242
-40	94544	4727200	cafc3172-a597-463c-beac-7cc67608e9ca	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:28:28	-802.578
-41	47273	4727300	2b50692b-42f5-4a2c-9266-f2ba5e4edda8	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:17:17	-739.49
-41	94546	4727300	e20efcf4-6d32-4b0d-9600-9daa66126c13	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 05:32:52	-247.67
-42	47274	4727400	33a5d848-4105-454b-9536-7aab3ef65e7a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:51:06	-207.990
-42	94548	4727400	bd197111-c88e-4c37-9735-711c9ebe569d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 08:20:28	232.131
-43	47275	4727500	3eaa43a4-28ff-4b0c-a724-92ea3e940854	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:36:54	-27.867
-43	94550	4727500	ad4ee5ae-453c-418a-a9d7-dc279a1e9bae	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 16:05:50	-53.366
-44	47276	4727600	f0f4b4c3-0087-4411-af5f-0eb1ee54c4b7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 17:18:08	945.429
-44	94552	4727600	ac4236ac-8605-4996-bccc-afac57fb95cd	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:32:31	123.161
-45	47277	4727700	242be558-9ca5-4dbd-a290-69495c350963	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:32:56	636.974
-45	94554	4727700	7591d049-aa88-463f-aede-eacbfb0d1b2e	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 01:21:23	-370.487
-46	47278	4727800	5deb52da-036d-4e20-8cd1-a19512e8b6b0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:08:21	-700.285
-46	94556	4727800	ab0d3e2f-06f1-414e-b6a3-e4a956fd9c17	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 20:05:20	662.865
-47	47279	4727900	629d84ee-bfb4-40fc-8c59-f3ad98637cda	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:26:51	877.891
-47	94558	4727900	ce150980-e1cd-4849-b557-5025c37a3511	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:20:54	382.891
-48	47280	4728000	969589eb-a229-495b-ab1b-705e23c78370	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 03:12:53	-846.256
-48	94560	4728000	ac71bde3-6fec-43e1-a519-9e0e3c053025	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 03:56:01	-669.192
-49	47281	4728100	8e7860c9-c011-467a-8b8b-d15136ae5f1e	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 06:05:40	-506.234
-49	94562	4728100	425a5695-5699-4bef-b392-82914a6f6a0f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 11:45:05	-502.526
-50	47282	4728200	f34462ed-f46e-4f2e-b95a-775c9483a289	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:01:07	260.869
-50	94564	4728200	009c9002-4fc7-42bf-8ab7-5c1989bd441f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:10:49	-158.231
-51	47283	4728300	ad6712c6-4a98-491a-9464-add9b6bbf449	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:18:36	-757.162
-51	94566	4728300	35f1da6d-ff28-46be-afd2-d4decb29ce94	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 08:14:12	-48.822
-52	47284	4728400	4561f18b-9841-43a0-87e0-47092b1992d8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:29:46	104.185
-52	94568	4728400	ad2acc16-f9da-4094-914d-b6eda956e406	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:33:05	527.944
-53	47285	4728500	df36d27f-c332-4768-88c6-925e3fbf3bd6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:32:27	-558.665
-53	94570	4728500	d80ff893-468b-43fb-a5da-1ac8a36c13e6	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:13:29	550.523
-54	47286	4728600	2294edca-797a-406a-8adb-e8a93a1a5574	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 11:57:49	669.68
-54	94572	4728600	49c96531-f973-48c7-94cf-932231f22f37	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:59:35	-546.695
-55	47287	4728700	ea2925fd-ffb2-4c3c-b16f-f1859f8f8cd3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 01:47:26	977.897
-55	94574	4728700	2cb6b3ea-5a78-4887-b52e-c038397a03fa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:38:50	962.766
-56	47288	4728800	a745be9e-f633-48b3-ba54-f73fd446880c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:22:02	-551.297
-56	94576	4728800	2a6d114d-0429-473d-a59a-c04c42ac6429	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:58:23	-447.456
-57	47289	4728900	65341358-eb5a-4297-aa13-7f4de150415a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:07:06	712.952
-57	94578	4728900	63d9f16c-3c3d-4a84-a2b5-8925ec56b579	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:54:49	-168.446
-58	47290	4729000	5ad9b50a-1d88-4b64-880b-1c33b0c013c8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:26:26	-828.789
-58	94580	4729000	db92dcbb-762f-4282-b584-abe6d5641305	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 02:46:14	-708.972
-59	47291	4729100	8ff3e851-5468-4838-994e-beb7fa1c8e1f	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:53:40	-325.115
-59	94582	4729100	9144f4b0-b1cb-4e6a-a085-b8db1e138e3e	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 08:31:04	-768.292
-60	47292	4729200	77dbb01a-4899-45e8-87df-fb20cd1209ff	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:03:36	-665.446
-60	94584	4729200	a617e2d0-712f-4120-b90b-fe07197005bb	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 14:41:06	852.299
-61	47293	4729300	75908e15-0442-41fd-bb9b-3added366c63	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:10:57	225.996
-61	94586	4729300	f943505c-7c7f-48e9-9598-03bc76799528	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:57:40	475.527
-62	47294	4729400	2491dcc5-d3d1-4375-b41f-d8899a95f403	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:04:27	809.813
-62	94588	4729400	ffd2283b-4e45-43d9-bff7-d7d927974fe4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:11:39	-284.743
-63	47295	4729500	baa09a46-5764-4e80-96ee-5d0b3def4417	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:13:58	190.438
-63	94590	4729500	8c8e787e-4d96-41e6-ac3d-e4ac262984bb	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:19:26	-278.8
-64	47296	4729600	5aa31fca-b24b-4e5a-a3ea-b973da2e70a2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 07:14:14	-645.148
-64	94592	4729600	ad02bae5-70e7-4787-bf60-68941bbe8e60	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:18:31	956.238
-65	47297	4729700	bed984ca-3db3-4f51-9e7e-de51cd3a7f7c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:59:08	867.655
-65	94594	4729700	106f5230-8ebd-4add-959e-c911957ff55f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:44:27	-122.763
-66	47298	4729800	4a182df1-bef3-4e8a-a2f4-a3a64c4d3892	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:42:01	975.91
-66	94596	4729800	5f78d51e-4d54-420a-a6df-f75d617da5a3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:19:04	-923.364
-67	47299	4729900	49406a7b-d36c-4546-9cc4-a925a1cd7534	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:07:23	656.94
-67	94598	4729900	a5035885-d4fc-40d0-b9b9-602993bb2621	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 18:12:32	-570.475
-68	47300	4730000	34163528-eb2a-4171-9270-082d07077ab3	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:45:49	452.962
-68	94600	4730000	356292e1-8e04-4452-94cf-5258419e9bcd	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:34:24	282.291
-69	47301	4730100	5a95fe23-bced-4110-aff0-fb6037846ff1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 15:51:48	-228.611
-69	94602	4730100	4d2034b4-2b17-4390-bdda-79d995b1f417	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:36:31	858.232
-70	47302	4730200	1d6939d0-b9ad-4a6d-8a45-c8b3a4920fd6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:23:35	449.888
-70	94604	4730200	8bff3c61-40af-4a2b-93a6-20c529ef5261	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 18:52:30	-209.491
-71	47303	4730300	a212b4fd-6184-40b4-ae7d-6900212b4559	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:00:25	-370.939
-71	94606	4730300	7917196c-d657-48ad-a2ba-057ae4c6b0aa	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:46:01	90.188
-72	47304	4730400	00ef5c6b-a8b1-4d75-9157-9d99f1f3ef4a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 23:13:56	37.18
-72	94608	4730400	8c554bcc-9548-4d68-9b40-493d7463ef03	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:47:29	275.244
-73	47305	4730500	5f5c9268-2804-442f-8e44-c27ffc14cb37	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:40:01	-524.910
-73	94610	4730500	7bb8772f-094c-49ab-ad12-839ebf9e2291	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 14:07:06	170.204
-74	47306	4730600	879d4b35-6bb9-40ce-a25c-303af229abc7	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:03:37	-127.149
-74	94612	4730600	030c3adc-7fe2-4eb7-8220-c5f4451b1094	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:05:12	974.923
-75	47307	4730700	49546d88-9a25-4a87-a8ff-84c5f2f3a8a0	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:20:33	396.168
-75	94614	4730700	501252dd-20f3-484a-bdf5-8b915e3565eb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 17:10:49	-816.833
-76	47308	4730800	76020357-69f4-4d08-bcf9-48bd215e531b	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:46:09	-55.666
-76	94616	4730800	942a2173-1523-49fd-b5b9-3cc46e893551	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 00:11:53	-570.236
-77	47309	4730900	e907db3c-0b31-48cd-a296-5068af42358a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:07:22	-245.82
-77	94618	4730900	91416a97-9dfd-4300-8574-549676f031a1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:25:44	-813.358
-78	47310	4731000	2f96c604-3202-41f8-9f52-fcee2f3dfb0a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:48:19	972.639
-78	94620	4731000	9a90b112-931f-4f60-a625-2412cbc56964	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:31:19	-393.845
-79	47311	4731100	c6963a82-5faf-45e2-9f73-fcf146f5246e	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 01:51:32	291.712
-79	94622	4731100	c0a5d9ee-88f3-4e22-b50d-1f769f397257	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:08:35	-790.962
-80	47312	4731200	b3413e05-9025-4385-abdc-390d4f45da35	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:05:24	390.638
-80	94624	4731200	792c23dd-3246-4c67-b2f6-113efb822ad8	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:26:43	-534.945
-81	47313	4731300	1d6db869-6375-4a23-b324-d55c3a54fc01	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:18:08	-456.907
-81	94626	4731300	01669174-5f3e-4c84-973d-5ff358ed0b48	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:47:03	-348.794
-82	47314	4731400	6a3f21a5-a329-4b5e-bd95-5296ffb9a4a4	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:00:11	784.846
-82	94628	4731400	dfe5a950-af32-4b60-8669-51322709c740	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:52:38	91.878
-83	47315	4731500	13902752-1314-4796-b46d-50472eae3fd5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 19:51:27	-746.920
-83	94630	4731500	c03af2ec-591a-4499-8946-c0d3eba673e5	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:59:27	563.571
-84	47316	4731600	8f6ddc7b-cf65-40f2-b69e-5beda049aec8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 04:58:06	566.850
-84	94632	4731600	d25e86ff-0491-4ae6-8dc2-8ecd57e78e6e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 13:40:41	-327.649
-85	47317	4731700	8006a7bc-93f4-484d-89ab-64964e381951	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:59:05	-572.680
-85	94634	4731700	21dd02f4-c027-4092-9346-78195f34c631	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:31:08	375.449
-86	47318	4731800	3f1821df-2922-4b9f-bf90-6148d9e6cc7e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 22:41:29	59.101
-86	94636	4731800	fb7a7eb8-513f-4d1a-8b56-a7f9b37f6934	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:32:37	-687.981
-87	47319	4731900	d92260c4-e342-40a4-8184-0af9aa922937	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 15:06:58	-495.79
-87	94638	4731900	1bddbf4a-7138-469f-84f7-22a170d5d6e7	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:31:57	794.16
-88	47320	4732000	91c84503-53c5-4b73-ace6-fe4960e2f837	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:39:49	299.12
-88	94640	4732000	af960f73-b049-43d8-8c5b-df1f1cb6f9f7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:57:57	266.529
-89	47321	4732100	e6736022-a55b-4a0a-bee3-06130354550e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:25:52	455.85
-89	94642	4732100	c533efa5-d689-4469-aba1-92b3a393ef04	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:49:56	-11.628
-90	47322	4732200	080447e1-910d-490f-bb22-df4f215d29b6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 09:50:43	516.310
-90	94644	4732200	94679f71-2755-4b03-aa0b-fd5b5ab2020d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:30:58	774.441
-91	47323	4732300	15aec184-61d6-4f3b-9f00-78b360eed712	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:40:05	-605.537
-91	94646	4732300	3c6c9907-e547-4588-a18a-0cb19b8ce2e0	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:25:24	652.940
-92	47324	4732400	9671f3e3-3e34-4c2f-8dcc-66f7c30f3b84	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 18:11:02	-896.925
-92	94648	4732400	ad5fd5f1-0c0c-4e41-81e9-56dea9e82186	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:10:47	522.371
-93	47325	4732500	a5b59583-06a9-41dd-88e3-748a050d2cc4	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 17:55:43	-899.168
-93	94650	4732500	2d16bd17-62cd-423c-8465-481f6015abbe	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:40:59	-178.380
-94	47326	4732600	b31aac28-7d5d-4072-8ea7-842a37b5e363	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:06:17	816.66
-94	94652	4732600	f06d9d05-1863-4bb9-8206-72eb90a10f36	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:26:16	306.604
-95	47327	4732700	f86b48c7-6c99-48b8-9db3-dcf9971f81d2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:54:22	-562.488
-95	94654	4732700	870ea8c1-64b3-4648-a1ff-9ffc68a1e541	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:43:19	14.720
-96	47328	4732800	357313e5-6f2e-48e8-ba1b-de649bb733b2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:37:38	-15.324
-96	94656	4732800	0e173bb8-315c-4894-beec-96ceeb66a767	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:51:19	-809.527
-97	47329	4732900	ddc76183-e7ba-44a7-939a-637ddcaae6e2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:59:11	-589.814
-97	94658	4732900	f633eb1b-0aa6-4b6f-97a9-7d361c9f86cf	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:18:39	-421.781
-98	47330	4733000	a0f9b8e5-c948-4d81-8c66-c83ff0a4df21	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 22:44:56	-837.720
-98	94660	4733000	1b30c195-0cf8-4c06-b788-762ade670c62	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:10:57	16.618
-99	47331	4733100	c8c20d00-2b7d-48f9-ac45-2f7bd59731de	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:15:41	98.596
-99	94662	4733100	71086cae-311f-47b8-a766-8440ac0730e5	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 06:47:35	612.66
-100	47332	4733200	3419b197-8a71-4bde-b173-a9fe24ff5632	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:30:21	-993.455
-100	94664	4733200	75e238b5-7a0e-4149-be2f-a660a3d93ef8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:21:26	-208.276
-101	47333	4733300	3cf196a9-c4ff-4d24-8089-12d83dc91c25	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 19:15:20	-511.198
-101	94666	4733300	3fa3886d-c14c-4fab-b41c-af23e29d344e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:58:15	-779.815
-102	47334	4733400	089757d0-ccf9-45c2-bf1f-805b515e420c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 13:13:16	857.306
-102	94668	4733400	160b9d54-05e0-4186-b2d6-decc327ad9b7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:49:40	985.834
-103	47335	4733500	891020e3-3fa3-432c-843d-8ed507257032	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 18:54:30	-724.249
-103	94670	4733500	3c1fee93-a778-4092-a8e9-c4632d1260b6	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:10:22	311.171
-104	47336	4733600	41bd3249-16d0-409b-b067-3d642265dc33	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:00:05	155.922
-104	94672	4733600	dbbb2c13-fdf6-42e7-89b5-afcc7448072a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:08:52	504.14
-105	47337	4733700	468bbad0-0fec-4b47-8627-8264abbc359c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:48:07	-457.919
-105	94674	4733700	f39c2405-69d8-41d0-86b6-ad6d8048e23d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 07:42:59	993.329
-106	47338	4733800	c68b9a3b-617a-48ad-b9a2-0074b8f90c5c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 19:27:51	-130.44
-106	94676	4733800	c4415077-b782-4bf1-961f-1e477de9c123	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:10:43	-30.378
-107	47339	4733900	f5cc6f3e-1c2c-4f25-97a4-263fe5b56226	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 06:49:27	-375.799
-107	94678	4733900	e97b81fb-3cec-4763-983c-6e20b2c11799	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:36:46	413.818
-108	47340	4734000	474b7910-6b1e-4f35-b478-2e425aa88718	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 12:09:18	602.115
-108	94680	4734000	4625b183-a619-468b-b12f-030f3729b773	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:55:19	225.311
-109	47341	4734100	04e06d8d-82aa-4325-9203-defba755a377	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:53:05	583.305
-109	94682	4734100	99f88da0-4c5d-4157-888c-abe20396d7c1	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:10:34	851.155
-110	47342	4734200	b70e97f8-ed04-4ea2-aa10-633edd58914c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 06:52:09	-887.266
-110	94684	4734200	4084c525-14b5-486e-8ed3-318fc6187a18	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:50:04	-947.915
-111	47343	4734300	1197e01c-172c-4977-82d1-c4adccf2d2b7	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 23:31:58	706.654
-111	94686	4734300	2bd91ba4-492c-4fad-9851-6a1437a97283	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:07:33	304.302
-112	47344	4734400	377e34d2-8420-4c50-ac46-1721aa6e3f4a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 15:56:10	-182.649
-112	94688	4734400	9273ca43-b585-4d63-b970-a32ae45b4503	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 07:31:47	-898.675
-113	47345	4734500	5e23c266-1fda-4d33-97c0-5397022b7f82	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:24:44	408.421
-113	94690	4734500	3495628f-d1f4-4144-ba1d-f621d9e3b77a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:47:17	-926.402
-114	47346	4734600	7cd4eca0-eb23-46cb-a62e-74eb402cbefb	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:11:19	810.880
-114	94692	4734600	d37b4eba-92e1-45ed-b35f-7725a3e9e156	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 06:49:45	-171.192
-115	47347	4734700	0fcb5b16-4752-4d98-a5fa-50396333d1ab	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 15:38:10	-911.222
-115	94694	4734700	bd98ae2e-4f7b-4526-a914-b7d3f7cf7771	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:36:01	-922.25
-116	47348	4734800	47a8c150-53a6-487b-9e44-a6e3859f1b0f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:43:35	622.480
-116	94696	4734800	47c65714-de2a-4c03-ae27-36d858c94aa0	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:00:38	873.556
-117	47349	4734900	8e5222c6-a489-46be-b424-0467aed37ffb	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 15:56:33	829.72
-117	94698	4734900	c4c40204-838f-4815-bdef-bcbccd493ea8	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:41:17	22.144
-118	47350	4735000	29101db6-703e-43c2-8060-eb67206fde06	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:36:07	155.490
-118	94700	4735000	bc47011f-4654-4de1-aeae-f0b63c2655cb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:39:32	-780.349
-119	47351	4735100	2e414da0-ea2a-4494-8463-8aba7df51109	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 16:50:17	-987.402
-119	94702	4735100	d2232e0e-3604-41f1-a3ff-8b846de8487e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 15:05:25	-247.890
-120	47352	4735200	a6cb26ca-172a-4487-9b7c-b07e77343122	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:43:37	719.464
-120	94704	4735200	028900c5-9da9-47a5-ad76-a69c19ed745f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:51:01	-308.310
-121	47353	4735300	7a5fa4b1-e5ec-4baa-a27a-758d6e3b258b	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 06:57:44	520.672
-121	94706	4735300	f1800ed7-7afc-46cd-8a6f-2c986515de1a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 09:26:22	931.19
-122	47354	4735400	27970042-058c-4f1a-bdf1-4f3c188e3c61	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:29:25	597.162
-122	94708	4735400	ff6eb0e5-ec08-424e-b994-3ad5ed419aaf	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:39:23	-248.999
-123	47355	4735500	b979c2dc-1608-48af-b5a9-20f6ca10cd52	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:55:01	-831.808
-123	94710	4735500	b0ec10dd-d724-4bf0-990a-5217ead347c8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:50:06	193.552
-124	47356	4735600	b06f34c7-1ab5-44cf-85fb-37686ea2ff3c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:09:58	614.382
-124	94712	4735600	66ae3c5c-797f-44c5-a6ed-c139e6195596	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:34:13	-216.103
-125	47357	4735700	e099e137-063f-47c7-9962-1304f36e5446	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 04:50:48	29.20
-125	94714	4735700	d720eab2-b487-4486-ab30-e796a9b934e9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 01:35:27	-656.367
-126	47358	4735800	69df949c-9afd-4220-81c6-aa9550e15eb4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:08:01	-536.582
-126	94716	4735800	5cfb9e62-f989-435b-8d37-d679994a0258	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 07:56:30	561.492
-127	47359	4735900	0ab49730-7861-4a38-994b-f52d54a769a4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:57:41	225.244
-127	94718	4735900	52a95190-0a75-492b-9dfa-3027961ac2b6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:17:26	333.48
-0	47360	4736000	cf243d5a-8a6e-47bc-8411-02d73385d705	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:21:04	658.16
-0	94720	4736000	8c5dc7ce-9e2e-4d15-9618-87f87477b16e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:42:35	-902.450
-1	47361	4736100	8c45d5a2-0e8a-4764-b81a-e3672d5d2c58	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:14:16	-297.511
-1	94722	4736100	9f8e861a-06dd-4cd7-95a5-050cff05b21c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:06:16	-298.287
-2	47362	4736200	85248259-aaff-4b4c-98c5-c702fc4c74b4	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:20:08	-96.91
-2	94724	4736200	c419e740-28a3-4779-b4b1-0e24fc338adb	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 12:28:16	-636.893
-3	47363	4736300	139cdd96-c92c-475d-997f-c5ae23edce00	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:34:42	-713.179
-3	94726	4736300	f63cab43-05a0-4940-ad91-b312f5d65198	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:40:48	604.386
-4	47364	4736400	1eb45ef4-99b7-46ef-9837-79c3e4f06bf8	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:50:01	331.681
-4	94728	4736400	571a8fc7-424c-4af8-9c6e-25102682f404	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:17:00	-160.664
-5	47365	4736500	22c248d8-ca50-4501-ba59-93208816da03	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:30:55	-358.878
-5	94730	4736500	6037572a-68f4-4b4d-8e78-b1440ba4cc7b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:16:55	-108.531
-6	47366	4736600	34b33370-a3d1-487a-8c66-6e54e6d06c35	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:00:04	-972.583
-6	94732	4736600	f9f3b255-1d57-496c-b38c-1c26e386060e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 01:59:47	820.730
-7	47367	4736700	00abc66a-ef08-4085-8040-097954354e76	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:05:19	684.378
-7	94734	4736700	a7234b5f-fab7-4e37-bca4-8d8a4657a1cc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:57:06	82.710
-8	47368	4736800	b855dd91-d26c-4ff2-bc3a-69973524b571	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 05:27:42	626.761
-8	94736	4736800	5b468f7f-551f-42e8-b944-b912c97f1d20	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:42:13	-220.849
-9	47369	4736900	9fd0db0e-766d-4186-acf6-00267120f29e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:06:10	164.367
-9	94738	4736900	848fc473-c08d-40c2-a6fe-fc89d1118718	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:44:39	-520.496
-10	47370	4737000	c7149413-cb17-4531-960d-d7236596f978	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:37:48	739.35
-10	94740	4737000	8c2e773d-da00-4687-aba9-2cb482aebdd7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:37:14	896.442
-11	47371	4737100	a35d3fa3-373d-49ca-90fa-78d792bf3cc2	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:20:38	204.596
-11	94742	4737100	b25d09b3-8ea8-40ee-aace-ff73e8dd5b1e	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:18:22	-686.175
-12	47372	4737200	665c564a-473e-4c83-b9fe-18b6e6a6c207	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:43:37	167.45
-12	94744	4737200	dd0066a3-cd1a-46da-8c94-d147ab200818	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:01:01	-994.504
-13	47373	4737300	141983f8-702f-46a7-8e5e-bcbc37940a77	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:26:01	-195.523
-13	94746	4737300	6f19bbb9-0f1c-415c-91e6-766b044f86a8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:11:21	889.527
-14	47374	4737400	219ea795-f346-4071-9d00-e29f606e9da3	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 00:14:58	-174.240
-14	94748	4737400	2615f9d6-6912-4775-86cb-e16432f08a66	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:35:23	194.839
-15	47375	4737500	2fc2fc89-a2a7-426c-99c1-97e16d178442	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:10:43	-360.541
-15	94750	4737500	7fac5944-d046-4474-b516-4fb56176aa11	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:20:18	140.660
-16	47376	4737600	58eba612-48bd-43eb-bd23-635738e0af74	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:06:39	167.576
-16	94752	4737600	1bdfd218-a18f-4a9d-b97f-e5c945fc25e4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:13:31	5.982
-17	47377	4737700	2b8501e8-9a25-4be9-9efb-7f066960a575	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:40:24	-283.537
-17	94754	4737700	c5f764ae-627a-4653-8955-75ef46398175	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 00:02:04	468.126
-18	47378	4737800	40016784-ead4-4efe-b0a2-a6b7a8f0bba6	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:25:01	5.949
-18	94756	4737800	ca76632d-a025-4b7d-83cd-02ffa14d6901	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:40:06	-595.142
-19	47379	4737900	e689f1b2-4d64-4ab0-a8fc-0c36611914da	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:51:54	685.962
-19	94758	4737900	39f57ec6-8501-4fef-9a73-d2ca636bc0a8	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 18:35:52	-975.113
-20	47380	4738000	bf525a79-2f90-4a31-be9b-5c10d419a028	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:06:59	28.96
-20	94760	4738000	b8b57d6d-38b4-4b72-aca7-6611ba3f4a0a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:26:33	-333.437
-21	47381	4738100	3c16bac3-c497-4174-a461-1cd79f93296d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 08:24:36	956.200
-21	94762	4738100	dcc853db-dc2e-417e-87c1-c4171651ca94	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:03:51	424.305
-22	47382	4738200	4d4e5da2-0a04-4f47-b79e-712dd0c2380b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 12:27:05	544.192
-22	94764	4738200	fef5a3b2-55d5-4d92-84ee-7c936d2b2496	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 10:56:14	51.491
-23	47383	4738300	166b7299-9123-440f-80aa-c5eef69214b5	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:38:26	-687.648
-23	94766	4738300	7a6dd0d4-47e6-4fab-91ab-ee5f1fc97633	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 04:41:23	-176.45
-24	47384	4738400	8fda4d8a-028e-43c7-b3b1-f9488d800631	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 23:32:23	444.131
-24	94768	4738400	ab989aa7-4a74-4dd3-bbd3-eee57232a700	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:44:24	-452.201
-25	47385	4738500	c2464d95-ff84-4a62-bb6e-647ce7dcb938	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:37:02	232.557
-25	94770	4738500	628dc38d-4269-4dae-84a4-ea5a9915ebee	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:10:13	388.828
-26	47386	4738600	99a3ef02-9faf-49a1-aac0-5f5e898778eb	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:25:02	-529.289
-26	94772	4738600	26b210b8-af83-4d7a-be68-045430858071	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:35:53	-996.766
-27	47387	4738700	1a6de9bb-ee8a-462c-b351-537e36b299c1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:34:00	-425.14
-27	94774	4738700	d59edf1a-5832-48b9-bb5b-ed46081fb094	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:55:17	-848.300
-28	47388	4738800	d444de0b-5501-4b0f-bd41-aa632ad42cf8	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:06:51	-33.29
-28	94776	4738800	33d8f831-680c-4893-9d43-11a95944a43d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:34:21	-679.582
-29	47389	4738900	b1b926a5-c222-47b4-ba1f-1a8073cb27c9	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 22:02:06	456.152
-29	94778	4738900	a4e3b14c-aeff-4f4e-b086-3dead1b18ead	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 17:41:33	798.885
-30	47390	4739000	34ea5cc7-bbf2-4a94-a828-96aff6866d72	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 19:49:27	14.682
-30	94780	4739000	6c69b7ae-65b9-4113-9b6b-3847414a42f1	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 14:22:13	511.379
-31	47391	4739100	ce23cc40-6543-418d-8d70-95f51f12ccd6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 05:07:19	339.899
-31	94782	4739100	d6e11569-c831-435b-b17e-7411f60c9c01	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:56:55	586.866
-32	47392	4739200	ab73fad3-3981-42eb-9eee-b381100c4547	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:14:10	-806.362
-32	94784	4739200	48070723-5da2-4c9e-bb0c-f1250c3ed272	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:45:22	-21.627
-33	47393	4739300	9b471589-f962-46c7-8167-751e91f530a2	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:15:31	169.971
-33	94786	4739300	cd5923d3-0bd7-458d-b503-5e3cfae74852	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:57:12	458.604
-34	47394	4739400	256702a6-ebe9-46cd-8b3d-f2d11c4d2fdf	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:06:35	3.25
-34	94788	4739400	7a256938-4239-44ee-8996-df7787a2dec5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:53:16	947.984
-35	47395	4739500	8ad514b5-f87f-47fd-8ca2-b2e98173ce54	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:52:50	-930.385
-35	94790	4739500	10c2fdb7-7b34-4468-9619-106d9b87d20b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:56:08	-318.419
-36	47396	4739600	246f527b-52fd-41bd-87a5-0a889fbcbfb3	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:25:54	301.789
-36	94792	4739600	66eb8f90-68ce-4069-a598-8b1c24f96486	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:07:00	904.128
-37	47397	4739700	59803ac9-989e-428e-8198-54e07756cc42	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:47:17	-786.78
-37	94794	4739700	92594778-85db-46cc-912e-6f58240e48c0	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:45:56	-53.42
-38	47398	4739800	051680a7-26e4-4569-b2f4-dea2e2a56cfd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:44:02	-256.360
-38	94796	4739800	d5057e0b-87f8-4e64-b9ad-826409fb142d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:23:58	-548.287
-39	47399	4739900	72e68e5b-b98e-4364-9320-dc83fb8a115b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:26:27	482.835
-39	94798	4739900	215ae845-b6ef-482e-90e8-1e217e6c524c	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:00:12	844.663
-40	47400	4740000	b9727f1a-7d3f-4ac7-9162-ed4f268aef1a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:43:50	715.77
-40	94800	4740000	fe4e3e41-6190-4b9c-a2e6-fe02adc9dffd	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:51:40	540.292
-41	47401	4740100	62eb7f48-d470-4a60-a1b6-4ed8589afc8f	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:52:21	335.220
-41	94802	4740100	12da5d98-6328-4767-987e-06e56a4b1a34	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:36:36	995.82
-42	47402	4740200	4e7d3da1-42aa-419e-a1b1-8bdae075ce02	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:48:49	-733.351
-42	94804	4740200	97e4767c-78e3-4fa5-b32f-9745a496fc48	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:54:45	-140.291
-43	47403	4740300	7e580ba5-e7f9-4afb-87ff-f73f250f9b88	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:59:34	-368.906
-43	94806	4740300	93338844-afc3-4296-a774-fd88a56d882b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:48:15	-995.69
-44	47404	4740400	9fbf8756-259f-4269-80e6-889f6afa0fed	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:49:03	366.247
-44	94808	4740400	4e981b9e-964e-4aff-8745-dce41babb045	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:30:00	363.575
-45	47405	4740500	ea9d3b48-facd-4126-933e-717c9762817e	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:58:43	710.759
-45	94810	4740500	80a9cfa0-0a30-4707-a83e-a6c0755d9586	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:43:27	932.686
-46	47406	4740600	1d90fdbe-f101-49ce-b24f-3893f0c78bd0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:53:48	738.17
-46	94812	4740600	24627bee-7acf-49d2-9fe0-e53311b5f5e6	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:32:21	336.303
-47	47407	4740700	4bc78d72-e629-4758-a289-035f26f7a925	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 11:00:57	406.817
-47	94814	4740700	70fa40f2-dab8-4d0f-becd-2af51d808bd8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 04:06:35	729.944
-48	47408	4740800	344dab91-eeb8-4c76-b64e-9fd46bb174a8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:32:23	307.274
-48	94816	4740800	2960441c-1166-4f04-9700-6446c31a8f3c	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:26:57	-203.226
-49	47409	4740900	dcca482a-cbff-4711-bd93-86a824167c48	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:04:05	-566.459
-49	94818	4740900	907ccf71-04b7-4607-9c66-bbe2867f521c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:40:00	-741.166
-50	47410	4741000	db7892ce-b74e-416d-90e1-71ee78a127f4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:07:13	-997.260
-50	94820	4741000	f54b4866-25e4-4191-ae24-6c6a34f48347	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 20:51:49	898.545
-51	47411	4741100	c09f7057-12e0-4f65-b44e-939d261331f5	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:37:17	787.390
-51	94822	4741100	1bef0aeb-c37e-4315-befd-519ce0bd268c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:35:09	264.708
-52	47412	4741200	9fc9a16b-e2b3-4e87-b85a-13d624bb0a8e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:00:55	878.676
-52	94824	4741200	0ebe904f-f087-4d5c-b5cf-ec5fdf0b4bf4	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:55:41	661.788
-53	47413	4741300	45be6406-5612-46c8-bcf0-dabd024f0535	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:55:43	-135.564
-53	94826	4741300	fe2fa3b1-b895-4b41-a210-64740791fb05	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:27:17	-764.836
-54	47414	4741400	5379fd96-5274-4ee8-a65a-b9d56459a9fe	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:23:53	530.662
-54	94828	4741400	fae7c87a-9546-45bc-826a-1344e8f3b550	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:51:40	569.618
-55	47415	4741500	224ecfd5-335a-478f-809a-0a5a3be3b38f	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:32:24	-160.651
-55	94830	4741500	8e9c90bd-320a-49ad-aeb6-51a96c778b6d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:17:18	-812.688
-56	47416	4741600	e166f5c5-08c3-45c5-81ac-0da308370295	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:07:46	835.384
-56	94832	4741600	e8032cc1-ba7b-48da-ba11-9bd4f2d120b8	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 20:00:29	346.461
-57	47417	4741700	8045ebdf-6c3f-4aaf-92f9-fe043b21942c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:32:18	390.336
-57	94834	4741700	bf947670-706c-4316-8438-576a138545f3	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:25:51	-612.908
-58	47418	4741800	457a8d6b-6223-4dde-a026-925dc89dd6a5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:58:11	-364.336
-58	94836	4741800	9cc5a952-0a9d-447a-a2f5-8eff1579a482	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:24:21	68.10
-59	47419	4741900	c106a107-e403-4a94-8b25-6e12f4ea4d7f	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:51:03	536.490
-59	94838	4741900	798c9a68-6a71-471c-911f-f8e95f858554	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:01:00	-462.288
-60	47420	4742000	87342a78-8dbb-4945-a09d-a6b0915f30cf	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:06:15	555.6
-60	94840	4742000	edc38bd2-602c-48f2-bad9-c44f91c80dd9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:11:10	-207.691
-61	47421	4742100	72e5f4ff-501c-4a5c-9b2b-6eb8418e574b	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:01:26	235.931
-61	94842	4742100	c564c76d-a30c-44ac-964d-704343acc59a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:35:40	712.35
-62	47422	4742200	6986128e-9eea-414f-9d16-4d978534d340	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:34:51	189.600
-62	94844	4742200	5d67720f-7cb6-4ce6-b06b-4d6dc6939d72	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:28:02	893.687
-63	47423	4742300	a5786c82-192d-46cf-8471-42bd5fa0e9c0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 21:40:23	17.314
-63	94846	4742300	c65b71d5-d155-4367-a1fc-3e5d42124ae3	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 09:02:27	131.102
-64	47424	4742400	200f914e-1dd8-449d-b11b-0cb153d03908	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:19:59	283.970
-64	94848	4742400	9828ff24-f6a3-4cf6-838b-3023f0b55c06	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 20:43:24	-608.344
-65	47425	4742500	ed8c859a-1005-434f-820c-9097bab027ad	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 07:54:38	171.714
-65	94850	4742500	95b492eb-3561-494a-a6ad-8b02ae729733	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:19:07	706.269
-66	47426	4742600	3498e153-4331-42f9-862a-45273eca3a5e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:29:48	-249.166
-66	94852	4742600	27c242a3-6e37-4894-9bb8-07ae45aaba49	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:49:20	875.865
-67	47427	4742700	28279fdf-ddf5-416a-9f88-d36c6fcaa822	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 02:58:37	590.217
-67	94854	4742700	5f4fb23d-dda8-4217-bf66-93ad0c4c3531	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:28:18	-364.497
-68	47428	4742800	ae4bee05-cd47-4403-9e03-5a3f76f91d8e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:10:39	202.523
-68	94856	4742800	d015f99f-e189-4bea-a8be-2dda82bef028	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:52:57	301.982
-69	47429	4742900	a10b5365-1fcd-4261-8120-732aad1e8565	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 14:04:06	177.341
-69	94858	4742900	7662faa2-d520-4e78-9864-7861231c10df	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:38:12	-367.928
-70	47430	4743000	c1032a99-5f9b-458e-92f0-86a2d404d940	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:20:25	973.779
-70	94860	4743000	26e2af2c-ae5a-497e-b532-884a2200d9ee	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 06:25:34	-604.92
-71	47431	4743100	c0aeb888-c087-42d8-a45a-cc69f9d3046a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 19:47:58	-769.233
-71	94862	4743100	417679e1-510e-4013-a60b-ca24c4d986b3	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:40:18	-825.949
-72	47432	4743200	d38eeb5e-6325-4d0a-ba24-6b630a5220b5	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:29:45	-903.107
-72	94864	4743200	c0c4dbf5-1c3b-4107-8501-4a33f692c1e8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:49:31	701.475
-73	47433	4743300	33eafcd2-34f0-4781-9ee7-0f9ec6a7391e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:38:42	448.203
-73	94866	4743300	26d9a0c4-838a-470e-8dc0-e6dbc62e4f65	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:38:31	-636.235
-74	47434	4743400	ea539ef1-484f-40ad-9b96-a0ecb2c3b17d	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 08:37:07	608.331
-74	94868	4743400	5b5cdee9-9766-4c56-a76a-2eef41426b33	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:04:39	201.67
-75	47435	4743500	c16903b7-99b6-42d4-8ad4-ba14eacd82b6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:41:22	624.297
-75	94870	4743500	8e86eb29-bef5-4192-84e5-51b05b246984	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 03:16:52	-271.465
-76	47436	4743600	048d49ca-92a6-4b0d-96a0-2d235822f239	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 17:59:29	-633.878
-76	94872	4743600	ed1b1e43-0939-432f-8c36-98a5fbba6c4d	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:14:49	-389.421
-77	47437	4743700	ff80d672-eb1a-4d8f-bfb9-cd01a7d9d89e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:09:12	751.80
-77	94874	4743700	bf7014b2-485d-443c-9279-6cbd9890f668	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:07:04	922.322
-78	47438	4743800	bf001da1-37b4-4b49-9e99-0a6fb8b2af56	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:11:48	-733.386
-78	94876	4743800	f1259c66-606f-4448-9a9e-4705b06fe9f7	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 15:12:50	-647.157
-79	47439	4743900	7e935ef6-2c8e-440a-a4b5-cdef9e82ae6d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 08:17:45	922.985
-79	94878	4743900	66968e38-fda0-4c97-adda-42734540b67d	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 04:00:27	926.38
-80	47440	4744000	c7c270c5-fd54-4b22-b3e3-785e5fa781f0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 22:13:32	592.436
-80	94880	4744000	04dd7800-d95b-4853-93d1-943cdfeb98dd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:07:18	-148.872
-81	47441	4744100	4fee0d0f-bef0-468f-96ed-723ca4cbb9ce	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:21:21	314.107
-81	94882	4744100	2974fe85-fb9d-4fee-b9e8-deafef7a1bee	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 03:01:58	883.450
-82	47442	4744200	17dc11a0-7035-4f59-9c49-b0737ea8f6b5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 15:23:51	-687.164
-82	94884	4744200	118257a2-f8ee-4063-9d28-fcc5237bb1eb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:05:20	488.273
-83	47443	4744300	47a9f470-50c1-42da-b29a-c86606aea12c	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:59:41	397.170
-83	94886	4744300	fde13002-b385-425a-a771-31edf2b43684	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:29:50	496.752
-84	47444	4744400	46176bf1-1ee0-4428-a993-7362e7dbd264	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:02:28	-725.641
-84	94888	4744400	e35a07e0-d7f9-4720-a950-3ba0e47d118a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:43:13	842.583
-85	47445	4744500	9537ce64-6853-4baa-bd1c-a5aefde30c8d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:08:19	829.211
-85	94890	4744500	16b97862-3034-4164-9c7b-dbe5ac4d4c95	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:53:40	-439.938
-86	47446	4744600	a3d19059-56c6-45d5-ad4b-cb4aa665045b	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:24:55	-169.885
-86	94892	4744600	77a136db-b106-40c9-ae89-c39b49d7b4ec	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:21:56	999.46
-87	47447	4744700	557e8ff8-a3c4-4e47-a45d-dc5544799b58	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:04:14	-855.760
-87	94894	4744700	286b0f28-4caa-49ae-99e7-78bd5e092429	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:32:10	-306.170
-88	47448	4744800	c65512d2-f565-4956-9c3f-8c410dc0bd30	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:38:41	-165.215
-88	94896	4744800	a844bc85-1cc9-4bf4-b47b-dd9faccf691a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:17:56	-900.751
-89	47449	4744900	99241823-51cc-4c45-92f8-458c0e258cb8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:34:43	362.746
-89	94898	4744900	5139668e-f92f-4bb6-a597-669588a93739	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:47:58	48.784
-90	47450	4745000	d94ca470-d6b4-45c6-bb09-91deee8be433	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:08:03	-70.251
-90	94900	4745000	693291db-d63b-415f-96ff-b1cb6c073d29	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 23:14:50	-935.696
-91	47451	4745100	b6bb34ca-93f7-410d-9160-46340cd434c6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:31:25	-703.181
-91	94902	4745100	0a93d72e-acb7-49b7-87ca-bdabfe33d984	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 22:55:27	107.127
-92	47452	4745200	37de40cd-f365-4144-9f29-566e11d9d189	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 23:12:27	-446.689
-92	94904	4745200	92fedcf5-c081-4e8e-8e12-71c6cdc22292	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:48:04	-877.653
-93	47453	4745300	e7efafa5-74cf-4ac3-a989-03aacd9e1515	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 18:15:47	792.966
-93	94906	4745300	2c82f3bd-9d7e-430e-bf6a-d3e50371759e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:28:05	-661.622
-94	47454	4745400	4849f501-ea20-46df-971d-c04c61ff54af	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:59:29	-8.388
-94	94908	4745400	80ac99cb-251a-462c-a760-42af6707b1ce	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:54:57	464.783
-95	47455	4745500	00c8af35-33d6-426b-a431-58f53cc5dda4	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:33:12	394.6
-95	94910	4745500	cecd800c-3a79-4cce-9907-2b1af9ea4fb5	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 03:04:05	-615.425
-96	47456	4745600	04db4c52-00e6-4320-af48-6b159e0356cd	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 05:03:01	96.326
-96	94912	4745600	924de256-37df-40c9-8000-f174ae063786	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:16:38	428.407
-97	47457	4745700	01172145-6034-4985-8be1-911c9b8b149e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:33:01	-310.512
-97	94914	4745700	bd8fed07-0b6c-46de-9ea2-8f5840ff02e5	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:26:18	-736.332
-98	47458	4745800	8a7aff41-9673-4686-9d1e-86b5251d6a39	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:08:04	-910.936
-98	94916	4745800	fc7f5e4c-0ff1-4124-9c05-ec2124d13583	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 12:54:00	-198.254
-99	47459	4745900	5d7444b8-7db3-4933-97b2-211230f1f1c1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:09:01	-840.11
-99	94918	4745900	c8a02a01-99e4-439a-b083-9267361d6e35	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:25:01	824.324
-100	47460	4746000	9e2e6a77-6bc3-490a-b1d2-1170e2661f53	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 13:56:21	-817.985
-100	94920	4746000	f4de0757-8bc9-4cfa-97ca-d78acbe03d89	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:56:45	-931.208
-101	47461	4746100	df589d5c-b70e-435e-8e61-c31f31532b50	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 14:59:25	351.723
-101	94922	4746100	961cc12b-0118-4d6c-8a5d-e2c7328f6257	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 05:22:45	-889.938
-102	47462	4746200	b10c7d0e-df03-41d6-8b76-e9fc1e89c9a8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:25:19	0.515
-102	94924	4746200	7f143c10-0bee-4ceb-9819-f5789ca6f596	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:13:21	672.757
-103	47463	4746300	370dfe63-c875-46ad-9053-c1729b976223	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:46:30	982.318
-103	94926	4746300	7a4040d4-39e6-4b64-9170-d81e0c66a051	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:13:51	-481.635
-104	47464	4746400	4af7903f-4917-4804-a265-baae9ee94e66	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:13:13	-820.778
-104	94928	4746400	a6a0d3cc-95fc-4f61-82e0-2d181a33a621	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 22:06:22	-800.530
-105	47465	4746500	c903d0e5-7d38-4076-acc0-28b9d017ba6f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:37:15	797.881
-105	94930	4746500	f53fa2c3-0ef6-493d-8f70-9ee19ba9f8ad	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:31:37	-873.583
-106	47466	4746600	55b3fbbe-90ed-4e27-8ad5-d11529125133	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:50:50	-881.355
-106	94932	4746600	e4842a8c-7e60-47a7-abad-57cb3a99ec45	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:34:35	-288.926
-107	47467	4746700	c0565161-c8d0-4f8b-8208-3480e2f07d49	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 07:11:58	-921.954
-107	94934	4746700	47f4e6ba-f011-4744-9d7b-e9ba9a82fd97	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:16:34	-836.90
-108	47468	4746800	a49d112f-7540-487e-8066-b4568347560e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:56:00	202.717
-108	94936	4746800	dc3c26cf-4348-4bae-82d8-eec72628d3e5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 04:26:10	-416.852
-109	47469	4746900	53072d03-48e1-48cf-bfc7-1399e1e33e5d	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:13:13	-823.388
-109	94938	4746900	d9214397-ec4a-4c62-8b75-77a904d31d22	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:57:51	-470.694
-110	47470	4747000	b3359810-aa76-4d9c-8db4-27621f5c2052	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 11:37:49	-259.965
-110	94940	4747000	c4a1d6ea-75cc-4c60-8227-ab5ba14e96c4	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 05:15:09	-264.36
-111	47471	4747100	901a4549-807a-40ff-9d8b-a646ce39ea9a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:18:21	206.932
-111	94942	4747100	099eeef7-62ce-4376-94a2-832b7cccd556	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:32:18	819.764
-112	47472	4747200	80ee9ad0-ad36-4bfc-8d94-7ae4c2c5bfe5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 00:30:12	-271.759
-112	94944	4747200	58caaefc-6ea8-4b86-a014-1e37cee5bd8e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:23:54	667.317
-113	47473	4747300	32107525-0832-4279-8035-4fe930c223d6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:52:38	893.806
-113	94946	4747300	ea91ba45-32bc-4462-9c9d-8abe9e7085ea	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:38:11	-914.856
-114	47474	4747400	c570822b-aa46-4a25-931a-c976bc7b9cb1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:53:22	458.647
-114	94948	4747400	602cce8a-8f11-4971-873e-f1b523e2f76d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:20:37	832.377
-115	47475	4747500	d6ab97c7-1b3f-4762-bf66-6b166ea3860a	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:15:01	-373.345
-115	94950	4747500	02a0d9db-ef49-4912-b920-5f12c94c24af	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:12:50	139.810
-116	47476	4747600	defa8bae-c0ec-41aa-844c-587cfbbd503e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:47:30	-583.843
-116	94952	4747600	d5917710-25a9-4962-b736-dd081cb5afea	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:35:57	-356.166
-117	47477	4747700	4e0a61a7-c0af-410c-9388-aa349f9dd848	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 14:31:51	732.461
-117	94954	4747700	3f5d7525-4510-4cda-b6bb-8229eba0f6f9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:25:07	339.783
-118	47478	4747800	5a7c7c7d-b2a3-4cb0-9cd9-cd8ed4164f0b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 18:36:49	-531.954
-118	94956	4747800	b7259d00-0191-4b0b-b294-47d9d2b6ce34	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 23:57:40	750.900
-119	47479	4747900	443b0aaa-a68b-44ab-8e50-a2b404b5574b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:59:28	641.574
-119	94958	4747900	a5390ee4-eb64-45d5-a1bc-4329a7c9fd31	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:38:10	-781.479
-120	47480	4748000	664c6372-dc1f-4616-9908-6af5221970c7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:36:13	130.504
-120	94960	4748000	d52569ca-a102-4fed-bed6-eb5b40f2f604	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:22:02	-738.222
-121	47481	4748100	d95302c9-ca7e-4e88-8386-cee1bec41859	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:47:56	961.963
-121	94962	4748100	ed5bba3b-b66f-4146-9dcb-8d32967d3744	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:56:50	869.374
-122	47482	4748200	6d92f013-ee61-4d10-8287-aeb750fad6f5	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:55:28	-569.860
-122	94964	4748200	f30d782b-61ec-466d-beaa-f4ec5c390d70	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:31:12	-489.276
-123	47483	4748300	6bb3baeb-b806-460b-8a80-7a56f5c49e35	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 03:15:09	593.311
-123	94966	4748300	14c13329-503b-49ce-a050-2385628e9925	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 05:25:25	769.21
-124	47484	4748400	3bdacf21-958e-40f3-8a6b-cc7b91ef60e8	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:29:49	-993.258
-124	94968	4748400	a4cacd57-8f2d-4c71-aba2-2dc03355a4af	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:34:47	383.317
-125	47485	4748500	8ef07098-afd7-4e37-92ba-b2e4814f8aa5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:45:19	206.676
-125	94970	4748500	1945c19b-4cf7-4842-b306-42021fe7c7ee	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:41:14	-902.875
-126	47486	4748600	15e155cb-ba8b-4287-a12a-e2c2f77eb17c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:18:27	430.216
-126	94972	4748600	cb61b80a-8128-4f59-a702-313f7e2d6c02	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 12:31:54	194.801
-127	47487	4748700	96a5811f-2832-4a52-b49a-6b354701a0c0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:59:00	952.728
-127	94974	4748700	2aef6a6e-0fba-4f1e-8a34-6478167fafe0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:48:49	-87.443
-0	47488	4748800	7ad3d7e7-9d32-4923-9e3e-d268b3f8d6c1	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 03:15:09	548.262
-0	94976	4748800	95351990-6448-4cb2-8e92-206be3deee11	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 22:56:08	-571.496
-1	47489	4748900	85ecb66b-92be-4443-b5fa-1bc59d395808	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:11:11	114.655
-1	94978	4748900	9666ad04-8e88-4800-80fb-3f91e39a0733	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:24:42	-530.748
-2	47490	4749000	2467a689-b43e-4637-aada-6df2f8dc2a55	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:45:12	601.991
-2	94980	4749000	74ec87a8-ac94-45b0-898d-af2032427a5e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:27:39	-932.903
-3	47491	4749100	11bbd7f9-f441-43bb-bb1d-3d31277da039	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 02:08:26	695.30
-3	94982	4749100	e23bd38f-8e9e-4796-8075-2585d3833a34	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:36:09	-852.91
-4	47492	4749200	5e4e18ad-3d7f-46cd-bba2-ef890a4926cb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:55:21	794.409
-4	94984	4749200	7934bca6-8ffb-483d-b8ab-cede4ae53532	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:07:50	597.281
-5	47493	4749300	23ebe2fb-0cea-4b68-9514-cf34b4e93306	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:53:49	171.966
-5	94986	4749300	d4c9e813-21ae-4a21-ba7c-a6f9192c62db	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:58:12	493.106
-6	47494	4749400	d5f0acf2-2391-41bc-982b-0f6c3c182566	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:45:27	661.724
-6	94988	4749400	7c1aa99d-0e5e-48ae-ab35-9f5d27986b6c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:21:01	-317.904
-7	47495	4749500	87f922e6-b66d-4b62-901f-12351be792d6	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:21:53	-475.338
-7	94990	4749500	59206694-9ac3-4601-853b-9feb735e3f07	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:28:51	-460.481
-8	47496	4749600	52d19d72-8d5c-4da4-a0f4-554ed4ebffef	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 16:01:14	-29.612
-8	94992	4749600	cb2997aa-0f82-408a-b3bf-f4ee40c33748	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:21:25	-660.255
-9	47497	4749700	28c00ff2-189a-41ff-8500-98ea76edf0df	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 07:25:20	74.722
-9	94994	4749700	b1fc87f2-8fbe-4452-8951-b941cabfea89	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:06:33	659.258
-10	47498	4749800	3c3b0b83-83c8-4df5-8665-19a53077f9a0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:36:12	-541.717
-10	94996	4749800	c34a6011-f36d-40f5-98ab-9d41902b4ddc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:23:05	719.638
-11	47499	4749900	d1f26d7b-4ed5-4037-bf71-70e568e64d99	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:31:04	-494.34
-11	94998	4749900	6b51b526-d594-403c-8823-193fa3afcea7	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:49:48	145.70
-12	47500	4750000	9ddc0cf1-ada8-4504-ad03-1adf642ad808	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:43:54	-224.347
-12	95000	4750000	6cb49d67-9c53-4534-9c8d-dea47ca5ca64	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:29:45	-280.908
-13	47501	4750100	ec381c9e-faa4-43cb-b802-1b527b6747e0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:19:33	578.997
-13	95002	4750100	a53995d5-ac9d-4299-9562-76fb42cee101	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 23:15:06	-587.3
-14	47502	4750200	bc551f2d-9d7d-40b9-ba38-29d189d9db04	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:19:35	650.358
-14	95004	4750200	14474f5c-c46d-41e2-a033-51d2f7e2df93	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:48:27	-170.716
-15	47503	4750300	5c5cbe26-3888-462f-a961-d78298023618	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:40:25	-638.346
-15	95006	4750300	87d2e943-59bd-4827-835b-bdd8d077efb7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 03:22:03	-217.755
-16	47504	4750400	6ff21c77-a23f-4fb1-9678-cd79d63cc763	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:20:07	-290.698
-16	95008	4750400	dcf78c4f-e7ff-430e-acf8-2507b17cbc5a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:29:05	-937.651
-17	47505	4750500	5dbbd620-1734-453b-8e84-552e18473d9d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:09:03	-285.410
-17	95010	4750500	93ea1f46-63e3-4b08-9d20-2703d35ecabf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:51:51	133.933
-18	47506	4750600	9ff54d7a-a050-4ae6-a2e1-0605641f957f	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:59:25	-123.107
-18	95012	4750600	0731a623-6a39-41f9-a694-f0a13f643379	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 10:14:08	239.951
-19	47507	4750700	10c4a286-dd26-44e0-a7f1-509abd2c7349	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:44:00	-124.69
-19	95014	4750700	199536db-e8fe-4feb-b03f-dda00d8cc5c6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:22:43	316.961
-20	47508	4750800	3a52dc4c-3582-43e6-ac88-3430faaa447d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:15:49	-401.733
-20	95016	4750800	94502c53-00e1-4897-b9f8-e4f20323104f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:35:22	-244.3
-21	47509	4750900	59b744e2-d8b1-4646-a034-96df64cc7ea2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:04:51	929.18
-21	95018	4750900	3ea5b1d7-0580-4171-8123-b966cf17a759	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:05:38	-108.828
-22	47510	4751000	ad042250-36a1-479c-9e22-31cc2f66931e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:33:10	796.252
-22	95020	4751000	9ab732a3-ff2b-401f-af1c-c0481c391591	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 19:20:46	558.812
-23	47511	4751100	918db138-495a-4c6d-89d4-56b6a57de16a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 04:57:43	422.295
-23	95022	4751100	0d397b6e-2274-419b-9ecd-28da5dbc05c7	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:52:11	-136.893
-24	47512	4751200	60d7a49d-7c95-4b9d-855d-2331cc4422b3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:51:36	-63.583
-24	95024	4751200	c0fa3d20-7a68-4a7d-8602-9b815e483672	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:13:49	-770.172
-25	47513	4751300	00c8f93c-9194-42b4-9c03-8dbd52f56cf3	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:08:59	903.972
-25	95026	4751300	c6a8a8f1-e595-4a82-a1d5-b64de5909ea5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:20:30	-168.736
-26	47514	4751400	7159302c-80d5-4912-af42-07487e68aae4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 18:43:51	633.934
-26	95028	4751400	7a924b44-ca1f-4796-a78b-8b3087468caa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:42:00	-294.397
-27	47515	4751500	91b31d10-3b92-4d22-9f6a-c49c826c4d54	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:26:36	947.758
-27	95030	4751500	934c1207-5b9b-4a94-b546-629b818397cf	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:25:28	949.196
-28	47516	4751600	d5d6a9dd-1373-41a5-83d2-9ab4bbfe548a	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:04:04	914.578
-28	95032	4751600	e419b0fa-a3d0-49d1-bef8-2ec565a0899e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 02:46:53	-721.225
-29	47517	4751700	12a6a21f-8a1b-4e37-8feb-82a2ab738e3a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 16:41:56	-981.171
-29	95034	4751700	07b57c56-2fff-4fff-9b16-88eefe6e971d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:06:11	793.52
-30	47518	4751800	64e3f0f4-1350-4b74-95d0-d77b4573adbe	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 01:47:21	-153.781
-30	95036	4751800	e632c94c-253a-4b1e-b1dd-d623db399f83	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:31:14	605.723
-31	47519	4751900	9adbbcc4-1725-482e-a3ff-68cf6ce6add3	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:16:04	-489.612
-31	95038	4751900	9e0ca041-429f-459c-aef3-14314c402f81	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 15:24:17	230.606
-32	47520	4752000	902b91ec-df98-49c0-8977-f622de5fe8ee	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 19:53:53	-197.455
-32	95040	4752000	14ca84f5-5b1e-4105-af18-3c9254e34646	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:21:11	498.113
-33	47521	4752100	00e94dbf-72c6-4efc-8062-8cb63efae510	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 06:14:00	532.708
-33	95042	4752100	eb938244-e2ae-40b4-ba84-6428b600a2b8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:03:32	581.257
-34	47522	4752200	fe7f7b3a-961a-4cc7-9f47-926fe755538d	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:56:35	-176.716
-34	95044	4752200	09ebd5c0-9073-4380-9386-624c7f006268	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:08:08	114.36
-35	47523	4752300	fea4d9c1-e3cf-4aec-be16-dc45e372fba3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 03:00:21	351.901
-35	95046	4752300	b9afb34f-1e8d-4e4e-9961-70ea15180b23	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:47:16	-422.349
-36	47524	4752400	0d5ae539-2e41-4c47-bf73-bdd8815c1cee	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:58:45	-406.61
-36	95048	4752400	fd37b93a-6536-4cfc-8c46-9042c9cf6c54	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:18:48	-515.29
-37	47525	4752500	12f8190b-b006-44f0-8a10-4224f904292a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:57:30	90.40
-37	95050	4752500	c3a0525f-75a0-44dd-bf61-b9195ce0a1de	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:52:05	-588.707
-38	47526	4752600	0d1f4fee-2ce1-43f6-83d0-1d846ea8aa16	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:04:34	-636.601
-38	95052	4752600	b9cb582a-d7a6-41d8-97d7-7563bfb526bf	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 01:48:16	995.694
-39	47527	4752700	8ee018f8-c35a-4064-8dfc-418579ee4869	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:46:57	231.626
-39	95054	4752700	027af974-c2ab-4beb-a749-d6c8b32abaf4	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 09:50:37	21.471
-40	47528	4752800	30ae67e7-d59e-46df-830c-5ee171b8375d	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:28:55	330.314
-40	95056	4752800	70d9bfd5-f239-4a31-822b-2373a03034a9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:19:48	-388.915
-41	47529	4752900	a2d16c95-1e76-48a9-88e0-4c327183040f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:47:52	-972.742
-41	95058	4752900	88f389d8-77a7-45e5-b96f-328a7fb0620e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:44:11	-516.372
-42	47530	4753000	d2dc76b5-ba73-4c84-b822-367c0a93e268	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:18:18	422.470
-42	95060	4753000	8ef179a0-6e5a-4865-b8fd-3bab3084f7e2	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 05:03:44	380.32
-43	47531	4753100	2a2ad04d-edc6-4f43-9067-3ba51eb3b031	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:25:20	488.108
-43	95062	4753100	fd80b0e5-ec5c-4fb2-9191-003723c82bed	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:14:49	772.8
-44	47532	4753200	e7641938-2aed-4a70-bbe2-b4fb9de7a94c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:20:37	-784.627
-44	95064	4753200	8f407b9c-8263-490c-a7f8-b36a19f74a1a	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:35:59	69.905
-45	47533	4753300	6ac8a7e5-584d-48c1-b4d6-b7ca2b4dc3e6	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:36:30	467.850
-45	95066	4753300	4e3569aa-fa30-41a9-b659-6b17a519ed38	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 19:37:39	-615.924
-46	47534	4753400	5ab94030-8f24-4600-9948-34d40c5c4f17	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:18:19	764.790
-46	95068	4753400	1330dae4-f9b7-4bf8-97d6-1c80b48b15a7	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:38:24	-16.467
-47	47535	4753500	7e463c3c-3645-4026-8c6a-d8d4eccc840d	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 11:02:09	624.379
-47	95070	4753500	c804fa13-9d8d-4471-862d-a8041f0128b8	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:46:35	6.700
-48	47536	4753600	8ab6693a-3350-4a8c-bd2d-2a90e6d41800	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:44:49	854.586
-48	95072	4753600	1556a818-2cc8-4aa1-8841-6b4696804960	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:33:14	-888.103
-49	47537	4753700	e9da2ff7-ef0d-4723-a134-5c1078d5f897	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 02:04:06	978.496
-49	95074	4753700	8261496c-ceb1-4478-86f6-fdacb4880b18	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:57:39	-958.732
-50	47538	4753800	c0165a0b-de7e-43d4-bfe7-3285da8f6fd6	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:56:30	-213.358
-50	95076	4753800	2f8ec077-9984-4e1c-b2ca-abefc35fc06f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 19:04:24	712.123
-51	47539	4753900	533f37c0-5f0b-4c95-9f73-6e4af59e44e5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 04:40:41	209.311
-51	95078	4753900	66fe8243-3a5f-4b63-b80f-cf4194c87d78	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:06:15	197.92
-52	47540	4754000	0c2c5b11-a5be-4e19-97e6-0fbe6faca559	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:52:37	-276.780
-52	95080	4754000	52a3beb5-fbe1-4fab-b4c2-fcb6a4332d98	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:46:20	1.546
-53	47541	4754100	125460c7-51a1-4622-9218-8713bf81dbc1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 04:40:50	-254.86
-53	95082	4754100	26b09eb4-ddd3-43b9-8534-fa23b1275947	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 00:11:14	259.839
-54	47542	4754200	e85c4237-5cc6-4f35-8531-f20acfd43a67	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:31:19	192.994
-54	95084	4754200	73792f1d-2b11-4ee1-a2b9-f7769f81b3fd	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 08:47:43	-446.616
-55	47543	4754300	9200c021-37dd-41e3-b78e-6c1793b052c6	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:15:22	-334.822
-55	95086	4754300	5a3459a7-4dd9-4be7-a417-f72601466d20	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:32:46	-888.860
-56	47544	4754400	d6581b81-cdf2-4f3a-87ad-4cc6afc1729b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:08:14	-104.292
-56	95088	4754400	f56aec0c-10dc-44e5-8d24-6f624d956baa	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 08:25:37	56.185
-57	47545	4754500	76581e6b-9fc6-4fee-8f07-a5b064b1ed49	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:52:12	495.2
-57	95090	4754500	3a7ea18a-f30f-4ddd-8528-c5a2159c87a4	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 19:26:51	-535.870
-58	47546	4754600	bcd76e89-ecf2-433b-bd43-88d08955c3a3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 22:44:11	-323.578
-58	95092	4754600	de15b105-9222-4430-bb34-ae3737b48342	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:26:42	-676.957
-59	47547	4754700	ebc55a65-474b-41d1-85e4-1861f674ea8e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:31:23	-898.673
-59	95094	4754700	9210b41d-ecba-4400-a26f-becdf0272021	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:01:49	-368.664
-60	47548	4754800	e1d5474a-be1e-4e94-b2bb-d9d20a0a98e1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 12:32:34	-536.555
-60	95096	4754800	8aef2c58-351e-49dd-944d-4bd148ce2a0b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:05:51	848.303
-61	47549	4754900	52aad4c3-97ce-4f11-95e3-98493a1498c2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:11:55	265.428
-61	95098	4754900	559d7a58-1380-49bc-95d4-c01ffac0d589	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 15:40:45	296.644
-62	47550	4755000	23303d4a-bf24-4e43-a132-ec658c84f40e	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:32:12	-468.987
-62	95100	4755000	7239ff66-2615-4f26-8b79-1c6d0dd91ca3	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 10:13:43	-443.267
-63	47551	4755100	7745b3c5-c8ca-46fa-8c72-2361df419498	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:16:32	356.762
-63	95102	4755100	b0361f63-261a-449e-a8ca-9e656b0deb2a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:43:08	-537.982
-64	47552	4755200	bb30ffd4-1cbd-4aaf-a64f-edf1cc4685cc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 00:39:52	-502.311
-64	95104	4755200	36f51382-7c9c-46a6-8469-06ca23bd6c8b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:39:28	271.601
-65	47553	4755300	b3daa35d-f961-4dbe-a185-f151603cfba4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:36:07	-462.262
-65	95106	4755300	b4e385aa-0ea9-4252-b0df-75f5d6db2e04	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 09:39:10	-615.659
-66	47554	4755400	be5a91bc-a6b5-42fe-8b1f-4a434027cdab	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:07:42	-330.968
-66	95108	4755400	5f16951a-a812-475f-a752-e6825d108b57	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:13:09	-984.120
-67	47555	4755500	31cf5be8-8904-4d02-a04c-b6797bb9889d	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 09:43:19	370.534
-67	95110	4755500	75a2a551-1785-4294-a2b5-c3b2febd01b7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:55:38	-771.306
-68	47556	4755600	1b3f2f6f-83e0-4f12-b628-b4e583b61f35	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:01:51	-291.676
-68	95112	4755600	b396cadf-1a22-4c61-a292-cfca382619d9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:31:58	-773.283
-69	47557	4755700	4aaabe7d-425e-4dc4-a400-97fb818fd042	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:58:11	163.293
-69	95114	4755700	75b99262-a330-4691-891f-866c84854c30	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:31:35	209.644
-70	47558	4755800	aa7bae07-c882-4af4-845a-7696d658e0f0	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:10:14	-227.158
-70	95116	4755800	85f8f8d5-0bd6-4e41-bc06-a4bf7433dc1f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:02:00	657.924
-71	47559	4755900	0802142a-7fb5-437b-ae06-7d369f46594a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:36:34	-771.746
-71	95118	4755900	334b5f2f-5200-4db7-a941-db17b2dfc958	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:46:58	-48.803
-72	47560	4756000	83ebb436-d45e-4e0c-8628-55176946fd86	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:28:53	929.17
-72	95120	4756000	39c35ff2-31e1-4969-bf28-f18d764dd1fc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:15:32	498.429
-73	47561	4756100	c1547145-e6db-4084-bb4d-827a864130e5	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:38:56	-70.944
-73	95122	4756100	9534ffbf-f4b1-4f53-a08e-ab5046394320	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:37:22	917.787
-74	47562	4756200	4b5cac61-26c1-4c62-8b53-bc17c2aaf76a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:17:40	-117.833
-74	95124	4756200	182d3fe0-e2cf-42f3-be90-911c1c811a42	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:30:42	-69.163
-75	47563	4756300	466833af-ac1b-409c-b424-8c9fb7cefcf5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:41:25	234.506
-75	95126	4756300	70494f40-7a7a-46bd-8433-745268c665e1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:53:30	-872.15
-76	47564	4756400	f2df455d-010f-4e3a-ac07-66aaf1b63c43	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 02:44:21	562.337
-76	95128	4756400	a4ca1802-7dbd-4268-a172-c4c7d0e444ea	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 00:12:52	729.450
-77	47565	4756500	05c71aaa-7c6a-4c9c-8aa7-a085d4f10c77	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:54:56	-656.74
-77	95130	4756500	87e8276f-9768-457f-a7c4-724f2800a199	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 11:22:54	223.460
-78	47566	4756600	96744b7c-7fe9-4030-91a7-1de41c48b9f5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:22:47	300.821
-78	95132	4756600	a4da6ece-bc80-408e-8ba7-e38348add28b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:03:27	-18.701
-79	47567	4756700	e9efe989-0922-4013-8493-7063292fcb4e	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:09:40	-60.662
-79	95134	4756700	ba5b2870-163c-46f1-af3f-247b12456d68	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:34:52	-562.245
-80	47568	4756800	e32c6543-54bb-42a9-9893-905a894847a3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:36:57	340.21
-80	95136	4756800	526a3155-3fff-4234-9bd9-e2203ff95486	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:14:10	15.193
-81	47569	4756900	f451dd2a-8ef7-467b-b6ae-82078d7dc239	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:19:06	-175.478
-81	95138	4756900	c4e97dec-4846-4c4d-a829-1b027e0964e6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:04:56	38.237
-82	47570	4757000	28f851e2-a1b5-4998-9e4b-1262ae141328	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 05:48:51	319.34
-82	95140	4757000	a458a32f-1c19-49e0-9d29-1dba44c19882	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 08:04:37	13.910
-83	47571	4757100	9aac69f2-7c73-4304-86d6-9554e9ae3b17	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:32:41	-937.850
-83	95142	4757100	cb9f7544-eb07-4652-b854-9320ccba4d2b	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:58:38	322.212
-84	47572	4757200	1717bc95-a66b-4d91-a314-752340d62c02	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 12:02:34	-221.315
-84	95144	4757200	3b8a7ee6-07a9-4a62-9a41-f441d848a27b	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:52:42	874.749
-85	47573	4757300	9ea592bd-59cc-4aa4-a1f1-40684eff5f4e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:38:37	-445.848
-85	95146	4757300	bb1251b1-618f-4fbe-aa77-d6e7f6a5f479	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:48:52	-555.430
-86	47574	4757400	39347ce9-448e-44a5-91ec-0f4c74178840	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 13:09:37	519.7
-86	95148	4757400	8f78de2b-e16d-4ac8-93a0-b4a49f7d5ad8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:19:46	93.354
-87	47575	4757500	e92c6443-56ab-440c-a169-69eebf5dfdac	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:41:21	-270.12
-87	95150	4757500	07eaeb81-5ac2-4c7d-b369-fdc8bd6ddbd1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 04:20:22	-906.934
-88	47576	4757600	f87a2a4c-c6fc-43ce-9b55-d6570633a217	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:37:42	46.255
-88	95152	4757600	4d5b33dc-437a-4d8d-9bc6-7d7135ff4cd8	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:50:10	-862.186
-89	47577	4757700	7bc945da-91c6-43e3-9493-6d05140beac2	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:07:29	-284.873
-89	95154	4757700	3e9c5a20-b783-472e-9d1b-ae94f16aa292	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:54:37	-84.573
-90	47578	4757800	ddf987ef-bd1c-4ad2-91a9-5b41480d4527	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:38:13	-76.695
-90	95156	4757800	f462cbdb-558c-45a6-a7ca-b32ba55b1294	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:36:37	301.712
-91	47579	4757900	78d21139-7dea-43ec-af9c-78b0545f8412	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:21:28	787.926
-91	95158	4757900	0c3d7120-2924-40fb-ba34-5de49b805f6d	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:31:24	953.556
-92	47580	4758000	6fa21fea-e05b-42a3-ac19-8dfdb0309327	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:22:14	-371.421
-92	95160	4758000	0599337b-d04c-4586-a2b1-7b6221f7a13e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:35:07	251.270
-93	47581	4758100	9b56a675-4d93-4374-828e-f9f341421cfd	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:30:51	407.154
-93	95162	4758100	7e60e118-cce1-4900-88ea-1e2dc01d6be4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:53:37	757.838
-94	47582	4758200	258d294d-d7f8-4b86-9ade-2dfcff41ac86	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:03:24	755.261
-94	95164	4758200	129376c1-36e9-40fb-a1ff-c48b7bd80fee	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 08:49:57	-810.626
-95	47583	4758300	c0c6c6a5-16dd-4c23-b4b9-30dc7a6c0413	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:11:19	608.461
-95	95166	4758300	343f1ea7-48be-4a14-a5be-58f08a0518bb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 15:11:50	-85.205
-96	47584	4758400	9b70386a-adb1-4291-9963-dabbabfed7eb	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 23:55:51	-295.475
-96	95168	4758400	b4eadbb5-161c-4050-86a9-2aff6a407dc5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 10:24:58	764.997
-97	47585	4758500	5a07227b-1b60-4b76-9147-cb3d1164e85f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:11:48	763.528
-97	95170	4758500	9851fa40-7b9f-4a7f-9131-742be7a46c94	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:35:06	535.661
-98	47586	4758600	42ec5806-8d99-40ff-a2d0-e1c17c2c6116	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:38:12	-58.611
-98	95172	4758600	d83fb128-bc86-44a4-8270-2b399762edbc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:49:31	-983.513
-99	47587	4758700	2a813d8c-fb5a-4a84-9770-bd8359a281be	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:53:25	632.954
-99	95174	4758700	ca16f852-c5e6-4b4c-a95d-b68e991bfb69	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:00:39	553.950
-100	47588	4758800	9940cd1f-6440-4332-a584-9b4eb87375f2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:56:08	-672.968
-100	95176	4758800	774cd681-888e-452b-a290-a446d9ec5cdc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:57:30	-263.996
-101	47589	4758900	bef83ead-c599-4580-afd3-1ae13912b470	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:50:46	-678.30
-101	95178	4758900	182e9cf2-5db0-4017-918b-4f7cb41d426a	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:34:59	879.956
-102	47590	4759000	9e8b636d-60fb-4243-9fe7-7753abdb0f38	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:52:26	-240.759
-102	95180	4759000	c5393a41-fdf1-49ed-a14a-24deb55af923	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 12:27:36	-917.948
-103	47591	4759100	e75bea5f-6e11-431b-8d2f-7648c2ac27ab	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 22:54:10	-392.550
-103	95182	4759100	f39b7b9d-ad59-442b-9acb-e06b32d09326	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:36:06	467.735
-104	47592	4759200	c74bab63-11e5-427d-a623-e72a94aa8e1a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 01:41:40	-819.826
-104	95184	4759200	1f2f3d00-b9ca-4136-beeb-5210d75cd321	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:51:26	988.449
-105	47593	4759300	19599ca5-d87d-44e0-ad7f-fb726fd371ba	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 00:03:08	19.485
-105	95186	4759300	8d05d3d8-c08a-44fa-aed1-6ffa1ac1b5fb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 22:06:25	532.193
-106	47594	4759400	e06732f8-9a28-4a53-914e-7f1cb5856a4f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:13:55	-541.978
-106	95188	4759400	4bef9b26-e2b7-422a-b2e4-3f8297a53300	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 07:04:37	-353.447
-107	47595	4759500	92ffd61d-51c2-475d-896a-957404eb5a39	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:40:20	621.602
-107	95190	4759500	41a4883c-7649-454d-928e-96d1cce53315	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 10:13:39	394.786
-108	47596	4759600	3816ffb0-8ec1-4fb7-8f6d-05a5e50544b3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:30:58	479.701
-108	95192	4759600	648a9804-7225-40f7-9ab5-5b72c82225f7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:44:10	-394.166
-109	47597	4759700	ec7942b0-37dc-4ec3-9b6d-eb22ed260e66	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:30:38	-335.536
-109	95194	4759700	b7c214f6-fd57-44cd-98c3-e6dd8e3cb6f2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:39:46	-384.495
-110	47598	4759800	ac20379f-972e-4c21-afc2-2a1051840b33	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:28:32	-21.376
-110	95196	4759800	c5486181-424b-4f8a-8f78-cd1e2597769c	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:14:57	58.612
-111	47599	4759900	bd980347-60ad-4c36-a80e-d059af985942	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 19:50:05	785.295
-111	95198	4759900	308012a2-ed7a-478c-b4ca-62393ceffc08	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 10:36:53	890.366
-112	47600	4760000	9416c78f-00b7-422c-a68f-6b68248a07ff	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 22:57:17	919.904
-112	95200	4760000	17d028e2-794d-4520-96ab-39c505c82f59	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 11:28:00	916.347
-113	47601	4760100	88c16614-af43-408c-a1a1-5f7db3763769	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:04:18	382.507
-113	95202	4760100	4c9cca5c-7ccb-4010-875d-31b48ea281ce	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:42:44	30.326
-114	47602	4760200	5f5030a0-0ff3-4306-b6f3-4563578ca2ed	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:14:06	-652.611
-114	95204	4760200	f80e1ead-7c0e-463d-bcf1-c2fe0746f263	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:10:34	497.74
-115	47603	4760300	4dbcc63f-8904-44a0-8808-00b5df82e281	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:57:02	-926.502
-115	95206	4760300	6083169f-d8b1-4b92-92a1-ca945285d71c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:40:09	729.436
-116	47604	4760400	bb03ae2e-9576-4e0a-b661-ace2c3a114cd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 19:05:16	-125.883
-116	95208	4760400	fd72daaa-47d9-476e-8a07-56008365448d	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:15:31	-82.107
-117	47605	4760500	60854003-eb7b-4106-85c2-ece50cdfe740	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:29:32	-25.449
-117	95210	4760500	70408a18-5fc0-4796-a3a4-2d53e8f9fbba	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 15:10:16	-991.247
-118	47606	4760600	b2e8d515-2ef6-4f80-885c-6b0a7965b030	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 02:16:38	809.591
-118	95212	4760600	4edf0cb3-e8f1-4c22-9da3-0a51b64b6aeb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:48:42	-83.669
-119	47607	4760700	2f477e5c-f5de-4bc6-8485-8bb312c0ec0f	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:28:28	-7.297
-119	95214	4760700	6629c238-1d35-4e1c-8b96-08ca2489ad72	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:54:11	124.41
-120	47608	4760800	00cbc2b9-2ab7-4dd9-8156-5d70e8778aa5	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 16:26:40	714.80
-120	95216	4760800	6a66e5c8-639f-4deb-9a86-506463049d14	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 01:55:45	945.27
-121	47609	4760900	afa65152-7a94-44b2-89c2-c5af20a076b2	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 18:11:10	-321.289
-121	95218	4760900	0a8654fd-3e1b-4427-be25-235e74ce1935	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:57:32	-44.585
-122	47610	4761000	ba4ef4a0-7e5c-4f46-958a-1658b6c7c134	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:18:39	-652.681
-122	95220	4761000	0b873231-acec-4329-bfbf-6df7093793ba	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:31:30	650.5
-123	47611	4761100	99e146e6-e4ed-432c-abda-b34d5280697c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:49:11	-896.854
-123	95222	4761100	67124536-736a-4059-9e41-8479346b098b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:52:20	387.539
-124	47612	4761200	9dfcb001-e607-4d73-92e2-0d912fd0e5ec	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:00:10	356.532
-124	95224	4761200	df7bb0b6-6d97-455f-839f-24049e13bbdd	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:35:21	824.890
-125	47613	4761300	f804413f-3524-41de-8984-4ab886a16772	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 02:25:38	-366.653
-125	95226	4761300	c3545c55-a5b0-4c37-a5e3-988a16ed29bd	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:55:43	-594.518
-126	47614	4761400	c083a2fa-6c2f-4d4a-b5d8-ac9dba041b97	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:21:11	-548.879
-126	95228	4761400	b2d7da68-810d-4ace-bf5d-f4b7bb85388b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:13:24	868.425
-127	47615	4761500	b04b282c-e028-4555-b193-4e004664dd40	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:12:15	562.396
-127	95230	4761500	c19dd255-a1f7-4528-ab06-bf34549b6451	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:58:40	-304.810
-0	47616	4761600	bb68906a-dd0f-45b1-9c03-476f2648f519	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:36:00	454.271
-0	95232	4761600	4e93a4b8-8d18-453b-aa95-a69093ea26dd	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:26:30	195.281
-1	47617	4761700	e3872c86-2775-4d8e-98f4-96cfc7f87eb8	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:45:11	-492.697
-1	95234	4761700	3787db72-093c-460e-97e1-32043bae9e0d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:31:07	242.583
-2	47618	4761800	97ba8b23-a0f4-4599-a0bf-861eae70ccbb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:49:37	614.937
-2	95236	4761800	6c5ca7d2-923c-41df-ae5a-40edbe466605	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:56:54	144.409
-3	47619	4761900	6e371740-8c1a-47a1-b592-15654acd620a	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 19:19:28	-137.788
-3	95238	4761900	664a514c-7236-4032-b5d7-9c73d8a4d91a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:09:19	707.409
-4	47620	4762000	89ee6625-03a1-4e46-9b7b-f2cff069efe3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:52:46	-580.61
-4	95240	4762000	67db1a2f-e66c-4e91-a9a5-e245fdd07a75	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 12:15:02	178.983
-5	47621	4762100	7ff94b3a-902d-4b21-9edd-b3373a4cea9f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:50:56	916.591
-5	95242	4762100	b5d90e57-81da-4c56-9f76-01467df4d560	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:00:18	138.192
-6	47622	4762200	666a2501-0e15-431d-a73d-acfaacf7ba35	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:51:56	-422.211
-6	95244	4762200	60da280d-7f53-46be-933b-10aca89455a2	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:54:25	-426.479
-7	47623	4762300	923491ad-cb55-4f51-9fe5-4701aae8753d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 21:35:30	919.673
-7	95246	4762300	7df4958a-87c3-4fd3-b12b-9e9629d155f6	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:16:14	-72.531
-8	47624	4762400	5a704673-bc45-4417-847f-445240fb319e	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:32:06	227.1
-8	95248	4762400	dce2ad59-ebd0-4622-813d-342372504819	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:01:02	937.50
-9	47625	4762500	ff97bc0e-b87e-4e21-9ce4-fd478f258825	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:16:04	-838.580
-9	95250	4762500	1e654786-f43d-468d-923c-d804a276c884	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:22:38	116.384
-10	47626	4762600	04ac39e1-b0bf-4c9c-88c5-4506071b9529	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:04:51	-398.629
-10	95252	4762600	74b1bf9d-25d9-4b6a-9073-72dd7914b613	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 07:48:19	498.446
-11	47627	4762700	55bd83bd-5fd4-40b4-a9ef-3a7676b61033	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:21:01	-166.909
-11	95254	4762700	ee405644-bdc4-4b6c-9248-521980dbf424	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 18:19:00	-159.432
-12	47628	4762800	8eeb7ed2-82d5-44a4-bea2-9aefc6984f58	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 18:52:28	925.988
-12	95256	4762800	d7d2a741-0b2f-4762-9948-23e921138f7c	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 03:53:21	-584.262
-13	47629	4762900	fdd2fc9b-0181-49ba-9563-bc61bbc043c4	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:09:13	-942.241
-13	95258	4762900	0e8c8991-7ed0-4a27-8266-986f49af6753	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 19:08:53	629.728
-14	47630	4763000	c5bcfa75-aa1d-487b-802b-bb9ab8189db5	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 22:10:10	-818.832
-14	95260	4763000	d771f6f6-cb27-446a-adf0-3affc412c64d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:01:48	522.401
-15	47631	4763100	e29f2f20-9efe-457f-8521-3178a0bc02e7	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 12:29:30	43.117
-15	95262	4763100	c50013b2-48b9-48c6-9c0c-296566a29372	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:11:17	-960.723
-16	47632	4763200	d3db4f17-7258-44ee-a01b-eb234e55d6a3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:02:45	804.854
-16	95264	4763200	0424032a-303b-456d-afb5-61c609422b8e	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:23:34	-481.107
-17	47633	4763300	49152f00-adf2-497f-8011-9f34111a198d	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:40:34	-882.911
-17	95266	4763300	892051c4-9ffd-46e8-9ba4-733f1b092aa8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:39:30	-883.391
-18	47634	4763400	0675d62c-c9e5-4ddc-9e96-5c915fe1d33c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:37:41	542.863
-18	95268	4763400	96ce935d-0381-42f9-b917-d930218d5bef	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:34:07	-336.61
-19	47635	4763500	251e6d23-7353-4489-aebf-b3bc88937260	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:49:57	-280.676
-19	95270	4763500	4562fb0c-0ab1-4706-9a0c-ba060204e43b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 10:07:10	-838.256
-20	47636	4763600	e37c348f-3d58-4c4b-abde-f1f48337ac6e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:48:19	-565.420
-20	95272	4763600	c1f89700-fd6d-4c3c-96b5-a2ebbf8283af	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:10:19	120.998
-21	47637	4763700	b42eb0c8-3314-42e7-95d4-1b300f891437	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:08:11	473.301
-21	95274	4763700	77fb454f-efe8-4c47-88c9-32477939af50	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:58:09	887.253
-22	47638	4763800	39e9f9fd-ded7-4519-b027-432268d7c8e3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:03:52	-666.326
-22	95276	4763800	cd48263e-f34d-46c8-bcd5-fc8f102c67ea	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:53:53	37.801
-23	47639	4763900	73ee61b2-0cb6-41e1-88e9-14f69a96141c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:38:14	-675.872
-23	95278	4763900	a14dd0b6-f580-49b2-b8e5-a872b83d51aa	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:00:27	51.870
-24	47640	4764000	b21788b5-8634-4740-a8f3-9ff2e912e7ea	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:29:10	55.684
-24	95280	4764000	82dff61c-50ae-4fa5-9eaa-0299d2fc3515	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:32:21	859.153
-25	47641	4764100	6fa63107-80e1-4c94-9292-5697f9a295e3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:28:55	422.172
-25	95282	4764100	50877e5b-1b99-4b25-9cf5-9b861668c1f9	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:33:16	83.834
-26	47642	4764200	f1580802-4ed5-4a05-adf6-53448b443b49	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 10:33:25	283.410
-26	95284	4764200	77d86a58-45f2-4dcb-ae4f-da050a527d5b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 04:37:22	-460.780
-27	47643	4764300	5e71fabd-2131-4bcd-a326-465ab3ff700b	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:24:59	677.449
-27	95286	4764300	f26114d8-a680-42df-9cee-08c540d3a50d	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 15:06:40	-725.873
-28	47644	4764400	7f67b6a1-a4c6-49df-a6ef-d4188aafc359	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 19:20:03	-425.239
-28	95288	4764400	681396c3-9d9d-47a4-911f-57b765e0b8b3	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:28:19	-855.190
-29	47645	4764500	dd774f39-3817-44ad-8db6-13b30e4aeb63	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:52:55	-134.485
-29	95290	4764500	96e8edc8-ebed-4c3d-a6f4-574df64bc4f1	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:58:44	648.968
-30	47646	4764600	48d81a63-2a46-4eb4-8ffb-fe76a4217c38	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:17:29	-158.205
-30	95292	4764600	6df6c587-1c8a-47eb-856c-86825285ff0c	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:57:35	-857.846
-31	47647	4764700	dd8aca0e-9f64-4eee-9060-667843c92bd9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 04:36:09	-488.572
-31	95294	4764700	81240c42-debd-4933-bf5e-22a9d9541d66	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:01:04	-414.562
-32	47648	4764800	a6b22a91-44eb-43b7-a3e2-e14b16e40502	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:54:03	296.11
-32	95296	4764800	3df7fa2f-fca3-4450-bf6e-c2bc3ff7bdb0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:35:03	-676.506
-33	47649	4764900	9845d9e2-5ad8-4658-b508-5a41ca3bf211	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 08:32:27	-758.133
-33	95298	4764900	38ce128c-d753-43a4-aa99-b9ede025197c	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:29:15	395.582
-34	47650	4765000	0b0d99ca-4209-45d2-995f-2077fd0554be	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 16:31:37	-264.507
-34	95300	4765000	f67c7392-2de7-4cd7-85df-7135fd89e533	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 19:35:47	-700.103
-35	47651	4765100	6f8df355-44f9-43aa-8e21-1d885152e98d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 09:58:43	-561.741
-35	95302	4765100	add33a4e-82e6-46e8-b2dc-fb762c846c67	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:11:49	574.851
-36	47652	4765200	4d6afb48-a630-4310-9ec2-9e66ddd9d5a9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 12:50:22	738.588
-36	95304	4765200	0bef5b96-ce8d-4b00-b0c2-2062014b3a40	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:02:37	231.54
-37	47653	4765300	01ed4fe1-b8d5-4005-a2dd-190b8c53d737	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:16:56	-4.864
-37	95306	4765300	81ea4de9-e922-4749-9bf7-5e3d335c72d5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:17:43	-172.3
-38	47654	4765400	5ef02f6e-2e4f-4ff0-9242-ba8157995a37	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 10:15:28	-138.137
-38	95308	4765400	b8ea58fc-1bd8-4ee9-91f4-9daf1e23743f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:40:39	546.555
-39	47655	4765500	1391d73b-fb10-4573-b834-5822f8542262	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:25:34	286.148
-39	95310	4765500	a9d4de8e-47ab-4bba-a40f-cc75ed4d03ac	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 15:08:30	300.500
-40	47656	4765600	ff96e352-1b49-4fe3-a211-5e3528eda356	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:27:11	-721.927
-40	95312	4765600	b734079f-c0e1-4bea-9b1d-19031ff80ab2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:18:09	-407.55
-41	47657	4765700	66a765f5-c412-48e1-9a24-d78bb3391685	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:55:56	-835.791
-41	95314	4765700	ffae1c7f-7fe5-4729-8fa6-5ac83a0cbed0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:07:16	811.522
-42	47658	4765800	948a60fe-f86d-41c2-89c9-5c68c6c30656	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:21:46	-957.836
-42	95316	4765800	b3cab929-0524-49e5-8d5b-6aed6acda0fc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 20:45:13	640.465
-43	47659	4765900	a853368f-5e09-4372-93f6-c622344e49d3	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:06:55	254.936
-43	95318	4765900	676dbd9e-accf-4de3-8d6e-f506c78d965a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:05:15	526.546
-44	47660	4766000	bfe7d941-4f15-4376-94ad-f85030a39492	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:06:58	177.628
-44	95320	4766000	e673d280-d510-448b-a46c-7d4d8d9eccc7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 08:06:24	-931.549
-45	47661	4766100	dca3c6b9-1738-43ad-9a5c-cc07772acdab	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 09:01:55	-574.524
-45	95322	4766100	d5ee0272-68ce-45a2-af7a-a26611be3362	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:59:04	110.270
-46	47662	4766200	56bd5fd7-8aab-4868-8b60-be486cdc1985	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 00:34:28	-736.950
-46	95324	4766200	8413957c-4d89-4ec7-903b-86d9ff385cdb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:18:27	-162.496
-47	47663	4766300	734d180a-7c6d-44c2-badc-04a6a5322e64	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:56:20	-239.307
-47	95326	4766300	a07b9404-dc5e-4b4a-b74b-26070326e428	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 00:26:07	780.130
-48	47664	4766400	a353eba8-1793-4aad-b49b-e144312c2ade	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:24:53	428.980
-48	95328	4766400	4278a01c-604e-43b7-b150-7114a65d3016	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:00:09	-471.246
-49	47665	4766500	65afb8ed-c8ed-434d-9f6a-31d5b8ea87b0	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:16:19	-429.427
-49	95330	4766500	56e0a2b5-bcb1-40ce-bbd5-a0074fc7e341	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:55:41	-327.629
-50	47666	4766600	61dac772-6343-4459-af1c-4158dac0efb2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 00:39:23	487.460
-50	95332	4766600	9730a374-dc97-4a6a-aa14-4131340f887a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:44:36	542.147
-51	47667	4766700	5e8320df-38f5-473c-8185-f089405219d8	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 15:54:41	-913.162
-51	95334	4766700	25c0eee7-e39a-4fe9-b8d2-76843d8c8dc2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:45:43	632.438
-52	47668	4766800	c955b229-5396-4e5f-a4eb-523d5466272b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:02:22	362.621
-52	95336	4766800	cd8b76c7-235b-4a23-8ba2-300c7d5754c6	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:47:16	-242.858
-53	47669	4766900	7c5f0912-e3b4-481e-848f-0b4a62c75fcc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 13:29:02	-495.440
-53	95338	4766900	ec00fcce-62e4-448d-9c9e-bd6a02cdbe10	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 23:09:45	771.669
-54	47670	4767000	56cbde3d-d37d-4c76-a69f-4f986fa256b9	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:49:41	-802.260
-54	95340	4767000	d986ec6e-b0ee-4bcb-ad41-0682a88c4b6b	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:31:41	-265.545
-55	47671	4767100	f667bfaf-959b-4915-b2b0-8d6d1bd7a34c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:10:14	625.761
-55	95342	4767100	2de21098-8a4e-4b7d-9701-f2ced9837b26	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:18:41	66.562
-56	47672	4767200	e4efb1d8-3ba5-4ba4-98e5-7639385528b8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:01:30	-416.676
-56	95344	4767200	58be85dd-4034-49e0-8c57-a0ee3fd83716	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:25:37	-132.555
-57	47673	4767300	4536aaf4-7592-425d-af04-89de4b44e549	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:47:47	225.525
-57	95346	4767300	396c7edd-29c0-49f9-9a36-363ca64cdfc0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:12:17	-118.864
-58	47674	4767400	2b4a47ad-8f4f-4d08-ad77-b143fa0c09b7	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:52:23	704.590
-58	95348	4767400	7fcf1d3a-e83e-4167-9091-2c058a30662a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:56:44	155.565
-59	47675	4767500	a9ba6a16-a5f9-4b9d-b128-5af6323ef3bd	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:17:48	-876.480
-59	95350	4767500	8b185a52-395a-469b-8088-950081dd6f6b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 19:02:35	840.108
-60	47676	4767600	83ec2583-4b9d-438b-ab18-de072b6766e5	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:18:50	935.914
-60	95352	4767600	631cb827-5c49-45f0-9c57-ecaf3db243cf	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 12:30:22	250.444
-61	47677	4767700	07b3279d-0888-4876-ad3b-e9e9539eeed6	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:26:46	-675.218
-61	95354	4767700	3442c57a-8830-42d5-98ff-925c634c33c1	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 13:08:07	-464.744
-62	47678	4767800	265f0bdd-0b84-4d12-8547-edb2fef5a860	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 01:47:58	665.556
-62	95356	4767800	b95dc14a-0047-4049-9b7d-73dee3910e47	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:35:40	-463.577
-63	47679	4767900	218ad57f-cbb6-4489-9dda-b3ab2e955355	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 09:11:02	837.643
-63	95358	4767900	305d5cbf-95d9-4638-9ece-c1687f45585f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:02:18	-348.135
-64	47680	4768000	408482ef-f6d0-4ce1-82a6-095e5d843a5b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:01:53	-399.211
-64	95360	4768000	689fa286-2f83-4643-8076-618909e46b09	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:00:12	488.133
-65	47681	4768100	2367e296-6f93-45ec-bd8f-1a84a4499204	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:53:47	69.790
-65	95362	4768100	ca99cbfe-06c2-492e-81ee-8943147f3087	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:34:48	371.994
-66	47682	4768200	50c626ef-8c9f-4e69-8380-ecaad6b6cf9b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:35:22	642.922
-66	95364	4768200	a6902cb1-4042-40ba-8843-5fa18aef4cfd	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:45:36	-939.267
-67	47683	4768300	e4ba7a80-7141-4cfc-a852-3f233294bfb7	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:39:54	-522.449
-67	95366	4768300	422932aa-dc14-4fc1-b91e-50958e63efb2	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:52:03	-692.509
-68	47684	4768400	4f2dadcd-21ad-4f57-b948-fa6146c7826d	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:26:50	851.262
-68	95368	4768400	ddf0a020-7895-44d3-9b8b-fa96ad03d1a2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 01:46:46	-220.66
-69	47685	4768500	1fed4c6d-bbf3-4fd0-ad1f-46311f783dfa	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:12:27	75.650
-69	95370	4768500	af05210b-6e2e-4138-b462-96589d35448d	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 20:23:43	-604.904
-70	47686	4768600	57ded96e-530e-4188-90ae-e881714dba37	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:38:51	-895.169
-70	95372	4768600	19545d40-5155-4c03-841f-d0847b066f07	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:57:38	-632.632
-71	47687	4768700	753064ce-8f5c-4cb9-8367-cc480be5289f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:55:12	278.521
-71	95374	4768700	74e27356-da72-4885-b353-631138735630	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 17:44:45	-339.843
-72	47688	4768800	92f6b4e6-cccb-48f6-b5b1-bcb41180a775	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 14:32:56	283.109
-72	95376	4768800	c3fb524f-b513-4cad-9c6c-96f8d3b37e6e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:22:50	-722.866
-73	47689	4768900	0d05b8be-967d-438e-a1ec-c5d9ccf7897d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:41:43	603.841
-73	95378	4768900	334425ab-7aa4-40b9-83e5-4b283ed52e42	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:53:33	163.595
-74	47690	4769000	ec14cee8-cfdb-4373-9928-886469ac6081	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:04:04	-381.530
-74	95380	4769000	64b04b7b-f2c2-4444-8459-7a5d5c6653a4	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:59:37	-596.546
-75	47691	4769100	36c7eb22-6248-4797-8de5-6624d71b7029	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:55:44	-784.149
-75	95382	4769100	1aa25a38-276b-4b42-9cbf-33c0a3da43c3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 09:01:36	354.602
-76	47692	4769200	5dbe82e2-6494-4525-a9a5-a9cab01ed41b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:22:40	-568.6
-76	95384	4769200	cfbe8e99-35d5-4657-b567-75b0dd8c5f86	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:57:28	164.822
-77	47693	4769300	e60dc8fa-61f7-4bca-9a7b-8077b855d6dc	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 14:54:50	869.918
-77	95386	4769300	79b16b45-18ed-4ca2-b919-253fdfaf9dd2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:01:29	-918.157
-78	47694	4769400	593e5298-c063-427a-bbc6-2e2cad454286	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:28:18	-499.908
-78	95388	4769400	353d91a0-d9b6-4099-a01f-436575ed7d84	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:48:08	673.415
-79	47695	4769500	333f38b6-4987-484a-b30a-86a9635f96d1	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 10:41:59	733.478
-79	95390	4769500	d45c29ed-2ba5-4143-b07e-5b0d857bdebe	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:20:19	363.909
-80	47696	4769600	46a027e8-61d9-45b3-8727-425edc55a541	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:14:25	-78.149
-80	95392	4769600	2694d636-722a-4be0-a56f-aa4e66e03c6e	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:39:09	-807.448
-81	47697	4769700	6a09be05-e365-4314-93f1-8576ca3ed56a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:03:31	912.138
-81	95394	4769700	8ce125ed-57ef-49a8-949d-49e27483284a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 21:45:06	830.334
-82	47698	4769800	304c477f-232a-4630-bfd0-521d9c6d0379	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 20:27:57	-405.249
-82	95396	4769800	4f665057-30e4-44ae-b08d-8d3cfc45ce98	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:09:23	368.593
-83	47699	4769900	23785a25-07e7-442f-bb15-ac53d9124d35	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:55:25	-901.464
-83	95398	4769900	162664c2-d5dd-46f6-9729-864f9dc6d55d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:30:13	-617.277
-84	47700	4770000	0dbea0e7-d7aa-4f43-8404-d4b318546e12	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:58:10	298.205
-84	95400	4770000	9dcde092-ad14-4fff-8c7a-ee25b16136f6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:48:57	-377.593
-85	47701	4770100	dec92e81-b886-42d6-a3d3-21b5d3c5eb1b	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:00:21	798.330
-85	95402	4770100	12d25199-97ba-44ce-a098-a66e41adadb0	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 04:41:56	-656.970
-86	47702	4770200	f9201877-ab8f-4822-9e67-d15d9b88f00a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 15:01:59	965.55
-86	95404	4770200	c8323bd2-271a-4e5b-bddf-be4d01cf595c	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:32:49	836.304
-87	47703	4770300	90d40ba0-8eda-434b-9b26-c812edb492ad	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:13:03	612.66
-87	95406	4770300	ce0d540f-dc84-4abb-be17-8e3f23f7022b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 02:49:49	590.424
-88	47704	4770400	d400edf3-2dc8-4007-a45d-ab3a9b4aee7f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:52:03	-600.650
-88	95408	4770400	08caf98a-f325-4f19-a08d-76a31737edd4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:35:09	931.905
-89	47705	4770500	87f4943d-1d49-477d-beb2-2ef0c2b6f757	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:08:40	-951.187
-89	95410	4770500	810421e0-b3ec-498b-a085-bd110351793c	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:49:01	821.982
-90	47706	4770600	32b8bb14-a46f-4bc7-b299-9d74569e5723	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 09:15:12	-798.832
-90	95412	4770600	dc62c27a-2440-4f94-8026-5164c3086def	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:14:51	335.568
-91	47707	4770700	5607ecc1-53db-4df6-b31a-9c1f1d088dd1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:31:07	347.478
-91	95414	4770700	715c385b-288c-4b49-9c5a-02f5f38615cf	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:50:07	-489.515
-92	47708	4770800	685f8e70-63d8-448d-9a73-689bf5815531	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 00:22:58	259.935
-92	95416	4770800	93af8cf9-35b2-4799-b990-f0d3d56a5777	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:03:34	539.806
-93	47709	4770900	253ba533-65e0-451e-bb3d-3b24fbdd081c	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 21:39:44	321.123
-93	95418	4770900	fcb5c3e5-3bfd-4c20-b927-14ccd04cccfa	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:48:02	211.451
-94	47710	4771000	68cf3564-70ac-407f-ad20-f3ceaced8ac2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 22:39:07	-594.595
-94	95420	4771000	746c0d40-dc2f-413d-aadb-14223441f255	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:54:16	-799.90
-95	47711	4771100	bb1c15a9-be94-4bdb-be29-95aa47b94228	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 07:35:08	716.84
-95	95422	4771100	ee274a55-72be-44ac-8fe2-d6bbe294e7f4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:33:02	-938.702
-96	47712	4771200	c832a420-fdd7-489b-b3d7-681c6f2b5bf7	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:33:41	-76.228
-96	95424	4771200	b6fcb5c2-f109-4830-999e-4b7520cd0cd5	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:12:43	-667.458
-97	47713	4771300	7deb1fab-d927-4031-9549-59bc7ddcbe18	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:14:51	267.564
-97	95426	4771300	ec587985-ebc7-4b06-a44c-06efa8111ad0	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:21:57	-998.664
-98	47714	4771400	41529ed5-86d5-4fed-a1cb-34341b29a50a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:14:30	965.972
-98	95428	4771400	0b784ce7-9f13-4276-ad06-d12057195746	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 05:43:59	-462.935
-99	47715	4771500	2951b6b8-5528-42d1-b505-18feab193734	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:55:31	-531.691
-99	95430	4771500	cac8890b-2139-46cd-8072-27473e579d5c	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:18:42	-922.334
-100	47716	4771600	4d6592d0-3757-47b4-ace5-dccf3c673617	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:46:33	372.965
-100	95432	4771600	9843748b-6d3f-401f-8c42-b7cbecaa787d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:56:48	-310.107
-101	47717	4771700	aa1ba7dc-c61f-4d7a-b37d-c6796b96a1ff	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 18:37:12	-97.754
-101	95434	4771700	e9e6e340-2865-4c53-8ba8-89cd5ecc3c73	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:54:45	134.383
-102	47718	4771800	e763597b-8f3a-4cbc-a9e2-f1141981480c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:44:15	-543.970
-102	95436	4771800	3482de4e-0d78-42a2-823b-e2104d8d652a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 15:25:25	219.304
-103	47719	4771900	5fa615a9-b9f2-4650-9ed8-b1ebd63cfc81	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:37:07	-734.68
-103	95438	4771900	8b80ebda-1b29-40f4-816d-58a3eb053d48	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:23:11	-36.279
-104	47720	4772000	86cd15a1-c906-4292-b075-7b1dff26fbb8	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:19:57	-518.700
-104	95440	4772000	011151c7-0ddb-46bc-8b7f-03ce3d8b7e29	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:03:05	788.675
-105	47721	4772100	c0863344-7c03-4cf4-8ca1-af8dd2a94e5f	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 14:00:34	-183.354
-105	95442	4772100	8ef7157d-4a28-438b-a827-8057bb103297	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:11:25	-649.7
-106	47722	4772200	c52c0338-0022-480c-bd39-50c2640eef30	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:59:35	-634.335
-106	95444	4772200	1157941d-e5cd-4f3f-89d9-ebf5865b4f84	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:13:03	510.974
-107	47723	4772300	f65b6d21-7595-4f13-9bf7-287158513266	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:48:11	751.459
-107	95446	4772300	1eaca883-8217-4433-a9ce-556b2b273131	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:15:33	138.532
-108	47724	4772400	f94a01b0-65ae-47ab-bab6-501d79776b37	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 12:19:09	981.104
-108	95448	4772400	57af13bb-87b0-4428-9721-17ec9ede664f	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:58:55	488.595
-109	47725	4772500	1b96fafe-bec5-41c9-bebd-a1dc651b391f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:03:51	-814.421
-109	95450	4772500	4925c26c-f43c-42e8-9604-38421099d651	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 22:32:26	698.993
-110	47726	4772600	b6e0a53a-b440-4403-a978-bd6554fc8745	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 17:47:47	-800.897
-110	95452	4772600	51437a60-3496-435a-a916-571ae6e4b1c3	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:15:52	729.961
-111	47727	4772700	ff8dceb7-5001-444a-9b4b-4d5df29e5fbe	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:31:31	562.48
-111	95454	4772700	1605a68b-421d-4a10-8cc8-87de190eff50	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:54:00	489.55
-112	47728	4772800	74447da9-cddb-4252-b5e7-06db0d8a2fc2	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 03:57:04	-122.152
-112	95456	4772800	3d3fc875-972c-4ad9-84ff-4fa0b6fbda4c	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:19:03	721.765
-113	47729	4772900	7b9234da-e73d-458f-8454-a598af895bde	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:15:56	296.730
-113	95458	4772900	05f9cbe4-db73-4c3d-a2d3-9909b7d71f7d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:24:51	684.859
-114	47730	4773000	7af75182-e18a-4e27-8c67-b984e382d07c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:17:46	-425.917
-114	95460	4773000	aa718e1b-5ab2-46b7-8cb8-d8dd6b57b759	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:48:38	580.495
-115	47731	4773100	dfb7f4e0-da8d-4fde-8106-c3b0fc07dc09	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:46:59	872.749
-115	95462	4773100	274a271b-dbee-4565-8e0b-f320f4a3e360	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:41:06	-761.312
-116	47732	4773200	f0cd8d64-0689-4d6c-b714-9f955897011f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 04:27:20	545.756
-116	95464	4773200	19ccaeac-ad93-4bda-a477-cafdcd978fb0	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:01:14	-408.624
-117	47733	4773300	5ff50df7-1e40-4d4a-a9e8-93f33bfeb92a	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 04:22:15	-183.755
-117	95466	4773300	d1de360e-631d-4fdf-b12f-9f1625b237d5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 05:05:15	-498.365
-118	47734	4773400	d43a6a69-fdb5-4ca9-b436-409dc2b7b8d7	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:04:26	-514.397
-118	95468	4773400	81c22f21-18f9-400e-bf95-bba017fb0f69	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:09:08	-349.476
-119	47735	4773500	1b179ed0-86ba-4a57-aa38-9209b32a9919	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 10:31:39	815.179
-119	95470	4773500	6085ea5b-af83-48f7-b6c3-2dec85ff1b55	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:49:28	16.701
-120	47736	4773600	963a4948-cce7-4354-b690-40c7d60fcd06	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:06:15	-676.148
-120	95472	4773600	ef406ff5-d13c-457d-ab65-8ac1fdc32aa3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:35:22	-117.6
-121	47737	4773700	6db2bb26-e9a1-4259-90c6-31e1ffc3c6cf	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:27:28	162.809
-121	95474	4773700	af0d3312-9fee-45d1-a8a8-14d29b76f037	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 02:40:14	134.694
-122	47738	4773800	e6173bdb-bf4d-44ed-8804-5e6f0cf67f79	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:54:54	-544.621
-122	95476	4773800	f95a0e56-a623-4a30-9f42-4a6eebe012e3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 12:22:17	455.485
-123	47739	4773900	a45a7ea7-d9c6-446c-8ba2-ac7a62f9f758	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 10:18:37	407.438
-123	95478	4773900	12ce9802-afa6-4f2f-b928-a7e7b033a7b7	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:36:00	74.782
-124	47740	4774000	723fedb9-d6ea-4f67-83c0-ee11c934be5f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:48:49	753.378
-124	95480	4774000	e7c15a23-03f3-4ba7-8d3a-cb37f380b92a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:33:27	-379.516
-125	47741	4774100	25a7d9ea-8d9d-4df9-b176-35701b8d3ef3	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:40:11	558.349
-125	95482	4774100	b4081d36-d6ee-4a06-823d-67963015d3d2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 12:55:49	-701.479
-126	47742	4774200	66984d5f-b3e7-4bec-a1c2-de7baf891e2d	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:45:33	286.432
-126	95484	4774200	04e5284c-a275-4911-a1ba-b7aac9b67526	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:00:26	-486.307
-127	47743	4774300	08cbd5ab-7f13-4046-96d4-ea2cf9220a18	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:07:27	639.858
-127	95486	4774300	8f7014b3-7437-4674-a2b0-8437c706c4cf	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 02:03:17	-741.685
-0	47744	4774400	402adf0c-d4ac-4b23-8bf1-e6b9c75874e8	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:40:18	-316.641
-0	95488	4774400	95641e82-c2df-4333-a2d9-3523f3789a3d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 11:27:27	-88.288
-1	47745	4774500	daa4a667-4e14-4f2d-97d1-0e82c36e25c5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:01:20	-334.914
-1	95490	4774500	6a0dfa0d-048a-4feb-8a1a-bb9d76022d71	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:58:40	-739.816
-2	47746	4774600	19454b9c-3380-4e7d-8ae6-37312b35d964	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 07:16:11	-421.399
-2	95492	4774600	4aac7669-2b45-42ad-b574-c1dbfb416a15	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:10:11	327.732
-3	47747	4774700	53e86156-8a53-4251-a9ea-8eba6367854c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 16:35:19	915.405
-3	95494	4774700	894817ef-8231-42f3-b97d-e7fb01f64d2e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:27:20	172.503
-4	47748	4774800	fade9135-a63d-4294-a5d4-21cd35086658	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:11:41	56.100
-4	95496	4774800	3cf7b4b9-cbec-494a-82ad-732aac4b91c7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:33:10	166.704
-5	47749	4774900	fc3cf194-6377-4d2a-a605-b283d34fb032	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:16:34	-466.371
-5	95498	4774900	bf4125bb-0003-4d85-aeb6-7ef74e7bcfb8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 01:12:58	-16.824
-6	47750	4775000	02ff7c12-2343-4d41-a398-c8b14fbcfb10	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 02:20:30	-254.867
-6	95500	4775000	4358c0f0-87ca-45b5-bdf2-7adf5b9e4c79	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 05:02:20	152.70
-7	47751	4775100	baa59f67-6894-4738-9dc4-2a51a9205ecd	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 08:29:02	815.870
-7	95502	4775100	c58d1e5b-b566-4596-9781-6e32d3fd2cf3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:53:19	-796.124
-8	47752	4775200	a8d79c03-490b-4055-ae7c-d7995314013f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 20:38:43	118.875
-8	95504	4775200	c28ecb2a-93ba-4e97-88c3-3d4a4e3245a5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:48:20	-27.1
-9	47753	4775300	28a44bea-8ccb-4fdb-adf6-4998bf900285	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:27:07	437.844
-9	95506	4775300	a9b94cc8-351b-4ebe-afd2-b0022c0173c0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:27:56	114.97
-10	47754	4775400	189786c9-2c7e-4fca-a320-692b33338588	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:16:04	818.780
-10	95508	4775400	a15bd79f-44c2-43ac-95bc-83d913d38044	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 08:17:13	651.649
-11	47755	4775500	2e86e100-1212-4399-93be-8c8462a0c70c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:10:03	-240.554
-11	95510	4775500	d61687ab-ee85-4297-afc3-531f0ec82be6	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 19:09:29	943.297
-12	47756	4775600	981651a3-ccbf-4590-aade-77fb88e9487d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:11:13	702.72
-12	95512	4775600	12987f2c-a6b4-456b-8885-b539747bca04	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:57:30	198.697
-13	47757	4775700	1f79ba49-7fa7-4b7c-ac28-d7ee6094a4a9	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:03:39	-82.402
-13	95514	4775700	4f1c89eb-39de-4f1b-ae14-28d69fdf9c48	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 10:46:29	500.769
-14	47758	4775800	b8e40b2d-022d-4423-bfc4-584ed6367844	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:01:32	355.820
-14	95516	4775800	ae5f0b7f-6052-4bc9-bf61-f24da2ba2187	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 10:34:31	552.892
-15	47759	4775900	f4b63068-7379-4a25-bd28-7f57f270cd5d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:29:21	320.756
-15	95518	4775900	7032509c-05e2-4848-aed3-cd307e11a0a3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:51:30	-319.299
-16	47760	4776000	f4aeb974-1b4a-4d69-b363-c318095bd0a8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:23:43	442.175
-16	95520	4776000	b2aa34d8-da67-4383-8d5a-bf152b024feb	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:38:19	378.545
-17	47761	4776100	23baa4da-1aac-459d-8390-02c91ff68c4b	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:23:08	828.282
-17	95522	4776100	65333066-7259-4d30-bbed-0add30a8fa3f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:28:08	-474.105
-18	47762	4776200	c6aae816-47fa-43cb-948e-97e5d541336f	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:51:57	580.876
-18	95524	4776200	ec3ad8ae-4ffe-4863-85e8-3275a736733a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:56:50	465.331
-19	47763	4776300	e5217c58-cac0-42c0-aabd-71b6120e335a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 22:11:46	40.687
-19	95526	4776300	7bca9906-22a8-4f75-90f7-3686a352cfc1	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:12:31	392.9
-20	47764	4776400	13b0ca0a-ee81-415f-abdf-16984996c143	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:30:41	-810.392
-20	95528	4776400	63e38e73-1b40-49ff-8278-16de5aebf3f8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 02:09:49	321.882
-21	47765	4776500	86037654-f303-4a4e-bb5e-0fb1edd328f3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:25:27	-443.538
-21	95530	4776500	08aa4ac0-8f74-478e-b76b-f6db958852ba	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:45:23	-562.945
-22	47766	4776600	3e1c1bec-d7fc-41d9-bc3f-e9bcf617ba39	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:24:51	463.26
-22	95532	4776600	29359246-80ab-4613-af7d-782b2ef34187	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:58:34	-670.769
-23	47767	4776700	e6ce0e3a-714f-45db-9759-265616f7da3a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 22:29:20	-191.536
-23	95534	4776700	f1c4b1b7-36cc-4b45-a9d7-025c7c5793f4	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:49:40	-910.962
-24	47768	4776800	0f0f5d35-9ae7-437e-b7b7-966f974fbdf5	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 18:35:15	531.415
-24	95536	4776800	0cf4dd2d-0f5e-4944-abea-d7d36c294909	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:43:39	-721.736
-25	47769	4776900	7d6af9a3-490f-4bc9-afc9-1362336de6d0	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:19:09	-656.823
-25	95538	4776900	f78c2716-2afa-4031-b7eb-6beea2e996fa	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:26:54	-858.655
-26	47770	4777000	b04c7d40-d2da-4b70-bd7a-f9a46cf398a1	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:51:16	972.836
-26	95540	4777000	a94ff75a-2a1e-49e6-944d-257a9523da0f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 15:36:32	962.779
-27	47771	4777100	a0304908-2e26-4ff4-98db-ca38b0b1ea2a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 12:43:47	-597.635
-27	95542	4777100	6d0938cb-7178-4e8a-b977-a49913009902	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:13:20	557.322
-28	47772	4777200	c61b9141-6eef-4470-a1a0-422f3763877f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:17:23	402.252
-28	95544	4777200	87ed3434-dc64-42aa-8ab2-01637f21eee3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:35:25	-136.517
-29	47773	4777300	1b0db43e-7786-4049-a505-0ec8b8e7a124	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:37:25	55.793
-29	95546	4777300	3d2ab90f-3b6e-49a2-aec1-87a2092439fe	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:52:03	285.92
-30	47774	4777400	b6e10938-f48a-4ca8-a72c-a63bb380e847	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 17:12:05	387.439
-30	95548	4777400	1a72e792-b63f-4aa8-a117-3b5f86dae036	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:14:33	705.64
-31	47775	4777500	3b126018-571a-4f8f-8d2b-c9c4b1e59f0d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 16:16:41	998.215
-31	95550	4777500	e8f376b1-f09e-4faa-acfe-7dfa6b41b44d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:24:52	876.848
-32	47776	4777600	3454218a-414e-41d4-b128-8d7fad0dee29	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:37:29	-206.38
-32	95552	4777600	dd7fb8d3-bed0-4c01-b946-afe7f6979e8a	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:50:13	-187.617
-33	47777	4777700	ac7d01ef-06a6-4e8b-bb57-1ee4b4781214	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:43:42	484.63
-33	95554	4777700	4ae28fe5-424c-406d-8845-e0abe5e7413d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:53:31	129.260
-34	47778	4777800	6ba5225f-84a3-4147-b01a-2f1f267edceb	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 07:31:27	-453.391
-34	95556	4777800	ef0d6ce1-ddcf-4c04-9e70-9eaa163a5b6a	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:51:54	-888.288
-35	47779	4777900	1e84eabf-d7ad-470e-96e3-d055fd035b90	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:32:22	-367.968
-35	95558	4777900	f9a88029-1989-49c6-9ff4-0307c50d78d3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:27:27	-558.914
-36	47780	4778000	0f8a4910-b657-4221-85e0-db7cf2a2bee1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:38:03	-986.966
-36	95560	4778000	8d4afc2a-871e-4c85-9c3d-7558726af97f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:43:26	765.915
-37	47781	4778100	2fd17f86-0f73-4984-a034-d541869feebd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:45:21	251.198
-37	95562	4778100	c4566787-f792-478f-863b-95d0157e423d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:57:27	253.631
-38	47782	4778200	0617cf1d-a8c5-4b88-928e-1117730009b9	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 21:56:46	-230.281
-38	95564	4778200	ec826312-e2f4-420e-a93a-ea2961772b8e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:23:07	-652.646
-39	47783	4778300	b211b44f-3eb7-4a77-9833-c9a4eb992733	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 14:48:34	-616.536
-39	95566	4778300	74297c94-7be0-4a10-8448-e13e5e342cc3	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:38:08	-133.709
-40	47784	4778400	ade44b7d-6c08-45fa-a26c-7709a1816f4c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 10:00:29	-716.678
-40	95568	4778400	c8d94ea5-07fb-4475-a725-2a5f3475ce52	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:08:35	255.641
-41	47785	4778500	bf04c9ac-846e-4f5b-b876-6eae0fc87408	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:26:48	-957.408
-41	95570	4778500	db445424-bffc-4725-9146-fb1db60a765b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:38:45	-851.123
-42	47786	4778600	9748933a-c46c-4231-8593-4560ea1342bb	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 07:52:43	-896.112
-42	95572	4778600	ade2a7ce-972e-42c2-ba32-5a1f38c0ca9a	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:46:23	-987.845
-43	47787	4778700	81b93caa-b850-45c0-b39d-30019d78c77f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:33:59	312.72
-43	95574	4778700	3210283b-dfb2-45a8-bb4e-545f34ad92e6	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:29:12	422.548
-44	47788	4778800	b011ce79-060e-4c52-9182-70dcedaf924a	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:51:58	-509.511
-44	95576	4778800	9078342c-024e-4e27-a3b4-66322fc7826a	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:39:44	-453.506
-45	47789	4778900	82f2fac6-5381-4a04-a937-46001eddc725	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:50:16	827.315
-45	95578	4778900	cbac763e-fc8a-4c52-9c76-32a480fd1103	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:26:18	-236.193
-46	47790	4779000	8b4925b9-bbf8-4870-9567-c5c93776fa83	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:32:34	298.796
-46	95580	4779000	d2aa6660-e3b5-45b4-a8ea-0740751df766	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:09:36	-350.975
-47	47791	4779100	3a371359-902c-422a-ad4c-f775f74d0701	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:29:45	-94.538
-47	95582	4779100	501b824b-6c2f-440b-8de2-7c7e5157f7a0	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 15:50:23	-501.113
-48	47792	4779200	614b01d2-d27c-4680-90bf-313fd3076516	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:46:59	-8.894
-48	95584	4779200	faab4bbf-31c8-4cd1-8a2c-76a393a74805	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:49:37	-747.988
-49	47793	4779300	9cdbd1e7-bad3-41d5-baa0-be7fbb7e6ee3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:58:02	175.789
-49	95586	4779300	fa8b12a7-025a-430e-a866-ad31b833297b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:15:55	-491.127
-50	47794	4779400	0af2c418-31c7-42ee-b9d9-8aa1ca1a3a07	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:06:37	277.72
-50	95588	4779400	19fb3332-0113-4059-b3c1-07fcbcce0a28	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 20:02:47	492.404
-51	47795	4779500	87ac0e88-5b8f-4e09-94ac-423626c4601d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:55:21	-519.248
-51	95590	4779500	87ff2f77-d95b-489f-9cb8-9d90b0815cac	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 16:02:47	408.189
-52	47796	4779600	1a756d40-2614-4396-bae2-6632a6054386	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:48:07	-200.583
-52	95592	4779600	66290252-dd77-4a56-b8fe-a8d6d63ff019	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 11:25:14	482.678
-53	47797	4779700	3691d468-c3a7-4dc0-9d49-062d0dfe71aa	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:39:00	-943.42
-53	95594	4779700	84ddd13c-3e20-4f04-8009-366d65431cac	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:34:44	954.555
-54	47798	4779800	3b707bcb-4161-4596-a883-ee17e435f7ac	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:52:39	203.990
-54	95596	4779800	00acd9e1-8292-4be4-aff3-bfec78bca4a0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:26:17	-999.631
-55	47799	4779900	21d14920-a07c-4599-adcf-a7256089f565	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:50:54	772.770
-55	95598	4779900	17bc9601-a9ba-4548-9b8e-79f333488315	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 14:41:41	878.892
-56	47800	4780000	acd0c7dc-5bba-47ec-adfd-e612579109d0	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 21:48:25	608.480
-56	95600	4780000	ded5a790-eafc-4d0f-92c2-177f19b0ff91	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:30:27	-185.579
-57	47801	4780100	682c4586-9131-4c6c-81f7-4f49ed262418	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:15:40	273.240
-57	95602	4780100	6e0f3150-0f9e-4f29-9021-beae60ad03c3	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:35:30	-329.683
-58	47802	4780200	3be78cbe-62b0-4682-946f-9a803d2f268b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 13:11:36	285.452
-58	95604	4780200	15f9ec2c-ddb7-4626-8c1f-7683d2c675aa	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:40:30	-275.55
-59	47803	4780300	6b02a0f3-2cd0-4ff3-a4af-57add0f454ff	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 09:35:04	375.521
-59	95606	4780300	1370f22b-6b77-447a-b26d-cf4dcf56d397	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:31:37	-790.35
-60	47804	4780400	172201ec-8ad0-4c93-8335-006f82030930	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 20:12:37	503.285
-60	95608	4780400	79e59910-55ef-4796-b6ca-98f29eecb9ff	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:58:55	-601.70
-61	47805	4780500	bcade39e-4716-438c-a12d-7be3fb33550a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:35:04	-742.760
-61	95610	4780500	18d56ebc-c737-4b07-8542-4461bcc9366b	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:41:20	199.431
-62	47806	4780600	2a182452-3c24-463b-a1f5-5fcf64a802e9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 23:50:06	968.710
-62	95612	4780600	5ccf94cc-8916-49a1-9900-9753f66b341f	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:11:14	-300.967
-63	47807	4780700	52cd892b-dbfa-4e01-a6f5-75079b51a026	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:16:52	421.363
-63	95614	4780700	6e380fe3-792f-40ca-8cfc-5bdbab0f5d13	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:38:19	-785.765
-64	47808	4780800	5858dfdb-c3fc-4774-91e6-bfda1eeb77c6	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:48:11	-622.99
-64	95616	4780800	1c1aed1c-c2d1-4eb8-b391-0eb38f1d1379	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:23:37	656.505
-65	47809	4780900	28093b9c-82cb-4a91-bd62-cb02d4431509	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 09:32:57	429.553
-65	95618	4780900	307464fd-3371-4ae6-9882-e647c400dac3	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:31:57	-909.529
-66	47810	4781000	18ce6690-ff77-4f6a-8401-078c3d0b2660	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:20:12	724.38
-66	95620	4781000	9b97b436-ea4c-48ef-9251-c129bc7e67bd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:18:18	-851.388
-67	47811	4781100	39c9fbda-2ec3-4d65-b58e-a1055a5689e0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 03:20:19	-825.178
-67	95622	4781100	d9d4ae5e-c96f-4c44-ae47-c0b614211417	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:14:03	-747.324
-68	47812	4781200	5262f372-f288-4cd2-8143-f9718e07c261	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:31:21	230.84
-68	95624	4781200	6c497a1a-8e78-4862-9d77-e79fac21be86	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:20:51	-466.641
-69	47813	4781300	fcfd930f-273c-472d-9116-4ac2a22d8f80	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 11:54:52	321.112
-69	95626	4781300	0d5ff73f-9224-45e0-b678-b9220934e8f6	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 06:51:57	310.426
-70	47814	4781400	5ed84693-e9e3-423a-96ba-933a47384a04	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 12:14:09	610.667
-70	95628	4781400	ae730c89-f470-4445-a29c-f00cf42a494f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:44:49	563.305
-71	47815	4781500	62c3b3df-9c28-4b24-ad3b-0a48b3895180	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:14:36	542.347
-71	95630	4781500	457a9a57-fb90-49a8-a5ce-d2c3e806ec6c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:31:49	-789.599
-72	47816	4781600	1ba063ee-787f-433a-a3d3-94f56cfddcd4	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:21:44	-153.906
-72	95632	4781600	0e82bf0c-5ac8-40b1-891b-a77813bcfbdd	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:19:55	-179.335
-73	47817	4781700	23db3597-f52d-451a-bea2-2d93d2aab950	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 00:54:13	630.925
-73	95634	4781700	1b1ab1ce-ea85-41e3-85b2-9a842b85d9b0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 19:58:23	-426.984
-74	47818	4781800	7e82ed11-6a8d-4c8c-ba91-6144bf0c9db2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:44:40	-572.383
-74	95636	4781800	5f863a87-006b-465a-a473-816023bd38f0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:40:31	-228.926
-75	47819	4781900	70c4ddd7-9037-497c-9336-cc19db11b7d1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 01:53:19	-534.919
-75	95638	4781900	18e05f5a-5b8f-4b5c-9120-145ebf7cac50	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:31:53	371.901
-76	47820	4782000	3f8fd07c-73a0-445b-85c5-f97ad3fd5a04	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:14:30	672.34
-76	95640	4782000	08d07f77-4cd1-4ab0-b2f3-e56bbe76c70e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 18:26:06	-521.231
-77	47821	4782100	c6cc4e75-5e18-4b14-a196-98ad7f2fefdb	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:43:21	-440.116
-77	95642	4782100	796c5548-3515-4fb3-8265-7c27cad3c088	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 01:50:51	-884.311
-78	47822	4782200	0c48bd14-fd5a-47d0-a4ac-9c7988ac9e71	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:25:08	873.64
-78	95644	4782200	19353e45-b491-4dfe-a089-7503bbc59aac	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:14:28	-635.153
-79	47823	4782300	b7b49cba-6f71-4d9e-88de-95b60840bbe1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:41:00	-954.478
-79	95646	4782300	c8243d61-c365-4f68-8fe3-3fb7782dc5bb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 23:26:15	748.125
-80	47824	4782400	72364a45-d3da-42e9-aaa3-18ef487896a5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:20:10	-248.121
-80	95648	4782400	07c61eda-9546-461a-8984-093c41552bae	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 22:21:25	-852.971
-81	47825	4782500	f47e6890-ed4e-443b-836d-795d20b77df4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:24:29	-190.874
-81	95650	4782500	a69fe975-022c-4195-861b-87e5f69f9eca	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:24:02	326.812
-82	47826	4782600	e4cd1f3c-d36e-47c9-9748-b560b1700a3d	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:43:47	-499.377
-82	95652	4782600	ca9b18bc-ab35-4000-9172-ab2b1d8ec01c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:58:01	-843.360
-83	47827	4782700	053b65ea-cd1b-4b37-be72-9c983bfb7bff	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 03:18:49	-484.989
-83	95654	4782700	cbedef06-f773-4c67-ba86-0138b18a8478	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:54:39	39.792
-84	47828	4782800	2a30d2df-e9e9-4dbf-949b-f419ab1f0a90	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 17:58:26	-6.983
-84	95656	4782800	bcccc8d4-098f-4db5-b642-abae4f280b33	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:21:42	-28.428
-85	47829	4782900	9c4329ee-640c-41cc-9265-6a3737e605e6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:43:55	308.733
-85	95658	4782900	80e9d65c-4b46-4a71-8167-7f90f2ede8f4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:42:25	856.772
-86	47830	4783000	b60d902d-f360-474f-9cf2-d96dfbe26f27	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:45:27	-165.603
-86	95660	4783000	a4abc342-69f1-4bab-bd86-8335df0bbacf	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 06:36:37	687.929
-87	47831	4783100	609976b4-132a-415d-8540-8344425b1f53	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:23:46	222.702
-87	95662	4783100	1f29c999-689d-4a16-87e4-60ecc32dd03d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:40:28	-90.420
-88	47832	4783200	1cad07f7-7ac2-45e6-9140-9c0f2365ed85	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 09:50:00	189.509
-88	95664	4783200	f65ed94d-7e66-4b2a-a271-42aad487a8d6	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:25:39	697.757
-89	47833	4783300	bd5e8be1-448e-4f5c-bf01-047a53c41e55	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:25:48	801.658
-89	95666	4783300	c12f69cc-4565-4e05-8b59-eb0f2d5c83f4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:08:22	-556.681
-90	47834	4783400	c484f5bf-2e84-490b-b271-66d7a78174dd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:16:23	662.356
-90	95668	4783400	07b21f97-35ad-4b3f-aabc-9523421f7af7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:49:35	520.935
-91	47835	4783500	948848cb-6a5a-4333-90a7-55130ec369ea	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:28:07	992.951
-91	95670	4783500	e0854d00-d583-49bc-b6cc-f99d667be89e	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 04:46:21	-376.640
-92	47836	4783600	918a0502-2094-40a2-81d3-85235f53f62f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 06:00:36	832.452
-92	95672	4783600	bc494a49-1e72-4eb3-80b8-8c8c433c0685	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 13:23:36	43.874
-93	47837	4783700	ba36cab4-5d75-4bcf-b488-9c7a1ae32c2d	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 20:39:11	-804.17
-93	95674	4783700	be5ec353-dc5c-487f-84b6-3023cd7005ed	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:51:23	-568.289
-94	47838	4783800	c0eb516b-2ce3-49cd-881e-38f55981e436	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 16:19:51	-822.629
-94	95676	4783800	9f383356-9ec4-4c65-9a7f-14a9449c47d3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:28:50	-708.915
-95	47839	4783900	36fc52a3-97fe-4e82-8309-72aa1d22c529	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:39:55	-347.804
-95	95678	4783900	321eb3c5-9930-4428-aaf9-d8c89aa63360	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:19:40	311.154
-96	47840	4784000	cb827fd6-ea27-4180-8f77-2aa303759fe4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:15:29	-446.938
-96	95680	4784000	e523a2da-0f05-4a9b-8def-9cdcaabd93b8	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:48:17	-178.481
-97	47841	4784100	2b16933b-7d41-4d96-9185-12537c45af0d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:05:15	865.88
-97	95682	4784100	a778359f-d46a-4b3c-baee-ceb7461b566d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 03:30:19	816.381
-98	47842	4784200	29fd8135-8b23-4561-8b5b-10427bf5cf4b	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:50:33	30.597
-98	95684	4784200	7bae924b-2335-4661-bd36-81763b33d707	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 17:14:46	-37.989
-99	47843	4784300	48260dea-41cc-4359-bdbd-67fdfdf10c28	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:12:26	608.98
-99	95686	4784300	524b147e-170f-4680-819f-83605954074f	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 01:10:20	-281.54
-100	47844	4784400	d12375b3-3864-4b4b-b209-16551fd762c1	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:59:51	779.375
-100	95688	4784400	6ffe9b8e-aca5-44ba-b570-8e831211d445	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 10:58:15	-180.692
-101	47845	4784500	1851cb76-7488-4504-a804-fac9e73d5f06	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:13:17	595.818
-101	95690	4784500	6c46f41e-62d7-4fc1-bf1e-836a6cdaf1e2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:01:32	397.86
-102	47846	4784600	18fa48df-56eb-4ab5-bed6-e47437073ef8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 02:00:15	446.394
-102	95692	4784600	36ca46bb-917e-4b17-b156-eaeae5b2d638	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:56:28	-328.315
-103	47847	4784700	7f29b6d2-9605-42cf-b107-e4e201694b1b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:32:05	613.404
-103	95694	4784700	14144fc0-fca6-445c-a8d1-f9f7a5a2fcb4	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:00:47	-502.761
-104	47848	4784800	6e7cdee5-9508-4036-9a5e-c4ba16e0c7ff	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:15:07	701.547
-104	95696	4784800	c33924fe-1dc3-4e55-9538-f6c796f25d01	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:12:19	-791.357
-105	47849	4784900	c5dbfca4-9de1-4983-8905-2ac926f6f0c5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 06:29:31	935.883
-105	95698	4784900	0ff6051b-4d1b-4675-ad37-e83d84774892	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:29:52	904.857
-106	47850	4785000	6cbdf896-698e-4cf4-b11a-e6bb82c10175	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:36:27	43.920
-106	95700	4785000	9c4c9318-e7b3-4aa2-ad10-6672d9cc741e	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 14:31:32	-210.928
-107	47851	4785100	2b79de40-f544-4966-9a5f-34b3d3774425	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:50:30	-164.636
-107	95702	4785100	fb66e498-063b-4947-89d2-a67f40f3b8e8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:47:57	-174.303
-108	47852	4785200	54f30b3a-8467-4cd0-8fdc-d47156d2ed2d	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:16:18	278.123
-108	95704	4785200	008afd65-fc29-4e41-bbdf-665534156e49	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 00:47:01	-450.140
-109	47853	4785300	edd8b49a-b355-41a2-bb81-236f86fc8de1	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:56:34	-813.45
-109	95706	4785300	aef13cb1-e999-4bc3-a480-0958ec99e516	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:18:54	-223.748
-110	47854	4785400	03f2504e-d6d0-4222-a299-0e8dc02022e6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:49:54	-77.977
-110	95708	4785400	71616f43-26a3-4340-88fc-846b88e32082	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:11:00	368.842
-111	47855	4785500	cfdba9f9-2d70-4097-bc1e-529e897c4ec3	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:06:20	-799.637
-111	95710	4785500	bef44ce2-6dd5-4800-ac35-c8864f25236c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:13:23	327.250
-112	47856	4785600	995b0f09-f77f-403d-b898-20726bf9a505	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:48:21	-429.114
-112	95712	4785600	2409923a-0fcb-4d2d-a49a-c081f6e2d3be	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:52:37	890.256
-113	47857	4785700	18c7910f-880b-4cc7-91f5-587636583cfe	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:14:43	991.318
-113	95714	4785700	d2c9741c-d16a-4348-86fb-6cb8c1a5cdfb	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 05:59:21	198.128
-114	47858	4785800	ad51440b-2557-4f41-ae2c-2464402c7df5	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:05:15	232.326
-114	95716	4785800	99c9003c-55ae-4c8f-a7b9-c00b806279bf	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:42:51	-911.884
-115	47859	4785900	4e8e2d0f-8b48-47bf-8d9b-31d463ae19fc	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 00:48:09	-945.484
-115	95718	4785900	d6dd55d4-d74d-48b9-a3f3-222c1e3e8500	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:34:39	-622.904
-116	47860	4786000	23015e50-7e39-49a4-b219-5fbe8be319fa	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 14:17:23	699.190
-116	95720	4786000	e6ec0784-59a8-4958-a943-5ca3d73c4eaf	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 22:25:14	-597.174
-117	47861	4786100	dbdf77a6-8d28-4414-9000-be62312a7f2f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:14:24	134.906
-117	95722	4786100	36ae1d3f-6254-4236-a85d-8505c07f41bb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 09:54:47	836.45
-118	47862	4786200	dfce6d1d-134e-4b5c-a298-b21225621622	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:38:23	376.675
-118	95724	4786200	7e391287-a65d-4fd1-9a7c-e47305f2c16b	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 20:29:27	-266.833
-119	47863	4786300	c57210d1-20e9-46e7-9478-4aa69fe0aff4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:08:53	721.629
-119	95726	4786300	626d14aa-c353-4121-a406-4dabe9ca1e9a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:34:03	110.661
-120	47864	4786400	366088ff-6dca-44af-834e-120ef1745892	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:54:19	-509.958
-120	95728	4786400	0a09cfcd-7e61-4688-9041-b6b6c1c2613d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 21:18:33	326.36
-121	47865	4786500	a3123e52-9043-4aa0-a507-d2caa765c044	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 03:07:12	995.685
-121	95730	4786500	68931f75-5d73-430a-86f1-214a280bbdde	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:08:01	-224.768
-122	47866	4786600	e91cf226-2ca7-4e85-92d2-0776c485b135	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 11:27:21	-468.316
-122	95732	4786600	3f8f6644-cd9d-4081-80b3-a6405c9446e6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:03:29	-176.206
-123	47867	4786700	7dabaf39-93a6-42c8-9658-839faba97824	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 21:51:24	-462.408
-123	95734	4786700	98f1cdaa-3bde-43bc-883b-dbb3c37e83bc	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:44:05	664.138
-124	47868	4786800	8a0419bb-6208-4a41-a700-68578596a5d9	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 08:17:22	533.258
-124	95736	4786800	d35d91b9-eb84-4053-9840-d492aac4dbad	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 04:48:57	174.858
-125	47869	4786900	c162d779-ebbe-4a24-a22b-d76fc4edc752	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:10:25	-826.451
-125	95738	4786900	368cbfbb-1b15-4e99-b3a8-bdc8b74d5337	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 07:22:14	-69.328
-126	47870	4787000	640b13cf-1162-4a98-a3bc-bfafd2a02f21	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:49:44	-224.882
-126	95740	4787000	5ba87bce-c606-4687-a7c6-5b0b0beeb7b9	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:19:59	-394.714
-127	47871	4787100	12c36161-99d5-427a-954a-da1accc6658e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:04:43	952.741
-127	95742	4787100	4a13ad35-6eb3-409d-8977-5702085964de	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:59:54	828.930
-0	47872	4787200	0c98a9a5-6605-4a87-b56c-1787f524e0be	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:16:03	-245.960
-0	95744	4787200	f9eb98a5-48d7-4098-bcde-adbd5a7feeab	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:49:37	-976.992
-1	47873	4787300	51a37626-58ee-4d7b-a43b-559b290094ea	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 05:15:56	996.176
-1	95746	4787300	afde6e30-9f15-470d-8585-cf3fac98d46b	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:53:45	-885.836
-2	47874	4787400	f2d75840-8e11-4ae8-a34b-0a51c5ccf4ab	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 10:19:24	-803.893
-2	95748	4787400	400fe4a3-9230-4c4e-bda4-52362d451717	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:06:39	93.810
-3	47875	4787500	b9c471e4-ef4c-4463-8973-011135429f0f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:23:34	-388.803
-3	95750	4787500	75112efc-843b-47ca-ad99-7cdb9d83fd9c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 13:28:39	1.29
-4	47876	4787600	2941e766-398c-432a-89f5-d9a58ae96b56	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:21:10	735.938
-4	95752	4787600	dd17dab8-31cc-4a09-8cbc-5558607f61f5	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:42:48	590.812
-5	47877	4787700	8edb6f72-3171-4691-a133-caf22856baf6	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:18:24	323.487
-5	95754	4787700	5980c21f-a753-47be-982d-1b382d60d5bd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:49:28	-91.658
-6	47878	4787800	8c402f00-c1fe-41cd-8eb4-fd0a0313cca7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 20:14:27	-45.944
-6	95756	4787800	4379e765-c3f9-4b67-ade7-6b506719c5d3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:13:58	240.664
-7	47879	4787900	7f307e8a-5461-4752-b83f-ece44fb5638a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:13:00	993.895
-7	95758	4787900	85e91646-90ca-4dad-aa9c-a5fbf8d6a73d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:43:53	51.421
-8	47880	4788000	21cacfc8-e5bf-489d-acb8-05a37a5675ff	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:07:55	-501.463
-8	95760	4788000	d10bec17-405d-4eeb-8170-be230cde4fa7	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 07:43:11	790.422
-9	47881	4788100	dfdd94e7-e201-4f92-8ad4-26dd7c76954c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 07:45:36	-731.987
-9	95762	4788100	f8e7ac33-6f20-49a3-8c6c-b3b001634f2e	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:25:06	823.792
-10	47882	4788200	35394260-c8a4-474c-81de-92a75e3a4131	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:51:25	162.888
-10	95764	4788200	c28c93a3-8eda-451a-9859-4786263164bc	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:44:28	-50.368
-11	47883	4788300	11361254-7512-4836-a06e-3c2de0987d26	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:13:29	-934.952
-11	95766	4788300	51f771b9-2847-4da3-85e0-23ba9d1b1de2	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:14:43	160.337
-12	47884	4788400	ff3d4aa1-d870-43c6-bde9-28fae45539ff	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:52:54	-975.900
-12	95768	4788400	750b43cf-5400-4150-b18f-1504c7f41e02	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:00:07	-90.567
-13	47885	4788500	3459bb40-91fd-4bb5-9429-6e344093e8c7	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 20:22:34	779.994
-13	95770	4788500	768a2cd8-864d-462d-9d66-46e7c61fd897	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:21:57	-500.403
-14	47886	4788600	b95de6a2-2a0a-4319-a521-67d281c53ce2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:46:02	510.525
-14	95772	4788600	fb680b69-9f49-4c53-8258-961f400e98a6	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 05:59:29	-334.506
-15	47887	4788700	de9e6381-945b-4519-b53f-c36a6e04c56f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:06:35	-63.621
-15	95774	4788700	b11038c7-8a1d-4913-9d2d-ba66feeba160	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:55:49	-92.769
-16	47888	4788800	c3c0d840-5373-4d90-96cc-92e51c1fbb3a	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:39:16	-993.90
-16	95776	4788800	002b00bd-b565-416b-acf6-1efadc410ecd	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:16:40	184.831
-17	47889	4788900	8bf04b1b-d2b9-44d1-b2a1-afa0da586305	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:50:30	731.14
-17	95778	4788900	561de26e-a5b3-46c9-a6d5-706206a6e901	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 14:50:20	-54.610
-18	47890	4789000	04164d1d-7053-495f-8fb5-c277e8b6c44a	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:57:37	444.791
-18	95780	4789000	83ca8ad0-ddf2-490b-8193-e3a45ebb9400	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 16:52:25	39.721
-19	47891	4789100	547801b7-5ad9-42d1-95de-091dafffcc30	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 12:30:34	709.876
-19	95782	4789100	6b013cfd-7e6a-49f8-b566-912e048a099d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:32:41	-348.703
-20	47892	4789200	f6e3e80e-8cdb-42f4-8aed-2d752bf49d3a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:30:02	-234.401
-20	95784	4789200	bebe6fd3-a507-45dd-ad69-bd410d80f752	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:09:23	-344.940
-21	47893	4789300	a398eb3c-7ae4-4de7-82b3-d8476ff606e2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:34:33	91.535
-21	95786	4789300	0438ba06-8529-4543-8353-f9e48d85ed75	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 17:25:40	637.490
-22	47894	4789400	e35483b3-cef0-4c66-a0c5-96c1fedf47d8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 04:13:58	689.168
-22	95788	4789400	3ab9def8-06e9-4a07-85cd-6667cd420a48	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:23:50	60.552
-23	47895	4789500	17113d6e-fc63-4442-9538-fe6918fca02d	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:03:17	-796.458
-23	95790	4789500	908b5b51-09d6-4d0f-ba65-af7ad83e1df1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 13:33:05	459.943
-24	47896	4789600	8c60f0ca-9166-4032-86ec-c12e57c4d7d5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:12:18	-817.224
-24	95792	4789600	d4d3d681-7d5a-4fe6-bd45-44c6f0c5767a	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 13:26:13	-355.384
-25	47897	4789700	8622bbc0-eab8-4619-8638-23fe96319477	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:33:28	-850.897
-25	95794	4789700	c6442d5d-c62c-451d-92c0-fa303b7cb364	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:00:20	693.399
-26	47898	4789800	85ca0ed8-246f-4916-807a-ba5bbf7b02a0	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:35:58	-672.607
-26	95796	4789800	70d72eb5-3221-4f7e-9bae-76177e5903ff	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:34:03	-8.495
-27	47899	4789900	a0c095ee-29b2-4434-b6fd-4c130e17cc80	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:09:53	580.492
-27	95798	4789900	de048c58-c289-4ec0-a4c0-d1691f86be06	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 08:51:11	977.412
-28	47900	4790000	658315d4-959d-46c7-a9d6-076f3467e25f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 23:02:14	-343.147
-28	95800	4790000	1cf5273c-9e11-4ee1-9cbc-701e2ebe3764	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:41:15	-790.729
-29	47901	4790100	05cfd9a5-e990-4146-b663-0f8cb32e364f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 19:58:17	691.0
-29	95802	4790100	d1e2568e-5383-4c28-80c4-aa71d7722fc9	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:14:22	973.483
-30	47902	4790200	26074fc0-4843-4f53-b2a9-0dcc33bc7189	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:05:44	-720.112
-30	95804	4790200	b928699c-d527-4357-b0b4-46e5dc66e30a	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 16:30:08	857.957
-31	47903	4790300	8d7653c0-8e2b-4579-a886-84e38dce54ab	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 20:32:20	-151.30
-31	95806	4790300	1ba6846f-bf43-4ba3-bc18-977397d38509	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:40:42	286.248
-32	47904	4790400	7b76d58d-4241-4d18-baa8-80802ba285f5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:59:22	-398.164
-32	95808	4790400	c38bb0a9-c55e-420d-8225-c3749d717d44	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:43:50	-582.441
-33	47905	4790500	28fe8eab-55f9-473b-8bb8-a86a841dbe8f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:20:48	571.535
-33	95810	4790500	c215075b-df42-4f47-9f24-89f2f0ededd4	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 15:35:49	-58.633
-34	47906	4790600	63baf7e3-dac1-4c6e-8200-cbe62df0a375	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:20:52	508.400
-34	95812	4790600	9312ec82-4329-49e1-86b3-3cca7da101c8	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:02:57	-187.411
-35	47907	4790700	b9a58349-04c2-4efc-9abf-e9ce9a2a5e80	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 15:11:19	480.527
-35	95814	4790700	8eeceec1-5693-4427-8fd1-56ada4f310b9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 04:25:18	737.665
-36	47908	4790800	83578097-6a6e-417e-8da0-20173ed5588d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:17:07	-753.215
-36	95816	4790800	864328bc-32d7-4db8-bb65-84cf87415985	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:58:08	874.267
-37	47909	4790900	a8f8bf57-bfc7-4985-89a5-c06032961f30	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:44:41	903.653
-37	95818	4790900	d89b9e80-05b3-4273-8965-f6f2a20725fd	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:47:39	712.352
-38	47910	4791000	64123590-7d98-467d-a50c-8b9f0f90d90d	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:48:08	278.700
-38	95820	4791000	ea8e5588-7d5f-45f6-a8bc-e2f6ef5a3864	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:52:13	730.795
-39	47911	4791100	2b405564-1b52-48e1-aa93-36432608059f	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:58:17	-252.367
-39	95822	4791100	0f9dd24a-6702-4f64-883e-eb872bbe25ca	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:46:07	-164.633
-40	47912	4791200	996f4259-31db-4059-ace2-880d1dd7b41a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:21:33	273.410
-40	95824	4791200	4eb0233a-8c66-49a7-8524-f8f0e3012232	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 09:51:20	-454.31
-41	47913	4791300	1a65eee6-a767-49d2-a0e2-754d0942d4a2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:33:07	0.819
-41	95826	4791300	55daaaa8-7e97-4d47-83a9-10ed6a2ab3de	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 20:48:18	420.585
-42	47914	4791400	0819cce8-0214-4855-8a10-ffdfee7dba80	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:13:51	-870.587
-42	95828	4791400	9dd44ec7-88a6-41b5-94a6-0d205b255cc5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 09:10:37	-704.856
-43	47915	4791500	c94dd20b-47bd-44f9-bb80-708f9fd7a94a	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:25:11	-75.253
-43	95830	4791500	31c21c63-11a4-4b53-a11a-6cf4f7541c4e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 11:28:26	-999.345
-44	47916	4791600	fe41c475-3f56-481a-9f1d-ad450287e848	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:37:49	965.245
-44	95832	4791600	6a3c791c-a423-4c1e-b8b6-8e7677d61fd5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:12:10	-343.190
-45	47917	4791700	a5530f6f-6687-4ef1-b2ad-e9c910df7050	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:33:06	-26.208
-45	95834	4791700	eca644cb-575d-460d-9159-af1e839203bb	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 08:14:30	864.143
-46	47918	4791800	d715f3d6-4be2-48f3-ba80-344df896f270	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 11:53:14	-867.423
-46	95836	4791800	f4a9cde0-4d71-4930-acc6-64ea2acaab13	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:30:07	-571.501
-47	47919	4791900	5db47236-ac6c-4013-b6a0-3d046a480eeb	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:43:29	617.287
-47	95838	4791900	a5fdbc32-ad51-4902-b188-8ecad68f4e28	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:21:57	-378.755
-48	47920	4792000	d37cc68d-3079-4bec-8a3a-694ca243a364	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:33:18	131.672
-48	95840	4792000	1d4800d5-80c8-4e0f-8fed-520a595ca9de	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:45:41	348.924
-49	47921	4792100	15e37ed1-c3a2-4e1e-9b4f-bff218cba645	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 14:53:26	161.325
-49	95842	4792100	2aed80a4-7cbd-4b42-8e69-f8dc12863249	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 03:38:18	-61.687
-50	47922	4792200	07120135-2730-4f42-a061-1a905cbeaacd	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:23:48	678.288
-50	95844	4792200	3b110ddd-3381-4f10-ac72-ff005582110f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:57:41	483.525
-51	47923	4792300	e4e3bc96-28ae-4b84-811b-270ea62c5f2b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:21:13	366.700
-51	95846	4792300	71ef5e58-3023-4e7c-8306-d11c0da5ad2e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:17:51	646.6
-52	47924	4792400	a354b5de-d75e-4082-b314-84e37d89fdc3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:48:22	21.761
-52	95848	4792400	ef23898a-b754-4cfe-abc5-94429449395d	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:06:40	-363.219
-53	47925	4792500	be6414fc-d139-41a0-bfac-c527770ecfaf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 23:33:27	325.353
-53	95850	4792500	9f462d93-212f-4604-a2fd-739ce2c4bd28	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:16:00	-569.214
-54	47926	4792600	196b67f8-ff59-4d50-ae25-3040da2ce518	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:57:28	890.285
-54	95852	4792600	fc58cfda-f918-420b-8e58-f0893e776cd9	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:16:36	-726.331
-55	47927	4792700	58b016bd-980d-4db3-825e-58270e92c5ab	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:34:07	635.128
-55	95854	4792700	ca78f025-6f11-416e-a275-fb02c64964e7	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 16:10:53	-84.348
-56	47928	4792800	0ff1c52a-6be4-4466-bfcf-3e234d9e60c0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 10:29:41	899.820
-56	95856	4792800	ea2a6184-bbc5-4e29-ae11-7f01028d47f1	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:00:14	-124.206
-57	47929	4792900	8d7d0786-8d78-4ea5-b603-dfa0ccdf8dda	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:58:54	151.551
-57	95858	4792900	53eb8b70-598a-4074-80a6-51916963be79	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:44:07	780.532
-58	47930	4793000	dec05dc0-810c-4928-aa2d-63dcc95f9a42	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:27:10	-202.750
-58	95860	4793000	52ef3c8d-32c6-41a2-8663-695af2080065	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 17:28:45	-320.605
-59	47931	4793100	022dd8ef-8701-475b-a448-c58cf7f2727b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:11:19	-358.303
-59	95862	4793100	cfadcb98-00f6-43e4-8fed-6073a4c19770	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:22:57	-929.712
-60	47932	4793200	0d469060-39fa-4b4b-b701-747ec45b1dad	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 18:18:20	371.968
-60	95864	4793200	93be3699-2057-4072-8ad2-7b9f55c96368	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 12:27:56	80.306
-61	47933	4793300	1e6bd3ac-5d4b-47e7-a134-ac8102c78152	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:39:27	-301.957
-61	95866	4793300	0f66aa15-0725-4dcf-a713-9e167c66e646	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 01:25:09	-15.971
-62	47934	4793400	8dd4af70-487f-40ec-bdaf-b0eb21d26289	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:43:48	-614.31
-62	95868	4793400	226dc208-2172-4e3b-8748-c277f111d270	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:22:16	416.174
-63	47935	4793500	8205992e-c778-4ba9-80e3-d6c6d64a082a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:21:46	-620.477
-63	95870	4793500	33d5e324-0f40-4572-a9ca-2445f50fad06	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:33:53	812.934
-64	47936	4793600	40d3786e-97ef-4e25-b004-c236d01a82a8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:09:05	-87.492
-64	95872	4793600	031460f0-1476-4580-85cd-e6f149d6b727	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:00:53	699.753
-65	47937	4793700	eab2a355-6391-415f-8934-338c35f10abb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:05:07	-622.450
-65	95874	4793700	197ce673-c84a-47a4-9225-f4a62dfea62b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 03:21:48	-10.941
-66	47938	4793800	251189fb-55f8-4472-9d3e-55c27d16a177	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:55:19	901.166
-66	95876	4793800	257889ef-d48f-42aa-8632-917a6a1b694f	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 20:13:15	-912.784
-67	47939	4793900	bcfb5c12-ec68-4f9f-bc5a-01f11808a412	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:54:01	-266.270
-67	95878	4793900	7bb624d7-d16c-4366-a283-4bd2480268e5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:37:28	595.988
-68	47940	4794000	14c6eb88-82c3-430c-9f8b-502f361b782c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:52:02	10.70
-68	95880	4794000	9e0aa839-04fb-4c6e-9f7b-81920de15779	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:45:24	845.939
-69	47941	4794100	48a2e7e0-dd57-49fa-9f0c-d61d498993d9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:00:03	873.221
-69	95882	4794100	0a3729b9-7fa4-4d54-95bb-cb9a34125047	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 13:06:22	-203.811
-70	47942	4794200	b8eb28c5-f2b8-4b30-99ea-ba9ade0f01d0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:57:47	715.141
-70	95884	4794200	a332553c-49f8-4516-bf4b-a8d870b62767	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:39:59	-476.845
-71	47943	4794300	2bb75861-ec44-45f0-a1ee-b48b6d0914d6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 02:40:22	499.4
-71	95886	4794300	ba1859a0-6282-4cb7-a447-e9a8aaa5f187	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:48:37	-756.206
-72	47944	4794400	402f1c7b-54e0-4244-bf5b-79e696eee430	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:43:59	80.932
-72	95888	4794400	e29337b9-686f-4867-b189-6b619e9dc018	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:53:17	-993.58
-73	47945	4794500	08175f3c-ae35-40ca-8c85-7ed3d5937106	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:38:10	-50.581
-73	95890	4794500	9df8675c-6514-4083-bb2d-a9f1656ccce8	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:25:06	-57.999
-74	47946	4794600	819bca38-8631-4f93-891b-e231da7a86e4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:22:59	-600.414
-74	95892	4794600	c8182ff4-4500-414b-af66-1a1deca99ae8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:16:55	802.782
-75	47947	4794700	2642fcd5-e15e-441e-8111-b2b403d087f9	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:41:11	-214.387
-75	95894	4794700	91aca6bc-25c7-4cdf-86fc-83bd17a15e4e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:16:13	-963.277
-76	47948	4794800	3754cb51-b1ed-4a00-b31d-69d5bab0bf7e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:08:41	-517.648
-76	95896	4794800	bb022889-659b-4274-ba86-39c1dbbd8c27	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:41:29	54.503
-77	47949	4794900	0e9943cc-1e60-4800-808b-f5bcd75b7818	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:09:18	272.354
-77	95898	4794900	164b3c50-07ec-4dd2-ad9b-7fc54890683a	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:37:21	905.264
-78	47950	4795000	c187092d-2b8a-4d96-97ff-e19588d070f7	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 15:40:10	-184.781
-78	95900	4795000	66823de3-bbf2-4dca-acd2-5a534bf7cd94	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:20:17	678.283
-79	47951	4795100	abd63831-848a-4feb-9810-66fd2c2cb0dd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 01:55:07	-675.524
-79	95902	4795100	e83ac6c8-f803-43c6-b7e7-ed485286d375	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 23:59:31	-953.531
-80	47952	4795200	96a4b9cd-fa0e-40b3-8dba-22f6cf3bb0f0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:06:33	-302.400
-80	95904	4795200	927d9d44-9755-404b-88af-83635c4badfa	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 12:49:02	-452.547
-81	47953	4795300	7ab40f4b-8e46-4741-a5f3-6bfe9ce97113	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:25:03	268.900
-81	95906	4795300	b465bd29-ff5e-45eb-ac04-04a9d3c74704	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:22:55	-900.873
-82	47954	4795400	3b108870-0f0f-43e0-8b02-52c7b136c3d1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 12:50:16	504.486
-82	95908	4795400	0f4b6cb6-7984-4255-acb7-bb087188a6e8	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:34:45	-945.906
-83	47955	4795500	b6e3d204-c75a-418e-8932-cabc45e28d4f	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 06:15:24	981.752
-83	95910	4795500	9f06ae24-ad43-4bac-9720-6a43e8fbcf66	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:46:32	681.525
-84	47956	4795600	6e71fced-4f6d-4dfd-8dba-c22e78ecd2c2	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 20:58:13	138.648
-84	95912	4795600	0b2f79da-fdc4-4e8e-905c-e23dfc616090	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:51:56	355.717
-85	47957	4795700	4b76fa95-0814-40db-b1c2-61457bed3bf9	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 15:14:41	78.51
-85	95914	4795700	7b39eb95-ab13-45eb-bf01-942361e958b9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 08:36:48	-869.408
-86	47958	4795800	4636d1e0-4eba-4a6e-88f0-87159a138389	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:14:32	102.46
-86	95916	4795800	bba0c740-33d1-409b-9da9-f38d0c9df09a	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:01:58	-853.903
-87	47959	4795900	b5fb6a9b-29d0-428e-82e6-df50d50f784c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 00:01:38	306.984
-87	95918	4795900	e6141efd-dec2-41c1-9e1c-0ffc1c1bfbf8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:41:40	397.449
-88	47960	4796000	7f384465-56e1-414e-b0e6-7814802efadc	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 13:13:38	-124.936
-88	95920	4796000	674beeb0-a3bd-4391-943a-3977556ec1b1	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:23:58	-706.261
-89	47961	4796100	d76f6aab-7ffa-409e-bd94-88188315b43a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:25:03	844.543
-89	95922	4796100	f2ade4b1-c105-455d-99c2-e4b3d6cc4a7a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:46:58	784.275
-90	47962	4796200	bf36dc8d-b5d9-47ce-b65b-b5e3d9ce7bd6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:31:14	-108.812
-90	95924	4796200	775a0479-c0f1-4bc0-b64f-801fd5f763dd	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:34:40	-201.488
-91	47963	4796300	677f1f74-8569-4ac9-ac91-5b272548f876	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:15:57	201.888
-91	95926	4796300	8263f5c9-7c89-4291-b6d9-effe561a78c5	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:08:53	-740.536
-92	47964	4796400	73a76948-ebbb-40c1-8e15-0f0c8066b42a	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:56:40	821.221
-92	95928	4796400	743080a3-5dc1-4986-807d-d3d718fb3471	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:03:11	-819.552
-93	47965	4796500	040ed23e-4539-43e3-aa48-135560e72c62	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:12:55	364.28
-93	95930	4796500	76cea3b2-cea5-4c52-867a-711524a4d10c	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:35:56	-349.713
-94	47966	4796600	8b418559-218f-476c-9306-c8e9a702c4df	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:45:09	128.270
-94	95932	4796600	a1292ce4-d1ce-494a-a130-c11a3b854657	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:21:33	551.175
-95	47967	4796700	e4724696-5662-46d5-a64f-403dafc49eb4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:11:29	647.794
-95	95934	4796700	2d051647-cd30-4f02-9996-8ac0b1e80565	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:12:33	-771.9
-96	47968	4796800	901d26aa-e89d-439f-98ba-ef7761fcdb9e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:19:40	619.118
-96	95936	4796800	423ca649-53c3-4492-ba99-73e517b8de81	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:13:27	233.913
-97	47969	4796900	6a6534d9-3c8e-4a11-b2a1-3246d947f453	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:42:22	-277.522
-97	95938	4796900	964e624e-84c1-4c83-a511-f7040fde2e43	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:53:52	-925.195
-98	47970	4797000	14bb4036-16f9-432d-9215-ff3aecc9427a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:42:41	81.903
-98	95940	4797000	73ff0b2a-c817-4662-8728-7d2ec33976fd	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:54:12	-443.291
-99	47971	4797100	29ebcfc4-6c4b-4a5c-8d2e-892a5f6d5ca9	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 09:58:01	707.998
-99	95942	4797100	3fb7b12f-5166-49e8-bffb-5820670178c2	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 16:54:35	884.434
-100	47972	4797200	f9e645e8-e95e-4c45-9c7d-31fbf72e0ca8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 15:00:22	-57.950
-100	95944	4797200	b0c22d94-f8df-464d-914a-bf5db7b6d552	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:03:48	555.974
-101	47973	4797300	eb0f7e6e-4fa3-4050-85ba-c582c1f1e4bc	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:29:05	301.262
-101	95946	4797300	db4b5e58-37b2-4067-8ea4-63a5373a8ca2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 11:29:02	58.490
-102	47974	4797400	522c68ec-2249-41e8-a4c3-53553da5746a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 01:49:33	-330.506
-102	95948	4797400	361dc546-cf5c-481e-a478-3f9c1a299ef6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:52:52	-854.347
-103	47975	4797500	893ae750-c31b-42d9-bf44-e72305a60bcf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 01:23:46	-557.116
-103	95950	4797500	64d53745-79ae-4064-9859-8c36904da6d3	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:49:42	553.522
-104	47976	4797600	9662745a-77d9-4453-8314-bde1e57079c5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:23:46	165.492
-104	95952	4797600	61a2b864-b658-453c-8335-0e76d15993f1	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 11:18:07	-977.736
-105	47977	4797700	dc73959c-e6e7-4211-aa69-c885123fb912	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:13:02	-7.43
-105	95954	4797700	96bffe70-32f5-4d84-a6e5-3df597e660f6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 14:08:27	484.511
-106	47978	4797800	17428972-c84b-4ebb-a3a5-f62a4294cd12	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:15:03	678.474
-106	95956	4797800	d0704425-66b3-4c51-95cf-0b96a10f6c8a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 12:27:21	844.75
-107	47979	4797900	aeb7d3f8-090f-476b-99b7-df95a2903715	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 17:21:47	-227.407
-107	95958	4797900	74a32777-c063-4741-a347-0b720541a579	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 06:31:03	-342.681
-108	47980	4798000	c6583296-cdcb-4284-b998-e2d7eb28e6a4	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:37:25	222.616
-108	95960	4798000	6a6f32be-f998-477a-adda-d9b13e6bd972	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:20:26	763.370
-109	47981	4798100	cb19a51d-d5f0-42be-8280-46141f6aac4e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 13:31:15	650.210
-109	95962	4798100	b7346ca7-e545-4710-9c78-2a3f45a35b8f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:42:23	582.405
-110	47982	4798200	332c0b5d-ceee-49e0-85c8-ecd5e1706ab6	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:30:05	844.163
-110	95964	4798200	e40afb9a-3383-4d24-abba-b53af419d251	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:50:29	518.398
-111	47983	4798300	b989213f-7dcf-4252-a30b-301618ea2818	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:29:23	37.160
-111	95966	4798300	b2e7da06-6d78-4822-83dc-10d5a2386bdd	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:48:00	-540.899
-112	47984	4798400	a05d5ca6-ef13-4aaf-9eb7-49025922b262	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 01:15:19	-543.4
-112	95968	4798400	2ba1e61c-57c0-457d-881d-91f220c0363a	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 01:31:49	466.876
-113	47985	4798500	80272194-5e3c-40a9-86f1-cb9cf8a3dc28	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:30:54	-758.92
-113	95970	4798500	41432a97-d096-4276-bf81-e3e36526fa86	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:53:57	708.924
-114	47986	4798600	a89e0fd9-5c67-49fa-9878-d2c4175052c4	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:13:38	179.182
-114	95972	4798600	321e94a8-1a65-4bcc-a311-57ed4d142c3e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:30:35	-978.256
-115	47987	4798700	0ee28d71-68fe-4102-9101-d254c3c5d075	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:05:59	-457.170
-115	95974	4798700	52612d55-783f-4677-b208-05aa67b8fae7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:03:08	678.316
-116	47988	4798800	16dc13c8-f910-44f4-8f92-a5b9e9a3d232	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 23:26:56	105.51
-116	95976	4798800	3a4a8185-d626-482d-a5f6-fc07bf0389bd	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 20:54:29	-889.524
-117	47989	4798900	d89788b7-e168-495e-8f56-114b0b41f6c9	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:16:31	-787.5
-117	95978	4798900	08962e34-51a6-4e7a-9619-5e825b85a97c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:25:03	256.503
-118	47990	4799000	f828e4af-3436-4177-8345-bd3b9a216e7a	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:25:53	365.389
-118	95980	4799000	0b68c08b-67de-4d3d-bb98-e0e89bf4c1bb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:22:36	-237.454
-119	47991	4799100	7978a925-1aec-4b60-939d-f9b1988d8d50	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 15:02:50	940.622
-119	95982	4799100	1ea60084-5b4e-4dba-bd2b-ef1bb56cb59d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:09:15	388.921
-120	47992	4799200	81a20238-bb67-400d-9102-51e7f36b6401	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:10:37	-459.7
-120	95984	4799200	70583546-4567-4b21-b775-7c4581f8e551	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:11:26	-534.553
-121	47993	4799300	446c246e-5ce1-4adf-81ad-d68bf393c138	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 00:22:08	468.424
-121	95986	4799300	f811f7df-b534-4860-98f1-0fa2df9296ab	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:23:58	746.466
-122	47994	4799400	1e91397b-d02a-4d18-8ebe-a3531cc3b30f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:10:28	259.214
-122	95988	4799400	2086a88d-2cfd-494c-9258-2652783f3a14	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:52:39	238.426
-123	47995	4799500	b77dee82-31fc-451a-8c3c-f8473f1da44c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:05:18	764.179
-123	95990	4799500	fb9adfa9-2a3e-4dc5-9c6d-d803b58fbaae	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:48:03	-227.575
-124	47996	4799600	7b37bb63-edfc-44bf-9eee-6d7de2e61e6f	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 13:28:38	-53.442
-124	95992	4799600	81564474-d0ad-475b-a53e-af5668fd1cc5	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:02:02	768.261
-125	47997	4799700	f6d4aa3d-d975-462d-ae2d-0f97690d97d5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 22:26:21	-348.507
-125	95994	4799700	cc24b17b-fdde-4f34-ac6f-e94e667d6691	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:46:30	929.450
-126	47998	4799800	1fc44d80-3fee-4610-b8a7-ac7088945055	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:22:21	515.154
-126	95996	4799800	8f25d2c3-539f-42d9-bf30-7cb039ec7763	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:12:20	61.137
-127	47999	4799900	e2694e97-6ca0-436f-9184-085df7970a2e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:45:28	-627.8
-127	95998	4799900	e238b43a-05b1-4355-877d-59935447a3a7	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:32:52	474.550
-0	48000	4800000	5d84c32c-7418-46f9-a0e1-bceff52ef699	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:32:01	21.128
-0	96000	4800000	2e30284c-7438-41ac-b474-a95412df0af4	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 21:26:23	-901.445
-1	48001	4800100	e2d2c7c0-a2ac-4352-9c48-965cad075e88	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:06:19	-114.596
-1	96002	4800100	1d662c23-d5c4-4ae8-bb4e-a33bc98b9520	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 04:36:29	158.778
-2	48002	4800200	36302874-e7a7-409a-be92-18dda9027840	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:43:59	595.716
-2	96004	4800200	879b6189-9b95-410e-9e62-30c79a34e2ef	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 20:01:39	261.14
-3	48003	4800300	a26595bd-1e36-4031-b306-0fc417fdbbe3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:21:20	-694.359
-3	96006	4800300	f5c8b0dc-a90c-487c-9a66-0f4d6551859d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 03:43:56	82.379
-4	48004	4800400	c4113e7a-ffb1-4ecb-9609-1df0da39c190	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:36:48	490.229
-4	96008	4800400	f6e33d81-3d1d-4dc9-aa34-d68a6f7c8450	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 09:38:31	995.868
-5	48005	4800500	58eeef0d-dfff-4213-8d2e-1e9d4ea22662	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:47:39	-864.757
-5	96010	4800500	394e0c31-86d5-4565-835b-8ab982a63b7a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:02:47	-274.128
-6	48006	4800600	f2a8d8de-705c-462f-bbe6-d7157a89912b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:09:51	-485.807
-6	96012	4800600	4f12c8b5-eafb-409b-9206-e491e760faac	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 05:13:45	-606.132
-7	48007	4800700	9d290ef5-ac94-4ea0-b5dd-c2213f79011f	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:42:57	-864.427
-7	96014	4800700	2ba0aee0-0d9e-41ef-960a-b0df76039eeb	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:11:59	-740.65
-8	48008	4800800	f389990c-9672-45af-8c78-7caeeef4ffb2	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 09:07:32	-292.590
-8	96016	4800800	26c56d59-8736-4490-8daa-88ba997ba068	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:04:56	-136.608
-9	48009	4800900	03c9c9b9-175e-44bf-bafe-df3e943786b7	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 11:29:58	584.321
-9	96018	4800900	3c353fa1-ee9e-4071-9b93-4c0159cc89a3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 03:36:50	549.860
-10	48010	4801000	b0cbb519-00fc-4474-8ea2-4fe998a631c4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:27:50	92.922
-10	96020	4801000	938dce03-ba4c-4b2f-8978-921d6c371af7	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:35:44	167.439
-11	48011	4801100	1c467d40-dded-4610-935d-0b986100753f	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:55:51	961.716
-11	96022	4801100	5453d06f-28d7-4746-b5d2-bc1764f0d919	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 04:42:18	-726.448
-12	48012	4801200	b031714d-9d22-4f96-8b36-520a6714b16b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:55:36	-108.258
-12	96024	4801200	f6e3d2b6-5210-4d36-8f92-34da8bd3b0a7	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 09:08:59	679.565
-13	48013	4801300	69381629-9ea0-4a2b-8dee-236b09bdd058	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:05:16	997.349
-13	96026	4801300	519bf10b-17b1-4b9c-b193-ed5ef4f2689b	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:48:04	-150.381
-14	48014	4801400	fa5bfbae-e4fc-43ba-af1e-4ed4ff212b19	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:50:30	152.443
-14	96028	4801400	a22202b5-e8fd-49cc-9040-10751c2beda9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 06:56:27	121.103
-15	48015	4801500	8f5c8fd9-488f-4366-b42e-a2a9e55a138a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 17:40:16	383.133
-15	96030	4801500	7414ef83-d819-4235-ba04-6824e453ea18	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 12:34:56	977.183
-16	48016	4801600	f13fad0d-509e-463d-ae00-818f3a524fdc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 11:41:44	815.741
-16	96032	4801600	e8e1d9e8-27f2-4b8d-b615-46da3d65d3a9	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:39:32	981.3
-17	48017	4801700	3e725a31-7e0a-4bc1-af92-7884786b655d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:54:40	-754.203
-17	96034	4801700	798c74a0-949d-4c4f-be5e-a56db370f76b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:43:06	814.958
-18	48018	4801800	19675ee8-bdc4-455e-8439-e76b32c42a3d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:19:30	218.198
-18	96036	4801800	bc86b3a9-83c2-4324-833d-87a162b48af0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:19:25	298.227
-19	48019	4801900	0cf91991-7230-443f-bbfa-8430dc9ac6cc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:51:22	474.481
-19	96038	4801900	cc507e9d-ecb9-42b5-9d92-ff1a6cf4f11b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 20:29:15	489.758
-20	48020	4802000	9c901a09-68ff-4103-92bb-6fcaa7d47159	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:34:20	-408.152
-20	96040	4802000	7bbb34ee-8fb7-446f-a5f3-d72331dad2c1	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:48:04	280.907
-21	48021	4802100	c4eaaf9b-5232-473f-9db9-4d7b8fe455a3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:24:43	379.551
-21	96042	4802100	fa28a463-beba-4039-9056-7c20658a9201	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 14:51:09	425.640
-22	48022	4802200	6db39ca0-3b12-497b-95fe-7279c4b23449	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:59:30	602.962
-22	96044	4802200	e014c378-cb96-4506-aaa1-3247d6739ab0	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:30:03	-530.862
-23	48023	4802300	b6bafe98-e884-4e05-b41e-d5540f1ddc55	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:22:25	-784.288
-23	96046	4802300	18d2d4d9-9901-4b71-b6f2-fc8d5b3213b1	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:43:18	-437.396
-24	48024	4802400	27c717d9-0ee6-4456-9037-1275b0a90047	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:40:46	-528.497
-24	96048	4802400	6cbd0796-d5a3-454d-a93f-13c2a8f561e4	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 12:45:07	818.490
-25	48025	4802500	89612ede-672c-4353-b548-d4af21b70197	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:57:58	549.193
-25	96050	4802500	53a6f210-89f3-4fdc-bbc2-9758a459cab0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:52:07	-395.988
-26	48026	4802600	d1be578f-74c1-4c4f-a047-3bc4c8f54dff	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 13:33:22	-681.956
-26	96052	4802600	8be59327-6a5e-4c96-98f0-d9c3d9793dc6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:42:42	-219.409
-27	48027	4802700	c41ff196-6a63-48c1-84af-6c3da68ac642	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:33:27	15.136
-27	96054	4802700	7d00c5f1-9550-4a61-9496-f6fc46430eb4	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 00:32:28	-384.780
-28	48028	4802800	e28235c5-1bca-4304-9c77-dbaffd120b83	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:01:22	422.360
-28	96056	4802800	3b531a91-716d-4c04-b0a8-cf20dcbb5222	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:37:03	-403.94
-29	48029	4802900	0770d163-cf27-49a8-a606-fc74ed088cd7	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:00:26	-379.433
-29	96058	4802900	519d47d2-66db-4562-835c-ccd79620fc9d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:25:55	916.289
-30	48030	4803000	85e40aec-7fa5-453d-9c99-2129eaaaddbf	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:53:21	-954.240
-30	96060	4803000	dd396c87-2cc7-4d2e-8460-52d88d61f9f2	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 15:45:11	-921.206
-31	48031	4803100	978b2e1f-cc1f-49de-8b07-f95db72aa0a1	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:26:04	-48.861
-31	96062	4803100	3696c934-edc0-402a-9b37-247c3174c4fe	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 09:18:36	-782.716
-32	48032	4803200	9c29a800-0c53-4b3a-ba2a-6bbca7440ea3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:13:51	-313.721
-32	96064	4803200	994bb6a7-c621-4f3c-ad18-a5c3e5787e4f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:22:55	804.699
-33	48033	4803300	e28df316-3b0d-4057-9892-4ccc8b7fb1ff	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:27:05	-390.482
-33	96066	4803300	a2fc2183-dcd6-4f07-a72d-7269c1db9eb7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 15:53:11	456.583
-34	48034	4803400	78086d85-3368-4c52-bdd1-4468f83f66f1	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:46:21	-454.41
-34	96068	4803400	cffac78d-8e8c-4f8a-8075-c7e237d88612	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:08:30	-605.18
-35	48035	4803500	417826dc-7860-463d-a723-7502a5d6568b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 00:08:14	-579.37
-35	96070	4803500	4db4a6b9-6e4f-4ccb-b43a-5eb9c5f74061	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 18:30:57	366.636
-36	48036	4803600	e3527e0f-d9d4-4827-8a77-e4957c2b7bc4	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 06:50:18	4.520
-36	96072	4803600	810ba937-6939-4448-969c-d983b5be7590	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:07:11	337.150
-37	48037	4803700	d9cc59c5-7969-4912-b69c-d8cde15e22c9	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 05:24:45	745.385
-37	96074	4803700	eb978f4c-db44-4d2d-84b1-64206e6290ec	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:51:22	-778.63
-38	48038	4803800	160f27a1-0940-4cfe-8f9b-692ddda62f11	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 03:38:40	182.280
-38	96076	4803800	cf799d81-2b77-4ef9-b0fc-9bbec2cc82c0	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:41:39	-976.297
-39	48039	4803900	ba9956e4-3304-496d-bf3b-a64e6e1eef79	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 17:54:17	-780.527
-39	96078	4803900	dd718550-f2d9-4338-b9d7-800ffad51da3	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:00:24	-105.716
-40	48040	4804000	35f6c3ab-6cdb-4366-ba47-bfd5f9d02932	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:07:17	467.587
-40	96080	4804000	8618a67e-82e3-4213-acc6-d6477b20ac67	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:06:38	409.735
-41	48041	4804100	e9e7f302-047e-49cf-a016-a8524d074f11	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 14:05:57	-920.434
-41	96082	4804100	06e3a63b-4591-4df9-8e99-ea60c1a69fec	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:47:16	-846.894
-42	48042	4804200	5bc29cf5-04f0-4867-a552-9658b52c3312	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:13:46	922.434
-42	96084	4804200	f929fcf9-6064-4bfe-aa43-0bc2448bc2b8	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 22:11:08	223.49
-43	48043	4804300	5d75c801-8fd0-4f4c-997d-c9c327046063	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:36:09	190.75
-43	96086	4804300	04587b54-f7e8-49a5-99bb-934c5c39642b	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:09:49	677.294
-44	48044	4804400	950e749f-366f-4469-9ae3-7343a91941f4	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:48:40	401.891
-44	96088	4804400	fd57e94a-eb32-4e64-b83a-4ea0162b6242	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:20:44	505.567
-45	48045	4804500	f1cfb326-e3bc-49b8-ae0a-9576e8250f5a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 01:20:31	890.947
-45	96090	4804500	1f06b2fd-81a0-4931-8b98-8da9d8fba04b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:42:20	662.693
-46	48046	4804600	0a5eb660-842b-4cc2-baac-4ec74f8c1203	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 18:37:29	-734.711
-46	96092	4804600	179436d2-259d-4652-b913-e9c9952bb7d8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 13:45:10	-836.578
-47	48047	4804700	39b9d6b5-717a-4449-975b-c06e80d40fd8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:08:15	94.493
-47	96094	4804700	af873c9f-2e9c-48f9-9615-2efd12169a32	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:49:59	-5.82
-48	48048	4804800	0b7ffefa-21ab-4cc9-8b25-8b4dd0a56165	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:36:15	-312.537
-48	96096	4804800	c497436d-b10e-481d-b0b8-3eba00c5039a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:07:44	276.366
-49	48049	4804900	a3ccfbe5-0787-4527-8832-14e8ccb596e8	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:50:35	272.844
-49	96098	4804900	55c0c6ab-2b9b-4fe2-abb9-464c6e897d12	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 11:00:20	980.986
-50	48050	4805000	7e576f3c-4691-4143-b9d1-b4445adef8dd	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:50:14	-631.630
-50	96100	4805000	facfe8a9-ae77-4d02-8b15-a801072a885f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 02:17:39	-601.853
-51	48051	4805100	4c98f27d-c4f6-4f8f-a82c-7f6407976139	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 06:23:45	906.943
-51	96102	4805100	5c4b4da8-1c27-4ad5-893f-d30d0489be2f	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:04:42	113.774
-52	48052	4805200	cda0452e-e821-466c-9d38-2b2469ce84a7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 02:31:28	-646.351
-52	96104	4805200	4aa39305-8819-45f6-9a41-d770d6ad67db	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:03:10	297.52
-53	48053	4805300	f1d3c9fe-2d46-42ab-8464-0fbb88731edb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:28:16	81.716
-53	96106	4805300	11d0eaf3-f54c-4867-8775-5e05240dc057	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:14:21	475.161
-54	48054	4805400	9ae7c72f-3d78-4a89-83ba-1dc0332bb59e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 23:07:47	-15.367
-54	96108	4805400	fb80d66b-346c-480e-be3b-07484a23dadf	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 09:48:07	472.192
-55	48055	4805500	0145e308-4f58-4cb6-85ad-efd1d7f3ea0c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:46:55	474.250
-55	96110	4805500	16c6a75a-cd68-4e10-9db2-be4f5535107c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:57:41	552.483
-56	48056	4805600	5afada58-71a5-4ba4-b64d-e7de164dd972	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 08:42:46	-896.315
-56	96112	4805600	3fd10cf0-143b-45c8-a301-7828cdcaa95a	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:18:45	391.922
-57	48057	4805700	0d9ad723-7510-4cb5-a8f4-9babbb7f5857	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:18:57	-925.187
-57	96114	4805700	6c204d42-9930-483d-9fef-b6e5a6c8e9ea	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 22:14:29	-885.357
-58	48058	4805800	2c1e051c-0046-4a6f-888b-19cf9bda3314	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 21:08:53	-258.610
-58	96116	4805800	ff628b42-82d6-4d90-a11a-986d24960740	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:20:38	871.910
-59	48059	4805900	86e6a372-09b4-43f7-a980-c997e40cfb2a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:41:02	-385.935
-59	96118	4805900	7c541cc6-b712-4586-9baa-c2161f89ddf6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:35:15	238.510
-60	48060	4806000	66439c6f-2517-47fd-9b48-d530301b233d	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 15:10:17	69.995
-60	96120	4806000	3704e4ec-76ca-46e8-b43b-2bd69e020e38	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 21:16:48	-705.295
-61	48061	4806100	732453a6-6eb3-4c85-8eb5-06136399d93a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:57:36	-80.829
-61	96122	4806100	79b9baae-2e00-42de-908e-229302c08919	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:55:59	811.830
-62	48062	4806200	2bd6c9a1-4bea-4fd7-9398-61b00ac64e7f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:06:15	285.641
-62	96124	4806200	cd7c8366-ec37-48db-af92-23b867da878f	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:07:33	426.46
-63	48063	4806300	6e72e39b-5e0f-48f4-8052-b27c0cda8955	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:54:37	790.760
-63	96126	4806300	b0ba8e44-a131-460d-973e-8f069cd4db64	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:29:13	559.259
-64	48064	4806400	073adba0-3e79-492c-8e65-80216b90933e	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:28:45	355.720
-64	96128	4806400	4a37eed4-56d8-44d3-bed8-ada5ef5bb51f	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:07:40	415.773
-65	48065	4806500	e2fcc15d-fea6-48f9-89a3-ebe6ee3af1e6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:12:31	531.825
-65	96130	4806500	4a4122a4-841f-4903-861d-98af969b258c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:15:23	398.858
-66	48066	4806600	6be9fba9-1ee9-43e5-95ad-11612c25ebf5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 01:34:56	88.244
-66	96132	4806600	d9ebacbc-6d42-4bbc-aca9-b8c982146a0b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 10:52:21	-787.429
-67	48067	4806700	5625f6e2-8fd2-4e7a-8b50-645007cabf20	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:47:02	122.104
-67	96134	4806700	da4a1814-e2c1-496d-b53b-a8f15e02ea7b	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:39:40	97.925
-68	48068	4806800	83c40b61-513b-404b-a32d-6a792f4d286f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 05:00:39	-944.825
-68	96136	4806800	3f6f32aa-6c11-4b3b-8203-bfd17f48d116	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 20:19:26	170.950
-69	48069	4806900	2370d60f-c2a8-4a7a-b0c8-d0c47a3d1429	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:35:54	873.767
-69	96138	4806900	96e77c4a-1484-4bb3-ad96-eac4bf71102b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 16:00:15	-42.924
-70	48070	4807000	cf25b321-031a-4d12-910f-3cecd7e39e61	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:35:26	895.7
-70	96140	4807000	d925ab3b-598e-4fe6-84b4-e595e7369076	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:35:40	-687.140
-71	48071	4807100	2b097db5-d976-4f0f-bdd9-01312588f81d	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:25:00	197.528
-71	96142	4807100	51d8ebb0-1306-4066-b9a3-b8b37e19e07d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:41:36	-87.275
-72	48072	4807200	760565d5-9257-416c-9f2a-607b44f44a7e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:20:22	440.288
-72	96144	4807200	9118d2c7-d589-4210-9a9e-1c5d71bfc566	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 14:25:53	-823.529
-73	48073	4807300	21a7b6d0-afba-4957-9f12-79933921f2d3	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:58:38	-665.137
-73	96146	4807300	6df08586-8ca8-4a93-b822-feae0365b9f6	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:01:41	-665.26
-74	48074	4807400	131105a0-2497-4bd4-a138-0eddd57a4d6f	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:35:20	207.907
-74	96148	4807400	2d2c0a4d-d60d-4c94-aac9-e3835ef61d40	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 04:41:10	762.326
-75	48075	4807500	b0fc2a98-ce0a-4525-ae49-67ef879db8db	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:28:15	784.771
-75	96150	4807500	4d4eb782-daca-4f64-9fa5-04783dde3439	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:26:32	-423.326
-76	48076	4807600	7f8c0877-eea3-44ca-9969-57fd0e519dc5	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 23:52:16	-408.100
-76	96152	4807600	0f7661a7-7bb1-46f2-98ee-10d7e35a8d2e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 14:40:12	148.58
-77	48077	4807700	247240b4-7c7c-4f2f-94a7-beadae8c05f6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 06:38:58	844.21
-77	96154	4807700	6a4ac38b-912e-4fca-8659-81fb0b6b4408	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:43:44	-536.606
-78	48078	4807800	fdccdfb7-2007-4192-a545-f5f7dfceeb09	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:27:50	175.913
-78	96156	4807800	540b7afe-40a4-4b4f-86d1-61c4b2143461	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 19:54:23	-490.316
-79	48079	4807900	727e5bf8-4292-42e5-aa17-a1cce7abce12	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:27:12	-255.23
-79	96158	4807900	a6554d21-1abb-4150-b932-c03d8f4e8702	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 21:43:43	340.823
-80	48080	4808000	fe3d06aa-1078-46de-ab0b-93d8d5ccce5f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 12:35:27	-908.253
-80	96160	4808000	cf09ceac-1536-42fb-b77a-6d32d8132b56	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:50:05	680.2
-81	48081	4808100	4f21a41e-3209-4289-a38b-504ae83b4b08	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 00:51:22	749.714
-81	96162	4808100	0d02e040-224c-492e-b7ff-e0a8577a090a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:48:07	530.336
-82	48082	4808200	e0f8cbdb-ee40-41a9-97f0-f56975e17e31	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 16:00:04	989.765
-82	96164	4808200	92674ba8-eab6-4a63-b991-bea8904b8c73	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:12:47	-322.1
-83	48083	4808300	8bc5a9ff-ca52-4397-b23d-dd8a12b49e38	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:45:26	46.23
-83	96166	4808300	9493c292-910f-4147-99b3-a7b6b1db3c79	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 23:59:27	-347.304
-84	48084	4808400	477783de-c8af-42c7-82c6-53db72c2ff8c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:25:47	130.565
-84	96168	4808400	6f422adc-c495-44d7-ae8d-72ef88951a59	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 16:05:57	372.217
-85	48085	4808500	3d640e07-2d9e-44da-a2d6-be3be8870a52	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:23:58	399.687
-85	96170	4808500	b2b83fac-3f68-46db-bf22-db7a5f54c0cb	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 05:04:33	323.718
-86	48086	4808600	55b049eb-3fd1-45ca-8800-06a017d4ec22	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:52:52	459.439
-86	96172	4808600	0ba4ded3-5f33-4ca0-beff-7116f27f9a64	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 01:59:27	663.210
-87	48087	4808700	64015e3c-3b2c-478c-9a6b-3f3c0a0bc820	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 10:48:42	-602.315
-87	96174	4808700	1959ffbf-60f6-42f1-b53e-fbb8cc4ac7c7	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:49:45	-56.177
-88	48088	4808800	e3de0bf4-10f5-4564-9761-1e69723a0ea4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:57:04	308.374
-88	96176	4808800	254b2623-8c7d-4e89-8e1e-31fdcdc4df93	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:52:33	356.952
-89	48089	4808900	00c902b6-1f5a-495e-837a-ea76387547ee	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:57:55	-326.104
-89	96178	4808900	4759e6ad-30a9-45e9-b0b8-96e609f8b23e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 04:54:02	-812.125
-90	48090	4809000	eed77ed4-31fc-4ae2-afcc-e71e2cda7a18	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:32:17	498.461
-90	96180	4809000	4f6f14ec-8642-4a86-9818-a0a8e6a32479	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:00:46	580.200
-91	48091	4809100	98a990ca-40da-48a3-baee-db5369ecbbe5	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:15:40	644.133
-91	96182	4809100	5d621823-016c-4aa9-90a3-d12fdc93062a	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:10:35	56.16
-92	48092	4809200	8b45aaef-21bc-4f1a-be3d-27031681efb5	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 03:09:52	-551.427
-92	96184	4809200	29a58b7b-cf63-4874-a12b-90e74ccb7abc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 02:05:07	-184.561
-93	48093	4809300	51cf8992-2460-476c-8495-f89d366c670f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 10:10:06	-691.227
-93	96186	4809300	74fb3356-dc7f-4056-ad10-41d327b139a0	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:36:57	183.480
-94	48094	4809400	b05139c4-eb7c-46e8-8029-79240dcc5cb9	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 08:41:36	-208.999
-94	96188	4809400	aa64bfad-3750-4036-8c0e-faa1c0a428e2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:19:33	-895.956
-95	48095	4809500	fa979f50-f360-4ec7-98ef-766797ac99ee	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 21:37:03	541.172
-95	96190	4809500	063ea166-ae70-4f94-a143-e68009ef6711	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:45:58	-942.876
-96	48096	4809600	e434b61d-14b2-456d-a64b-f0853bbe5c1e	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:46:09	41.681
-96	96192	4809600	60ed7747-4434-4480-9146-c28ed601a63b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:41:07	-218.232
-97	48097	4809700	d98aa9b7-8e1b-40ab-a811-d16c05da65c7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 00:55:52	401.821
-97	96194	4809700	b27b08a4-9517-47cb-a594-b959d279fbae	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 03:55:01	-316.472
-98	48098	4809800	30b26704-12ec-479c-8719-df80b99cae62	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 15:00:33	-909.109
-98	96196	4809800	052ce705-0d49-4dd9-83fe-4f6b98275220	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:48:11	-465.352
-99	48099	4809900	f6025553-cb50-440a-8e9f-4fd85b31a135	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 20:42:32	180.342
-99	96198	4809900	d3a4151b-8948-4015-ad42-78605e059498	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:20:58	-547.458
-100	48100	4810000	0d88d096-b2da-460d-a760-1adbc49bb7d8	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 13:44:31	-13.502
-100	96200	4810000	3de077d2-2abf-4589-988b-c76738e857f6	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 18:29:18	-526.831
-101	48101	4810100	86924d95-55cf-41b9-b0f7-d13722efebaa	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:32:37	900.719
-101	96202	4810100	5196b800-bf4b-4a9d-8626-06a8f810ccf8	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:59:01	98.974
-102	48102	4810200	7e2ff935-fdb2-4714-83b8-fe4fa375c62b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:59:03	-183.115
-102	96204	4810200	dac53572-7dc9-4756-9a00-360c62b4d5a6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:00:04	-463.498
-103	48103	4810300	7a689925-9884-46f9-8ea0-a91814bbfa8d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:15:28	-973.358
-103	96206	4810300	d20f0930-877b-489a-abfc-1a9f115bbd7b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:34:04	718.820
-104	48104	4810400	bdc24b65-25f2-4466-b225-8fbe7976dc09	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:40:51	-187.935
-104	96208	4810400	40d11c32-7a3a-4a1e-b71f-81e134a8717c	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 09:44:27	875.738
-105	48105	4810500	58d1cbe9-c58e-4c66-ae2f-6031c36d8045	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:39:18	584.180
-105	96210	4810500	883cdfb7-cb91-4a6c-9f37-16d962d0ee02	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:28:15	444.309
-106	48106	4810600	51157f70-a1c1-46c3-98a0-386cd1c36d6f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:50:30	-532.226
-106	96212	4810600	8355b9d1-05b2-4a61-8cd5-93a0ecda77eb	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:56:03	133.543
-107	48107	4810700	f3887ccd-ec4b-47cb-a588-5ba7cdab8d40	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 04:25:28	-45.496
-107	96214	4810700	6de2dd71-d20c-4cd6-8375-36984ffeb10e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:10:35	-650.252
-108	48108	4810800	f050ea15-937f-4ebb-b1c7-f83ca78bacce	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 06:27:22	-170.833
-108	96216	4810800	e7615496-91bc-42fe-8d39-42ff3ce97c19	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:47:27	-703.893
-109	48109	4810900	8b94ad5c-0a9b-4a24-8af1-50470b53974e	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 01:12:49	663.516
-109	96218	4810900	53c30630-5e60-4606-90c9-6fa275aaab8c	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:40:25	-35.775
-110	48110	4811000	3ab75d4b-c445-4ad1-9bef-917788777cb8	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:14:09	151.788
-110	96220	4811000	196ea120-d2a6-4196-8d9d-08600f0138ff	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 15:24:57	998.908
-111	48111	4811100	b56f3dba-24e0-43d3-b0ef-0d5c3841039e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 20:44:21	46.750
-111	96222	4811100	c8a3ac69-b0a3-4e44-a022-02c900e0c540	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 10:15:39	668.685
-112	48112	4811200	0c7fa2ef-a57b-448f-b274-1e0a85c0b6f4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:13:56	-941.513
-112	96224	4811200	14f593c3-26cc-4b68-8d7f-bded102cb177	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:05:26	-690.668
-113	48113	4811300	7347dfc7-9fff-4f55-8517-9cca7ce8804b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:51:26	-676.281
-113	96226	4811300	f3de7fdf-6781-48d3-9093-1f62caf90599	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 05:28:07	-326.180
-114	48114	4811400	f422124c-d46d-4b74-8bfd-408d7a456cbc	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:30:34	-606.285
-114	96228	4811400	e24011b6-4c4a-4b25-80b4-28593f978ee3	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:40:26	818.817
-115	48115	4811500	aab6f3c4-3648-4adc-bd43-8d5830b0c077	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:18:13	893.145
-115	96230	4811500	26301842-f2ea-4247-a780-dd84eb93fe1c	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:14:52	684.138
-116	48116	4811600	b5cb5286-1ac0-4465-afbd-fa31334e7d57	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:56:15	704.211
-116	96232	4811600	479d1a83-7029-4b9b-a1d5-8e44945520b9	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:21:05	-897.551
-117	48117	4811700	da058eac-fad2-44fe-a631-90d5ea35538a	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:37:38	-979.534
-117	96234	4811700	fd482979-fd14-41df-a76c-6b177b656a81	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:19:22	974.181
-118	48118	4811800	a35e016c-1d78-4530-b1b1-4daa854ac212	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:03:11	336.875
-118	96236	4811800	18d3be1a-617a-4193-bc68-e05e96218e62	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:45:25	656.130
-119	48119	4811900	43fc125a-1950-4f2c-a491-068c17881932	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:09:56	-201.280
-119	96238	4811900	1abc0edf-39fc-48ca-8f47-b2fd75d477b3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 17:06:40	434.384
-120	48120	4812000	c62141a3-bef7-47aa-81ea-f65b11bba44b	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:17:12	-466.0
-120	96240	4812000	a985ebda-1b25-4c21-b9fa-041d75efaeb8	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 06:26:51	-956.132
-121	48121	4812100	bd5b998c-9cfa-4d76-97b1-f41b72d14fa7	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:39:24	100.634
-121	96242	4812100	344aeac9-91b7-48a5-b91c-d9a15ae2c58c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 22:23:52	-876.145
-122	48122	4812200	22ace28b-4953-42d6-8d48-08834a6bc126	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:31:10	607.159
-122	96244	4812200	5a6db994-0a5a-4eed-a296-0cb62aceab40	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:54:58	-342.678
-123	48123	4812300	70329f3c-2ce6-4fa7-b40f-e0ea2bb50c25	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:06:08	-378.949
-123	96246	4812300	4a057a1e-6974-49f1-87bd-10a6c5da772f	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:12:50	592.182
-124	48124	4812400	4458a42f-86c4-4c43-8950-1e04c9470328	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:40:50	-409.574
-124	96248	4812400	4a948e1c-7398-45fb-81f9-787ff02dec27	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:26:42	563.410
-125	48125	4812500	732b3e91-db10-4402-ad5b-6b94a89f8f88	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 18:32:24	-195.909
-125	96250	4812500	73f1ea4f-a450-45c8-8307-9609f64f6a28	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:02:01	-275.902
-126	48126	4812600	467e5b98-824e-4be7-b021-e26751d60d5a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 06:26:37	-603.215
-126	96252	4812600	b4bfc2ea-c71f-4be1-aa38-d6e276d6e2c6	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:16:57	-572.285
-127	48127	4812700	aac314a6-d638-4199-818b-1761881f53af	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:01:59	548.398
-127	96254	4812700	a2314103-7ae7-4ccc-986f-01b4a7c6fc03	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 23:36:56	180.472
-0	48128	4812800	b2734d00-3184-410a-9fde-eb08a72da542	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 03:57:43	521.341
-0	96256	4812800	b6f5b3da-3c0e-48e9-950b-9e5e25dd571e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 15:49:19	700.947
-1	48129	4812900	72bde105-0de9-404a-b694-b347e60c9cc8	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 21:25:23	814.861
-1	96258	4812900	dac407bc-a796-464a-9553-979ecb9356ac	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:46:45	110.96
-2	48130	4813000	d2c10b77-1263-4369-af7f-51ebbe6b9e6c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 21:14:43	198.627
-2	96260	4813000	4f09eada-4981-48b5-8777-462a84aa5fc5	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:34:30	-516.711
-3	48131	4813100	4db9e47b-2978-4865-b0d0-36ec9ef4908f	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:17:20	935.551
-3	96262	4813100	67418403-9129-4a86-b57d-8d0fa15254b1	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:53:42	430.285
-4	48132	4813200	9fed2097-507b-48b1-a1b1-33761513c9c7	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:32:01	-508.229
-4	96264	4813200	65d822cf-0e3e-4b3f-b79c-60456abd3029	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 16:43:59	59.677
-5	48133	4813300	00a83f13-6fbd-458e-b077-01d06d39f12f	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 00:55:55	175.503
-5	96266	4813300	6685694f-8655-4bb4-af4c-0e54f4f988c2	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:16:14	-279.91
-6	48134	4813400	b33316f2-2b63-49f8-8295-9ee53085ad29	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:55:25	-261.982
-6	96268	4813400	8a550339-031f-4b38-a5f1-ee1ddeb09821	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:23:25	497.634
-7	48135	4813500	2352dc3b-3172-47d8-8819-a60e6d3cc186	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:15:26	-202.81
-7	96270	4813500	bebc8a40-07db-416a-8d5a-48438b67b5d5	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:16:31	-635.130
-8	48136	4813600	dead13e9-11e4-4a61-9ba1-bae8d737d2df	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:33:43	686.198
-8	96272	4813600	8eb12843-cd81-4ceb-8a92-b3ab545b1ff4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:53:34	-740.419
-9	48137	4813700	2d8bbe2b-a77f-48e9-b8ae-e8af90fe4d0a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:33:46	-476.736
-9	96274	4813700	1ce681cd-caf0-4526-ac84-72c3214ca659	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 22:15:33	-627.512
-10	48138	4813800	4b8f93e9-e1f1-48f5-a318-9e727aab225a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 06:15:07	640.989
-10	96276	4813800	96845130-fe33-4999-9f7f-1da72ae8b5c4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:47:04	199.367
-11	48139	4813900	917cee98-b09c-4fe0-bb20-86e99012ce5c	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:58:01	-582.646
-11	96278	4813900	6fc56703-d6ba-4de7-a6e7-808f9ff6a9b8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:43:13	218.199
-12	48140	4814000	49b216bf-7de1-429d-9510-a2fc3395c947	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 01:20:39	790.279
-12	96280	4814000	4d071ab2-cb46-4ab4-9fcb-1b7181dbf61d	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:29:49	702.836
-13	48141	4814100	19912262-3dcd-459b-8f50-139921de4430	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:09:50	104.540
-13	96282	4814100	993d81f3-f46e-429a-809e-d2fc9602aaab	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 17:16:34	695.769
-14	48142	4814200	60c5658d-a7dd-4302-a829-ad4c97c4d382	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:45:52	377.173
-14	96284	4814200	db1bf704-6024-4621-b442-a200a65e8a14	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:13:46	-992.236
-15	48143	4814300	8d36506e-6790-4837-bf0f-5da8d320dcfe	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:19:45	-915.110
-15	96286	4814300	6f44ced5-46c9-4baa-8e2f-151ac53427ca	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:18:51	193.836
-16	48144	4814400	77596fb3-fcc6-4a2a-b63b-f739899dc305	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:12:34	776.52
-16	96288	4814400	33e50624-88a5-468c-a6d0-8a3ca07988b1	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 23:07:34	-4.205
-17	48145	4814500	85dfe029-a7a8-459d-8983-a45b238e8db2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:51:51	-422.213
-17	96290	4814500	5cd3dced-94f0-4608-9102-863d415a2ce4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:46:11	-231.969
-18	48146	4814600	978932d8-b2f0-4f02-b6c0-9c0c0b3416a0	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:28:23	776.661
-18	96292	4814600	4bfed4b3-6ddd-42fd-9f57-51118e4633aa	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:00:03	854.984
-19	48147	4814700	a5ff6e31-be42-41e2-88ce-9169efdda5cf	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:50:08	80.481
-19	96294	4814700	41a280e5-fc06-4c44-9e13-8cb1dd06d438	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 14:20:23	-817.752
-20	48148	4814800	c06aff5d-0dbf-4463-ab97-6594b81957d9	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:35:04	477.155
-20	96296	4814800	e0e0a3ff-ec1d-43ab-b7d7-11aa5de5661d	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:19:38	-866.673
-21	48149	4814900	2bdeeec9-044d-4ef6-bf05-3af7b8abc3bd	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:39:49	220.730
-21	96298	4814900	244a156a-817e-40b5-abcf-57c3d93b3a5a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:31:57	-980.690
-22	48150	4815000	aad75e79-4e9f-4d34-a45c-79479d0bbf23	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 04:59:33	-329.276
-22	96300	4815000	4933df9f-0592-4fc2-9756-d705e8dc5b1b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 19:31:07	-593.835
-23	48151	4815100	05ea31e7-6f58-4aef-853e-bd424d129dae	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:47:25	-142.318
-23	96302	4815100	28eab760-ee4c-40b3-a87f-7a8c0817b959	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:29:41	-792.299
-24	48152	4815200	000f9b85-3ebd-4c3b-8104-2cae93c497f9	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 23:17:02	-719.492
-24	96304	4815200	b809bdeb-f0ab-404e-b783-54fc3c4b53db	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 14:07:33	-587.738
-25	48153	4815300	d3cb5a72-f36d-40ce-8bca-4ada6b287cbf	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:35:57	-383.814
-25	96306	4815300	3d16bf22-588d-40e0-a6c7-250c41743b01	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 02:55:13	-927.50
-26	48154	4815400	db0f7b3f-300c-4065-920d-607ef2151927	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 20:40:55	-429.631
-26	96308	4815400	9ed592e5-79c6-450d-a9a8-ca2df9535a7e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:55:33	-314.882
-27	48155	4815500	56e5c73f-d875-4669-b574-7fed04a0d55c	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 23:13:25	-375.575
-27	96310	4815500	a5bced63-d045-4c8a-9bc1-03f8b3f04436	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:10:14	-742.403
-28	48156	4815600	38b24d1f-2317-430b-ac3b-f9ca87b1bcf9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 07:25:36	-187.327
-28	96312	4815600	356a92fd-78a3-4781-9f31-43648e399d3f	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:44:29	637.55
-29	48157	4815700	3fc08d7b-8a7b-461e-bd04-b50bfee5ed48	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:27:07	912.400
-29	96314	4815700	3e27d5ae-3699-4d32-999e-ef9109dc1927	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:47:08	-779.547
-30	48158	4815800	0b857842-6049-4c5c-acf4-9c881437b9b3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:12:12	-39.188
-30	96316	4815800	a1a4ed4f-c58d-4638-94bd-833faae7cc77	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:32:15	-127.280
-31	48159	4815900	c9e38af4-f456-478f-97ab-4cdb6329ba4a	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:20:58	-681.837
-31	96318	4815900	6ab7db13-e40b-4eda-bb03-58ece13a6d0e	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:39:21	101.559
-32	48160	4816000	facff2a2-c4ed-454e-bd08-6a70e4aa3bf6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:16:33	718.985
-32	96320	4816000	768e3262-f68b-4a29-9cca-28c95baa536b	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 12:21:22	760.22
-33	48161	4816100	41e66319-1f04-4a84-91f5-79fac50c15cc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:25:23	848.916
-33	96322	4816100	097ac0b7-c387-4edd-ae72-dcce34bb5b1e	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 19:54:44	416.396
-34	48162	4816200	137753d8-0eb7-429d-80b4-fd1067720f10	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:02:31	796.216
-34	96324	4816200	a9c6c772-1140-4b24-b8c1-6b29d8ecf94c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:42:46	568.135
-35	48163	4816300	27ad0a01-ecf2-4862-b99a-c5d929c8efa5	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:12:24	-35.747
-35	96326	4816300	2c5d5458-81bd-4eb7-a628-b9dd4ecac35a	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:13:14	-330.913
-36	48164	4816400	9e772066-2c96-4317-8a3a-dd85b6928571	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 18:27:26	-955.159
-36	96328	4816400	01f3dcbe-91b2-41ac-9341-a185424dcc8b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:28:51	600.917
-37	48165	4816500	4dfdcf3d-4162-4a80-8511-4841550baae4	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:38:29	536.551
-37	96330	4816500	7601f5fd-3eb8-4d37-b8ff-594c20755a79	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 18:23:27	451.846
-38	48166	4816600	c81f7c66-28b9-48bc-b241-9778149a7666	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:55:33	-455.273
-38	96332	4816600	a7d8cb5b-8584-48d4-8864-b50a860aa004	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 04:39:30	-613.768
-39	48167	4816700	450c0992-c091-4ff2-86e1-f7c4ea2c827a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 00:25:17	-501.534
-39	96334	4816700	b92a3323-e38a-4bab-b650-a45e9be52006	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 09:10:30	-56.131
-40	48168	4816800	2578e8f3-0208-41ba-b67f-f248135add3d	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:36:54	695.756
-40	96336	4816800	fab8fd3a-45fe-4c36-8f53-f6cec3050a11	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:25:48	-771.32
-41	48169	4816900	214bdacb-fbb6-400a-bc38-9087b99ffeea	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 20:13:59	313.991
-41	96338	4816900	45e6261a-bd81-45c8-a9b5-afcb983ea96f	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 21:46:38	-725.167
-42	48170	4817000	2264be1d-a8f2-4d48-a48e-6ae04104dbf3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:27:48	9.695
-42	96340	4817000	6311b0a6-31d2-4ea9-ab8b-5aa3cabc0912	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 11:05:58	-8.241
-43	48171	4817100	90acd6b9-7aea-47a6-8a4e-82435260e643	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:51:18	195.810
-43	96342	4817100	c50683d0-d469-4210-97b9-620cc3bb290e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 06:41:19	-886.704
-44	48172	4817200	12344250-2c61-482c-a821-bc1256848b99	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:01:38	-489.363
-44	96344	4817200	93645e6c-11ec-4223-a8a3-9661663639ed	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:37:20	668.244
-45	48173	4817300	edd4c7ef-b202-4d3c-9769-53477222c1f6	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:53:39	469.252
-45	96346	4817300	65f6f70a-3a12-4758-a924-c248823f27f6	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 12:29:25	203.978
-46	48174	4817400	6edfc4b8-c6d0-459c-b531-04f40d576507	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 06:27:49	-569.823
-46	96348	4817400	ffbf6a5b-39ce-489e-bd75-902521274cd9	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:59:55	272.269
-47	48175	4817500	77754bca-5f79-487f-bf3d-2fcaae996374	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:05:43	-364.927
-47	96350	4817500	a0589c42-fb24-4cd1-bf51-ca79f343f840	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 01:43:45	302.252
-48	48176	4817600	83f89fe4-3bb7-43ae-bde2-74d26dc8f18c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:01:11	673.236
-48	96352	4817600	c08e158e-a354-4806-9ddb-1d8fa69697ec	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:22:07	-273.389
-49	48177	4817700	4c3e827b-863a-4f81-a5b9-141e688215ce	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:51:02	-505.482
-49	96354	4817700	476c1d0d-0c02-4023-aa1f-e147582fa103	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:24:36	-118.966
-50	48178	4817800	c0674e72-1940-4040-bb3c-73fde33bf2c6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:14:45	808.577
-50	96356	4817800	90b45aea-e2b6-47c9-a555-8807f5495a91	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:05:50	570.253
-51	48179	4817900	224e66bd-2aeb-47ca-9e88-12e3077286ce	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 00:01:01	-689.600
-51	96358	4817900	5633319f-7693-4562-8f9d-2cff9edf1261	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 10:25:53	-844.508
-52	48180	4818000	725d4824-cbca-4d45-8cdd-9afe6522af0e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 05:00:47	-476.28
-52	96360	4818000	21dd601b-da73-4d0d-99e7-79d57d5121b4	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:47:46	-229.491
-53	48181	4818100	e5b219df-c11a-4034-8c64-4ae43b1bf045	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:14:40	712.564
-53	96362	4818100	90654aa6-9fb5-438b-aeb1-df76d5a28dbf	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 17:39:32	-11.958
-54	48182	4818200	f0aa2438-6f8a-416d-a3e4-a33ed8bd8c0b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:51:09	-221.92
-54	96364	4818200	7c993499-e603-4871-9f8a-aea88ae17e87	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:48:18	940.701
-55	48183	4818300	035757dc-cd81-4106-8899-eae4d719e267	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 00:04:40	-88.786
-55	96366	4818300	eda31faa-1327-4e70-9a0c-42b412dc06c0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 19:54:52	693.170
-56	48184	4818400	c60c0b60-6c40-4067-a9a3-01e5ff6d500a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:47:40	-688.704
-56	96368	4818400	760205e2-e5e9-4978-80a9-fba76c551825	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:27:05	-633.661
-57	48185	4818500	79c9ae28-9748-4c33-9fbc-45e977db8aed	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 06:03:44	-923.508
-57	96370	4818500	aaf0577e-fbce-4a21-b918-05efa3531de9	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 03:00:18	134.480
-58	48186	4818600	94b34461-ae63-4808-bdd2-2dc9d687bfef	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:22:08	-511.780
-58	96372	4818600	49d9928a-0c58-46f4-98b1-bdf196e7fea9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 09:04:06	720.500
-59	48187	4818700	0bc923cf-e082-48b6-9437-89f1bcf6bf85	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:13:48	-553.796
-59	96374	4818700	756d8297-0732-44c5-a076-3e0b30d0f14a	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 23:15:45	742.880
-60	48188	4818800	c317582d-c320-43c2-98ce-83ca883726df	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 03:51:51	-174.544
-60	96376	4818800	11b021be-3b9f-4fcf-98b4-0d76784807b8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 00:10:35	781.892
-61	48189	4818900	9aaf7993-9526-47aa-ac6d-8e0821ece1e4	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:22:54	297.502
-61	96378	4818900	46c9237a-fbe1-4f41-a2d3-495f7533fe8c	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 21:57:07	-20.110
-62	48190	4819000	4b0cfa1e-f009-41f3-b4e1-6d96f2f1b0d2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 09:29:55	-341.13
-62	96380	4819000	bd2ff700-f657-4a1b-a45f-e9054eef601d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:38:49	261.787
-63	48191	4819100	947bf6ef-1a8c-4565-a59d-17965aa70cda	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 08:27:18	-695.767
-63	96382	4819100	23843f0d-420c-41d6-a547-270124759981	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:17:27	175.886
-64	48192	4819200	7f4cc1e2-13be-4ebb-bc4d-23a2f96cc6be	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:09:07	-181.752
-64	96384	4819200	c3d46f51-f3ba-4c09-8e24-6854e7a6cfc6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:46:45	-490.572
-65	48193	4819300	4dcade4e-ea75-41d5-a97d-74acadcf52f2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:26:47	894.562
-65	96386	4819300	7d8bca28-debe-4127-aad8-82b2142e907e	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:16:25	-570.568
-66	48194	4819400	8f0153b1-6f8c-4b3c-8d8e-a70420d2621e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:31:09	-735.850
-66	96388	4819400	6fadd6eb-127d-456d-991e-24ddeaf70f2d	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 14:52:51	741.0
-67	48195	4819500	d10259d6-c2b8-499b-8f2e-f85452175a1f	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:00:05	832.218
-67	96390	4819500	acb1dbb7-a3cf-484a-8d30-1cabda235c0e	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 14:09:10	-846.711
-68	48196	4819600	8470fb52-62b7-469c-9190-d4463aec1478	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:54:10	-555.270
-68	96392	4819600	0c680414-68d1-4ce0-b55d-a77746dd053a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:53:10	-222.624
-69	48197	4819700	e00d3421-da1f-4258-9670-4193db014e1f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:35:26	-47.497
-69	96394	4819700	8983657a-1853-4e30-8668-9f96e803545a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:30:47	452.262
-70	48198	4819800	81569c0d-7979-459e-8d82-4a6396763f36	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:25:29	-203.673
-70	96396	4819800	45f9fb7c-2d74-48b3-a219-dd110970e186	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 20:03:48	719.874
-71	48199	4819900	fc82f4b2-29fb-43ea-8983-ec6df92c8669	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:19:12	179.534
-71	96398	4819900	3d33c19f-1289-4594-b4db-e8b99826d2d8	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:35:41	-990.670
-72	48200	4820000	9560a89b-0692-44e6-acfe-ebd69501e051	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 02:52:06	998.185
-72	96400	4820000	90564426-bee9-4f23-898c-488069f35590	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:04:55	-475.81
-73	48201	4820100	ad3a214f-39c3-4b89-a5a5-dafd24f6f30b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:28:02	-174.568
-73	96402	4820100	63eb9d56-c557-4a2c-a962-504168531ee0	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:23:48	-829.284
-74	48202	4820200	fdc3ae66-d46f-41c8-afd6-783e536242cd	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 12:06:20	-256.242
-74	96404	4820200	01e074c1-241f-4d40-9ecc-7facc205c473	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 14:42:28	202.566
-75	48203	4820300	70a8d93b-912f-45f5-a740-6d4c58089770	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 11:37:48	251.192
-75	96406	4820300	4a5380ff-a381-4029-92f1-f8063839245d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:12:48	-141.729
-76	48204	4820400	4c570cdf-d108-44d2-8015-38b8e6d9cdf3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:44:30	-833.246
-76	96408	4820400	cf9d9696-a58f-4daa-b469-89a384bb4e7c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:39:34	-213.99
-77	48205	4820500	17f711b8-6237-4708-9da7-6ae63b500b3f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:01:20	-487.55
-77	96410	4820500	bf3d3e82-1ab2-415b-ad52-7e3c372ee7cd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:14:09	638.804
-78	48206	4820600	32e27728-3fb7-43f0-aabf-29076f015188	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:33:40	524.892
-78	96412	4820600	74a5068a-2aeb-415a-a5e9-56224e91a29c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 20:37:51	-681.514
-79	48207	4820700	a58d78f1-a294-4b5a-9ab6-a08b588ec721	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:58:43	492.20
-79	96414	4820700	11e30e42-ae16-46e5-82ae-d2df842e85b1	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 17:15:20	48.413
-80	48208	4820800	39c1ef2f-1283-4246-b9d6-9a4cabefdd53	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:58:25	-54.810
-80	96416	4820800	70eb05fc-800b-4e77-96c7-0da31ad9260a	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:12:15	-594.333
-81	48209	4820900	d6d682a0-79b9-4390-b3f5-e29795b96b00	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 10:26:38	864.252
-81	96418	4820900	e4e21203-9c17-4c55-b185-f1b7d6517d59	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:53:54	-351.599
-82	48210	4821000	e40101d1-b4d5-4bd7-84e3-8a660edf9534	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:26:30	594.804
-82	96420	4821000	635e9215-0f88-447e-89cb-f780b91a3109	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:12:40	317.904
-83	48211	4821100	301446bf-b929-41a5-9e1a-a91d6a0cd632	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:23:44	705.28
-83	96422	4821100	8ef711d8-7a3a-44d7-ae82-d0041eecdbc6	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 03:06:31	522.714
-84	48212	4821200	2f25ece3-8081-4209-b509-836ab7a56d6a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:05:44	776.590
-84	96424	4821200	11feaa69-09b1-4ddc-8784-5720b2036cc2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 01:40:03	-940.56
-85	48213	4821300	0eb999aa-ab9a-4eb2-a824-1802bda1300c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:33:26	5.271
-85	96426	4821300	af1b24ef-b9d4-496f-b00c-fe27bb8df3a9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 18:19:25	477.844
-86	48214	4821400	6d156e6f-f168-4468-ae95-7d9f3357849e	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:30:12	-59.510
-86	96428	4821400	976b2cdf-346a-492b-b057-5e26b1174745	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 09:25:01	381.810
-87	48215	4821500	9317cc16-4d84-43fe-9b9c-173f6628190a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:42:43	-695.922
-87	96430	4821500	1875a73d-f014-4fee-b9ed-d69d66a22f62	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:56:03	-586.959
-88	48216	4821600	d121cba6-4854-46d8-9049-01f4899c97f0	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:19:20	293.398
-88	96432	4821600	7172cecf-94dc-4301-aebf-018b4e6860a8	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:41:35	416.184
-89	48217	4821700	f368c91a-c5b1-4eaf-bf10-8d412b54be57	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:51:01	-717.347
-89	96434	4821700	69db4365-384e-4c20-b6ac-55d02936bc33	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:41:07	-113.116
-90	48218	4821800	9c16b23a-f9f8-41af-9f42-11df53050719	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:30:15	960.487
-90	96436	4821800	aefea051-bf6e-4d68-8507-2a25fe08865d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:41:53	-388.97
-91	48219	4821900	4e57a176-8aab-4e19-963a-d17ecf1f1dec	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:44:19	-296.325
-91	96438	4821900	1e8bdc40-9e31-43d9-8141-04f2679f79c8	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:00:50	-157.485
-92	48220	4822000	1f7c35a6-521c-4fac-88ee-65f1e3c6a8e9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:52:46	624.822
-92	96440	4822000	050ec973-d8f5-4936-bbab-959e1e6cfd9c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:53:01	4.584
-93	48221	4822100	59c0f1a5-e86c-4844-8a86-c3b0d62f72f8	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:36:05	-474.642
-93	96442	4822100	a1a80335-dc30-428c-8456-69e8b31d7595	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 07:29:50	-14.483
-94	48222	4822200	284a1586-5903-4f94-9867-fa43ec3f0f00	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:46:49	-964.616
-94	96444	4822200	662843e6-09f7-43f5-a9f8-513be9d73896	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 11:00:03	-793.163
-95	48223	4822300	8ee5f5df-3fab-4004-8a5b-3eb6e71e236f	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:51:06	614.789
-95	96446	4822300	6fac550d-3ee1-41d5-81a4-d845b8a9ac29	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 22:43:11	245.255
-96	48224	4822400	25feda9b-9a8b-47da-bc2e-aaee8fb28ca1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:41:26	121.596
-96	96448	4822400	5f6ebd12-4d9d-4eff-b718-6d95d631ceee	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:17:10	214.899
-97	48225	4822500	6388159c-a675-44af-973c-49c5481b134c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:15:32	-212.544
-97	96450	4822500	70021011-e2a1-4a8f-9cf2-1b34324b63d9	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:14:41	941.289
-98	48226	4822600	6eef2e1a-412e-4687-a0b9-116921f25f11	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 07:01:37	-717.42
-98	96452	4822600	6e0c0068-d7df-4113-b82a-72ce68e4297d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:23:06	314.170
-99	48227	4822700	36b0b476-4f2c-47d6-8753-6fddce8676eb	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:56:51	-71.839
-99	96454	4822700	d6397ed0-36b8-41c9-9b1b-2c0832592c28	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:39:18	-589.477
-100	48228	4822800	2333e80f-a5b3-4653-b2f9-14716aaf5d93	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:38:16	-129.275
-100	96456	4822800	c39459fe-c849-432f-92a3-8a0107f3b1e5	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:40:40	608.467
-101	48229	4822900	5bb8fb15-3adf-4a3a-a33a-26946691e0b8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:54:14	276.771
-101	96458	4822900	1e3e8eec-0af0-473d-9fd9-5c3862e5db92	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:43:01	-133.49
-102	48230	4823000	6f22acd4-9a10-4bc7-815e-f57ec1756a2d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:57:06	-955.964
-102	96460	4823000	118c7d59-17d9-4e51-9ab8-ced887fefe5a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:52:16	676.973
-103	48231	4823100	77cd0aec-f278-44c1-9f1c-1c4ae15c7a5e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 20:55:58	-798.980
-103	96462	4823100	26a94349-cac4-48e7-a5b0-0f20239f227d	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:13:59	947.904
-104	48232	4823200	4c999ca5-def2-4537-8ff0-7d30367af1ea	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:17:44	535.998
-104	96464	4823200	17af9952-6fd7-4546-8a37-cc06d7078f9b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:10:37	418.271
-105	48233	4823300	990bf150-ecdc-4cc6-b5d6-ab21e3b77d42	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:02:30	729.399
-105	96466	4823300	8414856b-6772-4d78-a68a-cb41991961a6	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:40:16	244.29
-106	48234	4823400	2c617c84-1053-4008-9021-110a45c17f66	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:18:57	642.941
-106	96468	4823400	344e285a-5b17-49cf-929e-42c28f23c2f7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:05:38	569.50
-107	48235	4823500	912202fe-a9e9-41b2-960b-4ed9a6fe54d3	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:44:51	902.322
-107	96470	4823500	6968f396-a01d-4c1f-a3c1-ce1f75f89758	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 07:24:07	-127.85
-108	48236	4823600	37c0d3d7-bdf5-4591-8466-7b33c8d9510e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:33:40	897.201
-108	96472	4823600	fa3d92ca-811f-49f9-bc20-ff975f93769d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:12:50	-173.606
-109	48237	4823700	98192f6a-7c4d-4ee5-b4b1-17b5de301d7b	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 02:22:27	363.634
-109	96474	4823700	e4e86d5c-6964-4e87-9eb8-3f30bfd86ad3	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:26:39	295.977
-110	48238	4823800	d4776051-205d-4ebd-8c76-eb7a2a6c1d6a	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:43:04	-963.483
-110	96476	4823800	de97a3bd-e406-44da-8ebf-439669e10a7a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:12:28	-671.309
-111	48239	4823900	3a636dd1-fb0f-4e3a-bbb8-51a19a017638	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 17:32:08	-702.169
-111	96478	4823900	450d4ca0-e423-4816-bbbd-595c5d432ddd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 19:46:48	379.377
-112	48240	4824000	24182538-83e1-464e-a885-1b27373c2c79	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 14:56:01	663.379
-112	96480	4824000	4f94d426-7633-4837-9171-c18803459b2d	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:54:26	-723.845
-113	48241	4824100	846f23b5-85a3-4757-9198-97b8abd9d0f8	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 12:49:08	863.621
-113	96482	4824100	7112a77a-98cc-4578-8847-7f5b70c75b1e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 07:17:19	-341.873
-114	48242	4824200	152476dd-914b-4843-aa69-a6efe0bdc65a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 23:17:25	-142.618
-114	96484	4824200	4041cd75-aae5-44d0-9ada-4dae85ad0287	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:37:35	789.307
-115	48243	4824300	302e1178-d936-414f-9029-3238da86ee18	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:02:45	594.216
-115	96486	4824300	7e192468-cd7f-46b4-9b79-b3074ee5080d	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:09:38	-50.347
-116	48244	4824400	65a8692a-5b98-420d-8470-76504dbf34ae	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:53:45	306.118
-116	96488	4824400	913a0be2-0445-404d-ab71-e90633a93e33	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 02:52:36	438.449
-117	48245	4824500	f191d31c-45d5-4273-82ad-2716fd136f16	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:36:35	-351.650
-117	96490	4824500	11bb859c-8994-4718-904b-a864e190feb1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:26:56	65.468
-118	48246	4824600	857ce457-9720-46b1-966d-e6979111b4ab	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:00:46	-850.638
-118	96492	4824600	b1e95bce-25d3-4981-ae0d-306384c3aab0	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:55:42	915.482
-119	48247	4824700	ea43b4f1-3cee-4398-b1a4-ba5ebc36c128	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 15:15:22	-307.696
-119	96494	4824700	e82f3b70-5f1f-4cb9-816d-ad4b4934762f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 14:24:37	-556.227
-120	48248	4824800	78f87720-0c6b-48dd-aa05-9a21ef06d828	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:22:20	310.239
-120	96496	4824800	c8c2d46f-cc51-47d5-9ef0-93710bd8f90f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:42:57	-628.147
-121	48249	4824900	a76859fc-8a0f-485e-b5aa-9235280f7d46	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:40:59	-553.711
-121	96498	4824900	79d86e39-fba3-42db-80b3-ec2204138f0f	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 01:09:51	-192.664
-122	48250	4825000	2767f464-7291-4b77-a42b-3a6bc77d3a56	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:34:56	-142.563
-122	96500	4825000	efd430c3-554d-45d0-8fec-50b6344a7605	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:54:22	-245.255
-123	48251	4825100	1317a656-2abc-4099-b8fd-57f81a018d84	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:25:01	916.86
-123	96502	4825100	963d296d-3228-4c04-967c-aa997bc3d1cc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 19:26:40	52.411
-124	48252	4825200	121c8bbc-76c9-4c18-aea6-e720d1eeb9f4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:08:35	764.213
-124	96504	4825200	1fb95152-b3b7-4288-a2c4-ea93a3f7e749	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:19:55	-722.833
-125	48253	4825300	3cf1ec3a-bfce-4a2a-a71a-d479498a951b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 02:47:01	970.73
-125	96506	4825300	8a8184f8-4bf2-4033-9e98-4b0ac2bde935	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 07:36:38	512.794
-126	48254	4825400	188537d7-5941-4dd0-9ca3-0f2c67f8eb87	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 04:00:04	-835.730
-126	96508	4825400	af0e87d2-25c2-47b1-b917-7b90fe5d21f7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:32:53	-886.2
-127	48255	4825500	e418cfc4-ca6c-4651-b221-3baa73b168ff	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:54:57	-764.146
-127	96510	4825500	e73ffdff-3a97-43cd-9903-8739c0ac8310	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 03:19:05	-738.60
-0	48256	4825600	7ef3c064-92c7-46e6-a856-e5a341ba47f1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:23:58	-551.340
-0	96512	4825600	1a4e1e13-ccee-42f0-a4d5-6d51079c259d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:04:38	-709.806
-1	48257	4825700	9c2fd47b-97cc-4de7-b22d-b0d658b5eaad	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 18:26:56	539.731
-1	96514	4825700	3dde3661-6550-43b8-8929-5bc1249a5650	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:56:14	623.345
-2	48258	4825800	f574af23-deb8-4310-b817-a44b92ba9f11	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 03:42:09	669.708
-2	96516	4825800	52ac7481-61d3-4e99-9046-89f58461d87b	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:03:59	888.951
-3	48259	4825900	0e5564fc-bff4-45b9-aef3-ac7ca589e02c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:53:30	824.834
-3	96518	4825900	1fbd60cb-0ad0-438f-8620-e1cdf79464e0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:24:41	-611.122
-4	48260	4826000	4a819ca2-ee6c-4241-bd56-57d4c216a21c	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 23:03:47	-222.496
-4	96520	4826000	5df2f2eb-2ca6-470a-9073-ca03149a373f	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:34:26	-998.529
-5	48261	4826100	caedf5b3-47d1-44ca-bd6b-faa117b41dba	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:43:03	-530.776
-5	96522	4826100	a50134eb-993b-4854-9206-d92ae434d5df	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:33:54	-963.447
-6	48262	4826200	3fd5f7b5-4ced-4e93-b4fa-347856ff32e8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:23:21	-174.215
-6	96524	4826200	dfb06d56-6acd-4fe6-8c14-a94dc31a56c9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 11:49:43	-702.888
-7	48263	4826300	faf89b1a-f021-4cfb-afd0-9690ba05d600	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 21:04:17	744.692
-7	96526	4826300	61f14f6c-3a74-4b09-983f-c3062be19cd6	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:36:36	55.641
-8	48264	4826400	a222f654-e57e-49c6-aa4f-21d1731695f1	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 11:24:44	897.907
-8	96528	4826400	14af5732-e918-4346-b4e8-0d67138abf03	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:58:14	66.89
-9	48265	4826500	ef389945-285c-409d-820b-48d666e98c1e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:24:47	205.362
-9	96530	4826500	678ff8eb-57fd-4b0e-ad5a-26830c0fba86	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:01:19	926.79
-10	48266	4826600	794b27db-90b7-49de-a2e6-a46b5702281d	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 21:38:51	-648.320
-10	96532	4826600	bf699b79-295d-4f22-8c2f-8123369b2093	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:42:12	-781.484
-11	48267	4826700	57176b4e-a897-47db-8c07-e87d9bca4b7d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:24:17	434.765
-11	96534	4826700	6d94675c-94da-4b16-835d-ba413555044c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:54:27	-23.570
-12	48268	4826800	5d5ce49e-2bc3-4304-bb32-7bc011e3c38f	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:59:02	66.135
-12	96536	4826800	45d7b18f-d92c-40bd-898f-07857d0967aa	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 11:12:34	123.390
-13	48269	4826900	8f013d2b-8096-410d-9b64-cb24e50c36c7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:22:17	888.142
-13	96538	4826900	6a2e4fec-c79f-4357-82a7-8d5090ad3c30	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:19:19	874.356
-14	48270	4827000	a213a3a0-472f-4367-8193-ea1350de3a6d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:25:23	77.535
-14	96540	4827000	1ede4286-a822-400c-948e-55381acd7adf	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 07:39:31	293.962
-15	48271	4827100	357cc493-e646-4105-b55a-da0eec1fe6b2	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:07:02	955.779
-15	96542	4827100	316f2b0e-8e18-4b09-a934-822b360d4d92	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:15:52	-286.96
-16	48272	4827200	b893ecce-83a5-4823-808c-a07f47021d9e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:40:03	557.382
-16	96544	4827200	8398d43e-8d6e-48ad-828a-a44a207a7650	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:38:04	402.754
-17	48273	4827300	77ca27ce-36e2-4ffe-b966-231f0c02cc7b	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 03:33:53	542.469
-17	96546	4827300	aa7c24f3-1d60-43ff-a900-ccea6696e21c	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 07:57:40	-987.400
-18	48274	4827400	8a9e2af6-7082-47d0-b07b-d65407597a10	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:54:45	-11.622
-18	96548	4827400	ace5b199-a24b-4372-be94-0d5ae39dee41	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 01:35:15	-127.705
-19	48275	4827500	e19643e5-c84d-4d73-b284-318cc0dc0a49	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 19:32:31	155.569
-19	96550	4827500	d2a4eba2-d145-4700-ad10-2b3f82333ef5	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 06:36:34	847.795
-20	48276	4827600	3d49f3d7-250d-460d-9c25-9981f2f43a44	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 06:01:30	326.460
-20	96552	4827600	0b03a018-f608-4517-b001-83a4897d6a69	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 05:35:59	794.834
-21	48277	4827700	36786aa5-0dae-4b70-9717-a1761a282d6c	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 18:15:20	101.110
-21	96554	4827700	e5d1cbab-7417-48ca-b297-5da252b29538	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:55:49	297.596
-22	48278	4827800	03811dd8-c061-4e70-b8c3-b4788d888cc1	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 07:08:29	661.66
-22	96556	4827800	4f102909-fe3e-4b70-b491-a09e3f9f6be4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 12:40:22	263.681
-23	48279	4827900	ba2227cb-87e5-404b-9633-839a61d95fee	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:18:51	-872.548
-23	96558	4827900	58bf8036-8ff4-490f-a979-d118b8b3566b	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 10:11:21	-481.854
-24	48280	4828000	189b8c64-ae02-459e-a435-2f3672c16be6	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:55:02	-479.868
-24	96560	4828000	01a3a10f-4b64-4433-8115-1139113476f9	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:44:57	-750.385
-25	48281	4828100	cc08d852-183f-4c99-b8f5-b1d6ddb8e35e	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:55:27	-532.213
-25	96562	4828100	7856028b-da86-47d8-b3fe-76f1095d1f01	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:01:42	574.809
-26	48282	4828200	74d44959-bed4-4ede-8464-143adcd83994	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:42:49	-143.321
-26	96564	4828200	d56a5500-4316-4946-8406-029bf2ea46c9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 14:58:44	29.165
-27	48283	4828300	3dc1230b-3bb5-42b5-a989-a05fa24b1669	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:07:07	-131.238
-27	96566	4828300	3cf63fc1-56d4-4228-b367-2a1d466d849c	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 02:19:50	-285.894
-28	48284	4828400	1a6639dc-6db4-4beb-9634-9ccbcae28b60	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:33:57	224.918
-28	96568	4828400	d354b16f-634f-4112-86b7-30d6ea12df79	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:09:13	-915.798
-29	48285	4828500	fd8889d8-fb96-4a71-a588-05a760456f53	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 01:53:21	75.980
-29	96570	4828500	d166e702-5a63-42ca-8694-dfd8891cdc57	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:28:31	-882.344
-30	48286	4828600	82d29561-9d7e-4bf4-822a-ebb93fed04cc	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 02:39:32	106.134
-30	96572	4828600	60031b23-012b-4e76-b4cf-295bafb54272	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 05:05:37	32.828
-31	48287	4828700	1b3e4c7d-5759-4779-a61d-f8cc88aa1b43	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:25:11	-152.449
-31	96574	4828700	57f07f88-9153-45a4-a9c6-f885f2cf4129	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 07:18:00	610.279
-32	48288	4828800	50fc43a8-fc9b-4c16-bdde-e6f34c04287b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:41:37	-209.655
-32	96576	4828800	71a9eb7b-2f70-4ac0-a259-09551d9c0a61	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 09:27:59	646.337
-33	48289	4828900	79e20a65-c088-414f-99b5-74eb24e060ca	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 13:46:37	396.527
-33	96578	4828900	3df27382-be8c-4928-b5c1-ff4d44ee3896	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 05:59:01	-734.931
-34	48290	4829000	c4cce9e0-1a5c-4872-8c4e-1e1a36dea56d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:02:16	-976.581
-34	96580	4829000	ee44904b-dda4-47bf-808e-9533129f2fd2	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:44:22	-537.448
-35	48291	4829100	232dcc9d-c775-4389-91b5-5342a52e36ef	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:33:55	-493.646
-35	96582	4829100	38662a49-f0f6-445e-86a2-297874aba6e0	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 02:49:13	-675.962
-36	48292	4829200	588aabbc-3a14-4634-9838-3368cae969ba	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:47:22	-71.98
-36	96584	4829200	6920cb1f-a4e0-4571-9fc3-134a50696e79	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 19:14:57	767.257
-37	48293	4829300	3e25fa79-56af-40d8-a5fc-a1cfb6309a48	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:25:31	-901.780
-37	96586	4829300	d601144e-7262-4f01-8877-cbc8375b3ad6	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:09:33	-50.35
-38	48294	4829400	1a789be2-1220-4d95-ba14-e817ce76f3b3	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:58:30	633.407
-38	96588	4829400	96cc6c3b-8531-4c74-a395-20c7b89034c5	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:30:01	755.843
-39	48295	4829500	ba97e0ba-b4cb-4555-9f17-641d515cb87e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:55:22	-102.887
-39	96590	4829500	dd364d47-f444-4b2d-af99-007df28aa97d	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:01:55	475.480
-40	48296	4829600	38a4ee8c-a0a6-443f-b743-a938fbafb322	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:16:29	29.880
-40	96592	4829600	bbd61877-92e1-4148-aeb7-b4616abe004c	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:46:39	237.189
-41	48297	4829700	1f2e6658-4ff5-43da-ab87-a523cc5a28bd	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:15:14	-541.661
-41	96594	4829700	08c8c4c8-b6c6-43a5-bab3-d872ffd0d13e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:16:51	-690.716
-42	48298	4829800	3cb931bf-d202-46c9-bfaa-c2ee81384b07	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 06:09:09	434.827
-42	96596	4829800	9034032e-5f00-4d19-a9f5-dbaac5ffcd20	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:48:10	3.88
-43	48299	4829900	98564ae9-0a70-4a23-8c33-611ebec2cc7b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 17:13:47	944.695
-43	96598	4829900	15ba3e39-ee47-43ca-8881-e2dd074b4b0a	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:16:56	-39.504
-44	48300	4830000	077b6319-4941-45a5-9bc9-cdebee6bce54	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:57:58	560.975
-44	96600	4830000	fec4d07d-f766-4356-ab9f-adfbf20e00ca	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 04:34:29	-772.624
-45	48301	4830100	dd0c3287-c6a2-4201-bc5e-d96073f9155d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:38:55	401.921
-45	96602	4830100	187ec4c1-4e38-4def-bc32-ef5d27e037fb	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 12:34:33	300.630
-46	48302	4830200	54146d76-7110-4e52-8d98-036879004aeb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 14:12:35	-665.817
-46	96604	4830200	ffa44926-5fe5-44e4-bc8b-00f32acbf5e5	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 15:58:29	349.968
-47	48303	4830300	63e62d3a-7a1a-4a9f-9ccd-8d121f6813cf	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:08:49	587.790
-47	96606	4830300	4b59b4c9-80ba-4f40-9983-a7994dba9b5d	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:41:20	378.149
-48	48304	4830400	9fd1f203-5602-4650-ad65-df59fabed2c0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:58:30	855.413
-48	96608	4830400	a203bfc1-63b8-48f4-9653-83555c6fc7e3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:24:51	358.522
-49	48305	4830500	5210e99f-6057-44d4-935e-9264e1153eb0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:32:55	-572.18
-49	96610	4830500	2de4adb6-c3d7-44b3-9f99-9cd9eb204f0b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:43:31	904.501
-50	48306	4830600	0d96be16-c57b-43bc-9ff7-5c8bc8569f25	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:08:44	243.717
-50	96612	4830600	3a69f617-64d6-40a8-9080-f889d7e94733	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 07:14:52	-341.889
-51	48307	4830700	40078248-4fe2-4bbb-8709-5c7b565e5b31	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 07:56:54	880.250
-51	96614	4830700	f0ef7209-1f0f-4352-abda-c61b27697ec6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:10:55	-896.189
-52	48308	4830800	ec72159b-62bb-4906-bbdf-a1f42c0470bb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:54:17	-558.469
-52	96616	4830800	a54d66f4-1b7b-4c5b-9f24-7e50e9dcaadf	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:39:14	693.633
-53	48309	4830900	f83ad687-dd3a-41a3-9467-4d264f78dae8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 12:09:08	-187.327
-53	96618	4830900	7ce38096-a73b-46f3-8f46-79f83b5ffea8	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:28:00	882.315
-54	48310	4831000	31af927b-e3c8-49d2-8512-135fb3fe6b51	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:20:42	879.300
-54	96620	4831000	4ae1d6bb-b676-439e-88c1-5c2214d0fc4c	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 07:51:37	-425.200
-55	48311	4831100	40972906-2e35-4ffe-b927-72bd52e0d971	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:01:15	-687.456
-55	96622	4831100	8d79402a-2d95-426e-a5ef-7e224a49c43d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:07:38	450.119
-56	48312	4831200	cbd00118-ebcf-4814-b318-7499e60cba21	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:05:27	-235.495
-56	96624	4831200	9643d99e-b2d9-41d2-be77-849ce4fff3e4	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 02:58:25	-960.918
-57	48313	4831300	ce890242-e37d-41f9-83fd-dde0da302901	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:54:58	-828.219
-57	96626	4831300	9eaff4bb-4db2-43fc-9ddc-0ef804d7807d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:42:05	956.886
-58	48314	4831400	c4d258f2-72dd-41cb-89e4-383c0ef18e12	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:38:37	417.382
-58	96628	4831400	5e22a1eb-a6a6-43cb-8b22-1990d15d734b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 23:51:45	71.599
-59	48315	4831500	4b99a7bf-5335-4c3d-bae5-edecae105c6b	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:04:11	615.362
-59	96630	4831500	10547e33-fcbe-4c14-a799-62a818a3d4dd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 15:12:39	626.956
-60	48316	4831600	3f767ba9-316f-4547-bebc-7094cea75b8d	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:35:11	259.911
-60	96632	4831600	b84541e8-0faa-4099-bc3c-2ccbcbfe4740	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 04:43:53	-132.260
-61	48317	4831700	2c7bccd2-8a19-45a4-9d14-bb5279712c82	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:08:24	735.945
-61	96634	4831700	d38b0274-5f59-4734-8206-407b597e3412	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:51:08	960.417
-62	48318	4831800	3391bc29-ad93-4744-b2fc-9fe5ca1e37a2	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 00:26:13	-345.184
-62	96636	4831800	caf2c3b8-d2a5-4455-ab28-8a87c141ce48	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:18:43	242.15
-63	48319	4831900	e2dddd32-ae4b-4a69-a82b-ae3f2a7b6310	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:39:42	182.305
-63	96638	4831900	2f3bf814-b1a5-4c7a-8624-4800cb0a2c84	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 14:26:58	-706.99
-64	48320	4832000	c6894fde-1ff6-49c1-a66f-c37badefcb9c	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:15:50	590.726
-64	96640	4832000	e1379246-4cb6-48aa-aa67-21d8ebd95f59	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 16:29:17	-629.879
-65	48321	4832100	ad18c2b0-44e0-4bfb-bfe1-89d981ffc7b8	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 06:40:22	-17.387
-65	96642	4832100	bca84630-6875-4dec-bdb5-2c05e1e9b20d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 03:24:20	-247.380
-66	48322	4832200	f1427089-719b-4070-8434-af8734d5fcd2	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 10:03:10	192.663
-66	96644	4832200	3480e299-224b-4acc-beea-7bd81f0d6bb5	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 04:28:56	-405.186
-67	48323	4832300	c1cdb5be-1b69-4996-aac8-545b6dbb0206	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 19:47:39	565.117
-67	96646	4832300	7e7b3663-d28d-445d-aee8-bb4ee4036774	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:35:41	877.331
-68	48324	4832400	7921a293-24b3-4997-bf31-480d2e4bd9ac	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 05:29:51	961.39
-68	96648	4832400	ca53e1b7-9a7e-43a2-9a6c-bd58c26a1f88	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:15:08	-916.970
-69	48325	4832500	a852f017-7b11-4976-9f94-1b7172e8d9e6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:29:34	377.400
-69	96650	4832500	c58f4b2a-b30d-436c-8c6c-59b18a15f5f6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:30:14	-185.3
-70	48326	4832600	a9751bfa-5875-4eb8-8256-0340a8ec29e8	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 07:47:38	854.247
-70	96652	4832600	3c7326f6-511c-424f-837a-1cf6d34a50ae	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:22:14	-21.160
-71	48327	4832700	fdc7f22d-80c7-4143-9aca-9a92e6ec4cf2	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:07:16	-643.534
-71	96654	4832700	181af7f7-d2e7-43db-9862-32750197928d	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 00:52:23	61.211
-72	48328	4832800	f541fa4d-a23d-4977-b011-e7af31ac099d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 10:46:56	-353.276
-72	96656	4832800	b5b53be8-3d36-4823-9807-6d24cbfd62c5	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 06:38:51	749.27
-73	48329	4832900	9bc614ed-828f-413b-8f9d-4f30912509b0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:17:45	58.294
-73	96658	4832900	edf828ca-831e-4c4c-8ae0-78fe39cce1fc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:45:24	710.754
-74	48330	4833000	73c2133c-a8b8-481c-a5c4-c022e8ce7ffd	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:40:27	-903.664
-74	96660	4833000	f1bdb7f5-a2c8-460d-a50a-4617ca0a3c5d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 04:20:44	-949.377
-75	48331	4833100	f3ba5f0a-084f-43c8-ab47-dafe0f97c64d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 02:42:22	-459.874
-75	96662	4833100	80cbbda2-289d-4be5-b51e-bdd56c86f180	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:27:44	-534.168
-76	48332	4833200	e64096b1-dfce-467e-8bf0-ce8d188cc78c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 22:25:14	613.684
-76	96664	4833200	c9e0ebc7-143f-4175-b507-f488c8134271	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 17:50:12	104.443
-77	48333	4833300	ee42aa53-3c45-4692-8433-d6ebabfbb49f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 05:15:31	-478.540
-77	96666	4833300	5d314cab-3fb0-467e-b522-f76ed2a0f6fd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:26:55	-746.666
-78	48334	4833400	d9bb286e-25e7-4a74-960e-6f9dffc197de	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 19:46:45	519.138
-78	96668	4833400	6da0f5b4-4797-4903-bd70-ccdfafc1c5df	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 02:15:13	-346.764
-79	48335	4833500	7720255d-aff0-4107-bc35-748189678dd9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:21:21	-580.690
-79	96670	4833500	f2f896fc-5008-4f7c-9b9d-19536fe57824	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:36:35	435.59
-80	48336	4833600	8258c5ca-d451-475c-8a14-7371a08768a1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:12:38	-279.453
-80	96672	4833600	7c4c8cc8-dcdc-4ba1-a8bf-a69e1d06f503	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:57:58	-280.702
-81	48337	4833700	5a0ed70f-6230-436b-baa4-f3d7a81c3e13	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 21:50:17	-221.907
-81	96674	4833700	d1dfdee0-fffc-4e35-a927-9ffb3c4d69b6	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:49:47	-254.735
-82	48338	4833800	c7cb8f3e-a940-42c2-9df8-dadd7991f68f	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 17:46:21	-349.515
-82	96676	4833800	5636c2e7-0ff3-4688-8ec9-7c3672387aa4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:04:38	-766.765
-83	48339	4833900	6c81addc-a38b-458f-86f7-a0982685dd6a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:56:15	-580.559
-83	96678	4833900	9f318346-40e9-44a0-9266-bad1ba158911	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 23:02:58	580.235
-84	48340	4834000	97c68d56-4512-4155-b88a-a38972e38714	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 10:45:43	-708.357
-84	96680	4834000	8dd1e5e5-422e-492a-84c3-2c7ee1767da9	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 14:09:55	798.83
-85	48341	4834100	1b539fad-91b6-4732-8af2-ae719daea3d6	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:02:07	287.171
-85	96682	4834100	26f54244-641b-48c2-aa97-206c133b4890	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:32:47	373.805
-86	48342	4834200	ad53af39-cffd-4129-9862-15c50c97e809	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:38:28	793.870
-86	96684	4834200	5834f2c4-1536-4bfa-a14d-e25f4937b09c	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:36:57	260.87
-87	48343	4834300	40a68ef7-be64-4cea-9e8f-1412d36a5b38	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 10:42:10	106.949
-87	96686	4834300	fb307508-7887-4bb2-b6d4-6364518d2cba	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 21:35:08	249.927
-88	48344	4834400	cb870c29-8a34-4369-b51f-5fce2bd4b12b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:53:38	642.814
-88	96688	4834400	dd926227-3b9f-478d-9e44-353ca867678c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 09:50:49	-207.181
-89	48345	4834500	967c7a92-c42c-4bc4-adb8-3b51905a1483	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 23:30:32	-938.184
-89	96690	4834500	441aa295-fca8-4a69-b1d0-cb0a522f39d7	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:16:13	-210.243
-90	48346	4834600	ba2b80a6-bb9d-41fd-909b-29aae90f8646	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 04:27:30	88.851
-90	96692	4834600	a043e7a3-2e14-4e0f-bdb7-c532778d0ae6	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 17:13:39	937.240
-91	48347	4834700	c8830212-68ea-4b1c-9f65-d5015d891081	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:37:18	-237.457
-91	96694	4834700	c1c265d5-6732-4675-8ff5-f66889295a5c	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:21:07	323.683
-92	48348	4834800	3df91f75-cf5d-488e-916d-d580025a8694	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:55:18	945.257
-92	96696	4834800	066015ed-beb9-4970-b2bd-8e93eae8459b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 14:12:59	-131.97
-93	48349	4834900	b1a3e2d4-b6b1-4e32-88fb-800089185bc4	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 02:26:15	-428.686
-93	96698	4834900	90b42945-6df9-4295-8a72-89f2978ec6ef	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 08:06:28	436.299
-94	48350	4835000	8cd4473b-706f-4d87-b9b2-46b381dafbdd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:49:28	-366.205
-94	96700	4835000	820d8864-12e6-4a8c-aa4b-61b9e6622327	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:26:57	688.57
-95	48351	4835100	7f8d3ae4-ac20-484b-a731-bedd5fded72f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:25:09	207.885
-95	96702	4835100	fa44bdb2-c4aa-4e52-8386-7efafd4f0122	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 00:36:12	138.792
-96	48352	4835200	bcc69505-0034-41e1-b2b7-26cbe2065632	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 17:00:25	-24.635
-96	96704	4835200	a2cb31d2-cf5e-4aac-98d9-cbb393f48cba	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:02:58	-981.577
-97	48353	4835300	2a53cbdc-bcfe-46f1-a92f-eca4359b55a2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:05:38	-857.334
-97	96706	4835300	9d623333-226d-4cb9-9c0a-2bf57059d357	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:03:08	-450.35
-98	48354	4835400	0b88a673-469f-4431-9cee-20ee8b4e9aaf	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:10:04	-483.756
-98	96708	4835400	6e94933e-5aeb-4719-9e75-7443e22f3813	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:41:00	505.429
-99	48355	4835500	06600819-b582-4f37-bd9d-e781ab66ae66	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:08:39	967.458
-99	96710	4835500	17dc6a50-b370-4a87-afbb-4355d04315ca	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 17:02:53	646.527
-100	48356	4835600	acd5ea41-0513-4dad-93a4-5484991c1650	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:06:30	995.591
-100	96712	4835600	466cf44e-aa27-45b3-9491-c68343cdca30	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:24:29	-628.923
-101	48357	4835700	86d07f15-d95c-4cc9-aa07-edc28860b890	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:09:34	155.347
-101	96714	4835700	fbfa8031-6639-478a-a28e-669a26fc3fe4	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:06:31	-187.666
-102	48358	4835800	9f588289-d282-47ed-a0ea-02076ace07bf	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:42:00	511.544
-102	96716	4835800	b34310b1-c35c-41e9-91bd-b602f2a5e8c4	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:10:53	950.478
-103	48359	4835900	22e20cd2-b30a-487f-b79b-7eb36616fb26	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:07:10	11.350
-103	96718	4835900	b0a1111e-4dee-48f8-80c5-a67f009757ea	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 10:09:17	-687.489
-104	48360	4836000	9e08c413-c33d-4ed9-be5d-92c6fd00f13c	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:12:52	146.132
-104	96720	4836000	f306e22d-4772-49e7-94bb-a67c9211c03c	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:01:38	-495.520
-105	48361	4836100	d79c2852-eadf-4841-9d4d-253a12dfe3b9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 11:11:13	-342.984
-105	96722	4836100	a57bdc45-4752-41c4-af11-21a926b345c3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 10:35:08	-505.227
-106	48362	4836200	887386a9-0fa2-48ed-8274-a27da2f6a6e4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 05:23:27	-645.370
-106	96724	4836200	92529834-0439-442b-93d9-4f1567b286a7	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 17:52:14	981.798
-107	48363	4836300	08e9f01b-59cf-4cf1-a694-bda7589adbaa	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 06:51:58	-635.107
-107	96726	4836300	190e7ae3-813d-40e6-ba67-f5af28f2233e	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:04:10	-503.183
-108	48364	4836400	dabd4bdd-63fc-4d93-843d-0a8e534bec60	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 03:44:00	-478.287
-108	96728	4836400	184b9fcf-89bb-4ab5-9aef-3264c07db06a	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 20:47:59	-353.779
-109	48365	4836500	300a56d4-85c4-4630-86bd-f64dbfe36ba1	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 22:18:56	886.12
-109	96730	4836500	937ac6f7-8cda-48c0-8979-4de12f6bef91	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 01:28:52	379.271
-110	48366	4836600	efdfc5ed-06b6-445d-a3e5-e90964498909	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:52:11	-346.773
-110	96732	4836600	6ecad7f7-5c3d-4eb5-bdfd-653af2b5a047	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:53:56	539.207
-111	48367	4836700	c0b4b1b2-849f-409d-aa4e-9afbf0f84638	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:37:16	-273.278
-111	96734	4836700	5dce8ef2-da92-4c94-8b9c-bc474efb9104	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:12:38	-114.761
-112	48368	4836800	e2d141a2-6103-41a7-b0fd-edb734c8826b	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 06:25:40	85.425
-112	96736	4836800	78ca7dd2-e69e-4b4f-8509-0d06b6ac2b89	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 11:49:20	574.786
-113	48369	4836900	a6c95b27-d116-4859-87ff-21706682dbba	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 07:55:15	178.887
-113	96738	4836900	3d4a340c-d3e2-47b0-98b0-7ca90eecdce5	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 11:28:52	751.63
-114	48370	4837000	62742cb5-b2b3-48ad-a4b8-4fdffe0b4712	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:52:48	707.335
-114	96740	4837000	48c6b1c0-ea37-41f0-840d-d6ad4c94b621	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:13:55	-471.158
-115	48371	4837100	bcfdf62e-3293-4545-9aa1-a81266103452	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:12:52	970.987
-115	96742	4837100	c7493c05-af63-482d-bda1-f361daca1578	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:49:32	-634.919
-116	48372	4837200	28161e0c-953f-4ecf-84f3-53c5f78235ec	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:56:31	-563.465
-116	96744	4837200	b9f5d0bf-58c6-4709-ba0b-7d8c02960e4e	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:41:39	120.222
-117	48373	4837300	4aabb73d-0e7f-4d8c-959e-90c91af988e8	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 16:07:35	-989.334
-117	96746	4837300	7852102b-781d-478b-83f2-6856178070f1	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 01:28:58	935.553
-118	48374	4837400	3918b546-ee1f-4a28-899a-2cc8d237a7c0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:52:05	-374.566
-118	96748	4837400	d62573ba-9dee-4059-90f9-20de4abd2111	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 04:21:23	396.101
-119	48375	4837500	6d3b0105-9595-453e-a455-ef16fc419e93	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:28:35	449.267
-119	96750	4837500	e75a65f1-0b2d-4fe2-bead-e33f85c71663	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:38:15	-201.770
-120	48376	4837600	c06f8440-e600-47ef-abe8-50ead0071020	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:12:36	-93.940
-120	96752	4837600	da55a57b-9278-4042-ac60-56ca7b82e136	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 19:37:30	-225.992
-121	48377	4837700	8c2bf183-3ee1-4043-898a-cb10a2df67c8	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:04:50	530.938
-121	96754	4837700	24be18a7-823c-43aa-a8c0-2960ad6e3d6a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 19:28:27	-236.324
-122	48378	4837800	4df893d7-86a9-4e8f-9f93-63b610ebb80f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:47:27	-548.980
-122	96756	4837800	3e195528-f7cd-4d60-ba31-90bb7e17c425	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 14:50:00	304.807
-123	48379	4837900	cadf0ea8-46ac-4dd3-9473-6e1d18ac37bc	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 20:48:51	822.480
-123	96758	4837900	0529b415-1209-4e1b-9c2a-3d855c49bac7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:32:47	-489.836
-124	48380	4838000	9837c329-a534-4eb7-8bbe-31878869a9db	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 16:57:21	-326.591
-124	96760	4838000	4725aacd-9845-47da-bdde-8b8376bdae40	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:14:56	-592.340
-125	48381	4838100	ec9d5102-1cd2-476f-91d1-0095a9e47dd7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:46:28	-867.805
-125	96762	4838100	940ab6f5-9ea3-4eb3-97fa-a425575a1e6f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:51:20	653.807
-126	48382	4838200	f3a99581-ea46-401e-8229-8dccd33946db	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 20:52:05	-15.848
-126	96764	4838200	2d27e5d0-d2a5-4136-9099-1aae77787763	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:21:28	-710.871
-127	48383	4838300	fac81fc1-9887-4b9a-a196-7b00032a7c7e	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 15:27:02	953.161
-127	96766	4838300	1cf82b71-2b6b-45e0-bd70-9c7add577c1f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:54:55	913.355
-0	48384	4838400	1ae8e8ee-4a3a-4f4b-a6fd-84968487488e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:45:22	-928.823
-0	96768	4838400	fd5c3304-6139-4af4-aac2-d40362aa9d64	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:54:41	-137.747
-1	48385	4838500	6ecbb574-36cc-433f-a8d1-14e628066abb	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 23:17:59	32.719
-1	96770	4838500	71223988-469c-4d72-acda-096b66c3eae4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:08:33	898.793
-2	48386	4838600	a76a533f-951b-4fca-9e00-357c0ac45de3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:27:43	-482.793
-2	96772	4838600	cd4595ca-9590-43d3-8bd8-a2cfd42139c0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 19:28:07	347.362
-3	48387	4838700	8b1aa617-dde3-4888-af6e-b51df7fe1c48	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 05:38:10	-676.4
-3	96774	4838700	0cc82d9b-58d0-40d5-b709-062571791bf1	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 01:12:19	476.408
-4	48388	4838800	71c60df6-2ceb-41ea-bc79-ac2924e19440	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:47:18	638.804
-4	96776	4838800	2840cd30-ed8b-4acc-9ea0-82c397c3e1d7	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:55:40	323.455
-5	48389	4838900	d69fbea5-9e19-4871-b2ef-21ed708ef0d2	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 14:03:51	-649.381
-5	96778	4838900	0931ede8-7a11-45e3-8ee6-ff4774fa0d9f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:15:34	-909.928
-6	48390	4839000	bfa91512-327d-46be-8cb1-ad1fa2c89c0d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 17:41:12	-592.262
-6	96780	4839000	f7a15ca4-e9b7-49af-9be9-cc009c84ad63	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:11:46	298.305
-7	48391	4839100	ed82fba5-97cd-4180-82db-54f335e1ece0	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:19:41	-13.719
-7	96782	4839100	dfbd4253-ba95-423d-a660-258affc7f6c6	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 05:42:38	266.194
-8	48392	4839200	d0030331-3a97-4479-99e2-1af9d17b68cc	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:33:56	118.211
-8	96784	4839200	6cab0f3c-a045-44b3-a86f-adc2a2df8a53	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:35:15	875.598
-9	48393	4839300	edae84fd-e02c-4ef7-a9a9-e59b33c762ae	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:05:58	91.875
-9	96786	4839300	e98c4f64-e890-478e-9c19-77c0fb649ed0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 08:58:01	253.977
-10	48394	4839400	fae35de6-626c-4952-a763-2a43e20e639e	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:03:09	-482.854
-10	96788	4839400	2bf36f9c-c199-4815-9d15-71f4c1d16cc2	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 14:47:01	-227.970
-11	48395	4839500	537be510-03e7-4119-8f36-8638ad6d86f3	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:08:28	632.90
-11	96790	4839500	b2523879-487d-4d03-8be0-23135c78b1d8	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 09:58:10	745.172
-12	48396	4839600	3ffed131-d3af-4ce8-a9bb-a5bc1dd9ee08	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 06:41:45	445.716
-12	96792	4839600	12d5d22d-a196-42b2-aec1-d3644cee9434	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:10:45	-156.881
-13	48397	4839700	e01c4f0a-cf74-40b1-aa1e-d257a276d083	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:35:06	-714.956
-13	96794	4839700	dda6d776-937a-4530-a240-c71b1e8c1aa5	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:10:44	123.212
-14	48398	4839800	2de24734-fea8-47cf-8697-d92703f61571	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 14:58:30	-124.422
-14	96796	4839800	5f4f2417-431b-4432-bfd2-6b209bdd9ed8	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 05:12:20	584.823
-15	48399	4839900	cda277ea-9b17-4714-ad98-126e6fe71ad6	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:26:55	-336.987
-15	96798	4839900	2173558d-d7f4-472c-b0af-b31d285fafb7	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 16:19:35	860.620
-16	48400	4840000	82229f59-51d2-4286-b1c9-916c4bd2d0cc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 20:44:13	-420.700
-16	96800	4840000	388889f9-b7d2-44ed-b11f-4c8f7e1410c6	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:33:47	860.135
-17	48401	4840100	8bbc3c26-ccb8-40ca-9ae6-f17b1538cd24	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:06:42	516.956
-17	96802	4840100	37629751-296e-44df-9514-38d296b10833	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 19:49:49	71.960
-18	48402	4840200	9a45a28e-c0ad-4f9c-89cb-5b55c74ce91f	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:09:27	-405.283
-18	96804	4840200	5fc5d3e7-fb91-4d46-a91f-405dfce43ad2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:58:50	295.907
-19	48403	4840300	cf63ed33-d7b0-4f13-964b-842f21168fbc	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:04:58	-736.697
-19	96806	4840300	59030b86-fb46-4d51-b922-f93fa9b99bfa	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:34:23	677.891
-20	48404	4840400	ea4dae5f-681b-47a7-9eef-65a73b3ea47f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 13:52:42	149.361
-20	96808	4840400	b75ba6ce-5adc-4413-b1dd-397442248045	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:30:13	317.257
-21	48405	4840500	eabf6bf3-807f-43ea-b5af-04271fefb0e4	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:43:44	-889.837
-21	96810	4840500	4e53a9b4-1c1e-4c4d-b490-c84e34e63cd7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:52:07	-479.715
-22	48406	4840600	f905da95-a270-4970-ba26-5d5ae26dcca8	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 10:08:15	813.86
-22	96812	4840600	c7d055c7-6ad5-492a-9a1d-2f0b90f474ab	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 16:42:43	-211.494
-23	48407	4840700	4ee20c94-7743-4b25-9e3e-46c89672c77d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:16:04	-259.604
-23	96814	4840700	f2927163-fb29-4a32-9a24-eef2dae0d808	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:05:17	-529.504
-24	48408	4840800	48bf0d51-d358-436e-8715-056959fba26c	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:49:59	500.434
-24	96816	4840800	86368106-f3af-4022-b921-d7fc1ffbfebe	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:43:38	0.648
-25	48409	4840900	4746a899-f93a-45b3-93d1-810613b51c82	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:52:56	225.452
-25	96818	4840900	2df26c90-5646-4dfc-9af1-02ba78f11701	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:42:58	-89.18
-26	48410	4841000	1280ada8-d5b8-4104-b53d-f0d9498f7474	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:54:57	-259.260
-26	96820	4841000	6fc39efb-47bf-4fa0-8174-1811dd65df86	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:05:13	-710.215
-27	48411	4841100	539a45db-b74e-4337-8076-937883cb744b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 21:33:11	-383.24
-27	96822	4841100	8b20e3d3-bd43-477b-8167-bbf7dceb9e54	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 03:11:15	-222.945
-28	48412	4841200	e5350084-c24f-4175-b0ef-dadd68195b0e	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:29:36	137.976
-28	96824	4841200	cb6f613b-f63f-42cb-9295-c3fdec162d90	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:18:19	-55.7
-29	48413	4841300	5dd239f3-0ae9-4767-bdd8-a2a7ad29f0c7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 15:40:01	72.7
-29	96826	4841300	3419b1d6-2f72-4170-9ccd-0b663ee780c3	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 21:02:45	-755.724
-30	48414	4841400	c0c46a69-a0dd-4d6e-9d25-479cf48478d4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 19:48:23	485.881
-30	96828	4841400	88890b78-05d8-4523-a4a9-0fd5ce28ace5	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:10:53	671.391
-31	48415	4841500	1cdcb916-981d-403b-8e58-0c65562fe623	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:41:05	-184.463
-31	96830	4841500	467d4ed9-6091-4c47-96ef-43fb3df4942c	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 01:56:11	28.357
-32	48416	4841600	c5a03d3b-2ffb-471e-b02e-3a7f800a43f2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 11:22:38	778.902
-32	96832	4841600	f8c7849b-b05b-4263-8f34-36b552c4a66f	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 21:45:30	-66.854
-33	48417	4841700	19e13fd6-978e-4062-ae91-ccec1fce13fd	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 03:44:07	458.690
-33	96834	4841700	0db1a32e-2f15-4e33-9401-f281826c1e86	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:00:58	709.622
-34	48418	4841800	15a8a3f0-4aa4-47ee-81fd-0c70b6cddac6	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 06:30:51	-999.924
-34	96836	4841800	c9bab996-2839-416f-99af-18fa70bf8199	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 12:57:23	-510.164
-35	48419	4841900	5576dd03-81a4-407a-8881-5a89739ecd60	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:05:47	966.537
-35	96838	4841900	f6554dd3-3724-48c7-af94-44248103d1c9	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:06:55	-372.52
-36	48420	4842000	ee7448a2-acaf-4506-a8a3-2db46656e6b1	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:47:41	792.817
-36	96840	4842000	26ad7ad4-2e4c-4bcd-b119-ba6b6b67bbd5	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 20:16:22	-547.434
-37	48421	4842100	fbcdce42-6248-40b5-9d79-0b1ec1f28b97	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:05:00	219.283
-37	96842	4842100	cd04c90e-de71-441e-bb42-0f3b6874454a	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 04:55:40	726.60
-38	48422	4842200	80c81d45-a40c-461f-bd4f-644fb001f689	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:46:07	26.379
-38	96844	4842200	60aa5150-baa8-4ef2-893c-e1a7c5e472a6	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 21:09:07	-522.409
-39	48423	4842300	7eb4e4e9-bd05-4f40-99c8-e86273fe0618	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:33:05	-571.818
-39	96846	4842300	a7dba402-f7cc-4078-aa5f-f876e0b29940	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:07:19	-744.608
-40	48424	4842400	b0eb5f44-c058-42e8-b1f2-62206edefe55	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:52:42	242.145
-40	96848	4842400	8243dfcd-fa98-4302-858c-1b848887141d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 13:06:54	663.555
-41	48425	4842500	db0840a9-5979-49ca-abb1-9f012bcc8254	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:14:31	-227.768
-41	96850	4842500	6966c3de-8b27-45f1-a87f-400e56d7bc18	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:09:26	-706.741
-42	48426	4842600	14179c83-1d71-4987-a05e-b4bf65a721a2	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 16:50:30	649.898
-42	96852	4842600	dbc4cd8c-327e-4380-b7d3-82598e82ed7c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:32:24	-318.210
-43	48427	4842700	59240324-c1ab-4ebb-bc18-0458f8148002	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 09:41:54	-265.770
-43	96854	4842700	8263bed4-128a-47a9-8616-ca894fe7331e	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:28:16	12.214
-44	48428	4842800	a0a1f5dc-e5f0-4216-a429-fc07c5a6456f	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 02:29:29	-971.928
-44	96856	4842800	97e358f4-a0dd-4a91-ab74-7d0b0b4641f9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:49:44	884.644
-45	48429	4842900	bfcfb8de-9179-48da-bcf8-565e2f5b2964	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:22:28	472.450
-45	96858	4842900	b0d91a71-356d-41d6-9e63-601a56735dd4	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 17:57:58	32.985
-46	48430	4843000	8bbdf72c-7e74-4d46-9478-2849213e32b5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 02:20:13	-325.324
-46	96860	4843000	bc4391ba-58b3-4f63-89cb-1fbfda7e2e86	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:44:31	600.44
-47	48431	4843100	0315f1ea-8abf-424a-8be9-ebbb6a5630df	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:02:39	-204.987
-47	96862	4843100	dc611c51-e93e-4063-9ccb-ad3fbdc76a2d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 20:51:50	-157.273
-48	48432	4843200	31a52747-d534-47ee-965a-9c13b5c1f7fa	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 14:18:33	-610.923
-48	96864	4843200	623ff7f9-67ab-49d2-ac11-ff0532ef320e	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:29:07	889.604
-49	48433	4843300	ea8f6d06-44d8-4fda-9677-265d5b729350	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:06:18	-237.371
-49	96866	4843300	4c1dfcce-af2e-4fbc-b266-ea947dfb05e9	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 21:06:33	243.828
-50	48434	4843400	3e856d80-679e-4821-9256-562c316ffcdc	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:53:19	803.192
-50	96868	4843400	3d05fd77-02d6-4d1b-8a84-5d674f7a1af8	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:32:04	-234.894
-51	48435	4843500	06f782a6-3b38-445e-9d29-395f6452f828	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:42:20	410.717
-51	96870	4843500	dd316888-5a41-414c-9271-c06da28888f2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:10:48	932.509
-52	48436	4843600	89068e44-b4d6-418d-a3e4-017bb5dd7071	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:29:24	-169.697
-52	96872	4843600	e1f01d76-e09a-4f51-92bf-347e6ca6ced2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:07:24	-683.530
-53	48437	4843700	6840d9f8-7159-4c56-8767-cda1a8b09d7b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:57:20	306.707
-53	96874	4843700	bf31f1de-f8b7-47db-ae7f-66aeaf1cd652	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 14:18:39	238.513
-54	48438	4843800	080c34ed-4a27-484b-8f86-aa9816ae92b5	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 15:38:46	-697.788
-54	96876	4843800	a49aa4a3-0249-48b0-b93d-6677385a4efc	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 14:33:15	-787.442
-55	48439	4843900	93483c62-788f-4f50-88ec-af446eaa8206	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 23:13:19	-405.644
-55	96878	4843900	fa0f5af4-22c9-4b1b-9760-c3fdc93ca4ab	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 22:13:46	-35.814
-56	48440	4844000	a1b7eee0-be13-4fc1-9478-d5bb8434406c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 01:58:11	-321.248
-56	96880	4844000	3ac3ca3f-0281-46bc-8fd6-79add3b4b491	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:02:15	897.636
-57	48441	4844100	7bd3e244-6be3-49b2-8247-51edf893c564	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:36:22	-566.283
-57	96882	4844100	a170506b-237a-43b6-a9d9-6f3df7e0502d	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:31:46	-352.164
-58	48442	4844200	eb741478-2860-4513-846e-59c8b9b85c8f	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 06:12:11	-731.344
-58	96884	4844200	3a720411-17c2-45cb-8a6b-7aafdf569457	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:08:09	-492.752
-59	48443	4844300	f9910fad-ad3e-4ca2-8e5e-a843d8d67d1a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:31:21	546.21
-59	96886	4844300	1a342544-0f37-409c-aa1c-f9ac0919bcf5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:19:41	890.816
-60	48444	4844400	ddcd7483-3793-4c77-a4f7-55f6dc2c02c8	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:35:43	214.662
-60	96888	4844400	a8714da6-198e-4a81-94f2-60eeb7c87b1f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:04:51	237.556
-61	48445	4844500	0a31de4b-e331-479c-ac9e-f3a275f98d27	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 07:35:50	601.844
-61	96890	4844500	5b38f068-2b41-404b-ab8c-386356caf0fb	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:21:58	75.449
-62	48446	4844600	a5d8bc57-452b-431c-9253-233202292e44	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 18:35:11	861.88
-62	96892	4844600	9f873034-8cc7-4755-a309-5007de92f178	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:24:14	-657.505
-63	48447	4844700	2eae99f6-20a3-4144-8297-9da9c918935b	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:31:06	-795.198
-63	96894	4844700	407da030-d7d1-4e46-8bd2-a2ac30a505b0	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:29:22	460.39
-64	48448	4844800	930b8895-4dd8-4a85-95d2-bbd3e72a3fd4	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:12:04	296.252
-64	96896	4844800	c2c25b3d-2448-4c15-b7fe-570859f00fb1	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:48:56	-33.797
-65	48449	4844900	ea8a6939-5682-4feb-af99-a485c9c4b991	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:56:28	199.178
-65	96898	4844900	67ad1dbc-8070-4af9-a90a-93ecc1cf5631	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 19:26:10	-667.191
-66	48450	4845000	550b5b59-df68-4b77-843f-b208fb802ef7	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:48:07	314.693
-66	96900	4845000	ba918d5f-f4c9-46d7-b2fe-7fd6d0b14a7f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 21:07:50	822.61
-67	48451	4845100	aca45776-86d2-4f29-af99-6e10572fb57e	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:49:22	-676.922
-67	96902	4845100	e505e5de-6290-41d3-8808-7148e1925e09	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 05:03:34	79.425
-68	48452	4845200	ea9ae8ef-28e8-480e-8db7-8bb3275c6434	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:24:51	-497.906
-68	96904	4845200	d1720519-4a30-451c-8abf-13b7c6daabad	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:45:08	-120.168
-69	48453	4845300	09a4e003-e6a9-4d3a-9b89-6b15da6e1cc8	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 17:35:09	-222.405
-69	96906	4845300	6a127ab2-df10-4723-8a03-36bc2610f54f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:41:57	-391.715
-70	48454	4845400	5d1caaee-ce63-4f9c-a1da-88281564ef3f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:57:34	-103.910
-70	96908	4845400	6e743010-9476-43ab-8d00-4377410aac24	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 18:10:26	609.322
-71	48455	4845500	7542e579-93b6-4cd3-b3d6-e52016c2f19e	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:54:34	-68.560
-71	96910	4845500	3c6fb4f0-318c-43c9-bc18-15a541a40ba8	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:33:04	994.266
-72	48456	4845600	0cd39120-1eac-401d-ab89-a72717d2402a	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:05:10	828.515
-72	96912	4845600	f6e93008-afde-4552-add8-3edb7361efcf	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 07:55:28	703.709
-73	48457	4845700	268a4540-424c-4e3d-80d3-b00270be209b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:55:28	426.225
-73	96914	4845700	63dc3ce8-885c-4949-bd00-629fabb681b3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 17:11:23	-600.477
-74	48458	4845800	fcb3f626-5ab2-4f39-8b94-0f5b2017bd33	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:35:23	166.606
-74	96916	4845800	0ec11e16-c0a4-4308-bf4a-2e0671fd6a61	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:51:37	893.964
-75	48459	4845900	c9f27c88-fb34-49ce-81fa-e3a3a86124c3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 22:33:20	-287.789
-75	96918	4845900	62527a5b-8bbd-49c8-84f0-685b9b692394	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 09:22:17	224.431
-76	48460	4846000	f21f9cd0-0021-4f5c-8ba4-729f0ab7e65b	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:18:18	148.45
-76	96920	4846000	1f79d54f-ea45-491b-85e7-dada257ecaea	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 16:06:00	330.798
-77	48461	4846100	c7fc4996-61c4-4317-b501-0056a45432f7	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:22:15	216.108
-77	96922	4846100	c4398e3c-29c0-4e97-874f-34a17c0ea6a0	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:18:36	879.415
-78	48462	4846200	e6dc442b-6396-4ad3-bca1-2e58185da1ad	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 15:01:54	398.679
-78	96924	4846200	33fd9c56-8899-435b-87bb-6ff15c767ae2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 11:57:44	493.882
-79	48463	4846300	570ba0d1-e22e-409f-a975-3e369967eb1c	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:35:14	637.840
-79	96926	4846300	b5191aac-df6e-4566-9413-b233cc89f9e8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:52:26	-198.387
-80	48464	4846400	e1d1285a-d2de-42eb-bd34-56b6c66de66a	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:00:34	-787.9
-80	96928	4846400	2f450617-3d58-455a-b92d-66d401590320	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:39:48	459.609
-81	48465	4846500	6193c315-a94a-4e91-93b5-a528df865ab8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 14:18:26	-607.226
-81	96930	4846500	8a0a11c0-9995-411d-bdb5-16a1c6a93793	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 08:28:20	55.794
-82	48466	4846600	3933b285-3fbf-40ec-93ad-28e167373ddf	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:29:59	-664.59
-82	96932	4846600	701d6386-7ceb-4022-aded-3b06fa967dc3	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:44:25	326.582
-83	48467	4846700	0bfe7a51-0ba0-47d5-96f2-aa179e496efa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:58:53	-937.31
-83	96934	4846700	b97dce99-a75f-425c-8962-cf4c9db35172	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:23:37	906.358
-84	48468	4846800	f7129b8f-0227-4441-b32f-370d746b400d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:33:26	747.484
-84	96936	4846800	d4f17c9d-bf49-4d56-b3e7-7ae4b4106a06	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:13:05	-864.700
-85	48469	4846900	3180a2ce-87e5-462b-b2b9-24c345b2a00e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:23:13	-248.70
-85	96938	4846900	afbab17f-22f0-486a-8d34-1855a9fbd391	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:41:51	713.117
-86	48470	4847000	a312a765-2db8-4ef7-965e-197fe1968f0d	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 00:13:30	551.595
-86	96940	4847000	efde5dba-2254-4bef-afc7-506eeb69e245	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 00:37:27	-404.84
-87	48471	4847100	bd6ba257-9bdc-4326-9f9f-9e23e60c69f5	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 20:49:13	719.301
-87	96942	4847100	275c8e4c-2b6a-4b72-a62f-e120c97c94db	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:44:14	-908.236
-88	48472	4847200	96776fb5-9186-4bbc-bbaa-ed826a6f1131	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 19:15:26	281.836
-88	96944	4847200	0b49c9df-6876-4011-a509-011f96a4a193	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:32:11	481.536
-89	48473	4847300	99a8d800-3fd9-4f95-ace7-df59acd8b461	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 06:44:23	-540.396
-89	96946	4847300	83f8dba8-c74b-48b5-ab02-525403c644c2	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:34:37	163.793
-90	48474	4847400	4826fdf1-5d3d-4add-9eb3-cbdfb7583081	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:56:11	689.693
-90	96948	4847400	56e88720-2f34-458f-89cb-c838213a4c62	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:30:20	286.211
-91	48475	4847500	dd4dd9a5-7b27-44c9-b0c1-00b91b15565d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 05:05:23	-836.270
-91	96950	4847500	4085355a-2db3-4207-9f10-ec20e626735f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 13:05:55	-38.422
-92	48476	4847600	0fd035c0-0674-4958-a23b-66286b50339c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:31:13	193.107
-92	96952	4847600	4bcb2af8-b65f-42d1-b0ee-dbfb41bcf4bb	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:15:59	596.295
-93	48477	4847700	acf7ff9b-4a04-46ab-9d17-d20cf68c0875	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:59:29	-3.217
-93	96954	4847700	a52495c0-52b0-4457-ad3d-c1b676b3ff17	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:25:27	627.918
-94	48478	4847800	dbf7b46a-8abd-4e32-99a8-e502ebb7c682	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 02:37:36	993.671
-94	96956	4847800	3dc0db18-c58b-4eb9-a175-0fb1a33a14e8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 21:34:22	80.810
-95	48479	4847900	a5887edd-fce0-47dd-a107-2695d7242f16	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:29:47	-972.144
-95	96958	4847900	b5fce2bf-d15f-423c-9d24-3dea2a2dca19	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:02:36	277.148
-96	48480	4848000	68cd3695-4888-4c3d-b422-18e5775eb97a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 20:12:21	217.8
-96	96960	4848000	71c2fa2d-91c3-4a14-a2a9-bbba880fa9af	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 23:35:28	-420.290
-97	48481	4848100	37cbba91-9e26-4bee-8c47-0dfdb7e78c9e	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:06:27	331.797
-97	96962	4848100	d5efea2b-6f6a-46df-a73d-3bd5410248f3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 04:00:23	-196.401
-98	48482	4848200	fe7e8779-bef1-48c2-919e-989de9b15a1e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:10:00	-809.774
-98	96964	4848200	be53701a-9b31-43af-a9d4-49dd4b0038ac	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 18:52:58	119.311
-99	48483	4848300	bd3db9c5-b6ba-486c-8782-eb85f2680129	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 11:53:35	-836.198
-99	96966	4848300	34bd052b-2981-4c66-97b5-ec6a6efb72ed	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 19:21:50	-219.78
-100	48484	4848400	acf7652f-1be9-4f06-95c5-b6aa5b0b575b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:22:02	494.847
-100	96968	4848400	be53c36d-3ebf-4857-b935-f4d655698a8b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 18:30:45	778.659
-101	48485	4848500	43e6f55d-b263-4ae5-8748-4bfeebfb26f2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 10:40:43	-660.126
-101	96970	4848500	f110cfba-a277-4dc3-b9ad-34187baef79b	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:23:32	-926.828
-102	48486	4848600	15412d3d-a0ef-4dc9-a15a-233fc5d7a4dd	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:43:39	72.690
-102	96972	4848600	0221ef9f-14da-42d7-a00c-52afbc480b1a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 19:26:03	-542.517
-103	48487	4848700	b59458d3-3c88-41f7-b7c5-43baa4745636	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:17:44	548.434
-103	96974	4848700	56e25c3b-dd2a-4eb2-ae7f-624fe133a041	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 07:04:27	610.71
-104	48488	4848800	ca01b545-e2b1-46dc-be4c-3f5ba39edf11	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 23:34:17	420.457
-104	96976	4848800	3213da9d-94d5-450b-bd1c-71e75dfc68ee	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:50:00	423.491
-105	48489	4848900	38358b19-8220-443a-ace0-478982de2989	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 08:46:39	472.257
-105	96978	4848900	c788863a-9c0e-4174-b7d3-a271fde50f51	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:20:20	597.457
-106	48490	4849000	a197a445-167a-46d7-9452-95cda57c7ee2	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:59:15	-879.731
-106	96980	4849000	cb8561c9-9759-48ec-be86-f98146f33646	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:24:08	828.496
-107	48491	4849100	5a6603fa-b861-4dbd-a436-0073f24c0dd0	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:13:30	-351.562
-107	96982	4849100	6cab82c1-7d9b-4915-87e4-ee2d7d0b9703	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:08:35	-961.336
-108	48492	4849200	d545e51c-5452-4ed7-8e2d-634bb17e53df	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 00:35:37	820.272
-108	96984	4849200	fa3855cb-dd60-4148-9085-a89e8a5fdf8b	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:37:07	-580.394
-109	48493	4849300	da53ec14-acea-43a2-b6d0-23a0e0e5a8cc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:01:40	-821.779
-109	96986	4849300	1acefdc5-3561-441e-9519-d560c382c296	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:06:42	658.152
-110	48494	4849400	b5383841-826a-485c-91fb-07fd3747a354	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 07:45:26	-746.715
-110	96988	4849400	64637725-47ab-44c3-962c-48e8c519826a	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 18:04:57	-419.1
-111	48495	4849500	911138dd-7277-473d-8cc6-0aef9dd707a9	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:09:54	38.945
-111	96990	4849500	f9236afb-d233-4d53-8940-99013578ca9e	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 12:29:39	527.105
-112	48496	4849600	7db4f79b-4a5c-49fc-8491-e32d38a63cc8	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:29:59	862.126
-112	96992	4849600	6cf100ab-400e-468e-9c2f-ba37a0e4780f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 15:13:55	467.124
-113	48497	4849700	1023f6c1-5184-44fb-94bc-24ca5991bc60	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:57:39	670.874
-113	96994	4849700	86083921-613f-4bde-9100-7cb862c87aab	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:02:50	-22.745
-114	48498	4849800	21844943-8ecb-454d-a0e1-114c4a0f6567	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:12:37	863.179
-114	96996	4849800	cfbd2124-4828-4e99-ade0-7f09d2da4cf0	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:23:36	348.978
-115	48499	4849900	f5cd1f0d-49c2-434a-a390-1e2a7d9ef999	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 08:13:23	-704.858
-115	96998	4849900	9c732511-9ed4-4667-9ac9-41b52ce53d2b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:40:33	-40.137
-116	48500	4850000	bf39760d-68ee-4fd9-be0e-2c4547a64e8c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:42:55	-81.668
-116	97000	4850000	ebf8a674-6fb7-44e5-833e-74bf7b8f9707	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:04:04	669.188
-117	48501	4850100	ac7326a8-d072-4a7b-ae14-1a446a1dede6	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 19:28:20	-897.305
-117	97002	4850100	9afdd92a-085a-4b3d-be56-b8942cfd1cbb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:28:57	-484.982
-118	48502	4850200	d5ba8950-b955-4b18-bca7-2996ca693fb7	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:49:30	-161.127
-118	97004	4850200	7aa28206-50be-4b74-a5c2-0a6106df6709	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 00:15:08	788.192
-119	48503	4850300	0cdf4604-e10a-495d-80e1-73a0ea85fe2d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 02:16:12	-761.564
-119	97006	4850300	09a3805a-c69b-430b-8323-a8c79f2cea25	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:51:00	757.977
-120	48504	4850400	33e9e8db-020b-4834-98d4-04bae73a9f07	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:11:36	-818.201
-120	97008	4850400	2df67933-62b8-4b2f-9a73-5f582f8256a0	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:31:57	617.864
-121	48505	4850500	be653222-168a-49f9-bbf5-3827df977c34	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:32:00	-833.297
-121	97010	4850500	cc00dff1-9cbe-4fb3-8662-fcdbe12a02e8	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 12:56:43	807.432
-122	48506	4850600	22734602-aa6b-427d-9236-0ce4a423b2e0	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 16:31:42	557.595
-122	97012	4850600	57d2cbc9-02b4-4019-8a0c-6cef9a4014d0	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:56:20	943.624
-123	48507	4850700	7d886d89-3bbe-4584-9716-7420e7fcba5b	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 08:58:33	702.876
-123	97014	4850700	1cfc4e87-e60b-4bb8-8498-bd142b0326fa	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:48:09	787.220
-124	48508	4850800	06f964a1-73d2-4aa1-84ff-307dc255baf9	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 16:47:21	-60.230
-124	97016	4850800	9058defe-a67c-4f9a-8ddb-0a47cd75b271	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:58:57	818.714
-125	48509	4850900	02d28ef9-86a9-4e82-8be6-feacdf70082c	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:11:33	-946.311
-125	97018	4850900	dc8ad51a-bee0-400b-8afb-202c07f6ccc2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 06:09:45	-636.475
-126	48510	4851000	a35b8f97-0d48-42bc-adf5-e69b00cc6ae9	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 16:30:58	927.950
-126	97020	4851000	6fedf2c8-4a01-413c-b900-e10c65f3bc0f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:16:30	-998.175
-127	48511	4851100	d46a11ef-1a4a-40d6-9876-d90e6f2d6393	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:21:44	-14.387
-127	97022	4851100	bf56444c-4f79-408c-bc7f-0f6c0df03019	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:39:49	437.341
-0	48512	4851200	2b12e979-38f7-4d5e-a58f-7f171a738367	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 16:03:41	-611.649
-0	97024	4851200	35ca8a90-88ce-45f7-bcef-3d85f8a6a1d2	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:16:38	616.748
-1	48513	4851300	6d3e9b02-b1fb-4d7d-ad9d-244c2981dd68	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:32:08	-627.977
-1	97026	4851300	7858a4cb-79ef-4773-9b31-c329085e17e3	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:34:48	638.410
-2	48514	4851400	e4a1ad32-1da9-4438-a20d-21838af4d34e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:12:48	-723.719
-2	97028	4851400	0cdc37e6-d848-4816-ba06-b5e1421076d8	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 17:41:06	528.621
-3	48515	4851500	bb2f479c-ff11-4548-8120-907940426e0e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 05:25:01	330.755
-3	97030	4851500	4cc2a6d9-bd22-4561-a9fb-2411984fd58a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 06:44:53	-462.96
-4	48516	4851600	feaa1fc7-c9fa-4646-9f40-1f46cba8e978	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 13:36:37	-635.343
-4	97032	4851600	8a7a2875-a5c1-458a-8125-b9d41d44f1b0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:06:20	-210.929
-5	48517	4851700	c3222b64-f36c-41f3-aac4-6859b43789eb	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:23:41	417.509
-5	97034	4851700	9cd98979-8292-4920-8749-118c838d14a0	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:48:17	-557.473
-6	48518	4851800	870891a2-1fb0-474a-8cb6-4be5ff25a821	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 01:55:24	663.990
-6	97036	4851800	5365ff81-4367-4c29-92f0-3ddb6993d4f8	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:53:06	-291.571
-7	48519	4851900	8f0fcaf4-9f10-48e1-b55a-8d93d948a017	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:25:04	-96.775
-7	97038	4851900	1fc52242-b378-4866-bfa1-2bd901a9bc01	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 12:00:30	-596.812
-8	48520	4852000	73ed9232-ce88-42c8-b36b-e6590efb1fdf	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:09:14	438.34
-8	97040	4852000	f327e5eb-0121-4935-9778-294320077c79	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:54:44	601.20
-9	48521	4852100	2efdea95-2462-49b1-87fc-bafc72b867d7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 00:10:18	835.955
-9	97042	4852100	60a31f7a-5826-4f8b-a90a-2c496733eb2d	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:44:59	463.74
-10	48522	4852200	5409d5fa-1b46-41d2-b2c8-344fe1eed057	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 15:54:41	-884.212
-10	97044	4852200	80632159-98e1-4955-81a8-1635c03d8103	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:03:54	833.927
-11	48523	4852300	81cdf43d-c868-49f6-81a2-f983b80b6c0a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:14:11	221.615
-11	97046	4852300	ddc6f798-7fd3-4ece-9a23-3a56708aa365	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:02:44	313.842
-12	48524	4852400	3970cd6c-2af3-49b5-b4ef-2decd4ef335e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:07:25	494.367
-12	97048	4852400	ab82d709-2ad2-47f8-937a-ce3ef5c46b65	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 21:08:31	942.708
-13	48525	4852500	6670b407-348d-4099-ae6a-8f01ecf84566	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:48:00	173.160
-13	97050	4852500	0f37e461-42ec-4498-8a5d-2d4fd3ba1182	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:36:34	-710.85
-14	48526	4852600	f1284cd2-915f-4e51-8210-d8f321b3a8de	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:19:20	668.339
-14	97052	4852600	7d5e2b4d-d8b2-454f-9325-4cf6aecb1ac1	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 03:28:16	77.651
-15	48527	4852700	957016ce-9fa7-4d01-9995-91170a3c7b39	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 22:30:30	49.406
-15	97054	4852700	3e0a3a41-cf1c-4870-8ba7-35f91971b76a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 20:59:09	-996.635
-16	48528	4852800	e5abc0ca-3f0a-41a1-a154-d817bdc40b9d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:44:35	-78.542
-16	97056	4852800	5f7d0927-7e79-49bc-8c95-fe747e30328e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:56:17	-567.326
-17	48529	4852900	000ea2ff-8a47-4f48-9db2-c9911ad1eafe	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 14:40:34	-53.377
-17	97058	4852900	95257f78-5a38-4243-b425-2870300867dd	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:19:12	-443.138
-18	48530	4853000	411e4621-aa9b-4b17-b8f6-6596795734d4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 18:49:40	-591.955
-18	97060	4853000	7d7bb65e-394f-4b7b-9504-ea38fe6855df	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 05:54:51	-339.585
-19	48531	4853100	c2b24b8b-d6cd-4ff4-b6e9-8ffba530b367	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:47:47	-272.78
-19	97062	4853100	b64e670f-9f44-41cc-b7d3-1719b6607950	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 12:52:48	331.47
-20	48532	4853200	fb0926e8-6eb0-461c-b8f2-69a7384afcc0	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:06:59	793.624
-20	97064	4853200	157173dd-a165-41a5-8e4c-fdd59280bb48	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:29:56	-510.0
-21	48533	4853300	40ab30ab-56f0-4e39-8b28-fef6bef96241	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:48:03	424.82
-21	97066	4853300	db520619-347d-4309-905c-2c28d8e9d7e6	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:26:03	-344.420
-22	48534	4853400	d3950087-18b1-4f4b-90eb-b30917ff9327	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:21:21	-727.63
-22	97068	4853400	8e12bacb-c053-4764-88eb-f62bc0f8b526	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:08:22	-241.789
-23	48535	4853500	9408f13d-cd98-4574-8f12-9a5d43318cec	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 18:02:15	-252.69
-23	97070	4853500	651003f2-6efa-481f-8bcb-0f145408985e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:34:29	-268.475
-24	48536	4853600	ae7f3bb2-1cd2-451b-bfd2-fe92d52be8ea	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 10:50:00	-69.104
-24	97072	4853600	9e10c55a-cad9-41cc-b8f9-f31b2f9060cd	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:07:39	-174.721
-25	48537	4853700	1772a682-ad36-4f27-89d3-6a6f2e97d083	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:26:10	516.449
-25	97074	4853700	7c7868e7-2229-435e-8f21-733b5a32a720	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 23:36:10	903.935
-26	48538	4853800	7c183f96-bf2b-4e47-a279-18daf30824a9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 23:54:26	-69.773
-26	97076	4853800	9f4bb459-462b-4b80-bef6-a71adfd36ff8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 16:34:21	802.556
-27	48539	4853900	4960a6c0-76e7-47ef-b191-56b1a92968ab	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 20:19:13	246.891
-27	97078	4853900	3d45b6ec-01aa-4766-8c3d-816eb80e8c04	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 14:09:49	669.76
-28	48540	4854000	f0540892-9c82-4053-ad2e-f9806b73614b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:21:21	778.253
-28	97080	4854000	4dd39c1d-d4c6-4a9a-96c8-e344f34661d0	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:12:40	-734.761
-29	48541	4854100	1bb1537a-3f6c-40bf-b6f3-5198a337b5a4	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:54:03	-932.119
-29	97082	4854100	80a5b3a0-2797-4748-b4d8-206d35ab718b	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 15:56:48	697.739
-30	48542	4854200	3cb5452d-b9e8-4726-91b3-81c0acc096e2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:46:22	320.161
-30	97084	4854200	fa014648-ff74-48a4-87a8-b0704394952d	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:47:53	-726.3
-31	48543	4854300	c3894d82-195f-4dc7-9231-31d95206ebae	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 13:27:19	-35.304
-31	97086	4854300	333ff5ff-a0c8-4bc6-91e7-e3c652c47236	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 17:52:30	206.110
-32	48544	4854400	d1b1ff4c-5b85-450c-b524-033b3c5a5fa4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:55:09	-482.862
-32	97088	4854400	ceeecec3-646d-4f1b-a6b0-e85a92d91454	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:07:47	733.329
-33	48545	4854500	64e38fe4-72f1-4ea9-9af6-24217072234d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:42:06	13.510
-33	97090	4854500	d9acec0f-100c-49d7-8bb1-dd064a488051	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:35:32	723.35
-34	48546	4854600	aa90648e-2e40-4640-996b-5d91e8fb7a10	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 03:00:04	-256.697
-34	97092	4854600	ddd8abc2-fb66-41ca-8671-360c8a6e5595	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:04:12	320.754
-35	48547	4854700	0144227e-1186-48ac-8440-cab453d60bbe	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:49:56	640.304
-35	97094	4854700	6321d4a1-e8bc-4899-82c2-1832e7275617	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:15:22	-197.227
-36	48548	4854800	c07d5f12-3af1-4545-b3d2-ff486ce7ffa7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:39:13	-240.83
-36	97096	4854800	22d0a489-2dd8-4672-888c-4153d7f86829	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:40:14	757.170
-37	48549	4854900	52eab006-dc31-44cd-b1ac-73fe79534677	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:54:39	949.552
-37	97098	4854900	4b1e3b04-0961-442d-aee6-27000970179a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 22:39:05	407.761
-38	48550	4855000	ff9590c4-860d-41c8-8fe6-2a3df0368130	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 21:54:11	-574.699
-38	97100	4855000	7b42ba3e-3c57-4913-9c32-5ef9c5a9c3a9	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 06:39:54	311.433
-39	48551	4855100	f0abb9b6-60ca-463b-8b3c-d83021a06f95	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:36:04	-378.355
-39	97102	4855100	2ca2616b-db3f-4603-8c23-f9ecb3aa2b4a	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 23:59:48	-655.299
-40	48552	4855200	25c2b6d1-27d2-4f7f-a92b-fc7a8106d761	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:36:02	648.339
-40	97104	4855200	1738b6cd-eba8-47ae-996e-fb5ed27038bb	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 00:36:56	860.68
-41	48553	4855300	39d00d60-c902-43c7-81cc-c2610268a473	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:38:19	763.577
-41	97106	4855300	d2300a68-8130-401a-8725-737efcd26c6a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:13:21	212.431
-42	48554	4855400	818fa8c1-944b-4165-89cd-d6d699b5b1bb	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 08:28:53	-942.195
-42	97108	4855400	022247cc-691e-42a9-94ee-9f9cf92b97eb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:25:54	604.708
-43	48555	4855500	2663a814-76b3-4e84-a31b-5f000c23268a	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 18:47:57	473.661
-43	97110	4855500	18d15dfe-32b6-4841-9c20-2f0c8e426aec	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 23:50:50	-462.244
-44	48556	4855600	1f3fa274-22a8-4c34-bc8d-092b71d8cf13	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:44:57	-546.311
-44	97112	4855600	af88e6b0-58e2-4ba4-a005-66470ef6ddaa	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 05:07:47	15.132
-45	48557	4855700	afe17ad4-bb83-417e-8eaa-d2275315fbed	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:15:45	337.543
-45	97114	4855700	a7dbef6f-b806-47a2-b109-4fc813f6e975	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:31:54	-492.986
-46	48558	4855800	525c8457-ea95-496c-9d8c-c14f4c768ec3	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:13:38	-597.108
-46	97116	4855800	7c9c088c-32ce-438a-bd91-578cc75a70f4	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 06:17:32	736.980
-47	48559	4855900	1cf9914c-6af7-4b53-aeae-c417c53de97f	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:18:38	394.515
-47	97118	4855900	4451b3e3-438b-45f5-a656-a7b3fd7530ae	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:50:37	-358.229
-48	48560	4856000	c27bc3c7-80f4-4cb3-9813-e433bd517dec	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 12:12:25	234.274
-48	97120	4856000	9a317192-9efe-4c30-8572-43af330d6b72	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:50:46	-249.506
-49	48561	4856100	22238444-bb33-406f-b356-6a55f4c7d0b5	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:02:29	630.934
-49	97122	4856100	c3f3aa6c-e3b9-4f78-a376-a264298b8949	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:01:32	-717.703
-50	48562	4856200	7e297f97-5263-49fa-90d8-e31df9098fbd	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:11:06	-646.207
-50	97124	4856200	67b31105-2304-40e3-bf0a-565dee0c0022	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:10:35	-62.105
-51	48563	4856300	1df213e1-6c09-48c4-a1fc-0d616c85c7e1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 23:03:44	474.784
-51	97126	4856300	ff69e361-1a4e-47da-9bf5-5f0e4a83a4d7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 00:49:49	-924.607
-52	48564	4856400	b1865576-9b10-4cef-bd05-5093a46dbe1c	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:40:38	95.523
-52	97128	4856400	59e3e7e1-54c8-44a9-9795-ea471463fdd2	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 19:59:39	795.156
-53	48565	4856500	c7710a9b-88e4-49bc-96d5-263b90a8eebc	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 20:27:09	-580.469
-53	97130	4856500	d88e8d12-9ebe-4f46-8e2d-4c937ef6271d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 21:25:31	235.303
-54	48566	4856600	06901903-11dc-4c1e-a630-24823c85e084	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 12:12:00	-721.505
-54	97132	4856600	109f8297-25b7-4be6-b7e9-38c05485d9b5	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 07:05:45	997.997
-55	48567	4856700	5c9c935b-ffb1-409d-8955-ac4a5e08e3d4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:43:06	-363.672
-55	97134	4856700	5fbeb6be-9b6a-4cb4-a9fb-be30025cfccc	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 08:06:58	-228.145
-56	48568	4856800	6a71e163-b8b5-4bb1-985d-c94d0f4239a6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:54:46	848.688
-56	97136	4856800	de873836-b754-4c72-9c04-bdffe99c82da	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:38:12	-581.883
-57	48569	4856900	d3a6247d-eb2b-4dce-9e41-8729fd8737ba	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:32:37	-958.349
-57	97138	4856900	d0f517ba-0a35-464a-b6d0-f8b5ef713540	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:47:31	-491.898
-58	48570	4857000	3cf5c611-997e-44b5-b97b-5e141e0533e6	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:31:29	386.622
-58	97140	4857000	6e51d82f-a354-4376-8f9d-0a6e39946206	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:31:11	414.605
-59	48571	4857100	853c3820-50c4-4323-8568-8893b13a8c90	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:20:59	504.746
-59	97142	4857100	8913d4df-42d6-4685-a664-e1ce09b449a6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:57:03	-894.372
-60	48572	4857200	90053c23-8988-4b2b-a18b-df887b991d69	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 07:24:22	-961.573
-60	97144	4857200	5113e001-835d-4006-93b3-31bf7b1b4eb0	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 23:19:23	-828.4
-61	48573	4857300	710f4a42-d0bc-4954-a82d-a061b8df161b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 11:56:56	-636.672
-61	97146	4857300	50f88237-9b2f-4b9b-9395-a70061700609	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:23:03	352.377
-62	48574	4857400	aee3ff83-3c31-479d-82d6-a2e23197e299	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:55:14	302.957
-62	97148	4857400	528652ef-e8f2-4862-bf57-fed678d81d65	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 10:31:12	-876.71
-63	48575	4857500	3ee202fd-fd72-4247-ae39-36b5f63ad01e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:33:49	325.937
-63	97150	4857500	e89ff7a3-3002-4a7d-affe-787dec0afebb	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:40:02	182.238
-64	48576	4857600	33d4c1e1-fde6-4763-b6ba-ea4944edf884	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:31:55	385.769
-64	97152	4857600	7a0339f8-d31c-4b25-8f97-732ad0043d05	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:22:21	780.799
-65	48577	4857700	de1d5c23-d6cc-45e7-a368-077d1588151d	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:39:49	743.440
-65	97154	4857700	c3a12f39-2e2e-494a-8e24-01b322c30961	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:34:56	-53.877
-66	48578	4857800	bf38651b-514a-4156-a171-1243f27c7334	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 23:48:57	-639.825
-66	97156	4857800	01a696fd-6aa2-4adf-831f-6ab6385c9bff	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:34:16	-850.940
-67	48579	4857900	8b4f4715-976c-4dd8-b80c-59769618ce93	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 04:51:44	-675.799
-67	97158	4857900	b7a911f7-e326-4bfd-a537-ee4920cf9e54	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 12:58:26	855.765
-68	48580	4858000	03f94f94-27ae-4ada-820f-a4b31c1af7c1	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:34:55	484.101
-68	97160	4858000	fc6cfd64-dc9a-478e-9102-1d46d05f76b5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:58:10	-65.632
-69	48581	4858100	d0cacb7d-2a89-4032-8d02-91163d0e90ea	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:24:19	240.167
-69	97162	4858100	1507cde9-efb9-4254-9181-3f720472540e	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 06:26:17	-642.140
-70	48582	4858200	d10561f9-59a0-472e-b429-aab3c3bc6e10	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:28:49	377.141
-70	97164	4858200	f14970ba-fe54-41a8-b81e-92a75177b39c	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 00:06:07	568.147
-71	48583	4858300	21af2222-046a-4d73-8d3d-5dcafa003cdd	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:50:44	197.735
-71	97166	4858300	ec3fad6d-1c72-452a-8415-93f5d2a2c5d4	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 23:03:15	10.808
-72	48584	4858400	5894c26f-2965-421a-b7d6-2bc8c2ed8f21	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 21:26:17	-608.847
-72	97168	4858400	92849d8c-438f-416b-8739-7c503ed99825	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 07:23:35	830.52
-73	48585	4858500	5a4176c2-b4b3-44da-a332-1ceecbbacc70	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:33:41	-190.29
-73	97170	4858500	303d1f90-2a42-4649-a456-5718815a95eb	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 11:04:31	-480.562
-74	48586	4858600	2df3a572-136f-418b-b528-062f5d97dd15	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:21:27	381.65
-74	97172	4858600	8c144ee9-eb41-4b1a-a837-e1ab587f0d56	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:43:45	-714.323
-75	48587	4858700	650adaef-7ae8-4a19-a8f4-bd219b8034c4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:10:34	-871.955
-75	97174	4858700	aa8e0e1e-8a7c-4983-b147-e3ad68536150	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:39:07	87.891
-76	48588	4858800	8b5cf81f-65d8-42e5-afe9-fe7f6ca702d4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 18:04:37	650.69
-76	97176	4858800	9bdcf68e-2c5f-4284-953c-4e98156aa24a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 13:15:40	-686.947
-77	48589	4858900	2273b622-8fda-4b27-8d80-4a0d0e7435eb	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:10:12	445.334
-77	97178	4858900	3d2629e9-cca9-4643-813a-a82f43c471d4	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 06:36:13	-65.801
-78	48590	4859000	0e986808-47f1-46ab-8685-8dcd3bea6fa9	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:42:54	600.541
-78	97180	4859000	b5474ae2-af27-4f20-b0b6-f1c484516e06	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 15:10:00	-364.717
-79	48591	4859100	7daebdce-0333-4cb6-9a02-2432b634d1dc	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:24:40	-148.501
-79	97182	4859100	67b26575-3123-405f-b7b9-591eaac267a7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 15:37:20	-168.950
-80	48592	4859200	04e56778-1767-4be8-bec2-fa6d5bafb20e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 21:32:17	-656.929
-80	97184	4859200	5bd02c0b-b724-4e96-acb0-8bf6c1d9fcb0	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 03:09:15	541.610
-81	48593	4859300	87e7cf27-44ff-483a-9969-43c9c0f055ae	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:40:28	338.331
-81	97186	4859300	983e061b-1488-4b36-a558-58ade2288ec5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:13:05	102.818
-82	48594	4859400	e8c4a3da-44e8-46f6-ac45-6d1e568e76af	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:09:43	-613.170
-82	97188	4859400	a8a85da8-c4dc-45b1-a038-9c75ad6076aa	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:47:27	611.686
-83	48595	4859500	174659d3-ad37-4da0-ae11-7fe701142b15	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 11:17:56	-259.277
-83	97190	4859500	deb32c2b-fe64-4e42-85d3-ddd31358809e	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:01:58	75.428
-84	48596	4859600	f1ff1cff-b787-4049-b92e-057053afe7a4	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:30:04	-907.898
-84	97192	4859600	4dca8658-e298-49b3-9d80-da4830724ef5	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 18:58:37	-235.889
-85	48597	4859700	e1e13361-b9dc-49fe-a0c9-816db733f4b4	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:36:51	-893.882
-85	97194	4859700	36a89675-d13c-4dfc-bcb3-5371b284bc95	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 07:42:13	-44.118
-86	48598	4859800	0a955bb8-a725-4b1f-b086-e2ad106097e4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:50:52	45.693
-86	97196	4859800	660aaf20-ed27-42f9-964d-f583f94b41bc	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 05:58:53	-548.647
-87	48599	4859900	105d2e68-0141-4ce0-9b17-afb9f98d7e29	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:54:39	707.294
-87	97198	4859900	82f63ec0-e743-4b73-84d0-a3132ad7c80f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:55:54	-64.771
-88	48600	4860000	1f828ab6-7029-4ed2-9119-cb62760b4510	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 23:43:10	-870.185
-88	97200	4860000	fc786486-4b8c-4209-bc71-2edfd332e791	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 21:45:37	484.636
-89	48601	4860100	dc2481fc-20a2-4535-994e-609cc18fe24f	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 22:47:24	-346.168
-89	97202	4860100	0b4b75b7-cb06-4fd1-bf1d-054e92132d09	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 02:01:59	297.542
-90	48602	4860200	ea65615f-1e57-49c9-8d36-d2ae0e8b672c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:12:10	-575.668
-90	97204	4860200	17ab2199-f47f-4ba9-b877-a7d5ed7bcc0f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 08:53:55	823.122
-91	48603	4860300	0689fb80-4e81-404b-86ac-071cbe4ccbdf	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:05:48	526.765
-91	97206	4860300	2376d862-d2c1-408d-86f3-fc96cab43e98	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:44:29	337.993
-92	48604	4860400	982d859b-d974-4711-a305-f062c186824a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 23:38:02	-360.149
-92	97208	4860400	1df0060b-1744-427c-8dcb-0b46e7340de9	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:58:39	995.13
-93	48605	4860500	5a275756-c2fc-43ff-b3c4-cf62402b6f8b	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 23:50:59	-695.764
-93	97210	4860500	dfc3d1a5-f5e9-4a93-9f58-b2dac68035fa	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 09:52:34	-70.697
-94	48606	4860600	c111939d-67dc-4fde-8a80-34f4a3f254f2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 20:07:41	-178.160
-94	97212	4860600	fffcec79-e90b-4cde-be16-fd7d468a1485	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:16:16	-143.785
-95	48607	4860700	3f61ad11-3103-4d65-89b7-2a604a9294e8	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 19:19:40	142.583
-95	97214	4860700	3919fddb-55fe-4d1e-9e20-34a448e35e8a	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:52:08	-182.317
-96	48608	4860800	28ae498a-5595-45c7-b460-790ea8318f85	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 22:56:45	-232.449
-96	97216	4860800	facc6e64-8900-4cd3-9c4f-28ccdfdc43f1	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 13:33:51	-834.106
-97	48609	4860900	0afdbc5f-494d-4f5a-a450-8a4278ec83f6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 08:24:46	-523.662
-97	97218	4860900	87fb8d2e-e936-4799-ba70-d67d9f34e6e5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 12:46:30	-50.891
-98	48610	4861000	f96538e6-dd7e-417e-b15c-7181ba61afea	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 21:13:16	601.924
-98	97220	4861000	9b072a43-d826-4276-9211-07727006dea2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 15:00:16	-920.909
-99	48611	4861100	8e7abcc3-f13a-4895-9913-b0b10d292afe	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:00:11	-855.616
-99	97222	4861100	c7d9ca47-5fc6-429f-9107-73fb239a5a2b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:21:57	-640.379
-100	48612	4861200	5c10f708-f844-4f33-8c56-6a747d94b0a8	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:26:57	-217.483
-100	97224	4861200	75510395-ff3e-4f11-b273-51a6899d0d0a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 12:21:21	-745.34
-101	48613	4861300	c86753dc-2d8a-40f0-a15c-cfd8a55766f7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 11:50:28	96.895
-101	97226	4861300	8b523d16-164f-4db5-bce9-56b491366048	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:07:35	-696.297
-102	48614	4861400	7dea8307-2af6-4239-9453-d80a3bca6822	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:13:12	621.927
-102	97228	4861400	473268ce-70f0-4e2e-9927-77cebf1dc31e	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:49:13	157.638
-103	48615	4861500	e920ded1-cc91-42e1-b7d4-598e1c7016b7	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:45:13	-156.81
-103	97230	4861500	f377d4d7-b411-472b-973b-3a57497b0383	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 00:39:34	115.570
-104	48616	4861600	bafcf43c-b33f-4e7b-9e06-360e872d43af	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 19:09:00	-728.99
-104	97232	4861600	42162eb0-5061-4cff-b26a-f704582003eb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 02:54:18	45.696
-105	48617	4861700	18db2c5c-a630-409a-be71-fa7dc1663e14	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:47:50	-304.834
-105	97234	4861700	6079b15b-83f0-4eb5-95e5-2b805bf05b11	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:40:26	-804.355
-106	48618	4861800	8ec5747b-883d-4342-98e1-3be9a6cf6064	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:19:05	-366.50
-106	97236	4861800	7374ad1e-b77a-424e-b743-2fcdc49f7cd0	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 12:56:14	477.423
-107	48619	4861900	d514f609-ca3e-4482-9d5d-fae2e681c140	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:00:15	946.982
-107	97238	4861900	3667a213-a6e2-4804-8a87-1ab72c740206	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 00:51:00	320.170
-108	48620	4862000	28b6d013-0f89-4e28-b708-0d7d9aef97ac	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 06:15:48	-188.974
-108	97240	4862000	f8a18b1d-1f6f-4c44-8d63-3a3ed3f236fb	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:36:15	583.997
-109	48621	4862100	dddea71b-b6b3-4bdc-b7aa-f713dd477057	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:50:24	-925.242
-109	97242	4862100	a608fe60-d326-4fb8-9ed2-f9408669af1e	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 15:13:28	-30.110
-110	48622	4862200	a87f4818-b5e8-4922-8c13-671a72bea4c1	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 10:21:08	-171.570
-110	97244	4862200	22dbb5fd-eac6-4111-8410-65a320f0cf18	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:10:18	713.974
-111	48623	4862300	b50cb3d6-d5ad-4258-ac75-004a2af353a1	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:43:59	358.775
-111	97246	4862300	8a90332d-2b97-4238-9817-5f6357899816	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 19:31:18	641.408
-112	48624	4862400	cc9ea557-c5dd-4911-bfa1-fed4a6247e8d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 13:46:17	718.496
-112	97248	4862400	99115372-10e9-4040-9278-732e394807d6	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:16:16	752.263
-113	48625	4862500	c47830e5-5055-4a62-86eb-f86ef3be3ba7	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:18:39	933.350
-113	97250	4862500	f53b5135-7fa4-4811-a719-ac9b0b24fe59	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 05:01:03	693.207
-114	48626	4862600	ba9f7c5f-4b5e-4333-bc6e-f42c06e694a3	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:50:18	756.376
-114	97252	4862600	4960de84-4c29-40c8-9b6c-cf1dbd246c05	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:39:21	531.950
-115	48627	4862700	0c2fabd8-c988-4841-aba1-64e90524b84b	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 18:34:01	86.450
-115	97254	4862700	7c72824b-d882-4b0b-8ffa-36fffdacebfa	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:34:13	-757.657
-116	48628	4862800	962b1eac-bb02-43e8-ac36-b4b3b3e6b10d	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:52:32	964.770
-116	97256	4862800	fff9ce8e-a41a-4f7b-bd02-5ea801d230f0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:38:43	736.991
-117	48629	4862900	d6256234-7054-41b4-af18-daea07ca3aa5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 19:27:34	740.255
-117	97258	4862900	78d4205a-1148-4a5b-9b8a-f289a65a654c	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 06:35:25	-177.473
-118	48630	4863000	5fb66c6c-1501-4c94-8293-afe7f35ef244	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:50:13	292.41
-118	97260	4863000	d64d5f63-988e-4a55-9f8f-ee19a3c9aacd	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 01:55:32	990.101
-119	48631	4863100	9256d592-2557-4780-8432-027e56d15f65	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 18:13:14	437.24
-119	97262	4863100	1b31d618-d6aa-4d5e-a658-c6c0e2cfc473	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:15:23	-878.930
-120	48632	4863200	1834d9e7-9ae1-43bf-a8d2-bd64e122d363	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:24:07	292.255
-120	97264	4863200	dc4a32a9-0807-4350-842e-48d26221fb59	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:31:36	808.670
-121	48633	4863300	6301197c-5c57-4edc-9a37-ea7daa6891a3	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 13:05:09	203.512
-121	97266	4863300	b10b18ed-f04d-4658-b55d-c3bb827fdc2f	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 05:56:13	329.488
-122	48634	4863400	177e6967-f155-4d68-a1a2-b39ba2caf5fa	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 23:15:19	882.710
-122	97268	4863400	a6d946d6-bdfc-4ccf-9d77-27f6c0d9eda7	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:56:04	-220.198
-123	48635	4863500	a14102ad-0ace-4ca7-b25c-886f6592227e	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 08:40:14	233.175
-123	97270	4863500	f5bd7c86-7148-4823-9223-1955a8a96bbe	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:50:28	-196.221
-124	48636	4863600	f3639d22-28da-4de8-995f-9f8f55670b59	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 11:17:42	-992.351
-124	97272	4863600	7c982528-e6a2-4c1d-b3ce-eb092a016732	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:51:06	857.564
-125	48637	4863700	4d3d66b5-9ec1-4ccb-8ba3-62e57dea54bb	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:19:16	939.216
-125	97274	4863700	0ebfc1c0-cb11-42e0-bba2-33e68d649308	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 00:30:26	87.668
-126	48638	4863800	87d200a9-e09e-4611-aacc-7600d6e4c513	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 22:44:11	-336.998
-126	97276	4863800	40d3a074-4732-4074-8c4a-1bc6801b3060	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:33:53	488.755
-127	48639	4863900	3a95b10a-85b7-445a-b4f8-61eeb0752e02	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:35:42	-436.987
-127	97278	4863900	83d384aa-e610-436c-804a-ea88e3876415	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:22:01	877.10
-0	48640	4864000	4eb42e1c-2de8-4e53-8662-05c446ac615b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 19:21:55	-502.229
-0	97280	4864000	694f55c8-b2c0-47c3-a880-14a0ca3adc65	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:36:15	812.339
-1	48641	4864100	19140703-869d-470f-a9e4-de33bd6724f4	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 19:22:16	-580.133
-1	97282	4864100	f761c158-1316-436f-9478-fac020d2d966	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 21:54:47	-398.46
-2	48642	4864200	f686e6f8-4bb9-4b15-bbb7-387f0c652e91	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:04:11	447.646
-2	97284	4864200	55eb0736-0434-4cc6-9ec5-9d98f445484a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:16:49	-509.258
-3	48643	4864300	cd7b7a02-6fb4-4b2d-b0f2-1f439d4ac78f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 13:04:27	-899.250
-3	97286	4864300	bb772665-9049-4298-97ac-6f171fa8f0f1	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 21:56:53	-581.661
-4	48644	4864400	d717a847-5159-4173-bded-6da728884435	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:17:41	320.677
-4	97288	4864400	cddf6980-8c8a-41fb-a24d-b389ead79bae	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 17:21:03	855.24
-5	48645	4864500	6d3cfd77-b63c-4829-a348-1d3cddaf0002	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 19:35:51	-327.290
-5	97290	4864500	8a490d91-a55b-456d-ba7d-1f7a601dced9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:33:08	455.285
-6	48646	4864600	31e07ed6-920d-4090-ba6d-18f887cd621e	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 02:39:33	-609.564
-6	97292	4864600	221131d6-c397-4a3c-ab50-b528dbdebaef	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:20:56	-724.56
-7	48647	4864700	00d68b6c-847d-47f5-8a9c-8c304fbb772f	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:25:09	585.859
-7	97294	4864700	3a97dbe8-1459-4f3c-88a7-b4a351b5bc55	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:38:22	-433.501
-8	48648	4864800	bd359bf4-0b5a-42c0-9f6a-d9bfaf6a8d33	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:13:07	32.405
-8	97296	4864800	990d3ce5-1b29-485e-aa39-6f30aef1677d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:42:07	809.74
-9	48649	4864900	894bfb11-c55e-4ec6-a64c-1d77f898f65b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:33:24	755.170
-9	97298	4864900	8329ce45-0630-4408-a7d7-21025e229371	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 13:12:28	-667.970
-10	48650	4865000	6105c23b-02ae-4dd3-9131-3a48835eef52	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 17:17:52	542.833
-10	97300	4865000	23d970d9-53b4-4ee4-98eb-cbe2536137d3	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 20:46:22	352.107
-11	48651	4865100	54c6b1a5-63aa-407e-9206-0523247689c6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:32:18	929.23
-11	97302	4865100	248fcc71-f3de-40ac-8b9e-c732c941c526	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:10:58	852.568
-12	48652	4865200	ec305dc0-4c18-4e06-ab55-f02cff6fa508	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 11:46:43	470.436
-12	97304	4865200	1cba7ba5-daf4-461c-8d70-b808f6dd8550	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 00:51:33	625.618
-13	48653	4865300	acb7fbc0-3949-4ab1-b77f-13f7be63b8f3	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 18:47:23	627.420
-13	97306	4865300	ba3474e2-e618-4fee-b9e6-4fd57467cab3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:48:06	-849.529
-14	48654	4865400	344a1351-cd5b-4c25-959d-1085ec07c47b	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:51:03	572.312
-14	97308	4865400	74946efb-6a2c-4048-b329-94ad370dd4e9	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:37:00	-33.924
-15	48655	4865500	18224c7d-91d6-4438-bc37-99a001554f9d	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 00:33:04	51.166
-15	97310	4865500	464c2b94-00a8-48e4-91d0-9a0c33217ace	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 13:30:11	466.142
-16	48656	4865600	da1e86a5-e725-4e2d-9a16-20fb3b1846e4	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:09:29	834.819
-16	97312	4865600	69d1d177-f358-4bb0-b70e-91169fa8c5a2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 03:39:32	-214.786
-17	48657	4865700	5ac88609-bcbc-410c-8623-634760884ab7	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 12:37:13	841.9
-17	97314	4865700	74fd2f5e-1cac-4904-95eb-b6ec10c3a1fc	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 20:45:17	482.119
-18	48658	4865800	071c44b8-fb0d-4f9a-9b26-b0760d8a5b70	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:18:39	-981.485
-18	97316	4865800	9c3c94e7-e88d-4801-b367-f479104bfaa0	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 23:26:16	-993.505
-19	48659	4865900	1b3ad265-60a2-4f13-bbd6-54438d771b2b	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:25:56	310.705
-19	97318	4865900	a3f19741-5865-46ea-8018-2c4a56abcc8c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:30:06	960.385
-20	48660	4866000	ec106aec-14e8-44a9-873f-fcc689782961	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:21:40	865.197
-20	97320	4866000	3ee4a14d-8c52-430f-8627-7bce1c434d4b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:14:47	439.57
-21	48661	4866100	63e45436-abe0-4d08-9b03-74ff3352016a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:52:51	-808.326
-21	97322	4866100	f85db337-5386-476e-a3fa-203e85c0c456	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:51:33	328.293
-22	48662	4866200	d30b730d-d707-442c-84e1-ff989ca53783	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:25:48	-33.226
-22	97324	4866200	8437a823-af1b-44c6-bde8-668c18f1ecf6	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:23:16	-78.62
-23	48663	4866300	4cb4d563-c84c-45a9-b5b8-3c21a72669da	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 09:03:54	-360.204
-23	97326	4866300	ac72af74-babe-433d-b3f1-b07a85b6f9a5	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 07:11:36	-614.244
-24	48664	4866400	aeb279f9-2b6e-4f3d-b02f-be57096d3c5a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:54:25	-321.383
-24	97328	4866400	850415b5-d92c-4e3b-a922-9478e894a233	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:52:57	306.807
-25	48665	4866500	a1c06884-241e-41f5-9904-85dd469d79ab	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 13:44:37	991.130
-25	97330	4866500	a814af46-263e-4ab5-9448-f2e3648eb61c	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:24:54	-66.688
-26	48666	4866600	8fec78fa-805c-4389-8f49-8c8c901ed8e5	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 03:14:09	338.690
-26	97332	4866600	efb3f013-16db-4756-8110-4d6d7c88b380	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:14:16	-375.600
-27	48667	4866700	ed06d46d-d04d-4e1e-953a-88905b21b8a4	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:31:14	906.234
-27	97334	4866700	4846673c-2315-4784-8a4f-3701687a8c7e	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:29:34	327.682
-28	48668	4866800	324ea26f-b50b-4508-aa43-0d1ad59ec5ed	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 20:29:36	-742.32
-28	97336	4866800	cbab23b8-d887-4b1c-b6ff-570415a0aeab	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:19:53	513.999
-29	48669	4866900	bac6cb7d-92f7-403d-8a43-90a9d2e6c3ca	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:48:11	-268.719
-29	97338	4866900	50e4d156-e0f6-4d29-9f8d-474a4fa21a6e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:05:32	-461.653
-30	48670	4867000	239b913b-7b5f-4055-b064-b17aca1efc24	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:00:54	-653.383
-30	97340	4867000	720a31af-646f-45e5-bef7-5a0832d1c51f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 19:48:34	812.265
-31	48671	4867100	234d744c-e75d-45f3-964e-db63cef126b3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:19:15	-442.90
-31	97342	4867100	53f7afa0-76f8-4f75-8472-ec7ab5b2a751	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 17:01:24	-777.962
-32	48672	4867200	a898a279-9474-4c35-bcab-d7835cb967c7	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:56:32	-757.150
-32	97344	4867200	8f909cd6-f733-404f-b084-a057a4179f20	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:02:36	403.481
-33	48673	4867300	685399d1-dcd7-44e7-bc1b-6da85a7498c9	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 11:48:46	-510.895
-33	97346	4867300	b49f5d49-760c-49ad-adfd-2ff762fcdd14	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:02:43	820.796
-34	48674	4867400	f3de1742-a03a-4856-9f72-ae1749564afc	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 04:16:46	-660.973
-34	97348	4867400	fadd45c9-94ac-4857-956c-a72d49b34468	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 22:54:43	-892.773
-35	48675	4867500	a9610661-354f-424a-abc9-8d9d5b7bc22b	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:17:29	-379.549
-35	97350	4867500	77f7ba9b-0a69-4044-9698-30488d15f594	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:52:08	928.813
-36	48676	4867600	e579c53c-92e2-419c-bd3a-583e3945393c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:09:36	286.783
-36	97352	4867600	d41fa1ce-0ef8-4b56-a9a2-673a1a36b47b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 21:55:34	113.581
-37	48677	4867700	4ab8e55c-c27f-44ac-9e61-7c6a2b05965b	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:28:16	-494.615
-37	97354	4867700	c42652ec-1408-465a-999a-20ad85eaa606	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:24:53	-571.313
-38	48678	4867800	30c7a701-4228-45f0-a46e-5fdfe4714d3f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 17:48:40	733.181
-38	97356	4867800	66814851-8b00-4c28-9066-227b80310bc6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 14:22:24	209.985
-39	48679	4867900	8da20bbf-03d9-431e-8b73-214fc3ee6957	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:14:43	-171.904
-39	97358	4867900	75d133bc-477c-4ef5-9094-42ae2a6d0815	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:46:26	293.904
-40	48680	4868000	d2a16d74-7236-4377-acbc-7c999fec78dc	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 06:36:05	-681.649
-40	97360	4868000	0f7afc2a-82fb-46a2-a808-3d53aaf41794	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 12:04:59	771.274
-41	48681	4868100	d73fad59-2520-41ad-b02c-bba608ef80ef	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 04:47:47	70.532
-41	97362	4868100	b4a2239f-c12c-406a-a603-07bf405772e4	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:05:36	326.302
-42	48682	4868200	a2e4cc6b-9f4c-4cc0-9048-9dcd7e8966e6	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 18:36:31	943.518
-42	97364	4868200	20a2cda2-f921-4706-a229-d99560a127ed	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:06:17	-544.526
-43	48683	4868300	81472cff-649b-479e-9549-a9b2c45043f0	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 21:37:50	-241.138
-43	97366	4868300	04cc734b-b291-47da-b7b2-3b3ed26d3377	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 16:16:55	-27.853
-44	48684	4868400	66bd57f6-4981-431f-ab1e-cc286364d5e0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:18:59	-987.29
-44	97368	4868400	21537048-3909-4893-b5c7-3aa94b4b4420	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:10:17	626.28
-45	48685	4868500	8017ac99-5db4-4609-9c96-f5a8a65e28cf	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:40:03	-238.122
-45	97370	4868500	f9726d1e-d42d-469b-8053-640cebdc20c1	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:33:04	244.792
-46	48686	4868600	e87d3e4b-1726-4cdc-b5b4-73aa4a738a98	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 22:02:56	-369.199
-46	97372	4868600	d89b0d58-5ac4-4d91-a3d3-c4ae53ffd8b7	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 18:35:50	109.700
-47	48687	4868700	82712039-09f2-46a1-8969-c6aa15f41db7	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 06:41:34	532.562
-47	97374	4868700	8e2bb891-72b8-44ef-a582-ce5c9903f22f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 17:46:24	-523.723
-48	48688	4868800	a110fb2d-0fe0-4ee8-a2cf-d851edafef7f	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 04:21:06	575.590
-48	97376	4868800	bab00831-18f7-48cb-bb73-694d0e1b6d0f	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:44:53	-885.207
-49	48689	4868900	c5a3aadd-9db3-4ee7-abb3-3e10d3be6aad	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 17:55:15	-601.468
-49	97378	4868900	b3bb3390-8d1b-46a7-ac76-a4eaeceb970b	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 11:57:47	-918.150
-50	48690	4869000	459df56f-4cfb-41f1-be7a-ab88f9415502	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 16:34:45	-462.594
-50	97380	4869000	43ad2a68-b3a1-4512-b9dd-127fa2018e3f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 04:04:38	-420.52
-51	48691	4869100	21c3af75-d913-4b51-bcd9-8b626fe1ba56	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 12:07:54	-77.596
-51	97382	4869100	a3ba0272-180a-47e2-bd66-195e97ebd2ed	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 21:52:38	879.515
-52	48692	4869200	7f2c79e7-1704-4386-94e9-c1c61b1c2f60	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 04:49:13	-546.720
-52	97384	4869200	7afb22b2-ef31-4fa5-a4ef-c54ee25cedc3	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:09:09	-5.477
-53	48693	4869300	14f16477-1b93-4344-9a44-6ace6628b786	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:52:03	421.682
-53	97386	4869300	9e802434-eb51-4c9d-849f-6c601ce82b29	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:20:39	91.126
-54	48694	4869400	20380c33-5b3f-42a3-8a9b-fc85e9381239	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 23:16:35	-42.648
-54	97388	4869400	428b5311-4924-4a5a-8755-659e0094bd94	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 12:29:27	-700.994
-55	48695	4869500	4285d9c7-a9bd-48ca-8647-13d979e33f14	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 21:24:19	-923.958
-55	97390	4869500	4ac23f19-3101-4b5a-9271-2db38d98d7a6	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 14:43:38	-627.698
-56	48696	4869600	5a8da071-e6e2-4a9e-bd19-e81908c1cab0	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 12:27:54	569.291
-56	97392	4869600	23fb83b9-db06-4b07-9ed7-ba255e197175	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 14:40:49	-904.251
-57	48697	4869700	f28ac108-d4fd-4be2-92b5-cf7d806786b2	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 21:55:23	-621.302
-57	97394	4869700	efcd50e9-6bdb-4fa7-ada1-4a5fd9187a71	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:02:30	-595.505
-58	48698	4869800	dbfa321c-22d7-484b-b3d1-12eefab542f0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 08:08:05	457.4
-58	97396	4869800	585b33ad-3c6b-4bdb-a94d-9f1b157ff63b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 19:04:08	-60.374
-59	48699	4869900	b86d3fd7-951e-4dd1-8911-268763e51354	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 16:38:33	-167.239
-59	97398	4869900	6d242b66-9c9b-4b4b-9402-47cc6cfd946a	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 12:02:29	822.854
-60	48700	4870000	d79e9621-f287-4d08-b36c-3adad362957c	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:57:29	295.832
-60	97400	4870000	ca1d0df0-fb3e-4c47-b1c0-846a46bcc615	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 21:55:56	261.266
-61	48701	4870100	b5912ac0-de52-4368-a9de-3528b6198e07	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 23:38:39	-135.289
-61	97402	4870100	bfcf3982-d377-47e6-9a8f-1deff0140ba8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:29:59	877.599
-62	48702	4870200	46a92119-c89c-42c7-ab88-aceb130920d4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:54:38	-800.109
-62	97404	4870200	347b6a66-8d07-4fc4-b575-fc2e883df8f3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 06:48:56	-725.682
-63	48703	4870300	12406e23-9d25-4e08-9d77-6249a26e3cdc	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:45:54	-76.464
-63	97406	4870300	3d4bf349-f4f8-4f15-9188-c06b946665fa	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 18:51:52	-598.786
-64	48704	4870400	e84f95f0-28a8-42cb-9545-2bb7b0cb16b6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:39:17	-841.824
-64	97408	4870400	978b2059-c57f-4bbf-a021-978e3de7ae00	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:06:31	-915.808
-65	48705	4870500	74a1e2c3-d2bf-42ba-9e09-06678851b37d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 06:46:40	603.466
-65	97410	4870500	4dfc9481-7b8a-4c68-bcf0-9c608c025811	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 06:42:48	795.844
-66	48706	4870600	292a827e-a0cf-4a4b-8da1-eaab8dd0312e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 18:43:29	239.878
-66	97412	4870600	87be95e7-d4b8-4273-a219-8e5fa2d1bc9b	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:56:23	973.34
-67	48707	4870700	080b7dde-18d1-47d2-a85b-9450dfd42316	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:02:54	235.68
-67	97414	4870700	65b3b6c4-1113-4eaf-8234-a612fe0c300e	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:20:16	-477.929
-68	48708	4870800	37eeef24-f852-4196-a570-3e78acd6ada9	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 00:30:48	835.228
-68	97416	4870800	77d97219-c574-4c70-b0f3-7246c6bfc933	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 03:15:42	281.470
-69	48709	4870900	f1172ff0-c7e0-4a6f-b050-20b947db7ac7	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 16:01:35	533.865
-69	97418	4870900	e517a966-9b74-402b-b16b-b7a248e85fd1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:53:37	-655.209
-70	48710	4871000	11810de8-8609-401a-a4d5-895aab728a84	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 15:44:45	-607.348
-70	97420	4871000	46e02517-0fe4-4960-a048-808d29300f8a	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:16:01	199.56
-71	48711	4871100	f93243d6-6539-4cc3-9063-427c632af569	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 19:33:08	415.505
-71	97422	4871100	09af8164-0fa8-4842-9861-920b08ed2666	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 02:54:26	822.516
-72	48712	4871200	fe2746b1-999e-499a-b587-981baaa9650d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:38:50	563.3
-72	97424	4871200	03890652-4a47-40f1-b2f9-22d3e2e35c92	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:17:26	543.299
-73	48713	4871300	49cf4a21-469f-4214-bdc7-88f689b45e02	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 06:30:12	-155.675
-73	97426	4871300	2d9e0749-10cc-443e-8a3e-72942e72e6e9	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:06:46	-472.544
-74	48714	4871400	f6fc3d9d-4780-4bad-bf58-52ee4c2721aa	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:05:30	913.725
-74	97428	4871400	dbb16eec-5add-40b1-b0a8-d02dc635e969	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 03:03:48	122.637
-75	48715	4871500	b346e11b-8155-435f-a8a2-fbf3bee637ea	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 12:20:58	365.964
-75	97430	4871500	37232c7d-42dc-40ac-931c-bec900596627	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:04:02	-16.739
-76	48716	4871600	ec837fcf-0490-41ad-88df-a88092519689	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 19:18:36	876.232
-76	97432	4871600	258a5139-bdbf-41ad-ada8-855b6fc62e56	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:03:33	615.372
-77	48717	4871700	3225f5e6-3620-4242-9ccd-b21096ec1480	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 07:31:32	867.50
-77	97434	4871700	bc8563d4-4014-44db-8384-01bed0f7000f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 23:23:30	109.86
-78	48718	4871800	56d725ae-8b6f-4d2e-996e-a32d29603e5e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:31:49	-676.726
-78	97436	4871800	a1fe5f91-c0f0-43e2-b01f-6a5eaf567d6b	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:28:43	-574.551
-79	48719	4871900	4378a652-57ee-4468-aca1-fc89fb3568b1	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:36:35	-961.79
-79	97438	4871900	7ef26d88-afb6-4af3-9713-e22a5098d276	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 16:58:53	728.348
-80	48720	4872000	9011e8a9-ddf6-4d71-b61c-5534a5e86245	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 03:56:16	-888.220
-80	97440	4872000	51da3d9e-e9f5-416c-84b1-db88cb5a88b4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:39:41	-814.154
-81	48721	4872100	cb95b8b9-4ae6-4dcc-bbf3-a9536f3f4dbc	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 10:51:12	-610.330
-81	97442	4872100	77cec5df-7225-40ae-b371-6db9f98cd8b3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:55:21	128.774
-82	48722	4872200	27d5e432-88c8-4724-b323-3cbf60be7e45	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 13:27:00	927.510
-82	97444	4872200	d06f85cb-2518-426b-a8d5-12d4f13e2a01	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 02:52:09	331.691
-83	48723	4872300	9e878d94-7dc9-468d-996e-b4e81ddb44fc	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 02:38:22	-378.155
-83	97446	4872300	b95b39ae-4c98-41a8-8f85-7e0f19e2a313	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 22:20:55	-32.959
-84	48724	4872400	082f05d7-6c84-4c4d-b942-a9c4a6882f98	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:56:54	-653.699
-84	97448	4872400	89867599-8464-47be-bdc7-1f054745d03e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:58:39	560.700
-85	48725	4872500	42b0b39b-a586-48ab-9a36-b33d63837414	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:55:05	657.872
-85	97450	4872500	f89e3106-ba3e-433a-8baa-d26cadbb86b4	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:53:26	484.688
-86	48726	4872600	7c0a5a17-ee8f-47a4-9dc8-42ddd01de033	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 23:16:36	-526.701
-86	97452	4872600	c4328599-7bdc-418a-a51c-24dcb2dc07df	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:52:18	-488.156
-87	48727	4872700	4e60f11f-f1fa-44a5-a4ca-b5c447f97661	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 06:24:35	-713.870
-87	97454	4872700	ea82eb21-beef-4666-837b-175ee31df8e6	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 21:03:19	-230.206
-88	48728	4872800	7dd6eb33-2a1b-41e0-a4b0-d87157d2a587	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 14:16:35	936.191
-88	97456	4872800	1126e488-b548-441e-bb11-5a72e91e579e	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 10:37:42	578.652
-89	48729	4872900	cf2c4406-6d0d-435c-ad70-f4a216738faf	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:32:24	721.924
-89	97458	4872900	1f0b129b-5de8-45e2-b94f-5531d7ae7275	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 05:39:31	552.961
-90	48730	4873000	839f6b95-46fe-4070-b569-1ac3b208ff34	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 13:02:21	13.364
-90	97460	4873000	645cc6c4-5ca2-4e3e-b100-6d7d2c7c260e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 16:48:01	-437.931
-91	48731	4873100	86a82fad-51fd-47f8-a81e-ab004ae88d7f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:33:14	-268.1
-91	97462	4873100	6dbeb776-7f78-401c-94c4-87d8a3b67855	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:55:57	296.147
-92	48732	4873200	7510510a-8e7d-4293-b5b7-b86ea0cbfc0b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:28:59	568.404
-92	97464	4873200	423a5bdc-e1c1-4561-889f-4eb1b1aea9e8	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 10:14:55	609.134
-93	48733	4873300	426b1ce8-9bd9-45f9-a067-2d38860cb9f3	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:59:34	-430.705
-93	97466	4873300	5ac42e6b-6b78-437b-b7fe-654c04b94724	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 07:41:04	-640.173
-94	48734	4873400	14cb5609-1432-47b8-ac03-7d5cb0a6bb19	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:59:18	449.78
-94	97468	4873400	d5e5a685-7c92-4cb6-9982-ac6595303caf	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:20:09	-95.562
-95	48735	4873500	8fa56650-6926-40a7-b1d5-22dd27b936bb	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 04:47:01	143.612
-95	97470	4873500	d37cca11-02a0-4bad-8a23-1c21c1c5bb61	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 12:05:06	-107.592
-96	48736	4873600	dcadb947-3839-41d1-9dfc-e51d3f38c9cf	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 23:04:39	207.234
-96	97472	4873600	a2c72e3d-ca67-4ebb-b8b7-412ba52d8d46	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:42:05	-226.880
-97	48737	4873700	cf18ae73-6678-4c81-beb5-9f2b430995a7	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:23:18	-578.361
-97	97474	4873700	1091ea61-7257-4db1-bb3f-0885775248d0	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:05:15	481.969
-98	48738	4873800	4f5aea10-4fbc-4c51-98fa-51c39825225a	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 22:08:30	-69.176
-98	97476	4873800	67de7ce8-9a6b-4cc8-b2c6-aea8d05e330b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 06:36:08	61.981
-99	48739	4873900	d281e71e-fd9a-40c2-9b33-b4d301373061	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 09:39:22	441.545
-99	97478	4873900	d1f7cd86-8596-4235-9a19-7a15da91a2f3	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:03:23	470.558
-100	48740	4874000	178e2cd7-30dd-4a9c-997c-ac0163582636	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 09:36:33	-932.336
-100	97480	4874000	473b27d1-c5fc-4740-a0e7-b3d96fe34ce3	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 08:55:12	-467.590
-101	48741	4874100	074a3aea-9459-4f1e-81a7-ca78edf49b41	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 04:16:49	-701.281
-101	97482	4874100	490649da-8e4a-46e4-9b78-9bab4bd78ab4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:49:07	517.166
-102	48742	4874200	dc17559a-8bff-4b03-ad43-b9afca08f58d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:14:27	-683.335
-102	97484	4874200	7aac1b2f-e4ca-4e3e-b5ab-f3cebc421011	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 17:58:02	-508.576
-103	48743	4874300	cb34d5ec-042a-4805-8679-160f2696b87f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 21:02:37	-726.957
-103	97486	4874300	ab6567af-f8d5-4bb1-800f-f6e099501ea7	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:10:58	155.561
-104	48744	4874400	a0604c22-0709-47b2-baeb-a9a475540ab2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 09:49:55	187.58
-104	97488	4874400	5d70863d-a9a4-43fb-b536-1ffcff3b5563	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:40:50	493.629
-105	48745	4874500	68a0fa70-0936-4e39-9e7c-18cc0e4f6bb7	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 00:07:18	635.509
-105	97490	4874500	5aa5c3cb-fa97-4f8c-b156-07ac58e956ef	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:33:36	-692.174
-106	48746	4874600	139eb1d5-6871-47a1-abb1-7b6fe8d90229	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:48:20	-387.536
-106	97492	4874600	5123318b-50e1-4a34-812c-f62d12de5d70	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 19:39:44	564.789
-107	48747	4874700	5d7cd939-37f6-4724-bf3a-4fa9d37094ef	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:15:01	509.266
-107	97494	4874700	dcc6ec3d-2e90-425e-a0c1-be4c4da6ce00	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:15:11	-959.231
-108	48748	4874800	bcdba236-bcae-4337-8252-8959c2a332ce	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:02:49	-890.738
-108	97496	4874800	092015bf-1154-42a8-aeb8-e1e40e38b5e5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:54:39	-193.242
-109	48749	4874900	85e720bc-9990-49f7-b9b9-eac5f5cfa72f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:18:21	35.315
-109	97498	4874900	33faad00-e543-448f-b57b-b647121e800e	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 09:21:20	-586.726
-110	48750	4875000	14e5efc7-fc35-41d1-b8da-257219c79657	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 10:38:46	-101.697
-110	97500	4875000	e5400961-19c5-4670-a786-d3d3c07dc10b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 00:16:12	704.840
-111	48751	4875100	2fcc6201-7214-464e-a3e6-0f79434140ac	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:43:31	883.5
-111	97502	4875100	05c4c3cf-6b80-4c3c-a15f-db157cbf97ef	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:16:42	-477.297
-112	48752	4875200	ce50a263-7d7c-42c8-8d56-2af776546c44	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:46:41	945.378
-112	97504	4875200	7813bc69-6bb2-44b4-aafc-bbd0baa2287a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:24:28	-739.770
-113	48753	4875300	28a3da86-8c42-4b43-a463-f12f7e400f74	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 12:49:41	724.982
-113	97506	4875300	83302a01-9655-44a2-9cfe-b8397b71e204	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 12:47:17	229.730
-114	48754	4875400	06ec410a-3bfc-4172-9a99-3f1755cb4021	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 23:20:50	199.422
-114	97508	4875400	66f959dd-fb13-4d24-98b5-f329bd0bced5	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:51:23	-45.383
-115	48755	4875500	b546b4c5-414a-4f38-b493-0a3c18894dd5	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 16:20:26	451.351
-115	97510	4875500	1f426d8e-bf69-4eba-8734-965ce33db58c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:20:34	750.388
-116	48756	4875600	2df9f253-336a-4cb0-8905-5fe08a1e60bf	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:50:55	-663.921
-116	97512	4875600	d1883872-b9a2-4dc8-ba9e-b83322bca921	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:11:30	854.289
-117	48757	4875700	c996bb90-f568-4247-bda5-8882bb374627	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 18:39:55	-242.340
-117	97514	4875700	636ea663-4f22-49be-a2e2-0ad111bc660d	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 22:16:57	-138.840
-118	48758	4875800	84b03ee9-d5b0-4d12-803c-3ff443451f43	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:04:32	829.627
-118	97516	4875800	40927f1f-8255-4afe-831f-706074a6bf29	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 13:44:26	893.820
-119	48759	4875900	3140427d-759b-4774-ac03-2298e7c009b5	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 14:39:05	-143.878
-119	97518	4875900	83a38644-7cfb-4a47-986c-63d27d475d77	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 12:43:13	-329.33
-120	48760	4876000	97a3e5e8-404e-4066-87be-80197ce5b22f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:21:52	-646.176
-120	97520	4876000	451b1a7e-f586-4b1e-956b-82a979d8126f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:38:07	-253.107
-121	48761	4876100	5a0f4408-7c3a-4d77-a8c7-ccb306fcc93e	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 20:08:44	906.612
-121	97522	4876100	22451cb0-0a55-4c0b-b6d1-93c6a88b5f37	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:46:40	-719.112
-122	48762	4876200	3f8fb8b1-6377-47c3-8a78-2541a5ea84c7	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 09:14:01	269.378
-122	97524	4876200	cbd9198b-5d93-4e74-867d-9f40c06326ff	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:39:31	-169.114
-123	48763	4876300	8b5b8970-b2c1-404e-aef7-8cbf89d5e4c2	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:04:00	297.341
-123	97526	4876300	d8b9020f-b3ef-45b3-9801-2c331ef1c806	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 05:04:29	978.405
-124	48764	4876400	cd0870d0-c60f-475d-a003-69eab97bc205	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 16:37:36	726.44
-124	97528	4876400	42537729-68be-4908-b911-8967d4973460	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:01:09	226.696
-125	48765	4876500	aa280ddf-7244-4782-9f84-f48a335e81df	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:09:16	688.451
-125	97530	4876500	6ec74cba-c3a0-4df8-974c-32b20655a14a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:05:23	-89.542
-126	48766	4876600	0cf364ca-76d9-4e3c-b9c1-f128de4fb943	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 04:31:48	461.676
-126	97532	4876600	06a8db72-d2bc-4d3b-8e99-ef3a9398f437	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:27:52	940.30
-127	48767	4876700	67ed5cd3-d587-4a5c-b928-5c804e6ad7d0	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 16:05:58	-240.729
-127	97534	4876700	c2fdb07e-7965-4c81-90e3-0a43e4ba3abc	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:19:30	661.151
-0	48768	4876800	8afdc2ab-0fb2-4502-b683-8ee13af4fa0e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:16:20	650.872
-0	97536	4876800	b0c3897a-ebe1-4264-8f85-dbcb91fd62b4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:37:26	321.581
-1	48769	4876900	1933c262-59bc-46cf-bd45-3619e2314b3c	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 09:37:31	774.723
-1	97538	4876900	69c7652b-ddd7-4673-8539-92267804dc7c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:43:38	472.43
-2	48770	4877000	6abe95e3-413a-4365-b6ee-9c477b235c47	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 12:26:13	504.803
-2	97540	4877000	62aa8617-b0dd-4e40-9f1c-1613e627c9a9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:39:52	-326.577
-3	48771	4877100	969f56cd-b235-4b6b-8d81-cceebed54191	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 21:34:20	375.58
-3	97542	4877100	b44212c4-cf0d-4081-bab8-9808468516d3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:28:07	-852.618
-4	48772	4877200	83ca0fd4-0988-42e6-b0c8-7a637b066323	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 01:45:45	-381.952
-4	97544	4877200	c6372e9b-1b33-4377-b580-340f7d8316a2	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 07:30:49	245.793
-5	48773	4877300	0ee4bb58-ebcc-450d-ab51-c124d4b7dfe9	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 22:08:43	-556.617
-5	97546	4877300	96524498-ef15-433e-ac68-c949fd0381cb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:28:30	-537.216
-6	48774	4877400	0f39dca1-230b-46e1-a912-d0b0f9f3d780	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:53:16	373.367
-6	97548	4877400	d0b42444-ba19-4ab5-a686-3ae230ef1888	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:02:13	946.919
-7	48775	4877500	90b7e5d3-8811-40f7-878f-51360a35c3d5	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 00:02:50	-684.406
-7	97550	4877500	7af39356-f0fe-45cb-8e54-09363e9e7b1e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 08:57:58	493.37
-8	48776	4877600	27284067-f992-4aa9-9fda-4f595a4b6f38	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 21:14:45	925.132
-8	97552	4877600	b9263c9e-e669-4ad3-8602-f587abf93156	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:14:06	-599.926
-9	48777	4877700	5922548d-b063-4625-a295-1bdb6c50612f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 22:31:15	-677.390
-9	97554	4877700	8336df5e-3cdb-4cd7-ad51-fc39140c8f23	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 13:41:12	131.753
-10	48778	4877800	7b7c8709-2068-44e8-8bd4-5933c9d933f5	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:19:36	-56.943
-10	97556	4877800	98fafb39-39f8-4f0c-a50f-7d6fbea4e4eb	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 20:45:22	269.925
-11	48779	4877900	89c2a50e-7b97-44d4-a6d7-d1afc5dbcf91	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:31:34	-271.753
-11	97558	4877900	8bfb1ef8-90d2-4200-868b-9027d924f69a	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 18:48:26	-111.791
-12	48780	4878000	ab5c28c6-0cbe-4c4b-942f-ab648aaf9368	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 12:35:21	445.464
-12	97560	4878000	29208f15-bda7-4499-80cb-095405d6da37	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:21:37	865.970
-13	48781	4878100	b88d453b-1f8e-4b97-b3ab-1f6d8bef5255	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:32:42	934.535
-13	97562	4878100	f91921a0-6d17-487c-93d8-dd81eae02e53	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 00:01:02	-688.892
-14	48782	4878200	7a5594a1-88ce-45bd-99a6-a01f888ec19e	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 13:49:56	820.155
-14	97564	4878200	280e5e1e-f673-48c3-b526-12248eaceca5	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:47:29	66.618
-15	48783	4878300	41b0a0b9-8b67-419f-ba69-57ccd8c0cda4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:32:27	-269.855
-15	97566	4878300	29e2cdbd-204f-43d7-af68-5ba9c9e92936	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 07:32:37	-538.945
-16	48784	4878400	6d385d73-0125-449c-9b5e-e6f6b75081da	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 13:51:25	-153.697
-16	97568	4878400	df92b001-01e3-4abd-964d-8ed066a0c27f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:57:47	114.469
-17	48785	4878500	7d8976da-68cf-46df-8c86-b63b6bc15dd9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:21:12	-147.711
-17	97570	4878500	95b6d6d3-56ad-4ff0-893c-0eb5c3f7a50c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:09:49	638.400
-18	48786	4878600	e5b764a9-1461-4f25-8c6f-36a9fa666fa8	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 22:35:13	749.795
-18	97572	4878600	c22a439c-9222-4af9-871c-5d37d9c73bbe	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:31:22	-42.9
-19	48787	4878700	77579c75-6daa-4ef9-a048-d631e30701f1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:10:57	-788.33
-19	97574	4878700	aee26b1f-f230-4dc6-9cf2-6ecaec23b93a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 15:25:07	-53.550
-20	48788	4878800	3ba39e94-9784-4a72-b28b-524aa9f197dc	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:39:38	111.99
-20	97576	4878800	734bf477-d21a-4e6c-a138-e39dd88a10ac	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 23:02:00	292.917
-21	48789	4878900	47b0a651-c2ac-4534-95b9-7c438610aabc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 06:11:31	190.781
-21	97578	4878900	afa0f281-4442-4a23-adcf-143f8d61c7a2	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 05:40:41	502.585
-22	48790	4879000	28cafa12-314c-49fd-b437-f616a5eb1951	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 05:03:13	-769.272
-22	97580	4879000	8219e8d2-3fe8-4809-a0b2-689bf9e61dfc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:53:01	-510.743
-23	48791	4879100	8af5b108-8cc3-4554-b644-8cbc88602984	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:37:19	871.599
-23	97582	4879100	9ad9b8cb-2953-4e5d-9343-9ef63d7a18bc	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:21:03	-750.865
-24	48792	4879200	d970c022-ca3d-4a5a-9ed3-52deeb5b9b54	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:25:31	499.336
-24	97584	4879200	c867023c-e7d1-4d3b-86b9-c5984780b627	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 10:04:05	582.984
-25	48793	4879300	e702b408-e73a-4eba-959a-79cd8eacb568	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 11:48:25	688.253
-25	97586	4879300	2091d99d-3a9d-4e8c-ba14-6aee224888dd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 10:55:41	-775.491
-26	48794	4879400	3ed5a224-b795-402c-a188-4e7351fa3d53	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:56:30	-940.515
-26	97588	4879400	a85f513d-7348-42c5-b288-24ef3d4ccf4f	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 14:09:52	248.505
-27	48795	4879500	9706ce60-bd0a-40f5-9f8d-bd5a86218c35	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:40:41	-55.220
-27	97590	4879500	e0aedec1-27b3-4465-a4b8-6a3cdb0c8737	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:44:17	-981.944
-28	48796	4879600	3bccdd24-ff5c-4411-bf6a-65c0be5dac0d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 16:40:14	601.991
-28	97592	4879600	151dd9a9-2144-4421-8b8d-2b364a447057	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:42:22	400.526
-29	48797	4879700	d9577aaa-23b6-47dc-8ba6-9a7351bf5fe9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:22:14	538.208
-29	97594	4879700	8e33eb5c-ea54-4980-af83-7354296cb169	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:38:38	-812.166
-30	48798	4879800	23c17e74-4e7b-4d01-9e97-c555b14b84df	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:23:02	-963.917
-30	97596	4879800	0f9be1a8-0bd4-4b7a-b4c0-d139a39e78b5	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 09:50:54	372.328
-31	48799	4879900	1479dadc-a51d-489d-93f4-babbffedf433	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 04:58:48	-701.254
-31	97598	4879900	e39c58aa-0153-4f6b-ab4d-81e0786ca48e	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 17:08:54	234.454
-32	48800	4880000	0554ce79-5f56-461c-b727-4bf7da524d2d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:45:13	685.566
-32	97600	4880000	f85f9c3d-4b7c-4498-aa26-29c45eb1df4a	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:06:00	-808.691
-33	48801	4880100	65502fad-8be4-4325-bd1d-babe66ad2396	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:43:10	619.867
-33	97602	4880100	c643b1b9-1913-4da1-b129-2cf241cb22f2	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:47:34	606.992
-34	48802	4880200	84190ae1-ea2a-42e8-a8c5-d5024ff7cc59	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 19:06:07	-515.418
-34	97604	4880200	bf5aba31-0c72-457e-8062-b20f2dd29fae	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:08:07	635.671
-35	48803	4880300	b3e7b609-98d5-492c-b96e-bcd42adb48f2	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 14:29:46	574.364
-35	97606	4880300	cd98816c-54bd-430a-a59f-615cc471a78c	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:12:42	359.635
-36	48804	4880400	142d41f8-3692-4848-8cf5-fa312148fc90	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 13:43:07	615.846
-36	97608	4880400	c1f242e5-8cb3-4a5f-a801-bfbd40aeebb8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 13:33:36	874.79
-37	48805	4880500	c73067e6-9536-41d8-a66b-a4860eb0f561	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 17:27:30	82.551
-37	97610	4880500	7f51a882-01ad-44b2-aee9-31bbe9137709	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 06:14:04	728.112
-38	48806	4880600	57707375-a9db-4ccf-be64-f4c59d29fd15	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:49:15	-417.414
-38	97612	4880600	d6b78f08-20a8-46f2-97e0-7175573abfa4	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:44:50	-315.431
-39	48807	4880700	51ac43f8-a3a6-413c-ad5f-645ee9bf0371	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 19:16:26	-728.629
-39	97614	4880700	3acb35a5-bf71-4066-be64-ee50ec13353e	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:06:47	-965.318
-40	48808	4880800	8ddb750a-7f34-45ae-9d63-478b35e60260	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:38:37	-291.724
-40	97616	4880800	e306098d-bf57-4afd-b722-80f41ae87aa3	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:08:09	-149.389
-41	48809	4880900	9852360a-f641-403d-b595-5b52f3029179	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 10:35:11	126.720
-41	97618	4880900	150db84d-fb08-443f-80d4-9805dd190cb6	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:49:16	133.263
-42	48810	4881000	2cd3ca5c-c98b-47d9-b7fa-15664678ea6a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:32:04	-978.988
-42	97620	4881000	f74b2cb1-3c1c-457e-a734-2769dbf5d959	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:54:23	-85.17
-43	48811	4881100	813e0cc3-9e52-4cec-aeb6-032ca38a64b5	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:13:33	-767.372
-43	97622	4881100	67b78523-58d8-4b3d-8f52-bec8c10541d2	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 01:34:27	12.592
-44	48812	4881200	977be2a8-571b-4f73-9a1d-185efe23362c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:25:44	635.422
-44	97624	4881200	5f7d82cb-e543-4250-9c9b-8dc53b3f4ecc	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 07:44:41	396.774
-45	48813	4881300	b0530b19-2c61-4475-a452-b586acc80da3	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:58:19	-772.682
-45	97626	4881300	0c8b3579-3781-488d-943d-8abe4cfcfd0f	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 18:32:36	-105.425
-46	48814	4881400	7d87cbd7-7465-491f-ba97-5be8443d9cb2	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:12:14	49.629
-46	97628	4881400	2f3aa2a4-8ef3-4ec0-8190-741b5d1faa9a	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:25:35	-512.698
-47	48815	4881500	4915bc69-2c5c-4472-b567-1b56e344a99d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 14:31:34	-824.931
-47	97630	4881500	63a7f6d0-b365-4182-bd0f-2043b7392ad1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 22:54:58	242.635
-48	48816	4881600	b54af0f8-7a67-45b2-baec-5138535197d6	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 16:13:49	653.949
-48	97632	4881600	cd4e7565-9d78-4c52-8b22-716c85c6a85b	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:48:48	-653.743
-49	48817	4881700	24934741-649d-432d-805b-8fce563953dc	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:36:27	398.970
-49	97634	4881700	64b6926b-9bc8-42a3-a6a8-b1755c379a6b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 14:39:15	-620.113
-50	48818	4881800	9daabc94-cfa1-445b-8da3-6138cbb99c44	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:01:02	-404.963
-50	97636	4881800	ad5eb5c3-af7b-4baa-a88d-c9d1bb1b0cb0	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 00:00:59	238.597
-51	48819	4881900	d86237ac-2c13-4d33-b8a7-e3481deb4853	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:58:40	591.105
-51	97638	4881900	c0e5b1f0-fc2a-4b98-a572-a19818f2993b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 11:57:07	-190.946
-52	48820	4882000	be642c41-1412-4bcc-b366-ae9c77db0063	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:15:05	435.736
-52	97640	4882000	7549be02-d7f6-4702-9dd0-52a7120656b7	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 08:04:15	274.650
-53	48821	4882100	dedfa6ce-cdca-4a3d-af94-fb7a67394da0	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:04:30	-412.476
-53	97642	4882100	2ef04bf4-9742-4a87-80ae-8e16f83f7038	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 15:03:06	523.856
-54	48822	4882200	aefbfe2a-f362-4d9f-9036-567b0da1737f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 02:41:53	440.231
-54	97644	4882200	5e5c8512-783d-4b68-b16c-0a0a57e184ae	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 08:19:19	72.380
-55	48823	4882300	b14d0748-6fdc-4a1b-94c0-e9a9e847867a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 22:30:52	987.234
-55	97646	4882300	590e4bac-6421-474e-9235-2e4c0d3f96c0	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:45:11	-388.136
-56	48824	4882400	fea0d0dd-c01a-419c-add2-46b8f4047165	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 20:00:38	244.947
-56	97648	4882400	9968d29e-9c4b-422f-a62a-3325cd45eff7	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:10:44	-592.390
-57	48825	4882500	62afbe58-0142-451f-a4a8-553b7a78d0bc	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:26:30	-67.441
-57	97650	4882500	8cf3c7c6-7efd-4038-8f07-73b04999c314	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 20:24:20	-144.178
-58	48826	4882600	1e4b1551-5294-4da5-9b96-366f01575778	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 21:01:48	306.28
-58	97652	4882600	9f8fe7b8-bcdc-4d16-b5f5-1567561ba5b8	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 10:39:32	-1.258
-59	48827	4882700	63a94386-680a-4174-923b-161c26cbfac6	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 04:38:59	777.153
-59	97654	4882700	26062c8b-177c-47c5-90a9-0ed6ead5fed9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:10:49	560.910
-60	48828	4882800	e0bfef0f-ad5c-4059-b3a5-283bdf209e5b	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 05:52:16	-332.876
-60	97656	4882800	1b0161b0-0588-4209-9f0e-64870317570a	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:15:08	-565.121
-61	48829	4882900	04b92238-6c38-41bb-95d0-90499c002ed8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 19:43:22	723.561
-61	97658	4882900	1defb503-bc65-474f-a30a-a48e81c94aa6	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:23:50	-279.840
-62	48830	4883000	4e0397fd-0c39-456b-bc1b-343b8d7c77d4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:03:53	-321.87
-62	97660	4883000	605fe1c3-2aa3-4913-8417-25ceccf9e1c3	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 18:32:24	-327.544
-63	48831	4883100	8062cb1e-0300-4f44-a33f-e0d827244684	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 23:38:02	-452.225
-63	97662	4883100	6bb88101-6bcc-4431-83fd-04b246397160	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 06:10:39	-221.44
-64	48832	4883200	ef1dfe27-381f-470c-ab52-07abf5991313	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 08:55:45	-88.711
-64	97664	4883200	435ddf7e-3f6b-498d-936f-6b1b65e2ee02	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 03:39:23	-505.60
-65	48833	4883300	ba08a26f-61c4-4b41-988b-b274af06fb44	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 14:36:10	904.0
-65	97666	4883300	1ec29c8f-4bbc-4474-a587-d601faf068ea	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:10:07	-159.686
-66	48834	4883400	df99ad73-a18c-4b99-9c7f-6b188a1fe7c5	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 17:06:37	475.915
-66	97668	4883400	1d2b92e6-9e96-4ced-b44e-210ac8b2cf51	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:03:30	-545.232
-67	48835	4883500	9336973d-3f38-429e-964b-a5c94ec611de	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 12:51:59	811.285
-67	97670	4883500	9dd11481-ba1a-44fe-afc5-e173fe4246c9	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 00:39:50	-345.647
-68	48836	4883600	d0902638-37d8-4231-8c3d-632c1b379b69	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 01:58:26	-372.701
-68	97672	4883600	f5bbb5a8-84f3-4bae-ba89-26eca84f8952	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 04:27:34	-833.196
-69	48837	4883700	aed3b3ec-3729-4281-9740-8542f8394948	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:19:45	-613.327
-69	97674	4883700	b6b6331f-0497-41a0-a515-1928a83aab2f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:55:04	582.129
-70	48838	4883800	2eac41cd-bde0-47d9-9fbc-68fd3d22e42f	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:48:51	458.455
-70	97676	4883800	c2b46c11-dba8-4c76-91f5-cb105b877dc1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:31:34	-320.569
-71	48839	4883900	243396a0-fda5-42bd-b00a-582cfafb5b13	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 07:15:51	-271.66
-71	97678	4883900	7b3fb01f-9f08-41ce-a8ca-3c1f778e5495	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 11:17:57	-578.456
-72	48840	4884000	0fc8dc41-38cc-433f-94b4-485a598d17b8	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 07:02:53	-854.772
-72	97680	4884000	cdd78a62-dc87-43f7-a5da-5492e06e2b83	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:17:14	273.15
-73	48841	4884100	7adc568b-bdb8-470c-a134-9b280408f023	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:48:43	352.50
-73	97682	4884100	538a781d-6222-4138-aaac-b8e01c7a2c35	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:24:24	-322.819
-74	48842	4884200	bc2e8b99-dc66-41a8-aba6-03dd786fae15	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 20:25:34	914.296
-74	97684	4884200	e9d6bd8d-2fca-43c8-95ad-5dec07e7c151	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 12:27:36	765.733
-75	48843	4884300	38889cc0-1d60-4228-b277-3904bc9a4ade	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:07:10	104.892
-75	97686	4884300	28a1440b-9d5e-4988-8e9a-84cc2443d8c6	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:42:47	-67.862
-76	48844	4884400	18af2bb3-ccc0-43c3-bf4a-696fa10222c6	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 11:02:41	0.830
-76	97688	4884400	dcffd398-76db-434e-83d3-ab8b17423b7e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 17:47:40	-836.401
-77	48845	4884500	d126e603-92e6-4db0-9b29-ef9a2b512c9e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:17:10	-493.160
-77	97690	4884500	bdceef1a-1a42-4879-9b5e-f0e9feda5420	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:48:50	-300.791
-78	48846	4884600	a4aed7fd-16fc-401b-bc72-cb80edf16c2b	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 12:32:58	-337.144
-78	97692	4884600	b08ddfd5-3d8a-4124-a60d-7030330904b2	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:02:45	105.189
-79	48847	4884700	89e87a3a-ebe4-48fd-94a8-1705384d0292	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 08:04:31	-390.25
-79	97694	4884700	55d92fd6-fefa-4f03-a06f-bccc48b0f093	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:39:37	636.886
-80	48848	4884800	985d05ca-7ff8-427b-8f69-5a4420b44d44	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:06:52	-817.717
-80	97696	4884800	08f1fcd1-e8d1-4414-a0e5-fd319b063c87	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:58:38	-665.774
-81	48849	4884900	7fd906b7-bc99-417e-b0e2-af82373bf385	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:36:12	828.402
-81	97698	4884900	d323be99-53fc-4b76-8168-11bacb4c5d39	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:30:32	-875.883
-82	48850	4885000	e12889f7-ae83-45a4-90fd-b98193b308ab	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 05:44:35	990.280
-82	97700	4885000	47b6016a-4414-496b-bf83-801495f26a1d	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 00:57:06	262.632
-83	48851	4885100	3657e243-42f5-4709-b32e-b823b9e6433f	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 11:38:56	-584.277
-83	97702	4885100	0ecb7f68-eac8-4a3e-be36-77b6536ccee1	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 20:04:37	-6.44
-84	48852	4885200	dd5a79e6-38aa-4859-ad36-a7d0dcc5c00f	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:20:06	-517.705
-84	97704	4885200	b69febd2-d815-44af-94e5-d83d906dfe8d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:06:13	-162.941
-85	48853	4885300	b68f2dbe-68ea-4fc4-aef4-cc65e5dc0cbc	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:07:17	900.471
-85	97706	4885300	b5968181-f5e4-43ba-a9c5-53200f771c44	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 15:34:06	-87.266
-86	48854	4885400	cd127e89-7069-4981-bc44-e33f46935583	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:04:24	-379.289
-86	97708	4885400	2f6e7f2c-6b5e-4013-8040-bcb0094bfd03	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 07:03:06	970.338
-87	48855	4885500	95ef19fb-55d1-434c-98bb-493e1ac93509	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:48:32	815.899
-87	97710	4885500	57022dc5-9dd4-4385-bc0a-1ea9d3efd11c	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:23:40	139.785
-88	48856	4885600	c6488334-5b69-413b-80e9-141de93cb622	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:51:57	996.977
-88	97712	4885600	801c149a-765a-4f2f-bbc0-200e87aeb0d0	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:27:59	-707.38
-89	48857	4885700	7a81feef-b118-4142-8eb7-414297ff7884	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:15:49	-79.832
-89	97714	4885700	a1ecae76-1a6e-4d1c-a9b9-0dda5831b00d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 08:08:16	352.310
-90	48858	4885800	600dadbb-4e19-45a4-b0ec-98d00466406d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 00:24:18	-75.673
-90	97716	4885800	2b287f7a-70c5-431a-97a5-1d83bd60302e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 08:42:45	277.119
-91	48859	4885900	9e41e4e3-d4ac-472f-a7b0-a8750fbb23f4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:26:08	334.16
-91	97718	4885900	eb86b3f4-a9ac-4a15-bef0-a36f5e11c7e4	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 11:47:19	-199.319
-92	48860	4886000	29952c44-eeb7-4f1b-8b43-561a27552a1e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:44:57	-559.49
-92	97720	4886000	704e1582-5a25-43f9-99b6-cb5efba1acc1	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 23:54:38	748.103
-93	48861	4886100	14c4131d-23eb-4fb5-98fb-93984783a9fe	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 10:23:09	-713.322
-93	97722	4886100	2eca9b9a-1035-4688-b6d0-f0a4f6931342	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:14:38	-481.278
-94	48862	4886200	dc552c86-e868-4f70-8e7a-e78d35f49fd5	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 04:39:10	42.291
-94	97724	4886200	5b7cc2c7-6dfd-4d44-8cf4-5f4d25ec1d73	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 16:11:46	-141.747
-95	48863	4886300	ba0584ca-8265-46d7-a06d-991bb0918aa4	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:39:52	-168.101
-95	97726	4886300	8f9f7a00-9ff4-4c84-a4eb-89880713c0aa	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:29:51	407.612
-96	48864	4886400	d1c59430-5b48-4b97-a584-cd7803fc07a0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:07:03	-282.60
-96	97728	4886400	8092c2f6-41d6-4d47-b4cd-dc7c9aba38de	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 03:59:44	605.31
-97	48865	4886500	cf8b5657-ad6e-41e0-8a2f-a618ac3646df	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 01:30:09	-800.239
-97	97730	4886500	4117b154-91eb-42a6-bb23-859ac9eef134	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:23:20	-291.561
-98	48866	4886600	b30be3f9-b878-4fcd-b4b6-247cb133f956	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:13:06	-412.470
-98	97732	4886600	a20cf290-4aea-4a71-a972-d3fa1e1ba223	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:14:02	43.646
-99	48867	4886700	f09f6436-88e1-4962-9a27-ab76f2cb21c6	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 23:41:35	-560.852
-99	97734	4886700	49f7234a-66be-410a-86e7-5d7f2b2d68c9	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 08:25:17	-399.727
-100	48868	4886800	754d5ecd-f057-4ae6-9531-f941daf80af3	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 14:17:03	-212.208
-100	97736	4886800	9be2c08c-dcd9-4f1d-b8b8-21036dcfe81a	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 03:03:06	-653.737
-101	48869	4886900	6f23479a-1600-4feb-8f3a-5c7d6f73f32c	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 09:01:16	-53.583
-101	97738	4886900	763d7e12-b8a7-4f94-b248-c2b585d7ccfb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:25:14	-18.860
-102	48870	4887000	7574562d-e195-4176-a65c-97e4a83b97d4	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 13:35:15	-954.18
-102	97740	4887000	240972ee-dec2-4287-81de-8c3523c21993	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 12:29:49	497.670
-103	48871	4887100	356c6ced-08cf-4f94-a36c-e11fb89cd2fc	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:39:25	-178.478
-103	97742	4887100	c4401d2d-c2d8-4b60-8dfd-bdc44bc9f3fa	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 15:59:47	357.902
-104	48872	4887200	c296fb73-11ea-4f50-930a-c07fa74f2c55	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:34:47	573.781
-104	97744	4887200	1ef1ccf1-6b7a-417b-aa1d-267e38fd7507	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 11:23:19	814.630
-105	48873	4887300	a352f43a-1ee5-4747-b971-7931c4ad2174	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 02:04:24	607.294
-105	97746	4887300	ab386ba9-5b4a-474f-8da7-b8a9f57c241a	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:13:30	109.432
-106	48874	4887400	daaeb451-7fab-451b-9d68-4c969bf4c730	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:54:53	-605.871
-106	97748	4887400	f0c3f6fa-478f-46ec-b252-5c4a10b2bf30	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 03:52:44	-181.971
-107	48875	4887500	239de17c-8514-4280-89a4-5855604d648f	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 09:06:22	-492.287
-107	97750	4887500	3b5e59a5-7c45-48ff-b41d-af851159cea2	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 11:18:20	639.107
-108	48876	4887600	575d248a-0bb6-4c70-8e0d-7533717515f9	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:43:27	-185.209
-108	97752	4887600	7ce4ec66-84a7-4780-8c64-7ed94471bcf0	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 12:32:14	96.736
-109	48877	4887700	0e84755f-4525-4712-8cc0-73de4bbedf5a	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 08:50:08	-191.262
-109	97754	4887700	898afcb6-852d-473a-a14c-38e8a7c67732	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:28:41	-519.115
-110	48878	4887800	bf747f9e-7c11-4c7e-a4b8-12790d02606d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:56:04	-441.581
-110	97756	4887800	ceee92e2-a3dd-43c4-acfd-a91431405f8d	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 08:47:41	268.770
-111	48879	4887900	6a2d27d0-e8e7-465f-95bc-23e72abf7d2f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 12:09:23	-809.714
-111	97758	4887900	6f87bdff-6208-4da8-965e-804330fe004d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 01:00:57	-799.145
-112	48880	4888000	ece5233d-cd92-442e-a9ff-bff03fb37f20	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:12:10	246.565
-112	97760	4888000	d5189acb-a76e-4a9f-b1ab-abbc7034c1c1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:29:56	-58.624
-113	48881	4888100	50052133-41eb-42b2-820a-d83b00349f03	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:56:38	675.363
-113	97762	4888100	4911a618-f3e1-4ee3-acfd-46cb739c5d97	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 10:29:58	461.522
-114	48882	4888200	4e946ea2-5747-41a7-9cb4-82b200e81b62	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:05:07	-331.35
-114	97764	4888200	37f9a86e-fc2b-4e5b-9ae4-96ca168b9f7a	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:51:37	-625.30
-115	48883	4888300	473ec847-2744-4d61-bdcc-e0ce313b375a	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:54:50	-953.658
-115	97766	4888300	6da83972-da93-4c9b-8bee-f603bc65adda	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 00:02:59	-322.244
-116	48884	4888400	734ce8de-f9bc-4509-b306-d8146c95a068	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:30:38	-581.157
-116	97768	4888400	6de2fb49-e5c1-4a69-9097-5a7ef5774f1b	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 23:31:33	-119.45
-117	48885	4888500	4d57edeb-c3b9-453d-81e9-4010d37185de	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 03:03:27	46.506
-117	97770	4888500	4a292469-1ae8-4cc1-8f55-8d18748f1da2	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 09:47:00	292.626
-118	48886	4888600	4124371c-59eb-4b72-8add-50a4db6e8794	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 11:21:48	596.81
-118	97772	4888600	eb40fae6-9cd3-4f38-baae-2dbf8b0d8dfa	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 05:31:04	517.765
-119	48887	4888700	9948f0c2-73cb-4c48-bd9f-f088ad274e7d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 20:18:43	-375.455
-119	97774	4888700	c229985a-9e12-43b2-a9af-ad97dfec44d6	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:50:28	779.580
-120	48888	4888800	8b8d9ff3-55dc-4f09-ad17-1967dc43e27b	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 08:36:39	-612.540
-120	97776	4888800	f0c93b33-ca03-4976-a74f-389e4fcc7c89	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 04:16:18	175.16
-121	48889	4888900	ced3716d-a9fd-43b6-8bc4-923ebc7daae8	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 15:26:26	389.961
-121	97778	4888900	d98f9f66-ac3a-4fa6-88a9-1dcbe159a028	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 08:47:00	-727.762
-122	48890	4889000	628a7203-0d89-4f11-9ef3-284d13cc41a8	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 09:43:42	-176.786
-122	97780	4889000	c7db7a6a-fcbd-4c7a-9e2d-dbc07fd39ee4	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 18:47:33	566.882
-123	48891	4889100	82aa2dd9-3f8f-4064-94cc-28b7923f6ca0	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 23:42:50	-256.481
-123	97782	4889100	3a4353bd-e22a-4a12-a031-736978d1c80c	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:40:39	-742.595
-124	48892	4889200	7c3e1d28-b718-4c46-981d-5a24081f83df	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:55:45	821.918
-124	97784	4889200	6d85c12b-1d2c-4296-b2ef-bb1271153d5b	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 15:18:31	-789.226
-125	48893	4889300	d267087e-8ccc-4383-8f46-4e900584732a	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:36:30	397.577
-125	97786	4889300	8494de50-ad8c-4f00-bcd8-bd97f3f249e6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 12:38:35	270.72
-126	48894	4889400	b9b1d5b5-e07d-4e31-9010-407d412f5bfd	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:07:20	499.721
-126	97788	4889400	b224897d-7b27-46a7-ad49-cf79800a7be4	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 01:50:08	-907.366
-127	48895	4889500	84a6def9-1b8f-49ec-b9ad-78418737856f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:17:11	888.869
-127	97790	4889500	07cacf47-5395-4206-9ca4-e1f36e2f938f	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 14:29:30	207.553
-0	48896	4889600	3e7c000c-d06b-4f98-9fb7-2c25c7b46f47	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 21:00:22	82.905
-0	97792	4889600	39f3b7e5-f211-4f87-b5d7-5a522f8b8c80	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:36:27	601.100
-1	48897	4889700	012e37bf-a999-4447-879b-3a14603ceb56	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:05:12	-33.831
-1	97794	4889700	4bf7f531-e414-45fa-8b45-b479af5e66f0	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:28:10	247.891
-2	48898	4889800	ae091d42-f974-4646-b7d6-552d37322233	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:02:35	538.813
-2	97796	4889800	14116861-0914-4b3a-8afa-8d5579bb0e6a	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 04:59:45	234.543
-3	48899	4889900	9d24edb8-c1d3-40e4-a3bc-2627b56fb63d	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:48:10	-329.554
-3	97798	4889900	e59ca646-dc1c-49cd-a524-0d2657c7096a	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 06:47:55	810.155
-4	48900	4890000	8c4a84d6-fc06-4275-b8d4-efc9c9df1fc8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 10:11:15	-110.522
-4	97800	4890000	454cc304-fe3f-4aee-aafb-3b5cbdd911fa	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:02:07	424.609
-5	48901	4890100	705e0dbc-e055-4cd3-a740-1b2638bfb445	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:37:52	355.886
-5	97802	4890100	b96dcf86-edb9-4330-a98a-f11940270881	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 20:32:40	376.182
-6	48902	4890200	634cb00b-ea47-43ac-b942-88bd106f1d8f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 10:02:31	-812.171
-6	97804	4890200	f8e16ebc-0128-44b8-a4a8-b6b6c082a423	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 10:30:36	-152.143
-7	48903	4890300	51f18d3e-ad92-4d42-92cd-afe90c8ab183	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:53:41	359.309
-7	97806	4890300	ffeac579-effc-4aa2-bad4-aba17f649891	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:04:20	920.70
-8	48904	4890400	dba45009-21ed-4184-b4bc-2de92cb39029	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:55:33	-769.490
-8	97808	4890400	ecec79c7-b8dc-4e20-aa82-2ac299dace5c	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 20:17:02	-399.268
-9	48905	4890500	d7176313-97f5-407a-bd9d-93d792fb8b82	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:02:24	146.587
-9	97810	4890500	00776550-29b9-471f-8dbc-eee01055e6c4	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 18:48:26	661.655
-10	48906	4890600	3820c694-24c2-406c-ab66-3163a088d535	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:32:49	997.270
-10	97812	4890600	6bdf643d-aa3f-4ec4-8940-924683fed9ff	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:49:59	265.328
-11	48907	4890700	ba6380f1-f3fe-4191-b8c3-6e77a8e821d4	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:28:41	988.325
-11	97814	4890700	6c4ceb55-aaed-43d8-a82b-f5995f7944f6	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:17:08	91.502
-12	48908	4890800	1af01e6c-7952-4c4a-9482-efceb614a125	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 23:23:28	-123.434
-12	97816	4890800	eab9a532-714a-46a3-9dc9-16253dd8e297	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:30:58	-518.761
-13	48909	4890900	14a75c5d-889c-4117-bffa-98153af4fe31	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 02:45:27	-557.752
-13	97818	4890900	d69da3a4-c933-4b6c-b012-ffc57285c015	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 11:06:38	837.875
-14	48910	4891000	da367c61-d371-4dd1-9493-1c216dc4d5d9	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:21:07	-669.718
-14	97820	4891000	34d9557f-6192-4b59-b48e-a3e453ceb44a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 01:01:04	-867.620
-15	48911	4891100	c21807cd-ce21-4c79-84d3-e286631ff21b	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:13:04	-437.191
-15	97822	4891100	5e0fb8cf-7a0d-4bc0-8058-6098462d8ac0	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:15:30	-88.315
-16	48912	4891200	5384ad77-cd62-4019-9fc9-f74cf5fed970	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:27:27	-723.450
-16	97824	4891200	3b1df909-f927-4c99-ab6f-317f44529c42	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 02:10:27	-525.10
-17	48913	4891300	607daa71-fd57-466c-a34e-fd17ca7cbad7	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:55:51	747.685
-17	97826	4891300	105a0e06-f99a-4e3d-b128-0cafbae346c6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 05:34:28	539.780
-18	48914	4891400	3ac6d22e-afa7-418e-93ec-43a2e3001109	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:42:16	756.351
-18	97828	4891400	5dc0a94c-a707-464c-b861-878821c60f65	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 00:53:22	-589.577
-19	48915	4891500	4b427839-1225-4a8b-9935-b2b930934b44	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 07:23:38	490.528
-19	97830	4891500	2c4a4ebc-27c0-4c9a-bb1f-bbd94bb90c86	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 11:53:53	847.132
-20	48916	4891600	9d3b4561-5d5a-41d0-a4f4-94537f140c8f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 05:14:21	-776.114
-20	97832	4891600	bd25fd0b-a388-42b9-b91e-fa30cb54c5bb	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 05:49:24	-582.696
-21	48917	4891700	fc59cf5b-3bf1-466a-9d70-d285652c38d4	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 06:56:01	984.636
-21	97834	4891700	6277ab22-050d-4f4f-bdbd-513a02da873c	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:53:26	-676.868
-22	48918	4891800	f45f26f5-cdc5-40f7-b2cb-18d9dafa6666	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 18:18:05	-841.989
-22	97836	4891800	de205f69-77e0-4b11-9132-6c6407a9caf4	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 17:10:02	-173.701
-23	48919	4891900	0e64257a-32e7-4854-a4fa-318db9fde330	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 17:59:28	-273.105
-23	97838	4891900	5c078f69-fb57-45d7-88d2-25f7088b0fe0	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:21:19	-616.991
-24	48920	4892000	27ea1b3d-021d-4e4a-b2ad-294fc451b5fe	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 06:30:06	655.860
-24	97840	4892000	f9bb5c63-6954-40b2-9f7f-830f911e0bf1	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:04:46	189.912
-25	48921	4892100	0acb1fbc-9466-4ed0-a24e-e308aebd1cef	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 06:11:59	-396.678
-25	97842	4892100	29b62513-08c5-4815-9a4a-00c3d62f4449	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:31:37	-423.795
-26	48922	4892200	6782c2a7-f491-4625-8413-d00e8185d373	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 11:22:03	286.286
-26	97844	4892200	3cb2a4b3-67ec-4257-a5f4-c6e2c401292e	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 10:13:20	793.201
-27	48923	4892300	cd1d392a-a0bf-4d48-a940-218a86d178fd	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 05:53:20	-986.111
-27	97846	4892300	6494cbe9-c6c7-4a86-b11a-f8f49b427fd8	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:01:25	-460.688
-28	48924	4892400	599fc4d0-d1bc-4f20-9543-f7fc402c3559	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 21:29:29	-773.166
-28	97848	4892400	7baa2af7-dbff-432e-9ae0-89acad977c8e	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:22:05	-66.537
-29	48925	4892500	54e24d29-a58a-4b79-a42e-d7c87f1c8a0d	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 21:25:56	-675.701
-29	97850	4892500	d550e871-6c27-4b78-b715-f5ccb35c6c09	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:09:55	2.268
-30	48926	4892600	c6385bc2-d57e-4705-ae44-c36275556272	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:07:45	-575.374
-30	97852	4892600	42b0e5e6-2c13-4e18-a2d9-6e30ea8b4bfb	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 16:28:43	-142.196
-31	48927	4892700	88e2a3e7-f774-42de-be82-07f335dbd38a	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 11:59:54	-945.203
-31	97854	4892700	111791d2-dbbc-4451-8301-5c29641f4c2f	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:30:36	-996.354
-32	48928	4892800	536e4442-21e2-47dc-ae3c-ae5f741f508c	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:55:46	851.103
-32	97856	4892800	e2cc5223-962b-444f-a518-bc15c028b81b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:32:12	-653.403
-33	48929	4892900	dd9998a2-1ed8-4399-a5d0-36718d54ea25	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:45:32	-251.707
-33	97858	4892900	f9043171-4542-40c7-b190-b8a2873f1fe5	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 11:41:37	-992.198
-34	48930	4893000	4a10997d-31b4-4350-82e6-a079649b2f91	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:10:26	-360.614
-34	97860	4893000	141aee16-7d98-46f0-8f90-5c6929d4bb94	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:23:43	828.159
-35	48931	4893100	631ab91d-188d-49a5-a13f-5b5726a8ef7c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 21:59:21	919.365
-35	97862	4893100	8d87af90-b81d-4959-9204-8c30d682a1e8	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:19:53	-550.487
-36	48932	4893200	a092ee90-bd63-4d20-bf17-01f2f197360f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:41:02	804.10
-36	97864	4893200	1e11994c-db89-43ff-ab35-cff60adf9ba7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:55:34	681.13
-37	48933	4893300	518f8031-68e1-4d5d-8053-e024c69c9add	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 11:18:43	-221.79
-37	97866	4893300	0a2f4529-8f24-4c7d-977c-7b818e11caff	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 22:13:43	-465.316
-38	48934	4893400	8f2266ab-e779-486a-b353-3ec858807e6d	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:56:44	-884.515
-38	97868	4893400	fbbd468f-2efb-4a88-a8b6-41680aed7fc7	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:41:45	-956.969
-39	48935	4893500	ae182796-3fc6-4ac1-a8aa-70a8c7db26a7	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 18:57:26	572.816
-39	97870	4893500	58e6d666-66d8-400f-b0c3-be9039f1645a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 14:56:13	-645.958
-40	48936	4893600	26af276a-11b9-4d82-afc7-23f90bed8b25	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:34:10	-428.373
-40	97872	4893600	a5e3bf30-407a-42c0-9b72-285ccb5d90cf	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:26:33	-28.181
-41	48937	4893700	a71bc157-28eb-4c6c-9570-cd15d5674f1a	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:31:04	-469.144
-41	97874	4893700	0c741fed-2a6c-4184-ac65-9b65f38ce070	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 12:28:15	-761.185
-42	48938	4893800	4478cbd4-cf8a-4abe-a1a2-f32a2c90b7a3	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 04:28:18	912.608
-42	97876	4893800	2339c0c3-9761-4c3b-aff6-c72118d8ac21	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:42:40	902.527
-43	48939	4893900	3508ee9a-9493-4dd6-b387-4a7256c96dc4	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 19:54:08	202.77
-43	97878	4893900	39873a29-e910-4c16-addd-664b9dc472c7	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:32:46	676.417
-44	48940	4894000	17fd0424-3d1f-43b6-82ec-65d6aeefac62	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 18:45:12	-40.167
-44	97880	4894000	2cfe9670-cbb1-480b-8c00-b0baffccd51f	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:13:23	76.735
-45	48941	4894100	30c0058d-bd56-4eb1-92c5-872397de87b5	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 11:56:30	-955.334
-45	97882	4894100	ef59f239-c9d7-4c0f-b8f0-42c65b29c162	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:15:25	467.52
-46	48942	4894200	01914044-8534-41f7-9e04-3fcf5fc55805	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 10:16:12	-384.632
-46	97884	4894200	037d979f-2fc0-4655-8172-916b36a15ca0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:48:54	-999.772
-47	48943	4894300	fd4eacef-4e76-4343-bae9-34b6d9502f04	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 09:34:42	-152.175
-47	97886	4894300	9addaa52-142d-4dec-b3ce-c0a49eb60846	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:41:59	232.260
-48	48944	4894400	d118aba9-1d72-4597-91a6-52909491be70	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 08:17:46	-564.163
-48	97888	4894400	f596951c-d9ed-48bf-9dcf-a42260bb3201	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:30:43	593.312
-49	48945	4894500	6afc7e97-72c0-4d2c-a25d-26a4ab57c963	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 06:09:13	380.338
-49	97890	4894500	9abb4b2c-153b-4838-90e3-b83373ff8bfc	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:00:37	365.145
-50	48946	4894600	55933d4d-4d10-4c62-bcb4-bfae6a45804a	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:04:04	335.494
-50	97892	4894600	11f5270a-e3ba-4e78-bffd-38b1f03e4c34	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 07:38:11	296.405
-51	48947	4894700	dbf2b6e0-f57a-4bdc-91ec-f6d7f37653ac	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:54:41	213.36
-51	97894	4894700	0b2eb646-b04e-43ff-9fc4-bfcd7c3c016b	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 04:37:35	883.419
-52	48948	4894800	53e31f15-9033-47a7-9ff7-a256285e2313	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:34:06	-5.832
-52	97896	4894800	9c9ca70b-df0c-4019-8f84-57df9b01fea5	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 02:45:56	513.985
-53	48949	4894900	9c511208-cbff-43d8-bc7e-84dc116e5810	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:28:57	-674.116
-53	97898	4894900	89fda4ab-d361-4282-ae4a-72f8accca4fb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 08:22:00	424.206
-54	48950	4895000	b1938668-8e78-45db-8c55-d346764cf0ac	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:25:30	791.921
-54	97900	4895000	95ad1145-2392-46e6-8baa-2fd1a36fe440	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 18:12:39	-666.316
-55	48951	4895100	5668a1b3-7278-4241-a061-8741b79566f5	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 16:28:13	-94.120
-55	97902	4895100	d06bb89b-c245-4eb7-9cda-2cd387bf73fa	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 14:21:27	344.223
-56	48952	4895200	7e7a2bb5-2b16-4dea-aab0-982e26f8bfc0	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:50:08	-766.307
-56	97904	4895200	039ffa51-adb8-4cc8-91eb-440dca5b4940	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 18:32:52	195.724
-57	48953	4895300	d2279937-f98c-4d37-9b36-854cefc10d39	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 07:33:39	297.547
-57	97906	4895300	e49d5165-e93e-4c9f-96be-14349eefb420	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:40:37	19.693
-58	48954	4895400	95a1f3c5-2652-4a71-98f9-f38e763b7c03	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:55:02	-177.383
-58	97908	4895400	4fe9121d-91f8-48f2-bc3f-a98ce207bdd6	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 05:29:28	-794.73
-59	48955	4895500	c937740e-7868-451e-b8d1-91c655f71c9c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:29:55	-610.847
-59	97910	4895500	5364f09c-3a4f-4e38-8fd4-abe20b7fbe34	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 08:28:55	-56.658
-60	48956	4895600	24478d8c-8fbc-4eef-b46a-23a18eab8a66	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 10:31:25	72.844
-60	97912	4895600	8df88742-f896-4204-b787-211214e43463	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 14:26:39	492.243
-61	48957	4895700	3a9ed58a-35b4-472d-9288-cc69bbe36c05	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 16:15:18	-832.487
-61	97914	4895700	8ca9c057-c045-409f-802f-e2f6c37891aa	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:20:54	-128.812
-62	48958	4895800	79db8862-7f21-4d03-9214-516c0dbf64fb	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:10:13	-974.382
-62	97916	4895800	10ef35d8-66f7-46bf-bd86-6dbd0045cb56	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:03:38	-898.22
-63	48959	4895900	c314422b-a6bc-40d7-b141-74eb81c21838	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 00:31:59	170.785
-63	97918	4895900	5b8b4863-1596-4fed-8f9c-4a70b8d2a870	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 10:39:41	340.519
-64	48960	4896000	373770eb-5663-43ef-8c3e-6310a3783ae9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 12:32:46	-136.889
-64	97920	4896000	0706b12f-1aa1-443c-a392-7f109afcd323	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 03:42:17	-174.254
-65	48961	4896100	12d99284-628c-4503-afc0-39fe213d4914	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:25:21	-771.712
-65	97922	4896100	9bba79d5-1d9d-450c-ad4f-cf9858bceab5	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 22:23:12	508.924
-66	48962	4896200	9b97efb1-f58e-4f90-bd94-9630e34ef45e	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:34:06	-499.298
-66	97924	4896200	87d4209a-a96c-47e6-b7e1-38b7b1c910dc	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 22:43:36	206.927
-67	48963	4896300	b1a1db53-3981-4c2d-8c3f-dc88edee0b34	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:24:05	351.70
-67	97926	4896300	cdb8379f-55dc-4013-9933-0b8ded364a9d	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:56:04	686.582
-68	48964	4896400	5f40536e-d53d-471d-9e19-36dc1305952d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:20:24	-90.778
-68	97928	4896400	c13f6ad0-c83e-4962-8dd7-25d7fe697a08	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:05:07	-58.90
-69	48965	4896500	43060a2c-4853-43dd-bd69-f7291406a377	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:43:33	347.207
-69	97930	4896500	6c620d03-5339-46e1-8a29-a46aac56b09b	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:53:14	-490.866
-70	48966	4896600	41874cb4-9c17-4ff3-9263-5328d0c4f820	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:30:42	-923.525
-70	97932	4896600	c94424a9-1ed4-464a-8030-b1b2da3c2f8b	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:30:20	-890.98
-71	48967	4896700	adbdf6b6-28f6-48d2-9a17-82290cb2ce85	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 11:21:50	-270.764
-71	97934	4896700	6acd7821-ec19-4e5a-b78c-5eb6fc57ee26	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 14:32:54	197.516
-72	48968	4896800	e3c3818f-079d-4c26-8ac3-807cfa9d32b4	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 15:00:21	466.648
-72	97936	4896800	648bc24e-6492-4a3d-b45f-82e2a696aab2	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:27:34	-47.324
-73	48969	4896900	6fbdecd3-9464-45b3-b13c-263e5db4928f	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 00:23:44	876.644
-73	97938	4896900	7d5b19be-8b6e-428a-bace-77e513684355	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:04:40	846.877
-74	48970	4897000	d8cb207a-dd28-4fef-8d73-09e8d9d59399	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:02:28	632.20
-74	97940	4897000	438f1a1d-2cd7-412c-ab3c-858a19784a0f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:45:57	101.893
-75	48971	4897100	5df6045e-db55-413c-aad6-54319f105f4e	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:24:50	-302.581
-75	97942	4897100	ec7ad053-04c4-4dbf-9208-23ee6c88222d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 19:46:22	-889.63
-76	48972	4897200	a8f24ba3-bd85-417e-ac25-a60c649a2eca	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:22:31	391.105
-76	97944	4897200	89b50ef8-c35a-4a6a-81ed-8434e2dcdafc	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 07:59:49	-798.25
-77	48973	4897300	d8f520cd-41ef-4c36-8b0e-3480b6b4ecd2	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 17:19:33	986.986
-77	97946	4897300	cc192d5c-b05b-4164-a3a5-61b5649ecc32	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 07:03:22	-819.864
-78	48974	4897400	90a83b1a-5208-4a6d-a4bb-a6988c33a7a5	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 20:32:13	-581.483
-78	97948	4897400	d92783fb-cb38-4d35-9161-dfd37ba0692f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:51:29	-383.188
-79	48975	4897500	af88bdaa-0814-4caf-ac47-21f7333a3eca	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 00:30:53	675.108
-79	97950	4897500	983dc7d7-e3ea-4d17-9223-47a37ee8c8c0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:23:39	-594.974
-80	48976	4897600	2e4ace47-ca71-4bfd-b598-b681fb8e8b8d	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 12:31:44	-228.949
-80	97952	4897600	fe344099-a2ec-42e4-b9ea-0976b85d2f29	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 10:54:50	298.937
-81	48977	4897700	d25c680e-14b3-4e3f-952c-16e50d889eb2	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:45:03	820.683
-81	97954	4897700	b8a59a7b-7b62-49ba-b4cc-ff91574b292d	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 06:02:56	174.172
-82	48978	4897800	5d4616f1-1343-4f84-863f-c3a90877d3b2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:09:27	572.328
-82	97956	4897800	0def44cc-fa2b-4912-a77d-0bbfe9cc1c5c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:31:04	301.829
-83	48979	4897900	d5a7a8e9-ed96-4fa1-8806-906e3c661454	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:54:27	-184.886
-83	97958	4897900	4585ff14-ff3b-438c-b238-bbc5113bd6c3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:43:11	516.23
-84	48980	4898000	8e640e4b-9b29-4171-b381-cc011e49b4a3	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 21:14:41	-716.775
-84	97960	4898000	050a1b69-985f-4bd5-8ee4-696f5bd45378	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:22:05	593.792
-85	48981	4898100	77ee219e-2d50-47e3-b186-2585f57d0daa	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 10:22:56	237.251
-85	97962	4898100	4c3653f8-81b9-4fad-b1d7-dfe3195c17cb	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 19:41:38	-423.418
-86	48982	4898200	d0eaa033-dc85-421b-956a-8319f0d1ee81	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 07:16:10	90.211
-86	97964	4898200	4f328714-bf6a-4dcd-9789-5aec85799746	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:36:27	-783.976
-87	48983	4898300	a5dd018e-cef5-41fc-9f0a-e15f4b82d9e2	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 06:37:02	-472.757
-87	97966	4898300	d6ce1128-f9ea-4e54-bd88-d9d3d6e71424	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 13:08:11	94.174
-88	48984	4898400	3266d89d-79de-43c9-8d24-90e0725b59a3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:55:28	394.693
-88	97968	4898400	97538a95-9357-41d4-8e8a-0f1edfff37cd	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 15:25:11	-703.839
-89	48985	4898500	0d75cf32-9b17-441e-9e5e-a9919189c068	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 14:27:52	-221.568
-89	97970	4898500	cb944eb2-b673-4194-9cf1-39abe91a01cf	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 19:57:57	476.555
-90	48986	4898600	439dde75-416f-40f4-975c-47d9ff6e9318	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:52:55	-143.728
-90	97972	4898600	73e088e9-3456-4430-b1a3-9cc2a8e2be11	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:40:30	976.361
-91	48987	4898700	32fb6d9c-4358-41c0-bedb-135cb9b8c69c	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 08:01:18	68.82
-91	97974	4898700	5a9e1464-6c96-45d2-b999-b0e9210a1580	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 22:34:54	818.633
-92	48988	4898800	7e5b9e1b-59ce-45e2-93c7-3dade638f012	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:21:21	755.588
-92	97976	4898800	539563b3-5150-4364-b6a2-588b1258de08	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 20:16:54	154.191
-93	48989	4898900	863b733d-39f4-488e-ae71-0cd34a260da2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 04:36:21	524.772
-93	97978	4898900	794ada72-7d0b-4ca6-8240-b41b688ab97a	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:00:23	15.519
-94	48990	4899000	33ef2f32-3155-41a6-99c5-76ef8073e9cf	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 15:53:16	-735.719
-94	97980	4899000	51758eed-43a8-4e1d-b938-38c4968c53a2	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 06:27:06	525.836
-95	48991	4899100	3fbc6b3b-d940-4edd-852a-6d8e364e3ca4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 02:54:04	89.130
-95	97982	4899100	9684719c-8e86-460a-856c-df751e15ba5e	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:34:04	-400.47
-96	48992	4899200	260d00b8-c43e-4b1b-ad08-fcb306ff6dda	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 08:22:08	-774.867
-96	97984	4899200	eda677dd-c5a0-4904-a770-383961499af8	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:14:37	-699.237
-97	48993	4899300	a517cb0c-558c-45a6-988d-f149a4edf0d8	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 21:20:07	-890.106
-97	97986	4899300	9d062349-91e5-4670-ace2-3b38a5c0b32f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 06:05:19	-448.351
-98	48994	4899400	dd564e44-6a3b-4c66-aaa8-c04126f44440	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:11:43	939.390
-98	97988	4899400	e8159324-7a2d-422a-8581-93b900ee0a38	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 15:33:02	-966.488
-99	48995	4899500	a4694377-3814-48dc-bc5c-60b4b5fc4ddc	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:20:31	979.364
-99	97990	4899500	5cd12677-d642-48b5-be0e-0474d444a739	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 14:01:41	764.585
-100	48996	4899600	83a239ff-4f0c-4265-accd-34ec08dd672c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:03:20	-19.508
-100	97992	4899600	a5a00631-79f2-4bac-9560-1c66398549f8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:49:49	-895.766
-101	48997	4899700	c30b4781-76ba-4b1d-8554-e42173b7e57c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:38:27	-79.281
-101	97994	4899700	37637c15-c5f3-4b19-b5d7-e227c1db03e2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 09:54:42	498.572
-102	48998	4899800	c895cfe4-4e6a-4922-8524-672e7af7a44c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 18:51:42	-199.617
-102	97996	4899800	11b03d98-4f36-482a-8c6e-f552081079b4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 21:54:01	132.552
-103	48999	4899900	d1674648-0589-4fd8-a570-3e0ce1577476	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:34:23	781.207
-103	97998	4899900	9566d6f9-0461-4141-808b-194a2e0f0ba9	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 03:31:22	-397.471
-104	49000	4900000	ff9db77c-ae42-4ed2-94b6-0d6d62d5cbdf	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:18:35	732.100
-104	98000	4900000	99791645-ff0a-4af7-b49b-99ac3f4dafb1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 09:20:55	-329.163
-105	49001	4900100	65d32cd2-024b-4c0e-bbee-14d4a032224a	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 08:27:43	-631.562
-105	98002	4900100	6239cdb6-4abf-4ba1-bc81-cbc99dc658b6	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 20:39:25	-974.691
-106	49002	4900200	ebc7754c-7fa7-40fc-9f87-bef7e3388b46	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:48:03	-178.452
-106	98004	4900200	4339f9f6-dc24-43fb-8f0b-d37d26eceed1	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 02:26:58	156.995
-107	49003	4900300	2ee4e16e-6caa-466f-8864-7a9791091135	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 18:52:53	-190.823
-107	98006	4900300	898dc642-7508-4c4b-bded-1ced912cdefa	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:34:10	-584.182
-108	49004	4900400	5bc5075d-f57a-434b-af97-fae8b8a4124c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 00:54:25	-87.969
-108	98008	4900400	422bd5ad-3fbc-4a5b-94d7-a088c060b6fd	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 20:34:41	877.515
-109	49005	4900500	38c488be-95e6-446a-b29d-333fdb747d02	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 00:45:31	618.551
-109	98010	4900500	f59f62e4-8fda-4044-9889-ef97fdcc52ff	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:17:39	-887.897
-110	49006	4900600	8cd1ad7a-ad5d-49ad-b47d-37c1cbab896e	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 15:04:50	-368.702
-110	98012	4900600	568502a3-254e-49ca-a6fe-a35b7d3aeab9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 05:21:18	-709.874
-111	49007	4900700	53b2fb79-b2c7-45a4-bbe3-e2309811819f	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 21:43:08	-774.111
-111	98014	4900700	5a6bae0d-4f2b-4fa9-b77e-4f5048cbaf32	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:13:32	704.385
-112	49008	4900800	9fd93c69-9e9c-492e-9d38-db1de7a0a866	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:39:31	-592.292
-112	98016	4900800	c29a9b05-e0e8-4c25-88e3-6fa23df2a9ac	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:10:02	-283.882
-113	49009	4900900	44c50889-f757-4b07-8ed3-63a0256d5422	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 14:25:25	384.329
-113	98018	4900900	f640f3c3-7d48-4362-9934-29eb342d9732	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:29:55	277.475
-114	49010	4901000	720b286e-a8cc-4b57-a932-49705c9251e9	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:31:18	-541.461
-114	98020	4901000	af669fbf-9225-407f-9a82-8861f21bad86	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 14:35:56	-985.856
-115	49011	4901100	dea35d32-b7e2-4909-b769-a9c379630796	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 05:21:56	-450.764
-115	98022	4901100	c4f0fbed-0120-416c-8da3-9e07b3c9f8a7	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 07:43:51	-275.405
-116	49012	4901200	f36feca5-1db3-4b13-9953-a3e583962330	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 17:53:28	-489.179
-116	98024	4901200	3cec5579-a6f9-4a72-a550-f4fc1ce6fb62	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:45:39	-353.448
-117	49013	4901300	e94f7d6d-7874-4489-8fab-3a2951817bad	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:10:04	-603.627
-117	98026	4901300	7db69932-b898-48af-9e41-387202d40633	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:11:22	576.913
-118	49014	4901400	7f5ab859-7c33-4d34-a6cc-c08783a7e42f	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:13:07	797.830
-118	98028	4901400	417aa547-1f92-47e9-8d40-799bd978e9f5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:23:16	-384.835
-119	49015	4901500	b91d18de-ffa6-45af-b26e-20ec556362f0	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 19:15:23	-162.838
-119	98030	4901500	980ecad9-e812-45aa-bea7-55ae89dcb293	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 01:33:07	355.690
-120	49016	4901600	7266380c-fcdd-4ef5-949f-14dcee466183	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:11:36	-190.657
-120	98032	4901600	9ffc8936-32b3-4f43-897d-48c05cb44c3e	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 10:29:48	132.167
-121	49017	4901700	72a55fbb-3da6-4f7e-a222-5fad0e07b8e6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 00:50:22	934.439
-121	98034	4901700	8332a4f1-02c8-475f-8aab-8b5e0bc26636	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 10:58:01	-549.140
-122	49018	4901800	acfda628-ba69-4319-b1fa-084bf69b7485	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 12:28:22	846.729
-122	98036	4901800	9b938993-b094-4c19-891a-e710590e9abb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 08:12:15	-58.13
-123	49019	4901900	faba0902-38e6-470a-920d-43a8fd80415d	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 12:58:12	961.514
-123	98038	4901900	d5925083-1118-43f8-990a-1204b2219753	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 23:09:46	730.325
-124	49020	4902000	01513c92-defa-4c07-916b-215318e8b4c8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:02:56	-389.280
-124	98040	4902000	9a8446b9-b562-475c-a75b-806ef7f6144c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:07:12	-152.151
-125	49021	4902100	9e115434-784c-4117-bb88-3a337e53cdcd	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 19:05:22	756.651
-125	98042	4902100	92364d9d-809c-4698-bf76-01074594a60f	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 16:42:16	-989.481
-126	49022	4902200	5afc7d02-3474-4986-ad18-f762b4045491	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 21:13:47	-832.385
-126	98044	4902200	8907524e-e57c-4ea6-b4af-e3d4c0cd5da0	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 04:15:27	193.346
-127	49023	4902300	00a83ce6-81df-4a59-8182-77cc3c62870f	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:44:23	957.731
-127	98046	4902300	d5505e5b-d330-43b5-91c3-dffbf37308e0	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 05:27:24	-785.565
-0	49024	4902400	fb0c7574-f643-4fda-8b68-f0b09e98f26c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:45:09	307.89
-0	98048	4902400	e4c7c2e7-df4d-49b2-9efd-c236c14d8012	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 03:29:35	-182.294
-1	49025	4902500	5c36c632-ff08-4b97-b3e3-6a450c2b2c20	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:06:00	565.504
-1	98050	4902500	b73e654e-91c8-4da1-ab3d-ed4fd9280b65	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:36:23	-466.386
-2	49026	4902600	36b28f25-5b55-4675-8aad-f022f7f78bf3	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:57:33	-723.655
-2	98052	4902600	b73d4107-6237-4a8a-ab71-d325ed5828bc	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 14:41:16	-203.45
-3	49027	4902700	fa23594c-e995-475a-8c23-f99fc0d90e1f	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 20:25:56	983.699
-3	98054	4902700	2b1d2d1f-4dd1-43d8-95b5-5d77089e0633	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:57:12	890.442
-4	49028	4902800	66e28d8d-617b-4e6f-82e8-7a9c69a5525c	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:37:24	-966.703
-4	98056	4902800	06d0d4c9-d075-4924-a682-460ed1db3d79	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 23:16:28	359.430
-5	49029	4902900	5c9b4b11-b601-418d-97ee-8b437d532d2d	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:44:00	576.356
-5	98058	4902900	59d369a1-28f8-44dd-8ae8-1be190343726	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 05:47:26	-803.217
-6	49030	4903000	98854899-6204-41a0-abac-5c990cc88709	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:58:17	-461.973
-6	98060	4903000	383649ef-567f-4185-927b-a10f3062a260	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 21:23:51	-582.842
-7	49031	4903100	51cdf24e-d0c0-43d1-8962-33de7ecc6488	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 11:15:32	-702.557
-7	98062	4903100	ce4a8a53-67f0-478b-8d9f-f08fb84379e9	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 01:22:36	-164.433
-8	49032	4903200	9ea13838-e6ee-4dac-a819-3fcda21b68bd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:35:49	-790.290
-8	98064	4903200	87cac8b7-60b6-4d10-bc1d-ebb1e64fa59d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 07:38:12	-180.777
-9	49033	4903300	c6b7e376-f899-48b6-a1f0-d781a60b4ad7	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:21:51	-730.704
-9	98066	4903300	95f3e7c4-8e85-405d-b157-6d9dec48ef72	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:56:26	678.51
-10	49034	4903400	8716af21-d9cb-4ca4-ac68-d190c2bb0443	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 14:12:55	48.383
-10	98068	4903400	3e77eae3-8a0f-4f5f-ba20-06022b929f81	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 08:24:01	-363.868
-11	49035	4903500	0258cde7-44ff-417c-978f-8133ce6f5feb	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 23:15:27	-887.484
-11	98070	4903500	882afe41-8aee-4945-a139-b0cf1db2f50e	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:24:33	-7.143
-12	49036	4903600	dc4f1c8f-12ec-406d-a71e-f2f9bfd8409a	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 04:15:20	-673.540
-12	98072	4903600	a0b1c6a1-da70-4340-8c90-83f2707097f4	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:57:24	946.58
-13	49037	4903700	4bcc975e-412a-4e54-b20f-085732d51233	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 16:38:11	-602.892
-13	98074	4903700	f5d39728-4e35-4e40-80ce-5ba8e77ca394	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:01:52	-269.171
-14	49038	4903800	ff00221c-e9ed-42a0-a7d0-f1d03584c328	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 10:12:04	-629.52
-14	98076	4903800	73ace45e-e527-494c-a044-f241c4739d3f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:28:09	645.270
-15	49039	4903900	0a63ef39-b4cf-4d2b-87c1-5e599dcd2ed2	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 00:37:56	874.155
-15	98078	4903900	b321ed7a-cc33-4377-a6b0-63395af215c2	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 09:10:10	317.638
-16	49040	4904000	d8dfbb7d-761b-46dc-becb-577dccceee32	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:10:03	-265.170
-16	98080	4904000	3c26a142-31bd-4595-b046-dfa989e8e4e6	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:12:50	133.259
-17	49041	4904100	4a8aea43-1034-44ac-b200-becf29538f47	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:42:57	-760.721
-17	98082	4904100	df7e2641-cd33-44f0-9b7b-7c5efc7e1976	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:53:05	-415.415
-18	49042	4904200	3c55db4c-fd60-4f26-ba96-adc84a3fb942	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:23:49	-160.92
-18	98084	4904200	6bf9dfd3-ca58-4093-9607-289868a8e0d3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 18:18:19	707.111
-19	49043	4904300	1e5a1604-03e9-42bb-9980-8bb7e7b8acd9	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:43:15	551.693
-19	98086	4904300	0b1f995c-51c7-4b09-9205-0673572a1610	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:01:54	-238.119
-20	49044	4904400	b37d19a7-b36f-4e74-99dd-a9ce6dcd166e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 17:35:07	-654.57
-20	98088	4904400	bcaf6dcb-d120-478f-96bf-048eeec9b89c	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 00:31:10	345.571
-21	49045	4904500	a782666e-85ff-4e34-abb5-366144e2169c	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 00:15:09	34.337
-21	98090	4904500	afb4effb-53be-4b03-b9b7-b85ecae32dda	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 10:37:44	109.23
-22	49046	4904600	5c09d004-03d5-4a55-b206-b3314f319823	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 14:27:19	-574.452
-22	98092	4904600	830d08a8-464f-432c-9a14-22795678c4e9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 17:55:34	977.970
-23	49047	4904700	6c43a25e-68fd-4857-8640-a15f4e2e5dbd	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 08:21:21	-68.259
-23	98094	4904700	fd6a3b3a-ca9a-455b-8360-4072955a6637	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 02:30:48	266.877
-24	49048	4904800	ef161043-c8c0-43e3-b98f-cf213af4796b	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 02:42:17	394.632
-24	98096	4904800	8be66276-1797-4b1f-8007-f186893e3bf9	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 18:27:26	-662.538
-25	49049	4904900	e57bf959-0804-40f8-a5f3-21e0089ae8df	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:15:13	-520.511
-25	98098	4904900	e93fd866-5b33-49f3-9f95-2ac0a4c2a90e	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:00:39	597.509
-26	49050	4905000	0f874f79-7623-4689-9171-925e0a2cb80d	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:07:06	-113.457
-26	98100	4905000	bdd52d3c-3b29-49f8-ba0a-2dd336a3612e	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 16:01:44	656.659
-27	49051	4905100	a5d31c66-b84c-407d-a289-6f83548e34ff	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:12:27	-160.819
-27	98102	4905100	9cef308e-9fd7-4e2b-9f2a-bc62f9b2b09f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:41:47	202.107
-28	49052	4905200	b03c9a7b-4890-445c-840a-b3d06bb17dbe	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:34:52	-265.949
-28	98104	4905200	f3a04dbe-abbe-4e6b-93c0-bebdc30d27d0	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:39:52	-700.232
-29	49053	4905300	c0141169-92df-4e0e-9053-85d92c4cb120	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 06:42:09	622.65
-29	98106	4905300	76ce8371-be81-4ff5-9182-6397a9f9df51	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 19:38:09	519.368
-30	49054	4905400	d4a8aa8b-2bdb-45c8-8879-db6c1a0d07a8	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:38:45	-783.802
-30	98108	4905400	89fb247b-7d7a-4ac8-8126-096a8192f500	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 02:17:38	-67.660
-31	49055	4905500	55b897ae-f96d-4910-8181-a16af8aa64a4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:59:41	-121.392
-31	98110	4905500	70ca7bac-53de-4093-88df-cfef569540e9	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 21:52:45	190.702
-32	49056	4905600	a12628b8-ab5b-4f3c-9994-87ef5a4656fc	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 06:54:43	-720.90
-32	98112	4905600	3e7b91b3-3f9b-4d96-8f9f-d8f74df70731	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 15:19:30	-474.520
-33	49057	4905700	bac64b3e-b7f2-406f-b555-083b0fbabaad	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 09:39:46	390.151
-33	98114	4905700	00bab4f1-95b9-45ab-99d5-5d18ba39b534	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 19:54:58	405.76
-34	49058	4905800	0cf92648-bdef-4ebd-bd96-73b30f68cf84	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 04:00:54	-860.994
-34	98116	4905800	075d5f67-2b5d-4e4f-b752-c2055af7a531	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 02:16:30	580.102
-35	49059	4905900	4607d50a-9128-4218-aab0-c2f67f40f189	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 11:30:32	-366.691
-35	98118	4905900	c8a4486c-0f0a-46d7-b156-ecc0c8c07577	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 01:45:40	-927.156
-36	49060	4906000	3ff8a48c-df4b-473e-b3ba-1886e28ebbb9	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 05:10:26	871.414
-36	98120	4906000	e9fbe890-d10f-4ffb-acc7-c78ebd5da34a	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:15:45	642.319
-37	49061	4906100	31a7f9c6-bbfb-43f7-9d49-d77efbe7ce4a	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 03:07:08	860.470
-37	98122	4906100	bde53fad-8d08-4a58-8b2b-a9f85eb9cb8f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 15:41:41	-271.427
-38	49062	4906200	707f1b2c-91b9-442e-b1de-5ae7dc1d2da3	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:00:46	81.830
-38	98124	4906200	0e579889-5b26-4dca-b992-71484bee0fb5	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:51:26	226.475
-39	49063	4906300	4be1a77d-3d09-4284-b977-8930c578f45b	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 02:10:24	-772.18
-39	98126	4906300	34652f7c-8795-4312-a837-14f7a1a2db28	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 04:04:34	436.270
-40	49064	4906400	d197c21f-e788-4a92-91fb-ff73e3fd3455	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:48:09	685.918
-40	98128	4906400	bf965fcb-553d-47c9-a183-eb2750d697bd	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:40:31	-870.168
-41	49065	4906500	ebf0f055-473d-4f88-acc8-e8c5cefaf2ba	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 13:40:54	37.995
-41	98130	4906500	570ebe61-2102-4280-abb5-4f4f287f86df	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 16:51:22	-350.541
-42	49066	4906600	688e1ec9-f4a3-484e-a4cf-ff7a47497fad	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 01:54:28	262.822
-42	98132	4906600	cb97599e-1646-4cf1-b670-bb60f120524b	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 15:14:04	702.456
-43	49067	4906700	76504dcf-284e-4b47-b521-e3716701643a	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 03:37:35	31.210
-43	98134	4906700	d9e4807b-b31f-439e-bf0b-9a295aaf4f34	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:38:57	-106.839
-44	49068	4906800	8302d4fb-4fce-4202-9509-5385bba5a524	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 03:17:49	918.33
-44	98136	4906800	a4148c20-62ae-444b-b736-cf991ec70b3b	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:54:26	953.503
-45	49069	4906900	ebdad8df-5df9-4032-8218-993b365bcf65	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:43:57	-615.680
-45	98138	4906900	42d0a929-5f77-452e-a22c-63fd992385e8	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 17:12:41	-102.963
-46	49070	4907000	4a198232-267b-4cb4-ba0d-9586777c357d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 14:50:34	549.826
-46	98140	4907000	6d381beb-a1c7-45cd-a59e-ad92c1e569d2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 10:52:38	877.921
-47	49071	4907100	db724f12-a1d6-4606-951c-33a497ba4222	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:07:54	759.18
-47	98142	4907100	22d966e8-e1a6-4556-97ba-21849c72aa0e	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 18:53:20	-713.934
-48	49072	4907200	052f0794-584e-4116-a399-83a7b4f543d5	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 09:47:20	-236.94
-48	98144	4907200	af6fe044-0f5a-42cd-ab37-7898c9392499	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:07:34	139.24
-49	49073	4907300	89aed483-d2f3-436d-a465-f13b3db11cb9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:12:53	-833.288
-49	98146	4907300	e7e84b32-8e67-4349-aae4-8f453e63213c	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 11:06:37	-51.180
-50	49074	4907400	42242340-9558-45e8-9078-e5eab1f3037e	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 03:37:08	820.597
-50	98148	4907400	8e3b4ce0-c2bc-41d4-91f0-40eecd7c43c7	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 01:55:49	-57.177
-51	49075	4907500	f628da58-f4f5-451e-9b2a-d58a5c8ffec6	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:20:33	-174.727
-51	98150	4907500	2e36b27d-3925-427b-8832-a0616b2911d2	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 09:56:45	-866.681
-52	49076	4907600	809ae3ff-e331-49b6-9522-cc8d9d3953ac	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 16:53:23	-318.878
-52	98152	4907600	f53c9deb-9f9c-4825-9a41-958007d979b2	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:55:35	-558.769
-53	49077	4907700	8e58105c-5989-47ed-802d-5ffd36c21bc8	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 00:45:22	-458.379
-53	98154	4907700	db8ac262-445d-4b21-912a-60f88ab20bb6	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 00:50:58	398.23
-54	49078	4907800	5f82d38b-92b5-49a2-b9c2-dd1dc49602f3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 13:47:40	517.846
-54	98156	4907800	974313a1-3d52-4273-a444-f65d0fec135d	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 19:20:47	148.142
-55	49079	4907900	9e2ee58f-432c-4c55-8531-d3758bc13f06	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 04:29:23	346.339
-55	98158	4907900	950381df-4f67-4cb3-b719-7eb35145d6d9	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:35:51	99.972
-56	49080	4908000	069ba272-7313-4793-9c84-18b136aa671e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 07:31:09	463.748
-56	98160	4908000	7e8c2ed4-9dda-4ec5-a045-ac75e47b029f	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 15:08:06	-376.549
-57	49081	4908100	01c5dcc0-3554-43ca-a58c-67be412871ea	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 18:26:25	146.916
-57	98162	4908100	00c1c620-e614-451e-a8b7-576957ee1040	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 08:04:51	-262.436
-58	49082	4908200	6ba03245-6b19-4d9b-9ff2-471e083486d5	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 18:57:10	186.355
-58	98164	4908200	a5cf2671-6e56-4c46-ae8c-4f6fdee410d8	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:26:56	636.289
-59	49083	4908300	8ece4e18-876a-4a3d-a701-3ddee753089e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 02:56:42	-255.805
-59	98166	4908300	41e44ff8-8efd-47e3-9891-25bde3e4639f	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 22:48:14	-139.346
-60	49084	4908400	447637e8-64dc-42be-9f54-592138645cee	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 19:44:47	134.114
-60	98168	4908400	e563b34a-b6a9-4e24-b90b-2d92987a0b88	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 00:44:29	-929.599
-61	49085	4908500	0d4c9443-a7c9-4731-8dea-e189942c29e8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:13:02	-765.838
-61	98170	4908500	3b71eed8-5574-4d18-945d-b003312358c3	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 15:08:19	-130.683
-62	49086	4908600	dc394a27-2711-4fe9-a8e8-6d46a66dcf45	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 15:46:19	-5.570
-62	98172	4908600	e7b8357b-1cf2-4174-9f7f-1c13032f11d8	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 10:23:57	-534.87
-63	49087	4908700	e4596727-a4fe-40ff-9419-4300d65df442	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 10:53:22	-986.743
-63	98174	4908700	5c36cafd-8714-4d50-ae10-6ef12bfdd3b4	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 11:29:00	-850.380
-64	49088	4908800	7bdfb785-7ef8-4d48-929a-01ae2684ddbe	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 21:51:22	-775.465
-64	98176	4908800	bbc31035-3010-42ee-bb23-d246f927a3f9	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:20:23	615.954
-65	49089	4908900	d80cb720-fef2-4069-91d7-66daa06a5094	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 03:49:40	-74.50
-65	98178	4908900	4f6fb87a-c75a-4214-b0f2-8c59922ce652	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 07:42:47	-55.360
-66	49090	4909000	9d10a274-d999-498e-a90f-81b2502448b0	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 00:21:43	-212.380
-66	98180	4909000	ca2dd79f-0354-421d-8afc-b8fb8a3b1783	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 19:43:35	344.43
-67	49091	4909100	fa71ee08-feda-4f92-bedc-10a9fb497c9f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 23:24:48	91.877
-67	98182	4909100	8c2de72d-8ed7-4a12-8436-e2e08089c933	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 18:11:50	-95.456
-68	49092	4909200	dba53890-570f-48fb-9604-fded65612e6f	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 02:44:03	489.768
-68	98184	4909200	d0ac2de1-dd2c-4be9-ac73-3b417f7ccc75	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 00:36:17	855.170
-69	49093	4909300	65e1d6d9-00ad-46ec-aa18-5487788e421f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 07:15:24	848.123
-69	98186	4909300	9323e8b3-2f5b-4c2d-9ba4-1330e1e3ff21	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:03:14	-111.242
-70	49094	4909400	e68d4939-c4fe-4494-83d3-c973cb8ba324	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 16:05:44	63.408
-70	98188	4909400	f33f8259-ac3c-405e-a13a-0e952bbf80a7	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 21:13:23	413.310
-71	49095	4909500	b1f8c906-7347-4d39-b492-bd76ea83a70d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 18:14:31	-961.781
-71	98190	4909500	a8f0bde4-4e17-40b5-b09a-7810ff0bcdfc	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 06:59:56	-564.530
-72	49096	4909600	8fb10a3d-26b6-4a4d-94b0-ef071d6ac34a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 00:07:46	482.946
-72	98192	4909600	cdde3644-6106-45f8-b79d-e690cc347144	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 22:54:57	990.597
-73	49097	4909700	4fc15b30-e4c6-4d18-83b9-80322b3e67f9	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:08:45	-297.840
-73	98194	4909700	a1cba927-5dc5-4066-b000-f6ecd8a48026	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 16:03:06	372.956
-74	49098	4909800	a31ecf5d-24e7-4528-a1c6-fb635f8529a8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:06:10	201.176
-74	98196	4909800	d2c261b9-222c-4028-895f-440359b922d9	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:57:51	-462.683
-75	49099	4909900	df11be83-0ca2-4c0a-91e0-355e406db287	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:54:27	-327.128
-75	98198	4909900	9c44897c-3d3d-4ceb-96cb-4ac4b8890671	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:55:15	102.100
-76	49100	4910000	18e60761-70df-44ef-82a2-ad33be9a3019	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:53:08	17.133
-76	98200	4910000	3ef71e9c-0ce5-4ab2-b40c-85f3b90bb653	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:03:42	349.87
-77	49101	4910100	5985ea26-aeb3-4aea-9ce1-0e1c09e18c85	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 02:46:31	33.597
-77	98202	4910100	06a19472-77b6-46ad-98d0-fe57c5b0b8e4	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 00:58:11	-269.602
-78	49102	4910200	dee6733b-8cc3-4be4-832a-bb988f6e1f77	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:48:10	-602.248
-78	98204	4910200	7fa12fa8-6f39-4a93-9c57-bb582525d993	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 20:02:46	710.650
-79	49103	4910300	131c7fcc-dcc0-403f-bc4b-3ccdee46f46a	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 21:03:23	-623.299
-79	98206	4910300	94284b1d-e04e-4b3c-8f0a-8b0d28d69114	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 01:44:17	321.354
-80	49104	4910400	abe24e1b-1b02-4cf7-9870-587fa983dc3f	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 01:12:40	-311.218
-80	98208	4910400	46c91796-5d6d-4f9d-9e77-be0c28aec5a3	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 02:37:07	-85.438
-81	49105	4910500	6420c7d3-16a0-41e6-a0ee-8aae9e891c13	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:01:39	-316.743
-81	98210	4910500	dbd1b2a6-040b-4954-ae49-59e1b26a398f	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:17:05	662.80
-82	49106	4910600	c07355af-40c7-4dde-aefd-d48cd9bd1a62	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:45:39	945.913
-82	98212	4910600	ab12ebd0-eb98-4c18-827e-fcf13091c8e1	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 03:47:52	900.612
-83	49107	4910700	718b789d-c404-4dd6-8108-0e376df6e3f2	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 05:20:32	-33.282
-83	98214	4910700	971c709d-2300-4137-af72-efcbb61bbba7	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:33:25	131.284
-84	49108	4910800	336f3b90-540a-4d60-890e-4196ea91558c	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:09:34	-278.509
-84	98216	4910800	e2d82dca-8d25-438a-9e11-5407f3cb9d9e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:09:02	688.418
-85	49109	4910900	80281afb-4596-46f2-891d-cfe7d241ebf3	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 09:43:59	387.181
-85	98218	4910900	5ef230b9-0c75-48a8-b15d-b86b13b4c0b0	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 09:24:14	-767.105
-86	49110	4911000	5a2c58d8-f4e4-4a14-8316-da80b297f585	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:13:23	643.910
-86	98220	4911000	a3c7504e-d385-407f-82fe-6b6bd0a1fb44	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:31:11	977.904
-87	49111	4911100	db3a70c7-7236-4bc4-8ccb-38ba6aba7dc5	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 14:05:58	375.726
-87	98222	4911100	f292d357-d47b-462c-b50e-53b82a2b87f2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 13:06:25	855.109
-88	49112	4911200	133787c3-0b3a-45be-8970-cbea0e28b258	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 16:20:30	-359.767
-88	98224	4911200	b558bc25-6d9e-4103-91e5-1597ad88235f	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 11:31:15	794.976
-89	49113	4911300	17e26efb-c438-41b4-b625-df934fceafa4	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:41:16	96.954
-89	98226	4911300	f57728f6-e9d5-492d-8f11-04b4991f8659	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:41:14	262.990
-90	49114	4911400	8e91454d-64d0-4bc5-9e01-f12861e4e8b7	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 03:26:29	-771.845
-90	98228	4911400	015a42ff-51ae-434e-b514-de6c25d8f246	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:50:55	270.818
-91	49115	4911500	ed7961c5-d91a-4c61-bd43-373a260781e6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 04:13:15	-536.203
-91	98230	4911500	85c9ac1f-0c42-4b02-b953-060af37ebdcd	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 01:31:03	839.608
-92	49116	4911600	9ce61d69-3b48-443e-987b-f9b3042a6250	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:55:49	681.904
-92	98232	4911600	ef048a1d-e37d-4763-adf5-c25bad3387a4	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:43:59	830.300
-93	49117	4911700	e6457811-fa9e-435b-8fae-363966c2d4d3	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:31:50	-787.147
-93	98234	4911700	7dbca944-599f-48ab-a0f9-2c4ed8452964	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 20:30:01	-137.664
-94	49118	4911800	f43b7097-9d58-42d7-a238-edc7c29476a9	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 02:36:22	538.274
-94	98236	4911800	380473ec-73a1-4bc2-a90f-eb31aa2eb305	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 03:06:40	-269.84
-95	49119	4911900	14b31cef-3746-4336-8f63-a47822503344	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 23:27:00	923.685
-95	98238	4911900	81c15440-c964-4bcb-a310-79b37451f07e	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 16:25:30	312.589
-96	49120	4912000	1cb38808-2834-4817-ae17-84befc15dfb9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:55:21	355.625
-96	98240	4912000	d55536df-fb49-4deb-8d56-313702b0c23a	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:38:08	987.352
-97	49121	4912100	aba03c5d-dedb-4973-8f16-596f1c60cd50	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 06:26:05	97.52
-97	98242	4912100	6aa3226f-fddd-49ae-b48c-0fd03098b86d	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:55:58	825.866
-98	49122	4912200	27a6fd8f-820d-4468-8e66-fe50ddbb6eeb	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:03:55	506.530
-98	98244	4912200	0b8198d2-327a-437e-b50c-0ea0e6af689f	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:55:33	676.796
-99	49123	4912300	8872d41e-edc1-45d2-9e59-781dd944663b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:24:24	107.823
-99	98246	4912300	75ca7468-5f66-4a8b-8672-15b44bad6557	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 11:24:01	-156.567
-100	49124	4912400	55091a61-02f6-4238-84ed-e233094498a3	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 22:01:27	-347.732
-100	98248	4912400	07d8e6bf-04f7-4a06-92e7-ae2c5178c685	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:32:38	887.478
-101	49125	4912500	eaa0639c-8d7e-49bc-ace0-ab3e0e81967c	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 18:24:00	-630.273
-101	98250	4912500	8b904a07-475e-49d0-9967-9275c1391652	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:04:49	-203.721
-102	49126	4912600	8d1be356-d1e0-44f6-be06-2a2f62b91dcc	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:18:02	-808.76
-102	98252	4912600	4de00e7b-9865-4380-aa58-2e72a51e5a4a	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 08:23:24	76.587
-103	49127	4912700	e642079e-0bf7-4463-91eb-ba707bbb53ec	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:07:29	915.309
-103	98254	4912700	c07e6ff5-e547-4928-98db-264b48cd407c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 06:12:45	321.116
-104	49128	4912800	1fdd3a9a-5405-45ec-b229-b49b0b27c75a	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 00:53:10	217.513
-104	98256	4912800	622a4835-3703-4c5f-9e9d-995926992c00	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:12:15	-408.640
-105	49129	4912900	b2b37947-ca73-4051-b49c-7f83ed54a7d9	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 18:18:52	-167.499
-105	98258	4912900	d6f9b0cd-d031-49a1-ae34-db7b6446d3fe	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:53:31	-485.659
-106	49130	4913000	7cdeddaa-17b2-4fa3-ae7e-91358764586c	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 02:28:26	-464.449
-106	98260	4913000	c08797da-6ab5-4a0e-a7a3-20734ce5fccf	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 15:58:07	454.391
-107	49131	4913100	2eeae69d-01d2-4ce2-8913-9ec1bd8084e0	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 00:53:48	345.235
-107	98262	4913100	0f1c3089-f56b-41fd-80d9-222aa1ee98bc	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 13:51:55	891.982
-108	49132	4913200	9e5a3fb5-6787-403b-a865-95a60cfa5b64	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 04:45:33	-567.742
-108	98264	4913200	9f039004-d7d8-4468-8071-d265ed04ca8b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 12:10:28	-681.751
-109	49133	4913300	297590c2-184d-47e0-8224-7e49e89f996a	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 03:13:15	550.698
-109	98266	4913300	bfbb949f-9867-4f32-aabd-182472bb39b0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 06:33:12	451.510
-110	49134	4913400	b1e4444c-1cbe-4156-91de-44f0f6e15aaf	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 09:08:57	-659.196
-110	98268	4913400	2c2be48b-5785-4c13-b34e-aaaaff68af93	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 13:03:03	-21.893
-111	49135	4913500	d3ddefe7-ca18-45d9-8b15-6f86ec04544d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 00:02:51	-602.884
-111	98270	4913500	c113eb10-fba4-4c80-b43c-c91b8b3efda2	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 01:46:29	818.870
-112	49136	4913600	8e7b0f83-8e3e-49c9-859a-2786538c6f80	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 14:23:40	-742.222
-112	98272	4913600	1148d877-2f4b-40a1-a469-5fefcd34418e	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:48:10	934.280
-113	49137	4913700	741062b2-cc87-4dd4-aee1-5586ff3cd83d	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 21:43:33	-407.217
-113	98274	4913700	c9f1bf8e-abcf-48fd-8ff9-d94634b85c5c	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 19:48:55	546.117
-114	49138	4913800	f74953e2-9135-416c-98d7-fa0cf76af11e	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:11:01	-650.223
-114	98276	4913800	2eaac1b1-92d7-496e-b583-14bb1d45c0b8	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 21:50:06	445.351
-115	49139	4913900	bd94ed5a-ce59-4686-8b92-88b45c6f2e62	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 22:07:32	94.751
-115	98278	4913900	d039e1e9-4cba-41d5-8e95-683c15e29981	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 06:03:38	478.374
-116	49140	4914000	b070b9f6-6050-4812-bf5f-04ad29aed1cf	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:52:18	-603.15
-116	98280	4914000	04691c08-82b9-4c29-995f-6f309e3a534b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:09:03	483.385
-117	49141	4914100	8490deca-bb00-4b7f-a417-c651fb5eb44c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 13:55:51	-227.569
-117	98282	4914100	0bbf5cf4-287a-46ff-a357-a2b5cd94c4c2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 14:10:33	-52.743
-118	49142	4914200	d0524d8d-f079-42ec-84dc-006be52d577f	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 13:22:34	54.48
-118	98284	4914200	c5601f19-f4d3-41eb-8fcd-9084a2f689b2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 09:11:40	139.380
-119	49143	4914300	5a63ab40-b040-4f52-9726-13c86c506a0b	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 16:00:55	-238.422
-119	98286	4914300	cc101b54-c1ba-482c-9263-6255b915a644	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:24:18	-325.963
-120	49144	4914400	873fa82f-0248-4f59-bd88-20091c0b1674	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:07:55	811.810
-120	98288	4914400	94cd5617-b873-47ac-9c27-096e454aa368	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 11:39:46	-734.661
-121	49145	4914500	c352db7e-833a-4055-ae12-39b24dc73f65	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 18:05:01	-441.743
-121	98290	4914500	30d04f11-13cb-4fe5-8bfa-082573ca414e	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:20:46	-556.783
-122	49146	4914600	f885f9e9-c8ff-41aa-869e-970f247a5043	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:20:07	9.569
-122	98292	4914600	91b953d1-e3f8-46ca-94b1-b17442ad77de	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:18:59	837.882
-123	49147	4914700	0af6ff32-8b70-4a20-8765-3db17ec947e5	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 09:51:38	-208.402
-123	98294	4914700	d7f733f5-5554-4dde-a619-6bd9dc1bfed2	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 05:00:32	934.516
-124	49148	4914800	00978d9b-34c8-4142-b741-dc8a5e75decb	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 14:39:11	-164.348
-124	98296	4914800	1a6296ec-ac6f-4d5d-9a48-f17496fa4d6d	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 22:37:08	-603.89
-125	49149	4914900	831bc608-34d7-4a64-aecb-705e79eda7b1	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 11:38:26	-829.689
-125	98298	4914900	bc0059f8-1f52-4723-87a0-2abc912fee47	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 12:15:56	-218.98
-126	49150	4915000	3bd7cf83-6518-4539-8399-827f6f558d37	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 11:51:14	-308.48
-126	98300	4915000	79754bb8-b176-4fd5-a67a-58e64b38c506	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:13:32	648.252
-127	49151	4915100	cb7eb23b-e938-44cf-be94-71fb634c1e51	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 15:37:11	-766.677
-127	98302	4915100	b2935ce4-ae83-47d5-ba6d-5495dfb55b1b	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 00:14:43	571.348
-0	49152	4915200	a8c97567-f3af-4dc3-8b3e-91ef79b5d4c9	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 20:35:49	-719.298
-0	98304	4915200	7645a854-922d-4d26-bd6b-84bfcdb696f4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 23:46:43	-962.694
-1	49153	4915300	d0832f8b-74bf-4c52-8c00-e676df049de9	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:09:09	469.882
-1	98306	4915300	ce86e5fd-43e4-4311-960d-c996035380cf	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 21:15:26	893.513
-2	49154	4915400	55b96a43-c429-4662-be5a-83a33fc0010d	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 02:35:19	619.358
-2	98308	4915400	249e3203-d184-4e40-a508-1b5e27136be7	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 16:52:14	47.340
-3	49155	4915500	5d38694d-ea6e-43f2-9b44-d1b6138d9a75	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:28:41	-449.741
-3	98310	4915500	e1cb76b3-675d-469f-ad51-6fb41e6ddf65	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:05:06	113.798
-4	49156	4915600	f06e3ff6-a2b5-42e2-84f4-7ba4fe825b7d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 05:00:50	947.781
-4	98312	4915600	7708e4cd-6ff3-4ab3-bbcf-27e0d88bfc29	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:34:07	-606.980
-5	49157	4915700	0bf08bf0-3165-4fc4-98ef-378cab72726a	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:25:23	463.137
-5	98314	4915700	5ba932d7-c190-445a-a65b-3f46ff79b662	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 06:00:20	-710.950
-6	49158	4915800	5f52b449-0fee-4747-92a0-d2c7599c3dd7	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 18:18:50	-984.39
-6	98316	4915800	4a587df7-1e77-4b9e-8289-cf2fcd4d8b22	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 06:34:15	-185.539
-7	49159	4915900	dd1001a9-f885-45c6-8c02-60c455cf08fb	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:54:06	517.462
-7	98318	4915900	dbd80f4e-5b6a-4983-8f44-5c6956466273	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:25:43	-302.646
-8	49160	4916000	be4ae40c-756d-4e71-b958-57f03d201af9	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 16:19:33	721.766
-8	98320	4916000	de12824e-80af-4c21-a9e2-7b29dc8b066a	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:28:35	-260.913
-9	49161	4916100	eae346f1-392f-4fd1-94e1-485ac3e72807	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 11:53:58	268.548
-9	98322	4916100	672dba37-7951-4ce4-8044-89fdfab4952c	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:30:06	-708.84
-10	49162	4916200	46f5df50-e626-4d67-9d6a-c47aaa88fe7a	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 11:33:19	-179.17
-10	98324	4916200	f5c9eb62-bdaa-4364-9ff1-cdf91321d557	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:34:50	209.561
-11	49163	4916300	f12ff843-e8c7-4b88-8458-967deea4c9c3	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 04:58:29	806.294
-11	98326	4916300	87949692-e67b-48fd-9d34-c1962d4bd1e9	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:48:51	-665.708
-12	49164	4916400	59e13c30-b6cd-4207-bfa1-534f611b29a5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 11:44:40	-364.85
-12	98328	4916400	acc6c965-1636-4dfc-98ba-526a8690fdf0	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:13:52	-846.528
-13	49165	4916500	0aa0c11b-e56a-42d9-9585-873c1f4824e6	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 22:17:25	-367.828
-13	98330	4916500	d464e90b-facc-4bff-bd99-ea5884548c25	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 06:48:12	588.179
-14	49166	4916600	fba6c180-ea52-43a3-8b1e-b63f309c2003	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 08:41:47	-560.419
-14	98332	4916600	8e3c1659-9c40-400b-8872-d612195bcf87	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 16:48:20	434.318
-15	49167	4916700	4de67914-cbfa-41ca-8360-a78fd93c6249	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 16:42:09	579.7
-15	98334	4916700	50af689b-ccc7-406c-bc8b-f4ed8f337c93	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 22:39:19	-156.766
-16	49168	4916800	49185c2a-f0da-43f7-b5ed-f242306edb4e	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 09:14:47	687.824
-16	98336	4916800	245152b8-c13d-4e8c-b503-a85117aa17f1	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:38:38	949.807
-17	49169	4916900	053b16eb-3980-44e9-b8af-1ce4a1ecc510	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 18:01:19	230.640
-17	98338	4916900	83d96a02-0f37-463a-a898-6b1a02252ada	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 05:11:24	707.600
-18	49170	4917000	5ed39569-cfd4-47b8-8123-20aba70b1e2d	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 03:43:07	-57.841
-18	98340	4917000	2b60dd96-76d2-4bd1-b760-43cc99611b73	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 05:44:52	613.858
-19	49171	4917100	6ab28376-8d89-460c-af26-2f749ef36567	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 02:08:56	-58.328
-19	98342	4917100	b4765c4b-9348-431a-803d-992b3a06476d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 20:06:15	-342.977
-20	49172	4917200	9e3e6c02-ac1f-40e8-adf7-281d2d3bd239	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:24:36	698.857
-20	98344	4917200	ac0dac5a-7600-4954-8c95-c0aa2d31235e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 23:25:10	338.454
-21	49173	4917300	b794beb5-97e1-426c-bbc5-ea66a512f653	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:41:56	-711.679
-21	98346	4917300	cbb2b4fb-652b-4aa8-8aa6-b842911223e4	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:56:59	-297.660
-22	49174	4917400	0e22e258-5b97-4e52-ab45-8b7e1e395608	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 14:24:21	96.583
-22	98348	4917400	e26f0768-e9bc-4390-bda1-5c409e58ef8f	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 05:53:32	-910.487
-23	49175	4917500	f590d960-51f5-4c42-8872-83ea2f966de1	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 09:08:03	-496.40
-23	98350	4917500	ceec4c1c-4579-4241-8714-2d792ffd0417	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:22:00	-755.146
-24	49176	4917600	5752c097-0157-4a5c-925a-f249a5f83265	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 23:39:08	97.281
-24	98352	4917600	823ed49b-602e-4f52-b8de-7dd2d9233e41	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 19:45:18	-577.444
-25	49177	4917700	3d960741-69c0-4436-bed3-f6d4e9fd3211	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:58:21	394.481
-25	98354	4917700	3d2337c8-bb54-4a84-bb97-a9f5bbb4914e	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:03:45	435.3
-26	49178	4917800	6470a126-64d9-462d-9160-1d61cf43cfe7	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:17:55	-909.568
-26	98356	4917800	6954ad88-3483-439c-8117-96ecf6403963	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:41:05	-980.591
-27	49179	4917900	1ae96df8-c3c6-4a0d-bd31-bbc82dc1b7ed	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:21:36	-193.314
-27	98358	4917900	a459dc3e-9363-4f54-81a1-ef1cde318961	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 18:58:27	-91.961
-28	49180	4918000	3263a040-14f8-4abf-b29e-3b74352d0ed9	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:27:36	-169.314
-28	98360	4918000	b1c37dcf-aba4-4b0d-a8f9-d6603687c464	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:43:00	451.983
-29	49181	4918100	e360f061-bd74-4f43-a845-9d60e6ac9046	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 22:28:43	527.330
-29	98362	4918100	02c27072-5b6e-4f25-ac4a-42550158ea4c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:44:34	513.772
-30	49182	4918200	28a0208f-3e68-4153-8cc3-3ca04ff52200	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:19:35	362.30
-30	98364	4918200	eff00597-03ff-480a-801b-e32455b1353c	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 04:39:17	103.277
-31	49183	4918300	a52da33b-bf1e-465a-bb5d-cfbe413548b7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 00:08:19	-581.790
-31	98366	4918300	3ba92ece-62b8-4bfc-9a31-686e604d212c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 17:08:58	216.134
-32	49184	4918400	b2df0cc4-940f-43c9-bcf7-70f2458f4254	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 17:31:37	129.999
-32	98368	4918400	3be59e70-e4bb-415d-9f7b-0b3225a09f22	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 00:22:23	656.436
-33	49185	4918500	2ac1ce80-c929-4975-9f74-66dfa49c7fbe	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 03:16:00	646.342
-33	98370	4918500	a389d863-0e34-4fef-a651-597cfcc12f5e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 01:24:25	745.675
-34	49186	4918600	5f36c187-d531-40f6-9354-6442e23ec76e	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 00:50:05	273.134
-34	98372	4918600	dc27fe8d-efd3-4042-be62-b0d86f0e96c9	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 00:30:51	330.453
-35	49187	4918700	f081db84-87b8-4160-9dfe-5a9cf27b4d63	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:59:30	-920.735
-35	98374	4918700	cadace7e-7e19-4f3a-9e51-14d2a75d2ac0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:49:26	-874.954
-36	49188	4918800	ad2dc1ce-ba86-49f0-b8a6-cac122598507	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 06:25:47	965.589
-36	98376	4918800	ba61a477-86bd-4f78-a549-bf227ff9e06c	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 14:58:51	-600.414
-37	49189	4918900	3fd959ab-f6b8-408a-8197-d7a8190455cb	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 20:32:28	725.763
-37	98378	4918900	7907eb44-3123-4cd9-b789-3e847294507a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:24:28	991.370
-38	49190	4919000	6bf7956a-678f-4e30-a51f-adbe4bfb7afb	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 04:39:39	-422.578
-38	98380	4919000	78fd11a3-1668-45af-8f42-c2531741de53	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 05:09:46	836.803
-39	49191	4919100	c80e7b1a-1172-4780-9160-96d7a5e31e3f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 14:36:38	-826.0
-39	98382	4919100	8ca2b5c6-e53f-4445-a68d-746dc6f10d47	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:27:43	-957.547
-40	49192	4919200	7a01bb9a-2567-4086-9acb-5ac0e39ee393	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 02:32:51	267.547
-40	98384	4919200	d1d63129-0326-4d4b-a32d-80c3229066fa	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 12:24:02	-655.460
-41	49193	4919300	27ba6257-9732-4c27-896f-166234da2e6d	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 18:32:42	-628.659
-41	98386	4919300	80912773-ce78-4e65-aa27-aff0295dcbb4	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 13:43:51	-406.658
-42	49194	4919400	f51cbb71-8d2e-4ba6-bb0f-cadf3b961dbd	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 20:54:55	148.776
-42	98388	4919400	bbd5cdc0-47d0-4542-9134-91cfb5ed94e0	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 00:57:54	297.327
-43	49195	4919500	8e53ca82-9239-4af2-891c-5feb482afe83	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:17:35	268.726
-43	98390	4919500	cea604eb-af15-4853-a314-01580d0f37ab	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:25:57	699.516
-44	49196	4919600	ac17f55d-5886-4378-a889-8bb0c98b7f85	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 13:44:11	-455.433
-44	98392	4919600	f4788e6f-7f1c-422e-82d8-1500ce57b991	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 13:28:17	589.124
-45	49197	4919700	e6ecbea0-df68-4d11-86df-51b9d0ce3df0	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 03:33:47	716.171
-45	98394	4919700	7d04e87b-eed3-404a-a56a-e0ac029c0411	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:16:38	392.929
-46	49198	4919800	25c73781-09ce-492a-a4a0-fd3258fa01c1	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:02:18	58.480
-46	98396	4919800	384b02d6-0c56-4fff-ac57-1b1294c60f0d	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 11:10:30	907.533
-47	49199	4919900	87c6ea48-2005-425c-b5df-b4f29aff94ab	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:23:04	748.676
-47	98398	4919900	b2a63ece-8e10-47cb-9198-8c156722d44b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:41:42	35.681
-48	49200	4920000	ef5bc758-33f8-489c-8521-6d04fc15e756	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 04:05:31	-648.903
-48	98400	4920000	b31f17d2-aaa9-4ae5-a910-32f46d58115a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 22:50:32	-341.876
-49	49201	4920100	abab4cae-5374-4508-aae8-4583e897aa67	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:45:11	-933.356
-49	98402	4920100	7e64925f-dd5d-4b71-9efe-d60a7b6b76ef	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 03:27:47	-644.250
-50	49202	4920200	a9d7a00b-584a-451d-9856-3839277a0452	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 19:55:22	-374.361
-50	98404	4920200	cd532816-f0db-486c-81e7-0f81ec6dce99	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 11:28:09	-40.182
-51	49203	4920300	6ff4ebe3-f444-4c9e-8247-544d29ce604a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 10:55:36	749.698
-51	98406	4920300	2f971210-4719-4c22-8429-1064dba0a4b1	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 09:15:36	-893.626
-52	49204	4920400	21e3419d-6073-4a12-ad0d-0dd5bcd72d0d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 12:30:21	996.602
-52	98408	4920400	4cd1f332-9bd9-4c17-92d4-83b9c689f70c	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 06:02:58	585.396
-53	49205	4920500	38060884-e7b7-4a33-a83a-b27bdd1fbd46	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:54:51	642.340
-53	98410	4920500	85cc9f3b-3a6b-458e-996e-41024319c38d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 17:36:12	114.417
-54	49206	4920600	c81099b6-5046-4d5a-9292-bce8ff605e43	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 03:19:24	727.371
-54	98412	4920600	ff86a326-0abd-4cff-a1d7-37bccbb853bf	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 03:48:39	-863.24
-55	49207	4920700	0d958bbf-a2b7-4e2d-8f47-227eceee3997	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 08:25:19	376.154
-55	98414	4920700	9e97394e-fe38-4ee2-8472-d45eeca48139	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 15:48:40	104.129
-56	49208	4920800	5448728c-72e9-4ff5-ace9-4de41da4eeb6	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:39:55	352.77
-56	98416	4920800	24da3be4-6a38-4185-a37f-9777f22876d0	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 01:23:51	-599.383
-57	49209	4920900	d26e41cc-062b-4f5b-933e-ecf29093fe21	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:41:01	-454.916
-57	98418	4920900	f38be166-a9df-44f2-834d-dd38aaf04135	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:58:33	760.977
-58	49210	4921000	7acbd72c-c8c1-439b-95d6-1ec35db90408	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 03:07:57	486.21
-58	98420	4921000	eb732093-64d7-4dc3-81f3-2a2a976ae275	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 16:44:45	-601.604
-59	49211	4921100	af95adef-e4b6-4ad8-b95c-284789706b99	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:59:25	390.431
-59	98422	4921100	f99aee2e-a582-4a53-b18d-530c1dc88345	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:47:55	82.307
-60	49212	4921200	cac004c0-7138-430a-9741-cc694a86c439	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:47:01	-300.75
-60	98424	4921200	d25f7252-7d57-462b-b4f0-c2917efd262b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:34:35	-427.164
-61	49213	4921300	8ff58e08-1255-4026-9750-7e008ff0c045	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 02:59:06	618.775
-61	98426	4921300	e6c894cc-a384-4b29-9cb8-72fa81b3f9b0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 14:02:20	-373.399
-62	49214	4921400	4f656314-89c7-4ad5-85f3-085d7c0fb486	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 09:08:13	-915.434
-62	98428	4921400	6659f624-3d3d-4b1f-b72d-86d3de4330d2	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 18:17:19	-492.312
-63	49215	4921500	e9a5dac1-fda8-47dc-9fd0-6e4e9d799fe0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 05:19:40	287.389
-63	98430	4921500	1d60291e-9958-46f4-9070-f92b146fbe8d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 04:07:43	124.587
-64	49216	4921600	c2bdf1df-b641-4935-b09e-0179d50f79b4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 08:07:48	-182.871
-64	98432	4921600	eadcfdd4-b556-4ef7-ae1f-b3c0e6e69755	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:29:24	-695.185
-65	49217	4921700	a9b66804-64cf-4c8f-9605-582c71b86cdf	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 15:23:50	871.735
-65	98434	4921700	ccd65ecd-d127-4dbb-b1b8-39e0758aa1a5	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:19:01	-197.520
-66	49218	4921800	3021a7ff-2dc2-4d29-af18-d6206d9d64d1	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 08:15:20	-181.478
-66	98436	4921800	1d7162e9-7b0e-4926-ab22-db183cc8ae0b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 01:34:41	-206.100
-67	49219	4921900	7266a85f-1caa-4413-89c2-3f34d18b5884	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:32:32	440.518
-67	98438	4921900	93770587-67af-4570-9b97-51a01f95c867	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 17:37:47	962.146
-68	49220	4922000	4a9e3868-5fae-4afb-8fbc-57f34d6666f0	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 08:55:28	759.292
-68	98440	4922000	d8f0a63f-6c7d-4ac4-9a2a-6d16dccc0266	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 08:41:53	794.989
-69	49221	4922100	d137249c-60c1-4d76-9984-ef2497f6ebf6	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 09:08:50	-762.458
-69	98442	4922100	fe07208c-514f-411f-9339-d3fcaca1a4f7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 10:40:24	-97.59
-70	49222	4922200	3e6e5f89-9903-445b-ab29-8d1887c4b939	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 06:16:38	-771.945
-70	98444	4922200	a2dcc411-5f00-4a94-a793-9fc0680ef637	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 05:12:30	-50.22
-71	49223	4922300	3a4e3008-d14a-491a-8a16-d60659eb4ae3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 02:56:36	-564.628
-71	98446	4922300	0b20a17e-0022-49d2-81c5-5616676235d6	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:42:58	229.29
-72	49224	4922400	9183336d-b8e6-46c0-ae68-4ebd5188444b	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 07:40:31	-781.493
-72	98448	4922400	65452424-9684-40e4-ac98-15aa02d38a21	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:07:26	934.863
-73	49225	4922500	028cdd5c-801a-4085-9aaa-aefd4b8a9b92	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:43:58	-643.291
-73	98450	4922500	56cb9480-103a-4a2c-ad55-ae0a422c215b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 06:01:39	-834.530
-74	49226	4922600	8ea302b3-a3fc-4e54-9c5a-89981f72b248	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:40:46	898.261
-74	98452	4922600	63255d5a-9496-4eec-b535-f487fa57b4a8	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:59:52	149.28
-75	49227	4922700	ff65322f-7618-4f19-8fc4-59c47a1f01f2	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:42:08	707.412
-75	98454	4922700	8ee31f35-4187-4902-9e94-d18f180ee06c	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 16:44:25	442.739
-76	49228	4922800	20ad3748-b90a-45ae-bb50-9411230efefd	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 08:48:07	766.287
-76	98456	4922800	0b59897c-e93d-4c37-950b-b7bc2f0d5a3c	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:09:14	-628.373
-77	49229	4922900	45bd189a-21ef-4537-bdf0-79271bae7306	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:27:15	-278.16
-77	98458	4922900	7abf39dc-ead5-4729-ab33-37351b5d156d	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 01:18:37	-98.443
-78	49230	4923000	a5682e16-6814-40a5-9546-3cb8c40d46d8	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 13:04:17	572.514
-78	98460	4923000	045d8296-9227-450f-95e3-06dca1d4ff21	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 06:29:27	686.425
-79	49231	4923100	71498833-eef9-4d59-9657-d6689a2a9df5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 11:53:51	-299.550
-79	98462	4923100	efdd93c8-cd79-430b-85bd-51b5a8c55555	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:25:38	-433.492
-80	49232	4923200	41a504e3-21bd-494c-9d38-d1feef1bb40d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:16:18	-375.752
-80	98464	4923200	feca1e24-7bb7-4ae0-9f38-66b94fe9b5bc	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 16:49:48	813.142
-81	49233	4923300	079e2851-f2cc-4262-9d4e-ae428da4bf4c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:13:17	767.226
-81	98466	4923300	89b7cce2-d6dd-4613-818d-68babf5e7dd0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 17:28:35	366.399
-82	49234	4923400	5e946a04-50ae-4958-b895-6643d764df9f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 23:15:25	866.307
-82	98468	4923400	739553a2-5bb1-4c96-bf35-6106135239dd	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 09:39:08	368.473
-83	49235	4923500	9143cffa-3e17-443c-89d1-c4afc400ca9c	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:45:22	-607.763
-83	98470	4923500	b8c0288a-8adc-4ab0-a23d-c603e0bf206d	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 11:19:36	-587.370
-84	49236	4923600	a165e3a7-bab1-4da1-99e4-18f665fb6a12	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 13:54:37	9.558
-84	98472	4923600	abcbf67e-9bee-4cbe-adc0-f00fbc0dcf77	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 15:43:03	153.700
-85	49237	4923700	d6cd1803-e572-4634-a8bf-8595f1715fd3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:19:18	-950.481
-85	98474	4923700	8fccc8d8-9aaf-42ca-844f-2e650cbc157e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 19:04:05	424.844
-86	49238	4923800	71347160-bb49-4a35-a557-c6d919361ad4	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 09:27:13	-429.359
-86	98476	4923800	eb3f5d4b-7b14-4a36-b4f6-f008010233dd	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:14:21	389.279
-87	49239	4923900	dde868ef-f9ca-4ef7-b547-e8413721caee	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 00:52:15	-782.265
-87	98478	4923900	eb1403df-23c2-49b3-a497-0b0a98a97e45	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 04:12:43	932.506
-88	49240	4924000	ff896a01-495e-49c1-9f40-3271236ed386	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 16:09:22	-143.245
-88	98480	4924000	e5824644-9bf6-4208-a9ee-251fe5c60963	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 23:20:10	-326.465
-89	49241	4924100	d1dfd462-93e0-4a18-9700-9d41234ffed6	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 22:12:17	-647.219
-89	98482	4924100	41773efd-1664-429a-a960-f9519664ac64	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:05:20	-359.581
-90	49242	4924200	6c98d9a3-5c99-44a4-bdd1-a05a6b1cf194	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 14:07:16	317.766
-90	98484	4924200	1ecbec21-ee06-467b-b54e-755b0510f8df	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 03:25:17	-891.846
-91	49243	4924300	2f915c2c-73f5-4fb1-b860-1449b6ff6cf5	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 19:58:11	-532.282
-91	98486	4924300	98c9ba40-4325-430e-8b74-cc9fb24888f5	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 12:26:40	141.126
-92	49244	4924400	a045ca24-2245-413b-b95a-481da63d0896	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 18:35:43	275.934
-92	98488	4924400	c968cfe4-a36b-4b33-b852-10a2481a30d4	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 14:11:17	949.527
-93	49245	4924500	cf9e2b0c-e43c-4bd0-b6fc-8d0d50d97cd9	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 00:51:46	-739.557
-93	98490	4924500	28a120e6-7a46-41b7-a620-fac81fdbffc8	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 05:43:11	895.372
-94	49246	4924600	8603310b-990e-4523-a2e8-1a7003ed05a8	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:03:41	-139.41
-94	98492	4924600	01e9a57f-62f6-49a6-b2e8-0643dca1e267	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:30:45	324.366
-95	49247	4924700	5a92d73c-6850-43c8-b948-6bfbf3668e38	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 01:39:42	-249.488
-95	98494	4924700	533d328d-74c8-4c4c-b014-a07498afcb52	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 07:31:18	563.542
-96	49248	4924800	12d99213-d74e-456a-919e-3b96908cd218	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 06:16:41	920.108
-96	98496	4924800	c96eb4b3-16a1-469c-afa7-dac73fb87d88	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 02:51:48	-186.711
-97	49249	4924900	d3c30683-ae71-4e55-acd7-d3efd3a7e08d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:17:27	150.386
-97	98498	4924900	a44342d3-d4de-431d-ae80-0dbcdbb5bb08	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 05:28:44	-784.135
-98	49250	4925000	419bb9f8-32ae-4e39-8883-7e14acc3ed75	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:46:47	197.855
-98	98500	4925000	3471d86a-dc83-4633-8628-3a0a264dd854	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 10:44:20	774.676
-99	49251	4925100	bcac2c21-8645-46c6-92b7-bbc7f07b7a57	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 00:15:18	811.297
-99	98502	4925100	f007f14a-3a83-442d-bc6d-93d8512e355f	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 18:24:58	-34.527
-100	49252	4925200	0ee9a480-60b3-4d5f-80ba-ba809aec4946	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:12:33	-641.987
-100	98504	4925200	3e401784-a11f-4e55-80da-5760735bff28	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 01:39:51	-465.846
-101	49253	4925300	74868176-776c-417e-9c00-272e557c088c	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 05:04:37	595.780
-101	98506	4925300	55bf1b90-0761-48fd-b252-dca07f1b6f56	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 19:41:10	-627.627
-102	49254	4925400	53d68408-0712-4d18-9d5c-c8ea552397b8	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 14:41:58	574.604
-102	98508	4925400	d000c0df-68a2-4eb7-94e1-25a0c7d5173c	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:42:03	-301.711
-103	49255	4925500	ff961239-c8a5-4190-894a-df57408fa75c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:23:06	101.325
-103	98510	4925500	4a64d56c-b53f-479b-b1b2-a0300e706df7	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 02:41:23	-302.258
-104	49256	4925600	80e443d0-1afd-466d-bb06-39da727a2e24	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 03:02:36	265.44
-104	98512	4925600	9a8e4841-3798-40d7-b43a-55ee1527cd1d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:09:28	885.852
-105	49257	4925700	3de30e52-c765-4271-8d42-5c8a816ac6c4	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 11:12:35	411.833
-105	98514	4925700	2e2ea6ba-b1b3-425d-bcbd-6b6f73b76ffd	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:48:46	962.781
-106	49258	4925800	1e63e5e7-51e9-4b58-8137-feb77cda0fbe	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 21:05:16	-831.837
-106	98516	4925800	3d8aa0af-c281-4d16-a6d2-06173bcf207e	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 04:13:20	-492.727
-107	49259	4925900	c7d9c46e-35e6-47fd-a9e6-a0e535d8b44e	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:16:01	917.331
-107	98518	4925900	8f88bae2-fd61-43eb-94af-d32d1751aa79	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 13:05:29	659.373
-108	49260	4926000	71e777c7-733c-4ba6-829a-7f17a7b6b7a1	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 15:06:56	-206.86
-108	98520	4926000	df50f131-9268-4661-be3c-449a0fd73bb8	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:26:51	-275.788
-109	49261	4926100	f13836ed-bf63-45cc-b34d-6ab32bd632b8	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 13:37:00	842.28
-109	98522	4926100	697838e2-5a8a-40c1-a637-c9c8098d8261	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 00:38:29	-513.196
-110	49262	4926200	03028358-f84a-4515-931f-b716f40bb06f	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 13:34:20	-37.402
-110	98524	4926200	96b8f858-acc2-4384-98df-c1b3d69ea552	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 14:12:14	-590.793
-111	49263	4926300	4fc4e422-9fc3-4184-930b-b9bf367a2b64	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 00:35:44	397.886
-111	98526	4926300	bbf2bf70-deec-4edc-92ca-84c2c3d8aa1a	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:38:46	-135.262
-112	49264	4926400	8c153068-3092-471a-b8e2-0e788d36bb68	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:43:48	-139.82
-112	98528	4926400	e42c39b6-3ab6-4633-aec9-9be723423292	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 19:40:28	-48.102
-113	49265	4926500	8359ff83-f9ea-44cb-bd17-60010a3ad93e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:05:17	-430.810
-113	98530	4926500	2b2bd6a5-8693-49f5-92dd-587d16b42ab6	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 19:53:07	-518.196
-114	49266	4926600	a2752047-ccf4-4303-93ba-80423f9d57a4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 16:34:21	-843.471
-114	98532	4926600	348e72ba-6fed-4181-8481-2d5902b708c3	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 15:45:26	401.700
-115	49267	4926700	1e12248d-2b11-4ad3-99ea-436f544c4bca	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:32:18	132.307
-115	98534	4926700	f9396612-f018-46cb-a830-f586146c0ab2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 13:57:27	-588.33
-116	49268	4926800	abaf9af0-0aa2-47a4-92f6-9c4284ff6f11	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 02:55:33	-413.228
-116	98536	4926800	86a5e23d-9568-4e77-95e5-924fbeccf4e0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:13:49	-328.287
-117	49269	4926900	27681c1e-78e5-42f2-93de-efd3172f48ee	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:18:43	431.152
-117	98538	4926900	1bd27ac8-c08c-4d6a-83fc-9362b12a1d4a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 07:21:21	-483.587
-118	49270	4927000	6a1840f8-3b12-4977-ad2a-40e1d52a6301	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:45:14	-726.709
-118	98540	4927000	02d7753c-e163-41e7-8a7b-3803a78badef	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:42:25	-475.258
-119	49271	4927100	5bbfd79a-2226-4598-a5da-a47a65b2696b	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:48:39	-425.34
-119	98542	4927100	224ebb54-50ab-45a0-9627-855758182e15	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 21:39:51	936.475
-120	49272	4927200	7e4551ef-da8a-402f-9e4f-f4547e1900a8	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:59:11	982.679
-120	98544	4927200	051d5c36-3a65-4a11-b92f-e6e87716f72c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 04:40:46	-380.492
-121	49273	4927300	0fabd976-7fcd-444b-8328-e529f5055319	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 19:46:52	678.883
-121	98546	4927300	7936de4c-8eef-448c-b8b6-1b8af3f0f763	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:42:48	-310.114
-122	49274	4927400	94a350b4-eb34-4401-a6cd-ec8bb8c12355	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:42:50	167.147
-122	98548	4927400	7dbf7b09-c626-43a1-8dc2-9400ac03ddb9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 11:30:36	-135.708
-123	49275	4927500	02d0fcac-7677-4499-8a4e-c5029d73cd58	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 09:58:26	-357.330
-123	98550	4927500	48f26b63-59ad-49f7-ad34-5375e6e8d56b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 06:53:29	789.179
-124	49276	4927600	9011111f-a120-4ed7-bf87-493f6d0d054e	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 18:34:54	210.637
-124	98552	4927600	0cb06d3f-d9d7-4fbf-a018-1b091cd3e171	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 08:08:36	-598.166
-125	49277	4927700	3e972020-36d0-4322-ba60-701f5efa45b8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:54:25	-396.224
-125	98554	4927700	e9ea35ea-a363-496f-9261-af98ccf64682	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 05:16:48	960.43
-126	49278	4927800	776e4b1d-70d2-409c-895d-d8ac38ccabcb	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:59:58	-988.828
-126	98556	4927800	a853aded-4815-4ba7-9d1a-1fa650178251	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:22:11	-319.872
-127	49279	4927900	a4475acb-1524-458e-98bc-aa35dfae37ae	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 17:07:38	-329.988
-127	98558	4927900	92f48f81-997f-44bd-880f-987f6ca2a39f	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 15:19:39	65.335
-0	49280	4928000	c7f065e9-aa94-425b-bcdf-8c3393e2602e	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:17:55	715.602
-0	98560	4928000	252ffe2b-664b-453a-b472-3e596c991f0f	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 13:16:42	-263.761
-1	49281	4928100	95a17e6d-f1e7-4c51-bb66-7e6106f2d6b9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 01:32:07	584.658
-1	98562	4928100	ccec1c4a-b939-4a4b-910e-9839fb1150c6	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 13:10:54	-244.648
-2	49282	4928200	3d261956-3359-4bd8-973b-ee48edcb4ebf	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:27:42	-208.50
-2	98564	4928200	53f79676-9b72-4da8-acbc-24bf32d9da79	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 04:11:22	-728.609
-3	49283	4928300	dc44ae1e-19b7-4bd3-b60e-af0bf357630f	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 17:06:22	163.171
-3	98566	4928300	b692b446-dbfa-4596-a133-98cd7c335514	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 16:27:23	-536.17
-4	49284	4928400	829fbf34-2270-4e19-897e-03bd4723041b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 03:37:09	-57.124
-4	98568	4928400	f3aca2f1-24a7-4c7e-90ad-e7cb25ec7cd0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:18:38	-27.680
-5	49285	4928500	d9e9ca79-c402-42f4-829b-ae11f737fc7e	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:46:12	5.432
-5	98570	4928500	a3e333d6-0790-4834-b132-302e49f98061	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 12:00:39	549.658
-6	49286	4928600	e9f819f8-77ae-434d-bb0e-00031805826d	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 23:44:07	254.49
-6	98572	4928600	1f4405b3-f0f5-4985-9108-66eb04992145	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 09:59:39	-555.424
-7	49287	4928700	c55b9472-3969-408d-8ef7-23071027cde4	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 18:23:48	-749.931
-7	98574	4928700	c3ceb055-7f3d-4fd7-a517-7846e299141c	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:49:44	-898.319
-8	49288	4928800	fb9b8aa5-0c62-452d-9d00-d46a980eb53b	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 17:52:57	537.8
-8	98576	4928800	bf2dd673-7f34-4380-afd7-00fee17fe6e7	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 18:52:51	378.155
-9	49289	4928900	f8bb463a-104e-480e-a5a7-c032349eba12	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 02:32:54	-728.386
-9	98578	4928900	7619ae8c-9323-4ff7-9345-1ec7de8c67d2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:38:28	266.528
-10	49290	4929000	bbdc7d45-213c-491d-86ea-c3d9f2d0f0d2	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:37:29	699.120
-10	98580	4929000	a265b5f4-3d5d-4489-a5d7-e31bbe6b0049	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:29:08	-314.735
-11	49291	4929100	406ab9bc-08cd-445e-b65a-9a1708f5bd7f	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 05:43:08	-970.529
-11	98582	4929100	e744fbc1-b04c-4813-aec2-50526b55a5d4	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 19:39:33	799.482
-12	49292	4929200	df180f99-cdd0-47d9-a1e8-abf854bb997c	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 05:55:41	-711.289
-12	98584	4929200	9b51b6e5-9eab-4fea-a497-c85cd001ab85	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 09:03:14	290.337
-13	49293	4929300	7499d7dd-01c5-428f-8816-46b63ccfe81b	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:19:57	-706.512
-13	98586	4929300	9d8f5b7c-6115-4744-8d39-2bf12622ef11	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 19:05:29	434.722
-14	49294	4929400	e387cff7-e9ac-44fd-9425-b83242fae5df	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 05:52:22	127.359
-14	98588	4929400	85e4eb9f-0174-453b-898a-c46936951a2e	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 06:41:46	-471.38
-15	49295	4929500	336fedd2-1ce9-4698-92d0-a9c1aa071e15	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 01:07:53	395.115
-15	98590	4929500	eebdf276-2268-4160-a25f-94f0626de014	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 22:24:59	-262.105
-16	49296	4929600	d13cb99a-da63-4858-9f93-8378ee43b78d	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 03:12:36	-691.985
-16	98592	4929600	f2ea15c6-eb76-41d6-b203-80f94558d752	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 20:49:55	954.395
-17	49297	4929700	4c249ce4-d652-46d8-ae0c-ed83b211f94d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 01:55:31	99.132
-17	98594	4929700	6536fb5a-02b9-4bdb-88a9-1fcef34e02f6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 00:12:57	423.422
-18	49298	4929800	fa82c286-aa4b-476c-9aae-2bc05c7dfee4	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 16:58:47	-5.281
-18	98596	4929800	22d28370-4325-4f5c-b307-f4b3af5deee9	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:21:00	810.819
-19	49299	4929900	3a25bbe0-6cca-4fa6-af74-e3882afceea6	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 18:39:09	-932.520
-19	98598	4929900	0522a697-3ba3-4f8d-81a2-fb6685b1151c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 14:18:41	861.256
-20	49300	4930000	3dad216a-83bc-4ff8-96c3-4883deed1e2e	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 22:13:58	-586.316
-20	98600	4930000	9dd1bfe1-1e89-418d-a575-76f46892379d	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:52:54	682.1
-21	49301	4930100	a6f95c06-422d-4bcb-9714-03eb70296c0c	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 16:32:54	-322.98
-21	98602	4930100	5a857363-e294-4a2a-95a5-61606b13b247	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:29:22	-719.629
-22	49302	4930200	9f8fa203-42f9-46f0-b0ab-f745f57096a6	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 07:33:02	698.959
-22	98604	4930200	8301fec0-c076-41ac-aa25-f47f7438e9e0	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:00:20	-293.663
-23	49303	4930300	e5af8794-8d9f-46f8-8bc1-92d66554973d	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 07:38:27	474.650
-23	98606	4930300	0fd99853-68ef-4e13-b069-f78d47035c1a	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 11:55:46	859.910
-24	49304	4930400	be73e0a6-28cc-411d-a4f3-798cfbafef10	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 00:30:59	376.789
-24	98608	4930400	3086c6f3-160a-43fa-a8e4-4fbd7128b8ba	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 11:10:44	813.949
-25	49305	4930500	1736628b-fada-4402-9822-69506f363a36	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 09:47:50	-834.163
-25	98610	4930500	fb01f494-776e-41f6-aa47-38502b733e2d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 19:23:51	263.385
-26	49306	4930600	9aea3113-af9b-47f8-9c9f-e37b025162ee	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:39:46	-994.719
-26	98612	4930600	5239dea3-ca71-4c7a-aa5a-6b4f345f9d97	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 11:35:35	434.100
-27	49307	4930700	01a30284-b571-45f1-a65d-9215b9db1d87	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:18:05	896.909
-27	98614	4930700	c9ad5b99-7152-40f3-9418-2f3afbef4ff4	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:59:58	28.622
-28	49308	4930800	5a240bf4-0722-4f81-9a7f-4a5ee70e1200	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 21:15:26	835.376
-28	98616	4930800	eaf88a7f-41d1-4434-ad1e-87ebb8486c36	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 04:10:51	-462.747
-29	49309	4930900	949e556c-1024-46dd-8479-89aa96fac54f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:28:42	484.65
-29	98618	4930900	6ce41454-46b0-46db-ad9b-a4d03ea56569	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:16:41	837.205
-30	49310	4931000	0be5cb74-0209-4621-9e28-6e26529bcab0	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:59:42	345.77
-30	98620	4931000	a48994ca-3610-4763-9012-bc94f1167432	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 03:08:09	737.771
-31	49311	4931100	b54277f4-2e80-4271-b03f-97b864b8ff80	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:23:32	-954.326
-31	98622	4931100	e2dc3d70-9372-44f1-b5b3-9c4474198169	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 09:20:02	711.767
-32	49312	4931200	a77ac6d0-79b7-4b7d-9070-48f5c3a9e19c	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 05:25:21	-953.40
-32	98624	4931200	a0e729f5-1bbb-4635-a88a-29e48d01b44a	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 18:10:08	526.126
-33	49313	4931300	ce1710de-b2bb-430c-b06e-8c86b4a63c41	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 10:12:52	274.348
-33	98626	4931300	3592f5de-2978-4b02-b850-12ce8c91db57	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 08:26:24	107.925
-34	49314	4931400	729f138d-a55b-49a7-ab25-684bc4183164	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 06:55:32	-450.658
-34	98628	4931400	e10b794d-bb16-4be3-8ca7-6c96de71ce33	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 17:26:38	154.338
-35	49315	4931500	c41f4c82-2741-4d14-b223-e40e7ead3f5e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:14:37	511.980
-35	98630	4931500	02172ee9-fe92-443e-b165-12389694fdae	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:02:23	104.48
-36	49316	4931600	35b0c68e-4e9f-4361-99fc-b3920c3cb77a	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 20:53:42	886.951
-36	98632	4931600	0dc7d9c2-20b7-4d37-b126-f58752058b10	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 04:31:56	-563.436
-37	49317	4931700	547924a2-28c6-4e34-9889-9fccccb9a3b5	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 18:01:36	-472.869
-37	98634	4931700	8489843a-8c7c-48da-aa43-e62e96bd5e16	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 20:25:32	842.74
-38	49318	4931800	6b0e7269-b48f-400e-9384-cf26dc470988	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:56:53	-248.490
-38	98636	4931800	fbc9b783-b38b-4439-8f9a-0e8b5a826859	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 11:08:49	196.725
-39	49319	4931900	97a927a1-3d32-466c-9d5d-81e106d673f5	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 01:20:49	335.233
-39	98638	4931900	de1c5280-3b07-4c7f-8b66-0bce37267a63	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:17:14	925.298
-40	49320	4932000	34c01263-7e7a-4f94-8bc9-f91c0ea59e01	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 03:32:13	-650.272
-40	98640	4932000	a743eccc-d7ca-4b9b-a7c2-0e41d4ce0748	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 07:01:43	-151.570
-41	49321	4932100	b888bff1-1d9a-475a-91e1-e248ea9cb2a2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 17:06:27	869.515
-41	98642	4932100	961cf61b-4e8a-4a94-a241-ce0e0467cc75	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 21:53:41	295.751
-42	49322	4932200	2cd3d715-40aa-46d2-8288-14800eb1bdf9	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:57:12	-196.351
-42	98644	4932200	60fa36c2-e230-483f-8e81-e595bf8ad081	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 14:08:17	95.477
-43	49323	4932300	92bc2eb6-4477-4fbb-807e-39acb35406f0	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 15:49:29	-757.666
-43	98646	4932300	4c1f30fa-0138-42de-841b-7b9710ecef23	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 18:45:39	-763.181
-44	49324	4932400	4f1aad3a-0ee1-4eb0-9d8c-f7eb03211f05	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:03:19	809.163
-44	98648	4932400	85a2ee98-1e77-4fd9-884f-7fdeb80bae66	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 02:47:43	-778.988
-45	49325	4932500	1c33ad8b-c188-4bcc-b115-55d488efbb64	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 12:42:57	-95.130
-45	98650	4932500	4085a945-f0ae-4fca-ae98-5710ecb1ab05	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 15:31:05	-235.386
-46	49326	4932600	86eb246c-509d-4ba3-ac92-14573f804458	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 07:58:21	771.640
-46	98652	4932600	26adee40-a21e-45bc-b267-458f6f4c6683	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:39:32	521.687
-47	49327	4932700	a8e73294-0fb0-4fa0-a9f7-f5574c84e168	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 04:58:44	-518.135
-47	98654	4932700	5a86b421-7eb4-4c0e-9dd7-a61fb2087eed	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 20:54:19	-904.349
-48	49328	4932800	a6c33bec-0380-4a94-908d-6140a70c5bd4	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:13:42	-773.640
-48	98656	4932800	b4266377-f3c5-4f01-b103-8652bdcf8e25	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 22:32:18	-109.845
-49	49329	4932900	368b9937-05e0-42f9-83d5-3cfa48193113	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 18:47:17	490.147
-49	98658	4932900	e2c10bf0-1796-4ea0-ab46-7ad89d1ecf79	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 13:06:32	231.804
-50	49330	4933000	219a796f-bbb7-4b50-afff-876f857b06fb	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 11:57:15	440.874
-50	98660	4933000	a67ede31-25fb-492d-82f9-88e1c7aa151c	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 11:24:11	-876.42
-51	49331	4933100	755302a5-1602-415c-a136-969679a23436	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 07:27:15	-564.206
-51	98662	4933100	dec77c06-30d2-4168-864b-0402d7303c53	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:36:51	813.485
-52	49332	4933200	6822e868-69b1-46c3-9b99-a9440eef29c0	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 21:14:27	-256.944
-52	98664	4933200	e4caff12-3313-40eb-8f04-50049f1c0488	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:51:54	-4.23
-53	49333	4933300	e8e08a15-e489-4f4b-8641-93183400cd0a	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:53:33	939.817
-53	98666	4933300	3755a9a5-f0e3-4ce7-a895-7ddd9cc53a2e	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:02:30	85.498
-54	49334	4933400	c7e244ac-13b4-4a9d-89d2-b24f8a4544f9	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 12:45:06	858.690
-54	98668	4933400	c3a6b469-f931-404b-8154-f6e4dbd7f7f5	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 23:58:14	189.523
-55	49335	4933500	895d6c40-23dc-4761-b294-bc12c5faf3be	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 17:32:15	-983.157
-55	98670	4933500	e360e446-868c-4544-91b7-8697df44767b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 09:12:39	505.702
-56	49336	4933600	8af540fb-f0e5-41d1-b2ff-4208fbbb24b3	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 13:57:59	453.241
-56	98672	4933600	617ecc66-122d-485b-8d29-77e84bb074d6	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:24:36	-473.453
-57	49337	4933700	eac9e69f-4fe3-47b8-9420-66b2906d68db	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 05:53:42	-18.897
-57	98674	4933700	838968e5-0422-4883-a288-0642624db414	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 10:43:34	844.437
-58	49338	4933800	3506f5b7-1829-4db5-816e-4cc03e471380	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 03:50:45	-247.878
-58	98676	4933800	7b293467-d76f-4015-ae53-800cdb999698	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 11:10:35	365.538
-59	49339	4933900	97672766-3ca0-4b6d-9ca2-1f5f26a90d5d	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:45:33	-621.911
-59	98678	4933900	17609bde-a64b-4a36-b087-750ec4456c07	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:17:32	787.563
-60	49340	4934000	9cec6063-9660-4653-b08d-40689679597c	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 20:13:41	-520.453
-60	98680	4934000	39f01205-8e66-4688-83b3-6ddee869185b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:31:42	240.143
-61	49341	4934100	5c30e342-ccd6-4735-a6ac-2db5e4d19d24	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 21:46:53	988.192
-61	98682	4934100	ae296806-014e-4fbf-9757-123a56de50d5	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:05:48	37.181
-62	49342	4934200	193af11c-dab8-42e3-9195-3c4f23057a16	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:15:35	472.65
-62	98684	4934200	72e8e853-e563-49bb-8ad7-7172cbe6f865	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 08:37:15	-718.233
-63	49343	4934300	6c33ee9f-6e2b-4d2f-9327-af919e4e2312	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 12:31:30	139.411
-63	98686	4934300	6b320758-61aa-436d-9e28-d29954169022	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 23:23:24	828.883
-64	49344	4934400	e5b68357-8381-40e0-8b2e-994f8222df8e	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 19:39:07	-391.426
-64	98688	4934400	66b20998-b122-4bdd-887e-6cfa0eeaffd9	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 10:29:53	-670.22
-65	49345	4934500	7f17fccf-f083-4ff7-a08b-fbf8d20bcc41	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 19:55:17	-935.735
-65	98690	4934500	6632aa00-92b3-45a5-986b-b132cef2e093	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 20:08:56	-316.114
-66	49346	4934600	66661631-c978-4977-8ec2-5780d5d00721	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:19:55	-213.317
-66	98692	4934600	f2b980f4-2edf-4977-866e-bc70debd8485	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 14:28:57	370.748
-67	49347	4934700	02d2f63d-c5a5-4bc9-86af-87269bf591fe	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 19:30:51	-50.326
-67	98694	4934700	2609800d-5665-480e-9c6b-4f5ddb65f65d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 22:16:49	28.814
-68	49348	4934800	21e4cd4d-3a3e-4f03-a10b-2ec8a7f9eaaa	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:10:19	343.782
-68	98696	4934800	2d6370a2-ecca-4aea-9d6b-60caef11e23f	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 21:17:02	654.318
-69	49349	4934900	b8dc5ae9-6f57-4877-a16c-8168d68040e1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:15:28	897.536
-69	98698	4934900	34e85248-cabb-4810-89d9-1ea1cfd720db	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:48:21	-154.439
-70	49350	4935000	c4218d28-b44f-45f8-ba30-40815bb437bc	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 07:44:25	-285.824
-70	98700	4935000	b2a0ea4f-2191-4156-a94f-258cf077fdd9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:08:03	613.165
-71	49351	4935100	382d24a4-dc95-499e-b2ad-2d84fc70e546	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 04:15:53	359.508
-71	98702	4935100	637be159-0fab-4b85-a22a-24f3b8465c7f	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 17:28:57	-562.384
-72	49352	4935200	0fae286d-9aa5-46a8-9861-3ecd51746e91	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 11:31:37	-67.166
-72	98704	4935200	d4df7a35-328f-48f9-8fc4-9d94db807ad4	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:13:28	-897.378
-73	49353	4935300	87d2de7f-e2ac-4c72-98e9-2f6d6cb732b1	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 17:24:47	-509.916
-73	98706	4935300	5fbc1646-bfdf-498b-a280-61d787ec57ea	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 11:00:47	614.552
-74	49354	4935400	5e9330b8-ffdc-4be3-89c6-ba84ee7ef4e6	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 23:20:23	-822.75
-74	98708	4935400	9d766b2b-7640-4603-b7d1-4e6d44c86d74	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 08:17:55	712.312
-75	49355	4935500	3fe6950b-dbe6-45e4-a2ce-a823bfcadf35	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 04:16:00	-861.853
-75	98710	4935500	a643a4fe-9ec0-412d-8c4c-0a0d992753ee	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:12:56	-333.855
-76	49356	4935600	5c5c6345-658d-46e2-93c8-8b27be5b511f	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 03:15:51	200.925
-76	98712	4935600	e2b71c3b-69e8-4b94-b5ec-a1d7c370bb90	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 03:17:26	529.345
-77	49357	4935700	fc98df11-7052-46b8-8ee8-4aa47317ef30	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 07:46:11	-600.224
-77	98714	4935700	bf8b8d15-a27d-420e-9269-c83022de09b0	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:07:59	606.516
-78	49358	4935800	040fba70-192d-411d-9505-57229917fe3a	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 20:36:17	-811.503
-78	98716	4935800	05359515-656a-4290-8f84-6d28b8b93696	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:24:43	439.372
-79	49359	4935900	9f770b08-f3ee-4230-b138-3daa820cd7c8	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:46:59	918.138
-79	98718	4935900	0653c962-5588-4ab6-ae36-71c1ef361dab	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 13:20:03	-379.817
-80	49360	4936000	3089d063-7494-47fe-892d-3653d02c6bb7	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 01:23:14	245.925
-80	98720	4936000	366c4d2e-145c-4c8a-afed-f9bb2d7ad114	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 16:24:17	60.811
-81	49361	4936100	adf7e835-6bf3-4f25-90c6-84fbd6ef90df	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:10:37	800.955
-81	98722	4936100	4e182f89-7a82-498e-aaae-368b135495cf	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 07:46:51	88.733
-82	49362	4936200	e7c36548-56db-48da-a30c-8533368895ec	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:04:25	118.966
-82	98724	4936200	8dd65295-0f00-484a-ba82-96077bfdb055	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 21:19:31	-324.223
-83	49363	4936300	3ca8b9f2-ab2a-4a7f-8f91-a32813742005	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 00:39:28	-164.943
-83	98726	4936300	6e3ebecd-47a2-4096-b44c-de05dd272c11	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:55:15	240.308
-84	49364	4936400	6cf530b7-4303-4c6b-acee-39be9553c3cb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 08:52:10	-243.385
-84	98728	4936400	2f6cb2e2-84e6-4a4f-9187-9b268ffae978	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 19:43:11	-758.22
-85	49365	4936500	26c320b2-16d4-4a99-8b16-050240619901	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:33:23	291.783
-85	98730	4936500	93e2888d-d73e-40bd-97ad-3caf97550d48	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 09:50:10	781.439
-86	49366	4936600	b31a6917-c540-4ac6-ad2c-e70329138701	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 04:59:09	185.386
-86	98732	4936600	a014e58f-317f-4c73-96e4-8f5907388c7b	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:44:43	713.89
-87	49367	4936700	eb58ccd6-015a-4415-a38d-8d15103f6e6c	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 13:49:53	596.438
-87	98734	4936700	b8219a06-dc88-451a-ac8c-19a8b78f7256	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:44:08	-640.40
-88	49368	4936800	5ced6b3c-b419-43db-a4b5-21fffc7196f0	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 16:08:00	770.67
-88	98736	4936800	093965dd-86a9-486f-8446-833d2d09207e	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 04:46:51	313.181
-89	49369	4936900	c4c33c12-f30d-47f0-8b80-d271da41db4b	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 11:03:09	493.529
-89	98738	4936900	7930777b-b788-4903-be78-4644d009c421	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 01:44:39	458.306
-90	49370	4937000	254fcdeb-aa52-468c-84cc-484f785b03ca	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 09:39:09	311.398
-90	98740	4937000	9953d584-1833-473d-910f-f2a2ed1eb6ac	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 13:20:45	800.737
-91	49371	4937100	3f80a983-33f5-4bdf-9096-e122ccafeaef	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:36:51	-197.89
-91	98742	4937100	90c7a209-6492-4a4a-aec6-9428275323fb	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 06:43:05	-951.53
-92	49372	4937200	95a31ea1-65e8-4b28-a1d3-e9c1fcd52274	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 22:06:14	921.343
-92	98744	4937200	12f8f47e-ba58-4d8c-af25-dcba33c0ef71	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 11:21:05	559.192
-93	49373	4937300	bbee8fb7-118e-43b7-b66b-6a6929c7b8e5	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 20:05:14	-783.432
-93	98746	4937300	483fb691-edb0-419a-985e-f622d510c589	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 21:50:00	-582.574
-94	49374	4937400	8460ffeb-fa88-4d90-837a-394dd8548233	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 08:29:06	686.633
-94	98748	4937400	fbc3b021-f2b4-42a4-a85f-3109ef2921ca	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 02:41:10	815.160
-95	49375	4937500	28bd6b93-08ed-4832-8a51-fafb44826b71	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:45:19	-193.347
-95	98750	4937500	2bc55fe4-4140-4c6d-99a5-8556e230f657	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 01:38:28	-803.905
-96	49376	4937600	8a53013a-6102-4802-b9d1-9c578eed8035	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 19:38:07	-548.10
-96	98752	4937600	e062fd3b-fe49-41fe-a696-127b2d4004a4	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 23:46:42	-768.836
-97	49377	4937700	15e19799-d42f-4371-a6b9-a370a041d14a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 03:52:15	-566.696
-97	98754	4937700	baec9f1e-1338-4e66-b5e8-81c870df5668	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:15:04	-390.732
-98	49378	4937800	af262702-1039-4832-92ca-d235728d7aef	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 16:11:18	924.710
-98	98756	4937800	2b34b1fb-81d7-47b8-a8c4-095c36078e2c	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:44:00	724.395
-99	49379	4937900	67f7b625-3197-4b94-a17c-afa492f6831e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 12:12:25	360.490
-99	98758	4937900	dbbb5c66-ba2b-4b33-8f0a-ec7490d670f1	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:31:57	-69.280
-100	49380	4938000	c6558bac-d093-48de-ad0a-85fe7dba81c8	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 08:38:55	593.616
-100	98760	4938000	afbd1faf-ad67-4572-b80a-bc72d30b9186	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 09:19:16	377.21
-101	49381	4938100	45fc10ec-71bf-4963-a48c-71ab22df19a3	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 00:15:38	-116.640
-101	98762	4938100	74fac965-bc71-4710-955a-f7aa12337f85	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 14:01:21	-942.579
-102	49382	4938200	7ae2be44-c17f-4009-a247-037c7c417e98	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 02:50:15	-513.522
-102	98764	4938200	cb41ea78-5e25-455d-b53b-45b153e79002	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 02:25:59	-751.656
-103	49383	4938300	7cbde68b-2560-4a3c-912b-8ccf197558f6	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 03:13:04	-927.182
-103	98766	4938300	9a3f774b-b214-42d5-a90b-8f5feb8a0553	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 19:42:38	145.389
-104	49384	4938400	92deea81-f3c5-408c-ad0e-966a91708011	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 05:12:43	907.909
-104	98768	4938400	0713a68e-3e56-4b8a-b9ed-6ca3fa00393f	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:26:06	401.758
-105	49385	4938500	20e8c705-9e11-4f5d-ae9a-9b8ec8dd8152	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:48:04	-248.308
-105	98770	4938500	bce0d9d5-b34c-461e-a35a-a5a14f143203	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 04:26:32	-269.391
-106	49386	4938600	ecd404ed-38c5-4181-8079-1bbf0f539edd	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 14:56:34	866.692
-106	98772	4938600	5843b41c-7488-4314-b607-c83336c8900e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 00:12:18	589.792
-107	49387	4938700	932b94fa-8956-43a1-92f8-765030481dde	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 17:01:05	397.305
-107	98774	4938700	86b6ebb0-a499-4f44-b841-2a4f6a126266	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:59:21	602.323
-108	49388	4938800	03eb18d9-dc60-4101-aaf6-575d328d8c88	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 23:31:11	-54.219
-108	98776	4938800	bc1d46d5-3098-4d25-ae65-3050c2455382	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 15:02:32	95.912
-109	49389	4938900	be23e7f2-ce12-4f0b-b1e2-d8a2a03708bd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 23:49:50	942.35
-109	98778	4938900	1c5c708f-8269-49d6-bf0d-ee1f572cdbc1	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 04:39:49	-764.896
-110	49390	4939000	459afad3-149f-4aa0-963a-e6c3dfadf474	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 20:32:49	-618.176
-110	98780	4939000	8eb8d546-cc0a-4d37-b9a6-2040b34067d3	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 21:07:57	45.78
-111	49391	4939100	f3d08280-34de-4232-b287-c732c1aeaa9a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 20:13:38	-763.386
-111	98782	4939100	14e1c10a-f146-402e-b8f6-b1b7f351b4ad	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 10:53:13	269.805
-112	49392	4939200	41623395-a467-43e1-bf10-e97529896a1b	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 13:51:33	758.370
-112	98784	4939200	55036ae4-8262-43b1-a710-91c55f67b73e	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:32:30	-52.637
-113	49393	4939300	1439b835-4613-4478-9031-7c3900010447	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 02:22:51	-831.324
-113	98786	4939300	086ab634-559f-4639-9498-6506133d5212	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:05:56	-544.565
-114	49394	4939400	4a8f75a1-d614-4568-b8b4-f951f4161d19	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 09:35:17	982.175
-114	98788	4939400	d20bbdce-b744-4bae-8639-78cc31c3ee6b	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 16:40:51	-717.965
-115	49395	4939500	a3269e8f-46ae-4465-b1e3-0e7e37bde20e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 18:14:14	-422.275
-115	98790	4939500	8db73f4e-2728-4d70-a9bc-20b2d792cd21	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:04:59	188.649
-116	49396	4939600	ebb4f6cc-a49c-4484-aefe-b9665de4b28b	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 20:23:37	-335.85
-116	98792	4939600	06ec9eb0-d4da-4ed9-be10-f45a54f12b78	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:23:15	451.722
-117	49397	4939700	3d520460-ba9c-4695-b4f4-80dfcb3e9dfb	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:48:52	793.838
-117	98794	4939700	2380a8f6-e16b-48b9-a714-59a2091abaf1	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 16:35:33	611.954
-118	49398	4939800	52f03eb7-86cc-429d-a018-2c17b7679b77	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:52:17	957.642
-118	98796	4939800	b02200ac-19c1-4dd1-859a-2c6080a8a69f	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 10:46:32	-587.119
-119	49399	4939900	b85cbe51-81ed-468e-ab69-e49195ffc73b	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:39:16	-602.806
-119	98798	4939900	d641c3cf-4720-48c7-b923-4fa86a39ea79	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 23:18:36	601.589
-120	49400	4940000	ed3e43ea-a7bd-4863-8047-51f2ceddcee5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 12:38:14	-96.277
-120	98800	4940000	db2ae4a7-e9dd-4904-a8f1-146ad69a0f69	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 17:36:01	-439.35
-121	49401	4940100	f233d571-1783-4f27-94cb-2f5f62231056	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 01:54:49	510.83
-121	98802	4940100	0acc82af-9201-46a6-82d3-44c2097be7a0	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:07:50	-48.106
-122	49402	4940200	59638d12-9f8a-411a-a688-793b6bbe06f5	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 23:54:40	113.573
-122	98804	4940200	c5941578-97a9-423e-a828-5d536a87efaa	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 13:46:14	392.538
-123	49403	4940300	fae7e557-2dd0-428d-91f8-4e9bd3537606	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:22:04	292.614
-123	98806	4940300	b8508110-ca35-4153-833c-1c1a9d5e2963	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 09:39:43	809.76
-124	49404	4940400	6bf2893e-b6fa-4ea0-bc44-9c61d8bbe503	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 09:46:22	287.779
-124	98808	4940400	6b90b24f-4964-438c-8fe4-2ec114254808	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 08:22:37	937.587
-125	49405	4940500	08865f83-ea85-4cc1-8c08-00f380eda1d8	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 00:45:23	-940.981
-125	98810	4940500	fd8aef70-28ef-4b2d-b931-8c6999676c64	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 16:32:44	290.310
-126	49406	4940600	2e2a9b38-4546-4305-b549-27e789a6b760	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 04:03:57	544.497
-126	98812	4940600	a3e2a1c4-fe42-4a7b-8d94-152775da3a9a	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 17:10:58	-564.477
-127	49407	4940700	a13f9029-09f8-4f9c-b443-a89560a66681	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 06:51:50	-822.524
-127	98814	4940700	232564f2-5f84-4a10-aa25-0f2be6ec1eb1	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:58:37	-658.705
-0	49408	4940800	ffaa01b6-599b-445d-9a19-a816ee1cdb3d	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:57:24	899.280
-0	98816	4940800	257dbbc1-0b40-45e4-8cc8-4045d0972773	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 02:23:22	648.506
-1	49409	4940900	bae4412e-650d-40ea-bcc6-fc43bd7af1fc	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 01:35:19	-454.523
-1	98818	4940900	58739d8f-57d3-46f0-80f4-c66c33ccc1b1	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:20:36	-992.54
-2	49410	4941000	df06353b-1755-47dc-8d0b-ae4fcd26bbee	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 02:33:37	221.764
-2	98820	4941000	68272a72-fca5-4e95-9c35-0545b7897a52	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 16:27:31	-446.408
-3	49411	4941100	62875715-1fa0-4841-818d-5d35d195f694	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 07:18:42	-829.271
-3	98822	4941100	7c565f75-7415-45cb-a632-4a6831c84409	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 23:08:35	217.901
-4	49412	4941200	9d63279e-c5a6-477c-a0f3-e7e63edfd063	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 14:04:27	184.684
-4	98824	4941200	9b8cbe55-3b44-4002-a576-da31e7a267b5	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 03:30:00	295.169
-5	49413	4941300	8191080b-467b-43c9-8237-c4289d3bd78f	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:12:31	-974.753
-5	98826	4941300	15d90fdd-d16b-4c54-8214-ef4546df7d95	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 05:13:28	-193.568
-6	49414	4941400	da2d3539-fd02-42e0-944c-269c9c0c8f43	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 09:08:38	-993.898
-6	98828	4941400	7377a0fe-d3d1-484a-a94b-dae2c88287a9	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:17:00	-667.264
-7	49415	4941500	0e20fad4-144b-4374-82f0-378315aaa65c	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 21:19:45	703.616
-7	98830	4941500	dc5cebf5-1f47-4b65-8a71-8b620ff8ba06	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 11:03:32	537.3
-8	49416	4941600	ed8f3d09-d2df-4526-b3aa-3ef9127252d4	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 06:58:36	-807.297
-8	98832	4941600	8da40d97-386c-437b-b0f1-2600d9f2dcdb	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 16:58:50	580.265
-9	49417	4941700	63811c9a-f012-4b86-afdb-7013071e7fc6	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 15:58:10	-552.474
-9	98834	4941700	37ba508c-a64c-4205-9ed1-c362036cd348	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 12:05:29	675.200
-10	49418	4941800	13336741-b4dc-4515-8d6c-4c2e89a961d1	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 04:46:24	622.596
-10	98836	4941800	ca7d7929-66a8-4d8f-94a2-24114123d451	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 15:12:24	-334.6
-11	49419	4941900	210b429b-7e8d-4f99-a3f0-4ada251dfdf5	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 06:44:27	-43.165
-11	98838	4941900	44a79543-c316-4949-8e83-498cf94a18d4	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:59:40	544.478
-12	49420	4942000	aeeaf09d-26f9-4dc4-ad6a-def9f1b0f12d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 19:34:23	-508.578
-12	98840	4942000	645f3875-d868-4d40-889d-77f453643c36	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 08:20:02	855.852
-13	49421	4942100	eea73556-cd0a-40c4-9f59-5c412e6639f9	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:36:01	72.412
-13	98842	4942100	1c61f9a0-0ccd-4751-97f4-61e1f61bd2e6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:41:33	-447.186
-14	49422	4942200	0bff8d54-1fe9-4da0-a45d-8fb7d28eb3a0	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:45:46	-739.602
-14	98844	4942200	6419dc94-5be8-4807-ab53-e3b5805620d7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 23:47:23	-495.8
-15	49423	4942300	47d446d9-b3cd-46dc-ac2d-19868fc4bcfb	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 16:32:47	921.680
-15	98846	4942300	d4c090a8-f99a-4bf0-9a36-45a4335c366c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 20:44:37	-215.718
-16	49424	4942400	a0179062-b856-4d43-87fd-95dbed03f74a	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:17:17	-277.397
-16	98848	4942400	dcf6f02f-9b5a-405d-91e8-ed097b1bc4a6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 00:59:50	232.297
-17	49425	4942500	95640c9d-90e0-4680-8375-4983e60a2cbd	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 02:20:03	-21.866
-17	98850	4942500	9a87eae2-dd9a-4968-bf85-77d3b028a056	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:59:21	472.739
-18	49426	4942600	6db56d04-c899-45dc-a5f8-3a179105394a	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 00:00:50	-998.561
-18	98852	4942600	c2211f22-f6bf-4653-bdca-21b0b7f27144	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 01:23:47	-676.5
-19	49427	4942700	39988a10-5fa0-42f2-80dc-ee834be62846	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 10:50:01	23.136
-19	98854	4942700	7661c603-e87f-4329-ba30-b71e22e9317d	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:12:04	-808.152
-20	49428	4942800	2db521a1-9664-4b6d-b826-1b43b6159724	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 23:58:00	-955.657
-20	98856	4942800	32bf9f1c-63a7-4d21-8719-b31d9fac066b	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 21:54:44	922.706
-21	49429	4942900	f4789fb0-9716-4b07-bf8c-14f6bba1fdec	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 13:31:16	511.561
-21	98858	4942900	7afc4f2f-f1c3-4227-b1c8-0ba1c54253c0	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 23:45:26	523.687
-22	49430	4943000	ed9766ee-d427-42b2-9d4f-c8fe02b27069	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:20:22	683.279
-22	98860	4943000	30180b9e-91da-46bf-94cb-ed8f91062695	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 07:52:39	833.414
-23	49431	4943100	e76ebd8a-7100-4aca-b1dd-f38054ccb80f	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 16:15:26	187.656
-23	98862	4943100	1b200e78-3c1a-4623-8729-256e55c27466	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 15:23:38	-777.661
-24	49432	4943200	10ffdc15-a6df-48e6-b9b4-4eb610581e76	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 15:48:39	-111.406
-24	98864	4943200	1af0658b-37ef-4093-88ec-24f8eeea43f7	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:50:28	-858.390
-25	49433	4943300	8a8fd803-e1c3-4cd6-a31a-c8446d329378	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 21:53:25	-576.425
-25	98866	4943300	d9e2c066-d49b-4cd7-b065-357246f7e461	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:38:12	643.469
-26	49434	4943400	ea7e0494-dc3f-4a0a-aacc-217f5ef1721d	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 22:25:51	-177.918
-26	98868	4943400	f29a6d83-0642-4f45-af86-03a9c4fd503d	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 21:13:22	191.412
-27	49435	4943500	7e9f15d1-1dc4-452e-ad61-204e72a18d56	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 04:15:15	976.108
-27	98870	4943500	ae8d3ea1-9b6e-42d3-9b03-227388006f86	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 03:08:30	592.635
-28	49436	4943600	3f207a48-5df7-4181-b991-3b742e4df6b6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 23:59:14	-631.369
-28	98872	4943600	9d293d5c-51ba-4add-a1d1-c9efefa52436	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 17:23:06	375.277
-29	49437	4943700	6231b2c7-8e4c-46f1-8354-2b14e2f0f902	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:34:03	-580.343
-29	98874	4943700	1f1b3c0b-7643-4a63-9ba6-38fe2e698907	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:01:30	785.791
-30	49438	4943800	5406f9dd-5f34-486e-a6ee-657a537cfd63	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 08:15:37	-779.477
-30	98876	4943800	b08956ee-afc3-4a0d-ba80-e8dc279766a8	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 08:03:23	-834.992
-31	49439	4943900	636d3c34-ad96-4623-9c39-993c933e8520	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 00:52:02	-210.841
-31	98878	4943900	d4aefadf-43ee-47c2-ba7c-8ce327917f52	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 02:48:02	-258.393
-32	49440	4944000	afa4dc95-f096-4b89-ab50-7ef5d4e76954	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:24:19	110.702
-32	98880	4944000	6fdddba2-fbca-4e5b-a146-3e61c79e7e29	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:53:31	901.0
-33	49441	4944100	4c8f80ca-a677-4be2-8323-98e2f325ae8b	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 09:38:35	427.941
-33	98882	4944100	553c1862-80b7-425e-9f76-48198cc5504d	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 17:50:33	-28.832
-34	49442	4944200	8e4eab90-4368-4746-b112-0163dbeb3902	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:23:33	241.41
-34	98884	4944200	1b86f62b-02a5-48a8-9975-c52568e71abe	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 03:59:52	-67.969
-35	49443	4944300	2177bcd2-5bd8-4713-aeb4-513639034e68	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 21:37:46	847.676
-35	98886	4944300	0fc0d3b6-5f6b-4a41-b491-52a4ba059b66	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 06:45:40	368.599
-36	49444	4944400	a9b09848-e407-4456-b05e-b7b7310b6779	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 21:17:35	-523.811
-36	98888	4944400	0952a815-1263-460a-85e9-7c6eaa247688	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:27:48	-58.997
-37	49445	4944500	c10b257d-9e30-4504-a477-e437c4d0344a	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 00:40:52	360.841
-37	98890	4944500	8d416178-e23b-482d-82bf-37e6c014095f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 07:22:44	-839.432
-38	49446	4944600	12d7d1c3-f8c2-401c-8029-052527bec8ee	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:14:36	-580.476
-38	98892	4944600	176092ac-39dc-4ca4-8e18-90595687b1f1	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 21:58:12	-686.398
-39	49447	4944700	35f1c1d6-9d49-4ad9-b91c-3071aac0d583	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:51:26	-600.783
-39	98894	4944700	18140da1-ab6b-4e86-8da3-6cdadcf43a21	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 13:08:22	-169.267
-40	49448	4944800	8aa8fc4a-7042-44f1-8790-93b56ffc8814	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 02:29:20	8.624
-40	98896	4944800	35812486-c0a0-4b78-b3ac-e1ce0804a96b	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 01:18:12	678.994
-41	49449	4944900	566d0677-4030-4e78-822c-28b85ea14981	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 04:10:08	173.101
-41	98898	4944900	fb35d018-9290-42cf-a664-9a568495b806	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:30:19	-74.996
-42	49450	4945000	809d0cd4-2aeb-4eba-9bf5-51fd20de2603	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 04:24:29	76.633
-42	98900	4945000	d6ff290a-0f2f-496b-90d1-42a13411d9cf	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:01:18	466.443
-43	49451	4945100	91bfb9b3-c51f-4abe-9367-2412938003c4	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 13:14:53	-245.181
-43	98902	4945100	cc693762-6c88-4c3d-a50a-9e4f85f2bdb6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 13:51:22	95.699
-44	49452	4945200	29cb71d5-f5a9-43f3-bf36-7461dbffb294	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 07:44:42	46.64
-44	98904	4945200	7ad1b9de-67cd-42af-bc2d-2290c859f5e5	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:07:00	-426.627
-45	49453	4945300	52f8ca4f-f211-4e1c-bd36-b77ddb4c6695	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 16:16:18	-384.632
-45	98906	4945300	ad87161f-b233-4063-8227-dce2a83e7a86	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:46:17	-162.47
-46	49454	4945400	a1ab33ef-a4c0-4c30-ae23-b29eed0e708d	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 10:30:11	-834.250
-46	98908	4945400	90930776-7057-40aa-857e-6a207869bf21	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:19:16	287.363
-47	49455	4945500	9e84c538-828f-422f-932e-b4cc7414f8c8	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:42:19	721.713
-47	98910	4945500	28a7a109-0278-4faf-b4e6-480cf1f4ffc6	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 14:44:33	-791.556
-48	49456	4945600	6f90963e-3769-4328-b378-a82b12dea500	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 14:31:53	530.7
-48	98912	4945600	44729c52-1bf4-439c-891f-a8a2022b08e8	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 04:16:42	-497.307
-49	49457	4945700	e0d72134-5458-45e1-95ff-afcdd8d79a5b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 08:48:22	-748.92
-49	98914	4945700	7856a68c-45d4-4b9f-be3b-55f892000740	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:28:11	-755.473
-50	49458	4945800	ed0170a9-5e17-4fb6-82b4-ef79a9dafd63	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 07:05:26	-784.864
-50	98916	4945800	634ef079-ff41-45ef-a853-39959c0f82e5	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 10:56:45	-466.642
-51	49459	4945900	15ea4931-468b-49a2-9758-83982c1ef15f	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 00:11:17	-699.940
-51	98918	4945900	578a7251-47fa-4dca-b9fd-39bbd8f1d832	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 21:02:30	362.484
-52	49460	4946000	fe7d4455-03fd-420c-b99f-8a1b7715242b	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 15:39:22	827.642
-52	98920	4946000	3b13ed9e-9834-4e8a-8a63-31d30322e975	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:02:02	-639.384
-53	49461	4946100	2d29d164-3226-4b30-a0cb-ce57b74347a6	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:29:22	967.335
-53	98922	4946100	0ccf9fcc-6e80-433c-9303-b5a9d1d6cb5b	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 03:53:17	-609.133
-54	49462	4946200	5905405e-a4f8-42fa-9921-5b77969d9067	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 18:56:14	550.692
-54	98924	4946200	6732897b-b90b-463b-91ba-fea0160f231d	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 13:31:57	-725.476
-55	49463	4946300	f62aeffd-3fc0-4990-be71-0274d2ae58a6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:26:07	634.946
-55	98926	4946300	1736ae5c-a226-4c46-8382-40c219804650	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 22:42:02	-452.501
-56	49464	4946400	1ecbb12a-0ec2-487e-9a10-122955b5de4d	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 18:42:28	-205.66
-56	98928	4946400	cb3c8189-058d-44b4-a807-4cd1c3f26849	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 08:52:01	200.978
-57	49465	4946500	5b2ff3a5-efbc-40d7-aec5-a3d50d3f71ea	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 23:52:03	567.710
-57	98930	4946500	dda17d79-f1ae-48eb-a309-91961e76632b	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 13:28:06	975.555
-58	49466	4946600	60cf0623-f92b-446c-b688-21c37c6f4cc7	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:45:26	785.529
-58	98932	4946600	5d60e8b0-d998-4d17-aef6-2038b3ad9f1d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 04:34:30	367.41
-59	49467	4946700	d0e34b7d-6e31-48c0-87c5-79c29e7d7e26	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 20:54:38	445.526
-59	98934	4946700	17964cea-6b40-4145-8f28-352b215dbe41	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 20:04:36	832.538
-60	49468	4946800	058c18cc-76f4-472c-a100-13d9dd3e4713	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 18:55:16	472.32
-60	98936	4946800	ab8027e7-8d8e-4121-8bf9-3fe50831ac40	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:39:12	636.396
-61	49469	4946900	daf3e028-2f22-4e39-a953-3e77dac0d9f6	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:27:53	-370.788
-61	98938	4946900	b0ca51ea-f786-488b-ace4-b616be904feb	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 06:23:41	415.350
-62	49470	4947000	eb607981-3119-481c-870f-edf214422dfc	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 22:36:22	-704.246
-62	98940	4947000	dedd1a22-1750-4a2f-9b97-74a8d083999a	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 17:22:25	-903.87
-63	49471	4947100	3d6b1252-0d3e-43c9-923c-5c456a9af5b1	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:48:41	807.104
-63	98942	4947100	f646f8d2-f66a-4d13-a960-4d0fd68df273	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 15:37:28	402.338
-64	49472	4947200	87c8df85-623e-4aed-a40d-19edcf6ef21f	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 06:13:37	535.452
-64	98944	4947200	8dadc6b1-0f79-4911-b5b9-0d0bbd0ed8ce	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 20:39:39	671.875
-65	49473	4947300	e65884cc-1024-4c1b-9848-9d47919a7c3f	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:46:36	-735.91
-65	98946	4947300	01bf5e98-72e7-48cc-9849-88a3737b35f6	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 21:37:27	656.671
-66	49474	4947400	1da7993e-11c8-4341-a6b3-e52954e18ec9	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 10:19:15	-358.916
-66	98948	4947400	8141ad18-9488-4112-ad6d-cbf1ab48f46b	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 01:29:58	-281.835
-67	49475	4947500	aaa6cd90-071a-45e4-9837-c0a55650e6b9	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:24:11	668.561
-67	98950	4947500	676d6ced-c32a-4200-b823-6e583dece6ef	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 06:17:28	-145.379
-68	49476	4947600	4f167d47-22ae-41f6-9c45-de5859347052	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 12:56:33	-223.973
-68	98952	4947600	dcfbc742-3cf5-4c78-ba07-0d1dd1a96fde	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 13:19:19	511.338
-69	49477	4947700	4da92831-3b09-4110-823d-f48ec14b0ce4	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 19:04:36	249.336
-69	98954	4947700	c61b1cbd-5c7d-4c48-a36d-ff0901a84d60	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 14:47:46	-555.130
-70	49478	4947800	de1ebaf4-44e1-4f22-9d80-4ff46b740b36	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:28:28	511.804
-70	98956	4947800	bbdd503a-43a2-4f7d-a53e-f2896f35ffa3	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:02:51	-320.758
-71	49479	4947900	cadfc5b8-c62d-4aad-b240-51219f0c527d	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 20:28:15	-462.564
-71	98958	4947900	09aecbb6-e5f3-48d5-b587-22f85edc7954	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 17:44:29	-17.695
-72	49480	4948000	63b72e42-5d6f-4d63-8e56-d35248500c30	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 22:17:36	263.950
-72	98960	4948000	0f66a63c-5de1-4a23-ab9d-2a1013b08674	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:14:22	-447.349
-73	49481	4948100	91e7f822-2abf-42f2-a02c-04f7a807dd61	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 05:26:43	484.396
-73	98962	4948100	3bf0b32d-2303-42ae-bf67-36036784e2cc	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 07:47:37	848.793
-74	49482	4948200	5f25c7ff-2bf2-432c-ad31-294448c7924e	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 22:20:45	439.5
-74	98964	4948200	3fd8096c-b3c0-4eef-9864-589e178b1e89	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:10:37	-955.190
-75	49483	4948300	10e98fd3-e074-40f8-85c2-6ee3fb581520	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 05:31:23	-151.579
-75	98966	4948300	0a197953-1fef-4dd5-86fa-2138d3539127	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 11:22:29	-326.600
-76	49484	4948400	bb5e0133-fcac-4e73-8099-186189d7a38b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 22:39:02	859.521
-76	98968	4948400	4115ae8e-0695-4f4d-a02a-75ab534811c6	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 09:36:58	975.164
-77	49485	4948500	73ef030b-cf6a-41ad-966b-bc4c23153018	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 02:46:12	-772.727
-77	98970	4948500	6cf1b2c5-6479-4cea-9763-523c47351402	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 16:32:29	-598.334
-78	49486	4948600	c1392fb7-25df-480a-b801-312ccdfe0d4e	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 23:38:49	107.588
-78	98972	4948600	99fe9c23-735b-4df8-a438-cdf841634251	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:09:25	884.840
-79	49487	4948700	ceaa0221-cedb-40c8-88d5-d7ca03857ada	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 07:15:10	-727.733
-79	98974	4948700	3e3d7980-872c-4c33-b76e-68a6c1868870	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 08:23:34	884.316
-80	49488	4948800	ff610f19-b481-48c1-b2a4-a29436c2ba7a	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:35:22	794.274
-80	98976	4948800	58be9b80-13ed-4d12-aabe-46b96f7eb167	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 16:29:40	-439.445
-81	49489	4948900	2a252514-37b9-4170-9c53-c2eb1f65e058	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 23:38:32	-357.861
-81	98978	4948900	d1dee5cb-e27e-45cc-9858-1f0300dee5ba	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 21:44:20	-170.130
-82	49490	4949000	c63a2a17-2581-40ad-9238-603fdbc330cf	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 18:01:52	-431.72
-82	98980	4949000	818513f6-59c0-4947-8ed3-7dfe5ba0c116	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 01:55:38	13.84
-83	49491	4949100	e3515af3-1592-46d5-9ff0-b916f364a3de	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 13:24:28	506.715
-83	98982	4949100	de284fe9-5b94-497f-a306-f7799c2a5a40	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 16:43:07	-297.651
-84	49492	4949200	f8297860-ae00-4fde-9256-d218e4d139ec	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 08:07:09	255.842
-84	98984	4949200	6eb596ac-3547-40b0-8e66-30091e08a9a2	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:49:28	479.360
-85	49493	4949300	2ef3224c-0ea5-48ae-95b4-ea66707d2322	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:10:55	827.583
-85	98986	4949300	bb51f1e2-a09d-413c-b602-4a396a05861c	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 20:08:39	-389.802
-86	49494	4949400	b9c03ba5-0599-4a19-95ca-0f55c7f23b74	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:13:11	-114.645
-86	98988	4949400	55ffd860-a3a9-40d3-ae77-2ae5ce73821d	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 00:34:25	-949.261
-87	49495	4949500	bb85df04-da5d-4fcf-9985-ba28e3bff5c4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:35:45	583.759
-87	98990	4949500	1169b31b-fa36-434e-b7f2-eb2808f56fc4	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 17:36:53	776.567
-88	49496	4949600	3d2dc96d-30be-4c77-9bb6-7884721747ba	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:28:04	-51.274
-88	98992	4949600	ece0174b-d1bc-4065-be8d-9eb4f1bfd242	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 01:20:17	357.598
-89	49497	4949700	b0559339-8ba1-4ad6-8546-8ec9b431a9ce	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 11:07:05	794.69
-89	98994	4949700	60a15ee2-2298-4122-94db-b74f769acd0e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 14:48:11	856.699
-90	49498	4949800	82951126-5639-4f55-846d-12486a992d67	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 17:17:22	360.921
-90	98996	4949800	556082ba-79ca-4ad8-a8ec-a2b766fde70b	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 04:52:04	-927.833
-91	49499	4949900	c6b3e264-dfd2-4151-94ca-2cc7a5df5918	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 18:52:19	-66.140
-91	98998	4949900	0c842be6-641d-48b5-aa42-10337388c32f	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:37:51	152.791
-92	49500	4950000	c7477640-81f8-4c96-9158-a0e8c8115be5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:27:43	319.664
-92	99000	4950000	a1408472-78a1-47cc-8f83-a23b095190a2	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 22:55:40	-97.417
-93	49501	4950100	ccb143bf-2d2d-4ad9-a0c1-598c020e9f62	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 14:00:07	736.862
-93	99002	4950100	da2fa155-694a-47b9-8672-f1bff121cab1	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 19:06:31	750.843
-94	49502	4950200	bd384063-2511-458e-82cf-6851d4096694	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 16:37:04	959.855
-94	99004	4950200	a753a541-58bb-42d2-a5a5-ad4771bcb04f	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 20:07:46	364.638
-95	49503	4950300	78ebbeb0-1aa2-4045-86b2-fdec7c3d64e4	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:06:03	746.113
-95	99006	4950300	32ec1d02-2fb5-431e-bed3-fe06705e9565	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 09:00:12	-674.26
-96	49504	4950400	579756c1-e604-475c-ac3a-dcad175acdfa	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:56:58	-78.994
-96	99008	4950400	ece70471-04d4-4c35-ba7c-2e05667fb4f3	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 14:01:14	-595.253
-97	49505	4950500	60348f60-4df8-4e11-ac3f-92b761c3a1fe	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 03:54:25	-412.6
-97	99010	4950500	2ee2cc1a-0dc6-412d-9a67-4433f43abac2	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 00:42:27	941.490
-98	49506	4950600	ae8f3b00-8590-44af-a4cf-35c9c5e03acc	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 07:12:59	-485.825
-98	99012	4950600	e4d22122-35fb-40c6-bf2b-02398e41be0e	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:43:01	-803.130
-99	49507	4950700	8442d28c-388c-4c66-8324-2d20c9a82ad2	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 07:49:27	-903.455
-99	99014	4950700	e98141db-994e-4c3d-83f2-08d0c6c4f213	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 15:35:50	383.267
-100	49508	4950800	02a1ea80-6d2a-4362-a764-67272e6343be	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 01:04:20	-993.665
-100	99016	4950800	a23e456e-b030-45ec-9bca-863262c6d290	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 13:36:05	-556.905
-101	49509	4950900	bed8ba3c-a1ed-41a4-beeb-eb935bbe5b8e	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:39:24	-149.614
-101	99018	4950900	3f7b9d75-4ee6-4cfa-bf11-66c876e02583	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 04:48:13	358.514
-102	49510	4951000	b6788b6a-4e64-4142-9d2a-c8bed028be90	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:23:00	563.177
-102	99020	4951000	6b8d1717-e421-4746-b02c-c6815d6a3a25	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 19:59:46	-727.612
-103	49511	4951100	2cd10e10-6758-4851-8d1f-e7d2c3c0ac08	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 11:03:12	279.427
-103	99022	4951100	a48c9935-0279-4710-a85d-13cceb73ffb1	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 01:58:09	920.316
-104	49512	4951200	c3af55fe-3aaa-46e4-b154-4c7f3da16fc9	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 12:15:39	-553.918
-104	99024	4951200	b0af25e6-b121-4015-af4d-1694d887a64f	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:23:56	549.900
-105	49513	4951300	161a8afc-fc74-4e61-94c1-e6faf2ebe26a	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:13:40	-467.232
-105	99026	4951300	27e6945a-227f-4b43-a38e-4a3162340161	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 14:05:51	722.884
-106	49514	4951400	a419fad2-7d16-4ebd-b9a8-71f64e21c0b0	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 20:27:07	-428.84
-106	99028	4951400	b1f79e04-179c-4749-8bb9-746c67ab6496	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 20:31:43	418.415
-107	49515	4951500	bed3ce0d-7cf8-4358-9d98-eb44a86aa748	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 18:01:43	190.807
-107	99030	4951500	295564b4-97e9-4453-b37f-77db2f9f18da	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 02:24:20	-42.502
-108	49516	4951600	bf3f82e0-2b03-4144-8732-f96bd9331df4	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 14:18:49	-444.190
-108	99032	4951600	d43d5756-6ff0-480b-b8c1-d3875851c405	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 10:59:27	-620.403
-109	49517	4951700	2b15af63-04fa-4eaa-bd64-817515d1f382	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 12:16:13	-27.814
-109	99034	4951700	6346add3-04c8-4429-84cb-9c76f3bd4dc1	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 04:20:31	374.55
-110	49518	4951800	7cb08fe9-ce3b-4ffc-aa29-391756283f42	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:14:13	-338.855
-110	99036	4951800	b71bd0df-5d46-4f26-be51-c116fac0faf2	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 14:23:23	-481.333
-111	49519	4951900	84f30517-bff5-4f64-884f-f7fb3e14bf02	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 05:26:33	-650.567
-111	99038	4951900	e52431ee-aad5-4061-b8dc-c8e5b7c336ca	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 22:23:34	910.542
-112	49520	4952000	e9178dc9-4121-454a-95ac-dafcaeebbf22	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 19:16:37	738.93
-112	99040	4952000	393a5ac6-905e-462b-9c30-042376a6cfd0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 04:53:55	16.537
-113	49521	4952100	d8ccb49d-c5fe-4c9f-b58e-8241b33e3b3a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 06:43:25	-596.952
-113	99042	4952100	870609a3-c22b-4900-b7b9-7a76d20c4c49	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 10:33:14	443.981
-114	49522	4952200	9ff4468e-4ae0-42e2-9781-492d6e7783e4	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:12:52	-651.765
-114	99044	4952200	08485ffb-ccb5-4c4b-9800-d47569ea2f71	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 09:39:15	-687.241
-115	49523	4952300	544f8c83-89a6-4cdd-be95-e506ae5549fc	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 02:18:07	123.338
-115	99046	4952300	17b5763f-d18c-4f6c-b681-936d37d681dd	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 05:21:34	-262.228
-116	49524	4952400	f294d6ad-328d-41f0-a5ab-3adc02451b36	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 08:28:02	-14.624
-116	99048	4952400	16308f5a-5a85-4247-b4da-5ea10b0a014f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 14:35:05	-873.921
-117	49525	4952500	8b29ba9e-a2c3-472a-962a-56e7a619aadd	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 18:04:17	-268.12
-117	99050	4952500	026a1660-9a3a-4865-a435-272a938795e2	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:40:36	713.688
-118	49526	4952600	8ddca15e-029b-40cd-8738-4adcfd3d8da2	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 18:27:14	-791.153
-118	99052	4952600	c1e7e3e9-ef06-430a-b961-e5100fc00973	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 07:25:52	99.356
-119	49527	4952700	076cd555-b7b5-42db-b6de-fedca794e4bc	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:14:25	-113.762
-119	99054	4952700	36a2ef82-1e94-4a41-87f3-f5d3ffe1ebb3	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 20:59:20	-420.858
-120	49528	4952800	c990d9b9-8cb9-49c3-9688-d1f5e3763307	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 17:56:26	695.366
-120	99056	4952800	454391a7-4349-4602-84e7-dbce32dcbebb	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 00:41:50	-830.821
-121	49529	4952900	dea4378a-dcdf-48e6-b127-fb3b7c742bf7	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 10:48:11	-20.940
-121	99058	4952900	cb0d268e-42dd-4a35-9804-9e24545a4162	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 01:17:45	-619.660
-122	49530	4953000	5c65c821-8550-4923-a2a4-36f01b4e8250	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:56:34	849.537
-122	99060	4953000	b2ae6ed8-0c0a-496c-9ef9-00ad2699b6e5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 09:30:52	-52.10
-123	49531	4953100	d717e483-fc08-4ada-9b8c-991e8f466c07	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:08:07	-294.228
-123	99062	4953100	5af4e036-b438-40f1-8f43-07020df9ce3a	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:38:51	-641.825
-124	49532	4953200	53f49fe0-a356-4179-969e-a61e781b09e0	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 21:36:10	85.163
-124	99064	4953200	0004dfee-50f3-4f2e-894b-05bdf8e30375	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 22:38:39	-783.890
-125	49533	4953300	31c6f726-cf73-4495-86d1-cad0f0d87880	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 01:46:59	-251.911
-125	99066	4953300	d040d650-e677-4cb6-8c27-3c8b51ad456e	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 15:14:03	596.819
-126	49534	4953400	1622ff18-ee6d-47fa-adb8-96a0097b6956	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:56:22	-974.391
-126	99068	4953400	3b8d29e9-5903-4c86-8cd5-f5c73c7f8bc0	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 16:38:39	-695.61
-127	49535	4953500	694f4ff8-bc5f-4c69-b669-e1776bb01f5c	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 05:10:29	-18.208
-127	99070	4953500	f48e4328-7d71-4026-916d-a658a74f425f	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 02:33:44	-627.436
-0	49536	4953600	8b324831-a2a2-459f-8090-d58b9026f21c	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:40:36	-709.359
-0	99072	4953600	98a35edb-67d4-4224-81cf-215285f60114	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:00:26	348.130
-1	49537	4953700	d8c641ab-6a8c-485e-ac46-6250bd5ede0f	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 14:37:50	-386.130
-1	99074	4953700	12ec1ad1-b598-45d4-b9a1-8c7c9814524b	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 09:04:50	-804.718
-2	49538	4953800	921e0a02-7966-4b24-97ea-4efe719fae39	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 22:18:37	477.54
-2	99076	4953800	fd80444a-b93f-4ecb-9955-c84553b77a0b	2014-02-06	2014-02-06 22:52:38	-899.102
-3	49539	4953900	473796d3-27fd-4590-ad84-478dcf5bf72b	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 03:31:00	-437.139
-3	99078	4953900	536b32fc-eba0-4170-b176-27ab3dffaa52	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 22:30:46	945.634
-4	49540	4954000	8a5ac289-8436-439d-bd80-dc8952877fc3	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 13:18:01	-77.23
-4	99080	4954000	dd0f3775-4ac9-46de-9d58-7bc1dbe51747	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 10:47:24	-65.705
-5	49541	4954100	ae2776d2-cd61-4289-aeed-68c84989b2f6	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 20:13:38	522.478
-5	99082	4954100	3434b6ce-e717-4961-8ad7-6a416c334e2d	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 23:04:02	-564.27
-6	49542	4954200	e1589320-1a25-4529-9184-076151202dad	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:37:51	741.405
-6	99084	4954200	96bd0891-0ac3-49e5-aaea-9ed60e1f07c2	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 01:33:32	-437.436
-7	49543	4954300	fe95a2f3-4e17-43fe-8578-9fc4b5ca3cd2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 19:14:42	621.384
-7	99086	4954300	6cf51e2e-db2b-4f64-8b54-5db766403fe5	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:04:18	489.837
-8	49544	4954400	328cef80-ab9e-4b24-a7cc-80a086eb965a	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 22:37:53	784.923
-8	99088	4954400	16fb3b22-9185-45a0-982d-5fd157e7d2e7	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:07:52	856.587
-9	49545	4954500	b4bfc296-2471-431e-83f2-4f7ed34c0faa	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:15:54	401.261
-9	99090	4954500	2447cfb1-0f68-4098-a928-2e5c4749f091	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 21:10:35	-876.800
-10	49546	4954600	e06967f3-e40b-4ba8-af99-6c3c82decaf2	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 08:18:42	-172.749
-10	99092	4954600	bc7f5ff4-a7c7-4aa0-b459-f42eeecbc7a4	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 06:18:16	-393.148
-11	49547	4954700	283f61c9-313f-451d-917e-0ec796e820ac	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 00:26:42	-441.406
-11	99094	4954700	db5ade7e-190e-4709-9f65-b739fa95ea77	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 22:02:03	867.214
-12	49548	4954800	18ac4a45-ced5-4a88-b842-f6d5101572e9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 23:29:05	-990.650
-12	99096	4954800	3d60b61e-54a0-4771-98b4-cf56d0676e17	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 09:24:03	-905.204
-13	49549	4954900	e64fd5c1-2245-4a77-a46a-2c2bf3000d77	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 01:25:56	-613.479
-13	99098	4954900	2d724cd7-0a2b-4402-b9bb-2d7a62017e13	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 02:40:08	-923.896
-14	49550	4955000	58d611cf-b963-4af8-8c6f-91ffb787219a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:55:55	-527.603
-14	99100	4955000	183243d0-0fa0-4984-8ad7-4cd568eac043	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 00:47:07	710.905
-15	49551	4955100	2ff469c5-04ab-4aee-9aea-9c9c05bb1f00	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 08:23:53	-657.161
-15	99102	4955100	8dc13e7d-de24-4a86-aca0-bfb23484407b	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 17:06:05	-911.707
-16	49552	4955200	c7fb50f5-24ec-4c52-891f-f3c62efa0964	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 08:07:10	812.130
-16	99104	4955200	6a7c1ed2-30e3-4cea-bcbd-2401626ffcf5	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 18:59:17	803.674
-17	49553	4955300	9fb6bb31-aad9-4c51-85ae-7cf5d55cbbb9	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 14:44:39	571.931
-17	99106	4955300	18f85548-8026-47ed-a92e-d0ba01ad8e37	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 05:44:07	-881.590
-18	49554	4955400	81cb8ab2-f370-4e13-a8c7-8b1a7055adde	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:00:58	-222.575
-18	99108	4955400	18f273c2-5bc9-46fb-ae0d-d9c8444170ba	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 11:59:39	939.463
-19	49555	4955500	7626332f-634f-4e73-8ae5-ad0d3482eabe	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:02:46	716.954
-19	99110	4955500	2fda0a84-6be9-4815-968c-f1d507008222	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:13:16	-342.135
-20	49556	4955600	4b90a900-fc34-4222-911e-259df9be1667	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 23:53:04	-713.66
-20	99112	4955600	a21f7dc8-2494-4a04-8754-bbedceb21488	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 16:17:11	-726.27
-21	49557	4955700	df2d4b78-897b-4b2c-b82d-dc800eb0a3da	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 01:20:11	893.523
-21	99114	4955700	77cc4513-8e81-4fa7-94b0-d08ec9d1405a	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 14:17:14	238.614
-22	49558	4955800	ac97ddde-c629-40e2-93ed-963f64a77b30	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 05:39:59	-240.362
-22	99116	4955800	a16e044e-2b79-436b-9ca2-e34d4c6b773f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 02:18:25	-3.891
-23	49559	4955900	44222319-b4af-4dc7-8c89-dff95fcbc807	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:11:49	-556.253
-23	99118	4955900	0c35112b-ff31-492e-a5eb-ea16b921fc20	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 05:24:25	886.433
-24	49560	4956000	31e7fb6d-d6c0-4b99-a869-3a48265048e9	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 08:52:40	-926.111
-24	99120	4956000	bda9f410-7e7c-41ca-a1c7-a2c6d0c4d50d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:45:38	-443.45
-25	49561	4956100	9486e3b5-0f32-4606-b011-a68431308e2b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:25:30	-37.89
-25	99122	4956100	8b70248b-084e-4945-9697-5fe1fae850d1	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 06:52:36	803.526
-26	49562	4956200	fddf4e04-0b77-42e5-9e36-2ade97b8c65e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 22:29:10	764.685
-26	99124	4956200	8d6974ff-16d8-4d0c-8183-73f932fbda6c	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 06:01:18	-883.798
-27	49563	4956300	b344affb-c188-4f85-ac6b-d69b5b655be9	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 17:27:17	-464.337
-27	99126	4956300	3c33d8a6-05e8-42a8-9ea3-273f2e4bcc00	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 20:52:25	-877.703
-28	49564	4956400	cf237e98-bc9e-4b66-824e-a2d3963eff2b	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 17:30:14	-976.269
-28	99128	4956400	664ee66d-7701-4120-8141-0e6b4a87229f	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 00:34:04	277.744
-29	49565	4956500	76acab5f-e6b3-4c60-b430-a5510380bec3	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 01:03:36	23.673
-29	99130	4956500	da0c65a4-78a0-4bae-8713-84bfca0ce5e5	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 13:37:55	-258.191
-30	49566	4956600	760bdaaf-5b41-4301-8a47-0893dd668cc2	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:09:35	434.298
-30	99132	4956600	4dcfaf4c-10e9-4fe7-973c-ac1b71aff385	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 10:46:10	-698.307
-31	49567	4956700	70f63c3c-a673-4e03-b6af-035e042d473d	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:45:53	12.997
-31	99134	4956700	fe956fd3-a592-4ded-9a90-8aaa0f1135db	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:27:26	-371.657
-32	49568	4956800	408f2748-d44f-4522-ace3-65bd98d6f8a2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:47:59	-930.628
-32	99136	4956800	ea6fa643-d990-478b-bf86-94b5f2a79b29	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:15:47	273.31
-33	49569	4956900	195a0228-3d0b-4de8-8816-2f9ec25b4310	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 10:29:59	922.540
-33	99138	4956900	7125bd28-b9dc-4340-bad5-e49154a04942	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:24:16	-790.672
-34	49570	4957000	6815daff-40b8-4761-8460-367ea1dd1faa	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 21:20:20	962.483
-34	99140	4957000	44fb67ab-271c-4395-9f1f-e8e464ccd2f2	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 02:38:27	-598.253
-35	49571	4957100	6012aa64-7801-4cbf-b5c0-ddc1cab7ef28	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 14:01:53	-331.622
-35	99142	4957100	fab5c7a4-b0cb-48fe-a408-faea9cac3ee6	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 14:51:16	916.470
-36	49572	4957200	327890cf-2cb5-42d8-9e65-1b09cf116347	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 08:12:19	-596.439
-36	99144	4957200	37a97634-585f-441f-a77e-69249767104e	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 08:39:20	958.47
-37	49573	4957300	0ca049d5-ef73-4768-be6e-a0bb78a7b2aa	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 18:41:42	958.371
-37	99146	4957300	30c247a8-c7ed-4d6b-93f5-542699220ec8	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 15:31:09	546.192
-38	49574	4957400	1d7d8803-e1bf-464f-87d5-58e53954c83f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 21:25:31	-350.846
-38	99148	4957400	45eea101-118d-4b7a-bd35-89d41c41cb91	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:43:55	931.648
-39	49575	4957500	b00ae3bd-61be-4e19-a556-9a97b0250e9d	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 22:50:53	-170.552
-39	99150	4957500	4addc6b4-295f-4c10-9a93-356c0cc9c4ce	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 05:18:07	391.989
-40	49576	4957600	5ed64c67-d783-4a43-b4a6-1d14db5492ee	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 19:16:21	-191.207
-40	99152	4957600	7c2515d2-f385-428e-9de0-c36ec38d01db	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:37:28	-509.199
-41	49577	4957700	ef877a38-0425-49d1-a585-23af2283a8cd	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 02:36:09	-704.478
-41	99154	4957700	e1a1f79c-98cf-415f-bad5-918d39e76902	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 08:09:10	660.603
-42	49578	4957800	e23188f3-5354-4d72-92ef-80ffa458556c	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:11:43	-172.487
-42	99156	4957800	4fa8b0c6-4365-4d69-a7be-720b610b8ed2	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 07:05:49	628.411
-43	49579	4957900	a81480be-e41a-4987-ad3c-2ecf061b026c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 06:50:23	-41.926
-43	99158	4957900	930083e6-c423-495e-80a1-0291594b440c	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 16:40:00	283.811
-44	49580	4958000	6173b49d-048d-4f7e-8dec-4055b9fcda2c	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 12:11:51	938.920
-44	99160	4958000	71848cab-b33b-4505-970b-ff44e00d2d18	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 02:11:57	-391.787
-45	49581	4958100	0349e78b-a68d-415d-9e10-46bbd82bda22	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 17:48:44	-937.540
-45	99162	4958100	e82b95ec-f112-43dd-9c70-8a1f050102f6	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 15:57:34	-120.459
-46	49582	4958200	fdd91d96-0e24-408d-bfd4-cfcc02c5b068	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 06:11:31	-844.696
-46	99164	4958200	02cee36e-ff8d-4393-92cb-80f3e96e0ea3	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 21:10:31	111.696
-47	49583	4958300	3fffc009-4656-4e05-ba66-94067e20e73f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 06:15:24	541.589
-47	99166	4958300	79d8daa4-fdd8-4ef3-8f44-57f1b1f54ef1	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 15:57:33	-691.810
-48	49584	4958400	61261ec1-5c1f-4ce6-8209-457e2c29d8ea	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 04:18:15	-193.845
-48	99168	4958400	af5965cf-4714-467d-8b5e-3f05c3b16bbc	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 16:12:49	624.943
-49	49585	4958500	b5d75e9d-ccc2-4bd7-9b74-091e360ea560	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 20:02:18	954.78
-49	99170	4958500	65bfe74e-7960-4f62-b081-413407baee98	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 10:06:37	595.238
-50	49586	4958600	0e97a96d-6814-4e82-977f-d35235fb237d	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:40:44	360.721
-50	99172	4958600	d08e2ae4-222f-4289-be22-34786329a705	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 22:12:19	-982.518
-51	49587	4958700	e07141dc-3970-4edb-9134-2bb0afb3a8f4	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 07:40:33	-950.329
-51	99174	4958700	873272f6-3ef7-4343-9827-276985239c23	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 22:57:39	-57.765
-52	49588	4958800	7d12eb58-6086-4038-990f-3946c72fd5ce	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 10:28:04	-707.194
-52	99176	4958800	e1790c5b-49b0-422a-90a0-d43deb104c4e	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 19:50:37	-65.710
-53	49589	4958900	87127d34-654f-47bd-a089-077844a2ae2c	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 22:22:52	242.878
-53	99178	4958900	8ad9b85d-7d58-400e-a7a7-b4c4211213a9	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 00:47:30	755.837
-54	49590	4959000	218c7e97-37aa-4d6e-9205-2647d1f5cef3	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 06:41:34	-970.184
-54	99180	4959000	f185330a-af72-4a4d-a931-0a49632dba64	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 23:46:26	216.587
-55	49591	4959100	95c62c01-65e9-4f88-9aed-43b4ec590788	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 06:23:21	-395.678
-55	99182	4959100	a62c85ae-662a-47c4-9100-899352ce0972	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:36:44	631.108
-56	49592	4959200	8740c37c-e642-494a-8b3f-c51c8e0c1a55	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:32:00	-119.904
-56	99184	4959200	6b4c569a-fc99-4902-b33a-0c69052f55e2	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 19:15:27	-779.879
-57	49593	4959300	86ab1823-c533-4d8d-b0ff-2bc85bff5cf7	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 04:47:21	778.313
-57	99186	4959300	a790d8eb-9c0e-4c43-9227-add17d6e14ca	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 17:31:25	884.105
-58	49594	4959400	33c6b8de-e3d0-4c90-8ef6-80fe1a76aec0	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 13:00:13	-554.690
-58	99188	4959400	9335570f-c46d-443d-8b64-f53bdbb9d241	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 03:14:39	731.467
-59	49595	4959500	700fa689-7726-4fe0-9514-20fc6b076a1f	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 19:25:08	-208.990
-59	99190	4959500	2acb5cbe-d118-4137-a8ac-ef3f77669962	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:06:12	545.213
-60	49596	4959600	a779e5a9-95f0-4d0b-a9f6-df2909402ca7	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 08:35:58	348.630
-60	99192	4959600	4a438c0c-33c7-4b63-9217-7db2245b6fc6	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 17:20:17	-270.375
-61	49597	4959700	14b430b7-7640-4ff0-b9b8-e7001ad7e967	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 04:03:51	-326.933
-61	99194	4959700	c11cde36-fdf8-4c5b-8b2b-1a328e062dc1	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 07:09:20	-807.808
-62	49598	4959800	5241dc66-11be-4eba-a501-3f350c403c82	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 08:31:05	-329.811
-62	99196	4959800	516b0850-d073-4360-9c11-88727fb50c23	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 20:04:19	881.388
-63	49599	4959900	2c0ebb48-2b4a-4e46-b667-bf14c524fa5d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 23:38:30	790.988
-63	99198	4959900	147e883b-8ca3-4f38-b8ad-3cde9bf9f10f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:43:06	648.685
-64	49600	4960000	0bf4b349-028c-4527-9d1b-d9da78d858d3	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:30:04	-122.621
-64	99200	4960000	f394fdb1-fef6-4785-adfb-d9c05107744b	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 03:48:44	-789.953
-65	49601	4960100	18d09460-5839-45d8-bf8e-b80d43960733	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 11:39:37	-658.792
-65	99202	4960100	2bfb2560-bf57-4bbf-9404-4cf66d4e88ed	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 21:23:29	886.568
-66	49602	4960200	d3e147f8-6b51-43fe-931e-adf8611532e2	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 04:35:37	-343.402
-66	99204	4960200	8ea793e9-4ea7-4312-bd09-cfd5c2fadf41	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 08:20:43	976.368
-67	49603	4960300	3e1560ec-b678-4bed-a9c2-adef10f2da78	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 08:53:58	-501.188
-67	99206	4960300	91f9d36f-731b-4a4b-8db2-eb4242c3c628	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 10:34:47	923.325
-68	49604	4960400	4ad250c9-07d2-4d4f-829a-8f311d923c7c	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 10:18:48	87.18
-68	99208	4960400	41ee5bdb-8b3c-4f0f-9487-7a7c4616a2b7	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:48:35	708.887
-69	49605	4960500	59129c86-2273-4175-b572-753cdf0a0e24	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 12:36:21	-790.679
-69	99210	4960500	183398b6-6cc5-4b29-b1bb-e52a24c1b90c	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 12:26:08	565.457
-70	49606	4960600	6809256e-bba0-493a-b76f-832c5ef9bcbe	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 02:33:06	969.575
-70	99212	4960600	37b841f2-5e01-4283-8650-c1edf7646f07	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 04:56:34	357.288
-71	49607	4960700	5e2d5a70-1caf-40bc-93fd-9ed5411d7a79	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 11:52:05	87.699
-71	99214	4960700	15e63b37-f7bf-416f-8080-c9720dae9eeb	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 14:32:58	583.947
-72	49608	4960800	ab5934a4-dc1f-471d-98fc-56a7e6732831	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 17:49:34	-231.63
-72	99216	4960800	b83268cb-909b-47d3-808d-244c3ee5d32e	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 16:49:17	-534.92
-73	49609	4960900	d3696446-2e5a-4acd-b812-f9f2d339641a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 13:04:39	-715.216
-73	99218	4960900	1997904d-201e-41a9-917d-ecfd0c079cce	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 18:10:08	-773.648
-74	49610	4961000	24dfa559-949a-4f77-a3de-198fe1229189	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 06:03:21	323.351
-74	99220	4961000	901558a1-7b3f-4053-9576-4c73359b7eda	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 20:37:54	-779.467
-75	49611	4961100	5293cf92-82d5-4af0-8e23-1caceb5516fb	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 20:12:08	966.744
-75	99222	4961100	8d758315-08fc-445f-a574-6ce823f95f75	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 10:48:18	695.584
-76	49612	4961200	82bb87b1-3b8b-4993-9dd8-04a8bac90a5c	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 01:41:18	981.120
-76	99224	4961200	ce48a7d4-1860-4dae-ab6b-d2d9b29d768c	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 03:49:23	130.371
-77	49613	4961300	f9e7e236-9d39-486b-b5bb-0eae322bd6ac	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:19:06	-171.440
-77	99226	4961300	6bb84747-3c97-455f-af80-e0db40e93638	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 03:05:59	-452.623
-78	49614	4961400	232deb19-f565-4c80-933f-97a11c651e9e	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 12:45:54	-361.541
-78	99228	4961400	046aefc3-d686-4369-af3c-581f8a060a83	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 20:38:43	-738.467
-79	49615	4961500	ceb58d3e-ff6a-4b4b-a0c2-4544c104cb6a	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 14:59:31	89.233
-79	99230	4961500	c35129d4-6bc2-4f1e-99b2-b932ad68ddfd	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:12:07	890.369
-80	49616	4961600	c1081649-56d4-4637-9293-abc820859475	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 00:14:15	-570.879
-80	99232	4961600	0f3b7d69-1139-4617-96ba-83016fbe613f	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 00:29:53	-815.402
-81	49617	4961700	f5b6b692-3b54-4480-90d8-917c26bde668	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:17:12	507.349
-81	99234	4961700	6af34e19-e27a-41c7-9e1a-811c37494fc6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 17:51:38	572.83
-82	49618	4961800	2470391e-0c68-4580-a279-a1acf3c53168	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 03:09:40	747.992
-82	99236	4961800	c82bc1f6-fdce-4b11-9b17-20216812e763	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:54:25	487.189
-83	49619	4961900	f2353b2d-9016-4845-8e3b-4fd31d7416d0	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 13:17:23	-841.406
-83	99238	4961900	ba5044f6-5fd8-4fe4-ac9b-b7b2cdebeffd	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 11:37:28	204.545
-84	49620	4962000	4539b194-b15d-4f3a-983c-e9522b2b4f5d	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 16:56:45	-387.339
-84	99240	4962000	c146c797-57e1-4e7b-9a14-3d90d424b24b	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 06:35:01	895.965
-85	49621	4962100	ae5eb335-f0a2-4e67-8747-f9e4bc5080ce	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 08:47:28	894.665
-85	99242	4962100	a21a30a3-831a-4cb3-9ea5-1a8ef3f335a9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 22:03:39	-279.489
-86	49622	4962200	01d60146-16b0-4a37-98b9-ef2e9a8eac68	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 07:35:08	964.256
-86	99244	4962200	0fc9c7b2-66b2-403c-aeee-991962cab89f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 06:36:26	547.533
-87	49623	4962300	983855fd-1ab2-4dd2-be16-4fc00cfb7bd7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 07:27:24	583.182
-87	99246	4962300	5597f35d-13bc-4b89-b93c-6009d244691d	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 15:08:33	792.745
-88	49624	4962400	256f9ecd-2192-4ef1-986a-7111bebb95d3	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 15:30:48	392.45
-88	99248	4962400	93f1261a-654b-4424-a736-f78ffd7f9955	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 05:36:17	-411.226
-89	49625	4962500	59e0433e-ee3d-43a5-8caa-3abecde738c4	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 12:40:45	407.39
-89	99250	4962500	a683ba42-fa30-41fb-ac21-651093c3f3e8	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:52:01	-801.511
-90	49626	4962600	8eb76094-6f4e-46c8-a042-f14fe4bbcda4	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 15:44:46	-404.967
-90	99252	4962600	b164202a-1eee-425c-857a-7654f1903a40	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 02:32:03	415.256
-91	49627	4962700	9b9e1bdc-7767-4f26-8634-98965c008446	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 11:38:06	755.987
-91	99254	4962700	03a720f8-599f-46d9-9432-2d6924e6f074	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:31:15	-680.372
-92	49628	4962800	b0366319-2fdf-4c06-99c8-31a83e80d971	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:12:23	-483.93
-92	99256	4962800	f0d113e8-eb2f-4097-9d89-f563bcc5a8c9	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 12:21:09	-574.177
-93	49629	4962900	7fbe601e-7067-48a4-a08b-2565d83c2744	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 15:35:05	-819.669
-93	99258	4962900	670bfcbe-731a-41cc-9a76-a2d56d80065d	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 03:47:35	-983.339
-94	49630	4963000	e8e30113-a207-4d29-9c9d-d24ae084908f	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 03:16:54	915.188
-94	99260	4963000	89f73ed4-0838-44e1-9080-abdce46c3b95	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 17:00:38	-40.150
-95	49631	4963100	7b94e7a8-4d64-4e73-994d-1bedad020d93	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 05:48:32	890.730
-95	99262	4963100	e23a913e-a2a5-445f-b059-d774cdddc002	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 00:48:21	-533.260
-96	49632	4963200	f4f33332-a8b3-4f58-a83a-bb73a9ae8a02	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 10:54:59	-946.990
-96	99264	4963200	045c88cc-67ea-43b9-acfc-fa87ff1f7a4f	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 08:18:07	538.39
-97	49633	4963300	2b4c04e9-8a59-4e0f-bdff-8f056b39c89d	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 02:32:18	485.613
-97	99266	4963300	9f3fff5f-89af-4999-ae46-5b2159eaa948	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 08:27:16	-298.476
-98	49634	4963400	8a84d872-4507-4875-a4ca-8b0a5810607c	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 13:28:34	-962.168
-98	99268	4963400	8aea24c5-22e5-4335-8ac9-fa5db60a1151	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 23:06:20	100.14
-99	49635	4963500	32d9cca2-4626-4499-820c-2d5f3dee6625	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 06:08:22	-272.13
-99	99270	4963500	37686411-c731-4c6d-8467-0849d91379c9	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 07:46:57	120.747
-100	49636	4963600	f1ed97a6-d7ce-449c-b923-6a4e7cd6cd5c	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 09:43:47	12.674
-100	99272	4963600	6d298a50-b19e-4a72-80fb-66147875e6d7	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 06:14:28	-903.756
-101	49637	4963700	0f3e06cd-9871-4739-ab16-2a0a03f3427c	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 14:33:42	266.349
-101	99274	4963700	9b931a62-f89f-44d5-b261-b20185e9a6dc	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 09:42:44	459.226
-102	49638	4963800	af791214-5915-437a-ae7c-1da361646bb9	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 09:37:38	291.748
-102	99276	4963800	66be4e9e-2f32-4897-9112-869b2846c82a	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 02:44:14	-455.722
-103	49639	4963900	c5d3f93a-16f4-40a3-9176-5297ec684df3	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 06:02:58	394.705
-103	99278	4963900	0561c5f6-2035-4bec-9bc4-836b9940de9a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 14:54:38	555.902
-104	49640	4964000	c6dd6893-2e1d-4960-9c00-470a950f9483	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 10:05:34	859.897
-104	99280	4964000	bc6d70e6-5208-491a-84ca-348fe47c21be	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 02:28:59	-296.549
-105	49641	4964100	b23367f0-b299-495f-bb3f-df413947748b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 17:19:19	-194.758
-105	99282	4964100	dfa055c5-9c67-4920-8f31-f67ec1b01fee	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 02:51:36	528.85
-106	49642	4964200	883f9048-29ed-4ee6-8750-f58239c32873	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 05:40:02	863.482
-106	99284	4964200	50e41519-d28e-41c6-a3f6-401b19c9adab	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 11:25:56	551.373
-107	49643	4964300	063398a6-006d-49c0-b916-b0c3774a39d2	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 00:10:11	-245.322
-107	99286	4964300	89da79ad-f04b-492e-9905-8d96cfc257fa	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 09:21:47	-927.169
-108	49644	4964400	b791177f-28ac-4f87-bddd-a32f66db50bf	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 23:12:51	-409.877
-108	99288	4964400	d32854fe-9943-47d9-b390-fdce43f2c992	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:20:49	-899.473
-109	49645	4964500	e97e430c-a0f6-4ea5-a27e-84e54c3bb6ab	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:38:51	883.990
-109	99290	4964500	1d3273c9-3129-48e7-941f-12b961015912	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 13:22:28	569.491
-110	49646	4964600	d1fd88ad-7ff5-4191-b1c9-c8884b997063	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 17:38:51	350.526
-110	99292	4964600	79ad7241-5bc7-415b-81a4-d745f6eed38e	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 07:08:37	175.206
-111	49647	4964700	a499fef4-d891-48fc-9758-b57fa3e9ffeb	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:22:59	-610.275
-111	99294	4964700	ebf3d626-755a-4191-b313-57ed801fe6e3	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 04:44:02	-552.15
-112	49648	4964800	94c0c1ea-5a71-475e-b8ea-5993ea960a2c	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:36:08	-13.133
-112	99296	4964800	9af75c98-e850-449b-a260-92fb4e79e214	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 13:22:01	-586.895
-113	49649	4964900	fae54703-8c6f-422c-a998-bf407c34f3f0	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 02:52:08	-347.463
-113	99298	4964900	72d1bbe7-ac7f-4f1c-ac58-c2f2fd2e79d4	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:47:40	-983.250
-114	49650	4965000	b5ee2cb1-f7d2-47f5-912e-8fc9fed0bd70	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 23:16:05	538.311
-114	99300	4965000	22cdcbbf-15de-4f33-b292-131e867432cf	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 18:55:19	-386.426
-115	49651	4965100	1c0df99e-aae2-4a3d-af7b-61430b337c2a	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 01:33:28	-812.663
-115	99302	4965100	67bcea74-3b42-4291-b2f9-9910593f0484	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:27:06	417.865
-116	49652	4965200	6451187f-1a19-47eb-aabc-7c4be47a6be9	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 21:46:29	-156.826
-116	99304	4965200	c09f8d78-bd74-4b50-8aea-881610db0677	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 09:28:30	-527.805
-117	49653	4965300	75eb9be4-71da-4176-94d2-0d901e6aae54	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:56:53	-673.112
-117	99306	4965300	dcc5bbed-40d8-438c-8778-23843b7676cc	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 18:44:40	-682.599
-118	49654	4965400	b151c8fd-87b6-47f6-85e4-f49ec92c6ead	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 04:44:40	-227.724
-118	99308	4965400	6864618e-f988-4e1b-aca0-d3435762f05a	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 03:21:36	-55.56
-119	49655	4965500	f5de8a05-a149-4a8f-ab81-3a0d70c33d5b	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 13:29:38	601.754
-119	99310	4965500	282c4645-0a28-4c5e-9dbc-ed23ecd7cec8	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 03:10:57	391.371
-120	49656	4965600	bf86b503-78e1-4779-a76a-3504339d2726	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 22:10:51	-207.600
-120	99312	4965600	3f5c4d96-3e0e-489b-afb2-61bef29b85ee	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 07:02:45	121.24
-121	49657	4965700	61039026-3b21-479d-9509-e94cb41dd658	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 17:09:19	-288.856
-121	99314	4965700	bb4d40d9-de59-48b4-9096-86b20eebee42	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 03:22:16	519.381
-122	49658	4965800	9a789a3d-ec64-46f7-acbf-aa9e8549a3c7	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 15:30:45	102.79
-122	99316	4965800	731a7833-db5e-4673-bba0-ca80e8ab80b5	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 05:12:05	-813.9
-123	49659	4965900	7b2ce848-dc0d-4763-a124-d68763e1522a	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 20:56:59	-962.731
-123	99318	4965900	a3e0c9fd-1ea8-4726-9b48-07fff32984c7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 20:52:53	-344.239
-124	49660	4966000	b6692d35-f3b8-4506-87a2-fb0bab8d0daf	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 01:58:11	369.306
-124	99320	4966000	470721f6-facd-489e-bea0-05fcf8f6c913	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 08:21:18	40.370
-125	49661	4966100	df92fd98-7c05-4855-8e1b-e3b86b1d6de2	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:10:11	682.805
-125	99322	4966100	65d72b9b-4e0e-4268-9159-516b5fc28f64	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:57:57	-631.709
-126	49662	4966200	2d0abd8e-a8fb-488c-9152-fbc7541f7a94	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 00:53:38	-958.980
-126	99324	4966200	56a70969-8157-470c-b77b-d8eef984b66b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 21:39:17	-394.457
-127	49663	4966300	6fbd57cd-5e45-4242-8c56-4fcc9f2a8fcc	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:52:11	-255.930
-127	99326	4966300	46fc66b5-b020-4fc3-a41e-21da332a9ca0	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 15:49:10	239.199
-0	49664	4966400	1137e4c5-f0c1-43a0-bff8-8851ccf6839f	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 18:48:48	-169.199
-0	99328	4966400	6112cfba-46ee-4354-8d56-2210869fe13f	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 13:55:52	-794.382
-1	49665	4966500	b6bd9dea-acf6-4520-a0bf-f6816977df36	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 08:46:47	679.979
-1	99330	4966500	3fe0969d-82f3-47c9-8e36-06788c006c7d	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 07:10:06	620.318
-2	49666	4966600	f8e40177-d2ec-47ef-93f5-60e102a2dc88	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:10:37	-402.196
-2	99332	4966600	95fcd52b-3cf0-480e-8838-3357e5bc8f01	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 23:50:32	259.291
-3	49667	4966700	3a784530-13fc-4289-8fe0-8960a7011a88	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 11:30:33	381.29
-3	99334	4966700	6797ec80-1d47-472a-95f2-02a0d0eef94c	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:03:22	-546.909
-4	49668	4966800	6472f320-4ee6-47ce-aefb-925a150036a1	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 20:56:55	-239.493
-4	99336	4966800	f703cc7a-e12e-4f18-a7e6-944ed12c58d4	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 04:51:29	30.586
-5	49669	4966900	b6367fe3-63ab-4866-a8a1-db71fdcecfcb	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 09:35:42	582.599
-5	99338	4966900	6a349f34-9008-40bd-b21b-10d16406a185	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 22:13:11	-364.976
-6	49670	4967000	761cf975-3490-4d12-a4b3-30f98f6fa5b6	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 16:37:27	-809.465
-6	99340	4967000	422790a0-77a4-4cf0-9810-82567aa8db46	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:45:44	311.609
-7	49671	4967100	f17e57b9-24ec-494b-b0d9-9db71e17ef03	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 12:15:31	-845.264
-7	99342	4967100	ebdb9b23-86a5-47be-b359-f3b3ae75965b	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:18:31	137.343
-8	49672	4967200	726eafe7-c058-4d60-8156-05ec59a89965	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 10:09:17	-121.712
-8	99344	4967200	93b3470d-c484-4697-8839-fd73ae77d4e5	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 19:29:37	339.786
-9	49673	4967300	b96b2974-317c-47b3-9c74-9b3c49da07e3	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:44:24	459.77
-9	99346	4967300	81f6f480-da35-47cd-866a-d6c5f558173e	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 13:39:34	-918.652
-10	49674	4967400	ad5b8dc3-4992-446d-9310-b59547b5e67e	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 00:10:50	382.627
-10	99348	4967400	bbd89b4f-56b5-4b8b-a0dc-229a6bd0da4b	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 12:44:16	-525.663
-11	49675	4967500	6c044eac-c0c4-4be6-ac03-ccc95325629e	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 15:25:12	-604.745
-11	99350	4967500	c29c8d90-6c61-4fdf-bbc6-85c80d9a334d	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:13:29	-543.349
-12	49676	4967600	06ed2ddc-5301-4569-bcf7-eaef0e238412	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 12:41:11	775.996
-12	99352	4967600	1e8ea181-84b2-4036-83d5-ac855b1d017a	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 14:31:59	734.48
-13	49677	4967700	e7f18ebf-3446-4eed-af83-20d649052e38	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:21:42	-65.896
-13	99354	4967700	75470bff-5ad2-4cb6-81a0-368e7dd849af	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 02:55:28	-26.477
-14	49678	4967800	1e94babf-df30-4cac-be1a-9d34e27b6752	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 07:39:31	-44.288
-14	99356	4967800	1c288c82-6288-4cca-9654-a92703d52f23	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:01:35	93.948
-15	49679	4967900	495c6e4c-caef-4271-a444-9e6c5aae9ff5	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 04:44:19	-709.252
-15	99358	4967900	b1a0bb1c-4953-424b-81c8-05867b0fadc2	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 11:45:15	-845.812
-16	49680	4968000	cf2d96e3-a0d3-4b52-9415-0bb061c9082b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 15:41:07	-593.41
-16	99360	4968000	93a5a9e2-ee21-4ea0-9db2-bfb0bbe18d12	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 14:30:04	-543.750
-17	49681	4968100	4aed7557-1fc7-46b4-bf54-d5639f2bf33e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 16:55:32	280.683
-17	99362	4968100	361a35e9-cb12-4417-b4fc-1d86dbd331d8	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 12:36:02	447.436
-18	49682	4968200	a457cda2-7597-490b-9d36-07e67801852b	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 05:12:47	-124.335
-18	99364	4968200	d66775b0-06eb-4687-9053-b3a1f6732880	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 12:03:55	-871.754
-19	49683	4968300	55f5301f-3abd-461d-8fe2-871c1b3e5507	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 22:54:33	-48.304
-19	99366	4968300	aebd2ec7-627d-4306-8be5-90c580091439	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 16:53:23	514.608
-20	49684	4968400	94fa41dc-dfc9-46af-bbfe-405044eb3a21	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 22:57:28	-215.678
-20	99368	4968400	510d4f2a-b915-4290-a236-57e8a0b2351d	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 16:00:08	-79.586
-21	49685	4968500	f930f8cb-ead4-4cfc-a436-40db97e8e3e0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 22:12:37	858.123
-21	99370	4968500	360a30f6-73e9-443c-a402-0f92375f2aed	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 14:29:28	-607.783
-22	49686	4968600	05225a11-948f-495d-9431-a83679f6fd91	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 08:32:18	671.163
-22	99372	4968600	4f593144-3476-4444-8d0a-7e42e5be8f71	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:27:19	-828.996
-23	49687	4968700	000908ba-7c70-422b-8208-a59a30e41699	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 11:19:51	456.691
-23	99374	4968700	468fd349-f4aa-4d68-9453-2a0be07e592e	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 04:35:24	-272.571
-24	49688	4968800	e7690259-ec88-4fd3-a256-6cba1d703cc8	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 17:49:54	-456.582
-24	99376	4968800	3a1b73ee-d0b2-4ac4-9c3e-2cf568e14db9	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:21:30	764.906
-25	49689	4968900	82979510-0802-4b7d-86cf-3bff64b75270	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 19:54:51	-866.139
-25	99378	4968900	968adcdc-bcaf-4399-a01e-ae0634d1d7a9	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 10:40:32	-258.745
-26	49690	4969000	6725a247-f395-44f4-8e5f-a93ce797402b	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 21:32:55	-790.863
-26	99380	4969000	c851cc8d-dac2-48c3-b22b-35ec05b06715	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:27:10	-184.651
-27	49691	4969100	7939e1cd-6949-410d-91d9-9133646ebbce	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 19:15:18	-408.763
-27	99382	4969100	9bba4a06-539b-456e-8415-e1a5c3248302	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 21:02:42	466.346
-28	49692	4969200	7e4ea7bc-9cc9-4772-bbd7-e9bfca7908cb	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 08:41:19	956.119
-28	99384	4969200	fff4f64a-aa03-416f-b73b-995917b7478f	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:25:32	218.334
-29	49693	4969300	784af226-d76e-44f6-b7ed-3d5662ee9468	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 03:09:37	712.807
-29	99386	4969300	8ec5272f-16c7-4092-a76e-b24de318278f	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 05:19:37	-223.848
-30	49694	4969400	e18596e8-09a1-44ba-b932-43b7d30f84d3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 22:52:59	824.621
-30	99388	4969400	1b2452bb-f1c0-423a-824e-4360c26ba8a6	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 14:27:10	-759.983
-31	49695	4969500	aa93d642-47da-45b5-8131-453e1070c518	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:28:35	-198.267
-31	99390	4969500	e6a66d63-3d6e-444d-98a8-ebbdfaf79fa2	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 17:22:10	-823.949
-32	49696	4969600	36a5d583-b45f-4e51-af93-8d1d20f4ec1c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 22:18:09	656.35
-32	99392	4969600	374c874f-a731-4d02-bd33-4d8b72105ef6	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 23:46:33	-374.471
-33	49697	4969700	ccbdc9c0-4b76-4e6f-ab86-0611a3f407c5	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 19:10:01	-340.569
-33	99394	4969700	1094ba02-e5e2-41f6-ba95-e20c41d92443	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 20:20:37	-879.66
-34	49698	4969800	12b35556-ea6c-46f2-a5a3-a187d0bbdd9b	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:05:59	-256.704
-34	99396	4969800	e20e8431-02c6-4a2d-a29f-7c0c5afe4258	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 09:39:23	651.229
-35	49699	4969900	4be4c179-28f3-45b2-9cc4-05daa60c0165	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 15:15:50	173.392
-35	99398	4969900	c9464809-3847-4f66-a664-006a1bad27e4	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 20:45:39	153.991
-36	49700	4970000	49329949-18c2-4793-89c8-a6205349ffff	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 08:22:01	-728.690
-36	99400	4970000	4638f814-ccdb-4c2f-a581-60d15436fbda	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 12:27:36	-214.830
-37	49701	4970100	44546e32-8368-456e-9bca-1fa1ade8d9ff	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:09:07	-859.637
-37	99402	4970100	0fc7ee70-744e-472d-90a9-502584d5ef81	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 13:20:38	899.716
-38	49702	4970200	fdc3e7c0-ae0d-44c5-b78c-0afcca607aff	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 23:53:17	158.57
-38	99404	4970200	c203047f-7a52-4e01-81bd-f2dc480f1c1b	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 17:27:28	-207.526
-39	49703	4970300	8642aaf0-73e7-41b3-8161-0fcc6557bfa6	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 21:51:50	15.657
-39	99406	4970300	c7483d38-1769-4d7f-8fba-96cf1151ea37	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 15:06:46	-622.999
-40	49704	4970400	995ac318-6ebc-4440-9dc5-0a11d9f85688	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 16:19:18	-103.988
-40	99408	4970400	fdea555a-2d52-494c-ac20-a364c539c84a	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 04:48:44	-221.344
-41	49705	4970500	94c499eb-26fa-403b-bc5a-b80bc144da06	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 17:40:08	895.83
-41	99410	4970500	6dd381d3-6b23-4c69-b3b5-4f2a0c64ea2a	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 22:26:38	118.274
-42	49706	4970600	aac41e12-b239-4e05-9303-b6458291f3fa	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 16:46:35	232.313
-42	99412	4970600	f4c9023a-15b3-47fe-8968-8570ec7b5be7	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 01:19:07	-630.446
-43	49707	4970700	7b037d1d-e70c-4940-b7e6-d7fe48e9129e	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 14:31:46	-533.285
-43	99414	4970700	c24379e2-11be-436c-8d69-ed5b75c84cb8	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 19:02:03	139.389
-44	49708	4970800	bc4702bb-458b-406d-af17-eabdd1b8017e	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 17:01:43	-526.346
-44	99416	4970800	2fe87b49-7bcb-461a-91bc-79353c082214	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 23:34:55	926.688
-45	49709	4970900	a3aefbfa-fb77-492c-9bcb-af6f91633aef	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 04:08:23	-547.778
-45	99418	4970900	972080ef-204b-46ce-8c7e-1e41c436290c	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 01:11:45	286.492
-46	49710	4971000	6e95517c-5ffb-4a9d-aeac-12881c3d5c43	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:02:29	-700.732
-46	99420	4971000	9100699c-0344-4d71-a936-605c802fe900	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 05:57:00	-459.619
-47	49711	4971100	61f8d70f-bfbf-414b-868f-53bb3129c868	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 14:59:38	-427.948
-47	99422	4971100	14628765-aed3-40d3-abbe-41f75a8c9087	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 23:43:23	-684.27
-48	49712	4971200	7fe5029f-04d0-4397-ad9f-925fec9c87ca	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 08:51:50	681.927
-48	99424	4971200	693e8fcd-6acd-466f-a15d-803a79c4ad1c	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:47:25	-15.214
-49	49713	4971300	37292c4a-149b-4ed4-89b0-0e1ef289ce40	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 17:12:09	-519.505
-49	99426	4971300	582bce74-92a4-45b3-8bd4-c9add693e792	2014-04-15	2014-04-15 03:15:19	-451.636
-50	49714	4971400	ded33b4d-97ef-49e8-9ef7-2b25f9523dd4	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 02:01:04	611.317
-50	99428	4971400	67c529c6-911c-4fb7-9748-3ac3031cd619	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:10:08	676.746
-51	49715	4971500	a7b630d6-cd82-46dc-8e8b-59a0f45821b3	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 02:31:50	374.360
-51	99430	4971500	e005b8f4-0347-491d-b9c6-25254ba8b11f	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 13:50:19	251.103
-52	49716	4971600	88cab354-311a-4b16-9576-ffb1771c9f82	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 06:42:05	656.919
-52	99432	4971600	c5561d15-8d02-4c8e-bb8d-85e51f069774	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 00:31:59	-284.524
-53	49717	4971700	7fab9559-618f-42ee-87c3-28403219f0cd	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 04:34:22	-246.201
-53	99434	4971700	3d5239b0-f227-45c8-8823-a3317f52bd32	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 12:59:04	-660.473
-54	49718	4971800	d87bccaf-9a74-4e82-86d5-25c5445a81ee	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 10:12:58	-446.850
-54	99436	4971800	71916b5f-4423-492d-8ff3-60ede670b0d6	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 04:22:48	-468.696
-55	49719	4971900	850f63ac-b84e-4561-8d53-e677c3caa111	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 01:27:11	-623.172
-55	99438	4971900	441dd704-c60e-49fa-abb1-280de5c4f5da	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 01:00:12	-740.435
-56	49720	4972000	42e1841c-f1bb-4d35-bd21-6e82e8ca178a	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 01:37:50	468.905
-56	99440	4972000	a844c4cc-78c7-4a8b-9812-6eff68969eda	2014-05-12	2014-05-12 04:33:22	-551.559
-57	49721	4972100	3e31a906-d9b5-4eab-bbc0-5ef1a3a4a1ac	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 01:12:57	442.756
-57	99442	4972100	382e6b02-e35f-44b8-b714-2244cbf004a1	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 02:53:57	275.867
-58	49722	4972200	81693662-2131-4975-911f-c417dd6385bc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:37:38	-385.130
-58	99444	4972200	fbdcffce-64f7-44b3-ba0b-8087a563c8b8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 04:09:34	-197.884
-59	49723	4972300	46b0c01c-4923-4bfc-8069-59dee929b32b	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 02:34:55	113.488
-59	99446	4972300	e8cb648b-f254-4bb3-9e1f-2078ed65d479	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 06:37:09	452.983
-60	49724	4972400	f452af39-1443-4bb0-a82a-472554c5b97f	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:11:40	-442.893
-60	99448	4972400	1c569d41-72fb-47ec-aa5b-5ada9bd59d02	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 05:12:02	933.140
-61	49725	4972500	f7715c44-c4c4-4a4c-9084-17b6f1218f9e	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 10:29:17	850.506
-61	99450	4972500	01a1f362-e866-4e5d-935b-b3e311e5aa42	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:36:55	-650.658
-62	49726	4972600	e88a6ee9-7f70-43e7-bdf1-9c0a5b8184d8	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 20:57:56	386.278
-62	99452	4972600	9d62793c-4920-4982-893c-430ec22fd0d9	2014-03-28	2014-03-28 03:07:16	-610.321
-63	49727	4972700	67ba4efd-b76d-4395-8ccd-95b80d71effb	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 06:57:28	-323.790
-63	99454	4972700	a1d99c81-e9a7-41b2-bfce-07bdc94776dd	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 15:06:30	-99.139
-64	49728	4972800	596a662f-defd-4204-abdc-2f45e7c62ad9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 09:29:36	-675.152
-64	99456	4972800	0a81c592-3277-42db-9604-00dcfd3bb398	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 19:58:57	899.733
-65	49729	4972900	6a6f484d-43a4-47b2-812d-48e34be7aa44	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:36:46	-314.557
-65	99458	4972900	e920fdf3-cf89-4696-8195-574cd48733da	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 20:22:14	50.726
-66	49730	4973000	4a8401b3-e7e0-4a0e-938c-fd8e432a289d	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 09:49:17	660.796
-66	99460	4973000	48894ce8-b65f-4fc8-963c-740cd6216e23	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 04:50:50	94.25
-67	49731	4973100	de8114bd-95fe-434a-8984-783acfadef23	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:50:36	560.876
-67	99462	4973100	6d1be615-db2c-4a83-b358-fa0b9964249e	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 14:57:06	198.559
-68	49732	4973200	b22279ac-2172-4d87-91d5-d0aab360ebaf	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 01:25:57	-28.983
-68	99464	4973200	b83ebcc4-53cd-43f0-9242-6d4ea2fee793	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 16:38:24	-386.360
-69	49733	4973300	ca3575ec-5cff-4118-9df1-9f923ac62d79	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 21:49:26	-130.88
-69	99466	4973300	26c7fe36-cbfc-4c33-b656-bc2868655b73	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 12:35:02	-162.918
-70	49734	4973400	1fe959ad-8501-4c2f-9ed4-dc1376a1928b	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 23:07:32	-687.933
-70	99468	4973400	a73a0366-b165-4924-8118-62617ab0a472	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 16:20:27	397.860
-71	49735	4973500	bd9895c9-65aa-4dac-a1f1-a848caf509ef	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 14:23:42	830.874
-71	99470	4973500	139b12bf-7a50-4df8-809a-92908607d091	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 23:25:17	176.393
-72	49736	4973600	b3834baf-a5d2-477b-9b7f-7d38ee5a9e87	2014-03-27	2014-03-27 15:21:24	269.341
-72	99472	4973600	1ba234b0-2643-4fb7-8e33-d2644a122e66	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:51:08	670.832
-73	49737	4973700	70b99a9d-e9e1-4d00-b931-9813e693c47e	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 07:55:11	334.349
-73	99474	4973700	62472c65-91c9-473a-9b69-bff2c992c6f6	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 10:54:17	-331.278
-74	49738	4973800	4b7a7edc-fb82-4412-a50a-882aedf816c1	2014-03-03	2014-03-03 12:32:49	-430.146
-74	99476	4973800	a39a1256-decd-41fc-99dd-b7985a433a1f	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 13:10:02	-240.469
-75	49739	4973900	126ea6d2-81b1-413a-bf43-bef37304cc5b	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 19:06:17	-347.735
-75	99478	4973900	04a12bc0-9849-4fa0-8b94-d8b85dc4cb06	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 16:55:45	-90.574
-76	49740	4974000	8cce2261-cee6-49cd-add6-0ef11b26357f	2014-02-03	2014-02-03 17:47:31	-956.951
-76	99480	4974000	91954916-c9bb-4983-976c-e11b22b0d3da	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 17:27:44	10.227
-77	49741	4974100	3724e410-ccfa-449c-b51e-3b8270dcd107	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 12:50:12	491.174
-77	99482	4974100	d0c15c89-7f6c-449c-b568-21f6a13339ff	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 03:49:03	-713.425
-78	49742	4974200	8e641456-c31f-4ff6-8974-e0f944ac1e68	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:09:14	-485.109
-78	99484	4974200	034fc9c4-85d1-4e07-a6ab-a949fcc0dac0	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 07:14:49	340.1
-79	49743	4974300	6c7eaaf9-fdee-44ee-9bf2-679c297bb543	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 01:13:22	-972.709
-79	99486	4974300	e468783f-e7d0-4598-96a3-71379e06dd44	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 02:07:07	-744.379
-80	49744	4974400	300cbe78-dfd8-4c59-86bf-2f5d89080a56	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:48:34	439.939
-80	99488	4974400	2e5c00e1-519a-45c9-91a8-85129b89ba7b	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 06:10:59	-549.16
-81	49745	4974500	5e410d99-f417-4d79-9487-4918c0dbbf68	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:17:13	622.543
-81	99490	4974500	97ca57f1-7163-46e5-99f4-2b7a7cc9e43a	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 17:41:03	-323.362
-82	49746	4974600	b7d0cdf9-1e28-4f9c-b055-65d5185061e7	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 18:14:41	102.552
-82	99492	4974600	98496cb3-1a4d-4de7-b461-e6dead461c1f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 16:11:05	-807.570
-83	49747	4974700	b05e1ad3-ca0b-4cf2-8ea7-80ef275cd380	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:03:25	672.798
-83	99494	4974700	be4f99a7-e3d0-4e23-b496-27b9a54dc304	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 08:39:56	-836.651
-84	49748	4974800	e385fe0a-660d-4fd0-8f60-d79ae7845b56	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 12:25:11	-180.491
-84	99496	4974800	4d749136-1690-4f13-afed-26105cce0f82	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 01:01:55	-181.785
-85	49749	4974900	512b77c2-eeb0-41a1-a2a1-16a2d6dd7017	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 07:47:04	-607.86
-85	99498	4974900	d7ed5211-889c-446b-9135-8f3eba0d6b89	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:09:20	555.182
-86	49750	4975000	ab0d7f8d-c677-4cfa-ba5a-e98a11254394	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 10:53:35	321.588
-86	99500	4975000	0812712d-7e85-45e2-a984-08132cc02fae	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 13:58:06	-937.145
-87	49751	4975100	2216199d-3db5-4b00-96c1-47fee39035fa	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 10:59:00	-974.849
-87	99502	4975100	f5d27685-0858-44cd-bb37-9d1096e620c8	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 16:16:53	503.897
-88	49752	4975200	a93efdcc-1be1-4d74-8adc-2453eac14417	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 06:43:48	500.203
-88	99504	4975200	0505e35b-54bb-4518-8551-dc67b25d56b7	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:26:53	627.183
-89	49753	4975300	6c4f1895-d291-432a-a26c-fe494307da19	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 05:07:38	1.57
-89	99506	4975300	ffcb887e-7b82-43d3-84aa-5e67d8cbd65a	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 13:18:13	434.729
-90	49754	4975400	8dedd1a3-b5cd-4c71-861f-e7532854deec	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 04:02:04	456.937
-90	99508	4975400	6638dcea-7a15-4d7a-a225-34b619c0a033	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:56:55	-395.819
-91	49755	4975500	545f7619-7101-4835-bae1-8349a3da38cc	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 15:54:28	364.12
-91	99510	4975500	f93357d9-5b8f-43a3-9bcd-685e6ce07eb4	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 20:32:36	-825.428
-92	49756	4975600	83a22f4b-644e-4509-8c88-ccd1a62c7a2c	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 14:47:02	98.938
-92	99512	4975600	5c3ef61d-a593-44f2-9d78-59c2d7bdec80	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 23:12:10	-700.656
-93	49757	4975700	52c4b702-3372-4d62-aa0b-a3d0444c86c2	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:13:26	-658.127
-93	99514	4975700	f6a5eb70-a639-48f7-933e-08e8561e27ac	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 13:05:08	320.842
-94	49758	4975800	200e304a-1ecc-46c3-9bd2-1bd5f150eec4	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 22:09:19	760.929
-94	99516	4975800	df433e7b-d387-4ea7-be0d-757f111fa98f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 14:28:03	-815.219
-95	49759	4975900	3a280cb2-7842-4e31-a246-a74660481ce7	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 17:59:56	107.252
-95	99518	4975900	9145238e-36c4-4e5f-a71f-5d1d0b8c43a6	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:29:07	-789.754
-96	49760	4976000	1d973d75-1714-4fe5-a1a9-6952fb618f9d	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 15:25:42	-226.260
-96	99520	4976000	3bed16b1-56d9-40f9-b1c2-edfc4edbe054	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 03:15:33	-381.49
-97	49761	4976100	7ae0a437-7bb5-4bb1-a730-e0d3522216fc	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 13:14:04	667.908
-97	99522	4976100	1351169b-3395-494c-b3f3-98d1fc63bba6	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 18:30:48	-885.114
-98	49762	4976200	6c4f1441-3a9c-48f6-bf5d-48e758ab9beb	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 19:59:49	-852.797
-98	99524	4976200	8742329b-c3f5-42a4-a489-e853a1ce5de7	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:25:33	266.685
-99	49763	4976300	8f56a2ae-1167-449e-95fa-fb013c00a9df	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:23:31	-508.785
-99	99526	4976300	2ebe3bbf-c48a-4f7c-8b1b-0399d8383250	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 11:19:06	740.992
-100	49764	4976400	5abde971-0d43-4ad8-bca6-761d1de4998c	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 15:31:25	149.718
-100	99528	4976400	5327d92b-cec7-4d47-a466-f1cc05652f3d	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:13:59	-79.788
-101	49765	4976500	eb3caa04-0966-4571-a8d2-380a577f3218	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 14:27:27	959.909
-101	99530	4976500	d952b941-ea05-4d3e-b5d1-430ec3d72197	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 13:07:43	-94.764
-102	49766	4976600	0b0b548e-7a39-41c3-bc34-0472a4d19213	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 09:40:51	-941.221
-102	99532	4976600	e7d82466-224a-401e-b8c4-07f46f757b77	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 14:32:46	-102.780
-103	49767	4976700	1d6db1bc-1b24-4b89-88ea-1c2d555b1bc3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:21:11	607.671
-103	99534	4976700	200d6b37-6281-4b85-9f8e-70154b5f90f1	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 18:55:57	643.213
-104	49768	4976800	cbad3778-bba8-4150-8632-611e44e6bf8c	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 21:05:14	-373.200
-104	99536	4976800	714b8ad4-d892-4a2d-b664-c3acb884d89b	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 01:37:46	-903.707
-105	49769	4976900	66993041-62a7-4d8f-85d7-9d254631374a	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 09:46:47	172.247
-105	99538	4976900	5d70423d-54bb-444d-b744-0004b40c5a52	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 14:38:01	-591.7
-106	49770	4977000	380d7a22-d286-44d0-bda5-4ac7d82661bf	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 14:45:10	-178.406
-106	99540	4977000	e99472a6-7817-4697-be13-c6c1713b738b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 11:37:37	966.583
-107	49771	4977100	8743c667-d1e6-4a9e-9a31-ecb415b978dd	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 04:35:55	146.364
-107	99542	4977100	fcdfa21e-d8f0-410f-b7ca-74e21e3328b6	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 10:58:11	-90.474
-108	49772	4977200	460c72d0-c60a-4aad-b714-f9bf3cb75adb	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:41:46	383.221
-108	99544	4977200	09639278-7f20-4f9d-80f0-19265facf74f	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 03:53:54	-761.578
-109	49773	4977300	a7866376-7b91-411f-a29e-5827a24279b6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 13:50:08	314.353
-109	99546	4977300	86eed963-949e-403c-a714-c6e8ddc129d0	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 18:26:16	-46.694
-110	49774	4977400	ffd18dd4-1107-4a2b-8bdb-438b9864b94a	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:38:23	139.860
-110	99548	4977400	534d629d-dc71-4e33-b8a6-6caabe1d7829	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 14:38:00	-418.264
-111	49775	4977500	112236e7-a155-47b4-81f4-68c427b6edb2	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:30:48	-606.30
-111	99550	4977500	038bc969-b361-4d2a-964a-ea0ca9f627c0	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:16:35	-139.874
-112	49776	4977600	3f4bd86e-3815-4dd4-85fd-0b15319f329b	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 02:16:15	-154.100
-112	99552	4977600	d98a1109-b1bb-4c4e-9227-1e4e1c797867	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 00:39:55	-940.602
-113	49777	4977700	5ecb56b5-8704-482b-a9ec-30932a25d051	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 18:19:44	-64.673
-113	99554	4977700	8134b6dc-5098-4d75-a1c3-fedbba3ff88d	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 13:35:36	-497.577
-114	49778	4977800	b100afd1-e2f6-4b92-924e-f4f2bea87a92	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:59:12	140.888
-114	99556	4977800	3f4c9969-8930-4465-b2f5-3c92774e31b1	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 15:21:45	-789.268
-115	49779	4977900	1fdd3835-474b-4c96-a51e-82b5dbd66c3e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:20:10	48.606
-115	99558	4977900	4e4c0800-afc3-4b19-ac36-ca4d06ec7518	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 17:43:54	-530.464
-116	49780	4978000	258af497-4a74-4293-9367-5e49565d5513	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 07:01:24	769.637
-116	99560	4978000	776c80b4-dceb-41d5-b515-04f3aca8ed33	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 12:54:31	-932.542
-117	49781	4978100	9ce3af9f-6386-45e1-9f8d-36407a683717	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 19:31:53	425.512
-117	99562	4978100	7d2f4309-ec98-45e7-9e55-9a8ab3c86b7b	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 11:45:39	-826.449
-118	49782	4978200	4a9c5777-d4f8-493c-b1a0-b8d7b966555e	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 09:09:30	-606.634
-118	99564	4978200	23eb3de1-f9fd-4918-9e62-a09968c1ab96	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 21:52:55	149.769
-119	49783	4978300	91170cb2-2023-440f-a92b-d9da933944a9	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 12:45:42	948.393
-119	99566	4978300	2f66aec6-1882-471c-980d-dfed68f3637b	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 04:37:02	247.953
-120	49784	4978400	c69193d6-0c58-4565-b2b6-4f34c8ed64db	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 11:17:24	-85.540
-120	99568	4978400	0ba62ae5-da8a-4ef4-b913-c75b5623a8e3	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 09:19:02	623.335
-121	49785	4978500	d732228d-12be-4432-a0d2-ff016508172f	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 05:31:05	-297.784
-121	99570	4978500	e973a1a5-dca9-4ee6-8f7a-bcfc089ad9c3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 04:16:33	808.271
-122	49786	4978600	a3b9eb50-a114-4722-a3d7-cecc19e8ad74	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 10:11:44	396.427
-122	99572	4978600	e7ee3104-4aa9-4af2-92c9-7822aa125aa9	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 10:45:49	-479.728
-123	49787	4978700	3e0167ae-0d92-4051-8f87-7c6847bdab08	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 09:07:56	620.153
-123	99574	4978700	f4e9d93c-0e1d-40e3-912c-e9ee25b6b9bc	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 09:18:21	-630.137
-124	49788	4978800	df24bff9-5129-46ae-bed8-6b051268eb95	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 09:46:15	-662.981
-124	99576	4978800	acf275f2-3e97-41f7-b76a-764e5366c3fb	2014-03-22	2014-03-22 08:31:00	622.762
-125	49789	4978900	a5634c1e-0a30-407d-bbc1-c89130e9df4e	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 02:28:44	-440.166
-125	99578	4978900	147c2452-6d3c-40ca-a906-f48d2b66f1c9	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 13:07:34	-117.373
-126	49790	4979000	509f962a-2494-422d-9bf7-5b43ae818da5	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 21:42:55	-412.272
-126	99580	4979000	09e168de-3fe9-4f47-a9d9-596a380a2904	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 07:38:50	-923.5
-127	49791	4979100	7ff59046-bfcb-491e-b39d-389be0a694cb	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 00:09:18	948.181
-127	99582	4979100	df960b79-79c5-40ed-ba20-b96496ad4fe4	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 10:43:00	-301.413
-0	49792	4979200	b11808af-413b-42d1-a8f8-be2205dcd00d	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 09:29:15	945.105
-0	99584	4979200	a05c9879-718a-406b-8630-1b73e1303322	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 06:15:28	975.239
-1	49793	4979300	8235bb1c-595d-4049-a623-e73f8873cd13	2014-03-07	2014-03-07 17:54:59	-124.612
-1	99586	4979300	92f3a572-93af-45c7-8f81-2c9e6947757c	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 10:29:04	388.533
-2	49794	4979400	82b3a7fa-bfa7-445e-80fb-8a0a04890d05	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 05:51:56	-626.925
-2	99588	4979400	6ff261eb-ee3b-47ff-b7d8-0fc882ed4e8a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 16:22:55	-8.589
-3	49795	4979500	37c239cf-2d81-4135-afbd-b200b2486218	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 01:48:50	-596.134
-3	99590	4979500	08eb160c-f221-4dd1-9b18-ba57bddb1686	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 16:19:04	-469.9
-4	49796	4979600	e16bf45f-fbff-455d-a2e1-3c9337647477	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 18:44:35	694.286
-4	99592	4979600	a354a6e4-1d1e-48d7-a919-788870857adf	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 05:42:23	-67.359
-5	49797	4979700	cd9e5382-d159-44e5-8004-7e3d425e049e	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 03:02:13	-684.655
-5	99594	4979700	1179cb62-8638-44ed-a28c-30a2562e7111	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 22:41:49	-558.790
-6	49798	4979800	4cedf788-9d6d-486d-b533-13e55218ec18	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 05:43:53	-774.929
-6	99596	4979800	7cdb6733-e3c8-41b9-8962-ca7b7724d627	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 12:57:04	-907.791
-7	49799	4979900	f1e16ea2-9263-4a0a-9bc1-14d9c0fe6258	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 03:05:02	-639.684
-7	99598	4979900	cbb98260-31b1-4d1f-a00c-61c1983180ee	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:51:47	-236.790
-8	49800	4980000	72df27ef-7ac5-45c0-8c69-104982ccdbae	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:16:31	-585.992
-8	99600	4980000	d29ab58b-d609-420b-8e45-5df0cb813135	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 10:00:03	-291.417
-9	49801	4980100	fe65cdd3-edeb-4f67-a000-4c22e5d2e446	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 02:55:21	4.328
-9	99602	4980100	0b46460e-0222-4197-adb4-40405f2d775e	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 15:06:34	-358.631
-10	49802	4980200	c1129f42-ba21-424b-820b-a0d6e2f56824	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 14:03:00	487.653
-10	99604	4980200	c63b4975-213c-4c74-8014-465ee96aeb04	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 01:44:38	695.750
-11	49803	4980300	2fcf8a6d-7f98-4099-9988-e403daa50d84	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 05:22:12	109.337
-11	99606	4980300	dc2dbdd6-7fa0-4499-bf38-15ead5a49567	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:01:33	-477.228
-12	49804	4980400	e67f9a22-18e5-425e-9b10-046bf6a6c8ed	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 02:36:22	-582.388
-12	99608	4980400	adb10aba-c43d-48dd-86ad-3a8d06615bef	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 21:07:38	225.570
-13	49805	4980500	eb694585-c965-4e3f-8209-eba2e9e353c3	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 20:25:14	-16.397
-13	99610	4980500	ac8ebea5-a5a3-4452-aabb-cddfa095f79a	2014-01-31	2014-01-31 12:47:43	-311.742
-14	49806	4980600	af395793-b274-4acb-8268-b19a6b7f98ed	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 00:21:12	-807.625
-14	99612	4980600	f50c5bd9-6488-4663-90c4-cbbb4020445f	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 00:55:05	434.397
-15	49807	4980700	d439141e-0be7-45d5-b9b6-b6182b3e90a6	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 02:36:55	691.880
-15	99614	4980700	ddbcc300-2b6d-4b5f-b67d-a450adf06862	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 18:34:16	648.292
-16	49808	4980800	469a5742-0e3a-4778-b267-f27054862a66	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:22:50	-539.809
-16	99616	4980800	742f2013-3728-48a6-85fb-169c235d95d6	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 03:34:32	-644.207
-17	49809	4980900	0b15a093-7156-4cb0-b191-232600345519	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 15:39:02	-542.341
-17	99618	4980900	9b6871fb-914e-49fb-a54f-ced20ed6347b	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 15:41:39	92.15
-18	49810	4981000	53fa1a27-5e60-466d-9aea-3e524c1a6b85	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 12:22:13	699.829
-18	99620	4981000	be4c7648-1ebd-43c8-a55f-39c580306575	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 09:06:25	763.543
-19	49811	4981100	da4787eb-5ac3-430a-8097-9ee7d1a909b3	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 09:40:54	-808.172
-19	99622	4981100	4fcf5697-9849-46dc-8b46-2d25b682de8b	2014-01-03	2014-01-03 15:38:59	65.631
-20	49812	4981200	f76c76e6-ab8f-4cc9-9986-787fcada32a3	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 07:22:19	974.201
-20	99624	4981200	a1ec918e-c4ab-4eef-a5c0-d9778642cddf	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 02:34:20	-89.118
-21	49813	4981300	5c695d43-50ab-47e3-91cc-608d70458a3a	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 09:38:26	582.508
-21	99626	4981300	c4947a71-2bdd-4b1e-af9a-0b84c532ff70	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 02:00:00	667.130
-22	49814	4981400	fe25bd3e-6524-4baf-9632-35e4b1bc3fb1	2014-03-31	2014-03-31 18:31:41	974.732
-22	99628	4981400	bdd46ad2-6c3f-49a1-bac9-4225d26cbb15	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:52:38	-173.154
-23	49815	4981500	b72bd965-49c7-42c2-946d-6c081b54025d	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 19:20:07	821.16
-23	99630	4981500	a178fdeb-2386-4094-9968-26fbbd37e144	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 09:39:55	890.515
-24	49816	4981600	67307623-dc3f-430e-b81a-13b4fa65a087	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 19:40:12	232.452
-24	99632	4981600	baa5a85c-4869-43e5-8349-b1e91d267b66	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 09:05:28	-472.250
-25	49817	4981700	813d2047-7fae-4057-97d3-111d95bdf8dd	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 05:56:12	520.772
-25	99634	4981700	6e0c51fa-4c6c-4a29-ab15-fa7c38d828a0	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 20:38:20	292.488
-26	49818	4981800	ed55b9bd-ce94-40f1-941f-d4500958d484	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 23:29:55	-46.131
-26	99636	4981800	08605b0c-b81e-4a3e-845a-f295c5724b07	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:00:14	868.446
-27	49819	4981900	7f777a38-54c0-4cc2-accb-98fd401bd6f9	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 12:42:02	13.877
-27	99638	4981900	762e7671-e1ba-4a00-86c1-eb6ed3cab227	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:19:21	-127.210
-28	49820	4982000	1a381424-02b1-40f0-b78f-c65f1047424d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:58:05	437.840
-28	99640	4982000	36d4e6da-fcc4-43f6-916f-d6ddecb9ade2	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 05:19:08	781.949
-29	49821	4982100	d83537d0-9651-45c7-a81f-45f31ee5f62b	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:18:55	377.213
-29	99642	4982100	33c8fa2c-e294-4525-85e6-688eec0d5d73	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 11:22:16	692.443
-30	49822	4982200	6c583d70-6ab1-40b2-af38-e3b6929b1157	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 06:34:27	218.2
-30	99644	4982200	1d236cae-8c04-4472-9932-563fe29bba7a	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 13:20:26	-898.738
-31	49823	4982300	a9a95ae3-1a9a-4dd0-abf5-786be84bc372	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 01:15:54	-617.84
-31	99646	4982300	365bd863-53f9-496e-9cf7-370b6f1e429e	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 03:26:11	504.930
-32	49824	4982400	f8a20381-97fd-405f-b6e8-f6cb3d59629c	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 15:39:39	-163.598
-32	99648	4982400	4322d57d-6ccb-49e5-b4ef-333be8b57b1c	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 19:19:22	270.590
-33	49825	4982500	a4e00d09-0811-4b3d-9e54-e5db301620fd	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 11:03:15	601.597
-33	99650	4982500	fd6e177c-dac7-4b7a-a7a6-296b0b40ee92	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 23:56:42	359.819
-34	49826	4982600	3090f8a6-a7cd-4200-91e8-1cccf9114e86	2014-03-16	2014-03-16 10:21:56	-456.275
-34	99652	4982600	f9665032-41b4-45fe-b1de-57ef56e5c6d9	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:43:35	745.147
-35	49827	4982700	70f7bb03-8d3a-4534-bda5-ddcc4fcb2820	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 04:32:32	603.265
-35	99654	4982700	d611cb58-d5b3-4629-9b9b-0b1db77cbead	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 07:42:39	751.404
-36	49828	4982800	2fa28df5-43ff-4737-99a2-f137a3be48ff	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 05:19:33	411.964
-36	99656	4982800	227fea08-60d0-4831-bc95-d83be5e2733e	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:06:01	-116.491
-37	49829	4982900	fc38bac4-fd66-45a9-badd-33fdfa316a04	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 19:22:46	-43.315
-37	99658	4982900	5b81e790-5f1f-48c5-9ca8-eb67bb500199	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 04:41:50	-262.134
-38	49830	4983000	c5b8205c-0351-4572-bd03-d3533944dfde	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 03:03:25	659.313
-38	99660	4983000	be41663b-e8bf-46db-9388-a954af2a7552	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 23:27:27	-797.106
-39	49831	4983100	172e74f5-303c-464c-bdc9-604ec5561472	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 22:11:05	954.13
-39	99662	4983100	66b91f51-f222-4ef8-a72e-a7253ffd8a63	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 18:32:07	-488.19
-40	49832	4983200	bd374da7-53bc-48d4-b624-74bcc6ee17a2	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 02:52:45	776.542
-40	99664	4983200	925207b5-f2d8-4681-bb94-fb7d2162468d	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 16:21:10	955.798
-41	49833	4983300	b8d8c873-dd77-4373-8722-bb22d969a28a	2014-03-19	2014-03-19 18:58:46	-595.238
-41	99666	4983300	e2eb61b7-9639-4d8c-b849-fd3ceb929099	2014-03-29	2014-03-29 15:06:42	645.655
-42	49834	4983400	a9580367-bcd9-46eb-bbb9-90e26d20dee5	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 19:07:11	-647.919
-42	99668	4983400	6a76e309-926d-4c6c-97c4-81df3d5c66bf	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 12:40:59	283.675
-43	49835	4983500	7be8e274-f861-4dbb-8db1-178230524005	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 14:20:18	899.459
-43	99670	4983500	90b81d2d-3927-42ba-9a8e-455a01d3928a	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 19:20:00	133.372
-44	49836	4983600	ad02a102-332d-4cbd-a027-d9892aaf8add	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 05:55:12	-943.959
-44	99672	4983600	6c768555-ea00-48ed-9ea5-5cd50b3e11a0	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 20:09:59	664.369
-45	49837	4983700	b5961f0f-16c8-4779-9668-a8e2c75ed46b	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 21:05:09	-361.364
-45	99674	4983700	c30a80bf-34d1-4a3d-b819-6eca5c705dfb	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 07:57:51	886.578
-46	49838	4983800	75ae4f93-b81e-4961-8115-42cec4bd41dd	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 19:24:27	-972.900
-46	99676	4983800	984fb741-86c4-4ee3-a31f-04664d58b34a	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 01:57:25	390.859
-47	49839	4983900	7b5b6e87-8eaf-4cc4-bc15-9ca890babde8	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 16:48:53	586.923
-47	99678	4983900	4144bcfe-d003-4775-872f-06867492ed9f	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:15:19	212.98
-48	49840	4984000	726161dc-aebd-4270-a19d-18b2213a9f5b	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 07:31:41	-882.648
-48	99680	4984000	e426a076-15cd-468c-bb27-217a6c082c85	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 10:33:10	-618.675
-49	49841	4984100	0fc7d22b-f43e-40bc-8ee5-b2e7752e0d33	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 10:32:19	-92.387
-49	99682	4984100	3684b77a-e78a-42e5-9c09-3a6c2a3ad3e5	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 23:09:23	-923.896
-50	49842	4984200	86669e6e-48a9-4868-97f1-651196724512	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 03:44:03	-670.745
-50	99684	4984200	99a3e5f1-2bbc-4df0-818d-f7df8a090f3d	2014-05-23	2014-05-23 02:06:21	-832.855
-51	49843	4984300	e4df7996-3791-46aa-bb53-d028d16963b4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 08:12:37	435.455
-51	99686	4984300	5e7309e8-06d6-44a8-85a4-696046299f31	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 00:53:21	909.461
-52	49844	4984400	2a3d66c4-14a7-423d-acb8-534b5e1b7078	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 00:25:06	362.566
-52	99688	4984400	0070df00-8ebb-4568-af48-72240a52bbda	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 23:15:51	-552.739
-53	49845	4984500	bf002af0-e4f7-4bfe-a5c0-73d689f17c2f	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 05:43:42	-655.983
-53	99690	4984500	0375aa0e-fc05-464e-91c3-08fffe25f868	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 21:17:50	131.382
-54	49846	4984600	2bb25169-378e-4214-82cd-aa46dba25acf	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 00:52:12	-911.421
-54	99692	4984600	7def5f85-3958-49d1-9fa3-acb7f5346408	2014-01-09	2014-01-09 22:08:47	-168.383
-55	49847	4984700	3a687396-682b-4496-9a6e-476ee8b0ec0a	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:42:24	566.732
-55	99694	4984700	74a43d31-cd4d-470e-830f-75bbb04a97cb	2014-04-26	2014-04-26 18:03:09	323.792
-56	49848	4984800	c0668951-4b13-4847-8a7a-74102f45fe02	2014-05-30	2014-05-30 04:06:30	-781.655
-56	99696	4984800	6f92d60d-fa28-423f-9b01-e2cc2a373eb9	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 00:57:14	-916.660
-57	49849	4984900	2ecb85ab-5bc1-4ab9-a31d-98edf490a798	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 16:38:02	-191.462
-57	99698	4984900	0a3a7c11-86c8-438b-8c10-e4f8aeb43ddd	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 17:13:06	-722.196
-58	49850	4985000	18059077-3889-44d4-a04c-ad813b74825e	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 13:51:11	218.931
-58	99700	4985000	4fba3335-98b1-4c70-809f-b37c047fb0c7	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 20:42:09	940.706
-59	49851	4985100	e5b965b7-a61b-4f11-a422-07b3b3dcf503	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 10:30:46	-704.108
-59	99702	4985100	903525ea-edc7-4e71-8089-a2c96f010ee2	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 11:09:22	-204.198
-60	49852	4985200	0b033804-12e0-4a6b-9533-47a52c3920ee	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 17:05:22	820.14
-60	99704	4985200	d96dcb50-fc12-47ea-a283-ab8a2785c0dc	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 17:40:49	133.489
-61	49853	4985300	28284c8c-2c85-421e-9ca0-e35294184c22	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 02:27:16	-549.398
-61	99706	4985300	4b3be41f-0da7-41ea-92ff-9d7adb255447	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 01:12:21	388.89
-62	49854	4985400	9cf6a0f7-e95a-4f8e-a8ca-a874a4f190b7	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 16:35:51	-920.597
-62	99708	4985400	47aadd61-5883-44ff-a073-569f0cdcce46	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 21:51:26	548.570
-63	49855	4985500	1adab51d-1568-42dd-810f-32e7cabdce35	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 02:12:18	540.515
-63	99710	4985500	90a3ec7a-d89a-4915-825e-09ff2fc39b4a	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 10:24:31	-643.168
-64	49856	4985600	87a96903-cd89-4409-a472-dd14ebaf7407	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 14:07:39	762.580
-64	99712	4985600	47f4c92f-c083-4d8f-979e-ad72dfa856a4	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 19:39:34	562.963
-65	49857	4985700	688f160b-e973-458b-be25-1d695218dca5	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 21:20:45	764.594
-65	99714	4985700	cd9fe623-2745-4350-b856-d756296afc7d	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 22:34:54	384.977
-66	49858	4985800	462c19c6-8f33-4ec4-a04d-ccc8b79cf88e	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 04:34:06	-573.243
-66	99716	4985800	3fbaef4f-f320-4a8c-8b22-7e60e900f7aa	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 09:03:16	-46.448
-67	49859	4985900	60347273-7087-457a-a396-f94d4ab666a2	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 06:02:38	668.964
-67	99718	4985900	ef505191-c3fe-42a8-a54a-98a5ac390d17	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 12:11:45	900.594
-68	49860	4986000	deaaabc0-defd-4fe8-9259-f30d85993c45	2014-01-26	2014-01-26 10:31:55	545.837
-68	99720	4986000	d1bc58e5-a7be-4427-ba90-95a1d78be6e0	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 05:15:24	650.85
-69	49861	4986100	7f6d26e9-f526-43d7-b729-85643ada5e34	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:59:48	-267.525
-69	99722	4986100	f4cd288e-c12c-4df8-aebf-dd1e971a13d6	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 13:20:48	-604.221
-70	49862	4986200	bee8ee26-1c2a-4c6c-bdc1-3c9645b28b4e	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 08:48:07	-722.957
-70	99724	4986200	f932bd6c-e9fe-4852-89cc-8c83dc5dd770	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:08:21	764.732
-71	49863	4986300	ae5ecef9-4e00-48d9-9b7a-293864042d84	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 14:28:40	719.367
-71	99726	4986300	913f1e57-ac59-4256-a938-dd11f6e5ccee	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 12:36:04	774.670
-72	49864	4986400	391decc0-92ea-45be-9066-cac89bce6e0c	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 16:10:36	-839.830
-72	99728	4986400	03246143-7292-48a5-b4ab-e721a502e3b7	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:44:41	358.65
-73	49865	4986500	71a35591-289c-4caf-b16c-14199828756c	2014-01-12	2014-01-12 20:19:59	-413.50
-73	99730	4986500	0fe914c9-cad7-411d-9e19-6a3069d8777f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 05:45:48	-409.806
-74	49866	4986600	59d4f216-024f-438f-843e-d5273a33ce82	2014-04-20	2014-04-20 09:19:38	875.538
-74	99732	4986600	ca19e7f0-0511-4e0a-867c-7b305f8c0097	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:45:58	-582.366
-75	49867	4986700	9e3a1db9-a2c0-438f-8c9b-aa6f7b2a2e1e	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 02:54:56	199.964
-75	99734	4986700	9c2effa7-dd15-4e90-b1a4-af9cd90ffed3	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 18:26:42	-884.27
-76	49868	4986800	b672fe1c-1aa0-45ab-937d-b6879c29e887	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 15:53:11	-509.598
-76	99736	4986800	5a090b17-a4de-48d8-9d1d-cfdb2113dbf5	2014-03-14	2014-03-14 11:15:21	-940.432
-77	49869	4986900	05a41dd0-6d43-4b44-bc3f-2be21ca00b2d	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 07:56:49	570.105
-77	99738	4986900	3885e292-4636-4ece-adff-3468c81919de	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 05:13:43	548.282
-78	49870	4987000	4ecc6f1d-50d1-4846-bd3d-9c1c2ea319d6	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 16:35:53	9.565
-78	99740	4987000	a82b5763-312a-4e3f-9b91-1237ea82182a	2014-05-04	2014-05-04 02:22:07	-949.875
-79	49871	4987100	f281ba4e-b8aa-4935-9185-26c87aef9180	2014-02-22	2014-02-22 23:38:51	-15.787
-79	99742	4987100	6ab2f8ed-7818-447a-8a01-210b37304086	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:06:14	-873.925
-80	49872	4987200	2cb14cb7-55e8-45df-b3e2-8af0f88a005b	2014-04-24	2014-04-24 21:02:07	984.504
-80	99744	4987200	c35aa578-9b42-4a3a-90f8-566e3089fd1a	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 06:59:27	778.147
-81	49873	4987300	d6b6e9eb-2880-49d5-a11c-aaa1b64fc279	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 13:46:42	108.182
-81	99746	4987300	3d54fdd6-5f42-41a9-bbfa-e056b5481a14	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 17:36:42	11.309
-82	49874	4987400	0e8557da-7064-4903-8314-95e32a2e81dc	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 19:04:42	-220.493
-82	99748	4987400	eb34760a-9857-495e-93af-11870b0d50f2	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 08:39:34	439.184
-83	49875	4987500	9627a7a2-bd5b-4f1c-955c-ec30256029a3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 13:50:15	-374.807
-83	99750	4987500	cb40f510-f047-4ade-ba7e-1b0ebc7f4be0	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 21:15:07	840.385
-84	49876	4987600	67995f0e-139e-4ec8-b48c-68cf07e72be6	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 05:44:19	-633.80
-84	99752	4987600	01fa6618-a9fd-4069-ad7e-5d3514a5b065	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 01:17:45	-389.802
-85	49877	4987700	fd28a585-02a5-49ff-9ff5-df673e013130	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:08:11	-123.318
-85	99754	4987700	891a3c99-7e47-4c63-b28e-15a968dfbaac	2014-05-22	2014-05-22 18:51:33	-64.313
-86	49878	4987800	25fd55a1-703c-460c-84e9-d418b2d5e017	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 03:36:32	628.628
-86	99756	4987800	5ce3d4ca-ecc4-41cc-80fc-da57916af35c	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 22:55:55	-456.106
-87	49879	4987900	7f15338a-4acd-4738-bcdf-7b01cf8c8023	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 09:15:13	828.582
-87	99758	4987900	2d802ac9-d7e6-41e0-bc09-78651ac04cc4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 10:25:42	-790.484
-88	49880	4988000	625286d9-a96a-4359-9eff-3f5b164954d0	2014-01-18	2014-01-18 20:14:33	316.998
-88	99760	4988000	d89d26cb-a883-405a-ba84-9785b86b07cd	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 19:21:02	765.582
-89	49881	4988100	2d360a7e-5ac9-41f1-9760-c7652d4eb4e3	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:08:08	-620.496
-89	99762	4988100	e6a57305-be06-4223-9c8e-4b15a55bda94	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 20:11:05	-163.496
-90	49882	4988200	4196598d-e3dd-43af-bc25-6020c7eddd61	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 10:59:35	-860.467
-90	99764	4988200	47a020ed-a98c-440f-9fb5-f9ff4c06bb25	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 12:41:36	627.219
-91	49883	4988300	ce607f65-cb6d-4547-891c-4df255f82f19	2014-04-23	2014-04-23 21:32:12	251.84
-91	99766	4988300	9f1c7f2e-b06b-42f7-a15c-2e6f53d988e3	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 06:36:19	335.998
-92	49884	4988400	770318da-5e1f-4be4-9d23-4dc6be844eaa	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 20:15:58	903.527
-92	99768	4988400	c14a1751-c151-4aba-b43a-3b49b6268de0	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 20:29:20	770.237
-93	49885	4988500	0468a87e-5879-4d8f-9fa2-2d6027d49122	2014-04-12	2014-04-12 18:31:50	931.149
-93	99770	4988500	44a56032-04c3-44f5-ad90-9d81c29de79e	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 22:57:55	-854.759
-94	49886	4988600	b17c8998-0064-4397-965b-d3ac81fe7116	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 06:59:21	-209.593
-94	99772	4988600	469dacc1-1ded-4491-b224-09e294d2fc86	2014-01-16	2014-01-16 08:48:27	800.613
-95	49887	4988700	d41d542b-1ccd-41eb-84d3-939df13467b9	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 09:34:39	924.272
-95	99774	4988700	710b278c-9700-4105-a14e-c93a2691afac	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 11:00:41	875.826
-96	49888	4988800	02e0e7b3-aff7-41d8-aec0-5f53edbdcbe2	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 12:19:52	-414.407
-96	99776	4988800	897ed2b1-62a1-4057-91ec-6f8153e6af75	2014-02-12	2014-02-12 10:45:27	398.827
-97	49889	4988900	8b8de2f6-1590-4fcf-9166-d34bc605a16d	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 05:34:10	634.228
-97	99778	4988900	7dcf03d0-a56e-414b-86d8-4cfde36fc5c1	2014-04-30	2014-04-30 01:12:11	-128.177
-98	49890	4989000	346e040f-d77e-41e4-8b54-40be7d53070a	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 12:27:14	-996.383
-98	99780	4989000	73d24086-a9db-4239-84f1-4cd3d48c0ce8	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 05:36:49	-372.229
-99	49891	4989100	744c9123-16f6-465f-ae74-4c575282b634	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 02:17:54	567.612
-99	99782	4989100	27bed9be-dacf-4334-a25f-44ed0971ec8f	2014-04-13	2014-04-13 13:17:36	-576.689
-100	49892	4989200	1cd587cf-525d-4cd6-a9a4-10f84d465562	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 20:11:20	569.904
-100	99784	4989200	2fd9ca96-ef55-43dc-b775-29d755c7de6c	2014-02-28	2014-02-28 23:10:15	157.561
-101	49893	4989300	5bcf9f66-778d-4fc7-b5d0-94637232ada3	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 23:26:58	266.535
-101	99786	4989300	b529f673-2610-4145-b396-62cc8d07b5c3	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 16:01:15	738.487
-102	49894	4989400	019e6ae7-df85-4174-b71a-ff940436d578	2014-03-17	2014-03-17 05:10:10	790.749
-102	99788	4989400	01136617-0d5e-40f5-8a2f-a7555cfe7f94	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 07:55:15	-537.939
-103	49895	4989500	329c9c7e-cdef-47f0-b38a-919c451acc93	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 04:45:41	700.562
-103	99790	4989500	b0a43827-f394-4a49-9558-c21fce41c500	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 22:44:39	624.786
-104	49896	4989600	889c4eba-b478-4efa-a1e8-b5e140033051	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 18:29:32	-93.995
-104	99792	4989600	ae22fbfc-e7bf-4958-bd00-b4d72d2686ab	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 07:20:53	273.299
-105	49897	4989700	6d70501f-4096-42aa-96a8-7caf05f411c2	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 02:41:22	566.660
-105	99794	4989700	0e277878-7b72-4cbb-a936-5224a194effa	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 21:03:37	117.582
-106	49898	4989800	1e540ff6-0d82-47ba-9054-15442b414232	2014-05-16	2014-05-16 16:42:18	120.621
-106	99796	4989800	0923d9bd-557e-450f-b652-a8bdd157b174	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 14:43:24	-692.579
-107	49899	4989900	1ac4f5e5-52f4-48a7-8c24-71ef929f4476	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 01:50:03	36.133
-107	99798	4989900	ceb47083-6506-423c-bf16-8572d5fa9c6b	2014-02-11	2014-02-11 03:55:36	146.900
-108	49900	4990000	0bd1439e-b098-43c0-8c0e-d933349f9b81	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 11:39:51	204.68
-108	99800	4990000	537a2383-42d0-4034-874d-7ed12965a651	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 14:42:13	102.794
-109	49901	4990100	aaea58ee-1eef-4e40-9b1e-faf29a63d081	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 03:08:47	570.375
-109	99802	4990100	28ec638c-6de3-4c4b-bdea-d7db7c526d68	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 03:48:15	302.868
-110	49902	4990200	ede00275-cb43-4c76-996e-be8d13b6c701	2014-05-07	2014-05-07 00:00:10	-772.140
-110	99804	4990200	76c6c0b7-2cb0-4abf-999e-9747320bade8	2014-05-03	2014-05-03 05:13:34	-969.688
-111	49903	4990300	4999f5ca-7ecd-47f7-b913-a1c9dbc12c98	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 07:37:49	-36.327
-111	99806	4990300	8b7b8387-e052-4fe0-8cc3-ec2dccd63a80	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 23:11:03	-493.62
-112	49904	4990400	a696df72-0806-4ae8-9d74-75fe7914c46a	2014-01-23	2014-01-23 20:42:36	738.527
-112	99808	4990400	4d634d7b-3f8d-41ce-801d-c7a45721c460	2014-05-20	2014-05-20 17:42:18	263.67
-113	49905	4990500	4af5d913-d555-41e4-a732-e45500b21b69	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 17:55:00	447.833
-113	99810	4990500	20c4e9d2-5eda-4ce5-b485-14b23b3096da	2014-01-07	2014-01-07 20:08:32	-172.652
-114	49906	4990600	a7a2bf5a-342e-4479-badf-9cabe544f48d	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 08:42:38	940.272
-114	99812	4990600	f665fbd3-47f1-46c5-b124-4f924b35adcc	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 21:00:22	-485.152
-115	49907	4990700	87b4ac04-d193-4187-85e4-12878f740037	2014-05-08	2014-05-08 09:24:00	-849.907
-115	99814	4990700	0028cbc6-3e6c-4b9d-af01-4984260c6473	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 12:34:52	-827.90
-116	49908	4990800	aa2b4a43-32da-42b9-a1a4-e0141c294d20	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 15:01:43	-806.831
-116	99816	4990800	2b5c8db2-4e5e-47e1-8491-3873c5c284e3	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 15:32:41	-122.196
-117	49909	4990900	d349b0fc-6096-4056-a583-c5cae837a942	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:41:36	-715.895
-117	99818	4990900	761a3cab-79ba-4283-b83b-807dc0a4bab6	2014-02-27	2014-02-27 17:14:18	599.616
-118	49910	4991000	518ca363-8ab2-4e0a-b39e-50ecf6c59ac7	2014-01-02	2014-01-02 00:51:35	-506.686
-118	99820	4991000	1d69a2be-a0d7-4706-96dc-258d547e9377	2014-01-19	2014-01-19 22:25:12	-324.706
-119	49911	4991100	19a0ecb9-5746-42be-bdf7-55f5668bb303	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 17:20:27	-756.707
-119	99822	4991100	2f0df279-9f11-4955-bd6b-bbd143da6455	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 16:51:15	171.482
-120	49912	4991200	dafcd799-4b9f-4feb-98f5-4b5fbdd640c8	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 09:34:23	56.94
-120	99824	4991200	9e2c6dc4-471b-41e1-a813-0766cdfa45e6	2014-04-27	2014-04-27 02:19:32	-729.38
-121	49913	4991300	aa8833c3-85f1-422a-80db-7bf397a5dfe9	2014-03-01	2014-03-01 20:34:27	-481.4
-121	99826	4991300	dd404297-ec4b-4fd5-a7ae-2ccea76f623f	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 00:07:01	28.62
-122	49914	4991400	a6c8554c-1f61-47c3-a6d6-f00eead87b17	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 21:23:30	-446.929
-122	99828	4991400	f2f43426-8e58-4ec0-b030-5e3e9bc388f4	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 22:39:31	-321.569
-123	49915	4991500	fa556d92-e767-446d-9656-fae230c6fd86	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 14:48:20	640.392
-123	99830	4991500	b9142fa8-b0fb-45d4-93a6-65370d9fd568	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 11:36:46	-818.386
-124	49916	4991600	c36e881d-a904-4e35-8737-a739e463f8c6	2014-05-31	2014-05-31 10:17:26	-993.626
-124	99832	4991600	3d633d04-74f4-4448-a0e6-d3f2fa6ec9b9	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 11:14:03	-835.166
-125	49917	4991700	c2f189e6-c00f-468b-b548-3f91bb6759bc	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 08:02:04	389.985
-125	99834	4991700	072550ff-9e67-461d-8a4c-4cb492074c1a	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 06:54:55	-483.9
-126	49918	4991800	67e31ef2-cb28-4e97-aed6-9bc1b2af47bc	2014-05-02	2014-05-02 11:30:25	584.337
-126	99836	4991800	8ae89053-3ddf-4a94-8ca0-544e5c76e1d4	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 19:37:33	767.695
-127	49919	4991900	aef179e5-b8e3-4e6a-bf04-a5e46333eb5c	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 23:08:38	-34.499
-127	99838	4991900	2c117e3b-2d86-4143-8e1e-207754a2f8a7	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 16:08:50	271.399
-0	49920	4992000	14da2e88-933c-4f5c-9684-42c9ceb419e6	2014-02-08	2014-02-08 16:39:07	-775.605
-0	99840	4992000	447fa7fa-bde9-4079-bc69-6036846e64ad	2014-01-05	2014-01-05 07:05:54	600.814
-1	49921	4992100	8e9aba8b-82d6-40a9-ade8-6c598615f811	2014-01-20	2014-01-20 07:35:08	461.593
-1	99842	4992100	3885ca7c-8522-490c-8240-516f562ee4b3	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 21:20:14	-908.57
-2	49922	4992200	aae50c8c-83c5-491c-8d6c-562b2c1e77d3	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 12:11:21	447.194
-2	99844	4992200	87f2f9c3-ecac-4756-b54a-f3f5b9335b2f	2014-04-05	2014-04-05 13:26:17	-297.203
-3	49923	4992300	5f3839d2-ef83-4553-9e06-2ce289fa01b1	2014-04-07	2014-04-07 06:07:06	-273.666
-3	99846	4992300	9b215c29-acd1-4ce0-8454-6c8e877311bb	2014-05-24	2014-05-24 19:26:34	-20.272
-4	49924	4992400	2a09d804-f625-41c4-9594-85105cbaa73b	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 07:08:13	-677.456
-4	99848	4992400	917efe98-2584-4ab8-acc8-c8f094862257	2014-01-21	2014-01-21 12:05:47	451.895
-5	49925	4992500	15665c2d-3d01-4899-9b91-1bf3912a7b05	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 00:27:53	-686.30
-5	99850	4992500	d7edf0d9-1ae0-49dc-aa1e-39cbe3f674db	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 14:45:57	636.146
-6	49926	4992600	e2c91a32-9fba-4cb9-885d-d9577a4fe355	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 05:26:43	-29.75
-6	99852	4992600	9ea2b30f-ecfb-43da-b8bb-7cee69900d0d	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 19:18:28	-708.325
-7	49927	4992700	ff7858c8-2110-4585-9baa-15a0eb960b92	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 21:41:56	863.941
-7	99854	4992700	1b4945ef-f89a-48a4-aa82-40b367a59184	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 01:12:10	860.209
-8	49928	4992800	49120b4b-e4cf-41b7-957a-2cca89cb2dfe	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 08:27:57	-513.396
-8	99856	4992800	9ad8fc02-e84a-474f-9e72-a8b53eb54ff3	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 05:37:08	443.695
-9	49929	4992900	75caa970-7ee4-4eed-818d-19f5d61f2b6e	2014-04-02	2014-04-02 09:49:13	-782.69
-9	99858	4992900	e955fad2-3a7b-4e24-9574-6ed1ff926e14	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 16:20:50	-731.168
-10	49930	4993000	83070c98-3379-4894-814c-66189d79c82b	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 01:23:55	-338.632
-10	99860	4993000	8b088850-8865-42af-a451-9a2c90eeeb3c	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 04:34:57	-510.526
-11	49931	4993100	7da97bcb-69c5-4327-86c5-30b43a439b88	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 00:43:42	-743.198
-11	99862	4993100	9743f64b-a710-48e5-ad83-b4d2e695e61f	2014-05-27	2014-05-27 22:04:59	732.980
-12	49932	4993200	7d5c61fb-5b6a-4454-a843-77c197ac6e90	2014-03-08	2014-03-08 23:36:58	-130.322
-12	99864	4993200	b4cb54a3-449b-415f-8645-3b36400828d9	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 10:47:31	-207.369
-13	49933	4993300	17e9ef45-775d-4f6a-a2aa-f3041b1d5bd2	2014-02-18	2014-02-18 21:55:42	761.310
-13	99866	4993300	317329b3-bb50-4f84-bbf2-3406b963c6ad	2014-04-10	2014-04-10 14:08:33	-829.384
-14	49934	4993400	f97aea1e-4ad0-4801-9b85-84b66a74c999	2014-04-01	2014-04-01 00:26:45	416.360
-14	99868	4993400	4bf5a46d-ba87-4b57-a229-9ba49233798d	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 09:29:04	460.690
-15	49935	4993500	2edacb2e-6740-4683-a363-428fd1e872a4	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 05:10:48	-953.280
-15	99870	4993500	4447faef-88e5-4c4a-a98c-39ed7ca660f1	2014-03-06	2014-03-06 12:37:28	44.564
-16	49936	4993600	cf1a8244-b654-421e-87b9-f8546dc561c2	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 21:14:39	-60.962
-16	99872	4993600	a84d032e-7f0b-447c-acd5-d25b3ecd9a24	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 22:38:00	216.422
-17	49937	4993700	2434aced-1d1c-42b7-aa80-4cb67d2e96aa	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 05:23:52	991.151
-17	99874	4993700	6282afff-76f5-4e4b-853e-e7313265876b	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 15:31:51	827.153
-18	49938	4993800	0242a069-4948-4252-bd10-a1c5a4911b68	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 09:49:56	-448.862
-18	99876	4993800	78d773c4-9d21-41a9-a6de-f727724c0f56	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 12:50:35	-180.347
-19	49939	4993900	82be3771-b38a-43f6-8e52-c6d2947f0c6e	2014-01-29	2014-01-29 07:14:32	424.354
-19	99878	4993900	97bc3a6e-82ac-4a5f-86ea-321578d2a64f	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 15:08:14	-89.148
-20	49940	4994000	abeae9c4-dcec-4bd0-9161-205f101aee56	2014-03-24	2014-03-24 13:32:45	429.268
-20	99880	4994000	cba95b63-88f7-457d-afe1-c789a2bcd1fa	2014-04-17	2014-04-17 20:00:24	243.61
-21	49941	4994100	90092955-3484-4ec5-8f23-1be7c5facb8f	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 08:01:17	407.906
-21	99882	4994100	1b86aae7-f522-430d-9b00-f5e3d3bf2cb5	2014-04-22	2014-04-22 21:15:23	-107.118
-22	49942	4994200	c0809909-9975-440e-8355-919ae0e2ddc6	2014-05-10	2014-05-10 15:46:19	-304.354
-22	99884	4994200	6bd419df-8dbf-4ebd-9a3a-33abb39d80cb	2014-04-19	2014-04-19 15:38:56	-461.73
-23	49943	4994300	e0f9e0ce-7644-4b41-abd9-7903e049d0c3	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 03:20:59	-11.192
-23	99886	4994300	e5befe2c-e774-490e-9e18-a2a747d7af4c	2014-02-09	2014-02-09 22:16:20	-973.262
-24	49944	4994400	1661fcee-9a3e-4a2a-be42-d4099f9da146	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:46:20	-135.31
-24	99888	4994400	df8dd11d-4871-40a5-8454-725b4e3435c7	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 03:42:54	645.169
-25	49945	4994500	dd8dd509-551d-47f1-9522-ab2681b8eb22	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:01:58	-341.137
-25	99890	4994500	98d3e58c-bff3-4dcf-a741-edd9ccc66089	2014-03-11	2014-03-11 22:30:15	-764.956
-26	49946	4994600	159e5955-79b6-4c54-bc4b-88ffe116a505	2014-04-08	2014-04-08 10:41:39	-845.813
-26	99892	4994600	8769360c-d2b5-4ab1-835b-678b277fd232	2014-04-09	2014-04-09 21:12:12	801.191
-27	49947	4994700	adc2991e-a99c-4ad2-b4aa-cee733869a3e	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 10:58:08	13.801
-27	99894	4994700	18fd8201-65cf-4284-9e92-48ec2a223d08	2014-04-29	2014-04-29 01:01:42	-40.269
-28	49948	4994800	9b6e49bd-c4cc-4320-93e9-61ad2086417e	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 12:42:09	320.995
-28	99896	4994800	1f6eb78f-a07e-4082-b426-9f67046a8a6a	2014-02-13	2014-02-13 19:01:46	728.530
-29	49949	4994900	3065aa96-e00d-4615-a3ad-7d27da665013	2014-03-15	2014-03-15 13:52:30	-978.933
-29	99898	4994900	66873bc5-3ce8-4607-a6d8-e1a2c0ddda77	2014-02-01	2014-02-01 17:28:33	-114.138
-30	49950	4995000	069a528e-3198-4320-ad49-a75770f4770d	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 11:02:59	-215.545
-30	99900	4995000	d9011a19-cc0f-48dd-9aa7-d4c2a9c4939b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 20:50:56	-961.82
-31	49951	4995100	259ce8ae-be50-4217-b88d-83394e7f187e	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 09:00:33	322.33
-31	99902	4995100	bd41cf2e-6ae1-43ac-be5b-deb456887eda	2014-03-25	2014-03-25 00:24:42	-571.197
-32	49952	4995200	63538582-b7cc-4a7c-bf3a-8a2321960211	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 06:57:00	855.241
-32	99904	4995200	35b925d0-b56b-435f-bc00-f1c237f517f0	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 03:29:20	-907.129
-33	49953	4995300	3e958593-7495-4ad3-88c7-ccadf5d099f5	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 04:16:31	825.618
-33	99906	4995300	2a86b855-3200-45bd-92c7-fe16dba9e417	2014-03-30	2014-03-30 08:01:13	-85.867
-34	49954	4995400	cb4e3370-cbf3-4b81-892b-b1dff07aea72	2014-01-30	2014-01-30 19:37:38	68.713
-34	99908	4995400	bf897b08-2394-42a2-b227-d074fc7e0a57	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 11:16:01	-333.282
-35	49955	4995500	c14489f0-5931-4fe8-b4d4-47ed39da6074	2014-01-15	2014-01-15 00:13:03	197.825
-35	99910	4995500	d513b78f-ca92-46db-a5f0-b572a7556cf3	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 22:12:44	22.322
-36	49956	4995600	429b26c8-81b7-4c6c-a86e-fab06616c504	2014-01-25	2014-01-25 02:19:31	-536.133
-36	99912	4995600	3917ed0e-233e-48df-b2c5-2f7f26391916	2014-02-23	2014-02-23 19:27:47	849.749
-37	49957	4995700	be767f12-6249-4d6f-9829-6db59c4930f2	2014-05-05	2014-05-05 07:38:00	-933.401
-37	99914	4995700	b087e61f-8c04-4b57-bd66-8d9ffd29a2a8	2014-03-05	2014-03-05 15:23:22	-389.160
-38	49958	4995800	a5a86fa1-ab97-46ac-828c-75cea1293f23	2014-01-08	2014-01-08 18:39:30	-379.1
-38	99916	4995800	507a5804-879e-4f56-8186-7617dcc04143	2014-03-02	2014-03-02 17:23:34	473.692
-39	49959	4995900	356ff976-28bd-4287-ba31-4eadaf765e86	2014-02-16	2014-02-16 11:35:42	788.389
-39	99918	4995900	4b137cea-ca81-422a-a7e5-0ab4049cc61b	2014-02-25	2014-02-25 10:18:13	-91.348
-40	49960	4996000	0a4220bd-9836-4e73-ae12-95654672ce9b	2014-05-13	2014-05-13 23:06:34	903.672
-40	99920	4996000	002dcdc9-9fc8-4e44-92d9-1e4270c2a99a	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 12:00:13	761.309
-41	49961	4996100	729ce478-637c-445b-9808-3b3d476e4d28	2014-04-18	2014-04-18 09:36:59	259.328
-41	99922	4996100	89b608e4-a13d-41d1-9c7b-fa88193f4611	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 04:59:16	374.6
-42	49962	4996200	9ff66923-7411-404d-94dd-c09556e46d36	2014-01-06	2014-01-06 14:11:00	733.848
-42	99924	4996200	376a4698-aa19-435c-8231-9e8aa38c1d0b	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 11:33:39	-733.989
-43	49963	4996300	d8749e34-aadc-4544-b9a5-5c3fdc8a6748	2014-02-26	2014-02-26 21:00:01	909.535
-43	99926	4996300	1e047dbc-6842-451f-99f5-3a9bbfc5ba7a	2014-05-18	2014-05-18 07:06:56	875.602
-44	49964	4996400	dea774a2-0280-4e58-9070-aaca27c59d34	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 10:49:47	-225.273
-44	99928	4996400	5f52654f-fe52-4ad4-abc9-37b87d4abd43	2014-01-13	2014-01-13 17:01:30	-288.668
-45	49965	4996500	111e5fe3-b14b-43d3-996d-8a14766454ba	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 19:30:03	-914.217
-45	99930	4996500	7100433d-09f0-4472-ad2b-d8286c8391d3	2014-02-02	2014-02-02 07:03:27	-811.385
-46	49966	4996600	9d7f5007-22d8-4e0b-ab9c-8da523119503	2014-03-10	2014-03-10 08:20:59	-712.245
-46	99932	4996600	6952c810-1f54-4e94-bf62-d858826e2895	2014-04-11	2014-04-11 05:27:26	944.432
-47	49967	4996700	fd02a8d9-21e8-40d5-a248-bd8abf57a74f	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 10:48:45	-131.675
-47	99934	4996700	c924796f-2dfc-4a17-bb52-e6a3d0eff488	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 17:54:07	231.412
-48	49968	4996800	6ccb60cc-62f4-49e4-8f04-d5107a88fd28	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 05:05:10	-558.978
-48	99936	4996800	2bd74f65-8bfc-4565-abff-6f16c444d84f	2014-04-16	2014-04-16 14:35:32	809.688
-49	49969	4996900	204b097b-bf7e-4754-a863-1b734206d62a	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 15:37:14	-802.129
-49	99938	4996900	c13b7072-29a7-45ca-beea-4dcf60a73fce	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 16:29:23	392.346
-50	49970	4997000	fa5ce7ba-9a8f-4a47-bf8c-eedda3b4355b	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 12:43:31	-881.986
-50	99940	4997000	ecd992d4-1223-400f-ac08-8061cf876723	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 22:42:35	-304.312
-51	49971	4997100	04d5fb67-6d76-4f55-b555-ade89edacd19	2014-05-21	2014-05-21 06:53:47	136.974
-51	99942	4997100	2b0b44c3-56b8-4dd2-859b-e0aee0fce39d	2014-04-06	2014-04-06 12:25:46	226.482
-52	49972	4997200	551c9c24-417c-47c9-bfd7-b8c5ea5a6533	2014-05-01	2014-05-01 07:50:53	-212.394
-52	99944	4997200	1e3a2d74-e328-49bc-9963-46c74a013efe	2014-01-04	2014-01-04 07:06:39	-686.537
-53	49973	4997300	bcba4199-1099-4fd8-9e92-0b3bfe38d40c	2014-01-27	2014-01-27 10:08:03	-62.411
-53	99946	4997300	e81b9c43-2341-4676-ac1d-33b0a3da20ae	2014-02-21	2014-02-21 18:00:32	-217.788
-54	49974	4997400	b2c5ec22-8f9c-4226-8abf-0250009df37e	2014-03-18	2014-03-18 11:08:16	46.418
-54	99948	4997400	63a4d9c0-e9b6-4dd4-9a37-5ef9b72e3a60	2014-04-03	2014-04-03 16:56:52	-966.51
-55	49975	4997500	ead48ea5-bb51-4eea-9ceb-141603c6b3f1	2014-02-20	2014-02-20 18:34:44	-931.997
-55	99950	4997500	ab14cd0a-8983-4672-96d4-afd8d68669dd	2014-05-15	2014-05-15 23:50:55	-626.841
-56	49976	4997600	a03081f5-15d9-49e4-b90d-077d4f959aa6	2014-02-07	2014-02-07 13:22:02	-156.36
-56	99952	4997600	ac8e2cb5-c87b-4392-87d6-3eee83fa902f	2014-04-04	2014-04-04 17:01:45	347.286
-57	49977	4997700	f07028f2-ad02-45fb-8e29-a3657e8b065f	2014-01-01	2014-01-01 18:31:15	-884.955
-57	99954	4997700	2e4a1533-5322-4b82-98aa-4accdc283efc	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 03:58:54	-216.411
-58	49978	4997800	2282c643-30cc-4c13-bd30-c288195b6544	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 12:17:19	-111.770
-58	99956	4997800	f61fd8c5-d5ed-4b4a-8748-f3f82ef30e6b	2014-02-14	2014-02-14 07:56:04	698.529
-59	49979	4997900	aac7e975-b3e6-4f58-91fc-65e5fe027e95	2014-03-21	2014-03-21 11:24:22	-638.268
-59	99958	4997900	274b9e55-89a6-48e4-8140-4c10b912bed7	2014-02-17	2014-02-17 03:53:39	741.655
-60	49980	4998000	130bf602-bb85-4b3f-864b-28dced81678b	2014-05-25	2014-05-25 07:27:30	364.318
-60	99960	4998000	49bd58f2-970f-45fc-8aa7-a040b4e8a697	2014-04-28	2014-04-28 03:11:16	-976.538
-61	49981	4998100	b4fb004b-0b03-44ac-9a74-e62998e947ab	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 07:31:31	7.972
-61	99962	4998100	87432211-188f-45a7-9716-747f21a370d7	2014-01-24	2014-01-24 13:09:09	239.549
-62	49982	4998200	76f9b583-7076-4a26-9a7b-556c43231266	2014-02-19	2014-02-19 22:09:36	763.621
-62	99964	4998200	d586b050-d37f-4f18-849e-58dd5d1a5568	2014-03-23	2014-03-23 03:21:26	7.828
-63	49983	4998300	4425da9d-657d-4123-8618-76c70af47a48	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 02:11:23	722.174
-63	99966	4998300	3e40c7bb-e03c-4329-91c0-de97e0b52c60	2014-05-17	2014-05-17 22:53:34	869.767
-64	49984	4998400	16b431c5-0c3c-4202-8161-bf1e9c9d9052	2014-02-15	2014-02-15 10:12:38	978.20
-64	99968	4998400	84bc8192-a1fa-40f8-944a-b8b9fd7f02ee	2014-05-11	2014-05-11 08:51:51	-209.506
-65	49985	4998500	34c36178-962e-480a-a0eb-9a775d5241b6	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 18:33:23	105.709
-65	99970	4998500	908ff6b3-6d8c-478e-959d-cd440b91e282	2014-04-25	2014-04-25 14:29:20	-474.374
-66	49986	4998600	a948b41a-4f4c-45a4-913e-6e9085e47d63	2014-03-09	2014-03-09 16:47:53	806.572
-66	99972	4998600	80e5c29c-ed3c-4d44-8b58-c0b6344a8cfc	2014-01-17	2014-01-17 08:20:21	-320.465
-67	49987	4998700	e5151f82-42af-4c4e-95ef-b877420431e0	2014-03-26	2014-03-26 12:46:35	625.88
-67	99974	4998700	022a5c43-a4d5-4203-8b45-8cd3b290540c	2014-05-09	2014-05-09 12:27:28	611.519
-68	49988	4998800	b27b9947-b33a-439d-9856-22f89d63cca1	2014-03-04	2014-03-04 21:53:35	-673.409
-68	99976	4998800	2421f86b-bc48-405a-b550-1ca0384a5ad3	2014-05-06	2014-05-06 09:12:08	-105.8
-69	49989	4998900	db7a094c-048d-48d7-ba07-f101a080925f	2014-04-21	2014-04-21 12:55:02	-560.292
-69	99978	4998900	e7ff04ff-b056-4ddf-aa45-33527f1a9525	2014-05-26	2014-05-26 21:22:23	-19.765
-70	49990	4999000	f9b47344-3e8f-419b-8d2c-942a23d74cca	2014-01-10	2014-01-10 01:58:24	172.942
-70	99980	4999000	9a217182-d9b6-4679-9d49-3992594f795f	2014-03-13	2014-03-13 15:03:28	256.332
-71	49991	4999100	ee7a91c1-f936-4058-ad81-42480f6e183a	2014-03-20	2014-03-20 11:11:21	-555.519
-71	99982	4999100	936b18cd-4110-4d99-a856-73947b3daa72	2014-02-05	2014-02-05 21:45:54	154.996
-72	49992	4999200	c56e9b0c-9e8b-4be6-a45a-197cc2b68094	2014-02-24	2014-02-24 17:39:22	-591.345
-72	99984	4999200	75a203d3-e601-4eaf-a383-7a57528d8f5c	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 15:51:31	-433.994
-73	49993	4999300	4632e884-7e5c-4996-9a66-4a0cdeb370bb	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 20:54:23	833.583
-73	99986	4999300	0154393b-44d3-4a4f-88d8-513e23021d35	2014-05-14	2014-05-14 21:26:38	-880.26
-74	49994	4999400	e5deeb1f-e77e-4b22-bcf9-2c3c080e77e3	2014-01-14	2014-01-14 23:01:53	895.88
-74	99988	4999400	4bae7eae-c4b1-4461-80bf-bd3ba002ee6f	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 03:07:57	811.284
-75	49995	4999500	f6f1750f-e272-4c27-8b5f-c1e4b0403255	2014-01-28	2014-01-28 01:40:30	108.944
-75	99990	4999500	26620ec4-ecc5-4967-953b-3915f98d9122	2014-02-04	2014-02-04 16:47:39	-469.914
-76	49996	4999600	67e60d35-676f-494d-84b9-3f6deec525e0	2014-05-28	2014-05-28 13:50:18	-922.238
-76	99992	4999600	88c16d60-b28f-49a8-9163-3a885f4c5b76	2014-05-19	2014-05-19 00:19:24	927.189
-77	49997	4999700	5eb2b362-a50d-4100-b1aa-13a6650b2746	2014-02-10	2014-02-10 10:32:26	568.521
-77	99994	4999700	482a176e-b6d9-4e61-b551-84be70514aca	2014-01-22	2014-01-22 17:15:26	-504.178
-78	49998	4999800	2cccb476-e336-495b-9f4c-f931d38a9a85	2014-01-11	2014-01-11 16:22:10	4.610
-78	99996	4999800	1afcc533-9fee-4bd4-bd61-0890b1348c2a	2014-03-12	2014-03-12 09:23:35	425.903
-79	49999	4999900	9e11ebb3-7f0b-4bb2-9be5-827cdef665d9	2014-05-29	2014-05-29 23:22:35	546.772
-79	99998	4999900	d8a848fd-ef24-431e-bf2b-4ff6f7f832bf	2014-04-14	2014-04-14 08:11:31	627.908
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@@ -1,835 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <cctz/time_zone.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
-#include "json2pb/json_to_pb.h"
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_meta.h"
-#include "olap/version_graph.h"
-namespace doris {
-using RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr = std::shared_ptr<std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>>;
-class TestTimestampedVersionTracker : public testing::Test {
-    TestTimestampedVersionTracker() {}
-    void SetUp() {
-        _json_rowset_meta = R"({
-            "rowset_id": 540081,
-            "tablet_id": 15673,
-            "txn_id": 4042,
-            "tablet_schema_hash": 567997577,
-            "rowset_type": "ALPHA_ROWSET",
-            "rowset_state": "VISIBLE",
-            "start_version": 2,
-            "end_version": 2,
-            "version_hash": 8391828013814912580,
-            "num_rows": 3929,
-            "total_disk_size": 84699,
-            "data_disk_size": 84464,
-            "index_disk_size": 235,
-            "empty": false,
-            "load_id": {
-                "hi": -5350970832824939812,
-                "lo": -6717994719194512122
-            },
-            "creation_time": 1553765670,
-            "alpha_rowset_extra_meta_pb": {
-                "segment_groups": [
-                {
-                    "segment_group_id": 0,
-                    "num_segments": 1,
-                    "index_size": 132,
-                    "data_size": 576,
-                    "num_rows": 5,
-                    "zone_maps": [
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "NQ==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "Mw==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "J2J1c2gn",
-                        "max": "J3RvbSc=",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    }
-                    ],
-                    "empty": false
-                },
-                {
-                    "segment_group_id": 1,
-                    "num_segments": 1,
-                    "index_size": 132,
-                    "data_size": 576,
-                    "num_rows": 5,
-                    "zone_maps": [
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "NQ==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "MQ==",
-                        "max": "Mw==",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "min": "J2J1c2gn",
-                        "max": "J3RvbSc=",
-                        "null_flag": false
-                    }
-                    ],
-                    "empty": false
-                }
-                ]
-            }
-        })";
-    }
-    void TearDown() {}
-    void init_rs_meta(RowsetMetaSharedPtr& pb1, int64_t start, int64_t end) {
-        pb1->init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-        pb1->set_start_version(start);
-        pb1->set_end_version(end);
-        pb1->set_creation_time(10000);
-    }
-    void init_all_rs_meta(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 0, 0);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 1, 1);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 2, 5);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 6, 9);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 10, 11);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-    }
-    void init_expired_row_rs_meta(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 2, 3);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 4, 5);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 6, 6);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 7, 8);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 6, 8);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr6(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr6, 9, 9);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr6);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr7(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr7, 10, 10);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr7);
-    }
-    void init_expired_row_rs_meta_with_same_rowset(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr0(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr0, 1, 1);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr0);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 2, 3);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 4, 5);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 6, 6);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 7, 8);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 6, 8);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr5);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr6(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr6, 9, 9);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr6);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr7(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr7, 10, 10);
-        rs_metas->push_back(ptr7);
-    }
-    void fetch_expired_row_rs_meta(std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v2(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 2, 3);
-        v2->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 4, 5);
-        v2->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v3(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 6, 6);
-        v3->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 7, 8);
-        v3->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v4(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 6, 8);
-        v4->push_back(ptr5);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr6(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr6, 9, 9);
-        v4->push_back(ptr6);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v5(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr7(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr7, 10, 10);
-        v5->push_back(ptr7);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v2);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v3);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v4);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v5);
-    }
-    void fetch_expired_row_rs_meta_with_same_rowset(
-            std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr>* rs_metas) {
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v1(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr0(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr0, 1, 1);
-        v1->push_back(ptr0);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v2(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr1(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr1, 2, 3);
-        v2->push_back(ptr1);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr2(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr2, 4, 5);
-        v2->push_back(ptr2);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v3(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr3(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr3, 6, 6);
-        v3->push_back(ptr3);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr4(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr4, 7, 8);
-        v3->push_back(ptr4);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v4(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr5(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr5, 6, 8);
-        v4->push_back(ptr5);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr6(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr6, 9, 9);
-        v4->push_back(ptr6);
-        RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr v5(new std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr>());
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr ptr7(new RowsetMeta());
-        init_rs_meta(ptr7, 10, 10);
-        v5->push_back(ptr7);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v1);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v2);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v3);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v4);
-        rs_metas->push_back(v5);
-    }
-    OlapMeta* _meta;
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, construct_version_graph) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    int64_t max_version = 0;
-    version_graph.construct_version_graph(rs_metas, &max_version);
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    int64_t exp = 11;
-    ASSERT_EQ(exp, max_version);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, construct_version_graph_with_same_version) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    rs_metas.insert(rs_metas.end(), expired_rs_metas.begin(), expired_rs_metas.end());
-    int64_t max_version = 0;
-    version_graph.construct_version_graph(rs_metas, &max_version);
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    int64_t exp = 11;
-    ASSERT_EQ(exp, max_version);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, reconstruct_version_graph) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    int64_t max_version = 0;
-    version_graph.reconstruct_version_graph(rs_metas, &max_version);
-    ASSERT_EQ(6, version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    int64_t exp = 11;
-    ASSERT_EQ(exp, max_version);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, delete_version_from_graph) {
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    Version version0(0, 0);
-    version_graph.add_version_to_graph(version0);
-    version_graph.delete_version_from_graph(version0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, version_graph._version_graph[0].edges.size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, delete_version_from_graph_with_same_version) {
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    Version version0(0, 0);
-    Version version1(0, 0);
-    version_graph.add_version_to_graph(version0);
-    version_graph.add_version_to_graph(version1);
-    version_graph.delete_version_from_graph(version0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, version_graph._version_graph[0].edges.size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, add_version_to_graph) {
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    Version version0(0, 0);
-    Version version1(1, 1);
-    version_graph.add_version_to_graph(version0);
-    version_graph.add_version_to_graph(version1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, version_graph._vertex_index_map.find(0)->second);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, version_graph._vertex_index_map.find(1)->second);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, add_version_to_graph_with_same_version) {
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    Version version0(0, 0);
-    Version version1(0, 0);
-    version_graph.add_version_to_graph(version0);
-    version_graph.add_version_to_graph(version1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, version_graph._version_graph[0].edges.size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, capture_consistent_versions) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    init_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    int64_t max_version = 0;
-    rs_metas.insert(rs_metas.end(), expired_rs_metas.begin(), expired_rs_metas.end());
-    version_graph.construct_version_graph(rs_metas, &max_version);
-    Version spec_version(0, 8);
-    version_graph.capture_consistent_versions(spec_version, &version_path);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, version_path.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(0, 0), version_path[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(1, 1), version_path[1]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(2, 5), version_path[2]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(6, 8), version_path[3]);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, capture_consistent_versions_with_same_rowset) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    init_expired_row_rs_meta_with_same_rowset(&expired_rs_metas);
-    VersionGraph version_graph;
-    int64_t max_version = 0;
-    rs_metas.insert(rs_metas.end(), expired_rs_metas.begin(), expired_rs_metas.end());
-    version_graph.construct_version_graph(rs_metas, &max_version);
-    Version spec_version(0, 8);
-    version_graph.capture_consistent_versions(spec_version, &version_path);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, version_path.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(0, 0), version_path[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(1, 1), version_path[1]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(2, 5), version_path[2]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(6, 8), version_path[3]);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, construct_versioned_tracker) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    init_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    rs_metas.insert(rs_metas.end(), expired_rs_metas.begin(), expired_rs_metas.end());
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, tracker._version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tracker._next_path_id);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, construct_version_tracker_by_stale_meta) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    init_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas, expired_rs_metas);
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, tracker._version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, tracker._next_path_id);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, construct_versioned_tracker_with_same_rowset) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    init_expired_row_rs_meta_with_same_rowset(&expired_rs_metas);
-    rs_metas.insert(rs_metas.end(), expired_rs_metas.begin(), expired_rs_metas.end());
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, tracker._version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tracker._next_path_id);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, recover_versioned_tracker) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    init_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    rs_metas.insert(rs_metas.end(), expired_rs_metas.begin(), expired_rs_metas.end());
-    const std::map<int64_t, PathVersionListSharedPtr> stale_version_path_map;
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    tracker.recover_versioned_tracker(stale_version_path_map);
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, tracker._version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tracker._next_path_id);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, add_version) {
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    Version version0(0, 0);
-    Version version1(1, 1);
-    tracker.add_version(version0);
-    tracker.add_version(version1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, tracker._version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, tracker._version_graph._vertex_index_map.find(0)->second);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tracker._version_graph._vertex_index_map.find(1)->second);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, add_version_with_same_rowset) {
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    Version version0(0, 0);
-    Version version1(0, 0);
-    tracker.add_version(version0);
-    tracker.add_version(version1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, tracker._version_graph._version_graph.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, tracker._version_graph._version_graph[0].edges.size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, add_stale_path_version) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    init_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    tracker.add_stale_path_version(expired_rs_metas);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, tracker._stale_version_path_map.begin()->second->timestamped_versions().size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, add_stale_path_version_with_same_rowset) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta_with_same_rowset(&expired_rs_metas);
-    for (auto ptr : expired_rs_metas) {
-        tracker.add_stale_path_version(*ptr);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tracker._stale_version_path_map.begin()->second->timestamped_versions().size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, capture_consistent_versions_tracker) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    for (auto ptr : expired_rs_metas) {
-        for (auto rs : *ptr) {
-            tracker.add_version(rs->version());
-        }
-        tracker.add_stale_path_version(*ptr);
-    }
-    Version spec_version(0, 8);
-    tracker.capture_consistent_versions(spec_version, &version_path);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, version_path.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(0, 0), version_path[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(1, 1), version_path[1]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(2, 5), version_path[2]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(6, 8), version_path[3]);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, capture_consistent_versions_tracker_with_same_rowset) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta_with_same_rowset(&expired_rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    for (auto ptr : expired_rs_metas) {
-        for (auto rs : *ptr) {
-            tracker.add_version(rs->version());
-        }
-        tracker.add_stale_path_version(*ptr);
-    }
-    Version spec_version(0, 8);
-    tracker.capture_consistent_versions(spec_version, &version_path);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, version_path.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(0, 0), version_path[0]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(1, 1), version_path[1]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(2, 5), version_path[2]);
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(6, 8), version_path[3]);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, fetch_and_delete_path_version) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    for (auto ptr : expired_rs_metas) {
-        for (auto rs : *ptr) {
-            tracker.add_version(rs->version());
-        }
-        tracker.add_stale_path_version(*ptr);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    Version spec_version(0, 8);
-    PathVersionListSharedPtr ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(1);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, timestamped_versions.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(2, 3), timestamped_versions[0]->version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(4, 5), timestamped_versions[1]->version());
-    ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(2);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions2 = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, timestamped_versions2.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(6, 6), timestamped_versions2[0]->version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(7, 8), timestamped_versions2[1]->version());
-    ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(3);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions3 = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, timestamped_versions3.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(6, 8), timestamped_versions3[0]->version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(9, 9), timestamped_versions3[1]->version());
-    ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(4);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions4 = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, timestamped_versions4.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(10, 10), timestamped_versions4[0]->version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, fetch_and_delete_path_version_with_same_rowset) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta_with_same_rowset(&expired_rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    for (auto ptr : expired_rs_metas) {
-        for (auto rs : *ptr) {
-            tracker.add_version(rs->version());
-        }
-        tracker.add_stale_path_version(*ptr);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-    PathVersionListSharedPtr ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(1);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, timestamped_versions.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(1, 1), timestamped_versions[0]->version());
-    ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(2);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions2 = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, timestamped_versions2.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(2, 3), timestamped_versions2[0]->version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(4, 5), timestamped_versions2[1]->version());
-    ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(3);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions3 = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, timestamped_versions3.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(6, 6), timestamped_versions3[0]->version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(7, 8), timestamped_versions3[1]->version());
-    ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(4);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions4 = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, timestamped_versions4.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(6, 8), timestamped_versions4[0]->version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(9, 9), timestamped_versions4[1]->version());
-    ptr = tracker.fetch_and_delete_path_by_id(5);
-    std::vector<TimestampedVersionSharedPtr>& timestamped_versions5 = ptr->timestamped_versions();
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, timestamped_versions5.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(Version(10, 10), timestamped_versions5[0]->version());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, tracker._stale_version_path_map.size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, capture_expired_path_version) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<int64_t> path_version;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    for (auto ptr : expired_rs_metas) {
-        for (auto rs : *ptr) {
-            tracker.add_version(rs->version());
-        }
-        tracker.add_stale_path_version(*ptr);
-    }
-    tracker.capture_expired_paths(9999, &path_version);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, path_version.size());
-    tracker.capture_expired_paths(10001, &path_version);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, path_version.size());
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, get_stale_version_path_json_doc) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    for (auto ptr : expired_rs_metas) {
-        for (auto rs : *ptr) {
-            tracker.add_version(rs->version());
-        }
-        tracker.add_stale_path_version(*ptr);
-    }
-    rapidjson::Document path_arr;
-    path_arr.SetArray();
-    tracker.get_stale_version_path_json_doc(path_arr);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer strbuf;
-    rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(strbuf);
-    path_arr.Accept(writer);
-    std::string json_result = std::string(strbuf.GetString());
-    auto time_zone = cctz::local_time_zone();
-    auto tp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
-    auto time_zone_str = cctz::format("%z", tp, time_zone);
-    std::string expect_result = R"([
-    {
-        "path id": "1",
-        "last create time": "1970-01-01 10:46:40 $0",
-        "path list": "1 -> [2-3] -> [4-5]"
-    },
-    {
-        "path id": "2",
-        "last create time": "1970-01-01 10:46:40 $0",
-        "path list": "2 -> [6-6] -> [7-8]"
-    },
-    {
-        "path id": "3",
-        "last create time": "1970-01-01 10:46:40 $0",
-        "path list": "3 -> [6-8] -> [9-9]"
-    },
-    {
-        "path id": "4",
-        "last create time": "1970-01-01 10:46:40 $0",
-        "path list": "4 -> [10-10]"
-    }
-    expect_result = strings::Substitute(expect_result, time_zone_str);
-    ASSERT_EQ(expect_result, json_result);
-TEST_F(TestTimestampedVersionTracker, get_stale_version_path_json_doc_empty) {
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedPtr> rs_metas;
-    std::vector<RowsetMetaSharedContainerPtr> expired_rs_metas;
-    std::vector<Version> version_path;
-    init_all_rs_meta(&rs_metas);
-    fetch_expired_row_rs_meta(&expired_rs_metas);
-    TimestampedVersionTracker tracker;
-    tracker.construct_versioned_tracker(rs_metas);
-    rapidjson::Document path_arr;
-    path_arr.SetArray();
-    tracker.get_stale_version_path_json_doc(path_arr);
-    rapidjson::StringBuffer strbuf;
-    rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(strbuf);
-    path_arr.Accept(writer);
-    std::string json_result = std::string(strbuf.GetString());
-    std::string expect_result = R"([])";
-    ASSERT_EQ(expect_result, json_result);
-} // namespace doris
-// @brief Test Stub
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/olap/txn_manager_test.cpp b/be/test/olap/txn_manager_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf3f77..0000000
--- a/be/test/olap/txn_manager_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "olap/txn_manager.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "json2pb/json_to_pb.h"
-#include "olap/olap_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/alpha_rowset_meta.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_factory.h"
-#include "olap/rowset/rowset_meta_manager.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#ifndef BE_TEST
-#define BE_TEST
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-static StorageEngine* k_engine = nullptr;
-const std::string rowset_meta_path = "./be/test/olap/test_data/rowset_meta.json";
-const std::string rowset_meta_path_2 = "./be/test/olap/test_data/rowset_meta2.json";
-class TxnManagerTest : public testing::Test {
-    void init_tablet_schema() {
-        TabletSchemaPB tablet_schema_pb;
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_keys_type(DUP_KEYS);
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_num_short_key_columns(3);
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_num_rows_per_row_block(1024);
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_compress_kind(COMPRESS_NONE);
-        tablet_schema_pb.set_next_column_unique_id(4);
-        ColumnPB* column_1 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column_1->set_unique_id(1);
-        column_1->set_name("k1");
-        column_1->set_type("INT");
-        column_1->set_is_key(true);
-        column_1->set_length(4);
-        column_1->set_index_length(4);
-        column_1->set_is_nullable(true);
-        column_1->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        ColumnPB* column_2 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column_2->set_unique_id(2);
-        column_2->set_name("k2");
-        column_2->set_type("INT");
-        column_2->set_length(4);
-        column_2->set_index_length(4);
-        column_2->set_is_nullable(true);
-        column_2->set_is_key(true);
-        column_2->set_is_nullable(true);
-        column_2->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        ColumnPB* column_3 = tablet_schema_pb.add_column();
-        column_3->set_unique_id(3);
-        column_3->set_name("v1");
-        column_3->set_type("VARCHAR");
-        column_3->set_length(10);
-        column_3->set_index_length(10);
-        column_3->set_is_key(true);
-        column_3->set_is_nullable(false);
-        column_3->set_is_bf_column(false);
-        _schema.reset(new TabletSchema);
-        _schema->init_from_pb(tablet_schema_pb);
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        config::max_runnings_transactions_per_txn_map = 500;
-        _txn_mgr.reset(new TxnManager(64, 1024));
-        config::tablet_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_map_shard_size = 1;
-        config::txn_shard_size = 1;
-        EngineOptions options;
-        // won't open engine, options.path is needless
-        options.backend_uid = UniqueId::gen_uid();
-        if (k_engine == nullptr) {
-            k_engine = new StorageEngine(options);
-        }
-        std::string meta_path = "./meta";
-        boost::filesystem::remove_all("./meta");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::create_directory(meta_path));
-        _meta = new (std::nothrow) OlapMeta(meta_path);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, _meta);
-        OLAPStatus st = _meta->init();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::exists("./meta"));
-        load_id.set_hi(0);
-        load_id.set_lo(0);
-        init_tablet_schema();
-        // init rowset meta 1
-        std::ifstream infile(rowset_meta_path);
-        char buffer[1024];
-        while (!infile.eof()) {
-            infile.getline(buffer, 1024);
-            _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta + buffer + "\n";
-        }
-        _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta.substr(0, _json_rowset_meta.size() - 1);
-        RowsetId rowset_id;
-        rowset_id.init(10000);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-        rowset_meta->init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_meta->rowset_id(), rowset_id);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, RowsetFactory::create_rowset(_schema.get(), rowset_meta_path,
-                                                             rowset_meta, &_alpha_rowset));
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, RowsetFactory::create_rowset(_schema.get(), rowset_meta_path,
-                                                             rowset_meta, &_alpha_rowset_same_id));
-        // init rowset meta 2
-        _json_rowset_meta = "";
-        std::ifstream infile2(rowset_meta_path_2);
-        char buffer2[1024];
-        while (!infile2.eof()) {
-            infile2.getline(buffer2, 1024);
-            _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta + buffer2 + "\n";
-            std::cout << _json_rowset_meta << std::endl;
-        }
-        _json_rowset_meta = _json_rowset_meta.substr(0, _json_rowset_meta.size() - 1);
-        rowset_id.init(10001);
-        RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta2(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-        rowset_meta2->init_from_json(_json_rowset_meta);
-        ASSERT_EQ(rowset_meta2->rowset_id(), rowset_id);
-        ASSERT_EQ(OLAP_SUCCESS, RowsetFactory::create_rowset(_schema.get(), rowset_meta_path_2,
-                                                             rowset_meta2, &_alpha_rowset_diff_id));
-        _tablet_uid = TabletUid(10, 10);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        delete _meta;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(boost::filesystem::remove_all("./meta"));
-    }
-    OlapMeta* _meta;
-    std::string _json_rowset_meta;
-    std::unique_ptr<TxnManager> _txn_mgr;
-    TPartitionId partition_id = 1123;
-    TTransactionId transaction_id = 111;
-    TTabletId tablet_id = 222;
-    SchemaHash schema_hash = 333;
-    TabletUid _tablet_uid{0, 0};
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    std::unique_ptr<TabletSchema> _schema;
-    RowsetSharedPtr _alpha_rowset;
-    RowsetSharedPtr _alpha_rowset_same_id;
-    RowsetSharedPtr _alpha_rowset_diff_id;
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, PrepareNewTxn) {
-    OLAPStatus status = _txn_mgr->prepare_txn(partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                              _tablet_uid, load_id);
-// 1. prepare txn
-// 2. commit txn
-// 3. should be success
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, CommitTxnWithPrepare) {
-    OLAPStatus status = _txn_mgr->prepare_txn(partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                              _tablet_uid, load_id);
-    _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash, _tablet_uid,
-                         load_id, _alpha_rowset, false);
-    RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, _alpha_rowset->rowset_id(),
-                                                rowset_meta);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta->rowset_id() == _alpha_rowset->rowset_id());
-// 1. commit without prepare
-// 2. should success
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, CommitTxnWithNoPrepare) {
-    OLAPStatus status =
-            _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                 _tablet_uid, load_id, _alpha_rowset, false);
-// 1. commit twice with different rowset id
-// 2. should failed
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, CommitTxnTwiceWithDiffRowsetId) {
-    OLAPStatus status =
-            _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                 _tablet_uid, load_id, _alpha_rowset, false);
-    status = _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                  _tablet_uid, load_id, _alpha_rowset_diff_id, false);
-// 1. commit twice with same rowset id
-// 2. should success
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, CommitTxnTwiceWithSameRowsetId) {
-    OLAPStatus status =
-            _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                 _tablet_uid, load_id, _alpha_rowset, false);
-    status = _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                  _tablet_uid, load_id, _alpha_rowset_same_id, false);
-// 1. prepare twice should be success
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, PrepareNewTxnTwice) {
-    OLAPStatus status = _txn_mgr->prepare_txn(partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                              _tablet_uid, load_id);
-    status = _txn_mgr->prepare_txn(partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                   _tablet_uid, load_id);
-// 1. txn could be rollbacked if it is not committed
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, RollbackNotCommittedTxn) {
-    OLAPStatus status = _txn_mgr->prepare_txn(partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                              _tablet_uid, load_id);
-    status = _txn_mgr->rollback_txn(partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                    _tablet_uid);
-    RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, _alpha_rowset->rowset_id(),
-                                                rowset_meta);
-// 1. txn could not be rollbacked if it is committed
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, RollbackCommittedTxn) {
-    OLAPStatus status =
-            _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                 _tablet_uid, load_id, _alpha_rowset, false);
-    status = _txn_mgr->rollback_txn(partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                    _tablet_uid);
-    RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, _alpha_rowset->rowset_id(),
-                                                rowset_meta);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta->rowset_id() == _alpha_rowset->rowset_id());
-// 1. publish version success
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, PublishVersionSuccessful) {
-    OLAPStatus status =
-            _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                 _tablet_uid, load_id, _alpha_rowset, false);
-    Version new_version(10, 11);
-    VersionHash new_versionhash = 123;
-    status = _txn_mgr->publish_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                   _tablet_uid, new_version, new_versionhash);
-    RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, _alpha_rowset->rowset_id(),
-                                                rowset_meta);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta->rowset_id() == _alpha_rowset->rowset_id());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta->start_version() == 10);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_meta->end_version() == 11);
-// 1. publish version failed if not found related txn and rowset
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, PublishNotExistedTxn) {
-    Version new_version(10, 11);
-    VersionHash new_versionhash = 123;
-    OLAPStatus status =
-            _txn_mgr->publish_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                  _tablet_uid, new_version, new_versionhash);
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, DeletePreparedTxn) {
-    OLAPStatus status = _txn_mgr->prepare_txn(partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                              _tablet_uid, load_id);
-    status = _txn_mgr->delete_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                  _tablet_uid);
-TEST_F(TxnManagerTest, DeleteCommittedTxn) {
-    OLAPStatus status =
-            _txn_mgr->commit_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                 _tablet_uid, load_id, _alpha_rowset, false);
-    RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, _alpha_rowset->rowset_id(),
-                                                rowset_meta);
-    status = _txn_mgr->delete_txn(_meta, partition_id, transaction_id, tablet_id, schema_hash,
-                                  _tablet_uid);
-    RowsetMetaSharedPtr rowset_meta2(new AlphaRowsetMeta());
-    status = RowsetMetaManager::get_rowset_meta(_meta, _tablet_uid, _alpha_rowset->rowset_id(),
-                                                rowset_meta2);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/plugin/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/plugin/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 74bf29a..0000000
--- a/be/test/plugin/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
-set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/plugin")
-# where to put generated binaries
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/plugin/example/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/plugin/example/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index ffaae34..0000000
--- a/be/test/plugin/example/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
-set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/plugin/example")
-# where to put generated binaries
-set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/plugin/example")
diff --git a/be/test/plugin/example/plugin_example.cpp b/be/test/plugin/example/plugin_example.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 20c7bca..0000000
--- a/be/test/plugin/example/plugin_example.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <iostream>
-#include "plugin/plugin.h"
-namespace doris {
-int init(void*) {
-    std::cout << "this is init" << std::endl;
-    return 1;
-int close(void*) {
-    std::cout << "this is close" << std::endl;
-    return 2;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-declare_plugin(PluginExample){nullptr, &init, &close, 3, nullptr, nullptr} declare_plugin_end
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/plugin/plugin_loader_test.cpp b/be/test/plugin/plugin_loader_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2573aba..0000000
--- a/be/test/plugin/plugin_loader_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "plugin/plugin_loader.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "plugin/plugin.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DemoPluginHandler {
-    const std::string& hello(const std::string& msg) {
-        _msg = msg;
-        return _msg;
-    }
-    std::string _msg;
-int init_plugin(void* ptr) {
-    // handler
-    void** p = (void**)ptr;
-    *p = new DemoPluginHandler();
-    return 0;
-int close_plugin(void* ptr) {
-    void** p = (void**)ptr;
-    delete (DemoPluginHandler*)(*p);
-    LOG(INFO) << "close demo plugin";
-    return 1;
-class PluginLoaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    PluginLoaderTest() {
-        _path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-        EXPECT_FALSE(_path.empty());
-    }
-    ~PluginLoaderTest() {}
-    std::string _path;
-TEST_F(PluginLoaderTest, normal) {
-    FileUtils::remove_all(_path + "/plugin_test/target");
-    DynamicPluginLoader plugin_loader("PluginExample", PLUGIN_TYPE_STORAGE,
-                                      _path + "/plugin_test/source/test.zip",
-                                      "libplugin_example.so", _path + "/plugin_test/target");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(plugin_loader.install().ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir(_path + "/plugin_test/target/PluginExample"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(_path + "/plugin_test/target/PluginExample/"));
-    std::shared_ptr<Plugin> plugin = plugin_loader.plugin();
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, plugin->flags);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, plugin->init(nullptr));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, plugin->close(nullptr));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(plugin_loader.uninstall().ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir(_path + "/plugin_test/target/PluginExample"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(_path + "/plugin_test/target/PluginExample/"));
-    FileUtils::remove_all(_path + "/plugin_test/target");
-TEST_F(PluginLoaderTest, builtin) {
-    Plugin demoPlugin = {
-            nullptr, &init_plugin, &close_plugin, PLUGIN_DEFAULT_FLAG, nullptr, nullptr,
-    };
-    BuiltinPluginLoader plugin_loader("test", PLUGIN_TYPE_AUDIT, &demoPlugin);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(plugin_loader.install().ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<Plugin> plugin = plugin_loader.plugin();
-    ASSERT_EQ(PLUGIN_DEFAULT_FLAG, plugin->flags);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, plugin->handler);
-    ASSERT_EQ("test", ((DemoPluginHandler*)plugin->handler)->hello("test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(plugin_loader.uninstall().ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/plugin/plugin_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/plugin/plugin_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6680a6e..0000000
--- a/be/test/plugin/plugin_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "plugin/plugin_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "plugin/plugin.h"
-#include "plugin/plugin_loader.h"
-#include "string"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DemoPluginHandler {
-    const std::string& hello(const std::string& msg) {
-        _msg = msg;
-        return _msg;
-    }
-    std::string _msg;
-int init_plugin(void* ptr) {
-    // handler
-    void** p = (void**)ptr;
-    *p = new DemoPluginHandler();
-    return 0;
-int close_plugin(void* ptr) {
-    void** p = (void**)ptr;
-    delete (DemoPluginHandler*)(*p);
-    LOG(INFO) << "close demo plugin";
-    return 1;
-//declare_builtin_plugin(demo_plugin) {
-Plugin demo_plugin = {
-        nullptr, &init_plugin, &close_plugin, PLUGIN_DEFAULT_FLAG, nullptr, nullptr,
-class PluginMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    PluginMgrTest() {
-        _path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-        EXPECT_FALSE(_path.empty());
-    }
-    ~PluginMgrTest() {}
-    std::string _path;
-TEST_F(PluginMgrTest, normal) {
-    PluginMgr mgr;
-    mgr.register_builtin_plugin("demo", PLUGIN_TYPE_AUDIT, &demo_plugin);
-    std::shared_ptr<Plugin> re;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_plugin("demo", PLUGIN_TYPE_AUDIT, &re).ok());
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, re.get());
-    ASSERT_EQ("test", ((DemoPluginHandler*)re->handler)->hello("test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_plugin("demo", &re).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("test", ((DemoPluginHandler*)re->handler)->hello("test"));
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Plugin>> list;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_plugin_list(PLUGIN_TYPE_AUDIT, &list).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, list.size());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/plugin/plugin_test/source/test.zip b/be/test/plugin/plugin_test/source/test.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index b43fb58..0000000
--- a/be/test/plugin/plugin_test/source/test.zip
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/plugin/plugin_test/source/test.zip.md5 b/be/test/plugin/plugin_test/source/test.zip.md5
deleted file mode 100755
index 73c492c..0000000
--- a/be/test/plugin/plugin_test/source/test.zip.md5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-c68ae6cce50da90a5fd8a818d4e85c96  test.zip
diff --git a/be/test/plugin/plugin_zip_test.cpp b/be/test/plugin/plugin_zip_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 810026b..0000000
--- a/be/test/plugin/plugin_zip_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "plugin/plugin_zip.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <memory>
-#include <set>
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "http/ev_http_server.h"
-#include "http/http_channel.h"
-#include "http/http_handler.h"
-#include "http/http_request.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/slice.h"
-namespace doris {
-class HttpTestHandler : public HttpHandler {
-    void handle(HttpRequest* req) override {
-        std::string path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-        ASSERT_FALSE(path.empty());
-        std::unique_ptr<SequentialFile> file;
-        auto& file_name = req->param("FILE");
-        FILE* fp = fopen((path + "/plugin_test/source/" + file_name).c_str(), "r");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(fp != nullptr);
-        std::string response;
-        char f[1024];
-        while (true) {
-            auto size = fread(f, 1, 1024, fp);
-            response.append(f, size);
-            if (size < 1024) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        fclose(fp);
-        HttpChannel::send_reply(req, response);
-    }
-class PluginZipTest : public testing::Test {
-    PluginZipTest() {
-        _path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-        EXPECT_FALSE(_path.empty());
-        _server.reset(new EvHttpServer(29191));
-        _server->register_handler(GET, "/{FILE}", &_handler);
-        _server->start();
-        std::cout << "the path: " << _path << std::endl;
-    }
-    std::string _path;
-    std::unique_ptr<EvHttpServer> _server;
-    HttpTestHandler _handler;
-TEST_F(PluginZipTest, local_normal) {
-    FileUtils::remove_all(_path + "/plugin_test/target");
-    PluginZip zip(_path + "/plugin_test/source/test.zip");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(zip.extract(_path + "/plugin_test/target/", "test").ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(_path + "/plugin_test/target/test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(_path + "/plugin_test/target/test/test.txt"));
-    std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> file;
-    Env::Default()->new_random_access_file(_path + "/plugin_test/target/test/test.txt", &file);
-    char f[11];
-    Slice s(f, 11);
-    file->read_at(0, s);
-    ASSERT_EQ("hello world", s.to_string());
-    FileUtils::remove_all(_path + "/plugin_test/target/");
-TEST_F(PluginZipTest, http_normal) {
-    FileUtils::remove_all(_path + "/plugin_test/target");
-    PluginZip zip("");
-    //    ASSERT_TRUE(zip.extract(_path + "/plugin_test/target/", "test").ok());
-    Status st = (zip.extract(_path + "/plugin_test/target/", "test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(_path + "/plugin_test/target/test"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(_path + "/plugin_test/target/test/test.txt"));
-    std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> file;
-    Env::Default()->new_random_access_file(_path + "/plugin_test/target/test/test.txt", &file);
-    char f[11];
-    Slice s(f, 11);
-    file->read_at(0, s);
-    ASSERT_EQ("hello world", s.to_string());
-    std::set<std::string> dirs;
-    std::set<std::string> files;
-            FileUtils::list_dirs_files(_path + "/plugin_test/target", &dirs, &files, Env::Default())
-                    .ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, dirs.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, files.size());
-    FileUtils::remove_all(_path + "/plugin_test/target/");
-TEST_F(PluginZipTest, already_install) {
-    // This test case will finish very soon, sleep 100 us to ensure that EvHttpServer worker has started
-    // before this unit test case finished, or there may cause an ASAN error.
-    usleep(100);
-    FileUtils::remove_all(_path + "/plugin_test/target");
-    PluginZip zip("");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(zip.extract(_path + "/plugin_test/", "source").ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/runtime/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d0e33c..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated binaries
-set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/runtime")
-ADD_BE_TEST(memory_scratch_sink_test test_env.cc)
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/buffer_control_block_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/buffer_control_block_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da1f83..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/buffer_control_block_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/buffer_control_block.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
-namespace doris {
-class BufferControlBlockTest : public testing::Test {
-    BufferControlBlockTest() {}
-    virtual ~BufferControlBlockTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-TEST_F(BufferControlBlockTest, init_normal) {
-    BufferControlBlock control_block(TUniqueId(), 1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.init().ok());
-TEST_F(BufferControlBlockTest, add_one_get_one) {
-    BufferControlBlock control_block(TUniqueId(), 1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.init().ok());
-    TFetchDataResult* add_result = new TFetchDataResult();
-    add_result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.add_batch(add_result).ok());
-    TFetchDataResult get_result;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.get_batch(&get_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(get_result.eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1U, get_result.result_batch.rows.size());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("hello test", get_result.result_batch.rows[0].c_str());
-TEST_F(BufferControlBlockTest, get_one_after_close) {
-    BufferControlBlock control_block(TUniqueId(), 1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.init().ok());
-    control_block.close(Status::OK());
-    TFetchDataResult get_result;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.get_batch(&get_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(get_result.eos);
-TEST_F(BufferControlBlockTest, get_add_after_cancel) {
-    BufferControlBlock control_block(TUniqueId(), 1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.init().ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.cancel().ok());
-    TFetchDataResult* add_result = new TFetchDataResult();
-    add_result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(control_block.add_batch(add_result).ok());
-    delete add_result;
-    TFetchDataResult get_result;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(control_block.get_batch(&get_result).ok());
-void* cancel_thread(void* param) {
-    BufferControlBlock* control_block = static_cast<BufferControlBlock*>(param);
-    sleep(1);
-    control_block->cancel();
-    return NULL;
-TEST_F(BufferControlBlockTest, add_then_cancel) {
-    // only can add one batch
-    BufferControlBlock control_block(TUniqueId(), 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.init().ok());
-    pthread_t id;
-    pthread_create(&id, NULL, cancel_thread, &control_block);
-    {
-        TFetchDataResult* add_result = new TFetchDataResult();
-        add_result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test1");
-        add_result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test2");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.add_batch(add_result).ok());
-    }
-    {
-        TFetchDataResult* add_result = new TFetchDataResult();
-        add_result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test1");
-        add_result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test2");
-        ASSERT_FALSE(control_block.add_batch(add_result).ok());
-        delete add_result;
-    }
-    TFetchDataResult get_result;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(control_block.get_batch(&get_result).ok());
-    pthread_join(id, NULL);
-TEST_F(BufferControlBlockTest, get_then_cancel) {
-    BufferControlBlock control_block(TUniqueId(), 1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.init().ok());
-    pthread_t id;
-    pthread_create(&id, NULL, cancel_thread, &control_block);
-    // get block until cancel
-    TFetchDataResult get_result;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(control_block.get_batch(&get_result).ok());
-    pthread_join(id, NULL);
-void* add_thread(void* param) {
-    BufferControlBlock* control_block = static_cast<BufferControlBlock*>(param);
-    sleep(1);
-    {
-        TFetchDataResult* add_result = new TFetchDataResult();
-        add_result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test1");
-        add_result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test2");
-        control_block->add_batch(add_result);
-    }
-    return NULL;
-TEST_F(BufferControlBlockTest, get_then_add) {
-    BufferControlBlock control_block(TUniqueId(), 1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.init().ok());
-    pthread_t id;
-    pthread_create(&id, NULL, add_thread, &control_block);
-    // get block until a batch add
-    TFetchDataResult get_result;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.get_batch(&get_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(get_result.eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2U, get_result.result_batch.rows.size());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("hello test1", get_result.result_batch.rows[0].c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("hello test2", get_result.result_batch.rows[1].c_str());
-    pthread_join(id, NULL);
-void* close_thread(void* param) {
-    BufferControlBlock* control_block = static_cast<BufferControlBlock*>(param);
-    sleep(1);
-    control_block->close(Status::OK());
-    return NULL;
-TEST_F(BufferControlBlockTest, get_then_close) {
-    BufferControlBlock control_block(TUniqueId(), 1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.init().ok());
-    pthread_t id;
-    pthread_create(&id, NULL, close_thread, &control_block);
-    // get block until a batch add
-    TFetchDataResult get_result;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(control_block.get_batch(&get_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(get_result.eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0U, get_result.result_batch.rows.size());
-    pthread_join(id, NULL);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100 noet: */
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/buffered_block_mgr2_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/buffered_block_mgr2_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eefa326..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/buffered_block_mgr2_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1276 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/buffered_block_mgr2.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
-#include "runtime/disk_io_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/test_env.h"
-#include "runtime/tmp_file_mgr.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/filesystem_util.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/monotime.h"
-using boost::filesystem::directory_iterator;
-using boost::filesystem::remove;
-using boost::scoped_ptr;
-using boost::unordered_map;
-using boost::thread;
-using std::string;
-using std::stringstream;
-using std::vector;
-// Note: This is the default scratch dir created by doris.
-// config::query_scratch_dirs + TmpFileMgr::_s_tmp_sub_dir_name.
-const static string SCRATCH_DIR = "/tmp/doris-scratch";
-// This suffix is appended to a tmp dir
-const static string SCRATCH_SUFFIX = "/doris-scratch";
-// Number of milliseconds to wait to ensure write completes
-const static int WRITE_WAIT_MILLIS = 500;
-// How often to check for write completion
-const static int WRITE_CHECK_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 10;
-namespace doris {
-class BufferedBlockMgrTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    const static int _block_size = 1024;
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _test_env.reset(new TestEnv());
-        _client_tracker.reset(new MemTracker(-1));
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        TearDownMgrs();
-        _test_env.reset();
-        _client_tracker.reset();
-        // Tests modify permissions, so make sure we can delete if they didn't clean up.
-        for (int i = 0; i < _created_tmp_dirs.size(); ++i) {
-            chmod((_created_tmp_dirs[i] + SCRATCH_SUFFIX).c_str(), S_IRWXU);
-        }
-        FileSystemUtil::remove_paths(_created_tmp_dirs);
-        _created_tmp_dirs.clear();
-    }
-    // Reinitialize _test_env to have multiple temporary directories.
-    std::vector<string> InitMultipleTmpDirs(int num_dirs) {
-        std::vector<string> tmp_dirs;
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_dirs; ++i) {
-            std::stringstream dir_str;
-            dir_str << "/tmp/buffered-block-mgr-test." << i;
-            const string& dir = dir_str.str();
-            // Fix permissions in case old directories were left from previous runs of test.
-            chmod((dir + SCRATCH_SUFFIX).c_str(), S_IRWXU);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(dir).ok());
-            tmp_dirs.push_back(dir);
-            _created_tmp_dirs.push_back(dir);
-        }
-        _test_env->init_tmp_file_mgr(tmp_dirs, false);
-        EXPECT_EQ(num_dirs, _test_env->tmp_file_mgr()->num_active_tmp_devices());
-        return tmp_dirs;
-    }
-    static void ValidateBlock(BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block, int32_t data) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(block->valid_data_len() == sizeof(int32_t));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(block->buffer()) == data);
-    }
-    static int32_t* MakeRandomSizeData(BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block) {
-        // Format is int32_t size, followed by size bytes of data
-        int32_t size = (rand() % 252) + 4; // So blocks have 4-256 bytes of data
-        uint8_t* data = block->allocate<uint8_t>(size);
-        *(reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(data)) = size;
-        int i = 0;
-        for (i = 4; i < size - 5; ++i) {
-            data[i] = i;
-        }
-        for (; i < size; ++i) { // End marker of at least 5 0xff's
-            data[i] = 0xff;
-        }
-        return reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(data); // Really returns a pointer to size
-    }
-    static void ValidateRandomSizeData(BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block, int32_t size) {
-        int32_t bsize = *(reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(block->buffer()));
-        uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(block->buffer());
-        int i = 0;
-        EXPECT_EQ(block->valid_data_len(), size);
-        EXPECT_EQ(size, bsize);
-        for (i = 4; i < size - 5; ++i) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(data[i], i);
-        }
-        for (; i < size; ++i) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(data[i], 0xff);
-        }
-    }
-    /// Helper to create a simple block manager.
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* CreateMgr(int64_t query_id, int max_buffers, int block_size,
-                                 RuntimeState** query_state = NULL) {
-        RuntimeState* state = NULL;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(_test_env->create_query_state(query_id, max_buffers, block_size, &state).ok());
-        if (query_state != NULL) {
-            *query_state = state;
-        }
-        return state->block_mgr2();
-    }
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* CreateMgrAndClient(int64_t query_id, int max_buffers, int block_size,
-                                          int reserved_blocks,
-                                          const std::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& tracker,
-                                          BufferedBlockMgr2::Client** client) {
-        RuntimeState* state = NULL;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2* mgr = CreateMgr(query_id, max_buffers, block_size, &state);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(mgr->register_client(reserved_blocks, tracker, state, client).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(client != NULL);
-        return mgr;
-    }
-    void CreateMgrsAndClients(int64_t start_query_id, int num_mgrs, int buffers_per_mgr,
-                              int block_size, int reserved_blocks_per_client,
-                              const std::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& tracker,
-                              std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2*>* mgrs,
-                              std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Client*>* clients) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_mgrs; ++i) {
-            BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-            BufferedBlockMgr2* mgr =
-                    CreateMgrAndClient(start_query_id + i, buffers_per_mgr, _block_size,
-                                       reserved_blocks_per_client, tracker, &client);
-            mgrs->push_back(mgr);
-            clients->push_back(client);
-        }
-    }
-    // Destroy all created query states and associated block managers.
-    void TearDownMgrs() {
-        // Freeing all block managers should clean up all consumed memory.
-        _test_env->tear_down_query_states();
-        EXPECT_EQ(_test_env->block_mgr_parent_tracker()->consumption(), 0);
-    }
-    void AllocateBlocks(BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr, BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client,
-                        int num_blocks, std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*>* blocks) {
-        int32_t* data = NULL;
-        Status status;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* new_block;
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i) {
-            status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-            data = new_block->allocate<int32_t>(sizeof(int32_t));
-            *data = blocks->size();
-            blocks->push_back(new_block);
-        }
-    }
-    // Pin all blocks, expecting they are pinned successfully.
-    void PinBlocks(const std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*>& blocks) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-            bool pinned = false;
-            EXPECT_TRUE(blocks[i]->pin(&pinned).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-        }
-    }
-    // Pin all blocks, expecting no errors from unpin() calls.
-    void UnpinBlocks(const std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*>& blocks) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(blocks[i]->unpin().ok());
-        }
-    }
-    static void WaitForWrites(BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr) {
-        std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2*> block_mgrs;
-        block_mgrs.push_back(block_mgr);
-        WaitForWrites(block_mgrs);
-    }
-    // Wait for writes issued through block managers to complete.
-    static void WaitForWrites(const std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2*>& block_mgrs) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < max_attempts; ++i) {
-            SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(WRITE_CHECK_INTERVAL_MILLIS));
-            if (AllWritesComplete(block_mgrs)) {
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Writes did not complete after " << WRITE_WAIT_MILLIS << "ms";
-    }
-    static bool AllWritesComplete(const std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2*>& block_mgrs) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < block_mgrs.size(); ++i) {
-            RuntimeProfile::Counter* writes_outstanding =
-                    block_mgrs[i]->profile()->get_counter("BlockWritesOutstanding");
-            if (writes_outstanding->value() != 0) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    // Delete the temporary file backing a block - all subsequent writes to the file
-    // should fail. Expects backing file has already been allocated.
-    static void DeleteBackingFile(BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block) {
-        const string& path = block->tmp_file_path();
-        EXPECT_GT(path.size(), 0);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(remove(path));
-        LOG(INFO) << "Injected fault by deleting file " << path;
-    }
-    // Check that the file backing the block has dir as a prefix of its path.
-    static bool BlockInDir(BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block, const string& dir) {
-        return block->tmp_file_path().find(dir) == 0;
-    }
-    // Find a block in the list that is backed by a file with the given directory as prefix
-    // of its path.
-    static BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* FindBlockForDir(
-            const std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*>& blocks, const string& dir) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-            if (BlockInDir(blocks[i], dir)) {
-                return blocks[i];
-            }
-        }
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    void TestGetNewBlockImpl(int block_size) {
-        Status status;
-        int max_num_blocks = 5;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr = NULL;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-        block_mgr = CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_blocks, block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-        EXPECT_EQ(_test_env->block_mgr_parent_tracker()->consumption(), 0);
-        // Allocate blocks until max_num_blocks, they should all succeed and memory
-        // usage should go up.
-        BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* new_block;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* first_block = NULL;
-        for (int i = 0; i < max_num_blocks; ++i) {
-            status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-            EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->bytes_allocated(), (i + 1) * block_size);
-            if (first_block == NULL) {
-                first_block = new_block;
-            }
-        }
-        // Trying to allocate a new one should fail.
-        status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(new_block == NULL);
-        EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->bytes_allocated(), max_num_blocks * block_size);
-        // We can allocate a new block by transferring an already allocated one.
-        uint8_t* old_buffer = first_block->buffer();
-        status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client, first_block, &new_block);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(old_buffer == new_block->buffer());
-        EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->bytes_allocated(), max_num_blocks * block_size);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(!first_block->is_pinned());
-        // Trying to allocate a new one should still fail.
-        status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(new_block == NULL);
-        EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->bytes_allocated(), max_num_blocks * block_size);
-        EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->writes_issued(), 1);
-        TearDownMgrs();
-    }
-    void TestEvictionImpl(int block_size) {
-        Status status;
-        DCHECK_GT(block_size, 0);
-        int max_num_buffers = 5;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr = NULL;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client = NULL;
-        block_mgr = CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_buffers, block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-        // Check counters.
-        RuntimeProfile* profile = block_mgr->profile();
-        RuntimeProfile::Counter* buffered_pin = profile->get_counter("BufferedPins");
-        std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> blocks;
-        AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_buffers, &blocks);
-        EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->bytes_allocated(), max_num_buffers * block_size);
-        BOOST_FOREACH (BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block, blocks) { block->unpin(); }
-        // Re-pinning all blocks
-        for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-            bool pinned = false;
-            status = blocks[i]->pin(&pinned);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-            ValidateBlock(blocks[i], i);
-        }
-        int buffered_pins_expected = blocks.size();
-        EXPECT_EQ(buffered_pin->value(), buffered_pins_expected);
-        // Unpin all blocks
-        BOOST_FOREACH (BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block, blocks) { block->unpin(); }
-        // Get two new blocks.
-        AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, 2, &blocks);
-        // At least two writes must be issued. The first (num_blocks - 2) must be in memory.
-        EXPECT_GE(block_mgr->writes_issued(), 2);
-        for (int i = 0; i < (max_num_buffers - 2); ++i) {
-            bool pinned = false;
-            status = blocks[i]->pin(&pinned);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-            ValidateBlock(blocks[i], i);
-        }
-        EXPECT_GE(buffered_pin->value(), buffered_pins_expected);
-        // can not pin any more
-        for (int i = (max_num_buffers - 2); i < max_num_buffers; ++i) {
-            bool pinned = true;
-            status = blocks[i]->pin(&pinned);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            EXPECT_FALSE(pinned);
-        }
-        // the last 2 block has already been pinned
-        for (int i = max_num_buffers; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-            bool pinned = false;
-            status = blocks[i]->pin(&pinned);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-            ValidateBlock(blocks[i], i);
-        }
-        TearDownMgrs();
-    }
-    // Test that randomly issues GetFreeBlock(), pin(), unpin(), del() and Close()
-    // calls. All calls made are legal - error conditions are not expected until the first
-    // call to Close(). This is called 2 times with encryption+integrity on/off.
-    // When executed in single-threaded mode 'tid' should be SINGLE_THREADED_TID.
-    static const int SINGLE_THREADED_TID = -1;
-    void TestRandomInternalImpl(RuntimeState* state, BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr, int num_buffers,
-                                int tid) {
-        DCHECK(block_mgr != NULL);
-        const int num_iterations = 100000;
-        const int iters_before_close = num_iterations - 5000;
-        bool close_called = false;
-        unordered_map<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*, int> pinned_block_map;
-        std::vector<std::pair<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*, int32_t>> pinned_blocks;
-        unordered_map<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*, int> unpinned_block_map;
-        std::vector<std::pair<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*, int32_t>> unpinned_blocks;
-        typedef enum { Pin, New, Unpin, Delete, Close } ApiFunction;
-        ApiFunction api_function;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-        Status status = block_mgr->register_client(0, _client_tracker, state, &client);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(client != NULL);
-        pinned_blocks.reserve(num_buffers);
-        BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* new_block;
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_iterations; ++i) {
-            if ((i % 20000) == 0) {
-                LOG(ERROR) << " Iteration " << i << std::endl;
-            }
-            if (i > iters_before_close && (rand() % 5 == 0)) {
-                api_function = Close;
-            } else if (pinned_blocks.size() == 0 && unpinned_blocks.size() == 0) {
-                api_function = New;
-            } else if (pinned_blocks.size() == 0) {
-                // Pin or New. Can't unpin or delete.
-                api_function = static_cast<ApiFunction>(rand() % 2);
-            } else if (pinned_blocks.size() >= num_buffers) {
-                // Unpin or delete. Can't pin or get new.
-                api_function = static_cast<ApiFunction>(2 + (rand() % 2));
-            } else if (unpinned_blocks.size() == 0) {
-                // Can't pin. Unpin, new or delete.
-                api_function = static_cast<ApiFunction>(1 + (rand() % 3));
-            } else {
-                // Any api function.
-                api_function = static_cast<ApiFunction>(rand() % 4);
-            }
-            std::pair<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*, int32_t> block_data;
-            int rand_pick = 0;
-            int32_t* data = NULL;
-            bool pinned = false;
-            switch (api_function) {
-            case New:
-                status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block);
-                if (close_called || (tid != SINGLE_THREADED_TID && status.is_cancelled())) {
-                    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block == NULL);
-                    EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_cancelled());
-                    continue;
-                }
-                EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-                data = MakeRandomSizeData(new_block);
-                block_data = std::make_pair(new_block, *data);
-                pinned_blocks.push_back(block_data);
-                pinned_block_map.insert(std::make_pair(block_data.first, pinned_blocks.size() - 1));
-                break;
-            case Pin:
-                rand_pick = rand() % unpinned_blocks.size();
-                block_data = unpinned_blocks[rand_pick];
-                status = block_data.first->pin(&pinned);
-                if (close_called || (tid != SINGLE_THREADED_TID && status.is_cancelled())) {
-                    EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_cancelled());
-                    // In single-threaded runs the block should not have been pinned.
-                    // In multi-threaded runs pin() may return the block pinned but the status to
-                    // be cancelled. In this case we could move the block from unpinned_blocks
-                    // to pinned_blocks. We do not do that because after is_cancelled() no actual
-                    // block operations should take place.
-                    // reason: when block_mgr is cancelled in one thread, the same block_mgr
-                    // is waiting for scan-range to be ready.
-                    if (tid == SINGLE_THREADED_TID) {
-                        EXPECT_FALSE(pinned);
-                    }
-                    continue;
-                }
-                EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-                ValidateRandomSizeData(block_data.first, block_data.second);
-                unpinned_blocks[rand_pick] = unpinned_blocks.back();
-                unpinned_blocks.pop_back();
-                unpinned_block_map[unpinned_blocks[rand_pick].first] = rand_pick;
-                pinned_blocks.push_back(block_data);
-                pinned_block_map.insert(std::make_pair(block_data.first, pinned_blocks.size() - 1));
-                break;
-            case Unpin:
-                rand_pick = rand() % pinned_blocks.size();
-                block_data = pinned_blocks[rand_pick];
-                status = block_data.first->unpin();
-                if (close_called || (tid != SINGLE_THREADED_TID && status.is_cancelled())) {
-                    EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_cancelled());
-                    continue;
-                }
-                EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                pinned_blocks[rand_pick] = pinned_blocks.back();
-                pinned_blocks.pop_back();
-                pinned_block_map[pinned_blocks[rand_pick].first] = rand_pick;
-                unpinned_blocks.push_back(block_data);
-                unpinned_block_map.insert(
-                        std::make_pair(block_data.first, unpinned_blocks.size() - 1));
-                break;
-            case Delete:
-                rand_pick = rand() % pinned_blocks.size();
-                block_data = pinned_blocks[rand_pick];
-                block_data.first->del();
-                pinned_blocks[rand_pick] = pinned_blocks.back();
-                pinned_blocks.pop_back();
-                pinned_block_map[pinned_blocks[rand_pick].first] = rand_pick;
-                break;
-            case Close:
-                block_mgr->cancel();
-                close_called = true;
-                break;
-            } // end switch (apiFunction)
-        }     // end for ()
-    }
-    // Single-threaded execution of the TestRandomInternalImpl.
-    void TestRandomInternalSingle(int block_size) {
-        DCHECK_GT(block_size, 0);
-        DCHECK(_test_env.get() != NULL);
-        const int max_num_buffers = 100;
-        RuntimeState* state = NULL;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr = CreateMgr(0, max_num_buffers, block_size, &state);
-        TestRandomInternalImpl(state, block_mgr, max_num_buffers, SINGLE_THREADED_TID);
-        TearDownMgrs();
-    }
-    // Multi-threaded execution of the TestRandomInternalImpl.
-    void TestRandomInternalMulti(int num_threads, int block_size) {
-        DCHECK_GT(num_threads, 0);
-        DCHECK_GT(block_size, 0);
-        DCHECK(_test_env.get() != NULL);
-        const int max_num_buffers = 100;
-        RuntimeState* state = NULL;
-        BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr =
-                CreateMgr(0, num_threads * max_num_buffers, block_size, &state);
-        boost::thread_group workers;
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
-            thread* t = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&BufferedBlockMgrTest::TestRandomInternalImpl,
-                                                      this, state, block_mgr, max_num_buffers, i));
-            workers.add_thread(t);
-        }
-        workers.join_all();
-        TearDownMgrs();
-    }
-    // Repeatedly call BufferedBlockMgr2::Create() and BufferedBlockMgr2::~BufferedBlockMgr2().
-    void CreateDestroyThread(int index, RuntimeState* state) {
-        const int num_buffers = 10;
-        const int iters = 100;
-        for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
-            LOG(WARNING) << "CreateDestroyThread thread " << index << " begin " << i << std::endl;
-            boost::shared_ptr<BufferedBlockMgr2> mgr;
-            Status status = BufferedBlockMgr2::create(
-                    state, _test_env->block_mgr_parent_tracker(), state->runtime_profile(),
-                    _test_env->tmp_file_mgr(), _block_size * num_buffers, _block_size, &mgr);
-            LOG(WARNING) << "CreateDestroyThread thread " << index << " end " << i << std::endl;
-        }
-    }
-    // IMPALA-2286: Test for races between BufferedBlockMgr2::Create() and
-    // BufferedBlockMgr2::~BufferedBlockMgr2().
-    void CreateDestroyMulti() {
-        const int num_threads = 4;
-        boost::thread_group workers;
-        // Create a shared RuntimeState with no BufferedBlockMgr2.
-        RuntimeState* shared_state = new RuntimeState(TUniqueId(), TQueryOptions(), TQueryGlobals(),
-                                                      _test_env->exec_env());
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
-            thread* t = new boost::thread(
-                    boost::bind(&BufferedBlockMgrTest::CreateDestroyThread, this, i, shared_state));
-            workers.add_thread(t);
-        }
-        workers.join_all();
-    }
-    boost::scoped_ptr<TestEnv> _test_env;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _client_tracker;
-    std::vector<string> _created_tmp_dirs;
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, get_new_block) {
-    TestGetNewBlockImpl(1024);
-    TestGetNewBlockImpl(8 * 1024);
-    TestGetNewBlockImpl(8 * 1024 * 1024);
-    LOG(WARNING) << "finish test get_new_block." << std::endl;
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, GetNewBlockSmallBlocks) {
-    const int block_size = 1024;
-    int max_num_blocks = 3;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-    block_mgr = CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_blocks, block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, _test_env->block_mgr_parent_tracker()->consumption());
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> blocks;
-    // Allocate a small block.
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* new_block = NULL;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block, 128).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->bytes_allocated(), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(_test_env->block_mgr_parent_tracker()->consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(_client_tracker->consumption(), 128);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    EXPECT_EQ(new_block->bytes_remaining(), 128);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->buffer() != NULL);
-    blocks.push_back(new_block);
-    // Allocate a normal block
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->bytes_allocated(), block_mgr->max_block_size());
-    EXPECT_EQ(_test_env->block_mgr_parent_tracker()->consumption(), block_mgr->max_block_size());
-    EXPECT_EQ(_client_tracker->consumption(), 128 + block_mgr->max_block_size());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    EXPECT_EQ(new_block->bytes_remaining(), block_mgr->max_block_size());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->buffer() != NULL);
-    blocks.push_back(new_block);
-    // Allocate another small block.
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block, 512).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(block_mgr->bytes_allocated(), block_mgr->max_block_size());
-    EXPECT_EQ(_test_env->block_mgr_parent_tracker()->consumption(), block_mgr->max_block_size());
-    EXPECT_EQ(_client_tracker->consumption(), 128 + 512 + block_mgr->max_block_size());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    EXPECT_EQ(new_block->bytes_remaining(), 512);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->buffer() != NULL);
-    blocks.push_back(new_block);
-    // Should be able to unpin and pin the middle block
-    EXPECT_TRUE(blocks[1]->unpin().ok());
-    bool pinned;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(blocks[1]->pin(&pinned).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-    for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-        blocks[i]->del();
-    }
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Test that pinning more blocks than the max available buffers.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, Pin) {
-    Status status;
-    int max_num_blocks = 5;
-    const int block_size = 1024;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-    block_mgr = CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_blocks, block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_blocks, &blocks);
-    // Unpin them all.
-    for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-        status = blocks[i]->unpin();
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    // Allocate more, this should work since we just unpinned some blocks.
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_blocks, &blocks);
-    // Try to pin a unpinned block, this should not be possible.
-    bool pinned;
-    status = blocks[0]->pin(&pinned);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(pinned);
-    // Unpin all blocks.
-    for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-        status = blocks[i]->unpin();
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    // Should be able to pin max_num_blocks blocks.
-    for (int i = 0; i < max_num_blocks; ++i) {
-        status = blocks[i]->pin(&pinned);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-    }
-    // Can't pin any more though.
-    status = blocks[max_num_blocks]->pin(&pinned);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(pinned);
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Test the eviction policy of the block mgr. No writes issued until more than
-// the max available buffers are allocated. Writes must be issued in LIFO order.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, Eviction) {
-    TestEvictionImpl(1024);
-    TestEvictionImpl(8 * 1024 * 1024);
-// Test deletion and reuse of blocks.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, Deletion) {
-    int max_num_buffers = 5;
-    const int block_size = 1024;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-    block_mgr = CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_buffers, block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-    // Check counters.
-    RuntimeProfile* profile = block_mgr->profile();
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* recycled_cnt = profile->get_counter("BlocksRecycled");
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* created_cnt = profile->get_counter("BlocksCreated");
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_buffers, &blocks);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(created_cnt->value() == max_num_buffers);
-    BOOST_FOREACH (BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block, blocks) { block->del(); }
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_buffers, &blocks);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(created_cnt->value() == max_num_buffers);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(recycled_cnt->value() == max_num_buffers);
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Delete blocks of various sizes and statuses to exercise the different code paths.
-// This relies on internal validation in block manager to detect many errors.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, DeleteSingleBlocks) {
-    int max_num_buffers = 16;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr =
-            CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_buffers, _block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-    // Pinned I/O block.
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* new_block;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_max_size());
-    new_block->del();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(_client_tracker->consumption() == 0);
-    // Pinned non-I/O block.
-    int small_block_size = 128;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block, small_block_size).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    EXPECT_EQ(small_block_size, _client_tracker->consumption());
-    new_block->del();
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, _client_tracker->consumption());
-    // Unpinned I/O block - delete after written to disk.
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_max_size());
-    new_block->unpin();
-    EXPECT_FALSE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    WaitForWrites(block_mgr);
-    new_block->del();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(_client_tracker->consumption() == 0);
-    // Unpinned I/O block - delete before written to disk.
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block != NULL);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block->is_max_size());
-    new_block->unpin();
-    EXPECT_FALSE(new_block->is_pinned());
-    new_block->del();
-    WaitForWrites(block_mgr);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(_client_tracker->consumption() == 0);
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Test that all APIs return cancelled after close.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, Close) {
-    int max_num_buffers = 5;
-    const int block_size = 1024;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-    block_mgr = CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_buffers, block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_buffers, &blocks);
-    block_mgr->cancel();
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* new_block;
-    Status status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_cancelled());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block == NULL);
-    status = blocks[0]->unpin();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_cancelled());
-    bool pinned;
-    status = blocks[0]->pin(&pinned);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_cancelled());
-    blocks[1]->del();
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Clear scratch directory. Return # of files deleted.
-static int clear_scratch_dir() {
-    int num_files = 0;
-    directory_iterator dir_it(SCRATCH_DIR);
-    for (; dir_it != directory_iterator(); ++dir_it) {
-        ++num_files;
-        remove_all(dir_it->path());
-    }
-    return num_files;
-// Test that the block manager behaves correctly after a write error.  Delete the scratch
-// directory before an operation that would cause a write and test that subsequent API
-// calls return 'CANCELLED' correctly.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, WriteError) {
-    Status status;
-    int max_num_buffers = 2;
-    const int block_size = 1024;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-    block_mgr = CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_buffers, block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_buffers, &blocks);
-    // Unpin two blocks here, to ensure that backing storage is allocated in tmp file.
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        status = blocks[i]->unpin();
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    WaitForWrites(block_mgr);
-    // Repin the blocks
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        bool pinned;
-        status = blocks[i]->pin(&pinned);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-    }
-    // Remove the backing storage so that future writes will fail
-    int num_files = clear_scratch_dir();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(num_files > 0);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        status = blocks[i]->unpin();
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    WaitForWrites(block_mgr);
-    // Subsequent calls should fail.
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        blocks[i]->del();
-    }
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* new_block;
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client, NULL, &new_block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_cancelled());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(new_block == NULL);
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Test block manager error handling when temporary file space cannot be allocated to
-// back an unpinned buffer.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, TmpFileAllocateError) {
-    Status status;
-    int max_num_buffers = 2;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr =
-            CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_buffers, _block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_buffers, &blocks);
-    // Unpin a block, forcing a write.
-    status = blocks[0]->unpin();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    WaitForWrites(block_mgr);
-    // Remove temporary files - subsequent operations will fail.
-    int num_files = clear_scratch_dir();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(num_files > 0);
-    // Current implementation will fail here because it tries to expand the tmp file
-    // immediately. This behavior is not contractual but we want to know if it changes
-    // accidentally.
-    status = blocks[1]->unpin();
-    EXPECT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Test that the block manager is able to blacklist a temporary device correctly after a
-// write error. We should not allocate more blocks on that device, but existing blocks
-// on the device will remain in use.
-/// Disabled because blacklisting was disabled as workaround for IMPALA-2305.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, DISABLED_WriteErrorBlacklist) {
-    // TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, WriteErrorBlacklist) {
-    // Set up two buffered block managers with two temporary dirs.
-    std::vector<string> tmp_dirs = InitMultipleTmpDirs(2);
-    // Simulate two concurrent queries.
-    const int NUM_BLOCK_MGRS = 2;
-    const int MAX_NUM_BLOCKS = 4;
-    int blocks_per_mgr = MAX_NUM_BLOCKS / NUM_BLOCK_MGRS;
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2*> block_mgrs;
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Client*> clients;
-    CreateMgrsAndClients(0, NUM_BLOCK_MGRS, blocks_per_mgr, _block_size, 0, _client_tracker,
-                         &block_mgrs, &clients);
-    // Allocate files for all 2x2 combinations by unpinning blocks.
-    std::vector<vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*>> blocks;
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> all_blocks;
-    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCK_MGRS; ++i) {
-        std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> mgr_blocks;
-        AllocateBlocks(block_mgrs[i], clients[i], blocks_per_mgr, &mgr_blocks);
-        UnpinBlocks(mgr_blocks);
-        for (int j = 0; j < blocks_per_mgr; ++j) {
-            LOG(INFO) << "Manager " << i << " Block " << j << " backed by file "
-                      << mgr_blocks[j]->tmp_file_path();
-        }
-        blocks.push_back(mgr_blocks);
-        all_blocks.insert(all_blocks.end(), mgr_blocks.begin(), mgr_blocks.end());
-    }
-    WaitForWrites(block_mgrs);
-    int error_mgr = 0;
-    int no_error_mgr = 1;
-    const string& error_dir = tmp_dirs[0];
-    const string& good_dir = tmp_dirs[1];
-    // Delete one file from first scratch dir for first block manager.
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* error_block = FindBlockForDir(blocks[error_mgr], error_dir);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(error_block != NULL) << "Expected a tmp file in dir " << error_dir;
-    PinBlocks(all_blocks);
-    DeleteBackingFile(error_block);
-    UnpinBlocks(all_blocks); // Should succeed since tmp file space was already allocated.
-    WaitForWrites(block_mgrs);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block_mgrs[error_mgr]->is_cancelled());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(block_mgrs[no_error_mgr]->is_cancelled());
-    // Temporary device with error should no longer be active.
-    std::vector<TmpFileMgr::DeviceId> active_tmp_devices =
-            _test_env->tmp_file_mgr()->active_tmp_devices();
-    EXPECT_EQ(tmp_dirs.size() - 1, active_tmp_devices.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < active_tmp_devices.size(); ++i) {
-        const string& device_path =
-                _test_env->tmp_file_mgr()->get_tmp_dir_path(active_tmp_devices[i]);
-        EXPECT_EQ(string::npos, error_dir.find(device_path));
-    }
-    // The second block manager should continue using allocated scratch space, since it
-    // didn't encounter a write error itself. In future this could change but for now it is
-    // the intended behaviour.
-    PinBlocks(blocks[no_error_mgr]);
-    UnpinBlocks(blocks[no_error_mgr]);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FindBlockForDir(blocks[no_error_mgr], good_dir) != NULL);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FindBlockForDir(blocks[no_error_mgr], error_dir) != NULL);
-    // The second block manager should avoid using bad directory for new blocks.
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> no_error_new_blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgrs[no_error_mgr], clients[no_error_mgr], blocks_per_mgr,
-                   &no_error_new_blocks);
-    UnpinBlocks(no_error_new_blocks);
-    for (int i = 0; i < no_error_new_blocks.size(); ++i) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "Newly created block backed by file "
-                  << no_error_new_blocks[i]->tmp_file_path();
-        EXPECT_TRUE(BlockInDir(no_error_new_blocks[i], good_dir));
-    }
-    // A new block manager should only use the good dir for backing storage.
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* new_client;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* new_block_mgr =
-            CreateMgrAndClient(9999, blocks_per_mgr, _block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &new_client);
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> new_mgr_blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(new_block_mgr, new_client, blocks_per_mgr, &new_mgr_blocks);
-    UnpinBlocks(new_mgr_blocks);
-    for (int i = 0; i < blocks_per_mgr; ++i) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "New manager Block " << i << " backed by file "
-                  << new_mgr_blocks[i]->tmp_file_path();
-        EXPECT_TRUE(BlockInDir(new_mgr_blocks[i], good_dir));
-    }
-// Check that allocation error resulting from removal of directory results in blocks
-/// being allocated in other directories.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, AllocationErrorHandling) {
-    // Set up two buffered block managers with two temporary dirs.
-    std::vector<string> tmp_dirs = InitMultipleTmpDirs(2);
-    // Simulate two concurrent queries.
-    int num_block_mgrs = 2;
-    int max_num_blocks = 4;
-    int blocks_per_mgr = max_num_blocks / num_block_mgrs;
-    // std::vector<RuntimeState*> runtime_states;
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2*> block_mgrs;
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Client*> clients;
-    CreateMgrsAndClients(0, num_block_mgrs, blocks_per_mgr, _block_size, 0, _client_tracker,
-                         &block_mgrs, &clients);
-    // Allocate files for all 2x2 combinations by unpinning blocks.
-    std::vector<vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*>> blocks;
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_block_mgrs; ++i) {
-        std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> mgr_blocks;
-        LOG(INFO) << "Iter " << i;
-        AllocateBlocks(block_mgrs[i], clients[i], blocks_per_mgr, &mgr_blocks);
-        blocks.push_back(mgr_blocks);
-    }
-    const string& bad_dir = tmp_dirs[0];
-    const string& bad_scratch_subdir = bad_dir + SCRATCH_SUFFIX;
-    // const string& good_dir = tmp_dirs[1];
-    // const string& good_scratch_subdir = good_dir + SCRATCH_SUFFIX;
-    chmod(bad_scratch_subdir.c_str(), 0);
-    // The block mgr should attempt to allocate space in bad dir for one block, which will
-    // cause an error when it tries to create/expand the file. It should recover and just
-    // use the good dir.
-    UnpinBlocks(blocks[0]);
-    // Directories remain on active list even when they experience errors.
-    EXPECT_EQ(2, _test_env->tmp_file_mgr()->num_active_tmp_devices());
-    // Blocks should not be written to bad dir even if it remains non-writable.
-    UnpinBlocks(blocks[1]);
-    // All writes should succeed.
-    WaitForWrites(block_mgrs);
-    for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < blocks[i].size(); ++j) {
-            blocks[i][j]->del();
-        }
-    }
-// Test that block manager fails cleanly when all directories are inaccessible at runtime.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, NoDirsAllocationError) {
-    std::vector<string> tmp_dirs = InitMultipleTmpDirs(2);
-    int max_num_buffers = 2;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr =
-            CreateMgrAndClient(0, max_num_buffers, _block_size, 0, _client_tracker, &client);
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client, max_num_buffers, &blocks);
-    for (int i = 0; i < tmp_dirs.size(); ++i) {
-        const string& tmp_scratch_subdir = tmp_dirs[i] + SCRATCH_SUFFIX;
-        chmod(tmp_scratch_subdir.c_str(), 0);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
-        EXPECT_FALSE(blocks[i]->unpin().ok());
-    }
-// Create two clients with different number of reserved buffers.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, MultipleClients) {
-    Status status;
-    int client1_buffers = 3;
-    int client2_buffers = 5;
-    int max_num_buffers = client1_buffers + client2_buffers;
-    const int block_size = 1024;
-    RuntimeState* runtime_state;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr = CreateMgr(0, max_num_buffers, block_size, &runtime_state);
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client1 = NULL;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client2 = NULL;
-    status = block_mgr->register_client(client1_buffers, _client_tracker, runtime_state, &client1);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(client1 != NULL);
-    status = block_mgr->register_client(client2_buffers, _client_tracker, runtime_state, &client2);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(client2 != NULL);
-    // Reserve client 1's and 2's buffers. They should succeed.
-    bool reserved = block_mgr->try_acquire_tmp_reservation(client1, 1);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(reserved);
-    reserved = block_mgr->try_acquire_tmp_reservation(client2, 1);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(reserved);
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> client1_blocks;
-    // Allocate all of client1's reserved blocks, they should all succeed.
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client1, client1_buffers, &client1_blocks);
-    // Try allocating one more, that should fail.
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block;
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client1, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block == NULL);
-    // Trying to reserve should also fail.
-    reserved = block_mgr->try_acquire_tmp_reservation(client1, 1);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(reserved);
-    // Allocate all of client2's reserved blocks, these should succeed.
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> client2_blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client2, client2_buffers, &client2_blocks);
-    // Try allocating one more from client 2, that should fail.
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client2, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block == NULL);
-    // Unpin one block from client 1.
-    status = client1_blocks[0]->unpin();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // Client 2 should still not be able to allocate.
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client2, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block == NULL);
-    // Client 2 should still not be able to reserve.
-    reserved = block_mgr->try_acquire_tmp_reservation(client2, 1);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(reserved);
-    // Client 1 should be able to though.
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client1, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block != NULL);
-    // Unpin two of client 1's blocks (client 1 should have 3 unpinned blocks now).
-    status = client1_blocks[1]->unpin();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = client1_blocks[2]->unpin();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // Clear client 1's reservation
-    block_mgr->clear_reservations(client1);
-    // Client 2 should be able to reserve 1 buffers now (there are 2 left);
-    reserved = block_mgr->try_acquire_tmp_reservation(client2, 1);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(reserved);
-    // Client one can only pin 1.
-    bool pinned;
-    status = client1_blocks[0]->pin(&pinned);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-    // Can't get this one.
-    status = client1_blocks[1]->pin(&pinned);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(pinned);
-    // Client 2 can pick up the one reserved buffer
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client2, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block != NULL);
-    // But not a second
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block2;
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client2, NULL, &block2);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block2 == NULL);
-    // Unpin client 2's block it got from the reservation. Sine this is a tmp
-    // reservation, client 1 can pick it up again (it is not longer reserved).
-    status = block->unpin();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = client1_blocks[1]->pin(&pinned);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(pinned);
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Create two clients with different number of reserved buffers and some additional.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, MultipleClientsExtraBuffers) {
-    Status status;
-    int client1_buffers = 1;
-    int client2_buffers = 1;
-    int max_num_buffers = client1_buffers + client2_buffers + 2;
-    const int block_size = 1024;
-    RuntimeState* runtime_state;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr = CreateMgr(0, max_num_buffers, block_size, &runtime_state);
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client1 = NULL;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client2 = NULL;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block = NULL;
-    status = block_mgr->register_client(client1_buffers, _client_tracker, runtime_state, &client1);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(client1 != NULL);
-    status = block_mgr->register_client(client2_buffers, _client_tracker, runtime_state, &client2);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(client2 != NULL);
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> client1_blocks;
-    // Allocate all of client1's reserved blocks, they should all succeed.
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client1, client1_buffers, &client1_blocks);
-    // Allocate all of client2's reserved blocks, these should succeed.
-    std::vector<BufferedBlockMgr2::Block*> client2_blocks;
-    AllocateBlocks(block_mgr, client2, client2_buffers, &client2_blocks);
-    // We have two spare buffers now. Each client should be able to allocate it.
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client1, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block != NULL);
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client2, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block != NULL);
-    // Now we are completely full, no one should be able to allocate a new block.
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client1, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block == NULL);
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client2, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block == NULL);
-    TearDownMgrs();
-// Create two clients causing oversubscription.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, ClientOversubscription) {
-    Status status;
-    int client1_buffers = 1;
-    int client2_buffers = 2;
-    int max_num_buffers = 2;
-    const int block_size = 1024;
-    RuntimeState* runtime_state;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2* block_mgr = CreateMgr(0, max_num_buffers, block_size, &runtime_state);
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client1 = NULL;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* client2 = NULL;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Block* block = NULL;
-    status = block_mgr->register_client(client1_buffers, _client_tracker, runtime_state, &client1);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(client1 != NULL);
-    status = block_mgr->register_client(client2_buffers, _client_tracker, runtime_state, &client2);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(client2 != NULL);
-    // Client one allocates first block, should work.
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client1, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block != NULL);
-    // Client two allocates first block, should work.
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client2, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block != NULL);
-    // At this point we've used both buffers. Client one reserved one so subsequent
-    // calls should fail with no error (but returns no block).
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client1, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(block == NULL);
-    // Allocate with client two. Since client two reserved 2 buffers, this should fail
-    // with MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.
-    status = block_mgr->get_new_block(client2, NULL, &block);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_mem_limit_exceeded());
-    TearDownMgrs();
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, SingleRandom_plain) {
-    TestRandomInternalSingle(1024);
-    TestRandomInternalSingle(8 * 1024);
-    TestRandomInternalSingle(8 * 1024 * 1024);
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, Multi2Random_plain) {
-    TestRandomInternalMulti(2, 1024);
-    TestRandomInternalMulti(2, 8 * 1024);
-    TestRandomInternalMulti(2, 8 * 1024 * 1024);
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, Multi4Random_plain) {
-    TestRandomInternalMulti(4, 1024);
-    TestRandomInternalMulti(4, 8 * 1024);
-    TestRandomInternalMulti(4, 8 * 1024 * 1024);
-// TODO: Enable when we improve concurrency/scalability of block mgr.
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, DISABLED_Multi8Random_plain) {
-    TestRandomInternalMulti(8, 1024);
-TEST_F(BufferedBlockMgrTest, CreateDestroyMulti) {
-    CreateDestroyMulti();
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::config::query_scratch_dirs = "/tmp";
-    // doris::config::max_free_io_buffers = 128;
-    doris::config::read_size = 8388608;
-    doris::config::min_buffer_size = 1024;
-    doris::config::disable_mem_pools = false;
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::DiskInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/buffered_tuple_stream2_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/buffered_tuple_stream2_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b5124..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/buffered_tuple_stream2_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-#include <limits> // for std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
-#include <string>
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/buffered_tuple_stream2.inline.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/string_value.hpp"
-#include "runtime/test_env.h"
-#include "runtime/tmp_file_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/types.h"
-#include "testutil/desc_tbl_builder.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using std::vector;
-using boost::scoped_ptr;
-static const int BATCH_SIZE = 250;
-static const uint32_t PRIME = 479001599;
-namespace doris {
-static const StringValue STRINGS[] = {
-        StringValue("ABC"),
-        StringValue("HELLO"),
-        StringValue("123456789"),
-        StringValue("FOOBAR"),
-        StringValue("ONE"),
-        StringValue("THREE"),
-        StringValue("abcdefghijklmno"),
-        StringValue("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"),
-        StringValue("bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"),
-static const int NUM_STRINGS = sizeof(STRINGS) / sizeof(StringValue);
-class SimpleTupleStreamTest : public testing::Test {
-    SimpleTupleStreamTest() : _tracker(new MemTracker(-1)) {}
-    // A null dtor to pass codestyle check
-    ~SimpleTupleStreamTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _test_env.reset(new TestEnv());
-        create_descriptors();
-        _mem_pool.reset(new MemPool(_tracker.get()));
-    }
-    virtual void create_descriptors() {
-        std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples(1, false);
-        std::vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids(1, static_cast<TTupleId>(0));
-        DescriptorTblBuilder int_builder(&_pool);
-        int_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_INT;
-        _int_desc = _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*int_builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-        DescriptorTblBuilder string_builder(&_pool);
-        // string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_STRING;
-        string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_VARCHAR;
-        _string_desc =
-                _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*string_builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        _runtime_state = NULL;
-        _client = NULL;
-        _pool.clear();
-        _mem_pool->free_all();
-        _test_env.reset();
-    }
-    // Setup a block manager with the provided settings and client with no reservation,
-    // tracked by _tracker.
-    void InitBlockMgr(int64_t limit, int block_size) {
-        Status status = _test_env->create_query_state(0, limit, block_size, &_runtime_state);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        status = _runtime_state->block_mgr2()->register_client(0, _tracker, _runtime_state,
-                                                               &_client);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    // Generate the ith element of a sequence of int values.
-    int GenIntValue(int i) {
-        // Multiply by large prime to get varied bit patterns.
-        return i * PRIME;
-    }
-    // Generate the ith element of a sequence of bool values.
-    bool GenBoolValue(int i) {
-        // Use a middle bit of the int value.
-        return ((GenIntValue(i) >> 8) & 0x1) != 0;
-    }
-    virtual RowBatch* CreateIntBatch(int offset, int num_rows, bool gen_null) {
-        RowBatch* batch = _pool.add(new RowBatch(*_int_desc, num_rows, _tracker.get()));
-        int tuple_size = _int_desc->tuple_descriptors()[0]->byte_size();
-        uint8_t* tuple_mem = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
-                batch->tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_size * num_rows));
-        memset(tuple_mem, 0, tuple_size * num_rows);
-        const int int_tuples = _int_desc->tuple_descriptors().size();
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-            int idx = batch->add_row();
-            TupleRow* row = batch->get_row(idx);
-            Tuple* int_tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem + i * tuple_size);
-            // *reinterpret_cast<int*>(int_tuple + 1) = GenIntValue(i + offset);
-            *reinterpret_cast<int*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(int_tuple) + 1) =
-                    GenIntValue(i + offset);
-            for (int j = 0; j < int_tuples; ++j) {
-                int idx = (i + offset) * int_tuples + j;
-                if (!gen_null || GenBoolValue(idx)) {
-                    row->set_tuple(j, int_tuple);
-                } else {
-                    row->set_tuple(j, NULL);
-                }
-            }
-            batch->commit_last_row();
-        }
-        return batch;
-    }
-    virtual RowBatch* CreateStringBatch(int offset, int num_rows, bool gen_null) {
-        int tuple_size = sizeof(StringValue) + 1;
-        RowBatch* batch = _pool.add(new RowBatch(*_string_desc, num_rows, _tracker.get()));
-        uint8_t* tuple_mem = batch->tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_size * num_rows);
-        memset(tuple_mem, 0, tuple_size * num_rows);
-        const int string_tuples = _string_desc->tuple_descriptors().size();
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = batch->get_row(batch->add_row());
-            *reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(tuple_mem + 1) = STRINGS[(i + offset) % NUM_STRINGS];
-            for (int j = 0; j < string_tuples; ++j) {
-                int idx = (i + offset) * string_tuples + j;
-                if (!gen_null || GenBoolValue(idx)) {
-                    row->set_tuple(j, reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem));
-                } else {
-                    row->set_tuple(j, NULL);
-                }
-            }
-            batch->commit_last_row();
-            tuple_mem += tuple_size;
-        }
-        return batch;
-    }
-    void AppendRowTuples(TupleRow* row, std::vector<int>* results) {
-        DCHECK(row != NULL);
-        const int int_tuples = _int_desc->tuple_descriptors().size();
-        for (int i = 0; i < int_tuples; ++i) {
-            AppendValue(row->get_tuple(i), results);
-        }
-    }
-    void AppendRowTuples(TupleRow* row, std::vector<StringValue>* results) {
-        DCHECK(row != NULL);
-        const int string_tuples = _string_desc->tuple_descriptors().size();
-        for (int i = 0; i < string_tuples; ++i) {
-            AppendValue(row->get_tuple(i), results);
-        }
-    }
-    void AppendValue(Tuple* t, std::vector<int>* results) {
-        if (t == NULL) {
-            // For the tests indicate null-ability using the max int value
-            results->push_back(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
-        } else {
-            results->push_back(*reinterpret_cast<int*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(t) + 1));
-        }
-    }
-    void AppendValue(Tuple* t, std::vector<StringValue>* results) {
-        if (t == NULL) {
-            results->push_back(StringValue());
-        } else {
-            uint8_t* mem = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(t);
-            StringValue sv = *reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(mem + 1);
-            uint8_t* copy = _mem_pool->allocate(sv.len);
-            memcpy(copy, sv.ptr, sv.len);
-            sv.ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(copy);
-            results->push_back(sv);
-        }
-    }
-    template <typename T>
-    void ReadValues(BufferedTupleStream2* stream, RowDescriptor* desc, std::vector<T>* results,
-                    int num_batches = -1) {
-        bool eos = false;
-        RowBatch batch(*desc, BATCH_SIZE, _tracker.get());
-        int batches_read = 0;
-        do {
-            batch.reset();
-            Status status = stream->get_next(&batch, &eos);
-            EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            ++batches_read;
-            for (int i = 0; i < batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-                AppendRowTuples(batch.get_row(i), results);
-            }
-        } while (!eos && (num_batches < 0 || batches_read <= num_batches));
-    }
-    virtual void VerifyResults(const std::vector<int>& results, int exp_rows, bool gen_null) {
-        const int int_tuples = _int_desc->tuple_descriptors().size();
-        EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), exp_rows * int_tuples);
-        for (int i = 0; i < exp_rows; ++i) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < int_tuples; ++j) {
-                int idx = i * int_tuples + j;
-                if (!gen_null || GenBoolValue(idx)) {
-                    ASSERT_EQ(results[idx], GenIntValue(i))
-                            << " results[" << idx << "]: " << results[idx]
-                            << " != " << GenIntValue(i) << " gen_null=" << gen_null;
-                } else {
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(results[idx] == std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
-                            << "i: " << i << " j: " << j << " results[" << idx
-                            << "]: " << results[idx] << " != " << std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    virtual void VerifyResults(const std::vector<StringValue>& results, int exp_rows,
-                               bool gen_null) {
-        const int string_tuples = _string_desc->tuple_descriptors().size();
-        EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), exp_rows * string_tuples);
-        for (int i = 0; i < exp_rows; ++i) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < string_tuples; ++j) {
-                int idx = i * string_tuples + j;
-                if (!gen_null || GenBoolValue(idx)) {
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(results[idx] == STRINGS[i % NUM_STRINGS])
-                            << "results[" << idx << "] " << results[idx]
-                            << " != " << STRINGS[i % NUM_STRINGS] << " i=" << i
-                            << " gen_null=" << gen_null;
-                } else {
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(results[idx] == StringValue())
-                            << "results[" << idx << "] " << results[idx] << " not NULL";
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Test adding num_batches of ints to the stream and reading them back.
-    template <typename T>
-    void TestValues(int num_batches, RowDescriptor* desc, bool gen_null) {
-        BufferedTupleStream2 stream(_runtime_state, *desc, _runtime_state->block_mgr2(), _client,
-                                    true, false);
-        Status status = stream.init(-1, NULL, true);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.get_error_msg();
-        status = stream.unpin_stream();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // Add rows to the stream
-        int offset = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
-            RowBatch* batch = NULL;
-            if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(int)) {
-                batch = CreateIntBatch(offset, BATCH_SIZE, gen_null);
-            } else if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(StringValue)) {
-                batch = CreateStringBatch(offset, BATCH_SIZE, gen_null);
-            } else {
-                DCHECK(false);
-            }
-            for (int j = 0; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
-                bool b = stream.add_row(batch->get_row(j), &status);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                if (!b) {
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(stream.using_small_buffers());
-                    bool got_buffer;
-                    status = stream.switch_to_io_buffers(&got_buffer);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(got_buffer);
-                    b = stream.add_row(batch->get_row(j), &status);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                }
-                ASSERT_TRUE(b);
-            }
-            offset += batch->num_rows();
-            // Reset the batch to make sure the stream handles the memory correctly.
-            batch->reset();
-        }
-        status = stream.prepare_for_read(false);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // Read all the rows back
-        std::vector<T> results;
-        ReadValues(&stream, desc, &results);
-        // Verify result
-        VerifyResults(results, BATCH_SIZE * num_batches, gen_null);
-        stream.close();
-    }
-    void TestIntValuesInterleaved(int num_batches, int num_batches_before_read) {
-        for (int small_buffers = 0; small_buffers < 2; ++small_buffers) {
-            BufferedTupleStream2 stream(_runtime_state, *_int_desc, _runtime_state->block_mgr2(),
-                                        _client, small_buffers == 0, // initial small buffers
-                                        true);                       // read_write
-            Status status = stream.init(-1, NULL, true);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            status = stream.prepare_for_read(true);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            status = stream.unpin_stream();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            std::vector<int> results;
-            for (int i = 0; i < num_batches; ++i) {
-                RowBatch* batch = CreateIntBatch(i * BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE, false);
-                for (int j = 0; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
-                    bool b = stream.add_row(batch->get_row(j), &status);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(b);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                }
-                // Reset the batch to make sure the stream handles the memory correctly.
-                batch->reset();
-                if (i % num_batches_before_read == 0) {
-                    ReadValues(&stream, _int_desc, &results,
-                               (rand() % num_batches_before_read) + 1);
-                }
-            }
-            ReadValues(&stream, _int_desc, &results);
-            VerifyResults(results, BATCH_SIZE * num_batches, false);
-            stream.close();
-        }
-    }
-    boost::scoped_ptr<TestEnv> _test_env;
-    RuntimeState* _runtime_state;
-    BufferedBlockMgr2::Client* _client;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _tracker;
-    ObjectPool _pool;
-    RowDescriptor* _int_desc;
-    RowDescriptor* _string_desc;
-    boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> _mem_pool;
-// Tests with a non-NULLable tuple per row.
-class SimpleNullStreamTest : public SimpleTupleStreamTest {
-    virtual void create_descriptors() {
-        std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples(1, true);
-        std::vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids(1, static_cast<TTupleId>(0));
-        DescriptorTblBuilder int_builder(&_pool);
-        int_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_INT;
-        _int_desc = _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*int_builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-        DescriptorTblBuilder string_builder(&_pool);
-        string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_VARCHAR;
-        _string_desc =
-                _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*string_builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-    }
-}; // SimpleNullStreamTest
-// Tests with multiple non-NULLable tuples per row.
-class MultiTupleStreamTest : public SimpleTupleStreamTest {
-    virtual void create_descriptors() {
-        std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        std::vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids;
-        tuple_ids.push_back(static_cast<TTupleId>(0));
-        tuple_ids.push_back(static_cast<TTupleId>(1));
-        tuple_ids.push_back(static_cast<TTupleId>(2));
-        DescriptorTblBuilder int_builder(&_pool);
-        int_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_INT;
-        int_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_INT;
-        int_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_INT;
-        _int_desc = _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*int_builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-        DescriptorTblBuilder string_builder(&_pool);
-        string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_VARCHAR;
-        string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_VARCHAR;
-        string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_VARCHAR;
-        _string_desc =
-                _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*string_builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-    }
-// Tests with multiple NULLable tuples per row.
-class MultiNullableTupleStreamTest : public SimpleTupleStreamTest {
-    virtual void create_descriptors() {
-        std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(true);
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(true);
-        std::vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids;
-        tuple_ids.push_back(static_cast<TTupleId>(0));
-        tuple_ids.push_back(static_cast<TTupleId>(1));
-        tuple_ids.push_back(static_cast<TTupleId>(2));
-        DescriptorTblBuilder int_builder(&_pool);
-        int_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_INT;
-        int_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_INT;
-        int_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_INT;
-        _int_desc = _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*int_builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-        DescriptorTblBuilder string_builder(&_pool);
-        string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_VARCHAR;
-        string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_VARCHAR;
-        string_builder.declare_tuple() << TYPE_VARCHAR;
-        _string_desc =
-                _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*string_builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-    }
-#if 0
-// Tests with collection types.
-class ArrayTupleStreamTest : public SimpleTupleStreamTest {
-    RowDescriptor* _array_desc;
-    virtual void create_descriptors() {
-        // tuples: (array<string>, array<array<int>>) (array<int>)
-        std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples(2, true);
-        std::vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids;
-        tuple_ids.push_back(static_cast<TTupleId>(0));
-        tuple_ids.push_back(static_cast<TTupleId>(1));
-        TypeDescriptor string_array_type;
-        string_array_type.type = TYPE_ARRAY;
-        string_array_type.children.push_back(TYPE_VARCHAR);
-        TypeDescriptor int_array_type;
-        int_array_type.type = TYPE_ARRAY;
-        int_array_type.children.push_back(TYPE_VARCHAR);
-        TypeDescriptor nested_array_type;
-        nested_array_type.type = TYPE_ARRAY;
-        nested_array_type.children.push_back(int_array_type);
-        DescriptorTblBuilder builder(&_pool);
-        builder.declare_tuple() << string_array_type << nested_array_type;
-        builder.declare_tuple() << int_array_type;
-        _array_desc = _pool.add(new RowDescriptor(
-                    *builder.build(), tuple_ids, nullable_tuples));
-    }
-// Basic API test. No data should be going to disk.
-TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, Basic) {
-    InitBlockMgr(-1, 8 * 1024 * 1024);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(100, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(100, _string_desc, false);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15);
-// #if 0
-// Test with only 1 buffer.
-TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, OneBufferSpill) {
-    // Each buffer can only hold 100 ints, so this spills quite often.
-    int buffer_size = 100 * sizeof(int);
-    InitBlockMgr(buffer_size, buffer_size);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, false);
-// Test with a few buffers.
-TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, ManyBufferSpill) {
-    int buffer_size = 100 * sizeof(int);
-    InitBlockMgr(10 * buffer_size, buffer_size);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(100, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(100, _string_desc, false);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15);
-TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, UnpinPin) {
-    int buffer_size = 100 * sizeof(int);
-    InitBlockMgr(3 * buffer_size, buffer_size);
-    BufferedTupleStream2 stream(_runtime_state, *_int_desc, _runtime_state->block_mgr2(), _client,
-                                true, false);
-    Status status = stream.init(-1, NULL, true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    int offset = 0;
-    bool full = false;
-    while (!full) {
-        RowBatch* batch = CreateIntBatch(offset, BATCH_SIZE, false);
-        int j = 0;
-        for (; j < batch->num_rows(); ++j) {
-            full = !stream.add_row(batch->get_row(j), &status);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            if (full) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        offset += j;
-    }
-    status = stream.unpin_stream();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    bool pinned = false;
-    status = stream.pin_stream(false, &pinned);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(pinned);
-    std::vector<int> results;
-    // Read and verify result a few times. We should be able to reread the stream if
-    // we don't use delete on read mode.
-    int read_iters = 3;
-    for (int i = 0; i < read_iters; ++i) {
-        bool delete_on_read = i == read_iters - 1;
-        status = stream.prepare_for_read(delete_on_read);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        results.clear();
-        ReadValues(&stream, _int_desc, &results);
-        VerifyResults(results, offset, false);
-    }
-    // After delete_on_read, all blocks aside from the last should be deleted.
-    // Note: this should really be 0, but the BufferedTupleStream2 returns eos before
-    // deleting the last block, rather than after, so the last block isn't deleted
-    // until the stream is closed.
-    DCHECK_EQ(stream.bytes_in_mem(false), buffer_size);
-    stream.close();
-    DCHECK_EQ(stream.bytes_in_mem(false), 0);
-TEST_F(SimpleTupleStreamTest, SmallBuffers) {
-    int buffer_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
-    InitBlockMgr(2 * buffer_size, buffer_size);
-    BufferedTupleStream2 stream(_runtime_state, *_int_desc, _runtime_state->block_mgr2(), _client,
-                                true, false);
-    Status status = stream.init(-1, NULL, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // Initial buffer should be small.
-    EXPECT_LT(stream.bytes_in_mem(false), buffer_size);
-    RowBatch* batch = CreateIntBatch(0, 1024, false);
-    for (int i = 0; i < batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
-        bool ret = stream.add_row(batch->get_row(i), &status);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(ret);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    EXPECT_LT(stream.bytes_in_mem(false), buffer_size);
-    EXPECT_LT(stream.byte_size(), buffer_size);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(stream.using_small_buffers());
-    // 40 MB of ints
-    batch = CreateIntBatch(0, 10 * 1024 * 1024, false);
-    for (int i = 0; i < batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
-        bool ret = stream.add_row(batch->get_row(i), &status);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        if (!ret) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(stream.using_small_buffers());
-            bool got_buffer;
-            status = stream.switch_to_io_buffers(&got_buffer);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(got_buffer);
-            ret = stream.add_row(batch->get_row(i), &status);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        }
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ret);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(stream.bytes_in_mem(false), buffer_size);
-    // TODO: Test for IMPALA-2330. In case switch_to_io_buffers() fails to get buffer then
-    // using_small_buffers() should still return true.
-    stream.close();
-// Basic API test. No data should be going to disk.
-TEST_F(SimpleNullStreamTest, Basic) {
-    InitBlockMgr(-1, 8 * 1024 * 1024);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(100, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, true);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, true);
-    TestValues<int>(100, _int_desc, true);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(100, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, true);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, true);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(100, _string_desc, true);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15);
-// Test tuple stream with only 1 buffer and rows with multiple tuples.
-TEST_F(MultiTupleStreamTest, MultiTupleOneBufferSpill) {
-    // Each buffer can only hold 100 ints, so this spills quite often.
-    int buffer_size = 100 * sizeof(int);
-    InitBlockMgr(buffer_size, buffer_size);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, false);
-// Test with a few buffers and rows with multiple tuples.
-TEST_F(MultiTupleStreamTest, MultiTupleManyBufferSpill) {
-    int buffer_size = 100 * sizeof(int);
-    InitBlockMgr(10 * buffer_size, buffer_size);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(100, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(100, _string_desc, false);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15);
-// Test with rows with multiple nullable tuples.
-TEST_F(MultiNullableTupleStreamTest, MultiNullableTupleOneBufferSpill) {
-    // Each buffer can only hold 100 ints, so this spills quite often.
-    int buffer_size = 100 * sizeof(int);
-    InitBlockMgr(buffer_size, buffer_size);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, true);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, true);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, true);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, true);
-// Test with a few buffers.
-TEST_F(MultiNullableTupleStreamTest, MultiNullableTupleManyBufferSpill) {
-    int buffer_size = 100 * sizeof(int);
-    InitBlockMgr(10 * buffer_size, buffer_size);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(100, _int_desc, false);
-    TestValues<int>(1, _int_desc, true);
-    TestValues<int>(10, _int_desc, true);
-    TestValues<int>(100, _int_desc, true);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(100, _string_desc, false);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(1, _string_desc, true);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(10, _string_desc, true);
-    TestValues<StringValue>(100, _string_desc, true);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(1, 1);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(10, 5);
-    TestIntValuesInterleaved(100, 15);
-// #endif
-#if 0
-// Test that deep copy works with arrays by copying into a BufferedTupleStream2, freeing
-// the original rows, then reading back the rows and verifying the contents.
-TEST_F(ArrayTupleStreamTest, TestArrayDeepCopy) {
-    Status status;
-    InitBlockMgr(-1, 8 * 1024 * 1024);
-    const int NUM_ROWS = 4000;
-    BufferedTupleStream2 stream(_runtime_state, *_array_desc, _runtime_state->block_mgr2(),
-            _client, false, false);
-    const std::vector<TupleDescriptor*>& tuple_descs = _array_desc->tuple_descriptors();
-    // Write out a predictable pattern of data by iterating over arrays of constants.
-    int strings_index = 0; // we take the mod of this as index into STRINGS.
-    int array_lens[] = { 0, 1, 5, 10, 1000, 2, 49, 20 };
-    int num_array_lens = sizeof(array_lens) / sizeof(array_lens[0]);
-    int array_len_index = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) {
-        int expected_row_size = tuple_descs[0]->byte_size() + tuple_descs[1]->byte_size();
-        // gscoped_ptr<TupleRow, FreeDeleter> row(reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(
-        //             malloc(tuple_descs.size() * sizeof(Tuple*))));
-        // gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple0(reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(
-        //             malloc(tuple_descs[0]->byte_size())));
-        // gscoped_ptr<Tuple, FreeDeleter> tuple1(reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(
-        //             malloc(tuple_descs[1]->byte_size())));
-        boost::scoped_ptr<TupleRow> row(reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(
-                    malloc(tuple_descs.size() * sizeof(Tuple*))));
-        boost::scoped_ptr<Tuple> tuple0(reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(
-                    malloc(tuple_descs[0]->byte_size())));
-        boost::scoped_ptr<Tuple> tuple1(reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(
-                    malloc(tuple_descs[1]->byte_size())));
-        memset(tuple0.get(), 0, tuple_descs[0]->byte_size());
-        memset(tuple1.get(), 0, tuple_descs[1]->byte_size());
-        row->set_tuple(0, tuple0.get());
-        row->set_tuple(1, tuple1.get());
-        // Only array<string> is non-null.
-        tuple0->set_null(tuple_descs[0]->slots()[1]->null_indicator_offset());
-        tuple1->set_null(tuple_descs[1]->slots()[0]->null_indicator_offset());
-        const SlotDescriptor* array_slot_desc = tuple_descs[0]->slots()[0];
-        const TupleDescriptor* item_desc = array_slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
-        int array_len = array_lens[array_len_index++ % num_array_lens];
-        CollectionValue* cv = tuple0->GetCollectionSlot(array_slot_desc->tuple_offset());
-        cv->ptr = NULL;
-        cv->num_tuples = 0;
-        CollectionValueBuilder builder(cv, *item_desc, _mem_pool.get(), array_len);
-        Tuple* array_data;
-        builder.GetFreeMemory(&array_data);
-        expected_row_size += item_desc->byte_size() * array_len;
-        // Fill the array with pointers to our constant strings.
-        for (int j = 0; j < array_len; ++j) {
-            const StringValue* string = &STRINGS[strings_index++ % NUM_STRINGS];
-            array_data->SetNotNull(item_desc->slots()[0]->null_indicator_offset());
-            RawValue::Write(string, array_data, item_desc->slots()[0], _mem_pool.get());
-            array_data += item_desc->byte_size();
-            expected_row_size += string->len;
-        }
-        builder.CommitTuples(array_len);
-        // Check that internal row size computation gives correct result.
-        EXPECT_EQ(expected_row_size, stream.ComputeRowSize(row.get()));
-        bool b = stream.add_row(row.get(), &status);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(b);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        _mem_pool->FreeAll(); // Free data as soon as possible to smoke out issues.
-    }
-    // Read back and verify data.
-    stream.prepare_for_read(false);
-    strings_index = 0;
-    array_len_index = 0;
-    bool eos = false;
-    int rows_read = 0;
-    RowBatch batch(*_array_desc, BATCH_SIZE, _tracker.get());
-    do {
-        batch.reset();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(stream.get_next(&batch, &eos).ok());
-        for (int i = 0; i < batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = batch.GetRow(i);
-            Tuple* tuple0 = row->get_tuple(0);
-            Tuple* tuple1 = row->get_tuple(1);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(tuple0 != NULL);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(tuple1 != NULL);
-            const SlotDescriptor* array_slot_desc = tuple_descs[0]->slots()[0];
-            ASSERT_FALSE(tuple0->IsNull(array_slot_desc->null_indicator_offset()));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(tuple0->IsNull(tuple_descs[0]->slots()[1]->null_indicator_offset()));
-            ASSERT_TRUE(tuple1->IsNull(tuple_descs[1]->slots()[0]->null_indicator_offset()));
-            const TupleDescriptor* item_desc = array_slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
-            int expected_array_len = array_lens[array_len_index++ % num_array_lens];
-            CollectionValue* cv = tuple0->GetCollectionSlot(array_slot_desc->tuple_offset());
-            ASSERT_EQ(expected_array_len, cv->num_tuples);
-            for (int j = 0; j < cv->num_tuples; ++j) {
-                Tuple* item = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(cv->ptr + j * item_desc->byte_size());
-                const SlotDescriptor* string_desc = item_desc->slots()[0];
-                ASSERT_FALSE(item->IsNull(string_desc->null_indicator_offset()));
-                const StringValue* expected = &STRINGS[strings_index++ % NUM_STRINGS];
-                const StringValue* actual = item->GetStringSlot(string_desc->tuple_offset());
-                ASSERT_EQ(*expected, *actual);
-            }
-        }
-        rows_read += batch.num_rows();
-    } while (!eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(NUM_ROWS, rows_read);
-// TODO: more tests.
-//  - The stream can operate in many modes
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::config::query_scratch_dirs = "/tmp";
-    // doris::config::max_free_io_buffers = 128;
-    doris::config::read_size = 8388608;
-    doris::config::min_buffer_size = 1024;
-    doris::config::disable_mem_pools = false;
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::DiskInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/buffered_tuple_stream_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/buffered_tuple_stream_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb7c1b..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/buffered_tuple_stream_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/buffered_tuple_stream.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/sort_exec_exprs.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/buffered_block_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/primitive_type.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/sorter.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class BufferedTupleStreamTest : public testing::Test {
-    RowBatch* create_row_batch(int num_rows);
-    BufferedTupleStreamTest() {
-        _object_pool = new ObjectPool();
-        _profile = new RuntimeProfile("bufferedStream");
-        _runtime_state = new RuntimeState("BufferedTupleStreamTest");
-        _runtime_state->exec_env_ = &_exec_env;
-        _runtime_state->create_block_mgr();
-        {
-            TExpr expr;
-            {
-                TExprNode node;
-                node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-                node.type = ToTColumnTypeThrift(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-                node.num_children = 0;
-                TSlotRef data;
-                data.slot_id = 0;
-                data.tuple_id = 0;
-                node.__set_slot_ref(data);
-                expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-            }
-            _sort_tuple_slot_expr.push_back(expr);
-        }
-        {
-            TExpr expr;
-            {
-                TExprNode node;
-                node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-                node.type = ToTColumnTypeThrift(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-                node.num_children = 0;
-                TSlotRef data;
-                data.slot_id = 1;
-                data.tuple_id = 1;
-                node.__set_slot_ref(data);
-                expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-            }
-            _ordering_exprs.push_back(expr);
-        }
-        _is_asc_order.push_back(true);
-        _nulls_first.push_back(true);
-        {
-            TTupleDescriptor tuple_desc;
-            TDescriptorTable thrift_desc_tbl;
-            {
-                tuple_desc.__set_id(0);
-                tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(8);
-                tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(1);
-                thrift_desc_tbl.tupleDescriptors.push_back(tuple_desc);
-            }
-            {
-                tuple_desc.__set_id(1);
-                tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(8);
-                tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(1);
-                thrift_desc_tbl.tupleDescriptors.push_back(tuple_desc);
-            }
-            TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-            {
-                slot_desc.__set_id(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-                slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-                slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-                thrift_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-            }
-            {
-                slot_desc.__set_id(1);
-                slot_desc.__set_parent(1);
-                slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-                slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-                slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-                thrift_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-            }
-            Status status = DescriptorTbl::Create(_object_pool, thrift_desc_tbl, &_desc_tbl);
-            DCHECK(status.ok());
-            _runtime_state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        }
-        {
-            std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-            std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-            nullable_tuples.push_back(0);
-            row_tuples.push_back(0);
-            _child_row_desc = new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples);
-        }
-        /*
-            {  
-                std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-                std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-                nullable_tuples.push_back(1);
-                row_tuples.push_back(1);
-                _output_row_desc = new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples);
-            }
-           */
-    }
-    virtual ~BufferedTupleStreamTest() {
-        delete _child_row_desc;
-        delete _runtime_state;
-        delete _profile;
-        delete _object_pool;
-        // delete _output_row_desc;
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-    RuntimeState* _runtime_state;
-    RowDescriptor* _child_row_desc;
-    RowDescriptor* _output_row_desc;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    ObjectPool* _object_pool;
-    std::vector<TExpr> _sort_tuple_slot_expr;
-    std::vector<TExpr> _ordering_exprs;
-    std::vector<bool> _is_asc_order;
-    std::vector<bool> _nulls_first;
-    RuntimeProfile* _profile;
-RowBatch* BufferedTupleStreamTest::create_row_batch(int num_rows) {
-    RowBatch* batch = _object_pool->Add(new RowBatch(*_child_row_desc, num_rows));
-    int64_t* tuple_mem = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(
-            batch->tuple_data_pool()->Allocate(sizeof(int64_t) * num_rows));
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-        int idx = batch->AddRow();
-        TupleRow* row = batch->GetRow(idx);
-        *tuple_mem = i;
-        row->SetTuple(0, reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem));
-        batch->CommitLastRow();
-        tuple_mem++;
-    }
-    return batch;
-TEST_F(BufferedTupleStreamTest, init_bufferStream) {
-    BufferedTupleStream* input_stream =
-            new BufferedTupleStream(_runtime_state, *_child_row_desc, _runtime_state->block_mgr());
-    Status status = input_stream->init(_profile);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    input_stream->close();
-    delete input_stream;
-TEST_F(BufferedTupleStreamTest, addRow_bufferStream) {
-    BufferedTupleStream* input_stream =
-            new BufferedTupleStream(_runtime_state, *_child_row_desc, _runtime_state->block_mgr());
-    Status status = input_stream->init(_profile);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    int num_rows = 5;
-    RowBatch* batch = create_row_batch(num_rows);
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
-        TupleRow* row = batch->GetRow(i);
-        input_stream->add_row(row);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(input_stream->num_rows(), num_rows);
-    input_stream->close();
-    delete input_stream;
-TEST_F(BufferedTupleStreamTest, getNext_bufferStream) {
-    BufferedTupleStream* input_stream =
-            new BufferedTupleStream(_runtime_state, *_child_row_desc, _runtime_state->block_mgr());
-    Status status = input_stream->init(_profile);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    int num_rows = 5;
-    RowBatch* batch = create_row_batch(num_rows * 2);
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_rows * 2; i++) {
-        TupleRow* row = batch->GetRow(i);
-        input_stream->add_row(row);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(input_stream->num_rows(), num_rows * 2);
-    RowBatch output_batch(*_child_row_desc, num_rows);
-    bool eos;
-    status = input_stream->get_next(&output_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(0)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(0), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(1)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(1), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(2)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(2), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(3)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(3), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(4), *_child_row_desc));
-    output_batch.Reset();
-    status = input_stream->get_next(&output_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(5)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(0), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(6)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(1), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(7)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(2), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(8)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(3), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(9)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(4), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ(input_stream->rows_returned(), num_rows * 2);
-    input_stream->close();
-    delete input_stream;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    impala::CpuInfo::Init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100 noet: */
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/cache/partition_cache_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/cache/partition_cache_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ae9eef..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/cache/partition_cache_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/internal_service.pb.h"
-#include "runtime/buffer_control_block.h"
-#include "runtime/cache/result_cache.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PartitionCacheTest : public testing::Test {
-    PartitionCacheTest() {}
-    virtual ~PartitionCacheTest() {
-        //        clear();
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    void init_default() {
-        LOG(WARNING) << "init test default\n";
-        init(16, 4);
-    }
-    void init(int max_size, int ela_size);
-    void clear();
-    PCacheStatus init_batch_data(int sql_num, int part_begin, int part_num);
-    ResultCache* _cache;
-    PUpdateCacheRequest* _update_request;
-    PCacheResponse* _update_response;
-    PFetchCacheRequest* _fetch_request;
-    PFetchCacheResult* _fetch_result;
-    PClearCacheRequest* _clear_request;
-    PCacheResponse* _clear_response;
-void PartitionCacheTest::init(int max_size, int ela_size) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "init test\n";
-    _cache = new ResultCache(max_size, ela_size);
-    _update_request = new PUpdateCacheRequest();
-    _update_response = new PCacheResponse();
-    _fetch_request = new PFetchCacheRequest();
-    _fetch_result = new PFetchCacheResult();
-    _clear_request = new PClearCacheRequest();
-    _clear_response = new PCacheResponse();
-void PartitionCacheTest::clear() {
-    _clear_request->set_clear_type(PClearType::CLEAR_ALL);
-    _cache->clear(_clear_request, _clear_response);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_cache);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_update_request);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_update_response);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_fetch_request);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_fetch_result);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_clear_request);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_clear_response);
-void set_sql_key(PUniqueId* sql_key, int64 hi, int64 lo) {
-    sql_key->set_hi(hi);
-    sql_key->set_lo(lo);
-PCacheStatus PartitionCacheTest::init_batch_data(int sql_num, int part_begin, int part_num) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "init data, sql_num:" << sql_num << ",part_num:" << part_num;
-    PUpdateCacheRequest* up_req = NULL;
-    PCacheResponse* up_res = NULL;
-    PCacheStatus st = PCacheStatus::DEFAULT;
-    for (int i = 1; i < sql_num + 1; i++) {
-        LOG(WARNING) << "Sql:" << i;
-        up_req = new PUpdateCacheRequest();
-        up_res = new PCacheResponse();
-        set_sql_key(up_req->mutable_sql_key(), i, i);
-        //partition
-        for (int j = part_begin; j < part_begin + part_num; j++) {
-            PCacheValue* value = up_req->add_values();
-            value->mutable_param()->set_partition_key(j);
-            value->mutable_param()->set_last_version(j);
-            value->mutable_param()->set_last_version_time(j);
-            value->set_data_size(16);
-            value->add_rows("0123456789abcdef"); //16 byte
-        }
-        _cache->update(up_req, up_res);
-        LOG(WARNING) << "finish update data";
-        st = up_res->status();
-        SAFE_DELETE(up_req);
-        SAFE_DELETE(up_res);
-    }
-    return st;
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, update_data) {
-    init_default();
-    PCacheStatus st = init_batch_data(1, 1, 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st == PCacheStatus::CACHE_OK);
-    LOG(WARNING) << "clear cache";
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, update_over_partition) {
-    init_default();
-    PCacheStatus st = init_batch_data(1, 1, config::query_cache_max_partition_count + 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st == PCacheStatus::PARAM_ERROR);
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, cache_clear) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 1, 1);
-    _cache->clear(_clear_request, _clear_response);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_cache->get_cache_size(), 0);
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, fetch_simple_data) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 1, 1);
-    LOG(WARNING) << "finish init\n";
-    set_sql_key(_fetch_request->mutable_sql_key(), 1, 1);
-    PCacheParam* p1 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p1->set_partition_key(1);
-    p1->set_last_version(1);
-    p1->set_last_version_time(1);
-    LOG(WARNING) << "begin fetch\n";
-    _cache->fetch(_fetch_request, _fetch_result);
-    LOG(WARNING) << "finish fetch1\n";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_fetch_result->status() == PCacheStatus::CACHE_OK);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values_size(), 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values(0).rows(0), "0123456789abcdef");
-    LOG(WARNING) << "finish fetch2\n";
-    clear();
-    LOG(WARNING) << "finish fetch3\n";
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, fetch_not_sqlid) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 1, 1);
-    set_sql_key(_fetch_request->mutable_sql_key(), 2, 2);
-    PCacheParam* p1 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p1->set_partition_key(1);
-    p1->set_last_version(1);
-    p1->set_last_version_time(1);
-    _cache->fetch(_fetch_request, _fetch_result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_fetch_result->status() == PCacheStatus::NO_SQL_KEY);
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, fetch_range_data) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 1, 3);
-    set_sql_key(_fetch_request->mutable_sql_key(), 1, 1);
-    PCacheParam* p1 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p1->set_partition_key(2);
-    p1->set_last_version(2);
-    p1->set_last_version_time(2);
-    PCacheParam* p2 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p2->set_partition_key(3);
-    p2->set_last_version(3);
-    p2->set_last_version_time(3);
-    _cache->fetch(_fetch_request, _fetch_result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_fetch_result->status() == PCacheStatus::CACHE_OK);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values_size(), 2);
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, fetch_invalid_right_range) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 1, 3);
-    set_sql_key(_fetch_request->mutable_sql_key(), 1, 1);
-    PCacheParam* p1 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p1->set_partition_key(4);
-    p1->set_last_version(4);
-    p1->set_last_version_time(4);
-    PCacheParam* p2 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p2->set_partition_key(5);
-    p2->set_last_version(5);
-    p2->set_last_version_time(5);
-    _cache->fetch(_fetch_request, _fetch_result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_fetch_result->status() == PCacheStatus::NO_PARTITION_KEY);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values_size(), 0);
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, fetch_invalid_left_range) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 1, 3);
-    set_sql_key(_fetch_request->mutable_sql_key(), 1, 1);
-    PCacheParam* p1 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p1->set_partition_key(0);
-    p1->set_last_version(0);
-    p1->set_last_version_time(0);
-    _cache->fetch(_fetch_request, _fetch_result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_fetch_result->status() == PCacheStatus::NO_PARTITION_KEY);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values_size(), 0);
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, fetch_invalid_key_range) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 2, 1);
-    set_sql_key(_fetch_request->mutable_sql_key(), 1, 1);
-    PCacheParam* p1 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p1->set_partition_key(1);
-    p1->set_last_version(1);
-    p1->set_last_version_time(1);
-    PCacheParam* p2 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p2->set_partition_key(2);
-    p2->set_last_version(2);
-    p2->set_last_version_time(2);
-    PCacheParam* p3 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p3->set_partition_key(3);
-    p3->set_last_version(3);
-    p3->set_last_version_time(3);
-    _cache->fetch(_fetch_request, _fetch_result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_fetch_result->status() == PCacheStatus::INVALID_KEY_RANGE);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values_size(), 0);
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, fetch_data_overdue) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 1, 1);
-    set_sql_key(_fetch_request->mutable_sql_key(), 1, 1);
-    PCacheParam* p1 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p1->set_partition_key(1);
-    //cache version is 1, request version is 2
-    p1->set_last_version(2);
-    p1->set_last_version_time(2);
-    _cache->fetch(_fetch_request, _fetch_result);
-    LOG(WARNING) << "fetch_data_overdue:" << _fetch_result->status();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_fetch_result->status() == PCacheStatus::DATA_OVERDUE);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values_size(), 0);
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, prune_data) {
-    init(1, 1);
-    init_batch_data(LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 129), 1, 1024); // 16*1024*128=2M
-    ASSERT_LE(_cache->get_cache_size(), 1 * 1024 * 1024); //cache_size <= 1M
-    clear();
-TEST_F(PartitionCacheTest, fetch_not_continue_partition) {
-    init_default();
-    init_batch_data(1, 1, 1);
-    init_batch_data(1, 3, 1);
-    set_sql_key(_fetch_request->mutable_sql_key(), 1, 1);
-    PCacheParam* p1 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p1->set_partition_key(1);
-    p1->set_last_version(1);
-    p1->set_last_version_time(1);
-    PCacheParam* p2 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p2->set_partition_key(2);
-    p2->set_last_version(2);
-    p2->set_last_version_time(2);
-    PCacheParam* p3 = _fetch_request->add_params();
-    p3->set_partition_key(3);
-    p3->set_last_version(1);
-    p3->set_last_version_time(1);
-    _cache->fetch(_fetch_request, _fetch_result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_fetch_result->status() == PCacheStatus::CACHE_OK);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values_size(), 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values(0).rows(0), "0123456789abcdef");
-    ASSERT_EQ(_fetch_result->values(1).rows(0), "0123456789abcdef");
-    clear();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100 */
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/data_spliter_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/data_spliter_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d8d82d..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/data_spliter_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/data_spliter.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/DataSinks_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "olap/olap_main.cpp"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/dpp_sink_internal.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DataSplitTest : public testing::Test {
-    DataSplitTest() {
-        init_desc_tbl();
-        init_row_desc();
-        init_runtime_state();
-    }
-    ~DataSplitTest() {}
-    void init_desc_tbl();
-    void init_row_desc();
-    void init_runtime_state();
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable _t_desc_tbl;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RowDescriptor* _row_desc;
-    RuntimeState* _state;
-    MemPool _tuple_pool;
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-void DataSplitTest::init_runtime_state() {
-    _state = _obj_pool.add(new RuntimeState("2011-10-01 12:34:56"));
-    _state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    _state->_exec_env = &_exec_env;
-    _state->_import_label = "zc";
-    _state->_db_name = "test";
-void DataSplitTest::init_row_desc() {
-    std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-    row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-    nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _row_desc = _obj_pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples));
-void DataSplitTest::init_desc_tbl() {
-    // slot desc
-    std::vector<TSlotDescriptor> slot_descs;
-    // 1 byte null, 4 byte int, 4 byte int
-    // slot 0
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::INT));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("col1");
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-    }
-    // slot 1
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(5);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("col2");
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-    }
-    // slot 2
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(9);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(4);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("col3");
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_slotDescriptors(slot_descs);
-    // tuple desc
-    std::vector<TTupleDescriptor> tuple_descs;
-    // tuple 0
-    {
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(9);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(1);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_tableId(0);
-        tuple_descs.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_tupleDescriptors(tuple_descs);
-    // table
-    std::vector<TTableDescriptor> table_descs;
-    // table 0
-    {
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_table_desc.__set_tableType(TTableType::MYSQL_TABLE);
-        t_table_desc.__set_numCols(2);
-        t_table_desc.__set_numClusteringCols(2);
-        t_table_desc.__set_tableName("test_tbl");
-        t_table_desc.__set_dbName("test_db");
-        TMySQLTable mysql_table;
-        t_table_desc.__set_mysqlTable(mysql_table);
-        table_descs.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_tableDescriptors(table_descs);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, _t_desc_tbl, &_desc_tbl);
-TEST_F(DataSplitTest, NoData) {
-    TDataSplitSink t_sink;
-    TRollupSchema t_schema;
-    // Two Keys
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        TSlotRef ref;
-        ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        ref.slot_id = 0;
-        node.__set_slot_ref(ref);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.keys.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        TSlotRef ref;
-        ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        ref.slot_id = 1;
-        node.__set_slot_ref(ref);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.keys.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    // Two Values
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        TSlotRef ref;
-        ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        ref.slot_id = 2;
-        node.__set_slot_ref(ref);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.values.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    // Two ValueOps
-    t_schema.value_ops.push_back(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    t_sink.rollup_schemas.insert(std::make_pair("base", t_schema));
-    TRangePartition t_partition;
-    // Two Keys
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        TSlotRef ref;
-        ref.tuple_id = 0;
-        ref.slot_id = 1;
-        node.__set_slot_ref(ref);
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_partition.distributed_exprs.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    t_partition.range.start_key.sign = -1;
-    t_partition.range.end_key.sign = 1;
-    t_partition.distribute_bucket = 1;
-    t_sink.partition_infos.push_back(t_partition);
-    DataSpliter spliter(*_row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(DataSpliter::from_thrift(&_obj_pool, t_sink, &spliter).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(spliter.init(_state).ok());
-    RowBatch batch(*_row_desc, 1024);
-    {
-        int idx = batch.add_row();
-        TupleRow* row = batch.get_row(idx);
-        Tuple* tuple = Tuple::create(13, &_tuple_pool);
-        row->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        char* pos = (char*)tuple;
-        memset(pos, 0, 13);
-        *(int*)(pos + 1) = 1;
-        *(int*)(pos + 5) = 10;
-        *(int*)(pos + 9) = 100;
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(spliter.send(_state, &batch).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(spliter.close(_state, Status::OK()).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // 覆盖be.conf中的配置
-    doris::config::storage_root_path = "./test_run/mini_load";
-    doris::FileUtils::create_dir(doris::config::storage_root_path);
-    doris::touch_all_singleton();
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/data_stream_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/data_stream_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d312e43..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/data_stream_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/status.h"
-#include "exprs/slot_ref.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/BackendService.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/client_cache.h"
-#include "runtime/data_stream_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/data_stream_recvr.h"
-#include "runtime/data_stream_sender.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/raw_value.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/mem_info.h"
-#include "util/thrift_server.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-using std::multiset;
-using boost::scoped_ptr;
-using boost::thread;
-namespace doris {
-class DorisTestBackend : public BackendServiceIf {
-    DorisTestBackend(DataStreamMgr* stream_mgr) : _mgr(stream_mgr) {}
-    virtual ~DorisTestBackend() {}
-    virtual void exec_plan_fragment(TExecPlanFragmentResult& return_val,
-                                    const TExecPlanFragmentParams& params) {}
-    virtual void cancel_plan_fragment(TCancelPlanFragmentResult& return_val,
-                                      const TCancelPlanFragmentParams& params) {}
-    virtual void transmit_data(TTransmitDataResult& return_val, const TTransmitDataParams& params) {
-        /*
-        LOG(ERROR) << "transmit_data(): instance_id=" << params.dest_fragment_instance_id
-            << " node_id=" << params.dest_node_id
-            << " #rows=" << params.row_batch.num_rows
-            << " eos=" << (params.eos ? "true" : "false");
-        if (!params.eos) {
-            _mgr->add_data(
-                    params.dest_fragment_instance_id,
-                    params.dest_node_id,
-                    params.row_batch,
-                    params.sender_id).set_t_status(&return_val);
-        } else {
-            Status status = _mgr->close_sender(
-                    params.dest_fragment_instance_id, params.dest_node_id, params.sender_id, params.be_number);
-            status.set_t_status(&return_val);
-            LOG(ERROR) << "close_sender status: " << status.get_error_msg();
-        }
-        */
-    }
-    virtual void fetch_data(TFetchDataResult& return_val, const TFetchDataParams& params) {}
-    virtual void submit_tasks(TAgentResult& return_val,
-                              const std::vector<TAgentTaskRequest>& tasks) {}
-    virtual void make_snapshot(TAgentResult& return_val, const TSnapshotRequest& snapshot_request) {
-    }
-    virtual void release_snapshot(TAgentResult& return_val, const std::string& snapshot_path) {}
-    virtual void publish_cluster_state(TAgentResult& return_val,
-                                       const TAgentPublishRequest& request) {}
-    virtual void submit_etl_task(TAgentResult& return_val, const TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest& request) {
-    }
-    virtual void get_etl_status(TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult& return_val,
-                                const TMiniLoadEtlStatusRequest& request) {}
-    virtual void delete_etl_files(TAgentResult& return_val, const TDeleteEtlFilesRequest& request) {
-    }
-    virtual void register_pull_load_task(TStatus& _return, const TUniqueId& id,
-                                         const int32_t num_senders) {}
-    virtual void deregister_pull_load_task(TStatus& _return, const TUniqueId& id) {}
-    virtual void report_pull_load_sub_task_info(TStatus& _return,
-                                                const TPullLoadSubTaskInfo& task_info) {}
-    virtual void fetch_pull_load_task_info(TFetchPullLoadTaskInfoResult& _return,
-                                           const TUniqueId& id) {}
-    virtual void fetch_all_pull_load_task_infos(TFetchAllPullLoadTaskInfosResult& _return) {}
-    DataStreamMgr* _mgr;
-class DataStreamTest : public testing::Test {
-    DataStreamTest()
-            : _limit(new MemTracker(-1)),
-              _runtime_state(TUniqueId(), TQueryOptions(), "", &_exec_env),
-              _next_val(0) {
-        _exec_env.init_for_tests();
-        _runtime_state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-    }
-    // null dtor to pass codestyle check
-    ~DataStreamTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        create_row_desc();
-        create_tuple_comparator();
-        create_row_batch();
-        _next_instance_id.lo = 0;
-        _next_instance_id.hi = 0;
-        _stream_mgr = new DataStreamMgr();
-        _broadcast_sink.dest_node_id = DEST_NODE_ID;
-        _broadcast_sink.output_partition.type = TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED;
-        _random_sink.dest_node_id = DEST_NODE_ID;
-        _random_sink.output_partition.type = TPartitionType::RANDOM;
-        _hash_sink.dest_node_id = DEST_NODE_ID;
-        _hash_sink.output_partition.type = TPartitionType::HASH_PARTITIONED;
-        // there's only one column to partition on
-        TExprNode expr_node;
-        expr_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        expr_node.type.types.push_back(TTypeNode());
-        expr_node.type.types.back().__isset.scalar_type = true;
-        expr_node.type.types.back().scalar_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-        expr_node.num_children = 0;
-        TSlotRef slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-        expr_node.__set_slot_ref(slot_ref);
-        TExpr expr;
-        expr.nodes.push_back(expr_node);
-        _hash_sink.output_partition.__isset.partition_exprs = true;
-        _hash_sink.output_partition.partition_exprs.push_back(expr);
-        // Ensure that individual sender info addresses don't change
-        _sender_info.reserve(MAX_SENDERS);
-        _receiver_info.reserve(MAX_RECEIVERS);
-        start_backend();
-    }
-    const TDataStreamSink& get_sink(TPartitionType::type partition_type) {
-        switch (partition_type) {
-        case TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED:
-            return _broadcast_sink;
-        case TPartitionType::RANDOM:
-            return _random_sink;
-        case TPartitionType::HASH_PARTITIONED:
-            return _hash_sink;
-        default:
-            DCHECK(false) << "Unhandled sink type: " << partition_type;
-        }
-        // Should never reach this.
-        return _broadcast_sink;
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        _lhs_slot_ctx->close(NULL);
-        _rhs_slot_ctx->close(NULL);
-        _exec_env.client_cache()->test_shutdown();
-        stop_backend();
-    }
-    void reset() {
-        _sender_info.clear();
-        _receiver_info.clear();
-        _dest.clear();
-    }
-    // We reserve contiguous memory for senders in SetUp. If a test uses more
-    // senders, a DCHECK will fail and you should increase this value.
-    static const int MAX_SENDERS = 16;
-    static const int MAX_RECEIVERS = 16;
-    static const PlanNodeId DEST_NODE_ID = 1;
-    static const int BATCH_CAPACITY = 100; // rows
-    static const int PER_ROW_DATA = 8;
-    static const int TOTAL_DATA_SIZE = 8 * 1024;
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _limit;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _tracker;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    const RowDescriptor* _row_desc;
-    TupleRowComparator* _less_than;
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-    RuntimeState _runtime_state;
-    TUniqueId _next_instance_id;
-    string _stmt;
-    // RowBatch generation
-    boost::scoped_ptr<RowBatch> _batch;
-    int _next_val;
-    int64_t* _tuple_mem;
-    // receiving node
-    DataStreamMgr* _stream_mgr;
-    ThriftServer* _server;
-    // sending node(s)
-    TDataStreamSink _broadcast_sink;
-    TDataStreamSink _random_sink;
-    TDataStreamSink _hash_sink;
-    std::vector<TPlanFragmentDestination> _dest;
-    struct SenderInfo {
-        thread* thread_handle;
-        Status status;
-        int num_bytes_sent;
-        SenderInfo() : thread_handle(NULL), num_bytes_sent(0) {}
-    };
-    std::vector<SenderInfo> _sender_info;
-    struct ReceiverInfo {
-        TPartitionType::type stream_type;
-        int num_senders;
-        int receiver_num;
-        thread* thread_handle;
-        boost::shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr> stream_recvr;
-        Status status;
-        int num_rows_received;
-        multiset<int64_t> data_values;
-        ReceiverInfo(TPartitionType::type stream_type, int num_senders, int receiver_num)
-                : stream_type(stream_type),
-                  num_senders(num_senders),
-                  receiver_num(receiver_num),
-                  thread_handle(NULL),
-                  stream_recvr(NULL),
-                  num_rows_received(0) {}
-        ~ReceiverInfo() {
-            delete thread_handle;
-            stream_recvr.reset();
-        }
-    };
-    std::vector<ReceiverInfo> _receiver_info;
-    // Create an instance id and add it to _dest
-    void get_next_instance_id(TUniqueId* instance_id) {
-        _dest.push_back(TPlanFragmentDestination());
-        TPlanFragmentDestination& dest = _dest.back();
-        dest.fragment_instance_id = _next_instance_id;
-        dest.server.hostname = "";
-        dest.server.port = config::port;
-        *instance_id = _next_instance_id;
-        ++_next_instance_id.lo;
-    }
-    // RowDescriptor to mimic "select bigint_col from alltypesagg", except the slot
-    // isn't nullable
-    void create_row_desc() {
-        // create DescriptorTbl
-        TTupleDescriptor tuple_desc;
-        tuple_desc.__set_id(0);
-        tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(8);
-        tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(0);
-        TDescriptorTable thrift_desc_tbl;
-        thrift_desc_tbl.tupleDescriptors.push_back(tuple_desc);
-        TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-        slot_desc.__set_id(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        slot_desc.slotType.types.push_back(TTypeNode());
-        slot_desc.slotType.types.back().__isset.scalar_type = true;
-        slot_desc.slotType.types.back().scalar_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-        slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-        slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        thrift_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, thrift_desc_tbl, &_desc_tbl).ok());
-        _runtime_state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        std::vector<TTupleId> row_tids;
-        row_tids.push_back(0);
-        std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-        nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-        _row_desc = _obj_pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tids, nullable_tuples));
-    }
-    // Create a tuple comparator to sort in ascending order on the single bigint column.
-    void create_tuple_comparator() {
-        TExprNode expr_node;
-        expr_node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-        expr_node.type.types.push_back(TTypeNode());
-        expr_node.type.types.back().__isset.scalar_type = true;
-        expr_node.type.types.back().scalar_type.type = TPrimitiveType::BIGINT;
-        expr_node.num_children = 0;
-        TSlotRef slot_ref;
-        slot_ref.slot_id = 0;
-        expr_node.__set_slot_ref(slot_ref);
-        SlotRef* lhs_slot = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(expr_node));
-        _lhs_slot_ctx = _obj_pool.add(new ExprContext(lhs_slot));
-        SlotRef* rhs_slot = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(expr_node));
-        _rhs_slot_ctx = _obj_pool.add(new ExprContext(rhs_slot));
-        _lhs_slot_ctx->prepare(&_runtime_state, *_row_desc, _tracker.get());
-        _rhs_slot_ctx->prepare(&_runtime_state, *_row_desc, _tracker.get());
-        _lhs_slot_ctx->open(NULL);
-        _rhs_slot_ctx->open(NULL);
-        SortExecExprs* sort_exprs = _obj_pool.add(new SortExecExprs());
-        sort_exprs->init(vector<ExprContext*>(1, _lhs_slot_ctx),
-                         std::vector<ExprContext*>(1, _rhs_slot_ctx));
-        _less_than = _obj_pool.add(new TupleRowComparator(*sort_exprs, std::vector<bool>(1, true),
-                                                          std::vector<bool>(1, false)));
-    }
-    // Create _batch, but don't fill it with data yet. Assumes we created _row_desc.
-    RowBatch* create_row_batch() {
-        RowBatch* batch = new RowBatch(*_row_desc, BATCH_CAPACITY, _limit.get());
-        int64_t* tuple_mem =
-                reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(batch->tuple_data_pool()->allocate(BATCH_CAPACITY * 8));
-        bzero(tuple_mem, BATCH_CAPACITY * 8);
-        for (int i = 0; i < BATCH_CAPACITY; ++i) {
-            int idx = batch->add_row();
-            TupleRow* row = batch->get_row(idx);
-            row->set_tuple(0, reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(&tuple_mem[i]));
-            batch->commit_last_row();
-        }
-        return batch;
-    }
-    void get_next_batch(RowBatch* batch, int* next_val) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "batch_capacity=" << BATCH_CAPACITY << " next_val=" << *next_val;
-        for (int i = 0; i < BATCH_CAPACITY; ++i) {
-            TupleRow* row = batch->get_row(i);
-            int64_t* val = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(row->get_tuple(0)->get_slot(0));
-            *val = (*next_val)++;
-        }
-    }
-    // Start receiver (expecting given number of senders) in separate thread.
-    void start_receiver(TPartitionType::type stream_type, int num_senders, int receiver_num,
-                        int buffer_size, bool is_merging, TUniqueId* out_id = NULL) {
-        VLOG_QUERY << "start receiver";
-        RuntimeProfile* profile = _obj_pool.add(new RuntimeProfile("TestReceiver"));
-        TUniqueId instance_id;
-        get_next_instance_id(&instance_id);
-        _receiver_info.push_back(ReceiverInfo(stream_type, num_senders, receiver_num));
-        ReceiverInfo& info = _receiver_info.back();
-        info.stream_recvr =
-                _stream_mgr->create_recvr(&_runtime_state, *_row_desc, instance_id, DEST_NODE_ID,
-                                          num_senders, buffer_size, profile, is_merging);
-        if (!is_merging) {
-            info.thread_handle = new thread(&DataStreamTest::read_stream, this, &info);
-        } else {
-            info.thread_handle =
-                    new thread(&DataStreamTest::read_stream_merging, this, &info, profile);
-        }
-        if (out_id != NULL) {
-            *out_id = instance_id;
-        }
-    }
-    void join_receivers() {
-        VLOG_QUERY << "join receiver\n";
-        for (int i = 0; i < _receiver_info.size(); ++i) {
-            _receiver_info[i].thread_handle->join();
-            _receiver_info[i].stream_recvr->close();
-        }
-    }
-    // Deplete stream and print batches
-    void read_stream(ReceiverInfo* info) {
-        RowBatch* batch = NULL;
-        VLOG_QUERY << "start reading";
-        while (!(info->status = info->stream_recvr->get_batch(&batch)).is_cancelled() &&
-               (batch != NULL)) {
-            VLOG_QUERY << "read batch #rows=" << (batch != NULL ? batch->num_rows() : 0);
-            for (int i = 0; i < batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
-                TupleRow* row = batch->get_row(i);
-                info->data_values.insert(*static_cast<int64_t*>(row->get_tuple(0)->get_slot(0)));
-            }
-            SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(
-                    10)); // slow down receiver to exercise buffering logic
-        }
-        if (info->status.is_cancelled()) {
-            VLOG_QUERY << "reader is cancelled";
-        }
-        VLOG_QUERY << "done reading";
-    }
-    void read_stream_merging(ReceiverInfo* info, RuntimeProfile* profile) {
-        info->status = info->stream_recvr->create_merger(*_less_than);
-        if (info->status.is_cancelled()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        RowBatch batch(*_row_desc, 1024, _limit.get());
-        VLOG_QUERY << "start reading merging";
-        bool eos = false;
-        while (!(info->status = info->stream_recvr->get_next(&batch, &eos)).is_cancelled()) {
-            VLOG_QUERY << "read batch #rows=" << batch.num_rows();
-            for (int i = 0; i < batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
-                TupleRow* row = batch.get_row(i);
-                info->data_values.insert(*static_cast<int64_t*>(row->get_tuple(0)->get_slot(0)));
-            }
-            SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(
-                    10)); // slow down receiver to exercise buffering logic
-            batch.reset();
-            if (eos) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (info->status.is_cancelled()) {
-            VLOG_QUERY << "reader is cancelled";
-        }
-        VLOG_QUERY << "done reading";
-    }
-    // Verify correctness of receivers' data values.
-    void check_receivers(TPartitionType::type stream_type, int num_senders) {
-        int64_t total = 0;
-        multiset<int64_t> all_data_values;
-        for (int i = 0; i < _receiver_info.size(); ++i) {
-            ReceiverInfo& info = _receiver_info[i];
-            EXPECT_TRUE(info.status.ok());
-            total += info.data_values.size();
-            DCHECK_EQ(info.stream_type, stream_type);
-            DCHECK_EQ(info.num_senders, num_senders);
-            if (stream_type == TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED) {
-                EXPECT_EQ(NUM_BATCHES * BATCH_CAPACITY * num_senders, info.data_values.size());
-            }
-            all_data_values.insert(info.data_values.begin(), info.data_values.end());
-            int k = 0;
-            for (multiset<int64_t>::iterator j = info.data_values.begin();
-                 j != info.data_values.end(); ++j, ++k) {
-                if (stream_type == TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED) {
-                    // unpartitioned streams contain all values as many times as there are
-                    // senders
-                    EXPECT_EQ(k / num_senders, *j);
-                } else if (stream_type == TPartitionType::HASH_PARTITIONED) {
-                    // hash-partitioned streams send values to the right partition
-                    int64_t value = *j;
-                    uint32_t hash_val = RawValue::get_hash_value_fvn(&value, TYPE_BIGINT, 0U);
-                    EXPECT_EQ(hash_val % _receiver_info.size(), info.receiver_num);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (stream_type == TPartitionType::HASH_PARTITIONED) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(NUM_BATCHES * BATCH_CAPACITY * num_senders, total);
-            int k = 0;
-            for (multiset<int64_t>::iterator j = all_data_values.begin();
-                 j != all_data_values.end(); ++j, ++k) {
-                // each sender sent all values
-                EXPECT_EQ(k / num_senders, *j);
-                if (k / num_senders != *j) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    void check_senders() {
-        for (int i = 0; i < _sender_info.size(); ++i) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(_sender_info[i].status.ok());
-            EXPECT_GT(_sender_info[i].num_bytes_sent, 0) << "info  i=" << i;
-        }
-    }
-    // Start backend in separate thread.
-    void start_backend() {
-        boost::shared_ptr<DorisTestBackend> handler(new DorisTestBackend(_stream_mgr));
-        boost::shared_ptr<apache::thrift::TProcessor> processor(
-                new BackendServiceProcessor(handler));
-        _server = new ThriftServer("DataStreamTest backend", processor, config::port, NULL);
-        _server->start();
-    }
-    void stop_backend() {
-        VLOG_QUERY << "stop backend\n";
-        _server->stop_for_testing();
-        delete _server;
-    }
-    void start_sender(TPartitionType::type partition_type = TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED,
-                      int channel_buffer_size = 1024) {
-        VLOG_QUERY << "start sender";
-        int sender_id = _sender_info.size();
-        DCHECK_LT(sender_id, MAX_SENDERS);
-        _sender_info.push_back(SenderInfo());
-        SenderInfo& info = _sender_info.back();
-        info.thread_handle = new thread(&DataStreamTest::sender, this, sender_id,
-                                        channel_buffer_size, partition_type);
-    }
-    void join_senders() {
-        VLOG_QUERY << "join senders\n";
-        for (int i = 0; i < _sender_info.size(); ++i) {
-            _sender_info[i].thread_handle->join();
-        }
-    }
-    void sender(int sender_num, int channel_buffer_size, TPartitionType::type partition_type) {
-        RuntimeState state(TExecPlanFragmentParams(), TQueryOptions(), "", &_exec_env);
-        state.set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        state.init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-        VLOG_QUERY << "create sender " << sender_num;
-        const TDataStreamSink& stream_sink =
-                (partition_type == TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED ? _broadcast_sink : _hash_sink);
-        DataStreamSender sender(&_obj_pool, sender_num, *_row_desc, stream_sink, _dest,
-                                channel_buffer_size);
-        TDataSink data_sink;
-        data_sink.__set_type(TDataSinkType::DATA_STREAM_SINK);
-        data_sink.__set_stream_sink(stream_sink);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(sender.init(data_sink).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(sender.prepare(&state).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(sender.open(&state).ok());
-        boost::scoped_ptr<RowBatch> batch(create_row_batch());
-        SenderInfo& info = _sender_info[sender_num];
-        int next_val = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BATCHES; ++i) {
-            get_next_batch(batch.get(), &next_val);
-            VLOG_QUERY << "sender " << sender_num << ": #rows=" << batch->num_rows();
-            info.status = sender.send(&state, batch.get());
-            if (!info.status.ok()) {
-                LOG(WARNING) << "something is wrong when sending: " << info.status.get_error_msg();
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        VLOG_QUERY << "closing sender" << sender_num;
-        info.status = sender.close(&state, Status::OK());
-        info.num_bytes_sent = sender.get_num_data_bytes_sent();
-        batch->reset();
-    }
-    void test_stream(TPartitionType::type stream_type, int num_senders, int num_receivers,
-                     int buffer_size, bool is_merging) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "Testing stream=" << stream_type << " #senders=" << num_senders
-                  << " #receivers=" << num_receivers << " buffer_size=" << buffer_size;
-        reset();
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_receivers; ++i) {
-            start_receiver(stream_type, num_senders, i, buffer_size, is_merging);
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_senders; ++i) {
-            start_sender(stream_type, buffer_size);
-        }
-        join_senders();
-        check_senders();
-        join_receivers();
-        check_receivers(stream_type, num_senders);
-    }
-    ExprContext* _lhs_slot_ctx;
-    ExprContext* _rhs_slot_ctx;
-TEST_F(DataStreamTest, UnknownSenderSmallResult) {
-    // starting a sender w/o a corresponding receiver does not result in an error because
-    // we cannot distinguish whether a receiver was never created or the receiver
-    // willingly tore down the stream
-    // case 1: entire query result fits in single buffer, close() returns ok
-    TUniqueId dummy_id;
-    get_next_instance_id(&dummy_id);
-    start_sender(TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED, TOTAL_DATA_SIZE + 1024);
-    join_senders();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(_sender_info[0].status.ok());
-    EXPECT_GT(_sender_info[0].num_bytes_sent, 0);
-TEST_F(DataStreamTest, UnknownSenderLargeResult) {
-    // case 2: query result requires multiple buffers, send() returns ok
-    TUniqueId dummy_id;
-    get_next_instance_id(&dummy_id);
-    start_sender();
-    join_senders();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(_sender_info[0].status.ok());
-    EXPECT_GT(_sender_info[0].num_bytes_sent, 0);
-TEST_F(DataStreamTest, Cancel) {
-    TUniqueId instance_id;
-    start_receiver(TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED, 1, 1, 1024, false, &instance_id);
-    _stream_mgr->cancel(instance_id);
-    start_receiver(TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED, 1, 1, 1024, true, &instance_id);
-    _stream_mgr->cancel(instance_id);
-    join_receivers();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(_receiver_info[0].status.is_cancelled());
-TEST_F(DataStreamTest, BasicTest) {
-    // TODO: also test that all client connections have been returned
-    TPartitionType::type stream_types[] = {TPartitionType::UNPARTITIONED,
-                                           TPartitionType::HASH_PARTITIONED};
-    int sender_nums[] = {1, 3};
-    int receiver_nums[] = {1, 3};
-    int buffer_sizes[] = {1024, 1024 * 1024};
-    bool merging[] = {false, true};
-    // test_stream(TPartitionType::HASH_PARTITIONED, 1, 3, 1024, true);
-    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(stream_types) / sizeof(*stream_types); ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(sender_nums) / sizeof(int); ++j) {
-            for (int k = 0; k < sizeof(receiver_nums) / sizeof(int); ++k) {
-                for (int l = 0; l < sizeof(buffer_sizes) / sizeof(int); ++l) {
-                    for (int m = 0; m < sizeof(merging) / sizeof(bool); ++m) {
-                        LOG(ERROR) << "before test: stream_type=" << stream_types[i]
-                                   << "  sender num=" << sender_nums[j]
-                                   << "  receiver_num=" << receiver_nums[k]
-                                   << "  buffer_size=" << buffer_sizes[l]
-                                   << "  merging=" << (merging[m] ? "true" : "false");
-                        test_stream(stream_types[i], sender_nums[j], receiver_nums[k],
-                                    buffer_sizes[l], merging[m]);
-                        LOG(ERROR) << "after test: stream_type=" << stream_types[i]
-                                   << "  sender num=" << sender_nums[j]
-                                   << "  receiver_num=" << receiver_nums[k]
-                                   << "  buffer_size=" << buffer_sizes[l]
-                                   << "  merging=" << (merging[m] ? "true" : "false");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// TODO: more tests:
-// - test case for transmission error in last batch
-// - receivers getting created concurrently
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. conffile path= %s\n", conffile.c_str());
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::config::query_scratch_dirs = "/tmp";
-    doris::config::max_free_io_buffers = 128;
-    doris::config::disable_mem_pools = false;
-    doris::config::min_buffer_size = 1024;
-    doris::config::read_size = 8388608;
-    doris::config::port = 2001;
-    doris::config::thrift_connect_timeout_seconds = 20;
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::DiskInfo::init();
-    doris::MemInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/datetime_value_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/datetime_value_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ecef1c..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/datetime_value_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1447 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/datetime_value.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/timezone_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DateTimeValueTest : public testing::Test {
-    DateTimeValueTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-// Assert size
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, struct_size) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(16, sizeof(DateTimeValue));
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, equal) {
-    DateTimeValue value1;
-    value1.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    DateTimeValue value2;
-    value2.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 == value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 <= value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 >= value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 < value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 > value2);
-    value2.from_date_int64(19880201000000);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 == value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 <= value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 >= value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 < value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 > value2);
-    value2.from_date_int64(19880202);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 != value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 <= value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 < value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 >= value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 > value2);
-    value2.from_date_int64(19880131);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 != value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 > value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 >= value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 < value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 <= value2);
-    std::string test_str = "1988-02-01 00:00:00.12345";
-    value2.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 != value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 < value2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value1 <= value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 > value2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value1 >= value2);
-// Test check range
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, day_of_year) {
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    value.from_date_int64(20070101);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value.day_of_year());
-    value.from_date_int64(20070203);
-    ASSERT_EQ(34, value.day_of_year());
-// Test check range
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, random_convert) {
-    char buf[64];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
-        buf[i] = '0' + i % 10;
-    }
-    DateTimeValue value_check;
-    DateTimeValue* value = (DateTimeValue*)buf;
-    value->from_date_daynr(366);
-    value_check.from_date_daynr(366);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0001-01-01", value->debug_string().c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(value, &value_check, sizeof(value_check)));
-    value = (DateTimeValue*)&buf[5];
-    value->from_date_str("19880201", 8);
-    value_check.from_date_str("19880201", 8);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", value->debug_string().c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(value, &value_check, sizeof(value_check)));
-    value = (DateTimeValue*)&buf[10];
-    value->from_date_format_str("%Y%m%d", 6, "19880201", 8);
-    value_check.from_date_format_str("%Y%m%d", 6, "19880201", 8);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", value->debug_string().c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(value, &value_check, sizeof(value_check)));
-    value = (DateTimeValue*)&buf[15];
-    value->from_date_int64(19880201);
-    value_check.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", value->debug_string().c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(value, &value_check, sizeof(value_check)));
-    value = (DateTimeValue*)&buf[20];
-    value->from_olap_datetime(19880201235959);
-    value_check.from_date_int64(19880201235959);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 23:59:59", value->debug_string().c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(value, &value_check, sizeof(value_check)));
-    value = (DateTimeValue*)&buf[30];
-    uint64_t date = 0;
-    date = 1988;
-    date <<= 4;
-    date |= 2;
-    date <<= 5;
-    date |= 1;
-    value->from_olap_date(date);
-    value_check.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", value->debug_string().c_str());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(value, &value_check, sizeof(value_check)));
-// Test check range
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, construct_int64) {
-    char buf[64];
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    DateTimeValue value1(19880201);
-    value1.to_string(buf);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value == value1);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201123456);
-    DateTimeValue value2(19880201123456);
-    value2.to_string(buf);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:34:56", buf);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value == value2);
-// Test check range
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, acc) {
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    char buf[64];
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    ++value;
-    value.to_string(buf);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-02", buf);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880131235959);
-    value.to_string(buf);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-01-31 23:59:59", buf);
-    ++value;
-    value.to_string(buf);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 00:00:00", buf);
-// Test check range
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, local_time) {
-    DateTimeValue value = DateTimeValue::local_time();
-    LOG(INFO) << value.debug_string();
-// Test check range
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, check_range) {
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201123456);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.check_range());
-    value._year = 10000;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_range());
-    value._year = 1988;
-    value._month = 13;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_range());
-    value._month = 2;
-    value._day = 32;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_range());
-    value._day = 1;
-    value._hour = TIME_MAX_HOUR;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_range());
-    value._type = TIME_TIME;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.check_range());
-    value._hour = TIME_MAX_HOUR + 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_range());
-    value._type = TIME_DATETIME;
-    value._hour = 12;
-    value._minute = 60;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_range());
-    value._minute = 34;
-    value._second = 60;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_range());
-    value._second = 56;
-    value._microsecond = 1000000;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_range());
-    value._month = 0;
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, check_date) {
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(19880201));
-    value._month = 0;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.check_date());
-    value._month = 2;
-    value._day = 0;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.check_date());
-    value._year = 1987;
-    value._day = 29;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.check_date());
-    value._year = 2000;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.check_date());
-// Calculate format
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, week) {
-    std::string date_str;
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    // 0000-01-01
-    date_str = "0000-01-01";
-    value.from_date_str(date_str.c_str(), date_str.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value.week(mysql_week_mode(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, value.week(mysql_week_mode(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value.week(mysql_week_mode(2)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(52, value.week(mysql_week_mode(3)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value.week(mysql_week_mode(4)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, value.week(mysql_week_mode(5)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value.week(mysql_week_mode(6)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(52, value.week(mysql_week_mode(7)));
-    // 2013-12-31
-    date_str = "2013-12-31";
-    value.from_date_str(date_str.c_str(), date_str.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(52, value.week(mysql_week_mode(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(53, value.week(mysql_week_mode(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(52, value.week(mysql_week_mode(2)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value.week(mysql_week_mode(3)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(53, value.week(mysql_week_mode(4)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(52, value.week(mysql_week_mode(5)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value.week(mysql_week_mode(6)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(52, value.week(mysql_week_mode(7)));
-    // 1988-02-01
-    date_str = "1988-02-01";
-    value.from_date_str(date_str.c_str(), date_str.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, value.week(mysql_week_mode(0)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, value.week(mysql_week_mode(1)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, value.week(mysql_week_mode(2)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, value.week(mysql_week_mode(3)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, value.week(mysql_week_mode(4)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, value.week(mysql_week_mode(5)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, value.week(mysql_week_mode(6)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, value.week(mysql_week_mode(7)));
-// Calculate format
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_unixtime) {
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    value.from_unixtime(570672000, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 08:00:00", str);
-    value.from_unixtime(253402271999, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("9999-12-31 23:59:59", str);
-    value.from_unixtime(0, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1970-01-01 08:00:00", str);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_unixtime(1586098092, "+20:00"));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_unixtime(1586098092, "foo"));
-// Calculate format
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, unix_timestamp) {
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    int64_t timestamp;
-    value.from_date_int64(19691231);
-    value.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-115200, timestamp);
-    value.from_date_int64(19700101);
-    value.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0 - 28800, timestamp);
-    value.from_date_int64(19700102);
-    value.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    ASSERT_EQ(86400 - 28800, timestamp);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201000000);
-    value.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    ASSERT_EQ(570672000 - 28800, timestamp);
-    value.from_date_int64(20380119);
-    value.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2147472000 - 28800, timestamp);
-    value.from_date_int64(20380120);
-    value.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2147529600, timestamp);
-    value.from_date_int64(10000101);
-    value.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-30610252800, timestamp);
-// Calculate format
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, add_interval) {
-    // Used to check
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    TimeInterval interval;
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    interval.microsecond = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.date_add_interval(interval, MICROSECOND));
-    interval.microsecond = 0;
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 00:00:00.000001", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    interval.second = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.date_add_interval(interval, SECOND));
-    interval.second = 0;
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 00:00:01", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    interval.minute = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.date_add_interval(interval, MINUTE));
-    interval.minute = 0;
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 00:01:00", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    interval.hour = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.date_add_interval(interval, HOUR));
-    interval.hour = 0;
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 01:00:00", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    interval.microsecond = 1;
-    interval.second = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.date_add_interval(interval, SECOND_MICROSECOND));
-    interval.microsecond = 0;
-    interval.second = 0;
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 00:00:01.000001", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    interval.day = 100;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.date_add_interval(interval, DAY));
-    interval.day = 0;
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-05-11", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880131);
-    interval.month = 97;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.date_add_interval(interval, MONTH));
-    interval.month = 0;
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1996-02-29", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(19880229);
-    interval.year = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.date_add_interval(interval, YEAR));
-    interval.year = 0;
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1989-02-28", str);
-// Calculate format
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_date_format_str) {
-    // Used to check
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    std::string format_str;
-    std::string value_str;
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    // %Y-%m-%d
-    format_str = "%Y-%m-%d";
-    value_str = "1988-02-01";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    format_str = "%Y-%M-%d";
-    value_str = "1988-feb-01";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    format_str = "%Y-%b-%d";
-    value_str = "1988-feb-01";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    format_str = "%Y%b%d";
-    value_str = "1988f01";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    format_str = "%y%m%d";
-    value_str = "880201";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    format_str = "%y%c%d";
-    value_str = "880201";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    format_str = "%y%c-%e";
-    value_str = "882-1";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    // %j
-    format_str = "%Y%j %H";
-    value_str = "198832 03";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 03:00:00", str);
-    // %x
-    format_str = "%X %V %w";
-    value_str = "2015 1 1";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2015-01-05", str);
-    // %x
-    format_str = "%x %v %w";
-    value_str = "2015 1 1";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2014-12-29", str);
-    // %x
-    format_str = "%x %v %W";
-    value_str = "2015 1 Monday";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2014-12-29", str);
-    // %x
-    format_str = "%X %V %a";
-    value_str = "2015 1 Mon";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2015-01-05", str);
-    // %T
-    format_str = "%X %V %a %r";
-    value_str = "2015 1 Mon 2:34:56 AM";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2015-01-05 02:34:56", str);
-    // %T
-    format_str = "%X %V %a %T";
-    value_str = "2015 1 Mon 12:34:56";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2015-01-05 12:34:56", str);
-    // hour
-    format_str = "%Y-%m-%d %H %i %s";
-    value_str = "88-2-1 03 4 5";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 03:04:05", str);
-    // escape %
-    format_str = "%Y-%m-%d %H%%3A%i%%3A%s";
-    value_str = "2020-02-26 00%3A00%3A00";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2020-02-26 00:00:00", str);
-    // escape %
-    format_str = "%Y-%m-%d%%%% %H%%3A%i%%3A%s";
-    value_str = "2020-02-26%% 00%3A00%3A00";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), value_str.c_str(),
-                                           value_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2020-02-26 00:00:00", str);
-// Calculate format
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_date_format_str_invalid) {
-    // Used to check
-    std::string format_str;
-    std::string value_str;
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    format_str = "%y%c%e";
-    value_str = "8821";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(),
-                                            value_str.c_str(), value_str.size()));
-    format_str = "%y-%c-%e";
-    value_str = "8821";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(),
-                                            value_str.c_str(), value_str.size()));
-    format_str = "%y%c-%e";
-    value_str = "882-30";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(),
-                                            value_str.c_str(), value_str.size()));
-    // %x
-    format_str = "%X %v %w";
-    value_str = "2015 1 1";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(),
-                                            value_str.c_str(), value_str.size()));
-    format_str = "%x %V %w";
-    value_str = "2015 1 1";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(),
-                                            value_str.c_str(), value_str.size()));
-    format_str = "%Y-%m-%d %H%3A%i%3A%s";
-    value_str = "2020-02-26 00%3A00%3A00";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_format_str(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(),
-                                            value_str.c_str(), value_str.size()));
-// Calculate format
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, format_str) {
-    // Used to check
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    std::string format_str;
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    // %a
-    format_str = "%a";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150215);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Sun", str);
-    // %b
-    format_str = "%b";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150215);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Feb", str);
-    // %c
-    format_str = "%c";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150215);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20151215);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("12", str);
-    // %d
-    format_str = "%d";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150215);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("15", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150205);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("05", str);
-    // %D
-    format_str = "%D";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1st", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150202);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2nd", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150203);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("3rd", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150204);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("4th", str);
-    // %e
-    format_str = "%e";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150211);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("11", str);
-    // %f
-    format_str = "%f";
-    value.from_date_str("20150201000000.1", 16);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("100000", str);
-    value.from_date_str("20150211000000.123456", 21);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("123456", str);
-    // %h %I
-    format_str = "%h";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201010000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("01", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201230000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("11", str);
-    format_str = "%I";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201010000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("01", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201230000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("11", str);
-    // %H
-    format_str = "%H";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201010000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("01", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201230000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("23", str);
-    // %i
-    format_str = "%i";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201010000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("00", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201235900L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("59", str);
-    // %j
-    format_str = "%j";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("032", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20151231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("365", str);
-    // %k
-    format_str = "%k";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201000000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201230000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("23", str);
-    // %l
-    format_str = "%l";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201010000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201230000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("11", str);
-    // %m
-    format_str = "%m";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("02", str);
-    // %M
-    format_str = "%M";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("February", str);
-    // %p
-    format_str = "%p";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201000000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("AM", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201120000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("PM", str);
-    // %r
-    format_str = "%r";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201023456L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("02:34:56 AM", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201003456L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("12:34:56 AM", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201123456L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("12:34:56 PM", str);
-    // %s & %S
-    format_str = "%s";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201023456L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("56", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201023406L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("06", str);
-    format_str = "%S";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201023456L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("56", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201023406L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("06", str);
-    // %T
-    format_str = "%T";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201023456L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("02:34:56", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201003456L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("00:34:56", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201123456L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("12:34:56", str);
-    // %u
-    format_str = "%u";
-    value.from_date_int64(20131231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("53", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150101);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("01", str);
-    // %U
-    format_str = "%U";
-    value.from_date_int64(20131231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("52", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150101);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("00", str);
-    // %v
-    format_str = "%v";
-    value.from_date_int64(20131231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("01", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150101);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("01", str);
-    // %V
-    format_str = "%V";
-    value.from_date_int64(20131231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("52", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150101);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("52", str);
-    // %w
-    format_str = "%w";
-    value.from_date_int64(20131231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150101);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("4", str);
-    // %W
-    format_str = "%W";
-    value.from_date_int64(20131231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Tuesday", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150101);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("Thursday", str);
-    // %x
-    format_str = "%x";
-    value.from_date_str("0000-01-01", 10);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("4294967295", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20131231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2014", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150101);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2015", str);
-    // %X
-    format_str = "%X";
-    value.from_date_str("0000-01-01", 10);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0000", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20131231L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2013", str);
-    value.from_date_int64(20150101);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2014", str);
-    // %y
-    format_str = "%y";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201000000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("15", str);
-    value.from_date_str("0005.0201120000", 17);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("05", str);
-    // %Y
-    format_str = "%Y";
-    value.from_date_int64(20150201000000L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2015", str);
-    value.from_date_str("0015.0201120000", 17);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0015", str);
-    // %Y%m%a
-    format_str = "this is %Y-%m-%d";
-    value.from_date_int64(19880201);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.to_format_string(format_str.c_str(), format_str.size(), str));
-    ASSERT_STREQ("this is 1988-02-01", str);
-// Calculate weekday
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, weekday) {
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(101));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(6));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(20150215));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(6));
-// Calculate from daynr
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, calc_form_daynr) {
-    // Used to check
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(1));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0000-01-01", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(59));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0000-02-28", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(60));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0000-03-01", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(365));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0000-12-31", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(366));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0001-01-01", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(1520));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0004-02-29", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(1519));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0004-02-28", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(1521));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0004-03-01", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(726133));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_daynr(3652424));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("9999-12-31", str);
-    // BAD CASE
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_daynr(0));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_daynr(3652425));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_daynr(36524251));
-// Calculate daynr
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, calc_daynr) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, DateTimeValue::calc_daynr(0, 0, 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, DateTimeValue::calc_daynr(0, 1, 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(365, DateTimeValue::calc_daynr(0, 12, 31));
-    ASSERT_EQ(366, DateTimeValue::calc_daynr(1, 1, 1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(726133, DateTimeValue::calc_daynr(1988, 2, 1));
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    value.from_date_int64(880201);
-    ASSERT_EQ(726133, value.daynr());
-    ASSERT_EQ(726161, DateTimeValue::calc_daynr(1988, 2, 29));
-// Construct from int value
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_time_str) {
-    // Used to check
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    std::string test_str;
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    test_str = " 880201";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    test_str = "88020112";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("8802-01-12", str);
-    test_str = "8802011223";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:23:00", str);
-    test_str = "880201122334";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:23:34", str);
-    test_str = "19880201";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    test_str = "1988.020112";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:00:00", str);
-    test_str = "1988.0201123";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:03:00", str);
-    test_str = "1988.020112345";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:34:05", str);
-    test_str = "19880201000000.1234567";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 00:00:00.123456", str);
-    test_str = "19880201T000000.1234567";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 00:00:00.123456", str);
-    // normal-2
-    // Delim MODE
-    test_str = "88-02-01";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    test_str = "1988-02-01";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    test_str = "1988-02-01 12";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:00:00", str);
-    test_str = "1988-02-01 12:34";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:34:00", str);
-    test_str = "1988-02-01 12:34:56";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:34:56", str);
-    test_str = "1988-02-01 12:34:56.123";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:34:56.123000", str);
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_time_str_invalid) {
-    std::string test_str;
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    test_str = "  ";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    test_str = " a";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    // normal-1
-    test_str = "1988-02-31 00:00:00";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    test_str = "1988-02 01 12:34:56";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    // excede 9999999
-    test_str = "1988999-02-31 00:00:00";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    test_str = "1988-02-31 100";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-    test_str = "1988.02-31 10";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_str(test_str.c_str(), test_str.size()));
-// Construct from int value
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_time_int) {
-    // Used to check
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    // 59 -> 00:00:59
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_time_int64(59));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("00:00:59", str);
-    // 5959 -> 00:59:59
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_time_int64(5959));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("00:59:59", str);
-    // 8385959 -> 838:59:59
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_time_int64(8385959));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("838:59:59", str);
-    // 880201000000
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_time_int64(880201000000));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 00:00:00", str);
-// Construct from int value
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_time_int_invalid) {
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    // 69
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_time_int64(69));
-    // 6959
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_time_int64(6959));
-    // 9006969
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_time_int64(8396969));
-    // 1000132000000
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_time_int64(1000132000000));
-// Construct from int value
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_int_value) {
-    // Used to check
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    // 101 -> 2000-01-01
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(101));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2000-01-01", str);
-    // 150201 -> 2015-02-01
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(150201));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2015-02-01", str);
-    // 691231 -> 2069-12-31
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(691231));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2069-12-31", str);
-    // 700101 -> 1970-01-01
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(700101));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1970-01-01", str);
-    // 880201 -> 1988-02-01
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(880201));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01", str);
-    // 991231 -> 1999-12-31
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(991231));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1999-12-31", str);
-    // 10000101 -> 1000-01-01
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(10000101));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1000-01-01", str);
-    // 12340531 -> 1234-05-31
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(12340531));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1234-05-31", str);
-    // 99991231 -> 9999-12-31
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(99991231));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("9999-12-31", str);
-    // 101000000 -> 2000-01-01 00:00:00
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(101000000));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2000-01-01 00:00:00", str);
-    // 150201123456 -> 2015-02-01 12:34:56
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(150201123456));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2015-02-01 12:34:56", str);
-    // 691231235959 -> 2069-12-31 23:59:59
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(691231235959));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("2069-12-31 23:59:59", str);
-    // 700101000000 -> 1970-01-01 00:00:00
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(700101000000));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1970-01-01 00:00:00", str);
-    // 880201123456 -> 1988-02-01 12:34:56
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(880201123456));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1988-02-01 12:34:56", str);
-    // 991231235959 -> 1999-12-31 23:59:59
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(991231235959));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1999-12-31 23:59:59", str);
-    // four digits year
-    // 1231231235959 -> 0123-12-31 23:59:59
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(1231231235959));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("0123-12-31 23:59:59", str);
-    // 99991231235959 -> 9999-12-31 23:59:59
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(99991231235959));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("9999-12-31 23:59:59", str);
-// Construct from int value invalid
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, from_int_value_invalid) {
-    DateTimeValue value;
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    // minus value
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_int64(-1231));
-    // [0, 101)
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_int64(100));
-    // 691323
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_int64(691323));
-    // three digits year 8980101
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_int64(8980101));
-    // 100-12-31
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_int64(1000101L));
-    // 100-12-31
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_int64(1232));
-    // 99 00:00:00
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value.from_date_int64(99000000));
-    value.to_string(str);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("9900-00-00", str);
-    // 9999-99-99 99:99:99 + 1
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value.from_date_int64(99999999999999L + 1));
-// Convert to datetime string
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, to_string) {
-    char str[MAX_DTVALUE_STR_LEN];
-    // 0000-00-00 00:00:00
-    {
-        DateTimeValue value;
-        // datetime
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0000-00-00 00:00:00", str);
-        // date
-        value._type = TIME_DATE;
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0000-00-00", str);
-        // time
-        value._type = TIME_TIME;
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("00:00:00", str);
-    }
-    // 8765-12-23 12:34:56.987654
-    {
-        DateTimeValue value;
-        value._year = 8765;
-        value._month = 12;
-        value._day = 23;
-        value._hour = 12;
-        value._minute = 34;
-        value._second = 56;
-        value._microsecond = 987654;
-        // datetime
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("8765-12-23 12:34:56.987654", str);
-        // time
-        value._type = TIME_TIME;
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("12:34:56.987654", str);
-        // date
-        value._type = TIME_DATE;
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("8765-12-23", str);
-    }
-    // 0001-02-03 04:05:06.000007
-    {
-        DateTimeValue value;
-        value._year = 1;
-        value._month = 2;
-        value._day = 3;
-        value._hour = 4;
-        value._minute = 5;
-        value._second = 6;
-        value._microsecond = 7;
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0001-02-03 04:05:06.000007", str);
-        // date
-        value._type = TIME_DATE;
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0001-02-03", str);
-        // time
-        value._type = TIME_TIME;
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("04:05:06.000007", str);
-    }
-    // time minus -100:05:06
-    {
-        DateTimeValue value;
-        value._hour = 100;
-        value._minute = 5;
-        value._second = 6;
-        value._microsecond = 7;
-        value._type = TIME_TIME;
-        value._neg = 1;
-        value.to_string(str);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("-100:05:06.000007", str);
-    }
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, to_int64) {
-    // 0000-00-00 00:00:00
-    {
-        DateTimeValue value;
-        // datetime
-        ASSERT_EQ(0L, value.to_int64());
-        // date
-        value._type = TIME_DATE;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0L, value.to_int64());
-        // time
-        value._type = TIME_TIME;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0L, value.to_int64());
-    }
-    // 8765-12-23 12:34:56.987654
-    {
-        DateTimeValue value;
-        value._year = 8765;
-        value._month = 12;
-        value._day = 23;
-        value._hour = 12;
-        value._minute = 34;
-        value._second = 56;
-        value._microsecond = 987654;
-        // datetime
-        ASSERT_EQ(87651223123456L, value.to_int64());
-        // time
-        value._type = TIME_TIME;
-        ASSERT_EQ(123456L, value.to_int64());
-        // date
-        value._type = TIME_DATE;
-        ASSERT_EQ(87651223L, value.to_int64());
-    }
-    // 0001-02-03 04:05:06.000007
-    {
-        DateTimeValue value;
-        value._year = 1;
-        value._month = 2;
-        value._day = 3;
-        value._hour = 4;
-        value._minute = 5;
-        value._second = 6;
-        value._microsecond = 7;
-        ASSERT_EQ(10203040506L, value.to_int64());
-        // date
-        value._type = TIME_DATE;
-        ASSERT_EQ(10203L, value.to_int64());
-        // time
-        value._type = TIME_TIME;
-        ASSERT_EQ(40506L, value.to_int64());
-    }
-    // time minus -100:05:06
-    {
-        DateTimeValue value;
-        value._hour = 100;
-        value._minute = 5;
-        value._second = 6;
-        value._microsecond = 7;
-        value._type = TIME_TIME;
-        value._neg = 1;
-        ASSERT_EQ(-1000506L, value.to_int64());
-    }
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, operator_minus) {
-    {
-        DateTimeValue v1;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(v1.from_date_int64(19880201));
-        DateTimeValue v2;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(v2.from_date_int64(19870201));
-        int value = v1 - v2;
-        ASSERT_EQ(365, value);
-        value = v2 - v1;
-        ASSERT_EQ(-365, value);
-        value = v1 - v1;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, value);
-    }
-    {
-        DateTimeValue v1;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(v1.from_date_int64(19880201));
-        DateTimeValue v2;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(v2.from_date_int64(19870201123456));
-        int value = v1 - v2;
-        ASSERT_EQ(365, value);
-        value = v2 - v1;
-        ASSERT_EQ(-365, value);
-        value = v1 - v1;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, value);
-    }
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, min_max) {
-    char buf[64];
-    {
-        DateTimeValue v1 = DateTimeValue::datetime_min_value();
-        v1.to_string(buf);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0000-01-01 00:00:00", buf);
-    }
-    {
-        DateTimeValue v1 = DateTimeValue::datetime_max_value();
-        v1.to_string(buf);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("9999-12-31 23:59:59", buf);
-    }
-TEST_F(DateTimeValueTest, packed_time) {
-    char buf[64];
-    {
-        DateTimeValue v1;
-        v1.from_date_int64(20010203123456L);
-        v1.to_string(buf);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("2001-02-03 12:34:56", buf);
-        int64_t packed_time = v1.to_int64_date_packed();
-        ASSERT_EQ(1830649476851695616L, packed_time);
-        packed_time = v1.to_int64_datetime_packed();
-        ASSERT_EQ(1830650338932162560L, packed_time);
-    }
-    {
-        doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv;
-        tv.packed_time = 1830650338932162560L;
-        tv.type = TIME_DATETIME;
-        DateTimeValue v1 = DateTimeValue::from_datetime_val(tv);
-        v1.to_string(buf);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("2001-02-03 12:34:56", buf);
-        doris_udf::DateTimeVal tv2;
-        v1.to_datetime_val(&tv2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tv == tv2);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/decimal_value_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/decimal_value_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d6ee7d..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/decimal_value_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/decimal_value.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DecimalValueTest : public testing::Test {
-    DecimalValueTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, string_to_decimal) {
-    DecimalValue value(std::string("1.23"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("1.23", value.to_string(3));
-    DecimalValue value1(std::string("0.23"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("0.23", value1.to_string(3));
-    DecimalValue value2(std::string("1234567890123456789.0"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("1234567890123456789.0", value2.to_string(3));
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, negative_zero) {
-    DecimalValue value(std::string("-0.00"));
-    std::cout << "value: " << value.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    {
-        // positive zero VS negative zero
-        DecimalValue value2(std::string("0.00"));
-        std::cout << "value2: " << value2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value == value2);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(value < value2);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(value < value2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value >= value2);
-    }
-    {
-        // from string, positive
-        DecimalValue value3(std::string("5.0"));
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value < value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 > value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 >= value);
-    }
-    {
-        // from string, negative
-        DecimalValue value3(std::string("-5.0"));
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value > value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value >= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 < value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 <= value);
-    }
-    {
-        // from int
-        DecimalValue value3(6);
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value < value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 > value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 >= value);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(!(value < value3));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(!(value <= value3));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(!(value3 > value));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(!(value3 >= value));
-    }
-    {
-        // from int
-        DecimalValue value3(4, 0);
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value < value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 > value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 >= value);
-    }
-    {
-        // from int
-        DecimalValue value3(3, -0);
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value < value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 > value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 >= value);
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, int_to_decimal) {
-    DecimalValue value1;
-    ASSERT_EQ("0", value1.to_string(3));
-    DecimalValue value2(111111111); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value2: " << value2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("111111111", value2.to_string(3));
-    DecimalValue value3(111111111, 222222222); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("111111111.222", value3.to_string(3));
-    DecimalValue value4(0, 222222222); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value4: " << value4.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("0.222", value4.to_string(3));
-    DecimalValue value5(111111111, 0); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value5: " << value5.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("111111111", value5.to_string(3));
-    DecimalValue value6(0, 0); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value6: " << value6.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("0", value6.to_string(3));
-    DecimalValue value7(0, 12345); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value7: " << value7.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("0.000012", value7.to_string(6));
-    DecimalValue value8(11, 0);
-    std::cout << "value8: " << value8.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("11", value8.to_string(3));
-    // more than 9digit, fraction will be trancated to 999999999
-    DecimalValue value9(1230123456789, 1230123456789);
-    std::cout << "value9: " << value9.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("1230123456789.999999999", value9.to_string(10));
-    // negative
-    {
-        DecimalValue value2(-111111111); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value2: " << value2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-111111111", value2.to_string(3));
-        DecimalValue value3(-111111111, 222222222); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-111111111.222", value3.to_string(3));
-        DecimalValue value4(0, -222222222); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value4: " << value4.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-0.222", value4.to_string(3));
-        DecimalValue value5(-111111111, 0); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value5: " << value5.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-111111111", value5.to_string(3));
-        DecimalValue value7(0, -12345); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value7: " << value7.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-0.000012", value7.to_string(6));
-        DecimalValue value8(-11, 0);
-        std::cout << "value8: " << value8.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-11", value8.to_string(3));
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, add) {
-    DecimalValue value11(std::string("1111111111.2222222222")); // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue value12(std::string("2222222222.1111111111")); // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue add_result1 = value11 + value12;
-    std::cout << "add_result1: " << add_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("3333333333.3333333333", add_result1.to_string(10));
-    DecimalValue value21(std::string("-3333333333.2222222222")); // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue value22(std::string("2222222222.1111111111"));  // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue add_result2 = value21 + value22;
-    std::cout << "add_result2: " << add_result2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("-1111111111.1111111111", add_result2.to_string(10));
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, compound_add) {
-    {
-        DecimalValue value1(std::string("111111111.222222222"));
-        DecimalValue value2(std::string("111111111.222222222"));
-        value1 += value2;
-        std::cout << "value1: " << value1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("222222222.444444444", value1.to_string(10));
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, sub) {
-    DecimalValue value11(std::string("3333333333.2222222222")); // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue value12(std::string("2222222222.1111111111")); // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue sub_result1 = value11 - value12;
-    std::cout << "sub_result1: " << sub_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("1111111111.1111111111", sub_result1.to_string(10));
-    DecimalValue value21(std::string("-2222222222.1111111111")); // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue sub_result2 = value11 - value21;
-    std::cout << "sub_result2: " << sub_result2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("5555555555.3333333333", sub_result2.to_string(10));
-    // small - big
-    {
-        DecimalValue value1(std::string("8.0"));
-        DecimalValue value2(std::string("0"));
-        DecimalValue sub_result = value2 - value1;
-        LOG(INFO) << "sub_result: " << sub_result.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        DecimalValue expected_value(std::string("-8.0"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, sub_result);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(sub_result.is_zero());
-    }
-    // minimum - maximal
-    {
-        DecimalValue value1(
-                std::string("9999999999999999999999999999999999999999"
-                            "99999999999999999999999999999999999999999")); // 81 digits
-        DecimalValue value2(
-                std::string("-9999999999999999999999999999999999999999"
-                            "99999999999999999999999999999999999999999")); // 81 digits
-        DecimalValue sub_result = value2 - value1;
-        LOG(INFO) << "sub_result: " << sub_result.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        DecimalValue expected_value = value2;
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, sub_result);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(sub_result.is_zero());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value1 > value2);
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, mul) {
-    DecimalValue value11(std::string("3333333333.2222222222"));  // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue value12(std::string("-2222222222.1111111111")); // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue mul_result1 = value11 * value12;
-    std::cout << "mul_result1: " << mul_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ(DecimalValue(std::string("-7407407406790123456.71604938271975308642")), mul_result1);
-    DecimalValue value21(std::string("0")); // zero
-    DecimalValue mul_result2 = value11 * value21;
-    std::cout << "mul_result2: " << mul_result2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ(DecimalValue(std::string("0")), mul_result2);
-    {
-        // test when carry is needed
-        DecimalValue value1(std::string("3074062.5421333313"));
-        DecimalValue value2(std::string("2169.957745029689045693"));
-        DecimalValue mul_result = value1 * value2;
-        std::cout << "mul_result=" << mul_result.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ(DecimalValue(std::string("6670585822.0078770603624547106640070909")), mul_result);
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, div) {
-    DecimalValue value11(std::string("-7407407406790123456.71604938271975308642"));
-    DecimalValue value12(std::string("-2222222222.1111111111")); // 10 digits
-    DecimalValue div_result1 = value11 / value12;
-    std::cout << "div_result1: " << div_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ(DecimalValue(std::string("3333333333.2222222222")), div_result1);
-    ASSERT_EQ("3333333333.222222222200000", div_result1.to_string(15));
-    {
-        DecimalValue value11(std::string("32767"));
-        DecimalValue value12(std::string("604587"));
-        DecimalValue div_result1 = value11 / value12;
-        std::cout << "div_result1: " << div_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ(DecimalValue(std::string("0.054197328")), div_result1);
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, unary_minus_operator) {
-    {
-        DecimalValue value1(std::string("111111111.222222222"));
-        DecimalValue value2 = -value1;
-        std::cout << "value1: " << value1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "value2: " << value2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("111111111.222222222", value1.to_string(10));
-        ASSERT_EQ("-111111111.222222222", value2.to_string(10));
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, to_int_frac_value) {
-    // positive & negative
-    {
-        DecimalValue value(std::string("123456789123456789.987654321"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(123456789123456789, value.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(987654321, value.frac_value());
-        DecimalValue value2(std::string("-123456789123456789.987654321"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(-123456789123456789, value2.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(-987654321, value2.frac_value());
-    }
-    // int or frac part is 0
-    {
-        DecimalValue value(std::string("-123456789123456789"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(-123456789123456789, value.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, value.frac_value());
-        DecimalValue value2(std::string("0.987654321"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, value2.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(987654321, value2.frac_value());
-    }
-    // truncate frac part
-    {
-        DecimalValue value(std::string("-123456789.987654321987654321"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(-123456789, value.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(-987654321, value.frac_value());
-    }
-// Half up
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, round_ops) {
-    // less than 5
-    DecimalValue value(std::string("1.249"));
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, -1, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("10", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 0, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 1, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.3", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.2", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 2, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.25", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.25", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.24", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.24", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 3, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 4, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-    }
-// Half up
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, round_minus) {
-    // less than 5
-    DecimalValue value(std::string("-1.249"));
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, -1, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-10", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 0, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 1, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.3", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.2", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 2, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.25", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.24", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.25", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.24", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 3, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 4, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-    }
-// Half up
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, round_to_int) {
-    {
-        DecimalValue value(std::string("99.99"));
-        {
-            DecimalValue dst;
-            value.round(&dst, 1, HALF_UP);
-            ASSERT_EQ("100.0", dst.to_string());
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalValue value(std::string("123.12399"));
-        {
-            DecimalValue dst;
-            value.round(&dst, 4, HALF_UP);
-            ASSERT_EQ("123.124", dst.to_string());
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, double_to_decimal) {
-    double i = 1.2;
-    DecimalValue* value = new DecimalValue(100, 9876);
-    value->assign_from_double(i);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1.2", value->to_string().c_str());
-    delete value;
-TEST_F(DecimalValueTest, float_to_decimal) {
-    float i = 1.2;
-    DecimalValue* value = new DecimalValue(100, 9876);
-    value->assign_from_float(i);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1.2", value->to_string().c_str());
-    delete value;
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/decimalv2_value_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/decimalv2_value_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 03a9ef5..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/decimalv2_value_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/decimalv2_value.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DecimalV2ValueTest : public testing::Test {
-    DecimalV2ValueTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, string_to_decimal) {
-    DecimalV2Value value(std::string("1.23"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("1.23", value.to_string(3));
-    DecimalV2Value value1(std::string("0.23"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("0.23", value1.to_string(3));
-    DecimalV2Value value2(std::string("1234567890123456789.0"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("1234567890123456789", value2.to_string(3));
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, negative_zero) {
-    DecimalV2Value value(std::string("-0.00"));
-    std::cout << "value: " << value.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    {
-        // positive zero VS negative zero
-        DecimalV2Value value2(std::string("0.00"));
-        std::cout << "value2: " << value2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value == value2);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(value < value2);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(value < value2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value >= value2);
-    }
-    {
-        // from string, positive
-        DecimalV2Value value3(std::string("5.0"));
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value < value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 > value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 >= value);
-    }
-    {
-        // from string, negative
-        DecimalV2Value value3(std::string("-5.0"));
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value > value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value >= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 < value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 <= value);
-    }
-    {
-        // from int
-        DecimalV2Value value3(6);
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value < value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 > value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 >= value);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(!(value < value3));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(!(value <= value3));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(!(value3 > value));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(!(value3 >= value));
-    }
-    {
-        // from int
-        DecimalV2Value value3(4, 0);
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value < value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 > value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 >= value);
-    }
-    {
-        // from int
-        DecimalV2Value value3(3, -0);
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value < value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value <= value3);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 > value);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value3 >= value);
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, int_to_decimal) {
-    DecimalV2Value value1;
-    ASSERT_EQ("0", value1.to_string(3));
-    DecimalV2Value value2(111111111, 0); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value2: " << value2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("111111111", value2.to_string(3));
-    DecimalV2Value value3(111111111, 222222222); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("111111111.222", value3.to_string(3));
-    DecimalV2Value value4(0, 222222222); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value4: " << value4.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("0.222", value4.to_string(3));
-    DecimalV2Value value5(111111111, 0); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value5: " << value5.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("111111111", value5.to_string(3));
-    DecimalV2Value value6(0, 0); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value6: " << value6.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("0", value6.to_string(3));
-    DecimalV2Value value7(0, 12345); // 9 digits
-    std::cout << "value7: " << value7.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("0.000012", value7.to_string(6));
-    DecimalV2Value value8(11, 0);
-    std::cout << "value8: " << value8.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("11", value8.to_string(3));
-    // more than 9digit, fraction will be truncated to 999999999
-    DecimalV2Value value9(1230123456789, 1230123456789);
-    std::cout << "value9: " << value9.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("1230123456789.999999999", value9.to_string(10));
-    // negative
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value2(-111111111, 0); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value2: " << value2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-111111111", value2.to_string(3));
-        DecimalV2Value value3(-111111111, 222222222); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value3: " << value3.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-111111111.222", value3.to_string(3));
-        DecimalV2Value value4(0, -222222222); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value4: " << value4.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-0.222", value4.to_string(3));
-        DecimalV2Value value5(-111111111, 0); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value5: " << value5.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-111111111", value5.to_string(3));
-        DecimalV2Value value7(0, -12345); // 9 digits
-        std::cout << "value7: " << value7.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-0.000012", value7.to_string(6));
-        DecimalV2Value value8(-11, 0);
-        std::cout << "value8: " << value8.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("-11", value8.to_string(3));
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, add) {
-    DecimalV2Value value11(std::string("1111111111.222222222")); // 9 digits
-    DecimalV2Value value12(std::string("2222222222.111111111")); // 9 digits
-    DecimalV2Value add_result1 = value11 + value12;
-    std::cout << "add_result1: " << add_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("3333333333.333333333", add_result1.to_string(9));
-    DecimalV2Value value21(std::string("-3333333333.222222222")); // 9 digits
-    DecimalV2Value value22(std::string("2222222222.111111111"));  // 9 digits
-    DecimalV2Value add_result2 = value21 + value22;
-    std::cout << "add_result2: " << add_result2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("-1111111111.111111111", add_result2.to_string(9));
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, compound_add) {
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value1(std::string("111111111.222222222"));
-        DecimalV2Value value2(std::string("111111111.222222222"));
-        value1 += value2;
-        std::cout << "value1: " << value1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("222222222.444444444", value1.to_string(9));
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, sub) {
-    DecimalV2Value value11(std::string("3333333333.222222222")); // 9 digits
-    DecimalV2Value value12(std::string("2222222222.111111111")); // 9 digits
-    DecimalV2Value sub_result1 = value11 - value12;
-    std::cout << "sub_result1: " << sub_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("1111111111.111111111", sub_result1.to_string(9));
-    DecimalV2Value value21(std::string("-2222222222.111111111")); // 9 digits
-    DecimalV2Value sub_result2 = value11 - value21;
-    std::cout << "sub_result2: " << sub_result2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ("5555555555.333333333", sub_result2.to_string(9));
-    // small - big
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value1(std::string("8.0"));
-        DecimalV2Value value2(std::string("0"));
-        DecimalV2Value sub_result = value2 - value1;
-        std::cout << "sub_result: " << sub_result.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        DecimalV2Value expected_value(std::string("-8.0"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, sub_result);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(sub_result.is_zero());
-    }
-    // minimum - maximal
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value1(std::string("999999999999999999.999999999"));  // 27 digits
-        DecimalV2Value value2(std::string("-999999999999999999.999999999")); // 27 digits
-        DecimalV2Value sub_result = value2 - value1;
-        std::cout << "sub_result: " << sub_result.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_STREQ("-1999999999999999999.999999998", sub_result.to_string().c_str());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(sub_result.is_zero());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(value1 > value2);
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, mul) {
-    DecimalV2Value value11(std::string("333333333.2222"));
-    DecimalV2Value value12(std::string("-222222222.1111"));
-    DecimalV2Value mul_result1 = value11 * value12;
-    std::cout << "mul_result1: " << mul_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ(DecimalV2Value(std::string("-74074074012337037.04938642")), mul_result1);
-    DecimalV2Value value21(std::string("0")); // zero
-    DecimalV2Value mul_result2 = value11 * value21;
-    std::cout << "mul_result2: " << mul_result2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ(DecimalV2Value(std::string("0")), mul_result2);
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, div) {
-    DecimalV2Value value11(std::string("-74074074012337037.04938642"));
-    DecimalV2Value value12(std::string("-222222222.1111"));
-    DecimalV2Value div_result1 = value11 / value12;
-    std::cout << "div_result1: " << div_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-    ASSERT_EQ(DecimalV2Value(std::string("333333333.2222")), div_result1);
-    ASSERT_EQ("333333333.2222", div_result1.to_string());
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value11(std::string("32766.999943536"));
-        DecimalV2Value value12(std::string("604587"));
-        DecimalV2Value div_result1 = value11 / value12;
-        std::cout << "div_result1: " << div_result1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ(DecimalV2Value(std::string("0.054197328")), div_result1);
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, unary_minus_operator) {
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value1(std::string("111111111.222222222"));
-        DecimalV2Value value2 = -value1;
-        std::cout << "value1: " << value1.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "value2: " << value2.get_debug_info() << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_EQ("111111111.222222222", value1.to_string(10));
-        ASSERT_EQ("-111111111.222222222", value2.to_string(10));
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, to_int_frac_value) {
-    // positive & negative
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value(std::string("123456789123456789.987654321"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(123456789123456789, value.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(987654321, value.frac_value());
-        DecimalV2Value value2(std::string("-123456789123456789.987654321"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(-123456789123456789, value2.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(-987654321, value2.frac_value());
-    }
-    // int or frac part is 0
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value(std::string("-123456789123456789"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(-123456789123456789, value.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, value.frac_value());
-        DecimalV2Value value2(std::string("0.987654321"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, value2.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(987654321, value2.frac_value());
-    }
-    // truncate frac part
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value(std::string("-123456789.987654321987654321"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(-123456789, value.int_value());
-        ASSERT_EQ(-987654322, value.frac_value());
-    }
-// Half up
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, round_ops) {
-    // less than 5
-    DecimalV2Value value(std::string("1.249"));
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, -1, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("10", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 0, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 1, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.3", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.2", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 2, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.25", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.25", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.24", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.24", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 3, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 4, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("1.249", dst.to_string());
-    }
-// Half up
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, round_minus) {
-    // less than 5
-    DecimalV2Value value(std::string("-1.249"));
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, -1, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-10", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, -1, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("0", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 0, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 0, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 1, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.2", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.3", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 1, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.2", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 2, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.25", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.24", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.25", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 2, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.24", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 3, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 3, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value dst;
-        value.round(&dst, 4, HALF_UP);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, CEILING);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, FLOOR);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-        value.round(&dst, 4, TRUNCATE);
-        ASSERT_EQ("-1.249", dst.to_string());
-    }
-// Half up
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, round_to_int) {
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value(std::string("99.99"));
-        {
-            DecimalV2Value dst;
-            value.round(&dst, 1, HALF_UP);
-            ASSERT_EQ("100", dst.to_string());
-        }
-    }
-    {
-        DecimalV2Value value(std::string("123.12399"));
-        {
-            DecimalV2Value dst;
-            value.round(&dst, 4, HALF_UP);
-            ASSERT_EQ("123.124", dst.to_string());
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, double_to_decimal) {
-    double i = 1.2;
-    DecimalV2Value* value = new DecimalV2Value(100, 9876);
-    value->assign_from_double(i);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1.2", value->to_string().c_str());
-    delete value;
-TEST_F(DecimalV2ValueTest, float_to_decimal) {
-    float i = 1.2;
-    DecimalV2Value* value = new DecimalV2Value(100, 9876);
-    value->assign_from_float(i);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1.2", value->to_string().c_str());
-    delete value;
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/disk_io_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/disk_io_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ed93826..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/disk_io_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1117 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/disk_io_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::stringstream;
-using std::vector;
-using std::list;
-using boost::lock_guard;
-using boost::unique_lock;
-using boost::mutex;
-using boost::mem_fn;
-using boost::condition_variable;
-using boost::scoped_ptr;
-using boost::thread;
-using boost::thread_group;
-namespace doris {
-const int MIN_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
-const int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
-const int LARGE_MEM_LIMIT = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
-class DiskIoMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    void write_validate_callback(int num_writes, DiskIoMgr::WriteRange** written_range,
-                                 DiskIoMgr* io_mgr, DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader,
-                                 int32_t* data, Status expected_status, const Status& status) {
-        if (expected_status.code() == TStatusCode::CANCELLED) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok() || status.is_cancelled());
-        } else {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(status.code() == expected_status.code());
-        }
-        if (status.ok()) {
-            DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* scan_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::ScanRange());
-            scan_range->reset(NULL, (*written_range)->file(), (*written_range)->len(),
-                              (*written_range)->offset(), 0, false, false,
-                              DiskIoMgr::ScanRange::NEVER_CACHE);
-            validate_sync_read(io_mgr, reader, scan_range, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data),
-                               sizeof(int32_t));
-        }
-        {
-            lock_guard<mutex> l(_written_mutex);
-            ++_num_ranges_written;
-            if (_num_ranges_written == num_writes) {
-                _writes_done.notify_one();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    void write_complete_callback(int num_writes, const Status& status) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        {
-            lock_guard<mutex> l(_written_mutex);
-            ++_num_ranges_written;
-            if (_num_ranges_written == num_writes) {
-                _writes_done.notify_all();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    void CreateTempFile(const char* filename, const char* data) {
-        FILE* file = fopen(filename, "w");
-        EXPECT_TRUE(file != NULL);
-        fwrite(data, 1, strlen(data), file);
-        fclose(file);
-    }
-    int CreateTempFile(const char* filename, int file_size) {
-        FILE* file = fopen(filename, "w");
-        EXPECT_TRUE(file != NULL);
-        int success = fclose(file);
-        if (success != 0) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "Error closing file " << filename;
-            return success;
-        }
-        return truncate(filename, file_size);
-    }
-    // Validates that buffer[i] is \0 or expected[i]
-    static void validate_empty_or_correct(const char* expected, const char* buffer, int len) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-            if (buffer[i] != '\0') {
-                EXPECT_EQ(expected[i], buffer[i]) << (int)expected[i] << " != " << (int)buffer[i];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    static void validate_sync_read(DiskIoMgr* io_mgr, DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader,
-                                   DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* range, const char* expected,
-                                   int expected_len = -1) {
-        DiskIoMgr::BufferDescriptor* buffer;
-        Status status = io_mgr->read(reader, range, &buffer);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(buffer != NULL);
-        EXPECT_EQ(buffer->len(), range->len());
-        if (expected_len < 0) {
-            expected_len = strlen(expected);
-        }
-        int cmp = memcmp(buffer->buffer(), expected, expected_len);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(cmp == 0);
-        buffer->return_buffer();
-    }
-    static void validate_scan_range(DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* range, const char* expected,
-                                    int expected_len, const Status& expected_status) {
-        char result[expected_len + 1];
-        memset(result, 0, expected_len + 1);
-        while (true) {
-            DiskIoMgr::BufferDescriptor* buffer = NULL;
-            Status status = range->get_next(&buffer);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok() || status.code() == expected_status.code());
-            if (buffer == NULL || !status.ok()) {
-                if (buffer != NULL) buffer->return_buffer();
-                break;
-            }
-            ASSERT_LE(buffer->len(), expected_len);
-            memcpy(result + range->offset() + buffer->scan_range_offset(), buffer->buffer(),
-                   buffer->len());
-            buffer->return_buffer();
-        }
-        validate_empty_or_correct(expected, result, expected_len);
-    }
-    // Continues pulling scan ranges from the io mgr until they are all done.
-    // Updates num_ranges_processed with the number of ranges seen by this thread.
-    static void scan_range_thread(DiskIoMgr* io_mgr, DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader,
-                                  const char* expected_result, int expected_len,
-                                  const Status& expected_status, int max_ranges,
-                                  AtomicInt<int>* num_ranges_processed) {
-        int num_ranges = 0;
-        while (max_ranges == 0 || num_ranges < max_ranges) {
-            DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* range;
-            Status status = io_mgr->get_next_range(reader, &range);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok() || status.code() == expected_status.code());
-            if (range == NULL) break;
-            validate_scan_range(range, expected_result, expected_len, expected_status);
-            ++(*num_ranges_processed);
-            ++num_ranges;
-        }
-    }
-    DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* init_range(int num_buffers, const char* file_path, int offset, int len,
-                                     int disk_id, int64_t mtime, void* meta_data = NULL,
-                                     bool is_cached = false) {
-        DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::ScanRange(num_buffers));
-        range->reset(NULL, file_path, len, offset, disk_id, is_cached, true, mtime, meta_data);
-        EXPECT_EQ(mtime, range->mtime());
-        return range;
-    }
-    boost::scoped_ptr<ObjectPool> _pool;
-    mutex _written_mutex;
-    condition_variable _writes_done;
-    int _num_ranges_written;
-// Test a single writer with multiple disks and threads per disk. Each WriteRange
-// writes random 4-byte integers, and upon completion, the written data is validated
-// by reading the data back via a separate IoMgr instance. All writes are expected to
-// complete successfully.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, SingleWriter) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    _num_ranges_written = 0;
-    string tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    int num_ranges = 100;
-    int64_t file_size = 1024 * 1024;
-    int64_t cur_offset = 0;
-    int success = CreateTempFile(tmp_file.c_str(), file_size);
-    if (success != 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating temp file " << tmp_file.c_str() << " of size " << file_size;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(false);
-    }
-    boost::scoped_ptr<DiskIoMgr> read_io_mgr(new DiskIoMgr(1, 1, 1, 10));
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    Status status = read_io_mgr->init(reader_mem_tracker);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-    status = read_io_mgr->register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    for (int num_threads_per_disk = 1; num_threads_per_disk <= 5; ++num_threads_per_disk) {
-        for (int num_disks = 1; num_disks <= 5; num_disks += 2) {
-            _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-            DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, num_threads_per_disk, 1, 10);
-            status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-            DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* writer;
-            io_mgr.register_context(&writer, mem_tracker);
-            for (int i = 0; i < num_ranges; ++i) {
-                int32_t* data = _pool->add(new int32_t);
-                *data = rand();
-                DiskIoMgr::WriteRange** new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange*);
-                DiskIoMgr::WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback callback =
-                        bind(mem_fn(&DiskIoMgrTest::write_validate_callback), this, num_ranges,
-                             new_range, read_io_mgr.get(), reader, data, Status::OK(), _1);
-                *new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange(
-                        tmp_file, cur_offset, num_ranges % num_disks, callback));
-                (*new_range)->set_data(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data), sizeof(int32_t));
-                Status add_status = io_mgr.add_write_range(writer, *new_range);
-                EXPECT_TRUE(add_status.ok());
-                cur_offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-            }
-            {
-                unique_lock<mutex> lock(_written_mutex);
-                while (_num_ranges_written < num_ranges) {
-                    _writes_done.wait(lock);
-                }
-            }
-            _num_ranges_written = 0;
-            io_mgr.unregister_context(writer);
-        }
-    }
-    read_io_mgr->unregister_context(reader);
-    read_io_mgr.reset();
-// Perform invalid writes (e.g. non-existent file, negative offset) and validate
-// that an error status is returned via the write callback.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, InvalidWrite) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    _num_ranges_written = 0;
-    string tmp_file = "/tmp/non-existent.txt";
-    DiskIoMgr io_mgr(1, 1, 1, 10);
-    Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* writer;
-    status = io_mgr.register_context(&writer);
-    _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-    int32_t* data = _pool->add(new int32_t);
-    *data = rand();
-    // Write to a non-existent file.
-    DiskIoMgr::WriteRange** new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange*);
-    DiskIoMgr::WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback callback = bind(
-            mem_fn(&DiskIoMgrTest::write_validate_callback), this, 2, new_range, (DiskIoMgr*)NULL,
-            (DiskIoMgr::RequestContext*)NULL, data, Status::InternalError("Test Failure"), _1);
-    *new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange(tmp_file, rand(), 0, callback));
-    (*new_range)->set_data(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data), sizeof(int32_t));
-    status = io_mgr.add_write_range(writer, *new_range);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // Write to a bad location in a file that exists.
-    tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    int success = CreateTempFile(tmp_file.c_str(), 100);
-    if (success != 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating temp file " << tmp_file.c_str() << " of size 100";
-        EXPECT_TRUE(false);
-    }
-    new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange*);
-    callback = bind(mem_fn(&DiskIoMgrTest::write_validate_callback), this, 2, new_range,
-                    (DiskIoMgr*)NULL, (DiskIoMgr::RequestContext*)NULL, data,
-                    Status::InternalError("Test Failure"), _1);
-    *new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange(tmp_file, -1, 0, callback));
-    (*new_range)->set_data(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data), sizeof(int32_t));
-    status = io_mgr.add_write_range(writer, *new_range);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    {
-        unique_lock<mutex> lock(_written_mutex);
-        while (_num_ranges_written < 2) {
-            _writes_done.wait(lock);
-        }
-    }
-    _num_ranges_written = 0;
-    io_mgr.unregister_context(writer);
-// Issue a number of writes, cancel the writer context and issue more writes.
-// add_write_range() is expected to succeed before the cancel and fail after it.
-// The writes themselves may finish with status cancelled or ok.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, SingleWriterCancel) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    _num_ranges_written = 0;
-    string tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    int num_ranges = 100;
-    int num_ranges_before_cancel = 25;
-    int64_t file_size = 1024 * 1024;
-    int64_t cur_offset = 0;
-    int success = CreateTempFile(tmp_file.c_str(), file_size);
-    if (success != 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating temp file " << tmp_file.c_str() << " of size " << file_size;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(false);
-    }
-    boost::scoped_ptr<DiskIoMgr> read_io_mgr(new DiskIoMgr(1, 1, 1, 10));
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    Status status = read_io_mgr->init(reader_mem_tracker);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-    status = read_io_mgr->register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    for (int num_threads_per_disk = 1; num_threads_per_disk <= 5; ++num_threads_per_disk) {
-        for (int num_disks = 1; num_disks <= 5; num_disks += 2) {
-            _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-            DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, num_threads_per_disk, 1, 10);
-            status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-            DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* writer;
-            io_mgr.register_context(&writer, mem_tracker);
-            Status validate_status = Status::OK();
-            for (int i = 0; i < num_ranges; ++i) {
-                if (i == num_ranges_before_cancel) {
-                    io_mgr.cancel_context(writer);
-                    validate_status = Status::Cancelled("");
-                }
-                int32_t* data = _pool->add(new int32_t);
-                *data = rand();
-                DiskIoMgr::WriteRange** new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange*);
-                DiskIoMgr::WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback callback =
-                        bind(mem_fn(&DiskIoMgrTest::write_validate_callback), this,
-                             num_ranges_before_cancel, new_range, read_io_mgr.get(), reader, data,
-                             Status::Cancelled(""), _1);
-                *new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange(
-                        tmp_file, cur_offset, num_ranges % num_disks, callback));
-                (*new_range)->set_data(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data), sizeof(int32_t));
-                cur_offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-                Status add_status = io_mgr.add_write_range(writer, *new_range);
-                EXPECT_TRUE(add_status.code() == validate_status.code());
-            }
-            {
-                unique_lock<mutex> lock(_written_mutex);
-                while (_num_ranges_written < num_ranges_before_cancel) {
-                    _writes_done.wait(lock);
-                }
-            }
-            _num_ranges_written = 0;
-            io_mgr.unregister_context(writer);
-        }
-    }
-    read_io_mgr->unregister_context(reader);
-    read_io_mgr.reset();
-// Basic test with a single reader, testing multiple threads, disks and a different
-// number of buffers.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, SingleReader) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    const char* tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    const char* data = "abcdefghijklm";
-    int len = strlen(data);
-    CreateTempFile(tmp_file, data);
-    // Get mtime for file
-    struct stat stat_val;
-    stat(tmp_file, &stat_val);
-    int64_t iters = 0;
-    for (int num_threads_per_disk = 1; num_threads_per_disk <= 5; ++num_threads_per_disk) {
-        for (int num_disks = 1; num_disks <= 5; num_disks += 2) {
-            for (int num_buffers = 1; num_buffers <= 5; ++num_buffers) {
-                for (int num_read_threads = 1; num_read_threads <= 5; ++num_read_threads) {
-                    _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-                    LOG(INFO) << "Starting test with num_threads_per_disk=" << num_threads_per_disk
-                              << " num_disk=" << num_disks << " num_buffers=" << num_buffers
-                              << " num_read_threads=" << num_read_threads;
-                    if (++iters % 5000 == 0) {
-                        LOG(ERROR) << "Starting iteration " << iters;
-                    }
-                    DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, num_threads_per_disk, 1, 1);
-                    Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-                    DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-                    status = io_mgr.register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                    std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges;
-                    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-                        int disk_id = i % num_disks;
-                        ranges.push_back(init_range(num_buffers, tmp_file, 0, len, disk_id,
-                                                    stat_val.st_mtime));
-                    }
-                    status = io_mgr.add_scan_ranges(reader, ranges);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                    AtomicInt<int> num_ranges_processed;
-                    thread_group threads;
-                    for (int i = 0; i < num_read_threads; ++i) {
-                        threads.add_thread(new thread(scan_range_thread, &io_mgr, reader, data, len,
-                                                      Status::OK(), 0, &num_ranges_processed));
-                    }
-                    threads.join_all();
-                    EXPECT_EQ(num_ranges_processed, ranges.size());
-                    io_mgr.unregister_context(reader);
-                    EXPECT_EQ(reader_mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-// This test issues adding additional scan ranges while there are some still in flight.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, AddScanRangeTest) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    const char* tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    const char* data = "abcdefghijklm";
-    int len = strlen(data);
-    CreateTempFile(tmp_file, data);
-    // Get mtime for file
-    struct stat stat_val;
-    stat(tmp_file, &stat_val);
-    int64_t iters = 0;
-    for (int num_threads_per_disk = 1; num_threads_per_disk <= 5; ++num_threads_per_disk) {
-        for (int num_disks = 1; num_disks <= 5; num_disks += 2) {
-            for (int num_buffers = 1; num_buffers <= 5; ++num_buffers) {
-                _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-                LOG(INFO) << "Starting test with num_threads_per_disk=" << num_threads_per_disk
-                          << " num_disk=" << num_disks << " num_buffers=" << num_buffers;
-                if (++iters % 5000 == 0) LOG(ERROR) << "Starting iteration " << iters;
-                DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, num_threads_per_disk, 1, 1);
-                Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-                DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-                status = io_mgr.register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges_first_half;
-                std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges_second_half;
-                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-                    int disk_id = i % num_disks;
-                    if (i > len / 2) {
-                        ranges_second_half.push_back(init_range(num_buffers, tmp_file, i, 1,
-                                                                disk_id, stat_val.st_mtime));
-                    } else {
-                        ranges_first_half.push_back(init_range(num_buffers, tmp_file, i, 1, disk_id,
-                                                               stat_val.st_mtime));
-                    }
-                }
-                AtomicInt<int> num_ranges_processed;
-                // Issue first half the scan ranges.
-                status = io_mgr.add_scan_ranges(reader, ranges_first_half);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                // Read a couple of them
-                scan_range_thread(&io_mgr, reader, data, strlen(data), Status::OK(), 2,
-                                  &num_ranges_processed);
-                // Issue second half
-                status = io_mgr.add_scan_ranges(reader, ranges_second_half);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                // Start up some threads and then cancel
-                thread_group threads;
-                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-                    threads.add_thread(new thread(scan_range_thread, &io_mgr, reader, data,
-                                                  strlen(data), Status::Cancelled(""), 0,
-                                                  &num_ranges_processed));
-                }
-                threads.join_all();
-                EXPECT_EQ(num_ranges_processed, len);
-                io_mgr.unregister_context(reader);
-                EXPECT_EQ(reader_mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-// Test to make sure that sync reads and async reads work together
-// Note: this test is constructed so the number of buffers is greater than the
-// number of scan ranges.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, SyncReadTest) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    const char* tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    const char* data = "abcdefghijklm";
-    int len = strlen(data);
-    CreateTempFile(tmp_file, data);
-    // Get mtime for file
-    struct stat stat_val;
-    stat(tmp_file, &stat_val);
-    int64_t iters = 0;
-    for (int num_threads_per_disk = 1; num_threads_per_disk <= 5; ++num_threads_per_disk) {
-        for (int num_disks = 1; num_disks <= 5; num_disks += 2) {
-            for (int num_buffers = 1; num_buffers <= 5; ++num_buffers) {
-                _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-                LOG(INFO) << "Starting SyncReadTest test with num_threads_per_disk="
-                          << num_threads_per_disk << " num_disk=" << num_disks
-                          << " num_buffers=" << num_buffers;
-                if (++iters % 5000 == 0) {
-                    LOG(ERROR) << "Starting iteration " << iters;
-                }
-                DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, num_threads_per_disk, MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
-                Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-                DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-                status = io_mgr.register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* complete_range =
-                        init_range(1, tmp_file, 0, strlen(data), 0, stat_val.st_mtime);
-                // Issue some reads before the async ones are issued
-                validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-                validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-                std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges;
-                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-                    int disk_id = i % num_disks;
-                    ranges.push_back(
-                            init_range(num_buffers, tmp_file, 0, len, disk_id, stat_val.st_mtime));
-                }
-                status = io_mgr.add_scan_ranges(reader, ranges);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                AtomicInt<int> num_ranges_processed;
-                thread_group threads;
-                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-                    threads.add_thread(new thread(scan_range_thread, &io_mgr, reader, data,
-                                                  strlen(data), Status::OK(), 0,
-                                                  &num_ranges_processed));
-                }
-                // Issue some more sync ranges
-                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-                    sched_yield();
-                    validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-                }
-                threads.join_all();
-                validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-                validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-                EXPECT_EQ(num_ranges_processed, ranges.size());
-                io_mgr.unregister_context(reader);
-                EXPECT_EQ(reader_mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-// Tests a single reader cancelling half way through scan ranges.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, SingleReaderCancel) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    const char* tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    const char* data = "abcdefghijklm";
-    int len = strlen(data);
-    CreateTempFile(tmp_file, data);
-    // Get mtime for file
-    struct stat stat_val;
-    stat(tmp_file, &stat_val);
-    int64_t iters = 0;
-    for (int num_threads_per_disk = 1; num_threads_per_disk <= 5; ++num_threads_per_disk) {
-        for (int num_disks = 1; num_disks <= 5; num_disks += 2) {
-            for (int num_buffers = 1; num_buffers <= 5; ++num_buffers) {
-                _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-                LOG(INFO) << "Starting test with num_threads_per_disk=" << num_threads_per_disk
-                          << " num_disk=" << num_disks << " num_buffers=" << num_buffers;
-                if (++iters % 5000 == 0) LOG(ERROR) << "Starting iteration " << iters;
-                DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, num_threads_per_disk, 1, 1);
-                Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-                DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-                status = io_mgr.register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges;
-                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-                    int disk_id = i % num_disks;
-                    ranges.push_back(
-                            init_range(num_buffers, tmp_file, 0, len, disk_id, stat_val.st_mtime));
-                }
-                status = io_mgr.add_scan_ranges(reader, ranges);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                AtomicInt<int> num_ranges_processed;
-                int num_succesful_ranges = ranges.size() / 2;
-                // Read half the ranges
-                for (int i = 0; i < num_succesful_ranges; ++i) {
-                    scan_range_thread(&io_mgr, reader, data, strlen(data), Status::OK(), 1,
-                                      &num_ranges_processed);
-                }
-                EXPECT_EQ(num_ranges_processed, num_succesful_ranges);
-                // Start up some threads and then cancel
-                thread_group threads;
-                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-                    threads.add_thread(new thread(scan_range_thread, &io_mgr, reader, data,
-                                                  strlen(data), Status::Cancelled(""), 0,
-                                                  &num_ranges_processed));
-                }
-                io_mgr.cancel_context(reader);
-                sched_yield();
-                threads.join_all();
-                EXPECT_TRUE(io_mgr.context_status(reader).is_cancelled());
-                io_mgr.unregister_context(reader);
-                EXPECT_EQ(reader_mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-// Test when the reader goes over the mem limit
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, MemTrackers) {
-    const char* tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    const char* data = "abcdefghijklm";
-    int len = strlen(data);
-    CreateTempFile(tmp_file, data);
-    // Get mtime for file
-    struct stat stat_val;
-    stat(tmp_file, &stat_val);
-    const int num_buffers = 25;
-    // Give the reader more buffers than the limit
-    const int mem_limit_num_buffers = 2;
-    int64_t iters = 0;
-    {
-        _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-        if (++iters % 1000 == 0) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "Starting iteration " << iters;
-        }
-        std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(
-                new MemTracker(mem_limit_num_buffers * MAX_BUFFER_SIZE));
-        DiskIoMgr io_mgr(1, 1, MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
-        Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-        DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-        status = io_mgr.register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges;
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_buffers; ++i) {
-            ranges.push_back(init_range(num_buffers, tmp_file, 0, len, 0, stat_val.st_mtime));
-        }
-        status = io_mgr.add_scan_ranges(reader, ranges);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // Don't return buffers to force memory pressure
-        std::vector<DiskIoMgr::BufferDescriptor*> buffers;
-        AtomicInt<int> num_ranges_processed;
-        scan_range_thread(&io_mgr, reader, data, strlen(data), Status::MemoryLimitExceeded("Mem"),
-                          1, &num_ranges_processed);
-        char result[strlen(data) + 1];
-        // Keep reading new ranges without returning buffers. This forces us
-        // to go over the limit eventually.
-        while (true) {
-            memset(result, 0, strlen(data) + 1);
-            DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* range = NULL;
-            status = io_mgr.get_next_range(reader, &range);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok() || status.is_mem_limit_exceeded());
-            if (range == NULL) break;
-            while (true) {
-                DiskIoMgr::BufferDescriptor* buffer = NULL;
-                Status status = range->get_next(&buffer);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok() || status.is_mem_limit_exceeded());
-                if (buffer == NULL) break;
-                memcpy(result + range->offset() + buffer->scan_range_offset(), buffer->buffer(),
-                       buffer->len());
-                buffers.push_back(buffer);
-            }
-            validate_empty_or_correct(data, result, strlen(data));
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < buffers.size(); ++i) {
-            buffers[i]->return_buffer();
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(io_mgr.context_status(reader).is_mem_limit_exceeded());
-        io_mgr.unregister_context(reader);
-        EXPECT_EQ(reader_mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-    }
-#if 0
-// Test when some scan ranges are marked as being cached.
-// Since these files are not in HDFS, the cached path always fails so this
-// only tests the fallback mechanism.
-// TODO: we can fake the cached read path without HDFS
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, CachedReads) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    const char* tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    const char* data = "abcdefghijklm";
-    int len = strlen(data);
-    CreateTempFile(tmp_file, data);
-    // Get mtime for file
-    struct stat stat_val;
-    stat(tmp_file, &stat_val);
-    const int num_disks = 2;
-    const int num_buffers = 3;
-    int64_t iters = 0;
-    {
-        _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-        if (++iters % 5000 == 0) LOG(ERROR) << "Starting iteration " << iters;
-        DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, 1, MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
-        Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker());
-        DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-        status = io_mgr.register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* complete_range =
-            init_range(1, tmp_file, 0, strlen(data), 0, stat_val.st_mtime, NULL, true);
-        // Issue some reads before the async ones are issued
-        validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-        validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-        std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges;
-        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-            int disk_id = i % num_disks;
-            ranges.push_back(init_range(num_buffers, tmp_file, 0, len, disk_id,
-                        stat_val.st_mtime, NULL, true));
-        }
-        status = io_mgr.add_scan_ranges(reader, ranges);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        AtomicInt<int> num_ranges_processed;
-        thread_group threads;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-            threads.add_thread(new thread(scan_range_thread, &io_mgr, reader, data,
-                        strlen(data), Status::OK(), 0, &num_ranges_processed));
-        }
-        // Issue some more sync ranges
-        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-            sched_yield();
-            validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-        }
-        threads.join_all();
-        validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-        validate_sync_read(&io_mgr, reader, complete_range, data);
-        EXPECT_EQ(num_ranges_processed, ranges.size());
-        io_mgr.unregister_context(reader);
-        EXPECT_EQ(reader_mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-#endif // end #if 0
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, MultipleReaderWriter) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    const int ITERATIONS = 1;
-    const char* data = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-    const int num_contexts = 5;
-    const int file_size = 4 * 1024;
-    const int num_writes_queued = 5;
-    const int num_reads_queued = 5;
-    string file_name = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    int success = CreateTempFile(file_name.c_str(), file_size);
-    if (success != 0) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating temp file " << file_name.c_str() << " of size " << file_size;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(false);
-    }
-    // Get mtime for file
-    struct stat stat_val;
-    stat(file_name.c_str(), &stat_val);
-    int64_t iters = 0;
-    std::vector<DiskIoMgr::RequestContext*> contexts(num_contexts);
-    Status status;
-    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < ITERATIONS; ++iteration) {
-        for (int threads_per_disk = 1; threads_per_disk <= 5; ++threads_per_disk) {
-            for (int num_disks = 1; num_disks <= 5; num_disks += 2) {
-                DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, threads_per_disk, MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
-                io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-                for (int file_index = 0; file_index < num_contexts; ++file_index) {
-                    status = io_mgr.register_context(&contexts[file_index]);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                }
-                _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-                int read_offset = 0;
-                int write_offset = 0;
-                while (read_offset < file_size) {
-                    for (int context_index = 0; context_index < num_contexts; ++context_index) {
-                        if (++iters % 5000 == 0) {
-                            LOG(ERROR) << "Starting iteration " << iters;
-                        }
-                        AtomicInt<int> num_ranges_processed;
-                        thread_group threads;
-                        std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges;
-                        int num_scan_ranges =
-                                std::min<int>(num_reads_queued, write_offset - read_offset);
-                        for (int i = 0; i < num_scan_ranges; ++i) {
-                            ranges.push_back(init_range(1, file_name.c_str(), read_offset, 1,
-                                                        i % num_disks, stat_val.st_mtime));
-                            threads.add_thread(new thread(
-                                    scan_range_thread, &io_mgr, contexts[context_index],
-                                    reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data +
-                                                                  (read_offset % strlen(data))),
-                                    1, Status::OK(), num_scan_ranges, &num_ranges_processed));
-                            ++read_offset;
-                        }
-                        _num_ranges_written = 0;
-                        int num_write_ranges =
-                                std::min<int>(num_writes_queued, file_size - write_offset);
-                        for (int i = 0; i < num_write_ranges; ++i) {
-                            DiskIoMgr::WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback callback =
-                                    bind(mem_fn(&DiskIoMgrTest::write_complete_callback), this,
-                                         num_write_ranges, _1);
-                            DiskIoMgr::WriteRange* new_range = _pool->add(new DiskIoMgr::WriteRange(
-                                    file_name, write_offset, i % num_disks, callback));
-                            new_range->set_data(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(
-                                                        data + (write_offset % strlen(data))),
-                                                1);
-                            status = io_mgr.add_write_range(contexts[context_index], new_range);
-                            ++write_offset;
-                        }
-                        {
-                            unique_lock<mutex> lock(_written_mutex);
-                            while (_num_ranges_written < num_write_ranges) {
-                                _writes_done.wait(lock);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        threads.join_all();
-                    } // for (int context_index
-                }     // while (read_offset < file_size)
-                for (int file_index = 0; file_index < num_contexts; ++file_index) {
-                    io_mgr.unregister_context(contexts[file_index]);
-                }
-            } // for (int num_disks
-        }     // for (int threads_per_disk
-    }         // for (int iteration
-// This test will test multiple concurrent reads each reading a different file.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, MultipleReader) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    const int NUM_READERS = 5;
-    const int DATA_LEN = 50;
-    const int ITERATIONS = 25;
-    const int NUM_THREADS_PER_READER = 3;
-    std::vector<string> file_names;
-    std::vector<int64_t> mtimes;
-    std::vector<string> data;
-    std::vector<DiskIoMgr::RequestContext*> readers;
-    std::vector<char*> results;
-    file_names.resize(NUM_READERS);
-    readers.resize(NUM_READERS);
-    mtimes.resize(NUM_READERS);
-    data.resize(NUM_READERS);
-    results.resize(NUM_READERS);
-    // Initialize data for each reader.  The data will be
-    // 'abcd...' for reader one, 'bcde...' for reader two (wrapping around at 'z')
-    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_READERS; ++i) {
-        char buf[DATA_LEN];
-        for (int j = 0; j < DATA_LEN; ++j) {
-            int c = (j + i) % 26;
-            buf[j] = 'a' + c;
-        }
-        data[i] = string(buf, DATA_LEN);
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test" << i << ".txt";
-        file_names[i] = ss.str();
-        CreateTempFile(ss.str().c_str(), data[i].c_str());
-        // Get mtime for file
-        struct stat stat_val;
-        stat(file_names[i].c_str(), &stat_val);
-        mtimes[i] = stat_val.st_mtime;
-        results[i] = new char[DATA_LEN + 1];
-        memset(results[i], 0, DATA_LEN + 1);
-    }
-    // This exercises concurrency, run the test multiple times
-    int64_t iters = 0;
-    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < ITERATIONS; ++iteration) {
-        for (int threads_per_disk = 1; threads_per_disk <= 5; ++threads_per_disk) {
-            for (int num_disks = 1; num_disks <= 5; num_disks += 2) {
-                for (int num_buffers = 1; num_buffers <= 5; ++num_buffers) {
-                    _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-                    LOG(INFO) << "Starting test with num_threads_per_disk=" << threads_per_disk
-                              << " num_disk=" << num_disks << " num_buffers=" << num_buffers;
-                    if (++iters % 2500 == 0) LOG(ERROR) << "Starting iteration " << iters;
-                    DiskIoMgr io_mgr(num_disks, threads_per_disk, MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
-                    Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-                    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_READERS; ++i) {
-                        status = io_mgr.register_context(&readers[i], NULL);
-                        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                        std::vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> ranges;
-                        for (int j = 0; j < DATA_LEN; ++j) {
-                            int disk_id = j % num_disks;
-                            ranges.push_back(init_range(num_buffers, file_names[i].c_str(), j, 1,
-                                                        disk_id, mtimes[i]));
-                        }
-                        status = io_mgr.add_scan_ranges(readers[i], ranges);
-                        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-                    }
-                    AtomicInt<int> num_ranges_processed;
-                    thread_group threads;
-                    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_READERS; ++i) {
-                        for (int j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS_PER_READER; ++j) {
-                            threads.add_thread(new thread(scan_range_thread, &io_mgr, readers[i],
-                                                          data[i].c_str(), data[i].size(),
-                                                          Status::OK(), 0, &num_ranges_processed));
-                        }
-                    }
-                    threads.join_all();
-                    EXPECT_EQ(num_ranges_processed, DATA_LEN * NUM_READERS);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_READERS; ++i) {
-                        io_mgr.unregister_context(readers[i]);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-#if 0
-// Stress test for multiple clients with cancellation
-// TODO: the stress app should be expanded to include sync reads and adding scan
-// ranges in the middle.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, StressTest) {
-  // Run the test with 5 disks, 5 threads per disk, 10 clients and with cancellation
-  DiskIoMgrStress test(5, 5, 10, true);
-  test.Run(2); // In seconds
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, Buffers) {
-    // Test default min/max buffer size
-    int min_buffer_size = 1024;
-    int max_buffer_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // 8 MB
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(max_buffer_size * 2));
-    DiskIoMgr io_mgr(1, 1, min_buffer_size, max_buffer_size);
-    Status status = io_mgr.init(mem_tracker);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-    // buffer length should be rounded up to min buffer size
-    int64_t buffer_len = 1;
-    char* buf = io_mgr.get_free_buffer(&buffer_len);
-    EXPECT_EQ(buffer_len, min_buffer_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(io_mgr._num_allocated_buffers, 1);
-    io_mgr.return_free_buffer(buf, buffer_len);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), min_buffer_size);
-    // reuse buffer
-    buffer_len = min_buffer_size;
-    buf = io_mgr.get_free_buffer(&buffer_len);
-    EXPECT_EQ(buffer_len, min_buffer_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(io_mgr._num_allocated_buffers, 1);
-    io_mgr.return_free_buffer(buf, buffer_len);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), min_buffer_size);
-    // bump up to next buffer size
-    buffer_len = min_buffer_size + 1;
-    buf = io_mgr.get_free_buffer(&buffer_len);
-    EXPECT_EQ(buffer_len, min_buffer_size * 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(io_mgr._num_allocated_buffers, 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), min_buffer_size * 3);
-    // gc unused buffer
-    io_mgr.gc_io_buffers();
-    EXPECT_EQ(io_mgr._num_allocated_buffers, 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), min_buffer_size * 2);
-    io_mgr.return_free_buffer(buf, buffer_len);
-    // max buffer size
-    buffer_len = max_buffer_size;
-    buf = io_mgr.get_free_buffer(&buffer_len);
-    EXPECT_EQ(buffer_len, max_buffer_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(io_mgr._num_allocated_buffers, 2);
-    io_mgr.return_free_buffer(buf, buffer_len);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), min_buffer_size * 2 + max_buffer_size);
-    // gc buffers
-    io_mgr.gc_io_buffers();
-    EXPECT_EQ(io_mgr._num_allocated_buffers, 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-// IMPALA-2366: handle partial read where range goes past end of file.
-TEST_F(DiskIoMgrTest, PartialRead) {
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    const char* tmp_file = "/tmp/disk_io_mgr_test.txt";
-    const char* data = "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog";
-    int len = strlen(data);
-    int read_len = len + 1000; // Read past end of file.
-    CreateTempFile(tmp_file, data);
-    // Get mtime for file
-    struct stat stat_val;
-    stat(tmp_file, &stat_val);
-    _pool.reset(new ObjectPool);
-    boost::scoped_ptr<DiskIoMgr> io_mgr(new DiskIoMgr(1, 1, read_len, read_len));
-    Status status = io_mgr->init(mem_tracker);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> reader_mem_tracker(new MemTracker(LARGE_MEM_LIMIT));
-    DiskIoMgr::RequestContext* reader;
-    status = io_mgr->register_context(&reader, reader_mem_tracker);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // We should not read past the end of file.
-    DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* range = init_range(1, tmp_file, 0, read_len, 0, stat_val.st_mtime);
-    DiskIoMgr::BufferDescriptor* buffer;
-    status = io_mgr->read(reader, range, &buffer);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer->eosr());
-    ASSERT_EQ(len, buffer->len());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(buffer->buffer(), data, len) == 0);
-    buffer->return_buffer();
-    io_mgr->unregister_context(reader);
-    _pool.reset();
-    io_mgr.reset();
-    EXPECT_EQ(reader_mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem_tracker->consumption(), 0);
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::config::query_scratch_dirs = "/tmp";
-    doris::config::max_free_io_buffers = 128;
-    doris::config::disable_mem_pools = false;
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::DiskInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/dpp_sink_internal_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/dpp_sink_internal_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f2732..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/dpp_sink_internal_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/dpp_sink_internal.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/DataSinks_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DppSinkInternalTest : public testing::Test {
-    DppSinkInternalTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(DppSinkInternalTest, RollupNormal) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    TRollupSchema t_schema;
-    // Two Keys
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.keys.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.keys.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    // Two Values
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.values.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.values.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    // Two ValueOps
-    t_schema.value_ops.push_back(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    t_schema.value_ops.push_back(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    RollupSchema schema;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(RollupSchema::from_thrift(&pool, t_schema, &schema).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(schema.prepare(nullptr, RowDescriptor()).ok());
-TEST_F(DppSinkInternalTest, ValueSizeNotEq) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    TRollupSchema t_schema;
-    // Two Keys
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.keys.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.keys.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    // Two Values
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.values.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_schema.values.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    // One ValueOp
-    t_schema.value_ops.push_back(TAggregationType::SUM);
-    RollupSchema schema;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(RollupSchema::from_thrift(&pool, t_schema, &schema).ok());
-TEST_F(DppSinkInternalTest, PartitionInfoNormal) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    TRangePartition t_partition;
-    // Two Keys
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_partition.distributed_exprs.push_back(expr);
-        t_partition.distribute_bucket = 1;
-    }
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_partition.distributed_exprs.push_back(expr);
-        t_partition.distribute_bucket = 1;
-    }
-    t_partition.range.start_key.sign = -1;
-    t_partition.range.end_key.sign = 1;
-    PartitionInfo info;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(PartitionInfo::from_thrift(&pool, t_partition, &info).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(info.prepare(nullptr, RowDescriptor()).ok());
-TEST_F(DppSinkInternalTest, ZeroBucket) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    TRangePartition t_partition;
-    // Two Keys
-    {
-        TExpr expr;
-        TExprNode node;
-        node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-        node.type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
-        node.num_children = 0;
-        node.__set_int_literal(TIntLiteral());
-        expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-        t_partition.distributed_exprs.push_back(expr);
-    }
-    t_partition.range.start_key.sign = -1;
-    t_partition.range.end_key.sign = 1;
-    PartitionInfo info;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(PartitionInfo::from_thrift(&pool, t_partition, &info).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/dpp_sink_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/dpp_sink_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a9f401c..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/dpp_sink_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/dpp_sink.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/dpp_sink_internal.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DppSinkTest : public testing::Test {
-    DppSinkTest() {
-        init_desc_tbl();
-        init_row_desc();
-        init_runtime_state();
-        init_rollups();
-    }
-    ~DppSinkTest() {}
-    void init_desc_tbl();
-    void init_row_desc();
-    void init_runtime_state();
-    void init_rollups();
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable _t_desc_tbl;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RowDescriptor* _row_desc;
-    RuntimeState* _state;
-    MemPool _tuple_pool;
-    std::map<std::string, RollupSchema*> _rollups;
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-void DppSinkTest::init_rollups() {
-    {
-        RollupSchema* schema = _obj_pool.add(new RollupSchema());
-        {
-            SlotRef* ref = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(PrimitiveType::TYPE_INT, 1));
-            schema->_keys.push_back(ref);
-        }
-        {
-            SlotRef* ref = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(PrimitiveType::TYPE_INT, 5));
-            schema->_keys.push_back(ref);
-        }
-        {
-            SlotRef* ref = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(PrimitiveType::TYPE_INT, 9));
-            schema->_values.push_back(ref);
-            schema->_value_ops.push_back(TAggregationType::SUM);
-        }
-        _rollups.insert(std::make_pair("base", schema));
-    }
-    {
-        RollupSchema* schema = _obj_pool.add(new RollupSchema());
-        {
-            SlotRef* ref = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(PrimitiveType::TYPE_INT, 0));
-            schema->_keys.push_back(ref);
-        }
-        {
-            SlotRef* ref = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(PrimitiveType::TYPE_INT, 8));
-            schema->_values.push_back(ref);
-            schema->_value_ops.push_back(TAggregationType::SUM);
-        }
-        _rollups.insert(std::make_pair("rollup", schema));
-    }
-void DppSinkTest::init_runtime_state() {
-    _state = _obj_pool.add(new RuntimeState("2011-10-01 12:34:56"));
-    _state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    _state->_load_dir = "./tmp_data";
-    FileUtils::create_dir(_state->_load_dir);
-    _state->_exec_env = &_exec_env;
-void DppSinkTest::init_row_desc() {
-    std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-    row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-    nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _row_desc = _obj_pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples));
-void DppSinkTest::init_desc_tbl() {
-    // slot desc
-    std::vector<TSlotDescriptor> slot_descs;
-    // 1 byte null, 4 byte int, 4 byte int
-    // slot 0
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("col1");
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-    }
-    // slot 1
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(5);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("col2");
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-    }
-    // slot 2
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(9);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(4);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("col3");
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_slotDescriptors(slot_descs);
-    // tuple desc
-    std::vector<TTupleDescriptor> tuple_descs;
-    // tuple 0
-    {
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(9);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(1);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_tableId(0);
-        tuple_descs.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_tupleDescriptors(tuple_descs);
-    // table
-    std::vector<TTableDescriptor> table_descs;
-    // table 0
-    {
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_table_desc.__set_tableType(TTableType::MYSQL_TABLE);
-        t_table_desc.__set_numCols(2);
-        t_table_desc.__set_numClusteringCols(2);
-        t_table_desc.__set_tableName("test_tbl");
-        t_table_desc.__set_dbName("test_db");
-        TMySQLTable mysql_table;
-        t_table_desc.__set_mysqlTable(mysql_table);
-        table_descs.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_tableDescriptors(table_descs);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, _t_desc_tbl, &_desc_tbl);
-TEST_F(DppSinkTest, NoData) {
-    DppSink sink(*_row_desc, _rollups);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.init(_state).ok());
-    RowBatch batch(*_row_desc, 1024);
-    TabletDesc desc;
-    desc.partition_id = 1;
-    desc.bucket_id = 0;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.add_batch(_state, desc, &batch).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.finish(_state).ok());
-TEST_F(DppSinkTest, WithData) {
-    DppSink sink(*_row_desc, _rollups);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.init(_state).ok());
-    RowBatch batch(*_row_desc, 1024);
-    TabletDesc desc;
-    {
-        int idx = batch.add_row();
-        TupleRow* row = batch.get_row(idx);
-        Tuple* tuple = Tuple::create(13, &_tuple_pool);
-        row->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        char* pos = (char*)tuple;
-        memset(pos, 0, 13);
-        *(int*)(pos + 1) = 1;
-        *(int*)(pos + 5) = 10;
-        *(int*)(pos + 9) = 100;
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    desc.partition_id = 1;
-    desc.bucket_id = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.add_batch(_state, desc, &batch).ok());
-    // Add two time
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.add_batch(_state, desc, &batch).ok());
-    desc.partition_id = 1;
-    desc.bucket_id = 1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.add_batch(_state, desc, &batch).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.finish(_state).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/etl_job_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/etl_job_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8bcec1..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/etl_job_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/etl_job_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/fragment_mgr.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-namespace doris {
-// Mock fragment mgr
-Status FragmentMgr::exec_plan_fragment(const TExecPlanFragmentParams& params, FinishCallback cb) {
-    return Status::OK();
-FragmentMgr::FragmentMgr(ExecEnv* exec_env) : _thread_pool(10, 128) {}
-FragmentMgr::~FragmentMgr() {}
-void FragmentMgr::debug(std::stringstream& ss) {}
-class EtlJobMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    EtlJobMgrTest() {}
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-TEST_F(EtlJobMgrTest, NormalCase) {
-    EtlJobMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult res;
-    TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest req;
-    TDeleteEtlFilesRequest del_req;
-    del_req.mini_load_id = id;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::RUNNING, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // make it finishing
-    EtlJobResult job_result;
-    job_result.file_map["abc"] = 100L;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.finish_job(id, Status::OK(), job_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::FINISHED, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, res.file_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, res.file_map["abc"]);
-    // erase it
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.erase_job(del_req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::CANCELLED, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-TEST_F(EtlJobMgrTest, DuplicateCase) {
-    EtlJobMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult res;
-    TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest req;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::RUNNING, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // Put it twice
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::RUNNING, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-TEST_F(EtlJobMgrTest, RunAfterSuccess) {
-    EtlJobMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult res;
-    TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest req;
-    TDeleteEtlFilesRequest del_req;
-    del_req.mini_load_id = id;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::RUNNING, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // make it finishing
-    EtlJobResult job_result;
-    job_result.file_map["abc"] = 100L;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.finish_job(id, Status::OK(), job_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::FINISHED, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, res.file_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, res.file_map["abc"]);
-    // Put it twice
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::FINISHED, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, res.file_map.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, res.file_map["abc"]);
-TEST_F(EtlJobMgrTest, RunAfterFail) {
-    EtlJobMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult res;
-    TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest req;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::RUNNING, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // make it finishing
-    EtlJobResult job_result;
-    job_result.debug_path = "abc";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.finish_job(id, Status::ThriftRpcError("Thrift rpc error"), job_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::CANCELLED, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // Put it twice
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::RUNNING, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-TEST_F(EtlJobMgrTest, CancelJob) {
-    EtlJobMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult res;
-    TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest req;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::RUNNING, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // make it finishing
-    EtlJobResult job_result;
-    job_result.debug_path = "abc";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.cancel_job(id).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::CANCELLED, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // Put it twice
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_job(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::RUNNING, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-TEST_F(EtlJobMgrTest, FinishUnknownJob) {
-    EtlJobMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult res;
-    // make it finishing
-    EtlJobResult job_result;
-    job_result.debug_path = "abc";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(mgr.finish_job(id, Status::ThriftRpcError("Thrift rpc error"), job_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_job_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TEtlState::CANCELLED, res.etl_state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/export_task_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/export_task_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bb4a358d..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/export_task_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/export_task_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "gen_cpp/BackendService.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/fragment_mgr.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-namespace doris {
-// Mock fragment mgr
-Status FragmentMgr::exec_plan_fragment(const TExecPlanFragmentParams& params, FinishCallback cb) {
-    return Status::OK();
-FragmentMgr::FragmentMgr(ExecEnv* exec_env) : _thread_pool(10, 128) {}
-FragmentMgr::~FragmentMgr() {}
-void FragmentMgr::debug(std::stringstream& ss) {}
-class ExportTaskMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    ExportTaskMgrTest() {}
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-TEST_F(ExportTaskMgrTest, NormalCase) {
-    ExportTaskMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    id.lo = 2;
-    TExportStatusResult res;
-    TExportTaskRequest req;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::RUNNING, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // make it finishing
-    ExportTaskResult task_result;
-    task_result.files.push_back("path/file1");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.finish_task(id, Status::OK(), task_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::FINISHED, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, res.files.size());
-    // erase it
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.erase_task(id).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::CANCELLED, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-TEST_F(ExportTaskMgrTest, DuplicateCase) {
-    ExportTaskMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TExportStatusResult res;
-    TExportTaskRequest req;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::RUNNING, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // Put it twice
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::RUNNING, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-TEST_F(ExportTaskMgrTest, RunAfterSuccess) {
-    ExportTaskMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TExportStatusResult res;
-    TExportTaskRequest req;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::RUNNING, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // make it finishing
-    ExportTaskResult task_result;
-    task_result.files.push_back("path/file1");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.finish_task(id, Status::OK(), task_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::FINISHED, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, res.files.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ("path/file1", res.files[0]);
-    // Put it twice
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::FINISHED, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, res.files.size());
-    ASSERT_EQ("path/file1", res.files[0]);
-TEST_F(ExportTaskMgrTest, RunAfterFail) {
-    ExportTaskMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TExportStatusResult res;
-    TExportTaskRequest req;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::RUNNING, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // make it finishing
-    ExportTaskResult task_result;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.finish_task(id, Status::ThriftRpcError("Thrift rpc error"), task_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::CANCELLED, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // Put it twice
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::RUNNING, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-TEST_F(ExportTaskMgrTest, CancelJob) {
-    ExportTaskMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TExportStatusResult res;
-    TExportTaskRequest req;
-    req.params.params.fragment_instance_id = id;
-    // make it running
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::RUNNING, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // make it finishing
-    ExportTaskResult task_result;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.cancel_task(id).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::CANCELLED, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-    // Put it twice
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.start_task(req).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::RUNNING, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-TEST_F(ExportTaskMgrTest, FinishUnknownJob) {
-    ExportTaskMgr mgr(&_exec_env);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    id.lo = 1;
-    id.hi = 1;
-    TExportStatusResult res;
-    // make it finishing
-    ExportTaskResult task_result;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(mgr.finish_task(id, Status::ThriftRpcError("Thrift rpc error"), task_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.get_task_state(id, &res).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(TExportState::CANCELLED, res.state);
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::OK, res.status.status_code);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::config::read_size = 8388608;
-    doris::config::min_buffer_size = 1024;
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::DiskInfo::init();
-    doris::config::pull_load_task_dir = "/tmp";
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/external_scan_context_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/external_scan_context_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f82f896..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/external_scan_context_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/external_scan_context_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "common/status.h"
-#include "runtime/fragment_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/result_queue_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/thread_resource_mgr.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ExternalScanContextMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    ExternalScanContextMgrTest() {
-        FragmentMgr* fragment_mgr = new FragmentMgr(&_exec_env);
-        ThreadResourceMgr* thread_mgr = new ThreadResourceMgr();
-        ResultQueueMgr* result_queue_mgr = new ResultQueueMgr();
-        _exec_env._fragment_mgr = fragment_mgr;
-        _exec_env._thread_mgr = thread_mgr;
-        _exec_env._result_queue_mgr = result_queue_mgr;
-    }
-    virtual ~ExternalScanContextMgrTest() {
-        delete _exec_env._fragment_mgr;
-        delete _exec_env._thread_mgr;
-        delete _exec_env._result_queue_mgr;
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-TEST_F(ExternalScanContextMgrTest, create_normal) {
-    std::shared_ptr<ScanContext> context;
-    ExternalScanContextMgr context_mgr(&_exec_env);
-    Status st = context_mgr.create_scan_context(&context);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(context != nullptr);
-TEST_F(ExternalScanContextMgrTest, get_normal) {
-    std::shared_ptr<ScanContext> context;
-    ExternalScanContextMgr context_mgr(&_exec_env);
-    Status st = context_mgr.create_scan_context(&context);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(context != nullptr);
-    std::string context_id = context->context_id;
-    std::shared_ptr<ScanContext> result;
-    st = context_mgr.get_scan_context(context_id, &result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(context != nullptr);
-TEST_F(ExternalScanContextMgrTest, get_abnormal) {
-    std::string context_id = "not_exist";
-    std::shared_ptr<ScanContext> result;
-    ExternalScanContextMgr context_mgr(&_exec_env);
-    Status st = context_mgr.get_scan_context(context_id, &result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
-TEST_F(ExternalScanContextMgrTest, clear_context) {
-    std::shared_ptr<ScanContext> context;
-    ExternalScanContextMgr context_mgr(&_exec_env);
-    Status st = context_mgr.create_scan_context(&context);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(context != nullptr);
-    std::string context_id = context->context_id;
-    st = context_mgr.clear_scan_context(context_id);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<ScanContext> result;
-    st = context_mgr.get_scan_context(context_id, &result);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/fragment_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/fragment_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 419a922..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/fragment_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/fragment_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "exec/data_sink.h"
-#include "runtime/plan_fragment_executor.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "util/monotime.h"
-namespace doris {
-static Status s_prepare_status;
-static Status s_open_status;
-static int s_abort_cnt;
-// Mock used for this unittest
-PlanFragmentExecutor::PlanFragmentExecutor(ExecEnv* exec_env,
-                                           const report_status_callback& report_status_cb)
-        : _exec_env(exec_env), _report_status_cb(report_status_cb) {}
-PlanFragmentExecutor::~PlanFragmentExecutor() {}
-Status PlanFragmentExecutor::prepare(const TExecPlanFragmentParams& request,
-                                     const QueryFragmentsCtx* batch_ctx) {
-    return s_prepare_status;
-Status PlanFragmentExecutor::open() {
-    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(50));
-    return s_open_status;
-void PlanFragmentExecutor::cancel() {}
-void PlanFragmentExecutor::set_abort() {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Plan Aborted";
-    s_abort_cnt++;
-void PlanFragmentExecutor::close() {}
-class FragmentMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    FragmentMgrTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        s_prepare_status = Status::OK();
-        s_open_status = Status::OK();
-        config::fragment_pool_thread_num_min = 32;
-        config::fragment_pool_thread_num_max = 32;
-        config::fragment_pool_queue_size = 1024;
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(FragmentMgrTest, Normal) {
-    FragmentMgr mgr(nullptr);
-    TExecPlanFragmentParams params;
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id = TUniqueId();
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_hi(100);
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_lo(200);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.exec_plan_fragment(params).ok());
-    // Duplicated
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.exec_plan_fragment(params).ok());
-TEST_F(FragmentMgrTest, AddNormal) {
-    FragmentMgr mgr(nullptr);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        TExecPlanFragmentParams params;
-        params.params.fragment_instance_id = TUniqueId();
-        params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_hi(100 + i);
-        params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_lo(200);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.exec_plan_fragment(params).ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(FragmentMgrTest, CancelNormal) {
-    FragmentMgr mgr(nullptr);
-    TExecPlanFragmentParams params;
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id = TUniqueId();
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_hi(100);
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_lo(200);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.exec_plan_fragment(params).ok());
-    // Cancel after add
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.cancel(params.params.fragment_instance_id).ok());
-TEST_F(FragmentMgrTest, CancelWithoutAdd) {
-    FragmentMgr mgr(nullptr);
-    TExecPlanFragmentParams params;
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id = TUniqueId();
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_hi(100);
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_lo(200);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.cancel(params.params.fragment_instance_id).ok());
-TEST_F(FragmentMgrTest, PrepareFailed) {
-    s_prepare_status = Status::InternalError("Prepare failed.");
-    FragmentMgr mgr(nullptr);
-    TExecPlanFragmentParams params;
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id = TUniqueId();
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_hi(100);
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_lo(200);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(mgr.exec_plan_fragment(params).ok());
-TEST_F(FragmentMgrTest, OfferPoolFailed) {
-    config::fragment_pool_thread_num_min = 1;
-    config::fragment_pool_thread_num_max = 1;
-    config::fragment_pool_queue_size = 0;
-    s_abort_cnt = 0;
-    FragmentMgr mgr(nullptr);
-    TExecPlanFragmentParams params;
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id = TUniqueId();
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_hi(100);
-    params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_lo(200);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mgr.exec_plan_fragment(params).ok());
-    // the first plan open will cost 50ms, so the next 3 plans will be aborted.
-    for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
-        TExecPlanFragmentParams params;
-        params.params.fragment_instance_id = TUniqueId();
-        params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_hi(100 + i);
-        params.params.fragment_instance_id.__set_lo(200);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(mgr.exec_plan_fragment(params).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, s_abort_cnt);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/free_list_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/free_list_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a7c32..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/free_list_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/free_list.hpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-namespace doris {
-TEST(FreeListTest, Basic) {
-    MemTracker tracker;
-    MemPool pool(&tracker);
-    FreeList list;
-    int allocated_size;
-    uint8_t* free_list_mem = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, 0);
-    uint8_t* mem = pool.allocate(FreeList::min_size());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(mem != NULL);
-    list.add(mem, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, 0);
-    // Make 3 allocations and add them to the free list.
-    // Get them all back from the free list, scribbling to the
-    // returned memory in between.
-    // Attempt a 4th allocation from the free list and make sure
-    // we get NULL.
-    // Repeat with the same memory blocks.
-    uint8_t* free_list_mem1 = nullptr;
-    uint8_t* free_list_mem2 = nullptr;
-    uint8_t* free_list_mem3 = nullptr;
-    mem = pool.allocate(FreeList::min_size());
-    list.add(mem, FreeList::min_size());
-    mem = pool.allocate(FreeList::min_size());
-    list.add(mem, FreeList::min_size());
-    mem = pool.allocate(FreeList::min_size());
-    list.add(mem, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem1 = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(free_list_mem1 != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, FreeList::min_size());
-    bzero(free_list_mem1, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem2 = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(free_list_mem2 != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, FreeList::min_size());
-    bzero(free_list_mem2, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem3 = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(free_list_mem3 != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, FreeList::min_size());
-    bzero(free_list_mem3, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(NULL, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, 0);
-    list.add(free_list_mem1, FreeList::min_size());
-    list.add(free_list_mem2, FreeList::min_size());
-    list.add(free_list_mem3, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem1 = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(free_list_mem1 != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, FreeList::min_size());
-    bzero(free_list_mem1, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem2 = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(free_list_mem2 != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, FreeList::min_size());
-    bzero(free_list_mem2, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem3 = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(free_list_mem3 != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, FreeList::min_size());
-    bzero(free_list_mem3, FreeList::min_size());
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(FreeList::min_size(), &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(NULL, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, 0);
-    // Try some allocations with different sizes
-    int size1 = FreeList::min_size();
-    int size2 = FreeList::min_size() * 2;
-    int size4 = FreeList::min_size() * 4;
-    uint8_t* mem1 = pool.allocate(size1);
-    uint8_t* mem2 = pool.allocate(size2);
-    uint8_t* mem4 = pool.allocate(size4);
-    list.add(mem2, size2);
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(size4, &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(NULL, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, 0);
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(size1, &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(free_list_mem != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, size2);
-    bzero(free_list_mem, size1);
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(size1, &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(NULL, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, 0);
-    list.add(mem2, size2);
-    list.add(mem4, size4);
-    list.add(mem1, size1);
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(size4, &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem4, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, size4);
-    bzero(free_list_mem, size4);
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(size2, &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem2, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, size2);
-    bzero(free_list_mem, size2);
-    free_list_mem = list.allocate(size1, &allocated_size);
-    EXPECT_EQ(mem1, free_list_mem);
-    EXPECT_EQ(allocated_size, size1);
-    bzero(free_list_mem, size1);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-#if 0
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/heartbeat_flags_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/heartbeat_flags_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 022be21..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/heartbeat_flags_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/heartbeat_flags.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class HeartbeatFlagsTest : public testing::Test {
-    HeartbeatFlags _flags;
-TEST_F(HeartbeatFlagsTest, normal) {
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_flags.is_set_default_rowset_type_to_beta());
-    _flags.update(1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_flags.is_set_default_rowset_type_to_beta());
-    _flags.update(2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(_flags.is_set_default_rowset_type_to_beta());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/kafka_consumer_pipe_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/kafka_consumer_pipe_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d635727..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/kafka_consumer_pipe_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/routine_load/kafka_consumer_pipe.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class KafkaConsumerPipeTest : public testing::Test {
-    KafkaConsumerPipeTest() {}
-    virtual ~KafkaConsumerPipeTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {}
-    void TearDown() override {}
-TEST_F(KafkaConsumerPipeTest, append_read) {
-    KafkaConsumerPipe k_pipe(1024 * 1024, 64 * 1024);
-    std::string msg1 = "i have a dream";
-    std::string msg2 = "This is from kafka";
-    Status st;
-    st = k_pipe.append_with_line_delimiter(msg1.c_str(), msg1.length());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = k_pipe.append_with_line_delimiter(msg2.c_str(), msg2.length());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = k_pipe.finish();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    char buf[1024];
-    size_t data_size = 1024;
-    bool eof = false;
-    st = k_pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &data_size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(data_size, msg1.length() + msg2.length() + 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(eof, false);
-    data_size = 1024;
-    st = k_pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &data_size, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(data_size, 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(eof, true);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/large_int_value_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/large_int_value_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e9c03..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/large_int_value_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/large_int_value.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "common/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class LargeIntValueTest : public testing::Test {
-    LargeIntValueTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-TEST_F(LargeIntValueTest, string_to_largeint) {
-    {
-        std::string str("1024");
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << str;
-        __int128 v;
-        ss >> v;
-        ASSERT_EQ(v, 1024);
-    }
-    {
-        std::string str("170141183460469231731687303715884105727");
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << str;
-        __int128 v;
-        ss >> v;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(v == MAX_INT128);
-    }
-    {
-        std::string str("-170141183460469231731687303715884105728");
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << str;
-        __int128 v;
-        ss >> v;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(v == MIN_INT128);
-    }
-TEST_F(LargeIntValueTest, largeint_to_string) {
-    {
-        __int128 v1 = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << v1;
-        ASSERT_EQ(ss.str(), "9223372036854775807");
-    }
-    {
-        __int128 v2 = MAX_INT128;
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << v2;
-        EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), "170141183460469231731687303715884105727");
-    }
-    {
-        __int128 v2 = MIN_INT128;
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << v2;
-        EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728");
-    }
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/load_channel_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/load_channel_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e03ad..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/load_channel_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,715 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/load_channel_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "olap/delta_writer.h"
-#include "olap/memtable_flush_executor.h"
-#include "olap/schema.h"
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptor_helper.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/primitive_type.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/thrift_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-std::unordered_map<int64_t, int> _k_tablet_recorder;
-OLAPStatus open_status;
-OLAPStatus add_status;
-OLAPStatus close_status;
-int64_t wait_lock_time_ns;
-// mock
-DeltaWriter::DeltaWriter(WriteRequest* req, const std::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& mem_tracker,
-                         StorageEngine* storage_engine)
-        : _req(*req) {}
-DeltaWriter::~DeltaWriter() {}
-OLAPStatus DeltaWriter::init() {
-    return OLAP_SUCCESS;
-OLAPStatus DeltaWriter::open(WriteRequest* req, const std::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& mem_tracker,
-                             DeltaWriter** writer) {
-    if (open_status != OLAP_SUCCESS) {
-        return open_status;
-    }
-    *writer = new DeltaWriter(req, mem_tracker, nullptr);
-    return open_status;
-OLAPStatus DeltaWriter::write(Tuple* tuple) {
-    if (_k_tablet_recorder.find(_req.tablet_id) == std::end(_k_tablet_recorder)) {
-        _k_tablet_recorder[_req.tablet_id] = 1;
-    } else {
-        _k_tablet_recorder[_req.tablet_id]++;
-    }
-    return add_status;
-OLAPStatus DeltaWriter::close() {
-    return OLAP_SUCCESS;
-OLAPStatus DeltaWriter::close_wait(google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PTabletInfo>* tablet_vec) {
-    return close_status;
-OLAPStatus DeltaWriter::cancel() {
-    return OLAP_SUCCESS;
-OLAPStatus DeltaWriter::flush_memtable_and_wait(bool need_wait) {
-    return OLAP_SUCCESS;
-OLAPStatus DeltaWriter::wait_flush() {
-    return OLAP_SUCCESS;
-int64_t DeltaWriter::partition_id() const {
-    return 1L;
-int64_t DeltaWriter::mem_consumption() const {
-    return 1024L;
-class LoadChannelMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    LoadChannelMgrTest() {}
-    virtual ~LoadChannelMgrTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {
-        _k_tablet_recorder.clear();
-        open_status = OLAP_SUCCESS;
-        add_status = OLAP_SUCCESS;
-        close_status = OLAP_SUCCESS;
-        config::streaming_load_rpc_max_alive_time_sec = 120;
-    }
-TEST_F(LoadChannelMgrTest, check_builder) {
-    TDescriptorTableBuilder table_builder;
-    {
-        TTupleDescriptorBuilder tuple;
-        tuple.add_slot(
-                TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_INT).column_name("c1").column_pos(0).build());
-        tuple.add_slot(
-                TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_BIGINT).column_name("c2").column_pos(1).build());
-        tuple.add_slot(
-                TSlotDescriptorBuilder().string_type(64).column_name("c3").column_pos(2).build());
-        tuple.build(&table_builder);
-    }
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, table_builder.desc_tbl(), &desc_tbl);
-    auto tuple = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(32, tuple->byte_size());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, tuple->slots()[0]->tuple_offset());
-    ASSERT_EQ(8, tuple->slots()[1]->tuple_offset());
-    ASSERT_EQ(16, tuple->slots()[2]->tuple_offset());
-TDescriptorTable create_descriptor_table() {
-    TDescriptorTableBuilder dtb;
-    TTupleDescriptorBuilder tuple_builder;
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_INT).column_name("c1").column_pos(0).build());
-    tuple_builder.add_slot(
-            TSlotDescriptorBuilder().type(TYPE_BIGINT).column_name("c2").column_pos(1).build());
-    tuple_builder.build(&dtb);
-    return dtb.desc_tbl();
-// dbId=1, tableId=2, indexId=4, columns={c1, c2}
-void create_schema(DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl, POlapTableSchemaParam* pschema) {
-    pschema->set_db_id(1);
-    pschema->set_table_id(2);
-    pschema->set_version(0);
-    auto tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    tuple_desc->to_protobuf(pschema->mutable_tuple_desc());
-    for (auto slot : tuple_desc->slots()) {
-        slot->to_protobuf(pschema->add_slot_descs());
-    }
-    // index schema
-    auto indexes = pschema->add_indexes();
-    indexes->set_id(4);
-    indexes->add_columns("c1");
-    indexes->add_columns("c2");
-    indexes->set_schema_hash(123);
-TEST_F(LoadChannelMgrTest, normal) {
-    ExecEnv env;
-    LoadChannelMgr mgr;
-    mgr.init(-1);
-    auto tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_table();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    auto tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(2);
-    load_id.set_lo(3);
-    {
-        PTabletWriterOpenRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_txn_id(1);
-        create_schema(desc_tbl, request.mutable_schema());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            auto tablet = request.add_tablets();
-            tablet->set_partition_id(10 + i);
-            tablet->set_tablet_id(20 + i);
-        }
-        request.set_num_senders(1);
-        request.set_need_gen_rollup(false);
-        auto st = mgr.open(request);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // add a batch
-    {
-        PTabletWriterAddBatchRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_sender_id(0);
-        request.set_eos(true);
-        request.set_packet_seq(0);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(21);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        RowBatch row_batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-        // row1
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 987654;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 1234567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row2
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 12345678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 9876567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row3
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 876545678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 76543234567;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        row_batch.serialize(request.mutable_row_batch());
-        google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PTabletInfo> tablet_vec;
-        auto st = mgr.add_batch(request, &tablet_vec);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // check content
-    ASSERT_EQ(_k_tablet_recorder[20], 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_k_tablet_recorder[21], 1);
-TEST_F(LoadChannelMgrTest, cancel) {
-    ExecEnv env;
-    LoadChannelMgr mgr;
-    mgr.init(-1);
-    auto tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_table();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(2);
-    load_id.set_lo(3);
-    {
-        PTabletWriterOpenRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_txn_id(1);
-        create_schema(desc_tbl, request.mutable_schema());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            auto tablet = request.add_tablets();
-            tablet->set_partition_id(10 + i);
-            tablet->set_tablet_id(20 + i);
-        }
-        request.set_num_senders(1);
-        request.set_need_gen_rollup(false);
-        auto st = mgr.open(request);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // add a batch
-    {
-        PTabletWriterCancelRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        auto st = mgr.cancel(request);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(LoadChannelMgrTest, open_failed) {
-    ExecEnv env;
-    LoadChannelMgr mgr;
-    mgr.init(-1);
-    auto tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_table();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(2);
-    load_id.set_lo(3);
-    {
-        PTabletWriterOpenRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_txn_id(1);
-        create_schema(desc_tbl, request.mutable_schema());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            auto tablet = request.add_tablets();
-            tablet->set_partition_id(10 + i);
-            tablet->set_tablet_id(20 + i);
-        }
-        request.set_num_senders(1);
-        request.set_need_gen_rollup(false);
-        open_status = OLAP_ERR_TABLE_NOT_FOUND;
-        auto st = mgr.open(request);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(LoadChannelMgrTest, add_failed) {
-    ExecEnv env;
-    LoadChannelMgr mgr;
-    mgr.init(-1);
-    auto tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_table();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    auto tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(2);
-    load_id.set_lo(3);
-    {
-        PTabletWriterOpenRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_txn_id(1);
-        create_schema(desc_tbl, request.mutable_schema());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            auto tablet = request.add_tablets();
-            tablet->set_partition_id(10 + i);
-            tablet->set_tablet_id(20 + i);
-        }
-        request.set_num_senders(1);
-        request.set_need_gen_rollup(false);
-        auto st = mgr.open(request);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // add a batch
-    {
-        PTabletWriterAddBatchRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_sender_id(0);
-        request.set_eos(true);
-        request.set_packet_seq(0);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(21);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        RowBatch row_batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-        // row1
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 987654;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 1234567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row2
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 12345678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 9876567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row3
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 876545678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 76543234567;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        row_batch.serialize(request.mutable_row_batch());
-        add_status = OLAP_ERR_TABLE_NOT_FOUND;
-        google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PTabletInfo> tablet_vec;
-        auto st = mgr.add_batch(request, &tablet_vec);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(LoadChannelMgrTest, close_failed) {
-    ExecEnv env;
-    LoadChannelMgr mgr;
-    mgr.init(-1);
-    auto tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_table();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    auto tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(2);
-    load_id.set_lo(3);
-    {
-        PTabletWriterOpenRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_txn_id(1);
-        create_schema(desc_tbl, request.mutable_schema());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            auto tablet = request.add_tablets();
-            tablet->set_partition_id(10 + i);
-            tablet->set_tablet_id(20 + i);
-        }
-        request.set_num_senders(1);
-        request.set_need_gen_rollup(false);
-        auto st = mgr.open(request);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // add a batch
-    {
-        PTabletWriterAddBatchRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_sender_id(0);
-        request.set_eos(true);
-        request.set_packet_seq(0);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(21);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        request.add_partition_ids(10);
-        request.add_partition_ids(11);
-        RowBatch row_batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-        // row1
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 987654;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 1234567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row2
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 12345678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 9876567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row3
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 876545678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 76543234567;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        row_batch.serialize(request.mutable_row_batch());
-        close_status = OLAP_ERR_TABLE_NOT_FOUND;
-        google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PTabletInfo> tablet_vec;
-        auto st = mgr.add_batch(request, &tablet_vec);
-        request.release_id();
-        // even if delta close failed, the return status is still ok, but tablet_vec is empty
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tablet_vec.empty());
-    }
-TEST_F(LoadChannelMgrTest, unknown_tablet) {
-    ExecEnv env;
-    LoadChannelMgr mgr;
-    mgr.init(-1);
-    auto tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_table();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    auto tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(2);
-    load_id.set_lo(3);
-    {
-        PTabletWriterOpenRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_txn_id(1);
-        create_schema(desc_tbl, request.mutable_schema());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            auto tablet = request.add_tablets();
-            tablet->set_partition_id(10 + i);
-            tablet->set_tablet_id(20 + i);
-        }
-        request.set_num_senders(1);
-        request.set_need_gen_rollup(false);
-        auto st = mgr.open(request);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // add a batch
-    {
-        PTabletWriterAddBatchRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_sender_id(0);
-        request.set_eos(true);
-        request.set_packet_seq(0);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(22);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        RowBatch row_batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-        // row1
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 987654;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 1234567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row2
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 12345678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 9876567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row3
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 876545678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 76543234567;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        row_batch.serialize(request.mutable_row_batch());
-        google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PTabletInfo> tablet_vec;
-        auto st = mgr.add_batch(request, &tablet_vec);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(LoadChannelMgrTest, duplicate_packet) {
-    ExecEnv env;
-    LoadChannelMgr mgr;
-    mgr.init(-1);
-    auto tdesc_tbl = create_descriptor_table();
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, tdesc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
-    auto tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
-    RowDescriptor row_desc(*desc_tbl, {0}, {false});
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>();
-    PUniqueId load_id;
-    load_id.set_hi(2);
-    load_id.set_lo(3);
-    {
-        PTabletWriterOpenRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_txn_id(1);
-        create_schema(desc_tbl, request.mutable_schema());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            auto tablet = request.add_tablets();
-            tablet->set_partition_id(10 + i);
-            tablet->set_tablet_id(20 + i);
-        }
-        request.set_num_senders(1);
-        request.set_need_gen_rollup(false);
-        auto st = mgr.open(request);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // add a batch
-    {
-        PTabletWriterAddBatchRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_sender_id(0);
-        request.set_eos(false);
-        request.set_packet_seq(0);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(21);
-        request.add_tablet_ids(20);
-        RowBatch row_batch(row_desc, 1024, tracker.get());
-        // row1
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 987654;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 1234567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row2
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 12345678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 9876567899876;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        // row3
-        {
-            auto id = row_batch.add_row();
-            auto tuple = (Tuple*)row_batch.tuple_data_pool()->allocate(tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            row_batch.get_row(id)->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-            memset(tuple, 0, tuple_desc->byte_size());
-            *(int*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[0]->tuple_offset()) = 876545678;
-            *(int64_t*)tuple->get_slot(tuple_desc->slots()[1]->tuple_offset()) = 76543234567;
-            row_batch.commit_last_row();
-        }
-        row_batch.serialize(request.mutable_row_batch());
-        google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PTabletInfo> tablet_vec1;
-        auto st = mgr.add_batch(request, &tablet_vec1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PTabletInfo> tablet_vec2;
-        st = mgr.add_batch(request, &tablet_vec2);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // close
-    {
-        PTabletWriterAddBatchRequest request;
-        request.set_allocated_id(&load_id);
-        request.set_index_id(4);
-        request.set_sender_id(0);
-        request.set_eos(true);
-        request.set_packet_seq(0);
-        google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<PTabletInfo> tablet_vec;
-        auto st = mgr.add_batch(request, &tablet_vec);
-        request.release_id();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    // check content
-    ASSERT_EQ(_k_tablet_recorder[20], 2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(_k_tablet_recorder[21], 1);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/mem_limit_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/mem_limit_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 487a54b..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/mem_limit_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/metrics.h"
-namespace doris {
-TEST(MemTestTest, SingleTrackerNoLimit) {
-    MemTracker t(-1);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.has_limit());
-    t.Consume(10);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 10);
-    t.Consume(10);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 20);
-    t.Release(15);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 5);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-TEST(MemTestTest, SingleTrackerWithLimit) {
-    MemTracker t(11);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(t.has_limit());
-    t.Consume(10);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 10);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    t.Consume(10);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 20);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    t.Release(15);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 5);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-#if 0
-TEST(MemTestTest, ConsumptionMetric) {
-    TMetricDef md;
-    md.__set_key("test");
-    md.__set_units(TUnit::BYTES);
-    md.__set_kind(TMetricKind::GAUGE);
-    UIntGauge metric(md, 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(metric.value(), 0);
-    MemTracker t(&metric, 100, -1, "");
-    EXPECT_TRUE(t.has_limit());
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 0);
-    // Consume()/Release() arguments have no effect
-    t.Consume(150);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.peak_consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    t.Release(5);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.peak_consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    metric.Increment(10);
-    // _consumption is only updated with _consumption_metric after calls to
-    // Consume()/Release() with a non-zero value
-    t.Consume(1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 10);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.peak_consumption(), 10);
-    metric.Increment(-5);
-    t.Consume(-1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 5);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.peak_consumption(), 10);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    metric.Increment(150);
-    t.Consume(1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 155);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.peak_consumption(), 155);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    metric.Increment(-150);
-    t.Consume(-1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 5);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.peak_consumption(), 155);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // _consumption is not updated when Consume()/Release() is called with a zero value
-    metric.Increment(10);
-    t.Consume(0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 5);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.peak_consumption(), 155);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-#endif // #end #if 0
-TEST(MemTestTest, TrackerHierarchy) {
-    auto p = std::make_shared<MemTracker>(100);
-    auto c1 = std::make_shared<MemTracker>(80, "", p);
-    auto c2 = std::make_shared<MemTracker>(50, "", p);
-    // everything below limits
-    c1->Consume(60);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->consumption(), 60);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(c2->consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(p->consumption(), 60);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(p->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(p->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // p goes over limit
-    c2->Consume(50);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->consumption(), 60);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(c1->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(c2->consumption(), 50);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(c2->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(p->consumption(), 110);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(p->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // c2 goes over limit, p drops below limit
-    c1->Release(20);
-    c2->Consume(10);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->consumption(), 40);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(c2->consumption(), 60);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(c2->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(c2->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(p->consumption(), 100);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(p->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-TEST(MemTestTest, TrackerHierarchyTryConsume) {
-    auto p = std::make_shared<MemTracker>(100);
-    auto c1 = std::make_shared<MemTracker>(80, "", p);
-    auto c2 = std::make_shared<MemTracker>(50, "", p);
-    // everything below limits
-    bool consumption = c1->TryConsume(60);
-    EXPECT_EQ(consumption, true);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->consumption(), 60);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(c2->consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(p->consumption(), 60);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(p->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(p->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // p goes over limit
-    consumption = c2->TryConsume(50);
-    EXPECT_EQ(consumption, true);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->consumption(), 60);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(c2->consumption(), 0);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(p->consumption(), 60);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(p->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(p->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // c2 goes over limit, p drops below limit
-    c1->Release(20);
-    c2->Consume(10);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->consumption(), 40);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(c2->consumption(), 10);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c2->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(p->consumption(), 50);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(p->LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-#if 0
-class GcFunctionHelper {
-    public:
-        static const int NUM_RELEASE_BYTES = 1;
-        GcFunctionHelper(MemTracker* tracker) : _tracker(tracker) { }
-        ~GcFunctionHelper() {}
-        void gc_func() { _tracker->Release(NUM_RELEASE_BYTES); }
-    private:
-        MemTracker* _tracker;
-TEST(MemTestTest, GcFunctions) {
-    MemTracker t(10);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(t.has_limit());
-    t.Consume(9);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // Test TryConsume()
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.TryConsume(2));
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 9);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // Attach GcFunction that releases 1 byte
-    GcFunctionHelper gc_func_helper(&t);
-    t.AddGcFunction(boost::bind(&GcFunctionHelper::gc_func, &gc_func_helper));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(t.TryConsume(2));
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 10);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // GcFunction will be called even though TryConsume() fails
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.TryConsume(2));
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 9);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // GcFunction won't be called
-    EXPECT_TRUE(t.TryConsume(1));
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 10);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    // Test LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD)
-    t.Consume(1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 11);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 10);
-    // Add more GcFunctions, test that we only call them until the limit is no longer
-    // exceeded
-    GcFunctionHelper gc_func_helper2(&t);
-    t.AddGcFunction(boost::bind(&GcFunctionHelper::gc_func, &gc_func_helper2));
-    GcFunctionHelper gc_func_helper3(&t);
-    t.AddGcFunction(boost::bind(&GcFunctionHelper::gc_func, &gc_func_helper3));
-    t.Consume(1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 11);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(t.LimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD));
-    EXPECT_EQ(t.consumption(), 10);
-#endif // enf #if 0
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/mem_pool_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/mem_pool_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f3a1061..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/mem_pool_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-TEST(MemPoolTest, Basic) {
-    MemTracker tracker(-1);
-    MemPool p(&tracker);
-    MemPool p2(&tracker);
-    MemPool p3(&tracker);
-    // allocate a total of 24K in 32-byte pieces (for which we only request 25 bytes)
-    for (int i = 0; i < 768; ++i) {
-        // pads to 32 bytes
-        p.allocate(25);
-    }
-    // we handed back 24K, (4, 8 16) first allocate don't need padding
-    EXPECT_EQ(24 * 1024 - 3 * 7, p.total_allocated_bytes()); // 32 * 768 == 24 * 1024
-    // .. and allocated 28K of chunks (4, 8, 16)
-    EXPECT_EQ(28 * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    // we're passing on the first two chunks, containing 12K of data; we're left with one
-    // chunk of 16K containing 12K of data
-    p2.acquire_data(&p, true);
-    EXPECT_EQ(12 * 1024 - 7, p.total_allocated_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(16 * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    // we allocate 8K, for which there isn't enough room in the current chunk,
-    // so another one is allocated (32K)
-    p.allocate(8 * 1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ((16 + 32) * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    // we allocate 65K, which doesn't fit into the current chunk or the default
-    // size of the next allocated chunk (64K)
-    p.allocate(65 * 1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ((12 + 8 + 65) * 1024 - 7, p.total_allocated_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ((16 + 32 + 128) * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    // Clear() resets allocated data, but doesn't remove any chunks
-    p.clear();
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, p.total_allocated_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ((16 + 32 + 128) * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    // next allocation reuses existing chunks
-    p.allocate(1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ(1024, p.total_allocated_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ((16 + 32 + 128) * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    // ... unless it doesn't fit into any available chunk
-    p.allocate(120 * 1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ((1 + 120) * 1024, p.total_allocated_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ((16 + 32 + 128) * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    // ... Try another chunk that fits into an existing chunk
-    p.allocate(33 * 1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ((1 + 120 + 33) * 1024, p.total_allocated_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ((16 + 32 + 128 + 256) * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    // we're releasing 3 chunks, which get added to p2
-    p2.acquire_data(&p, false);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, p.total_allocated_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    p3.acquire_data(&p2, true); // we're keeping the 65k chunk
-    EXPECT_EQ(33 * 1024, p2.total_allocated_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(256 * 1024, p2.total_reserved_bytes());
-    {
-        MemPool p4(&tracker);
-        p4.exchange_data(&p2);
-        EXPECT_EQ(33 * 1024, p4.total_allocated_bytes());
-        EXPECT_EQ(256 * 1024, p4.total_reserved_bytes());
-    }
-// Test that we can keep an allocated chunk and a free chunk.
-// This case verifies that when chunks are acquired by another memory pool the
-// remaining chunks are consistent if there were more than one used chunk and some
-// free chunks.
-TEST(MemPoolTest, Keep) {
-    MemTracker tracker(-1);
-    MemPool p(&tracker);
-    p.allocate(4 * 1024);
-    p.allocate(8 * 1024);
-    p.allocate(16 * 1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p.total_allocated_bytes(), (4 + 8 + 16) * 1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p.total_reserved_bytes(), (4 + 8 + 16) * 1024);
-    p.clear();
-    EXPECT_EQ(p.total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p.total_reserved_bytes(), (4 + 8 + 16) * 1024);
-    p.allocate(1 * 1024);
-    p.allocate(4 * 1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p.total_allocated_bytes(), (1 + 4) * 1024);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p.total_reserved_bytes(), (4 + 8 + 16) * 1024);
-    MemPool p2(&tracker);
-    p2.acquire_data(&p, true);
-    {
-        p2.exchange_data(&p);
-        EXPECT_EQ(4 * 1024, p2.total_allocated_bytes());
-        EXPECT_EQ((8 + 16) * 1024, p2.total_reserved_bytes());
-        EXPECT_EQ(1 * 1024, p.total_allocated_bytes());
-        EXPECT_EQ(4 * 1024, p.total_reserved_bytes());
-    }
-// Maximum allocation size which exceeds 32-bit.
-#define LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE (1LL << 32)
-TEST(MemPoolTest, MaxAllocation) {
-    int64_t int_max_rounded = BitUtil::round_up(LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE, 8);
-    // Allocate a single LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE chunk
-    MemTracker tracker(-1);
-    MemPool p1(&tracker);
-    uint8_t* ptr = p1.allocate(LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(ptr != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded, p1.total_reserved_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded, p1.total_allocated_bytes());
-    p1.free_all();
-    // Allocate a small chunk (DEFAULT_INITIAL_CHUNK_SIZE) followed by an LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE chunk
-    MemPool p2(&tracker);
-    p2.allocate(8);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p2.total_reserved_bytes(), 4096);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p2.total_allocated_bytes(), 8);
-    ptr = p2.allocate(LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(ptr != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p2.total_reserved_bytes(), 4096LL + int_max_rounded);
-    EXPECT_EQ(p2.total_allocated_bytes(), 8LL + int_max_rounded);
-    p2.free_all();
-    // Allocate three LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE chunks followed by a small chunk followed by another LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE
-    // chunk
-    MemPool p3(&tracker);
-    p3.allocate(LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE);
-    // Allocates new int_max_rounded * 2 chunk
-    // NOTE: exceed MAX_CHUNK_SIZE limit, will not *2
-    ptr = p3.allocate(LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(ptr != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded * 2, p3.total_reserved_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded * 2, p3.total_allocated_bytes());
-    // Uses existing int_max_rounded * 2 chunk
-    ptr = p3.allocate(LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(ptr != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded * 3, p3.total_reserved_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded * 3, p3.total_allocated_bytes());
-    // Allocates a new int_max_rounded * 4 chunk
-    // NOTE: exceed MAX_CHUNK_SIZE limit, will not *2
-#if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || (__clang_major__ >= 3 && __clang_minor__ >= 7)
-    ptr = p3.allocate(8);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(ptr != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded * 3 + 512 * 1024, p3.total_reserved_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded * 3 + 8, p3.total_allocated_bytes());
-    // Uses existing int_max_rounded * 4 chunk
-    ptr = p3.allocate(LARGE_ALLOC_SIZE);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(ptr != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded * 4 + 512 * 1024, p3.total_reserved_bytes());
-    EXPECT_EQ(int_max_rounded * 4 + 8, p3.total_allocated_bytes());
-    p3.free_all();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/memory/chunk_allocator_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/memory/chunk_allocator_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b009d9..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/memory/chunk_allocator_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/memory/chunk_allocator.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "runtime/memory/chunk.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/doris_metrics.h"
-namespace doris {
-TEST(ChunkAllocatorTest, Normal) {
-    config::use_mmap_allocate_chunk = true;
-    for (size_t size = 4096; size <= 1024 * 1024; size <<= 1) {
-        Chunk chunk;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ChunkAllocator::instance()->allocate(size, &chunk));
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, chunk.data);
-        ASSERT_EQ(size, chunk.size);
-        ChunkAllocator::instance()->free(chunk);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    doris::ChunkAllocator::init_instance(1024 * 1024);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/memory/system_allocator_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/memory/system_allocator_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0974bc1..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/memory/system_allocator_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/memory/system_allocator.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/config.h"
-namespace doris {
-template <bool use_mmap>
-void test_normal() {
-    config::use_mmap_allocate_chunk = use_mmap;
-    {
-        auto ptr = SystemAllocator::allocate(4096);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, (uint64_t)ptr % 4096);
-        SystemAllocator::free(ptr, 4096);
-    }
-    {
-        auto ptr = SystemAllocator::allocate(100);
-        ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, (uint64_t)ptr % 4096);
-        SystemAllocator::free(ptr, 100);
-    }
-TEST(SystemAllocatorTest, TestNormal) {
-    test_normal<true>();
-    test_normal<false>();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/memory_scratch_sink_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/memory_scratch_sink_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a0d79a0..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/memory_scratch_sink_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/memory_scratch_sink.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "exec/csv_scan_node.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/DorisExternalService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "olap/options.h"
-#include "olap/row.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/primitive_type.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/test_env.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "testutil/desc_tbl_builder.h"
-#include "util/blocking_queue.hpp"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class MemoryScratchSinkTest : public testing::Test {
-    MemoryScratchSinkTest() {
-        _env = std::make_shared<TestEnv>();
-        {
-            TExpr expr;
-            {
-                TExprNode node;
-                node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-                node.type = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::INT, "int_column");
-                node.num_children = 0;
-                TIntLiteral data;
-                data.value = 1;
-                node.__set_int_literal(data);
-                expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-            }
-            _exprs.push_back(expr);
-        }
-    }
-    ~MemoryScratchSinkTest() { delete _state; }
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        config::periodic_counter_update_period_ms = 500;
-        config::storage_root_path = "./data";
-        system("mkdir -p ./test_run/output/");
-        system("pwd");
-        system("cp -r ./be/test/runtime/test_data/ ./test_run/.");
-        init();
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        _obj_pool.clear();
-        system("rm -rf ./test_run");
-    }
-    void init();
-    void init_desc_tbl();
-    void init_runtime_state();
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    std::shared_ptr<TestEnv> _env;
-    // std::vector<TExpr> _exprs;
-    TDescriptorTable _t_desc_table;
-    RuntimeState* _state = nullptr;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    RowDescriptor* _row_desc = nullptr;
-    TMemoryScratchSink _tsink;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker = nullptr;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    std::vector<TExpr> _exprs;
-void MemoryScratchSinkTest::init() {
-    init_desc_tbl();
-    init_runtime_state();
-void MemoryScratchSinkTest::init_runtime_state() {
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1024;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    _state = new RuntimeState(query_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _env->exec_env());
-    _state->init_instance_mem_tracker();
-    _mem_tracker =
-            MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "MemoryScratchSinkTest", _state->instance_mem_tracker());
-    _state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    _state->_load_dir = "./test_run/output/";
-    _state->init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-void MemoryScratchSinkTest::init_desc_tbl() {
-    // TTableDescriptor
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::OLAP_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.olapTable.tableName = "test";
-    t_table_desc.tableName = "test_table_name";
-    t_table_desc.dbName = "test_db_name";
-    t_table_desc.__isset.olapTable = true;
-    _t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    _t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    // TSlotDescriptor
-    std::vector<TSlotDescriptor> slot_descs;
-    int offset = 1;
-    int i = 0;
-    // int_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::INT));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("int_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-    }
-    _t_desc_table.__set_slotDescriptors(slot_descs);
-    // TTupleDescriptor
-    TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-    t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-    t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-    t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-    t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-    t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-    _t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, _t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    std::vector<TTupleId> row_tids;
-    row_tids.push_back(0);
-    std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-    nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _row_desc = _obj_pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tids, nullable_tuples));
-    // node
-    _tnode.node_id = 0;
-    _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::CSV_SCAN_NODE;
-    _tnode.num_children = 0;
-    _tnode.limit = -1;
-    _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_separator(",");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_line_delimiter("\n");
-    // column_type_mapping
-    std::map<std::string, TColumnType> column_type_map;
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        column_type_map["int_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_type_mapping(column_type_map);
-    std::vector<std::string> columns;
-    columns.push_back("int_column");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_columns(columns);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__isset.unspecified_columns = true;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__isset.default_values = true;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.max_filter_ratio = 0.5;
-    _tnode.__isset.csv_scan_node = true;
-TEST_F(MemoryScratchSinkTest, work_flow_normal) {
-    MemoryScratchSink sink(*_row_desc, _exprs, _tsink);
-    TDataSink data_sink;
-    data_sink.memory_scratch_sink = _tsink;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.init(data_sink).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.prepare(_state).ok());
-    std::vector<std::string> file_paths;
-    file_paths.push_back("./test_run/test_data/csv_data");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_file_paths(file_paths);
-    CsvScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::unique_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker(new MemTracker(-1));
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _state->batch_size(), mem_tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        int num = row_batch.num_rows();
-        ASSERT_EQ(6, num);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(sink.send(_state, &row_batch).ok());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(sink.close(_state, Status::OK()).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(_state).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/qsorter_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/qsorter_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 609ab56..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/qsorter_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/qsorter.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-namespace doris {
-class QSorterTest : public testing::Test {
-    QSorterTest() {
-        init_desc_tbl();
-        init_row_desc();
-        init_runtime_state();
-        init_order_expr();
-    }
-    ~QSorterTest() {}
-    void init_desc_tbl();
-    void init_row_desc();
-    void init_order_expr();
-    void init_runtime_state();
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable _t_desc_tbl;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    RowDescriptor* _row_desc;
-    std::vector<Expr*> _order_expr;
-    RuntimeState* _state;
-    MemPool _tuple_pool;
-void QSorterTest::init_runtime_state() {
-    _state = _obj_pool.add(new RuntimeState("2011-10-01 12:34:56"));
-    _state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-void QSorterTest::init_order_expr() {
-    SlotRef* slot = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(_desc_tbl->get_slot_descriptor(0)));
-    slot->prepare(_state, *_row_desc);
-    _order_expr.push_back(slot);
-    slot = _obj_pool.add(new SlotRef(_desc_tbl->get_slot_descriptor(1)));
-    slot->prepare(_state, *_row_desc);
-    _order_expr.push_back(slot);
-void QSorterTest::init_row_desc() {
-    std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-    row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-    nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _row_desc = _obj_pool.add(new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples));
-void QSorterTest::init_desc_tbl() {
-    // slot desc
-    std::vector<TSlotDescriptor> slot_descs;
-    // 1 byte null, 4 byte int, 4 byte int
-    // slot 0
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("col1");
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-    }
-    // slot 1
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(5);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(2);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("col2");
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_slotDescriptors(slot_descs);
-    // tuple desc
-    std::vector<TTupleDescriptor> tuple_descs;
-    // tuple 0
-    {
-        TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(9);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(1);
-        t_tuple_desc.__set_tableId(0);
-        tuple_descs.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_tupleDescriptors(tuple_descs);
-    // table
-    std::vector<TTableDescriptor> table_descs;
-    // table 0
-    {
-        TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-        t_table_desc.__set_id(0);
-        t_table_desc.__set_tableType(TTableType::MYSQL_TABLE);
-        t_table_desc.__set_numCols(2);
-        t_table_desc.__set_numClusteringCols(2);
-        t_table_desc.__set_tableName("test_tbl");
-        t_table_desc.__set_dbName("test_db");
-        TMySQLTable mysql_table;
-        t_table_desc.__set_mysqlTable(mysql_table);
-        table_descs.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    }
-    _t_desc_tbl.__set_tableDescriptors(table_descs);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, _t_desc_tbl, &_desc_tbl);
-TEST_F(QSorterTest, normalCase) {
-    RowBatch batch(*_row_desc, 1024);
-    // 5, 100
-    {
-        batch.add_row();
-        TupleRow* row = batch.get_row(batch.num_rows());
-        Tuple* tuple = Tuple::create(9, &_tuple_pool);
-        row->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        char* pos = (char*)tuple;
-        memset(pos, 0, 9);
-        *(int*)(pos + 1) = 5;
-        *(int*)(pos + 5) = 100;
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 1, 10
-    {
-        batch.add_row();
-        TupleRow* row = batch.get_row(batch.num_rows());
-        Tuple* tuple = Tuple::create(9, &_tuple_pool);
-        row->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        char* pos = (char*)tuple;
-        memset(pos, 0, 9);
-        *(int*)(pos + 1) = 1;
-        *(int*)(pos + 5) = 10;
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 5, 5
-    {
-        batch.add_row();
-        TupleRow* row = batch.get_row(batch.num_rows());
-        Tuple* tuple = Tuple::create(9, &_tuple_pool);
-        row->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        char* pos = (char*)tuple;
-        memset(pos, 0, 9);
-        *(int*)(pos + 1) = 5;
-        *(int*)(pos + 5) = 5;
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 1000, 5
-    {
-        batch.add_row();
-        TupleRow* row = batch.get_row(batch.num_rows());
-        Tuple* tuple = Tuple::create(9, &_tuple_pool);
-        row->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        char* pos = (char*)tuple;
-        memset(pos, 0, 9);
-        *(int*)(pos + 1) = 10000;
-        *(int*)(pos + 5) = 5;
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    // 0, 195
-    {
-        batch.add_row();
-        TupleRow* row = batch.get_row(batch.num_rows());
-        Tuple* tuple = Tuple::create(9, &_tuple_pool);
-        row->set_tuple(0, tuple);
-        char* pos = (char*)tuple;
-        memset(pos, 0, 9);
-        *(int*)(pos + 1) = 0;
-        *(int*)(pos + 5) = 195;
-        batch.commit_last_row();
-    }
-    QSorter sorter(*_row_desc, _order_expr);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sorter.prepare(_state).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sorter.add_batch(&batch).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sorter.input_done().ok());
-    RowBatch result(*_row_desc, 1024);
-    bool eos = false;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sorter.get_next(&result, &eos).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, result.num_rows());
-    // 0, 195
-    {
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, *(int*)_order_expr[0]->get_value(result.get_row(0)));
-        ASSERT_EQ(195, *(int*)_order_expr[1]->get_value(result.get_row(0)));
-    }
-    // 1, 10
-    {
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, *(int*)_order_expr[0]->get_value(result.get_row(1)));
-        ASSERT_EQ(10, *(int*)_order_expr[1]->get_value(result.get_row(1)));
-    }
-    // 5, 5
-    {
-        ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)_order_expr[0]->get_value(result.get_row(2)));
-        ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)_order_expr[1]->get_value(result.get_row(2)));
-    }
-    // 5, 100
-    {
-        ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)_order_expr[0]->get_value(result.get_row(3)));
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, *(int*)_order_expr[1]->get_value(result.get_row(3)));
-    }
-    // 10000, 5
-    {
-        ASSERT_EQ(10000, *(int*)_order_expr[0]->get_value(result.get_row(4)));
-        ASSERT_EQ(5, *(int*)_order_expr[1]->get_value(result.get_row(4)));
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/raw_value_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/raw_value_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca7749..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/raw_value_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/raw_value.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class RawValueTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(RawValueTest, Compare) {
-    int64_t v1;
-    int64_t v2;
-    v1 = -2128609280;
-    v2 = 9223372036854775807;
-    EXPECT_LT(RawValue::compare(&v1, &v2, TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
-    EXPECT_GT(RawValue::compare(&v2, &v1, TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
-    int32_t i1;
-    int32_t i2;
-    i1 = 2147483647;
-    i2 = -2147483640;
-    EXPECT_GT(RawValue::compare(&i1, &i2, TYPE_INT), 0);
-    EXPECT_LT(RawValue::compare(&i2, &i1, TYPE_INT), 0);
-    EXPECT_GT(RawValue::compare(&i1, &i2, TYPE_INT), 0);
-    EXPECT_LT(RawValue::compare(&i2, &i1, TYPE_INT), 0);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/result_buffer_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/result_buffer_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 83d7557..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/result_buffer_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/result_buffer_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
-#include "runtime/buffer_control_block.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ResultBufferMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    ResultBufferMgrTest() {}
-    virtual ~ResultBufferMgrTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-TEST_F(ResultBufferMgrTest, create_normal) {
-    ResultBufferMgr buffer_mgr;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    boost::shared_ptr<BufferControlBlock> control_block1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.create_sender(query_id, 1024, &control_block1).ok());
-TEST_F(ResultBufferMgrTest, create_same_buffer) {
-    ResultBufferMgr buffer_mgr;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    boost::shared_ptr<BufferControlBlock> control_block1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.create_sender(query_id, 1024, &control_block1).ok());
-    boost::shared_ptr<BufferControlBlock> control_block2;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.create_sender(query_id, 1024, &control_block2).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(control_block1.get(), control_block1.get());
-TEST_F(ResultBufferMgrTest, fetch_data_normal) {
-    ResultBufferMgr buffer_mgr;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    boost::shared_ptr<BufferControlBlock> control_block1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.create_sender(query_id, 1024, &control_block1).ok());
-    TFetchDataResult* result = new TFetchDataResult();
-    result->result_batch.rows.push_back("hello test");
-    control_block1->add_batch(result);
-    TFetchDataResult get_result;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.fetch_data(query_id, &get_result).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1U, get_result.result_batch.rows.size());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("hello test", get_result.result_batch.rows[0].c_str());
-TEST_F(ResultBufferMgrTest, fetch_data_no_block) {
-    ResultBufferMgr buffer_mgr;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    boost::shared_ptr<BufferControlBlock> control_block1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.create_sender(query_id, 1024, &control_block1).ok());
-    TFetchDataResult* result = new TFetchDataResult();
-    query_id.lo = 11;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    ASSERT_FALSE(buffer_mgr.fetch_data(query_id, result).ok());
-    delete result;
-TEST_F(ResultBufferMgrTest, normal_cancel) {
-    ResultBufferMgr buffer_mgr;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    boost::shared_ptr<BufferControlBlock> control_block1;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.create_sender(query_id, 1024, &control_block1).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.cancel(query_id).ok());
-TEST_F(ResultBufferMgrTest, cancel_no_block) {
-    ResultBufferMgr buffer_mgr;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(buffer_mgr.cancel(query_id).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100 */
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/result_queue_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/result_queue_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b077858..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/result_queue_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/result_queue_mgr.h"
-#include <arrow/array.h>
-#include <arrow/builder.h>
-#include <arrow/record_batch.h>
-#include <arrow/type.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "gen_cpp/DorisExternalService_types.h"
-#include "util/blocking_queue.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-class ResultQueueMgrTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(ResultQueueMgrTest, create_normal) {
-    BlockQueueSharedPtr block_queue_t;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    ResultQueueMgr queue_mgr;
-    queue_mgr.create_queue(query_id, &block_queue_t);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block_queue_t != nullptr);
-TEST_F(ResultQueueMgrTest, create_same_queue) {
-    ResultQueueMgr queue_mgr;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    BlockQueueSharedPtr block_queue_t_1;
-    queue_mgr.create_queue(query_id, &block_queue_t_1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block_queue_t_1 != nullptr);
-    BlockQueueSharedPtr block_queue_t_2;
-    queue_mgr.create_queue(query_id, &block_queue_t_2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block_queue_t_2 != nullptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(block_queue_t_1.get(), block_queue_t_2.get());
-TEST_F(ResultQueueMgrTest, fetch_result_normal) {
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    ResultQueueMgr queue_mgr;
-    BlockQueueSharedPtr block_queue_t;
-    queue_mgr.create_queue(query_id, &block_queue_t);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block_queue_t != nullptr);
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field> field = arrow::field("k1", arrow::int32(), true);
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Field>> fields;
-    fields.push_back(field);
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> schema = arrow::schema(std::move(fields));
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> k1_col;
-    arrow::NumericBuilder<arrow::Int32Type> builder;
-    builder.Reserve(1);
-    builder.Append(20);
-    builder.Finish(&k1_col);
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array>> arrays;
-    arrays.push_back(k1_col);
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> record_batch =
-            arrow::RecordBatch::Make(schema, 1, std::move(arrays));
-    block_queue_t->blocking_put(record_batch);
-    // sentinel
-    block_queue_t->blocking_put(nullptr);
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> result;
-    bool eos;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue_mgr.fetch_result(query_id, &result, &eos).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, result->num_rows());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, result->num_columns());
-TEST_F(ResultQueueMgrTest, fetch_result_end) {
-    ResultQueueMgr queue_mgr;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    BlockQueueSharedPtr block_queue_t;
-    queue_mgr.create_queue(query_id, &block_queue_t);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block_queue_t != nullptr);
-    block_queue_t->blocking_put(nullptr);
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> result;
-    bool eos;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue_mgr.fetch_result(query_id, &result, &eos).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
-TEST_F(ResultQueueMgrTest, normal_cancel) {
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    ResultQueueMgr queue_mgr;
-    BlockQueueSharedPtr block_queue_t;
-    queue_mgr.create_queue(query_id, &block_queue_t);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block_queue_t != nullptr);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue_mgr.cancel(query_id).ok());
-TEST_F(ResultQueueMgrTest, cancel_no_block) {
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    ResultQueueMgr queue_mgr;
-    BlockQueueSharedPtr block_queue_t;
-    queue_mgr.create_queue(query_id, &block_queue_t);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(block_queue_t != nullptr);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue_mgr.cancel(query_id).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/result_sink_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/result_sink_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f2542d8..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/result_sink_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/result_sink.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "exprs/bool_literal.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "exprs/float_literal.h"
-#include "exprs/int_literal.h"
-#include "exprs/string_literal.h"
-#include "exprs/timestamp_literal.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/buffer_control_block.h"
-#include "runtime/primitive_type.h"
-#include "runtime/result_buffer_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/mysql_row_buffer.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ResultSinkTest : public testing::Test {
-    ResultSinkTest() {
-        _runtime_state = new RuntimeState("ResultWriterTest");
-        _runtime_state->_exec_env = &_exec_env;
-        {
-            TExpr expr;
-            {
-                TExprNode node;
-                node.node_type = TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL;
-                node.type = to_tcolumn_type_thrift(TPrimitiveType::TINYINT);
-                node.num_children = 0;
-                TIntLiteral data;
-                data.value = 1;
-                node.__set_int_literal(data);
-                expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-            }
-            _exprs.push_back(expr);
-        }
-    }
-    virtual ~ResultSinkTest() { delete _runtime_state; }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-    std::vector<TExpr> _exprs;
-    RuntimeState* _runtime_state;
-    RowDescriptor _row_desc;
-    TResultSink _tsink;
-TEST_F(ResultSinkTest, init_normal) {
-    ResultSink sink(_row_desc, _exprs, _tsink, 1024);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.init(_runtime_state).ok());
-    RowBatch row_batch(_row_desc, 1024);
-    row_batch.add_row();
-    row_batch.commit_last_row();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.send(_runtime_state, &row_batch).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sink.close(_runtime_state, Status::OK()).ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100 */
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/routine_load_task_executor_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/routine_load_task_executor_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 384a859..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/routine_load_task_executor_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/routine_load/routine_load_task_executor.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "gen_cpp/BackendService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/FrontendService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/HeartbeatService_types.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/stream_load/load_stream_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/stream_load/stream_load_executor.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-using namespace RdKafka;
-extern TLoadTxnBeginResult k_stream_load_begin_result;
-extern TLoadTxnCommitResult k_stream_load_commit_result;
-extern TLoadTxnRollbackResult k_stream_load_rollback_result;
-extern TStreamLoadPutResult k_stream_load_put_result;
-class RoutineLoadTaskExecutorTest : public testing::Test {
-    RoutineLoadTaskExecutorTest() {}
-    virtual ~RoutineLoadTaskExecutorTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {
-        k_stream_load_begin_result = TLoadTxnBeginResult();
-        k_stream_load_commit_result = TLoadTxnCommitResult();
-        k_stream_load_rollback_result = TLoadTxnRollbackResult();
-        k_stream_load_put_result = TStreamLoadPutResult();
-        _env._master_info = new TMasterInfo();
-        _env._load_stream_mgr = new LoadStreamMgr();
-        _env._stream_load_executor = new StreamLoadExecutor(&_env);
-        config::routine_load_thread_pool_size = 5;
-        config::max_consumer_num_per_group = 3;
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        delete _env._master_info;
-        _env._master_info = nullptr;
-        delete _env._load_stream_mgr;
-        _env._load_stream_mgr = nullptr;
-        delete _env._stream_load_executor;
-        _env._stream_load_executor = nullptr;
-    }
-    ExecEnv _env;
-TEST_F(RoutineLoadTaskExecutorTest, exec_task) {
-    TRoutineLoadTask task;
-    task.type = TLoadSourceType::KAFKA;
-    task.job_id = 1L;
-    task.id = TUniqueId();
-    task.txn_id = 4;
-    task.auth_code = 5;
-    task.__set_db("db1");
-    task.__set_tbl("tbl1");
-    task.__set_label("l1");
-    task.__set_max_interval_s(5);
-    task.__set_max_batch_rows(10);
-    task.__set_max_batch_size(2048);
-    TKafkaLoadInfo k_info;
-    k_info.brokers = "";
-    k_info.topic = "test";
-    std::map<int32_t, int64_t> part_off;
-    part_off[0] = 13L;
-    k_info.__set_partition_begin_offset(part_off);
-    task.__set_kafka_load_info(k_info);
-    RoutineLoadTaskExecutor executor(&_env);
-    // submit task
-    Status st;
-    st = executor.submit_task(task);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    usleep(200);
-    k_info.brokers = "";
-    task.__set_kafka_load_info(k_info);
-    st = executor.submit_task(task);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    usleep(200);
-    k_info.brokers = "";
-    task.__set_kafka_load_info(k_info);
-    st = executor.submit_task(task);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    usleep(200);
-    k_info.brokers = "";
-    task.__set_kafka_load_info(k_info);
-    st = executor.submit_task(task);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/small_file_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/small_file_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f47a88a..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/small_file_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/small_file_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/HeartbeatService_types.h"
-#include "http/ev_http_server.h"
-#include "http/http_channel.h"
-#include "http/http_handler.h"
-#include "http/http_request.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]);
-namespace doris {
-std::string g_download_path = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/small_file/downloaded/";
-std::string g_src_path = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/small_file/source/";
-std::string g_md5_12345 = "5dd39cab1c53c2c77cd352983f9641e1";
-std::string g_md5_67890 = "a06e26ae5511b0acea8273cf180ca7bf";
-int64_t g_file_12345 = 12345L; // ready to be downloaded file
-int64_t g_file_67890 = 67890L; // already exist file
-std::string src_file = "small_file.txt";
-class SmallFileMgrTestHandler : public HttpHandler {
-    void handle(HttpRequest* req) override {
-        auto it = req->query_params().find("file_id");
-        if (it == req->query_params().end()) {
-            HttpChannel::send_error(req, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
-            return;
-        }
-        if (std::stol(it->second) != g_file_12345) {
-            HttpChannel::send_error(req, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
-            return;
-        }
-        std::string file_path = g_src_path + "/small_file.txt";
-        FILE* fp = fopen(file_path.c_str(), "r");
-        if (fp == nullptr) {
-            HttpChannel::send_error(req, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
-            return;
-        }
-        std::string response;
-        char buf[1024];
-        while (true) {
-            auto size = fread(buf, 1, 1024, fp);
-            response.append(buf, size);
-            if (size < 1024) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        HttpChannel::send_reply(req, response);
-        fclose(fp);
-    }
-static SmallFileMgrTestHandler s_test_handler = SmallFileMgrTestHandler();
-static EvHttpServer* s_server = nullptr;
-static int real_port = 0;
-class SmallFileMgrTest : public testing::Test {
-    SmallFileMgrTest() {}
-    virtual ~SmallFileMgrTest() {}
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        s_server = new EvHttpServer(0);
-        s_server->register_handler(GET, "/api/get_small_file", &s_test_handler);
-        s_server->start();
-        real_port = s_server->get_real_port();
-        ASSERT_NE(0, real_port);
-    }
-    static void TearDownTestCase() {
-        delete s_server;
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << g_download_path << "/" << g_file_12345 << "." << g_md5_12345;
-        remove(ss.str().c_str());
-    }
-    void SetUp() override {}
-TEST_F(SmallFileMgrTest, test_get_file) {
-    TNetworkAddress addr;
-    addr.__set_hostname("");
-    TMasterInfo info;
-    info.__set_network_address(addr);
-    info.__set_http_port(real_port);
-    ExecEnv* env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-    env->_master_info = &info;
-    SmallFileMgr mgr(env, g_download_path);
-    Status st = mgr.init();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    // get already exist file
-    std::string file_path;
-    st = mgr.get_file(g_file_67890, g_md5_67890, &file_path);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-    std::stringstream expected;
-    expected << g_download_path << "/" << g_file_67890 << "." << g_md5_67890;
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected.str(), file_path);
-    // get ready to be downloaded file
-    std::string file_path_2;
-    st = mgr.get_file(g_file_12345, g_md5_12345, &file_path_2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-    std::stringstream expected2;
-    expected2 << g_download_path << "/" << g_file_12345 << "." << g_md5_12345;
-    ASSERT_EQ(expected2.str(), file_path_2);
-    // get wrong file
-    std::string file_path_3;
-    st = mgr.get_file(13579, "xxxx", &file_path_3);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!st.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/snapshot_loader_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/snapshot_loader_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 58fd0dd..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/snapshot_loader_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#define private public // hack compiler
-#define protected public
-#include "runtime/snapshot_loader.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SnapshotLoaderTest : public testing::Test {
-    SnapshotLoaderTest() {}
-    ExecEnv* _exec_env;
-TEST_F(SnapshotLoaderTest, NormalCase) {
-    SnapshotLoader loader(_exec_env, 1L, 2L);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(loader._end_with("abt.dat", ".dat"));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(loader._end_with("abt.dat", ".da"));
-    int64_t tablet_id = 0;
-    int32_t schema_hash = 0;
-    Status st = loader._get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_file_path("/path/to/1234/5678",
-                                                                     &tablet_id, &schema_hash);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1234, tablet_id);
-    ASSERT_EQ(5678, schema_hash);
-    st = loader._get_tablet_id_and_schema_hash_from_file_path("/path/to/1234/5678/", &tablet_id,
-                                                              &schema_hash);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    boost::filesystem::remove_all("./ss_test/");
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> src_to_dest;
-    src_to_dest["./ss_test/"] = "./ss_test";
-    st = loader._check_local_snapshot_paths(src_to_dest, true);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    st = loader._check_local_snapshot_paths(src_to_dest, false);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    boost::filesystem::create_directory("./ss_test/");
-    st = loader._check_local_snapshot_paths(src_to_dest, true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    st = loader._check_local_snapshot_paths(src_to_dest, false);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    boost::filesystem::remove_all("./ss_test/");
-    boost::filesystem::create_directory("./ss_test/");
-    std::vector<std::string> files;
-    st = loader._get_existing_files_from_local("./ss_test/", &files);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, files.size());
-    boost::filesystem::remove_all("./ss_test/");
-    std::string snapshot_file;
-    std::string tablet_file;
-    loader._assemble_file_name("/snapshot/path", "/tablet/path", 1234, 2, 5, 12345, 1, ".dat",
-                               &snapshot_file, &tablet_file);
-    ASSERT_EQ("/snapshot/path/1234_2_5_12345_1.dat", snapshot_file);
-    ASSERT_EQ("/tablet/path/1234_2_5_12345_1.dat", tablet_file);
-    std::string new_name;
-    st = loader._replace_tablet_id("12345.hdr", 5678, &new_name);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("5678.hdr", new_name);
-    st = loader._replace_tablet_id("1234_2_5_12345_1.dat", 5678, &new_name);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("1234_2_5_12345_1.dat", new_name);
-    st = loader._replace_tablet_id("1234_2_5_12345_1.idx", 5678, &new_name);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("1234_2_5_12345_1.idx", new_name);
-    st = loader._replace_tablet_id("1234_2_5_12345_1.xxx", 5678, &new_name);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    st = loader._get_tablet_id_from_remote_path("/__tbl_10004/__part_10003/__idx_10004/__10005",
-                                                &tablet_id);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(10005, tablet_id);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/sorter_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/sorter_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d610a0a..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/sorter_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/sorter.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "exec/sort_exec_exprs.h"
-#include "exprs/expr.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Exprs_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "runtime/buffered_block_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
-#include "runtime/primitive_type.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class SorterTest : public testing::Test {
-    RowBatch* CreateRowBatch(int num_rows);
-    ObjectPool* get_object_pool() { return _object_pool; }
-    RuntimeState* get_runtime_state() { return _runtime_state; }
-    SorterTest() {
-        _object_pool = new ObjectPool();
-        _runtime_state = new RuntimeState("SorterTest");
-        _runtime_state->exec_env_ = &_exec_env;
-        _runtime_state->create_block_mgr();
-        {
-            TExpr expr;
-            {
-                TExprNode node;
-                node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-                node.type = ToTColumnTypeThrift(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-                node.num_children = 0;
-                TSlotRef data;
-                data.slot_id = 0;
-                data.tuple_id = 0;
-                node.__set_slot_ref(data);
-                expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-            }
-            _sort_tuple_slot_expr.push_back(expr);
-        }
-        {
-            TExpr expr;
-            {
-                TExprNode node;
-                node.node_type = TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF;
-                node.type = ToTColumnTypeThrift(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-                node.num_children = 0;
-                TSlotRef data;
-                data.slot_id = 1;
-                data.tuple_id = 1;
-                node.__set_slot_ref(data);
-                expr.nodes.push_back(node);
-            }
-            _ordering_exprs.push_back(expr);
-        }
-        _is_asc_order.push_back(true);
-        _nulls_first.push_back(true);
-        {
-            TTupleDescriptor tuple_desc;
-            TDescriptorTable thrift_desc_tbl;
-            {
-                tuple_desc.__set_id(0);
-                tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(8);
-                tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(1);
-                thrift_desc_tbl.tupleDescriptors.push_back(tuple_desc);
-            }
-            {
-                tuple_desc.__set_id(1);
-                tuple_desc.__set_byteSize(8);
-                tuple_desc.__set_numNullBytes(1);
-                thrift_desc_tbl.tupleDescriptors.push_back(tuple_desc);
-            }
-            TSlotDescriptor slot_desc;
-            {
-                slot_desc.__set_id(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_parent(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-                slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-                slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-                thrift_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-            }
-            {
-                slot_desc.__set_id(1);
-                slot_desc.__set_parent(1);
-                slot_desc.__set_slotType(TPrimitiveType::BIGINT);
-                slot_desc.__set_columnPos(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-                slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(0);
-                slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-                thrift_desc_tbl.slotDescriptors.push_back(slot_desc);
-            }
-            Status status = DescriptorTbl::Create(_object_pool, thrift_desc_tbl, &_desc_tbl);
-            DCHECK(status.ok());
-            _runtime_state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-        }
-        {
-            std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-            std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-            nullable_tuples.push_back(0);
-            row_tuples.push_back(0);
-            _child_row_desc = new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples);
-        }
-        {
-            std::vector<TTupleId> row_tuples;
-            std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-            nullable_tuples.push_back(1);
-            row_tuples.push_back(1);
-            _output_row_desc = new RowDescriptor(*_desc_tbl, row_tuples, nullable_tuples);
-        }
-        _runtime_profile = new RuntimeProfile("sorter");
-    }
-    virtual ~SorterTest() {
-        delete _child_row_desc;
-        delete _output_row_desc;
-        delete _object_pool;
-        delete _runtime_state;
-        delete _runtime_profile;
-    }
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    ExecEnv _exec_env;
-    RuntimeState* _runtime_state;
-    RowDescriptor* _child_row_desc;
-    RowDescriptor* _output_row_desc;
-    RuntimeProfile* _runtime_profile;
-    std::vector<TExpr> _sort_tuple_slot_expr;
-    std::vector<TExpr> _ordering_exprs;
-    std::vector<bool> _is_asc_order;
-    std::vector<bool> _nulls_first;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl;
-    ObjectPool* _object_pool;
-TEST_F(SorterTest, init_sort_exec_exprs) {
-    // empty  sort_tuple_slot_expr
-    {
-        SortExecExprs exec_exprs;
-        Status status = exec_exprs.init(_ordering_exprs, NULL, get_object_pool());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    // full sort_tuple_slot_expr
-    {
-        SortExecExprs exec_exprs;
-        Status status = exec_exprs.init(_ordering_exprs, &_sort_tuple_slot_expr, get_object_pool());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(SorterTest, prepare_sort_exec_exprs) {
-    {
-        SortExecExprs exec_exprs;
-        Status status = exec_exprs.init(_ordering_exprs, NULL, get_object_pool());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        status = exec_exprs.prepare(_runtime_state, *_child_row_desc, *_output_row_desc);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    {
-        SortExecExprs exec_exprs;
-        Status status = exec_exprs.init(_ordering_exprs, &_sort_tuple_slot_expr, get_object_pool());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        status = exec_exprs.prepare(_runtime_state, *_child_row_desc, *_output_row_desc);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-RowBatch* SorterTest::CreateRowBatch(int num_rows) {
-    RowBatch* batch = _object_pool->Add(new RowBatch(*_child_row_desc, num_rows));
-    int64_t* tuple_mem = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(
-            batch->tuple_data_pool()->Allocate(sizeof(int64_t) * num_rows));
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-        int idx = batch->AddRow();
-        TupleRow* row = batch->GetRow(idx);
-        *tuple_mem = i;
-        row->SetTuple(0, reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem));
-        batch->CommitLastRow();
-        tuple_mem++;
-    }
-    return batch;
-TEST_F(SorterTest, sorter_run_asc) {
-    SortExecExprs exec_exprs;
-    Status status = exec_exprs.init(_ordering_exprs, &_sort_tuple_slot_expr, _object_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = exec_exprs.prepare(_runtime_state, *_child_row_desc, *_output_row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    TupleRowComparator less_than(exec_exprs.lhs_ordering_expr_ctxs(),
-                                 exec_exprs.rhs_ordering_expr_ctxs(), _is_asc_order, _nulls_first);
-    Sorter* sorter = new Sorter(less_than, exec_exprs.sort_tuple_slot_expr_ctxs(), _child_row_desc,
-                                _runtime_profile, _runtime_state);
-    int num_rows = 5;
-    RowBatch* batch = CreateRowBatch(num_rows);
-    status = sorter->add_batch(batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = sorter->add_batch(batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    sorter->input_done();
-    RowBatch output_batch(*_child_row_desc, 2 * num_rows);
-    bool eos;
-    status = sorter->get_next(&output_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    //for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i ++) {
-    //     TupleRow* row = output_batch.GetRow(i);
-    //     std::cout << "output row: " << PrintRow(row, *_child_row_desc) << std::endl;
-    //}
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(0)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(0), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(0)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(1), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(1)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(2), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(1)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(3), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(2)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(4), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(2)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(5), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(3)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(6), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(3)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(7), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(8), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(9), *_child_row_desc));
-    delete sorter;
-/* reverse order : exceed 16 elements, we use quick sort*/
-TEST_F(SorterTest, sorter_run_desc_with_quick_sort) {
-    SortExecExprs exec_exprs;
-    Status status = exec_exprs.init(_ordering_exprs, &_sort_tuple_slot_expr, _object_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = exec_exprs.prepare(_runtime_state, *_child_row_desc, *_output_row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    _is_asc_order.clear();
-    _is_asc_order.push_back(false);
-    TupleRowComparator less_than(exec_exprs.lhs_ordering_expr_ctxs(),
-                                 exec_exprs.rhs_ordering_expr_ctxs(), _is_asc_order, _nulls_first);
-    Sorter* sorter = new Sorter(less_than, exec_exprs.sort_tuple_slot_expr_ctxs(), _child_row_desc,
-                                _runtime_profile, _runtime_state);
-    int num_rows = 5;
-    RowBatch* batch = CreateRowBatch(num_rows);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-        status = sorter->add_batch(batch);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    sorter->input_done();
-    RowBatch output_batch(*_child_row_desc, 2 * num_rows);
-    bool eos;
-    status = sorter->get_next(&output_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(0), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(1), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(2), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(3), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(4), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(3)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(5), *_child_row_desc));
-    delete sorter;
-TEST_F(SorterTest, sorter_run_desc) {
-    SortExecExprs exec_exprs;
-    Status status = exec_exprs.init(_ordering_exprs, &_sort_tuple_slot_expr, _object_pool);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = exec_exprs.prepare(_runtime_state, *_child_row_desc, *_output_row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    _is_asc_order.clear();
-    _is_asc_order.push_back(false);
-    TupleRowComparator less_than(exec_exprs.lhs_ordering_expr_ctxs(),
-                                 exec_exprs.rhs_ordering_expr_ctxs(), _is_asc_order, _nulls_first);
-    Sorter* sorter = new Sorter(less_than, exec_exprs.sort_tuple_slot_expr_ctxs(), _child_row_desc,
-                                _runtime_profile, _runtime_state);
-    int num_rows = 5;
-    RowBatch* batch = CreateRowBatch(num_rows);
-    status = sorter->add_batch(batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = sorter->add_batch(batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    sorter->input_done();
-    RowBatch output_batch(*_child_row_desc, 2 * num_rows);
-    bool eos;
-    status = sorter->get_next(&output_batch, &eos);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i ++) {
-    //     TupleRow* row = output_batch.GetRow(i);
-    //     std::cout << "output row: " << PrintRow(row, *_child_row_desc) << std::endl;
-    //}
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(0), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(4)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(1), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(3)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(2), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(3)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(3), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(2)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(4), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(2)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(5), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(1)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(6), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(1)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(7), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(0)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(8), *_child_row_desc));
-    ASSERT_EQ("[(0)]", PrintRow(output_batch.GetRow(9), *_child_row_desc));
-    delete sorter;
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    impala::CpuInfo::Init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=100 noet: */
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/stream_load_pipe_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/stream_load_pipe_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f33fb53..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/stream_load_pipe_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/stream_load/stream_load_pipe.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <thread>
-#include "util/monotime.h"
-namespace doris {
-class StreamLoadPipeTest : public testing::Test {
-    StreamLoadPipeTest() {}
-    virtual ~StreamLoadPipeTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {}
-TEST_F(StreamLoadPipeTest, append_buffer) {
-    StreamLoadPipe pipe(66, 64);
-    auto appender = [&pipe] {
-        int k = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            auto byte_buf = ByteBuffer::allocate(64);
-            char buf[64];
-            for (int j = 0; j < 64; ++j) {
-                buf[j] = '0' + (k++ % 10);
-            }
-            byte_buf->put_bytes(buf, 64);
-            byte_buf->flip();
-            pipe.append(byte_buf);
-        }
-        pipe.finish();
-    };
-    std::thread t1(appender);
-    char buf[256];
-    size_t buf_len = 256;
-    bool eof = false;
-    auto st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(128, buf_len);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ('0' + (i % 10), buf[i]);
-    }
-    st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, buf_len);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    t1.join();
-TEST_F(StreamLoadPipeTest, append_bytes) {
-    StreamLoadPipe pipe(66, 64);
-    auto appender = [&pipe] {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
-            char buf = '0' + (i % 10);
-            pipe.append(&buf, 1);
-        }
-        pipe.finish();
-    };
-    std::thread t1(appender);
-    char buf[256];
-    size_t buf_len = 256;
-    bool eof = false;
-    auto st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(128, buf_len);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ('0' + (i % 10), buf[i]);
-    }
-    st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, buf_len);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    t1.join();
-TEST_F(StreamLoadPipeTest, append_bytes2) {
-    StreamLoadPipe pipe(66, 64);
-    auto appender = [&pipe] {
-        for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
-            char buf = '0' + (i % 10);
-            pipe.append(&buf, 1);
-        }
-        pipe.finish();
-    };
-    std::thread t1(appender);
-    char buf[128];
-    size_t buf_len = 62;
-    bool eof = false;
-    auto st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(62, buf_len);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 62; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ('0' + (i % 10), buf[i]);
-    }
-    for (int i = 62; i < 128; ++i) {
-        char ch;
-        buf_len = 1;
-        auto st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)&ch, &buf_len, &eof);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, buf_len);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-        ASSERT_EQ('0' + (i % 10), ch);
-    }
-    st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, buf_len);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    t1.join();
-TEST_F(StreamLoadPipeTest, append_mix) {
-    StreamLoadPipe pipe(66, 64);
-    auto appender = [&pipe] {
-        // 10
-        int k = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-            char buf = '0' + (k++ % 10);
-            pipe.append(&buf, 1);
-        }
-        // 60
-        {
-            auto byte_buf = ByteBuffer::allocate(60);
-            char buf[60];
-            for (int j = 0; j < 60; ++j) {
-                buf[j] = '0' + (k++ % 10);
-            }
-            byte_buf->put_bytes(buf, 60);
-            byte_buf->flip();
-            pipe.append(byte_buf);
-        }
-        // 8
-        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-            char buf = '0' + (k++ % 10);
-            pipe.append(&buf, 1);
-        }
-        // 50
-        {
-            auto byte_buf = ByteBuffer::allocate(50);
-            char buf[50];
-            for (int j = 0; j < 50; ++j) {
-                buf[j] = '0' + (k++ % 10);
-            }
-            byte_buf->put_bytes(buf, 50);
-            byte_buf->flip();
-            pipe.append(byte_buf);
-        }
-        pipe.finish();
-    };
-    std::thread t1(appender);
-    char buf[128];
-    size_t buf_len = 128;
-    bool eof = false;
-    auto st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(128, buf_len);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(eof);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ('0' + (i % 10), buf[i]);
-    }
-    st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, buf_len);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(eof);
-    t1.join();
-TEST_F(StreamLoadPipeTest, cancel) {
-    StreamLoadPipe pipe(66, 64);
-    auto appender = [&pipe] {
-        int k = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-            char buf = '0' + (k++ % 10);
-            pipe.append(&buf, 1);
-        }
-        SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100));
-        pipe.cancel();
-    };
-    std::thread t1(appender);
-    char buf[128];
-    size_t buf_len = 128;
-    bool eof = false;
-    auto st = pipe.read((uint8_t*)buf, &buf_len, &eof);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    t1.join();
-TEST_F(StreamLoadPipeTest, close) {
-    StreamLoadPipe pipe(66, 64);
-    auto appender = [&pipe] {
-        int k = 0;
-        {
-            auto byte_buf = ByteBuffer::allocate(64);
-            char buf[64];
-            for (int j = 0; j < 64; ++j) {
-                buf[j] = '0' + (k++ % 10);
-            }
-            byte_buf->put_bytes(buf, 64);
-            byte_buf->flip();
-            pipe.append(byte_buf);
-        }
-        {
-            auto byte_buf = ByteBuffer::allocate(64);
-            char buf[64];
-            for (int j = 0; j < 64; ++j) {
-                buf[j] = '0' + (k++ % 10);
-            }
-            byte_buf->put_bytes(buf, 64);
-            byte_buf->flip();
-            auto st = pipe.append(byte_buf);
-            ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-        }
-    };
-    std::thread t1(appender);
-    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
-    pipe.close();
-    t1.join();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/string_buffer_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/string_buffer_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6557841..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/string_buffer_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/string_buffer.hpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "runtime/mem_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-namespace doris {
-void validate_string(const std::string& std_str, const StringBuffer& str) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(std_str.empty(), str.empty());
-    EXPECT_EQ((int)std_str.size(), str.size());
-    if (std_str.size() > 0) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(strncmp(std_str.c_str(), str.str().ptr, std_str.size()), 0);
-    }
-TEST(StringBufferTest, Basic) {
-    MemTracker tracker;
-    MemPool pool(&tracker);
-    StringBuffer str(&pool);
-    std::string std_str;
-    // Empty string
-    validate_string(std_str, str);
-    // Clear empty string
-    std_str.clear();
-    str.clear();
-    validate_string(std_str, str);
-    // Append to empty
-    std_str.append("Hello");
-    str.append("Hello", strlen("Hello"));
-    validate_string(std_str, str);
-    // Append some more
-    std_str.append("World");
-    str.append("World", strlen("World"));
-    validate_string(std_str, str);
-    // Assign
-    std_str.assign("foo");
-    str.assign("foo", strlen("foo"));
-    validate_string(std_str, str);
-    // Clear
-    std_str.clear();
-    str.clear();
-    validate_string(std_str, str);
-    // Underlying buffer size should be the length of the max string during the test.
-    EXPECT_EQ(str.buffer_size(), strlen("HelloWorld"));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-#if 0
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/string_value_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/string_value_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 849b73f..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/string_value_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/string_value.hpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-StringValue FromStdString(const string& str) {
-    char* ptr = const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
-    int len = str.size();
-    return StringValue(ptr, len);
-TEST(StringValueTest, TestCompare) {
-    std::string empty_str = "";
-    std::string str1_str = "abc";
-    std::string str2_str = "abcdef";
-    std::string str3_str = "xyz";
-    const int NUM_STRINGS = 4;
-    // Must be in lexical order
-    StringValue svs[NUM_STRINGS];
-    svs[0] = FromStdString(empty_str);
-    svs[1] = FromStdString(str1_str);
-    svs[2] = FromStdString(str2_str);
-    svs[3] = FromStdString(str3_str);
-    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < NUM_STRINGS; ++j) {
-            if (i == j) {
-                // Same string
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].eq(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].ne(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].lt(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].gt(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].le(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].ge(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].compare(svs[j]) == 0);
-            } else if (i < j) {
-                // svs[i] < svs[j]
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].eq(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].ne(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].lt(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].gt(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].le(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].gt(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].compare(svs[j]) < 0);
-            } else {
-                // svs[i] > svs[j]
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].eq(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].ne(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].lt(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].gt(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_FALSE(svs[i].le(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].gt(svs[j]));
-                EXPECT_TRUE(svs[i].compare(svs[j]) > 0);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-#if 0
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    doris::CpuInfo::Init();
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/test_data/csv_data b/be/test/runtime/test_data/csv_data
deleted file mode 100644
index 777a916..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/test_data/csv_data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/test_data/small_file/downloaded/67890.a06e26ae5511b0acea8273cf180ca7bf b/be/test/runtime/test_data/small_file/downloaded/67890.a06e26ae5511b0acea8273cf180ca7bf
deleted file mode 100644
index d91496f..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/test_data/small_file/downloaded/67890.a06e26ae5511b0acea8273cf180ca7bf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-already exist file
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/test_data/small_file/source/small_file.txt b/be/test/runtime/test_data/small_file/source/small_file.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f4b6d8..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/test_data/small_file/source/small_file.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This is a test file
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/lib/my_add.cc b/be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/lib/my_add.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index c628c08..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/lib/my_add.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-void my_add() {}
-void my_del() {}
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/test_env.cc b/be/test/runtime/test_env.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index c059436..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/test_env.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/test_env.h"
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
-#include "runtime/fragment_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/initial_reservations.h"
-#include "runtime/result_queue_mgr.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/priority_thread_pool.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-        : _block_mgr_parent_tracker(MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "block mgr parent")),
-          _io_mgr_tracker(MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "io mgr")) {
-    // Some code will use ExecEnv::GetInstance(), so init the global ExecEnv singleton
-    _exec_env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-    _exec_env->_thread_mgr = new ThreadResourceMgr(2);
-    _exec_env->_buffer_reservation = new ReservationTracker();
-    _exec_env->_mem_tracker = MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "TestEnv root");
-    _exec_env->_disk_io_mgr = new DiskIoMgr(1, 1, 1, 10);
-    _exec_env->disk_io_mgr()->init(_io_mgr_tracker);
-    _exec_env->_thread_pool = new PriorityThreadPool(1, 16);
-    _exec_env->_result_queue_mgr = new ResultQueueMgr();
-    // TODO may need rpc support, etc.
-void TestEnv::init_tmp_file_mgr(const std::vector<std::string>& tmp_dirs, bool one_dir_per_device) {
-    _tmp_file_mgr = std::make_shared<TmpFileMgr>();
-    _exec_env->_tmp_file_mgr = _tmp_file_mgr.get();
-    DiskInfo::init();
-    // will use DiskInfo::num_disks(), DiskInfo should be initialized before
-    auto st = _tmp_file_mgr->init_custom(tmp_dirs, one_dir_per_device);
-    DCHECK(st.ok()) << st.get_error_msg();
-void TestEnv::init_buffer_pool(int64_t min_page_len, int64_t capacity, int64_t clean_pages_limit) {
-    _exec_env->_buffer_pool = new BufferPool(min_page_len, capacity, clean_pages_limit);
-TestEnv::~TestEnv() {
-    SAFE_DELETE(_exec_env->_result_queue_mgr);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_exec_env->_buffer_pool);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_exec_env->_thread_pool);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_exec_env->_disk_io_mgr);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_exec_env->_buffer_reservation);
-    SAFE_DELETE(_exec_env->_thread_mgr);
-    if (_engine == StorageEngine::_s_instance) {
-        // the engine instance is created by this test env
-        StorageEngine::_s_instance = nullptr;
-    }
-    SAFE_DELETE(_engine);
-RuntimeState* TestEnv::create_runtime_state(int64_t query_id) {
-    TExecPlanFragmentParams plan_params = TExecPlanFragmentParams();
-    plan_params.params.query_id.hi = 0;
-    plan_params.params.query_id.lo = query_id;
-    return new RuntimeState(plan_params.params, TQueryOptions(), TQueryGlobals(), _exec_env);
-Status TestEnv::create_query_state(int64_t query_id, int max_buffers, int block_size,
-                                   RuntimeState** runtime_state) {
-    *runtime_state = create_runtime_state(query_id);
-    if (*runtime_state == nullptr) {
-        return Status::InternalError("Unexpected error creating RuntimeState");
-    }
-    boost::shared_ptr<BufferedBlockMgr2> mgr;
-    RETURN_IF_ERROR(BufferedBlockMgr2::create(
-            *runtime_state, _block_mgr_parent_tracker, (*runtime_state)->runtime_profile(),
-            _tmp_file_mgr.get(), calculate_mem_tracker(max_buffers, block_size), block_size, &mgr));
-    (*runtime_state)->set_block_mgr2(mgr);
-    // (*runtime_state)->_block_mgr = mgr;
-    _query_states.push_back(std::shared_ptr<RuntimeState>(*runtime_state));
-    return Status::OK();
-Status TestEnv::create_query_states(int64_t start_query_id, int num_mgrs, int buffers_per_mgr,
-                                    int block_size, std::vector<RuntimeState*>* runtime_states) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_mgrs; ++i) {
-        RuntimeState* runtime_state = nullptr;
-        RETURN_IF_ERROR(create_query_state(start_query_id + i, buffers_per_mgr, block_size,
-                                           &runtime_state));
-        runtime_states->push_back(runtime_state);
-    }
-    return Status::OK();
-void TestEnv::tear_down_query_states() {
-    _query_states.clear();
-int64_t TestEnv::calculate_mem_tracker(int max_buffers, int block_size) {
-    DCHECK_GE(max_buffers, -1);
-    if (max_buffers == -1) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return max_buffers * static_cast<int64_t>(block_size);
-void TestEnv::init_storage_engine(bool need_open, const std::vector<std::string>& paths) {
-    if (StorageEngine::_s_instance) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "Engine instance already exists";
-        return;
-    }
-    // init and open storage engine
-    doris::EngineOptions options;
-    for (const auto& path : paths) {
-        options.store_paths.emplace_back(path, -1);
-    }
-    options.backend_uid = UniqueId::gen_uid();
-    config::tablet_map_shard_size = 1;
-    config::txn_map_shard_size = 1;
-    config::txn_shard_size = 1;
-    // This engine will be the singleton instance, cuz StorageEngine::_s_instance is nullptr now.
-    Status st;
-    if (need_open) {
-        st = StorageEngine::open(options, &_engine);
-    } else {
-        _engine = new StorageEngine(options);
-    }
-    DCHECK(st.ok()) << st.get_error_msg();
-    _exec_env->set_storage_engine(_engine);
-} // end namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/test_env.h b/be/test/runtime/test_env.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5212efc..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/test_env.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/buffered_block_mgr2.h"
-#include "runtime/disk_io_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-namespace doris {
-/// Helper testing class that creates an environment with runtime memory management
-/// similar to the one used by the Doris runtime. Only one TestEnv can be active at a
-/// time, because it modifies the global ExecEnv singleton.
-class TestEnv {
-    TestEnv();
-    ~TestEnv();
-    // Reinitialize tmp_file_mgr with custom configuration. Only valid to call before
-    // query states have been created.
-    void init_tmp_file_mgr(const std::vector<std::string>& tmp_dirs, bool one_dir_per_device);
-    void init_buffer_pool(int64_t min_page_len, int64_t capacity, int64_t clean_pages_limit);
-    // If don't need to open, paths can be empty.
-    void init_storage_engine(bool need_open, const std::vector<std::string>& paths = {});
-    // Create a RuntimeState for a query with a new block manager. The RuntimeState is
-    // owned by the TestEnv.
-    Status create_query_state(int64_t query_id, int max_buffers, int block_size,
-                              RuntimeState** runtime_state);
-    // Create multiple separate RuntimeStates with associated block managers, e.g. as if
-    // multiple queries were executing. The RuntimeStates are owned by TestEnv.
-    Status create_query_states(int64_t start_query_id, int num_mgrs, int buffers_per_mgr,
-                               int block_size, std::vector<RuntimeState*>* runtime_states);
-    // Destroy all RuntimeStates and block managers created by this TestEnv.
-    void tear_down_query_states();
-    // Calculate memory limit accounting for overflow and negative values.
-    // If max_buffers is -1, no memory limit will apply.
-    static int64_t calculate_mem_tracker(int max_buffers, int block_size);
-    ExecEnv* exec_env() { return _exec_env; }
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> block_mgr_parent_tracker() { return _block_mgr_parent_tracker; }
-    MemTracker* io_mgr_tracker() { return _io_mgr_tracker.get(); }
-    TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr() { return _tmp_file_mgr.get(); }
-    // Create a new RuntimeState sharing global environment.
-    RuntimeState* create_runtime_state(int64_t query_id);
-    ExecEnv* _exec_env;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _block_mgr_parent_tracker;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _io_mgr_tracker;
-    std::shared_ptr<TmpFileMgr> _tmp_file_mgr;
-    // Per-query states with associated block managers.
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RuntimeState> > _query_states;
-    StorageEngine* _engine = nullptr;
-} // end namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/thread_resource_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/thread_resource_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c96f358..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/thread_resource_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/thread_resource_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-namespace doris {
-class NotifiedCounter {
-    NotifiedCounter() : _counter(0) {}
-    void Notify(ThreadResourceMgr::ResourcePool* consumer) {
-        DCHECK(consumer != NULL);
-        DCHECK_LT(consumer->num_threads(), consumer->quota());
-        ++_counter;
-    }
-    int counter() const { return _counter; }
-    int _counter;
-TEST(ThreadResourceMgr, BasicTest) {
-    ThreadResourceMgr mgr(5);
-    NotifiedCounter counter1;
-    NotifiedCounter counter2;
-    ThreadResourceMgr::ResourcePool* c1 = mgr.register_pool();
-    c1->set_thread_available_cb(
-            boost::bind<void>(boost::mem_fn(&NotifiedCounter::Notify), &counter1, _1));
-    c1->acquire_thread_token();
-    c1->acquire_thread_token();
-    c1->acquire_thread_token();
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_threads(), 3);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_required_threads(), 3);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_optional_threads(), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter1.counter(), 0);
-    c1->release_thread_token(true);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_threads(), 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_required_threads(), 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_optional_threads(), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter1.counter(), 1);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(c1->try_acquire_thread_token());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(c1->try_acquire_thread_token());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(c1->try_acquire_thread_token());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->try_acquire_thread_token());
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_threads(), 5);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_required_threads(), 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_optional_threads(), 3);
-    c1->release_thread_token(true);
-    c1->release_thread_token(false);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter1.counter(), 3);
-    // Register a new consumer, quota is cut in half
-    ThreadResourceMgr::ResourcePool* c2 = mgr.register_pool();
-    c2->set_thread_available_cb(
-            boost::bind<void>(boost::mem_fn(&NotifiedCounter::Notify), &counter2, _1));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(c1->try_acquire_thread_token());
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_threads(), 3);
-    c1->acquire_thread_token();
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_threads(), 4);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_required_threads(), 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(c1->num_optional_threads(), 2);
-    mgr.unregister_pool(c1);
-    mgr.unregister_pool(c2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter1.counter(), 3);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter2.counter(), 1);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::Init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/tmp_file_mgr_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/tmp_file_mgr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 76dc87f..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/tmp_file_mgr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/tmp_file_mgr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h" // for TUniqueId
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/filesystem_util.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/metrics.h"
-using boost::filesystem::path;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-using std::set;
-namespace doris {
-class TmpFileMgrTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    // Check that metric values are consistent with TmpFileMgr state.
-    void check_metrics(TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr) {
-        std::vector<TmpFileMgr::DeviceId> active = tmp_file_mgr->active_tmp_devices();
-        int64_t active_metric = DorisMetrics::instance()
-                                        ->metric_registry()
-                                        ->get_entity("server")
-                                        ->get_metric("active_scratch_dirs")
-                                        .value();
-        EXPECT_EQ(active.size(), active_metric);
-    }
-// Regression test for IMPALA-2160. Verify that temporary file manager allocates blocks
-// at the expected file offsets and expands the temporary file to the correct size.
-TEST_F(TmpFileMgrTest, TestFileAllocation) {
-    TmpFileMgr tmp_file_mgr;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.init().ok());
-    // Default configuration should give us one temporary device.
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, tmp_file_mgr.num_active_tmp_devices());
-    std::vector<TmpFileMgr::DeviceId> tmp_devices = tmp_file_mgr.active_tmp_devices();
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, tmp_devices.size());
-    TUniqueId id;
-    TmpFileMgr::File* file;
-    Status status = tmp_file_mgr.get_file(tmp_devices[0], id, &file);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(file != NULL);
-    // Apply writes of variable sizes and check space was allocated correctly.
-    int64_t write_sizes[] = {1, 10, 1024, 4, 1024 * 1024 * 8, 1024 * 1024 * 8, 16, 10};
-    int num_write_sizes = sizeof(write_sizes) / sizeof(write_sizes[0]);
-    int64_t next_offset = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_write_sizes; ++i) {
-        int64_t offset;
-        status = file->allocate_space(write_sizes[i], &offset);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        EXPECT_EQ(next_offset, offset);
-        next_offset = offset + write_sizes[i];
-        EXPECT_EQ(next_offset, boost::filesystem::file_size(file->path()));
-    }
-    // Check that cleanup is correct.
-    status = file->remove();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(boost::filesystem::exists(file->path()));
-    // check_metrics(&tmp_file_mgr);
-// Test that we can do initialization with two directories on same device and
-// that validations prevents duplication of directories.
-TEST_F(TmpFileMgrTest, TestOneDirPerDevice) {
-    std::vector<string> tmp_dirs;
-    tmp_dirs.push_back("/tmp/tmp-file-mgr-test.1");
-    tmp_dirs.push_back("/tmp/tmp-file-mgr-test.2");
-    for (int i = 0; i < tmp_dirs.size(); ++i) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(tmp_dirs[i]).ok());
-    }
-    TmpFileMgr tmp_file_mgr;
-    tmp_file_mgr.init_custom(tmp_dirs, true);
-    // Only the first directory should be used.
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, tmp_file_mgr.num_active_tmp_devices());
-    std::vector<TmpFileMgr::DeviceId> devices = tmp_file_mgr.active_tmp_devices();
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, devices.size());
-    TUniqueId id;
-    TmpFileMgr::File* file;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.get_file(devices[0], id, &file).ok());
-    // Check the prefix is the expected temporary directory.
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, file->path().find(tmp_dirs[0]));
-    FileSystemUtil::remove_paths(tmp_dirs);
-    // check_metrics(&tmp_file_mgr);
-// Test that we can do custom initialization with two dirs on same device.
-TEST_F(TmpFileMgrTest, TestMultiDirsPerDevice) {
-    std::vector<string> tmp_dirs;
-    tmp_dirs.push_back("/tmp/tmp-file-mgr-test.1");
-    tmp_dirs.push_back("/tmp/tmp-file-mgr-test.2");
-    for (int i = 0; i < tmp_dirs.size(); ++i) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(tmp_dirs[i]).ok());
-    }
-    TmpFileMgr tmp_file_mgr;
-    tmp_file_mgr.init_custom(tmp_dirs, false);
-    // Both directories should be used.
-    EXPECT_EQ(2, tmp_file_mgr.num_active_tmp_devices());
-    std::vector<TmpFileMgr::DeviceId> devices = tmp_file_mgr.active_tmp_devices();
-    EXPECT_EQ(2, devices.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < tmp_dirs.size(); ++i) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(0, tmp_file_mgr.get_tmp_dir_path(devices[i]).find(tmp_dirs[i]));
-        TUniqueId id;
-        TmpFileMgr::File* file;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.get_file(devices[i], id, &file).ok());
-        // Check the prefix is the expected temporary directory.
-        EXPECT_EQ(0, file->path().find(tmp_dirs[i]));
-    }
-    FileSystemUtil::remove_paths(tmp_dirs);
-    // check_metrics(&tmp_file_mgr);
-// Test that reporting a write error is possible but does not result in
-// blacklisting, which is disabled.
-TEST_F(TmpFileMgrTest, TestReportError) {
-    std::vector<string> tmp_dirs;
-    tmp_dirs.push_back("/tmp/tmp-file-mgr-test.1");
-    tmp_dirs.push_back("/tmp/tmp-file-mgr-test.2");
-    for (int i = 0; i < tmp_dirs.size(); ++i) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(tmp_dirs[i]).ok());
-    }
-    TmpFileMgr tmp_file_mgr;
-    tmp_file_mgr.init_custom(tmp_dirs, false);
-    // Both directories should be used.
-    std::vector<TmpFileMgr::DeviceId> devices = tmp_file_mgr.active_tmp_devices();
-    EXPECT_EQ(2, devices.size());
-    // check_metrics(&tmp_file_mgr);
-    // Inject an error on one device so that we can validate it is handled correctly.
-    TUniqueId id;
-    int good_device = 0;
-    int bad_device = 1;
-    TmpFileMgr::File* bad_file;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.get_file(devices[bad_device], id, &bad_file).ok());
-    // ErrorMsg errmsg(TErrorCode::GENERAL, "A fake error");
-    // bad_file->ReportIOError(errmsg);
-    bad_file->report_io_error("A fake error");
-    // Blacklisting is disabled.
-    EXPECT_FALSE(bad_file->is_blacklisted());
-    // The second device should still be active.
-    EXPECT_EQ(2, tmp_file_mgr.num_active_tmp_devices());
-    std::vector<TmpFileMgr::DeviceId> devices_after = tmp_file_mgr.active_tmp_devices();
-    EXPECT_EQ(2, devices_after.size());
-    // check_metrics(&tmp_file_mgr);
-    // Attempts to expand bad file should succeed.
-    int64_t offset;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(bad_file->allocate_space(128, &offset).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(bad_file->remove().ok());
-    // The good device should still be usable.
-    TmpFileMgr::File* good_file;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.get_file(devices[good_device], id, &good_file).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(good_file != NULL);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(good_file->allocate_space(128, &offset).ok());
-    // Attempts to allocate new files on bad device should succeed.
-    EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.get_file(devices[bad_device], id, &bad_file).ok());
-    FileSystemUtil::remove_paths(tmp_dirs);
-    // check_metrics(&tmp_file_mgr);
-TEST_F(TmpFileMgrTest, TestAllocateFails) {
-    string tmp_dir("/tmp/tmp-file-mgr-test.1");
-    string scratch_subdir = tmp_dir + "/doris-scratch";
-    std::vector<string> tmp_dirs(1, tmp_dir);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(tmp_dir).ok());
-    TmpFileMgr tmp_file_mgr;
-    tmp_file_mgr.init_custom(tmp_dirs, false);
-    TUniqueId id;
-    TmpFileMgr::File* allocated_file1;
-    TmpFileMgr::File* allocated_file2;
-    int64_t offset;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.get_file(0, id, &allocated_file1).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.get_file(0, id, &allocated_file2).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(allocated_file1->allocate_space(1, &offset).ok());
-    // Make scratch non-writable and test for allocation errors at different stages:
-    // new file creation, files with no allocated blocks. files with allocated space.
-    chmod(scratch_subdir.c_str(), 0);
-    // allocated_file1 already has space allocated.
-    EXPECT_FALSE(allocated_file1->allocate_space(1, &offset).ok());
-    // allocated_file2 has no space allocated.
-    EXPECT_FALSE(allocated_file2->allocate_space(1, &offset).ok());
-    // Creating a new File object can succeed because it is not immediately created on disk.
-    TmpFileMgr::File* unallocated_file;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_mgr.get_file(0, id, &unallocated_file).ok());
-    chmod(scratch_subdir.c_str(), S_IRWXU);
-    FileSystemUtil::remove_paths(tmp_dirs);
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    // std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::config::query_scratch_dirs = "/tmp";
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::DiskInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/runtime/user_function_cache_test.cpp b/be/test/runtime/user_function_cache_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 970ffe7..0000000
--- a/be/test/runtime/user_function_cache_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "runtime/user_function_cache.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "http/ev_http_server.h"
-#include "http/http_channel.h"
-#include "http/http_handler.h"
-#include "http/http_request.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/md5.h"
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]);
-namespace doris {
-bool k_is_downloaded = false;
-class UserFunctionTestHandler : public HttpHandler {
-    void handle(HttpRequest* req) override {
-        auto& file_name = req->param("FILE");
-        std::string lib_dir = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/lib";
-        auto lib_file = lib_dir + "/" + file_name;
-        FILE* fp = fopen(lib_file.c_str(), "r");
-        if (fp == nullptr) {
-            HttpChannel::send_error(req, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
-            return;
-        }
-        std::string response;
-        char buf[1024];
-        while (true) {
-            auto size = fread(buf, 1, 1024, fp);
-            response.append(buf, size);
-            if (size < 1024) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        HttpChannel::send_reply(req, response);
-        k_is_downloaded = true;
-        fclose(fp);
-    }
-static UserFunctionTestHandler s_test_handler = UserFunctionTestHandler();
-static EvHttpServer* s_server = nullptr;
-static int real_port = 0;
-static std::string hostname = "";
-std::string my_add_md5sum;
-static std::string compute_md5(const std::string& file) {
-    FILE* fp = fopen(file.c_str(), "r");
-    Md5Digest md5;
-    char buf[1024];
-    while (true) {
-        auto size = fread(buf, 1, 1024, fp);
-        md5.update(buf, size);
-        if (size < 1024) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-    md5.digest();
-    return md5.hex();
-class UserFunctionCacheTest : public testing::Test {
-    UserFunctionCacheTest() {}
-    virtual ~UserFunctionCacheTest() {}
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        s_server = new EvHttpServer(0);
-        s_server->register_handler(GET, "/{FILE}", &s_test_handler);
-        s_server->start();
-        real_port = s_server->get_real_port();
-        ASSERT_NE(0, real_port);
-        hostname = "" + std::to_string(real_port);
-        // compile code to so
-        system("g++ -shared ./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/lib/my_add.cc -o "
-               "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/lib/my_add.so");
-        my_add_md5sum =
-                compute_md5("./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/lib/my_add.so");
-    }
-    static void TearDownTestCase() {
-        delete s_server;
-        system("rm -rf ./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/lib/my_add.so");
-    }
-    void SetUp() override { k_is_downloaded = false; }
-TEST_F(UserFunctionCacheTest, process_symbol) {
-    UserFunctionCache cache;
-    std::string lib_dir = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/normal";
-    auto st = cache.init(lib_dir);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    void* fn_ptr = nullptr;
-    UserFunctionCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
-    st = cache.get_function_ptr(0, "main", "", "", &fn_ptr, &entry);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(&main, fn_ptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, entry);
-    cache.release_entry(entry);
-TEST_F(UserFunctionCacheTest, download_normal) {
-    UserFunctionCache cache;
-    std::string lib_dir = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/download";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(lib_dir);
-    auto st = cache.init(lib_dir);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    void* fn_ptr = nullptr;
-    UserFunctionCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
-    // get my_add
-    st = cache.get_function_ptr(1, "_Z6my_addv", hostname + "/my_add.so", my_add_md5sum, &fn_ptr,
-                                &entry);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(k_is_downloaded);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, fn_ptr);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, entry);
-    // get my_del
-    st = cache.get_function_ptr(1, "_Z6my_delv", hostname + "/my_add.so", my_add_md5sum, &fn_ptr,
-                                &entry);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, fn_ptr);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, entry);
-    // get my_mul
-    st = cache.get_function_ptr(1, "_Z6my_mulv", hostname + "/my_add.so", my_add_md5sum, &fn_ptr,
-                                &entry);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    cache.release_entry(entry);
-TEST_F(UserFunctionCacheTest, load_normal) {
-    UserFunctionCache cache;
-    std::string lib_dir = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/download";
-    auto st = cache.init(lib_dir);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    void* fn_ptr = nullptr;
-    UserFunctionCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
-    st = cache.get_function_ptr(1, "_Z6my_addv", hostname + "/my_add.so", my_add_md5sum, &fn_ptr,
-                                &entry);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(k_is_downloaded);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, fn_ptr);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, entry);
-    cache.release_entry(entry);
-TEST_F(UserFunctionCacheTest, download_fail) {
-    UserFunctionCache cache;
-    std::string lib_dir = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/download";
-    auto st = cache.init(lib_dir);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    void* fn_ptr = nullptr;
-    UserFunctionCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
-    st = cache.get_function_ptr(2, "_Z6my_delv", hostname + "/my_del.so", my_add_md5sum, &fn_ptr,
-                                &entry);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(UserFunctionCacheTest, md5_fail) {
-    UserFunctionCache cache;
-    std::string lib_dir = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/download";
-    FileUtils::remove_all(lib_dir);
-    auto st = cache.init(lib_dir);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    void* fn_ptr = nullptr;
-    UserFunctionCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
-    st = cache.get_function_ptr(1, "_Z6my_addv", hostname + "/my_add.so", "1234", &fn_ptr, &entry);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-TEST_F(UserFunctionCacheTest, bad_so) {
-    UserFunctionCache cache;
-    std::string lib_dir = "./be/test/runtime/test_data/user_function_cache/bad";
-    FileUtils::create_dir(lib_dir + "/2");
-    auto so_file = lib_dir + "/2/2.abc.so";
-    FILE* fp = fopen(so_file.c_str(), "w");
-    fwrite(&fp, sizeof(FILE*), 1, fp);
-    fclose(fp);
-    auto st = cache.init(lib_dir);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    void* fn_ptr = nullptr;
-    UserFunctionCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
-    st = cache.get_function_ptr(2, "_Z6my_addv", hostname + "/my_add.so", "abc", &fn_ptr, &entry);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/test_util/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/test_util/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b9f37ee..0000000
--- a/be/test/test_util/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
-set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}/test/test_util")
-  test_util.cpp
-add_library(Test_util STATIC
-target_link_libraries(Test_util Gutil glog gflags)
diff --git a/be/test/test_util/test_util.cpp b/be/test/test_util/test_util.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb78e10..0000000
--- a/be/test/test_util/test_util.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-#include <libgen.h>
-#include <linux/limits.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
-using strings::Substitute;
-namespace doris {
-static const char* const kSlowTestsEnvVar = "DORIS_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS";
-bool AllowSlowTests() {
-    return GetBooleanEnvironmentVariable(kSlowTestsEnvVar);
-bool GetBooleanEnvironmentVariable(const char* env_var_name) {
-    const char* const e = getenv(env_var_name);
-    if ((e == nullptr) || (strlen(e) == 0) || (strcasecmp(e, "false") == 0) ||
-        (strcasecmp(e, "0") == 0) || (strcasecmp(e, "no") == 0)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if ((strcasecmp(e, "true") == 0) || (strcasecmp(e, "1") == 0) || (strcasecmp(e, "yes") == 0)) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    LOG(FATAL) << Substitute("$0: invalid value for environment variable $0", e, env_var_name);
-    return false; // unreachable
-std::string GetCurrentRunningDir() {
-    char exe[PATH_MAX];
-    ssize_t r;
-    if ((r = readlink("/proc/self/exe", exe, PATH_MAX)) < 0) {
-        return std::string();
-    }
-    if (r == PATH_MAX) {
-        r -= 1;
-    }
-    exe[r] = 0;
-    char* dir = dirname(exe);
-    return std::string(dir);
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/test_util/test_util.h b/be/test/test_util/test_util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ae4ff85..0000000
--- a/be/test/test_util/test_util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#pragma once
-#include <string>
-namespace doris {
-#define LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(less, more) (AllowSlowTests() ? more : less)
-// Get the value of an environment variable that has boolean semantics.
-bool GetBooleanEnvironmentVariable(const char* env_var_name);
-// Returns true if slow tests are runtime-enabled.
-bool AllowSlowTests();
-// Returns the path of the folder containing the currently running executable.
-// Empty string if get errors.
-std::string GetCurrentRunningDir();
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/udf/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/udf/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bedd9f..0000000
--- a/be/test/udf/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
-# where to put generated binaries
diff --git a/be/test/udf/uda_test.cpp b/be/test/udf/uda_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9613306..0000000
--- a/be/test/udf/uda_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "udf/uda_test_harness.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris_udf {
-//-------------------------------- Count ------------------------------------
-// Example of implementing Count(int_col).
-// The input type is: int
-// The intermediate type is bigint
-// the return type is bigint
-void CountInit(FunctionContext* context, BigIntVal* val) {
-    val->is_null = false;
-    val->val = 0;
-void CountUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& input, BigIntVal* val) {
-    // BigIntVal is the same ptr as what was passed to CountInit
-    if (input.is_null) {
-        return;
-    }
-    ++val->val;
-void CountMerge(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& src, BigIntVal* dst) {
-    dst->val += src.val;
-BigIntVal CountFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& val) {
-    return val;
-//-------------------------------- Count(...) ------------------------------------
-// Example of implementing Count(...)
-// The input type is: multiple ints
-// The intermediate type is bigint
-// the return type is bigint
-void Count2Update(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& input1, const IntVal& input2,
-                  BigIntVal* val) {
-    val->val += (!input1.is_null + !input2.is_null);
-void Count3Update(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& input1, const IntVal& input2,
-                  const IntVal& input3, BigIntVal* val) {
-    val->val += (!input1.is_null + !input2.is_null + !input3.is_null);
-void Count4Update(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& input1, const IntVal& input2,
-                  const IntVal& input3, const IntVal& input4, BigIntVal* val) {
-    val->val += (!input1.is_null + !input2.is_null + !input3.is_null + !input4.is_null);
-//-------------------------------- Min(String) ------------------------------------
-// Example of implementing MIN for strings.
-// The input type is: STRING
-// The intermediate type is BufferVal
-// the return type is STRING
-// This is a little more sophisticated since the result buffers are reused (it grows
-// to the longest result string).
-struct MinState {
-    uint8_t* value;
-    int len;
-    int buffer_len;
-    void set(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& val) {
-        if (buffer_len < val.len) {
-            context->free(value);
-            value = context->allocate(val.len);
-            buffer_len = val.len;
-        }
-        memcpy(value, val.ptr, val.len);
-        len = val.len;
-    }
-// Initialize the MinState scratch space
-void MinInit(FunctionContext* context, BufferVal* val) {
-    MinState* state = reinterpret_cast<MinState*>(*val);
-    state->value = NULL;
-    state->buffer_len = 0;
-// Update the min value, comparing with the current value in MinState
-void MinUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& input, BufferVal* val) {
-    if (input.is_null) {
-        return;
-    }
-    MinState* state = reinterpret_cast<MinState*>(*val);
-    if (state->value == NULL) {
-        state->set(context, input);
-        return;
-    }
-    int cmp = memcmp(input.ptr, state->value, std::min(input.len, state->len));
-    if (cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && input.len < state->len)) {
-        state->set(context, input);
-    }
-// Serialize the state into the min string
-const BufferVal MinSerialize(FunctionContext* context, const BufferVal& intermediate) {
-    return intermediate;
-// Merge is the same as Update since the serialized format is the raw input format
-void MinMerge(FunctionContext* context, const BufferVal& src, BufferVal* dst) {
-    const MinState* src_state = reinterpret_cast<const MinState*>(src);
-    if (src_state->value == NULL) {
-        return;
-    }
-    MinUpdate(context, StringVal(src_state->value, src_state->len), dst);
-// Finalize also just returns the string so is the same as MinSerialize.
-StringVal MinFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const BufferVal& val) {
-    const MinState* state = reinterpret_cast<const MinState*>(val);
-    if (state->value == NULL) {
-        return StringVal::null();
-    }
-    StringVal result = StringVal(context, state->len);
-    memcpy(result.ptr, state->value, state->len);
-    return result;
-//----------------------------- Bits after Xor ------------------------------------
-// Example of a UDA that xors all the input bits and then returns the number of
-// resulting bits that are set. This illustrates where the result and intermediate
-// are the same type, but a transformation is still needed in Finalize()
-// The input type is: double
-// The intermediate type is bigint
-// the return type is bigint
-void XorInit(FunctionContext* context, BigIntVal* val) {
-    val->is_null = false;
-    val->val = 0;
-void XorUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const double* input, BigIntVal* val) {
-    // BigIntVal is the same ptr as what was passed to CountInit
-    if (input == NULL) {
-        return;
-    }
-    val->val |= *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(input);
-void XorMerge(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& src, BigIntVal* dst) {
-    dst->val |= src.val;
-BigIntVal XorFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& val) {
-    int64_t set_bits = 0;
-    // Do popcnt on val
-    // set_bits = popcnt(val.val);
-    return BigIntVal(set_bits);
-//--------------------------- HLL(Distinct Estimate) ---------------------------------
-// Example of implementing distinct estimate. As an example, we will compress the
-// intermediate buffer.
-// Note: this is not the actual algorithm but a sketch of how it would be implemented
-// with the UDA interface.
-// The input type is: bigint
-// The intermediate type is string (fixed at 256 bytes)
-// the return type is bigint
-void DistinctEstimateInit(FunctionContext* context, StringVal* val) {
-    // Since this is known, this will be allocated to 256 bytes.
-    assert(val->len == 256);
-    memset(val->ptr, 0, 256);
-void DistinctEstimatUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const int64_t* input, StringVal* val) {
-    if (input == NULL) {
-        return;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
-        int hash = 0;
-        // Hash(input) with the ith hash function
-        // hash = Hash(*input, i);
-        val->ptr[i] = hash;
-    }
-StringVal DistinctEstimatSerialize(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& intermediate) {
-    int compressed_size = 0;
-    uint8_t* result = NULL; // SnappyCompress(intermediate.ptr, intermediate.len);
-    return StringVal(result, compressed_size);
-void DistinctEstimateMerge(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& src, StringVal* dst) {
-    uint8_t* src_uncompressed = NULL; // SnappyUncompress(src.ptr, src.len);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
-        dst->ptr[i] ^= src_uncompressed[i];
-    }
-BigIntVal DistinctEstimateFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& val) {
-    int64_t set_bits = 0;
-    // Do popcnt on val
-    // set_bits = popcnt(val.val);
-    return BigIntVal(set_bits);
-TEST(CountTest, Basic) {
-    UdaTestHarness<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal> test(CountInit, CountUpdate, CountMerge, NULL,
-                                                      CountFinalize);
-    std::vector<IntVal> no_nulls;
-    no_nulls.resize(1000);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(no_nulls.size()))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    EXPECT_FALSE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(100))) << test.get_error_msg();
-TEST(CountMultiArgTest, Basic) {
-    int num = 1000;
-    std::vector<IntVal> no_nulls;
-    no_nulls.resize(num);
-    UdaTestHarness2<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal, IntVal> test2(CountInit, Count2Update, CountMerge,
-                                                                NULL, CountFinalize);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test2.execute(no_nulls, no_nulls, BigIntVal(2 * num)));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(test2.execute(no_nulls, no_nulls, BigIntVal(100)));
-    UdaTestHarness3<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal, IntVal, IntVal> test3(
-            CountInit, Count3Update, CountMerge, NULL, CountFinalize);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test3.execute(no_nulls, no_nulls, no_nulls, BigIntVal(3 * num)));
-    UdaTestHarness4<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal, IntVal, IntVal, IntVal> test4(
-            CountInit, Count4Update, CountMerge, NULL, CountFinalize);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test4.execute(no_nulls, no_nulls, no_nulls, no_nulls, BigIntVal(4 * num)));
-bool FuzzyCompare(const BigIntVal& r1, const BigIntVal& r2) {
-    if (r1.is_null && r2.is_null) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    if (r1.is_null || r2.is_null) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return abs(r1.val - r2.val) <= 1;
-TEST(CountTest, FuzzyEquals) {
-    UdaTestHarness<BigIntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal> test(CountInit, CountUpdate, CountMerge, NULL,
-                                                      CountFinalize);
-    std::vector<IntVal> no_nulls;
-    no_nulls.resize(1000);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(1000))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    EXPECT_FALSE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(999))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    test.set_result_comparator(FuzzyCompare);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(1000))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(999))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    EXPECT_FALSE(test.execute(no_nulls, BigIntVal(998))) << test.get_error_msg();
-TEST(MinTest, Basic) {
-    UdaTestHarness<StringVal, BufferVal, StringVal> test(MinInit, MinUpdate, MinMerge, MinSerialize,
-                                                         MinFinalize);
-    test.set_intermediate_size(sizeof(MinState));
-    std::vector<StringVal> values;
-    values.push_back(StringVal("BBB"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("BBB"))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    values.push_back(StringVal("AA"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("AA"))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    values.push_back(StringVal("CCC"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("AA"))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    values.push_back(StringVal("ABCDEF"));
-    values.push_back(StringVal("AABCDEF"));
-    values.push_back(StringVal("A"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("A"))) << test.get_error_msg();
-    values.clear();
-    values.push_back(StringVal::null());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal::null())) << test.get_error_msg();
-    values.push_back(StringVal("ZZZ"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(test.execute(values, StringVal("ZZZ"))) << test.get_error_msg();
-} // namespace doris_udf
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/udf/udf_test.cpp b/be/test/udf/udf_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 87cac9e..0000000
--- a/be/test/udf/udf_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "udf/udf_test_harness.hpp"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris_udf {
-DoubleVal zero_udf(FunctionContext* context) {
-    return DoubleVal(0);
-StringVal log_udf(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& arg1) {
-    std::cerr << (arg1.is_null ? "NULL" : std::string((char*)arg1.ptr, arg1.len)) << std::endl;
-    return arg1;
-StringVal upper_udf(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& input) {
-    if (input.is_null) {
-        return StringVal::null();
-    }
-    // Create a new StringVal object that's the same length as the input
-    StringVal result = StringVal(context, input.len);
-    for (int i = 0; i < input.len; ++i) {
-        result.ptr[i] = toupper(input.ptr[i]);
-    }
-    return result;
-FloatVal min3(FunctionContext* context, const FloatVal& f1, const FloatVal& f2,
-              const FloatVal& f3) {
-    bool is_null = true;
-    float v = 0.0;
-    if (!f1.is_null) {
-        if (is_null) {
-            v = f1.val;
-            is_null = false;
-        } else {
-            v = std::min(v, f1.val);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!f2.is_null) {
-        if (is_null) {
-            v = f2.val;
-            is_null = false;
-        } else {
-            v = std::min(v, f2.val);
-        }
-    }
-    if (!f3.is_null) {
-        if (is_null) {
-            v = f3.val;
-            is_null = false;
-        } else {
-            v = std::min(v, f3.val);
-        }
-    }
-    return is_null ? FloatVal::null() : FloatVal(v);
-StringVal concat(FunctionContext* context, int n, const StringVal* args) {
-    int size = 0;
-    bool all_null = true;
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-        if (args[i].is_null) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        size += args[i].len;
-        all_null = false;
-    }
-    if (all_null) {
-        return StringVal::null();
-    }
-    int offset = 0;
-    StringVal result(context, size);
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-        if (args[i].is_null) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        memcpy(result.ptr + offset, args[i].ptr, args[i].len);
-        offset += args[i].len;
-    }
-    return result;
-IntVal num_var_args(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal& dummy, int n, const IntVal* args) {
-    return IntVal(n);
-IntVal validat_udf(FunctionContext* context) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(context->version(), FunctionContext::V2_0);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(context->has_error());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(context->error_msg() == NULL);
-    return IntVal::null();
-IntVal validate_fail(FunctionContext* context) {
-    EXPECT_FALSE(context->has_error());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(context->error_msg() == NULL);
-    context->set_error("Fail");
-    EXPECT_TRUE(context->has_error());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(context->error_msg(), "Fail") == 0);
-    return IntVal::null();
-IntVal validate_mem(FunctionContext* context) {
-    EXPECT_TRUE(context->allocate(0) == NULL);
-    uint8_t* buffer = context->allocate(10);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(buffer != NULL);
-    memset(buffer, 0, 10);
-    context->free(buffer);
-    return IntVal::null();
-StringVal time_to_string(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& time) {
-    boost::posix_time::ptime t(*(boost::gregorian::date*)&time.date);
-    t += boost::posix_time::nanoseconds(time.time_of_day);
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(t) << " "
-       << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(t.time_of_day());
-    std::string s = ss.str();
-    StringVal result(context, s.size());
-    memcpy(result.ptr, s.data(), result.len);
-    return result;
-TEST(UdfTest, TestFunctionContext) {
-    EXPECT_TRUE(UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<IntVal>(validat_udf, IntVal::null()));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<IntVal>(validate_fail, IntVal::null()));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<IntVal>(validate_mem, IntVal::null()));
-TEST(UdfTest, TestValidate) {
-    EXPECT_TRUE(UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<DoubleVal>(zero_udf, DoubleVal(0)));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<DoubleVal>(zero_udf, DoubleVal(10)));
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<StringVal, StringVal>(log_udf, StringVal("abcd"),
-                                                                   StringVal("abcd"))));
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<StringVal, StringVal>(upper_udf, StringVal("abcd"),
-                                                                   StringVal("ABCD"))));
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<FloatVal, FloatVal, FloatVal, FloatVal>(
-            min3, FloatVal(1), FloatVal(2), FloatVal(3), FloatVal(1))));
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<FloatVal, FloatVal, FloatVal, FloatVal>(
-            min3, FloatVal(1), FloatVal::null(), FloatVal(3), FloatVal(1))));
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<FloatVal, FloatVal, FloatVal, FloatVal>(
-            min3, FloatVal::null(), FloatVal::null(), FloatVal::null(), FloatVal::null())));
-TEST(UdfTest, TestTimestampVal) {
-    boost::gregorian::date d(2003, 3, 15);
-    TimestampVal t1(*(int32_t*)&d);
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<StringVal, TimestampVal>(time_to_string, t1,
-                                                                      "2003-03-15 00:00:00")));
-    TimestampVal t2(*(int32_t*)&d, 1000L * 1000L * 5000L);
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<StringVal, TimestampVal>(time_to_string, t2,
-                                                                      "2003-03-15 00:00:05")));
-TEST(UdfTest, TestVarArgs) {
-    std::vector<StringVal> input;
-    input.push_back(StringVal("Hello"));
-    input.push_back(StringVal("World"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<StringVal, StringVal>(concat, input,
-                                                                   StringVal("HelloWorld"))));
-    input.push_back(StringVal("More"));
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<StringVal, StringVal>(concat, input,
-                                                                   StringVal("HelloWorldMore"))));
-    std::vector<IntVal> args;
-    args.resize(10);
-    EXPECT_TRUE((UdfTestHarness::validat_udf<IntVal, BigIntVal, IntVal>(
-            num_var_args, BigIntVal(0), args, IntVal(args.size()))));
-} // namespace doris_udf
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/CMakeLists.txt b/be/test/util/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d6bab33..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# where to put generated libraries
diff --git a/be/test/util/aes_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/aes_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d76f013..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/aes_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/aes_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/url_coding.h"
-namespace doris {
-class AesUtilTest : public testing::Test {
-    AesUtilTest() { _aes_key = "doris_aes_key"; }
-    std::string _aes_key;
-void do_aes_test(const std::string& source, const std::string& key) {
-    int cipher_len = source.length() + 16;
-    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> dest(new unsigned char[cipher_len]);
-    int ret_code =
-            AesUtil::encrypt(AES_128_ECB, (unsigned char*)source.c_str(), source.length(),
-                             (unsigned char*)key.c_str(), key.length(), NULL, true, dest.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ret_code > 0);
-    int encrypted_length = ret_code;
-    std::unique_ptr<char[]> decrypted(new char[cipher_len]);
-    ret_code =
-            AesUtil::decrypt(AES_128_ECB, dest.get(), encrypted_length, (unsigned char*)key.c_str(),
-                             key.length(), NULL, true, (unsigned char*)decrypted.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ret_code > 0);
-    std::string decrypted_content(decrypted.get(), ret_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(source, decrypted_content);
-TEST_F(AesUtilTest, aes_test_basic) {
-    std::string source_1 = "hello, doris";
-    do_aes_test(source_1, _aes_key);
-    std::string source_2 = "doris test";
-    do_aes_test(source_2, _aes_key);
-TEST_F(AesUtilTest, aes_test_by_case) {
-    std::string case_1 = "9qYx8l1601oWHEVCREAqZg=="; // base64 for encrypted "hello, doris"
-    std::string source_1 = "hello, doris";
-    std::string case_2 = "nP/db4j4yqMjXv/pItaOVA=="; // base64 for encrypted "doris test"
-    std::string source_2 = "doris test";
-    std::unique_ptr<char[]> encrypt_1(new char[case_1.length()]);
-    int length_1 = base64_decode(case_1.c_str(), case_1.length(), encrypt_1.get());
-    std::unique_ptr<char[]> decrypted_1(new char[case_1.length()]);
-    int ret_code = AesUtil::decrypt(AES_128_ECB, (unsigned char*)encrypt_1.get(), length_1,
-                                    (unsigned char*)_aes_key.c_str(), _aes_key.length(), NULL, true,
-                                    (unsigned char*)decrypted_1.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ret_code > 0);
-    std::string decrypted_content_1(decrypted_1.get(), ret_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(source_1, decrypted_content_1);
-    std::unique_ptr<char[]> encrypt_2(new char[case_2.length()]);
-    int length_2 = base64_decode(case_2.c_str(), case_2.length(), encrypt_2.get());
-    std::unique_ptr<char[]> decrypted_2(new char[case_2.length()]);
-    ret_code = AesUtil::decrypt(AES_128_ECB, (unsigned char*)encrypt_2.get(), length_2,
-                                (unsigned char*)_aes_key.c_str(), _aes_key.length(), NULL, true,
-                                (unsigned char*)decrypted_2.get());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ret_code > 0);
-    std::string decrypted_content_2(decrypted_2.get(), ret_code);
-    ASSERT_EQ(source_2, decrypted_content_2);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_row_batch_test.cpp b/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_row_batch_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d59110..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_row_batch_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "util/arrow/row_batch.h"
-#include <arrow/buffer.h>
-#include <arrow/json/api.h>
-#include <arrow/json/test_common.h>
-#include <arrow/pretty_print.h>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ArrowRowBatchTest : public testing::Test {};
-std::string test_str() {
-    return R"(
-    { "c1": 1, "c2": 1.1 }
-    { "c1": 2, "c2": 2.2 }
-    { "c1": 3, "c2": 3.3 }
-        )";
-void MakeBuffer(const std::string& data, std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer>* out) {
-    arrow::AllocateBuffer(arrow::default_memory_pool(), data.size(), out);
-    std::copy(std::begin(data), std::end(data), (*out)->mutable_data());
-TEST_F(ArrowRowBatchTest, PrettyPrint) {
-    auto json = test_str();
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> buffer;
-    MakeBuffer(test_str(), &buffer);
-    arrow::json::ParseOptions parse_opts = arrow::json::ParseOptions::Defaults();
-    parse_opts.explicit_schema = arrow::schema({
-            arrow::field("c1", arrow::int64()),
-    });
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> record_batch;
-    auto arrow_st = arrow::json::ParseOne(parse_opts, buffer, &record_batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(arrow_st.ok());
-    ObjectPool obj_pool;
-    RowDescriptor* row_desc;
-    auto doris_st = convert_to_row_desc(&obj_pool, *record_batch->schema(), &row_desc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(doris_st.ok());
-    auto tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>(-1, "PrettyPrintTest");
-    std::shared_ptr<RowBatch> row_batch;
-    doris_st = convert_to_row_batch(*record_batch, *row_desc, tracker, &row_batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(doris_st.ok());
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> check_schema;
-        doris_st = convert_to_arrow_schema(*row_desc, &check_schema);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(doris_st.ok());
-        arrow::MemoryPool* pool = arrow::default_memory_pool();
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> check_batch;
-        doris_st = convert_to_arrow_batch(*row_batch, check_schema, pool, &check_batch);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(doris_st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, check_batch->num_rows());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(record_batch->Equals(*check_batch));
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_row_block_test.cpp b/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_row_block_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b17000..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_row_block_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "util/arrow/row_block.h"
-#include <arrow/buffer.h>
-#include <arrow/json/api.h>
-#include <arrow/json/test_common.h>
-#include <arrow/memory_pool.h>
-#include <arrow/pretty_print.h>
-#include <arrow/record_batch.h>
-#include "olap/row_block2.h"
-#include "olap/schema.h"
-#include "olap/tablet_schema_helper.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ArrowRowBlockTest : public testing::Test {
-    ArrowRowBlockTest() {}
-    virtual ~ArrowRowBlockTest() {}
-std::string test_str() {
-    return R"(
-    { "c1": 1, "c2": 1.1 }
-    { "c1": 2, "c2": 2.2 }
-    { "c1": 3, "c2": 3.3 }
-        )";
-void MakeBuffer(const std::string& data, std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer>* out) {
-    arrow::AllocateBuffer(arrow::default_memory_pool(), data.size(), out);
-    std::copy(std::begin(data), std::end(data), (*out)->mutable_data());
-TEST_F(ArrowRowBlockTest, Normal) {
-    auto json = test_str();
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> buffer;
-    MakeBuffer(test_str(), &buffer);
-    arrow::json::ParseOptions parse_opts = arrow::json::ParseOptions::Defaults();
-    parse_opts.explicit_schema = arrow::schema({
-            arrow::field("c1", arrow::int64()),
-    });
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> record_batch;
-    auto arrow_st = arrow::json::ParseOne(parse_opts, buffer, &record_batch);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(arrow_st.ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<Schema> schema;
-    auto doris_st = convert_to_doris_schema(*record_batch->schema(), &schema);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(doris_st.ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<RowBlockV2> row_block;
-    doris_st = convert_to_row_block(*record_batch, *schema, &row_block);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(doris_st.ok());
-    {
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> check_schema;
-        doris_st = convert_to_arrow_schema(*schema, &check_schema);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(doris_st.ok());
-        arrow::MemoryPool* pool = arrow::default_memory_pool();
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> check_batch;
-        doris_st = convert_to_arrow_batch(*row_block, check_schema, pool, &check_batch);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(doris_st.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(3, check_batch->num_rows());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(record_batch->Equals(*check_batch));
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_work_flow_test.cpp b/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_work_flow_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e45133e..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/arrow/arrow_work_flow_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <arrow/memory_pool.h>
-#include <arrow/record_batch.h>
-#include <arrow/status.h>
-#include <arrow/type.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "exec/csv_scan_node.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
-#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
-#include "olap/row.h"
-#include "runtime/bufferpool/reservation_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "runtime/mem_tracker.h"
-#include "runtime/result_queue_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
-#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
-#include "runtime/thread_resource_mgr.h"
-#include "runtime/tuple_row.h"
-#include "util/arrow/row_batch.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ArrowWorkFlowTest : public testing::Test {
-    ArrowWorkFlowTest() {}
-    ~ArrowWorkFlowTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        config::periodic_counter_update_period_ms = 500;
-        config::storage_root_path = "./data";
-        system("mkdir -p ./test_run/output/");
-        system("pwd");
-        system("cp -r ./be/test/util/test_data/ ./test_run/.");
-        init();
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        _obj_pool.clear();
-        system("rm -rf ./test_run");
-        delete _state;
-    }
-    void init();
-    void init_desc_tbl();
-    void init_runtime_state();
-    ObjectPool _obj_pool;
-    TDescriptorTable _t_desc_table;
-    DescriptorTbl* _desc_tbl = nullptr;
-    TPlanNode _tnode;
-    ExecEnv* _exec_env = nullptr;
-    RuntimeState* _state = nullptr;
-    std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> _mem_tracker;
-}; // end class ArrowWorkFlowTest
-void ArrowWorkFlowTest::init() {
-    _exec_env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
-    init_desc_tbl();
-    init_runtime_state();
-void ArrowWorkFlowTest::init_runtime_state() {
-    _exec_env->_result_queue_mgr = new ResultQueueMgr();
-    _exec_env->_thread_mgr = new ThreadResourceMgr();
-    _exec_env->_buffer_reservation = new ReservationTracker();
-    TQueryOptions query_options;
-    query_options.batch_size = 1024;
-    TUniqueId query_id;
-    query_id.lo = 10;
-    query_id.hi = 100;
-    _state = new RuntimeState(query_id, query_options, TQueryGlobals(), _exec_env);
-    _state->init_instance_mem_tracker();
-    _mem_tracker =
-            MemTracker::CreateTracker(-1, "ArrowWorkFlowTest", _state->instance_mem_tracker());
-    _state->set_desc_tbl(_desc_tbl);
-    _state->_load_dir = "./test_run/output/";
-    _state->init_mem_trackers(TUniqueId());
-void ArrowWorkFlowTest::init_desc_tbl() {
-    // TTableDescriptor
-    TTableDescriptor t_table_desc;
-    t_table_desc.id = 0;
-    t_table_desc.tableType = TTableType::OLAP_TABLE;
-    t_table_desc.numCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.numClusteringCols = 0;
-    t_table_desc.olapTable.tableName = "test";
-    t_table_desc.tableName = "test_table_name";
-    t_table_desc.dbName = "test_db_name";
-    t_table_desc.__isset.olapTable = true;
-    _t_desc_table.tableDescriptors.push_back(t_table_desc);
-    _t_desc_table.__isset.tableDescriptors = true;
-    // TSlotDescriptor
-    std::vector<TSlotDescriptor> slot_descs;
-    int offset = 1;
-    int i = 0;
-    // int_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::INT));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("int_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(int32_t);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // date_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::DATE));
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("date_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(DateTimeValue);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // decimal_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        TTypeDesc ttype = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL);
-        ttype.types[0].scalar_type.__set_precision(10);
-        ttype.types[0].scalar_type.__set_scale(5);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(ttype);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("decimal_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(DecimalValue);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // decimalv2_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        TTypeDesc ttype = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::DECIMALV2);
-        ttype.types[0].scalar_type.__set_precision(9);
-        ttype.types[0].scalar_type.__set_scale(3);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(ttype);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("decimalv2_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(DecimalV2Value);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // fix_len_string_column
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        TTypeDesc ttype = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::CHAR);
-        ttype.types[0].scalar_type.__set_len(5);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(ttype);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("fix_len_string_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(StringValue);
-    }
-    ++i;
-    // largeint
-    {
-        TSlotDescriptor t_slot_desc;
-        t_slot_desc.__set_id(i);
-        TTypeDesc ttype = gen_type_desc(TPrimitiveType::LARGEINT);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotType(ttype);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_columnPos(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_byteOffset(offset);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorByte(0);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_nullIndicatorBit(-1);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_slotIdx(i);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_isMaterialized(true);
-        t_slot_desc.__set_colName("largeint_column");
-        slot_descs.push_back(t_slot_desc);
-        offset += sizeof(LargeIntVal);
-    }
-    _t_desc_table.__set_slotDescriptors(slot_descs);
-    // TTupleDescriptor
-    TTupleDescriptor t_tuple_desc;
-    t_tuple_desc.id = 0;
-    t_tuple_desc.byteSize = offset;
-    t_tuple_desc.numNullBytes = 1;
-    t_tuple_desc.tableId = 0;
-    t_tuple_desc.__isset.tableId = true;
-    _t_desc_table.tupleDescriptors.push_back(t_tuple_desc);
-    DescriptorTbl::create(&_obj_pool, _t_desc_table, &_desc_tbl);
-    std::vector<TTupleId> row_tids;
-    row_tids.push_back(0);
-    std::vector<bool> nullable_tuples;
-    nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    // node
-    _tnode.node_id = 0;
-    _tnode.node_type = TPlanNodeType::CSV_SCAN_NODE;
-    _tnode.num_children = 0;
-    _tnode.limit = -1;
-    _tnode.row_tuples.push_back(0);
-    _tnode.nullable_tuples.push_back(false);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.tuple_id = 0;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_separator(",");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_line_delimiter("\n");
-    // column_type_mapping
-    std::map<std::string, TColumnType> column_type_map;
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::INT);
-        column_type_map["int_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DATE);
-        column_type_map["date_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DECIMAL);
-        column_type.__set_precision(10);
-        column_type.__set_scale(5);
-        column_type_map["decimal_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::DECIMALV2);
-        column_type.__set_precision(9);
-        column_type.__set_scale(3);
-        column_type_map["decimalv2_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::CHAR);
-        column_type.__set_len(5);
-        column_type_map["fix_len_string_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    {
-        TColumnType column_type;
-        column_type.__set_type(TPrimitiveType::LARGEINT);
-        column_type_map["largeint_column"] = column_type;
-    }
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_column_type_mapping(column_type_map);
-    std::vector<std::string> columns;
-    columns.push_back("int_column");
-    columns.push_back("date_column");
-    columns.push_back("decimal_column");
-    columns.push_back("decimalv2_column");
-    columns.push_back("fix_len_string_column");
-    columns.push_back("largeint_column");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_columns(columns);
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__isset.unspecified_columns = true;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__isset.default_values = true;
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.max_filter_ratio = 0.5;
-    _tnode.__isset.csv_scan_node = true;
-TEST_F(ArrowWorkFlowTest, NormalUse) {
-    std::vector<std::string> file_paths;
-    file_paths.push_back("./test_run/test_data/csv_data");
-    _tnode.csv_scan_node.__set_file_paths(file_paths);
-    CsvScanNode scan_node(&_obj_pool, _tnode, *_desc_tbl);
-    Status status = scan_node.prepare(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = scan_node.open(_state);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    auto mem_tracker = std::make_shared<MemTracker>(-1);
-    RowBatch row_batch(scan_node._row_descriptor, _state->batch_size(), mem_tracker.get());
-    bool eos = false;
-    while (!eos) {
-        status = scan_node.get_next(_state, &row_batch, &eos);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        // int num = std::min(row_batch.num_rows(), 10);
-        int num = row_batch.num_rows();
-        ASSERT_EQ(6, num);
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema> schema;
-        status = convert_to_arrow_schema(scan_node._row_descriptor, &schema);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatch> record_batch;
-        status = convert_to_arrow_batch(row_batch, schema, arrow::default_memory_pool(),
-                                        &record_batch);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(6, record_batch->num_rows());
-        ASSERT_EQ(6, record_batch->num_columns());
-        std::string result;
-        status = serialize_record_batch(*record_batch, &result);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        size_t len = result.length();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(len > 0);
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(scan_node.close(_state).ok());
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/bit_stream_utils_test.cpp b/be/test/util/bit_stream_utils_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e2a73b..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/bit_stream_utils_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <limits>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-// Must come before gtest.h.
-#include <glog/logging.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/utility/binary.hpp>
-#include "util/bit_stream_utils.h"
-#include "util/bit_stream_utils.inline.h"
-#include "util/bit_util.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/faststring.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-const int kMaxWidth = 64;
-class TestBitStreamUtil : public testing::Test {};
-TEST(TestBitStreamUtil, TestBool) {
-    const int len_bytes = 2;
-    faststring buffer(len_bytes);
-    BitWriter writer(&buffer);
-    // Write alternating 0's and 1's
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        writer.PutValue(i % 2, 1);
-    }
-    writer.Flush();
-    EXPECT_EQ(buffer[0], BOOST_BINARY(1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0));
-    // Write 00110011
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        switch (i) {
-        case 0:
-        case 1:
-        case 4:
-        case 5:
-            writer.PutValue(0, 1);
-            break;
-        default:
-            writer.PutValue(1, 1);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    writer.Flush();
-    // Validate the exact bit value
-    EXPECT_EQ(buffer[0], BOOST_BINARY(1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0));
-    EXPECT_EQ(buffer[1], BOOST_BINARY(1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0));
-    // Use the reader and validate
-    BitReader reader(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        bool val = false;
-        bool result = reader.GetValue(1, &val);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(result);
-        EXPECT_EQ(val, i % 2);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        bool val = false;
-        bool result = reader.GetValue(1, &val);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(result);
-        switch (i) {
-        case 0:
-        case 1:
-        case 4:
-        case 5:
-            EXPECT_EQ(val, false);
-            break;
-        default:
-            EXPECT_EQ(val, true);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// Writes 'num_vals' values with width 'bit_width' and reads them back.
-void TestBitArrayValues(int bit_width, int num_vals) {
-    const int kTestLen = BitUtil::Ceil(bit_width * num_vals, 8);
-    const uint64_t mod = bit_width == 64 ? 1 : 1LL << bit_width;
-    faststring buffer(kTestLen);
-    BitWriter writer(&buffer);
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_vals; ++i) {
-        writer.PutValue(i % mod, bit_width);
-    }
-    writer.Flush();
-    EXPECT_EQ(writer.bytes_written(), kTestLen);
-    BitReader reader(buffer.data(), kTestLen);
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_vals; ++i) {
-        int64_t val = 0;
-        bool result = reader.GetValue(bit_width, &val);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(result);
-        EXPECT_EQ(val, i % mod);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(reader.bytes_left(), 0);
-TEST(TestBitStreamUtil, TestValues) {
-    for (int width = 1; width <= kMaxWidth; ++width) {
-        TestBitArrayValues(width, 1);
-        TestBitArrayValues(width, 2);
-        // Don't write too many values
-        TestBitArrayValues(width, (width < 12) ? (1 << width) : 4096);
-        TestBitArrayValues(width, 1024);
-    }
-// Test some mixed values
-TEST(TestBitStreamUtil, TestMixed) {
-    const int kTestLenBits = 1024;
-    faststring buffer(kTestLenBits / 8);
-    bool parity = true;
-    BitWriter writer(&buffer);
-    for (int i = 0; i < kTestLenBits; ++i) {
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            writer.PutValue(parity, 1);
-            parity = !parity;
-        } else {
-            writer.PutValue(i, 10);
-        }
-    }
-    writer.Flush();
-    parity = true;
-    BitReader reader(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < kTestLenBits; ++i) {
-        bool result;
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            bool val = false;
-            result = reader.GetValue(1, &val);
-            EXPECT_EQ(val, parity);
-            parity = !parity;
-        } else {
-            int val;
-            result = reader.GetValue(10, &val);
-            EXPECT_EQ(val, i);
-        }
-        EXPECT_TRUE(result);
-    }
-TEST(TestBitStreamUtil, TestSeekToBit) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    BitWriter writer(&buffer);
-    writer.PutValue(2019, 32);
-    writer.PutValue(2020, 32);
-    writer.PutValue(2021, 32);
-    writer.Flush();
-    BitReader reader(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
-    reader.SeekToBit(buffer.size() * 8 - 8 * 8);
-    uint32_t second_value;
-    reader.GetValue(32, &second_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(second_value, 2020);
-    uint32_t third_value;
-    reader.GetValue(32, &third_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(third_value, 2021);
-    reader.SeekToBit(0);
-    uint32_t first_value;
-    reader.GetValue(32, &first_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(first_value, 2019);
-TEST(TestBitStreamUtil, TestUint64) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    BitWriter writer(&buffer);
-    writer.PutValue(18446744073709551614U, 64);
-    writer.PutValue(18446744073709551613U, 64);
-    writer.PutValue(128, 32);
-    writer.PutValue(126, 16);
-    writer.Flush();
-    BitReader reader(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
-    uint64_t v1;
-    reader.GetValue(64, &v1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v1, 18446744073709551614U);
-    uint64_t v2;
-    reader.GetValue(64, &v2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v2, 18446744073709551613U);
-    uint64_t v3;
-    reader.GetValue(32, &v3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v3, 128);
-    uint64_t v4;
-    reader.GetValue(16, &v4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v4, 126);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/bit_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/bit_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1034f78..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/bit_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/bit_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <boost/utility.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-TEST(BitUtil, Ceil) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ceil(0, 1), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ceil(1, 1), 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ceil(1, 2), 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ceil(1, 8), 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ceil(7, 8), 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ceil(8, 8), 1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::ceil(9, 8), 2);
-TEST(BitUtil, Popcount) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::popcount(BOOST_BINARY(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1)), 4);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::popcount_no_hw(BOOST_BINARY(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1)), 4);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::popcount(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1)), 6);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::popcount_no_hw(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1)), 6);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::popcount(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)), 8);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::popcount_no_hw(BOOST_BINARY(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)), 8);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::popcount(0), 0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(BitUtil::popcount_no_hw(0), 0);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/bitmap_test.cpp b/be/test/util/bitmap_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 587c08a..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/bitmap_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/bitmap.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class BitMapTest : public testing::Test {
-    BitMapTest() {}
-    virtual ~BitMapTest() {}
-TEST_F(BitMapTest, normal) {
-    // bitmap size
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, BitmapSize(0));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, BitmapSize(1));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, BitmapSize(8));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, BitmapSize(9));
-    // set, test, clear
-    uint8_t bitmap[1024];
-    memset(bitmap, 0, 1024);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapTest(bitmap, 123));
-    BitmapSet(bitmap, 123);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(bitmap, 123));
-    BitmapClear(bitmap, 123);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapTest(bitmap, 123));
-    BitmapChange(bitmap, 112, true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(bitmap, 112));
-    BitmapChange(bitmap, 112, false);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(BitmapTest(bitmap, 112));
-    // change bits
-    BitmapChangeBits(bitmap, 100, 200, true);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(BitmapTest(bitmap, 100 + i));
-    }
-    // Find fist
-    bool found = false;
-    size_t idx;
-    found = BitmapFindFirstSet(bitmap, 0, 1024 * 8, &idx);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, idx);
-    found = BitmapFindFirstZero(bitmap, 200, 1024 * 8, &idx);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    ASSERT_EQ(300, idx);
-    found = BitmapFindFirstSet(bitmap, 300, 1024 * 8, &idx);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(found);
-    found = BitmapFindFirstZero(bitmap, 300, 1024 * 8, &idx);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(found);
-    ASSERT_EQ(300, idx);
-TEST_F(BitMapTest, iterator) {
-    uint8_t bitmap[1024];
-    memset(bitmap, 0, 1024);
-    for (int i = 100; i < 2000; ++i) {
-        BitmapSet(bitmap, i);
-    }
-    for (int i = 2100; i < 3000; ++i) {
-        BitmapSet(bitmap, i);
-    }
-    BitmapIterator iter(bitmap, 1024 * 8);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(iter.done());
-    bool value;
-    // 0,100 --- false
-    auto run = iter.Next(&value);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, run);
-    // 100,2000 -- true
-    run = iter.Next(&value);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2000 - 100, run);
-    // 2000,2100 -- false
-    run = iter.Next(&value);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2100 - 2000, run);
-    // 2100,3000 -- true
-    run = iter.Next(&value);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3000 - 2100, run);
-    // 3000,8*1024 -- false
-    run = iter.Next(&value);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(8 * 1024 - 3000, run);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(iter.done());
-    // seek to 8000
-    iter.SeekTo(8000);
-    run = iter.Next(&value);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(8 * 1024 - 8000, run);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(iter.done());
-    // with max_run
-    iter.SeekTo(200);
-    run = iter.Next(&value, 500);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(500, run);
-    run = iter.Next(&value);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2000 - 500 - 200, run);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/bitmap_value_test.cpp b/be/test/util/bitmap_value_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5518a64..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/bitmap_value_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/coding.h"
-#define private public
-#include "util/bitmap_value.h"
-namespace doris {
-TEST(BitmapValueTest, bitmap_union) {
-    BitmapValue empty;
-    BitmapValue single(1024);
-    BitmapValue bitmap({1024, 1025, 1026});
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, empty.cardinality());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, single.cardinality());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, bitmap.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue empty2;
-    empty2 |= empty;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, empty2.cardinality());
-    empty2 |= single;
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, empty2.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue empty3;
-    empty3 |= bitmap;
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, empty3.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue single2(1025);
-    single2 |= empty;
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, single2.cardinality());
-    single2 |= single;
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, single2.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue single3(1027);
-    single3 |= bitmap;
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, single3.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue bitmap2;
-    bitmap2.add(1024);
-    bitmap2.add(2048);
-    bitmap2.add(4096);
-    bitmap2 |= empty;
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, bitmap2.cardinality());
-    bitmap2 |= single;
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, bitmap2.cardinality());
-    bitmap2 |= bitmap;
-    ASSERT_EQ(5, bitmap2.cardinality());
-TEST(BitmapValueTest, bitmap_intersect) {
-    BitmapValue empty;
-    BitmapValue single(1024);
-    BitmapValue bitmap({1024, 1025, 1026});
-    BitmapValue empty2;
-    empty2 &= empty;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, empty2.cardinality());
-    empty2 &= single;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, empty2.cardinality());
-    empty2 &= bitmap;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, empty2.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue single2(1025);
-    single2 &= empty;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, single2.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue single4(1025);
-    single4 &= single;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, single4.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue single3(1024);
-    single3 &= single;
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, single3.cardinality());
-    single3 &= bitmap;
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, single3.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue single5(2048);
-    single5 &= bitmap;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, single5.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue bitmap2;
-    bitmap2.add(1024);
-    bitmap2.add(2048);
-    bitmap2 &= empty;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, bitmap2.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue bitmap3;
-    bitmap3.add(1024);
-    bitmap3.add(2048);
-    bitmap3 &= single;
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, bitmap3.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue bitmap4;
-    bitmap4.add(2049);
-    bitmap4.add(2048);
-    bitmap4 &= single;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, bitmap4.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue bitmap5;
-    bitmap5.add(2049);
-    bitmap5.add(2048);
-    bitmap5 &= bitmap;
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, bitmap5.cardinality());
-    BitmapValue bitmap6;
-    bitmap6.add(1024);
-    bitmap6.add(1025);
-    bitmap6 &= bitmap;
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, bitmap6.cardinality());
-std::string convert_bitmap_to_string(BitmapValue& bitmap) {
-    std::string buf;
-    buf.resize(bitmap.getSizeInBytes());
-    bitmap.write((char*)buf.c_str());
-    return buf;
-TEST(BitmapValueTest, bitmap_serde) {
-    { // EMPTY
-        BitmapValue empty;
-        std::string buffer = convert_bitmap_to_string(empty);
-        std::string expect_buffer(1, BitmapTypeCode::EMPTY);
-        ASSERT_EQ(expect_buffer, buffer);
-        BitmapValue out(buffer.data());
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, out.cardinality());
-    }
-    { // SINGLE32
-        uint32_t i = UINT32_MAX;
-        BitmapValue single32(i);
-        std::string buffer = convert_bitmap_to_string(single32);
-        std::string expect_buffer(1, BitmapTypeCode::SINGLE32);
-        put_fixed32_le(&expect_buffer, i);
-        ASSERT_EQ(expect_buffer, buffer);
-        BitmapValue out(buffer.data());
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, out.cardinality());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(out.contains(i));
-    }
-    { // BITMAP32
-        BitmapValue bitmap32({0, UINT32_MAX});
-        std::string buffer = convert_bitmap_to_string(bitmap32);
-        Roaring roaring;
-        roaring.add(0);
-        roaring.add(UINT32_MAX);
-        std::string expect_buffer(1, BitmapTypeCode::BITMAP32);
-        expect_buffer.resize(1 + roaring.getSizeInBytes());
-        roaring.write(&expect_buffer[1]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(expect_buffer, buffer);
-        BitmapValue out(buffer.data());
-        ASSERT_EQ(2, out.cardinality());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(out.contains(0));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(out.contains(UINT32_MAX));
-    }
-    { // SINGLE64
-        uint64_t i = static_cast<uint64_t>(UINT32_MAX) + 1;
-        BitmapValue single64(i);
-        std::string buffer = convert_bitmap_to_string(single64);
-        std::string expect_buffer(1, BitmapTypeCode::SINGLE64);
-        put_fixed64_le(&expect_buffer, i);
-        ASSERT_EQ(expect_buffer, buffer);
-        BitmapValue out(buffer.data());
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, out.cardinality());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(out.contains(i));
-    }
-    { // BITMAP64
-        BitmapValue bitmap64({0, static_cast<uint64_t>(UINT32_MAX) + 1});
-        std::string buffer = convert_bitmap_to_string(bitmap64);
-        Roaring roaring;
-        roaring.add(0);
-        std::string expect_buffer(1, BitmapTypeCode::BITMAP64);
-        put_varint64(&expect_buffer, 2); // map size
-        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            std::string map_entry;
-            put_fixed32_le(&map_entry, i); // map key
-            map_entry.resize(sizeof(uint32_t) + roaring.getSizeInBytes());
-            roaring.write(&map_entry[4]); // map value
-            expect_buffer.append(map_entry);
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(expect_buffer, buffer);
-        BitmapValue out(buffer.data());
-        ASSERT_EQ(2, out.cardinality());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(out.contains(0));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(out.contains(static_cast<uint64_t>(UINT32_MAX) + 1));
-    }
-// Forked from CRoaring's UT of Roaring64Map
-TEST(BitmapValueTest, Roaring64Map) {
-    using doris::detail::Roaring64Map;
-    // create a new empty bitmap
-    Roaring64Map r1;
-    uint64_t r1_sum = 0;
-    // then we can add values
-    for (uint64_t i = 100; i < 1000; i++) {
-        r1.add(i);
-        r1_sum += i;
-    }
-    for (uint64_t i = 14000000000000000100ull; i < 14000000000000001000ull; i++) {
-        r1.add(i);
-        r1_sum += i;
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(r1.contains((uint64_t)14000000000000000500ull));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1800, r1.cardinality());
-    size_t size_before = r1.getSizeInBytes();
-    r1.runOptimize();
-    size_t size_after = r1.getSizeInBytes();
-    ASSERT_LT(size_after, size_before);
-    Roaring64Map r2 = Roaring64Map::bitmapOf(5, 1ull, 2ull, 234294967296ull, 195839473298ull,
-                                             14000000000000000100ull);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1ull, r2.minimum());
-    ASSERT_EQ(14000000000000000100ull, r2.maximum());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4ull, r2.rank(234294967296ull));
-    // we can also create a bitmap from a pointer to 32-bit integers
-    const uint32_t values[] = {2, 3, 4};
-    Roaring64Map r3(3, values);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, r3.cardinality());
-    // we can also go in reverse and go from arrays to bitmaps
-    uint64_t card1 = r1.cardinality();
-    uint64_t* arr1 = new uint64_t[card1];
-    ASSERT_TRUE(arr1 != nullptr);
-    r1.toUint64Array(arr1);
-    Roaring64Map r1f(card1, arr1);
-    delete[] arr1;
-    // bitmaps shall be equal
-    ASSERT_TRUE(r1 == r1f);
-    // we can copy and compare bitmaps
-    Roaring64Map z(r3);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(r3 == z);
-    // we can compute union two-by-two
-    Roaring64Map r1_2_3 = r1 | r2;
-    r1_2_3 |= r3;
-    // we can compute a big union
-    const Roaring64Map* allmybitmaps[] = {&r1, &r2, &r3};
-    Roaring64Map bigunion = Roaring64Map::fastunion(3, allmybitmaps);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(r1_2_3 == bigunion);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1806, r1_2_3.cardinality());
-    // we can compute intersection two-by-two
-    Roaring64Map i1_2 = r1 & r2;
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, i1_2.cardinality());
-    // we can write a bitmap to a pointer and recover it later
-    uint32_t expectedsize = r1.getSizeInBytes();
-    char* serializedbytes = new char[expectedsize];
-    r1.write(serializedbytes);
-    Roaring64Map t = Roaring64Map::read(serializedbytes);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(r1 == t);
-    delete[] serializedbytes;
-    // we can iterate over all values using custom functions
-    uint64_t sum = 0;
-    auto func = [](uint64_t value, void* param) {
-        *(uint64_t*)param += value;
-        return true; // we always process all values
-    };
-    r1.iterate(func, &sum);
-    ASSERT_EQ(r1_sum, sum);
-    // we can also iterate the C++ way
-    sum = 0;
-    for (Roaring64Map::const_iterator i = t.begin(); i != t.end(); i++) {
-        sum += *i;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(r1_sum, sum);
-TEST(BitmapValueTest, bitmap_to_string) {
-    BitmapValue empty;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("", empty.to_string().c_str());
-    empty.add(1);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1", empty.to_string().c_str());
-    empty.add(2);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1,2", empty.to_string().c_str());
-TEST(BitmapValueTest, bitmap_single_convert) {
-    BitmapValue bitmap;
-    ASSERT_STREQ("", bitmap.to_string().c_str());
-    bitmap.add(1);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1", bitmap.to_string().c_str());
-    bitmap.add(1);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("1", bitmap.to_string().c_str());
-    ASSERT_EQ(BitmapValue::SINGLE, bitmap._type);
-    BitmapValue bitmap_u;
-    bitmap_u.add(1);
-    bitmap |= bitmap_u;
-    ASSERT_EQ(BitmapValue::SINGLE, bitmap._type);
-    bitmap_u.add(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(BitmapValue::BITMAP, bitmap_u._type);
-    bitmap |= bitmap_u;
-    ASSERT_EQ(BitmapValue::BITMAP, bitmap._type);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/block_compression_test.cpp b/be/test/util/block_compression_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eabd73..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/block_compression_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/block_compression.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace doris {
-class BlockCompressionTest : public testing::Test {
-    BlockCompressionTest() {}
-    virtual ~BlockCompressionTest() {}
-static std::string generate_str(size_t len) {
-    static char charset[] =
-            "0123456789"
-            "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-    std::string result;
-    result.resize(len);
-    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-        result[i] = charset[rand() % sizeof(charset)];
-    }
-    return result;
-void test_single_slice(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB type) {
-    const BlockCompressionCodec* codec = nullptr;
-    auto st = get_block_compression_codec(type, &codec);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    size_t test_sizes[] = {0, 1, 10, 1000, 1000000};
-    for (auto size : test_sizes) {
-        auto orig = generate_str(size);
-        size_t max_len = codec->max_compressed_len(size);
-        std::string compressed;
-        compressed.resize(max_len);
-        {
-            Slice compressed_slice(compressed);
-            st = codec->compress(orig, &compressed_slice);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-            std::string uncompressed;
-            uncompressed.resize(size);
-            {
-                Slice uncompressed_slice(uncompressed);
-                st = codec->decompress(compressed_slice, &uncompressed_slice);
-                ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-                ASSERT_STREQ(orig.c_str(), uncompressed.c_str());
-            }
-            // buffer not enough for decompress
-            // snappy has no return value if given buffer is not enough
-            // NOTE: For ZLIB, we even get OK with a insufficient output
-            // when uncompressed size is 1
-            if ((type == segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::ZLIB && uncompressed.size() > 1) &&
-                type != segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::SNAPPY && uncompressed.size() > 0) {
-                Slice uncompressed_slice(uncompressed);
-                uncompressed_slice.size -= 1;
-                st = codec->decompress(compressed_slice, &uncompressed_slice);
-                ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-            }
-            // corrupt compressed data
-            if (type != segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::SNAPPY) {
-                Slice uncompressed_slice(uncompressed);
-                compressed_slice.size -= 1;
-                st = codec->decompress(compressed_slice, &uncompressed_slice);
-                ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-                compressed_slice.size += 1;
-            }
-        }
-        // buffer not enough for compress
-        if (type != segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::SNAPPY && size > 0) {
-            Slice compressed_slice(compressed);
-            compressed_slice.size = 1;
-            st = codec->compress(orig, &compressed_slice);
-            ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(BlockCompressionTest, single) {
-    test_single_slice(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::SNAPPY);
-    test_single_slice(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::ZLIB);
-    test_single_slice(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::LZ4);
-    test_single_slice(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::LZ4F);
-void test_multi_slices(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB type) {
-    const BlockCompressionCodec* codec = nullptr;
-    auto st = get_block_compression_codec(type, &codec);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    size_t test_sizes[] = {0, 1, 10, 1000, 1000000};
-    std::vector<std::string> orig_strs;
-    for (auto size : test_sizes) {
-        orig_strs.emplace_back(generate_str(size));
-    }
-    std::vector<Slice> orig_slices;
-    std::string orig;
-    for (auto& str : orig_strs) {
-        orig_slices.emplace_back(str);
-        orig.append(str);
-    }
-    size_t total_size = orig.size();
-    size_t max_len = codec->max_compressed_len(total_size);
-    std::string compressed;
-    compressed.resize(max_len);
-    {
-        Slice compressed_slice(compressed);
-        st = codec->compress(orig_slices, &compressed_slice);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        std::string uncompressed;
-        uncompressed.resize(total_size);
-        // normal case
-        {
-            Slice uncompressed_slice(uncompressed);
-            st = codec->decompress(compressed_slice, &uncompressed_slice);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-            ASSERT_STREQ(orig.c_str(), uncompressed.c_str());
-        }
-    }
-    // buffer not enough failed
-    if (type != segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::SNAPPY) {
-        Slice compressed_slice(compressed);
-        compressed_slice.size = 10;
-        st = codec->compress(orig, &compressed_slice);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    }
-TEST_F(BlockCompressionTest, multi) {
-    test_multi_slices(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::SNAPPY);
-    test_multi_slices(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::ZLIB);
-    test_multi_slices(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::LZ4);
-    test_multi_slices(segment_v2::CompressionTypePB::LZ4F);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/blocking_queue_test.cpp b/be/test/util/blocking_queue_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fed934b..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/blocking_queue_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/blocking_queue.hpp"
-#include <glog/logging.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <boost/thread.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
-namespace doris {
-TEST(BlockingQueueTest, TestBasic) {
-    int32_t i;
-    BlockingQueue<int32_t> test_queue(5);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(test_queue.blocking_put(1));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(test_queue.blocking_put(2));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(test_queue.blocking_put(3));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(test_queue.blocking_get(&i));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, i);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(test_queue.blocking_get(&i));
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, i);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(test_queue.blocking_get(&i));
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, i);
-TEST(BlockingQueueTest, TestGetFromShutdownQueue) {
-    int64_t i;
-    BlockingQueue<int64_t> test_queue(2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(test_queue.blocking_put(123));
-    test_queue.shutdown();
-    ASSERT_FALSE(test_queue.blocking_put(456));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(test_queue.blocking_get(&i));
-    ASSERT_EQ(123, i);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(test_queue.blocking_get(&i));
-class MultiThreadTest {
-    MultiThreadTest()
-            : _iterations(10000),
-              _nthreads(5),
-              _queue(_iterations * _nthreads / 10),
-              _num_inserters(_nthreads) {}
-    void inserter_thread(int arg) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < _iterations; ++i) {
-            _queue.blocking_put(arg);
-        }
-        {
-            boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(_lock);
-            if (--_num_inserters == 0) {
-                _queue.shutdown();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    void RemoverThread() {
-        for (int i = 0; i < _iterations; ++i) {
-            int32_t arg;
-            bool got = _queue.blocking_get(&arg);
-            if (!got) {
-                arg = -1;
-            }
-            {
-                boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(_lock);
-                _gotten[arg] = _gotten[arg] + 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    void Run() {
-        for (int i = 0; i < _nthreads; ++i) {
-            _threads.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(
-                    new boost::thread(boost::bind(&MultiThreadTest::inserter_thread, this, i))));
-            _threads.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(
-                    new boost::thread(boost::bind(&MultiThreadTest::RemoverThread, this))));
-        }
-        // We add an extra thread to ensure that there aren't enough elements in
-        // the queue to go around.  This way, we test removal after shutdown.
-        _threads.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(
-                new boost::thread(boost::bind(&MultiThreadTest::RemoverThread, this))));
-        for (int i = 0; i < _threads.size(); ++i) {
-            _threads[i]->join();
-        }
-        // Let's check to make sure we got what we should have.
-        boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(_lock);
-        for (int i = 0; i < _nthreads; ++i) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(_iterations, _gotten[i]);
-        }
-        // And there were _nthreads * (_iterations + 1)  elements removed, but only
-        // _nthreads * _iterations elements added.  So some removers hit the shutdown
-        // case.
-        ASSERT_EQ(_iterations, _gotten[-1]);
-    }
-    typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>> ThreadVector;
-    int _iterations;
-    int _nthreads;
-    BlockingQueue<int32_t> _queue;
-    // Lock for _gotten and _num_inserters.
-    boost::mutex _lock;
-    // Map from inserter thread id to number of consumed elements from that id.
-    // Ultimately, this should map each thread id to _insertions elements.
-    // Additionally, if the blocking_get returns false, this increments id=-1.
-    std::map<int32_t, int> _gotten;
-    // All inserter and remover threads.
-    ThreadVector _threads;
-    // Number of inserters which haven't yet finished inserting.
-    int _num_inserters;
-TEST(BlockingQueueTest, TestMultipleThreads) {
-    MultiThreadTest test;
-    test.Run();
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/util/broker_storage_backend_test.cpp b/be/test/util/broker_storage_backend_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 91a4a58..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/broker_storage_backend_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/broker_storage_backend.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid_generators.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/storage_backend.h"
-namespace doris {
-static const std::string AK = "AK";
-static const std::string SK = "SK";
-static const std::string ENDPOINT = "http://bj.bcebos.com";
-static const std::string BUCKET = "bos://yang-repo/";
-static const std::string BROKER_IP = "";
-static const int BROKER_PORT = 8111;
-class StorageBackendTest : public testing::Test {
-    StorageBackendTest()
-            : _broker_properties({{"bos_accesskey", AK},
-                                  {"bos_secret_accesskey", SK},
-                                  {"bos_endpoint", ENDPOINT}}),
-              _env(ExecEnv::GetInstance()) {
-        _broker_addr.__set_hostname("");
-        _broker_addr.__set_port(8111);
-        _broker.reset(new BrokerStorageBackend(_env, _broker_addr, _broker_properties));
-        _broker_base_path = BUCKET + "broker/" + gen_uuid();
-    }
-    virtual ~StorageBackendTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _test_file = "/tmp/" + gen_uuid();
-        std::ofstream out(_test_file);
-        out << _content;
-        out.close();
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() { remove(_test_file.c_str()); }
-    std::string gen_uuid() {
-        auto id = boost::uuids::random_generator()();
-        return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(id);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<BrokerStorageBackend> _broker;
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> _broker_properties;
-    std::string _test_file;
-    ExecEnv* _env;
-    std::string _broker_base_path;
-    TNetworkAddress _broker_addr;
-    std::string _content =
-            "O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being\n"
-            "Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead\n"
-            "Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,\n"
-            "Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,\n"
-            "Pestilence-stricken multitudes:O thou\n"
-            "Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed\n"
-            "The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,\n"
-            "Each like a corpse within its grave, until\n"
-            "Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow\n"
-            "Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill\n"
-            "(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)\n"
-            "With living hues and odors plain and hill:\n"
-            "Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;\n"
-            "Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!";
-TEST_F(StorageBackendTest, broker_upload) {
-    Status status = _broker->upload(_test_file, _broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->exist(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string orig_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file, &orig_md5sum);
-    status = _broker->download(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt",
-                               _test_file + ".download");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string download_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file + ".download", &download_md5sum);
-    ASSERT_EQ(orig_md5sum, download_md5sum);
-    status = _broker->upload(_test_file + "_not_found",
-                             _broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind1.txt");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->exist(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind1.txt");
-    ASSERT_EQ(TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND, status.code());
-TEST_F(StorageBackendTest, broker_direct_upload) {
-    Status status =
-            _broker->direct_upload(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->exist(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string orig_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file, &orig_md5sum);
-    status = _broker->download(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt",
-                               _test_file + ".download");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string download_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file + ".download", &download_md5sum);
-    ASSERT_EQ(orig_md5sum, download_md5sum);
-TEST_F(StorageBackendTest, broker_download) {
-    Status status = _broker->upload(_test_file, _broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string orig_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file, &orig_md5sum);
-    status = _broker->download(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt",
-                               _test_file + ".download");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string download_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file + ".download", &download_md5sum);
-    ASSERT_EQ(orig_md5sum, download_md5sum);
-    status = _broker->download(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt.not_found",
-                               _test_file + ".download");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->download(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt.not_found",
-                               "/not_permitted.download");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(StorageBackendTest, broker_rename) {
-    Status status =
-            _broker->direct_upload(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->rename(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt",
-                             _broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt.new");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    // rm by broker old file may exist for a few moment
-    // status = _broker->exist(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    // ASSERT_TRUE(status.code() == TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    status = _broker->exist(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt.new");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(StorageBackendTest, broker_list) {
-    Status status =
-            _broker->direct_upload(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.md5", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->direct_upload(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind1.md5", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->direct_upload(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind2.md5", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::map<std::string, FileStat> files;
-    status = _broker->list(_broker_base_path, &files);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(files.find("Ode_to_the_West_Wind") != files.end());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(files.find("Ode_to_the_West_Wind1") != files.end());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(files.find("Ode_to_the_West_Wind2") != files.end());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, files.size());
-TEST_F(StorageBackendTest, broker_rm) {
-    Status status =
-            _broker->direct_upload(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->exist(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->rm(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _broker->exist(_broker_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.code() == TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    int ret = 0;
-    // ak sk is secret
-    // ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/util/brpc_stub_cache_test.cpp b/be/test/util/brpc_stub_cache_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cf68cc1..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/brpc_stub_cache_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/brpc_stub_cache.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class BrpcStubCacheTest : public testing::Test {
-    BrpcStubCacheTest() {}
-    virtual ~BrpcStubCacheTest() {}
-TEST_F(BrpcStubCacheTest, normal) {
-    BrpcStubCache cache;
-    TNetworkAddress address;
-    address.hostname = "";
-    address.port = 123;
-    auto stub1 = cache.get_stub(address);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, stub1);
-    address.port = 124;
-    auto stub2 = cache.get_stub(address);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, stub2);
-    ASSERT_NE(stub1, stub2);
-    address.port = 123;
-    auto stub3 = cache.get_stub(address);
-    ASSERT_EQ(stub1, stub3);
-TEST_F(BrpcStubCacheTest, invalid) {
-    BrpcStubCache cache;
-    TNetworkAddress address;
-    address.hostname = "invalid.cm.invalid";
-    address.port = 123;
-    auto stub1 = cache.get_stub(address);
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, stub1);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/byte_buffer_test2.cpp b/be/test/util/byte_buffer_test2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 86d8dff..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/byte_buffer_test2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "util/byte_buffer.h"
-namespace doris {
-class ByteBufferTest : public testing::Test {
-    ByteBufferTest() {}
-    virtual ~ByteBufferTest() {}
-TEST_F(ByteBufferTest, normal) {
-    auto buf = ByteBuffer::allocate(4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, buf->pos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, buf->limit);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, buf->capacity);
-    char test[] = {1, 2, 3};
-    buf->put_bytes(test, 3);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, buf->pos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, buf->limit);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, buf->capacity);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, buf->remaining());
-    buf->flip();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, buf->pos);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, buf->limit);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, buf->capacity);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, buf->remaining());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/cgroup_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/cgroup_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e10b62e..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/cgroup_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/cgroup_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <fstream>
-namespace doris {
-class CGroupUtilTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    CGroupUtilTest() {}
-    virtual ~CGroupUtilTest() {}
-TEST_F(CGroupUtilTest, memlimit) {
-    int64_t bytes;
-    float cpu_counts;
-    CGroupUtil cgroup_util;
-    LOG(INFO) << cgroup_util.debug_string();
-    Status status1 = cgroup_util.find_cgroup_mem_limit(&bytes);
-    Status status2 = cgroup_util.find_cgroup_cpu_limit(&cpu_counts);
-    if (cgroup_util.enable()) {
-        std::ifstream file("/proc/self/cgroup");
-        if (file.peek() == std::ifstream::traits_type::eof()) {
-            ASSERT_FALSE(status1.ok());
-            ASSERT_FALSE(status2.ok());
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status1.ok());
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status2.ok());
-        }
-    } else {
-        ASSERT_FALSE(status1.ok());
-        ASSERT_FALSE(status2.ok());
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/cidr_test.cpp b/be/test/util/cidr_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 15b5826..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/cidr_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/cidr.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-TEST(CIDR, wrong_format) {
-    CIDR cidr;
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cidr.reset(""));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cidr.reset(""));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cidr.reset(""));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cidr.reset("192.168.17/"));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cidr.reset("192.168.a.a/24"));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cidr.reset("192.168.a.a/16"));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cidr.reset(""));
-TEST(CIDR, normal) {
-    CIDR cidr;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(cidr.reset(""));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(cidr.reset(""));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(cidr.reset(""));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(cidr.reset(""));
-TEST(CIDR, contains) {
-    CIDR cidr;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(cidr.reset(""));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(cidr.contains(""));
-    EXPECT_FALSE(cidr.contains(""));
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/coding_test.cpp b/be/test/util/coding_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d32adb0..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/coding_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/coding.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace doris {
-class CodingTest : public testing::Test {
-    CodingTest() {}
-    virtual ~CodingTest() {}
-TEST_F(CodingTest, fixed_le) {
-    uint8_t buf[64];
-    encode_fixed8(buf, 124);
-    uint8_t val8 = decode_fixed8(buf);
-    ASSERT_EQ(124, val8);
-    encode_fixed16_le(buf, 12345);
-    uint16_t val16 = decode_fixed16_le(buf);
-    ASSERT_EQ(12345, val16);
-    encode_fixed32_le(buf, 1234554321);
-    uint32_t val32 = decode_fixed32_le(buf);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1234554321, val32);
-    encode_fixed64_le(buf, 12345543211234554321UL);
-    uint64_t val64 = decode_fixed64_le(buf);
-    ASSERT_EQ(12345543211234554321UL, val64);
-    std::string str;
-    put_fixed32_le(&str, val32);
-    put_fixed64_le(&str, val64);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4 + 8, str.size());
-    val32 = decode_fixed32_le((const uint8_t*)str.data());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1234554321, val32);
-    encode_fixed64_le(buf, 12345543211234554321UL);
-    val64 = decode_fixed64_le((const uint8_t*)str.data() + 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(12345543211234554321UL, val64);
-TEST_F(CodingTest, variant) {
-    uint8_t buf[64];
-    {
-        uint8_t* ptr = buf;
-        ptr = encode_varint32(ptr, 1);
-        ptr = encode_varint64(ptr, 2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(2, ptr - buf);
-    }
-    const uint8_t* ptr = buf;
-    const uint8_t* limit = ptr + 64;
-    uint32_t val32;
-    ptr = decode_varint32_ptr(ptr, limit, &val32);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, val32);
-    uint64_t val64;
-    ptr = decode_varint64_ptr(ptr, limit, &val64);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, val64);
-TEST_F(CodingTest, variant_bigvalue) {
-    uint8_t buf[64];
-    {
-        uint8_t* ptr = buf;
-        ptr = encode_varint32(ptr, 1234554321UL);
-        ASSERT_EQ(5, ptr - buf);
-        ptr = encode_varint64(ptr, 12345543211234554321UL);
-        ASSERT_EQ(5 + 10, ptr - buf);
-    }
-    const uint8_t* ptr = buf;
-    const uint8_t* limit = ptr + 64;
-    uint32_t val32;
-    ptr = decode_varint32_ptr(ptr, limit, &val32);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1234554321UL, val32);
-    uint64_t val64;
-    ptr = decode_varint64_ptr(ptr, limit, &val64);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ptr);
-    ASSERT_EQ(12345543211234554321UL, val64);
-TEST_F(CodingTest, variant_fail) {
-    uint8_t buf[64];
-    {
-        uint8_t* ptr = buf;
-        ptr = encode_varint32(ptr, 1234554321UL);
-    }
-    {
-        const uint8_t* ptr = buf;
-        const uint8_t* limit = ptr + 4;
-        uint32_t val32;
-        ptr = decode_varint32_ptr(ptr, limit, &val32);
-        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, ptr);
-    }
-    {
-        uint8_t* ptr = buf;
-        ptr = encode_varint64(ptr, 12345543211234554321UL);
-    }
-    {
-        const uint8_t* ptr = buf;
-        const uint8_t* limit = ptr + 4;
-        uint64_t val64;
-        ptr = decode_varint64_ptr(ptr, limit, &val64);
-        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, ptr);
-    }
-TEST_F(CodingTest, put_varint) {
-    std::string val;
-    put_varint32(&val, 1);
-    put_varint64(&val, 2);
-    put_varint64_varint32(&val, 3, 4);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, val.size());
-    const uint8_t* ptr = (const uint8_t*)val.data();
-    const uint8_t* limit = ptr + 4;
-    uint32_t val32;
-    uint64_t val64;
-    ptr = decode_varint32_ptr(ptr, limit, &val32);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, val32);
-    ptr = decode_varint64_ptr(ptr, limit, &val64);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, val64);
-    ptr = decode_varint64_ptr(ptr, limit, &val64);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, val64);
-    ptr = decode_varint32_ptr(ptr, limit, &val32);
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, val32);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/core_local_test.cpp b/be/test/util/core_local_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4268fc0..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/core_local_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/core_local.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <thread>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "time.h"
-#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-// Fixture for testing class Decompressor
-class CoreLocalTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    CoreLocalTest() {}
-    ~CoreLocalTest() {}
-void updater(int64_t loop, CoreLocalValue<int64_t>* value, int64_t* used_ns) {
-    usleep(100);
-    MonotonicStopWatch stopwatch;
-    stopwatch.start();
-    for (int i = 0; i < loop; ++i) {
-        __sync_fetch_and_add(value->access(), 1);
-    }
-    *used_ns = stopwatch.elapsed_time();
-TEST_F(CoreLocalTest, CoreLocalValue) {
-    int64_t loop = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1000, 1000000L);
-    CoreLocalValue<int64_t> value;
-    std::vector<int64_t> used_ns;
-    used_ns.resize(8);
-    std::vector<std::thread> workers;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        workers.emplace_back(updater, loop, &value, &used_ns[i]);
-    }
-    int64_t sum_ns = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        workers[i].join();
-        sum_ns += used_ns[i];
-    }
-    int64_t sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        sum += __sync_fetch_and_add(value.access_at_core(i), 0);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(8 * loop, sum);
-    LOG(INFO) << "time:" << sum_ns / sum << "ns/op";
-TEST_F(CoreLocalTest, CoreDataAllocator) {
-    CoreDataAllocatorFactory factory;
-    auto allocator1 = factory.get_allocator(1, 8);
-    auto ptr = allocator1->get_or_create(0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr);
-    {
-        auto ptr2 = allocator1->get_or_create(0);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ptr == ptr2);
-    }
-    {
-        auto ptr2 = allocator1->get_or_create(4096);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ptr2 != nullptr);
-    }
-    {
-        auto allocator2 = factory.get_allocator(2, 8);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(allocator2 != allocator1);
-    }
-TEST_F(CoreLocalTest, CoreLocalValueController) {
-    CoreLocalValueController<int64_t> controller;
-    auto id = controller.get_id();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, id);
-    controller.reclaim_id(id);
-    id = controller.get_id();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, id);
-    id = controller.get_id();
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, id);
-TEST_F(CoreLocalTest, CoreLocalValueNormal) {
-    CoreLocalValue<int64_t> value;
-    for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, *value.access_at_core(i));
-        *value.access_at_core(i) += 1;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, *value.access_at_core(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
-        *value.access() += 1;
-    }
-    int64_t sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *value.access_at_core(i);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(10000 + value.size(), sum);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/countdown_latch_test.cpp b/be/test/util/countdown_latch_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5edce70..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/countdown_latch_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/countdown_latch.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <functional>
-#include "gutil/ref_counted.h"
-#include "util/monotime.h"
-#include "util/thread.h"
-#include "util/threadpool.h"
-namespace doris {
-static void decrement_latch(CountDownLatch* latch, int amount) {
-    if (amount == 1) {
-        latch->count_down();
-        return;
-    }
-    latch->count_down(amount);
-// Tests that we can decrement the latch by arbitrary amounts, as well
-// as 1 by one.
-TEST(TestCountDownLatch, TestLatch) {
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> pool;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ThreadPoolBuilder("cdl-test").set_max_threads(1).build(&pool).ok());
-    CountDownLatch latch(1000);
-    // Decrement the count by 1 in another thread, this should not fire the
-    // latch.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(pool->submit_func(std::bind(decrement_latch, &latch, 1)).ok());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(latch.wait_for(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(200)));
-    ASSERT_EQ(999, latch.count());
-    // Now decrement by 1000 this should decrement to 0 and fire the latch
-    // (even though 1000 is one more than the current count).
-    ASSERT_TRUE(pool->submit_func(std::bind(decrement_latch, &latch, 1000)).ok());
-    latch.wait();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, latch.count());
-// Test that resetting to zero while there are waiters lets the waiters
-// continue.
-TEST(TestCountDownLatch, TestResetToZero) {
-    CountDownLatch cdl(100);
-    scoped_refptr<Thread> t;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(Thread::create("test", "cdl-test", &CountDownLatch::wait, &cdl, &t).ok());
-    // Sleep for a bit until it's likely the other thread is waiting on the latch.
-    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
-    cdl.reset(0);
-    t->join();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/counter_cond_variable_test.cpp b/be/test/util/counter_cond_variable_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c988402..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/counter_cond_variable_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/counter_cond_variable.hpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <thread>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-CounterCondVariable g_cond;
-std::mutex g_io_mu;
-class CounterCondVariableTest : public testing::Test {
-    CounterCondVariableTest() {}
-    virtual ~CounterCondVariableTest() {}
-void submitter() {
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        g_cond.inc();
-    }
-void worker() {
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        {
-            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(g_io_mu);
-            std::cout << "worker " << i << std::endl;
-        }
-        usleep(100);
-        g_cond.dec();
-    }
-void waiter() {
-    g_cond.block_wait();
-    std::cout << "wait finished" << std::endl;
-TEST_F(CounterCondVariableTest, test) {
-    g_cond.block_wait();
-    g_cond.inc(10);
-    g_cond.dec(10);
-    g_cond.block_wait();
-    std::thread submit(submitter);
-    std::thread wait1(waiter);
-    std::thread wait2(waiter);
-    std::thread work(worker);
-    submit.join();
-    wait1.join();
-    wait2.join();
-    work.join();
-    g_cond.block_wait();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/crc32c_test.cpp b/be/test/util/crc32c_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e95873..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/crc32c_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// the following code are modified from RocksDB:
-// https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/blob/master/util/crc32c_test.cc
-#include "util/crc32c.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "util/slice.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace crc32c {
-class CRC {};
-TEST(CRC, StandardResults) {
-    // Original Fast_CRC32 tests.
-    // From rfc3720 section B.4.
-    char buf[32];
-    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
-    ASSERT_EQ(0x8a9136aaU, Value(buf, sizeof(buf)));
-    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
-    ASSERT_EQ(0x62a8ab43U, Value(buf, sizeof(buf)));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
-        buf[i] = static_cast<char>(i);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(0x46dd794eU, Value(buf, sizeof(buf)));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
-        buf[i] = static_cast<char>(31 - i);
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(0x113fdb5cU, Value(buf, sizeof(buf)));
-    unsigned char data[48] = {
-            0x01, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-            0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
-            0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-            0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-    };
-    ASSERT_EQ(0xd9963a56, Value(reinterpret_cast<char*>(data), sizeof(data)));
-TEST(CRC, Values) {
-    ASSERT_NE(Value("a", 1), Value("foo", 3));
-TEST(CRC, Extend) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(Value("hello world", 11), Extend(Value("hello ", 6), "world", 5));
-    std::vector<Slice> slices = {Slice("hello "), Slice("world")};
-    ASSERT_EQ(Value("hello world", 11), Value(slices));
-} // namespace crc32c
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/decompress_test.cpp b/be/test/util/decompress_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a5ae437..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/decompress_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/decompress.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "gen_cpp/Descriptors_types.h"
-#include "util/compress.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-namespace doris {
-// Fixture for testing class Decompressor
-class DecompressorTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    DecompressorTest() {
-        uint8_t* ip = _input;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
-            for (uint8_t ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ++ch) {
-                *ip++ = ch;
-            }
-            for (uint8_t ch = 'Z'; ch >= 'A'; --ch) {
-                *ip++ = ch;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    void RunTest(THdfsCompression::type format) {
-        boost::scoped_ptr<Codec> compressor;
-        boost::scoped_ptr<Codec> decompressor;
-        MemPool* mem_pool = new MemPool;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(Codec::create_compressor(NULL, mem_pool, true, format, &compressor).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(Codec::create_compressor(NULL, mem_pool, true, format, &decompressor).ok());
-        uint8_t* compressed = NULL;
-        int compressed_length = 0;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(
-                compressor->process_block(sizeof(_input), _input, &compressed_length, &compressed)
-                        .ok());
-        uint8_t* output = NULL;
-        int out_len = 0;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(
-                decompressor->process_block(compressed_length, compressed, &out_len, &output).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(&_input, output, sizeof(_input)) == 0);
-        // Try again specifying the output buffer and length.
-        out_len = sizeof(_input);
-        output = mem_pool->allocate(out_len);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(
-                decompressor->process_block(compressed_length, compressed, &out_len, &output).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(&_input, output, sizeof(_input)) == 0);
-    }
-    uint8_t _input[2 * 26 * 1024];
-TEST_F(DecompressorTest, Default) {
-    RunTest(THdfsCompression::DEFAULT);
-TEST_F(DecompressorTest, Gzip) {
-    RunTest(THdfsCompression::GZIP);
-TEST_F(DecompressorTest, Deflate) {
-    RunTest(THdfsCompression::DEFLATE);
-TEST_F(DecompressorTest, Bzip) {
-    RunTest(THdfsCompression::BZIP2);
-TEST_F(DecompressorTest, Snappy) {
-    RunTest(THdfsCompression::SNAPPY);
-TEST_F(DecompressorTest, SnappyBlocked) {
-    RunTest(THdfsCompression::SNAPPY_BLOCKED);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/doris_metrics_test.cpp b/be/test/util/doris_metrics_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 81d3c7e..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/doris_metrics_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/doris_metrics.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class DorisMetricsTest : public testing::Test {
-    DorisMetricsTest() {}
-    virtual ~DorisMetricsTest() {}
-TEST_F(DorisMetricsTest, Normal) {
-    auto server_entity = DorisMetrics::instance()->server_entity();
-    // check metric
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->fragment_requests_total->increment(12);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("fragment_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("12", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->fragment_request_duration_us->increment(101);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("fragment_request_duration_us");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("101", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->http_requests_total->increment(102);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("http_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("102", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->http_request_send_bytes->increment(104);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("http_request_send_bytes");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("104", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->query_scan_bytes->increment(104);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("query_scan_bytes");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("104", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->query_scan_rows->increment(105);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("query_scan_rows");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("105", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->push_requests_success_total->increment(106);
-        auto metric =
-                server_entity->get_metric("push_requests_success_total", "push_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("106", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->push_requests_fail_total->increment(107);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("push_requests_fail_total", "push_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("107", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->push_request_duration_us->increment(108);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("push_request_duration_us");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("108", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->push_request_write_bytes->increment(109);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("push_request_write_bytes");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("109", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->push_request_write_rows->increment(110);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("push_request_write_rows");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("110", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // engine request
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->create_tablet_requests_total->increment(15);
-        auto metric =
-                server_entity->get_metric("create_tablet_requests_total", "engine_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("15", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->drop_tablet_requests_total->increment(16);
-        auto metric =
-                server_entity->get_metric("drop_tablet_requests_total", "engine_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("16", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->report_all_tablets_requests_total->increment(17);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("report_all_tablets_requests_total",
-                                                "engine_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("17", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->report_tablet_requests_total->increment(18);
-        auto metric =
-                server_entity->get_metric("report_tablet_requests_total", "engine_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("18", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->schema_change_requests_total->increment(19);
-        auto metric =
-                server_entity->get_metric("schema_change_requests_total", "engine_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("19", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->create_rollup_requests_total->increment(20);
-        auto metric =
-                server_entity->get_metric("create_rollup_requests_total", "engine_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("20", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->storage_migrate_requests_total->increment(21);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("storage_migrate_requests_total",
-                                                "engine_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("21", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->delete_requests_total->increment(22);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("delete_requests_total", "engine_requests_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("22", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    //  compaction
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->base_compaction_deltas_total->increment(30);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("base_compaction_deltas_total",
-                                                "compaction_deltas_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("30", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->cumulative_compaction_deltas_total->increment(31);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("cumulative_compaction_deltas_total",
-                                                "compaction_deltas_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("31", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->base_compaction_bytes_total->increment(32);
-        auto metric =
-                server_entity->get_metric("base_compaction_bytes_total", "compaction_bytes_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("32", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->cumulative_compaction_bytes_total->increment(33);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("cumulative_compaction_bytes_total",
-                                                "compaction_bytes_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("33", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // Gauge
-    {
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->memory_pool_bytes_total->increment(40);
-        auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("memory_pool_bytes_total");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("40", metric->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-#if 0
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/easy_json-test.cpp b/be/test/util/easy_json-test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9112d33..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/easy_json-test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/easy_json.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <rapidjson/document.h>
-#include <rapidjson/rapidjson.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "gutil/integral_types.h"
-using rapidjson::SizeType;
-using rapidjson::Value;
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class EasyJsonTest : public ::testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(EasyJsonTest, TestNull) {
-    EasyJson ej;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ej.value().IsNull());
-TEST_F(EasyJsonTest, TestBasic) {
-    EasyJson ej;
-    ej.SetObject();
-    ej.Set("1", true);
-    ej.Set("2", kint32min);
-    ej.Set("4", kint64min);
-    ej.Set("6", 1.0);
-    ej.Set("7", "string");
-    Value& v = ej.value();
-    ASSERT_EQ(v["1"].GetBool(), true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v["2"].GetInt(), kint32min);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v["4"].GetInt64(), kint64min);
-    ASSERT_EQ(v["6"].GetDouble(), 1.0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(string(v["7"].GetString()), "string");
-TEST_F(EasyJsonTest, TestNested) {
-    EasyJson ej;
-    ej.SetObject();
-    ej.Get("nested").SetObject();
-    ej.Get("nested").Set("nested_attr", true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(ej.value()["nested"]["nested_attr"].GetBool(), true);
-    ej.Get("nested_array").SetArray();
-    ej.Get("nested_array").PushBack(1);
-    ej.Get("nested_array").PushBack(2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(ej.value()["nested_array"][SizeType(0)].GetInt(), 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(ej.value()["nested_array"][SizeType(1)].GetInt(), 2);
-TEST_F(EasyJsonTest, TestCompactSyntax) {
-    EasyJson ej;
-    ej["nested"]["nested_attr"] = true;
-    ASSERT_EQ(ej.value()["nested"]["nested_attr"].GetBool(), true);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        ej["nested_array"][i] = i + 1;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(ej.value()["nested_array"][SizeType(0)].GetInt(), 1);
-    ASSERT_EQ(ej.value()["nested_array"][SizeType(1)].GetInt(), 2);
-TEST_F(EasyJsonTest, TestComplexInitializer) {
-    EasyJson ej;
-    ej = EasyJson::kObject;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ej.value().IsObject());
-    EasyJson nested_arr = ej.Set("nested_arr", EasyJson::kArray);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(nested_arr.value().IsArray());
-    EasyJson nested_obj = nested_arr.PushBack(EasyJson::kObject);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ej["nested_arr"][0].value().IsObject());
-TEST_F(EasyJsonTest, TestAllocatorLifetime) {
-    EasyJson* root = new EasyJson;
-    EasyJson child = (*root)["child"];
-    delete root;
-    child["child_attr"] = 1;
-    ASSERT_EQ(child.value()["child_attr"].GetInt(), 1);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/faststring_test.cpp b/be/test/util/faststring_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c51d899..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/faststring_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/faststring.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <memory>
-#include "util/random.h"
-namespace doris {
-class FaststringTest : public ::testing::Test {};
-void RandomString(void* dest, size_t n, doris::Random* rng) {
-    size_t i = 0;
-    uint32_t random = rng->Next();
-    char* cdest = static_cast<char*>(dest);
-    static const size_t sz = sizeof(random);
-    if (n >= sz) {
-        for (i = 0; i <= n - sz; i += sz) {
-            memcpy(&cdest[i], &random, sizeof(random));
-            random = rng->Next();
-        }
-    }
-    memcpy(cdest + i, &random, n - i);
-TEST_F(FaststringTest, TestShrinkToFit_Empty) {
-    faststring s;
-    s.shrink_to_fit();
-    ASSERT_EQ(faststring::kInitialCapacity, s.capacity());
-// Test that, if the string contents is shorter than the initial capacity
-// of the faststring, shrink_to_fit() leaves the string in the built-in
-// array.
-TEST_F(FaststringTest, TestShrinkToFit_SmallerThanInitialCapacity) {
-    faststring s;
-    s.append("hello");
-    s.shrink_to_fit();
-    ASSERT_EQ(faststring::kInitialCapacity, s.capacity());
-TEST_F(FaststringTest, TestShrinkToFit_Random) {
-    doris::Random r(time(nullptr));
-    int kMaxSize = faststring::kInitialCapacity * 2;
-    std::unique_ptr<char[]> random_bytes(new char[kMaxSize]);
-    RandomString(random_bytes.get(), kMaxSize, &r);
-    faststring s;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        int new_size = r.Uniform(kMaxSize);
-        s.resize(new_size);
-        memcpy(s.data(), random_bytes.get(), new_size);
-        s.shrink_to_fit();
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(s.data(), random_bytes.get(), new_size));
-        ASSERT_EQ(std::max<int>(faststring::kInitialCapacity, new_size), s.capacity());
-    }
-TEST_F(FaststringTest, TestPushBack) {
-    faststring s;
-    for (int i = 0; i < faststring::kInitialCapacity * 2; ++i) {
-        s.push_back('a');
-        ASSERT_LE(s.size(), s.capacity());
-        ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, s.size());
-        if (i + 1 <= faststring::kInitialCapacity) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(s.capacity(), faststring::kInitialCapacity);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(FaststringTest, TestAppend_Simple) {
-    faststring s;
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.capacity(), faststring::kInitialCapacity);
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.size(), 0);
-    // append empty string
-    s.append("");
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.capacity(), faststring::kInitialCapacity);
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.size(), 0);
-    // len_ < kInitialCapacity
-    s.append("hello");
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.capacity(), faststring::kInitialCapacity);
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.size(), 5);
-    // len_ > kInitialCapacity
-    std::string tmp(faststring::kInitialCapacity, 'a');
-    s.append(tmp);
-    ASSERT_GT(s.capacity(), faststring::kInitialCapacity);
-    ASSERT_EQ(s.size(), 5 + faststring::kInitialCapacity);
-TEST_F(FaststringTest, TestAppend_ExponentiallyExpand) {
-    size_t initial_capacity = faststring::kInitialCapacity / 2;
-    std::string tmp1(initial_capacity, 'a');
-    {
-        // Less than 150% after expansion
-        faststring s;
-        std::string tmp2(faststring::kInitialCapacity - 1, 'a');
-        s.append(tmp1);
-        s.append(tmp2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(s.capacity(), faststring::kInitialCapacity * 3 / 2);
-    }
-    {
-        // More than 150% after expansion
-        faststring s;
-        std::string tmp2(faststring::kInitialCapacity + 1, 'a');
-        s.append(tmp1);
-        s.append(tmp2);
-        ASSERT_GT(s.capacity(), faststring::kInitialCapacity * 3 / 2);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/file_cache_test.cpp b/be/test/util/file_cache_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d81cd6..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/file_cache_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/file_cache.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "env/env.h"
-namespace doris {
-class FileCacheTest : public testing::Test {
-    FileCacheTest() {}
-    void SetUp() override {
-        _file_cache.reset(new FileCache<RandomAccessFile>("test_cache", 10000));
-        _file_exist = "file_exist";
-        std::unique_ptr<WritableFile> file;
-        auto st = Env::Default()->new_writable_file(_file_exist, &file);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-        st = file->close();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    void TearDown() override {
-        _file_cache.reset(nullptr);
-        auto st = Env::Default()->delete_file(_file_exist);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<FileCache<RandomAccessFile>> _file_cache;
-    std::string _file_exist;
-TEST_F(FileCacheTest, normal) {
-    OpenedFileHandle<RandomAccessFile> file_handle;
-    auto found = _file_cache->lookup(_file_exist, &file_handle);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(found);
-    std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> file;
-    auto st = Env::Default()->new_random_access_file(_file_exist, &file);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok());
-    RandomAccessFile* tmp_file = file.release();
-    _file_cache->insert(_file_exist, tmp_file, &file_handle);
-    ASSERT_EQ(tmp_file, file_handle.file());
-    OpenedFileHandle<RandomAccessFile> file_handle2;
-    found = _file_cache->lookup(_file_exist, &file_handle2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(file_handle.file(), file_handle2.file());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/filesystem_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/filesystem_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ac1d367..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/filesystem_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/filesystem_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-namespace filesystem = boost::filesystem;
-using filesystem::path;
-TEST(FileSystemUtil, rlimit) {
-    ASSERT_LT(0ul, FileSystemUtil::max_num_file_handles());
-TEST(FileSystemUtil, CreateDirectory) {
-    // Setup a temporary directory with one subdir
-    path dir = filesystem::unique_path();
-    path subdir1 = dir / "path1";
-    path subdir2 = dir / "path2";
-    path subdir3 = dir / "a" / "longer" / "path";
-    filesystem::create_directories(subdir1);
-    // Test error cases by removing write permissions on root dir to prevent
-    // creation/deletion of subdirs
-    chmod(dir.string().c_str(), 0);
-    if (getuid() == 0) { // User root
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(subdir1.string()).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(subdir2.string()).ok());
-    } else { // User other
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(subdir1.string()).ok());
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(subdir2.string()).ok());
-    }
-    // Test success cases by adding write permissions back
-    chmod(dir.string().c_str(), S_IRWXU);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(subdir1.string()).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(subdir2.string()).ok());
-    // Check that directories were created
-    EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem::exists(subdir1) && filesystem::is_directory(subdir1));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem::exists(subdir2) && filesystem::is_directory(subdir2));
-    // Exercise VerifyIsDirectory
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::verify_is_directory(subdir1.string()).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::verify_is_directory(subdir2.string()).ok());
-    EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::verify_is_directory(subdir3.string()).ok());
-    // Check that nested directories can be created
-    EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::create_directory(subdir3.string()).ok());
-    EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem::exists(subdir3) && filesystem::is_directory(subdir3));
-    // Cleanup
-    filesystem::remove_all(dir);
-TEST(FilesystemUtil, contain_path) {
-    {
-        std::string parent("/a/b");
-        std::string sub("/a/b/c");
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, sub));
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, sub));
-    }
-    {
-        std::string parent("/a/b/");
-        std::string sub("/a/b/c/");
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, sub));
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, sub));
-    }
-    {
-        std::string parent("/a///./././/./././b/"); // "/a/b/."
-        std::string sub("/a/b/../././b/c/");        // "/a/b/c/"
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, sub));
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, sub));
-    }
-    {
-        // relative path
-        std::string parent("a/b/"); // "a/b/"
-        std::string sub("a/b/c/");  // "a/b/c/"
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, sub));
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, sub));
-    }
-    {
-        // relative path
-        std::string parent("a////./././b/"); // "a/b/"
-        std::string sub("a/b/../././b/c/");  // "a/b/c/"
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, sub));
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, sub));
-    }
-    {
-        // absolute path and relative path
-        std::string parent("/a////./././b/"); // "/a/b/"
-        std::string sub("a/b/../././b/c/");   // "a/b/c/"
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, sub));
-        EXPECT_FALSE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(parent, parent));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(FileSystemUtil::contain_path(sub, sub));
-    }
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/frame_of_reference_coding_test.cpp b/be/test/util/frame_of_reference_coding_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8aa3f4..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/frame_of_reference_coding_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/frame_of_reference_coding.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class TestForCoding : public testing::Test {
-    static void test_frame_of_reference_encode_decode(int32_t element_size) {
-        faststring buffer(1);
-        ForEncoder<int32_t> encoder(&buffer);
-        std::vector<int32_t> data;
-        for (int32_t i = 0; i < element_size; ++i) {
-            data.push_back(i);
-        }
-        encoder.put_batch(data.data(), element_size);
-        encoder.flush();
-        ForDecoder<int32_t> decoder(buffer.data(), buffer.length());
-        decoder.init();
-        std::vector<int32_t> actual_result(element_size);
-        decoder.get_batch(actual_result.data(), element_size);
-        ASSERT_EQ(data, actual_result);
-    }
-    static void test_skip(int32_t skip_num) {
-        faststring buffer(1);
-        ForEncoder<uint32_t> encoder(&buffer);
-        std::vector<uint32_t> input_data;
-        std::vector<uint32_t> expect_result;
-        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
-            input_data.push_back(i);
-            if (i >= skip_num) {
-                expect_result.push_back(i);
-            }
-        }
-        encoder.put_batch(input_data.data(), 256);
-        encoder.flush();
-        ForDecoder<uint32_t> decoder(buffer.data(), buffer.length());
-        decoder.init();
-        decoder.skip(skip_num);
-        std::vector<uint32_t> actual_result(256 - skip_num);
-        decoder.get_batch(actual_result.data(), 256 - skip_num);
-        ASSERT_EQ(expect_result, actual_result);
-    }
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestHalfFrame) {
-    test_frame_of_reference_encode_decode(64);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestOneFrame) {
-    test_frame_of_reference_encode_decode(128);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestTwoFrame) {
-    test_frame_of_reference_encode_decode(256);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestTwoHlafFrame) {
-    test_frame_of_reference_encode_decode(320);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestSkipZero) {
-    test_skip(0);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestSkipHalfFrame) {
-    test_skip(64);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestSkipOneFrame) {
-    test_skip(128);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestInt64) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    ForEncoder<int64_t> encoder(&buffer);
-    std::vector<int64_t> data;
-    for (int64_t i = 0; i < 320; ++i) {
-        data.push_back(i);
-    }
-    encoder.put_batch(data.data(), 320);
-    encoder.flush();
-    ForDecoder<int64_t> decoder(buffer.data(), buffer.length());
-    decoder.init();
-    std::vector<int64_t> actual_result(320);
-    decoder.get_batch(actual_result.data(), 320);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, actual_result);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestOneMinValue) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    ForEncoder<int32_t> encoder(&buffer);
-    encoder.put(2019);
-    encoder.flush();
-    ForDecoder<int32_t> decoder(buffer.data(), buffer.length());
-    decoder.init();
-    int32_t actual_value;
-    decoder.get(&actual_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2019, actual_value);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestZeroValue) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    ForEncoder<int32_t> encoder(&buffer);
-    encoder.flush();
-    ASSERT_EQ(buffer.length(), 4 + 1);
-    ForDecoder<int32_t> decoder(buffer.data(), buffer.length());
-    decoder.init();
-    int32_t actual_value;
-    bool result = decoder.get(&actual_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(result, false);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestBytesAlign) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    ForEncoder<int32_t> encoder(&buffer);
-    encoder.put(2019);
-    encoder.put(2020);
-    encoder.flush();
-    ForDecoder<int32_t> decoder(buffer.data(), buffer.length());
-    decoder.init();
-    int32_t actual_value;
-    decoder.get(&actual_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2019, actual_value);
-    decoder.get(&actual_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2020, actual_value);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestValueSeekSpecialCase) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    ForEncoder<int64_t> encoder(&buffer);
-    std::vector<int64_t> data;
-    for (int64_t i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
-        data.push_back(i);
-    }
-    for (int64_t i = 300; i < 500; ++i) {
-        data.push_back(i);
-    }
-    encoder.put_batch(data.data(), data.size());
-    encoder.flush();
-    ForDecoder<int64_t> decoder(buffer.data(), buffer.length());
-    decoder.init();
-    int64_t target = 160;
-    bool exact_match;
-    bool has_value = decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&target, &exact_match);
-    ASSERT_EQ(has_value, true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(exact_match, false);
-    int64_t next_value;
-    decoder.get(&next_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(300, next_value);
-TEST_F(TestForCoding, TestValueSeek) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    ForEncoder<int64_t> encoder(&buffer);
-    const int64_t SIZE = 320;
-    std::vector<int64_t> data;
-    for (int64_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
-        data.push_back(i);
-    }
-    encoder.put_batch(data.data(), SIZE);
-    encoder.flush();
-    ForDecoder<int64_t> decoder(buffer.data(), buffer.length());
-    decoder.init();
-    int64_t target = 160;
-    bool exact_match;
-    bool found = decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&target, &exact_match);
-    ASSERT_EQ(found, true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(exact_match, true);
-    int64_t actual_value;
-    decoder.get(&actual_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(target, actual_value);
-    target = -1;
-    found = decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&target, &exact_match);
-    ASSERT_EQ(found, true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(exact_match, false);
-    std::vector<int64_t> actual_result(SIZE);
-    decoder.get_batch(actual_result.data(), SIZE);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, actual_result);
-    target = 0;
-    found = decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&target, &exact_match);
-    ASSERT_EQ(found, true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(exact_match, true);
-    decoder.get_batch(actual_result.data(), SIZE);
-    ASSERT_EQ(data, actual_result);
-    target = 319;
-    found = decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&target, &exact_match);
-    ASSERT_EQ(found, true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(exact_match, true);
-    decoder.get(&actual_value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(target, actual_value);
-    target = 320;
-    found = decoder.seek_at_or_after_value(&target, &exact_match);
-    ASSERT_EQ(found, false);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/util/histogram_test.cpp b/be/test/util/histogram_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b883ca7..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/histogram_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/histogram.h"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class HistogramTest : public testing::Test {
-    HistogramTest() {}
-    virtual ~HistogramTest() {}
-namespace {
-    const HistogramBucketMapper bucket_mapper;
-    const double delta = 0.1;
-void populate_histogram(HistogramStat& hist, uint64_t low,
-                        uint64_t high, uint64_t loop = 1) {
-    for (; loop > 0; loop--) {
-        for (uint64_t i = low; i <= high; i++) {
-            hist.add(i);
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(HistogramTest, Normal) {
-    HistogramStat hist;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(hist.is_empty());
-    populate_histogram(hist, 1, 110, 10);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.num(), 1100);
-    ASSERT_LE(fabs(hist.percentile(100.0) - 110.0), delta);
-    ASSERT_LE(fabs(hist.percentile(99.0) - 108.9), delta);
-    ASSERT_LE(fabs(hist.percentile(95.0) - 104.5), delta);
-    ASSERT_LE(fabs(hist.median() - 55.0), delta);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.average(), 55.5);
-TEST_F(HistogramTest, Merge) {
-    HistogramStat hist;
-    HistogramStat other;
-    populate_histogram(hist, 1, 100);
-    populate_histogram(other, 101, 250);
-    hist.merge(other);
-    ASSERT_LE(fabs(hist.percentile(100.0) - 250.0), delta);
-    ASSERT_LE(fabs(hist.percentile(99.0) - 247.5), delta);
-    ASSERT_LE(fabs(hist.percentile(95.0) - 237.5), delta);
-    ASSERT_LE(fabs(hist.median() - 125.0), delta);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.average(), 125.5);
-TEST_F(HistogramTest, Empty) {
-    HistogramStat hist;
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.min(), bucket_mapper.last_value());
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.max(), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.num(), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.median(), 0.0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.percentile(85.0), 0.0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.average(), 0.0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.standard_deviation(), 0.0);
-TEST_F(HistogramTest, Clear) {
-    HistogramStat hist;
-    populate_histogram(hist, 1, 100);
-    hist.clear();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(hist.is_empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.median(), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.percentile(85.0), 0.0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(hist.average(), 0.0);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/http_channel_test.cpp b/be/test/util/http_channel_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f18e4b2..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/http_channel_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "http/http_channel.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/zlib.h"
-namespace doris {
-class HttpChannelTest : public testing::Test {
-    void check_data_eq(const std::string& output, const std::string& expected) {
-        std::ostringstream oss;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(zlib::Uncompress(Slice(output), &oss).ok());
-        ASSERT_EQ(expected, oss.str());
-    }
-TEST_F(HttpChannelTest, CompressContent) {
-    ASSERT_FALSE(HttpChannel::compress_content("gzip", "", nullptr));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(HttpChannel::compress_content("", "test", nullptr));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(HttpChannel::compress_content("Gzip", "", nullptr));
-    const std::string& intput("test_data_0123456789abcdefg");
-    std::string output;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(HttpChannel::compress_content("gzip", intput, &output));
-    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(check_data_eq(output, intput));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(HttpChannel::compress_content("123,gzip,321", intput, &output));
-    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(check_data_eq(output, intput));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/internal_queue_test.cpp b/be/test/util/internal_queue_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d2139..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/internal_queue_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/internal_queue.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <boost/thread.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
-#include "common/configbase.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-using std::vector;
-using boost::thread;
-using boost::thread_group;
-namespace doris {
-struct IntNode : public InternalQueue<IntNode>::Node {
-    IntNode() : value() {}
-    IntNode(int value) : value(value) {}
-    int value;
-// Basic single threaded operation.
-TEST(InternalQueue, TestBasic) {
-    IntNode one(1);
-    IntNode two(2);
-    IntNode three(3);
-    IntNode four(4);
-    InternalQueue<IntNode> list;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(list.size(), 0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.dequeue() == NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.validate());
-    list.enqueue(&one);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!list.empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(list.size(), 1);
-    IntNode* i = list.dequeue();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(i != NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(list.size(), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ(i->value, 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.validate());
-    list.enqueue(&one);
-    list.enqueue(&two);
-    list.enqueue(&three);
-    list.enqueue(&four);
-    ASSERT_EQ(list.size(), 4);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.validate());
-    i = list.dequeue();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(i != NULL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(i->value, 1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.validate());
-    i = list.dequeue();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(i != NULL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(i->value, 2);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.validate());
-    i = list.dequeue();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(i != NULL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(i->value, 3);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.validate());
-    i = list.dequeue();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(i != NULL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(i->value, 4);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.validate());
-    list.enqueue(&one);
-    list.enqueue(&two);
-    list.enqueue(&three);
-    list.enqueue(&four);
-    IntNode* node = list.head();
-    int val = 1;
-    while (node != NULL) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(node->value, val);
-        node = node->next();
-        ++val;
-    }
-    node = list.tail();
-    val = 4;
-    while (node != NULL) {
-        ASSERT_EQ(node->value, val);
-        node = node->prev();
-        --val;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        node = list.pop_back();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(node != NULL);
-        ASSERT_EQ(node->value, 4 - i);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(list.validate());
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.pop_back() == NULL);
-    ASSERT_EQ(list.size(), 0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(list.empty());
-// Add all the nodes and then remove every other one.
-TEST(InternalQueue, TestRemove) {
-    std::vector<IntNode> nodes;
-    nodes.resize(100);
-    InternalQueue<IntNode> queue;
-    queue.enqueue(&nodes[0]);
-    queue.remove(&nodes[1]);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.validate());
-    queue.remove(&nodes[0]);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.validate());
-    queue.remove(&nodes[0]);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.validate());
-    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) {
-        nodes[i].value = i;
-        queue.enqueue(&nodes[i]);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i += 2) {
-        queue.remove(&nodes[i]);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(queue.validate());
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(queue.size(), nodes.size() / 2);
-    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size() / 2; ++i) {
-        IntNode* node = queue.dequeue();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(node != NULL);
-        ASSERT_EQ(node->value, i * 2 + 1);
-    }
-const int VALIDATE_INTERVAL = 10000;
-// CHECK() is not thread safe so return the result in *failed.
-void ProducerThread(InternalQueue<IntNode>* queue, int num_inserts, std::vector<IntNode>* nodes,
-                    AtomicInt<int32_t>* counter, bool* failed) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_inserts && !*failed; ++i) {
-        // Get the next index to queue.
-        AtomicInt<int32_t> value = (*counter)++;
-        nodes->at(value).value = value;
-        queue->enqueue(&nodes->at(value));
-        if (i % VALIDATE_INTERVAL == 0) {
-            if (!queue->validate()) {
-                *failed = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void ConsumerThread(InternalQueue<IntNode>* queue, int num_consumes, int delta,
-                    std::vector<int>* results, bool* failed) {
-    // Dequeued nodes should be strictly increasing.
-    int previous_value = -1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_consumes && !*failed;) {
-        IntNode* node = queue->dequeue();
-        if (node == NULL) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        ++i;
-        if (delta > 0) {
-            if (node->value != previous_value + delta) {
-                *failed = true;
-            }
-        } else if (delta == 0) {
-            if (node->value <= previous_value) {
-                *failed = true;
-            }
-        }
-        results->push_back(node->value);
-        previous_value = node->value;
-        if (i % VALIDATE_INTERVAL == 0) {
-            if (!queue->validate()) {
-                *failed = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-TEST(InternalQueue, TestClear) {
-    std::vector<IntNode> nodes;
-    nodes.resize(100);
-    InternalQueue<IntNode> queue;
-    queue.enqueue(&nodes[0]);
-    queue.enqueue(&nodes[1]);
-    queue.enqueue(&nodes[2]);
-    queue.clear();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.validate());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.empty());
-    queue.enqueue(&nodes[0]);
-    queue.enqueue(&nodes[1]);
-    queue.enqueue(&nodes[2]);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.validate());
-    ASSERT_EQ(queue.size(), 3);
-TEST(InternalQueue, TestSingleProducerSingleConsumer) {
-    std::vector<IntNode> nodes;
-    AtomicInt<int32_t> counter;
-    nodes.resize(LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(100, 1000000));
-    std::vector<int> results;
-    InternalQueue<IntNode> queue;
-    bool failed = false;
-    ProducerThread(&queue, nodes.size(), &nodes, &counter, &failed);
-    ConsumerThread(&queue, nodes.size(), 1, &results, &failed);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!failed);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), nodes.size());
-    counter = 0;
-    results.clear();
-    thread producer_thread(ProducerThread, &queue, nodes.size(), &nodes, &counter, &failed);
-    thread consumer_thread(ConsumerThread, &queue, nodes.size(), 1, &results, &failed);
-    producer_thread.join();
-    consumer_thread.join();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(!failed);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(queue.empty());
-    ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), nodes.size());
-TEST(InternalQueue, TestMultiProducerMultiConsumer) {
-    std::vector<IntNode> nodes;
-    nodes.resize(LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(100, 1000000));
-    bool failed = false;
-    for (int num_producers = 1; num_producers < 5; num_producers += 3) {
-        AtomicInt<int32_t> counter;
-        const int NUM_CONSUMERS = 4;
-        ASSERT_EQ(nodes.size() % NUM_CONSUMERS, 0);
-        ASSERT_EQ(nodes.size() % num_producers, 0);
-        const int num_per_consumer = nodes.size() / NUM_CONSUMERS;
-        const int num_per_producer = nodes.size() / num_producers;
-        std::vector<vector<int>> results;
-        results.resize(NUM_CONSUMERS);
-        int expected_delta = -1;
-        if (NUM_CONSUMERS == 1 && num_producers == 1) {
-            // With one producer and consumer, the queue should have sequential values.
-            expected_delta = 1;
-        } else if (num_producers == 1) {
-            // With one producer, the values added are sequential but can be read off
-            // with gaps in each consumer thread.  E.g. thread1 reads: 1, 4, 5, 7, etc.
-            // but they should be strictly increasing.
-            expected_delta = 0;
-        } else {
-            // With multiple producers there isn't a guarantee on the order values get
-            // enqueued.
-            expected_delta = -1;
-        }
-        InternalQueue<IntNode> queue;
-        thread_group consumers;
-        thread_group producers;
-        for (int i = 0; i < num_producers; ++i) {
-            producers.add_thread(new thread(ProducerThread, &queue, num_per_producer, &nodes,
-                                            &counter, &failed));
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CONSUMERS; ++i) {
-            consumers.add_thread(new thread(ConsumerThread, &queue, num_per_consumer,
-                                            expected_delta, &results[i], &failed));
-        }
-        producers.join_all();
-        consumers.join_all();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(queue.empty());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(!failed);
-        std::vector<int> all_results;
-        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CONSUMERS; ++i) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(results[i].size(), num_per_consumer);
-            all_results.insert(all_results.end(), results[i].begin(), results[i].end());
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(all_results.size(), nodes.size());
-        sort(all_results.begin(), all_results.end());
-        for (int i = 0; i < all_results.size(); ++i) {
-            ASSERT_EQ(i, all_results[i]) << all_results[i - 1] << " " << all_results[i + 1];
-        }
-    }
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/json_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/json_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 90206f2..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/json_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/json_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class JsonUtilTest : public testing::Test {
-    JsonUtilTest() {}
-    virtual ~JsonUtilTest() {}
-TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, success) {
-    Status status;
-    auto str = to_json(status);
-    const char* result =
-            "{\n"
-            "    \"status\": \"Success\",\n"
-            "    \"msg\": \"OK\"\n}";
-    ASSERT_STREQ(result, str.c_str());
-TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, normal_fail) {
-    Status status = Status::InternalError("so bad");
-    auto str = to_json(status);
-    const char* result =
-            "{\n"
-            "    \"status\": \"Fail\",\n"
-            "    \"msg\": \"so bad\"\n}";
-    ASSERT_STREQ(result, str.c_str());
-TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, normal_fail_str) {
-    Status status = Status::InternalError("\"so bad\"");
-    auto str = to_json(status);
-    // "msg": "\"so bad\""
-    const char* result =
-            "{\n"
-            "    \"status\": \"Fail\",\n"
-            "    \"msg\": \"\\\"so bad\\\"\"\n}";
-    LOG(INFO) << "str: " << str;
-    ASSERT_STREQ(result, str.c_str());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/lru_cache_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/lru_cache_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c2d214..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/lru_cache_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/lru_cache.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-class LruCacheTest : public testing::Test {};
-struct Foo {
-    Foo(int num_param) : num(num_param) {}
-    int num;
-TEST_F(LruCacheTest, NormalTest) {
-    LruCache<int, std::shared_ptr<Foo>> cache(10);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        cache.put(i, std::shared_ptr<Foo>(new Foo(i * 10)));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.size());
-    std::shared_ptr<Foo> ptr;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cache.get(i, &ptr));
-        ASSERT_EQ(i * 10, ptr->num);
-    }
-TEST_F(LruCacheTest, IteratorTest) {
-    LruCache<int, std::shared_ptr<Foo>> cache(10);
-    int keys = 0;
-    int values = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        keys += i;
-        values += i * 10;
-        cache.put(i, std::shared_ptr<Foo>(new Foo(i * 10)));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.size());
-    int key_sum = 0;
-    int value_sum = 0;
-    for (auto& it : cache) {
-        key_sum += it.first;
-        value_sum += it.second->num;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(keys, key_sum);
-    ASSERT_EQ(values, value_sum);
-    std::shared_ptr<Foo> ptr;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cache.get(i, &ptr));
-        ASSERT_EQ(i * 10, ptr->num);
-    }
-TEST_F(LruCacheTest, OverSize) {
-    LruCache<int, std::shared_ptr<Foo>> cache(10);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 110; ++i) {
-        cache.put(i, std::shared_ptr<Foo>(new Foo(i * 10)));
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, cache.size());
-    std::shared_ptr<Foo> ptr;
-    for (int i = 100; i < 110; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cache.get(i, &ptr));
-        ASSERT_EQ(i * 10, ptr->num);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/md5_test.cpp b/be/test/util/md5_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aa2cd89..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/md5_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/md5.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-class Md5Test : public testing::Test {
-    Md5Test() {}
-    virtual ~Md5Test() {}
-TEST_F(Md5Test, empty) {
-    Md5Digest digest;
-    digest.digest();
-    ASSERT_STREQ("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", digest.hex().c_str());
-TEST_F(Md5Test, normal) {
-    Md5Digest digest;
-    digest.update("abcdefg", 7);
-    digest.digest();
-    ASSERT_STREQ("7ac66c0f148de9519b8bd264312c4d64", digest.hex().c_str());
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/monotime_test.cpp b/be/test/util/monotime_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 125adfa..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/monotime_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/monotime.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-TEST(TestMonoTime, TestMonotonicity) {
-    alarm(360);
-    MonoTime prev(MonoTime::Now());
-    MonoTime next;
-    do {
-        next = MonoTime::Now();
-        //LOG(INFO) << " next = " << next.ToString();
-    } while (!prev.ComesBefore(next));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(next.ComesBefore(prev));
-    alarm(0);
-TEST(TestMonoTime, TestComparison) {
-    MonoTime now(MonoTime::Now());
-    MonoTime future(now);
-    future.AddDelta(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1L));
-    ASSERT_GT((future - now).ToNanoseconds(), 0);
-    ASSERT_LT((now - future).ToNanoseconds(), 0);
-    ASSERT_EQ((now - now).ToNanoseconds(), 0);
-    MonoDelta nano(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1L));
-    MonoDelta mil(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1L));
-    MonoDelta sec(MonoDelta::FromSeconds(1.0));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(nano.LessThan(mil));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mil.LessThan(sec));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mil.MoreThan(nano));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(sec.MoreThan(mil));
-TEST(TestMonoTime, TestTimeVal) {
-    struct timeval tv;
-    tv.tv_sec = 0;
-    tv.tv_usec = 0;
-    // Normal conversion case.
-    MonoDelta one_sec_one_micro(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1000001000L));
-    one_sec_one_micro.ToTimeVal(&tv);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tv.tv_sec);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tv.tv_usec);
-    // Case where we are still positive but sub-micro.
-    // Round up to nearest microsecond. This is to avoid infinite timeouts
-    // in APIs that take a struct timeval.
-    MonoDelta zero_sec_one_nano(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1L));
-    zero_sec_one_nano.ToTimeVal(&tv);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, tv.tv_sec);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, tv.tv_usec); // Special case: 1ns rounds up to
-    // Negative conversion case. Ensure the timeval is normalized.
-    // That means sec is negative and usec is positive.
-    MonoDelta neg_micro(MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(-1L));
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1000, neg_micro.ToNanoseconds());
-    neg_micro.ToTimeVal(&tv);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, tv.tv_sec);
-    ASSERT_EQ(999999, tv.tv_usec);
-    // Case where we are still negative but sub-micro.
-    // Round up to nearest microsecond. This is to avoid infinite timeouts
-    // in APIs that take a struct timeval and for consistency.
-    MonoDelta zero_sec_neg_one_nano(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(-1L));
-    zero_sec_neg_one_nano.ToTimeVal(&tv);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, tv.tv_sec);
-    ASSERT_EQ(999999, tv.tv_usec);
-TEST(TestMonoTime, TestTimeSpec) {
-    MonoTime one_sec_one_nano_expected(1000000001L);
-    struct timespec ts;
-    ts.tv_sec = 1;
-    ts.tv_nsec = 1;
-    MonoTime one_sec_one_nano_actual(ts);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, one_sec_one_nano_expected.GetDeltaSince(one_sec_one_nano_actual).ToNanoseconds());
-    MonoDelta zero_sec_two_nanos(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(2L));
-    zero_sec_two_nanos.ToTimeSpec(&ts);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, ts.tv_sec);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, ts.tv_nsec);
-    // Negative conversion case. Ensure the timespec is normalized.
-    // That means sec is negative and nsec is positive.
-    MonoDelta neg_nano(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(-1L));
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, neg_nano.ToNanoseconds());
-    neg_nano.ToTimeSpec(&ts);
-    ASSERT_EQ(-1, ts.tv_sec);
-    ASSERT_EQ(999999999, ts.tv_nsec);
-TEST(TestMonoTime, TestDeltas) {
-    alarm(360);
-    const MonoDelta max_delta(MonoDelta::FromSeconds(0.1));
-    MonoTime prev(MonoTime::Now());
-    MonoTime next;
-    MonoDelta cur_delta;
-    do {
-        next = MonoTime::Now();
-        cur_delta = next.GetDeltaSince(prev);
-    } while (cur_delta.LessThan(max_delta));
-    alarm(0);
-TEST(TestMonoTime, TestDeltaConversions) {
-    // TODO: Reliably test MonoDelta::FromSeconds() considering floating-point rounding errors
-    MonoDelta mil(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(500));
-    ASSERT_EQ(500 * MonoTime::kNanosecondsPerMillisecond, mil.nano_delta_);
-    MonoDelta micro(MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(500));
-    ASSERT_EQ(500 * MonoTime::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond, micro.nano_delta_);
-    MonoDelta nano(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(500));
-    ASSERT_EQ(500, nano.nano_delta_);
-static void DoTestMonoTimePerf() {
-    const MonoDelta max_delta(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(500));
-    uint64_t num_calls = 0;
-    MonoTime prev(MonoTime::Now());
-    MonoTime next;
-    MonoDelta cur_delta;
-    do {
-        next = MonoTime::Now();
-        cur_delta = next.GetDeltaSince(prev);
-        num_calls++;
-    } while (cur_delta.LessThan(max_delta));
-    LOG(INFO) << "DoTestMonoTimePerf():" << num_calls << " in " << max_delta.ToString()
-              << " seconds.";
-TEST(TestMonoTime, TestSleepFor) {
-    MonoTime start = MonoTime::Now();
-    MonoDelta sleep = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100);
-    SleepFor(sleep);
-    MonoTime end = MonoTime::Now();
-    MonoDelta actualSleep = end.GetDeltaSince(start);
-    ASSERT_GE(actualSleep.ToNanoseconds(), sleep.ToNanoseconds());
-// Test functionality of the handy operators for MonoTime/MonoDelta objects.
-// The test assumes that the core functionality provided by the
-// MonoTime/MonoDelta objects are in place, and it tests that the operators
-// have the expected behavior expressed in terms of already existing,
-// semantically equivalent methods.
-TEST(TestMonoTime, TestOperators) {
-    // MonoTime& MonoTime::operator+=(const MonoDelta& delta);
-    {
-        MonoTime tmp = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoTime start = tmp;
-        MonoDelta delta = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100);
-        MonoTime o_end = start;
-        o_end += delta;
-        tmp.AddDelta(delta);
-        MonoTime m_end = tmp;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(m_end.Equals(o_end));
-    }
-    // MonoTime& MonoTime::operator-=(const MonoDelta& delta);
-    {
-        MonoTime tmp = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoTime start = tmp;
-        MonoDelta delta = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100);
-        MonoTime o_end = start;
-        o_end -= delta;
-        tmp.AddDelta(MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(-delta.ToNanoseconds()));
-        MonoTime m_end = tmp;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(m_end.Equals(o_end));
-    }
-    // bool operator==(const MonoDelta& lhs, const MonoDelta& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoDelta dn = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(0);
-        MonoDelta dm = MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(0);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(dn.Equals(dm));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(dn == dm);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(dm == dn);
-    }
-    // bool operator!=(const MonoDelta& lhs, const MonoDelta& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoDelta dn = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1);
-        MonoDelta dm = MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(1);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(dn.Equals(dm));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(dn != dm);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(dm != dn);
-    }
-    // bool operator<(const MonoDelta& lhs, const MonoDelta& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoDelta d0 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(0);
-        MonoDelta d1 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(d0.LessThan(d1));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(d0 < d1);
-    }
-    // bool operator<=(const MonoDelta& lhs, const MonoDelta& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoDelta d0 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(0);
-        MonoDelta d1 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(d0.LessThan(d1));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(d0 <= d1);
-        MonoDelta d20 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(2);
-        MonoDelta d21 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(d20.Equals(d21));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(d20 <= d21);
-    }
-    // bool operator>(const MonoDelta& lhs, const MonoDelta& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoDelta d0 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(0);
-        MonoDelta d1 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(d1.MoreThan(d0));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(d1 > d0);
-    }
-    // bool operator>=(const MonoDelta& lhs, const MonoDelta& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoDelta d0 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(0);
-        MonoDelta d1 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(d1.MoreThan(d0));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(d1 >= d1);
-        MonoDelta d20 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(2);
-        MonoDelta d21 = MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(2);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(d20.Equals(d21));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(d21 >= d20);
-    }
-    // bool operator==(const MonoTime& lhs, const MonoTime& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoTime t0 = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoTime t1(t0);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t0.Equals(t1));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t1.Equals(t0));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t0 == t1);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t1 == t0);
-    }
-    // bool operator!=(const MonoTime& lhs, const MonoTime& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoTime t0 = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoTime t1(t0 + MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(!t0.Equals(t1));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(!t1.Equals(t0));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t0 != t1);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t1 != t0);
-    }
-    // bool operator<(const MonoTime& lhs, const MonoTime& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoTime t0 = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoTime t1(t0 + MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t0.ComesBefore(t1));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(t1.ComesBefore(t0));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t0 < t1);
-        EXPECT_FALSE(t1 < t0);
-    }
-    // bool operator<=(const MonoTime& lhs, const MonoTime& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoTime t00 = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoTime t01(t00);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t00.Equals(t00));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t00.Equals(t01));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t01.Equals(t00));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t01.Equals(t01));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t00 <= t00);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t00 <= t01);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t01 <= t00);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t01 <= t01);
-        MonoTime t1(t00 + MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t00.ComesBefore(t1));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t01.ComesBefore(t1));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(t1.ComesBefore(t00));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(t1.ComesBefore(t01));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t00 <= t1);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t01 <= t1);
-        EXPECT_FALSE(t1 <= t00);
-        EXPECT_FALSE(t1 <= t01);
-    }
-    // bool operator>(const MonoTime& lhs, const MonoTime& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoTime t0 = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoTime t1(t0 + MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t0.ComesBefore(t1));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(t1.ComesBefore(t0));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t0 < t1);
-        EXPECT_FALSE(t1 < t0);
-    }
-    // bool operator>=(const MonoTime& lhs, const MonoTime& rhs);
-    {
-        MonoTime t00 = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoTime t01(t00);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t00.Equals(t00));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t00.Equals(t01));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t01.Equals(t00));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t01.Equals(t01));
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t00 >= t00);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t00 >= t01);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t01 >= t00);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t01 >= t01);
-        MonoTime t1(t00 + MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t00.ComesBefore(t1));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t01.ComesBefore(t1));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(t1.ComesBefore(t00));
-        ASSERT_FALSE(t1.ComesBefore(t01));
-        EXPECT_FALSE(t00 >= t1);
-        EXPECT_FALSE(t01 >= t1);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t1 >= t00);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(t1 >= t01);
-    }
-    // MonoDelta operator-(const MonoTime& t0, const MonoTime& t1);
-    {
-        const int64_t deltas[] = {100, -100};
-        MonoTime tmp = MonoTime::Now();
-        for (auto d : deltas) {
-            MonoDelta delta = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(d);
-            MonoTime start = tmp;
-            tmp.AddDelta(delta);
-            MonoTime end = tmp;
-            MonoDelta delta_o = end - start;
-            EXPECT_TRUE(delta.Equals(delta_o));
-        }
-    }
-    // MonoTime operator+(const MonoTime& t, const MonoDelta& delta);
-    {
-        MonoTime start = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoDelta delta_0 = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
-        MonoTime end_0 = start + delta_0;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(end_0.Equals(start));
-        MonoDelta delta_1 = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1);
-        MonoTime end_1 = start + delta_1;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(end_1 > end_0);
-        end_0.AddDelta(delta_1);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(end_0.Equals(end_1));
-    }
-    // MonoTime operator-(const MonoTime& t, const MonoDelta& delta);
-    {
-        MonoTime start = MonoTime::Now();
-        MonoDelta delta_0 = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(0);
-        MonoTime end_0 = start - delta_0;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(end_0.Equals(start));
-        MonoDelta delta_1 = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1);
-        MonoTime end_1 = start - delta_1;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(end_1 < end_0);
-        end_1.AddDelta(delta_1);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(end_1.Equals(end_0));
-    }
-TEST(TestMonoTimePerf, TestMonoTimePerf) {
-    alarm(360);
-    DoTestMonoTimePerf();
-    alarm(0);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/new_metrics_test.cpp b/be/test/util/new_metrics_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c56f85..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/new_metrics_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <thread>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/metrics.h"
-#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class MetricsTest : public testing::Test {
-    MetricsTest() {}
-    virtual ~MetricsTest() {}
-TEST_F(MetricsTest, Counter) {
-    {
-        IntCounter counter;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, counter.value());
-        counter.increment(100);
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, counter.value());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("100", counter.to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        IntAtomicCounter counter;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, counter.value());
-        counter.increment(100);
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, counter.value());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("100", counter.to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        UIntCounter counter;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, counter.value());
-        counter.increment(100);
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, counter.value());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("100", counter.to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        DoubleCounter counter;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, counter.value());
-        counter.increment(1.23);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1.23, counter.value());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1.230000", counter.to_string().c_str());
-    }
-template <typename T>
-void mt_updater(int32_t loop, T* counter, std::atomic<uint64_t>* used_time) {
-    sleep(1);
-    MonotonicStopWatch watch;
-    watch.start();
-    for (int i = 0; i < loop; ++i) {
-        counter->increment(1);
-    }
-    uint64_t elapsed = watch.elapsed_time();
-    used_time->fetch_add(elapsed);
-TEST_F(MetricsTest, CounterPerf) {
-    static const int kLoopCount = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 100000000);
-    static const int kThreadLoopCount = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1000, 1000000);
-    // volatile int64_t
-    {
-        volatile int64_t sum = 0;
-        MonotonicStopWatch watch;
-        watch.start();
-        for (int i = 0; i < kLoopCount; ++i) {
-            sum += 1;
-        }
-        uint64_t elapsed = watch.elapsed_time();
-        ASSERT_EQ(kLoopCount, sum);
-        LOG(INFO) << "int64_t: elapsed: " << elapsed << "ns, ns/iter:" << elapsed / kLoopCount;
-    }
-    // IntAtomicCounter
-    {
-        IntAtomicCounter counter;
-        MonotonicStopWatch watch;
-        watch.start();
-        for (int i = 0; i < kLoopCount; ++i) {
-            counter.increment(1);
-        }
-        uint64_t elapsed = watch.elapsed_time();
-        ASSERT_EQ(kLoopCount, counter.value());
-        LOG(INFO) << "IntAtomicCounter: elapsed: " << elapsed
-                  << "ns, ns/iter:" << elapsed / kLoopCount;
-    }
-    // IntCounter
-    {
-        IntCounter counter;
-        MonotonicStopWatch watch;
-        watch.start();
-        for (int i = 0; i < kLoopCount; ++i) {
-            counter.increment(1);
-        }
-        uint64_t elapsed = watch.elapsed_time();
-        ASSERT_EQ(kLoopCount, counter.value());
-        LOG(INFO) << "IntCounter: elapsed: " << elapsed << "ns, ns/iter:" << elapsed / kLoopCount;
-    }
-    // multi-thread for IntCounter
-    {
-        IntCounter mt_counter;
-        std::vector<std::thread> updaters;
-        std::atomic<uint64_t> used_time(0);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-            updaters.emplace_back(&mt_updater<IntCounter>, kThreadLoopCount, &mt_counter, &used_time);
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-            updaters[i].join();
-        }
-        LOG(INFO) << "IntCounter multi-thread elapsed: " << used_time.load()
-                  << "ns, ns/iter:" << used_time.load() / (8 * kThreadLoopCount);
-        ASSERT_EQ(8 * kThreadLoopCount, mt_counter.value());
-    }
-    // multi-thread for IntAtomicCounter
-    {
-        IntAtomicCounter mt_counter;
-        std::vector<std::thread> updaters;
-        std::atomic<uint64_t> used_time(0);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-            updaters.emplace_back(&mt_updater<IntAtomicCounter>, kThreadLoopCount, &mt_counter, &used_time);
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-            updaters[i].join();
-        }
-        LOG(INFO) << "IntAtomicCounter multi-thread elapsed: " << used_time.load()
-                  << "ns, ns/iter:" << used_time.load() / (8 * kThreadLoopCount);
-        ASSERT_EQ(8 * kThreadLoopCount, mt_counter.value());
-    }
-TEST_F(MetricsTest, Gauge) {
-    // IntGauge
-    {
-        IntGauge gauge;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, gauge.value());
-        gauge.set_value(100);
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, gauge.value());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("100", gauge.to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // UIntGauge
-    {
-        UIntGauge gauge;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, gauge.value());
-        gauge.set_value(100);
-        ASSERT_EQ(100, gauge.value());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("100", gauge.to_string().c_str());
-    }
-    // DoubleGauge
-    {
-        DoubleGauge gauge;
-        ASSERT_EQ(0.0, gauge.value());
-        gauge.set_value(1.23);
-        ASSERT_EQ(1.23, gauge.value());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1.230000", gauge.to_string().c_str());
-    }
-TEST_F(MetricsTest, MetricPrototype) {
-    {
-        MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::COUNTER, MetricUnit::PERCENT,
-                                      "fragment_requests_total",
-                                      "Total fragment requests received.");
-        ASSERT_EQ("fragment_requests_total", cpu_idle_type.simple_name());
-        ASSERT_EQ("fragment_requests_total", cpu_idle_type.combine_name(""));
-        ASSERT_EQ("doris_be_fragment_requests_total", cpu_idle_type.combine_name("doris_be"));
-    }
-    {
-        MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::COUNTER, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_idle",
-                                      "CPU's idle time percent", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_EQ("cpu", cpu_idle_type.simple_name());
-        ASSERT_EQ("cpu", cpu_idle_type.combine_name(""));
-        ASSERT_EQ("doris_be_cpu", cpu_idle_type.combine_name("doris_be"));
-    }
-TEST_F(MetricsTest, MetricEntityWithMetric) {
-    MetricEntity entity(MetricEntityType::kServer, "test_entity", {});
-    MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::COUNTER, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_idle");
-    // Before register
-    Metric* metric = entity.get_metric("cpu_idle");
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, metric);
-    // Register
-    IntCounter* cpu_idle = (IntCounter*)entity.register_metric<IntCounter>(&cpu_idle_type);
-    cpu_idle->increment(12);
-    metric = entity.get_metric("cpu_idle");
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, metric);
-    ASSERT_EQ("12", metric->to_string());
-    cpu_idle->increment(8);
-    ASSERT_EQ("20", metric->to_string());
-    // Deregister
-    entity.deregister_metric(&cpu_idle_type);
-    // After deregister
-    metric = entity.get_metric("cpu_idle");
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, metric);
-TEST_F(MetricsTest, MetricEntityWithHook) {
-    MetricEntity entity(MetricEntityType::kServer, "test_entity", {});
-    MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::COUNTER, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_idle");
-    // Register
-    IntCounter* cpu_idle = (IntCounter*)entity.register_metric<IntCounter>(&cpu_idle_type);
-    entity.register_hook("test_hook", [cpu_idle]() { cpu_idle->increment(6); });
-    // Before hook
-    Metric* metric = entity.get_metric("cpu_idle");
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, metric);
-    ASSERT_EQ("0", metric->to_string());
-    // Hook
-    entity.trigger_hook_unlocked(true);
-    ASSERT_EQ("6", metric->to_string());
-    entity.trigger_hook_unlocked(true);
-    ASSERT_EQ("12", metric->to_string());
-    // Deregister hook
-    entity.deregister_hook("test_hook");
-    // Hook but no effect
-    entity.trigger_hook_unlocked(true);
-    ASSERT_EQ("12", metric->to_string());
-TEST_F(MetricsTest, MetricRegistryRegister) {
-    MetricRegistry registry("test_registry");
-    // No entity
-    ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_prometheus());
-    ASSERT_EQ("[]", registry.to_json());
-    ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_core_string());
-    // Register
-    auto entity1 = registry.register_entity("test_entity");
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, entity1);
-    // Register again
-    auto entity2 = registry.register_entity("test_entity");
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, entity2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(entity1.get(), entity2.get());
-    // Deregister entity once
-    registry.deregister_entity(entity1);
-    // Still exist and equal to entity1
-    entity2 = registry.get_entity("test_entity");
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, entity2);
-    ASSERT_EQ(entity1.get(), entity2.get());
-    // Deregister entity twice
-    registry.deregister_entity(entity2);
-    // Not exist and registry is empty
-    entity2 = registry.get_entity("test_entity");
-    ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, entity2);
-    ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_prometheus());
-TEST_F(MetricsTest, MetricRegistryOutput) {
-    MetricRegistry registry("test_registry");
-    {
-        // No entity
-        ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_prometheus());
-        ASSERT_EQ("[]", registry.to_json());
-        ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_core_string());
-    }
-    {
-        // Register one common metric to the entity
-        auto entity = registry.register_entity("test_entity");
-        MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::GAUGE, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_idle", "", "",
-                                      {}, true);
-        IntCounter* cpu_idle = (IntCounter*)entity->register_metric<IntCounter>(&cpu_idle_type);
-        cpu_idle->increment(8);
-        ASSERT_EQ(R"(# TYPE test_registry_cpu_idle gauge
-test_registry_cpu_idle 8
-                  registry.to_prometheus());
-        ASSERT_EQ(R"([{"tags":{"metric":"cpu_idle"},"unit":"percent","value":8}])",
-                  registry.to_json());
-        ASSERT_EQ("test_registry_cpu_idle LONG 8\n", registry.to_core_string());
-        registry.deregister_entity(entity);
-    }
-    {
-        // Register one metric with group name to the entity
-        auto entity = registry.register_entity("test_entity");
-        MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::GAUGE, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_idle", "", "cpu",
-                                      {{"mode", "idle"}}, false);
-        IntCounter* cpu_idle = (IntCounter*)entity->register_metric<IntCounter>(&cpu_idle_type);
-        cpu_idle->increment(18);
-        ASSERT_EQ(R"(# TYPE test_registry_cpu gauge
-test_registry_cpu{mode="idle"} 18
-                  registry.to_prometheus());
-        ASSERT_EQ(R"([{"tags":{"metric":"cpu","mode":"idle"},"unit":"percent","value":18}])",
-                  registry.to_json());
-        ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_core_string());
-        registry.deregister_entity(entity);
-    }
-    {
-        // Register one common metric to an entity with label
-        auto entity = registry.register_entity("test_entity", {{"name", "label_test"}});
-        MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::GAUGE, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_idle");
-        IntCounter* cpu_idle = (IntCounter*)entity->register_metric<IntCounter>(&cpu_idle_type);
-        cpu_idle->increment(28);
-        ASSERT_EQ(R"(# TYPE test_registry_cpu_idle gauge
-test_registry_cpu_idle{name="label_test"} 28
-                  registry.to_prometheus());
-        ASSERT_EQ(
-                R"([{"tags":{"metric":"cpu_idle","name":"label_test"},"unit":"percent","value":28}])",
-                registry.to_json());
-        ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_core_string());
-        registry.deregister_entity(entity);
-    }
-    {
-        // Register one common metric with group name to an entity with label
-        auto entity = registry.register_entity("test_entity", {{"name", "label_test"}});
-        MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::GAUGE, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_idle", "", "cpu",
-                                      {{"mode", "idle"}});
-        IntCounter* cpu_idle = (IntCounter*)entity->register_metric<IntCounter>(&cpu_idle_type);
-        cpu_idle->increment(38);
-        ASSERT_EQ(R"(# TYPE test_registry_cpu gauge
-test_registry_cpu{name="label_test",mode="idle"} 38
-                  registry.to_prometheus());
-        ASSERT_EQ(
-                R"([{"tags":{"metric":"cpu","mode":"idle","name":"label_test"},"unit":"percent","value":38}])",
-                registry.to_json());
-        ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_core_string());
-        registry.deregister_entity(entity);
-    }
-    {
-        // Register two common metrics to one entity
-        auto entity = registry.register_entity("test_entity");
-        MetricPrototype cpu_idle_type(MetricType::GAUGE, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_idle", "", "cpu",
-                                      {{"mode", "idle"}});
-        IntCounter* cpu_idle = (IntCounter*)entity->register_metric<IntCounter>(&cpu_idle_type);
-        cpu_idle->increment(48);
-        MetricPrototype cpu_guest_type(MetricType::GAUGE, MetricUnit::PERCENT, "cpu_guest", "",
-                                       "cpu", {{"mode", "guest"}});
-        IntGauge* cpu_guest = (IntGauge*)entity->register_metric<IntGauge>(&cpu_guest_type);
-        cpu_guest->increment(58);
-        ASSERT_EQ(R"(# TYPE test_registry_cpu gauge
-test_registry_cpu{mode="idle"} 48
-test_registry_cpu{mode="guest"} 58
-                  registry.to_prometheus());
-        ASSERT_EQ(
-                R"([{"tags":{"metric":"cpu","mode":"guest"},"unit":"percent","value":58},{"tags":{"metric":"cpu","mode":"idle"},"unit":"percent","value":48}])",
-                registry.to_json());
-        ASSERT_EQ("", registry.to_core_string());
-        registry.deregister_entity(entity);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/parse_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/parse_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f257fe6..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/parse_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/parse_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "util/mem_info.h"
-namespace doris {
-static void test_parse_mem_spec(const std::string& mem_spec_str, int64_t result) {
-    bool is_percent = true;
-    int64_t bytes = ParseUtil::parse_mem_spec(mem_spec_str, &is_percent);
-    ASSERT_EQ(result, bytes);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(is_percent);
-TEST(TestParseMemSpec, Normal) {
-    test_parse_mem_spec("1", 1);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("100b", 100);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("100B", 100);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("5k", 5 * 1024L);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("512K", 512 * 1024L);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("4m", 4 * 1024 * 1024L);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("46M", 46 * 1024 * 1024L);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("8g", 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("128G", 128 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("8t", 8L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
-    test_parse_mem_spec("128T", 128L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L);
-    bool is_percent = false;
-    int64_t bytes = ParseUtil::parse_mem_spec("20%", &is_percent);
-    ASSERT_GT(bytes, 0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(is_percent);
-TEST(TestParseMemSpec, Bad) {
-    std::vector<std::string> bad_values;
-    bad_values.push_back("1gib");
-    bad_values.push_back("1%b");
-    bad_values.push_back("1b%");
-    bad_values.push_back("gb");
-    bad_values.push_back("1GMb");
-    bad_values.push_back("1b1Mb");
-    bad_values.push_back("1kib");
-    bad_values.push_back("1Bb");
-    bad_values.push_back("1%%");
-    bad_values.push_back("1.1");
-    bad_values.push_back("1pb");
-    bad_values.push_back("1eb");
-    bad_values.push_back("%");
-    for (const auto& value : bad_values) {
-        bool is_percent = false;
-        int64_t bytes = ParseUtil::parse_mem_spec(value, &is_percent);
-        ASSERT_EQ(-1, bytes);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::MemInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/path_trie_test.cpp b/be/test/util/path_trie_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bbf433f..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/path_trie_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/path_trie.hpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class PathTrieTest : public testing::Test {};
-TEST_F(PathTrieTest, SplitTest) {
-    PathTrie<int> root;
-    std::vector<std::string> array;
-    array.clear();
-    root.split("", &array);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, array.size());
-    array.clear();
-    root.split("///", &array);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, array.size());
-    array.clear();
-    root.split("/a/b/c", &array);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, array.size());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("a", array[0].c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("b", array[1].c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("c", array[2].c_str());
-    array.clear();
-    root.split("/{db}/{table}/{rollup}", &array);
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, array.size());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{db}", array[0].c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{table}", array[1].c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("{rollup}", array[2].c_str());
-TEST_F(PathTrieTest, TemplateTest) {
-    PathTrie<int> root;
-    std::string path = "/{db}/{table}/{rollup}";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 1));
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
-    int value;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/1/2/3", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/a/b/c", &value, &params));
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, value);
-    ASSERT_STREQ("a", params["db"].c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("b", params["table"].c_str());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("c", params["rollup"].c_str());
-TEST_F(PathTrieTest, ExactTest) {
-    PathTrie<int> root;
-    std::string path = "/db/table/rollup";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 100));
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
-    int value;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/db/table/rollup", &value, &params));
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, params.size());
-    // No path assert
-    ASSERT_FALSE(root.retrieve("/db/table/c", &value, &params));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(root.retrieve("/a/b/c", &value, &params));
-TEST_F(PathTrieTest, MultiInsertTest) {
-    PathTrie<int> root;
-    std::string path = "/db/table/rollup";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 100));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(root.insert(path, 100));
-    path = "/db/table/rollup2";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 110));
-    int value;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/db/table/rollup", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, value);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/db/table/rollup2", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(110, value);
-    // Other
-    path = "/db/rollup";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 120));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/db/rollup", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(120, value);
-TEST_F(PathTrieTest, MultiTemplateTest) {
-    PathTrie<int> root;
-    std::string path = "/db/{table}";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 100));
-    // Duplicate template
-    path = "/db/{rollup}/abc";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(root.insert(path, 110));
-    path = "/db/{table}/abc";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 110));
-    int value;
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/db/12345", &value, &params));
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, value);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, params.size());
-    ASSERT_STREQ("12345", params["table"].c_str());
-TEST_F(PathTrieTest, MultiPlayTest) {
-    PathTrie<int> root;
-    std::string path = "/db/abc";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 100));
-    // Duplicate template
-    path = "/db";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 110));
-    path = "/db/abc/bcd";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 120));
-    int value;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/db/abc", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, value);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/db", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(110, value);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/db/abc/bcd", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(120, value);
-TEST_F(PathTrieTest, EmptyTest) {
-    PathTrie<int> root;
-    std::string path = "/";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.insert(path, 100));
-    // Duplicate template
-    path = "/";
-    ASSERT_FALSE(root.insert(path, 110));
-    int value;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("/", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, value);
-    value = 150;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(root.retrieve("", &value));
-    ASSERT_EQ(100, value);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/path_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/path_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dabb4a7..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/path_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/path_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-TEST(TestPathUtil, JoinPathSegments) {
-    ASSERT_EQ("a", path_util::join_path_segments("a", ""));
-    ASSERT_EQ("b", path_util::join_path_segments("", "b"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("a/b", path_util::join_path_segments("a", "b"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("a/b", path_util::join_path_segments("a/", "b"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("a/b", path_util::join_path_segments("a", "/b"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("a/b", path_util::join_path_segments("a/", "/b"));
-TEST(TestPathUtil, BaseNameTest) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::base_name(""));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::base_name("."));
-    ASSERT_EQ("..", path_util::base_name(".."));
-    ASSERT_EQ("/", path_util::base_name("/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("/", path_util::base_name("//"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("a", path_util::base_name("a"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("ab", path_util::base_name("ab"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("ab", path_util::base_name("ab/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("cd", path_util::base_name("ab/cd"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("ab", path_util::base_name("/ab"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("ab", path_util::base_name("/ab///"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("cd", path_util::base_name("/ab/cd"));
-TEST(TestPathUtil, DirNameTest) {
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::dir_name(""));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::dir_name("."));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::dir_name(".."));
-    ASSERT_EQ("/", path_util::dir_name("/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("//", path_util::dir_name("//"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::dir_name("a"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::dir_name("ab"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::dir_name("ab/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("ab", path_util::dir_name("ab/cd"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("/", path_util::dir_name("/ab"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("/", path_util::dir_name("/ab///"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("/ab", path_util::dir_name("/ab/cd"));
-TEST(TestPathUtil, SplitPathTest) {
-    using Vec = std::vector<string>;
-    ASSERT_EQ(Vec({"/"}), path_util::split_path("/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(Vec({"/", "a", "b"}), path_util::split_path("/a/b"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(Vec({"/", "a", "b"}), path_util::split_path("/a/b/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(Vec({"/", "a", "b"}), path_util::split_path("/a//b/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(Vec({"a", "b"}), path_util::split_path("a/b"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(Vec({"."}), path_util::split_path("."));
-    ASSERT_EQ(Vec(), path_util::split_path(""));
-TEST(TestPathUtil, file_extension_test) {
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension(""));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("."));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension(".."));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("//"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("///"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("a"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("ab"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("ab/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("ab/cd"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("/ab"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("/ab/"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("///ab///"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("/ab/cd"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("../ab/cd"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".a", path_util::file_extension(".a"));
-    ASSERT_EQ("", path_util::file_extension("a.b/c"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".d", path_util::file_extension("a.b/c.d"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".c", path_util::file_extension("a/b.c"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::file_extension("a/b."));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".c", path_util::file_extension("a.b.c"));
-    ASSERT_EQ(".", path_util::file_extension("a.b.c."));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/perf_counters_test.cpp b/be/test/util/perf_counters_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1364022..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/perf_counters_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/perf_counters.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-#include "util/disk_info.h"
-#include "util/mem_info.h"
-using namespace std;
-namespace impala {
-TEST(PerfCounterTest, Basic) {
-    PerfCounters counters;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(counters.AddDefaultCounters());
-    counters.Snapshot("Before");
-    double result = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
-        double d1 = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
-        double d2 = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
-        result = d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
-    }
-    counters.Snapshot("After");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
-        double d1 = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
-        double d2 = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
-        result = d1 * d1 + d2 * d2;
-    }
-    counters.Snapshot("After2");
-    counters.PrettyPrint(&cout);
-TEST(CpuInfoTest, Basic) {
-    cout << CpuInfo::DebugString();
-TEST(DiskInfoTest, Basic) {
-    cout << DiskInfo::DebugString();
-    cout << "Device name for disk 0: " << DiskInfo::device_name(0) << std::endl;
-    int disk_id_home_dir = DiskInfo::disk_id("/home");
-    cout << "Device name for '/home': " << DiskInfo::device_name(disk_id_home_dir) << std::endl;
-} // namespace impala
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    impala::CpuInfo::Init();
-    impala::DiskInfo::Init();
-    impala::MemInfo::Init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/radix_sort_test.cpp b/be/test/util/radix_sort_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3408d69..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/radix_sort_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/radix_sort.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <random>
-#include "util/tdigest.h"
-namespace doris {
-class RadixSortTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    // You can remove any or all of the following functions if its body
-    // is empty.
-    RadixSortTest() {
-        // You can do set-up work for each test here.
-    }
-    virtual ~RadixSortTest() {
-        // You can do clean-up work that doesn't throw exceptions here.
-    }
-    // If the constructor and destructor are not enough for setting up
-    // and cleaning up each test, you can define the following methods:
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        // Code here will be called immediately after the constructor (right
-        // before each test).
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        // Code here will be called immediately after each test (right
-        // before the destructor).
-    }
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        static bool initialized = false;
-        if (!initialized) {
-            FLAGS_logtostderr = true;
-            google::InstallFailureSignalHandler();
-            google::InitGoogleLogging("testing::RadixSortTest");
-            initialized = true;
-        }
-    }
-    // Objects declared here can be used by all tests in the test case for Foo.
-TEST_F(RadixSortTest, TestUint32Sort) {
-    constexpr size_t num_values = 10000;
-    std::vector<uint32_t> data;
-    // generating random data
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
-        data.push_back(num_values - i);
-    }
-    std::random_device rd;
-    std::mt19937 g(rd());
-    std::shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), g);
-    radixSortLSD(data.data(), data.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
-        data[i] = i + 1;
-    }
-TEST_F(RadixSortTest, TestInt32Sort) {
-    constexpr size_t num_values = 10000;
-    std::vector<int32_t> data;
-    // generating random data
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
-        data.push_back(num_values - i - 5000);
-    }
-    std::random_device rd;
-    std::mt19937 g(rd());
-    std::shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), g);
-    radixSortLSD(data.data(), data.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
-        data[i] = i + 1 - 5000;
-    }
-bool compare_float_with_epsilon(float a, float b, float E) {
-    return std::abs(a - b) < E;
-TEST_F(RadixSortTest, TestFloatSort) {
-    constexpr size_t num_values = 10000;
-    std::vector<float> data;
-    // generating random data
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
-        data.push_back(1.0 * num_values - i - 5000 + 0.1);
-    }
-    float nan = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
-    float max = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
-    float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
-    float infinity = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
-    data.push_back(nan);
-    data.push_back(max);
-    data.push_back(min);
-    data.push_back(infinity);
-    std::random_device rd;
-    std::mt19937 g(rd());
-    std::shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), g);
-    radixSortLSD(data.data(), data.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values + 4; ++i) {
-        if (i == 0) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_float_with_epsilon(data[i], min, 0.0000001));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 1) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_float_with_epsilon(data[i], max, 0.0000001));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 2) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(std::isinf(data[i]));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 3) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(std::isnan(data[i]));
-        } else {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_float_with_epsilon(data[i], 1.0 * i - 5000 + 0.1, 0.0000001));
-        }
-    }
-bool compare_double_with_epsilon(double a, double b, double E) {
-    return std::abs(a - b) < E;
-TEST_F(RadixSortTest, TestDoubleSort) {
-    constexpr size_t num_values = 10000;
-    std::vector<double> data;
-    // generating random data
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
-        data.push_back(num_values * 1.0 - i - 5000 + 0.1);
-    }
-    double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
-    double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
-    double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest();
-    double infinity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
-    data.push_back(nan);
-    data.push_back(max);
-    data.push_back(min);
-    data.push_back(infinity);
-    std::random_device rd;
-    std::mt19937 g(rd());
-    std::shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), g);
-    radixSortLSD(data.data(), data.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values + 4; ++i) {
-        if (i == 0) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_double_with_epsilon(data[i], min, 0.0000001));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 1) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_double_with_epsilon(data[i], max, 0.0000001));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 2) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(std::isinf(data[i]));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 3) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(std::isnan(data[i]));
-        } else {
-            double tmp = 1.0 * i - 5000 + 0.1;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_double_with_epsilon(data[i], tmp, 0.0000001));
-        }
-    }
-struct TestObject {
-    float d1;
-    float d2;
-struct RadixSortTestTraits {
-    using Element = TestObject;
-    using Key = float;
-    using CountType = uint32_t;
-    using KeyBits = uint32_t;
-    static constexpr size_t PART_SIZE_BITS = 8;
-    using Transform = RadixSortFloatTransform<KeyBits>;
-    using Allocator = RadixSortMallocAllocator;
-    static Key& extractKey(Element& elem) { return elem.d1; }
-TEST_F(RadixSortTest, TestObjectSort) {
-    constexpr size_t num_values = 10000;
-    std::vector<TestObject> data;
-    data.resize(10004);
-    // generating random data
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
-        data[i].d1 = 1.0 * num_values - i - 5000 + 0.1;
-    }
-    float nan = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
-    float max = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
-    float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
-    float infinity = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
-    data[num_values].d1 = nan;
-    data[num_values + 1].d1 = max;
-    data[num_values + 2].d1 = min;
-    data[num_values + 3].d1 = infinity;
-    std::random_device rd;
-    std::mt19937 g(rd());
-    std::shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), g);
-    RadixSort<RadixSortTestTraits>::executeLSD(data.data(), data.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_values + 4; ++i) {
-        if (i == 0) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_float_with_epsilon(data[i].d1, min, 0.0000001));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 1) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_float_with_epsilon(data[i].d1, max, 0.0000001));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 2) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(std::isinf(data[i].d1));
-        } else if (i == num_values + 3) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(std::isnan(data[i].d1));
-        } else {
-            float tmp = 1.0 * i - 5000 + 0.1;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(compare_float_with_epsilon(data[i].d1, tmp, 0.0000001));
-        }
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/rle_encoding_test.cpp b/be/test/util/rle_encoding_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f4495e2..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/rle_encoding_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <limits>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-// Must come before gtest.h.
-#include <glog/logging.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/utility/binary.hpp>
-#include "util/bit_stream_utils.h"
-#include "util/bit_stream_utils.inline.h"
-#include "util/bit_util.h"
-#include "util/debug_util.h"
-#include "util/faststring.h"
-#include "util/rle_encoding.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-const int kMaxWidth = 64;
-class TestRle : public testing::Test {};
-// Validates encoding of values by encoding and decoding them.  If
-// expected_encoding != NULL, also validates that the encoded buffer is
-// exactly 'expected_encoding'.
-// if expected_len is not -1, it will validate the encoded size is correct.
-template <typename T>
-void ValidateRle(const std::vector<T>& values, int bit_width, uint8_t* expected_encoding,
-                 int expected_len) {
-    faststring buffer;
-    RleEncoder<T> encoder(&buffer, bit_width);
-    for (const auto& value : values) {
-        encoder.Put(value);
-    }
-    int encoded_len = encoder.Flush();
-    if (expected_len != -1) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(encoded_len, expected_len);
-    }
-    if (expected_encoding != nullptr) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(buffer.data(), expected_encoding, expected_len), 0)
-                << "\n"
-                << "Expected: " << hexdump((const char*)expected_encoding, expected_len) << "\n"
-                << "Got:      " << hexdump((const char*)buffer.data(), buffer.size());
-    }
-    // Verify read
-    RleDecoder<T> decoder(buffer.data(), encoded_len, bit_width);
-    for (const auto& value : values) {
-        T val = 0;
-        bool result = decoder.Get(&val);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(result);
-        EXPECT_EQ(value, val);
-    }
-TEST(Rle, SpecificSequences) {
-    const int kTestLen = 1024;
-    uint8_t expected_buffer[kTestLen];
-    std::vector<uint64_t> values;
-    // Test 50 0' followed by 50 1's
-    values.resize(100);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
-        values[i] = 0;
-    }
-    for (int i = 50; i < 100; ++i) {
-        values[i] = 1;
-    }
-    // expected_buffer valid for bit width <= 1 byte
-    expected_buffer[0] = (50 << 1);
-    expected_buffer[1] = 0;
-    expected_buffer[2] = (50 << 1);
-    expected_buffer[3] = 1;
-    for (int width = 1; width <= 8; ++width) {
-        ValidateRle(values, width, expected_buffer, 4);
-    }
-    for (int width = 9; width <= kMaxWidth; ++width) {
-        ValidateRle(values, width, nullptr, 2 * (1 + BitUtil::Ceil(width, 8)));
-    }
-    // Test 100 0's and 1's alternating
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
-        values[i] = i % 2;
-    }
-    int num_groups = BitUtil::Ceil(100, 8);
-    expected_buffer[0] = (num_groups << 1) | 1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100 / 8; ++i) {
-        expected_buffer[i + 1] = BOOST_BINARY(1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0); // 0xaa
-    }
-    // Values for the last 4 0 and 1's
-    expected_buffer[1 + 100 / 8] = BOOST_BINARY(0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0); // 0x0a
-    // num_groups and expected_buffer only valid for bit width = 1
-    ValidateRle(values, 1, expected_buffer, 1 + num_groups);
-    for (int width = 2; width <= kMaxWidth; ++width) {
-        ValidateRle(values, width, nullptr, 1 + BitUtil::Ceil(width * 100, 8));
-    }
-// ValidateRle on 'num_vals' values with width 'bit_width'. If 'value' != -1, that value
-// is used, otherwise alternating values are used.
-void TestRleValues(int bit_width, int num_vals, int value = -1) {
-    const uint64_t mod = bit_width == 64 ? 1ULL : 1ULL << bit_width;
-    std::vector<uint64_t> values;
-    for (uint64_t v = 0; v < num_vals; ++v) {
-        values.push_back((value != -1) ? value : (bit_width == 64 ? v : (v % mod)));
-    }
-    ValidateRle(values, bit_width, nullptr, -1);
-TEST(Rle, TestValues) {
-    for (int width = 1; width <= kMaxWidth; ++width) {
-        TestRleValues(width, 1);
-        TestRleValues(width, 1024);
-        TestRleValues(width, 1024, 0);
-        TestRleValues(width, 1024, 1);
-    }
-class BitRle : public testing::Test {
-    BitRle() {}
-    virtual ~BitRle() {}
-// Tests all true/false values
-TEST_F(BitRle, AllSame) {
-    const int kTestLen = 1024;
-    std::vector<bool> values;
-    for (int v = 0; v < 2; ++v) {
-        values.clear();
-        for (int i = 0; i < kTestLen; ++i) {
-            values.push_back(v ? true : false);
-        }
-        ValidateRle(values, 1, nullptr, 3);
-    }
-// Test that writes out a repeated group and then a literal
-// group but flush before finishing.
-TEST_F(BitRle, Flush) {
-    std::vector<bool> values;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) values.push_back(1);
-    values.push_back(false);
-    ValidateRle(values, 1, nullptr, -1);
-    values.push_back(true);
-    ValidateRle(values, 1, nullptr, -1);
-    values.push_back(true);
-    ValidateRle(values, 1, nullptr, -1);
-    values.push_back(true);
-    ValidateRle(values, 1, nullptr, -1);
-// Test some random bool sequences.
-TEST_F(BitRle, RandomBools) {
-    int iters = 0;
-    const int n_iters = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(5, 20);
-    while (iters < n_iters) {
-        srand(iters++);
-        if (iters % 10000 == 0) LOG(ERROR) << "Seed: " << iters;
-        std::vector<uint64_t> values;
-        bool parity = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
-            int group_size = rand() % 20 + 1; // NOLINT(*)
-            if (group_size > 16) {
-                group_size = 1;
-            }
-            for (int i = 0; i < group_size; ++i) {
-                values.push_back(parity);
-            }
-            parity = !parity;
-        }
-        ValidateRle(values, (iters % kMaxWidth) + 1, nullptr, -1);
-    }
-// Test some random 64-bit sequences.
-TEST_F(BitRle, Random64Bit) {
-    int iters = 0;
-    const int n_iters = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(5, 20);
-    while (iters < n_iters) {
-        srand(iters++);
-        if (iters % 10000 == 0) LOG(ERROR) << "Seed: " << iters;
-        std::vector<uint64_t> values;
-        for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 1000); ++i) {
-            int group_size = rand() % 20 + 1; // NOLINT(*)
-            uint64_t cur_value =
-                    (static_cast<uint64_t>(rand()) << 32) + static_cast<uint64_t>(rand());
-            if (group_size > 16) {
-                group_size = 1;
-            }
-            for (int i = 0; i < group_size; ++i) {
-                values.push_back(cur_value);
-            }
-        }
-        ValidateRle(values, 64, nullptr, -1);
-    }
-// Test a sequence of 1 0's, 2 1's, 3 0's. etc
-// e.g. 011000111100000
-TEST_F(BitRle, RepeatedPattern) {
-    std::vector<bool> values;
-    const int min_run = 1;
-    const int max_run = 32;
-    for (int i = min_run; i <= max_run; ++i) {
-        int v = i % 2;
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
-            values.push_back(v);
-        }
-    }
-    // And go back down again
-    for (int i = max_run; i >= min_run; --i) {
-        int v = i % 2;
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
-            values.push_back(v);
-        }
-    }
-    ValidateRle(values, 1, nullptr, -1);
-TEST_F(TestRle, TestBulkPut) {
-    size_t run_length;
-    bool val = false;
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    RleEncoder<bool> encoder(&buffer, 1);
-    encoder.Put(true, 10);
-    encoder.Put(false, 7);
-    encoder.Put(true, 5);
-    encoder.Put(true, 15);
-    encoder.Flush();
-    RleDecoder<bool> decoder(buffer.data(), encoder.len(), 1);
-    run_length = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, run_length);
-    run_length = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, run_length);
-    run_length = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(20, run_length);
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()));
-TEST_F(TestRle, TestGetNextRun) {
-    // Repeat the test with different number of items
-    for (int num_items = 7; num_items < 200; num_items += 13) {
-        // Test different block patterns
-        //    1: 01010101 01010101
-        //    2: 00110011 00110011
-        //    3: 00011100 01110001
-        //    ...
-        for (int block = 1; block <= 20; ++block) {
-            faststring buffer(1);
-            RleEncoder<bool> encoder(&buffer, 1);
-            for (int j = 0; j < num_items; ++j) {
-                encoder.Put(!!(j & 1), block);
-            }
-            encoder.Flush();
-            RleDecoder<bool> decoder(buffer.data(), encoder.len(), 1);
-            size_t count = num_items * block;
-            for (int j = 0; j < num_items; ++j) {
-                size_t run_length;
-                bool val = false;
-                DCHECK_GT(count, 0);
-                run_length = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-                run_length = std::min(run_length, count);
-                ASSERT_EQ(!!(j & 1), val);
-                ASSERT_EQ(block, run_length);
-                count -= run_length;
-            }
-            DCHECK_EQ(count, 0);
-        }
-    }
-// Generate a random bit string which consists of 'num_runs' runs,
-// each with a random length between 1 and 100. Returns the number
-// of values encoded (i.e the sum run length).
-static size_t GenerateRandomBitString(int num_runs, faststring* enc_buf, string* string_rep) {
-    RleEncoder<bool> enc(enc_buf, 1);
-    int num_bits = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_runs; i++) {
-        int run_length = random() % 100;
-        bool value = static_cast<bool>(i & 1);
-        enc.Put(value, run_length);
-        string_rep->append(run_length, value ? '1' : '0');
-        num_bits += run_length;
-    }
-    enc.Flush();
-    return num_bits;
-TEST_F(TestRle, TestRoundTripRandomSequencesWithRuns) {
-    srand(time(nullptr));
-    // Test the limiting function of GetNextRun.
-    const int kMaxToReadAtOnce = (random() % 20) + 1;
-    // Generate a bunch of random bit sequences, and "round-trip" them
-    // through the encode/decode sequence.
-    for (int rep = 0; rep < 100; rep++) {
-        faststring buf;
-        std::string string_rep;
-        int num_bits = GenerateRandomBitString(10, &buf, &string_rep);
-        RleDecoder<bool> decoder(buf.data(), buf.size(), 1);
-        std::string roundtrip_str;
-        int rem_to_read = num_bits;
-        size_t run_len;
-        bool val;
-        while (rem_to_read > 0 &&
-               (run_len = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::min(kMaxToReadAtOnce, rem_to_read))) != 0) {
-            ASSERT_LE(run_len, kMaxToReadAtOnce);
-            roundtrip_str.append(run_len, val ? '1' : '0');
-            rem_to_read -= run_len;
-        }
-        ASSERT_EQ(string_rep, roundtrip_str);
-    }
-TEST_F(TestRle, TestSkip) {
-    faststring buffer(1);
-    RleEncoder<bool> encoder(&buffer, 1);
-    // 0101010[1] 01010101 01
-    //        "A"
-    for (int j = 0; j < 18; ++j) {
-        encoder.Put(!!(j & 1));
-    }
-    // 0011[00] 11001100 11001100 11001100 11001100
-    //      "B"
-    for (int j = 0; j < 19; ++j) {
-        encoder.Put(!!(j & 1), 2);
-    }
-    // 000000000000 11[1111111111] 000000000000 111111111111
-    //                   "C"
-    // 000000000000 111111111111 0[00000000000] 111111111111
-    //                                  "D"
-    // 000000000000 111111111111 000000000000 111111111111
-    for (int j = 0; j < 12; ++j) {
-        encoder.Put(!!(j & 1), 12);
-    }
-    encoder.Flush();
-    bool val = false;
-    size_t run_length;
-    RleDecoder<bool> decoder(buffer.data(), encoder.len(), 1);
-    // position before "A"
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, decoder.Skip(7));
-    run_length = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, run_length);
-    // position before "B"
-    ASSERT_EQ(7, decoder.Skip(14));
-    run_length = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, run_length);
-    // position before "C"
-    ASSERT_EQ(18, decoder.Skip(46));
-    run_length = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(10, run_length);
-    // position before "D"
-    ASSERT_EQ(24, decoder.Skip(49));
-    run_length = decoder.GetNextRun(&val, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
-    ASSERT_FALSE(val);
-    ASSERT_EQ(11, run_length);
-    encoder.Flush();
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/runtime_profile_test.cpp b/be/test/util/runtime_profile_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1002c33..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/runtime_profile_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "common/object_pool.h"
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-namespace impala {
-TEST(CountersTest, Basic) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    RuntimeProfile profile_a(&pool, "ProfileA");
-    RuntimeProfile profile_a1(&pool, "ProfileA1");
-    RuntimeProfile profile_a2(&pool, "ProfileAb");
-    TRuntimeProfileTree thrift_profile;
-    profile_a.AddChild(&profile_a1);
-    profile_a.AddChild(&profile_a2);
-    // Test Empty
-    profile_a.ToThrift(&thrift_profile.nodes);
-    EXPECT_EQ(thrift_profile.nodes.size(), 3);
-    thrift_profile.nodes.clear();
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter_a;
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter_b;
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter_merged;
-    // Updating/setting counter
-    counter_a = profile_a.AddCounter("A", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(counter_a != NULL);
-    counter_a->Update(10);
-    counter_a->Update(-5);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter_a->value(), 5);
-    counter_a->Set(1L);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter_a->value(), 1);
-    counter_b = profile_a2.AddCounter("B", TCounterType::BYTES);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(counter_b != NULL);
-    // Serialize/deserialize
-    profile_a.ToThrift(&thrift_profile.nodes);
-    RuntimeProfile* from_thrift = RuntimeProfile::CreateFromThrift(&pool, thrift_profile);
-    counter_merged = from_thrift->GetCounter("A");
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter_merged->value(), 1);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(from_thrift->GetCounter("Not there") == NULL);
-    // Merge
-    RuntimeProfile merged_profile(&pool, "Merged");
-    merged_profile.Merge(from_thrift);
-    counter_merged = merged_profile.GetCounter("A");
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter_merged->value(), 1);
-    // Merge 2 more times, counters should get aggregated
-    merged_profile.Merge(from_thrift);
-    merged_profile.Merge(from_thrift);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter_merged->value(), 3);
-    // Update
-    RuntimeProfile updated_profile(&pool, "Updated");
-    updated_profile.Update(thrift_profile);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter_updated = updated_profile.GetCounter("A");
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter_updated->value(), 1);
-    // Update 2 more times, counters should stay the same
-    updated_profile.Update(thrift_profile);
-    updated_profile.Update(thrift_profile);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter_updated->value(), 1);
-void ValidateCounter(RuntimeProfile* profile, const string& name, int64_t value) {
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter = profile->GetCounter(name);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(counter != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(counter->value(), value);
-TEST(CountersTest, MergeAndUpdate) {
-    // Create two trees.  Each tree has two children, one of which has the
-    // same name in both trees.  Merging the two trees should result in 3
-    // children, with the counters from the shared child aggregated.
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    RuntimeProfile profile1(&pool, "Parent1");
-    RuntimeProfile p1_child1(&pool, "Child1");
-    RuntimeProfile p1_child2(&pool, "Child2");
-    profile1.AddChild(&p1_child1);
-    profile1.AddChild(&p1_child2);
-    RuntimeProfile profile2(&pool, "Parent2");
-    RuntimeProfile p2_child1(&pool, "Child1");
-    RuntimeProfile p2_child3(&pool, "Child3");
-    profile2.AddChild(&p2_child1);
-    profile2.AddChild(&p2_child3);
-    // Create parent level counters
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* parent1_shared =
-            profile1.AddCounter("Parent Shared", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* parent2_shared =
-            profile2.AddCounter("Parent Shared", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* parent1_only =
-            profile1.AddCounter("Parent 1 Only", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* parent2_only =
-            profile2.AddCounter("Parent 2 Only", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    parent1_shared->Update(1);
-    parent2_shared->Update(3);
-    parent1_only->Update(2);
-    parent2_only->Update(5);
-    // Create child level counters
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* p1_c1_shared =
-            p1_child1.AddCounter("Child1 Shared", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* p1_c1_only =
-            p1_child1.AddCounter("Child1 Parent 1 Only", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* p1_c2 = p1_child2.AddCounter("Child2", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* p2_c1_shared =
-            p2_child1.AddCounter("Child1 Shared", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* p2_c1_only =
-            p1_child1.AddCounter("Child1 Parent 2 Only", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* p2_c3 = p2_child3.AddCounter("Child3", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    p1_c1_shared->Update(10);
-    p1_c1_only->Update(50);
-    p2_c1_shared->Update(20);
-    p2_c1_only->Update(100);
-    p2_c3->Update(30);
-    p1_c2->Update(40);
-    // Merge the two and validate
-    TRuntimeProfileTree tprofile1;
-    profile1.ToThrift(&tprofile1);
-    RuntimeProfile* merged_profile = RuntimeProfile::CreateFromThrift(&pool, tprofile1);
-    merged_profile->Merge(&profile2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(4, merged_profile->num_counters());
-    ValidateCounter(merged_profile, "Parent Shared", 4);
-    ValidateCounter(merged_profile, "Parent 1 Only", 2);
-    ValidateCounter(merged_profile, "Parent 2 Only", 5);
-    std::vector<RuntimeProfile*> children;
-    merged_profile->GetChildren(&children);
-    EXPECT_EQ(children.size(), 3);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        RuntimeProfile* profile = children[i];
-        if (profile->name().compare("Child1") == 0) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(4, profile->num_counters());
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child1 Shared", 30);
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child1 Parent 1 Only", 50);
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child1 Parent 2 Only", 100);
-        } else if (profile->name().compare("Child2") == 0) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(2, profile->num_counters());
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child2", 40);
-        } else if (profile->name().compare("Child3") == 0) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(2, profile->num_counters());
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child3", 30);
-        } else {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(false);
-        }
-    }
-    // make sure we can print
-    std::stringstream dummy;
-    merged_profile->PrettyPrint(&dummy);
-    // Update profile2 w/ profile1 and validate
-    profile2.Update(tprofile1);
-    EXPECT_EQ(4, profile2.num_counters());
-    ValidateCounter(&profile2, "Parent Shared", 1);
-    ValidateCounter(&profile2, "Parent 1 Only", 2);
-    ValidateCounter(&profile2, "Parent 2 Only", 5);
-    profile2.GetChildren(&children);
-    EXPECT_EQ(children.size(), 3);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        RuntimeProfile* profile = children[i];
-        if (profile->name().compare("Child1") == 0) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(4, profile->num_counters());
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child1 Shared", 10);
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child1 Parent 1 Only", 50);
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child1 Parent 2 Only", 100);
-        } else if (profile->name().compare("Child2") == 0) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(2, profile->num_counters());
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child2", 40);
-        } else if (profile->name().compare("Child3") == 0) {
-            EXPECT_EQ(2, profile->num_counters());
-            ValidateCounter(profile, "Child3", 30);
-        } else {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(false);
-        }
-    }
-    // make sure we can print
-    profile2.PrettyPrint(&dummy);
-TEST(CountersTest, DerivedCounters) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    RuntimeProfile profile(&pool, "Profile");
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_counter = profile.AddCounter("bytes", TCounterType::BYTES);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* ticks_counter = profile.AddCounter("ticks", TCounterType::TIME_NS);
-    // set to 1 sec
-    ticks_counter->Set(1000L * 1000L * 1000L);
-    RuntimeProfile::DerivedCounter* throughput_counter = profile.AddDerivedCounter(
-            "throughput", TCounterType::BYTES,
-            bind<int64_t>(&RuntimeProfile::UnitsPerSecond, bytes_counter, ticks_counter));
-    bytes_counter->Set(10L);
-    EXPECT_EQ(throughput_counter->value(), 10);
-    bytes_counter->Set(20L);
-    EXPECT_EQ(throughput_counter->value(), 20);
-    ticks_counter->Set(ticks_counter->value() / 2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(throughput_counter->value(), 40);
-TEST(CountersTest, InfoStringTest) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    RuntimeProfile profile(&pool, "Profile");
-    EXPECT_TRUE(profile.GetInfoString("Key") == NULL);
-    profile.AddInfoString("Key", "Value");
-    const string* value = profile.GetInfoString("Key");
-    EXPECT_TRUE(value != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(*value, "Value");
-    // Convert it to thrift
-    TRuntimeProfileTree tprofile;
-    profile.ToThrift(&tprofile);
-    // Convert it back
-    RuntimeProfile* from_thrift = RuntimeProfile::CreateFromThrift(&pool, tprofile);
-    value = from_thrift->GetInfoString("Key");
-    EXPECT_TRUE(value != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(*value, "Value");
-    // Test update.
-    RuntimeProfile update_dst_profile(&pool, "Profile2");
-    update_dst_profile.Update(tprofile);
-    value = update_dst_profile.GetInfoString("Key");
-    EXPECT_TRUE(value != NULL);
-    EXPECT_EQ(*value, "Value");
-    // Update the original profile, convert it to thrift and update from the dst
-    // profile
-    profile.AddInfoString("Key", "NewValue");
-    profile.AddInfoString("Foo", "Bar");
-    EXPECT_EQ(*profile.GetInfoString("Key"), "NewValue");
-    EXPECT_EQ(*profile.GetInfoString("Foo"), "Bar");
-    profile.ToThrift(&tprofile);
-    update_dst_profile.Update(tprofile);
-    EXPECT_EQ(*update_dst_profile.GetInfoString("Key"), "NewValue");
-    EXPECT_EQ(*update_dst_profile.GetInfoString("Foo"), "Bar");
-TEST(CountersTest, RateCounters) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    RuntimeProfile profile(&pool, "Profile");
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_counter = profile.AddCounter("bytes", TCounterType::BYTES);
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* rate_counter = profile.AddRateCounter("RateCounter", bytes_counter);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(rate_counter->type() == TCounterType::BYTES_PER_SECOND);
-    EXPECT_EQ(rate_counter->value(), 0);
-    // set to 100MB.  Use bigger units to avoid truncating to 0 after divides.
-    bytes_counter->Set(100L * 1024L * 1024L);
-    // Wait one second.
-    sleep(1);
-    int64_t rate = rate_counter->value();
-    // Remove the counter so it no longer gets updates
-    profile.StopRateCounterUpdates(rate_counter);
-    // The rate counter is not perfectly accurate.  Currently updated at 500ms intervals,
-    // we should have seen somewhere between 1 and 3 updates (33 - 200 MB/s)
-    EXPECT_GT(rate, 66 * 1024 * 1024);
-    EXPECT_LE(rate, 200 * 1024 * 1024);
-    // Wait another second.  The counter has been removed. So the value should not be
-    // changed (much).
-    sleep(2);
-    rate = rate_counter->value();
-    EXPECT_GT(rate, 66 * 1024 * 1024);
-    EXPECT_LE(rate, 200 * 1024 * 1024);
-TEST(CountersTest, BucketCounters) {
-    ObjectPool pool;
-    RuntimeProfile profile(&pool, "Profile");
-    RuntimeProfile::Counter* unit_counter = profile.AddCounter("unit", TCounterType::UNIT);
-    // Set the unit to 1 before sampling
-    unit_counter->Set(1L);
-    // Create the bucket counters and start sampling
-    std::vector<RuntimeProfile::Counter*> buckets;
-    profile.AddBucketingCounters("BucketCounters", "", unit_counter, 2, &buckets);
-    // Wait two seconds.
-    sleep(2);
-    // Stop sampling
-    profile.StopBucketingCountersUpdates(&buckets, true);
-    // TODO: change the value to double
-    // The value of buckets[0] should be zero and buckets[1] should be 1.
-    double val0 = buckets[0]->double_value();
-    double val1 = buckets[1]->double_value();
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, val0);
-    EXPECT_EQ(100, val1);
-    // Wait another second.  The counter has been removed. So the value should not be
-    // changed (much).
-    sleep(2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(val0, buckets[0]->double_value());
-    EXPECT_EQ(val1, buckets[1]->double_value());
-} // namespace impala
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    impala::CpuInfo::Init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/s3_storage_backend_test.cpp b/be/test/util/s3_storage_backend_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a8ea878..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/s3_storage_backend_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/s3_storage_backend.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <aws/core/Aws.h>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid_generators.hpp>
-#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/storage_backend.h"
-namespace doris {
-static const std::string AK = "AK";
-static const std::string SK = "SK";
-static const std::string ENDPOINT = "http://s3.bj.bcebos.com";
-static const std::string REGION = "bj";
-static const std::string BUCKET = "s3://yang-repo/";
-class S3StorageBackendTest : public testing::Test {
-    S3StorageBackendTest()
-            : _aws_properties({{"AWS_ACCESS_KEY", AK},
-                               {"AWS_SECRET_KEY", SK},
-                               {"AWS_ENDPOINT", ENDPOINT},
-                               {"AWS_REGION", "bj"}}) {
-        _s3.reset(new S3StorageBackend(_aws_properties));
-        _s3_base_path = BUCKET + "s3/" + gen_uuid();
-    }
-    virtual ~S3StorageBackendTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        _test_file = "/tmp/" + gen_uuid();
-        std::ofstream out(_test_file);
-        out << _content;
-        out.close();
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        remove(_test_file.c_str());
-        _s3->rm(_s3_base_path);
-    }
-    std::string gen_uuid() {
-        auto id = boost::uuids::random_generator()();
-        return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(id);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<S3StorageBackend> _s3;
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> _aws_properties;
-    std::string _test_file;
-    std::string _s3_base_path;
-    std::string _content =
-            "O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being\n"
-            "Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead\n"
-            "Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,\n"
-            "Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,\n"
-            "Pestilence-stricken multitudes:O thou\n"
-            "Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed\n"
-            "The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,\n"
-            "Each like a corpse within its grave, until\n"
-            "Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow\n"
-            "Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill\n"
-            "(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)\n"
-            "With living hues and odors plain and hill:\n"
-            "Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;\n"
-            "Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!";
-TEST_F(S3StorageBackendTest, s3_upload) {
-    Status status = _s3->upload(_test_file, _s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string orig_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file, &orig_md5sum);
-    status = _s3->download(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _test_file + ".download");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string download_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file + ".download", &download_md5sum);
-    ASSERT_EQ(orig_md5sum, download_md5sum);
-    status = _s3->upload(_test_file + "_not_found", _s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind1.txt");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind1.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.code() == TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-TEST_F(S3StorageBackendTest, s3_direct_upload) {
-    Status status = _s3->direct_upload(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string orig_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file, &orig_md5sum);
-    status = _s3->download(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _test_file + ".download");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string download_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file + ".download", &download_md5sum);
-    ASSERT_EQ(orig_md5sum, download_md5sum);
-TEST_F(S3StorageBackendTest, s3_download) {
-    Status status = _s3->upload(_test_file, _s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string orig_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file, &orig_md5sum);
-    status = _s3->download(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _test_file + ".download");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::string download_md5sum;
-    FileUtils::md5sum(_test_file + ".download", &download_md5sum);
-    ASSERT_EQ(orig_md5sum, download_md5sum);
-    status = _s3->download(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt.not_found",
-                           _test_file + ".download");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->download(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt.not_found",
-                           "/not_permitted.download");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(S3StorageBackendTest, s3_rename) {
-    Status status = _s3->direct_upload(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->rename(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt",
-                         _s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt.new");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.code() == TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt.new");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(S3StorageBackendTest, s3_list) {
-    Status status = _s3->direct_upload(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.md5", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->direct_upload(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind1.md5", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->direct_upload(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind2.md5", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    std::map<std::string, FileStat> files;
-    status = _s3->list(_s3_base_path, &files);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(files.find("Ode_to_the_West_Wind") != files.end());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(files.find("Ode_to_the_West_Wind1") != files.end());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(files.find("Ode_to_the_West_Wind2") != files.end());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, files.size());
-TEST_F(S3StorageBackendTest, s3_rm) {
-    Status status = _s3->direct_upload(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt", _content);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->rm(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind.txt");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.code() == TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-TEST_F(S3StorageBackendTest, s3_mkdir) {
-    Status status = _s3->mkdir(_s3_base_path + "/dir");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/dir");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.code() == TStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
-    status = _s3->exist(_s3_base_path + "/dir/");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    int ret = 0;
-    Aws::SDKOptions options;
-    Aws::InitAPI(options);
-    // ak sk is secret
-    // ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    Aws::ShutdownAPI(options);
-    return ret;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/be/test/util/s3_uri_test.cpp b/be/test/util/s3_uri_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f62102..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/s3_uri_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/s3_uri.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-class S3URITest : public testing::Test {
-    S3URITest() {}
-    ~S3URITest() {}
-}; // end class StringParserTest
-TEST_F(S3URITest, LocationParsing) {
-    std::string p1 = "s3://bucket/path/to/file";
-    S3URI uri1(p1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(uri1.parse());
-    ASSERT_EQ("bucket", uri1.get_bucket());
-    ASSERT_EQ("path/to/file", uri1.get_key());
-TEST_F(S3URITest, PathLocationParsing) {
-    std::string p1 = "s3://bucket/path/";
-    S3URI uri1(p1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(uri1.parse());
-    ASSERT_EQ("bucket", uri1.get_bucket());
-    ASSERT_EQ("path/", uri1.get_key());
-TEST_F(S3URITest, EncodedString) {
-    std::string p1 = "s3://bucket/path%20to%20file";
-    S3URI uri1(p1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(uri1.parse());
-    ASSERT_EQ("bucket", uri1.get_bucket());
-    ASSERT_EQ("path%20to%20file", uri1.get_key());
-TEST_F(S3URITest, MissingKey) {
-    std::string p1 = "https://bucket/";
-    S3URI uri1(p1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(uri1.parse());
-    std::string p2 = "s3://bucket/";
-    S3URI uri2(p2);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(uri2.parse());
-TEST_F(S3URITest, RelativePathing) {
-    std::string p1 = "/path/to/file";
-    S3URI uri1(p1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(uri1.parse());
-TEST_F(S3URITest, InvalidScheme) {
-    std::string p1 = "ftp://bucket/";
-    S3URI uri1(p1);
-    ASSERT_FALSE(uri1.parse());
-TEST_F(S3URITest, QueryAndFragment) {
-    std::string p1 = "s3://bucket/path/to/file?query=foo#bar";
-    S3URI uri1(p1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(uri1.parse());
-    ASSERT_EQ("bucket", uri1.get_bucket());
-    ASSERT_EQ("path/to/file", uri1.get_key());
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/scoped_cleanup_test.cpp b/be/test/util/scoped_cleanup_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ade8235..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/scoped_cleanup_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/scoped_cleanup.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-TEST(ScopedCleanup, TestCleanup) {
-    int var = 0;
-    {
-        auto saved = var;
-        auto cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() { var = saved; });
-        var = 42;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, var);
-TEST(ScopedCleanup, TestCleanupMacro) {
-    int var = 0;
-    {
-        auto saved = var;
-        SCOPED_CLEANUP({ var = saved; });
-        var = 42;
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, var);
-TEST(ScopedCleanup, TestCancelCleanup) {
-    int var = 0;
-    {
-        auto saved = var;
-        auto cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() { var = saved; });
-        var = 42;
-        cleanup.cancel();
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(42, var);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/sort_heap_test.cpp b/be/test/util/sort_heap_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cafd3df..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/sort_heap_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/sort_heap.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <queue>
-#include <random>
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace doris {
-struct int_comparator {
-    bool operator()(int l, int r) { return l < r; }
-class SortHeapTest : public testing::Test {
-    SortHeapTest() = default;
-    ~SortHeapTest() = default;
-    std::default_random_engine _re;
-    int_comparator cp;
-TEST_F(SortHeapTest, IntBasicTest) {
-    std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, int_comparator> pq(cp);
-    doris::SortingHeap<int, std::vector<int>, int_comparator> sh(cp);
-    // test default result
-    const int test_case_1 = 10;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < test_case_1; ++i) {
-        int res = _re();
-        pq.push(res);
-        sh.push(res);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(pq.size(), sh.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < test_case_1; ++i) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(sh.top(), pq.top());
-        pq.pop();
-        sh.remove_top();
-    }
-TEST_F(SortHeapTest, IntReplaceTest) {
-    std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, int_comparator> pq(cp);
-    doris::SortingHeap<int, std::vector<int>, int_comparator> sh(cp);
-    // test replace
-    const int test_case_2 = 10;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < test_case_2; ++i) {
-        int res = _re();
-        pq.push(res);
-        sh.push(res);
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 2 * test_case_2; ++i) {
-        int res = _re();
-        EXPECT_EQ(sh.top(), pq.top());
-        if (res < sh.top()) {
-            sh.replace_top(res);
-            pq.pop();
-            pq.push(res);
-        }
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(sh.size(), pq.size());
-    int container_size = sh.size();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < container_size; ++i) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(sh.top(), pq.top());
-        pq.pop();
-        sh.remove_top();
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/string_parser_test.cpp b/be/test/util/string_parser_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f2d06..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/string_parser_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/string_parser.hpp"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-std::string space[] = {"", "   ", "\t\t\t", "\n\n\n", "\v\v\v", "\f\f\f", "\r\r\r"};
-const int space_len = 7;
-// Tests conversion of s to integer with and without leading/trailing whitespace
-template <typename T>
-void test_int_value(const char* s, T exp_val, StringParser::ParseResult exp_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < space_len; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < space_len; ++j) {
-            // All combinations of leading and/or trailing whitespace.
-            std::string str = space[i] + s + space[j];
-            StringParser::ParseResult result;
-            T val = StringParser::string_to_int<T>(str.data(), str.length(), &result);
-            EXPECT_EQ(exp_val, val) << str;
-            EXPECT_EQ(result, exp_result);
-        }
-    }
-// Tests conversion of s to integer with and without leading/trailing whitespace
-template <typename T>
-void test_unsigned_int_value(const char* s, T exp_val, StringParser::ParseResult exp_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < space_len; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < space_len; ++j) {
-            // All combinations of leading and/or trailing whitespace.
-            std::string str = space[i] + s + space[j];
-            StringParser::ParseResult result;
-            T val = StringParser::string_to_unsigned_int<T>(str.data(), str.length(), &result);
-            EXPECT_EQ(exp_val, val) << str;
-            EXPECT_EQ(result, exp_result);
-        }
-    }
-// Tests conversion of s, given a base, to an integer with and without leading/trailing whitespace
-template <typename T>
-void test_int_value(const char* s, int base, T exp_val, StringParser::ParseResult exp_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < space_len; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < space_len; ++j) {
-            // All combinations of leading and/or trailing whitespace.
-            std::string str = space[i] + s + space[j];
-            StringParser::ParseResult result;
-            T val = StringParser::string_to_int<T>(str.data(), str.length(), base, &result);
-            EXPECT_EQ(exp_val, val) << str;
-            EXPECT_EQ(result, exp_result);
-        }
-    }
-void test_bool_value(const char* s, bool exp_val, StringParser::ParseResult exp_result) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < space_len; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < space_len; ++j) {
-            // All combinations of leading and/or trailing whitespace.
-            std::string str = space[i] + s + space[j];
-            StringParser::ParseResult result;
-            bool val = StringParser::string_to_bool(str.data(), str.length(), &result);
-            EXPECT_EQ(exp_val, val) << s;
-            EXPECT_EQ(result, exp_result);
-        }
-    }
-// Compare Impala's float conversion function against strtod.
-template <typename T>
-void test_float_value(const std::string& s, StringParser::ParseResult exp_result) {
-    StringParser::ParseResult result;
-    T val = StringParser::string_to_float<T>(s.data(), s.length(), &result);
-    EXPECT_EQ(exp_result, result);
-    if (exp_result == StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS && result == exp_result) {
-        T exp_val = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
-        EXPECT_EQ(exp_val, val);
-    }
-template <typename T>
-void test_float_value_is_nan(const std::string& s, StringParser::ParseResult exp_result) {
-    StringParser::ParseResult result;
-    T val = StringParser::string_to_float<T>(s.data(), s.length(), &result);
-    EXPECT_EQ(exp_result, result);
-    if (exp_result == StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS && result == exp_result) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(std::isnan(val));
-    }
-// Tests conversion of s to double and float with +/- prefixing (and no prefix) and with
-// and without leading/trailing whitespace
-void test_all_float_variants(const std::string& s, StringParser::ParseResult exp_result) {
-    std::string sign[] = {"", "+", "-"};
-    for (int i = 0; i < space_len; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < space_len; ++j) {
-            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
-                // All combinations of leading and/or trailing whitespace and +/- sign.
-                std::string str = space[i] + sign[k] + s + space[j];
-                test_float_value<float>(str, exp_result);
-                test_float_value<double>(str, exp_result);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-template <typename T>
-void TestFloatBruteForce() {
-    T min_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
-    T max_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
-    // Keep multiplying by 2.
-    T cur_val = 1.0;
-    while (cur_val < max_val) {
-        std::string s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cur_val);
-        test_float_value<T>(s, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-        cur_val *= 2;
-    }
-    // Keep dividing by 2.
-    cur_val = 1.0;
-    while (cur_val > min_val) {
-        std::string s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cur_val);
-        test_float_value<T>(s, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-        cur_val /= 2;
-    }
-class StringParserTest : public testing::Test {
-    StringParserTest() {}
-    ~StringParserTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp() { init(); }
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-    void init();
-}; // end class StringParserTest
-TEST(StringToInt, Basic) {
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("12345", 12345, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("12345678", 12345678, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("12345678901234", 12345678901234, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-10", -10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("-10", -10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("-10", -10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("-10", -10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("+1", 1, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("+1", 1, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("+1", 1, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("+1", 1, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("+0", 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("-0", 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("+0", 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("-0", 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-TEST(StringToInt, InvalidLeadingTrailing) {
-    // Test that trailing garbage is not allowed.
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("123xyz   ", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-123xyz   ", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   123xyz   ", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   -12  3xyz ", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("12 3", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-12 3", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    // Must have at least one leading valid digit.
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("x123", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   x123", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   -x123", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   x-123", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    // Test empty string and string with only whitespaces.
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   ", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-TEST(StringToInt, Limit) {
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("127", 127, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-128", -128, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("32767", 32767, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("-32768", -32768, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("2147483647", 2147483647, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("-2147483648", -2147483648, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("9223372036854775807", std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
-                            StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("-9223372036854775808", std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
-                            StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-TEST(StringToUnsignedInt, Basic) {
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint8_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint16_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint32_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint64_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint8_t>("123", 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint16_t>("12345", 12345, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint32_t>("12345678", 12345678, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint64_t>("12345678901234", 12345678901234,
-                                      StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint8_t>("-10", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint16_t>("-10", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint32_t>("-10", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint64_t>("-10", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint8_t>("+1", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint16_t>("+1", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint32_t>("+1", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint64_t>("+1", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint8_t>("+0", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint16_t>("-0", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint32_t>("+0", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint64_t>("-0", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-TEST(StringToUnsignedInt, Limit) {
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint8_t>("255", 255, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint16_t>("65535", 65535, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint32_t>("4294967295", 4294967295, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint64_t>("18446744073709551615", std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(),
-                                      StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-TEST(StringToUnsignedInt, Overflow) {
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint8_t>("256", 255, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint16_t>("65536", 65535, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint32_t>("4294967296", 4294967295, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_unsigned_int_value<uint64_t>("18446744073709551616", std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(),
-                                      StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-TEST(StringToInt, Overflow) {
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("128", 127, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-129", -128, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("32768", 32767, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("-32769", -32768, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("2147483648", 2147483647, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("-2147483649", -2147483648, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("9223372036854775808", 9223372036854775807LL,
-                            StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("-9223372036854775809", std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
-                            StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-TEST(StringToInt, Int8_Exhaustive) {
-    char buffer[5];
-    for (int i = -256; i <= 256; ++i) {
-        snprintf(buffer, 5, "%d", i);
-        int8_t expected = i;
-        if (i > 127) {
-            expected = 127;
-        } else if (i < -128) {
-            expected = -128;
-        }
-        test_int_value<int8_t>(
-                buffer, expected,
-                i == expected ? StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS : StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    }
-TEST(StringToIntWithBase, Basic) {
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("123", 10, 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("123", 10, 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("123", 10, 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("123", 10, 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("123", 10, 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("12345", 10, 12345, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("12345678", 10, 12345678, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("12345678901234", 10, 12345678901234, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-10", 10, -10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("-10", 10, -10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("-10", 10, -10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("-10", 10, -10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("+1", 10, 1, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("+1", 10, 1, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("+1", 10, 1, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("+1", 10, 1, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("+0", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("-0", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("+0", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("-0", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("a", 16, 10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("A", 16, 10, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("b", 20, 11, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("B", 20, 11, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("z", 36, 35, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("f0a", 16, 3850, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("7", 8, 7, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("10", 2, 2, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-TEST(StringToIntWithBase, NonNumericCharacters) {
-    // Alphanumeric digits that are not in base are ok
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("123abc   ", 10, 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-123abc   ", 10, -123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   123abc   ", 10, 123, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("a123", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   a123", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   -a123", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   a!123", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   a!123", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    // Trailing white space + digits is not ok
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   -12  3xyz ", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("12 3", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-12 3", 10, 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    // Must have at least one leading valid digit.
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("!123", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    // Test empty string and string with only whitespaces.
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("   ", 0, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-TEST(StringToIntWithBase, Limit) {
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("127", 10, 127, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-128", 10, -128, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("32767", 10, 32767, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("-32768", 10, -32768, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("2147483647", 10, 2147483647, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("-2147483648", 10, -2147483648, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("9223372036854775807", 10, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
-                            StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("-9223372036854775808", 10, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
-                            StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-TEST(StringToIntWithBase, Overflow) {
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("128", 10, 127, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int8_t>("-129", 10, -128, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("32768", 10, 32767, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int16_t>("-32769", 10, -32768, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("2147483648", 10, 2147483647, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int32_t>("-2147483649", 10, -2147483648, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("9223372036854775808", 10, 9223372036854775807LL,
-                            StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_int_value<int64_t>("-9223372036854775809", 10, std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
-                            StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-TEST(StringToIntWithBase, Int8_Exhaustive) {
-    char buffer[5];
-    for (int i = -256; i <= 256; ++i) {
-        snprintf(buffer, 5, "%d", i);
-        int8_t expected = i;
-        if (i > 127) {
-            expected = 127;
-        } else if (i < -128) {
-            expected = -128;
-        }
-        test_int_value<int8_t>(
-                buffer, 10, expected,
-                i == expected ? StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS : StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    }
-TEST(StringToBool, Basic) {
-    test_bool_value("true", true, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_bool_value("false", false, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_bool_value("false xdfsd", false, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_bool_value("true xdfsd", false, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_bool_value("ffffalse xdfsd", false, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_bool_value("tttfalse xdfsd", false, StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-TEST(StringToFloat, Basic) {
-    test_all_float_variants("0", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("123", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.456", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants(".456", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.0", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    // Scientific notation.
-    test_all_float_variants("1e10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1E10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1e-10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1E-10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.456e10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.456E10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.456e-10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.456E-10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789e10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789E10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789e-10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789E-10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1.7e-294", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1.7E-294", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    // Min/max values.
-    std::string float_min = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(std::numeric_limits<float>::min());
-    std::string float_max = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
-    test_float_value<float>(float_min, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value<float>(float_max, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    std::string double_min = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(std::numeric_limits<double>::min());
-    std::string double_max = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
-    test_float_value<double>(double_min, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value<double>(double_max, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    // Non-finite values
-    test_all_float_variants("INFinity", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("infinity", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("inf", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<float>("nan", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<double>("nan", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<float>("NaN", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<double>("NaN", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<float>("nana", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<double>("nana", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<float>("naN", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<double>("naN", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<float>("n aN", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value_is_nan<float>("nnaN", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    // Overflow.
-    test_float_value<float>(float_max + "11111", StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_float_value<double>(double_max + "11111", StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_float_value<float>("-" + float_max + "11111", StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    test_float_value<double>("-" + double_max + "11111", StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
-    // Precision limits
-    // Regression test for IMPALA-1622 (make sure we get correct result with many digits
-    // after decimal)
-    test_all_float_variants("1.12345678912345678912", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1.1234567890123456789012", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1.01234567890123456789012", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1.01111111111111111111111", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.1234567890123456789012", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.01234567890123456789012", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants(".1234567890123456789012", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.01234567890123456789012", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("12345678901234567890.1234567890123456789012",
-                            StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("12345678901234567890.01234567890123456789012",
-                            StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.000000000000000000001234", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("1.000000000000000000001234", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants(".000000000000000000001234", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("0.000000000000000000001234e10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("00000000000000000000.000000000000000000000",
-                            StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("00000000000000000000.000000000000000000001",
-                            StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("12345678901234567890123456", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    test_all_float_variants("12345678901234567890123456e10", StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
-    // Invalid floats.
-    test_all_float_variants("x456.789e10", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("456x.789e10", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.x789e10", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789xe10", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789a10", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789ex10", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789e10x", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("456.789e10   sdfs ", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("1e10   sdfs", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("in", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("in finity", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("na", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_all_float_variants("ThisIsANaN", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-TEST(StringToFloat, InvalidLeadingTrailing) {
-    // Test that trailing garbage is not allowed.
-    test_float_value<double>("123xyz   ", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("-123xyz   ", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("   123xyz   ", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("   -12  3xyz ", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("12 3", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("-12 3", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    // Must have at least one leading valid digit.
-    test_float_value<double>("x123", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("   x123", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("   -x123", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("   x-123", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    // Test empty string and string with only whitespaces.
-    test_float_value<double>("", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-    test_float_value<double>("   ", StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE);
-TEST(StringToFloat, BruteForce) {
-    TestFloatBruteForce<float>();
-    TestFloatBruteForce<double>();
-} // end namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    // if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-    //     fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-    //     return -1;
-    // }
-    doris::init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/string_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/string_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 88cb88a..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/string_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/string_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "util/cpu_info.h"
-namespace doris {
-class StringUtilTest : public testing::Test {
-    StringUtilTest() {}
-    virtual ~StringUtilTest() {}
-TEST_F(StringUtilTest, normal) {
-    {
-        StringCaseSet test_set;
-        test_set.emplace("AbC");
-        test_set.emplace("AbCD");
-        test_set.emplace("AbCE");
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, test_set.count("abc"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, test_set.count("abcd"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, test_set.count("abce"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, test_set.count("ab"));
-    }
-    {
-        StringCaseUnorderedSet test_set;
-        test_set.emplace("AbC");
-        test_set.emplace("AbCD");
-        test_set.emplace("AbCE");
-        ASSERT_EQ(1, test_set.count("abc"));
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, test_set.count("ab"));
-    }
-    {
-        StringCaseMap<int> test_map;
-        test_map.emplace("AbC", 123);
-        test_map.emplace("AbCD", 234);
-        test_map.emplace("AbCE", 345);
-        ASSERT_EQ(123, test_map["abc"]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(234, test_map["aBcD"]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(345, test_map["abcE"]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, test_map.count("ab"));
-    }
-    {
-        StringCaseUnorderedMap<int> test_map;
-        test_map.emplace("AbC", 123);
-        test_map.emplace("AbCD", 234);
-        test_map.emplace("AbCE", 345);
-        ASSERT_EQ(123, test_map["abc"]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(234, test_map["aBcD"]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(345, test_map["abcE"]);
-        ASSERT_EQ(0, test_map.count("ab"));
-    }
-    {
-        std::string ip1 = "";
-        std::string ip2 = "";
-        int64_t hash1 = hash_of_path(ip1, "/home/disk1/palo2.HDD");
-        int64_t hash2 = hash_of_path(ip1, "/home/disk1//palo2.HDD/");
-        int64_t hash3 = hash_of_path(ip1, "home/disk1/palo2.HDD/");
-        ASSERT_EQ(hash1, hash2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(hash3, hash2);
-        int64_t hash4 = hash_of_path(ip1, "/home/disk1/palo2.HDD/");
-        int64_t hash5 = hash_of_path(ip2, "/home/disk1/palo2.HDD/");
-        ASSERT_NE(hash4, hash5);
-        int64_t hash6 = hash_of_path(ip1, "/");
-        int64_t hash7 = hash_of_path(ip1, "//");
-        ASSERT_EQ(hash6, hash7);
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/system_metrics_test.cpp b/be/test/util/system_metrics_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d45e1f..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/system_metrics_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/system_metrics.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "common/config.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/metrics.h"
-#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-class SystemMetricsTest : public testing::Test {
-    SystemMetricsTest() {}
-    virtual ~SystemMetricsTest() {}
-extern const char* k_ut_stat_path;
-extern const char* k_ut_diskstats_path;
-extern const char* k_ut_net_dev_path;
-extern const char* k_ut_fd_path;
-extern const char* k_ut_net_snmp_path;
-TEST_F(SystemMetricsTest, normal) {
-    std::string dir_path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-    std::string stat_path(dir_path);
-    stat_path += "/test_data/stat_normal";
-    LOG(INFO) << stat_path;
-    k_ut_stat_path = stat_path.c_str();
-    std::string diskstats_path(dir_path);
-    diskstats_path += "/test_data/diskstats_normal";
-    k_ut_diskstats_path = diskstats_path.c_str();
-    std::string net_dev_path(dir_path);
-    net_dev_path += "/test_data/net_dev_normal";
-    k_ut_net_dev_path = net_dev_path.c_str();
-    std::string fd_path(dir_path);
-    fd_path += "/test_data/fd_file_nr";
-    k_ut_fd_path = fd_path.c_str();
-    std::string net_snmp_path(dir_path);
-    net_snmp_path += "/test_data/net_snmp_normal";
-    k_ut_net_snmp_path = net_snmp_path.c_str();
-    MetricRegistry registry("test");
-    {
-        std::set<std::string> disk_devices;
-        disk_devices.emplace("sda");
-        std::vector<std::string> network_interfaces;
-        network_interfaces.emplace_back("xgbe0");
-        SystemMetrics metrics(&registry, disk_devices, network_interfaces);
-        auto entity = registry.get_entity("server");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(entity != nullptr);
-        metrics.update();
-        // cpu
-        Metric* cpu_user = entity->get_metric("cpu_user", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_user != nullptr);
-        // ASSERT_STREQ("57199151", cpu_user->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_nice = entity->get_metric("cpu_nice", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_nice != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("2616310", cpu_nice->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_system = entity->get_metric("cpu_system", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_system != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("10600935", cpu_system->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_idle = entity->get_metric("cpu_idle", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_idle != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1517505423", cpu_idle->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_iowait = entity->get_metric("cpu_iowait", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_iowait != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("2137148", cpu_iowait->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_irq = entity->get_metric("cpu_irq", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_irq != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0", cpu_irq->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_softirq = entity->get_metric("cpu_soft_irq", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_softirq != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("108277", cpu_softirq->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_steal = entity->get_metric("cpu_steal", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_steal != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0", cpu_steal->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_guest = entity->get_metric("cpu_guest", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_guest != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0", cpu_guest->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* cpu_guest_nice = entity->get_metric("cpu_guest_nice", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_guest_nice != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0", cpu_guest_nice->to_string().c_str());
-        // memroy
-        Metric* memory_allocated_bytes = entity->get_metric("memory_allocated_bytes");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(memory_allocated_bytes != nullptr);
-        // network
-        auto net_entity = registry.get_entity("network_metrics.xgbe0", {{"device", "xgbe0"}});
-        ASSERT_TRUE(net_entity != nullptr);
-        Metric* receive_bytes = net_entity->get_metric("network_receive_bytes");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(receive_bytes != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("52567436039", receive_bytes->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* receive_packets = net_entity->get_metric("network_receive_packets");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(receive_packets != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("65066152", receive_packets->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* send_bytes = net_entity->get_metric("network_send_bytes");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(send_bytes != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("45480856156", send_bytes->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* send_packets = net_entity->get_metric("network_send_packets");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(send_packets != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("88277614", send_packets->to_string().c_str());
-        // disk
-        auto disk_entity = registry.get_entity("disk_metrics.sda", {{"device", "sda"}});
-        ASSERT_TRUE(disk_entity != nullptr);
-        Metric* bytes_read = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_bytes_read");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bytes_read != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("20142745600", bytes_read->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* reads_completed = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_reads_completed");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(reads_completed != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("759548", reads_completed->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* read_time_ms = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_read_time_ms");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(read_time_ms != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("4308146", read_time_ms->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* bytes_written = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_bytes_written");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bytes_written != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1624753500160", bytes_written->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* writes_completed = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_writes_completed");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(writes_completed != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("18282936", writes_completed->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* write_time_ms = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_write_time_ms");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(write_time_ms != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1907755230", write_time_ms->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* io_time_ms = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_io_time_ms");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(io_time_ms != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("19003350", io_time_ms->to_string().c_str());
-        Metric* io_time_weigthed = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_io_time_weigthed");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(write_time_ms != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("1912122964", io_time_weigthed->to_string().c_str());
-        // fd
-        Metric* fd_metric = entity->get_metric("fd_num_limit");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(fd_metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("13052138", fd_metric->to_string().c_str());
-        fd_metric = entity->get_metric("fd_num_used");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(fd_metric != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("19520", fd_metric->to_string().c_str());
-        // net snmp
-        Metric* tcp_retrans_segs = entity->get_metric("snmp_tcp_retrans_segs");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tcp_retrans_segs != nullptr);
-        Metric* tcp_in_errs = entity->get_metric("snmp_tcp_in_errs");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tcp_in_errs != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("826271", tcp_retrans_segs->to_string().c_str());
-        ASSERT_STREQ("12712", tcp_in_errs->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-TEST_F(SystemMetricsTest, no_proc_file) {
-    std::string dir_path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-    std::string stat_path(dir_path);
-    stat_path += "/test_data/no_stat_normal";
-    LOG(INFO) << stat_path;
-    k_ut_stat_path = stat_path.c_str();
-    std::string diskstats_path(dir_path);
-    diskstats_path += "/test_data/no_diskstats_normal";
-    k_ut_diskstats_path = diskstats_path.c_str();
-    std::string net_dev_path(dir_path);
-    net_dev_path += "/test_data/no_net_dev_normal";
-    k_ut_net_dev_path = net_dev_path.c_str();
-    k_ut_fd_path = "";
-    k_ut_net_snmp_path = "";
-    MetricRegistry registry("test");
-    {
-        std::set<std::string> disk_devices;
-        disk_devices.emplace("sda");
-        std::vector<std::string> network_interfaces;
-        network_interfaces.emplace_back("xgbe0");
-        SystemMetrics metrics(&registry, disk_devices, network_interfaces);
-        auto entity = registry.get_entity("server");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(entity != nullptr);
-        // cpu
-        Metric* cpu_user = entity->get_metric("cpu_user", "cpu");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(cpu_user != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0", cpu_user->to_string().c_str());
-        // memroy
-        Metric* memory_allocated_bytes = entity->get_metric("memory_allocated_bytes");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(memory_allocated_bytes != nullptr);
-        // network
-        auto net_entity = registry.get_entity("network_metrics.xgbe0", {{"device", "xgbe0"}});
-        ASSERT_TRUE(net_entity != nullptr);
-        Metric* receive_bytes = net_entity->get_metric("network_receive_bytes");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(receive_bytes != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0", receive_bytes->to_string().c_str());
-        // disk
-        auto disk_entity = registry.get_entity("disk_metrics.sda", {{"device", "sda"}});
-        ASSERT_TRUE(disk_entity != nullptr);
-        Metric* bytes_read = disk_entity->get_metric("disk_bytes_read");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(bytes_read != nullptr);
-        ASSERT_STREQ("0", bytes_read->to_string().c_str());
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/tdigest_test.cpp b/be/test/util/tdigest_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 84bc4e2..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/tdigest_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/tdigest.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <random>
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TDigestTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    // You can remove any or all of the following functions if its body
-    // is empty.
-    TDigestTest() {
-        // You can do set-up work for each test here.
-    }
-    virtual ~TDigestTest() {
-        // You can do clean-up work that doesn't throw exceptions here.
-    }
-    // If the constructor and destructor are not enough for setting up
-    // and cleaning up each test, you can define the following methods:
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        // Code here will be called immediately after the constructor (right
-        // before each test).
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        // Code here will be called immediately after each test (right
-        // before the destructor).
-    }
-    static void SetUpTestCase() {
-        static bool initialized = false;
-        if (!initialized) {
-            FLAGS_logtostderr = true;
-            google::InstallFailureSignalHandler();
-            google::InitGoogleLogging("testing::TDigestTest");
-            initialized = true;
-        }
-    }
-    // Objects declared here can be used by all tests in the test case for Foo.
-static double quantile(const double q, const std::vector<double>& values) {
-    double q1;
-    if (values.size() == 0) {
-        q1 = NAN;
-    } else if (q == 1 || values.size() == 1) {
-        q1 = values[values.size() - 1];
-    } else {
-        auto index = q * values.size();
-        if (index < 0.5) {
-            q1 = values[0];
-        } else if (values.size() - index < 0.5) {
-            q1 = values[values.size() - 1];
-        } else {
-            index -= 0.5;
-            const int intIndex = static_cast<int>(index);
-            q1 = values[intIndex + 1] * (index - intIndex) +
-                 values[intIndex] * (intIndex + 1 - index);
-        }
-    }
-    return q1;
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, CrashAfterMerge) {
-    TDigest digest(1000);
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<> reals(0.0, 1.0);
-    std::random_device gen;
-    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(100, 100000); i++) {
-        digest.add(reals(gen));
-    }
-    digest.compress();
-    TDigest digest2(1000);
-    digest2.merge(&digest);
-    digest2.quantile(0.5);
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, EmptyDigest) {
-    TDigest digest(100);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, digest.processed().size());
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, SingleValue) {
-    TDigest digest(100);
-    std::random_device gen;
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<> dist(0, 1000);
-    const auto value = dist(gen);
-    digest.add(value);
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<> dist2(0, 1.0);
-    const double q = dist2(gen);
-    EXPECT_NEAR(value, digest.quantile(0.0), 0.001f);
-    EXPECT_NEAR(value, digest.quantile(q), 0.001f);
-    EXPECT_NEAR(value, digest.quantile(1.0), 0.001f);
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, FewValues) {
-    // When there are few values in the tree, quantiles should be exact
-    TDigest digest(1000);
-    std::random_device gen;
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<> reals(0.0, 100.0);
-    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, 10);
-    std::uniform_int_distribution<> bools(0, 1);
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<> qvalue(0.0, 1.0);
-    const auto length = 10; //dist(gen);
-    std::vector<double> values;
-    values.reserve(length);
-    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
-        auto const value = (i == 0 || bools(gen)) ? reals(gen) : values[i - 1];
-        digest.add(value);
-        values.push_back(value);
-    }
-    std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());
-    digest.compress();
-    EXPECT_EQ(digest.processed().size(), values.size());
-    std::vector<double> testValues{0.0, 1.0e-10, qvalue(gen), 0.5, 1.0 - 1e-10, 1.0};
-    for (auto q : testValues) {
-        double q1 = quantile(q, values);
-        auto q2 = digest.quantile(q);
-        if (std::isnan(q1)) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(std::isnan(q2));
-        } else {
-            EXPECT_NEAR(q1, q2, 0.03) << "q = " << q;
-        }
-    }
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, MoreThan2BValues) {
-    TDigest digest(1000);
-    std::random_device gen;
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<> reals(0.0, 1.0);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
-        const double next = reals(gen);
-        digest.add(next);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        const double next = reals(gen);
-        const auto count = 1L << 28;
-        digest.add(next, count);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<long>(1000 + float(10L * (1 << 28))), digest.totalWeight());
-    EXPECT_GT(digest.totalWeight(), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
-    std::vector<double> quantiles{0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1, reals(gen)};
-    std::sort(quantiles.begin(), quantiles.end());
-    auto prev = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
-    for (double q : quantiles) {
-        const double v = digest.quantile(q);
-        EXPECT_GE(v, prev) << "q = " << q;
-        prev = v;
-    }
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, MergeTest) {
-    TDigest digest1(1000);
-    TDigest digest2(1000);
-    digest2.add(std::vector<const TDigest*>{&digest1});
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, TestSorted) {
-    TDigest digest(1000);
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<> reals(0.0, 1.0);
-    std::uniform_int_distribution<> ints(0, 10);
-    std::random_device gen;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
-        digest.add(reals(gen), 1 + ints(gen));
-    }
-    digest.compress();
-    Centroid previous(0, 0);
-    for (auto centroid : digest.processed()) {
-        if (previous.weight() != 0) {
-            CHECK_LE(previous.mean(), centroid.mean());
-        }
-        previous = centroid;
-    }
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, ExtremeQuantiles) {
-    TDigest digest(1000);
-    // t-digest shouldn't merge extreme nodes, but let's still test how it would
-    // answer to extreme quantiles in that case ('extreme' in the sense that the
-    // quantile is either before the first node or after the last one)
-    digest.add(10, 3);
-    digest.add(20, 1);
-    digest.add(40, 5);
-    // this group tree is roughly equivalent to the following sorted array:
-    // [ ?, 10, ?, 20, ?, ?, 50, ?, ? ]
-    // and we expect it to compute approximate missing values:
-    // [ 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
-    std::vector<double> values{5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0};
-    std::vector<double> quantiles{1.5 / 9.0, 3.5 / 9.0, 6.5 / 9.0};
-    for (auto q : quantiles) {
-        EXPECT_NEAR(quantile(q, values), digest.quantile(q), 0.01) << "q = " << q;
-    }
-TEST_F(TDigestTest, Montonicity) {
-    TDigest digest(1000);
-    std::uniform_real_distribution<> reals(0.0, 1.0);
-    std::random_device gen;
-    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(10, 100000); i++) {
-        digest.add(reals(gen));
-    }
-    double lastQuantile = -1;
-    double lastX = -1;
-    for (double z = 0; z <= 1; z += LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(0.1, 1e-5)) {
-        double x = digest.quantile(z);
-        EXPECT_GE(x, lastX);
-        lastX = x;
-        double q = digest.cdf(z);
-        EXPECT_GE(q, lastQuantile);
-        lastQuantile = q;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/csv_data b/be/test/util/test_data/csv_data
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dc9dfa..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/csv_data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/diskstats_normal b/be/test/util/test_data/diskstats_normal
deleted file mode 100644
index a948227..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/diskstats_normal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-   1       0 ram0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       1 ram1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       2 ram2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       3 ram3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       4 ram4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       5 ram5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       6 ram6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       7 ram7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       8 ram8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1       9 ram9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1      10 ram10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1      11 ram11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1      12 ram12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1      13 ram13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1      14 ram14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   1      15 ram15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-   8     112 sdh 1402 587 9740 8662 56 78 258 5 0 4428 8666
-   8     113 sdh1 1269 586 8668 7209 42 78 258 5 0 3102 7213
-   8      96 sdg 1389 600 9740 5562 56 78 258 28 0 4438 5590
-   8      97 sdg1 1256 599 8668 3762 42 78 258 26 0 2667 3788
-   8      48 sdd 1279 223 12004 6708 36 171 1544 27 0 6719 6733
-   8      49 sdd1 587 211 6372 620 22 171 1544 26 0 631 645
-   8      32 sdc 556988 11622 94086908 3935795 1819721 33250478 280645224 94064440 0 2495078 98006563
-   8      33 sdc1 556296 11610 94081276 3928740 1818030 33250478 280645224 94064268 0 2488359 97999336
-   8      16 sdb 1279 223 12004 6832 36 171 1544 24 0 6843 6855
-   8      17 sdb1 587 211 6372 880 22 171 1544 24 0 892 904
-   8      80 sdf 1276 223 11980 5617 26 168 1440 8 0 5614 5624
-   8      81 sdf1 584 211 6348 1064 12 168 1440 8 0 1062 1072
-   8      64 sde 1276 223 11980 6799 26 168 1440 13 0 6799 6812
-   8      65 sde1 584 211 6348 1415 12 168 1440 13 0 1415 1428
-   8       0 sda 759548 94747 39341300 4308146 18282936 366067539 3173346680 1907755230 0 19003350 1912122964
-   8       1 sda1 123 0 984 852 0 0 0 0 0 852 852
-   8       2 sda2 27828 434 1999858 440269 2148105 176690 120364864 58395605 0 2542454 58835289
-   8       3 sda3 731010 94303 37335682 3860003 15717840 365890849 3052981816 1849318320 0 18504965 1853238847
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/fd_file_nr b/be/test/util/test_data/fd_file_nr
deleted file mode 100644
index 36a40a8..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/fd_file_nr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-19520   0   13052138
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/net_dev_normal b/be/test/util/test_data/net_dev_normal
deleted file mode 100644
index 72ef4dd..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/net_dev_normal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Inter-|   Receive                                                |  Transmit
- face |bytes    packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes    packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
-    lo:67198081903 62228221    0    0    0     0          0         0 67198081903 62228221    0    0    0     0       0          0
-  eth0:       0       0    0    0    0     0          0         0        0       0    0    0    0     0       0          0
-  eth1:       0       0    0    0    0     0          0         0        0       0    0    0    0     0       0          0
- xgbe0:52567436039 65066152    0    0    0     0          0    263563 45480856156 88277614    0    0    0     0       0          0
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/net_snmp_normal b/be/test/util/test_data/net_snmp_normal
deleted file mode 100644
index 989203a..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/net_snmp_normal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Ip: Forwarding DefaultTTL InReceives InHdrErrors InAddrErrors ForwDatagrams InUnknownProtos InDiscards InDelivers OutRequests OutDiscards OutNoRoutes ReasmTimeout ReasmReqds ReasmOKs ReasmFails FragOKs FragFails FragCreates
-Ip: 1 64 1049877820 0 0 0 0 0 1049877596 1052780427 0 1317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-Icmp: InMsgs InErrors InCsumErrors InDestUnreachs InTimeExcds InParmProbs InSrcQuenchs InRedirects InEchos InEchoReps InTimestamps InTimestampReps InAddrMasks InAddrMaskReps OutMsgs OutErrors OutDestUnreachs OutTimeExcds OutParmProbs OutSrcQuenchs OutRedirects OutEchos OutEchoReps OutTimestamps OutTimestampReps OutAddrMasks OutAddrMaskReps
-Icmp: 1142563 126992 0 198790 26 0 0 0 153700 790046 1 0 0 0 1174563 0 198734 0 0 0 0 822128 153700 0 1 0 0
-IcmpMsg: InType0 InType3 InType8 InType11 InType13 OutType0 OutType3 OutType8 OutType14
-IcmpMsg: 790046 198790 153700 26 1 153700 198734 822128 1
-Tcp: RtoAlgorithm RtoMin RtoMax MaxConn ActiveOpens PassiveOpens AttemptFails EstabResets CurrEstab InSegs OutSegs RetransSegs InErrs OutRsts InCsumErrors
-Tcp: 1 200 120000 -1 47884867 38628916 3356043 2323781 278 1034019111 1166716939 826271 12712 23260066 0
-Udp: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors InCsumErrors
-Udp: 14706122 9772 0 14917947 0 0 0
-UdpLite: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors InCsumErrors
-UdpLite: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/stat_normal b/be/test/util/test_data/stat_normal
deleted file mode 100644
index be5c4d0..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/stat_normal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-cpu  57199151 2616310 10600935 1517505423 2137148 0 108277 0 0
-cpu0 1857959 843 417050 46622765 726528 0 67523 0 0
-cpu1 1448971 178220 821126 47188721 53514 0 2229 0 0
-cpu2 1293706 435282 573300 47355625 32321 0 2547 0 0
-cpu3 1119358 136064 311413 48102986 21111 0 1846 0 0
-cpu4 5725308 49756 287655 43611621 18271 0 163 0 0
-cpu5 4563178 28230 210153 44875816 15278 0 116 0 0
-cpu6 3315423 20057 162762 46179021 15418 0 87 0 0
-cpu7 1818913 15813 134122 47710122 13723 0 72 0 0
-cpu8 1818748 211011 680493 46302318 658125 0 22023 0 0
-cpu9 1931996 478511 1147684 46085783 46588 0 2188 0 0
-cpu10 2121771 148785 512584 46882843 26091 0 647 0 0
-cpu11 2583067 68171 357044 46663959 20215 0 288 0 0
-cpu12 2002303 29815 244647 47400525 15203 0 247 0 0
-cpu13 1704931 20692 187845 47766178 12938 0 152 0 0
-cpu14 1229859 21146 139682 48290298 11612 0 140 0 0
-cpu15 1080223 19012 121014 48458977 13339 0 112 0 0
-cpu16 1773329 8693 152456 47593449 164286 0 477 0 0
-cpu17 1154788 67934 214196 48244789 10786 0 229 0 0
-cpu18 1216739 155979 486022 47826726 6881 0 377 0 0
-cpu19 2899599 66056 255659 46464162 7087 0 158 0 0
-cpu20 3748997 27444 111471 45800119 4631 0 55 0 0
-cpu21 2756406 15013 72464 46845272 3519 0 38 0 0
-cpu22 1392591 11344 57292 48227061 4393 0 31 0 0
-cpu23 866409 7897 47801 48766197 4369 0 34 0 0
-cpu24 1213557 82818 215125 48026562 153966 0 676 0 0
-cpu25 598053 161519 474195 48452419 5916 0 598 0 0
-cpu26 741578 87545 205168 48652532 5600 0 276 0 0
-cpu27 591082 25633 156052 48895031 24799 0 96 0 0
-cpu28 600102 12345 59937 49015936 4314 0 58 0 0
-cpu29 478329 8254 51041 49150167 4490 0 408 0 0
-cpu30 539254 10142 185346 48931824 25826 0 291 0 0
-cpu31 1012611 6269 1548122 47115604 5993 0 4081 0 0
-intr 20935913098 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1656 0 0 0 0 0 20283663 0 0 248482 0 248481 63119261 3789166 3084823 2750100 2669596 2679925 2699219 2713070 3674365 2862144 2687438 3804257 3746619 2691619 2750823 2793663 1154789 409339 342208 349319 410573 436073 466973 446130 434789 367860 396182 1263273 418746 1593956 6004810 3076068 486 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-ctxt 11043516832
-btime 1515573799
-processes 72044703
-procs_running 1
-procs_blocked 0
-softirq 38919180590 0 3019187263 99450 154925206 21173060 0 20278807 2302181339 98 3336564295
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/zip_dir.zip b/be/test/util/test_data/zip_dir.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b0a5ed..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/zip_dir.zip
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/zip_normal.zip b/be/test/util/test_data/zip_normal.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 166b22c..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/zip_normal.zip
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/zip_normal_data b/be/test/util/test_data/zip_normal_data
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b18e51..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/zip_normal_data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hello world
diff --git a/be/test/util/test_data/zip_test/one/data b/be/test/util/test_data/zip_test/one/data
deleted file mode 100644
index 9daeafb..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/test_data/zip_test/one/data
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/be/test/util/thread_pool_test.cpp b/be/test/util/thread_pool_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index edd2a35..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/thread_pool_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/thread_pool.hpp"
-#include <glog/logging.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <boost/thread.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-const int NUM_THREADS = 5;
-int g_thread_counters[NUM_THREADS];
-// Per-thread mutex to ensure visibility of counters after thread pool terminates
-boost::mutex g_thread_mutexes[NUM_THREADS];
-void count(int thread_id, const int& i) {
-    boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(g_thread_mutexes[thread_id]);
-    g_thread_counters[thread_id] += i;
-TEST(ThreadPoolTest, BasicTest) {
-    const int OFFERED_RANGE = 10000;
-    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
-        g_thread_counters[i] = 0;
-    }
-    ThreadPool thread_pool(5, 250, count);
-    for (int i = 0; i <= OFFERED_RANGE; ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(thread_pool.offer(i));
-    }
-    thread_pool.drain_and_shutdown();
-    // Check that Offer() after Shutdown() will return false
-    ASSERT_FALSE(thread_pool.offer(-1));
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, thread_pool.get_queue_size());
-    int expected_count = (OFFERED_RANGE * (OFFERED_RANGE + 1)) / 2;
-    int count = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
-        boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(g_thread_mutexes[i]);
-        LOG(INFO) << "Counter " << i << ": " << g_thread_counters[i];
-        count += g_thread_counters[i];
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(expected_count, count);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/thread_test.cpp b/be/test/util/thread_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b3f9d2..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/thread_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/thread.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "common/status.h"
-#include "gutil/basictypes.h"
-#include "gutil/ref_counted.h"
-#include "util/countdown_latch.h"
-#include "util/runtime_profile.h"
-using std::string;
-namespace doris {
-class ThreadTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() {}
-    virtual void TearDown() {}
-// Join with a thread and emit warnings while waiting to join.
-// This has to be manually verified.
-TEST_F(ThreadTest, TestJoinAndWarn) {
-    scoped_refptr<Thread> holder;
-    Status status =
-            Thread::create("test", "sleeper thread", SleepFor, MonoDelta::FromSeconds(1), &holder);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = ThreadJoiner(holder.get()).warn_after_ms(10).warn_every_ms(100).join();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(ThreadTest, TestFailedJoin) {
-    scoped_refptr<Thread> holder;
-    Status status =
-            Thread::create("test", "sleeper thread", SleepFor, MonoDelta::FromSeconds(1), &holder);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = ThreadJoiner(holder.get()).give_up_after_ms(50).join();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.is_aborted());
-static void TryJoinOnSelf() {
-    Status s = ThreadJoiner(Thread::current_thread()).join();
-    // Use CHECK instead of ASSERT because gtest isn't thread-safe.
-    CHECK(s.is_invalid_argument());
-// Try to join on the thread that is currently running.
-TEST_F(ThreadTest, TestJoinOnSelf) {
-    scoped_refptr<Thread> holder;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(Thread::create("test", "test", TryJoinOnSelf, &holder).ok());
-    holder->join();
-    // Actual assertion is done by the thread spawned above.
-TEST_F(ThreadTest, TestDoubleJoinIsNoOp) {
-    scoped_refptr<Thread> holder;
-    Status status =
-            Thread::create("test", "sleeper thread", SleepFor, MonoDelta::FromSeconds(0), &holder);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    ThreadJoiner joiner(holder.get());
-    status = joiner.join();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    status = joiner.join();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-TEST_F(ThreadTest, ThreadStartBenchmark) {
-    std::vector<scoped_refptr<Thread>> threads(1000);
-    {
-        int64_t thread_creation_ns = 0;
-        SCOPED_RAW_TIMER(&thread_creation_ns);
-        for (auto& t : threads) {
-            Status status = Thread::create("test", "TestCallOnExit", SleepFor,
-                                           MonoDelta::FromSeconds(0), &t);
-            ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-        }
-        std::cout << "create 1000 threads use:" << thread_creation_ns << "ns" << std::endl;
-    }
-    {
-        int64_t thread_publish_tid_ns = 0;
-        SCOPED_RAW_TIMER(&thread_publish_tid_ns);
-        for (auto& t : threads) {
-            t->tid();
-        }
-        std::cout << "1000 threads publish TIDS use:" << thread_publish_tid_ns << "ns" << std::endl;
-    }
-    for (auto& t : threads) {
-        t->join();
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/threadpool_test.cpp b/be/test/util/threadpool_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d170263..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/threadpool_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/threadpool.h"
-#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <functional>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <limits>
-#include <memory>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <thread>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "common/status.h"
-#include "gutil/atomicops.h"
-#include "gutil/port.h"
-#include "gutil/ref_counted.h"
-#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
-#include "gutil/sysinfo.h"
-#include "gutil/walltime.h"
-#include "util/barrier.h"
-#include "util/countdown_latch.h"
-#include "util/metrics.h"
-#include "util/monotime.h"
-#include "util/random.h"
-#include "util/scoped_cleanup.h"
-#include "util/spinlock.h"
-using std::atomic;
-using std::shared_ptr;
-using std::string;
-using std::thread;
-using std::vector;
-using strings::Substitute;
-namespace doris {
-static const char* kDefaultPoolName = "test";
-class ThreadPoolTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    virtual void SetUp() override {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName).build(&_pool).ok());
-    }
-    Status rebuild_pool_with_builder(const ThreadPoolBuilder& builder) {
-        return builder.build(&_pool);
-    }
-    Status rebuild_pool_with_min_max(int min_threads, int max_threads) {
-        return ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                .set_min_threads(min_threads)
-                .set_max_threads(max_threads)
-                .build(&_pool);
-    }
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> _pool;
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestNoTaskOpenClose) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_min_max(4, 4).ok());
-    _pool->shutdown();
-static void simple_task_method(int n, std::atomic<int32_t>* counter) {
-    while (n--) {
-        (*counter)++;
-        boost::detail::yield(n);
-    }
-class SimpleTask : public Runnable {
-    SimpleTask(int n, std::atomic<int32_t>* counter) : _n(n), _counter(counter) {}
-    void run() override { simple_task_method(_n, _counter); }
-    int _n;
-    std::atomic<int32_t>* _counter;
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestSimpleTasks) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_min_max(4, 4).ok());
-    std::atomic<int32_t> counter(0);
-    std::shared_ptr<Runnable> task(new SimpleTask(15, &counter));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit_func(std::bind(&simple_task_method, 10, &counter)).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(task).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit_func(std::bind(&simple_task_method, 20, &counter)).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(task).ok());
-    _pool->wait();
-    ASSERT_EQ(10 + 15 + 20 + 15, counter.load());
-    _pool->shutdown();
-class SlowTask : public Runnable {
-    explicit SlowTask(CountDownLatch* latch) : _latch(latch) {}
-    void run() override { _latch->wait(); }
-    static shared_ptr<Runnable> new_slow_task(CountDownLatch* latch) {
-        return std::make_shared<SlowTask>(latch);
-    }
-    CountDownLatch* _latch;
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestThreadPoolWithNoMinimum) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                                                  .set_min_threads(0)
-                                                  .set_max_threads(3)
-                                                  .set_idle_timeout(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1)))
-                        .ok());
-    // There are no threads to start with.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->num_threads() == 0);
-    // We get up to 3 threads when submitting work.
-    CountDownLatch latch(1);
-    SCOPED_CLEANUP({ latch.count_down(); });
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, _pool->num_threads());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, _pool->num_threads());
-    // The 4th piece of work gets queued.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, _pool->num_threads());
-    // Finish all work
-    latch.count_down();
-    _pool->wait();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, _pool->_active_threads);
-    _pool->shutdown();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, _pool->num_threads());
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestThreadPoolWithNoMaxThreads) {
-    // By default a threadpool's max_threads is set to the number of CPUs, so
-    // this test submits more tasks than that to ensure that the number of CPUs
-    // isn't some kind of upper bound.
-    const int kNumCPUs = base::NumCPUs();
-    // Build a threadpool with no limit on the maximum number of threads.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                                                  .set_max_threads(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
-                        .ok());
-    CountDownLatch latch(1);
-    auto cleanup_latch = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() { latch.count_down(); });
-    // submit tokenless tasks. Each should create a new thread.
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumCPUs * 2; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ((kNumCPUs * 2), _pool->num_threads());
-    // submit tasks on two tokens. Only two threads should be created.
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> t1 = _pool->new_token(ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::SERIAL);
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> t2 = _pool->new_token(ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::SERIAL);
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumCPUs * 2; i++) {
-        ThreadPoolToken* t = (i % 2 == 0) ? t1.get() : t2.get();
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ((kNumCPUs * 2) + 2, _pool->num_threads());
-    // submit more tokenless tasks. Each should create a new thread.
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumCPUs; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ((kNumCPUs * 3) + 2, _pool->num_threads());
-    latch.count_down();
-    _pool->wait();
-    _pool->shutdown();
-// Regression test for a bug where a task is submitted exactly
-// as a thread is about to exit. Previously this could hang forever.
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestRace) {
-    alarm(60);
-    auto cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([]() {
-        alarm(0); // Disable alarm on test exit.
-    });
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                                                  .set_min_threads(0)
-                                                  .set_max_threads(1)
-                                                  .set_idle_timeout(MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(1)))
-                        .ok());
-    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
-        CountDownLatch l(1);
-        // CountDownLatch::count_down has multiple overloaded version,
-        // so an cast is needed to use std::bind
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_pool
-                            ->submit_func(std::bind(
-                                    (void (CountDownLatch::*)())(&CountDownLatch::count_down), &l))
-                            .ok());
-        l.wait();
-        // Sleeping a different amount in each iteration makes it more likely to hit
-        // the bug.
-        SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(i));
-    }
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestVariableSizeThreadPool) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                                                  .set_min_threads(1)
-                                                  .set_max_threads(4)
-                                                  .set_idle_timeout(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1)))
-                        .ok());
-    // There is 1 thread to start with.
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _pool->num_threads());
-    // We get up to 4 threads when submitting work.
-    CountDownLatch latch(1);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, _pool->num_threads());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(2, _pool->num_threads());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(3, _pool->num_threads());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, _pool->num_threads());
-    // The 5th piece of work gets queued.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_EQ(4, _pool->num_threads());
-    // Finish all work
-    latch.count_down();
-    _pool->wait();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, _pool->_active_threads);
-    _pool->shutdown();
-    ASSERT_EQ(0, _pool->num_threads());
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestMaxQueueSize) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                                                  .set_min_threads(1)
-                                                  .set_max_threads(1)
-                                                  .set_max_queue_size(1))
-                        .ok());
-    CountDownLatch latch(1);
-    // We will be able to submit two tasks: one for max_threads == 1 and one for
-    // max_queue_size == 1.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    Status s = _pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch));
-    CHECK(s.is_service_unavailable()) << "Expected failure due to queue blowout:" << s.to_string();
-    latch.count_down();
-    _pool->wait();
-    _pool->shutdown();
-// Test that when we specify a zero-sized queue, the maximum number of threads
-// running is used for enforcement.
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestZeroQueueSize) {
-    const int kMaxThreads = 4;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                                                  .set_max_queue_size(0)
-                                                  .set_max_threads(kMaxThreads))
-                        .ok());
-    CountDownLatch latch(1);
-    for (int i = 0; i < kMaxThreads; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    }
-    Status s = _pool->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.is_service_unavailable()) << s.to_string();
-    latch.count_down();
-    _pool->wait();
-    _pool->shutdown();
-// Test that a thread pool will crash if asked to run its own blocking
-// functions in a pool thread.
-// In a multi-threaded application, TSAN is unsafe to use following a fork().
-// After a fork(), TSAN will:
-// 1. Disable verification, expecting an exec() soon anyway, and
-// 2. Die on future thread creation.
-// For some reason, this test triggers behavior #2. We could disable it with
-// the TSAN option die_after_fork=0, but this can (supposedly) lead to
-// deadlocks, so we'll disable the entire test instead.
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestDeadlocks) {
-    const char* death_msg = "called pool function that would result in deadlock";
-            {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_min_max(1, 1).ok());
-                ASSERT_TRUE(
-                        _pool->submit_func(std::bind((&ThreadPool::shutdown), _pool.get())).ok());
-                _pool->wait();
-            },
-            death_msg);
-            {
-                ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_min_max(1, 1).ok());
-                ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit_func(std::bind(&ThreadPool::wait, _pool.get())).ok());
-                _pool->wait();
-            },
-            death_msg);
-class SlowDestructorRunnable : public Runnable {
-    void run() override {}
-    virtual ~SlowDestructorRunnable() { SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100)); }
-// Test that if a tasks's destructor is slow, it doesn't cause serialization of the tasks
-// in the queue.
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestSlowDestructor) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_min_max(1, 20).ok());
-    MonoTime start = MonoTime::Now();
-    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        shared_ptr<Runnable> task(new SlowDestructorRunnable());
-        ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit(std::move(task)).ok());
-    }
-    _pool->wait();
-    ASSERT_LT((MonoTime::Now() - start).ToSeconds(), 5);
-// For test cases that should run with both kinds of tokens.
-class ThreadPoolTestTokenTypes : public ThreadPoolTest,
-                                 public testing::WithParamInterface<ThreadPool::ExecutionMode> {};
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Tokens, ThreadPoolTestTokenTypes,
-                        ::testing::Values(ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::SERIAL,
-                                          ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::CONCURRENT));
-TEST_P(ThreadPoolTestTokenTypes, TestTokenSubmitAndWait) {
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> t = _pool->new_token(GetParam());
-    int i = 0;
-    Status status = t->submit_func([&]() {
-        SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1));
-        i++;
-    });
-    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    t->wait();
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, i);
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestTokenSubmitsProcessedSerially) {
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> t = _pool->new_token(ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::SERIAL);
-    int32_t seed = static_cast<int32_t>(GetCurrentTimeMicros());
-    srand(seed);
-    Random r(seed);
-    string result;
-    for (char c = 'a'; c < 'f'; c++) {
-        // Sleep a little first so that there's a higher chance of out-of-order
-        // appends if the submissions did execute in parallel.
-        int sleep_ms = r.Next() % 5;
-        Status status = t->submit_func([&result, c, sleep_ms]() {
-            SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(sleep_ms));
-            result += c;
-        });
-        ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok());
-    }
-    t->wait();
-    ASSERT_EQ("abcde", result);
-TEST_P(ThreadPoolTestTokenTypes, TestTokenSubmitsProcessedConcurrently) {
-    const int kNumTokens = 5;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(
-                        ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName).set_max_threads(kNumTokens))
-                        .ok());
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken>> tokens;
-    // A violation to the tested invariant would yield a deadlock, so let's set
-    // up an alarm to bail us out.
-    alarm(60);
-        alarm(0); // Disable alarm on test exit.
-    });
-    std::shared_ptr<Barrier> b = std::make_shared<Barrier>(kNumTokens + 1);
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumTokens; i++) {
-        tokens.emplace_back(_pool->new_token(GetParam()));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(tokens.back()->submit_func([b]() { b->wait(); }).ok());
-    }
-    // This will deadlock if the above tasks weren't all running concurrently.
-    b->wait();
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestTokenSubmitsNonSequential) {
-    const int kNumSubmissions = 5;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(
-                        ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName).set_max_threads(kNumSubmissions))
-                        .ok());
-    // A violation to the tested invariant would yield a deadlock, so let's set
-    // up an alarm to bail us out.
-    alarm(60);
-        alarm(0); // Disable alarm on test exit.
-    });
-    shared_ptr<Barrier> b = std::make_shared<Barrier>(kNumSubmissions + 1);
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> t = _pool->new_token(ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::CONCURRENT);
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumSubmissions; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t->submit_func([b]() { b->wait(); }).ok());
-    }
-    // This will deadlock if the above tasks weren't all running concurrently.
-    b->wait();
-TEST_P(ThreadPoolTestTokenTypes, TestTokenShutdown) {
-            rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName).set_max_threads(4)).ok());
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> t1(_pool->new_token(GetParam()));
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> t2(_pool->new_token(GetParam()));
-    CountDownLatch l1(1);
-    CountDownLatch l2(1);
-    // A violation to the tested invariant would yield a deadlock, so let's set
-    // up an alarm to bail us out.
-    alarm(60);
-        alarm(0); // Disable alarm on test exit.
-    });
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t1->submit_func([&]() { l1.wait(); }).ok());
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(t2->submit_func([&]() { l2.wait(); }).ok());
-    }
-    // Unblock all of t1's tasks, but not t2's tasks.
-    l1.count_down();
-    // If this also waited for t2's tasks, it would deadlock.
-    t1->shutdown();
-    // We can no longer submit to t1 but we can still submit to t2.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(t1->submit_func([]() {}).is_service_unavailable());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(t2->submit_func([]() {}).ok());
-    // Unblock t2's tasks.
-    l2.count_down();
-    t2->shutdown();
-TEST_P(ThreadPoolTestTokenTypes, TestTokenWaitForAll) {
-    const int kNumTokens = 3;
-    const int kNumSubmissions = 20;
-    int32_t seed = static_cast<int32_t>(GetCurrentTimeMicros());
-    srand(seed);
-    Random r(seed);
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken>> tokens;
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumTokens; i++) {
-        tokens.emplace_back(_pool->new_token(GetParam()));
-    }
-    atomic<int32_t> v(0);
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumSubmissions; i++) {
-        // Sleep a little first to raise the likelihood of the test thread
-        // reaching wait() before the submissions finish.
-        int sleep_ms = r.Next() % 5;
-        auto task = [&v, sleep_ms]() {
-            SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(sleep_ms));
-            v++;
-        };
-        // Half of the submissions will be token-less, and half will use a token.
-        if (i % 2 == 0) {
-            ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit_func(task).ok());
-        } else {
-            int token_idx = r.Next() % tokens.size();
-            ASSERT_TRUE(tokens[token_idx]->submit_func(task).ok());
-        }
-    }
-    _pool->wait();
-    ASSERT_EQ(kNumSubmissions, v);
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestFuzz) {
-    const int kNumOperations = 1000;
-    int32_t seed = static_cast<int32_t>(GetCurrentTimeMicros());
-    srand(seed);
-    Random r(seed);
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken>> tokens;
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumOperations; i++) {
-        // Operation distribution:
-        //
-        // - submit without a token: 40%
-        // - submit with a randomly selected token: 35%
-        // - Allocate a new token: 10%
-        // - Wait on a randomly selected token: 7%
-        // - shutdown a randomly selected token: 4%
-        // - Deallocate a randomly selected token: 2%
-        // - Wait for all submissions: 2%
-        int op = r.Next() % 100;
-        if (op < 40) {
-            // submit without a token.
-            int sleep_ms = r.Next() % 5;
-            ASSERT_TRUE(_pool->submit_func([sleep_ms]() {
-                                 // Sleep a little first to increase task overlap.
-                                 SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(sleep_ms));
-                             }).ok());
-        } else if (op < 75) {
-            // submit with a randomly selected token.
-            if (tokens.empty()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            int sleep_ms = r.Next() % 5;
-            int token_idx = r.Next() % tokens.size();
-            Status s = tokens[token_idx]->submit_func([sleep_ms]() {
-                // Sleep a little first to increase task overlap.
-                SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(sleep_ms));
-            });
-            ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok() || s.is_service_unavailable());
-        } else if (op < 85) {
-            // Allocate a token with a randomly selected policy.
-            ThreadPool::ExecutionMode mode = r.Next() % 2 ? ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::SERIAL
-                                                          : ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::CONCURRENT;
-            tokens.emplace_back(_pool->new_token(mode));
-        } else if (op < 92) {
-            // Wait on a randomly selected token.
-            if (tokens.empty()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            int token_idx = r.Next() % tokens.size();
-            tokens[token_idx]->wait();
-        } else if (op < 96) {
-            // shutdown a randomly selected token.
-            if (tokens.empty()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            int token_idx = r.Next() % tokens.size();
-            tokens[token_idx]->shutdown();
-        } else if (op < 98) {
-            // Deallocate a randomly selected token.
-            if (tokens.empty()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            auto it = tokens.begin();
-            int token_idx = r.Next() % tokens.size();
-            std::advance(it, token_idx);
-            tokens.erase(it);
-        } else {
-            // Wait on everything.
-            ASSERT_LT(op, 100);
-            ASSERT_GE(op, 98);
-            _pool->wait();
-        }
-    }
-    // Some test runs will shut down the pool before the tokens, and some won't.
-    // Either way should be safe.
-    if (r.Next() % 2 == 0) {
-        _pool->shutdown();
-    }
-TEST_P(ThreadPoolTestTokenTypes, TestTokenSubmissionsAdhereToMaxQueueSize) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                                                  .set_min_threads(1)
-                                                  .set_max_threads(1)
-                                                  .set_max_queue_size(1))
-                        .ok());
-    CountDownLatch latch(1);
-    std::unique_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> t = _pool->new_token(GetParam());
-    SCOPED_CLEANUP({ latch.count_down(); });
-    // We will be able to submit two tasks: one for max_threads == 1 and one for
-    // max_queue_size == 1.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(t->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(t->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    Status s = t->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.is_service_unavailable());
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestTokenConcurrency) {
-    const int kNumTokens = 20;
-    const int kTestRuntimeSecs = 1;
-    const int kCycleThreads = 2;
-    const int kShutdownThreads = 2;
-    const int kWaitThreads = 2;
-    const int kSubmitThreads = 8;
-    std::vector<shared_ptr<ThreadPoolToken>> tokens;
-    int32_t seed = static_cast<int32_t>(GetCurrentTimeMicros());
-    srand(seed);
-    Random rng(seed);
-    // Protects 'tokens' and 'rng'.
-    SpinLock lock;
-    // Fetch a token from 'tokens' at random.
-    auto GetRandomToken = [&]() -> shared_ptr<ThreadPoolToken> {
-        std::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock);
-        int idx = rng.Uniform(kNumTokens);
-        return tokens[idx];
-    };
-    // Preallocate all of the tokens.
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumTokens; i++) {
-        ThreadPool::ExecutionMode mode;
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock);
-            mode = rng.Next() % 2 ? ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::SERIAL
-                                  : ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::CONCURRENT;
-        }
-        tokens.emplace_back(_pool->new_token(mode).release());
-    }
-    atomic<int64_t> total_num_tokens_cycled(0);
-    atomic<int64_t> total_num_tokens_shutdown(0);
-    atomic<int64_t> total_num_tokens_waited(0);
-    atomic<int64_t> total_num_tokens_submitted(0);
-    CountDownLatch latch(1);
-    std::vector<thread> threads;
-    for (int i = 0; i < kCycleThreads; i++) {
-        // Pick a token at random and replace it.
-        //
-        // The replaced token is only destroyed when the last ref is dropped,
-        // possibly by another thread.
-        threads.emplace_back([&]() {
-            int num_tokens_cycled = 0;
-            while (latch.count()) {
-                {
-                    std::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(lock);
-                    int idx = rng.Uniform(kNumTokens);
-                    ThreadPool::ExecutionMode mode =
-                            rng.Next() % 2 ? ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::SERIAL
-                                           : ThreadPool::ExecutionMode::CONCURRENT;
-                    tokens[idx] = shared_ptr<ThreadPoolToken>(_pool->new_token(mode).release());
-                }
-                num_tokens_cycled++;
-                // Sleep a bit, otherwise this thread outpaces the other threads and
-                // nothing interesting happens to most tokens.
-                SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(10));
-            }
-            total_num_tokens_cycled += num_tokens_cycled;
-        });
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < kShutdownThreads; i++) {
-        // Pick a token at random and shut it down. Submitting a task to a shut
-        // down token will return a ServiceUnavailable error.
-        threads.emplace_back([&]() {
-            int num_tokens_shutdown = 0;
-            while (latch.count()) {
-                GetRandomToken()->shutdown();
-                num_tokens_shutdown++;
-            }
-            total_num_tokens_shutdown += num_tokens_shutdown;
-        });
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < kWaitThreads; i++) {
-        // Pick a token at random and wait for any outstanding tasks.
-        threads.emplace_back([&]() {
-            int num_tokens_waited = 0;
-            while (latch.count()) {
-                GetRandomToken()->wait();
-                num_tokens_waited++;
-            }
-            total_num_tokens_waited += num_tokens_waited;
-        });
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < kSubmitThreads; i++) {
-        // Pick a token at random and submit a task to it.
-        threads.emplace_back([&]() {
-            int num_tokens_submitted = 0;
-            int32_t seed = static_cast<int32_t>(GetCurrentTimeMicros());
-            srand(seed);
-            Random rng(seed);
-            while (latch.count()) {
-                int sleep_ms = rng.Next() % 5;
-                Status s = GetRandomToken()->submit_func([sleep_ms]() {
-                    // Sleep a little first so that tasks are running during other events.
-                    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(sleep_ms));
-                });
-                CHECK(s.ok() || s.is_service_unavailable());
-                num_tokens_submitted++;
-            }
-            total_num_tokens_submitted += num_tokens_submitted;
-        });
-    }
-    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromSeconds(kTestRuntimeSecs));
-    latch.count_down();
-    for (auto& t : threads) {
-        t.join();
-    }
-    LOG(INFO) << strings::Substitute("Tokens cycled ($0 threads): $1", kCycleThreads,
-                                     total_num_tokens_cycled.load());
-    LOG(INFO) << strings::Substitute("Tokens shutdown ($0 threads): $1", kShutdownThreads,
-                                     total_num_tokens_shutdown.load());
-    LOG(INFO) << strings::Substitute("Tokens waited ($0 threads): $1", kWaitThreads,
-                                     total_num_tokens_waited.load());
-    LOG(INFO) << strings::Substitute("Tokens submitted ($0 threads): $1", kSubmitThreads,
-                                     total_num_tokens_submitted.load());
-TEST_F(ThreadPoolTest, TestLIFOThreadWakeUps) {
-    const int kNumThreads = 10;
-    // Test with a pool that allows for kNumThreads concurrent threads.
-    ASSERT_OK(rebuild_pool_with_builder(ThreadPoolBuilder(kDefaultPoolName)
-                .set_max_threads(kNumThreads)).ok());
-    // Submit kNumThreads slow tasks and unblock them, in order to produce
-    // kNumThreads worker threads.
-    CountDownLatch latch(1);
-            latch.CountDown();
-    });
-    for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) {
-        ASSERT_OK(pool_->submit(SlowTask::new_slow_task(&latch)).ok());
-    }
-    ASSERT_EQ(kNumThreads, _pool->num_threads());
-    latch.count_down();
-    pool_->wait();
-    // The kNumThreads threads are idle and waiting for the idle timeout.
-    // Submit a slow trickle of lightning fast tasks.
-    //
-    // If the threads are woken up in FIFO order, this trickle is enough to
-    // prevent all of them from idling and the AssertEventually will time out.
-    //
-    // If LIFO order is used, the same thread will be reused for each task and
-    // the other threads will eventually time out.
-    AssertEventually([&]() {
-            ASSERT_OK(_pool->submit_func([](){}).ok());
-            SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
-            ASSERT_EQ(1, _pool->num_threads());
-            }, MonoDelta::FromSeconds(10), AssertBackoff::NONE);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/trace_test.cpp b/be/test/util/trace_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cb10226..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/trace_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/trace.h"
-#include <glog/logging.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <rapidjson/document.h>
-#include <rapidjson/rapidjson.h>
-#include <cctype>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <functional>
-#include <map>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <thread>
-#include <vector>
-#include "gutil/macros.h"
-#include "gutil/port.h"
-#include "gutil/ref_counted.h"
-#include "gutil/walltime.h"
-#include "util/countdown_latch.h"
-#include "util/monotime.h"
-#include "util/scoped_cleanup.h"
-#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
-#include "util/thread.h"
-#include "util/trace_metrics.h"
-using rapidjson::Document;
-using rapidjson::Value;
-using std::string;
-using std::thread;
-using std::vector;
-namespace doris {
-class TraceTest : public ::testing::Test {};
-// Replace all digits in 's' with the character 'X'.
-static std::string XOutDigits(const string& s) {
-    std::string ret;
-    ret.reserve(s.size());
-    for (char c : s) {
-        if (isdigit(c)) {
-            ret.push_back('X');
-        } else {
-            ret.push_back(c);
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-TEST_F(TraceTest, TestBasic) {
-    scoped_refptr<Trace> t(new Trace);
-    TRACE_TO(t, "hello $0, $1", "world", 12345);
-    TRACE_TO(t, "goodbye $0, $1", "cruel world", 54321);
-    std::string result = XOutDigits(t->DumpToString(Trace::NO_FLAGS));
-            "XXXX XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX trace_test.cpp:XX] hello world, XXXXX\n"
-            "XXXX XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX trace_test.cpp:XX] goodbye cruel world, XXXXX\n",
-            result);
-TEST_F(TraceTest, TestAttach) {
-    scoped_refptr<Trace> traceA(new Trace);
-    scoped_refptr<Trace> traceB(new Trace);
-    {
-        ADOPT_TRACE(traceA.get());
-        EXPECT_EQ(traceA.get(), Trace::CurrentTrace());
-        {
-            ADOPT_TRACE(traceB.get());
-            EXPECT_EQ(traceB.get(), Trace::CurrentTrace());
-            TRACE("hello from traceB");
-        }
-        EXPECT_EQ(traceA.get(), Trace::CurrentTrace());
-        TRACE("hello from traceA");
-    }
-    EXPECT_TRUE(Trace::CurrentTrace() == nullptr);
-    TRACE("this goes nowhere");
-    EXPECT_EQ("XXXX XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX trace_test.cpp:XX] hello from traceA\n",
-              XOutDigits(traceA->DumpToString(Trace::NO_FLAGS)));
-    EXPECT_EQ("XXXX XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX trace_test.cpp:XX] hello from traceB\n",
-              XOutDigits(traceB->DumpToString(Trace::NO_FLAGS)));
-TEST_F(TraceTest, TestChildTrace) {
-    scoped_refptr<Trace> traceA(new Trace);
-    scoped_refptr<Trace> traceB(new Trace);
-    ADOPT_TRACE(traceA.get());
-    traceA->AddChildTrace("child", traceB.get());
-    TRACE("hello from traceA");
-    {
-        ADOPT_TRACE(traceB.get());
-        TRACE("hello from traceB");
-    }
-            "XXXX XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX trace_test.cpp:XXX] hello from traceA\n"
-            "Related trace 'child':\n"
-            "XXXX XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX trace_test.cpp:XXX] hello from traceB\n",
-            XOutDigits(traceA->DumpToString(Trace::NO_FLAGS)));
-TEST_F(TraceTest, TestTraceMetrics) {
-    scoped_refptr<Trace> trace(new Trace);
-    trace->metrics()->Increment("foo", 10);
-    trace->metrics()->Increment("bar", 10);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
-        trace->metrics()->Increment("baz", i);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ("{\"bar\":10,\"baz\":499500,\"foo\":10}", trace->MetricsAsJSON());
-    {
-        ADOPT_TRACE(trace.get());
-        TRACE_COUNTER_SCOPE_LATENCY_US("test_scope_us");
-        SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100));
-    }
-    auto m = trace->metrics()->Get();
-    EXPECT_GE(m["test_scope_us"], 80 * 1000);
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/types_test.cpp b/be/test/util/types_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef3cf3..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/types_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/types.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "runtime/large_int_value.h"
-namespace doris {
-class TypesTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    TypesTest() {}
-    virtual ~TypesTest() {}
-TEST_F(TypesTest, packed_int128) {
-    // check align
-    ASSERT_EQ(1, alignof(PackedInt128));
-    // check assign
-    __int128 test_value = 123456789987654321;
-    test_value *= 1000000000000000000UL;
-    test_value += 123456789987654321UL;
-    char buf[30];
-    *reinterpret_cast<PackedInt128*>(buf + 1) = test_value;
-    ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<PackedInt128*>(buf + 1)->value, test_value);
-    LOG(INFO) << reinterpret_cast<PackedInt128*>(buf + 1)->value;
-    {
-        char buf2[64];
-        *reinterpret_cast<PackedInt128*>(buf2 + 7) = *reinterpret_cast<PackedInt128*>(buf + 1);
-        reinterpret_cast<PackedInt128*>(buf2 + 7)->value += 100;
-        ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<PackedInt128*>(buf2 + 7)->value, test_value + 100);
-        LOG(INFO) << reinterpret_cast<PackedInt128*>(buf2 + 7)->value;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/uid_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/uid_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4871a..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/uid_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/uid_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace doris {
-class UidUtilTest : public testing::Test {
-    UidUtilTest() {}
-    virtual ~UidUtilTest() {}
-TEST_F(UidUtilTest, UniqueId) {
-    {
-        UniqueId id = UniqueId::gen_uid();
-        std::string hex_str = id.to_string();
-        ASSERT_STRNE("0000000000000000-0000000000000000", hex_str.c_str());
-    }
-    {
-        UniqueId id(123456789, 987654321);
-        std::string hex_str = id.to_string();
-        ASSERT_STREQ("00000000075bcd15-000000003ade68b1", hex_str.c_str());
-        UniqueId id2("00000000075bcd15", "000000003ade68b1");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(id == id2);
-    }
-    {
-        PUniqueId puid;
-        puid.set_hi(12345678987654321);
-        puid.set_lo(98765432123456789);
-        UniqueId id(puid);
-        std::string hex_str = id.to_string();
-        ASSERT_STREQ("002bdc546291f4b1-015ee2a321ce7d15", hex_str.c_str());
-        UniqueId id2("002bdc546291f4b1", "015ee2a321ce7d15");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(id == id2);
-    }
-    {
-        TUniqueId tuid;
-        tuid.__set_hi(12345678987654321);
-        tuid.__set_lo(98765432123456789);
-        UniqueId id(tuid);
-        std::string hex_str = id.to_string();
-        ASSERT_STREQ("002bdc546291f4b1-015ee2a321ce7d15", hex_str.c_str());
-        UniqueId id2("002bdc546291f4b1", "015ee2a321ce7d15");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(id == id2);
-    }
-    {
-        TUniqueId tuid;
-        tuid.__set_hi(12345678987654321);
-        tuid.__set_lo(98765432123456789);
-        UniqueId id(tuid);
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << id;
-        ASSERT_STREQ("002bdc546291f4b1-015ee2a321ce7d15", ss.str().c_str());
-        UniqueId id2("002bdc546291f4b1", "015ee2a321ce7d15");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(id == id2);
-    }
-    {
-        TUniqueId tuid;
-        tuid.__set_hi(12345678987654321);
-        tuid.__set_lo(98765432123456789);
-        UniqueId id(tuid);
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << id;
-        ASSERT_STREQ("002bdc546291f4b1-015ee2a321ce7d15", ss.str().c_str());
-        UniqueId id2("002bdc546291f4b1", "015ee2a321ce7d15");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(id == id2);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(id != id2);
-        UniqueId id3("002bdc546291f4b1", "015ee2a321ce7d16");
-        ASSERT_TRUE(id != id3);
-        ASSERT_FALSE(id == id3);
-    }
-TEST_F(UidUtilTest, Hash) {
-    std::hash<UniqueId> hasher;
-    UniqueId uid(1, 2);
-    {
-        TUniqueId tuid;
-        tuid.__set_hi(1);
-        tuid.__set_lo(2);
-        ASSERT_EQ(hasher(uid), hasher(tuid));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(uid == UniqueId(tuid));
-    }
-    {
-        TUniqueId tuid;
-        tuid.__set_hi(1);
-        tuid.__set_lo(1);
-        ASSERT_NE(hasher(uid), hasher(tuid));
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    doris::CpuInfo::init();
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/url_coding_test.cpp b/be/test/util/url_coding_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae0366..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/url_coding_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/url_coding.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace doris {
-// Tests encoding/decoding of input.  If expected_encoded is non-empty, the
-// encoded string is validated against it.
-void test_url(const string& input, const string& expected_encoded, bool hive_compat) {
-    std::string intermediate;
-    url_encode(input, &intermediate, hive_compat);
-    std::string output;
-    if (!expected_encoded.empty()) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(intermediate, expected_encoded);
-    }
-    EXPECT_TRUE(UrlDecode(intermediate, &output, hive_compat));
-    EXPECT_EQ(input, output);
-    // Convert string to vector and try that also
-    std::vector<uint8_t> input_vector;
-    input_vector.resize(input.size());
-    memcpy(&input_vector[0], input.c_str(), input.size());
-    std::string intermediate2;
-    url_encode(input_vector, &intermediate2, hive_compat);
-    EXPECT_EQ(intermediate, intermediate2);
-void test_base64(const string& input, const string& expected_encoded) {
-    std::string intermediate;
-    Base64Encode(input, &intermediate);
-    std::string output;
-    if (!expected_encoded.empty()) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(intermediate, expected_encoded);
-    }
-    EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Decode(intermediate, &output));
-    EXPECT_EQ(input, output);
-    // Convert string to vector and try that also
-    std::vector<uint8_t> input_vector;
-    input_vector.resize(input.size());
-    memcpy(&input_vector[0], input.c_str(), input.size());
-    std::string intermediate2;
-    Base64Encode(input_vector, &intermediate2);
-    EXPECT_EQ(intermediate, intermediate2);
-// Test URL encoding. Check that the values that are put in are the
-// same that come out.
-TEST(UrlCodingTest, Basic) {
-    std::string input = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ1234567890~!@#$%^&*()<>?,./:\";'{}|[]\\_+-=";
-    test_url(input, "", false);
-    test_url(input, "", true);
-TEST(UrlCodingTest, HiveExceptions) {
-    test_url(" +", " +", true);
-TEST(UrlCodingTest, BlankString) {
-    test_url("", "", false);
-    test_url("", "", true);
-TEST(UrlCodingTest, PathSeparators) {
-    test_url("/home/doris/directory/", "%2Fhome%2Fdoris%2Fdirectory%2F", false);
-    test_url("/home/doris/directory/", "%2Fhome%2Fdoris%2Fdirectory%2F", true);
-TEST(Base64Test, Basic) {
-    test_base64("a", "YQ==");
-    test_base64("ab", "YWI=");
-    test_base64("abc", "YWJj");
-    test_base64("abcd", "YWJjZA==");
-    test_base64("abcde", "YWJjZGU=");
-    test_base64("abcdef", "YWJjZGVm");
-TEST(HtmlEscapingTest, Basic) {
-    std::string before = "<html><body>&amp";
-    std::stringstream after;
-    EscapeForHtml(before, &after);
-    EXPECT_EQ(after.str(), "&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&amp;amp");
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    std::string conffile = std::string(getenv("DORIS_HOME")) + "/conf/be.conf";
-    if (!doris::config::init(conffile.c_str(), false)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "error read config file. \n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    init_glog("be-test");
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/utf8_check_test.cpp b/be/test/util/utf8_check_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index da6b900..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/utf8_check_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/utf8_check.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-namespace doris {
-struct test {
-    const char* data;
-    int len;
-class Utf8CheckTest : public testing::Test {
-    Utf8CheckTest() {}
-    virtual ~Utf8CheckTest() {}
-    /* positive tests */
-    std::vector<test> pos = {{"", 0},
-                             {"\x00", 1},
-                             {"\x66", 1},
-                             {"\x7F", 1},
-                             {"\x00\x7F", 2},
-                             {"\x7F\x00", 2},
-                             {"\xC2\x80", 2},
-                             {"\xDF\xBF", 2},
-                             {"\xE0\xA0\x80", 3},
-                             {"\xE0\xA0\xBF", 3},
-                             {"\xED\x9F\x80", 3},
-                             {"\xEF\x80\xBF", 3},
-                             {"\xF0\x90\xBF\x80", 4},
-                             {"\xF2\x81\xBE\x99", 4},
-                             {"\xF4\x8F\x88\xAA", 4}};
-    /* negative tests */
-    std::vector<test> neg = {
-            {"\x80", 1},
-            {"\xBF", 1},
-            {"\xC0\x80", 2},
-            {"\xC1\x00", 2},
-            {"\xC2\x7F", 2},
-            {"\xDF\xC0", 2},
-            {"\xE0\x9F\x80", 3},
-            {"\xE0\xC2\x80", 3},
-            {"\xED\xA0\x80", 3},
-            {"\xED\x7F\x80", 3},
-            {"\xEF\x80\x00", 3},
-            {"\xF0\x8F\x80\x80", 4},
-            {"\xF0\xEE\x80\x80", 4},
-            {"\xF2\x90\x91\x7F", 4},
-            {"\xF4\x90\x88\xAA", 4},
-            {"\xF4\x00\xBF\xBF", 4},
-            {"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC2\x80\x00\x00\x00\xE1\x80\x80\x00\x00\xC2"
-             "\xC2\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
-             32},
-            {"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC2\xC2\x80\x00\x00\xE1\x80\x80\x00\x00\x00", 16},
-            {"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
-             "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF1\x80",
-             32},
-            {"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
-             "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF1",
-             32},
-            {"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
-             "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF1\x80"
-             "\x80",
-             33},
-            {"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
-             "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF1\x80"
-             "\xC2\x80",
-             34},
-            {"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
-             "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF0"
-             "\x80\x80\x80",
-             35}};
-TEST_F(Utf8CheckTest, empty) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(validate_utf8(pos[0].data, pos[0].len));
-TEST_F(Utf8CheckTest, normal) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(pos) / sizeof(pos[0]); ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(validate_utf8(pos[i].data, pos[i].len));
-    }
-TEST_F(Utf8CheckTest, abnormal) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(neg) / sizeof(neg[0]); ++i) {
-        ASSERT_FALSE(validate_utf8(neg[i].data, neg[i].len));
-    }
-TEST_F(Utf8CheckTest, naive) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(pos) / sizeof(pos[0]); ++i) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(validate_utf8_naive(pos[i].data, pos[i].len));
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(neg) / sizeof(neg[0]); ++i) {
-        std::cout << validate_utf8_naive(neg[i].data, neg[i].len) << std::endl;
-        ASSERT_FALSE(validate_utf8_naive(neg[i].data, neg[i].len));
-    }
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/be/test/util/zip_util_test.cpp b/be/test/util/zip_util_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 164d72e..0000000
--- a/be/test/util/zip_util_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/zip_util.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "env/env.h"
-#include "gutil/strings/util.h"
-#include "util/file_utils.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "test_util/test_util.h"
-namespace doris {
-using namespace strings;
-TEST(ZipUtilTest, basic) {
-    std::string path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-    FileUtils::remove_all(path + "/test_data/target");
-    ZipFile zf = ZipFile(path + "/test_data/zip_normal.zip");
-    auto st = zf.extract(path + "/test_data", "target");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(st.ok()) << st.to_string();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(path + "/test_data/target/zip_normal_data"));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::is_dir(path + "/test_data/target/zip_normal_data"));
-    std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> file;
-    Env::Default()->new_random_access_file(path + "/test_data/target/zip_normal_data", &file);
-    char f[11];
-    Slice slice(f, 11);
-    file->read_at(0, slice);
-    ASSERT_EQ("hello world", slice.to_string());
-    FileUtils::remove_all(path + "/test_data/target");
-TEST(ZipUtilTest, dir) {
-    std::string path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-    FileUtils::remove_all(path + "/test_data/target");
-    ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile(path + "/test_data/zip_dir.zip");
-    ASSERT_TRUE(zipFile.extract(path + "/test_data", "target").ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(path + "/test_data/target/zip_test/one"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir(path + "/test_data/target/zip_test/one"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(path + "/test_data/target/zip_test/one/data"));
-    ASSERT_FALSE(FileUtils::is_dir(path + "/test_data/target/zip_test/one/data"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::check_exist(path + "/test_data/target/zip_test/two"));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(FileUtils::is_dir(path + "/test_data/target/zip_test/two"));
-    std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> file;
-    Env::Default()->new_random_access_file(path + "/test_data/target/zip_test/one/data", &file);
-    char f[4];
-    Slice slice(f, 4);
-    file->read_at(0, slice);
-    ASSERT_EQ("test", slice.to_string());
-    FileUtils::remove_all(path + "/test_data/target");
-TEST(ZipUtilTest, targetAlready) {
-    std::string path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-    ZipFile f(path + "/test_data/zip_normal.zip");
-    Status st = f.extract(path + "/test_data", "zip_test");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(HasPrefixString(st.to_string(), "Already exist"));
-TEST(ZipUtilTest, notzip) {
-    std::string path = GetCurrentRunningDir();
-    ZipFile f(path + "/test_data/zip_normal_data");
-    Status st = f.extract("test", "test");
-    ASSERT_FALSE(st.ok());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(HasPrefixString(st.to_string(), "Invalid argument"));
-} // namespace doris
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/AlterJobV2Test.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/AlterJobV2Test.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b28317..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/AlterJobV2Test.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.alter;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowAlterStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ShowExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ShowResultSet;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageFormat;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class AlterJobV2Test {
-    // use a unique dir so that it won't be conflict with other unit test which
-    // may also start a Mocked Frontend
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/AlterJobV2Test/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 1000;
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        Config.enable_alpha_rowset = true;
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.schema_change_test(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.segmentv2(k1 int, k2 int, v1 int sum) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1', 'storage_format' = 'v1');");
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(runningDir);
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSchemaChange() throws Exception {
-        // 1. process a schema change job
-        String alterStmtStr = "alter table test.schema_change_test add column k4 int default '1'";
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(alterStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        // 2. check alter job
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobs.size());
-        waitAlterJobDone(alterJobs);
-        // 3. check show alter table column
-        String showAlterStmtStr = "show alter table column from test;";
-        ShowAlterStmt showAlterStmt = (ShowAlterStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showAlterStmtStr, connectContext);
-        ShowExecutor showExecutor = new ShowExecutor(connectContext, showAlterStmt);
-        ShowResultSet showResultSet = showExecutor.execute();
-        System.out.println(showResultSet.getMetaData());
-        System.out.println(showResultSet.getResultRows());
-    }
-    private void waitAlterJobDone(Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs) throws InterruptedException {
-        for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
-            while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
-                System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getDbId() + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-                Thread.sleep(1000);
-            }
-            System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getDbId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb(alterJobV2.getDbId());
-            OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable(alterJobV2.getTableId());
-            while (tbl.getState() != OlapTable.OlapTableState.NORMAL) {
-                Thread.sleep(1000);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRollup() throws Exception {
-        // 1. process a rollup job
-        String alterStmtStr = "alter table test.schema_change_test add rollup test_rollup(k1, k2);";
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(alterStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        // 2. check alter job
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        waitAlterJobDone(alterJobs);
-        // 3. check show alter table column
-        String showAlterStmtStr = "show alter table rollup from test;";
-        ShowAlterStmt showAlterStmt = (ShowAlterStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showAlterStmtStr, connectContext);
-        ShowExecutor showExecutor = new ShowExecutor(connectContext, showAlterStmt);
-        ShowResultSet showResultSet = showExecutor.execute();
-        System.out.println(showResultSet.getMetaData());
-        System.out.println(showResultSet.getResultRows());
-    }
-    @Test
-    @Deprecated
-    public void testAlterSegmentV2() throws Exception {
-        // TODO this test should remove after we disable segment v1 completely
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db);
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("segmentv2");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(tbl);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TStorageFormat.V1, tbl.getTableProperty().getStorageFormat());
-        // 1. create a rollup r1
-        String alterStmtStr = "alter table test.segmentv2 add rollup r1(k2, v1)";
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(alterStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        waitAlterJobDone(alterJobs);
-        String sql = "select k2, sum(v1) from test.segmentv2 group by k2";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("rollup: r1"));
-        // 2. create a rollup with segment v2
-        alterStmtStr = "alter table test.segmentv2 add rollup segmentv2(k2, v1) properties('storage_format' = 'v2')";
-        alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(alterStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        waitAlterJobDone(alterJobs);
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("rollup: r1"));
-        // set use_v2_rollup = true;
-        connectContext.getSessionVariable().setUseV2Rollup(true);
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("rollup: __v2_segmentv2"));
-        // 3. process alter segment v2
-        alterStmtStr = "alter table test.segmentv2 set ('storage_format' = 'v2');";
-        alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(alterStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        // 4. check alter job
-        alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        waitAlterJobDone(alterJobs);
-        // 5. check storage format of table
-        Assert.assertEquals(TStorageFormat.V2, tbl.getTableProperty().getStorageFormat());
-        // 6. alter again, that no job will be created
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Nothing is changed"));
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/AlterTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/AlterTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f371f02..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/AlterTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.alter;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DateLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DataProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.TimeUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class AlterTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/AlterTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 100;
-        Config.dynamic_partition_enable = true;
-        Config.dynamic_partition_check_interval_seconds = 1;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.tbl1\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 date,\n" +
-                "    k2 int,\n" +
-                "    v1 int sum\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p1 values less than('2020-02-01'),\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p2 values less than('2020-03-01')\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k2) BUCKETS 3\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES('replication_num' = '1');");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.tbl2\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 date,\n" +
-                "    v1 int sum\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (k1) BUCKETS 3\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES('replication_num' = '1');");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.tbl3\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 date,\n" +
-                "    k2 int,\n" +
-                "    v1 int sum\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p1 values less than('2020-02-01'),\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p2 values less than('2020-03-01')\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k2) BUCKETS 3\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES('replication_num' = '1');");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.tbl4\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 date,\n" +
-                "    k2 int,\n" +
-                "    v1 int sum\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p1 values less than('2020-02-01'),\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p2 values less than('2020-03-01'),\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p3 values less than('2020-04-01'),\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p4 values less than('2020-05-01')\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k2) BUCKETS 3\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES" +
-                "(" +
-                "    'replication_num' = '1',\n" +
-                "    'in_memory' = 'false',\n" +
-                "    'storage_medium' = 'SSD',\n" +
-                "    'storage_cooldown_time' = '9999-12-31 00:00:00'\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.tbl5\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 date,\n" +
-                "    k2 int,\n" +
-                "    v1 int \n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "UNIQUE KEY (k1,k2)\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p1 values less than('2020-02-01'),\n" +
-                "    PARTITION p2 values less than('2020-03-01')\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k2) BUCKETS 3\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES('replication_num' = '1');");
-        createTable("create external table test.odbc_table\n" +
-                "(  `k1` bigint(20) COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` datetime COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` varchar(20) COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k4` varchar(100) COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k5` float COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ")ENGINE=ODBC\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"host\" = \"\",\n" +
-                "\"port\" = \"3306\",\n" +
-                "\"user\" = \"root\",\n" +
-                "\"password\" = \"123\",\n" +
-                "\"database\" = \"db1\",\n" +
-                "\"table\" = \"tbl1\",\n" +
-                "\"driver\" = \"Oracle Driver\",\n" +
-                "\"odbc_type\" = \"oracle\"\n" +
-                ");");
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    private static void alterTable(String sql, boolean expectedException) throws Exception {
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().alterTable(alterTableStmt);
-            if (expectedException) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            if (!expectedException) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private static void alterTableWithExceptionMsg(String sql, String msg) throws Exception {
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().alterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(msg, e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void alterTableWithEnableFeature() throws Exception {
-        String stmt = "alter table test.tbl5 enable feature \"SEQUENCE_LOAD\" with properties (\"function_column.sequence_type\" = \"int\") ";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl5 enable feature \"SEQUENCE_LOAD\" with properties (\"function_column.sequence_type\" = \"double\") ";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testConflictAlterOperations() throws Exception {
-        String stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add partition p3 values less than('2020-04-01'), add partition p4 values less than('2020-05-01')";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add partition p3 values less than('2020-04-01'), drop partition p4";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 drop partition p3, drop partition p4";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 drop partition p3, add column k3 int";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        // no conflict
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add column k3 int, add column k4 int";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        waitSchemaChangeJobDone(false);
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add rollup r1 (k1)";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        waitSchemaChangeJobDone(true);
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add rollup r2 (k1), r3 (k1)";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        waitSchemaChangeJobDone(true);
-        // enable dynamic partition
-        // not adding the `start` property so that it won't drop the origin partition p1, p2 and p3
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 set (\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.enable' = 'true',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.time_unit' = 'DAY',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.end' = '3',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.prefix' = 'p',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.buckets' = '3'\n" +
-                " );";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getEnable());
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, tbl.getIndexIdToSchema().size());
-        // add partition when dynamic partition is enable
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add partition p3 values less than('2020-04-01') distributed by hash(k2) buckets 4 PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1')";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        // add temp partition when dynamic partition is enable
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add temporary partition tp3 values less than('2020-04-01') distributed by hash(k2) buckets 4 PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1')";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tbl.getTempPartitions().size());
-        // disable the dynamic partition
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 set ('dynamic_partition.enable' = 'false')";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        Assert.assertFalse(tbl.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getEnable());
-        // add partition when dynamic partition is disable
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add partition p3 values less than('2020-04-01') distributed by hash(k2) buckets 4";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        // set table's default replication num
-        Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), tbl.getDefaultReplicationNum());
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 set ('default.replication_num' = '3');";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("3"), tbl.getDefaultReplicationNum());
-        // set range table's real replication num
-        Partition p1 = tbl.getPartition("p1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), Short.valueOf(tbl.getPartitionInfo().getReplicationNum(p1.getId())));
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 set ('replication_num' = '3');";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), Short.valueOf(tbl.getPartitionInfo().getReplicationNum(p1.getId())));
-        // set un-partitioned table's real replication num
-        OlapTable tbl2 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl2");
-        Partition partition = tbl2.getPartition(tbl2.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), Short.valueOf(tbl2.getPartitionInfo().getReplicationNum(partition.getId())));
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl2 set ('replication_num' = '3');";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("3"), Short.valueOf(tbl2.getPartitionInfo().getReplicationNum(partition.getId())));
-        Thread.sleep(5000); // sleep to wait dynamic partition scheduler run
-        // add partition without set replication num
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add partition p4 values less than('2020-04-10')";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        // add partition when dynamic partition is disable
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl1 add partition p4 values less than('2020-04-10') ('replication_num' = '1')";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-    }
-    // test batch update range partitions' properties
-    @Test
-    public void testBatchUpdatePartitionProperties() throws Exception {
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable tbl4 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl4");
-        Partition p1 = tbl4.getPartition("p1");
-        Partition p2 = tbl4.getPartition("p2");
-        Partition p3 = tbl4.getPartition("p3");
-        Partition p4 = tbl4.getPartition("p4");
-        // batch update replication_num property
-        String stmt = "alter table test.tbl4 modify partition (p1, p2, p4) set ('replication_num' = '3')";
-        List<Partition> partitionList = Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2, p4);
-        for (Partition partition : partitionList) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), Short.valueOf(tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getReplicationNum(partition.getId())));
-        }
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        for (Partition partition : partitionList) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("3"), Short.valueOf(tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getReplicationNum(partition.getId())));
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), Short.valueOf(tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getReplicationNum(p3.getId())));
-        // batch update in_memory property
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl4 modify partition (p1, p2, p3) set ('in_memory' = 'true')";
-        partitionList = Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2, p3);
-        for (Partition partition : partitionList) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(false, tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getIsInMemory(partition.getId()));
-        }
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        for (Partition partition : partitionList) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(true, tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getIsInMemory(partition.getId()));
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(false, tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getIsInMemory(p4.getId()));
-        // batch update storage_medium and storage_cool_down properties
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl4 modify partition (p2, p3, p4) set ('storage_medium' = 'HDD')";
-        DateLiteral dateLiteral = new DateLiteral("9999-12-31 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        long coolDownTimeMs = dateLiteral.unixTimestamp(TimeUtils.getTimeZone());
-        DataProperty oldDataProperty = new DataProperty(TStorageMedium.SSD, coolDownTimeMs);
-        partitionList = Lists.newArrayList(p2, p3, p4);
-        for (Partition partition : partitionList) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(oldDataProperty, tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getDataProperty(partition.getId()));
-        }
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        DataProperty newDataProperty = new DataProperty(TStorageMedium.HDD, DataProperty.MAX_COOLDOWN_TIME_MS);
-        for (Partition partition : partitionList) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(newDataProperty, tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getDataProperty(partition.getId()));
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(oldDataProperty, tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getDataProperty(p1.getId()));
-        // batch update range partitions' properties with *
-        stmt = "alter table test.tbl4 modify partition (*) set ('replication_num' = '1')";
-        partitionList = Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2, p3, p4);
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        for (Partition partition : partitionList) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), Short.valueOf(tbl4.getPartitionInfo().getReplicationNum(partition.getId())));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDynamicPartitionDropAndAdd() throws Exception {
-        // test day range
-        String stmt = "alter table test.tbl3 set (\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.enable' = 'true',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.time_unit' = 'DAY',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.start' = '-3',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.end' = '3',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.prefix' = 'p',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.buckets' = '3'\n" +
-                " );";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        Thread.sleep(5000); // sleep to wait dynamic partition scheduler run
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl3");
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, tbl.getPartitionNames().size());
-        Assert.assertNull(tbl.getPartition("p1"));
-        Assert.assertNull(tbl.getPartition("p2"));
-    }
-    private void waitSchemaChangeJobDone(boolean rollupJob) throws InterruptedException {
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        if (rollupJob) {
-            alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        }
-        for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
-            while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
-                System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-                Thread.sleep(1000);
-            }
-            System.out.println(alterJobV2.getType() + " alter job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb(alterJobV2.getDbId());
-            OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable(alterJobV2.getTableId());
-            while (tbl.getState() != OlapTable.OlapTableState.NORMAL) {
-                Thread.sleep(1000);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetDynamicPropertiesInNormalTable() throws Exception {
-        String tableName = "no_dynamic_table";
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`" + tableName + "` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-        String alterStmt = "alter table test." + tableName + " set (\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\");";
-        String errorMsg = "errCode = 2, detailMessage = Table default_cluster:test.no_dynamic_table is not a dynamic partition table. " +
-                "Use command `HELP ALTER TABLE` to see how to change a normal table to a dynamic partition table.";
-        alterTableWithExceptionMsg(alterStmt, errorMsg);
-        // test set dynamic properties in a no dynamic partition table
-        String stmt = "alter table test." + tableName + " set (\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.enable' = 'true',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.time_unit' = 'DAY',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.start' = '-3',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.end' = '3',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.prefix' = 'p',\n" +
-                "'dynamic_partition.buckets' = '3'\n" +
-                " );";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetDynamicPropertiesInDynamicPartitionTable() throws Exception {
-        String tableName = "dynamic_table";
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`" + tableName + "` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-        String alterStmt1 = "alter table test." + tableName + " set (\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"false\");";
-        alterTable(alterStmt1, false);
-        String alterStmt2 = "alter table test." + tableName + " set (\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"week\");";
-        alterTable(alterStmt2, false);
-        String alterStmt3 = "alter table test." + tableName + " set (\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-10\");";
-        alterTable(alterStmt3, false);
-        String alterStmt4 = "alter table test." + tableName + " set (\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"10\");";
-        alterTable(alterStmt4, false);
-        String alterStmt5 = "alter table test." + tableName + " set (\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"pp\");";
-        alterTable(alterStmt5, false);
-        String alterStmt6 = "alter table test." + tableName + " set (\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"5\");";
-        alterTable(alterStmt6, false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReplaceTable() throws Exception {
-        String stmt1 = "CREATE TABLE test.replace1\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 int, k2 int, k3 int sum\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(k1, k2)\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 10\n" +
-                "rollup (\n" +
-                "r1(k1),\n" +
-                "r2(k2, k3)\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES(\"replication_num\" = \"1\");";
-        String stmt2 = "CREATE TABLE test.r1\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 int, k2 int\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 11\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES(\"replication_num\" = \"1\");";
-        String stmt3 = "CREATE TABLE test.replace2\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 int, k2 int\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 11\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES(\"replication_num\" = \"1\");";
-        String stmt4 = "CREATE TABLE test.replace3\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    k1 int, k2 int, k3 int sum\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "\tPARTITION p1 values less than(\"100\"),\n" +
-                "\tPARTITION p2 values less than(\"200\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "rollup (\n" +
-                "r3(k1),\n" +
-                "r4(k2, k3)\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES(\"replication_num\" = \"1\");";
-        createTable(stmt1);
-        createTable(stmt2);
-        createTable(stmt3);
-        createTable(stmt4);
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        // name conflict
-        String replaceStmt = "ALTER TABLE test.replace1 REPLACE WITH TABLE r1";
-        alterTable(replaceStmt, true);
-        // replace1 with replace2
-        replaceStmt = "ALTER TABLE test.replace1 REPLACE WITH TABLE replace2";
-        OlapTable replace1 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("replace1");
-        OlapTable replace2 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("replace2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, replace1.getPartition("replace1").getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, replace2.getPartition("replace2").getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        alterTable(replaceStmt, false);
-        replace1 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("replace1");
-        replace2 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("replace2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, replace1.getPartition("replace1").getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, replace2.getPartition("replace2").getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("replace1", replace1.getIndexNameById(replace1.getBaseIndexId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals("replace2", replace2.getIndexNameById(replace2.getBaseIndexId()));
-        // replace with no swap
-        replaceStmt = "ALTER TABLE test.replace1 REPLACE WITH TABLE replace2 properties('swap' = 'false')";
-        alterTable(replaceStmt, false);
-        replace1 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("replace1");
-        replace2 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("replace2");
-        Assert.assertNull(replace2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, replace1.getPartition("replace1").getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("replace1", replace1.getIndexNameById(replace1.getBaseIndexId()));
-        replaceStmt = "ALTER TABLE test.replace1 REPLACE WITH TABLE replace3 properties('swap' = 'true')";
-        alterTable(replaceStmt, false);
-        replace1 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("replace1");
-        OlapTable replace3 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("replace3");
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, replace1.getPartition("p1").getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, replace1.getPartition("p2").getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(replace1.getIndexIdByName("r3"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(replace1.getIndexIdByName("r4"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, replace3.getPartition("replace3").getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(replace3.getIndexIdByName("r1"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(replace3.getIndexIdByName("r2"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExternalTableAlterOperations() throws Exception {
-        // external table do not support partition operation
-        String stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table add partition p3 values less than('2020-04-01'), add partition p4 values less than('2020-05-01')";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        // external table do not support rollup
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table add rollup r1 (k1)";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        // external table support add column
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table add column k6 INT KEY after k1, add column k7 TINYINT KEY after k6";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        Table odbc_table = db.getTable("odbc_table");
-        Assert.assertEquals(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().size(), 7);
-        Assert.assertEquals(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().get(1).getDataType(), PrimitiveType.INT);
-        Assert.assertEquals(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().get(2).getDataType(), PrimitiveType.TINYINT);
-        // external table support drop column
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table drop column k7";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        odbc_table = db.getTable("odbc_table");
-        Assert.assertEquals(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().size(), 6);
-        // external table support modify column
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table modify column k6 bigint after k5";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        odbc_table = db.getTable("odbc_table");
-        Assert.assertEquals(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().size(), 6);
-        Assert.assertEquals(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().get(5).getDataType(), PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        // external table support reorder column
-        db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        odbc_table = db.getTable("odbc_table");
-        Assert.assertTrue(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().stream().
-                map(column -> column.getName()).
-                reduce("", (totalName, columnName) -> totalName + columnName).equals("k1k2k3k4k5k6"));
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table order by (k6, k5, k4, k3, k2, k1)";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        Assert.assertTrue(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().stream().
-                map(column -> column.getName()).
-                reduce("", (totalName, columnName) -> totalName + columnName).equals("k6k5k4k3k2k1"));
-        // external table support drop column
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table drop column k6";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table drop column k5";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table drop column k4";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table drop column k3";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table drop column k2";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        // do not allow drop last column
-        Assert.assertEquals(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().size(), 1);
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table drop column k1";
-        alterTable(stmt, true);
-        Assert.assertEquals(odbc_table.getBaseSchema().size(), 1);
-        // external table support rename operation
-        stmt = "alter table test.odbc_table rename oracle_table";
-        alterTable(stmt, false);
-        db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        odbc_table = db.getTable("oracle_table");
-        Assert.assertTrue(odbc_table != null);
-        odbc_table = db.getTable("odbc_table");
-        Assert.assertTrue(odbc_table == null);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/BatchRollupJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/BatchRollupJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 898deb3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/BatchRollupJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.alter;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CancelAlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable.OlapTableState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class BatchRollupJobTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/BatchRollupJobTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext ctx;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setup() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void before() throws Exception {
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        alterJobs.clear();
-        // create database db1
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database if not exists db1;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        System.out.println(Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDbNames());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBatchRollup() throws Exception {
-        // create table tbl1
-        String createTblStmtStr1 = "create table db1.tbl1(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr1, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        // batch add 3 rollups
-        String stmtStr = "alter table db1.tbl1 add rollup r1(k1) duplicate key(k1), r2(k1, k2) duplicate key(k1), r3(k2) duplicate key(k2);";
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, alterJobs.size());
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db1");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db);
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(tbl);
-        int finishedNum = 0;
-        for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
-            if (alterJobV2.getType() != AlterJobV2.JobType.ROLLUP) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
-                System.out.println(
-                        "rollup job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-                Thread.sleep(5000);
-            }
-            System.out.println("rollup job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            ++finishedNum;
-            if (finishedNum == 3) {
-                int i = 3;
-                while (tbl.getState() != OlapTableState.NORMAL && i > 0) {
-                    Thread.sleep(1000);
-                    i--;
-                }
-                Assert.assertEquals(OlapTableState.NORMAL, tbl.getState());
-            } else {
-                Assert.assertEquals(OlapTableState.ROLLUP, tbl.getState());
-            }
-        }
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(4, partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCancelBatchRollup() throws Exception {
-        // create table tbl2
-        String createTblStmtStr1 = "create table db1.tbl2(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr1, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        // batch add 3 rollups
-        String stmtStr = "alter table db1.tbl2 add rollup r1(k1) duplicate key(k1), r2(k1, k2) duplicate key(k1), r3(k2) duplicate key(k2);";
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, alterJobs.size());
-        List<Long> jobIds = Lists.newArrayList(alterJobs.keySet());
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db1");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db);
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl2");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(tbl);
-        for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
-            if (alterJobV2.getType() != AlterJobV2.JobType.ROLLUP) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
-                System.out.println(
-                        "rollup job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-                Thread.sleep(5000);
-            }
-            System.out.println("rollup job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(OlapTableState.ROLLUP, tbl.getState());
-            // cancel rest of rollup jobs
-            stmtStr = "cancel alter table rollup from db1.tbl2 (" + Joiner.on(",").join(jobIds) + ")";
-            CancelAlterTableStmt cancelStmt = (CancelAlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmtStr, ctx);
-            Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().cancelAlter(cancelStmt);
-            int i = 3;
-            while (tbl.getState() != OlapTableState.NORMAL && i > 0) {
-                Thread.sleep(1000);
-                i--;
-            }
-            Assert.assertEquals(OlapTableState.NORMAL, tbl.getState());
-            break;
-        }
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/MaterializedViewHandlerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/MaterializedViewHandlerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ee43f46..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/MaterializedViewHandlerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.alter;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateMaterializedViewStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.MVColumnItem;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class MaterializedViewHandlerTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testDifferentBaseTable(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                       @Injectable Database db,
-                                       @Injectable OlapTable olapTable) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getBaseIndexName();
-                result = "t1";
-                olapTable.getName();
-                result = "t2";
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "processCreateMaterializedView", createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                   db, olapTable);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNotNormalTable(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                   @Injectable Database db,
-                                   @Injectable OlapTable olapTable) {
-        final String baseIndexName = "t1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getBaseIndexName();
-                result = baseIndexName;
-                olapTable.getName();
-                result = baseIndexName;
-                olapTable.getState();
-                result = OlapTable.OlapTableState.ROLLUP;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "processCreateMaterializedView", createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                   db, olapTable);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testErrorBaseIndexName(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                       @Injectable Database db,
-                                       @Injectable OlapTable olapTable) {
-        final String baseIndexName = "t1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getBaseIndexName();
-                result = baseIndexName;
-                olapTable.getName();
-                result = baseIndexName;
-                olapTable.getState();
-                result = OlapTable.OlapTableState.NORMAL;
-                olapTable.getIndexIdByName(baseIndexName);
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "processCreateMaterializedView",
-                                   createMaterializedViewStmt, db, olapTable);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRollupReplica(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                  @Injectable Database db,
-                                  @Injectable OlapTable olapTable,
-                                  @Injectable Partition partition,
-                                  @Injectable MaterializedIndex materializedIndex) {
-        final String baseIndexName = "t1";
-        final Long baseIndexId = new Long(1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getBaseIndexName();
-                result = baseIndexName;
-                olapTable.getName();
-                result = baseIndexName;
-                olapTable.getState();
-                result = OlapTable.OlapTableState.NORMAL;
-                olapTable.getIndexIdByName(baseIndexName);
-                result = baseIndexId;
-                olapTable.getPartitions();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(partition);
-                partition.getIndex(baseIndexId);
-                result =  materializedIndex;
-                materializedIndex.getState();
-                result = MaterializedIndex.IndexState.SHADOW;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "processCreateMaterializedView",
-                                   createMaterializedViewStmt, db, olapTable);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDuplicateMVName(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                    @Injectable OlapTable olapTable) {
-        final String mvName = "mv1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                olapTable.hasMaterializedIndex(mvName);
-                result = true;
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVName();
-                result = mvName;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "checkAndPrepareMaterializedView",
-                                   createMaterializedViewStmt, olapTable);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInvalidAggregateType(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                         @Injectable OlapTable olapTable) {
-        final String mvName = "mv1";
-        final String columnName = "mv_k1";
-        Column baseColumn = new Column(columnName, Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, "", "");
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem = new MVColumnItem(columnName, Type.BIGINT);
-        mvColumnItem.setIsKey(true);
-        mvColumnItem.setAggregationType(null, false);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                olapTable.hasMaterializedIndex(mvName);
-                result = false;
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVName();
-                result = mvName;
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(mvColumnItem);
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.AGG_KEYS;
-                olapTable.getColumn(columnName);
-                result = baseColumn;
-                olapTable.getKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.AGG_KEYS;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "checkAndPrepareMaterializedView",
-                                   createMaterializedViewStmt, olapTable);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInvalidKeysType(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                    @Injectable OlapTable olapTable) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.DUP_KEYS;
-                olapTable.getKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.AGG_KEYS;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "checkAndPrepareMaterializedView",
-                                   createMaterializedViewStmt, olapTable);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDuplicateTable(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                   @Injectable OlapTable olapTable) {
-        final String mvName = "mv1";
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        Column baseColumn1 = new Column(columnName1, Type.VARCHAR, false, AggregateType.NONE, "", "");
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem = new MVColumnItem(columnName1, Type.VARCHAR);
-        mvColumnItem.setIsKey(true);
-        mvColumnItem.setAggregationType(null, false);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                olapTable.hasMaterializedIndex(mvName);
-                result = false;
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVName();
-                result = mvName;
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(mvColumnItem);
-                olapTable.getBaseColumn(columnName1);
-                result = baseColumn1;
-                olapTable.getKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.DUP_KEYS;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            List<Column> mvColumns = Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler,
-                                                            "checkAndPrepareMaterializedView",
-                                                            createMaterializedViewStmt, olapTable);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, mvColumns.size());
-            Column newMVColumn = mvColumns.get(0);
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName1, newMVColumn.getName());
-            Assert.assertTrue(newMVColumn.isKey());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, newMVColumn.getAggregationType());
-            Assert.assertEquals(false, newMVColumn.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(Type.VARCHAR, newMVColumn.getType());
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void checkInvalidPartitionKeyMV(@Injectable CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt,
-                                           @Injectable OlapTable olapTable) {
-        final String mvName = "mv1";
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        Column baseColumn1 = new Column(columnName1, Type.VARCHAR, true, null, "", "");
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem = new MVColumnItem(columnName1, Type.VARCHAR);
-        mvColumnItem.setIsKey(false);
-        mvColumnItem.setAggregationType(AggregateType.SUM, false);
-        List<String> partitionColumnNames = Lists.newArrayList();
-        partitionColumnNames.add(columnName1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                olapTable.hasMaterializedIndex(mvName);
-                result = false;
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVName();
-                result = mvName;
-                createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(mvColumnItem);
-                olapTable.getKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.DUP_KEYS;
-                olapTable.getPartitionColumnNames();
-                result = partitionColumnNames;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "checkAndPrepareMaterializedView",
-                                                            createMaterializedViewStmt, olapTable);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckDropMaterializedView(@Injectable OlapTable olapTable, @Injectable Partition partition,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndex materializedIndex) {
-        String mvName = "mv_1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                olapTable.getState();
-                result = OlapTable.OlapTableState.NORMAL;
-                olapTable.getName();
-                result = "table1";
-                olapTable.hasMaterializedIndex(mvName);
-                result = true;
-                olapTable.getIndexIdByName(mvName);
-                result = 1L;
-                olapTable.getSchemaHashByIndexId(1L);
-                result = 1;
-                olapTable.getPartitions();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(partition);
-                partition.getIndex(1L);
-                result = materializedIndex;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = new MaterializedViewHandler();
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(materializedViewHandler, "checkDropMaterializedView", mvName, olapTable);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/RollupJobV2Test.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/RollupJobV2Test.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7293740..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/RollupJobV2Test.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.alter;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJobV2.JobState;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AddRollupClause;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterClause;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateMaterializedViewStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionCallExpr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.MVColumnItem;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.CatalogTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeEditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable.OlapTableState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.OriginStatement;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskQueue;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageFormat;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTaskType;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.FakeTransactionIDGenerator;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.GlobalTransactionMgr;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class RollupJobV2Test {
-    private static String fileName = "./RollupJobV2Test";
-    private static FakeTransactionIDGenerator fakeTransactionIDGenerator;
-    private static GlobalTransactionMgr masterTransMgr;
-    private static GlobalTransactionMgr slaveTransMgr;
-    private static Catalog masterCatalog;
-    private static Catalog slaveCatalog;
-    private static String transactionSource = "localfe";
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    private static AddRollupClause clause;
-    private static AddRollupClause clause2;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    private FakeEditLog fakeEditLog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
-            InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, AnalysisException {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        fakeTransactionIDGenerator = new FakeTransactionIDGenerator();
-        masterCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        slaveCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_61);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // masterCatalog.setJournalVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_40);
-        // slaveCatalog.setJournalVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_40);
-        masterTransMgr = masterCatalog.getGlobalTransactionMgr();
-        masterTransMgr.setEditLog(masterCatalog.getEditLog());
-        slaveTransMgr = slaveCatalog.getGlobalTransactionMgr();
-        slaveTransMgr.setEditLog(slaveCatalog.getEditLog());
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        clause = new AddRollupClause(CatalogTestUtil.testRollupIndex2, Lists.newArrayList("k1", "v"), null,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testIndex1, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        clause2 = new AddRollupClause(CatalogTestUtil.testRollupIndex3, Lists.newArrayList("k1", "v"), null,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testIndex1, null);
-        clause2.analyze(analyzer);
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            @Mock
-            public Catalog getCurrentCatalog() {
-                return masterCatalog;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunRollupJobConcurrentLimit() throws UserException {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler();
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        alterClauses.add(clause);
-        alterClauses.add(clause2);
-        Database db = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        materializedViewHandler.process(alterClauses, db.getClusterName(), db, olapTable);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobsV2 = materializedViewHandler.getAlterJobsV2();
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Config.max_running_rollup_job_num_per_table, materializedViewHandler.getTableRunningJobMap().get(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, alterJobsV2.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(OlapTableState.ROLLUP, olapTable.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAddSchemaChange() throws UserException {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler();
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        alterClauses.add(clause);
-        Database db = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        materializedViewHandler.process(alterClauses, db.getClusterName(), db, olapTable);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobsV2 = materializedViewHandler.getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobsV2.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(OlapTableState.ROLLUP, olapTable.getState());
-    }
-    // start a schema change, then finished
-    @Test
-    public void testSchemaChange1() throws Exception {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler();
-        // add a rollup job
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        alterClauses.add(clause);
-        Database db = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        Partition testPartition = olapTable.getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartitionId1);
-        materializedViewHandler.process(alterClauses, db.getClusterName(), db, olapTable);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobsV2 = materializedViewHandler.getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobsV2.size());
-        RollupJobV2 rollupJob = (RollupJobV2) alterJobsV2.values().stream().findAny().get();
-        // runPendingJob
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.WAITING_TXN, rollupJob.getJobState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.SHADOW).size());
-        // runWaitingTxnJob
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, rollupJob.getJobState());
-        // runWaitingTxnJob, task not finished
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, rollupJob.getJobState());
-        // finish all tasks
-        List<AgentTask> tasks = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(TTaskType.ALTER);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tasks.size());
-        for (AgentTask agentTask : tasks) {
-            agentTask.setFinished(true);
-        }
-        MaterializedIndex shadowIndex = testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.SHADOW).get(0);
-        for (Tablet shadowTablet : shadowIndex.getTablets()) {
-            for (Replica shadowReplica : shadowTablet.getReplicas()) {
-                shadowReplica.updateVersionInfo(testPartition.getVisibleVersion(),
-                        testPartition.getVisibleVersionHash(), shadowReplica.getDataSize(),
-                        shadowReplica.getRowCount());
-            }
-        }
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.FINISHED, rollupJob.getJobState());
-        /*
-        Assert.assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testIndexId1, rollupJob.getBaseIndexId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testRollupIndex2, rollupJob.getRollupIndexName());
-        MaterializedIndex rollupIndex = rollupJob.getRollupIndex(CatalogTestUtil.testPartitionId1);
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = testPartition.getBaseIndex();
-        assertEquals(IndexState.ROLLUP, rollupIndex.getState());
-        assertEquals(IndexState.NORMAL, baseIndex.getState());
-        assertEquals(OlapTableState.ROLLUP, olapTable.getState());
-        assertEquals(PartitionState.ROLLUP, testPartition.getState());
-        Tablet rollupTablet = rollupIndex.getTablets().get(0);
-        List<Replica> replicas = rollupTablet.getReplicas();
-        Replica rollupReplica1 = replicas.get(0);
-        Replica rollupReplica2 = replicas.get(1);
-        Replica rollupReplica3 = replicas.get(2);
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica2.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica3.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        // rollup handler run one cycle, agent task is generated and send tasks
-        rollupHandler.runOneCycle();
-        AgentTask task1 = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(rollupReplica1.getBackendId(), TTaskType.ROLLUP, rollupTablet.getId());
-        AgentTask task2 = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(rollupReplica2.getBackendId(), TTaskType.ROLLUP, rollupTablet.getId());
-        AgentTask task3 = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(rollupReplica3.getBackendId(), TTaskType.ROLLUP, rollupTablet.getId());
-        // be report finishe rollup success
-        TTabletInfo tTabletInfo = new TTabletInfo(rollupTablet.getId(), CatalogTestUtil.testSchemaHash1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersionHash, 0, 0);
-        rollupHandler.handleFinishedReplica(task1, tTabletInfo, -1);
-        rollupHandler.handleFinishedReplica(task2, tTabletInfo, -1);
-        rollupHandler.handleFinishedReplica(task3, tTabletInfo, -1);
-        // rollup hander run one cycle again, the rollup job is finishing
-        rollupHandler.runOneCycle();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.FINISHING, rollupJob.getState());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, rollupReplica3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, rollupReplica1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        */
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSchemaChangeWhileTabletNotStable() throws Exception {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        MaterializedViewHandler materializedViewHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler();
-        // add a rollup job
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        alterClauses.add(clause);
-        Database db = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        Partition testPartition = olapTable.getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartitionId1);
-        materializedViewHandler.process(alterClauses, db.getClusterName(), db, olapTable);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobsV2 = materializedViewHandler.getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobsV2.size());
-        RollupJobV2 rollupJob = (RollupJobV2) alterJobsV2.values().stream().findAny().get();
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = testPartition.getBaseIndex();
-        assertEquals(MaterializedIndex.IndexState.NORMAL, baseIndex.getState());
-        assertEquals(Partition.PartitionState.NORMAL, testPartition.getState());
-        assertEquals(OlapTableState.ROLLUP, olapTable.getState());
-        Tablet baseTablet = baseIndex.getTablets().get(0);
-        List<Replica> replicas = baseTablet.getReplicas();
-        Replica replica1 = replicas.get(0);
-        Replica replica2 = replicas.get(1);
-        Replica replica3 = replicas.get(2);
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica2.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        // runPendingJob
-        replica1.setState(Replica.ReplicaState.DECOMMISSION);
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.PENDING, rollupJob.getJobState());
-        // table is stable, runPendingJob again
-        replica1.setState(Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.WAITING_TXN, rollupJob.getJobState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.SHADOW).size());
-        // runWaitingTxnJob
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, rollupJob.getJobState());
-        // runWaitingTxnJob, task not finished
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, rollupJob.getJobState());
-        // finish all tasks
-        List<AgentTask> tasks = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(TTaskType.ALTER);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tasks.size());
-        for (AgentTask agentTask : tasks) {
-            agentTask.setFinished(true);
-        }
-        MaterializedIndex shadowIndex = testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.SHADOW).get(0);
-        for (Tablet shadowTablet : shadowIndex.getTablets()) {
-            for (Replica shadowReplica : shadowTablet.getReplicas()) {
-                shadowReplica.updateVersionInfo(testPartition.getVisibleVersion(),
-                        testPartition.getVisibleVersionHash(), shadowReplica.getDataSize(),
-                        shadowReplica.getRowCount());
-            }
-        }
-        materializedViewHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.FINISHED, rollupJob.getJobState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeOfRollupJob(@Mocked CreateMaterializedViewStmt stmt) throws IOException,
-            AnalysisException {
-        Config.enable_materialized_view = true;
-        // prepare file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        short keysCount = 1;
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        String mvColumnName = CreateMaterializedViewStmt.MATERIALIZED_VIEW_NAME_PREFIX + "to_bitmap_" + "c1";
-        Column column = new Column(mvColumnName, Type.BITMAP, false, AggregateType.BITMAP_UNION, false, "1", "");
-        columns.add(column);
-        RollupJobV2 rollupJobV2 = new RollupJobV2(1, 1, 1, "test", 1, 1, 1, "test", "rollup", columns, 1, 1,
-                KeysType.AGG_KEYS, keysCount,
-                new OriginStatement("create materialized view rollup as select bitmap_union(to_bitmap(c1)) from test",
-                        0));
-        rollupJobV2.setStorageFormat(TStorageFormat.V2);
-        // write rollup job
-        rollupJobV2.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        SlotRef param1 = new SlotRef(new TableName(null, "test"), "c1");
-        params.add(param1);
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem = new MVColumnItem(mvColumnName, Type.BITMAP);
-        mvColumnItem.setDefineExpr(new FunctionCallExpr(new FunctionName("to_bitmap"), params));
-        List<MVColumnItem> mvColumnItemList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        mvColumnItemList.add(mvColumnItem);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                stmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-                result =  mvColumnItemList;
-            }
-        };
-        // read objects from file
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_86);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        RollupJobV2 result = (RollupJobV2) AlterJobV2.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TStorageFormat.V2, Deencapsulation.getField(result, "storageFormat"));
-        List<Column> resultColumns = Deencapsulation.getField(result, "rollupSchema");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, resultColumns.size());
-        Column resultColumn1 = resultColumns.get(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(mvColumnName,
-                resultColumn1.getName());
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultColumn1.getDefineExpr() instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr resultFunctionCall = (FunctionCallExpr) resultColumn1.getDefineExpr();
-        Assert.assertEquals("to_bitmap", resultFunctionCall.getFnName().getFunction());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/SchemaChangeHandlerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/SchemaChangeHandlerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 688d68e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/SchemaChangeHandlerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.alter;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ColumnPosition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class SchemaChangeHandlerTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testAddValueColumnOnAggMV(@Injectable OlapTable olapTable, @Injectable Column newColumn,
-                                          @Injectable ColumnPosition columnPosition) {
-        SchemaChangeHandler schemaChangeHandler = new SchemaChangeHandler();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                olapTable.getKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.DUP_KEYS;
-                newColumn.getAggregationType();
-                result = null;
-                olapTable.getIndexMetaByIndexId(2).getKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.AGG_KEYS;
-                newColumn.isKey();
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(schemaChangeHandler, "addColumnInternal", olapTable, newColumn, columnPosition,
-                                   new Long(2), new Long(1),
-                                   Maps.newHashMap(), Sets.newHashSet());
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/SchemaChangeJobV2Test.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/SchemaChangeJobV2Test.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d299de2..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/alter/SchemaChangeJobV2Test.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.alter;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJobV2.JobState;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AddColumnClause;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterClause;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ColumnDef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ColumnDef.DefaultValue;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ColumnPosition;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ModifyTablePropertiesClause;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TypeDef;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.CatalogMocker;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.CatalogTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DynamicPartitionProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeEditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable.OlapTableState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition.PartitionState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.SchemaVersionAndHash;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskQueue;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageFormat;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTaskType;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.FakeTransactionIDGenerator;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.GlobalTransactionMgr;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.hamlet.HamletSpec;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class SchemaChangeJobV2Test {
-    private static String fileName = "./SchemaChangeV2Test";
-    private static FakeEditLog fakeEditLog;
-    private static FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    private static FakeTransactionIDGenerator fakeTransactionIDGenerator;
-    private static GlobalTransactionMgr masterTransMgr;
-    private static GlobalTransactionMgr slaveTransMgr;
-    private static Catalog masterCatalog;
-    private static Catalog slaveCatalog;
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    private static ColumnDef newCol = new ColumnDef("add_v", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT)),
-            false, AggregateType.MAX, false, new DefaultValue(true, "1"), "");
-    private static AddColumnClause addColumnClause = new AddColumnClause(newCol, new ColumnPosition("v"), null, null);
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
-            InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, AnalysisException {
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeTransactionIDGenerator = new FakeTransactionIDGenerator();
-        masterCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        slaveCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_61);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        masterTransMgr = masterCatalog.getGlobalTransactionMgr();
-        masterTransMgr.setEditLog(masterCatalog.getEditLog());
-        slaveTransMgr = slaveCatalog.getGlobalTransactionMgr();
-        slaveTransMgr.setEditLog(slaveCatalog.getEditLog());
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        addColumnClause.analyze(analyzer);
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAddSchemaChange() throws UserException {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        SchemaChangeHandler schemaChangeHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler();
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        alterClauses.add(addColumnClause);
-        Database db = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(alterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobsV2 = schemaChangeHandler.getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobsV2.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(OlapTableState.SCHEMA_CHANGE, olapTable.getState());
-    }
-    // start a schema change, then finished
-    @Test
-    public void testSchemaChange1() throws Exception {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        SchemaChangeHandler schemaChangeHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler();
-        // add a schema change job
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        alterClauses.add(addColumnClause);
-        Database db = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        Partition testPartition = olapTable.getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartitionId1);
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(alterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobsV2 = schemaChangeHandler.getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobsV2.size());
-        SchemaChangeJobV2 schemaChangeJob = (SchemaChangeJobV2) alterJobsV2.values().stream().findAny().get();
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = testPartition.getBaseIndex();
-        assertEquals(IndexState.NORMAL, baseIndex.getState());
-        assertEquals(PartitionState.NORMAL, testPartition.getState());
-        assertEquals(OlapTableState.SCHEMA_CHANGE, olapTable.getState());
-        Tablet baseTablet = baseIndex.getTablets().get(0);
-        List<Replica> replicas = baseTablet.getReplicas();
-        Replica replica1 = replicas.get(0);
-        Replica replica2 = replicas.get(1);
-        Replica replica3 = replicas.get(2);
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica2.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        // runPendingJob
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.WAITING_TXN, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.SHADOW).size());
-        // runWaitingTxnJob
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        // runWaitingTxnJob, task not finished
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        // runRunningJob
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        // task not finished, still running
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        // finish alter tasks
-        List<AgentTask> tasks = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(TTaskType.ALTER);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tasks.size());
-        for (AgentTask agentTask : tasks) {
-            agentTask.setFinished(true);
-        }
-        MaterializedIndex shadowIndex = testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.SHADOW).get(0);
-        for (Tablet shadowTablet : shadowIndex.getTablets()) {
-            for (Replica shadowReplica : shadowTablet.getReplicas()) {
-                shadowReplica.updateVersionInfo(testPartition.getVisibleVersion(), testPartition.getVisibleVersionHash(), shadowReplica.getDataSize(), shadowReplica.getRowCount());
-            }
-        }
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.FINISHED, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSchemaChangeWhileTabletNotStable() throws Exception {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        SchemaChangeHandler schemaChangeHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler();
-        // add a schema change job
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        alterClauses.add(addColumnClause);
-        Database db = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        Partition testPartition = olapTable.getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartitionId1);
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(alterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobsV2 = schemaChangeHandler.getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobsV2.size());
-        SchemaChangeJobV2 schemaChangeJob = (SchemaChangeJobV2) alterJobsV2.values().stream().findAny().get();
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = testPartition.getBaseIndex();
-        assertEquals(IndexState.NORMAL, baseIndex.getState());
-        assertEquals(PartitionState.NORMAL, testPartition.getState());
-        assertEquals(OlapTableState.SCHEMA_CHANGE, olapTable.getState());
-        Tablet baseTablet = baseIndex.getTablets().get(0);
-        List<Replica> replicas = baseTablet.getReplicas();
-        Replica replica1 = replicas.get(0);
-        Replica replica2 = replicas.get(1);
-        Replica replica3 = replicas.get(2);
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica2.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        // runPendingJob
-        replica1.setState(Replica.ReplicaState.DECOMMISSION);
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.PENDING, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        // table is stable runPendingJob again
-        replica1.setState(Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.WAITING_TXN, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.SHADOW).size());
-        // runWaitingTxnJob
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        // runWaitingTxnJob, task not finished
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        // runRunningJob
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        // task not finished, still running
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.RUNNING, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-        // finish alter tasks
-        List<AgentTask> tasks = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(TTaskType.ALTER);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tasks.size());
-        for (AgentTask agentTask : tasks) {
-            agentTask.setFinished(true);
-        }
-        MaterializedIndex shadowIndex = testPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.SHADOW).get(0);
-        for (Tablet shadowTablet : shadowIndex.getTablets()) {
-            for (Replica shadowReplica : shadowTablet.getReplicas()) {
-                shadowReplica.updateVersionInfo(testPartition.getVisibleVersion(), testPartition.getVisibleVersionHash(), shadowReplica.getDataSize(), shadowReplica.getRowCount());
-            }
-        }
-        schemaChangeHandler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.FINISHED, schemaChangeJob.getJobState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testModifyDynamicPartitionNormal() throws UserException {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        SchemaChangeHandler schemaChangeHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler();
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE, "true");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.TIME_UNIT, "day");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.END, "3");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.PREFIX, "p");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.BUCKETS, "30");
-        alterClauses.add(new ModifyTablePropertiesClause(properties));
-        Database db = CatalogMocker.mockDb();
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL2_ID);
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(alterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Assert.assertTrue(olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().isExist());
-        Assert.assertTrue(olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getEnable());
-        Assert.assertEquals("day", olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getTimeUnit());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getEnd());
-        Assert.assertEquals("p", olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getPrefix());
-        Assert.assertEquals(30, olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getBuckets());
-        // set dynamic_partition.enable = false
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> tmpAlterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE, "false");
-        tmpAlterClauses.add(new ModifyTablePropertiesClause(properties));
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(tmpAlterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Assert.assertFalse(olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getEnable());
-        // set dynamic_partition.time_unit = week
-        tmpAlterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.TIME_UNIT, "week");
-        tmpAlterClauses.add(new ModifyTablePropertiesClause(properties));
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(tmpAlterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Assert.assertEquals("week", olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getTimeUnit());
-        // set dynamic_partition.end = 10
-        tmpAlterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.END, "10");
-        tmpAlterClauses.add(new ModifyTablePropertiesClause(properties));
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(tmpAlterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getEnd());
-        // set dynamic_partition.prefix = p1
-        tmpAlterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.PREFIX, "p1");
-        tmpAlterClauses.add(new ModifyTablePropertiesClause(properties));
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(tmpAlterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Assert.assertEquals("p1", olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getPrefix());
-        // set dynamic_partition.buckets = 3
-        tmpAlterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.BUCKETS, "3");
-        tmpAlterClauses.add(new ModifyTablePropertiesClause(properties));
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(tmpAlterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, olapTable.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getBuckets());
-    }
-    public void modifyDynamicPartitionWithoutTableProperty(String propertyKey, String propertyValue, String missPropertyKey)
-            throws UserException {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        SchemaChangeHandler schemaChangeHandler = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler();
-        ArrayList<AlterClause> alterClauses = new ArrayList<>();
-        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
-        properties.put(propertyKey, propertyValue);
-        alterClauses.add(new ModifyTablePropertiesClause(properties));
-        Database db = CatalogMocker.mockDb();
-        OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL2_ID);
-        expectedEx.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Table test_db.test_tbl2 is not a dynamic partition table. " +
-                "Use command `HELP ALTER TABLE` to see how to change a normal table to a dynamic partition table.");
-        schemaChangeHandler.process(alterClauses, "default_cluster", db, olapTable);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testModifyDynamicPartitionWithoutTableProperty() throws UserException {
-        modifyDynamicPartitionWithoutTableProperty(DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE, "false", DynamicPartitionProperty.TIME_UNIT);
-        modifyDynamicPartitionWithoutTableProperty(DynamicPartitionProperty.TIME_UNIT, "day", DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE);
-        modifyDynamicPartitionWithoutTableProperty(DynamicPartitionProperty.END, "3", DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE);
-        modifyDynamicPartitionWithoutTableProperty(DynamicPartitionProperty.PREFIX, "p", DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE);
-        modifyDynamicPartitionWithoutTableProperty(DynamicPartitionProperty.BUCKETS, "30", DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeOfSchemaChangeJob() throws IOException {
-        // prepare file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        SchemaChangeJobV2 schemaChangeJobV2 = new SchemaChangeJobV2(1, 1,1, "test",600000);
-        schemaChangeJobV2.setStorageFormat(TStorageFormat.V2);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(schemaChangeJobV2, "jobState", AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED);
-        Map<Long, SchemaVersionAndHash> indexSchemaVersionAndHashMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        indexSchemaVersionAndHashMap.put(Long.valueOf(1000), new SchemaVersionAndHash(10, 20));
-        Deencapsulation.setField(schemaChangeJobV2, "indexSchemaVersionAndHashMap", indexSchemaVersionAndHashMap);
-        // write schema change job
-        schemaChangeJobV2.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // read objects from file
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_86);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        SchemaChangeJobV2 result = (SchemaChangeJobV2) AlterJobV2.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, result.getJobId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, result.getJobState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(TStorageFormat.V2, Deencapsulation.getField(result, "storageFormat"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(Deencapsulation.getField(result, "partitionIndexMap"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(Deencapsulation.getField(result, "partitionIndexTabletMap"));
-        Map<Long, SchemaVersionAndHash> map = Deencapsulation.getField(result, "indexSchemaVersionAndHashMap");
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, map.get(1000L).schemaVersion);
-        Assert.assertEquals(20, map.get(1000L).schemaHash);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AccessTestUtil.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AccessTestUtil.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d222a6a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AccessTestUtil.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.BrokerMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeEditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RandomDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class AccessTestUtil {
-    private static FakeEditLog fakeEditLog;
-    public static SystemInfoService fetchSystemInfoService() {
-        SystemInfoService clusterInfo = new SystemInfoService();
-        return clusterInfo;
-    }
-    public static PaloAuth fetchAdminAccess() {
-        PaloAuth auth = new PaloAuth();
-        try {
-            new Expectations(auth) {
-                {
-                    auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = true;
-                    auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = true;
-                    auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = true;
-                    auth.setPassword((SetPassVar) any);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                }
-            };
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        return auth;
-    }
-    public static Catalog fetchAdminCatalog() {
-        try {
-            Catalog catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-            PaloAuth paloAuth = fetchAdminAccess();
-            fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-            EditLog editLog = new EditLog("name");
-            catalog.setEditLog(editLog);
-            Database db = new Database(50000L, "testCluster:testDb");
-            MaterializedIndex baseIndex = new MaterializedIndex(30001, IndexState.NORMAL);
-            RandomDistributionInfo distributionInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(10);
-            Partition partition = new Partition(20000L, "testTbl", baseIndex, distributionInfo);
-            List<Column> baseSchema = new LinkedList<Column>();
-            Column column = new Column();
-            baseSchema.add(column);
-            OlapTable table = new OlapTable(30000, "testTbl", baseSchema,
-                    KeysType.AGG_KEYS, new SinglePartitionInfo(), distributionInfo);
-            table.setIndexMeta(baseIndex.getId(), "testTbl", baseSchema, 0, 1, (short) 1,
-                    TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-            table.addPartition(partition);
-            table.setBaseIndexId(baseIndex.getId());
-            db.createTable(table);
-            new Expectations(catalog) {
-                {
-                    catalog.getAuth();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = paloAuth;
-                    catalog.getDb(50000L);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = db;
-                    catalog.getDb("testCluster:testDb");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = db;
-                    catalog.getDb("testCluster:emptyDb");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = null;
-                    catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new Database();
-                    catalog.getDbNames();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = Lists.newArrayList("testCluster:testDb");
-                    catalog.getEditLog();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = editLog;
-                    catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new Load();
-                    catalog.getClusterDbNames("testCluster");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = Lists.newArrayList("testCluster:testDb");
-                    catalog.changeDb((ConnectContext) any, "blockDb");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new DdlException("failed");
-                    catalog.changeDb((ConnectContext) any, anyString);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new BrokerMgr();
-                }
-            };
-            return catalog;
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            return null;
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    public static PaloAuth fetchBlockAccess() {
-        PaloAuth auth = new PaloAuth();
-        new Expectations(auth) {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        return auth;
-    }
-    public static OlapTable mockTable(String name) {
-        Column column1 = new Column("col1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Column column2 = new Column("col2", PrimitiveType.DOUBLE);
-        MaterializedIndex index = new MaterializedIndex();
-        new Expectations(index) {
-            {
-                index.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 30000L;
-            }
-        };
-        Partition partition = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Partition.class);
-        new Expectations(partition) {
-            {
-                partition.getBaseIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = index;
-                partition.getIndex(30000L);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = index;
-            }
-        };
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable();
-        new Expectations(table) {
-            {
-                table.getBaseSchema();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(column1, column2);
-                table.getPartition(40000L);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = partition;
-            }
-        };
-        return table;
-    }
-    public static Database mockDb(String name) {
-        Database db = new Database();
-        OlapTable olapTable = mockTable("testTable");
-        new Expectations(db) {
-            {
-                db.getTable("testTable");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = olapTable;
-                db.getTable("emptyTable");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                db.getTableNamesWithLock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Sets.newHashSet("testTable");
-                db.getTables();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(olapTable);
-                db.readLock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                db.readUnlock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                db.getFullName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = name;
-            }
-        };
-        return db;
-    }
-    public static Catalog fetchBlockCatalog() {
-        try {
-            Catalog catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-            PaloAuth paloAuth = fetchBlockAccess();
-            Database db = mockDb("testCluster:testDb");
-            new Expectations(catalog) {
-                {
-                    catalog.getAuth();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = paloAuth;
-                    catalog.changeDb((ConnectContext) any, anyString);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new DdlException("failed");
-                    catalog.getDb("testCluster:testDb");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = db;
-                    catalog.getDb("testCluster:emptyDb");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = null;
-                    catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new Database();
-                    catalog.getDbNames();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = Lists.newArrayList("testCluster:testDb");
-                    catalog.getClusterDbNames("testCluster");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = Lists.newArrayList("testCluster:testDb");
-                    catalog.getDb("emptyCluster");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = null;
-                }
-            };
-            return catalog;
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            return null;
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    public static Analyzer fetchAdminAnalyzer(boolean withCluster) {
-        final String prefix = "testCluster:";
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(fetchAdminCatalog(), new ConnectContext(null));
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = withCluster? prefix + "testDb" : "testDb";
-                analyzer.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0 ;
-                result = withCluster? prefix + "testUser" : "testUser";
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-                analyzer.incrementCallDepth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                analyzer.decrementCallDepth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 0;
-                analyzer.getCallDepth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-            }
-        };
-        return analyzer;
-    }
-    public static Analyzer fetchBlockAnalyzer() throws AnalysisException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(fetchBlockCatalog(), new ConnectContext(null));
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testDb";
-                analyzer.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testUser";
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-        return analyzer;
-    }
-    public static Analyzer fetchEmptyDbAnalyzer() {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(fetchBlockCatalog(), new ConnectContext(null));
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                analyzer.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testUser";
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-        return analyzer;
-    }
-    public static Analyzer fetchTableAnalyzer() {
-        Column column1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR);
-        Column column2 = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR);
-        Column column3 = new Column("k3", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR);
-        Column column4 = new Column("k4", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        MaterializedIndex index = new MaterializedIndex();
-        new Expectations(index) {
-            {
-                index.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 30000L;
-            }
-        };
-        Partition partition = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Partition.class);
-        new Expectations(partition) {
-            {
-                partition.getBaseIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = index;
-                partition.getIndex(30000L);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = index;
-            }
-        };
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable();
-        new Expectations(table) {
-            {
-                table.getBaseSchema();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(column1, column2, column3, column4);
-                table.getPartition(40000L);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = partition;
-                table.getColumn("k1");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = column1;
-                table.getColumn("k2");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = column2;
-                table.getColumn("k3");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = column3;
-                table.getColumn("k4");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = column4;
-            }
-        };
-        Database db = new Database();
-        new Expectations(db) {
-            {
-                db.getTable("t");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                db.getTable("emptyTable");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                db.getTableNamesWithLock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Sets.newHashSet("t");
-                db.getTables();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(table);
-                db.readLock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                db.readUnlock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                db.getFullName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testDb";
-            }
-        };
-        Catalog catalog = fetchBlockCatalog();
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, new ConnectContext(null));
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testDb";
-                analyzer.getTable((TableName) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                analyzer.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testUser";
-                analyzer.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-                analyzer.incrementCallDepth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                analyzer.decrementCallDepth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 0;
-                analyzer.getCallDepth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                analyzer.getContext();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new ConnectContext(null);
-            }
-        };
-        return analyzer;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddColumnClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddColumnClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f966340..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddColumnClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-public class AddColumnClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    ColumnDef definition;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        Column column = new Column("testCol", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT));
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                definition.analyze(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                definition.toSql();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "`testCol` INT";
-                definition.getDefaultValue();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                definition.getAggregateType();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                definition.isAllowNull();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-                definition.toColumn();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = column;
-            }
-        };
-        AddColumnClause clause = new AddColumnClause(definition, null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD COLUMN `testCol` INT", clause.toString());
-        clause = new AddColumnClause(definition, ColumnPosition.FIRST, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD COLUMN `testCol` INT FIRST", clause.toString());
-        clause = new AddColumnClause(definition, new ColumnPosition("testCol2"), null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD COLUMN `testCol` INT AFTER `testCol2`", clause.toString());
-        clause = new AddColumnClause(definition, new ColumnPosition("testCol2"), "testRollup", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD COLUMN `testCol` INT AFTER `testCol2` IN `testRollup`", clause.toString());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getProperties());
-        Assert.assertEquals(new ColumnPosition("testCol2").toString(), clause.getColPos().toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testRollup", clause.getRollupName());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoColDef() throws AnalysisException {
-        AddColumnClause clause = new AddColumnClause(null, null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDefault() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                definition.analyze(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                definition.toSql();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "`testCol` INT";
-                definition.getDefaultValue();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                definition.getAggregateType();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                definition.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCol";
-                definition.isAllowNull();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        AddColumnClause clause = new AddColumnClause(definition, null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testAggPos() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                definition.analyze(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                definition.toSql();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "`testCol` INT";
-                definition.getDefaultValue();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                definition.getAggregateType();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = AggregateType.SUM;
-                definition.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCol";
-                definition.isAllowNull();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        AddColumnClause clause = new AddColumnClause(definition, ColumnPosition.FIRST, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testAddValueToFirst() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                definition.analyze(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                definition.toSql();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "`testCol` INT";
-                definition.getDefaultValue();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "2";
-                definition.getAggregateType();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = AggregateType.SUM;
-                definition.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCol";
-                definition.isAllowNull();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        AddColumnClause clause = new AddColumnClause(definition, ColumnPosition.FIRST, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddColumnsClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddColumnsClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index da1c1d5..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddColumnsClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ColumnDef.DefaultValue;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-public class AddColumnsClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        List<ColumnDef> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        ColumnDef definition = new ColumnDef("col1", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT)),
-                true, null, false, new DefaultValue(true, "0"), "");
-        columns.add(definition);
-        definition = new ColumnDef("col2", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT)), true, null, false,
-                new DefaultValue(true, "0"), "");
-        columns.add(definition);
-        AddColumnsClause clause = new AddColumnsClause(columns, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD COLUMN (`col1` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \"0\" COMMENT \"\", "
-                + "`col2` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \"0\" COMMENT \"\")", clause.toString());
-        clause = new AddColumnsClause(columns, "", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD COLUMN (`col1` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \"0\" COMMENT \"\", "
-                + "`col2` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \"0\" COMMENT \"\")",
-                            clause.toString());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getRollupName());
-        clause = new AddColumnsClause(columns, "testTable", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD COLUMN (`col1` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \"0\" COMMENT \"\", "
-                + "`col2` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \"0\" COMMENT \"\") IN `testTable`",
-                clause.toString());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getProperties());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTable", clause.getRollupName());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDefault() throws AnalysisException {
-        List<ColumnDef> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        ColumnDef definition = new ColumnDef("col1", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT)));
-        columns.add(definition);
-        definition = new ColumnDef("col2", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT)));
-        columns.add(definition);
-        AddColumnsClause clause = new AddColumnsClause(columns, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoColumn() throws AnalysisException {
-        AddColumnsClause clause = new AddColumnsClause(null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddRollupClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddRollupClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cab0572..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AddRollupClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class AddRollupClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        AddRollupClause clause = new AddRollupClause("testRollup", Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"),
-                                                     null, "baseRollup", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD ROLLUP `testRollup` (`col1`, `col2`) FROM `baseRollup`", clause.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("baseRollup", clause.getBaseRollupName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testRollup", clause.getRollupName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("[col1, col2]", clause.getColumnNames().toString());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getProperties());
-        clause = new AddRollupClause("testRollup", Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD ROLLUP `testRollup` (`col1`, `col2`)", clause.toString());
-        clause = new AddRollupClause("testRollup", Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD ROLLUP `testRollup` (`col1`, `col2`)",
-                clause.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoRollup() throws AnalysisException {
-        AddRollupClause clause = new AddRollupClause("", Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoCol() throws AnalysisException {
-        AddRollupClause clause = new AddRollupClause("testRollup", null, null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDupCol() throws AnalysisException {
-        AddRollupClause clause = new AddRollupClause("testRollup", 
-                                        Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col1"), null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testInvalidCol() throws AnalysisException {
-        AddRollupClause clause = new AddRollupClause("testRollup", Lists.newArrayList("", "col1"), null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AdminSetConfigStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AdminSetConfigStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e0ef3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AdminSetConfigStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class AdminSetConfigStmtTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/AdminSetConfigStmtTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws Exception {
-        String stmt = "admin set frontend config(\"alter_table_timeout_second\" = \"60\");";
-        AdminSetConfigStmt adminSetConfigStmt = (AdminSetConfigStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmt, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().setConfig(adminSetConfigStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnknownConfig() throws Exception {
-        String stmt = "admin set frontend config(\"unknown_config\" = \"unknown\");";
-        AdminSetConfigStmt adminSetConfigStmt = (AdminSetConfigStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmt, connectContext);
-        expectedEx.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Config 'unknown_config' does not exist or is not mutable");
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().setConfig(adminSetConfigStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEmptyConfig() throws Exception {
-        String stmt = "admin set frontend config;";
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = config parameter size is not equal to 1");
-        AdminSetConfigStmt adminSetConfigStmt = (AdminSetConfigStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmt, connectContext);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AdminShowReplicaTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AdminShowReplicaTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 13e078f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AdminShowReplicaTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-public class AdminShowReplicaTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testShowReplicaStatus() {
-        String stmt = new String("ADMIN SHOW REPLICA STATUS FROM db.tbl1 WHERE status = 'ok'");
-        testAnalyzeWhere(stmt, true);
-        stmt = new String("ADMIN SHOW REPLICA STATUS FROM db.tbl1 WHERE status != 'ok'");
-        testAnalyzeWhere(stmt, true);
-        stmt = new String("ADMIN SHOW REPLICA STATUS FROM db.tbl1 WHERE status = 'dead'");
-        testAnalyzeWhere(stmt, true);
-        stmt = new String("ADMIN SHOW REPLICA STATUS FROM db.tbl1 WHERE status != 'VERSION_ERROR'");
-        testAnalyzeWhere(stmt, true);
-        stmt = new String("ADMIN SHOW REPLICA STATUS FROM db.tbl1 WHERE status = 'MISSING'");
-        testAnalyzeWhere(stmt, true);
-        stmt = new String("ADMIN SHOW REPLICA STATUS FROM db.tbl1 WHERE status = 'missing'");
-        testAnalyzeWhere(stmt, true);
-        stmt = new String("ADMIN SHOW REPLICA STATUS FROM db.tbl1 WHERE status != 'what'");
-        testAnalyzeWhere(stmt, false);
-        stmt = new String("ADMIN SHOW REPLICA STATUS FROM db.tbl1 WHERE status = 'how'");
-        testAnalyzeWhere(stmt, false);
-    }
-    private void testAnalyzeWhere(String stmt, boolean correct) {
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(stmt)));
-        AdminShowReplicaStatusStmt showStmt = null;
-        try {
-            showStmt = (AdminShowReplicaStatusStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (Error e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        try {
-            Method method = AdminShowReplicaStatusStmt.class.getDeclaredMethod("analyzeWhere");
-            method.setAccessible(true);
-            if (!(Boolean) method.invoke(showStmt)) {
-                if (correct) {
-                    Assert.fail();
-                }
-                return;
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            if (tryAssert(correct, e)) {
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!correct) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    private boolean tryAssert(boolean correct, Exception e) {
-        if (correct) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AggregateTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AggregateTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 753e255..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AggregateTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.DorisAssert;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class AggregateTest {
-    private static String baseDir = "fe";
-    private static String runningDir = baseDir + "/mocked/AggregateTest/"
-            + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static final String TABLE_NAME = "table1";
-    private static final String DB_NAME = "db1";
-    private static DorisAssert dorisAssert;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception{
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        dorisAssert = new DorisAssert();
-        dorisAssert.withDatabase(DB_NAME).useDatabase(DB_NAME);
-        String createTableSQL = "create table " + DB_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + " (empid int, name varchar, " +
-                "deptno int, salary int, commission int) "
-                + "distributed by hash(empid) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(createTableSQL);
-    }
-    /**
-     * ISSUE-3492
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testCountDisintctAnalysisException() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // NOT support mix distinct, one DistinctAggregationFunction has one column, the other DistinctAggregationFunction has some columns.
-        do {
-            String query = "select count(distinct empid), count(distinct salary), count(distinct empid, salary) from " + DB_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME;
-            try {
-                UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(query, ctx);
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The query contains multi count distinct or sum distinct, each can't have multi columns."));
-                break;
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                Assert.fail("must be AnalysisException.");
-            }
-            Assert.fail("must be AnalysisException.");
-        } while (false);
-        // support multi DistinctAggregationFunction, but each DistinctAggregationFunction only has one column
-        do {
-            String query = "select count(distinct empid), count(distinct salary) from " + DB_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME;
-            try {
-                UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(query, ctx);
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                Assert.fail("should be query, no exception");
-            }
-        } while (false);
-        // support 1 DistinctAggregationFunction with some columns
-        do {
-            String query = "select count(distinct salary, empid) from " + DB_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME;
-            try {
-                UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(query, ctx);
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                Assert.fail("should be query, no exception");
-            }
-        } while (false);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void afterClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(baseDir);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterClusterStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterClusterStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c829882..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterClusterStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class AlterClusterStmtTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before()
-    public void setUp() {
-        Config.disable_cluster_feature = false;
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap();
-        properties.put("instance_num", "2");
-        final AlterClusterStmt stmt = new AlterClusterStmt("testCluster", properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster", stmt.getAlterClusterName());
-        String sql = "ALTER CLUSTER " + "testCluster" + " PROPERTIES(\"instance_num\"=" + "\"" + "2" + "\")";
-        Assert.assertEquals(sql, stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoPropertiesFail() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final AlterClusterStmt stmt = new AlterClusterStmt("testCluster", null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testParamNumberFormatError() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap();
-        properties.put("instance_num", "0xfffffff");
-        final AlterClusterStmt stmt = new AlterClusterStmt("testCluster", properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterDatabaseQuotaStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterDatabaseQuotaStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 590bc51..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterDatabaseQuotaStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt.QuotaType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class AlterDatabaseQuotaStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    private void testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt(String dbName, String quotaQuantity, long quotaSize)
-            throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt stmt = new AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt(dbName, QuotaType.DATA, quotaQuantity);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        String expectedSql = "ALTER DATABASE testCluster:testDb SET DATA QUOTA " + quotaQuantity;
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedSql, stmt.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals(quotaSize, stmt.getQuota());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormalAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        // byte
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "102400", 102400L);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "102400b", 102400L);
-        // kb
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100kb", 100L * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100Kb", 100L * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100KB", 100L * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100K", 100L * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100k", 100L * 1024);
-        // mb
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100mb", 100L * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100Mb", 100L * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100MB", 100L * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100M", 100L * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100m", 100L * 1024 * 1024);
-        // gb
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100gb", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100Gb", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100GB", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100G", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100g", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        // tb
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100tb", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100Tb", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100TB", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100T", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100t", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        // tb
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100pb", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100Pb", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100PB", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100P", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-        testAlterDatabaseDataQuotaStmt("testDb", "100p", 100L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDataMinusQuota() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt stmt = new AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt("testDb", QuotaType.DATA, "-100mb");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDataInvalidUnit() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt stmt = new AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt("testDb", QuotaType.DATA, "100invalid_unit");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDataInvalidQuantity() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt stmt = new AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt("testDb", QuotaType.DATA, "invalid_100mb_quota");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormalAlterDatabaseReplicaQuotaStmt() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        long quotaSize = 1000;
-        AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt stmt = new AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt("testDb", QuotaType.REPLICA, String.valueOf(quotaSize));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        String expectedSql = "ALTER DATABASE testCluster:testDb SET REPLICA QUOTA 1000";
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedSql, stmt.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals(quotaSize, stmt.getQuota());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testReplicaMinusQuota() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt stmt = new AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt("testDb", QuotaType.REPLICA, "-100");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testReplicaInvalidQuantity() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt stmt = new AlterDatabaseQuotaStmt("testDb", QuotaType.REPLICA, "invalid_100_quota");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterRoutineLoadStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterRoutineLoadStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4246b30..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterRoutineLoadStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
- * Author: Chenmingyu
- * Date: Jul 20, 2020
- */
-public class AlterRoutineLoadStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        {
-            Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_ERROR_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "100");
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_BATCH_ROWS_PROPERTY, "200000");
-            String typeName = "kafka";
-            Map<String, String> dataSourceProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            dataSourceProperties.put("property.client.id", "101");
-            dataSourceProperties.put("property.group.id", "mygroup");
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_PARTITIONS_PROPERTY, "1,2,3");
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_OFFSETS_PROPERTY, "10000, 20000, 30000");
-            RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties routineLoadDataSourceProperties = new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties(
-                    typeName, dataSourceProperties);
-            AlterRoutineLoadStmt stmt = new AlterRoutineLoadStmt(new LabelName("db1", "label1"),
-                    jobProperties, routineLoadDataSourceProperties);
-            try {
-                stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            } catch (UserException e) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getAnalyzedJobProperties().size());
-            Assert.assertTrue(stmt.getAnalyzedJobProperties().containsKey(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_ERROR_NUMBER_PROPERTY));
-            Assert.assertTrue(stmt.getAnalyzedJobProperties().containsKey(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_BATCH_ROWS_PROPERTY));
-            Assert.assertTrue(stmt.hasDataSourceProperty());
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getDataSourceProperties().getCustomKafkaProperties().size());
-            Assert.assertTrue(stmt.getDataSourceProperties().getCustomKafkaProperties().containsKey("group.id"));
-            Assert.assertTrue(stmt.getDataSourceProperties().getCustomKafkaProperties().containsKey("client.id"));
-            Assert.assertEquals(3, stmt.getDataSourceProperties().getKafkaPartitionOffsets().size());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoProperties() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        AlterRoutineLoadStmt stmt = new AlterRoutineLoadStmt(new LabelName("db1", "label1"),
-                Maps.newHashMap(), new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties());
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnsupportedProperties() {
-        {
-            Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.FORMAT, "csv");
-            AlterRoutineLoadStmt stmt = new AlterRoutineLoadStmt(new LabelName("db1", "label1"),
-                    jobProperties, new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties());
-            try {
-                stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                Assert.fail();
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("format is invalid property"));
-            } catch (UserException e) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-        {
-            Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_ERROR_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "100");
-            String typeName = "kafka";
-            Map<String, String> dataSourceProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_TOPIC_PROPERTY, "new_topic");
-            RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties routineLoadDataSourceProperties = new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties(
-                    typeName, dataSourceProperties);
-            AlterRoutineLoadStmt stmt = new AlterRoutineLoadStmt(new LabelName("db1", "label1"),
-                    jobProperties, routineLoadDataSourceProperties);
-            try {
-                stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                Assert.fail();
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("kafka_topic is invalid kafka custom property"));
-            } catch (UserException e) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-        {
-            Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_ERROR_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "100");
-            String typeName = "kafka";
-            Map<String, String> dataSourceProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_PARTITIONS_PROPERTY, "1,2,3");
-            RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties routineLoadDataSourceProperties = new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties(
-                    typeName, dataSourceProperties);
-            AlterRoutineLoadStmt stmt = new AlterRoutineLoadStmt(new LabelName("db1", "label1"),
-                    jobProperties, routineLoadDataSourceProperties);
-            try {
-                stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                Assert.fail();
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Partition and offset must be specified at the same time"));
-            } catch (UserException e) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-        {
-            Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_ERROR_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "100");
-            String typeName = "kafka";
-            Map<String, String> dataSourceProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_PARTITIONS_PROPERTY, "1,2,3");
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_OFFSETS_PROPERTY, "1000, 2000");
-            RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties routineLoadDataSourceProperties = new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties(
-                    typeName, dataSourceProperties);
-            AlterRoutineLoadStmt stmt = new AlterRoutineLoadStmt(new LabelName("db1", "label1"),
-                    jobProperties, routineLoadDataSourceProperties);
-            try {
-                stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                Assert.fail();
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Partitions number should be equals to offsets number"));
-            } catch (UserException e) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-        {
-            Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_ERROR_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "100");
-            String typeName = "kafka";
-            Map<String, String> dataSourceProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_OFFSETS_PROPERTY, "1000, 2000, 3000");
-            RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties routineLoadDataSourceProperties = new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties(
-                    typeName, dataSourceProperties);
-            AlterRoutineLoadStmt stmt = new AlterRoutineLoadStmt(new LabelName("db1", "label1"),
-                    jobProperties, routineLoadDataSourceProperties);
-            try {
-                stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                Assert.fail();
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Missing kafka partition info"));
-            } catch (UserException e) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-        {
-            Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_ERROR_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "100");
-            jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.MAX_BATCH_SIZE_PROPERTY, "200000");
-            String typeName = "kafka";
-            Map<String, String> dataSourceProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-            dataSourceProperties.put("property.client.id", "101");
-            dataSourceProperties.put("property.group.id", "mygroup");
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_PARTITIONS_PROPERTY, "1,2,3");
-            dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_OFFSETS_PROPERTY, "10000, 20000, 30000");
-            RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties routineLoadDataSourceProperties = new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties(
-                    typeName, dataSourceProperties);
-            AlterRoutineLoadStmt stmt = new AlterRoutineLoadStmt(new LabelName("db1", "label1"),
-                    jobProperties, routineLoadDataSourceProperties);
-            try {
-                stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                Assert.fail();
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("max_batch_size should between 100MB and 1GB"));
-            } catch (UserException e) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterTableStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterTableStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a1b381..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterTableStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class AlterTableStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        List<AlterClause> ops = Lists.newArrayList();
-        ops.add(new DropColumnClause("col1", "", null));
-        ops.add(new DropColumnClause("col2", "", null));
-        AlterTableStmt stmt = new AlterTableStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"), ops);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ALTER TABLE `testCluster:testDb`.`testTbl` DROP COLUMN `col1`, \nDROP COLUMN `col2`",
-                stmt.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getTbl().getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getOps().size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAddRollup() throws UserException {
-        List<AlterClause> ops = Lists.newArrayList();
-        ops.add(new AddRollupClause("index1", Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), null, "testTbl", null));
-        ops.add(new AddRollupClause("index2", Lists.newArrayList("col2", "col3"), null, "testTbl", null));
-        AlterTableStmt stmt = new AlterTableStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"), ops);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ALTER TABLE `testCluster:testDb`.`testTbl` ADD ROLLUP `index1` (`col1`, `col2`) FROM `testTbl`, \n" +
-                        " `index2` (`col2`, `col3`) FROM `testTbl`",
-                stmt.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getTbl().getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getOps().size());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoTable() throws UserException {
-        List<AlterClause> ops = Lists.newArrayList();
-        ops.add(new DropColumnClause("col1", "", null));
-        AlterTableStmt stmt = new AlterTableStmt(null, ops);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoClause() throws UserException {
-        List<AlterClause> ops = Lists.newArrayList();
-        AlterTableStmt stmt = new AlterTableStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"), ops);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEnableFeature() throws UserException {
-        List<AlterClause> ops = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("function_column.sequence_type", "int");
-        ops.add(new EnableFeatureClause("sequence_load", properties));
-        AlterTableStmt stmt = new AlterTableStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"), ops);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ALTER TABLE `testCluster:testDb`.`testTbl` ENABLE FEATURE \"sequence_load\" WITH PROPERTIES (\"function_column.sequence_type\" = \"int\")",
-                stmt.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getTbl().getDb());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterViewStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterViewStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index df0f13f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/AlterViewStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.View;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.AlterViewInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.CreateTableInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class AlterViewStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        Database db = new Database(50000L, "testCluster:testDb");
-        Column column1 = new Column("col1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Column column2 = new Column("col2", PrimitiveType.DOUBLE);
-        List<Column> baseSchema = new LinkedList<Column>();
-        baseSchema.add(column1);
-        baseSchema.add(column2);
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(30000, "testTbl",
-                baseSchema, KeysType.AGG_KEYS, new SinglePartitionInfo(), null);
-        db.createTable(table);
-        new Expectations(auth) {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(editLog) {
-            {
-                editLog.logCreateTable((CreateTableInfo) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                editLog.logModifyViewDef((AlterViewInfo) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        Deencapsulation.setField(catalog, "editLog", editLog);
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            @Mock
-            Catalog getCurrentCatalog() {
-                return catalog;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            PaloAuth getAuth() {
-                return auth;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            Database getDb(long dbId) {
-                return db;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            Database getDb(String dbName) {
-                return db;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Analyzer>() {
-            @Mock
-            String getClusterName() {
-                return "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        String originStmt = "select col1 as c1, sum(col2) as c2 from testDb.testTbl group by col1";
-        View view = new View(30000L, "testView", null);
-        view.setInlineViewDefWithSqlMode("select col1 as c1, sum(col2) as c2 from testDb.testTbl group by col1", 0L);
-        try {
-            view.init();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Database db = analyzer.getCatalog().getDb("testDb");
-        db.createTable(view);
-        Assert.assertEquals(originStmt, view.getInlineViewDef());
-        String alterStmt = "with testTbl_cte (w1, w2) as (select col1, col2 from testDb.testTbl) select w1 as c1, sum(w2) as c2 from testTbl_cte where w1 > 10 group by w1 order by w1";
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(alterStmt)));
-        QueryStmt alterQueryStmt = null;
-        try {
-            alterQueryStmt = (QueryStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (Error e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        ColWithComment col1 = new ColWithComment("h1", null);
-        ColWithComment col2 = new ColWithComment("h2", null);
-        AlterViewStmt alterViewStmt = new AlterViewStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testView"), Lists.newArrayList(col1, col2), alterQueryStmt);
-        try {
-            alterViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Catalog catalog1 = analyzer.getCatalog();
-            if (catalog1 == null) {
-                System.out.println("cmy get null");
-                return;
-            }
-            catalog1.alterView(alterViewStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        View newView = (View) db.getTable("testView");
-        Assert.assertEquals("WITH testTbl_cte(w1, w2) AS (SELECT `col1` AS `col1`, `col2` AS `col2` FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTbl`)"+
-                                     " SELECT `w1` AS `h1`, sum(`w2`) AS `h2` FROM `testTbl_cte` WHERE `w1` > 10 GROUP BY `w1` ORDER BY `w1`",
-                newView.getInlineViewDef());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BackendStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BackendStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ea5326..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BackendStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class BackendStmtTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() throws Exception {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    public BackendClause createStmt(int type) {
-        BackendClause stmt = null;
-        switch (type) {
-            case 1:
-                // missing ip
-                stmt = new AddBackendClause(Lists.newArrayList(":12346"));
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                // invalid ip
-                stmt = new AddBackendClause(Lists.newArrayList("asdasd:12345"));
-                break;
-            case 3:
-                // invalid port
-                stmt = new AddBackendClause(Lists.newArrayList(""));
-                break;
-            case 4:
-                // normal add
-                stmt = new AddBackendClause(Lists.newArrayList(""));
-                break;
-            case 5:
-                // normal remove
-                stmt = new DropBackendClause(Lists.newArrayList(""));
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        return stmt;
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void initBackendsTest1() throws Exception {
-        BackendClause stmt = createStmt(1);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void initBackendsTest3() throws Exception {
-        BackendClause stmt = createStmt(3);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void initBackendsTest4() throws Exception {
-        BackendClause stmt = createStmt(4);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD FREE BACKEND \"\"", stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void initBackendsTest5() throws Exception {
-        BackendClause stmt = createStmt(5);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP BACKEND \"\"", stmt.toSql());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BetweenPredicateTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BetweenPredicateTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ee5c21..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BetweenPredicateTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class BetweenPredicateTest {
-    @Mocked Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Test
-    public void testWithCompareAndBoundSubquery(@Injectable Subquery compareExpr,
-                                 @Injectable Subquery lowerBound,
-                                 @Injectable Expr upperBound) {
-        BetweenPredicate betweenPredicate = new BetweenPredicate(compareExpr, lowerBound, upperBound, false);
-        try {
-            betweenPredicate.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWithBoundSubquery(@Injectable Expr compareExpr,
-                                      @Injectable Subquery lowerBound,
-                                      @Injectable Subquery upperBound) {
-        BetweenPredicate betweenPredicate = new BetweenPredicate(compareExpr, lowerBound, upperBound, false);
-        try {
-            betweenPredicate.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BinaryPredicateTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BinaryPredicateTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f195bc6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/BinaryPredicateTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class BinaryPredicateTest {
-    @Mocked
-    Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Test
-    public void testMultiColumnSubquery(@Injectable Expr child0,
-                                        @Injectable Subquery child1) {
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, child0, child1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                child1.returnsScalarColumn();
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            binaryPredicate.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSingleColumnSubquery(@Injectable Expr child0,
-                                         @Injectable QueryStmt subquery,
-            @Injectable SlotRef slotRef) {
-        Subquery child1 = new Subquery(subquery);
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, child0, child1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                subquery.getResultExprs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(slotRef);
-                slotRef.getType();
-                result = Type.INT;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            binaryPredicate.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertSame(null, Deencapsulation.getField(binaryPredicate, "fn"));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CancelAlterStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CancelAlterStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fdc95d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CancelAlterStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowAlterStmt.AlterType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class CancelAlterStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    private static FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        ctx = new ConnectContext(null);
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("root");
-        ctx.setRemoteIP("");
-        analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, ctx);
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testDb";
-                analyzer.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testUser";
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<ConnectContext>() {
-            @Mock
-            public ConnectContext get() {
-                return ctx;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        // cancel alter column
-        CancelAlterTableStmt stmt = new CancelAlterTableStmt(AlterType.COLUMN, new TableName(null, "testTbl"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("CANCEL ALTER COLUMN FROM `testDb`.`testTbl`", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testDb", stmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(AlterType.COLUMN, stmt.getAlterType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTbl", stmt.getTableName());
-        stmt = new CancelAlterTableStmt(AlterType.ROLLUP, new TableName(null, "testTbl"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("CANCEL ALTER ROLLUP FROM `testDb`.`testTbl`", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testDb", stmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(AlterType.ROLLUP, stmt.getAlterType());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CancelLoadStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CancelLoadStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a3b68fe..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CancelLoadStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class CancelLoadStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testDb";
-                analyzer.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testUser";
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-                analyzer.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "label");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("doris_test_label");
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        CancelLoadStmt stmt = new CancelLoadStmt(null, binaryPredicate);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt.isAccurateMatch());
-        Assert.assertEquals("CANCEL LOAD FROM testCluster:testDb WHERE `label` = 'doris_test_label'", stmt.toString());
-        LikePredicate likePredicate = new LikePredicate(LikePredicate.Operator.LIKE, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        stmt = new CancelLoadStmt(null, likePredicate);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertFalse(stmt.isAccurateMatch());
-        Assert.assertEquals("CANCEL LOAD FROM testCluster:testDb WHERE `label` LIKE 'doris_test_label'", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDb() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "label");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("doris_test_label");
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        CancelLoadStmt stmt = new CancelLoadStmt(null, binaryPredicate);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnDefTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnDefTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aa19f9..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnDefTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ColumnDef.DefaultValue;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ColumnDefTest {
-    private TypeDef intCol;
-    private TypeDef stringCol;
-    private TypeDef floatCol;
-    private TypeDef booleanCol;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        intCol = new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT));
-        stringCol = new TypeDef(ScalarType.createChar(10));
-        floatCol = new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.FLOAT));
-        booleanCol = new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        ColumnDef column = new ColumnDef("col", intCol);
-        column.analyze(true);
-        Assert.assertEquals("`col` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\"", column.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col", column.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(PrimitiveType.INT, column.getType().getPrimitiveType());
-        Assert.assertNull(column.getAggregateType());
-        Assert.assertNull(column.getDefaultValue());
-        // default
-        column = new ColumnDef("col", intCol, true, null, false, new DefaultValue(true, "10"), "");
-        column.analyze(true);
-        Assert.assertNull(column.getAggregateType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("10", column.getDefaultValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("`col` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \"10\" COMMENT \"\"", column.toSql());
-        // agg
-        column = new ColumnDef("col", floatCol, false, AggregateType.SUM, false, new DefaultValue(true, "10"), "");
-        column.analyze(true);
-        Assert.assertEquals("10", column.getDefaultValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.SUM, column.getAggregateType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("`col` float SUM NOT NULL DEFAULT \"10\" COMMENT \"\"", column.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReplaceIfNotNull() throws AnalysisException {
-        {
-            // not allow null
-            ColumnDef column = new ColumnDef("col", intCol, false, AggregateType.REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL, false, DefaultValue.NOT_SET, "");
-            column.analyze(true);
-            Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL, column.getAggregateType());
-            Assert.assertEquals("`col` int(11) REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL NULL DEFAULT \"null\" COMMENT \"\"", column.toSql());
-        }
-        {
-            // not allow null
-            ColumnDef column = new ColumnDef("col", intCol, false, AggregateType.REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL, false, new DefaultValue(true, "10"), "");
-            column.analyze(true);
-            Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL, column.getAggregateType());
-            Assert.assertEquals("`col` int(11) REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL NULL DEFAULT \"10\" COMMENT \"\"", column.toSql());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testFloatKey() throws AnalysisException {
-        ColumnDef column = new ColumnDef("col", floatCol);
-        column.setIsKey(true);
-        column.analyze(true);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testStrSum() throws AnalysisException {
-        ColumnDef column = new ColumnDef("col", stringCol, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, DefaultValue.NOT_SET, "");
-        column.analyze(true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBooleanDefaultValue() throws AnalysisException{
-        ColumnDef column1 = new ColumnDef("col", booleanCol, true, null, true, new DefaultValue(true, "1"), "");
-        column1.analyze(true);
-        Assert.assertEquals("1", column1.getDefaultValue());
-        ColumnDef column2 = new ColumnDef("col", booleanCol, true, null, true, new DefaultValue(true, "true"), "");
-        column2.analyze(true);
-        Assert.assertEquals("true", column2.getDefaultValue());
-        ColumnDef column3 = new ColumnDef("col", booleanCol, true, null, true, new DefaultValue(true, "10"), "");
-        try {
-            column3.analyze(true);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertEquals("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Invalid BOOLEAN literal: 10", e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnPositionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnPositionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5920ae3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnPositionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ColumnPositionTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        ColumnPosition pos = ColumnPosition.FIRST;
-        pos.analyze();
-        Assert.assertEquals("FIRST", pos.toString());
-        Assert.assertNull(pos.getLastCol());
-        Assert.assertTrue(pos.isFirst());
-        pos = new ColumnPosition("col");
-        pos.analyze();
-        Assert.assertEquals("AFTER `col`", pos.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col", pos.getLastCol());
-        Assert.assertFalse(pos.isFirst());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoCol() throws AnalysisException {
-        ColumnPosition pos = new ColumnPosition("");
-        pos.analyze();
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnSeparatorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnSeparatorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8426992..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ColumnSeparatorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ColumnSeparatorTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        // \t
-        ColumnSeparator separator = new ColumnSeparator("\t");
-        separator.analyze();
-        Assert.assertEquals("'\t'", separator.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("\t", separator.getColumnSeparator());
-        // \x01
-        separator = new ColumnSeparator("\\x01");
-        separator.analyze();
-        Assert.assertEquals("'\\x01'", separator.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("\1", separator.getColumnSeparator());
-        // \x00 \x01
-        separator = new ColumnSeparator("\\x0001");
-        separator.analyze();
-        Assert.assertEquals("'\\x0001'", separator.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("\0\1", separator.getColumnSeparator());
-        separator = new ColumnSeparator("|");
-        separator.analyze();
-        Assert.assertEquals("'|'", separator.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("|", separator.getColumnSeparator());
-        separator = new ColumnSeparator("\\|");
-        separator.analyze();
-        Assert.assertEquals("'\\|'", separator.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("\\|", separator.getColumnSeparator());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testHexFormatError() throws AnalysisException {
-        ColumnSeparator separator = new ColumnSeparator("\\x0g");
-        separator.analyze();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testHexLengthError() throws AnalysisException {
-        ColumnSeparator separator = new ColumnSeparator("\\x011");
-        separator.analyze();
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateClusterStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateClusterStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c31c687..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateClusterStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class CreateClusterStmtTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    static {
-        // Startup.initializeIfPossible();
-    }
-    @Before()
-    public void setUp() {
-        Config.disable_cluster_feature = false;
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap();
-        properties.put("instance_num", "2");
-        final CreateClusterStmt stmt = new CreateClusterStmt("testCluster", properties, "password");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster", stmt.getClusterName());
-        String sql = "CREATE CLUSTER " + "testCluster" + " PROPERTIES(\"instance_num\"=" + "\"" + "2" + "\")"
-                + "IDENTIFIED BY '" + "password" + "'";
-        Assert.assertEquals(sql, stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testAnalyzeWithException() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final CreateClusterStmt stmt = new CreateClusterStmt("testCluster", null, "password");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateDbStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateDbStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e93a3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateDbStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class CreateDbStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before()
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        CreateDbStmt dbStmt = new CreateDbStmt(false, "test");
-        dbStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:test", dbStmt.getFullDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("CREATE DATABASE `testCluster:test`", dbStmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testAnalyzeWithException() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        CreateDbStmt stmt = new CreateDbStmt(false, "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateIndexClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateIndexClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 408ecc0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateIndexClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class CreateIndexClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        CreateIndexClause clause = new CreateIndexClause(new TableName("db", "table"), new IndexDef("index1",
-                Lists.newArrayList("col1"), IndexDef.IndexType.BITMAP, "balabala"), false);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("CREATE INDEX index1 ON `db`.`table` (`col1`) USING BITMAP COMMENT 'balabala'",
-                clause.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDuplIndex() throws AnalysisException {
-        CreateIndexClause clause = new CreateIndexClause(new TableName("db", "table"), null, false);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateMaterializedViewStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateMaterializedViewStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7127aee..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateMaterializedViewStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1200 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class CreateMaterializedViewStmtTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private ExprSubstitutionMap exprSubstitutionMap;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @Mocked
-    private Config config;
-    @Before
-    public void initTest() {
-        Deencapsulation.setField(Config.class, "enable_materialized_view", true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFunctionColumnInSelectClause(@Injectable ArithmeticExpr arithmeticExpr) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem = new SelectListItem(arithmeticExpr, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem);
-        FromClause fromClause = new FromClause();
-        SelectStmt selectStmt = new SelectStmt(selectList, fromClause, null, null, null, null, LimitElement.NO_LIMIT);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateWithFunctionColumnInSelectClause(@Injectable ArithmeticExpr arithmeticExpr,
-                                                              @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", Lists.newArrayList(arithmeticExpr));
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem = new SelectListItem(functionCallExpr, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                arithmeticExpr.toString();
-                result = "a+b";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinSelectClause(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef,
-                                     @Injectable TableRef tableRef1,
-                                     @Injectable TableRef tableRef2,
-                                     @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectListItem selectListItem = new SelectListItem(slotRef, null);
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef1, tableRef2);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                slotRef.getColumnName();
-                result = "k1";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSelectClauseWithWhereClause(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef,
-                                                @Injectable TableRef tableRef,
-                                                @Injectable Expr whereClause,
-                                                @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem = new SelectListItem(slotRef, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = whereClause;
-                slotRef.getColumnName();
-                result = "k1";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSelectClauseWithHavingClause(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef,
-                                                 @Injectable TableRef tableRef,
-                                                 @Injectable Expr havingClause,
-                                                 @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem = new SelectListItem(slotRef, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = havingClause;
-                slotRef.getColumnName();
-                result = "k1";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOrderOfColumn(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                  @Injectable SlotRef slotRef2,
-                                  @Injectable TableRef tableRef,
-                                  @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(slotRef2, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        OrderByElement orderByElement1 = new OrderByElement(slotRef2, false, false);
-        OrderByElement orderByElement2 = new OrderByElement(slotRef1, false, false);
-        ArrayList<OrderByElement> orderByElementList = Lists.newArrayList(orderByElement1, orderByElement2);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = orderByElementList;
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = "k1";
-                slotRef2.getColumnName();
-                result = "k2";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOrderByAggregateColumn(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                           @Injectable TableRef tableRef,
-                                           @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                                           @Injectable Column column2,
-                                           @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef2 = new SlotRef(tableName, "v1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef2, "desc", slotDescriptor);
-        List<Expr> fnChildren = Lists.newArrayList(slotRef2);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", fnChildren);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(functionCallExpr, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        OrderByElement orderByElement1 = new OrderByElement(functionCallExpr, false, false);
-        OrderByElement orderByElement2 = new OrderByElement(slotRef1, false, false);
-        ArrayList<OrderByElement> orderByElementList = Lists.newArrayList(orderByElement1, orderByElement2);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = orderByElementList;
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = "k1";
-                slotDescriptor.getColumn();
-                result = column2;
-                column2.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.INT;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDuplicateColumn(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef1 = new SlotRef(tableName, "k1");
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        List<Expr> fnChildren = Lists.newArrayList(slotRef1);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", fnChildren);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(functionCallExpr, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDuplicateColumn1(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                     @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                                     @Injectable Column column2,
-                                     @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef2 = new SlotRef(tableName, "k2");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef2, "desc", slotDescriptor);
-        List<Expr> fn1Children = Lists.newArrayList(slotRef2);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr1 = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", fn1Children);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(functionCallExpr1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr2 = new FunctionCallExpr("max", fn1Children);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem3 = new SelectListItem(functionCallExpr2, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem3);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = "k1";
-                slotDescriptor.getColumn();
-                result = column2;
-                column2.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.INT;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOrderByColumnsLessThenGroupByColumns(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                                         @Injectable SlotRef slotRef2,
-                                                         @Injectable TableRef tableRef,
-                                                         @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                                                         @Injectable Column column3,
-                                                         @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(slotRef2, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef functionChild0 = new SlotRef(tableName, "v1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(functionChild0, "desc", slotDescriptor);
-        List<Expr> fn1Children = Lists.newArrayList(functionChild0);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", fn1Children);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem3 = new SelectListItem(functionCallExpr, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem3);
-        OrderByElement orderByElement1 = new OrderByElement(slotRef1, false, false);
-        ArrayList<OrderByElement> orderByElementList = Lists.newArrayList(orderByElement1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = orderByElementList;
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = "k1";
-                slotRef2.getColumnName();
-                result = "non-k2";
-                slotDescriptor.getColumn();
-                result = column3;
-                column3.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.INT;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMVColumnsWithoutOrderby(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                            @Injectable SlotRef slotRef2,
-                                            @Injectable SlotRef slotRef3,
-                                            @Injectable SlotRef slotRef4,
-                                            @Injectable TableRef tableRef,
-                                            @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                                            @Injectable AggregateInfo aggregateInfo,
-                                            @Injectable Column column5,
-                                            @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(slotRef2, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem3 = new SelectListItem(slotRef3, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem3);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem4 = new SelectListItem(slotRef4, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem4);
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        final String columnName5 = "sum_v2";
-        SlotRef functionChild0 = new SlotRef(tableName, columnName5);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(functionChild0, "desc", slotDescriptor);
-        List<Expr> fn1Children = Lists.newArrayList(functionChild0);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", fn1Children);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem5 = new SelectListItem(functionCallExpr, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem5);
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        final String columnName2 = "k2";
-        final String columnName3 = "k3";
-        final String columnName4 = "v1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = aggregateInfo;
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getLimit();
-                result = -1;
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName1;
-                slotRef2.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName2;
-                slotRef3.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName3;
-                slotRef4.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName4;
-                functionChild0.getColumn();
-                result = column5;
-                column5.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.INT;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType());
-            List<MVColumnItem> mvColumns = createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-            Assert.assertEquals(5, mvColumns.size());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn0 = mvColumns.get(0);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn0.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn0.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName1, mvColumn0.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn0.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn1 = mvColumns.get(1);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn1.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn1.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName2, mvColumn1.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn1.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn2 = mvColumns.get(2);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn2.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn2.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName3, mvColumn2.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn2.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn3 = mvColumns.get(3);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn3.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn3.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName4, mvColumn3.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn3.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn4 = mvColumns.get(4);
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn4.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn4.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName5, mvColumn4.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.SUM, mvColumn4.getAggregationType());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMVColumnsWithoutOrderbyWithoutAggregation(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                                              @Injectable SlotRef slotRef2, @Injectable SlotRef slotRef3, @Injectable SlotRef slotRef4,
-                                                              @Injectable TableRef tableRef, @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(slotRef2, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem3 = new SelectListItem(slotRef3, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem3);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem4 = new SelectListItem(slotRef4, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem4);
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        final String columnName2 = "k2";
-        final String columnName3 = "k3";
-        final String columnName4 = "v1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getLimit();
-                result = -1;
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName1;
-                slotRef2.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName2;
-                slotRef3.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName3;
-                slotRef4.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName4;
-                slotRef1.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 34;
-                slotRef1.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.INT;
-                slotRef2.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 1;
-                slotRef2.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.INT;
-                slotRef3.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 1;
-                slotRef3.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.INT;
-                slotRef4.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 4;
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo(); // return null, so that the mv can be a duplicate mv
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(KeysType.DUP_KEYS, createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType());
-            List<MVColumnItem> mvColumns = createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-            Assert.assertEquals(4, mvColumns.size());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn0 = mvColumns.get(0);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn0.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn0.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName1, mvColumn0.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn0.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn1 = mvColumns.get(1);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn1.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn1.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName2, mvColumn1.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn1.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn2 = mvColumns.get(2);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn2.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn2.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName3, mvColumn2.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn2.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn3 = mvColumns.get(3);
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn3.isKey());
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn3.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName4, mvColumn3.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.NONE, mvColumn3.getAggregationType());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-    ISSUE: #3811
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testMVColumnsWithoutOrderbyWithoutAggregationWithFloat(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                                                       @Injectable SlotRef slotRef2, @Injectable SlotRef slotRef3, @Injectable SlotRef slotRef4,
-                                                                       @Injectable TableRef tableRef, @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(slotRef2, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem3 = new SelectListItem(slotRef3, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem3);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem4 = new SelectListItem(slotRef4, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem4);
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        final String columnName2 = "k2";
-        final String columnName3 = "v1";
-        final String columnName4 = "v2";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getLimit();
-                result = -1;
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName1;
-                slotRef2.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName2;
-                slotRef3.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName3;
-                slotRef4.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName4;
-                slotRef1.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 1;
-                slotRef1.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.INT;
-                slotRef2.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 2;
-                slotRef2.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.INT;
-                slotRef3.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 3;
-                slotRef3.getType().isFloatingPointType();
-                result = true;
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo(); // return null, so that the mv can be a duplicate mv
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(KeysType.DUP_KEYS, createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType());
-            List<MVColumnItem> mvColumns = createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-            Assert.assertEquals(4, mvColumns.size());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn0 = mvColumns.get(0);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn0.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn0.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName1, mvColumn0.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn0.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn1 = mvColumns.get(1);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn1.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn1.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName2, mvColumn1.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn1.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn2 = mvColumns.get(2);
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn2.isKey());
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn2.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName3, mvColumn2.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.NONE, mvColumn2.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn3 = mvColumns.get(3);
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn3.isKey());
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn3.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName4, mvColumn3.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.NONE, mvColumn3.getAggregationType());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-    ISSUE: #3811
-    */
-    @Test
-    public void testMVColumnsWithoutOrderbyWithoutAggregationWithVarchar(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                                                         @Injectable SlotRef slotRef2, @Injectable SlotRef slotRef3, @Injectable SlotRef slotRef4,
-                                                                         @Injectable TableRef tableRef, @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(slotRef2, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem3 = new SelectListItem(slotRef3, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem3);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem4 = new SelectListItem(slotRef4, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem4);
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        final String columnName2 = "k2";
-        final String columnName3 = "v1";
-        final String columnName4 = "v2";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getLimit();
-                result = -1;
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName1;
-                slotRef2.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName2;
-                slotRef3.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName3;
-                slotRef4.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName4;
-                slotRef1.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 1;
-                slotRef1.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.INT;
-                slotRef2.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 2;
-                slotRef2.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.INT;
-                slotRef3.getType().getIndexSize();
-                result = 3;
-                slotRef3.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.VARCHAR;
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo(); // return null, so that the mv can be a duplicate mv
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(KeysType.DUP_KEYS, createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType());
-            List<MVColumnItem> mvColumns = createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-            Assert.assertEquals(4, mvColumns.size());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn0 = mvColumns.get(0);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn0.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn0.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName1, mvColumn0.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn0.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn1 = mvColumns.get(1);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn1.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn1.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName2, mvColumn1.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn1.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn2 = mvColumns.get(2);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn2.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn2.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName3, mvColumn2.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn2.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn3 = mvColumns.get(3);
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn3.isKey());
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn3.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName4, mvColumn3.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.NONE, mvColumn3.getAggregationType());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-    ISSUE: #3811
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testMVColumnsWithFirstFloat(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                            @Injectable TableRef tableRef, @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName1;
-                slotRef1.getType().isFloatingPointType();
-                result = true;
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo(); // return null, so that the mv can be a duplicate mv
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail("The first column could not be float or double, use decimal instead");
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-    ISSUE: #3811
-    */
-    @Test
-    public void testMVColumnsWithFirstVarchar(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                              @Injectable TableRef tableRef, @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getLimit();
-                result = -1;
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName1;
-                slotRef1.getType().getPrimitiveType();
-                result = PrimitiveType.VARCHAR;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(KeysType.DUP_KEYS, createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType());
-            List<MVColumnItem> mvColumns = createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, mvColumns.size());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn0 = mvColumns.get(0);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn0.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn0.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName1, mvColumn0.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn0.getAggregationType());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMVColumns(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                              @Injectable SlotRef slotRef2,
-                              @Injectable TableRef tableRef,
-                              @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                              @Injectable AggregateInfo aggregateInfo,
-                              @Injectable Column column1,
-                              @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem2 = new SelectListItem(slotRef2, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem2);
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        final String columnName3 = "sum_v2";
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, columnName3);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef, "desc", slotDescriptor);
-        List<Expr> children = Lists.newArrayList(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", children);
-        SelectListItem selectListItem3 = new SelectListItem(functionCallExpr, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem3);
-        OrderByElement orderByElement1 = new OrderByElement(slotRef1, false, false);
-        OrderByElement orderByElement2 = new OrderByElement(slotRef2, false, false);
-        ArrayList<OrderByElement> orderByElementList = Lists.newArrayList(orderByElement1, orderByElement2);
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        final String columnName2 = "v1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = aggregateInfo;
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getOrderByElements();
-                result = orderByElementList;
-                selectStmt.getLimit();
-                result = -1;
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName1;
-                slotRef2.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName2;
-                slotDescriptor.getColumn();
-                result = column1;
-                column1.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.INT;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType());
-            List<MVColumnItem> mvColumns = createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-            Assert.assertEquals(3, mvColumns.size());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn0 = mvColumns.get(0);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn0.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn0.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName1, mvColumn0.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn0.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn1 = mvColumns.get(1);
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvColumn1.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn1.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName2, mvColumn1.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(null, mvColumn1.getAggregationType());
-            MVColumnItem mvColumn2 = mvColumns.get(2);
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn2.isKey());
-            Assert.assertFalse(mvColumn2.isAggregationTypeImplicit());
-            Assert.assertEquals(columnName3, mvColumn2.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.SUM, mvColumn2.getAggregationType());
-            Assert.assertEquals(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDeduplicateMV(@Injectable SlotRef slotRef1,
-                                  @Injectable TableRef tableRef,
-                                  @Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                                  @Injectable AggregateInfo aggregateInfo) throws UserException {
-        SelectList selectList = new SelectList();
-        SelectListItem selectListItem1 = new SelectListItem(slotRef1, null);
-        selectList.addItem(selectListItem1);
-        final String columnName1 = "k1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "default";
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = aggregateInfo;
-                selectStmt.getSelectList();
-                result = selectList;
-                selectStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-                selectStmt.getTableRefs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableRef);
-                selectStmt.getWhereClause();
-                result = null;
-                slotRef1.getColumnName();
-                result = columnName1;
-                selectStmt.getHavingPred();
-                result = null;
-                selectStmt.getLimit();
-                result = -1;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        try {
-            createMaterializedViewStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVKeysType());
-            List<MVColumnItem> mvSchema = createMaterializedViewStmt.getMVColumnItemList();
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, mvSchema.size());
-            Assert.assertTrue(mvSchema.get(0).isKey());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBuildMVColumnItem(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                                      @Injectable Column column1,
-                                      @Injectable Column column2,
-                                      @Injectable Column column3,
-                                      @Injectable Column column4,
-                                      @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor1,
-                                      @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor2,
-                                      @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor3,
-                                      @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor4) {
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "table"), "a");
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", params);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef, "desc", slotDescriptor1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                slotDescriptor1.getColumn();
-                result = column1;
-                column1.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.LARGEINT;
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem = Deencapsulation.invoke(createMaterializedViewStmt, "buildMVColumnItem", functionCallExpr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Type.LARGEINT, mvColumnItem.getType());
-        SlotRef slotRef2 = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "table"), "a");
-        List<Expr> params2 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params2.add(slotRef2);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr2 = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", params2);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef2, "desc", slotDescriptor2);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                slotDescriptor2.getColumn();
-                result = column2;
-                column2.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.BIGINT;
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem2 = Deencapsulation.invoke(createMaterializedViewStmt, "buildMVColumnItem", functionCallExpr2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Type.BIGINT, mvColumnItem2.getType());
-        SlotRef slotRef3 = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "table"), "a");
-        List<Expr> params3 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params3.add(slotRef3);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr3 = new FunctionCallExpr("min", params3);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef3, "desc", slotDescriptor3);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                slotDescriptor3.getColumn();
-                result = column3;
-                column3.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.VARCHAR;
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem3 = Deencapsulation.invoke(createMaterializedViewStmt, "buildMVColumnItem", functionCallExpr3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Type.VARCHAR, mvColumnItem3.getType());
-        SlotRef slotRef4 = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "table"), "a");
-        List<Expr> params4 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params4.add(slotRef4);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr4 = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", params4);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef4, "desc", slotDescriptor4);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                slotDescriptor4.getColumn();
-                result = column4;
-                column4.getOriginType();
-                result = Type.DOUBLE;
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem4 = Deencapsulation.invoke(createMaterializedViewStmt, "buildMVColumnItem", functionCallExpr4);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Type.DOUBLE, mvColumnItem4.getType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testKeepScaleAndPrecisionOfType(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                                                @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor1,
-                                                @Injectable Column column1,
-                                                @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor2,
-                                                @Injectable Column column2,
-                                                @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor3,
-                                                @Injectable Column column3) {
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt = new CreateMaterializedViewStmt("test", selectStmt, null);
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "table"), "a");
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("min", params);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef, "desc", slotDescriptor1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                slotDescriptor1.getColumn();
-                result = column1;
-                column1.getOriginType();
-                result = ScalarType.createVarchar(50);
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem = Deencapsulation.invoke(createMaterializedViewStmt, "buildMVColumnItem", functionCallExpr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(50, ((ScalarType)mvColumnItem.getType()).getLength());
-        SlotRef slotRef2 = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "table"), "a");
-        List<Expr> params2 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params2.add(slotRef2);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr2 = new FunctionCallExpr("min", params2);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef2, "desc", slotDescriptor2);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                slotDescriptor2.getColumn();
-                result = column2;
-                column2.getOriginType();
-                result = ScalarType.createDecimalV2Type(10,1);
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem2 = Deencapsulation.invoke(createMaterializedViewStmt, "buildMVColumnItem", functionCallExpr2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(10), ((ScalarType)mvColumnItem2.getType()).getPrecision());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ScalarType)mvColumnItem2.getType()).getScalarScale());
-        SlotRef slotRef3 = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "table"), "a");
-        List<Expr> params3 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params3.add(slotRef3);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr3 = new FunctionCallExpr("min", params3);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef3, "desc", slotDescriptor3);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                slotDescriptor3.getColumn();
-                result = column3;
-                column3.getOriginType();
-                result = ScalarType.createChar(5);
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnItem mvColumnItem3 = Deencapsulation.invoke(createMaterializedViewStmt, "buildMVColumnItem", functionCallExpr3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, ((ScalarType)mvColumnItem3.getType()).getLength());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateResourceStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateResourceStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc91f7..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateResourceStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Resource;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class CreateResourceStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private String resourceName1;
-    private String resourceName2;
-    @Before()
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        resourceName1 = "spark0";
-        resourceName2 = "odbc";
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable PaloAuth auth) throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("type", "spark");
-        CreateResourceStmt stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, resourceName1, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals(resourceName1, stmt.getResourceName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Resource.ResourceType.SPARK, stmt.getResourceType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("CREATE EXTERNAL RESOURCE 'spark0' PROPERTIES(\"type\"  =  \"spark\")", stmt.toSql());
-        properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("type", "odbc_catalog");
-        stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, resourceName2, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals(resourceName2, stmt.getResourceName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Resource.ResourceType.ODBC_CATALOG, stmt.getResourceType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("CREATE EXTERNAL RESOURCE 'odbc' PROPERTIES(\"type\"  =  \"odbc_catalog\")", stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testUnsupportedResourceType(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable PaloAuth auth) throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("type", "hadoop");
-        CreateResourceStmt stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, resourceName1, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateRoutineLoadStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateRoutineLoadStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d964502..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateRoutineLoadStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.LoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.load.routineload.LoadDataSourceType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class CreateRoutineLoadStmtTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateRoutineLoadStmtTest.class);
-    @Mocked
-    Database database;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    OlapTable table;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            @Mock
-            public Catalog getCurrentCatalog() {
-                return catalog;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                table.hasDeleteSign();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeWithDuplicateProperty(@Injectable Analyzer analyzer) throws UserException {
-        String jobName = "job1";
-        String dbName = "db1";
-        LabelName labelName = new LabelName(dbName, jobName);
-        String tableNameString = "table1";
-        String topicName = "topic1";
-        String serverAddress = "";
-        String kafkaPartitionString = "1,2,3";
-        List<String> partitionNameString = Lists.newArrayList();
-        partitionNameString.add("p1");
-        PartitionNames partitionNames = new PartitionNames(false, partitionNameString);
-        ColumnSeparator columnSeparator = new ColumnSeparator(",");
-        // duplicate load property
-        List<ParseNode> loadPropertyList = new ArrayList<>();
-        loadPropertyList.add(columnSeparator);
-        loadPropertyList.add(columnSeparator);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.DESIRED_CONCURRENT_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "2");
-        String typeName = LoadDataSourceType.KAFKA.name();
-        Map<String, String> customProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_TOPIC_PROPERTY, topicName);
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_BROKER_LIST_PROPERTY, serverAddress);
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_PARTITIONS_PROPERTY, kafkaPartitionString);
-        CreateRoutineLoadStmt createRoutineLoadStmt = new CreateRoutineLoadStmt(labelName, tableNameString,
-                                                                                loadPropertyList, properties,
-                                                                                typeName, customProperties,
-                                                                                LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND);
-        new MockUp<StatementBase>() {
-            @Mock
-            public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer1) {
-                return;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            createRoutineLoadStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            LOG.info(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyze(@Injectable Analyzer analyzer) throws UserException {
-        String jobName = "job1";
-        String dbName = "db1";
-        LabelName labelName = new LabelName(dbName, jobName);
-        String tableNameString = "table1";
-        String topicName = "topic1";
-        String serverAddress = "";
-        String kafkaPartitionString = "1,2,3";
-        String timeZone = "8:00";
-        List<String> partitionNameString = Lists.newArrayList();
-        partitionNameString.add("p1");
-        PartitionNames partitionNames = new PartitionNames(false, partitionNameString);
-        ColumnSeparator columnSeparator = new ColumnSeparator(",");
-        // duplicate load property
-        TableName tableName = new TableName(dbName, tableNameString);
-        List<ParseNode> loadPropertyList = new ArrayList<>();
-        loadPropertyList.add(columnSeparator);
-        loadPropertyList.add(partitionNames);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.DESIRED_CONCURRENT_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "2");
-        properties.put(LoadStmt.TIMEZONE, timeZone);
-        String typeName = LoadDataSourceType.KAFKA.name();
-        Map<String, String> customProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_TOPIC_PROPERTY, topicName);
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_BROKER_LIST_PROPERTY, serverAddress);
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_PARTITIONS_PROPERTY, kafkaPartitionString);
-        CreateRoutineLoadStmt createRoutineLoadStmt = new CreateRoutineLoadStmt(labelName, tableNameString,
-                                                                                loadPropertyList, properties,
-                                                                                typeName, customProperties,
-                                                                                LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND);
-        new MockUp<StatementBase>() {
-            @Mock
-            public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer1) {
-                return;
-            }
-        };
-        createRoutineLoadStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(createRoutineLoadStmt.getRoutineLoadDesc());
-        Assert.assertEquals(columnSeparator, createRoutineLoadStmt.getRoutineLoadDesc().getColumnSeparator());
-        Assert.assertEquals(partitionNames.getPartitionNames(), createRoutineLoadStmt.getRoutineLoadDesc().getPartitionNames().getPartitionNames());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, createRoutineLoadStmt.getDesiredConcurrentNum());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, createRoutineLoadStmt.getMaxErrorNum());
-        Assert.assertEquals(serverAddress, createRoutineLoadStmt.getKafkaBrokerList());
-        Assert.assertEquals(topicName, createRoutineLoadStmt.getKafkaTopic());
-        Assert.assertEquals("+08:00", createRoutineLoadStmt.getTimezone());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateTableStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateTableStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2befaa6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateTableStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class CreateTableStmtTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateTableStmtTest.class);
-    // used to get default db
-    private TableName tblName;
-    private TableName tblNameNoDb;
-    private List<ColumnDef> cols;
-    private List<ColumnDef> invalidCols;
-    private List<String> colsName;
-    private List<String> invalidColsName;
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    // set default db is 'db1'
-    // table name is table1
-    // Column: [col1 int; col2 string]
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        // analyzer
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        // table name
-        tblName = new TableName("db1", "table1");
-        tblNameNoDb = new TableName("", "table1");
-        // col
-        cols = Lists.newArrayList();
-        cols.add(new ColumnDef("col1", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT))));
-        cols.add(new ColumnDef("col2", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createChar(10))));
-        colsName = Lists.newArrayList();
-        colsName.add("col1");
-        colsName.add("col2");
-        // invalid col
-        invalidCols = Lists.newArrayList();
-        invalidCols.add(new ColumnDef("col1", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT))));
-        invalidCols.add(new ColumnDef("col2", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createChar(10))));
-        invalidCols.add(new ColumnDef("col2", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createChar(10))));
-        invalidColsName = Lists.newArrayList();
-        invalidColsName.add("col1");
-        invalidColsName.add("col2");
-        invalidColsName.add("col2");
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblName, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new HashDistributionDesc(10, Lists.newArrayList("col1")), null, null, "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:db1", stmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("table1", stmt.getTableName());
-        Assert.assertNull(stmt.getProperties());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateTableWithRollup() throws UserException {
-        List<AlterClause> ops = Lists.newArrayList();
-        ops.add(new AddRollupClause("index1", Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), null, "table1", null));
-        ops.add(new AddRollupClause("index2", Lists.newArrayList("col2", "col3"), null, "table1", null));
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblName, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new HashDistributionDesc(10, Lists.newArrayList("col1")), null, null, "", ops);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:db1", stmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("table1", stmt.getTableName());
-        Assert.assertNull(stmt.getProperties());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt.toSql().contains("rollup( `index1` (`col1`, `col2`) FROM `table1`, `index2` (`col2`, `col3`) FROM `table1`)"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDefaultDbNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new HashDistributionDesc(10, Lists.newArrayList("col1")), null, null, "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testDb", stmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("table1", stmt.getTableName());
-        Assert.assertNull(stmt.getPartitionDesc());
-        Assert.assertNull(stmt.getProperties());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDb(@Mocked Analyzer noDbAnalyzer) throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        // make default db return empty;
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                noDbAnalyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                noDbAnalyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "cluster";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        stmt.analyze(noDbAnalyzer);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testEmptyCol() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        // make default db return empty;
-        List<ColumnDef> emptyCols = Lists.newArrayList();
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, emptyCols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDupCol() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        // make default db return empty;
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, invalidCols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, invalidColsName), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBmpHllKey() throws Exception {
-        ColumnDef bitmap = new ColumnDef("col3", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BITMAP)));
-        cols.add(bitmap);
-        colsName.add("col3");
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Key column can not set bitmap or hll type:col3");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        cols.remove(bitmap);
-        ColumnDef hll = new ColumnDef("col3", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.HLL)));
-        cols.add(hll);
-        stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Key column can not set bitmap or hll type:col3");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBmpHllNoAggTab() throws Exception {
-        ColumnDef bitmap = new ColumnDef("col3", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BITMAP)));
-        cols.add(bitmap);
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.DUP_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Aggregate type `col3` bitmap NONE NOT NULL COMMENT \"\" is not compatible with primitive type bitmap");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        cols.remove(bitmap);
-        ColumnDef hll = new ColumnDef("col3", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.HLL)));
-        cols.add(hll);
-        stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.DUP_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Aggregate type `col3` hll NONE NOT NULL COMMENT \"\" is not compatible with primitive type hll");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBmpHllIncAgg() throws Exception {
-        ColumnDef bitmap = new ColumnDef("col3", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BITMAP)));
-        bitmap.setAggregateType(AggregateType.SUM);
-        cols.add(bitmap);
-        CreateTableStmt stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage(String.format("Aggregate type %s is not compatible with primitive type %s",
-                bitmap.toString(), bitmap.getTypeDef().getType().toSql()));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        cols.remove(bitmap);
-        ColumnDef hll =  new ColumnDef("col3", new TypeDef(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.HLL)));
-        hll.setAggregateType(AggregateType.SUM);
-        cols.add(hll);
-        stmt = new CreateTableStmt(false, false, tblNameNoDb, cols, "olap",
-                new KeysDesc(KeysType.AGG_KEYS, colsName), null,
-                new RandomDistributionDesc(10), null, null, "");
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage(String.format("Aggregate type %s is not compatible with primitive type %s",
-                hll.toString(), hll.getTypeDef().getType().toSql()));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateUserStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateUserStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c40bf27..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/CreateUserStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class CreateUserStmtTest {
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        ConnectContext ctx = new ConnectContext(null);
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("root");
-        ctx.setRemoteIP("");
-        UserIdentity currentUserIdentity = new UserIdentity("root", "");
-        currentUserIdentity.setIsAnalyzed();
-        ctx.setCurrentUserIdentity(currentUserIdentity);
-        ctx.setThreadLocalInfo();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testToString(@Injectable Analyzer analyzer,
-                             @Mocked PaloAuth paloAuth) throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "testCluster";
-                paloAuth.checkHasPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.GRANT, PaloAuth.PrivLevel.GLOBAL, PaloAuth
-                        .PrivLevel.DATABASE);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateUserStmt stmt = new CreateUserStmt(new UserDesc(new UserIdentity("user", "%"), "passwd", true));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("CREATE USER 'testCluster:user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '*XXX'", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(new String(stmt.getPassword()), "*59C70DA2F3E3A5BDF46B68F5C8B8F25762BCCEF0");
-        stmt = new CreateUserStmt(
-                new UserDesc(new UserIdentity("user", "%"), "*59c70da2f3e3a5bdf46b68f5c8b8f25762bccef0", false));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:user", stmt.getUserIdent().getQualifiedUser());
-        Assert.assertEquals("CREATE USER 'testCluster:user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*59c70da2f3e3a5bdf46b68f5c8b8f25762bccef0'",
-                stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(new String(stmt.getPassword()), "*59C70DA2F3E3A5BDF46B68F5C8B8F25762BCCEF0");
-        stmt = new CreateUserStmt(new UserDesc(new UserIdentity("user", "%"), "", false));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("CREATE USER 'testCluster:user'@'%'", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(new String(stmt.getPassword()), "");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testEmptyUser(@Injectable Analyzer analyzer) throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateUserStmt stmt = new CreateUserStmt(new UserDesc(new UserIdentity("", "%"), "passwd", true));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testBadPass(@Injectable Analyzer analyzer) throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-        CreateUserStmt stmt = new CreateUserStmt(new UserDesc(new UserIdentity("", "%"), "passwd", false));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DataDescriptionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DataDescriptionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9197c6b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DataDescriptionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.LoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DataDescriptionTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Mocked
-    private Database db;
-    @Mocked
-    private OlapTable tbl;
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws AnalysisException {
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER;
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testDb";
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                db.getTable(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tbl;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                   null, null, null, false, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt') INTO TABLE testTable", desc.toString());
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"), null, null, null,
-                                                  true, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt') NEGATIVE INTO TABLE testTable", desc.toString());
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt", "bcd.txt"), null,
-                                                  null, null, true, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt', 'bcd.txt') NEGATIVE INTO TABLE testTable", desc.toString());
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), null, null, true, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt') NEGATIVE INTO TABLE testTable (col1, col2)", desc.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTable", desc.getTableName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("[col1, col2]", desc.getFileFieldNames().toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("[abc.txt]", desc.getFilePaths().toString());
-        Assert.assertTrue(desc.isNegative());
-        Assert.assertNull(desc.getColumnSeparator());
-        Expr whereExpr = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, new IntLiteral(1),  new IntLiteral(1));
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), new ColumnSeparator(","), "csv", null, false, null, null, whereExpr, LoadTask.MergeType.MERGE, whereExpr, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("MERGE DATA INFILE ('abc.txt') INTO TABLE testTable COLUMNS TERMINATED BY ',' (col1, col2) WHERE 1 = 1 DELETE ON 1 = 1", desc.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("1 = 1", desc.getWhereExpr().toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("1 = 1", desc.getDeleteCondition().toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals(",", desc.getColumnSeparator());
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt", "bcd.txt"),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), new ColumnSeparator("\t"),
-                                                  null, true, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt', 'bcd.txt') NEGATIVE INTO TABLE testTable"
-                        +  " COLUMNS TERMINATED BY '\t' (col1, col2)",
-                desc.toString());
-        // hive \x01 column separator
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt", "bcd.txt"),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), new ColumnSeparator("\\x01"),
-                                                  null, true, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt', 'bcd.txt') NEGATIVE INTO TABLE testTable"
-                        +  " COLUMNS TERMINATED BY '\\x01' (col1, col2)",
-                desc.toString());
-        // with partition
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("p1", "p2")),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                  null, null, null, false, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt') INTO TABLE testTable PARTITIONS (p1, p2)", desc.toString());
-        // alignment_timestamp func
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(new StringLiteral("day"));
-        params.add(new SlotRef(null, "k2"));
-        BinaryPredicate predicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"), 
-                new FunctionCallExpr("alignment_timestamp", params));
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("p1", "p2")),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("k2", "k3"), null, null, false, Lists
-                                                          .newArrayList((Expr) predicate));
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        String sql = "APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt') INTO TABLE testTable PARTITIONS (p1, p2) (k2, k3)"
-                + " SET (`k1` = alignment_timestamp('day', `k2`))";
-        Assert.assertEquals(sql, desc.toString());
-        // replace_value func
-        params.clear();
-        params.add(new StringLiteral("-"));
-        params.add(new StringLiteral("10"));
-        predicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                new FunctionCallExpr("replace_value", params));
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("p1", "p2")),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("k2", "k3"), null, null,
-                                                  false, Lists.newArrayList((Expr) predicate));
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        sql = "APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt') INTO TABLE testTable PARTITIONS (p1, p2) (k2, k3)"
-                + " SET (`k1` = replace_value('-', '10'))";
-        Assert.assertEquals(sql, desc.toString());
-        // replace_value null
-        params.clear();
-        params.add(new StringLiteral(""));
-        params.add(new NullLiteral());
-        predicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                new FunctionCallExpr("replace_value", params));
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("p1", "p2")),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                  Lists.newArrayList("k2", "k3"), null, null, false, Lists
-                                                          .newArrayList((Expr) predicate));
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        sql = "APPEND DATA INFILE ('abc.txt') INTO TABLE testTable PARTITIONS (p1, p2) (k2, k3)"
-                + " SET (`k1` = replace_value('', NULL))";
-        Assert.assertEquals(sql, desc.toString());
-        // data from table and set bitmap_dict
-        params.clear();
-        params.add(new SlotRef(null, "k2"));
-        predicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                                        new FunctionCallExpr("bitmap_dict", params));
-        desc = new DataDescription("testTable", new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("p1", "p2")),
-                                   "testHiveTable", false, Lists.newArrayList(predicate),
-                null, LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-        sql = "APPEND DATA FROM TABLE testHiveTable INTO TABLE testTable PARTITIONS (p1, p2) SET (`k1` = bitmap_dict(`k2`))";
-        Assert.assertEquals(sql, desc.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoTable() throws AnalysisException {
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                                  null, null, null, false, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNegMerge() throws AnalysisException {
-        Expr whereExpr = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, new IntLiteral(1),  new IntLiteral(1));
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2"), new ColumnSeparator(","), "csv", null, true, null, null, whereExpr, LoadTask.MergeType.MERGE, whereExpr, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoFile() throws AnalysisException {
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, null, null, null, null, false, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDupCol() throws AnalysisException {
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                                  Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col1"), null, null, false, null);
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeColumnsWithDuplicatedColumn(@Injectable SlotRef column1,
-                                                       @Injectable SlotRef column2) {
-        List<String> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        String duplicatedColumnName = "id";
-        columns.add(duplicatedColumnName);
-        columns.add(duplicatedColumnName);
-        DataDescription dataDescription = new DataDescription(null, null, null, columns, null, null, false, null);
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(dataDescription, "analyzeColumns");
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            if (!(e instanceof AnalysisException)) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeColumnsWithDuplicatedColumnMapping(@Injectable BinaryPredicate columnMapping1,
-                                                              @Injectable BinaryPredicate columnMapping2,
-                                                              @Injectable SlotRef column1,
-                                                              @Injectable SlotRef column2,
-                                                              @Injectable FunctionCallExpr expr1,
-                                                              @Injectable FunctionCallExpr expr2,
-                                                              @Injectable FunctionName functionName) {
-        List<String> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columns.add("tmp_col1");
-        columns.add("tmp_col2");
-        List<Expr> columnMappingList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columnMappingList.add(columnMapping1);
-        columnMappingList.add(columnMapping2);
-        String duplicatedColumnName = "id";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                columnMapping1.getChild(0);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = column1;
-                columnMapping2.getChild(0);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = column2;
-                columnMapping1.getChild(1);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = expr1;
-                expr1.getFnName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = functionName;
-                functionName.getFunction();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "test";
-                column1.getColumnName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = duplicatedColumnName;
-                column2.getColumnName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = duplicatedColumnName;
-            }
-        };
-        DataDescription dataDescription = new DataDescription(null, null, null, columns, null, null, false,
-                                                              columnMappingList);
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(dataDescription, "analyzeColumns");
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            if (!(e instanceof AnalysisException)) {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeSequenceColumnNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                Lists.newArrayList("k1", "k2", "source_sequence", "v1"), new ColumnSeparator("\t"),
-                null, null, false, null, null, null, LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND, null, "source_sequence");
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                tbl.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testTable";
-                tbl.hasSequenceCol();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result =true;
-            }
-        };
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testAnalyzeSequenceColumnWithoutSourceSequence() throws AnalysisException {
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                Lists.newArrayList("k1", "k2", "v1"), new ColumnSeparator("\t"),
-                null, null, false, null, null, null, LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND, null, "source_sequence");
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                tbl.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testTable";
-                tbl.hasSequenceCol();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result =true;
-            }
-        };
-        desc.analyze("testDb");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DateLiteralTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DateLiteralTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b94f9d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DateLiteralTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.InvalidFormatException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class DateLiteralTest {
-    @Test
-    public void TwoDigitYear() {
-        boolean hasException = false;
-        try {
-            DateLiteral literal = new DateLiteral("1997-10-07", Type.DATE);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1997, literal.getYear());
-            DateLiteral literal2 = new DateLiteral("97-10-07", Type.DATE);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1997, literal2.getYear());
-            DateLiteral literal3 = new DateLiteral("0097-10-07", Type.DATE);
-            Assert.assertEquals(97, literal3.getYear());
-            DateLiteral literal4 = new DateLiteral("99-10-07", Type.DATE);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1999, literal4.getYear());
-            DateLiteral literal5 = new DateLiteral("70-10-07", Type.DATE);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1970, literal5.getYear());
-            DateLiteral literal6 = new DateLiteral("69-10-07", Type.DATE);
-            Assert.assertEquals(2069, literal6.getYear());
-            DateLiteral literal7 = new DateLiteral("00-10-07", Type.DATE);
-            Assert.assertEquals(2000, literal7.getYear());
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(hasException);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void uncheckedCastTo() {
-        boolean hasException = false;
-        try {
-            DateLiteral literal = new DateLiteral("1997-10-07", Type.DATE);
-            Expr castToExpr = literal.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DATETIME);
-            Assert.assertTrue(castToExpr instanceof DateLiteral);
-            Assert.assertEquals(castToExpr.type, Type.DATETIME);
-            DateLiteral literal2 = new DateLiteral("1997-10-07 12:23:23", Type.DATETIME);
-            Expr castToExpr2 = literal2.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DATETIME);
-            Assert.assertTrue(castToExpr2 instanceof DateLiteral);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(hasException);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckDate() {
-        boolean hasException = false;
-        try {
-            DateLiteral dateLiteral = new DateLiteral();
-            dateLiteral.fromDateFormatStr("%Y%m%d","19971007", false);
-            Assert.assertFalse(Deencapsulation.invoke(dateLiteral, "checkDate"));
-            dateLiteral.fromDateFormatStr("%Y%m%d","19970007", false);
-            Assert.assertFalse(Deencapsulation.invoke(dateLiteral, "checkDate"));
-            dateLiteral.fromDateFormatStr("%Y%m%d","19971000", false);
-            Assert.assertFalse(Deencapsulation.invoke(dateLiteral, "checkDate"));
-            dateLiteral.fromDateFormatStr("%Y%m%d","20000229", false);
-            Assert.assertFalse(Deencapsulation.invoke(dateLiteral, "checkDate"));
-        } catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(hasException);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckRange() {
-        boolean hasException = false;
-        try {
-            DateLiteral dateLiteral = new DateLiteral();
-            dateLiteral.fromDateFormatStr("%Y%m%d%H%i%s%f","20201209123456123456", false);
-            Assert.assertFalse(Deencapsulation.invoke(dateLiteral, "checkRange"));
-        } catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(hasException);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DecimalLiteralTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DecimalLiteralTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3faf0b6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DecimalLiteralTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.math.BigDecimal;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-public class DecimalLiteralTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testHashValue() throws AnalysisException {
-        BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal("-123456789123456789.123456789");
-        DecimalLiteral literal = new DecimalLiteral(decimal);
-        ByteBuffer buffer = literal.getHashValue(PrimitiveType.DECIMAL);
-        long longValue = buffer.getLong();
-        int fracValue = buffer.getInt();
-        System.out.println("long: " + longValue);
-        System.out.println("frac: " + fracValue);
-        Assert.assertEquals(-123456789123456789L, longValue);
-        Assert.assertEquals(-123456789, fracValue);
-        // if DecimalLiteral need to cast to Decimal and Decimalv2, need to cast
-        // to themselves
-        Assert.assertEquals(literal, literal.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DECIMAL));
-        Assert.assertEquals(literal, literal.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DECIMALV2));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, literal.compareLiteral(new NullLiteral()));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DeleteStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DeleteStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9530ca6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DeleteStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DeleteStmtTest {
-    Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getMethodTest() {
-        BinaryPredicate wherePredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                                                             new StringLiteral("abc"));
-        DeleteStmt deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("partition")), wherePredicate);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testDb", deleteStmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTbl", deleteStmt.getTableName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("partition"), deleteStmt.getPartitionNames());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DELETE FROM `testDb`.`testTbl` PARTITION (partition) WHERE `k1` = 'abc'",
-                            deleteStmt.toSql());
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"), null, wherePredicate);
-        Assert.assertEquals("DELETE FROM `testDb`.`testTbl` WHERE `k1` = 'abc'",
-                deleteStmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyze() {
-        // case 1
-        LikePredicate likePredicate = new LikePredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.LikePredicate.Operator.LIKE,
-                                                        new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                                                        new StringLiteral("abc"));
-        DeleteStmt deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("partition")), likePredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Where clause only supports compound predicate, binary predicate, is_null predicate or in predicate"));
-        }
-        // case 2
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                                                              new StringLiteral("abc"));
-        CompoundPredicate compoundPredicate =
-                new CompoundPredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.CompoundPredicate.Operator.OR, binaryPredicate,
-                                      binaryPredicate);
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("partition")), compoundPredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("should be AND"));
-        }
-        // case 3
-        compoundPredicate = new CompoundPredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.CompoundPredicate.Operator.AND,
-                                                  binaryPredicate,
-                                                  likePredicate);
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("partition")), compoundPredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Where clause only supports compound predicate, binary predicate, is_null predicate or in predicate"));
-        }
-        // case 4
-        binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                                              new SlotRef(null, "k1"));
-        compoundPredicate = new CompoundPredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.CompoundPredicate.Operator.AND,
-                                                  binaryPredicate,
-                                                  binaryPredicate);
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("partition")), compoundPredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Right expr of binary predicate should be value"));
-        }
-        // case 5
-        binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new StringLiteral("abc"),
-                                              new SlotRef(null, "k1"));
-        compoundPredicate = new CompoundPredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.CompoundPredicate.Operator.AND,
-                                                  binaryPredicate,
-                                                  binaryPredicate);
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("partition")), compoundPredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Left expr of binary predicate should be column name"));
-        }
-        // case 6 partition is null
-        binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"), new StringLiteral("abc"));
-        compoundPredicate = new CompoundPredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.CompoundPredicate.Operator.AND,
-                                                  binaryPredicate,
-                                                  binaryPredicate);
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"), null, compoundPredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Partition is not set"));
-        }
-        // normal
-        binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                                              new StringLiteral("abc"));
-        List<Expr> inList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("2323"));
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("1518"));
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("5768"));
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("6725"));
-        InPredicate inPredicate = new InPredicate(new SlotRef(null, "k2"), inList, true);
-        CompoundPredicate compoundPredicate2 =
-                new CompoundPredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.CompoundPredicate.Operator.AND,
-                                      binaryPredicate,
-                                      inPredicate);
-        compoundPredicate = new CompoundPredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.CompoundPredicate.Operator.AND,
-                                                  binaryPredicate,
-                                                  compoundPredicate2);
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("partition")), compoundPredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // multi partition
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("partition1", "partiton2")), compoundPredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("partition1", "partiton2"), deleteStmt.getPartitionNames());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // no partition
-        deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"), null, compoundPredicate);
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList(), deleteStmt.getPartitionNames());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DescribeStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DescribeStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f32d2..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DescribeStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-public class DescribeStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        ctx = new ConnectContext(null);
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("root");
-        ctx.setRemoteIP("");
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        new MockUp<ConnectContext>() {
-            @Mock
-            public ConnectContext get() {
-                return ctx;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            @Mock
-            Catalog getCurrentCatalog() {
-                return catalog;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Ignore
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        DescribeStmt stmt = new DescribeStmt(new TableName("", "testTbl"), false);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("DESCRIBE `testCluster:testDb.testTbl`", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTbl", stmt.getTableName());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAllNormal() throws UserException {
-        DescribeStmt stmt = new DescribeStmt(new TableName("", "testTbl"), true);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("DESCRIBE `testCluster:testDb.testTbl` ALL", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(9, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("IndexKeysType", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(1).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTbl", stmt.getTableName());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropClusterStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropClusterStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e076662..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropClusterStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DropClusterStmtTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        Config.disable_cluster_feature = false;
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final DropClusterStmt stmt = new DropClusterStmt(true, "testCluster");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster", stmt.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP CLUSTER testCluster", stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testFailed() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropClusterStmt stmt = new DropClusterStmt(false, "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropColumnClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropColumnClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 19bee3d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropColumnClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class DropColumnClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        DropColumnClause clause = new DropColumnClause("col", "", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("col", clause.getColName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP COLUMN `col`", clause.toString());
-        clause = new DropColumnClause("col", "rollup", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("rollup", clause.getRollupName());
-        Assert.assertNull("rollup", clause.getProperties());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP COLUMN `col` IN `rollup`", clause.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoCol() throws AnalysisException {
-        DropColumnClause clause = new DropColumnClause("", "", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropDbStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropDbStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e281735..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropDbStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DropDbStmtTest {
-    Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropDbStmt stmt = new DropDbStmt(false, "test", true);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:test", stmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP DATABASE `testCluster:test`", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testFailed() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropDbStmt stmt = new DropDbStmt(false, "", true);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoPriv() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropDbStmt stmt = new DropDbStmt(false, "", true);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchBlockAnalyzer());
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropIndexClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropIndexClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cb9177f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropIndexClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class DropIndexClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        DropIndexClause clause = new DropIndexClause("index1", new TableName("db", "table"), false);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP INDEX index1 ON `db`.`table`", clause.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoIndex() throws UserException {
-        DropIndexClause clause = new DropIndexClause("", new TableName("db", "table"), false);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropMaterializedViewStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropMaterializedViewStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index faf39f2..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropMaterializedViewStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DropMaterializedViewStmtTest {
-    @Mocked
-    Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    PaloAuth paloAuth;
-    @Test
-    public void testEmptyMVName(@Injectable TableName tableName) {
-        DropMaterializedViewStmt stmt = new DropMaterializedViewStmt(false, "", tableName);
-        try {
-            stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("could not be empty"));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNoPermission(@Injectable TableName tableName) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                paloAuth.checkTblPriv(ConnectContext.get(), tableName.getDb(),
-                        tableName.getTbl(), PrivPredicate.DROP);
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        DropMaterializedViewStmt stmt = new DropMaterializedViewStmt(false, "test", tableName);
-        try {
-            stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Access denied;"));
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropRollupClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropRollupClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2783bf5..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropRollupClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class DropRollupClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        DropRollupClause clause = new DropRollupClause("testRollup", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP ROLLUP `testRollup`", clause.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testRollup", clause.getRollupName());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoRollup() throws AnalysisException {
-        DropRollupClause clause = new DropRollupClause("", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropTableStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropTableStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f33fcaa..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropTableStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DropTableStmtTest {
-    private TableName tbl;
-    private TableName noDbTbl;
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer noDbAnalyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        tbl = new TableName("db1", "table1");
-        noDbTbl = new TableName("", "table1");
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                noDbAnalyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                noDbAnalyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropTableStmt stmt = new DropTableStmt(false, tbl, true);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:db1", stmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("table1", stmt.getTableName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP TABLE `testCluster:db1`.`table1`", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDefaultNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropTableStmt stmt = new DropTableStmt(false, noDbTbl, true);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("table1", stmt.getTableName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP TABLE `testCluster:testDb`.`table1`", stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDbFail() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropTableStmt stmt = new DropTableStmt(false, noDbTbl, true);
-        stmt.analyze(noDbAnalyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No Exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoTableFail() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropTableStmt stmt = new DropTableStmt(false, new TableName("db1", ""), true);
-        stmt.analyze(noDbAnalyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No Exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropUserStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropUserStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a14467e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/DropUserStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DropUserStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropUserStmt stmt = new DropUserStmt(new UserIdentity("user", "%"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("DROP USER 'testCluster:user'@'%'", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:user", stmt.getUserIdentity().getQualifiedUser());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoUser() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        DropUserStmt stmt = new DropUserStmt(new UserIdentity("", "%"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No Exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ExprTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ExprTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 360a5cf..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ExprTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ExprTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTableNameToColumnNames(@Mocked Analyzer analyzer,
-                                              @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDesc1,
-                                              @Injectable SlotDescriptor slotDesc2,
-                                              @Injectable TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor1,
-                                              @Injectable TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor2,
-                                              @Injectable Table tableA,
-                                              @Injectable Table tableB) throws AnalysisException {
-        TableName tableAName = new TableName("test", "tableA");
-        TableName tableBName = new TableName("test", "tableB");
-        SlotRef tableAColumn1 = new SlotRef(tableAName, "c1");
-        SlotRef tableBColumn1 = new SlotRef(tableBName, "c1");
-        Expr whereExpr = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, tableAColumn1, tableBColumn1);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableAColumn1, "desc", slotDesc1);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableBColumn1, "desc", slotDesc2);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                slotDesc1.isMaterialized();
-                result = true;
-                slotDesc2.isMaterialized();
-                result = true;
-                slotDesc1.getColumn().getName();
-                result = "c1";
-                slotDesc2.getColumn().getName();
-                result = "c1";
-                slotDesc1.getParent();
-                result = tupleDescriptor1;
-                slotDesc2.getParent();
-                result = tupleDescriptor2;
-                tupleDescriptor1.getTable();
-                result = tableA;
-                tupleDescriptor2.getTable();
-                result = tableB;
-                tableA.getId();
-                result = 1;
-                tableB.getId();
-                result = 2;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<Long, Set<String>> tableNameToColumnNames = Maps.newHashMap();
-        whereExpr.getTableIdToColumnNames(tableNameToColumnNames);
-        Assert.assertEquals(tableNameToColumnNames.size(), 2);
-        Set<String> tableAColumns = tableNameToColumnNames.get(new Long(1));
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(tableAColumns, null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableAColumns.contains("c1"));
-        Set<String> tableBColumns = tableNameToColumnNames.get(new Long(2));
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(tableBColumns, null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableBColumns.contains("c1"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUncheckedCastTo() throws AnalysisException {
-        // uncheckedCastTo should return new object
-        // date
-        DateLiteral dateLiteral = new DateLiteral(2020, 4, 5, 12, 0, 5);
-        Assert.assertTrue(dateLiteral.getType().equals(Type.DATETIME));
-        DateLiteral castLiteral = (DateLiteral) dateLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DATE);
-        Assert.assertFalse(dateLiteral == castLiteral);
-        Assert.assertTrue(dateLiteral.getType().equals(Type.DATETIME));
-        Assert.assertTrue(castLiteral.getType().equals(Type.DATE));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, castLiteral.getHour());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, castLiteral.getMinute());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, castLiteral.getSecond());
-        Assert.assertEquals(12, dateLiteral.getHour());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, dateLiteral.getMinute());
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, dateLiteral.getSecond());
-        DateLiteral dateLiteral2 = new DateLiteral(2020, 4, 5);
-        Assert.assertTrue(dateLiteral2.getType().equals(Type.DATE));
-        castLiteral = (DateLiteral) dateLiteral2.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertFalse(dateLiteral2 == castLiteral);
-        Assert.assertTrue(dateLiteral2.getType().equals(Type.DATE));
-        Assert.assertTrue(castLiteral.getType().equals(Type.DATETIME));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, castLiteral.getHour());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, castLiteral.getMinute());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, castLiteral.getSecond());
-        // float
-        FloatLiteral floatLiteral = new FloatLiteral(0.1, Type.FLOAT);
-        Assert.assertTrue(floatLiteral.getType().equals(Type.FLOAT));
-        FloatLiteral castFloatLiteral = (FloatLiteral) floatLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DOUBLE);
-        Assert.assertTrue(floatLiteral.getType().equals(Type.FLOAT));
-        Assert.assertTrue(castFloatLiteral.getType().equals(Type.DOUBLE));
-        Assert.assertFalse(floatLiteral == castFloatLiteral);
-        FloatLiteral castFloatLiteral2 = (FloatLiteral) floatLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.FLOAT);
-        Assert.assertTrue(floatLiteral == castFloatLiteral2);
-        // int
-        IntLiteral intLiteral = new IntLiteral(200);
-        Assert.assertTrue(intLiteral.getType().equals(Type.SMALLINT));
-        IntLiteral castIntLiteral = (IntLiteral) intLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.INT);
-        Assert.assertTrue(intLiteral.getType().equals(Type.SMALLINT));
-        Assert.assertTrue(castIntLiteral.getType().equals(Type.INT));
-        Assert.assertFalse(intLiteral == castIntLiteral);
-        IntLiteral castIntLiteral2 = (IntLiteral) intLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.SMALLINT);
-        Assert.assertTrue(intLiteral == castIntLiteral2);
-        // null
-        NullLiteral nullLiteral = NullLiteral.create(Type.DATE);
-        Assert.assertTrue(nullLiteral.getType().equals(Type.DATE));
-        NullLiteral castNullLiteral = (NullLiteral) nullLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertTrue(nullLiteral.getType().equals(Type.DATE));
-        Assert.assertTrue(castNullLiteral.getType().equals(Type.DATETIME));
-        Assert.assertFalse(nullLiteral == castNullLiteral);
-        NullLiteral castNullLiteral2 = (NullLiteral) nullLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.DATE);
-        Assert.assertTrue(nullLiteral == castNullLiteral2);
-        // string
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("abc");
-        Assert.assertTrue(stringLiteral.getType().equals(Type.VARCHAR));
-        StringLiteral castStringLiteral = (StringLiteral) stringLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.CHAR);
-        Assert.assertTrue(stringLiteral.getType().equals(Type.VARCHAR));
-        Assert.assertTrue(castStringLiteral.getType().equals(Type.CHAR));
-        Assert.assertFalse(stringLiteral == castStringLiteral);
-        StringLiteral castStringLiteral2 = (StringLiteral) stringLiteral.uncheckedCastTo(Type.VARCHAR);
-        Assert.assertTrue(stringLiteral == castStringLiteral2);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEqualSets() {
-        Expr r1 = new DateLiteral(2020, 10, 20);
-        Expr r2 = new DateLiteral(2020, 10, 21);
-        Expr r3 = new DateLiteral(2020, 10, 22);
-        Expr r4 = new DateLiteral(2020, 10, 23);
-        //list1 equal list2
-        List<Expr> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
-        List<Expr> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
-        list1.add(r1);
-        list1.add(r2);
-        list1.add(r3);
-        list2.add(r1);
-        list2.add(r2);
-        list2.add(r3);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Expr.equalSets(list1, list2));
-        //list3 not equal list4
-        list2.add(r4);
-        Assert.assertFalse(Expr.equalSets(list1, list2));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/GrantStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/GrantStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ee2e7d8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/GrantStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AccessPrivilege;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class GrantStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        auth = new PaloAuth();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ctx;
-                ctx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "root";
-                ctx.getRemoteIP();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                ctx.getCurrentUserIdentity();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp("root", "%");
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        GrantStmt stmt;
-        List<AccessPrivilege> privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.ALL);
-        stmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("testUser", "%"), null, new TablePattern("testDb", "*"), privileges);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testUser", stmt.getUserIdent().getQualifiedUser());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getTblPattern().getQualifiedDb());
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.READ_ONLY, AccessPrivilege.ALL);
-        stmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("testUser", "%"), null, new TablePattern("testDb", "*"), privileges);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testResourceNormal() throws UserException {
-        // TODO(wyb): spark-load
-        Config.enable_spark_load = true;
-        String resourceName = "spark0";
-        List<AccessPrivilege> privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.USAGE_PRIV);
-        GrantStmt stmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("testUser", "%"), null, new ResourcePattern(resourceName), privileges);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals(resourceName, stmt.getResourcePattern().getResourceName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(PaloAuth.PrivLevel.RESOURCE, stmt.getResourcePattern().getPrivLevel());
-        stmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("testUser", "%"), null, new ResourcePattern("*"), privileges);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals(PaloAuth.PrivLevel.GLOBAL, stmt.getResourcePattern().getPrivLevel());
-        Assert.assertEquals("GRANT Usage_priv ON RESOURCE '*' TO 'testCluster:testUser'@'%'", stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testUserFail() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        GrantStmt stmt;
-        List<AccessPrivilege> privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.ALL);
-        stmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("", "%"), null, new TablePattern("testDb", "*"), privileges);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/GroupByClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/GroupByClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index aa9f505..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/GroupByClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.BitSet;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class GroupByClauseTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        Analyzer analyzerBase = AccessTestUtil.fetchTableAnalyzer();
-        analyzer = new Analyzer(analyzerBase.getCatalog(), analyzerBase.getContext());
-        try {
-            Field f = analyzer.getClass().getDeclaredField("tupleByAlias");
-            f.setAccessible(true);
-            Multimap<String, TupleDescriptor> tupleByAlias = ArrayListMultimap.create();
-            TupleDescriptor td = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(0));
-            td.setTable(analyzerBase.getTable(new TableName("testdb", "t")));
-            tupleByAlias.put("testdb.t", td);
-            f.set(analyzer, tupleByAlias);
-        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGroupingSets() {
-        List<ArrayList<Expr>> groupingExprsList = new ArrayList<>();
-        ArrayList<Expr> groupByExprs = new ArrayList<>();
-        String[][] colsLists = {
-                {"k3", "k1"},
-                {"k2", "k3", "k2"},
-                {"k1", "k3"},
-                {"k4"},
-                {"k1", "k2", "k3", "k4"}
-        };
-        for (String[] colsList : colsLists) {
-            ArrayList<Expr> exprList = new ArrayList<>();
-            for (String col : colsList) {
-                exprList.add(new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col));
-            }
-            groupingExprsList.add(exprList);
-        }
-        String[] groupByCols = {"k1", "k2", "k3", "k4"};
-        for (String col : groupByCols) {
-            groupByExprs.add(new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col));
-        }
-        GroupByClause groupByClause = new GroupByClause(groupingExprsList,
-                GroupByClause.GroupingType.GROUPING_SETS);
-        GroupingInfo groupingInfo = null;
-        try {
-            groupingInfo = new GroupingInfo(analyzer, GroupByClause.GroupingType.GROUPING_SETS);
-            groupByClause.genGroupingExprs();
-            groupingInfo.buildRepeat(groupByClause.getGroupingExprs(), groupByClause.getGroupingSetList());
-            groupByClause.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException exception) {
-            exception.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, groupByClause.getGroupingExprs().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("GROUPING SETS ((`testdb`.`t`.`k3`, `testdb`.`t`.`k1`), (`testdb`.`t`.`k2`, `testdb`.`t`"
-                + ".`k3`, `testdb`.`t`.`k2`), (`testdb`.`t`.`k1`, `testdb`.`t`.`k3`), (`testdb`.`t`.`k4`), (`testdb`"
-                + ".`t`.`k1`, `testdb`.`t`.`k2`, `testdb`.`t`.`k3`, `testdb`.`t`.`k4`))", groupByClause.toSql());
-        List<BitSet> bitSetList = groupingInfo.getGroupingIdList();
-        {
-            String[] answer = {"{0, 1, 2, 3}", "{0, 1}", "{0, 2}", "{3}"};
-            Set<String> answerSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(answer));
-            Set<String> resultSet = new HashSet<>();
-            for (BitSet aBitSetList : bitSetList) {
-                String s = aBitSetList.toString();
-                resultSet.add(s);
-            }
-            Assert.assertEquals(answerSet, resultSet);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRollUp() {
-        ArrayList<Expr> groupingExprs = new ArrayList<>();
-        String[] cols = {"k2", "k3", "k4", "k3"};
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            Expr expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            groupingExprs.add(expr);
-        }
-        GroupByClause groupByClause =
-                new GroupByClause(
-                        Expr.cloneList(groupingExprs),
-                        GroupByClause.GroupingType.ROLLUP);
-        GroupingInfo groupingInfo = null;
-        try {
-            groupingInfo = new GroupingInfo(analyzer, GroupByClause.GroupingType.ROLLUP);
-            groupByClause.genGroupingExprs();
-            groupingInfo.buildRepeat(groupByClause.getGroupingExprs(), groupByClause.getGroupingSetList());
-            groupByClause.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException execption) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, groupByClause.getGroupingExprs().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("ROLLUP (`testdb`.`t`.`k2`, `testdb`.`t`.`k3`, "
-                + "`testdb`.`t`.`k4`, `testdb`.`t`.`k3`)", groupByClause.toSql());
-        List<BitSet> bitSetList = groupingInfo.getGroupingIdList();
-        {
-            String[] answer = {"{}", "{0}", "{0, 1}", "{0, 1, 2}"};
-            Set<String> answerSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(answer));
-            Set<String> resultSet = new HashSet<>();
-            for (BitSet aBitSetList : bitSetList) {
-                String s = aBitSetList.toString();
-                resultSet.add(s);
-            }
-            Assert.assertEquals(answerSet, resultSet);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCube() {
-        ArrayList<Expr> groupingExprs = new ArrayList<>();
-        String[] cols = {"k1", "k2", "k3", "k1"};
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            Expr expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            groupingExprs.add(expr);
-        }
-        GroupByClause groupByClause = new GroupByClause(Expr.cloneList(groupingExprs),
-                GroupByClause.GroupingType.CUBE);
-        GroupingInfo groupingInfo = null;
-        try {
-            groupingInfo = new GroupingInfo(analyzer, GroupByClause.GroupingType.CUBE);
-            groupByClause.genGroupingExprs();
-            groupingInfo.buildRepeat(groupByClause.getGroupingExprs(), groupByClause.getGroupingSetList());
-            groupByClause.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException exception) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals("CUBE (`testdb`.`t`.`k1`, `testdb`.`t`.`k2`, "
-                + "`testdb`.`t`.`k3`, `testdb`.`t`.`k1`)", groupByClause.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, groupByClause.getGroupingExprs().size());
-        List<BitSet> bitSetList = groupingInfo.getGroupingIdList();
-        {
-            String[] answer = {"{}", "{1}", "{0}", "{0, 1}", "{2}", "{1, 2}", "{0, 1, 2}", "{0, 2}"};
-            Set<String> answerSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(answer));
-            Set<String> resultSet = new HashSet<>();
-            for (BitSet aBitSetList : bitSetList) {
-                String s = aBitSetList.toString();
-                resultSet.add(s);
-            }
-            Assert.assertEquals(answerSet, resultSet);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGroupBy() {
-        ArrayList<Expr> groupingExprs = new ArrayList<>();
-        String[] cols = {"k2", "k2", "k3", "k1"};
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            Expr expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            groupingExprs.add(expr);
-        }
-        GroupByClause groupByClause = new GroupByClause(Expr.cloneList(groupingExprs),
-                GroupByClause.GroupingType.GROUP_BY);
-        try {
-            groupByClause.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException exception) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals("`testdb`.`t`.`k2`, `testdb`.`t`.`k2`, `testdb`.`t`.`k3`, `testdb`.`t`.`k1`", groupByClause.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, groupByClause.getGroupingExprs().size());
-        groupingExprs.remove(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(groupByClause.getGroupingExprs(), groupingExprs);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReset() {
-        ArrayList<Expr> groupingExprs = new ArrayList<>();
-        String[] cols = {"k2", "k2", "k3", "k1"};
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            Expr expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            groupingExprs.add(expr);
-        }
-        GroupByClause groupByClause = new GroupByClause(Expr.cloneList(groupingExprs),
-                GroupByClause.GroupingType.GROUP_BY);
-        try {
-            groupByClause.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException exception) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-        try {
-            groupByClause.reset();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail("reset throw exceptions!" + e);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTuple() throws AnalysisException {
-        ArrayList<Expr> groupingExprs = new ArrayList<>();
-        String[] cols = {"k1", "k2", "k3", "k1"};
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            Expr expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            groupingExprs.add(expr);
-        }
-        GroupByClause groupByClause = new GroupByClause(Expr.cloneList(groupingExprs),
-                GroupByClause.GroupingType.GROUP_BY);
-        try {
-            groupByClause.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException exception) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGenGroupingList() throws AnalysisException {
-        ArrayList<Expr> groupingExprs = new ArrayList<>();
-        String[] cols = {"k1", "k2", "k3"};
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            Expr expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            groupingExprs.add(expr);
-        }
-        GroupByClause groupByClause = new GroupByClause(Expr.cloneList(groupingExprs),
-                GroupByClause.GroupingType.CUBE);
-        List<Expr> slots = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            SlotRef expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            slots.add(expr);
-        }
-        GroupingInfo groupingInfo = null;
-        try {
-            groupingInfo = new GroupingInfo(analyzer, GroupByClause.GroupingType.CUBE);
-            groupingInfo.addGroupingSlots(slots, analyzer);
-            groupByClause.genGroupingExprs();
-            groupingInfo.buildRepeat(groupByClause.getGroupingExprs(), groupByClause.getGroupingSetList());
-            groupByClause.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException exception) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-        List<List<Long>> list = groupingInfo.genGroupingList(groupByClause.getGroupingExprs());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, list.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(list.get(0), list.get(1));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/HelpStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/HelpStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d9e8f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/HelpStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class HelpStmtTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        HelpStmt stmt = new HelpStmt("contents");
-        stmt.analyze(null);
-        Assert.assertEquals("contents", stmt.getMask());
-        Assert.assertEquals("HELP contents", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, stmt.getCategoryMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getKeywordMetaData().getColumnCount());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testEmpty() throws AnalysisException {
-        HelpStmt stmt = new HelpStmt("");
-        stmt.analyze(null);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/IndexDefTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/IndexDefTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f51021..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/IndexDefTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class IndexDefTest {
-    private IndexDef def;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        def = new IndexDef("index1", Lists.newArrayList("col1"), IndexDef.IndexType.BITMAP, "balabala");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        def.analyze();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAnalyzeExpection() throws AnalysisException {
-        try {
-            def = new IndexDef(
-                    "index1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxx"
-                            + "xxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxinde"
-                            + "x1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-                            + "xxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxx"
-                            + "xxxxxxxxxxxxindex1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
-                    Lists.newArrayList("col1"), IndexDef.IndexType.BITMAP,
-                    "balabala");
-            def.analyze();
-            Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof AnalysisException);
-        }
-        try {
-            def = new IndexDef("", Lists.newArrayList("col1"), IndexDef.IndexType.BITMAP, "balabala");
-            def.analyze();
-            Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof AnalysisException);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void toSql() {
-        Assert.assertEquals("INDEX index1 (`col1`) USING BITMAP COMMENT 'balabala'", def.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("INDEX index1 ON table1 (`col1`) USING BITMAP COMMENT 'balabala'",
-                def.toSql("table1"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/InsertStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/InsertStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cbd4b67..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/InsertStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.DorisAssert;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class InsertStmtTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/DemoTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static DorisAssert dorisAssert;
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(runningDir);
-    }
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        String createTblStmtStr = "create table db.tbl(kk1 int, kk2 varchar(32), kk3 int, kk4 int) "
-                + "AGGREGATE KEY(kk1, kk2,kk3,kk4) distributed by hash(kk1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert = new DorisAssert();
-        dorisAssert.withDatabase("db").useDatabase("db");
-        dorisAssert.withTable(createTblStmtStr);
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-    }
-    List<Column> getBaseSchema() {
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        k1.setIsKey(true);
-        k1.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(k1);
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", ScalarType.createVarchar(25));
-        k2.setIsKey(true);
-        k2.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        columns.add(k2);
-        Column v1 = new Column("v1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        v1.setIsKey(false);
-        v1.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        v1.setAggregationType(AggregateType.SUM, false);
-        columns.add(v1);
-        Column v2 = new Column("v2", ScalarType.createVarchar(25));
-        v2.setIsKey(false);
-        v2.setAggregationType(AggregateType.REPLACE, false);
-        v2.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(v2);
-        return columns;
-    }
-    List<Column> getFullSchema() throws Exception {
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        k1.setIsKey(true);
-        k1.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(k1);
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", ScalarType.createVarchar(25));
-        k2.setIsKey(true);
-        k2.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        columns.add(k2);
-        Column v1 = new Column("v1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        v1.setIsKey(false);
-        v1.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        v1.setAggregationType(AggregateType.SUM, false);
-        columns.add(v1);
-        Column v2 = new Column("v2", ScalarType.createVarchar(25));
-        v2.setIsKey(false);
-        v2.setAggregationType(AggregateType.REPLACE, false);
-        v2.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(v2);
-        Column v3 = new Column(CreateMaterializedViewStmt.mvColumnBuilder("bitmap_union", "k1"),
-                PrimitiveType.BITMAP);
-        v3.setIsKey(false);
-        v3.setAggregationType(AggregateType.BITMAP_UNION, false);
-        v3.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        ArrayList<Expr> params = new ArrayList<>();
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null , "k1");
-        slotRef.setType(Type.BIGINT);
-        params.add(slotRef.uncheckedCastTo(Type.VARCHAR));
-        Expr defineExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("to_bitmap", params);
-        v3.setDefineExpr(defineExpr);
-        columns.add(v3);
-        Column v4 = new Column(CreateMaterializedViewStmt.mvColumnBuilder("hll_union", "k2"), PrimitiveType.HLL);
-        v4.setIsKey(false);
-        v4.setAggregationType(AggregateType.HLL_UNION, false);
-        v4.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        params = new ArrayList<>();
-        params.add(new SlotRef(null, "k2"));
-        defineExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("hll_hash", params);
-        v4.setDefineExpr(defineExpr);
-        columns.add(v4);
-        return columns;
-    }
-    @Injectable InsertTarget target;
-    @Injectable InsertSource source;
-    @Injectable Table targetTable;
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        String sql = "values(1,'a',2,'b')";
-        SqlScanner input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql), ctx.getSessionVariable().getSqlMode());
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx);
-        StatementBase statementBase = null;
-        try {
-            statementBase = SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            String errorMessage = parser.getErrorMsg(sql);
-            System.err.println("parse failed: " + errorMessage);
-            if (errorMessage == null) {
-                throw e;
-            } else {
-                throw new AnalysisException(errorMessage, e);
-            }
-        }
-        statementBase.analyze(analyzer);
-        QueryStmt queryStmt = (QueryStmt) statementBase;
-        new Expectations() {{
-            targetTable.getBaseSchema(); result = getBaseSchema();
-            targetTable.getBaseSchema(anyBoolean); result = getBaseSchema();
-            targetTable.getFullSchema(); result = getFullSchema();
-        }};
-        InsertStmt stmt = new InsertStmt(target, "label", null, source, new ArrayList<>());
-        stmt.setTargetTable(targetTable);
-        stmt.setQueryStmt(queryStmt);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(stmt, "analyzeSubquery", analyzer);
-        System.out.println(stmt.getQueryStmt());
-        QueryStmt queryStmtSubstitute = stmt.getQueryStmt();
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, queryStmtSubstitute.getResultExprs().size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryStmtSubstitute.getResultExprs().get(4) instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr4 = (FunctionCallExpr) queryStmtSubstitute.getResultExprs().get(4);
-        Assert.assertTrue(expr4.getFnName().getFunction().equals("to_bitmap"));
-        List<Expr> slots = Lists.newArrayList();
-        expr4.collect(IntLiteral.class, slots);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, slots.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(queryStmtSubstitute.getResultExprs().get(0), slots.get(0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryStmtSubstitute.getResultExprs().get(5) instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr5 = (FunctionCallExpr) queryStmtSubstitute.getResultExprs().get(5);
-        Assert.assertTrue(expr5.getFnName().getFunction().equals("hll_hash"));
-        slots = Lists.newArrayList();
-        expr5.collect(StringLiteral.class, slots);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, slots.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(queryStmtSubstitute.getResultExprs().get(1), slots.get(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInsertSelect() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        String sql = "select kk1, kk2, kk3, kk4 from db.tbl";
-        SqlScanner input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql), ctx.getSessionVariable().getSqlMode());
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx);
-        StatementBase statementBase = null;
-        try {
-            statementBase = SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            String errorMessage = parser.getErrorMsg(sql);
-            System.err.println("parse failed: " + errorMessage);
-            if (errorMessage == null) {
-                throw e;
-            } else {
-                throw new AnalysisException(errorMessage, e);
-            }
-        }
-        statementBase.analyze(analyzer);
-        QueryStmt queryStmt = (QueryStmt) statementBase;
-        new Expectations() {{
-            targetTable.getBaseSchema(); result = getBaseSchema();
-            targetTable.getBaseSchema(anyBoolean); result = getBaseSchema();
-            targetTable.getFullSchema(); result = getFullSchema();
-        }};
-        InsertStmt stmt = new InsertStmt(target, "label", null, source, new ArrayList<>());
-        stmt.setTargetTable(targetTable);
-        stmt.setQueryStmt(queryStmt);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(stmt, "analyzeSubquery", analyzer);
-        System.out.println(stmt.getQueryStmt());
-        QueryStmt queryStmtSubstitue = stmt.getQueryStmt();
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, queryStmtSubstitue.getResultExprs().size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryStmtSubstitue.getResultExprs().get(4) instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr4 = (FunctionCallExpr) queryStmtSubstitue.getResultExprs().get(4);
-        Assert.assertTrue(expr4.getFnName().getFunction().equals("to_bitmap"));
-        List<Expr> slots = Lists.newArrayList();
-        expr4.collect(SlotRef.class, slots);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, slots.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(queryStmtSubstitue.getResultExprs().get(0), slots.get(0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryStmtSubstitue.getResultExprs().get(5) instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr5 = (FunctionCallExpr) queryStmtSubstitue.getResultExprs().get(5);
-        Assert.assertTrue(expr5.getFnName().getFunction().equals("hll_hash"));
-        slots = Lists.newArrayList();
-        expr5.collect(SlotRef.class, slots);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, slots.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(queryStmtSubstitue.getResultExprs().get(1), slots.get(0));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/InstallPluginStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/InstallPluginStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a28963d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/InstallPluginStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class InstallPluginStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("md5sum", "7529db41471ec72e165f96fe9fb92742");
-        InstallPluginStmt stmt = new InstallPluginStmt("http://test/test.zip", properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("7529db41471ec72e165f96fe9fb92742", stmt.getMd5sum());
-        Assert.assertEquals("INSTALL PLUGIN FROM \"http://test/test.zip\"\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\"md5sum\"  =  \"7529db41471ec72e165f96fe9fb92742\")", stmt.toString());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/IsNullPredicateTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/IsNullPredicateTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f0bb48..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/IsNullPredicateTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// // distributed with this work for additional information
-// // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// //
-// //   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// //
-// // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// // software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// // KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// // specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// // under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class IsNullPredicateTest {
-    @Mocked
-    Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Test
-    public void testNullParam() {
-        IsNullPredicate isNullPredicate = new IsNullPredicate(new NullLiteral(), false);
-        try {
-            isNullPredicate.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        IsNullPredicate isNotNullPredicate = new IsNullPredicate(new NullLiteral(), true);
-        try {
-            isNotNullPredicate.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/KillStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/KillStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da23c6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/KillStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class KillStmtTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        KillStmt stmt = new KillStmt(false, 1);
-        stmt.analyze(null);
-        Assert.assertEquals("KILL QUERY 1", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(false, stmt.isConnectionKill());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, stmt.getConnectionId());
-        stmt = new KillStmt(true, 2);
-        stmt.analyze(null);
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, stmt.isConnectionKill());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getConnectionId());
-        Assert.assertEquals("KILL 2", stmt.toString());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LabelNameTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LabelNameTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e2e367a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LabelNameTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class LabelNameTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testDb";
-            }
-        };
-        LabelName label = new LabelName("testDb", "testLabel");
-        label.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("`testCluster:testDb`.`testLabel`", label.toString());
-        label = new LabelName("", "testLabel");
-        label.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("`testCluster:testDb`.`testLabel`", label.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", label.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testLabel", label.getLabelName());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDb() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        LabelName label = new LabelName("", "testLabel");
-        label.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoLabel() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testDb";
-            }
-        };
-        LabelName label = new LabelName("", "");
-        label.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LinkDbStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LinkDbStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 853c4ab..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LinkDbStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class LinkDbStmtTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        Config.disable_cluster_feature = false;
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final ClusterName cn1 = new ClusterName("testCluster1", "testDb1");
-        final ClusterName cn2 = new ClusterName("testCluster2", "testDb2");
-        final LinkDbStmt stmt = new LinkDbStmt(cn1, cn2);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("LINK DATABASE " + stmt.getSrcCluster() + "." + stmt.getSrcDb()
-                + " " + stmt.getDestCluster() + "." + stmt.getDestDb(), stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testParamError() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final ClusterName cn1 = new ClusterName("testCluster1", "");
-        final ClusterName cn2 = new ClusterName("testCluster2", "testDb2");
-        final LinkDbStmt stmt = new LinkDbStmt(cn1, cn2);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchBlockAnalyzer());
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LiteralExprCompareTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LiteralExprCompareTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b8ed2c8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LiteralExprCompareTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-public class LiteralExprCompareTest {
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("ETC/GMT-0");
-        TimeZone.setDefault(tz);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void boolTest() {
-        LiteralExpr boolTrue1 = new BoolLiteral(true);
-        LiteralExpr boolFalse1 = new BoolLiteral(false);
-        LiteralExpr boolTrue2 = new BoolLiteral(true);
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(boolTrue1.equals(boolTrue2));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(boolTrue1.equals(boolTrue1));
-        // value compare
-        Assert.assertTrue(!boolTrue1.equals(boolFalse1) && 1 == boolTrue1.compareLiteral(boolFalse1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(-1 == boolFalse1.compareLiteral(boolTrue1));
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == boolTrue1.compareLiteral(boolTrue2));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == boolTrue1.compareLiteral(boolTrue1));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void dateFormat1Test() throws AnalysisException {
-        LiteralExpr date = new DateLiteral("2015-02-15 12:12:12", ScalarType.DATE);
-        Assert.fail();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void dateFormat2Test() throws AnalysisException {
-        LiteralExpr datetime = new DateLiteral("2015-02-15", ScalarType.DATETIME);
-        Assert.fail();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void dateTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        LiteralExpr date1 = new DateLiteral("2015-02-15", ScalarType.DATE);
-        LiteralExpr date1Same = new DateLiteral("2015-02-15", ScalarType.DATE);
-        LiteralExpr date1Large = new DateLiteral("2015-02-16", ScalarType.DATE);
-        LiteralExpr datetime1 = new DateLiteral("2015-02-15 13:14:00", ScalarType.DATETIME);
-        LiteralExpr datetime1Same = new DateLiteral("2015-02-15 13:14:00", ScalarType.DATETIME);
-        LiteralExpr datetime1Large = new DateLiteral("2015-02-15 13:14:15", ScalarType.DATETIME);
-        // infinity
-        LiteralExpr maxDate1 = new DateLiteral(ScalarType.DATE, true);
-        LiteralExpr maxDate1Same = new DateLiteral(ScalarType.DATE, true);
-        LiteralExpr minDate1 = new DateLiteral(ScalarType.DATE, false);
-        LiteralExpr minDate1Same = new DateLiteral(ScalarType.DATE, false);
-        LiteralExpr maxDatetime1 = new DateLiteral(ScalarType.DATETIME, true);
-        LiteralExpr maxDatetime1Same = new DateLiteral(ScalarType.DATETIME, true);
-        LiteralExpr minDatetime1 = new DateLiteral(ScalarType.DATETIME, false);
-        LiteralExpr minDatetime1Same = new DateLiteral(ScalarType.DATETIME, false);
-        LiteralExpr date8 = new DateLiteral("9999-12-31", ScalarType.DATE);
-        LiteralExpr date9 = new DateLiteral("9999-12-31 23:59:59", ScalarType.DATETIME);
-        LiteralExpr date10 = new DateLiteral("0000-01-01", ScalarType.DATE);
-        LiteralExpr date11 = new DateLiteral("0000-01-01 00:00:00", ScalarType.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertTrue(date1.equals(date1Same) && date1.compareLiteral(date1Same) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(date1.equals(date1Same) && date1.compareLiteral(date1Same) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(datetime1.equals(datetime1Same) && datetime1.compareLiteral(datetime1Same) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(datetime1.equals(datetime1) && datetime1.compareLiteral(datetime1) == 0);
-        // value compare
-        Assert.assertTrue(!date1Large.equals(date1Same) && 1 == date1Large.compareLiteral(date1Same));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!datetime1Large.equals(datetime1Same) && 1 == datetime1Large.compareLiteral(datetime1Same));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!datetime1Same.equals(datetime1Large) && -1 == datetime1Same.compareLiteral(datetime1Large));
-        // infinity
-        Assert.assertTrue(maxDate1.equals(maxDate1) && maxDate1.compareLiteral(maxDate1) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(maxDate1.equals(maxDate1Same) && maxDate1.compareLiteral(maxDate1Same) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(minDate1.equals(minDate1) && minDate1.compareLiteral(minDate1) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(minDate1.equals(minDate1Same) && minDate1.compareLiteral(minDate1Same) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(maxDatetime1.equals(maxDatetime1) && maxDatetime1.compareLiteral(maxDatetime1) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(maxDatetime1.equals(maxDatetime1Same) && maxDatetime1.compareLiteral(maxDatetime1Same) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(minDatetime1.equals(minDatetime1) && minDatetime1.compareLiteral(minDatetime1) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(minDatetime1.equals(minDatetime1Same) && minDatetime1.compareLiteral(minDatetime1Same) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(maxDate1.equals(date8) && maxDate1.compareLiteral(date8) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(minDate1.equals(date10) && minDate1.compareLiteral(date10) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(maxDatetime1.equals(date9) && maxDatetime1.compareLiteral(date9) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(minDatetime1.equals(date11) && minDatetime1.compareLiteral(date11) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!maxDate1.equals(date1) && 1 == maxDate1.compareLiteral(date1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!minDate1.equals(date1) && -1 == minDate1.compareLiteral(date1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!maxDatetime1.equals(datetime1) && 1 == maxDatetime1.compareLiteral(datetime1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!minDatetime1.equals(datetime1) && -1 == minDatetime1.compareLiteral(datetime1));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void decimalTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        LiteralExpr decimal1 = new DecimalLiteral("1.23456");
-        LiteralExpr decimal2 = new DecimalLiteral("1.23456");
-        LiteralExpr decimal3 = new DecimalLiteral("1.23457");
-        LiteralExpr decimal4 = new DecimalLiteral("2.23457");
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(decimal1.equals(decimal2));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(decimal1.equals(decimal1));
-        // value compare
-        Assert.assertTrue(!decimal3.equals(decimal2) && 1 == decimal3.compareLiteral(decimal2));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!decimal4.equals(decimal3) && 1 == decimal4.compareLiteral(decimal3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!decimal1.equals(decimal4) && -1 == decimal1.compareLiteral(decimal4));
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == decimal1.compareLiteral(decimal2));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == decimal1.compareLiteral(decimal1));
-    }
-    public void floatAndDoubleExpr() {
-        LiteralExpr float1 = new FloatLiteral(1.12345, ScalarType.FLOAT);
-        LiteralExpr float2 = new FloatLiteral(1.12345, ScalarType.FLOAT);
-        LiteralExpr float3 = new FloatLiteral(1.12346, ScalarType.FLOAT);
-        LiteralExpr float4 = new FloatLiteral(2.12345, ScalarType.FLOAT);
-        LiteralExpr double1 = new FloatLiteral(1.12345, ScalarType.DOUBLE);
-        LiteralExpr double2 = new FloatLiteral(1.12345, ScalarType.DOUBLE);
-        LiteralExpr double3 = new FloatLiteral(1.12346, ScalarType.DOUBLE);
-        LiteralExpr double4 = new FloatLiteral(2.12345, ScalarType.DOUBLE);
-        // float
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(float1.equals(float2));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(float1.equals(float1));
-        // value compare
-        Assert.assertTrue(!float3.equals(float2) && 1 == float3.compareLiteral(float2));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!float4.equals(float1) && 1 == float4.compareLiteral(float1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!float1.equals(float4) && -1 == float1.compareLiteral(float4));
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == float1.compareLiteral(float2));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == float1.compareLiteral(float1));
-        // double
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(double1.equals(double2));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(double1.equals(double1));
-        // value compare
-        Assert.assertTrue(!double3.equals(double2) && 1 == double3.compareLiteral(double2));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!double4.equals(double1) && 1 == double4.compareLiteral(double1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!double1.equals(double4) && -1 == double1.compareLiteral(double4));
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == double1.compareLiteral(double2));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == double1.compareLiteral(double1));
-    }
-    private void intTestInternal(ScalarType type) throws AnalysisException {
-        String maxValue = "";
-        String minValue = "";
-        String normalValue = "100";
-        switch (type.getPrimitiveType()) {
-            case TINYINT:
-                maxValue = "127";
-                minValue = "-128";
-                break;
-            case SMALLINT:
-                maxValue = "32767";
-                minValue = "-32768";
-                break;
-            case INT:
-                maxValue = "2147483647";
-                minValue = "-2147483648";
-                break;
-            case BIGINT:
-                maxValue = "9223372036854775807";
-                minValue = "-9223372036854775808";
-                break;
-            default:
-                Assert.fail();
-        }
-        LiteralExpr tinyint1 = new IntLiteral(maxValue, type);
-        LiteralExpr tinyint2 = new IntLiteral(maxValue, type);
-        LiteralExpr tinyint3 = new IntLiteral(minValue, type);
-        LiteralExpr tinyint4 = new IntLiteral(normalValue, type);
-        // infinity
-        LiteralExpr infinity1 = MaxLiteral.MAX_VALUE;
-        LiteralExpr infinity2 = MaxLiteral.MAX_VALUE;
-        LiteralExpr infinity3 = LiteralExpr.createInfinity(type, false);
-        LiteralExpr infinity4 = LiteralExpr.createInfinity(type, false);
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(tinyint1.equals(tinyint1));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(tinyint1.equals(tinyint2));
-        // value compare
-        Assert.assertTrue(!tinyint1.equals(tinyint3) && 1 == tinyint1.compareLiteral(tinyint3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!tinyint2.equals(tinyint4) && 1 == tinyint2.compareLiteral(tinyint4));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!tinyint3.equals(tinyint4) && -1 == tinyint3.compareLiteral(tinyint4));
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == tinyint1.compareLiteral(tinyint1));
-        // self equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == tinyint1.compareLiteral(tinyint2));
-        // infinity
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity1.equals(infinity1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity1.equals(infinity2));
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity3.equals(infinity3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity3.equals(infinity4));
-        Assert.assertFalse(tinyint1.equals(infinity1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tinyint3.equals(infinity3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == infinity1.compareLiteral(infinity1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == infinity1.compareLiteral(infinity2));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!infinity1.equals(infinity3) && 1 == infinity1.compareLiteral(infinity3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!infinity4.equals(infinity2) && -1 == infinity4.compareLiteral(infinity2));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!infinity4.equals(tinyint1) && -1 == infinity4.compareLiteral(tinyint1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!infinity3.equals(tinyint4) && -1 == infinity3.compareLiteral(tinyint4));
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity1.compareLiteral(tinyint2) == 1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == infinity4.compareLiteral(tinyint3));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void intTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        intTestInternal(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT));
-        intTestInternal(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT));
-        intTestInternal(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT));
-        intTestInternal(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void largeIntTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        LiteralExpr largeInt1 = new LargeIntLiteral("170141183460469231731687303715884105727");
-        LiteralExpr largeInt3 = new LargeIntLiteral("-170141183460469231731687303715884105728");
-        LiteralExpr infinity1 = new LargeIntLiteral(true);
-        LiteralExpr infinity3 = new LargeIntLiteral(false);
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(largeInt1.equals(largeInt1));
-        // value compare
-        Assert.assertTrue(!largeInt1.equals(largeInt3) && 1 == largeInt1.compareLiteral(largeInt3));
-        // value equal
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == largeInt1.compareLiteral(largeInt1));
-        // infinity
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity1.equals(infinity1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity3.equals(infinity3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity1.equals(largeInt1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(infinity3.equals(largeInt3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!infinity1.equals(largeInt3) && 1 == infinity1.compareLiteral(largeInt3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!infinity3.equals(infinity1) && -1 == infinity3.compareLiteral(infinity1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == infinity1.compareLiteral(infinity1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == infinity3.compareLiteral(infinity3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == infinity1.compareLiteral(largeInt1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(0 == infinity3.compareLiteral(largeInt3));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void stringTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        LiteralExpr string1 = new StringLiteral("abc");
-        LiteralExpr string2 = new StringLiteral("abc");
-        LiteralExpr string3 = new StringLiteral("bcd");
-        LiteralExpr string4 = new StringLiteral("a");
-        LiteralExpr string5 = new StringLiteral("aa");
-        LiteralExpr empty = new StringLiteral("");
-        Assert.assertTrue(string1.equals(string1) && string1.compareLiteral(string2) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(string1.equals(string2) && string1.compareLiteral(string1) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!string3.equals(string1) && 1 == string3.compareLiteral(string1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!string1.equals(string3) && -1 == string1.compareLiteral(string3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!string5.equals(string4) && 1 == string5.compareLiteral(string4));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!string3.equals(string4) && 1 == string3.compareLiteral(string4));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!string4.equals(empty) && 1 == string4.compareLiteral(empty));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LoadStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LoadStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ba83147..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/LoadStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ResourceMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SparkResource;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlJobType;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.LoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class LoadStmtTest {
-    private List<DataDescription> dataDescriptions;
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Mocked
-    DataDescription desc;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        dataDescriptions = Lists.newArrayList();
-        dataDescriptions.add(desc);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ctx;
-                ctx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "default_cluster:user";
-                desc.toSql();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "XXX";
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal(@Injectable DataDescription desc, @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                           @Injectable ResourceMgr resourceMgr, @Injectable PaloAuth auth) throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        List<DataDescription> dataDescriptionList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        dataDescriptionList.add(desc);
-        String resourceName = "spark0";
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        new Expectations(){
-            {
-                desc.getMergeType();
-                result = LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND;
-                desc.toSql();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "XXX";
-                catalog.getResourceMgr();
-                result = resourceMgr;
-                resourceMgr.getResource(resourceName);
-                result = resource;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkResourcePriv((ConnectContext) any, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        LoadStmt stmt = new LoadStmt(new LabelName("testDb", "testLabel"), dataDescriptionList, null, null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getLabel().getDbName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(dataDescriptionList, stmt.getDataDescriptions());
-        Assert.assertNull(stmt.getProperties());
-        Assert.assertEquals("LOAD LABEL `testCluster:testDb`.`testLabel`\n"
-                + "(XXX)", stmt.toString());
-        // test ResourceDesc
-        // TODO(wyb): spark-load
-        Config.enable_spark_load = true;
-        stmt = new LoadStmt(new LabelName("testDb", "testLabel"), dataDescriptionList,
-                            new ResourceDesc(resourceName, null), null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals(EtlJobType.SPARK, stmt.getResourceDesc().getEtlJobType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("LOAD LABEL `testCluster:testDb`.`testLabel`\n(XXX)\nWITH RESOURCE 'spark0'",
-                            stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoData() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                desc.analyze(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        LoadStmt stmt = new LoadStmt(new LabelName("testDb", "testLabel"), null, null, null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRewrite() throws Exception{
-        List<ImportColumnDesc> columns1 = getColumns("c1,c2,c3,tmp_c4=c1 + 1, tmp_c5 = tmp_c4+1");
-        Load.rewriteColumns(columns1);
-        String orig = "`c1` + 1 + 1";
-        Assert.assertEquals(orig, columns1.get(4).getExpr().toString());
-        List<ImportColumnDesc> columns2 = getColumns("c1,c2,c3,tmp_c5 = tmp_c4+1, tmp_c4=c1 + 1");
-        String orig2 = "`tmp_c4` + 1";
-        Load.rewriteColumns(columns2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(orig2, columns2.get(3).getExpr().toString());
-        List<ImportColumnDesc> columns3 = getColumns("c1,c2,c3");
-        String orig3 = "c3";
-        Load.rewriteColumns(columns3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(orig3, columns3.get(2).toString());
-    }
-    private List<ImportColumnDesc> getColumns(String columns) throws Exception {
-        String columnsSQL = "COLUMNS (" + columns + ")";
-        return ((ImportColumnsStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(
-            new SqlParser(
-                new SqlScanner(
-                    new StringReader(columnsSQL))))).getColumns();
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnBitmapUnionPatternTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnBitmapUnionPatternTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b78903..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnBitmapUnionPatternTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionSet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class MVColumnBitmapUnionPatternTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testCorrectExpr1() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef, "type", Type.INT);
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.TO_BITMAP, child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertTrue(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCorrectExpr2(@Injectable CastExpr castExpr) {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef, "type", Type.INT);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                castExpr.unwrapSlotRef();
-                result = slotRef;
-            }
-        };
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(castExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.TO_BITMAP, child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertTrue(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpperCaseOfFunction() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef, "type", Type.INT);
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.TO_BITMAP.toUpperCase(), child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION.toUpperCase(), params);
-        MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertTrue(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectArithmeticExpr1() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef1 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        SlotRef slotRef2 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c2");
-        ArithmeticExpr arithmeticExpr = new ArithmeticExpr(ArithmeticExpr.Operator.ADD, slotRef1, slotRef2);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(arithmeticExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertFalse(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectArithmeticExpr2() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef1 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        SlotRef slotRef2 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c2");
-        ArithmeticExpr arithmeticExpr = new ArithmeticExpr(ArithmeticExpr.Operator.ADD, slotRef1, slotRef2);
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(arithmeticExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.TO_BITMAP, child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertFalse(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectDecimalSlotRef() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef1 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef1, "type", Type.DECIMALV2);
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(slotRef1);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.TO_BITMAP, child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertFalse(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggTableBitmapColumn(@Injectable SlotDescriptor desc,
-            @Injectable Column column) {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef1 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(slotRef1);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION, params);
-        slotRef1.setType(Type.BITMAP);
-        slotRef1.setDesc(desc);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                desc.getColumn();
-                result = column;
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnBitmapUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertTrue(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnHLLUnionPatternTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnHLLUnionPatternTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 189365c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnHLLUnionPatternTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionSet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class MVColumnHLLUnionPatternTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testCorrectExpr1() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_HASH, child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnHLLUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnHLLUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertTrue(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCorrectExpr2(@Injectable CastExpr castExpr) {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                castExpr.unwrapSlotRef();
-                result = slotRef;
-            }
-        };
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(castExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_HASH, child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnHLLUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnHLLUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertTrue(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpperCaseOfFunction() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_HASH.toUpperCase(), child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_UNION.toUpperCase(), params);
-        MVColumnHLLUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnHLLUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertTrue(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectLiteralExpr1() {
-        IntLiteral intLiteral = new IntLiteral(1);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(intLiteral);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnHLLUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnHLLUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertFalse(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectLiteralExpr2() {
-        IntLiteral intLiteral = new IntLiteral(1);
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(intLiteral);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_HASH, child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnHLLUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnHLLUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertFalse(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectDecimalSlotRef() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(slotRef, "type", Type.DECIMALV2);
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr child0 = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_HASH, child0Params);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(child0);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_UNION, params);
-        MVColumnHLLUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnHLLUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertFalse(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggTableHLLColumn(@Injectable SlotDescriptor desc,
-            @Injectable Column column) {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef1 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(slotRef1);
-        FunctionCallExpr expr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.HLL_UNION, params);
-        slotRef1.setType(Type.HLL);
-        slotRef1.setDesc(desc);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                desc.getColumn();
-                result = column;
-            }
-        };
-        MVColumnHLLUnionPattern pattern = new MVColumnHLLUnionPattern();
-        Assert.assertTrue(pattern.match(expr));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnOneChildPatternTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnOneChildPatternTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dfd47e8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MVColumnOneChildPatternTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionSet;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class MVColumnOneChildPatternTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testCorrectSum() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr(AggregateType.SUM.name(), params);
-        MVColumnOneChildPattern mvColumnOneChildPattern = new MVColumnOneChildPattern(
-                AggregateType.SUM.name().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertTrue(mvColumnOneChildPattern.match(functionCallExpr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCorrectMin(@Injectable CastExpr castExpr) {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        List<Expr> child0Params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        child0Params.add(slotRef);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                castExpr.unwrapSlotRef();
-                result = slotRef;
-            }
-        };
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(castExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr(AggregateType.MIN.name(), params);
-        MVColumnOneChildPattern mvColumnOneChildPattern = new MVColumnOneChildPattern(
-                AggregateType.MIN.name().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertTrue(mvColumnOneChildPattern.match(functionCallExpr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCorrectCountField() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(slotRef);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr(FunctionSet.COUNT, params);
-        MVColumnOneChildPattern mvColumnOneChildPattern = new MVColumnOneChildPattern(FunctionSet.COUNT.toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertTrue(mvColumnOneChildPattern.match(functionCallExpr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectLiteral() {
-        IntLiteral intLiteral = new IntLiteral(1);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(intLiteral);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr(AggregateType.SUM.name(), params);
-        MVColumnOneChildPattern mvColumnOneChildPattern = new MVColumnOneChildPattern(
-                AggregateType.SUM.name().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertFalse(mvColumnOneChildPattern.match(functionCallExpr));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectArithmeticExpr() {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db", "table");
-        SlotRef slotRef1 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c1");
-        SlotRef slotRef2 = new SlotRef(tableName, "c2");
-        ArithmeticExpr arithmeticExpr = new ArithmeticExpr(ArithmeticExpr.Operator.ADD, slotRef1, slotRef2);
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(arithmeticExpr);
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr(AggregateType.SUM.name(), params);
-        MVColumnOneChildPattern mvColumnOneChildPattern = new MVColumnOneChildPattern(
-                AggregateType.SUM.name().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertFalse(mvColumnOneChildPattern.match(functionCallExpr));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MigrateDbStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MigrateDbStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b7f60e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/MigrateDbStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class MigrateDbStmtTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        Config.disable_cluster_feature = false;
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final ClusterName cn1 = new ClusterName("testCluster1", "testDb1");
-        final ClusterName cn2 = new ClusterName("testCluster2", "testDb2");
-        final MigrateDbStmt stmt = new MigrateDbStmt(cn1, cn2);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        final String sql = "MIGRATE DATABASE " + stmt.getSrcCluster() + "." + stmt.getSrcDb() + " "
-                + stmt.getDestCluster() + "." + stmt.getDestDb();
-        Assert.assertEquals(sql, stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testParamError() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        final ClusterName cn1 = new ClusterName("testCluster1", "");
-        final ClusterName cn2 = new ClusterName("testCluster2", "testDb2");
-        final MigrateDbStmt stmt = new MigrateDbStmt(cn1, cn2);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchBlockAnalyzer());
-        Assert.fail("no exception");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ModifyColumnClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ModifyColumnClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 074678b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ModifyColumnClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-public class ModifyColumnClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal(@Mocked ColumnDef definition) throws AnalysisException {
-        Column column = new Column("tsetCol", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                definition.analyze(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                definition.toSql();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "`testCol` INT";
-                definition.toColumn();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = column;
-            }
-        };
-        ModifyColumnClause clause = new ModifyColumnClause(definition, null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("MODIFY COLUMN `testCol` INT", clause.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(column, clause.getColumn());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getProperties());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getColPos());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getRollupName());
-        clause = new ModifyColumnClause(definition, ColumnPosition.FIRST, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("MODIFY COLUMN `testCol` INT FIRST", clause.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(ColumnPosition.FIRST, clause.getColPos());
-        clause = new ModifyColumnClause(definition, new ColumnPosition("testCol2"), null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("MODIFY COLUMN `testCol` INT AFTER `testCol2`", clause.toString());
-        clause = new ModifyColumnClause(definition, new ColumnPosition("testCol2"), "testRollup", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("MODIFY COLUMN `testCol` INT AFTER `testCol2` IN `testRollup`", clause.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoColDef() throws AnalysisException {
-        ModifyColumnClause clause = new ModifyColumnClause(null, null, null, null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/PartitionKeyDescTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/PartitionKeyDescTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b694de8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/PartitionKeyDescTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-public class PartitionKeyDescTest {
-    private List<PartitionValue> values;
-    // value of key is ["1", "abc"]
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        values = Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("1"), new PartitionValue("abc"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        PartitionKeyDesc desc = new PartitionKeyDesc(values);
-        Assert.assertEquals(values, desc.getUpperValues());
-        Assert.assertEquals("('1', 'abc')", desc.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMax() {
-        PartitionKeyDesc desc = PartitionKeyDesc.createMaxKeyDesc();
-        Assert.assertNull(desc.getUpperValues());
-        Assert.assertEquals("MAXVALUE", desc.toSql());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ReorderColumnsClauseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ReorderColumnsClauseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a40c86..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ReorderColumnsClauseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ReorderColumnsClauseTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        List<String> cols = Lists.newArrayList("col1", "col2");
-        ReorderColumnsClause clause = new ReorderColumnsClause(cols, "", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ORDER BY `col1`, `col2`", clause.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(cols, clause.getColumnsByPos());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getProperties());
-        Assert.assertNull(clause.getRollupName());
-        clause = new ReorderColumnsClause(cols, "rollup", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("ORDER BY `col1`, `col2` IN `rollup`", clause.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoCol() throws AnalysisException {
-        ReorderColumnsClause clause = new ReorderColumnsClause(null, "", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testColEmpty() throws AnalysisException {
-        List<String> cols = Lists.newArrayList("col1", "");
-        ReorderColumnsClause clause = new ReorderColumnsClause(cols, "", null);
-        clause.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ResourceDescTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ResourceDescTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 717524b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ResourceDescTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ResourceMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SparkResource;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlJobType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class ResourceDescTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable ResourceMgr resourceMgr)
-            throws AnalysisException, DdlException {
-        String resourceName = "spark0";
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        String key = "spark.executor.memory";
-        String value = "2g";
-        properties.put(key, value);
-        ResourceDesc resourceDesc = new ResourceDesc(resourceName, properties);
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getResourceMgr();
-                result = resourceMgr;
-                resourceMgr.getResource(resourceName);
-                result = resource;
-            }
-        };
-        resourceDesc.analyze();
-        Assert.assertEquals(resourceName, resourceDesc.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(value, resourceDesc.getProperties().get(key));
-        Assert.assertEquals(EtlJobType.SPARK, resourceDesc.getEtlJobType());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoResource(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable ResourceMgr resourceMgr) throws AnalysisException {
-        String resourceName = "spark1";
-        ResourceDesc resourceDesc = new ResourceDesc(resourceName, null);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getResourceMgr();
-                result = resourceMgr;
-                resourceMgr.getResource(resourceName);
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        resourceDesc.analyze();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SelectStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SelectStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100755
index 53cdde8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SelectStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.Util;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.Planner;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.VariableMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.DorisAssert;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-public class SelectStmtTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/DemoTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static DorisAssert dorisAssert;
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(runningDir);
-    }
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() throws Exception {
-        Config.enable_batch_delete_by_default = true;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        String createTblStmtStr = "create table db1.tbl1(k1 varchar(32), k2 varchar(32), k3 varchar(32), k4 int) "
-                + "AGGREGATE KEY(k1, k2,k3,k4) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        String createBaseAllStmtStr = "create table db1.baseall(k1 int, k2 varchar(32)) distributed by hash(k1) "
-                + "buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        String createPratitionTableStr = "CREATE TABLE db1.partition_table (\n" +
-                "datekey int(11) NULL COMMENT \"datekey\",\n" +
-                "poi_id bigint(20) NULL COMMENT \"poi_id\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(datekey, poi_id)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(datekey)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p20200727 VALUES [(\"20200726\"), (\"20200727\")),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p20200728 VALUES [(\"20200727\"), (\"20200728\")))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(poi_id) BUCKETS 2\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"storage_type\" = \"COLUMN\",\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        String createDatePartitionTableStr = "CREATE TABLE db1.date_partition_table (\n" +
-                "  `dt` date NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `poi_id` bigint(20) NULL COMMENT \"poi_id\",\n" +
-                "  `uv1` bitmap BITMAP_UNION NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `uv2` bitmap BITMAP_UNION NOT NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`dt`)\n" +
-                "(    PARTITION `p201701` VALUES LESS THAN (\"2020-09-08\"),\n" +
-                "    PARTITION `p201702` VALUES LESS THAN (\"2020-09-09\"),\n" +
-                "    PARTITION `p201703` VALUES LESS THAN (\"2020-09-10\"))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`poi_id`) BUCKETS 20\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"in_memory\" = \"false\",\n" +
-                "\"storage_format\" = \"DEFAULT\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        String tbl1 = "CREATE TABLE db1.table1 (\n" +
-                "  `siteid` int(11) NULL DEFAULT \"10\" COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `citycode` smallint(6) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `username` varchar(32) NULL DEFAULT \"\" COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `pv` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT \"0\" COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "UNIQUE KEY(`siteid`, `citycode`, `username`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`siteid`) BUCKETS 10\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"in_memory\" = \"false\",\n" +
-                "\"storage_format\" = \"V2\"\n" +
-                ")";
-        String tbl2 = "CREATE TABLE db1.table2 (\n" +
-                "  `siteid` int(11) NULL DEFAULT \"10\" COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `citycode` smallint(6) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `username` varchar(32) NULL DEFAULT \"\" COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `pv` bigint(20) NULL DEFAULT \"0\" COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "UNIQUE KEY(`siteid`, `citycode`, `username`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`siteid`) BUCKETS 10\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"in_memory\" = \"false\",\n" +
-                "\"storage_format\" = \"V2\"\n" +
-                ")";
-        dorisAssert = new DorisAssert();
-        dorisAssert.withDatabase("db1").useDatabase("db1");
-        dorisAssert.withTable(createTblStmtStr)
-                   .withTable(createBaseAllStmtStr)
-                   .withTable(createPratitionTableStr)
-                   .withTable(createDatePartitionTableStr)
-                   .withTable(tbl1)
-                   .withTable(tbl2);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGroupingSets() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        String selectStmtStr = "select k1,k2,MAX(k4) from db1.tbl1 GROUP BY GROUPING sets ((k1,k2),(k1),(k2),());";
-        UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(selectStmtStr, ctx);
-        String selectStmtStr2 = "select k1,k4,MAX(k4) from db1.tbl1 GROUP BY GROUPING sets ((k1,k4),(k1),(k4),());";
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("column: `k4` cannot both in select list and aggregate functions when using GROUPING"
-                + " SETS/CUBE/ROLLUP, please use union instead.");
-        UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(selectStmtStr2, ctx);
-        String selectStmtStr3 = "select k1,k4,MAX(k4+k4) from db1.tbl1 GROUP BY GROUPING sets ((k1,k4),(k1),(k4),());";
-        UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(selectStmtStr3, ctx);
-        String selectStmtStr4 = "select k1,k4+k4,MAX(k4+k4) from db1.tbl1 GROUP BY GROUPING sets ((k1,k4),(k1),(k4),()"
-                + ");";
-        UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(selectStmtStr4, ctx);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubqueryInCase() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        String sql1 = "SELECT CASE\n" +
-                "        WHEN (\n" +
-                "            SELECT COUNT(*) / 2\n" +
-                "            FROM db1.tbl1\n" +
-                "        ) > k4 THEN (\n" +
-                "            SELECT AVG(k4)\n" +
-                "            FROM db1.tbl1\n" +
-                "        )\n" +
-                "        ELSE (\n" +
-                "            SELECT SUM(k4)\n" +
-                "            FROM db1.tbl1\n" +
-                "        )\n" +
-                "    END AS kk4\n" +
-                "FROM db1.tbl1;";
-        SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql1, ctx);
-        stmt.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt.toSql().contains("`$a$1`.`$c$1` > `k4` THEN `$a$2`.`$c$2` ELSE `$a$3`.`$c$3`"));
-        String sql2 = "select case when k1 in (select k1 from db1.tbl1) then \"true\" else k1 end a from db1.tbl1";
-        try {
-            SelectStmt stmt2 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql2, ctx);
-            stmt2.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-            Assert.fail("syntax not supported.");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail("must be AnalysisException.");
-        }
-        try {
-            String sql3 = "select case k1 when exists (select 1) then \"empty\" else \"p_test\" end a from db1.tbl1";
-            SelectStmt stmt3 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql3, ctx);
-            stmt3.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-            Assert.fail("syntax not supported.");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail("must be AnalysisException.");
-        }
-        String sql4 = "select case when k1 < (select max(k1) from db1.tbl1) and " +
-                "k1 > (select min(k1) from db1.tbl1) then \"empty\" else \"p_test\" end a from db1.tbl1";
-        SelectStmt stmt4 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql4, ctx);
-        stmt4.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt4.toSql().contains(" (`k1` < `$a$1`.`$c$1`) AND (`k1` > `$a$2`.`$c$2`) "));
-        String sql5 = "select case when k1 < (select max(k1) from db1.tbl1) is null " +
-                "then \"empty\" else \"p_test\" end a from db1.tbl1";
-        SelectStmt stmt5 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql5, ctx);
-        stmt5.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt5.toSql().contains(" `k1` < `$a$1`.`$c$1` IS NULL "));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDeduplicateOrs() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        String sql = "select\n" +
-                "   avg(t1.k4)\n" +
-                "from\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t1,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t2,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t3,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t4,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t5,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t6\n" +
-                "where\n" +
-                "   t2.k1 = t1.k1\n" +
-                "   and t1.k2 = t6.k2\n" +
-                "   and t6.k4 = 2001\n" +
-                "   and(\n" +
-                "      (\n" +
-                "         t1.k2 = t4.k2\n" +
-                "         and t3.k3 = t1.k3\n" +
-                "         and t3.k1 = 'D'\n" +
-                "         and t4.k3 = '2 yr Degree'\n" +
-                "         and t1.k4 between 100.00\n" +
-                "         and 150.00\n" +
-                "         and t4.k4 = 3\n" +
-                "      )\n" +
-                "      or (\n" +
-                "         t1.k2 = t4.k2\n" +
-                "         and t3.k3 = t1.k3\n" +
-                "         and t3.k1 = 'S'\n" +
-                "         and t4.k3 = 'Secondary'\n" +
-                "         and t1.k4 between 50.00\n" +
-                "         and 100.00\n" +
-                "         and t4.k4 = 1\n" +
-                "      )\n" +
-                "      or (\n" +
-                "         t1.k2 = t4.k2\n" +
-                "         and t3.k3 = t1.k3\n" +
-                "         and t3.k1 = 'W'\n" +
-                "         and t4.k3 = 'Advanced Degree'\n" +
-                "         and t1.k4 between 150.00\n" +
-                "         and 200.00\n" +
-                "         and t4.k4  = 1\n" +
-                "      )\n" +
-                "   )\n" +
-                "   and(\n" +
-                "      (\n" +
-                "         t1.k1 = t5.k1\n" +
-                "         and t5.k2 = 'United States'\n" +
-                "         and t5.k3  in ('CO', 'IL', 'MN')\n" +
-                "         and t1.k4 between 100\n" +
-                "         and 200\n" +
-                "      )\n" +
-                "      or (\n" +
-                "         t1.k1 = t5.k1\n" +
-                "         and t5.k2 = 'United States'\n" +
-                "         and t5.k3 in ('OH', 'MT', 'NM')\n" +
-                "         and t1.k4 between 150\n" +
-                "         and 300\n" +
-                "      )\n" +
-                "      or (\n" +
-                "         t1.k1 = t5.k1\n" +
-                "         and t5.k2 = 'United States'\n" +
-                "         and t5.k3 in ('TX', 'MO', 'MI')\n" +
-                "         and t1.k4 between 50 and 250\n" +
-                "      )\n" +
-                "   );";
-        SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, ctx);
-        stmt.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        String rewritedFragment1 = "(((`t1`.`k2` = `t4`.`k2`) AND (`t3`.`k3` = `t1`.`k3`)) AND ((((((`t3`.`k1` = 'D')" +
-                " AND (`t4`.`k3` = '2 yr Degree')) AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 100.00) AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 150.00))) AND" +
-                " (`t4`.`k4` = 3)) OR ((((`t3`.`k1` = 'S') AND (`t4`.`k3` = 'Secondary')) AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 50.00)" +
-                " AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 100.00))) AND (`t4`.`k4` = 1))) OR ((((`t3`.`k1` = 'W') AND " +
-                "(`t4`.`k3` = 'Advanced Degree')) AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 150.00) AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 200.00)))" +
-                " AND (`t4`.`k4` = 1))))";
-        String rewritedFragment2 = "(((`t1`.`k1` = `t5`.`k1`) AND (`t5`.`k2` = 'United States')) AND" +
-                " ((((`t5`.`k3` IN ('CO', 'IL', 'MN')) AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 100) AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 200)))" +
-                " OR ((`t5`.`k3` IN ('OH', 'MT', 'NM')) AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 150) AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 300))))" +
-                " OR ((`t5`.`k3` IN ('TX', 'MO', 'MI')) AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 50) AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 250)))))";
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt.toSql().contains(rewritedFragment1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt.toSql().contains(rewritedFragment2));
-        String sql2 = "select\n" +
-                "   avg(t1.k4)\n" +
-                "from\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t1,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t2\n" +
-                "where\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "   t1.k1 = t2.k3\n" +
-                "   and t2.k2 = 'United States'\n" +
-                "   and t2.k3  in ('CO', 'IL', 'MN')\n" +
-                "   and t1.k4 between 100\n" +
-                "   and 200\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "or (\n" +
-                "   t1.k1 = t2.k1\n" +
-                "   and t2.k2 = 'United States1'\n" +
-                "   and t2.k3 in ('OH', 'MT', 'NM')\n" +
-                "   and t1.k4 between 150\n" +
-                "   and 300\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "or (\n" +
-                "   t1.k1 = t2.k1\n" +
-                "   and t2.k2 = 'United States'\n" +
-                "   and t2.k3 in ('TX', 'MO', 'MI')\n" +
-                "   and t1.k4 between 50 and 250\n" +
-                ")";
-        SelectStmt stmt2 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql2, ctx);
-        stmt2.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        String fragment3 = "(((((`t1`.`k1` = `t2`.`k3`) AND (`t2`.`k2` = 'United States')) AND " +
-                "(`t2`.`k3` IN ('CO', 'IL', 'MN'))) AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 100) AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 200))) OR" +
-                " ((((`t1`.`k1` = `t2`.`k1`) AND (`t2`.`k2` = 'United States1')) AND (`t2`.`k3` IN ('OH', 'MT', 'NM')))" +
-                " AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 150) AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 300)))) OR ((((`t1`.`k1` = `t2`.`k1`) AND " +
-                "(`t2`.`k2` = 'United States')) AND (`t2`.`k3` IN ('TX', 'MO', 'MI'))) AND ((`t1`.`k4` >= 50)" +
-                " AND (`t1`.`k4` <= 250)))";
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt2.toSql().contains(fragment3));
-        String sql3 = "select\n" +
-                "   avg(t1.k4)\n" +
-                "from\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t1,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t2\n" +
-                "where\n" +
-                "   t1.k1 = t2.k3 or t1.k1 = t2.k3 or t1.k1 = t2.k3";
-        SelectStmt stmt3 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql3, ctx);
-        stmt3.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertFalse(stmt3.toSql().contains("((`t1`.`k1` = `t2`.`k3`) OR (`t1`.`k1` = `t2`.`k3`)) OR" +
-                " (`t1`.`k1` = `t2`.`k3`)"));
-        String sql4 = "select\n" +
-                "   avg(t1.k4)\n" +
-                "from\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t1,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t2\n" +
-                "where\n" +
-                "   t1.k1 = t2.k2 or t1.k1 = t2.k3 or t1.k1 = t2.k3";
-        SelectStmt stmt4 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql4, ctx);
-        stmt4.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt4.toSql().contains("(`t1`.`k1` = `t2`.`k2`) OR (`t1`.`k1` = `t2`.`k3`)"));
-        String sql5 = "select\n" +
-                "   avg(t1.k4)\n" +
-                "from\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t1,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t2\n" +
-                "where\n" +
-                "   t2.k1 is not null or t1.k1 is not null or t1.k1 is not null";
-        SelectStmt stmt5 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql5, ctx);
-        stmt5.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt5.toSql().contains("(`t2`.`k1` IS NOT NULL) OR (`t1`.`k1` IS NOT NULL)"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt5.toSql().split(" OR ").length);
-        String sql6 = "select\n" +
-                "   avg(t1.k4)\n" +
-                "from\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t1,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t2\n" +
-                "where\n" +
-                "   t2.k1 is not null or t1.k1 is not null and t1.k1 is not null";
-        SelectStmt stmt6 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql6, ctx);
-        stmt6.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt6.toSql().contains("(`t2`.`k1` IS NOT NULL) OR (`t1`.`k1` IS NOT NULL)"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt6.toSql().split(" OR ").length);
-        String sql7 = "select\n" +
-                "   avg(t1.k4)\n" +
-                "from\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t1,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t2\n" +
-                "where\n" +
-                "   t2.k1 is not null or t1.k1 is not null and t1.k2 is not null";
-        SelectStmt stmt7 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql7, ctx);
-        stmt7.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt7.toSql().contains("(`t2`.`k1` IS NOT NULL) OR ((`t1`.`k1` IS NOT NULL) " +
-                "AND (`t1`.`k2` IS NOT NULL))"));
-        String sql8 = "select\n" +
-                "   avg(t1.k4)\n" +
-                "from\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t1,\n" +
-                "   db1.tbl1 t2\n" +
-                "where\n" +
-                "   t2.k1 is not null and t1.k1 is not null and t1.k1 is not null";
-        SelectStmt stmt8 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql8, ctx);
-        stmt8.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt8.toSql().contains("((`t2`.`k1` IS NOT NULL) AND (`t1`.`k1` IS NOT NULL))" +
-                " AND (`t1`.`k1` IS NOT NULL)"));
-        String sql9 = "select * from db1.tbl1 where (k1='shutdown' and k4<1) or (k1='switchOff' and k4>=1)";
-        SelectStmt stmt9 = (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql9, ctx);
-        stmt9.rewriteExprs(new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx).getExprRewriter());
-        Assert.assertTrue(stmt9.toSql().contains("((`k1` = 'shutdown') AND (`k4` < 1))" +
-                " OR ((`k1` = 'switchOff') AND (`k4` >= 1))"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testForbiddenCorrelatedSubqueryInHavingClause() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "SELECT k1 FROM baseall GROUP BY k1 HAVING EXISTS(SELECT k4 FROM tbl1 GROUP BY k4 HAVING SUM"
-                + "(baseall.k1) = k4);";
-        try {
-            dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-            Assert.fail("The correlated subquery in having clause should be forbidden.");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGroupByConstantExpression() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "SELECT k1 - 4*60*60 FROM baseall GROUP BY k1 - 4*60*60";
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultrGroupByInCorrelationSubquery() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "SELECT * from baseall where k1 > (select min(k1) from tbl1 where baseall.k1 = tbl1.k4 and baseall.k2 = tbl1.k2)";
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOuterJoinNullUnionView() throws Exception{
-        String sql = "WITH test_view(k) AS(SELECT NULL AS k UNION ALL SELECT NULL AS k )\n" +
-                "SELECT v1.k FROM test_view AS v1 LEFT OUTER JOIN test_view AS v2 ON v1.k=v2.k";
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDataGripSupport() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "select schema();";
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-        sql = "select\n" +
-                "collation_name,\n" +
-                "character_set_name,\n" +
-                "is_default collate utf8_general_ci = 'Yes' as is_default\n" +
-                "from information_schema.collations";
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRandFunction() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "select rand(db1.tbl1.k1) from db1.tbl1;";
-        try {
-            dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-            Assert.fail("The param of rand function must be literal");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        sql = "select rand(1234) from db1.tbl1;";
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-        sql = "select rand() from db1.tbl1;";
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testImplicitConvertSupport() throws Exception {
-        String sql1 = "select count(*) from db1.partition_table where datekey='20200730'";
-        Assert.assertTrue(dorisAssert
-                .query(sql1)
-                .explainQuery()
-                .contains("`datekey` = 20200730"));
-        String sql2 = "select count(*) from db1.partition_table where '20200730'=datekey";
-        Assert.assertTrue(dorisAssert
-                .query(sql2)
-                .explainQuery()
-                .contains("`datekey` = 20200730"));
-        String sql3= "select count() from db1.date_partition_table where dt=20200908";
-        Assert.assertTrue(dorisAssert
-                .query(sql3)
-                .explainQuery()
-                .contains("`dt` = '2020-09-08 00:00:00'"));
-        String sql4= "select count() from db1.date_partition_table where dt='2020-09-08'";
-        Assert.assertTrue(dorisAssert
-                .query(sql4)
-                .explainQuery()
-                .contains("`dt` = '2020-09-08 00:00:00'"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDeleteSign() throws Exception {
-        String sql1 = "SELECT * FROM db1.table1  LEFT ANTI JOIN db1.table2 ON db1.table1.siteid = db1.table2.siteid;";
-        String explain = dorisAssert.query(sql1).explainQuery();
-        Assert.assertTrue(explain
-                .contains("PREDICATES: `default_cluster:db1.table1`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explain
-                .contains("PREDICATES: `default_cluster:db1.table2`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explain.contains("other predicates:"));
-        String sql2 = "SELECT * FROM db1.table1 JOIN db1.table2 ON db1.table1.siteid = db1.table2.siteid;";
-        explain = dorisAssert.query(sql2).explainQuery();
-        Assert.assertTrue(explain
-                .contains("PREDICATES: `default_cluster:db1.table1`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explain
-                .contains("PREDICATES: `default_cluster:db1.table2`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explain.contains("other predicates:"));
-        String sql3 = "SELECT * FROM db1.table1";
-        Assert.assertTrue(dorisAssert.query(sql3).explainQuery()
-                .contains("PREDICATES: `default_cluster:db1.table1`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        String sql4 = " SELECT * FROM db1.table1 table2";
-        Assert.assertTrue(dorisAssert.query(sql4).explainQuery()
-                .contains("PREDICATES: `table2`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        new MockUp<Util>() {
-            @Mock
-            public boolean showHiddenColumns() {
-                return true;
-            }
-        };
-        String sql5 = "SELECT * FROM db1.table1  LEFT ANTI JOIN db1.table2 ON db1.table1.siteid = db1.table2.siteid;";
-        Assert.assertFalse(dorisAssert.query(sql5).explainQuery().contains("`table1`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        String sql6 = "SELECT * FROM db1.table1 JOIN db1.table2 ON db1.table1.siteid = db1.table2.siteid;";
-        Assert.assertFalse(dorisAssert.query(sql6).explainQuery().contains("`table1`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        String sql7 = "SELECT * FROM db1.table1";
-        Assert.assertFalse(dorisAssert.query(sql7).explainQuery().contains("`table1`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-        String sql8 = " SELECT * FROM db1.table1 table2";
-        Assert.assertFalse(dorisAssert.query(sql8).explainQuery().contains("`table2`.`__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__` = 0"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSelectHintSetVar() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "SELECT sleep(3);";
-        Planner planner = dorisAssert.query(sql).internalExecuteOneAndGetPlan();
-        Assert.assertEquals(VariableMgr.getDefaultSessionVariable().getQueryTimeoutS(),
-                planner.getPlannerContext().getQueryOptions().query_timeout);
-        sql = "SELECT /*+ SET_VAR(query_timeout = 1) */ sleep(3);";
-        planner = dorisAssert.query(sql).internalExecuteOneAndGetPlan();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, planner.getPlannerContext().getQueryOptions().query_timeout);
-        sql = "select * from db1.partition_table where datekey=20200726";
-        planner = dorisAssert.query(sql).internalExecuteOneAndGetPlan();
-        Assert.assertEquals(VariableMgr.getDefaultSessionVariable().getMaxExecMemByte(),
-                planner.getPlannerContext().getQueryOptions().mem_limit);
-        sql = "select /*+ SET_VAR(exec_mem_limit = 8589934592) */ poi_id, count(*) from db1.partition_table " +
-                "where datekey=20200726 group by 1";
-        planner = dorisAssert.query(sql).internalExecuteOneAndGetPlan();
-        Assert.assertEquals(8589934592L, planner.getPlannerContext().getQueryOptions().mem_limit);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWithWithoutDatabase() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "with tmp as (select count(*) from db1.table1) select * from tmp;";
-        dorisAssert.withoutUseDatabase();
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-        sql = "with tmp as (select * from db1.table1) " +
-                "select a.siteid, b.citycode, a.siteid from (select siteid, citycode from tmp) a " +
-                "left join (select siteid, citycode from tmp) b on a.siteid = b.siteid;";
-        dorisAssert.withoutUseDatabase();
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWithInNestedQueryStmt() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "select 1 from (with w as (select 1 from db1.table1) select 1 from w) as tt";
-        dorisAssert.query(sql).explainQuery();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetNamesVarTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetNamesVarTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d95583..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetNamesVarTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class SetNamesVarTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        SetNamesVar var = new SetNamesVar(null, null);
-        var.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("utf8", var.getCharset().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertEquals("NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE DEFAULT", var.toString());
-        var = new SetNamesVar("UTf8", null);
-        var.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("utf8", var.getCharset().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertEquals("NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE DEFAULT", var.toString());
-        var = new SetNamesVar("UTf8", "aBc");
-        var.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("utf8", var.getCharset().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertEquals("NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE 'abc'", var.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testUnsupported() throws AnalysisException {
-        SetNamesVar var = new SetNamesVar("gbk");
-        var.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetOperationStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetOperationStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c4eb520..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetOperationStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SetOperationStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "select k1,k2 from t where k1='a' union select k1,k2 from t where k1='b';";
-        SqlScanner input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql));
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        SetOperationStmt stmt = (SetOperationStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetOperationStmt.Operation.UNION, stmt.getOperands().get(1).getOperation());
-        sql = "select k1,k2 from t where k1='a' intersect select k1,k2 from t where k1='b';";
-        input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql));
-        parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        stmt = (SetOperationStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetOperationStmt.Operation.INTERSECT, stmt.getOperands().get(1).getOperation());
-        sql = "select k1,k2 from t where k1='a' except select k1,k2 from t where k1='b';";
-        input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql));
-        parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        stmt = (SetOperationStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetOperationStmt.Operation.EXCEPT, stmt.getOperands().get(1).getOperation());
-        sql = "select k1,k2 from t where k1='a' minus select k1,k2 from t where k1='b';";
-        input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql));
-        parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        stmt = (SetOperationStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetOperationStmt.Operation.EXCEPT, stmt.getOperands().get(1).getOperation());
-        sql = "select k1,k2 from t where k1='a' union select k1,k2 from t where k1='b' intersect select k1,k2 from t "
-                + "where k1='c' except select k1,k2 from t where k1='d';";
-        input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql));
-        parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        stmt = (SetOperationStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetOperationStmt.Operation.UNION, stmt.getOperands().get(1).getOperation());
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetOperationStmt.Operation.INTERSECT, stmt.getOperands().get(2).getOperation());
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetOperationStmt.Operation.EXCEPT, stmt.getOperands().get(3).getOperation());
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, stmt.getOperands().size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetPassVarTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetPassVarTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d6d591c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetPassVarTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SetPassVarTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-        UserIdentity currentUser = new UserIdentity("root", "");
-        currentUser.setIsAnalyzed();
-        ctx.setCurrentUserIdentity(currentUser);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SetPassVar stmt;
-        //  mode: SET PASSWORD FOR 'testUser' = 'testPass';
-        stmt = new SetPassVar(new UserIdentity("testUser", "%"), "*88EEBA7D913688E7278E2AD071FDB5E76D76D34B");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testUser", stmt.getUserIdent().getQualifiedUser());
-        Assert.assertEquals("*88EEBA7D913688E7278E2AD071FDB5E76D76D34B", new String(stmt.getPassword()));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SET PASSWORD FOR 'testCluster:testUser'@'%' = '*XXX'",
-                stmt.toString());
-        // empty password
-        stmt = new SetPassVar(new UserIdentity("testUser", "%"), null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SET PASSWORD FOR 'testCluster:testUser'@'%' = '*XXX'", stmt.toString());
-        // empty user
-        // empty password
-        stmt = new SetPassVar(null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'' = '*XXX'", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testBadPassword() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SetPassVar stmt;
-        //  mode: SET PASSWORD FOR 'testUser' = 'testPass';
-        stmt = new SetPassVar(new UserIdentity("testUser", "%"), "*88EEBAHD913688E7278E2AD071FDB5E76D76D34B");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3280ce0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SetStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        List<SetVar> vars = Lists.newArrayList(new SetVar("times", new IntLiteral(100L)),
-                new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "names", new StringLiteral("utf-8")));
-        SetStmt stmt = new SetStmt(vars);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SET DEFAULT times = 100, GLOBAL names = 'utf-8'", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(vars, stmt.getSetVars());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoVar() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SetStmt stmt = new SetStmt(Lists.<SetVar>newArrayList());
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNullVar() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SetStmt stmt = new SetStmt(null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetTypeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetTypeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d2e5279..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetTypeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class SetTypeTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        Assert.assertEquals("DEFAULT", SetType.DEFAULT.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SESSION", SetType.SESSION.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("GLOBAL", SetType.GLOBAL.toString());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetUserPropertyStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetUserPropertyStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dbcee7..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetUserPropertyStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SetUserPropertyStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        List<SetVar> propertyVarList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        propertyVarList.add(new SetUserPropertyVar("load_cluster.palo-dpp", ""));
-        propertyVarList.add(new SetUserPropertyVar("quota.normal", "100"));
-        SetUserPropertyStmt stmt = new SetUserPropertyStmt("testUser", propertyVarList);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testUser", stmt.getUser());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoProperty() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SetUserPropertyStmt stmt = new SetUserPropertyStmt("testUser", null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetUserPropertyVarTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetUserPropertyVarTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5be14..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetUserPropertyVarTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class SetUserPropertyVarTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        SetUserPropertyVar var = new SetUserPropertyVar("quota.normal", "1000");
-        var.analyze(analyzer, true);
-        Assert.assertEquals("quota.normal", var.getPropertyKey());
-        Assert.assertEquals("1000", var.getPropertyValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("'quota.normal' = '1000'", var.toString());
-        var = new SetUserPropertyVar("load_cluster.palo-dpp", "");
-        var.analyze(analyzer, true);
-        Assert.assertEquals("'load_cluster.palo-dpp' = ''", var.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testUnknownProperty() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SetUserPropertyVar var = new SetUserPropertyVar("unknown_property", "1000");
-        var.analyze(analyzer, true);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetVarTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetVarTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1308ad7..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetVarTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.SqlModeHelper;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SetVarTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SetVar var = new SetVar(SetType.DEFAULT, "names", new StringLiteral("utf-8"));
-        var.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetType.DEFAULT, var.getType());
-        var.setType(SetType.GLOBAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetType.GLOBAL, var.getType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("names", var.getVariable());
-        Assert.assertEquals("utf-8", var.getValue().getStringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("GLOBAL names = 'utf-8'", var.toString());
-        var = new SetVar("times", new IntLiteral(100L));
-        var.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("DEFAULT times = 100", var.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoVariable() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SetVar var = new SetVar(SetType.DEFAULT, "", new StringLiteral("utf-8"));
-        var.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetVariableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetVariableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4652348..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SetVariableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.SqlModeHelper;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.StmtExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class SetVariableTest {
-    // use a unique dir so that it won't be conflict with other unit test which
-    // may also start a Mocked Frontend
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/QueryPlanTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSqlMode() throws Exception {
-        String setStr = "set sql_mode = concat(@@sql_mode, 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES');";
-        connectContext.getState().reset();
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(connectContext, setStr);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals("STRICT_TRANS_TABLES",
-                SqlModeHelper.decode(connectContext.getSessionVariable().getSqlMode()));
-        String selectStr = "explain select @@sql_mode;";
-        connectContext.getState().reset();
-        stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(connectContext, selectStr);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Expr expr = stmtExecutor.getParsedStmt().getResultExprs().get(0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(expr instanceof SlotRef);
-        Assert.assertTrue(expr.getType() == Type.BIGINT);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExecMemLimit() throws Exception {
-        String setStr = "set exec_mem_limit = @@exec_mem_limit * 10";
-        connectContext.getState().reset();
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(connectContext, setStr);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(21474836480L, connectContext.getSessionVariable().getMaxExecMemByte());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowAlterStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowAlterStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b45b921..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowAlterStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ShowAlterStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfo;
-    private static FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, new ConnectContext(null));
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testDb";
-                analyzer.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testUser";
-                analyzer.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAlterStmt1() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        ShowAlterStmt stmt = new ShowAlterStmt(ShowAlterStmt.AlterType.COLUMN,null, null,
-                null,null);
-        stmt.analyzeSyntax(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN FROM `testDb`", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAlterStmt2() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "TableName");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("abc");
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        ShowAlterStmt stmt = new ShowAlterStmt(ShowAlterStmt.AlterType.COLUMN, null, binaryPredicate, null,
-                new LimitElement(1,2));
-        stmt.analyzeSyntax(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN FROM `testDb` WHERE `TableName` = \'abc\' LIMIT 1, 2",
-                stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAlterStmt3() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "CreateTime");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("2019-12-04");
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        ShowAlterStmt stmt = new ShowAlterStmt(ShowAlterStmt.AlterType.COLUMN, null, binaryPredicate, null, null);
-        stmt.analyzeSyntax(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN FROM `testDb` WHERE `CreateTime` = \'2019-12-04 00:00:00\'",
-                stmt.toString());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowCreateDbStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowCreateDbStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b407d26..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowCreateDbStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ShowCreateDbStmtTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        ShowCreateDbStmt stmt = new ShowCreateDbStmt("testDb");
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true));
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW CREATE DATABASE `testCluster:testDb`", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testEmptyDb() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        ShowCreateDbStmt stmt = new ShowCreateDbStmt("");
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false));
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowCreateTableStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowCreateTableStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f5c1c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowCreateTableStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ShowCreateTableStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowCreateTableStmt stmt = new ShowCreateTableStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW CREATE TABLE testCluster:testDb.testTbl", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTbl", stmt.getTable());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Table", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Create Table", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(1).getName());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoTbl() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowCreateTableStmt stmt = new ShowCreateTableStmt(null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No Exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowDataStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowDataStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f54426e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowDataStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.CatalogMocker;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ShowDataStmtTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Mocked
-    private TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex;
-    private Database db;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws AnalysisException {
-        auth = new PaloAuth();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = invertedIndex;
-            }
-        };
-        db = CatalogMocker.mockDb();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER;
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testDb";
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = invertedIndex;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ctx;
-                ctx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "root";
-                ctx.getRemoteIP();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAccess();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException, UserException {
-        ShowDataStmt stmt = new ShowDataStmt(null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW DATA FROM `testCluster:testDb`", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals(false, stmt.hasTable());
-        stmt = new ShowDataStmt("testDb", "test_tbl");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW DATA FROM `default_cluster:testDb`.`test_tbl`", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, stmt.hasTable());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowDbStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowDbStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 024799b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowDbStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-public class ShowDbStmtTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException  {
-        final Analyzer analyzer =  AccessTestUtil.fetchBlockAnalyzer();
-        ShowDbStmt stmt = new ShowDbStmt(null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertNull(stmt.getPattern());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW DATABASES", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Database", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-        stmt = new ShowDbStmt("abc");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("abc", stmt.getPattern());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'abc'", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Database", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowEnginesStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowEnginesStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c29c0a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowEnginesStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ShowResultSetMetaData;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ShowEnginesStmtTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        ShowEnginesStmt stmt = new ShowEnginesStmt();
-        stmt.analyze(null);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW ENGINES", stmt.toString());
-        ShowResultSetMetaData metaData = stmt.getMetaData();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(metaData);
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, metaData.getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Engine", metaData.getColumn(0).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Support", metaData.getColumn(1).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Comment", metaData.getColumn(2).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Transactions", metaData.getColumn(3).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("XA", metaData.getColumn(4).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Savepoints", metaData.getColumn(5).getName());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowFunctionsStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowFunctionsStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index fe061e3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowFunctionsStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-public class ShowFunctionsStmtTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testDb";
-                analyzer.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        ShowFunctionsStmt stmt = new ShowFunctionsStmt(null, true, true, "%year%", null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW FULL BUILTIN FUNCTIONS FROM `testDb` LIKE `%year%`", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnsupportFilter() throws UserException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "Signature");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("year(DATETIME)");
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        ShowFunctionsStmt stmt = new ShowFunctionsStmt(null, true, true, null, binaryPredicate);
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Only support like 'function_pattern' syntax.");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowIndexStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowIndexStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 35a35f6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowIndexStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ShowIndexStmtTest {
-    private static Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        ShowIndexStmt stmt = new ShowIndexStmt("testDb", new TableName("", "testTbl"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW INDEX FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTbl`", stmt.toSql());
-        stmt = new ShowIndexStmt("", new TableName("", "testTbl"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW INDEX FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTbl`", stmt.toSql());
-        stmt = new ShowIndexStmt(null, new TableName("testDb", "testTbl"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW INDEX FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTbl`", stmt.toSql());
-        stmt = new ShowIndexStmt("testDb", new TableName("testDb2", "testTbl"));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW INDEX FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTbl`", stmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoTbl() throws UserException {
-        ShowIndexStmt stmt = new ShowIndexStmt("testDb", new TableName("", ""));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowLoadStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowLoadStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a456875..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowLoadStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ShowLoadStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfoService;
-    FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        systemInfoService = AccessTestUtil.fetchSystemInfoService();
-        FakeCatalog.setSystemInfo(systemInfoService);
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testDb";
-                analyzer.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testUser";
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-                analyzer.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        ShowLoadStmt stmt = new ShowLoadStmt(null, null, null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW LOAD FROM `testCluster:testDb`", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDb() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations(analyzer) {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-        ShowLoadStmt stmt = new ShowLoadStmt(null, null, null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWhere() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        ShowLoadStmt stmt = new ShowLoadStmt(null, null, null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW LOAD FROM `testCluster:testDb`", stmt.toString());
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "label");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("abc");
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        stmt = new ShowLoadStmt(null, binaryPredicate, null, new LimitElement(10));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW LOAD FROM `testCluster:testDb` WHERE `label` = \'abc\' LIMIT 10", stmt.toString());
-        LikePredicate likePredicate = new LikePredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.LikePredicate.Operator.LIKE,
-                                                        slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        stmt = new ShowLoadStmt(null, likePredicate, null, new LimitElement(10));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW LOAD FROM `testCluster:testDb` WHERE `label` LIKE \'abc\' LIMIT 10", stmt.toString());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowPartitionsStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowPartitionsStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3965066..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowPartitionsStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-public class ShowPartitionsStmtTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getDefaultDb();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testDb";
-                analyzer.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        ShowPartitionsStmt stmt = new ShowPartitionsStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTable"), null, null, null, false);
-        stmt.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW PARTITIONS FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTable`", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowPartitionsStmtWithBinaryPredicate() throws UserException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "LastConsistencyCheckTime");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("2019-12-22 10:22:11");
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.GT, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        ShowPartitionsStmt stmt = new ShowPartitionsStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTable"), binaryPredicate, null, null, false);
-        stmt.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW PARTITIONS FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTable` WHERE `LastConsistencyCheckTime` > '2019-12-22 10:22:11'", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowPartitionsStmtWithLikePredicate() throws UserException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "PartitionName");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("%p2019%");
-        LikePredicate likePredicate = new LikePredicate(LikePredicate.Operator.LIKE, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        ShowPartitionsStmt stmt = new ShowPartitionsStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTable"), likePredicate, null, null, false);
-        stmt.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW PARTITIONS FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTable` WHERE `PartitionName` LIKE '%p2019%'", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowParitionsStmtOrderByAndLimit() throws UserException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "PartitionId");
-        OrderByElement orderByElement = new OrderByElement(slotRef, true, false);
-        LimitElement limitElement = new LimitElement(10);
-        ShowPartitionsStmt stmt = new ShowPartitionsStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTable"), null, Arrays.asList(orderByElement), limitElement, false);
-        stmt.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW PARTITIONS FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`testTable` ORDER BY `PartitionId` ASC LIMIT 10", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnsupportFilter() throws UserException {
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "DataSize");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("3.2 GB");
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        ShowPartitionsStmt stmt = new ShowPartitionsStmt(new TableName("testDb", "testTable"), binaryPredicate, null, null, false);
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Only the columns of PartitionId/PartitionName/" +
-                "State/Buckets/ReplicationNum/LastConsistencyCheckTime are supported.");
-        stmt.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowResourcesStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowResourcesStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b706d9c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowResourcesStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ShowResourcesStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfoService;
-    FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        systemInfoService = AccessTestUtil.fetchSystemInfoService();
-        FakeCatalog.setSystemInfo(systemInfoService);
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        ShowResourcesStmt stmt = new ShowResourcesStmt(null, null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW RESOURCES", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWhere() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        ShowResourcesStmt stmt = new ShowResourcesStmt(null, null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW RESOURCES", stmt.toString());
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "name");
-        StringLiteral stringLiteral = new StringLiteral("abc");
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        stmt = new ShowResourcesStmt(binaryPredicate, null, new LimitElement(10));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW RESOURCES WHERE `name` = \'abc\' LIMIT 10", stmt.toString());
-        LikePredicate likePredicate = new LikePredicate(org.apache.doris.analysis.LikePredicate.Operator.LIKE,
-                slotRef, stringLiteral);
-        stmt = new ShowResourcesStmt(likePredicate, null, new LimitElement(10));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW RESOURCES WHERE `name` LIKE \'abc\' LIMIT 10", stmt.toString());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowRollupStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowRollupStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 76633e6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowRollupStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ShowRollupStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        // use default database
-        ShowRollupStmt stmt = new ShowRollupStmt(new TableName("", "tbl"), "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals("tbl", stmt.getTbl());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW ROLLUP FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`tbl`", stmt.toString());
-        // use table database
-        stmt = new ShowRollupStmt(new TableName("testDb1", "tbl"), "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb1", stmt.getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals("tbl", stmt.getTbl());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW ROLLUP FROM `testCluster:testDb1`.`tbl`", stmt.toString());
-        // use db database
-        stmt = new ShowRollupStmt(new TableName("testDb1", "tbl"), "testDb2");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb2", stmt.getDb());
-        Assert.assertEquals("tbl", stmt.getTbl());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW ROLLUP FROM `testCluster:testDb2`.`tbl`", stmt.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoTbl() throws AnalysisException {
-        // use default database
-        ShowRollupStmt stmt = new ShowRollupStmt(new TableName("testDb", ""), "");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowTableStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowTableStmtTest.java
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index 1e7a973..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowTableStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ShowTableStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowTableStmt stmt = new ShowTableStmt("", false, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW TABLES FROM testCluster:testDb", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getDb());
-        Assert.assertFalse(stmt.isVerbose());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Tables_in_testDb", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-        stmt = new ShowTableStmt("abc", true, null);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW FULL TABLES FROM testCluster:abc", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Tables_in_abc", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Table_type", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(1).getName());
-        stmt = new ShowTableStmt("abc", true, "bcd");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("bcd", stmt.getPattern());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW FULL TABLES FROM testCluster:abc LIKE 'bcd'", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Tables_in_abc", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Table_type", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(1).getName());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDb() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowTableStmt stmt = new ShowTableStmt("", false, null);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchEmptyDbAnalyzer());
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowUserPropertyStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowUserPropertyStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 02c7b1d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowUserPropertyStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ShowUserPropertyStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        ShowUserPropertyStmt stmt = new ShowUserPropertyStmt("testUser", "%load_cluster%");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW PROPERTY FOR 'testCluster:testUser' LIKE '%load_cluster%'", stmt.toString());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowVariablesStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowVariablesStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 699efac..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/ShowVariablesStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ShowVariablesStmtTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        ShowVariablesStmt stmt = new ShowVariablesStmt(null, null);
-        stmt.analyze(null);
-        assertEquals("SHOW DEFAULT VARIABLES", stmt.toString());
-        assertEquals(2, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        assertEquals("Variable_name", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-        assertEquals("Value", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(1).getName());
-        assertNull(stmt.getPattern());
-        assertEquals(SetType.DEFAULT, stmt.getType());
-        stmt = new ShowVariablesStmt(SetType.GLOBAL, "abc");
-        stmt.analyze(null);
-        assertEquals("SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'abc'", stmt.toString());
-        assertEquals(2, stmt.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        assertEquals("Variable_name", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-        assertEquals("Value", stmt.getMetaData().getColumn(1).getName());
-        assertEquals("abc", stmt.getPattern());
-        assertEquals(SetType.GLOBAL, stmt.getType());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SqlModeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SqlModeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 104269b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SqlModeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.SqlModeHelper;
-import org.apache.doris.rewrite.ExprRewriter;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-public class SqlModeTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Test
-    public void testScannerConstructor() {
-        String stmt = new String("SELECT * FROM db1.tbl1 WHERE name = 'BILL GATES'");
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(stmt)));
-        SelectStmt selectStmt = null;
-        try {
-            selectStmt = (SelectStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT  FROM `db1`.`tbl1` WHERE `name` = 'BILL GATES'", selectStmt.toSql());
-        parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(stmt), SqlModeHelper.MODE_DEFAULT));
-        try {
-            selectStmt = (SelectStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT  FROM `db1`.`tbl1` WHERE `name` = 'BILL GATES'", selectStmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPipesAsConcatMode() {
-        // Mode Active
-        String stmt = new String("SELECT 'a' || 'b' || 'c'");
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(stmt), SqlModeHelper.MODE_PIPES_AS_CONCAT));
-        SelectStmt selectStmt = null;
-        try {
-            selectStmt = (SelectStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        Expr expr = selectStmt.getSelectList().getItems().get(0).getExpr();
-        if (!(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpr)) {
-            Assert.fail("Mode not working");
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals("concat('a', 'b', 'c')", expr.toSql());
-        // Mode DeActive
-        parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(stmt), SqlModeHelper.MODE_DEFAULT));
-        try {
-            selectStmt = (SelectStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        expr = selectStmt.getSelectList().getItems().get(0).getExpr();
-        if (!(expr instanceof CompoundPredicate)) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals("(('a') OR ('b')) OR ('c')", expr.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPipesAsConcatModeNull() {
-        // Mode Active
-        String stmt = new String("SELECT ('10' || 'xy' > 1) + 2");
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(stmt), SqlModeHelper.MODE_PIPES_AS_CONCAT));
-        SelectStmt parsedStmt = null;
-        try {
-            parsedStmt = (SelectStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        Expr expr = parsedStmt.getSelectList().getItems().get(0).getExpr();
-        if (!(expr.contains(FunctionCallExpr.class))) {
-            Assert.fail("Mode not working");
-        }
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        try {
-            parsedStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            ExprRewriter rewriter = analyzer.getExprRewriter();
-            rewriter.reset();
-            parsedStmt.rewriteExprs(rewriter);
-            Expr result = parsedStmt.getSelectList().getItems().get(0).getExpr();
-            Assert.assertEquals(Expr.IS_NULL_LITERAL.apply(result), true);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/StmtRewriterTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/StmtRewriterTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 039a190..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/StmtRewriterTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.DorisAssert;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class StmtRewriterTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(StmtRewriterTest.class);
-    private static String baseDir = "fe";
-    private static String runningDir = baseDir + "/mocked/StmtRewriterTest/"
-            + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static final String TABLE_NAME = "table1";
-    private static final String DB_NAME = "db1";
-    private static DorisAssert dorisAssert;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception{
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        dorisAssert = new DorisAssert();
-        dorisAssert.withDatabase(DB_NAME).useDatabase(DB_NAME);
-        String createTableSQL = "create table " + DB_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + " (empid int, name varchar, " +
-                "deptno int, salary int, commission int) "
-                + "distributed by hash(empid) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(createTableSQL);
-    }
-    /**
-     * The whole query plan is following:
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     | Explain String                          |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 0                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 2> | <slot 3>       |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   RESULT SINK                           |
-     |                                         |
-     |   10:EXCHANGE                           |
-     |      tuple ids: 1 5                     |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 1                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2> |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 10                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   4:CROSS JOIN                          |
-     |   |  cross join:                        |
-     |   |  predicates: <slot 3> > <slot 8>    |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1 5                     |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   |----9:EXCHANGE                       |
-     |   |       tuple ids: 5                  |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   6:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: sum(<slot 3>)              |
-     |   |  group by: <slot 2>                 |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   5:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 2                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 09                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   8:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: avg(<slot 7>)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 5                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   7:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 3                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 07                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   3:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  output: avg(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   2:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: all_type_table              |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: all_type_table             |
-     |      tuple ids: 3                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 4                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 05                     |
-     |     HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2>          |
-     |                                         |
-     |   1:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  STREAMING                          |
-     |   |  output: sum(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by: `empid`                  |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   0:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: all_type_table              |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: all_type_table             |
-     |      tuple ids: 0                       |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     *
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testRewriteHavingClauseSubqueries() throws Exception {
-        String subquery = "select avg(salary) from " + TABLE_NAME;
-        String query = "select empid, sum(salary) from " + TABLE_NAME + " group by empid having sum(salary) > (" +
-                subquery + ");";
-        LOG.info("EXPLAIN:{}", dorisAssert.query(query).explainQuery());
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains("CROSS JOIN",
-                "predicates: <slot 3> sum(`salary`) > <slot 8> avg(`salary`)");
-    }
-    /**
-     * +-----------------------------------------+
-     | Explain String                          |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 0                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 10> | <slot 11>     |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   RESULT SINK                           |
-     |                                         |
-     |   11:MERGING-EXCHANGE                   |
-     |      limit: 65535                       |
-     |      tuple ids: 7                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 1                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2> |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 11                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   5:TOP-N                               |
-     |   |  order by: <slot 10> ASC            |
-     |   |  offset: 0                          |
-     |   |  limit: 65535                       |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 7                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   4:CROSS JOIN                          |
-     |   |  cross join:                        |
-     |   |  predicates: <slot 3> > <slot 8>    |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1 5                     |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   |----10:EXCHANGE                      |
-     |   |       tuple ids: 5                  |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   7:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: sum(<slot 3>)              |
-     |   |  group by: <slot 2>                 |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   6:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 2                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 10                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   9:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: avg(<slot 7>)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 5                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   8:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 3                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 08                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   3:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  output: avg(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   2:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: table1                      |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup:  table1                    |
-     |      tuple ids: 3                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 4                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 06                     |
-     |     HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2>          |
-     |                                         |
-     |   1:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  STREAMING                          |
-     |   |  output: sum(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by: `empid`                  |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   0:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: table1                      |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: table1                     |
-     |      tuple ids: 0                       |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testRewriteHavingClauseWithOrderBy() throws Exception {
-        String subquery = "select avg(salary) from " + TABLE_NAME;
-        String query = "select empid a, sum(salary) from " + TABLE_NAME + " group by empid having sum(salary) > (" +
-                subquery + ") order by a;";
-        LOG.info("EXPLAIN:{}", dorisAssert.query(query).explainQuery());
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains("CROSS JOIN",
-                "predicates: <slot 3> sum(`salary`) > <slot 8> avg(`salary`)",
-                "order by: <slot 10> `$a$1`.`$c$1` ASC");
-    }
-    /**
-     * +-----------------------------------------+
-     | Explain String                          |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 0                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 11>                 |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   RESULT SINK                           |
-     |                                         |
-     |   11:MERGING-EXCHANGE                   |
-     |      limit: 65535                       |
-     |      tuple ids: 7                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 1                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2> |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 11                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   5:TOP-N                               |
-     |   |  order by: <slot 10> ASC            |
-     |   |  offset: 0                          |
-     |   |  limit: 65535                       |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 7                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   4:CROSS JOIN                          |
-     |   |  cross join:                        |
-     |   |  predicates: <slot 3> > <slot 8>    |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1 5                     |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   |----10:EXCHANGE                      |
-     |   |       tuple ids: 5                  |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   7:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: sum(<slot 3>)              |
-     |   |  group by: <slot 2>                 |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   6:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 2                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 10                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   9:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: avg(<slot 7>)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 5                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   8:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 3                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 08                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   3:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  output: avg(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   2:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: table1                      |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: table1                     |
-     |      tuple ids: 3                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 4                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 06                     |
-     |     HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2>          |
-     |                                         |
-     |   1:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  STREAMING                          |
-     |   |  output: sum(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by: `empid`                  |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   0:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: table1                      |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: table1                     |
-     |      tuple ids: 0                       |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testRewriteHavingClauseMissingAggregationColumn() throws Exception {
-        String subquery = "select avg(salary) from " + TABLE_NAME;
-        String query = "select empid a from " + TABLE_NAME + " group by empid having sum(salary) > (" +
-                subquery + ") order by sum(salary);";
-        LOG.info("EXPLAIN:{}", dorisAssert.query(query).explainQuery());
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains("group by: `empid`",
-                "CROSS JOIN",
-                "predicates: <slot 3> sum(`salary`) > <slot 8> avg(`salary`)",
-                "order by: <slot 10> `$a$1`.`$c$2` ASC",
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 11> `$a$1`.`$c$1`");
-    }
-    /**
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     | Explain String                          |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 0                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 11> | <slot 10>     |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   RESULT SINK                           |
-     |                                         |
-     |   11:MERGING-EXCHANGE                   |
-     |      limit: 65535                       |
-     |      tuple ids: 7                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 1                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2> |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 11                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   5:TOP-N                               |
-     |   |  order by: <slot 10> ASC            |
-     |   |  offset: 0                          |
-     |   |  limit: 65535                       |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 7                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   4:CROSS JOIN                          |
-     |   |  cross join:                        |
-     |   |  predicates: <slot 3> > <slot 8>    |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1 5                     |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   |----10:EXCHANGE                      |
-     |   |       tuple ids: 5                  |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   7:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: sum(<slot 3>)              |
-     |   |  group by: <slot 2>                 |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   6:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 2                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 10                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   9:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: avg(<slot 7>)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 5                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   8:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 3                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 08                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   3:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  output: avg(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   2:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: table1                      |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: table1                     |
-     |      tuple ids: 3                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 4                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 06                     |
-     |     HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2>          |
-     |                                         |
-     |   1:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  STREAMING                          |
-     |   |  output: sum(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by: `empid`                  |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   0:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: table1                      |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: table1                     |
-     |      tuple ids: 0                       |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     106 rows in set (0.02 sec)
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testRewriteHavingClauseWithAlias() throws Exception {
-        String subquery = "select avg(salary) from " + TABLE_NAME;
-        String query = "select empid a, sum(salary) b from " + TABLE_NAME + " group by a having b > (" +
-                subquery + ") order by b;";
-        LOG.info("EXPLAIN:{}", dorisAssert.query(query).explainQuery());
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains("group by: `empid`",
-                "CROSS JOIN",
-                "predicates: <slot 3> sum(`salary`) > <slot 8> avg(`salary`)",
-                "order by: <slot 10> `$a$1`.`$c$2` ASC",
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 11> `$a$1`.`$c$1` | <slot 10> `$a$1`.`$c$2`");
-    }
-    /**
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     | Explain String                          |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 0                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 11> | <slot 10>     |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   RESULT SINK                           |
-     |                                         |
-     |   11:MERGING-EXCHANGE                   |
-     |      limit: 100                         |
-     |      tuple ids: 7                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 1                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2> |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 11                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   5:TOP-N                               |
-     |   |  order by: <slot 10> ASC            |
-     |   |  offset: 0                          |
-     |   |  limit: 100                         |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 7                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   4:CROSS JOIN                          |
-     |   |  cross join:                        |
-     |   |  predicates: <slot 3> > <slot 8>    |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1 5                     |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   |----10:EXCHANGE                      |
-     |   |       tuple ids: 5                  |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   7:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: sum(<slot 3>)              |
-     |   |  group by: <slot 2>                 |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   6:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 2                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED              |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 10                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   9:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)          |
-     |   |  output: avg(<slot 7>)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 5                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   8:EXCHANGE                            |
-     |      tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 3                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 08                     |
-     |     UNPARTITIONED                       |
-     |                                         |
-     |   3:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  output: avg(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by:                          |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 4                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   2:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: table1                      |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: table1                     |
-     |      tuple ids: 3                       |
-     |                                         |
-     | PLAN FRAGMENT 4                         |
-     |  OUTPUT EXPRS:                          |
-     |   PARTITION: RANDOM                     |
-     |                                         |
-     |   STREAM DATA SINK                      |
-     |     EXCHANGE ID: 06                     |
-     |     HASH_PARTITIONED: <slot 2>          |
-     |                                         |
-     |   1:AGGREGATE (update serialize)        |
-     |   |  STREAMING                          |
-     |   |  output: sum(`salary`)              |
-     |   |  group by: `empid`                  |
-     |   |  tuple ids: 1                       |
-     |   |                                     |
-     |   0:OlapScanNode                        |
-     |      TABLE: table1                      |
-     |      PREAGGREGATION: ON                 |
-     |      rollup: table1                     |
-     |      tuple ids: 0                       |
-     +-----------------------------------------+
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testRewriteHavingClausewWithLimit() throws Exception {
-        String subquery = "select avg(salary) from " + TABLE_NAME;
-        String query = "select empid a, sum(salary) b from " + TABLE_NAME + " group by a having b > (" +
-                subquery + ") order by b limit 100;";
-        LOG.info("EXPLAIN:{}", dorisAssert.query(query).explainQuery());
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains("group by: `empid`",
-                "CROSS JOIN",
-                "predicates: <slot 3> sum(`salary`) > <slot 8> avg(`salary`)",
-                "order by: <slot 10> `$a$1`.`$c$2` ASC",
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 11> `$a$1`.`$c$1` | <slot 10> `$a$1`.`$c$2`");
-    }
-    /**
-     * ISSUE-3205
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testRewriteHavingClauseWithBetweenAndInSubquery() throws Exception {
-        String subquery = "select avg(salary) from " + TABLE_NAME + " where empid between 1 and 2";
-        String query = "select empid a, sum(salary) b from " + TABLE_NAME + " group by a having b > (" +
-                subquery + ");";
-        LOG.info("EXPLAIN:{}", dorisAssert.query(query).explainQuery());
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(
-                "CROSS JOIN",
-                "predicates: <slot 3> sum(`salary`) > <slot 9> avg(`salary`)",
-                "PREDICATES: `empid` >= 1, `empid` <= 2");
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void afterClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(baseDir);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SysVariableDescTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SysVariableDescTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ab60d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/SysVariableDescTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExprNode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExprNodeType;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class SysVariableDescTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        SysVariableDesc desc = new SysVariableDesc("version_comment");
-        desc.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false));
-        Assert.assertEquals("@@version_comment", desc.toSql());
-        Assert.assertEquals("version_comment", desc.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.VARCHAR), desc.getType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(SetType.SESSION, desc.getSetType());
-        TExprNode tNode = new TExprNode();
-        desc.toThrift(tNode);
-        Assert.assertEquals(tNode.node_type, TExprNodeType.STRING_LITERAL);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(tNode.string_literal);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoVar() throws AnalysisException {
-        SysVariableDesc desc = new SysVariableDesc("zcPrivate");
-        desc.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false));
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/UseStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/UseStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1767866..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/UseStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class UseStmtTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        UseStmt stmt = new UseStmt("testDb");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("USE `testCluster:testDb`", stmt.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", stmt.getDatabase());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testNoDb() throws UserException, AnalysisException {
-        UseStmt stmt = new UseStmt("");
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/VirtualSlotRefTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/VirtualSlotRefTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e37a129..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/analysis/VirtualSlotRefTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.analysis;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class VirtualSlotRefTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private List<Expr> slots;
-    private TupleDescriptor virtualTuple;
-    private VirtualSlotRef virtualSlot;
-    DataOutputStream dos;
-    File file;
-    DataInputStream dis;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws IOException {
-        Analyzer analyzerBase = AccessTestUtil.fetchTableAnalyzer();
-        analyzer = new Analyzer(analyzerBase.getCatalog(), analyzerBase.getContext());
-        String[] cols = {"k1", "k2", "k3"};
-        slots = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            SlotRef expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            slots.add(expr);
-        }
-        try {
-            Field f = analyzer.getClass().getDeclaredField("tupleByAlias");
-            f.setAccessible(true);
-            Multimap<String, TupleDescriptor> tupleByAlias = ArrayListMultimap.create();
-            TupleDescriptor td = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(0));
-            td.setTable(analyzerBase.getTable(new TableName("testdb", "t")));
-            tupleByAlias.put("testdb.t", td);
-            f.set(analyzer, tupleByAlias);
-        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        virtualTuple = analyzer.getDescTbl().createTupleDescriptor("VIRTUAL_TUPLE");
-        virtualSlot = new VirtualSlotRef("colName", Type.BIGINT, virtualTuple, slots);
-        file = new File("./virtualSlot");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
-        dis.close();
-        dos.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void read() throws IOException {
-        virtualSlot.write(dos);
-        virtualSlot.setRealSlots(slots);
-        VirtualSlotRef v = VirtualSlotRef.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, v.getRealSlots().size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testClone() {
-        Expr v = virtualSlot.clone();
-        Assert.assertTrue(v instanceof VirtualSlotRef);
-        Assert.assertTrue(((VirtualSlotRef) v).getRealSlots().get(0).equals(virtualSlot.getRealSlots().get(0)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(((VirtualSlotRef) v).getRealSlots().get(0) == virtualSlot.getRealSlots().get(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void analyzeImpl() {
-        try {
-            virtualSlot.analyzeImpl(analyzer);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail("analyze throw exception");
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupHandlerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupHandlerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ffc5196..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupHandlerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AbstractBackupTableRefClause;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BackupStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CancelBackupStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateRepositoryStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropRepositoryStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LabelName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RestoreStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StorageBackend;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableRef;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.BrokerMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Resource;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.task.DirMoveTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.DownloadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.SnapshotTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.UploadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFinishTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatusCode;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.nio.file.Path;
-import java.nio.file.Paths;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class BackupHandlerTest {
-    private BackupHandler handler;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private BrokerMgr brokerMgr;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    private Database db;
-    private long idGen = 0;
-    private File rootDir;
-    private String tmpPath = "./tmp" + System.currentTimeMillis();
-    private TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex = new TabletInvertedIndex();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        Config.tmp_dir = tmpPath;
-        rootDir = new File(Config.tmp_dir);
-        rootDir.mkdirs();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = idGen++;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeConstants.meta_version;
-                Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = invertedIndex;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            db = CatalogMocker.mockDb();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @After
-    public void done() {
-        if (rootDir != null) {
-            try {
-                Files.walk(Paths.get(Config.tmp_dir),
-                           FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS).sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()).map(Path::toFile).forEach(File::delete);
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInit() {
-        handler = new BackupHandler(catalog);
-        handler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        File backupDir = new File(BackupHandler.BACKUP_ROOT_DIR.toString());
-        Assert.assertTrue(backupDir.exists());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateAndDropRepository() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                editLog.logCreateRepository((Repository) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public void logCreateRepository(Repository repo) {
-                    }
-                };
-                editLog.logDropRepository(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public void logDropRepository(String repoName) {
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Repository>() {
-            @Mock
-            public Status initRepository() {
-                return Status.OK;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public Status listSnapshots(List<String> snapshotNames) {
-                snapshotNames.add("ss2");
-                return Status.OK;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public Status getSnapshotInfoFile(String label, String backupTimestamp, List<BackupJobInfo> infos) {
-                OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL_NAME);
-                List<Table> tbls = Lists.newArrayList();
-                tbls.add(tbl);
-                List<Resource> resources = Lists.newArrayList();
-                BackupMeta backupMeta = new BackupMeta(tbls, resources);
-                Map<Long, SnapshotInfo> snapshotInfos = Maps.newHashMap();
-                for (Partition part : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-                    for (MaterializedIndex idx : part.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                        for (Tablet tablet : idx.getTablets()) {
-                            List<String> files = Lists.newArrayList();
-                            SnapshotInfo sinfo = new SnapshotInfo(db.getId(), tbl.getId(), part.getId(), idx.getId(),
-                                                                  tablet.getId(), -1, 0, "./path", files);
-                            snapshotInfos.put(tablet.getId(), sinfo);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                BackupJobInfo info = BackupJobInfo.fromCatalog(System.currentTimeMillis(),
-                        "ss2", CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME,
-                        CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID, BackupStmt.BackupContent.ALL,
-                        backupMeta, snapshotInfos);
-                infos.add(info);
-                return Status.OK;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                brokerMgr.containsBroker(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // add repo
-        handler = new BackupHandler(catalog);
-        StorageBackend storageBackend = new StorageBackend("broker", "bos://location",
-                StorageBackend.StorageType.BROKER ,Maps.newHashMap());
-        CreateRepositoryStmt stmt = new CreateRepositoryStmt(false, "repo", storageBackend);
-        try {
-            handler.createRepository(stmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // process backup
-        List<TableRef> tblRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tblRefs.add(new TableRef(new TableName(CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL_NAME), null));
-        AbstractBackupTableRefClause tableRefClause = new AbstractBackupTableRefClause(false, tblRefs);
-        BackupStmt backupStmt = new BackupStmt(new LabelName(CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, "label1"), "repo",
-                tableRefClause, null);
-        try {
-            handler.process(backupStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // handleFinishedSnapshotTask
-        BackupJob backupJob = (BackupJob) handler.getJob(CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID);
-        SnapshotTask snapshotTask = new SnapshotTask(null, 0, 0, backupJob.getJobId(), CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID,
-                                                     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false);
-        TFinishTaskRequest request = new TFinishTaskRequest();
-        List<String> snapshotFiles = Lists.newArrayList();
-        request.setSnapshotFiles(snapshotFiles);
-        request.setSnapshotPath("./snapshot/path");
-        request.setTaskStatus(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        handler.handleFinishedSnapshotTask(snapshotTask, request);
-        // handleFinishedSnapshotUploadTask
-        Map<String, String> srcToDestPath = Maps.newHashMap();
-        UploadTask uploadTask = new UploadTask(null, 0, 0, backupJob.getJobId(), CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID,
-                srcToDestPath, null, null, StorageBackend.StorageType.BROKER);
-        request = new TFinishTaskRequest();
-        Map<Long, List<String>> tabletFiles = Maps.newHashMap();
-        request.setTabletFiles(tabletFiles);
-        request.setTaskStatus(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        handler.handleFinishedSnapshotUploadTask(uploadTask, request);
-        // test file persist
-        File tmpFile = new File("./tmp" + System.currentTimeMillis());
-        try {
-            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile));
-            handler.write(out);
-            out.flush();
-            out.close();
-            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpFile));
-            BackupHandler.read(in);
-            in.close();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        } finally {
-            tmpFile.delete();
-        }
-        // cancel backup
-        try {
-            handler.cancel(new CancelBackupStmt(CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, false));
-        } catch (DdlException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // process restore
-        List<TableRef> tblRefs2 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tblRefs2.add(new TableRef(new TableName(CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL_NAME), null));
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("backup_timestamp", "2018-08-08-08-08-08");
-        AbstractBackupTableRefClause abstractBackupTableRefClause = new AbstractBackupTableRefClause(false, tblRefs2);
-        RestoreStmt restoreStmt = new RestoreStmt(new LabelName(CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, "ss2"), "repo",
-                abstractBackupTableRefClause, properties);
-        try {
-            restoreStmt.analyzeProperties();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e2) {
-            e2.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            handler.process(restoreStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // handleFinishedSnapshotTask
-        RestoreJob restoreJob = (RestoreJob) handler.getJob(CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID);
-        snapshotTask = new SnapshotTask(null, 0, 0, restoreJob.getJobId(), CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID,
-                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, true);
-        request = new TFinishTaskRequest();
-        request.setSnapshotPath("./snapshot/path");
-        request.setTaskStatus(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        handler.handleFinishedSnapshotTask(snapshotTask, request);
-        // handleDownloadSnapshotTask
-        DownloadTask downloadTask = new DownloadTask(null, 0, 0, restoreJob.getJobId(), CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID,
-                srcToDestPath, null, null, StorageBackend.StorageType.BROKER);
-        request = new TFinishTaskRequest();
-        List<Long> downloadedTabletIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        request.setDownloadedTabletIds(downloadedTabletIds);
-        request.setTaskStatus(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        handler.handleDownloadSnapshotTask(downloadTask, request);
-        // handleDirMoveTask
-        DirMoveTask dirMoveTask = new DirMoveTask(null, 0, 0, restoreJob.getJobId(), CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID, 0, 0, 0,
-                0, "", 0, true);
-        request = new TFinishTaskRequest();
-        request.setTaskStatus(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        handler.handleDirMoveTask(dirMoveTask, request);
-        // test file persist
-        tmpFile = new File("./tmp" + System.currentTimeMillis());
-        try {
-            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile));
-            handler.write(out);
-            out.flush();
-            out.close();
-            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpFile));
-            BackupHandler.read(in);
-            in.close();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        } finally {
-            tmpFile.delete();
-        }
-        // cancel restore
-        try {
-            handler.cancel(new CancelBackupStmt(CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, true));
-        } catch (DdlException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // drop repo
-        try {
-            handler.dropRepository(new DropRepositoryStmt("repo"));
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupJobInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupJobInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b0beb30..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupJobInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.PrintWriter;
-public class BackupJobInfoTest {
-    private static String fileName = "job_info.txt";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void createFile() {
-        String json = "{\n"
-                + "    \"backup_time\": 1522231864000,\n"
-                + "    \"name\": \"snapshot1\",\n"
-                + "    \"database\": \"db1\",\n"
-                + "    \"id\": 10000,\n"
-                + "    \"backup_result\": \"succeed\",\n"
-                + "    \"backup_objects\": {\n"
-                + "        \"table2\": {\n"
-                + "            \"partitions\": {\n"
-                + "                \"partition1\": {\n"
-                + "                    \"indexes\": {\n"
-                + "                        \"table2\": {\n"
-                + "                            \"id\": 10012,\n"
-                + "                            \"schema_hash\": 222222,\n"
-                + "                            \"tablets\": {\n"
-                + "                                \"10004\": [\"__10030_seg1.dat\", \"__10030_seg2.dat\"],\n"
-                + "                                \"10005\": [\"__10031_seg1.dat\", \"__10031_seg2.dat\"]\n"
-                + "                            }\n"
-                + "                        }\n"
-                + "                    },\n"
-                + "                    \"id\": 10011,\n"
-                + "                    \"version\": 11,\n"
-                + "                    \"version_hash\": 123456789\n"
-                + "                }\n"
-                + "            },\n"
-                + "            \"id\": 10010\n"
-                + "        },\n"
-                + "        \"table1\": {\n"
-                + "            \"partitions\": {\n"
-                + "                \"partition2\": {\n"
-                + "                    \"indexes\": {\n"
-                + "                        \"rollup1\": {\n"
-                + "                            \"id\": 10009,\n"
-                + "                            \"schema_hash\": 333333,\n"
-                + "                            \"tablets\": {\n"
-                + "                                \"10008\": [\"__10029_seg1.dat\", \"__10029_seg2.dat\"],\n"
-                + "                                \"10007\": [\"__10029_seg1.dat\", \"__10029_seg2.dat\"]\n"
-                + "                            }\n"
-                + "                        },\n"
-                + "                        \"table1\": {\n"
-                + "                            \"id\": 10001,\n"
-                + "                            \"schema_hash\": 444444,\n"
-                + "                            \"tablets\": {\n"
-                + "                                \"10004\": [\"__10027_seg1.dat\", \"__10027_seg2.dat\"],\n"
-                + "                                \"10005\": [\"__10028_seg1.dat\", \"__10028_seg2.dat\"]\n"
-                + "                            }\n"
-                + "                        }\n"
-                + "                    },\n"
-                + "                    \"id\": 10007,\n"
-                + "                    \"version\": 20,\n"
-                + "                    \"version_hash\": 123534645745\n"
-                + "                },\n"
-                + "                \"partition1\": {\n"
-                + "                    \"indexes\": {\n"
-                + "                        \"rollup1\": {\n"
-                + "                            \"id\": 10009,\n"
-                + "                            \"schema_hash\": 333333,\n"
-                + "                            \"tablets\": {\n"
-                + "                                \"10008\": [\"__10026_seg1.dat\", \"__10026_seg2.dat\"],\n"
-                + "                                \"10007\": [\"__10025_seg1.dat\", \"__10025_seg2.dat\"]\n"
-                + "                            }\n"
-                + "                        },\n"
-                + "                        \"table1\": {\n"
-                + "                            \"id\": 10001,\n"
-                + "                            \"schema_hash\": 444444,\n"
-                + "                            \"tablets\": {\n"
-                + "                                \"10004\": [\"__10023_seg1.dat\", \"__10023_seg2.dat\"],\n"
-                + "                                \"10005\": [\"__10024_seg1.dat\", \"__10024_seg2.dat\"]\n"
-                + "                            }\n"
-                + "                        }\n"
-                + "                    },\n"
-                + "                    \"id\": 10002,\n"
-                + "                    \"version\": 21,\n"
-                + "                    \"version_hash\": 345346234234\n"
-                + "                }\n"
-                + "            },\n"
-                + "            \"id\": 10001\n"
-                + "        }\n"
-                + "    },\n"
-                + "    \"new_backup_objects\": {\n"
-                + "        \"views\":[{\n"
-                + "            \"name\": \"view1\",\n"
-                + "            \"id\": \"10006\"\n"
-                + "        }]\n"
-                + "    }\n"
-                + "}";
-        try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fileName)) {
-            out.print(json);
-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void deleteFile() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        if (file.exists()) {
-            file.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReadWrite() {
-        BackupJobInfo jobInfo = null;
-        try {
-            jobInfo = BackupJobInfo.fromFile(fileName);
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertNotNull(jobInfo);
-        System.out.println(jobInfo.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1522231864000L, jobInfo.backupTime);
-        Assert.assertEquals("snapshot1", jobInfo.name);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, jobInfo.backupOlapTableObjects.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, jobInfo.getOlapTableInfo("table1").partitions.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, jobInfo.getOlapTableInfo("table1").getPartInfo("partition1").indexes.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2,
-                            jobInfo.getOlapTableInfo("table1").getPartInfo("partition1").getIdx("rollup1").tablets.size());
-        System.out.println(jobInfo.getOlapTableInfo("table1").getPartInfo("partition1").getIdx("rollup1").tablets);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2,
-                            jobInfo.getOlapTableInfo("table1").getPartInfo("partition1")
-                            .getIdx("rollup1").getTabletFiles(10007L).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, jobInfo.newBackupObjects.views.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("view1", jobInfo.newBackupObjects.views.get(0).name);
-        File tmpFile = new File("./tmp");
-        try {
-            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile));
-            jobInfo.write(out);
-            out.flush();
-            out.close();
-            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpFile));
-            BackupJobInfo newInfo = BackupJobInfo.read(in);
-            in.close();
-            Assert.assertEquals(jobInfo.backupTime, newInfo.backupTime);
-            Assert.assertEquals(jobInfo.dbId, newInfo.dbId);
-            Assert.assertEquals(jobInfo.dbName, newInfo.dbName);
-            Assert.assertEquals(jobInfo.newBackupObjects.views.size(), newInfo.newBackupObjects.views.size());
-            Assert.assertEquals("view1", newInfo.newBackupObjects.views.get(0).name);
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        } finally {
-            tmpFile.delete();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c10496..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BackupJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BackupStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StorageBackend;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableRef;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.BackupJob.BackupJobState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FsBroker;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.UnitTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentBatchTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskQueue;
-import org.apache.doris.task.SnapshotTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.UploadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBackend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFinishTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTaskType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.nio.file.Path;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class BackupJobTest {
-    private BackupJob job;
-    private Database db;
-    private long dbId = 1;
-    private long tblId = 2;
-    private long partId = 3;
-    private long idxId = 4;
-    private long tabletId = 5;
-    private long backendId = 10000;
-    private long version = 6;
-    private long versionHash = 7;
-    private long repoId = 20000;
-    private AtomicLong id = new AtomicLong(50000);
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private MockBackupHandler backupHandler;
-    private MockRepositoryMgr repoMgr;
-    // Thread is not mockable in Jmockit, use subclass instead
-    private final class MockBackupHandler extends BackupHandler {
-        public MockBackupHandler(Catalog catalog) {
-            super(catalog);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public RepositoryMgr getRepoMgr() {
-            return repoMgr;
-        }
-    }
-    // Thread is not mockable in Jmockit, use subclass instead
-    private final class MockRepositoryMgr extends RepositoryMgr {
-        public MockRepositoryMgr() {
-            super();
-        }
-        @Override
-        public Repository getRepo(long repoId) {
-            return repo;
-        }
-    }
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    private Repository repo = new Repository(repoId, "repo", false, "my_repo",
-            BlobStorage.create("broker", StorageBackend.StorageType.BROKER, Maps.newHashMap()));
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void start() {
-        Config.tmp_dir = "./";
-        File backupDir = new File(BackupHandler.BACKUP_ROOT_DIR.toString());
-        backupDir.mkdirs();
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void end() throws IOException {
-        Config.tmp_dir = "./";
-        File backupDir = new File(BackupHandler.BACKUP_ROOT_DIR.toString());
-        if (backupDir.exists()) {
-            Files.walk(BackupHandler.BACKUP_ROOT_DIR,
-                       FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS).sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()).map(Path::toFile).forEach(File::delete);
-        }
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        repoMgr = new MockRepositoryMgr();
-        backupHandler = new MockBackupHandler(catalog);
-        // Thread is unmockable after Jmockit version 1.48, so use reflection to set field instead.
-        Deencapsulation.setField(catalog, "backupHandler", backupHandler);
-        db = UnitTestUtil.createDb(dbId, tblId, partId, idxId, tabletId, backendId, version, versionHash);
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeConstants.meta_version;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = id.getAndIncrement();
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                editLog.logBackupJob((BackupJob) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public void logBackupJob(BackupJob job) {
-                        System.out.println("log backup job: " + job);
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<AgentTaskExecutor>() {
-            @Mock
-            public void submit(AgentBatchTask task) {
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Repository>() {
-            @Mock
-            Status upload(String localFilePath, String remoteFilePath) {
-                return Status.OK;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            Status getBrokerAddress(Long beId, Catalog catalog, List<FsBroker> brokerAddrs) {
-                brokerAddrs.add(new FsBroker());
-                return Status.OK;
-            }
-        };
-        List<TableRef> tableRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tableRefs.add(new TableRef(new TableName(UnitTestUtil.DB_NAME, UnitTestUtil.TABLE_NAME), null));
-        job = new BackupJob("label", dbId, UnitTestUtil.DB_NAME, tableRefs, 13600 * 1000, BackupStmt.BackupContent.ALL,
-                catalog, repo.getId());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunNormal() {
-        // 1.pending
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.PENDING, job.getState());
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.SNAPSHOTING, job.getState());
-        BackupMeta backupMeta = job.getBackupMeta();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, backupMeta.getTables().size());
-        OlapTable backupTbl = (OlapTable) backupMeta.getTable(UnitTestUtil.TABLE_NAME);
-        List<String> partNames = Lists.newArrayList(backupTbl.getPartitionNames());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(backupTbl);
-        Assert.assertEquals(backupTbl.getSignature(BackupHandler.SIGNATURE_VERSION, partNames),
-                            ((OlapTable) db.getTable(tblId)).getSignature(BackupHandler.SIGNATURE_VERSION, partNames));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        AgentTask task = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(backendId, TTaskType.MAKE_SNAPSHOT, tabletId);
-        Assert.assertTrue(task instanceof SnapshotTask);
-        SnapshotTask snapshotTask = (SnapshotTask) task;
-        // 2. snapshoting
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.SNAPSHOTING, job.getState());
-        // 3. snapshot finished
-        String snapshotPath = "/path/to/snapshot";
-        List<String> snapshotFiles = Lists.newArrayList();
-        snapshotFiles.add("1.dat");
-        snapshotFiles.add("1.idx");
-        snapshotFiles.add("1.hdr");
-        TStatus task_status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK);
-        TBackend tBackend = new TBackend("", 0, 1);
-        TFinishTaskRequest request = new TFinishTaskRequest(tBackend, TTaskType.MAKE_SNAPSHOT,
-                snapshotTask.getSignature(), task_status);
-        request.setSnapshotFiles(snapshotFiles);
-        request.setSnapshotPath(snapshotPath);
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.finishTabletSnapshotTask(snapshotTask, request));
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.UPLOAD_SNAPSHOT, job.getState());
-        // 4. upload snapshots
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.UPLOADING, job.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        task = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(backendId, TTaskType.UPLOAD, id.get() - 1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(task instanceof UploadTask);
-        UploadTask upTask = (UploadTask) task;
-        Assert.assertEquals(job.getJobId(), upTask.getJobId());
-        Map<String, String> srcToDest = upTask.getSrcToDestPath();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, srcToDest.size());
-        System.out.println(srcToDest);
-        String dest = srcToDest.get(snapshotPath + "/" + tabletId + "/" + 0);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(dest);
-        // 5. uploading
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.UPLOADING, job.getState());
-        Map<Long, List<String>> tabletFileMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        request = new TFinishTaskRequest(tBackend, TTaskType.UPLOAD,
-                upTask.getSignature(), task_status);
-        request.setTabletFiles(tabletFileMap);
-        Assert.assertFalse(job.finishSnapshotUploadTask(upTask, request));
-        List<String> tabletFiles = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tabletFileMap.put(tabletId, tabletFiles);
-        Assert.assertFalse(job.finishSnapshotUploadTask(upTask, request));
-        tabletFiles.add("1.dat.4f158689243a3d6030352fec3cfd3798");
-        tabletFiles.add("wrong_files.idx.4f158689243a3d6030352fec3cfd3798");
-        tabletFiles.add("wrong_files.hdr.4f158689243a3d6030352fec3cfd3798");
-        Assert.assertFalse(job.finishSnapshotUploadTask(upTask, request));
-        tabletFiles.clear();
-        tabletFiles.add("1.dat.4f158689243a3d6030352fec3cfd3798");
-        tabletFiles.add("1.idx.4f158689243a3d6030352fec3cfd3798");
-        tabletFiles.add("1.hdr.4f158689243a3d6030352fec3cfd3798");
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.finishSnapshotUploadTask(upTask, request));
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.SAVE_META, job.getState());
-        // 6. save meta
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.UPLOAD_INFO, job.getState());
-        File metaInfo = new File(job.getLocalMetaInfoFilePath());
-        Assert.assertTrue(metaInfo.exists());
-        File jobInfo = new File(job.getLocalJobInfoFilePath());
-        Assert.assertTrue(jobInfo.exists());
-        BackupMeta restoreMetaInfo = null;
-        BackupJobInfo restoreJobInfo = null;
-        try {
-            restoreMetaInfo = BackupMeta.fromFile(job.getLocalMetaInfoFilePath(), -1);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, restoreMetaInfo.getTables().size());
-            OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) restoreMetaInfo.getTable(tblId);
-            Assert.assertNotNull(olapTable);
-            Assert.assertNotNull(restoreMetaInfo.getTable(UnitTestUtil.TABLE_NAME));
-            List<String> names = Lists.newArrayList(olapTable.getPartitionNames());
-            Assert.assertEquals(((OlapTable) db.getTable(tblId)).getSignature(BackupHandler.SIGNATURE_VERSION, names),
-                                olapTable.getSignature(BackupHandler.SIGNATURE_VERSION, names));
-            restoreJobInfo = BackupJobInfo.fromFile(job.getLocalJobInfoFilePath());
-            Assert.assertEquals(UnitTestUtil.DB_NAME, restoreJobInfo.dbName);
-            Assert.assertEquals(job.getLabel(), restoreJobInfo.name);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, restoreJobInfo.backupOlapTableObjects.values().size());
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertNull(job.getBackupMeta());
-        Assert.assertNull(job.getJobInfo());
-        // 7. upload_info
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.FINISHED, job.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunAbnormal() {
-        // 1.pending
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-        List<TableRef> tableRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tableRefs.add(new TableRef(new TableName(UnitTestUtil.DB_NAME, "unknown_tbl"), null));
-        job = new BackupJob("label", dbId, UnitTestUtil.DB_NAME, tableRefs, 13600 * 1000, BackupStmt.BackupContent.ALL,
-                catalog, repo.getId());
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.ErrCode.NOT_FOUND, job.getStatus().getErrCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals(BackupJobState.CANCELLED, job.getState());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BrokerStorageTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BrokerStorageTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b7a4253..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/BrokerStorageTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ClientPool;
-import org.apache.doris.common.GenericPool;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPaloBrokerService;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig;
-import org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient;
-import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;
-import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol;
-import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket;
-import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Random;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import mockit.Tested;
-public class BrokerStorageTest {
-    private static String basePath;
-    private final String bucket = "bos://yang-repo/";
-    private final String brokerHost = "xafj-palo-rpm64.xafj.baidu.com";
-    private Map<String, String> properties;
-    @Tested
-    private BrokerStorage storage;
-    private String testFile;
-    private String content;
-    private Pair<TPaloBrokerService.Client, TNetworkAddress> pair;
-    @Mocked
-    GenericPool pool;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void init() {
-        basePath = "broker/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        pair = new Pair<>(null, null);
-        TTransport transport = new TSocket(brokerHost, 8111);
-        transport.open();
-        TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
-        pair.first = new TPaloBrokerService.Client(protocol);
-        pair.second = new TNetworkAddress(brokerHost, 8111);
-        properties = new HashMap<>();
-        properties.put("bos_accesskey",  System.getenv().getOrDefault("AWS_AK", ""));
-        properties.put("bos_secret_accesskey",  System.getenv().getOrDefault("AWS_SK", ""));
-        properties.put("bos_endpoint", "http://bj.bcebos.com");
-        storage = new BrokerStorage("bos_broker", properties);
-        testFile = bucket + basePath + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind";
-        content =
-                "O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being\n" +
-                        "Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead\n" +
-                        "Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,\n" +
-                        "Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,\n" +
-                        "Pestilence-stricken multitudes:O thou\n" +
-                        "Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed\n" +
-                        "The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,\n" +
-                        "Each like a corpse within its grave, until\n" +
-                        "Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow\n" +
-                        "Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill\n" +
-                        "(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)\n" +
-                        "With living hues and odors plain and hill:\n" +
-                        "Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;\n" +
-                        "Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!";
-        new MockUp<BrokerStorage>() {
-            @Mock
-            private Pair<TPaloBrokerService.Client, TNetworkAddress> getBroker() {
-                return pair;
-            }
-        };
-        GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig brokerPoolConfig = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                pool.returnObject(withInstanceOf(TNetworkAddress.class), withInstanceOf(TServiceClient.class));
-                minTimes =0;
-            }
-        };
-        Deencapsulation.setField(ClientPool.class, "brokerPool", pool);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, testFile));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void downloadWithFileSize() throws IOException {
-        File localFile = File.createTempFile("brokerunittest", ".dat");
-        localFile.deleteOnExit();
-        Status status = storage.downloadWithFileSize(testFile, localFile.getAbsolutePath(), content.getBytes().length);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, status);
-        Assert.assertEquals(DigestUtils.md5Hex(content.getBytes()), DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(localFile)));
-        status = storage.downloadWithFileSize(bucket + basePath + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind", localFile.getAbsolutePath(), content.getBytes().length + 1);
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(Status.OK, status);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void upload() throws IOException {
-        File localFile = File.createTempFile("brokerunittest", ".dat");
-        localFile.deleteOnExit();
-        OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(localFile);
-        byte[] buf = new byte[1024 * 1024];
-        Random r = new Random();
-        r.nextBytes(buf);
-        os.write(buf);
-        os.close();
-        String remote = bucket + basePath + "/" + localFile.getName();
-        Status status = storage.upload(localFile.getAbsolutePath(), remote);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, status);
-        File localFile2 = File.createTempFile("brokerunittest", ".dat");
-        localFile2.deleteOnExit();
-        status = storage.downloadWithFileSize(remote, localFile2.getAbsolutePath(), 1024 * 1024);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, status);
-        Assert.assertEquals(DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(localFile)),
-            DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(localFile2)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void rename() {
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, testFile + ".bak"));
-        storage.rename(testFile + ".bak", testFile + ".bak1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.checkPathExist(testFile + ".bak1"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void delete() {
-        String deleteFile = testFile + ".to_be_delete";
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.delete(deleteFile + "xxxx"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, deleteFile));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.delete(deleteFile));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.ErrCode.NOT_FOUND, storage.checkPathExist(deleteFile).getErrCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.delete(deleteFile + "xxxx"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void list() {
-        List<RemoteFile> result = new ArrayList<>();
-        String listPath =  bucket + basePath + "_list" + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind";
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, listPath + ".1"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, listPath + ".2"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, listPath + ".3"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.list(bucket + basePath  + "_list/*", result));
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void checkPathExist() {
-        Status status = storage.checkPathExist(testFile);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, status);
-        status = storage.checkPathExist(testFile + ".NOT_EXIST");
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.ErrCode.NOT_FOUND, status.getErrCode());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/CatalogMocker.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/CatalogMocker.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 20537be..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/CatalogMocker.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionValue;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DataProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeEditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.HashDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MysqlTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionKey;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RandomDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RangePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica.ReplicaState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletMeta;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.Util;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Range;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-public class CatalogMocker {
-    // user
-    public static final String ROOTUSER = "root";
-    public static final String SUPERUSER = "superuser";
-    public static final String TESTUSER = "testuser";
-    public static final String BLOCKUSER = "blockuser";
-    // backend
-    public static final long BACKEND1_ID = 10000;
-    public static final long BACKEND2_ID = 10001;
-    public static final long BACKEND3_ID = 10002;
-    // db
-    public static final String TEST_DB_NAME = "test_db";
-    public static final long TEST_DB_ID = 20000;
-    // single partition olap table
-    public static final String TEST_TBL_NAME = "test_tbl";
-    public static final long TEST_TBL_ID = 30000;
-    public static final String TEST_SINGLE_PARTITION_NAME = TEST_TBL_NAME;
-    public static final long TEST_SINGLE_PARTITION_ID = 40000;
-    public static final long TEST_TABLET0_ID = 60000;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA0_ID = 70000;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA1_ID = 70001;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA2_ID = 70002;
-    // mysql table
-    public static final long TEST_MYSQL_TABLE_ID = 30001;
-    public static final String MYSQL_TABLE_NAME = "test_mysql";
-    public static final String MYSQL_HOST = "mysql-host";
-    public static final long MYSQL_PORT = 8321;
-    public static final String MYSQL_USER = "mysql-user";
-    public static final String MYSQL_PWD = "mysql-pwd";
-    public static final String MYSQL_DB = "mysql-db";
-    public static final String MYSQL_TBL = "mysql-tbl";
-    // partition olap table with a rollup
-    public static final String TEST_TBL2_NAME = "test_tbl2";
-    public static final long TEST_TBL2_ID = 30002;
-    public static final String TEST_PARTITION1_NAME = "p1";
-    public static final long TEST_PARTITION1_ID = 40001;
-    public static final String TEST_PARTITION2_NAME = "p2";
-    public static final long TEST_PARTITION2_ID = 40002;
-    public static final long TEST_BASE_TABLET_P1_ID = 60001;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA3_ID = 70003;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA4_ID = 70004;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA5_ID = 70005;
-    public static final long TEST_BASE_TABLET_P2_ID = 60002;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA6_ID = 70006;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA7_ID = 70007;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA8_ID = 70008;
-    public static final String TEST_ROLLUP_NAME = "test_rollup";
-    public static final long TEST_ROLLUP_ID = 50000;
-    public static final long TEST_ROLLUP_TABLET_P1_ID = 60003;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA9_ID = 70009;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA10_ID = 70010;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA11_ID = 70011;
-    public static final long TEST_ROLLUP_TABLET_P2_ID = 60004;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA12_ID = 70012;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA13_ID = 70013;
-    public static final long TEST_REPLICA14_ID = 70014;
-    public static final String WRONG_DB = "wrong_db";
-    // schema
-    public static List<Column> TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA = Lists.newArrayList();
-    public static int SCHEMA_HASH;
-    public static int ROLLUP_SCHEMA_HASH;
-    public static List<Column> TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA = Lists.newArrayList();
-    public static List<Column> TEST_ROLLUP_SCHEMA = Lists.newArrayList();
-    static {
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT), true, null, "", "key1");
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT), true, null, "", "key2");
-        Column k3 = new Column("k3", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "key3");
-        Column k4 = new Column("k4", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", "key4");
-        Column k5 = new Column("k5", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.LARGEINT), true, null, "", "key5");
-        Column k6 = new Column("k6", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATE), true, null, "", "key6");
-        Column k7 = new Column("k7", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATETIME), true, null, "", "key7");
-        Column k8 = new Column("k8", ScalarType.createDecimalType(10, 3), true, null, "", "key8");
-        k1.setIsKey(true);
-        k2.setIsKey(true);
-        k3.setIsKey(true);
-        k4.setIsKey(true);
-        k5.setIsKey(true);
-        k6.setIsKey(true);
-        k7.setIsKey(true);
-        k8.setIsKey(true);
-        Column v1 = new Column("v1",
-                ScalarType.createChar(10), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "none", " value1");
-        Column v2 = new Column("v2",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.FLOAT), false, AggregateType.MAX, "none", " value2");
-        Column v3 = new Column("v3",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE), false, AggregateType.MIN, "none", " value3");
-        Column v4 = new Column("v4",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.SUM, "", " value4");
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(k1);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(k2);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(k3);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(k4);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(k5);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(k6);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(k7);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(k8);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(v1);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(v2);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(v3);
-        TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.add(v4);
-        TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA.add(k1);
-        TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA.add(k2);
-        TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA.add(k3);
-        TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA.add(k4);
-        TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA.add(k5);
-        TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA.add(k6);
-        TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA.add(k7);
-        TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA.add(k8);
-        TEST_ROLLUP_SCHEMA.add(k1);
-        TEST_ROLLUP_SCHEMA.add(k2);
-        TEST_ROLLUP_SCHEMA.add(v1);
-        SCHEMA_HASH = Util.generateSchemaHash();
-        ROLLUP_SCHEMA_HASH = Util.generateSchemaHash();
-    }
-    private static PaloAuth fetchAdminAccess() {
-        PaloAuth auth = new PaloAuth();
-        new Expectations(auth) {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        return auth;
-    }
-    public static SystemInfoService fetchSystemInfoService() {
-        SystemInfoService clusterInfo = new SystemInfoService();
-        return clusterInfo;
-    }
-    public static Database mockDb() throws AnalysisException {
-        // mock all meta obj
-        Database db = new Database(TEST_DB_ID, TEST_DB_NAME);
-        // 1. single partition olap table
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = new MaterializedIndex(TEST_TBL_ID, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        DistributionInfo distributionInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(32);
-        Partition partition =
-                new Partition(TEST_SINGLE_PARTITION_ID, TEST_SINGLE_PARTITION_NAME, baseIndex, distributionInfo);
-        PartitionInfo partitionInfo = new SinglePartitionInfo();
-        partitionInfo.setReplicationNum(TEST_SINGLE_PARTITION_ID, (short) 3);
-        partitionInfo.setIsInMemory(TEST_SINGLE_PARTITION_ID, false);
-        DataProperty dataProperty = new DataProperty(TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        partitionInfo.setDataProperty(TEST_SINGLE_PARTITION_ID, dataProperty);
-        OlapTable olapTable = new OlapTable(TEST_TBL_ID, TEST_TBL_NAME, TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA,
-                                            KeysType.AGG_KEYS, partitionInfo, distributionInfo);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapTable, "baseIndexId", TEST_TBL_ID);
-        Tablet tablet0 = new Tablet(TEST_TABLET0_ID);
-        TabletMeta tabletMeta = new TabletMeta(TEST_DB_ID, TEST_TBL_ID, TEST_SINGLE_PARTITION_ID,
-                                               TEST_TBL_ID, SCHEMA_HASH, TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        baseIndex.addTablet(tablet0, tabletMeta);
-        Replica replica0 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA0_ID, BACKEND1_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica1 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA1_ID, BACKEND2_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica2 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA2_ID, BACKEND3_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        tablet0.addReplica(replica0);
-        tablet0.addReplica(replica1);
-        tablet0.addReplica(replica2);
-        olapTable.setIndexMeta(TEST_TBL_ID, TEST_TBL_NAME, TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA, 0, SCHEMA_HASH, (short) 1,
-                TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        olapTable.addPartition(partition);
-        db.createTable(olapTable);
-        // 2. mysql table
-        Map<String, String> mysqlProp = Maps.newHashMap();
-        mysqlProp.put("host", MYSQL_HOST);
-        mysqlProp.put("port", String.valueOf(MYSQL_PORT));
-        mysqlProp.put("user", MYSQL_USER);
-        mysqlProp.put("password", MYSQL_PWD);
-        mysqlProp.put("database", MYSQL_DB);
-        mysqlProp.put("table", MYSQL_TBL);
-        MysqlTable mysqlTable = null;
-        try {
-            mysqlTable = new MysqlTable(TEST_MYSQL_TABLE_ID, MYSQL_TABLE_NAME, TEST_MYSQL_SCHEMA, mysqlProp);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        db.createTable(mysqlTable);
-        // 3. range partition olap table
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndexP1 = new MaterializedIndex(TEST_TBL2_ID, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndexP2 = new MaterializedIndex(TEST_TBL2_ID, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        DistributionInfo distributionInfo2 =
-                new HashDistributionInfo(32, Lists.newArrayList(TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.get(1)));
-        Partition partition1 =
-                new Partition(TEST_PARTITION1_ID, TEST_PARTITION1_NAME, baseIndexP1, distributionInfo2);
-        Partition partition2 =
-                new Partition(TEST_PARTITION2_ID, TEST_PARTITION2_NAME, baseIndexP2, distributionInfo2);
-        RangePartitionInfo rangePartitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(Lists.newArrayList(TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.get(0)));
-        PartitionKey rangeP1Lower =
-                PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(Lists.newArrayList(TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.get(0)), false);
-        PartitionKey rangeP1Upper =
-                PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("10")),
-                                                Lists.newArrayList(TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.get(0)));
-        Range<PartitionKey> rangeP1 = Range.closedOpen(rangeP1Lower, rangeP1Upper);
-        rangePartitionInfo.setRange(TEST_PARTITION1_ID, false, rangeP1);
-        PartitionKey rangeP2Lower =
-                PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("10")),
-                                                Lists.newArrayList(TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.get(0)));
-        PartitionKey rangeP2Upper =
-                PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20")),
-                                                Lists.newArrayList(TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA.get(0)));
-        Range<PartitionKey> rangeP2 = Range.closedOpen(rangeP2Lower, rangeP2Upper);
-        rangePartitionInfo.setRange(TEST_PARTITION2_ID, false, rangeP2);
-        rangePartitionInfo.setReplicationNum(TEST_PARTITION1_ID, (short) 3);
-        rangePartitionInfo.setReplicationNum(TEST_PARTITION2_ID, (short) 3);
-        DataProperty dataPropertyP1 = new DataProperty(TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        DataProperty dataPropertyP2 = new DataProperty(TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        rangePartitionInfo.setDataProperty(TEST_PARTITION1_ID, dataPropertyP1);
-        rangePartitionInfo.setDataProperty(TEST_PARTITION2_ID, dataPropertyP2);
-        OlapTable olapTable2 = new OlapTable(TEST_TBL2_ID, TEST_TBL2_NAME, TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA,
-                                             KeysType.AGG_KEYS, rangePartitionInfo, distributionInfo2);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapTable2, "baseIndexId", TEST_TBL2_ID);
-        Tablet baseTabletP1 = new Tablet(TEST_BASE_TABLET_P1_ID);
-        TabletMeta tabletMetaBaseTabletP1 = new TabletMeta(TEST_DB_ID, TEST_TBL2_ID, TEST_PARTITION1_ID,
-                                                           TEST_TBL2_ID, SCHEMA_HASH, TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        baseIndexP1.addTablet(baseTabletP1, tabletMetaBaseTabletP1);
-        Replica replica3 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA3_ID, BACKEND1_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica4 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA4_ID, BACKEND2_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica5 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA5_ID, BACKEND3_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        baseTabletP1.addReplica(replica3);
-        baseTabletP1.addReplica(replica4);
-        baseTabletP1.addReplica(replica5);
-        Tablet baseTabletP2 = new Tablet(TEST_BASE_TABLET_P2_ID);
-        TabletMeta tabletMetaBaseTabletP2 = new TabletMeta(TEST_DB_ID, TEST_TBL2_ID, TEST_PARTITION2_ID,
-                                                           TEST_TBL2_ID, SCHEMA_HASH, TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        baseIndexP2.addTablet(baseTabletP2, tabletMetaBaseTabletP2);
-        Replica replica6 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA6_ID, BACKEND1_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica7 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA7_ID, BACKEND2_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica8 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA8_ID, BACKEND3_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        baseTabletP2.addReplica(replica6);
-        baseTabletP2.addReplica(replica7);
-        baseTabletP2.addReplica(replica8);
-        olapTable2.setIndexMeta(TEST_TBL2_ID, TEST_TBL2_NAME, TEST_TBL_BASE_SCHEMA, 0, SCHEMA_HASH, (short) 1,
-                TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        olapTable2.addPartition(partition1);
-        olapTable2.addPartition(partition2);
-        // rollup index p1
-        MaterializedIndex rollupIndexP1 = new MaterializedIndex(TEST_ROLLUP_ID, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        Tablet rollupTabletP1 = new Tablet(TEST_ROLLUP_TABLET_P1_ID);
-        TabletMeta tabletMetaRollupTabletP1 = new TabletMeta(TEST_DB_ID, TEST_TBL2_ID, TEST_PARTITION1_ID,
-                                                             TEST_ROLLUP_TABLET_P1_ID, ROLLUP_SCHEMA_HASH,
-                                                             TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        rollupIndexP1.addTablet(rollupTabletP1, tabletMetaRollupTabletP1);
-        Replica replica9 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA9_ID, BACKEND1_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica10 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA10_ID, BACKEND2_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica11 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA11_ID, BACKEND3_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        rollupTabletP1.addReplica(replica9);
-        rollupTabletP1.addReplica(replica10);
-        rollupTabletP1.addReplica(replica11);
-        partition1.createRollupIndex(rollupIndexP1);
-        // rollup index p2
-        MaterializedIndex rollupIndexP2 = new MaterializedIndex(TEST_ROLLUP_ID, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        Tablet rollupTabletP2 = new Tablet(TEST_ROLLUP_TABLET_P2_ID);
-        TabletMeta tabletMetaRollupTabletP2 = new TabletMeta(TEST_DB_ID, TEST_TBL2_ID, TEST_PARTITION1_ID,
-                                                             TEST_ROLLUP_TABLET_P2_ID, ROLLUP_SCHEMA_HASH,
-                                                             TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        rollupIndexP2.addTablet(rollupTabletP2, tabletMetaRollupTabletP2);
-        Replica replica12 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA12_ID, BACKEND1_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica13 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA13_ID, BACKEND2_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        Replica replica14 = new Replica(TEST_REPLICA14_ID, BACKEND3_ID, 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL);
-        rollupTabletP2.addReplica(replica12);
-        rollupTabletP2.addReplica(replica13);
-        rollupTabletP2.addReplica(replica14);
-        partition2.createRollupIndex(rollupIndexP2);
-                                      (short) 1, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        db.createTable(olapTable2);
-        return db;
-    }
-    public static Catalog fetchAdminCatalog() {
-        try {
-            FakeEditLog fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-            Catalog catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-            Database db = new Database();
-            PaloAuth paloAuth = fetchAdminAccess();
-            new Expectations(catalog) {
-                {
-                    catalog.getAuth();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = paloAuth;
-                    catalog.getDb(TEST_DB_NAME);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = db;
-                    catalog.getDb(WRONG_DB);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = null;
-                    catalog.getDb(TEST_DB_ID);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = db;
-                    catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new Database();
-                    catalog.getDbNames();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = Lists.newArrayList(TEST_DB_NAME);
-                    catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new Load();
-                    catalog.getEditLog();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new EditLog("name");
-                    catalog.changeDb((ConnectContext) any, WRONG_DB);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new DdlException("failed");
-                    catalog.changeDb((ConnectContext) any, anyString);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                }
-            };
-            return catalog;
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    public static PaloAuth fetchBlockAccess() {
-        PaloAuth auth = new PaloAuth();
-        new Expectations(auth) {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        return auth;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/PartitionNameTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/PartitionNameTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index de4d869..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/PartitionNameTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionName;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class PartitionNameTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testCompletion() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, null, null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", "t2", null, null);
-        PartitionName p3 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p4 = new PartitionName("t1", "t2", "p1", "p1");
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals("`t1` AS `t1`", p1.toSql());
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals("`t1` AS `t2`", p2.toSql());
-            p3.analyze(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals("`t1`.`p1` AS `t1`.`p1`", p3.toSql());
-            p4.analyze(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals("`t1`.`p1` AS `t2`.`p1`", p4.toSql());
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCompletionErr() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", "t1", null, "p1");
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", "t1", "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p3 = new PartitionName("t1", "t1", "p1", "p2");
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        try {
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        try {
-            p3.analyze(null);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testIntersect1() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p1", null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testIntersect2() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", null, null, null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testIntersect3() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, null, null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", null, null, null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testIntersect4() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, null, null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p2", null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testIntersect5() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p2", null);
-        PartitionName p3 = new PartitionName("t2", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p4 = new PartitionName("t1", null, null, null);
-        PartitionName p5 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p3", null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            p3.analyze(null);
-            p4.analyze(null);
-            p5.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testIntersect6() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", "t2", null, null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t2", null, null, null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testIntersect7() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p2", null);
-        PartitionName p3 = new PartitionName("t2", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p4 = new PartitionName("t1", null, null, null);
-        PartitionName p5 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p3", null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            p3.analyze(null);
-            p4.analyze(null);
-            p5.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testIntersect8() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", "t2", "p2", "p2");
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIntersect9() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p1", null);
-        PartitionName p2 = new PartitionName("t1", null, "p2", null);
-        PartitionName p3 = new PartitionName("t2", "t3", "p1", "p1");
-        PartitionName p4 = new PartitionName("t3", "t2", null, null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-            p2.analyze(null);
-            p3.analyze(null);
-            p4.analyze(null);
-            PartitionName.checkIntersect(Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2, p3, p4));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testRename10() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionName p1 = new PartitionName("t1", "p2", "p1", null);
-        try {
-            p1.analyze(null);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/PathMakerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/PathMakerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index de9ff4f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/PathMakerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class PathMakerTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RepositoryTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RepositoryTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c83f14..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RepositoryTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import mockit.*;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowRepositoriesStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StorageBackend;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.BrokerMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FsBroker;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.service.FrontendOptions;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.PrintWriter;
-import java.sql.Timestamp;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class RepositoryTest {
-    private Repository repo;
-    private long repoId = 10000;
-    private String name = "repo";
-    private String location = "bos://backup-cmy";
-    private String brokerName = "broker";
-    private SnapshotInfo info;
-    @Mocked
-    private BlobStorage storage;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        List<String> files = Lists.newArrayList();
-        files.add("1.dat");
-        files.add("1.hdr");
-        files.add("1.idx");
-        info = new SnapshotInfo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, "/path/to/tablet/snapshot/", files);
-        new MockUp<FrontendOptions>() {
-            @Mock
-            String getLocalHostAddress() {
-                return "";
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<BrokerMgr>() {
-            @Mock
-            public FsBroker getBroker(String name, String host) throws AnalysisException {
-                return new FsBroker("", 8111);
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGet() {
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        Assert.assertEquals(repoId, repo.getId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(name, repo.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(false, repo.isReadOnly());
-        Assert.assertEquals(location, repo.getLocation());
-        Assert.assertEquals(null, repo.getErrorMsg());
-        Assert.assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - repo.getCreateTime() < 1000);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInit() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                storage.list(anyString, (List<RemoteFile>) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate<Status>() {
-                    public Status list(String remotePath, List<RemoteFile> result) {
-                        result.clear();
-                        return Status.OK;
-                    }
-                };
-                storage.directUpload(anyString, anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Status.OK;
-            }
-        };
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        Status st = repo.initRepository();
-        System.out.println(st);
-        Assert.assertTrue(st.ok());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testassemnblePath() {
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        // job info
-        String label = "label";
-        String createTime = "2018-04-12 20:46:45";
-        String createTime2 = "2018-04-12-20-46-45";
-        Timestamp ts = Timestamp.valueOf(createTime);
-        long creastTs = ts.getTime();
-        // "location/__palo_repository_repo_name/__ss_my_sp1/__info_2018-01-01-08-00-00"
-        String expected = location + "/" + Repository.PREFIX_REPO + name + "/" + Repository.PREFIX_SNAPSHOT_DIR
-                + label + "/" + Repository.PREFIX_JOB_INFO + createTime2;
-        Assert.assertEquals(expected, repo.assembleJobInfoFilePath(label, creastTs));
-        // meta info
-        expected = location + "/" + Repository.PREFIX_REPO + name + "/" + Repository.PREFIX_SNAPSHOT_DIR
-                + label + "/" + Repository.FILE_META_INFO;
-        Assert.assertEquals(expected, repo.assembleMetaInfoFilePath(label));
-        // snapshot path
-        // /location/__palo_repository_repo_name/__ss_my_ss1/__ss_content/__db_10001/__tbl_10020/__part_10031/__idx_10032/__10023/__3481721
-        expected = location + "/" + Repository.PREFIX_REPO + name + "/" + Repository.PREFIX_SNAPSHOT_DIR
-                + label + "/" + "__ss_content/__db_1/__tbl_2/__part_3/__idx_4/__5/__7";
-        Assert.assertEquals(expected, repo.assembleRemoteSnapshotPath(label, info));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPing() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                storage.checkPathExist(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Status.OK;
-            }
-        };
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        Assert.assertTrue(repo.ping());
-        Assert.assertTrue(repo.getErrorMsg() == null);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testListSnapshots() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                storage.list(anyString, (List<RemoteFile>) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public Status list(String remotePath, List<RemoteFile> result) {
-                        result.add(new RemoteFile(Repository.PREFIX_SNAPSHOT_DIR + "a", false, 100));
-                        result.add(new RemoteFile("_ss_b", true, 100));
-                        return Status.OK;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        List<String> snapshotNames = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Status st = repo.listSnapshots(snapshotNames);
-        Assert.assertTrue(st.ok());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, snapshotNames.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("a", snapshotNames.get(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpload() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                storage.upload(anyString, anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Status.OK;
-                storage.rename(anyString, anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Status.OK;
-                storage.delete(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Status.OK;
-            }
-        };
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        String localFilePath = "./tmp_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
-        try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(localFilePath)) {
-            out.print("a");
-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            String remoteFilePath = location + "/remote_file";
-            Status st = repo.upload(localFilePath, remoteFilePath);
-            Assert.assertTrue(st.ok());
-        } finally {
-            File file = new File(localFilePath);
-            file.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDownload() {
-        String localFilePath = "./tmp_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
-        File localFile = new File(localFilePath);
-        try {
-            try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(localFile)) {
-                out.print("a");
-            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-            new Expectations() {
-                {
-                    storage.list(anyString, (List<RemoteFile>) any);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new Delegate() {
-                        public Status list(String remotePath, List<RemoteFile> result) {
-                            result.add(new RemoteFile("remote_file.0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661", true, 100));
-                            return Status.OK;
-                        }
-                    };
-                    storage.downloadWithFileSize(anyString, anyString, anyLong);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = Status.OK;
-                }
-            };
-            repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-            String remoteFilePath = location + "/remote_file";
-            Status st = repo.download(remoteFilePath, localFilePath);
-            Assert.assertTrue(st.ok());
-        } finally {
-            localFile.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetInfo() {
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        List<String> infos = repo.getInfo();
-        Assert.assertTrue(infos.size() == ShowRepositoriesStmt.TITLE_NAMES.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetSnapshotInfo() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                storage.list(anyString, (List<RemoteFile>) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public Status list(String remotePath, List<RemoteFile> result) {
-                        if (remotePath.contains(Repository.PREFIX_JOB_INFO)) {
-                            result.add(new RemoteFile(" __info_2018-04-18-20-11-00.12345678123456781234567812345678",
-                                    true,
-                                    100));
-                        } else {
-                            result.add(new RemoteFile(Repository.PREFIX_SNAPSHOT_DIR + "s1", false, 100));
-                            result.add(new RemoteFile(Repository.PREFIX_SNAPSHOT_DIR + "s2", false, 100));
-                        }
-                        return Status.OK;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        String snapshotName = "";
-        String timestamp = "";
-        try {
-            List<List<String>> infos = repo.getSnapshotInfos(snapshotName, timestamp);
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, infos.size());
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPersist() {
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("bos_endpoint", "http://gz.bcebos.com");
-        properties.put("bos_accesskey", "a");
-        properties.put("bos_secret_accesskey", "b");
-        BlobStorage storage = BlobStorage.create(brokerName, StorageBackend.StorageType.BROKER, properties);
-        repo = new Repository(10000, "repo", false, location, storage);
-        File file = new File("./Repository");
-        try {
-            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-            repo.write(out);
-            out.flush();
-            out.close();
-            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-            Repository newRepo = Repository.read(in);
-            in.close();
-            Assert.assertEquals(repo.getName(), newRepo.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(repo.getId(), newRepo.getId());
-            Assert.assertEquals(repo.getLocation(), newRepo.getLocation());
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        } finally {
-            file.delete();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RestoreFileMappingTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RestoreFileMappingTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c0caedd..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RestoreFileMappingTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.RestoreFileMapping.IdChain;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import junit.framework.Assert;
-public class RestoreFileMappingTest {
-    private RestoreFileMapping fileMapping = new RestoreFileMapping();
-    private IdChain src;
-    private IdChain dest;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        src = new IdChain(10005L, 10006L, 10005L, 10007L, 10008L);
-        dest = new IdChain(10004L, 10003L, 10004L, 10007L, -1L);
-        fileMapping.putMapping(src, dest, true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        IdChain key = new IdChain(10005L, 10006L, 10005L, 10007L, 10008L);
-        Assert.assertTrue(key.equals(src));
-        Assert.assertEquals(src, key);
-        IdChain val = fileMapping.get(key);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(val);
-        Assert.assertEquals(dest, val);
-        Long l1 = new Long(10005L);
-        Long l2 = new Long(10005L);
-        Assert.assertFalse(l1 == l2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(l1.equals(l2));
-        Long l3 = new Long(1L);
-        Long l4 = new Long(1L);
-        Assert.assertFalse(l3 == l4);
-        Assert.assertTrue(l3.equals(l4));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RestoreJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RestoreJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bf7fdf6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/RestoreJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StorageBackend;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.BackupJobInfo.BackupIndexInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.BackupJobInfo.BackupPartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.BackupJobInfo.BackupOlapTableInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.BackupJobInfo.BackupTabletInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.RestoreJob.RestoreJobState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Resource;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MarkedCountDownLatch;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskQueue;
-import org.apache.doris.task.DirMoveTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.DownloadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.SnapshotTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBackend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFinishTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTaskType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
-import java.util.zip.Adler32;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class RestoreJobTest {
-    private Database db;
-    private BackupJobInfo jobInfo;
-    private RestoreJob job;
-    private String label = "test_label";
-    private AtomicLong id = new AtomicLong(50000);
-    private OlapTable expectedRestoreTbl;
-    private long repoId = 20000;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private MockBackupHandler backupHandler;
-    private MockRepositoryMgr repoMgr;
-    // Thread is not mockable in Jmockit, use subclass instead
-    private final class MockBackupHandler extends BackupHandler {
-        public MockBackupHandler(Catalog catalog) {
-            super(catalog);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public RepositoryMgr getRepoMgr() {
-            return repoMgr;
-        }
-    }
-    // Thread is not mockable in Jmockit, use subclass instead
-    private final class MockRepositoryMgr extends RepositoryMgr {
-        public MockRepositoryMgr() {
-            super();
-        }
-        @Override
-        public Repository getRepo(long repoId) {
-            return repo;
-        }
-    }
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfoService;
-    @Injectable
-    private Repository repo = new Repository(repoId, "repo", false, "bos://my_repo",
-            BlobStorage.create("broker", StorageBackend.StorageType.BROKER, Maps.newHashMap()));
-    private BackupMeta backupMeta;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws AnalysisException {
-        db = CatalogMocker.mockDb();
-        backupHandler = new MockBackupHandler(catalog);
-        repoMgr = new MockRepositoryMgr();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(catalog, "backupHandler", backupHandler);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeConstants.meta_version;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = id.getAndIncrement();
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = systemInfoService;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                systemInfoService.seqChooseBackendIds(anyInt, anyBoolean, anyBoolean, anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public synchronized List<Long> seqChooseBackendIds(int backendNum, boolean needAlive,
-                            boolean isCreate, String clusterName) {
-                        List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-                        beIds.add(CatalogMocker.BACKEND1_ID);
-                        beIds.add(CatalogMocker.BACKEND2_ID);
-                        beIds.add(CatalogMocker.BACKEND3_ID);
-                        return beIds;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                editLog.logBackupJob((BackupJob) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public void logBackupJob(BackupJob job) {
-                        System.out.println("log backup job: " + job);
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                repo.upload(anyString, anyString);
-                result = Status.OK;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                List<BackupMeta> backupMetas = Lists.newArrayList();
-                repo.getSnapshotMetaFile(label, backupMetas, -1);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public Status getSnapshotMetaFile(String label, List<BackupMeta> backupMetas) {
-                        backupMetas.add(backupMeta);
-                        return Status.OK;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<MarkedCountDownLatch>() {
-            @Mock
-            boolean await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        };
-        // gen BackupJobInfo
-        jobInfo = new BackupJobInfo();
-        jobInfo.backupTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        jobInfo.dbId = CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_ID;
-        jobInfo.dbName = CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME;
-        jobInfo.name = label;
-        jobInfo.success = true;
-        expectedRestoreTbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL2_ID);
-        BackupOlapTableInfo tblInfo = new BackupOlapTableInfo();
-        tblInfo.id = CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL2_ID;
-        jobInfo.backupOlapTableObjects.put(CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL2_NAME, tblInfo);
-        for (Partition partition : expectedRestoreTbl.getPartitions()) {
-            BackupPartitionInfo partInfo = new BackupPartitionInfo();
-            partInfo.id = partition.getId();
-            tblInfo.partitions.put(partition.getName(), partInfo);
-            for (MaterializedIndex index : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                BackupIndexInfo idxInfo = new BackupIndexInfo();
-                idxInfo.id = index.getId();
-                idxInfo.schemaHash = expectedRestoreTbl.getSchemaHashByIndexId(index.getId());
-                partInfo.indexes.put(expectedRestoreTbl.getIndexNameById(index.getId()), idxInfo);
-                for (Tablet tablet : index.getTablets()) {
-                    List<String> files = Lists.newArrayList(tablet.getId() + ".dat",
-                            tablet.getId()+ ".idx",  tablet.getId()+".hdr");
-                    BackupTabletInfo tabletInfo = new BackupTabletInfo(tablet.getId(), files);
-                    idxInfo.sortedTabletInfoList.add(tabletInfo);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // drop this table, cause we want to try restoring this table
-        db.dropTable(expectedRestoreTbl.getName());
-        job = new RestoreJob(label, "2018-01-01 01:01:01", db.getId(), db.getFullName(),
-                jobInfo, false, 3, 100000, -1, catalog, repo.getId());
-        List<Table> tbls = Lists.newArrayList();
-        List<Resource> resources = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tbls.add(expectedRestoreTbl);
-        backupMeta = new BackupMeta(tbls, resources);
-    }
-    @Ignore
-    @Test
-    public void testRun() {
-        // pending
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.SNAPSHOTING, job.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(12, job.getFileMapping().getMapping().size());
-        // 2. snapshoting
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.SNAPSHOTING, job.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(12 * 2, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        // 3. snapshot finished
-        List<AgentTask> agentTasks = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Map<TTaskType, Set<Long>> runningTasks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        agentTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND1_ID, runningTasks));
-        agentTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND2_ID, runningTasks));
-        agentTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND3_ID, runningTasks));
-        Assert.assertEquals(12 * 2, agentTasks.size());
-        for (AgentTask agentTask : agentTasks) {
-            if (agentTask.getTaskType() != TTaskType.MAKE_SNAPSHOT) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            SnapshotTask task = (SnapshotTask) agentTask;
-            String snapshotPath = "/path/to/snapshot/" + System.currentTimeMillis();
-            TStatus taskStatus = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK);
-            TBackend tBackend = new TBackend("", 0, 1);
-            TFinishTaskRequest request = new TFinishTaskRequest(tBackend, TTaskType.MAKE_SNAPSHOT,
-                    task.getSignature(), taskStatus);
-            request.setSnapshotPath(snapshotPath);
-            Assert.assertTrue(job.finishTabletSnapshotTask(task, request));
-        }
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.DOWNLOAD, job.getState());
-        // download
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.DOWNLOADING, job.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(9, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        // downloading
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.DOWNLOADING, job.getState());
-        List<AgentTask> downloadTasks = Lists.newArrayList();
-        runningTasks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        downloadTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND1_ID, runningTasks));
-        downloadTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND2_ID, runningTasks));
-        downloadTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND3_ID, runningTasks));
-        Assert.assertEquals(9, downloadTasks.size());
-        List<Long> downloadedTabletIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        for (AgentTask agentTask : downloadTasks) {
-            TStatus taskStatus = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK);
-            TBackend tBackend = new TBackend("", 0, 1);
-            TFinishTaskRequest request = new TFinishTaskRequest(tBackend, TTaskType.MAKE_SNAPSHOT,
-                    agentTask.getSignature(), taskStatus);
-            request.setDownloadedTabletIds(downloadedTabletIds);
-            Assert.assertTrue(job.finishTabletDownloadTask((DownloadTask) agentTask, request));
-        }
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.COMMIT, job.getState());
-        // commit
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.COMMITTING, job.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(12, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        // committing
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.COMMITTING, job.getState());
-        List<AgentTask> dirMoveTasks = Lists.newArrayList();
-        runningTasks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        dirMoveTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND1_ID, runningTasks));
-        dirMoveTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND2_ID, runningTasks));
-        dirMoveTasks.addAll(AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(CatalogMocker.BACKEND3_ID, runningTasks));
-        Assert.assertEquals(12, dirMoveTasks.size());
-        for (AgentTask agentTask : dirMoveTasks) {
-            TStatus taskStatus = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK);
-            TBackend tBackend = new TBackend("", 0, 1);
-            TFinishTaskRequest request = new TFinishTaskRequest(tBackend, TTaskType.MAKE_SNAPSHOT,
-                    agentTask.getSignature(), taskStatus);
-            job.finishDirMoveTask((DirMoveTask) agentTask, request);
-        }
-        job.run();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, job.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RestoreJobState.FINISHED, job.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSignature() {
-        Adler32 sig1 = new Adler32();
-        sig1.update("name1".getBytes());
-        sig1.update("name2".getBytes());
-        System.out.println("sig1: " + Math.abs((int) sig1.getValue()));
-        Adler32 sig2 = new Adler32();
-        sig2.update("name2".getBytes());
-        sig2.update("name1".getBytes());
-        System.out.println("sig2: " + Math.abs((int) sig2.getValue()));
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable(CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL_NAME);
-        List<String> partNames = Lists.newArrayList(tbl.getPartitionNames());
-        System.out.println(partNames);
-        System.out.println("tbl signature: " + tbl.getSignature(BackupHandler.SIGNATURE_VERSION, partNames));
-        tbl.setName("newName");
-        partNames = Lists.newArrayList(tbl.getPartitionNames());
-        System.out.println("tbl signature: " + tbl.getSignature(BackupHandler.SIGNATURE_VERSION, partNames));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/S3StorageTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/S3StorageTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f52d3ef..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/backup/S3StorageTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.backup;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Random;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class S3StorageTest {
-    private static String basePath;
-    private final String bucket = "s3://yang-repo/";
-    private Map<String, String> properties;
-    private S3Storage storage;
-    private String testFile;
-    private String content;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void init() {
-        basePath = "s3/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        properties = new HashMap<>();
-        properties.put("AWS_ACCESS_KEY", System.getenv().getOrDefault("AWS_AK", ""));
-        properties.put("AWS_SECRET_KEY", System.getenv().getOrDefault("AWS_SK", ""));
-        properties.put("AWS_ENDPOINT", "http://s3.bj.bcebos.com");
-        properties.put("AWS_REGION", "bj");
-        storage = new S3Storage(properties);
-        testFile = bucket + basePath + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind";
-        content =
-                "O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being\n" +
-                        "Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead\n" +
-                        "Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,\n" +
-                        "Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,\n" +
-                        "Pestilence-stricken multitudes:O thou\n" +
-                        "Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed\n" +
-                        "The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,\n" +
-                        "Each like a corpse within its grave, until\n" +
-                        "Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow\n" +
-                        "Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill\n" +
-                        "(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)\n" +
-                        "With living hues and odors plain and hill:\n" +
-                        "Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;\n" +
-                        "Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!";
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, testFile));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void downloadWithFileSize() throws IOException {
-        File localFile = File.createTempFile("s3unittest", ".dat");
-        localFile.deleteOnExit();
-        Status status = storage.downloadWithFileSize(testFile, localFile.getAbsolutePath(), content.getBytes().length);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, status);
-        Assert.assertEquals(DigestUtils.md5Hex(content.getBytes()), DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(localFile)));
-        status = storage.downloadWithFileSize(bucket + basePath + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind", localFile.getAbsolutePath(), content.getBytes().length + 1);
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(Status.OK, status);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void upload() throws IOException {
-        File localFile = File.createTempFile("s3unittest", ".dat");
-        localFile.deleteOnExit();
-        OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(localFile);
-        byte[] buf = new byte[1024 * 1024];
-        Random r = new Random();
-        r.nextBytes(buf);
-        os.write(buf);
-        os.close();
-        String remote = bucket + basePath + "/" + localFile.getName();
-        Status status = storage.upload(localFile.getAbsolutePath(), remote);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, status);
-        File localFile2 = File.createTempFile("s3unittest", ".dat");
-        localFile2.deleteOnExit();
-        status = storage.downloadWithFileSize(remote, localFile2.getAbsolutePath(), 1024 * 1024);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, status);
-        Assert.assertEquals(DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(localFile)),
-                DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(localFile2)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void copy() {
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.copy(testFile, testFile + ".bak"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.checkPathExist(testFile + ".bak"));
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(Status.OK, storage.copy(testFile + ".bakxxx", testFile + ".bak"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void rename() {
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, testFile + ".bak"));
-        storage.rename(testFile + ".bak", testFile + ".bak1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.ErrCode.NOT_FOUND, storage.checkPathExist(testFile + ".bak").getErrCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.checkPathExist(testFile + ".bak1"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void delete() {
-        String deleteFile = testFile + ".to_be_delete";
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, deleteFile));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.delete(deleteFile));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.ErrCode.NOT_FOUND, storage.checkPathExist(deleteFile).getErrCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.delete(deleteFile + "xxxx"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void list() {
-        List<RemoteFile> result = new ArrayList<>();
-        String listPath =  bucket + basePath + "_list" + "/Ode_to_the_West_Wind";
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, listPath + ".1"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, listPath + ".2"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.directUpload(content, listPath + ".3"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.list(bucket + basePath  + "_list/*", result));
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void makeDir() {
-        String path = bucket + basePath + "/test_path";
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.makeDir(path));
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(Status.OK, storage.checkPathExist(path));
-        String path1 = bucket + basePath + "/test_path1/";
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.makeDir(path1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, storage.checkPathExist(path1));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void checkPathExist() {
-        Status status = storage.checkPathExist(testFile);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.OK, status);
-        status = storage.checkPathExist(testFile + ".NOT_EXIST");
-        Assert.assertEquals(Status.ErrCode.NOT_FOUND, status.getErrCode());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/bdb/BDBToolOptionsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/bdb/BDBToolOptionsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d6d93fa1..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/bdb/BDBToolOptionsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.bdb;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.journal.bdbje.BDBToolOptions;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class BDBToolOptionsTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        BDBToolOptions options = new BDBToolOptions(true, "", false, "", "", 0);
-        Assert.assertFalse(options.hasFromKey());
-        Assert.assertFalse(options.hasEndKey());
-        Assert.assertEquals(FeConstants.meta_version, options.getMetaVersion());
-        options = new BDBToolOptions(false, "12345", false, "12345", "12456", 35);
-        Assert.assertTrue(options.hasFromKey());
-        Assert.assertTrue(options.hasEndKey());
-        Assert.assertNotSame(FeConstants.meta_version, options.getMetaVersion());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/bdb/BDBToolTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/bdb/BDBToolTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bed751c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/bdb/BDBToolTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.bdb;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.DataOutputBuffer;
-import org.apache.doris.journal.JournalEntity;
-import org.apache.doris.journal.bdbje.BDBTool;
-import org.apache.doris.journal.bdbje.BDBToolOptions;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.OperationType;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.ReplicaPersistInfo;
-import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding;
-import com.sleepycat.je.Database;
-import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseConfig;
-import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseEntry;
-import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseException;
-import com.sleepycat.je.Environment;
-import com.sleepycat.je.EnvironmentConfig;
-import com.sleepycat.je.OperationStatus;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class BDBToolTest {
-    private static Environment env;
-    private static String path = "./bdb";
-    private static Database db;
-    private static String dbName = "12345";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setEnv() {
-        try {
-            File file = new File("./bdb");
-            file.deleteOnExit();
-            file.mkdir();
-            // init env
-            EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
-            envConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
-            try {
-                env = new Environment(new File(path), envConfig);
-            } catch (DatabaseException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            // create db
-            DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
-            dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
-            try {
-                db = env.openDatabase(null, dbName, dbConfig);
-            } catch (DatabaseException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            // write something
-            ReplicaPersistInfo info = ReplicaPersistInfo.createForAdd(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
-                    15);
-            JournalEntity entity = new JournalEntity();
-            entity.setOpCode(OperationType.OP_ADD_REPLICA);
-            entity.setData(info);
-            // id is the key
-            Long journalId = 23456L;
-            DatabaseEntry theKey = new DatabaseEntry();
-            TupleBinding<Long> idBinding = TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding(Long.class);
-            idBinding.objectToEntry(journalId, theKey);
-            // entity is the value
-            DataOutputBuffer buffer = new DataOutputBuffer(128);
-            try {
-                entity.write(buffer);
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            DatabaseEntry theData = new DatabaseEntry(buffer.getData());
-            if (db.put(null, theKey, theData) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
-                System.out.println("successfully writing the key: " + journalId);
-            }
-            try {
-                if (db != null) {
-                    db.close();
-                }
-                if (env != null) {
-                    env.cleanLog();
-                    env.close();
-                }
-            } catch (DatabaseException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void deleteEnv() {
-        File file = new File(path);
-        if (file.isDirectory()) {
-            String[] fileNames = file.list();
-            for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
-                File file2 = new File(path + "/" + fileNames[i]);
-                file2.delete();
-            }
-        }
-        file.delete();
-        System.out.println("file is deleted");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testList() {
-        BDBToolOptions options = new BDBToolOptions(true, "", false, "", "", 0);
-        BDBTool tool = new BDBTool(path, options);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tool.run());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDbStat() {
-        // wrong db name
-        BDBToolOptions options = new BDBToolOptions(false, "12346", true, "", "", 0);
-        BDBTool tool = new BDBTool(path, options);
-        Assert.assertFalse(tool.run());
-        // right db name
-        options = new BDBToolOptions(false, "12345", true, "", "", 0);
-        tool = new BDBTool(path, options);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tool.run());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetKey() {
-        BDBToolOptions options = new BDBToolOptions(false, "12345", false, "", "", 0);
-        BDBTool tool = new BDBTool(path, options);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tool.run());
-        options = new BDBToolOptions(false, "12345", false, "23456", "12345", 0);
-        tool = new BDBTool(path, options);
-        Assert.assertFalse(tool.run());
-        options = new BDBToolOptions(false, "12345", false, "23456", "", 0);
-        tool = new BDBTool(path, options);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tool.run());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/AdminStmtTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/AdminStmtTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d4dff17..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/AdminStmtTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AdminSetReplicaStatusStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica.ReplicaStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.SetReplicaStatusOperationLog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class AdminStmtTest {
-    // use a unique dir so that it won't be conflict with other unit test which
-    // may also start a Mocked Frontend
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/AdminStmtTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        String sql = "CREATE TABLE test.tbl1 (\n" +
-                "  `id` int(11) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `id2` bitmap bitmap_union NULL\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`id`)\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) BUCKETS 3\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAdminSetReplicaStatus() throws Exception {
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db);
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(tbl);
-        // tablet id, backend id
-        List<Pair<Long, Long>> tabletToBackendList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            for (MaterializedIndex index : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                for (Tablet tablet : index.getTablets()) {
-                    for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                        tabletToBackendList.add(Pair.create(tablet.getId(), replica.getBackendId()));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tabletToBackendList.size());
-        long tabletId = tabletToBackendList.get(0).first;
-        long backendId = tabletToBackendList.get(0).second;
-        Replica replica = Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex().getReplica(tabletId, backendId);
-        Assert.assertFalse(replica.isBad());
-        // set replica to bad
-        String adminStmt = "admin set replica status properties ('tablet_id' = '" + tabletId + "', 'backend_id' = '"
-                + backendId + "', 'status' = 'bad');";
-        AdminSetReplicaStatusStmt stmt = (AdminSetReplicaStatusStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(adminStmt, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().setReplicaStatus(stmt);
-        replica = Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex().getReplica(tabletId, backendId);
-        Assert.assertTrue(replica.isBad());
-        // set replica to ok
-        adminStmt = "admin set replica status properties ('tablet_id' = '" + tabletId + "', 'backend_id' = '"
-                + backendId + "', 'status' = 'ok');";
-        stmt = (AdminSetReplicaStatusStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(adminStmt, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().setReplicaStatus(stmt);
-        replica = Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex().getReplica(tabletId, backendId);
-        Assert.assertFalse(replica.isBad());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetReplicaStatusOperationLog() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        String fileName = "./SetReplicaStatusOperationLog";
-        try {
-            // 1. Write objects to file
-            File file = new File(fileName);
-            file.createNewFile();
-            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-            SetReplicaStatusOperationLog log = new SetReplicaStatusOperationLog(10000, 100001, ReplicaStatus.BAD);
-            log.write(out);
-            out.flush();
-            out.close();
-            // 2. Read objects from file
-            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-            SetReplicaStatusOperationLog readLog = SetReplicaStatusOperationLog.read(in);
-            Assert.assertEquals(log.getBackendId(), readLog.getBackendId());
-            Assert.assertEquals(log.getTabletId(), readLog.getTabletId());
-            Assert.assertEquals(log.getReplicaStatus(), readLog.getReplicaStatus());
-            in.close();
-        } finally {
-            File file = new File(fileName);
-            file.delete();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/BackendTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/BackendTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2168f89..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/BackendTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TDisk;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class BackendTest {
-    private Backend backend;
-    private long backendId = 9999;
-    private String host = "myhost";
-    private int heartbeatPort = 21234;
-    private int bePort = 21235;
-    private int httpPort = 21237;
-    private int beRpcPort = 21238;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    private FakeEditLog fakeEditLog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        FakeCatalog.setSystemInfo(AccessTestUtil.fetchSystemInfoService());
-        backend = new Backend(backendId, host, heartbeatPort);
-        backend.updateOnce(bePort, httpPort, beRpcPort);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getMethodTest() {
-        Assert.assertEquals(backendId, backend.getId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(host, backend.getHost());
-        Assert.assertEquals(heartbeatPort, backend.getHeartbeatPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(bePort, backend.getBePort());
-        // set new port
-        int newBePort = 31235;
-        int newHttpPort = 31237;
-        backend.updateOnce(newBePort, newHttpPort, beRpcPort);
-        Assert.assertEquals(newBePort, backend.getBePort());
-        // check alive
-        Assert.assertTrue(backend.isAlive());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void diskInfoTest() {
-        Map<String, TDisk> diskInfos = new HashMap<String, TDisk>();
-        TDisk disk1 = new TDisk("/data1/", 1000, 800, true);
-        TDisk disk2 = new TDisk("/data2/", 2000, 700, true);
-        TDisk disk3 = new TDisk("/data3/", 3000, 600, false);
-        diskInfos.put(disk1.getRootPath(), disk1);
-        diskInfos.put(disk2.getRootPath(), disk2);
-        diskInfos.put(disk3.getRootPath(), disk3);
-        // first update
-        backend.updateDisks(diskInfos);
-        Assert.assertEquals(disk1.getDiskTotalCapacity() + disk2.getDiskTotalCapacity(),
-                            backend.getTotalCapacityB());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, backend.getAvailableCapacityB());
-        // second update
-        diskInfos.remove(disk1.getRootPath());
-        backend.updateDisks(diskInfos);
-        Assert.assertEquals(disk2.getDiskTotalCapacity(), backend.getTotalCapacityB());
-        Assert.assertEquals(disk2.getDiskAvailableCapacity() + 1, backend.getAvailableCapacityB());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // Write 100 objects to file
-        File file = new File("./backendTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        List<Backend> list1 = new LinkedList<Backend>();
-        List<Backend> list2 = new LinkedList<Backend>();
-        for (int count = 0; count < 100; ++count) {
-            Backend backend = new Backend(count, "" + count, 6000 + count);
-            backend.updateOnce(7000 + count, 9000 + count, beRpcPort);
-            list1.add(backend);
-        }
-        for (int count = 100; count < 200; count++) {
-            Backend backend = new Backend(count, "" + count, 6000 + count);
-            backend.updateOnce(7000 + count, 9000 + count, beRpcPort);
-            list1.add(backend);
-        }
-        for (Backend backend : list1) {
-            backend.write(dos);
-        }
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        for (int count = 0; count < 100; ++count) {
-            Backend backend = new Backend();
-            backend.readFields(dis);
-            list2.add(backend);
-            Assert.assertEquals(count, backend.getId());
-            Assert.assertEquals("" + count, backend.getHost());
-        }
-        for (int count = 100; count < 200; ++count) {
-            Backend backend = Backend.read(dis);
-            list2.add(backend);
-            Assert.assertEquals(count, backend.getId());
-            Assert.assertEquals("" + count, backend.getHost());
-        }
-        for (int count = 0; count < 200; count++) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(list1.get(count).equals(list2.get(count)));
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(list1.get(1).equals(list1.get(2)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(list1.get(1).equals(this));
-        Assert.assertTrue(list1.get(1).equals(list1.get(1)));
-        Backend back1 = new Backend(1, "a", 1);
-        back1.updateOnce(1, 1, 1);
-        Backend back2 = new Backend(2, "a", 1);
-        back2.updateOnce(1, 1, 1);
-        Assert.assertFalse(back1.equals(back2));
-        back1 = new Backend(1, "a", 1);
-        back1.updateOnce(1, 1, 1);
-        back2 = new Backend(1, "b", 1);
-        back2.updateOnce(1, 1, 1);
-        Assert.assertFalse(back1.equals(back2));
-        back1 = new Backend(1, "a", 1);
-        back1.updateOnce(1, 1, 1);
-        back2 = new Backend(1, "a", 2);
-        back2.updateOnce(1, 1, 1);
-        Assert.assertFalse(back1.equals(back2));
-        Assert.assertEquals("Backend [id=1, host=a, heartbeatPort=1, alive=true]", back1.toString());
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogOperationTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogOperationTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a85a5d2..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogOperationTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJobV2;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateResourceStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class CatalogOperationTest {
-    // use a unique dir so that it won't be conflict with other unit test which
-    // may also start a Mocked Frontend
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/CatalogOperationTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 1000;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        createTable("create table test.renameTest\n" +
-                "(k1 int)\n" +
-                "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" +
-                "properties(\"replication_num\" = \"1\");");
-        createResource("CREATE EXTERNAL RESOURCE \"mysql_resource\"\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "  \"type\" = \"odbc_catalog\",\n" +
-                "  \"user\" = \"mysql_user\",\n" +
-                "  \"password\" = \"mysql_passwd\",\n" +
-                "  \"host\" = \"\",\n" +
-                "   \"port\" = \"8239\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test.mysqlRenameTest\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "k1 DATE,\n" +
-                "k2 INT,\n" +
-                "k3 SMALLINT,\n" +
-                "k4 VARCHAR(2048),\n" +
-                "k5 DATETIME\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "ENGINE=mysql\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "\"odbc_catalog_resource\" = \"mysql_resource\",\n" +
-                "\"database\" = \"mysql_db_test\",\n" +
-                "\"table\" = \"mysql_table_test\"\n" +
-                ");");
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    private static void createResource(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateResourceStmt createResourceStmt = (CreateResourceStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getResourceMgr().createResource(createResourceStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRenameTable() throws Exception {
-        // rename olap table
-        String renameTblStmt = "alter table test.renameTest rename newNewTest";
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt)UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(renameTblStmt, connectContext);
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db.getTable("renameTest"));
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        Assert.assertNull(db.getTable("renameTest"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db.getTable("newNewTest"));
-        // add a rollup and test rename to a rollup name(expect throw exception)
-        String alterStmtStr = "alter table test.newNewTest add rollup r1(k1)";
-        alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(alterStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobs.size());
-        for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
-            while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
-                System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-                Thread.sleep(1000);
-            }
-            System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
-        }
-        renameTblStmt = "alter table test.newNewTest rename r1";
-        alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt)UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(renameTblStmt, connectContext);
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("New name conflicts with rollup index name: r1"));
-        }
-        renameTblStmt = "alter table test.newNewTest rename goodName";
-        alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt)UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(renameTblStmt, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        Assert.assertNull(db.getTable("newNewTest"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db.getTable("goodName"));
-        // rename external table
-        renameTblStmt = "alter table test.mysqlRenameTest rename newMysqlRenameTest";
-        alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt)UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(renameTblStmt, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db.getTable("mysqlRenameTest"));
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        Assert.assertNull(db.getTable("mysqlRenameTest"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db.getTable("newMysqlRenameTest"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c97be54..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJob;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJob.JobType;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.SchemaChangeJob;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.cluster.Cluster;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.load.LoadJob;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Random;
-public class CatalogTest {
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        new Expectations(metaContext) {
-            {
-                MetaContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = metaContext;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    public void mkdir(String dirString) {
-        File dir = new File(dirString);
-        if (!dir.exists()) {
-            dir.mkdir();
-        } else {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public void addFiles(int image, int edit, String metaDir) {
-        File imageFile = new File(metaDir + "image." + image);
-        try {
-            imageFile.createNewFile();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        for (int i = 1; i <= edit; i++) {
-            File editFile = new File(metaDir + "edits." + i);
-            try {
-                editFile.createNewFile();
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-        File current = new File(metaDir + "edits");
-        try {
-            current.createNewFile();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        File version = new File(metaDir + "VERSION");
-        try {
-            version.createNewFile();
-            String line1 = "#Mon Feb 02 13:59:54 CST 2015\n";
-            String line2 = "clusterId=966271669";
-            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(version);
-            fw.write(line1);
-            fw.write(line2);
-            fw.flush();
-            fw.close();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    public void deleteDir(String metaDir) {
-        File dir = new File(metaDir);
-        if (dir.exists()) {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-            dir.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSaveLoadHeader() throws Exception {
-        String dir = "testLoadHeader";
-        mkdir(dir);
-        File file = new File(dir, "image");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Catalog catalog = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-        MetaContext.get().setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        Field field = catalog.getClass().getDeclaredField("load");
-        field.setAccessible(true);
-        field.set(catalog, new Load());
-        long checksum1 = catalog.saveHeader(dos, new Random().nextLong(), 0);
-        catalog.clear();
-        catalog = null;
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
-        catalog = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-        long checksum2 = catalog.loadHeader(dis, 0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(checksum1, checksum2);
-        dis.close();
-        deleteDir(dir);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSaveLoadJob() throws Exception {
-        String dir = "testLoadLoadJob";
-        mkdir(dir);
-        File file = new File(dir, "image");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Catalog catalog = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-        MetaContext.get().setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        Field field = catalog.getClass().getDeclaredField("load");
-        field.setAccessible(true);
-        field.set(catalog, new Load());
-        LoadJob job1 = new LoadJob("label1", 20, 0);
-        catalog.getLoadInstance().unprotectAddLoadJob(job1, true);
-        long checksum1 = catalog.saveLoadJob(dos, 0);
-        catalog.clear();
-        catalog = null;
-        dos.close();
-        catalog = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-        Field field2 = catalog.getClass().getDeclaredField("load");
-        field2.setAccessible(true);
-        field2.set(catalog, new Load());
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
-        long checksum2 = catalog.loadLoadJob(dis, 0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(checksum1, checksum2);
-        LoadJob job2 = catalog.getLoadInstance().getLoadJob(-1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(job1.equals(job2));
-        dis.close();
-        deleteDir(dir);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSaveLoadSchemaChangeJob() throws Exception {
-        String dir = "testLoadSchemaChangeJob";
-        mkdir(dir);
-        File file = new File(dir, "image");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Catalog catalog = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-        MetaContext.get().setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        Field field = catalog.getClass().getDeclaredField("load");
-        field.setAccessible(true);
-        field.set(catalog, new Load());
-        Database db1 = new Database(10000L, "testCluster.db1");
-        db1.setClusterName("testCluster");
-        final Cluster cluster = new Cluster("testCluster", 10001L);
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = new MaterializedIndex(20000L, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        Partition partition = new Partition(2000L, "single", baseIndex, new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        List<Column> baseSchema = new LinkedList<Column>();
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(2L, "base", baseSchema, KeysType.AGG_KEYS,
-                                        new SinglePartitionInfo(), new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        table.addPartition(partition);
-        db1.createTable(table);
-        catalog.addCluster(cluster);
-        catalog.unprotectCreateDb(db1);
-        SchemaChangeJob job1 = new SchemaChangeJob(db1.getId(), table.getId(), null, table.getName(), -1);
-        catalog.getSchemaChangeHandler().replayInitJob(job1, catalog);
-        long checksum1 = catalog.saveAlterJob(dos, 0, JobType.SCHEMA_CHANGE);
-        catalog.clear();
-        catalog = null;
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
-        catalog = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-        long checksum2 = catalog.loadAlterJob(dis, 0, JobType.SCHEMA_CHANGE);
-        Assert.assertEquals(checksum1, checksum2);
-        Map<Long, AlterJob> map = catalog.getSchemaChangeHandler().unprotectedGetAlterJobs();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, map.size());
-        SchemaChangeJob job2 = (SchemaChangeJob) map.get(table.getId());
-        Assert.assertTrue(job1.equals(job2));
-        dis.close();
-        deleteDir(dir);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogTestUtil.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogTestUtil.java
deleted file mode 100644
index eb68f6b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CatalogTestUtil.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionKeyDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionValue;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SingleRangePartitionDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica.ReplicaState;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TDisk;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class CatalogTestUtil {
-    public static String testDb1 = "testDb1";
-    public static long testDbId1 = 1;
-    public static String testTable1 = "testTable1";
-    public static long testTableId1 = 2;
-    public static String testPartition1 = "testPartition1";
-    public static long testPartitionId1 = 3;
-    public static String testIndex1 = "testIndex1";
-    public static String testIndex2 = "testIndex2";
-    public static long testIndexId1 = 2; // the base indexId == tableId
-    public static int testSchemaHash1 = 93423942;
-    public static long testBackendId1 = 5;
-    public static long testBackendId2 = 6;
-    public static long testBackendId3 = 7;
-    public static long testReplicaId1 = 8;
-    public static long testReplicaId2 = 9;
-    public static long testReplicaId3 = 10;
-    public static long testTabletId1 = 11;
-    public static long testStartVersion = 12;
-    public static long testStartVersionHash = 12312;
-    public static long testPartitionCurrentVersionHash = 12312;
-    public static long testPartitionNextVersionHash = 123123123;
-    public static long testRollupIndexId2 = 13;
-    public static String testRollupIndex2 = "newRollupIndex";
-    public static String testRollupIndex3 = "newRollupIndex2";
-    public static String testTxnLabel1 = "testTxnLabel1";
-    public static String testTxnLabel2 = "testTxnLabel2";
-    public static String testTxnLabel3 = "testTxnLabel3";
-    public static String testTxnLabel4 = "testTxnLabel4";
-    public static String testTxnLabel5 = "testTxnLabel5";
-    public static String testTxnLabel6 = "testTxnLabel6";
-    public static String testTxnLabel7 = "testTxnLabel7";
-    public static String testTxnLabel8 = "testTxnLabel8";
-    public static String testTxnLabel9 = "testTxnLabel9";
-    public static String testTxnLabel10 = "testTxnLabel10";
-    public static String testTxnLabel11 = "testTxnLabel11";
-    public static String testTxnLabel12 = "testTxnLabel12";
-    public static String testEsTable1 = "partitionedEsTable1";
-    public static long testEsTableId1 = 14;
-    public static Catalog createTestCatalog() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
-            IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
-        Constructor<Catalog> constructor = Catalog.class.getDeclaredConstructor();
-        constructor.setAccessible(true);
-        Catalog catalog = constructor.newInstance();
-        catalog.setEditLog(new EditLog("name"));
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        Backend backend1 = createBackend(testBackendId1, "host1", 123, 124, 125);
-        Backend backend2 = createBackend(testBackendId2, "host2", 123, 124, 125);
-        Backend backend3 = createBackend(testBackendId3, "host3", 123, 124, 125);
-        backend1.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        backend2.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        backend3.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackend(backend1);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackend(backend2);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackend(backend3);
-        catalog.initDefaultCluster();
-        Database db = createSimpleDb(testDbId1, testTableId1, testPartitionId1, testIndexId1, testTabletId1,
-                testStartVersion, testStartVersionHash);
-        catalog.unprotectCreateDb(db);
-        return catalog;
-    }
-    public static boolean compareCatalog(Catalog masterCatalog, Catalog slaveCatalog) {
-        Database masterDb = masterCatalog.getDb(testDb1);
-        Database slaveDb = slaveCatalog.getDb(testDb1);
-        List<Table> tables = masterDb.getTables();
-        for (Table table : tables) {
-            Table slaveTable = slaveDb.getTable(table.getId());
-            if (slaveTable == null) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            Partition masterPartition = table.getPartition(testPartition1);
-            Partition slavePartition = slaveTable.getPartition(testPartition1);
-            if (masterPartition == null && slavePartition == null) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            if (masterPartition.getId() != slavePartition.getId()) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            if (masterPartition.getVisibleVersion() != slavePartition.getVisibleVersion()
-                    || masterPartition.getVisibleVersionHash() != slavePartition.getVisibleVersionHash()
-                    || masterPartition.getNextVersion() != slavePartition.getNextVersion()
-                    || masterPartition.getCommittedVersionHash() != slavePartition.getCommittedVersionHash()) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            List<MaterializedIndex> allMaterializedIndices = masterPartition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL);
-            for (MaterializedIndex masterIndex : allMaterializedIndices) {
-                MaterializedIndex slaveIndex = slavePartition.getIndex(masterIndex.getId());
-                if (slaveIndex == null) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-                List<Tablet> allTablets = masterIndex.getTablets();
-                for (Tablet masterTablet : allTablets) {
-                    Tablet slaveTablet = slaveIndex.getTablet(masterTablet.getId());
-                    if (slaveTablet == null) {
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    List<Replica> allReplicas = masterTablet.getReplicas();
-                    for (Replica masterReplica : allReplicas) {
-                        Replica slaveReplica = slaveTablet.getReplicaById(masterReplica.getId());
-                        if (slaveReplica.getBackendId() != masterReplica.getBackendId()
-                                || slaveReplica.getVersion() != masterReplica.getVersion()
-                                || slaveReplica.getVersionHash() != masterReplica.getVersionHash()
-                                || slaveReplica.getLastFailedVersion() != masterReplica.getLastFailedVersion()
-                                || slaveReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash() != masterReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash()
-                                || slaveReplica.getLastSuccessVersion() != slaveReplica.getLastSuccessVersion()
-                                || slaveReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash() != slaveReplica
-                                        .getLastSuccessVersionHash()) {
-                            return false;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    public static Database createSimpleDb(long dbId, long tableId, long partitionId, long indexId, long tabletId,
-            long version, long versionHash) {
-        Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex().clear();
-        // replica
-        long replicaId = 0;
-        Replica replica1 = new Replica(testReplicaId1, testBackendId1, version, versionHash, 0, 0L, 0L,
-                ReplicaState.NORMAL, -1, 0, 0, 0);
-        Replica replica2 = new Replica(testReplicaId2, testBackendId2, version, versionHash, 0, 0L, 0L,
-                ReplicaState.NORMAL, -1, 0, 0, 0);
-        Replica replica3 = new Replica(testReplicaId3, testBackendId3, version, versionHash, 0, 0L, 0L,
-                ReplicaState.NORMAL, -1, 0, 0, 0);
-        // tablet
-        Tablet tablet = new Tablet(tabletId);
-        // index
-        MaterializedIndex index = new MaterializedIndex(indexId, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        TabletMeta tabletMeta = new TabletMeta(dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId, 0, TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        index.addTablet(tablet, tabletMeta);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica1);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica2);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica3);
-        // partition
-        RandomDistributionInfo distributionInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(10);
-        Partition partition = new Partition(partitionId, testPartition1, index, distributionInfo);
-        partition.updateVisibleVersionAndVersionHash(testStartVersion, testStartVersionHash);
-        partition.setNextVersion(testStartVersion + 1);
-        partition.setNextVersionHash(testPartitionNextVersionHash, testPartitionCurrentVersionHash);
-        // columns
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        Column temp = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        temp.setIsKey(true);
-        columns.add(temp);
-        temp = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        temp.setIsKey(true);
-        columns.add(temp);
-        columns.add(new Column("v", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE), false, AggregateType.SUM, "0", ""));
-        List<Column> keysColumn = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        temp = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        temp.setIsKey(true);
-        keysColumn.add(temp);
-        temp = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        temp.setIsKey(true);
-        keysColumn.add(temp);
-        // table
-        PartitionInfo partitionInfo = new SinglePartitionInfo();
-        partitionInfo.setDataProperty(partitionId, DataProperty.DEFAULT_DATA_PROPERTY);
-        partitionInfo.setReplicationNum(partitionId, (short) 3);
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(tableId, testTable1, columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS, partitionInfo,
-                distributionInfo);
-        table.addPartition(partition);
-        table.setIndexMeta(indexId, testIndex1, columns, 0, testSchemaHash1, (short) 1,
-                TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        table.setBaseIndexId(indexId);
-        // db
-        Database db = new Database(dbId, testDb1);
-        db.createTable(table);
-        db.setClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        // add a es table to catalog
-        try {
-            createEsTable(db);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            // e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        return db;
-    }
-    public static void createEsTable(Database db) throws DdlException {
-        // columns
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        Column userId = new Column("userId", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR);
-        columns.add(userId);
-        columns.add(new Column("time", PrimitiveType.BIGINT));
-        columns.add(new Column("type", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR));
-        // table
-        List<Column> partitionColumns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        List<SingleRangePartitionDesc> singleRangePartitionDescs = Lists.newArrayList();
-        partitionColumns.add(userId);
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1",
-                                                                   new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                                                                           .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("100"))),
-                                                                   null));
-        RangePartitionInfo partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(EsTable.HOSTS, "xxx");
-        properties.put(EsTable.INDEX, "doe");
-        properties.put(EsTable.TYPE, "doc");
-        properties.put(EsTable.PASSWORD, "");
-        properties.put(EsTable.USER, "root");
-        properties.put(EsTable.DOC_VALUE_SCAN, "true");
-        properties.put(EsTable.KEYWORD_SNIFF, "true");
-        EsTable esTable = new EsTable(testEsTableId1, testEsTable1,
-                columns, properties, partitionInfo);
-        db.createTable(esTable);
-    }
-    public static Backend createBackend(long id, String host, int heartPort, int bePort, int httpPort) {
-        Backend backend = new Backend(id, host, heartPort);
-        // backend.updateOnce(bePort, httpPort, 10000);
-        backend.setAlive(true);
-        return backend;
-    }
-    public static Backend createBackend(long id, String host, int heartPort, int bePort, int httpPort,
-            long totalCapacityB, long avaiLabelCapacityB) {
-        Backend backend = createBackend(id, host, heartPort, bePort, httpPort);
-        Map<String, TDisk> backendDisks = new HashMap<String, TDisk>();
-        String rootPath = "root_path";
-        TDisk disk = new TDisk(rootPath, totalCapacityB, avaiLabelCapacityB, true);
-        backendDisks.put(rootPath, disk);
-        backend.updateDisks(backendDisks);
-        backend.setAlive(true);
-        return backend;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColocateTableIndexTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColocateTableIndexTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1867133..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColocateTableIndexTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ColocateTableIndex.GroupId;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
-public class ColocateTableIndexTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testGroupId() {
-        GroupId groupId1 = new GroupId(1000, 2000);
-        GroupId groupId2 = new GroupId(1000, 2000);
-        Map<GroupId, Long> map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertTrue(groupId1.equals(groupId2));
-        Assert.assertTrue(groupId1.hashCode() == groupId2.hashCode());
-        map.put(groupId1, 1000L);
-        Assert.assertTrue(map.containsKey(groupId2));
-        Set<GroupId> balancingGroups = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<GroupId>();
-        balancingGroups.add(groupId1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(balancingGroups.size() == 1);
-        balancingGroups.remove(groupId2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(balancingGroups.isEmpty());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColocateTableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColocateTableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 483832e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColocateTableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ColocateTableIndex.GroupId;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class ColocateTableTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/ColocateTableTest" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    private static String dbName = "testDb";
-    private static String fullDbName = "default_cluster:" + dbName;
-    private static String tableName1 = "t1";
-    private static String tableName2 = "t2";
-    private static String groupName = "group1";
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-            File file = new File(runningDir);
-            file.delete();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void createDb() throws Exception {
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database " + dbName;
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().setColocateTableIndex(new ColocateTableIndex());
-    }
-    @After
-    public void dropDb() throws Exception {
-        String dropDbStmtStr = "drop database " + dbName;
-        DropDbStmt dropDbStmt = (DropDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(dropDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().dropDb(dropDbStmt);
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateOneTable() throws Exception {
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName1 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        ColocateTableIndex index = Catalog.getCurrentColocateIndex();
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb(fullDbName);
-        long tableId = db.getTable(tableName1).getId();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, Deencapsulation.<Multimap<GroupId, Long>>getField(index, "group2Tables").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, index.getAllGroupIds().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, Deencapsulation.<Map<Long, GroupId>>getField(index, "table2Group").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, Deencapsulation.<Map<GroupId, List<List<Long>>>>getField(index, "group2BackendsPerBucketSeq").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, Deencapsulation.<Map<GroupId, ColocateGroupSchema>>getField(index, "group2Schema").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, index.getUnstableGroupIds().size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(index.isColocateTable(tableId));
-        Long dbId = db.getId();
-        Assert.assertEquals(dbId, index.getGroup(tableId).dbId);
-        GroupId groupId = index.getGroup(tableId);
-        List<Long> backendIds = index.getBackendsPerBucketSeq(groupId).get(0);
-        System.out.println(backendIds);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Collections.singletonList(10001L), backendIds);
-        String fullGroupName = dbId + "_" + groupName;
-        Assert.assertEquals(tableId, index.getTableIdByGroup(fullGroupName));
-        ColocateGroupSchema groupSchema = index.getGroupSchema(fullGroupName);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(groupSchema);
-        Assert.assertEquals(dbId, groupSchema.getGroupId().dbId);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, groupSchema.getBucketsNum());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, groupSchema.getReplicationNum());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateTwoTableWithSameGroup() throws Exception {
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName1 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName2 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        ColocateTableIndex index = Catalog.getCurrentColocateIndex();
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb(fullDbName);
-        long firstTblId = db.getTable(tableName1).getId();
-        long secondTblId = db.getTable(tableName2).getId();
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, Deencapsulation.<Multimap<GroupId, Long>>getField(index, "group2Tables").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, index.getAllGroupIds().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, Deencapsulation.<Map<Long, GroupId>>getField(index, "table2Group").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, Deencapsulation.<Map<GroupId, List<List<Long>>>>getField(index, "group2BackendsPerBucketSeq").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, Deencapsulation.<Map<GroupId, ColocateGroupSchema>>getField(index, "group2Schema").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, index.getUnstableGroupIds().size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(index.isColocateTable(firstTblId));
-        Assert.assertTrue(index.isColocateTable(secondTblId));
-        Assert.assertTrue(index.isSameGroup(firstTblId, secondTblId));
-        // drop first
-        index.removeTable(firstTblId);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, Deencapsulation.<Multimap<GroupId, Long>>getField(index, "group2Tables").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, index.getAllGroupIds().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, Deencapsulation.<Map<Long, GroupId>>getField(index, "table2Group").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1,
-                Deencapsulation.<Map<GroupId, List<List<Long>>>>getField(index, "group2BackendsPerBucketSeq").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, index.getUnstableGroupIds().size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(index.isColocateTable(firstTblId));
-        Assert.assertTrue(index.isColocateTable(secondTblId));
-        Assert.assertFalse(index.isSameGroup(firstTblId, secondTblId));
-        // drop second
-        index.removeTable(secondTblId);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, Deencapsulation.<Multimap<GroupId, Long>>getField(index, "group2Tables").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, index.getAllGroupIds().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, Deencapsulation.<Map<Long, GroupId>>getField(index, "table2Group").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0,
-                Deencapsulation.<Map<GroupId, List<List<Long>>>>getField(index, "group2BackendsPerBucketSeq").size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, index.getUnstableGroupIds().size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(index.isColocateTable(firstTblId));
-        Assert.assertFalse(index.isColocateTable(secondTblId));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBucketNum() throws Exception {
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName1 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        expectedEx.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Colocate tables must have same bucket num: 1");
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName2 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 2\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReplicationNum() throws Exception {
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName1 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        expectedEx.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Colocate tables must have same replication num: 1");
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName2 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"2\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDistributionColumnsSize() throws Exception {
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName1 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        expectedEx.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Colocate tables distribution columns size must be same : 2");
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName2 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDistributionColumnsType() throws Exception {
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName1 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        expectedEx.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Colocate tables distribution columns must have the same data type: k2 should be INT");
-        createTable("create table " + dbName + "." + tableName2 + " (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"" + groupName + "\"\n" +
-                ");");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnGsonSerializationTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnGsonSerializationTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c017475..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnGsonSerializationTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.Text;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.Writable;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.gson.GsonUtils;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInput;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ColumnGsonSerializationTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./ColumnGsonSerializationTest";
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    public static class ColumnList implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "columns")
-        public List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            String json = GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(this);
-            Text.writeString(out, json);
-        }
-        public static ColumnList read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            String json = Text.readString(in);
-            return GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(json, ColumnList.class);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeColumn() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Column c1 = new Column("c1", Type.fromPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, true, "1", "abc");
-        String c1Json = GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(c1);
-        Text.writeString(out, c1Json);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        String readJson = Text.readString(in);
-        Column readC1 = GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(readJson, Column.class);
-        Assert.assertEquals(c1, readC1);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeColumnList() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Column c1 = new Column("c1", Type.fromPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, true, "1", "abc");
-        Column c2 = new Column("c2", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.VARCHAR, 32, -1, -1), true, null, true, "cmy", "");
-        Column c3 = new Column("c3", ScalarType.createDecimalV2Type(27, 9), false, AggregateType.SUM, false, "1.1", "decimalv2");
-        ColumnList columnList = new ColumnList();
-        columnList.columns.add(c1);
-        columnList.columns.add(c2);
-        columnList.columns.add(c3);
-        columnList.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        ColumnList readList = ColumnList.read(in);
-        List<Column> columns = readList.columns;
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, columns.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(c1, columns.get(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(c2, columns.get(1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(c3, columns.get(2));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnStatsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnStatsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b79787..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnStatsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class ColumnStatsTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./columnStats");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        ColumnStats stats1 = new ColumnStats();
-        stats1.write(dos);
-        ColumnStats stats2 = new ColumnStats();
-        stats2.setAvgSerializedSize(1.1f);
-        stats2.setNumDistinctValues(100L);
-        stats2.setMaxSize(1000L);
-        stats2.setNumNulls(10000L);
-        stats2.write(dos);
-        ColumnStats stats3 = new ColumnStats();
-        stats3.setAvgSerializedSize(3.3f);
-        stats3.setNumDistinctValues(200L);
-        stats3.setMaxSize(2000L);
-        stats3.setNumNulls(20000L);
-        stats3.write(dos);
-        ColumnStats stats4 = new ColumnStats(stats3);
-        stats4.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        ColumnStats rStats1 = new ColumnStats();
-        rStats1.readFields(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rStats1.equals(stats1));
-        ColumnStats rStats2 = new ColumnStats();
-        rStats2.readFields(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rStats2.equals(stats2));
-        ColumnStats rStats3 = ColumnStats.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rStats3.equals(stats3));
-        ColumnStats rStats4 = ColumnStats.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rStats4.equals(stats4));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rStats4.equals(stats3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rStats3.equals(rStats3));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rStats3.equals(this));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rStats2.equals(rStats3));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a46f9..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class ColumnTest {
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./columnTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Column column1 = new Column("user", 
-                                ScalarType.createChar(20), false, AggregateType.SUM, "", "");
-        column1.write(dos);
-        Column column2 = new Column("age", 
-                                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "20", "");
-        column2.write(dos);
-        Column column3 = new Column("name", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        column3.setIsKey(true);
-        column3.write(dos);
-        Column column4 = new Column("age",
-                                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "20",
-                                    "");
-        column4.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        Column rColumn1 = Column.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals("user", rColumn1.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(PrimitiveType.CHAR, rColumn1.getDataType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.SUM, rColumn1.getAggregationType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", rColumn1.getDefaultValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, rColumn1.getScale());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, rColumn1.getPrecision());
-        Assert.assertEquals(20, rColumn1.getStrLen());
-        Assert.assertFalse(rColumn1.isAllowNull());
-        // 3. Test read()
-        Column rColumn2 = Column.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals("age", rColumn2.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(PrimitiveType.INT, rColumn2.getDataType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.REPLACE, rColumn2.getAggregationType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("20", rColumn2.getDefaultValue());
-        Column rColumn3 = Column.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rColumn3.equals(column3));
-        Column rColumn4 = Column.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rColumn4.equals(column4));
-        Assert.assertEquals(rColumn2.toString(), column2.toString());
-        Assert.assertTrue(column1.equals(column1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(column1.equals(this));
-        // 4. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testSchemaChangeAllowed() throws DdlException {
-        Column oldColumn = new Column("user", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, true, "0", "");
-        Column newColumn = new Column("user", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, false, "0", "");
-        oldColumn.checkSchemaChangeAllowed(newColumn);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnTypeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnTypeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b141597..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ColumnTypeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TypeDef;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ColumnTypeTest {
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPrimitiveType() throws AnalysisException {
-        TypeDef type = TypeDef.create(PrimitiveType.INT);
-        type.analyze(null);
-        Assert.assertEquals(PrimitiveType.INT, type.getType().getPrimitiveType());
-        Assert.assertEquals("int(11)", type.toSql());
-        // equal type
-        TypeDef type2 = TypeDef.create(PrimitiveType.INT);
-        Assert.assertEquals(type.getType(), type2.getType());
-        // not equal type
-        TypeDef type3 = TypeDef.create(PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Assert.assertNotSame(type.getType(), type3.getType());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testInvalidType() throws AnalysisException {
-        TypeDef type = TypeDef.create(PrimitiveType.INVALID_TYPE);
-        type.analyze(null);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCharType() throws AnalysisException {
-        TypeDef type = TypeDef.createVarchar(10);
-        type.analyze(null);
-        Assert.assertEquals("varchar(10)", type.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(PrimitiveType.VARCHAR, type.getType().getPrimitiveType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, ((ScalarType) type.getType()).getLength());
-        // equal type
-        TypeDef type2 = TypeDef.createVarchar(10);
-        Assert.assertEquals(type.getType(), type2.getType());
-        // different type
-        TypeDef type3 = TypeDef.createVarchar(3);
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(type.getType(), type3.getType());
-        // different type
-        TypeDef type4 = TypeDef.create(PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(type.getType(), type4.getType());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testCharInvalid() throws AnalysisException {
-        TypeDef type = TypeDef.createVarchar(-1);
-        type.analyze(null);
-        Assert.fail("No Exception throws");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDecimal() throws AnalysisException {
-        TypeDef type = TypeDef.createDecimal(12, 5);
-        type.analyze(null);
-        Assert.assertEquals("decimal(12, 5)", type.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(PrimitiveType.DECIMAL, type.getType().getPrimitiveType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(12, ((ScalarType) type.getType()).getScalarPrecision());
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, ((ScalarType) type.getType()).getScalarScale());
-        // equal type
-        TypeDef type2 = TypeDef.createDecimal(12, 5);
-        Assert.assertEquals(type.getType(), type2.getType());
-        // different type
-        TypeDef type3 = TypeDef.createDecimal(11, 5);
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(type.getType(), type3.getType());
-        type3 = TypeDef.createDecimal(12, 4);
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(type.getType(), type3.getType());
-        // different type
-        TypeDef type4 = TypeDef.create(PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(type.getType(), type4.getType());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDecimalPreFail() throws AnalysisException {
-        TypeDef type = TypeDef.createDecimal(28, 3);
-        type.analyze(null);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDecimalScaleFail() throws AnalysisException {
-        TypeDef type = TypeDef.createDecimal(27, 10);
-        type.analyze(null);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testDecimalScaleLargeFail() throws AnalysisException {
-        TypeDef type = TypeDef.createDecimal(8, 9);
-        type.analyze(null);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./columnType");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        ScalarType type1 = Type.NULL;
-        ColumnType.write(dos, type1);
-        ScalarType type2 = ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        ColumnType.write(dos, type2);
-        ScalarType type3 = ScalarType.createDecimalType(1, 1);
-        ColumnType.write(dos, type3);
-        ScalarType type4 = ScalarType.createDecimalV2Type(1, 1);
-        ColumnType.write(dos, type4);
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        Type rType1 = ColumnType.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rType1.equals(type1));
-        Type rType2 = ColumnType.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rType2.equals(type2));
-        Type rType3 = ColumnType.read(dis);
-        // Change it when remove DecimalV2
-        Assert.assertTrue(rType3.equals(type3) || rType3.equals(type4));
-        Assert.assertFalse(type1.equals(this));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateFunctionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateFunctionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 00248b0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateFunctionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateFunctionStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionCallExpr;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.PlanFragment;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.Planner;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.UnionNode;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.StmtExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
- * Author: Chenmingyu
- * Date: Feb 16, 2020
- */
-public class CreateFunctionTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/CreateFunctionTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setup() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void teardown() {
-        File file = new File("fe/mocked/CreateFunctionTest/");
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database db1
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database db1;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        System.out.println(Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDbNames());
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db1");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db);
-        String createFuncStr = "create function db1.my_add(VARCHAR(1024)) RETURNS BOOLEAN properties\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "\"symbol\" =  \"_ZN9doris_udf6AddUdfEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_9StringValE\",\n" +
-                "\"prepare_fn\" = \"_ZN9doris_udf13AddUdfPrepareEPNS_15FunctionContextENS0_18FunctionStateScopeE\",\n" +
-                "\"close_fn\" = \"_ZN9doris_udf11AddUdfCloseEPNS_15FunctionContextENS0_18FunctionStateScopeE\",\n" +
-                "\"object_file\" = \"\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        CreateFunctionStmt createFunctionStmt = (CreateFunctionStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createFuncStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createFunction(createFunctionStmt);
-        List<Function> functions = db.getFunctions();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, functions.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(functions.get(0).isUdf());
-        String queryStr = "select db1.my_add(null)";
-        ctx.getState().reset();
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, queryStr);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR, ctx.getState().getStateType());
-        Planner planner = stmtExecutor.planner();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, planner.getFragments().size());
-        PlanFragment fragment = planner.getFragments().get(0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(fragment.getPlanRoot() instanceof UnionNode);
-        UnionNode unionNode =  (UnionNode)fragment.getPlanRoot();
-        List<List<Expr>> constExprLists = Deencapsulation.getField(unionNode, "constExprLists_");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, constExprLists.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, constExprLists.get(0).size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(constExprLists.get(0).get(0) instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateTableLikeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateTableLikeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a0eae7a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateTableLikeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import avro.shaded.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableLikeStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
- * @author wangcong
- * @version 1.0
- * @date 2020/10/7 12:31 下午
- */
-public class CreateTableLikeTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/CreateTableLikeTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        String createDbStmtStr2 = "create database test2;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt2 = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr2, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt2);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    private static void createTableLike(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableLikeStmt createTableLikeStmt = (CreateTableLikeStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTableLike(createTableLikeStmt);
-    }
-    private static void checkTableEqual(Table newTable, Table existedTable) {
-        List<String> newCreateTableStmt = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Catalog.getDdlStmt(newTable, newCreateTableStmt, null, null, false, true /* hide password */);
-        List<String> existedTableStmt = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Catalog.getDdlStmt(existedTable, existedTableStmt, null, null, false, true /* hide password */);
-        Assert.assertEquals(newCreateTableStmt.get(0).replace(newTable.getName(), existedTable.getName()), existedTableStmt.get(0));
-    }
-    private static void checkCreateOlapTableLike(String createTableSql, String createTableLikeSql,
-                                                 String newDbName, String existedDbName,
-                                                 String newTblName, String existedTblName) throws Exception {
-        createTable(createTableSql);
-        createTableLike(createTableLikeSql);
-        Database newDb = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:" + newDbName);
-        Database existedDb = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:" + existedDbName);
-        OlapTable newTbl = (OlapTable) newDb.getTable(newTblName);
-        OlapTable existedTbl = (OlapTable) existedDb.getTable(existedTblName);
-        checkTableEqual(newTbl, existedTbl);
-    }
-    private static void checkCreateMysqlTableLike(String createTableSql, String createTableLikeSql,
-                                                  String newDbName, String existedDbName,
-                                                  String newTblName, String existedTblName) throws Exception {
-        createTable(createTableSql);
-        createTableLike(createTableLikeSql);
-        Database newDb = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:" + newDbName);
-        Database existedDb = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:" + existedDbName);
-        MysqlTable newTbl = (MysqlTable) newDb.getTable(newTblName);
-        MysqlTable existedTbl = (MysqlTable) existedDb.getTable(existedTblName);
-        checkTableEqual(newTbl, existedTbl);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws Exception {
-        // 1. creat table with single partition
-        String createTableSql = "create table test.testTbl1\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
-                + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); ";
-        String createTableLikeSql = "create table test.testTbl1_like like test.testTbl1";
-        String newDbName = "test";
-        String newTblName = "testTbl1_like";
-        String existedTblName = "testTbl1";
-        checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableSql, createTableLikeSql, newDbName, newDbName, newTblName, existedTblName);
-        // 2. create table with hash partition
-        String createTableWithHashPartitionSql = "create table test.testTbl2\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n"
-                + "duplicate key(k1)\n" + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); ";
-        String createTableLikeSql2 = "create table test.testTbl2_like like test.testTbl2";
-        String newDbName2 = "test";
-        String newTblName2 = "testTbl2_like";
-        String existedTblName2 = "testTbl2";
-        checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableWithHashPartitionSql, createTableLikeSql2, newDbName2, newDbName2, newTblName2, existedTblName2);
-        // 3. create aggregate table
-        String createAggTableSql3 = "create table test.testTbl3\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, v1 int sum)\n"
-                + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        String createTableLikeSql3 = "create table test.testTbl3_like like test.testTbl3";
-        String newDbName3 = "test";
-        String newTblName3 = "testTbl3_like";
-        String existedTblName3 = "testTbl3";
-        checkCreateOlapTableLike(createAggTableSql3, createTableLikeSql3, newDbName3, newDbName3, newTblName3, existedTblName3);
-        // 4. create aggregate table without partition
-        String createAggTableWithoutPartitionSql4 = "create table test.testTbl4\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, k3 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n"
-                + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "()\n"
-                + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        String createTableLikeSql4 = "create table test.testTbl4_like like test.testTbl4";
-        String newDbName4 = "test";
-        String newTblName4 = "testTbl4_like";
-        String existedTblName4 = "testTbl4";
-        checkCreateOlapTableLike(createAggTableWithoutPartitionSql4, createTableLikeSql4, newDbName4, newDbName4, newTblName4, existedTblName4);
-        // 5. create table from different db
-        String createTableFromDiffDb5 = "create table test.testTbl5\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, k3 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n"
-                + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "()\n"
-                + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        String createTableLikeSql5 = "create table test2.testTbl5_like like test.testTbl5";
-        String newDbName5 = "test2";
-        String existedDbName5 = "test";
-        String newTblName5 = "testTbl5_like";
-        String existedTblName5 = "testTbl5";
-        checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableFromDiffDb5, createTableLikeSql5, newDbName5, existedDbName5, newTblName5, existedTblName5);
-        // 6. create table from dynamic partition table
-        String createDynamicTblSql = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_normal` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        String createTableLikeSql6 = "create table test.dynamic_partition_normal_like like test.dynamic_partition_normal";
-        String newDbName6 = "test";
-        String newTblName6 = "dynamic_partition_normal_like";
-        String existedTblName6 = "dynamic_partition_normal";
-        checkCreateOlapTableLike(createDynamicTblSql, createTableLikeSql6, newDbName6, newDbName6, newTblName6, existedTblName6);
-        // 7. create table from colocate table
-        String createColocateTblSql = "create table test.colocateTbl (\n" +
-                " `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                " `k2` varchar(10) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`, `k2`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                " \"colocate_with\" = \"test_group\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        String createTableLikeSql7 = "create table test.colocateTbl_like like test.colocateTbl";
-        String newDbName7 = "test";
-        String newTblName7 = "colocateTbl_like";
-        String existedTblName7 = "colocateTbl";
-        checkCreateOlapTableLike(createColocateTblSql, createTableLikeSql7, newDbName7, newDbName7, newTblName7, existedTblName7);
-        // 8. creat non-OLAP table
-        String createNonOlapTableSql = "create table test.testMysqlTbl\n" +
-                "(k1 DATE, k2 INT, k3 SMALLINT, k4 VARCHAR(2048), k5 DATETIME)\n" +
-                "ENGINE=mysql\nPROPERTIES(\n"+
-                "\"host\" = \"\",\n" +
-                "\"port\" = \"8239\",\n" +
-                "\"user\" = \"mysql_passwd\",\n" +
-                "\"password\" = \"mysql_passwd\",\n" +
-                "\"database\" = \"mysql_db_test\",\n" +
-                "\"table\" = \"mysql_table_test\");";
-        String createTableLikeSql8 = "create table test.testMysqlTbl_like like test.testMysqlTbl";
-        String newDbName8 = "test";
-        String existedDbName8 = "test";
-        String newTblName8 = "testMysqlTbl_like";
-        String existedTblName8 = "testMysqlTbl";
-        checkCreateMysqlTableLike(createNonOlapTableSql, createTableLikeSql8, newDbName8, existedDbName8, newTblName8, existedTblName8);
-        // 9. test if not exist
-        String createTableLikeSql9 = "create table test.testMysqlTbl_like like test.testMysqlTbl";
-        try {
-            createTableLike(createTableLikeSql9);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("already exists"));
-        }
-        createTableLikeSql9 = "create table if not exists test.testMysqlTbl_like like test.testMysqlTbl";
-        try {
-            createTableLike(createTableLikeSql9);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAbnormal() {
-        // 1. create table with same name
-        String createTableSql = "create table test.testAbTbl1\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
-                + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); ";
-        String createTableLikeSql = "create table test.testAbTbl1 like test.testAbTbl1";
-        String newDbName = "test";
-        String newTblName = "testAbTbl1";
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "Table 'testAbTbl1' already exists",
-                () -> checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableSql, createTableLikeSql, newDbName, newDbName, newTblName, newTblName));
-        // 2. create table with not existed DB
-        String createTableSql2 = "create table test.testAbTbl2\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
-                + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); ";
-        String createTableLikeSql2 = "create table fake_test.testAbTbl2_like like test.testAbTbl1";
-        String newDbName2 = "fake_test";
-        String existedDbName2 = "test";
-        String newTblName2 = "testAbTbl2_like";
-        String existedTblName2 = "testAbTbl1";
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "Unknown database 'default_cluster:fake_test'",
-                () -> checkCreateOlapTableLike(createTableSql2, createTableLikeSql2, newDbName2, existedDbName2, newTblName2, existedTblName2));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateTableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateTableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dab5fbd..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/CreateTableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ConfigBase;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class CreateTableTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/CreateTableTest2/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws DdlException {
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(
-                () -> createTable("create table test.tbl1\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); "));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> createTable("create table test.tbl2\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n"
-                + "duplicate key(k1)\n" + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); "));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(
-                () -> createTable("create table test.tbl3\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
-                        + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(
-                () -> createTable("create table test.tbl4\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, v1 int sum)\n"
-                        + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> createTable(
-                "create table test.tbl5\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, v1 int sum)\n" + "aggregate key(k1,k2)\n"
-                        + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> createTable(
-                "create table test.tbl6\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, k3 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n"
-                        + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');"));
-        ExceptionChecker
-                .expectThrowsNoException(() -> createTable("create table test.tbl7\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int)\n"
-                        + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1');"));
-        ConfigBase.setMutableConfig("enable_strict_storage_medium_check", "false");
-        ExceptionChecker
-                .expectThrowsNoException(() -> createTable("create table test.tb7(key1 int, key2 varchar(10)) \n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(key1) buckets 1 properties('replication_num' = '1', 'storage_medium' = 'ssd');"));
-        ExceptionChecker
-                .expectThrowsNoException(() -> createTable("create table test.tbl8\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, v1 int)\n"
-                        + "unique key(k1, k2)\n"
-                        + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1',\n"
-                        + "'function_column.sequence_type' = 'int');"));
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable tbl6 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl6");
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl6.getColumn("k1").isKey());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl6.getColumn("k2").isKey());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl6.getColumn("k3").isKey());
-        OlapTable tbl7 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl7");
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl7.getColumn("k1").isKey());
-        Assert.assertFalse(tbl7.getColumn("k2").isKey());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl7.getColumn("k2").getAggregationType() == AggregateType.NONE);
-        OlapTable tbl8 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl8");
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl8.getColumn("k1").isKey());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl8.getColumn("k2").isKey());
-        Assert.assertFalse(tbl8.getColumn("v1").isKey());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl8.getColumn(Column.SEQUENCE_COL).getAggregationType() == AggregateType.REPLACE);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAbnormal() throws DdlException {
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class,
-                "Floating point type column can not be distribution column",
-                () -> createTable("create table test.atbl1\n" + "(k1 int, k2 float)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); "));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(AnalysisException.class,
-                "Floating point type column can not be partition column",
-                () -> createTable("create table test.atbl3\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int, k3 float)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
-                        + "partition by range(k3)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); "));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class,
-                "Varchar should not in the middle of short keys",
-                () -> createTable("create table test.atbl3\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, k3 int)\n"
-                        + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n" + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n"
-                        + "properties('replication_num' = '1', 'short_key' = '3');"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "Short key is too large. should less than: 3",
-                () -> createTable("create table test.atbl4\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int)\n"
-                        + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n" + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n"
-                        + "properties('replication_num' = '1', 'short_key' = '4');"));
-        ExceptionChecker
-                .expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "Failed to find enough host in all backends. need: 3",
-                        () -> createTable("create table test.atbl5\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int)\n"
-                                + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n" + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n"
-                                + "properties('replication_num' = '3');"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(
-                () -> createTable("create table test.atbl6\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" + "duplicate key(k1)\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1'); "));
-        ExceptionChecker
-                .expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "Table 'atbl6' already exists",
-                        () -> createTable("create table test.atbl6\n" + "(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int)\n"
-                                + "duplicate key(k1, k2, k3)\n" + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n"
-                                + "properties('replication_num' = '1');"));
-        ConfigBase.setMutableConfig("enable_strict_storage_medium_check", "true");
-        ExceptionChecker
-                .expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "Failed to find enough host with storage medium is SSD in all backends. need: 1",
-                        () -> createTable("create table test.tb7(key1 int, key2 varchar(10)) distributed by hash(key1) \n"
-                                + "buckets 1 properties('replication_num' = '1', 'storage_medium' = 'ssd');"));
-        ExceptionChecker
-                .expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "sequence column only support UNIQUE_KEYS",
-                        () -> createTable("create table test.atbl8\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, v1 int sum)\n"
-                        + "aggregate key(k1, k2)\n"
-                        + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                        + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1',\n"
-                        + "'function_column.sequence_type' = 'int');"));
-        ExceptionChecker
-                .expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class, "sequence type only support integer types and date types",
-                        () -> createTable("create table test.atbl8\n" + "(k1 varchar(40), k2 int, v1 int)\n"
-                                + "unique key(k1, k2)\n"
-                                + "partition by range(k2)\n" + "(partition p1 values less than(\"10\"))\n"
-                                + "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" + "properties('replication_num' = '1',\n"
-                                + "'function_column.sequence_type' = 'double');"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DatabaseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DatabaseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ac49170..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DatabaseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.CreateTableInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DatabaseTest {
-    private Database db;
-    private long dbId = 10000;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Before
-    public void Setup() {
-        db = new Database(dbId, "dbTest");
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                editLog.logCreateTable((CreateTableInfo) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeConstants.meta_version;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void lockTest() {
-        db.readLock();
-        try {
-            Assert.assertFalse(db.tryWriteLock(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
-        } finally {
-            db.readUnlock();
-        }
-        db.writeLock();
-        try {
-            Assert.assertTrue(db.tryWriteLock(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
-        } finally {
-            db.writeUnlock();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getTablesOnIdOrderOrThrowExceptionTest() throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        List<Column> baseSchema1 = new LinkedList<>();
-        OlapTable table1 = new OlapTable(2000L, "baseTable1", baseSchema1, KeysType.AGG_KEYS,
-                new SinglePartitionInfo(), new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        List<Column> baseSchema2 = new LinkedList<>();
-        OlapTable table2 = new OlapTable(2001L, "baseTable2", baseSchema2, KeysType.DUP_KEYS,
-                new SinglePartitionInfo(), new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        db.createTable(table1);
-        db.createTable(table2);
-        List<Long> tableIdList = Lists.newArrayList(2001L, 2000L);
-        List<Table> tableList = db.getTablesOnIdOrderOrThrowException(tableIdList);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, tableList.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2000L, tableList.get(0).getId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2001L, tableList.get(1).getId());
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(MetaNotFoundException.class, "unknown table, tableId=3000",
-                () -> db.getTablesOnIdOrderOrThrowException(Lists.newArrayList(3000L)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getTableOrThrowExceptionTest() throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        List<Column> baseSchema = new LinkedList<>();
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(2000L, "baseTable", baseSchema, KeysType.AGG_KEYS,
-                new SinglePartitionInfo(), new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        db.createTable(table);
-        Table resultTable1 = db.getTableOrThrowException(2000L, Table.TableType.OLAP);
-        Table resultTable2 = db.getTableOrThrowException("baseTable", Table.TableType.OLAP);
-        Assert.assertEquals(table, resultTable1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(table, resultTable2);
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(MetaNotFoundException.class, "unknown table, tableId=3000",
-                () -> db.getTableOrThrowException(3000L, Table.TableType.OLAP));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(MetaNotFoundException.class, "unknown table, table=baseTable1",
-                () -> db.getTableOrThrowException("baseTable1", Table.TableType.OLAP));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(MetaNotFoundException.class,
-                "table type is not BROKER, tableId=2000, type=class org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable",
-                () -> db.getTableOrThrowException(2000L, Table.TableType.BROKER));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(MetaNotFoundException.class,
-                "table type is not BROKER, table=baseTable, type=class org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable",
-                () -> db.getTableOrThrowException("baseTable", Table.TableType.BROKER));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void createAndDropPartitionTest() {
-        Assert.assertEquals("dbTest", db.getFullName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(dbId, db.getId());
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = new MaterializedIndex(10001, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        Partition partition = new Partition(20000L, "baseTable", baseIndex, new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        List<Column> baseSchema = new LinkedList<Column>();
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(2000, "baseTable", baseSchema, KeysType.AGG_KEYS, 
-                                        new SinglePartitionInfo(), new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        table.addPartition(partition);
-        // create
-        Assert.assertTrue(db.createTable(table));
-        // duplicate
-        Assert.assertFalse(db.createTable(table));
-        Assert.assertEquals(table, db.getTable(table.getId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(table, db.getTable(table.getName()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, db.getTables().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(table, db.getTables().get(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, db.getTableNamesWithLock().size());
-        for (String tableFamilyGroupName : db.getTableNamesWithLock()) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(table.getName(), tableFamilyGroupName);
-        }
-        // drop
-        // drop not exist tableFamily
-        db.dropTable("invalid");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, db.getTables().size());
-        db.createTable(table);
-        db.dropTable(table.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, db.getTables().size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./database");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        // db1
-        Database db1 = new Database();
-        db1.write(dos);
-        // db2
-        Database db2 = new Database(2, "db2");
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        Column column2 = new Column("column2",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT), false, AggregateType.MIN, "", "");
-        columns.add(column2);
-        columns.add(new Column("column3",
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT), false, AggregateType.SUM, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column4", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column5", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column6", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.FLOAT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column7", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column8", ScalarType.createChar(10), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column9", ScalarType.createVarchar(10), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column10", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATE), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column11", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATETIME), true, null, "", ""));
-        MaterializedIndex index = new MaterializedIndex(1, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        Partition partition = new Partition(20000L, "table", index, new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(1000, "table", columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS,
-                                        new SinglePartitionInfo(), new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        short shortKeyColumnCount = 1;
-        table.setIndexMeta(1000, "group1", columns, 1,1,shortKeyColumnCount,TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        List<Column> column = Lists.newArrayList();
-        column.add(column2);
-        table.setIndexMeta(new Long(1), "test", column, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount,
-                TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        table.setIndexMeta(new Long(1), "test", column, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(table, "baseIndexId", 1);
-        table.addPartition(partition);
-        db2.createTable(table);
-        db2.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        Database rDb1 = new Database();
-        rDb1.readFields(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rDb1.equals(db1));
-        Database rDb2 = new Database();
-        rDb2.readFields(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rDb2.equals(db2));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DropPartitionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DropPartitionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2ef86..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DropPartitionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RecoverPartitionStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class DropPartitionTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/DropPartitionTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        String createTablleStr = "create table test.tbl1(d1 date, k1 int, k2 bigint) duplicate key(d1, k1) "
-                + "PARTITION BY RANGE(d1) (PARTITION p20210201 VALUES [('2021-02-01'), ('2021-02-02')),"
-                + "PARTITION p20210202 VALUES [('2021-02-02'), ('2021-02-03')),"
-                + "PARTITION p20210203 VALUES [('2021-02-03'), ('2021-02-04'))) distributed by hash(k1) "
-                + "buckets 1 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        createDb(createDbStmtStr);
-        createTable(createTablleStr);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    private static void createDb(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    private static void dropPartition(String sql) throws Exception {
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().alterTable(alterTableStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormalDropPartition() throws Exception {
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        Partition partition = table.getPartition("p20210201");
-        long tabletId = partition.getBaseIndex().getTablets().get(0).getId();
-        String dropPartitionSql = " alter table test.tbl1 drop partition p20210201;";
-        dropPartition(dropPartitionSql);
-        List<Replica> replicaList = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getTabletInvertedIndex().getReplicasByTabletId(tabletId);
-        partition = table.getPartition("p20210201");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, replicaList.size());
-        Assert.assertNull(partition);
-        String recoverPartitionSql = "recover partition p20210201 from test.tbl1";
-        RecoverPartitionStmt recoverPartitionStmt = (RecoverPartitionStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(recoverPartitionSql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().recoverPartition(recoverPartitionStmt);
-        partition = table.getPartition("p20210201");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(partition);
-        Assert.assertEquals("p20210201", partition.getName());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testForceDropPartition() throws Exception {
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        Partition partition = table.getPartition("p20210202");
-        long tabletId = partition.getBaseIndex().getTablets().get(0).getId();
-        String dropPartitionSql = " alter table test.tbl1 drop partition p20210202 force;";
-        dropPartition(dropPartitionSql);
-        List<Replica> replicaList = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getTabletInvertedIndex().getReplicasByTabletId(tabletId);
-        partition = table.getPartition("p20210202");
-        Assert.assertTrue(replicaList.isEmpty());
-        Assert.assertNull(partition);
-        String recoverPartitionSql = "recover partition p20210202 from test.tbl1";
-        RecoverPartitionStmt recoverPartitionStmt = (RecoverPartitionStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(recoverPartitionSql, connectContext);
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsWithMsg(DdlException.class,
-                "No partition named p20210202 in table tbl1",
-                () -> Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().recoverPartition(recoverPartitionStmt));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDropPartitionAndReserveTablets() throws Exception {
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        Partition partition = table.getPartition("p20210203");
-        long tabletId = partition.getBaseIndex().getTablets().get(0).getId();
-        table.dropPartitionAndReserveTablet("p20210203");
-        List<Replica> replicaList = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getTabletInvertedIndex().getReplicasByTabletId(tabletId);
-        partition = table.getPartition("p20210203");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, replicaList.size());
-        Assert.assertNull(partition);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DynamicPartitionTableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DynamicPartitionTableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d7dc04c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/DynamicPartitionTableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class DynamicPartitionTableTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/DynamicPartitionTableTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 1000;
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void TearDown() {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(runningDir);
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_normal` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable("dynamic_partition_normal");
-        Assert.assertEquals(table.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getReplicationNum(), DynamicPartitionProperty.NOT_SET_REPLICATION_NUM);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMissPrefix() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_prefix` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        expectedException.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedException.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Must assign dynamic_partition.prefix properties");
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMissTimeUnit() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_time_unit` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        expectedException.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedException.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Must assign dynamic_partition.time_unit properties");
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMissStart() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_start` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMissEnd() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_end` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        expectedException.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedException.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Must assign dynamic_partition.end properties");
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMissBuckets() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_buckets` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        expectedException.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedException.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Must assign dynamic_partition.buckets properties");
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNotAllowed() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_buckets` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        expectedException.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedException.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Only support dynamic partition properties on range partition table");
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNotAllowedInMultiPartitions() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_normal` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1, k2)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\", \"100\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\", \"200\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\", \"300\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        expectedException.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedException.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Dynamic partition only support single-column range partition");
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMissTimeZone() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_miss_time_zone` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormalTimeZone() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_time_zone` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_zone\" = \"Asia/Shanghai\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInvalidTimeZone() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition_invalid_time_zone` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_zone\" = \"invalid\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        expectedException.expect(DdlException.class);
-        expectedException.expectMessage("errCode = 2, detailMessage = Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'invalid'");
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetDynamicPartitionReplicationNum() throws Exception {
-        String tableName = "dynamic_partition_replication_num";
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`" + tableName + "` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.replication_num\" = \"2\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable(tableName);
-        Assert.assertEquals(table.getTableProperty().getDynamicPartitionProperty().getReplicationNum(), 2);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateDynamicPartitionImmediately() throws Exception {
-        String createOlapTblStmt = "CREATE TABLE test.`empty_dynamic_partition` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` smallint NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v1` varchar(2048) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `v2` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`k1`)\n" +
-                "()\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 32\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");";
-        createTable(createOlapTblStmt);
-        OlapTable emptyDynamicTable = (OlapTable)Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test").getTable("empty_dynamic_partition");
-        Assert.assertTrue(emptyDynamicTable.getAllPartitions().size() == 4);
-        int partitionCount = 0;
-        Iterator<Partition> partitionIterator = emptyDynamicTable.getAllPartitions().iterator();
-        while (partitionCount < 4) {
-            String partitionName = partitionIterator.next().getName();
-            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
-            Date partitionDate = sdf.parse(partitionName.substring(1));
-            Date date = new Date();
-            Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
-            calendar.setTime(date);
-            calendar.add(calendar.DATE, partitionCount);
-            date = calendar.getTime();
-            Assert.assertEquals(partitionDate.getYear(), date.getYear());
-            Assert.assertEquals(partitionDate.getMonth(), date.getMonth());
-            Assert.assertEquals(partitionDate.getDay(), date.getDay());
-            partitionCount++;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FakeCatalog.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FakeCatalog.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 941851c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FakeCatalog.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-public class FakeCatalog extends MockUp<Catalog> {
-    private static Catalog catalog;
-    private static int metaVersion;
-    private static SystemInfoService systemInfo = new SystemInfoService();
-    public static void setCatalog(Catalog catalog) {
-        FakeCatalog.catalog = catalog;
-    }
-    public static void setMetaVersion(int metaVersion) {
-        FakeCatalog.metaVersion = metaVersion;
-    }
-    public static void setSystemInfo(SystemInfoService systemInfo) {
-        FakeCatalog.systemInfo = systemInfo;
-    }
-    // @Mock
-    // public int getJournalVersion() {
-    // return FeMetaVersion.VERSION_45;
-    // }
-    @Mock
-    public static Catalog getCurrentCatalog() {
-        System.out.println("fake get current catalog is called");
-        return catalog;
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public static Catalog getInstance() {
-        return catalog;
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public static int getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion() {
-        return metaVersion;
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public static SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-        return systemInfo;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FakeEditLog.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FakeEditLog.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d04e8b8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FakeEditLog.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJobV2;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.BatchAlterJobPersistInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.RollupJob;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.SchemaChangeJob;
-import org.apache.doris.cluster.Cluster;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.ModifyTablePropertyOperationLog;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.RoutineLoadOperation;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-public class FakeEditLog extends MockUp<EditLog> {
-    private Map<Long, TransactionState> allTransactionState = new HashMap<>();
-    @Mock
-    public void $init(String nodeName) {
-        // do nothing
-        System.out.println("abc");
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logInsertTransactionState(TransactionState transactionState) {
-        // do nothing
-        System.out.println("insert transaction manager is called");
-        allTransactionState.put(transactionState.getTransactionId(), transactionState);
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logDeleteTransactionState(TransactionState transactionState) {
-        // do nothing
-        System.out.println("delete transaction state is deleted");
-        allTransactionState.remove(transactionState.getTransactionId());
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logSaveNextId(long nextId) {
-        // do nothing
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logCreateCluster(Cluster cluster) {
-        // do nothing
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logStartRollup(RollupJob rollupJob) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logFinishingRollup(RollupJob rollupJob) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logCancelRollup(RollupJob rollupJob) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logStartSchemaChange(SchemaChangeJob schemaChangeJob) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logFinishingSchemaChange(SchemaChangeJob schemaChangeJob) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logOpRoutineLoadJob(RoutineLoadOperation operation) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logBackendStateChange(Backend be) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logAlterJob(AlterJobV2 alterJob) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logBatchAlterJob(BatchAlterJobPersistInfo batchAlterJobV2) {
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void logDynamicPartition(ModifyTablePropertyOperationLog info) {
-    }
-    public TransactionState getTransaction(long transactionId) {
-        return allTransactionState.get(transactionId);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FunctionSetTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FunctionSetTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e1b6e68..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/FunctionSetTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionName;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class FunctionSetTest {
-    private FunctionSet functionSet;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        functionSet = new FunctionSet();
-        functionSet.init();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetLagFunction() {
-        Type[] argTypes1 = {ScalarType.DECIMAL, ScalarType.TINYINT, ScalarType.TINYINT};
-        Function lagDesc1 = new Function(new FunctionName("lag"), argTypes1, (Type) ScalarType.INVALID, false);
-        Function newFunction = functionSet.getFunction(lagDesc1, Function.CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
-        Type[] newArgTypes = newFunction.getArgs();
-        Assert.assertTrue(newArgTypes[0].matchesType(newArgTypes[2]));
-        Assert.assertTrue(newArgTypes[0].matchesType(ScalarType.DECIMAL));
-        Type[] argTypes2 = {ScalarType.VARCHAR, ScalarType.TINYINT, ScalarType.TINYINT};
-        Function lagDesc2 = new Function(new FunctionName("lag"), argTypes2, (Type) ScalarType.INVALID, false);
-        newFunction = functionSet.getFunction(lagDesc2, Function.CompareMode.IS_SUPERTYPE_OF);
-        newArgTypes = newFunction.getArgs();
-        Assert.assertTrue(newArgTypes[0].matchesType(newArgTypes[2]));
-        Assert.assertTrue(newArgTypes[0].matchesType(ScalarType.VARCHAR));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/HiveTableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/HiveTableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 00b42a4..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/HiveTableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class HiveTableTest {
-    private String hiveDb;
-    private String hiveTable;
-    private List<Column> columns;
-    private Map<String, String> properties;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        hiveDb = "db0";
-        hiveTable = "table0";
-        columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column column = new Column("col1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        columns.add(column);
-        properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("database", hiveDb);
-        properties.put("table", hiveTable);
-        properties.put("hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws DdlException {
-        HiveTable table = new HiveTable(1000, "hive_table", columns, properties);
-        Assert.assertEquals(String.format("%s.%s", hiveDb, hiveTable), table.getHiveDbTable());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, table.getHiveProperties().size());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoDb() throws DdlException {
-        properties.remove("database");
-        new HiveTable(1000, "hive_table", columns, properties);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoTbl() throws DdlException {
-        properties.remove("table");
-        new HiveTable(1000, "hive_table", columns, properties);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoHiveMetastoreUris() throws DdlException {
-        properties.remove("hive.metastore.uris");
-        new HiveTable(1000, "hive_table", columns, properties);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/InfoSchemaDbTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/InfoSchemaDbTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 08a47a8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/InfoSchemaDbTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class InfoSchemaDbTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException {
-        Database db = new InfoSchemaDb();
-        Assert.assertFalse(db.createTable(null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(db.createTableWithLock(null, false, false));
-        db.dropTable("authors");
-        db.write(null);
-        Assert.assertNull(db.getTable("authors"));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MaterializedIndexMetaTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MaterializedIndexMetaTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c3841ec..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MaterializedIndexMetaTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateMaterializedViewStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionCallExpr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.OriginStatement;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class MaterializedIndexMetaTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./MaterializedIndexMetaSerializeTest";
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeMaterializedIndexMeta(@Mocked CreateMaterializedViewStmt stmt)
-            throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        String mvColumnName = CreateMaterializedViewStmt.MATERIALIZED_VIEW_NAME_PREFIX + FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION + "_" + "k1";
-        List<Column> schema = Lists.newArrayList();
-        schema.add(new Column("k1", Type.TINYINT, true, null, true, "1", "abc"));
-        schema.add(new Column("k2", Type.SMALLINT, true, null, true, "1", "debug"));
-        schema.add(new Column("k3", Type.INT, true, null, true, "1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("k4", Type.BIGINT, true, null, true, "1", "**"));
-        schema.add(new Column("k5", Type.LARGEINT, true, null, true, null, ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("k6", Type.DOUBLE, true, null, true, "1.1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("k7", Type.FLOAT, true, null, true, "1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("k8", Type.DATE, true, null, true, "1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("k9", Type.DATETIME, true, null, true, "1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("k10", Type.VARCHAR, true, null, true, "1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("k11", Type.DECIMALV2, true, null, true, "1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("k12", Type.INT, true, null, true, "1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column("v1", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "1", ""));
-        schema.add(new Column(mvColumnName, Type.BITMAP, false, AggregateType.BITMAP_UNION, false, "1", ""));
-        short shortKeyColumnCount = 1;
-        MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta = new MaterializedIndexMeta(1, schema, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount,
-                TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.DUP_KEYS, new OriginStatement(
-                "create materialized view test as select k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10, k11, k12, sum(v1), "
-                        + "bitmap_union(to_bitmap(k1)) from test group by k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, "
-                        + "k6, k7, k8, k9, k10, k11, k12",
-                0));
-        indexMeta.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        List<Expr> params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        SlotRef param1 = new SlotRef(new TableName(null, "test"), "c1");
-        params.add(param1);
-        Map<String, Expr> columnNameToDefineExpr = Maps.newHashMap();
-        columnNameToDefineExpr.put(mvColumnName, new FunctionCallExpr(new FunctionName("to_bitmap"), params));
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                stmt.parseDefineExprWithoutAnalyze();
-                result = columnNameToDefineExpr;
-            }
-        };
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        MaterializedIndexMeta readIndexMeta = MaterializedIndexMeta.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, readIndexMeta.getIndexId());
-        List<Column> resultColumns = readIndexMeta.getSchema();
-        for (Column column : resultColumns) {
-            if (column.getName().equals(mvColumnName)) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(column.getDefineExpr() instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
-                Assert.assertEquals(Type.BITMAP, column.getType());
-                Assert.assertEquals(AggregateType.BITMAP_UNION, column.getAggregationType());
-                Assert.assertEquals("to_bitmap", ((FunctionCallExpr) column.getDefineExpr()).getFnName().getFunction());
-            } else {
-                Assert.assertEquals(null, column.getDefineExpr());
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MaterializedIndexTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MaterializedIndexTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a04432d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MaterializedIndexTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class MaterializedIndexTest {
-    private MaterializedIndex index;
-    private long indexId;
-    private List<Column> columns;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        indexId = 10000;
-        columns = new LinkedList<Column>();
-        columns.add(new Column("k1", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("k2", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("v1", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        index = new MaterializedIndex(indexId, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getMethodTest() {
-        Assert.assertEquals(indexId, index.getId());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./index");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        index.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        MaterializedIndex rIndex = MaterializedIndex.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(index.equals(rIndex));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MetadataViewerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MetadataViewerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bb348f1..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MetadataViewerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionNames;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.CatalogMocker;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica.ReplicaStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class MetadataViewerTest {
-    private static Method getTabletStatusMethod;
-    private static Method getTabletDistributionMethod;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private SystemInfoService infoService;
-    private static Database db;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InstantiationException,
-            IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, AnalysisException {
-        Class[] argTypes = new Class[] { String.class, String.class, List.class, ReplicaStatus.class, Operator.class };
-        getTabletStatusMethod = MetadataViewer.class.getDeclaredMethod("getTabletStatus", argTypes);
-        getTabletStatusMethod.setAccessible(true);
-        argTypes = new Class[] { String.class, String.class, PartitionNames.class };
-        getTabletDistributionMethod = MetadataViewer.class.getDeclaredMethod("getTabletDistribution", argTypes);
-        getTabletDistributionMethod.setAccessible(true);
-        db = CatalogMocker.mockDb();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void before() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = infoService;
-                infoService.getBackendIds(anyBoolean);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(10000L, 10001L, 10002L);
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTabletStatus()
-            throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
-        List<String> partitions = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Object[] args = new Object[] { CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL_NAME, partitions, null,
-                null };
-        List<List<String>> result = (List<List<String>>) getTabletStatusMethod.invoke(null, args);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
-        System.out.println(result);
-        args = new Object[] { CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL_NAME, partitions, ReplicaStatus.DEAD,
-                Operator.EQ };
-        result = (List<List<String>>) getTabletStatusMethod.invoke(null, args);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
-        args = new Object[] { CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL_NAME, partitions, ReplicaStatus.DEAD,
-                Operator.NE };
-        result = (List<List<String>>) getTabletStatusMethod.invoke(null, args);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, result.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTabletDistribution()
-            throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
-        Object[] args = new Object[] { CatalogMocker.TEST_DB_NAME, CatalogMocker.TEST_TBL_NAME, null };
-        List<List<String>> result = (List<List<String>>) getTabletDistributionMethod.invoke(null, args);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
-        System.out.println(result);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MysqlTableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MysqlTableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 627c582..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/MysqlTableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class MysqlTableTest {
-    private List<Column> columns;
-    private Map<String, String> properties;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column column = new Column("col1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        column.setIsKey(true);
-        columns.add(column);
-        properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("host", "");
-        properties.put("port", "3306");
-        properties.put("user", "root");
-        properties.put("password", "root");
-        properties.put("database", "db");
-        properties.put("table", "tbl");
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws DdlException, IOException {
-        MysqlTable mysqlTable = new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, properties);
-        Assert.assertEquals("tbl", mysqlTable.getMysqlTableName());
-        String dirString = "mysqlTableFamilyGroup";
-        File dir = new File(dirString);
-        if (!dir.exists()) {
-            dir.mkdir();
-        } else {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        File file = new File(dir, "image");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        mysqlTable.write(dos);
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
-        MysqlTable table1 = (MysqlTable) Table.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals(mysqlTable.toThrift(), table1.toThrift());
-        dis.close();
-        dir = new File(dirString);
-        if (dir.exists()) {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File aFile : files) {
-                if (aFile.isFile()) {
-                    aFile.delete();
-                }
-            }
-            dir.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoHost() throws DdlException {
-        Map<String, String> pro = Maps.filterKeys(properties, new Predicate<String>() {
-            @Override
-            public boolean apply(String s) {
-                if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("host")) {
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, pro);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoPort() throws DdlException {
-        Map<String, String> pro = Maps.filterKeys(properties, new Predicate<String>() {
-            @Override
-            public boolean apply(String s) {
-                if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("port")) {
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, pro);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testPortNotNumber() throws DdlException {
-        Map<String, String> pro = Maps.transformEntries(properties,
-                new Maps.EntryTransformer<String, String, String>() {
-                    @Override
-                    public String transformEntry(String s, String s2) {
-                        if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("port")) {
-                            return "abc";
-                        }
-                        return s2;
-                    }
-                });
-        new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, pro);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoUser() throws DdlException {
-        Map<String, String> pro = Maps.filterKeys(properties, new Predicate<String>() {
-            @Override
-            public boolean apply(String s) {
-                if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) {
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, pro);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoPass() throws DdlException {
-        Map<String, String> pro = Maps.filterKeys(properties, new Predicate<String>() {
-            @Override
-            public boolean apply(String s) {
-                if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("password")) {
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, pro);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoDb() throws DdlException {
-        Map<String, String> pro = Maps.filterKeys(properties, new Predicate<String>() {
-            @Override
-            public boolean apply(String s) {
-                if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("database")) {
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, pro);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoTbl() throws DdlException {
-        Map<String, String> pro = Maps.filterKeys(properties, new Predicate<String>() {
-            @Override
-            public boolean apply(String s) {
-                if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("table")) {
-                    return false;
-                } else {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, pro);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoPro() throws DdlException {
-        new MysqlTable(1000, "mysqlTable", columns, null);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/OdbcCatalogResourceTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/OdbcCatalogResourceTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f21f7f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/OdbcCatalogResourceTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateResourceStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.proc.BaseProcResult;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.DropInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class OdbcCatalogResourceTest {
-    private String name;
-    private String type;
-    private String host;
-    private String port;
-    private String user;
-    private String passwd;
-    private Map<String, String> properties;
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        name = "odbc";
-        type = "odbc_catalog";
-        host = "";
-        port = "7777";
-        user = "doris";
-        passwd = "doris";
-        properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("type", type);
-        properties.put("host", host);
-        properties.put("port", port);
-        properties.put("user", user);
-        properties.put("password", passwd);
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFromStmt(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable PaloAuth auth)
-            throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // host:, port: 7777, without driver and odbc_type
-        CreateResourceStmt stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        OdbcCatalogResource resource = (OdbcCatalogResource) Resource.fromStmt(stmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(name, resource.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(type, resource.getType().name().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertEquals(host, resource.getProperties("host"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(port, resource.getProperties("port"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(user, resource.getProperties("user"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(passwd, resource.getProperties("password"));
-        // with driver and odbc_type
-        properties.put("driver", "mysql");
-        properties.put("odbc_type", "mysql");
-        stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        resource = (OdbcCatalogResource) Resource.fromStmt(stmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals("mysql", resource.getProperties("driver"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("mysql", resource.getProperties("odbc_type"));
-        // test getProcNodeData
-        BaseProcResult result = new BaseProcResult();
-        resource.getProcNodeData(result);
-        Assert.assertEquals(7, result.getRows().size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_92);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./odbcCatalogResource");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        OdbcCatalogResource odbcCatalogResource1 = new OdbcCatalogResource("odbc1");
-        odbcCatalogResource1.write(dos);
-        Map<String, String> configs = new HashMap<>();
-        configs.put("host", "host");
-        configs.put("port", "port");
-        configs.put("user", "user");
-        configs.put("password", "password");
-        OdbcCatalogResource odbcCatalogResource2 = new OdbcCatalogResource("odbc2");
-        odbcCatalogResource2.setProperties(configs);
-        odbcCatalogResource2.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        OdbcCatalogResource rOdbcCatalogResource1 = (OdbcCatalogResource) OdbcCatalogResource.read(dis);
-        OdbcCatalogResource rOdbcCatalogResource2 = (OdbcCatalogResource) OdbcCatalogResource.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals("odbc1", rOdbcCatalogResource1.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("odbc2", rOdbcCatalogResource2.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(rOdbcCatalogResource2.getProperties("host"), "host");
-        Assert.assertEquals(rOdbcCatalogResource2.getProperties("port"), "port");
-        Assert.assertEquals(rOdbcCatalogResource2.getProperties("user"), "user");
-        Assert.assertEquals(rOdbcCatalogResource2.getProperties("password"), "password");
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/OlapTableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/OlapTableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 894048f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/OlapTableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.IndexDef;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table.TableType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.FastByteArrayOutputStream;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.UnitTestUtil;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-public class OlapTableTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() throws IOException {
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            @Mock
-            int getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion() {
-                return FeConstants.meta_version;
-            }
-        };
-        Database db = UnitTestUtil.createDb(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
-        List<Table> tables = db.getTables();
-        for (Table table : tables) {
-            if (table.getType() != TableType.OLAP) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) table;
-            tbl.setIndexes(Lists.newArrayList(new Index("index", Lists.newArrayList("col"), IndexDef.IndexType.BITMAP
-                    , "xxxxxx")));
-            System.out.println("orig table id: " + tbl.getId());
-            FastByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new FastByteArrayOutputStream();
-            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
-            tbl.write(out);
-            out.flush();
-            out.close();
-            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(byteArrayOutputStream.getInputStream());
-            Table copiedTbl = OlapTable.read(in);
-            System.out.println("copied table id: " + copiedTbl.getId());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/PartitionKeyTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/PartitionKeyTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c0142e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/PartitionKeyTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionValue;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class PartitionKeyTest {
-    private static List<Column> allColumns;
-    private static Column tinyInt;
-    private static Column smallInt;
-    private static Column int32;
-    private static Column bigInt;
-    private static Column largeInt;
-    private static Column date;
-    private static Column datetime;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("ETC/GMT-0");
-        TimeZone.setDefault(tz);
-        tinyInt = new Column("tinyint", PrimitiveType.TINYINT);
-        smallInt = new Column("smallint", PrimitiveType.SMALLINT);
-        int32 = new Column("int32", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        bigInt = new Column("bigint", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        largeInt = new Column("largeint", PrimitiveType.LARGEINT);
-        date = new Column("date", PrimitiveType.DATE);
-        datetime = new Column("datetime", PrimitiveType.DATETIME);
-        allColumns = Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt, int32, bigInt, largeInt, date, datetime);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void compareTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        PartitionKey pk1;
-        PartitionKey pk2;
-        // case1
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127"), new PartitionValue("32767")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt));
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt), true);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == -1);
-        // case2
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt));
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127"), new PartitionValue("-32768")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt));
-        Assert.assertTrue(pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == 0);
-        // case3
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(int32, bigInt));
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("128"), new PartitionValue("-32768")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(int32, bigInt));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == -1);
-        // case4
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127"), new PartitionValue("12345")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(largeInt, bigInt));
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127"), new PartitionValue("12346")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(largeInt, bigInt));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == -1);
-        // case5
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("2014-12-12"), new PartitionValue("2014-12-12 10:00:00")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(date, datetime));
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("2014-12-12"), new PartitionValue("2014-12-12 10:00:01")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(date, datetime));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == -1);
-        // case6
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("-128")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt));
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt), false);
-        Assert.assertTrue(pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == 0);
-        // case7
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt));
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt), true);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == -1);
-        // case7
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127"), new PartitionValue("32767")),
-                                              Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt));
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(tinyInt, smallInt), true);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == -1);
-        // case8
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("127"), new PartitionValue("32767"),
-                new PartitionValue("2147483647"), new PartitionValue("9223372036854775807"),
-                new PartitionValue("170141183460469231731687303715884105727"),
-                new PartitionValue("9999-12-31"), new PartitionValue("9999-12-31 23:59:59")),
-                allColumns);
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(allColumns, true);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == -1);
-        // case9
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("-128"), new PartitionValue("-32768"),
-                new PartitionValue("-2147483648"), new PartitionValue("-9223372036854775808"),
-                new PartitionValue("-170141183460469231731687303715884105728"),
-                new PartitionValue("0000-01-01"), new PartitionValue("0000-01-01 00:00:00")),
-                allColumns);
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(allColumns, false);
-        Assert.assertTrue(pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == 0);
-        // case10
-        pk1 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("-128"), new PartitionValue("-32768"),
-                new PartitionValue("0"), new PartitionValue("-9223372036854775808"),
-                new PartitionValue("0"), new PartitionValue("1970-01-01"), new PartitionValue("1970-01-01 00:00:00")),
-                allColumns);
-        pk2 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(allColumns, false);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!pk1.equals(pk2) && pk1.compareTo(pk2) == 1);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        FakeCatalog fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./keyRangePartition");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        PartitionKey keyEmpty = new PartitionKey();
-        keyEmpty.write(dos);
-        List<PartitionValue> keys = new ArrayList<PartitionValue>();
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        keys.add(new PartitionValue("100"));
-        columns.add(new Column("column2", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT), true, null, "", ""));
-        keys.add(new PartitionValue("101"));
-        columns.add(new Column("column3", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT), true, null, "", ""));
-        keys.add(new PartitionValue("102"));
-        columns.add(new Column("column4", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", ""));
-        keys.add(new PartitionValue("103"));
-        columns.add(new Column("column5", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", ""));
-        keys.add(new PartitionValue("2014-12-26"));
-        columns.add(new Column("column10", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATE), true, null, "", ""));
-        keys.add(new PartitionValue("2014-12-27 11:12:13"));
-        columns.add(new Column("column11", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATETIME), true, null, "", ""));
-        PartitionKey key = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(keys, columns);
-        key.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        PartitionKey rKeyEmpty = PartitionKey.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(keyEmpty.equals(rKeyEmpty));
-        PartitionKey rKey = new PartitionKey();
-        rKey.readFields(dis);        
-        Assert.assertTrue(key.equals(rKey));
-        Assert.assertTrue(key.equals(key));
-        Assert.assertFalse(key.equals(this));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/RangePartitionInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/RangePartitionInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a75802..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/RangePartitionInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionKeyDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionKeyDesc.PartitionRangeType;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionValue;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SingleRangePartitionDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class RangePartitionInfoTest {
-    private List<Column> partitionColumns;
-    private RangePartitionInfo partitionInfo;
-    private List<SingleRangePartitionDesc> singleRangePartitionDescs;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        partitionColumns = new LinkedList<Column>();
-        singleRangePartitionDescs = new LinkedList<SingleRangePartitionDesc>();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testTinyInt() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1",
-                               new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("-128"))),
-                               null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(1, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testSmallInt() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1",
-                               new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("-32768"))),
-                               null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(1, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testInt() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1",
-                           new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("-2147483648"))),
-                           null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(1, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testBigInt() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("-9223372036854775808"))), null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p2", new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("-9223372036854775806"))), null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p3", new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("0"))), null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p4", new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("9223372036854775806"))), null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(1, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBigIntNormal() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("-9223372036854775806"))), null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p2", new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("-9223372036854775805"))), null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p3", new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("0"))), null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p4", new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists
-                .newArrayList(new PartitionValue("9223372036854775806"))), null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(1, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *    PARTITION BY RANGE(`k1`, `k2`) (
-     *       PARTITION p0 VALUES  [("20190101", "100"),("20190101", "200")),
-     *       PARTITION p1 VALUES  [("20190105", "10"),("20190107", "10")),
-     *       PARTITION p2 VALUES  [("20181231", "10"),("20190101", "100")),
-     *       PARTITION p3 VALUES  [("20190105", "100"),("20190120", MAXVALUE))
-     *   )
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testFixedRange() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        //add columns
-        int columns = 2;
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "");
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        partitionColumns.add(k2);
-        //add RangePartitionDescs
-        PartitionKeyDesc p1 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190101"), new PartitionValue("100")),
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190101"), new PartitionValue("200")));
-        PartitionKeyDesc p2 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190105"), new PartitionValue("10")),
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190107"), new PartitionValue("10")));
-        PartitionKeyDesc p3 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20181231"), new PartitionValue("10")),
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190101"), new PartitionValue("100")));
-        PartitionKeyDesc p4 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190105"), new PartitionValue("100")),
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190120"), new PartitionValue("10000000000")));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", p1, null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p2", p2, null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p3", p3, null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p4", p4, null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(columns, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * 失败用例 less than && fixed
-     *    partition by range(k1,k2,k3) (
-     *       partition p1 values less than("2019-02-01", "100", "200"),
-     *       partition p2 values [("2020-02-01", "100", "200"), (MAXVALUE)),
-     *       partition p3 values less than("2021-02-01")
-     * )
-     */
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testFixedRange1() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        //add columns
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.DATE), true, null, "", "");
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "");
-        Column k3 = new Column("k3", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        partitionColumns.add(k2);
-        partitionColumns.add(k3);
-        //add RangePartitionDescs
-        PartitionKeyDesc p1 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("2019-02-01"), new PartitionValue("100"), new PartitionValue("200")));
-        PartitionKeyDesc p2 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("2020-02-01"), new PartitionValue("100"), new PartitionValue("200")),
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("10000000000")));
-        PartitionKeyDesc p3 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("2021-02-01")));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", p1, null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p2", p2, null));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p3", p3, null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        PartitionRangeType partitionType = PartitionRangeType.INVALID;
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            // check partitionType
-            if (partitionType == PartitionRangeType.INVALID) {
-                partitionType = singleRangePartitionDesc.getPartitionKeyDesc().getPartitionType();
-            } else if (partitionType != singleRangePartitionDesc.getPartitionKeyDesc().getPartitionType()) {
-                throw new AnalysisException("You can only use one of these methods to create partitions");
-            }
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(partitionColumns.size(), null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *    PARTITION BY RANGE(`k1`, `k2`) (
-     *     PARTITION p1 VALUES  [(), ("20190301", "400"))
-     * )
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testFixedRange2() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        //add columns
-        int columns = 2;
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "");
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        partitionColumns.add(k2);
-        //add RangePartitionDescs
-        PartitionKeyDesc p1 = new PartitionKeyDesc(new ArrayList<>(),
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190101"), new PartitionValue("200")));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", p1, null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(columns, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * 失败用例
-     *    PARTITION BY RANGE(`k1`, `k2`) (
-     *     PARTITION p1 VALUES  [("20190301", "400"), ())
-     * )
-     */
-    @Test (expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testFixedRange3() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        //add columns
-        int columns = 2;
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "");
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        partitionColumns.add(k2);
-        //add RangePartitionDescs
-        PartitionKeyDesc p1 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190101"), new PartitionValue("200")),
-                new ArrayList<>());
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", p1, null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(columns, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *    PARTITION BY RANGE(`k1`, `k2`) (
-     *       PARTITION p0 VALUES  [("20190101", "100"),("20190201"))
-     *   )
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testFixedRange4() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        //add columns
-        int columns = 2;
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "");
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        partitionColumns.add(k2);
-        //add RangePartitionDescs
-        PartitionKeyDesc p1 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190101"), new PartitionValue("100")),
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190201")));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", p1, null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(columns, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * 失败用例
-     *    PARTITION BY RANGE(`k1`, `k2`) (
-     *       PARTITION p0 VALUES  [("20190101", "100"),("20190101", "100"))
-     *   )
-     */
-    @Test (expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testFixedRange5() throws DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        //add columns
-        int columns = 2;
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.INT), true, null, "", "");
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", new ScalarType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), true, null, "", "");
-        partitionColumns.add(k1);
-        partitionColumns.add(k2);
-        //add RangePartitionDescs
-        PartitionKeyDesc p1 = new PartitionKeyDesc(
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190101"), new PartitionValue("100")),
-                Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20190101"), new PartitionValue("100")));
-        singleRangePartitionDescs.add(new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", p1, null));
-        partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(partitionColumns);
-        for (SingleRangePartitionDesc singleRangePartitionDesc : singleRangePartitionDescs) {
-            singleRangePartitionDesc.analyze(columns, null);
-            partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(singleRangePartitionDesc, 20000L, false);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/RecoverTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/RecoverTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e2ca0e8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/RecoverTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RecoverDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RecoverPartitionStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RecoverTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.cluster.ClusterNamespace;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class RecoverTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/RecoverTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    private static void createDb(String db) throws Exception {
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt)UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt("create database " + db, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    private static void dropDb(String db) throws Exception {
-        DropDbStmt dropDbStmt = (DropDbStmt)UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt("drop database " + db, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().dropDb(dropDbStmt);
-    }
-    private static void dropTable(String db, String tbl) throws Exception {
-        DropTableStmt dropTableStmt = (DropTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt("drop table " + db + "." + tbl, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().dropTable(dropTableStmt);
-    }
-    private static void dropPartition(String db, String tbl, String part) throws Exception {
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(
-                "alter table " + db + "." + tbl + " drop partition " + part, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-    }
-    private static void recoverDb(String db) throws Exception {
-        RecoverDbStmt recoverDbStmt = (RecoverDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt("recover database " + db, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().recoverDatabase(recoverDbStmt);
-    }
-    private static void recoverTable(String db, String tbl) throws Exception {
-        RecoverTableStmt recoverTableStmt = (RecoverTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt("recover table " + db + "." + tbl, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().recoverTable(recoverTableStmt);
-    }
-    private static void recoverPartition(String db, String tbl, String part) throws Exception {
-        RecoverPartitionStmt recoverPartitionStmt = (RecoverPartitionStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(
-                "recover partition " + part + " from " + db + "." + tbl, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().recoverPartition(recoverPartitionStmt);
-    }
-    private static boolean checkDbExist(String dbName) {
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb(ClusterNamespace.getFullName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, dbName));
-        return db != null;
-    }
-    private static boolean checkTableExist(String dbName, String tblName) {
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb(ClusterNamespace.getFullName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, dbName));
-        if (db == null) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        Table tbl = db.getTable(tblName);
-        return tbl != null;
-    }
-    private static boolean checkPartitionExist(String dbName, String tblName, String partName) {
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb(ClusterNamespace.getFullName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, dbName));
-        if (db == null) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        Table tbl = db.getTable(tblName);
-        if (tbl == null) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        Partition partition = tbl.getPartition(partName);
-        return partition != null;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRecover() throws Exception {
-        createDb("test");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`table1` (\n" +
-                "  `event_date` date NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `app_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `package_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `age` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `gender` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `level` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `city` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `model` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `brand` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `hours` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `use_num` int(11) SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `use_time` double SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `start_times` bigint(20) SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`event_date`, `app_name`, `package_name`, `age`, `gender`, `level`, `city`, `model`, `brand`, `hours`)\n"
-                +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`event_date`)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p1 VALUES [('2020-02-27'), ('2020-03-02')),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES [('2020-03-02'), ('2020-03-07')))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`event_date`, `app_name`, `package_name`, `age`, `gender`, `level`, `city`, `model`, `brand`, `hours`) BUCKETS 1\n"
-                +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkDbExist("test"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkTableExist("test", "table1"));
-        dropDb("test");
-        Assert.assertFalse(checkDbExist("test"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(checkTableExist("test", "table1"));
-        recoverDb("test");
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkDbExist("test"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkTableExist("test", "table1"));
-        dropTable("test","table1");
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkDbExist("test"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(checkTableExist("test", "table1"));
-        recoverTable("test","table1");
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkDbExist("test"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkTableExist("test", "table1"));
-        dropTable("test","table1");
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkDbExist("test"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(checkTableExist("test", "table1"));
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`table1` (\n" +
-                "  `event_date` date NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `app_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `package_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `age` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `gender` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `level` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `city` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `model` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `brand` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `hours` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `use_num` int(11) SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `use_time` double SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `start_times` bigint(20) SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`event_date`, `app_name`, `package_name`, `age`, `gender`, `level`, `city`, `model`, `brand`, `hours`)\n"
-                +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`event_date`)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p1 VALUES [('2020-02-27'), ('2020-03-02')),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES [('2020-03-02'), ('2020-03-07')))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`event_date`, `app_name`, `package_name`, `age`, `gender`, `level`, `city`, `model`, `brand`, `hours`) BUCKETS 1\n"
-                +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkDbExist("test"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkTableExist("test", "table1"));
-        try {
-            recoverTable("test","table1");
-            Assert.fail("should not recover succeed");
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkPartitionExist("test", "table1", "p1"));
-        dropPartition("test","table1", "p1");
-        Assert.assertFalse(checkPartitionExist("test", "table1", "p1"));
-        recoverPartition("test","table1", "p1");
-        Assert.assertTrue(checkPartitionExist("test", "table1", "p1"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ReplicaTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ReplicaTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index aae2bb8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ReplicaTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica.ReplicaState;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ReplicaTest {
-    // replica serialize and deserialize test will use catalog so that it should be mocked
-    @Mocked
-    Catalog catalog;
-    private Replica replica;
-    private long replicaId;
-    private long backendId;
-    private long version;
-    private long versionHash;
-    private long dataSize;
-    private long rowCount;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        replicaId = 10000;
-        backendId = 20000;
-        version = 2;
-        versionHash = 98765;
-        dataSize = 9999;
-        rowCount = 1024;
-        replica = new Replica(replicaId, backendId, version, versionHash, 0, dataSize, rowCount, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0,
-                0, version, versionHash);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getMethodTest() {
-        Assert.assertEquals(replicaId, replica.getId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(backendId, replica.getBackendId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(version, replica.getVersion());
-        Assert.assertEquals(versionHash, replica.getVersionHash());
-        Assert.assertEquals(dataSize, replica.getDataSize());
-        Assert.assertEquals(rowCount, replica.getRowCount());
-        // update new version
-        long newVersion = version + 1;
-        long newVersionHash = 87654;
-        long newDataSize = dataSize + 100;
-        long newRowCount = rowCount + 10;
-        replica.updateVersionInfo(newVersion, newVersionHash, newDataSize, newRowCount);
-        Assert.assertEquals(newVersion, replica.getVersion());
-        Assert.assertEquals(newVersionHash, replica.getVersionHash());
-        Assert.assertEquals(newDataSize, replica.getDataSize());
-        Assert.assertEquals(newRowCount, replica.getRowCount());
-        // check version catch up
-        Assert.assertFalse(replica.checkVersionCatchUp(5, 98765, false));
-        Assert.assertTrue(replica.checkVersionCatchUp(newVersion, 76543, false));
-        Assert.assertTrue(replica.checkVersionCatchUp(newVersion, newVersionHash, false));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                result = FeMetaVersion.VERSION_45;
-            }
-        };
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./olapReplicaTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        List<Replica> list1 = new ArrayList<Replica>();
-        List<Replica> list2 = new ArrayList<Replica>();
-        for (int count = 0; count < 10; ++count) {
-            Replica olapReplica = new Replica(100L * count, 100L * count, 100L * count, 100L * count, 0,
-                                              100L * count, 100 * count, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 100L * count, 100L * count);
-            list1.add(olapReplica);
-            olapReplica.write(dos);
-        }
-        Replica replica = new Replica(10L, 20L, 0, null);
-        list1.add(replica);
-        replica.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read a object from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        for (int count = 0; count < 10; ++count) {
-            Replica olapReplica = new Replica();
-            olapReplica.readFields(dis);
-            Assert.assertEquals(100 * count, olapReplica.getId());
-            Assert.assertEquals(100 * count, olapReplica.getBackendId());
-            Assert.assertEquals(100 * count, olapReplica.getVersion());
-            Assert.assertEquals(100 * count, olapReplica.getVersionHash());
-            Assert.assertEquals(100 * count, olapReplica.getDataSize());
-            Assert.assertEquals(100 * count, olapReplica.getRowCount());
-            Assert.assertEquals(Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL, olapReplica.getState());
-            list2.add(olapReplica);
-        }
-        Replica olapReplica = new Replica();
-        olapReplica.readFields(dis);
-        list2.add(olapReplica);
-        // 3. Check equal
-        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(list1.get(i).equals(list2.get(i)));
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(list1.get(1).equals(list1.get(1)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(list1.get(1).equals(list1));
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateVersion1() {
-        Replica originalReplica = new Replica(10000, 20000, 3, 1231, 0, 100, 78, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 3, 1231);
-        // new version is little than original version, it is invalid the version will not update
-        originalReplica.updateVersionInfo(2, 111, 100, 78);
-        assertEquals(3, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(1231, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateVersion2() {
-        Replica originalReplica = new Replica(10000, 20000, 3, 1231, 0, 100, 78, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        originalReplica.updateVersionInfo(3, 111, 100, 78);
-        // if new version >= current version and last success version <= new version, then last success version should be updated
-        assertEquals(3, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(111, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(3, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(111, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateVersion3() {
-        // version(3) ---> last failed version (8) ---> last success version(10)
-        Replica originalReplica = new Replica(10000, 20000, 3, 111, 0, 100, 78, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        originalReplica.updateLastFailedVersion(8, 100);
-        assertEquals(3, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(111, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(3, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(111, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(8, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(100, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash());
-        // update last success version 10
-        originalReplica.updateVersionInfo(originalReplica.getVersion(), 
-                originalReplica.getVersionHash(), originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion(), 
-                originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash(), 
-                10, 1210);
-        assertEquals(10, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(1210, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(3, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(111, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(8, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(100, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash());
-        // update version to 8, the last success version and version should be 10
-        originalReplica.updateVersionInfo(8, 100, 100, 78);
-        assertEquals(10, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(1210, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(10, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(1210, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(-1, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(0, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash());
-        // update last failed version to 12
-        originalReplica.updateLastFailedVersion(12, 1212);
-        assertEquals(10, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(1210, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(10, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(1210, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(12, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(1212, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash());
-        // update last success version to 15
-        originalReplica.updateVersionInfo(originalReplica.getVersion(), 
-                originalReplica.getVersionHash(), originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion(), 
-                originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash(), 
-                15, 1215);
-        assertEquals(15, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(1215, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(10, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(1210, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(12, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(1212, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash());
-        // update last failed version to 18
-        originalReplica.updateLastFailedVersion(18, 1218);
-        assertEquals(10, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(1210, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(10, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(1210, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(18, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(1218, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash());
-        // update version to 17 then version and success version is 17
-        originalReplica.updateVersionInfo(17, 1217, 100, 78);
-        assertEquals(17, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(1217, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(17, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(1217, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(18, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(1218, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash());
-        // update version to 18, then version and last success version should be 18 and failed version should be -1
-        originalReplica.updateVersionInfo(18, 1218, 100, 78);
-        assertEquals(18, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(1218, originalReplica.getLastSuccessVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(18, originalReplica.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(1218, originalReplica.getVersionHash());
-        assertEquals(-1, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(0, originalReplica.getLastFailedVersionHash());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ResourceGroupTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ResourceGroupTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ef3f7ba..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ResourceGroupTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TResourceGroup;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TResourceType;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class ResourceGroupTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException, DdlException {
-        ResourceGroup.Builder builder = ResourceGroup.builder();
-        builder.cpuShare(100);
-        ResourceGroup resource = builder.build();
-        Assert.assertEquals("CPU_SHARE = 100", resource.toString());
-        // To thrift
-        TResourceGroup tResource = resource.toThrift();
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, tResource.getResourceByType().get(TResourceType.TRESOURCE_CPU_SHARE).intValue());
-        // Write edit log
-        resource.updateByDesc("cpu_share", 150);
-        ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
-        resource.write(outputStream);
-        outputStream.flush();
-        DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteStream.toByteArray()));
-        ResourceGroup newResource = ResourceGroup.readIn(inputStream);
-        Assert.assertEquals(150, newResource.getByDesc("cpu_share"));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ResourceMgrTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ResourceMgrTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c15c7c1..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/ResourceMgrTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateResourceStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropResourceStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class ResourceMgrTest {
-    private String name;
-    private String type;
-    private String master;
-    private String workingDir;
-    private String broker;
-    private Map<String, String> properties;
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        name = "spark0";
-        type = "spark";
-        master = "spark://";
-        workingDir = "hdfs://";
-        broker = "broker0";
-        properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("type", type);
-        properties.put("spark.master", master);
-        properties.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        properties.put("working_dir", workingDir);
-        properties.put("broker", broker);
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAddDropResource(@Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr, @Injectable EditLog editLog,
-                                    @Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable PaloAuth auth) throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.containsBroker(broker);
-                result = true;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                result = editLog;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // add
-        ResourceMgr mgr = new ResourceMgr();
-        CreateResourceStmt stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, mgr.getResourceNum());
-        mgr.createResource(stmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, mgr.getResourceNum());
-        Assert.assertTrue(mgr.containsResource(name));
-        SparkResource resource = (SparkResource) mgr.getResource(name);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(resource);
-        Assert.assertEquals(broker, resource.getBroker());
-        // drop
-        DropResourceStmt dropStmt = new DropResourceStmt(name);
-        mgr.dropResource(dropStmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, mgr.getResourceNum());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testAddResourceExist(@Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr, @Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable PaloAuth auth)
-            throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.containsBroker(broker);
-                result = true;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // add
-        ResourceMgr mgr = new ResourceMgr();
-        CreateResourceStmt stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, mgr.getResourceNum());
-        mgr.createResource(stmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, mgr.getResourceNum());
-        // add again
-        mgr.createResource(stmt);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testDropResourceNotExist() throws UserException {
-        // drop
-        ResourceMgr mgr = new ResourceMgr();
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, mgr.getResourceNum());
-        DropResourceStmt stmt = new DropResourceStmt(name);
-        mgr.dropResource(stmt);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/SparkResourceTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/SparkResourceTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c904f8f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/SparkResourceTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateResourceStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ResourceDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.proc.BaseProcResult;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class SparkResourceTest {
-    private String name;
-    private String type;
-    private String master;
-    private String workingDir;
-    private String broker;
-    private Map<String, String> properties;
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        name = "spark0";
-        type = "spark";
-        master = "spark://";
-        workingDir = "hdfs://";
-        broker = "broker0";
-        properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put("type", type);
-        properties.put("spark.master", master);
-        properties.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        properties.put("working_dir", workingDir);
-        properties.put("broker", broker);
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFromStmt(@Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr, @Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable PaloAuth auth)
-            throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.containsBroker(broker);
-                result = true;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // master: spark, deploy_mode: cluster
-        CreateResourceStmt stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        SparkResource resource = (SparkResource) Resource.fromStmt(stmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(name, resource.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(type, resource.getType().name().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertEquals(master, resource.getMaster());
-        Assert.assertEquals("cluster", resource.getDeployMode().name().toLowerCase());
-        Assert.assertEquals(workingDir, resource.getWorkingDir());
-        Assert.assertEquals(broker, resource.getBroker());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, resource.getSparkConfigs().size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(resource.isYarnMaster());
-        // master: spark, deploy_mode: client
-        properties.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "client");
-        stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        resource = (SparkResource) Resource.fromStmt(stmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals("client", resource.getDeployMode().name().toLowerCase());
-        // master: yarn, deploy_mode cluster
-        properties.put("spark.master", "yarn");
-        properties.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        properties.put("spark.jars", "xxx.jar,yyy.jar");
-        properties.put("spark.files", "/tmp/aaa,/tmp/bbb");
-        properties.put("spark.driver.memory", "1g");
-        properties.put("spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address", "");
-        properties.put("spark.hadoop.fs.defaultFS", "hdfs://");
-        stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        resource = (SparkResource) Resource.fromStmt(stmt);
-        Assert.assertTrue(resource.isYarnMaster());
-        Map<String, String> map = resource.getSparkConfigs();
-        Assert.assertEquals(7, map.size());
-        // test getProcNodeData
-        BaseProcResult result = new BaseProcResult();
-        resource.getProcNodeData(result);
-        Assert.assertEquals(9, result.getRows().size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdate(@Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr, @Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable PaloAuth auth)
-            throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.containsBroker(broker);
-                result = true;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        properties.put("spark.master", "yarn");
-        properties.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        properties.put("spark.driver.memory", "1g");
-        properties.put("spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address", "");
-        properties.put("spark.hadoop.fs.defaultFS", "hdfs://");
-        CreateResourceStmt stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        SparkResource resource = (SparkResource) Resource.fromStmt(stmt);
-        SparkResource copiedResource = resource.getCopiedResource();
-        Map<String, String> newProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        newProperties.put("spark.executor.memory", "1g");
-        newProperties.put("spark.driver.memory", "2g");
-        ResourceDesc resourceDesc = new ResourceDesc(name, newProperties);
-        copiedResource.update(resourceDesc);
-        Map<String, String> map = copiedResource.getSparkConfigs();
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, resource.getSparkConfigs().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("1g", resource.getSparkConfigs().get("spark.driver.memory"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, map.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("2g", copiedResource.getSparkConfigs().get("spark.driver.memory"));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoBroker(@Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr, @Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable PaloAuth auth)
-            throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.containsBroker(broker);
-                result = false;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        CreateResourceStmt stmt = new CreateResourceStmt(true, name, properties);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        Resource.fromStmt(stmt);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TablePropertyTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TablePropertyTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index fe14c4c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TablePropertyTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-public class TablePropertyTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./TablePropertyTest";
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        HashMap<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE, "true");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.TIME_UNIT, "day");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.START, "-3");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.END, "3");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.PREFIX, "p");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.BUCKETS, "30");
-        properties.put("otherProperty", "unknownProperty");
-        TableProperty tableProperty = new TableProperty(properties);
-        tableProperty.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        TableProperty readTableProperty = TableProperty.read(in);
-        DynamicPartitionProperty readDynamicPartitionProperty = readTableProperty.getDynamicPartitionProperty();
-        DynamicPartitionProperty dynamicPartitionProperty = new DynamicPartitionProperty(properties);
-        Assert.assertEquals(readTableProperty.getProperties(), properties);
-        Assert.assertEquals(readDynamicPartitionProperty.getEnable(), dynamicPartitionProperty.getEnable());
-        Assert.assertEquals(readDynamicPartitionProperty.getBuckets(), dynamicPartitionProperty.getBuckets());
-        Assert.assertEquals(readDynamicPartitionProperty.getPrefix(), dynamicPartitionProperty.getPrefix());
-        Assert.assertEquals(readDynamicPartitionProperty.getStart(), dynamicPartitionProperty.getStart());
-        Assert.assertEquals(readDynamicPartitionProperty.getEnd(), dynamicPartitionProperty.getEnd());
-        Assert.assertEquals(readDynamicPartitionProperty.getTimeUnit(), dynamicPartitionProperty.getTimeUnit());
-        in.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7187384..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-public class TableTest {
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private Table table;
-    private long tableId = 10000;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        table = new Table(Table.TableType.OLAP);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void lockTest() {
-        table.readLock();
-        try {
-            Assert.assertFalse(table.tryWriteLock(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
-        } finally {
-            table.readUnlock();
-        }
-        table.writeLock();
-        try {
-            Assert.assertTrue(table.tryWriteLock(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
-        } finally {
-            table.writeUnlock();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./tableFamilyGroup");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        Column column2 = new Column("column2",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT), false, AggregateType.MIN, "", "");
-        columns.add(column2);
-        columns.add(new Column("column3", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT), false, AggregateType.SUM, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column4", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column5", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column6", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.FLOAT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column7", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column8", ScalarType.createChar(10), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column9", ScalarType.createVarchar(10), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column10", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATE), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column11", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATETIME), true, null, "", ""));
-        OlapTable table1 = new OlapTable(1000L, "group1", columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS,
-                                                  new SinglePartitionInfo(), new RandomDistributionInfo(10));
-        short shortKeyColumnCount = 1;
-        table1.setIndexMeta(1000, "group1", columns, 1,1,shortKeyColumnCount,TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        List<Column> column = Lists.newArrayList();
-        column.add(column2);
-        table1.setIndexMeta(new Long(2), "test", column, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(table1, "baseIndexId", 1000);
-        table1.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        Table rFamily1 = Table.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(table1.equals(rFamily1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(table1.getCreateTime(), rFamily1.getCreateTime());
-        Assert.assertEquals(table1.getIndexMetaByIndexId(2).getKeysType(), KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TabletTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TabletTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0507b96..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TabletTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica.ReplicaState;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Bool;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
-public class TabletTest {
-    private Tablet tablet;
-    private Replica replica1;
-    private Replica replica2;
-    private Replica replica3;
-    private TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Before 
-    public void makeTablet() {
-        invertedIndex = new TabletInvertedIndex();
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeConstants.meta_version;
-                Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = invertedIndex;
-                Catalog.isCheckpointThread();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        tablet = new Tablet(1);
-        TabletMeta tabletMeta = new TabletMeta(10, 20, 30, 40, 1, TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        invertedIndex.addTablet(1, tabletMeta);
-        replica1 = new Replica(1L, 1L, 100L, 0L, 0, 200000L, 3000L, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        replica2 = new Replica(2L, 2L, 100L, 0L, 0, 200000L, 3000L, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        replica3 = new Replica(3L, 3L, 100L, 0L, 0, 200000L, 3000L, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica1);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica2);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getMethodTest() {
-        Assert.assertEquals(replica1, tablet.getReplicaById(replica1.getId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(replica2, tablet.getReplicaById(replica2.getId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(replica3, tablet.getReplicaById(replica3.getId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tablet.getReplicas().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(replica1, tablet.getReplicaByBackendId(replica1.getBackendId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(replica2, tablet.getReplicaByBackendId(replica2.getBackendId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(replica3, tablet.getReplicaByBackendId(replica3.getBackendId()));
-        long newTabletId = 20000;
-        tablet.setTabletId(newTabletId);
-        Assert.assertEquals("tabletId=" + newTabletId, tablet.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void deleteReplicaTest() {
-        // delete replica1
-        Assert.assertTrue(tablet.deleteReplicaByBackendId(replica1.getBackendId()));
-        Assert.assertNull(tablet.getReplicaById(replica1.getId()));
-        // err: re-delete replica1
-        Assert.assertFalse(tablet.deleteReplicaByBackendId(replica1.getBackendId()));
-        Assert.assertFalse(tablet.deleteReplica(replica1));
-        Assert.assertNull(tablet.getReplicaById(replica1.getId()));
-        // delete replica2
-        Assert.assertTrue(tablet.deleteReplica(replica2));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tablet.getReplicas().size());
-        // clear replicas
-        tablet.clearReplica();
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, tablet.getReplicas().size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        File file = new File("./olapTabletTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        tablet.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read a object from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        Tablet rTablet1 = Tablet.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, rTablet1.getId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, rTablet1.getReplicas().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(rTablet1.getReplicas().get(0).getVersion(), rTablet1.getReplicas().get(1).getVersion());
-        Assert.assertEquals(rTablet1.getReplicas().get(0).getVersionHash(),
-                            rTablet1.getReplicas().get(1).getVersionHash());
-        Assert.assertTrue(rTablet1.equals(tablet));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rTablet1.equals(rTablet1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rTablet1.equals(this));
-        Tablet tablet2 = new Tablet(1);
-        Replica replica1 = new Replica(1L, 1L, 100L, 0L, 0, 200000L, 3000L, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        Replica replica2 = new Replica(2L, 2L, 100L, 0L, 0, 200000L, 3000L, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        Replica replica3 = new Replica(3L, 3L, 100L, 0L, 0, 200000L, 3000L, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-        tablet2.addReplica(replica1);
-        tablet2.addReplica(replica2);
-        Assert.assertFalse(tablet2.equals(tablet));
-        tablet2.addReplica(replica3);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tablet2.equals(tablet));
-        Tablet tablet3 = new Tablet(1);
-        tablet3.addReplica(replica1);
-        tablet3.addReplica(replica2);
-        tablet3.addReplica(new Replica(4L, 4L, 100L, 0L, 0, 200000L, 3000L, ReplicaState.NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(tablet3.equals(tablet));
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    /**
-     * check the tablet's Tablet.TabletStatus, the right location is [1 2 3]
-     * @param backendId2ReplicaIsBad beId -> if replica is a bad replica
-     */
-    @SafeVarargs
-    private final void testTabletColocateHealthStatus0(Tablet.TabletStatus exceptedTabletStatus, Pair<Long, Boolean>... backendId2ReplicaIsBad) {
-        Tablet tablet = new Tablet(1);
-        int replicaId = 1;
-        for (Pair<Long, Boolean> pair : backendId2ReplicaIsBad) {
-            long versionAndSuccessVersion = 100L;
-            long lastFailVersion = -1L;
-            if (pair.second) {
-                versionAndSuccessVersion = 99L;
-                lastFailVersion = 100L;
-            }
-            tablet.addReplica(new Replica(replicaId++, pair.first, versionAndSuccessVersion, 0L, 0, 200000L, 3000L, ReplicaState.NORMAL, lastFailVersion, 0, versionAndSuccessVersion, 0));
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(tablet.getColocateHealthStatus(100L, 3, Sets.newHashSet(1L, 2L, 3L)), exceptedTabletStatus);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTabletColocateHealthStatus() {
-        // [1 2 4]
-        testTabletColocateHealthStatus0(
-                Tablet.TabletStatus.COLOCATE_MISMATCH,
-                Pair.create(1L, false), Pair.create(2L, false), Pair.create(4L, false)
-        );
-        // [1 2 3(bad)]
-        testTabletColocateHealthStatus0(
-                Tablet.TabletStatus.VERSION_INCOMPLETE,
-                Pair.create(1L, false), Pair.create(2L, false), Pair.create(3L, true)
-        );
-        // 1 2 3 4(good)
-        testTabletColocateHealthStatus0(
-                Tablet.TabletStatus.COLOCATE_REDUNDANT,
-                Pair.create(1L, false), Pair.create(2L, false), Pair.create(3L, false), Pair.create(4L, false)
-        );
-        // [1 2 3 4(bad)]
-        testTabletColocateHealthStatus0(
-                Tablet.TabletStatus.COLOCATE_REDUNDANT,
-                Pair.create(1L, false), Pair.create(2L, false), Pair.create(3L, false), Pair.create(4L, true)
-        );
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TempPartitionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TempPartitionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b39b3c0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/TempPartitionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJobV2;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RecoverPartitionStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowPartitionsStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowTabletStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TruncateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ShowExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ShowResultSet;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class TempPartitionTest {
-    private static String tempPartitionFile = "./TempPartitionTest";
-    private static String tblFile = "./tblFile";
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/TempPartitionTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext ctx;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setup() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 100;
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-        File file2 = new File(tempPartitionFile);
-        file2.delete();
-        File file3 = new File(tblFile);
-        file3.delete();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void before() {
-    }
-    private List<List<String>> checkShowPartitionsResultNum(String tbl, boolean isTemp, int expected) throws Exception {
-        String showStr = "show " + (isTemp ? "temporary" : "") + " partitions from " + tbl;
-        ShowPartitionsStmt showStmt = (ShowPartitionsStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showStr, ctx);
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, (ShowStmt) showStmt);
-        ShowResultSet showResultSet = executor.execute();
-        List<List<String>> rows = showResultSet.getResultRows();
-        Assert.assertEquals(expected, rows.size());
-        return rows;
-    }
-    private void alterTable(String sql, boolean expectedException) throws Exception {
-        try {
-            AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, ctx);
-            Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-            if (expectedException) {
-                Assert.fail("expected exception not thrown");
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            if (expectedException) {
-                System.out.println("got exception: " + e.getMessage());
-            } else {
-                throw e;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private List<List<String>> checkTablet(String tbl, String partitions, boolean isTemp, int expected)
-            throws Exception {
-        String showStr = "show tablet from " + tbl + (isTemp ? " temporary" : "") + " partition (" + partitions + ");";
-        ShowTabletStmt showStmt = (ShowTabletStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showStr, ctx);
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, (ShowStmt) showStmt);
-        ShowResultSet showResultSet = executor.execute();
-        List<List<String>> rows = showResultSet.getResultRows();
-        if (expected != -1) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(expected, rows.size());
-        }
-        return rows;
-    }
-    private long getPartitionIdByTabletId(long tabletId) {
-        TabletInvertedIndex index = Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-        TabletMeta tabletMeta = index.getTabletMeta(tabletId);
-        if (tabletMeta == null) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        return tabletMeta.getPartitionId();
-    }
-    private void getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap(String tbl, boolean isTemp, Map<String, Long> partNameToTabletId) throws Exception {
-        partNameToTabletId.clear();
-        String showStr = "show " + (isTemp ? "temporary" : "") + " partitions from " + tbl;
-        ShowPartitionsStmt showStmt = (ShowPartitionsStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showStr, ctx);
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, (ShowStmt) showStmt);
-        ShowResultSet showResultSet = executor.execute();
-        List<List<String>> rows = showResultSet.getResultRows();
-        Map<Long, String> partIdToName = Maps.newHashMap();
-        for (List<String> row : rows) {
-            partIdToName.put(Long.valueOf(row.get(0)), row.get(1));
-        }
-        rows = checkTablet(tbl, Joiner.on(",").join(partIdToName.values()), isTemp, -1);
-        for (List<String> row : rows) {
-            long tabletId = Long.valueOf(row.get(0));
-            long partitionId = getPartitionIdByTabletId(tabletId);
-            String partName = partIdToName.get(partitionId);
-            partNameToTabletId.put(partName, tabletId);
-        }
-    }
-    private void checkTabletExists(Collection<Long> tabletIds, boolean checkExist) {
-        TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex = Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-        for (Long tabletId : tabletIds) {
-            if (checkExist) {
-                Assert.assertNotNull(invertedIndex.getTabletMeta(tabletId));
-            } else {
-                Assert.assertNull(invertedIndex.getTabletMeta(tabletId));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private void checkPartitionExist(OlapTable tbl, String partName, boolean isTemp, boolean checkExist) {
-        if (checkExist) {
-            Assert.assertNotNull(tbl.getPartition(partName, isTemp));
-        } else {
-            Assert.assertNull(tbl.getPartition(partName, isTemp));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testForSinglePartitionTable() throws Exception {
-        // create database db1
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database db1;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        System.out.println(Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDbNames());
-        // create table tbl1
-        String createTblStmtStr1 = "create table db1.tbl1(k1 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr1, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        // add temp partition
-        String stmtStr = "alter table db1.tbl1 add temporary partition p1 values less than ('10');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        // drop temp partition
-        stmtStr = "alter table db1.tbl1 drop temporary partition tbl1;";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        // show temp partition
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db1.tbl1", true, 0);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testForMultiPartitionTable() throws Exception {
-        // create database db2
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database db2;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        System.out.println(Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDbNames());
-        // create table tbl2
-        String createTblStmtStr1 = "create table db2.tbl2 (k1 int, k2 int)\n" +
-                "partition by range(k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "partition p1 values less than('10'),\n" +
-                "partition p2 values less than('20'),\n" +
-                "partition p3 values less than('30')\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" +
-                "properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr1, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        Database db2 = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db2");
-        OlapTable tbl2 = (OlapTable) db2.getTable("tbl2");
-        testSerializeOlapTable(tbl2);
-        Map<String, Long> originPartitionTabletIds = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, originPartitionTabletIds.keySet().size());
-        // show temp partition
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
-        // add temp partition with duplicate name
-        String stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p1 values less than('10');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        // add temp partition
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp1 values less than('10');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp2 values less than('10');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp1 values less than('20');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp2 values less than('20');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp3 values [('18'), ('30'));";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp3 values [('20'), ('30'));";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        Map<String, Long> tempPartitionTabletIds = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", true, tempPartitionTabletIds);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tempPartitionTabletIds.keySet().size());
-        System.out.println("partition tablets: " + originPartitionTabletIds);
-        System.out.println("temp partition tablets: " + tempPartitionTabletIds);
-        testSerializeOlapTable(tbl2);
-        // drop non exist temp partition
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop temporary partition tp4;";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop temporary partition if exists tp4;";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop temporary partition tp3;";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        Map<String, Long> originPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(originPartitionTabletIds2, originPartitionTabletIds);
-        Map<String, Long> tempPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", true, tempPartitionTabletIds2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, tempPartitionTabletIds2.keySet().size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(!tempPartitionTabletIds2.containsKey("tp3"));
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 2);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp3 values less than('30');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 3);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop partition p1;";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 3);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 2);
-        originPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, originPartitionTabletIds2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(!originPartitionTabletIds2.containsKey("p1"));
-        String recoverStr = "recover partition p1 from db2.tbl2;";
-        RecoverPartitionStmt recoverStmt = (RecoverPartitionStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(recoverStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().recoverPartition(recoverStmt);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 3);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
-        originPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(originPartitionTabletIds2, originPartitionTabletIds);
-        tempPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", true, tempPartitionTabletIds2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tempPartitionTabletIds2.keySet().size());
-        // Here, we should have 3 partitions p1,p2,p3, and 3 temp partitions tp1,tp2,tp3
-        System.out.println("we have partition tablets: " + originPartitionTabletIds2);
-        System.out.println("we have temp partition tablets: " + tempPartitionTabletIds2);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p1, p2) with temporary partition(tp2, tp3);";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p1, p2) with temporary partition(tp1, tp2) properties('invalid' = 'invalid');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p1, p2) with temporary partition(tp2, tp3) properties('strict_range' = 'false');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p1, p2) with temporary partition(tp1, tp2) properties('strict_range' = 'false', 'use_temp_partition_name' = 'true');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 1);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
-        checkTabletExists(tempPartitionTabletIds2.values(), true);
-        checkTabletExists(Lists.newArrayList(originPartitionTabletIds2.get("p3")), true);
-        checkTabletExists(Lists.newArrayList(originPartitionTabletIds2.get("p1"), originPartitionTabletIds2.get("p2")), false);
-        String truncateStr = "truncate table db2.tbl2 partition (p3);";
-        TruncateTableStmt truncateTableStmt = (TruncateTableStmt)UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(truncateStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().truncateTable(truncateTableStmt);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 1);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p3", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp3", true, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 drop partition p3;";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add partition p31 values less than('25');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add partition p32 values less than('35');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        // for now, we have 4 partitions: tp1, tp2, p31, p32, 1 temp partition: tp3
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 4);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 1);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p31) with temporary partition(tp3);";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p31, p32) with temporary partition(tp3);";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(p31, p32) with temporary partition(tp3) properties('strict_range' = 'false');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp3", false, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p1 values less than('10');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p2 values less than('20');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p3 values less than('30');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(tp1, tp2) with temporary partition(p1, p2);";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp3", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p1", true, false);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p2", true, false);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p3", true, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition(tp3) with temporary partition(p3) properties('use_temp_partition_name' = 'true');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p3", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p1", true, false);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p2", true, false);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p3", true, false);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp1 values less than('10');"; // name conflict
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 rename partition p3 tp3;";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p1 values less than('10');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        originPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", false, originPartitionTabletIds2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, originPartitionTabletIds2.size());
-        tempPartitionTabletIds2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        getPartitionNameToTabletIdMap("db2.tbl2", true, tempPartitionTabletIds2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tempPartitionTabletIds2.keySet().size());
-        // for now , we have 3 partitions: tp1, tp2, tp3, 1 temp partition: p1
-        System.out.println("we have partition tablets: " + originPartitionTabletIds2);
-        System.out.println("we have temp partition tablets: " + tempPartitionTabletIds2);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add rollup r1(k1);";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        truncateStr = "truncate table db2.tbl2";
-        truncateTableStmt = (TruncateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(truncateStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().truncateTable(truncateTableStmt);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 3);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add rollup r1(k1);";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p2 values less than('20');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        // wait rollup finish
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
-            while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
-                System.out.println(
-                        "alter job " + alterJobV2.getDbId() + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-                Thread.sleep(5000);
-            }
-            System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getDbId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
-        }
-        // waiting table state to normal
-        Thread.sleep(500);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition p2 values less than('20');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        TempPartitions tempPartitions = Deencapsulation.getField(tbl2, "tempPartitions");
-        testSerializeTempPartitions(tempPartitions);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition (tp1, tp2) with temporary partition (p2) properties('strict_range' = 'false');";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", false, 2);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db2.tbl2", true, 0);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p2", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp3", false, true);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp1", false, false);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "tp2", false, false);
-        checkPartitionExist(tbl2, "p2", true, false);
-        checkTablet("db2.tbl2", "p2", false, 2);
-        checkTablet("db2.tbl2", "tp3", false, 2);
-        // for now, we have 2 partitions: p2, tp3, [min, 20), [20, 30). 0 temp partition. 
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp4 values less than('20') ('in_memory' = 'true') distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp4 values less than('20') ('in_memory' = 'true', 'replication_num' = '2') distributed by hash(k2) buckets 3";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 add temporary partition tp4 values less than('20') ('in_memory' = 'true', 'replication_num' = '1') distributed by hash(k2) buckets 3";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        Partition p2 = tbl2.getPartition("p2");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(p2);
-        Assert.assertFalse(tbl2.getPartitionInfo().getIsInMemory(p2.getId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, p2.getDistributionInfo().getBucketNum());
-        stmtStr = "alter table db2.tbl2 replace partition (p2) with temporary partition (tp4)";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        // for now, we have 2 partitions: p2, tp3, [min, 20), [20, 30). 0 temp partition. and p2 bucket is 3, 'in_memory' is true.
-        p2 = tbl2.getPartition("p2");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(p2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tbl2.getPartitionInfo().getIsInMemory(p2.getId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, p2.getDistributionInfo().getBucketNum());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testForStrictRangeCheck() throws Exception {
-        // create database db3
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database db3;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        System.out.println(Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDbNames());
-        // create table tbl3
-        String createTblStmtStr1 = "create table db3.tbl3 (k1 int, k2 int)\n" +
-                "partition by range(k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "partition p1 values less than('10'),\n" +
-                "partition p2 values less than('20'),\n" +
-                "partition p3 values less than('30')\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "distributed by hash(k2) buckets 1\n" +
-                "properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr1, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        Database db3 = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db3");
-        OlapTable tbl3 = (OlapTable) db3.getTable("tbl3");
-        // base range is [min, 10), [10, 20), [20, 30)
-        // 1. add temp ranges: [10, 15), [15, 25), [25, 30), and replace the [10, 20), [20, 30)
-        String stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp1 values [('10'), ('15'))";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp2 values [('15'), ('25'))";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp3 values [('25'), ('30'))";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (p2, p3) with temporary partition(tp1, tp2, tp3)";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        // now base range is [min, 10), [10, 15), [15, 25), [25, 30) -> p1,tp1,tp2,tp3
-        stmtStr = "truncate table db3.tbl3";
-        TruncateTableStmt truncateTableStmt = (TruncateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().truncateTable(truncateTableStmt);
-        // 2. add temp ranges: [10, 31), and replace the [10, 15), [15, 25), [25, 30)
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp4 values [('10'), ('31'))";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp1, tp2, tp3) with temporary partition(tp4)";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        // drop the tp4, and add temp partition tp4 [10,30) to to replace tp1, tp2, tp3
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 drop temporary partition tp4";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp4 values [('10'), ('30'))";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp1, tp2, tp3) with temporary partition(tp4)";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        // now base range is [min, 10), [10, 30) -> p1,tp4
-        stmtStr = "truncate table db3.tbl3";
-        truncateTableStmt = (TruncateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(stmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().truncateTable(truncateTableStmt);
-        // 3. add temp partition tp5 [50, 60) and replace partition tp4
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 add temporary partition tp5 values [('50'), ('60'))";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp4) with temporary partition(tp5)";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp4) with temporary partition(tp5) properties('strict_range' = 'true', 'use_temp_partition_name' = 'true')";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, true);
-        stmtStr = "alter table db3.tbl3 replace partition (tp4) with temporary partition(tp5) properties('strict_range' = 'false', 'use_temp_partition_name' = 'true')";
-        alterTable(stmtStr, false);
-        // now base range is [min, 10), [50, 60) -> p1,tp5
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db3.tbl3", false, 2);
-        checkShowPartitionsResultNum("db3.tbl3", true, 0);
-    }
-    private void testSerializeOlapTable(OlapTable tbl) throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(tempPartitionFile);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        tbl.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        OlapTable readTbl = (OlapTable) Table.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(tbl.getId(), readTbl.getId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(tbl.getTempPartitions().size(), readTbl.getTempPartitions().size());
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    private void testSerializeTempPartitions(TempPartitions tempPartitionsInstance) throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_77);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(tempPartitionFile);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        tempPartitionsInstance.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        TempPartitions readTempPartition = TempPartitions.read(in);
-        List<Partition> partitions = readTempPartition.getAllPartitions();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, partitions.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, partitions.get(0).getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE).size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/UserPropertyTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/UserPropertyTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bb1eee6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/UserPropertyTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.load.DppConfig;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.UserProperty;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-public class UserPropertyTest {
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException, DdlException {
-        // mock catalog
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        UserProperty property = new UserProperty("root");
-        property.getResource().updateGroupShare("low", 991);
-        // To image
-        ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
-        property.write(outputStream);
-        outputStream.flush();
-        DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteStream.toByteArray()));
-        UserProperty newProperty = UserProperty.read(inputStream);
-        Assert.assertEquals(991, newProperty.getResource().getShareByGroup().get("low").intValue());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdate() throws DdlException {
-        List<Pair<String, String>> properties = Lists.newArrayList();
-        properties.add(Pair.create("MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS", "100"));
-        properties.add(Pair.create("resource.cpu_share", "101"));
-        properties.add(Pair.create("quota.normal", "102"));
-        properties.add(Pair.create("load_cluster.dpp-cluster.hadoop_palo_path", "/user/palo2"));
-        properties.add(Pair.create("default_load_cluster", "dpp-cluster"));
-        UserProperty userProperty = new UserProperty();
-        userProperty.update(properties);
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, userProperty.getMaxConn());
-        Assert.assertEquals(101, userProperty.getResource().getResource().getByDesc("cpu_share"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(102, userProperty.getResource().getShareByGroup().get("normal").intValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("/user/palo2", userProperty.getLoadClusterInfo("dpp-cluster").second.getPaloPath());
-        Assert.assertEquals("dpp-cluster", userProperty.getDefaultLoadCluster());
-        // fetch property
-        List<List<String>> rows = userProperty.fetchProperty();
-        for (List<String> row : rows) {
-            String key = row.get(0);
-            String value = row.get(1);
-            if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("max_user_connections")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("100", value);
-            } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("resource.cpu_share")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("101", value);
-            } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("quota.normal")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("102", value);
-            } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("load_cluster.dpp-cluster.hadoop_palo_path")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("/user/palo2", value);
-            } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("default_load_cluster")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("dpp-cluster", value);
-            }
-        }
-        // get cluster info
-        DppConfig dppConfig = userProperty.getLoadClusterInfo("dpp-cluster").second;
-        Assert.assertEquals(8070, dppConfig.getHttpPort());
-        // set palo path null
-        properties.clear();
-        properties.add(Pair.create("load_cluster.dpp-cluster.hadoop_palo_path", null));
-        userProperty.update(properties);
-        Assert.assertEquals(null, userProperty.getLoadClusterInfo("dpp-cluster").second.getPaloPath());
-        // remove dpp-cluster
-        properties.clear();
-        properties.add(Pair.create("load_cluster.dpp-cluster", null));
-        Assert.assertEquals("dpp-cluster", userProperty.getDefaultLoadCluster());
-        userProperty.update(properties);
-        Assert.assertEquals(null, userProperty.getLoadClusterInfo("dpp-cluster").second);
-        Assert.assertEquals(null, userProperty.getDefaultLoadCluster());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/UserResourceTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/UserResourceTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 504d905..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/UserResourceTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.UserResource;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TResourceType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUserResource;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class UserResourceTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException, DdlException {
-        UserResource resource = new UserResource(123);
-        // To thrift
-        TUserResource tUserResource = resource.toThrift();
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, tUserResource.getShareByGroupSize());
-        Assert.assertEquals(123,
-                tUserResource.getResource().getResourceByType().get(TResourceType.TRESOURCE_CPU_SHARE).intValue());
-        resource.updateResource("cpu_share", 321);
-        resource.updateGroupShare("low", 987);
-        // To image
-        ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
-        resource.write(outputStream);
-        outputStream.flush();
-        DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteStream.toByteArray()));
-        UserResource newResource = UserResource.readIn(inputStream);
-        Assert.assertEquals(321, newResource.getResource().getByDesc("cpu_share"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(987, newResource.getShareByGroup().get("low").intValue());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoGroup() throws DdlException {
-        UserResource resource = new UserResource(123);
-        resource.updateGroupShare("noGroup", 234);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testNoResource() throws DdlException {
-        UserResource resource = new UserResource(123);
-        resource.updateResource("noResource", 120);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testValidGroup() throws DdlException {
-        Assert.assertTrue(UserResource.isValidGroup("low"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(UserResource.isValidGroup("lOw"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(UserResource.isValidGroup("normal"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(UserResource.isValidGroup("high"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(UserResource.isValidGroup("high223"));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/ClusterLoadStatisticsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/ClusterLoadStatisticsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b1b2567..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/ClusterLoadStatisticsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.clone;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DiskInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica.ReplicaState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletMeta;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class ClusterLoadStatisticsTest {
-    private Backend be1;
-    private Backend be2;
-    private Backend be3;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfoService;
-    private TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        // be1
-        be1 = new Backend(10001, "", 9051);
-        Map<String, DiskInfo> disks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        DiskInfo diskInfo1 = new DiskInfo("/path1");
-        diskInfo1.setTotalCapacityB(1000000);
-        diskInfo1.setAvailableCapacityB(500000);
-        diskInfo1.setDataUsedCapacityB(480000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo1.getRootPath(), diskInfo1);
-        DiskInfo diskInfo2 = new DiskInfo("/path2");
-        diskInfo2.setTotalCapacityB(2000000);
-        diskInfo2.setAvailableCapacityB(100000);
-        diskInfo2.setDataUsedCapacityB(80000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo2.getRootPath(), diskInfo2);
-        DiskInfo diskInfo3 = new DiskInfo("/path3");
-        diskInfo3.setTotalCapacityB(500000);
-        diskInfo3.setAvailableCapacityB(490000);
-        diskInfo3.setDataUsedCapacityB(10000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo3.getRootPath(), diskInfo3);
-        be1.setDisks(ImmutableMap.copyOf(disks));
-        be1.setAlive(true);
-        be1.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        // be2
-        be2 = new Backend(10002, "", 9052);
-        disks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        diskInfo1 = new DiskInfo("/path1");
-        diskInfo1.setTotalCapacityB(2000000);
-        diskInfo1.setAvailableCapacityB(1900000);
-        diskInfo1.setDataUsedCapacityB(480000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo1.getRootPath(), diskInfo1);
-        diskInfo2 = new DiskInfo("/path2");
-        diskInfo2.setTotalCapacityB(20000000);
-        diskInfo2.setAvailableCapacityB(1000000);
-        diskInfo2.setDataUsedCapacityB(80000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo2.getRootPath(), diskInfo2);
-        be2.setDisks(ImmutableMap.copyOf(disks));
-        be2.setAlive(true);
-        be2.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        // be3
-        be3 = new Backend(10003, "", 9053);
-        disks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        diskInfo1 = new DiskInfo("/path1");
-        diskInfo1.setTotalCapacityB(4000000);
-        diskInfo1.setAvailableCapacityB(100000);
-        diskInfo1.setDataUsedCapacityB(80000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo1.getRootPath(), diskInfo1);
-        diskInfo2 = new DiskInfo("/path2");
-        diskInfo2.setTotalCapacityB(2000000);
-        diskInfo2.setAvailableCapacityB(100000);
-        diskInfo2.setDataUsedCapacityB(80000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo2.getRootPath(), diskInfo2);
-        diskInfo3 = new DiskInfo("/path3");
-        diskInfo3.setTotalCapacityB(500000);
-        diskInfo3.setAvailableCapacityB(490000);
-        diskInfo3.setDataUsedCapacityB(10000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo3.getRootPath(), diskInfo3);
-        be3.setDisks(ImmutableMap.copyOf(disks));
-        be3.setAlive(true);
-        be3.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        systemInfoService = new SystemInfoService();
-        systemInfoService.addBackend(be1);
-        systemInfoService.addBackend(be2);
-        systemInfoService.addBackend(be3);
-        // tablet
-        invertedIndex = new TabletInvertedIndex();
-        invertedIndex.addTablet(50000, new TabletMeta(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, TStorageMedium.HDD));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(50000, new Replica(50001, be1.getId(), 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(50000, new Replica(50002, be2.getId(), 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(50000, new Replica(50003, be3.getId(), 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        invertedIndex.addTablet(60000, new TabletMeta(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, TStorageMedium.HDD));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(60000, new Replica(60002, be2.getId(), 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(60000, new Replica(60003, be3.getId(), 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        invertedIndex.addTablet(70000, new TabletMeta(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, TStorageMedium.HDD));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(70000, new Replica(70002, be2.getId(), 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(70000, new Replica(70003, be3.getId(), 0, ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        ClusterLoadStatistic loadStatistic = new ClusterLoadStatistic(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER,
-                systemInfoService, invertedIndex);
-        loadStatistic.init();
-        List<List<String>> infos = loadStatistic.getClusterStatistic(TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        System.out.println(infos);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, infos.size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/ColocateTableBalancerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/ColocateTableBalancerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aae3d0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/ColocateTableBalancerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.clone;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ColocateGroupSchema;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ColocateTableIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ColocateTableIndex.GroupId;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class ColocateTableBalancerTest {
-    private ColocateTableBalancer balancer = ColocateTableBalancer.getInstance();
-    private Backend backend1;
-    private Backend backend2;
-    private Backend backend3;
-    private Backend backend4;
-    private Backend backend5;
-    private Backend backend6;
-    private Backend backend7;
-    private Backend backend8;
-    private Backend backend9;
-    private Map<Long, Double> mixLoadScores;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        backend1 = new Backend(1L, "", 9050);
-        backend2 = new Backend(2L, "", 9050);
-        backend3 = new Backend(3L, "", 9050);
-        backend4 = new Backend(4L, "", 9050);
-        backend5 = new Backend(5L, "", 9050);
-        backend6 = new Backend(6L, "", 9050);
-        // 7,8,9 are on same host
-        backend7 = new Backend(7L, "", 9050);
-        backend8 = new Backend(8L, "", 9050);
-        backend9 = new Backend(9L, "", 9050);
-        mixLoadScores = Maps.newHashMap();
-        mixLoadScores.put(1L, 0.1);
-        mixLoadScores.put(2L, 0.5);
-        mixLoadScores.put(3L, 0.4);
-        mixLoadScores.put(4L, 0.2);
-        mixLoadScores.put(5L, 0.3);
-        mixLoadScores.put(6L, 0.6);
-        mixLoadScores.put(7L, 0.8);
-        mixLoadScores.put(8L, 0.7);
-        mixLoadScores.put(9L, 0.9);
-    }
-    private ColocateTableIndex createColocateIndex(GroupId groupId, List<Long> flatList) {
-        ColocateTableIndex colocateTableIndex = new ColocateTableIndex();
-        int replicationNum = 3;
-        List<List<Long>> backendsPerBucketSeq = Lists.partition(flatList, replicationNum);
-        colocateTableIndex.addBackendsPerBucketSeq(groupId, backendsPerBucketSeq);
-        return colocateTableIndex;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBalance(@Mocked SystemInfoService infoService,
-                            @Mocked ClusterLoadStatistic statistic) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                infoService.getBackend(1L);
-                result = backend1;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(2L);
-                result = backend2;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(3L);
-                result = backend3;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(4L);
-                result = backend4;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(5L);
-                result = backend5;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(6L);
-                result = backend6;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(7L);
-                result = backend7;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(8L);
-                result = backend8;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(9L);
-                result = backend9;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                statistic.getBackendLoadStatistic(anyLong);
-                result = null;
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        GroupId groupId = new GroupId(10000, 10001);
-        List<Column> distributionCols = Lists.newArrayList();
-        distributionCols.add(new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.INT));
-        ColocateGroupSchema groupSchema = new ColocateGroupSchema(groupId, distributionCols, 5, (short) 3);
-        Map<GroupId, ColocateGroupSchema> group2Schema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        group2Schema.put(groupId, groupSchema);
-        // 1. balance a imbalance group
-        // [[1, 2, 3], [4, 1, 2], [3, 4, 1], [2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]]
-        ColocateTableIndex colocateTableIndex = createColocateIndex(groupId,
-                Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 3L));
-        Deencapsulation.setField(colocateTableIndex, "group2Schema", group2Schema);
-        List<List<Long>> balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq = Lists.newArrayList();
-        List<Long> allAvailBackendIds = Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L);
-        boolean changed = (Boolean) Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "relocateAndBalance", groupId, new HashSet<Long>(), allAvailBackendIds,
-                colocateTableIndex, infoService, statistic, balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        List<List<Long>> expected = Lists.partition(
-                Lists.newArrayList(9L, 5L, 3L, 4L, 6L, 8L, 7L, 6L, 1L, 2L, 9L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 3L), 3);
-        Assert.assertTrue(changed);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expected, balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        // 2. balance a already balanced group
-        colocateTableIndex = createColocateIndex(groupId,
-                Lists.newArrayList(9L, 8L, 7L, 8L, 6L, 5L, 9L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 2L, 3L));
-        Deencapsulation.setField(colocateTableIndex, "group2Schema", group2Schema);
-        balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq.clear();
-        changed = (Boolean) Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "relocateAndBalance", groupId, new HashSet<Long>(), allAvailBackendIds,
-                colocateTableIndex, infoService, statistic, balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        System.out.println(balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        Assert.assertFalse(changed);
-        Assert.assertTrue(balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq.isEmpty());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFixBalanceEndlessLoop(@Mocked SystemInfoService infoService,
-                                          @Mocked ClusterLoadStatistic statistic) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                infoService.getBackend(1L);
-                result = backend1;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(2L);
-                result = backend2;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(3L);
-                result = backend3;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(4L);
-                result = backend4;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(5L);
-                result = backend5;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(6L);
-                result = backend6;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(7L);
-                result = backend7;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(8L);
-                result = backend8;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(9L);
-                result = backend9;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                statistic.getBackendLoadStatistic(anyLong);
-                result = null;
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        GroupId groupId = new GroupId(10000, 10001);
-        List<Column> distributionCols = Lists.newArrayList();
-        distributionCols.add(new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.INT));
-        ColocateGroupSchema groupSchema = new ColocateGroupSchema(groupId, distributionCols, 5, (short) 1);
-        Map<GroupId, ColocateGroupSchema> group2Schema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        group2Schema.put(groupId, groupSchema);
-        // 1. only one available backend
-        // [[7], [7], [7], [7], [7]]
-        ColocateTableIndex colocateTableIndex = createColocateIndex(groupId, Lists.newArrayList(7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L));
-        Deencapsulation.setField(colocateTableIndex, "group2Schema", group2Schema);
-        List<List<Long>> balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq = Lists.newArrayList();
-        List<Long> allAvailBackendIds = Lists.newArrayList(7L);
-        boolean changed = Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "relocateAndBalance", groupId, new HashSet<Long>(), allAvailBackendIds,
-                                                 colocateTableIndex, infoService, statistic, balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        Assert.assertFalse(changed);
-        // 2. all backends are checked but this round is not changed
-        // [[7], [7], [7], [7], [7]]
-        // and add new backends 8, 9 that are on the same host with 7
-        colocateTableIndex = createColocateIndex(groupId, Lists.newArrayList(7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L));
-        Deencapsulation.setField(colocateTableIndex, "group2Schema", group2Schema);
-        balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq = Lists.newArrayList();
-        allAvailBackendIds = Lists.newArrayList(7L, 8L, 9L);
-        changed = Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "relocateAndBalance", groupId, new HashSet<Long>(), allAvailBackendIds,
-                                         colocateTableIndex, infoService, statistic, balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        Assert.assertFalse(changed);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFixBalanceEndlessLoop2(@Mocked SystemInfoService infoService,
-                                           @Mocked ClusterLoadStatistic statistic) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                statistic.getBackendLoadStatistic(anyLong);
-                result = new Delegate<BackendLoadStatistic>() {
-                    BackendLoadStatistic delegate(Long beId) {
-                        return new FakeBackendLoadStatistic(beId, null, null, null);
-                    }
-                };
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        GroupId groupId = new GroupId(10000, 10001);
-        List<Column> distributionCols = Lists.newArrayList();
-        ColocateGroupSchema groupSchema = new ColocateGroupSchema(groupId, distributionCols, 5, (short) 1);
-        Map<GroupId, ColocateGroupSchema> group2Schema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        group2Schema.put(groupId, groupSchema);
-        ColocateTableIndex colocateTableIndex = createColocateIndex(groupId, Lists.newArrayList(7L, 7L, 7L, 7L, 7L));
-        Deencapsulation.setField(colocateTableIndex, "group2Schema", group2Schema);
-        List<List<Long>> balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Set<Long> unAvailBackendIds = Sets.newHashSet(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L);
-        List<Long> availBackendIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        boolean changed = (Boolean) Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "relocateAndBalance", groupId, unAvailBackendIds, availBackendIds,
-                colocateTableIndex, infoService, statistic, balancedBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        Assert.assertFalse(changed);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetSortedBackendReplicaNumPairs(@Mocked ClusterLoadStatistic statistic) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                statistic.getBackendLoadStatistic(anyLong);
-                result = new Delegate<BackendLoadStatistic>() {
-                    BackendLoadStatistic delegate(Long beId) {
-                        return new FakeBackendLoadStatistic(beId, null, null, null);
-                    }
-                };
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        // all buckets are on different be
-        List<Long> allAvailBackendIds = Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L);
-        Set<Long> unavailBackendIds = Sets.newHashSet(9L);
-        List<Long> flatBackendsPerBucketSeq = Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L);
-        List<Map.Entry<Long, Long>> backends = Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "getSortedBackendReplicaNumPairs",
-                allAvailBackendIds, unavailBackendIds, statistic, flatBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        long[] backendIds = backends.stream().mapToLong(Map.Entry::getKey).toArray();
-        Assert.assertArrayEquals(new long[]{7L, 8L, 6L, 2L, 3L, 5L, 4L, 1L}, backendIds);
-        // 0,1 bucket on same be and 5, 6 on same be
-        flatBackendsPerBucketSeq = Lists.newArrayList(1L, 1L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 7L, 9L);
-        backends = Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "getSortedBackendReplicaNumPairs", allAvailBackendIds, unavailBackendIds,
-                statistic, flatBackendsPerBucketSeq);
-        backendIds = backends.stream().mapToLong(Map.Entry::getKey).toArray();
-        Assert.assertArrayEquals(new long[]{7L, 1L, 6L, 3L, 5L, 4L, 8L, 2L}, backendIds);
-    }
-    public final class FakeBackendLoadStatistic extends BackendLoadStatistic {
-        public FakeBackendLoadStatistic(long beId, String clusterName, SystemInfoService infoService,
-                                    TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex) {
-            super(beId, clusterName, infoService, invertedIndex);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public double getMixLoadScore() {
-            return mixLoadScores.get(getBeId());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetBeSeqIndexes() {
-        List<Long> flatBackendsPerBucketSeq = Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 2L);
-        List<Integer> indexes = Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "getBeSeqIndexes", flatBackendsPerBucketSeq, 2L);
-        Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[]{1, 2, 5}, indexes.stream().mapToInt(i->i).toArray());
-        System.out.println("backend1 id is " + backend1.getId());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetUnavailableBeIdsInGroup(@Mocked ColocateTableIndex colocateTableIndex,
-                                               @Mocked SystemInfoService infoService,
-                                               @Mocked Backend myBackend2,
-                                               @Mocked Backend myBackend3,
-                                               @Mocked Backend myBackend4,
-                                               @Mocked Backend myBackend5
-                                               ) {
-        GroupId groupId = new GroupId(10000, 10001);
-        Set<Long> allBackendsInGroup = Sets.newHashSet(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                infoService.getBackend(1L);
-                result = null;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // backend2 is available
-                infoService.getBackend(2L);
-                result = myBackend2;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend2.isAvailable();
-                result = true;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // backend3 not available, and dead for a long time
-                infoService.getBackend(3L);
-                result = myBackend3;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend3.isAvailable();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend3.isAlive();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend3.getLastUpdateMs();
-                result = System.currentTimeMillis() - Config.tablet_repair_delay_factor_second * 1000 * 20;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // backend4 not available, and dead for a short time
-                infoService.getBackend(4L);
-                result = myBackend4;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend4.isAvailable();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend4.isAlive();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend4.getLastUpdateMs();
-                result = System.currentTimeMillis();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // backend5 not available, and in decommission
-                infoService.getBackend(5L);
-                result = myBackend5;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend5.isAvailable();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend5.isAlive();
-                result = true;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend5.isDecommissioned();
-                result = true;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                colocateTableIndex.getBackendsByGroup(groupId);
-                result = allBackendsInGroup;
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        Set<Long> unavailableBeIds = Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "getUnavailableBeIdsInGroup", infoService, colocateTableIndex, groupId);
-        System.out.println(unavailableBeIds);
-        Assert.assertArrayEquals(new long[]{1L, 3L, 5L}, unavailableBeIds.stream().mapToLong(i->i).sorted().toArray());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetAvailableBeIds(@Mocked SystemInfoService infoService,
-                                             @Mocked Backend myBackend2,
-                                             @Mocked Backend myBackend3,
-                                             @Mocked Backend myBackend4,
-                                             @Mocked Backend myBackend5) {
-        List<Long> clusterBackendIds = Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L);
-        new Expectations(){
-            {
-                infoService.getClusterBackendIds("cluster1", false);
-                result = clusterBackendIds;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                infoService.getBackend(1L);
-                result = null;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // backend2 is available
-                infoService.getBackend(2L);
-                result = myBackend2;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend2.isAvailable();
-                result = true;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // backend3 not available, and dead for a long time
-                infoService.getBackend(3L);
-                result = myBackend3;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend3.isAvailable();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend3.isAlive();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend3.getLastUpdateMs();
-                result = System.currentTimeMillis() - Config.tablet_repair_delay_factor_second * 1000 * 20;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // backend4 available, not alive but dead for a short time
-                infoService.getBackend(4L);
-                result = myBackend4;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend4.isAvailable();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend4.isAlive();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend4.getLastUpdateMs();
-                result = System.currentTimeMillis();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // backend5 not available, and in decommission
-                infoService.getBackend(5L);
-                result = myBackend5;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend5.isAvailable();
-                result = false;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend5.isAlive();
-                result = true;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                myBackend5.isDecommissioned();
-                result = true;
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        List<Long> availableBeIds = Deencapsulation.invoke(balancer, "getAvailableBeIds","cluster1", infoService);
-        Assert.assertArrayEquals(new long[]{2L, 4L}, availableBeIds.stream().mapToLong(i->i).sorted().toArray());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RebalanceTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RebalanceTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ea1e4..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RebalanceTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.clone;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DataProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.HashDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RangePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentBatchTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.CloneTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFinishTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTabletInfo;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import java.util.stream.LongStream;
-import static com.google.common.collect.MoreCollectors.onlyElement;
-public class RebalanceTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(RebalanceTest.class);
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private long id = 10086;
-    private Database db;
-    private OlapTable olapTable;
-    private final SystemInfoService systemInfoService = new SystemInfoService();
-    private final TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex = new TabletInvertedIndex();
-    private Map<String, ClusterLoadStatistic> statisticMap;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws AnalysisException {
-        db = new Database(1, "test db");
-        db.setClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDbIds();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db.getId();
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeConstants.meta_version;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    long a() {
-                        return id++;
-                    }
-                };
-                Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = systemInfoService;
-                Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = invertedIndex;
-                Catalog.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().getTransactionIDGenerator().getNextTransactionId();
-                result = 111;
-                Catalog.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().isPreviousTransactionsFinished(anyLong, anyLong, (List<Long>) any);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // Test mock validation
-        Assert.assertEquals(111, Catalog.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().getTransactionIDGenerator().getNextTransactionId());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Catalog.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().isPreviousTransactionsFinished(1, 2, Lists.newArrayList(3L)));
-        List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList(10001L, 10002L, 10003L, 10004L);
-        beIds.forEach(id -> systemInfoService.addBackend(RebalancerTestUtil.createBackend(id, 2048, 0)));
-        olapTable = new OlapTable(2, "fake table", new ArrayList<>(), KeysType.DUP_KEYS,
-                new RangePartitionInfo(), new HashDistributionInfo());
-        db.createTable(olapTable);
-        // 1 table, 3 partitions p0,p1,p2
-        MaterializedIndex materializedIndex = new MaterializedIndex(olapTable.getId(), null);
-        createPartitionsForTable(olapTable, materializedIndex, 3L);
-        olapTable.setIndexMeta(materializedIndex.getId(), "fake index", Lists.newArrayList(new Column()),
-                0, 0, (short) 0, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.DUP_KEYS);
-        // Tablet distribution: we add them to olapTable & build invertedIndex manually
-        RebalancerTestUtil.createTablet(invertedIndex, db, olapTable, "p0", TStorageMedium.HDD,
-                50000, Lists.newArrayList(10001L, 10002L, 10003L));
-        RebalancerTestUtil.createTablet(invertedIndex, db, olapTable, "p1", TStorageMedium.HDD,
-                60000, Lists.newArrayList(10001L, 10002L, 10003L));
-        RebalancerTestUtil.createTablet(invertedIndex, db, olapTable, "p2", TStorageMedium.HDD,
-                70000, Lists.newArrayList(10001L, 10002L, 10003L));
-        // be4(10004) doesn't have any replica
-        generateStatisticMap();
-    }
-    private void generateStatisticMap() {
-        ClusterLoadStatistic loadStatistic = new ClusterLoadStatistic(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER,
-                systemInfoService, invertedIndex);
-        loadStatistic.init();
-        statisticMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        statisticMap.put(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, loadStatistic);
-    }
-    private void createPartitionsForTable(OlapTable olapTable, MaterializedIndex index, Long partitionCount) {
-        // partition id start from 31
-        LongStream.range(0, partitionCount).forEach(idx -> {
-            long id = 31 + idx;
-            Partition partition = new Partition(id, "p" + idx, index, new HashDistributionInfo());
-            olapTable.addPartition(partition);
-            olapTable.getPartitionInfo().addPartition(id, new DataProperty(TStorageMedium.HDD), (short) 3, false);
-        });
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPartitionRebalancer() {
-        Configurator.setLevel("org.apache.doris.clone.PartitionRebalancer", Level.DEBUG);
-        // Disable scheduler's rebalancer adding balance task, add balance tasks manually
-        Config.disable_balance = true;
-        // Create a new scheduler & checker for redundant tablets handling
-        // Call runAfterCatalogReady manually instead of starting daemon thread
-        TabletSchedulerStat stat = new TabletSchedulerStat();
-        PartitionRebalancer rebalancer = new PartitionRebalancer(Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo(), Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex());
-        TabletScheduler tabletScheduler = new TabletScheduler(catalog, systemInfoService, invertedIndex, stat, "");
-        // The rebalancer inside the scheduler will use this rebalancer, for getToDeleteReplicaId
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tabletScheduler, "rebalancer", rebalancer);
-        TabletChecker tabletChecker = new TabletChecker(catalog, systemInfoService, tabletScheduler, stat);
-        rebalancer.updateLoadStatistic(statisticMap);
-        List<TabletSchedCtx> alternativeTablets = rebalancer.selectAlternativeTablets();
-        // Run once for update slots info, scheduler won't select balance cuz balance is disabled
-        tabletScheduler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        AgentBatchTask batchTask = new AgentBatchTask();
-        for (TabletSchedCtx tabletCtx : alternativeTablets) {
-            LOG.info("try to schedule tablet {}", tabletCtx.getTabletId());
-            try {
-                tabletCtx.setStorageMedium(TStorageMedium.HDD);
-                tabletCtx.setTablet(olapTable.getPartition(tabletCtx.getPartitionId()).getIndex(tabletCtx.getIndexId()).getTablet(tabletCtx.getTabletId()));
-                tabletCtx.setVersionInfo(1, 0, 1, 0);
-                tabletCtx.setSchemaHash(olapTable.getSchemaHashByIndexId(tabletCtx.getIndexId()));
-                tabletCtx.setTabletStatus(Tablet.TabletStatus.HEALTHY); // rebalance tablet should be healthy first
-                // createCloneReplicaAndTask, create replica will change invertedIndex too.
-                rebalancer.createBalanceTask(tabletCtx, tabletScheduler.getBackendsWorkingSlots(), batchTask);
-            } catch (SchedException e) {
-                LOG.warn("schedule tablet {} failed: {}", tabletCtx.getTabletId(), e.getMessage());
-            }
-        }
-        // Show debug info of MoveInProgressMap detail
-        rebalancer.updateLoadStatistic(statisticMap);
-        rebalancer.selectAlternativeTablets();
-        // Get created tasks, and finish them manually
-        List<AgentTask> tasks = batchTask.getAllTasks();
-        List<Long> needCheckTablets = tasks.stream().map(AgentTask::getTabletId).collect(Collectors.toList());
-        LOG.info("created tasks for tablet: {}", needCheckTablets);
-        needCheckTablets.forEach(t -> Assert.assertEquals(4, invertedIndex.getReplicasByTabletId(t).size()));
-//        // If clone task execution is too slow, tabletChecker may want to delete the CLONE replica.
-//        tabletChecker.runAfterCatalogReady();
-//        Assert.assertTrue(tabletScheduler.containsTablet(50000));
-//        // tabletScheduler handle redundant
-//        tabletScheduler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        for (Long tabletId : needCheckTablets) {
-            TabletSchedCtx tabletSchedCtx = alternativeTablets.stream().filter(ctx -> ctx.getTabletId() == tabletId).collect(onlyElement());
-            AgentTask task = tasks.stream().filter(t -> t.getTabletId() == tabletId).collect(onlyElement());
-            LOG.info("try to finish tabletCtx {}", tabletId);
-            try {
-                TFinishTaskRequest fakeReq = new TFinishTaskRequest();
-                fakeReq.task_status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK);
-                fakeReq.finish_tablet_infos = Lists.newArrayList(new TTabletInfo(tabletSchedCtx.getTabletId(), 5, 1, 0, 0, 0));
-                tabletSchedCtx.finishCloneTask((CloneTask) task, fakeReq);
-            } catch (SchedException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-        // NeedCheckTablets are redundant, TabletChecker will add them to TabletScheduler
-        tabletChecker.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        needCheckTablets.forEach(t -> Assert.assertEquals(4, invertedIndex.getReplicasByTabletId(t).size()));
-        needCheckTablets.forEach(t -> Assert.assertTrue(tabletScheduler.containsTablet(t)));
-        // TabletScheduler handle redundant tablet
-        tabletScheduler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        // One replica is set to DECOMMISSION, still 4 replicas
-        needCheckTablets.forEach(t -> {
-            List<Replica> replicas = invertedIndex.getReplicasByTabletId(t);
-            Assert.assertEquals(4, replicas.size());
-            Replica decommissionedReplica = replicas.stream().filter(r -> r.getState() == Replica.ReplicaState.DECOMMISSION).collect(onlyElement());
-            // expected watermarkTxnId is 111
-            Assert.assertEquals(111, decommissionedReplica.getWatermarkTxnId());
-        });
-        // Delete replica should change invertedIndex too
-        tabletScheduler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        needCheckTablets.forEach(t -> Assert.assertEquals(3, invertedIndex.getReplicasByTabletId(t).size()));
-        // Check moves completed
-        rebalancer.selectAlternativeTablets();
-        rebalancer.updateLoadStatistic(statisticMap);
-        AtomicLong succeeded = Deencapsulation.getField(rebalancer, "counterBalanceMoveSucceeded");
-        Assert.assertEquals(needCheckTablets.size(), succeeded.get());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMoveInProgressMap() {
-        Configurator.setLevel("org.apache.doris.clone.MovesInProgressCache", Level.DEBUG);
-        MovesCacheMap m = new MovesCacheMap();
-        m.updateMapping(statisticMap, 3);
-        m.getCache(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, TStorageMedium.HDD).get().put(1L, new Pair<>(null, -1L));
-        m.getCache(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, TStorageMedium.SSD).get().put(2L, new Pair<>(null, -1L));
-        m.getCache(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, TStorageMedium.SSD).get().put(3L, new Pair<>(null, -1L));
-        // Maintenance won't clean up the entries of cache
-        m.maintain();
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, m.size());
-        // Reset the expireAfterAccess, the whole cache map will be cleared.
-        m.updateMapping(statisticMap, 1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, m.size());
-        m.getCache(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, TStorageMedium.SSD).get().put(3L, new Pair<>(null, -1L));
-        try {
-            Thread.sleep(1000);
-            m.maintain();
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, m.size());
-        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RebalancerTestUtil.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RebalancerTestUtil.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6755f03..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RebalancerTestUtil.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.clone;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DiskInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletMeta;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.stream.IntStream;
-public class RebalancerTestUtil {
-    // Add only one path, PathHash:id
-    public static Backend createBackend(long id, long totalCap, long usedCap) {
-        // ip:port won't be checked
-        Backend be = new Backend(id, "192.168.0." + id, 9051);
-        Map<String, DiskInfo> disks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        DiskInfo diskInfo = new DiskInfo("/path1");
-        diskInfo.setPathHash(id);
-        diskInfo.setTotalCapacityB(totalCap);
-        diskInfo.setDataUsedCapacityB(usedCap);
-        disks.put(diskInfo.getRootPath(), diskInfo);
-        be.setDisks(ImmutableMap.copyOf(disks));
-        be.setAlive(true);
-        be.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        return be;
-    }
-    // Create one tablet(and its replicas) for one partition. The replicas will created on backends which are numbered in beIds.
-    // The tablet will be added to TabletInvertedIndex & OlapTable.
-    // Only use the partition's baseIndex for simplicity
-    public static void createTablet(TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex, Database db, OlapTable olapTable, String partitionName, TStorageMedium medium,
-                                    int tabletId, List<Long> beIds) {
-        Partition partition = olapTable.getPartition(partitionName);
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = partition.getBaseIndex();
-        int schemaHash = olapTable.getSchemaHashByIndexId(baseIndex.getId());
-        TabletMeta tabletMeta = new TabletMeta(db.getId(), olapTable.getId(), partition.getId(), baseIndex.getId(),
-                schemaHash, medium);
-        Tablet tablet = new Tablet(tabletId);
-        // add tablet to olapTable
-        olapTable.getPartition("p0").getBaseIndex().addTablet(tablet, tabletMeta);
-        createReplicasAndAddToIndex(invertedIndex, tabletMeta, tablet, beIds);
-    }
-    // Create replicas on backends which are numbered in beIds.
-    // The tablet & replicas will be added to invertedIndex.
-    public static void createReplicasAndAddToIndex(TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex, TabletMeta tabletMeta, Tablet tablet, List<Long> beIds) {
-        invertedIndex.addTablet(tablet.getId(), tabletMeta);
-        IntStream.range(0, beIds.size()).forEach(i -> {
-            Replica replica = new Replica(tablet.getId() + i, beIds.get(i), Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL, 1, 0, tabletMeta.getOldSchemaHash());
-            // We've set pathHash to beId for simplicity
-            replica.setPathHash(beIds.get(i));
-            // isRestore set true, to avoid modifying Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex
-            tablet.addReplica(replica, true);
-            invertedIndex.addReplica(tablet.getId(), replica);
-        });
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RootPathLoadStatisticTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RootPathLoadStatisticTest.java
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index 9452760..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/RootPathLoadStatisticTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.clone;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DiskInfo.DiskState;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-public class RootPathLoadStatisticTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        RootPathLoadStatistic usageLow = new RootPathLoadStatistic(0L, "/home/disk1", 12345L, TStorageMedium.HDD, 4096L,
-                1024L, DiskState.ONLINE);
-        RootPathLoadStatistic usageHigh = new RootPathLoadStatistic(0L, "/home/disk2", 67890L, TStorageMedium.HDD,
-                4096L, 2048L, DiskState.ONLINE);
-        List<RootPathLoadStatistic> list = Lists.newArrayList();
-        list.add(usageLow);
-        list.add(usageHigh);
-        // low usage should be ahead
-        Collections.sort(list);
-        Assert.assertTrue(list.get(0).getPathHash() == usageLow.getPathHash());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/TabletSchedCtxTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/TabletSchedCtxTest.java
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index 5733677..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/TabletSchedCtxTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.clone;
-import org.apache.doris.clone.TabletSchedCtx.Priority;
-import org.apache.doris.clone.TabletSchedCtx.Type;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.PriorityQueue;
-public class TabletSchedCtxTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testPriorityCompare() {
-        // equal priority, but info3's last visit time is earlier than info2 and info1, so info1 should ranks ahead
-        PriorityQueue<TabletSchedCtx> pendingTablets = new PriorityQueue<>();
-        TabletSchedCtx ctx1 = new TabletSchedCtx(Type.REPAIR, "default_cluster",
-                1, 2, 3, 4, 1000, System.currentTimeMillis());
-        ctx1.setOrigPriority(Priority.NORMAL);
-        ctx1.setLastVisitedTime(2);
-        TabletSchedCtx ctx2 = new TabletSchedCtx(Type.REPAIR, "default_cluster",
-                1, 2, 3, 4, 1001, System.currentTimeMillis());
-        ctx2.setOrigPriority(Priority.NORMAL);
-        ctx2.setLastVisitedTime(3);
-        TabletSchedCtx ctx3 = new TabletSchedCtx(Type.REPAIR, "default_cluster",
-                1, 2, 3, 4, 1001, System.currentTimeMillis());
-        ctx3.setOrigPriority(Priority.NORMAL);
-        ctx3.setLastVisitedTime(1);
-        pendingTablets.add(ctx1);
-        pendingTablets.add(ctx2);
-        pendingTablets.add(ctx3);
-        TabletSchedCtx expectedCtx = pendingTablets.poll();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(expectedCtx);
-        Assert.assertEquals(ctx3.getTabletId(), expectedCtx.getTabletId());
-        // priority is not equal, info2 is HIGH, should ranks ahead
-        pendingTablets.clear();
-        ctx1.setOrigPriority(Priority.NORMAL);
-        ctx2.setOrigPriority(Priority.HIGH);
-        ctx1.setLastVisitedTime(2);
-        ctx2.setLastVisitedTime(2);
-        pendingTablets.add(ctx2);
-        pendingTablets.add(ctx1);
-        expectedCtx = pendingTablets.poll();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(expectedCtx);
-        Assert.assertEquals(ctx2.getTabletId(), expectedCtx.getTabletId());
-        // add info2 back to priority queue, and it should ranks ahead still.
-        pendingTablets.add(ctx2);
-        expectedCtx = pendingTablets.poll();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(expectedCtx);
-        Assert.assertEquals(ctx2.getTabletId(), expectedCtx.getTabletId());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f36f601..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/clone/TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.clone;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Ordering;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultimap;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex.PartitionBalanceInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.clone.TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo.PartitionMove;
-import org.apache.doris.clone.PartitionRebalancer.ClusterBalanceInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.stream.IntStream;
-public class TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgoTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgoTest.class);
-    TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo algo = new TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo(TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo.EqualSkewOption.PICK_FIRST);
-    // Structure to describe rebalancing-related state of the cluster expressively
-    // enough for the tests.
-    private static class TestClusterConfig {
-        static class PartitionPerBeReplicas {
-            Long partitionId;
-            Long indexId;
-            // Number of replicas of this partition on each server in the cluster.
-            // By definition, the indices in this container correspond to indices
-            // in TestClusterConfig::beIds.
-            List<Long> numReplicasByServer;
-            PartitionPerBeReplicas(Long p, Long i, List<Long> l) {
-                this.partitionId = p;
-                this.indexId = i;
-                this.numReplicasByServer = l;
-            }
-        }
-        // IDs of bes; every element must be unique.
-        List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        // Distribution of partition replicas across the bes. The following
-        // constraints should be in place:
-        //   * for each p in partitionReplicas:
-        //       p.numReplicasByServer.size() == beIds.size()
-        List<PartitionPerBeReplicas> partitionReplicas = Lists.newArrayList();
-        // The expected replica movements: the reference output of the algorithm
-        // to compare with.
-        List<PartitionMove> expectedMoves = Lists.newArrayList();
-        // TODO MovesOrderingComparison: Options controlling how the reference and the actual results are compared.
-        // PartitionBalanceInfos in skew map are arbitrary ordering, so we can't get the fixed moves
-        // when more than one partition have the maxSkew.
-    }
-    // Transform the definition of the test cluster into the ClusterInfo
-    // that is consumed by the rebalancing algorithm.
-    private ClusterBalanceInfo ClusterConfigToClusterBalanceInfo(TestClusterConfig tcc) {
-        // First verify that the configuration of the test cluster is valid.
-        Set<Pair<Long, Long>> partitionIds = Sets.newHashSet();
-        for (TestClusterConfig.PartitionPerBeReplicas p : tcc.partitionReplicas) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(tcc.beIds.size(), p.numReplicasByServer.size());
-            partitionIds.add(new Pair<>(p.partitionId, p.indexId));
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(partitionIds.size(), tcc.partitionReplicas.size());
-        // Check for uniqueness of the tablet servers' identifiers.
-        Set<Long> beIdSet = new HashSet<>(tcc.beIds);
-        Assert.assertEquals(tcc.beIds.size(), beIdSet.size());
-        ClusterBalanceInfo balance = new ClusterBalanceInfo();
-        for (int beIdx = 0; beIdx < tcc.beIds.size(); ++beIdx) {
-            // Total replica count at the tablet server.
-            long count = 0;
-            for (TestClusterConfig.PartitionPerBeReplicas p : tcc.partitionReplicas) {
-                count += p.numReplicasByServer.get(beIdx);
-            }
-            balance.beByTotalReplicaCount.put(count, tcc.beIds.get(beIdx));
-        }
-        for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < tcc.partitionReplicas.size(); ++pIdx) {
-            // Replicas of the current partition per be.
-            TestClusterConfig.PartitionPerBeReplicas distribution = tcc.partitionReplicas.get(pIdx);
-            PartitionBalanceInfo info = new PartitionBalanceInfo(distribution.partitionId, distribution.indexId);
-            List<Long> replicaCount = distribution.numReplicasByServer;
-            IntStream.range(0, replicaCount.size()).forEach(i -> info.beByReplicaCount.put(replicaCount.get(i), tcc.beIds.get(i)));
-            Long max_count = info.beByReplicaCount.keySet().last();
-            Long min_count = info.beByReplicaCount.keySet().first();
-            Assert.assertTrue(max_count >= min_count);
-            balance.partitionInfoBySkew.put(max_count - min_count, info);
-        }
-        return balance;
-    }
-    private void verifyMoves(List<TestClusterConfig> configs) {
-        for (TestClusterConfig config : configs) {
-            List<PartitionMove> moves = algo.getNextMoves(ClusterConfigToClusterBalanceInfo(config), 0);
-            Assert.assertEquals(moves, config.expectedMoves);
-        }
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        Configurator.setLevel("org.apache.doris.clone.TwoDimensionalGreedyAlgo", Level.WARN);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testApplyMoveFailed() {
-        PartitionMove move = new PartitionMove(11L, 22L, 10001L, 10002L);
-        // total count is valid
-        TreeMultimap<Long, Long> beByTotalReplicaCount = TreeMultimap.create();
-        beByTotalReplicaCount.put(10L, 10001L);
-        beByTotalReplicaCount.put(10L, 10002L);
-        // no info of partition
-        TreeMultimap<Long, PartitionBalanceInfo> skewMap = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), Ordering.arbitrary());
-        try {
-            TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo.applyMove(move, beByTotalReplicaCount, skewMap);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertSame(e.getClass(), IllegalStateException.class);
-            LOG.info(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        // beByTotalReplicaCount should be modified
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, beByTotalReplicaCount.keySet().stream().filter(skew -> skew != 10L).count());
-        // invalid info of partition
-        skewMap.put(6L, new PartitionBalanceInfo(11L, 22L));
-        try {
-            TwoDimensionalGreedyRebalanceAlgo.applyMove(move, beByTotalReplicaCount, skewMap);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertSame(e.getClass(), IllegalStateException.class);
-            LOG.warn(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        // beByTotalReplicaCount should be modified
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, beByTotalReplicaCount.keySet().stream().filter(skew -> skew != 10L).count());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInvalidClusterBalanceInfo() {
-        Configurator.setLevel("org.apache.doris.clone.TwoDimensionalGreedyAlgo", Level.DEBUG);
-        try {
-            algo.getNextMoves(new ClusterBalanceInfo(), 0);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            algo.getNextMoves(new ClusterBalanceInfo() {{
-                beByTotalReplicaCount.put(0L, 10001L);
-            }}, 0);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            // Invalid balance info will cause IllegalStateException
-            algo.getNextMoves(new ClusterBalanceInfo() {
-                {
-                    beByTotalReplicaCount.put(0L, 10001L);
-                    beByTotalReplicaCount.put(1L, 10002L);
-                }
-            }, 0);
-            Assert.fail("Exception will be thrown in GetNextMoves");
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertSame(e.getClass(), IllegalStateException.class);
-            LOG.info(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    // Partition- and cluster-wise balanced configuration with one-off skew.
-    // Algorithm won't consider about the tablet health
-    @Test
-    public void testAlreadyBalanced() {
-        List<TestClusterConfig> configs = Lists.newArrayList(
-                // A single be with a single replica of the only partition.
-                new TestClusterConfig() {{
-                    beIds.add(10001L);
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(1L)));
-                    // expectedMoves is empty
-                }},
-                // A single be in the cluster that hosts all replicas.
-                new TestClusterConfig() {{
-                    beIds.add(10001L);
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(1L)));
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 44L, Lists.newArrayList(10L)));
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 55L, Lists.newArrayList(10L)));
-                }},
-                // Single partition and 2 be: 100 and 99 replicas at each.
-                new TestClusterConfig() {{
-                    beIds.add(10001L);
-                    beIds.add(10002L);
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(100L, 99L)));
-                }}
-        );
-        verifyMoves(configs);
-    }
-    // TODO after MovesOrderingComparison supported
-    // Set of scenarios where the distribution of replicas is partition-wise balanced
-    // but not yet cluster-wise balanced, requiring just a few replica moves
-    // to achieve both partition- and cluster-wise balance state.
-    // TODO add more tests after MovesOrderingComparison supported
-    // Set of scenarios where the distribution of table replicas is cluster-wise
-    // balanced, but not table-wise balanced, requiring just few moves to make it
-    // both table- and cluster-wise balanced.
-    @Test
-    public void testClusterWiseBalanced() {
-        List<TestClusterConfig> configs = Lists.newArrayList(
-                new TestClusterConfig() {{
-                    beIds.add(10001L);
-                    beIds.add(10002L);
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(2L, 0L)));
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 44L, Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L)));
-                    expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
-                }}
-        );
-        verifyMoves(configs);
-    }
-    // Unbalanced (both table- and cluster-wise) and simple enough configurations
-    // to make them balanced moving just few replicas.
-    @Test
-    public void testFewMoves() {
-        List<TestClusterConfig> configs = Lists.newArrayList(
-                new TestClusterConfig() {{
-                    beIds.add(10001L);
-                    beIds.add(10002L);
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(2L, 0L)));
-                    expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
-                }},
-                new TestClusterConfig() {{
-                    beIds.add(10001L);
-                    beIds.add(10002L);
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(3L, 0L)));
-                    expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
-                }},
-                new TestClusterConfig() {{
-                    beIds.add(10001L);
-                    beIds.add(10002L);
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(4L, 0L)));
-                    expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
-                    expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10001L, 10002L));
-                }}
-        );
-        verifyMoves(configs);
-    }
-    // Unbalanced (both table- and cluster-wise) and simple enough configurations to
-    // make them balanced moving many replicas around.
-    @Test
-    public void testManyMoves() {
-        List<TestClusterConfig> configs = Lists.newArrayList(
-                new TestClusterConfig() {{
-                    beIds.add(10001L);
-                    beIds.add(10002L);
-                    beIds.add(10003L);
-                    partitionReplicas.add(new PartitionPerBeReplicas(22L, 33L, Lists.newArrayList(100L, 400L, 100L)));
-                    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
-                        if (i % 2 == 1) {
-                            expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10002L, 10003L));
-                        } else {
-                            expectedMoves.add(new PartitionMove(22L, 33L, 10002L, 10001L));
-                        }
-                    }
-                }}
-        );
-        verifyMoves(configs);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/cluster/SystemInfoServiceTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/cluster/SystemInfoServiceTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5473264..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/cluster/SystemInfoServiceTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.cluster;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AddBackendClause;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropBackendClause;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class SystemInfoServiceTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfoService;
-    private TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex;
-    @Mocked
-    private Database db;
-    @Mocked
-    private Table table;
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private String hostPort;
-    private long backendId = 10000L;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws IOException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                editLog.logAddBackend((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                editLog.logDropBackend((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                editLog.logBackendStateChange((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                table.readLock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                table.readUnlock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = backendId;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                db.getTable(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                catalog.getCluster(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Cluster("cluster", 1);
-                catalog.clear();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                systemInfoService = new SystemInfoService();
-                Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = systemInfoService;
-                invertedIndex = new TabletInvertedIndex();
-                Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = invertedIndex;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeConstants.meta_version;
-            }
-        };
-        analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, new ConnectContext(null));
-    }
-    public void mkdir(String dirString) {
-        File dir = new File(dirString);
-        if (!dir.exists()) {
-            dir.mkdir();
-        } else {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public void deleteDir(String metaDir) {
-        File dir = new File(metaDir);
-        if (dir.exists()) {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-            dir.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    public void createHostAndPort(int type) {
-        switch (type) {
-            case 1:
-                // missing ip
-                hostPort = "12346";
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                // invalid ip
-                hostPort = "asdasd:12345";
-                break;
-            case 3:
-                // invalid port
-                hostPort = "";
-                break;
-            case 4:
-                // normal
-                hostPort = "";
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    public void clearAllBackend() {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().dropAllBackend();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void validHostAndPortTest1() throws Exception {
-        createHostAndPort(1);
-        systemInfoService.validateHostAndPort(hostPort);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void validHostAndPortTest3() throws Exception {
-        createHostAndPort(3);
-        systemInfoService.validateHostAndPort(hostPort);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void validHostAndPortTest4() throws Exception {
-        createHostAndPort(4);
-        systemInfoService.validateHostAndPort(hostPort);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void addBackendTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        clearAllBackend();
-        AddBackendClause stmt = new AddBackendClause(Lists.newArrayList(""));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackends(stmt.getHostPortPairs(), true);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackends(stmt.getHostPortPairs(), true);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("already exists"));
-        }
-        Assert.assertNotNull(Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().getBackend(backendId));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().getBackendWithHeartbeatPort("", 1234));
-        Assert.assertTrue(Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().getBackendIds(false).size() == 1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().getBackendIds(false).get(0) == backendId);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().getBackendReportVersion(backendId) == 0L);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().updateBackendReportVersion(backendId, 2L, 20000L, 30000L);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().getBackendReportVersion(backendId) == 2L);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void removeBackendTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        clearAllBackend();
-        AddBackendClause stmt = new AddBackendClause(Lists.newArrayList(""));
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackends(stmt.getHostPortPairs(), true);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        DropBackendClause dropStmt = new DropBackendClause(Lists.newArrayList(""));
-        dropStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().dropBackends(dropStmt.getHostPortPairs());
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().dropBackends(dropStmt.getHostPortPairs());
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("does not exist"));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSaveLoadBackend() throws Exception {
-        clearAllBackend();
-        String dir = "testLoadBackend";
-        mkdir(dir);
-        File file = new File(dir, "image");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        SystemInfoService systemInfoService = Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        Backend back1 = new Backend(1L, "localhost", 3);
-        back1.updateOnce(4, 6, 8);
-        systemInfoService.replayAddBackend(back1);
-        long checksum1 = systemInfoService.saveBackends(dos, 0);
-        catalog.clear();
-        catalog = null;
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
-        long checksum2 = systemInfoService.loadBackends(dis, 0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(checksum1, checksum2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, systemInfoService.getIdToBackend().size());
-        Backend back2 = systemInfoService.getBackend(1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(back1.equals(back2));
-        dis.close();
-        deleteDir(dir);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/CIDRTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/CIDRTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 141aa22..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/CIDRTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class CIDRTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testWrongFormat() {
-        // no mask
-        try {
-            CIDR cidr = new CIDR("");
-            // should not be here
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }  catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
-        }
-        // mask is too big
-        try {
-            CIDR cidr = new CIDR("");
-            // should not be here
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }  catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
-        }
-        // ip is too short
-        try {
-            CIDR cidr = new CIDR("192.168./88");
-            // should not be here
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }  catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        // the real value is
-        CIDR cidr = new CIDR("");
-        Assert.assertEquals("", cidr.getIP());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", cidr.getNetmask());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", cidr.getCIDR());
-        System.out.println("range: " + cidr.getIpRange());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testContain() {
-        CIDR cidr = new CIDR("");
-        Assert.assertTrue(cidr.contains(""));
-        Assert.assertFalse(cidr.contains(""));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/CommandLineOptionsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/CommandLineOptionsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d5045..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/CommandLineOptionsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.apache.doris.journal.bdbje.BDBToolOptions;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class CommandLineOptionsTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        CommandLineOptions options = new CommandLineOptions(true, "", null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(options.isVersion());
-        Assert.assertFalse(options.runBdbTools());
-        options = new CommandLineOptions(false, "", new BDBToolOptions(true, "", false, "", "", 0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(options.isVersion());
-        Assert.assertTrue(options.runBdbTools());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/ExceptionChecker.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/ExceptionChecker.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f64e68..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/ExceptionChecker.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import com.google.common.base.Strings;
-import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
-public class ExceptionChecker {
-    /**
-     * A runnable that can throw any checked exception.
-     */
-    @FunctionalInterface
-    public interface ThrowingRunnable {
-        void run() throws Throwable;
-    }
-    public static void expectThrowsNoException(ThrowingRunnable runnable) {
-        try {
-            runnable.run();
-        } catch (Throwable e) {
-            throw new AssertionFailedError(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks a specific exception class is thrown by the given runnable, and returns it.
-     */
-    public static <T extends Throwable> T expectThrows(Class<T> expectedType, ThrowingRunnable runnable) {
-        return expectThrows(expectedType,
-                "Expected exception " + expectedType.getSimpleName() + " but no exception was thrown", null, runnable);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks a specific exception class is thrown by the given runnable, and
-     * returns it.
-     * Will also check if the given `exceptionMsg` is with exception.
-     */
-    public static <T extends Throwable> T expectThrowsWithMsg(Class<T> expectedType, String exceptionMsg,
-            ThrowingRunnable runnable) {
-        return expectThrows(expectedType,
-                "Expected exception " + expectedType.getSimpleName() + " but no exception was thrown", exceptionMsg,
-                runnable);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks a specific exception class is thrown by the given runnable, and returns it.
-     */
-    public static <T extends Throwable> T expectThrows(Class<T> expectedType, String noExceptionMessage,
-            String exceptionMsg, ThrowingRunnable runnable) {
-        try {
-            runnable.run();
-        } catch (Throwable e) {
-            if (expectedType.isInstance(e)) {
-                if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(exceptionMsg)) {
-                    if (!e.getMessage().contains(exceptionMsg)) {
-                        AssertionFailedError assertion = new AssertionFailedError(
-                                "expected msg: " + exceptionMsg + ", actual: " + e.getMessage());
-                        assertion.initCause(e);
-                        throw assertion;
-                    }
-                }
-                return expectedType.cast(e);
-            }
-            AssertionFailedError assertion = new AssertionFailedError(
-                    "Unexpected exception type, expected " + expectedType.getSimpleName() + " but got " + e);
-            assertion.initCause(e);
-            throw assertion;
-        }
-        throw new AssertionFailedError(noExceptionMessage);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/FeNameFormatTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/FeNameFormatTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1acb264..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/FeNameFormatTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class FeNameFormatTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckColumnName() {
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("_id"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("__id"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("___id"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("___id_"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("@timestamp"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrows(AnalysisException.class, () -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("?id_"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrows(AnalysisException.class, () -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("#id_"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrows(AnalysisException.class, () -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("@@timestamp"));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrows(AnalysisException.class, () -> FeNameFormat.checkColumnName("@timestamp@"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/GenericPoolTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/GenericPoolTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b8bb7d9..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/GenericPoolTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.BackendService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.PaloInternalServiceVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TAgentPublishRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TAgentResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TAgentTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TCancelPlanFragmentParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TCancelPlanFragmentResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TDeleteEtlFilesRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExecPlanFragmentParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExecPlanFragmentResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExportStatusResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExportTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFetchDataParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFetchDataResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TMiniLoadEtlStatusRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TResultBatch;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TRoutineLoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanBatchResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanCloseParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanCloseResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanNextBatchParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanOpenParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanOpenResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TSnapshotRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTabletStatResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTransmitDataParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTransmitDataResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig;
-import org.apache.thrift.TException;
-import org.apache.thrift.TProcessor;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class GenericPoolTest {
-    static GenericPool<BackendService.Client> backendService;
-    static ThriftServer service;
-    static String ip = "";
-    static int port;
-    static {
-        port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-    }
-    static void close() {
-        if (service != null) {
-            service.stop();
-        }
-    }
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws IOException {
-        try {
-            GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig config = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig();
-            config.setLifo(true); // set Last In First Out strategy
-            config.setMaxIdlePerKey(2); // (default 8)
-            config.setMinIdlePerKey(0); // (default 0)
-            config.setMaxTotalPerKey(2); // (default 8)
-            config.setMaxTotal(3); // (default -1)
-            config.setMaxWaitMillis(500);
-            // new ClientPool
-            backendService = new GenericPool("BackendService", config, 0);
-            // new ThriftService
-            TProcessor tprocessor = new BackendService.Processor<BackendService.Iface>(
-                    new InternalProcessor());
-            service = new ThriftServer(port, tprocessor);
-            service.start();
-            Thread.sleep(5000);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            close();
-        }
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void afterClass() throws IOException {
-        close();
-    }
-    private static class InternalProcessor implements BackendService.Iface {
-        public InternalProcessor() {
-            //
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TExecPlanFragmentResult execPlanFragment(TExecPlanFragmentParams params) {
-            return new TExecPlanFragmentResult();
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TCancelPlanFragmentResult cancelPlanFragment(TCancelPlanFragmentParams params) {
-            return new TCancelPlanFragmentResult();
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TTransmitDataResult transmitData(TTransmitDataParams params) {
-            return new TTransmitDataResult();
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TFetchDataResult fetchData(TFetchDataParams params) {
-            TFetchDataResult result = new TFetchDataResult();
-            result.setPacketNum(123);
-            result.setResultBatch(new TResultBatch(new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(), false, 0));
-            result.setEos(true);
-            return result;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult submitTasks(List<TAgentTaskRequest> tasks) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult releaseSnapshot(String snapshot_path) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult publishClusterState(TAgentPublishRequest request) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult submitEtlTask(TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest request) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult getEtlStatus(TMiniLoadEtlStatusRequest request) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult deleteEtlFiles(TDeleteEtlFilesRequest request) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult makeSnapshot(TSnapshotRequest snapshot_request) throws TException {
-            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TStatus submitExportTask(TExportTaskRequest request) throws TException {
-            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TExportStatusResult getExportStatus(TUniqueId task_id) throws TException {
-            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TStatus eraseExportTask(TUniqueId task_id) throws TException {
-            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TTabletStatResult getTabletStat() throws TException {
-            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TStatus submitRoutineLoadTask(List<TRoutineLoadTask> tasks) throws TException {
-            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TScanOpenResult openScanner(TScanOpenParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TScanBatchResult getNext(TScanNextBatchParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TScanCloseResult closeScanner(TScanCloseParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws Exception {
-        TNetworkAddress address = new TNetworkAddress(ip, port);
-        BackendService.Client object = backendService.borrowObject(address);
-        TFetchDataResult result = object.fetchData(new TFetchDataParams(
-                PaloInternalServiceVersion.V1, new TUniqueId()));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.getPacketNum(), 123);
-        backendService.returnObject(address, object);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetMaxPerKey() throws Exception {
-        TNetworkAddress address = new TNetworkAddress(ip, port);
-        BackendService.Client object1;
-        BackendService.Client object2;
-        BackendService.Client object3;
-        // first success
-        object1 = backendService.borrowObject(address);
-        // second success
-        object2 = backendService.borrowObject(address);
-        // third fail, because the max connection is 2
-        boolean flag = false;
-        try {
-            object3 = backendService.borrowObject(address);
-        } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
-            flag = true;
-            // pass
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(flag);
-        // fourth success, because we drop the object1
-        backendService.returnObject(address, object1);
-        object3 = null;
-        object3 = backendService.borrowObject(address);
-        Assert.assertTrue(object3 != null);
-        backendService.returnObject(address, object2);
-        backendService.returnObject(address, object3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testException() throws Exception {
-        TNetworkAddress address = new TNetworkAddress(ip, port);
-        BackendService.Client object;
-        // borrow null
-        boolean flag = false;
-        try {
-            object = backendService.borrowObject(null);
-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
-            flag = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(flag);
-        flag = false;
-        // return twice
-        object = backendService.borrowObject(address);
-        backendService.returnObject(address, object);
-        try {
-            backendService.returnObject(address, object);
-        } catch (java.lang.IllegalStateException e) {
-            flag = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(flag);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/JdkUtilsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/JdkUtilsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c0766e2..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/JdkUtilsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.JdkUtils;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class JdkUtilsTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        Assert.assertTrue(JdkUtils.checkJavaVersion());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFunctions() {
-        String versionStr = JdkUtils.getJavaVersionFromFullVersion("java full version \"1.8.0_131-b11\"");
-        Assert.assertEquals("1.8.0_131-b11", versionStr);
-        versionStr = JdkUtils.getJavaVersionFromFullVersion("openjdk full version \"13.0.1+9\"");
-        Assert.assertEquals("13.0.1+9", versionStr);
-        int version = JdkUtils.getJavaVersionAsInteger("1.8.0_131-b11");
-        Assert.assertEquals(8, version);
-        version = JdkUtils.getJavaVersionAsInteger("1.7.0_79-b15");
-        Assert.assertEquals(7, version);
-        version = JdkUtils.getJavaVersionAsInteger("13.0.1+9");
-        Assert.assertEquals(13, version);
-        version = JdkUtils.getJavaVersionAsInteger("11.0.0+7");
-        Assert.assertEquals(11, version);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/MD5Test.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/MD5Test.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e61abe..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/MD5Test.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.PrintWriter;
-public class MD5Test {
-    private static String fileName = "job_info.txt";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void createFile() {
-        String json = "{'key': 'value'}";
-        try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fileName)) {
-            out.print(json);
-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void deleteFile() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        if (file.exists()) {
-            file.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        File localFile = new File(fileName);
-        String md5sum = null;
-        try {
-            md5sum = DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(localFile));
-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        System.out.println(md5sum);
-        String fullName = fileName + "__" + md5sum;
-        System.out.println(fullName);
-        System.out.println(fullName.lastIndexOf("__"));
-        System.out.println(fullName.substring(fullName.lastIndexOf("__") + 2));
-        System.out.println(fullName.substring(0, fullName.lastIndexOf("__")));
-        System.out.println(md5sum.length());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/MarkDownParserTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/MarkDownParserTest.java
deleted file mode 100755
index 57fa3d1..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/MarkDownParserTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class MarkDownParserTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
-        lines.add("# SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add("## name");
-        lines.add("SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add("## description");
-        lines.add("SYNTAX:");
-        lines.add("\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database");
-        lines.add("## example");
-        lines.add("show tables;");
-        lines.add("## keyword");
-        lines.add("SHOW, TABLES");
-        lines.add("## url");
-        lines.add("http://www.baidu.com");
-        MarkDownParser parser = new MarkDownParser(lines);
-        Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = parser.parse();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(map.get("show taBLES"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW TABLES\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("name"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SYNTAX:\n\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("description"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("show tables;\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("example"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW, TABLES\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("keyword"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://www.baidu.com\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("url"));
-        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> doc : map.entrySet()) {
-            Assert.assertEquals("SHOW TABLES\n", doc.getValue().get("NAme"));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultiDoc() throws UserException {
-        List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
-        lines.add(" name");
-        lines.add("# SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add("## name");
-        lines.add("SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add("## description");
-        lines.add("SYNTAX:\n\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database");
-        lines.add("## example");
-        lines.add("show tables;");
-        lines.add("## keyword");
-        lines.add("SHOW, TABLES");
-        lines.add("## url");
-        lines.add("http://www.baidu.com");
-        lines.add("# SHOW DATABASES");
-        lines.add("# DATABASES");
-        MarkDownParser parser = new MarkDownParser(lines);
-        Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = parser.parse();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(map.get("SHOW TABLES"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW TABLES\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("name"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SYNTAX:\n\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("description"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("show tables;\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("example"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW, TABLES\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("keyword"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://www.baidu.com\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("url"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(map.get("SHOW DATABASES"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(map.get("DATABASES"));
-        Assert.assertNull(map.get("DATABASES abc"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNoDoc() throws UserException {
-        List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
-        lines.add(" SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add(" name");
-        lines.add("SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add(" description");
-        lines.add("SYNTAX:\n\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database");
-        lines.add(" example");
-        lines.add("show tables;");
-        lines.add(" keyword");
-        lines.add("SHOW, TABLES");
-        lines.add(" url");
-        lines.add("http://www.baidu.com");
-        lines.add(" SHOW DATABASES");
-        lines.add(" DATABASES");
-        MarkDownParser parser = new MarkDownParser(lines);
-        Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = parser.parse();
-        Assert.assertNull(map.get("SHOW TABLES"));
-        Assert.assertNull(map.get("SHOW DATABASES"));
-        Assert.assertNull(map.get("DATABASES"));
-        Assert.assertNull(map.get("DATABASES abc"));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testNoFirst() throws UserException {
-        List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
-        lines.add("## SHOW TABLES");
-        MarkDownParser parser = new MarkDownParser(lines);
-        parser.parse();
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-//    When encounter a headlevel at 3 or greater, we ignore it rather than throw exception
-//    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-//    public void testErrorState() throws UserException {
-//        List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
-//        lines.add("# SHOW TABLES");
-//        lines.add("## name");
-//        lines.add("### name");
-//        MarkDownParser parser = new MarkDownParser(lines);
-//        Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = parser.parse();
-//        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-//    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultiHeadLevel() throws UserException {
-        List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
-        lines.add("# SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add("## name");
-        lines.add(" SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add("## description");
-        lines.add("###Syntax");
-        lines.add("SYNTAX:\n\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database");
-        lines.add("####Parameter");
-        lines.add(">table_name");
-        lines.add("## example");
-        lines.add("show tables;");
-        lines.add("### Exam1");
-        lines.add("exam1");
-        lines.add("## keyword");
-        lines.add("SHOW, TABLES");
-        lines.add("## url");
-        lines.add("http://www.baidu.com");
-        MarkDownParser parser = new MarkDownParser(lines);
-        Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = parser.parse();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(map.get("SHOW TABLES"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(" SHOW TABLES\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("name"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("Syntax\nSYNTAX:\n\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database\nParameter\n>table_name\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("description"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("show tables;\n Exam1\nexam1\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("example"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW, TABLES\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("keyword"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://www.baidu.com\n", map.get("SHOW TABLES").get("url"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEmptyTitle() throws UserException {
-        List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
-        lines.add("#");
-        lines.add("## ");
-        lines.add("SHOW TABLES");
-        lines.add("## ");
-        lines.add("SYNTAX:\n\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database");
-        lines.add("## example");
-        lines.add("show tables;");
-        lines.add("## keyword");
-        lines.add("SHOW, TABLES");
-        lines.add("## url");
-        lines.add("http://www.baidu.com");
-        MarkDownParser parser = new MarkDownParser(lines);
-        Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = parser.parse();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(map.get(""));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SYNTAX:\n\tSHOW TABLES [FROM] database\n", map.get("").get(""));
-        Assert.assertEquals("show tables;\n", map.get("").get("example"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("SHOW, TABLES\n", map.get("").get("keyword"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://www.baidu.com\n", map.get("").get("url"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOneName() throws UserException {
-        List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayList();
-        lines.add("# TABLES");
-        lines.add("# TABLE");
-        MarkDownParser parser = new MarkDownParser(lines);
-        Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = parser.parse();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(map.get("TABLE"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(map.get("TABLES"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/PatternMatcherTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/PatternMatcherTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f280d8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/PatternMatcherTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class PatternMatcherTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        try {
-            PatternMatcher matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("%abc", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("kljfdljasabc"));
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("kljfdljasABc"));
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("ABc"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("kljfdljasABc "));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("ab%c", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("ab12121dfksjfla c"));
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("abc"));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("_abc", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("1ABC"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("12abc"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("abc"));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("a_bc", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("A1BC"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("abc"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("a12bc"));
-            // Escape from MySQL result
-            // "abc" like "ab\c" True
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("ab\\c", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("abc"));
-            // "ab\c" like "ab\\c"
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("ab\\\\c", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("ab\\c"));
-            // "ab\\c" like "ab\\\\c"
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("ab\\\\\\\\c", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("ab\\\\c"));
-            // "ab\" like "ab\"
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("ab\\", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("ab\\"));
-            // Empty pattern
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match(""));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match(null));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match(" "));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("192.168.1.%", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match(""));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("192a168.1.1"));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("192.1_8.1.%", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match(""));
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match(""));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match(""));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("192.1\\_8.1.%", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("192.1_8.1.1"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match(""));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("192.1\\_8.1.\\%", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("192.1_8.1.%"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("192.1_8.1.100"));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("192.%", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match(""));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("192.168.%", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match(""));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("my-host", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("my-host"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("my-hostabc"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("abcmy-host"));
-            matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("my-%-host", false);
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("my-abc-host"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("my-abc-hostabc"));
-            Assert.assertFalse(matcher.match("abcmy-abc-host"));
-            Assert.assertTrue(matcher.match("my-%-host"));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAbnormal(){
-        try {
-            PatternMatcher matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("^abc", false);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        try {
-            PatternMatcher matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("\\\\(abc", false);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        try {
-            PatternMatcher matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern("\\*abc", false);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/PropertyAnalyzerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/PropertyAnalyzerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 913499a7..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/PropertyAnalyzerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DateLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DataProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.PropertyAnalyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.TimeUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageFormat;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class PropertyAnalyzerTest {
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @Test
-    public void testBfColumns() throws AnalysisException {
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columns.add(new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.INT));
-        columns.add(new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.TINYINT));
-        columns.add(new Column("v1",
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.VARCHAR), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("v2", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), false, AggregateType.SUM, "0", ""));
-        columns.get(0).setIsKey(true);
-        columns.get(1).setIsKey(true);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_BF_COLUMNS, "k1");
-        Set<String> bfColumns = PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeBloomFilterColumns(properties, columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet("k1"), bfColumns);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBfColumnsError() {
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columns.add(new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.INT));
-        columns.add(new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.TINYINT));
-        columns.add(new Column("k3", PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN));
-        columns.add(new Column("v1",
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.VARCHAR), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("v2", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), false, AggregateType.SUM, "0", ""));
-        columns.get(0).setIsKey(true);
-        columns.get(1).setIsKey(true);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        // no bf columns
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_BF_COLUMNS, "");
-        try {
-            Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(), PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeBloomFilterColumns(properties, columns,
-                KeysType.AGG_KEYS));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // k4 not exist
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_BF_COLUMNS, "k4");
-        try {
-            PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeBloomFilterColumns(properties, columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("column does not exist in table"));
-        }
-        // tinyint not supported
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_BF_COLUMNS, "k2");
-        try {
-            PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeBloomFilterColumns(properties, columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("TINYINT is not supported"));
-        }
-        // bool not supported
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_BF_COLUMNS, "k3");
-        try {
-            PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeBloomFilterColumns(properties, columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("BOOLEAN is not supported"));
-        }
-        // not replace value
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_BF_COLUMNS, "v2");
-        try {
-            PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeBloomFilterColumns(properties, columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Bloom filter index only used in"));
-        }
-        // reduplicated column
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_BF_COLUMNS, "k1,K1");
-        try {
-            PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeBloomFilterColumns(properties, columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Reduplicated bloom filter column"));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBfFpp() throws AnalysisException {
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_BF_FPP, "0.05");
-        Assert.assertEquals(0.05, PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeBloomFilterFpp(properties), 0.0001);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStorageMedium() throws AnalysisException {
-        long tomorrowTs = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + 86400;
-        String tomorrowTimeStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(tomorrowTs * 1000);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_STORAGE_MEDIUM, "SSD");
-        properties.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_STORAGE_COLDOWN_TIME, tomorrowTimeStr);
-        DataProperty dataProperty = PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeDataProperty(properties, new DataProperty(TStorageMedium.SSD));
-        // avoid UT fail because time zone different
-        DateLiteral dateLiteral = new DateLiteral(tomorrowTimeStr, Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertEquals(dateLiteral.unixTimestamp(TimeUtils.getTimeZone()), dataProperty.getCooldownTimeMs());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStorageFormat() throws AnalysisException {
-        HashMap<String, String> propertiesV1 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        HashMap<String, String>  propertiesV2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        HashMap<String, String>  propertiesDefault = Maps.newHashMap();
-        propertiesV1.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_STORAGE_FORMAT, "v1");
-        propertiesV2.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_STORAGE_FORMAT, "v2");
-        propertiesDefault.put(PropertyAnalyzer.PROPERTIES_STORAGE_FORMAT, "default");
-        Assert.assertEquals(TStorageFormat.V2, PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeStorageFormat(null));
-        Assert.assertEquals(TStorageFormat.V2, PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeStorageFormat(propertiesV2));
-        Assert.assertEquals(TStorageFormat.V2, PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeStorageFormat(propertiesDefault));
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Storage format V1 has been deprecated since version 0.14," +
-                " please use V2 instead");
-        PropertyAnalyzer.analyzeStorageFormat(propertiesV1);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/ThreadPoolManagerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/ThreadPoolManagerTest.java
deleted file mode 100755
index a31b15c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/ThreadPoolManagerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.Metric;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.MetricRepo;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ThreadPoolManagerTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws InterruptedException {
-        ThreadPoolExecutor testCachedPool = ThreadPoolManager.newDaemonCacheThreadPool(2, "test_cache_pool", true);
-        ThreadPoolExecutor testFixedThreaddPool = ThreadPoolManager.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(2, 2,
-                "test_fixed_thread_pool", true);
-        ThreadPoolManager.registerThreadPoolMetric("test_cache_pool", testCachedPool);
-        ThreadPoolManager.registerThreadPoolMetric("test_fixed_thread_pool", testFixedThreaddPool);
-        List<Metric> metricList = MetricRepo.getMetricsByName("thread_pool");
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, metricList.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(ThreadPoolManager.LogDiscardPolicy.class, testCachedPool.getRejectedExecutionHandler().getClass());
-        Assert.assertEquals(ThreadPoolManager.BlockedPolicy.class, testFixedThreaddPool.getRejectedExecutionHandler().getClass());
-        Runnable task = () -> {
-            try {
-                Thread.sleep(500);
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        };
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            testCachedPool.submit(task);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testCachedPool.getPoolSize());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testCachedPool.getActiveCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, testCachedPool.getQueue().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, testCachedPool.getCompletedTaskCount());
-        Thread.sleep(700);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testCachedPool.getPoolSize());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, testCachedPool.getActiveCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, testCachedPool.getQueue().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testCachedPool.getCompletedTaskCount());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            testFixedThreaddPool.submit(task);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testFixedThreaddPool.getPoolSize());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testFixedThreaddPool.getActiveCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testFixedThreaddPool.getQueue().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, testFixedThreaddPool.getCompletedTaskCount());
-        Thread.sleep(2000);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, testFixedThreaddPool.getPoolSize());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, testFixedThreaddPool.getActiveCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, testFixedThreaddPool.getQueue().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, testFixedThreaddPool.getCompletedTaskCount());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/io/DeepCopyTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/io/DeepCopyTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 71b42d7..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/io/DeepCopyTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.io;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.TableInfo;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class DeepCopyTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        TableInfo info = TableInfo.createForTableRename(1, 2, "newTbl");
-        TableInfo copied = new TableInfo();
-        boolean res = DeepCopy.copy(info, copied, TableInfo.class, FeConstants.meta_version);
-        Assert.assertTrue(res);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, copied.getDbId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, copied.getTableId());
-        Assert.assertEquals("newTbl", copied.getNewTableName());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/path/PathTrieTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/path/PathTrieTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 66531d6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/path/PathTrieTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.path;
-import static com.google.common.collect.Maps.newHashMap;
-import org.apache.doris.http.ActionController;
-import org.apache.doris.http.rest.MultiStart;
-import org.apache.doris.http.rest.TableQueryPlanAction;
-import org.apache.doris.http.rest.TableRowCountAction;
-import org.apache.doris.http.rest.TableSchemaAction;
-import org.apache.doris.service.ExecuteEnv;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class PathTrieTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testPath() {
-        PathTrie<String> trie = new PathTrie<>();
-        trie.insert("/a/b/c", "walla");
-        trie.insert("a/d/g", "kuku");
-        trie.insert("x/b/c", "lala");
-        trie.insert("a/x/*", "one");
-        trie.insert("a/b/*", "two");
-        trie.insert("*/*/x", "three");
-        trie.insert("{index}/insert/{docId}", "bingo");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("a/b/c"), "walla");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("a/d/g"), "kuku");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("x/b/c"), "lala");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("a/x/b"), "one");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("a/b/d"), "two");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("a/b"), null);
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("a/b/c/d"), null);
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("g/t/x"), "three");
-        Map<String, String> params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("index1/insert/12", params), "bingo");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.size(), 2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("index"), "index1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("docId"), "12");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEmptyPath() {
-        PathTrie<String> trie = new PathTrie<>();
-        trie.insert("/", "walla");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve(""), "walla");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDifferentNamesOnDifferentPath() {
-        PathTrie<String> trie = new PathTrie<>();
-        trie.insert("/a/{type}", "test1");
-        trie.insert("/b/{name}", "test2");
-        Map<String, String> params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/a/test", params), "test1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("type"), "test");
-        params.clear();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/b/testX", params), "test2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("name"), "testX");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSameNameOnDifferentPath() {
-        PathTrie<String> trie = new PathTrie<>();
-        trie.insert("/a/c/{name}", "test1");
-        trie.insert("/b/{name}", "test2");
-        Map<String, String> params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/a/c/test", params), "test1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("name"), "test");
-        params.clear();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/b/testX", params), "test2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("name"), "testX");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPreferNonWildcardExecution() {
-        PathTrie<String> trie = new PathTrie<>();
-        trie.insert("{test}", "test1");
-        trie.insert("b", "test2");
-        trie.insert("{test}/a", "test3");
-        trie.insert("b/a", "test4");
-        trie.insert("{test}/{testB}", "test5");
-        trie.insert("{test}/x/{testC}", "test6");
-        Map<String, String> params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/b", params), "test2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/b/a", params), "test4");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/v/x", params), "test5");
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/v/x/c", params), "test6");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSamePathConcreteResolution() {
-        PathTrie<String> trie = new PathTrie<>();
-        trie.insert("{x}/{y}/{z}", "test1");
-        trie.insert("{x}/_y/{k}", "test2");
-        Map<String, String> params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/a/b/c", params), "test1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("x"), "a");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("y"), "b");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("z"), "c");
-        params.clear();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/a/_y/c", params), "test2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("x"), "a");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("k"), "c");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNamedWildcardAndLookupWithWildcard() {
-        PathTrie<String> trie = new PathTrie<>();
-        trie.insert("x/{test}", "test1");
-        trie.insert("{test}/a", "test2");
-        trie.insert("/{test}", "test3");
-        trie.insert("/{test}/_endpoint", "test4");
-        trie.insert("/*/{test}/_endpoint", "test5");
-        Map<String, String> params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/x/*", params), "test1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("test"), "*");
-        params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/b/a", params), "test2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("test"), "b");
-        params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/*", params), "test3");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("test"), "*");
-        params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("/*/_endpoint", params), "test4");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("test"), "*");
-        params = newHashMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(trie.retrieve("a/*/_endpoint", params), "test5");
-        Assert.assertEquals(params.get("test"), "*");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInsert(@Injectable ActionController controller,
-                           @Injectable ExecuteEnv execEnv) {
-        PathTrie pathTrie = new PathTrie();
-        pathTrie.insert("/api/{db}/_multi_start", new MultiStart(controller, execEnv));
-        pathTrie.insert("/api/{db}/{table}/_count", new TableRowCountAction(controller));
-        pathTrie.insert("/api/{db}/{table}/_schema", new TableSchemaAction(controller));
-        pathTrie.insert("/api/{db}/{table}/_query_plan", new TableQueryPlanAction(controller));
-        Map<String, String> params = Maps.newHashMap();
-        pathTrie.retrieve("/api/test/_multi_start", params);
-        Assert.assertEquals("test", params.get("db"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/BackendProcNodeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/BackendProcNodeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f8bb89..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/BackendProcNodeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.proc;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DiskInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class BackendProcNodeTest {
-    private Backend b1;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                editLog.logAddBackend((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                editLog.logDropBackend((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                editLog.logBackendStateChange((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 10000L;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-        b1 = new Backend(1000, "host1", 10000);
-        b1.updateOnce(10001, 10003, 10005);
-        Map<String, DiskInfo> disks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        disks.put("/home/disk1", new DiskInfo("/home/disk1"));
-        ImmutableMap<String, DiskInfo> immutableMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(disks);
-        b1.setDisks(immutableMap);
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testResultNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        BackendProcNode node = new BackendProcNode(b1);
-        ProcResult result;
-        // fetch result
-        result = node.fetchResult();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(result);
-        Assert.assertTrue(result instanceof BaseProcResult);
-        Assert.assertTrue(result.getRows().size() >= 1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("RootPath", "DataUsedCapacity", "OtherUsedCapacity", "AvailCapacity",
-                "TotalCapacity", "TotalUsedPct", "State", "PathHash"), result.getColumnNames());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/BackendsProcDirTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/BackendsProcDirTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a2cae9..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/BackendsProcDirTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.proc;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class BackendsProcDirTest {
-    private Backend b1;
-    private Backend b2;
-    @Mocked
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfoService;
-    @Mocked
-    private TabletInvertedIndex tabletInvertedIndex;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        b1 = new Backend(1000, "host1", 10000);
-        b1.updateOnce(10001, 10003, 10005);
-        b2 = new Backend(1001, "host2", 20000);
-        b2.updateOnce(20001, 20003, 20005);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                editLog.logAddBackend((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                editLog.logDropBackend((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                editLog.logBackendStateChange((Backend) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 10000L;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                catalog.clear();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                systemInfoService.getBackend(1000);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = b1;
-                systemInfoService.getBackend(1001);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = b2;
-                systemInfoService.getBackend(1002);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                tabletInvertedIndex.getTabletNumByBackendId(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 2;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tabletInvertedIndex;
-                Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = systemInfoService;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        // systemInfoService = null;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRegister() {
-        BackendsProcDir dir;
-        dir = new BackendsProcDir(systemInfoService);
-        Assert.assertFalse(dir.register("100000", new BaseProcDir()));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testLookupNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        BackendsProcDir dir;
-        ProcNodeInterface node;
-        dir = new BackendsProcDir(systemInfoService);
-        try {
-            node = dir.lookup("1000");
-            Assert.assertNotNull(node);
-            Assert.assertTrue(node instanceof BackendProcNode);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        dir = new BackendsProcDir(systemInfoService);
-        try {
-            node = dir.lookup("1001");
-            Assert.assertNotNull(node);
-            Assert.assertTrue(node instanceof BackendProcNode);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        dir = new BackendsProcDir(systemInfoService);
-        node = dir.lookup("1002");
-        Assert.fail();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLookupInvalid() {
-        BackendsProcDir dir;
-        ProcNodeInterface node;
-        dir = new BackendsProcDir(systemInfoService);
-        try {
-            node = dir.lookup(null);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        try {
-            node = dir.lookup("");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFetchResultNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        BackendsProcDir dir;
-        ProcResult result;
-        dir = new BackendsProcDir(systemInfoService);
-        result = dir.fetchResult();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(result);
-        Assert.assertTrue(result instanceof BaseProcResult);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/DbsProcDirTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/DbsProcDirTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index aa9930a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/DbsProcDirTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.proc;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-public class DbsProcDirTest {
-    private Database db1;
-    private Database db2;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    // construct test case
-    //  catalog
-    //  | - db1
-    //  | - db2
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        db1 = new Database(10000L, "db1");
-        db2 = new Database(10001L, "db2");
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        catalog = null;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRegister() {
-        DbsProcDir dir;
-        dir = new DbsProcDir(catalog);
-        Assert.assertFalse(dir.register("db1", new BaseProcDir()));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testLookupNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb("db1");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db1;
-                catalog.getDb("db2");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db2;
-                catalog.getDb("db3");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                catalog.getDb(db1.getId());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db1;
-                catalog.getDb(db2.getId());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db2;
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        DbsProcDir dir;
-        ProcNodeInterface node;
-        dir = new DbsProcDir(catalog);
-        try {
-            node = dir.lookup(String.valueOf(db1.getId()));
-            Assert.assertNotNull(node);
-            Assert.assertTrue(node instanceof TablesProcDir);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        dir = new DbsProcDir(catalog);
-        try {
-            node = dir.lookup(String.valueOf(db2.getId()));
-            Assert.assertNotNull(node);
-            Assert.assertTrue(node instanceof TablesProcDir);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        dir = new DbsProcDir(catalog);
-        node = dir.lookup("10002");
-        Assert.assertNull(node);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLookupInvalid() {
-        DbsProcDir dir;
-        ProcNodeInterface node;
-        dir = new DbsProcDir(catalog);
-        try {
-            node = dir.lookup(null);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        try {
-            node = dir.lookup("");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFetchResultNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getDbNames();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList("db1", "db2");
-                catalog.getDb("db1");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db1;
-                catalog.getDb("db2");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db2;
-                catalog.getDb("db3");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                catalog.getDb(db1.getId());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db1;
-                catalog.getDb(db2.getId());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db2;
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        DbsProcDir dir;
-        ProcResult result;
-        dir = new DbsProcDir(catalog);
-        result = dir.fetchResult();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(result);
-        Assert.assertTrue(result instanceof BaseProcResult);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("DbId", "DbName", "TableNum", "Quota", "LastConsistencyCheckTime", "ReplicaQuota"),
-                            result.getColumnNames());
-        List<List<String>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
-        rows.add(Arrays.asList(String.valueOf(db1.getId()), db1.getFullName(), "0", "1024.000 GB", FeConstants.null_string, "1073741824"));
-        rows.add(Arrays.asList(String.valueOf(db2.getId()), db2.getFullName(), "0", "1024.000 GB", FeConstants.null_string, "1073741824"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(rows, result.getRows());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFetchResultInvalid() throws AnalysisException {
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getDbNames();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        DbsProcDir dir;
-        ProcResult result;
-        dir = new DbsProcDir(null);
-        try {
-            result = dir.fetchResult();
-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        dir = new DbsProcDir(catalog);
-        result = dir.fetchResult();
-        Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("DbId", "DbName", "TableNum", "Quota", "LastConsistencyCheckTime", "ReplicaQuota"),
-                            result.getColumnNames());
-        List<List<String>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Assert.assertEquals(rows, result.getRows());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/IndexSchemaProcNodeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/IndexSchemaProcNodeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cee6c2c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/IndexSchemaProcNodeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.proc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionCallExpr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-public class IndexSchemaProcNodeTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testFetchResult() throws AnalysisException {
-        List<Column> columnList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column column1 = new Column("k1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        Column column2 = new Column("mv_bitmap_union_v1", Type.BITMAP, false, AggregateType.BITMAP_UNION, true, "", "");
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db1", "t1");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "v1");
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("to_bitmap", Lists.newArrayList(slotRef));
-        column2.setDefineExpr(functionCallExpr);
-        columnList.add(column1);
-        columnList.add(column2);
-        IndexSchemaProcNode indexSchemaProcNode = new IndexSchemaProcNode(columnList, null);
-        ProcResult procResult = indexSchemaProcNode.fetchResult();
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, procResult.getRows().size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(procResult.getRows().get(1).contains(column2.getDisplayName()));
-        Assert.assertFalse(procResult.getRows().get(1).contains(column2.getName()));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/ProcServiceTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/ProcServiceTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b94d0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/proc/ProcServiceTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.proc;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ProcServiceTest {
-    private class EmptyProcNode implements ProcNodeInterface {
-        @Override
-        public ProcResult fetchResult() {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    // 构造用于测试的文件结构,具体的结构如下
-    // - palo
-    // | - be
-    //   | - src
-    //   | - deps
-    // | - fe
-    //   | - src
-    //   | - conf
-    //   | - build.sh
-    // | - common
-    @Before
-    public void beforeTest() {
-        ProcService procService = ProcService.getInstance();
-        BaseProcDir paloDir = new BaseProcDir();
-        Assert.assertTrue(procService.register("palo", paloDir));
-        BaseProcDir beDir = new BaseProcDir();
-        Assert.assertTrue(paloDir.register("be", beDir));
-        Assert.assertTrue(beDir.register("src", new BaseProcDir()));
-        Assert.assertTrue(beDir.register("deps", new BaseProcDir()));
-        BaseProcDir feDir = new BaseProcDir();
-        Assert.assertTrue(paloDir.register("fe", feDir));
-        Assert.assertTrue(feDir.register("src", new BaseProcDir()));
-        Assert.assertTrue(feDir.register("conf", new BaseProcDir()));
-        Assert.assertTrue(feDir.register("build.sh", new EmptyProcNode()));
-        Assert.assertTrue(paloDir.register("common", new BaseProcDir()));
-    }
-    @After
-    public void afterTest() {
-        ProcService.destroy();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRegisterNormal() {
-        ProcService procService = ProcService.getInstance();
-        String name = "test";
-        BaseProcDir dir = new BaseProcDir();
-        Assert.assertTrue(procService.register(name, dir));
-    }
-    // register second time
-    @Test
-    public void testRegisterSecond() {
-        ProcService procService = ProcService.getInstance();
-        String name = "test";
-        BaseProcDir dir = new BaseProcDir();
-        Assert.assertTrue(procService.register(name, dir));
-        Assert.assertFalse(procService.register(name, dir));
-    }
-    // register invalid
-    @Test
-    public void testRegisterInvalidInput() {
-        ProcService procService = ProcService.getInstance();
-        String name = "test";
-        BaseProcDir dir = new BaseProcDir();
-        Assert.assertFalse(procService.register(null, dir));
-        Assert.assertFalse(procService.register("", dir));
-        Assert.assertFalse(procService.register(name, null));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOpenNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        ProcService procService = ProcService.getInstance();
-        // assert root
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo/be"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo/be/src"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo/be/deps"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo/fe"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo/fe/src"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo/fe/conf"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo/fe/build.sh"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("/palo/common"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOpenSapceNormal() throws AnalysisException {
-        ProcService procService = ProcService.getInstance();
-        // assert space
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open(" \r/"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open(" \r/ "));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("  /palo \r\n"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open("\n\r\t /palo/be \n\r"));
-        // assert last '/'
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open(" /palo/be/"));
-        Assert.assertNotNull(procService.open(" /palo/fe/  "));
-        ProcNodeInterface node = procService.open("/dbs");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(node);
-        Assert.assertTrue(node instanceof DbsProcDir);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOpenFail() {
-        ProcService procService = ProcService.getInstance();
-        // assert no path
-        int errCount = 0;
-        try {
-            procService.open("/abc");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            ++errCount;
-        }
-        try {
-            Assert.assertNull(procService.open("/palo/b e"));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            ++errCount;
-        }
-        try {
-            Assert.assertNull(procService.open("/palo/fe/build.sh/"));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            ++errCount;
-        }
-        // assert no root
-        try {
-            Assert.assertNull(procService.open("palo"));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            ++errCount;
-        }
-        try {
-            Assert.assertNull(procService.open(" palo"));
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            ++errCount;
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, errCount);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/BrokerUtilTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/BrokerUtilTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4be5d0f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/BrokerUtilTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BrokerDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.BrokerMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FsBroker;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.GenericPool;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerCloseReaderRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerCloseWriterRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerDeletePathRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerFD;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerFileStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerListPathRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerListResponse;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOpenReaderRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOpenReaderResponse;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOpenWriterRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOpenWriterResponse;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOperationStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOperationStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerPReadRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerPWriteRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerReadResponse;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPaloBrokerService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import org.apache.thrift.TException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-public class BrokerUtilTest {
-    @Test
-    public void parseColumnsFromPath() {
-        String path = "/path/to/dir/k1=v1/xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Collections.singletonList("k1"));
-            assertEquals(1, columns.size());
-            assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("v1"), columns);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            fail();
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k1/xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Collections.singletonList("k1"));
-            fail();
-        } catch (UserException ignored) {
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k1=v1/xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Collections.singletonList("k2"));
-            fail();
-        } catch (UserException ignored) {
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k1=v2/k1=v1/xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Collections.singletonList("k1"));
-            assertEquals(1, columns.size());
-            assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("v1"), columns);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            fail();
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k2=v2/k1=v1/xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Lists.newArrayList("k1", "k2"));
-            assertEquals(2, columns.size());
-            assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("v1", "v2"), columns);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            fail();
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k2=v2/a/k1=v1/xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Lists.newArrayList("k1", "k2"));
-            fail();
-        } catch (UserException ignored) {
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k2=v2/k1=v1/xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Lists.newArrayList("k1", "k2", "k3"));
-            fail();
-        } catch (UserException ignored) {
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k2=v2//k1=v1//xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Lists.newArrayList("k1", "k2"));
-            assertEquals(2, columns.size());
-            assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("v1", "v2"), columns);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            fail();
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k2==v2=//k1=v1//xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Lists.newArrayList("k1", "k2"));
-            assertEquals(2, columns.size());
-            assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("v1", "=v2="), columns);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            fail();
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k2==v2=//k1=v1/";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Lists.newArrayList("k1", "k2"));
-            fail();
-        } catch (UserException ignored) {
-        }
-        path = "/path/to/dir/k1=2/a/xxx.csv";
-        try {
-            List<String> columns = BrokerUtil.parseColumnsFromPath(path, Collections.singletonList("k1"));
-            fail();
-        } catch (UserException ignored) {
-            ignored.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReadFile(@Mocked TPaloBrokerService.Client client, @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                             @Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr)
-            throws TException, UserException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
-        // list response
-        TBrokerListResponse listResponse = new TBrokerListResponse();
-        TBrokerOperationStatus status = new TBrokerOperationStatus();
-        status.statusCode = TBrokerOperationStatusCode.OK;
-        listResponse.opStatus = status;
-        List<TBrokerFileStatus> files = Lists.newArrayList();
-        String filePath = "hdfs://";
-        files.add(new TBrokerFileStatus(filePath, false, 10, false));
-        listResponse.files = files;
-        // open reader response
-        TBrokerOpenReaderResponse openReaderResponse = new TBrokerOpenReaderResponse();
-        openReaderResponse.opStatus = status;
-        openReaderResponse.fd = new TBrokerFD(1, 2);
-        // read response
-        String dppResultStr = "{'normal_rows': 10, 'abnormal_rows': 0, 'failed_reason': 'etl job failed'}";
-        TBrokerReadResponse readResponse = new TBrokerReadResponse();
-        readResponse.opStatus = status;
-        readResponse.setData(dppResultStr.getBytes("UTF-8"));
-        FsBroker fsBroker = new FsBroker("", 99999);
-        new MockUp<GenericPool<TPaloBrokerService.Client>>() {
-            @Mock
-            public TPaloBrokerService.Client borrowObject(TNetworkAddress address) throws Exception {
-                return client;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void returnObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void invalidateObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.getBroker(anyString, anyString);
-                result = fsBroker;
-                client.listPath((TBrokerListPathRequest) any);
-                result = listResponse;
-                client.openReader((TBrokerOpenReaderRequest) any);
-                result = openReaderResponse;
-                client.pread((TBrokerPReadRequest) any);
-                result = readResponse;
-                times = 1;
-                client.closeReader((TBrokerCloseReaderRequest) any);
-                result = status;
-            }
-        };
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc("broker0", Maps.newHashMap());
-        byte[] data = BrokerUtil.readFile(filePath, brokerDesc);
-        String readStr = new String(data, "UTF-8");
-        Assert.assertEquals(dppResultStr, readStr);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWriteFile(@Mocked TPaloBrokerService.Client client, @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                              @Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr)
-            throws TException, UserException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
-        // open writer response
-        TBrokerOpenWriterResponse openWriterResponse = new TBrokerOpenWriterResponse();
-        TBrokerOperationStatus status = new TBrokerOperationStatus();
-        status.statusCode = TBrokerOperationStatusCode.OK;
-        openWriterResponse.opStatus = status;
-        openWriterResponse.fd = new TBrokerFD(1, 2);
-        FsBroker fsBroker = new FsBroker("", 99999);
-        new MockUp<GenericPool<TPaloBrokerService.Client>>() {
-            @Mock
-            public TPaloBrokerService.Client borrowObject(TNetworkAddress address) throws Exception {
-                return client;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void returnObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void invalidateObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.getBroker(anyString, anyString);
-                result = fsBroker;
-                client.openWriter((TBrokerOpenWriterRequest) any);
-                result = openWriterResponse;
-                client.pwrite((TBrokerPWriteRequest) any);
-                result = status;
-                times = 1;
-                client.closeWriter((TBrokerCloseWriterRequest) any);
-                result = status;
-            }
-        };
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc("broker0", Maps.newHashMap());
-        byte[] configs = "{'label': 'label0'}".getBytes("UTF-8");
-        String destFilePath = "hdfs://";
-        try {
-            BrokerUtil.writeFile(configs, destFilePath, brokerDesc);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDeletePath(@Mocked TPaloBrokerService.Client client, @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                               @Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr) throws AnalysisException, TException {
-        // delete response
-        TBrokerOperationStatus status = new TBrokerOperationStatus();
-        status.statusCode = TBrokerOperationStatusCode.OK;
-        FsBroker fsBroker = new FsBroker("", 99999);
-        new MockUp<GenericPool<TPaloBrokerService.Client>>() {
-            @Mock
-            public TPaloBrokerService.Client borrowObject(TNetworkAddress address) throws Exception {
-                return client;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void returnObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void invalidateObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.getBroker(anyString, anyString);
-                result = fsBroker;
-                client.deletePath((TBrokerDeletePathRequest) any);
-                result = status;
-                times = 1;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc("broker0", Maps.newHashMap());
-            BrokerUtil.deletePath("hdfs://", brokerDesc);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/DebugUtilTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/DebugUtilTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ff78c38..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/DebugUtilTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-public class DebugUtilTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testGetUint() {
-        Pair<Double, String> result;
-        result = DebugUtil.getUint(2000000000L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Double.valueOf(2.0), result.first);
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "B");
-        result = DebugUtil.getUint(1234567L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.first, Double.valueOf(1.234567));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "M");
-        result = DebugUtil.getUint(1234L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.first, Double.valueOf(1.234));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "K");
-        result = DebugUtil.getUint(123L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.first, Double.valueOf(123.0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetPrettyStringMs() {
-        // 6hour1min
-        Assert.assertEquals(DebugUtil.getPrettyStringMs(21660222), "6h1m");
-        // 1min222ms
-        Assert.assertEquals(DebugUtil.getPrettyStringMs(60222), "1m");
-        // 2s222ms
-        Assert.assertEquals(DebugUtil.getPrettyStringMs(2222), "2s222ms");
-        // 22ms
-        Assert.assertEquals(DebugUtil.getPrettyStringMs(22), "22ms");  
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetByteUint() {
-        Pair<Double, String> result;
-        result = DebugUtil.getByteUint(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.first,  Double.valueOf(0.0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "");
-        result = DebugUtil.getByteUint(123);     // B
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.first, Double.valueOf(123.0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "B");
-        result = DebugUtil.getByteUint(123456);  // K
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.first, Double.valueOf(120.5625));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "KB");
-        result = DebugUtil.getByteUint(1234567);  // M
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.first, Double.valueOf(1.1773748397827148));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "MB");
-        result = DebugUtil.getByteUint(1234567890L);  // G
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.first, Double.valueOf(1.1497809458523989));
-        Assert.assertEquals(result.second, "GB");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/DynamicPartitionUtilTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/DynamicPartitionUtilTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ad45dd..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/DynamicPartitionUtilTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DynamicPartitionProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RangePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.clearspring.analytics.util.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.time.DateTimeException;
-import java.time.LocalDate;
-import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
-import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-public class DynamicPartitionUtilTest {
-    private static final String FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";
-    private static Map<String, String> getDynamProp(String timeUnit, int start, int end, int startOfWeek,
-            int startOfMonth) {
-        Map<String, String> prop = Maps.newHashMap();
-        prop.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE, "true");
-        prop.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.TIME_UNIT, timeUnit);
-        prop.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.START, String.valueOf(start));
-        prop.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.END, String.valueOf(end));
-        prop.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.PREFIX, "p");
-        prop.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.BUCKETS, "1");
-        if (startOfWeek > 0) {
-            prop.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.START_DAY_OF_WEEK, String.valueOf(startOfWeek));
-        }
-        if (startOfMonth > 0) {
-            prop.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.START_DAY_OF_MONTH, String.valueOf(startOfMonth));
-        }
-        return prop;
-    }
-    private static ZonedDateTime getZonedDateTimeFromStr(String dateStr) throws DateTimeException {
-        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(FORMAT);
-        return LocalDate.parse(dateStr, formatter).atStartOfDay(
-                TimeUtils.getOrSystemTimeZone(TimeUtils.DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE).toZoneId());
-    }
-    private static TimeZone getCTSTimeZone() {
-        return TimeUtils.getOrSystemTimeZone(TimeUtils.DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetPartitionRangeString() throws DateTimeException {
-        // TimeUnit: DAY
-        // 1. 2020-05-25, offset -7
-        DynamicPartitionProperty property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("DAY", -3, 3, -1, -1));
-        String res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), -7,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-05-18", res);
-        String partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "DAY");
-        Assert.assertEquals("20200518", partName);
-        // 2. 2020-05-25, offset 0
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-05-25", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "DAY");
-        Assert.assertEquals("20200525", partName);
-        // 3. 2020-05-25, offset 7
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), 7,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-06-01", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "DAY");
-        Assert.assertEquals("20200601", partName);
-        // 4. 2020-02-28, offset 3
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-02-28"), 3,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-03-02", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "DAY");
-        Assert.assertEquals("20200302", partName);
-        // TimeUnit: WEEK
-        // 1. 2020-05-25, start day: MONDAY, offset 0
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("WEEK", -3, 3, 1, -1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-05-25", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "WEEK");
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020_22", partName);
-        // 2. 2020-05-28, start day: MONDAY, offset 0
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("WEEK", -3, 3, 1, -1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-28"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-05-25", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "WEEK");
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020_22", partName);
-        // 3. 2020-05-25, start day: SUNDAY, offset 0
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("WEEK", -3, 3, 7, -1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-05-31", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "WEEK");
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020_23", partName);
-        // 4. 2020-05-25, start day: MONDAY, offset -2
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("WEEK", -3, 3, 1, -1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), -2,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-05-11", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "WEEK");
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020_20", partName);
-        // 5. 2020-02-29, start day: WED, offset 0
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("WEEK", -3, 3, 3, -1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-02-29"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-02-26", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "WEEK");
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020_09", partName);
-        // 6. 2020-02-29, start day: TUS, offset 1
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("WEEK", -3, 3, 2, -1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-02-29"), 1,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-03-03", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "WEEK");
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020_10", partName);
-        // 6. 2020-01-01, start day: MONDAY, offset -1
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("WEEK", -3, 3, 1, -1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-01-01"), -1,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2019-12-23", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "WEEK");
-        Assert.assertEquals("2019_52", partName);
-        // 6. 2020-01-01, start day: MONDAY, offset 0
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("WEEK", -3, 3, 1, -1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-01-01"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2019-12-30", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "WEEK");
-        Assert.assertEquals("2019_53", partName);
-        // TimeUnit: MONTH
-        // 1. 2020-05-25, start day: 1, offset 0
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("MONTH", -3, 3, -1, 1));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-05-01", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "MONTH");
-        Assert.assertEquals("202005", partName);
-        // 2. 2020-05-25, start day: 26, offset 0
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("MONTH", -3, 3, -1, 26));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-04-26", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "MONTH");
-        Assert.assertEquals("202004", partName);
-        // 3. 2020-05-25, start day: 26, offset -1
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("MONTH", -3, 3, -1, 26));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-05-25"), -1,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-03-26", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "MONTH");
-        Assert.assertEquals("202003", partName);
-        // 4. 2020-02-29, start day: 26, offset 3
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("MONTH", -3, 3, -1, 26));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-02-29"), 3,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-05-26", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "MONTH");
-        Assert.assertEquals("202005", partName);
-        // 5. 2020-02-29, start day: 27, offset 0
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("MONTH", -3, 3, -1, 27));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-02-29"), 0,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2020-02-27", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "MONTH");
-        Assert.assertEquals("202002", partName);
-        // 6. 2020-02-29, start day: 27, offset -3
-        property = new DynamicPartitionProperty(getDynamProp("MONTH", -3, 3, -1, 27));
-        res = DynamicPartitionUtil.getPartitionRangeString(property, getZonedDateTimeFromStr("2020-02-29"), -3,
-                FORMAT);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2019-11-27", res);
-        partName = DynamicPartitionUtil.getFormattedPartitionName(getCTSTimeZone(), res, "MONTH");
-        Assert.assertEquals("201911", partName);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckTimeUnit() {
-        DynamicPartitionUtil dynamicPartitionUtil = new DynamicPartitionUtil();
-        RangePartitionInfo rangePartitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(rangePartitionInfo, "isMultiColumnPartition", false);
-        List<Column> partitionColumnList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column partitionColumn = new Column();
-        partitionColumn.setType(Type.DATE);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(rangePartitionInfo, partitionColumnList);
-        try {
-            Deencapsulation.invoke(dynamicPartitionUtil, "checkTimeUnit", "HOUR", rangePartitionInfo);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.print(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/ListComparatorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/ListComparatorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3404855..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/ListComparatorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ListComparatorTest {
-    List<List<Comparable>> listCollection;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        listCollection = new LinkedList<List<Comparable>>();
-    }
-    private void printCollection() {
-        System.out.println("LIST:");
-        for (List<Comparable> list : listCollection) {
-            for (Comparable comparable : list) {
-                System.out.print(comparable + " | ");
-            }
-            System.out.println();
-        }
-        System.out.println("END LIST\n");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test_1() {
-        // 1, 200, "bcd", 2000
-        // 1, 200, "abc"
-        List<Comparable> list1 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list1.add(new Long(1));
-        list1.add(new Long(200));
-        list1.add("bcd");
-        list1.add(new Long(1000));
-        listCollection.add(list1);
-        List<Comparable> list2 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list2.add(new Long(1));
-        list2.add(new Long(200));
-        list2.add("abc");
-        listCollection.add(list2);
-        printCollection();
-        ListComparator<List<Comparable>> comparator = new ListComparator<>(new OrderByPair(1, false),
-                                                                           new OrderByPair(2, false));
-        Collections.sort(listCollection, comparator);
-        printCollection();
-        Assert.assertEquals(list2, listCollection.get(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test_2() {
-        // 1, 200, "abc", 1000
-        // 1, 200, "abc"
-        List<Comparable> list1 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list1.add(new Long(1));
-        list1.add(new Long(200));
-        list1.add("abc");
-        list1.add(new Long(1000));
-        listCollection.add(list1);
-        List<Comparable> list2 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list2.add(new Long(1));
-        list2.add(new Long(200));
-        list2.add("abc");
-        listCollection.add(list2);
-        printCollection();
-        ListComparator<List<Comparable>> comparator = new ListComparator<>(new OrderByPair(1, false),
-                                                                           new OrderByPair(2, false));
-        Collections.sort(listCollection, comparator);
-        printCollection();
-        Assert.assertEquals(list2, listCollection.get(0));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = ClassCastException.class)
-    public void test_3() {
-        // 1, 200, "abc", 2000
-        // 1, 200, "abc", "bcd"
-        List<Comparable> list1 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list1.add(new Long(1));
-        list1.add(new Long(200));
-        list1.add("abc");
-        list1.add(new Long(2000));
-        listCollection.add(list1);
-        List<Comparable> list2 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list2.add(new Long(1));
-        list2.add(new Long(200));
-        list2.add("abc");
-        list2.add("bcd");
-        listCollection.add(list2);
-        printCollection();
-        ListComparator<List<Comparable>> comparator = new ListComparator<>(new OrderByPair(1, false),
-                                                                           new OrderByPair(3, false));
-        Collections.sort(listCollection, comparator);
-        Assert.fail();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test_4() {
-        // 1, 200, "bb", 2000
-        // 1, 300, "aa"
-        List<Comparable> list1 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list1.add(new Long(1));
-        list1.add(new Long(200));
-        list1.add("bb");
-        list1.add(new Long(1000));
-        listCollection.add(list1);
-        List<Comparable> list2 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list2.add(new Long(1));
-        list2.add(new Long(300));
-        list2.add("aa");
-        listCollection.add(list2);
-        printCollection();
-        ListComparator<List<Comparable>> comparator = new ListComparator<>(new OrderByPair(2, false),
-                                                                           new OrderByPair(1, false));
-        Collections.sort(listCollection, comparator);
-        printCollection();
-        Assert.assertEquals(list2, listCollection.get(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test_5() {
-        // 1, 200, "bb", 2000
-        // 1, 100, "aa"
-        // 1, 300, "aa"
-        List<Comparable> list1 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list1.add(new Long(1));
-        list1.add(new Long(200));
-        list1.add("bb");
-        list1.add(new Long(1000));
-        listCollection.add(list1);
-        List<Comparable> list2 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list2.add(new Long(1));
-        list2.add(new Long(100));
-        list2.add("aa");
-        listCollection.add(list2);
-        List<Comparable> list3 = new LinkedList<Comparable>();
-        list3.add(new Long(1));
-        list3.add(new Long(300));
-        list3.add("aa");
-        listCollection.add(list3);
-        printCollection();
-        ListComparator<List<Comparable>> comparator = new ListComparator<>(new OrderByPair(2, false),
-                                                                           new OrderByPair(1, true));
-        Collections.sort(listCollection, comparator);
-        printCollection();
-        Assert.assertEquals(list3, listCollection.get(0));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/ListUtilTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/ListUtilTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7585818..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/ListUtilTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ListUtilTest {
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @Test
-    public void testSplitBySizeNormal() {
-        List<Integer> lists = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
-        int expectSize = 3;
-        List<List<Integer>> splitLists = ListUtil.splitBySize(lists, expectSize);
-        Assert.assertEquals(splitLists.size(), 3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(splitLists.get(0).size(), 3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(splitLists.get(1).size(), 2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(splitLists.get(2).size(), 2);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSplitBySizeNormal2() {
-        List<Integer> lists = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
-        int expectSize = 1;
-        List<List<Integer>> splitLists = ListUtil.splitBySize(lists, expectSize);
-        Assert.assertEquals(splitLists.size(), 1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(lists, splitLists.get(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSplitBySizeWithLargeExpectSize() {
-        List<Integer> lists = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
-        int expectSize = 10;
-        List<List<Integer>> splitLists = ListUtil.splitBySize(lists, expectSize);
-        Assert.assertEquals(splitLists.size(), lists.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue( splitLists.get(0).get(0) == 1);
-        Assert.assertTrue( splitLists.get(1).get(0) == 2);
-        Assert.assertTrue( splitLists.get(2).get(0) == 3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSplitBySizeWithEmptyList() {
-        List<Integer> lists = Lists.newArrayList();
-        int expectSize = 10;
-        List<List<Integer>> splitLists = ListUtil.splitBySize(lists, expectSize);
-        Assert.assertEquals(splitLists.size(), lists.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSplitBySizeWithNullList() {
-        List<Integer> lists = null;
-        int expectSize = 10;
-        expectedEx.expect(NullPointerException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("list must not be null");
-        ListUtil.splitBySize(lists, expectSize);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSplitBySizeWithNegativeSize() {
-        List<Integer> lists = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
-        int expectSize = -1;
-        expectedEx.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("expectedSize must larger than 0");
-        ListUtil.splitBySize(lists, expectSize);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/MetaLockUtilsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/MetaLockUtilsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 47fb1ff..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/MetaLockUtilsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-public class MetaLockUtilsTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testReadLockDatabases() {
-        List<Database> databaseList = Lists.newArrayList(new Database(), new Database());
-        MetaLockUtils.readLockDatabases(databaseList);
-        Assert.assertFalse(databaseList.get(0).tryWriteLock(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        Assert.assertFalse(databaseList.get(1).tryWriteLock(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        MetaLockUtils.readUnlockDatabases(databaseList);
-        Assert.assertTrue(databaseList.get(0).tryWriteLock(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        Assert.assertTrue(databaseList.get(1).tryWriteLock(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        databaseList.get(0).writeUnlock();
-        databaseList.get(1).writeUnlock();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReadLockTables() {
-        List<Table> tableList = Lists.newArrayList(new Table(Table.TableType.OLAP), new Table(Table.TableType.OLAP));
-        MetaLockUtils.readLockTables(tableList);
-        Assert.assertFalse(tableList.get(0).tryWriteLock(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        Assert.assertFalse(tableList.get(1).tryWriteLock(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        MetaLockUtils.readUnlockTables(tableList);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableList.get(0).tryWriteLock(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableList.get(1).tryWriteLock(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        tableList.get(0).writeUnlock();
-        tableList.get(1).writeUnlock();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWriteLockTables() {
-        List<Table> tableList = Lists.newArrayList(new Table(Table.TableType.OLAP), new Table(Table.TableType.OLAP));
-        MetaLockUtils.writeLockTables(tableList);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableList.get(0).isWriteLockHeldByCurrentThread());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableList.get(1).isWriteLockHeldByCurrentThread());
-        MetaLockUtils.writeUnlockTables(tableList);
-        Assert.assertFalse(tableList.get(0).isWriteLockHeldByCurrentThread());
-        Assert.assertFalse(tableList.get(1).isWriteLockHeldByCurrentThread());
-        Assert.assertTrue(MetaLockUtils.tryWriteLockTables(tableList, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableList.get(0).isWriteLockHeldByCurrentThread());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableList.get(1).isWriteLockHeldByCurrentThread());
-        MetaLockUtils.writeUnlockTables(tableList);
-        tableList.get(1).readLock();
-        Assert.assertFalse(MetaLockUtils.tryWriteLockTables(tableList, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
-        Assert.assertFalse(tableList.get(0).isWriteLockHeldByCurrentThread());
-        Assert.assertFalse(tableList.get(1).isWriteLockHeldByCurrentThread());
-        tableList.get(1).readUnlock();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/QueryableReentrantLockTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/QueryableReentrantLockTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f7b21..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/QueryableReentrantLockTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-public class QueryableReentrantLockTest {
-    private QueryableReentrantLock lock = new QueryableReentrantLock(true);
-    @Test
-    public void test() throws InterruptedException {
-        Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-            @Override
-            public void run() {
-                lock.lock();
-                try {
-                    try {
-                        Thread.sleep(5000);
-                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                        e.printStackTrace();
-                    }
-                } finally {
-                    lock.unlock();
-                }
-            }
-        }, "thread1");
-        Thread t2 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-            @Override
-            public void run() {
-                try {
-                    Thread.sleep(1000);
-                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                    e.printStackTrace();
-                }
-                try {
-                    if (!lock.tryLock(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
-                        Thread owner = lock.getOwner();
-                        Assert.assertEquals("thread1", owner.getName());
-                        System.out.println(Util.dumpThread(owner, 10));
-                    }
-                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                    e.printStackTrace();
-                }
-            }
-        }, "thread2");
-        t1.start();
-        t2.start();
-        t1.join();
-        t2.join();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/RuntimeProfileTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/RuntimeProfileTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca409c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/RuntimeProfileTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TCounter;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TRuntimeProfileNode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TRuntimeProfileTree;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUnit;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class RuntimeProfileTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSortChildren() {
-        RuntimeProfile profile = new RuntimeProfile("profile");
-        // init profile
-        RuntimeProfile profile1 = new RuntimeProfile("profile1");
-        RuntimeProfile profile2 = new RuntimeProfile("profile2");
-        RuntimeProfile profile3 = new RuntimeProfile("profile3");
-        profile1.getCounterTotalTime().setValue(1);
-        profile2.getCounterTotalTime().setValue(3);
-        profile3.getCounterTotalTime().setValue(2);
-        profile.addChild(profile1); 
-        profile.addChild(profile2); 
-        profile.addChild(profile3);
-        // compare
-        profile.sortChildren();
-        // check result
-        long time0 = profile.getChildList().get(0).first.getCounterTotalTime().getValue();
-        long time1 = profile.getChildList().get(1).first.getCounterTotalTime().getValue();
-        long time2 = profile.getChildList().get(2).first.getCounterTotalTime().getValue();
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, time0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, time1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, time2);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInfoStrings() {
-        RuntimeProfile profile = new RuntimeProfile("profileName");
-        // not exists key
-        Assert.assertNull(profile.getInfoString("key"));
-        // normal add and get
-        profile.addInfoString("key", "value");
-        String value = profile.getInfoString("key");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(value);
-        Assert.assertEquals(value, "value");
-        // from thrift to profile and first update
-        TRuntimeProfileTree tprofileTree = new TRuntimeProfileTree();
-        TRuntimeProfileNode tnode = new TRuntimeProfileNode();
-        tprofileTree.addToNodes(tnode);
-        tnode.info_strings = new HashMap<String, String>();
-        tnode.info_strings.put("key", "value2");
-        tnode.info_strings.put("key3", "value3");
-        tnode.info_strings_display_order = new ArrayList<String>();
-        tnode.info_strings_display_order.add("key");
-        tnode.info_strings_display_order.add("key3");
-        profile.update(tprofileTree);
-        Assert.assertEquals(profile.getInfoString("key"), "value2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(profile.getInfoString("key3"), "value3");
-        // second update
-        tnode.info_strings.put("key", "value4");
-        profile.update(tprofileTree);
-        Assert.assertEquals(profile.getInfoString("key"), "value4");
-        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
-        profile.prettyPrint(builder, "");
-        Assert.assertEquals(builder.toString(), 
-                "profileName:\n   - key: value4\n   - key3: value3\n");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCounter() {
-        RuntimeProfile profile = new RuntimeProfile();
-        profile.addCounter("key", TUnit.UNIT, "");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(profile.getCounterMap().get("key"));
-        Assert.assertNull(profile.getCounterMap().get("key2"));
-        profile.getCounterMap().get("key").setValue(1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(profile.getCounterMap().get("key").getValue(), 1);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdate() throws IOException {
-        RuntimeProfile profile = new RuntimeProfile("REAL_ROOT");
-        /*  the profile tree
-         *                      ROOT(time=5s info[key=value])
-         *                  A(time=2s)            B(time=1s info[BInfo1=BValu1;BInfo2=BValue2])
-         *       A_SON(time=10ms counter[counterA1=1; counterA2=2; counterA1Son=3])      
-         */
-        TRuntimeProfileTree tprofileTree = new TRuntimeProfileTree();
-        TRuntimeProfileNode tnodeRoot = new TRuntimeProfileNode();
-        TRuntimeProfileNode tnodeA = new TRuntimeProfileNode();
-        TRuntimeProfileNode tnodeB = new TRuntimeProfileNode();
-        TRuntimeProfileNode tnodeASon = new TRuntimeProfileNode();
-        tnodeRoot.num_children = 2;
-        tnodeA.num_children = 1;
-        tnodeASon.num_children = 0;
-        tnodeB.num_children = 0;
-        tprofileTree.addToNodes(tnodeRoot);
-        tprofileTree.addToNodes(tnodeA);
-        tprofileTree.addToNodes(tnodeASon);
-        tprofileTree.addToNodes(tnodeB);
-        tnodeRoot.info_strings = new HashMap<String, String>();
-        tnodeRoot.info_strings.put("key", "value");
-        tnodeRoot.info_strings_display_order = new ArrayList<String>();
-        tnodeRoot.info_strings_display_order.add("key");
-        tnodeRoot.counters = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tnodeA.counters = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tnodeB.counters = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tnodeASon.counters = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tnodeRoot.counters.add(new TCounter("TotalTime", TUnit.TIME_NS, 3000000000L));
-        tnodeA.counters.add(new TCounter("TotalTime", TUnit.TIME_NS, 1000000000L));
-        tnodeB.counters.add(new TCounter("TotalTime", TUnit.TIME_NS, 1000000000L));
-        tnodeASon.counters.add(new TCounter("TotalTime", TUnit.TIME_NS, 10000000));
-        tnodeASon.counters.add(new TCounter("counterA1", TUnit.UNIT, 1));
-        tnodeASon.counters.add(new TCounter("counterA2", TUnit.BYTES, 1234567L));
-        tnodeASon.counters.add(new TCounter("counterA1Son", TUnit.UNIT, 3));
-        tnodeASon.child_counters_map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Set<String> set1 = Sets.newHashSet();
-        set1.add("counterA1");
-        set1.add("counterA2");
-        tnodeASon.child_counters_map.put("", set1);
-        Set<String> set2 = Sets.newHashSet();
-        set2.add("counterA1Son");
-        tnodeASon.child_counters_map.put("counterA1", set2);
-        tnodeB.info_strings = Maps.newHashMap();
-        tnodeB.info_strings_display_order = Lists.newArrayList();
-        tnodeB.info_strings.put("BInfo1", "BValue1");
-        tnodeB.info_strings.put("BInfo2", "BValue2");
-        tnodeB.info_strings_display_order.add("BInfo2");
-        tnodeB.info_strings_display_order.add("BInfo1");
-        tnodeRoot.indent = true;
-        tnodeA.indent = true;
-        tnodeB.indent = true;
-        tnodeASon.indent = true;
-        tnodeRoot.name = "ROOT";
-        tnodeA.name = "A";
-        tnodeB.name = "B";
-        tnodeASon.name = "ASON";
-        profile.update(tprofileTree);
-        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
-        profile.computeTimeInProfile();
-        profile.prettyPrint(builder, "");
-    } 
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/S3URITest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/S3URITest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f310c5b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/S3URITest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-public class S3URITest {
-    @Test
-    public void testLocationParsing() {
-        String p1 = "s3://bucket/path/to/file";
-        S3URI uri1 = new S3URI(p1);
-        Assert.assertEquals("bucket", uri1.getBucket());
-        Assert.assertEquals("path/to/file", uri1.getKey());
-        Assert.assertEquals(p1, uri1.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPathLocationParsing() {
-        String p1 = "s3://bucket/path/";
-        S3URI uri1 = new S3URI(p1);
-        Assert.assertEquals("bucket", uri1.getBucket());
-        Assert.assertEquals("path/", uri1.getKey());
-        Assert.assertEquals(p1, uri1.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEncodedString() {
-        String p1 = "s3://bucket/path%20to%20file";
-        S3URI uri1 = new S3URI(p1);
-        Assert.assertEquals("bucket", uri1.getBucket());
-        Assert.assertEquals("path%20to%20file", uri1.getKey());
-        Assert.assertEquals(p1, uri1.toString());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
-    public void missingKey() {
-        new S3URI("https://bucket/");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
-    public void relativePathing() {
-        new S3URI("/path/to/file");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
-    public void invalidScheme() {
-        new S3URI("ftp://bucket/");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryAndFragment() {
-        String p1 = "s3://bucket/path/to/file?query=foo#bar";
-        S3URI uri1 = new S3URI(p1);
-        Assert.assertEquals("bucket", uri1.getBucket());
-        Assert.assertEquals("path/to/file", uri1.getKey());
-        Assert.assertEquals(p1, uri1.toString());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/SmallFileMgrTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/SmallFileMgrTest.java
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index 2333dd4..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/SmallFileMgrTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateFileStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SmallFileMgr.SmallFile;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SmallFileMgrTest {
-    @Mocked
-    Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    Database db;
-    @Ignore // Could not find a way to mock a private method
-    @Test
-    public void test(@Injectable CreateFileStmt stmt1, @Injectable CreateFileStmt stmt2) throws DdlException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                db.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                stmt1.getDbName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "db1";
-                stmt1.getFileName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "file1";
-                stmt1.getCatalogName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "kafka";
-                stmt1.getDownloadUrl();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                stmt2.getDbName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "db1";
-                stmt2.getFileName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "file2";
-                stmt2.getCatalogName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "kafka";
-                stmt2.getDownloadUrl();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-            }
-        };
-        SmallFile smallFile = new SmallFile(1L, "kafka", "file1", 10001L, "ABCD", 12, "12345", true);
-        final SmallFileMgr smallFileMgr = new SmallFileMgr();
-        new Expectations(smallFileMgr) {
-            {
-                Deencapsulation.invoke(smallFileMgr, "downloadAndCheck", anyLong, anyString, anyString, anyString,
-                        anyString, anyBoolean);
-                result = smallFile;
-            }
-        };
-        // 1. test create
-        try {
-            smallFileMgr.createFile(stmt1);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(smallFileMgr.containsFile(1L, "kafka", "file1"));
-        SmallFile gotFile = smallFileMgr.getSmallFile(1L, "kafka", "file1", true);
-        Assert.assertEquals(10001L, gotFile.id);
-        gotFile = smallFileMgr.getSmallFile(10001L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(10001L, gotFile.id);
-        // 2. test file num limit
-        Config.max_small_file_number = 1;
-        boolean fail = false;
-        try {
-            smallFileMgr.createFile(stmt2);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            fail = true;
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("File number exceeds limit"));
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(fail);
-        // 3. test remove
-        try {
-            smallFileMgr.removeFile(2L, "kafka", "file1", true);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            // this is expected
-        }
-        gotFile = smallFileMgr.getSmallFile(10001L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(10001L, gotFile.id);
-        smallFileMgr.removeFile(1L, "kafka", "file1", true);
-        gotFile = smallFileMgr.getSmallFile(10001L);
-        Assert.assertNull(gotFile);
-        // 4. test file limit again
-        try {
-            smallFileMgr.createFile(stmt1);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        gotFile = smallFileMgr.getSmallFile(10001L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(10001L, gotFile.id);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/TimeUtilsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/TimeUtilsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4290f81..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/TimeUtilsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DateLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.time.ZoneId;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-public class TimeUtilsTest {
-    @Mocked
-    TimeUtils timeUtils;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
-        new Expectations(timeUtils) {
-            {
-                TimeUtils.getTimeZone();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tz;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        Assert.assertNotNull(TimeUtils.getCurrentFormatTime());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(TimeUtils.getStartTime());
-        Assert.assertTrue(TimeUtils.getEstimatedTime(0L) > 0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(-62167420800000L, TimeUtils.MIN_DATE.getTime());
-        Assert.assertEquals(253402185600000L, TimeUtils.MAX_DATE.getTime());
-        Assert.assertEquals(-62167420800000L, TimeUtils.MIN_DATETIME.getTime());
-        Assert.assertEquals(253402271999000L, TimeUtils.MAX_DATETIME.getTime());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDateParse() {
-        // date
-        List<String> validDateList = new LinkedList<>();
-        validDateList.add("2013-12-02");
-        validDateList.add("2013-12-02");
-        validDateList.add("2013-12-2");
-        validDateList.add("2013-12-2");
-        validDateList.add("9999-12-31");
-        validDateList.add("1900-01-01");
-        validDateList.add("2013-2-28");
-        validDateList.add("0000-01-01");
-        for (String validDate : validDateList) {
-            try {
-                TimeUtils.parseDate(validDate, PrimitiveType.DATE);
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-                System.out.println(validDate);
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-        List<String> invalidDateList = new LinkedList<>();
-        invalidDateList.add("2013-12-02 ");
-        invalidDateList.add(" 2013-12-02");
-        invalidDateList.add("20131-2-28");
-        invalidDateList.add("a2013-2-28");
-        invalidDateList.add("2013-22-28");
-        invalidDateList.add("2013-2-29");
-        invalidDateList.add("2013-2-28 2:3:4");
-        for (String invalidDate : invalidDateList) {
-            try {
-                TimeUtils.parseDate(invalidDate, PrimitiveType.DATE);
-                Assert.fail();
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Invalid"));
-            }
-        }
-        // datetime
-        List<String> validDateTimeList = new LinkedList<>();
-        validDateTimeList.add("2013-12-02 13:59:59");
-        validDateTimeList.add("2013-12-2 13:59:59");
-        validDateTimeList.add("2013-12-2 1:59:59");
-        validDateTimeList.add("2013-12-2 3:1:1");
-        validDateTimeList.add("9999-12-31 23:59:59");
-        validDateTimeList.add("1900-01-01 00:00:00");
-        validDateTimeList.add("2013-2-28 23:59:59");
-        validDateTimeList.add("2013-2-28 2:3:4");
-        validDateTimeList.add("2014-05-07 19:8:50");
-        validDateTimeList.add("0000-01-01 00:00:00");
-        for (String validDateTime : validDateTimeList) {
-            try {
-                TimeUtils.parseDate(validDateTime, PrimitiveType.DATETIME);
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-                System.out.println(validDateTime);
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-        List<String> invalidDateTimeList = new LinkedList<>();
-        invalidDateTimeList.add("2013-12-02  12:12:10");
-        invalidDateTimeList.add(" 2013-12-02 12:12:10 ");
-        invalidDateTimeList.add("20131-2-28 12:12:10");
-        invalidDateTimeList.add("a2013-2-28 12:12:10");
-        invalidDateTimeList.add("2013-22-28 12:12:10");
-        invalidDateTimeList.add("2013-2-29 12:12:10");
-        invalidDateTimeList.add("2013-2-28");
-        invalidDateTimeList.add("2013-13-01 12:12:12");
-        for (String invalidDateTime : invalidDateTimeList) {
-            try {
-                TimeUtils.parseDate(invalidDateTime, PrimitiveType.DATETIME);
-                Assert.fail();
-            } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Invalid"));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDateTrans() throws AnalysisException {
-        Assert.assertEquals(FeConstants.null_string, TimeUtils.longToTimeString(-2));
-        long timestamp = 1426125600000L;
-        Assert.assertEquals("2015-03-12 10:00:00", TimeUtils.longToTimeString(timestamp));
-        DateLiteral date = new DateLiteral("2015-03-01", ScalarType.DATE);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1031777L, date.getRealValue());
-        DateLiteral datetime = new DateLiteral("2015-03-01 12:00:00", ScalarType.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertEquals(20150301120000L, datetime.getRealValue());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTimezone() throws AnalysisException {
-        try {
-            Assert.assertEquals("CST", TimeUtils.checkTimeZoneValidAndStandardize("CST"));
-            Assert.assertEquals("+08:00", TimeUtils.checkTimeZoneValidAndStandardize("+08:00"));
-            Assert.assertEquals("+08:00", TimeUtils.checkTimeZoneValidAndStandardize("+8:00"));
-            Assert.assertEquals("-08:00", TimeUtils.checkTimeZoneValidAndStandardize("-8:00"));
-            Assert.assertEquals("+08:00", TimeUtils.checkTimeZoneValidAndStandardize("8:00"));
-        } catch (DdlException ex) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            TimeUtils.checkTimeZoneValidAndStandardize("FOO");
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (DdlException ex) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'FOO'"));
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/UnitTestUtil.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/UnitTestUtil.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b019b75..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/UnitTestUtil.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DataProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RandomDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica.ReplicaState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletMeta;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.DppConfig;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TDisk;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTabletType;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-// for unit test
-public class UnitTestUtil {
-    public static final String DB_NAME = "testDb";
-    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "testTable";
-    public static final String PARTITION_NAME = "testTable";
-    public static final int SCHEMA_HASH = 0;
-    public static Database createDb(long dbId, long tableId, long partitionId, long indexId,
-                                    long tabletId, long backendId, long version, long versionHash) {
-        // Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex().clear();
-        // replica
-        long replicaId = 0;
-        Replica replica1 = new Replica(replicaId, backendId, ReplicaState.NORMAL, version, versionHash, 0);
-        Replica replica2 = new Replica(replicaId + 1, backendId + 1, ReplicaState.NORMAL, version, versionHash, 0);
-        Replica replica3 = new Replica(replicaId + 2, backendId + 2, ReplicaState.NORMAL, version, versionHash, 0);
-        // tablet
-        Tablet tablet = new Tablet(tabletId);
-        // index
-        MaterializedIndex index = new MaterializedIndex(indexId, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        TabletMeta tabletMeta = new TabletMeta(dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId, 0, TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        index.addTablet(tablet, tabletMeta);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica1);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica2);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica3);
-        // partition
-        RandomDistributionInfo distributionInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(10);
-        Partition partition = new Partition(partitionId, PARTITION_NAME, index, distributionInfo);
-        // columns
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        Column temp = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        temp.setIsKey(true);
-        columns.add(temp);
-        temp = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        temp.setIsKey(true);
-        columns.add(temp);
-        columns.add(new Column("v", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE), false, AggregateType.SUM, "0", ""));
-        List<Column> keysColumn = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        temp = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        temp.setIsKey(true);
-        keysColumn.add(temp);
-        temp = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.INT);
-        temp.setIsKey(true);
-        keysColumn.add(temp);
-        // table
-        PartitionInfo partitionInfo = new SinglePartitionInfo();
-        partitionInfo.setDataProperty(partitionId, DataProperty.DEFAULT_DATA_PROPERTY);
-        partitionInfo.setReplicationNum(partitionId, (short) 3);
-        partitionInfo.setIsInMemory(partitionId, false);
-        partitionInfo.setTabletType(partitionId, TTabletType.TABLET_TYPE_DISK);
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(tableId, TABLE_NAME, columns,
-                                        KeysType.AGG_KEYS, partitionInfo, distributionInfo);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(table, "baseIndexId", indexId);
-        table.addPartition(partition);
-        table.setIndexMeta(indexId, TABLE_NAME, columns, 0, SCHEMA_HASH, (short) 1, TStorageType.COLUMN,
-                KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        // db
-        Database db = new Database(dbId, DB_NAME);
-        db.createTable(table);
-        return db;
-    }
-    public static Backend createBackend(long id, String host, int heartPort, int bePort, int httpPort) {
-        Backend backend = new Backend(id, host, heartPort);
-        backend.updateOnce(bePort, httpPort, 10000);
-        return backend;
-    }
-    public static Backend createBackend(long id, String host, int heartPort, int bePort, int httpPort,
-                                        long totalCapacityB, long availableCapacityB) {
-        Backend backend = createBackend(id, host, heartPort, bePort, httpPort);
-        Map<String, TDisk> backendDisks = new HashMap<String, TDisk>();
-        String rootPath = "root_path";
-        TDisk disk = new TDisk(rootPath, totalCapacityB, availableCapacityB, true);
-        backendDisks.put(rootPath, disk);
-        backend.updateDisks(backendDisks);
-        return backend;
-    }
-    public static Method getPrivateMethod(Class c, String methodName, Class[] params) {
-        Method method = null;
-        try {
-            method = c.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, params);
-            method.setAccessible(true);
-        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        return method;
-    }
-    public static Class getInnerClass(Class c, String className) {
-        Class innerClass = null;
-        for (Class tmpClass : c.getDeclaredClasses()) {
-            if (tmpClass.getName().equals(className)) {
-                innerClass = tmpClass;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        return innerClass;
-    }
-    public static void initDppConfig() {
-        Map<String, String> defaultConfigs = Maps.newHashMap();
-        defaultConfigs.put("hadoop_palo_path", "/user/palo2");
-        defaultConfigs.put("hadoop_http_port", "1234");
-        defaultConfigs.put("hadoop_configs",
-                "mapred.job.tracker=host:111;fs.default.name=hdfs://host:112;hadoop.job.ugi=user,password");
-        try {
-            Load.dppDefaultConfig = DppConfig.create(defaultConfigs);
-            Load.clusterToDppConfig.put(Config.dpp_default_cluster, Load.dppDefaultConfig.getCopiedDppConfig());
-        } catch (LoadException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/VersionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/VersionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 67b6d20..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/common/util/VersionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.common.util;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class VersionTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testVersion() {
-        DigitalVersion v = new DigitalVersion(1100000);
-        System.out.println(v);
-        assertEquals(1, v.major);
-        assertEquals(10, v.minor);
-        assertEquals(0, v.revision);
-        DigitalVersion s = new DigitalVersion((byte) 50, (byte) 2, (byte) 3);
-        assertEquals(50020300, s.id);
-        assertTrue(s.onOrAfter(v));
-        assertFalse(s.before(v));
-        DigitalVersion vs = new DigitalVersion((byte) 1, (byte) 10, (byte) 0);
-        assertEquals(vs, v);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFromString() {
-        try {
-            assertEquals(1060000, DigitalVersion.fromString("").id);
-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        try {
-            DigitalVersion.fromString("");
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
-            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Illegal empty version"));
-        }
-        try {
-            DigitalVersion.fromString("1.6123123.123");
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
-            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Illegal version format"));
-        }
-        try {
-            DigitalVersion.fromString("a.b.c");
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
-            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Illegal version format"));
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/deploy/AmbariDeployManagerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/deploy/AmbariDeployManagerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 545b285..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/deploy/AmbariDeployManagerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.deploy;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.Util;
-import org.apache.doris.deploy.impl.AmbariDeployManager;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-public class AmbariDeployManagerTest {
-    private AmbariDeployManager manager;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException,
-            IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
-        manager = new AmbariDeployManager();
-        Field authInfoF = manager.getClass().getDeclaredField("authInfo");
-        authInfoF.setAccessible(true);
-        authInfoF.set(manager, "admin:admin");
-        Field encodedAuthInfoF = manager.getClass().getDeclaredField("encodedAuthInfo");
-        encodedAuthInfoF.setAccessible(true);
-        encodedAuthInfoF.set(manager, Base64.encodeBase64String("admin:admin".getBytes()));
-        Field ambariUrlF = manager.getClass().getDeclaredField("ambariUrl");
-        ambariUrlF.setAccessible(true);
-        ambariUrlF.set(manager, "");
-        Field clusterNameF = manager.getClass().getDeclaredField("clusterName");
-        clusterNameF.setAccessible(true);
-        clusterNameF.set(manager, "BDP");
-        Field serviceNameF = manager.getClass().getDeclaredField("serviceName");
-        serviceNameF.setAccessible(true);
-        serviceNameF.set(manager, "PALO");
-        Field blueprintF = manager.getClass().getDeclaredField("blueprintUrl");
-        blueprintF.setAccessible(true);
-        blueprintF.set(manager, "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getPropertyFromBlueprintTest() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
-            IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchFieldException {
-        String res = getBlueprint();
-        Field bpF = manager.getClass().getDeclaredField("blueprintJson");
-        bpF.setAccessible(true);
-        bpF.set(manager, res);
-        Method getPropM = manager.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getPropertyFromBlueprint", String.class, String.class);
-        getPropM.setAccessible(true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void getHostTest() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
-            IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchFieldException {
-        String res = getComponent("PALO_FE");
-        System.out.println(res);
-    }
-    private String getBlueprint() throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
-        String res = Util.getResultForUrl("",
-                null, 2000, 2000);
-        return res;
-    }
-    private String getComponent(String comp)
-            throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
-        String res = Util.getResultForUrl(""
-                + comp, null, 2000, 2000);
-        return res;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsShardPartitionsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsShardPartitionsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ea20d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsShardPartitionsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.external.elasticsearch;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.CatalogTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.EsTable;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-public class EsShardPartitionsTest extends EsTestCase {
-    @Test
-    public void testPartition() throws Exception {
-        EsTable esTable = (EsTable) Catalog.getCurrentCatalog()
-                .getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDb1)
-                .getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testEsTableId1);
-        EsShardPartitions esShardPartitions = EsShardPartitions.findShardPartitions("doe",
-                loadJsonFromFile("data/es/test_search_shards.json"));
-        EsTablePartitions esTablePartitions = EsTablePartitions.fromShardPartitions(esTable, esShardPartitions);
-        assertNotNull(esTablePartitions);
-        assertEquals(1, esTablePartitions.getUnPartitionedIndexStates().size());
-        assertEquals(5, esTablePartitions.getEsShardPartitions("doe").getShardRoutings().size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsTestCase.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsTestCase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d7b989..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsTestCase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.external.elasticsearch;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.CatalogTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.EsTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeEditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.InputStreamReader;
-import java.net.URISyntaxException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Random;
-public class EsTestCase {
-    protected static FakeEditLog fakeEditLog;
-    protected static FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    protected static Catalog masterCatalog;
-    protected static String mappingsStr = "";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void init() throws Exception {
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        masterCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_40);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // masterCatalog.setJournalVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_40);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-    }
-    protected String loadJsonFromFile(String fileName) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
-        File file = new File(MappingPhaseTest.class.getClassLoader().getResource(fileName).toURI());
-        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
-        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
-        StringBuilder jsonStr = new StringBuilder();
-        String line = "";
-        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
-            jsonStr.append(line);
-        }
-        br.close();
-        is.close();
-        return jsonStr.toString();
-    }
-    public EsTable fakeEsTable(String table, String index, String type, List<Column> columns) throws DdlException {
-        Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
-        props.put(EsTable.HOSTS, "");
-        props.put(EsTable.INDEX, index);
-        props.put(EsTable.TYPE, type);
-        props.put(EsTable.VERSION, "6.5.3");
-        return new EsTable(new Random().nextLong(), table, columns, props, null);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsUtilTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsUtilTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d4909..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/EsUtilTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.external.elasticsearch;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import org.json.JSONException;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class EsUtilTest {
-    private String jsonStr = "{\"settings\": {\n"
-            + "               \"index\": {\n"
-            + "                  \"bpack\": {\n"
-            + "                     \"partition\": {\n"
-            + "                        \"upperbound\": \"12\"\n"
-            + "                     }\n"
-            + "                  },\n"
-            + "                  \"number_of_shards\": \"5\",\n"
-            + "                  \"provided_name\": \"indexa\",\n"
-            + "                  \"creation_date\": \"1539328532060\",\n"
-            + "                  \"number_of_replicas\": \"1\",\n"
-            + "                  \"uuid\": \"plNNtKiiQ9-n6NpNskFzhQ\",\n"
-            + "                  \"version\": {\n"
-            + "                     \"created\": \"5050099\"\n"
-            + "                  }\n"
-            + "               }\n"
-            + "            }}";
-    @Test
-    public void testGetJsonObject() {
-        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
-        JSONObject upperBoundSetting = EsUtil.getJsonObject(json, "settings.index.bpack.partition", 0);
-        assertTrue(upperBoundSetting.has("upperbound"));
-        assertEquals("12", upperBoundSetting.getString("upperbound"));
-        JSONObject unExistKey = EsUtil.getJsonObject(json, "set", 0);
-        assertNull(unExistKey);
-        JSONObject singleKey = EsUtil.getJsonObject(json, "settings", 0);
-        assertTrue(singleKey.has("index"));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = JSONException.class)
-    public void testGetJsonObjectWithException() {
-        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
-        // only support json object could not get string value directly from this api, exception will be threw
-        EsUtil.getJsonObject(json, "settings.index.bpack.partition.upperbound", 0);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/MappingPhaseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/MappingPhaseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d229d7c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/MappingPhaseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.external.elasticsearch;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.EsTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-public class MappingPhaseTest extends EsTestCase {
-    List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR);
-        Column k3 = new Column("k3", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR);
-        columns.add(k1);
-        columns.add(k2);
-        columns.add(k3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExtractFieldsNormal() throws Exception {
-        MappingPhase mappingPhase = new MappingPhase(null);
-        // ES version < 7.0
-        EsTable esTableBefore7X = fakeEsTable("fake", "test", "doc", columns);
-        SearchContext searchContext = new SearchContext(esTableBefore7X);
-        mappingPhase.resolveFields(searchContext, loadJsonFromFile("data/es/test_index_mapping.json"));
-        assertEquals("k3.keyword", searchContext.fetchFieldsContext().get("k3"));
-        assertEquals("k3.keyword", searchContext.docValueFieldsContext().get("k3"));
-        assertEquals("k1", searchContext.docValueFieldsContext().get("k1"));
-        assertEquals("k2", searchContext.docValueFieldsContext().get("k2"));
-        // ES version >= 7.0
-        EsTable esTableAfter7X = fakeEsTable("fake", "test", "_doc", columns);
-        SearchContext searchContext1 = new SearchContext(esTableAfter7X);
-        mappingPhase.resolveFields(searchContext1, loadJsonFromFile("data/es/test_index_mapping_after_7x.json"));
-        assertEquals("k3.keyword", searchContext1.fetchFieldsContext().get("k3"));
-        assertEquals("k3.keyword", searchContext1.docValueFieldsContext().get("k3"));
-        assertEquals("k1", searchContext1.docValueFieldsContext().get("k1"));
-        assertEquals("k2", searchContext1.docValueFieldsContext().get("k2"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTypeNotExist() throws Exception {
-        MappingPhase mappingPhase = new MappingPhase(null);
-        EsTable table = fakeEsTable("fake", "test", "not_exists", columns);
-        SearchContext searchContext = new SearchContext(table);
-        // type not exists
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrows(DorisEsException.class,
-                () -> mappingPhase.resolveFields(searchContext, loadJsonFromFile("data/es/test_index_mapping.json")));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWorkFlow(@Injectable EsRestClient client) throws Exception{
-        EsTable table = fakeEsTable("fake", "test", "doc", columns);
-        SearchContext searchContext1 = new SearchContext(table);
-        String jsonMapping = loadJsonFromFile("data/es/test_index_mapping.json");
-        new Expectations(client) {
-            {
-                client.getMapping(anyString, anyBoolean);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = jsonMapping;
-            }
-        };
-        MappingPhase mappingPhase = new MappingPhase(client);
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> mappingPhase.execute(searchContext1));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> mappingPhase.postProcess(searchContext1));
-        assertEquals("k3.keyword", searchContext1.fetchFieldsContext().get("k3"));
-        assertEquals("k3.keyword", searchContext1.docValueFieldsContext().get("k3"));
-        assertEquals("k1", searchContext1.docValueFieldsContext().get("k1"));
-        assertEquals("k2", searchContext1.docValueFieldsContext().get("k2"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultTextFields() throws Exception {
-        MappingPhase mappingPhase = new MappingPhase(null);
-        EsTable esTableAfter7X = fakeEsTable("fake", "test", "_doc", columns);
-        SearchContext searchContext = new SearchContext(esTableAfter7X);
-        mappingPhase.resolveFields(searchContext, loadJsonFromFile("data/es/test_index_mapping_field_mult_analyzer.json"));
-        assertFalse(searchContext.docValueFieldsContext().containsKey("k3"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/PartitionPhaseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/PartitionPhaseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index aa82dff..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/PartitionPhaseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.external.elasticsearch;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.EsTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker;
-import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser;
-import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-public class PartitionPhaseTest extends EsTestCase {
-    @Test
-    public void testWorkFlow(@Injectable EsRestClient client) throws Exception {
-        final EsShardPartitions[] esShardPartitions = {null};
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() ->
-                esShardPartitions[0] = EsShardPartitions.findShardPartitions("doe",
-                        loadJsonFromFile("data/es/test_search_shards.json")));
-        assertNotNull(esShardPartitions[0]);
-        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
-        JsonParser jsonParser = mapper.getJsonFactory().createJsonParser(loadJsonFromFile("data/es/test_nodes_http.json"));
-        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> nodesData = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) mapper.readValue(jsonParser, Map.class).get("nodes");
-        Map<String, EsNodeInfo> nodesMap = new HashMap<>();
-        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : nodesData.entrySet()) {
-            EsNodeInfo node = new EsNodeInfo(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
-            if (node.hasHttp()) {
-                nodesMap.put(node.getId(), node);
-            }
-        }
-        new Expectations(client) {
-            {
-                client.getHttpNodes();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = nodesMap;
-                client.searchShards("doe");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = esShardPartitions[0];
-            }
-        };
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        columns.add(k1);
-        EsTable esTableBefore7X = fakeEsTable("doe", "doe", "doc", columns);
-        SearchContext context = new SearchContext(esTableBefore7X);
-        PartitionPhase partitionPhase = new PartitionPhase(client);
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> partitionPhase.execute(context));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> partitionPhase.postProcess(context));
-        assertNotNull(context.tablePartitions());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/QueryBuildersTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/QueryBuildersTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ebd0243..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/QueryBuildersTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.external.elasticsearch;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.StringWriter;
-import java.math.BigDecimal;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
-import org.apache.doris.external.elasticsearch.QueryBuilders;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
- * Check that internal queries are correctly converted to ES search query (as JSON)
- */
-public class QueryBuildersTest {
-    private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
-    @Test
-    public void testTermQuery() throws Exception {
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":\"aaaa\"}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", "aaaa")));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"aaaa\":\"k\"}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("aaaa", "k")));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":0}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", (byte) 0)));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":123}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", (long) 123)));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":41}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", (short) 41)));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":128}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", 128)));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":42.42}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", 42.42D)));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":1.1}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", 1.1F)));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":1}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", new BigDecimal(1))));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":121}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", new BigInteger("121"))));
-        assertEquals("{\"term\":{\"k\":true}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", new AtomicBoolean(true))));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTermsQuery() throws Exception {
-        assertEquals("{\"terms\":{\"k\":[]}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("k", Collections.emptySet())));
-        assertEquals("{\"terms\":{\"k\":[0]}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("k", Collections.singleton(0))));
-        assertEquals("{\"terms\":{\"k\":[\"aaa\"]}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("k", Collections.singleton("aaa"))));
-        assertEquals("{\"terms\":{\"k\":[\"aaa\",\"bbb\",\"ccc\"]}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("k", Arrays.asList("aaa", "bbb", "ccc"))));
-        assertEquals("{\"terms\":{\"k\":[1,2,3]}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("k", Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3))));
-        assertEquals("{\"terms\":{\"k\":[1.1,2.2,3.3]}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("k", Arrays.asList(1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f))));
-        assertEquals("{\"terms\":{\"k\":[1.1,2.2,3.3]}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("k", Arrays.asList(1.1d, 2.2d, 3.3d))));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBoolQuery() throws Exception {
-        QueryBuilders.QueryBuilder q1 = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
-                .must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", "aaa"));
-        assertEquals("{\"bool\":{\"must\":{\"term\":{\"k\":\"aaa\"}}}}",
-                toJson(q1));
-        QueryBuilders.QueryBuilder q2 = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
-                .must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k1", "aaa")).must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k2", "bbb"));
-        assertEquals("{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"k1\":\"aaa\"}},{\"term\":{\"k2\":\"bbb\"}}]}}",
-                toJson(q2));
-        QueryBuilders.QueryBuilder q3 = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
-                .mustNot(QueryBuilders.termQuery("k", "fff"));
-        assertEquals("{\"bool\":{\"must_not\":{\"term\":{\"k\":\"fff\"}}}}",
-                toJson(q3));
-        QueryBuilders.QueryBuilder q4 = QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k1").lt(200).gt(-200);
-        QueryBuilders.QueryBuilder q5 = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("k2", Arrays.asList("aaa", "bbb", "ccc"));
-        QueryBuilders.QueryBuilder q6 = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(q4).should(q5);
-        assertEquals("{\"bool\":{\"must\":{\"range\":{\"k1\":{\"gt\":-200,\"lt\":200}}},\"should\":{\"terms\":{\"k2\":[\"aaa\",\"bbb\",\"ccc\"]}}}}", toJson(q6));
-        assertEquals("{\"bool\":{\"filter\":[{\"range\":{\"k1\":{\"gt\":-200,\"lt\":200}}},{\"terms\":{\"k2\":[\"aaa\",\"bbb\",\"ccc\"]}}]}}", toJson(QueryBuilders.boolQuery().filter(q4).filter(q5)));
-        assertEquals("{\"bool\":{\"filter\":{\"range\":{\"k1\":{\"gt\":-200,\"lt\":200}}},\"must_not\":{\"terms\":{\"k2\":[\"aaa\",\"bbb\",\"ccc\"]}}}}", toJson(QueryBuilders.boolQuery().filter(q4).mustNot(q5)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExistsQuery() throws Exception {
-        assertEquals("{\"exists\":{\"field\":\"k\"}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.existsQuery("k")));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRangeQuery() throws Exception {
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"lt\":123}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").lt(123)));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gt\":123}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").gt(123)));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gte\":12345678}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").gte(12345678)));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"lte\":12345678}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").lte(12345678)));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gt\":123,\"lt\":345}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").gt(123).lt(345)));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gt\":-456.6,\"lt\":12.3}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").lt(12.3f).gt(-456.6f)));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gt\":6789.33,\"lte\":9999.99}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").gt(6789.33f).lte(9999.99f)));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gte\":1,\"lte\":\"zzz\"}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").gte(1).lte("zzz")));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gte\":\"zzz\"}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").gte("zzz")));
-        assertEquals("{\"range\":{\"k\":{\"gt\":\"aaa\",\"lt\":\"zzz\"}}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("k").gt("aaa").lt("zzz")));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMatchAllQuery() throws IOException {
-        assertEquals("{\"match_all\":{}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWildCardQuery() throws IOException {
-        assertEquals("{\"wildcard\":{\"k1\":\"?aa*\"}}",
-                toJson(QueryBuilders.wildcardQuery("k1", "?aa*")));
-    }
-    private String toJson(QueryBuilders.QueryBuilder builder) throws IOException {
-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
-        JsonGenerator gen = mapper.getFactory().createGenerator(writer);
-        builder.toJson(gen);
-        gen.flush();
-        gen.close();
-        return writer.toString();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/VersionPhaseTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/VersionPhaseTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fb43be..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/external/elasticsearch/VersionPhaseTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.external.elasticsearch;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.EsTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-public class VersionPhaseTest extends EsTestCase {
-    @Test
-    public void testWorkFlow(@Injectable EsRestClient client) throws Exception {
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        columns.add(k1);
-        EsTable esTableBefore7X = fakeEsTable("fake", "test", "doc", columns);
-        SearchContext context = new SearchContext(esTableBefore7X);
-        new Expectations(client) {
-            {
-                client.version();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = EsMajorVersion.V_6_X;
-            }
-        };
-        VersionPhase versionPhase = new VersionPhase(client);
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> versionPhase.preProcess(context));
-        ExceptionChecker.expectThrowsNoException(() -> versionPhase.execute(context));
-        assertTrue(context.version().on(EsMajorVersion.V_6_X));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/DorisHttpTestCase.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/DorisHttpTestCase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 94fa7f0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/DorisHttpTestCase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.http;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.MaterializedViewHandler;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.SchemaChangeHandler;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DataProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.EsTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RandomDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletMeta;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ExceptionChecker.ThrowingRunnable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import java.net.ServerSocket;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import okhttp3.Credentials;
-import okhttp3.MediaType;
-import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
-abstract public class DorisHttpTestCase {
-    public OkHttpClient networkClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
-            .readTimeout(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
-            .build();
-    public static final MediaType JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
-    private static HttpServer httpServer;
-    public static final String CLUSTER_NAME = "default_cluster";
-    public static final String DB_NAME = "testDb";
-    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "testTbl";
-    private static long testBackendId1 = 1000;
-    private static long testBackendId2 = 1001;
-    private static long testBackendId3 = 1002;
-    private static long testReplicaId1 = 2000;
-    private static long testReplicaId2 = 2001;
-    private static long testReplicaId3 = 2002;
-    private static long testDbId = 100L;
-    private static long testTableId = 200L;
-    private static long testPartitionId = 201L;
-    public static long testIndexId = testTableId; // the base indexid == tableid
-    private static long tabletId = 400L;
-    public static long testStartVersion = 12;
-    public static long testStartVersionHash = 12312;
-    public static int testSchemaHash = 93423942;
-    public static long testPartitionCurrentVersionHash = 12312;
-    public static long testPartitionNextVersionHash = 123123123;
-    public static int HTTP_PORT;
-    protected static String URI;
-    protected String rootAuth = Credentials.basic("root", "");
-    @Mocked
-    private static EditLog editLog;
-    public static OlapTable newTable(String name) {
-        Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex().clear();
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.DOUBLE);
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        columns.add(k1);
-        columns.add(k2);
-        Replica replica1 = new Replica(testReplicaId1, testBackendId1, testStartVersion, testStartVersionHash, testSchemaHash, 1024000L, 2000L,
-                Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL, -1, 0, 0, 0);
-        Replica replica2 = new Replica(testReplicaId2, testBackendId2, testStartVersion, testStartVersionHash, testSchemaHash, 1024000L, 2000L,
-                Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL, -1, 0, 0, 0);
-        Replica replica3 = new Replica(testReplicaId3, testBackendId3, testStartVersion, testStartVersionHash, testSchemaHash, 1024000L, 2000L,
-                Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL, -1, 0, 0, 0);
-        // tablet
-        Tablet tablet = new Tablet(tabletId);
-        // index
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = new MaterializedIndex(testIndexId, MaterializedIndex.IndexState.NORMAL);
-        TabletMeta tabletMeta = new TabletMeta(testDbId, testTableId, testPartitionId, testIndexId, testSchemaHash, TStorageMedium.HDD);
-        baseIndex.addTablet(tablet, tabletMeta);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica1);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica2);
-        tablet.addReplica(replica3);
-        // partition
-        RandomDistributionInfo distributionInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(2);
-        Partition partition = new Partition(testPartitionId, "testPartition", baseIndex, distributionInfo);
-        partition.updateVisibleVersionAndVersionHash(testStartVersion, testStartVersionHash);
-        partition.setNextVersion(testStartVersion + 1);
-        partition.setNextVersionHash(testPartitionNextVersionHash, testPartitionCurrentVersionHash);
-        // table
-        PartitionInfo partitionInfo = new SinglePartitionInfo();
-        partitionInfo.setDataProperty(testPartitionId, DataProperty.DEFAULT_DATA_PROPERTY);
-        partitionInfo.setReplicationNum(testPartitionId, (short) 3);
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(testTableId, name, columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS, partitionInfo,
-                distributionInfo);
-        table.addPartition(partition);
-        table.setIndexMeta(testIndexId, "testIndex", columns, 0, testSchemaHash, (short) 1, TStorageType.COLUMN,
-                KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        table.setBaseIndexId(testIndexId);
-        return table;
-    }
-    private static EsTable newEsTable(String name) {
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.DOUBLE);
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        columns.add(k1);
-        columns.add(k2);
-        PartitionInfo partitionInfo = new SinglePartitionInfo();
-        partitionInfo.setDataProperty(testPartitionId + 100, DataProperty.DEFAULT_DATA_PROPERTY);
-        partitionInfo.setReplicationNum(testPartitionId + 100, (short) 3);
-        EsTable table = null;
-        Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
-        props.put(EsTable.HOSTS, "http://node-1:8080");
-        props.put(EsTable.USER, "root");
-        props.put(EsTable.PASSWORD, "root");
-        props.put(EsTable.INDEX, "test");
-        props.put(EsTable.TYPE, "doc");
-        try {
-            table = new EsTable(testTableId + 1, name, columns, props, partitionInfo);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        return table;
-    }
-    private static Catalog newDelegateCatalog() {
-        try {
-            Catalog catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-            PaloAuth paloAuth = new PaloAuth();
-            //EasyMock.expect(catalog.getAuth()).andReturn(paloAuth).anyTimes();
-            Database db = new Database(testDbId, "default_cluster:testDb");
-            OlapTable table = newTable(TABLE_NAME);
-            db.createTable(table);
-            OlapTable table1 = newTable(TABLE_NAME + 1);
-            db.createTable(table1);
-            EsTable esTable = newEsTable("es_table");
-            db.createTable(esTable);
-            new Expectations(catalog) {
-                {
-                    catalog.getAuth();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = paloAuth;
-                    catalog.getDb(db.getId());
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = db;
-                    catalog.getDb("default_cluster:" + DB_NAME);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = db;
-                    catalog.isMaster();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = true;
-                    catalog.getDb("default_cluster:emptyDb");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = null;
-                    catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new Database();
-                    catalog.getDbNames();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = Lists.newArrayList("default_cluster:testDb");
-                    catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = new Load();
-                    catalog.getEditLog();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = editLog;
-                    catalog.getClusterDbNames("default_cluster");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = Lists.newArrayList("default_cluster:testDb");
-                    catalog.changeDb((ConnectContext) any, "blockDb");
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    catalog.changeDb((ConnectContext) any, anyString);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    catalog.initDefaultCluster();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                }
-            };
-            return catalog;
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            return null;
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    private static void assignBackends() {
-        Backend backend1 = new Backend(testBackendId1, "node-1", 9308);
-        backend1.setBePort(9300);
-        Backend backend2 = new Backend(testBackendId2, "node-2", 9308);
-        backend2.setBePort(9300);
-        Backend backend3 = new Backend(testBackendId3, "node-3", 9308);
-        backend3.setBePort(9300);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackend(backend1);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackend(backend2);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackend(backend3);
-    }
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void initHttpServer() throws IllegalArgException, InterruptedException {
-        ServerSocket socket = null;
-        try {
-            socket = new ServerSocket(0);
-            socket.setReuseAddress(true);
-            HTTP_PORT = socket.getLocalPort();
-            URI = "http://localhost:" + HTTP_PORT + "/api/" + DB_NAME + "/" + TABLE_NAME;
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find a free TCP/IP port to start HTTP Server on");
-        } finally {
-            if (socket != null) {
-                try {
-                    socket.close();
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        httpServer = new HttpServer(HTTP_PORT);
-        httpServer.setup();
-        httpServer.start();
-        // must ensure the http server started before any unit test
-        while (!httpServer.isStarted()) {
-            Thread.sleep(500);
-        }
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        Catalog catalog = newDelegateCatalog();
-        SystemInfoService systemInfoService = new SystemInfoService();
-        TabletInvertedIndex tabletInvertedIndex = new TabletInvertedIndex();
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            @Mock
-            SchemaChangeHandler getSchemaChangeHandler() {
-                return new SchemaChangeHandler();
-            }
-            @Mock
-            MaterializedViewHandler getRollupHandler() {
-                return new MaterializedViewHandler();
-            }
-            @Mock
-            Catalog getCurrentCatalog() {
-                return catalog;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-                return systemInfoService;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            TabletInvertedIndex getCurrentInvertedIndex() {
-                return tabletInvertedIndex;
-            }
-        };
-        assignBackends();
-        doSetUp();
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void closeHttpServer() {
-        httpServer.shutDown();
-    }
-    public void doSetUp() {
-    }
-    public void expectThrowsNoException(ThrowingRunnable runnable) {
-        try {
-            runnable.run();
-        } catch (Throwable e) {
-            throw new AssertionFailedError(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks a specific exception class is thrown by the given runnable, and returns it.
-     */
-    public static <T extends Throwable> T expectThrows(Class<T> expectedType, ThrowingRunnable runnable) {
-        return expectThrows(expectedType, "Expected exception " + expectedType.getSimpleName() + " but no exception was thrown", runnable);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Checks a specific exception class is thrown by the given runnable, and returns it.
-     */
-    public static <T extends Throwable> T expectThrows(Class<T> expectedType, String noExceptionMessage, ThrowingRunnable runnable) {
-        try {
-            runnable.run();
-        } catch (Throwable e) {
-            if (expectedType.isInstance(e)) {
-                return expectedType.cast(e);
-            }
-            AssertionFailedError assertion = new AssertionFailedError("Unexpected exception type, expected " + expectedType.getSimpleName() + " but got " + e);
-            assertion.initCause(e);
-            throw assertion;
-        }
-        throw new AssertionFailedError(noExceptionMessage);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/HttpAuthManagerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/HttpAuthManagerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ed325..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/HttpAuthManagerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.http;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.http.HttpAuthManager.SessionValue;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class HttpAuthManagerTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        HttpAuthManager authMgr = HttpAuthManager.getInstance();
-        String sessionId = "test_session_id"; 
-        String username = "test-user";
-        SessionValue sessionValue = new SessionValue();
-        sessionValue.currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(username, "%");
-        authMgr.addSessionValue(sessionId, sessionValue);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, authMgr.getAuthSessions().size());
-        System.out.println("username in test: " + authMgr.getSessionValue(sessionId).currentUser);
-        Assert.assertEquals(username, authMgr.getSessionValue(sessionId).currentUser.getQualifiedUser());
-        String noExistSession = "no-exist-session-id";
-        Assert.assertNull(authMgr.getSessionValue(noExistSession));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, authMgr.getAuthSessions().size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/MimeTypeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/MimeTypeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff5c7c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/MimeTypeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.http;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap;
-public class MimeTypeTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        MimetypesFileTypeMap mimeTypesMap = new MimetypesFileTypeMap();
-        mimeTypesMap.addMimeTypes("text/html html htm");
-        mimeTypesMap.addMimeTypes("application/javascript js");
-        mimeTypesMap.addMimeTypes("text/css css");
-        Assert.assertEquals("text/css", mimeTypesMap.getContentType("/fe/webroot/static/datatables_bootstrap.css"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("application/javascript", mimeTypesMap.getContentType("/fe/webroot/static/web.js"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("text/html", mimeTypesMap.getContentType("/fe/webroot/index.html"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("text/html", mimeTypesMap.getContentType("/fe/webroot/index.htm"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableQueryPlanActionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableQueryPlanActionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e19e7d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableQueryPlanActionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.http;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TQueryPlanInfo;
-import org.apache.thrift.TDeserializer;
-import org.apache.thrift.TException;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.Base64;
-import okhttp3.Request;
-import okhttp3.RequestBody;
-import okhttp3.Response;
-public class TableQueryPlanActionTest extends DorisHttpTestCase {
-    private static  String PATH_URI = "/_query_plan";
-    protected static String ES_TABLE_URL;
-    @Override
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        super.setUp();
-        ES_TABLE_URL = "http://localhost:" + HTTP_PORT + "/api/" + DB_NAME + "/es_table";
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryPlanAction() throws IOException, TException {
-        RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, "{ \"sql\" :  \" select k1,k2 from " + DB_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + " \" }");
-        Request request = new Request.Builder()
-                .post(body)
-                .addHeader("Authorization", rootAuth)
-                .url(URI + PATH_URI)
-                .build();
-        Response response = networkClient.newCall(request).execute();
-        String respStr = response.body().string();
-        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(respStr);
-        System.out.println(respStr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(200, jsonObject.getInt("status"));
-        JSONObject partitionsObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("partitions");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(partitionsObject);
-        for (String tabletKey : partitionsObject.keySet()) {
-            JSONObject tabletObject = partitionsObject.getJSONObject(tabletKey);
-            Assert.assertNotNull(tabletObject.getJSONArray("routings"));
-            Assert.assertEquals(3, tabletObject.getJSONArray("routings").length());
-            Assert.assertEquals(testStartVersion, tabletObject.getLong("version"));
-            Assert.assertEquals(testStartVersionHash, tabletObject.getLong("versionHash"));
-            Assert.assertEquals(testSchemaHash, tabletObject.getLong("schemaHash"));
-        }
-        String queryPlan = jsonObject.getString("opaqued_query_plan");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(queryPlan);
-        byte[] binaryPlanInfo = Base64.getDecoder().decode(queryPlan);
-        TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer();
-        TQueryPlanInfo tQueryPlanInfo = new TQueryPlanInfo();
-        deserializer.deserialize(tQueryPlanInfo, binaryPlanInfo);
-        expectThrowsNoException(() -> deserializer.deserialize(tQueryPlanInfo, binaryPlanInfo));
-        System.out.println(tQueryPlanInfo);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInconsistentResource() throws IOException {
-        RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, "{ \"sql\" :  \" select k1,k2 from " + DB_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + 1 + " \" }");
-        Request request = new Request.Builder()
-                .post(body)
-                .addHeader("Authorization", rootAuth)
-                .url(URI + PATH_URI)
-                .build();
-        Response response = networkClient.newCall(request).execute();
-        String respStr = response.body().string();
-        System.out.println(respStr);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(respStr);
-        expectThrowsNoException(() -> new JSONObject(respStr));
-        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(respStr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(400, jsonObject.getInt("status"));
-        String exception = jsonObject.getString("exception");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(exception);
-        Assert.assertTrue(exception.startsWith("requested database and table must consistent with sql"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMalformedJson() throws IOException {
-        RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, "{ \"sql\" :  \" select k1,k2 from " + DB_NAME + "." + TABLE_NAME + " \"");
-        Request request = new Request.Builder()
-                .post(body)
-                .addHeader("Authorization", rootAuth)
-                .url(ES_TABLE_URL + PATH_URI)
-                .build();
-        Response response = networkClient.newCall(request).execute();
-        String respStr = response.body().string();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(respStr);
-        expectThrowsNoException(() -> new JSONObject(respStr));
-        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(respStr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(400, jsonObject.getInt("status"));
-        String exception = jsonObject.getString("exception");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(exception);
-        Assert.assertTrue(exception.startsWith("malformed json"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNotOlapTableFailure() throws IOException {
-        RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, "{ \"sql\" :  \" select k1,k2 from " + DB_NAME + ".es_table" + " \" }");
-        Request request = new Request.Builder()
-                .post(body)
-                .addHeader("Authorization", rootAuth)
-                .url(ES_TABLE_URL + PATH_URI)
-                .build();
-        Response response = networkClient.newCall(request).execute();
-        String respStr = response.body().string();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(respStr);
-        expectThrowsNoException(() -> new JSONObject(respStr));
-        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(respStr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(403, jsonObject.getInt("status"));
-        String exception = jsonObject.getString("exception");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(exception);
-        Assert.assertTrue(exception.startsWith("only support OlapTable currently"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableRowCountActionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableRowCountActionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a69bd6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableRowCountActionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.http;
-import okhttp3.Request;
-import okhttp3.Response;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class TableRowCountActionTest extends DorisHttpTestCase {
-    private static final String PATH_URI = "/_count";
-    @Test
-    public void testTableCount() throws IOException {
-        Request request = new Request.Builder()
-                .get()
-                .addHeader("Authorization", rootAuth)
-                .url(URI + PATH_URI)
-                .build();
-        Response response = networkClient.newCall(request).execute();
-        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response.body().string());
-        Assert.assertEquals(200, jsonObject.getInt("status"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(2000, jsonObject.getLong("size"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableSchemaActionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableSchemaActionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c883f76..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/http/TableSchemaActionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.http;
-import okhttp3.Request;
-import okhttp3.Response;
-import org.json.JSONArray;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-public class TableSchemaActionTest extends DorisHttpTestCase {
-    private static final String QUERY_PLAN_URI = "/_schema";
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTableSchema() throws IOException {
-        Request request = new Request.Builder()
-                .get()
-                .addHeader("Authorization", rootAuth)
-                .url(URI + QUERY_PLAN_URI)
-                .build();
-        Response response = networkClient.newCall(request).execute();
-        assertTrue(response.isSuccessful());
-        String respStr = response.body().string();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(respStr);
-        JSONObject object = new JSONObject(respStr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(200, object.getInt("status"));
-        JSONArray propArray = object.getJSONArray("properties");
-        // k1, k2
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, propArray.length());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DeleteHandlerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DeleteHandlerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ee75c3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DeleteHandlerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DeleteStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.IntLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionNames;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.CatalogMocker;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletInvertedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.TabletMeta;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MarkedCountDownLatch;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.DeleteJob.DeleteState;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryStateException;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentBatchTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskQueue;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.GlobalTransactionMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TabletCommitInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TxnCommitAttachment;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class DeleteHandlerTest {
-    private DeleteHandler deleteHandler;
-    private static final long BACKEND_ID_1 = 10000L;
-    private static final long BACKEND_ID_2 = 10001L;
-    private static final long BACKEND_ID_3 = 10002L;
-    private static final long REPLICA_ID_1 = 70000L;
-    private static final long REPLICA_ID_2 = 70001L;
-    private static final long REPLICA_ID_3 = 70002L;
-    private static final long TABLET_ID = 60000L;
-    private static final long PARTITION_ID = 40000L;
-    private static final long TBL_ID = 30000L;
-    private static final long DB_ID = 20000L;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private AgentTaskQueue agentTaskQueue;
-    @Mocked
-    private AgentTaskExecutor executor;
-    private Database db;
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    Analyzer analyzer;
-    private GlobalTransactionMgr globalTransactionMgr;
-    private TabletInvertedIndex invertedIndex = new TabletInvertedIndex();
-    private ConnectContext connectContext = new ConnectContext();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        globalTransactionMgr = new GlobalTransactionMgr(catalog);
-        globalTransactionMgr.setEditLog(editLog);
-        deleteHandler = new DeleteHandler();
-        auth = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAccess();
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        try {
-            db = CatalogMocker.mockDb();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        TabletMeta tabletMeta = new TabletMeta(DB_ID, TBL_ID, PARTITION_ID, TBL_ID, 0, null);
-        invertedIndex.addTablet(TABLET_ID, tabletMeta);
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(TABLET_ID, new Replica(REPLICA_ID_1, BACKEND_ID_1, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(TABLET_ID, new Replica(REPLICA_ID_2, BACKEND_ID_2, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        invertedIndex.addReplica(TABLET_ID, new Replica(REPLICA_ID_3, BACKEND_ID_3, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        new MockUp<EditLog>() {
-            @Mock
-            public void logSaveTransactionId(long transactionId) {
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void logInsertTransactionState(TransactionState transactionState) {
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 10L;
-                catalog.getTabletInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = invertedIndex;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-            }
-        };
-        globalTransactionMgr.addDatabaseTransactionMgr(db.getId());
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentInvertedIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = invertedIndex;
-                Catalog.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = globalTransactionMgr;
-                AgentTaskExecutor.submit((AgentBatchTask) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                AgentTaskQueue.addTask((AgentTask) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testUnQuorumTimeout() throws DdlException, QueryStateException {
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.GT, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                new IntLiteral(3));
-        DeleteStmt deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("test_db", "test_tbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("test_tbl")), binaryPredicate);
-        new Expectations(globalTransactionMgr) {
-            {
-                try {
-                    globalTransactionMgr.abortTransaction(db.getId(), anyLong, anyString);
-                } catch (UserException e) {
-                }
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        deleteHandler.process(deleteStmt);
-        Assert.fail();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQuorumTimeout() throws DdlException, QueryStateException {
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.GT, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                new IntLiteral(3));
-        DeleteStmt deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("test_db", "test_tbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("test_tbl")), binaryPredicate);
-        Set<Replica> finishedReplica = Sets.newHashSet();
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_1, BACKEND_ID_1, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_2, BACKEND_ID_2, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        TabletDeleteInfo tabletDeleteInfo = new TabletDeleteInfo(PARTITION_ID, TABLET_ID);
-        tabletDeleteInfo.getFinishedReplicas().addAll(finishedReplica);
-        new MockUp<DeleteJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            public Collection<TabletDeleteInfo> getTabletDeleteInfo() {
-                return Lists.newArrayList(tabletDeleteInfo);
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<GlobalTransactionMgr>() {
-            @Mock
-            public TransactionState getTransactionState(long transactionId) {
-                TransactionState transactionState =  new TransactionState();
-                transactionState.setTransactionStatus(TransactionStatus.VISIBLE);
-                return transactionState;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            deleteHandler.process(deleteStmt);
-        }catch (QueryStateException e) {
-        }
-        Map<Long, DeleteJob> idToDeleteJob = Deencapsulation.getField(deleteHandler, "idToDeleteJob");
-        Collection<DeleteJob> jobs = idToDeleteJob.values();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, jobs.size());
-        for (DeleteJob job : jobs) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(job.getState(), DeleteState.QUORUM_FINISHED);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormalTimeout() throws DdlException, QueryStateException {
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.GT, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                new IntLiteral(3));
-        DeleteStmt deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("test_db", "test_tbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("test_tbl")), binaryPredicate);
-        Set<Replica> finishedReplica = Sets.newHashSet();
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_1, BACKEND_ID_1, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_2, BACKEND_ID_2, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_3, BACKEND_ID_3, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        TabletDeleteInfo tabletDeleteInfo = new TabletDeleteInfo(PARTITION_ID, TABLET_ID);
-        tabletDeleteInfo.getFinishedReplicas().addAll(finishedReplica);
-        new MockUp<DeleteJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            public Collection<TabletDeleteInfo> getTabletDeleteInfo() {
-                return Lists.newArrayList(tabletDeleteInfo);
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<GlobalTransactionMgr>() {
-            @Mock
-            public TransactionState getTransactionState(long transactionId) {
-                TransactionState transactionState =  new TransactionState();
-                transactionState.setTransactionStatus(TransactionStatus.VISIBLE);
-                return transactionState;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            deleteHandler.process(deleteStmt);
-        } catch (QueryStateException e) {
-        }
-        Map<Long, DeleteJob> idToDeleteJob = Deencapsulation.getField(deleteHandler, "idToDeleteJob");
-        Collection<DeleteJob> jobs = idToDeleteJob.values();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, jobs.size());
-        for (DeleteJob job : jobs) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(job.getState(), DeleteState.FINISHED);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testCommitFail(@Mocked MarkedCountDownLatch countDownLatch) throws DdlException, QueryStateException {
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.GT, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                new IntLiteral(3));
-        DeleteStmt deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("test_db", "test_tbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("test_tbl")), binaryPredicate);
-        Set<Replica> finishedReplica = Sets.newHashSet();
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_1, BACKEND_ID_1, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_2, BACKEND_ID_2, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_3, BACKEND_ID_3, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        TabletDeleteInfo tabletDeleteInfo = new TabletDeleteInfo(PARTITION_ID, TABLET_ID);
-        tabletDeleteInfo.getFinishedReplicas().addAll(finishedReplica);
-        new MockUp<DeleteJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            public Collection<TabletDeleteInfo> getTabletDeleteInfo() {
-                return Lists.newArrayList(tabletDeleteInfo);
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                try {
-                    countDownLatch.await(anyLong, (TimeUnit) any);
-                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                }
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(globalTransactionMgr) {
-            {
-                try {
-                    globalTransactionMgr.commitTransaction(anyLong, (List<Table>) any, anyLong, (List<TabletCommitInfo>) any, (TxnCommitAttachment) any);
-                } catch (UserException e) {
-                }
-                result = new UserException("commit fail");
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            deleteHandler.process(deleteStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Map<Long, DeleteJob> idToDeleteJob = Deencapsulation.getField(deleteHandler, "idToDeleteJob");
-            Collection<DeleteJob> jobs = idToDeleteJob.values();
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, jobs.size());
-            for (DeleteJob job : jobs) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(job.getState(), DeleteState.FINISHED);
-            }
-            throw e;
-        } catch (QueryStateException e) {
-        }
-        Assert.fail();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPublishFail(@Mocked MarkedCountDownLatch countDownLatch, @Mocked AgentTaskExecutor taskExecutor) throws DdlException, QueryStateException {
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.GT, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                new IntLiteral(3));
-        DeleteStmt deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("test_db", "test_tbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("test_tbl")), binaryPredicate);
-        Set<Replica> finishedReplica = Sets.newHashSet();
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_1, BACKEND_ID_1, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_2, BACKEND_ID_2, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_3, BACKEND_ID_3, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        TabletDeleteInfo tabletDeleteInfo = new TabletDeleteInfo(PARTITION_ID, TABLET_ID);
-        tabletDeleteInfo.getFinishedReplicas().addAll(finishedReplica);
-        new MockUp<DeleteJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            public Collection<TabletDeleteInfo> getTabletDeleteInfo() {
-                return Lists.newArrayList(tabletDeleteInfo);
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                try {
-                    countDownLatch.await(anyLong, (TimeUnit) any);
-                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                }
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                AgentTaskExecutor.submit((AgentBatchTask) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            deleteHandler.process(deleteStmt);
-        } catch (QueryStateException e) {
-        }
-        Map<Long, DeleteJob> idToDeleteJob = Deencapsulation.getField(deleteHandler, "idToDeleteJob");
-        Collection<DeleteJob> jobs = idToDeleteJob.values();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, jobs.size());
-        for (DeleteJob job : jobs) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(job.getState(), DeleteState.FINISHED);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal(@Mocked MarkedCountDownLatch countDownLatch) throws DdlException, QueryStateException {
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.GT, new SlotRef(null, "k1"),
-                new IntLiteral(3));
-        DeleteStmt deleteStmt = new DeleteStmt(new TableName("test_db", "test_tbl"),
-                new PartitionNames(false, Lists.newArrayList("test_tbl")), binaryPredicate);
-        Set<Replica> finishedReplica = Sets.newHashSet();
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_1, BACKEND_ID_1, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_2, BACKEND_ID_2, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        finishedReplica.add(new Replica(REPLICA_ID_3, BACKEND_ID_3, 0, Replica.ReplicaState.NORMAL));
-        TabletDeleteInfo tabletDeleteInfo = new TabletDeleteInfo(PARTITION_ID, TABLET_ID);
-        tabletDeleteInfo.getFinishedReplicas().addAll(finishedReplica);
-        new MockUp<DeleteJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            public Collection<TabletDeleteInfo> getTabletDeleteInfo() {
-                return Lists.newArrayList(tabletDeleteInfo);
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                try {
-                    countDownLatch.await(anyLong, (TimeUnit) any);
-                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                }
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            deleteStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            deleteHandler.process(deleteStmt);
-        } catch (QueryStateException e) {
-        }
-        Map<Long, DeleteJob> idToDeleteJob = Deencapsulation.getField(deleteHandler, "idToDeleteJob");
-        Collection<DeleteJob> jobs = idToDeleteJob.values();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, jobs.size());
-        for (DeleteJob job : jobs) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(job.getState(), DeleteState.FINISHED);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DppConfigTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DppConfigTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d15fdc..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DppConfigTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class DppConfigTest {
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal(@Mocked Catalog catalog) throws LoadException {
-        // mock catalog
-        int clusterId = 10;
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getClusterId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = clusterId;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<String, String> configMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        configMap.put("hadoop_palo_path", "/user/palo2");
-        configMap.put("hadoop_http_port", "1234");
-        configMap.put("hadoop_configs", "mapred.job.tracker=;fs.default.name=hdfs://;"
-                        + "hadoop.job.ugi=user,password;mapred.job.priority=NORMAL");
-        DppConfig dppConfig = DppConfig.create(configMap);
-        Assert.assertEquals(String.format("/user/palo2/%d/applications/%s", clusterId, FeConstants.dpp_version),
-                dppConfig.getApplicationsPath());
-        Assert.assertEquals(String.format("/user/palo2/%d/output", clusterId), dppConfig.getOutputPath());
-        Assert.assertEquals("hdfs://", dppConfig.getFsDefaultName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("user,password", dppConfig.getHadoopJobUgiStr());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", dppConfig.getNameNodeHost());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1234, dppConfig.getHttpPort());
-        Map<String, String> hadoopConfigs = dppConfig.getHadoopConfigs();
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, hadoopConfigs.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("NORMAL", hadoopConfigs.get("mapred.job.priority"));
-        // update
-        Map<String, String> newConfigMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        newConfigMap.put("hadoop_configs", "mapred.job.priority=VERY_HIGH");
-        DppConfig newDppConfig = DppConfig.create(newConfigMap);
-        dppConfig.update(newDppConfig);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, hadoopConfigs.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("VERY_HIGH", hadoopConfigs.get("mapred.job.priority"));
-        newConfigMap.clear();
-        newConfigMap.put(LoadStmt.BOS_ENDPOINT, "");
-        newConfigMap.put(LoadStmt.BOS_ACCESSKEY, "123");
-        newConfigMap.put(LoadStmt.BOS_SECRET_ACCESSKEY, "456");
-        dppConfig.updateHadoopConfigs(newConfigMap);
-        Assert.assertEquals(7, hadoopConfigs.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", hadoopConfigs.get("fs.bos.endpoint"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("123", hadoopConfigs.get("fs.bos.access.key"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("456", hadoopConfigs.get("fs.bos.secret.access.key"));
-        // clear
-        dppConfig.clear();
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, hadoopConfigs.size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(hadoopConfigs.containsKey("mapred.job.priority"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(hadoopConfigs.containsKey("fs.default.name"));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = LoadException.class)
-    public void testHadoopConfigsNotEnough() throws LoadException {
-        Map<String, String> configMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        configMap.put("hadoop_palo_path", "/user/palo2");
-        configMap.put("hadoop_http_port", "1234");
-        configMap.put("hadoop_configs", "mapred.job.tracker=;fs.default.name=hdfs://;");
-        DppConfig dppConfig = DppConfig.create(configMap);
-        dppConfig.check();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = LoadException.class)
-    public void testBosParamsNotEnough() throws LoadException {
-        Map<String, String> configMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        configMap.put(LoadStmt.BOS_ENDPOINT, "");
-        configMap.put(LoadStmt.BOS_ACCESSKEY, "123");
-        DppConfig dppConfig = new DppConfig();
-        dppConfig.updateHadoopConfigs(configMap);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // mock catalog
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_12);
-        Map<String, String> configMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        configMap.put("hadoop_palo_path", "/user/palo2");
-        configMap.put("hadoop_http_port", "1234");
-        configMap.put("hadoop_configs", "mapred.job.tracker=;fs.default.name=hdfs://;"
-                        + "hadoop.job.ugi=user,password;mapred.job.priority=NORMAL");
-        DppConfig dppConfig = DppConfig.create(configMap);
-        File file = new File("./dppConfigTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        dppConfig.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        DppConfig newDppConfig = new DppConfig();
-        newDppConfig.readFields(dis);
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-        Assert.assertEquals("/user/palo2", newDppConfig.getPaloPath());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1234, newDppConfig.getHttpPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, newDppConfig.getHadoopConfigs().size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DppSchedulerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DppSchedulerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 82157ef..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/DppSchedulerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.CommandResult;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.UnitTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.Util;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TEtlState;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class DppSchedulerTest {
-    private DppScheduler dppScheduler;
-    @Mocked
-    private Util util;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        // mock palo home env
-//        PowerMock.mockStatic(System.class);
-//        EasyMock.expect(System.getenv("DORIS_HOME")).andReturn(".").anyTimes();
-//        PowerMock.replay(System.class);
-        UnitTestUtil.initDppConfig();
-        dppScheduler = new DppScheduler(Load.dppDefaultConfig);
-    }
-    @Ignore
-    @Test
-    public void testCalcReduceNumByInputSize() throws Exception {
-        // mock hadoop count
-        String fileInfos = "           0            1           1000000000 /label2/export/label2.10007.10007.10005\n"
-                         + "           0            1           1000000001 /label2/export/label2.10007.10007.10006";
-        CommandResult commandResult = new CommandResult();
-        commandResult.setReturnCode(0);
-        commandResult.setStdout(fileInfos);
-        new Expectations(util) {
-            {
-                Util.executeCommand(anyString, (String[]) any);
-                times = 3;
-                result = commandResult;
-            }
-        };
-        // get method
-        Method calcReduceNumByInputSize = UnitTestUtil.getPrivateMethod(
-                DppScheduler.class, "calcReduceNumByInputSize", new Class[] {Set.class});
-        // normal test
-        Set<String> inputPaths = new HashSet<String>();
-        Config.load_input_size_limit_gb = 0;
-        Config.dpp_bytes_per_reduce = 2000000000;
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, calcReduceNumByInputSize.invoke(dppScheduler, new Object[] {inputPaths}));
-        Config.dpp_bytes_per_reduce = 2000000002;
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, calcReduceNumByInputSize.invoke(dppScheduler, new Object[] {inputPaths}));
-        // input file size exceeds limit
-        Config.load_input_size_limit_gb = 1;
-        try {
-            calcReduceNumByInputSize.invoke(dppScheduler, new Object[]{inputPaths});
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(true);
-        }
-        Config.load_input_size_limit_gb = 0;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCalcReduceNumByTablet() throws Exception {
-        Map<String, Object> jobConf = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        Map<String, Map> tables = new HashMap<String, Map>();
-        jobConf.put("tables", tables);
-        Map<String, Map> table = new HashMap<String, Map>();
-        tables.put("0", table);
-        Map<String, Map> views = new HashMap<String, Map>();
-        table.put("views", views);
-        Map<String, Object> view1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        view1.put("hash_mod", 10);
-        views.put("view1", view1);
-        Map<String, Object> view2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
-        List<Object> rangeList = new ArrayList<Object>();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-            rangeList.add(i);
-        }
-        view2.put("key_ranges", rangeList);
-        views.put("view2", view2);
-        Method calcReduceNumByTablet = UnitTestUtil.getPrivateMethod(
-                DppScheduler.class, "calcReduceNumByTablet", new Class[] {Map.class});
-        Assert.assertEquals(15, calcReduceNumByTablet.invoke(dppScheduler, new Object[] {jobConf}));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetEtlJobStatus() {
-        String jobStatus = "Job: job_201501261830_12231\n" 
-                         + "file: hdfs://host:54310/system/mapred/job_201501261830_12231/job.xml\n" 
-                         + "tracking URL: http://host:8030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=job_201501261830_12231\n"
-                         + "job state: 1\n"
-                         + "map() completion: 0.9036233\n"
-                         + "reduce() completion: 0.0\n"
-                         + "Counters: 14\n"
-                         + "        File Systems\n"
-                         + "                HDFS bytes read=398065481\n"
-                         + "        DPP\n"
-                         + "                dpp.abnorm.ALL=0\n"
-                         + "                dpp.norm.ALL=0\n"
-                         + "        Map-Reduce Framework\n"
-                         + "                Map input records=4085933\n"
-                         + "                Map output bytes=503053858";
-        CommandResult commandResult = new CommandResult();
-        commandResult.setReturnCode(0);
-        commandResult.setStdout(jobStatus);
-        new Expectations(util) {
-            {
-                Util.executeCommand(anyString, (String[]) any);
-                times = 1;
-                result = commandResult;
-            }
-        };
-        EtlStatus status = dppScheduler.getEtlJobStatus("etlJobId");
-        Assert.assertEquals(TEtlState.RUNNING, status.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals("0", status.getCounters().get("dpp.abnorm.ALL"));
-        Assert.assertEquals("0.9036233", status.getStats().get("map() completion"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetEtlFileList() {
-        String outputPath = "/label_0";
-        CommandResult successLsResult = new CommandResult();
-        successLsResult.setReturnCode(0);
-        CommandResult failLsResult = new CommandResult();
-        failLsResult.setReturnCode(-1);
-        CommandResult successTestDirResult = new CommandResult();
-        successTestDirResult.setReturnCode(0);
-        CommandResult failTestDirResult = new CommandResult();
-        failTestDirResult.setReturnCode(-1);
-        String files = "-rw-r--r--   3 palo palo   29896160 2015-02-03 13:10 /label_0/export/label_0.32241.32241.0\n"
-                     + "-rw-r--r--   3 palo palo   29896161 2015-02-03 13:10 /label_0/export/label_0.32241.32241.1";
-        successLsResult.setStdout(files);
-        new Expectations(util) {
-            {
-                Util.executeCommand(anyString, (String[]) any);
-                times = 6;
-                returns(
-                        // success
-                        successLsResult,
-                        // ls fail
-                        failLsResult,
-                        // outputPath not exist
-                        failTestDirResult,
-                        // ls fail
-                        failLsResult,
-                        // success
-                        successTestDirResult,
-                        // fileDir not exist
-                        failTestDirResult
-                );
-            }
-        };
-        Map<String, Long> fileMap = dppScheduler.getEtlFiles(outputPath);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, fileMap.size());
-        Assert.assertNull(dppScheduler.getEtlFiles(outputPath));
-        fileMap = dppScheduler.getEtlFiles(outputPath);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(fileMap);
-        Assert.assertTrue(fileMap.isEmpty());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testKillEtlJob() {
-        CommandResult commandResult = new CommandResult();
-        new Expectations(util) {
-            {
-                Util.executeCommand(anyString, (String[]) any);
-                times = 1;
-                result = commandResult;
-            }
-        };
-        dppScheduler.killEtlJob("etlJobId");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetEtlOutputPath() {
-        DppConfig dppConfig = Load.dppDefaultConfig.getCopiedDppConfig();
-        long dbId = 0;
-        String loadLabel = "test_label";
-        String etlOutputDir = "10000";
-        String actualPath = DppScheduler.getEtlOutputPath(dppConfig.getFsDefaultName(), dppConfig.getOutputPath(),
-                dbId, loadLabel, etlOutputDir);
-        String expectedPath = dppConfig.getFsDefaultName() + dppConfig.getOutputPath() + "/" + String.valueOf(dbId)
-                + "/" + loadLabel + "/" + etlOutputDir;
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedPath, actualPath);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/EtlJobStatusTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/EtlJobStatusTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d5a8be..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/EtlJobStatusTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TEtlState;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-public class EtlJobStatusTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        File file = new File("./EtlJobStatusTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        EtlStatus etlJobStatus = new EtlStatus();
-        TEtlState state = TEtlState.FINISHED;
-        String trackingUrl = "http://localhost:9999/xxx?job_id=zzz";
-        Map<String, String> stats = new TreeMap<String, String>();
-        Map<String, String> counters = new TreeMap<String, String>();
-        for (int count = 0; count < 5; ++count) {
-            String statsKey = "statsKey" + count;
-            String statsValue = "statsValue" + count;
-            String countersKey = "countersKey" + count;
-            String countersValue = "countersValue" + count;
-            stats.put(statsKey, statsValue);
-            counters.put(countersKey, countersValue);
-        }
-        etlJobStatus.setState(state);
-        etlJobStatus.setTrackingUrl(trackingUrl);
-        etlJobStatus.setStats(stats);
-        etlJobStatus.setCounters(counters);
-        etlJobStatus.write(dos);
-        // stats.clear();
-        // counters.clear();
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        EtlStatus etlJobStatus1 = new EtlStatus();
-        etlJobStatus1.readFields(dis);
-        stats = etlJobStatus1.getStats();
-        counters = etlJobStatus1.getCounters();
-        Assert.assertEquals(etlJobStatus1.getState().name(), "FINISHED");
-        for (int count = 0; count < 5; ++count) {
-            String statsKey = "statsKey" + count;
-            String statsValue = "statsValue" + count;
-            String countersKey = "countersKey" + count;
-            String countersValue = "countersValue" + count;
-            Assert.assertEquals(stats.get(statsKey), statsValue);
-            Assert.assertEquals(counters.get(countersKey), countersValue);
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(etlJobStatus.equals(etlJobStatus1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(trackingUrl, etlJobStatus1.getTrackingUrl());
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/FailMsgTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/FailMsgTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index aa11d82..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/FailMsgTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class FailMsgTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        File file = new File("./failMsgTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        FailMsg failMsg = new FailMsg(FailMsg.CancelType.ETL_QUALITY_UNSATISFIED, "Job failed");
-        failMsg.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        FailMsg failMsg1 = new FailMsg();
-        failMsg1.readFields(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals(failMsg1.getMsg(), "Job failed");
-        Assert.assertEquals(failMsg1.getCancelType(), FailMsg.CancelType.ETL_QUALITY_UNSATISFIED);
-        Assert.assertTrue(failMsg1.equals(failMsg));
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/LoadCheckerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/LoadCheckerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 440ac0b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/LoadCheckerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.UnitTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.load.FailMsg.CancelType;
-import org.apache.doris.load.LoadJob.JobState;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskQueue;
-import org.apache.doris.task.MasterTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.MasterTaskExecutor;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class LoadCheckerTest {
-    private long dbId;
-    private long tableId;
-    private long partitionId;
-    private long indexId;
-    private long tabletId;
-    private long backendId;
-    private String label;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private Load load;
-    private Database db;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        dbId = 0L;
-        tableId = 0L;
-        partitionId = 0L;
-        indexId = 0L;
-        tabletId = 0L;
-        backendId = 0L;
-        label = "test_label";
-        // mock catalog
-        db = UnitTestUtil.createDb(dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId, tabletId, backendId, 1L, 0L);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getDb(db.getFullName());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        Config.load_running_job_num_limit = 0;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInit() throws Exception {
-        LoadChecker.init(5L);
-        // verify checkers
-        Field checkersField = LoadChecker.class.getDeclaredField("checkers");
-        checkersField.setAccessible(true);
-        Map<JobState, LoadChecker> checkers = (Map<JobState, LoadChecker>) checkersField.get(LoadChecker.class);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, checkers.size());
-        // verify executors
-        Field executorsField = LoadChecker.class.getDeclaredField("executors");
-        executorsField.setAccessible(true);
-        Map<JobState, MasterTaskExecutor> executors = 
-                (Map<JobState, MasterTaskExecutor>) executorsField.get(LoadChecker.class);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, executors.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunPendingJobs(@Mocked MasterTaskExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        List<LoadJob> pendingJobs = new ArrayList<LoadJob>();
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob(label);
-        job.setState(JobState.PENDING);
-        pendingJobs.add(job);
-        // mock load
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                load.getLoadJobs(JobState.PENDING);
-                times = 1;
-                result = pendingJobs;
-                catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                times = 2;
-                result = load;
-                executor.submit((MasterTask) any);
-                times = 1;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // init
-        LoadChecker.init(5L);
-        // test runPendingJobs
-        Field checkersField = LoadChecker.class.getDeclaredField("checkers");
-        checkersField.setAccessible(true);
-        Map<JobState, LoadChecker> checkers = (Map<JobState, LoadChecker>) checkersField.get(LoadChecker.class);
-        Method runPendingJobs = UnitTestUtil.getPrivateMethod(LoadChecker.class, "runPendingJobs", new Class[] {});
-        runPendingJobs.invoke(checkers.get(JobState.PENDING), new Object[] {});
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunPendingJobsWithLimit(@Mocked MasterTaskExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        List<LoadJob> pendingJobs = new ArrayList<LoadJob>();
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob(label);
-        job.setState(JobState.PENDING);
-        pendingJobs.add(job);
-        pendingJobs.add(job);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, pendingJobs.size());
-        // mock load
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                load.getLoadJobs(JobState.PENDING);
-                times = 1;
-                result = pendingJobs;
-                load.getLoadJobs(JobState.ETL);
-                times = 1;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(job);
-                catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                times = 1;
-                result = load;
-                executor.getTaskNum();
-                times = 2;
-                result = 1;
-                executor.submit((MasterTask) any);
-                times = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // init
-        LoadChecker.init(5L);
-        // only one allow submit (1 + 1 (pending executor running) + 1 (etl state) = 3)
-        Config.load_running_job_num_limit = 3;
-        // test runPendingJobs
-        Field checkersField = LoadChecker.class.getDeclaredField("checkers");
-        checkersField.setAccessible(true);
-        Map<JobState, LoadChecker> checkers = (Map<JobState, LoadChecker>) checkersField.get(LoadChecker.class);
-        Method runPendingJobs = UnitTestUtil.getPrivateMethod(LoadChecker.class, "runPendingJobs", new Class[] {});
-        runPendingJobs.invoke(checkers.get(JobState.PENDING), new Object[] {});
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunEtlJobs(@Mocked MasterTaskExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        List<LoadJob> etlJobs = new ArrayList<LoadJob>();
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob(label);
-        job.setState(JobState.ETL);
-        etlJobs.add(job);
-        // mock load
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                load.getLoadJobs(JobState.ETL);
-                times = 1;
-                result = etlJobs;
-                catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                times = 2;
-                result = load;
-                executor.submit((MasterTask) any);
-                times = 1;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        // init
-        LoadChecker.init(5L);
-        // test runPendingJobs
-        Field checkersField = LoadChecker.class.getDeclaredField("checkers");
-        checkersField.setAccessible(true);
-        Map<JobState, LoadChecker> checkers = (Map<JobState, LoadChecker>) checkersField.get(LoadChecker.class);
-        Method runEtlJobs = UnitTestUtil.getPrivateMethod(LoadChecker.class, "runEtlJobs", new Class[] {});
-        runEtlJobs.invoke(checkers.get(JobState.ETL), new Object[] {});
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunLoadingJobs() throws Exception {
-        List<LoadJob> etlJobs = new ArrayList<LoadJob>();
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob(label);
-        job.setState(JobState.LOADING);
-        job.setDbId(dbId);
-        etlJobs.add(job);
-        // set table family load infos
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable(tableId);
-        Partition partition = table.getPartition(partitionId);
-        long newVersion = partition.getVisibleVersion() + 1;
-        long newVersionHash = 1L;
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo = new PartitionLoadInfo(new ArrayList<Source>());
-        partitionLoadInfo.setVersion(newVersion);
-        partitionLoadInfo.setVersionHash(newVersionHash);
-        Map<Long, PartitionLoadInfo> idToPartitionLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, PartitionLoadInfo>();
-        idToPartitionLoadInfo.put(partitionId, partitionLoadInfo);
-        TableLoadInfo tableLoadInfo = new TableLoadInfo(idToPartitionLoadInfo);
-        tableLoadInfo.addIndexSchemaHash(partition.getBaseIndex().getId(), 0);
-        Map<Long, TableLoadInfo> idToTableLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, TableLoadInfo>();
-        idToTableLoadInfo.put(tableId, tableLoadInfo);
-        job.setIdToTableLoadInfo(idToTableLoadInfo);
-        // set tablet load infos
-        int replicaNum = 0;
-        Map<Long, TabletLoadInfo> tabletLoadInfos = new HashMap<Long, TabletLoadInfo>();
-        for (MaterializedIndex index : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL)) {
-            for (Tablet tablet : index.getTablets()) {
-                replicaNum += tablet.getReplicas().size();
-                TabletLoadInfo tabletLoadInfo = new TabletLoadInfo("/label/path", 1L);
-                tabletLoadInfos.put(tablet.getId(), tabletLoadInfo);
-            }
-        }
-        job.setIdToTabletLoadInfo(tabletLoadInfos);
-        // mock load
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                load.getLoadJobs(JobState.LOADING);
-                times = 2;
-                result = etlJobs;
-                load.updateLoadJobState(job, JobState.QUORUM_FINISHED);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                load.cancelLoadJob((LoadJob) any, (CancelType) any, anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                times = 4;
-                result = load;
-            }
-        };
-        // init
-        LoadChecker.init(5L);
-        // test runPendingJobs send tasks
-        Field checkersField = LoadChecker.class.getDeclaredField("checkers");
-        checkersField.setAccessible(true);
-        Map<JobState, LoadChecker> checkers = (Map<JobState, LoadChecker>) checkersField.get(LoadChecker.class);
-        Method runLoadingJobs = UnitTestUtil.getPrivateMethod(LoadChecker.class, "runLoadingJobs", new Class[] {});
-        runLoadingJobs.invoke(checkers.get(JobState.LOADING), new Object[] {});
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        // update replica to new version
-        for (MaterializedIndex olapIndex : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL)) {
-            for (Tablet tablet : olapIndex.getTablets()) {
-                for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                    replica.updateVersionInfo(newVersion, newVersionHash, 0L, 0L);
-                }
-            }
-        }       
-        // verify
-        runLoadingJobs.invoke(checkers.get(JobState.LOADING), new Object[] {});
-        // clear agent tasks
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunQuorumFinishedJobs() throws Exception {
-        List<LoadJob> etlJobs = new ArrayList<LoadJob>();
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob(label);
-        job.setState(JobState.QUORUM_FINISHED);
-        job.setDbId(dbId);
-        etlJobs.add(job);
-        // set table family load infos
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable(tableId);
-        Partition partition = table.getPartition(partitionId);
-        long newVersion = partition.getVisibleVersion() + 1;
-        long newVersionHash = 0L;
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo = new PartitionLoadInfo(new ArrayList<Source>());
-        partitionLoadInfo.setVersion(newVersion);
-        partitionLoadInfo.setVersionHash(newVersionHash);
-        Map<Long, PartitionLoadInfo> idToPartitionLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, PartitionLoadInfo>();
-        idToPartitionLoadInfo.put(partitionId, partitionLoadInfo);
-        TableLoadInfo tableLoadInfo = new TableLoadInfo(idToPartitionLoadInfo);
-        tableLoadInfo.addIndexSchemaHash(partition.getBaseIndex().getId(), 0);
-        Map<Long, TableLoadInfo> idToTableLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, TableLoadInfo>();
-        idToTableLoadInfo.put(tableId, tableLoadInfo);
-        job.setIdToTableLoadInfo(idToTableLoadInfo);
-        // set tablet load infos
-        Map<Long, TabletLoadInfo> tabletLoadInfos = new HashMap<Long, TabletLoadInfo>();
-        for (MaterializedIndex index : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL)) {
-            for (Tablet tablet : index.getTablets()) {
-                for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                    replica.updateVersionInfo(newVersion, newVersionHash, 0L, 0L);
-                }
-                TabletLoadInfo tabletLoadInfo = new TabletLoadInfo("/label/path", 1L);
-                tabletLoadInfos.put(tablet.getId(), tabletLoadInfo);
-            }
-        }
-        job.setIdToTabletLoadInfo(tabletLoadInfos);
-        // mock load
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                load.getLoadJobs(JobState.QUORUM_FINISHED);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = etlJobs;
-                load.updateLoadJobState(job, JobState.FINISHED);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                load.clearJob(job, JobState.QUORUM_FINISHED);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = load;
-            }
-        };
-        // init
-        LoadChecker.init(5L);
-        // test runPendingJobs
-        Field checkersField = LoadChecker.class.getDeclaredField("checkers");
-        checkersField.setAccessible(true);
-        Map<JobState, LoadChecker> checkers = (Map<JobState, LoadChecker>) checkersField.get(LoadChecker.class);
-        Method runQuorumFinishedJobs = UnitTestUtil.getPrivateMethod(
-                LoadChecker.class, "runQuorumFinishedJobs", new Class[] {});
-        runQuorumFinishedJobs.invoke(checkers.get(JobState.QUORUM_FINISHED), new Object[] {});
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckTimeout() {
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob(label);
-        long currentTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        job.setCreateTimeMs(currentTimeMs - 2000);
-        // timeout is 0s
-        job.setTimeoutSecond(0);
-        Assert.assertFalse(LoadChecker.checkTimeout(job));
-        // timeout is 1s
-        job.setTimeoutSecond(1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(LoadChecker.checkTimeout(job));
-        // timeout is 10s
-        job.setTimeoutSecond(10);
-        Assert.assertFalse(LoadChecker.checkTimeout(job));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/LoadJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/LoadJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d93fc04..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/LoadJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Predicate;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StringLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.UnitTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.load.LoadJob.JobState;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.MetricRepo;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.ReplicaPersistInfo;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class LoadJobTest {
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void start() {
-        MetricRepo.init();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        UnitTestUtil.initDppConfig();
-    }
-    public Source makeSource(int startId, int size) {
-        List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(size);
-        List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(size);
-        for (int count = startId; count < startId + size; ++count) {
-            String filename = "hdfs://host:port/dir/load-" + count;
-            String column = "column-" + count;
-            files.add(filename);
-            columns.add(column);
-        }
-        Source source = new Source(files, columns, "\t", "\n", false);
-        return source;
-    }
-    public List<Predicate> makeDeleteConditions(int startId, int size) {
-        List<Predicate> deletions = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
-        for (int count = startId; count < startId + size; ++count) {
-            Operator op = Operator.GT;
-            SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(null, "clicks");
-            StringLiteral value = new StringLiteral(Integer.toString(count));
-            Predicate deleteCondition = new BinaryPredicate(op, slotRef, value);
-            deletions.add(deleteCondition);
-        }
-        return deletions;
-    }
-    public LoadJob getLoadJob() {
-        Source source1 = makeSource(0, 10);
-        Source source2 = makeSource(10, 30);
-        Source source3 = makeSource(20, 40);
-        Source source4 = makeSource(40, 60);
-        Source source5 = makeSource(70, 80);
-        Source source6 = makeSource(80, 100);
-        List<Source> sources1 = new ArrayList<Source>();
-        List<Source> sources2 = new ArrayList<Source>();
-        List<Source> sources3 = new ArrayList<Source>();
-        sources1.add(source1);
-        sources1.add(source2);
-        sources2.add(source3);
-        sources2.add(source4);
-        sources3.add(source5);
-        sources3.add(source6);
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo1 = new PartitionLoadInfo(sources1);
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo2 = new PartitionLoadInfo(sources2);
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo3 = new PartitionLoadInfo(sources3);
-        Map<Long, TableLoadInfo> idToTableLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, TableLoadInfo>();
-        Map<Long, PartitionLoadInfo> idToPartitionLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, PartitionLoadInfo>();
-        idToPartitionLoadInfo.put(1L, partitionLoadInfo1);
-        idToPartitionLoadInfo.put(2L, partitionLoadInfo2);
-        idToPartitionLoadInfo.put(3L, partitionLoadInfo3);
-        TableLoadInfo tableLoadInfo = new TableLoadInfo(idToPartitionLoadInfo);
-        idToTableLoadInfo.put(0L, tableLoadInfo);
-        TabletLoadInfo tabletLoadInfo1 = new TabletLoadInfo("tabletLoadInfo1", 1L);
-        TabletLoadInfo tabletLoadInfo2 = new TabletLoadInfo("tabletLoadInfo2", 1L);
-        TabletLoadInfo tabletLoadInfo3 = new TabletLoadInfo("tabletLoadInfo3", 1L);
-        Map<Long, TabletLoadInfo> tabletLoadInfos = new HashMap<Long, TabletLoadInfo>();
-        tabletLoadInfos.put(1L, tabletLoadInfo1);
-        tabletLoadInfos.put(2L, tabletLoadInfo2);
-        tabletLoadInfos.put(3L, tabletLoadInfo3);
-        LoadJob loadJob3 = new LoadJob("datalabel-2014-12-5", 1000, 0.1);
-        loadJob3.setIdToTableLoadInfo(idToTableLoadInfo);
-        loadJob3.setIdToTabletLoadInfo(tabletLoadInfos);
-        loadJob3.addFullTablet(1);
-        loadJob3.addFullTablet(2);
-        loadJob3.addFullTablet(3);
-        loadJob3.addReplicaPersistInfos(ReplicaPersistInfo.createForLoad(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1));
-        loadJob3.addReplicaPersistInfos(ReplicaPersistInfo.createForLoad(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2));
-        loadJob3.addReplicaPersistInfos(ReplicaPersistInfo.createForLoad(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3, 3));
-        return loadJob3;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // mock meta version
-        FakeCatalog fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        File file = new File("./loadJobTest" + System.currentTimeMillis());
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        LoadJob loadJob0 = new LoadJob();
-        loadJob0.write(dos);
-        LoadJob loadJob1 = new LoadJob("datalabel-2014-12-5", 1000, 0.1);
-        loadJob1.setId(2000);
-        loadJob1.setDbId(3000);
-        String cluster = Config.dpp_default_cluster;
-        loadJob1.setClusterInfo(cluster, Load.clusterToDppConfig.get(cluster));
-        loadJob1.setState(JobState.FINISHED);
-        loadJob1.setProgress(100);
-        loadJob1.setHadoopEtlJobId("etl-job-id");
-        loadJob1.write(dos);
-        LoadJob loadJob3 = getLoadJob();
-        loadJob3.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        LoadJob rLoadJob0 = new LoadJob();
-        rLoadJob0.readFields(dis);
-        LoadJob rLoadJob1 = new LoadJob();
-        rLoadJob1.readFields(dis);
-        LoadJob rLoadJob3 = new LoadJob();
-        rLoadJob3.readFields(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(loadJob0.equals(rLoadJob0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(loadJob1.equals(rLoadJob1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(loadJob3.equals(rLoadJob3));
-        Assert.assertFalse(loadJob0.equals(rLoadJob1));
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testClear() throws Exception {
-        LoadJob job = getLoadJob();
-        Assert.assertFalse(job.getIdToTableLoadInfo() == null);
-        Assert.assertFalse(job.getIdToTabletLoadInfo() == null);
-        Assert.assertFalse(job.getQuorumTablets() == null);
-        Assert.assertFalse(job.getFullTablets() == null);
-        Assert.assertFalse(job.getReplicaPersistInfos() == null);
-        job.clearRedundantInfoForHistoryJob();
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.getIdToTableLoadInfo() == null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.getIdToTabletLoadInfo() == null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.getQuorumTablets() == null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.getFullTablets() == null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.getReplicaPersistInfos() == null);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEqual() throws Exception {
-        LoadJob job1 = getLoadJob();
-        LoadJob job2 = new LoadJob();
-        Thread.sleep(10);
-        LoadJob job3 = getLoadJob();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetAndSet() throws Exception {
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob();
-        job.setId(1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, job.getId());
-        job.setDbId(2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, job.getDbId());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", job.getLabel());
-        job.setTimeoutSecond(3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, job.getTimeoutSecond());
-        String cluster = Config.dpp_default_cluster;
-        job.setClusterInfo(cluster, Load.clusterToDppConfig.get(cluster));
-        Assert.assertEquals(cluster, job.getHadoopCluster());
-        job.setState(JobState.CANCELLED);
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.CANCELLED, job.getState());
-        job.setProgress(4);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, job.getProgress());
-        job.setEtlStartTimeMs(6);
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, job.getEtlStartTimeMs());
-        job.setEtlFinishTimeMs(7);
-        Assert.assertEquals(7, job.getEtlFinishTimeMs());
-        job.setLoadStartTimeMs(8);
-        Assert.assertEquals(8, job.getLoadStartTimeMs());
-        job.setLoadFinishTimeMs(9);
-        Assert.assertEquals(9, job.getLoadFinishTimeMs());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/PartitionLoadInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/PartitionLoadInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5885a90..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/PartitionLoadInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class PartitionLoadInfoTest {
-    public Source makeSource(int startId, int size) {
-        List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(size);
-        List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(size);
-        for (int count = startId; count < startId + size; ++count) {
-            String filename = "hdfs://host:port/dir/load-" + count;
-            String column = "column-" + count;
-            files.add(filename);
-            columns.add(column);
-        }
-        Source source = new Source(files, columns, "\t", "\n", false);
-        return source;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        File file = new File("./partitionLoadInfoTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Source source1 = makeSource(0, 10);
-        Source source2 = makeSource(100, 30);
-        List<Source> sources = new ArrayList<Source>();
-        sources.add(source1);
-        sources.add(source2);
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo = new PartitionLoadInfo(sources);
-        partitionLoadInfo.setVersion(100000);
-        partitionLoadInfo.setVersionHash(2000000);
-        partitionLoadInfo.write(dos);
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo0 = new PartitionLoadInfo();
-        partitionLoadInfo0.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo1 = new PartitionLoadInfo();
-        partitionLoadInfo1.readFields(dis);
-        PartitionLoadInfo rPartitionLoadInfo0 = new PartitionLoadInfo();
-        rPartitionLoadInfo0.readFields(dis);
-        List<Source> sources1 = partitionLoadInfo1.getSources();
-        Assert.assertEquals(partitionLoadInfo1.getVersion(), 100000);
-        Assert.assertEquals(partitionLoadInfo1.getVersionHash(), 2000000);
-        Assert.assertEquals(sources1.size(), 2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(sources1.get(0).getFileUrls().size(), 10);       
-        Assert.assertEquals(sources1.get(0).getColumnNames().size(), 10);
-        Assert.assertEquals(sources1.get(1).getFileUrls().size(), 30);       
-        Assert.assertEquals(sources1.get(1).getColumnNames().size(), 30);
-        Assert.assertTrue(partitionLoadInfo1.equals(partitionLoadInfo));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rPartitionLoadInfo0.equals(partitionLoadInfo0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(partitionLoadInfo0.equals(partitionLoadInfo1));
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/SourceTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/SourceTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index da84d16..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/SourceTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class SourceTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        File file = new File("./sourceTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Source source0 = new Source();
-        source0.write(dos);
-        List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(100);
-        List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(100);
-        for (int count = 0; count < 100; ++count) {
-            String filename = "hdfs://host:port/dir/load-" + count;
-            String column = "column-" + count;
-            files.add(filename);
-            columns.add(column);
-        }
-        Source source1 = new Source(files, columns, "\t", "\n", false);
-        source1.write(dos);
-        Source source2 = new Source();
-        source2.setFileUrls(null);
-        source2.setColumnNames(null);
-        source2.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        Source rSource0 = new Source();
-        rSource0.readFields(dis);
-        Source rSource1 = new Source();
-        rSource1.readFields(dis);
-        Source rSource2 = new Source();
-        rSource2.readFields(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rSource0.equals(source0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(source0.equals(source0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rSource0.equals(this));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rSource1.equals(source1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rSource2.equals(source2));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rSource0.equals(source1));
-        rSource2.setFileUrls(null);
-        Assert.assertFalse(rSource2.equals(source2));
-        rSource2.setColumnNames(null);
-        rSource2.setFileUrls(new ArrayList<String>());
-        rSource2.setColumnNames(null);
-        rSource2.setFileUrls(null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rSource2.equals(source2));
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/TabletLoadInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/TabletLoadInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3497de9..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/TabletLoadInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class TabletLoadInfoTest {
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // mock catalog
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        // test
-        File file = new File("./tabletLoadInfoTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        TabletLoadInfo tabletLoadInfo0 = new TabletLoadInfo();
-        tabletLoadInfo0.write(dos);
-        TabletLoadInfo tabletLoadInfo = new TabletLoadInfo("hdfs://host:port/dir", 1L);
-        tabletLoadInfo.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        TabletLoadInfo rTabletLoadInfo0 = new TabletLoadInfo();
-        rTabletLoadInfo0.readFields(dis);
-        TabletLoadInfo tabletLoadInfo1 = new TabletLoadInfo();
-        tabletLoadInfo1.readFields(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals("hdfs://host:port/dir", tabletLoadInfo1.getFilePath());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1L, tabletLoadInfo1.getFileSize());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tabletLoadInfo1.equals(tabletLoadInfo));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rTabletLoadInfo0.equals(tabletLoadInfo0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rTabletLoadInfo0.equals(tabletLoadInfo1));
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerFileGroupAggInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerFileGroupAggInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 91ead5b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerFileGroupAggInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroup;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroupAggInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class BrokerFileGroupAggInfoTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test1() throws DdlException {
-        /*
-         * data description:
-         *  table 1 -> partition[10] file1
-         *  table 1 -> partition[10] file2
-         *  table 2 -> partition[]   file3
-         *  table 3 -> partition[11, 12]   file4
-         *  
-         * output:
-         *  table 1 -> partition[10] (file1, file2)
-         *  table 2 -> partition[]   file3
-         *  table 3 -> partition[11, 12]   file4
-         */
-        BrokerFileGroupAggInfo brokerFileGroupAggInfo = new BrokerFileGroupAggInfo();
-        BrokerFileGroup group1 = Deencapsulation.newInstance(BrokerFileGroup.class);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group1, "tableId", 1L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group1, "partitionIds", Lists.newArrayList(10L));
-        BrokerFileGroup group2 = Deencapsulation.newInstance(BrokerFileGroup.class);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group2, "tableId", 1L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group2, "partitionIds", Lists.newArrayList(10L));
-        BrokerFileGroup group3 = Deencapsulation.newInstance(BrokerFileGroup.class);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group3, "tableId", 2L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group3, "partitionIds", Lists.newArrayList());
-        BrokerFileGroup group4 = Deencapsulation.newInstance(BrokerFileGroup.class);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group4, "tableId", 3L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group4, "partitionIds", Lists.newArrayList(11L, 12L));
-        BrokerFileGroup group5 = Deencapsulation.newInstance(BrokerFileGroup.class);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group5, "tableId", 4L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group5, "partitionIds", null);
-        brokerFileGroupAggInfo.addFileGroup(group1);
-        brokerFileGroupAggInfo.addFileGroup(group2);
-        brokerFileGroupAggInfo.addFileGroup(group3);
-        brokerFileGroupAggInfo.addFileGroup(group4);
-        brokerFileGroupAggInfo.addFileGroup(group5);
-        Map<FileGroupAggKey, List<BrokerFileGroup>> map = brokerFileGroupAggInfo.getAggKeyToFileGroups();
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, map.keySet().size());
-        FileGroupAggKey aggKey = new FileGroupAggKey(1L, Lists.newArrayList(10L));
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, map.get(aggKey).size());
-        aggKey = new FileGroupAggKey(2L, Lists.newArrayList());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, map.get(aggKey).size());
-        aggKey = new FileGroupAggKey(3L, Lists.newArrayList(11L, 12L));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, map.get(aggKey).size());
-        aggKey = new FileGroupAggKey(4L, Lists.newArrayList());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, map.get(aggKey).size());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void test2() throws DdlException {
-        /*
-         * data description:
-         *  table 1 -> partition[10, 11] file1
-         *  table 1 -> partition[11, 12] file2
-         *  table 2 -> partition[]   file3
-         *  
-         * output:
-         *  throw exception
-         */
-        BrokerFileGroupAggInfo brokerFileGroupAggInfo = new BrokerFileGroupAggInfo();
-        BrokerFileGroup group1 = Deencapsulation.newInstance(BrokerFileGroup.class);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group1, "tableId", 1L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group1, "partitionIds", Lists.newArrayList(10L, 11L));
-        BrokerFileGroup group2 = Deencapsulation.newInstance(BrokerFileGroup.class);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group2, "tableId", 1L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group2, "partitionIds", Lists.newArrayList(11L, 12L));
-        BrokerFileGroup group3 = Deencapsulation.newInstance(BrokerFileGroup.class);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group3, "tableId", 2L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(group3, "partitionIds", Lists.newArrayList());
-        brokerFileGroupAggInfo.addFileGroup(group1);
-        brokerFileGroupAggInfo.addFileGroup(group2);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerLoadJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerLoadJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 894ed2f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerLoadJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BrokerDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DataDescription;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LabelName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.BrokerTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.RuntimeProfile;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroup;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroupAggInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlJobType;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Source;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.MetricRepo;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.BrokerScanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.OlapTableSink;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.PlanFragment;
-import org.apache.doris.task.MasterTaskExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class BrokerLoadJobTest {
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void start() {
-        MetricRepo.init();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFromLoadStmt(@Injectable LoadStmt loadStmt,
-                                 @Injectable LabelName labelName,
-                                 @Injectable DataDescription dataDescription,
-                                 @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                 @Injectable Database database) {
-        List<DataDescription> dataDescriptionList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        dataDescriptionList.add(dataDescription);
-        String tableName = "table";
-        String databaseName = "database";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                loadStmt.getLabel();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = labelName;
-                labelName.getDbName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = databaseName;
-                catalog.getDb(databaseName);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                loadStmt.getDataDescriptions();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = dataDescriptionList;
-                dataDescription.getTableName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tableName;
-                database.getTable(tableName);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            BulkLoadJob.fromLoadStmt(loadStmt);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            System.out.println("could not find table named " + tableName);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFromLoadStmt2(@Injectable LoadStmt loadStmt,
-                                 @Injectable DataDescription dataDescription,
-                                 @Injectable LabelName labelName,
-                                 @Injectable Database database,
-                                 @Injectable OlapTable olapTable,
-                                 @Mocked Catalog catalog) {
-        String label = "label";
-        long dbId = 1;
-        String tableName = "table";
-        String databaseName = "database";
-        List<DataDescription> dataDescriptionList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        dataDescriptionList.add(dataDescription);
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc("broker0", Maps.newHashMap());
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                loadStmt.getLabel();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = labelName;
-                labelName.getDbName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = databaseName;
-                labelName.getLabelName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = label;
-                catalog.getDb(databaseName);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                loadStmt.getDataDescriptions();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = dataDescriptionList;
-                dataDescription.getTableName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tableName;
-                database.getTable(tableName);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = olapTable;
-                dataDescription.getPartitionNames();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                database.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = dbId;
-                loadStmt.getBrokerDesc();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = brokerDesc;
-                loadStmt.getEtlJobType();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = EtlJobType.BROKER;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Load>() {
-            @Mock
-            public void checkAndCreateSource(Database db, DataDescription dataDescription,
-                    Map<Long, Map<Long, List<Source>>> tableToPartitionSources, EtlJobType jobType) {
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = (BrokerLoadJob) BulkLoadJob.fromLoadStmt(loadStmt);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(dbId), Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "dbId"));
-            Assert.assertEquals(label, Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "label"));
-            Assert.assertEquals(JobState.PENDING, Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "state"));
-            Assert.assertEquals(EtlJobType.BROKER, Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "jobType"));
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTableNames(@Injectable BrokerFileGroupAggInfo fileGroupAggInfo,
-                                  @Injectable BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup,
-                                  @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                  @Injectable Database database,
-                                  @Injectable Table table) throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        List<BrokerFileGroup> brokerFileGroups = Lists.newArrayList();
-        brokerFileGroups.add(brokerFileGroup);
-        Map<FileGroupAggKey, List<BrokerFileGroup>> aggKeyToFileGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
-        FileGroupAggKey aggKey = new FileGroupAggKey(1L, null);
-        aggKeyToFileGroups.put(aggKey, brokerFileGroups);
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "fileGroupAggInfo", fileGroupAggInfo);
-        String tableName = "table";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                fileGroupAggInfo.getAggKeyToFileGroups();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = aggKeyToFileGroups;
-                fileGroupAggInfo.getAllTableIds();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Sets.newHashSet(1L);
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(1L);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                table.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tableName;
-            }
-        };
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, brokerLoadJob.getTableNamesForShow().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, brokerLoadJob.getTableNamesForShow().contains(tableName));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExecuteJob(@Mocked MasterTaskExecutor masterTaskExecutor) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        brokerLoadJob.unprotectedExecuteJob();
-        Map<Long, LoadTask> idToTasks = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "idToTasks");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, idToTasks.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPendingTaskOnFinishedWithJobCancelled(@Injectable BrokerPendingTaskAttachment attachment) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "state", JobState.CANCELLED);
-        brokerLoadJob.onTaskFinished(attachment);
-        Set<Long> finishedTaskIds = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "finishedTaskIds");
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, finishedTaskIds.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPendingTaskOnFinishedWithDuplicated(@Injectable BrokerPendingTaskAttachment attachment) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "state", JobState.LOADING);
-        Set<Long> finishedTaskIds = Sets.newHashSet();
-        long taskId = 1L;
-        finishedTaskIds.add(taskId);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "finishedTaskIds", finishedTaskIds);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                attachment.getTaskId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = taskId;
-            }
-        };
-        brokerLoadJob.onTaskFinished(attachment);
-        Map<Long, LoadTask> idToTasks = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "idToTasks");
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, idToTasks.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPendingTaskOnFinished(@Injectable BrokerPendingTaskAttachment attachment,
-                                          @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                          @Injectable Database database,
-                                          @Injectable BrokerFileGroupAggInfo fileGroupAggInfo,
-                                          @Injectable BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup1,
-                                          @Injectable BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup2,
-                                          @Injectable BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup3,
-                                          @Mocked MasterTaskExecutor masterTaskExecutor,
-                                          @Injectable OlapTable olapTable,
-                                          @Mocked LoadingTaskPlanner loadingTaskPlanner) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "state", JobState.LOADING);
-        long taskId = 1L;
-        long tableId1 = 1L;
-        long tableId2 = 2L;
-        long partitionId1 = 3L;
-        long partitionId2 = 4;
-        Map<FileGroupAggKey, List<BrokerFileGroup>> aggKeyToFileGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<BrokerFileGroup> fileGroups1 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        fileGroups1.add(brokerFileGroup1);
-        aggKeyToFileGroups.put(new FileGroupAggKey(tableId1, null), fileGroups1);
-        List<BrokerFileGroup> fileGroups2 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        fileGroups2.add(brokerFileGroup2);
-        fileGroups2.add(brokerFileGroup3);
-        aggKeyToFileGroups.put(new FileGroupAggKey(tableId2, Lists.newArrayList(partitionId1)), fileGroups2);
-        // add another file groups with different partition id
-        aggKeyToFileGroups.put(new FileGroupAggKey(tableId2, Lists.newArrayList(partitionId2)), fileGroups2);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "fileGroupAggInfo", fileGroupAggInfo);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                attachment.getTaskId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = taskId;
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                fileGroupAggInfo.getAggKeyToFileGroups();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = aggKeyToFileGroups;
-                database.getTable(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = olapTable;
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                result = 2L;
-                result = 3L;
-            }
-        };
-        brokerLoadJob.onTaskFinished(attachment);
-        Set<Long> finishedTaskIds = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "finishedTaskIds");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, finishedTaskIds.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, finishedTaskIds.contains(taskId));
-        Map<Long, LoadTask> idToTasks = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "idToTasks");
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, idToTasks.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPendingTaskOnFinishedWithUserInfo(@Mocked BrokerPendingTaskAttachment attachment,
-                                          @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                          @Injectable BrokerDesc brokerDesc,
-                                          @Injectable LoadTaskCallback callback,
-                                          @Injectable Database database,
-                                          @Injectable FileGroupAggKey aggKey,
-                                          @Mocked OlapTable olapTable,
-                                          @Mocked PlanFragment sinkFragment,
-                                          @Mocked OlapTableSink olapTableSink,
-                                          @Mocked BrokerScanNode scanNode) throws Exception{
-        List<Column> schema = new ArrayList<>();
-        schema.add(new Column("a", PrimitiveType.BIGINT));
-        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
-        properties.put("broker_name", "test");
-        properties.put("path", "hdfs://www.test.com");
-        BrokerTable brokerTable = new BrokerTable(123L, "test", schema, properties);
-        BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup = new BrokerFileGroup(brokerTable);
-        List<Long> partitionIds = new ArrayList<>();
-        partitionIds.add(123L);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerFileGroup, "partitionIds", partitionIds);
-        List<BrokerFileGroup> fileGroups = Lists.newArrayList();
-        fileGroups.add(brokerFileGroup);
-        UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
-        TUniqueId loadId = new TUniqueId(uuid.getMostSignificantBits(), uuid.getLeastSignificantBits());
-        RuntimeProfile jobProfile = new RuntimeProfile("test");
-        LoadLoadingTask task = new LoadLoadingTask(database, olapTable,brokerDesc, fileGroups,
-                100, 100, false, 100, callback, "", 100, 1,
-                jobProfile);
-        try {
-            UserIdentity userInfo = new UserIdentity("root", "localhost");
-            userInfo.setIsAnalyzed();
-            task.init(loadId,
-                    attachment.getFileStatusByTable(aggKey),
-                    attachment.getFileNumByTable(aggKey),
-                    userInfo);
-            LoadingTaskPlanner planner = Deencapsulation.getField(task, "planner");
-            Analyzer al = Deencapsulation.getField(planner, "analyzer");
-            Assert.assertFalse(al.isUDFAllowed());
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLoadingTaskOnFinishedWithUnfinishedTask(@Injectable BrokerLoadingTaskAttachment attachment,
-                                                            @Injectable LoadTask loadTask1,
-                                                            @Injectable LoadTask loadTask2) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "state", JobState.LOADING);
-        Map<Long, LoadTask> idToTasks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToTasks.put(1L, loadTask1);
-        idToTasks.put(2L, loadTask2);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "idToTasks", idToTasks);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                attachment.getCounter(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_NORMAL_ALL);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 10;
-                attachment.getCounter(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_ABNORMAL_ALL);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                attachment.getTaskId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-            }
-        };
-        brokerLoadJob.onTaskFinished(attachment);
-        Set<Long> finishedTaskIds = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "finishedTaskIds");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, finishedTaskIds.size());
-        EtlStatus loadingStatus = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "loadingStatus");
-        Assert.assertEquals("10", loadingStatus.getCounters().get(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_NORMAL_ALL));
-        Assert.assertEquals("1", loadingStatus.getCounters().get(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_ABNORMAL_ALL));
-        int progress = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "progress");
-        Assert.assertEquals(50, progress);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLoadingTaskOnFinishedWithErrorNum(@Injectable BrokerLoadingTaskAttachment attachment1,
-                                                      @Injectable BrokerLoadingTaskAttachment attachment2,
-                                                      @Injectable LoadTask loadTask1,
-                                                      @Injectable LoadTask loadTask2,
-                                                      @Mocked Catalog catalog) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "state", JobState.LOADING);
-        Map<Long, LoadTask> idToTasks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToTasks.put(1L, loadTask1);
-        idToTasks.put(2L, loadTask2);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "idToTasks", idToTasks);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                attachment1.getCounter(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_NORMAL_ALL);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 10;
-                attachment2.getCounter(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_NORMAL_ALL);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 20;
-                attachment1.getCounter(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_ABNORMAL_ALL);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                attachment2.getCounter(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_ABNORMAL_ALL);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 2;
-                attachment1.getTaskId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                attachment2.getTaskId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 2L;
-            }
-        };
-        brokerLoadJob.onTaskFinished(attachment1);
-        brokerLoadJob.onTaskFinished(attachment2);
-        Set<Long> finishedTaskIds = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "finishedTaskIds");
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, finishedTaskIds.size());
-        EtlStatus loadingStatus = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "loadingStatus");
-        Assert.assertEquals("30", loadingStatus.getCounters().get(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_NORMAL_ALL));
-        Assert.assertEquals("3", loadingStatus.getCounters().get(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_ABNORMAL_ALL));
-        int progress = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "progress");
-        Assert.assertEquals(99, progress);
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.CANCELLED, Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "state"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLoadingTaskOnFinished(@Injectable BrokerLoadingTaskAttachment attachment1,
-                                          @Injectable LoadTask loadTask1,
-                                          @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                          @Injectable Database database) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "state", JobState.LOADING);
-        Map<Long, LoadTask> idToTasks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToTasks.put(1L, loadTask1);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(brokerLoadJob, "idToTasks", idToTasks);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                attachment1.getCounter(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_NORMAL_ALL);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 10;
-                attachment1.getCounter(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_ABNORMAL_ALL);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 0;
-                attachment1.getTaskId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-            }
-        };
-        brokerLoadJob.onTaskFinished(attachment1);
-        Set<Long> finishedTaskIds = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "finishedTaskIds");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, finishedTaskIds.size());
-        EtlStatus loadingStatus = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "loadingStatus");
-        Assert.assertEquals("10", loadingStatus.getCounters().get(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_NORMAL_ALL));
-        Assert.assertEquals("0", loadingStatus.getCounters().get(BrokerLoadJob.DPP_ABNORMAL_ALL));
-        int progress = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "progress");
-        Assert.assertEquals(99, progress);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExecuteReplayOnAborted(@Injectable TransactionState txnState,
-                                           @Injectable LoadJobFinalOperation attachment,
-                                           @Injectable EtlStatus etlStatus) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                txnState.getTxnCommitAttachment();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = attachment;
-                attachment.getLoadingStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = etlStatus;
-                attachment.getProgress();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 99;
-                attachment.getFinishTimestamp();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                attachment.getJobState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = JobState.CANCELLED;
-            }
-        };
-        brokerLoadJob.replayTxnAttachment(txnState);
-        Assert.assertEquals(99, (int) Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "progress"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, brokerLoadJob.getFinishTimestamp());
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.CANCELLED, brokerLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExecuteReplayOnVisible(@Injectable TransactionState txnState,
-                                           @Injectable LoadJobFinalOperation attachment,
-                                           @Injectable EtlStatus etlStatus) {
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                txnState.getTxnCommitAttachment();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = attachment;
-                attachment.getLoadingStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = etlStatus;
-                attachment.getProgress();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 99;
-                attachment.getFinishTimestamp();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                attachment.getJobState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = JobState.LOADING;
-            }
-        };
-        brokerLoadJob.replayTxnAttachment(txnState);
-        Assert.assertEquals(99, (int) Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadJob, "progress"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, brokerLoadJob.getFinishTimestamp());
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.LOADING, brokerLoadJob.getState());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerLoadPendingTaskTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerLoadPendingTaskTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b1427b5..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/BrokerLoadPendingTaskTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BrokerDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.BrokerUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroup;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerFileStatus;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class BrokerLoadPendingTaskTest {
-    private static TBrokerFileStatus tBrokerFileStatus = new TBrokerFileStatus();
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        tBrokerFileStatus.size = 1;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExecuteTask(@Injectable BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob,
-                                @Injectable BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup,
-                                @Injectable BrokerDesc brokerDesc,
-                                @Mocked Catalog catalog) throws UserException {
-        Map<FileGroupAggKey, List<BrokerFileGroup>> aggKeyToFileGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<BrokerFileGroup> brokerFileGroups = Lists.newArrayList();
-        brokerFileGroups.add(brokerFileGroup);
-        FileGroupAggKey aggKey = new FileGroupAggKey(1L, null);
-        aggKeyToFileGroups.put(aggKey, brokerFileGroups);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getNextId();
-                result = 1L;
-                brokerFileGroup.getFilePaths();
-                result = "hdfs://localhost:8900/test_column";
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<BrokerUtil>() {
-            @Mock
-            public void parseFile(String path, BrokerDesc brokerDesc, List<TBrokerFileStatus> fileStatuses) {
-                fileStatuses.add(tBrokerFileStatus);
-            }
-        };
-        BrokerLoadPendingTask brokerLoadPendingTask = new BrokerLoadPendingTask(brokerLoadJob, aggKeyToFileGroups, brokerDesc);
-        brokerLoadPendingTask.executeTask();
-        BrokerPendingTaskAttachment brokerPendingTaskAttachment = Deencapsulation.getField(brokerLoadPendingTask, "attachment");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, brokerPendingTaskAttachment.getFileNumByTable(aggKey));
-        Assert.assertEquals(tBrokerFileStatus, brokerPendingTaskAttachment.getFileStatusByTable(aggKey).get(0).get(0));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/InsertLoadJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/InsertLoadJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a52692..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/InsertLoadJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class InsertLoadJobTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTableNames(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                  @Injectable Database database,
-                                  @Injectable Table table) throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        InsertLoadJob insertLoadJob = new InsertLoadJob("label", 1L, 1L, 1000, "", "");
-        String tableName = "table1";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(anyLong);
-                result = table;
-                table.getName();
-                result = tableName;
-            }
-        };
-        Set<String> tableNames = insertLoadJob.getTableNamesForShow();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tableNames.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, tableNames.contains(tableName));
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.FINISHED, insertLoadJob.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(100), Deencapsulation.getField(insertLoadJob, "progress"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/LoadJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/LoadJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c25cd6d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/LoadJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DuplicatedRequestException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LabelAlreadyUsedException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.LongCounterMetric;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.MetricRepo;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.task.MasterTaskExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.BeginTransactionException;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.GlobalTransactionMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class LoadJobTest {
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void start() {
-        MetricRepo.init();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetDbNotExists(@Mocked Catalog catalog) {
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(loadJob, "dbId", 1L);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(1L);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            loadJob.getDb();
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (MetaNotFoundException e) {
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetJobPropertiesWithErrorTimeout() {
-        Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        jobProperties.put(LoadStmt.TIMEOUT_PROPERTY, "abc");
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        try {
-            loadJob.setJobProperties(jobProperties);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetJobProperties() {
-        Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        jobProperties.put(LoadStmt.TIMEOUT_PROPERTY, "1000");
-        jobProperties.put(LoadStmt.MAX_FILTER_RATIO_PROPERTY, "0.1");
-        jobProperties.put(LoadStmt.EXEC_MEM_LIMIT, "1024");
-        jobProperties.put(LoadStmt.STRICT_MODE, "True");
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        try {
-            loadJob.setJobProperties(jobProperties);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1000, loadJob.getTimeout());
-            Assert.assertEquals(0.1, loadJob.getMaxFilterRatio(), 0);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1024, loadJob.getExecMemLimit());
-            Assert.assertTrue(loadJob.isStrictMode());
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExecute(@Mocked GlobalTransactionMgr globalTransactionMgr,
-                            @Mocked MasterTaskExecutor masterTaskExecutor)
-            throws LabelAlreadyUsedException, BeginTransactionException, AnalysisException, DuplicatedRequestException {
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                globalTransactionMgr.beginTransaction(anyLong, Lists.newArrayList(), anyString, (TUniqueId) any,
-                        (TransactionState.TxnCoordinator) any,
-                        (TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType) any, anyLong, anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            loadJob.execute();
-        } catch (LoadException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.LOADING, loadJob.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, loadJob.getTransactionId());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProcessTimeoutWithCompleted() {
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(loadJob, "state", JobState.FINISHED);
-        loadJob.processTimeout();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.FINISHED, loadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProcessTimeoutWithIsCommitting() {
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(loadJob, "isCommitting", true);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(loadJob, "state", JobState.LOADING);
-        loadJob.processTimeout();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.LOADING, loadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProcessTimeoutWithLongTimeoutSecond() {
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        loadJob.setTimeout(1000L);
-        loadJob.processTimeout();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.PENDING, loadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProcessTimeout(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Mocked EditLog editLog) {
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        loadJob.setTimeout(0);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-            }
-        };
-        loadJob.processTimeout();
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.CANCELLED, loadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateStateToLoading() {
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        loadJob.updateState(JobState.LOADING);
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.LOADING, loadJob.getState());
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(-1, (long) Deencapsulation.getField(loadJob, "loadStartTimestamp"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateStateToFinished(@Mocked MetricRepo metricRepo,
-                                          @Injectable LoadTask loadTask1,
-            @Mocked LongCounterMetric longCounterMetric) {
-        MetricRepo.COUNTER_LOAD_FINISHED = longCounterMetric;
-        LoadJob loadJob = new BrokerLoadJob();
-        loadJob.idToTasks.put(1L, loadTask1);
-        // TxnStateCallbackFactory factory = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getGlobalTransactionMgr().getCallbackFactory();
-        Catalog catalog = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-        GlobalTransactionMgr mgr = new GlobalTransactionMgr(catalog);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(catalog, "globalTransactionMgr", mgr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, loadJob.idToTasks.size());
-        loadJob.updateState(JobState.FINISHED);
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.FINISHED, loadJob.getState());
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(-1, (long) Deencapsulation.getField(loadJob, "finishTimestamp"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, (int)Deencapsulation.getField(loadJob, "progress"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, loadJob.idToTasks.size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/LoadManagerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/LoadManagerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f6a4e0c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/LoadManagerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LabelName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LabelAlreadyUsedException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlJobType;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class LoadManagerTest {
-    private LoadManager loadManager;
-    private final String fieldName = "idToLoadJob";
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
-        File file = new File("./loadManagerTest");
-        if (file.exists()) {
-            file.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateHadoopJob(@Injectable LoadStmt stmt,
-                                    @Injectable LabelName labelName,
-                                    @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                    @Injectable Database database,
-                                    @Injectable BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob) {
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<LoadJob>>> dbIdToLabelToLoadJobs = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<LoadJob>> labelToLoadJobs = Maps.newHashMap();
-        String label1 = "label1";
-        List<LoadJob> loadJobs = Lists.newArrayList();
-        loadJobs.add(brokerLoadJob);
-        labelToLoadJobs.put(label1, loadJobs);
-        dbIdToLabelToLoadJobs.put(1L, labelToLoadJobs);
-        LoadJobScheduler loadJobScheduler = new LoadJobScheduler();
-        loadManager = new LoadManager(loadJobScheduler);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(loadManager, "dbIdToLabelToLoadJobs", dbIdToLabelToLoadJobs);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                stmt.getLabel();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = labelName;
-                labelName.getLabelName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "label1";
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            loadManager.createLoadJobV1FromStmt(stmt, EtlJobType.HADOOP, System.currentTimeMillis());
-            Assert.fail("duplicated label is not be allowed");
-        } catch (LabelAlreadyUsedException e) {
-            // successful
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializationNormal(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                        @Injectable Database database,
-                                        @Injectable Table table) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations(){
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                table.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "tablename";
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeMetaVersion.VERSION_CURRENT;
-            }
-        };
-        loadManager = new LoadManager(new LoadJobScheduler());
-        LoadJob job1 = new InsertLoadJob("job1", 1L, 1L, System.currentTimeMillis(), "", "");
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(loadManager, "addLoadJob", job1);
-        File file = serializeToFile(loadManager);
-        LoadManager newLoadManager = deserializeFromFile(file);
-        Map<Long, LoadJob> loadJobs = Deencapsulation.getField(loadManager, fieldName);
-        Map<Long, LoadJob> newLoadJobs = Deencapsulation.getField(newLoadManager, fieldName);
-        Assert.assertEquals(loadJobs, newLoadJobs);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializationWithJobRemoved(@Mocked MetaContext metaContext,
-                                                @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                                @Injectable Database database,
-                                                @Injectable Table table) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations(){
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                table.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "tablename";
-            }
-        };
-        loadManager = new LoadManager(new LoadJobScheduler());
-        LoadJob job1 = new InsertLoadJob("job1", 1L, 1L, System.currentTimeMillis(), "", "");
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(loadManager, "addLoadJob", job1);
-        //make job1 don't serialize
-        Config.label_keep_max_second = 1;
-        Thread.sleep(2000);
-        File file = serializeToFile(loadManager);
-        LoadManager newLoadManager = deserializeFromFile(file);
-        Map<Long, LoadJob> newLoadJobs = Deencapsulation.getField(newLoadManager, fieldName);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, newLoadJobs.size());
-    }
-    private File serializeToFile(LoadManager loadManager) throws Exception {
-        File file = new File("./loadManagerTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        loadManager.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        return file;
-    }
-    private LoadManager deserializeFromFile(File file) throws Exception {
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        LoadManager loadManager = new LoadManager(new LoadJobScheduler());
-        loadManager.readFields(dis);
-        return loadManager;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkEtlJobHandlerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkEtlJobHandlerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 73df628..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkEtlJobHandlerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BrokerDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.BrokerMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FsBroker;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SparkResource;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.GenericPool;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.BrokerUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.CommandResult;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.Util;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerFileStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerListPathRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerListResponse;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOperationStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOperationStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TEtlState;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPaloBrokerService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class SparkEtlJobHandlerTest {
-    private long loadJobId;
-    private String label;
-    private String resourceName;
-    private String broker;
-    private long pendingTaskId;
-    private String appId;
-    private String etlOutputPath;
-    private String trackingUrl;
-    private String dppVersion;
-    private String remoteArchivePath;
-    private SparkRepository.SparkArchive archive;
-    private final String runningReport = "Application Report :\n" +
-            "Application-Id : application_15888888888_0088\n" +
-            "Application-Name : label0\n" +
-            "Application-Type : SPARK-2.4.1\n" +
-            "User : test\n" +
-            "Queue : test-queue\n" +
-            "Start-Time : 1597654469958\n" +
-            "Finish-Time : 0\n" +
-            "Progress : 50%\n" +
-            "State : RUNNING\n" +
-            "Final-State : UNDEFINED\n" +
-            "Tracking-URL :\n" +
-            "RPC Port : 40236\n" +
-            "AM Host : host-name";
-    private final String failedReport = "Application Report :\n" +
-            "Application-Id : application_15888888888_0088\n" +
-            "Application-Name : label0\n" +
-            "Application-Type : SPARK-2.4.1\n" +
-            "User : test\n" +
-            "Queue : test-queue\n" +
-            "Start-Time : 1597654469958\n" +
-            "Finish-Time : 1597654801939\n" +
-            "Progress : 100%\n" +
-            "State : FINISHED\n" +
-            "Final-State : FAILED\n" +
-            "Tracking-URL :\n" +
-            "RPC Port : 40236\n" +
-            "AM Host : host-name";
-    private final String finishReport = "Application Report :\n" +
-            "Application-Id : application_15888888888_0088\n" +
-            "Application-Name : label0\n" +
-            "Application-Type : SPARK-2.4.1\n" +
-            "User : test\n" +
-            "Queue : test-queue\n" +
-            "Start-Time : 1597654469958\n" +
-            "Finish-Time : 1597654801939\n" +
-            "Progress : 100%\n" +
-            "State : FINISHED\n" +
-            "Final-State : SUCCEEDED\n" +
-            "Tracking-URL :\n" +
-            "RPC Port : 40236\n" +
-            "AM Host : host-name";
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        loadJobId = 0L;
-        label = "label0";
-        resourceName = "spark0";
-        broker = "broker0";
-        pendingTaskId = 3L;
-        appId = "application_15888888888_0088";
-        etlOutputPath = "hdfs://";
-        trackingUrl = "";
-        dppVersion = Config.spark_dpp_version;
-        remoteArchivePath = etlOutputPath + "/__repository__/__archive_" + dppVersion;
-        archive = new SparkRepository.SparkArchive(remoteArchivePath, dppVersion);
-        archive.libraries.add(new SparkRepository
-                .SparkLibrary("", "", SparkRepository.SparkLibrary.LibType.DPP, 0L));
-        archive.libraries.add(new SparkRepository
-                .SparkLibrary("", "", SparkRepository.SparkLibrary.LibType.SPARK2X, 0L));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubmitEtlJob(@Mocked BrokerUtil brokerUtil, @Mocked SparkLauncher launcher, @Injectable Process process,
-                                 @Mocked SparkLoadAppHandle handle ) throws IOException, LoadException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                launcher.launch();
-                result = process;
-                handle.getAppId();
-                result = appId;
-                handle.getState();
-                result = SparkLoadAppHandle.State.RUNNING;
-            }
-        };
-        EtlJobConfig etlJobConfig = new EtlJobConfig(Maps.newHashMap(), etlOutputPath, label, null);
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        new Expectations(resource) {
-            {
-                resource.prepareArchive();
-                result = archive;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<String, String> sparkConfigs = resource.getSparkConfigs();
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.master", "yarn");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address", "");
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc(broker, Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkPendingTaskAttachment attachment = new SparkPendingTaskAttachment(pendingTaskId);
-        SparkEtlJobHandler handler = new SparkEtlJobHandler();
-        handler.submitEtlJob(loadJobId, label, etlJobConfig, resource, brokerDesc, handle, attachment);
-        // check submit etl job success
-        Assert.assertEquals(appId, attachment.getAppId());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = LoadException.class)
-    public void testSubmitEtlJobFailed(@Mocked BrokerUtil brokerUtil, @Mocked SparkLauncher launcher, @Injectable Process process,
-                                       @Mocked SparkLoadAppHandle handle) throws IOException, LoadException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                launcher.launch();
-                result = process;
-                handle.getAppId();
-                result = appId;
-                handle.getState();
-                result = SparkLoadAppHandle.State.FAILED;
-            }
-        };
-        EtlJobConfig etlJobConfig = new EtlJobConfig(Maps.newHashMap(), etlOutputPath, label, null);
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        new Expectations(resource) {
-            {
-                resource.prepareArchive();
-                result = archive;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<String, String> sparkConfigs = resource.getSparkConfigs();
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.master", "yarn");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address", "");
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc(broker, Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkPendingTaskAttachment attachment = new SparkPendingTaskAttachment(pendingTaskId);
-        SparkEtlJobHandler handler = new SparkEtlJobHandler();
-        handler.submitEtlJob(loadJobId, label, etlJobConfig, resource, brokerDesc, handle, attachment);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetEtlJobStatus(@Mocked BrokerUtil brokerUtil, @Mocked Util util, @Mocked CommandResult commandResult,
-                                    @Mocked SparkYarnConfigFiles sparkYarnConfigFiles, @Mocked SparkLoadAppHandle handle)
-            throws IOException, UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                sparkYarnConfigFiles.prepare();
-                sparkYarnConfigFiles.getConfigDir();
-                result = "./yarn_config";
-                commandResult.getReturnCode();
-                result = 0;
-                commandResult.getStdout();
-                returns(runningReport, runningReport, failedReport, failedReport, finishReport, finishReport);
-                handle.getUrl();
-                result = trackingUrl;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Util.executeCommand(anyString, (String[]) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = commandResult;
-                BrokerUtil.readFile(anyString, (BrokerDesc) any);
-                result = "{'normal_rows': 10, 'abnormal_rows': 0, 'failed_reason': 'etl job failed'}";
-            }
-        };
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        Map<String, String> sparkConfigs = resource.getSparkConfigs();
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.master", "yarn");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address", "");
-        new Expectations(resource) {
-            {
-                resource.getYarnClientPath();
-                result = Config.yarn_client_path;
-            }
-        };
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc(broker, Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkEtlJobHandler handler = new SparkEtlJobHandler();
-        // running
-        EtlStatus status = handler.getEtlJobStatus(handle, appId, loadJobId, etlOutputPath, resource, brokerDesc);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TEtlState.RUNNING, status.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(50, status.getProgress());
-        Assert.assertEquals(trackingUrl, status.getTrackingUrl());
-        // yarn finished and spark failed
-        status = handler.getEtlJobStatus(handle, appId, loadJobId, etlOutputPath, resource, brokerDesc);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TEtlState.CANCELLED, status.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, status.getProgress());
-        Assert.assertEquals("etl job failed", status.getDppResult().failedReason);
-        // finished
-        status = handler.getEtlJobStatus(handle, appId, loadJobId, etlOutputPath, resource, brokerDesc);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TEtlState.FINISHED, status.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, status.getProgress());
-        Assert.assertEquals(trackingUrl, status.getTrackingUrl());
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, status.getDppResult().normalRows);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, status.getDppResult().abnormalRows);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetEtlJobStatusFailed(@Mocked Util util, @Mocked CommandResult commandResult,
-                                          @Mocked SparkYarnConfigFiles sparkYarnConfigFiles, @Mocked SparkLoadAppHandle handle)
-            throws IOException, UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                sparkYarnConfigFiles.prepare();
-                sparkYarnConfigFiles.getConfigDir();
-                result = "./yarn_config";
-                commandResult.getReturnCode();
-                result = -1;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Util.executeCommand(anyString, (String[]) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = commandResult;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        Map<String, String> sparkConfigs = resource.getSparkConfigs();
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.master", "yarn");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address", "");
-        new Expectations(resource) {
-            {
-                resource.getYarnClientPath();
-                result = Config.yarn_client_path;
-            }
-        };
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc(broker, Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkEtlJobHandler handler = new SparkEtlJobHandler();
-        // yarn finished and spark failed
-        EtlStatus status = handler.getEtlJobStatus(null, appId, loadJobId, etlOutputPath, resource, brokerDesc);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TEtlState.CANCELLED, status.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testKillEtlJob(@Mocked Util util, @Mocked CommandResult commandResult,
-                               @Mocked SparkYarnConfigFiles sparkYarnConfigFiles) throws IOException, UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                sparkYarnConfigFiles.prepare();
-                sparkYarnConfigFiles.getConfigDir();
-                result = "./yarn_config";
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                commandResult.getReturnCode();
-                result = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Util.executeCommand(anyString, (String[]) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = commandResult;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        Map<String, String> sparkConfigs = resource.getSparkConfigs();
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.master", "yarn");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address", "");
-        new Expectations(resource) {
-            {
-                resource.getYarnClientPath();
-                result = Config.yarn_client_path;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkEtlJobHandler handler = new SparkEtlJobHandler();
-        try {
-            handler.killEtlJob(null, appId, loadJobId, resource);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetEtlFilePaths(@Mocked TPaloBrokerService.Client client, @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                    @Injectable BrokerMgr brokerMgr) throws Exception {
-        // list response
-        TBrokerListResponse response = new TBrokerListResponse();
-        TBrokerOperationStatus status = new TBrokerOperationStatus();
-        status.statusCode = TBrokerOperationStatusCode.OK;
-        response.opStatus = status;
-        List<TBrokerFileStatus> files = Lists.newArrayList();
-        String filePath = "hdfs://";
-        files.add(new TBrokerFileStatus(filePath, false, 10, false));
-        response.files = files;
-        FsBroker fsBroker = new FsBroker("", 99999);
-        new MockUp<GenericPool<TPaloBrokerService.Client>>() {
-            @Mock
-            public TPaloBrokerService.Client borrowObject(TNetworkAddress address) throws Exception {
-                return client;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void returnObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void invalidateObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                client.listPath((TBrokerListPathRequest) any);
-                result = response;
-                catalog.getBrokerMgr();
-                result = brokerMgr;
-                brokerMgr.getBroker(anyString, anyString);
-                result = fsBroker;
-            }
-        };
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc(broker, Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkEtlJobHandler handler = new SparkEtlJobHandler();
-        Map<String, Long> filePathToSize = handler.getEtlFilePaths(etlOutputPath, brokerDesc);
-        Assert.assertTrue(filePathToSize.containsKey(filePath));
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, (long) filePathToSize.get(filePath));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDeleteEtlOutputPath(@Mocked BrokerUtil brokerUtil) throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                BrokerUtil.deletePath(etlOutputPath, (BrokerDesc) any);
-                times = 1;
-            }
-        };
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc(broker, Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkEtlJobHandler handler = new SparkEtlJobHandler();
-        try {
-            handler.deleteEtlOutputPath(etlOutputPath, brokerDesc);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8f97618..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkLauncherMonitorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.URL;
-public class SparkLauncherMonitorTest {
-    private String appId;
-    private SparkLoadAppHandle.State state;
-    private String queue;
-    private long startTime;
-    private FinalApplicationStatus finalApplicationStatus;
-    private String trackingUrl;
-    private String user;
-    private String logPath;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        appId = "application_1573630236805_6864759";
-        state = SparkLoadAppHandle.State.RUNNING;
-        queue = "spark-queue";
-        startTime = 1597916263384L;
-        finalApplicationStatus = FinalApplicationStatus.UNDEFINED;
-        trackingUrl = "http://myhost:8388/proxy/application_1573630236805_6864759/";
-        user = "testugi";
-        logPath = "./spark-launcher.log";
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLogMonitorNormal() {
-        URL log = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("spark_launcher_monitor.log");
-        String cmd = "cat " + log.getPath();
-        SparkLoadAppHandle handle = null;
-        try {
-            Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
-            handle = new SparkLoadAppHandle(process);
-            SparkLauncherMonitor.LogMonitor logMonitor = SparkLauncherMonitor.createLogMonitor(handle);
-            logMonitor.setRedirectLogPath(logPath);
-            logMonitor.start();
-            try {
-                logMonitor.join();
-            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            }
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // check values
-        Assert.assertEquals(appId, handle.getAppId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(state, handle.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(queue, handle.getQueue());
-        Assert.assertEquals(startTime, handle.getStartTime());
-        Assert.assertEquals(finalApplicationStatus, handle.getFinalStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals(trackingUrl, handle.getUrl());
-        Assert.assertEquals(user, handle.getUser());
-        // check log
-        File file = new File(logPath);
-        Assert.assertTrue(file.exists());
-    }
-    @After
-    public void clear() {
-        File file = new File(logPath);
-        if (file.exists()) {
-            file.delete();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkLoadJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkLoadJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1046e5d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkLoadJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BrokerDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DataDescription;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LabelName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ResourceDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RangePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ResourceMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SparkResource;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DataQualityException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlJobType;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.LoadJob.LoadJobStateUpdateInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.SparkLoadJob.SparkLoadJobStateUpdateInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.OriginStatement;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentBatchTask;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.task.MasterTaskExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.task.PushTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TEtlState;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.GlobalTransactionMgr;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TabletCommitInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SparkLoadJobTest {
-    private long dbId;
-    private String dbName;
-    private String tableName;
-    private String label;
-    private String resourceName;
-    private String broker;
-    private long transactionId;
-    private long pendingTaskId;
-    private SparkLoadAppHandle sparkLoadAppHandle;
-    private String appId;
-    private String etlOutputPath;
-    private long tableId;
-    private long partitionId;
-    private long indexId;
-    private long tabletId;
-    private long replicaId;
-    private long backendId;
-    private int schemaHash;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        dbId = 1L;
-        dbName = "database0";
-        tableName = "table0";
-        label = "label0";
-        resourceName = "spark0";
-        broker = "broker0";
-        transactionId = 2L;
-        pendingTaskId = 3L;
-        sparkLoadAppHandle = new SparkLoadAppHandle();
-        appId = "application_15888888888_0088";
-        etlOutputPath = "hdfs://";
-        tableId = 10L;
-        partitionId = 11L;
-        indexId = 12L;
-        tabletId = 13L;
-        replicaId = 14L;
-        backendId = 15L;
-        schemaHash = 146886;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateFromLoadStmt(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable LoadStmt loadStmt,
-                                       @Injectable DataDescription dataDescription, @Injectable LabelName labelName,
-                                       @Injectable Database db, @Injectable OlapTable olapTable,
-                                       @Injectable ResourceMgr resourceMgr) {
-        List<DataDescription> dataDescriptionList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        dataDescriptionList.add(dataDescription);
-        Map<String, String> resourceProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        resourceProperties.put("spark.executor.memory", "1g");
-        resourceProperties.put("broker", broker);
-        resourceProperties.put("broker.username", "user0");
-        resourceProperties.put("broker.password", "password0");
-        ResourceDesc resourceDesc = new ResourceDesc(resourceName, resourceProperties);
-        Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbName);
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getResourceMgr();
-                result = resourceMgr;
-                db.getTable(tableName);
-                result = olapTable;
-                db.getId();
-                result = dbId;
-                loadStmt.getLabel();
-                result = labelName;
-                loadStmt.getDataDescriptions();
-                result = dataDescriptionList;
-                loadStmt.getResourceDesc();
-                result = resourceDesc;
-                loadStmt.getProperties();
-                result = jobProperties;
-                loadStmt.getEtlJobType();
-                result = EtlJobType.SPARK;
-                labelName.getDbName();
-                result = dbName;
-                labelName.getLabelName();
-                result = label;
-                dataDescription.getTableName();
-                result = tableName;
-                dataDescription.getPartitionNames();
-                result = null;
-                resourceMgr.getResource(resourceName);
-                result = resource;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            Assert.assertTrue(resource.getSparkConfigs().isEmpty());
-            resourceDesc.analyze();
-            BulkLoadJob bulkLoadJob = BulkLoadJob.fromLoadStmt(loadStmt);
-            SparkLoadJob sparkLoadJob = (SparkLoadJob) bulkLoadJob;
-            // check member
-            Assert.assertEquals(dbId, bulkLoadJob.dbId);
-            Assert.assertEquals(label, bulkLoadJob.label);
-            Assert.assertEquals(JobState.PENDING, bulkLoadJob.getState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(EtlJobType.SPARK, bulkLoadJob.getJobType());
-            Assert.assertEquals(resourceName, sparkLoadJob.getResourceName());
-            Assert.assertEquals(-1L, sparkLoadJob.getEtlStartTimestamp());
-            // check update spark resource properties
-            Assert.assertEquals(broker, bulkLoadJob.brokerDesc.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals("user0", bulkLoadJob.brokerDesc.getProperties().get("username"));
-            Assert.assertEquals("password0", bulkLoadJob.brokerDesc.getProperties().get("password"));
-            SparkResource sparkResource = Deencapsulation.getField(sparkLoadJob, "sparkResource");
-            Assert.assertTrue(sparkResource.getSparkConfigs().containsKey("spark.executor.memory"));
-            Assert.assertEquals("1g", sparkResource.getSparkConfigs().get("spark.executor.memory"));
-        } catch (DdlException | AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExecute(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Mocked SparkLoadPendingTask pendingTask,
-                            @Injectable String originStmt, @Injectable GlobalTransactionMgr transactionMgr,
-                            @Injectable MasterTaskExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr();
-                result = transactionMgr;
-                transactionMgr.beginTransaction(dbId, Lists.newArrayList(), label, null,
-                                                (TransactionState.TxnCoordinator) any, LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND,
-                                                anyLong, anyLong);
-                result = transactionId;
-                pendingTask.init();
-                pendingTask.getSignature();
-                result = pendingTaskId;
-                catalog.getPendingLoadTaskScheduler();
-                result = executor;
-                executor.submit((SparkLoadPendingTask) any);
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        ResourceDesc resourceDesc = new ResourceDesc(resourceName, Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkLoadJob job = new SparkLoadJob(dbId, label, resourceDesc, new OriginStatement(originStmt, 0), new UserIdentity("root", ""));
-        job.execute();
-        // check transaction id and id to tasks
-        Assert.assertEquals(transactionId, job.getTransactionId());
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.idToTasks.containsKey(pendingTaskId));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOnPendingTaskFinished(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable String originStmt) throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        ResourceDesc resourceDesc = new ResourceDesc(resourceName, Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkLoadJob job = new SparkLoadJob(dbId, label, resourceDesc, new OriginStatement(originStmt, 0), new UserIdentity("root", ""));
-        SparkPendingTaskAttachment attachment = new SparkPendingTaskAttachment(pendingTaskId);
-        attachment.setAppId(appId);
-        attachment.setOutputPath(etlOutputPath);
-        job.onTaskFinished(attachment);
-        // check pending task finish
-        Assert.assertTrue(job.finishedTaskIds.contains(pendingTaskId));
-        Assert.assertEquals(appId, Deencapsulation.getField(job, "appId"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(etlOutputPath, Deencapsulation.getField(job, "etlOutputPath"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.ETL, job.getState());
-    }
-    private SparkLoadJob getEtlStateJob(String originStmt) throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        SparkResource resource = new SparkResource(resourceName);
-        Map<String, String> sparkConfigs = resource.getSparkConfigs();
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.master", "yarn");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.submit.deployMode", "cluster");
-        sparkConfigs.put("spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address", "");
-        SparkLoadJob job = new SparkLoadJob(dbId, label, null, new OriginStatement(originStmt, 0), new UserIdentity("root", ""));
-        job.state = JobState.ETL;
-        job.setMaxFilterRatio(0.15);
-        job.transactionId = transactionId;
-        Deencapsulation.setField(job, "appId", appId);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(job, "etlOutputPath", etlOutputPath);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(job, "sparkResource", resource);
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc(broker, Maps.newHashMap());
-        job.brokerDesc = brokerDesc;
-        return job;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateEtlStatusRunning(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable String originStmt,
-                                           @Mocked SparkEtlJobHandler handler) throws Exception {
-        String trackingUrl = "";
-        int progress = 66;
-        EtlStatus status = new EtlStatus();
-        status.setState(TEtlState.RUNNING);
-        status.setTrackingUrl(trackingUrl);
-        status.setProgress(progress);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                handler.getEtlJobStatus((SparkLoadAppHandle) any, appId, anyLong, etlOutputPath,
-                                        (SparkResource) any, (BrokerDesc) any);
-                result = status;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadJob job = getEtlStateJob(originStmt);
-        job.updateEtlStatus();
-        // check update etl running
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.ETL, job.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(progress, job.progress);
-        Assert.assertEquals(trackingUrl, job.loadingStatus.getTrackingUrl());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = LoadException.class)
-    public void testUpdateEtlStatusCancelled(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable String originStmt,
-                                             @Mocked SparkEtlJobHandler handler) throws Exception {
-        EtlStatus status = new EtlStatus();
-        status.setState(TEtlState.CANCELLED);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                handler.getEtlJobStatus((SparkLoadAppHandle) any, appId, anyLong, etlOutputPath,
-                                        (SparkResource) any, (BrokerDesc) any);
-                result = status;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadJob job = getEtlStateJob(originStmt);
-        job.updateEtlStatus();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DataQualityException.class)
-    public void testUpdateEtlStatusFinishedQualityFailed(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable String originStmt,
-                                                         @Mocked SparkEtlJobHandler handler) throws Exception {
-        EtlStatus status = new EtlStatus();
-        status.setState(TEtlState.FINISHED);
-        status.getCounters().put("dpp.norm.ALL", "8");
-        status.getCounters().put("dpp.abnorm.ALL", "2");
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                handler.getEtlJobStatus((SparkLoadAppHandle) any, appId, anyLong, etlOutputPath,
-                                        (SparkResource) any, (BrokerDesc) any);
-                result = status;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadJob job = getEtlStateJob(originStmt);
-        job.updateEtlStatus();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateEtlStatusFinishedAndCommitTransaction(
-            @Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable String originStmt,
-            @Mocked SparkEtlJobHandler handler, @Mocked AgentTaskExecutor executor,
-            @Injectable Database db, @Injectable OlapTable table, @Injectable Partition partition,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndex index, @Injectable Tablet tablet, @Injectable Replica replica,
-            @Injectable GlobalTransactionMgr transactionMgr) throws Exception {
-        EtlStatus status = new EtlStatus();
-        status.setState(TEtlState.FINISHED);
-        status.getCounters().put("dpp.norm.ALL", "9");
-        status.getCounters().put("dpp.abnorm.ALL", "1");
-        Map<String, Long> filePathToSize = Maps.newHashMap();
-        String filePath = String.format("hdfs://",
-                                        tableId, partitionId, indexId, schemaHash);
-        long fileSize = 6L;
-        filePathToSize.put(filePath, fileSize);
-        PartitionInfo partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo();
-        partitionInfo.addPartition(partitionId, null, (short) 1, false);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                handler.getEtlJobStatus((SparkLoadAppHandle) any, appId, anyLong, etlOutputPath,
-                                        (SparkResource) any, (BrokerDesc) any);
-                result = status;
-                handler.getEtlFilePaths(etlOutputPath, (BrokerDesc) any);
-                result = filePathToSize;
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                result = db;
-                db.getTablesOnIdOrderOrThrowException((List<Long>) any);
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(table);
-                table.getId();
-                result = tableId;
-                table.getPartition(partitionId);
-                result = partition;
-                table.getPartitionInfo();
-                result = partitionInfo;
-                table.getSchemaByIndexId(Long.valueOf(12));
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR));
-                partition.getMaterializedIndices(MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState.ALL);
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(index);
-                index.getId();
-                result = indexId;
-                index.getTablets();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tablet);
-                tablet.getId();
-                result = tabletId;
-                tablet.getReplicas();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(replica);
-                replica.getId();
-                result = replicaId;
-                replica.getBackendId();
-                result = backendId;
-                replica.getLastFailedVersion();
-                result = -1;
-                AgentTaskExecutor.submit((AgentBatchTask) any);
-                Catalog.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr();
-                result = transactionMgr;
-                transactionMgr.commitTransaction(dbId, (List<Table>) any, transactionId, (List<TabletCommitInfo>) any,
-                                                 (LoadJobFinalOperation) any);
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadJob job = getEtlStateJob(originStmt);
-        job.updateEtlStatus();
-        // check update etl finished
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.LOADING, job.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, job.progress);
-        Map<String, Pair<String, Long>> tabletMetaToFileInfo = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "tabletMetaToFileInfo");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tabletMetaToFileInfo.size());
-        String tabletMetaStr = EtlJobConfig.getTabletMetaStr(filePath);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tabletMetaToFileInfo.containsKey(tabletMetaStr));
-        Pair<String, Long> fileInfo = tabletMetaToFileInfo.get(tabletMetaStr);
-        Assert.assertEquals(filePath, fileInfo.first);
-        Assert.assertEquals(fileSize, (long) fileInfo.second);
-        Map<Long, Map<Long, PushTask>> tabletToSentReplicaPushTask
-                = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "tabletToSentReplicaPushTask");
-        Assert.assertTrue(tabletToSentReplicaPushTask.containsKey(tabletId));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tabletToSentReplicaPushTask.get(tabletId).containsKey(replicaId));
-        Map<Long, Set<Long>> tableToLoadPartitions = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "tableToLoadPartitions");
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableToLoadPartitions.containsKey(tableId));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableToLoadPartitions.get(tableId).contains(partitionId));
-        Map<Long, Integer> indexToSchemaHash = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "indexToSchemaHash");
-        Assert.assertTrue(indexToSchemaHash.containsKey(indexId));
-        Assert.assertEquals(schemaHash, (long) indexToSchemaHash.get(indexId));
-        // finish push task
-        job.addFinishedReplica(replicaId, tabletId, backendId);
-        job.updateLoadingStatus();
-        Assert.assertEquals(99, job.progress);
-        Set<Long> fullTablets = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "fullTablets");
-        Assert.assertTrue(fullTablets.contains(tabletId));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubmitTasksWhenStateFinished(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable String originStmt,
-                                                 @Injectable Database db) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                result = db;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadJob job = getEtlStateJob(originStmt);
-        job.state = JobState.FINISHED;
-        Set<Long> totalTablets = Deencapsulation.invoke(job, "submitPushTasks");
-        Assert.assertTrue(totalTablets.isEmpty());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStateUpdateInfoPersist() throws IOException {
-        String fileName = "./testStateUpdateInfoPersistFile";
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        // etl state
-        long id = 1L;
-        JobState state = JobState.ETL;
-        long etlStartTimestamp = 1592366666L;
-        long loadStartTimestamp = -1;
-        Map<String, Pair<String, Long>> tabletMetaToFileInfo = Maps.newHashMap();
-        if (file.exists()) {
-            file.delete();
-        }
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        SparkLoadJobStateUpdateInfo info = new SparkLoadJobStateUpdateInfo(
-                id, state, transactionId, sparkLoadAppHandle, etlStartTimestamp, appId, etlOutputPath,
-                loadStartTimestamp, tabletMetaToFileInfo);
-        info.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        SparkLoadJobStateUpdateInfo replayedInfo = (SparkLoadJobStateUpdateInfo) LoadJobStateUpdateInfo.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(id, replayedInfo.getJobId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(state, replayedInfo.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(transactionId, replayedInfo.getTransactionId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(loadStartTimestamp, replayedInfo.getLoadStartTimestamp());
-        Assert.assertEquals(etlStartTimestamp, replayedInfo.getEtlStartTimestamp());
-        Assert.assertEquals(appId, replayedInfo.getAppId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(etlOutputPath, replayedInfo.getEtlOutputPath());
-        Assert.assertTrue(replayedInfo.getTabletMetaToFileInfo().isEmpty());
-        in.close();
-        // loading state
-        state = JobState.LOADING;
-        loadStartTimestamp = 1592388888L;
-        String tabletMeta = String.format("%d.%d.%d.0.%d", tableId, partitionId, indexId, schemaHash);
-        String filePath = String.format("hdfs://",
-                                        tableId, partitionId, indexId, schemaHash);
-        long fileSize = 6L;
-        tabletMetaToFileInfo.put(tabletMeta, Pair.create(filePath, fileSize));
-        if (file.exists()) {
-            file.delete();
-        }
-        file.createNewFile();
-        out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        info = new SparkLoadJobStateUpdateInfo(id, state, transactionId, sparkLoadAppHandle, etlStartTimestamp,
-                appId, etlOutputPath, loadStartTimestamp, tabletMetaToFileInfo);
-        info.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        replayedInfo = (SparkLoadJobStateUpdateInfo) LoadJobStateUpdateInfo.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(state, replayedInfo.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(loadStartTimestamp, replayedInfo.getLoadStartTimestamp());
-        Map<String, Pair<String, Long>> replayedTabletMetaToFileInfo = replayedInfo.getTabletMetaToFileInfo();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, replayedTabletMetaToFileInfo.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(replayedTabletMetaToFileInfo.containsKey(tabletMeta));
-        Pair<String, Long> replayedFileInfo = replayedTabletMetaToFileInfo.get(tabletMeta);
-        Assert.assertEquals(filePath, replayedFileInfo.first);
-        Assert.assertEquals(fileSize, (long) replayedFileInfo.second);
-        in.close();
-        // delete file
-        if (file.exists()) {
-            file.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSparkLoadJobPersist(@Mocked Catalog catalog, @Mocked Database db,
-                                        @Mocked Table table,
-                                        @Mocked ResourceMgr resourceMgr) throws Exception {
-        long dbId = 1000L;
-        SparkResource sparkResource = new SparkResource("my_spark", Maps.newHashMap(), "/path/to/", "bos",
-                Maps.newHashMap());
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getResourceMgr();
-                result = resourceMgr;
-                //db.getTable(anyLong);
-                //result = table;
-                //table.getName();
-                //result = "table1";
-                resourceMgr.getResource(anyString);
-                result = sparkResource;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                result = FeMetaVersion.VERSION_CURRENT;
-            }
-        };
-        String label = "label1";
-        ResourceDesc resourceDesc = new ResourceDesc("my_spark", Maps.newHashMap());
-        String oriStmt = "LOAD LABEL db1.label1\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "DATA INFILE(\"hdfs://\")\n" +
-                "INTO TABLE `my_table`\n" +
-                "WHERE k1 > 10\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "WITH RESOURCE 'my_spark';";
-        OriginStatement originStmt = new OriginStatement(oriStmt, 0);
-        UserIdentity userInfo = UserIdentity.ADMIN;
-        SparkLoadJob sparkLoadJob = new SparkLoadJob(dbId, label, resourceDesc, originStmt, userInfo);
-        sparkLoadJob.setJobProperties(Maps.newHashMap());
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_CURRENT);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./testSparkLoadJobPersist");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        sparkLoadJob.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        SparkLoadJob sparkLoadJob2 = (SparkLoadJob) SparkLoadJob.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals("my_spark", sparkLoadJob2.getResourceName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(label, sparkLoadJob2.getLabel());
-        Assert.assertEquals(dbId, sparkLoadJob2.getDbId());
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkLoadPendingTaskTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkLoadPendingTaskTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a487c18..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkLoadPendingTaskTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BrokerDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DataDescription;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionKeyDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionValue;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SingleRangePartitionDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.HashDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RangePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SparkResource;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroup;
-import org.apache.doris.load.BrokerFileGroupAggInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlFileGroup;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlPartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlTable;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class SparkLoadPendingTaskTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testExecuteTask(@Injectable SparkLoadJob sparkLoadJob,
-                                @Injectable SparkResource resource,
-                                @Injectable BrokerDesc brokerDesc,
-                                @Mocked Catalog catalog, @Injectable SparkLoadAppHandle handle,
-                                @Injectable Database database,
-                                @Injectable OlapTable table) throws LoadException {
-        long dbId = 0L;
-        long tableId = 1L;
-        // columns
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columns.add(new Column("c1", Type.BIGINT, true, null, false, null, ""));
-        // indexes
-        Map<Long, List<Column>> indexIdToSchema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        long indexId = 3L;
-        indexIdToSchema.put(indexId, columns);
-        // partition and distribution infos
-        long partitionId = 2L;
-        DistributionInfo distributionInfo = new HashDistributionInfo(2, Lists.newArrayList(columns.get(0)));
-        PartitionInfo partitionInfo = new SinglePartitionInfo();
-        Partition partition = new Partition(partitionId, "p1", null, distributionInfo);
-        List<Partition> partitions = Lists.newArrayList(partition);
-        // file group
-        Map<BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey, List<BrokerFileGroup>> aggKeyToFileGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<BrokerFileGroup> brokerFileGroups = Lists.newArrayList();
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                   null, null, null, false, null);
-        BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup = new BrokerFileGroup(desc);
-        brokerFileGroups.add(brokerFileGroup);
-        BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey aggKey = new BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey(tableId, null);
-        aggKeyToFileGroups.put(aggKey, brokerFileGroups);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                result = database;
-                sparkLoadJob.getHandle();
-                result = handle;
-                database.getTable(tableId);
-                result = table;
-                table.getPartitions();
-                result = partitions;
-                table.getIndexIdToSchema();
-                result = indexIdToSchema;
-                table.getDefaultDistributionInfo();
-                result = distributionInfo;
-                table.getSchemaHashByIndexId(indexId);
-                result = 123;
-                table.getPartitionInfo();
-                result = partitionInfo;
-                table.getPartition(partitionId);
-                result = partition;
-                table.getKeysTypeByIndexId(indexId);
-                result = KeysType.DUP_KEYS;
-                table.getBaseIndexId();
-                result = indexId;
-            }
-        };
-        String appId = "application_15888888888_0088";
-        new MockUp<SparkEtlJobHandler>() {
-            @Mock
-            public void submitEtlJob(long loadJobId, String loadLabel, EtlJobConfig etlJobConfig,
-                                     SparkResource resource, BrokerDesc brokerDesc, SparkLoadAppHandle handle,
-                                     SparkPendingTaskAttachment attachment) throws LoadException {
-                attachment.setAppId(appId);
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadPendingTask task = new SparkLoadPendingTask(sparkLoadJob, aggKeyToFileGroups, resource, brokerDesc);
-        task.init();
-        SparkPendingTaskAttachment attachment = Deencapsulation.getField(task, "attachment");
-        Assert.assertEquals(null, attachment.getAppId());
-        task.executeTask();
-        Assert.assertEquals(appId, attachment.getAppId());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = LoadException.class)
-    public void testNoDb(@Injectable SparkLoadJob sparkLoadJob,
-                         @Injectable SparkResource resource,
-                         @Injectable BrokerDesc brokerDesc,
-                         @Mocked Catalog catalog) throws LoadException {
-        long dbId = 0L;
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadPendingTask task = new SparkLoadPendingTask(sparkLoadJob, null, resource, brokerDesc);
-        task.init();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = LoadException.class)
-    public void testNoTable(@Injectable SparkLoadJob sparkLoadJob,
-                            @Injectable SparkResource resource,
-                            @Injectable BrokerDesc brokerDesc,
-                            @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                            @Injectable Database database) throws LoadException {
-        long dbId = 0L;
-        long tableId = 1L;
-        Map<BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey, List<BrokerFileGroup>> aggKeyToFileGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<BrokerFileGroup> brokerFileGroups = Lists.newArrayList();
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                   null, null, null, false, null);
-        BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup = new BrokerFileGroup(desc);
-        brokerFileGroups.add(brokerFileGroup);
-        BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey aggKey = new BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey(tableId, null);
-        aggKeyToFileGroups.put(aggKey, brokerFileGroups);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(tableId);
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadPendingTask task = new SparkLoadPendingTask(sparkLoadJob, aggKeyToFileGroups, resource, brokerDesc);
-        task.init();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRangePartitionHashDistribution(@Injectable SparkLoadJob sparkLoadJob,
-                                                   @Injectable SparkResource resource,
-                                                   @Injectable BrokerDesc brokerDesc,
-                                                   @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                                   @Injectable Database database,
-                                                   @Injectable OlapTable table) throws LoadException, DdlException, AnalysisException {
-        long dbId = 0L;
-        long tableId = 1L;
-        // c1 is partition column, c2 is distribution column
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columns.add(new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, false, null, ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("c2", ScalarType.createVarchar(10), true, null, false, null, ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("c3", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, false, null, ""));
-        // indexes
-        Map<Long, List<Column>> indexIdToSchema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        long index1Id = 3L;
-        indexIdToSchema.put(index1Id, columns);
-        long index2Id = 4L;
-        indexIdToSchema.put(index2Id, Lists.newArrayList(columns.get(0), columns.get(2)));
-        // partition and distribution info
-        long partition1Id = 2L;
-        long partition2Id = 5L;
-        int distributionColumnIndex = 1;
-        DistributionInfo distributionInfo = new HashDistributionInfo(3, Lists.newArrayList(columns.get(distributionColumnIndex)));
-        Partition partition1 = new Partition(partition1Id, "p1", null,
-                                             distributionInfo);
-        Partition partition2 = new Partition(partition2Id, "p2", null,
-                                             new HashDistributionInfo(4, Lists.newArrayList(columns.get(distributionColumnIndex))));
-        int partitionColumnIndex = 0;
-        List<Partition> partitions = Lists.newArrayList(partition1, partition2);
-        RangePartitionInfo partitionInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(Lists.newArrayList(columns.get(partitionColumnIndex)));
-        PartitionKeyDesc partitionKeyDesc1 = new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("10")));
-        SingleRangePartitionDesc partitionDesc1 = new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p1", partitionKeyDesc1, null);
-        partitionDesc1.analyze(1, null);
-        partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(partitionDesc1, partition1Id, false);
-        PartitionKeyDesc partitionKeyDesc2 = new PartitionKeyDesc(Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("20")));
-        SingleRangePartitionDesc partitionDesc2 = new SingleRangePartitionDesc(false, "p2", partitionKeyDesc2, null);
-        partitionDesc2.analyze(1, null);
-        partitionInfo.handleNewSinglePartitionDesc(partitionDesc2, partition2Id, false);
-        // file group
-        Map<BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey, List<BrokerFileGroup>> aggKeyToFileGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<BrokerFileGroup> brokerFileGroups = Lists.newArrayList();
-        DataDescription desc = new DataDescription("testTable", null, Lists.newArrayList("abc.txt"),
-                                                   null, null, null, false, null);
-        BrokerFileGroup brokerFileGroup = new BrokerFileGroup(desc);
-        brokerFileGroups.add(brokerFileGroup);
-        BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey aggKey = new BrokerFileGroupAggInfo.FileGroupAggKey(tableId, null);
-        aggKeyToFileGroups.put(aggKey, brokerFileGroups);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(tableId);
-                result = table;
-                table.getPartitions();
-                result = partitions;
-                table.getIndexIdToSchema();
-                result = indexIdToSchema;
-                table.getDefaultDistributionInfo();
-                result = distributionInfo;
-                table.getSchemaHashByIndexId(index1Id);
-                result = 123;
-                table.getSchemaHashByIndexId(index2Id);
-                result = 234;
-                table.getPartitionInfo();
-                result = partitionInfo;
-                table.getPartition(partition1Id);
-                result = partition1;
-                table.getPartition(partition2Id);
-                result = partition2;
-                table.getKeysTypeByIndexId(index1Id);
-                result = KeysType.AGG_KEYS;
-                table.getKeysTypeByIndexId(index2Id);
-                result = KeysType.AGG_KEYS;
-                table.getBaseIndexId();
-                result = index1Id;
-            }
-        };
-        SparkLoadPendingTask task = new SparkLoadPendingTask(sparkLoadJob, aggKeyToFileGroups, resource, brokerDesc);
-        EtlJobConfig etlJobConfig = Deencapsulation.getField(task, "etlJobConfig");
-        Assert.assertEquals(null, etlJobConfig);
-        task.init();
-        etlJobConfig = Deencapsulation.getField(task, "etlJobConfig");
-        Assert.assertTrue(etlJobConfig != null);
-        // check table id
-        Map<Long, EtlTable> idToEtlTable = etlJobConfig.tables;
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, idToEtlTable.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(idToEtlTable.containsKey(tableId));
-        // check indexes
-        EtlTable etlTable = idToEtlTable.get(tableId);
-        List<EtlIndex> etlIndexes = etlTable.indexes;
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, etlIndexes.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(index1Id, etlIndexes.get(0).indexId);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index2Id, etlIndexes.get(1).indexId);
-        // check base index columns
-        EtlIndex baseIndex = etlIndexes.get(0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(baseIndex.isBaseIndex);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, baseIndex.columns.size());
-        for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(columns.get(i).getName(), baseIndex.columns.get(i).columnName);
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals("AGGREGATE", baseIndex.indexType);
-        // check partitions
-        EtlPartitionInfo etlPartitionInfo = etlTable.partitionInfo;
-        Assert.assertEquals("RANGE", etlPartitionInfo.partitionType);
-        List<String> partitionColumns = etlPartitionInfo.partitionColumnRefs;
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, partitionColumns.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(columns.get(partitionColumnIndex).getName(), partitionColumns.get(0));
-        List<String> distributionColumns = etlPartitionInfo.distributionColumnRefs;
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, distributionColumns.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(columns.get(distributionColumnIndex).getName(), distributionColumns.get(0));
-        List<EtlPartition> etlPartitions = etlPartitionInfo.partitions;
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, etlPartitions.size());
-        // check file group
-        List<EtlFileGroup> etlFileGroups = etlTable.fileGroups;
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, etlFileGroups.size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkRepositoryTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkRepositoryTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5352a57..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkRepositoryTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BrokerDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.BrokerUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerFileStatus;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-public class SparkRepositoryTest {
-    private SparkRepository repository;
-    private final String DPP_LOCAL_MD5SUM = "b3cd0ae3a4121e2426532484442e90ec";
-    private final String SPARK_LOCAL_MD5SUM = "6d2b052ffbdf7082c019bd202432739c";
-    private final String DPP_VERSION = Config.spark_dpp_version;
-    private final String SPARK_LOAD_WORK_DIR = "hdfs://";
-    private final String DPP_NAME = SparkRepository.SPARK_DPP + ".jar";
-    private final String SPARK_NAME = SparkRepository.SPARK_2X + ".zip";
-    private String remoteRepoPath;
-    private String remoteArchivePath;
-    private String remoteDppLibraryPath;
-    private String remoteSparkLibraryPath;
-    private List<TBrokerFileStatus> files;
-    @Mocked
-    Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    BrokerUtil brokerUtil;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        // e.g. hdfs://
-        remoteRepoPath = SPARK_LOAD_WORK_DIR + "/" + SparkRepository.REPOSITORY_DIR;
-        // e.g. hdfs://
-        remoteArchivePath = remoteRepoPath + "/" + SparkRepository.PREFIX_ARCHIVE + DPP_VERSION;
-        // e.g. hdfs://
-        remoteDppLibraryPath = remoteArchivePath + "/" + SparkRepository.PREFIX_LIB + DPP_LOCAL_MD5SUM + "_" + DPP_NAME;
-        // e.g. hdfs://
-        remoteSparkLibraryPath = remoteArchivePath + "/" + SparkRepository.PREFIX_LIB + SPARK_LOCAL_MD5SUM + "_" + SPARK_NAME;
-        files = Lists.newArrayList();
-        files.add(new TBrokerFileStatus(remoteDppLibraryPath, false, 1024, false));
-        files.add(new TBrokerFileStatus(remoteSparkLibraryPath, false, 10240, false));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        new MockUp<BrokerUtil>() {
-            @Mock
-            boolean checkPathExist(String remotePath, BrokerDesc brokerDesc)
-                    throws UserException { return true; }
-            @Mock
-            void parseFile(String path, BrokerDesc brokerDesc, List<TBrokerFileStatus> fileStatuses)
-                    throws UserException { fileStatuses.addAll(files); }
-        };
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc("broker", Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkRepository repository = new SparkRepository(remoteRepoPath, brokerDesc);
-        try {
-            new Expectations(repository) {
-                {
-                    repository.getMd5String(anyString);
-                    returns(DPP_LOCAL_MD5SUM, SPARK_LOCAL_MD5SUM);
-                }
-            };
-            // prepare repository
-            repository.prepare();
-            // get archive
-            SparkRepository.SparkArchive archive = repository.getCurrentArchive();
-            Assert.assertEquals(archive.libraries.size(), 2);
-            // check if the remote libraries are equal to local libraries
-            List<SparkRepository.SparkLibrary> libraries = archive.libraries;
-            for (SparkRepository.SparkLibrary library : libraries) {
-                switch (library.libType) {
-                    case DPP:
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.remotePath, remoteDppLibraryPath);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.md5sum, DPP_LOCAL_MD5SUM);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.size, 1024);
-                        break;
-                    case SPARK2X:
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.remotePath, remoteSparkLibraryPath);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.md5sum, SPARK_LOCAL_MD5SUM);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.size, 10240);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        Assert.fail("wrong library type: " + library.libType);
-                }
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testArchiveNotExists() {
-        new MockUp<BrokerUtil>() {
-            @Mock
-            boolean checkPathExist(String remotePath, BrokerDesc brokerDesc)
-                    throws UserException { return false; }
-            @Mock
-            void writeFile(String srcFilePath, String destFilePath, BrokerDesc brokerDesc)
-                    throws UserException { return; }
-            @Mock
-            void rename(String origFilePath, String destFilePath, BrokerDesc brokerDesc)
-                    throws UserException { return; }
-        };
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc("broker", Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkRepository repository = new SparkRepository(remoteRepoPath, brokerDesc);
-        try {
-            new Expectations(repository) {
-                {
-                    repository.getMd5String(anyString);
-                    returns(DPP_LOCAL_MD5SUM, SPARK_LOCAL_MD5SUM);
-                    repository.getFileSize(anyString);
-                    returns(1024L, 10240L);
-                }
-            };
-            // prepare repository
-            repository.prepare();
-            // get archive
-            SparkRepository.SparkArchive archive = repository.getCurrentArchive();
-            Assert.assertEquals(archive.libraries.size(), 2);
-            // check if the remote libraries are equal to local libraries
-            List<SparkRepository.SparkLibrary> libraries = archive.libraries;
-            for (SparkRepository.SparkLibrary library : libraries) {
-                switch (library.libType) {
-                    case DPP:
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.remotePath, remoteDppLibraryPath);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.md5sum, DPP_LOCAL_MD5SUM);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.size, 1024);
-                        break;
-                    case SPARK2X:
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.remotePath, remoteSparkLibraryPath);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.md5sum, SPARK_LOCAL_MD5SUM);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.size, 10240);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        Assert.fail("wrong library type: " + library.libType);
-                }
-            }
-        } catch (LoadException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLibraryMd5MissMatch() {
-        new MockUp<BrokerUtil>() {
-            @Mock
-            boolean checkPathExist(String remotePath, BrokerDesc brokerDesc)
-                    throws UserException { return true; }
-            @Mock
-            void parseFile(String path, BrokerDesc brokerDesc, List<TBrokerFileStatus> fileStatuses)
-                    throws UserException { fileStatuses.addAll(files); }
-            @Mock
-            void deletePath(String path, BrokerDesc brokerDesc)
-                    throws UserException { return; }
-            @Mock
-            void writeFile(String srcFilePath, String destFilePath, BrokerDesc brokerDesc)
-                    throws UserException { return; }
-            @Mock
-            void rename(String origFilePath, String destFilePath, BrokerDesc brokerDesc)
-                    throws UserException { return; }
-        };
-        // new md5dum of local library
-        String newMd5sum = "new_local_md5sum_value";
-        // new remote path
-        String newRemoteDppPath = remoteArchivePath + "/" + SparkRepository.PREFIX_LIB + newMd5sum + "_" + DPP_NAME;
-        String newRemoteSparkPath = remoteArchivePath + "/" + SparkRepository.PREFIX_LIB + newMd5sum + "_" + SPARK_NAME;
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc("broker", Maps.newHashMap());
-        SparkRepository repository = new SparkRepository(remoteRepoPath, brokerDesc);
-        try {
-            new Expectations(repository) {
-                {
-                    repository.getMd5String(anyString);
-                    result = newMd5sum;
-                    repository.getFileSize(anyString);
-                    returns(1024L, 10240L);
-                }
-            };
-            // prepare repository
-            repository.prepare();
-            // get archive
-            SparkRepository.SparkArchive archive = repository.getCurrentArchive();
-            Assert.assertEquals(archive.libraries.size(), 2);
-            // check if the remote libraries are equal to local libraries
-            List<SparkRepository.SparkLibrary> libraries = archive.libraries;
-            for (SparkRepository.SparkLibrary library : libraries) {
-                switch (library.libType) {
-                    case DPP:
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.remotePath, newRemoteDppPath);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.md5sum, newMd5sum);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.size, 1024);
-                        break;
-                    case SPARK2X:
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.remotePath, newRemoteSparkPath);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.md5sum, newMd5sum);
-                        Assert.assertEquals(library.size, 10240);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        Assert.fail("wrong library type: " + library.libType);
-                }
-            }
-        } catch (LoadException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkYarnConfigFilesTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkYarnConfigFilesTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dc497b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/SparkYarnConfigFilesTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class SparkYarnConfigFilesTest {
-    private static final String RESOURCE_NAME = "spark0";
-    private static final String SPARK_HADOOP_PREFIX = "spark.hadoop.";
-    private static final String YARN_CONFIG_DIR = "./yarn_config";
-    private Map<String, String> properties;
-    @Mocked
-    Catalog catalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(SPARK_HADOOP_PREFIX + "hadoop.job.ugi", "test,test");
-        properties.put(SPARK_HADOOP_PREFIX + "hadoop.security.authentication", "simple");
-        properties.put(SPARK_HADOOP_PREFIX + "yarn.resourcemanager.address", "host:port");
-        properties.put(SPARK_HADOOP_PREFIX + "yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address", "host:port");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        SparkYarnConfigFiles sparkYarnConfigFiles = new SparkYarnConfigFiles(RESOURCE_NAME, YARN_CONFIG_DIR, properties);
-        try {
-            // prepare config files
-            sparkYarnConfigFiles.prepare();
-            // get config files' parent directory
-            String configDir = sparkYarnConfigFiles.getConfigDir();
-            File dir = new File(configDir);
-            File[] configFiles = dir.listFiles();
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, configFiles.length);
-        } catch (LoadException  e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @After
-    public void clear() {
-        delete(YARN_CONFIG_DIR);
-    }
-    private void delete(String deletePath) {
-        File file = new File(deletePath);
-        if (!file.exists()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        if (file.isFile()) {
-            file.delete();
-            return;
-        }
-        File[] files = file.listFiles();
-        for (File file1 : files) {
-            delete(file1.getAbsolutePath());
-        }
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/YarnApplicationReportTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/YarnApplicationReportTest.java
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index 6a0523b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/YarnApplicationReportTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationReport;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnApplicationState;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class YarnApplicationReportTest {
-    private final String runningReport = "Application Report :\n" +
-            "Application-Id : application_15888888888_0088\n" +
-            "Application-Name : label0\n" +
-            "Application-Type : SPARK-2.4.1\n" +
-            "User : test\n" +
-            "Queue : test-queue\n" +
-            "Start-Time : 1597654469958\n" +
-            "Finish-Time : 0\n" +
-            "Progress : 50%\n" +
-            "State : RUNNING\n" +
-            "Final-State : UNDEFINED\n" +
-            "Tracking-URL :\n" +
-            "RPC Port : 40236\n" +
-            "AM Host : host-name";
-    @Test
-    public void testParseToReport() {
-        try {
-            YarnApplicationReport yarnReport = new YarnApplicationReport(runningReport);
-            ApplicationReport report = yarnReport.getReport();
-            Assert.assertEquals("application_15888888888_0088", report.getApplicationId().toString());
-            Assert.assertEquals("label0", report.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals("test", report.getUser());
-            Assert.assertEquals("test-queue", report.getQueue());
-            Assert.assertEquals(1597654469958L, report.getStartTime());
-            Assert.assertEquals(0L, report.getFinishTime());
-            Assert.assertTrue(report.getProgress() == 0.5f);
-            Assert.assertEquals(YarnApplicationState.RUNNING, report.getYarnApplicationState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(FinalApplicationStatus.UNDEFINED, report.getFinalApplicationStatus());
-            Assert.assertEquals("", report.getTrackingUrl());
-            Assert.assertEquals(40236, report.getRpcPort());
-            Assert.assertEquals("host-name", report.getHost());
-        } catch (LoadException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/KafkaProducerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/KafkaProducerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 94b81eb..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/KafkaProducerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.routineload;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.RecordMetadata;
-import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongSerializer;
-import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
-public class KafkaProducerTest {
-    public Producer<Long, String> createProducer() {
-        Properties props = new Properties();
-        props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "xxx");
-        props.put(ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, "client1");
-        props.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, LongSerializer.class.getName());
-        props.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class.getName());
-        return new KafkaProducer<>(props);
-    }
-    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
-        KafkaProducerTest kafkaProducerTest = new KafkaProducerTest();
-        Producer<Long, String> kafkaProducer = kafkaProducerTest.createProducer();
-        int i = 1;
-        while (true) {
-            String value = String.valueOf(i);
-            if (i % 10000 == 0) {
-                value = value + "\t" + value;
-            }
-            ProducerRecord<Long, String> record = new ProducerRecord<>("miaoling", value);
-            try {
-                RecordMetadata metadata = kafkaProducer.send(record).get();
-                System.out.println("Record send with value " + value + " to partition " +
-                                           metadata.partition() + " with offset " + metadata.offset());
-            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
-                System.out.println("Error in sending record " + value);
-                System.out.println(e);
-            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                System.out.println("Error in sending record " + value);
-                System.out.println(e);
-            }
-            i++;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/KafkaRoutineLoadJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/KafkaRoutineLoadJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bbab3a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/KafkaRoutineLoadJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.routineload;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ColumnSeparator;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateRoutineLoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ImportSequenceStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LabelName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ParseNode;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionNames;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LabelAlreadyUsedException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.KafkaUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.load.RoutineLoadDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.LoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TResourceInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.BeginTransactionException;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.GlobalTransactionMgr;
-import org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import mockit.Verifications;
-public class KafkaRoutineLoadJobTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(KafkaRoutineLoadJobTest.class);
-    private String jobName = "job1";
-    private String dbName = "db1";
-    private LabelName labelName = new LabelName(dbName, jobName);
-    private String tableNameString = "table1";
-    private String topicName = "topic1";
-    private String serverAddress = "";
-    private String kafkaPartitionString = "1,2,3";
-    private PartitionNames partitionNames;
-    private ColumnSeparator columnSeparator = new ColumnSeparator(",");
-    private ImportSequenceStmt sequenceStmt = new ImportSequenceStmt("source_sequence");
-    @Mocked
-    ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @Mocked
-    TResourceInfo tResourceInfo;
-    @Before
-    public void init() {
-        List<String> partitionNameList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        partitionNameList.add("p1");
-        partitionNames = new PartitionNames(false, partitionNameList);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBeNumMin(@Injectable PartitionInfo partitionInfo1,
-                             @Injectable PartitionInfo partitionInfo2,
-                             @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                             @Mocked SystemInfoService systemInfoService,
-                             @Mocked Database database,
-                             @Mocked RoutineLoadDesc routineLoadDesc) throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        List<Integer> partitionList1 = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2);
-        List<Integer> partitionList2 = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
-        List<Integer> partitionList3 = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3, 4);
-        List<Integer> partitionList4 = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
-        List<Long> beIds1 = Lists.newArrayList(1L);
-        List<Long> beIds2 = Lists.newArrayList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L);
-        String clusterName1 = "default1";
-        String clusterName2 = "default2";
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = systemInfoService;
-                systemInfoService.getClusterBackendIds(clusterName1, true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIds1;
-                systemInfoService.getClusterBackendIds(clusterName2, true);
-                result = beIds2;
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        // 2 partitions, 1 be
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob =
-                new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "kafka_routine_load_job", clusterName1, 1L,
-                        1L, "", "topic1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "currentKafkaPartitions", partitionList1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, routineLoadJob.calculateCurrentConcurrentTaskNum());
-        // 3 partitions, 4 be
-        routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "kafka_routine_load_job", clusterName2, 1L,
-                1L, "", "topic1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "currentKafkaPartitions", partitionList2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, routineLoadJob.calculateCurrentConcurrentTaskNum());
-        // 4 partitions, 4 be
-        routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "kafka_routine_load_job", clusterName2, 1L,
-                1L, "", "topic1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "currentKafkaPartitions", partitionList3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, routineLoadJob.calculateCurrentConcurrentTaskNum());
-        // 7 partitions, 4 be
-        routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "kafka_routine_load_job", clusterName2, 1L,
-                1L, "", "topic1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "currentKafkaPartitions", partitionList4);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, routineLoadJob.calculateCurrentConcurrentTaskNum());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDivideRoutineLoadJob(@Injectable RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager,
-                                         @Mocked RoutineLoadDesc routineLoadDesc)
-            throws UserException {
-        Catalog catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob =
-                new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "kafka_routine_load_job", "default", 1L,
-                        1L, "", "topic1");
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getRoutineLoadManager();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = routineLoadManager;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadTaskScheduler routineLoadTaskScheduler = new RoutineLoadTaskScheduler(routineLoadManager);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(catalog, "routineLoadTaskScheduler", routineLoadTaskScheduler);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "currentKafkaPartitions", Arrays.asList(1, 4, 6));
-        routineLoadJob.divideRoutineLoadJob(2);
-        // todo(ml): assert
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList = Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList");
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, routineLoadTaskInfoList.size());
-        for (RoutineLoadTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo : routineLoadTaskInfoList) {
-            KafkaTaskInfo kafkaTaskInfo = (KafkaTaskInfo) routineLoadTaskInfo;
-            Assert.assertEquals(false, kafkaTaskInfo.isRunning());
-            if (kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().size() == 2) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().contains(1));
-                Assert.assertTrue(kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().contains(6));
-            } else if (kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().size() == 1) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().contains(4));
-            } else {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProcessTimeOutTasks(@Injectable GlobalTransactionMgr globalTransactionMgr,
-                                        @Injectable RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager,
-                                        @Mocked RoutineLoadDesc routineLoadDesc)
-            throws AnalysisException, LabelAlreadyUsedException,
-            BeginTransactionException {
-        Catalog catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob =
-                new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "kafka_routine_load_job", "default", 1L,
-                        1L, "", "topic1");
-        long maxBatchIntervalS = 10;
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "maxBatchIntervalS", maxBatchIntervalS);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getRoutineLoadManager();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = routineLoadManager;
-            }
-        };
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
-        Map<Integer, Long> partitionIdsToOffset = Maps.newHashMap();
-        partitionIdsToOffset.put(100, 0L);
-        KafkaTaskInfo kafkaTaskInfo = new KafkaTaskInfo(new UUID(1, 1), 1L, "default_cluster",
-                maxBatchIntervalS * 2 * 1000, partitionIdsToOffset);
-        kafkaTaskInfo.setExecuteStartTimeMs(System.currentTimeMillis() - maxBatchIntervalS * 2 * 1000 - 1);
-        routineLoadTaskInfoList.add(kafkaTaskInfo);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList", routineLoadTaskInfoList);
-        routineLoadJob.processTimeoutTasks();
-        new Verifications() {
-            {
-                List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> idToRoutineLoadTask =
-                        Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList");
-                Assert.assertNotEquals("1", idToRoutineLoadTask.get(0).getId());
-                Assert.assertEquals(1, idToRoutineLoadTask.size());
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFromCreateStmtWithErrorTable(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                                 @Injectable Database database) throws LoadException {
-        CreateRoutineLoadStmt createRoutineLoadStmt = initCreateRoutineLoadStmt();
-        RoutineLoadDesc routineLoadDesc = new RoutineLoadDesc(columnSeparator, null, null, null,
-                partitionNames, null, LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND, null);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(createRoutineLoadStmt, "routineLoadDesc", routineLoadDesc);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                database.getTable(tableNameString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        try {
-            KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob = KafkaRoutineLoadJob.fromCreateStmt(createRoutineLoadStmt);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            LOG.info(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFromCreateStmt(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                   @Injectable Database database,
-            @Injectable OlapTable table) throws UserException {
-        CreateRoutineLoadStmt createRoutineLoadStmt = initCreateRoutineLoadStmt();
-        RoutineLoadDesc routineLoadDesc = new RoutineLoadDesc(columnSeparator, null, null, null, partitionNames, null,
-                LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND, sequenceStmt.getSequenceColName());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(createRoutineLoadStmt, "routineLoadDesc", routineLoadDesc);
-        List<Pair<Integer, Long>> partitionIdToOffset = Lists.newArrayList();
-        List<PartitionInfo> kafkaPartitionInfoList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        for (String s : kafkaPartitionString.split(",")) {
-            partitionIdToOffset.add(new Pair<>(Integer.valueOf(s), 0l));
-            PartitionInfo partitionInfo = new PartitionInfo(topicName, Integer.valueOf(s), null, null, null);
-            kafkaPartitionInfoList.add(partitionInfo);
-        }
-        Deencapsulation.setField(createRoutineLoadStmt, "kafkaPartitionOffsets", partitionIdToOffset);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(createRoutineLoadStmt, "kafkaBrokerList", serverAddress);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(createRoutineLoadStmt, "kafkaTopic", topicName);
-        long dbId = 1l;
-        long tableId = 2L;
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                database.getTable(tableNameString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                database.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = dbId;
-                table.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tableId;
-                table.getType();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Table.TableType.OLAP;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<KafkaUtil>() {
-            @Mock
-            public List<Integer> getAllKafkaPartitions(String brokerList, String topic,
-                    Map<String, String> convertedCustomProperties) throws UserException {
-                return Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
-            }
-        };
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob = KafkaRoutineLoadJob.fromCreateStmt(createRoutineLoadStmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(jobName, kafkaRoutineLoadJob.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(dbId, kafkaRoutineLoadJob.getDbId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(tableId, kafkaRoutineLoadJob.getTableId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(serverAddress, Deencapsulation.getField(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "brokerList"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(topicName, Deencapsulation.getField(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "topic"));
-        List<Integer> kafkaPartitionResult = Deencapsulation.getField(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "customKafkaPartitions");
-        Assert.assertEquals(kafkaPartitionString, Joiner.on(",").join(kafkaPartitionResult));
-        Assert.assertEquals(sequenceStmt.getSequenceColName(), kafkaRoutineLoadJob.getSequenceCol());
-    }
-    private CreateRoutineLoadStmt initCreateRoutineLoadStmt() {
-        List<ParseNode> loadPropertyList = new ArrayList<>();
-        loadPropertyList.add(columnSeparator);
-        loadPropertyList.add(partitionNames);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.DESIRED_CONCURRENT_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "2");
-        String typeName = LoadDataSourceType.KAFKA.name();
-        Map<String, String> customProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_TOPIC_PROPERTY, topicName);
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_BROKER_LIST_PROPERTY, serverAddress);
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_PARTITIONS_PROPERTY, kafkaPartitionString);
-        CreateRoutineLoadStmt createRoutineLoadStmt = new CreateRoutineLoadStmt(labelName, tableNameString,
-                                                                                loadPropertyList, properties,
-                                                                                typeName, customProperties,
-                                                                                LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(createRoutineLoadStmt, "name", jobName);
-        return createRoutineLoadStmt;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadJobTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a29542..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.routineload;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateRoutineLoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlParser;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.common.InternalErrorCode;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.KafkaUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TKafkaRLTaskProgress;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionException;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState;
-import org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.base.Strings;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java_cup.runtime.Symbol;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class RoutineLoadJobTest {
-    @Mocked
-    EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    SqlParser sqlParser;
-    @Mocked
-    CreateRoutineLoadStmt createRoutineLoadStmt;
-    @Mocked
-    Symbol symbol;
-    @Test
-    public void testAfterAbortedReasonOffsetOutOfRange(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                                       @Injectable TransactionState transactionState,
-                                                       @Injectable RoutineLoadTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo)
-            throws UserException {
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadTaskInfoList.add(routineLoadTaskInfo);
-        long txnId = 1L;
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                transactionState.getTransactionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = txnId;
-                routineLoadTaskInfo.getTxnId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = txnId;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<RoutineLoadJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            void writeUnlock() {
-            }
-        };
-        String txnStatusChangeReasonString = TransactionState.TxnStatusChangeReason.OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE.toString();
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList", routineLoadTaskInfoList);
-        routineLoadJob.afterAborted(transactionState, true, txnStatusChangeReasonString);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAfterAborted(@Injectable TransactionState transactionState,
-                                 @Injectable KafkaTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo) throws UserException {
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadTaskInfoList.add(routineLoadTaskInfo);
-        long txnId = 1L;
-        RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment attachment = new RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment();
-        TKafkaRLTaskProgress tKafkaRLTaskProgress = new TKafkaRLTaskProgress();
-        tKafkaRLTaskProgress.partitionCmtOffset = Maps.newHashMap();
-        KafkaProgress kafkaProgress = new KafkaProgress(tKafkaRLTaskProgress);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(attachment, "progress", kafkaProgress);
-        KafkaProgress currentProgress = new KafkaProgress(tKafkaRLTaskProgress);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                transactionState.getTransactionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = txnId;
-                routineLoadTaskInfo.getTxnId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = txnId;
-                transactionState.getTxnCommitAttachment();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = attachment;
-                routineLoadTaskInfo.getPartitions();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList();
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<RoutineLoadJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            void writeUnlock() {
-            }
-        };
-        String txnStatusChangeReasonString = "no data";
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList", routineLoadTaskInfoList);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "progress", currentProgress);
-        routineLoadJob.afterAborted(transactionState, true, txnStatusChangeReasonString);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING, routineLoadJob.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(1), Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "abortedTaskNum"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAfterCommittedWhileTaskAborted(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                                   @Injectable TransactionState transactionState,
-                                                   @Injectable KafkaProgress progress) throws UserException {
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        long txnId = 1L;
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                transactionState.getTransactionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = txnId;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<RoutineLoadJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            void writeUnlock() {
-            }
-        };
-        String txnStatusChangeReasonString = "no data";
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList", routineLoadTaskInfoList);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "progress", progress);
-        try {
-            routineLoadJob.afterCommitted(transactionState, true);
-            Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-        } catch (TransactionException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetShowInfo(@Mocked KafkaProgress kafkaProgress) {
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED);
-        ErrorReason errorReason = new ErrorReason(InternalErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERR, TransactionState.TxnStatusChangeReason.OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE.toString());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "pauseReason", errorReason);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "progress", kafkaProgress);
-        List<String> showInfo = routineLoadJob.getShowInfo();
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, showInfo.stream().filter(entity -> !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(entity))
-                .anyMatch(entity -> entity.equals(errorReason.toString())));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateWhileDbDeleted(@Mocked Catalog catalog) throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        routineLoadJob.update();
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.CANCELLED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateWhileTableDeleted(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                            @Injectable Database database) throws UserException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        routineLoadJob.update();
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.CANCELLED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateWhilePartitionChanged(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                                @Injectable Database database,
-                                                @Injectable Table table,
-                                                @Injectable PartitionInfo partitionInfo,
-                                                @Injectable KafkaProgress kafkaProgress) throws UserException {
-        List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfoList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        partitionInfoList.add(partitionInfo);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<KafkaUtil>() {
-            @Mock
-            public List<Integer> getAllKafkaPartitions(String brokerList, String topic,
-                    Map<String, String> convertedCustomProperties) throws UserException {
-                return Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3);
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "progress", kafkaProgress);
-        routineLoadJob.update();
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.NEED_SCHEDULE, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateNumOfDataErrorRowMoreThanMax(@Mocked Catalog catalog) {
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "maxErrorNum", 0);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "maxBatchRows", 0);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(routineLoadJob, "updateNumOfData", 1L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, false);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED, Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "state"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateTotalMoreThanBatch() {
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "maxErrorNum", 10);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "maxBatchRows", 10);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "currentErrorRows", 1);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "currentTotalRows", 99);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(routineLoadJob, "updateNumOfData", 2L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, false);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING, Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "state"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(0), Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "currentErrorRows"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(0), Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "currentTotalRows"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetBeIdToConcurrentTaskNum(@Injectable RoutineLoadTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo,
-                                               @Injectable RoutineLoadTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo1) {
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadTaskInfoList.add(routineLoadTaskInfo);
-        routineLoadTaskInfoList.add(routineLoadTaskInfo1);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList", routineLoadTaskInfoList);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                routineLoadTaskInfo.getBeId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                routineLoadTaskInfo1.getBeId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<Long, Integer> beIdConcurrentTasksNum = routineLoadJob.getBeCurrentTasksNumMap();
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, (int) beIdConcurrentTasksNum.get(1L));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadManagerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadManagerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cd320f8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadManagerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,916 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.routineload;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ColumnSeparator;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateRoutineLoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LabelName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ParseNode;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PauseRoutineLoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ResumeRoutineLoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StopRoutineLoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.InternalErrorCode;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.LoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.RoutineLoadOperation;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.OriginStatement;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TResourceInfo;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class RoutineLoadManagerTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(RoutineLoadManagerTest.class);
-    @Mocked
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfoService;
-    @Test
-    public void testAddJobByStmt(@Injectable PaloAuth paloAuth,
-                                 @Injectable TResourceInfo tResourceInfo,
-                                 @Mocked ConnectContext connectContext,
-                                 @Mocked Catalog catalog) throws UserException {
-        String jobName = "job1";
-        String dbName = "db1";
-        LabelName labelName = new LabelName(dbName, jobName);
-        String tableNameString = "table1";
-        TableName tableName = new TableName(dbName, tableNameString);
-        List<ParseNode> loadPropertyList = new ArrayList<>();
-        ColumnSeparator columnSeparator = new ColumnSeparator(",");
-        loadPropertyList.add(columnSeparator);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.DESIRED_CONCURRENT_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "2");
-        String typeName = LoadDataSourceType.KAFKA.name();
-        Map<String, String> customProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        String topicName = "topic1";
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_TOPIC_PROPERTY, topicName);
-        String serverAddress = "";
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_BROKER_LIST_PROPERTY, serverAddress);
-        CreateRoutineLoadStmt createRoutineLoadStmt = new CreateRoutineLoadStmt(labelName, tableNameString,
-                                                                                loadPropertyList, properties,
-                                                                                typeName, customProperties,
-                                                                                LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND);
-        createRoutineLoadStmt.setOrigStmt(new OriginStatement("dummy", 0));
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, jobName, "default_cluster", 1L, 1L,
-                serverAddress, topicName);
-        new MockUp<KafkaRoutineLoadJob>() {
-            @Mock
-            public KafkaRoutineLoadJob fromCreateStmt(CreateRoutineLoadStmt stmt) {
-                return kafkaRoutineLoadJob;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = paloAuth;
-                paloAuth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, PrivPredicate.LOAD);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        routineLoadManager.createRoutineLoadJob(createRoutineLoadStmt);
-        Map<String, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, idToRoutineLoadJob.size());
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = idToRoutineLoadJob.values().iterator().next();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1L, routineLoadJob.getDbId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(jobName, routineLoadJob.getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1L, routineLoadJob.getTableId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.NEED_SCHEDULE, routineLoadJob.getState());
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, routineLoadJob instanceof KafkaRoutineLoadJob);
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1L), dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.keySet().iterator().next());
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.get(1L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(jobName, nameToRoutineLoadJob.keySet().iterator().next());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, nameToRoutineLoadJob.values().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob, nameToRoutineLoadJob.values().iterator().next().get(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateJobAuthDeny(@Injectable PaloAuth paloAuth,
-                                      @Injectable TResourceInfo tResourceInfo,
-                                      @Mocked ConnectContext connectContext,
-                                      @Mocked Catalog catalog) {
-        String jobName = "job1";
-        String dbName = "db1";
-        LabelName labelName = new LabelName(dbName, jobName);
-        String tableNameString = "table1";
-        TableName tableName = new TableName(dbName, tableNameString);
-        List<ParseNode> loadPropertyList = new ArrayList<>();
-        ColumnSeparator columnSeparator = new ColumnSeparator(",");
-        loadPropertyList.add(columnSeparator);
-        Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        properties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.DESIRED_CONCURRENT_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "2");
-        String typeName = LoadDataSourceType.KAFKA.name();
-        Map<String, String> customProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        String topicName = "topic1";
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_TOPIC_PROPERTY, topicName);
-        String serverAddress = "";
-        customProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_BROKER_LIST_PROPERTY, serverAddress);
-        CreateRoutineLoadStmt createRoutineLoadStmt = new CreateRoutineLoadStmt(labelName, tableNameString,
-                                                                                loadPropertyList, properties,
-                                                                                typeName, customProperties,
-                                                                                LoadTask.MergeType.APPEND);
-        createRoutineLoadStmt.setOrigStmt(new OriginStatement("dummy", 0));
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = paloAuth;
-                paloAuth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, PrivPredicate.LOAD);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        try {
-            routineLoadManager.createRoutineLoadJob(createRoutineLoadStmt);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (LoadException | DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            LOG.info("Access deny");
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateWithSameName(@Mocked ConnectContext connectContext) {
-        String jobName = "job1";
-        String topicName = "topic1";
-        String serverAddress = "";
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, jobName, "default_cluster", 1L, 1L,
-                serverAddress, topicName);
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJobWithSameName = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, jobName, "default_cluster",
-                1L, 1L, serverAddress, topicName);
-        routineLoadJobList.add(kafkaRoutineLoadJobWithSameName);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put(jobName, routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        try {
-            routineLoadManager.addRoutineLoadJob(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "db");
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            LOG.info(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateWithSameNameOfStoppedJob(@Mocked ConnectContext connectContext,
-                                                   @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                                   @Mocked EditLog editLog) throws DdlException {
-        String jobName = "job1";
-        String topicName = "topic1";
-        String serverAddress = "";
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, jobName, "default_cluster", 1L, 1L,
-                serverAddress, topicName);
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJobWithSameName = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, jobName, "default_cluster",
-                1L, 1L, serverAddress, topicName);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(kafkaRoutineLoadJobWithSameName, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.STOPPED);
-        routineLoadJobList.add(kafkaRoutineLoadJobWithSameName);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put(jobName, routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Map<String, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), kafkaRoutineLoadJobWithSameName);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        routineLoadManager.addRoutineLoadJob(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "db");
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> result =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob");
-        Map<String, RoutineLoadJob> result1 = Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, result.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1L), result.keySet().iterator().next());
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> resultNameToRoutineLoadJob = result.get(1L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(jobName, resultNameToRoutineLoadJob.keySet().iterator().next());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, resultNameToRoutineLoadJob.values().iterator().next().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, result1.values().size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetMinTaskBeId(@Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob) throws LoadException {
-        List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        beIds.add(1L);
-        beIds.add(2L);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                systemInfoService.getClusterBackendIds(anyString, true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIds;
-                systemInfoService.getBackendIds(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIds;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-                return systemInfoService;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, routineLoadJob);
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Integer> beIdToConcurrentTaskMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        beIdToConcurrentTaskMap.put(1L, 1);
-        new Expectations(routineLoadJob) {
-            {
-                routineLoadJob.getBeCurrentTasksNumMap();
-                result = beIdToConcurrentTaskMap;
-                routineLoadJob.getState();
-                result = RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING;
-            }
-        };
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2L, routineLoadManager.getMinTaskBeId("default"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetMinTaskBeIdWhileClusterDeleted() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                systemInfoService.getClusterBackendIds(anyString, true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-                return systemInfoService;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        try {
-            routineLoadManager.getMinTaskBeId("default");
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (LoadException e) {
-            // do nothing
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetMinTaskBeIdWhileNoSlot(@Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob) {
-        List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        beIds.add(1L);
-        Map<Long, Integer> beIdToConcurrentTaskMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        beIdToConcurrentTaskMap.put(1L, 11);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                systemInfoService.getClusterBackendIds(anyString, true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIds;
-                systemInfoService.getBackendIds(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIds;
-                routineLoadJob.getBeCurrentTasksNumMap();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIdToConcurrentTaskMap;
-                routineLoadJob.getState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-                return systemInfoService;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Config.max_routine_load_task_num_per_be = 0;
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        routineLoadJobMap.put(1l, routineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", routineLoadJobMap);
-        try {
-            Assert.assertEquals(-1, routineLoadManager.getMinTaskBeId("default"));
-        } catch (LoadException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTotalIdleTaskNum(@Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob) {
-        List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        beIds.add(1L);
-        beIds.add(2L);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                systemInfoService.getBackendIds(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIds;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-                return systemInfoService;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, routineLoadJob);
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Integer> beIdToConcurrentTaskMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        beIdToConcurrentTaskMap.put(1L, 1);
-        new Expectations(routineLoadJob) {
-            {
-                routineLoadJob.getBeCurrentTasksNumMap();
-                result = beIdToConcurrentTaskMap;
-                routineLoadJob.getState();
-                result = RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING;
-            }
-        };
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Config.max_routine_load_task_num_per_be * 2 - 1,
-                routineLoadManager.getClusterIdleSlotNum());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateBeIdTaskMaps() {
-        List<Long> oldBeIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        oldBeIds.add(1L);
-        oldBeIds.add(2L);
-        List<Long> newBeIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        newBeIds.add(1L);
-        newBeIds.add(3L);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                systemInfoService.getBackendIds(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                returns(oldBeIds, newBeIds);
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-                return systemInfoService;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        routineLoadManager.updateBeIdToMaxConcurrentTasks();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetJobByName(@Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob1,
-                                 @Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob2,
-                                 @Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob3) {
-        String jobName = "ilovedoris";
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList1 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadJobList1.add(routineLoadJob1);
-        routineLoadJobList1.add(routineLoadJob2);
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadList1 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        nameToRoutineLoadList1.put(jobName, routineLoadJobList1);
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList2 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadJobList2.add(routineLoadJob3);
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadList2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        nameToRoutineLoadList2.put(jobName, routineLoadJobList2);
-        Map<String, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameRoutineLoadList = Maps.newHashMap();
-        dbToNameRoutineLoadList.put("db1", nameToRoutineLoadList1);
-        dbToNameRoutineLoadList.put("db2", nameToRoutineLoadList2);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                routineLoadJob1.isFinal();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                routineLoadJob2.isFinal();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameRoutineLoadList);
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> result = routineLoadManager.getJobByName(jobName);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob2, result.get(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob1, result.get(1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob3, result.get(2));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetJob(@Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob1,
-                           @Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob2,
-                           @Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob3) throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                routineLoadJob1.isFinal();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                routineLoadJob2.isFinal();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-                routineLoadJob3.isFinal();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, routineLoadJob1);
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(2L, routineLoadJob2);
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(3L, routineLoadJob3);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> result = routineLoadManager.getJob(null, null, true);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob2, result.get(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob1, result.get(1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob3, result.get(2));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetJobIncludeHistory(@Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob1,
-                                         @Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob2,
-                                         @Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob3,
-                                         @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                         @Mocked Database database) throws MetaNotFoundException {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                routineLoadJob1.isFinal();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                routineLoadJob2.isFinal();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-                routineLoadJob3.isFinal();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob1);
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob2);
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob3);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put("", routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> result = routineLoadManager.getJob("", "", true);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob2, result.get(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob1, result.get(1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadJob3, result.get(2));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPauseRoutineLoadJob(@Injectable PauseRoutineLoadStmt pauseRoutineLoadStmt,
-                                        @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                        @Mocked Database database,
-                                        @Mocked PaloAuth paloAuth,
-                                        @Mocked ConnectContext connectContext) throws UserException {
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put("", routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(routineLoadJob.getId(), routineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                pauseRoutineLoadStmt.getDbFullName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                pauseRoutineLoadStmt.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                catalog.getDb("");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = paloAuth;
-                paloAuth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        routineLoadManager.pauseRoutineLoadJob(pauseRoutineLoadStmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-        // 第一次自动恢复
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "pauseReason",
-                    new ErrorReason(InternalErrorCode.REPLICA_FEW_ERR, ""));
-            routineLoadManager.updateRoutineLoadJob();
-            Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.NEED_SCHEDULE, routineLoadJob.getState());
-            Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED);
-            boolean autoResumeLock = Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "autoResumeLock");
-            Assert.assertEquals(autoResumeLock, false);
-        }
-        // 第四次自动恢复 就会锁定
-        routineLoadManager.updateRoutineLoadJob();
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-        boolean autoResumeLock = Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "autoResumeLock");
-        Assert.assertEquals(autoResumeLock, true);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testResumeRoutineLoadJob(@Injectable ResumeRoutineLoadStmt resumeRoutineLoadStmt,
-                                         @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                         @Mocked Database database,
-                                         @Mocked PaloAuth paloAuth,
-                                         @Mocked ConnectContext connectContext) throws UserException {
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put("", routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                resumeRoutineLoadStmt.getDbFullName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                resumeRoutineLoadStmt.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                catalog.getDb("");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = paloAuth;
-                paloAuth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        routineLoadManager.resumeRoutineLoadJob(resumeRoutineLoadStmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.NEED_SCHEDULE, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStopRoutineLoadJob(@Injectable StopRoutineLoadStmt stopRoutineLoadStmt,
-                                       @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                       @Mocked Database database,
-                                       @Mocked PaloAuth paloAuth,
-                                       @Mocked ConnectContext connectContext) throws UserException {
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put("", routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                stopRoutineLoadStmt.getDbFullName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                stopRoutineLoadStmt.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                catalog.getDb("");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = paloAuth;
-                paloAuth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        routineLoadManager.stopRoutineLoadJob(stopRoutineLoadStmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.STOPPED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckBeToTask(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                  @Mocked SystemInfoService systemInfoService) throws LoadException {
-        List<Long> beIdsInCluster = Lists.newArrayList();
-        beIdsInCluster.add(1L);
-        Map<Long, Integer> beIdToMaxConcurrentTasks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        beIdToMaxConcurrentTasks.put(1L, 10);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                systemInfoService.getClusterBackendIds("default", true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIdsInCluster;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Config.max_routine_load_task_num_per_be = 10;
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "beIdToMaxConcurrentTasks", beIdToMaxConcurrentTasks);
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, routineLoadManager.checkBeToTask(1L, "default"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCleanOldRoutineLoadJobs(@Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob,
-                                            @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                            @Mocked EditLog editLog) {
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put("", routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, routineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                routineLoadJob.needRemove();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                routineLoadJob.getDbId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                routineLoadJob.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-            }
-        };
-        routineLoadManager.cleanOldRoutineLoadJobs();
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, idToRoutineLoadJob.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetBeIdConcurrentTaskMaps(@Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob) {
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, routineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Map<Long, Integer> beIdToConcurrenTaskNum = Maps.newHashMap();
-        beIdToConcurrenTaskNum.put(1L, 1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                routineLoadJob.getState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING;
-                routineLoadJob.getBeCurrentTasksNumMap();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIdToConcurrenTaskNum;
-            }
-        };
-        Map<Long, Integer> result = Deencapsulation.invoke(routineLoadManager, "getBeCurrentTasksNumMap");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, (int) result.get(1l));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReplayRemoveOldRoutineLoad(@Injectable RoutineLoadOperation operation,
-                                               @Injectable RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob) {
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, routineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put("", routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                routineLoadJob.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                routineLoadJob.getDbId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                operation.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-            }
-        };
-        routineLoadManager.replayRemoveOldRoutineLoad(operation);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, idToRoutineLoadJob.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReplayChangeRoutineLoadJob(@Injectable RoutineLoadOperation operation) {
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "name", "");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "dbId", 1L);
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, routineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put("", routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                operation.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                operation.getJobState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED;
-            }
-        };
-        routineLoadManager.replayChangeRoutineLoadJob(operation);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAlterRoutineLoadJob(@Injectable StopRoutineLoadStmt stopRoutineLoadStmt,
-            @Mocked Catalog catalog,
-            @Mocked Database database,
-            @Mocked PaloAuth paloAuth,
-            @Mocked ConnectContext connectContext) throws UserException {
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        Map<Long, Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>>> dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<String, List<RoutineLoadJob>> nameToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        RoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(routineLoadJob);
-        nameToRoutineLoadJob.put("", routineLoadJobList);
-        dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob.put(1L, nameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob", dbToNameToRoutineLoadJob);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                stopRoutineLoadStmt.getDbFullName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                stopRoutineLoadStmt.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                catalog.getDb("");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = paloAuth;
-                paloAuth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        routineLoadManager.stopRoutineLoadJob(stopRoutineLoadStmt);
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.STOPPED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadSchedulerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadSchedulerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7228a2e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadSchedulerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.routineload;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ThreadPoolManager;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.RoutineLoadDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.StreamLoadPlanner;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TResourceInfo;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class RoutineLoadSchedulerTest {
-    @Mocked
-    ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @Mocked
-    TResourceInfo tResourceInfo;
-    @Test
-    public void testNormalRunOneCycle(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                      @Injectable RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager,
-                                      @Injectable SystemInfoService systemInfoService,
-                                      @Injectable Database database,
-                                      @Injectable RoutineLoadDesc routineLoadDesc,
-                                      @Mocked StreamLoadPlanner planner,
-                                      @Injectable OlapTable olapTable)
-            throws LoadException, MetaNotFoundException {
-        String clusterName = "default";
-        List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-        beIds.add(1L);
-        beIds.add(2L);
-        List<Integer> partitions = Lists.newArrayList();
-        partitions.add(100);
-        partitions.add(200);
-        partitions.add(300);
-        RoutineLoadTaskScheduler routineLoadTaskScheduler = new RoutineLoadTaskScheduler(routineLoadManager);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(catalog, "routineLoadTaskScheduler", routineLoadTaskScheduler);
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "test", clusterName, 1L, 1L,
-                "xxx", "test");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(kafkaRoutineLoadJob,"state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.NEED_SCHEDULE);
-        List<RoutineLoadJob> routineLoadJobList = new ArrayList<>();
-        routineLoadJobList.add(kafkaRoutineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "customKafkaPartitions", partitions);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "desireTaskConcurrentNum", 3);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getRoutineLoadManager();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = routineLoadManager;
-                routineLoadManager.getRoutineLoadJobByState(Sets.newHashSet(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.NEED_SCHEDULE));
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = routineLoadJobList;
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(1L);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = olapTable;
-                systemInfoService.getClusterBackendIds(clusterName, true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beIds;
-                routineLoadManager.getSizeOfIdToRoutineLoadTask();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                routineLoadManager.getTotalMaxConcurrentTaskNum();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 10;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadScheduler routineLoadScheduler = new RoutineLoadScheduler();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadScheduler, "routineLoadManager", routineLoadManager);
-        routineLoadScheduler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList");
-        for (RoutineLoadTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo : routineLoadTaskInfoList) {
-            KafkaTaskInfo kafkaTaskInfo = (KafkaTaskInfo) routineLoadTaskInfo;
-            if (kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().size() == 2) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().contains(100));
-                Assert.assertTrue(kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().contains(300));
-            } else {
-                Assert.assertTrue(kafkaTaskInfo.getPartitions().contains(200));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public void functionTest(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                             @Mocked SystemInfoService systemInfoService,
-                             @Injectable Database database) throws DdlException, InterruptedException {
-        new Expectations(){
-            {
-                connectContext.toResourceCtx();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tResourceInfo;
-            }
-        };
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "test", "default_cluster", 1L, 1L,
-                "", "test");
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        routineLoadManager.addRoutineLoadJob(kafkaRoutineLoadJob, "db");
-        List<Long> backendIds = new ArrayList<>();
-        backendIds.add(1L);
-        new Expectations(){
-            {
-                catalog.getRoutineLoadManager();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = routineLoadManager;
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                systemInfoService.getBackendIds(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = backendIds;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadScheduler routineLoadScheduler = new RoutineLoadScheduler();
-        RoutineLoadTaskScheduler routineLoadTaskScheduler = new RoutineLoadTaskScheduler();
-        routineLoadTaskScheduler.setInterval(5000);
-        ExecutorService executorService = ThreadPoolManager.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(2, 2, "routine-load-task-scheduler", false);
-        executorService.submit(routineLoadScheduler);
-        executorService.submit(routineLoadTaskScheduler);
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob1 = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "test_custom_partition",
-                "default_cluster", 1L, 1L, "xxx", "test_1");
-        List<Integer> customKafkaPartitions = new ArrayList<>();
-        customKafkaPartitions.add(2);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(kafkaRoutineLoadJob1, "customKafkaPartitions", customKafkaPartitions);
-        routineLoadManager.addRoutineLoadJob(kafkaRoutineLoadJob1, "db");
-        Thread.sleep(10000);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadTaskSchedulerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadTaskSchedulerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 133dcb8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/routineload/RoutineLoadTaskSchedulerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.routineload;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LoadColumnsInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ClientPool;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LabelAlreadyUsedException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LoadException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MetaNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.RoutineLoadDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.task.AgentTaskExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.BackendService;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.BeginTransactionException;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.GlobalTransactionMgr;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Queues;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Queue;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class RoutineLoadTaskSchedulerTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private AgentTaskExecutor agentTaskExecutor;
-    @Test
-    public void testRunOneCycle(@Injectable KafkaRoutineLoadJob kafkaRoutineLoadJob1,
-                                @Injectable KafkaRoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob,
-                                @Injectable RoutineLoadDesc routineLoadDesc,
-                                @Injectable LoadColumnsInfo loadColumnsInfo,
-                                @Mocked GlobalTransactionMgr globalTransactionMgr,
-                                @Mocked BackendService.Client client,
-                                @Mocked ClientPool clientPool) throws LoadException,
-            MetaNotFoundException, AnalysisException, LabelAlreadyUsedException, BeginTransactionException {
-        long beId = 100L;
-        Map<Integer, Long> partitionIdToOffset = Maps.newHashMap();
-        partitionIdToOffset.put(1, 100L);
-        partitionIdToOffset.put(2, 200L);
-        KafkaProgress kafkaProgress = new KafkaProgress();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(kafkaProgress, "partitionIdToOffset", partitionIdToOffset);
-        Queue<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoQueue = Queues.newLinkedBlockingQueue();
-        KafkaTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo1 = new KafkaTaskInfo(new UUID(1, 1), 1l, "default_cluster", 20000,
-                partitionIdToOffset);
-        routineLoadTaskInfoQueue.add(routineLoadTaskInfo1);
-        Map<Long, RoutineLoadTaskInfo> idToRoutineLoadTask = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadTask.put(1L, routineLoadTaskInfo1);
-        Map<String, RoutineLoadJob> idToRoutineLoadJob = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        idToRoutineLoadJob.put("1", routineLoadJob);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadManager, "idToRoutineLoadJob", idToRoutineLoadJob);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                catalog.getRoutineLoadManager();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = routineLoadManager;
-                routineLoadManager.getClusterIdleSlotNum();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                routineLoadManager.checkTaskInJob((UUID) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                kafkaRoutineLoadJob1.getDbId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                kafkaRoutineLoadJob1.getTableId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                kafkaRoutineLoadJob1.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                routineLoadManager.getMinTaskBeId(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = beId;
-                routineLoadManager.getJob(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = kafkaRoutineLoadJob1;
-            }
-        };
-        RoutineLoadTaskScheduler routineLoadTaskScheduler = new RoutineLoadTaskScheduler();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadTaskScheduler, "needScheduleTasksQueue", routineLoadTaskInfoQueue);
-        routineLoadTaskScheduler.runAfterCatalogReady();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/metric/MetricsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/metric/MetricsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d75063f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/metric/MetricsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.metric;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class MetricsTest {
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        MetricRepo.init();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTcpMetrics() {
-        List<Metric> metrics = MetricRepo.getMetricsByName("snmp");
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, metrics.size());
-        for (Metric metric : metrics) {
-            GaugeMetric<Long> gm = (GaugeMetric<Long>) metric;
-            String metricName = gm.getLabels().get(0).getValue();
-            if (metricName.equals("tcp_retrans_segs")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(826271L), (Long) gm.getValue());
-            } else if (metricName.equals("tcp_in_errs")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(12712L), (Long) gm.getValue());
-            } else if (metricName.equals("tcp_in_segs")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1034019111L), (Long) gm.getValue());
-            } else if (metricName.equals("tcp_out_segs")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1166716939L), (Long) gm.getValue());
-            } else {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlAuthPacketTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlAuthPacketTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 02c7d5b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlAuthPacketTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-public class MysqlAuthPacketTest {
-    private ByteBuffer byteBuffer;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        // capability
-        serializer.writeInt4(MysqlCapability.DEFAULT_CAPABILITY.getFlags());
-        // max packet size
-        serializer.writeInt4(1024000);
-        // character set
-        serializer.writeInt1(33);
-        // reserved
-        serializer.writeBytes(new byte[23]);
-        // user name
-        serializer.writeNulTerminateString("palo-user");
-        // plugin data
-        serializer.writeInt1(20);
-        byte[] buf = new byte[20];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
-            buf[i] = (byte) ('a' + i);
-        }
-        serializer.writeBytes(buf);
-        // database
-        serializer.writeNulTerminateString("testDb");
-        byteBuffer = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRead() {
-        MysqlAuthPacket packet = new MysqlAuthPacket();
-        Assert.assertTrue(packet.readFrom(byteBuffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals("palo-user", packet.getUser());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testDb", packet.getDb());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlCapabilityTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlCapabilityTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aa4d04..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlCapabilityTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class MysqlCapabilityTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testToString() {
-        MysqlCapability capability = new MysqlCapability(1);
-        Assert.assertEquals("CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD", capability.toString());
-        capability = new MysqlCapability(0x3);
-        Assert.assertEquals("CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD | CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS", capability.toString());
-        capability = new MysqlCapability(0xfffffff);
-                capability.toString());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlChannelTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlChannelTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 417480e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlChannelTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
-public class MysqlChannelTest {
-    int packetId = 0;
-    int readIdx = 0;
-    @Mocked
-    private SocketChannel channel;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws IOException {
-        packetId = 0;
-        readIdx = 0;
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.getRemoteAddress();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new InetSocketAddress(1024);
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReceive() throws IOException {
-        // mock
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.read((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    int fakeRead(ByteBuffer buffer) {
-                        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-                        if (readIdx == 0) {
-                            readIdx++;
-                            serializer.writeInt3(10);
-                            serializer.writeInt1(packetId++);
-                            buffer.put(serializer.toArray());
-                            return 4;
-                        } else if (readIdx == 1) {
-                            readIdx++;
-                            byte[] buf = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
-                            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.remaining(); ++i) {
-                                buf[i] = (byte) ('a' + i);
-                            }
-                            buffer.put(buf);
-                            return 10;
-                        }
-                        return -1;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        MysqlChannel channel1 = new MysqlChannel(channel);
-        ByteBuffer buf = channel1.fetchOnePacket();
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, buf.remaining());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-            Assert.assertEquals('a' + i, buf.get());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLongPacket() throws IOException {
-        // mock
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.read((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    int fakeRead(ByteBuffer buffer) {
-                        int maxLen = 0xffffff - 1;
-                        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-                        if (readIdx == 0) {
-                            // packet
-                            readIdx++;
-                            serializer.writeInt3(maxLen);
-                            serializer.writeInt1(packetId++);
-                            buffer.put(serializer.toArray());
-                            return 4;
-                        } else if (readIdx == 1) {
-                            readIdx++;
-                            int readLen = buffer.remaining();
-                            byte[] buf = new byte[readLen];
-                            for (int i = 0; i < readLen; ++i) {
-                                buf[i] = (byte) ('a' + (i % 26));
-                            }
-                            buffer.put(buf);
-                            return readLen;
-                        } else if (readIdx == 2) {
-                            // packet
-                            readIdx++;
-                            serializer.writeInt3(10);
-                            serializer.writeInt1(packetId++);
-                            buffer.put(serializer.toArray());
-                            return 4;
-                        } else if (readIdx == 3) {
-                            readIdx++;
-                            int readLen = buffer.remaining();
-                            byte[] buf = new byte[readLen];
-                            for (int i = 0; i < readLen; ++i) {
-                                buf[i] = (byte) ('a' + (maxLen + i) % 26);
-                            }
-                            buffer.put(buf);
-                            return readLen;
-                        }
-                        return 0;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        MysqlChannel channel1 = new MysqlChannel(channel);
-        ByteBuffer buf = channel1.fetchOnePacket();
-        Assert.assertEquals(0xffffff - 1 + 10, buf.remaining());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 0xffffff - 1 + 10; ++i) {
-            Assert.assertEquals('a' + (i % 26), buf.get());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IOException.class)
-    public void testBadSeq() throws IOException {
-        // mock
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.read((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    int fakeRead(ByteBuffer buffer) {
-                        int maxLen = 0xffffff - 1;
-                        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-                        if (readIdx == 0) {
-                            // packet
-                            readIdx++;
-                            serializer.writeInt3(maxLen);
-                            serializer.writeInt1(packetId++);
-                            buffer.put(serializer.toArray());
-                            return 4;
-                        } else if (readIdx == 1) {
-                            readIdx++;
-                            int readLen = buffer.remaining();
-                            byte[] buf = new byte[readLen];
-                            for (int i = 0; i < readLen; ++i) {
-                                buf[i] = (byte) ('a' + (i % 26));
-                            }
-                            buffer.put(buf);
-                            return readLen;
-                        } else if (readIdx == 2) {
-                            // packet
-                            readIdx++;
-                            serializer.writeInt3(10);
-                            // NOTE: Bad packet seq
-                            serializer.writeInt1(0);
-                            buffer.put(serializer.toArray());
-                            return 4;
-                        } else if (readIdx == 3) {
-                            readIdx++;
-                            byte[] buf = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
-                            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.remaining(); ++i) {
-                                buf[i] = (byte) ('a' + (i % 26));
-                            }
-                            buffer.put(buf);
-                            return buffer.remaining();
-                        }
-                        return 0;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        MysqlChannel channel1 = new MysqlChannel(channel);
-        ByteBuffer buf = channel1.fetchOnePacket();
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IOException.class)
-    public void testException() throws IOException {
-        // mock
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.read((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new IOException();
-            }
-        };
-        MysqlChannel channel1 = new MysqlChannel(channel);
-        ByteBuffer buf = channel1.fetchOnePacket();
-        Assert.fail("No Exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSend() throws IOException {
-        // mock
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.write((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    int fakeWrite(ByteBuffer buffer) {
-                        int writeLen = 0;
-                        writeLen += buffer.remaining();
-                        buffer.position(buffer.limit());
-                        return writeLen;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        MysqlChannel channel1 = new MysqlChannel(channel);
-        ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(1000);
-        channel1.sendOnePacket(buf);
-        buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(0xffffff0);
-        channel1.sendOnePacket(buf);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IOException.class)
-    public void testSendException() throws IOException {
-        // mock
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.write((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new IOException();
-            }
-        };
-        MysqlChannel channel1 = new MysqlChannel(channel);
-        ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(1000);
-        channel1.sendOnePacket(buf);
-        buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(0xffffff0);
-        channel1.sendAndFlush(buf);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IOException.class)
-    public void testSendFail() throws IOException {
-        // mock
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.write((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    int fakeWrite(ByteBuffer buffer) {
-                        int writeLen = 0;
-                        writeLen += buffer.remaining();
-                        buffer.position(buffer.limit());
-                        return writeLen - 1;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        MysqlChannel channel1 = new MysqlChannel(channel);
-        ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(1000);
-        channel1.sendAndFlush(buf);
-        Assert.fail("No Exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlColDefTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlColDefTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e2129f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlColDefTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class MysqlColDefTest {
-    // TODO(dhc): comment to pass ut coverage
-    @Test
-    public void testCreate() {
-        //        Expr expr = EasyMock.createMock(Expr.class);
-        //        EasyMock.expect(expr.getType()).andReturn(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT)).anyTimes();
-        //        EasyMock.replay(expr);
-        //
-        //        MysqlColDef def = MysqlColDef.fromExpr(expr, "col1");
-        //        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        //        def.writeTo(serializer);
-        //        ByteBuffer buf = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("def", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("col1", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("col1", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(0x0c, MysqlProto.readVInt(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(33, MysqlProto.readInt2(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(255, MysqlProto.readInt4(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(8, MysqlProto.readInt1(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt2(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt1(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt2(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertTrue(buf.remaining() == 0);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateFromName() {
-        //        Expr expr = EasyMock.createMock(Expr.class);
-        //        EasyMock.expect(expr.getType()).andReturn(ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT)).anyTimes();
-        //        EasyMock.replay(expr);
-        //
-        //        MysqlColDef def = MysqlColDef.fromName("col1");
-        //        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        //        def.writeTo(serializer);
-        //        ByteBuffer buf = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("def", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("col1", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals("col1", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buf)));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(0x0c, MysqlProto.readVInt(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(33, MysqlProto.readInt2(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(255, MysqlProto.readInt4(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(254, MysqlProto.readInt1(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt2(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt1(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt2(buf));
-        //        Assert.assertTrue(buf.remaining() == 0);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlColTypeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlColTypeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d76ccad..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlColTypeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class MysqlColTypeTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testGetCode() {
-        MysqlColType type;
-        // decimal
-        type = MysqlColType.MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL;
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, type.getCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DECIMAL", type.toString());
-        // tiny
-        type = MysqlColType.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY;
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, type.getCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals("TINY INT", type.toString());
-        // SHORT
-        type = MysqlColType.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT;
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, type.getCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals("SMALL INT", type.toString());
-        // LONG
-        type = MysqlColType.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, type.getCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals("INT", type.toString());
-        // FLOAT
-        type = MysqlColType.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT;
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, type.getCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals("FLOAT", type.toString());
-        // DOUBLE
-        type = MysqlColType.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, type.getCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals("DOUBLE", type.toString());
-        // NULL
-        type = MysqlColType.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL;
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, type.getCode());
-        Assert.assertEquals("NULL", type.toString());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlCommandTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlCommandTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 97fad0c..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlCommandTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class MysqlCommandTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testFromCode() {
-        MysqlCommand command;
-        command = MysqlCommand.fromCode(3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(command, MysqlCommand.COM_QUERY);
-        command = MysqlCommand.fromCode(32);
-        Assert.assertNull(command);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testToString() {
-        MysqlCommand command = MysqlCommand.fromCode(1);
-        Assert.assertEquals("Quit", command.toString());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlEofPacketTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlEofPacketTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f4faed..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlEofPacketTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-public class MysqlEofPacketTest {
-    MysqlCapability capability;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        capability = new MysqlCapability(MysqlCapability.Flag.CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41.getFlagBit());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWrite() {
-        MysqlEofPacket packet = new MysqlEofPacket(new QueryState());
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance(capability);
-        packet.writeTo(serializer);
-        ByteBuffer buffer = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        // assert indicator(int1): 0
-        Assert.assertEquals(0xfe, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // assert warnings(int2): 0
-        Assert.assertEquals(0x00, MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer));
-        // assert status flags(int2): 0
-        Assert.assertEquals(0x00, MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, buffer.remaining());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlErrPacketTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlErrPacketTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 640fde8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlErrPacketTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-public class MysqlErrPacketTest {
-    private MysqlCapability capability;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        capability = new MysqlCapability(MysqlCapability.Flag.CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41.getFlagBit());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWrite() {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance(capability);
-        QueryState state = new QueryState();
-        state.setError("error");
-        MysqlErrPacket packet = new MysqlErrPacket(state);
-        packet.writeTo(serializer);
-        ByteBuffer buffer = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        // assert indicator
-        Assert.assertEquals(0xff, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // error code
-        Assert.assertEquals(1064, MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer));
-        // sql state marker
-        Assert.assertEquals('#', MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // sql state
-        Assert.assertEquals("HY000", new String(MysqlProto.readFixedString(buffer, 5)));
-        // sql state
-        Assert.assertEquals("error", new String(MysqlProto.readEofString(buffer)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, buffer.remaining());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWriteNullMsg() {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance(capability);
-        QueryState state = new QueryState();
-        MysqlErrPacket packet = new MysqlErrPacket(state);
-        packet.writeTo(serializer);
-        ByteBuffer buffer = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        // assert indicator
-        Assert.assertEquals(0xff, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // error code
-        Assert.assertEquals(1064, MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer));
-        // sql state marker
-        Assert.assertEquals('#', MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // sql state
-        Assert.assertEquals("HY000", new String(MysqlProto.readFixedString(buffer, 5)));
-        // sql state
-        // NOTE: we put one space if MysqlErrPacket's errorMessage is null or empty
-        Assert.assertEquals("Unknown error", new String(MysqlProto.readEofString(buffer)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, buffer.remaining());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlHandshakePacketTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlHandshakePacketTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 86ea229..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlHandshakePacketTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import com.google.common.primitives.Bytes;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-public class MysqlHandshakePacketTest {
-    private byte[] buf;
-    private MysqlCapability capability;
-    @Mocked
-    MysqlPassword mysqlPassword;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        buf = new byte[20];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
-            buf[i] = (byte) ('a' + i);
-        }
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                MysqlPassword.createRandomString(20);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = buf;
-            }
-        };
-        capability = new MysqlCapability(0);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWrite() {
-        MysqlHandshakePacket packet = new MysqlHandshakePacket(1090);
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance(capability);
-        packet.writeTo(serializer);
-        ByteBuffer buffer = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        // assert protocol version
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // server version
-        Assert.assertEquals("5.1.0", new String(MysqlProto.readNulTerminateString(buffer)));
-        // connection id
-        Assert.assertEquals(1090, MysqlProto.readInt4(buffer));
-        // plugin data 1
-        byte[] pluginData1 = MysqlProto.readFixedString(buffer, 8);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        int flags = 0;
-        flags = MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer);
-        // char set
-        Assert.assertEquals(33, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // status flags
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer));
-        // capability flags
-        flags |= MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer) << 16;
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCapability.DEFAULT_CAPABILITY.getFlags(), flags);
-        // length of plugin data
-        Assert.assertEquals(21, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // length of plugin data
-        byte[] toCheck = new byte[10];
-        byte[] reserved = MysqlProto.readFixedString(buffer, 10);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(toCheck[i], reserved[i]);
-        }
-        byte[] pluginData2 = MysqlProto.readFixedString(buffer, 12);
-        byte[] pluginData = Bytes.concat(pluginData1, pluginData2);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(buf[i], pluginData[i]);
-        }
-        // one byte
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals(22, buffer.remaining());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlOkPacketTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlOkPacketTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 58d455a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlOkPacketTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-public class MysqlOkPacketTest {
-    private MysqlCapability capability;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        capability = new MysqlCapability(MysqlCapability.Flag.CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41.getFlagBit());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWrite() {
-        MysqlOkPacket packet = new MysqlOkPacket(new QueryState());
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance(capability);
-        packet.writeTo(serializer);
-        ByteBuffer buffer = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        // assert OK packet indicator 0x00
-        Assert.assertEquals(0x00, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        // assert affect rows vint: 0
-        Assert.assertEquals(0x00, MysqlProto.readVInt(buffer));
-        // assert last insert id, vint: 0
-        Assert.assertEquals(0x00, MysqlProto.readVInt(buffer));
-        // assert status flags, int2: 0
-        Assert.assertEquals(0x00, MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer));
-        // assert warnings, int2: 0
-        Assert.assertEquals(0x00, MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer));
-        // assert info, eof string: "OK"
-        // Assert.assertEquals("OK", new String(MysqlProto.readEofString(buffer)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, buffer.remaining());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlPasswordTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlPasswordTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 40303e7..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlPasswordTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-public class MysqlPasswordTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testMakePassword() {
-        Assert.assertEquals("*6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4",
-                new String(MysqlPassword.makeScrambledPassword("mypass")));
-        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlPassword.makeScrambledPassword("")));
-        // null
-        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlPassword.makeScrambledPassword(null)));
-        Assert.assertEquals("*9A6EC51164108A8D3DA3BE3F35A56F6499B6FC32",
-                new String(MysqlPassword.makeScrambledPassword("aBc@321")));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new String(new byte[0]),
-                new String(MysqlPassword.getSaltFromPassword(new byte[0])));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckPass() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
-        // client
-        byte[] publicSeed = MysqlPassword.createRandomString(20);
-        byte[] codePass = MysqlPassword.scramble(publicSeed, "mypass");
-        Assert.assertTrue(MysqlPassword.checkScramble(codePass,
-                publicSeed,
-                MysqlPassword.getSaltFromPassword("*6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4".getBytes("UTF-8"))));
-        Assert.assertFalse(MysqlPassword.checkScramble(codePass,
-                publicSeed,
-                MysqlPassword.getSaltFromPassword("*9A6EC51164108A8D3DA3BE3F35A56F6499B6FC32".getBytes("UTF-8"))));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckPassword() throws AnalysisException {
-        Assert.assertEquals("*9A6EC51164108A8D3DA3BE3F35A56F6499B6FC32",
-                new String(MysqlPassword.checkPassword("*9A6EC51164108A8D3DA3BE3F35A56F6499B6FC32")));
-        Assert.assertEquals("", new String(MysqlPassword.checkPassword(null)));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testCheckPasswdFail() throws AnalysisException {
-        MysqlPassword.checkPassword("*9A6EC1164108A8D3DA3BE3F35A56F6499B6FC32");
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testCheckPasswdFail2() throws AnalysisException {
-        Assert.assertNotNull(MysqlPassword.checkPassword("*9A6EC51164108A8D3DA3BE3F35A56F6499B6FC32"));
-        MysqlPassword.checkPassword("*9A6EC51164108A8D3DA3BE3F35A56F6499B6FC3H");
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlProtoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlProtoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ebd1f96..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlProtoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.util.List;
-public class MysqlProtoTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(MysqlProtoTest.class);
-    @Mocked
-    private MysqlChannel channel;
-    @Mocked
-    private MysqlPassword password;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws DdlException {
-        // mock auth
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkPassword(anyString, anyString, (byte[]) any, (byte[]) any, (List<UserIdentity>) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    boolean fakeCheckPassword(String remoteUser, String remoteHost, byte[] remotePasswd, byte[] randomString,
-                                              List<UserIdentity> currentUser) {
-                        UserIdentity userIdentity = new UserIdentity("defaut_cluster:user", "");
-                        currentUser.add(userIdentity);
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                };
-                catalog.getDb(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Database();
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-                catalog.changeDb((ConnectContext) any, anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    private void mockChannel(String user, boolean sendOk) throws Exception {
-        // mock channel
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.sendAndFlush((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    void sendAndFlush(ByteBuffer packet) throws IOException {
-                        if (!sendOk) {
-                            throw new IOException();
-                        }
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        // mock auth packet
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        // capability
-        serializer.writeInt4(MysqlCapability.DEFAULT_CAPABILITY.getFlags());
-        // max packet size
-        serializer.writeInt4(1024000);
-        // character set
-        serializer.writeInt1(33);
-        // reserved
-        serializer.writeBytes(new byte[23]);
-        // user name
-        serializer.writeNulTerminateString(user);
-        // plugin data
-        serializer.writeInt1(20);
-        byte[] buf = new byte[20];
-        for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
-            buf[i] = (byte) ('a' + i);
-        }
-        serializer.writeBytes(buf);
-        // database
-        serializer.writeNulTerminateString("database");
-        ByteBuffer buffer = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.fetchOnePacket();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = buffer;
-                channel.getRemoteIp();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    private void mockPassword(boolean res) {
-        // mock password
-        new Expectations(password) {
-            {
-                MysqlPassword.checkScramble((byte[]) any, (byte[]) any, (byte[]) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = res;
-                MysqlPassword.createRandomString(20);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new byte[20];
-                MysqlPassword.getSaltFromPassword((byte[]) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new byte[20];
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    private void mockAccess() throws Exception {
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNegotiate() throws Exception {
-        mockChannel("user", true);
-        mockPassword(true);
-        mockAccess();
-        ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(null);
-        context.setCatalog(catalog);
-        context.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        Assert.assertTrue(MysqlProto.negotiate(context));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNegotiateSendFail() throws Exception {
-        mockChannel("user", false);
-        mockPassword(true);
-        mockAccess();
-        ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(null);
-        MysqlProto.negotiate(context);
-        Assert.assertFalse(MysqlProto.negotiate(context));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNegotiateInvalidPasswd() throws Exception {
-        mockChannel("user", true);
-        mockPassword(false);
-        mockAccess();
-        ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(MysqlProto.negotiate(context));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNegotiateNoUser() throws Exception {
-        mockChannel("", true);
-        mockPassword(true);
-        mockAccess();
-        ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(null);
-        Assert.assertFalse(MysqlProto.negotiate(context));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRead() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        serializer.writeInt1(200);
-        serializer.writeInt2(65535);
-        serializer.writeInt3(65537);
-        serializer.writeInt4(123456789);
-        serializer.writeInt6(1234567896);
-        serializer.writeInt8(1234567898);
-        serializer.writeVInt(1111123452);
-        // string
-        serializer.writeBytes("hello".getBytes("utf-8"));
-        serializer.writeLenEncodedString("world");
-        serializer.writeNulTerminateString("i have dream");
-        serializer.writeEofString("you have dream too");
-        ByteBuffer buffer = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        Assert.assertEquals(200, MysqlProto.readInt1(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals(65535, MysqlProto.readInt2(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals(65537, MysqlProto.readInt3(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals(123456789, MysqlProto.readInt4(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1234567896, MysqlProto.readInt6(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1234567898, MysqlProto.readInt8(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1111123452, MysqlProto.readVInt(buffer));
-        Assert.assertEquals("hello", new String(MysqlProto.readFixedString(buffer, 5)));
-        Assert.assertEquals("world", new String(MysqlProto.readLenEncodedString(buffer)));
-        Assert.assertEquals("i have dream", new String(MysqlProto.readNulTerminateString(buffer)));
-        Assert.assertEquals("you have dream too", new String(MysqlProto.readEofString(buffer)));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlServerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlServerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 950230f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/MysqlServerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectScheduler;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
-import java.net.ServerSocket;
-import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
-public class MysqlServerTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MysqlServerTest.class);
-    private int submitNum;
-    private int submitFailNum;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectScheduler scheduler;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectScheduler badScheduler;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        submitNum = 0;
-        submitFailNum = 0;
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                scheduler.submit((ConnectContext) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public Boolean answer() throws Throwable {
-                        LOG.info("answer.");
-                        synchronized (MysqlServerTest.this) {
-                            submitNum++;
-                        }
-                        return Boolean.TRUE;
-                    }
-                };
-                badScheduler.submit((ConnectContext) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public Boolean answer() throws Throwable {
-                        LOG.info("answer.");
-                        synchronized (MysqlServerTest.this) {
-                            submitFailNum++;
-                        }
-                        return Boolean.FALSE;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
-        ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
-        int port = socket.getLocalPort();
-        socket.close();
-        MysqlServer server = new MysqlServer(port, scheduler);
-        Assert.assertTrue(server.start());
-        // submit
-        SocketChannel channel = SocketChannel.open();
-        channel.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", port));
-        // sleep to wait mock process
-        Thread.sleep(2000);
-        channel.close();
-        // submit twice
-        channel = SocketChannel.open();
-        channel.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", port));
-        // sleep to wait mock process
-        Thread.sleep(2000);
-        channel.close();
-        // stop and join
-        server.stop();
-        server.join();
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, submitNum);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInvalidParam() throws IOException {
-        ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
-        int port = socket.getLocalPort();
-        socket.close();
-        MysqlServer server = new MysqlServer(port, null);
-        Assert.assertFalse(server.start());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBindFail() throws IOException {
-        ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
-        int port = socket.getLocalPort();
-        socket.close();
-        MysqlServer server = new MysqlServer(port, scheduler);
-        Assert.assertTrue(server.start());
-        MysqlServer server1 = new MysqlServer(port, scheduler);
-        Assert.assertFalse(server1.start());
-        server.stop();
-        server.join();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubFail() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
-        ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
-        int port = socket.getLocalPort();
-        socket.close();
-        MysqlServer server = new MysqlServer(port, badScheduler);
-        Assert.assertTrue(server.start());
-        // submit
-        SocketChannel channel = SocketChannel.open();
-        channel.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", port));
-        // sleep to wait mock process
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        channel.close();
-        // submit twice
-        channel = SocketChannel.open();
-        channel.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", port));
-        // sleep to wait mock process
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        channel.close();
-        // stop and join
-        server.stop();
-        server.join();
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, submitFailNum);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/WrappedAuth.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/WrappedAuth.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e956bd7..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/WrappedAuth.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import java.util.List;
-public class WrappedAuth extends PaloAuth {
-    @Override
-    public boolean checkPassword(String remoteUser, String remoteHost, byte[] remotePasswd, byte[] randomString,
-            List<UserIdentity> currentUser) {
-        return true;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/WrapperSocketChannel.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/WrapperSocketChannel.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e72befa..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/WrapperSocketChannel.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.Socket;
-import java.net.SocketAddress;
-import java.net.SocketOption;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
-import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider;
-import java.util.Set;
-// used for unittest for network
-public class WrapperSocketChannel extends SocketChannel {
-    public WrapperSocketChannel() {
-        this(null);
-    }
-    protected WrapperSocketChannel(SelectorProvider provider) {
-        super(provider);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SocketChannel bind(SocketAddress local) throws IOException {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SocketAddress getLocalAddress() throws IOException {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <T> SocketChannel setOption(SocketOption<T> name, T value) throws IOException {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <T> T getOption(SocketOption<T> name) throws IOException {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Set<SocketOption<?>> supportedOptions() {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SocketChannel shutdownInput() throws IOException {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SocketChannel shutdownOutput() throws IOException {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Socket socket() {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isConnected() {
-        return false;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isConnectionPending() {
-        return false;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean connect(SocketAddress remote) throws IOException {
-        return false;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean finishConnect() throws IOException {
-        return false;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SocketAddress getRemoteAddress() throws IOException {
-        return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected void implCloseSelectableChannel() throws IOException {
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected void implConfigureBlocking(boolean block) throws IOException {
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/AuthTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/AuthTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 60be10a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/AuthTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1320 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateRoleStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateUserStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropRoleStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropUserStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.GrantStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ResourcePattern;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RevokeStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TablePattern;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AccessPrivilege;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DomainResolver;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.PrivInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class AuthTest {
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    public Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    private MockDomainResolver resolver;
-    // Thread is not mockable in Jmockit, so use a subclass instead.
-    private static final class MockDomainResolver extends DomainResolver {
-        public MockDomainResolver(PaloAuth auth) {
-            super(auth);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public boolean resolveWithBNS(String domainName, Set<String> resolvedIPs) {
-            switch (domainName) {
-                case "palo.domain1":
-                    resolvedIPs.add("");
-                    resolvedIPs.add("");
-                    resolvedIPs.add("");
-                    break;
-                case "palo.domain2":
-                    resolvedIPs.add("");
-                    resolvedIPs.add("");
-                    resolvedIPs.add("");
-                    break;
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
-        auth = new PaloAuth();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                editLog.logCreateUser((PrivInfo) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ctx;
-                ctx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "root";
-                ctx.getRemoteIP();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                ctx.getState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new QueryState();
-                ctx.getCurrentUserIdentity();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp("root", "%");
-            }
-        };
-        resolver = new MockDomainResolver(auth);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test() throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
-        // 1. create cmy@%
-        UserIdentity userIdentity = new UserIdentity("cmy", "%");
-        UserDesc userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        CreateUserStmt createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 2. check if cmy from specified ip can access to palo
-        List<UserIdentity> currentUser = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":cmy", "", "12345",
-                currentUser));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":cmy", "",
-                "123456", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword("other:cmy", "", "12345", null));
-        Assert.assertTrue(currentUser.get(0).equals(userIdentity));
-        // 3. create another user: zhangsan@"192.%"
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "192.%");
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 4. check if zhangsan from specified ip can access to palo
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "",
-                "12345", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "",
-                "12345", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword("zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        // 4.1 check if we can create same user
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "192.%");
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        boolean hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 4.2 check if we can create same user name with different host
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "");
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "",
-                "12345", null));
-        // 5. create a user with domain [palo.domain]
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "palo.domain1", true);
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 5.1 resolve domain [palo.domain1]
-        resolver.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        // 6. check if user from resolved ip can access to palo
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "",
-                "12345", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "",
-                "123456", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "",
-                "12345", null));
-        // 7. add duplicated user@['palo.domain1']
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "palo.domain1", true);
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 8. add another user@['palo.domain2']
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("lisi", "palo.domain2", true);
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "123456", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 8.1 resolve domain [palo.domain2]
-        resolver.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "",
-                "123456", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "",
-                "123456", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "",
-                "123455", null));
-        /*
-         * Now we have 4 users:
-         * cmy@'%'
-         * zhangsan@"192.%"
-         * zhangsan@['palo.domain1']
-         * lisi@['palo.domain2']
-         */
-        // 9. grant for cmy@'%'
-        TablePattern tablePattern = new TablePattern("*", "*");
-        List<AccessPrivilege> privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.CREATE_PRIV, AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        GrantStmt grantStmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("cmy", "%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        List<UserIdentity> currentUser2 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":cmy", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        // check auth before grant
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db1",
-                                            PrivPredicate.CREATE));
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 9.1 check auth
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db1",
-                                           PrivPredicate.CREATE));
-        UserIdentity zhangsan1 = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan",
-                "");
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkDbPriv(zhangsan1, SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db1",
-                                            PrivPredicate.CREATE));
-        // 10. grant auth for non exist user
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("*", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.CREATE_PRIV, AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("nouser", "%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 11. grant auth for user with non exist host
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("*", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV, AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 12. grant db auth to exist user
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("db1", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV, AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "192.%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db1",
-                                           PrivPredicate.SELECT));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkGlobalPriv(currentUser2.get(0), PrivPredicate.SELECT));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkTblPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db1",
-                "tbl1", PrivPredicate.SELECT));
-        // 13. grant tbl auth to exist user
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("db2", "tbl2");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.ALTER_PRIV, AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "192.%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db2",
-                                           PrivPredicate.SELECT));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkGlobalPriv(currentUser2.get(0), PrivPredicate.SELECT));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkTblPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db2", "tbl2",
-                                            PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        // 14. grant db auth to zhangsan@['palo.domain1']
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("db3", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.ALTER_PRIV, AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "palo.domain1", true), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db3",
-                                            PrivPredicate.ALTER));
-        // 15. grant new auth to exist priv entry (exist ALTER/DROP, add SELECT)
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("db3", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "palo.domain1", true), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db3",
-                                            PrivPredicate.SELECT));
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db3",
-                                           PrivPredicate.ALTER));
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db3",
-                                           PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        /*
-         * for now, we have following auth:
-         * cmy@'%'
-         *      *.* -> CREATE/DROP
-         * zhangsan@"192.%"
-         *      db1.* -> SELECT/DROP
-         *      db2.tbl2 -> ALTER/DROP
-         * zhangsan@['palo.domain1']
-         *      db3.* -> ALTER/DROP/SELECT
-         * lisi@['palo.domain2']
-         *      N/A
-         */
-        // 16. revoke privs from non exist user
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("*", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV);
-        RevokeStmt revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(new UserIdentity("nouser", "%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 17. revoke privs from non exist host
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("*", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(new UserIdentity("cmy", "172.%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 18. revoke privs from non exist db
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("nodb", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(new UserIdentity("cmy", "%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 19. revoke privs from user @ ip
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("*", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.CREATE_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(new UserIdentity("cmy", "%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":cmy", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db",
-                                           PrivPredicate.CREATE));
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db",
-                                            PrivPredicate.CREATE));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db",
-                                            PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        // 19. revoke tbl privs from user @ ip
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("db2", "tbl2");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.ALTER_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "192.%"), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkTblPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db2",
-                "tbl2", PrivPredicate.ALTER));
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkTblPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db2",
-                "tbl2", PrivPredicate.ALTER));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db1",
-                                           PrivPredicate.SELECT));
-        // 20. revoke privs from non exist user @ domain
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("db2", "tbl2");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.ALTER_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "nodomain", true), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 21. revoke privs from non exist db from user @ domain
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("nodb", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.ALTER_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "palo.domain1", true), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 22. revoke privs from exist user @ domain
-        tablePattern = new TablePattern("db3", "*");
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "palo.domain1", true), null, tablePattern, privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db3",
-                                           PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db3",
-                                            PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        /*
-         * for now, we have following auth:
-         * cmy@'%'
-         *      *.* -> DROP
-         * zhangsan@"192.%"
-         *      db1.* -> SELECT/DROP
-         *      db2.tbl2 -> DROP
-         * zhangsan@['palo.domain1']
-         *      db3.* -> ALTER/SELECT
-         * lisi@['palo.domain2']
-         *      N/A
-         */
-        // 23. create admin role, which is not allowed
-        CreateRoleStmt roleStmt = new CreateRoleStmt(PaloRole.ADMIN_ROLE);
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            roleStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 23. create operator role, which is not allowed
-        roleStmt = new CreateRoleStmt(PaloRole.OPERATOR_ROLE);
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            roleStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 24. create role
-        roleStmt = new CreateRoleStmt("role1");
-        try {
-            roleStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.createRole(roleStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 25. grant auth to non exist role, will create this new role
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV, AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(null, "role2", new TablePattern("*", "*"), privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 26. grant auth to role
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV, AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(null, "role1", new TablePattern("*", "*"), privileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 27. create user and set it as role1
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("wangwu", "%");
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, "role1");
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":wangwu", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db4",
-                                           PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        // 28. create user@domain and set it as role1
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("chenliu", "palo.domain2", true);
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, "role1");
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":chenliu", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, currentUser2.size());
-        resolver.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":chenliu", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db4",
-                                           PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        // 29. revoke auth on non exist db from role1
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(null, "role1", new TablePattern("nodb", "*"), privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 30. revoke auth from role1
-        privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.DROP_PRIV);
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(null, "role1", new TablePattern("*", "*"), privileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":chenliu", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db4",
-                                           PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        // 31. drop role, privs remain unchanged
-        DropRoleStmt dropRoleStmt = new DropRoleStmt("role1");
-        try {
-            dropRoleStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.dropRole(dropRoleStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        currentUser2.clear();
-        auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":chenliu", "", "12345", currentUser2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, currentUser2.size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkDbPriv(currentUser2.get(0), SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":db4",
-                                            PrivPredicate.DROP));
-        // 32. drop user cmy@"%"
-        DropUserStmt dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(new UserIdentity("cmy", "%"));
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":cmy", "", "12345", null));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "",
-                                                  "12345", null));
-        // 33. drop user zhangsan@"192.%"
-        dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "192.%"));
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        try {
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        // 34. create user zhangsan@'' to overwrite one of zhangsan@['palo.domain1']
-        userIdentity = new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "");
-        userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "abcde", true);
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        try {
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "abcde", null));
-        // 35. drop user zhangsan@['palo.domain1']
-        dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "palo.domain1", true));
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        try {
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        resolver.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "12345", null));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "abcde", null));
-        // 36. drop user lisi@['palo.domain1']
-        dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(new UserIdentity("lisi", "palo.domain2", true));
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "", "123456", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "", "123456", null));
-        try {
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "", "123456", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "", "123456", null));
-        resolver.runAfterCatalogReady();
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "", "123456", null));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":lisi", "", "123456", null));
-        // 37. drop zhangsan@'' and zhangsan@''
-        dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "", false));
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(new UserIdentity("zhangsan", "", false));
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        try {
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (DdlException e) {
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkPlainPassword(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":zhangsan", "", "abcde", null));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testResource() {
-        UserIdentity userIdentity = new UserIdentity("testUser", "%");
-        String role = "role0";
-        String resourceName = "spark0";
-        ResourcePattern resourcePattern = new ResourcePattern(resourceName);
-        String anyResource = "*";
-        ResourcePattern anyResourcePattern = new ResourcePattern(anyResource);
-        List<AccessPrivilege> usagePrivileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.USAGE_PRIV);
-        UserDesc userDesc = new UserDesc(userIdentity, "12345", true);
-        // TODO(wyb): spark-load
-        Config.enable_spark_load = true;
-        // ------ grant|revoke resource to|from user ------
-        // 1. create user with no role
-        CreateUserStmt createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 2. grant usage_priv on resource 'spark0' to 'testUser'@'%'
-        GrantStmt grantStmt = new GrantStmt(userIdentity, null, resourcePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkResourcePriv(userIdentity, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkGlobalPriv(userIdentity, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        // 3. revoke usage_priv on resource 'spark0' from 'testUser'@'%'
-        RevokeStmt revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(userIdentity, null, resourcePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkResourcePriv(userIdentity, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkGlobalPriv(userIdentity, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        // 4. drop user
-        DropUserStmt dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(userIdentity);
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // ------ grant|revoke resource to|from role ------
-        // 1. create role
-        CreateRoleStmt roleStmt = new CreateRoleStmt(role);
-        try {
-            roleStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.createRole(roleStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // grant usage_priv on resource 'spark0' to role 'role0'
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(null, role, resourcePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 2. create user with role
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, role);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkResourcePriv(userIdentity, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkGlobalPriv(userIdentity, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        // 3. revoke usage_priv on resource 'spark0' from role 'role0'
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(null, role, resourcePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // also revoke from user with this role
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkResourcePriv(userIdentity, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkGlobalPriv(userIdentity, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        // 4. drop user and role
-        dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(userIdentity);
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        DropRoleStmt dropRoleStmt = new DropRoleStmt(role);
-        try {
-            dropRoleStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.dropRole(dropRoleStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // ------ grant|revoke any resource to|from user ------
-        // 1. create user with no role
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 2. grant usage_priv on resource '*' to 'testUser'@'%'
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(userIdentity, null, anyResourcePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkResourcePriv(userIdentity, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkGlobalPriv(userIdentity, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        // 3. revoke usage_priv on resource '*' from 'testUser'@'%'
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(userIdentity, null, anyResourcePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkResourcePriv(userIdentity, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkGlobalPriv(userIdentity, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        // 4. drop user
-        dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(userIdentity);
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // ------ grant|revoke any resource to|from role ------
-        // 1. create role
-        roleStmt = new CreateRoleStmt(role);
-        try {
-            roleStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.createRole(roleStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // grant usage_priv on resource '*' to role 'role0'
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(null, role, anyResourcePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e1) {
-            e1.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 2. create user with role
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, role);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkResourcePriv(userIdentity, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        Assert.assertTrue(auth.checkGlobalPriv(userIdentity, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        // 3. revoke usage_priv on resource '*' from role 'role0'
-        revokeStmt = new RevokeStmt(null, role, anyResourcePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        try {
-            revokeStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.revoke(revokeStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // also revoke from user with this role
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkResourcePriv(userIdentity, resourceName, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        Assert.assertFalse(auth.checkGlobalPriv(userIdentity, PrivPredicate.USAGE));
-        // 4. drop user and role
-        dropUserStmt = new DropUserStmt(userIdentity);
-        try {
-            dropUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.dropUser(dropUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        dropRoleStmt = new DropRoleStmt(role);
-        try {
-            dropRoleStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.dropRole(dropRoleStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // ------ error case ------
-        boolean hasException = false;
-        createUserStmt = new CreateUserStmt(false, userDesc, null);
-        try {
-            createUserStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.createUser(createUserStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // 1. grant db table priv to resource
-        List<AccessPrivilege> privileges = Lists.newArrayList(AccessPrivilege.SELECT_PRIV);
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(userIdentity, null, resourcePattern, privileges);
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-        // 2. grant resource priv to db table
-        TablePattern tablePattern = new TablePattern("db1", "*");
-        grantStmt = new GrantStmt(userIdentity, null, tablePattern, usagePrivileges);
-        hasException = false;
-        try {
-            grantStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-            auth.grant(grantStmt);
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            hasException = true;
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hasException);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/MockedAuth.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/MockedAuth.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e85735e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/MockedAuth.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState;
-public class MockedAuth {
-    public static void mockedAuth(PaloAuth auth) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                // auth.checkHasPriv((ConnectContext) any,, priv, levels)
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    public static void mockedConnectContext(ConnectContext ctx, String user, String ip) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ctx;
-                ctx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = user;
-                ctx.getRemoteIP();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ip;
-                ctx.getState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new QueryState();
-                ctx.getCurrentUserIdentity();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                UserIdentity userIdentity = new UserIdentity(user, ip);
-                userIdentity.setIsAnalyzed();
-                result = userIdentity;
-            }
-        };
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/SetPasswordTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/SetPasswordTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 73877aa..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/SetPasswordTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateUserStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetPassVar;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlPassword;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.PrivInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SetPasswordTest {
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    public Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, AnalysisException {
-        auth = new PaloAuth();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                analyzer.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                editLog.logCreateUser((PrivInfo) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                MysqlPassword.checkPassword(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new byte[10];
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test() throws DdlException {
-        UserIdentity userIdentity = new UserIdentity("default_cluster:cmy", "%");
-        userIdentity.setIsAnalyzed();
-        CreateUserStmt stmt = new CreateUserStmt(new UserDesc(userIdentity));
-        auth.createUser(stmt);
-        ConnectContext ctx = new ConnectContext(null);
-        // set password for 'cmy'@'%'
-        UserIdentity currentUser1 = new UserIdentity("default_cluster:cmy", "%");
-        currentUser1.setIsAnalyzed();
-        ctx.setCurrentUserIdentity(currentUser1);
-        ctx.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        UserIdentity user1 = new UserIdentity("default_cluster:cmy", "%");
-        user1.setIsAnalyzed();
-        SetPassVar setPassVar = new SetPassVar(user1, null);
-        try {
-            setPassVar.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // set password without for
-        SetPassVar setPassVar2 = new SetPassVar(null, null);
-        try {
-            setPassVar2.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // create user cmy2@''
-        UserIdentity userIdentity2 = new UserIdentity("default_cluster:cmy2", "");
-        userIdentity2.setIsAnalyzed();
-        stmt = new CreateUserStmt(new UserDesc(userIdentity2));
-        auth.createUser(stmt);
-        UserIdentity currentUser2 = new UserIdentity("default_cluster:cmy2", "");
-        currentUser2.setIsAnalyzed();
-        ctx.setCurrentUserIdentity(currentUser2);
-        ctx.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // set password without for
-        SetPassVar setPassVar3 = new SetPassVar(null, null);
-        try {
-            setPassVar3.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        // set password for cmy2@''
-        UserIdentity user2 = new UserIdentity("default_cluster:cmy2", "");
-        user2.setIsAnalyzed();
-        SetPassVar setPassVar4 = new SetPassVar(user2, null);
-        try {
-            setPassVar4.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/UserIdentityTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/UserIdentityTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a1db1d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/mysql/privilege/UserIdentityTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class UserIdentityTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        UserIdentity userIdent = new UserIdentity(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":cmy", "192.%");
-        userIdent.setIsAnalyzed();
-        String str = "'" + SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ":cmy" + "'@'192.%'";
-        Assert.assertEquals(str, userIdent.toString());
-        UserIdentity userIdent2 = UserIdentity.fromString(str);
-        Assert.assertEquals(userIdent2.toString(), userIdent.toString());
-        String str2 = "'default_cluster:walletdc_write'@['cluster-leida.orp.all']";
-        userIdent = UserIdentity.fromString(str2);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(userIdent);
-        Assert.assertTrue(userIdent.isDomain());
-        userIdent.setIsAnalyzed();
-        Assert.assertEquals(str2, userIdent.toString());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/AlterRoutineLoadOperationLogTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/AlterRoutineLoadOperationLogTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cba3fb..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/AlterRoutineLoadOperationLogTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateRoutineLoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class AlterRoutineLoadOperationLogTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./AlterRoutineLoadOperationLogTest";
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeAlterViewInfo() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        long jobId = 1000;
-        Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        jobProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.DESIRED_CONCURRENT_NUMBER_PROPERTY, "5");
-        String typeName = "kafka";
-        Map<String, String> dataSourceProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_PARTITIONS_PROPERTY, "0, 1");
-        dataSourceProperties.put(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.KAFKA_OFFSETS_PROPERTY, "10000, 20000");
-        dataSourceProperties.put("property.group.id", "mygroup");
-        RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties routineLoadDataSourceProperties = new RoutineLoadDataSourceProperties(typeName,
-                dataSourceProperties);
-        routineLoadDataSourceProperties.analyze();
-        AlterRoutineLoadJobOperationLog log = new AlterRoutineLoadJobOperationLog(jobId,
-                jobProperties, routineLoadDataSourceProperties);
-        log.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        AlterRoutineLoadJobOperationLog log2 = AlterRoutineLoadJobOperationLog.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, log2.getJobProperties().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("5", log2.getJobProperties().get(CreateRoutineLoadStmt.DESIRED_CONCURRENT_NUMBER_PROPERTY));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, log2.getDataSourceProperties().getCustomKafkaProperties().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("mygroup", log2.getDataSourceProperties().getCustomKafkaProperties().get("group.id"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadDataSourceProperties.getKafkaPartitionOffsets().get(0),
-                log2.getDataSourceProperties().getKafkaPartitionOffsets().get(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(routineLoadDataSourceProperties.getKafkaPartitionOffsets().get(1),
-                log2.getDataSourceProperties().getKafkaPartitionOffsets().get(1));
-        in.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/AlterViewInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/AlterViewInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 65e32f1..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/AlterViewInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class AlterViewInfoTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./AlterViewInfoTest";
-    private final long dbId = 10000L;
-    private final long tableId = 30000L;
-    private final String inlineViewDef = "Select a1, a2 From test_tbl Order By a1";
-    private final long sqlMode = 0L;
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeAlterViewInfo() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Column column1 = new Column("col1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Column column2 = new Column("col2", PrimitiveType.DOUBLE);
-        AlterViewInfo alterViewInfo = new AlterViewInfo(dbId, tableId, inlineViewDef, Lists.newArrayList(column1, column2), sqlMode);
-        alterViewInfo.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        AlterViewInfo readAlterViewInfo = AlterViewInfo.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(alterViewInfo, readAlterViewInfo);
-        in.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/BatchModifyPartitionsInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/BatchModifyPartitionsInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 45efb08..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/BatchModifyPartitionsInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DataProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-public class BatchModifyPartitionsInfoTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./BatchModifyPartitionsInfoTest";
-    private final long DB_ID = 10000L;
-    private final long TB_ID = 30000L;
-    private final long PARTITION_ID_1 = 40000L;
-    private final long PARTITION_ID_2 = 40001L;
-    private final long PARTITION_ID_3 = 40002L;
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeBatchModifyPartitionsInfo() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        List<ModifyPartitionInfo> ModifyInfos = Lists.newArrayList();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        List<Long> partitionIds = Lists.newArrayList(PARTITION_ID_1, PARTITION_ID_2, PARTITION_ID_3);
-        for (long partitionId : partitionIds) {
-            ModifyInfos.add(new ModifyPartitionInfo(DB_ID, TB_ID, partitionId,
-                    DataProperty.DEFAULT_DATA_PROPERTY, (short) 3, true));
-        }
-        BatchModifyPartitionsInfo batchModifyPartitionsInfo = new BatchModifyPartitionsInfo(ModifyInfos);
-        batchModifyPartitionsInfo.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        BatchModifyPartitionsInfo readBatchModifyPartitionsInfo = BatchModifyPartitionsInfo.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(batchModifyPartitionsInfo, readBatchModifyPartitionsInfo);
-        in.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/CreateTableInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/CreateTableInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ebda67a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/CreateTableInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RandomDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-public class CreateTableInfoTest {
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./createTableInfo");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        Column column2 = new Column("column2",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT), false, AggregateType.MIN, "", "");
-        columns.add(column2);
-        columns.add(new Column("column3",
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT), false, AggregateType.SUM, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column4", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column5", 
-                        ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column6",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.FLOAT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column7",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column8", ScalarType.createChar(10), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column9", ScalarType.createVarchar(10), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column10", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATE), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column11", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATETIME), true, null, "", ""));
-        MaterializedIndex index = new MaterializedIndex(1, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        RandomDistributionInfo distributionInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(10);
-        Partition partition = new Partition(20000L, "table", index, distributionInfo);
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(1000L, "table", columns, KeysType.AGG_KEYS, 
-                                        new SinglePartitionInfo(), distributionInfo);
-        short shortKeyColumnCount = 1;
-        table.setIndexMeta(1000, "group1", columns, 1,1,shortKeyColumnCount,TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        List<Column> column = Lists.newArrayList();
-        column.add(column2);
-        table.setIndexMeta(new Long(1), "test", column, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount,
-                TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(table, "baseIndexId", 1000);
-        table.addPartition(partition);
-        CreateTableInfo info = new CreateTableInfo("db1", table);
-        info.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        CreateTableInfo rInfo1 = CreateTableInfo.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.getTable().equals(table));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.equals(info));
-        Assert.assertEquals(rInfo1.getDbName(), "db1");
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropDbInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropDbInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3395b3b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropDbInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class DropDbInfoTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_89);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./dropDbInfo");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        DropDbInfo info1 = new DropDbInfo();
-        info1.write(dos);
-        DropDbInfo info2 = new DropDbInfo("test_db", true);
-        info2.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        DropDbInfo rInfo1 = DropDbInfo.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.equals(info1));
-        DropDbInfo rInfo2 = DropDbInfo.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo2.equals(info2));
-        Assert.assertEquals("test_db", rInfo2.getDbName());
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo2.isForceDrop());
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo2.equals(rInfo2));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rInfo2.equals(this));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info2.equals(new DropDbInfo("test_db1", true)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info2.equals(new DropDbInfo("test_db", false)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(info2.equals(new DropDbInfo("test_db", true)));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 181a4b4..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class DropInfoTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_89);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./dropInfo");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        DropInfo info1 = new DropInfo();
-        info1.write(dos);
-        DropInfo info2 = new DropInfo(1, 2, -1, true);
-        info2.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        DropInfo rInfo1 = DropInfo.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.equals(info1));
-        DropInfo rInfo2 = DropInfo.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo2.equals(info2));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, rInfo2.getDbId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, rInfo2.getTableId());
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo2.isForceDrop());
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo2.equals(rInfo2));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rInfo2.equals(this));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info2.equals(new DropInfo(0, 2, -1L, true)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info2.equals(new DropInfo(1, 0, -1L, true)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info2.equals(new DropInfo(1, 2, -1L, false)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(info2.equals(new DropInfo(1, 2, -1L, true)));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropPartitionInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropPartitionInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bda6de..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/DropPartitionInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class DropPartitionInfoTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_89);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./dropPartitionInfo");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        DropPartitionInfo info1 = new DropPartitionInfo(1L, 2L, "test_partition", false, true);
-        info1.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        DropPartitionInfo rInfo1 = DropPartitionInfo.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1L), rInfo1.getDbId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(2L), rInfo1.getTableId());
-        Assert.assertEquals("test_partition", rInfo1.getPartitionName());
-        Assert.assertFalse(rInfo1.isTempPartition());
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.isForceDrop());
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.equals(info1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(rInfo1.equals(this));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info1.equals(new DropPartitionInfo(-1L, 2L, "test_partition", false, true)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info1.equals(new DropPartitionInfo(1L, -2L, "test_partition", false, true)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info1.equals(new DropPartitionInfo(1L, 2L, "test_partition1", false, true)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info1.equals(new DropPartitionInfo(1L, 2L, "test_partition", true, true)));
-        Assert.assertFalse(info1.equals(new DropPartitionInfo(1L, 2L, "test_partition", false, false)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(info1.equals(new DropPartitionInfo(1L, 2L, "test_partition", false, true)));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/EditLogTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/EditLogTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 042dcc6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/EditLogTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class EditLogTest {
-    private String meta = "editLogTestDir/";
-    public void mkdir() {
-        File dir = new File(meta);
-        if (!dir.exists()) {
-            dir.mkdir();
-        } else {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public void addFiles(int image, int edit) {
-        File imageFile = new File(meta + "image." + image);
-        try {
-            imageFile.createNewFile();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        for (int i = 1; i <= edit; i++) {
-            File editFile = new File(meta + "edits." + i);
-            try {
-                editFile.createNewFile();
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-        File current = new File(meta + "edits");
-        try {
-            current.createNewFile();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        File version = new File(meta + "VERSION");
-        try {
-            version.createNewFile();
-            String line1 = "#Mon Feb 02 13:59:54 CST 2015\n";
-            String line2 = "clusterId=966271669";
-            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(version);
-            fw.write(line1);
-            fw.write(line2);
-            fw.flush();
-            fw.close();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    public void deleteDir() {
-        File dir = new File(meta);
-        if (dir.exists()) {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-            dir.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWriteLog() throws IOException {
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/FsBrokerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/FsBrokerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 79605665..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/FsBrokerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FsBroker;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.apache.doris.system.BrokerHbResponse;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class FsBrokerTest {
-    private static String fileName1 = "./FsBrokerTest1";
-    private static String fileName2 = "./FsBrokerTest2";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setup() {
-        MetaContext context = new MetaContext();
-        context.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_73);
-        context.setThreadLocalInfo();
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tear() {
-        new File(fileName1).delete();
-        new File(fileName2).delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testHeartbeatOk() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName1);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        FsBroker fsBroker = new FsBroker("", 8118);
-        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        BrokerHbResponse hbResponse = new BrokerHbResponse("broker", "", 8118, time);
-        fsBroker.handleHbResponse(hbResponse);
-        fsBroker.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        FsBroker readBroker = FsBroker.readIn(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals(fsBroker.ip, readBroker.ip);
-        Assert.assertEquals(fsBroker.port, readBroker.port);
-        Assert.assertEquals(fsBroker.isAlive, readBroker.isAlive);
-        Assert.assertTrue(fsBroker.isAlive);
-        Assert.assertEquals(time, readBroker.lastStartTime);
-        Assert.assertEquals(-1, readBroker.lastUpdateTime);
-        dis.close();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testHeartbeatFailed() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName2);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        FsBroker fsBroker = new FsBroker("", 8118);
-        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        BrokerHbResponse hbResponse = new BrokerHbResponse("broker", "", 8118, "got exception");
-        fsBroker.handleHbResponse(hbResponse);
-        fsBroker.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        FsBroker readBroker = FsBroker.readIn(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals(fsBroker.ip, readBroker.ip);
-        Assert.assertEquals(fsBroker.port, readBroker.port);
-        Assert.assertEquals(fsBroker.isAlive, readBroker.isAlive);
-        Assert.assertFalse(fsBroker.isAlive);
-        Assert.assertEquals(-1, readBroker.lastStartTime);
-        Assert.assertEquals(-1, readBroker.lastUpdateTime);
-        dis.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/GlobalVarPersistInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/GlobalVarPersistInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1051780..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/GlobalVarPersistInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.SessionVariable;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.VariableMgr;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-public class GlobalVarPersistInfoTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./GlobalVarPersistInfoTest";
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeAlterViewInfo() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        SessionVariable sessionVariable = VariableMgr.newSessionVariable();
-        List<String> varNames = Lists.newArrayList();
-        varNames.add("exec_mem_limit");
-        varNames.add("default_rowset_type");
-        GlobalVarPersistInfo info = new GlobalVarPersistInfo(sessionVariable, varNames);
-        info.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        GlobalVarPersistInfo newInfo = GlobalVarPersistInfo.read(in);
-        System.out.println(newInfo.getPersistJsonString());
-        in.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/LoadJobV2PersistTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/LoadJobV2PersistTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd0434..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/LoadJobV2PersistTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BrokerDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlJobType;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.BrokerLoadJob;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.OriginStatement;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.Map;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class LoadJobV2PersistTest {
-    private BrokerLoadJob createJob() throws Exception {
-        String loadStmt = "";
-        BrokerDesc brokerDesc = new BrokerDesc("bos", Maps.newHashMap());
-        OriginStatement originStatement = new OriginStatement(loadStmt, 0);
-        BrokerLoadJob brokerLoadJob = new BrokerLoadJob(1L, "label", brokerDesc, originStatement,
-                UserIdentity.ADMIN);
-        Map<String, String> jobProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
-        jobProperties.put(LoadStmt.LOAD_PARALLELISM, "5");
-        brokerLoadJob.setJobProperties(jobProperties);
-        return brokerLoadJob;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBrokerLoadJob(@Mocked Catalog catalog,
-                                  @Injectable Database database,
-                                  @Injectable Table table) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = database;
-                database.getTable(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-                table.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "tablename";
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalogJournalVersion();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = FeMetaVersion.VERSION_CURRENT;
-            }
-        };
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./testBrokerLoadJob");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        BrokerLoadJob job = createJob();
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, job.getLoadParallelism());
-        job.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        BrokerLoadJob rJob = (BrokerLoadJob)  BrokerLoadJob.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, rJob.getLoadParallelism());
-        Assert.assertEquals(EtlJobType.BROKER, rJob.getJobType());
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ModifyDynamicPartitionInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ModifyDynamicPartitionInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index be32d0a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ModifyDynamicPartitionInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DynamicPartitionProperty;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-public class ModifyDynamicPartitionInfoTest {
-    private String fileName = "./ModifyTablePropertyOperationLogTest";
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        HashMap<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.ENABLE, "true");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.TIME_UNIT, "day");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.START, "-3");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.END, "3");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.PREFIX, "p");
-        properties.put(DynamicPartitionProperty.BUCKETS, "30");
-        ModifyTablePropertyOperationLog modifyDynamicPartitionInfo = new ModifyTablePropertyOperationLog(100L, 200L, properties);
-        modifyDynamicPartitionInfo.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        ModifyTablePropertyOperationLog readModifyDynamicPartitionInfo = ModifyTablePropertyOperationLog.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(readModifyDynamicPartitionInfo.getDbId(), 100L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(readModifyDynamicPartitionInfo.getTableId(), 200L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(readModifyDynamicPartitionInfo.getProperties(), properties);
-        in.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/RefreshExternalTableInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/RefreshExternalTableInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb56e0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/RefreshExternalTableInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-public class RefreshExternalTableInfoTest {
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./RefreshExteranlTableInfo");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
-        Column column2 = new Column("column2",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.TINYINT), false, AggregateType.MIN, "", "");
-        columns.add(column2);
-        columns.add(new Column("column3",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.SMALLINT), false, AggregateType.SUM, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column4",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column5",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.BIGINT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column6",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.FLOAT), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column7",
-                ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE), false, AggregateType.REPLACE, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column8", ScalarType.createChar(10), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column9", ScalarType.createVarchar(10), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column10", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATE), true, null, "", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("column11", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.DATETIME), true, null, "", ""));
-        RefreshExternalTableInfo info = new RefreshExternalTableInfo("db1", "table1", columns);
-        info.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        RefreshExternalTableInfo rInfo1 = RefreshExternalTableInfo.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.getDbName().equals(info.getDbName()));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.getTableName().equals(info.getTableName()));
-        Assert.assertTrue(rInfo1.getNewSchema().equals(info.getNewSchema()));
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ReplaceTableOperationLogTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ReplaceTableOperationLogTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 48bb81f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ReplaceTableOperationLogTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class ReplaceTableOperationLogTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./ReplaceTableOperationLogTest");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        ReplaceTableOperationLog log = new ReplaceTableOperationLog(1,2,3,true);
-        log.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        ReplaceTableOperationLog readLog = ReplaceTableOperationLog.read(dis);
-        Assert.assertTrue(readLog.getDbId() == log.getDbId());
-        Assert.assertTrue(readLog.getNewTblId() == log.getNewTblId());
-        Assert.assertTrue(readLog.getOrigTblId() == log.getOrigTblId());
-        Assert.assertTrue(readLog.isSwapTable() == log.isSwapTable());
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ReplicaPersistInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ReplicaPersistInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 85ce8fa..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/ReplicaPersistInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-public class ReplicaPersistInfoTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File("./replicaInfo");
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        ReplicaPersistInfo info2 = ReplicaPersistInfo.createForLoad(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 8, 9);
-        info2.write(dos);
-        dos.flush();
-        dos.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        ReplicaPersistInfo rInfo2 = ReplicaPersistInfo.read(dis);
-        // 3. delete files
-        dis.close();
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGet() throws Exception {
-        ReplicaPersistInfo info = ReplicaPersistInfo.createForLoad(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 8);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, info.getTableId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, info.getPartitionId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, info.getIndexId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, info.getTabletId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, info.getReplicaId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(5, info.getVersion());
-        Assert.assertEquals(6, info.getVersionHash());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, info.getDataSize());
-        Assert.assertEquals(8, info.getRowCount());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/StorageInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/StorageInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2574e42..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/StorageInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class StorageInfoTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        StorageInfo info = new StorageInfo();
-        Assert.assertEquals(-1, info.getClusterID());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, info.getImageSeq());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, info.getEditsSeq());
-        info = new StorageInfo(10, 20, 30);
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, info.getClusterID());
-        Assert.assertEquals(20, info.getImageSeq());
-        Assert.assertEquals(30, info.getEditsSeq());
-        info.setClusterID(100);
-        info.setImageSeq(200);
-        info.setEditsSeq(300);
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, info.getClusterID());
-        Assert.assertEquals(200, info.getImageSeq());
-        Assert.assertEquals(300, info.getEditsSeq());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/StorageTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/StorageTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2237a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/StorageTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class StorageTest {
-    private String meta = "storageTestDir/";
-    public void mkdir() {
-        File dir = new File(meta);
-        if (!dir.exists()) {
-            dir.mkdir();
-        } else {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public void addFiles(int image, int edit) {
-        File imageFile = new File(meta + "image." + image);
-        try {
-            imageFile.createNewFile();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        for (int i = 1; i <= edit; i++) {
-            File editFile = new File(meta + "edits." + i);
-            try {
-                editFile.createNewFile();
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-        File current = new File(meta + "edits");
-        try {
-            current.createNewFile();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        File version = new File(meta + "VERSION");
-        try {
-            version.createNewFile();
-            String line1 = "#Mon Feb 02 13:59:54 CST 2015\n";
-            String line2 = "clusterId=966271669";
-            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(version);
-            fw.write(line1);
-            fw.write(line2);
-            fw.flush();
-            fw.close();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    public void deleteDir() {
-        File dir = new File(meta);
-        if (dir.exists()) {
-            File[] files = dir.listFiles();
-            for (File file : files) {
-                if (file.isFile()) {
-                    file.delete();
-                }
-            }
-            dir.delete();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testConstruct() {
-        Storage storage1 = new Storage(1, "token", "test");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, storage1.getClusterID());
-        Assert.assertEquals("test", storage1.getMetaDir());
-        Storage storage2 = new Storage(1, "token", 2, 3, "test");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, storage2.getClusterID());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, storage2.getImageSeq());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, storage2.getEditsSeq());
-        Assert.assertEquals("test", storage2.getMetaDir());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStorage() throws Exception {
-        mkdir();
-        addFiles(0, 10);
-        Storage storage = new Storage("storageTestDir");
-        Assert.assertEquals(966271669, storage.getClusterID());
-        storage.setClusterID(1234);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1234, storage.getClusterID());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, storage.getImageSeq());
-        Assert.assertEquals(10, Storage.getMetaSeq(new File("storageTestDir/edits.10")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(Storage.getCurrentEditsFile(new File("storageTestDir"))
-                .equals(new File("storageTestDir/edits")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(storage.getCurrentImageFile().equals(new File("storageTestDir/image.0")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(storage.getImageFile(0).equals(new File("storageTestDir/image.0")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(Storage.getImageFile(new File("storageTestDir"), 0)
-                .equals(new File("storageTestDir/image.0")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(storage.getCurrentEditsFile().equals(new File("storageTestDir/edits")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(storage.getEditsFile(5).equals(new File("storageTestDir/edits.5")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(Storage.getEditsFile(new File("storageTestDir"), 3)
-                .equals(new File("storageTestDir/edits.3")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(storage.getVersionFile().equals(new File("storageTestDir/VERSION")));
-        storage.setImageSeq(100);
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, storage.getImageSeq());
-        storage.setEditsSeq(100);
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, storage.getEditsSeq());
-        Assert.assertEquals("storageTestDir", storage.getMetaDir());
-        storage.setMetaDir("abcd");
-        Assert.assertEquals("abcd", storage.getMetaDir());
-        storage.setMetaDir("storageTestDir");
-        storage.clear();
-        File file = new File(storage.getMetaDir());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, file.list().length);
-        deleteDir();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/GsonDerivedClassSerializationTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/GsonDerivedClassSerializationTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3a938..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/GsonDerivedClassSerializationTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist.gson;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.Text;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.Writable;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.gson.GsonUtils.HiddenAnnotationExclusionStrategy;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.gson.GsonUtils.PostProcessTypeAdapterFactory;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.gson.Gson;
-import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
-import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInput;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.Map;
- * This unit test shows how to serialize and deserialize inherited class.
- * 
- * ParentClass is the parent class of 2 derived classes:
- *      ChildClassA
- *      ChildClassB
- *      
- * User need to create a RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory for ParentClass and
- * register 2 derived classes to the factory. And then register the factory
- * to the GsonBuilder to create GSON instance.
- * 
- * 
- * 
- */
-public class GsonDerivedClassSerializationTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./GsonDerivedClassSerializationTest";
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    public static class ParentClass implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "flag")
-        public int flag = 0;
-        public ParentClass(int flag, String clazz) {
-            this.flag = flag;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            String json = TEST_GSON.toJson(this);
-            System.out.println("write: " + json);
-            Text.writeString(out, json);
-        }
-        public static ParentClass read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            String json = Text.readString(in);
-            System.out.println("read: " + json);
-            return TEST_GSON.fromJson(json, ParentClass.class);
-        }
-    }
-    public static class ChildClassA extends ParentClass implements GsonPostProcessable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "tag")
-        public String tagA;
-        public String postTagA;
-        public ChildClassA(int flag, String tag) {
-            // pass "ChildClassA.class.getSimpleName()" to field "clazz"
-            super(flag, ChildClassA.class.getSimpleName());
-            this.tagA = tag;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void gsonPostProcess() {
-            this.postTagA = "after post";
-        }
-    }
-    public static class ChildClassB extends ParentClass {
-        @SerializedName(value = "mapB")
-        public Map<Long, String> mapB = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
-        public ChildClassB(int flag) {
-            // pass "ChildClassB.class.getSimpleName()" to field "clazz"
-            super(flag, ChildClassB.class.getSimpleName());
-            this.mapB.put(1L, "B1");
-            this.mapB.put(2L, "B2");
-        }
-    }
-    public static class WrapperClass implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "tag")
-        public ParentClass clz;
-        public WrapperClass() {
-            clz = new ChildClassA(1, "child1");
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            String json = TEST_GSON.toJson(this);
-            System.out.println("write: " + json);
-            Text.writeString(out, json);
-        }
-        public static WrapperClass read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            String json = Text.readString(in);
-            System.out.println("read: " + json);
-            return TEST_GSON.fromJson(json, WrapperClass.class);
-        }
-    }
-    private static RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory<ParentClass> runtimeTypeAdapterFactory = RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory
-            // the "clazz" is a custom defined name
-            .of(ParentClass.class, "clazz")
-            // register 2 derived classes, the second parameter will be the value of "clazz"
-            .registerSubtype(ChildClassA.class, ChildClassA.class.getSimpleName())
-            .registerSubtype(ChildClassB.class, ChildClassB.class.getSimpleName());
-    private static Gson TEST_GSON = new GsonBuilder()
-            .addSerializationExclusionStrategy(new HiddenAnnotationExclusionStrategy())
-            .enableComplexMapKeySerialization()
-            // register the RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory
-            .registerTypeAdapterFactory(runtimeTypeAdapterFactory)
-            .registerTypeAdapterFactory(new PostProcessTypeAdapterFactory())
-            .create();
-    @Test
-    public void testDerivedClassA() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        ChildClassA childClassA = new ChildClassA(1, "A");
-        childClassA.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        ParentClass parentClass = ParentClass.read(in);
-        Assert.assertTrue(parentClass instanceof ChildClassA);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ChildClassA) parentClass).flag);
-        Assert.assertEquals("A", ((ChildClassA) parentClass).tagA);
-        Assert.assertEquals("after post", ((ChildClassA) parentClass).postTagA);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDerivedClassB() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        ChildClassB childClassB = new ChildClassB(2);
-        childClassB.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        ParentClass parentClass = ParentClass.read(in);
-        Assert.assertTrue(parentClass instanceof ChildClassB);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, ((ChildClassB) parentClass).flag);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, ((ChildClassB) parentClass).mapB.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("B1", ((ChildClassB) parentClass).mapB.get(1L));
-        Assert.assertEquals("B2", ((ChildClassB) parentClass).mapB.get(2L));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWrapperClass() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        WrapperClass wrapperClass = new WrapperClass();
-        wrapperClass.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        WrapperClass readWrapperClass = WrapperClass.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ChildClassA) readWrapperClass.clz).flag);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/GsonSerializationTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/GsonSerializationTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c89709f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/GsonSerializationTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist.gson;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.Text;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.Writable;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.gson.GsonSerializationTest.Key.MyEnum;
-import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
-import com.google.common.collect.HashBasedTable;
-import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import com.google.common.collect.Table;
-import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInput;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Objects;
-import java.util.Set;
- * This unit test provides examples about how to make a class serializable.
- * 
- *    "OrigClassA" is a class includes user-defined class "InnerClassA".
- *    And "InnerClassA" includes some collections which contain another user-defined class "InnerClassB".
- *    
- *    And there are 2 other classes "OriginClassADifferentMembers" and "OriginClassADifferentMemberName".
- *    "OriginClassADifferentMembers" shows how to add/remove members of a serializable class.
- *    "OriginClassADifferentMemberName" shows how to modify members' name of a serializable class.
- *    
- *    Every fields which need to be serialized should be with annotation @SerializedName.
- *    @SerializedName has 2 attributes:
- *      1. value(required): the name of this field in Json string.
- *      2. alternate(optional): if we want to use new name for a field and its value in annotation, use alternate.
- *    
- */
-public class GsonSerializationTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./GsonSerializationTest";
-    public static class OrigClassA implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "classA1")
-        public InnerClassA classA1;
-        public InnerClassA ignoreClassA2;
-        @SerializedName(value = "flag")
-        public int flag = 0;
-        public OrigClassA(int flag) {
-            this.flag = flag;
-            classA1 = new InnerClassA(1);
-            ignoreClassA2 = new InnerClassA(2);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            String json = GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(this);
-            System.out.println(json);
-            Text.writeString(out, json);
-        }
-        public static OrigClassA read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            String json = Text.readString(in);
-            System.out.println(json);
-            return GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(json, OrigClassA.class);
-        }
-    }
-    public static class InnerClassA implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "list1")
-        public List<String> list1 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        @SerializedName(value = "map1")
-        public Map<Long, String> map1 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        @SerializedName(value = "map2")
-        public Map<Integer, InnerClassB> map2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        @SerializedName(value = "set1")
-        public Set<String> set1 = Sets.newHashSet();
-        @SerializedName(value = "flag")
-        public int flag = 0;
-        public InnerClassA(int flag) {
-            list1.add("string1");
-            list1.add("string2");
-            map1.put(1L, "value1");
-            map1.put(2L, "value2");
-            map2.put(1, new InnerClassB(1));
-            map2.put(2, new InnerClassB(2));
-            set1.add("set1");
-            set1.add("set2");
-            this.flag = flag;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            Text.writeString(out, GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(this));
-        }
-        public static InnerClassA read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            return GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(Text.readString(in), InnerClassA.class);
-        }
-    }
-    public static class InnerClassB implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "flag")
-        public int flag = 0;
-        @SerializedName(value = "hashMultimap")
-        public Multimap<Long, String> hashMultimap = HashMultimap.create();
-        @SerializedName(value = "hashBasedTable")
-        public Table<Long, String, Long> hashBasedTable = HashBasedTable.create();
-        @SerializedName(value = "arrayListMultimap")
-        public Multimap<Long, String> arrayListMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
-        public int ignoreField = 0;
-        public InnerClassB(int flag) {
-            this.flag = flag;
-            this.hashMultimap.put(1L, "string1");
-            this.hashMultimap.put(1L, "string2");
-            this.hashMultimap.put(2L, "string3");
-            this.hashBasedTable.put(1L, "col1", 1L);
-            this.hashBasedTable.put(2L, "col2", 2L);
-            this.arrayListMultimap.put(1L, "value1");
-            this.arrayListMultimap.put(1L, "value2");
-            this.ignoreField = flag;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            Text.writeString(out, GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(this));
-        }
-        public static InnerClassB read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            return GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(Text.readString(in), InnerClassB.class);
-        }
-    }
-    // same as OriginClassA, but:
-    // 1. without member classA1;
-    // 2. add a new member classA3;
-    public static class OriginClassADifferentMembers implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "classA3")
-        public InnerClassA classA3;
-        public InnerClassA ignoreClassA2;
-        @SerializedName(value = "flag")
-        public int flag = 0;
-        public OriginClassADifferentMembers(int flag) {
-            this.flag = flag;
-            classA3 = new InnerClassA(3);
-            ignoreClassA2 = new InnerClassA(2);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            String json = GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(this);
-            System.out.println(json);
-            Text.writeString(out, json);
-        }
-        public static OriginClassADifferentMembers read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            String json = Text.readString(in);
-            System.out.println(json);
-            return GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(json, OriginClassADifferentMembers.class);
-        }
-    }
-    // same as OriginClassA, but:
-    // 1. change classA1's name to classA1ChangeName
-    // 2. change ignoreClassA2's name to ignoreClassA2ChangeName
-    // 3. change flag's name to flagChangeName, and also change its serialized name to flagChangeName
-    public static class OriginClassADifferentMemberName implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "classA1")
-        public InnerClassA classA1ChangeName;
-        public InnerClassA ignoreClassA2ChangeName;
-        @SerializedName(value = "flagChangeName", alternate = { "flag" })
-        public int flagChangeName = 0;
-        public OriginClassADifferentMemberName(int flag) {
-            this.flagChangeName = flag;
-            classA1ChangeName = new InnerClassA(1);
-            ignoreClassA2ChangeName = new InnerClassA(2);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            String json = GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(this);
-            System.out.println(json);
-            Text.writeString(out, json);
-        }
-        public static OriginClassADifferentMemberName read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            String json = Text.readString(in);
-            System.out.println(json);
-            return GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(json, OriginClassADifferentMemberName.class);
-        }
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    /*
-     * Test write read with same classes.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        OrigClassA classA = new OrigClassA(1);
-        classA.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        OrigClassA readClassA = OrigClassA.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, readClassA.flag);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, readClassA.classA1.flag);
-        Assert.assertNull(readClassA.ignoreClassA2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("string1", "string2"), readClassA.classA1.list1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(readClassA.classA1.map1.containsKey(1L));
-        Assert.assertTrue(readClassA.classA1.map1.containsKey(2L));
-        Assert.assertEquals("value1", readClassA.classA1.map1.get(1L));
-        Assert.assertEquals("value2", readClassA.classA1.map1.get(2L));
-        Assert.assertTrue(readClassA.classA1.map2.containsKey(1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(readClassA.classA1.map2.containsKey(2));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, readClassA.classA1.map2.get(1).flag);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, readClassA.classA1.map2.get(2).flag);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, readClassA.classA1.map2.get(1).ignoreField);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, readClassA.classA1.map2.get(2).ignoreField);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet("set1", "set2"), readClassA.classA1.set1);
-        Table<Long, String, Long> hashBasedTable = readClassA.classA1.map2.get(1).hashBasedTable;
-        Assert.assertEquals("HashBasedTable", hashBasedTable.getClass().getSimpleName());
-        Multimap<Long, String> hashMultimap = readClassA.classA1.map2.get(1).hashMultimap;
-        Assert.assertEquals("HashMultimap", hashMultimap.getClass().getSimpleName());
-        Multimap<Long, String> arrayListMultimap = readClassA.classA1.map2.get(1).arrayListMultimap;
-        Assert.assertEquals("ArrayListMultimap", arrayListMultimap.getClass().getSimpleName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("value1", "value2"), arrayListMultimap.get(1L));
-        in.close();
-    }
-    /*
-     * Test write origin class, and read in new class with different members
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testWithDifferentMembers() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        OrigClassA classA = new OrigClassA(1);
-        classA.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        OriginClassADifferentMembers readClassA = OriginClassADifferentMembers.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, readClassA.flag);
-        Assert.assertNull(readClassA.classA3);
-        Assert.assertNull(readClassA.ignoreClassA2);
-        in.close();
-    }
-    /*
-     * Test write origin class, and read in new class with different member names
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testWithDifferentMemberNames() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        OrigClassA classA = new OrigClassA(1);
-        classA.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        OriginClassADifferentMemberName readClassA = OriginClassADifferentMemberName.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, readClassA.flagChangeName);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, readClassA.classA1ChangeName.flag);
-        Assert.assertNull(readClassA.ignoreClassA2ChangeName);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Lists.newArrayList("string1", "string2"), readClassA.classA1ChangeName.list1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map1.containsKey(1L));
-        Assert.assertTrue(readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map1.containsKey(2L));
-        Assert.assertEquals("value1", readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map1.get(1L));
-        Assert.assertEquals("value2", readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map1.get(2L));
-        Assert.assertTrue(readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map2.containsKey(1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map2.containsKey(2));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map2.get(1).flag);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map2.get(2).flag);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map2.get(1).ignoreField);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, readClassA.classA1ChangeName.map2.get(2).ignoreField);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet("set1", "set2"), readClassA.classA1ChangeName.set1);
-        in.close();
-    }
-    public static class MultiMapClassA implements Writable {
-        @SerializedName(value = "map")
-        public Multimap<Key, Long> map = HashMultimap.create();
-        public MultiMapClassA() {
-            map.put(new Key(MyEnum.TYPE_A, "key1"), 1L);
-            map.put(new Key(MyEnum.TYPE_B, "key2"), 2L);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-            String json = GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(this);
-            Text.writeString(out, json);
-        }
-        public static MultiMapClassA read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-            String json = Text.readString(in);
-            MultiMapClassA classA = GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(json, MultiMapClassA.class);
-            return classA;
-        }
-    }
-    public static class Key {
-        public enum MyEnum {
-            TYPE_A, TYPE_B
-        }
-        @SerializedName(value = "type")
-        public MyEnum type;
-        @SerializedName(value = "value")
-        public String value;
-        public Key(MyEnum type, String value) {
-            this.type = type;
-            this.value = value;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public int hashCode() {
-            return Objects.hash(type, value);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
-            if (!(obj instanceof Key)) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            if (this == obj) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            Key other = (Key) obj;
-            return other.type == this.type && other.value.equals(this.value);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public String toString() {
-            return type + ":" + value;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultiMapWithCustomKey() throws IOException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        MultiMapClassA classA = new MultiMapClassA();
-        classA.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        MultiMapClassA readClassA = MultiMapClassA.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(new Key(MyEnum.TYPE_A, "key1"), new Key(MyEnum.TYPE_B, "key2")),
-                readClassA.map.keySet());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/ThriftToJsonTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/ThriftToJsonTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f8c5d46..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/persist/gson/ThriftToJsonTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.persist.gson;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageFormat;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ThriftToJsonTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testTEnumToJson() {
-        // write
-        String serializeString = GsonUtils.GSON.toJson(TStorageFormat.V1);
-        // read
-        TStorageFormat tStorageFormat = GsonUtils.GSON.fromJson(serializeString, TStorageFormat.class);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TStorageFormat.V1, tStorageFormat);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/ConstantExpressTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/ConstantExpressTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c1889..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/ConstantExpressTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class ConstantExpressTest {
-    // use a unique dir so that it won't be conflict with other unit test which
-    // may also start a Mocked Frontend
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/ConstantExpressTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.startFEServer(runningDir);
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-    }
-    private static void testConstantExpressResult(String sql, String result) throws Exception {
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        System.out.println(explainString);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("constant exprs: \n         " + result));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDate() throws Exception {
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select date_format('2020-02-19 16:01:12','%H%i');",
-                "'1601'");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select date_format('2020-02-19 16:01:12','%Y%m%d');",
-                "'20200219'");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select date_format(date_sub('2018-07-24 07:16:19',1),'yyyyMMdd');",
-                "'20180723'");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select year('2018-07-24')*12 + month('2018-07-24');",
-                "24223");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select date_format('2018-08-08 07:16:19', 'yyyyMMdd');",
-                "'20180808'");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select date_format('2018-08-08 07:16:19', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');",
-                "'2018-08-08 07:16:19'");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select datediff('2018-08-08','1970-01-01');",
-                "17751");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select date_add('2018-08-08', 1);",
-                "'2018-08-09 00:00:00'");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select date_add('2018-08-08', -1);",
-                "'2018-08-07 00:00:00'");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select date_sub('2018-08-08 07:16:19',1);",
-                "'2018-08-07 07:16:19'");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select year('2018-07-24');",
-                "2018");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select month('2018-07-24');",
-                "7");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select day('2018-07-24');",
-                "24");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select UNIX_TIMESTAMP(\"1970-01-01 08:00:01\");",
-                "1");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select now();",
-                "");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select curdate();",
-                "");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCast() throws Exception {
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select cast ('1' as int) ;",
-                "1");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select cast ('2020-01-20' as date);",
-                "'2020-01-20'");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testArithmetic() throws Exception {
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select 1 + 10;",
-                "11");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select 1 - 10;",
-                "-9");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select 1 * 10.0;",
-                "10.0");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select 1 / 10.0;",
-                "0.1");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMath() throws Exception {
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select floor(2.3);",
-                "2");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPredicate() throws Exception {
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select 1 > 2",
-                "FALSE");
-        testConstantExpressResult(
-                "select 1 = 1",
-                "TRUE");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testConstantInPredicate() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        // for constant NOT IN PREDICATE
-        String sql = "select 1 not in (1, 2);";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("FALSE"));
-        sql = "select 1 not in (2, 3);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("TRUE"));
-        sql = "select 1 not in (2, null);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("NULL"));
-        sql = "select 1 not in (1, 2, null);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("FALSE"));
-        sql = "select null not in (1, 2);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("NULL"));
-        sql = "select null not in (null);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("NULL"));
-        // for constant IN PREDICATE
-        sql = "select 1 in (1, 2);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("TRUE"));
-        sql = "select 1 in (2, 3);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("FALSE"));
-        sql = "select 1 in (1, 2, NULL);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("TRUE"));
-        sql = "select 1 in (2, NULL);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("NULL"));
-        sql = "select null in (2);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("NULL"));
-        sql = "select null in (null);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("NULL"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/DistributedPlannerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/DistributedPlannerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c480b3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/DistributedPlannerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleId;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.StmtExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExplainLevel;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class DistributedPlannerTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/DemoTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext ctx;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database db1;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        // create table tbl1
-        String createTblStmtStr = "create table db1.tbl1(k1 int, k2 varchar(32), v bigint sum) "
-                + "AGGREGATE KEY(k1,k2) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        // create table tbl2
-        createTblStmtStr = "create table db1.tbl2(k3 int, k4 varchar(32)) "
-                + "DUPLICATE KEY(k3) distributed by hash(k3) buckets 1 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
-        FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(runningDir));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAssertFragmentWithDistributedInput(@Injectable AssertNumRowsNode assertNumRowsNode,
-                                                       @Injectable PlanFragment inputFragment,
-                                                       @Injectable PlanNodeId planNodeId,
-                                                       @Injectable PlanFragmentId planFragmentId,
-                                                       @Injectable PlanNode inputPlanRoot,
-                                                       @Injectable TupleId tupleId,
-                                                       @Mocked PlannerContext plannerContext) {
-        DistributedPlanner distributedPlanner = new DistributedPlanner(plannerContext);
-        List<TupleId> tupleIdList = Lists.newArrayList(tupleId);
-        Set<TupleId> tupleIdSet = Sets.newHashSet(tupleId);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(inputPlanRoot, "tupleIds", tupleIdList);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(inputPlanRoot, "tblRefIds", tupleIdList);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(inputPlanRoot, "nullableTupleIds", Sets.newHashSet(tupleId));
-        Deencapsulation.setField(inputPlanRoot, "conjuncts", Lists.newArrayList());
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                inputFragment.isPartitioned();
-                result = true;
-                plannerContext.getNextNodeId();
-                result = planNodeId;
-                plannerContext.getNextFragmentId();
-                result = planFragmentId;
-                inputFragment.getPlanRoot();
-                result = inputPlanRoot;
-                inputPlanRoot.getTupleIds();
-                result = tupleIdList;
-                inputPlanRoot.getTblRefIds();
-                result = tupleIdList;
-                inputPlanRoot.getNullableTupleIds();
-                result = tupleIdSet;
-                assertNumRowsNode.getChildren();
-                result = inputPlanRoot;
-            }
-        };
-        PlanFragment assertFragment = Deencapsulation.invoke(distributedPlanner, "createAssertFragment",
-                assertNumRowsNode, inputFragment);
-        Assert.assertFalse(assertFragment.isPartitioned());
-        Assert.assertSame(assertNumRowsNode, assertFragment.getPlanRoot());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAssertFragmentWithUnpartitionInput(@Injectable AssertNumRowsNode assertNumRowsNode,
-                                                       @Injectable PlanFragment inputFragment,
-                                                       @Mocked PlannerContext plannerContext) {
-        DistributedPlanner distributedPlanner = new DistributedPlanner(plannerContext);
-        PlanFragment assertFragment = Deencapsulation.invoke(distributedPlanner, "createAssertFragment",
-                assertNumRowsNode, inputFragment);
-        Assert.assertSame(assertFragment, inputFragment);
-        Assert.assertTrue(assertFragment.getPlanRoot() instanceof AssertNumRowsNode);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExplicitlyBroadcastJoin() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "explain select * from db1.tbl1 join [BROADCAST] db1.tbl2 on tbl1.k1 = tbl2.k3";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Planner planner = stmtExecutor.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments = planner.getFragments();
-        String plan = planner.getExplainString(fragments, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan, "INNER JOIN (BROADCAST)"));
-        sql = "explain select * from db1.tbl1 join [SHUFFLE] db1.tbl2 on tbl1.k1 = tbl2.k3";
-        stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        planner = stmtExecutor.planner();
-        fragments = planner.getFragments();
-        plan = planner.getExplainString(fragments, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan, "INNER JOIN (PARTITIONED)"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/HashDistributionPrunerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/HashDistributionPrunerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c7b5c66..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/HashDistributionPrunerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.InPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StringLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionKey;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class HashDistributionPrunerTest {
-    @Test
-    public void test() {
-        List<Long> tabletIds = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(300);
-        for (long i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
-            tabletIds.add(i);
-        }
-        // distribution columns
-        Column dealDate = new Column("dealDate", PrimitiveType.DATE, false);
-        Column mainBrandId = new Column("main_brand_id", PrimitiveType.CHAR, false);
-        Column itemThirdCateId = new Column("item_third_cate_id", PrimitiveType.CHAR, false);
-        Column channel = new Column("channel", PrimitiveType.CHAR, false);
-        Column shopType = new Column("shop_type", PrimitiveType.CHAR, false);
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList(dealDate, mainBrandId, itemThirdCateId, channel, shopType);
-        // filters
-        PartitionColumnFilter dealDatefilter = new PartitionColumnFilter();
-        dealDatefilter.setLowerBound(new StringLiteral("2019-08-22"), true);
-        dealDatefilter.setUpperBound(new StringLiteral("2019-08-22"), true);
-        PartitionColumnFilter mainBrandFilter = new PartitionColumnFilter();
-        List<Expr> inList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("1323"));
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("2528"));
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("9610"));
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("3893"));
-        inList.add(new StringLiteral("6121"));
-        mainBrandFilter.setInPredicate(new InPredicate(new SlotRef(null, "main_brand_id"), inList, false));
-        PartitionColumnFilter itemThirdFilter = new PartitionColumnFilter();
-        List<Expr> inList2 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        inList2.add(new StringLiteral("9719"));
-        inList2.add(new StringLiteral("11163"));
-        itemThirdFilter.setInPredicate(new InPredicate(new SlotRef(null, "item_third_cate_id"), inList2, false));
-        PartitionColumnFilter channelFilter = new PartitionColumnFilter();
-        List<Expr> inList3 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        inList3.add(new StringLiteral("1"));
-        inList3.add(new StringLiteral("3"));
-        channelFilter.setInPredicate(new InPredicate(new SlotRef(null, "channel"), inList3, false));
-        PartitionColumnFilter shopTypeFilter = new PartitionColumnFilter();
-        List<Expr> inList4 = Lists.newArrayList();
-        inList4.add(new StringLiteral("2"));
-        shopTypeFilter.setInPredicate(new InPredicate(new SlotRef(null, "shop_type"), inList4, false));
-        Map<String, PartitionColumnFilter> filters = Maps.newHashMap();
-        filters.put("dealDate", dealDatefilter);
-        filters.put("main_brand_id", mainBrandFilter);
-        filters.put("item_third_cate_id", itemThirdFilter);
-        filters.put("channel", channelFilter);
-        filters.put("shop_type", shopTypeFilter);
-        HashDistributionPruner pruner = new HashDistributionPruner(tabletIds, columns, filters, tabletIds.size());
-        Collection<Long> results = pruner.prune();
-        // 20 = 1 * 5 * 2 * 2 * 1 (element num of each filter)
-        Assert.assertEquals(20, results.size());
-        filters.get("shop_type").getInPredicate().addChild(new StringLiteral("4"));
-        results = pruner.prune();
-        // 40 = 1 * 5 * 2 * 2 * 2 (element num of each filter)
-        // 39 is because these is hash conflict
-        Assert.assertEquals(39, results.size());
-        filters.get("shop_type").getInPredicate().addChild(new StringLiteral("5"));
-        filters.get("shop_type").getInPredicate().addChild(new StringLiteral("6"));
-        filters.get("shop_type").getInPredicate().addChild(new StringLiteral("7"));
-        filters.get("shop_type").getInPredicate().addChild(new StringLiteral("8"));
-        results = pruner.prune();
-        // 120 = 1 * 5 * 2 * 2 * 6 (element num of each filter) > 100
-        Assert.assertEquals(300, results.size());
-        // check hash conflict
-        inList4.add(new StringLiteral("4"));
-        PartitionKey hashKey = new PartitionKey();
-        Set<Long> tablets = Sets.newHashSet();
-        hashKey.pushColumn(new StringLiteral("2019-08-22"), PrimitiveType.DATE);
-        for (Expr inLiteral : inList) {
-            hashKey.pushColumn((StringLiteral) inLiteral, PrimitiveType.CHAR);
-            for (Expr inLiteral2 : inList2) {
-                hashKey.pushColumn((StringLiteral) inLiteral2, PrimitiveType.CHAR);
-                for (Expr inLiteral3 : inList3) {
-                    hashKey.pushColumn((StringLiteral) inLiteral3, PrimitiveType.CHAR);
-                    for (Expr inLiteral4 : inList4) {
-                        hashKey.pushColumn((StringLiteral) inLiteral4, PrimitiveType.CHAR);
-                        long hashValue = hashKey.getHashValue();
-                        tablets.add(tabletIds.get((int) ((hashValue & 0xffffffff) % tabletIds.size())));
-                        hashKey.popColumn();
-                    }
-                    hashKey.popColumn();
-                }
-                hashKey.popColumn();
-            }
-            hashKey.popColumn();
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(39, tablets.size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/MaterializedViewFunctionTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/MaterializedViewFunctionTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ed638..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/MaterializedViewFunctionTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateMaterializedViewStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionSet;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.DorisAssert;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class MaterializedViewFunctionTest {
-    private static String baseDir = "fe";
-    private static String runningDir = baseDir + "/mocked/MaterializedViewFunctionTest/"
-            + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static final String EMPS_TABLE_NAME = "emps";
-    private static final String EMPS_MV_NAME = "emps_mv";
-    private static final String HR_DB_NAME = "db1";
-    private static final String QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV = "rollup: " + EMPS_MV_NAME;
-    private static final String QUERY_USE_EMPS = "rollup: " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME;
-    private static final String DEPTS_TABLE_NAME = "depts";
-    private static final String DEPTS_MV_NAME = "depts_mv";
-    private static final String QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV = "rollup: " + DEPTS_MV_NAME;
-    private static final String QUERY_USE_DEPTS = "rollup: " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME;
-    private static final String USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME = "user_tags";
-    private static final String USER_TAG_MV_NAME = "user_tags_mv";
-    private static final String QUERY_USE_USER_TAG_MV = "rollup: " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME;
-    private static final String QUERY_USE_USER_TAG = "rollup: " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME;
-    private static final String TEST_TABLE_NAME = "test_tb";
-    private static DorisAssert dorisAssert;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 10;
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        dorisAssert = new DorisAssert();
-        dorisAssert.withEnableMV().withDatabase(HR_DB_NAME).useDatabase(HR_DB_NAME);
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void beforeMethod() throws Exception {
-        String createTableSQL = "create table " + HR_DB_NAME + "." + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " (time date, empid int, name varchar, "
-                + "deptno int, salary int, commission int) partition by range (time) "
-                + "(partition p1 values less than MAXVALUE) "
-                + "distributed by hash(time) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(createTableSQL);
-        createTableSQL = "create table " + HR_DB_NAME + "." + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " (time date, deptno int, name varchar, cost int) partition by range (time) "
-                + "(partition p1 values less than MAXVALUE) "
-                + "distributed by hash(time) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(createTableSQL);
-        createTableSQL = "create table " + HR_DB_NAME + "." + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME
-                + " (time date, user_id int, user_name varchar(20), tag_id int) partition by range (time) "
-                + " (partition p1 values less than MAXVALUE) "
-                + "distributed by hash(time) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(createTableSQL);
-    }
-    @After
-    public void afterMethod() throws Exception {
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(EMPS_TABLE_NAME);
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(DEPTS_TABLE_NAME);
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void afterClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(baseDir);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProjectionMV1() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid from "
-                + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno;";
-        String query = "select empid, deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProjectionMV2() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid from "
-                + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno;";
-        String query1 = "select empid + 1 from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno = 10;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query1).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-        String query2 = "select name from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno -10 = 0;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query2).explainWithout(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProjectionMV3() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid, name from "
-                + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno;";
-        String query1 = "select empid +1, name from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno = 10;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query1).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-        String query2 = "select name from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno - 10 = 0;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query2).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProjectionMV4() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select name, deptno, salary from "
-                + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String query1 = "select name from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 30 and salary > 3000;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query1).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-        String query2 = "select empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 30 and empid > 10;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query2).explainWithout(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnionQueryOnProjectionMV() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno;";
-        String union = "select empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 300" + " union all select empid from"
-                + " " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno < 200";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL).query(union).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQueryOnAggMV1() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, sum(salary), "
-                + "max(commission) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String query = "select sum(salary), deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQueryOnAggMV2() throws Exception {
-        String agg = "select deptno, sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno";
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as " + agg + ";";
-        String query = "select * from (select deptno, sum(salary) as sum_salary from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group "
-                + "by" + " deptno) a where (sum_salary * 2) > 3;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    /*
-    TODO
-    The deduplicate materialized view is not yet supported
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQueryOnDeduplicatedMV() throws Exception {
-        String deduplicateSQL = "select deptno, empid, name, salary, commission from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group "
-                + "by" + " deptno, empid, name, salary, commission";
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as " + deduplicateSQL + ";";
-        String query1 = "select deptno, sum(salary) from (" + deduplicateSQL + ") A group by deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query1).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-        String query2 = "select deptno, empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.query(query2).explainWithout(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    */
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQueryOnAggMV3() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, commission, sum(salary)"
-                + " from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno, commission;";
-        String query = "select commission, sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where commission * (deptno + "
-                + "commission) = 100 group by commission;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Matching failed because the filtering condition under Aggregate
-     * references columns for aggregation.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQueryOnAggMV4() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, commission, sum(salary)"
-                + " from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno, commission;";
-        String query = "select deptno, sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where salary>1000 group by deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainWithout(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    /**
-     * There will be a compensating Project added after matching of the Aggregate.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQuqeryOnAggMV5() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, commission, sum(salary)"
-                + " from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno, commission;";
-        String query = "select * from (select deptno, sum(salary) as sum_salary from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " group by deptno) a where sum_salary>10;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    /**
-     * There will be a compensating Project + Filter added after matching of the Aggregate.
-     *
-     * @throws Exception
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQuqeryOnAggMV6() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, commission, sum(salary)"
-                + " from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno, commission;";
-        String query = "select * from (select deptno, sum(salary) as sum_salary from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " where deptno>=20 group by deptno) a where sum_salary>10;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Aggregation query with groupSets at coarser level of aggregation than
-     * aggregation materialized view.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testGroupingSetQueryOnAggMV() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno, sum(salary) " +
-                "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select sum(salary), empid, deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by rollup(empid,deptno);";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Aggregation query at coarser level of aggregation than aggregation materialized view.
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQuqeryOnAggMV7() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, commission, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " " + "group by deptno, commission;";
-        String query = "select deptno, sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno>=20 group by deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQueryOnAggMV8() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno, sum(salary) + 1 from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Query with cube and arithmetic expr
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQueryOnAggMV9() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, commission, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno, commission;";
-        String query = "select deptno, commission, sum(salary) + 1 from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " group by cube(deptno,commission);";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Query with rollup and arithmetic expr
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testAggQueryOnAggMV10() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, commission, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno, commission;";
-        String query = "select deptno, commission, sum(salary) + 1 from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " group by rollup (deptno, commission);";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinOnLeftProjectToJoin() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME
-                + " as select deptno, sum(salary), sum(commission) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String createDeptsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + DEPTS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, max(cost) from "
-                + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String query = "select * from (select deptno , sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno) A "
-                + "join (select deptno, max(cost) from " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno ) B on A.deptno = B"
-                + ".deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createDeptsMVSQL).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query)
-                .explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinOnRightProjectToJoin() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, sum(salary), sum" +
-                "(commission) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String createDeptsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + DEPTS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, max(cost) from "
-                + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String query = "select * from (select deptno , sum(salary), sum(commission) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " group by deptno) A join (select deptno from " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno ) B on A"
-                + ".deptno = B.deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createDeptsMVSQL).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query)
-                .explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinOnProjectsToJoin() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, sum(salary), sum" +
-                "(commission) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String createDeptsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + DEPTS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, max(cost) from "
-                + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String query = "select * from (select deptno , sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno) A "
-                + "join (select deptno from " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno ) B on A.deptno = B.deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createDeptsMVSQL).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query)
-                .explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinOnCalcToJoin0() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String createDeptsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + DEPTS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno from " +
-                DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String query = "select * from (select empid, deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 ) A " +
-                "join (select deptno from " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " ) B on A.deptno = B.deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createDeptsMVSQL).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query)
-                .explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinOnCalcToJoin1() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String createDeptsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + DEPTS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno from " +
-                DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String query = "select * from (select empid, deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " ) A join (select " +
-                "deptno from " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 ) B on A.deptno = B.deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createDeptsMVSQL).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query)
-                .explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinOnCalcToJoin2() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String createDeptsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + DEPTS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno from " +
-                DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String query = "select * from (select empid, deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where empid >10 ) A " +
-                "join (select deptno from " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 ) B on A.deptno = B.deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createDeptsMVSQL).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query)
-                .explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinOnCalcToJoin3() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String createDeptsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + DEPTS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno from " +
-                DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String query = "select * from (select empid, deptno + 1 deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where empid >10 )"
-                + " A join (select deptno from " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " where deptno > 10 ) B on A.deptno = B.deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createDeptsMVSQL).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query)
-                .explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinOnCalcToJoin4() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String createDeptsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + DEPTS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno from " +
-                DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String query = "select * from (select empid, deptno + 1 deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " where empid is not null ) A full join (select deptno from " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " where deptno is not null ) B on A.deptno = B.deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createDeptsMVSQL).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query)
-                .explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, QUERY_USE_DEPTS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOrderByQueryOnProjectView() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String query = "select empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOrderByQueryOnOrderByView() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno;";
-        String query = "select empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryOnStar() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select time, deptno, empid, name, " +
-                "salary, commission from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by time, deptno, empid;";
-        String query = "select * from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno = 1";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryOnStarAndJoin() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select time, deptno, empid, name, " +
-                "salary, commission from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by time, deptno, empid;";
-        String query = "select * from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " join depts on " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ".deptno = " +
-                DEPTS_TABLE_NAME + ".deptno";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVAggregateFuncs1() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVAggregateFuncs2() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno, sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVAggregateFuncs3() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno, empid, sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno, empid";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVAggregateFuncs4() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno, sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 group by deptno";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVAggregateFuncs5() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno, sum(salary) + 1 from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 group by deptno";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVCalcGroupByQuery1() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno+1, sum(salary) + 1 from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 "
-                + "group by deptno+1;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVCalcGroupByQuery2() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno * empid, sum(salary) + 1 from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 " +
-                "group by deptno * empid;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVCalcGroupByQuery3() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select empid, deptno * empid, sum(salary) + 1 from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 "
-                + "group by empid, deptno * empid;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVCalcAggFunctionQuery() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno, sum(salary + 1) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno > 10 "
-                + "group by deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainWithout(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubQuery() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String query = "select empid, deptno, salary from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " e1 where empid = (select max(empid)"
-                + " from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno = e1.deptno);";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV,
-                QUERY_USE_EMPS);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDistinctQuery() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, sum(salary) " +
-                "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String query1 = "select distinct deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL);
-        dorisAssert.query(query1).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-        String query2 = "select deptno, sum(distinct salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query2).explainWithout(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSingleMVMultiUsage() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select deptno, empid, salary " +
-                "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno;";
-        String query = "select * from (select deptno, empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno>100) A join " +
-                "(select deptno, empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno >200) B using (deptno);";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, 2);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultiMVMultiUsage() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL01 = "create materialized view emp_mv_01 as select deptno, empid, salary "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by deptno;";
-        String createEmpsMVSQL02 = "create materialized view emp_mv_02 as select deptno, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        String query = "select * from (select deptno, empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno>100) A join " +
-                "(select deptno, sum(salary) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where deptno >200 group by deptno) B "
-                + "using (deptno);";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL01).withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL02).query(query)
-                .explainContains("rollup: emp_mv_01", "rollup: emp_mv_02");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMVOnJoinQuery() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select salary, empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by salary;";
-        String query = "select empid, salary from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " join " + DEPTS_TABLE_NAME
-                + " using (deptno) where salary > 300;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV,
-                QUERY_USE_DEPTS);
-    }
-    // TODO: should be support
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateMVOnCountDistinctQuery1() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno, sum(salary) "
-                + "from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select deptno, count(distinct empid) from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryAfterTrimingOfUnusedFields() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select empid, deptno from (select empid, deptno, salary from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ") A;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnionAll() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select empid, deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where empid >1 union all select empid,"
-                + " deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where empid <0;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, 2);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnionDistinct() throws Exception {
-        String createEmpsMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " order by empid, deptno;";
-        String query = "select empid, deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where empid >1 union select empid," +
-                " deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " where empid <0;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEmpsMVSQL).query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV, 2);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDeduplicateQueryInAgg() throws Exception {
-        String aggregateTable = "create table agg_table (k1 int, k2 int, v1 bigint sum) aggregate key (k1, k2) "
-                + "distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(aggregateTable);
-        String createRollupSQL = "alter table agg_table add rollup old_key (k1, k2) "
-                + "properties ('replication_num' = '1');";
-        String query = "select k1, k2 from agg_table;";
-        dorisAssert.withRollup(createRollupSQL).query(query).explainContains("OFF", "old_key");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggFunctionInHaving() throws Exception {
-        String duplicateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " ( k1 int(11) NOT NULL ,  k2  int(11) NOT NULL ,"
-                + "v1  varchar(4096) NOT NULL, v2  float NOT NULL , v3  decimal(20, 7) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=OLAP "
-                + "DUPLICATE KEY( k1 ,  k2 ) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH( k1 ,  k2 ) BUCKETS 3 "
-                + "PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1'); ";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(duplicateTable);
-        String createK1K2MV = "create materialized view k1_k2 as select k1,k2 from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " group by "
-                + "k1,k2;";
-        String query = "select k1 from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " group by k1 having max(v1) > 10;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createK1K2MV).query(query).explainWithout("k1_k2");
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(TEST_TABLE_NAME);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggFunctionInOrder() throws Exception {
-        String duplicateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " ( k1 int(11) NOT NULL ,  k2  int(11) NOT NULL ,"
-                + "v1  varchar(4096) NOT NULL, v2  float NOT NULL , v3  decimal(20, 7) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=OLAP "
-                + "DUPLICATE KEY( k1 ,  k2 ) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH( k1 ,  k2 ) BUCKETS 3 "
-                + "PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1'); ";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(duplicateTable);
-        String createK1K2MV = "create materialized view k1_k2 as select k1,k2 from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " group by "
-                + "k1,k2;";
-        String query = "select k1 from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " group by k1 order by max(v1);";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createK1K2MV).query(query).explainWithout("k1_k2");
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(TEST_TABLE_NAME);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWindowsFunctionInQuery() throws Exception {
-        String duplicateTable = "CREATE TABLE " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " ( k1 int(11) NOT NULL ,  k2  int(11) NOT NULL ,"
-                + "v1  varchar(4096) NOT NULL, v2  float NOT NULL , v3  decimal(20, 7) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=OLAP "
-                + "DUPLICATE KEY( k1 ,  k2 ) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH( k1 ,  k2 ) BUCKETS 3 "
-                + "PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1'); ";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(duplicateTable);
-        String createK1K2MV = "create materialized view k1_k2 as select k1,k2 from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " group by "
-                + "k1,k2;";
-        String query = "select k1 , sum(k2) over (partition by v1 ) from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createK1K2MV).query(query).explainWithout("k1_k2");
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(TEST_TABLE_NAME);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUniqueTableInQuery() throws Exception {
-        String uniqueTable = "CREATE TABLE " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " (k1 int, v1 int) UNIQUE KEY (k1) "
-                + "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 3 PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(uniqueTable);
-        String createK1K2MV = "create materialized view only_k1 as select k1 from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " group by "
-                + "k1;";
-        String query = "select * from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createK1K2MV).query(query).explainContains(TEST_TABLE_NAME);
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(TEST_TABLE_NAME);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapUnionInQuery() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME
-                + " as select user_id, bitmap_union(to_bitmap(tag_id)) from " +
-                USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select user_id, bitmap_union_count(to_bitmap(tag_id)) a from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME
-                + " group by user_id having a>1 order by a;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_USER_TAG_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapUnionInSubquery() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "bitmap_union(to_bitmap(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select user_id from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " where user_id in (select user_id from " +
-                USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id having bitmap_union_count(to_bitmap(tag_id)) >1 ) ;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_MV_NAME, USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectMVRewriteInQuery() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, "
-                + "bitmap_union(to_bitmap(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String createEMPMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select name, deptno from " +
-                EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createEMPMVSQL);
-        String query = "select user_name, bitmap_union_count(to_bitmap(tag_id)) a from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ", "
-                + "(select name, deptno from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + ") a" + " where user_name=a.name group by "
-                + "user_name having a>1 order by a;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainWithout(QUERY_USE_USER_TAG_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectMVRewriteInSubquery() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "bitmap_union(to_bitmap(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select user_id, bitmap_union(to_bitmap(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " where " +
-                "user_name in (select user_name from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_name having " +
-                "bitmap_union_count(to_bitmap(tag_id)) >1 )" + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_USER_TAG);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTwoTupleInQuery() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "bitmap_union(to_bitmap(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select * from (select user_id, bitmap_union_count(to_bitmap(tag_id)) x from " +
-                USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id) a, (select user_name, bitmap_union_count(to_bitmap(tag_id))"
-                + "" + " y from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_name) b where a.x=b.y;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(QUERY_USE_USER_TAG, QUERY_USE_USER_TAG_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggTableCountDistinctInBitmapType() throws Exception {
-        String aggTable = "CREATE TABLE " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " (k1 int, v1 bitmap bitmap_union) Aggregate KEY (k1) "
-                + "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 3 PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(aggTable);
-        String query = "select k1, count(distinct v1) from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " group by k1;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(TEST_TABLE_NAME, "bitmap_union_count");
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(TEST_TABLE_NAME);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggTableCountDistinctInHllType() throws Exception {
-        String aggTable = "CREATE TABLE " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " (k1 int, v1 hll " + FunctionSet.HLL_UNION + ") Aggregate KEY (k1) " +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 3 PROPERTIES ('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(aggTable);
-        String query = "select k1, count(distinct v1) from " + TEST_TABLE_NAME + " group by k1;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(TEST_TABLE_NAME, "hll_union_agg");
-        dorisAssert.dropTable(TEST_TABLE_NAME);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCountDistinctToBitmap() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "bitmap_union(to_bitmap(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select count(distinct tag_id) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_MV_NAME, "bitmap_union_count");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIncorrectRewriteCountDistinct() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "bitmap_union(to_bitmap(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select user_name, count(distinct tag_id) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_name;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME, FunctionSet.COUNT);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNDVToHll() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "`" + FunctionSet.HLL_UNION + "`(" + FunctionSet.HLL_HASH + "(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select ndv(tag_id) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_MV_NAME, "hll_union_agg");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testApproxCountDistinctToHll() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "`" + FunctionSet.HLL_UNION + "`(" + FunctionSet.HLL_HASH + "(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select approx_count_distinct(tag_id) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_MV_NAME, "hll_union_agg");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testHLLUnionFamilyRewrite() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "`" + FunctionSet.HLL_UNION + "`(" + FunctionSet.HLL_HASH + "(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select `" + FunctionSet.HLL_UNION + "`(" + FunctionSet.HLL_HASH + "(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String mvColumnName = CreateMaterializedViewStmt.mvColumnBuilder("" + FunctionSet.HLL_UNION + "", "tag_id");
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_MV_NAME, mvColumnName);
-        query = "select hll_union_agg(" + FunctionSet.HLL_HASH + "(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_MV_NAME, mvColumnName);
-        query = "select hll_raw_agg(" + FunctionSet.HLL_HASH + "(tag_id)) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_MV_NAME, mvColumnName);
-    }
-    /*
-    ISSUE-3174
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testAggInHaving() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + EMPS_MV_NAME + " as select empid, deptno from "
-                + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid, deptno;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        String query = "select empid from " + EMPS_TABLE_NAME + " group by empid having max(salary) > 1;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainWithout(QUERY_USE_EMPS_MV);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCountFieldInQuery() throws Exception {
-        String createUserTagMVSql = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select user_id, " +
-                "count(tag_id) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_id;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createUserTagMVSql);
-        String query = "select count(tag_id) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        String mvColumnName = CreateMaterializedViewStmt.mvColumnBuilder(FunctionSet.COUNT, "tag_id");
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains(USER_TAG_MV_NAME, mvColumnName);
-        query = "select user_name, count(tag_id) from " + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + " group by user_name;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainWithout(USER_TAG_MV_NAME);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInvalidColumnInCreateMVStmt() throws Exception {
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view " + USER_TAG_MV_NAME + " as select invalid_column, user_id from "
-                + USER_TAG_TABLE_NAME + ";";
-        try {
-            dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateMVBaseBitmapAggTable() throws Exception {
-        String createTableSQL = "create table " + HR_DB_NAME + ".agg_table "
-                + "(empid int, name varchar, salary bitmap " + FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION + ") "
-                + "aggregate key (empid, name) "
-                + "partition by range (empid) "
-                + "(partition p1 values less than MAXVALUE) "
-                + "distributed by hash(empid) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        dorisAssert.withTable(createTableSQL);
-        String createMVSQL = "create materialized view mv as select empid, " + FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION
-                + "(salary) from agg_table "
-                + "group by empid;";
-        dorisAssert.withMaterializedView(createMVSQL);
-        String query = "select count(distinct salary) from agg_table;";
-        dorisAssert.query(query).explainContains("mv");
-        dorisAssert.dropTable("agg_table");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/MaterializedViewSelectorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/MaterializedViewSelectorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a18f2b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/MaterializedViewSelectorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AggregateInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionCallExpr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SelectStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndexMeta;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class MaterializedViewSelectorTest {
-    @Test
-    public void initTest(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt,
-                         @Injectable SlotDescriptor tableAColumn1Desc,
-                         @Injectable AggregateInfo aggregateInfo,
-                         @Injectable Table tableA,
-                         @Injectable TupleDescriptor tableADesc,
-                         @Injectable SlotDescriptor tableAColumn2Desc,
-                         @Injectable SlotDescriptor tableBColumn1Desc,
-                         @Injectable TupleDescriptor tableBDesc,
-                         @Injectable Table tableB,
-                         @Injectable Analyzer analyzer) {
-        TableName tableAName = new TableName("test", "tableA");
-        TableName tableBName = new TableName("test", "tableB");
-        SlotRef tableAColumn1 = new SlotRef(tableAName, "c1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableAColumn1, "isAnalyzed", true);
-        SlotRef tableAColumn2 = new SlotRef(tableAName, "c2");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableAColumn2, "isAnalyzed", true);
-        SlotRef tableBColumn1 = new SlotRef(tableBName, "c1");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableBColumn1, "isAnalyzed", true);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableAColumn1, "desc", tableAColumn1Desc);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableAColumn2, "desc", tableAColumn2Desc);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableBColumn1, "desc", tableBColumn1Desc);
-        FunctionCallExpr tableAColumn2Sum = new FunctionCallExpr("SUM", Lists.newArrayList(tableAColumn2));
-        FunctionCallExpr tableBColumn1Max = new FunctionCallExpr("MAX", Lists.newArrayList(tableBColumn1));
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = aggregateInfo;
-                aggregateInfo.getGroupingExprs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableAColumn1);
-                tableAColumn1Desc.isMaterialized();
-                result = true;
-                tableAColumn1Desc.getColumn().getName();
-                result = "c1";
-                tableAColumn1Desc.getParent();
-                result = tableADesc;
-                tableADesc.getTable();
-                result = tableA;
-                tableA.getId();
-                result = 1;
-                aggregateInfo.getAggregateExprs();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableAColumn2Sum, tableBColumn1Max);
-                tableAColumn2Sum.getChildren();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableAColumn2);
-                tableBColumn1Max.getChildren();
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(tableBColumn1);
-                tableAColumn2.getColumnName();
-                result = "c2";
-                tableBColumn1.getColumnName();
-                result = "c1";
-                tableAColumn2.getTableName().getTbl();
-                result = "tableA";
-                tableBColumn1.getTableName().getTbl();
-                result = "tableB";
-                tableAColumn2Desc.getParent();
-                result = tableADesc;
-                tableBColumn1Desc.getParent();
-                result = tableBDesc;
-                tableBDesc.getTable();
-                result = tableB;
-                tableB.getId();
-                result = 2;
-                tableAColumn2Desc.isMaterialized();
-                result = true;
-                tableBColumn1Desc.isMaterialized();
-                result = true;
-                tableAColumn2Desc.getColumn().getName();
-                result = "c2";
-                tableBColumn1Desc.getColumn().getName();
-                result = "c1";
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewSelector materializedViewSelector = new MaterializedViewSelector(selectStmt, analyzer);
-        Map<Long, Set<String>> columnNamesInPredicates =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(materializedViewSelector, "columnNamesInPredicates");
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, columnNamesInPredicates.size());
-        Assert.assertFalse(Deencapsulation.getField(materializedViewSelector, "isSPJQuery"));
-        Map<Long, Set<String>> columnNamesInGrouping =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(materializedViewSelector, "columnNamesInGrouping");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, columnNamesInGrouping.size());
-        Set<String> tableAColumnNamesInGrouping = columnNamesInGrouping.get(new Long(1));
-        Assert.assertNotEquals(tableAColumnNamesInGrouping, null);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tableAColumnNamesInGrouping.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableAColumnNamesInGrouping.contains("c1"));
-        Map<Long, Set<FunctionCallExpr>> aggregateColumnsInQuery =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(materializedViewSelector, "aggColumnsInQuery");
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, aggregateColumnsInQuery.size());
-        Set<FunctionCallExpr> tableAAgggregatedColumns = aggregateColumnsInQuery.get(new Long(1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tableAAgggregatedColumns.size());
-        FunctionCallExpr aggregatedColumn1 = tableAAgggregatedColumns.iterator().next();
-        List<Expr> aggColumn1Params = aggregatedColumn1.getParams().exprs();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, aggColumn1Params.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(aggColumn1Params.get(0) instanceof SlotRef);
-        Assert.assertEquals("c2", ((SlotRef) aggColumn1Params.get(0)).getColumnName());
-        Assert.assertTrue("SUM".equalsIgnoreCase(aggregatedColumn1.getFnName().getFunction()));
-        Set<FunctionCallExpr> tableBAgggregatedColumns = aggregateColumnsInQuery.get(new Long(2));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tableBAgggregatedColumns.size());
-        FunctionCallExpr aggregatedColumn2 = tableBAgggregatedColumns.iterator().next();
-        List<Expr> aggColumn2Params = aggregatedColumn2.getParams().exprs();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, aggColumn2Params.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(aggColumn2Params.get(0) instanceof SlotRef);
-        Assert.assertEquals("c1", ((SlotRef) aggColumn2Params.get(0)).getColumnName());
-        Assert.assertTrue("MAX".equalsIgnoreCase(aggregatedColumn2.getFnName().getFunction()));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckCompensatingPredicates(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt, @Injectable Analyzer analyzer,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta1,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta2,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta3,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta4) {
-        Set<String> tableAColumnNames = Sets.newHashSet();
-        tableAColumnNames.add("C1");
-        Map<Long, MaterializedIndexMeta> candidateIndexIdToSchema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<Column> index1Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index1Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index1Columns.add(index1Column1);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(1), indexMeta1);
-        List<Column> index2Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index2Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.NONE, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column1);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(2), indexMeta2);
-        List<Column> index3Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index3Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column1);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(3), indexMeta3);
-        List<Column> index4Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index4Column2 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index4Columns.add(index4Column2);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(4), indexMeta4);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                indexMeta1.getSchema();
-                result = index1Columns;
-                indexMeta2.getSchema();
-                result = index2Columns;
-                indexMeta3.getSchema();
-                result = index3Columns;
-                indexMeta4.getSchema();
-                result = index4Columns;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewSelector selector = new MaterializedViewSelector(selectStmt, analyzer);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(selector, "checkCompensatingPredicates", tableAColumnNames, candidateIndexIdToSchema);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, candidateIndexIdToSchema.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(1)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(2)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckGrouping(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt, @Injectable Analyzer analyzer,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta1,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta2,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta3) {
-        Set<String> tableAColumnNames = Sets.newHashSet();
-        tableAColumnNames.add("C1");
-        Map<Long, MaterializedIndexMeta> candidateIndexIdToSchema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<Column> index1Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index1Column1 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index1Columns.add(index1Column1);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(1), indexMeta1);
-        List<Column> index2Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index2Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column1);
-        Column index2Column2 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column2);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(2), indexMeta2);
-        List<Column> index3Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index3Column1 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column1);
-        Column index3Column2 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column2);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(3), indexMeta3);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                indexMeta1.getSchema();
-                result = index1Columns;
-                indexMeta1.getKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.DUP_KEYS;
-                indexMeta2.getSchema();
-                result = index2Columns;
-                indexMeta3.getSchema();
-                result = index3Columns;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewSelector selector = new MaterializedViewSelector(selectStmt, analyzer);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(selector, "isSPJQuery", false);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(selector, "checkGrouping", tableAColumnNames, candidateIndexIdToSchema);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, candidateIndexIdToSchema.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(1)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(2)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckAggregationFunction(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt, @Injectable Analyzer analyzer,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta1,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta2,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta3) {
-        Map<Long, MaterializedIndexMeta> candidateIndexIdToSchema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<Column> index1Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index1Column1 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index1Columns.add(index1Column1);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(1), indexMeta1);
-        List<Column> index2Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index2Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column1);
-        Column index2Column2 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column2);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(2), indexMeta2);
-        List<Column> index3Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index3Column1 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column1);
-        Column index3Column2 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column2);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(3), indexMeta3);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                indexMeta1.getSchema();
-                result = index1Columns;
-                indexMeta1.getKeysType();
-                result = KeysType.DUP_KEYS;
-                indexMeta2.getSchema();
-                result = index2Columns;
-                indexMeta3.getSchema();
-                result = index3Columns;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewSelector selector = new MaterializedViewSelector(selectStmt, analyzer);
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db1", "table1");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName, "C1");
-        FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("sum", Lists.newArrayList(slotRef));
-        Set<FunctionCallExpr> aggregatedColumnsInQueryOutput = Sets.newHashSet();
-        aggregatedColumnsInQueryOutput.add(functionCallExpr);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(selector, "isSPJQuery", false);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(selector, "checkAggregationFunction", aggregatedColumnsInQueryOutput,
-                               candidateIndexIdToSchema);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, candidateIndexIdToSchema.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(1)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(3)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckOutputColumns(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt, @Injectable Analyzer analyzer,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta1,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta2,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta3) {
-        Map<Long, MaterializedIndexMeta> candidateIndexIdToSchema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<Column> index1Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index1Column1 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index1Columns.add(index1Column1);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(1), indexMeta1);
-        List<Column> index2Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index2Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column1);
-        Column index2Column2 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.NONE, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column2);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(2), indexMeta2);
-        List<Column> index3Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index3Column1 = new Column("C2", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column1);
-        Column index3Column2 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column2);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(3), indexMeta3);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                indexMeta1.getSchema();
-                result = index1Columns;
-                indexMeta2.getSchema();
-                result = index2Columns;
-                indexMeta3.getSchema();
-                result = index3Columns;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewSelector selector = new MaterializedViewSelector(selectStmt, analyzer);
-        Set<String> columnNamesInQueryOutput = Sets.newHashSet();
-        columnNamesInQueryOutput.add("c1");
-        columnNamesInQueryOutput.add("c2");
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(selector, "checkOutputColumns", columnNamesInQueryOutput,
-                               candidateIndexIdToSchema);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, candidateIndexIdToSchema.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(2)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(3)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCompensateIndex(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt, @Injectable Analyzer analyzer,
-            @Injectable OlapTable table) {
-        Map<Long, MaterializedIndexMeta> candidateIndexIdToSchema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<Long, MaterializedIndexMeta> allVisibleIndexes = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<Column> index1Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index1Column1 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, true, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index1Columns.add(index1Column1);
-        allVisibleIndexes.put(new Long(1), new MaterializedIndexMeta(
-                0, index1Columns, 0, 0, (short) 0, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS, null));
-        List<Column> index2Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index2Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column1);
-        Column index2Column2 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column2);
-        allVisibleIndexes.put(new Long(2), new MaterializedIndexMeta(
-                0, index2Columns, 0, 0, (short) 0, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS, null));
-        List<Column> index3Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index3Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column1);
-        Column index3Column2 = new Column("c3", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.SUM, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column2);
-        allVisibleIndexes.put(new Long(3), new MaterializedIndexMeta(
-                0, index3Columns, 0, 0, (short) 0, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS, null));
-        List<Column> keyColumns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        keyColumns.add(index2Column1);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-                table.getBaseIndexId();
-                result = -1L;
-                table.getKeyColumnsByIndexId(-1L);
-                result = keyColumns;
-                table.getKeyColumnsByIndexId(1L);
-                result = Lists.newArrayList();
-                table.getKeyColumnsByIndexId(2L);
-                result = keyColumns;
-                table.getKeyColumnsByIndexId(3L);
-                result = keyColumns;
-            }
-        };
-        MaterializedViewSelector selector = new MaterializedViewSelector(selectStmt, analyzer);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(selector, "compensateCandidateIndex", candidateIndexIdToSchema,
-                               allVisibleIndexes, table);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, candidateIndexIdToSchema.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(2)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(candidateIndexIdToSchema.keySet().contains(new Long(3)));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSelectBestRowCountIndex(@Injectable SelectStmt selectStmt, @Injectable Analyzer analyzer) {
-        Map<Long, List<Column>> candidateIndexIdToSchema = Maps.newHashMap();
-        List<Column> index1Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index1Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index1Columns.add(index1Column1);
-        Column index1Column2 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.NONE, true, "", "");
-        index1Columns.add(index1Column2);
-        Column index1Column3 = new Column("c3", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.NONE, true, "", "");
-        index1Columns.add(index1Column3);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(1), index1Columns);
-        List<Column> index2Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index2Column1 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column1);
-        Column index2Column2 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.NONE, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column2);
-        Column index2Column3 = new Column("c3", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.NONE, true, "", "");
-        index2Columns.add(index2Column3);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(2), index2Columns);
-        List<Column> index3Columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column index3Column1 = new Column("c1", Type.INT, true, null, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column1);
-        Column index3Column2 = new Column("c3", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.NONE, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column2);
-        Column index3Column3 = new Column("c2", Type.INT, false, AggregateType.NONE, true, "", "");
-        index3Columns.add(index3Column3);
-        candidateIndexIdToSchema.put(new Long(3), index3Columns);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                selectStmt.getAggInfo();
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        Set<String> equivalenceColumns = Sets.newHashSet();
-        equivalenceColumns.add("c1");
-        equivalenceColumns.add("c2");
-        Set<String> unequivalenceColumns = Sets.newHashSet();
-        unequivalenceColumns.add("c3");
-        MaterializedViewSelector selector = new MaterializedViewSelector(selectStmt, analyzer);
-        Set<Long> result = Deencapsulation.invoke(selector, "matchBestPrefixIndex", candidateIndexIdToSchema,
-                               equivalenceColumns, unequivalenceColumns);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(result.contains(new Long(1)));
-        Assert.assertTrue(result.contains(new Long(2)));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/OlapScanNodeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/OlapScanNodeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f9f0f93..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/OlapScanNodeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.InPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.IntLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionKey;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-public class OlapScanNodeTest {    
-    // columnA in (1) hashmode=3
-    @Test
-    public void testHashDistributionOneUser() throws AnalysisException {
-        List<Long> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
-        partitions.add(new Long(0));
-        partitions.add(new Long(1));
-        partitions.add(new Long(2));
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columns.add(new Column("columnA", PrimitiveType.BIGINT));
-        List<Expr> inList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        inList.add(new IntLiteral(1));
-        Expr compareExpr = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "tableName"), "columnA");
-        InPredicate inPredicate = new InPredicate(compareExpr, inList, false);
-        PartitionColumnFilter  columnFilter = new PartitionColumnFilter();
-        columnFilter.setInPredicate(inPredicate);
-        Map<String, PartitionColumnFilter> filterMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        filterMap.put("columnA", columnFilter);
-        DistributionPruner partitionPruner  = new HashDistributionPruner(
-                partitions, 
-                columns,
-                filterMap,
-                3);
-        Collection<Long> ids = partitionPruner.prune();
-        Assert.assertEquals(ids.size(), 1);
-        for (Long id : ids) {
-            Assert.assertEquals((1 & 0xffffffff) % 3, id.intValue());
-        }
-    }
-    // columnA in (1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6) hashmode=3
-    @Test
-    public void testHashPartitionManyUser() throws AnalysisException {
-        List<Long> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
-        partitions.add(new Long(0));
-        partitions.add(new Long(1));
-        partitions.add(new Long(2));
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columns.add(new Column("columnA", PrimitiveType.BIGINT));        
-        List<Expr> inList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        inList.add(new IntLiteral(1));
-        inList.add(new IntLiteral(2));
-        inList.add(new IntLiteral(3));
-        inList.add(new IntLiteral(4));
-        inList.add(new IntLiteral(5));
-        inList.add(new IntLiteral(6));
-        Expr compareExpr = new SlotRef(new TableName("db", "tableName"), "columnA");
-        InPredicate inPredicate = new InPredicate(compareExpr, inList, false);
-        PartitionColumnFilter  columnFilter = new PartitionColumnFilter();
-        columnFilter.setInPredicate(inPredicate);
-        Map<String, PartitionColumnFilter> filterMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        filterMap.put("columnA", columnFilter);
-        DistributionPruner partitionPruner  = new HashDistributionPruner(
-                partitions, 
-                columns,
-                filterMap,
-                3);
-        Collection<Long> ids = partitionPruner.prune();
-        Assert.assertEquals(ids.size(), 3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testHashForIntLiteral() {
-        {
-            PartitionKey hashKey = new PartitionKey();
-            hashKey.pushColumn(new IntLiteral(1), PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-            long hashValue = hashKey.getHashValue();
-            long mod = (int) ((hashValue & 0xffffffff) % 3);
-            Assert.assertEquals(mod, 1);
-        }
-        {
-            PartitionKey hashKey = new PartitionKey();
-            hashKey.pushColumn(new IntLiteral(2), PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-            long hashValue = hashKey.getHashValue();
-            long mod = (int) ((hashValue & 0xffffffff) % 3);
-            Assert.assertEquals(mod, 0);
-        }
-        {
-            PartitionKey hashKey = new PartitionKey();
-            hashKey.pushColumn(new IntLiteral(3), PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-            long hashValue = hashKey.getHashValue();
-            long mod = (int) ((hashValue & 0xffffffff) % 3);
-            Assert.assertEquals(mod, 0);
-        }
-        {
-            PartitionKey hashKey = new PartitionKey();
-            hashKey.pushColumn(new IntLiteral(4), PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-            long hashValue = hashKey.getHashValue();
-            long mod = (int) ((hashValue & 0xffffffff) % 3);
-            Assert.assertEquals(mod, 1);
-        }
-        {
-            PartitionKey hashKey = new PartitionKey();
-            hashKey.pushColumn(new IntLiteral(5), PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-            long hashValue = hashKey.getHashValue();
-            long mod = (int) ((hashValue & 0xffffffff) % 3);
-            Assert.assertEquals(mod, 2);
-        }
-        {
-            PartitionKey hashKey = new PartitionKey();
-            hashKey.pushColumn(new IntLiteral(6), PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-            long hashValue = hashKey.getHashValue();
-            long mod = (int) ((hashValue & 0xffffffff) % 3);
-            Assert.assertEquals(mod, 2);
-        } 
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/OlapTableSinkTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/OlapTableSinkTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 57964ac..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/OlapTableSinkTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DescriptorTable;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionValue;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.HashDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionKey;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RangePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExplainLevel;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class OlapTableSinkTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(OlapTableSinkTest.class);
-    @Injectable
-    public OlapTable dstTable;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-    }
-    private TupleDescriptor getTuple() {
-        DescriptorTable descTable = new DescriptorTable();
-        TupleDescriptor tuple = descTable.createTupleDescriptor("DstTable");
-        // k1
-        SlotDescriptor k1 = descTable.addSlotDescriptor(tuple);
-        k1.setColumn(new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT));
-        k1.setIsMaterialized(true);
-        // k2
-        SlotDescriptor k2 = descTable.addSlotDescriptor(tuple);
-        k2.setColumn(new Column("k2", ScalarType.createVarchar(25)));
-        k2.setIsMaterialized(true);
-        // v1
-        SlotDescriptor v1 = descTable.addSlotDescriptor(tuple);
-        v1.setColumn(new Column("v1", ScalarType.createVarchar(25)));
-        v1.setIsMaterialized(true);
-        // v2
-        SlotDescriptor v2 = descTable.addSlotDescriptor(tuple);
-        v2.setColumn(new Column("v2", PrimitiveType.BIGINT));
-        v2.setIsMaterialized(true);
-        return tuple;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSinglePartition() throws UserException {
-        TupleDescriptor tuple = getTuple();
-        SinglePartitionInfo partInfo = new SinglePartitionInfo();
-        partInfo.setReplicationNum(2, (short) 3);
-        MaterializedIndex index = new MaterializedIndex(2, MaterializedIndex.IndexState.NORMAL);
-        HashDistributionInfo distInfo = new HashDistributionInfo(
-                2, Lists.newArrayList(new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT)));
-        Partition partition = new Partition(2, "p1", index, distInfo);
-        new Expectations() {{
-            dstTable.getId(); result = 1;
-            dstTable.getPartitionInfo(); result = partInfo;
-            dstTable.getPartitions(); result = Lists.newArrayList(partition);
-                dstTable.getPartition(2L);
-                result = partition;
-        }};
-        OlapTableSink sink = new OlapTableSink(dstTable, tuple, Lists.newArrayList(2L));
-        sink.init(new TUniqueId(1, 2), 3, 4, 1000);
-        sink.complete();
-        LOG.info("sink is {}", sink.toThrift());
-        LOG.info("{}", sink.getExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRangePartition(
-            @Injectable RangePartitionInfo partInfo,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndex index) throws UserException {
-        TupleDescriptor tuple = getTuple();
-        HashDistributionInfo distInfo = new HashDistributionInfo(
-                2, Lists.newArrayList(new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT)));
-        Column partKey = new Column("k2", PrimitiveType.VARCHAR);
-        PartitionKey key = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Lists.newArrayList(new PartitionValue("123")), Lists.newArrayList(partKey));
-        Partition p1 = new Partition(1, "p1", index, distInfo);
-        Partition p2 = new Partition(2, "p2", index, distInfo);
-        new Expectations() {{
-            dstTable.getId(); result = 1;
-            dstTable.getPartitionInfo(); result = partInfo;
-            partInfo.getType(); result = PartitionType.RANGE;
-            partInfo.getPartitionColumns(); result = Lists.newArrayList(partKey);
-            dstTable.getPartitions(); result = Lists.newArrayList(p1, p2);
-            dstTable.getPartition(p1.getId()); result = p1;
-        }};
-        OlapTableSink sink = new OlapTableSink(dstTable, tuple, Lists.newArrayList(p1.getId()));
-        sink.init(new TUniqueId(1, 2), 3, 4, 1000);
-        try {
-            sink.complete();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-        }
-        LOG.info("sink is {}", sink.toThrift());
-        LOG.info("{}", sink.getExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testRangeUnknownPartition(
-            @Injectable RangePartitionInfo partInfo,
-            @Injectable MaterializedIndex index) throws UserException {
-        TupleDescriptor tuple = getTuple();
-        long unknownPartId = 12345L;
-        new Expectations() {{
-            dstTable.getPartition(unknownPartId); result = null;
-        }};
-        OlapTableSink sink = new OlapTableSink(dstTable, tuple, Lists.newArrayList(unknownPartId));
-        sink.init(new TUniqueId(1, 2), 3, 4, 1000);
-        sink.complete();
-        LOG.info("sink is {}", sink.toThrift());
-        LOG.info("{}", sink.getExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/PlannerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/PlannerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e54aad6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/PlannerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.StmtExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExplainLevel;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class PlannerTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/DemoTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext ctx;
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
-        FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(runningDir));
-    }
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database db1;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        // 3. create table tbl1
-        String createTblStmtStr = "create table db1.tbl1(k1 varchar(32), k2 varchar(32), k3 varchar(32), k4 int) "
-                + "AGGREGATE KEY(k1, k2,k3,k4) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        createTblStmtStr = "create table db1.tbl2(k1 int, k2 int sum) "
-                + "AGGREGATE KEY(k1) partition by range(k1) () distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetOperation() throws Exception {
-        // union
-        String sql1 = "explain select * from\n"
-                + "  (select k1, k2 from db1.tbl1\n"
-                + "   union all\n"
-                + "   select k1, k2 from db1.tbl1) a\n"
-                + "  inner join\n"
-                + "  db1.tbl1 b\n"
-                + "  on (a.k1 = b.k1)\n"
-                + "where b.k1 = 'a'";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor1 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql1);
-        stmtExecutor1.execute();
-        Planner planner1 = stmtExecutor1.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments1 = planner1.getFragments();
-        String plan1 = planner1.getExplainString(fragments1, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan1, "UNION"));
-        String sql2 = "explain select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "union distinct\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2\n"
-                + "   union all\n"
-                + "   select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2)\n"
-                + "union distinct\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2\n"
-                + "   union all\n"
-                + "   (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3)\n"
-                + "   order by 3 limit 3)\n"
-                + "union all\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3\n"
-                + "   union all\n"
-                + "   select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=4)\n"
-                + "union all\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3\n"
-                + "   union all\n"
-                + "   (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=5)\n"
-                + "   order by 3 limit 3)";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor2 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql2);
-        stmtExecutor2.execute();
-        Planner planner2 = stmtExecutor2.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments2 = planner2.getFragments();
-        String plan2 = planner2.getExplainString(fragments2, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, StringUtils.countMatches(plan2, "UNION"));
-        // intersect
-        String sql3 = "explain select * from\n"
-                + "  (select k1, k2 from db1.tbl1\n"
-                + "   intersect\n"
-                + "   select k1, k2 from db1.tbl1) a\n"
-                + "  inner join\n"
-                + "  db1.tbl1 b\n"
-                + "  on (a.k1 = b.k1)\n"
-                + "where b.k1 = 'a'";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor3 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql3);
-        stmtExecutor3.execute();
-        Planner planner3 = stmtExecutor3.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments3 = planner3.getFragments();
-        String plan3 = planner3.getExplainString(fragments3, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan3, "INTERSECT"));
-        String sql4 = "explain select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "intersect distinct\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2\n"
-                + "   intersect\n"
-                + "   select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2)\n"
-                + "intersect distinct\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2\n"
-                + "   intersect\n"
-                + "   (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3)\n"
-                + "   order by 3 limit 3)\n"
-                + "intersect\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3\n"
-                + "   intersect\n"
-                + "   select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=4)\n"
-                + "intersect\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3\n"
-                + "   intersect\n"
-                + "   (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=5)\n"
-                + "   order by 3 limit 3)";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor4 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql4);
-        stmtExecutor4.execute();
-        Planner planner4 = stmtExecutor4.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments4 = planner4.getFragments();
-        String plan4 = planner4.getExplainString(fragments4, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, StringUtils.countMatches(plan4, "INTERSECT"));
-        // except
-        String sql5 = "explain select * from\n"
-                + "  (select k1, k2 from db1.tbl1\n"
-                + "   except\n"
-                + "   select k1, k2 from db1.tbl1) a\n"
-                + "  inner join\n"
-                + "  db1.tbl1 b\n"
-                + "  on (a.k1 = b.k1)\n"
-                + "where b.k1 = 'a'";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor5 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql5);
-        stmtExecutor5.execute();
-        Planner planner5 = stmtExecutor5.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments5 = planner5.getFragments();
-        String plan5 = planner5.getExplainString(fragments5, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan5, "EXCEPT"));
-        String sql6 = "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "except\n"
-                + "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "except\n"
-                + "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=2\n"
-                + "except distinct\n"
-                + "(select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=2)\n"
-                + "order by 3 limit 3";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor6 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql6);
-        stmtExecutor6.execute();
-        Planner planner6 = stmtExecutor6.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments6 = planner6.getFragments();
-        String plan6 = planner6.getExplainString(fragments6, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan6, "EXCEPT"));
-        String sql7 = "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "except distinct\n"
-                + "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "except\n"
-                + "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=2\n"
-                + "except\n"
-                + "(select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=2)\n"
-                + "order by 3 limit 3";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor7 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql7);
-        stmtExecutor7.execute();
-        Planner planner7 = stmtExecutor7.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments7 = planner7.getFragments();
-        String plan7 = planner7.getExplainString(fragments7, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan7, "EXCEPT"));
-        // mixed
-        String sql8 = "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "union\n"
-                + "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "except\n"
-                + "select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=2\n"
-                + "intersect\n"
-                + "(select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=2)\n"
-                + "order by 3 limit 3";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor8 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql8);
-        stmtExecutor8.execute();
-        Planner planner8 = stmtExecutor8.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments8 = planner8.getFragments();
-        String plan8 = planner8.getExplainString(fragments8, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan8, "UNION"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan8, "INTERSECT"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(plan8, "EXCEPT"));
-        String sql9 = "explain select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='a' and k4=1\n"
-                + "intersect distinct\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2\n"
-                + "   union all\n"
-                + "   select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2)\n"
-                + "intersect distinct\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=2\n"
-                + "   except\n"
-                + "   (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3)\n"
-                + "   order by 3 limit 3)\n"
-                + "union all\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3\n"
-                + "   intersect\n"
-                + "   select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=4)\n"
-                + "except\n"
-                + "  (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=3\n"
-                + "   intersect\n"
-                + "   (select * from db1.tbl1 where k1='b' and k4=5)\n"
-                + "   order by 3 limit 3)";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor9 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql9);
-        stmtExecutor9.execute();
-        Planner planner9 = stmtExecutor9.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments9 = planner9.getFragments();
-        String plan9 = planner9.getExplainString(fragments9, TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, StringUtils.countMatches(plan9, "UNION"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, StringUtils.countMatches(plan9, "INTERSECT"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, StringUtils.countMatches(plan9, "EXCEPT"));
-        String sql10 = "select 499 union select 670 except select 499";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor10 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql10);
-        stmtExecutor10.execute();
-        Planner planner10 = stmtExecutor10.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments10 = planner10.getFragments();
-        Assert.assertTrue(fragments10.get(0).getPlanRoot().getFragment()
-                .getPlanRoot().getChild(0) instanceof AggregationNode);
-        Assert.assertTrue(fragments10.get(0).getPlanRoot()
-                .getFragment().getPlanRoot().getChild(1) instanceof UnionNode);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPushDown() throws Exception{
-        String sql1 =
-                "SELECT\n" +
-                "    IF(k2 IS NULL, 'ALL', k2) AS k2,\n" +
-                "    IF(k3 IS NULL, 'ALL', k3) AS k3,\n" +
-                "    k4\n" +
-                "FROM\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    SELECT\n" +
-                "        k1,\n" +
-                "        k2,\n" +
-                "        k3,\n" +
-                "        SUM(k4) AS k4\n" +
-                "    FROM  db1.tbl1\n" +
-                "    WHERE k1 = 0\n" +
-                "        AND k4 = 1\n" +
-                "        AND k3 = 'foo'\n" +
-                "    GROUP BY \n" +
-                "    GROUPING SETS (\n" +
-                "        (k1),\n" +
-                "        (k1, k2),\n" +
-                "        (k1, k3),\n" +
-                "        (k1, k2, k3)\n" +
-                "    )\n" +
-                ") t\n" +
-                "WHERE IF(k2 IS NULL, 'ALL', k2) = 'ALL'";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor1 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql1);
-        stmtExecutor1.execute();
-        Planner planner1 = stmtExecutor1.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments1 = planner1.getFragments();
-        Assert.assertEquals("if",
-                fragments1.get(0).getPlanRoot().conjuncts.get(0).getChild(0).getFn().functionName());
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, fragments1.get(0).getPlanRoot().getChild(0).getChild(0).conjuncts.size());
-        String sql2 =
-                "SELECT\n" +
-                        "    IF(k2 IS NULL, 'ALL', k2) AS k2,\n" +
-                        "    IF(k3 IS NULL, 'ALL', k3) AS k3,\n" +
-                        "    k4\n" +
-                        "FROM\n" +
-                        "(\n" +
-                        "    SELECT\n" +
-                        "        k1,\n" +
-                        "        k2,\n" +
-                        "        k3,\n" +
-                        "        SUM(k4) AS k4\n" +
-                        "    FROM  db1.tbl1\n" +
-                        "    WHERE k1 = 0\n" +
-                        "        AND k4 = 1\n" +
-                        "        AND k3 = 'foo'\n" +
-                        "    GROUP BY k1, k2, k3\n" +
-                        ") t\n" +
-                        "WHERE IF(k2 IS NULL, 'ALL', k2) = 'ALL'";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor2 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql2);
-        stmtExecutor2.execute();
-        Planner planner2 = stmtExecutor2.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments2 = planner2.getFragments();
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, fragments2.get(0).getPlanRoot().getChild(0).conjuncts.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWithStmtSoltIsAllowNull() throws Exception {
-        // union
-        String sql1 = "with a as (select NULL as user_id ), " +
-                "b as ( select '543' as user_id) " +
-                "select user_id from a union all select user_id from b";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor1 = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql1);
-        stmtExecutor1.execute();
-        Planner planner1 = stmtExecutor1.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments1 = planner1.getFragments();
-        String plan1 = planner1.getExplainString(fragments1, TExplainLevel.VERBOSE);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, StringUtils.countMatches(plan1, "nullIndicatorBit=0"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAccessingVisibleColumnWithoutPartition() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "select count(k1) from db1.tbl2";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, sql);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(stmtExecutor.planner());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/QueryPlanTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/QueryPlanTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e1bc9d3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/QueryPlanTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1425 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.InformationFunction;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LoadStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SelectStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowCreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StatementBase;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlJobType;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState.MysqlStateType;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class QueryPlanTest {
-    // use a unique dir so that it won't be conflict with other unit test which
-    // may also start a Mocked Frontend
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/QueryPlanTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    private static ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-        // create connect context
-        connectContext = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // disable bucket shuffle join
-        Deencapsulation.setField(connectContext.getSessionVariable(), "enableBucketShuffleJoin", false);
-        // create database
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database test;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        createTable("create table test.test1\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "    query_id varchar(48) comment \"Unique query id\",\n" +
-                "    time datetime not null comment \"Query start time\",\n" +
-                "    client_ip varchar(32) comment \"Client IP\",\n" +
-                "    user varchar(64) comment \"User name\",\n" +
-                "    db varchar(96) comment \"Database of this query\",\n" +
-                "    state varchar(8) comment \"Query result state. EOF, ERR, OK\",\n" +
-                "    query_time bigint comment \"Query execution time in millisecond\",\n" +
-                "    scan_bytes bigint comment \"Total scan bytes of this query\",\n" +
-                "    scan_rows bigint comment \"Total scan rows of this query\",\n" +
-                "    return_rows bigint comment \"Returned rows of this query\",\n" +
-                "    stmt_id int comment \"An incremental id of statement\",\n" +
-                "    is_query tinyint comment \"Is this statemt a query. 1 or 0\",\n" +
-                "    frontend_ip varchar(32) comment \"Frontend ip of executing this statement\",\n" +
-                "    stmt varchar(2048) comment \"The original statement, trimed if longer than 2048 bytes\"\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "partition by range(time) ()\n" +
-                "distributed by hash(query_id) buckets 1\n" +
-                "properties(\n" +
-                "    \"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"DAY\",\n" +
-                "    \"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-30\",\n" +
-                "    \"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "    \"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "    \"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "    \"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "    \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.bitmap_table (\n" +
-                "  `id` int(11) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `id2` bitmap bitmap_union NULL\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`id`)\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.join1 (\n" +
-                "  `dt` int(11) COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `id` int(11) COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `value` varchar(8) COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`dt`, `id`)\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`dt`)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"10\"))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) BUCKETS 10\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "  \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.join2 (\n" +
-                "  `dt` int(11) COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `id` int(11) COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `value` varchar(8) COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`dt`, `id`)\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`dt`)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"10\"))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) BUCKETS 10\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "  \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.bitmap_table_2 (\n" +
-                "  `id` int(11) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `id2` bitmap bitmap_union NULL,\n" +
-                "  `id3` bitmap bitmap_union NULL\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`id`)\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.hll_table (\n" +
-                "  `id` int(11) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `id2` hll hll_union NULL\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`id`)\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) BUCKETS 1\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`bigtable` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` tinyint(4) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` smallint(6) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` int(11) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k4` bigint(20) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k5` decimal(9, 3) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k6` char(5) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k10` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k11` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k7` varchar(20) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k8` double MAX NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k9` float SUM NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`, `k4`, `k5`, `k6`, `k10`, `k11`, `k7`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 5\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`baseall` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` tinyint(4) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` smallint(6) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` int(11) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k4` bigint(20) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k5` decimal(9, 3) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k6` char(5) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k10` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k11` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k7` varchar(20) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k8` double MAX NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k9` float SUM NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`, `k4`, `k5`, `k6`, `k10`, `k11`, `k7`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 5\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`dynamic_partition` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` smallint(6) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` int(11) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k4` bigint(20) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k5` decimal(9, 3) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k6` char(5) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k10` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k11` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k7` varchar(20) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k8` double MAX NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k9` float SUM NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`, `k4`, `k5`, `k6`, `k10`, `k11`, `k7`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE (k1)\n" +
-                "(\n" +
-                "PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-01-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-06-01\"),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (\"2014-12-01\")\n" +
-                ")\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 5\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.enable\" = \"true\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.start\" = \"-3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.end\" = \"3\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.time_unit\" = \"day\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.prefix\" = \"p\",\n" +
-                "\"dynamic_partition.buckets\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`app_profile` (\n" +
-                "  `event_date` date NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `app_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `package_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `age` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `gender` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `level` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `city` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `model` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `brand` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `hours` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `use_num` int(11) SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `use_time` double SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `start_times` bigint(20) SUM NOT NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`event_date`, `app_name`, `package_name`, `age`, `gender`, `level`, `city`, `model`, `brand`, `hours`)\n"
-                +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`event_date`)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p_20200301 VALUES [('2020-02-27'), ('2020-03-02')),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p_20200306 VALUES [('2020-03-02'), ('2020-03-07')))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`event_date`, `app_name`, `package_name`, `age`, `gender`, `level`, `city`, `model`, `brand`, `hours`) BUCKETS 1\n"
-                +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                " \"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`pushdown_test` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` tinyint(4) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` smallint(6) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k3` int(11) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k4` bigint(20) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k5` decimal(9, 3) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k6` char(5) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k10` date NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k11` datetime NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k7` varchar(20) NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k8` double MAX NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k9` float SUM NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "AGGREGATE KEY(`k1`, `k2`, `k3`, `k4`, `k5`, `k6`, `k10`, `k11`, `k7`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`k1`)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p1 VALUES [(\"-128\"), (\"-64\")),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES [(\"-64\"), (\"0\")),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES [(\"0\"), (\"64\")))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`k1`) BUCKETS 5\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"in_memory\" = \"false\",\n" +
-                "\"storage_format\" = \"DEFAULT\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("create table test.jointest\n" +
-                "(k1 int, k2 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 1\n" +
-                "properties(\"replication_num\" = \"1\");");
-        createTable("create table test.bucket_shuffle1\n" +
-                "(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int) distributed by hash(k1, k2) buckets 5\n" +
-                "properties(\"replication_num\" = \"1\"" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`bucket_shuffle2` (\n" +
-                "  `k1` int NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `k2` smallint(6) NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`k1`)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p1 VALUES [(\"-128\"), (\"-64\")),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p2 VALUES [(\"-64\"), (\"0\")),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p3 VALUES [(\"0\"), (\"64\")))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1, k2) BUCKETS 5\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"in_memory\" = \"false\",\n" +
-                "\"storage_format\" = \"DEFAULT\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("create table test.colocate1\n" +
-                "(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int) distributed by hash(k1, k2) buckets 1\n" +
-                "properties(\"replication_num\" = \"1\"," +
-                "\"colocate_with\" = \"group1\");");
-        createTable("create table test.colocate2\n" +
-                "(k1 int, k2 int, k3 int) distributed by hash(k1, k2) buckets 1\n" +
-                "properties(\"replication_num\" = \"1\"," +
-                "\"colocate_with\" = \"group1\");");
-        createTable("create external table test.mysql_table\n" +
-                "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" +
-                "ENGINE=MYSQL\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"host\" = \"\",\n" +
-                "\"port\" = \"3306\",\n" +
-                "\"user\" = \"root\",\n" +
-                "\"password\" = \"123\",\n" +
-                "\"database\" = \"db1\",\n" +
-                "\"table\" = \"tbl1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`table_partitioned` (\n" +
-                "  `dt` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `dis_key` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`dt`, `dis_key`)\n" +
-                "PARTITION BY RANGE(`dt`)\n" +
-                "(PARTITION p20200101 VALUES [(\"-1\"), (\"20200101\")),\n" +
-                "PARTITION p20200201 VALUES [(\"20200101\"), (\"20200201\")))\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`dt`, `dis_key`) BUCKETS 2\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("CREATE TABLE test.`table_unpartitioned` (\n" +
-                "  `dt` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\",\n" +
-                "  `dis_key` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT \"\"\n" +
-                ") ENGINE=OLAP\n" +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`dt`, `dis_key`)\n" +
-                "COMMENT \"OLAP\"\n" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`dt`, `dis_key`) BUCKETS 2\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("create external table test.odbc_oracle\n" +
-                "(k1 float, k2 int)\n" +
-                "ENGINE=ODBC\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"host\" = \"\",\n" +
-                "\"port\" = \"3306\",\n" +
-                "\"user\" = \"root\",\n" +
-                "\"password\" = \"123\",\n" +
-                "\"database\" = \"db1\",\n" +
-                "\"table\" = \"tbl1\",\n" +
-                "\"driver\" = \"Oracle Driver\",\n" +
-                "\"odbc_type\" = \"oracle\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("create external table test.odbc_mysql\n" +
-                "(k1 int, k2 int)\n" +
-                "ENGINE=ODBC\n" +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"host\" = \"\",\n" +
-                "\"port\" = \"3306\",\n" +
-                "\"user\" = \"root\",\n" +
-                "\"password\" = \"123\",\n" +
-                "\"database\" = \"db1\",\n" +
-                "\"table\" = \"tbl1\",\n" +
-                "\"driver\" = \"Oracle Driver\",\n" +
-                "\"odbc_type\" = \"mysql\"\n" +
-                ");");
-        createTable("create table test.tbl_int_date (" +
-                "`date` datetime NULL," +
-                "`day` date NULL," +
-                "`site_id` int(11) NULL )" +
-                " ENGINE=OLAP " +
-                "DUPLICATE KEY(`date`, `day`, `site_id`)" +
-                "DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`site_id`) BUCKETS 10 " +
-                "PROPERTIES (\n" +
-                "\"replication_num\" = \"1\",\n" +
-                "\"in_memory\" = \"false\",\n" +
-                "\"storage_format\" = \"V2\"\n" +
-                ");");
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    private static void createTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapInsertInto() throws Exception {
-        String queryStr = "explain INSERT INTO test.bitmap_table (id, id2) VALUES (1001, to_bitmap(1000)), (1001, to_bitmap(2000));";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OLAP TABLE SINK"));
-        queryStr = "explain insert into test.bitmap_table select id, bitmap_union(id2) from test.bitmap_table_2 group by id;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OLAP TABLE SINK"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("1:AGGREGATE"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("0:OlapScanNode"));
-        queryStr = "explain insert into test.bitmap_table select id, id2 from test.bitmap_table_2;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OLAP TABLE SINK"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OUTPUT EXPRS:`id` | `id2`"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("0:OlapScanNode"));
-        queryStr = "explain insert into test.bitmap_table select id, to_bitmap(id2) from test.bitmap_table_2;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OLAP TABLE SINK"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OUTPUT EXPRS:`id` | to_bitmap(`id2`)"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("0:OlapScanNode"));
-        queryStr = "explain insert into test.bitmap_table select id, bitmap_hash(id2) from test.bitmap_table_2;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OLAP TABLE SINK"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OUTPUT EXPRS:`id` | bitmap_hash(`id2`)"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("0:OlapScanNode"));
-        queryStr = "explain insert into test.bitmap_table select id, id from test.bitmap_table_2;";
-        String errorMsg = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(errorMsg.contains("bitmap column id2 require the function return type is BITMAP"));
-    }
-    private static void testBitmapQueryPlan(String sql, String result) throws Exception {
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains(result));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapQuery() throws Exception {
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select * from test.bitmap_table;",
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:`default_cluster:test.bitmap_table`.`id` | `default_cluster:test.bitmap_table`.`id2`"
-        );
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select count(id2) from test.bitmap_table;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select group_concat(id2) from test.bitmap_table;",
-                "group_concat requires first parameter to be of type STRING: group_concat(`id2`)"
-        );
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select sum(id2) from test.bitmap_table;",
-                "sum requires a numeric parameter: sum(`id2`)"
-        );
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select avg(id2) from test.bitmap_table;",
-                "avg requires a numeric parameter: avg(`id2`)"
-        );
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select max(id2) from test.bitmap_table;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select min(id2) from test.bitmap_table;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select count(*) from test.bitmap_table group by id2;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testBitmapQueryPlan(
-                "select count(*) from test.bitmap_table where id2 = 1;",
-                "type not match, originType=BITMAP, targeType=DOUBLE"
-        );
-    }
-    private static void testHLLQueryPlan(String sql, String result) throws Exception {
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains(result));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testHLLTypeQuery() throws Exception {
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select * from test.hll_table;",
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:`default_cluster:test.hll_table`.`id` | `default_cluster:test.hll_table`.`id2`"
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select count(id2) from test.hll_table;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select group_concat(id2) from test.hll_table;",
-                "group_concat requires first parameter to be of type STRING: group_concat(`id2`)"
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select sum(id2) from test.hll_table;",
-                "sum requires a numeric parameter: sum(`id2`)"
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select avg(id2) from test.hll_table;",
-                "avg requires a numeric parameter: avg(`id2`)"
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select max(id2) from test.hll_table;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select min(id2) from test.hll_table;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select min(id2) from test.hll_table;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select count(*) from test.hll_table group by id2;",
-                Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg
-        );
-        testHLLQueryPlan(
-                "select count(*) from test.hll_table where id2 = 1",
-                "type not match, originType=HLL, targeType=DOUBLE"
-        );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTypeCast() throws Exception {
-        // cmy: this test may sometimes failed in our daily test env, so I add a case here.
-        String sql = "select * from test.baseall a where k1 in (select k1 from test.bigtable b where k2 > 0 and k1 = 1);";
-        UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlStateType.EOF, connectContext.getState().getStateType());
-        sql = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_%'; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'";
-        List<StatementBase> stmts = UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmts(sql, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmts.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultiStmts() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_%'; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'";
-        List<StatementBase>stmts = UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmts(sql, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, stmts.size());
-        sql = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_%';;;";
-        stmts = UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmts(sql, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, stmts.size());
-        sql = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_%';;;SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_%';";
-        stmts = UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmts(sql, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, stmts.size());
-        sql = "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_%'";
-        stmts = UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmts(sql, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, stmts.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCountDistinctRewrite() throws Exception {
-        String sql = "select count(distinct id) from test.bitmap_table";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("output: count"));
-        sql = "select count(distinct id2) from test.bitmap_table";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union_count"));
-        sql = "select sum(id) / count(distinct id2) from test.bitmap_table";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union_count"));
-        sql = "select count(distinct id2) from test.hll_table";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("hll_union_agg"));
-        sql = "select sum(id) / count(distinct id2) from test.hll_table";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("hll_union_agg"));
-        sql = "select count(distinct id2) from test.bitmap_table group by id order by count(distinct id2)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union_count"));
-        sql = "select count(distinct id2) from test.bitmap_table having count(distinct id2) > 0";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union_count"));
-        sql = "select count(distinct id2) from test.bitmap_table order by count(distinct id2)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union_count"));
-        sql = "select count(distinct if(id = 1, id2, null)) from test.bitmap_table";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union_count"));
-        sql = "select count(distinct ifnull(id2, id3)) from test.bitmap_table_2";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union_count"));
-        sql = "select count(distinct coalesce(id2, id3)) from test.bitmap_table_2";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("bitmap_union_count"));
-        ConnectContext.get().getSessionVariable().setRewriteCountDistinct(false);
-        sql = "select count(distinct id2) from test.bitmap_table";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains(Type.OnlyMetricTypeErrorMsg));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateDbQueryPlanWithSchemaSyntax() throws Exception {
-        String createSchemaSql = "create schema if not exists test";
-        String createDbSql = "create database if not exists test";
-        CreateDbStmt createSchemaStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createSchemaSql, connectContext);
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt =  (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbSql, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertEquals(createDbStmt.toSql(), createSchemaStmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDropDbQueryPlanWithSchemaSyntax() throws Exception {
-        String dropSchemaSql = "drop schema if exists test";
-        String dropDbSql = "drop database if exists test";
-        DropDbStmt dropSchemaStmt = (DropDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(dropSchemaSql, connectContext);
-        DropDbStmt dropDbStmt = (DropDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(dropDbSql, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertEquals(dropDbStmt.toSql(), dropSchemaStmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowCreateDbQueryPlanWithSchemaSyntax() throws Exception {
-        String showCreateSchemaSql = "show create schema test";
-        String showCreateDbSql = "show create database test";
-        ShowCreateDbStmt showCreateSchemaStmt = (ShowCreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showCreateSchemaSql, connectContext);
-        ShowCreateDbStmt showCreateDbStmt = (ShowCreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(showCreateDbSql, connectContext);
-        Assert.assertEquals(showCreateDbStmt.toSql(), showCreateSchemaStmt.toSql());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDateTypeCastSyntax() throws Exception {
-        String castSql = "select * from test.baseall where k11 < cast('2020-03-26' as date)";
-        SelectStmt selectStmt =
-                (SelectStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(castSql, connectContext);
-        Expr rightExpr = selectStmt.getWhereClause().getChildren().get(1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rightExpr.getType().equals(Type.DATETIME));
-        String castSql2 = "select str_to_date('11/09/2011', '%m/%d/%Y');";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + castSql2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("2011-11-09"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("2011-11-09 00:00:00"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDateTypeEquality() throws Exception {
-        // related to Github issue #3309
-        String loadStr = "load label test.app_profile_20200306\n" +
-                "(DATA INFILE('filexxx')INTO TABLE app_profile partition (p_20200306)\n" +
-                "COLUMNS TERMINATED BY '\\t'\n" +
-                "(app_name,package_name,age,gender,level,city,model,brand,hours,use_num,use_time,start_times)\n" +
-                "SET\n" +
-                "(event_date = default_value('2020-03-06'))) \n" +
-                "PROPERTIES ( 'max_filter_ratio'='0.0001' );\n" +
-                "";
-        LoadStmt loadStmt = (LoadStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(loadStr, connectContext);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getLoadManager().createLoadJobV1FromStmt(loadStmt, EtlJobType.HADOOP,
-                System.currentTimeMillis());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinPredicateTransitivity() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        // test left join : left table where binary predicate
-        String sql = "select join1.id\n" +
-                "from join1\n" +
-                "left join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "where join1.id > 1;";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test left join: left table where in predicate
-        sql = "select join1.id\n" +
-                "from join1\n" +
-                "left join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "where join1.id in (2);";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` IN (2)"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` IN (2)"));
-        // test left join: left table where between predicate
-        sql = "select join1.id\n" +
-                "from join1\n" +
-                "left join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "where join1.id BETWEEN 1 AND 2;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` >= 1, `join1`.`id` <= 2"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` >= 1, `join2`.`id` <= 2"));
-        // test left join: left table join predicate, left table couldn't push down
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "left join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "and join1.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("other join predicates: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test left join: right table where predicate.
-        // If we eliminate outer join, we could push predicate down to join1 and join2.
-        // Currently, we push predicate to join1 and keep join predicate for join2
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "left join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "where join2.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("other join predicates: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test left join: right table join predicate, only push down right table
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "left join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "and join2.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test inner join: left table where predicate, both push down left table and right table
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "where join1.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test inner join: left table join predicate, both push down left table and right table
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "and join1.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test inner join: right table where predicate, both push down left table and right table
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "where join2.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test inner join: right table join predicate, both push down left table and right table
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "and 1 < join2.id;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "join join2 on join1.id = join2.value\n" +
-                "and join2.value in ('abc');";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("'abc' is not a number"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("`join1`.`value` IN ('abc')"));
-        // test anti join, right table join predicate, only push to right table
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "left anti join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "and join2.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test semi join, right table join predicate, only push to right table
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "left semi join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "and join2.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test anti join, left table join predicate, left table couldn't push down
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "left anti join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "and join1.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("other join predicates: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test semi join, left table join predicate, only push to left table
-        sql = "select *\n from join1\n" +
-                "left semi join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "and join1.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test anti join, left table where predicate, only push to left table
-        sql = "select join1.id\n" +
-                "from join1\n" +
-                "left anti join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "where join1.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-        // test semi join, left table where predicate, only push to left table
-        sql = "select join1.id\n" +
-                "from join1\n" +
-                "left semi join join2 on join1.id = join2.id\n" +
-                "where join1.id > 1;";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join1`.`id` > 1"));
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `join2`.`id` > 1"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testConvertCaseWhenToConstant() throws Exception {
-        // basic test
-        String caseWhenSql = "select "
-                + "case when date_format(now(),'%H%i')  < 123 then 1 else 0 end as col "
-                + "from test.test1 "
-                + "where time = case when date_format(now(),'%H%i')  < 123 then date_format(date_sub(now(),2),'%Y%m%d') else date_format(date_sub(now(),1),'%Y%m%d') end";
-        Assert.assertTrue(!StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + caseWhenSql), "CASE WHEN"));
-        // test 1: case when then
-        // 1.1 multi when in on `case when` and can be converted to constants
-        String sql11 = "select case when false then 2 when true then 3 else 0 end as col11;";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql11), "constant exprs: \n         3"));
-        // 1.2 multi `when expr` in on `case when` ,`when expr` can not be converted to constants
-        String sql121 = "select case when false then 2 when substr(k7,2,1) then 3 else 0 end as col121 from test.baseall";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql121),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:CASE WHEN substr(`k7`, 2, 1) THEN 3 ELSE 0 END"));
-        // 1.2.2 when expr which can not be converted to constants in the first
-        String sql122 = "select case when substr(k7,2,1) then 2 when false then 3 else 0 end as col122 from test.baseall";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql122),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:CASE WHEN substr(`k7`, 2, 1) THEN 2 WHEN FALSE THEN 3 ELSE 0 END"));
-        // 1.2.3 test return `then expr` in the middle
-        String sql124 = "select case when false then 1 when true then 2 when false then 3 else 'other' end as col124";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql124), "constant exprs: \n         '2'"));
-        // 1.3 test return null
-        String sql3 = "select case when false then 2 end as col3";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql3), "constant exprs: \n         NULL"));
-        // 1.3.1 test return else expr
-        String sql131 = "select case when false then 2 when false then 3 else 4 end as col131";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql131), "constant exprs: \n         4"));
-        // 1.4 nest `case when` and can be converted to constants
-        String sql14 = "select case when (case when true then true else false end) then 2 when false then 3 else 0 end as col";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql14), "constant exprs: \n         2"));
-        // 1.5 nest `case when` and can not be converted to constants
-        String sql15 = "select case when case when substr(k7,2,1) then true else false end then 2 when false then 3 else 0 end as col from test.baseall";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql15),
-        // 1.6 test when expr is null
-        String sql16 = "select case when null then 1 else 2 end as col16;";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql16), "constant exprs: \n         2"));
-        // test 2: case xxx when then
-        // 2.1 test equal
-        String sql2 = "select case 1 when 1 then 'a' when 2 then 'b' else 'other' end as col2;";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql2), "constant exprs: \n         'a'"));
-        // 2.1.2 test not equal
-        String sql212 = "select case 'a' when 1 then 'a' when 'a' then 'b' else 'other' end as col212;";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql212), "constant exprs: \n         'b'"));
-        // 2.2 test return null
-        String sql22 = "select case 'a' when 1 then 'a' when 'b' then 'b' end as col22;";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql22), "constant exprs: \n         NULL"));
-        // 2.2.2 test return else
-        String sql222 = "select case 1 when 2 then 'a' when 3 then 'b' else 'other' end as col222;";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql222), "constant exprs: \n         'other'"));
-        // 2.3 test can not convert to constant,middle when expr is not constant
-        String sql23 = "select case 'a' when 'b' then 'a' when substr(k7,2,1) then 2 when false then 3 else 0 end as col23 from test.baseall";
-        String a = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql23);
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(a,
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:CASE 'a' WHEN substr(`k7`, 2, 1) THEN '2' WHEN '0' THEN '3' ELSE '0' END"));
-        // 2.3.1  first when expr is not constant
-        String sql231 = "select case 'a' when substr(k7,2,1) then 2 when 1 then 'a' when false then 3 else 0 end as col231 from test.baseall";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql231),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:CASE 'a' WHEN substr(`k7`, 2, 1) THEN '2' WHEN '1' THEN 'a' WHEN '0' THEN '3' ELSE '0' END"));
-        // 2.3.2 case expr is not constant
-        String sql232 = "select case k1 when substr(k7,2,1) then 2 when 1 then 'a' when false then 3 else 0 end as col232 from test.baseall";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql232),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:CASE `k1` WHEN substr(`k7`, 2, 1) THEN '2' WHEN '1' THEN 'a' WHEN '0' THEN '3' ELSE '0' END"));
-        // 3.1 test float,float in case expr
-        String sql31 = "select case cast(100 as float) when 1 then 'a' when 2 then 'b' else 'other' end as col31;";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql31),
-                "constant exprs: \n         CASE 100.0 WHEN 1.0 THEN 'a' WHEN 2.0 THEN 'b' ELSE 'other' END"));
-        // 4.1 test null in case expr return else
-        String sql41 = "select case null when 1 then 'a' when 2 then 'b' else 'other' end as col41";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql41), "constant exprs: \n         'other'"));
-        // 4.1.2 test null in case expr return null
-        String sql412 = "select case null when 1 then 'a' when 2 then 'b' end as col41";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql412), "constant exprs: \n         NULL"));
-        // 4.2.1 test null in when expr
-        String sql421 = "select case 'a' when null then 'a' else 'other' end as col421";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql421), "constant exprs: \n         'other'"));
-        // 5.1 test same type in then expr and else expr
-        String sql51 = "select case when 132 then k7 else 'all' end as col51 from test.baseall group by col51";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql51),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS: CASE WHEN 132 THEN `k7` ELSE 'all' END"));
-        // 5.2 test same type in then expr and else expr
-        String sql52 = "select case when 2 < 1 then 'all' else k7 end as col52 from test.baseall group by col52";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql52),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS: `k7`"));
-        // 5.3 test different type in then expr and else expr, and return CastExpr<SlotRef>
-        String sql53 = "select case when 2 < 1 then 'all' else k1 end as col53 from test.baseall group by col53";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql53),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS: `k1`"));
-        // 5.4 test return CastExpr<SlotRef> with other SlotRef in selectListItem
-        String sql54 = "select k2, case when 2 < 1 then 'all' else k1 end as col54, k7 from test.baseall group by k2, col54, k7";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql54),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 3> `k2` | <slot 4> `k1` | <slot 5> `k7`"));
-        // 5.5 test return CastExpr<CastExpr<SlotRef>> with other SlotRef in selectListItem
-        String sql55 = "select case when 2 < 1 then 'all' else cast(k1 as int) end as col55, k7 from test.baseall group by col55, k7";
-        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql55),
-                "OUTPUT EXPRS:<slot 2> CAST(`k1` AS INT) | <slot 3> `k7`"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinPredicateTransitivityWithSubqueryInWhereClause() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        String sql = "SELECT *\n" +
-                "FROM test.pushdown_test\n" +
-                "WHERE 0 < (\n" +
-                "    SELECT MAX(k9)\n" +
-                "    FROM test.pushdown_test);";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PLAN FRAGMENT"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("CROSS JOIN"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!explainString.contains("PREDICATES"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDistinctPushDown() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        String sql = "select distinct k1 from (select distinct k1 from test.pushdown_test) t where k1 > 1";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "explain " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PLAN FRAGMENT"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testConstInParitionPrune() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from (select 'aa' as kk1, sum(id) from test.join1 where dt = 9 group by kk1)tt where kk1 in ('aa');";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = false;
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("partitions=1/1"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOrCompoundPredicateFold() throws Exception {
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from baseall where (k1 > 1) or (k1 > 1 and k2 < 1)";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: (`k1` > 1)\n"));
-        queryStr = "explain select * from  baseall where (k1 > 1 and k2 < 1) or  (k1 > 1)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `k1` > 1\n"));
-        queryStr = "explain select * from  baseall where (k1 > 1) or (k1 > 1)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: (`k1` > 1)\n"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testColocateJoin() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from test.colocate1 t1, test.colocate2 t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k1 and t1.k2 = t2.k2 and t1.k3 = t2.k3";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("colocate: true"));
-        queryStr = "explain select * from test.colocate1 t1 join [shuffle] test.colocate2 t2 on t1.k1 = t2.k1 and t1.k2 = t2.k2";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("colocate: false"));
-        // t1.k1 = t2.k2 not same order with distribute column
-        queryStr = "explain select * from test.colocate1 t1, test.colocate2 t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k2 and t1.k2 = t2.k1 and t1.k3 = t2.k3";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("colocate: false"));
-        queryStr = "explain select * from test.colocate1 t1, test.colocate2 t2 where t1.k2 = t2.k2";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("colocate: false"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSelfColocateJoin() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        // single partition
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from test.jointest t1, test.jointest t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k1";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("colocate: true"));
-        // multi partition, should not be colocate
-        queryStr = "explain select * from test.dynamic_partition t1, test.dynamic_partition t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("colocate: false"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBucketShuffleJoin() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        // enable bucket shuffle join
-        Deencapsulation.setField(connectContext.getSessionVariable(), "enableBucketShuffleJoin", true);
-        // set data size and row count for the olap table
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("bucket_shuffle1");
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            partition.updateVisibleVersionAndVersionHash(2, 0);
-            for (MaterializedIndex mIndex : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                mIndex.setRowCount(10000);
-                for (Tablet tablet : mIndex.getTablets()) {
-                    for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                        replica.updateVersionInfo(2, 0, 200000, 10000);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("bucket_shuffle2");
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            partition.updateVisibleVersionAndVersionHash(2, 0);
-            for (MaterializedIndex mIndex : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                mIndex.setRowCount(10000);
-                for (Tablet tablet : mIndex.getTablets()) {
-                    for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                        replica.updateVersionInfo(2, 0, 200000, 10000);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // single partition
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from test.jointest t1, test.bucket_shuffle1 t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k1 and t1.k1 = t2.k2";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("BUCKET_SHFFULE"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("BUCKET_SHFFULE_HASH_PARTITIONED: `t1`.`k1`, `t1`.`k1`"));
-        // not bucket shuffle join do not support different type
-        queryStr = "explain select * from test.jointest t1, test.bucket_shuffle1 t2 where cast (t1.k1 as tinyint) = t2.k1 and t1.k1 = t2.k2";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!explainString.contains("BUCKET_SHFFULE"));
-        // left table distribution column not match
-        queryStr = "explain select * from test.jointest t1, test.bucket_shuffle1 t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!explainString.contains("BUCKET_SHFFULE"));
-        // multi partition, should not be bucket shuffle join
-        queryStr = "explain select * from test.jointest t1, test.bucket_shuffle2 t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k1 and t1.k1 = t2.k2";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(!explainString.contains("BUCKET_SHFFULE"));
-        // disable bucket shuffle join again
-        Deencapsulation.setField(connectContext.getSessionVariable(), "enableBucketShuffleJoin", false);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinWithMysqlTable() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        // set data size and row count for the olap table
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("jointest");
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            partition.updateVisibleVersionAndVersionHash(2, 0);
-            for (MaterializedIndex mIndex : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                mIndex.setRowCount(10000);
-                for (Tablet tablet : mIndex.getTablets()) {
-                    for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                        replica.updateVersionInfo(2, 0, 200000, 10000);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from mysql_table t2, jointest t1 where t1.k1 = t2.k1";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (BROADCAST)"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("1:SCAN MYSQL"));
-        queryStr = "explain select * from jointest t1, mysql_table t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (BROADCAST)"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("1:SCAN MYSQL"));
-        queryStr = "explain select * from jointest t1, mysql_table t2, mysql_table t3 where t1.k1 = t3.k1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (PARTITIONED)"));
-        // should clear the jointest table to make sure do not affect other test
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            partition.updateVisibleVersionAndVersionHash(2, 0);
-            for (MaterializedIndex mIndex : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                mIndex.setRowCount(0);
-                for (Tablet tablet : mIndex.getTablets()) {
-                    for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                        replica.updateVersionInfo(2, 0, 0, 0);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testJoinWithOdbcTable() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        // set data size and row count for the olap table
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:test");
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("jointest");
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            partition.updateVisibleVersionAndVersionHash(2, 0);
-            for (MaterializedIndex mIndex : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                mIndex.setRowCount(10000);
-                for (Tablet tablet : mIndex.getTablets()) {
-                    for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                        replica.updateVersionInfo(2, 0, 200000, 10000);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from odbc_mysql t2, jointest t1 where t1.k1 = t2.k1";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (BROADCAST)"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("1:SCAN ODBC"));
-        queryStr = "explain select * from jointest t1, odbc_mysql t2 where t1.k1 = t2.k1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (BROADCAST)"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("1:SCAN ODBC"));
-        queryStr = "explain select * from jointest t1, odbc_mysql t2, odbc_mysql t3 where t1.k1 = t3.k1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (PARTITIONED)"));
-        // should clear the jointest table to make sure do not affect other test
-        for (Partition partition : tbl.getPartitions()) {
-            partition.updateVisibleVersionAndVersionHash(2, 0);
-            for (MaterializedIndex mIndex : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.VISIBLE)) {
-                mIndex.setRowCount(0);
-                for (Tablet tablet : mIndex.getTablets()) {
-                    for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-                        replica.updateVersionInfo(2, 0, 0, 0);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPushDownOfOdbcTable() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        // MySQL ODBC table can push down all filter
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from odbc_mysql where k1 > 10 and abs(k1) > 10";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("`k1` > 10"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("abs(`k1`) > 10"));
-        // now we do not support odbc scan node push down function call, except MySQL ODBC table
-        // this table is Oracle ODBC table, so abs(k1) should not be pushed down
-        queryStr = "explain select * from odbc_oracle where k1 > 10 and abs(k1) > 10";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("k1 > 10"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(!explainString.contains("abs(k1) > 10"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLimitOfExternalTable() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        // ODBC table (MySQL)
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from odbc_mysql where k1 > 10 and abs(k1) > 10 limit 10";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("LIMIT 10"));
-        // ODBC table (Oracle) not push down limit
-        queryStr = "explain select * from odbc_oracle where k1 > 10 and abs(k1) > 10 limit 10";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        // abs is function, so Doris do not push down function except MySQL Database
-        // so should not push down limit operation
-        Assert.assertTrue(!explainString.contains("ROWNUM <= 10"));
-        // ODBC table (Oracle) push down limit
-        queryStr = "explain select * from odbc_oracle where k1 > 10 limit 10";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("ROWNUM <= 10"));
-        // MySQL table
-        queryStr = "explain select * from mysql_table where k1 > 10 and abs(k1) > 10 limit 10";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("LIMIT 10"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOdbcSink() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        // insert into odbc_oracle table
-        String queryStr = "explain insert into odbc_oracle select * from odbc_mysql";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("TABLENAME IN DORIS: odbc_oracle"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("TABLE TYPE: ORACLE"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("TABLENAME OF EXTERNAL TABLE: tbl1"));
-        // enable transaction of ODBC Sink
-        Deencapsulation.setField(connectContext.getSessionVariable(), "enableOdbcTransaction", true);
-        queryStr = "explain insert into odbc_oracle select * from odbc_mysql";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("EnableTransaction: true"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPreferBroadcastJoin() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from (select k1 from jointest group by k1)t2, jointest t1 where t1.k1 = t2.k1";
-        // default set PreferBroadcastJoin true
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (BROADCAST)"));
-        connectContext.getSessionVariable().setPreferJoinMethod("shuffle");
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (PARTITIONED)"));
-        connectContext.getSessionVariable().setPreferJoinMethod("broadcast");
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("INNER JOIN (BROADCAST)"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEmptyNode() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        String emptyNode = "EMPTYSET";
-        String denseRank = "dense_rank";
-        List<String> sqls = Lists.newArrayList();
-        sqls.add("explain select * from baseall limit 0");
-        sqls.add("explain select count(*) from baseall limit 0;");
-        sqls.add("explain select k3, dense_rank() OVER () AS rank FROM baseall limit 0;");
-        sqls.add("explain select rank from (select k3, dense_rank() OVER () AS rank FROM baseall) a limit 0;");
-        sqls.add("explain select * from baseall join bigtable as b limit 0");
-        sqls.add("explain select * from baseall where 1 = 2");
-        sqls.add("explain select count(*) from baseall where 1 = 2;");
-        sqls.add("explain select k3, dense_rank() OVER () AS rank FROM baseall where 1 =2;");
-        sqls.add("explain select rank from (select k3, dense_rank() OVER () AS rank FROM baseall) a where 1 =2;");
-        sqls.add("explain select * from baseall join bigtable as b where 1 = 2");
-        for(String sql: sqls) {
-            String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, sql);
-            System.out.println(explainString);
-            Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains(emptyNode));
-            Assert.assertFalse(explainString.contains(denseRank));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInformationFunctions() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(connectContext.getCatalog(), connectContext);
-        InformationFunction infoFunc = new InformationFunction("database");
-        infoFunc.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("test", infoFunc.getStrValue());
-        infoFunc = new InformationFunction("user");
-        infoFunc.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("'root'@''", infoFunc.getStrValue());
-        infoFunc = new InformationFunction("current_user");
-        infoFunc.analyze(analyzer);
-        Assert.assertEquals("'root'@'%'", infoFunc.getStrValue());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAggregateSatisfyOlapTableDistribution() throws Exception {
-        FeConstants.runningUnitTest = true;
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        String sql = "SELECT dt, dis_key, COUNT(1) FROM table_unpartitioned  group by dt, dis_key";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        System.out.println(explainString);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("AGGREGATE (update finalize)"));
-        sql = "SELECT dt, dis_key, COUNT(1) FROM table_partitioned  group by dt, dis_key";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        System.out.println(explainString);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("AGGREGATE (update finalize)"));
-    }
-    public void testLeadAndLagFunction() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        String queryStr = "explain select time, lead(query_time, 1, NULL) over () as time2 from test.test1";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("lead(`query_time`, 1, NULL)"));
-        queryStr = "explain select time, lead(query_time, 1, 2) over () as time2 from test.test1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("lead(`query_time`, 1, 2)"));
-        queryStr = "explain select time, lead(time, 1, '2020-01-01 00:00:00') over () as time2 from test.test1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("lead(`time`, 1, '2020-01-01 00:00:00')"));
-        queryStr = "explain select time, lag(query_time, 1, 2) over () as time2 from test.test1";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, queryStr);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("lag(`query_time`, 1, 2)"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIntDateTime() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        //valid date
-        String sql = "select day from tbl_int_date where day in ('2020-10-30')";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `day` IN ('2020-10-30 00:00:00')"));
-        //valid date
-        sql = "select day from tbl_int_date where day in ('2020-10-30','2020-10-29')";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `day` IN ('2020-10-30 00:00:00', '2020-10-29 00:00:00')"));
-        //valid datetime
-        sql = "select day from tbl_int_date where date in ('2020-10-30 12:12:30')";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `date` IN ('2020-10-30 12:12:30')"));
-        //valid datetime
-        sql = "select day from tbl_int_date where date in ('2020-10-30')";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `date` IN ('2020-10-30 00:00:00')"));
-        //int date
-        sql = "select day from tbl_int_date where day in (20201030)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `day` IN ('2020-10-30 00:00:00')"));
-        //int datetime
-        sql = "select day from tbl_int_date where date in (20201030)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("PREDICATES: `date` IN ('2020-10-30 00:00:00')"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOutJoinSmapReplace() throws Exception {
-        connectContext.setDatabase("default_cluster:test");
-        //valid date
-        String sql = "SELECT a.aid, b.bid FROM (SELECT 3 AS aid) a right outer JOIN (SELECT 4 AS bid) b ON (a.aid=b.bid)";
-        String explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OUTPUT EXPRS:`a`.`aid` | 4"));
-        sql = "SELECT a.aid, b.bid FROM (SELECT 3 AS aid) a left outer JOIN (SELECT 4 AS bid) b ON (a.aid=b.bid)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OUTPUT EXPRS:3 | `b`.`bid`"));
-        sql = "SELECT a.aid, b.bid FROM (SELECT 3 AS aid) a full outer JOIN (SELECT 4 AS bid) b ON (a.aid=b.bid)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OUTPUT EXPRS:`a`.`aid` | `b`.`bid`"));
-        sql = "SELECT a.aid, b.bid FROM (SELECT 3 AS aid) a JOIN (SELECT 4 AS bid) b ON (a.aid=b.bid)";
-        explainString = UtFrameUtils.getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(connectContext, "EXPLAIN " + sql);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explainString.contains("OUTPUT EXPRS:3 | 4"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/RepeatNodeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/RepeatNodeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 25136c5..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/RepeatNodeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DescriptorTable;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotId;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleId;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExplainLevel;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPlanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPlanNodeType;
-import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class RepeatNodeTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private RepeatNode node;
-    private TupleDescriptor virtualTuple;
-    private List<Set<SlotId>> groupingIdList = new ArrayList<>();
-    private List<List<Long>> groupingList = new ArrayList<>();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        Analyzer analyzerBase = AccessTestUtil.fetchTableAnalyzer();
-        analyzer = new Analyzer(analyzerBase.getCatalog(), analyzerBase.getContext());
-        String[] cols = {"k1", "k2", "k3"};
-        List<SlotRef> slots = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (String col : cols) {
-            SlotRef expr = new SlotRef(new TableName("testdb", "t"), col);
-            slots.add(expr);
-        }
-        try {
-            Field f = analyzer.getClass().getDeclaredField("tupleByAlias");
-            f.setAccessible(true);
-            Multimap<String, TupleDescriptor> tupleByAlias = ArrayListMultimap.create();
-            TupleDescriptor td = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(0));
-            td.setTable(analyzerBase.getTable(new TableName("testdb", "t")));
-            tupleByAlias.put("testdb.t", td);
-            f.set(analyzer, tupleByAlias);
-        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        virtualTuple = analyzer.getDescTbl().createTupleDescriptor("VIRTUAL_TUPLE");
-        groupingList.add(Arrays.asList(0L, 7L, 3L, 5L, 1L, 6L, 2L, 4L));
-        groupingList.add(Arrays.asList(0L, 7L, 3L, 5L, 1L, 6L, 2L, 4L));
-        DescriptorTable descTable = new DescriptorTable();
-        TupleDescriptor tuple = descTable.createTupleDescriptor("DstTable");
-        node = new RepeatNode(new PlanNodeId(1),
-                new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(0), tuple, "null"), groupingIdList, virtualTuple, groupingList);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNornal() {
-        try {
-            TPlanNode msg = new TPlanNode();
-            node.toThrift(msg);
-            node.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-            node.debugString();
-            Assert.assertEquals(TPlanNodeType.REPEAT_NODE, msg.node_type);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.fail("throw exceptions");
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/SingleNodePlannerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/SingleNodePlannerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 528d91f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/SingleNodePlannerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- * // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * // distributed with this work for additional information
- * // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * //
- * //   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * //
- * // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * // software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * // KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * // specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * // under the License.
- *
- */
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BaseTableRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotId;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleId;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class SingleNodePlannerTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testMaterializeBaseTableRefResultForCrossJoinOrCountStar(@Injectable Table table,
-                                                                         @Injectable TableName tableName,
-                                                                         @Injectable Analyzer analyzer,
-                                                                         @Injectable PlannerContext plannerContext,
-                                                                         @Injectable Column column) {
-        TableRef tableRef = new TableRef();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableRef, "isAnalyzed", true);
-        BaseTableRef baseTableRef = new BaseTableRef(tableRef, table, tableName);
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(1));
-        SlotDescriptor slotDescriptor = new SlotDescriptor(new SlotId(1), tupleDescriptor);
-        slotDescriptor.setIsMaterialized(false);
-        tupleDescriptor.addSlot(slotDescriptor);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(tableRef, "desc", tupleDescriptor);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(baseTableRef, "desc", tupleDescriptor);
-        tupleDescriptor.setTable(table);
-        List<Column> columnList = Lists.newArrayList();
-        columnList.add(column);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                table.getBaseSchema();
-                result = columnList;
-            }
-        };
-        SingleNodePlanner singleNodePlanner = new SingleNodePlanner(plannerContext);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(singleNodePlanner, "materializeSlotForEmptyMaterializedTableRef",
-                               baseTableRef, analyzer);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/StreamLoadPlannerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/StreamLoadPlannerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index eadeca9..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/StreamLoadPlannerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CompoundPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ImportColumnsStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ImportWhereStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlParser;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlScanner;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.task.StreamLoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFileFormatType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFileType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStreamLoadPutRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class StreamLoadPlannerTest {
-    @Injectable
-    Database db;
-    @Injectable
-    OlapTable destTable;
-    @Mocked
-    StreamLoadScanNode scanNode;
-    @Mocked
-    OlapTableSink sink;
-    @Mocked
-    Partition partition;
-    @Test
-    public void testNormalPlan() throws UserException {
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column c1 = new Column("c1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT, false);
-        columns.add(c1);
-        Column c2 = new Column("c2", PrimitiveType.BIGINT, true);
-        columns.add(c2);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                destTable.getBaseSchema();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = columns;
-                destTable.getPartitions();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Arrays.asList(partition);
-                scanNode.init((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                scanNode.getChildren();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList();
-                scanNode.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new PlanNodeId(5);
-                partition.getId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = new TStreamLoadPutRequest();
-        request.setTxnId(1);
-        request.setLoadId(new TUniqueId(2, 3));
-        request.setFileType(TFileType.FILE_STREAM);
-        request.setFormatType(TFileFormatType.FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN);
-        StreamLoadTask streamLoadTask = StreamLoadTask.fromTStreamLoadPutRequest(request);
-        StreamLoadPlanner planner = new StreamLoadPlanner(db, destTable, streamLoadTask);
-        planner.plan(streamLoadTask.getId());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testParseStmt() throws Exception {
-        String sql = new String("COLUMNS (k1, k2, k3=abc(), k4=default_value())");
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql)));
-        ImportColumnsStmt columnsStmt = (ImportColumnsStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, columnsStmt.getColumns().size());
-        sql = new String("WHERE k1 > 2 and k3 < 4");
-        parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql)));
-        ImportWhereStmt whereStmt = (ImportWhereStmt) SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        Assert.assertTrue(whereStmt.getExpr() instanceof CompoundPredicate);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/StreamLoadScanNodeTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/StreamLoadScanNodeTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a07d0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/planner/StreamLoadScanNodeTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,815 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.planner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CastExpr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DescriptorTable;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionCallExpr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionName;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ImportColumnDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Function;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionSet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarFunction;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table.TableType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.task.StreamLoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExplainLevel;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFileFormatType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFileType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPlanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStreamLoadPutRequest;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class StreamLoadScanNodeTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(StreamLoadScanNodeTest.class);
-    @Mocked
-    Catalog catalog;
-    @Injectable
-    ConnectContext connectContext;
-    @Injectable
-    Database db;
-    @Injectable
-    OlapTable dstTable;
-    @Mocked
-    CastExpr castExpr;
-    TStreamLoadPutRequest getBaseRequest() {
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = new TStreamLoadPutRequest();
-        request.setFileType(TFileType.FILE_STREAM);
-        request.setFormatType(TFileFormatType.FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN);
-        return request;
-    }
-    List<Column> getBaseSchema() {
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        k1.setIsKey(true);
-        k1.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(k1);
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", ScalarType.createVarchar(25));
-        k2.setIsKey(true);
-        k2.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        columns.add(k2);
-        Column v1 = new Column("v1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        v1.setIsKey(false);
-        v1.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        v1.setAggregationType(AggregateType.SUM, false);
-        columns.add(v1);
-        Column v2 = new Column("v2", ScalarType.createVarchar(25));
-        v2.setIsKey(false);
-        v2.setAggregationType(AggregateType.REPLACE, false);
-        v2.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(v2);
-        return columns;
-    }
-    List<Column> getHllSchema() {
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        k1.setIsKey(true);
-        k1.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(k1);
-        Column v1 = new Column("v1", PrimitiveType.HLL);
-        v1.setIsKey(false);
-        v1.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        v1.setAggregationType(AggregateType.HLL_UNION, false);
-        columns.add(v1);
-        return columns;
-    }
-    List<Column> getSequenceColSchema() {
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        Column k1 = new Column("k1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        k1.setIsKey(true);
-        k1.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(k1);
-        Column k2 = new Column("k2", ScalarType.createVarchar(25));
-        k2.setIsKey(true);
-        k2.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        columns.add(k2);
-        // sequence column, it's hidden column
-        Column sequenceCol = new Column(Column.SEQUENCE_COL, PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        sequenceCol.setIsKey(false);
-        sequenceCol.setAggregationType(AggregateType.REPLACE, false);
-        sequenceCol.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        sequenceCol.setIsVisible(false);
-        columns.add(sequenceCol);
-        // sequence column, it's visible column for user, it's equals to the hidden column
-        Column visibleSequenceCol = new Column("visible_sequence_col", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        visibleSequenceCol.setIsKey(false);
-        visibleSequenceCol.setAggregationType(AggregateType.REPLACE, false);
-        visibleSequenceCol.setIsAllowNull(true);
-        columns.add(visibleSequenceCol);
-        Column v1 = new Column("v1", ScalarType.createVarchar(25));
-        v1.setIsKey(false);
-        v1.setAggregationType(AggregateType.REPLACE, false);
-        v1.setIsAllowNull(false);
-        columns.add(v1);
-        return columns;
-    }
-    private StreamLoadScanNode getStreamLoadScanNode(TupleDescriptor dstDesc, TStreamLoadPutRequest request)
-            throws UserException {
-        StreamLoadTask streamLoadTask = StreamLoadTask.fromTStreamLoadPutRequest(request);
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = new StreamLoadScanNode(streamLoadTask.getId(), new PlanNodeId(1), dstDesc, dstTable, streamLoadTask);
-        return scanNode;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        new Expectations() {{
-            dstTable.getBaseSchema(); result = columns;
-            dstTable.getBaseSchema(anyBoolean); result = columns;
-            dstTable.getFullSchema(); result = columns;
-            dstTable.getColumn("k1"); result = columns.get(0);
-            dstTable.getColumn("k2"); result = columns.get(1);
-            dstTable.getColumn("v1"); result = columns.get(2);
-            dstTable.getColumn("v2"); result = columns.get(3);
-        }};
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, scanNode.getNumInstances());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, scanNode.getScanRangeLocations(0).size());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testLostV2() throws UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1, k2, v1");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testBadColumns() throws UserException, UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1 k2 v1");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testColumnsNormal() throws UserException, UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                dstTable.getColumn("k1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k1")).findFirst().get();
-                dstTable.getColumn("k2");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k2")).findFirst().get();
-                dstTable.getColumn("v1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v1")).findFirst().get();
-                dstTable.getColumn("v2");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v2")).findFirst().get();
-            }
-        };
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2,v1, v2=k2");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testHllColumnsNormal() throws UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getHllSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        new Expectations() {{
-            catalog.getFunction((Function) any, (Function.CompareMode) any);
-            result = new ScalarFunction(new FunctionName(FunctionSet.HLL_HASH), Lists.newArrayList(), Type.BIGINT, false);
-        }};
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                dstTable.getColumn("k1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k1")).findFirst().get();
-                dstTable.getColumn("k2");
-                result = null;
-                dstTable.getColumn("v1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v1")).findFirst().get();
-            }
-        };
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setFileType(TFileType.FILE_STREAM);
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2, v1=" + FunctionSet.HLL_HASH + "(k2)");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testHllColumnsNoHllHash() throws UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getHllSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getFunction((Function) any, (Function.CompareMode) any);
-                result = new ScalarFunction(new FunctionName("hll_hash1"), Lists.newArrayList(), Type.BIGINT, false);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                dstTable.getColumn("k1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k1")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("k2");
-                result = null;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("v1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v1")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setFileType(TFileType.FILE_LOCAL);
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2, v1=hll_hash1(k2)");
-        StreamLoadTask streamLoadTask = StreamLoadTask.fromTStreamLoadPutRequest(request);
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testHllColumnsFail() throws UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getHllSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setFileType(TFileType.FILE_LOCAL);
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2, v1=k2");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testUnsupportedFType() throws UserException, UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setFileType(TFileType.FILE_BROKER);
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2,v1, v2=k2");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testColumnsUnknownRef() throws UserException, UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2,v1, v2=k3");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWhereNormal() throws UserException, UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                dstTable.getColumn("k1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k1")).findFirst().get();
-                dstTable.getColumn("k2");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k2")).findFirst().get();
-                dstTable.getColumn("v1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v1")).findFirst().get();
-                dstTable.getColumn("v2");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v2")).findFirst().get();
-            }
-        };
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2,v1, v2=k1");
-        request.setWhere("k1 = 1");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testWhereBad() throws UserException, UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                dstTable.getColumn("k1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k1")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("k2");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k2")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("v1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v1")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("v2");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v2")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2,v1, v2=k2");
-        request.setWhere("k1   1");
-        StreamLoadTask streamLoadTask = StreamLoadTask.fromTStreamLoadPutRequest(request);
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = new StreamLoadScanNode(streamLoadTask.getId(), new PlanNodeId(1), dstDesc, dstTable,
-                                                             streamLoadTask);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testWhereUnknownRef() throws UserException, UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2,v1, v2=k1");
-        request.setWhere("k5 = 1");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testWhereNotBool() throws UserException, UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getBaseSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2,v1, v2=k1");
-        request.setWhere("k1 + v2");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSequenceColumnWithSetColumns() throws UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getSequenceColSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            System.out.println(column);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                db.getTable(anyInt);
-                result = dstTable;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.hasSequenceCol();
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                dstTable.getColumn("k1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k1")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("k2");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k2")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn(Column.SEQUENCE_COL);
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals(Column.SEQUENCE_COL)).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("visible_sequence_col");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("visible_sequence_col")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("v1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v1")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // there is no "source_sequence" column in the Table
-                dstTable.getColumn("source_sequence");
-                result = null;
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setColumns("k1,k2,source_sequence,v1");
-        request.setFileType(TFileType.FILE_STREAM);
-        request.setSequenceCol("source_sequence");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSequenceColumnWithoutSetColumns() throws UserException {
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, connectContext);
-        DescriptorTable descTbl = analyzer.getDescTbl();
-        List<Column> columns = getSequenceColSchema();
-        TupleDescriptor dstDesc = descTbl.createTupleDescriptor("DstTableDesc");
-        for (Column column : columns) {
-            SlotDescriptor slot = descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(dstDesc);
-            slot.setColumn(column);
-            slot.setIsMaterialized(true);
-            if (column.isAllowNull()) {
-                slot.setIsNullable(true);
-            } else {
-                slot.setIsNullable(false);
-            }
-        }
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                db.getTable(anyInt);
-                result = dstTable;
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.hasSequenceCol();
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                dstTable.getBaseSchema(anyBoolean); result = columns;
-                dstTable.getFullSchema(); result = columns;
-                dstTable.getColumn("k1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k1")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("k2");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("k2")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn(Column.SEQUENCE_COL);
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals(Column.SEQUENCE_COL)).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("visible_sequence_col");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("visible_sequence_col")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.getColumn("v1");
-                result = columns.stream().filter(c -> c.getName().equals("v1")).findFirst().get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                dstTable.hasSequenceCol();
-                result = true;
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        TStreamLoadPutRequest request = getBaseRequest();
-        request.setFileType(TFileType.FILE_STREAM);
-        request.setSequenceCol("visible_sequence_col");
-        StreamLoadScanNode scanNode = getStreamLoadScanNode(dstDesc, request);
-        scanNode.init(analyzer);
-        scanNode.finalize(analyzer);
-        scanNode.getNodeExplainString("", TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        TPlanNode planNode = new TPlanNode();
-        scanNode.toThrift(planNode);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginInfoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginInfoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c335a80..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginInfoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.plugin;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.DataOutputBuffer;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.DigitalVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.PluginInfo.PluginType;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class PluginInfoTest {
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    private FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(catalog);
-        FakeCatalog.setMetaVersion(FeConstants.meta_version);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPluginRead() {
-        try {
-            PluginInfo info = PluginInfo.readFromProperties(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("source"),
-                    "test");
-            assertEquals("plugin_test", info.getName());
-            assertEquals(PluginType.STORAGE, info.getType());
-            assertTrue(DigitalVersion.CURRENT_DORIS_VERSION.onOrAfter(info.getVersion()));
-            assertTrue(DigitalVersion.JDK_9_0_0.onOrAfter(info.getJavaVersion()));
-            assertTrue(DigitalVersion.JDK_1_8_0.before(info.getJavaVersion()));
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPluginSerialized() throws IOException {
-        PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo();
-        info.name = "plugin-name";
-        info.type = PluginType.AUDIT;
-        info.description = "plugin description";
-        info.version = DigitalVersion.CURRENT_DORIS_VERSION;
-        info.javaVersion = DigitalVersion.JDK_1_8_0;
-        info.className = "hello.jar";
-        info.soName = "hello.so";
-        info.source = "test";
-        info.properties.put("md5sum", "cf0c536b8f2a0a0690b44d783d019e90");
-        DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer();
-        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(dob);
-        info.write(dos);
-        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(dob.getData()));
-        PluginInfo pi = PluginInfo.read(dis);
-        assertFalse(pi.properties.isEmpty());
-        assertEquals("cf0c536b8f2a0a0690b44d783d019e90", pi.properties.get("md5sum"));
-        assertEquals(info, pi);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginLoaderTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginLoaderTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f97e389..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginLoaderTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.plugin;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.DigitalVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.PluginInfo.PluginType;
-import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class PluginLoaderTest {
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        try {
-            FileUtils.deleteQuietly(PluginTestUtil.getTestFile("target"));
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target")));
-            Files.createDirectory(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target")));
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMovePlugin() {
-        PluginInfo pf =
-                new PluginInfo("test-plugin", PluginType.STORAGE, "test/test", DigitalVersion.CURRENT_DORIS_VERSION,
-                        DigitalVersion.JDK_1_8_0, "test/test", "libtest.so", "test/test");
-        try {
-            PluginLoader util = new DynamicPluginLoader(PluginTestUtil.getTestPathString("source"), pf);
-            ((DynamicPluginLoader) util).installPath = PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target");
-            ((DynamicPluginLoader) util).movePlugin();
-            assertTrue(Files.isDirectory(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("source/test-plugin")));
-            assertTrue(FileUtils.deleteQuietly(PluginTestUtil.getTestFile("source/test-plugin")));
-        } catch (IOException | UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDynamicLoadPlugin() {
-        try {
-            PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo("test", PluginType.STORAGE, "test", DigitalVersion.CURRENT_DORIS_VERSION,
-                    DigitalVersion.JDK_1_8_0, "plugin.PluginTest", "libtest.so", "plugin_test.jar");
-            DynamicPluginLoader util = new DynamicPluginLoader(PluginTestUtil.getTestPathString(""), info);
-            Plugin p = util.dynamicLoadPlugin(true);
-            p.init(null, null);
-            p.close();
-            assertEquals(2, p.flags());
-            p.setVariable("test", "value");
-            Map<String, String> m = p.variable();
-            assertEquals(1, m.size());
-            assertTrue(m.containsKey("test"));
-            assertEquals("value", m.get("test"));
-        } catch (IOException | UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginMgrTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginMgrTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a87b7c6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginMgrTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.plugin;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import avro.shaded.com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.InstallPluginStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.io.DataOutputBuffer;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class PluginMgrTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/PluginMgrTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws IOException {
-        FileUtils.deleteQuietly(PluginTestUtil.getTestFile("target"));
-        assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target")));
-        Files.createDirectory(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-        assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target")));
-        Config.plugin_dir = PluginTestUtil.getTestPathString("target");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInstallPluginZip() {
-        try {
-            // path "target/audit_plugin_demo" is where we are going to install the plugin
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo")));
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo/auditdemo.jar")));
-            InstallPluginStmt stmt = new InstallPluginStmt(PluginTestUtil.getTestPathString("auditdemo.zip"), Maps.newHashMap());
-            Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().installPlugin(stmt);
-            PluginMgr pluginMgr = Catalog.getCurrentPluginMgr();
-            assertEquals(2, pluginMgr.getActivePluginList(PluginInfo.PluginType.AUDIT).size());
-            Plugin p = pluginMgr.getActivePlugin("audit_plugin_demo", PluginInfo.PluginType.AUDIT);
-            assertNotNull(p);
-            assertTrue(p instanceof AuditPlugin);
-            assertTrue(((AuditPlugin) p).eventFilter(AuditEvent.EventType.AFTER_QUERY));
-            assertFalse(((AuditPlugin) p).eventFilter(AuditEvent.EventType.BEFORE_QUERY));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo")));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo/auditdemo.jar")));
-            assertEquals(1, pluginMgr.getAllDynamicPluginInfo().size());
-            PluginInfo info = pluginMgr.getAllDynamicPluginInfo().get(0);
-            assertEquals("audit_plugin_demo", info.getName());
-            assertEquals(PluginInfo.PluginType.AUDIT, info.getType());
-            assertEquals("just for test", info.getDescription());
-            assertEquals("plugin.AuditPluginDemo", info.getClassName());
-            pluginMgr.uninstallPlugin("audit_plugin_demo");
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo")));
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo/auditdemo.jar")));
-        } catch (IOException | UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            assert false;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInstallPluginLocal() {
-        try {
-            // path "target/audit_plugin_demo" is where we are going to install the plugin
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo")));
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo/auditdemo.jar")));
-            InstallPluginStmt stmt = new InstallPluginStmt(PluginTestUtil.getTestPathString("test_local_plugin"), Maps.newHashMap());
-            Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().installPlugin(stmt);
-            PluginMgr pluginMgr = Catalog.getCurrentPluginMgr();
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("test_local_plugin")));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("test_local_plugin/auditdemo.jar")));
-            Plugin p = pluginMgr.getActivePlugin("audit_plugin_demo", PluginInfo.PluginType.AUDIT);
-            assertEquals(2, pluginMgr.getActivePluginList(PluginInfo.PluginType.AUDIT).size());
-            assertNotNull(p);
-            assertTrue(p instanceof AuditPlugin);
-            assertTrue(((AuditPlugin) p).eventFilter(AuditEvent.EventType.AFTER_QUERY));
-            assertFalse(((AuditPlugin) p).eventFilter(AuditEvent.EventType.BEFORE_QUERY));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo")));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo/auditdemo.jar")));
-            testSerializeBuiltinPlugin(pluginMgr);
-            pluginMgr.uninstallPlugin("audit_plugin_demo");
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo")));
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target/audit_plugin_demo/auditdemo.jar")));
-        } catch (IOException | UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            assert false;
-        }
-    }
-    private void testSerializeBuiltinPlugin(PluginMgr mgr) {
-        try {
-            DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer();
-            DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(dob);
-            mgr.write(dos);
-            PluginMgr test = new PluginMgr();
-            test.readFields(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(dob.getData())));
-            assertEquals(1, test.getAllDynamicPluginInfo().size());
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginTestUtil.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginTestUtil.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ea3e8..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginTestUtil.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.plugin;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
-import java.nio.file.Path;
-public class PluginTestUtil {
-    public static String getTestPathString(String name) {
-        URL now = PluginTestUtil.class.getResource("/");
-        return now.getPath() + "/plugin_test/" + name;
-    }
-    public static Path getTestPath(String name) {
-        return FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(getTestPathString(name));
-    }
-    public static File getTestFile(String name) {
-        return new File(getTestPathString(name));
-    }
-    public static InputStream openTestFile(String name) {
-        try {
-            return new FileInputStream(getTestPathString(name));
-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginZipTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginZipTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a399338..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/plugin/PluginZipTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.plugin;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.nio.file.Path;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-public class PluginZipTest {
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        try {
-            FileUtils.deleteQuietly(PluginTestUtil.getTestFile("target"));
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target")));
-            Files.createDirectory(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target")));
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDownloadAndValidateZipNormal() {
-        PluginZip zip = new PluginZip("source/test.zip", null);
-        try {
-            // normal
-            new Expectations(zip) {
-                {
-                    zip.getInputStreamFromUrl("source/test.zip");
-                    result = PluginTestUtil.openTestFile("source/test.zip");
-                    zip.getInputStreamFromUrl("source/test.zip.md5");
-                    result = new ByteArrayInputStream(new String("7529db41471ec72e165f96fe9fb92742").getBytes());
-                }
-            };
-            Path zipPath = zip.downloadRemoteZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(zipPath));
-            assertTrue(Files.deleteIfExists(zipPath));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            assert false;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDownloadAndValidateZipNormalWithExpectedMd5sum() {
-        PluginZip zip = new PluginZip("source/test.zip", "7529db41471ec72e165f96fe9fb92742");
-        try {
-            // normal
-            new Expectations(zip) {
-                {
-                    zip.getInputStreamFromUrl("source/test.zip");
-                    result = PluginTestUtil.openTestFile("source/test.zip");
-                }
-            };
-            Path zipPath = zip.downloadRemoteZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(zipPath));
-            assertTrue(Files.deleteIfExists(zipPath));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            assert false;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDownloadAndValidateZipMd5Error() {
-        PluginZip zip = new PluginZip("source/test.zip", null);
-        try {
-            new Expectations(zip) {
-                {
-                    zip.getInputStreamFromUrl("source/test.zip");
-                    result = PluginTestUtil.openTestFile("source/test.zip");
-                    zip.getInputStreamFromUrl("source/test.zip.md5");
-                    result = new ByteArrayInputStream(new String("asdfas").getBytes());
-                }
-            };
-            Path zipPath = zip.downloadRemoteZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-            assertFalse(Files.exists(zipPath));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            assertTrue(e instanceof UserException);
-            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("MD5 check mismatch"));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDownloadAndValidateZipIOException() {
-        PluginZip util = new PluginZip("http://io-exception", null);
-        try {
-            Path zipPath = util.downloadRemoteZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            assertTrue(e instanceof IOException);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testExtract() {
-        try {
-            Files.copy(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("source/test.zip"), PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("source/test-a.zip"));
-            PluginZip util = new PluginZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPathString("source/test-a.zip"), null);
-            Path actualPath = util.extract(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-            assertTrue(Files.isDirectory(actualPath));
-            Path txtPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(actualPath.toString(), "test.txt");
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(txtPath));
-            assertTrue(FileUtils.deleteQuietly(actualPath.toFile()));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            assert false;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDownload() {
-        // normal
-        try {
-            PluginZip util = new PluginZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPathString("source/test.zip"), null);
-            Path p = util.downloadZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-            assertTrue(Files.exists(p));
-        } catch (IOException | UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        try {
-            PluginZip util = new PluginZip("https://hello:12313/test.zip", null);
-            new Expectations(util) {
-                {
-                    util.downloadRemoteZip((Path) any);
-                    result = null;
-                }
-            };
-            Path p = util.downloadZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-            assertNull(p);
-        } catch (IOException | UserException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        // empty sources
-        try {
-            PluginZip util = new PluginZip("   ", null);
-            util.downloadZip(PluginTestUtil.getTestPath("target"));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/AuditEventProcessorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/AuditEventProcessorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d2a45a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/AuditEventProcessorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.DigitalVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.AuditEvent;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.PluginInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.AuditEvent.AuditEventBuilder;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.AuditEvent.EventType;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.AuditEventProcessor;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.AuditLogBuilder;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.UtFrameUtils;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class AuditEventProcessorTest {
-    private static String runningDir = "fe/mocked/AuditProcessorTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(runningDir);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAuditEvent() {
-        AuditEvent event = new AuditEvent.AuditEventBuilder().setEventType(EventType.AFTER_QUERY)
-                .setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())
-                .setClientIp("")
-                .setUser("user1")
-                .setDb("db1")
-                .setState("EOF")
-                .setQueryTime(2000)
-                .setScanBytes(100000)
-                .setScanRows(200000)
-                .setReturnRows(1)
-                .setStmtId(1234)
-                .setStmt("select * from tbl1").build();
-        Assert.assertEquals("", event.clientIp);
-        Assert.assertEquals(200000, event.scanRows);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAuditLogBuilder() throws IOException {
-        try (AuditLogBuilder auditLogBuilder = new AuditLogBuilder()) {
-            PluginInfo pluginInfo = auditLogBuilder.getPluginInfo();
-            Assert.assertEquals(DigitalVersion.fromString("0.12.0"), pluginInfo.getVersion());
-            Assert.assertEquals(DigitalVersion.fromString("1.8.31"), pluginInfo.getJavaVersion());
-            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
-            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
-                AuditEvent event = new AuditEvent.AuditEventBuilder().setEventType(EventType.AFTER_QUERY)
-                        .setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())
-                        .setClientIp("")
-                        .setUser("user1")
-                        .setDb("db1")
-                        .setState("EOF")
-                        .setQueryTime(2000)
-                        .setScanBytes(100000)
-                        .setScanRows(200000)
-                        .setReturnRows(i)
-                        .setStmtId(1234)
-                        .setStmt("select * from tbl1").build();
-                if (auditLogBuilder.eventFilter(event.type)) {
-                    auditLogBuilder.exec(event);
-                }
-            }
-            long total = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
-            System.out.println("total(ms): " + total + ", avg: " + total / 10000.0);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAuditEventProcessor() throws IOException {
-        AuditEventProcessor processor = Catalog.getCurrentAuditEventProcessor();
-        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
-            AuditEvent event = new AuditEvent.AuditEventBuilder().setEventType(EventType.AFTER_QUERY)
-                    .setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())
-                    .setClientIp("")
-                    .setUser("user1")
-                    .setDb("db1")
-                    .setState("EOF")
-                    .setQueryTime(2000)
-                    .setScanBytes(100000)
-                    .setScanRows(200000)
-                    .setReturnRows(i)
-                    .setStmtId(1234)
-                    .setStmt("select * from tbl1").build();
-            processor.handleAuditEvent(event);
-        }
-        long total = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
-        System.out.println("total(ms): " + total + ", avg: " + total / 10000.0);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectContextTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectContextTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 21d2782..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectContextTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlCapability;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlChannel;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlCommand;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ConnectContextTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private MysqlChannel channel;
-    @Mocked
-    private StmtExecutor executor;
-    @Mocked
-    private SocketChannel socketChannel;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectScheduler connectScheduler;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.getRemoteHostPortString();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                channel.close();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                channel.getRemoteIp();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                executor.cancel();
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        ConnectContext ctx = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-        // State
-        Assert.assertNotNull(ctx.getState());
-        // Capability
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCapability.DEFAULT_CAPABILITY, ctx.getServerCapability());
-        ctx.setCapability(new MysqlCapability(10));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new MysqlCapability(10), ctx.getCapability());
-        // Kill flag
-        Assert.assertFalse(ctx.isKilled());
-        ctx.setKilled();
-        Assert.assertTrue(ctx.isKilled());
-        // Current cluster
-        Assert.assertEquals("", ctx.getClusterName());
-        ctx.setCluster("testCluster");
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster", ctx.getClusterName());
-        // Current db
-        Assert.assertEquals("", ctx.getDatabase());
-        ctx.setDatabase("testCluster:testDb");
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testDb", ctx.getDatabase());
-        // User
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("testCluster:testUser");
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster:testUser", ctx.getQualifiedUser());
-        // Serializer
-        Assert.assertNotNull(ctx.getSerializer());
-        // Session variable
-        Assert.assertNotNull(ctx.getSessionVariable());
-        // connect scheduler
-        Assert.assertNull(ctx.getConnectScheduler());
-        ctx.setConnectScheduler(connectScheduler);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(ctx.getConnectScheduler());
-        // connection id
-        ctx.setConnectionId(101);
-        Assert.assertEquals(101, ctx.getConnectionId());
-        // command
-        ctx.setCommand(MysqlCommand.COM_PING);
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_PING, ctx.getCommand());
-        // Thread info
-        Assert.assertNotNull(ctx.toThreadInfo());
-        List<String> row = ctx.toThreadInfo().toRow(1000);
-        Assert.assertEquals(9, row.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals("101", row.get(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("testUser", row.get(1));
-        Assert.assertEquals("", row.get(2));
-        Assert.assertEquals("testCluster", row.get(3));
-        Assert.assertEquals("testDb", row.get(4));
-        Assert.assertEquals("Ping", row.get(5));
-        Assert.assertEquals("1", row.get(6));
-        Assert.assertEquals("", row.get(7));
-        Assert.assertEquals("", row.get(8));
-        // Start time
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, ctx.getStartTime());
-        ctx.setStartTime();
-        Assert.assertNotSame(0, ctx.getStartTime());
-        // query id
-        ctx.setQueryId(new TUniqueId(100, 200));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new TUniqueId(100, 200), ctx.queryId());
-        // Catalog
-        Assert.assertNull(ctx.getCatalog());
-        ctx.setCatalog(catalog);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(ctx.getCatalog());
-        // clean up
-        ctx.cleanup();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSleepTimeout() {
-        ConnectContext ctx = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-        ctx.setCommand(MysqlCommand.COM_SLEEP);
-        // sleep no time out
-        ctx.setStartTime();
-        Assert.assertFalse(ctx.isKilled());
-        long now = ctx.getStartTime() + ctx.getSessionVariable().getWaitTimeoutS() * 1000 - 1;
-        ctx.checkTimeout(now);
-        Assert.assertFalse(ctx.isKilled());
-        // Timeout
-        ctx.setStartTime();
-        now = ctx.getStartTime() + ctx.getSessionVariable().getWaitTimeoutS() * 1000 + 1;
-        ctx.setExecutor(executor);
-        ctx.checkTimeout(now);
-        Assert.assertTrue(ctx.isKilled());
-        // Kill
-        ctx.kill(true);
-        Assert.assertTrue(ctx.isKilled());
-        ctx.kill(false);
-        Assert.assertTrue(ctx.isKilled());
-        // clean up
-        ctx.cleanup();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testOtherTimeout() {
-        ConnectContext ctx = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-        ctx.setCommand(MysqlCommand.COM_QUERY);
-        // sleep no time out
-        Assert.assertFalse(ctx.isKilled());
-        long now = ctx.getSessionVariable().getQueryTimeoutS() * 1000 - 1;
-        ctx.checkTimeout(now);
-        Assert.assertFalse(ctx.isKilled());
-        // Timeout
-        now = ctx.getSessionVariable().getQueryTimeoutS() * 1000 + 1;
-        ctx.checkTimeout(now);
-        Assert.assertFalse(ctx.isKilled());
-        // Kill
-        ctx.kill(true);
-        Assert.assertTrue(ctx.isKilled());
-        // clean up
-        ctx.cleanup();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testThreadLocal() {
-        ConnectContext ctx = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-        Assert.assertNull(ConnectContext.get());
-        ctx.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        Assert.assertNotNull(ConnectContext.get());
-        Assert.assertEquals(ctx, ConnectContext.get());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectProcessorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectProcessorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7421608..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectProcessorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.MetricRepo;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlChannel;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlCommand;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlEofPacket;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlErrPacket;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlOkPacket;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlSerializer;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.AuditEvent.AuditEventBuilder;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PQueryStatistics;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ConnectProcessorTest {
-    private static ByteBuffer initDbPacket;
-    private static ByteBuffer pingPacket;
-    private static ByteBuffer quitPacket;
-    private static ByteBuffer queryPacket;
-    private static ByteBuffer fieldListPacket;
-    private static AuditEventBuilder auditBuilder = new AuditEventBuilder();
-    private static ConnectContext myContext;
-    @Mocked
-    private static SocketChannel socketChannel;
-    private static PQueryStatistics statistics = new PQueryStatistics();
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUpClass() {
-        // Init Database packet
-        {
-            MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-            serializer.writeInt1(2);
-            serializer.writeEofString("testCluster:testDb");
-            initDbPacket = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        }
-        // Ping packet
-        {
-            MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-            serializer.writeInt1(14);
-            pingPacket = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        }
-        // Quit packet
-        {
-            MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-            serializer.writeInt1(1);
-            quitPacket = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        }
-        // Query packet
-        {
-            MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-            serializer.writeInt1(3);
-            serializer.writeEofString("select * from a");
-            queryPacket = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        }
-        // Field list packet
-        {
-            MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-            serializer.writeInt1(4);
-            serializer.writeNulTerminateString("testTbl");
-            serializer.writeEofString("");
-            fieldListPacket = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        }
-        statistics.scan_bytes = 0L;
-        statistics.scan_rows = 0L;
-        statistics.cpu_ms = 0L;
-        MetricRepo.init();
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        initDbPacket.clear();
-        pingPacket.clear();
-        quitPacket.clear();
-        queryPacket.clear();
-        fieldListPacket.clear();
-        // Mock
-        MysqlChannel channel = new MysqlChannel(socketChannel);
-        new Expectations(channel) {
-            {
-                channel.getRemoteHostPortString();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-            }
-        };
-        myContext = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(myContext, "mysqlChannel", channel);
-    }
-    private static MysqlChannel mockChannel(ByteBuffer packet) {
-        try {
-            MysqlChannel channel = new MysqlChannel(socketChannel);
-            new Expectations(channel) {
-                {
-                    // Mock receive
-                    channel.fetchOnePacket();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = packet;
-                    // Mock reset
-                    channel.setSequenceId(0);
-                    times = 1;
-                    // Mock send
-                    // channel.sendOnePacket((ByteBuffer) any);
-                    // minTimes = 0;
-                    channel.sendAndFlush((ByteBuffer) any);
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    channel.getRemoteHostPortString();
-                    minTimes = 0;
-                    result = "";
-                }
-            };
-            return channel;
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    private static ConnectContext initMockContext(MysqlChannel channel, Catalog catalog) {
-        ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(socketChannel) {
-            private boolean firstTimeToSetCommand = true;
-            @Override
-            public void setKilled() {
-                myContext.setKilled();
-            }
-            @Override
-            public MysqlSerializer getSerializer() {
-                return myContext.getSerializer();
-            }
-            @Override
-            public QueryState getState() {
-                return myContext.getState();
-            }
-            @Override
-            public void setStartTime() {
-                myContext.setStartTime();
-            }
-            @Override
-            public String getDatabase() {
-                return myContext.getDatabase();
-            }
-            @Override
-            public void setCommand(MysqlCommand command) {
-                if (firstTimeToSetCommand) {
-                    myContext.setCommand(command);
-                    firstTimeToSetCommand = false;
-                } else {
-                    super.setCommand(command);
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(context) {
-            {
-                context.getMysqlChannel();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = channel;
-                context.isKilled();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                maxTimes = 3;
-                returns(false, true, false);
-                context.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                context.getAuditEventBuilder();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auditBuilder;
-                context.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:user";
-                context.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-                context.getStartTime();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 0L;
-                context.getReturnRows();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                context.setStmtId(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                context.getStmtId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                context.queryId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new TUniqueId();
-            }
-        };
-        return context;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQuit() throws IOException {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(quitPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_QUIT, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlOkPacket);
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.isKilled());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInitDb() throws IOException {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(initDbPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_INIT_DB, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlOkPacket);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInitDbFail() throws IOException {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(initDbPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchBlockCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_INIT_DB, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertFalse(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlOkPacket);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPing() throws IOException {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(pingPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_PING, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlOkPacket);
-        Assert.assertFalse(myContext.isKilled());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPingLoop() throws IOException {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(pingPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.loop();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_PING, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlOkPacket);
-        Assert.assertFalse(myContext.isKilled());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQuery(@Mocked StmtExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(queryPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        // Mock statement executor
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                executor.getQueryStatisticsForAuditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = statistics;
-            }
-        };
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_QUERY, myContext.getCommand());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryWithUserInfo(@Mocked StmtExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(queryPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        // Mock statement executor
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                executor.getQueryStatisticsForAuditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = statistics;
-            }
-        };
-        processor.processOnce();
-        StmtExecutor er = Deencapsulation.getField(processor, "executor");
-        Assert.assertTrue(er.getParsedStmt().getUserInfo() != null);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryFail(@Mocked StmtExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(queryPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        // Mock statement executor
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                executor.execute();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new IOException("Fail");
-                executor.getQueryStatisticsForAuditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = statistics;
-            }
-        };
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_QUERY, myContext.getCommand());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryFail2(@Mocked StmtExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(queryPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        // Mock statement executor
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                executor.execute();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new NullPointerException("Fail");
-                executor.getQueryStatisticsForAuditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = statistics;
-            }
-        };
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_QUERY, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlErrPacket);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFieldList() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(fieldListPacket), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        myContext.setDatabase("testCluster:testDb");
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_FIELD_LIST, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlEofPacket);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFieldListFailEmptyTable() throws Exception {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        serializer.writeInt1(4);
-        serializer.writeNulTerminateString("");
-        serializer.writeEofString("");
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(serializer.toByteBuffer()),
-                AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_FIELD_LIST, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlErrPacket);
-        Assert.assertEquals("Empty tableName", myContext.getState().getErrorMessage());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFieldListFailNoDb() throws Exception {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        serializer.writeInt1(4);
-        serializer.writeNulTerminateString("testTable");
-        serializer.writeEofString("");
-        myContext.setDatabase("testCluster:emptyDb");
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(serializer.toByteBuffer()),
-                AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_FIELD_LIST, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlErrPacket);
-        Assert.assertEquals("Unknown database(testCluster:emptyDb)", myContext.getState().getErrorMessage());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFieldListFailNoTable() throws Exception {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        serializer.writeInt1(4);
-        serializer.writeNulTerminateString("emptyTable");
-        serializer.writeEofString("");
-        myContext.setDatabase("testCluster:testDb");
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(serializer.toByteBuffer()),
-                AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_FIELD_LIST, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlErrPacket);
-        Assert.assertEquals("Unknown table(emptyTable)", myContext.getState().getErrorMessage());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnsupportedCommand() throws Exception {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        serializer.writeInt1(5);
-        ByteBuffer packet = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(packet), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_CREATE_DB, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlErrPacket);
-        Assert.assertFalse(myContext.isKilled());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnknownCommand() throws Exception {
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        serializer.writeInt1(101);
-        ByteBuffer packet = serializer.toByteBuffer();
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(packet), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.processOnce();
-        Assert.assertEquals(MysqlCommand.COM_SLEEP, myContext.getCommand());
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.getState().toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlErrPacket);
-        Assert.assertFalse(myContext.isKilled());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNullPacket() throws Exception {
-        ConnectContext ctx = initMockContext(mockChannel(null), AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(ctx);
-        processor.loop();
-        Assert.assertTrue(myContext.isKilled());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectSchedulerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectSchedulerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 94af38b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ConnectSchedulerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlChannel;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlProto;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class ConnectSchedulerTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConnectScheduler.class);
-    private static AtomicLong succSubmit;
-    @Mocked
-    SocketChannel socketChannel;
-    @Mocked
-    MysqlChannel channel;
-    @Mocked
-    MysqlProto mysqlProto;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        succSubmit = new AtomicLong(0);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                channel.getRemoteIp();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "";
-                // mock negotiate
-                MysqlProto.negotiate((ConnectContext) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                MysqlProto.sendResponsePacket((ConnectContext) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubmit(@Mocked ConnectProcessor processor) throws Exception {
-        // mock new processor
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                processor.loop();
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    void fakeLoop() {
-                        LOG.warn("starts loop");
-                        // Make cancel thread to work
-                        succSubmit.incrementAndGet();
-                        try {
-                            Thread.sleep(2000);
-                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                            LOG.warn("sleep exception");
-                        }
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        ConnectScheduler scheduler = new ConnectScheduler(10);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-            ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-            if (i == 1) {
-                context.setCatalog(AccessTestUtil.fetchBlockCatalog());
-            } else {
-                context.setCatalog(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-            }
-            context.setQualifiedUser("root");
-            Assert.assertTrue(scheduler.submit(context));
-            Assert.assertEquals(i, context.getConnectionId());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testProcessException(@Mocked ConnectProcessor processor) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                processor.loop();
-                result = new RuntimeException("failed");
-            }
-        };
-        ConnectScheduler scheduler = new ConnectScheduler(10);
-        ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-        context.setCatalog(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        context.setQualifiedUser("root");
-        Assert.assertTrue(scheduler.submit(context));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, context.getConnectionId());
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
-        Assert.assertNull(scheduler.getContext(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubmitFail() throws InterruptedException {
-        ConnectScheduler scheduler = new ConnectScheduler(10);
-        Assert.assertFalse(scheduler.submit(null));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubmitTooMany() throws InterruptedException {
-        ConnectScheduler scheduler = new ConnectScheduler(0);
-        ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-        Assert.assertTrue(scheduler.submit(context));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/CoordinatorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/CoordinatorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e1755..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/CoordinatorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.BinaryPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleId;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.HashDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.DataPartition;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.EmptySetNode;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.HashJoinNode;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.OlapScanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.PlanFragment;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.PlanFragmentId;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.PlanNodeId;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.Planner;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.ScanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.service.FrontendOptions;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPartitionType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanRangeLocation;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanRangeLocations;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanRangeParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.apache.commons.collections.map.HashedMap;
-public class CoordinatorTest extends Coordinator {
-    static Planner planner = new Planner();
-    static ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(null);
-    static {
-        context.setQueryId(new TUniqueId(1, 2));
-    }
-    @Mocked
-    static Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    static EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    static FrontendOptions frontendOptions;
-    static Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, null);
-    public CoordinatorTest() {
-        super(context, analyzer, planner);
-    }
-    private static Coordinator coor;
-    @Test
-    public void testComputeColocateJoinInstanceParam()  {
-        Coordinator coordinator = new Coordinator(context, analyzer, planner);
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        int scanNodeId = 1;
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, new HashSet<>());
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.get(planFragmentId).add(scanNodeId);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "fragmentIdToScanNodeIds", fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        // 1. set fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress in coordinator
-        Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress> bucketSeqToAddress = new HashMap<>();
-        TNetworkAddress address = new TNetworkAddress();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            bucketSeqToAddress.put(i, address);
-        }
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress>> fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress.put(planFragmentId, bucketSeqToAddress);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap", fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress);
-        // 2. set bucketSeqToScanRange in coordinator
-        BucketSeqToScanRange bucketSeqToScanRange = new BucketSeqToScanRange();
-        Map<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>> ScanRangeMap = new HashMap<>();
-        List<TScanRangeParams> scanRangeParamsList = new ArrayList<>();
-        scanRangeParamsList.add(new TScanRangeParams());
-        ScanRangeMap.put(scanNodeId, scanRangeParamsList);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            bucketSeqToScanRange.put(i, ScanRangeMap);
-        }
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "bucketSeqToScanRange", bucketSeqToScanRange);
-        FragmentExecParams params = new FragmentExecParams(null);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "computeColocateJoinInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 1, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-        // check whether one instance have 3 tablet to scan
-        for (FInstanceExecParam instanceExecParam : params.instanceExecParams) {
-            for (List<TScanRangeParams> tempScanRangeParamsList :instanceExecParam.perNodeScanRanges.values()) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(3, tempScanRangeParamsList.size());
-            }
-        }
-        params = new FragmentExecParams(null);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "computeColocateJoinInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 2, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-        params = new FragmentExecParams(null);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "computeColocateJoinInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 3, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-        params = new FragmentExecParams(null);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "computeColocateJoinInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 5, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIsBucketShuffleJoin()  {
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        int scanNodeId = 1;
-        // The "fragmentIdToScanNodeIds" we created here is useless in this test.
-        // It is only for creating the BucketShuffleJoinController.
-        // So the fragment id and scan node id in it is meaningless.
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, new HashSet<>());
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.get(planFragmentId).add(scanNodeId);
-        Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController bucketShuffleJoinController
-                = new Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController(fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        PlanNodeId testPlanNodeId = new PlanNodeId(-1);
-        TupleId testTupleId = new TupleId(-1);
-        ArrayList<TupleId> tupleIdArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
-        tupleIdArrayList.add(testTupleId);
-        ArrayList<Expr> testJoinexprs = new ArrayList<>();
-        BinaryPredicate binaryPredicate = new BinaryPredicate();
-        testJoinexprs.add(binaryPredicate);
-        HashJoinNode hashJoinNode = new HashJoinNode(testPlanNodeId, new EmptySetNode(testPlanNodeId, tupleIdArrayList),
-                new EmptySetNode(testPlanNodeId, tupleIdArrayList), new TableRef(), testJoinexprs, new ArrayList<>());
-        hashJoinNode.setFragment(new PlanFragment(new PlanFragmentId(-1), hashJoinNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.BUCKET_SHFFULE_HASH_PARTITIONED, testJoinexprs)));
-        // hash join node is not bucket shuffle join
-        Assert.assertEquals(false,
-                Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "isBucketShuffleJoin", -1, hashJoinNode));
-        // the fragment id is different from hash join node
-        hashJoinNode.setFragment(new PlanFragment(new PlanFragmentId(-2), hashJoinNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.BUCKET_SHFFULE_HASH_PARTITIONED, testJoinexprs)));
-        hashJoinNode.setDistributionMode(HashJoinNode.DistributionMode.BUCKET_SHUFFLE);
-        Assert.assertEquals(false,
-                Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "isBucketShuffleJoin", -1, hashJoinNode));
-        hashJoinNode.setFragment(new PlanFragment(new PlanFragmentId(-1), hashJoinNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.BUCKET_SHFFULE_HASH_PARTITIONED, testJoinexprs)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(true,
-                Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "isBucketShuffleJoin", -1, hashJoinNode));
-        // the fragment id is in cache, so not do check node again
-        Assert.assertEquals(true,
-                Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "isBucketShuffleJoin", -1));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testComputeScanRangeAssignmentByBucketq()  {
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        int scanNodeId = 1;
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, new HashSet<>());
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.get(planFragmentId).add(scanNodeId);
-        Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController bucketShuffleJoinController
-                = new Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController(fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        // init olap scan node of bucket shuffle join
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(-1));
-        OlapTable olapTable = new OlapTable();
-        HashDistributionInfo hashDistributionInfo = new HashDistributionInfo(66, new ArrayList<>());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapTable, "defaultDistributionInfo", hashDistributionInfo);
-        tupleDescriptor.setTable(olapTable);
-        OlapScanNode olapScanNode = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(scanNodeId), tupleDescriptor, "test");
-        ArrayListMultimap<Integer, TScanRangeLocations> bucketseq2localtion = ArrayListMultimap.create();
-        // each olaptable bucket have the same TScanRangeLocations, be id is {0, 1, 2}
-        TScanRangeLocations tScanRangeLocations = new TScanRangeLocations();
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation0 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation0.backend_id = 0;
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation1.backend_id = 1;
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation2.backend_id = 2;
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation0);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation1);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation2);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 66; i++) {
-            bucketseq2localtion.put(i, tScanRangeLocations);
-        }
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapScanNode, "bucketSeq2locations", bucketseq2localtion);
-        olapScanNode.setFragment(new PlanFragment(planFragmentId, olapScanNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED)));
-        // init all backend
-        Backend backend0 = new Backend();
-        backend0.setAlive(true);
-        Backend backend1 = new Backend();
-        backend1.setAlive(true);
-        Backend backend2 = new Backend();
-        backend2.setAlive(true);
-        // init all be network address
-        TNetworkAddress be0 = new TNetworkAddress("", 1000);
-        TNetworkAddress be1 = new TNetworkAddress("", 2000);
-        TNetworkAddress be2 = new TNetworkAddress("", 3000);
-        HashMap<Long, Backend> idToBackend = new HashMap<>();
-        idToBackend.put(0l, backend0);
-        idToBackend.put(1l, backend1);
-        idToBackend.put(2l, backend2);
-        Map<TNetworkAddress, Long> addressToBackendID = new HashMap<>();
-        addressToBackendID.put(be0, 0l);
-        addressToBackendID.put(be1, 1l);
-        addressToBackendID.put(be2, 2l);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "computeScanRangeAssignmentByBucket",
-                olapScanNode, ImmutableMap.copyOf(idToBackend), addressToBackendID);
-        Assert.assertEquals(java.util.Optional.of(66).get(),
-                Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "getFragmentBucketNum", new PlanFragmentId(1)));
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Long, Integer>> fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(bucketShuffleJoinController, "fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap");
-        long targetBeCount = fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap.values().
-                stream().flatMap(buckend2BucketCountMap -> buckend2BucketCountMap.values().stream())
-                .filter(count -> count == 22).count();
-        Assert.assertEquals(targetBeCount, 3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testColocateJoinAssignment()  {
-        Coordinator coordinator = new Coordinator(context, analyzer, planner);
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        int scanNodeId = 1;
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, new HashSet<>());
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.get(planFragmentId).add(scanNodeId);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "fragmentIdToScanNodeIds", fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        // 1. set fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress in coordinator
-        Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress> bucketSeqToAddress = new HashMap<>();
-        TNetworkAddress address = new TNetworkAddress();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            bucketSeqToAddress.put(i, address);
-        }
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress>> fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress.put(planFragmentId, bucketSeqToAddress);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap", fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress);
-        // 2. set bucketSeqToScanRange in coordinator
-        BucketSeqToScanRange bucketSeqToScanRange = new BucketSeqToScanRange();
-        Map<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>> ScanRangeMap = new HashMap<>();
-        ScanRangeMap.put(scanNodeId, new ArrayList<>());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            bucketSeqToScanRange.put(i, ScanRangeMap);
-        }
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "bucketSeqToScanRange", bucketSeqToScanRange);
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(-1));
-        OlapScanNode olapScanNode = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(scanNodeId), tupleDescriptor, "test");
-        PlanFragment fragment = new PlanFragment(planFragmentId, olapScanNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED));
-        FragmentExecParams params = new FragmentExecParams(fragment);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "computeColocateJoinInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 1, params);
-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-        params.appendTo(sb);
-        Assert.assertTrue(sb.toString().contains("range=[id1,range=[]]"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testComputeScanRangeAssignmentByBucket()  {
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        int scanNodeId = 1;
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, new HashSet<>());
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.get(planFragmentId).add(scanNodeId);
-        Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController bucketShuffleJoinController
-                = new Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController(fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        // init olap scan node of bucket shuffle join
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(-1));
-        OlapTable olapTable = new OlapTable();
-        HashDistributionInfo hashDistributionInfo = new HashDistributionInfo(66, new ArrayList<>());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapTable, "defaultDistributionInfo", hashDistributionInfo);
-        tupleDescriptor.setTable(olapTable);
-        OlapScanNode olapScanNode = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(scanNodeId), tupleDescriptor, "test");
-        ArrayListMultimap<Integer, TScanRangeLocations> bucketseq2localtion = ArrayListMultimap.create();
-        // each olaptable bucket have the same TScanRangeLocations, be id is {0, 1, 2}
-        TScanRangeLocations tScanRangeLocations = new TScanRangeLocations();
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation0 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation0.backend_id = 0;
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation1.backend_id = 1;
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation2.backend_id = 2;
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation0);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation1);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation2);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 66; i++) {
-            bucketseq2localtion.put(i, tScanRangeLocations);
-        }
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapScanNode, "bucketSeq2locations", bucketseq2localtion);
-        olapScanNode.setFragment(new PlanFragment(planFragmentId, olapScanNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED)));
-        // init all backend
-        Backend backend0 = new Backend();
-        backend0.setAlive(true);
-        Backend backend1 = new Backend();
-        backend1.setAlive(true);
-        Backend backend2 = new Backend();
-        backend2.setAlive(true);
-        // init all be network address
-        TNetworkAddress be0 = new TNetworkAddress("", 1000);
-        TNetworkAddress be1 = new TNetworkAddress("", 2000);
-        TNetworkAddress be2 = new TNetworkAddress("", 3000);
-        HashMap<Long, Backend> idToBackend = new HashMap<>();
-        idToBackend.put(0l, backend0);
-        idToBackend.put(1l, backend1);
-        idToBackend.put(2l, backend2);
-        Map<TNetworkAddress, Long> addressToBackendID = new HashMap<>();
-        addressToBackendID.put(be0, 0l);
-        addressToBackendID.put(be1, 1l);
-        addressToBackendID.put(be2, 2l);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "computeScanRangeAssignmentByBucket",
-                olapScanNode, ImmutableMap.copyOf(idToBackend), addressToBackendID);
-        Assert.assertEquals(java.util.Optional.of(66).get(),
-                Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "getFragmentBucketNum", new PlanFragmentId(1)));
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Long, Integer>> fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap =
-                Deencapsulation.getField(bucketShuffleJoinController, "fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap");
-        long targetBeCount = fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap.values()
-                .stream()
-                .flatMap(buckend2BucketCountMap -> buckend2BucketCountMap.values().stream())
-                .filter(count -> count == 22).count();
-        Assert.assertEquals(targetBeCount, 3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testComputeBucketShuffleJoinInstanceParam()  {
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        int scanNodeId = 1;
-        // set fragment id to scan node ids map
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, new HashSet<>());
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.get(planFragmentId).add(scanNodeId);
-        Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController bucketShuffleJoinController
-                = new Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController(fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        // 1. set fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress in bucketShuffleJoinController
-        Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress> bucketSeqToAddress = new HashMap<>();
-        TNetworkAddress address = new TNetworkAddress();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            bucketSeqToAddress.put(i, address);
-        }
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress>> fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress.put(planFragmentId, bucketSeqToAddress);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(bucketShuffleJoinController, "fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap", fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress);
-        // 2. set bucketSeqToScanRange in bucketShuffleJoinController
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, BucketSeqToScanRange> fragmentIdBucketSeqToScanRangeMap = new HashMap<>();
-        BucketSeqToScanRange bucketSeqToScanRange = new BucketSeqToScanRange();
-        Map<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>> ScanRangeMap = new HashMap<>();
-        ScanRangeMap.put(scanNodeId, new ArrayList<>());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            bucketSeqToScanRange.put(i, ScanRangeMap);
-        }
-        fragmentIdBucketSeqToScanRangeMap.put(planFragmentId, bucketSeqToScanRange);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(bucketShuffleJoinController, "fragmentIdBucketSeqToScanRangeMap", fragmentIdBucketSeqToScanRangeMap);
-        FragmentExecParams params = new FragmentExecParams(null);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "computeInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 1, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-        try {
-            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-            params.appendTo(sb);
-            System.out.println(sb);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        params = new FragmentExecParams(null);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "computeInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 2, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-        params = new FragmentExecParams(null);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "computeInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 3, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-        params = new FragmentExecParams(null);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "computeInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 5, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBucketShuffleAssignment()  {
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        int scanNodeId = 1;
-        // set fragment id to scan node ids map
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, new HashSet<>());
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.get(planFragmentId).add(scanNodeId);
-        Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController bucketShuffleJoinController
-                = new Coordinator.BucketShuffleJoinController(fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        // 1. set fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress in bucketShuffleJoinController
-        Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress> bucketSeqToAddress = new HashMap<>();
-        TNetworkAddress address = new TNetworkAddress();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            bucketSeqToAddress.put(i, address);
-        }
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress>> fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress.put(planFragmentId, bucketSeqToAddress);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(bucketShuffleJoinController, "fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap", fragmentToBucketSeqToAddress);
-        // 2. set bucketSeqToScanRange in bucketShuffleJoinController
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, BucketSeqToScanRange> fragmentIdBucketSeqToScanRangeMap = new HashMap<>();
-        BucketSeqToScanRange bucketSeqToScanRange = new BucketSeqToScanRange();
-        Map<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>> ScanRangeMap = new HashMap<>();
-        ScanRangeMap.put(scanNodeId, new ArrayList<>());
-        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-            bucketSeqToScanRange.put(i, ScanRangeMap);
-        }
-        fragmentIdBucketSeqToScanRangeMap.put(planFragmentId, bucketSeqToScanRange);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(bucketShuffleJoinController, "fragmentIdBucketSeqToScanRangeMap", fragmentIdBucketSeqToScanRangeMap);
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(-1));
-        OlapScanNode olapScanNode = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(scanNodeId), tupleDescriptor, "test");
-        PlanFragment fragment = new PlanFragment(planFragmentId, olapScanNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED));
-        FragmentExecParams params = new FragmentExecParams(fragment);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(bucketShuffleJoinController, "computeInstanceParam", planFragmentId, 1, params);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, params.instanceExecParams.size());
-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-        params.appendTo(sb);
-        Assert.assertTrue(sb.toString().contains("range=[id1,range=[]]"));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testComputeScanRangeAssignmentByScheduler()  {
-        Coordinator coordinator = new Coordinator(context, analyzer, planner);
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        int scanNodeId = 1;
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, new HashSet<>());
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.get(planFragmentId).add(scanNodeId);
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(-1));
-        OlapTable olapTable = new OlapTable();
-        HashDistributionInfo hashDistributionInfo = new HashDistributionInfo(66, new ArrayList<>());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapTable, "defaultDistributionInfo", hashDistributionInfo);
-        tupleDescriptor.setTable(olapTable);
-        OlapScanNode olapScanNode = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(scanNodeId), tupleDescriptor, "test");
-        // each olaptable bucket have the same TScanRangeLocations, be id is {0, 1, 2}
-        TScanRangeLocations tScanRangeLocations = new TScanRangeLocations();
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation0 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation0.backend_id = 0;
-        tScanRangeLocation0.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation1.backend_id = 1;
-        tScanRangeLocation1.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation2.backend_id = 2;
-        tScanRangeLocation2.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation0);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation1);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation2);
-        TScanRangeLocations tScanRangeLocations1 = new TScanRangeLocations();
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation3 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation3.backend_id = 0;
-        tScanRangeLocation3.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation4 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation4.backend_id = 1;
-        tScanRangeLocation4.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation5 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation5.backend_id = 2;
-        tScanRangeLocation5.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        tScanRangeLocations1.locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        tScanRangeLocations1.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation3);
-        tScanRangeLocations1.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation4);
-        tScanRangeLocations1.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation5);
-        olapScanNode.setFragment(new PlanFragment(planFragmentId, olapScanNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED)));
-        // init all backend
-        Backend backend0 = new Backend(0, "", 9060);
-        backend0.setAlive(false);
-        backend0.setBePort(9050);
-        Backend backend1 = new Backend(1, "", 9060);
-        backend1.setAlive(true);
-        backend1.setBePort(9050);
-        Backend backend2 = new Backend(2, "", 9060);
-        backend2.setAlive(true);
-        backend2.setBePort(9050);
-        ImmutableMap<Long, Backend> idToBackend =
-                new ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Backend>().
-                put(0l, backend0).
-                put(1l, backend1).
-                put(2l, backend2).build();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "idToBackend", idToBackend);
-        FragmentScanRangeAssignment assignment = new FragmentScanRangeAssignment();
-        List<TScanRangeLocations> locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        HashMap<TNetworkAddress, Long> assignedBytesPerHost = Maps.newHashMap();
-        locations.add(tScanRangeLocations);
-        locations.add(tScanRangeLocations1);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "computeScanRangeAssignmentByScheduler",
-                olapScanNode, locations, assignment, assignedBytesPerHost);
-        for (Map.Entry entry:assignment.entrySet()) {
-            Map<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>> addr = (HashMap<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>>) entry.getValue();
-            for (Map.Entry item:addr.entrySet()) {
-                List<TScanRangeParams> params = (List<TScanRangeParams>) item.getValue();
-                Assert.assertTrue(params.size() == 2);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetExecHostPortForFragmentIDAndBucketSeq()  {
-        Coordinator coordinator = new Coordinator(context, analyzer, planner);
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        // each olaptable bucket have the same TScanRangeLocations, be id is {0, 1, 2}
-        TScanRangeLocations tScanRangeLocations = new TScanRangeLocations();
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation0 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation0.backend_id = 0;
-        tScanRangeLocation0.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation1.backend_id = 1;
-        tScanRangeLocation1.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation2.backend_id = 2;
-        tScanRangeLocation2.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation0);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation1);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation2);
-        // init all backend
-        Backend backend0 = new Backend(0, "", 9060);
-        backend0.setAlive(true);
-        backend0.setBePort(9050);
-        Backend backend1 = new Backend(1, "", 9060);
-        backend1.setAlive(true);
-        backend1.setBePort(9050);
-        Backend backend2 = new Backend(2, "", 9060);
-        backend2.setAlive(true);
-        backend2.setBePort(9050);
-        ImmutableMap<Long, Backend> idToBackend =
-                new ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Backend>().
-                        put(0l, backend0).
-                        put(1l, backend1).
-                        put(2l, backend2).build();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "idToBackend", idToBackend);
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress>> fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap.put(planFragmentId, new HashedMap());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap", fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap);
-        List<TScanRangeLocations> locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        locations.add(tScanRangeLocations);
-        HashMap<TNetworkAddress, Long> assignedBytesPerHost = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "getExecHostPortForFragmentIDAndBucketSeq",tScanRangeLocations,
-                planFragmentId, 1, assignedBytesPerHost);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "getExecHostPortForFragmentIDAndBucketSeq",tScanRangeLocations,
-                planFragmentId, 2, assignedBytesPerHost);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "getExecHostPortForFragmentIDAndBucketSeq",tScanRangeLocations,
-                planFragmentId, 3, assignedBytesPerHost);
-        List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (Map.Entry item:assignedBytesPerHost.entrySet()) {
-            Assert.assertTrue((Long)item.getValue() == 1);
-            TNetworkAddress addr = (TNetworkAddress)item.getKey();
-            hosts.add(addr.hostname);
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(hosts.size() == 3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBucketShuffleWithUnaliveBackend()  {
-        Coordinator coordinator = new Coordinator(context, analyzer, planner);
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        // each olaptable bucket have the same TScanRangeLocations, be id is {0, 1, 2}
-        TScanRangeLocations tScanRangeLocations = new TScanRangeLocations();
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation0 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation0.backend_id = 0;
-        tScanRangeLocation0.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation1.backend_id = 1;
-        tScanRangeLocation1.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation2.backend_id = 2;
-        tScanRangeLocation2.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation0);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation1);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation2);
-        // init all backend
-        Backend backend0 = new Backend(0, "", 9060);
-        backend0.setAlive(false);
-        backend0.setBePort(9050);
-        Backend backend1 = new Backend(1, "", 9060);
-        backend1.setAlive(true);
-        backend1.setBePort(9050);
-        Backend backend2 = new Backend(2, "", 9060);
-        backend2.setAlive(true);
-        backend2.setBePort(9050);
-        Map<TNetworkAddress, Long> addressToBackendID = Maps.newHashMap();
-        addressToBackendID.put(tScanRangeLocation0.server, tScanRangeLocation0.backend_id);
-        addressToBackendID.put(tScanRangeLocation1.server, tScanRangeLocation1.backend_id);
-        addressToBackendID.put(tScanRangeLocation2.server, tScanRangeLocation2.backend_id);
-        ImmutableMap<Long, Backend> idToBackend =
-                new ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Backend>().
-                        put(0l, backend0).
-                        put(1l, backend1).
-                        put(2l, backend2).build();
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Long, Integer>> fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Map<Long, Integer> backendIdBucketCountMap = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
-        fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap.put(planFragmentId, backendIdBucketCountMap);
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = new HashMap<>();
-        BucketShuffleJoinController controller = new BucketShuffleJoinController(fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Map<Integer, TNetworkAddress>> fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap.put(planFragmentId, new HashMap<Integer, TNetworkAddress>());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(controller,  "fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap", fragmentIdToBuckendIdBucketCountMap);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(controller, "fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap", fragmentIdToSeqToAddressMap);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(controller, "getExecHostPortForFragmentIDAndBucketSeq",
-                tScanRangeLocations, planFragmentId, 1, idToBackend, addressToBackendID);
-        Assert.assertTrue(backendIdBucketCountMap.size() == 2);
-        List<Long> backendIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
-        List<Integer> counts = new ArrayList<Integer>();
-        for (Map.Entry<Long, Integer> item:backendIdBucketCountMap.entrySet()) {
-            backendIds.add(item.getKey());
-            counts.add(item.getValue());
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(backendIds.get(0) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(counts.get(0) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(backendIds.get(1) == 1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(counts.get(1) == 1);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testComputeScanRangeAssignment()  {
-        Coordinator coordinator = new Coordinator(context, analyzer, planner);
-        //TScanRangeLocations
-        TScanRangeLocations tScanRangeLocations = new TScanRangeLocations();
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation0 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation0.backend_id = 0;
-        tScanRangeLocation0.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation1.backend_id = 1;
-        tScanRangeLocation1.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        TScanRangeLocation tScanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        tScanRangeLocation2.backend_id = 2;
-        tScanRangeLocation2.server = new TNetworkAddress("", 9050);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation0);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation1);
-        tScanRangeLocations.locations.add(tScanRangeLocation2);
-        //scanNode1
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId = new PlanFragmentId(1);
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(-1));
-        OlapTable olapTable = new OlapTable();
-        HashDistributionInfo hashDistributionInfo = new HashDistributionInfo(66, new ArrayList<>());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapTable, "defaultDistributionInfo", hashDistributionInfo);
-        tupleDescriptor.setTable(olapTable);
-        OlapScanNode olapScanNode = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(1), tupleDescriptor, "test");
-        PlanFragment fragment = new PlanFragment(planFragmentId, olapScanNode,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED));
-        olapScanNode.setFragment(fragment);
-        List<TScanRangeLocations> locations = new ArrayList<>();
-        locations.add(tScanRangeLocations);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapScanNode, "result", locations);
-        //scanNode2
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId2 = new PlanFragmentId(2);
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor2 = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(-1));
-        OlapTable olapTable2 = new OlapTable();
-        HashDistributionInfo hashDistributionInfo2 = new HashDistributionInfo(66, new ArrayList<>());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapTable2, "defaultDistributionInfo", hashDistributionInfo2);
-        tupleDescriptor2.setTable(olapTable2);
-        OlapScanNode olapScanNode2 = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(2), tupleDescriptor2, "test2");
-        PlanFragment fragment2 = new PlanFragment(planFragmentId2, olapScanNode2,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED));
-        olapScanNode2.setFragment(fragment2);
-        List<TScanRangeLocations> locations2 = new ArrayList<>();
-        locations2.add(tScanRangeLocations);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapScanNode2, "result", locations2);
-        //scanNode3
-        PlanFragmentId planFragmentId3 = new PlanFragmentId(3);
-        TupleDescriptor tupleDescriptor3 = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(-1));
-        OlapTable olapTable3 = new OlapTable();
-        HashDistributionInfo hashDistributionInfo3 = new HashDistributionInfo(66, new ArrayList<>());
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapTable3, "defaultDistributionInfo", hashDistributionInfo3);
-        tupleDescriptor3.setTable(olapTable3);
-        OlapScanNode olapScanNode3 = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(3), tupleDescriptor3, "test3");
-        PlanFragment fragment3 = new PlanFragment(planFragmentId3, olapScanNode3,
-                new DataPartition(TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED));
-        olapScanNode3.setFragment(fragment3);
-        List<TScanRangeLocations> locations3 = new ArrayList<>();
-        locations3.add(tScanRangeLocations);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(olapScanNode3, "result", locations3);
-        //scan nodes
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = new ArrayList<>();
-        scanNodes.add(olapScanNode);
-        scanNodes.add(olapScanNode2);
-        scanNodes.add(olapScanNode3);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "scanNodes", scanNodes);
-        //fragmentIdToScanNodeIds
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, Set<Integer>> fragmentIdToScanNodeIds = Maps.newHashMap();
-        Set<Integer> ids1 = new HashSet<>();
-        ids1.add(1);
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, ids1);
-        Set<Integer> ids2 = new HashSet<>();
-        ids1.add(2);
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, ids2);
-        Set<Integer> ids3 = new HashSet<>();
-        ids1.add(3);
-        fragmentIdToScanNodeIds.put(planFragmentId, ids3);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator,"fragmentIdToScanNodeIds", fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        //fragmentExecParamsMap
-        Map<PlanFragmentId, FragmentExecParams> fragmentExecParamsMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        fragmentExecParamsMap.put(planFragmentId, new FragmentExecParams(fragment));
-        fragmentExecParamsMap.put(planFragmentId2, new FragmentExecParams(fragment2));
-        fragmentExecParamsMap.put(planFragmentId3, new FragmentExecParams(fragment3));
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator,"fragmentExecParamsMap", fragmentExecParamsMap);
-        //bucketShuffleJoinController
-        BucketShuffleJoinController bucketShuffleJoinController = new BucketShuffleJoinController(fragmentIdToScanNodeIds);
-        // init all backend
-        Backend backend0 = new Backend(0, "", 9060);
-        backend0.setAlive(true);
-        backend0.setBePort(9050);
-        Backend backend1 = new Backend(1, "", 9060);
-        backend1.setAlive(true);
-        backend1.setBePort(9050);
-        Backend backend2 = new Backend(2, "", 9060);
-        backend2.setAlive(true);
-        backend2.setBePort(9050);
-        ImmutableMap<Long, Backend> idToBackend =
-                new ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Backend>().
-                        put(0l, backend0).
-                        put(1l, backend1).
-                        put(2l, backend2).build();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(coordinator, "idToBackend", idToBackend);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(coordinator, "computeScanRangeAssignment");
-        FragmentScanRangeAssignment assignment = fragmentExecParamsMap.get(fragment.getFragmentId()).scanRangeAssignment;
-        Assert.assertTrue(assignment.size() == 1);
-        for (Map.Entry<TNetworkAddress, Map<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>>> entry : assignment.entrySet()) {
-            TNetworkAddress host = entry.getKey();
-            Assert.assertTrue(host.hostname.equals(""));
-        }
-        FragmentScanRangeAssignment assignment2 = fragmentExecParamsMap.get(fragment2.getFragmentId()).scanRangeAssignment;
-        Assert.assertTrue(assignment2.size() == 1);
-        for (Map.Entry<TNetworkAddress, Map<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>>> entry : assignment2.entrySet()) {
-            TNetworkAddress host = entry.getKey();
-            Assert.assertTrue(host.hostname.equals(""));
-        }
-        FragmentScanRangeAssignment assignment3 = fragmentExecParamsMap.get(fragment3.getFragmentId()).scanRangeAssignment;
-        Assert.assertTrue(assignment3.size() == 1);
-        for (Map.Entry<TNetworkAddress, Map<Integer, List<TScanRangeParams>>> entry : assignment3.entrySet()) {
-            TNetworkAddress host = entry.getKey();
-            Assert.assertTrue(host.hostname.equals(""));
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/HelpModuleTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/HelpModuleTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 72ab608..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/HelpModuleTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class HelpModuleTest {
-    private List<HelpCategory> categories;
-    private List<HelpTopic> topics;
-    // Category
-    //  Admin
-    //      - Show
-    //      - Select
-    // Topic
-    //      - SHOW TABLES
-    //      - SELECT TIME
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        categories = Lists.newArrayList();
-        topics = Lists.newArrayList();
-        HelpCategory category = new HelpCategory();
-        Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put("parent", "Admin");
-        Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry = Maps.immutableEntry("Show", map);
-        category.loadFrom(entry);
-        categories.add(category);
-        category = new HelpCategory();
-        map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put("parent", "Admin");
-        entry = Maps.immutableEntry("Select", map);
-        category.loadFrom(entry);
-        categories.add(category);
-        category = new HelpCategory();
-        map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        entry = Maps.immutableEntry("Admin", map);
-        category.loadFrom(entry);
-        categories.add(category);
-        // Topic
-        HelpTopic topic = new HelpTopic();
-        map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put("keyword", "SHOW, TABLES");
-        map.put("category", "Show");
-        entry = Maps.immutableEntry("SHOW TABLES", map);
-        topic.loadFrom(entry);
-        topics.add(topic);
-        topic = new HelpTopic();
-        map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put("keyword", "SELECT");
-        map.put("category", "Select");
-        entry = Maps.immutableEntry("SELECT TIME", map);
-        topic.loadFrom(entry);
-        topics.add(topic);
-        // emtpy
-        topic = new HelpTopic();
-        map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        entry = Maps.immutableEntry("empty", map);
-        topic.loadFrom(entry);
-        topics.add(topic);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IOException, UserException {
-        // Mock
-        // HelpObjectLoader categoryLoader = EasyMock.createMock(HelpObjectLoader.class);
-        // EasyMock.expect(categoryLoader.loadAll(EasyMock.isA(String.class))).andReturn(categories).anyTimes();
-        // EasyMock.replay(categoryLoader);
-        // HelpObjectLoader topicLoader = EasyMock.createMock(HelpObjectLoader.class);
-        // EasyMock.expect(topicLoader.loadAll(EasyMock.isA(String.class))).andReturn(topics).anyTimes();
-        // EasyMock.replay(topicLoader);
-        // PowerMock.mockStatic(HelpObjectLoader.class);
-        // EasyMock.expect(HelpObjectLoader.createCategoryLoader()).andReturn(categoryLoader).anyTimes();
-        // EasyMock.expect(HelpObjectLoader.createTopicLoader()).andReturn(topicLoader).anyTimes();
-        // PowerMock.replay(HelpObjectLoader.class);
-        HelpModule module = new HelpModule();
-        URL help = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/help");
-        module.setUp(help.getPath());
-        HelpTopic topic = module.getTopic("SELECT TIME");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(topic);
-        topic = module.getTopic("select time");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(topic);
-        // Must ordered by alpha.
-        List<String> categories = module.listCategoryByCategory("Admin");
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, categories.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(categories.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("Select", "Show").toArray()));
-        // topics
-        List<String> topics = module.listTopicByKeyword("SHOW");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, topics.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(topics.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("SHOW TABLES").toArray()));
-        topics = module.listTopicByKeyword("SELECT");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, topics.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(topics.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("SELECT TIME").toArray()));
-        topics = module.listTopicByCategory("selEct");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, topics.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(topics.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("SELECT TIME").toArray()));
-        topics = module.listTopicByCategory("show");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, topics.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(topics.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("SHOW TABLES").toArray()));
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(module.listCategoryByName("ADMIN").toArray(),
-                Lists.newArrayList("Admin").toArray()));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testLoadFromZip() throws IOException, UserException {
-        HelpModule module = new HelpModule();
-        URL help = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("test-help-resource.zip");
-        module.setUpByZip(help.getPath());
-        HelpTopic topic = module.getTopic("SELECT TIME");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(topic);
-        topic = module.getTopic("select time");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(topic);
-        // Must ordered by alpha.
-        List<String> categories = module.listCategoryByCategory("Admin");
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, categories.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(categories.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("Select", "Show").toArray()));
-        // topics
-        List<String> topics = module.listTopicByKeyword("SHOW");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, topics.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(topics.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("SHOW TABLES").toArray()));
-        topics = module.listTopicByKeyword("SELECT");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, topics.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(topics.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("SELECT TIME").toArray()));
-        topics = module.listTopicByCategory("selEct");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, topics.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(topics.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("SELECT TIME").toArray()));
-        topics = module.listTopicByCategory("show");
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, topics.size());
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(topics.toArray(), Lists.newArrayList("SHOW TABLES").toArray()));
-        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(module.listCategoryByName("ADMIN").toArray(),
-                Lists.newArrayList("Admin").toArray()));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/HelpObjectLoaderTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/HelpObjectLoaderTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index eb5adf4..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/HelpObjectLoaderTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-public class HelpObjectLoaderTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testTopicNormal() throws IOException, UserException {
-        URL resource = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/helpTopicNormal.md");
-        HelpObjectLoader<HelpTopic> loader = HelpObjectLoader.createTopicLoader();
-        List<HelpTopic> helpTopics = loader.loadAll(resource.getFile());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(helpTopics);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, helpTopics.size());
-        for (HelpTopic topic : helpTopics) {
-            if (topic.getName().equals("SHOW TABLES")) {
-                Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(Lists.newArrayList("SHOW", "TABLES").toArray(),
-                        topic.getKeywords().toArray()));
-                Assert.assertEquals("Administration\n", topic.getCategory());
-                Assert.assertEquals("", topic.getUrl());
-                Assert.assertEquals("show table in this\n"
-                        + "SYNTAX: SHOW TABLES\n", topic.getDescription());
-                Assert.assertEquals("show tables\n", topic.getExample());
-            } else {
-                // SHOW DATABASES
-                Assert.assertEquals("SHOW DATABASES", topic.getName());
-                Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(Lists.newArrayList("SHOW", "DATABASES").toArray(),
-                        topic.getKeywords().toArray()));
-                Assert.assertEquals("", topic.getCategory());
-                Assert.assertEquals("", topic.getUrl());
-                Assert.assertEquals("show table in this\n"
-                        + "    SYNTAX: SHOW DATABASES\n", topic.getDescription());
-                Assert.assertEquals("", topic.getExample());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCategoryNormal() throws IOException, UserException {
-        URL resource = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/helpCategoryNormal.md");
-        HelpObjectLoader<HelpCategory> loader = HelpObjectLoader.createCategoryLoader();
-        List<HelpCategory> helpTopics = loader.loadAll(resource.getFile());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(helpTopics);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, helpTopics.size());
-        for (HelpCategory topic : helpTopics) {
-            if (topic.getName().equals("Polygon properties")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("", topic.getUrl());
-                Assert.assertEquals("Geographic Features\n", topic.getParent());
-            } else if (topic.getName().equals("Geographic")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("", topic.getUrl());
-                Assert.assertEquals("", topic.getParent());
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/JournalObservableTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/JournalObservableTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c649a27..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/JournalObservableTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import com.google.common.collect.Multiset;
-import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultiset;
-import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class JournalObservableTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testUpperBound() {
-        Multiset<JournalObserver> elements = TreeMultiset.create();
-        JournalObserver observer2 = new JournalObserver(2L);
-        JournalObserver observer4 = new JournalObserver(4L);
-        JournalObserver observer41 = new JournalObserver(4L);
-        JournalObserver observer42 = new JournalObserver(4L);
-        JournalObserver observer6 = new JournalObserver(6L);
-        // empty
-        {
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), 0, 1L));
-        }
-        // one element
-        {
-            elements.add(observer2);
-            int size = elements.size();
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 1L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 2L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 3L));
-        }
-        // same element
-        {
-            elements.clear();
-            elements.add(observer2);
-            elements.add(observer6);
-            elements.add(observer4);
-            elements.add(observer41);
-            elements.add(observer42);
-            for (JournalObserver journalObserver : elements) {
-                System.out.println(journalObserver);
-            }
-            int size = elements.size();
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 1L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 2L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 3L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(4, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 4L));
-            elements.remove(observer41);
-            Assert.assertEquals(3, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), elements.size(), 4L));
-            elements.remove(observer4);
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), elements.size(), 4L));
-            elements.remove(observer42);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), elements.size(), 4L));
-        }
-        // same element 2
-        {
-            elements.clear();
-            elements.add(observer4);
-            elements.add(observer41);
-            int size = elements.size();
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 4L));
-            elements.remove(observer41);
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), elements.size(), 4L));
-            elements.remove(observer4);
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), elements.size(), 4L));
-        }
-        // odd elements
-        {
-            elements.clear();
-            elements.add(observer2);
-            elements.add(observer2);
-            elements.add(observer4);
-            elements.add(observer4);
-            elements.add(observer6);
-            elements.add(observer6);
-            int size = elements.size();
-//            System.out.println("size=" + size);
-//            for(int i = 0; i < size; i ++) {
-//                System.out.println("array " + i + " = " + ((MasterOpExecutor)elements.get(i)).getTargetJournalId());
-//            }
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 1L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 2L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 3L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(4, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 4L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(4, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 5L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(6, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 6L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(6, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 7L));
-        }
-        // even elements
-        {
-            elements.clear();
-            elements.add(observer2);
-            elements.add(observer2);
-            elements.add(observer4);
-            elements.add(observer4);
-            elements.add(observer4);
-            elements.add(observer6);
-            elements.add(observer6);
-            int size = elements.size();
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 1L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 2L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 3L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(5, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 4L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(5, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 5L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(7, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 6L));
-            Assert.assertEquals(7, JournalObservable.upperBound(elements.toArray(), size, 7L));
-        }
-        {
-            CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
-            System.out.println(latch.getCount());
-            latch.countDown();
-            System.out.println(latch.getCount());
-            latch.countDown();
-            System.out.println(latch.getCount());
-            latch.countDown();
-            System.out.println(latch.getCount());
-        }
-        System.out.println("success");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/MultiLoadMgrTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/MultiLoadMgrTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a65788f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/MultiLoadMgrTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.backup.CatalogMocker;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Delegate;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class MultiLoadMgrTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext context;
-    @Mocked
-    private SystemInfoService systemInfoService;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = context;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(context) {
-            {
-                context.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "default";
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                systemInfoService.seqChooseBackendIds(anyInt, anyBoolean, anyBoolean, anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Delegate() {
-                    public synchronized List<Long> seqChooseBackendIds(int backendNum, boolean needAlive,
-                                                                       boolean isCreate, String clusterName) {
-                        List<Long> beIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-                        beIds.add(CatalogMocker.BACKEND1_ID);
-                        beIds.add(CatalogMocker.BACKEND2_ID);
-                        beIds.add(CatalogMocker.BACKEND3_ID);
-                        return beIds;
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStartNormal() throws DdlException {
-        MultiLoadMgr mgr = new MultiLoadMgr();
-        mgr.startMulti("testDb", "1", null);
-        mgr.startMulti("testDb", "2", null);
-        mgr.startMulti("testDb", "3", null);
-        mgr.startMulti("testDb", "4", null);
-        List<String> labels = Lists.newArrayList();
-        mgr.list("testDb", labels);
-        Assert.assertEquals(4, labels.size());
-        mgr.abort("testDb", "1");
-        labels.clear();
-        mgr.list("testDb", labels);
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, labels.size());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testStartDup() throws DdlException {
-        MultiLoadMgr mgr = new MultiLoadMgr();
-        mgr.startMulti("testDb", "1", null);
-        mgr.startMulti("testDb", "1", null);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/PartitionCacheTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/PartitionCacheTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f1525f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/PartitionCacheTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,875 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SelectStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlParser;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlScanner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StatementBase;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TupleId;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionSet;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RandomDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RangePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.Util;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.MetricRepo;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlChannel;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlSerializer;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.MockedAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.OlapScanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.PlanNodeId;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.ScanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PUniqueId;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.cache.Cache;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.cache.CacheAnalyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.cache.CacheAnalyzer.CacheMode;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.cache.CacheCoordinator;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.cache.PartitionCache;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.cache.PartitionRange;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.cache.RowBatchBuilder;
-import org.apache.doris.service.FrontendOptions;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.net.UnknownHostException;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class PartitionCacheTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(PartitionCacheTest.class);
-    public static String clusterName = "testCluster";
-    public static String dbName = "testDb";
-    public static String fullDbName = "testCluster:testDb";
-    public static String tableName = "testTbl";
-    public static String userName = "testUser";
-    private static ConnectContext context;
-    private List<PartitionRange.PartitionSingle> newRangeList;
-    private Cache.HitRange hitRange;
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private Database db;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Mocked
-    private SystemInfoService service;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Mocked
-    MysqlChannel channel;
-    @Mocked
-    ConnectScheduler scheduler;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void start() {
-        MetricRepo.init();
-        try {
-            FrontendOptions.init();
-            context = new ConnectContext(null);
-            Config.cache_enable_sql_mode = true;
-            Config.cache_enable_partition_mode = true;
-            context.getSessionVariable().setEnableSqlCache(true);
-            context.getSessionVariable().setEnablePartitionCache(true);
-            Config.cache_last_version_interval_second = 7200;
-        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        MockedAuth.mockedAuth(auth);
-        MockedAuth.mockedConnectContext(ctx, "root", "");
-        new MockUp<Util>() {
-            @Mock
-            public boolean showHiddenColumns() {
-                return true;
-            }
-        };
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            @Mock
-            public SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-                return service;
-            }
-        };
-        db = new Database(1L, fullDbName);
-        OlapTable tbl1 = createOrderTable();
-        OlapTable tbl2 = createProfileTable();
-        OlapTable tbl3 = createEventTable();
-        db.createTable(tbl1);
-        db.createTable(tbl2);
-        db.createTable(tbl3);
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-                catalog.getDb(fullDbName);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getDb(dbName);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getDb(db.getId());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getDbNames();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(fullDbName);
-            }    
-        };
-        FunctionSet fs = new FunctionSet();
-        fs.init();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(catalog, "functionSet", fs);
-        QueryState state = new QueryState();
-        channel.reset();
-        new Expectations(ctx) {
-            {
-                ctx.getMysqlChannel();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = channel;
-                ctx.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = clusterName;
-                ctx.getSerializer();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-                ctx.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                ctx.getState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = state;
-                ctx.getConnectScheduler();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = scheduler;
-                ctx.getConnectionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                ctx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = userName;
-                ctx.getForwardedStmtId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 123L;
-                ctx.setKilled();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ctx.updateReturnRows(anyInt);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ctx.setQueryId((TUniqueId) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ctx.queryId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new TUniqueId();
-                ctx.getStartTime();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 0L;
-                ctx.getDatabase();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = dbName;
-                SessionVariable sessionVariable = new SessionVariable();
-                ctx.getSessionVariable();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = sessionVariable;
-                ctx.setStmtId(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ctx.getStmtId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-            }
-        };
-        analyzer = new Analyzer(catalog, ctx);
-        newRangeList = Lists.newArrayList();
-    }
-    private OlapTable createOrderTable() {
-        Column column1 = new Column("date", ScalarType.INT);
-        Column column2 = new Column("id", ScalarType.INT);
-        Column column3 = new Column("value", ScalarType.INT);
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList(column1, column2, column3);
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = new MaterializedIndex(10001, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        RandomDistributionInfo distInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(10);
-        PartitionInfo partInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(Lists.newArrayList(column1));
-        Partition part12 = new Partition(20200112, "p20200112", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part12.setVisibleVersion(1,1578762000000L,1);     //2020-01-12 1:00:00
-        Partition part13 = new Partition(20200113, "p20200113", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part13.setVisibleVersion(1,1578848400000L,1);     //2020-01-13 1:00:00
-        Partition part14 = new Partition(20200114, "p20200114", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part14.setVisibleVersion(1,1578934800000L,1);     //2020-01-14 1:00:00
-        Partition part15 = new Partition(20200115, "p20200115", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part15.setVisibleVersion(2,1579053661000L,2);     //2020-01-15 10:01:01
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(10000L, "order", columns,KeysType.DUP_KEYS, partInfo, distInfo);
-        short shortKeyColumnCount = 1;
-        table.setIndexMeta(10001, "group1", columns, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount,TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.DUP_KEYS);
-        List<Column> idx_columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        idx_columns.add(column1);
-        table.setIndexMeta(new Long(1), "test", idx_columns, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.DUP_KEYS);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(table, "baseIndexId", 1000);
-        table.addPartition(part12);
-        table.addPartition(part13);
-        table.addPartition(part14);
-        table.addPartition(part15);
-        return table;
-    }
-    private ScanNode createOrderScanNode() {
-        OlapTable table = createOrderTable();
-        TupleDescriptor desc = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(10004));
-        desc.setTable(table);
-        ScanNode node = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(10008), desc, "ordernode");
-        return node;
-    }
-    private OlapTable createProfileTable() {
-        Column column2 = new Column("eventdate", ScalarType.DATE);
-        Column column3 = new Column("userid", ScalarType.INT);
-        Column column4 = new Column("country", ScalarType.INT);
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList(column2, column3, column4);
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = new MaterializedIndex(20001, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        RandomDistributionInfo distInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(10);
-        PartitionInfo partInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(Lists.newArrayList(column2));
-        Partition part12 = new Partition(2020112, "p20200112", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part12.setVisibleVersion(1,1578762000000L,1);     //2020-01-12 1:00:00
-        Partition part13 = new Partition(2020113, "p20200113", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part13.setVisibleVersion(1,1578848400000L,1);     //2020-01-13 1:00:00
-        Partition part14 = new Partition(2020114, "p20200114", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part14.setVisibleVersion(1,1578934800000L,1);     //2020-01-14 1:00:00
-        Partition part15 = new Partition(2020115, "p20200115", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part15.setVisibleVersion(2,1579021200000L,2);     //2020-01-15 1:00:00
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(20000L, "userprofile", columns,KeysType.AGG_KEYS, partInfo, distInfo);
-        short shortKeyColumnCount = 1;
-        table.setIndexMeta(20001, "group1", columns, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        List<Column> idx_columns = Lists.newArrayList();
-        idx_columns.add(column2);
-        table.setIndexMeta(new Long(2), "test", idx_columns, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(table, "baseIndexId", 1000);
-        table.addPartition(part12);
-        table.addPartition(part13);
-        table.addPartition(part14);
-        table.addPartition(part15);
-        return table;
-    }
-    private ScanNode createProfileScanNode(){
-        OlapTable table = createProfileTable();
-        TupleDescriptor desc = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(20004));
-        desc.setTable(table);
-        ScanNode node = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(20008), desc, "userprofilenode");
-        return node;
-    }
-    /**
-     * table appevent(date(pk), userid, eventid, eventtime), stream load every 5 miniutes
-     */
-    private OlapTable createEventTable() {
-        Column column1 = new Column("eventdate", ScalarType.DATE);
-        Column column2 = new Column("userid", ScalarType.INT);
-        Column column3 = new Column("eventid", ScalarType.INT);
-        Column column4 = new Column("eventtime", ScalarType.DATETIME);
-        List<Column> columns = Lists.newArrayList(column1, column2, column3,column4);
-        PartitionInfo partInfo = new RangePartitionInfo(Lists.newArrayList(column1));
-        MaterializedIndex baseIndex = new MaterializedIndex(30001, IndexState.NORMAL);
-        RandomDistributionInfo distInfo = new RandomDistributionInfo(10);
-        Partition part12 = new Partition(20200112, "p20200112", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part12.setVisibleVersion(1,1578762000000L,1);     //2020-01-12 1:00:00
-        Partition part13 = new Partition(20200113, "p20200113", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part13.setVisibleVersion(1,1578848400000L,1);     //2020-01-13 1:00:00
-        Partition part14 = new Partition(20200114, "p20200114", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part14.setVisibleVersion(1,1578934800000L,1);     //2020-01-14 1:00:00
-        Partition part15 = new Partition(20200115, "p20200115", baseIndex, distInfo);
-        part15.setVisibleVersion(2,1579053661000L,2);     //2020-01-15 10:01:01
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable(30000L, "appevent", columns,KeysType.DUP_KEYS, partInfo, distInfo);
-        short shortKeyColumnCount = 1;
-        table.setIndexMeta(30001, "group1", columns, 1,1,shortKeyColumnCount,TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        List<Column> column = Lists.newArrayList();
-        column.add(column1);
-        table.setIndexMeta(new Long(2), "test", column, 1, 1, shortKeyColumnCount, TStorageType.COLUMN, KeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(table, "baseIndexId", 1000);
-        table.addPartition(part12);
-        table.addPartition(part13);
-        table.addPartition(part14);
-        table.addPartition(part15);
-        return table;
-    }
-    private ScanNode createEventScanNode(){
-        OlapTable table = createEventTable();
-        TupleDescriptor desc = new TupleDescriptor(new TupleId(30002));
-        desc.setTable(table);
-        ScanNode node = new OlapScanNode(new PlanNodeId(30004), desc, "appeventnode");
-        return node;
-    }
-    private StatementBase parseSql(String sql){
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql)));
-        StatementBase parseStmt = null;
-        try {
-            parseStmt = SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-            parseStmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            LOG.warn("Part,an_ex={}", e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            LOG.warn("Part,ue_ex={}", e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            LOG.warn("Part,cm_ex={}", e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        return parseStmt;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCacheNode() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        CacheCoordinator cp = CacheCoordinator.getInstance();
-        cp.DebugModel = true;
-        Backend bd1 = new Backend(1, "", 1000);
-        bd1.updateOnce(0,0,0);
-        Backend bd2 = new Backend(2, "", 2000);
-        bd2.updateOnce(0,0,0);
-        Backend bd3 = new Backend(3, "", 3000);
-        bd3.updateOnce(0,0,0);
-        cp.addBackend(bd1);
-        cp.addBackend(bd2);
-        cp.addBackend(bd3);
-        PUniqueId key1 = new PUniqueId();
-        key1.hi = 1L;
-        key1.lo = 1L;
-        Backend bk = cp.findBackend(key1);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(bk);
-        Assert.assertEquals(bk.getId(),3);
-        key1.hi = 669560558156283345L;
-        key1.lo = 1L; 
-        bk = cp.findBackend(key1);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(bk);
-        Assert.assertEquals(bk.getId(),1);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCacheModeNone() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql("select @@version_comment limit 1");
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context, parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.NoNeed);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCacheModeTable() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-            "SELECT country, COUNT(userid) FROM userprofile GROUP BY country"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createProfileScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Sql);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWithinMinTime() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-            "SELECT country, COUNT(userid) FROM userprofile GROUP BY country"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createProfileScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579024800000L);  //2020-1-15 02:00:00
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.None);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPartitionModel() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-            "SELECT eventdate, COUNT(DISTINCT userid) FROM appevent WHERE eventdate>=\"2020-01-12\" and " +
-                    "eventdate<=\"2020-01-15\" GROUP BY eventdate"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L);  //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testParseByte() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        RowBatchBuilder sb = new RowBatchBuilder(CacheMode.Partition);
-        byte[] buffer = new byte[]{10, 50, 48, 50, 48, 45, 48, 51, 45, 49, 48, 1, 51, 2, 67, 78};
-        PartitionRange.PartitionKeyType key1 = sb.getKeyFromRow(buffer, 0, Type.DATE);
-        LOG.info("real value key1 {}",key1.realValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals(key1.realValue(), 20200310);
-        PartitionRange.PartitionKeyType key2 = sb.getKeyFromRow(buffer, 1, Type.INT);
-        LOG.info("real value key2 {}",key2.realValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals(key2.realValue(), 3);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testPartitionIntTypeSql() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-                "SELECT `date`, COUNT(id) FROM `order` WHERE `date`>=20200112 and `date`<=20200115 GROUP BY date"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createOrderScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L);                              //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition);    //assert cache model first
-        try {
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals(cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause(), null);
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            boolean flag = range.analytics();
-            Assert.assertEquals(flag, true);
-            int size = range.getPartitionSingleList().size();
-            LOG.warn("Rewrite partition range size={}", size);
-            Assert.assertEquals(size, 4);
-            String sql;
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200112L);    //get data from cache
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200113L);    //get data from cache
-            hitRange = range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            Assert.assertEquals(hitRange, Cache.HitRange.Left);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.size(), 2);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.get(0).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200114);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.get(1).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200115);
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(newRangeList);
-            sql = ca.getRewriteStmt().getWhereClause().toSql();
-            Assert.assertEquals(sql, "(`date` >= 20200114) AND (`date` <= 20200115)");
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            LOG.warn("ex={}", e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSimpleCacheSql() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-            "SELECT eventdate, COUNT(userid) FROM appevent WHERE eventdate>=\"2020-01-12\" and eventdate<=\"2020-01-15\" GROUP BY eventdate"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L); //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition);      //assert cache model first
-        SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt) parseStmt;
-        try{
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals(cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause(),null);
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            boolean flag = range.analytics();
-            Assert.assertEquals(flag,true);
-            int size = range.getPartitionSingleList().size();
-            LOG.warn("Rewrite partition range size={}", size);
-            Assert.assertEquals(size, 4);
-            String sql;        
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200112L);    //get data from cache
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200113L);    //get data from cache
-            hitRange = range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(newRangeList);
-            sql = ca.getRewriteStmt().getWhereClause().toSql();
-            Assert.assertEquals(sql,"(`eventdate` >= '2020-01-14') AND (`eventdate` <= '2020-01-15')");
-        } catch(Exception e){
-            LOG.warn("ex={}",e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testHitPartPartition() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-                "SELECT eventdate, COUNT(userid) FROM appevent WHERE eventdate>=\"2020-01-12\" and eventdate<=\"2020-01-14\" GROUP BY eventdate"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context, parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L); //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition);      //assert cache model first
-        try {
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals(cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause(), null);
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            boolean flag = range.analytics();
-            Assert.assertEquals(flag, true);
-            int size = range.getPartitionSingleList().size();
-            LOG.warn("Rewrite partition range size={}", size);
-            Assert.assertEquals(size, 3);
-            String sql;
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200113);
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200114);
-            hitRange = range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            Assert.assertEquals(hitRange,Cache.HitRange.Right);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.size(), 2);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.get(0).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200112);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.get(1).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200112);
-            List<PartitionRange.PartitionSingle> updateRangeList = range.buildUpdatePartitionRange();
-            Assert.assertEquals(updateRangeList.size(), 1);
-            Assert.assertEquals(updateRangeList.get(0).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200112);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            LOG.warn("ex={}", e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNoUpdatePartition() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-                "SELECT eventdate, COUNT(userid) FROM appevent WHERE eventdate>=\"2020-01-12\" and eventdate<=\"2020-01-14\" GROUP BY eventdate"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context, parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L); //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition);      //assert cache model first
-        try {
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals(cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause(), null);
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            boolean flag = range.analytics();
-            Assert.assertEquals(flag, true);
-            int size = range.getPartitionSingleList().size();
-            LOG.warn("Rewrite partition range size={}", size);
-            Assert.assertEquals(size, 3);
-            String sql;
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200112);    //get data from cache
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200113);
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200114);
-            hitRange = range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            Assert.assertEquals(hitRange, Cache.HitRange.Full);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.size(), 0);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            LOG.warn("ex={}", e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdatePartition() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-                "SELECT eventdate, COUNT(userid) FROM appevent WHERE eventdate>=\"2020-01-12\" and eventdate<=\"2020-01-15\" GROUP BY eventdate"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L); //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition);      //assert cache model first
-        try {
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            Assert.assertEquals(cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause(), null);
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            boolean flag = range.analytics();
-            Assert.assertEquals(flag, true);
-            int size = range.getPartitionSingleList().size();
-            LOG.warn("Rewrite partition range size={}", size);
-            Assert.assertEquals(size, 4);
-            String sql;
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200112L);    //get data from cache
-            range.setTooNewByKey(20200115);
-            range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.size(), 2);
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(newRangeList);
-            sql = ca.getRewriteStmt().getWhereClause().toSql();
-            Assert.assertEquals(sql, "(`eventdate` >= '2020-01-13') AND (`eventdate` <= '2020-01-15')");
-            List<PartitionRange.PartitionSingle> updateRangeList = range.buildUpdatePartitionRange();
-            Assert.assertEquals(updateRangeList.size(), 2);
-            Assert.assertEquals(updateRangeList.get(0).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200113);
-            Assert.assertEquals(updateRangeList.get(1).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200114);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            LOG.warn("ex={}", e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRewriteMultiPredicate1() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-            "SELECT eventdate, COUNT(userid) FROM appevent WHERE eventdate>\"2020-01-11\" and eventdate<\"2020-01-16\"" +
-                    " and eventid=1 GROUP BY eventdate"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L); //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition);      //assert cache model first
-        try{
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            LOG.warn("Nokey multi={}", cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause().toSql());
-            Assert.assertEquals(cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause().toSql(),"`eventid` = 1");
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            boolean flag = range.analytics();
-            Assert.assertEquals(flag,true);
-            int size = range.getPartitionSingleList().size();
-            Assert.assertEquals(size, 4);
-            String sql;        
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200112L);    //get data from cache
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200113L);    //get data from cache
-            range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(newRangeList);
-            sql = ca.getRewriteStmt().getWhereClause().toSql();
-            LOG.warn("MultiPredicate={}", sql);                
-            Assert.assertEquals(sql,"((`eventdate` > '2020-01-13') AND (`eventdate` < '2020-01-16')) AND (`eventid` = 1)");
-        } catch(Exception e){
-            LOG.warn("multi ex={}",e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRewriteJoin() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-            "SELECT appevent.eventdate, country, COUNT(appevent.userid) FROM appevent" +
-                    " INNER JOIN userprofile ON appevent.userid = userprofile.userid" +
-            " WHERE appevent.eventdate>=\"2020-01-12\" and appevent.eventdate<=\"2020-01-15\"" +
-                    " and eventid=1 GROUP BY appevent.eventdate, country"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L); //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition);      //assert cache model first
-        try{
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            LOG.warn("Join nokey={}", cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause().toSql());
-            Assert.assertEquals(cache.getNokeyStmt().getWhereClause().toSql(),"`eventid` = 1");
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            boolean flag = range.analytics();
-            Assert.assertEquals(flag,true);
-            int size = range.getPartitionSingleList().size();
-            Assert.assertEquals(size, 4);
-            String sql;        
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200112L);    //get data from cache
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200113L);    //get data from cache
-            range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(newRangeList);
-            sql = ca.getRewriteStmt().getWhereClause().toSql();
-            LOG.warn("Join rewrite={}", sql);                
-            Assert.assertEquals(sql,"((`appevent`.`eventdate` >= '2020-01-14')" +
-                    " AND (`appevent`.`eventdate` <= '2020-01-15')) AND (`eventid` = 1)");
-        } catch(Exception e){
-            LOG.warn("Join ex={}",e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubSelect() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-            "SELECT eventdate, sum(pv) FROM (SELECT eventdate, COUNT(userid) AS pv FROM appevent WHERE eventdate>\"2020-01-11\" AND eventdate<\"2020-01-16\"" +
-                " AND eventid=1 GROUP BY eventdate) tbl GROUP BY eventdate"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context,parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L);                           //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        Assert.assertEquals(ca.getCacheMode(), CacheMode.Partition); //assert cache model first
-        try{
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            LOG.warn("Sub nokey={}", cache.getNokeyStmt().toSql());
-            Assert.assertEquals(cache.getNokeyStmt().toSql(),"SELECT <slot 7> `eventdate` AS `eventdate`, <slot 8> sum(`pv`) AS `sum(``pv``)` FROM (" +
-                "SELECT <slot 3> `eventdate` AS `eventdate`, <slot 4> count(`userid`) AS `pv` FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`appevent` WHERE `eventid` = 1" +
-                " GROUP BY `eventdate`) tbl GROUP BY `eventdate`");
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            boolean flag = range.analytics();
-            Assert.assertEquals(flag,true);
-            int size = range.getPartitionSingleList().size();
-            Assert.assertEquals(size, 4);
-            String sql;        
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200112L);    //get data from cache
-            range.setCacheFlag(20200113L);    //get data from cache
-            range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(newRangeList);
-            sql = ca.getRewriteStmt().toSql();
-            LOG.warn("Sub rewrite={}", sql);                
-            Assert.assertEquals(sql,"SELECT <slot 7> `eventdate` AS `eventdate`, <slot 8> sum(`pv`) AS `sum(``pv``)` FROM (" + 
-                "SELECT <slot 3> `eventdate` AS `eventdate`, <slot 4> count(`userid`) AS `pv` FROM `testCluster:testDb`.`appevent` WHERE " + 
-                "((`eventdate` > '2020-01-13') AND (`eventdate` < '2020-01-16')) AND (`eventid` = 1) GROUP BY `eventdate`) tbl GROUP BY `eventdate`");
-        } catch(Exception e){
-            LOG.warn("sub ex={}",e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNotHitPartition() throws Exception {
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo();
-        StatementBase parseStmt = parseSql(
-                "SELECT eventdate, COUNT(userid) FROM appevent WHERE eventdate>=\"2020-01-12\" and eventdate<=\"2020-01-14\" GROUP BY eventdate"
-        );
-        List<ScanNode> scanNodes = Lists.newArrayList(createEventScanNode());
-        CacheAnalyzer ca = new CacheAnalyzer(context, parseStmt, scanNodes);
-        ca.checkCacheMode(1579053661000L); //2020-1-15 10:01:01
-        try {
-            PartitionCache cache = (PartitionCache) ca.getCache();
-            cache.rewriteSelectStmt(null);
-            PartitionRange range = cache.getPartitionRange();
-            range.analytics();
-            hitRange = range.buildDiskPartitionRange(newRangeList);
-            Assert.assertEquals(hitRange,Cache.HitRange.None);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.size(), 2);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.get(0).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200112);
-            Assert.assertEquals(newRangeList.get(1).getCacheKey().realValue(), 20200114);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            LOG.warn("ex={}", e);
-            Assert.fail(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/QueryDetailQueueTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/QueryDetailQueueTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cd7b707..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/QueryDetailQueueTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.gson.Gson;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryDetail;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryDetailQueue;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-public class QueryDetailQueueTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testQueryDetailQueue() {
-        long eventTime = 1592208814796L;
-        QueryDetail queryDetail = new QueryDetail(eventTime, "219a2d5443c542d4-8fc938db37c892e3",
-                                                  eventTime, -1, -1, QueryDetail.QueryMemState.RUNNING,
-                                                  "default_cluster:testDb", "select * from table1 limit 1");
-        QueryDetailQueue.addOrUpdateQueryDetail(queryDetail);
-        List<QueryDetail> queryDetails = QueryDetailQueue.getQueryDetails(eventTime);
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryDetails.size() == 0); 
-        queryDetails = QueryDetailQueue.getQueryDetails(eventTime - 1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryDetails.size() == 1); 
-        Gson gson = new Gson();
-        String json_string = gson.toJson(queryDetails);
-        String query_detail_string = "[{\"eventTime\":1592208814796," 
-                                     + "\"queryId\":\"219a2d5443c542d4-8fc938db37c892e3\","
-                                     + "\"startTime\":1592208814796,\"endTime\":-1,\"latency\":-1,"
-                                     + "\"state\":\"RUNNING\",\"database\":\"testDb\","
-                                     + "\"sql\":\"select * from table1 limit 1\"}]";
-        Assert.assertEquals(json_string, query_detail_string);
-        queryDetail.setEventTime(eventTime + 1);
-        queryDetail.setEndTime(eventTime + 1);
-        queryDetail.setLatency(1);
-        queryDetail.setState(QueryDetail.QueryMemState.FINISHED);
-        QueryDetailQueue.addOrUpdateQueryDetail(queryDetail);
-        queryDetails = QueryDetailQueue.getQueryDetails(eventTime);
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryDetails.size() == 1); 
-        json_string = gson.toJson(queryDetails);
-        query_detail_string = "[{\"eventTime\":1592208814797," 
-                              + "\"queryId\":\"219a2d5443c542d4-8fc938db37c892e3\","
-                              + "\"startTime\":1592208814796,\"endTime\":1592208814797,"
-                              + "\"latency\":1,\"state\":\"FINISHED\",\"database\":\"testDb\","
-                              + "\"sql\":\"select * from table1 limit 1\"}]";
-        Assert.assertEquals(json_string, query_detail_string);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/QueryStateTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/QueryStateTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 99bcd47..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/QueryStateTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlEofPacket;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlErrPacket;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlOkPacket;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class QueryStateTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        QueryState state = new QueryState();
-        Assert.assertTrue(state.toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlOkPacket);
-        state.setEof();
-        Assert.assertTrue(state.toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlEofPacket);
-        state.setError("abc");
-        Assert.assertTrue(state.toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlErrPacket);
-        Assert.assertEquals("abc", state.getErrorMessage());
-        state.reset();
-        Assert.assertTrue(state.toResponsePacket() instanceof MysqlOkPacket);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SessionVariablesTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SessionVariablesTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3313630..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SessionVariablesTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TQueryOptions;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class SessionVariablesTest {
-    private static SessionVariable sessionVariable;
-    private static int numOfForwardVars;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
-        sessionVariable = new SessionVariable();
-        Field[] fields = SessionVariable.class.getFields();
-        for (Field f : fields) {
-            VariableMgr.VarAttr varAttr = f.getAnnotation(VariableMgr.VarAttr.class);
-            if (varAttr == null || !varAttr.needForward()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            numOfForwardVars++;
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testForwardSessionVariables() {
-        Map<String, String> vars = sessionVariable.getForwardVariables();
-        Assert.assertTrue(numOfForwardVars >= 6);
-        Assert.assertEquals(numOfForwardVars, vars.size());
-        vars.put(SessionVariable.IS_REPORT_SUCCESS, "true");
-        sessionVariable.setForwardedSessionVariables(vars);
-        Assert.assertEquals(true, sessionVariable.isReportSucc);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testForwardQueryOptions() {
-        TQueryOptions queryOptions = sessionVariable.getQueryOptionVariables();
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryOptions.isSetMemLimit());
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryOptions.isSetLoadMemLimit());
-        Assert.assertTrue(queryOptions.isSetQueryTimeout());
-        queryOptions.setQueryTimeout(123);
-        sessionVariable.setForwardedSessionVariables(queryOptions);
-        Assert.assertEquals(123, sessionVariable.getQueryTimeoutS());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SetExecutorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SetExecutorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 343c710..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SetExecutorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.IntLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetNamesVar;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetPassVar;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetVar;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class SetExecutorTest {
-    private Analyzer analyzer;
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws DdlException {
-        analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        ctx = new ConnectContext(null);
-        ctx.setCatalog(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("root");
-        ctx.setRemoteIP("");
-        UserIdentity currentUser = new UserIdentity("root", "");
-        currentUser.setIsAnalyzed();
-        ctx.setCurrentUserIdentity(currentUser);
-        ctx.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkDbPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.checkTblPriv((ConnectContext) any, anyString, anyString, (PrivPredicate) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                auth.setPassword((SetPassVar) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException, AnalysisException, DdlException {
-        List<SetVar> vars = Lists.newArrayList();
-        vars.add(new SetPassVar(new UserIdentity("testUser", "%"), "*88EEBA7D913688E7278E2AD071FDB5E76D76D34B"));
-        vars.add(new SetNamesVar("utf8"));
-        vars.add(new SetVar("query_timeout", new IntLiteral(10L)));
-        SetStmt stmt = new SetStmt(vars);
-        stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        SetExecutor executor = new SetExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        executor.execute();
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowExecutorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowExecutorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f20ff..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowExecutorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DescribeStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.HelpStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetType;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowAuthorStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowColumnStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowCreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowCreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowEnginesStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowProcedureStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowVariablesStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.RandomDistributionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.SinglePartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table.TableType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.PatternMatcher;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlCommand;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-public class ShowExecutorTest {
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        ctx = new ConnectContext(null);
-        ctx.setCommand(MysqlCommand.COM_SLEEP);
-        Column column1 = new Column("col1", PrimitiveType.BIGINT);
-        Column column2 = new Column("col2", PrimitiveType.DOUBLE);
-        column1.setIsKey(true);
-        column2.setIsKey(true);
-        // mock index 1
-        MaterializedIndex index1 = new MaterializedIndex();
-        // mock index 2
-        MaterializedIndex index2 = new MaterializedIndex();
-        // mock partition
-        Partition partition = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Partition.class);
-        new Expectations(partition) {
-            {
-                partition.getBaseIndex();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = index1;
-            }
-        };
-        // mock table
-        OlapTable table = new OlapTable();
-        new Expectations(table) {
-            {
-                table.getName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testTbl";
-                table.getType();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = TableType.OLAP;
-                table.getBaseSchema();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(column1, column2);
-                table.getKeysType();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = KeysType.AGG_KEYS;
-                table.getPartitionInfo();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new SinglePartitionInfo();
-                table.getDefaultDistributionInfo();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new RandomDistributionInfo(10);
-                table.getIndexIdByName(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 0L;
-                table.getStorageTypeByIndexId(0L);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = TStorageType.COLUMN;
-                table.getPartition(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = partition;
-                table.getCopiedBfColumns();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        // mock database
-        Database db = new Database();
-        new Expectations(db) {
-            {
-                db.readLock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                db.readUnlock();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                db.getTable(anyString);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = table;
-            }
-        };
-        // mock auth
-        PaloAuth auth = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAccess();
-        // mock catalog.
-        catalog = Deencapsulation.newInstance(Catalog.class);
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb("testCluster:testDb");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getDb("testCluster:emptyDb");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                catalog.getClusterDbNames("testCluster");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList("testCluster:testDb");
-                catalog.getClusterDbNames("");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList("");
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getDdlStmt((Table) any, (List) any, (List) any, (List) any, anyBoolean, anyBoolean);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                Catalog.getDdlStmt((Table) any, (List) any, null, null, anyBoolean, anyBoolean);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        // mock scheduler
-        ConnectScheduler scheduler = new ConnectScheduler(10);
-        new Expectations(scheduler) {
-            {
-                scheduler.listConnection("testCluster:testUser");
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.newArrayList(ctx.toThreadInfo());
-            }
-        };
-        ctx.setConnectScheduler(scheduler);
-        ctx.setCatalog(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog());
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("testCluster:testUser");
-        ctx.setCluster("testCluster");
-        new Expectations(ctx) {
-            {
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ctx;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowDb() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowDbStmt stmt = new ShowDbStmt(null);
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testDb", resultSet.getString(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowDbPattern() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowDbStmt stmt = new ShowDbStmt("testCluster:empty%");
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowDbPriv() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowDbStmt stmt = new ShowDbStmt(null);
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ctx.setCatalog(AccessTestUtil.fetchBlockCatalog());
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowTable() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowTableStmt stmt = new ShowTableStmt("testCluster:testDb", false, null);
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTbl", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowTableFromUnknownDatabase() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowTableStmt stmt = new ShowTableStmt("testCluster:emptyDb", false, null);
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Unknown database 'testCluster:emptyDb'");
-        executor.execute();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowTablePattern() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowTableStmt stmt = new ShowTableStmt("testCluster:testDb", false, "empty%");
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Ignore
-    @Test
-    public void testDescribe() {
-        SystemInfoService clusterInfo = AccessTestUtil.fetchSystemInfoService();
-        Analyzer analyzer = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false);
-        Catalog catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        new MockUp<Catalog>() {
-            @Mock
-            Catalog getCurrentCatalog() {
-                return catalog;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            SystemInfoService getCurrentSystemInfo() {
-                return clusterInfo;
-            }
-        };
-        DescribeStmt stmt = new DescribeStmt(new TableName("testCluster:testDb", "testTbl"), false);
-        try {
-            stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet;
-        try {
-            resultSet = executor.execute();
-            Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowVariable() throws AnalysisException {
-        // Mock variable
-        VariableMgr variableMgr = new VariableMgr();
-        List<List<String>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
-        rows.add(Lists.newArrayList("var1", "abc"));
-        rows.add(Lists.newArrayList("var2", "abc"));
-        new Expectations(variableMgr) {
-            {
-                VariableMgr.dump((SetType) any, (SessionVariable) any, (PatternMatcher) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = rows;
-                VariableMgr.dump((SetType) any, (SessionVariable) any, null);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = rows;
-            }
-        };
-        ShowVariablesStmt stmt = new ShowVariablesStmt(SetType.SESSION, "var%");
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("var1", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("var2", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-        stmt = new ShowVariablesStmt(SetType.SESSION, null);
-        executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("var1", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("var2", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowTableVerbose() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowTableStmt stmt = new ShowTableStmt("testCluster:testDb", true, null);
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testTbl", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("BASE TABLE", resultSet.getString(1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowCreateDb() throws AnalysisException {
-        ctx.setCatalog(catalog);
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("testCluster:testUser");
-        ShowCreateDbStmt stmt = new ShowCreateDbStmt("testCluster:testDb");
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("testDb", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("CREATE DATABASE `testDb`", resultSet.getString(1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testShowCreateNoDb() throws AnalysisException {
-        ctx.setCatalog(catalog);
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("testCluster:testUser");
-        ShowCreateDbStmt stmt = new ShowCreateDbStmt("testCluster:emptyDb");
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testShowCreateTableEmptyDb() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowCreateTableStmt stmt = new ShowCreateTableStmt(new TableName("testCluster:emptyDb", "testTable"));
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.fail("No Exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testShowCreateTableEmptyTbl() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowCreateTableStmt stmt = new ShowCreateTableStmt(new TableName("testCluster:testDb", "emptyTable"));
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowColumn() throws AnalysisException {
-        ctx.setCatalog(catalog);
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser("testCluster:testUser");
-        ShowColumnStmt stmt = new ShowColumnStmt(new TableName("testCluster:testDb", "testTbl"), null, null, false);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false));
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col1", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("NO", resultSet.getString(2));
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col2", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-        // verbose
-        stmt = new ShowColumnStmt(new TableName("testCluster:testDb", "testTbl"), null, null, true);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false));
-        executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col1", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("NO", resultSet.getString(3));
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col2", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("NO", resultSet.getString(3));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-        // pattern
-        stmt = new ShowColumnStmt(new TableName("testCluster:testDb", "testTable"), null, "%1", true);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false));
-        executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col1", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("NO", resultSet.getString(3));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowColumnFromUnknownTable() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowColumnStmt stmt = new ShowColumnStmt(new TableName("testCluster:emptyDb", "testTable"), null, null, false);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false));
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Unknown table 'testCluster:emptyDb.testTable'");
-        executor.execute();
-        // empty table
-        stmt = new ShowColumnStmt(new TableName("testCluster:testDb", "emptyTable"), null, null, true);
-        stmt.analyze(AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminAnalyzer(false));
-        executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("Unknown table 'testCluster:testDb.emptyTable'");
-        executor.execute();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowAuthors() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowAuthorStmt stmt = new ShowAuthorStmt();
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Name", resultSet.getMetaData().getColumn(0).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Location", resultSet.getMetaData().getColumn(1).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Comment", resultSet.getMetaData().getColumn(2).getName());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowEngine() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowEnginesStmt stmt = new ShowEnginesStmt();
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("Olap engine", resultSet.getString(0));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowEmpty() throws AnalysisException {
-        ShowProcedureStmt stmt = new ShowProcedureStmt();
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testHelp() throws AnalysisException, IOException, UserException {
-        HelpModule module = new HelpModule();
-        URL help = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("test-help-resource-show-help.zip");
-        module.setUpByZip(help.getPath());
-        new Expectations(module) {
-            {
-                HelpModule.getInstance();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = module;
-            }
-        };
-        // topic
-        HelpStmt stmt = new HelpStmt("ADD");
-        ShowExecutor executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("add function\n", resultSet.getString(1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-        // topic
-        stmt = new HelpStmt("logical");
-        executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("OR", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-        // keywords
-        stmt = new HelpStmt("MATH");
-        executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("ADD", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("MINUS", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-        // category
-        stmt = new HelpStmt("functions");
-        executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("HELP", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("binary function", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("bit function", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-        // empty
-        stmt = new HelpStmt("empty");
-        executor = new ShowExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        resultSet = executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowResultSetMetaDataTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowResultSetMetaDataTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d8965cf..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowResultSetMetaDataTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ShowResultSetMetaDataTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        ShowResultSetMetaData metaData = ShowResultSetMetaData.builder().build();
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, metaData.getColumnCount());
-        metaData = ShowResultSetMetaData.builder()
-                .addColumn(new Column("col1", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT)))
-                .addColumn(new Column("col2", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT)))
-                .build();
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, metaData.getColumnCount());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col1", metaData.getColumn(0).getName());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col2", metaData.getColumn(1).getName());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
-    public void testOutBound() {
-        ShowResultSetMetaData metaData = ShowResultSetMetaData.builder().build();
-        metaData.getColumn(1);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowResultSetTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowResultSetTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ac16381..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ShowResultSetTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-public class ShowResultSetTest {
-    @Mocked
-    ShowResultSetMetaData metaData;
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() {
-        List<List<String>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
-        rows.add(Lists.newArrayList("col1-0", "col2-0"));
-        rows.add(Lists.newArrayList("123", "456"));
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = new ShowResultSet(metaData, rows);
-        Assert.assertEquals(rows, resultSet.getResultRows());
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals("col1-0", resultSet.getString(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals("col2-0", resultSet.getString(1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.next());
-        Assert.assertEquals(123, resultSet.getInt(0));
-        Assert.assertEquals(456, resultSet.getLong(1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(resultSet.next());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
-    public void testOutOfBound() {
-        List<List<String>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
-        rows.add(Lists.newArrayList("col1-0", "col2-0"));
-        rows.add(Lists.newArrayList("123", "456"));
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = new ShowResultSet(metaData, rows);
-        resultSet.getString(0);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = NumberFormatException.class)
-    public void testBadNumber() {
-        List<List<String>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
-        rows.add(Lists.newArrayList(" 123", "456"));
-        ShowResultSet resultSet = new ShowResultSet(metaData, rows);
-        resultSet.next();
-        resultSet.getInt(0);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SimpleSchedulerTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SimpleSchedulerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 09f8a10..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SimpleSchedulerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Reference;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanRangeLocation;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class SimpleSchedulerTest {
-    private static Backend be1;
-    private static Backend be2;
-    private static Backend be3;
-    private static Backend be4;
-    private static Backend be5;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void setUp() {
-        FeConstants.heartbeat_interval_second = 2;
-        be1 = new Backend(1000L, "", 9050);
-        be2 = new Backend(1001L, "", 9050);
-        be3 = new Backend(1002L, "", 9050);
-        be4 = new Backend(1003L, "", 9050);
-        be5 = new Backend(1004L, "", 9050);
-        be1.setAlive(true);
-        be2.setAlive(true);
-        be3.setAlive(true);
-        be4.setAlive(true);
-        be5.setAlive(true);
-    }
-    private static Map<Long, Backend> genBackends() {
-        Map<Long, Backend> map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put(be1.getId(), be1);
-        map.put(be2.getId(), be2);
-        map.put(be3.getId(), be3);
-        map.put(be4.getId(), be4);
-        map.put(be5.getId(), be5);
-        return map;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetHostNormal() throws UserException, InterruptedException {
-        Reference<Long> ref = new Reference<Long>();
-        ImmutableMap<Long, Backend> backends = ImmutableMap.copyOf(genBackends());
-        List<TScanRangeLocation> locations = Lists.newArrayList();
-        TScanRangeLocation scanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation1.setBackendId(be1.getId());
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation1);
-        TScanRangeLocation scanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation2.setBackendId(be2.getId());
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation2);
-        Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-            @Override
-            public void run() {
-                try {
-                    boolean foundCandidate = false;
-                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
-                    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
-                        TNetworkAddress address = SimpleScheduler.getHost(locations.get(0).backend_id, locations, backends, ref);
-                        Assert.assertNotNull(address);
-                        if (!foundCandidate && address.getHostname().equals(be2.getHost())) {
-                            foundCandidate = true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    System.out.println("cost: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
-                    Assert.assertTrue(foundCandidate);
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        Thread t2 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-            @Override
-            public void run() {
-                try {
-                    Set<String> resBackends = Sets.newHashSet();
-                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
-                    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
-                        TNetworkAddress address = SimpleScheduler.getHost(backends, ref);
-                        Assert.assertNotNull(address);
-                        resBackends.add(address.hostname);
-                    }
-                    System.out.println("cost: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
-                    Assert.assertTrue(resBackends.size() >= 4);
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        Thread t3 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
-            @Override
-            public void run() {
-                SimpleScheduler.addToBlacklist(be1.getId(), "test");
-            }
-        });
-        t3.start();
-        t1.start();
-        t2.start();
-        t1.join();
-        t2.join();
-        t3.join();
-        Assert.assertFalse(SimpleScheduler.isAvailable(be1));
-        Thread.sleep((FeConstants.heartbeat_interval_second + 5) * 1000);
-        Assert.assertTrue(SimpleScheduler.isAvailable(be1));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetHostAbnormal() throws UserException, InterruptedException {
-        Reference<Long> ref = new Reference<Long>();
-        ImmutableMap<Long, Backend> backends = ImmutableMap.copyOf(genBackends());
-        // 1. unknown backends
-        List<TScanRangeLocation> locations = Lists.newArrayList();
-        TScanRangeLocation scanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation1.setBackendId(2000L);
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation1);
-        TScanRangeLocation scanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation2.setBackendId(2001L);
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation2);
-        try {
-            SimpleScheduler.getHost(locations.get(0).backend_id, locations, backends, ref);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        // 2. all backends in black list
-        locations.clear();
-        scanRangeLocation1 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation1.setBackendId(be1.getId());
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation1);
-        scanRangeLocation2 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation2.setBackendId(be2.getId());
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation2);
-        TScanRangeLocation scanRangeLocation3 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation3.setBackendId(be3.getId());
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation3);
-        TScanRangeLocation scanRangeLocation4 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation4.setBackendId(be4.getId());
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation4);
-        TScanRangeLocation scanRangeLocation5 = new TScanRangeLocation();
-        scanRangeLocation5.setBackendId(be5.getId());
-        locations.add(scanRangeLocation5);
-        SimpleScheduler.addToBlacklist(be1.getId(), "test");
-        SimpleScheduler.addToBlacklist(be2.getId(), "test");
-        SimpleScheduler.addToBlacklist(be3.getId(), "test");
-        SimpleScheduler.addToBlacklist(be4.getId(), "test");
-        SimpleScheduler.addToBlacklist(be5.getId(), "test");
-        try {
-            SimpleScheduler.getHost(locations.get(0).backend_id, locations, backends, ref);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (UserException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-        Thread.sleep((FeConstants.heartbeat_interval_second + 5) * 1000);
-        Assert.assertNotNull(SimpleScheduler.getHost(locations.get(0).backend_id, locations, backends, ref));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SqlModeHelperTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SqlModeHelperTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a00ee5..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/SqlModeHelperTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class SqlModeHelperTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws DdlException {
-        String sqlMode = "PIPES_AS_CONCAT";
-        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(2L), SqlModeHelper.encode(sqlMode));
-        sqlMode = "";
-        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(0L), SqlModeHelper.encode(sqlMode));
-        sqlMode = "0,1, PIPES_AS_CONCAT";
-        Assert.assertEquals(new Long(3L), SqlModeHelper.encode(sqlMode));
-        long sqlModeValue = 2L;
-        Assert.assertEquals("PIPES_AS_CONCAT", SqlModeHelper.decode(sqlModeValue));
-        sqlModeValue = 0L;
-        Assert.assertEquals("", SqlModeHelper.decode(sqlModeValue));
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testInvalidSqlMode() throws DdlException {
-        String sqlMode = "PIPES_AS_CONCAT, WRONG_MODE";
-        SqlModeHelper.encode(sqlMode);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testInvalidDecode() throws DdlException {
-        long sqlMode = SqlModeHelper.MODE_LAST;
-        SqlModeHelper.decode(sqlMode);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/StmtExecutorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/StmtExecutorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d7ddb5..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/StmtExecutorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,735 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AccessTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DdlStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.KillStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.QueryStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.RedirectStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowAuthorStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.ShowStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlParser;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StatementBase;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UseStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.RuntimeProfile;
-import org.apache.doris.metric.MetricRepo;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlChannel;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.MysqlSerializer;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.Planner;
-import org.apache.doris.rewrite.ExprRewriter;
-import org.apache.doris.service.FrontendOptions;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TQueryOptions;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.guava.Sets;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.UnknownHostException;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.SortedMap;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
-import java_cup.runtime.Symbol;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class StmtExecutorTest {
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    private QueryState state;
-    private ConnectScheduler scheduler;
-    @Mocked
-    SocketChannel socketChannel;
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void start() {
-        MetricRepo.init();
-        try {
-            FrontendOptions.init();
-        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws IOException {
-        state = new QueryState();
-        scheduler = new ConnectScheduler(10);
-        ctx = new ConnectContext(socketChannel);
-        SessionVariable sessionVariable = new SessionVariable();
-        MysqlSerializer serializer = MysqlSerializer.newInstance();
-        Catalog catalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        MysqlChannel channel = new MysqlChannel(socketChannel);
-        new Expectations(channel) {
-            {
-                channel.sendOnePacket((ByteBuffer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                channel.reset();
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(ctx) {
-            {
-                ctx.getMysqlChannel();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = channel;
-                ctx.getSerializer();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = serializer;
-                ctx.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                ctx.getState();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = state;
-                ctx.getConnectScheduler();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = scheduler;
-                ctx.getConnectionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1;
-                ctx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testUser";
-                ctx.getForwardedStmtId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 123L;
-                ctx.setKilled();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ctx.updateReturnRows(anyInt);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ctx.setQueryId((TUniqueId) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ctx.queryId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new TUniqueId();
-                ctx.getStartTime();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 0L;
-                ctx.getDatabase();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testDb";
-                ctx.getSessionVariable();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = sessionVariable;
-                ctx.setStmtId(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ctx.getStmtId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSelect(@Mocked QueryStmt queryStmt,
-                           @Mocked SqlParser parser,
-                           @Mocked Planner planner,
-                           @Mocked Coordinator coordinator) throws Exception {
-        Catalog catalog = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(catalog, "canRead", new AtomicBoolean(true));
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                queryStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                queryStmt.getColLabels();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.<String>newArrayList();
-                queryStmt.getResultExprs();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Lists.<Expr>newArrayList();
-                queryStmt.isExplain();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = false;
-                queryStmt.getTables((Analyzer) any, (SortedMap) any, Sets.newHashSet());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                queryStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                queryStmt.rewriteExprs((ExprRewriter) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(queryStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-                planner.plan((QueryStmt) any, (Analyzer) any, (TQueryOptions) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                // mock coordinator
-                coordinator.exec();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                coordinator.endProfile();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                coordinator.getQueryProfile();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new RuntimeProfile();
-                coordinator.getNext();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new RowBatch();
-                coordinator.getJobId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = -1L;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.EOF, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShow(@Mocked ShowStmt showStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser, @Mocked ShowExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                showStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                showStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                showStmt.toSelectStmt((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(showStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-                // mock show
-                List<List<String>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
-                rows.add(Lists.newArrayList("abc", "bcd"));
-                executor.execute();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new ShowResultSet(new ShowAuthorStmt().getMetaData(), rows);
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.EOF, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testShowNull(@Mocked ShowStmt showStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser, @Mocked ShowExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                showStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                showStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                showStmt.toSelectStmt((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(showStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-                // mock show
-                List<List<String>> rows = Lists.newArrayList();
-                rows.add(Lists.newArrayList("abc", "bcd"));
-                executor.execute();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.OK, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testKill(@Mocked KillStmt killStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                killStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                killStmt.getConnectionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                killStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(killStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(scheduler) {
-            {
-                // suicide
-                scheduler.getContext(1L);
-                result = ctx;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.OK, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testKillOtherFail(@Mocked KillStmt killStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser, @Mocked ConnectContext killCtx) throws Exception {
-        Catalog killCatalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                killStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                killStmt.getConnectionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                killStmt.isConnectionKill();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                killStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(killStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-                killCtx.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = killCatalog;
-                killCtx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "blockUser";
-                killCtx.kill(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ctx;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(scheduler) {
-            {
-                // suicide
-                scheduler.getContext(1L);
-                result = killCtx;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testKillOther(@Mocked KillStmt killStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser, @Mocked ConnectContext killCtx) throws Exception {
-        Catalog killCatalog = AccessTestUtil.fetchAdminCatalog();
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                killStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                killStmt.getConnectionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                killStmt.isConnectionKill();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                killStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(killStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-                killCtx.getCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = killCatalog;
-                killCtx.getQualifiedUser();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "killUser";
-                killCtx.kill(true);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ConnectContext.get();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = ctx;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(scheduler) {
-            {
-                // suicide
-                scheduler.getContext(1L);
-                result = killCtx;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testKillNoCtx(@Mocked KillStmt killStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                killStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                killStmt.getConnectionId();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = 1L;
-                killStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(killStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(scheduler) {
-            {
-                scheduler.getContext(1L);
-                result = null;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSet(@Mocked SetStmt setStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser, @Mocked SetExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                setStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                setStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(setStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-                // Mock set
-                executor.execute();
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.OK, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStmtWithUserInfo(@Mocked StatementBase stmt, @Mocked ConnectContext context) throws Exception {
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, stmt);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(stmtExecutor, "parsedStmt", null);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(stmtExecutor, "originStmt", new OriginStatement("show databases;", 1));
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        StatementBase newstmt = (StatementBase)Deencapsulation.getField(stmtExecutor, "parsedStmt");
-        Assert.assertTrue(newstmt.getUserInfo() != null);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSetFail(@Mocked SetStmt setStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser, @Mocked SetExecutor executor) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                setStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                setStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(setStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-                // Mock set
-                executor.execute();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new DdlException("failed");
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDdl(@Mocked DdlStmt ddlStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                ddlStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ddlStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(ddlStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-            }
-        };
-        DdlExecutor ddlExecutor = new DdlExecutor();
-        new Expectations(ddlExecutor) {
-            {
-                // Mock ddl
-                DdlExecutor.execute((Catalog) any, (DdlStmt) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor executor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.OK, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDdlFail(@Mocked DdlStmt ddlStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                ddlStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ddlStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(ddlStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-            }
-        };
-        DdlExecutor ddlExecutor = new DdlExecutor();
-        new Expectations(ddlExecutor) {
-            {
-                // Mock ddl
-                DdlExecutor.execute((Catalog) any, (DdlStmt) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new DdlException("ddl fail");
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor executor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDdlFail2(@Mocked DdlStmt ddlStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                ddlStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                ddlStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(ddlStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-            }
-        };
-        DdlExecutor ddlExecutor = new DdlExecutor();
-        new Expectations(ddlExecutor) {
-            {
-                // Mock ddl
-                DdlExecutor.execute((Catalog) any, (DdlStmt) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = new Exception("bug");
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor executor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUse(@Mocked UseStmt useStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                useStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                useStmt.getDatabase();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster:testDb";
-                useStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                useStmt.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(useStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor executor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.OK, state.getStateType());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUseFail(@Mocked UseStmt useStmt, @Mocked SqlParser parser) throws Exception {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                useStmt.analyze((Analyzer) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                useStmt.getDatabase();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "blockDb";
-                useStmt.getRedirectStatus();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = RedirectStatus.NO_FORWARD;
-                useStmt.getClusterName();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = "testCluster";
-                Symbol symbol = new Symbol(0, Lists.newArrayList(useStmt));
-                parser.parse();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = symbol;
-            }
-        };
-        StmtExecutor executor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, "");
-        executor.execute();
-        Assert.assertEquals(QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR, state.getStateType());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/VariableMgrTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/VariableMgrTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a053c38..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/qe/VariableMgrTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.qe;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.IntLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetType;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SetVar;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StringLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SysVariableDesc;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.util.List;
-public class VariableMgrTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VariableMgrTest.class);
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private PaloAuth auth;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                editLog.logGlobalVariable((SessionVariable) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                catalog.getAuth();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = auth;
-                auth.checkGlobalPriv((ConnectContext) any, PrivPredicate.ADMIN);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, UserException {
-        SessionVariable var = VariableMgr.newSessionVariable();
-        Assert.assertEquals(2147483648L, var.getMaxExecMemByte());
-        Assert.assertEquals(300, var.getQueryTimeoutS());
-        Assert.assertEquals(false, var.isReportSucc());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0L, var.getSqlMode());
-        List<List<String>> rows = VariableMgr.dump(SetType.SESSION, var, null);
-        Assert.assertTrue(rows.size() > 5);
-        for (List<String> row : rows) {
-            if (row.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("exec_mem_limit")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("2147483648", row.get(1));
-            } else if (row.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("is_report_success")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("false", row.get(1));
-            } else if (row.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("query_timeout")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("300", row.get(1));
-            } else if (row.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("sql_mode")) {
-                Assert.assertEquals("", row.get(1));
-            }
-        }
-        // Set global variable
-        SetVar setVar = new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "exec_mem_limit", new IntLiteral(1234L));
-        setVar.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2147483648L, var.getMaxExecMemByte());
-        var = VariableMgr.newSessionVariable();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1234L, var.getMaxExecMemByte());
-        SetVar setVar2 = new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num", new IntLiteral(5L));
-        setVar2.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1L, var.getParallelExecInstanceNum());
-        var = VariableMgr.newSessionVariable();
-        Assert.assertEquals(5L, var.getParallelExecInstanceNum());
-        SetVar setVar3 = new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "time_zone", new StringLiteral("Asia/Shanghai"));
-        setVar3.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar3);
-        Assert.assertEquals("Asia/Shanghai", var.getTimeZone());
-        var = VariableMgr.newSessionVariable();
-        Assert.assertEquals("Asia/Shanghai", var.getTimeZone());
-        setVar3 = new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "time_zone", new StringLiteral("CST"));
-        setVar3.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar3);
-        Assert.assertEquals("Asia/Shanghai", var.getTimeZone());
-        var = VariableMgr.newSessionVariable();
-        Assert.assertEquals("CST", var.getTimeZone());
-        // Set session variable
-        setVar = new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "exec_mem_limit", new IntLiteral(1234L));
-        setVar.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1234L, var.getMaxExecMemByte());
-        setVar3 = new SetVar(SetType.SESSION, "time_zone", new StringLiteral("Asia/Jakarta"));
-        setVar3.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar3);
-        Assert.assertEquals("Asia/Jakarta", var.getTimeZone());
-        // Get from name
-        SysVariableDesc desc = new SysVariableDesc("exec_mem_limit");
-        Assert.assertEquals(var.getMaxExecMemByte() + "", VariableMgr.getValue(var, desc));
-        SetVar setVar4 = new SetVar(SetType.SESSION, "sql_mode", new StringLiteral(
-                SqlModeHelper.encode("PIPES_AS_CONCAT").toString()));
-        setVar4.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar4);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2L, var.getSqlMode());
-        // Test checkTimeZoneValidAndStandardize
-        SetVar setVar5 = new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "time_zone", new StringLiteral("+8:00"));
-        setVar5.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar5);
-        Assert.assertEquals("+08:00", VariableMgr.newSessionVariable().getTimeZone());
-        SetVar setVar6 = new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "time_zone", new StringLiteral("8:00"));
-        setVar6.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar6);
-        Assert.assertEquals("+08:00", VariableMgr.newSessionVariable().getTimeZone());
-        SetVar setVar7 = new SetVar(SetType.GLOBAL, "time_zone", new StringLiteral("-8:00"));
-        setVar7.analyze(null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(var, setVar7);
-        Assert.assertEquals("-08:00", VariableMgr.newSessionVariable().getTimeZone());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testInvalidType() throws UserException {
-        // Set global variable
-        SetVar setVar = new SetVar(SetType.SESSION, "exec_mem_limit", new StringLiteral("abc"));
-        try {
-            setVar.analyze(null);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            throw e;
-        }
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testInvalidTimeZoneRegion() throws UserException {
-        // Set global variable
-        SetVar setVar = new SetVar(SetType.SESSION, "time_zone", new StringLiteral("Hongkong"));
-        try {
-            setVar.analyze(null);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            throw e;
-        }
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = UserException.class)
-    public void testInvalidTimeZoneOffset() throws UserException {
-        // Set global variable
-        SetVar setVar = new SetVar(SetType.SESSION, "time_zone", new StringLiteral("+15:00"));
-        try {
-            setVar.analyze(null);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            throw e;
-        }
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = DdlException.class)
-    public void testReadOnly() throws AnalysisException, DdlException {
-        SysVariableDesc desc = new SysVariableDesc("version_comment");
-        LOG.info(VariableMgr.getValue(null, desc));
-        // Set global variable
-        SetVar setVar = new SetVar(SetType.SESSION, "version_comment", null);
-        VariableMgr.setVar(null, setVar);
-        Assert.fail("No exception throws.");
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/resource/TagSerializationTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/resource/TagSerializationTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 98af1d3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/resource/TagSerializationTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.resource;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
- * Author: Chenmingyu
- * Date: Dec 9, 2019
- */
-public class TagSerializationTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./TagSerializationTest";
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeTag() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        Tag tag = Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_LOCATION, "rack1");
-        tag.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        Tag readTag = Tag.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(tag, readTag);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeTagSet() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        TagSet tagSet = TagSet.create(Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_LOCATION, "rack1"), Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_LOCATION, "rack2"),
-                Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_ROLE, "backend"));
-        tagSet.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        TagSet readTag = TagSet.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(tagSet, readTag);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerializeTagManager() throws IOException, AnalysisException {
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        TagManager tagManager = new TagManager();
-        tagManager.addResourceTag(1L, Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_LOCATION, "rack1"));
-        tagManager.addResourceTags(2L, TagSet.create( Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_LOCATION, "rack1"),  Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_LOCATION, "rack2")));
-        tagManager.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        TagManager readTagManager = TagManager.read(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(1L, 2L), readTagManager.getResourceIdsByTag(Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_LOCATION, "rack1")));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(2L), readTagManager.getResourceIdsByTags(TagSet.create(Tag.create(Tag.TYPE_LOCATION, "rack2"))));
-        in.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/resource/TagTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/resource/TagTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fce1e2..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/resource/TagTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.resource;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class TagTest {
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testTagName1() throws AnalysisException {
-        Tag.create("location", "_tag1");
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testTagName2() throws AnalysisException {
-        Tag.create("location", "asdlajwdjdawhkjldjawlkdjawldjlkwasdasdsadasdd");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTagName3() throws AnalysisException {
-        Tag.create("unknown", "test1");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTagName4() throws AnalysisException {
-        Tag tag = Tag.create("location", "zone1");
-        Assert.assertEquals("{\"location\" : \"zone1\"}", tag.toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTagSet1() throws AnalysisException {
-        Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put("location", "zone1, zone2");
-        map.put("unknown", "tag1, tag2");
-        TagSet tagSet = TagSet.create(map);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = AnalysisException.class)
-    public void testTagSet2() throws AnalysisException {
-        Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put("location", "zone1, zone2");
-        map.put("type", "tag1, _tag2");
-        TagSet tagSet = TagSet.create(map);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTagSet3() throws AnalysisException {
-        Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put("location", "zone1, zone2");
-        map.put("type", "backend");
-        map.put("function", "store,computation");
-        TagSet tagSet = TagSet.create(map);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("location", "zone1")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("location", "zone2")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("type", "backend")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "store")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "computation")));
-        Assert.assertFalse(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "load")));
-        // test union
-        Map<String, String> map2 = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map2.put("function", "load");
-        TagSet tagSet2 = TagSet.create(map2);
-        tagSet.union(tagSet2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "store")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "computation")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "load")));
-        // test substitute merge
-        tagSet.substituteMerge(tagSet2);
-        Assert.assertFalse(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "store")));
-        Assert.assertFalse(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "computation")));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tagSet.containsTag(Tag.create("function", "load")));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testTagManager() throws AnalysisException {
-        TagManager tagManager = new TagManager();
-        tagManager.addResourceTag(1L, Tag.create("location", "zone1"));
-        tagManager.addResourceTag(2L, Tag.create("location", "zone1"));
-        tagManager.addResourceTag(2L, Tag.create("location", "zone2"));
-        tagManager.addResourceTag(2L, Tag.create("function", "store"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, tagManager.getResourceIdsByTag(Tag.create("location", "zone1")).size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, tagManager.getResourceIdsByTag(Tag.create("location", "zone3")).size());
-        Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap();
-        map.put("location", "zone1, zone2");
-        TagSet tagSet = TagSet.create(map);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tagManager.getResourceIdsByTags(tagSet).size());
-        tagManager.removeResourceTag(2L, Tag.create("location", "zone2"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, tagManager.getResourceIdsByTags(tagSet).size());
-        tagManager.addResourceTags(3L, tagSet);
-        tagManager.addResourceTags(4L, tagSet);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, tagManager.getResourceIdsByTags(tagSet).size());
-        tagManager.removeResourceTags(4L, tagSet);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, tagManager.getResourceIdsByTags(tagSet).size());
-        tagManager.removeResource(3L);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, tagManager.getResourceIdsByTags(tagSet).size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/rewrite/FEFunctionsTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/rewrite/FEFunctionsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9023a42..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/rewrite/FEFunctionsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.rewrite;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DateLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DecimalLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FloatLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.IntLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.LargeIntLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StringLiteral;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.TimeUtils;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.time.ZoneId;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
-public class FEFunctionsTest {
-    @Mocked
-    TimeUtils timeUtils;
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
-        new Expectations(timeUtils) {
-            {
-                TimeUtils.getTimeZone();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = tz;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void unixtimestampTest() {
-        try {
-            IntLiteral timestamp = FEFunctions.unixTimestamp(new DateLiteral("2018-01-01", Type.DATE));
-            Assert.assertEquals(1514736000, timestamp.getValue());
-            timestamp = FEFunctions.unixTimestamp(new DateLiteral("1970-01-01 08:00:00", Type.DATETIME));
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, timestamp.getValue());
-            timestamp = FEFunctions.unixTimestamp(new DateLiteral("1970-01-01 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME));
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, timestamp.getValue());
-            timestamp = FEFunctions.unixTimestamp(new DateLiteral("1969-01-01 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME));
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, timestamp.getValue());
-            timestamp = FEFunctions.unixTimestamp(new DateLiteral("2038-01-19 03:14:07", Type.DATETIME));
-            // CST time zone
-            Assert.assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8 * 3600, timestamp.getValue());
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            Assert.fail();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void dateDiffTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        IntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.dateDiff(new DateLiteral("2010-11-30 23:59:59", Type.DATETIME), new DateLiteral("2010-12-31", Type.DATE));
-        IntLiteral expectedResult = new IntLiteral(-31);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.dateDiff(new DateLiteral("2010-11-30 23:59:50", Type.DATETIME), new DateLiteral("2010-12-30 23:59:59", Type.DATETIME));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(-30);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void dateAddTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DateLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.dateAdd(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE), new IntLiteral(1));
-        DateLiteral expectedResult = new DateLiteral("2018-08-09 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.dateAdd(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE), new IntLiteral(-1));
-        expectedResult = new DateLiteral("2018-08-07 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void addDateTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DateLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.addDate(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE), new IntLiteral(1));
-        DateLiteral expectedResult = new DateLiteral("2018-08-09 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.addDate(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE), new IntLiteral(-1));
-        expectedResult = new DateLiteral("2018-08-07 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void daysAddTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DateLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.daysAdd(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE), new IntLiteral(1));
-        DateLiteral expectedResult = new DateLiteral("2018-08-09", Type.DATE);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.daysAdd(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE), new IntLiteral(-1));
-        expectedResult = new DateLiteral("2018-08-07", Type.DATE);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void fromUnixTimeTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        StringLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.fromUnixTime(new IntLiteral(100000));
-        StringLiteral expectedResult = new StringLiteral("1970-01-02 11:46:40");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.fromUnixTime(new IntLiteral(100000), new StringLiteral("%Y-%m-%d"));
-        expectedResult = new StringLiteral("1970-01-02");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.fromUnixTime(new IntLiteral(0));
-        expectedResult = new StringLiteral("1970-01-01 08:00:00");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void fromUnixTimeTestException() throws AnalysisException {
-        expectedEx.expect(AnalysisException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("unixtime should larger than zero");
-        FEFunctions.fromUnixTime(new IntLiteral(-100));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void dateFormatUtilTest() {
-        try {
-            Locale.setDefault(Locale.ENGLISH);
-            DateLiteral testDate = new DateLiteral("2001-01-09 13:04:05", Type.DATETIME);
-            Assert.assertEquals("Tue", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%a")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("Jan", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%b")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("1", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%c")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("09", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%d")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("9", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%e")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("13", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%H")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("01", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%h")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("01", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%I")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("04", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%i")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("009", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%j")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("13", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%k")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("1", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%l")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("January", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%M")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals( "01", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%m")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("PM", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%p")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("01:04:05 PM", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%r")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("05", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%S")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("05", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%s")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("13:04:05", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%T")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("02", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%v")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("Tuesday", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%W")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2001", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%Y")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("01", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%y")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("%", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%%")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("foo", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("foo")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("g", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%g")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("4", FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%4")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2001 02" ,FEFunctions.dateFormat(testDate, new StringLiteral("%x %v")).getStringValue());
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void dateParseTest() {
-        try {
-            Assert.assertEquals("2019-05-09 00:00:00", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2019-05-09"), new StringLiteral("%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2013-05-10", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013,05,10"), new StringLiteral("%Y,%m,%d")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2013-05-17 00:35:10", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17 12:35:10"), new StringLiteral("%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2013-05-17 00:35:10", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17 00:35:10"), new StringLiteral("%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2013-05-17 00:35:10", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17 12:35:10 AM"), new StringLiteral("%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s %p")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2013-05-17 12:35:10", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17 12:35:10 PM"), new StringLiteral("%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s %p")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2013-05-17 23:35:10", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("abc 2013-05-17 fff 23:35:10 xyz"), new StringLiteral("abc %Y-%m-%d fff %H:%i:%s xyz")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2016-01-28 23:45:46", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("28-JAN-16 11.45.46 PM"), new StringLiteral("%d-%b-%y %l.%i.%s %p")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2019-05-09", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2019/May/9"), new StringLiteral("%Y/%b/%d")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2019-05-09", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2019,129"), new StringLiteral("%Y,%j")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2019-05-09", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2019,19,Thursday"), new StringLiteral("%x,%v,%W")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2019-05-09 12:10:45", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("12:10:45-20190509"), new StringLiteral("%T-%Y%m%d")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2019-05-09 09:10:45", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("20190509-9:10:45"), new StringLiteral("%Y%m%d-%k:%i:%S")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("0000-00-20", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17"), new StringLiteral("%D")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("0000-00-00", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17"), new StringLiteral("%U")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("0000-00-00", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17"), new StringLiteral("%u")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("0000-00-00", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17"), new StringLiteral("%V")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("0000-00-00", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17"), new StringLiteral("%w")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("0000-00-00", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17"), new StringLiteral("%x")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("0000-00-00", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17"), new StringLiteral("%X")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2013-05-17 20:07:05", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17 08:07:05 PM"), new StringLiteral("%Y-%m-%d %r")).getStringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("2013-05-17 08:07:05", FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17 08:07:05"), new StringLiteral("%Y-%m-%d %T")).getStringValue());
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-            fail("Junit test dateParse fail");
-        }
-        try {
-            FEFunctions.dateParse(new StringLiteral("2013-05-17"), new StringLiteral("%W"));
-            fail("Junit test dateParse fail");
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "errCode = 2, detailMessage = '' is invalid");
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void dateSubTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DateLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.dateSub(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE), new IntLiteral(1));
-        DateLiteral expectedResult = new DateLiteral("2018-08-07", Type.DATE);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.dateSub(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE), new IntLiteral(-1));
-        expectedResult = new DateLiteral("2018-08-09", Type.DATE);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void yearTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        IntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.year(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE));
-        IntLiteral expectedResult = new IntLiteral(2018, Type.INT);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.year(new DateLiteral("1970-01-02 11:46:40", Type.DATETIME));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(1970, Type.INT);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void monthTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        IntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.month(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE));
-        IntLiteral expectedResult = new IntLiteral(8, Type.INT);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.month(new DateLiteral("1970-01-02 11:46:40", Type.DATETIME));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(1, Type.INT);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void dayTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        IntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.day(new DateLiteral("2018-08-08", Type.DATE));
-        IntLiteral expectedResult = new IntLiteral(8, Type.INT);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.day(new DateLiteral("1970-01-02 11:46:40", Type.DATETIME));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(2, Type.INT);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void floorTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        IntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.floor(new FloatLiteral(3.3));
-        IntLiteral expectedResult = new IntLiteral(3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.floor(new FloatLiteral(-3.3));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(-4);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void addIntTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        IntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.addInt(new IntLiteral(1234), new IntLiteral(4321));
-        IntLiteral expectedResult = new IntLiteral(5555);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.addInt(new IntLiteral(-1111), new IntLiteral(3333));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(2222);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void addDoubleTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        FloatLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.addDouble(new FloatLiteral(1.1), new FloatLiteral(1.1));
-        FloatLiteral expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(2.2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.addDouble(new FloatLiteral(-1.1), new FloatLiteral(1.1));
-        expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(0.0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void addDecimalTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DecimalLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.addDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("2.2"), new DecimalLiteral("3.3"));
-        DecimalLiteral expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("5.5");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.addDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("-2.2"), new DecimalLiteral("3.3"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("1.1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void addDecimalV2Test() throws AnalysisException {
-        DecimalLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.addDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("2.2"), new DecimalLiteral("3.3"));
-        DecimalLiteral expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("5.5");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.addDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("-2.2"), new DecimalLiteral("3.3"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("1.1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void addBigIntTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        LargeIntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.addBigInt(new LargeIntLiteral("170141183460469231731687303715884105727"), new LargeIntLiteral("-170141183460469231731687303715884105728"));
-        LargeIntLiteral expectedResult = new LargeIntLiteral("-1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.addBigInt(new LargeIntLiteral("10"), new LargeIntLiteral("-1"));
-        expectedResult = new LargeIntLiteral("9");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void subtractIntTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        IntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractInt(new IntLiteral(5555), new IntLiteral(4321));
-        IntLiteral expectedResult = new IntLiteral(1234);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractInt(new IntLiteral(-3333), new IntLiteral(1111));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(-4444);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void subtractDoubleTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        FloatLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractDouble(new FloatLiteral(1.1), new FloatLiteral(1.1));
-        FloatLiteral expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(0.0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractDouble(new FloatLiteral(-1.1), new FloatLiteral(1.1));
-        expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(-2.2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void subtractDecimalTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DecimalLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("2.2"), new DecimalLiteral("3.3"));
-        DecimalLiteral expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("-1.1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("5.5"), new DecimalLiteral("3.3"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("2.2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void subtractDecimalV2Test() throws AnalysisException {
-        DecimalLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("2.2"), new DecimalLiteral("3.3"));
-        DecimalLiteral expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("-1.1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("5.5"), new DecimalLiteral("3.3"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("2.2");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void subtractBigIntTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        LargeIntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractBigInt(new LargeIntLiteral("170141183460469231731687303715884105727"), new LargeIntLiteral("170141183460469231731687303715884105728"));
-        LargeIntLiteral expectedResult = new LargeIntLiteral("-1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.subtractBigInt(new LargeIntLiteral("10"), new LargeIntLiteral("-1"));
-        expectedResult = new LargeIntLiteral("11");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void multiplyIntTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        IntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyInt(new IntLiteral(100), new IntLiteral(2));
-        IntLiteral expectedResult = new IntLiteral(200);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyInt(new IntLiteral(-100), new IntLiteral(1));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(-100);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyInt(new IntLiteral(-100), new IntLiteral(-2));
-        expectedResult = new IntLiteral(200);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void multiplyDoubleTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        FloatLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDouble(new FloatLiteral(-1.1), new FloatLiteral(1.0));
-        FloatLiteral expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(-1.1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDouble(new FloatLiteral(-1.1), new FloatLiteral(-10.0));
-        expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(11.0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDouble(new FloatLiteral(-1.1), new FloatLiteral(1.1));
-        expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(-1.2100000000000002);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void multiplyDecimalTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DecimalLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("1.0"));
-        DecimalLiteral expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("1.1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("-1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("-10.0"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("11.0");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("-1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("-1.1"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("1.21");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void multiplyDecimalV2Test() throws AnalysisException {
-        DecimalLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("1.0"));
-        DecimalLiteral expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("1.1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("-1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("-10.0"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("11.0");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("-1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("-1.1"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("1.21");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void multiplyBigIntTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        LargeIntLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyBigInt(new LargeIntLiteral("-170141183460469231731687303715884105727"), new LargeIntLiteral("1"));
-        LargeIntLiteral expectedResult = new LargeIntLiteral("-170141183460469231731687303715884105727");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.multiplyBigInt(new LargeIntLiteral("-10"), new LargeIntLiteral("-1"));
-        expectedResult = new LargeIntLiteral("10");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void divideDoubleTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        FloatLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.divideDouble(new FloatLiteral(-1.1), new FloatLiteral(1.0));
-        FloatLiteral expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(-1.1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.divideDouble(new FloatLiteral(-1.1), new FloatLiteral(-10.0));
-        expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(0.11000000000000001);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.divideDouble(new FloatLiteral(-1.1), new FloatLiteral(1.1));
-        expectedResult = new FloatLiteral(-1.0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void divideDecimalTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DecimalLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.divideDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("1.0"));
-        DecimalLiteral expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("1.1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.divideDecimal(new DecimalLiteral("-1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("-10.0"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("0.11");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void divideDecimalV2Test() throws AnalysisException {
-        DecimalLiteral actualResult = FEFunctions.divideDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("1.0"));
-        DecimalLiteral expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("1.1");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-        actualResult = FEFunctions.divideDecimalV2(new DecimalLiteral("-1.1"), new DecimalLiteral("-10.0"));
-        expectedResult = new DecimalLiteral("0.11");
-        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void timeDiffTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DateLiteral d1 = new DateLiteral("1019-02-28 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        DateLiteral d2 = new DateLiteral("2019-02-28 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        DateLiteral d3 = new DateLiteral("2019-03-28 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertEquals(31556995543L, FEFunctions.timeDiff(d2, d1).getLongValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals(31559414743L, FEFunctions.timeDiff(d3, d1).getLongValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2419200, FEFunctions.timeDiff(d3, d2).getLongValue());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void datePlusAndSubTest() throws AnalysisException {
-        DateLiteral dateLiteral = new DateLiteral("2019-11-11 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME);
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2020-11-11 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.yearsAdd(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2018-11-11 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.yearsSub(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-12-11 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.monthsAdd(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-10-11 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.monthsSub(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-11-12 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.daysAdd(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-11-10 00:00:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.daysSub(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-11-11 01:00:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.hoursAdd(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-11-10 23:00:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.hoursSub(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-11-11 00:01:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.minutesAdd(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-11-10 23:59:00", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.minutesSub(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-11-11 00:00:01", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.secondsAdd(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-        Assert.assertEquals(new DateLiteral("2019-11-10 23:59:59", Type.DATETIME),
-                FEFunctions.secondsSub(dateLiteral, new IntLiteral(1)));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/rewrite/mvrewrite/CountFieldToSumTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/rewrite/mvrewrite/CountFieldToSumTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ceaf00..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/rewrite/mvrewrite/CountFieldToSumTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.rewrite.mvrewrite;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Expr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.FunctionCallExpr;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SlotRef;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.TableName;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionSet;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-public class CountFieldToSumTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testCountDistinct(@Injectable Analyzer analyzer,
-                                  @Injectable FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr) {
-        TableName tableName = new TableName("db1", "table1");
-        SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tableName,"c1");
-        List<Expr>  params = Lists.newArrayList();
-        params.add(slotRef);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                functionCallExpr.getFnName().getFunction();
-                result = FunctionSet.COUNT;
-                functionCallExpr.getChildren();
-                result = params;
-                functionCallExpr.getChild(0);
-                result = slotRef;
-                functionCallExpr.getParams().isDistinct();
-                result = true;
-            }
-        };
-        CountFieldToSum countFieldToSum = new CountFieldToSum();
-        try {
-            Expr rewrittenExpr = countFieldToSum.apply(functionCallExpr, analyzer);
-            Assert.assertTrue(rewrittenExpr instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
-            Assert.assertEquals(FunctionSet.COUNT, ((FunctionCallExpr) rewrittenExpr).getFnName().getFunction());
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/service/ExecuteEnvTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/service/ExecuteEnvTest.java
deleted file mode 100755
index 724c27a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/service/ExecuteEnvTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.service;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import javax.validation.constraints.AssertTrue;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class ExecuteEnvTest {
-    int THREAD_MAX_NUM = 10;
-    int[] oids = new int[THREAD_MAX_NUM];
-    @Test
-    public void testGetInstance() {
-        Set<Thread> tds = new HashSet<Thread>();
-        for (int i = 0 ;i < THREAD_MAX_NUM; i++) {
-            Thread td = new Thread(new MyTest(i, oids));
-            tds.add(td);
-            td.start();
-        }
-        for (Thread td : tds) {
-            try {
-                td.join();
-            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-        for (int i = 1; i < THREAD_MAX_NUM; i++) {
-            Assert.assertEquals(oids[i-1], oids[i]);
-        }
-    }
-class MyTest implements Runnable {
-    public int index;
-    public int[] oids;
-    MyTest(int index, int[] oids) {
-        this.index = index;
-        this.oids = oids;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void run() {
-        ExecuteEnv instance = ExecuteEnv.getInstance();
-        int oid = instance.hashCode();
-        oids[index] = oid;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/system/HeartbeatMgrTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/system/HeartbeatMgrTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d1089d0..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/system/HeartbeatMgrTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.system;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FsBroker;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.GenericPool;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.Util;
-import org.apache.doris.ha.FrontendNodeType;
-import org.apache.doris.system.HeartbeatMgr.BrokerHeartbeatHandler;
-import org.apache.doris.system.HeartbeatMgr.FrontendHeartbeatHandler;
-import org.apache.doris.system.HeartbeatResponse.HbStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.FrontendService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOperationStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerOperationStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBrokerPingBrokerRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFrontendPingFrontendRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFrontendPingFrontendResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFrontendPingFrontendStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPaloBrokerService;
-import org.apache.thrift.TException;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class HeartbeatMgrTest {
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                catalog.getSelfNode();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = Pair.create("", 9010); // not self
-                catalog.isReady();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFrontendHbHandlerWithHttp() {
-        new MockUp<Util>() {
-            @Mock
-            public String getResultForUrl(String urlStr, String encodedAuthInfo,
-                                          int connectTimeoutMs, int readTimeoutMs) {
-                if (urlStr.contains("")) {
-                    return "{\"replayedJournalId\":191224," +
-                            "\"queryPort\":9131," +
-                            "\"rpcPort\":9121," +
-                            "\"status\":\"OK\"," +
-                            "\"msg\":\"Success\"," +
-                            "\"version\":\"test\"}";
-                } else {
-                    return "{\"replayedJournalId\":0," +
-                            "\"queryPort\":0," +
-                            "\"rpcPort\":0," +
-                            "\"status\":\"FAILED\"," +
-                            "\"msg\":\"not ready\"," +
-                            "\"version\":\"unknown\"}";
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        Config.enable_fe_heartbeat_by_thrift = false;
-        System.out.println(" config " + Config.enable_fe_heartbeat_by_thrift);
-        Frontend fe = new Frontend(FrontendNodeType.FOLLOWER, "test", "", 9010);
-        FrontendHeartbeatHandler handler = new FrontendHeartbeatHandler(fe, 12345, "abcd");
-        HeartbeatResponse response = handler.call();
-        Assert.assertTrue(response instanceof FrontendHbResponse);
-        FrontendHbResponse hbResponse = (FrontendHbResponse) response;
-        Assert.assertEquals(191224, hbResponse.getReplayedJournalId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(9131, hbResponse.getQueryPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(9121, hbResponse.getRpcPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(HbStatus.OK, hbResponse.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals("test", hbResponse.getVersion());
-        Frontend fe2 = new Frontend(FrontendNodeType.FOLLOWER, "test2", "", 9010);
-        handler = new FrontendHeartbeatHandler(fe2, 12345, "abcd");
-        response = handler.call();
-        Assert.assertTrue(response instanceof FrontendHbResponse);
-        hbResponse = (FrontendHbResponse) response;
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, hbResponse.getReplayedJournalId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, hbResponse.getQueryPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, hbResponse.getRpcPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(HbStatus.BAD, hbResponse.getStatus());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFrontendHbHandlerWithThirft(@Mocked FrontendService.Client client) throws TException {
-        new MockUp<GenericPool<FrontendService.Client>>() {
-            @Mock
-            public FrontendService.Client borrowObject(TNetworkAddress address) throws Exception {
-                return client;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void returnObject(TNetworkAddress address, FrontendService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void invalidateObject(TNetworkAddress address, FrontendService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-        };
-        TFrontendPingFrontendRequest normalRequest = new TFrontendPingFrontendRequest(12345, "abcd");
-        TFrontendPingFrontendResult normalResult = new TFrontendPingFrontendResult();
-        normalResult.setStatus(TFrontendPingFrontendStatusCode.OK);
-        normalResult.setMsg("success");
-        normalResult.setReplayedJournalId(191224);
-        normalResult.setQueryPort(9131);
-        normalResult.setRpcPort(9121);
-        normalResult.setVersion("test");
-        TFrontendPingFrontendRequest badRequest = new TFrontendPingFrontendRequest(12345, "abcde");
-        TFrontendPingFrontendResult badResult = new TFrontendPingFrontendResult();
-        badResult.setStatus(TFrontendPingFrontendStatusCode.FAILED);
-        badResult.setMsg("not ready");
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                client.ping(normalRequest);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = normalResult;
-                client.ping(badRequest);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = badResult;
-            }
-        };
-        Config.enable_fe_heartbeat_by_thrift = true;
-        Frontend fe = new Frontend(FrontendNodeType.FOLLOWER, "test", "", 9010);
-        FrontendHeartbeatHandler handler = new FrontendHeartbeatHandler(fe, 12345, "abcd");
-        HeartbeatResponse response = handler.call();
-        Assert.assertTrue(response instanceof FrontendHbResponse);
-        FrontendHbResponse hbResponse = (FrontendHbResponse) response;
-        Assert.assertEquals(191224, hbResponse.getReplayedJournalId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(9131, hbResponse.getQueryPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(9121, hbResponse.getRpcPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(HbStatus.OK, hbResponse.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals("test", hbResponse.getVersion());
-        Frontend fe2 = new Frontend(FrontendNodeType.FOLLOWER, "test2", "", 9010);
-        handler = new FrontendHeartbeatHandler(fe2, 12345, "abcde");
-        response = handler.call();
-        Assert.assertTrue(response instanceof FrontendHbResponse);
-        hbResponse = (FrontendHbResponse) response;
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, hbResponse.getReplayedJournalId());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, hbResponse.getQueryPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, hbResponse.getRpcPort());
-        Assert.assertEquals(HbStatus.BAD, hbResponse.getStatus());
-        Assert.assertEquals("not ready", hbResponse.getMsg());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBrokerHbHandler(@Mocked TPaloBrokerService.Client client) throws Exception {
-        TBrokerOperationStatus status = new TBrokerOperationStatus();
-        status.setStatusCode(TBrokerOperationStatusCode.OK);
-        new MockUp<GenericPool<TPaloBrokerService.Client>>() {
-            @Mock
-            public TPaloBrokerService.Client borrowObject(TNetworkAddress address) throws Exception {
-                return client;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void returnObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-            @Mock
-            public void invalidateObject(TNetworkAddress address, TPaloBrokerService.Client object) {
-                return;
-            }
-        };
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                client.ping((TBrokerPingBrokerRequest) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = status;
-            }
-        };
-        FsBroker broker = new FsBroker("", 8111);
-        BrokerHeartbeatHandler handler = new BrokerHeartbeatHandler("hdfs", broker, "abc");
-        HeartbeatResponse response = handler.call();
-        Assert.assertTrue(response instanceof BrokerHbResponse);
-        BrokerHbResponse hbResponse = (BrokerHbResponse) response;
-        System.out.println(hbResponse.toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals(HbStatus.OK, hbResponse.getStatus());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/AgentTaskTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/AgentTaskTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3065a1f..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/AgentTaskTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.task;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.PartitionValue;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.KeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PartitionKey;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.PrimitiveType;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.MarkedCountDownLatch;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TAgentTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBackend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TKeysType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPriority;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TPushType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageMedium;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStorageType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTabletType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTaskType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Range;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class AgentTaskTest {
-    private AgentBatchTask agentBatchTask;
-    private long backendId1 = 1000L;
-    private long backendId2 = 1001L;
-    private long dbId = 10000L;
-    private long tableId = 20000L;
-    private long partitionId = 20000L;
-    private long indexId1 = 30000L;
-    private long indexId2 = 30001L;
-    private long tabletId1 = 40000L;
-    private long tabletId2 = 40001L;
-    private long replicaId1 = 50000L;
-    private long replicaId2 = 50001L;
-    private short shortKeyNum = (short) 2;
-    private int schemaHash1 = 60000;
-    private int schemaHash2 = 60001;
-    private long version = 1L;
-    private long versionHash = 70000L;
-    private TStorageType storageType = TStorageType.COLUMN;
-    private List<Column> columns;
-    private MarkedCountDownLatch<Long, Long> latch = new MarkedCountDownLatch<Long, Long>(3);
-    private Range<PartitionKey> range1;
-    private Range<PartitionKey> range2;
-    private AgentTask createReplicaTask;
-    private AgentTask dropTask;
-    private AgentTask pushTask;
-    private AgentTask cloneTask;
-    private AgentTask rollupTask;
-    private AgentTask schemaChangeTask;
-    private AgentTask cancelDeleteTask;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws AnalysisException {
-        agentBatchTask = new AgentBatchTask();
-        columns = new LinkedList<Column>();
-        columns.add(new Column("k1", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, null, "1", ""));
-        columns.add(new Column("v1", ScalarType.createType(PrimitiveType.INT), false, AggregateType.SUM, "1", ""));
-        PartitionKey pk1 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(columns.get(0)), false);
-        PartitionKey pk2 = PartitionKey.createPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(new PartitionValue("10")), Arrays.asList(columns.get(0)));
-        range1 = Range.closedOpen(pk1, pk2);
-        PartitionKey pk3 = PartitionKey.createInfinityPartitionKey(Arrays.asList(columns.get(0)), true);
-        range2 = Range.closedOpen(pk2, pk3);
-        // create tasks
-        // create
-        createReplicaTask = new CreateReplicaTask(backendId1, dbId, tableId, partitionId,
-                                                  indexId1, tabletId1, shortKeyNum, schemaHash1,
-                                                  version, versionHash, KeysType.AGG_KEYS,
-                                                  storageType, TStorageMedium.SSD,
-                                                  columns, null, 0, latch, null,
-                                                  false, TTabletType.TABLET_TYPE_DISK);
-        // drop
-        dropTask = new DropReplicaTask(backendId1, tabletId1, schemaHash1);
-        // push
-        pushTask =
-                new PushTask(null, backendId1, dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId1, tabletId1,
-                             replicaId1, schemaHash1, version, versionHash, "/home/a", 10L, 200, 80000L,
-                             TPushType.LOAD, null, false, TPriority.NORMAL);
-        // clone
-        cloneTask =
-                new CloneTask(backendId1, dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId1, tabletId1, schemaHash1,
-                        Arrays.asList(new TBackend("host1", 8290, 8390)), TStorageMedium.HDD, -1, -1, 3600);
-        // rollup
-        rollupTask =
-                new CreateRollupTask(null, backendId1, dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId2, indexId1,
-                                     tabletId2, tabletId1, replicaId2, shortKeyNum, schemaHash2, schemaHash1,
-                                     storageType, columns, null, 0, TKeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-        // schemaChange
-        schemaChangeTask =
-                new SchemaChangeTask(null, backendId1, dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId1, 
-                                     tabletId1, replicaId1, columns, schemaHash2, schemaHash1, 
-                                     shortKeyNum, storageType, null, 0, TKeysType.AGG_KEYS);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void addTaskTest() {
-        // add null
-        agentBatchTask.addTask(null);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, agentBatchTask.getTaskNum());
-        // normal
-        agentBatchTask.addTask(createReplicaTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, agentBatchTask.getTaskNum());
-        agentBatchTask.addTask(rollupTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, agentBatchTask.getTaskNum());
-        List<AgentTask> allTasks = agentBatchTask.getAllTasks();
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, allTasks.size());
-        for (AgentTask agentTask : allTasks) {
-            if (agentTask instanceof CreateReplicaTask) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(createReplicaTask, agentTask);
-            } else if (agentTask instanceof CreateRollupTask) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(rollupTask, agentTask);
-            } else {
-                Assert.fail();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void toThriftTest() throws Exception {
-        Class<? extends AgentBatchTask> agentBatchTaskClass = agentBatchTask.getClass();
-        Class[] typeParams = new Class[] { AgentTask.class };
-        Method toAgentTaskRequest = agentBatchTaskClass.getDeclaredMethod("toAgentTaskRequest", typeParams);
-        toAgentTaskRequest.setAccessible(true);
-        // create
-        TAgentTaskRequest request = (TAgentTaskRequest) toAgentTaskRequest.invoke(agentBatchTask, createReplicaTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TTaskType.CREATE, request.getTaskType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(createReplicaTask.getSignature(), request.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(request.getCreateTabletReq());
-        // drop
-        TAgentTaskRequest request2 = (TAgentTaskRequest) toAgentTaskRequest.invoke(agentBatchTask, dropTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TTaskType.DROP, request2.getTaskType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(dropTask.getSignature(), request2.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(request2.getDropTabletReq());
-        // push
-        TAgentTaskRequest request3 = (TAgentTaskRequest) toAgentTaskRequest.invoke(agentBatchTask, pushTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TTaskType.PUSH, request3.getTaskType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(pushTask.getSignature(), request3.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(request3.getPushReq());
-        // clone
-        TAgentTaskRequest request4 = (TAgentTaskRequest) toAgentTaskRequest.invoke(agentBatchTask, cloneTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TTaskType.CLONE, request4.getTaskType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(cloneTask.getSignature(), request4.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(request4.getCloneReq());
-        // rollup
-        TAgentTaskRequest request5 = (TAgentTaskRequest) toAgentTaskRequest.invoke(agentBatchTask, rollupTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TTaskType.ROLLUP, request5.getTaskType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(rollupTask.getSignature(), request5.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(request5.getAlterTabletReq());
-        // schemaChange
-        TAgentTaskRequest request6 = (TAgentTaskRequest) toAgentTaskRequest.invoke(agentBatchTask, schemaChangeTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(TTaskType.SCHEMA_CHANGE, request6.getTaskType());
-        Assert.assertEquals(schemaChangeTask.getSignature(), request6.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertNotNull(request6.getAlterTabletReq());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void agentTaskQueueTest() {
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        // add
-        AgentTaskQueue.addTask(createReplicaTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        Assert.assertFalse(AgentTaskQueue.addTask(createReplicaTask));
-        // get
-        AgentTask task = AgentTaskQueue.getTask(backendId1, TTaskType.CREATE, createReplicaTask.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertEquals(createReplicaTask, task);
-        // diff
-        AgentTaskQueue.addTask(rollupTask);
-        Map<TTaskType, Set<Long>> runningTasks = new HashMap<TTaskType, Set<Long>>();
-        List<AgentTask> diffTasks = AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(backendId1, runningTasks);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, diffTasks.size());
-        Set<Long> set = new HashSet<Long>();
-        set.add(createReplicaTask.getSignature());
-        runningTasks.put(TTaskType.CREATE, set);
-        diffTasks = AgentTaskQueue.getDiffTasks(backendId1, runningTasks);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, diffTasks.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(rollupTask, diffTasks.get(0));
-        // remove
-        AgentTaskQueue.removeTask(backendId1, TTaskType.CREATE, createReplicaTask.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        AgentTaskQueue.removeTask(backendId1, TTaskType.ROLLUP, rollupTask.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void failedAgentTaskTest() {
-        AgentTaskQueue.clearAllTasks();
-        AgentTaskQueue.addTask(dropTask);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, dropTask.getFailedTimes());
-        dropTask.failed();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, dropTask.getFailedTimes());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum());
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum(backendId1, TTaskType.DROP, false));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum(-1, TTaskType.DROP, false));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum(backendId1, TTaskType.DROP, true));
-        dropTask.failed();
-        DropReplicaTask dropTask2 = new DropReplicaTask(backendId2, tabletId1, schemaHash1);
-        AgentTaskQueue.addTask(dropTask2);
-        dropTask2.failed();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum(backendId1, TTaskType.DROP, true));
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, AgentTaskQueue.getTaskNum(-1, TTaskType.DROP, true));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/LoadEtlTaskTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/LoadEtlTaskTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f08c9d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/LoadEtlTaskTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.task;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndex.IndexExtState;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.UnitTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.load.DppScheduler;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.load.LoadJob;
-import org.apache.doris.load.LoadJob.JobState;
-import org.apache.doris.load.PartitionLoadInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Source;
-import org.apache.doris.load.TableLoadInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.TabletLoadInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TEtlState;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class LoadEtlTaskTest {
-    private long dbId;
-    private long tableId;
-    private long partitionId;
-    private long indexId;
-    private long tabletId;
-    private long backendId;
-    private String label;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private Load load;
-    private Database db;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        dbId = 0L;
-        tableId = 0L;
-        partitionId = 0L;
-        indexId = 0L;
-        tabletId = 0L;
-        backendId = 0L;
-        label = "test_label";
-        UnitTestUtil.initDppConfig();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunEtlTask(@Mocked DppScheduler dppScheduler) throws Exception {
-        // mock catalog
-        db = UnitTestUtil.createDb(dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId, tabletId, backendId, 1L, 0L);
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getDb(db.getFullName());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-            }
-        };
-        // create job
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob(label);
-        job.setState(JobState.ETL);
-        job.setDbId(dbId);
-        String cluster = Config.dpp_default_cluster;
-        job.setClusterInfo(cluster, Load.clusterToDppConfig.get(cluster));
-        // set partition load infos
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable(tableId);
-        Partition partition = table.getPartition(partitionId);
-        Source source = new Source(new ArrayList<String>());
-        List<Source> sources = Lists.newArrayList();
-        sources.add(source);
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo = new PartitionLoadInfo(sources);
-        Map<Long, PartitionLoadInfo> idToPartitionLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, PartitionLoadInfo>();
-        idToPartitionLoadInfo.put(partitionId, partitionLoadInfo);
-        TableLoadInfo tableLoadInfo = new TableLoadInfo(idToPartitionLoadInfo);
-        tableLoadInfo.addIndexSchemaHash(partition.getBaseIndex().getId(), 0);
-        Map<Long, TableLoadInfo> idToTableLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, TableLoadInfo>();
-        idToTableLoadInfo.put(tableId, tableLoadInfo);
-        job.setIdToTableLoadInfo(idToTableLoadInfo);
-        // mock load
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                load.addLoadingPartitions((Set) any);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = true;
-                load.updateLoadJobState(job, JobState.LOADING);
-                times = 1;
-                result = true;
-                catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                times = 1;
-                result = load;
-            }
-        };
-        // mock dppscheduler
-        EtlStatus runningStatus = new EtlStatus();
-        runningStatus.setState(TEtlState.RUNNING);
-        Map<String, String> stats = Maps.newHashMap();
-        stats.put("map() completion", "1");
-        stats.put("reduce() completion", "0.2");
-        runningStatus.setStats(stats);
-        EtlStatus finishedStatus = new EtlStatus();
-        finishedStatus.setState(TEtlState.FINISHED);
-        Map<String, String> counters = Maps.newHashMap();
-        counters.put("dpp.norm.ALL", "100");
-        counters.put("dpp.abnorm.ALL", "0");
-        finishedStatus.setCounters(counters);
-        Map<String, Long> etlFiles = Maps.newHashMap();
-        etlFiles.put("label_0.0.0.0", 1L);
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                dppScheduler.getEtlJobStatus(anyString);
-                times = 2;
-                returns(runningStatus, finishedStatus);
-                dppScheduler.getEtlFiles(anyString);
-                times = 1;
-                result = etlFiles;
-            }
-        };
-        // test exec: running
-        HadoopLoadEtlTask loadEtlTask = new HadoopLoadEtlTask(job);
-        loadEtlTask.exec();
-        // verify running
-        Assert.assertEquals(job.getId(), loadEtlTask.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertEquals(60, job.getProgress());
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.ETL, job.getState());
-        // test exec: finished
-        loadEtlTask.exec();
-        // verify finished
-        Assert.assertEquals(100, job.getProgress());
-        long expectVersion = partition.getVisibleVersion() + 1;
-        Assert.assertEquals(-1,
-                            job.getIdToTableLoadInfo().get(tableId)
-                .getIdToPartitionLoadInfo().get(partitionId).getVersion());
-        int tabletNum = 0;
-        Map<Long, TabletLoadInfo> tabletLoadInfos = job.getIdToTabletLoadInfo();
-        for (MaterializedIndex olapTable : partition.getMaterializedIndices(IndexExtState.ALL)) {
-            for (Tablet tablet : olapTable.getTablets()) {
-                ++tabletNum;
-                Assert.assertTrue(tabletLoadInfos.containsKey(tablet.getId()));
-            }
-        }
-        Assert.assertEquals(tabletNum, tabletLoadInfos.size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/LoadPendingTaskTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/LoadPendingTaskTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d882dc6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/LoadPendingTaskTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.task;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.UnitTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.load.DppConfig;
-import org.apache.doris.load.DppScheduler;
-import org.apache.doris.load.EtlSubmitResult;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Load;
-import org.apache.doris.load.LoadJob;
-import org.apache.doris.load.LoadJob.JobState;
-import org.apache.doris.load.PartitionLoadInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.Source;
-import org.apache.doris.load.TableLoadInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.GlobalTransactionMgr;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class LoadPendingTaskTest {
-    private long dbId;
-    private long tableId;
-    private long partitionId;
-    private long indexId;
-    private long tabletId;
-    private long backendId;
-    private String label;
-    @Mocked
-    private Catalog catalog;
-    @Mocked
-    private EditLog editLog;
-    @Mocked
-    private Load load;
-    @Mocked
-    private DppScheduler dppScheduler;
-    private Database db;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        dbId = 0L;
-        tableId = 0L;
-        partitionId = 0L;
-        indexId = 0L;
-        tabletId = 0L;
-        backendId = 0L;
-        label = "test_label";
-        UnitTestUtil.initDppConfig();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRunPendingTask() throws Exception {
-        // mock catalog
-        db = UnitTestUtil.createDb(dbId, tableId, partitionId, indexId, tabletId, backendId, 1L, 0L);
-        GlobalTransactionMgr globalTransactionMgr = new GlobalTransactionMgr(catalog);
-        globalTransactionMgr.setEditLog(editLog);
-        globalTransactionMgr.addDatabaseTransactionMgr(db.getId());
-        // mock catalog
-        new Expectations(catalog) {
-            {
-                catalog.getDb(dbId);
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getDb(db.getFullName());
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = db;
-                catalog.getEditLog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = editLog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentCatalog();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = catalog;
-                Catalog.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr();
-                minTimes = 0;
-                result = globalTransactionMgr;
-            }
-        };
-        // create job
-        LoadJob job = new LoadJob(label);
-        job.setState(JobState.PENDING);
-        job.setDbId(dbId);
-        String cluster = Config.dpp_default_cluster;
-        job.setClusterInfo(cluster, Load.clusterToDppConfig.get(cluster));
-        // set partition load infos
-        OlapTable table = (OlapTable) db.getTable(tableId);
-        table.setBaseIndexId(0L);
-        Partition partition = table.getPartition(partitionId);
-        Source source = new Source(new ArrayList<String>());
-        List<Source> sources = new ArrayList<Source>();
-        sources.add(source);
-        PartitionLoadInfo partitionLoadInfo = new PartitionLoadInfo(sources);
-        Map<Long, PartitionLoadInfo> idToPartitionLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, PartitionLoadInfo>();
-        idToPartitionLoadInfo.put(partitionId, partitionLoadInfo);
-        TableLoadInfo tableLoadInfo = new TableLoadInfo(idToPartitionLoadInfo);
-        tableLoadInfo.addIndexSchemaHash(partition.getBaseIndex().getId(), 0);
-        Map<Long, TableLoadInfo> idToTableLoadInfo = new HashMap<Long, TableLoadInfo>();
-        idToTableLoadInfo.put(tableId, tableLoadInfo);
-        job.setIdToTableLoadInfo(idToTableLoadInfo);
-        job.setTimeoutSecond(10);
-        // mock
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                load.updateLoadJobState(job, JobState.ETL);
-                times = 1;
-                result = true;
-                load.getLoadErrorHubInfo();
-                times = 1;
-                result = null;
-                catalog.getLoadInstance();
-                times = 1;
-                result = load;
-                dppScheduler.submitEtlJob(anyLong, anyString, anyString, anyString, (Map) any, anyInt);
-                times = 1;
-                result = new EtlSubmitResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK), "job_123456");
-                editLog.logSaveTransactionId(anyLong);
-                minTimes = 0;
-            }
-        };
-        HadoopLoadPendingTask loadPendingTask = new HadoopLoadPendingTask(job);
-        loadPendingTask.exec();
-        Assert.assertEquals(job.getId(), loadPendingTask.getSignature());
-        Assert.assertEquals(JobState.PENDING, job.getState());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/MasterTaskExecutorTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/MasterTaskExecutorTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 352e300..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/task/MasterTaskExecutorTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.task;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-public class MasterTaskExecutorTest {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MasterTaskExecutorTest.class);
-    private static final int THREAD_NUM = 1;
-    private static final long SLEEP_MS = 10L;
-    private MasterTaskExecutor executor;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        executor = new MasterTaskExecutor("master_task_executor_test", THREAD_NUM, false);
-        executor.start();
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        if (executor != null) {
-            executor.close();
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSubmit() {
-        // submit task
-        MasterTask task1 = new TestMasterTask(1L);
-        Assert.assertTrue(executor.submit(task1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, executor.getTaskNum());
-        // submit same running task error
-        Assert.assertFalse(executor.submit(task1));
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, executor.getTaskNum());
-        // submit another task
-        MasterTask task2 = new TestMasterTask(2L);
-        Assert.assertTrue(executor.submit(task2));
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, executor.getTaskNum());
-        // wait for tasks run to end
-        try {
-            // checker thread interval is 1s
-            // sleep 3s
-            Thread.sleep(SLEEP_MS * 300);
-            Assert.assertEquals(0, executor.getTaskNum());
-        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            LOG.error("error", e);
-        }
-    }
-    private class TestMasterTask extends MasterTask {
-        public TestMasterTask(long signature) {
-            this.signature = signature;
-        }
-        @Override
-        protected void exec() {
-            LOG.info("run exec. signature: {}", signature);
-            try {
-                Thread.sleep(SLEEP_MS);
-            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                LOG.error("error", e);
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/DatabaseTransactionMgrTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/DatabaseTransactionMgrTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c723fa3..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/DatabaseTransactionMgrTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.transaction;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.CatalogTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeEditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.TimeUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-public class DatabaseTransactionMgrTest {
-    @Rule
-    public ExpectedException expectedEx = ExpectedException.none();
-    private static FakeEditLog fakeEditLog;
-    private static FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    private static FakeTransactionIDGenerator fakeTransactionIDGenerator;
-    private static GlobalTransactionMgr masterTransMgr;
-    private static GlobalTransactionMgr slaveTransMgr;
-    private static Catalog masterCatalog;
-    private static Catalog slaveCatalog;
-    private static Map<String, Long> LabelToTxnId;
-    private TransactionState.TxnCoordinator transactionSource = new TransactionState.TxnCoordinator(TransactionState.TxnSourceType.FE, "localfe");
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
-            InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, UserException {
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeTransactionIDGenerator = new FakeTransactionIDGenerator();
-        masterCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        slaveCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_83);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        masterTransMgr = masterCatalog.getGlobalTransactionMgr();
-        masterTransMgr.setEditLog(masterCatalog.getEditLog());
-        slaveTransMgr = slaveCatalog.getGlobalTransactionMgr();
-        slaveTransMgr.setEditLog(slaveCatalog.getEditLog());
-        LabelToTxnId = addTransactionToTransactionMgr();
-    }
-    public Map<String, Long> addTransactionToTransactionMgr() throws UserException {
-        Map<String, Long> LabelToTxnId = Maps.newHashMap();
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        long transactionId1 = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1,
-                transactionSource,
-                TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        // commit a transaction
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        List<TabletCommitInfo> transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        Table testTable1 = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId1, transTablets);
-        masterTransMgr.finishTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId1, null);
-        LabelToTxnId.put(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1, transactionId1);
-        TransactionState.TxnCoordinator beTransactionSource = new TransactionState.TxnCoordinator(TransactionState.TxnSourceType.BE, "be1");
-        long transactionId2 = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel2,
-                beTransactionSource,
-                TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType.ROUTINE_LOAD_TASK, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        long transactionId3 = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel3,
-                beTransactionSource,
-                TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType.BACKEND_STREAMING, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        long transactionId4 = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel4,
-                beTransactionSource,
-                TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType.BACKEND_STREAMING, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        LabelToTxnId.put(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel2, transactionId2);
-        LabelToTxnId.put(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel3, transactionId3);
-        LabelToTxnId.put(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel4, transactionId4);
-        TransactionState transactionState1 = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId1);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(slaveCatalog);
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState1);
-        return LabelToTxnId;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testNormal() throws UserException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr = masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        assertEquals(4, masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionNum());
-        assertEquals(2, masterDbTransMgr.getRunningTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(1, masterDbTransMgr.getRunningRoutineLoadTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(1, masterDbTransMgr.getFinishedTxnNums());
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr slaveDbTransMgr = slaveTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        assertEquals(1, slaveDbTransMgr.getTransactionNum());
-        assertEquals(1, slaveDbTransMgr.getFinishedTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(1, masterDbTransMgr.unprotectedGetTxnIdsByLabel(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1).size());
-        assertEquals(1, masterDbTransMgr.unprotectedGetTxnIdsByLabel(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel2).size());
-        assertEquals(1, masterDbTransMgr.unprotectedGetTxnIdsByLabel(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel3).size());
-        assertEquals(1, masterDbTransMgr.unprotectedGetTxnIdsByLabel(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel4).size());
-        Long txnId1 = masterDbTransMgr.unprotectedGetTxnIdsByLabel(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1).iterator().next();
-        assertEquals(txnId1, LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1));
-        TransactionState transactionState1 = masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionState(LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1));
-        assertEquals(txnId1.longValue(), transactionState1.getTransactionId());
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.VISIBLE, transactionState1.getTransactionStatus());
-        Long txnId2 = masterDbTransMgr.unprotectedGetTxnIdsByLabel(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel2).iterator().next();
-        assertEquals(txnId2, LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel2));
-        TransactionState transactionState2 = masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionState(txnId2);
-        assertEquals(txnId2.longValue(), transactionState2.getTransactionId());
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.PREPARE, transactionState2.getTransactionStatus());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAbortTransaction() throws UserException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr = masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        long txnId2 = LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel2);
-        masterDbTransMgr.abortTransaction(txnId2, "test abort transaction", null);
-        assertEquals(2, masterDbTransMgr.getRunningTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(0, masterDbTransMgr.getRunningRoutineLoadTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(2, masterDbTransMgr.getFinishedTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(4, masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionNum());
-        long txnId3 = LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel3);
-        masterDbTransMgr.abortTransaction(txnId3, "test abort transaction", null);
-        assertEquals(1, masterDbTransMgr.getRunningTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(0, masterDbTransMgr.getRunningRoutineLoadTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(3, masterDbTransMgr.getFinishedTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(4, masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionNum());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAbortTransactionWithNotFoundException() throws UserException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr = masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        long txnId1 = LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1);
-        expectedEx.expect(UserException.class);
-        expectedEx.expectMessage("transaction not found");
-        masterDbTransMgr.abortTransaction(txnId1, "test abort transaction", null);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTransactionIdByCoordinateBe() throws UserException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr = masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        List<Pair<Long, Long>> transactionInfoList = masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionIdByCoordinateBe("be1", 10);
-        assertEquals(3, transactionInfoList.size());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionInfoList.get(0).first.longValue());
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.PREPARE,
-                masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionState(transactionInfoList.get(0).second).getTransactionStatus());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetSingleTranInfo() throws AnalysisException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr = masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        long txnId = LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1);
-        List<List<String>> singleTranInfos = masterDbTransMgr.getSingleTranInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, txnId);
-        assertEquals(1, singleTranInfos.size());
-        List<String> txnInfo = singleTranInfos.get(0);
-        assertEquals("1000", txnInfo.get(0));
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1, txnInfo.get(1));
-        assertEquals("FE: localfe", txnInfo.get(2));
-        assertEquals("VISIBLE", txnInfo.get(3));
-        assertEquals("FRONTEND", txnInfo.get(4));
-        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        assertTrue(currentTime > TimeUtils.timeStringToLong(txnInfo.get(5)));
-        assertTrue(currentTime > TimeUtils.timeStringToLong(txnInfo.get(6)));
-        assertTrue(currentTime > TimeUtils.timeStringToLong(txnInfo.get(7)));
-        assertTrue(currentTime > TimeUtils.timeStringToLong(txnInfo.get(8)));
-        assertEquals("", txnInfo.get(9));
-        assertEquals("0", txnInfo.get(10));
-        assertEquals("-1", txnInfo.get(11));
-        assertEquals(String.valueOf(Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second * 1000), txnInfo.get(12));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRemoveExpiredTxns() throws AnalysisException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr = masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        Config.label_keep_max_second = -1;
-        long currentMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        masterDbTransMgr.removeExpiredTxns(currentMillis);
-        assertEquals(0, masterDbTransMgr.getFinishedTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(3, masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionNum());
-        assertNull(masterDbTransMgr.unprotectedGetTxnIdsByLabel(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetTableTransInfo() throws AnalysisException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr =  masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        Long txnId = LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1);
-        List<List<Comparable>> tableTransInfos = masterDbTransMgr.getTableTransInfo(txnId);
-        assertEquals(1, tableTransInfos.size());
-        List<Comparable> tableTransInfo = tableTransInfos.get(0);
-        assertEquals(2, tableTransInfo.size());
-        assertEquals(2L, tableTransInfo.get(0));
-        assertEquals("3", tableTransInfo.get(1));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetPartitionTransInfo() throws AnalysisException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr = masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        Long txnId = LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1);
-        List<List<Comparable>> partitionTransInfos = masterDbTransMgr.getPartitionTransInfo(txnId, CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        assertEquals(1, partitionTransInfos.size());
-        List<Comparable> partitionTransInfo = partitionTransInfos.get(0);
-        assertEquals(3, partitionTransInfo.size());
-        assertEquals(3L, partitionTransInfo.get(0));
-        assertEquals(13L, partitionTransInfo.get(1));
-        assertEquals(123123123L, partitionTransInfo.get(2));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testDeleteTransaction() throws AnalysisException {
-        DatabaseTransactionMgr masterDbTransMgr = masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1);
-        long txnId = LabelToTxnId.get(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1);
-        TransactionState transactionState = masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionState(txnId);
-        masterDbTransMgr.deleteTransaction(transactionState);
-        assertEquals(2, masterDbTransMgr.getRunningTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(1, masterDbTransMgr.getRunningRoutineLoadTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(0, masterDbTransMgr.getFinishedTxnNums());
-        assertEquals(3, masterDbTransMgr.getTransactionNum());
-        assertNull(masterDbTransMgr.unprotectedGetTxnIdsByLabel(CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/FakeTransactionIDGenerator.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/FakeTransactionIDGenerator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c5e2e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/FakeTransactionIDGenerator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.transaction;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import java.io.DataInput;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-public final class FakeTransactionIDGenerator extends MockUp<TransactionIdGenerator> {
-    private long currentId = 1000L;
-    @Mock
-    public void $init() {
-        // do nothing
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void setEditLog(EditLog editLog) {
-        // do nothing
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public synchronized long getNextTransactionId() {
-        System.out.println("getNextTransactionId is called");
-        return currentId++;
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
-        // do nothing
-    }
-    @Mock
-    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
-        // do nothing
-    }
-    public void setCurrentId(long newId) {
-        this.currentId = newId;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/GlobalTransactionMgrTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/GlobalTransactionMgrTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c2e3d6e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/GlobalTransactionMgrTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.transaction;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.CatalogTestUtil;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeCatalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.FakeEditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Partition;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Replica;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Table;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Tablet;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DuplicatedRequestException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.common.LabelAlreadyUsedException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.routineload.KafkaProgress;
-import org.apache.doris.load.routineload.KafkaRoutineLoadJob;
-import org.apache.doris.load.routineload.KafkaTaskInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.routineload.RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment;
-import org.apache.doris.load.routineload.RoutineLoadJob;
-import org.apache.doris.load.routineload.RoutineLoadManager;
-import org.apache.doris.load.routineload.RoutineLoadTaskInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.apache.doris.persist.EditLog;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TKafkaRLTaskProgress;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TLoadSourceType;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TRLTaskTxnCommitAttachment;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState.TxnCoordinator;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState.TxnSourceType;
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-public class GlobalTransactionMgrTest {
-    private static FakeEditLog fakeEditLog;
-    private static FakeCatalog fakeCatalog;
-    private static FakeTransactionIDGenerator fakeTransactionIDGenerator;
-    private static GlobalTransactionMgr masterTransMgr;
-    private static GlobalTransactionMgr slaveTransMgr;
-    private static Catalog masterCatalog;
-    private static Catalog slaveCatalog;
-    private TransactionState.TxnCoordinator transactionSource = new TransactionState.TxnCoordinator(TransactionState.TxnSourceType.FE, "localfe");
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
-            InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
-        fakeEditLog = new FakeEditLog();
-        fakeCatalog = new FakeCatalog();
-        fakeTransactionIDGenerator = new FakeTransactionIDGenerator();
-        masterCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        slaveCatalog = CatalogTestUtil.createTestCatalog();
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_40);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        masterTransMgr = masterCatalog.getGlobalTransactionMgr();
-        masterTransMgr.setEditLog(masterCatalog.getEditLog());
-        slaveTransMgr = slaveCatalog.getGlobalTransactionMgr();
-        slaveTransMgr.setEditLog(slaveCatalog.getEditLog());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBeginTransaction() throws LabelAlreadyUsedException, AnalysisException,
-            BeginTransactionException, DuplicatedRequestException {
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        long transactionId = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1,
-                transactionSource,
-                LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        TransactionState transactionState = masterTransMgr.getTransactionState(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId);
-        assertNotNull(transactionState);
-        assertEquals(transactionId, transactionState.getTransactionId());
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.PREPARE, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionState.getDbId());
-        assertEquals(transactionSource.toString(), transactionState.getCoordinator().toString());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBeginTransactionWithSameLabel() throws LabelAlreadyUsedException, AnalysisException,
-            BeginTransactionException, DuplicatedRequestException {
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        long transactionId = 0;
-        try {
-            transactionId = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                    CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1,
-                    transactionSource,
-                    LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        } catch (AnalysisException | LabelAlreadyUsedException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        TransactionState transactionState = masterTransMgr.getTransactionState(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId);
-        assertNotNull(transactionState);
-        assertEquals(transactionId, transactionState.getTransactionId());
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.PREPARE, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionState.getDbId());
-        assertEquals(transactionSource.toString(), transactionState.getCoordinator().toString());
-        try {
-            transactionId = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                    CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1,
-                    transactionSource,
-                    LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            // TODO: handle exception
-        }
-    }
-    // all replica committed success
-    @Test
-    public void testCommitTransaction1() throws UserException {
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        long transactionId = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1,
-                transactionSource,
-                LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        // commit a transaction
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        List<TabletCommitInfo> transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        Table testTable1 = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId, transTablets);
-        TransactionState transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId);
-        // check status is committed
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.COMMITTED, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        // check replica version
-        Partition testPartition = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1)
-                .getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartition1);
-        // check partition version
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, testPartition.getVisibleVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, testPartition.getNextVersion());
-        // check partition next version
-        Tablet tablet = testPartition.getIndex(CatalogTestUtil.testIndexId1).getTablet(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1);
-        for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-            assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica.getVersion());
-        }
-        // slave replay new state and compare catalog
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(slaveCatalog);
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState);
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-    }
-    // commit with only two replicas
-    @Test
-    public void testCommitTransactionWithOneFailed() throws UserException {
-        TransactionState transactionState = null;
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        long transactionId = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1,
-                transactionSource,
-                LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        // commit a transaction with 1,2 success
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        List<TabletCommitInfo> transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        Table testTable1 = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId, transTablets);
-        // follower catalog replay the transaction
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(slaveCatalog);
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState);
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        // commit another transaction with 1,3 success
-        long transactionId2 = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel2,
-                transactionSource,
-                LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        try {
-            masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId2, transTablets);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (TabletQuorumFailedException e) {
-            transactionState = masterTransMgr.getTransactionState(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId2);
-            // check status is prepare, because the commit failed
-            assertEquals(TransactionStatus.PREPARE, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        }
-        // check replica version
-        Partition testPartition = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1)
-                .getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartition1);
-        // check partition version
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, testPartition.getVisibleVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, testPartition.getNextVersion());
-        // check partition next version
-        Tablet tablet = testPartition.getIndex(CatalogTestUtil.testIndexId1).getTablet(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1);
-        for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-            assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica.getVersion());
-        }
-        // the transaction not committed, so that catalog should be equal
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-        // commit the second transaction with 1,2,3 success
-        tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId2, transTablets);
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId2);
-        // check status is commit
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.COMMITTED, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        // check replica version
-        testPartition = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1)
-                .getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartition1);
-        // check partition version
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, testPartition.getVisibleVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 3, testPartition.getNextVersion());
-        // check partition next version
-        tablet = testPartition.getIndex(CatalogTestUtil.testIndexId1).getTablet(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1);
-        for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-            assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica.getVersion());
-        }
-        Replica replcia1 = tablet.getReplicaById(CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId1);
-        Replica replcia2 = tablet.getReplicaById(CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId2);
-        Replica replcia3 = tablet.getReplicaById(CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId3);
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replcia1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replcia2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replcia3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replcia1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replcia2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, replcia3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        // last success version not change, because not published
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replcia1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replcia2.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replcia3.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        // check partition version
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, testPartition.getVisibleVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 3, testPartition.getNextVersion());
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId2);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(slaveCatalog);
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState);
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCommitRoutineLoadTransaction(@Injectable TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo,
-            @Mocked KafkaConsumer kafkaConsumer,
-            @Mocked EditLog editLog)
-            throws UserException {
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        List<TabletCommitInfo> transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "test", "default_cluster", 1L, 1L, "host:port",
-                "topic");
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList = Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList");
-        Map<Integer, Long> partitionIdToOffset = Maps.newHashMap();
-        partitionIdToOffset.put(1, 0L);
-        KafkaTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo = new KafkaTaskInfo(UUID.randomUUID(), 1L, "default_cluster", 20000,
-                partitionIdToOffset);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadTaskInfo, "txnId", 1L);
-        routineLoadTaskInfoList.add(routineLoadTaskInfo);
-        TransactionState transactionState = new TransactionState(1L, Lists.newArrayList(1L), 1L, "label", null,
-                LoadJobSourceType.ROUTINE_LOAD_TASK, new TxnCoordinator(TxnSourceType.BE, "be1"), routineLoadJob.getId(),
-                Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        transactionState.setTransactionStatus(TransactionStatus.PREPARE);
-        masterTransMgr.getCallbackFactory().addCallback(routineLoadJob);
-        // Deencapsulation.setField(transactionState, "txnStateChangeListener", routineLoadJob);
-        Map<Long, TransactionState> idToTransactionState = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToTransactionState.put(1L, transactionState);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "maxErrorNum", 10);
-        Map<Integer, Long> oldKafkaProgressMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        oldKafkaProgressMap.put(1, 0L);
-        KafkaProgress oldkafkaProgress = new KafkaProgress();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(oldkafkaProgress, "partitionIdToOffset", oldKafkaProgressMap);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "progress", oldkafkaProgress);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING);
-        TRLTaskTxnCommitAttachment rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment = new TRLTaskTxnCommitAttachment();
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setId(new TUniqueId());
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setLoadedRows(100);
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setFilteredRows(1);
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setJobId(Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "id"));
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setLoadSourceType(TLoadSourceType.KAFKA);
-        TKafkaRLTaskProgress tKafkaRLTaskProgress = new TKafkaRLTaskProgress();
-        Map<Integer, Long> kafkaProgress = Maps.newHashMap();
-        kafkaProgress.put(1, 100L); // start from 0, so rows number is 101, and consumed offset is 100
-        tKafkaRLTaskProgress.setPartitionCmtOffset(kafkaProgress);
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setKafkaRLTaskProgress(tKafkaRLTaskProgress);
-        TxnCommitAttachment txnCommitAttachment = new RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment(rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment);
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        routineLoadManager.addRoutineLoadJob(routineLoadJob, "db");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1), "idToRunningTransactionState", idToTransactionState);
-        Table testTable1 = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(1L, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), 1L, transTablets, txnCommitAttachment);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(101), Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "currentTotalRows"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1), Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "currentErrorRows"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(101L), ((KafkaProgress) routineLoadJob.getProgress()).getOffsetByPartition(1));
-        // todo(ml): change to assert queue
-        // Assert.assertEquals(1, routineLoadManager.getNeedScheduleTasksQueue().size());
-        // Assert.assertNotEquals("label", routineLoadManager.getNeedScheduleTasksQueue().peek().getId());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCommitRoutineLoadTransactionWithErrorMax(@Injectable TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo,
-            @Mocked EditLog editLog,
-            @Mocked KafkaConsumer kafkaConsumer)
-            throws UserException {
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        List<TabletCommitInfo> transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        KafkaRoutineLoadJob routineLoadJob = new KafkaRoutineLoadJob(1L, "test", "default_cluster", 1L, 1L, "host:port", "topic");
-        List<RoutineLoadTaskInfo> routineLoadTaskInfoList = Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "routineLoadTaskInfoList");
-        Map<Integer, Long> partitionIdToOffset = Maps.newHashMap();
-        partitionIdToOffset.put(1, 0L);
-        KafkaTaskInfo routineLoadTaskInfo = new KafkaTaskInfo(UUID.randomUUID(), 1L, "defualt_cluster", 20000,
-                partitionIdToOffset);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadTaskInfo, "txnId", 1L);
-        routineLoadTaskInfoList.add(routineLoadTaskInfo);
-        TransactionState transactionState = new TransactionState(1L, Lists.newArrayList(1L), 1L, "label", null,
-                LoadJobSourceType.ROUTINE_LOAD_TASK, new TxnCoordinator(TxnSourceType.BE, "be1"), routineLoadJob.getId(),
-                Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        transactionState.setTransactionStatus(TransactionStatus.PREPARE);
-        masterTransMgr.getCallbackFactory().addCallback(routineLoadJob);
-        Map<Long, TransactionState> idToTransactionState = Maps.newHashMap();
-        idToTransactionState.put(1L, transactionState);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "maxErrorNum", 10);
-        Map<Integer, Long> oldKafkaProgressMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        oldKafkaProgressMap.put(1, 0L);
-        KafkaProgress oldkafkaProgress = new KafkaProgress();
-        Deencapsulation.setField(oldkafkaProgress, "partitionIdToOffset", oldKafkaProgressMap);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "progress", oldkafkaProgress);
-        Deencapsulation.setField(routineLoadJob, "state", RoutineLoadJob.JobState.RUNNING);
-        TRLTaskTxnCommitAttachment rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment = new TRLTaskTxnCommitAttachment();
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setId(new TUniqueId());
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setLoadedRows(100);
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setFilteredRows(11);
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setJobId(Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "id"));
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setLoadSourceType(TLoadSourceType.KAFKA);
-        TKafkaRLTaskProgress tKafkaRLTaskProgress = new TKafkaRLTaskProgress();
-        Map<Integer, Long> kafkaProgress = Maps.newHashMap();
-        kafkaProgress.put(1, 110L); // start from 0, so rows number is 111, consumed offset is 110
-        tKafkaRLTaskProgress.setPartitionCmtOffset(kafkaProgress);
-        rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment.setKafkaRLTaskProgress(tKafkaRLTaskProgress);
-        TxnCommitAttachment txnCommitAttachment = new RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment(rlTaskTxnCommitAttachment);
-        RoutineLoadManager routineLoadManager = new RoutineLoadManager();
-        routineLoadManager.addRoutineLoadJob(routineLoadJob, "db");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(masterTransMgr.getDatabaseTransactionMgr(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1), "idToRunningTransactionState", idToTransactionState);
-        Table testTable1 = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(1L, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), 1L, transTablets, txnCommitAttachment);
-        // current total rows and error rows will be reset after job pause, so here they should be 0.
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(0), Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "currentTotalRows"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(0), Deencapsulation.getField(routineLoadJob, "currentErrorRows"));
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(111L),
-                ((KafkaProgress) routineLoadJob.getProgress()).getOffsetByPartition(1));
-        // todo(ml): change to assert queue
-        // Assert.assertEquals(0, routineLoadManager.getNeedScheduleTasksQueue().size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(RoutineLoadJob.JobState.PAUSED, routineLoadJob.getState());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFinishTransaction() throws UserException {
-        long transactionId = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1,
-                transactionSource,
-                LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        // commit a transaction
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        List<TabletCommitInfo> transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        Table testTable1 = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId, transTablets);
-        TransactionState transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId);
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.COMMITTED, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        Set<Long> errorReplicaIds = Sets.newHashSet();
-        errorReplicaIds.add(CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId1);
-        masterTransMgr.finishTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId, errorReplicaIds);
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId);
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.VISIBLE, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        // check replica version
-        Partition testPartition = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1)
-                .getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartition1);
-        // check partition version
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, testPartition.getVisibleVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, testPartition.getNextVersion());
-        // check partition next version
-        Tablet tablet = testPartition.getIndex(CatalogTestUtil.testIndexId1).getTablet(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1);
-        for (Replica replica : tablet.getReplicas()) {
-            if (replica.getId() == CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId1) {
-                assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica.getVersion());
-            } else {
-                assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, replica.getVersion());
-            }
-        }
-        // slave replay new state and compare catalog
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState);
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testFinishTransactionWithOneFailed() throws UserException {
-        TransactionState transactionState = null;
-        Partition testPartition = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1)
-                .getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartition1);
-        Tablet tablet = testPartition.getIndex(CatalogTestUtil.testIndexId1).getTablet(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        long transactionId = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel1,
-                transactionSource,
-                LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        // commit a transaction with 1,2 success
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        List<TabletCommitInfo> transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        Table testTable1 = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId, transTablets);
-        // follower catalog replay the transaction
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(slaveCatalog);
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState);
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-        // master finish the transaction failed
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        Set<Long> errorReplicaIds = Sets.newHashSet();
-        errorReplicaIds.add(CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId2);
-        masterTransMgr.finishTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId, errorReplicaIds);
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.COMMITTED, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        Replica replica1 = tablet.getReplicaById(CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId1);
-        Replica replica2 = tablet.getReplicaById(CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId2);
-        Replica replica3 = tablet.getReplicaById(CatalogTestUtil.testReplicaId3);
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, replica1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, replica3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        errorReplicaIds = Sets.newHashSet();
-        masterTransMgr.finishTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId, errorReplicaIds);
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.VISIBLE, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, replica1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, replica2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, replica3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        // follower catalog replay the transaction
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(slaveCatalog);
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState);
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(masterCatalog);
-        // commit another transaction with 1,3 success
-        long transactionId2 = masterTransMgr.beginTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1),
-                CatalogTestUtil.testTxnLabel2,
-                transactionSource,
-                LoadJobSourceType.FRONTEND, Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second);
-        tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        TabletCommitInfo tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1,
-                CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        try {
-            masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId2, transTablets);
-            Assert.fail();
-        } catch (TabletQuorumFailedException e) {
-            transactionState = masterTransMgr.getTransactionState(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId2);
-            // check status is prepare, because the commit failed
-            assertEquals(TransactionStatus.PREPARE, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        }
-        // commit the second transaction with 1,2,3 success
-        tabletCommitInfo1 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId1);
-        tabletCommitInfo2 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId2);
-        tabletCommitInfo3 = new TabletCommitInfo(CatalogTestUtil.testTabletId1, CatalogTestUtil.testBackendId3);
-        transTablets = Lists.newArrayList();
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo1);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo2);
-        transTablets.add(tabletCommitInfo3);
-        masterTransMgr.commitTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, Lists.newArrayList(testTable1), transactionId2, transTablets);
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId2);
-        // check status is commit
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.COMMITTED, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        // check replica version
-        testPartition = masterCatalog.getDb(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1).getTable(CatalogTestUtil.testTableId1)
-                .getPartition(CatalogTestUtil.testPartition1);
-        // check partition version
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, testPartition.getVisibleVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 3, testPartition.getNextVersion());
-        // follower catalog replay the transaction
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId2);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(slaveCatalog);
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState);
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-        // master finish the transaction2
-        errorReplicaIds = Sets.newHashSet();
-        masterTransMgr.finishTransaction(CatalogTestUtil.testDbId1, transactionId2, errorReplicaIds);
-        assertEquals(TransactionStatus.VISIBLE, transactionState.getTransactionStatus());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, replica1.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, replica2.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion, replica3.getVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica1.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(-1, replica2.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 1, replica3.getLastFailedVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, replica1.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, replica2.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, replica3.getLastSuccessVersion());
-        // check partition version
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 2, testPartition.getVisibleVersion());
-        assertEquals(CatalogTestUtil.testStartVersion + 3, testPartition.getNextVersion());
-        transactionState = fakeEditLog.getTransaction(transactionId2);
-        FakeCatalog.setCatalog(slaveCatalog);
-        slaveTransMgr.replayUpsertTransactionState(transactionState);
-        assertTrue(CatalogTestUtil.compareCatalog(masterCatalog, slaveCatalog));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/TransactionStateTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/TransactionStateTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ad565..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/transaction/TransactionStateTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.transaction;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeMetaVersion;
-import org.apache.doris.meta.MetaContext;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState.TxnCoordinator;
-import org.apache.doris.transaction.TransactionState.TxnSourceType;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.UUID;
-public class TransactionStateTest {
-    private static String fileName = "./TransactionStateTest";
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.delete();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testSerDe() throws IOException {
-        MetaContext metaContext = new MetaContext();
-        metaContext.setMetaVersion(FeMetaVersion.VERSION_83);
-        metaContext.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        // 1. Write objects to file
-        File file = new File(fileName);
-        file.createNewFile();
-        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-        UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
-        TransactionState transactionState = new TransactionState(1000L, Lists.newArrayList(20000L, 20001L),
-                3000, "label123", new TUniqueId(uuid.getMostSignificantBits(), uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()),
-                LoadJobSourceType.BACKEND_STREAMING, new TxnCoordinator(TxnSourceType.BE, ""), 50000L,
-                60 * 1000L);
-        transactionState.write(out);
-        out.flush();
-        out.close();
-        // 2. Read objects from file
-        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
-        TransactionState readTransactionState = new TransactionState();
-        readTransactionState.readFields(in);
-        Assert.assertEquals(transactionState.getCoordinator().ip, readTransactionState.getCoordinator().ip);
-        in.close();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/AnotherDemoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/AnotherDemoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ea6919..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/AnotherDemoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.utframe;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DiskInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Pair;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.OlapScanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.PlanFragment;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.Planner;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.StmtExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedBackendFactory.DefaultBeThriftServiceImpl;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedBackendFactory.DefaultHeartbeatServiceImpl;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedBackendFactory.DefaultPBackendServiceImpl;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.EnvVarNotSetException;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.FeStartException;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.NotInitException;
-import com.google.common.base.Strings;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
- * This demo is mainly used to confirm that 
- * repeatedly starting FE and BE in 2 UnitTest will not cause conflict
- */
-public class AnotherDemoTest {
-    private static int fe_http_port;
-    private static int fe_rpc_port;
-    private static int fe_query_port;
-    private static int fe_edit_log_port;
-    private static int be_heartbeat_port;
-    private static int be_thrift_port;
-    private static int be_brpc_port;
-    private static int be_http_port;
-    // use a unique dir so that it won't be conflict with other unit test which
-    // may also start a Mocked Frontend
-    private static String runningDirBase = "fe";
-    private static String runningDir = runningDirBase + "/mocked/AnotherDemoTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws EnvVarNotSetException, IOException,
-            FeStartException, NotInitException, DdlException, InterruptedException {
-        FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 10;
-        // get DORIS_HOME
-        String dorisHome = System.getenv("DORIS_HOME");
-        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(dorisHome)) {
-            dorisHome = Files.createTempDirectory("DORIS_HOME").toAbsolutePath().toString();
-        }
-        getPorts();
-        // start fe in "DORIS_HOME/fe/mocked/"
-        MockedFrontend frontend = MockedFrontend.getInstance();
-        Map<String, String> feConfMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        // set additional fe config
-        feConfMap.put("http_port", String.valueOf(fe_http_port));
-        feConfMap.put("rpc_port", String.valueOf(fe_rpc_port));
-        feConfMap.put("query_port", String.valueOf(fe_query_port));
-        feConfMap.put("edit_log_port", String.valueOf(fe_edit_log_port));
-        feConfMap.put("tablet_create_timeout_second", "10");
-        frontend.init(dorisHome + "/" + runningDir, feConfMap);
-        frontend.start(new String[0]);
-        // start be
-        MockedBackend backend = MockedBackendFactory.createBackend("",
-                be_heartbeat_port, be_thrift_port, be_brpc_port, be_http_port,
-                new DefaultHeartbeatServiceImpl(be_thrift_port, be_http_port, be_brpc_port),
-                new DefaultBeThriftServiceImpl(), new DefaultPBackendServiceImpl());
-        backend.setFeAddress(new TNetworkAddress("", frontend.getRpcPort()));
-        backend.start();
-        // add be
-        Backend be = new Backend(10001, backend.getHost(), backend.getHeartbeatPort());
-        Map<String, DiskInfo> disks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        DiskInfo diskInfo1 = new DiskInfo("/path1");
-        diskInfo1.setTotalCapacityB(1000000);
-        diskInfo1.setAvailableCapacityB(500000);
-        diskInfo1.setDataUsedCapacityB(480000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo1.getRootPath(), diskInfo1);
-        be.setDisks(ImmutableMap.copyOf(disks));
-        be.setAlive(true);
-        be.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackend(be);
-        // sleep to wait first heartbeat
-        Thread.sleep(6000);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void TearDown() {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(runningDirBase);
-    }
-    // generate all port from valid ports
-    private static void getPorts() {
-        fe_http_port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-        fe_rpc_port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-        fe_query_port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-        fe_edit_log_port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-        be_heartbeat_port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-        be_thrift_port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-        be_brpc_port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-        be_http_port = UtFrameUtils.findValidPort();
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateDbAndTable() throws Exception {
-        // 1. create connect context
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // 2. create database db1
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database db1;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        System.out.println(Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDbNames());
-        // 3. create table tbl1
-        String createTblStmtStr = "create table db1.tbl1(k1 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        // 4. get and test the created db and table
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db1");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db);
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        tbl.readLock();
-        try {
-            Assert.assertNotNull(tbl);
-            System.out.println(tbl.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals("Doris", tbl.getEngine());
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, tbl.getBaseSchema().size());
-        } finally {
-            tbl.readUnlock();
-        }
-        // 5. query
-        // TODO: we can not process real query for now. So it has to be a explain query
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from db1.tbl1";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, queryStr);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Planner planner = stmtExecutor.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments = planner.getFragments();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, fragments.size());
-        PlanFragment fragment = fragments.get(0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(fragment.getPlanRoot() instanceof OlapScanNode);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, fragment.getChildren().size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/DemoTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/DemoTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 906d6c1..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/DemoTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.utframe;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJobV2;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Database;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.MaterializedIndexMeta;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.OlapTable;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.FeConstants;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.OlapScanNode;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.PlanFragment;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.Planner;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.StmtExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.EnvVarNotSetException;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.FeStartException;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.NotInitException;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.UUID;
- * This demo shows how to run unit test with mocked FE and BE.
- * It will
- *  1. start a mocked FE and a mocked BE.
- *  2. Create a database and a tbl.
- *  3. Make a schema change to tbl.
- *  4. send a query and get query plan
- */
-public class DemoTest {
-    // use a unique dir so that it won't be conflict with other unit test which
-    // may also start a Mocked Frontend
-    private static String runningDirBase = "fe";
-    private static String runningDir = runningDirBase + "/mocked/DemoTest/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "/";
-    @BeforeClass
-    public static void beforeClass() throws EnvVarNotSetException, IOException,
-            FeStartException, NotInitException, DdlException, InterruptedException {
-        FeConstants.default_scheduler_interval_millisecond = 10;
-        UtFrameUtils.createMinDorisCluster(runningDir);
-    }
-    @AfterClass
-    public static void TearDown() {
-        UtFrameUtils.cleanDorisFeDir(runningDirBase);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateDbAndTable() throws Exception {
-        // 1. create connect context
-        ConnectContext ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-        // 2. create database db1
-        String createDbStmtStr = "create database db1;";
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt = (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createDbStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        System.out.println(Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDbNames());
-        // 3. create table tbl1
-        String createTblStmtStr = "create table db1.tbl1(k1 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');";
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(createTblStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        // 4. get and test the created db and table
-        Database db = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getDb("default_cluster:db1");
-        Assert.assertNotNull(db);
-        OlapTable tbl = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        tbl.readLock();
-        try {
-            Assert.assertNotNull(tbl);
-            System.out.println(tbl.getName());
-            Assert.assertEquals("Doris", tbl.getEngine());
-            Assert.assertEquals(1, tbl.getBaseSchema().size());
-        } finally {
-            tbl.readUnlock();
-        }
-        // 5. process a schema change job
-        String alterStmtStr = "alter table db1.tbl1 add column k2 int default '1'";
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(alterStmtStr, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getAlterInstance().processAlterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        // 6. check alter job
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getSchemaChangeHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, alterJobs.size());
-        for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
-            while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
-                System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-                Thread.sleep(1000);
-            }
-            System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getJobId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
-        }
-        OlapTable tbl1 = (OlapTable) db.getTable("tbl1");
-        tbl1.readLock();
-        try {
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, tbl1.getBaseSchema().size());
-            String baseIndexName = tbl1.getIndexNameById(tbl.getBaseIndexId());
-            Assert.assertEquals(baseIndexName, tbl1.getName());
-            MaterializedIndexMeta indexMeta = tbl1.getIndexMetaByIndexId(tbl1.getBaseIndexId());
-            Assert.assertNotNull(indexMeta);
-        } finally {
-            tbl1.readUnlock();
-        }
-        // 7. query
-        // TODO: we can not process real query for now. So it has to be a explain query
-        String queryStr = "explain select * from db1.tbl1";
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, queryStr);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        Planner planner = stmtExecutor.planner();
-        List<PlanFragment> fragments = planner.getFragments();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, fragments.size());
-        PlanFragment fragment = fragments.get(0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(fragment.getPlanRoot() instanceof OlapScanNode);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, fragment.getChildren().size());
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/DorisAssert.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/DorisAssert.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d3d8780..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/DorisAssert.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.utframe;
-import org.apache.doris.alter.AlterJobV2;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.AlterTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateDbStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateMaterializedViewStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.CreateTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.DropTableStmt;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlParser;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlScanner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StatementBase;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.cluster.ClusterNamespace;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.Planner;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.StmtExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExplainLevel;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.stream.Stream;
-public class DorisAssert {
-    private ConnectContext ctx;
-    public DorisAssert() throws IOException {
-        this.ctx = UtFrameUtils.createDefaultCtx();
-    }
-    public DorisAssert withEnableMV() {
-        ctx.getSessionVariable().setTestMaterializedView(true);
-        Config.enable_materialized_view = true;
-        return this;
-    }
-    public DorisAssert withDatabase(String dbName) throws Exception {
-        CreateDbStmt createDbStmt =
-                (CreateDbStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt("create database " + dbName + ";", ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createDb(createDbStmt);
-        return this;
-    }
-    public DorisAssert useDatabase(String dbName) {
-        ctx.setDatabase(ClusterNamespace.getFullName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER, dbName));
-        return this;
-    }
-    public DorisAssert withoutUseDatabase() {
-        ctx.setDatabase("");
-        return this;
-    }
-    public DorisAssert withTable(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createTable(createTableStmt);
-        return this;
-    }
-    public DorisAssert dropTable(String tableName) throws Exception {
-        DropTableStmt dropTableStmt =
-                (DropTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt("drop table " + tableName + ";", ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().dropTable(dropTableStmt);
-        return this;
-    }
-    // Add materialized view to the schema
-    public DorisAssert withMaterializedView(String sql) throws Exception {
-        CreateMaterializedViewStmt createMaterializedViewStmt =
-                (CreateMaterializedViewStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().createMaterializedView(createMaterializedViewStmt);
-        checkAlterJob();
-        // waiting table state to normal
-        Thread.sleep(100);
-        return this;
-    }
-    // Add rollup
-    public DorisAssert withRollup(String sql) throws Exception {
-        AlterTableStmt alterTableStmt = (AlterTableStmt) UtFrameUtils.parseAndAnalyzeStmt(sql, ctx);
-        Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().alterTable(alterTableStmt);
-        checkAlterJob();
-        // waiting table state to normal
-        Thread.sleep(100);
-        return this;
-    }
-    private void checkAlterJob() throws InterruptedException {
-        // check alter job
-        Map<Long, AlterJobV2> alterJobs = Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().getRollupHandler().getAlterJobsV2();
-        for (AlterJobV2 alterJobV2 : alterJobs.values()) {
-            while (!alterJobV2.getJobState().isFinalState()) {
-                System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getDbId()
-                        + " is running. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-                Thread.sleep(100);
-            }
-            System.out.println("alter job " + alterJobV2.getDbId() + " is done. state: " + alterJobV2.getJobState());
-            Assert.assertEquals(AlterJobV2.JobState.FINISHED, alterJobV2.getJobState());
-        }
-    }
-    public QueryAssert query(String sql) {
-        return new QueryAssert(ctx, sql);
-    }
-    public class QueryAssert {
-        private ConnectContext connectContext;
-        private String sql;
-        public QueryAssert(ConnectContext connectContext, String sql) {
-            this.connectContext = connectContext;
-            this.sql = sql;
-        }
-        public void explainContains(String... keywords) throws Exception {
-            Assert.assertTrue(Stream.of(keywords).allMatch(explainQuery()::contains));
-        }
-        public void explainContains(String keywords, int count) throws Exception {
-            Assert.assertEquals(StringUtils.countMatches(explainQuery(), keywords), count);
-        }
-        public void explainWithout(String s) throws Exception {
-            Assert.assertFalse(explainQuery().contains(s));
-        }
-        public String explainQuery() throws Exception {
-            return internalExecute("explain " + sql);
-        }
-        private String internalExecute(String sql) throws Exception {
-            StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(connectContext, sql);
-            stmtExecutor.execute();
-            QueryState queryState = connectContext.getState();
-            if (queryState.getStateType() == QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR) {
-                switch (queryState.getErrType()) {
-                    case ANALYSIS_ERR:
-                        throw new AnalysisException(queryState.getErrorMessage());
-                    case OTHER_ERR:
-                    default:
-                        throw new Exception(queryState.getErrorMessage());
-                }
-            }
-            Planner planner = stmtExecutor.planner();
-            String explainString = planner.getExplainString(planner.getFragments(), TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-            System.out.println(explainString);
-            return explainString;
-        }
-        public Planner internalExecuteOneAndGetPlan() throws Exception{
-            SqlScanner input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(sql), ctx.getSessionVariable().getSqlMode());
-            SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(input);
-            List<StatementBase> stmts =  SqlParserUtils.getMultiStmts(parser);
-            StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(connectContext, stmts.get(0));
-            stmtExecutor.execute();
-            return stmtExecutor.planner();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedBackend.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedBackend.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 844828b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedBackend.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.utframe;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ThriftServer;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.JdkUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.BackendService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.HeartbeatService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedBackendFactory.BeThriftService;
-import com.baidu.bjf.remoting.protobuf.utils.JDKCompilerHelper;
-import com.baidu.bjf.remoting.protobuf.utils.compiler.JdkCompiler;
-import com.baidu.jprotobuf.pbrpc.transport.RpcServer;
-import org.apache.thrift.TProcessor;
-import java.io.IOException;
- * Mocked Backend
- * A mocked Backend has 3 rpc services. 
- *      HeartbeatService.Iface to handle heart beat from Frontend.
- *      BeThriftService to handle agent tasks and other requests from Frontend.
- *      BRpcService to handle the query request from Frontend.
- *      
- * Users can create a BE by customizing three rpc services.
- * 
- * Better to create a mocked Backend from MockedBackendFactory.
- * In MockedBackendFactory, there default rpc service for above 3 rpc services.
- */
-public class MockedBackend {
-    private ThriftServer heartbeatServer;
-    private ThriftServer beThriftServer;
-    private RpcServer rpcServer;
-    private String host;
-    private int heartbeatPort;
-    private int thriftPort;
-    private int brpcPort;
-    private int httpPort;
-    // the fe address: fe host and fe rpc port.
-    // This must be set explicitly after creating mocked Backend
-    private TNetworkAddress feAddress;
-    static {
-        int javaRuntimeVersion = JdkUtils.getJavaVersionAsInteger(System.getProperty("java.version"));
-        JDKCompilerHelper.setCompiler(new JdkCompiler(JdkCompiler.class.getClassLoader(), String.valueOf(javaRuntimeVersion)));
-    }
-    public MockedBackend(String host, int heartbeatPort, int thriftPort, int brpcPort, int httpPort,
-            HeartbeatService.Iface hbService,
-            BeThriftService backendService,
-            Object pBackendService) throws IOException {
-        this.host = host;
-        this.heartbeatPort = heartbeatPort;
-        this.thriftPort = thriftPort;
-        this.brpcPort = brpcPort;
-        this.httpPort = httpPort;
-        createHeartbeatService(heartbeatPort, hbService);
-        createBeThriftService(thriftPort, backendService);
-        createBrpcService(brpcPort, pBackendService);
-        backendService.setBackend(this);
-        backendService.init();
-    }
-    public void setFeAddress(TNetworkAddress feAddress) {
-        this.feAddress = feAddress;
-    }
-    public TNetworkAddress getFeAddress() {
-        return feAddress;
-    }
-    public String getHost() {
-        return host;
-    }
-    public int getHeartbeatPort() {
-        return heartbeatPort;
-    }
-    public int getBeThriftPort() {
-        return thriftPort;
-    }
-    public int getBrpcPort() {
-        return brpcPort;
-    }
-    public int getHttpPort() {
-        return httpPort;
-    }
-    public void start() throws IOException {
-        heartbeatServer.start();
-        System.out.println("Be heartbeat service is started with port: " + heartbeatPort);
-        beThriftServer.start();
-        System.out.println("Be thrift service is started with port: " + thriftPort);
-        rpcServer.start(brpcPort);
-        System.out.println("Be brpc service is started with port: " + brpcPort);
-    }
-    private void createHeartbeatService(int heartbeatPort, HeartbeatService.Iface serviceImpl) throws IOException {
-        TProcessor tprocessor = new HeartbeatService.Processor<HeartbeatService.Iface>(serviceImpl);
-        heartbeatServer = new ThriftServer(heartbeatPort, tprocessor);
-    }
-    private void createBeThriftService(int beThriftPort, BackendService.Iface serviceImpl) throws IOException {
-        TProcessor tprocessor = new BackendService.Processor<BackendService.Iface>(serviceImpl);
-        beThriftServer = new ThriftServer(beThriftPort, tprocessor);
-    }
-    private void createBrpcService(int brpcPort, Object pBackendServiceImpl) {
-        rpcServer = new RpcServer();
-        rpcServer.registerService(pBackendServiceImpl);
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedBackendFactory.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedBackendFactory.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 06b6ecd..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedBackendFactory.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.utframe;
-import org.apache.doris.common.ClientPool;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PCancelPlanFragmentRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PCancelPlanFragmentResult;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PExecPlanFragmentResult;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PFetchDataResult;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PProxyRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PProxyResult;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PQueryStatistics;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.proto.PTriggerProfileReportResult;
-import org.apache.doris.rpc.PExecPlanFragmentRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.rpc.PFetchDataRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.rpc.PTriggerProfileReportRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.BackendService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.FrontendService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.HeartbeatService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TAgentPublishRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TAgentResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TAgentTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBackend;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TBackendInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TCancelPlanFragmentParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TCancelPlanFragmentResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TDeleteEtlFilesRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TEtlState;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExecPlanFragmentParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExecPlanFragmentResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExportState;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExportStatusResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExportTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFetchDataParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFetchDataResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TFinishTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.THeartbeatResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TMasterInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TMiniLoadEtlStatusRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TRoutineLoadTask;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanBatchResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanCloseParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanCloseResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanNextBatchParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanOpenParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TScanOpenResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TSnapshotRequest;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatus;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TStatusCode;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTabletStatResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTransmitDataParams;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TTransmitDataResult;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TUniqueId;
-import com.baidu.jprotobuf.pbrpc.ProtobufRPCService;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Queues;
-import org.apache.thrift.TException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
- * This class is used to create mock backends.
- * Usage can be found in Demon.java's beforeClass()
- * 
- * 
- */
-public class MockedBackendFactory {
-    public static final String BE_DEFAULT_IP = "";
-    public static final int BE_DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_PORT = 9050;
-    public static final int BE_DEFAULT_THRIFT_PORT = 9060;
-    public static final int BE_DEFAULT_BRPC_PORT = 8060;
-    public static final int BE_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 8040;
-    // create a default mocked backend with 3 default rpc services
-    public static MockedBackend createDefaultBackend() throws IOException {
-                new DefaultHeartbeatServiceImpl(BE_DEFAULT_THRIFT_PORT, BE_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, BE_DEFAULT_BRPC_PORT),
-                new DefaultBeThriftServiceImpl(), new DefaultPBackendServiceImpl());
-    }
-    // create a mocked backend with customize parameters
-    public static MockedBackend createBackend(String host, int heartbeatPort, int thriftPort, int brpcPort, int httpPort,
-            HeartbeatService.Iface hbService, BeThriftService beThriftService, Object pBackendService)
-            throws IOException {
-        MockedBackend backend = new MockedBackend(host, heartbeatPort, thriftPort, brpcPort, httpPort, hbService,
-                beThriftService, pBackendService);
-        return backend;
-    }
-    // the default hearbeat service.
-    // User can implement HeartbeatService.Iface to create other custom heartbeat service.
-    public static class DefaultHeartbeatServiceImpl implements HeartbeatService.Iface {
-        private int beThriftPort;
-        private int beHttpPort;
-        private int beBrpcPort;
-        public DefaultHeartbeatServiceImpl(int beThriftPort, int beHttpPort, int beBrpcPort) {
-            this.beThriftPort = beThriftPort;
-            this.beHttpPort = beHttpPort;
-            this.beBrpcPort = beBrpcPort;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public THeartbeatResult heartbeat(TMasterInfo master_info) throws TException {
-            TBackendInfo backendInfo = new TBackendInfo(beThriftPort, beHttpPort);
-            backendInfo.setBrpcPort(beBrpcPort);
-            THeartbeatResult result = new THeartbeatResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK), backendInfo);
-            return result;
-        }
-    }
-    // abstract BeThriftService.
-    // User can extends this abstract class to create other custom be thrift service
-    public static abstract class BeThriftService implements BackendService.Iface {
-        protected MockedBackend backend;
-        public void setBackend(MockedBackend backend) {
-            this.backend = backend;
-        }
-        public abstract void init();
-    }
-    // the default be thrift service extends from BeThriftService
-    public static class DefaultBeThriftServiceImpl extends BeThriftService {
-        // task queue to save all agent tasks coming from Frontend
-        private BlockingQueue<TAgentTaskRequest> taskQueue = Queues.newLinkedBlockingQueue();
-        private TBackend tBackend;
-        private long reportVersion = 0;
-        public DefaultBeThriftServiceImpl() {
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void init() {
-            tBackend = new TBackend(backend.getHost(), backend.getBeThriftPort(), backend.getHttpPort());
-            // start a thread to handle all agent tasks in taskQueue.
-            // Only return information that the task was successfully executed.
-            new Thread(new Runnable() {
-                @Override
-                public void run() {
-                    while (true) {
-                        try {
-                            TAgentTaskRequest request = taskQueue.take();
-                            System.out.println("get agent task request. type: " + request.getTaskType()
-                                    + ", signature: " + request.getSignature() + ", fe addr: " + backend.getFeAddress());
-                            TFinishTaskRequest finishTaskRequest = new TFinishTaskRequest(tBackend,
-                                    request.getTaskType(), request.getSignature(), new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-                            finishTaskRequest.setReportVersion(++reportVersion);
-                            FrontendService.Client client = ClientPool.frontendPool.borrowObject(backend.getFeAddress(), 2000);
-                            System.out.println("get fe " + backend.getFeAddress() + " client: " + client);
-                            client.finishTask(finishTaskRequest);
-                        } catch (Exception e) {
-                            e.printStackTrace();
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }).start();
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TExecPlanFragmentResult execPlanFragment(TExecPlanFragmentParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TCancelPlanFragmentResult cancelPlanFragment(TCancelPlanFragmentParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TTransmitDataResult transmitData(TTransmitDataParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TFetchDataResult fetchData(TFetchDataParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult submitTasks(List<TAgentTaskRequest> tasks) throws TException {
-            for (TAgentTaskRequest request : tasks) {
-                taskQueue.add(request);
-                System.out.println("receive agent task request. type: " + request.getTaskType() + ", signature: "
-                        + request.getSignature());
-            }
-            return new TAgentResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult makeSnapshot(TSnapshotRequest snapshot_request) throws TException {
-            return new TAgentResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult releaseSnapshot(String snapshot_path) throws TException {
-            return new TAgentResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult publishClusterState(TAgentPublishRequest request) throws TException {
-            return new TAgentResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult submitEtlTask(TMiniLoadEtlTaskRequest request) throws TException {
-            return new TAgentResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult getEtlStatus(TMiniLoadEtlStatusRequest request) throws TException {
-            return new TMiniLoadEtlStatusResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK), TEtlState.FINISHED);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TAgentResult deleteEtlFiles(TDeleteEtlFilesRequest request) throws TException {
-            return new TAgentResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK));
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TStatus submitExportTask(TExportTaskRequest request) throws TException {
-            return new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TExportStatusResult getExportStatus(TUniqueId task_id) throws TException {
-            return new TExportStatusResult(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK), TExportState.FINISHED);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TStatus eraseExportTask(TUniqueId task_id) throws TException {
-            return new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TTabletStatResult getTabletStat() throws TException {
-            return new TTabletStatResult(Maps.newHashMap());
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TStatus submitRoutineLoadTask(List<TRoutineLoadTask> tasks) throws TException {
-            return new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TScanOpenResult openScanner(TScanOpenParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TScanBatchResult getNext(TScanNextBatchParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public TScanCloseResult closeScanner(TScanCloseParams params) throws TException {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    // The default Brpc service.
-    // TODO(cmy): Currently this service cannot correctly simulate the processing of query requests.
-    public static class DefaultPBackendServiceImpl {
-        @ProtobufRPCService(serviceName = "PBackendService", methodName = "exec_plan_fragment")
-        public PExecPlanFragmentResult exec_plan_fragment(PExecPlanFragmentRequest request) {
-            System.out.println("get exec_plan_fragment request");
-            PExecPlanFragmentResult result = new PExecPlanFragmentResult();
-            PStatus pStatus = new PStatus();
-            pStatus.status_code = 0;
-            result.status = pStatus;
-            return result;
-        }
-        @ProtobufRPCService(serviceName = "PBackendService", methodName = "cancel_plan_fragment")
-        public PCancelPlanFragmentResult cancel_plan_fragment(PCancelPlanFragmentRequest request) {
-            System.out.println("get cancel_plan_fragment request");
-            PCancelPlanFragmentResult result = new PCancelPlanFragmentResult();
-            PStatus pStatus = new PStatus();
-            pStatus.status_code = 0;
-            result.status = pStatus;
-            return result;
-        }
-        @ProtobufRPCService(serviceName = "PBackendService", methodName = "fetch_data")
-        public PFetchDataResult fetchDataAsync(PFetchDataRequest request) {
-            System.out.println("get fetch_data");
-            PFetchDataResult result = new PFetchDataResult();
-            PStatus pStatus = new PStatus();
-            pStatus.status_code = 0;
-            PQueryStatistics pQueryStatistics = new PQueryStatistics();
-            pQueryStatistics.scan_rows = 0L;
-            pQueryStatistics.scan_bytes = 0L;
-            result.status = pStatus;
-            result.packet_seq = 0L;
-            result.query_statistics = pQueryStatistics;
-            result.eos = true;
-            return result;
-        }
-        @ProtobufRPCService(serviceName = "PBackendService", methodName = "trigger_profile_report")
-        public PTriggerProfileReportResult triggerProfileReport(PTriggerProfileReportRequest request) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        @ProtobufRPCService(serviceName = "PBackendService", methodName = "get_info")
-        public PProxyResult getInfo(PProxyRequest request) {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedFrontend.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedFrontend.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 73c5595..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/MockedFrontend.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.utframe;
-import org.apache.doris.PaloFe;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.PrintableMap;
-import com.google.common.base.Strings;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.PrintWriter;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.nio.file.Path;
-import java.nio.file.Paths;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.Map;
- * This class is used to start a Frontend process locally, for unit test.
- * This is a singleton class. There can be only one instance of this class globally.
- * Usage:
- *      MockedFrontend mockedFrontend = MockedFrontend.getInstance();
- *      mockedFrontend.init(confMap);
- *      mockedFrontend.start(new String[0]);
- *      
- *      ...
- *      
- * confMap is a instance of Map<String, String>.
- * Here you can add any FE configuration you want to add. For example:
- *      confMap.put("http_port", "8032");
- *      
- * FrontendProcess already contains a minimal set of FE configurations.
- * Any configuration in confMap will form the final fe.conf file with this minimal set.
- *      
- * 1 environment variable must be set:
- *      DORIS_HOME/
- * 
- * The running dir is set when calling init();
- * There will be 3 directories under running dir/:
- *      running dir/conf/
- *      running dir/log/
- *      running dir/palo-meta/
- *      
- *  All these 3 directories will be cleared first.
- *  
- */
-public class MockedFrontend {
-    public static final String FE_PROCESS = "fe";
-    // the running dir of this mocked frontend.
-    // log/ palo-meta/ and conf/ dirs will be created under this dir.
-    private String runningDir;
-    // the min set of fe.conf.
-    private static final Map<String, String> MIN_FE_CONF;
-    private Map<String, String> finalFeConf;
-    static {
-        MIN_FE_CONF = Maps.newHashMap();
-        MIN_FE_CONF.put("sys_log_level", "INFO");
-        MIN_FE_CONF.put("http_port", "8030");
-        MIN_FE_CONF.put("rpc_port", "9020");
-        MIN_FE_CONF.put("query_port", "9030");
-        MIN_FE_CONF.put("edit_log_port", "9010");
-        MIN_FE_CONF.put("priority_networks", "");
-        MIN_FE_CONF.put("sys_log_verbose_modules", "org");
-    }
-    private static class SingletonHolder {
-        private static final MockedFrontend INSTANCE = new MockedFrontend();
-    }
-    public static MockedFrontend getInstance() {
-        return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
-    }
-    public int getRpcPort() {
-        return Integer.valueOf(finalFeConf.get("rpc_port"));
-    }
-    private boolean isInit = false;
-    // init the fe process. This must be called before starting the frontend process.
-    // 1. check if all neccessary environment variables are set.
-    // 2. clear and create 3 dirs: runningDir/log/, runningDir/palo-meta/, runningDir/conf/
-    // 3. init fe.conf
-    //      The content of "fe.conf" is a merge set of input `feConf` and MIN_FE_CONF
-    public void init(String runningDir, Map<String, String> feConf) throws EnvVarNotSetException, IOException {
-        if (isInit) {
-            return;
-        }
-        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(runningDir)) {
-            System.err.println("running dir is not set for mocked frontend");
-            throw new EnvVarNotSetException("running dir is not set for mocked frontend");
-        }
-        this.runningDir = runningDir;
-        System.out.println("mocked frontend running in dir: " + this.runningDir);
-        // root running dir
-        createAndClearDir(this.runningDir);
-        // clear and create log dir
-        createAndClearDir(runningDir + "/log/");
-        // clear and create meta dir
-        createAndClearDir(runningDir + "/palo-meta/");
-        // clear and create conf dir
-        createAndClearDir(runningDir + "/conf/");
-        // init fe.conf
-        initFeConf(runningDir + "/conf/", feConf);
-        isInit = true;
-    }
-    private void initFeConf(String confDir, Map<String, String> feConf) throws IOException {
-        finalFeConf = Maps.newHashMap(MIN_FE_CONF);
-        // these 2 configs depends on running dir, so set them here.
-        finalFeConf.put("LOG_DIR", this.runningDir + "/log");
-        finalFeConf.put("meta_dir", this.runningDir + "/palo-meta");
-        finalFeConf.put("sys_log_dir", this.runningDir + "/log");
-        finalFeConf.put("audit_log_dir", this.runningDir + "/log");
-        finalFeConf.put("tmp_dir", this.runningDir + "/temp_dir");
-        // use custom config to add or override default config
-        finalFeConf.putAll(feConf);
-        PrintableMap<String, String> map = new PrintableMap<>(finalFeConf, "=", false, true, "");
-        File confFile = new File(confDir + "fe.conf");
-        if (!confFile.exists()) {
-            confFile.createNewFile();
-        }
-        PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(confFile);
-        try {
-            printWriter.print(map.toString());
-            printWriter.flush();
-        } finally {
-            printWriter.close();
-        }
-    }
-    // clear the specified dir, and create a empty one
-    private void createAndClearDir(String dir) throws IOException {
-        File localDir = new File(dir);
-        if (!localDir.exists()) {
-            localDir.mkdirs();
-        } else {
-            Files.walk(Paths.get(dir)).sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()).map(Path::toFile).forEach(File::delete);
-            if (!localDir.exists()) {
-                localDir.mkdirs();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public String getRunningDir() {
-        return runningDir;
-    }
-    private static class FERunnable implements Runnable {
-        private MockedFrontend frontend;
-        private String[] args;
-        public FERunnable(MockedFrontend frontend, String[] args) {
-            this.frontend = frontend;
-            this.args = args;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void run() {
-            PaloFe.start(frontend.getRunningDir(), frontend.getRunningDir(), args);
-        }
-    }
-    // must call init() before start.
-    public void start(String[] args) throws FeStartException, NotInitException {
-        if (!isInit) {
-            throw new NotInitException("fe process is not initialized");
-        }
-        Thread feThread = new Thread(new FERunnable(this, args), FE_PROCESS);
-        feThread.start();
-        // wait the catalog to be ready until timeout (30 seconds)
-        waitForCatalogReady(120 * 1000);
-        System.out.println("Fe process is started");
-    }
-    private void waitForCatalogReady(long timeoutMs) throws FeStartException {
-        long left = timeoutMs;
-        while (!Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().isReady() && left > 0) {
-            System.out.println("catalog is not ready");
-            try {
-                Thread.sleep(5000);
-            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            left -= 5000;
-        }
-        if (left <= 0 && !Catalog.getCurrentCatalog().isReady()) {
-            throw new FeStartException("fe start failed");
-        }
-    }
-    public static class FeStartException extends Exception {
-        public FeStartException(String msg) {
-            super(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    public static class EnvVarNotSetException extends Exception {
-        public EnvVarNotSetException(String msg) {
-            super(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    public static class NotInitException extends Exception {
-        public NotInitException(String msg) {
-            super(msg);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/UtFrameUtils.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/UtFrameUtils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f5ed06..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/utframe/UtFrameUtils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.utframe;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.Analyzer;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlParser;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.SqlScanner;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.StatementBase;
-import org.apache.doris.analysis.UserIdentity;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.Catalog;
-import org.apache.doris.catalog.DiskInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Config;
-import org.apache.doris.common.DdlException;
-import org.apache.doris.common.util.SqlParserUtils;
-import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PaloAuth;
-import org.apache.doris.planner.Planner;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.QueryState;
-import org.apache.doris.qe.StmtExecutor;
-import org.apache.doris.system.Backend;
-import org.apache.doris.system.SystemInfoService;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TExplainLevel;
-import org.apache.doris.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedBackendFactory.DefaultBeThriftServiceImpl;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedBackendFactory.DefaultHeartbeatServiceImpl;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedBackendFactory.DefaultPBackendServiceImpl;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.EnvVarNotSetException;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.FeStartException;
-import org.apache.doris.utframe.MockedFrontend.NotInitException;
-import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
-import com.google.common.base.Strings;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.net.ServerSocket;
-import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class UtFrameUtils {
-    // Help to create a mocked ConnectContext.
-    public static ConnectContext createDefaultCtx() throws IOException {
-        SocketChannel channel = SocketChannel.open();
-        ConnectContext ctx = new ConnectContext(channel);
-        ctx.setCluster(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        ctx.setCurrentUserIdentity(UserIdentity.ROOT);
-        ctx.setQualifiedUser(PaloAuth.ROOT_USER);
-        ctx.setRemoteIP("");
-        ctx.setCatalog(Catalog.getCurrentCatalog());
-        ctx.setThreadLocalInfo();
-        return ctx;
-    }
-    // Parse an origin stmt and analyze it. Return a StatementBase instance.
-    public static StatementBase parseAndAnalyzeStmt(String originStmt, ConnectContext ctx)
-            throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("begin to parse stmt: " + originStmt);
-        SqlScanner input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(originStmt), ctx.getSessionVariable().getSqlMode());
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx);
-        StatementBase statementBase = null;
-        try {
-            statementBase = SqlParserUtils.getFirstStmt(parser);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            String errorMessage = parser.getErrorMsg(originStmt);
-            System.err.println("parse failed: " + errorMessage);
-            if (errorMessage == null) {
-                throw e;
-            } else {
-                throw new AnalysisException(errorMessage, e);
-            }
-        }
-        statementBase.analyze(analyzer);
-        return statementBase;
-    }
-    // for analyzing multi statements
-    public static List<StatementBase> parseAndAnalyzeStmts(String originStmt, ConnectContext ctx) throws Exception {
-        System.out.println("begin to parse stmts: " + originStmt);
-        SqlScanner input = new SqlScanner(new StringReader(originStmt), ctx.getSessionVariable().getSqlMode());
-        SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(input);
-        Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(ctx.getCatalog(), ctx);
-        List<StatementBase> statementBases = null;
-        try {
-            statementBases = SqlParserUtils.getMultiStmts(parser);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-            String errorMessage = parser.getErrorMsg(originStmt);
-            System.err.println("parse failed: " + errorMessage);
-            if (errorMessage == null) {
-                throw e;
-            } else {
-                throw new AnalysisException(errorMessage, e);
-            }
-        }
-        for (StatementBase stmt : statementBases) {
-            stmt.analyze(analyzer);
-        }
-        return statementBases;
-    }
-    public static int startFEServer(String runningDir) throws EnvVarNotSetException, IOException,
-            FeStartException, NotInitException, DdlException, InterruptedException {
-        // get DORIS_HOME
-        String dorisHome = System.getenv("DORIS_HOME");
-        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(dorisHome)) {
-            dorisHome = Files.createTempDirectory("DORIS_HOME").toAbsolutePath().toString();
-        }
-        Config.plugin_dir = dorisHome + "/plugins";
-        int fe_http_port = findValidPort();
-        int fe_rpc_port = findValidPort();
-        int fe_query_port = findValidPort();
-        int fe_edit_log_port = findValidPort();
-        // start fe in "DORIS_HOME/fe/mocked/"
-        MockedFrontend frontend = MockedFrontend.getInstance();
-        Map<String, String> feConfMap = Maps.newHashMap();
-        // set additional fe config
-        feConfMap.put("http_port", String.valueOf(fe_http_port));
-        feConfMap.put("rpc_port", String.valueOf(fe_rpc_port));
-        feConfMap.put("query_port", String.valueOf(fe_query_port));
-        feConfMap.put("edit_log_port", String.valueOf(fe_edit_log_port));
-        feConfMap.put("tablet_create_timeout_second", "10");
-        frontend.init(dorisHome + "/" + runningDir, feConfMap);
-        frontend.start(new String[0]);
-        return fe_rpc_port;
-    }
-    public static void createMinDorisCluster(String runningDir) throws EnvVarNotSetException, IOException,
-            FeStartException, NotInitException, DdlException, InterruptedException {
-        int fe_rpc_port = startFEServer(runningDir);
-        int be_heartbeat_port = findValidPort();
-        int be_thrift_port = findValidPort();
-        int be_brpc_port = findValidPort();
-        int be_http_port = findValidPort();
-        // start be
-        MockedBackend backend = MockedBackendFactory.createBackend("",
-                be_heartbeat_port, be_thrift_port, be_brpc_port, be_http_port,
-                new DefaultHeartbeatServiceImpl(be_thrift_port, be_http_port, be_brpc_port),
-                new DefaultBeThriftServiceImpl(), new DefaultPBackendServiceImpl());
-        backend.setFeAddress(new TNetworkAddress("", fe_rpc_port));
-        backend.start();
-        // add be
-        Backend be = new Backend(10001, backend.getHost(), backend.getHeartbeatPort());
-        Map<String, DiskInfo> disks = Maps.newHashMap();
-        DiskInfo diskInfo1 = new DiskInfo("/path1");
-        diskInfo1.setTotalCapacityB(1000000);
-        diskInfo1.setAvailableCapacityB(500000);
-        diskInfo1.setDataUsedCapacityB(480000);
-        disks.put(diskInfo1.getRootPath(), diskInfo1);
-        be.setDisks(ImmutableMap.copyOf(disks));
-        be.setAlive(true);
-        be.setOwnerClusterName(SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER);
-        Catalog.getCurrentSystemInfo().addBackend(be);
-        // sleep to wait first heartbeat
-        Thread.sleep(6000);
-    }
-    public static void cleanDorisFeDir(String baseDir) {
-        try {
-            FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(baseDir));
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-        }
-    }
-    public static int findValidPort() {
-        ServerSocket socket = null;
-        try {
-            socket = new ServerSocket(0);
-            socket.setReuseAddress(true);
-            return socket.getLocalPort();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find a free TCP/IP port to start HTTP Server on");
-        } finally {
-            if (socket != null) {
-                try {
-                    socket.close();
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public static String getSQLPlanOrErrorMsg(ConnectContext ctx, String queryStr) throws Exception {
-        ctx.getState().reset();
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, queryStr);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        if (ctx.getState().getStateType() != QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR) {
-            Planner planner = stmtExecutor.planner();
-            return planner.getExplainString(planner.getFragments(), TExplainLevel.NORMAL);
-        } else {
-            return ctx.getState().getErrorMessage();
-        }
-    }
-    public static Planner getSQLPlanner(ConnectContext ctx, String queryStr) throws Exception {
-        ctx.getState().reset();
-        StmtExecutor stmtExecutor = new StmtExecutor(ctx, queryStr);
-        stmtExecutor.execute();
-        if (ctx.getState().getStateType() != QueryState.MysqlStateType.ERR) {
-            return stmtExecutor.planner();
-        } else {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/plugin/PluginTest.java b/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/plugin/PluginTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f332a4b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/java/plugin/PluginTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package plugin;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.Plugin;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.PluginContext;
-import org.apache.doris.plugin.PluginInfo;
-public class PluginTest extends Plugin {
-    private Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
-    @Override
-    public void init(PluginInfo info, PluginContext ctx) {
-        System.out.println("this is init");
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void close() throws IOException {
-        super.close();
-        System.out.println("this is close");
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int flags() {
-        return 2;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void setVariable(String key, String value) {
-        map.put(key, value);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Map<String, String> variable() {
-        return map;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Map<String, String> status() {
-        return new HashMap<>();
-    }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/es7_mappings.json b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/es7_mappings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cf44130..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/es7_mappings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-  "indexa_2020.05.02": {
-    "mappings": {
-      "dynamic": "strict",
-      "properties": {
-        "time": {
-          "type": "long"
-        },
-        "type": {
-          "type": "keyword"
-        },
-        "userId": {
-          "type": "text",
-          "fields": {
-            "keyword": {
-              "type": "keyword"
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/mappings.json b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/mappings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c3f233..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/mappings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-  "indexa_2020.05.02": {
-    "mappings": {
-      "doc": {
-        "dynamic": "strict",
-        "properties": {
-          "time": {
-            "type": "long"
-          },
-          "type": {
-            "type": "keyword"
-          },
-          "userId": {
-            "type": "text",
-            "fields": {
-              "keyword": {
-                "type": "keyword"
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping.json b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 297a7fb..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-  "test": {
-    "mappings": {
-      "doc": {
-        "properties": {
-          "k1": {
-            "type": "long"
-          },
-          "k2": {
-            "type": "keyword"
-          },
-          "k3": {
-            "type": "text",
-            "fields": {
-              "keyword": {
-                "type": "keyword"
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping_after_7x.json b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping_after_7x.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d018360..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping_after_7x.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-  "test": {
-    "mappings": {
-      "properties": {
-        "k1": {
-          "type": "long"
-        },
-        "k2": {
-          "type": "keyword"
-        },
-        "k3": {
-          "type": "text",
-          "fields": {
-            "keyword": {
-              "type": "keyword"
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping_field_mult_analyzer.json b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping_field_mult_analyzer.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a002bd..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_index_mapping_field_mult_analyzer.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-  "test": {
-    "mappings": {
-      "properties": {
-        "k1": {
-          "type": "long"
-        },
-        "k2": {
-          "type": "keyword"
-        },
-        "k3": {
-          "type": "text",
-          "fields": {
-            "ik": {
-              "type": "text",
-              "analyzer": "ik_max_word"
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_main_info.json b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_main_info.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b2cdcd..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_main_info.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "cQ1QWte",
-  "cluster_name": "elasticsearch",
-  "cluster_uuid": "zukrJSFzR8ef9oyKrG4wSQ",
-  "version": {
-    "number": "6.5.3",
-    "baidu_version": "",
-    "build_flavor": "default",
-    "build_type": "tar",
-    "build_hash": "5b5392ebacfbc1861405ecfc157cd687c647cb90",
-    "build_date": "06/10/2020 14:49:52:052 CST",
-    "build_snapshot": false,
-    "lucene_version": "7.5.0",
-    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version": "5.6.0",
-    "minimum_index_compatibility_version": "5.0.0"
-  },
-  "tagline": "You Know, for Search"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_nodes_http.json b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_nodes_http.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cb95855..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_nodes_http.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-  "_nodes": {
-    "total": 1,
-    "successful": 1,
-    "failed": 0
-  },
-  "cluster_name": "elasticsearch",
-  "nodes": {
-    "node-A": {
-      "name": "node-A",
-      "transport_address": "",
-      "host": "",
-      "ip": "",
-      "version": "6.5.3",
-      "roles": [
-        "master",
-        "data",
-        "ingest"
-      ],
-      "http": {
-        "bound_address": [
-          ""
-        ],
-        "publish_address": "",
-        "max_content_length_in_bytes": 104857600
-      }
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_search_shards.json b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_search_shards.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aab079..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/es/test_search_shards.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-  "nodes": {
-    "node-A": {
-      "name": "node",
-      "ephemeral_id": "node-A",
-      "transport_address": "",
-      "attributes": {}
-    }
-  },
-  "indices": {
-    "doe": {}
-  },
-  "shards": [
-    [
-      {
-        "state": "STARTED",
-        "primary": true,
-        "node": "node-A",
-        "relocating_node": null,
-        "shard": 0,
-        "index": "doe",
-        "allocation_id": {
-          "id": "doe-0"
-        }
-      }
-    ],
-    [
-      {
-        "state": "STARTED",
-        "primary": true,
-        "node": "node-A",
-        "relocating_node": null,
-        "shard": 1,
-        "index": "doe",
-        "allocation_id": {
-          "id": "doe-1"
-        }
-      }
-    ],
-    [
-      {
-        "state": "STARTED",
-        "primary": true,
-        "node": "node-A",
-        "relocating_node": null,
-        "shard": 2,
-        "index": "doe",
-        "allocation_id": {
-          "id": "doe-2"
-        }
-      }
-    ],
-    [
-      {
-        "state": "STARTED",
-        "primary": true,
-        "node": "node-A",
-        "relocating_node": null,
-        "shard": 3,
-        "index": "doe",
-        "allocation_id": {
-          "id": "doe-3"
-        }
-      }
-    ],
-    [
-      {
-        "state": "STARTED",
-        "primary": true,
-        "node": "node-A",
-        "relocating_node": null,
-        "shard": 4,
-        "index": "doe",
-        "allocation_id": {
-          "id": "doe-4"
-        }
-      }
-    ]
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/help/Admin/Select/help.md b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/help/Admin/Select/help.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6573a3b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/help/Admin/Select/help.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-## keyword
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/help/Admin/Show/help.md b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/help/Admin/Show/help.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b6c32..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/help/Admin/Show/help.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-## keyword
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/helpCategoryNormal.md b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/helpCategoryNormal.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 24c21d6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/helpCategoryNormal.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Geographic
-# Polygon properties
-## parent
-Geographic Features
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/helpTopicNormal.md b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/helpTopicNormal.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f3bb4..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/helpTopicNormal.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-This is data for unit test
-# show tabLES
-## description
-show table in this
-## example
-show tables
-## url
-## keyword
-## category
-## description
-show table in this
-## keyword
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/net_snmp_normal b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/net_snmp_normal
deleted file mode 100644
index 989203a..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/net_snmp_normal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Ip: Forwarding DefaultTTL InReceives InHdrErrors InAddrErrors ForwDatagrams InUnknownProtos InDiscards InDelivers OutRequests OutDiscards OutNoRoutes ReasmTimeout ReasmReqds ReasmOKs ReasmFails FragOKs FragFails FragCreates
-Ip: 1 64 1049877820 0 0 0 0 0 1049877596 1052780427 0 1317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-Icmp: InMsgs InErrors InCsumErrors InDestUnreachs InTimeExcds InParmProbs InSrcQuenchs InRedirects InEchos InEchoReps InTimestamps InTimestampReps InAddrMasks InAddrMaskReps OutMsgs OutErrors OutDestUnreachs OutTimeExcds OutParmProbs OutSrcQuenchs OutRedirects OutEchos OutEchoReps OutTimestamps OutTimestampReps OutAddrMasks OutAddrMaskReps
-Icmp: 1142563 126992 0 198790 26 0 0 0 153700 790046 1 0 0 0 1174563 0 198734 0 0 0 0 822128 153700 0 1 0 0
-IcmpMsg: InType0 InType3 InType8 InType11 InType13 OutType0 OutType3 OutType8 OutType14
-IcmpMsg: 790046 198790 153700 26 1 153700 198734 822128 1
-Tcp: RtoAlgorithm RtoMin RtoMax MaxConn ActiveOpens PassiveOpens AttemptFails EstabResets CurrEstab InSegs OutSegs RetransSegs InErrs OutRsts InCsumErrors
-Tcp: 1 200 120000 -1 47884867 38628916 3356043 2323781 278 1034019111 1166716939 826271 12712 23260066 0
-Udp: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors InCsumErrors
-Udp: 14706122 9772 0 14917947 0 0 0
-UdpLite: InDatagrams NoPorts InErrors OutDatagrams RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors InCsumErrors
-UdpLite: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/qe/profile.dat b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/qe/profile.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index 35f249b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/qe/profile.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-REAL_ROOT:(Active: 3s0ms, % non-child: 33.33%)

-  key: value

-  A:(Active: 1s0ms, % non-child: 33.00%)

-    ASON:(Active: 10.0ms, % non-child: 0.33%)

-       - counterA2: 1.18 MB

-       - counterA1: 1

-         - counterA1Son: 3

-  B:(Active: 1s0ms, % non-child: 33.33%)

-    BInfo2: BValue2

-    BInfo1: BValue1

diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/binary function/help.md b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/binary function/help.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 287b71b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/binary function/help.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# add
-## description
-add function
-## keyword
-# minus
-## description
-minus function
-## keyword
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/bit function/help.md b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/bit function/help.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5efb7a6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/bit function/help.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# or
-## keyword
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/help.md b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/help.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d8b9b98..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/data/show_help/functions/help.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# help
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/log4j2.xml b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/log4j2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e0957b..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/log4j2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<Configuration status="WARN">
-    <Appenders>
-        <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
-            <PatternLayout pattern="%d{YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%t] %-5p %c{1}:%L - %msg%n" />
-        </Console>
-        <RollingFile name="RollingFile" filename="log/fe_test.log"
-            filepattern="${logPath}/%d{YYYYMMddHHmmss}-fargo.log">
-            <PatternLayout pattern="%d{YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%t] %-5p %c{1}:%L - %msg%n" />
-            <Policies>
-                <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="100 MB" />
-            </Policies>
-            <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="20" />
-        </RollingFile>
-    </Appenders>
-    <Loggers>
-        <Root level="info">
-            <AppenderRef ref="Console" />
-            <AppenderRef ref="RollingFile" />
-        </Root>
-    </Loggers>
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/auditdemo.zip b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/auditdemo.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c1c296..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/auditdemo.zip
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/plugin_test.jar b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/plugin_test.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index e5a311e..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/plugin_test.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/plugin.properties b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/plugin.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 7df12b6..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/plugin.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-### required:
-# the plugin name
-# the plugin type
-# simple summary of the plugin
-description=just for test
-# Doris's version, like: 0.11.0
-### FE-Plugin optional:
-# version of java the code is built against
-# use the command "java -version" value,  like 1.8.0, 9.0.1, 13.0.4
-# the name of the class to load, fully-qualified.
-### BE-Plugin optional:
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/test.zip b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/test.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 20a8891..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/test.zip
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/test.zip.md5 b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/test.zip.md5
deleted file mode 100644
index a997c03..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/source/test.zip.md5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-7529db41471ec72e165f96fe9fb92742  test.test.zip
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/test_local_plugin/auditdemo.jar b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/test_local_plugin/auditdemo.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b3ffa..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/test_local_plugin/auditdemo.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/test_local_plugin/plugin.properties b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/test_local_plugin/plugin.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index cb4d744..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/plugin_test/test_local_plugin/plugin.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-### required:
-# the plugin name
-# the plugin type
-# simple summary of the plugin
-description=just for test
-# Doris's version, like: 0.11.0
-### FE-Plugin optional:
-# version of java the code is built against
-# use the command "java -version" value,  like 1.8.0, 9.0.1, 13.0.4
-# the name of the class to load, fully-qualified.
-### BE-Plugin optional:
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/spark_launcher_monitor.log b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/spark_launcher_monitor.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b9e5df..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/spark_launcher_monitor.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
-WARN DependencyUtils: Skip remote jar hdfs://myhost:54310/user/etl/cluster_id/__spark_repository__test8/__archive_1.0.0/__lib_bea2ecd751343b3e1651556e85e98f89_spark-dpp-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar.
-INFO RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at myhost/
-INFO Client: Requesting a new application from cluster with 0 NodeManagers
-INFO Client: Verifying our application has not requested more than the maximum memory capability of the cluster (204800 MB per container)
-INFO Client: Will allocate AM container, with 1408 MB memory including 384 MB overhead
-INFO Client: Setting up container launch context for our AM
-INFO Client: Setting up the launch environment for our AM container
-INFO Client: Preparing resources for our AM container
-* 0 [521082][9458][src/wrapper/hdfs_filesystem_wrapper.cpp:204] connect to cluster: hdfs://myhost:54310
-* 0 [522398][9458][src/afs/afs.cpp:171] connect to afs cluster: hdfs://myhost:54310
-INFO Client: Source and destination file systems are the same. Not copying hdfs://myhost:54310/user/etl/cluster_id/__spark_repository__test8/__archive_1.0.0/__lib_4d29048a6e58c5dd21d9deb9589573be_spark-2x.zip
-INFO Client: Source and destination file systems are the same. Not copying hdfs://myhost:54310/user/etl/cluster_id/__spark_repository__test8/__archive_1.0.0/__lib_bea2ecd751343b3e1651556e85e98f89_spark-dpp-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
-* 0 [714727][9458][src/afs/dfs_client_impl.cpp:1759] fail to get path info, path:/user/etl/.sparkStaging/application_1573630236805_6864759/__dce_sessions__, ret:-10011
-INFO Client: Uploading resource file:/tmp/spark-7448982a-b4c2-4224-9f14-32b145deb920/__dce__2334649440686670150.zip -> hdfs://myhost:54310/user/etl/.sparkStaging/application_1573630236805_6864759/__dce__.zip
-* 0 [517842][9458][src/afs/dfs_client_impl.cpp:1759] fail to get path info, path:/user/etl/.sparkStagig/application_1573630236805_6864759/__dce__.zip, ret:-10011
-* 0 [522307][9458][src/afs/dfs_client_impl.cpp:477] Avg write speed: 170393
-INFO Client: Uploading resource file:/tmp/spark-7448982a-b4c2-4224-9f14-32b145deb920/__spark_conf__1476443680705568032.zip -> hdfs://myhost:54310/user/etl/.sparkStaging/application_1573630236805_6864759/__spark_conf__.zip
-* 0 [388983][9458][src/afs/dfs_client_impl.cpp:1759] fail to get path info, path:/user/etl/.sparkStaging/application_1573630236805_6864759/__spark_conf__.zip, ret:-10011
-INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: test,testugi
-INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to: test,testugi
-INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls groups to:
-INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls groups to:
-INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication disabled; ui acls disabled; users  with view permissions: Set(test, testugi); groups with view permissions: Set(); users  with modify permissions: Set(test, testugi); groups with modify permissions: Set()
-WARN Client: priority = 30
-INFO Client: Submitting application application_1573630236805_6864759 to ResourceManager
-INFO YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1573630236805_6864759
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client:
-client token: N/A
-diagnostics: N/A
-applicationMaster host: N/A
-applicationMaster RPC port: -1
-queue: spark-queue
-start time: 1597916263384
-final status: UNDEFINED
-tracking URL: http://myhost:8388/proxy/application_1573630236805_6864759/
-user: testugi
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: ACCEPTED)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client:
-client token: N/A
-diagnostics: N/A
-applicationMaster host: applicationMasterHost
-applicationMaster RPC port: 48297
-queue: spark-queue
-start time: 1597916263384
-final status: UNDEFINED
-tracking URL: http://myhost:8388/proxy/application_1573630236805_6864759/
-user: testugi
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: RUNNING)
-INFO Client: Application report for application_1573630236805_6864759 (state: FINISHED)
-INFO Client:
-client token: N/A
-diagnostics: N/A
-applicationMaster host: applicationMasterHost
-applicationMaster RPC port: 48297
-queue: spark-queue
-start time: 1597916263384
-final status: SUCCEEDED
-tracking URL: http://myhost:8388/proxy/application_1573630236805_6864759/A
-user: testugi
-* 0 [689781][9458][src/afs/dfs_client_impl.cpp:1473] fail to del, path:/user/etl/.sparkStaging/application_1573630236805_6864759, ret:-10011
-* 0 [689781][9458][src/afs/dfs_client_impl.cpp:1473] fail to del, path:/user/etl/.sparkStaging/application_1573630236805_6864759, ret:-10011
-WARN DFileSystem: Delete src not found! path: hdfs://myhost:54310/user/etl/.sparkStaging/application_1573630236805_6864759
-INFO ShutdownHookManager: Shutdown hook called
-INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory /tmp/spark-7448982a-b4c2-4224-9f14-32b145deb920
-INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory /tmp/spark-5c1c8a31-3db5-4042-925a-405509cd21da
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/test-help-resource-show-help.zip b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/test-help-resource-show-help.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dac062..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/test-help-resource-show-help.zip
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/test-help-resource.zip b/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/test-help-resource.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index c47e06d..0000000
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/test/resources/test-help-resource.zip
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/BitmapValueTest.java b/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/BitmapValueTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e90e885..0000000
--- a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/BitmapValueTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp.BitmapValue;
-import org.apache.doris.common.Codec;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-public class BitmapValueTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testVarint64IntEncode() throws IOException {
-        long[] sourceValue = {0, 1000, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE};
-        for (long value : sourceValue) {
-            ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-            DataOutput output = new DataOutputStream(byteArrayOutput);
-            Codec.encodeVarint64(value, output);
-            assertEquals(value, Codec.decodeVarint64(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArrayOutput.toByteArray()))));
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapTypeTransfer() {
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        bitmapValue.add(1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.add(2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.BITMAP_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.clear();
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapValueAdd() {
-        // test add int
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue1 = new BitmapValue();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-            bitmapValue1.add(i);
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue1.contains(i));
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue1.contains(11));
-        // test add long
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue2 = new BitmapValue();
-        for (long i = Long.MAX_VALUE; i > Long.MAX_VALUE - 10; i--) {
-            bitmapValue2.add(i);
-        }
-        for (long i = Long.MAX_VALUE; i > Long.MAX_VALUE - 10; i--) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue2.contains(i));
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue2.contains(0));
-        // test add int and long
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-            bitmapValue2.add(i);
-        }
-        for (long i = Long.MAX_VALUE; i > Long.MAX_VALUE - 10; i--) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue2.contains(i));
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue2.contains(i));
-        }
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue2.contains(100));
-        // test distinct
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue.add(1);
-        bitmapValue.add(1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.cardinality() == 1);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapValueAnd() {
-        // empty and empty
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue1 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue1_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue1.and(bitmapValue1_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue1.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue1.cardinality() == 0);
-        // empty and single value
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue2 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue2_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue2_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue2.and(bitmapValue2_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue2.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue2.cardinality() == 0);
-        // empty and bitmap
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue3 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue3_1 =new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue3_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue3_1.add(2);
-        bitmapValue3.and(bitmapValue3_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue2.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue3.cardinality() == 0);
-        // single value and empty
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue4 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue4.add(1);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue4_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue4.and(bitmapValue4_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue4.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue4.cardinality() == 0);
-        // single value and single value
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue5 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue5.add(1);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue5_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue5_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue5.and(bitmapValue5_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue5.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue5.contains(1));
-        bitmapValue5.clear();
-        bitmapValue5_1.clear();
-        bitmapValue5.add(1);
-        bitmapValue5_1.add(2);
-        bitmapValue5.and(bitmapValue5_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue5.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        // single value and bitmap
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue6 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue6.add(1);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue6_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue6_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue6_1.add(2);
-        bitmapValue6.and(bitmapValue6_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue6.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue6.clear();
-        bitmapValue6.add(3);
-        bitmapValue6.and(bitmapValue6_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue6.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        // bitmap and empty
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue7 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue7.add(1);
-        bitmapValue7.add(2);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue7_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue7.and(bitmapValue7_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue7.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        // bitmap and single value
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue8 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue8.add(1);
-        bitmapValue8.add(2);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue8_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue8_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue8.and(bitmapValue8_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue8.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue8.clear();
-        bitmapValue8.add(2);
-        bitmapValue8.add(3);
-        bitmapValue8.and(bitmapValue8_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue8.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        // bitmap and bitmap
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue9 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue9.add(1);
-        bitmapValue9.add(2);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue9_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue9_1.add(2);
-        bitmapValue9_1.add(3);
-        bitmapValue9.and(bitmapValue9_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue9.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue9.clear();
-        bitmapValue9.add(4);
-        bitmapValue9.add(5);
-        bitmapValue9.and(bitmapValue9_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue9.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        bitmapValue9.clear();
-        bitmapValue9.add(2);
-        bitmapValue9.add(3);
-        bitmapValue9.add(4);
-        bitmapValue9.and(bitmapValue9_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue9.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.BITMAP_VALUE);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue9.equals(bitmapValue9_1));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapValueOr() {
-        // empty or empty
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue1 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue1_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue1.or(bitmapValue1_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue1.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.EMPTY);
-        // empty or single value
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue2 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue2_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue2_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue2.or(bitmapValue2_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue2.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        // empty or bitmap
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue3 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue3_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue3_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue3_1.add(2);
-        bitmapValue3.or(bitmapValue3_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue3.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.BITMAP_VALUE);
-        // single or and empty
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue4 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue4_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue4.add(1);
-        bitmapValue4.or(bitmapValue4_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue4.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        // single or and single value
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue5 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue5_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue5.add(1);
-        bitmapValue5_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue5.or(bitmapValue5_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue5.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.SINGLE_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue5.clear();
-        bitmapValue5.add(2);
-        bitmapValue5.or(bitmapValue5_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue5.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.BITMAP_VALUE);
-        // single or and bitmap
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue6 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue6_1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue6.add(1);
-        bitmapValue6_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue6_1.add(2);
-        bitmapValue6.or(bitmapValue6_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue6.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.BITMAP_VALUE);
-        // bitmap or empty
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue7 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue7.add(1);
-        bitmapValue7.add(2);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue7_1 =new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue7.or(bitmapValue7_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue7.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.BITMAP_VALUE);
-        // bitmap or single value
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue8 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue8.add(1);
-        bitmapValue8.add(2);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue8_1 =new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue8_1.add(1);
-        bitmapValue8.or(bitmapValue8_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue8.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.BITMAP_VALUE);
-        // bitmap or bitmap
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue9 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue9.add(1);
-        bitmapValue9.add(2);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue9_1 =new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue9.or(bitmapValue9_1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue9.getBitmapType() == BitmapValue.BITMAP_VALUE);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testBitmapValueSerializeAndDeserialize() throws IOException {
-        // empty
-        BitmapValue serializeBitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        ByteArrayOutputStream emptyOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput output = new DataOutputStream(emptyOutputStream);
-        serializeBitmapValue.serialize(output);
-        DataInputStream emptyInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(emptyOutputStream.toByteArray()));
-        BitmapValue deserializeBitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        deserializeBitmapValue.deserialize(emptyInputStream);
-        Assert.assertTrue(serializeBitmapValue.equals(deserializeBitmapValue));
-        // single value
-        BitmapValue serializeSingleValueBitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        // unsigned 32-bit
-        long unsigned32bit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-        serializeSingleValueBitmapValue.add(unsigned32bit + 1);
-        ByteArrayOutputStream singleValueOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput singleValueOutput = new DataOutputStream(singleValueOutputStream);
-        serializeSingleValueBitmapValue.serialize(singleValueOutput);
-        DataInputStream singleValueInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(singleValueOutputStream.toByteArray()));
-        BitmapValue deserializeSingleValueBitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        deserializeSingleValueBitmapValue.deserialize(singleValueInputStream);
-        Assert.assertTrue(serializeSingleValueBitmapValue.equals(deserializeSingleValueBitmapValue));
-        // bitmap
-        // case 1 : 32-bit bitmap
-        BitmapValue serializeBitmapBitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-            serializeBitmapBitmapValue.add(i);
-        }
-        ByteArrayOutputStream bitmapOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput bitmapOutput = new DataOutputStream(bitmapOutputStream);
-        serializeBitmapBitmapValue.serialize(bitmapOutput);
-        DataInputStream bitmapInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bitmapOutputStream.toByteArray()));
-        BitmapValue deserializeBitmapBitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        deserializeBitmapBitmapValue.deserialize(bitmapInputStream);
-        Assert.assertTrue(serializeBitmapBitmapValue.equals(deserializeBitmapBitmapValue));
-        // bitmap
-        // case 2 : 64-bit bitmap
-        BitmapValue serializeBitmapBitmapValue64 = new BitmapValue();
-        for (long i = Long.MAX_VALUE; i > Long.MAX_VALUE - 10; i--) {
-            serializeBitmapBitmapValue64.add(i);
-        }
-        ByteArrayOutputStream bitmapOutputStream64 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput bitmapOutput64 = new DataOutputStream(bitmapOutputStream64);
-        serializeBitmapBitmapValue64.serialize(bitmapOutput64);
-        DataInputStream bitmapInputStream64 = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bitmapOutputStream64.toByteArray()));
-        BitmapValue deserializeBitmapBitmapValue64 = new BitmapValue();
-        deserializeBitmapBitmapValue64.deserialize(bitmapInputStream64);
-        Assert.assertTrue(serializeBitmapBitmapValue64.equals(deserializeBitmapBitmapValue64));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testIs32BitsEnough() {
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue.add(0);
-        bitmapValue.add(2);
-        bitmapValue.add(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-        // unsigned 32-bit
-        long unsigned32bit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-        bitmapValue.add(unsigned32bit + 1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.is32BitsEnough());
-        bitmapValue.add(Long.MAX_VALUE);
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue.is32BitsEnough());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCardinality() {
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.cardinality() == 0);
-        bitmapValue.add(0);
-        bitmapValue.add(0);
-        bitmapValue.add(-1);
-        bitmapValue.add(-1);
-        bitmapValue.add(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.add(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.add(-Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.add(-Integer.MAX_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.add(Long.MAX_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.add(Long.MAX_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.add(-Long.MAX_VALUE);
-        bitmapValue.add(-Long.MAX_VALUE);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.cardinality() == 6);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testContains() {
-        // empty
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue.contains(1));
-        // single value
-        bitmapValue.add(1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.contains(1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue.contains(2));
-        // bitmap
-        bitmapValue.add(2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.contains(1));
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.contains(2));
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue.contains(12));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testEqual() {
-        // empty == empty
-        BitmapValue emp1 = new BitmapValue();
-        BitmapValue emp2 = new BitmapValue();
-        Assert.assertTrue(emp1.equals(emp2));
-        // empty == single value
-        emp2.add(1);
-        Assert.assertFalse(emp1.equals(emp2));
-        // empty == bitmap
-        emp2.add(2);
-        Assert.assertFalse(emp1.equals(emp2));
-        // single value = empty
-        BitmapValue sgv = new BitmapValue();
-        sgv.add(1);
-        BitmapValue emp3 = new BitmapValue();
-        Assert.assertFalse(sgv.equals(emp3));
-        // single value = single value
-        BitmapValue sgv1 = new BitmapValue();
-        sgv1.add(1);
-        BitmapValue sgv2 = new BitmapValue();
-        sgv2.add(2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(sgv.equals(sgv1));
-        Assert.assertFalse(sgv.equals(sgv2));
-        // single value = bitmap
-        sgv2.add(3);
-        Assert.assertFalse(sgv.equals(sgv2));
-        // bitmap == empty
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue.add(1);
-        bitmapValue.add(2);
-        BitmapValue emp4 = new BitmapValue();
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue.equals(emp4));
-        // bitmap == singlevalue
-        BitmapValue sgv3 = new BitmapValue();
-        sgv3.add(1);
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue.equals(sgv3));
-        // bitmap == bitmap
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue1 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue1.add(1);
-        BitmapValue bitmapValue2 = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmapValue2.add(1);
-        bitmapValue2.add(2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmapValue.equals(bitmapValue2));
-        Assert.assertFalse(bitmapValue.equals(bitmapValue1));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testToString() {
-        BitmapValue empty = new BitmapValue();
-        Assert.assertTrue(empty.toString().equals("{}"));
-        BitmapValue singleValue = new BitmapValue();
-        singleValue.add(1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(singleValue.toString().equals("{1}"));
-        BitmapValue bitmap = new BitmapValue();
-        bitmap.add(1);
-        bitmap.add(2);
-        Assert.assertTrue(bitmap.toString().equals("{1,2}"));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/ColumnParserTest.java b/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/ColumnParserTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb4122..0000000
--- a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/ColumnParserTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class ColumnParserTest {
-    // TODO(wb) try to keep ut consistent with be's ut
-    @Test
-    public void testBoundCheck() {
-        // tinyint
-        TinyIntParser tinyIntParser = new TinyIntParser();
-        // 1 normal
-        String tinyint = "100";
-        Assert.assertTrue(tinyIntParser.parse(tinyint));
-        // 2 upper
-        String tinyintUpper = "128";
-        Assert.assertFalse(tinyIntParser.parse(tinyintUpper));
-        // 3 lower
-        String tinyintLower = "-129";
-        Assert.assertFalse(tinyIntParser.parse(tinyintLower));
-        // smallint
-        SmallIntParser smallIntParser = new SmallIntParser();
-        // 1 normal
-        String smallint = "100";
-        Assert.assertTrue(smallIntParser.parse(smallint));
-        // 2 upper
-        String smallintUpper = "32768";
-        Assert.assertFalse(smallIntParser.parse(smallintUpper));
-        // 3 lower
-        String smallintLower = "-32769";
-        Assert.assertFalse(smallIntParser.parse(smallintLower));
-        // int
-        IntParser intParser = new IntParser();
-        // 1 normal
-        String intValue = "100";
-        Assert.assertTrue(intParser.parse(intValue));
-        // 2 upper
-        String intUpper = "2147483648";
-        Assert.assertFalse(intParser.parse(intUpper));
-        // 3 lower
-        String intLower = "-2147483649";
-        Assert.assertFalse(intParser.parse(intLower));
-        // bigint
-        BigIntParser bigIntParser = new BigIntParser();
-        // 1 normal
-        String bigint = "100";
-        Assert.assertTrue(bigIntParser.parse(bigint));
-        // 2 upper
-        String bigintUpper = "9223372036854775808";
-        Assert.assertFalse(bigIntParser.parse(bigintUpper));
-        // 3 lower
-        String bigintLower = "-9223372036854775809";
-        Assert.assertFalse(bigIntParser.parse(bigintLower));
-        // largeint
-        LargeIntParser largeIntParser = new LargeIntParser();
-        // 1 normal
-        String largeint = "100";
-        Assert.assertTrue(largeIntParser.parse(largeint));
-        // 2 upper
-        String largeintUpper = "170141183460469231731687303715884105728";
-        Assert.assertFalse(largeIntParser.parse(largeintUpper));
-        // 3 lower
-        String largeintLower = "-170141183460469231731687303715884105729";
-        Assert.assertFalse(largeIntParser.parse(largeintLower));
-        // float
-        FloatParser floatParser = new FloatParser();
-        // normal
-        String floatValue = "1.1";
-        Assert.assertTrue(floatParser.parse(floatValue));
-        // inf
-        String inf = "Infinity";
-        Assert.assertFalse(floatParser.parse(inf));
-        // nan
-        String nan = "NaN";
-        // failed
-        Assert.assertFalse(floatParser.parse(nan));
-        // double
-        DoubleParser doubleParser = new DoubleParser();
-        // normal
-        Assert.assertTrue(doubleParser.parse(floatValue));
-        // inf
-        Assert.assertFalse(doubleParser.parse(inf));
-        // nan
-        Assert.assertFalse(doubleParser.parse(nan));
-        // decimal
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn etlColumn = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn();
-        etlColumn.precision = 5;
-        etlColumn.scale = 3;
-        DecimalParser decimalParser = new DecimalParser(etlColumn);
-        // normal
-        String decimalValue = "10.333";
-        Assert.assertTrue(decimalParser.parse(decimalValue));
-        // overflow
-        String decimalOverflow = "1000.3333333333";
-        Assert.assertFalse(decimalParser.parse(decimalOverflow));
-        // string
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn stringColumn = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn();
-        stringColumn.stringLength = 3;
-        StringParser stringParser = new StringParser(stringColumn);
-        // normal
-        String stringnormal = "a";
-        Assert.assertTrue(stringParser.parse(stringnormal));
-        // overflow
-        String stringoverflow = "中文";
-        Assert.assertFalse(stringParser.parse(stringoverflow));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/DorisRangePartitionerTest.java b/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/DorisRangePartitionerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 37addb7..0000000
--- a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/DorisRangePartitionerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp.DorisRangePartitioner;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mock;
-import mockit.MockUp;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class DorisRangePartitionerTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testRangePartitioner() {
-        List<Object> startKeys = new ArrayList<>();
-        startKeys.add(new Integer(0));
-        List<Object> endKeys = new ArrayList<>();
-        endKeys.add(new Integer(100));
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition partition1 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition(
-                10000, startKeys, endKeys, false, 3);
-        List<Object> startKeys2 = new ArrayList<>();
-        startKeys2.add(new Integer(100));
-        List<Object> endKeys2 = new ArrayList<>();
-        endKeys2.add(new Integer(200));
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition partition2 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition(
-                10001, startKeys2, endKeys2, false, 4);
-        List<Object> startKeys3 = new ArrayList<>();
-        startKeys3.add(new Integer(200));
-        List<Object> endKeys3 = new ArrayList<>();
-        endKeys3.add(new Integer(300));
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition partition3 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition(
-                10002, startKeys3, endKeys3, false, 5);
-        List<EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
-        partitions.add(partition1);
-        partitions.add(partition2);
-        partitions.add(partition3);
-        List<String> partitionColumns = new ArrayList<>();
-        partitionColumns.add("id");
-        List<String> bucketColumns = new ArrayList<>();
-        bucketColumns.add("key");
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlPartitionInfo partitionInfo = new EtlJobConfig.EtlPartitionInfo(
-                "RANGE", partitionColumns, bucketColumns, partitions);
-        List<DorisRangePartitioner.PartitionRangeKey> partitionRangeKeys = new ArrayList<>();
-        for (EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition partition : partitions) {
-            DorisRangePartitioner.PartitionRangeKey partitionRangeKey = new DorisRangePartitioner.PartitionRangeKey();
-            partitionRangeKey.isMaxPartition = false;
-            partitionRangeKey.startKeys = new DppColumns(partition.startKeys);
-            partitionRangeKey.endKeys = new DppColumns(partition.endKeys);
-            partitionRangeKeys.add(partitionRangeKey);
-        }
-        List<Integer> partitionKeyIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
-        partitionKeyIndexes.add(0);
-        DorisRangePartitioner rangePartitioner = new DorisRangePartitioner(partitionInfo, partitionKeyIndexes, partitionRangeKeys);
-        int num = rangePartitioner.numPartitions();
-        Assert.assertEquals(3, num);
-        List<Object> fields1 = new ArrayList<>();
-        fields1.add(-100);
-        fields1.add("name");
-        DppColumns record1 = new DppColumns(fields1);
-        int id1 = rangePartitioner.getPartition(record1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(-1, id1);
-        List<Object> fields2 = new ArrayList<>();
-        fields2.add(10);
-        fields2.add("name");
-        DppColumns record2 = new DppColumns(fields2);
-        int id2 = rangePartitioner.getPartition(record2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, id2);
-        List<Object> fields3 = new ArrayList<>();
-        fields3.add(110);
-        fields3.add("name");
-        DppColumns record3 = new DppColumns(fields3);
-        int id3 = rangePartitioner.getPartition(record3);
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, id3);
-        List<Object> fields4 = new ArrayList<>();
-        fields4.add(210);
-        fields4.add("name");
-        DppColumns record4 = new DppColumns(fields4);
-        int id4 = rangePartitioner.getPartition(record4);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, id4);
-        List<Object> fields5 = new ArrayList<>();
-        fields5.add(310);
-        fields5.add("name");
-        DppColumns record5 = new DppColumns(fields5);
-        int id5 = rangePartitioner.getPartition(record5);
-        Assert.assertEquals(-1, id5);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnpartitionedPartitioner() {
-        List<String> partitionColumns = new ArrayList<>();
-        List<String> bucketColumns = new ArrayList<>();
-        bucketColumns.add("key");
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlPartitionInfo partitionInfo = new EtlJobConfig.EtlPartitionInfo(
-                "UNPARTITIONED", null, bucketColumns, null);
-        List<DorisRangePartitioner.PartitionRangeKey> partitionRangeKeys = new ArrayList<>();
-        List<Class> partitionSchema = new ArrayList<>();
-        partitionSchema.add(Integer.class);
-        List<Integer> partitionKeyIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
-        partitionKeyIndexes.add(0);
-        DorisRangePartitioner rangePartitioner = new DorisRangePartitioner(partitionInfo, partitionKeyIndexes, null);
-        int num = rangePartitioner.numPartitions();
-        Assert.assertEquals(1, num);
-        List<Object> fields = new ArrayList<>();
-        fields.add(100);
-        fields.add("name");
-        DppColumns record = new DppColumns(fields);
-        int id = rangePartitioner.getPartition(record);
-        Assert.assertEquals(0, id);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/DppUtilsTest.java b/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/DppUtilsTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4db033f..0000000
--- a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/DppUtilsTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp;
-import io.netty.handler.codec.dns.DefaultDnsPtrRecord;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType;
-import java.math.BigDecimal;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.lang.Exception;
-public class DppUtilsTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testGetClassFromDataType() {
-        DppUtils dppUtils = new DppUtils();
-        Class stringResult = dppUtils.getClassFromDataType(DataTypes.StringType);
-        Assert.assertEquals(String.class, stringResult);
-        Class booleanResult = dppUtils.getClassFromDataType(DataTypes.BooleanType);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.class, booleanResult);
-        Class shortResult = dppUtils.getClassFromDataType(DataTypes.ShortType);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Short.class, shortResult);
-        Class integerResult = dppUtils.getClassFromDataType(DataTypes.IntegerType);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Integer.class, integerResult);
-        Class longResult = dppUtils.getClassFromDataType(DataTypes.LongType);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Long.class, longResult);
-        Class floatResult = dppUtils.getClassFromDataType(DataTypes.FloatType);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Float.class, floatResult);
-        Class doubleResult = dppUtils.getClassFromDataType(DataTypes.DoubleType);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Double.class, doubleResult);
-        Class dateResult = dppUtils.getClassFromDataType(DataTypes.DateType);
-        Assert.assertEquals(Date.class, dateResult);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetClassFromColumn() {
-        DppUtils dppUtils = new DppUtils();
-        try {
-            EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn column = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn();
-            column.columnType = "CHAR";
-            Class charResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(String.class, charResult);
-            column.columnType = "HLL";
-            Class hllResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(String.class, hllResult);
-            column.columnType = "OBJECT";
-            Class objectResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(String.class, objectResult);
-            column.columnType = "BOOLEAN";
-            Class booleanResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Boolean.class, booleanResult);
-            column.columnType = "TINYINT";
-            Class tinyResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Short.class, tinyResult);
-            column.columnType = "SMALLINT";
-            Class smallResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Short.class, smallResult);
-            column.columnType = "INT";
-            Class integerResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Integer.class, integerResult);
-            column.columnType = "DATETIME";
-            Class datetimeResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(java.sql.Timestamp.class, datetimeResult);
-            column.columnType = "FLOAT";
-            Class floatResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Float.class, floatResult);
-            column.columnType = "DOUBLE";
-            Class doubleResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Double.class, doubleResult);
-            column.columnType = "DATE";
-            Class dateResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(Date.class, dateResult);
-            column.columnType = "DECIMALV2";
-            column.precision = 10;
-            column.scale = 2;
-            Class decimalResult = dppUtils.getClassFromColumn(column);
-            Assert.assertEquals(BigDecimal.valueOf(10, 2).getClass(), decimalResult);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertFalse(false);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetDataTypeFromColumn() {
-        DppUtils dppUtils = new DppUtils();
-        try {
-            EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn column = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn();
-            column.columnType = "VARCHAR";
-            DataType stringResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.StringType, stringResult);
-            column.columnType = "CHAR";
-            DataType charResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.StringType, charResult);
-            column.columnType = "HLL";
-            DataType hllResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.StringType, hllResult);
-            column.columnType = "OBJECT";
-            DataType objectResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.StringType, objectResult);
-            column.columnType = "BOOLEAN";
-            DataType booleanResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.StringType, booleanResult);
-            column.columnType = "TINYINT";
-            DataType tinyResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.ByteType, tinyResult);
-            column.columnType = "SMALLINT";
-            DataType smallResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.ShortType, smallResult);
-            column.columnType = "INT";
-            DataType integerResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.IntegerType, integerResult);
-            column.columnType = "BIGINT";
-            DataType longResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.LongType, longResult);
-            column.columnType = "DATETIME";
-            DataType datetimeResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.TimestampType, datetimeResult);
-            column.columnType = "FLOAT";
-            DataType floatResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.FloatType, floatResult);
-            column.columnType = "DOUBLE";
-            DataType doubleResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.DoubleType, doubleResult);
-            column.columnType = "DATE";
-            DataType dateResult = dppUtils.getDataTypeFromColumn(column, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(DataTypes.DateType, dateResult);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-    }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCreateDstTableSchema() {
-        DppUtils dppUtils = new DppUtils();
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn column1 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn(
-                "column1", "INT",
-                true, true,
-                "NONE", "0",
-                0, 0, 0);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn column2 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn(
-                "column2", "SMALLINT",
-                true, true,
-                "NONE", "0",
-                0, 0, 0);
-        List<EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn> columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        columns.add(column1);
-        columns.add(column2);
-        try {
-            StructType schema = dppUtils.createDstTableSchema(columns, false, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, schema.fieldNames().length);
-            Assert.assertEquals("column1", schema.fieldNames()[0]);
-            Assert.assertEquals("column2", schema.fieldNames()[1]);
-            StructType schema2 = dppUtils.createDstTableSchema(columns, true, false);
-            Assert.assertEquals(3, schema2.fieldNames().length);
-            Assert.assertEquals("__bucketId__", schema2.fieldNames()[0]);
-            Assert.assertEquals("column1", schema2.fieldNames()[1]);
-            Assert.assertEquals("column2", schema2.fieldNames()[2]);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testParseColumnsFromPath() {
-        DppUtils dppUtils = new DppUtils();
-        String path = "/path/to/file/city=beijing/date=2020-04-10/data";
-        List<String> columnFromPaths = new ArrayList<>();
-        columnFromPaths.add("city");
-        columnFromPaths.add("date");
-        try {
-            List<String> columnFromPathValues = dppUtils.parseColumnsFromPath(path, columnFromPaths);
-            Assert.assertEquals(2, columnFromPathValues.size());
-            Assert.assertEquals("beijing", columnFromPathValues.get(0));
-            Assert.assertEquals("2020-04-10", columnFromPathValues.get(1));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(false);
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/HllTest.java b/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/HllTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c742c9..0000000
--- a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/HllTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp.Hll;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.DataInputStream;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class HllTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testFindFirstNonZeroBitPosition() {
-        Assert.assertTrue(Hll.getLongTailZeroNum(0) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Hll.getLongTailZeroNum(1) == 0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Hll.getLongTailZeroNum(1l << 30) == 30);
-        Assert.assertTrue(Hll.getLongTailZeroNum(1l << 62) == 62);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void HllBasicTest() throws IOException {
-        // test empty
-        Hll emptyHll = new Hll();
-        Assert.assertTrue(emptyHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_EMPTY);
-        Assert.assertTrue(emptyHll.estimateCardinality() == 0);
-        ByteArrayOutputStream emptyOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput output = new DataOutputStream(emptyOutputStream);
-        emptyHll.serialize(output);
-        DataInputStream emptyInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(emptyOutputStream.toByteArray()));
-        Hll deserializedEmptyHll = new Hll();
-        deserializedEmptyHll.deserialize(emptyInputStream);
-        Assert.assertTrue(deserializedEmptyHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_EMPTY);
-        // test explicit
-        Hll explicitHll = new Hll();
-        for (int i = 0; i < Hll.HLL_EXPLICLIT_INT64_NUM; i++) {
-            explicitHll.updateWithHash(i);
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(explicitHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_EXPLICIT);
-        Assert.assertTrue(explicitHll.estimateCardinality() == Hll.HLL_EXPLICLIT_INT64_NUM);
-        ByteArrayOutputStream explicitOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput explicitOutput = new DataOutputStream(explicitOutputStream);
-        explicitHll.serialize(explicitOutput);
-        DataInputStream explicitInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(explicitOutputStream.toByteArray()));
-        Hll deserializedExplicitHll = new Hll();
-        deserializedExplicitHll.deserialize(explicitInputStream);
-        Assert.assertTrue(deserializedExplicitHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_EXPLICIT);
-        // test sparse
-        Hll sparseHll = new Hll();
-        for (int i = 0; i < Hll.HLL_SPARSE_THRESHOLD; i++) {
-            sparseHll.updateWithHash(i);
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(sparseHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_FULL);
-        // 2% error rate
-        Assert.assertTrue(sparseHll.estimateCardinality() > Hll.HLL_SPARSE_THRESHOLD * (1 - 0.02) &&
-                sparseHll.estimateCardinality() < Hll.HLL_SPARSE_THRESHOLD * (1 + 0.02));
-        ByteArrayOutputStream sparseOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput sparseOutput = new DataOutputStream(sparseOutputStream);
-        sparseHll.serialize(sparseOutput);
-        DataInputStream sparseInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(sparseOutputStream.toByteArray()));
-        Hll deserializedSparseHll = new Hll();
-        deserializedSparseHll.deserialize(sparseInputStream);
-        Assert.assertTrue(deserializedSparseHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_SPARSE);
-        Assert.assertTrue(sparseHll.estimateCardinality() == deserializedSparseHll.estimateCardinality());
-        // test full
-        Hll fullHll = new Hll();
-        for (int i = 1; i <= Short.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
-            fullHll.updateWithHash(i);
-        }
-        Assert.assertTrue(fullHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_FULL);
-        // the result 32748 is consistent with C++ 's implementation
-        Assert.assertTrue(fullHll.estimateCardinality() == 32748);
-        Assert.assertTrue(fullHll.estimateCardinality() > Short.MAX_VALUE * (1 - 0.02) &&
-                fullHll.estimateCardinality() < Short.MAX_VALUE * (1 + 0.02));
-        ByteArrayOutputStream fullHllOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput fullHllOutput = new DataOutputStream(fullHllOutputStream);
-        fullHll.serialize(fullHllOutput);
-        DataInputStream fullHllInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(fullHllOutputStream.toByteArray()));
-        Hll deserializedFullHll = new Hll();
-        deserializedFullHll.deserialize(fullHllInputStream);
-        Assert.assertTrue(deserializedFullHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_FULL);
-        Assert.assertTrue(deserializedFullHll.estimateCardinality() == fullHll.estimateCardinality());
-    }
-    // keep logic same with C++ version
-    // add additional compare logic with C++ version's estimateValue
-    @Test
-    public void testCompareEstimateValueWithBe() throws IOException {
-        //empty
-        {
-            Hll hll = new Hll();
-            long estimateValue = hll.estimateCardinality();
-            byte[] serializedByte = serializeHll(hll);
-            hll = deserializeHll(serializedByte);
-            Assert.assertTrue(estimateValue == hll.estimateCardinality());
-        }
-        // explicit [0. 100)
-        Hll explicitHll = new Hll();
-        {
-            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-                explicitHll.updateWithHash(i);
-            }
-            Assert.assertTrue(explicitHll.estimateCardinality() == 100);
-            // check serialize
-            byte[] serializeHll = serializeHll(explicitHll);
-            explicitHll = deserializeHll(serializeHll);
-            Assert.assertTrue(explicitHll.estimateCardinality() == 100);
-            Hll otherHll = new Hll();
-            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-                otherHll.updateWithHash(i);
-            }
-            explicitHll.merge(otherHll);
-            // compare with C++ version result
-            Assert.assertTrue(explicitHll.estimateCardinality() == 100);
-        }
-        // sparse [1024, 2048)
-        Hll sparseHll = new Hll();
-        {
-            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
-                sparseHll.updateWithHash(i + 1024);
-            }
-            long preValue = sparseHll.estimateCardinality();
-            // check serialize
-            byte[] serializedHll = serializeHll(sparseHll);
-            Assert.assertTrue(serializedHll.length < Hll.HLL_REGISTERS_COUNT + 1);
-            sparseHll = deserializeHll(serializedHll);
-            Assert.assertTrue(sparseHll.estimateCardinality() == preValue);
-            Assert.assertTrue(sparseHll.getType() == Hll.HLL_DATA_SPARSE);
-            Hll otherHll = new Hll();
-            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
-                otherHll.updateWithHash(i + 1024);
-            }
-            sparseHll.updateWithHash(1024);
-            sparseHll.merge(otherHll);
-            long cardinality = sparseHll.estimateCardinality();
-            Assert.assertTrue(preValue == cardinality);
-            // 2% error rate
-            Assert.assertTrue(cardinality > 1000 && cardinality < 1045);
-            // compare with C++ version result
-            Assert.assertTrue(cardinality == 1023);
-        }
-        // full [64 * 1024, 128 * 1024)
-        Hll fullHll = new Hll();
-        {
-            for (int i = 0; i < 64 * 1024; i++) {
-                fullHll.updateWithHash(64 * 1024 + i);
-            }
-            long preValue = fullHll.estimateCardinality();
-            // check serialize
-            byte[] serializedHll = serializeHll(fullHll);
-            fullHll = deserializeHll(serializedHll);
-            Assert.assertTrue(fullHll.estimateCardinality() == preValue);
-            Assert.assertTrue(serializedHll.length == Hll.HLL_REGISTERS_COUNT + 1);
-            // 2% error rate
-            Assert.assertTrue(preValue > 62 * 1024 && preValue < 66 * 1024);
-            // compare with C++ version result
-            Assert.assertTrue(preValue == 66112);
-        }
-        // merge explicit to empty_hll
-        {
-            Hll newExplicit = new Hll();
-            newExplicit.merge(explicitHll);
-            Assert.assertTrue(newExplicit.estimateCardinality() == 100);
-            // merge another explicit
-            {
-                Hll otherHll = new Hll();
-                for (int i = 100; i < 200; i++) {
-                    otherHll.updateWithHash(i);
-                }
-                // this is converted to full
-                otherHll.merge(newExplicit);
-                Assert.assertTrue(otherHll.estimateCardinality() > 190);
-                // compare with C++ version result
-                Assert.assertTrue(otherHll.estimateCardinality() == 201);
-            }
-            // merge full
-            {
-                newExplicit.merge(fullHll);
-                Assert.assertTrue(newExplicit.estimateCardinality() > fullHll.estimateCardinality());
-                // compare with C++ version result
-                Assert.assertTrue(newExplicit.estimateCardinality() == 66250);
-            }
-        }
-        // merge sparse into empty
-        {
-            Hll newSparseHll = new Hll();
-            newSparseHll.merge(sparseHll);
-            Assert.assertTrue(sparseHll.estimateCardinality() == newSparseHll.estimateCardinality());
-            // compare with C++ version result
-            Assert.assertTrue(newSparseHll.estimateCardinality() == 1023);
-            // merge explicit
-            newSparseHll.merge(explicitHll);
-            Assert.assertTrue(newSparseHll.estimateCardinality() > sparseHll.estimateCardinality());
-            // compare with C++ version result
-            Assert.assertTrue(newSparseHll.estimateCardinality() == 1123);
-            // merge full
-            newSparseHll.merge(fullHll);
-            Assert.assertTrue(newSparseHll.estimateCardinality() > fullHll.estimateCardinality());
-            // compare with C++ version result
-            Assert.assertTrue(newSparseHll.estimateCardinality() == 67316);
-        }
-    }
-    private byte[] serializeHll(Hll hll) throws IOException {
-        ByteArrayOutputStream fullHllOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        DataOutput fullHllOutput = new DataOutputStream(fullHllOutputStream);
-        hll.serialize(fullHllOutput);
-        return fullHllOutputStream.toByteArray();
-    }
-    private Hll deserializeHll(byte[] hllBytes) throws IOException {
-        DataInputStream fullHllInputStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(hllBytes));
-        Hll hll = new Hll();
-        hll.deserialize(fullHllInputStream);
-        return hll;
-    }
diff --git a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/MinimumCoverageRollupTreeBuilderTest.java b/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/MinimumCoverageRollupTreeBuilderTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e0e93e..0000000
--- a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/MinimumCoverageRollupTreeBuilderTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp.MinimumCoverageRollupTreeBuilder;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp.RollupTreeNode;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class MinimumCoverageRollupTreeBuilderTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testBuild() {
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn column1 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn(
-                "column1", "INT",
-                true, true,
-                "NONE", "0",
-                0, 0, 0);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn column2 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn(
-                "column2", "SMALLINT",
-                true, true,
-                "NONE", "0",
-                0, 0, 0);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn column3 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn(
-                "column3", "VARCHAR",
-                true, true,
-                "NONE", "",
-                0, 0, 0);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn column4 = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn(
-                "column4", "INT",
-                true, false,
-                "SUM", "",
-                0, 0, 0);
-        List<EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn> baseColumns = new ArrayList<>();
-        baseColumns.add(column1);
-        baseColumns.add(column2);
-        baseColumns.add(column3);
-        baseColumns.add(column4);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex baseIndex = new EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex(10000,
-                baseColumns, 12345, "DUPLICATE", true);
-        List<EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn> roll1Columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        roll1Columns.add(column1);
-        roll1Columns.add(column2);
-        roll1Columns.add(column4);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex roll1Index = new EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex(10001,
-                roll1Columns, 12346, "AGGREGATE", false);
-        List<EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn> roll2Columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        roll2Columns.add(column1);
-        roll2Columns.add(column4);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex roll2Index = new EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex(10002,
-                roll2Columns, 12347, "AGGREGATE", false);
-        List<EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn> roll3Columns = new ArrayList<>();
-        roll3Columns.add(column3);
-        roll3Columns.add(column4);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex roll3Index = new EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex(10003,
-                roll3Columns, 12348, "AGGREGATE", false);
-        List<EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex> indexes = new ArrayList<>();
-        indexes.add(baseIndex);
-        indexes.add(roll1Index);
-        indexes.add(roll2Index);
-        indexes.add(roll3Index);
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlTable table = new EtlJobConfig.EtlTable(indexes, null);
-        MinimumCoverageRollupTreeBuilder builder = new MinimumCoverageRollupTreeBuilder();
-        RollupTreeNode resultNode = builder.build(table);
-        Assert.assertEquals(resultNode.parent, null);
-        Assert.assertEquals(resultNode.indexId, 10000);
-        Assert.assertEquals(resultNode.level, 0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(resultNode.children.size(), 2);
-        RollupTreeNode index1Node = resultNode.children.get(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index1Node.parent.indexId, 10000);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index1Node.indexId, 10001);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index1Node.level, 1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index1Node.children.size(), 1);
-        RollupTreeNode index3Node = resultNode.children.get(1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index3Node.parent.indexId, 10000);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index3Node.indexId, 10003);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index3Node.level, 1);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index3Node.children, null);
-        RollupTreeNode index2Node = index1Node.children.get(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index2Node.parent.indexId, 10001);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index2Node.indexId, 10002);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index2Node.level, 2);
-        Assert.assertEquals(index2Node.children, null);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/SparkDppTest.java b/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/SparkDppTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cec220..0000000
--- a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/dpp/SparkDppTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.dpp;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.RowFactory;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.math.BigDecimal;
-public class SparkDppTest {
-    @Test
-    public void testValidateData() {
-        SparkDpp sparkDpp = new SparkDpp();
-        // decimal
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn etlColumn = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn();
-        etlColumn.columnType = "DECIMALV2";
-        etlColumn.precision = 3;
-        etlColumn.scale = 2;
-        DecimalParser decimalParser = new DecimalParser(etlColumn);
-        // test max/min
-        Assert.assertTrue(decimalParser.getMaxValue().toString().equals("9.99"));
-        Assert.assertTrue(decimalParser.getMinValue().toString().equals("-9.99"));
-        // normal
-        BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal("1.21");
-        Assert.assertTrue(sparkDpp.validateData(bigDecimal, etlColumn, decimalParser, RowFactory.create(bigDecimal)));
-        // failed
-        BigDecimal bigDecimalFailed = new BigDecimal("10");
-        Assert.assertFalse(sparkDpp.validateData(bigDecimalFailed, etlColumn, decimalParser, RowFactory.create(bigDecimalFailed)));
-        // string
-        EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn stringColumn = new EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn();
-        stringColumn.stringLength = 3;
-        stringColumn.columnType = "VARCHAR";
-        StringParser stringParser = new StringParser(stringColumn);
-        // normal
-        String normalString = "a1";
-        Assert.assertTrue(sparkDpp.validateData(normalString, stringColumn, stringParser, RowFactory.create(normalString)));
-        // cn normal
-        String normalStringCN = "中";
-        Assert.assertTrue(sparkDpp.validateData(normalStringCN, stringColumn, stringParser, RowFactory.create(normalStringCN)));
-        // cn failed
-        String failedStringCN = "中a";
-        Assert.assertFalse(sparkDpp.validateData(failedStringCN, stringColumn, stringParser, RowFactory.create(failedStringCN)));
-    }
diff --git a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/etl/SparkEtlJobTest.java b/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/etl/SparkEtlJobTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 681e027..0000000
--- a/fe/spark-dpp/src/test/java/org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/etl/SparkEtlJobTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl;
-import org.apache.doris.common.jmockit.Deencapsulation;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlColumn;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlColumnMapping;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlFileGroup;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlIndex;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlJobProperty;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlPartition;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlPartitionInfo;
-import org.apache.doris.load.loadv2.etl.EtlJobConfig.EtlTable;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import mockit.Expectations;
-import mockit.Injectable;
-import mockit.Mocked;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
-import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class SparkEtlJobTest {
-    private long tableId;
-    private long index1Id;
-    private long index2Id;
-    private long partition1Id;
-    private long partition2Id;
-    private EtlJobConfig etlJobConfig;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        tableId = 0L;
-        index1Id = 1L;
-        index2Id = 2L;
-        partition1Id = 3L;
-        partition2Id = 4L;
-        // indexes
-        EtlColumn k1 = new EtlColumn("k1", "INT", false, true, "NONE", "0", 0, 0, 0);
-        EtlColumn k2 = new EtlColumn("k2", "VARCHAR", false, true, "NONE", "0", 10, 0, 0);
-        EtlColumn v1 = new EtlColumn("v1", "BIGINT", false, false, "NONE", "0", 0, 0, 0);
-        EtlIndex index1 = new EtlIndex(index1Id, Lists.newArrayList(k1, k2, v1), 666666, "DUPLICATE", true);
-        v1 = new EtlColumn("v1", "BIGINT", false, false, "SUM", "0", 0, 0, 0);
-        EtlIndex index2 = new EtlIndex(index2Id, Lists.newArrayList(k1, v1), 888888, "AGGREGATE", true);
-        List<EtlIndex> indexes = Lists.newArrayList(index1, index2);
-        // partition info
-        List<EtlPartition> partitions = Lists.newArrayList();
-        partitions.add(new EtlPartition(partition1Id, Lists.newArrayList(0), Lists.newArrayList(100), false, 2));
-        partitions.add(new EtlPartition(partition2Id, Lists.newArrayList(100), Lists.newArrayList(), true, 3));
-        EtlPartitionInfo partitionInfo = new EtlPartitionInfo("RANGE", Lists.newArrayList("k1"), Lists.newArrayList("k2"), partitions);
-        EtlTable table = new EtlTable(indexes, partitionInfo);
-        // file group
-        Map<String, EtlColumnMapping> columnMappings = Maps.newHashMap();
-        columnMappings.put("k1", new EtlColumnMapping("k1 + 1"));
-        table.addFileGroup(new EtlFileGroup(EtlJobConfig.SourceType.FILE, Lists.newArrayList("hdfs://"),
-                                            Lists.newArrayList(), Lists.newArrayList(), "\t", "\n", false, null,
-                                            Maps.newHashMap(), "", Lists.newArrayList(partition1Id, partition2Id)));
-        // tables
-        Map<Long, EtlTable> tables = Maps.newHashMap();
-        tables.put(tableId, table);
-        // others
-        String outputFilePattern = "V1.label0.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.parquet";
-        String label = "label0";
-        EtlJobProperty properties = new EtlJobProperty();
-        properties.strictMode = false;
-        properties.timezone = "Asia/Shanghai";
-        etlJobConfig = new EtlJobConfig(tables, outputFilePattern, label, properties);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testInitConfig(@Mocked SparkSession spark, @Injectable Dataset<String> ds) {
-        new Expectations() {
-            {
-                SparkSession.builder().enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate();
-                result = spark;
-                spark.read().textFile(anyString);
-                result = ds;
-                ds.first();
-                result = etlJobConfig.configToJson();
-            }
-        };
-        SparkEtlJob job = Deencapsulation.newInstance(SparkEtlJob.class, "hdfs://");
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(job, "initSparkEnvironment");
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(job, "initConfig");
-        EtlJobConfig parsedConfig = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "etlJobConfig");
-        Assert.assertTrue(parsedConfig.tables.containsKey(tableId));
-        EtlTable table = parsedConfig.tables.get(tableId);
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, table.indexes.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(2, table.partitionInfo.partitions.size());
-        Assert.assertEquals(false, parsedConfig.properties.strictMode);
-        Assert.assertEquals("label0", parsedConfig.label);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckConfigWithoutBitmapDictColumns() {
-        SparkEtlJob job = Deencapsulation.newInstance(SparkEtlJob.class, "hdfs://");
-        Deencapsulation.setField(job, "etlJobConfig", etlJobConfig);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(job, "checkConfig");
-        Map<Long, Set<String>> tableToBitmapDictColumns = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "tableToBitmapDictColumns");
-        // check bitmap dict columns empty
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableToBitmapDictColumns.isEmpty());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testCheckConfigWithBitmapDictColumns() {
-        SparkEtlJob job = Deencapsulation.newInstance(SparkEtlJob.class, "hdfs://");
-        EtlTable table = etlJobConfig.tables.get(tableId);
-        table.indexes.get(0).columns.add(
-                new EtlColumn("v2", "BITMAP", false, false, "BITMAP_UNION", "0", 0, 0, 0)
-        );
-        EtlFileGroup fileGroup = table.fileGroups.get(0);
-        fileGroup.sourceType = EtlJobConfig.SourceType.HIVE;
-        fileGroup.columnMappings.put(
-                "v2", new EtlColumnMapping("bitmap_dict", Lists.newArrayList("v2"))
-        );
-        Deencapsulation.setField(job, "etlJobConfig", etlJobConfig);
-        Deencapsulation.invoke(job, "checkConfig");
-        // check hive source
-        Set<Long> hiveSourceTables = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "hiveSourceTables");
-        Assert.assertTrue(hiveSourceTables.contains(tableId));
-        // check bitmap dict columns has v2
-        Map<Long, Set<String>> tableToBitmapDictColumns = Deencapsulation.getField(job, "tableToBitmapDictColumns");
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableToBitmapDictColumns.containsKey(tableId));
-        Assert.assertTrue(tableToBitmapDictColumns.get(tableId).contains("v2"));
-        // check remove v2 bitmap_dict func mapping from file group column mappings
-        Assert.assertFalse(table.fileGroups.get(0).columnMappings.containsKey("v2"));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gensrc/script/gen_build_version.sh b/gensrc/script/gen_build_version.sh
index 0b39001..5dab2ab 100755
--- a/gensrc/script/gen_build_version.sh
+++ b/gensrc/script/gen_build_version.sh
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 # contains the build version based on the git hash or svn revision.
 unset LANG
 unset LC_CTYPE
diff --git a/run-be-ut.sh b/run-be-ut.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index dfdbf18..0000000
--- a/run-be-ut.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# This script is used to run unit test of Doris Backend
-# Usage: $0 <options>
-#  Optional options:
-#     --clean      clean and build ut
-#     --run        build and run all ut
-#     --run xx     build and run specified ut
-# All BE tests must use "_test" as the file suffix, and use
-# ADD_BE_TEST() to declared in the corresponding CMakeLists.txt file.
-# GTest result xml files will be in "be/ut_build_ASAN/gtest_output/"
-set -eo pipefail
-ROOT=`dirname "$0"`
-ROOT=`cd "$ROOT"; pwd`
-export DORIS_HOME=${ROOT}
-. ${DORIS_HOME}/env.sh
-# Check args
-usage() {
-  echo "
-Usage: $0 <options>
-  Optional options:
-     --clean    clean and build ut
-     --run      build and run all ut
-     --run xx   build and run specified ut
-  Eg.
-    $0                          build ut
-    $0 --run                    build and run all ut
-    $0 --run test               build and run "test" ut
-    $0 --clean                  clean and build ut
-    $0 --clean --run            clean, build and run all ut
-  "
-  exit 1
-OPTS=$(getopt \
-  -n $0 \
-  -o '' \
-  -l 'run' \
-  -l 'clean' \
-  -- "$@")
-if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
-    usage
-eval set -- "$OPTS"
-if [ $# == 1 ] ; then
-    #default
-    CLEAN=0
-    RUN=0
-    CLEAN=0
-    RUN=0
-    while true; do 
-        case "$1" in
-            --clean) CLEAN=1 ; shift ;;
-            --run) RUN=1 ; shift ;;
-            --) shift ;  break ;;
-            *) echo "Internal error" ; exit 1 ;;
-        esac
-    done
-echo "Build Backend UT"
-if [ ${CLEAN} -eq 1 ]; then
-    rm ${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR} -rf
-    rm ${DORIS_HOME}/be/output/ -rf
-if [ ! -d ${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR} ]; then
-    mkdir -p ${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}
-if [ ${RUN} -ne 1 ]; then
-    echo "Finished"
-    exit 0
-echo "******************************"
-echo "    Running Backend Unit Test    "
-echo "******************************"
-export TERM=xterm
-export UDF_RUNTIME_DIR=${DORIS_HOME}/lib/udf-runtime
-export LOG_DIR=${DORIS_HOME}/log
-for i in `sed 's/ //g' $DORIS_HOME/conf/be.conf | egrep "^[[:upper:]]([[:upper:]]|_|[[:digit:]])*="`; do
-    eval "export $i";
-mkdir -p $LOG_DIR
-mkdir -p ${UDF_RUNTIME_DIR}
-rm -f ${UDF_RUNTIME_DIR}/*
-# prepare gtest output dir
-rm -rf ${GTEST_OUTPUT_DIR} && mkdir ${GTEST_OUTPUT_DIR}
-# prepare util test_data
-if [ -d ${DORIS_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/util/test_data ]; then
-    rm -rf ${DORIS_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/util/test_data
-cp -r ${DORIS_HOME}/be/test/util/test_data ${DORIS_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/util/
-cp -r ${DORIS_HOME}/be/test/plugin/plugin_test ${DORIS_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/plugin/
-# find all executable test files
-test_files=`find ${DORIS_TEST_BINARY_DIR} -type f -perm -111 -name "*test"`
-# get specified ut file if set
-if [ $# == 1 ]; then
-    RUN_FILE=$1
-    echo "=== Run test: $RUN_FILE ==="
-    # run all ut
-    echo "=== Running All tests ==="
-for test in ${test_files[@]}
-    file_name=${test##*/}
-    if [ -z $RUN_FILE ] || [ $file_name == $RUN_FILE ]; then
-        echo "=== Run $file_name ==="
-        $test --gtest_output=xml:${GTEST_OUTPUT_DIR}/${file_name}.xml
-    fi
-echo "=== Finished. Gtest output: ${GTEST_OUTPUT_DIR}"
diff --git a/run-fe-ut.sh b/run-fe-ut.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c93023b..0000000
--- a/run-fe-ut.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-set -eo pipefail
-ROOT=`dirname "$0"`
-ROOT=`cd "$ROOT"; pwd`
-export DORIS_HOME=${ROOT}
-. ${DORIS_HOME}/env.sh
-# Check args
-usage() {
-  echo "
-Usage: $0 <options>
-  Optional options:
-     --clean    clean and build ut
-     --run    build and run ut
-  Eg.
-    $0                      build and run ut
-    $0 --coverage           build and run coverage statistic
-    $0 --run xxx            build and run the specified class
-  "
-  exit 1
-OPTS=$(getopt \
-  -n $0 \
-  -o '' \
-  -l 'coverage' \
-  -l 'run' \
-  -- "$@")
-if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
-    usage
-eval set -- "$OPTS"
-if [ $# == 1 ] ; then
-    #default
-    RUN=0
-    RUN=0
-    while true; do 
-        case "$1" in
-            --coverage) COVERAGE=1 ; shift ;;
-            --run) RUN=1 ; shift ;;
-            --) shift ;  break ;;
-            *) ehco "Internal error" ; exit 1 ;;
-        esac
-    done
-echo "Build Frontend UT"
-echo "******************************"
-echo "    Runing DorisFe Unittest    "
-echo "******************************"
-cd ${DORIS_HOME}/fe/
-mkdir -p build/compile
-if [ -z "${FE_UT_PARALLEL}" ]; then
-    # the default fe unit test parallel is 1
-    export FE_UT_PARALLEL=1
-echo "Unit test parallel is: $FE_UT_PARALLEL"
-if [ ${COVERAGE} -eq 1 ]; then
-    echo "Run coverage statistic"
-    ant cover-test
-    if [ ${RUN} -eq 1 ]; then
-        echo "Run the specified class: $1"
-        # eg:
-        # sh run-fe-ut.sh --run org.apache.doris.utframe.Demo
-        # sh run-fe-ut.sh --run org.apache.doris.utframe.Demo#testCreateDbAndTable+test2
-        ${MVN_CMD} test -DfailIfNoTests=false -D test=$1
-    else    
-        echo "Run Frontend UT"
-        ${MVN_CMD} test -DfailIfNoTests=false 
-    fi 